HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT 3 VAIL ROW HOUSES UNIT 3 A 3 B LEGAL3k!9 \ Vl\- s . D/vv | >l ISSI]ED 04/t4/L999 04/L4/L999 ro/LL/Le99 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAIt, co 8L657 970-479-21,38 DEPARIT,IEMT OF NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON,JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES .ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permiE #: 899-0060 COMMT]NITY DE"VELOPMENT 303 GORE CREEK DR SLaTus... 303 GORE CREEK DR (3A) ROAppIied..2l-01-082-30-005 Issued-..PRJ99-0075 Etq)ires. . Job Address Locat,ion. . .Parcel No..Project No. APPLICAffI NEDBO CONSTRUCTION phone: 970_g45_l-001p.o. BOX 34L9, VAIL, CO, CdLr,# 47L_4aa8 81558CoNTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON prrone: 9?0_845_1001-p.o. BOX 34t9, vArL, eo, cELr,# 47L_4888 81-558OWNER GORE CREEK PTNSHPt olrvE c wATsoN, 100 FrEtDPorlqr erR, cREENWrcII cr 06g30 Description: BATIIROOM REMODEL Occupancy: R1 Multi_Fami1yIlpe Construction: V 1-HR T)rpe V j__Hour'IlFe OccupErncy: Trll r r.-, i.r v,/r.OtrlJfn. DgV, fl::: : :1, n-qs.itl Jr, " oapproveci Val-uat,ion: Fireplacc ltlforraEion: ReBtbicted: y a,)tount Add Sq FE.q,:.30, 000 #Of caE AFpLiances: Rcstuarant. Plan Rewiew--> -oo DRts Fee-------- .OO #Of caE lrogs: FBE SI'UI,ARY RecreaEion Eee----------> C1€a.!r-Op Deposit--------> toTAr, rEEg----- RIQI'ESTS FOR INSFBEIONS SHAII, BE UADE TWE TY-FOTIR HOT'RS IN ADVENCE BV Selrd CLean-tJp Deposit To: NEDEO I!gg; ,951Q0 BUTLDING,DEP.ARTMENT Depr: BUILDTNG Divi_sion:9!/t+/tg_99_.rEtr- ecrionl- aiFR appnovsp .rfrif-'Ilefnt .05400 pr"AMrrNG- DEFARiMET{T 94 / 14 / _L2Z? _ rgu__ ___fEriq-"-i- -apFn rqleI!e,q; .g5qq0 r'rns pspARIlrEl,ri --- Dept: FIRE Divi.sion: 9+ /L4 /1!9_9_?.,rRM__ __ __4siton; AppR N/AIlglri .q55q0 pUBLrc woRKs-_-' --- ' DeDr: pIIB WORK Division:o4/L4/]-999 JRM Acuion, AppR N,/A Building-----> Pl,an (*r6ck---> hvestigat j.otr> Will CaLl----> lotsal ealculat.cd Fe€s- -- > Additional Feee---------> Total P.rEit Fee--------> Palr[ents- -- ---- BAIANCS DUE.--- 3.00 .00 250. 00 s30.50 830 .50 e30.50 See Page 2 of this Docll}nent for any conditions t,hat may apB1y co this permiE DECI,ARATIOI{5 r hsteby ackaowredg:e tha! r bave read thia apFlicati.on, filled out in fu1l LhB irforuatron requirld., codpl6ced anplan' and Btale tbec aLl Ehe inforEation p(ovided aB rsquired is correct. r tgree to doEply vith ghe inforoationto conply i(iLh all Town ordinarces and state laws, and to buitd this structure ."".rot""1.'.iur;;;;"-;;;;-;dcode6? deai'En r.vielt apPloved' ultl'forln Bui:,ding code and olher ordinances of rhe Torm ;;";lKr-r;;r;a;:--'- - acculate plor and pLoc p1an, subdirri si on OFPICT FROM ar00 Ald 5:00 p.}tTELEPT{ONE or o0[HEF. oR FOR HIMSEI.TI AND OI{NER o ******************************************************************************** COI{DITTONSpe]anit. #: 899-0060 as of a4/Ls/gg status: rssuED**********:l********************************************************************* permir..Type: ADD/Arr MF BUrLD PERMTT Applj_ed: o4/L4/LgggAppLicanr: NEDBo coNsrRucTroN rssued: o4-/J.4/Lggg970_845_1001 To ftpire I to/t:-/Lggg ,fob Address: Locat.ion: 303 GORE G.EEK DR (3A) ROW HOUSBSParcel No: 2101-082-30-005 Description: B.ATIIROOM REMODEL Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIJRED TO GIECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2' ALL PENETRATTONS rN WALts,cErLrNGs,AND FLooRs ro BE SEALEDWITII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERTAL.3. SMOICE DETECTORS ARB REQUIRED IN AI,I BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORYAS PER S8C.310.6.1 OF TIIE 1997 UBC.4- FrRE DEPARTMEMT APPRovArr rs REQUTFED BEFORE ANy woRK cAN BESTARTED. rowN oF vArL?oNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, ort'aATroN F'RM Contact the Eegle C:ouW Assessors Office at g7GS2g,E640 for parcel#- oo75 Parcet + 2lo\ - '094: Oo 0, a a 'Z-3:? Job Name: Building Mechanical ( Legal D€scription: Lot_ Btock_ Filine Subdivision7 6llp-lttat<.t^ --7lT-E,.r-filil-]_-rr-_ r.r)t rr+_lrzctsarzl Orvners Name: Architect: lOo ne(tl 9c.ir,tt fo,vr(((i rc 'rn,e,Phone# 7e3-_1iz,y1_4{ Phone# U<TfTtr*+V,""t€- Plumbing ( ) Elecrricaj ( ) - Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: PLIJMBING Nteratron({Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Cas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL $ OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Generarcontractor' lt;.o\b,-r Address: Ppb,lf ]qf'( Uc,i\ Town of Vatl Registration No. Town of Vail Regislration No. Town of Vail Registration No. Townof VailRegisrrationNo. 2 5 {- A phon"# t{f,^loo ( Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone # 4umbins Contractor:Address: Phone # Mechanical Contractor:Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: tl*,,1k) SIGNATURE: "."q TO: FROM: DATE: SI.JBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI]BLIC WORKS AND COMMT]NITY DEVSLOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKINC AND MATERI^AI STORAGE COITE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIJBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unla*fr1 for any person to littcr, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street. sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abaternent: The Director of Public Works may notif,, and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereo{ or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes alother to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravei, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debns or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified docs not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified" the Director of Public Works. or other authorized agent may causo any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any otJrer material to be removed from any street or alley atthe expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions ofsubsection A hercofshall not be applicable: I . Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance tleretot 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of sard materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, rnay be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. E. Notice; Penalf : It is unlawfirl for any person to fuil or refirse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any zuch person shall, in addition to pa)'mert of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledsed bv: Position or Relationship to Project: Date: 4 /r" /a 14 TOW OFVATT Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUA-I{CE TIME }'RAME If this permit requires a Town of vail Fire Departrnent Approval, Engincer's (public works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review of Health Deparhnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may takc as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-farnily permits will have to follow the above mentioncd maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Howeveq if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, &ese projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Prqiect Name: Work Sheet was tumed into the Communi0 Development Deor. ,,/.., {,P*""o"'* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MfMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A "PIJtsLIC WAYPERMIT: IS REQTIIRED "PIIBLIC WAY PERMIT: DATE: l. Is rhis a new residence?YES NO--\-l- , { 4. 5. 6. Is demolition work being performed that re public property? yES NO of the Right-of-Way, easements or Is a different access needed to the site other than the e.'risting driveway? yES Is any drainage work bging {t affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES NO 8. Is a "Revocable Right+f-Way permil_}ES "o{- *f "" "*lffWaydy€ments or pubtic property ro be used for stagrng parking or fencing? B. _lf No to 8A" is a parting staging or fencing plan required by community Dwelopmeft?YES NO if you answered YES to any of these questiong a "public way permit,' must be obtained. 'Public way Permit' appiicarions may be obtained at the pubtic wort's ofrce or at commun$y Dwelopment Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from public Works at 479-219g. ll trt(,< u(vO Is any utility work needed? 1-ES Is the driveway being repaved?YES NO CompanyName TOqIN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROADvArr,, co 91557 970 -479-2L38 Eleclrical---> ul(tt llee Inveatigation> Hill call----> TOTAI FEES.- - > 'Job Address: 303 GORE CRIEK DRLocation...: 303 coRE cRK DR (VAIL Parcel No. . : 210L-082-30-005Project No. I PRJ99-0075 StaLus...: ISSIIED ROWApplied. "' ) 0s / 03 /19991ssued...: 05/03/L999 E4pires . -, LO/30/1,999 Phone z 970-926-3575 Plrone: 97O-926-36'15 GREENWTCH CT 06830 Valuat.ion: 1, 000 . 00 DEPARTMEIiff OF' COMMI]NITY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TrMES ETECTRICAI PERMIT Permit #: E99-0060 APPLICAT{T DOUBLE Q ELECTRTC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 8l_632coNrRAeroR DOUBLE Q ELECTRTC P O BOX 97s, EDWARDS CO 8l_632OWNER GORE CREEK PTNSIIPc otlvE c WATSON, 100 FTETJDPOINT CIR, Descriptionr ELCTRICAL FOR REMODEL 50.oo .00 .00 3 .00 53 .00 53,00 .00 53.00 .00 ToEal calculat€d Pee6- - - > Additional Fee€---------> Total Pemit Fee--------> Palnr€nc6 - - - - - - - - tsAI,ANCE DUE_- -- - I!e.+: ,06qq0 ELEqTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept.: BUTTDTNG Divj-sion:95/03/\299-'JBl4 Action: AFFri-appnovED;-RM--- -- IEqB: .05500 FIRE DEPARIITIEI{T05/03/1999 JRM Acriont APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRXD TO CT{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECIARATIONS r hereby acknovledge that r havo r6ad thia application, filled our in fu]l the inf,onr.Lion r€quired, coflpleted an accurate pLotp1a4, and Elate lhac all thc idforEati.on provided aB required iE corr€cc. I agree t.o cortrply rdth the inforaafion anat ploh plan.to cotlPly with a1l Toen ordinancee and Etate 1a!.8, and b.o build thiE Btructule accof,ding to the Town, e zoning and Eubdi.visioneode€, d€Eign rcvi€w approwed, ltnifoni Building Code and other ordinanr:eg of Ehe Town applj.cablo thereto. CE FROM a:OO Al,i 5:0O PM REQOESTS FOR INSPESTIoT{g SHALL BB MADE Th'ENTY-Fo{,R HoURS IN AOlrA.NcE By TET,BPHoNB AT 47e-2138 oR AT OUR rowN oF vArL?oNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, ort,aAroN F.RM Cortact the Eagle Courw Assessors Office at 97U329-E640 for parcet #Parcel# A ldl-aEZ-3a* c,o1 p"t", sl, 113 Permit # JobName: LlAr<on JobAddress: 3aJ &0a CAk DrL *3A Building ( )Plumbing ( )Elecrricd fQ Mechanical ( ) Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot-.- '-- Block_ Filing_ SubdMsion Owners Name: d h ,r e- r.r..ra-t 53n Phone# Architect:Address:Phone# Description of lob: Bh r+ p.,, .ar.a.do-t. Work Class: New ( ) Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS BUILDING: $ PLI.JMBING $ CONTRACTOR INFORMANON General Contractor:Address: Town of Vail Registration No.Phone # Electrical Contractor:Address: Town of Vail Registrafion No . | 1o tr Phone #flza-> q r Plumbing Contractor:Address: Phone # Mechanical Contractor:Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: ELECTRICAL: $ l6oa. oo OTIIER: $ MECHAMCAL $ TOTAL S Town of Vail Regrstration No. Town of Vail Registrarion No. SIGNATURE: TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 91657 970-479-2L38 APPTICAI T colfrRAeroR OI|INER PLUMBING PERMTT 'Job Address: 303 GORE CREEK DRLOCAIION...: 303 GORE CREEK DRParcel No. . ; 2101-092-30_OO5Project No. : pRrT99-0075 JOBSTTE AT AtL TIMES Permlt, #: P99-0024 SEATUS...: ISSUED(ROwIIOuApplied. . : 04/29/Lgggrssued...: 04/29/L999 Ercpires. . : LO/26/]-999 DEPARTUEIIT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEI\TT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Description: pLIIMBING FOR BATH REMODET GUARJAI{TEED PLT'MBTNG & TTEATINGP O BOX 4210, AvoN, co 81_620 GUARAT{TEED PII'MBING EC HEATINGP O BOX 42to, AvoN, CO 81620 GOR.E CREEK PTI,|TSHP & oLIVE C WATSON, l_00 FIELDPOIIIIT Phone: 845-5300 Phone:845-6300 CTR, GREENWICH Cf 06830 Valuation: 5,000.00 .oo 95.78 55.00 151 .75 TotBL Calculat€d Feco- - - > Additionsl F6e6- --------> Total PerniE Fee------- -> Payment B - - - - - -- - DECLARATIONS :r*:':L.:y::t:i:: :ll._:^"i5_l':1. tht" appricarion, fil1ed our in fulr rh€ rnformarion required, coir!,lered allilT:lLl "::::.-:1":_1' the inror.narion e,;;;;-;;;;q;i;:;'r; "";:":;:' ;':ri::";:"llilri"lliil.l;" ::r::ir:Ll*"-:.11-1":_:1-11i."::e-and -seare 1as", ."a i"-r"ira-r;i;;;;;..;";".""";il;TT:";J:.:code', d66ign reviei. epprovcd, uni.fore Bulrding ""a" .ra other ordinance. of REQT'ESTS FOR INSPECTIO$g SHA,I, E8 MADE TWENTY-FOT'R HOIJRS IN ADI/ANCE EY 213A OR on accurate plot and plot p1an, Fubdlvi6ionand FROM g!00 A.H 5:00 pM SICMTURE OF OWNER OR COIiTTRACTOR gOR HII{SELF rowN oF vArLCbNSrRUciloN PERM,, orl,.ArroN FoRM contact the Eagle county Assessors office at g70-328-8640 for parcet # Parcel # __ frnre. <//-zqAl""*' -//^,/rr _ Pennit# nall*n", I O/iuc tL)Ae,,- JobAddress: Building ( )Plumbing(X Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Subdivision Owners Name: Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ()Alteration M Number of Dwelling Units: / Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances Additional ( ) + VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ Repair ( )Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood,/Pellet OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Phone# BUILDING: PLI]MBING $ fpao fp MECHAMCAL$ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Generalcontractort N,# (,*-al. Address: Town of Vail Regisrarion No.Phone # Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone # Plumbine Coutractor t CuaU, Town of Vail Registration No. Town of Vail RegistrationNo /70? Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTITI THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAILPUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.]NITYDEVELOPEMENT JANUARY 1, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORACE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PL'TBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlauful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be liuered. tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud dirt, snow, ice, or anv other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or Gruses another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified" the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, rnay cause any such san4 gravel, rocks, mud. dirt, snow, ice, debris or aay other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable:l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3 . To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Pe$alty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above. any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, rnay be issucd a surnrnons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guiltv ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l of this code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawfirl for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilt-v ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis 997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979) Read and acknowledeed bv: Position or Relationship to Project: ./ / (i.e. contractor or owner) D,'.", T/n/?l o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 BUILI'ING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME F'RAME If this permit requires a Town of vail Fire Department Approval" Engineer,s (public works) review and approval, a Planning Deparhnent review of Health Deparknent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requircments. Residential anrl small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above rnentioned departrnents witb regard to necessary review, these projects may aiso take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparhnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undcrsigned, understand the PIan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand t}at if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name : Date: Work Sheet was turned into the Commrmity Development Depr. tp***o'o'* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A *PT]BLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED DATE: PLEASE ANSWER T}M FOLLOWING QI'ESTIONNAIRE F'EGARDING TIIE NEED FOR A*PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is this a new residerce? yES NO Is demolition work being performed tlat rcquires tlrc use of the Right-of-way, easements orpublic property? YES-- NO_Y__ J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Is any utility work needed? yES Is the driveway being repaved?YES Is a different access needed to the site other ttrar the existine drivewav? yES NOV Is arry drainage work, being done that affects the Right-of-way, easemen8, or public property?YEs..-- NO_K_ No-)dIs a "Revocable Right-of-Way pennit" required? yES A. h the Rlght-of-w1y, easements or public property to be used for staging parking or fencing?YES_ NO K B . ,If No to 8A, is a pa*ing staging or fencing plan required by commrmity Development?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questiong a "public way permit" must be obtained- *Public way Permit'' applications rnay be obtained at the public work's office or at community Developmcnt. If you have any questio4s please call Leonard Sandovaf from Fublic Works at 479_219g. ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contactor Sisrature No-x- - No-x- Company Narne o2.o Arl .; I E lrr o l] b zo zo F'OHmqI 2E rhaz o= H(2 8"Haqlzo (,a U F1 E E] tr F n U Ec, ao Ats 33FlOF: ET hhElp Egvr '<D az i9 I HZ ooA: a n -4 x !. 2o F' EUzu :ETo o!{ts daR 59UU oH F{p (J H tr E] z ai H vlo F] :: ; oi (')!) E> H Ers (da(,c&lo'Ett o I I I I I oz F =t IJJ o- Nq "i I oo I \tN .J) r.lJ I.JJ u_ F tlj $NS -N-'\V llJ oz z o l cU =z tlrl 6\l6r orl .r^l t- tr e.l rE e.l I " ol olrl t; .,lr El H I TC IE r-t I cD,o BrJo'; ,-, 15P rE F_l IE|4 z f; ib, l=() rsA =H ,ZZ t.^E 16< l:ri ,z uJz3o lrJ 1- z FJ.t E-r E F.AloEIA\OO{-r v) vl&zo HHH F-l ^rq|-]OH.o<Arfi> oH z tr1 Fl Lr_ J alJ U) = LL F Fz o tr ) rt) r9 D 'f-)-)c)ra -d iE;o. r' 'r-iqlre :o is '(6'c H q) O c = 6 =l !o ],.;; 0)' 6 .Y'i0 :- 6anoPio i. t.a).:.E:.o '(E;o) ''- )oLN -(t)-: F orl p; Ot t? ( (0l or .! i(at) |oi -:=_l! oi-= -a 3':(6g '5Eo rr r- Tta-rOcio(6 Fen;T q E.E E o Xrt.s;o e:5- 6.o =EFd >-=cY'" 35; EEA =Ll:+oo o-O'.=9*(E+: -^.== c6 o-(U oa=-G-E9 .9'o- E- (6 OE:- E \.' . or oER;Ei(ui_ a.9 ueC P *-c dr O)!-8E::oi!' 3 5 >.tO(E=l .:<iEr9; e'.'Xel.itel9dq)6Fp!c 6 6; Ln |rl c{ra rn @ N F =r! z 5 (D (J IJJ z o.- J () Fo Lu UJ z CO E o- . LIJ = [J uJl/-z tr UJ o uJ E 6 =uJ; z(J6 UJo F olrlo l z tr.lJo X F IJJof (r, t.u UJu- F (r IIJ J F F z d f,gl E o uJ L! z f, J 2 - llJ r.l H NOtM'tVA l^l tdlt5l tEl lF1l I r--r Izl<l ,l&l vlHI&l HI2l-l r-{ |ol Erlpl(9l HILrl ::a I Y = z E uJ G uJz IJJ =>G -r(t zz E; =f,=^;F; U'Oz>Qo\JZ l!< .,. 3 i5FO -.i (\i z tr fJ CE a UJ(L f-. \TN i:l(rI<ld It"rJ l:t:t<lzlo ololol )<lHlzl 9lEIEIull 5l'll^tl ;tlzll ,-l z) zlx .. >lo uJ l! uJz (.t) tr E UJ J z EuJo-l!>oF ulf aa z () IF z F -Jlaz I FzlzQoF lll<oo< =ft>d-o .-' <z Fzlr2z-.F do-tr z CE z F- (D I F UJ a.l z I I lco I C.J l(o--tO cf)(-><-.tJ I F-r Flv) z Ot c -f"c{ 4 Fl IJJFo ano-z Fo-utY lll co oF F Lll lJ- oO I ITJr. z E =E, lrJ o-zo F(JfEFazo CJ UJF z OPzeoozz dF |}{-- -IXL-IL ] ."i3 =Eidd= F lr uJttr! c:i92E<of39,6r=a9vtr)e => =uJ:E b=o * iiiE =a-vtLE OO9 \u.rE Xo-E X>F fiFo-lt* tlj oF -E I I I.l v1-1 d cFI H I t{F{ z:tr ilnl I -lJo CN FoJ lFf txItrlle Itz tit-. ii =z .-)I * (n FlFlH H& l.rtxlt-llzltfrlIOI I(nltHllcl It<ltEltltNllc4 |lNltlI u)ltolI LlJl <lj = z H F.l B H.l) tl|F4 !n I | '-.rIEostt olFl d \out {; trl FJ*Ht I (Jt I n4 | <''l<l -1l-lgttl trll lri ILl trll 'l8l H!lEl g>l =l J-lflg5l ll6tlHt < |F.rl I iut olFl -{r IFl-'lFrt I(rl Iztl9l cil"l 1lvtl ol Ia4l uil o Irrll El -t Itsl rl -al Et 3t? |.l xlS IA.l ;lo.l =l 3l ullst 9t Flar rt Fl .i- z3 F H H Frl FTz F lllo. I.trl Fl ro I lrll --{ |El Iat Izt Alsl il<l ol xHI UJI F\ I Jl F. El :li IFll Fl $ |cElt -t o I =l il :l =l Lrl rllrJ-l Fl Fl .l z.l (rl sl al>l Ilol zl 3lpl I I i I ?l |r,Iql <l iIol Pl E E. tl.Jz = t- UJF tc E <F(tsC) trJ <zt (tZo -JEx9 t<ii& 1z!O/-O - .n ^ta. t- 9?ac !z axYF7() =g-F;z =g IY = !JZ J<(Js9.ul uJ a rF{rFlnLX Ll4 L.I ocr l! trl := ILJuttt i olt o o Fz tr ll,J NOIlVN'IVA Y 3Zzu-o ootr ^ 62I i >o =.1 7 =;F F uo- ltog.z>-ooo9)(Jzx LL<9q iKog>c)= '. '1 lrlr(\lat JI trl :l zl .. >lotrjo UJ auz (.t,t cc L.ll J z Eo <16 Hl! J- o-x u-tr'|*=.3 ,.r t-(4'C) aE' ()F E q- OJ +.,+, OJJ CJ cr .tJ o).n c! E LrJ ctz. -J lr- ll- LlJ6 L/.1 Ldz, <h z. 3 =Lr- "a*t\ $ NI.\l I ulF ) Dtl '':lil ,\:] )t\ .. )\\l -g a.f t=\rr;;; S::'\ t! F -.r c\.t UIFa -zo |- u.lY uJ d) r F UJL t|- I lrJ l- z Ir l\tl\l JJ"l i$ $\(l.l'., lzF'i9; d TF T .$ UJ =z CIl 'rl I.-El .ljl Hl t !lt= ,t $lt-qq z S$ I-"J- frl ,i ! qd 4E(J il's '-1 o ;|$tr|:'oll F{l - rJl {1JI .-'i J H,do-\<|..'.l><= =o z C] $l,r J Ilr l'1-sq I tr ?t I fl+l i;{ dl flrl g V el 6 $t c: N:t s'{il " >l 3l u]cl 9l Err-rrlF \ { $A Yt\Js1{l {ql'd d llt4| :lIt| -jl l-'I|,-'lt4.l h el .Nol \uJt tccl ,'Jl 'vr$i.*l h(Jl Zl ..t BI ;rl F I I I I .l OI =.1 uJl :l ?l>lt!l ;t 3ol r! UJz =o F ulF-r o <F uJ<zEtJF(nZo <o :.-< -oVO E ZY =(J =#fFd5 C) <; YF7<)ss Y,Z<o-o =Oz <O(5 u)rrr LU =( \./ \-/t><x><>1 >1 \-/ LJJ '-ca> LIJo1:ZX ff\J:< !!5E Y Z C ^ < rr )i3*B >tr6-9 odi r,r O >Zi= E \ ?=.i- I \o-Eco<[: rd > L_lLlLl F -r- J l-I E= t' =l15g ffl ."*d:- .o u-l >=z E jP ol aF**E=: lul _-r<-ri,:*o lll =t!;g* q ;Nqi =€ tr; ED! ;J ru *y*-* . zo FOfEF@zo() d n r riti:i irfit ilt_rrporatrnn ' : I i ,t \1li jit,:\.; ll /: , ,.. .' ::]!] -|1 i:] ,, . a _,:,1 :1rr,.:r: RTSO AUG29ff MoruEnAncHrrccrs August 27, t99Q Gary Murrain Chief Building Town of Vail 75 S. FrontageVai1, co 8L657 Inspector Rd. Helio Gary: Just a memo to document our conversation concerning the Colton Demol-ition Permit. We are proceeding with demolition based on thepermit plans submj-tted for your Building Permit review. Theseare as approved by the Condominium Association and the Eown ofVail Design Review Board. I am enclosing a copy of the project Application for your fiIes. Thank you for your time. enclosure Respectfully, Kirk Aker, AIA l,'I /\i\ --- \-r't Project Appticaton O Pro,ecl Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and owner,Addressandphone: ftr/ .F ,lr,+/i//, {,ri':1.\* -z1a /,in, /'"i;,.tr 4 tl,' Sl n l t/,//t tl J, a\:^tK zctt{d &'t - T t.:. ,': Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descri Comments: ption: Lot ?rlrins l,/o, / u //17' ^ /"V , zone - Design Review Board Lnm aMotion by: Seconded by: Wttt tr1tu,4-O DISAPPROVAL 6'//t ': ,/ ;'; ,, @) ):.-. 'i.rr'!rsrr, O Statt Approval SINGLE FAMILY DATE: SEPT.28,1990 LEGAL: LOT 3 BLOCK 5 FILING VATLVTLLAGE 1ST. ADDRESS: VAIL ROWHOUSE UNIT 38 OWNER: COLTON REMODEL PHONE# ARCHITECT: MORTER ARCHITECTS PHONE # 476 5105 ED USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENC ,l Town of Vail Connunity Developnent 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L657(303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based onthe 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 92390 Name: COLTON REMODELAddress: VAIL ROWHOUSE IJNIT 38 Date: October 9, 1990Contractor: ETTERS CONST.occupancy: R3 Architect: MORTER ARCH.Tlpe of Const: V-N Engineer: MUELLER Plans Examiner: }IICHAEL WHITAKER NOTE:The code items tisted in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code reguirements in the 1988 UBC. It is a gui&e to.... selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from theUniform Building code ( 1988 edition) with permission of lnternationalConference of Building Officials SEPARATTON DIP.ECTION BOT'NDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 50.0 Feet 5O.O FeetEAST nuilding O.O Feet O.O Feet SOUTH Property line SO.O Feet SO.O FeetIVEST Building O.O Feet 0.0 Feet Code review for: Project Id.: COLTON REMODEL Address: VAIL ROWHOUSE UNIT 38 oPage occ The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.ZZOL. None -- No fire protection requirernents for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 br fire assernblies. 