HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT 11 VAIL ROW HOUSES LEGALWwr4"fi t,4/, d&$!r*.u{?? cEmr,@ttEt*T Deslgn Review :Baard ACTIO!{ FS.RS| Department of Comrnunity Development 75 Souttl FrontBge R*ado Vaif, Colorado Str$57 tel:979.479.2139 fex:970-479.?452 web: wwrru.vai lgav"rom Project Name: BRIDGEWATER RESIDENCE Project Description: HEATED PAVERS IN PARKING AREA Participants: DRB Number: DRB060173 Project Address: VAIL ROWHOUSES #11 Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second Byt Votei Conditions: OWNER BRIDGEWATER, 8.A., JR & BARBO5/18/2006 7701 FORSYTH BLVD STE 1OOO ST LOUIS MO 63105 APPLICANT BILL JOSEPH & ASSOCIATES INC05/18/2006 Phone: 970-328-0436 P.O. BOX 4509 EAGI-E co 81631 License: 572-8 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Lotr 11 Block: Subdivision: VAIL ROWHOUSE 210r.-082-3100-9 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 05/09/2006 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review mmmittee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008135 Prior to construction, the applicant must obtain Town of Vail Public Works Department approval of a Revocable Right-of-Way Permit. Cond: CON0008136 The bollards shall be located no closer than 5 feet from the edge ofthe new concrete pan installed as part of the Meadow Drive streetscape project. Cond: CON0008137 The applicant shall coordinate all construction with Scott Bluhm, Town of Vail Streetscape Coordinator (479-3418). ' Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 ct*lt. \, b) \,/v o 6\ o -\ { L^J X Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:fr;ll Josepn * Assoqks t)c. Mailing Address: Se€ Wn llwl, $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, r+roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 97 0.479.2452. web:www.\railgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to tfre submittal requirements for the particular approval that is reguested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unUl all required information is received by ttre Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. DescriptionoftheRequesL tt.'sr*rl ttrfritu Pttll&s t) f4el..rt AIzt LocationoftheProposalr LoH /l Block: f suaaivision: ynil hleezn)sr fiorid Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning:Homr. Name(s)of Owner(s): DoLptl + AAeAAAA A4;A/Eutt+1'1 Mailing Address: Phone: 3t1 - q.il - .tb97 E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr. Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr AddiUon }( uinol Alteration (mulfl -family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Hav 10 06 1O:4?a Bridgeurat"er flAY-iB ag86 0Br4? FrorrrBJLL JCSEH-I S RSSOC 9?BS?4r37? 3r4-?27 - tE3? To:314 7?7 16-? p.1 P. ar Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Dep8frnent of cilrmwity DevetoF{nc$r 75 Scrrth Foaage Ro!d. vail. Colorado 8t657 tdt .o70.475.2r28 fan 970.479.2.152 v"eb; !.n{w.\rdlgov,com General fnformationl Af; pmicctJ rrquflng design rcrEw must rec?ive Epprrrval p|lcr to iubrriting a buidarB permit appai{ratiorl phasc Efcr to tfie Subminil ,Cqulrements tor the plrtiWlOr App.oyal tfi*! L! !r.i+..;!. ar r-lr!,--.rilr' i11 n^a^^ n^.u.- -:i:-.': ':': ::.::':id r1:d! lli ie{!.fked tnforrn*io s re{cived l.:-r iirE C*rr.r*i.;aii.j :i+.:::p:,_:.: l_;:.:. _.:. :t:J' - !- ;nct ,;i:'t itut.' *s ;'* ii'r'i$.r'*d by thr Town {nu4riJ endftr tht Flaftnlnd |nd F wironmentAl Cornmiscion.-::i5;: ."c:!e-; ;pFia'rc: !sF=s ::s!icJs;: b'.ri!4i*g ;:e:=ii! !s L..!'rri :=.-:ji 'fr==-::;-=i.:-!$e yeBr d thi sFF *'.!!1. Description of t&e R€qtlest: !.,; r;...,!iii r i,+, i rj/ltfd.Aig^a'tzLt ir j _:!=1i{:! F!:La rE:s: iConuet Fagi.: i-rr. :r51+...-..; ;r Zon!rt; =' --: =.' --* ;!..,+.1-..!. -iltir-. * :.taA.aal* Aei{cl t_t,W4 , _^_ r,1:rriiaii lr.Odte€g:j. eLF*r r.ta&l( k4..t -. $1- bs.s tJZy__-: Pho e: r. **-+ n* i ;i Sigr-ra tsrsisi i Neme etAppli€nh Fiaiiirg Jtddre;s: ldc,o C4Asti.i taals< "iF! .-;.. r!-. , =,, . .'.: . -- €^mattAddress' ft;lle A;I -ht+rtt ,rtr Fa*- -r2y:Eg72 N U 3 Tyge of Review and Fee: tr Sigrts f,l GncEptual Rcvrew U I'hv/ ConstuctioeE Adrlition ,( Hinor AlteoHon/ (mul0.{fily/comrnersll} I\4ftlor Alterrb(M (inglefamil/dttplcx) ChJftg€s to Aggroved Plsns ScparEuon Rcqu$t $50 zu; i1.00 par sglrtt Foot of totil lign area. Np Fce $650 For constructbn of a Acw tluildlng or damo/r€bulld. 1300 For an dddtiorr where squarc foot3ge r$ addod to afiy rctiten al tr comtnerclal hildi€ (irrc udcs 150 !(ldhton5 & intqio{ convtr6lor's), S250 For mlnor cllarwes to brildrngs and tlte lmpruvements, such as, rc-ro|oflttg, Dain ngr wrndou, addtlons, lsndscap|ng, ferreS and fetahlng w!{5. €tc, t20 For nlnor drEnges to buildngs and sitc imtmvemenE, such aE re-roof{rg. prlntlno, window idditibns, hndlcaplng, funces a,rd rcbinrflg wllts, etc. $20 For rEvlstont to plans already apprqved b!, P,anning StaFf or tte Deii0n Reeie! , Board. No fte MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND STTE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** E/ Stamped Topographic Survey*tr Site and Grading Planxo Landscape Plan* Architectural Elevations* Exterior color and material samples and specifications. Architectural Floor Plans* Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures Ttle report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and Proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: ProjectrName: Contractor Signature F:\cds/\FORMS\PERMm\Pbnni ng\drb_minor_att_1 1-23-2005.d0c 1112312005 od tr D o u o tr o N, tta PA tthtt Ittl P* ,th tt ,th frA/t Page 3 of 13 Topographic sun ey:. Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20J. Legal description and physical address. Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, and floodplain). 'lles to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic cpnditions at two foot contour intervals. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more/ as measured ftom a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent stfeams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs,.etc.).r Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) r. Watercourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of uisting utility sources and proposed seruice lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:. Cable TV Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the r@dway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of L"=20'or larger. Property and setback lines. 'Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades. Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and Walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a'solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height,. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect'grade,. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uohill direction.. Locations of all utilities including uisting sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structu res.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Location of landscaoed areas.. Location of limits of disturbance fencing F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMm\Prannine\drb_minor_alt_11-2ili93i;38! Pase 4 of 13 PROPOSED MATERIAIS Buitdino Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting P*vcsitu t ?ue zn t 6Ec t*,*ta, Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_minor_alL1 1-23-2005rdoc tt(2312005 Page 6 of 13 . Location of all required parking spaces. Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.. Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed qoss-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable r Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or larger. Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. . Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed, Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. . Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. . Indicate the location of all proposed plantings,. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted, . Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. . BEPAII|LPB]GIPjOSALS . For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) . Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie, siding, stucco, window kim, doors, fascia, soffiits, Etc.) F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Plannlng\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.d0c Page 5 of 13 l1l23lzo05 al' {*' -,i% /., i ,r, ..- ,/ -\+- /' , - '/ I/ oav&1q)' =9\fl-ltn lt vA lH '=nl>d >=Tal" =ea eoe ="N=dl g:I.el H=,IVt/=Qdl He ,r/tL-,gl o $z F(n xtu Yo N,t (r $ $o oufo AluI ILov tL o ovtuzvoo A tu d luz -j It- M tLov tL @MTE ..1-.C z{{L Il tuu\)zoo p oz Foxlu oAvIJo0 I b ulvo lu vlo ]U_]J tuJo tu ovo lu Mfo luJJ{ luJo fi hlu {lv tuzilo\) D tuV d $l .r\ tUil=f,J\)frfrrfl luBbpr tLa lu tu ufo rJt s \s'1 tr $ -t t- I--tt- I- -'l t- I-t_ -t_ -t_ -1 t_ -t_ - --t i- - --t I --l t- --1 t_ --l t_ I --1 It- --l It- l--1 | l---1 t---l i--1\ i--.1 I-lL_t--l_l_t I t l t-l_\-i_r---il l---l t l---l i---i ,-- , rj l-it--l l-[-] i---l i--i l---,\ L--lii i__f i__ l i__.r i__.r i\r-l-l L- j --l --r -- l- - j--l - --i - - I - - -l l- -.i--- rl i---j i--i i--l i--r |j--l--it--l i---l i---l r---t l---, r---,_ 'l i__j i___j i_ ' '___.1 | t--r- _t| --l--l---l--l---r H i--r l---i- ,- il i--i i--.j i- ? p I i-l i-+ :l r-r--r--r-i ;Hr ij lf - lf i--t i--t i- p*[ * ] ll r I __tf j,_t j__j I +$i t I 1+ $ --lf jli--i r n[ffirr i+ :.-+ r--r--ir:l--i- HHF $ r--f+ ,t'r ' ' ' '--i ruEs i---lir :\' ;-tr--l i---1 l- , | ,'l---i \tr-i -l___l--l___j---l___l---l__.1 -l___[' '---1 'r r | | r | | | ' ll---l l--i--r I---r '--. __.1--l___j--l__j. r---1 |r--! r---.] r--! l---j l--_,, l__l i__j--l l---l l---l i---l l---l i--, ,--rt---.] t---t t---] t--J t---t | | | +| | | | r | | r t li--l f-h--1 l---1 t---1 r---1 l---1 F-l l--lt---..1 l--J l---t i-- j L-J | | |rrrrrrrrtii---li---l--i r---i r---1 i--r i--r l-+ I---r Il---l r--J t---t l--J L---! | | | ||||||r||||l---'l l---l z JL oz Vv { tL P fflzo F \) L Ao Dlu(rl o tLov tL bI |l -\ ul \)o lu il- |.J Vtu tuv\) tu No \D p oz Fo Xtu to Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName. BridgewaterResidence Project Description: Interior Den / Exterior Deck Expansion Owner, Address and Phone: B.A. Bridgewatero PO Box 29, St. Louis, MO 63166 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Gwathmey-Pratt Schultz Architects, 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Vail, CO 81657, 476-1147 Proiect Street Address.303 Gore Creek Drive #ll Legal Description: Lot I l, Block 6, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number:Building Name: Vail Row Houses #11 Comments: 53 square feet of GRFA is added through this 250 addition. 197 sf remains. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: l/19/99 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F:\EVER YONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\BRIDGEWAW PD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 _ JRN 13 ',99 09:53Atlilan Lit li- !E l.-.-a-- 'ER9{[$5EE-a||,ISEererr l -Sdst* P.? rl{P-rl2r e?O-.r?e- lEra T0lfl[0Fultlt APPLTCATION TOB DSSICN.BEVIEW APPROVAL GEITIER L fl{FotlMAXlQNffi,g.ys-EEffi,#ffiftr a/iarea r$_ry_ry* * U5* *- ffi'F,;il F'-rycdt;i br6lrtrrdbn tc tl. rqTI roG"['O*rrn rc,iev fnprdrt rrrtn 9 *p{$^$l T.^ --.,...*,., ..'* * **Jffifi* toqotcdffi#,nffi;ffirrnsf,ffirflJl$ffi6,ltai"cron nt firutiaG $dnryircrnar hr tHt pgtitlrsffisrl rB'r ri Lq+'xr*'';ffi ir,harwlt corUatmler the firuittg ltuffiffi :ffi g*:mhr,ffi Htr-uil,:ffi4;niil"rru*i,tffilll'l*,Hrffi-t"ffi *il'te-Hf -ri,T111 ;U,ffi;-iliilrtoodttt'coarrrudorlrrrt$l'^ :, -' B. c,.' E ti. ' G, It, oFTll8 LOCATIOI{ OP PROFCIITAK' T'OTL PARCEL ZONING: otrI{SFGIrS]FilATtnlFF }{AItESA$rt lcAt*?: F"$TYTEOF R5\I IEW.IND FEE: tr Jcr Conrtrrcdol'J100C'rouo"- tso ElcmccptrntBlrlcr' l[ FrxAsf,urtMtrT$rsAppucATtofl,rLLsurrurrrAL:lr4u-q-f{li..gIaNDrHs FEDIOrllt . DEFARrMENTorcoununrrtoffirnoNrA6nnuiD'--iliucolotAmncrT' Qucstions? Call 1Jlanning Staff at 479'2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv ntust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subrnitting for a btrilding pcrnrit. For spccific infonnation, sec the subrnittal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd inforrnation is subntittcd. Thc projcct rnay also necd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Corurcil and/or thc Planning and Environmcntal Comntission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is started. A. TOI'/{N OFVAIL rPTroN oF. Tt-rE REQU B. c. E, l'. C. l{. I LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: I\ I}LOCK: 6 FILINC: i5C P}IYSICAL A ?iroa M PARCEL #: ZONINC: JQ.-\[AIL d5, (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ofiicc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) Wp@l/A .r€€- PHONE:3 NAME OF OWNER(S): MAII.INC ADDRESS: {2( \--oL4tt2 owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: ro,r'\H,:3 PHoNE:+nb-l\+-+ TYPYOF REVIEW AND FEE: E y'cw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. M Addition - $50 tncludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. E Minor Altcration -$20 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc irnprovcnrcnts, such as, rcroofing. painting, window additions, landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls. ctc. Et Conccptuat Rcvicrv - $0 For any application whcrc thc applicant rvishcs to mcct rvith Design Rcvicw Board to dctcrminc whcthcr or not thc projcct gcncrally conrplies with thc design guidclincs. The DRB docs not votc on conccptual rcvicws. DRB fccs arc to be paid at the time of subrnittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pemrit, plcasc idcntify the accuratc valuation of the projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adjust thc fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIVIITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIUMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. ot TERATToNS To rHE.ExrBirroR oF BUrLDrNcs { / MINOR AL AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS . CENERAL INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterarions of a build.ing. Any alteration in rvhich additional building square footage is addcd will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITIAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existing conditions. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relcvant specifications for the proposal including cotors and matcrials to be used. h4,r-rc,l+ 6*t€lcw-\4' Condominium,|,ssociati on approval (if applicable).t-!4.- lf the intenfof thc proposal is not clearly indicated, the Adminisrator may determine that additional matcrials are ncccssary for the rcvicw of thc application. o o TOtiiNOFVILIL BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED IIIATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:t Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fnscia Soflits Windows Wirrdorv Trirrr Doors Door J'rinr lland or Dcck Rails Flucs Fllsh irrgs Chirtrncys - l'rash Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr \t4 \ r Pleasc specify thc nranufacfurer's color. number and attach a srnall color chip ** All extcrior lighting must tnect thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcascindicatethenutttbcroffixhrrcsandlocationsouascparatclightingplan. Identifycachfixhretypeandprovide thc height above grade, luntcns output, lunrinous arca. and aftach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixhges. Updated 6/97 I Canrnrort Namc Ouantity Sizer PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: er\r\O\J L) i etrtrn ' iuL)trLJ i I IRRICATION i +M inirrrurn rcquir{nrcnts for lanrlscaping:, / rdttusuaptng: dccid/ _-_r....r,. uuctquous trccs - 2 inch calipcr, conif</ _ i ,h.ubrro.,, n.., _ r; ;.;,n ,.,*n, J+YPI CROUND COVER /i Souarc Footagc il(RtoATloN !,--------------- TYPE OR METHOD O! EROSION CONTROy' _ oTHER LANDSCAPE pga1.,,,,',. . . Dottonr clevei;orr. .,ri^.-:-:]- uttes (retaining walls, fenccs-.qwirrrrr.,ina ^^^r-bottonr clevations ofictain-i' - ' vr\rJo trs*rntng walls. fenccs. swinrrning pools. etc.) pleasc specify. Indicate top and*urrs .rri*n#;;iJ;Jrff#rs'JVlaxinrunr height orrvaus '"iir.'i" ,iin"ill'.,u..r, is 3 6ct. v*i,n* r,"igr,, or Updatcd 6/97 /.' sr.{FFAppp.o\..A1 O O ' I The Adminisuator may rcvicw and approve Design Rcvic*r apprications. approvc with ccrtain modifications. v #L'ff,"11]'TI:":o''"v,.r.,iffirl:;l;ri;'l;b*,#,iL* Board ror decision. Ar staff' bc'srantnrt"ill]*t to final approvat uy ttre ons. iilf"tii'"i"g r,rp., of Dcsign Rcvicw apprications may Any application for an tddidgl.lo an existing buitding. that is co'sistcnt with thc architcttural dcsiga.::ffi:,ffi11xlT,:I:::li;f;.'J,:i;ff#iil:-'.*,"..iu.Jiv-"",i.,",i'.amemberora- Any applicadon to nrodifv an eri<tin., h,,;rr:-^.L_. r- ::11:_",q';il;l'":1,;i';ll,-,,H'$lf ffiT,,iH::n'lff .,HlilT*:n''J::ili:"'o'rrdrns' incruding. but not rimited," ";il;;d;r! nn,*n ,";;;k (.;i"""**," siding roofrnaterials. painr or stain.). .:::::i l,--";;: :"1"-il;:.-, "rvnings, fenccs. antennas. satcrite dishcs.wlnuorvs' skylights' siding' ntinor cotnnrercial facadc improvc.rcnts. and othcr simirar modifications: An-v application lbr sitc imDroverrl",,to .rF h^,1:c^^J---- . fl""T:.,"JilHlif*#jl.'iT*,['}'J::T:[?::,,:lif;lti,tX1,fil,11ll;$1itX,u.o"" lf thi.s application rcqu ircsrornroiva.;;.-ilil:i:,iiHilT:T.ll#lqi[',:,;:'#f; i::?l.JJ,*I;:i:; llillLXlJX,il: not rimitcd 'o, coru*ao b.n.i''i,*, "r Hirn;;; ;.#,;;,,,u"o *,", corps or lli',,::#l;t?llf;'J:::llllc ror paving anv puhrishing recs rvhich arc in cxcess or50% orthcto'u. ,"-puuiiJ.j. ,'*'inlnn"cant's rcqucst' anv nrattcr il fo.tpo-"a ror;;;;;;. causing the mafter: cntirc fcc for such rc-pubhcatron shall bc paid by thc applicant. Applications dccrncd bv thc conrmunity Dcvcloprncnt Dcpartnrcnt to havc desigr. rand usc or othcrtssucs rvhich nray havc a signiricant i,";.;;il:;i,nrunity nray rcquire revicw by consurtants irraootron to Torvn staftl should u 4".*i"",ii"'t. r.a. uy,rr. ri,r*'rJi,r,uiuo oro,o" con.surtantts nccdcd' thc co'rrnunifv o"u"topn,"nlJlil;;;", nirc thc consurtant. tt " o.pu.t.cnt sha'c'stlllratc thc atnount of rnoncy ncccssary to pay thc consurtant and ,r,ir.ra*, r'i"il be forwarded toInc I owrr by the apprican, ",,,h:.dn.,: "inriig ." "pJication. Expcnses incurred by thc Town inexccss of the amounr forwlrdld uv,t'" "ppii."ri""!i",, be.paid,;,h;;;;i;ihc appricant within:;,fft"il::"tfication bv tr't ro*n' '*;ffiffii wilr bc returnco to trc apfricrr,t upon rcview A. B, c, VI. B. c. Update d 6/97 DNlf ll - r/nuB.er^ltlovb?b t fo> &otJ- (-,<ez*pt(|* , tlhp, &lz.tAl.11 nzbu T+r1owv Drrc.F Lewl koroq> b<rpar+tATen ReaprNcE -- nzbu ysrpprt U$f lf 'Verul(aralb,og&, 3o> @eE+ss<W4W, {anv, & tz.laN11 I tfU E+vfrnor.t - ._flrlrr - BRIDGEWATER REMODEL UNIT 118 - LOT 11, BLOCK 6, VV 1ST ---rBRIDGEWATER REMODEL UNIT 118 . Lor i'1 , BLOCK 6, \rv 1sr '.t 1ek / /s,l/,€O t)"V7/,rye'E // DEPARTTI4ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVETOPMEI.IT NOtrE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIIL TIMES ADD/ar,r MF BUILD PERMTT permit #: 899-0062 ilob Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: vArr, .noffitrtsE 2101- 082 -31- 00 PR,r99 - 0 075 co 81637 co 81637 63105 Phone: 970-524-4010 Phone: 970-524-40LA ISSI'ED 04/t4/1999 04/22/L99e L0/L9/L999 TOWN OF \TAIL 75 S. FROI{IAGE ROADvArlr, co 91557 970-479-2138 APPIJICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER iIOgEPlI, BIIJIT & 0r_02 coroRADo iIOSEPH, BILL & 0102 coLoRADO BRIDGEWATBR B 83OO MARYI.,AI{D ASSOCIATBS INC. RIVER RD, GYPSI'M ASSOCIATES INC. RIVER RD, GYPST]M A iTR & BARBARA P AVE, ST LOUIS MO Status.. Applied. Issued. . E:cpires. Description: EXPADID FAIiIIIY ROOII,I Occupancy:Tlpe Const,ruct.ion: T)4)e Occupancy: valuation: R1 Multi-Family V 1-HR "ype V l-Hour approved amount date r42,300 8lraplacc Infor$atlon: R.etr.Lctsd! y *of, Add Sq Ft: 66 Gao Appllancea: lfof Oas togf€: Building-----' Pl-n ch€ck- - - > Invertsig.Cign> Wi.l1 call----> 91?. oo RcEeuaranl PlBn Ravi!rr--> 592. e0 DRB Fee-------- ,00 RBcrration F€e-- --------> 3.00 ql.