50? of the area of the wall rnaxirnum. Sec.2203. (b) & table 5-A I'taxirnurn single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls rnay be required to have a parapet wal1 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the samefire rating as the wal1. See section L709. for details and exceptions. FL NAME AREA MIN.LTGHT I{IN.V8NT NO.EXITS EGRESS EXTERIOR WALL TIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRC NON-BRG OPNG BRG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALI-,Ohr Ohr None thr* l-hr* NOP Ohr *2 SOUTII WEST NON-BR.G OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALT., PROT WALL ITAIJL PROT Ohr None Lhr* thr* NOPR3 3 Bedroorn #2 L543 Bedroorn #3 l-183 Bath room 483 Ha11s, closets, etc. !67 TOTAL FOR FIOOR 4872 L.Rn./DinRm/Kitchen 5322 Master bath 1-982 Bath room vrith tub 282 Bathroom flout tub 342 Halls, closets, etc. 24! TOTAL FOR FLOOR ]-0331 Halls, closets, etc. 114 TOTAL FOR FLOOR ].1.4B Mech room 58B Halls, closets, etc. 283 TOIAL FOR FLOOR 351 BUILDING TOTAL T634 15.40 11.80 0.00 0. 00 s3.20 0. 00 o. 00 o. 00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 7.70 5.90 2.40 0. 00 26.60 9.90 1.50 1.,70 0.00 0. 00 o. o0 0. 00 Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No YeS L L l_ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 L L 1 1 l_I l_ FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris reguired from this roorn. The rninimurn cl-ear openable area must meetthe following. -- Sec. L2O4.1) The minimum elear height Ls 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maxirnun sill height is 44 inches2) The nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings)3) A nechanical ventilation system rnay be used in in lieu of exterioropenings for ventil-ation. -- Sec. 1205. (c)4) The reguirement for an egtress window in the basement is based onSec. 1204. Page # 3 Code review for:Project Id.: COLTON REMODEL Address: VAIL ROWIIOUSE UNIT 38 ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shaLl have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and-toilet conpartnents may have aceiling,height of 7 feet measured to the lovest pioJection. Ii the ceiJ-ingis slopi-ng, then the mininurn height is required in only L/2 of the area.--sec. L2o7. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not Less than 1.20square feet of floor area. other habitable rooms except kitchens sha1l havean area of not less than 70 sguare feet. -- Sec. L2O7. (b,Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be l-ess than 7 feet in anydiroension. -- Sec. L207. (c) GI,AZTNG REQUIREMENTS :L) All glazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d)2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are reguired to besafety glazed regardless of the height above the floor. -- 540G(d) S. sMotc DETECTOR REQUTREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or lrall at a point centrallylocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. L210.(a) 4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the buildingrs power source. -- Sec. l_21_0. (a) 3.A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. i-2L0.(a) 4.A smoke detector is required on al1 stories. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4.rf the upper level contaj-ns sleeping roon(s), a smoke detector is reguiredin the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway.--Sec. L2L0. (a) 4 FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS ; FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE:L) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3?05. (a)2) Clearances and hearth size rnust be per manufactures approval .-- sec. 370s. (a) & (b)3) Chirnney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 3Z-B STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling nust be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 330G. (b) The rnaxinum rise of a step is 8 inches and the nininum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1-Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or rnore risers. -- Sec. 330G. (j)Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minirnurn height =35 inches, maximum opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. L7LL. exc 1 The urinirnum headroorn is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306, (n) #q Code review for:Project Id.: COLTON REI,IODEL Address: VAIL ROVIHOUSE UNIT 38 ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:L) Provide an access to a]} attic areas with a clear height of 30 inchesor more. The nininum size Ls zz inches by 30 inches. There nust be 30inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a)2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area isto be not less than L square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be L/3Oo if at least 508 of the reguired ventilatingarea is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of theattic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve orcornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) For a 4A7.O sq.ft. attic area:Ratio Mirninun sq.ft. of vent1/150 3.25L/3OO L.62 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUTRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SI'RVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHTN THE TOWN OF VATL ARE LIMITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTIIRAT FIOOR CEILING HEIGHT OF 5r, BE EARTH FI,OR ONLY, BE VENTILATED AS pER UBC 2516(C)6 WITH MINIMTTM ACCESS AS pER UBC 251-6(C)2 AND MAXIMUM ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. ANY BUILDING SITE WITH A SLOPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALL REQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRATNAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. o Page a\ Town of Vail Conmunity Developrnent 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81"657(303) 47e-2)3A PIan review based onthe L988 Uniforrn Building Code Project Number: 92890 Name: COLTON REMODELAddress: VATL ROWHOUSE UNIT 38 Date: October 9, l-990Contractor: ETTERS CONST, Occupancy: R3 Architect: I,IORTER ARCH. Type of Const: V-N Englneer: MUELLER Plans Examiner: MICHAEL WHITAKER Portions of the naterial contained in this program are reproduced from tbe Uniforrn Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building Officials # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED l- A-2 Common wls This exterior wall is required to be a l-hr fire assembly. -- Table 5-A 2 **** **** AII electrical work to be conplete to the requirements of the 1987 National Electrical Code. 3 **** **** Smoke detectors shall be located outside eachsleeping area. A detector shall be located on eachlevel and in the basement. Detectors shall be interconnected and sound an alarm audible in allsleeping areas of the dwelling unit. UBC 1-21-0. 4 A'2 Basement For heating or hot-water supply boilder applicationsa floor drain shall be supplied for suitabfe disposing of accunulated fluids. ttMC 2]-]-9. 5 A-2 See PlanAnals This area requires glazed opening(s) having anarea equal to L0? or more of the floor area. -- Sec.' 1205. (a) 6 A'2 See PlanAnals This area requires operable exterior opening(s)having an area equal to 5? or more of the floorarea. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 7 A-2 Bath rooms A bathroom is reguired to have an openable window ora mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. L205. (c) 8 A-2 Laundry CIst Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalled as per IJMC 1104 and L903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6, in length and sha1l notbe concealed within construction. Ducts shallterminate outside the building and not exceed t-4,length. :*:$:llsmfffitu," Page # 2 :3::::IroN REQ'TRED9 A-2 Itlech Roorn ;;-*.qiliil*+*.:i#ff'.$H.t#T-ti;';,.* 1.0 A-2 Chirrn Enc] 1.1 rntlExt GuardraiL t2 A-2 Basernent ;l$,ff,t:';qffi #ifr ;',"i-if$:$t"":**. fr:r:: ,'l *"{:T";"se*fl*: iii.t"'i ffff:rs ". . #ft:#:.::.::-itfru," ;"lrr ti:":;s;.s"1.3 :r*** L4:t*** **** **** fr"ffiff':;5]^S":ytns sharl ber,"atins-a-ii/'.;T5"'iir;t.:lrff .providedshowins l" ff i-1." F" i t in" l j.:a r . a rawi ris for each level is required t." -iiiJ Ti;'i llil t I ctz ==E UJo- E H trlHX XIz a UJtljt! ts = UJ $\st I orl 01, nl Frl x:k I I I d'.ErlM' flrH. F,E rc) . rttr.: lr!<l; fi,2 E14Etj tuF 6 lol9Jtr xl> *l=F-loal Jzl a =tru_o1.6zlzztA ILJ UJa =I LL Nl i*rc ! 8ii R.; rbE;E F.egit= *E B 8g F.=EF3 € g:,9 E e{sE $ n(D o (l (gcn arc != acqro El '=?!;6 o9.. toErco ^t= 5qio>= zd!o < lJ = ?i 15. ;>= c96 d6'_E> E EA *oct;E <I E;S E€ tr.Y- d 0.(6 0o= *\,!: o'a+ t>!frE :a)'- trEo or oE);E-EEt teC | *-co9I tl r- .=-ei' =6>,o (E;c-=.r<=EH;8 Bte :U CL O)EEE!-oo) -o(! f\ t\ c..l F E(!l(L z 6 f, co - UJI z o- J a IJJ lr-l oz6 = J J 2 (J Ltl = u.Jt!z E trJ e.() trJ e. o oo =uJ UJatz 64t F -a IJJ 3 z uJ.J C) x F llJ U) tJ) t/-l llJlr- = =|'ll F F z =)c) o & F()uj tr (5z =J J z I UJ NO .VnIVA 'i).t =J^z;o zZ LF xz q.l_ :5 :H UE N z 6 6 = ul ztr^ FPno =>6Z lL< Iv FO;<ri z tr LLr E UJ TL F c..l u. I Lr.l j z Eoo >+ >4 zotr EulF i z tz:)z9ot- lll<(Jo< :HRt.6o<z !)Fz Az -.1 rdo3[OI .. >lo U.lo uJ uJz <t)L lrJ o- J z Eoo rulJ ac utz o I z F -J:) U)z UJ z (! q z F J(D & E t- Lf) --JO tA"4,FTJ .Y^xu. A 4 /^-t- ITJ tsa (D z FIL uJY IIJ dt F F =(f UJ(L tr (I I l!F z (Jl !f, u, Eo zz3 :E Eroo. =3 g dP H )."i3>== ^FS -lllvdd= flt-fFlr l L_l Lld ! (I ll,tt 4 z foo oF(rI(r o- Jt-lu i-h=:EILU>(L 5 ttlx(!x> =Fl llJ d) o o E -9o ot t E Eot) o ts =E trJ o-zo Fo3EFazo(J e.lH z =tr E FJ E a a HFl il z _) ()I Itsl FIFJI .al ..1 EI<lFI HIrnl u4E 4 I &l FI'-{ Ql I<l\O Elo- I14 l Icnl\tl I ulat'iu{Jct iJel <El >i>qtrEO <n F'H H E E d I F\\t l JI-tl.{ "lzl dl :|>l rr-lol zl 3lolFi v"rrl \f I .if le Iltl l'a I --l .-r I\Jl IF I&t .l 5l eltrll ,;ldl Elrl :lzt <l<l >l >l l.l.lF1l ol -t zlt3lqol (JI rdlEl zl EI<lHI-l MI C)I<l HI =l trl I "lz.l ol uJl TI <l>l !l 9lFI I I 'lolqrl .cl il Pl E F LUF I IY <F IJJ <zE(rz F(J EFz E F LIJJ E.OOz. t-- =#1Zro F Fz z. -r CJ u.l E (!o = \JZ f!tr U)ull! lJ- F = UJ U)tllF z z =f(tr € (9z I I I I lul ,Fl<lo I I I I I I I ,o( IF | (/, z l=IO lolz.2 nl s \l i\^r-trq? lo I I I I \r{'N\t . NtE \\E\r(,\,2 r(] l- luz3o t!I o ILJ u,a =I TEo (E oF ccFzoo (I alJ '(E:c ,c\ \o )C(g o oo ; =lm E =c) o) o 3 .9 rg .Y, "o) =-iu(/) 5P::o)'6).:.: -ol t oD.:c c IN i-o ,;:)o,F" : (\ir€\ ,o'r-t rO)l o( 3((s( ol .! ()- at, < !: f-r og c C('-l do3';(dE -o DO 5EJ(u OA-c)lc) rE , ,3iorFi;)(g .=;3i> roo i(g = !:g c F c .Er O, -'i'i: >\': o.o1o( oO(/H: (g] :o f: [3 =u, :o) -!) U(! a) :> ).o )O 'o :0) (E c(6: (5 o- (:) i (dl (!) x\ (l); Eotr;OCo(I Eq) J o F(! E o ; :l .= :l : o) .E (s- (ul J Er o1Ll o( ol -?(u( o!oriI)!;tOq >,!.o c.o;oF.r- c -c F =E UJ(L z oJf, z6 :f, ID;l!; z(, UJ6 F6oo, LU o, z tl.tJ (n ul UJIL ==L! J F F o 5 d) Ylr - zo o_ o IJJ UJzlrt Eu z F-^ s9at, aXr6:tl-<oo- d(J>(J ..i..i o- a uJ z Eoo ^i zo F LUF ; UJz .. >l UJ t!ulzoF (r (L J z Eoo uJ0- r!to f .I t/7u,z o IF 2 tr J v)z cz,'ff, -Ftr(93tr z (I o- z tr r0 o 3 F uJ z r.L 6 Fo -J Lu z I I l* I I sl 5l aJ> Eo \) \l \ :i "JlAI..|| il 5rl:t a\ N\\1 I $l\l atatnulEIol J E I I I I ol 1lol uJl :l ?l>l u-lol Fl g ol ulFI F F F _l_ o t -".r O<F uJ<zE TlJ Fcrz () JLE*9 ;<OPul=C E9s =#:f,F!z (J oFo E z 2 _r C) LU #-E O O UJJ U o. +, (U U) c\ Eo q- 5-(u +) +J _3 z .| I .-,$$;EE ribD \Udg0 rr rr r</UUA I --lr+d xtr4T:.1-J+*".|ilFqq!irl E uJ ILo uJ F o<><(fu, !4 o-sz*&v E g ,,,utot a- =F^T.=x I;- il: tJ o -F cE cd;':r,r; ;=P QdUJ;3*P r)<,c-ivtdt-FE-rF*o OLrJYg<f J; -@*y+r-** a .x ><x, t!) u) 6<crn2. Y=z=o:FT.LLIJ lJJ uJF F. f-- (r utq^ rr- \Jro tl..l O-rhlo 'pla\^ | |;{rJ lrJ F!JoEZo l- =E,lrl o-zo F(J :)EF(nzoO .s\ ,.\ \.*\ 75 soulh tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olflce ol communlly deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THEIOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPI{ENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAIJ STORAGE rn surnmary,.ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash dunpsters, poriabre ioilet! andworkmen vehicles upon-any streetl siaewair, ;ii;y or publicpl?:"_:" any portion rheieof . rire rishi;i;;;-;n att rown ofvatr sEreets and.Iga-ds is approxinately S ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirr be striihy tntorcla by the Town of Vair-llPii: Irorks Department- perslns found vi6ratinq this ordinancewrrr. De gJ-ven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnaterial .rn the event the person so notified does not compiy witrr ah;--notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, tfr.-p"[fic WorksDepartrnent wirl remove said nateii.t .t [rr" -"xp""." or personnotified- The provisions of this ord.inance =friif not beapprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a_way. To.review Ordinance No. 6 Ln fulI,Vail Buil.ding Departnent to obtaincooperation on this rnatter. please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your Lelationsha-?)ect (i.e. contractor, owner) the mj mueller co., inc. SEllnl:T r,i 5 irr:;il 24 October i_99O t'Ir. Kirk Aker MORTER ARCHITECTS l-43 East Meadow DriveVaiJ-, Colorado BL6S7 Subject: Colton Residence RenodelVail, Colorado Dear Kirk: The purpose of this letter is to confirm that tlris officehas revieved the r,ollowing iten for tlre above reJerencedproject. The review.was -requested by $r. Oan Sianelc ofthe Town of vair Buirding Departurent during rris- rinarframing inspection. The fo116wj.ng is to bE;otee, a) 2 L12tt diameter olrrmbing holes were cut througlr thec5xL3 floor joists shown on the uain r.evei-rianingPlan by tbis office dated 23 Auqust L990. The holesare centered in the depths of the uembers and located24rt from the west nasonry bearing wall. The cond.ition as expl3ined above is acceptable for thedesigm loading conditions. If you. have any guestions regarding this project pleasecontact this office at the phone nunber sirowi ber-ow. l!.IMltc cc: I'lr. Jin FoleyP. ETTERS CONSTRUCTION Sincerely I,[ar]c clvlf, archltectural and structural englneering . p.o. box 2747 vaat,cotoracto 81659 476-2627 U TIL. I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER REQUEST VAIL AMl: MON TUES W 01,^J'- {-ar'? t I k i'a-< BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING \a-ffiwnea tr GAS'PIPING - - HOOF & SHEERu pLywooD NAtLtNG tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB tr TEMP. POWER \{Henrtruc tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED E] DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTI i DATE t 't '.'$'..l INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUM DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: ,i a \e- tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIBED iltril Rffisxop / .t .._ g6 oatr lO-{<--t rNSpEcroR i ..t . _.. ..... li,_--i.i_. .f j .-,NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL o_ tr FINAL _tr FINAL ELECTBICAL:MECHANICAL: POWER HE,ATING EXHAUSTROUGH HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL .p'APPROVED \ -tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIdNS: niffis'op DATE INSPECTOR # INSPECTION REQUEST oAre JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: ... MON LOCATIONT =:-:..- WED TH G-rtP, R (!( PMAM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL E. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" cl-)aa6oo NATLTNG dr+(sulnrroN - tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL 5(neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DTSA4HOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR affisnce 4t zr PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT t n .2 ) aJrf- oa16 /U^r'-:'/( JoBNAME 'il * INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: FRI4 i-l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: . tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING {aouen tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR -tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROV tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 1 tr- "1 -;-: DATE rNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILROF JOB NAME PECTI CALLER READY FOR INS LOCATION: \ @ *.o BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER ,_ ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB EETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR t-l tr tr FINAL tr FINAL \Elneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR (aa< PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT oor. ll READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING .- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED / -/- ) --+ r--oete // /J7d tNSpEcroR 4ltau PERMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT DATE ,READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: o ,o, NAME Jii:7 , ,,i i,.,ii.; : REQUEST VAIL THUR FRI .* BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PL E tr tr tr n D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL I o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR _ D K{rr.rnr-tr FINAL APPROVED 4'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED COBRECTIONS: oor= /' /f ' 76t rruspecroR ,-r' * INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL -AM PM REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE , READY FOR LOCATION: NAME MON cn-a:OALLER (ir' I -z-L ) TUES dk€ THUR FRI 6" / \orr"ouio CORRECTION DISAPPROVED tNlQ D trn -r tr\ Nr. INSPECTOR l Fo\., tNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILL READY FOR IN$PECTION: MON LOCATION: p neenoveo CORRECTIONS: v9 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMITJ.IUMBER OF PROJECT "^r, S -- \-\ JoB NAME lNtqDtrrrrrlo t' ,t -DATE I INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ". TOWN OF VAIL i':: f-f i i , t, ,-r-,4 ,1r",, {JOB NAME CALLER "! rnun FRI p.lleenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTORDATE .d!i*.ir: .roAI INSPECTIONIS COMPLETED It The lterns belos need to be conplete before givlng a permlt a flnal C of 0. Please check off in tbe box provided. FINAI PLU{BING DATE: tl T FINAL UECHANICAT DATE: IMPROVEUENT SIIRVEY EAST SIDEI WEST SIDE:FINAL BIIILDING *.H DATE: TET.,IPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCITPANCY ninlz- -17P DATEI .* TOUIN OF VATL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Bui tding---; Ptan Check---) tnvestigat ion> uitL csL l----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/A],T SFR BUILD POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Permit *: 896-0081 Job Address:Location...: ParceL No..:Project No.: 303 GORE CREEK DR 303 GORE CREEK DR 2101-082-30-006 Status...: ISSUED uNrT 3BApplied.. : os/02/I99Ar8sued...: 05/07/t996 Expires. . : l!/03/L996 APPLICANT JEI'{BOR, INC P O BOX 2L44, BOULDER CO 80306 CONTRACTOR JEMBOR, INC P O BOX 2144, BOULDER CO 80306OWNER COL?ON STEWART 232 HARTSHORN DRTVE, SHORT HILLS NJ 07078 Description: NEW ROOF AND WATER DAMAGE REPAIR Occupancy: R3 Sing1e ramily ResidenceType Construction: V-1HR Not in table! Phone: 3039493040 Phone: 3039493040 Valuation:20,000 Add Sq Ft: Fi reptace Information: Restri cted:fof cas App.L iances:#0f Gas Logs:#of tlood/Pa L tet: FEE SUMT'IARY 100.00 Payments------------> 557.25 MII*t-liil**ii*ii*****;i**********iil;ii*******illtHllH;;;;;;i************;ff*** Ile.qri .q51q0-BqII,DING DEpARTMENT Depr: BurLDrNc Division:95/03/!996 CHARLTE acrj_on: AppR CHARLTE DAViSIte.m:'.05400_PI,4,NNING DEPARTMENT Oept: PLANNING Division:95/03/L996_CHARLTE -AEEion; AppR FoR LAUREN-wliinofr--'-'--'- --' Item:' 0s60Q !'fRE DEPARTMENT --- -------'Dijii€:--Flns Division:rtem: 05s00 puBr,rc woRKs DeFai Ffii-wor.r blnl;Ioii: See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that nay appty to this permit,. DECLARATIONS I - hereby .ecknovl'edge that I have read this appl,ication, fil,ted out in ful,t the information requiped, conpLeted anptEn, and state that atl the inforrnation provided as requi red is corrcct. I agree to conpl,y riith thc informationto compty Bith atl' Toun ordinances _and state [aus, and to buitd this structure Eccording io'the Torrn,s zoning andcodes, design ravieu approved, Uniforr EuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town afplicabl.e thereto. REOUESIS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE IIAD€ TUENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY send C[ean-Up Deposit To: JE]|B0R INc. 245.00 Restuafant PLan Review--) 159.25 .00 Recreation tee--------->3.00 Ctlan-Uo DeDos i t--------> .00 Tots[ cstcul,ated Fees--->50.00 Additionat Fees------->.00 Tot€ [ Pernit Fee-*----> 557 .25 .00 tt(.tt accurate plot and ptot p[an, subdivi si on OF OIJNER o I Paqe 2 *********************rr***************iiii*i************************************* CONDITIONS Permit #: Be6-0081 a;";;-o;iAt P'1 ' ' status---: rssuED *****************i*****************i-*******'***i********************************* Perrnit Type: ADD/ALT sFR BUILD PERMIT epplicantl-: JEI'IBOR, lNC 3039493040 Job Address; 303 GORE CREEK DR ;;;";i;;-ll: :ol GoRE cREEK DR uNrr 38 Pii."f No--: 2101-082-30-006 Applied-- | 05 /oz /.199 6 i's'suea--- | 05/07 /.L996i- nxpir": LL/03/Lo96 DescriPtion:-NE?[ t'OOF AND WATER DAI'IAGE REPAIR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. F]ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ' 2. sMoKE DETEcroRs ARE RE0ur;;i*-i}.I-ari., eeonooMs AND EVERY sroRY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC' 3. AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST EE_OBIATNSD FOR ELECTRICAL WORK TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Proiect No. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT AI,,L Permit 303 GORE CREEK DR 303 GORE CREEK DR 2r0t-082-30-00 5 Status... UNIT 3BApplied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Payments------ BALANCE DUE---- APPROVED 05/02/tee6 05 /03 /tee6 ro /30 /Lee 6 93040 TIMES B9 6*0081 557 .25 20.00 5t7 .25 APPLICANT JEMBOR, INC P O BOX 2L44, BOUr_,DER CO 80306 CONTRACTOR JEMBOR, INC P O BOX 2L44, BOULDER CO 80306OWNER COLTON STEWART 232 HARTSHORN DRTVE, SHORT HrLr_,S NJ 07078 Phone: 30394 Phone: 3039493040 Description:NEI{ ROOF AND WATER DAMAGE REPAIR Number of Dwelling Units: 000 Town of vail Adjusted Valuation: 201000 Fi rcDtacc InfofDat ion: Restricted:fOf Gas App liances:#of cas Logs:fof i,,ood/PaLtet: FEE SUIIIiIARY Bui Lding----> Ptan Check---> Investi gation> lli L l Cat l.----) 245.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--> 159.25 DRB .00 Recreation Fee----------> 5.00 C lean-Up oeposi t-------> TOTAL FEES----- IIem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT O5/03/L996 CHARL,TE Action: AppRItem: O54OO PI-,ANN]NG DEPARTMENT 05/O3/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ITem: O55OO PUBLIC WORKS .00 Total Catculated Fees-->557 .?5 50. 00 Additionat Fees---------> .00 .00 Total Permit Fee-------> 1m.00 557 .25 Dept ! BUIL,DING CHARLIE DAVTS Dept: PLANNING FOR LAUREN WATERON Dept: FIRE Dept: PUB WORK Division: Division: Division:Division: * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATlONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futl, the infofmation requi red, compLcted an accurate ptot pLan, and state that a[[ the infornation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compl,y r,ith the infonmation and ptot ptan, to conpLy Hith aLL Town ordinances and statc [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev appnoved, Uniforn Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl,icabLe thereto. REOUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TI,ENTY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPTONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFrICE fRoll 8:00 Alt 5:00 P!| Send Cl,ean-Up Deposi t To: J EIIBOR INC.SIGNATURE OF O!'I{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OIINER PAGE 2 **************************************************************!F***************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 896-0081" as of 05/03/96 Status: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied: 05/.02/.L996 epplicant:,IEMBOR, INC Issued:05/03/L996 Job Address: 303 GORE CREEK DRI,ocation: 303 GORE CREEK DR UNIT 38 ParceL No: 2101-082-30-006 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * CONDITIONS **************************************************************!r***************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.3. AN EI.,ECTRICAL PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FOR ELECTRICAL WORK r.'egar Descriptions Lot - Brock_,f,_ Filirsv V l5f ,urorurrio* owners Nane: stuqrtls..).\y {"lHoN Address: Ah=r?$,tilimru?Bqx" "".Architect: tV\orrtev, Ar.rLi, l*,.k^ rrr------ ti+-5. E -Mehdo-\^\ b-r\uE- BlLos'Ph. General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [r,,f-Repair [ ]_orber Number of Dwelling Units: I Nunber of Accomrnodation Units: J-. 1}tu"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: eas Appriances I cas Logs- wooct,/perret ft * *r * * r ****** * * ** * ***.r++.r & &.r!!rr-t I E4":XH************* vALuATfoNs ********************************* BUILDING! $ 20 Electrical Contractor:Address: ELEq!RfCAL: $ -cJ NA Town of Vail Phone Number: Toqrn of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FoR oFFrcE USE ******** ************ *** ******** OITIER TYPE OF FEE: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: .P,LU}fBING PI,AN CTTECK FE8:I'TECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FE8: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES! BUI&DING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE! .Plunbing Contracton NAAddress: Mechanical Contractor: NAAddress: ************* **** ******* * ** *****BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE:PI,IJ}IBING PERUTT FEE3I'{ECHANICAL pER}tIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: Comments: CI.EAN I'P ITFOSIT REFI'trD TO:$=r*L*:v, lFt.l<_?o.Box ai44 .' Bldr. l LoLo Bo3Db luttn 75 soulh trontage road rail, colorado 81652 l3osl 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 olflce of communlty developmcnl TO: EROM: DATE! SU&TECT: ReadYr,and asknowledged by: ALT CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTH STIEIOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC lfoRKs/coMMUNITy DEVEr-.opMENf MaRcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING E !4ATERIAL STORAGE rn sunrnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or aelosit ""v-roirr-"#i., sand, debris;:'ffi$"*:ii"i::t"ains tiasr'-iiip=t"'i, p-ii.ri"' toir"ts andphe" ., ;;;;;;iii:.ilI"iil""i;" =iffiliili;:i;1,;:,1;l:*-,,vail streetl ina.roads i= .riroiinatery 5 ft. bfi pavement.This ordinance "iiiJe ;";:[i;^enforced bv the rown of vairPublic works oeoarinentl--iJiilns rouna *rii,rurlng this ordinancewitr be siven a-ze houi r.l.;;;;';otice-to-;;;;;'="id rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified.ao"=-nir'"Joiprv with thenotice within the 24 rrour trrne-lpecitied, the pultic worksDepartment wilr -"ror"-rlii-r]t]ii-r _ii-tnJ';*;*;=. or personnotified' The orovisions-Jr*[ii= otainance snlrr not beappricabre to c-onstruction, ruirl"r,urge gr repair projects ofany street or attey o"-irry'"liiiir"" in the right-a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i"::ti3i"g""if;if*:*"::"J#i" a copv. riani you ror your iL (i.e. eontractor, owner) o BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this permit ""qrl;l::-? Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (publ ic fiigl 1;fi.n'.na'ipproval, a pianning. Departmentrevreo' or Hearth Departrnent.revien.,, uni'. ""ui"* Lv-iii""iuiiaing iSriilH,E',h.lll .rrtr.ted time ro"'a-iutar ".ui.,-iluj.,Lt!'", rons Al'l conrmercia'r (rarqe^o1 smal'!) and at murti-fami'ry permits wilrhave to follow the ibove menti6niJ-mui.i*r,n requirements. Residentiarand smal'l projects strouta ta[e-;-i";;;"umount.of time. However, ifresidential or smal l9",pfoj..is-irpaci' the various above mentioned:i|l "ffi lTnlt ll "::T# - T"ffi:: ;iv-"'u i'*, -',"i" i'J.i ".ii''uv Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. ' -"'- Y!ru' i;.*ii undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and time 75 routh front ge .oad Yell, colorado 8165?(3o3, 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 n olflce of communlty dav.lopmont te Devel ooment Department. MEMORANDUMI TO: FROM: DATE: BE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PEBM|r'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easernents or public prope6y? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent ac.cess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls- any drainage work being done afiectilO the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right CI Way permit, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used for staoino. parking or lencing ? --e" '-' ' B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Commjnity Development? YES NO No No Ns No No No No f0c' lfJ?Y. "fytt"-d yes to any oflhese questions, a "Pubtic way permit" rnust be obtained.'Public way Permit' appiicationl riy be obtained at gre'iuuric work,s office or al 9.o.TT',l'ty Deveropmehl Iryq q"-.^"t-orestions prease cail charrie Davis, rhe Townof Vail Construction Inspeclor, at 47g-21g F'v"'r'e'rr€1'r \"1 I haVg fgad and answerer{ all tha ah,r., ^.,^^r:^--read and answered allthe above questions. How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check tist provided with a buildino permit aoolication.lf yes was answered to any ,,public Way,, isrequired. You. can pick up an apprication at either community Deveropment, located at 75 S' Frontage Road or Public works, located at tsdg vail Valey Diive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utitities must field verify (locate)respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies ieduire u6to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controystaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheetof paper.An approved site plan may also be used. ' fnii ptan wi1 show locationsof all tratfic contror devices(tgns, cones, etc..) and the work zone, larea oiconstruction, !!aging, etc..). This pran wiil expiie on oct. 1sth. and wiil need tobe resubmitted for approvalthrough the wintei. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length,width & depth of work)' This may be drawn on the traffic controt plan or a siteptan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required,locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. Thelocates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hou-rs to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approveor disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siatus and any tnii mayneeded' Most permits are released within 48 hours oi oeinj received, but preai6allow up to one week to process. - -. --"'w 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy wiil be faxect to communityDevelopment allowing.the "nuitoing Permit" to be released. please do not confusethe "Public Way Permit" with a "euitoing Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: ] Ittg:Ogl. process is tor work in a pubtic way onty.* Public Way permits are valid only until November i5th." A new pubric way permit is required each year it ,noii is not comprete. cd/pw8y TOW OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. Depanment of Community Deve lopnent IFFORI|AIIOX T'EEDEI' T{HEN APPI.,YIilG FON A r.rEcrrNrrcaL PERtrrT N.A HEAT LOSS CALCUI-.ATIONS. TO SCAI.,E FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENTDRAWN rN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSTCAL DIMENSIONS AND BTURATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES.VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED INMECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVTDE THIS IIFoRIIIATIoI{ I{IIT DEay YouR PERuIT. ? 4. 75 3outh lrontage road 'Yall, colofrdo 81657 (303) 47S,2138 (3G!) 4792139 oflice of community doyelopmenl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/O9INER BUTT,DERS Effective June 20, 1-99t, the Town of vail Building Department hasdeveloped the forrowing procedures to .n".-,."-inil-;", const.ruction:i::: -h.ur. adequarely estaUtished _prope, drainage frorn OuirOinjsites along and adjacent to Town of vail roads oi st.reets. rhe rown of vail public works Department wirr be reguired toinspect and approve _drainage adjacent to Town of vair roads orstreets and the instarlatiori of tinporary or permanent curverts ataccess points from tbe road or streLt on to tire construction site-such approval must -be obtaineci prior Eo any request for inspectionby t'he Town of Vair- Building nepartment for footings or temporaryel-ectrical 0r any. other i-nspection. please "irr 4-79-2160 torequest an inspection from th-e pubr-ic works -nlp.it*..rt. Allow aminirnun of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of vair. publi-c works Department will be approvingall final- drainage and culvert instarr-ation with resulting roadpacching as necessary^- such approvar must be obtar-ned prior toFj.naf Certificate of Occupancy i"",-r.r,"". Yrt t MonrenAncHIECTS April26, 1996 Colton Residence Repoirs Unit 38 Voil Townhouses Voil Villoge, Colorodo Scope of Work: l. Work covered by Insuronce: o. .All work-regording. the replocement of the o<isting roof. Including new four ply Built up roof, new crickets, Floshing ot skylights, ou.ihongr ond vertiiol stucco wclls, Stucco reglets, new fioscio to motch o<isting, ond new flqshing goskets ot oll o<isting rool qccesso ry pu ncfu res. R ef eren ce en cbsed docu m en la li o n. b. All interior drywoll repoirs ond ossociotd repointing throughout unit, ond wood trim replocement to mqtch existing ot South window in Livini Roomi c. Replocement goskets ot operoble skylighrs obove moin lwer Living Areos, ond ossocioted repoirs lo domoged *ood*ork in skylight frome. d. Cleoning to fr.rrniture ond Corpeting due lo woter from infiltrotion throughout unit. 2. Direct cost items: o. 4 R'30, Polyisoryonurote Rigid Insulgiion with noiloble su#oce, ond single layer ol Bituthene on o<isting roof sheothing. Reference enclosd dxumentotion. ' b, New Wood boseboqrd trim ot entry stoir to motch existing. c. Roise ceiling fon ot Living Room l,-0,, obove o<isting locotion. d. Repoir ond Reploce skylight motors ond swikhing lo operote correcdy. Relocote roin sensors lo ovoid secl compoction. Reference enclosd documenrarion. e' Repoir of existing "csL" pin spot light fixtures, ond low volhcge tronsformers ot Kikhen. .D nPR-26-1ee6 ..11si..... I nunrsn eRcdtTECrs DlSIcx lrvTrnt IOttD l?r&fCAlrqr . agffi Ot o vrr!, Dl!2 nECtIVlDrnllt Ot DRr rtCEfI]tGr col,or.tDo F" 0a D. c. D, E. r. tYPl Or f,rlltElr I ll.r. eonr cruc Ltor ( t200.00lrddi tto! (ts0.00r It prop.rey ir C$Cr!bt{ byoctcrlDrlotl, Platla groYidcro thr, rPpl lca r lon , rDDxrss, ffi (q** cra**.D 4rv I.!GAI. DISCRITT Elocl .6tubdivirion Yulno. llLcr.rion {tzo-00,concat,tual lrvicr ('0t. r tDeCtt lnO loun{r lcqtloB a teptt.tr, rbtcL lnd altlch _ t?r lu! .' aV.l,9: IC.00 ,r'100. C0 ,;300 . 00.r100.00' .t500.00 Olrr' tr R ltrrlR rrElgrr$ED lltD eoH rrl'uettrotq NAHE or n9 A PP& I CrrltT . I Il. NAXt OJ olsl{Et tSl r I, Urtllng llt&rcrtro|fs rtl;L ,wt r! !f,oer5glD Urrfifif vrvEr. g trc rflrr' Conionlaiurr *pproval rf opplicrblc. DnB tEt: Dr,! tGa5, 15 sho ! abovc.l .Er !(, be Dttat .t th!tlrA; ot r$bnl..,rr! rt )-hr Lrll' itat lbiiioi Lrrrr, lJhrnrpglflnc tor I bulldlnq p"rs,iil-piliii-i :...Iiy-iirc'iiiuncev.iurLien_ot rhe propoirl,. thc iocrl "r ,.ilr-*iri ial"ii-iiiI.. rcqording ro !lc'ublr brtot,, r,o iao,,ii-utri-ioiiiJc-tii-It 9.1d. FIB SC}TEDULE: VAI,I'ATION0 I I 10,000t 10.001 '' 50.ooot 50.001 t t5o,000frt0,00r t 50t,0oot500, 001 - 11,090, oooI e'er tt, o0o;000 ryqlq! lrvrrf lotr.D ^fbRovrl. !l(Drr!rll?lgltl.L urlrrrt ,r Dufl,DrBo Eriii iar5 tarf,trD- dA'IE O' ,IPPLICIM: T0TiL p. O? ;'r FPR-16-1996 15:31 J 11..ersbliJ ir l.!'ryvr.tt .' I.IORTER ARCI.IITECTS Y.UtA April t6r :996 Elton Parkrt, President vai r Townho raes condottrinium Ageos' Box 1440 Eagle, CO 81631 t--- Dear Mr. Parkst --af' we are asking that youl ao the Preaident and ropreeentative of the Vall tosn;"tiiet con&oninlun-lscoslatlon' sj-qn thlg tetter grantinE approval --l-of trre r"-roofi"i--and-noarf,ioat:.on of faeol'a for the cbLton Residence {unlt #ln)- After signinqt the letter, please fa{ tt brck to the -officee of, l.{orter Architects at 920-,12i-OZfO. Please lgt me know if you have anY questions. rrfl 143 E.3l Mo:dev, Drivc Cro3troa$ at Vafl Vill COl0Afr A163? et0r476.3109 FAx 970/479-07 r0 MonrrRAncHtrECTS Nvle H. ltebb, AIA u6nreR ARcHrrEers ouseg Cor donlnlUn ABSocl-atr-on gjncerely, ELton TOTRL P.92 *jo ;:,i ti.:t U l- N f|iii ci lll'jil r\J Iol $1 T] r+l dL1 'I'l , ?1 o 21 ll\lt, ht NlNbdNqLl-l + dSobo-aj A5'ago -arl A,tuAo- AVAF{-Atr,I*fi G-= llt ni^ta tI L-. | ' '' \---/ V U t-,z.ov Yft Azo , z: BgsT- i' ti:# '+pL€ Iiln' SKYLIGHT Whcn you rre away trom homc and the wcather looks lhreatcning, relax. SkyScntryo is on duty! Never again will you huve to worry aboul whether or not you rcmembered to $hut the skylight belbre you left home. Truth's SkySentryo Motorized Skylight System has all th€ "smarls" it takes to vinually run by itself. This motorizcd syslem i ncorporates micro'processor Iechnol- ogy which opcns the skylight to l vlriety of exciting fertures, and has a number of valuable oplions with which to enhance it. RAIN SENSOH: Strndard on all models is Truth's Rain Sensor. This moislure sensitive strip, is installed on the roof and is connected to the SkySentry Skylight Motor. whcn rain strrts to fall, the drops bridge the R'lin Sensor's electronic contacts sending a message to the motor to close the skylight. BEMOTE CONTffOL: Thc optional infrffcd remote conlrol unit consists of a rcceiver and a trimlinc hund-held Fansmitter. The rcceivcr, which plugs into the motor can be activated by the tfansmitter (powercd by a 9 volt battery) up to 50 ft. away. WALL SWITCH: The rotary wall switch allows the user to simply dial in thc amount of opcding md lets the operator do the rcst. Utilizes standard wall switch plates. VERSATILE: The SkySentry Skytight Operator can be hooked up to a thermostat. an electric smoke detector, or even home control and security syslems. SYiICHRONOUS OPEFATION: For monumental skylights, up to four SkyScntry Skylight Motors can - be placcd on one skylight weighing up" to 450 lbs: These motors lre differcnt from the standard SkySentry Motors and are identificd with a rlitfereni model number (see Ordering Informotion). MULTIPLE SKYLIGTIT CONTROL: Up to 20 motors can be connectsd on a single set of controls for simultaneous opcration. ATTRAGTIVE: The SkySenrry Skylight Operatar is streamlined, quiet and reliable. Available with snapon covers in a vuriety of colors. When pcrmrnendy installcd (easy stcp-by-sicP instullrttion), lhere rc no visiblc wircs or unsightly control boxes. RELIABLE: No field adjustmens are requircd, Opening and closing limits are aulomatically set and rellined by lhe motor. Each motor is thoroughly tested before it leaves our factory to makc sure Truth's high standard of qualily is built into erch unit. A 'tenificate of testing" is included with each motor. FIVE YEARWAFRANTY: The SkySentry motor system is warraot€d for five years against defecls in materials and workmanship on all electronic and mechanical components. OFDEFING INFOBUATION & OPTIONS: l. For retrofit applications to a Truth manually operated Skylight operator order: #4252, 'this will include: I - 24 volt motor assembly; I - 24 volt transformer | -rainsensor; I - single- gang rotary wall switch & plate; I - skylighl molor cover. For an entirc motor and base package order 114253, This will contain all itcnrs available in Truth's ff42.52 plus I barc module, For Synchronous Motor Applications: Onder S4356 (not compalible with tt42.52 ot tH2.53). oRlzEo M Motor Unit 2. Spccify color dcsircd for snap'on covcr: 0l Aluminum; 23 Chcstnut Bronze: 37 Off whitc. 3. Optional Accessories: #10990 - Transmitter & Receiver (specify finish number), #10991 Receiver onlY (specify finish number). # 10992 Tnnsmitter only. CONSUMER NOTICE: The SkySentry Skylight Motor must be instalted by a qualified electrician, INCLUDE TRUTH SPECS IN YOUR NEXT SKYLIGI.IT PFOJECT: Skylight operating hardware should bc suited for roof windows, and skylight installation for wood, PVC, and metal market. Skylight Bases shall be provided with a special high quality gear reduction .(high oulput lorque) to-meel rcquisd . ha$h-fri'iir*r wcidtt of I 60 lbs' (72"71 fu).' unit to be constructed of high pressure zinc diecast cuse with phosphatc finish, electrosutically painted and ovcn bakcd. Each bme is complete with stecl chain, sprccket, and detachable sash bracket. Thc stecl chain design must includs inrerlocking solid and uJinks rivetcd in such a manner as to result in no more thaJr .375" (9.5 mm) - .6?5" ( 15.9 mm) deflection. The chain sprocket shall be hardened steel qnd an acetal chain guide must be providcd. IR R€mote Conlrol (Optional) Po8tlPFaxNole 7671 oat3 |l i"E!.> t"Kul-- \^legg tdMq\ coarefr lvlorlcr ARh,*Tru$ln *'og2d-47L-stB Pho""ftob*eq- tl{t? 'u'gb- 4zA-67to t"'o5b.J _q{- 5333 5.3 r' L 4]SKYSENTRYOMOTORIZED SKYLIGHT SYSTEM .r50(19.llhrn) FIG, 1 APPLICATION OF SKYSENTRYO MOTOFIZEO SKYLIGHT SYSTEM 4.1?5 ll04,8mml ,282 ( 7.lmml HARDTVARE SHOWN 4Z I OR DRIVE MOOUL 1.625 41.3 mrn) 1l? (7,9mm) .175(9.5mml ,625(15.9mm) (9.5rn.n ) L .938 l?3.8mm) t l90 | 35,3mm ) lnF (4.8mml mm, 4mm) 1.750 44.5mm) 4.360(ltS.lmm) USE €IT}IIR OF TWO MOUNIINC LoqA r l0Ns FOR MOUNTINC .75S l9.lmm) 0P oNS l aNo lt {.t25 L?50(f,Lgmml ,0 6? {l,6mm) 3.750(95.3mm1 875 .?.Fm) . ttz 7.9mml OPTION I INSIOE 8A5E MOUN T covER 5CRtyJ5 {19995) THREA0 INIO BASE AT tOCAIiONX . SASE SERTVIS (19355J TI]RE4D INTO JAMBAI L OCA T ION Y 8qc!Mu!0!s_5!EE-U!, Y-4(P/N t9155) .10 x .?50 PHILLtPs. P.AN HEAO, SHEE T ME TAL SCRSI/Y5 x-4(p./N t9995! . t?-?4 X .750 pFttLtps. FLAT HEAO, THREAO 'ORMINC,MACHINE SCRE WS MOUNTING OPTIONS l. .90 6(23.0mmt oPTtoN lt REAR BAST, MOUN T covER scRE|YS (19995' THREAD rN r0 BASE AT LOC^IIONX, BASE SCREWS I19992' TNlER FROM BIHIND ANO SCREW INIO BAS9 AI LOCAIIO\ Y RE.CoMr{tNOED SC nE rY 5: Y -4rPlN 1999?r.1?-24 X .50O PHtLLrps, PAii HEAC. IHRTAO FORMiNC, MACHINE scnEYvs x-4{P/N 19995}.r?-?4 X .750 PHILLiPS. FLAT HEAD,THREAO FORV]NC MACHii![ SCREVIS OPI ION IIt FRCNT B^SE MOUNT covlR scREt'J5 9410' IHREAo lNr0 JAMB AI LOCATION X ITOI.DINC BOTH CQVEB ANO E^SE IN FLACE _BE!!JV![!AS9I!!!!! x-4 (P/N l94r0r .t0 x t.o PH|LttPs. FTAT HTAD, SI1ANK SLOTI€0, SHEE I MEIAL SCREI1S x x .31?(7.9mm) .192 ,312 ( f ,9mm) gggIjuciauilslgtrglIs X-COVER IO BAsE MOUNIINC HOLES FOR MOUNIINC OPTIONS I ANO II. COVER JAMS MOUNTINC HOLES FOR MOUNTINC OPIION III. Y-BAS€ TO JAMB UOUNTINO HOLES FOR MOUNT lNC OPIIONS I AND II. E9!lrc!-!EEl_XMe4!9U5 @ 66'FEMIFERil a NElti-oF t Nlil-c' @ rnorur {KNocK ouTl @ Erro rxlrocr oun .500(E.7mml 5.3b Thc blsc module shall bc designed to bc compxlible with various melns of control such as rnglc drivc, straight drivc, or motors wihout modilication lo hlse module. Blsc modulcs with o Motorized Drivc shall be low profilc in dcsign. Unit constructed of high pressure zinc dic cast basc wilh a yellow chmmale plating. Unit to be supplied with snap- on, decorrtivc polycarbonate cover t S[Vi,Ei..TJi$'TMo*zED i ; conveniently uccessible to motor, mechanicat. and elccronic componenls. Thc mechanical closing prcssurc shall not exceed 70 lbc. Supply elcrctronic circukry for sensing rain and accommo- dation of remote control. Each unit shall be equipped with auxiliary contacts for additional thcrmostatic control, security' fire or smoke alarms, or comPuter conrrol. Motor modulcs include molot' tmnsformer, wall switch, rain sensor, and hardwarc pack. Rcmote control shall opcrate at u distance up to 50 ft. from skylight operatcr. Skylight hildwarc shall bc mrnull series or "SkySentry@" moto'rized series as mrnufactured by 1nj15 Hadwate , Owttonna, Minnesoh. 5.3a PFE.WIRING ILLUSTFATION FOR SINGLE OR MULTIPLE OPERATOF INSTALLATIONS. Trart'lomatt-l I I Motor & BNsq Klt: f42-53-XX.100 upb?0 ,noto.s lotil " Raaiola canlrol ' Ttaolllrmlr PARTS LIST: Bsrlc llolor KIt: d42-52-XX-100 tr0980 f40680-xx ,10850 #21010 #31406 #10978 #2t018 *10979 Molor Module Molor Cov€r Translormer Switch Covor Plato Switch Knob Wall Sfritch Rain Sensor t Wira Hardware Pack #10980 #40680-XX t10850 *210t0 fin406 t10978 #21018 #10979 x12-30 Molor Modute Motor Covet Translormer Switch Covor Plate Switcfi Knob Wall Swllch Rain Semor & Wre Hardware Pack Base Module f11155 #40680-XX #10850 #2r0 t0 #31406 f10978 #21018 {10s79 Synchronous Motor Moduls Motor Cover TranslormEr Switoh Cover Plate Switch Knob Wall Swilch Rain Sensof & Wire Hard aro Pa€ft ' Synchrooous molors ar6 not compatlble wilh standard Sky SenW molors. XX- Denolgs Motor Color / O.i.y dldnlrE lot ttrnglt9|l9ou! cd{rol ir ophor|d I lhrrfteliat or othat drvbl ' Slrpf$.d wllh mglof kil. " Opltrarl .cq*sory, t Us€ fbdgyvrr t-o7thrrmq.to. ssriv. {of any apon dqsa oot{acr dn rJ). WIRE DISTANCE SIZE A Supplied witi romols B up to 50 lsel 18.2 Up to 1 0o teel 16-2 c uo to 100 leet 22-2 f4il.sFxx'100 ,1 Ii (. .1 Sot entry'r@ Motorized Skylight Operator The Trulh Sky Sentry Molorized Skylight Syslem is stale-ot-lho-ad skylighl hardware lechnology wilh four modes of skylight conlrol: 1. The Wall Swllch lsts you run lhe skylighl al any time.2. A Raln Sensor closes the skylighl when rnolslure ls delected, 3. A Wlreless Hemole Control is optional.4. Ahernale Control Devlces (thermostat, cornputer, smoke delector, or humidity sensor) can also be used. Motot Module #10980 Motor ModuE Cover #0680-xx Class ll l8-2 WIrc #o&ra - 25 ft. Class 1122.2 Wre #21124 - 25 ft. Tnns{ormer (55VA) #10850 Swltch CoverPlate ffiat0 Wall SwltdtKnoh #1406 Watl Swftch #t0978 Raln Sensor #21018 Hardware Pack #t0979 (2! fio r 3/4 Fta! llcad Sctewr ('ll #r2 r 5/0 F rt lhrd Sdtswr (t) H.6t Shrlnk Tublng (1) Choln Slop Insrd Toolr Rcquhcd(r)rrfilGGi6-n'&- (lor lranBformsrl (1) Slngb Olng Ebc, 0or (for wdl switc*r) (4, Wlt! Hutr (2) - ?2 gEirgd ?he (Gwildr) (2) - 16 gaugo wir€ (k ost.l 12 Phllllpr So'lwdrlvcr l/4 Fl.t thdr Scr.wddwt 1/8 Fht thde Scruwdrlrrr Plllrr Before You Start when you actlvate the molor system the first tlme trom lhe switch or any olher control device, the skylighrautomalically closes and.opens.once belore relurning to lhe desired switch or othercontrol devlce seitiig.This also happens the first rime the rnotor syslem is oferated aller a power oulage.ll lhe line vollage range is not between 105 - 125 VAC, an eleclrician rnust evatuale lhe negd lor a llnecondltloner- Please lake lhe lime to acquainl yoursell wilh lhe various conlrol gpllons by reading "part ll, conlrolOptions." ll is not possible lo have rnore lhan one swilch connecled lo a molor. In other words, you cannol havg li/vgswilches in ditferenl localions conlrollirg the sarne skytighl. The Sky Sentry Motorlzed Skytgtrt Syslem ls rated tor indoor use only. t-.._ItnurH |--+ la- .ra tr.tt , ^step 1 check weionff t*r,'n:,-:-::l Chlln 9bp tound ln Hrrdwrrr Prck lf weighl is ove/ 40 lbs., opening must be limited lo 8" by insertirq chain slop. Wlr: Nut Connecllonr 24 VAC Orrtput $afe{ rr electdclan accordlng I Electrlcsl codes (N.E.r r Dlsconnect maln powr Installatlonl Verlfy por wlth I voltage meter y correctly. Do NOT rec Installallon ls complel Skytlght ln ho?kon!l porlrlon Step 2 InstallTransformer ilr4JunctlohBor wlth Strrln Rolllts 105-12s VAC, e0 Hz Hourohold Current Connoct ground whc to m.trl pbte on lrlnllomcr. 55 VA, clslr ll Tirntlormor TRANSFORMEF LOCATION: Insta[ transtormer in a cool, dry place where surrounding air temperalufe nevsrgets above 1S0o F. Installation musl meei locat & national electrical codes. i;.il;:.i: :' i;i ;1,, : l $tep 3 tnsrau waft swirch ELECTRICAL NOISE: Controt wires belween swilch and motor can pick up eleclrical "nolsg" it wires are parallel lo other elec{rlcal wir€s lhal have high voltages and/or cunenls. Run conlrol wires per- pondlcular lo, or away lrom, high cunent andor hlgh voltage wires whenevsr posslble. Apply tfllrr Nut!. - | I (WLr lolduro not potarlzcO \ \ ond con b€.cvcrs.d.) \\ @H$fl ,)aulions Q93 t[ Feruonal Inlury, b).-{uallfled ocal and Natlonal , Use only Class llwlre. relore beglnnlng 'ls OFF by leetlng know ls worklng necl poner unlll the l,::ri#iil,?ffn" sensof lfiallll cov.r by pr..rlng rlrrlghl down. Step 4 Install& Wire Motor Drive Module *12 r 5r8" Fhr ll€8d Scrrrvr (4 rcC'd) Remova wlra oular lrckctt (nol whc r A, lnlulatlon) brck lo ,/ \ rhrlnX tublng.s 13" ,/\\ \/ /) no,intmrnrlnkrubtng 2// .nd c.r.lully rpply h.rl "{)\ Wlr. Exlt Locrtlon3 (Choore one . remove ltnockout, ll requlrad) Wlra! frcm lwltch & lrunrlormcr Swllch W|rGs (Orrnga & Yellow) Connccllo l f,2 Apply .bclrtcd trpc lo hold wlrcg flat.{Notr: Swhch nlrcr r'l nol poladrld tnd cen bc rcvrrcd,) Transformor Wlros (BluG ! Rod) ConnectloT&8 ( otc: Trrnrlormrr wlrcr!'| nol polidrcd rnd crn br ravrr$d.) rl Rain Sensor Installatlon te { NOTE: Addlllonal Intomallon about Instaltatlon may be provlded by skyllght manufacturer. ConSlder prevatllng wlnds when selectlng a raln sengor locallon. It raln Sensor ls d,etecllng molsture of any lype (raln, dew, etC.), skyllght wlll nol stay open when operated by swltch or any olher method. Preventlve Malntenance Clean rain sensor once every spring, summer, and fall wilh a miH, non-abrasive cleaning agent. Inspecl sensor regularly lor lsaves, sticks, dirt, atmosphedc pollutants, bird droppings, and damage by hail or ice. lnslde Rain Sensor lnslallatlon {less mainlenance} Connecl Hain Sensor to PC Board Pin tabels<tJ PJ Connecle to Holor Clrcuit Board Conneclion labeled e P/ Connec on tof pl ( Trouble-Shooting Gu ide Symptom posstble Solufion Skyllght does not operate 1. Che* {or bose connections. Errrllc opara on t. 2. Ched< lor hose conneclbns. Tum pwar oft at chcuit box. Wait lo seconds. Tum wwer back on. Skyllght opens & lmmsdlatety ctosos l. Rain sensor is detecting.moisturd or noeds cteaning. Wait lor it todry oll ot clean with mild soap. Skyllght wftl not fuily open o. closo l: Tln pov.vel qtl at circuit box. Wait lO seconds. Turn Nwer back on.2. Ched< skylight and/or base mdute lor obsttuctbnsi.'