*r-n!rDrFoliL--------> Total CalculaLcd Fo66--- ' 2,1?3.9o Additsional Fe6s---------> .0o Tot,al Pcrmit Fee----- ---> 2,113,AO Pe!,!cntd- -- -- - -- 2,113-gO #Of nood/Psllrt: CostDivision: Division: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTI,IEN:fO4/.L4/.L999 iIR!! ACEiON: NOTE PLANS TOO4/22/L999 iIRM Action: APPR APPROVEDITEM: .O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI{EIiITO4/L4/L999 iIRM AcEion: NOTE PLANS TO04/20/L999 BWILSON .A,cbion: APPR PRE-PAIDIIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARITVIENTO4/L4/L999 aIRM Action: APPR N.AITEM: O55OO PIJBI.,IC WORKSo4/L4/L999 JRM Action: APPR N/A TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up D *r..ri.t{ttr**r.')rt*t*aatrr*rtr*i}rt*fl'a**f*if* FEE suuMARy i}**r*'rrr*rtrr*r*rtrr*t+t**raia*.*i*****r.r**.* .o0 100. o0 66 .00 .s00.00 TOtrAr, 'BES-----tt*tr*ttt*aittl*l*aat*tl,tilrrt * t f t t * * * t * 'a t t t * i t t t * * * t * I t * a * * i t t * * * * * * * * * * I t * t * t f t * * DepL: BUILDING Division: JRI'{- JRMDepEr PLANNING Division: PIANNTNG DRBDept: FIRE DepU: PI'B WoRK tt l**tt+l * r t*l t*t**r*i*tt*tt** r tl *** r***i *tf *rat*t t i*t * ** ** * * t **i* **** * *, **tr* *r*rlt**** *af *ir*r rt*ttat*l}l ***tt***tr*+tt* t**attr t*tt See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any condiEions Lhat may apply to t,his permiE. DECLARATIONS I hcreby Ecknorlldg. th.t I hatr€ read chl6 appllcation, filled our in full ch€ infornelion rEquired, conpleEed an Eccurats pl,ot plan, and rtatc Lhrt all the infornation provided as required iE correcc, I agree to co$ply eiEh thc infomation and plots plan, !o conply ulth Etl ToEn ordina!1ce6 and state larE, and Co build thi6 stxucturc accordlng to the Tosn'E zoning and Eubdivlsion codaE, droign rcvicr apSlroved, Unifom Building code artd oth.r ordinanceE of, ehe Town applicable it Refund NEQUEETS FOR BE MADE TWENTT.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEI,EPHONE OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 I}l 5:00 PM tend ct6an-sp D.Iro6ir, To ! BrLr, JoEapH *l"a droonf,nRE * ] oR connrnAcroR FoR HTH'ELF AuD owNBr ****************************************************:l*************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 899-00G2 as of 04/23/99 Statusr ISSIJED********f*************************************************!r********************* Permit.Type: ADD/AL,T MF BUrLD pERMTT Appl_j_ed: o4/L4/LgggAppllcant: iIosEpH,BrrJL & AssocrATES rNC. rssued: o4/22/Lggg970-524-40LA To Errpire. |A/L9/L999 ilob Address: LOCAEiON: VAIIJ ROVIHOUSE I'NIT 11Parcel Nor'2101-082-31-009 Descriptlon: EXPAIqD FAMILY ROOM Condi-ti.ons: 1. FIBLD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAT.,LS,CETLTNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEAT,ED WITH AIiI APPROVED FIRE MATERIAIJ,3. SMOKE DETEqIORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALt BEDROOMS Al{D EVERY STORYAS pER SEC.310-5-I_ OF THE 1997 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMEITT AppROvAL rs REQUTRSD BEFORE Alry WORK CAlr BE STARTED. 5. NO OI.I STREET PARKING.NO STAGING ON RIGHT OF WAY AIJL MATERIAIJ AI{D VEHICIJES ON PROPERTY tf'TowN oF vAtLtNsrRUcToN pERMtr ApacATtoN FoRM Contact the Eagle County Assessors Offtce at 970-329-9640 tor parcet #f An?'0076 Parcel # 2 | Ol be z3t Ob? ,",nu t?f - 0O6/ Job Name:Iobldress: 3O3 6arut erzE* fr€, uaf // Buildingffi Plumbing ( )Electrical ( ) Mechanical ( ) Other ( ) Filine Stftdryision Wi/ y'+t, /loueLegal Description: t-ot //,f ntoct ownersNane: R,,4. Azta^€u*ila Address ,p.0.66y z? srL4_;! ,.re_ phone#Jty-_N-ltoo fuclntect &,.*fl+r',9 fA.++f Ad&ess: ,rdmo So, t*tn-twa t2. !ah'/ phonr#_A2L-:_11g2__ Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Alreration (l/f Additional ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units:Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type ofFireplaces; Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ,bc. Address: BUILDING: $ /fZ.troD-rD PLUMBINC $ .-----------.-_ Generaf Contractor: ft,7/ Jafiptt + r*j9oc_ Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. OTHER: $ TOTAL $ TownofVailRegistrationNo. *f;4-6. phone# flectrical Contractor:Address: Phone # Address: Phone #APR 2 i 1e0s Address: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: pwt, a TAWN OFVATT Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILIIING PERN{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAMT, If this permit rqquires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review of Health Deparfnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum rcquirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Howevcr, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary revierv. these projects may also takc the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I. the undersigned, undcrstand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Oate: l-rz - fl Work Sheet was tumed into the Community Development Dept. {,P*""o"n'o t DEVEI,OTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIMAGE ROADvArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTT{EI{:T OF COMMUNTTY PMEl.ifr NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT permit #: M99-0042 ilob Address...:Locatrion......: VAIL RowHousE ItNlT 11Parcel No... -.: 2101-082-31--009Project Number: pRJgg-0075 APPLICAI{:T PROFESSIONAIJ PLUMB]NG SERV]CEP.O. BOX 3891-, EAGLE, CO 81531 CON:TRAETOR PROFESSIONAL PLI]MB]NG SERVICEP.O. BOX 3891, EAGLE, CO 81631OWNER BRIDGEWATER B A ,JR & BARBARA P 83OO MARYLAND AVE, ST LOUIS MO DescripLion: REPI,ACE ENTRAN PIPING/INSTALL NEW GAS LTNE Statsus...: fsSIlED Appli-ed. . : os/1,7 /L999Issued. .. : 05/1"8/1,999 Extrrires- . : ll/L4/L999 Phone: Phone: 63r_05 ValuaEion: 970-328-1545 970 -328 -1545 15, 000. 00 #of wood/Pa1fets rFireplace Inforuation: Re5triceed: y *Of ca6 Appliance6:*Of eaE !o96: Mechanical - -- > Plan Chcck- - - > InveBiigation> WiII caII----> 320.00 80.00 .00 3 .00 .oo 403 .00 403 .00 403 , OO 403 .00 Reatuarant P1att Rcvi.w-- > DRB Fee-------- .oo Total Calculated Fces---> Additional FeeB---------> TotaL Per|lit. Fcc--------> Paynente-------'.". " ;;;,;;;;;;;;;;.;;;il " " . . ;;*';;;;;;;;';;;;";;".;::' . 95/L7/1:99_9 JRM - -A-ELb;, Eppn appnovED .fRM.-ITCM: O55OO -E-I,RE DEPART1TENT -b.iPU: FIRE DiWiSiON:os/L7/Leee ,JRM -[crjdi; APPR N/A EONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL 1. EIELD INSPECT-IONq ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ge@USTreN AIR rq_REeuiEED-FER Sec. -7or bF'rrju-rstt-'iMe;'dF'- sEcTroN 701- OF THE 199? iMC.3 . rrysTAI,taTIOlV_lrqET__q0NFqBr\4- ro uar.ruracTuREs rNsTRUcTroNs ANDTq_CI{A9TER lq_oE TgE i_997 ur/Ic,-cl1A-p-fnfl- ld oF-iiin-rgi?-rlrl-el4 . qA-S_APp!I4I[CJS_SE4T,! BE vENTEb arconolNG-rd- cneFrun- e A],rD-SHALL TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED-IN -SEE.EO?i-OF-rfriI'ig57 iUt]'-ON_ qliAPrER I OF TrrE 1997 rMC- 5 ' 4ggEss ro HFTATTNG EQUTPTqENT MUsr coMPrrY wrrH crrAprER 3 AND- SEq.1q17 oF IHE_1997 luc AND cnprnri-l-oir-riis-rse?-iMc.--'-6. F_qrr.,ERS SrIArr EE_MO!]MrED bru-ri.,oonS-rir-w6ircoiiEuStiel,s--cowsr._ LJN_rEgq I,rsrED_EeR !,torrNTrNG oN e6l,ieu5trElii-r'looFiNc:-7 . PEBI,!rr!E!4Ng Ar.rD coDE- ANALvFts-M1E5T-EE-Fo3fEo--rli-l,rscriAlrrcAr,- BgoM pRroR TQ 4l.r rNspEcTroN-nsouESil8. D TIINAGE OF UEA]4NIEEJ,-NO6MS-I6UITiNrNG HEATING OR HOT-WATERqqppty Borr,e4s-sn4r,l. nr n0uipFsD--wrrr{-'A -fr,o-on Dnah,l -Fen'Snel L022 oF rHE i.ee7 uue,-dn-5Ecn'16N 1604.?i bF-iiiB-1set ile .---- ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATTONS I horeby rcknonledge lhac r have rcad thig applicalion, filled out in full the inf,oroation required, colqrleted an accurate plotp1an, and 6cate tha! all" the inforbation provided -a rsquired. iE correct. r agre6 to cotrF1y tiitsh the infof,lration and prot ptan,lo co$trtly eith al1 Toun oEdinences and atate LarB, a.ud to build thie strucbure accoriling Lo the rown,E zoning and aubdiviEioncodss. desigrr review approved, Ilhif,orrn Buildlng coale, and other ordinances of t'he Tor.n applicable th6reLo. REQnB9TS FoR rNsPEcTroNs sHArrr! BE IIADE TtIENTY-ROUR HoIrRs rN ADY#bE By TETtBpHoNE AT ,i79-213s oR AT oIrR oFFrcE FRo!{ sloo Au 5:oo pM(r sr.dAr'RE oF o'{rrER oR corr'TRAeroR FoR HrirsE,F AlrD owNER ,furt-a*eW :1 ' /- iloir.' Iasgt't 4 ssocrAtE5 {,qs BcDc. Paen 17 TowN or varr-lbNsrRucroN pERMm nnfcATroN FoRM Contact he Eagle County Assessors Office at gTUgZg-g640 for parcet # Parcel # o"", 5lll lqg Pennit # tot Name: G2{04tuJAt{-P-Job Address: Building ( )Plwnbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block Filing__-=.- Subdivision P1* B.ao6J!otn"-*Sk Other ( ) Additional ( )Repatu( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Owners NamE: Architect: Description o1 1o6' K*4,C8 WorkClass: New( ) eterationfi Number of Dwelllng Units: / Wood/Pellet Town of Vail Registration No. VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $MECHANICAI$@E- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Phone # Address: Phone # OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Electrical Contractor: Plumbins Contractor PeOrf.:5lOl,g,-rP_L6 - _ Address: Town of Vail Registration N". / | ? - P rmne*_Q)o: 3)X -l5.lf Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE; ZONING: ta Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Apphances ?/- Gas Logs BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ G€neral Contractor: SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SLTBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYREGISTERED WTrII T}IE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLiC WORKS AND COMMUMTY DEVELOPEMENT JANIJARY i, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKiNC AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE t2-10: Df,,POSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unla*dil deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt. snow,, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portron thcreof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiff and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand" gravei, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. ln the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent may cause any such san{ gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to b€ removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction" maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water mairl sewer main, electricity line. gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance theretot 2. To deposi* of sand, dirt or materiais necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said matprials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same. may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, ard upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis code. E. Notice, Penalty: It is unlawfirl for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of thc Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsectron B hereo{ upon being found guilt"v ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and aclnowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: out.' Stt l93 5u (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUA}ICE TIME F'RAMN If this permit requires a Town of vail Fire Departrnent Approval, Engineer's (public worla) revrew and approva.l, a Planning Departrnent review of Health Deparhnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) rveeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projocts should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments rvith regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week penod. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the PIan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affecr future permits tbat I apply for. Ageed to by: Project Name: rx': Slto\{? Work Sheet was turneC into the Comnunity Deveiopment Dept. {2o*uoont"* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANI}UM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIIBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A.?UBLIC WAYPERMIT: IS REQTIIRED DATE: slv)'fi PLEASE ANSWER TI]E FOLLOWING QUESTIONNA]RE REGARDING TT]E NEED FOR A*PIIBLIC WAYPERMIT'': l. Is this a new residence? yES NO N Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Right-of-way, easements or public property? YES NO Is any utility work needed? yES Is the driveway being repaved?YES NO NO 2. 4. s 6. 7. 8. Is a different access needed to the site other thrn the existing &iveway? yES NO Is any drainage wnrk being done tbat afects tle Right-of-way, easements, or public property?YES NO Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit'' reguired? yES NO A Is the Right-of-way, easements or public property to be used for staqin& pa*ing or fencing?YES_ NO_=- P. _If No to 8A, is a parking staging or fencing plan requircd by cornrnunity Development?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these guestions, a "public way perrnif' must be obtained. *Public way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the pubtic work's office or at commr:nity Development. If you have any questions please caII Leonard Sandovat from public Works at 479-219g. I I{AVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TT# ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Sigruture Date: CompmyName TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S, FROIiITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 9L657 9"t0-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRAqIOR OIINER Electridal---> DRE Fee Investigat ion> fliII call----> TCYIAL FEES-. - > DEPARTIVIET{T OF COMMI]NITY o DEVETOPMENT Description: ELECIRICAL FOR REMODEL FEE Slntt{tutY *r*i NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELEqfRICAL PERI4IT ilob Address: Locatrion. . . : vAIt RowHousE ITNIT L1_Parcel No. . : 2l_01_-082-31-009 ProjecE. No. : PItf99-0076 RESORT ELECTRIC INC P O BOX LO79, AVON CO 81620 RESORT ELECTRIC INC P O BOX LO79, AVON CO 81620 BRIDGEWATER B A JR & BARBARA P 83OO MARYLAND AVE, ST LOUIS MO 53105 JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permit #: E99-0090 status...: ISSIIEDApp1ied..: 06/03/L999Issued...: 06/07/L999 Erqrires. . : 12/04/a999 Phone z 970-949-60L3 Phone: 970-949-60L3 Valuat,ion:2, 000 . 00 50 .00 .00 3 .00 51.o0 Tobal Calculated P€es-- -> Additional Fecs--- -- -- - -> Tot.al Pernit Fee--------> Pa)&renta-------- EAIINCE DUE_--- 53 .00 .00 53.00 53 .00 . oo rr { rr Jr i * * * * * r,, f IEe.qt .050Q0_EI{ESTRICAL DEpARll,rENT Depr: BUILDING Division: 96 / 03 /L999 .IRr4 Act ion: - Appr{-eppnovED ;r-RM- - rEem: os50o_EIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:o6/03/L999 JRM ACtion, APPR N/A *t**irti.rrrr*rr * * r r I * !J * * * * * * t * * CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANEE. DECTARATTONS I hdrsby acJsrowledgE that I have read Lhis application, filfed out in ful1 Lbe inforEacioo required, co!|pLeccd aD accuratg ploc Pfatl, and €tate thah all bhe infonnalion provided as requlred iB corlect. I agree to conply lrith the informaEion and plot plan,to codply l'ith al,l Town ordinances and state lats, and to build chis structure accoriling to the Town,B zoninE and 6ubdiviBioncode6, design review approved, uniforin Building code and other ordinance€ of the Toirn a9Dlicable thereEo. RBQT ESTS PoR INSPECTIONS SHAIJL BE MA.DE TI{ENTY-FOTJR HOITRS rN aDT/ANCE By ?ELEPHoNE A? 4ze-213a oR AT oUR OFFTCE FRoM a:oo Al,t s:oo pM I TEL: 383-845-8553 |\E.UIII JEI.(\,'ALE5 Tdtil or vlIL COIISTnUCTTON PERUTT APPLICITTOI FOntT OAre: 6:^&jt 6fi-MbL P.A2 FERIIIT # Ph. , APPIJfCATION UUST EE FfIJLED oUt COMPLHIEI/Y oR fT ilAY NOll BE ACCEPfED Ir*!r*t*tt** **atrlttrlri**t*trrr PERUIT TNFORUAIION rr lrrtrt*** i**rrrr ******t*+*tttl trlJ 1-torruirrg [ ]-plt"tr",its X-nrectrical I J-ueshrnlcat I J-other rob Nane: Sfid$gWot*r - rob Adrdrea", ll Gorc Creek Dr-.- L€gal Descrlption: Iot-ll Bloclc- rlrtns--.$lBD,rgril9[l--- 9wn€rs Nane i Architect: Addregs: Addressr Ph. l^ ylnUer and llpe ot FireplaceE: caa rppliancec_ caE I.€gr_ ftoodr/peltet_ t fi*r**iirr*i**** **rrrrtr*********** VAITI'ATIONS rl*!t*:t***!t************ **trrtt*tlil tlt iy:g:y: {- I:*SItr:}r,14!9ft- erFT,t-PuruErNG: t_ ltEcEANIcff.: f--.---"- T0!lL! fi*rrat+********t.r**t*****.t CPNIIIAC:IoR lllFont{afroil rr.*rr.**rr*rrrt..rrlr*trtrttEeneral c:n::BctFrf ,-]A$G'PI , qrohl?. Town of valr Reg. r{o._ e€neral Deseription: tfork clasr: I J-l{ew K-ertrrntion t ]-Addrtronal I J-Repair [ ]-other \ Nunber of Dnelling Unltas -.L Nulb€r ol AscoE[otlation unLtB: AddrerE: OIAZz -9otQrrd,lB.tlid ff Gvpgca plrone r{uDber: EtectricalDcjntractart Bgsor{ Hj"+tLnqO rown or vail&ddress: frO. lOlq A yCrL -- - trV - Phcnc Nunber: PJ.uublng contractort -,- *ztu"\ \ Town of Val.l Reg. Ne._Addrcss: \ z --, phon€ Nunhart Hechanlcal Contractor; Addrese: **r***** **** **+* a***tt***r** *f*r FoR [o$n ot Vall Reg. l{O Fhonc Nunrbnr: oFFICE USE *** * r !r!r t*r jl* *****lr * r*ttr*tt*** B0II,DIN6 PIAX CFECtr FEE:BUTLDTNG PERMIT EEE: PLI'UBTIG PE8lET rEE; I }GC{A}ITCArr PER]'$ EEE: ELEQERfCAT, FEE: OTIIER TYPE OT FEE: DRB FEE: PII'UBTI|C PIAN CHECX TEEi r,IECIIllfICl,Ir PLAN CHECX FEE: RECRE.f, TON FEE: CI..EN|-UP DEPOSITT F(IIAIJ PERIIIT FEES: BT'II.DINGI $IGT{IT{IRE: ZoNfl|C! SIcNI$tf,E!eomlentE: AT U'4/(,4/ )-" I l-^.APP!9v91 .9I Tlnule Duane Piper corrected page 2, paragraphc so lnat lt would state "Piper felt that parking for guests should ne iroviaeiil !h: parking structure and'he also felt inat tfie parling iee was too tow."Donovan moved and Rapson seconded to rove the corrected minutes. Vote was 7-0. PLANN ING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March .l2, .|984 STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack Lamy Eskwith PRESENT Diana Donovan Scott Edwards Gordon Pierce Duane Piper Howard Rapsonl.lill trout Jim Vie]e The meeting was called to order at 2:10 pm by the chairman, Duane piper. 2. This 3. on Lo uest for a side setback variance of .|3.5 feet in order to ild a i tem was withdrawn at uest to convert the the request Crest Hotel of the applicant. condomi n umrze To on Lot I, Vail Lionshead 2nd Fili ,ecti on qf the Subdivision Requlat ons., lnc. This item was withdrawn at the request of the applicant est for a side s tback variance and for a densit controtoal low 4.R lultgl explained.that there were two separate requests,and the other a density variance r*qr"ri. When ihe unit,it created a situation'where the apiiicant was forced to bd' frontcourtyard directly into the livingidining room area.uuurrydra q'lrec!ly lnro fne llving/dining room area. He showed crosssectionsor rne two units. Craig Snowdon, architect representing Br.idgewater, explainedexpl ai nedthe addition,.adding that the aoaition woutd nbt be ver! visi6te rrofi ir'i iiieet:i!:: lt was being kept under the overhing. He fert th;t the upgrading of the-"'-- le rrq.' vsrtv r\spr, urr..cr L||E uverrtdng. ng rerr andr r.ne upgraolng of tngproperty was an advantage to the Town. Patten said one questioir-was wfrether ornot this addition was really an air]ock with sliding glads doors. Snowdon-said the app't icant would be agreeable to reducing the amount of the addition !Y priling the wali'further back, oui"tre felt that e5 sqiare feet was too small.Piper stated that Snowdon's point was well taken, and that if the airlock were Ig !g-,!ily,25 square.