- Foter to lhe trouble.shoollng sectlon In "Part ll, Installrtlon Optlons" lor ftore lnformallon. @ t nrrh, SI)( tirqxrntion tggl ('rrvcrctl lry U,S. l"tent N<r ,1.521,993, (I[cr lrarcnrr ltcnding, UIJCSA Appr<x,al Pcnding rRUTH TRUTH SPX Cowmtion VX) lUcst Bridge Streer, (lffi tnnq, MN SSO& Tr I cphonc 5A7 -45 I - 5 620 Sor S.ild.i" Co Mu from One Control The melhod ol two or mor€can b3 used wnh any or oontrol mothods ol lhe Sky Sentry Motorized System. Folloil ths Inslallatlon lnslructions for €ach conlrol ofllon. l{ote: Uplo 20 ekyllghls can bs conlrolled by one swltch. (, CAUTION: Do not ansmpt lo use thls conttol method when two or more molors sre applk,l lo lhe same skyllght. Establishlng a Master Unil To conlrol nultiple skylighls trom a singte crnlrol device(s) (such as a swilch, thermoslat, remole control, etc.), lhe control device(s) must be connected to a single motor, which estab- lishes lhe masler unil. All olher motors become slaves lo the masler unil. Wiring 1. Each motor unil nusl have lts own trans- form€r. lnstall lhe translorm€r as oultined in Slop 2 ol "Part l, Basic lns{allalion." Wire the conlrol devlce(s) to lhe masler unil as indicated in Part I ancyor Parl ll. Connect lhe 22-2 AWG wlre lo lerminals numbered three and four ol each unit (O to 3, and 4 to 4). Note: Dependlng on the number of wlres, ll may be neqsssary to remove lhe wlre lacksts (not wlrs lnsula- llon) belore applylng shrlnk tubfng. Slave 105-125 VAC srD&lrltoilol To Swltch Slave 1tt5.125 YAC Master 10s'125 VAC Slave 2. 3. Master C Z2-Z AWG Twlstrd f To Trrnrlormer Prh llhc (Bdden Type 0?95 or equlv.l To Trrnlformer Uslng Hain Sensors It you plan to inslall rain sensors, lhere are two oplions:1. Install one raln sensor on the master unh only. (see "Part l, Basic Inslaltalion.") All skylights wlll close when lhe master unit detecls rain. OR2. lnstall onG raln senaor on each untl. (See 'Parl I, Basic Installation.") Each skylight wlll clos€ when hs own rainssnsor clel€cts raln. Howevsr, when the masler unil dst€cts rain, il will close any skytighls stlil op€n. Thlngs You Should Know about Uslng Rain Sensorsr Whsn aclivaled, lhe rain sensor will "hold" lhe skylight closed unlil the raln sensor drles otf . lf lhe raln sensor led€tec{ing rain, and you try toopen the skylight by activating either lhe watt switch or lhe remole conrrol, the-skylight will open and lmmediately close. The nnlor system is designed this way lo alert ths fromeowneif'rraf fnerain sensor ls slill drgtocllng raln, or lhal th€ rain Sensor ls dlrty and needs to be CleaneO. Form No. 91838 ...ti"remo|€conlro|canbeusod.t'o,n".,onffin',o,*to.o||heSkySentryMotor|zed Syslern Follofl, tho lnstallalion inslructions for each conlrol option. Not€; The remote contlol trsnsmfitor requlres a 9 volt batiery. Codlng the Transmltter ts the Receiver RQ 3.'u ( / '.\ Dlp gwltch Ssltlngs Swllch posltlonr 0, 7, & I musl be get lo "+". Femow batlery cover. For a retnote control lransmiller lo work wilh a receiver. bolh musl be set lo lhe same code. Each has a switch block conlaining eight switches, wlth each swilch having three possible posilions: "-', "0", and "+". There ero 243 diflerenl code sellings posslble. Nole: Do not change the swlteh settlng In posltlons slx lhrough elghl In elther the lransmliler or recelver. Swllelr poslllons I through 5 must tnrlch lar ltrn!lnlltcr and rccdver. Installetion 1. Plug lhe receiver cord into the iack localed next lo the teminal block on lhe motor pC board.2. Mount th€ receiver with lwo No. 4 x 3/g pan head scr€ws (inctuded). Note: polnt lhe,.eye'. Inlo the room- Operatlon To open fte skyllght, press the "up'arrow on lhe lrarismiller unlil lhe skytight bsgins lo movs, then release. To stop, press lhe "down" anow unlll lhe sky'ighl stops, then release. To clos€ the skyllght, r€verse lhe proce&lre. Remove lhe3e lwo lDbs lo slde mount rec.lver. Eye RemoYC thes€ lwo lebg lo bottom |t|ounl recclvcr, Roul! recelvcr wlro lhrough notch. Controlllng Two or More Skylights from One Receiver This mode ol operation allows simultaneous conlrol of lwo or more skylights.1. Wire lhe tnolor unils logelher a$ outlined in "Conlro[ing Multiple Skylighls trom One Control Device(s]."2. Plug the receiver into the masler unit only. Controlllng Two or More Skyfights from One Transmltter Thls mode ot op€ration lels lhe opsrator conlrol two or more skylights lrom ons transmiller. Each skylight motor must have its own receiver.l. Set each receiver to the same code as lhe transmi[sr. Thlngs Vou Should Know about Remote Controlr Sunllght shinlrE dirsclly inlo the recolver's eye will reduce range.r For maxlmum rangs (approx. 50 te€t), lhe lransmitlor musl be pointed dirsctly at lhe roc€lvor's oye. ( I \ Thbrrrrosta|controlcanueu|n.o*o,nnmhodso||h9skySen|ryMotorlzed System. Follow ths lnstallation lnslruclions lor each control option. Note: Only one contrcl devlc€ can bg con- nected lo tomlnal 6.' ?9 a'3 Type of Thsrmostal Use lhe lype ol thennostal that is used for heating purposes; it must have SPST (single poh, slnglo lhrow! conlacts. lf any olher klnd ol lherfi|ostat ls used, see "Speclalty Conlrol Devices" seclion, Wlrlng l. Hun lwo-conduclor, 22-2, hillst€d palr wlre {Belden lyps 8795 or equlv- alenl) lrom skylight localion to lh€rmostat locatlon.2. Connecl th€rmostal wiree lo skylighl motor tsrminals numbered lhree and slx. (lt doesn'l malterwhlch wlre ls conneclsd to whlch terminal at lhe motor or al lhe lhermostal.) Multiple Skyllghts Controlled by One Th€rmostet 1. Wire ihernEstal lo skylighl rnotor terminals nurnbered three and slx ol lhs masler unit only. 2. Connecl masler unil lo slave unils as indicated ln "Controlling Multiple Skylighls from One Conlrol Device(s)." To Thermoslal To Tranclsrmer Things You Should Know about Thermostat Controle The skylighl will cbse when lhe lhermostal calls lor heat; it will open when lhe lhermoslal slops calling tor hsal.. It a thermoslal is used wilh a rain sensor, lhe skyllght will close whenever il's raining, even thu.rgh th€ lhermoslat is lelling lhe skylighl lo open because il's too hot, ll you have a situation where lhe thermostat nujst op€n the skylighl even when it's raining, lhe rain sonsor cannol be used.. ll lhe skylighl is opened by a thermostat and closed by a rain s6nsor, the skylight will not open again when the rain sensor ddes off, The skyl$hl molor needs a second "open'command from lhe th€nnoslal, the wall swilch, or the remole conlrol. I I t-i'.t, - tt l,: r,i ."..aspec]al|yeontro|dov|co,,nt,oeSkySerrrrytrio|or|zodSye|em.ASpecialtv Control Device specialty oontrol devlce b consHered lo bs any other typo d crtilrol devlce that has nol be6n prevlously civsred, such as a smoko dslgc-lor. humHlty sensor, or corpulgr @nttol, glc. Follow lhe Installallon Instructlonsior each conlrol opllon. Nots: only on€ coilrot dovtce can b€ connect€d to lermfnel No. 6. \Q a"ti l. Ch6d wits @nnections on termlnals S & 4 (AtoJ,4tod).2. Chedc lor 24 VAC a! tarminals 7 & 8 (translirner output).3. Ched< lor loosa connxlions. Metor(t) doos uol oporstc Ched< for 24 VAC at t:t ;:,inals 7 & B. Ched< br hose annections, Doubla check lor atect wiring. To Tranrlormer I Connect specialty control devices (tor compulers, see below also) to motor lerminals numbered 3 and 6.2' wilh tho iurrPer'JPl- (supplied) in pface, ths skyllght{s) witl close when the conlrol devlce conlacts are closed,ard open when lhe control d€vic€ contacls open. ll lho desired lunction is lo have ths skylighl open when lheconlrol device contacls close, and close when the contruldevice contacls open, remove Ine prrper labeled iJpl.' on lhe PC board. Note: lf the deslred result ls lor ttte $ryilght to open to vent smoke when a smokecfeleclor ls tcllvatEd, lhe raln sensor cannot be used. lf the raln sensor ls used and t3 delecllng taln, thesmoke delector would not open the skyltght when acllvated by smoke. Control from a Computer or a programmable Controller Hardrvare Requlrements: The th€rmostal irput ol the skyl[ht operator is lo be used. lt is a TTL tevel input (S,/oll)aM should be pulled to less lhan 0.BV wilh respec{ lo circuit ground lo aclivate lhe operalor. Thsroforo, the conlrol- ling devlcs should have a discrele open colledor lrahsislor or-relay oonlact (Form A) oulpul. The relay contacl shouH !:.:,]l!qP: a dry circull (ltnA) load. A "solid slale relay'outpul, al comnnnty tound on progranrmaOte conlrollers torqrrylng AU loads' is nol suilsbl€ lor this application. These ar€ typically Triac devices which have a drop ot on€ voll or PI.9-ryn tunle-d on They also oflen havs high leakage cunenis when ofl. A solid state relay designed lor DC loadsmay work, provided ll shows a voltage drop of 0.5v or Gss acaoss ils conlacts when on. Trouble-Shooting Guide -9ymplom Posstble sotu0on llsster woTk!, rtdvs(8) does not (, L 2. 3. Ramole control doer not work or har rhortened range Ch eck receiv e r con netgt b ns. U_eily that tansmitter and receivet code settings match. Heplace t an smittetr b ett ery. t. 2. 3. i/bto(r) o3orater Intermlttontty 1. 2. Check tor loose qnneclions. furn power olf . Wait 10 secr,nds. Turn power back on. Thomortrt doo! nol functbn t. 2. .t. Chec* lor bose onnections. Ched< for correct thermoslal owratbn. Double ched< for correct whing. @ 'lnrrh. SltX Coqrruirn l99l Corcrcd ly U.!i. Frrc'r Nrr 4,521p93. t_trhc, ttkntt lrcnding, UIICSA Agrovrl penrlirrg (: 700 Wcst Ridge Street, Owatonna, MN SS0& Telephane 507-45 I -5620 Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phon. Owner, Address and Phone:z32 44 4(.tatr,, srtapr t/ttt, ll ,.t, d-Zalk Architect, Address and phone:fl,€r te . 0A(0, K/r,r? Legal Description: Lot \3 , Block f , zon. '4dP4 F Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by:Pr+r // seconded ,, t'Ve-EP i L. /'/-----\'\.(epenover' ) 4- O\----' .,{ / -. lt 1Summarv: '')zltzVrot nl 4rrfi*,-'./^/a4 DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval ' [.'r 1. ;1 I I fit{N ttf: U rf I L- , {:OL,f, RnDn F'flFH ;i ',,,::'rit,/{lir r*t':45 lii:',ltlE5'f5 F(JI-l .l|''J$F,F.CTI{lN LtnRK $HEETS FnR:1Cl/;:lAlgB AREfI: CD '..=4:.':':'.';:.'..'-:..:l::1j?':::'*i::;;::;;';.;g]:l':=::3g=3:Eg**a#-=i , f1,-'bi';it yr il-$h..^iifili1 !;/'.r:'k't,.'r-tt Tyr'r,: l]'-ilUlL-D Stetr-rs; IS$lJFtl llnnEtr: A$FR i rJeirl r- r's ", : ;.t;rl .r: fiflRE IIEHE l-! Llii r i-rlit,t ij :i '.i ri I .:.t;i. i t:iijHE L:F?Ftr.i"l {}Ff iif,l t 1 JH . [-;*r c.'* 1 r i1'l 14 J -Ui$l;:]:. ;1ft*fir]i '.r:'.-.i p*.; r,:'n : l"JF-L.J Rf-li-tts AFln I'Jfjl'g.:R nAfiil{lH fth.FilIR Occ: .. Flrone: 44i-'66S1 LJre; V*1HR ' :g'tl ir.!nrr; : JEf'1t]tlR. iNf [--'hane; ]tZt3$493ilr4ft {Jwnrr': t:Ul-,T{]N ST[tIt]F]- Fhone ! ri tr.actor.:.jElvlflljR" tl'Jt-: F,hon*:3tZt3$l+g.lft4tlt *'*_,---''.'.'_-.- '":mect i orr Fecturst Jnfar-matron, "...[:Et1r-rssl sr ; F llEl],/ JEI{BnR ,, Req I ine: ft1 : *rlt Connent s I 't,',img r-equestbd Lo Lie Inspnc'tecJ, ".h'J5O Bl-Dl3*F ina l Tine Fxp '; pect i on I t ern : I f em l Item I Item; lten; , t*m:, ,;en I. ;pm: tem: .. tem: .; ,ten l ItEm:. r, Item: Hiatory",., "AftS1fl dr^iveway gr'..'ii1e f rnal OU|Ol gr Bt.ll$*For:1; rnr:1 *,/$t ee 1 408cfi SL-Dff*F cr"urd* j; i c.rnlSt ee I uraE;-'# t:,L.flN-ILfj 5j.ee $:'li1n ffVtm.rl* SL.ltG--Frafi i nq; Eltiltr4fi * .{, NriI llrr [:: i. 1 e * {. filltl5ft E+l .llli- I rr "; r r I ;r t i. o rr FtA*6tf.t'SL-DF-Sf,eet r.r:ck N..r i 1 {lBg$lA + * Noi {-Jn F'ile * * qt$gtTrzt FLIIG-ltt i sr:. ArADgrA BLDff*Final 'zrft53ler B[-1]G*Terup. {:. / rJ ItlOSAlZr BLDG-Fina1 i.;.rtJ oo Ultt1 -En 6oqe €F EEr D*tve l_lK, Lo*LA f*.o' -<*>E lcl-f Nt? 2,a,l112 UfiE rF Exrdr Na ?wt bt4r'tto*?T |F ---\ fa' IL- LINE zF 4$tt 3A ^W-,/h, piaalll A)c/ Q,o, llla ,+.\1 /)'--f o .44Wat*. er;pr;F\ - -Lls|e aP EK!'-AIl]]cl.Decb- e, LEYv.l aH'.-.Ez AND EfreftT a>7 V'465Le sEwFL -rH F.FF 3A)L o (,u*r hW te,l,$tt * f r-al llqo lFr'r P ?etwo?re'-A1trp lNfc'L*lir1 37. *-------- AFIEA Ta Wl$eo?fd\fig!?.IMA IJN ry 3> *?77 flr*rt af\f rl l/ l:e \tl ,t|1 'Jtr-/ Pt4gat+aIA7 J--EweL - 4W 2o, Fxtgfltp L-EVE I-|OJ F- (uHi1 3b Itbr -l'-oo #tJa. z-,l11o Cc2VMaF{-6FTFY :#.tjtrl\s aw4-1""SrB.' -THFTHE .- TA bE ft+f,)-.6YD .,[-aveu -f t,to - fre 7eep.WY EH'L*U1E .-L+vev 1H?W ]*VEL ft'lo 3o b(H-tdcl , €aUl:l,t - tslgVrn'f tcnl lrpi=11--l| 4eOf+ E1-.q;1;|;!,T.aF+ LF/g -_F;+n .Exb'ftftdzpw?P w Ev).6t LereL TFW? ,eYEv Tha Lg'gu ede,- lE/eL ts'uF- LWvv a*\Ee txtatlNc-o- ftoFTH ZLEU,-w;]F 'ffa*u, l*crfft SLZv- -r@-1Er LlnlT 3A l#.vaL =;EF- +-9'a TUE t t c= PAF.:lrjEE F.- r3E Colton ProJect Page 2 P1ease revlew the enslosed plans and. elevationsgive me a call with any quesllons or comnent,s.proposal accepable return to this offlce assince we are beginning construction SepternberColtons-plan to riove ii on December 15, t-ggO. fapproval lnto two sections, as indicatAd below. Approval and feeL free toIf you find the soon as possible,5, L990. The have divided the Kirk Aker, AIA MORTER ARCHITECTS I have revlewed the proposed plans Rowhouse Condominiums Aated Auqustfind the deck encLosure to the iorthacceptable. I have reviewed the proposed plans Rowhouse Condominiuns dated Augustfind the deck enclosure to the South,to be acceptable. for Unit 382Q, 1990, pages faclng the core of the vaiLL thru 7 and Creek to be for Unlt 38 2Q, 1990, Fagesor faelng Gore of the VailI thru 7 and Creek Drlve Sincerely, '= r=i TLIE "f=FtqRFIEFj F#mmu=.nAnr_H trtcTs Colton Projeat Approval. - 2 Please review the encrosed pl"ans and, elevations and fee1 free togive me a call with any queslions or comments. rf you rina tireproposal acceptabre please sign beLow and return to thls oitice 3s sgon as possibre since vre are beginning constructlon september5, L990. rf prauslble, a FAXED response-would help expedite theprocess. our FAx number ls (303) 476-0710. rf you choose tomalL_ the- response, lre have encl-osed an addresied, stamped.envel0pe for your convenlence. The coltons plan to move in onDecember x5, 1990. r have dlvided the -approvar into twosectlons, as indicated beLow. f have reviewed the proposed pLans Rovrhouse Condomlnlums dated Augustfind the deck enclosure to the northacceptable. I have reviewed the proposed plans Rowhouse Condominiums dated August 20.find the deck enclosure to the South,to be acceptable, for Unit 3820, 1990, pages f,aclng lhe Gore of the VaiI1 thru 7 and Creek to be for Unit 3B1990, pages Ior facJ-ng Gore of the Vailthru 7 and Creek Drive Sincerel.y, Klrk Aker, AIA MORTER ARCHITECTS a €f,3p colton Project APProvaI - 2 Please review the enclosed plans and elevacions and feel free to give me a call with any questions or comments. If you find_the froposal acceptable please sign belgw and return to this office as ioon as polsible since we are beginning constfucti-on September 5, 1990. tf plausible, a FAXED response would help expedite the process. our FAX number is (303) 476-07]-0. If you choose to mail the response, w€ have enclosed an addressed, stamped envelope for your convenience. The coltons plan to move in on December 15, 1990. I have divided the approval into two sections, as indicated below. I have reviewed the proposed Plans Rowhouse Condomj-niums dated August find the deck enclosure to th for Unit 38 20, 1990, pages facing the Gore the vailthru 7 and Creek to be of -t acceptable. .F$r- It I have reviewed the proposed plans for Unit 38 Rowhouse Condominiums dated August 1990, pages 1 find the deck enclosure to the South, to be acceptable. r facing Gore o""- ) //. -3Jt , Unit * ,/r C tt't' a { of the vailthru 7 and Creek Drive Sincerely. Kirk Aker, AIA MORTER ARCHITECTS f,r. F.{a,/'- //I n,- ;J | ,,. rl.' 'rao-, - )t';' '--t'-'1-' 7 MonrrnAncHlrECT Colton Projec+- APProvaI - 2 Please review the enclosed, plans and elevations and feel free t<l gi.re me a caLl with any queslions or colurents. If you, find_the froposa] acceptable pl-eise sign below and return to this office is ioon as poisible sinee vre aie beginning construction September 5, 1,990. ff plausible, a FAXED treaponse would help expedite the proceEis. Qur Fru( nurnber is (303) a?6*0710. If you ehoose to mail the response, we have enclosed an addreseed, stamped envelope fpr lour convenj-ence. The Coltons plan to move in on Decemblr lS, l"gg0. I have divided the approval into two sections, as indicated helow. la ,9a lsrae rHE aoQr,-rro*= a* I have reviewed the proposed plans Rowhouge Condomj.niums dated Augustfind the deck enclosure to the nor acceptabJ-e. I have reviewed the proPosed Plans Rowhouse CondominiumB daced August 20' F.?/e of the Vail 1 thru 7 and Creeh to be for Unit20, 1990, for 1990, Unit 38 pages 1 of thethru Creek veil7 and Drivefind the deck enclosure t.o the sou Sincerel"y, 3B pEges to be acceptab].e. orf g Gore ls:e1 THr GFRYOLLrAI4S con ' ; Gary-Williams Company Rcpublic Plaza'. 370'17ft Ssctt . Suire 5300 Denver. Colorado 80202 . (303) 628-3800 DATE:_Septe.lober 10', 1994 . _. TO:Kirk Aker P,t/? MORTER ARCTTITECTS !'AX: 30 3-4 76-0 7 L 0 FROII r PACES TO FQLIOI{ tEIs OI{E: FOR VEEIFTCATION OR PBoBLEUS PLEASE CAET. (303) 628-3800. ROSS DAVIS, JR. A l l 0 R \ I I A t l- .1 lr, vA IL NAtIONAt. tIANK B tll l.l) l N (; l0lt SOtl'l ll FItON'l A(; ll ltl). W. St'lll:.1 07 I'OS l' O l. F |('E t]O X 190 vAll-. col.oRAl)o ri l65tl .10.1 -,t76-2.1 1,1 I'AX l0l-479-046? September 1-4, 1990 Jin Morter Morter/Architect L43 E. Meadow DriveVail, CO 81657 RE: Stuart Coltonunit 38, vail Rohrhouse condominiums Dear Jim: After our meeting of wednesday and my conversation with Ned Gwathmey' I discussed the enclosure of the front and rear decks with my client' Thomas Watson, Jr., he has authorized me to give his consent to the expansion of the proposed remodel- and will execute the amended condominium map when it is prepared, so long as the fotlowing conditions are met regarding the project: 1. The rear deck enclosure shall not be done without properly engineered and complete plans and specifications. The signed and starnped drawings and detaiLs must be approved by either myself or Mike Povroznik prior to commencenent of dernolition of the supports to ruy clients deck. 2. We anticipate that these plans will call for the replacenent ofthe existing wood support with a 4X4 netal structural bean. This bearn wiLl be set on a new footer, the placement and instal-]ationof which will result in a partial destruction of the concrete pad on the ground floor. I assume that this will necessitate a complete removal and replacement of the concrete pad on the ground floor. 3. f have been advised by ny client that the does not wish to replace the second floor balcony at this time, therefore appropriate rneasures must be taken to support the existing balcony during the replacement of the support beam and to reattach the balcony to the new beam. A11 of which will return the balcony to substantially the sarne condition as existed prior to the remodeL. 4. The detail drawings should confirm that Mr. watsonrs head roan or views sha1l not be dininished and that the enclosed addition to the bedroon shall go no lower than the bottom of the existing 2X4 supports of the existing deck. ,d 5. The existing balcony as well as the new support beam sharr berepainted to conforrn with the proposed new construction. 6. All work will be done at no cost or expense to my client. Good luck on securing the balance of the necessary consents. Thereis no rien on unit 3A, no lender,s consent witt bi required.. rf youhave any questions _feeJ. free to contact rny office../f ., .Jim MorterMorter/Architect Septernber 1-4, L990 . Page 2 Sincere RD;ne cc: Ned Gwathney Tom $latson, Jr.Daniel L. Mosley via facsimiLe _r(r t rLrt.r ct; qq I Di LUL o sE41 FAl MoruenAncnIECTS CoLton Projetrt Approval - 2 Prease revrew the enclosed prans and elevations and feel free toglve me a caLt wlth any questlons or conunents. rf you find theproposaL acceptable prease slgn below and, return to tnts offlcels f99r^r as posslbre sLnce we are beginning sonstruction septembei5, 1990. If plauslbl,e, a FN(ED reiponae-woutd, tr.ip iipiaii; theprocesa. our Fer( number ls (3031 476_0710, rf you choeEe tomail- the_ regFonse, $re have enclsrcd an aalrcrica, starnpiaenvel-ope for your cohvenLence. The coltons plan to ffove :Ln onDecember l5r. 1?90. r hav6 dtvldedt the -approvat lnto twoEect:-ons, aa lndlcated below. IUN ? 97toTEL NO:241 45 T have revLewedl the propoeed plans RovrhouBe Condomlnlume dated augustftnd the deck €nclosure to the iorthacceptablc. I have revLewed, the proposed plens Rowhouae condomlnLuns dated August 20.flndl the dect( encloaure to ttri South, for Un{t 3820, 1990, page6 faclng the Gore of the Vail1 thru 7 and Creek to be '\JJr' for Unlt 381990. pageE I of thethru Crcek VaIL7 and Drive glnoerely, Klrk AJrGr, AIA MORTER ARCHITECfS to be acceptabl-e. 5EP 1A 'tEr 16:53 .ry* Ei{UEL0FE ?T; FS? MOnfnR r:\i:ii F-ii {'[i-.^r-r- ;:}!.1 Frojecr Please review the encLosed plans and elevationsgive me a catl with any questions or corrunents.proposal accepable return to this offise assince we are beginninq construction SeptemberColtons plan to move in on December 15, j"ggO. Iapproval into two sections, as indicated below, Approval and feel free toIf you find the soon as possible, 5, 1990. The have divided the Slncerely I have reviewed the proposed plans Rowhouse Condominiums dated Augustfind the deck enclosure to the north acceptable. for Unlt 3820/ 1990, pages facing the Gore of the Vail 1 thru 7 and Creek to be T have reviewed the proposed plans Rowhouse Condominiums dated Augustfj-nd the deck enclosure to the South,to be acceptable. *+n for Unlt 3E 20. 1990, pagesor faclng Gore of the Vail 1 thru 7 and Creek Drive lEP lE '50 1Er5:Jnt ErluELcFE o ?r3 F01 MoruER/'.l r :" :-i n ft::r-5 Colton eroject Approva)- - 2 Please review the enclosed plans and eLevatj.ons and feel free togive me a ealL with any questions or cornments. If you find theproposal acceptable please sign below and return to this office as soon as possible sinee we are beginning consLruction September5, 1.990. If plausible, a FA)(ED response would help expedite theprocess. Our FAN number is (303) 475-0710. If you choose tomail the response, we have enclosed an addressed, stamped envelope for your convenience, The Coltons plan to move in on December 15, 1990. I have divided the approval into tw<:sections, as indicated below. Sincerely tC^" I have reviewed the proposed plans Rowhouse Condominiums dated Augustfind the deck enclosure to the northaceeptable, for Unit 3820, L990, pages facing the Gore of the Vail1 thru 7 and Creek to be I have reviewed the proposed plans for Unit 3B of the Vail Rowhouse Condominiuns dated August 20. 1990, pages I thru 7 andfind the deck enclosure to the Southr or tacing Gore ureek Drlveto be acceptable. Kirk Akerr ArA MORTER ARCTIITECTS Colton Project APProval - 2 Please review the enclosed plans and elevations and feel free to give me a call with any questions or co[unents. Tf you find the proposal acceptable please sign below and return to this office as soon as possible since we are beqinning construction September 5, 1990. If plausible, a FAXED response would help expedite the process. Our FAX number is (303) 476-01t0. If you choose to mail the response, wc have enclosed an addressed, stamped envelope for your convenience. The Coltons plan to move in on December 15, 1990. I have divided the approval into two sections, as indicated below. I have reviewed the proposed plans Rowhouse Condomj-niums dated Augustfind the deck enclosure to the north acceptable. for Unit 38 20, L990, pages facing the Gore of the vail 1 thru 7 and Creek to be I have reviewed the proposed plans Rowhouse Condominiums dated August 20. find the deck enclosure to the South, to be acceptable. for Unit 381990, pages 1or facing Gore of the VaiI thru 7 and Creek Drive Sincerely, Kirk Aker, AIA MORTER ARCHITECTS SEI\JI EEP 14 .'ri $[P ,;i#;E:,J:il,mffiJffi tllio'onu'Suff3: f!3-.ggicon! tl;;1;loui'iilTfi i. *' -./-.r-,. ; :\- J Caltsn EroJcat llpxovrt - ! Dl,cerr lrvlrw theerl'vc tfi. r o*Lt ,.*r*3ljo11l-tl*: anct oltvreJ.ens q,nd iaol free rogrl'vcl[l.ro*Llcrlt.ploDortt eoooptalil ":Y^3:t:tons €$-cor !*hks,rf, ys11 flnd rh6eoosptabio pfcail ; -- -- rr'a!q'rFr' -r you rrnCl tnaa porrr.]rle rt.rr,r.. ,..