{9.!, tlg.depth oi-the ia'aiiion wouro ue on'ty two reei. - He added that this addition did not affect the bulk and further that the additionwould not be used as an extra bedroom. Trout wondered if the applicant would haveto resubmit a request if the PEC were to suggest a reduction in size. ariance in ordeentry vqstiblue addition o ov',nhouses rr dgev',ater was a setback vari e IIB was PEc a/n/84 a2- Trout moved to approve the request for density and setback variances with thefo]lowing_conditions: That the outside wall be moved back so that it is no furtherthan six feet from the original wall and that the sliding glass doors be ctangeito a swinging door. The motion died for lack of a second. Edwards stated that the applicant hadn't shown that this would not be a grant ofspecial privilege. Snowdon said that the Town had approved the addition of theunit above, making the'lower unit less desirable whitir makes this a hardship onthis unit. Donovan asked if any other unit was recessed that far back, and'snowdonanswered "no." Diana read from a memo written by Laffy Rider dated lojl/lg inwhich he discusses variances and the hardship ruie. S-he felt that this was aharsh'ip case because_it did relate. uniquely'to this propeity onty. Rapion ie]tthat the wall would look better without any recess, Dbnovan,-piper and'piercewanted to see, a recess. Patten returned from looking into the files concerning the addition of the unitabove, and stated that the iown did not have any recoid of.approving the addition. Trqut moved and Viele seconded toa nd itionfJhat-the new waTT be no more V{ql I and that t rS ShA swrnqlne vote was n favor Edwards a ai nst. uested variances with the eet out e existin ratner ans nq qoors. 5. fRqHest for a,dgrlsit{ cglrlrol vEriance in order to add 92 square feet ofGTm.!o a! Exi:!inq dwgllins ungggllronar dwer.tinq gni.t on the top floor of the Sunbird Lodge. App| |canf: 5unDrrd Lodge Tom Braun explained that this was also two separate requests. He showed floorplans and sections and stated that all work wbuld be interior. The staff recom- mended denial of the additional GRFA and approval of the additional employee unitwith the condition that it ranain an emp'loybe unit by deed restriction. Bruce Parton, vice president of United Resorts, owners of the Sunbird, sajd that he would be happy to put in a deed restriction. Scott asked if the unit with therequested GRFA addition could be sold, and parton said it could. pjerce was intgyg" pl the anployee unit, Viele wasn't sure if the board had specific criteriawith which to judge the request.. Donovan stated that she did nol mind adding an employeerrunit, but wondered about adding another kitchen. Patten stated that there was an agreement with the Sunbird regarding the numberof kitchens allowed. Parton said-that United Resorts was a n6w own6r, and thatthey did not know of any previous agreements *ith the Town of Vail, but they intendedto abide by any rules and regulations of the Town. Patten returned with tha file 43fat t*,"i fil4L{'J.ri fit iih-A sdq,r , g $, f,gi,t ee\Ua6! f,eitr tg,ttO(', T!$rr CRILuL" i;{rg: ir'l::ff, nn} toqs n{1l{* bfirfi, ' (ib !n{ k'L 'ary*na.,,m-lt1 q,iOllq Fil ffi ui$lf* g3ii,**r,.L buri{ leari, i\r,.'+} h*raX{Dqrn l[; i I f i :i ,, rq .,t,,, ,,t. ,.i,,\,:i lqe !+r t I tl$ lro ,,rp;.rn urrt}, JnMI QS-O+*^D 0-& ilaria,r,rcns i'',{-r \h-bVo^, t\drs.ql Dlstw K *#,lr*u*^\"fl i'llt+{{r, ffi1t - fi,q qsrk\ h/rq?l t/u/+t mNwffi t PLANNING 12:45 Site visits 2:00 Public Hearing l. Approval of minutes of February 27. 2. Request for a side setback variance of 13.5 feet in order to build i 9 ggrage on Lot 6,-Block T, Vait Village 8th Filing.App'licant: Michael Halperi lequqst to convert the Crest Hotel on Lot l, Vai'l Lionshead in9.filing, to condominiums foltowing Section .l7.26 of theSubdivision Regulations. Applicant:- Sun Vail, Inc. Request for a side setback variance and for a density control variancein order to allow for a greenhouse,/entry vestibule aidition onUnit llB, Vail Townhouses, Lot 11, Block 6, Vail Village lst Filing. Appl icant: B.A. Bridgewater Request for a density controj variance in order to add 92 squarefeet of GRFA to an existing dwelling unit and to convert exisiing space to an additional dwelling unit on the top floor of the Sunbi rd Lodge. Appl i cant: Sunbi rd Lodge Request for an exterior alteration and for a setback variance inorder to add four dwelling-units,to the.concert Hall plaza Build'ingat 6]6 West Lionshead Circle in Commercial Core II.Appiicant: Selby-Tofel Associates A request for an exterior a'lteratjon to the Village Center projectat 122 East Meadow Drive to add a new retail addiiion on the easlend, to'revise the entrance to Toymaker's Trail, to construct additionsto the retail shops, and to construct a new sidewalk alonq the northside of the project. Applicant: Fred Hibberd - A request to amend Special Development District 4 (Cascade Village)to.review.a.new phase p1 us to permit additional cormercial space, and to add two parcels of land into the sDD and to permit fii^eplacesin some of the accommodation units. Applicant: Mansfield, Lti. A request-to establish a speciar deveropment district for thepurpose .of.redeveloping the sonnenalp Hbtet to allow-adaitionaraccommodatron units and conrnerciai space. The Town council hassent this item back to the elanning-l;J-Environmental commission.Applicant: Sonnenalp at Vail Discussion of parking fund fee per parking space for ccl and cclI. AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSiON March 12, ]984 ? 5. 6. 7. 8. o 10. T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: DATE: CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Community Development Department March 6, ]984 SUBJECT: Request for a side setback variance and for a density control variancein order to al'l ow for a greenhouse entry vestibule aidition on UnitllB, Vail Townhouses, Lot ll, Block 6, Vail Village lst Filing.Appiicant: B. A. Bridgewater DESCRIPTION OF VARiANCE REQUESTED The applicant wishes to construct a greenhouse/entry vestiblue addition tothe existing-ground floor unit l1B. -A previous renirdeling of Unit llA located above unit llB has created a situation where the applicani is forced to enterthrough the front courtyard directly into the tivtirb/aining room area. Theaddition creates a formal entry-and indoor area for-removai and storage ofski gear and ciothing. The enclosed space also allows for greater diiect solarheat gain and minimizes the unit's heat loss when the entry door is used. Theproposed greenhouse/entry vestibule is 97.5 sguare feet. ihe aining room areawould be separated from the vestibule by sliding glass doors. A. portion of the vail Townhouse project was previously subdivided in a waywhich created nonconforming side seibacks. For this leason, a side setbaikvariance is always required for proposed modifications to Viil Townhouse unjts.lhe reguest for a density control variance is to allow for an additional 97.5square feet of GRFA. units llA and llB have an existing GRFA of ?,.l4? squarefeet (unit 11A:1,130 square feet and unit ilB: 1,0r2 s{uare feet). The alowabreGRFA for the site is 1,391 square feet under Hour-densiiy-riquirements. n review of Criteria and Fi ndi nqs Section .l8.62.060 of the Munici a'l tode,epartment o nit nt recommends approva of the s setbackvariance a e control variance the actors: Consideration of Facrors: I!9 fFrlltigjr?lri? oL the requested variance to other existinq or potentjal usesandstructurffi The.proposed addition would have no impact on the existing structures in theproje-ct.'The Vail Townhouses have a viriety of architecuiai styles, materia'l s,and front setbacks. The glass and wood adaition woutO-Ue.o*p.iiUf" with the-'adjacent units. In additjon, the greenhouse,/entry vestibule would be screenedfrom the street by the existing s'6" wart enlioiiirg itre courtvaid area. o llB V.To{use -2- 3/6/84 whi ief f the stri r lit retati o and enforcemena specifi ati on i s . necessar oac eve i l'i tv and i formi ttreatment amon si tes n f,ne vlcln or atta.i n oDJectl ves 0t th'l stle without qra oTs ecial oriv Such other factors and criteria the commission ge ems l icable to the proposed Given the_60 percent density factor, the site presently exceeds the allowable IRFA by 751 square feet. The greenhouse/entry'vestibuie wouia aoa-gi.s-rqrui.feet of GRFA for the site making a non-conforming situation even more so. The addi-tional 97.5 square feet,.i.f graited, is. considerea to-ue'i'grant of ipei.ial pilvit"g".Atso, variancds for outiide Enctosuiei-h;v;-il;;-;ii.ouiui.i. Iight and air, distribution of population, tran sportati onffi No negative effects. varl ance. FI ND I NGS That the grant'ing of the variance will not constitute a_grant of speciai pr.i vileinconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same dirl;,o That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,salety' or welfare, or materiarty injurious to propert.ies or improvements in thevicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the fol rowing reasons: The strict or litera'l .interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulationwould result in oract'icar diffi;;i;i J, ,nn"...rary phys.icai hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of thii tiii;. !J v' (r||||st-qJ)qr J PrrJs rucrr narosn'lp lncons ts' .There are exceptions or. 'the site of the variance same zone. extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable tothat do not apply generally to other properties in the The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation Hrlfl.o::;J"i,r.l"i.ilori;;n[ ;i-i.iriiijies en3oyea ny-tne iwners or other properties STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The.community Development Department recommends approva.r of the side setbackvar'rance and denial of the dbnsity conirot u;"iu;;;::'ir,."iirst variance is war_ranted because of th9 ylleasonabtL ionjitionr...i"it.a ;u-fn. subdivision of theproperty (i'e' very smal1 loti-ti-nbr'li"lore district requiremenrsT. ro grant the Oseconcr variance wourd be, a slqlt or spe-iii p;i;ij;;. iiionrirt.nt with densitvcontrors or the Town. The ;ddition.i-si.5 slugre id.t fJrlii;;;; ;';;;;";itpecialprivi'lege' 'The staff recommendi'ir,!'.onrtrrition of an airiocr entry (not to exceed 3lo'llli",ji.l,l;".]!: i;[tfff,S,lgo]il.s the access probrem, de*eases heat loss, Snowdon and Hopkins r Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-4762201 Vail, Colorado 81657 February 13, 1984 Mr. Tom Braun Town of Vail Planning Dept. 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 Dear Tom: Thls proposal is a request for a variance to the To$n of Vall ZonlngOrdlnance, sectlons 18.20.060 (side setback variance) and 18.20.090 (densitycontrol increaee ln GRFA ) . The proposaL for section 18.20.060 (setback) is to allow for a greenhouse /entry vestibule addltion to an existing ground fl"oor un1t. The townhouse is unlt 118, vall Tounhouses, Lot 1i, Block 6, vall vlllage FlrstFillng, Vall , Colorado. The existlng building is in HDMF zonlng andpresently , panty hralls adjolning units are centered on property lines (an apparent resubdivislon or rezoning after conpletion of the project ). Anyaddltion to untts 1n this proJect, therefore autoeatically require avarlance request due to its nonconforning nature. the request for a variance to section i8.20.090 (denisty control ) 1s toal1ow for nlnety-s6ysn and one-half (92.5) square feet (GRFA) io be addedto the aLlowable on the property. tot 11 is .053 acres (2,319 s.f.) wlth a 60% denslty faclor, allowing 1391 s.f. (GRFA) to be butrt on the property. The exlsting buildlng (Units 11A and 118) containl 2,1)+2 s.f. (GBFA) ofwhich lhlt 11A contains 1130 s.f. (GRFA) and Unit 118 contalns 1012 s.f.(GnfA). This exceeds the allowable, therefore any additional square footagerequest would require a variance. The reason for t.he request and the hardship felt by the owner, l,lr.Bridgewater ls twofold . Several years ago the owner (of both unlts 1 1A and118 at that tine ), Alan Rolrey, renodeled unit llA by addlng a greenhouse extension to the south of an existlng exterior deck, and revising a conmonstalrway entry into a private entry vestibure. This forced the access tounit 11B through the courtyard (underneath the newly extended greenhouse )and directl-y into the livlng/dlning area of the residence (due to theclosure of the previous access fron the connon entry vestibule). unit 118 was then sold separately from unit 11A and the new ourner of 118 isrequestlng the variance. The actuar proposal ls an entry vestlbule with south facing glass in llnewith the greenhouae extentlon above. This allows 118 to have a formal entryvestibule separate (by glase doors) from the living/dining area, This would allow for a deflned lndoor space for removal and storage of skl gear andclothing. Also by novlng the south faclng glass lrall to the front edge ofthe above overhang of the buildlng, the owner can take advantage of noredirect solar heat galn lnto the proposed space and a11ow for nininral heat loss every ttne the entry door 1s used. The request for the Zr-6rr deep x 1Jr-6tt wide additlon would have mlnlnal lmpact on public space due to itsLocatlon, Located behind 5t-5il hlgh eourtyard walIs, and not extending beyond the existing front face of the bullding (as seen above the front courtyard wa1l) the proposed addltion would most llkely not even bepercelved by the general public. The integrlty of the project (with itswalls of varying dlstanees fron the street) would be malntalned, as the adJacent wal1 faces (both west and east) are lre1l ln front (8,-0r and13t-0n) of the proposed glass waII face. We feel the proposal 1s conslstent with the lntent of the zoning ord lnance by staylng withln alL other aspects of the zoning (HDMF) ordinance (front rear setbacks, site coverage, height, etc.), and would not inpact or inconvenlence the general publlc. Also encLosed 1s a conpleted varlance form, a slte pl-an showlng the locatlonof the proposed addltlon, a floor plan and sectlon lndicating the exact requlrenents of the proposal, and polarold photographs of the southelevation. Could you place thls itee on your PEC agenda for March 12, 198\,if all ltems are in order. If you have any questlons, please eal1. Slncerely, , ltqntl&twdou Craig /N. Snowdon Partner CNS/mcc Encl osures APPLICATION I. This procedure is required The application will not be Application oatef February 13, 1984 FORM FOR A VARIANCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all inforrnation is subrnitted. A. NAME OF APPLICNT g. A. BRIDGEWATER. JR. ADDRESS 8400 Maryland Avenue PHONE 314-854-4200 St. Louis, Missouri 63105 B. NAME OF AppLfCAIIT'S REpRESENTATIVE Snowdon and Hopkins - Archirecrs ADDRESS 201 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 PHONE 303-476-220L .NAME 0F 0WNER (tyBe or print)A. Bridgewater, Jr. SIGNATURS E 4 , ADDRESS 8400 Marvland Avenue PHONE 374-854-4200 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 F. unir 118LEGAL DESCRIPTToN lot 11 block 6 Filing First--Vail' Colorado FEE. $100.00 y / '"'^ " i rt t .,'//j/.y"f _ >-y'1\.1,-(on fi",,1-*_, .#.2?r,- v:. A list of the names of owners of al1 property ad.jacent to thesubject property and their mailing addresses. Unlt 10 - Mr. George Knox 29 1 Bridge StreetVall, C0 81657 Unit 11A- Mr. Alan Rolley P.O. Box 5228 2100 s.E.29rh Topeka, KS 66605 Unit 12 - l4r. Robert Galvin Rolllng 0aks Farm Route 68 Barulngton, fL 60010 , ,' i i -:. - ,i ?...''/ 3,: r / II . Four (4) copies of the following information: A' A statement.of the precise nature of the variance requested,the regulation involvedl .ttd th" practicar airricutty or unnnecessaryphysical hard.ship inconsistent wiih the obje-tives of this titr_ethat would resull from strict or literal iiterpretation an6 enforce-ment of the specified regulation. B' A site p1al .slowing arr existing and proposed. features on thesite, and on adjoining sites if nec6ss"ivr-p'ertinent to the variancerequested, incruding site boundarier, t.Q,rii-ed. setbacks, buirdinglocations and heigh[s, topography ani pitvsicar teatures and simirardata, application tQr for a varjance nrer I C. Such additional materialscribe or the applicant may as the zoning administrator may pre-submit pertinent to the application. III . Time requirements The Pl-anning and Environmentar conmission meets on the 2nd and.4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accom-panying material must be submitted four weeks prior to ir,e-tateof the meeting. I @ 6Ftlr tr I' lf no,wign.,o.:tbftttrn*rcltiedw'" IAlhlsd , ) Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado Februapy 13, 1984 303-476-2201 81657 Ith. Ton Braun ?own of Va1I plannlng Dept. 75 S. F?ontage RoadVall, C0 8165? Dear Totr: Thls propooaL la a requeat for a varrance to the Tom of valr zonlngOrdlnanee, eectlons 18.20.060 (efae s;tuack varlance) and 1g.ao.o90 (densltycontrol lncrease ln GRFA). Ttre pnopoeal fon sectlon 19.20.060 (setback) is to allow for agreenhouse/entry vestibure addltron to an exlstrng gnound froor unlt. thetonnhouse le unit 118, valr rornhouees, tot.l r, Brock 6, varl ylllage FlrstFillng' vall, cor.orado. Ttre exrstrng iulrdlng le in IDMF zonlng andpresently r partv uarrs adJoinlng units ane centered on property ,,nes (anapparent nesubdlvlslon or rezonlng aften conpletl0n of the pr^oJect). Anyaddltlon to unlte ln thr's proJectl therefore autonaticaiiy oequire avarlance request due to lts nonconfornlng nature. The requeet for a varlance to sectlon 18.2O.O9O (dentsty control) 1g toalLow fon nlnety-seven and one-half (97.5) aquare feet (GRFA) to be addedto the atrowabte on rhe property. roi'rr is .053 acree e,;;;;.i.1 ,riin "60% denslty facion, allowtng 13b1 s.i: (cnFA) to-ue unirt-on the property.Tte exlettng buil.dlns (Unlts jiA a;d ita) contatn" a,ilti-ulf. (GFFA) ofuhich thlt 1tA contatns 1130 s.f. (GFFA) and Unlt 118 contalne 1012 s,f.(GRFA). thle exceeda the alrowabre, trrererore any addttlonar square footagerequest would nequlre a varlance. Tlre reason for the request and the hardshlp felt by the owner, I1r.Brldgewaten ls twofoLd. -Severa1 y".""t.go the ownen (of bot,h unlts 11A and118 at-that tiue), Atan Ror.rey, rlmocerea unlt 11A by addtng a greenhouseextenslon to the south of an exrstlng exterior deck, and revrslng a commonstalrway entny lnto a prlvate entry ieetlbule. Thie forced bhe access tounlt 'l 18 through the courtyard (underneath the newly extended greenhouee)and dlrectly lnto the llvlng/dinlng area of the resldence (due to theclosure of the prevlouo acceaa from the comnon entry vestfbute). Untt 1lBwas then eold eeparatery fnon unlt 1iA and the new owner of l1B igrequeetlng the varlance. The- actual' proposar 1o an entny vestrbur.e wlth south facing grass 1n linewlth the greenhou'e extentron iuoue. ?hls ar.lows 118 to hfve a fonmar entryvestlbule eeparate (by gr.ase doors) rnom ttre rlvlng/dlnrng'area. This would al1ow fon a defrned indoor space for renovar and storage of skl gear andclothtng. Also by novlng the south faclng glaee warl io the front edge ofthe above overhang of the bulrdtng, the owner can take advantage of moredlrect solar heat gain into.the proposed space and arrou for mlnrnar. heatlose every tlne the entny door ls uled. The requeat for the ?,-6x deep xlJt-6n wlde addltlon would have mlnrnar lnpact on pubIlc space due to ltslocatlon. Locat€d behlnd 5r-6r hlgh cour.tyard warls, and not extencrlngbeyond the exlstlng fnont face of ii,e UuttCfn8 (ae seen above the frontcourtyard wall) the proposed addltlon would mogt rlkery not even bepercelved by the general publlc. ?he lntegrlty of the pr.oJect (wlth ltswarrs of varytng digtanceg fnon the streetj tnourd b" naintalned, as theadJacent waLl faces (both west and east) are well in front qg'_Ou anallt-6n) of the propoeed glass wall face. We feel the propoeal ls coneletent wlth the lntent of the zonlng ordlnanceby ataytng wlthln all othen aspeets of the zonlng (HDMF) ordlnance (fnontrear getbacks, alte eoverage, helght, etc.), and woul.d not, inpact orlnconvenience the genei"al pub11c.