^t111 -bol*.and r6q,ura ti entr oicice ; : ffil. ." ff ';i:;:, l*-;-;:.::J tiiiil#"":::llt"Il":'.Tnl#ff;1f piaxs+biO, I FNr:- -"-'h''r't '"1rrrl L.r ssElon SOPtefiD€ f! FFJ r.,,*n*_ ,- ,#i,re:g?rlg:_rrould hetp erqlsdi:e inip:O€CAC, r.;i{S 5A.;1 r:,..i.i-nb.r, ' i -- i-oTi't - !r'J!''r+i$F w{u ftr !{ 1 rr.- ,,"];,n$er i-s (301) +?g.Of f O.If ycu choose tcf"'*l r.*' r,;"'il#{"*", i*:i "'asgiJiiil ]l; *.i,l*"Ill, .nffi ff o:E ,l- 1: Deecrnbcr t5,rcctlsn* " cc'lndi cate4, fr"fou. : tan L ^.1"u" dlvtcrd, trrE ' iiFrovar"'-riti"*ili I-"lly.t_i-y161,66 rhe prcDo8Ed Dlanr iiil:iii EtsT;3 i "ri ; :.itr;t-ii: i; for 20, cf rheL rirru CreEk Itnlr 381990, pr195 EcccPc,lb:e.\-" '{r\ faa thr Caro f)i./ I_ Ily: revLr*od rhr Dro&owno$r. coador,i::lrns daledflnd eho aech cne:,oo"ia-*"i.o b* rccrDtlble. fos Uti? JB1990, Fa$ar 1or flcing €crotbr Eouth, of Ci.e CrE6k Elnscrcly, Rlrk Aker, AtA IOOtrTER Af,SIIIECfS gllf"'-l':tr0lgir I vr117 and co be va:.i i, !,nd lflve l0? S. Frcrrlrq;+ llJ \'.r "'.1-.:lP O. ilo:r lj:7 Vdrl, \:i, ll:l,.E 3C3 i.;6 2:t: I IAX :i.)i .i;.:, -1-,.r.i ENCUMBRANCE REPORT Order No. E-1589 To: l4orter Architects Charge: $75.00 That according to the indices of the county Recorder of Eagle CountJ, Colorado, relative to the fol lovli ng real property: Condominium Unjts 2A, 28.-2C,2D,3A,38,4A,48, 5A, 58, 64 and 68, Vail Townhouse Condominium, according to the recorded comdominjum map thereof, and as defined and describedjn the Condominium Declaration recorded January 29, L964in Book 175 at Page 379, the first addendum thereto recorded January 29, 1964 in Book i75 at Page 393, the second addendum thereto recorded March 11, 1965 jn Book 187 at Page 5i, and the third addendum thereto recorded December B, 1965 in Book 187 at Page 465, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. There are no mortgages or Deeds of trust which purport to affect said real property other than the following: Uni t 2A: Deed of Trust recorded July 30, 1984 jn Book 391 at Page 53, Payable to Aspen Savings and Loan Associatjon, assigned to Va11ey Federal Savings & Loan Assn. in jnstrument recorded September 25, 1984 in Book 395 at Page 629. address of recordl. 225 N. Mill Street, Aspen, C0 81612 Unit 2D: Deed of Trust recorded August 26,7977 in Book 258 at Page 995, Payab'l e to E.V. Chilson and Company, assjgned to Peoples Savings & Loan Association of Parsons, Kansas in instrument recorded September 23, 1977 in Book 260 at Page 142. address of record: P.0. Box 4840, Aspen, C0 81611 This certificate is dated to include the 31st day of August 1990. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA ,k',, n,,^ \ llsy: I r.,tt.t , --l 'f F L! L^"- Authorized Officer or Aqent Liability of the Company under this certifjcate is limited to the sum of $75.0 /-.a{p 14 ,F4 r:, re nsprevrHcs & Lonr.l ;ll:"i Prorscr Fl.eass re,uiew ths. enoloaed plene end ef,gvetloneg!-ve ne- e eaIJ. wlth eng c"retl"$i otr oormf,nt,t.lf:l3sll aooepabte . rerurr ro rhta-o-iril-i-arsr.nce we ,Nre brainnlng construoiffi -G;t"rnuir coltonc_ptan ro fiova-ri ,;-iil;ffi;"" rt, xee0. rapprovat tnto rso seorlonE,-re-ililciiia-t.rir+. - "*dJ,^ {\",.T frF? ;$t$tl6,$ g P?sgd_ planr for unlt 3E of rhe vAtlatad. Auguet 2,0 t L9g0, Frges i-thru ? andEo Ene north f&slng thE GoXe Crsek to bc MonreRAncHil ECrs Approva.l and feel free torf yorr flnd the Eoon &6 poealble,5, 19E0. The have dLvided the a/* Hlrk Aksr, ArA. MONtrER ARCIIIIHETg p.:---- $inoereJ.y, {{tt 4 -$ z, d3FgYJ poeed pJ,ansItod August bo thc southr for Unlt 382Q, l-"q90, pagrcor facj.ng Gor6 of, the Vell1 thru 7 endCrcsk Drlvc .- 14 '54 15:la nseen sQres & LoHN l\5ltl:f'l ul\r{r(liti,U. lrt\llr: t t, rAClt.t I l,l. l. lr: llltAl tlllt t:il:l:A L 'l'O ! rj'rtuil: c(rl1lill1tluJ: l,'llutiltr (JU.J I 9eIj-U,lUU l'tntttrl I rf:r,lllr e E;,:K fia .. - - t'lltttlll I uflilll: ll J. ratrtt e arlrqqL..._[_lrugeu r Tll.tg Tl(Al.lSl.lI:'JIAl.'. I'IeBsElll you do. ttot: x NCtUUl l.r(jcall ulrd opeek l:o feselvs ull pnEea. ($!$y rti..t'"t. Uopy ulII follos lrr Llre trruJ.l troL Jlolluli ltt.'blre l'le rrre LrirnsrrtJ.LLllrg fIorrr u ltlColl2.01i. t':rerglrrrl,[e I J0J-92lj-U9ZU MonrER Colton Projoct Approval Page 2 Please review the enclosed plans and elevationsgive me a call with any queslions or comrnenr.s.proposal accepabl-e return to thi-s offiee assince we are beginninE construction sepfemberColtons plan to move in on Declember 15. tbeo^ tapproval into twr] sections, as ind.icated below. and feel free teIf you find thesoon as possiblc,q tqqn ,Fh,: have di,.rided tfre ! 'i':',:'.....rt';i{,,,. ,icil' Slncerely, Klrk aker, AIA MORTER ARCHITECTS I have reviewed the proposed pLans f,or Unit 38Rowhouse Condominiums dated Ausust 20, 1990, pagesfind the deck enclosure to the i<lr:th faeing the" coro of rhe Vail1thru ? anC Craek to be Kathryne M. Kulp Ulee Prestdent Plarr:e Lt;rl.lcy M{)rt.g.age C.)rnDIflt1{I have reviewed the proposed plans fo.ll Unir 38 of the VailRowhouse condomlniums dited eulust 20, 1gg0, pagas 1 thr:u 7 andfind the deck encrosure i"-tr.r*-i"uth, or facing'core creck Driveto be acceptable. acceptable. Kethryne M. Kulp VJco Presiderrt PLatte Vslley Mor-tgnge Co.po1-crg11'11 ft Lender, dEr0 I,JBOU UgfU I-r-'rrJ lfzJ ' I I FE.,'EE."qT ]) trEarhteVadfeY- '-JV 'u'tc'E! co'l'66Atrt'i [/L{l ,'{i-r j ) \/j/., .A f/O PLL\g[ NAIE; FI Iii\.I : Rli: @ DEL1VEII T]IE FOLLOI'JING PAGES TO: l'll0),lr 1; I R\I: TOT.\L \UllBER OI' PAGES: (I):CLU0II{G CO\,1]R I.ETI[]I) IiE ]\NE TTL\\SI\IITTING FRTJII A IL\II.III:;/.1:.I :iI IO FNISI}lILE ,-1 ,,r ,-,.rrr|r:,i I I:J.\ll Ir-4rr!r ; rLi t\::_ FII,E MJtrBEII; 'ti)ll:: IF YOU DO I.OT ITECEIVE Al.L TllE Pi\(iES,L\LL ,T5 SL\,IN i5 FOSSIDLL: (309) 6i5-tlt{.}3 PLLr\s8 Fit\ ll 60t F;frh Avc,. *otrrblulf- NE 6E16t 8E:TT EE.'Eg.'.EITIEEH00H t538 l-t-tu "f\ov' ,qq D \K' ADDRESS: OWNEFI: ARCHITECT: LOT SIZE: TTqMAKI /Sb,C(]NIJAKI , 1990 LOT . BLOCK FILING 782 POT ATO PATCH AFNOLD,GWATHMAY & PRATT O PROPOSED USE: PHONE # PHONE # 476-1147 S.F. RESIIDENCE UNIT ONE 4tSf lr--: t1 P R I M R U N Ir s N D R U Pe-orDDS€lg4F+1FO I".'r 'ittilrr 'ftlls PukN' DA'l-t/) A Cderus6 q-tr-Q lr.s /, l*- tn;ss lzXtsTtruq uN 1T s." r,t I Aq cr l, t)t * t qq o H4< nf{ 0 14t,3 0 0 57.40 0 '3?3 0 It n o n n n 0 ? z.s 0 0 0 0 0 0 3RD. FI-OOR SO.F'.: i:.:l 0 4< t.?0 0 0 0 0 0 LOFT FLOOR'SO.Ff. .r rl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CREDIT TOTALS USED :i j:.:':0":':' ] : ': .::| ''' ^: I CREDITS REMANING 0 0 0 GRFA ALLOWED T7#/r oI * / J,,-1 ts/zro lcs s /,/l 51 -30 I :4b dv-{ d, "{,'d&, eptr& Traytt'-l <JLA, s 4u,f- ,M L.'/ J^4 '/ o, t 772 2s/ + EZ 3f{/z -Zo / {r& t( x COLTONS I NEIGHBORS * UNIT 2A * UNIT 28 * UNiT 2C * uNiT 2D -}( UNIT 3A Richard K. Parker ut I "t,\44 S. Birch St. t M, Denver, C0 80222 L) James M. Todd, Robert M. & 5737 South Ga11up St.Littleton, C0 80120 Gary, Samuel , Nancy, James c/o Samuel Gary Holding Co. 370 Seventeenth St., Suite Denver, C0 80202-5653 R'i chard K. Parker ,, 44 S. Birch St. Denver, C0 80??2 0live C. & Thomas J, Watson, 0ld 0rchard Rd. Armonk, NY 10504 Stewart & Judy Col ton / Richard & Judy Tucker y' 3 Ramdom Road Englewood, C0 80110 Joy R. Hilliard / 4600 S. Monroe Lane Englewood, C0 80110 Hyatt Corporation / 200 lalest Mad.ison Ave. 41st Floor Chicago, IL 60606 Jay Pritzker y' c,/o Zunanon, Si mon 38th Floor i200 West Madi son Str. Chicago, IL 60606r ./Barbara D. Euwer 7 Holmberg "z 530 ,I,,I n 'o \ffhd crL,r (t UNIT UNIT O ,Ard\ +,i,,r MonreRArlcH')S$ ' ivt,l*., fD'rr./ ,111',p* ,,r{t' ff- , ,l to il {o* t0\ u \1u 0"'\ ,.- J-\ {'\o-" / ^bu',,b \ F k &o r*,"'" .r/ uu .J"?P J-1u It(,1..' u I \n , o)^--) UNIT 48 * UNIT 5A + uNrr sB ,'+-'./ ,r [ {rA n 1\" f uv' tt *"(., ,u) p COLTON NEIGHBORS. UNIT 64 UNIT 68 Monren Page 2 E lton Parks, Jr. P.0. Box 37312 Denver, C0 80237 Barbara Wel les 3602 South Gilpin St. Englewoodo C0 80110 DRA APPTICATION DATE APPLICA?ION RECETVED: DATE OF DRB I'1EETfNG: *****THTS APPLICATION }'ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI.,IATIONIS SUBMTTTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATTON MEEIING: A. pre-application -rneeting with a planning staff member is::::19]I.sussesred to dei.ermine ii any adaiti;;ui-rnlofmatlon is needed. No anol ir:atioi r.ri t.t lra rnr.ar..+.o.r responsibifity to rnake an appointrnent. with the staff to fout about additionar subrnitiit reguir",n"ntr.- -pr".r" .rot"that a ..MPLETE apprication wilr itreamline trre-ipprovarpro:?:9 for your project by decreasing the num.ber of ::lqi:]?"s of approval thal the DRB niy stipui"t". ALL the applicantrs l:ylli:ls.,of approvar musr be resotv"h ueibre . U..irainsff:li!-i: lssued.. Application wili,"t-r.-p.ole=seawithout owner's signat,irre. PROJECT DESCRTPTTON: exteri or al terations. \/ei l Fnr^rhnrrcp romndpl ing, .i ntprinr and ind A. Dec k B.IDCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 303 Gore Creel Legal Description Lot 1-6 Bl"ock Subdivision Yail Villaqe 1st Zoning H DMF c.NA.I'IE OF APPLTCANT: Ma j.ling Address: D.NAME OF APPLICANT's REPRESENTATTVE: MoTteT Architects I'lailing Address. 143 E' Meadow Drive Vail ' C0 Phone 476-5105 E. NAME OF OWNERS: Short Hi I I . NJ 07078 phone Q}t) 461-9360 f6rcNarunE(s):Mailing Address: Phone Condorninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEEI The.fbe will be paid at the tirne a buildingpernit is paid for. FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50. oo 9100.00 $200.00 $300.00 JUJ F. G. VALUATTON $ o- $ 10,00L -s 50, 001. - $150,001 - $500,001 -$ over s 10,000$ 50, ooo$ . 15O, oo0$ 5oo, ooo s1, ooo, ooo s1, o0o, ooo (0vER) DRE lPPIrfolTrQI DATE AptclrroN nncnrvEDt *arl€un--rcro.._--DA!8 Of DRb ldEETrllG I r--[llA ilT'TTHIB APPLIChTION I{IL! NOT BE ACCEP)iED UNTIL ALL TNTOR$ATION 16 SuBl'lITTEDr. r. r I. PRE-APPI.,TCAfION MEETING i A pre-aFFIloatlon tnrct'lng wlth a EtronEly ruggoBt.d ta doErrnllrs, r:lannlnE rtaf,f, rnrmbor lr l'f any aadltlonal caf&i-H{.It -ba-ar,oegs'd. '?.;Gri ltcmr rrquiru'tLhy stronEIY tuggoEE.a Ea lnfornatlon le needed. It ic the aPPr no I ntmant r.rl lih can!'1thr ctafl to flndffifnaTE]'ii[y t.o neike an. lPp?1"t1!?!^::::Tf i;'iii". i l.li ^I'Eiiriil r -;;s" r remenu' -' : I : ::.:..1: I.,iilt"i"EE"iiEii'Iiiii rliII6" -ii r i -iirrrmril"-:l1,.:':pr ova r ;l;:";"-;HT;;''[;;i;;i:ril l::;::tr*.,'::, lXHil. "'procsst tor ygur proJect'. by ogcrrnFlll9 Lrrl' trq'r."e oondltlorrr or nppi;;ii that tno onn.1i1 l!lt:I":"i,,..151::lli;i;H ;i l';F;;;;i fi;; #-";iFt":i..o:la:3^:^:::,1o'n'parmlt lr lrsucd.iipilicition-witr nob bo prooaoredpp llttrout owner'a slgnature' pRoJECt DESCRTI{rIOI{ t ,u"l tJnowharrca- r+nMalr "fl. l "leFlnl1-al(l- oxtcnl or al tat'at iutts ' D.LOCATTON OF PROPOgALI rddrerg -!9 Gore Clqe\Drlve .Vai 1 c0 (Unt t 11! BIoclc HDl'1F c. D. NN'IE OF AFPLICANTI Haltlng Addresrr a32 H,u"tslrorn..'Drive ' - " ffi;;60* - iltrffiirg1yf , it*%"Hffigu- "- j' r . - t'le adow 0rl ve t'latllng Addrrgn:Phonr 426-519i '- - tr NAHE OF OW}IERsI 4::rus'tuit,' .:1""" g r.condomtnluh Approval ll appllcable' T,NE s t 0,00 e 25.o0 $ 5o. oo sI0o. 00 s?0Q, o0 $roo. oo r o-s lo,ooo ll::BBl:3 'i3:!!!iriolooi - s 5oo'999 ;;oo:ooi - gl,ooo,ooo ;-';i;; $t, ooo, ooo S tewa rt FEE t VAI'U\TION (ovER) NAME LEGAL LIST OF MATERIAIS OF PROJECT! Col fnn Remnrtal DEscRrPTroN: riT_l:L BrocK 5 SUBDMSION Vail Villaqe tst STREET ADDRESS: ?n? Gore ereek Dr:i yer Vail; €g (Urrit 38, DESCRIPTION interior and OF PROJECT: exteri or al terati ons A. The following informatLon isReview Board before a final BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other I,ANDSCAPING! Nanre of for submittal- can be given: MATERIAL reguired approval TYPE OF to the Design COLOR Gravel narurai hlood -lJhi te cl ad l./hi te |tJhi te Designer: Phone: BotanicaL Narne connon Nane ouantitv Size* NA NA naluuni..d To match adi. rnateridl NA A NAB. PT,ANT MATERIALS; PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minirnum cal-iper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet, oCign Review Action F#n TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: legal Description: Lot _ Block Zone DistrictSubdivision Csnre- ArfProject Street Address: Comments: Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval ,{ Staff Approval Conditions: i*, DRB Fee e,"-p ia *2D ' d)Y) . T apR-26-1996 t7:54 ^ !|ORTER cRCHtfECTS orrr* Fr", EoAf,D rpF,,rc^tlro$ P. ga rqflt ot t vrrL, *r, olnli""IEill$i . ,"co,o,rne ""s, .c-,"4ilr;ig;f" Fc,r"r; L ,|. c. D. E. I, TlPl oF lnrEEw: ___{:l.egnrtrucrton t t?00:00 }_lddr ttor ltso.00) l! qJ9u31ev ir crtcrlbnd bvoctcr.:,ptlon, pldrlr CfovidL -Kulnor Al LcraLion ( lzo. 00t_ coneal.tual t.vi€l. ( t0'.. ADDnEts, @ (q."p-. kz*r=D drf- I.!GT& DISCRIP!clocl.4luDdivirion to thi, rppr lc. s t on , c.NAX! Ot ApP&ICAtrl ,tEnt trtfTMtl li.nc ddrrra: Ir. N ru q? orvNrt(sl I |||l I lng Addrorr : rttErciTrors *tLL rrv? r! psocrrsrD Conricnnlniun ipproval t! 6ppl ictblc. r nCCLt lnc |.oundr legrlor a tapat.tr, rhct! r'|d atclch t.Itt tottT onrEl. s trct rnrir te8 " arr-vuI 5J.00 ,:100, C0 :1200 . 00;:100.00 ' .r500.00 ort rrl!, trrrn Frdr.|IllrllrD ND eo$ t llruel'I otf DI{8 fEt: Dr,! tcar, t5 shorni rborr..l .rc !r, bc Drlat rL Lht!r": 9r !,rDnl;rfr +! :hc .r,t!-iJpiltiii"i' -'r,rn.r, tlhenrpplylr.c tor a bulldlDE p".*iil'eiSiii-i lr"eity !h. reeulrr,.::-1u:!ien.e! rhe ptopoi.oi. ih; ir*1-;r-ifli'virr .dJurr. rh!rcc rccording ro rrie' t.rurr uiriu, -io "oa',ii-rr,i-iri.ici-ri.'It p.td. EIE SC}|EDULE: VALUTTTON? o o ro,oootr0.00r.t s0,ooo| 5c,00t t r5o. ooott50,00r . l g0g,oo0f500,001 ft.000rgOOI Over f l. o0o.O0O ?!!!-a!!. r'Iirr !o^rD ^ppRovrr ExDrlDglltl$*#y!r! I aurt,Drno irrrri ii TOTiL;r.6? FIPR-16-1996 15:31 ^ r-r v'irbr4\rr r.r \,rur t^,r ar,!.r. r T4ORTER ARCI{ITECTS P.WZ MonTTRARCHITECTS Aprit 16, :996 Elton Parklt, President vail Townho laeE eondoninium Agsoc ' Box 1440Eagle, CO 81631 xvle H. Webb, AIA TA.ONISR ARCHITECTS T6rn-6ou-iee cor donlnlum AssocraE 1on ./'n-- Dear l,[r. Parkg, -"'i-' we are askinq that you, ao the President and ropresentative of the vall rown'niiil""'cJ"i"ttiniun-leeocl'ation'. slqn thts retber grantinE approval f,or the re-roofi"g- anO-toaff,ioati.on of faeoLa for the eolton Residence {untt #3o1- After signing the letter, please fax lt brck to the officee of !i;;i;t lrtrritlects at 970-ize-Orro. Please lct me know if you hiv€ any questions. t,l3 Ersl Merdet Drivi Cro6sma{, at Vall VAll, COlO.tdq 8,|657 9?0/476.310S FAx 970/476.0rr0 glncerely, Rpr,( \69 ltq(.ffi TLlTrit- P.02 ; .' l.l"( I | - o,s09'Y z - a6a,gv v? -oqoftv'# ,142c)fi:aClrldllvl p4 t -_r.::': I I l. i flL- \/-dl?q l^f/--t"HsUL":1.: ::\ h::n dI'c Item No. 12: Rowhouses, 303 Gore Creelr Drive.Appl-icant: Stewart Colton in order to construct a 5r high wood screen fencein the 20' front setback at 9 Vait Road--Itoliday House, Lot B, Vail Village 2nd Fil_ing.Apnlicant: Holiday House/Pinnacl-e Resorts. Item No.s 11 and 12 were withdrawn, no action was needed. J^ $,*jf , lq il'il/ ^i'Mn' oh-f ,lv t (a 16 Iten No. 1: Approval of mLnutes from the ,fulv 23, 1990 meetina. Dalton had corrections on Page ro that he would discuss wittr Penny regarding his statenent referencing the Rekord doors. A motion to approve the nlnutes with corrections nas made bv KJthy Warren and seconded bv chuck Crlst. @ A request for an exterior alteration on Lot C ana tot p. ina the eouttrwestertv e f?e! ot tot g' att in gtoct< s-9, valt vitlaqe rst fltlng. Zzz ftem No. 7: griaqe street ac a gridcte auitalng).- Item No. 8: Iten NO. 9:A recruest for a rnaior subdivision- to appfove iEde'sf for a viriance to the naximurn perqent ill?e for a road' on a parce+ cgmrng{rlv referred-to EE-E6raaate creex. an approxirnatg 49. ?gre parcel Iten NO. 10: A request for a nalor anendnent to SPP {ou@ lionsridge subdivision, Filing 2. (The vallev Phase III) Appliiant: Brad & Susan Tjossern VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR 15 s5 d -r-- |aRo9siiqlg !od =dEi.s;€B Ao 9.ot o +5 |looP.!tOtr. 0qcoo F c?O'(rAIJrrf. ,td0c ITi t and Env 1'I GIVENNOTICE IS HEREBY PUBLIC NOTICE that the Planning ironmental Conmission of the Town of VaiI wiII hold a public hearing in accordance rith Section 18.65.O6O of the nunicipal code of the Town of VaiI on August 13, 1990 at 2:OO p.m. in the Town of Vail lilunicipal Building. Consideratlon of: 1. A work session on air quality. 2. A request for a conditional use pemit, a landscapevariance, and a setback variance f,or a renedl-ation syatem eguipnent buitding at the Alplne Standard Station, part ofLot A, Vail village 2nd Filing, 285 S. Frontage Road lflest.Applicant: Amoco Corp. 3. A request for a major amendment to SDD No.16, part of parcel A, Lionsridge Subdivieion, Filing 2. (The Valley Phase III) lA.Applicant: Brad & Susan Tjossen { r'r* 4. A request for a rnajor subdivision, to approve tlre. ' prelininary plan, a reguest for a variance to the naxirrturrheight for retaining walls, and a request for a varla4ci 1pothe naxirnum percent grade for a road, on a parcel connoBlyreferred to as Spraddl.e Creek, an approxirnate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Main Vail I-?O interchange andeast of the Spraddle Creek livery. Connencing at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast l/4 of the Southwest 1/4of Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 l{est of the 5thPrincipal l{eridian, being an Eagle County Brass Cap properly marked and set, with all bearings contained herein beingrelative to a bearing of S 00 11r OOx E between the Northeast Corner of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4, and the Southeast Corner of said Southeast L/4 of t,lre Southwest 1/4 being an Eagle County Brass cap properly narked and seti said Northeast corner of the Southeast 1/4of the Southwest 1rl4 being the PoLnt of beglnning; thence S o0 11! o0rr E along the east line of said Southeast L/4 ofthe Southvest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1.320.14 feet to the southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 of the SouthwestL/4 of Section 5; thence S 89 47r 48r W along the south lineof said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 901.00 feet; thence N 73 48r 32rr I{ alongInterstate 7O Right of tlay line a distance ot 2L4.12 feett thence N 66 52t L?t W along said Right of l{ay line a distance ot 24L.X0 feet to a point on the west ltne of sald Southeast L/4 of the Southvest L/4 of Section 5r thence N 00 20r 31rr t{ along the west line of said Southeast 1,/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1161.66 feet to the Northwest Corner of the Southeast L/4 ot the Southveat L/4of sectLon 5 being an Eagle County brass cap properly narked and set; thence N 89 41r 12n E along the north line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distanceof 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beglnning. Said realproperty containing 39.55 acres, more or less.Applicant: George Gillett, Jr. to construct e_5' high wood screen fence jp the 2ot lil"iifrl;.r lt noia--notiday House, rfn, vait Applicant: HoLiday llouse/Pinnacle Resorts A request for a najor amendment to SDD No. 4, frontVillage . '\i 6. coldstream Condoniniuns in order to anend Sections 18.46.090(B) densityr 18.46.100 (B) floor area, 18.46.220 enployee housing and 18.46.230 tine reguirernente to convert anexisting racquetball facillty lnto an enployee housing unit, management office, laundry and owner storage area at Lot 53 Glen Lyon subdivision, 14?6 l{esthaven Drive.Applicant: Coldstrean Condoniniun Association. 7. A request for a setback variance in order to enlarge a second story housekeeping senrlce roon at llontaneros Condoniniuns located at 641 l{. tionshead Circle, Lot 8, Block t, vail-Lionshead 3rd Filing.Applicant: Montaneros Condoniniun Assoclatlon 8. A request for a wall height variance and an amendment to the approved access plan for both lots at 146 and 126 Forest Road, Lots 5 and 5, Block 7, Vall Village 1st Filing.Applicant: Ron Byrne 9. A request for a height variance at 2855 Snowberry Drive' Lot6, Block 9, Vail Inter*rountain.Applicant: Doug and Michelle Cahill 10. A request for a height variance in order to erect asatellite dish and a conditional use to expand hospital space and add a satellite dish at the VaiL Valley Medical Center on Lots E and F, Vail Village 2nd Fillng (181 west Itleadow Drive) .Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center 11. A reguest for a side setback variance at lot 3. Btroek 3 VaiI Vlllaga let rillng, Enlt 3l--Vail Rowhouses, 303 Gore creek Drive.Applicant: Stewart CoLton L2. A reguest for an exterior alteration and a height variance on Lot C and Lot D, and the southwesterly e feet of l.,ot B' all in Block 5-8, Vail Village lst Filing,227 Bridge Street (Covered Bridge Building) . Applicant: Associates. Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and Bruee Arun & The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Conrnunity Development Departnent office. Town of Vail Cornnunity Devel.opment Departlnent Published in the Vail Trail on ,ruly 27, 1990. This letter is written to rdithdraw theIication for side seLback variances acTownhouse Condominiums, Iocated at 303Vail. The applicants were Stewart and MoruenAncH ITECTS August 8, l-990 Andy Knudtsen, Town Planner Town of Vail Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Rd. WestVail, CO 81657 June 25, 1-990 app-Unit 38 of the VailGore Creek Drive in Judy Colton. R. Morter, AIA ORTER ARCHITECTS Hel-lo Andy, cc: Stewart and .Iudy Co1tonPepper Etters r ,g/\'' v{/' \ ct tt{ | 'L(b".r,111';I "f," ^ L,f , bl' 'f' v' {& ' jL) |* r, &r"\l).y\" ,P ,\..\\* , ,Y lt\|, \n, \ u\L 1tu" TO: FROM: DATE: RE: er"rrningQnd Environmental co*roir=il File - corton Andy Knudtsen Aug"ust L7, l-990 Property L,ines on Vail Rowhouses. Lot 3, VaiI Townhouse Condominiums On August 7, 1990, Larry Eskwith, Jay Peterson, Jim Morter and myself met to discuss the property line location on the proposed Colton variance. Jin Morter proposed a remodel with deck enclosures on Lot 3 of the vail Rowhouses. Planning Staff had determined earlier that side setback variances were needed for the remodel because property lines were located along the common walls that separated the units. Jay Peterson was asked to look into the matter and found a condominium map recorded January 29, L964 which replatted the first 6 lots into a condominium. The condominium plat virtually erases the lot lines separating the first six units. The renaining lots that are part of the same building, Lots 7-13, stand alone and are not part of this condominium association. Based on irayrs research, the Town will measure setbacks from the exterior property line surrounding all six units. At this time, for L,,ots 7-L3, the Town will measure setbacks from property lines located at the base of the common wall separating the units. In the future, two levels of condorniniurn association approval wj.ll be necessary for redevelopment in Lots l_-6. For minor changes, the Association president may sign. For any expansion of building area, 75 percent of owners and 100 percent of mortgagees wiLl need to sign. e-, PLANNING AND ENVIRONI,IENTAL COI,IMISSIONiruly 23, 1990 Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Jim Shearer Kathy Warren Dalton Willians StaffKristan Pritz !,tike Mollica Shelly Mello Andy KnudtsenJilI Karnnerer Betsy Rosolack Penny Perry Susan Scanlan fn the intereet of time, work sesslons rrere held prior to thepubllc hearing. A work session for an anendnent to Torrm of VaiI Ordinance No. 24.Series of 1983 and Ordinance No. 28, series of 1987 governing wood-burning fireolaces. gas locs, and gas appLiances.Applicant: Town of Vail Susan Scanlan presented the proposal as per the staff memo. 285 S. Frontaqe Road West.Applicant: Amoco Conr. Tom llcCurdy, representing the A:uoco Corporation, responded to theissues addressed in the memo explaining that contamination wasfound on the cateway site. However, they did not yet know theextent. After talking with staff, Amoco chose the proposed site because it would cause the least hardship for all concerned since any other location deleted parklng spaces. negarding alternatenethods, the proposed desJ-gn was the best for the situation. It was possible they vould need larger !re11s, however, they hadalready allowed for additional space in the room for anadditional air stripper. Amoco originally proposed to use aportable building. He said that staff had communicated concernsthat a portable building would not neet design criteria. Regarding the use of the Gateway site rather than the Alpine Standard site, the present owner did not want them to use the basement as was originally planned. The ottrner had expressed concerns of tiability and parking. Chuck Crist asked how noisy the systen would be and Tom McCurdy explained that the only noise would be generated.by a compressor. ThL compressor would be wittrin an enclosed building and the inpact iould be rnininal . He felt the noise from the highway would be more obtrusive. chuck then asked, if the problem was more extensive than originally thought, would Amoco have to build another station else wherE? From what distance could the wells be punped? Tom llcCurdy explained the wells could punp up to 200-250 feet away. Dalton and LudwLg had no comments. Diana asked how deep they tested the water and Tom McCurdy explained they test anlruhere from 2O to 4Or below the ground surface. Diana also asked how much water would be processed in 1 day and Tom McCurdy explained that the system processed 35 gall.ons per ninute. iiani ttas concerned about how the Water and Sanitation department would handle the situation and how it would affect the toints water supply. Tom lt{cCurdy explained that the water would be discharged to tLe Water and Sewer plant and the water plant discharged to the Townrs streams. He did not feel that 35 gallons a ninute would affect the water supply. Kathy warren asked Tom Briner, the architect for the project, if they would be able to berm on either side of the buiLding and Torn stated ryssrr, on the sides but not the front or rear. Diana felt that the applicant should consider extra insulation to nitigate the noise. srre asked Kristan if this would be an oppoitunity to clean the island/area-up and_SheIly reminded Diana ana tne bolrd that there is a possibility of a sLdewalk as well. Tom lilcCurdy exp}ained that there uas an unidentifl-ed easement and Diana felt-thal it was an issue that staff could handle and infom the board if it would be a problem at the next neeting. shelly felt that the Town needed to see the final reports when they iane out before naking a reconmendation and Ton l'lcc\rrdy did;rt feel the final repoits would affect the location of the building. He felt the p-resent neeting was to center around the aesthetics, noise etc. chuck crist asked how the air discharge was done and if it required stacks. Tou Mccurdy e:cplainea tnat vents would be used. chuck aLso wanted to lcnow if-there would be an odor and Tom UcCurdy explained that the odor would be no more than the gas station itself. Bruce eilly, representing the Holiday House, stated that the owners were rrorried about the property value going down due tothe contanination that appeared to be under the Holiday Housebuilding. They would tike to see the area cleaned up. They did want to know if there uas danger. They didnrt want to flnd gasin their basement. He asked, if they used the existing wells, how the pipes would be laid and Tom McCurdy explained that thepipes would all be undergrounded. Jim Shearer asked if the fumes from the air discharge would be flanmable and Tom [cCurdy answered rrnoill Diana Donovan stated tbat ln general she felt the proposal was arrnecessary evil. rl The Planning and Environmental Connission public meeting was ca1led to order at 2:3O p.n. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. Since the meeting was running late, Item No. 1 was postponed tothe end of the neeting. Item No. 2: 805 Potato Patch Drive.Applicant: Patsy and Pedro Cerisola Mike Mollica expl.ained that the applicants were requesting a variance from a maximum aLlowable wall beight to provide for theconstruction of a neu single farnily horne. The variance requested would allow for wall heights ranging frorn 3 feet to 10.5 feet inheight. The average slope of the lot beneath the proposed residence and drivehray hras approximately 5O*. fn order to accessthe site, the applicants lrere proposing a driveway with a uaximum grade of 8t. The staff recornmendation was for approval of the variance reguested for a naximum wall height of 10.5 feet per the drawings subnitted. Staff believed the request would not be agrant of special privilege and would not be detrirnental to thepublic health, safety or welfare. The topographic conditions ofthe site created unique developrnent considerations, and the staff believed that a hardship would be inposed upon the applicant ifthe strict and literal interpretation of the zoning code were to be enforced. The findings supporting the varlance included IV A,B, and C2. Pam Hopkins, representing the applicant, agreed with the staffpresentation. she explained that, as the architect on theproject, she tried very hard to avoid asking for a variance. However, extensive soil testing deened the varlance reguestnecessary. Pam explained the tlpe of materials to be used inconstructing the wall and showed photographs and exanples. She added that the applicant had upgraded the landscaping since theoriginal proposal. Chuck Crist asked what color the wall answered rrgr€)'. rl rtas ProPosed to be and Pam Connie Knight explained that she had Eeen Georges Boyer' an iaii"."t piopertl o*n"", ln the room earller and asked if he was i"i o" "giittit tlre prop6sa]- and Mike explained that he vanted to nake sure the none ii=-piop"sed solely -on the ownersr land, that it woul-d not encroach iirto-the open space tract innediately adjacent, which it dld not. Kath seconded Crist. Condition: 5 12 | -14 | Enol-eman SPruce 2 12r-14r Blue sPruce 6 3rr-4tr callDer Aspen VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Item No. 3: Andy KnuCltsen presented the proposal explailflg.that tbe applicant proposed to build i sln room on an existing deck- in- -front of his =f"gie-i"tiii resiaence' The Eun roon would be 16 feet by 12 feet ina wouta-be localed in front of the Living roon of the residence.---nii"-"iitttng structure currently encroached 3r-6n into the ".rt-"ie"-iira ietbaclc and the appLicant proposed to align ttre new iaaiii""-rith the existing house, creating a similar setback encioacfrnent. The staff reconrrendation uas for "pii"""f of the ;q";;6d-viriance. Because the existing house *i! in the setbaci'creating a physical hardslip' the owner i.r"*.a rellef iion-tfre s€ricl setback requirenent' The variance voulal ""i-U" i grant of speciat piivitege as the tlpe of ;rl;;Ii;" rri, i""iiiication for other variances in the.Past._- There would u" ""-""gi[i"" irnpacts on adjacent properties' The i"f"t"a findlng inctuaeA Iv A, B, cl and c2' to the lallsEulgj Mark t{ueller, a local engineer representing the-applicant! --expfainea tnit tfre distaice fron ihe propeity line was actualJ.y 8.5 feet rather than 11.5 feet. Kristan asked Marlc to ocplain how the inconsiEtency occurred and llark expLained that, at ttre tine of the application, they were unable to find the irnprovement survey. They had since located it and found the disciepancy. The dl-Etance between the buildings would be the Eame. Ludwig Kurz asked if any trees would need to be relocated and Jin farqufrar said rryesrr, th6y would be moved to the front of the home. Kristan explained to the board that staff was still- supportive of the varianie even though the original figrures rtere not correct. fhe staff justificatioi to suppoit the proposal was due to the fact the alaition would not encroach any further than the eiisting bullding and a reasonable setblck was still maintained with the request. Conditions: 1.site 2. It be noted that the setback vas 8.5 feet from the property line rattrer than 11.5 feet. VOTE: 7-O IN SAVOR Item No. 4: !,llke l.Iollica presented the proposal for staff explaining that the applicant had proposed to tocaLe a televlsion studio in the S-u-nlira Lodge irfrilfr was located within the Connercial Core II zone distri6t. fvithin the zone district, television stations were an allowable use on first floor with an approved conditional use per:nit. The use had recently been added to the zoning code Uy tire approval of Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1990 by the Town Ciuncit on ,fufy L'| , LggO. The ordinance required that any approved television station have a production room/studio which would be visible from the street or pedestrian mall' and that the television station be frcablecastrr only. The staff found that the reguest net the Conditional Use permit criteria and recomnended approval of the rrcablecast'r tyPe of television studio. Bill Perkins, the applicant, agreed with the staff presentation. Chuck Crist asked ltike for clarification on the parking fee requirenent. He wondered why had the apace not been reguired to pay a parking fee in the past, tf 1n fact it had not. Mike explained that, in the past, a portion of the space had been considered retail as opposed to office space. Retail space had a different parking fee reguirenent fron office space- Diana asked the applicant what would happen during off-season and Bill Perkins expllined that the station would remain on the air. Holtever, the noining show would be deleted for off-season and information that locals would be interested in would continue. Connie Knight asked why satetlite dishes were not included in the ordinance and Bill PerkLns extrllained that there were separate guidelines controlling satellite dishes and that T.V. stations ihould have to go through the sarne procedures as the rest of tbe zone district. Connie then asked what was goLng to happen when the Sunbird Lodge was redeveloped and Bill Pe;kin; explained that the station would need to find- a temporary operating sPace. However, the new plans would be designed to aclonrnodate a T.V. Station. Bill expanded on the issue ltating that he would hate to pay a parking fee when he knew that the redeveloprnent of the sunbird would include parking facilities. Kathy warren was concerned that the back portion of the floor plan caLled for splitting a window with frarning and asked if ihoever nade the lnotion *outd make a particular reference that the area be reviewed carefulLy by the Design Review Board' shearer. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Item No. 5: Shelly Mello presented the proposal for staff explaining that the PEc reviewed a proposal for the Bell Tower Buildlng on February26, 1990 which included a ground level retail expansion alongcore Creek Promenade and additions to existing residential development on the upper floors. The current proposal to theBelL Tower building involved a ground leveL restaurant expansionalong the Gore Creek Pronenade. The nature of the proposal required the review of two separate reguests inctuding anexterior alteratlon request and a request to reduce landscaping.The landscaping varl-ance was necessary because the brick pavers would be removed on the outdoor deck and a portion of a planter because of the deck enclosure. The staff reconnendation was for approval of the exterioralteration request with the condition that the landscape variance be approved. The staff reconmended that the PEC require theapplicant to renove the railing surrounding the patio fron November I to Uay 1 of each year. Staff also reconnended thatthe applicant be required to participate in a proJect involvingthe property owners and the Townts Public Works Departnent in aneffort to resolve severe drainage problems adjacent to the BeIl Tower BuiLding. The staff felt that the proposal had maintained the design elements of both the Be}} Tower Building and core Creek Promenadewhich was critical to the streetscape framework of the area. Inaddition, the staff found that additions of this type al.ong core Creek Promenade and in other areas of Tor.rn were guite successful.in providing enhancement to walking areas throughout the year. Jay Peterson, representing the appticant, explained that there were two basic reasons why the app).icant hras proposinE theexpansion. The first was that the kitchen needed to be expanded and the second was that the patio had never really worked due tothe north exposure. IIe felt that, in the beginning, no one llkedto see a patio space enclosed. However, with the introductLon of Rekord doors, a deck could be enclosed with the opportunity to open the area up as weather pernitted. tle felt the inprovementswere positive. Ludwig Kurz felt that the staff recommendations were nisleadingthrough the use of adjectives and adverbs. He liked the proposal and was in favor of the project. A re<ruest for an exterior alteration and a Dalton Willians agreed he would like to see the railings renoved. He also wanted to see snow and debris removed daily. ft didnrt make sense to hin to have the entry door reeessed. IIe felt by bringing the door forvard, the applicant could make the area more inviting. He asked staff why the deck was not counted toward a parking fee in the past and Kristan explained that decks did not have a parking fee requirement white enclosed space did- Dalton felt the proposal would be a good improvement and supported the project. Chuck Crist asked the staff to explain the difference between r.Hardscape and Living landscape.rl KriEtan explained that, in the code, 2ot of landscaping is allowed to be rrhardscapetr, ie pavers, sidewalks, etc. In ccl there rrast no overall * of tandscape requlred for a site. ccl zoning stated rtNO REDUCTIONT' in landscaping should be allowed withorit sufficient cause and conpliance with the Urban Design Guide PIan. Chuck asked the applicant if the flat portion of the roof was proposed to be grlvel and Hernann Staufer answered that the portion of the ioof that is flat would be netal, natching the skylight franing. Ctruck then asked about the railings and flower boxes and Hermann stated that he put the flower boxes out every year. Chuck encouraged the Lontinuation of flower boxes, hanging pJ.ants and generally supported the proposal. Kathy warren quoted the zoning code as stating rrNo Reductionfr of landicaping without rrsufficient cause.,, She did not feel there wJs sufiicient cause. She felt the code inferred 2O* of the site should be landscape as the site coverage t ltas 80*. As far as she could calculale, the area under revlew was down to 1.78 landscaped area. She counnented that, in reviewing minutes fron the expinsion approval in Lg87, every Conmissioner had made staternents regaibing the landscaping. She didntt feel the expansion needed to encroach further. Hernann asked Kathy to inagine the building without planter _boxes, hanging basftets etc. The pavers/hardscaPe wagi covered up auiin6 the-wiiter. The proposal was to'sing pavers and adding translarency and he felt the transparency would liven up the area year round. Kathy Warren stated that she supported the Master Plan Policy No. 33.2 regarding outdoor Dining as a streetscape feature' However, other examples (i.e.-Blurs and Vendettas) were open for lunch and the Lancelot Restaurant was not. Jim Shearer agreed that the railings should be removed during thewinter. He wanted to see the landscaping on the west endinproved even though the land was not owned cornpletely by theapplicant. Jim Shearer asked Hermann if he was going to consider opening therestaurant for lunch and Hermann replied that the kitchen tras toosnall presently, but that with a larger kitchen he could be openfor l-unch. Jin then asked what would happen with the gutter andheating with a flat roof and Craig Snoudon responded that theroof was really not flat. ft had a slight slope and it washeated. ilin felt that improving the drainage on core Creek Promenadeshould be made a part of the approval . Craig said that thepaving system at Lancelot Restaurant was four years old and theyhad never had any problem with it, All the other buildings onthe Gore Creek Promenade had to do below grade drainage. AII thebuildings in the area would trave to participate in the cost toconplete the drainage. Kristan felt it did need to be part of the approval and statedthe nemo included this condition of approval . ft was apublicr/private effort. Hermann replied that he wouldparticipate. Jin said that he was in favor of the proposal because therestaurant already used the deck space and because they wereusing Rekord doors lrhich they could keep open, and it increasedthe livelihood of the Village. He feLt that the increase intransparency was positive and that the western planter should beinproved. Connie ltnight had no problems with the Iancelot exterioralteration request. However, she felt disiLlusLoned by thebuckled pavers and felt that the Lancelot should participate inthe restoration of the area. Kristan exptained to Connie that it was hard to force theapplicant to participate unless alt parties in the area agreed. The applicant was agreej.ng as a condition of approval toparticipate when the work was done and Craig Snowdon explainedthat the proposed work would not hinder the inprovement of thebuckled pavers. Connie wanted to know where the snow would be stored and l(ristanexplained that the publlc Works department would have to lift andtruck it out. Diana felt that, in reality, alL the applicant would have to dois put Rekord doors at the existing exterior wall. She did notsupport the staff reconmendation. She feLt there hras not sufficient cause for a landscape varl.ance. The reasons used to Justify the variance were the sane that were stated for the iaattton in 1987. To Diana, this neant the needs should have been uet in 1987. She could not support the use of public property for a deck and there was essentially no landscaping.- ftower Laskets were great in the sumner but the building was bare in the wlnter. She did not believe sufficient cause had been shown to renove the landscaping. Chuck Crist asked lf the planter to the west could be expanded to the north and Craig stated it would be possible if the Totm would allow tbe expansion since it was Town property. Kristan wanted to clarify the staffrs position. She reiterated ttrat the staff's positioir was not to allow the landscape variance sinrply because thlre was no landscapinqt on other-buildings neaiUy. The rnain reasons for supporting the variance are that the pioject meets the Urban Design Considerations and that the renoval-of the landscaping had been cornpensated for by the addition of a tree in the west planter. Dalton liked the idea of Rekord doors and fett that by going out further, onto Torirn property, they would be left open more often as heat from the Uuitaing wouLd lnake the space more useable. He felt the increase of transparency was also a good irnpact' Discussion of the motion: It was also recommended that the applicant extend the west planter onto Town of vail property if the council would approve the encroachnent. Jay felt that pedestrian flow would be blocked by the pl.anter in the winter. Diana stated that the motion was to pursue the possibility, tbat the applicant needed to work on a solutj-on. Hermann feLt if a tree was planted that he would like to wait until after the paver work was done. seconded bv Jirn Shearer. AGAINST. 10 A motion to approve a recruest for an exterior alteration perthe staff nerno with the followj-ng conditions was nade by ilinShearer and seconded by Dalton l,{illiarns Conditions: 1. The applicant remove the deck railing between {overnber 1 and May 1 of each year and remove snowfrom the area on a daily basis. 2. The applicant participate in a proiect involvincrthe property owners and the Townrs Public Works Department in an effort to resolve severe drainacreproblerns adjacent to the Bell Tower Buildincr. VOTE: 5-2 TN FAVOR WTTH DU{NA DONOVAN AND KATTTY WARREN AGATNST. Item No. 6: A request for a landscane variance in order toprovide two additional parkinq spaces on the southern portlon of Tract G, Vail Villaqe 2ndFiling. 1.7 VaiL Road.Applicant: First Bank of Vail Andy lhudtsen presented the proposal for staff explaining thatthe applicant was requesting a variance from the landscapestandards to add t$ro compact car spaces to the parking area southof the lst Bank building. Three aspen and two spruce trees wouldbe relocated and L89 square feet of landscaping would be renoved.The staff recornnended denial of the reguest stating that therequest woul-d be a grant of special privilege and had a negativeinpact on vehicular and pedestrian tiaffic. staff recornmendedthe restriping of the south lot and removing the sign adjacent tothe parking that stated rtPrivate Parking, Unauthorized vehicles wouLd be towed.rr Craig Snowdon, representing the applicant, explained that First Bank had a constant short-tern parking probJ-en and the proposedLocation was the only feasible location. Regarding the signage that related to the back parking, he saidthey could look at signage for the parking and could do therestriping of the parking lot. He felt two additional parking spaces were a positive aspect for the public use and it wouldalso help the First Bank. Dalton was not in favor of restriping. He feLt there was just enough space to park now and that standard size cars would try touse the smaller spaces. 11 Katby warren opposed the decrease of landscaping' she said that striping at an ."gi" t""fa hifp,. then the cars would have to turn around by the a,-ir["ir.-_anay'lti€ea that the staff suggestion to restripe wourO-i"""ft in siaces with 9 foot widths' which would not be substandard. Diana felt she woul-d rather see trees than two more parking spaces. Iten No. 7: Postponed to the end of the neeting to be tabled' .tSS* *ffi. C U\) " Rowhouses' 303 Gore q\Lt AnPlicant; stcnatt' o taaff explained that the applicant approval- and requested the iten be did not have condomlnium tabled. Jim l,[orter addressed the board and stated that-thev did not want to table the itern. He claimea tnat-iie-"""dotoiniuin declarations state that, if th; "iipri.""t-dia-not have an answer within 1o days, approval was t6-be presurnea.--Jin nentioned two concerns of adjacent ProPertY ovtners. Kristan responded, explaining that the staff received an unsigned letter with two concerns. sne sala itrat conaominiun association approval *r." .r"ty-'{ip"-tti"t and a signed letter of approval was critical . Jirn r{orter said that the adjacent property ownerrs concern was Lft" tni"a level deck which he offered to remove' Kurz 303 Golc_-eIC L2 Ross Davis, representing l,tr. Watson, an adjacent owner, felt thatthe plans looked good. He was concerned about scheduling of theeonstruction. lifr. Davis suggested that the applicant was askingfor an unnecessary setback variance fron a non existent l-ot line. He further suggested that the lot lines had been vacated via a 1954 condoniniun rnap. Kristan stated that she rraE Eorry that the project had beenaffected but felt that the staff could not ignore the fact thatthey had not received a letter of approval from the condominiunassocl.ation. Kristan added that she felt this was a civil issuethat the owners needed to resolve before the staff reviewed therequest. She concluded that the staff wished to table until the August 13th PEC neeting. Andy invited Dlr. Davl.s to present hisnaterial for further study prior to the next meeting. She toldJin Morter that he could go to the Design Review Board for aconceptual review on August lst if he wished. . A raotion to table ltern No. 8 until the Aucrust 13, 1990 meeting was nade by ,firn Shearer and secondpd by Chuck Crist VOTE: 7 - .O IN FAVOR OF TABLTNG ftem No. 9: Road.Applicant: H. Ross Perot Diana asked the applicant if the stakes outlining the footprintof the house were current, and Jin Morter ansr,rered |tno.n Discussion centered around whether the board was comfortable enough to proceed though the stakes were not current and it was decided to proceed. Uike l,Iollica explained that the applicant was reguesting a site coverage variance to allow for the construction of a new singlefanily home, with an attached three-car garage. The existingsingle fanily home on the site was proposed to be deurol-ished, dueto structural concerns with the foundation. Given the steep slopes on the lot, the site coverage requirenent of the property was linited to 15t. Because the slopes exceeded 3O*, theapplicant vas allowed to locate the garage within the front setback area without a setback variance. Mike reviewed thehistory of the project, the zoning analysis, and the criteria andfindings applicable to the project. The staff recornmendation wasfor approval . Staff believed the lot was encunbered with a physlcal hardship, due to the extrene slopes on the site. Staff 13 also believed that the granting of the variance woul-d not be detrinental to the public health, safety or lteneraL welfare of properties or persons in the vlcinity. For thoae-reasons, staff left tfrat it would not be a grant of special privilege to approve the variance request. Jim lforter, the architect representing the applicant, explained that the site had a hardship. Given the opportunity, the applicant would prefer to put the garage under the house. In oiaer to do thiE, the house would have to be in the front setback. As the detailed planning began with the previous proposal , they found it inpractical to remodel . The current proposal rnet ltt other requirenents. As Mike had stated' they Louta build a carport and lt woul-d not count as site covera€te. Jin pointed out tree locations and offered to replace any trees that woul-d not have been removed by the previous plan. Chuck Crist asked if the area across the street would still be revegetated as in the previous proposal and Jin answered tryes'r connie Knight asked why the PEc did not review the 250 request and Kristai explained Lhat the 250 request was not part of the site coverage iariance which should be looked at on its own nerit. ilim Morter stated that if they were not to receive the 250 request, they would delete a loft bedroom on the top floor and therefore site coverage htould not change. Jim Shearer was concerned about landscaping. He wanted to be sure that the applicant would save as niny trees as possible. He felt that the exlavation of the home presented a high risk to many of the trees on site. Jim Morter explained to Jim Shearer that they had Looked at many different scenarios and the current proposal was the best. The trees to the northeast of the house woura have a big irnpact if renoved. Kathy warren felt that tbe applicant should be required to exteirsively landscape due to-Lne loss of mature landscapJ-ng and Jim Morter agreed. L,udwig Kurz felt that the applicant should keep all possible .. _trees with the condition thii any damaged trees be replaced with nature/substantial trees. A motion to approve a site coveraqe varialce- pef the staff ffiinq conditions was made bv Kathy Warren and seconded bv Connie loright. Conditions: 14 1. 2. 3. The applicant plant nature landscaping throuqhout thesite. The site of the existincr structure be taken back tonatural orade and landscaped. The area across Beaver Dan Road be revegetated. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Kristan reconnended that trees on the site sLzes determined before a building pernittrees die due to construction, there would and tlpe replacenent trees. be photographed andis released so that if be agreement on size Item No. 1O:A request to amend the Vail l,tunicipal Code Section 18.04 to add a definition for a brew pub and a recruest to amend the Cornnercial Service Center Zone Distrl"ct, Section 18.28, to allow a brew pub as a permitted use.Applicant: Dean Liotta Andy Knudtsen presented the proposal for staff explaining thatthe applicant was proposing to change the zonl-ng code to allow a brew pub as a use by right in the Cornnercial Service Center zonedistrict. The request was to define the brew pub use in thedefinitlon section of the code, list the use as a permitted usein the CSC section of the code, Iist the use, wj-th llnited offsite sales, as a conditional use in the cSc section of the code, and include a paragraph, also in the CSC section, regardingoperating characteristics. Andy reviewed the background researchthat had been done and the applicable criteria and findings. The staff recommendation was for approval of the reguest. Andy, at the reguest of Larry Eskwith, clarified the difference between on-site consumption, retail sales for off-site consumption, and wholesale sales. Kristan felt it was important for the board to understand thatthe brew pub use was intended to be accessory to a restaurant. Dean Liotta explained that he was not planning on brewing on a constant basis. lte wanted to brew 3 to 5 tines per week (Brewlng took approximately 75 ninutes) and he would like to be able to brew during normal working hours. If it becane a problem in thefuture, he woul-d be happy to change the hours of brewing. He had been given a 1OOO barrel a year cap. He stated he would hate to 15 be at 1OOO barrels on Decenber 15 and be forced to go 2 weeks without business. IIe aslced what would happen in that situation? Kristan expLained to Dean, that if he was that close to his cap' he could come back and request a higher cap. Dean felt that the sale to a restaurant patron that took a 6-pack hone should be considered on-site 6alea. Kristan stated that' not only restaurant patrons buy beer to take out, but others would use the pub as a liguor store and it would create additional traffic. Diana felt that if the pub was going to have both sales for off- site consunption and wholesales, they shoutd be consldered as two separate conditional uses. Dean showed the board pJ-ctures of what the equipment looked like and how it wouLd be taid out on the site. Kristan suggested that if the odor tras a problem, the staff (l.o.v.) coura initiate a code change. Dean agreed that he would conply with future odor control ordinances. xathy warren suggested that the issue be discussed when he came to the board foi-a conditional use pernit for off-site sales. The barrel per vear cap be increased to 15o0. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Item No. 13: L. 2. 3. hours be deleted. & Associates. 16 tttike llollica presented the proposal for staff . He exptained the changes that had been nade slnce the last work session includingroof height percentagea, the adJacent pocket park (Town Council had given petnission to proceed with deslgn), the renoval ofsidewalks to give a Dore infor.nal access, and modifications tothe retaining wall near the covered Bridge. Dalton suggested that the Town nove/dunp the snow elsewhere. Mike explained that the staff interpretation of heightrestrictions would be split s!/so with the 5ot to the east takenoff of Bridge Street grade and the 50* to the west taken from thegrade from the northwest corner of the buildlng. Theinterpretation was taken from how past situations were handled. Ned Gwathney, representing the applicant, felt that the gradefron Bridge Street should be used entirely. The elevation fronBridge Street was clearly the elevation that was important. Regardless, they would stitl need a variance. Kristan explained that in order to atlow the Covered BridgeBuilding to use the Bridge Street grade for determining heightthe staff would have to allow the same grade to be usedthroughout the village. Doing that would create future probJ.ems. Dalton Willians felt that, if the applicant stayed within theheight gruidelines, the result would be a nassive buildingfronting the road and a big yellow wall (Pepi's Building) visibleto the north. Kathy Warren stated that she did not Eee a physical hardship toJustify granting the variance. Ned Gwathmey reviewed the village Master Plan points which hefelt related to the project, stating that the Master Plan calledfor the stepping down of buildings fron the Frontage Road andcalled for a 3 to 4 story building in the Village. Ned feltthat the existing site was a hardship. They were in thefloodplain, the iuilcling itself was in bad -shape, the cost ofdenolition and redevelopnent was a hardship. The existingbuilding did not meet safety concerns. Diana Donovan felt that the floodplain seemed to be the only truephysical hardship she could see. She asked what the aquarefootage of the area of the existing building that was within thefloodplain and Ned Gwathney ansnered tt60 sq. ft.rr. Diana felt she night support a height variance for not encroashing into thefloodplain. Diana felt that the other hardships that Ned hadlisted were self imposed in that the owner nas ardare of them when he purchased the building. Jin Shearer stated that he had been trying to weigh the pros and L7 cons of the project. He felt that, personallY,.he came up with more pluses tnan minuses. He fett that the proJect would be the chancL to ask the Town to find a different tocation to dump snon. He felt that the building was the first impression of Vall Viltage and did not feel-it was desirable to have the buildings_ all tie sane size. He liked the poclcet park design and inproved safety features. There qras no Aouft that the proPosal was above the allowed height by ttre difference of grade to the rear. He rras in favor of-the ionrrercial space downstairs. connie Knight stated that originally she had thought t|not more downtown tifittn. However, aiter wltfing around the buil-diT9 sne iealized it dial need help. She did feeL-the project rms still too dense. Kathy warren fel-t the proposal was for 5 levels not 4 and that the ipplicant couLcl get c]oser to the height called for in the code.- She did not see a physical hardship' Diana Donovan felt the project was rrgood and badrr. She needed more reasons before she coita support a varl-ance. She felt, if the applicant would drop the creLk side elevation down, the projeLl would be closer to receiving her support. Diana asked what percent of the roof was too tal1 and the memo said E3* and Sruc-e Anrn replied that the greatest percentag-e of the roof was an area below gg* and that tbey were rooving that area to the back so that most of the unused volume was toward the back. Diana replied that lt was really not the Boardrs absol-ute rigttt to trade in this area. Dalton agreed with the staff. He felt the applicant was going to frive t" iive with the ru1es. Maybe stepping down from Pepirs building would also help the height situation of Pepits roof. He tiked the design of the Project. IJudwig asked if there was consistent interpretation of the ;;;e;, itra f'tiX" reptied that there had been and Kristan and Tont Braun had conferred as to what had been done in the past' - r,9ay19 ielt that it was-in impro.'"r"nt to the building but felt tbat the height was still a number one concern. Kristan said that a couple of Board nenbers asked if the lppficant vas going to -consider an SDD. She said that it was an oiii"" but tha€ it-was not an easy process either. Ned replied itu[ ""a"rlying zoning would still Lave to be consLdered. Kathy said that, with an sDD the applicant could probably use 18 Bruce Amnrs argunent regarding noving the mass of the lower roofto ttre front of the building and the nass of the higher roof nextto Pepirs. Connie said that she woutd vote against an SDD. Diana pointed out that under the exieting zoning only the height needed nitigation. Dtike explained hou the sulrreyor would determine the View Corridor fron the denolished parklngstructure. Bruce Ann felt that they were clearly out of the ViewCorridor and Mike said that it didn't appear that the proJect would go into the View Corridor, but that verification was required. Kristan said that she wanted to be sure that Ned knew all of theother options. Ned asked for a definition of rrhardshipr! andKristan explained the definition. Item No. 7: ftem No. 11: Applicant: vail vaLley Medical Center A request for a rnajor amEndnent to SDD No. 4, Coldstream Condorniniurns in order to amend Sections 18.46.090 (B) densitv, 18.46.100 (B) fLoor area. 18.46.220 ernplovee housing and 18.46.230 tine reguirernents to convert an exj-stincr racguetballfacllity into an employee housing unit, rnanagement Item No. L2: A motion to table itens No. 7- 11- and 12 to the Aucrust 13. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Applicant: Coldstream Condoniniurn Association. Applicant: Brad & Susan Tjossem 19 IItem No. 1: Approval of ruinutes from the Jul_y 9, 1990 meetincr. The following changes were reguested: Page z--change uRudyu, twice in the flrst paragraph to Ludwig. Page 2--strike xand second home rentalrl Page 7--add rrentire Cascade SDDtr under the sg. ft. calculations. seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR An inforrnal discussion followed concerning staff memos. 20 ao fu"-,*, v) 61- ''rp"v\ rt-4 /1*aA\ t)trY 4"? z. I /.i ?. SqrL*-,r- ' P', . *t {/=-}* fp-a-< /rtrY o C.OLTON TO: rRoil: DATE: SURTECT: Planning and Environnental Conraission Conmunity Developrnent Departnent July 23, 1990 A reguest for a side setback variances for Lot 3, Block5, Vail ViJ,lage First riling, Unit 38, Vail Row Houses,303 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Stewart CoLton DESCRIPTTON OF THE VARTANCE REOUESTED The applicant is proposlng to remodel the l"nterior of Unlt38 of the vail Row Houses. The remodel involves.ffi!futthe interior spaces, enclosing the front balcony and the-rear balcony on the second floor, and instal_Ling a deck onthe third floor. The proposal does not include-a recruest "third floor loft, to provide the GRFA needed t6 enclose thebalconies. The Vail Row Houses are zoned HDMF and haveon all sides of the property. The Vail Roworiginally subdivided in a way lrhich createdside setbacks. The units and lots are onl"wide, with each unitrs sidehflfhffiii*l, Because there is an existing zEro footeyard I. 20 f,oot setbaeks Houses were nonconforming 20 - 25 feet exterior setback, variances are always reguired for anynodifications to the Vail Row Houses. Specifically, the request for the side setback variance isto allow a new nechanical roorn in the basement, enclosure ofthe second floor front balcony, enclosure of the secondfloor rear balcony, and creation of a third floor rear deck.There is no encroachnent into the Gore creelc stream setback,front setback, or rear setback. I II. ZONING CODE CONSIDERATIONS A. Lot area: 2'L78 st B.GRFA C. Site allowable: 1r367 sf existing: 3r001 sfproposed: 3r001 sf coverage allowabLe: 1198 sf existing: 1064 sf proposed: ilfrFo sf* toqg ,W D. E. Height allowable: 48 feet existing: 37 feetproposed: 37 feet Setbacks (required 20 feet on all sides of property) north existing: proposed: south existing: proposed: east existing: proposed: west existing: proposed: 20.5 feet 20.O feet 24.5 feet 24.5 feet 0 feet 0 feet O feet O feet *Front balcony enclosure does not constitute site coverage as it is cantilevered. rTI. CRITERTA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18'62'060 of tire vail Municipal Code, the Department of Cornmunity- Development rec6nrnends approval of the requested variance based uPon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: llhe relatlo4Ehip of the feguested variance to ai uses and structures in the viclnity. The proposed alterations will not expand tle builaina footprint beyond the existing waIls and deck liies. ihere will be no increase in ttre heigtrt of the structure and no alterations to the rooi except for the addition of eight skylights' The propoied changes will not affect views from 1. t',u .,-;li;"nPrtrc -qktl'- Li{o.{ i,tl",p"et.fr* . 6.+ ,P1rt>p.** i,a (Lg t"'+a tlrr* sc) 6"a1, ovs lo,p. IV. 3. The effect. of the requested variance on light andaif ., distribution of population. tiinEpoitEtionan9 lr?ffic facilities. public facilities andutilities. and Bubl-ic safetv. Staff finds that the reguested variances will haveno significant effect on any of the aboveconsiderations. The Vail village Master pLan does not address the VailRowhouses specifically. The general policies which dopertai.n to the site do not speak to the details involvedwith this variance reguest. FTNDINGS The enclosed balconies wilL be different fron theother open balconies along the north and southsides of the Vail Row Houses. However, there is awide range of treatments on the balconies on thenorth side of the buitding. There are severaldifferent colors and materials, and one unit has aspiral staircase connecting the decks to theground. The enclosure will not disrupt anyregularity and, in fact, will help brlak up tfremass and provide visual interest to the north sideof the building. SrrA**.s* ]cec.*A Ih:_qi9g yard setbacks overlap and preclude anybuildabLe area without a variance approval . OlnerVail Row Houaes have received sinilli setbackvariances for rernodels; therefore, staff believesthat there is no grant of special. privilege withthis variance reguest. . Sa,'rfa*$ ! 1Sl"nt I' ypg(;( , g^e[6*l*1 $&-o*v r lo,a *fr Lr--L a. qe,e-(( rt. qgti(a'q 2. p"ll-, ^-s lI*, A-tt Stdrrr4 *ech"'. h v. Fi*IiY': That the granting of thegTalt of speciat privileglimitations on other pdistrict. variance will not constitute ainconsistent Lrith theies classified in the same V,o,r'rt- fL #ortr ga^-5 lt=l*] A.^*4 '11'*r,#,L'*il) - fi* enforcernent A. f hf{'t p.!1-ar^,= u.-a ba&/a- I4:r_ \b^r $r' - ,p,$ \ B. That the granting of the variance wLll not be x' " \-" *:t'"ii:lli"ll":H":Tl';,:illtta.'3f'l*n::"H:ft:"i"""the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict llteral interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulatLon would result in . practicai difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent wittr the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary cl.rcungtances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apPly generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulalion would deprive the applicant oi privilege- enjoyed by the.owners of other properties in the sane district. VI. STAFF RECOI,TMENDATION staff recornrnends apProval of this reguest' This request actuall_y meets eveii finding for a variance approvll.Staff believei that the eitraordiiary circumstances of the small, narrow lots with overlapping s-etbacks justify variation from the side yard setbacf slindird. Other properties have received silnitar setback approvals. Theie are also no najor negative impacts on adjaceirt properties or safety problens related to the request. ?urrw^,h a#r,)J frq^!X\ c o,nf *+il- ;^ *^t$C'. i-^} )-'lo"*a''rcN c. c. 2. 3. D't9t ru $t ' vet]c.f\kd^ !E E- l.-qg-cl lrlin\i o(t z i F ;\ I tl l.}|f'uoo)o 9) GI Fo) \r FI tl ,{ra} o(tf\ GI\(o tlrJI o5l-,,4\ --lr{ fioJtd3k.aa oo -3drYH {;Euloo !.! B jt Eq^./ v/ IJ gt a H\.E\H , 6+.Fr4H-e (d,cr irlLbJ?iS, itY <rrrtf{ Fr[l - o o I ,, I I:]|lil(r *ri {i i -a--lI o.1r",",,F LIV'L I oo -T 3CHEI'4P AIEV Ea, -Tl.la --: --:-:' : - -iEt;l=t- ' Aev= A, LevEL afiPez - 7/4r, lt ' ot' 1.F. - 4fr a"FA I Proj ect Date of PEC DRB Town councir- 3o 3 G*t d-Ll i,rt ttt' -sr:i','s( :::: a?gnsl;ft Br"rtt'*l It) z lenJ s Z?4 82S flz 134+ &zS + 44 tr = tS7 t 234 76at 4st esq r-.<(**t ft s. ) , [* .g tt t zol (zzao),c, ' tgsz, /&r+ ?ao t4ll i .,toa t zo(tot) = zzh6 tlo^t(o^tF€funtilq 6rt,Frq / sq/ I , \ lr ItJu , 4;aft ,va,*f.rl\ . n lcr;or. cLrr-rt ' ,4€J o/a,'o/ L*tzt d- e; '4'J *fe,t.rA /4hfr2"" s67'ct<tr o,:'l'4 A *'l "a'u*/' *j ,tt c;eA { ,'n, ,-t -*k/' Sef/ac/s: F' 4, l*'rt*/' 4t' det;(: &r(' ,/, tuff, lsz /*-t,,n;r : 3)2. szL =o,14Za Sr'tfz'^ (. tl en 2taa<t;n : aa /arltg ):'t .J /rttl ,,.u"1 +./ a!.I 757. o".-t / 11 *t<-vt*4, e e A "lf? Ba$.J 'tav "A+{t 3"{ EE6rtpq L3l lar 612 -2o =112 /r/ (, PPa fusr$ z3l - 51 : /74 lst 4sl /87 A C-.t+h:e53 F"r+*,1 ?nl Brl "*g-? +s{ !- t4 * *ft;ru1 +t(, \' '57 .t t3p : tt4 +rl tao , 31 -q 3b * 5'l +jq tq6 -t4 -l +"zb - s'l PtSd -43 Ueyi&r l*V *$,$ + 3e 14 Variance RequestColton RemodeL, Unit 38Lots l"-6, Block 5, Vail Village, First Fi1ing Nature of the Variance: The applicant requests a side setback variance, Theregulation involved is j_8.20.060 and 1g.64.050,paragraph A & B. 1. The relationship of the requested varianee toother existing or potential uses and structuresin the vicinity: The project consists of the enclosure of anexisting deck, other interior modificationsand skylight additions at the second and third.]evels of the Rowhouse. Vail Rowhouse, Unit 38. Although the unit in question is sand.wiched be-tween other units and over another, the proposed remodel lies within existing side walls, deckfloor area and roof overhang. The proposed. remodel wiII have no effect, other than posi*tive, on structures in the vicinitv. Sitecoverage will not be affected. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict orliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and uniformity of treatment amongsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title without grant of special privilege: The hardship is very apparent among these Rowhouse units. Each rowhouse is in itself adefined lot, the side lot line being withinside party walls. In effect, we would berequired to ask for a side setback variance todo ANY work, interior or exterior. To denythis request would be to deny any request forany work within the Vail Rowhouses. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, dis-tribution of population, transportation, trafficfacilities, utilities, and public safety. a. There wiII be no effect on light and air byallowing this variance. See #1 above. b. There is no effect on distribution of popu-lation as the end result of this remodel has no more GRFA than the existinq condition. c. There is no effect on transportation. d. There is no effect on traffic. e. There is no effect on utilities. f. There is no effect on public safety. o ' 9' .rrol ,-*r+ /M t-.'//;< ' t/Lt'hto", dfil., [-r-.*.- =/.lef /44L 7 ah* .U"l ^l 6rerl Lftts , la4.r< eft"./ft- ry,d PUBLIC NOTICE NoTICE IS IIEREBY GMN that the plannlng Connission of the Town of Vail sill hold accordance with Section 19.66.060 of the and Environmental a public hearing Ln nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on JuIy 23, 1990 at 2:OO p.D. Ln the Torrn of Vail l{unicipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a conditional useStationtr in the Conmercial Core permlt for a nTelevisl.on If zone dlstrict located at 3rd FilinE, Sunbird Lodge, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. ,/, I.ot 2, Block 1, Vall Ll.onehead 675 Lionshead Place.Applicant: Vail/Beaver Creek Television Network. A reguest for an exterior alteration, a site coveragevariance, a height variance, a landscape variance and afloodplain nodiflcation on Lot C and Lot D, and the southwester).y 4 feet of I.ot B, all in Block 5-8, Vail V5.11age lst Filing, 227 Bridge Street.Applicant: Hillis of Snosnass, fnc. and Bruce Ann &Associates. A reguest for an exterior alteratLon and a landscapevariance in order to construct an addition to the Bell TowerBuilding at 201 Gore Creek Drive, Part of Tract A, Block 58,Vail Village 1st Filing.Applicant: Hernann Staufer - Iancelot Restaurant A reguest for a side setback variance in order to constructan addition to a slngle fanily structure 3-L/2 feet into the western side yard setback located at Lot 15, Buffehr CreekSubdivision, 1879 Meadow Ridge RoadAppllcant: Jerry Farquhar A request for a conditional use pernit in order to expandoffice Epace for a nagnetic resonance lnaging systen and asatellite dish at the Vail Valley Medical Center, Iots E andF, Vail Village znd Filing, 181 West lteadow Drive.Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center A request for a landscape variance in order to provide twoadditional parking spaces on the southern portion of TractG, Vail Village 2nd Fiting, L7 Vail Road.Applicant: First Bank of Vall A reguest for a side setback varlance at Lots 1-6, Block 5Vail Vlllage 1st Filing, unlt 3B--vail Ronhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drl-ve.Appl.icant: Stewart Colton A request for a conditional use permit and a setbackvariance for a rernediation systen equiprnent building at the A1pine Standard Station, part of Lot A, VaiL Village 2ndFiling, 285 S. Frontage Road t{est.Applicant: Amoco Corp. Apl"+"t"a,t) qohtS Wrc,, (..1 -t /l,t 9. A request for a elte coverage vartanceVail Village lst Filing, 84 B€aver Dam ApplJ.cant: lt. Ross Perot 10. A request for an amendment to Town of Vail Ordlnance No. 24' Series of 1983 and ordlnanse tlo. 28, Serles of 1987 governlng wood-burnlng flreplaces, gas logs, and gas appllances.Applicants Town of Vall 11. A request for a uajor anendnent to sDD No. 16, part of parcel A, LLonsrldge Subdivieion, Flllng 2. (The valley Phase III)Appllcants Brad & Susan TJoesem ]-2. A request for a variance from tlre sall height requlrenent on Ir.t ig, Block 1, VaiI Potato Patcht 805 Potato Patch Drl've. ApplLcant: Patsy and Pedro Cerisola 13 A reguest for a major subdivlslon, to approve the prelininary plan, I request for a variance to the naximum lreight foj retaiitng watrs, and a reguest for a variance to the-naxinum percent grade for a road, on.a parcel' conmonly referred to is Spraddle Creek, an approxinate,4o acre parcel located north and east of the llaln vail I-7O interchange and east of ttre Spraddle Creek livery. Applicants Ceorge Glllett' Jr. 14. A request for a najor anendment to SDD No. 4, Coldstream Condoniniums in order to amend Sections 18.45.090 (B) density, 18.46.100 (B) floor area, 18.46.220 enployee. houslni' and X8 .46.2iO' tine reguirenents to.convert existing racque€ball facility into an enployee houslng unit'. manigenent office, laundry and owner etorage area at r-'ot 53 Glen Lyon SubdiviEion, L476 ttesthaven Drive. Applicint: coldstream condonlnium Associatl'on. 15. A reguest to amend the vail t{unicipal code seetion 18.0a to add i definition for a bren pub and a request to amend the Comnercial Senrice Center Zone DLstrict 18.28 to allow a brew pub as a Pernitted use. Applicant: Dean Liotta The appllcatione and infor:natlon about the proposals are available f,or public lnspection in the conmunity Developnent Ilepartrnent offiee. Towrr of Vail Connunity DeveloPnent Department Published in the Vail trail on July 11, 1990. at Lot 31, Block 7, Road. MnLLE)0u{PUBLIC ilOrICE NOTICE IS HEREBY cIvEN that the Planning and Environmental Comnission of the Tovn of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on August 13, 1990 at 2:00 p.n. j-n the Town of Vail Iilunicipal auitding. Consideration of: L. A lrork session on air quality. 