- Also enclo'ed 1g a conpleted vanlance form, a slte plan shontng the Locatlonof the proposed addltlon, a fi-oor pran and sectlon lndrcatrng the exactnequlrenents of the proposal , and polarold photographs of the southel'evatlon. could you prace this iiem on your pEC agenda fon March 12, 1gg4,lf all ltens are ln order. If you have any questlone, pleaee caII . Partnen CIS/ncc Encloouree o -.r\- _ !i.,tl O it I I { t 6F Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado February 13, 19811 l.lr, Toe Braun Town of Vall ptannlng Dept. 75 S. Frontage Roadva1l, c0 81657 Dear Ton: Architects 303-47S.2201 81657 Thls proposal ls a requeat for a varlance to the ?own of vall zonlngOrdlnance, eectlons 18.AO.060 (sfae setlack varlance) and 1g.aO,rjS0-(densltycontnol lncnease ln GRFA). The proposal fon eectlon 18.20.060 (getback) la to allow for agreenhouse/entry vestlbule addltlon to an extetrng ground froor unlt. rtretownhouge te unlt 1rB, valr rownhouses, Lot 11, BJ.ock 6, valr vrrlage FlrstFlling' valJ., colorado. The existins iulrdlne ls in $Di{F zonlng andpresently , partv wa1Le adJolning units are centered on pnoperty ltnes (anappanent resuMlvlsron_ or rezonlng aften conpletlon of tle proJect). Anyaddltlon to unlts tn thls proJeet] thenefore autor.ti"aiiy n"qurn" "varlance nequest due to its nonconfornlng natune The nequeot for. a vanlance to eectlon lg.2O.09O (denlsty control) le toallow for nlnety-seven and one_halr (9?.5) square reet iCnna; to be addedto the allowable on the property. Ioi rr le'.053 """""'ii,:r9 s.f.) with a60% denslty factor, aflowlng t:bf s.f. (GBFA) to-be buiLt-on tn" property.The exletlng bultding (Unlts 11A and 118) contatn" a,ir+i ".f. (GRFA) ofwhlch ttrlt 't tA contalns 1't 30 s.f. (GRFA) and Unlt 118 contalns 1012 s,f.(GnrA). Thts exceede the allowabre, itrererore any addltlonar aquare footagerequest would r.equlre a varlance. the reaeon for the request and the hardshlp felt by the owner, lfr.Bnidgewaten le twofold. -sevenal y"*n"-ago the ownen (of both units 1,1 A and118 at.that tlue), Aran Rolrey, rlmodeled unlt 11A by addlng a greenhouseextenslon to the south of an existlng exterror deck, and revtsrng a cornmonstalrway entry into a prlvate entry iestibur-e. This forced the access to*|t !18 through the courtyard (underneath the newly extended greenhouee)and directl'y lnto the llvlng/dlning area of the residence (due to t,hecroaure of the prevlous accesa fron the comrnon *irv-""iifbu]e). unit 118wae then sold sepanately fnom unlt llA and the new owner of 11B ierequestlng the var.iance. The- actual propooar la an eniry vestlbule wrth south factng glase. ln rrnewith the greenhouse extentlon.bou". Thls arr.owe 1rB to have a formar. entryvestlbule sepanate (by glass doors) fron the llving/dlnlng area. Thls would alLow for a deflned indoor epace for. renoval and etorage of skl gear andclothlng. Alao by novlng the south facrng graso warl io trre front edge ofthe above ovenhang of the bulrdlng, the owner can take advantage of mJnedlrect solar heat galn lnto ,the propoeed space and al1ow for nlnlnal heatLoss every tlne the entry door is used. The request for. the ?r-6n deep x1Jt-gtt wlde addltlon would have nlnlnal lnpact on pubrlc spaee due to 1tslocatlon. Located behind 5r-6n hrgh cour.tyand walrs, and not extendlngbeyond the exlstlng front face of irre uurtatng (as seen above the frontcourtyand warl) the proposed addltlon woutd nost llkely not even bepercelved W the general pubtle. The integrity of the proJect (wlth ltswarrs of varylng dlstancee fron the etreetj wourd r" maintitneo, as theadJacent wall faces (both west and eaet) are rrell fn front-(g,-o, "nd1Jt-6n) of the proposed glass wall face. lle feer the propoeal ls conslstent hriLh the intent of the zonlnB ordlnanceby staytng rlthln al"l ot,hen aspecta of the zonlng (HDMF) ordlnance (frontnear eetbacks, stte coverage, helght, etc. ), and would not lnpact orinconvenlence the general pubJ.lc.- ALso encroeed ls la compreted varlance form, a alte pran showlng bhe rocatlonof the proposed addltron, a froor pran and sectlon lndlcatrng the e:(actrequlrements of the proposal, and polanoid photographs of the southeLevatlon. couLd you prace thls lten on your pEC agenda for March 12, 1ggu,lf all ltene are 1n order. If you have any questlone, please call . Partner CNS/mcc Ettcloeures tf .-. vo o-'at/u . L9 cr ff r.- t I qr "'.e -.-t, '., duw wq . nlh/n4 '(, Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado r Febnuar.y 13, ,|984 I'tn. Tom Bnaun l9r! or Vatl plannlng Dept. 75 S. I?ontage fioadVatl, C0 8165? Dear Tou: Architects 303-47&2201 81657 Thls propoaar ls a reqirest for a varlance to the fown of valr zonlng 'r'dinance' sectroas 1g'20.060 rura"-""tu.ck varlance) and 1g.20.0g0 (densltyeontrol Lncnease 1n GRFA). T?re propoeal forn sectlon 1g.20.060 (setback) 1e to allow for ag'eenhouee/entny vestrbur,e addltlon-to an exlstlng ground floor. unlt. ltretonnhouee le unlt 118, vatl townhousea, Lot 11, Brock 6, vail vlJ.rage FirstFlllng, vatr, cororado. ftre exrsiins-b,rilarns is ln HDMF zonlng andpnesently , party walts adJolning units ane eentered on propenty unes (anapparent regubdlvlslon. o' rezonlng after compretl.n of tire pnoJect). Anyaddltlon to unltg ln thts proJectl it ""erore'autonaticaiij "equrre avarlance request due to its nonconfornlng nature. Ttre request fon a varlance to eectlon 18.2O.O9O (denloty control) ls toa1low for nlnety-seven and one_hau (g?.5) "q*"" i""t-iCinll to be addedto the allowabl.e on t!9 property. Lot'fr ls .053 acres (2,319 s.f.) wtth a60% denelty factor, atlowrng 13"91 s:i: (cRFA) t"-u" u"ild-on rhe pnoperty.The exlstlns bulrdlng (unrti tii aii-ita) contatns 2,'r4z s.r. (GRFA) ofuhlch tJnlt 'l1A contatns 1130 s.r. iCnrAl and Unlt riil coniarns 1012 s.f.(GRFA)' Thls exceeds the air.owabre,-trre.erore any addltion.r uqu"ne footagerequest would requlre a vanlance. The neason for the nequest and the hardshlp felt by the owner, Mn,Bnldgewater ls twofolcl . _Severa1 V""n"-"go the ormen (of both unlts 11A and]lf at.that tlne), Alan Rorley, "!roa"r"o untt ,A by adding a greenhouseextensl0n to the south of an qxlstlng extenl0r deck, and revlslng a connonutllrllr entry lnto a prlvate entr.y i""truur". Thls fonced the access tounlt 118 through the cour"tyard (underneath the newly extendect gneenhouse)and dlrectly lnto the rlvlng/drnlng anea or the resldence (due to theclogune of the prevlous t"c""" r.oi iir" comnon entry vestlbure). untt 118uas then sold sepa.ately fnon unit 11A and the new owner of 118 lsrequestlng the var.iance. 'The actual proFosal ls an entry vestlbule wlth south faclng glass tn linewlth the greenhouse.extentton "uou".- rr,:.s alrows 1rB to rrrve a formar entryvestlbule separate (by glass doors) fnom the llvlng/d1nlng area. ThlB would aLlow for a defined indoor space for renovar and stonage of skl gear andclothlng. Also by novlng ttre eouth faclng glass wal.r fo trre fnont edge ofthe above overhang of the. bulldlng, the ownen can take advantage of mor.edlrect eoLa' heat galn lnto.ttre pioposed epace and allow for nlnlnal heatIoss eveny tlme the entry door is usea. The request fon the Tr_6,r deep x1Jt-gn wlde addltton would have ninlnar lnpact on pubrlc lpace due to rtslocatlon. Located behlnd 5r-6tr htgh courtyard walrs, and not extendingbeyond the exletlng front face of In" nrffOtg (as seen above the frontcountyard wal.l) the proposed addltlon wourd nost rlkely not even bepercelved by the general public. The lntegrlty of the pro3ect (wlbh 1tewalls of varylng dlstances fron the street) would be ,"intiin*a,""""ti,"'adJacent walr faces (borh s,esr and eastj ;;" ;;ii ;; ;;;;; (8,_0' and1Jt-gn) of the propoeed glass waLl face. lfe feel the proposal le conelstent wlth the lntent of the zonlng ordlnanceby staylng wtthln all other aspects oi tir" zonlng (HDMF) ordlnance (frontrean setbacka, alte coverage, height, etc.), ana-wouia noi-:.npact orlneonvenlence the geneial pubL1c.- Arso enclosed ls a conpleted var.rance for.n, a elte pran showlng the rocatlonof bhe proposed addrtlon, a fr-oor pran and Bectton indlcatlng the exactrequlrenents of the propoeal, and polarold photographs oi tne southelevatlon. could you pLace thts iien on your pEC agenda for lrarch 12, 1gg4,lf all ltene are 1n onder. If you have any queatlone, please call . Slncerely, , ltqf{fur,U,,r Cralg /N. Snowdon Partner CNS/ncc Encloeunee e ' ^ '.;t& " t I Project Application ;\ Project Name: oate '7 t / ) Project Description: _ Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and pho r i /,Legal Description: Lot \ r 4t , Block Filing4."/84r./, Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Fr,<.4 1t APPRovAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Chief Building Off icial t " Lrs? oF MATD*IAL' O DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A. ) BUILDING MATERIALS: - Roof Siding Other IVa11 lvlaterials Fascia Sof fit s Windows T{indow Trim Doors * fe4\,_4 Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Eotanical Name -\b B. ) PLANT I{ATERTALS(Vegetativq,^!1ld:"aping Marerials including Trees, Shrubs,. and Ground Cover) aw/3 , NArvft oF pRoJECr Fx-t-rff D-tg_--,t LEGAL DESCRIPTION I I LOT BLOCK FILING fk,v * Aer;A SV;,-. The following information is required for submittal by the Applicantto the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. Type of Material Color to/F Cdg : CL.t>o uJVVrc€ t-ye- t-yF Common Name Quantitv Size Page 2 Plant MaEerials Continued Botanical Name Conanon Name OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining Walls, Fences, (Please Speeify) Swinming Pools, eEc. ) Size c.) Dtrsl nrJvrnw uo^uD .ITECK LrsrO NAME,OF PNOJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJDCT Prelim Final Approval Approval A. Building Considerations Building Location on Site Building Con f iguratlon Appropriateness with Neighborhood Height Mass Roof Forms Use of Materials Choice of Color Energy Efficiency B. Site Consideratlon Disturbanee of Natural Features Access onto Site Sndr.f Removal Vehicular and Pedestrian Circularion Landscaping Plan Grading Plan Erosion Control Comments Irrigation System Exterior Lighting Retaining Walls Accessory Structures C. Miscellaneous considerations D. Other Connnents minis Lra tor FINAL APPROVAL %nTng-?fffiffiT."Lr o box 100 vail, colorado 81 (303) 476-5613 June 4, 1980 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT department of community development Dear Design Beview Board Applicant: Enclosed 1s your Design Review Board Project_Aqolication showing ttre approvatTaisapproiaf of. your project including cornments from the Board. If you received approval from the Design Review.Board, you must make any correcti'ois siipufated by the*Board anrl*bring the revised ptrtts to ttre Town Plannei before ipplyine f9r-a Buildlng Permit' ilo site work may be commenced until- tle revisions are approved -bythe Town PlanneT and two sets of working drawings are submitted to the Building DePartment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Town Pl-anner at 476-5613, ext. 239. Project Application @ Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: o^r" dw 4rllb '"\ "tttr Architect Address and Phone: ll/I t/O ?o.Oot 4?2a - Vr\\ rett-D &€-Fw trulo[,Vr{,-- Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date:Date: Chiet Building Off icial t )/\*--/-?t"'.rW q.,rW . 4t,rst qr-ultnnrnl,s NAME OF PROJUCT T,EGAL Df, scRr prr oN--lJ-tor-jl-BtocK DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT FILING The following to the Design A. ) BUILDING Roof Siding Other V{a1 informat ion Review Board MATERIALS: is required for submittal by the Applicant before a finaL approval can be given. Type of Materlal Color {Ueg,*rzz,,A OJ-4fu+Ifia * 7pl MF* tJA Qmtwe d*la/yrnat * 4ol Q\'x"\, A,V ft''l'''Q4' Couuron lVame Quantity Size $JP' ?gppato d*W0 "4a1 Materials 7a'r?€ B.) PI,A,NT MATERTALS(Vegetative, -Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shr:ubs,and Ground Cover) Fascia Sof f its Yf indows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Botanical Name NJF w o Page 2 Plant MateriaLs Continued BotanicaL Name Cormron Name Quantity Size C.) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR"ES(Retaining Walls, Fences, Swinrning pools, etc.) *rcl rec1. ^_le,at I (Please Specify) DEst RE'TEW B'ARD crr'cK Lrsro NAME'OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT tor BLOCK FILING . Prelim Final Approval Approval- A. Building Considerations Building Location onSite Buil"ding Conf igurati on Appropriateness wlth Neighborhood Height Mass Roof Forms Use of Materials Choice of Color Conments Energy Efficiency B. Site Consideration Disturbance of Natural Features Access onto Site Snol' fi,emoval Vehicular andPedestrian Circulation Landseaping Pl-an Grading Plan Erosion Control Irrigation System Exterior Lighring Retaining Walls Accessory Structures C. Miqcellaneous considerations D. Other Conunents FINAL APPROVAL 4Onln8 AdmlnisErator f,$$H, iiru J (r' * z d!) :o.f l'i \r,lJ z |ll zg 2 uJ E UJo !J F UJ t! lll IE F J J ul J lt J F L ,E=f =l!o lleO =,2 =ql--.I f o ; a? s a :- JS>oct zo9 z tru4 qo x> :z:< t)) Jo.O>o ;(.i 3 E 2o uJ i .. 1 .* :a ' ,Project Pro,ect Conlact Name: Project Application Descriplion: Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot r/, Block-<a--, r,t,ng Af., : r/ A,//o t. /t, Zone - UCom ments: Design Review Board t/ D^," 'JkLl //, lf f/ Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPF OVAL Sum mary: Date: I DRB }PPLICJATIOTT DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB I{EETING: I****THIS APPLICATION WII.L NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTII, AI.,[. INFORI{.ATIONIS SUBI.iITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION }IEETING: A Pre-application meeting with a planning staff meu.ber isstrongly suggested to deteraine if any additionalinfonation is needed. No application wilL be acceotedunless it is cornplete (must include al-l items recruired bvthe zoninq adniFistratorl . It is the applicantrsresponsibility to uake an appointnent sith the staff to findout about additional subnittal requirements. PLease notetbat a COMPIJTE applieation will streamline the approvalprocess for your project by decreasing the nuuber ofconditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALLconditions of approval must be resolved before a buildingpetnit is issued. Application will not be processedrrithout Owner.s Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:U);&rN AUi+-.^ +- co /z+/'l tffi ?-,B.IOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: Legal Description Lot Block G Subdivision C. NA}IE OF APPLICN'TT: "t,'l Vtll>*- lerZonincr Y -qL W lD.^.t Mailing Address: D.NAI'18 08 APPLICAI{T ' S Mailing Address: V:i I co Phone REPRESENTATIVE: Phone 416 .ta11 E. G. NAME OF OWNEF 8IGNATURA (8) s !{ailing Address:bvaeln f1(.bPrPe-. phone 7l+-b54.,+2@ Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: The fee will be naid at the time a buildinqnermit is oaid for. VALUATTON IEE $ lo.oo $ 25.00 s 50.00 $100.00 s200.00 9300.00 9o510ro0l $ 50,001 s150, ool $500, ool S Over $ 10, ooo$ 50,000$ l5o, ooo$ 500r 000 9L, 000, 000 $1, 000, 000 , a ?fwT1Jb fq 4 rytUeto |/-tAvv ?*oreee d-rn D >, l-a4t5? l=t:<Ae l+ttzplA LIH? a? A.P<o1'-ltf-lu tlev+soa. w€ (est) -?'-*t4tltJbFaF * Hlt-Ilz+:+9, Vg.:TdpD t--tn 6y ?Frnl.1> #q au{valtoA . t/ Rt['U il1Ai 2: i:iii (]' *\ t'{ay i7 , L99L Town of VaiI Departnent of Community Developrnent/elanning75 South Frontage Road l.,testVail-, CO 81657 Re: Bridgewater Residence 303 Gore Creek DriveVail Rowhouse Unit 1lVail, Colorado Dear Zoning Administrator: we respectfully request the acrdition of a lower revel win<lowto the l{orth Erevation of Lhe presently approved and pernittedresiderice. (see attached drawings.) itre-window is on the creekside and stacks directly bel_ow the other view windows. lle further request approval for this addition at theas construction is commencinq. Please call if there are any guestions. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GWATHI{EYIPRATT ARCHfTECTS, P.C. Eric L,J / aO, -'4.star r ter/er l .\ r)\'//) / Enclosure 'tllryTt7)a ./ I ,-* t/ ww +1trI bt,? latt f H l-rl] HA]AVT+I TO t1,LTar1 wtgae.l/*TdF-F*a'wruE6,t1'41 vavt* voYav tr@= ,1 Ar*wA A+- *+t /\//T \ ( | \i r-rerr oaaatla \1 e4 eXlLznru |+Hlr@ \)\ lt\ tr/ :;a""*:. T$/' ,l l we/-,'*-r^,{"LJ *-h" W:ffit'Ttwve\ffi'\W,tu\'9 *- HFw\tat e4.,.vb F?p.r4llJ.tz + e%?\ \ \\\ t;'l+ * (o' 'apo (t??-tA(4)?-.*,a W-11 \pe4d P< 51pct-l vi uJo€? * @--l-bt-{aTo r1Flel -h -veveD LlrE aF -AP-Ja lil lFI4owF l-Fttra=*f€-. u?@*'oe e'.ql .pr1?JJEa11oAI P t HTAIc-t Aefr OW?1 Pttb 14;We.era',, _:._._- =naJ€\ ,.- . '- 'A\NC;fliF- FF,ie.vl 7 ? g a4e Hou?Ao4A eooT Fre F-l d roau€1?ae7gr{rH --,'-- : IN1 Hr,N.P Ne .: I 6:pe1\t@T/ Pel12) F, ?. Ta' AwhT.tl- f tLJt{zA A.? F@'Ct--trr- v J +s?c. f'cz' .f Seg7{€i#" A/',+.4T argc? L'- b," i<- sail AA'Jj-I cagA? 7t' -. I a+xfa(za' ) auiTLts? t' ,/' Aetalw+ t- /',t',pP- -i;-.,'\2-;r1- ) ^-t 0) r/Etla?.. z-flUrc f r;- FL4,or'r| P, H*+-.i g F^tTtr' Ng I.J ?7v'. 6VF? ax'4t'-: t-- +f' .l $, ! IL ,/ FE:LJ hrlHl lpQlcFl?t: --(- HzH bn- I Ta tv4tQ?Ta 1!rc?te?u*)? eF qTF? 2aYc+"l? I t L- cup C.A6E{NT veytrb?atr (rrv.@) nll ,{. NEN trELt.*,. 1O 1z- ca t&A ryuw Fr4toa* + 27t-at) RTH ELEVATION. )'t - NO lt'eP t Project Application Project Name: - Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: . Architecl, Address and. phonei Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board /-*rtDate DISAPPROVAL Summary: tt BP,tarncu rIlW(4-te*qt @ @ @ 06) Lrsq' w tt't,{ (- "t 4 e,--r lazL ti..{+r:,.- .: f' t'lz't g a-.c lo-A\ * , r, --- €la_{:::) z\8'7. q T,s + l.[[ a,n + 45s .h]'f 237'r,u. ?tt {k ^-.Evrsk,l 0 rr,"*d) rrllj*M *4,v h Nnn /6j t Mr. Andrew Knudtsen, Planner #1 --.6"r* "f vail community Development iS souttr Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Bridgewater Remoilel --Rowhouse #11 r'roaiiications to DRB APProval Dear AndY: Enclosedfindsubmittalofcolor-forstaffconsideration/approval. as stipulatea in"ti"'6ie-"ppio.,.rl--p:.ei"e let me know if vou neeo more. stucco - Sto lit 10808 Wood - Oxford Brown w:"idows - Bronze Uc 60479 Further, the Bridgewaters wish to request: ^-,v 1.The ridge be raised to allow. for the material the roo tly plane;evel r 2.A windci plans. let u change from in the sane the enclosed know. iate YourIf we need to Provide more oih.twi"", we look forward consideration. SincerelY t information, Please to your aPProval and app ARCHTTECTS, P-C.*t6";, 7.'rzl d 11. GwathmeY, A EI,{clacl Enclosures Copy to: B. A. Bridgewater JanuarY 11 , '|.991 1;t- t'F.hJF,tre+t $ l'.dril aLae.rrcrt uIL * t Itefr,F e=HN E@F Ci/n- Pffaft (*rofrvF, P47 -cfreg- vAt]lrYevlu\ -etrw* aqT,4fe'JA uJ / Hr 4-be.Sor*l:Fl(a Fr erovJtJ aUAEv*/t*l lP?ob: #fu'*) aa)aac u?fte L T.FhI NINFUJe#tf -br.cbJ1 GrADWll +e.fAt*fl Fe \/_j-- SOUTH ELEVATION l/ +t'.. 11.- ti FE,bI QdcVe, , 4t' all LEFA LE IJNIT tI ILrc W+t,1,1 L/at^J f { ga lltr cE \rr;or-? i9'r*l v.la{;t-c9, ,G+ + rFt) 1eh4,,^'at aa c*'fz, €J';-{ /1, r'. c r'a A.Vf. .rt'eli&j, . 88. f Hr"TFt-L' * @' - 4'1}{Afr'?'JA4AVf. 1,.? *hO Vtttrlfl VbLerJaA . €Xtta.t'tyt<A . Yh+449f t$vu ta *eYt*tA Aa 'bL1$of Peaa'- ,DV oe4d E-71 lqr'Ft?aq#nva -* to \f'"frl{ae;1 '1,[t-tPAn { AvvaVt #-l,efr:a.]<e -ure I lrw ?Ar1*---x_-' rr"*t,;r ENTRY/MAIN LEVEL' p?fle ,.Ha F7 n*IclTy't t-, tlr{ f TH ?ul?L)€.A€c 7A,P.t4'-lrJe - -, | . -- a- f_.4 ,, | / -\ | /-.-,i?+4 &wqa1w€5 4a' 79e rtt a6T b&'F ?Ay4ree 14t 4tffi7 cS? @ ?;'-.t*rf A /.-a2vt? tUpq 41^tA( "e1|1 4v7eq W. .,avl, aBr fie.uzz) 11fi,fqH ,/ ^-E pe.a'eJe \- ^LE. ?4,.. '|JntP,-t- /J .taa^t r. / ,ltlr t r/ ! |2r-)rc+LLY . i i eATe crt+A. \ \ \ \ /I+lqt DnB IPPITICITION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OT DRB I{EETING; **'r**THJS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED INTIL, ALL INFORHATION IS SUBI.'ITTED***** PRE-APPIJICATION ilEETING : A pre-application neeting with a planning staff menber is I. stiongly- suggested to determine if any additional infornation l-s needed. xo application vill be ac the zoning adrninistrator'l . It is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional suburittal reguirements. PLease notethat a COMPLETE apptication will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the,number of Londitions oi approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval rnust be resolved before a building perrnit is issued. Application will not be processed without Ownerrs Signature. B. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Legal Description Lot Subdivision Block G Zoning c.NA}18 OF APPLICANT: Hailing Address: Phone SIGNATURE (8) S Mailing Addre Phone F. Condoniniun Approval if applicable. c. DRB FEE: The fee wlll be paid at the tirne a building perrnit is paid for. garuAllloN EEE -$ 1o,ooo $1o.oo. r/\ nn.\ C ?E nn D. E. y2 s0 NAI-IB OF OWNERS: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address andlPhone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board Motidn by: Seconded by: Staff Approval A4AIU WE ARE SENDING YOU E Attached E under separate cover via n tFTiqFt-tF t-TRANSMITTAt the following'items: E Samples E Soecificationstr Shop Drawings E Gopy ol letter E Prints I Change order I Plans tr coPtEs DAIE t'to.DESCRIPTION I ta,t6Q o ,AFfr-Lrz5Pctt F?RI- ffi- re- ffiafltr..la - sAt-^^t +S W- ydF,,t,ltt1p ,EWV!(fifiilF * -OU qtU- l-lAvg 11;tffirD taP EtfV,sn ro "'- 5ly\c.tn cdQR q Tufnnp€ EoaRnro Fq,UD[J.. THESEARE TRANSMTTTED as checked below: I For approval E For your use E Approved as submitted n Approved as noted n Resubmit.--.._ copies for approval D Submit _ copies for distrubution I As requested tr Returned for corrections E Return - corrected prints E For review and comment ! ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS J COPY TO SIGNED , it enclosures arc not as noted, kindly no y us at once- WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Attached D under separate cover via LET]I tr-b)Lq rt EF TRANSMI]ITAt D^rE O"1.qO lroer.ro. ro, fipSf Khluffisl ne: flFlpgpl^4upFcjE€f_fttwFffi.. the following items: n Samples E Specificationstr Shop Drawings E Copy of letter D Prints E Change order E Plans tr coPlEs DAIE NO.DESCRIPTIONfr,t PWOt O* FPrmSv'rtqe THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked betow: trd tr tr D For approval For your use As requested For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE tr tr tr tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections n Resubmit _ copies for approval n Submit _ copies for d jstrubution E Return _ corrected prints 13- tr PRINTSRETURNEDAFTERLOANTOUS it enclosures ere not as noted, Nndly notily us at once. 8Y:ERYAN, CAVE i g- i-90 ; 4i2gPfl ;34?i.3. ERYAN. CAVE, MFPHEETEnS & MFRoBERTS A ercr\Ert {!r ltuc_., i}^i:t .aortttroia. cotbhr rro\l !o,l Frte!{+r t.'F6:' r. \wal.rNg-gr\ ;c r+c{,o e6a; - l6ti Ca.| C.OO {llr eol]-r O||^rE alEtu-E *61 4'i(il-tt c..r,FOaN,. 9o(,?, r r,lt 'rr aaa tee t.€ FlnF Av?aea \r?w \4.lt{ ^raw roRF 0!G? 99a€,trt.atl .acc rtoc ror',.-E r.r., r!r\.-. :l'{Oltru .tEe A a!OO. ,Ct9,46{ tlo ?ooo , ri'o \,i/r1\ l. raE-<AxiAl q.Tr Htt€.flrt! OatC! attCrl.t art 7.3. 3OO Nc}Fa'Fr EFTC|AC)\/VAV sT l-out€i. MtssouRt €ltoa 21A6 Itr4) 13,.8€O6 rE|-CCO.ttr '!|4t alr !ot7 the U. S. Posral Se:"vlce" Itlank you. cLrENr r{0. : 20? ? .-|!gilL P lcmc_ _D-e,l_I v g r !.!E_ F9 I : oJ|lug, TBLI, I Th.te,l|rtcr!_rl -[e TTI,8COPT Tf,FO$IATIOf, PASE DA'E, q /l /qo ?[L/Fu{rt I - q7( - /6/e {(" Prgc ) this facsinile conl:alna G0[frDBFtraL l;roslalr0i, whlch may elso beLEeflnf PEICII,IftD end whlch la lntrndcd ouly for the uce of rhe Addreasee(a,r nreed bel.orr. lf you ese not the lntenaled reclDlcnt of thlsfacelulle, or the *aployec or agent reeDoneible for de!.lverlng ir ro thelntended reclplent, you sre hereby notlflcd that any dlEeenlnatlon cr copylag, of thls facslnlle lay be Errlctly Drohlblted. If you haverecelved rhla facelmlle tn errorr p)eaee tnocdlately notlfy us bytelephone and reruln the ortginrl fecatnlle to us Et the ebove addreas vls @ llE I{0 I,BSIAGE FROU SEfiI}EE: fittc Pa/i e1 $,e, t;lrc Poltll {oa tlas lEC lheon {-eI red (ondo Llnif A a-nd C"mm,fment LlntT :lne$, n 6*efofgt ,*-r _Af,ronnur#; TOrAJ, |{UI{BER Or FAetg, - /f {tncrudrng thle If you Co nor fo thr Scndcr Do you rrlrh to thoultl rc call thould rrc lct f6crlv! rll thc Drtcflaf, Dlllrc call 314,/2Sl-E600 ExE. 136 ASAPI hrv. your soDy rctumcd? rlcctvr! to vcrlfy trenrnlrtlon? you hror .ghcn tt htt bian rtn!?YES Em. 'teg voa RAtll,^l!l,lvrfirl q-^uFaAr!,^ ctTr! 1lo|c , r.4, 79? E16at ie (lL"tr;" a e^- FtefiCOA a*r! O!!,rarll r1 tlt oa,. .o*t orri. .or "o"a,RlvLir .O! DAUD] AtAtlA ie€6r i., aot,arl raii4 eFFt(:E ttor atlcDtlta 9|rclt LrAt(ctr: rai aartr4 r03 4?i 1e12iS 1 303 " /l/qo, 8 e-la ,l J j I Ji : I ,)!'v JY; Uf(YA\. UA,/t I dS Fo?.! I i0 l/rt lOM*rf Co9vrlght lSGa Arlt?i.rn Lrno - .,r . .r-.. r]4 ii 4larmant ,:,.: pard vaiut r,rr thc cstrte "r;;;;i; ;il;;;il;;ir:'; BEST CGPY 4 i2gPn{ : POLICYNO.AZ 443588 AMERICAN tA'tIO TITTE ASSOCIATION OWNER'8 POLrcY - FORM B - 1970 {Amrnd.d 1O_ir.?Ol ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF ,INNESOTA ' I Stoch Comprny ot Mtnnorpolls. Mlnncaorr - suBJEcr ro rtlE Exql^y.Iglq FROM cO\GRAGE, THE ExcEprloNs coNrArNED IN scHEDULE B ANDrHE pRovrsroNs oF rHE coNonroxi'l-iiiieiT.ArroNs HEREOF, lyf "ilillf}t: :?#,t:YP:ygl::?I1:T':.' :"1:u the company, -rniurrs, as or Deto or porrcy rhown inill,',1#,'*ll,i;fi,,l:t"T*Tlf;,1*XiJ;i#.":::Ti:!T::*:::,T,'.'Jl;,1i,1!Ti,'llili:Jl::l['#ff[:l*o'lT:: Y::: ::::Tl11l natl;ffi;bd; ;';"il;:Jlil*fiilif I [ ill""lllif trJ;:ll'.'J,ftrI.;;t;:r ut qtc ullu i::T]:":T'Erirc.Qrrnl;ErestdoecribcdiilschedurrAbrrng.,,3redother*aserhanasstatdrherornl2, Any dcfcct u or licn or cncumbrance Dn ruch tirle.l. I-ack of s rrghr of eccctu to snd from the lrndi of4 Unmrrketabillty of ruch tiue iN wITNEss WHEREqFI thr s*d rrtle lnsuruce comprny of Minne s,.re hss cau$d its corpororr nene fid ,"Er tobc I'tcreurrto rlfirco bv rts duly^^aurhon;d-"li;;;;; ir u.., ar,u-rr,o*n ,; #;di; A, thc poricy ro bc yshd whencountersgncd by rn ruthorhed office r orug*. oi r;, ;;;;""" |TLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF ,1,*rrror^ ..,)i E. EXCLU$ION$ FROM COVEN.AGE The fo{lowu"rg iau(!fr rr4 iiprcisly ex*i;ded lrunr thc lovsraBE of ths prrtlcy., ilLll,l; :',r:11ffi,:' il:::ilill^".L:il:::-,,11:r,dus bur noi iinr:red ro burrdng and ronins ordinsncr8) H:T:lli,':,'i5:i?l*' ;' .:'ji*:'j::::-:' ":.;:!i,Jilx' I'ii'i.i"li:?;: ;HT: .il1.1H;T'::Tliff:l*:l:il';',,i:X*l;'il'#:k.:il::,:il'i,lli"'il;t",ilii,iill;'iiilHAT'.'T,*1',:T'l:ilil:l':J',:"::*.", f: ::-:f:.,y'n*i"ns 'r r'.8 ,;,;;ril ;;;n.'.il.ri"JilliffiftTli#,lT#'il;ord.inanCe or govaTnme, .U fcgliation ). Rrpnti el enunonr dorrRu. nppeers rn ihc pubtic ,*u..ar'J, ir".t:J:f;:l|t'&htt lit p')lret power ''rr/ess xnlr;e i)l th0 rxarctar of ruch rrghrr J' Dafccts, I't:i! s'ILi,j|Tlbirr'rias. gdltrse iiialrr!9. .rr rthcr..llaitert {ai srerred, tuiierec, as8umld or lgrccd to by thelnrured clrrmgnt. ib) n..r llnown rc tiis C!)mpan_v .ia inl rtro*n by the puhirc tecordi bur known to the in*uradclarmant erthcr rI Drtc r p6116y or ar ttic .,ii" *rL'.irt*.n, a;quircdan nrtr," or,n,rr.r, rnrurrd by thre poltcyrnd nol diEcloE d In wrrttnS bi.'he 'nsured .iari*r- io rrra comprny prror to thc darr ruch rnrured 6i&imrnt,T;il:#, T"#*iTiljll" r't "'uii,ns-; ;"-;;;'"; damaer ro th; inrui.o ir',".nr. rd) Etrchhx or crerred 4larmant ,:,.: cerd "",,,. ,,.,, ,t_.".r. jj.)-r::d_l$ I lorr or.damagc-which would nor r:.r, U.rn susr nad if the insurad ..-ilff"T.=.,,'.'- -r:_1 ;{., !id.,j.*e,fi itri*rsf; AVA!I.ABLE 4?0 1012iH 2 '.--:.-J*..=:*?i' Prqidenr I oENr 0-'I'urlyAr\i' riAvr fs- ?-s0 i 4:30pM , tiori 303 4?0 1012i# 3 I BE*T -''*'''{G..*t I coNDtrloNs AND srlpulATror',is CCIPY : I 1' Drlinirion ol rrrmr rnsurod, is rejecrod us *",rrur,#.YFf,hfl,Rfnfi""oo. I rro follounrrg tormr whcn uscd,n rlrir poricy mern fl-ilnlr; iiiil.,t;,i,ir:;fliil .*.J :lr r**l,r"JI (a) "inrurcd- rlrc insurtd ,'amld m scrrcdulr A, and. fff.: t:t.'li,ilitl?:"T.i'|!llL,:',1,il1i'rt'rfiJllllffI subject to any rtghtr or dsfsns('s rire comorny may hrve rhall in no carc prejudice the rithtt ot any insurcd under; hrc rgainst the named inlured. tnose "tro"u.i.ed io rne itur potr.v unies lhe.company rhall be prcjrrrllccd by suchI inteF6tofsuchinrutedbvoPefs;ion"rh.ioiriindidiil rltr"i-"ilio dren only ro the exrcnt of rueh prcJudrcc.I |rom purchrse inctudini, d;i;-,;;id;teri'tlo, ireirs, dictri.I ouleeE' devbees. suryivore. personal lePresenufiver. next;f (c) The cornprny shall have the right at its ov;1 cqgtI kitt' oI corPorate or fiducury socccetois, ----- to instir'ule. snd without undue_ delay prqrculc any acdon I (b) ,,ineu.d crainranr,,,an insurud crrtuning ros or li.i'B:T:iHr.1'r,:,r0".#loiroT"' j,.oil,llitlllijr#fr: I O*tgl hrrcundor, estate sr interest as insured, lnd ths Cornprny may tsk6 rflv | ,(c) ..knowredse,,:. acruaj k^owredge, oor conltrucrvr :itj:lliti lfi,,fl Hrri., ,f..",:ffi:,:l,ll,:,l""l|li T,Lr,tj*I knowlcdgo or n.ojgl,,Yhlh 1.r 6. *firio to an insured concede riabliry or wuvr any pro"r*i"iT ffi Hit'lI tt reoron of rny public romrdr. | , (d) "rc-ng". the rand described. specigally.or by Tdti,it"ffi:l:-:,i.',ff:l';.il**lTli'fi1*:rT}I rEferencc in SchEdule n' ano it rrirouimeiiiirnira ,nJ"ii ,rtc. niorisions of trrlr.pohcy . fio compury mry pu*ue anyI which bv law constirute recl pri,pirtv, pioriacd, h;;;;- rucit'irirjiiron ro rinal'rtetoiminsti"n [i . ;ourt of compe.I the term "land" doeg not inctiroiani iioiiiiy.ucyona tne trnt iunsa'iiioi-;;;dffiil';iiirir'rr'ii,u rishr, in 18 BohI liner of the rrea spcci.licslit- o*sJii6.''a ,i,,'';rtnla ro ,n Jrscrcrion.'r";p;;.tiil;"ilv'ffi;;;;luagrncnt or ordcr.| *_!+pc ,A. 10, any righr, iltt., iniiicrr, ,,t.,* o, u.rr.I itll ll-lb"ttTl ^ttjeetr. msds' r..venuee, sileys. lanrs. wryr _(o) In s.li csses where ihn pelicy permrrs or rrqurrssI ot watorsays, but nodtin8-n€reirr snal nodiiy ,rr lurrit #e the Codrpany ro prorecute .:r piovtdi iot tiii iiftn-li-oi| :]Tltllo Yhlch a. tlght of scceri$ ro urd rio'm tr,irutid'" any actiin br pioceedlng, iiri insur"a hereundcr shaltI mtured bv thir policl. $€cur€ to the Coiapany oJ'rrghr to lo iroeecute or provrde| . , dcfcnsc ln such actton ot proc-eeding, arici all upp.utr [trcafn,I - -^,(e) "mo.nEats" mortgete , deed of trutt, trusr dccd. end permit the Company to us., aiiir opiioi, th" fi;;iI ot othcr s.curity instrumcnt. guch inlurcd for ruch purporc, wirrnr"ii requerted by theI qqmpgy, iuch rnsumq rtiaJ.l giuc ttrc Compiny rtt refuii.| ,--,,(l) "public recordi" tlorn recotdr whrch oy iaw :lil:fj" any ructr qirioni; ;;il;ddg; it*tii.tiiiI unpart conltructiv. notice Qf nattars rolathg to r.td't.nO. sst cmcnt, sccurtng cvldoncs. oUtirnrng wltners6E, ot pry| ^ir ^f ri..r.^-_ -&^- a__.._. lccutlnS ot dcfonding ruch cction or pioceecimg, and'thrI 2. Continrrrtion ef Ineu;166 n'fter Convcyano ol Tltlc Cornpaiy .rtrsli reunlui*. r;,;h ;;d; ror any rxprruI _ so tncurred. ^ -l-h9,cjw.lnti o-f thir polrcy rha[ conrmus rn force as otu c_ol roucy ln fivor of !n tnruicd sc iong as lucn rnsuied 4. Notice of Locr - Llmletlon of Actionreruns ur estste or interesr in th,,, iand, or holds,n irid.Ui. ;#nqt::i'1,"',':,i,"l:r T'i:t***ilim,:l,i "r 1il.*oiHt,fl'",T:lf!il',fi?,:T::,'L::j#1f,,tr'J"1fll shrll hcve lirDillt) 5v t.ason of .cuenaniiif *r-r;r;'il.;il or ony los or damuge for whi,;lut o .rr*ij'ii. ffi;il;by suc\ insurcd ln any trarEto or .onu.y*.i".Ji'tu.r, rs iiebre under'-t* -poiriy rhrX-'b;'i;;il;'i;il"d;;:€ttsta 0r htcrcrt: provldcd, how'evsr, ortr poltcy ,ir"u noi pray wrtldn gO.dryi oriir rucrrlod ot o.rsei rhall-liav€contlnu' rn fotce .rn favor of tlny purch;ei ii"r r".rr been d.cc.rmrncd ana no rrgiuiriiion srraU i*iue toi,irncund of ctthcr.saic e$rarc or rnreirsi orttrini.ulian# insurud clarn'ant unul J0 f,.v, ,riir'iu.ii skiJr".,ir'iriii*curad ry a pr.rrchr$ monoy morrgasc gven ;; ,*[;;;;t H:.?.r.il|"# jffig"l#H:;",,1Jiffj#Tli:tml#; B, Drfrnrr and promcurion oi AGrtom _ Nottc| of unou urriioliii iitii irir, :ir" o; ;;&.Clrim to br givrn by tn |nrund ctstmoni---'- (r) Thc company, at ib otrn cosr and without undue 5' Optlonr to prY or oth.twir. s.ttl6 Glolmr fiiilTi"'iT"ffi.l:'ytipTi xl."":.ll,i$fi*il;$ r!i['if"il'ffil\*i:1'ff,;',J',:l:,.0#,f il]Tffi 'tuntt such tn*l1d:-ol.! iefeasi intcrpofta ri.rnri-ii :TyI.-d-:B.rr," or ro rermianre auiiauillty *a oUfr'g"iion,lneured in En acdon ro cntbrce s ;i,nuscd foi a rire of thr of tho cornlurv;.;;r;-;;;;';;ile iiLod.rtnc paymenrertrr€ oi inr€rcrt n edd la$d, to thc uiant-rhriil]i of the amorrnr r:f hgurance r.noirrh-ispolicy;Etiili;ii;lltigatron ir tbundec-up-on an atl,rg.d d-efe.il'uen,.n.um. any cosr!. .iiorirvr; fr.r.il';;il;$.urr..l up to thebttncc. or other rnrttir inrurec -ag-rrnii'-bi Jid iliil :Xl,U,llg[llruHi,r,r.ktii*r"ffi.nt, uy trrdinrurci (b) The insured rhall rrorif, thc Compury promptlr. li.YjllilS (l) tn ;are dry ar rrorr ,,r procccdinf ir ;bil;; 0. Drtrrmrnrtion rnd povmein ot Lo5qelent€ ts nrffpored es ser [orth :n (a] abov;, (i ) iil;;;knowlcdrc shall cor:re ro sn rnsurt r.i herrunder-of any c6irn -,_,.,!s/ rh6 liabiliry of rJrr Cornprny under thir policyof titlo oi rnr.rclt whlch r, ,o*rs iro-tii"t'r-tii to tho ertate rr r m no calo exceed rhe least of:ot lntcrrlt. sr insured. c.rd wh,ch might cause toss or ffiT:,,:"J,-li't,lilFl*nr lyi."$f,si*it:i ll,,n.*:il;l,:i,Hi::.,,,,::,lillll;li. n,",...r: ,c*un"*'i^fftlilir7i', - SENI B' ;BRYAI\, .lAvE l'Ift 0rncns Forr,r IIt2 7-90 ; 4:i2{i!!1 ; F i tr |lo. v0U0S427 SCFIE:DULE A Poi {cg No. A2443988 Adount l40C,U00.00 Addn ess at ttrr dr{t 303 4?e i012;S 4 rlf r q-o uo'- t, Policg Drtrr BEPTEftBER 09, l?BJ st Br0R A.f1. l. Nrnr of Ingurrdr B.A. BRTDGEIdATERI JR. BNd BARP,At(A r], BO JOiNt TrNSNtr BRID6EIIATER :ll{ll.fhi irtati or lntrnurt In tht ltnrt rJrocr i brd In th i g Scherjule tlld. r.phich lr cover.ed hg thir trolicg irr .;'i#.._ A FEE ' .'.:: r'. 1 itle to tlig setete ee irrterest coveFed Lrg tn I s poi icgnertOf rE vestrd In. 5. g. A ' BR I06EllArER r JR' and BAr{BARA p, rr Jo r nt rrnrntr BRI06EI,JAT The trnd Frf rrrr". trl in .t.h r s r,o i ir:g is : ituaterj i n EA0LE tlounCol :rldo, trnd i a dsiirr r heq a; f ol ioue I [0ND0niNIUr't UNIT fr IIF-rgrtNHotrsE,0N LOT EtEvEN, A REsuBDIvIBBLocK s A!r0 pART oF coRE cREEr( DRivE, veir-[rirl6r, rtnsr FII ireo, - in' ioiiliiir ^'? 61,{F .'rrlI-figE-sJs' At{o Acf0R0lN0 r0 TtlE cotioonlINIun oi[rnnniioH'rrin'ioF"'.'&] IS9IIPFD IAY l5 ' tei30 ' IN s00R {0t AT PA0E H34, AND AnENDt{HHt - L-*THERET0 RECORDEO SEPTETIBER B, 1eg3 IN goOx sa7 AT PAGE 74sr cOuiiiy0f EAGLg, StAIE OF 'j0L0RAD0.- I BEsf ..-.{ Tti$[L*tt L .. ,.r*-Th'!1 Pot IPrgr sbNr dviSFtYAN, ;A\/E T I ll- 0unen For r,r 13l l d- ?-eu ; A:riPltr] : F i 1e No. U000S4lZ SCHEOULE B in: ,rtE tEtD.# trgv\i..rv lVlitt J Pot icU No. AZ44BEE8 if,ca- ill: ptt rcA doas not irsure rgrtnft lsss onfollowl.ngr BFST ' ::':ir c*pY AYAILAELE drnegr bU reasen of thr poBaeEB ion not rhocn Lrg the publ bg thr publ shortrgo inlurveg and inrFectlonnot shoun bg the fubllc, t . R ights or c lr i raE of f trt irr in|^Aqor65. 2. Eetencnts, oF Ellins of eaeeten?,t, not shotn 3. 0 itertpenc let, conf t ict s in boundlrry i ines,encnotchcrntr, rnd ang frctt llhtch i corrritof thc prrrltrs uould dlrctorr onO uhtqh frtnec ondG. 4. Any tien, or right tg., li"n, for Eerviccfr 1rbor, or nttspralr,he,.itoloF,t oF heneat'ter +.ur'r i ehrrr, , irF,osed bu i tn end not chorntht publ ic ntconds. i9S3 TAXEE ll0T yET 0UE ANU rAy44i_r--. LIENE FOR UIIPAIO UArgR AI{O SEUEF CHARGES, IF AIrY. Tllllr3:'ilr*ll'Ittgl.ol^l-u:lN_ll logq T0 ExrRAcr Ar{D REflouE Hiillsl i5l3':!,'!!! !"ik "fu [s_ ri^, ![nb" ?i I ! _Fi IxiE' ol* ?* TE l3! E,' +fiI ?[' g ll['.1. ^T.:'^[:e o,iii u ri i ia b -s ii' E i ;;iE i i'iiEIiluil' itTi' i. ]?r.IH EOOF 48 AT PACE {7!. Iil8' i l$'li'*ii53$'u i'3f lil, -if ' lll- ; ?if llJll,, J:.q, l l'uTI:, trf :r'Tff:llll I *.ll,,l:l:g-":' _yti;, ii ;!i s !;;; if,iili',ilini il"ii8.fi f?hbi3'X3; :lp,R,l-.l:"9-, Jif I:; -lil;i ir':i1ot_ill"illil'i;" [F'Hii *[,cH; ;1,,;! _l[:, l,:';l::. i: lii: lil; _ rii _, i,i "ixiii.,;i;X";;'u;[,li;,Ei$9, ic nteopdr. 61-€ | r 5, 6. 7, I'lrl:X5lll:...lsuf]jg^,i,*gr,i'.ri-oeicn:pridr{ 0;-i;;ii llnil.[F.l;lil';:A RESERVATIoN rN scnreour-i a- il L qI;;I{T OF I.IAY FOR CI IC!!q OR CAI{At5 CON$TRUCTED BY THE AUTIiORITYrHE UNITED STATES AIT RESERVEO i',i'Uru(TTD 6TATE5 PATENT RECORDEDt?, 1899, It't soofi 4d AT reai +ic.- rHg IONPAHY HEREBY,IiN$1;Pg5 THE INSURED AGAII{3T LOBS OR DAhA6E UHIhi{'J;IiFrlpHlg :llff,.:':jlil.ti_l:;Fll_ot rlF E,rFoRcEfrENT 0F ATrEnprED . I;;fl[:rr.NT TH€RE0F r$A r Nr; rrii ierio -rn' ilinH-ilili*"''il.lruirl' ii[; UTILITY EASEiIENT TO TEET II{ I'IOTH:!liE9.l llglE1II A8 BHoUN-br'iiE"1?Bo-rlr Eo.g$ to2 AT pAsE sii. . -L .-;#iJN_,*-,.;..;*r;, " *:rr=1dfril. 9. Pege ' rrf -.r:9ffiJai;|6- -' ";: - Jq,r'l , O' OITAi\r VAVE TIll.0$ner. Forn 2IlI l:t. PARTY uar-r- rgnelnetrAI{D BARROI.I ULTIER KI[}O409. ry"= ItrS 470 '1512 it g F i le f,to. V000$447 SCHEOUTE $ '84;:'Pol icu Ho. Af,44358E "." n{ i' ,'rsi tt. lJl.l,tl":3::l,E*,T,Ig.T ,?llljARy sElrER, !|ATER, pLUfirBiNG, rHLEpHolrE,ryta*AND ELEcTRTcAL LrNE$,0RANrED n{-iirsinuneHr -REc0R0E; iEdtiiil-l;l .:.: l?fs.IH_800K 18F AT PAEE lii ario''nEcoR0ED FEBRL|ARy l?, 1163 1r B00l(tgs Ar pAsE lgz. Le r 5rlrrunnt' _.-**.' BE_ruEgN JoHN D. r,luRc;Isox ANo JAnEs R.REC0RoED FEBRUABY 19, 1t6$ ilt B00K 1g5 R, 5o!f PAGE to. JI::s,31911:t0I.1r-.g0yFIAr{Ts Ar{0 coNDrrroN$, EAsEflENrs ANo i: TS'l: l:ltg1s I nI icl. gq - A euRoi,., - ;;-;H; -;;riolni*iuii' jnli"oEsc lX,,:rl:lu:i El,,fs-!0NTAt uso- i'- iHiinuiiErui-irEiiniiio"nro?'isl"iiiiaooK .tot'! AT i?AtJE gr4. t=, lI:, ^t3::,15 gl!Alg_rrUE_ ro rHE FALT rirAl Alr afiEriDE0 f,rAp AilD,nur-uo?"eiir,'[Eioitlo'liloctFbFFr.?^aF rEris'Hnv[-niit''iiiii-nIriiic; I, t.*fJu' 16. 13' PARTY IIALL A8REEflENT BETTJEEN UILLIAh rrcBRrDE Ano JAnEgBARRoN uLlER, Illg.lsconoEo-na*cH r, rril in soox ra er DEED OF TRUST 0A1I9 AUOIJBT :g, 19g3, FRON B.A. gf,IDOEI.IA"A,{ii!8f!A p' 'ERtOGEIA'i"ER rO iie'pirir_rc lRusrEE 0F EABLE Couhf ryusE 0F HIBHLAND pARr( AAr.u or,ru rnusi r0 sEcuRE rxg i[n oi-iiooREC0RDED SEprEilBER 0gf r?83, rro"6box 367 AT pAsE 747. ,.,,Sd BEST *T$-Kot ^*tt SEN' BY;BRYAN, CAVi u"-:i3 4?g 111?is ? EhI DOHBEM ESIT I, (bt Tnvue lNsu$unrucg Gonnparuv oF M rruNesord[ r ttodr Gomprny of l6tnntrpollr, Mlnnrroh b Beoqre B EFrE ol an4 attacjred to potlcy nnber _Th! cotilpmy turuby lnruru ltlhlt log whlch nJd taru-rod rhdl ruildn by rqrron olany of tho followinlaullot|: aro no pro$nt vlohllonl (c) Thlt, oreoFt rt rhorvn ln Schodulo B, thorl rro no onsrolclrmsnlr of bulldlngr, ,,rur,rror,'[i lrnnrovt.ntnh locr3ttl on nld hnd, oololdlolqln! lsndr, nor rny cnorooclurrcrur oriti rstd trnd'cf Unitt]hSl,rlruotur.r. or lmprowmln[ looltd on l(lohtng lrndr. 2r Any futuro vloh$oil 06 |[ld lgrd of rny cowrtmlt, oondltlonr, or rorlrletlonr oooutrlnl prtol to tgqrrlil&nof tlllo to rrld ortrtc or initmtl by tho tnrurirt, provldod ruch vlohtloru rcrult ln ton or tnrfririnlrrr Llili ircn orthr nrorr$|c or dcod of rrurr rofoirorl ro tn gchirluh A or rcruli tn ios cf rhr-ttrlo lo rutd irturo iifntiicri'iliholm$rcd $dl rc4$r ruclt tttlc tn uldr*ton ol rlro lndobrcd;; rlour.a uy iucn-ffiiil;;;',iril'lT il.r*, !: hnuro to trtr!ry Fptyryll, whlsh ur lo$tcd ot roorffch upon thrt porrlon of rhc hod rubllct to 0$yir$mont rhown ln Bohrduh 8., wlrloh drmrp rorultr fiom ;hr il;;h.i;i itro-rrghr ro ure 0r ,uanuro iuctiirn,tlrrrl lirr tlru pulporoc lor whlul lho s0rro wri jranroJ or roscrwd.' +sdtf 't"tl' Atlt qod courl ordrr or JuCgnont rcqu.lrhl nnovrl from ray trnd dJolntnj rrtd lrnrl of sny cnerorchnenr' drown tn Schrdulc E. -- - :{--1i ..Uhonovst in tlrh onrlortcmcnt uny ot ull ul aho wgldr "cpwnmtr, oondlilont sr rcltrlotlons,'lppolr, lhcy rfrcll norb dmrrd to nfu to ot hclurrt thliod;;v;ntl'ind ondltlom c$rqlnrd tn my lcuo rufprrod ro In sdululo A. Thr tstrl Urblllty of thr.Compony undcr rdd poltcy rnd uy ondoncmontr rhororn rhrll nol, o*rortl,ilth..ggr.gtc. tho rrcq rrnouni of lld pollriy r-no ',orh whtf id comprittr ;illdil-;il;r rh! eonduton;;nir'ffininn,lbrmf rc pry, . Thr ondorrr$lnt b mrfu ! P$t of r8ld Fotlcy $ of $. dtrc tlttfoof Md lr rubloct ro thc rohodulm, condltlonr enc$tpulrriom rhrnln, cxccpr u mdOfiad Uy rlio priUrroror trersof, Notlring hersln contrlnctl rfull bs eonrlruod or crrudtrg or shrnglng rln offsctlvs dsrc of tha uroro*il pofiuy orlonnlunail, unlcl olh.lvhe orprosly rlltcrl Vrlld wbm oountorrlFlEd by an suthorlrtd olflcer or rtsnt of tho complny, all ln e06ordqng€wlth ltr By'Lrwr, -'r'r e' " * --. ..:"' '-''''; dEEST : ?$ll"o*"qrr!!!rrt EETI.frrr.a frttuaencr fornrlwv or SENT BYiBRYAN, CAVE rffr"303 4?0 ',l0r2if I /Contlnued lrcnt tnsde lmat {tapt ,__.. Pl The Comprny 1]l psl, in sddition to afly losgpsured tgahst by rhis poiicy, rii cortE inrporod ujirr*llygq in trilsetion carried 6n uy rhe-C;;il;-v iJ, !r.i,tngured. and all coats. errcrnavl, i";"-;;'::-:::^:" . 1111i'._g-9.-"i1i.;!''ir",,"".T'fi ;"ifi i"'ilf, iilg'lT:,.7aurnori.8tlon of the compory ,__ (11 |tr,lrr Iiabrhty has bcan rietirrlt*ly lixed in accor.danco wirh thc condrtrons of th^l polici, -rjic iil;;';il;*rhall bc peyablc within ig days thcresfiet. 7, Ltmltrtion of LirbilttV ,-,No craun_shall &n!r or b€ malnlainrblo under thtr pohcy(a)- -if . the, Conrplny, aftrl ira"rng rsceivct;il;; t-i'* _sxr€ed dcfr;r. iicn or encumbrenlc lnlured ,iiiin r,,.,+ lf3_dtrj- b_y_ iitigarion or otnerv,lie, rrnrovee such defecr,nen ot encurnbranc. or Estsbli$hes ttu tiiie,- o, 'iriurea, wrihtn a res-son*ble rtma sfter *ccrpr oisu.iii,*.1,?iii" l{le rvcnr of ltrtgarion until rherc hri been. d;';[i;;;i".etlon by a court of compererj I Juntdlctlon, arlo ai*-por,. :t:1."J 4t appealr rhercriorn. udve.gc ,o iniriiri'.,rr,ir.ny^,.ry9:i+.d in par.agraph 3 hereof: ;;.i;t'1il"'ililii,i :.o.,'.u-lllpt rssurned by-ur rnsured rn rcttliiij ;; ,fi"rti;,sllt M rout pnor wnttcn conaenr of rnc Corfo;" ---..' ' 8. Rrductton of Llabjlity o- AJI payments under rhu por. -r. 0\c9p! ps)ilnertt r6detor corts, -ariornsys" feer ano ,,xpenrcs, si sil ,r.u*. ii.1l9 nt .qf dre nruransc pro ranfo ld piy-r..i"rf*.ii. lil._y:.,I?ll producrng ihrs [.,rr"y tor endo$emcnr ofr'rcn piymenl unlesr rhc nolrc: Ue i*t o, liiiioy.o, ,which. cssc proof of sucli los,, .,r,,icsrruction";di'i.lurnrshed ro ih€ srAirfrction ot tf e Comprn;-' - "*' " 9. Li&illty Noncumulrtirr ..- ll-I1,€xpre$ly trndersrood thel.rhc amo,|nt of rnlunnceunder this policy rhall be rrdpany msv- nar- unaii *f iTi;,i''?ll,,lll"ililll' F.!"; 31r1p1ee lnqwn or rcfened ro rr icheduli'E t;.;;;i;;,i.irE a ucn on :he 03rare_0r rnleresr !.(rvered b! ,il;;l;i:;r{b) La_ /nurrgag€ hcreofter rtecurr,rl by an msuredrvhrih is -e^.!!.tq. ot iren on thc csratc or inGrni ,iiic;d;';;rflened ro in Srncoule A. and rl,s alnounr so priOif,rl til::I.l r pe).rnenr r,nder rhrs pri.i -iiii'c-oiniJ;ii,il :1t:.3: option ro ippiy ro tl.e paymrnt of'rnv iuiinongrges tny rnosnt rhat othsrwisi "oufC t.'d.Vrij.ncrcunder ro. rhe losured ow''c ,;i thc cstate n, l-i;;i!ll!to9 UV rhtg ooircr, ,nd the . r,, ,(junr !o nuO ,tiJ'0.dcemed a payrnent .rn,,;er rhls oellL ) ro rard ,nsui"r ui*Ji 10, Apporrlommt _ ^11 tttr land dercnbes in Schec,.;e A ,(usisrs .rf two o,:notc parcelr whrch gre not L,* ;li"bldil ; ri;il;,;".' Ji'j, : : ;' [n I ] j,'_,:13 j .";:flu, lllc iOsS Shall be computed c..,: rctrleo J; ;-r;; i;;; bacis s! tf the rmourrt of rn6urarce under thJs policy ua8divrdcd pro rsts s$ ro rho value on oiiJor-piiriv ofoicr,separrrc parcel to rhr whob, H(clu.slvr of any tmiri"imcnttmrde subroqucnt to Date or folicy, unicre a liabtJitv or Ilul? _nlt othcrwtrc been agreed uporl ss ro orch cuch'pircclDy,rrc Uampany artil tre lnlured qt thc time of thc irr'usncroI ltus P0ltc) and silowit by an exprcgt rtgtemght herein orby an er,Corseruent qttached hereto'. -'----'--"- ---'--' I l. Subrogntlon Upm psym6ng 9q Esnlafifit ., , Wrenever rhc Company rhsll hrvr settlcd a clrim undrr ll9..pllil;-il*, eJr cf subrogrrion shall vest In the Com. Elrp' unatrelted. by any a0! of the ngured clffirnt, IhcLompBny jnajt be subrogated to rnd bo rntitled to rlldghs and rcmedies whrch such truured chiment ;;rid :\.-lli1::,.Ftnrl lft pe rso.n o' prop.rty in rcrpai-to iu-chc|8rm [ad thjE pollcv not berfl is6ued, and if riquaeted bythr compony iuch -rnsu reil,trirrrr i rtrirj il;];i;,t. 99-tp-:, all rights End remsdie€ .e.r"n ;;y iinir'",property ncccssrfy ln order ro pcrfecl such rigjrr'of guLri.gstlon and drrll permu rlrr (srnpsny to urs-tha nerni-of6uch lngurAd clsifi'snr ln any rranrocuon or litjEatlon n.volving suclt 'rg.rtr dr remedies. tf .AJ pg'runt?irc*j'nor cover th. losi of guch .nsurod claungnt, fifi Company rf,.ff :..,. ltb r-.8" I I o s uc : :,.rshr i sn d ru mediix ; tlr; ;i"6rii;'"wnlcn salo gsymenl begfi to ihe smount of giH iom. ttlosc should reruk from any rer of such mlured cfaGuri,such ar.r shali nol vord rhis. poirey, uui ,fb;-dil:i;thst ev.nt, shall bc recuired to piy only theiplii otinylosrer rnsu^red ;rgaust irereundoi *nictr'rh;ii ;;;*i ,iiiamOunt. if anv iost ro le Cornpany UV rcsS6n oi ficllnpErmenr ol lhr riBjl r oi subrogstion. 12, Lhbtlltv Limitrd to rhh pollcy --This rn$rrum€nr -rogeuler wtih'i1i sndowemenrg rndolner nruumsnt3, tt sny, rached hrrutO by ths Comornvri thc .rrt[€ pohcl anc ;Jnrrsct betwcon ine insuiid'&nithe L'omDan! gr, ,,0* ot ioss or ila,"nage. whsrhcr or nor barcd onneghgencr. rnd whlch a,.ses ou-r of tire ltgt,,ie of iil;;" ;;the cstrte o! intefasr covered nor:by ", ."t;rii;';r;;i;; r.uch clrtm, d rrll bo resrucreri ro ihe prou,"oni *Jionidltions and sripulsrrons of this pohcy. l{o alren;nenr .rl or cnJorre.nrenr ta rhjs poltcy orn bomede.crcept by wrrrrng endorred herer.n o, ,uact ri t "iiiostgned by etthrr rhe Prisidcnr. a vlce Frcgtdent. the Sscrc.tar).. rs A$sistanr Sect€rary. cr ralidggng ofncer or r.lnoi.tzed srgnatory o: thr Contoanv 1 3. Noticrr, Whr?r Sent ...All. nutices requ::eO ro 5c f,r6n_llre Comprny rnti anyJtstcnlenl tn wrt ng .eq,.rrcd to be trmlshec itre'Comoanlrila.. De cclcGrsed t.r :lr llc;116 Otlice, VinneapOtr3. Minn;sots 51401 NOte ''', s l-,.r!I., ! tii! onl! 1f Sched-les A .n,.r B r!-e .rtt.l,,-llell *_-"..*rf.f(E€ST 1,r-npv l. XVaunet.e 1 AMERICAN LANO TITLE AE$OCIAIION OWNER'8 POLTCY FORM E - ISTO I88UED ?HROUOH THE OFFICE OF: TITI-E INSURANCE POLICY LAn$D, i.-lT,;E GU6RASYFEE ::tox.{pi}.N _v i08 Sor;th F'ontage Road Wesr L'ari, Coiorado g165g i303] 476':2tir T, I rrLE ;NsuRANcE Hofir Ottlcr 400 . lnd Avs So ^^INNESOTNTlTr a :t r ' i+' w :F?' ,,*.t t,,,-i;r.r:i:. rS: flai!tl' 'i'",';il'iI ,.rstddi ih/c{,S ile rFt* *l_ ' "'ry 'i1:6 5a*hri' - .r..1 -F.( ' 5a40 ,rr.d *o.o !",ra:l{ Arradc :i 30!g? . j.$,c_;,r , 13i3 So pr,krj Ed. .lu,+r r15 a,r "o,. f.,:, g0O tira5r.rJ'ic 2l2J.l1ay.1a glyg $,.,t| 23^ 6rLi;dr= :t 4CJ3? aa+4 i 01 20C ^,1.tt 1r69.o1 Bor t:tg,l flt;:*enr'6gs ;(.i ttta2t .5 3.1?55 5 ! ? Wttcor Co'!r Qoclt. at gorod {5AA.6A6J BEST COPY AVAILABLE B{.'t !r': -{f a 3]_ .*!,. 98i: F -arpda" Srtir1 '':1 D*;r' ^r'*l ;- * " tiCr-4213 9t0l nr:,r:- $;,rc JCW.t,1tnri., :a di:JCalr + j.t: l:tr ! tlai:1 ..e...-.r 0v'r"9g ,i; 5 ,311laI jgoi.: l?!.i i Arrarh+t Rd., fui;r : i0 Erfliaerood, ,:-l) Ei: I i rIG95eo ir$tli. i. tLr"rtr. -.r.r &: { ?r! Dar.l. : gi;l] .._ *t4 is$i' -i"t, *ll.l '' :.1.. 3r,: tr 2rt ?l{kc*.a4s,:a 3*n* 9+ *adrwo.rF Sv;rr , ! -q **i.l . Itr}-cod,',C *gg.AtJ0 It!9* Erc. r*rq ir: $irmi 9!,,i. r0l it#'. Prt !re, iG i0i 6{..{?cc I0fi S+vrr i'dn?rga ,I' .:***l*$.G.3o:357 vril, :O t; 176"ii11 I ilr/ lOi S+v'F tc oa Sr'''e t00 lo:orajc ,ii..','gr CC E,J?Ci aJ r'412 ! ---*- , SENr 8":3RrAN, CAVE -'-3J:4:44-tl : cot{!,tItttEN 8CEEDUIJE A rTr-"ql3 [Ti 1612i$11 ALTA - cherges - ALTA ouner FolicvTax certlf.__IDTAIT_- lflth your rorolttrnsG plrarr fppllcatlon No. V15e6t For Infonnatlon only COIENG s94e.00 $30. oo $969.00 refer to V15263. 6600, ooo.0o Eftactlve DBtr: U6y OA, l99o ar BIOO A,M. pollcy to ba lcoued, and protrloged Insurcdl rrALTAtt O$nerre pollcy Fonr B-19?0 (Ancnd€d- 1o-1?-?O) Propoaed Inaumd: B.A. ERIDCEI{ATER, iIR. A}ID AANAAXA F. BRIDGEWATER the artate or rntere't rn tha rand dr3crlbed or rr!.rred to tnthig Cornnitnent and coviica--trueln :.e: A F.c Elilph llttE to the eetato or intercst covered harern le at thecffectlve dstr hEreof vceted-in,- III--!: Ror'r;Ev' TRUSTEE oF TRUBT A. ttNDER TRusB AGREEMENT DATEDFEBRUARY 20, 1e8?, t{rtH Ainit i.-n6ir,nv ie siT?toii-- The lend rrfarred to ln thro connrtruent rr descrrbcdt aefol lows: eoNDofirNru!'t uNrr B, TIis rowNHougE, oN Lor ELEI/E!0, ARISUBDTV:SION OF_IIOCK 5 A}ID--PIRi 08 CORE CREEK DRr\IE, VAILvrLLAcE, FrRSlr FrLrN6, ACCoRDrirc-to rnp EoNilor.rilrilu rqap l^Ee9FPE9_l!4v 15, 1e80; rr eo-oi- 3oz ar pAcE sts, rr.rD AccoRDrNero rHE eoNDOUrNruu DEctaRArror iisnroF RE-ORDiD uay rs, 1e8o xNBOOK 3OE AT PAGE E3{, .A}rD ruMrIOt'drt TTIERETO RTCORDED gEIITEIIBER8, 1e83 rN BooK 367 AT pAct-7ng, couury oi urer.il'-srerE orCOIPRADO. E== EFST GGPY AVAILABLE \GE SEIU 3YTBRYAN, !a'/E d- ?-s0 : !r45iill i 'f,rt' tLEt coM!,rM[ENB SCHEDUIjE B-t (RaqulreBentE) Appllcatlon No. vt5269 3C3 4?6 1012:r,r2 hr follontng art tha rcqul,renentg to be coapllcd wlth: Palment to or for tha account of tho grantori or noftgagors ofthc full ooneldcratlcn for tfrr-ietatr or lntarclt to belneured. Proper-lnstriilD.nt(a) crrattng thc eEtste or lnterast to betneured nucr be e*ciutea ana-auiy ririg-roi ;il;;, ro_wttr ar THE COUNTY CLERT AND RECCRDERS OT'FTCE RIQU:RE' R.ETURNIDDRE8sE8 ON DOCUUENTg EENi iON NACONDINGT I .f1." . ' '..'lffil*\.l' -.: -i+:i, ". '> : ... .j - ii t" rL_. REIJETEE OF DEED OS-IBEST DAfED TiIErCh-oz, 1987, FROIIT AI{N L. Rf}IJ.Er, TRUBTEEoF rRugr A, UNDER t!ilrEr Aoifuili DATTED'rgnnulni-io, rgE?, wrrg An1rL' ROIJTY AB EElI'TrfR ro mn runiic TRuBTEB oF EAcI.a couNTv DoR urg uBE oFtt*roN NATT'NATJ EilrK & !RUE! coltiery fo steuRE mre-erru or $325,OOO.OORECOADED Aprll 13, 198?, rr eooxloo AT pAcE ?os. t{ARRAlflv DEED FRo.u lry-L. RoLLEv, TRUBTEE oF lRueT Ar UNDER TRuBT tcREsG}lTqmED FEBRUARY eO, tgs?, wlrt-Alnr L. ROtLEy AE SEtTtsn To-b.Al-Ei:bcsrnf8R,.'R. AND BARBANA P. BRINCEI9AiiN ;6WEYINC 8UBIECT PROPERIY. l|orE: AFFrDAvrr !-E-qglpED Aprtl lt, 1987 rN booK {60 AF pAeE 70{ DrEcLoBiBAltll L' Ror.I.lr AE tRustEEB wilo-MAi eceurns, colrvEy, EHsrJrtEER. LEA8B oncrmnRlrrsE DEAI., rlrrn rNrEREEii ili-nrai pnoieRry Foi ililT;il6rl-10,, : !. 1 \' :'?E U BEST i$Lt*"tt {GE r!t\ 3v Jiivd\, i4,, 1 ALtrA oc- 7-9! i 4r4spM i COM!{rTUEHtr rfor-.303 4?0 1012;#13 SCHEDTULE B-z (Ello€ptlonal Appllcatlon No. v15t63 i!,iliifldi.3:'ffi1.:J: i:"tiH:,Ii'1,'$.ti: :ffi3:*tiJ,"!n.h. coDPrny! . Etsnderd Exceptlonr 1 through s pr{ntrd on th€ 6ov€r Eheet.. TuraE and asseerl.t-tts not _yct fur. -or payeble and epcctataaa.asn€ntE not yat certifiei t" thc triaaurorrs offlca.. lrry urpald taxrr or raa€Frucnts agatnrt rgld land.. lJons for uqraid uatrr and aescr chargea, lf any. . RTCH'' O8 PROFN'IETO' OF A VIIN 9I IPDE TO EXTIIACT AND REI,IO'" HIS OREI'I{EREFR'U s'otllD gs-i,fiE'ii"rotau-o ro ;ir'dnfii.on rmsRs'cr rHE prumrBBEli"l"ff|}D rr n'rrso-isrAri6 ilrnrn-nrioffi;--;;ry 12, rsse, rN Eoox {8 AE 0 ' RrcET or leAY r9I 9l1q!u8 oR cAllll.s coNsTRUcf,ED gy rtrE r,unroRrry oF rtrEliltl;B*rll-ii H.yi#ll"-**ilhrrio-iiiite-iiiem RacoRDED {ruly re, 1eee, , !!:1' RESTRrCTr\'E covEIANTg l'rHrcll Do-llgr coNTArN A poRfEr"uRE on REITERTER gIAUBS,Bur orrrrrrc n:srnicrriiiiil'ril ru,ry, g$i;-6$-RAcE, _ coron, RErrororr, oRItA'roill ilt$ili $-6;';;iuii rr ivEi-irnmrt tf,conoso Ausuet r0, 1e6a, f,N 2' uTrLITr EASEMEIIT-I0 rEr'T rN wr-DTH-ALoNc lxIE NoRfttERLY IoT LINE oF suEEqrfftli3ltrA'.sHol{N-orr' ilii i6r"td'rrnrrru-uep'iiEc6i'nno uAy li, leBo rlr BooR 3oz 3. UTtrrrfr rrsElrBNr FoR st,NrrARy lML rfrrER, pmlllg, TELtpHONr, o J*oE''EsmrcrlJ LrN88-ciirriii-iir-'iusrn'o{irr-nEi'6ni,ib_r""nr*ny re, 'e6' rrf BooKrEE Ar pAcE 3er ello nsc6noip-ireaulRil-ri]-irii-r* *o* res ir pAGE 3e?.o' ff*ti*tglSiti|lt#B^l[olll:o"t or pARrv *ALL A.REETTENT RE..RDED !{aroh 0e,t' I3li;.F"lit$j3iltrl{o^io3$it:Hi.oF pA*rv '{ALL AGREE'TENT REC.RDED Febnra&l, toE . :i.,' r;;lid":;8,:':t!' -- DC rri I !Y; bE) A^t, !A": ALTA *-t-to I t. tn-tt I, +t+ r- tr r rf,,r"303 4?6 1$12 i#14 qo!,t![rTt{ENT SCHEDT'LE B-E (E*crptlcna)Appllcatlon No. vl5263 6.q!919 PRovIsIoNt' cOVllNAl{TB AllD CoNDrTroNE, EA8EMENTB, Al{D nEglnlclrrorrs,TIIIICII ARE A EUNDEN TO TIIE CONDOIIiNIUU UNIT DE8CRIEED IN SCIIEDUI.E A, AgCOIVTAINED fN INSTRUII|ENT RECORDEO-Uay tl, tgBO, IN BooK 30? AT PACE S3{ AlrDAg A!@!IDED IN INe!RU!,ISNT nec6'iDio scptauber oB, 19E3, IN BOoK 36? AT PACE745. !Enu8, CONDfftOtlg AllD FROVIEIONS OF AOREE!{ENT RECORDED E.pt.nb.r OB, t9g3IT BOOK 367 AT PAGS 748 AHc IFES oR m!'tAcE DUE rct llttE rAcT IHAT AI.l AI.|ENDDD l{AP AltD DEcLAttnrIoN FoRSuETEcl PRaPERTY ttAw Notr aniu- nnconogo A!,lD FEiciurecrs op cENIRAL cttf,ror{EI.EMEilT8 TTA\r8 NOT BEI}I REAiTOCAiNO, E 1, 8. *81f ft qt AGE b- i$Rtnu^ttt REvLSED 9lL9/90 4 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Is HEREBY GfVEN that the planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section t8.66.050 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on October 8, 1990 at 2:00 p.rn. {n the Town of Vail I'tunicipal Building. Consideration of: 1.A request to anend section 19.04.l3o--definition of Fl.oorarea, gross residential (GRFA) r 19.09.080 HillsideResidential District density control; 18.10.090 SingteFanily District density control, Lg.L2.O9O Two fanilyResidential District density controJ. andr 18.13.080Prinary/Secondary District density control , of the Municipal Code.Applicant: Town of Vail A request to amend sectLons 19.04.360--definition of sitecoveragei 18.09.OgO--Hillside Residential District sitecoveragei 18.10.1L0--Single Fanily District site coveragei1.8.12.110--Two fanily District site coveragei t_9.13.090--Prinary Secondary District site coveragei ie.f+.110--Residential- Cluster District site coveiage; 1S.16.110--LowDensity Residential District sj_te coverage; 18.18.110--Mediun Density Residentiat site coveragei 19.20.110--HighDensity Residential District site coveiage; LB.Z2. 110-:Public Accommodation District site coverige; L9.24. 1SO,-Connercial core f District site coveraget Lg.26. 120--Cornmercial Core II District site coveragei Ig.27.O9O--ConmerciaL Core IIf site coveragei 19.29.l2O--ConnercialSenrice Center District site coveragei lB.Zg.O9O--ArterialBusiness District site coveragei 14.30.110--Heavy ServiceDistrict site coverager Lg.3r. l1o--Agricultural lnd OpenSpace District site coverage and; 18.39.190--SkiBase/Recreation District site coveraqte, of the Municipal Code.Applicant: Tolrn of Vail A reguest to arnend section f.8.52.160--Off Street parking andLoading Exemptions, of the Municipal Code.Applicant: Town of Vail A.request for a najor ;rrnendment to SDD No. 4, CascadeVillage, Area C in order to nodify the Master DeveLopmentPlan for Lots 39-L and 39-2 of the clen Lyon Subdivt;ion Lnorder to increase the height lirnitation fiorn 25 fiu. to 35ft. and to increase the maximum allowable GRFA per lot from3100 sg. ft. to 5500 sq. ft.Applicant: Andrehr D. Norris A request for a side yard setback and stream setbackvariance in order to remodel Unit 1L, A & B of the VailRowhouses, 303 core Creek Drive, Lot 1.1, Block 5, VaiIVillage First Filing.Applicant: B. A. Bridgewater "P&v ,A) \o iit$ V\{S $ v\ 3. 4. 5. .a'I6. A request fdF a conditional usea four foot antenna on the rooflocated at 501 N. Frontage Road permit ? ota.t to constructir tne sotar vail building West, Part of Lot 8, Block2, VaiJ. Potato Patch.Appllcant: u. s. west Conmunications/Storrns Consultants 7. A request for a conditional use perrnit in order to sell beerat wholesale and to seII beer for off-site consumption at 143 E. Meadow Drive, Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village lst FiIing.Applicant: Sirst Brewery of Vail/Dean Liotta 8. A reguest for density and setback variances in order to construct additions to the Christiania Lodge located at 355 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail village lst Filing. Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 9. A reguest for a for a rnajor change to existing developrnent approval for the Valley, Phase Vf.Applicant: Edward Zneiner LO. A request for a height variance in order to construct an addifion to condoniniun Unit E-6, Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing, L4L East Meadow Drive.Applicant: II. William srnith, Jr. 11. A request for an anendment to the approved access plan for Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing, 146 and 125 Forest Road. Applicant: Ron Byrne L2. A reguest for a variance to alLow a satellite dish in the Gore Creek 50r setback and a request for a floodplain nodification on Lot 3, Block 1, Bighorn Lst addition, 3907 luPine Drive. AppLicant: Ron Oelbaum The applications and infolrration about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Conmunity Developnent Department office. Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Departnent Published in the Vail Trail on Septenber 21, 1990. APPLICATION DATE:tD.l5.zo DATE 0F DRB I'IEETING , l?'3/''ao DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTID UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI,IITTED*******THIS APPLICATION lIILL NOT PRT.APPLICATION MEETING : A. PROJECT OESCRIPTION: A pre-application meetlng with-a planninc staff member ls strongly suggested to determine tf any aoaiiioiai intorfration is-needed.. No application will be accepted unless it is compr"i;"iil;i iiiiii,a" iit ilemi-required.by'the zoning administrator). It is the applicantii il;il"aibiiiiv to make an dppointnrbnt with the staff to flnd out about addttionallr;iliiili-requirements. Pleise note that a C'MPLETE applica- tion wl'll streamline'itre approval process for-your-proj99.t by decreaslng the number of condtttons or appriuif-ihat ltre'one miy stl-pulatb. -ALL cbnditions of approval must be resolved before'a buildlng permit,is lssued' B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address pNlTs'rfi + tl Legal Description Lot ,t Bl ock b Filing Vdtt UlLMqt Irr Zonlng APPLICANT: MK'b-A'@C. NAME OF Address D. NAHE OF t Address Address F. DRB FEE: b &ftuf APPLICANT'S ilipnEfril'rXir vE' - Nff) ern4tt'l'€Y I,DDO ut5rT Vaur telephone t1b'llfl BamrgudTcP Al5[lJ'tel ephone The fee will be paid at the tJne a bulldlng permit is requested' FEE '$ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 TO TIIE DRB: to lndicate to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site property ilnes and building corners. Trees that wil'l -be.removed 1. In addltion to meeting submittal ?etepnone W.{otD E. VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ .5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,ooo,ooo$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT. NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS should also be inartiO. Thls work must-be completed before the DRB visits the site. p{qAFA-ItuB\F^Aw ar'uPs t$Lp\sTl\E- tJt, lpqf) FBf'w\,fr- 2. The revlew process for NEll BUILDINGS rvill. normally lnvolve tro separate meetings of the Deslgn Reviiw Board, so plan on ali least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Desfgn Review Board at thelr.scheduled meeting and who have'irot asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. :tui,.'5,![RiFfl*, ;inErr ADDRESS: ]ESCRIPTION OF The followlng Board before A. BUILDING information ls requ'ired for submlttal a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the aPPlicant to the Design Review COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther lla1l Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l.|i ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim 'Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F'lashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures ' Greenhouses 0ther B.LANDSCAPI NG: PLANT MATER PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED _{it\t$Jro v-rPP'- bll5tl{GzTb B3 unu,rPrlutm' N.ame of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Ouani tY for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers' (over) LIST OF NATERIALS *Indicate caliPer . PLANT IIAT€RIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Botani cal Corunon Name Quani ty Si ze I Name IXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type GROUND COVERS SEED Souare Footaqe s0D TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. 0THER:LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s,fences, swimming etc. ) P'lease spec i fypool s , t.to i fr<reaD Ptlt^l.lgf .of 'WbT.ro{".r*d t I ftoitEst:+nfuKr,l" H-4FT 6'%cr.?0 6LA6*l lt"{ 6lfpWlt"lRAI/'- ewwv*ffiv5 SorI-lJ FlaNOlJ /+,, *tt -o,, W4a#vNffi1 ll Al b FsivF{,t,'St, II +RFfilg pW # E d s Hl W $1a qstlrt(l w)zt1 .W?Wfr,tW I Taf FUFIcF- 9:{Rl Ta efuuvrftrc | 1-FrVs4pspvT FryW r\,lHpaa) +:r{fllfr(t if'Alt,To 1.Xry YJfi@J l'.tF"t u4t*ar'o l*lapP1 ELF,vAlleD \,.'tt-on n \ H'Bn;t6r PglTa f-{j}id*Jfl ffirZe\^E{]fl rct-8.w.31 ,..-,, i.L,-, 4 1gg0 MEMORANDUM cary Murrain, Chlef Building Official Town of Vail Department of Community Development FROt,l: Eric Johnson DATE: November 30, 1990 RE : Bridgewater Residence - Vail Rowhouse Unit 11 Egress Reguirements in R-3 Occupancy per Phone Conversation ?he third story, being Iess than 500 s.f., needs only one internal stair exj-t. The second story (850 s.f.) can exit to the exterior deck (with 5 foot diarneter spiral stair) and to the internal stair or exterior deck on the opposite side. The first story enters and exits on grade and has a second exit to an exterior deck with the same spiral stair from above. The basement level (380 s.f.) has an on-grade exlt door and internal exit. We feel this partial renodel satisfies UBC 85 conditions addressed above. ff you have any guestions or clarifj-cationsr please contact us. Thank you. /ad o 1t $; ;;: rlill,PEc uinuteslo/8/eo l.teetinE 2. Section II (A) 3.Strike word rrstructurallr from trearth or structuralfloorrl Kathy Warren, in discussion after the motion, felt that thewording in Section A stating rrdevelopment shaLl excluderl shouldbe changed to rrdevelopment sha1l not includetr. Chuck Crist arnended his motion accordinqlv and Kathv Warren seconded the arnended rnotion In additional- discussion, Kathy stated that she was stillconcerned about the 50 sq. ft. that was included in the 475 sq.ft. for bay windows. She felt it was arbitrarily included. Diana commented that she was still concerned that the 475 sq. ft.addition of sq. ft,. rather than credits would be used all in oneunit rather than the intent that they were needed accessories tobe used in eaclr unit. Dalton Williarns cornmented that he did not wish to vote againstthe amendrnent but fert the garage spaces shourd only be availabreand alLocated to each unit. A primary unit should not be able toutilize the garage credit intended for the second.ary unit. VOTE: 6-0 TN FAVOR, coNNIE KNIGHT wAs ABSENT A rnotion to table the amendment to the site coveraqe sectionof the zonj-nq code was made bv Kathv l,,farren and seconded bvJim Shearer. VOTE: 6-0 TN FAVOR, CONNIE KNTGHT wAS ABSENT ften No. 5:A request for a side vard setback and streamsetback variance in order to rernodel Unit L1, A & Andy Knudtsen explained that the applicant proposed to renodelUnits 11A and 11-B and conbine then into one-dwllling unit. Theaspects of the remodel included removing the fourth floor deck onthe north elevation; removing the segrnent of spiral staircaseleading to the fourth floor; changing the windows on both the since the neeting was running Late and the applicants for items 5and 6 had been waiting an extended period of time, Iten No. 4 waspostponed until the end of the neeting. t-3 PEC Minutes Lo/B/go Meeting south and north elevations; expanding the floor area to the northby shifting the walls adjacent to the decks out by one foot;changing the roof from a gravel roof to a gabLe roof with shakeshingles; and reorganizing the exterior storage in the courtyardin front of the unit. The remodeled unit would have the samegross residential floor area (GRFA) as the combined area of theexisting two units. Andy reviewed the zoning considerations, andthe criteria and findings for a variance. The staff recomrnendation was for approval of the request. Staff felt theapproval wouLd not be a grant of special privilege because othervariance applications had been approved for sirnilar requests inthe Vail Rovrhouses. Staff found that the location of the lotlines was an extraordinary circumstance that was not typicallyfound in the HDMF zone district and that other property owneri inthe same development had received variances from the strictinterpretation of the zoning code for sinilar tlpe of requests. Kathy warren guestioned the need for a variance. Diana Donovan commented that an expansion of the building to therear should be explained in the zoning analysis in the staff Ineno. Andy explained that an existing ving waII determined the rearsetback that the proposed expansion would not extend beyond theexisting wing wa1l. A motion to approve the requested variances per the staff merno was nade bv Kathy Warren and seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR, coNNIE KNTGHT wAs ABSENT rtern No. 6: A recruest for a conditional use permit in order toconstruct a four foot antenna set on the roof ofthe Solar Vail buildincr located at 50L N. Frontacre Road West, Part of Lot 8. Block 2, Vail potato Patch.Anplicant: U. S. West Cornmunications,/Storms Consultants Andy Knudtsen explained that the applicant proposed to constructan antenna systen on the roof of sorar vair to provide cerrularphone servj.ce in the valley. An accessory building to holdtransrnission equiprnent would be constructed inunediitely east ofthe building. The proposal was considered a conditionll usebecause staff had deternined that it was a rpublic utility andpublic.service use.rr The public utility use is listed as aconditional use in the High Density t"tultiple Family zonedistrict. 14 .l \ TO: FROI,!: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Conmission Conmunity Development Department October 8, 1990 A request for a side setback variance in order to remodelUnit Ll- (A and B) of the Vail Rowhouses, 3o3 core CreekDrive, Lot LL, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. AppJ-icant: B.A. BrS.dgewater I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The applicant proposes to rcnodrl qtrltr XIA and 118 and conblnetbeu into one dwelllngl unit. The aspects of the remodelinclude: r6movJ.ng the fourth floor deck on the north elevationi removing the segment of spiral staircase leading to the fourthfloori changing the windows on both the south and northelevatigns; expanding the floor area to the north by shiftingthe walls adjacent to the decks out by one footi changing theroof frorn a gravel roof to a gable roof with shake shingles; and reorganizing exterior storage in the courtyard in front ofthe unit. The remodeled unit witt have the same grossresidential floor area (GRFA) as the conbined area of theexistlng two units The variance reqtuoet is needed speciflcally to allow the najor feconstructl.on of the roof and to allow the one foot ex;ransionof each floor to the north (9ee attached plans). The roofdesign will change; however, the height wiLl not increase.This construction activity is located in the side setbacks because of the way the development was subdivided. The HDMFside setbacks are 20 feet. The Vail Rowhouses were original-ly subdivided ln a way which created nonconforming side setbacks. The units and lots are approxinrately 21.5 feet wide, with eachunitrs side wall being right on the side property lines. The20 foot side setbacks overlap, leaving a zero square footbuilding envelope. It is for this reason that a side setback variance is almost always reguired for any nodifications to the Rowhouses on lots 7-13. (In the 1960's, a condominiuu nap wasfited for lots 1-6, erasing the lot lines separating the units.Side setback variances are not necessarily requirbd for work done on those units.) ' (i _1 ,.-i .. rl ,(, , I .' l, : ..:?, ; l,- .' .: i.tl t.t.: | ! II. ZONTNG CONSIDERATTONS Zoning: I{DI.{F Lot Area: 2380 square feet AILowed/Required Existincr GRTA: Site Coverage! ueight: SetbackS f:,,. , ,,..1 ,front: rear: sides: Gore Creek: 1428 sq. ft. 2387.9 sq. ft. 1309 sg. ft. 1067 sq. ft. l.t. Proposed 2387.8 sq. ft. 1073.5 sg. ft. 36 ft. 23 ft. 28 ft. 0 ft. s0 ft. 45 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 50 ft. 36 ft. 23 ft-. 28 ft.0 ft. s0 ft. (Note: There is no Gore Creek setback variance needed. ) III. CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of the Criteria and Findings, Section t8.62.060 of tire VaiI Municipal Code, the Department of_ Conmunity Developrnent recorninends approval of the reguested variances based upon the foLl.owing factors: A. ConsLderation of Factors: 1. The proposed alterations wilI create a slightly largeir irea of encroachment into the setbacks' as indicated on the attached f1oor plans' on the north side, staff believes that the reorganization of the windovs and the small expansion of each floor will not create a negative inpact on existing structures in the area. ThLre are a wide variety of treatnents on each rowhouse, and these changes- are along. the Iines of other remodels in the building' Staff believes that these changes' vie!"ed from the streamwalk or the condominiurn complex north of Gore cre€k, are appropriate for th-e. building and do not negatively iiiac€ the surrounding properties' l'i,,. vicinitv. :. ;' )'..;'- , a ".' ," On the south elevation, the only apparent change willbe the roof. Staff believes this change is an improvenent in the relationship betltreen this rowhouse and the other struetures in the'rlclnity because it adds visual interest to the buiLding and does not block viens fron the units on either side. The vall Ronhouses havq ltt eonf,lgnrratl,sne which nakeit almost Lnpossible to modify the units withoutvariances. In fact, the exiting units alreadyencroach significantly into the reguired sidesetbacks. These encroachments are due to the factthat the lots are very narrow. staff believes thatthere are extraordinary circunstanses duc to theoriginal lot layoutE of the Vail Rowhouses and that approval of, ttrs tErfancc r*qt$rst rnutd not be a grantof speclal prtvllege. othcr vall Rwrhouses have received eLnl,lar aetbagk varianceE for renodels. The staff finds that the reguested variances will have no significant effect upon any of the above considerations. V. FINDINGS The Planninq and Environmental Conmission shall make thefollowinq findings before qranting a variance: 2. 3. A.That the granting of the variance vill not constitute agrant of specJ-al privLLege inconsistent with theIirnitationE on other properties classified in the samedistrict. B. That the grantLng of the variance will not be detrirnentalto the publtc hea3,th, safety or welfare, or rnateriallyinJurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. c. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of thefollowing reasons: srant of sDecial Drivileqe. 1. 2. There are exceptions or extraordina:ry circrustances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sane zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regrulation would deprive the applicant of piiviteges eiJoyea by the owners of other properties in the saqe district. -l , : '.1 vr. STAFF RECOI,IMENDATTON -i,-.. ,l .. | 1.--i : .. I 7i.' -!,t t// | . .l :,/)yl {" Staff reconmends approval of the request, as we believe it neets the criteria lna the findings for a variance. It is not a grant of special privilege because other variance appJ-lcations hav-e been approved for sinilar requests. The ploposaf ls not potentially injurious to the public health,-sarlty, or welfarL. Lastly-, stirr finds that the location of the lbi lines is an extriordinary circumstance that is not t1pica1ly found in the HDMF zone district and that other piiperty-owners in the same development have received variances troi tfrl strict J.nterpretation of the zoning code for sirnilar types of requests. c: \rno\bridgewater : IL'd st $4 o t'rsl'1P0- +PLtvTo +jf'll- l. UbErH F1,6p{fka$ 4*--tto . aAfi aaA, t ti;:.:;.+.:;r';r,, :1 ;".."r.'i.iL, PRIMARY/SECONDARY.-. ZF!IR\\((@@)l ADDHESS: OWNER: ABCHITECT: ARNOLD,GWATHMAY & PRATT LOT SIZE:O PROPOSED USE: PHONE # PHONE # 476-1',t47 S.F. RESIIDENCE a riY r [\t i6.,6 i{':i'-{- .. 1990 LOT . BLOCK FILING 782 POT ATO PATCH P R I M A R Y U N I T S E c o N D A R Y U tfN-rr-gffie EY ts-fl a-t (? PpaPase-r: .r /. i .'\ tas:; St,S,l tt"z.'; E6v I uz tl,G -7?t-t 32s3 s?r; s 23 a1. q 233"7 Y '23E11 z3 t 7,? 1 lD -zQ)U rfd -l \ +q.k - 37,b +ztl.l, -t.z "#-" ,-'t I \_ I September 6, 1990 Mr. Andy Knudson Town of Vail Community Development75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 RE: Bridgewater RemodelLot 11 A & B Rowhouses Dear Andy: Enclosed find Applicatlon for variance for sideyard setback18-20-060. setbacks are to be a minimum of 20 ieet in HDMF zone.We have an existing non-confirming use and are changing theexterior ninlmatly and understand this variance is necessary. Please let us know if you need additional informaLion. Sincerely, ARNOLD / GWATHMEY /PRATT ARCHTTECTS, P.C. Ned Gwathmey, f'lc/ad Enclosures:"Application for Vapiance". $100 check A4,* lD o\"'"*.e- gl'rl?D List of Adjacent property O$/nersPlans and ElevationsSite Plan/SurveyWritten Statement Bridgewater aL 0K 6K ' ,nJ \a# 'q-b''o copy to: Mr. wRrrrEN STATEMENT/snrocnwernns Sideyard setback minimum of 20' of HDMF. Each Rowhouse is asmall HDMF zoning; the sldeyard reguirement is 20 feet and notone complies. fn fact, the properties are just over 20 feetwide essentially regulrlng a varlance for any exterioralteration. The regulation of the requested variance to other exi-stingor potential- uses and structures in the vicinity. A11 legal remodels in the rowhouses have had thlsvariance. It is not possible to alter the exterior withouta variance and every one has been altered. The degree to which retief frorn the strict or literalinterpretation and enforcement of a specifled regulation isnecessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity oftreatment among sites in the vicinity or to aLtain theobjectives of this title without grant of specialprivilege. Relief from the strict interpretation allows forcompatibility within the rowhouses, they would not exist isthis specified regulatj_on was Iiterally lnterpreted. The effect of the variance on light and air, distributionof population, transportatj_on, traffic facilities,utilities, and public safety. None apparent; only minor shadlng of the level ofBridgewater' s residence. Ho\^r your request complies with Vail's Comprehensive plan. The requested deslgn is crearry more arpine in feeling thanthe existing. 2. 3. The ReguJation Invo-lved is 18.20.060 '; t ,*-*"(olrolorador cos.rty "r rora(r-O 03:56:43 0?-09-90 . AIlr3080 PROPE RTY 0tl\ER LIST - C0ND0 COCE Pase I PARCEL NUMBER OI.INER NAIIE AND AOORESS STATE PARCEL NUI'tBER AND LEGAL DESCRIPTISN oo09478 2101-082-31-009 ^/snrcoeHlrERr B.A. JR. & BARBARA TAx DrsT 0133 8403 HTRYLANo AVE|{UE sEC - 082 TrN-RrlG -2101 LoT - 009 ST LOUIST tt10 65105 B00K - 0367 PAGE - 0746 VAIL ROI.JHOUSECLASS ASSFSS SQR FT ACRES UNIT 11A 1t 30 2969 11.60 1230 ?66eC 2965C p00 Eu 50y'cllvrNr RoBERT |1.8 r'tARY B. ?1C1-082-31-007 TAX OIST 01J3 sEc - 082 T{N-RN6 -a101 LoT - 007 SOOK - PAGE . VAIL ROI{HOUSE CLASS ASSESS sQR FT ACRES UNIT 1? 1t 30 75t) 2 951 | 230 70360 3133 7789C p01 c6l0 21Ct -CI82-31 -003 rlGRAn$, IALTER PATRTCK TAx orsr 0113 695 PR0SPECT STRE€T SEC - 032 rdN-R\6 -?101 LoT - 003 lfINErKAr IL 60095 800( - 0505 PAGE ' 04Sz VAIL NOi{HOUSECLASS ASSESS SQR FT ACRES UI'IIT 9 1130 60ec 2387 P22 E01230 33e90 7546 ROLLIN6 OAXS FAR}I RCUTE 58 BARRINGT0NT IL 60010 395E0 /O0 086 Z0{rHox, GEoRcE l{asHrNGToN rv E91 ERIOgE STREET YAfLr C0 E1657 2101-082-51-005 TAX DIST 01]3 SEC - 082 Till,l-Rt{G -2101 LOl - 005 B00K - PAGE - VAIL ROI{HOUS= CLASS ASS€SS SQR FT ACRES UNIT 1OB 11 30 ?rl c 1t 4c1250 ?9950 32800 ,."."(rrQolorador county ot elele O rr:56:43 PROPERTY OI{NER LIST - CONDO COCE wo7240 vkxox, GEoRGE t{ASHTNGToN rv 291 SRIDGE STREET VAILr C0 81657 CLASS 11 50 1230 loosr t oy't-t-ovor ItARroN i{. R0UIE It EO:/. 32t LIgERTYYILLET IL --------. 62?60 looc+ts/Rott-Et, ANN L. r TRUSTEE oFf IIESTSORO PLICE T0PEKAT KS 66o04 I aIl,t5080 PARCEL I{UI.IBER OTNER NAUE AND ADORESS Pa ge 02 -0 9- 90 9 STAIE PARCEL NUIEER ANO LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2101-082-31-004 TAX orsr 0103 sEc - 08? TdN-R\G -?101 LOT - 004 BOOK - PAGF - YAIL ROiIHOUSE UNIT 1OA 2101-082-31-001 TAX DIST 01C5 sEc - 082 TJN-RNG -e10t LoT - 001 BOO( . PAGE - YAIL ROIdHOUSE UNIT 7p15a5 2101-0Ea-31-011 TAX DIST 0103 sEc - 082 T*N-R{G -?101 LOr - 011 BOOK - PAGE - VAIL RO}IHOUSE UNI' 13A P1750 2't 01-0E2-51 -010 lAx DrsT 0193 sEc - 082 TlrN-RFtC -?101 LOT - 010 800( - 3460 PAGE - 0703 YAIL ROIJHOUSE UNIT I1B ASsEsS SQR FT2910 1140 29e53 32860 ACRES f,0A0 ACRESCLA SS 11 50 1230 CLA SS 11 50 1?30 ASSESS 5810 62510 rrrirrrrr 69320 st. t{ARY'S 6004 8 SQR FT 2669 y'oorsrt v06LESBYr 1925 SAI'l DALLAS I CLA SS 1150 1250 ENSLIE O. JqcIlrr0 TX 75201 AssEss 7310 5495C JR. SQR FT ACRES 2865 ?67I TRUST ASSESS SQR FT2e60 1160 ____1T:: 32951 ACRES AIl,l3080 PANCEL NUIlBER Oi,INER NAIIIE AHD ADDRESS s."."( orQotorador county "r EAGf 'O ,r:56:43 PROPERTY OHNER LIST - CONDO COOE Page 0z-09-t0 10 STATE PARCEL NUqEER AND LE6AL DESCRIPTI]N 21 0'f -08 ?-31-O12 TAX DIST 01J3 sEc - 082 THN-8NG -21G1 LoT - 012 BOOK . PAGE - VAIL ROt.'HOUSE UNII 2 P00e5r2 \ATOREYT CHARLES P. & HELEN S. 44OC RHEII.IS PLACC 0ALLAST rr' 75292 CLASS 1t 50 1230 ASSESS 751C 4 6010 SQR FT ACRES 2865 533?0 Ttot oz oor'l,YctEr YELoA EARNHART 114 r{. l7TH. ST. SUrTE AUSTINT TX 78701 cLass AssEss saR1150 67101230 631?C 2101-082-31-002 TAX DIST O1I3 sEc - 082 T[{H-RN6 -2101 BOOK - 0372 PAGE'3339 VAIL ROI{HOUSE UNIT 8 LoT - 002 FT 2632 69830 TOTAL }IU14BER OF ORDERED BY: ERIC NAHES; I O JOHN SO N w Ktppces - fr" lr{' It. C*b kls'"; n" ttl r^ALr/v " \ ltt;M l\f P *[, qq 5' $ot-z't- l- (! rch 5Y ft 0t 725 rAt /twrr^, L"r\t{6*o September 6, 1990 Brldgewater ResidenceVail Rowhouse, Unlt 11 A & B 303 Gore Creek DriveVai1, CO 81657 RE: Llst of Adjacent Property Owners - MilI Creek Court Building 302 Gore Creek Drivec/o Vail Home Rental 143 East Meadow DrlveAttention: Rick Barnes - Clock Tower Bui_1ding 263 Gore Creek DriveAttention: Dave Gorsuch - SLlfer Building 230 Bridge StreetAttention: Rod Slifer - Vail Athletlc Club 352 East Meadow Drive Mountain Haus 292 East Meadow Drlve Town of Vail Park VaiI Rowhouses 303 Gore Creek Drive, Units 1 - 13 REvIsm 9lL9/90 t. PUBLIC NOTICE ..,': NOTICE IS HEREBY GfVEN that the plannlng Connission of the Town of Valt will hold accordance with SectLon 18.66.0G0 of the Town of Vail on October 8, L99O at 2:00 p.n. Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. 2. 3. 4. I and Environrnental a public hearing in nunicipal code of the dn the Torrn of Vail A request to anend section 18.04.13O--definition of Floorarea, gross residential (GRFA) t tB.09.0gO HilLsideResidential District density controJ-t Singlefanily District density controli L8.L2.09O Tno fanilyResidential District density control andi tB.13.O8O Frina::"y,rseccnd.ai:-1- Distr-ici densitl' conti:oi, of "he i'funicipai Code.Applicant: Torrrn of Vail A request to amend sections i.9.04.360--definitlon of sitecoverager 18.09.ogo--Hillside Residential District sitecoverage; 18.10.11o--Single Faroily District site coverageiL8.12.110--Two fanily District site coveragei 18.13.090--Prinary Secondary District site coverager 18.14.110--Residential Cluster District site coveragle; 19.1G.110--LowDensity Residential District site coveraltei 18.19.110-- Mediun Density Residentiaf site coveragei 18,20.110--Hi9hDensity Residential District site coveraqei Le.Z2. 110--Public Accomnodation Oistrict site coveragei Le.24. 150-- Commercial core I District site coveralJei 18.20.120-- Cornnrercial Core II District site coverige; ].B.27.O9O--Connercial core IIf site coveragei 18.29.l20--ConnercialService Center District site coveragei L8.29.ogO--ArterialBusiness District site coveragei LB.30.l_1O--Heavy Servj.ceDistrict site coverage; 18.32.1lO--Agricultural and Open Space District site coverage and; 18.39.190--SkiBase/Recreation District site coveragJe, of the Municipal co<ie.Applicant: Tonn of Vail A reguest to anend section 18.52.160--Off Street parking andLoading Exenptions, of the Municipal Code.Applicant: Toern of Vail A request for a rnajor amendment to SDD No. 4, CascadeVillage, Area C in order to urodify the Uaster DevelopmentPlan for Lots 39-1 and 39-2 of the Glen Lyon SuUaivi-sion inorder to increase the height linitation from 25 ft. to 35ft. and to increase the maximum allowab1e GRFA per lot fronr 3100 sg. ft. to 5500 sq. ft.Applicant: Andrew D. Norris A request for a side yard setback and stream setbackvariance in order to remodel Unit 11, A & B of the Vail Rowhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drive, Lot l1-, Block 5, VailVillage First Filinq.Applicant: B. A. Bridgewater a,.r'-5. A reguest for a conditional use permit ih order to constructa four foot antenna on the roof of the Solar Vail building located at 50L N. Frontage Road West, Part of Lot 8, Block2, vail Potato Patch.Applicant: U. S. West Cornnunications/Storas Consultants 7. A request for a conditional use pernit in order to sell beerat wholesale and to se1l beer for off-slte consunption at L43 E. Meadow Drive, Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1stFiling.Applicant: First Brewery of Vail/Dean Liotta 8. A request for density and setback variances in order to construct additions to the christiania Lodge located at 356 tlansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 vail Village Lst Fi1lng. Appllcant: Paul R. Johnston 9. A request for a for a najor change to existing developnent approval for the Valley, Phase VI .Applicant: Edward Zneiner 10. A request for a heigbt variance in order to construct an addiiion to Condominiuro Unit E-6, Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filinq, 141 East Meadow Drive.Applicant: H. Willian Smith, Jr. lL. A request for an amendment to the approved access plan for Lots 5 and 6, Block ?, VaiJ. ViJ-lage 1st Filing, 1.45 and 126 Forest Road. Applicant: Ron Byrne L2. A request for a variance to allow a satelLite dish in the Gore Creek 5Or setback and a request for a floodplain modification on Lot 3, Block 1, Bighorn lst addition, 3907 Lupine Drive.Appticant: Ron Oelbaun The applications and infornation about the proposals are available for pubJ.ic inspection in the community Development uepartment otfice. lown of vail Conmunity Development Departnent Rrblished in the Vail Trail on Septenber 2L' 1990. Appr ication ou,"o-1:5'? o PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. Th'is procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The applicationwill not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NME ADDRE5S broh)16Ror^P, &too ,"tAFS^F.b N ADDRESS iD?D ,Sqlfl+ fFDhtF€f. RO WSt f*v u gtwl ,ro6 t1b'tr47 C. NAME 0F OI.INER(S) (type or print MF.6.4 6q*lpse Si qn ADDRESS AF€ oF APPLTcANT uF. b.A, L0\^,t9 Mo 631 Aw PHONE D.LOCATION OF ADDRESS PROPOSAL * tl a t,S ppp1aruu6 cK#FROM THE FEE I4UST BE PAID BEFORE THE YOUR PROPOSAL. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I{ILL ACCEPT F. A'l ist of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject Property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mai'ling addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL 8E RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING AODRTSSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO TDETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I,IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANTIS RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMINT l,fITH THE STAFF T0 FINo oUT ABoUT ADDITIoNAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI,,IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I,IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT SV OECTMTRG THE NUI'IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNINC AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I'IUST BE COMPLIED I.IITH BEFORI A EUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIJED. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOI,IING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A I.IRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECisi i,iATi.JRE OF TIiE VARIAI{CE REQUESTED AND Tiii INVOLVED. THI STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADORESS:RE6ULATION L< 1"{c tu ga 3 E. rt LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT I BLOCK t>FTLTNG \rotU r,,lr.t*e*; tsr --'---,,FEE (_$fq,0- PArD 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity, The degree to which relief from the strict or'literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the I objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population' transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and pub'lic safety' 2. J. Vari ance 4. How your request comp'l ies with Vail's Comprehensive P:l an. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l' - 20' stamp.' by a Colorado licensed surveyor including'locations of al'l existing improve- ments, including grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egreps-' landsglped -areas and uti l ity and drainage features. FFftt b&lrt le- ! S{z.,F{L C. A site plan at a scale of at'least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buiidings. fffi\ lvr r* D. A1l pre'liminary building elevations and floor plans _suffic'ient to indicate the dimensions, general-appearance, scale and use of a'l I bui'ldings and spacesexisting and proposed.on the site. p-bctotrD . E. A preliminary tit'le report to verify ownership and easementsFilry€t1,\16. 'F. If the proposal'is 'located in a mu]ti-family development which has a homeowner association, then written approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be-tjDrgRJS{-g.'rgbl6&tmt{Fid"HFhbf SStsfi $$ciation' G, Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an 'improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmenta'l Commission meetsof each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) wi'll be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the Znd and 4th l{ondays a'11 accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- r i i I tfu.L D *C "[" 'L /tt *ha'tu In August 21, 1990 Ms. Kristen Pritz, Direetor Town of VaiI Conrnunity Development 75 South frontage Roacl WestVail, co 81557 . RE: Bridgewater Residence Lot 1'Block VatI Village lst Rowhouse Unit 11 A & B Dear Kristen: The above rowhouse is a nonconforming use. Existing site area = 2154 s.f. Zone district = HDMF Allowable GRFA = 1292 s.f. Actual GRFA = 2327.5 s.f. The Bridgewaters wish to modlfy their properties Per the enclosed plan; they do not intend to add sguare footage. They are altering the exterior elevations by the addltlon of windows and a dormer on the south. fn owning both Units A & B, the Bridgewaters are the small condominium association. We neecl to ascertain nhat is necessary for approval and proceed over the wi.nter ln preparatlon for construction next year. After you have hacl a chanee to review this, please call and we will get together with you ancl your designated planner. Sincerely, ABNOLD/GW ffia^r /pnerr ARcurrEcrs, P.c. 4 Ned Gwathmey, NG/ad copy to: Flr. Bridgewater Enclosure ao. 't, ':' ;trxtr€letfl$Pf c{f . Fjgtitc" W W)>#EW Forcsrc#qqAffi. bwcw-fsl' E-?t/Aao;,t ,l AP PLI CAT I ON FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCTSS OF ALLOI^IA8LE GRFA Date of Appl Date of DRB fcation 4/30/85 Meet i ng PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the pranning staff is stronglyencouraged to djscuss the provisions under which additionit enrR can be addedto a sjte' It should be understood that thjs ordjnance does not assure each propertyan additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows ro. gp't5250 square feet if certaTn conditions are met. Applications for additions under this section wil'l not be accepted unless theyare complete. This includes all informatjon requ'i reo on-this form as weil asDesign Review Board submittal requjrements. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTI0N; Ccnversicn of 85 square foot entry vestlbule (approved by T.O.V. P.E.C. on 3/12/84 and T.0.V.DRB on 6/6/84) to usable main living space (by elimlnatlng interior partition). All other aspects of the project remajn the same, and does conform to the requirements of ordinance No. 4, series of 1985. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address JOl Gore Creek Drive, {-hit 11 A, Vail , Col,orado Legal Description: Lot 1'l Bl ock Fi I ing l/ai I IIi1Iroa 1<i- Zon6. District HDMF C. NAME OF APPLICANT:I'4r- & l&s. B.A. Bridgewater Jr. 466rg5s 8400 iylaryland Ave. p0 Box 2!, St. Louis, MO 631E+, - - _ljrtone 314-854-4200 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: STOWdCN ANd HOPKiNS - ATCh1TCCTS Addres s hens 303-476-2201 E.NME 0F 0HN[R{S): l'4r. B.A. Brldgewater Jr. ** Signature( s ) phone 314-854-4200 F. Fil ing Fee of $.|00.00 is required at tine of submittal N/A Condom'inium association approval (.if appl icable). Existing floor plan of structure. The following information, in addition to DRB submittar requirements, shall berequired with this submittal: I' verification that the unit has received a finar certificate of occupancy.?. Names and mailing addresses of adjacent property owners and of owners ofunits on the same lot. This infoimation'is'avallable irom ilru iigi."corrtvAssessor's office. J.I oJ roo e^ Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado Architects 303-476-2201 81657 April 30, 1985 Towr of Va11 Planning Dept. 75 S. Frctrtage RoadVail, C0 81657 att: Krislan hitz RE: Bridgewafer Remode1, 303 Gore Creek Drive. ilnit j1 A Dear Kristan: hclgsed is a completed applieation request for a conversicn of an entryvestibule to main livlng space usage as provided jn the new GRFA ordjnanceNo. 4, series of 1985. As we discussed iast mcnth, the vestibule wasapproved last year by the Town of Vail pEC m 3/12/84 and the Tor,,n of Vail_ DRB on 616/84. The project was not bqgr.n'r lasb year because of thenimpending ordinance. the ovner woul-d iow like to proceed with the remodelunder the provisicns of the new ordinance. As we dlscussed, your department felt thab the varianees recelved for the rernoder last year were still valid and the request would be reviewed as aninterior modificaficn, therefore coeforming to the requlrements of bhe newordjnance. T hope all the informaticn you need for review is jncluded andIfo. Bridgewater can proceed with the remodef. can be of further assistance or more in format ion is needed. please feelto contact otlr office. Partner CNS/mcc Ehclosr-res ec: I"t". B.A. Bridgewater Ifr free 75 south trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly development November 30, l9B3 Re: Lot 1l, Block 5, Vail Villaqe lst To Whom It May Concern: The above property contains 2,319 square feet of building siteaccordrng to our records. It is zoned HDMF and with curientzoning, can have 1,391 square feet of GRFA built upon it. Any construction will have to conform with regulations in forceat the time of construction. 5 i ncere ly, ----\ n(\ TOM BRAUN Town Planner TB: br 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty development November 30, .I983 Re:Lot 1.|, Block 5, Vail Village lst To Whom It May Concern: The above property contains 2,319 square feet of building site according to our records. It is zoned HDMF and with curientzoning, can have 1,39.| square feet of GRFA built upon it. Any construction will have to conform wjth requlations in forceat the time of construction. S i ncerely, TOM BMUN Town Planner TB: br oz F =Eula! i; # -'J i' \-.,/ <zz;-fz.i<==!FF Co Y^<:--c< o 3r zY,; i 77ir:i;t<J : !::><Fq <: !9zJQ $i* R;" Y =oZ rL'eoo# " 6=Tr =:;E " tr rE i, 3N> *N< u5o- ;ur? ;td xz NO F ii >- ZJf<oozE:s3ge3 og(J lltPlI|'ll*ltqjtrq otl6lIFItFl:< '-lJ :>l(Dl IEt(|Jll=' I-t'1 t>F-i:tr o {J EE NNJ(, d.) (u o LU =z a afi 1l <l =l4 Ic =(J ltl E I o- L o .+J() !.+J vlco(J @ = +) = =E LJ.] oo = Io a E. rL oo = E t d o = =tr oaoo: E &oo a Ic ts(J t tlJz = \ F LIJ F I <F r!<z.E trJ FAz <oOF :--< xF =zruO9-. =v1t >d --J Zo-O <- YF 7() =#i,z =g o =<(-.,, zo -J<()(56uJ LU--r O z UJ-1 Iol€trlr.ol(\tlrl @l I I UJF o F =E.lrl o- Jz z (J ;- =<coo =z CL LL ."i5\J\J= ==36d= FSuu o o. c, o Astr=c< o; oLr- cr=E>rF zo F() :) E,Fazo(J tl5tr I I+YLN+l-Y I I I dz L = UJ cc cc |n '.l a uJ llJu- F =(r uJ o-U-r V\ r{s i; tr rE {= l?^l t= ,=\ t l-(l,l is lg tk'k tol"l F z \(J 2 N-:S:=;;,r - 2 Ai< _ j3'\ s lii:!j)s i;:?ry\ 3lq:Kz : - :r {,-vL-ao\N::;ii\Sii3;: \ti i t;1F$\Y :;i?r'.EJ d<3.: \ * 'u"- s. '1"vl c; \ c( q oo 11 t. o t c o" () a \vl \o )\ C,r) = =E o- oz o:lo r<(J I* z o- (J tr F z6 =f (L 2 T uJ h (.- B LIJ zotr llJe UJv o =uJ LrJ z 6 IJJo 6o(L TJJo o-:)z J C) L! I.IJll-t UJ J F F z oJ l(D J g(r FOt!J UJ z6 =fJ 9z I uJ = NOrlVn'lVA I II Jt+clc, Tdt s(tt -cttE Iq f, El4qq 1 :<E BZZv-o oo F^rltz::-:>vr=== aaEZrOo(J94OZlL<9q dH-&;6_u ulHN(J e6.=r@ z tr :) J Flr- .i o-f G t].l F ooo rflr{ a ( 'i z Eoo z tr lrlF =IJJz z E o !Jc Lrl zf I I z = o.oulE F oF ' lll z1 tro:EZ z d=(/)o u,Zu)>s Y<trolntrUJ LIJmt(n F- Js(J Es31>qo Fz lz F o =o Fz z = 3o z tr J f U)z tr.l) ct t- LIJI # a uJ tl'l o 3 E J .L F F oi Eul 3 LUF z (J ul o_ IJJzY -r oodt (Y) Iz c XloIrP o tO ts +e zoz za(D0>z d9 J.^i5 =r<I ir r dd= LlnI z q (L -l@l\l @l\l @l tuF o t t! o_ L! LU F c) o c) o Eo o F =E,lrl o-zIF(J :) E,Fozo(J 6 a2 2 oul CIr{ -.1.Fl t atl =J G d I I 5 or{ F{ofi UJ =z (D '_) uJl EI 1l-l >l I o- =(J r:aoc a ro r-lnl 1.0 I o- -l..1 (6 =(J r.o O'lc{ Xo ca uJg.oo od(l r-lu Etr I*l fl 6l 1t =l<l =l +J a) FIo() (x)t .tJx =g EI 1l =l zl >*# )zo_ ,.\ toF EFz ty. (YL = (JZ o E LIJz = F LIJ F I E <F I.JJ <Ze.tJI F14Z <o()F l< \zL!O .J<Oa9UJLlJ---r O Enn z zz I I I t<ro I I I i l. ,oIFt<E l4z l=t6 l(9tz I I I I I tllJl* lo I I i I t l- t6 IEIt! .zl6 I z xc t z a P az 4 z: 3 z a ; i=: =,2.-<:-, -v <F: '<i: x^?4i't^iz i2< <3 U) LU LrJ lJ-I = uJ - =G, z o!l Lrl Ioz d z 6 o- r,uut z tr ul(r() lrJE a LU tl-lu-t lrJ J r :;;r J \r:!, Yt =Z Zu- tr^azYr>YE P o[ aa)dz>-oo(Jt^nzXt!<9q du ;-i-x z'. '1 lllH(\t(J z tr: o_ FIcl z (r I'J F = F z o- z(/)E Fqtr<(LZioF t! t! UOO-z<) F s() = u.o (D Fzf, z-.t < =q E =I : =-J$> z tr uJ Fz El tlE z F- Jl z. z Eoo z tr E uJ F B u.lz c 4 )4 dJ- o6/ u; z co _') HIil <l =l 5Iol 1l <l>l E o a = 14 CId J g z J tr (r LiJz = F u-lF = o cr ir =Oz o t't <F U< UF(nZ <o(JF -< ;F =zu-r O Y9 =#JZO-a =I UJ J<O uJ t!--.l o a (\lI rr:vlc oc; !c) o.z t [!(L oz, F() [l-) uJ F o J F 15 = l:E l,lrJ l- o-zo F() EFazo C) /qr\/ .-._ itd \ " ,'ii= \ l/ l--\\ ,// le\-l--Jr -tct z.-oz2 >z tr_lr-t r-rt-t l_J t l Jdff z=z =i'{(Jt:r cnuE F t! u- uJ ru E o q) d, .= E Eo o E lg .l r/) I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ;, 3o 1 { *:): JOB NAME 'lblli:S WED THUR FRI CAL J..( .F RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FIOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr { rrr.rnr-FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTI( Z?-_\ LocArloN: -; " ,"*' .V% )))-) ,ij' . ,'"')",'T ,, -----+={)"* IINSFECTION REQUEST R RETNSPECTTON BEQUtRED 1'l e4l -.' -\. l 1|1-7 /C-.N DISAPPROVED DATE JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: D TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: i,t ,l !r' i, DATE INSPEC :ol, DATE J'-A4-**r JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: t INSP ECTION REQUEST OF ITOWNVAIL CALLER AMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {noucH / D.w.v. finoucu / wArER O GAS PIPING - g/rnnrvlmo - fi'trusuurroru tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH tr M ,,D tr HEATING - EXHAUST SUPPLY AI H R ooDs tr CONDUIT tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR a INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL#,o* b -31- .w JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: e3F TUES WED THUR FRI .'ll\-. Ft BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. -tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER -tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED "r"*r?"TroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME cRLtEni = . ,, ,, ' lNSpECrloN: MoN * ruES *i; @).* t ,. ffi)rev BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER INSULATION &o" PTPTNG SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: . tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr U TNNLL/tr FINAL APPROVED B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED )RR.ECTtONS: ,'','':- t a'',.'4 -* - k :.i,, -,' ,,.rJii:,,_ !-t\,..., i-i- ti,.,.f L INSPECTOR PermitNo. irillg VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL TAP FEES VE..BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOF EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR NUMBER oF uNtrs ,; ,* lrorn, lnwn Lrc. No. Lrc. No. SIZE OF TAP:Water Date Bill€d MeterSize Date Paid lt)A{€L Finance Director Bldg. Dept. - while;- Waterand Sanitation - Green;- public Works - Canary; _ Contractor- pink:_ Accounting - Goldenrod 6 o =:ruI uJa I oJ o tr I z d \vl N t! z I = E Eo zgl I 8lbI- a \ \ CT z z= Oco < att 6 \ 1 I I\l I I I HI ",8 F 5 I I I I,l ,'I I I I I I I I I I I I b a: H I I ^lqlG ;lc\llJ ll c., O \')lroE OlctQ 0l t.i uJ ol I \lo .\rlt:l3dto- il \"1\'r$' VIv'l ;x , L,r * rtto € oo Eo ooj{ oct xo6 o d J-- lro z =oF ulEF tl 3l, ,.1 \ vl \l rl rl-l '1f\l\l ' ,q{EYt\\*\ls $*l^l ! \:r'll r..\l-Y\i$l Y\rlol olrr*l C./l.J P 'l:.,-'"fir.]fi IIJ- l;'iiUl L 5L'"'-,-l li"I If LrJ, L]-i-.,"' i lL;l EILLI16 A'TESS l. FAss-fttr i.50 .75 J,M isr nocn ?r0 rlotr? 'O FLTNR +|!slrt 8, TorLlT, (GIE I-ALf hT}U trKTP-A. SIIiKS FLI.L giTH (s-g',:R cA TLB. ?.as t il, I ol LfTJ Rafrs (Llvtil6 Fcl-s, srL! r os) FASS3JTls-rlmr frc nccr .XD ROCR PJT.SC€NT Isr ruccn ?o nocr ):D FLCC1 --=---- q. 5. '6. 7, 8. g. 10. ',-' L 3, ,t. 5. KITCTA{S DISI'-tlSt-=RS TJIJCR,IES b;.4 risr-eiJ ' 'riqTgc ccc'--lis t HATB F0uftAlils ' Srll!'i':Ji.S FTDLS' - JAGJr-z; ctJiSID: }STE? x 2.91 x I.m x .50 Ic= l'F.C,ltiigs x"6 = Sttlllrs X .E - I'tr (n' b-Ac '" x Xx 1.m tt .50 .1) = 5.m =5,m =I.LU.= (lrt:tt,'u't oF c.f) . _:-_FLII E\I-S :- FCls KITC'.3l DI Sll IdSI€R i-.,cula?iFs CTTSIT€ bIATER 'xI.m: DATE t(xlc.{lllc ll! mi'?Lrrl$t c: trY:slil(Tlc\l I rl nt til'1 A l'itlslc-lL rlr jr't*cI lGl cs /"1 r'!'L] io nl r.s:ts:-.1 nci--:j)i;:5 lo li-: l:,iti:l;iD /..:i r:n:o, ;:u ll1: Dl j;;:lcI !];\-]- r'.'.1€ ,'JiY i;,. Irt r,rtn. iirls l:tllicllol 5l;'rL f'l io TC'TA FOINIS tF,\cD oF nt,,ir,annvArr uar..r .."r <^'rlIi!Ilt:', hl'.T:laf AJ,L SnrrT[n:S, T]E DISTRICT SHn[ 5:S ;O tlii;llli: Il : f:uLt[3 cF PolI;TS St....i i,? trf , ,--';D iril t 5al:r-]l'iE, .15 = );'"/^x OR rruujT;;iriS liiCtSl,'.iY lt{ nI Cil6;i:/,1- Dllt;Jtl:ii nI t.uILIJIl.{i c\--lLR's lJ|l aR /.'{D 5!',i1.R 5LiivlC a U lr{'u[' Ii z. F tLl o LU F o h E E, LL'ft.zotrL)3 Fazo() I I I l* .FI<l6 I I I I I I I ,.\ l -stl:Sr-,{{\lo \ I I ('.: !:, o z. t G, o- z z z G F cx I 4 =o )z zo947coo>zflJOaL LL tx ll l t< Y Y .-- CCt!= rffr-r 6 (l, J!- c2 ox orL-ofi r.., c> OJ =rI z o 5 .o a ;:::1 -::'lF:'1- - t - =aF -!.-2.'1 ! F !f i_ a:;;raz- <z:<:z= =21=.:;: <;; <1,: z:.-:!Ji::l:ti;<r.*9?..::=-:-;t l> _:,<: -J*':I?€<]-.1o 6 f o- 9 : Q ;'s zo CE o o t z(J rhL!o = o- o o. ? (J U' tU LUu- = c: uJ 5 co 9 Fo z (l) l NOI,LVNIYA :4 c.o ZZU-I oo e q ;dd?o[ a(5dz>-oou.,ozXr!<og:|tu-l;lU sFofi 4N(J ('(Jzz <gFrus2u'f\ Z i./) vt =s;i,&e;ot5 ii-ur<Ozc(Ct|z) FOE "=< h?r I =doH!EH>gt,-;3u93 tl [ -.r J tl- ir..u Ol :e :j Hl q tl\,J IHI '11 IJl I(q lr Itltl,tlet I.ui n(Ll 3tat<il J>nl < Fnl >lo d(9()zt- llj .(2(ts ;t 7- I I I t_l* I I .,l ?l;lcl q :l ..rl : e>i ilgrg.rl ir- i-- F9,7 ll o t-I(-)IUJCT IFs !iz t^\!vt I r::