2. A request for a conditionaL use permit, a landscapevariance, and a setback variance for a renediation system eguipnent building at the Alpine Standard Station, part ofLot A, Vail Village 2nd Filing, 285 S. Frontage Road West.Applicant: Anoco Corp. 3. A reguest for a major anendment to SDD No.16, part of parcel A, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing 2. (TheValley Phase IIr)Applicant: Brad & Susan Tjossern 4. A request for a najor subdivision, to approve thepreliminary plan, a request for a variance to the maxirnunheight for retaining walls, and a request for a variance tothe maxinum percent grade for a road, on a parcel conunonlyreferred to as Spraddle Creek, an approximate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the l.{ain Vail I-7O interchange andeast of the Spraddle Creek livery. Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest l/4of Section 5, Tonnship 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6thPrincipal Meridian, being an Eagle County Brass Cap properly marked and set, with aIl bearings contained herein beingrelative to a bearing of S OO 11r OOrr E between theNortheast Corner of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest t/4, and the Southeast corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 being an Eagle County Brass cap properJ.y marked and seti said Northeast Corner of the Southeast 1rl4of the Southwest 1,/4 being ttre Point of beginning; thence S OO 11 | OOrr E along the east line of said Southeast L/4 otthe Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1320.14 feet tothe Southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 of the SouthwestL/4 of Section 5i thence S 89 47r 48n !{ along the south lineof said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest 1rl4 of Section 5 adistance of 90L.00 feett thence N 73 48r 32x W alongInterstate 7O Right of Way line a distance of 214.12 feett thence N 66 52 | Lzt' W along said Right of Way line adistance of 241.10 feet to a point on the west Line of said Southeast L/4 ot the Southvest L/4 of Section 5i thence N OO 2Ot 31rr W along the nest line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1L51.66 feet to thel{orthwest Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4of Section 5 being an Eagle County brass cap properly narked and set; thence N 89 4L. Lztt E along the north line of said Southeast l/4 of the Southvest L/4 of Section 5 a distanceof 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said real.property containing 39.55 acres, more or less.Applicant: ceorge Gillett, Jr. 5. A request for a varlance to secEron ru.iu.ozo (u) ln orcler to construq\a 5' high wood screen fenf in the 2o' front setback at lVail noia--Hotiday House, Yot B, Vail village 2nd Filing.Appllcant: Holiday llouse/Pinnacl-e Resorts 6. A reguest for a major amendment to SDD No. 4, Coldstrean Condominiums in order to arnend Sections L8.45.090 (B) density, 18.46.100 (B) floor area, 18.46.220 enployee housing and 18.46.230 tine reguirements to convert an existing racquetball- facility into an employee housj-ng unit, management office, laundry and owner storage area at Lot 53 clen Lyon Subdivision, 1476 Westhaven Drive.Applicant: coldstream condoniniun Association. 7. A request for a setback variance in order to enlarge a second story housekeeping senrice room at Montaneros Condominiums located at 64L W. Lionshead Circle, Lot 8, Block L, vail-Lionshead 3rd Filing.Applicant: Montaneros Condoniniurn Associatlon 8. A request for a wal1 height varlance and an amendment to the approved access pJ.an for both lots at L45 and L26 Forest Rold, Lots 5 and 5, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne g. A request for a height variance at 2855 Snowberry Drive, Lot 6, Block 9, Vail fntermountain.Applicant: Doug and Michelle cahill 10. A reguest for a height variance in order to erect a satettite dish and a conditional use to expand hospital space and add a satellite dish at the Vail Valley Medical Center on Lots I and F, Vail Vitlage 2nd Filing (181 west Meadow Drive),Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center 11. A request for a side setback variance at l,ot 3, Block 5 Vail villige 1st Filing, Unit 3B--VaiL Rowhouses, 303 Gore creek Drive.Applicant: Stewart Colton L2. A request for an exterior alteration and a height variance on Lot C and Lot D, and the southwesterly 4 feet of Lot B, all in Block 5-8, vail ViJ-lage lst Filing,227 Bridge Street (Covered Bridge Building) .Applicant: Hillis of snowmass, Inc. and Bruce Ann & Associates. The appLications and infonrration about the proposals are available for public inspection in tbe cornrnunity Development Departnent offlce. fown of Vail Comrounity Development Departrnent Published in the Vail Trail on July 27, L99O. NEIGHBORS OF STEWART & JUDY COLTON 210L -082-57 (BIk. 5, Lot A, 228) P& R Condos 001 P&R Enterprises 228 Bridge St.Vail, Co 81657 002 Same 003 Same 004 Same 005 Same 006 Koch, Charles & Elizabeth B. (Unit F-6) Box 2255Wichita, KS 67201 2L0l-002'29 OOZ (Bl-k. 5, Lot B) Slifer, Rodney E. 230 Bridge st.Vail, Co 81657 2101-082-29 003 (Blk. 5. tots C,D,E) Clock Tower Gorsuch, ttd. 232 Bridge St.Vail, CO 81557 2101-082-41 001- (Bl-k. 5A, Lot A & B)(BIk. 5A, pt of C) 286 Bridge St., Inc. 701 Southeast 6th Ave, Delray Beach, FL 33483 i ^^^vvz Otto Stork {81k. 5A, Lot C & Pt. of D) 2605 Davos TrailVail, CO 8L657 EoI 4n a4ts 4, ,r'-l,r*, ll;lt* I' td& 2,A Qab tz c Pa.Ir-, f nlA,.Eu1,,tc1, (lort, d"{^},{, ,/u/0, z/r,/* dlaa+'rl, */ E l ,+t* D F'|a..-J"A^- lrr"r* *\*^} {" t4* tad4", A wu b'L, uv(l uvA'^ +- fl* t-J4'.. O ol'vc c. t,,a/.-^- I,/* hr., pJt*^ i"-l ^"r{'4 /, tL fl'*.1 qtaae,a-/4. VaM Ut*ra q-*- /4.-14 &'tt 1J7.^ A^,. Colton tteighbors - Page 2 2101-082-44 001 (Rucksack) (BIk, 5A, Lot D, Unit R-1) Decoene, Thomas J. & Ade1ia M, 225 E. 49th st., +26 New York City, NY L0017 002 Mulla11y, Neil g. & Diane L. 4097 Braeburn Dr. Muskegon, MI 4944L 003 Rosenquist, Richard N., Brown, Jeffrey, Se1by, Charles L780 South Bellaire St., Suite 106 Denver, CO 80222 004 Same as 003 005 Same as 003 006 Same as 003 2101-082-30 001 ( Unit 2A) Richard K. Parker 44 S. Bi-reh St. Denver, CO 80222 002 \- ilJ Todd, James M. - Euwer, Robert M. & Barbara D.(Unit 2-B) 5737 South Ga11up St.Littleton, CO 80120 UJT Colton Neighbors - Page 3 003 Gary, Samuel & Nancy, Holmberg, James S. (Unit 2-c)c/o Samuel Gary Holding Co. 370 Seventeenth St.. Suite 530 Denver, co 80202-5553 004 (Unit 2-P) Sames as 001 '- 7J"A+ 005 Watson, Olive C. c,/o Watson, Thomas J. Jr, OId Orchard Rd. v- Armonk, NY 10504 005 Colton, Ste$rart 007 K-J^ Tucker, Robert J. & Deanne J. (unit 4-A) Ramdom Rd. Englewood, cO 80110 008 Ililliard, Joy R. (unit 4-B) 4600 S. Monroe tane Englewood, CO 80110 009 Hyatt Corporation (Unit 5-A) 200 West Madison, 41st Floor chicago, IL 60606 UI.U Pritzker, Jay A. (Unit 508)c/o Zunanon, Simon 38th Floor 200 West Madison St. Chicago, I1 60506 . Colton Neighbors_ page 4 011 Parks, Elton Jr. & Margretta B. (Unit G-A)P. O. Box 3731_2 Denver, CO 80237 0L2 Wel1es, Barbara C. ( Unit 6-B)3502 South cilpin Sr. Englewood, CI 80110 2101-082-31 -001 Lloyd, Marion M. (Unit 7)Rt. 1, Box 32, St. Mary's Rd.Li-bertyville, IL 60048 002 Wyche, Velda Barnhart (Unit g) 114 W. 17th St., Suite 725Austin, TX 78701" 003 cranm, Walter patrick (Unit 9)595 Prospect St.Winetka, IL 60093 004 Knox, George Washington IV, (Unit 10-A)291 Bridge St.Vail, CO 81657 005 Same as 004 (Unit 10-B) 009 Bridgewater, B.A, & Barbara p. (Unit l1-A)8400 Maryland Ave.St. Louis, MO G3105 Colton Neighbors - Page 5 010 Ro11ey, Ann L. ( Unit 11-B) West Boro Place Topeka, KS 66604 007 Galvin, Robert w. & Mary B. (Unit 12)Rolling Oaks Farm Rt. 68Barrington, IL 60010 011 Oglesby, Ens1ie O., Jr. (Unit l_3-A)1925 San JacintoDa1las, TX 7520L 0L2 Storey, Charles p. Er Helen S. (Unit 2)4400 Rheims place Dallas, TX 75202 2!0t-082-40 003 Brega, Charles F. & Betty W.c,/o Brega & WinterUnited Bank Center, *22221700 Lincoln St, Denver, CO 80203 Mill Creek court Condominiums 302 Gore Creek Dr.Vai1, Co 81657 i Mountain Haus Condominiums 292 E. Meadow Dr.Vail, CO 81557 Vail Club (Vail Athletic Club Condos)352 E. Meadow Dr.Vail, Co 81557 5r"*l d "n{t 0, ,.li l; ,r i f"n ,rFl H i ;Fi, rh iFr 1i'1i-4il'rr i.rru : b lggo C: i: ,r,,irf . trtil.. rlicai{1Jfr '. r4itiTIt{c LlAT t"-,.*[]r'.-l.lt...itll--*- Ar\a1.li'.i:jitt1 ir ;rrl i i,1,i1i!{;I i. it,r F|rjr,:tr,.:ii'r rr f|qLjlfcd t0l nny parljdrjl. ; {: :l Lt al -c l .l I g e v.r.f ;n,.g, l,fr:r ,],1,t-. ,,riUllrili not ;,, ., ..-1.11,rd :.i!'l aiI ifrfOft:rct;:o$ ;r :ulfrr,i{iC,J, A" ii,r,:ia iii AIj,j. iil,llii., :tt_. lr I.4 .rr',:.i;;. ,.ii_;l -. l:rir?i.i5 , . i.j|;1+r:i,. _ ,: ,..: l!i .--. --*..-,ii'Jii rlil.i; Nj ---.-_;.:_.,,:I iii:ll r | / :, i) j'i . i.ir,/-rg.J5il [Al'lF fii l] r't Ii.riili':l p,l:prli.JitilI, l'1 .:.. l,_-.: :,m:.-!.ri.,jrj lri."t.j,. ij..:r.]. .Ai-!:.j - . l-iafSS __ _l;;_* .'- .,r., ,. . .___. ..,,r ' . ,.1. ;::t,,_ - lii,f'!i I ;.:.,tirr,!) {t;.::i .,. ,.,. :.',"r..1.,;r .. 1:. , li. , ')l"Jti t,' .':- --1:1gt.*- l),. '.t,' :': L '(liiiil.r.:-. ..-:-:-trl i .r':i; JL!" j.v,r,*-t1d. ' , -., lii.-.'l.r I , _.rt, l'"' i'' 'ff .lL ) . .1i:;. _....-. ii'i... .bilr; r.. i 'i ii1: i t'r,_'{ i- :r ltr.l ir lj :l: i\l rjL r; jL ' i r''r't l :tj' ii,.r' ..,: ilfni:l:; .., :-tri;:.j. ;, i:rjR L..rkt... i. I . r,:ili' :: .r iiLtl-l ",i;a-;iit t;: ! jril :r,.,: :r.i11 i.r't i' , if'd riiliF ri:'l in! .i;,.Jr t; !, jc. l,t^l, rl'iDll;)-',[i. t ,i ll, A i.,r-rirl,Ll5.iifJ ,...,,i;irt.ii.,L l,i]'lr ,q l,L.AitNlf,tc STAFF t4ritfi[a lj ;irlrl,\],! t ::l.r,rt.i: t:;l0 l,fiItr]'ti1,l[ 1: jilr a{',J:Tit]N,11. I rj t- Jiil,il ! I r.jH JS titrLiUU. ft0 Ai,pt.trjtTi.:ii r,ili,r .,i ACCePitD UNLl,55 I{ j:,. i-, "': i'ii (j,ijjT Itiil|uttf ALL ITi1l15 tltQij;i,,,il , :r-1i )'iriit,.;AgM:ills?ftiT0il). lT l' i ,rrt ICAt.iTrS RtlSpONSJgll.riy T0 LrAlil; ,,:r ,lifi;lt;,.i l.JlTll 1i{t :l i,,ifii:ii':,' r,,iOl.,i iitDITt0NAL SutjtliIlitl flUlr t(fri: pi.fAsr iiOri. :ljij A ",;ri jl"'.i: AFtl.liAt'l{.jti l.tiLL 5i,{L/il.tl.|,;t T iL ,.'i,r:.v,i irTfun lrilil.:ir:: rt' 9ic:iiAS:iir Tiig Nut'l8tR 01; cON0tTI0[s 0l: Aprx(rvtL trrrrl t;:r ,. ],i :r', AN0 []lvlfitlilltN:Al" c01.1MI5!;i0lr i'lAy sIIpULATE. ALt cONilrTI(Jris t)i At,piiirvtL rri .,1. Cl_rll -Ilir ,,ln fl rr.f du{f A [,j]Lllr{t PER IT iS tssllfu. i l1l. r0!R t4) C0PitS 0F TH! ['0LL0NING Hr.]Ei rjf St,Bt'ltTT[D: A, A IJRIlT[N STA][r"l[NT 0F Tlt[ ilrLlJij hAIijnr 0F THe lAilr,rlci li[Q,-,ijliL ,',j]!.t tili. REGULAIt0r,t iNvOLv[0. TiiI siATil,tft] i MuST ALS0 AODfit55; l. Il)e re:nt jonshil, 0f i_ite rpq,.li:! tif d vit.t,lrtirl to ,,till' e,,.rlrj i)i, jjirt{)rtt jil {}ei at,d ili'!Lt;rfes in thD.',.iLir}rty. 2' The dcorre t0 hhJch reltef fron the Etr'iet cr 1itr., r: reiri,,i)r.er.rr-r.)ir ar;d enfitf(cment.0f ;r. sprclfi*d I.trjri'!nti)rr j:: leccgS,rr:r lrt;(,iiive 6;r|p;1r.rI jl11y Artd Unjf0nllty 0l trcatfier: ,in,,.:;t.j ....:r tn [hC vi;itr;l/ ,;, tO li:.i,1 Llc.;bjrr.l:.re: cf thjr t jl'lc i,r jtr.;ut I cf {pec.i .ll 0!.i,/l t.ii,. _-.--..fddlEEST j '?frspY 3,rij11lr-ABLE :' -a l 1 lPo. n sffia 0vEli t \l :d ': f.:{}N L)(:rtvt I N I uirt tiN I'r 3B , VA T T,. 'I]Ot,.JNIIi)I]"$h]$ CJDNDi'MINI UPIS , .l\t':r:o rril inq f rr the Cir:rn11r_rntinir-rrn FI;l ror:orrlerl Janu;rry 2g, i.!.lijJaEi l?3)f:ril-rl.iil N.r, 98752 r "1l.td Arnenclnr*trl. t_<: i{,1;r g.r re.:.rl..le(i .J.rni1,tr}.L0, l!)69 in Book il14 at: lage 464, aa Recrepl:j.orr lilo, f0g!).j,l , ;rrrl,1s di':r',r,: t'rbc:r-l ancl rlef itrecl by btre r.lonclorniniurn Lrec.larat i.o;i Ir.ry \r.1.i.i 'I'c)l,Jl r i1iru ri rr E r-'orrcloni.n lurllr f {.Jc: Lr rd -.1d in Br:ok L?S ;rI F;,it1e .t7l], rlnclI'i, rst- .7\drlr.rnrlrrrn rrJ-r.j.l r:rjle(:l ,ranrr;rry ?!1 , l06d rn Bqfc,l( .LZs irI Fr;1,_Jc .1 93,.rs tierepf ir:n Nr:'. 98754, Seeoncl ,Ai{rjtendum rer:r:i.,.-1rtl t:.rr,,.-,ir 1. 1.,1.9{r5 irr t3()()l{ I B7 .'r h Fage 5-t.. irs Rer-rr:}rl irlrr No. 10 i.0ar(.1 , i{iril Thir.clArlrl rrrlrrnr l.e*nl'rlerl ller:reniher B, .r !]6i ,i.n B.-,c,k .LB? et. rr.r11r,r 4{r5 , 3r;Re,-rel.rl.ion Nrr. 1()270 1., cc)L'li'fY (it" ItAc;Lli ST.q'f l,: ()lr' (i(JL()ttnD(J SCTIUDULB A F'R()PERf Y I]ESC}I I I)'IIf-)N (IRDFR lt(-'. I 90r)0595{Jc2 'l'llrli crjivt:"'lITI.'lliI;T hJAs FREFARSD ot'i ApR'ri, 30/ l qg0. FoR qrJLr.:;'it..)l,ts t,LE;lSlr: t-'At,t, Sr\trt)ll el\pnt,L AT ( 3{13 } g4g*I011. ,i\6'' u*tr \ 'u$"+' \' .. "t'fx \\ty \-r i\.__J {$. ,_-v' "V\ SfTf,{TITA.TTT TI'f,LI GU'lltANTY COtlFAl.tT'r'.:'I il "o scttttluLE A . . :...,, l cRt)t.:R NUIllflFlR : g00ti5 gn0c.J I-, Ir'['ur(]'frVtr DATE: Ll:rr{r}.r ?0, 'l"g!)().et g:flr.} 2. prjLf{iy r)ii poi.tfltr,lg'r'(.) 0E ISSTiED: rl ,^\! $rr1 . ALTA OlrNEtl , S F,(]T, ieY t )\-' ('l ptri)po_crr:l.t rNsuRED: sTErvr\RT c(]t,,t'()t! B. AL'|A LOAN p()L.t(:V I}ROpOS tr)D Tt{SURED r c . Ar,TA L()At{ Ft(}r, IL.Y t,l{()t'(15!tl) INSURED r.1['1{-] t-l li r'f (}ir i fljj] i I h' ^1 N i I I l $ ir75. t!r)(i . r.)rl li fi :i . 'rtlt;l I'js'f ATt (JR .tll't'Elt!tsr rN 'tItF: .LANll L)uscRrBEt.) r-)it FtrliEprtirltr 'tr-r Lt"'jlfl Ilj (l(]lvlt'IITI'"1Et'i'r ANt) COVItRIID HtinH IN t.s F,EE SIHrrt,lr .,1itr|j,.t,i,LF, :r'tli:;r{i;tTfr ( \ ,\ rs ,r'i' ,r'tiri t_tuB'[c1'I\lE l:rAtE HF)RFlnF, vt,t.ci'r,l,tr) tN:\lir\\.\ ll tr l.- ,-,\:r- [ rtq*ifi*+H-4{c{l+ttif .-ffieutrffii ffil tttit.,ii'v i.l(ic't'}il-], ilr *r.\f r.rl r+d{E_F^ L)' 'r Rr|EIjlti${*IiFrrsl ./' 4. TIM L.\l'lt) Rijl'[tiRL]t] 'l'Cl .IN IlJIS r_lf-tu]tI.fUEri\'I' .i :f l)lr;r:ir,t.l it.]i,t! Ali i,f)f.f,{.)i.{S: sIiE i\1,.1,;\ctiFlt) l,t;:(;i\[. FrllllM t tjlvl I {)FlNfii{Si t'r;\x ctiR'1', ir'(-rnll l..l li . 1. F'tlrll}l 1.00.6 i;liif;'oo\ (\il{ 374.fjo ,/ " 30t) "t)t)' // litlTE: FORII I O0. 6 co":ers excep t,ions l0 anrj i Irrnrlcr Scher{ule B * Sectlon l i:]lf iltll.,r,R'l 'f ttLE C}F' EAGI,II (.]OLIN'I Y, INC .p.(r, BOV I?48 VAIf,, ('r,). B:1658 ( l(lJ) 949-.1911 C UAHANTY ( ()MPrtNY ..l.rl .A {j'f ti(}I L:t\ R:; I aii.r.4,T' l.Hlifl:l! r:1::i:rT -rr:.,:i.;r-j {i) v s(:JTcDULE e _ suet'io'ii"r . ()RDER NU[lrJCR: g000SgS0C? HEQU.TRIIMRNTS 'fHFl f.'oLi,a)r{t-fJil ARE'r.!Et;; RFj0[TTREMENTs Trf BE coflpr,rID !r/II,H: m*sT ' f":'1;ry ;I;i";';43;..1*,ffif_fi -:i!'r-, t t .., 1.1'ltl,l (A) F,i\yrUENT TO CIR FOR THri: A(:c()ilN.Il OFDr .IHFI FtlLL (:ot\tlit.flf;lRA,1!r()N u,oR .t,HE ESTATu ITDIII (B) PROP}1R ]'IVS,IRIIMFJNT (S) f-lREATIN(:Jr.\STIRI]I] MIIST HE EXECL]TET} AND L)ULY rIt,Ii,) [./Exer-,ttLion of ;rf f i.rl;,rvi L ;]g t.. Debts :rntl r,.i.r*rr:* anrl i"t s 'e[-.Lrr.rlSt-ew;r r'l-. Ti L I e rlua ra. gy ('o,npsny , L./ett:i de ncte: r+,el-.isf ac:tory to SLewirrh. 1.i f- le Guar:rrr.f.y Cr:rnp;rny ofp''lynrcnt (:,r ;rl I <'rirh.".:L..rn,iing L.rxe;r r.rprl/as*o.s.;;;;;;";;r cr,"r.t j [.i.:,,1bV 'tti11 h.'.rglc ('ounLv 'r..*o*,lr*t- ,6 tf I ll,/fxer(:ut- iorr oF Cart- j.f i.c:r*he - Errt:.i-L:y ,{,r.an.gf e.: ro r./f rldivi,lr.ra I1'r:rn::.Er-lt'or .i nr:{ its rebrrt rr t.tr the crffiCe. b/ Nrritl..nc:e sat: i:r ii;rr:h.r.y to ,stewnrt TiL.ler r-.1r-r q r...inl-y Cofit.ril l.ry thqrt[]te rr-r;rI esL;rte tr;rrrs rlet' r':;r x ,,*o**r-**a ],ry t.rre Tor+n +f V..rir ]i;,r e:br..:en l-,:rr tl or: L: lr..rt: t:lrc trangacL lorr is 6xnmpt f t.,.,rn fi;,r,f i.._.#j dd/l- r 0 r \J /[{ ,1::l,l:lj; l.f llI i::1.ilt cc,nti<_rruiuium assessrrrenl:s;.inrl e;rpensesa'$ I'q-'r-1r1-11'4,1 b]-' trre Co*tl.ntinirrrn ll.-,c r,er.;rt.i,:tr r:f v;r:i, ;::;;r,;i:l,Ir:l:"C'ottrlr-rntiri i. u,,]'u:i ,-t rt c'l Cot.Lif ic4te f r.,in Va il lt,orvnhr:rnsge (vc:r'if i"inc; that er:c:h p;lylltsof, t,o* ir"*r, rec:eivc:rl5]A&:"8f3t:-ff '.. I(!.---GTri;:-i i.rnce w.Lt-h i.htr R i_ght. trf FlrsL Re Irrsal .as set f o r.i.lr .i n /the (lorrrl0rni n i r'irn I)or: la r;rf ir:n .rf vai I 'f c.,rvrtht:n-.rEB il11y16l6i1iri i.rrr*ri .,r yrri +/(-rc'tirir.:,rt(i, rro r v;r i | ,rr.wnho.lses';.:,,.i:j]Iiil.:,.:]ff",,:;li:;'i:;'l'il:r,''''t ".' Li'-.: lr j:jllrrr i,'.l -i.r rrc:.-r fras been per.f .,r.rno;,i. l.{ W .'r ) Cr:r'b.i f ieci copy of riloaf h r:rrr.t: if ir_,;iL,e issi_rerl l.,v lh*-,- il.r-t.)1.;r.1._r Ftrrr.cau of VitaI SLirL iaL ir:;r+ ,rt "i..r ta ,,..'" /llr:Clrrn*:, r-ler:e;rsed, ()l: if rleat.h L)r_,.:rLl f F,1_l ,.,.,rr'i.i* C,. t,.r,.,a[,the ;rf f,ir:i:rv-Lte rrar-Juir.e+l i.rr ,63 dR[i L. Ln_:_:f . "-"--; li) lteie;-rei;.1 ol errhjre,:lt- prr:rper.tv _Err:m t_he Iierr oI the I(trLl.r;rtlri . Inhr,:r:it:rrr,=e :1..i* i n the s"Irf "-"; Har'lrl ,1 .lilr:4trne, der_r a'.reocl . THE GR.I\.NiI{-'IRS {)R FlOR?GACORSOR tN:t'FitrEST TfJ Btt Il.'isLrItr]r). ifi{!i []ST;\TD r-]t1 Iri'i']rtRrts,r'ft) t]Eror{ RE(-,(u{D, 1'o iq t,i: 1 L.o ,:lect:-.der.rt: herl rt tii (lrja: t-.-\l.1.3Arv to. ieCOrrl Lrt'r-rv i.c{er{ for. on ,63 .. rr I " r *'-. : .. CONTINUATION SI{EET SCI{EDI]I,E B - SBCTION I oRDER NUMBnRI 90005950e2 /,n, ,., tire Er+ L;: f.r,r lowin<; dcrcrrrneuLs sshou lr{ lreof lln Ien MrrCtrne, deceias.:,.c1 , ProbaLe Court in ancl *bt:;rinecl;rnr'l P robat.e N,r . for t-lre (,\.:)trnt.y ,n tt,t -!4.Hi:+ I d* d-" iD\t\, \J:J I AVA[LABLE r: er:o rr-lrril f roro r:r f C* l tqn IJnq.i e {lounty Schecl r.r l -- tl - a)/Cr-.rf.ifiecl r:opy of Lretlore of Appoinf.merrL oF theu/ P*rl'.s.)na I Roproeentative. b) PersnonA I Ropr:esentab.irre t s Deecl f"o StewsrL r\0?E: For .,Irr adr{ ii:i.onal charge, Strer.rar'l Title o-E t+ i. L l ;:rov icle :rrry copi*u crf nxceph- j_c,ns ae elrctwn on Sier:t i-on 2. f{|rElvART TI 6UARANTY CO.DtFAtTY it, scl.tlil-\uLE B - suc.r,I()N HXCEpT tr)Ns ORDER NUMBEn; 900t)5950C2 BH*T e*pY A\lAE[-*1ffi!-E F)XCEPTtoits'f{)'r.,HE: tl A'1' { S lj A (:T' I r)N (l rr TIIE I]OI,I(:Y OR POLICIES 1IO !'or,r.tlbJ tNC t.tNt,ESS ,1.HE SAML. TIItr" C(llltri\ftV: III:I 'tSS[lED WILI, CONU'i\tN AR!j L'r.l-spos0t) r)F TO THFi .J. RTGFITS r)R CLz\rMS ot' tr)AR,l.rlis rli p()ssEssroN NO'r' riltot.ir)i riy ,t,HE FUBI.,IC TTBCORI)S. LASirlt'lllN'fsi, OR cr,ATMs oF' FtAsEMENTS, N(_)1' gt{rjtvN fry ,ui{u pr-iBL.rL: RLC(.}iius. DrsL-REpANCt.F,.S. enNIi,r,tcT's TN FOt-rltrg;1py LIN115i,. Slt()t?,t,i\cE IN a,HltA.llN*(lROAC]l{MINTS, ASID rlNY lrAr-'tS Wt{.[CH .A CORREi:t' SrJ!lr.rr,]y ,{}jI)TNStrEETT()N (]Ii'ITTTT PRI}PIISES WIJTJLD DrSCt,ilfiF) T\}.JD l{HJ-{:H ARI! No'T'gII(JI^JN I.IY 'IHE Pt]BLIC FTECORDC. ASIY LIFtN, (tR R'icllt't',t'0 A i,rEN, F'OR gERV.tr_,frts, LlBf_)it ()H I{tlltUl'OFORll On IiEREA,F'tFlf.l FtlRNl Jiltr,lD / rMp()gELr Bv I,-Ar! AritlStII-)I.JN i]Y THE PUBLIC RTICOIII)$. Dl"lf flC'lS, LIENS, ENCIIMBRi\N(-'ll5.l , AI)\/lIR.SFl r-lLAItts rin d.fluii{ r,rAT.f EItS,iN ANy, r-'REAfi'[i]l:), ir,If{sj'1, n ppiJARrtrjf_i ,Il{ ,r,tlE puRr,]c nLrcoRus ijHA'l'l'A(:li f Nil St.lSSE(iI.tLNT 'I(:r tld !:l,l'Flrj1'.t\,rE D.4T,ti I{r,Rt;l()ir, Fri,I Frl?1.()tl'ft) lfHt-- DA'tFt pR()r){)!{ritn t: NsUrrED AC()r_t1tlt$ r,15'Rnrj{.}r(D t.rJi{ irAi,rjr,j'i'11i.l if s'ltATtit oR INTEIIEBt OR MOR'r(;AGfl T:HH&LiJf.] (jrJUutir.,.rj riy ,I,ttl.s (i()llivlT IFlENT . tr . UNI)AT'nNi'f |l)r) M r NTNG cL,ArMS; RbrsElrvArt'roNs ot1 El{ccp.r,r.(iNsrN pAn'ENTS ()11 AN ACT AUtrroRIzING TFrn is,$t]AN(J1! ,l,u.Flfl[_r]i;_; i\14'I'tLR RrCtI|f S CLAIt4S OR f ITLL. ,fO t\rA1,frR. N(')'1 i'l : rrillt;)rlIANf C I g Lf EIVT ANt),/()R "rji\F', FRr)l,rlCI,ICli.rf EX{-'EF'fI()NIt 4 ANN 5 NFOVE) I.,IAV BE AVA,TI,ABT,E WITF].ACJ()r!lIrt{t r s p(ll,Icy oF tr?L[] {NSt.rR"{Nr_:E ON R}Jji Il)r,;fj,r tALi)Rill:'rrn1,y (lpDlj coMplr.\NcE l^ll,ltt sIrEWART t''rtL}j ctrj..\Rj\NTy Hiil(,)ti f R F:t4i:tNTS . rrr,HAsu r:Ar,i, F'olt F tlRt'HuH .tr''oR&ii1,|ir:)li -4S T(l rfl()$r,r ,spEerFrc REQrJrauuHr.'lr ( s ) NECES$AI.ry Tr)C)Lt'rnrI TH [$ covERAr..;n._ 0{0=v&w Eo/ ' '[a:ir-i''., f r-rr' 11l" yaar 1990, n,:t yet. a rierr ,rrre .rrrrl ;r;ryahre. 4. f| . 'L'hr: c tf ect of incl usionsrir(rns€l'vflrlcy. f lre prot,e(ltion.ciistrir:l: <) r' inc.Lusion in .ir rry 10 . ?e rnrs , ol-r.l i.cja F. i.trnr ,-rlause:. fr re I i.f :i.on in apy <lr.*rjeral ar. sc.i- I c:rrnserva ti_rln E{ []e{.:i i. f;-ir: wai:er rte,se"t'vat i.ansl , reslirictiong andr:r:ntai.n a f orf .:ihLly;e or revi.f t_{rr GLIAnANT? cOM pArJ yt .. r-r I' t-rt,he Hwal-r:r g.ervj-crr .rt sl:reitl impr.r,,,c,ntanh, il;!.:' l'.:" : .:i N;\'f friH I...\ t , N0il. 't.hell . Liasetnent$, resbl.icbi.orrs ;r r.rcll r ight,s-o:f -rv;ivs ;r e( F; h.rr,,;n {:.,nPIat .I Vail Vit.lage, Fir$h rlili.nqyl as Rot--crpti+n N,_,, rJ{,r3t]z i. t- ,.r tf ecl:.s conun<rn *reas . est,ric:h.iong, i.f ,rny, Lri*eecl o f.l 'rf r-1€, ,:-,ol.or, r :i gi n,.:ont.ai nerl j. n f) r+t *:c l: j. v{ir Ci\\,r-:!nan f. l'. Cr_rnL j,nr"red c) t1 nex L pacJegiTSJtr,}'ART ?rT f !|.rfil:l: r':'r/-t-rF, :T .iirl IU l3;",,,1i;::13.5'l: ::srj;:11r.]ons. .rnr.t ri,,hrs-crf -wal,rr "rs xlr,rw,r crr, .r:hcJ li::i:,1.1^I:i* y*F.of va-iI ?*w^ho,s.-_;-d,.;;ri,r;;,,;il;,"'i*.=o...{.,,,jj:::::: ::, l:!j,.**-,Iro:otlion r,r.,_ ;;;;;;',;;I':;,..:.;;-,:lil..',1*,,,,,.r*.,.{| | rtrr.: I\ L. l.i;lli$il" tO, 1!169 i n Bri,rk )t 4 ar- p;rqJe 46A , at ller:€:t:,r ir:n N.r109914. I3. 'llt,lt'msr, conrl j-t.ions, r.{:s€t. val.ir.rns, f rjetr. j. c_j tr t. r:r ri F; ;r r.rr.l :i:1,],*l:::::1.^:l:"::l:,,l.a ineci rn the a;;;;;",;;;;;-il; j':;:";l:J:1" Fc,r. va i.r.lfcrr,.lnhirrtsttsr ec)n.lortti ni-um. r r_, r-:._r t.i[,:,J irr R.><..r k.._ \ . ( r r | | r r , | | I .r . r I r-lltn. rFjf-j._\ t,ctrld rrt Ro(.lk 175 :rt: Lr;r r.J r.r -1 ?g,. "rrr,,It.'ir.'st Arlriertrl'nr roe-r:d;rd .F.rnrt-rrry ?g, 1,q64 irr S,rrl_- rrr" ,F rrr,.rr,irr B,-r,:lq i75 ;ll, p.:r.,I r.rlll; :: I::1:nli?'.' No_. eB7ii4. *;".,;; o,i.i"".1,,,."r-..,"",i".]u'.i;"1;1il..,.., l.|.il.?.,;:::^,":::l' l? ..,f ri*r;e nr,,,--n"".;";;;:;;,";;1.' ;;;;;;: ;;il;':; l3:l::]lill"''i,l:"':*:t1.,',1..o*nih". a, isris i,l-6".,r."i0r'"r"i,in..':;;;: ""ReceFI jt)n Nr:. 1027()1., 11. ResLric:biong contained i rr l--he Deerf -f rr:nr \iai" i n s s;r_rc.r j_-1 bea rLtrl ' tcr Alvi^ T" cqhen anct s-lri1 N. Darri,r=or-,, l.a.r. r-ri..l r.n B<r r-r kI77 aE P;r r.:; t:,r {l -l , ae Recepb.ion Nlo, gtt46S I crs :i.t ,if f r_r,..: t:.:* (-1(.)rrm() nlrea on Iy. 14. '[r:!rtn$i, r-:oyrr] i.t i.rrns. f,ltgarv.ll-ir.ns, yeeh.rir:LicJns .rn(io l: 1 i ry ;r t- i o It s ;.1!d t:ont-"rinecl in the iy-t,,ur* ,::f Va.i 1 ?,:rwnhcLrses(lo ttr'1,)tn i rt ium Assoc,laL.i.on. r-ncor.ilerl .1;r rrrri.r ry lri, llg64 rrr llo,:J< 1?Fnt F.iqe .187, ara Rtrccpf.ion N,:.. gB?S:j. L5. 'f t:rms, r:onditionEr, r:6)$i..)r.vnhi.ons, r^esf.rieL j.ons arr<1r-rt-rlig.rtir:ns as cr::nLai.nr.rij .i n the -Faf Ly tri;r I I .{g6alerrld}r}l:. by anr.{hetrrieen vttil 1'ownhougett, lrLd. o cor.-."do cr.rr.por:at. j.*n arrr:r M:rrir:nF{. i,l,Ly,l , }rer.tai.ni.ng Lcr f,otsi G :rnr1 7, ffaErr.rbsll'i*lo* oE ft l or:l< 5nrtl rr Fi.r t'l: crl Core.Creek Drive, Vai.l-Vi. l1at1,e,, l,i.r"r, FiJ _r',1 ,rtrr-,o.di*,Ll Jan*ary 29, l-96 iir no,rt.' .l ?5 al- p;,.1e : ,i ,, nr. R+..:(-i€it)li.,rln*c), qB 748 , as it 5f ,f ecls comnon -.rre+ onl y . Il]Ti.;.,0-lillbl:: l?'., 4 abovr:. rvi.il. be cteter:c<t Fr.nrn ttre otr,n+r,s tlRDEII NUMBtiR: 000059S0C? "f -V"l I ViI Icrsy,r, t:'irst FlIi.ntl ,et.tec l_a r*69111t16 at,ea# only . C.f]NfINUATION SHEUf sct{Et)rJ.[,E B - sEc.f.IoN 2 EX(] tiPTTON.S Pt'rl i.y rqhen i,ssued. and *.n"r''n"i""l li*r, rrr._rLart ior.',"i"''lll.l.'.,-,1 :i l;:l:::, ,l:..:ly:ll:_rIlT ll:'',,:tJ "r ,.""".;i;;;t;; ";li;., ' ;1,,,:l;'i,1i1,,,, ;,'i^str*e:d, provi*ins Lhe *"i a 'ii",*,r -i'' "".,"':.i;:i ;; ;;:],,:l:;"*n"tnu ' ,,,:::::i:I .:::'o:::y,,:ll,n::"::t:., ',li-',-1.t: r.s,:,i ,riiia--".il''ii *il#.r" .extri:lrtocl and returned Lo $f-er,rarr- ,ri.L te Gnar.anr.y ai",-r,..li,Ij;:;|;r;Y ::'j,lwill lre rlr:li:bed in.the ()wrrnrrs,I,itie polir:y bo'h* ioo,,.',j rin.,,.t't-rc:rripL- of $urviy.....,!p'oFareri wir:hin hha lasi ri *.rr,"i'i".T;.;r;5;l ,,:), TI ffiF"tiT 3' [L^*u* it s{ Rrclep}.ior) Nil . g6.l 83, ;rl; .it, | .r [_r tr r- () \'/ r: C1rlonl-- lnrrerl otl rlr:yL Fra(jc .. STXOIV;{.tr{T Tf T 0 rtAEA NTt COxr.ir Nli ... .iFn ,.l . ' l Hilili Lt :':i' : r-f i r CONTINUAfION SHEBT S4HEDULE B . SF)C'TTON NXCEF'I.tONS oRIlEi? NUMBIIR ! 90005950e? by Stewart 'ti ble Gu.rranty Cornpany, t: Lems No. 'L, 2 ancl li rvi1I l:e delarLrirrl nncl p16p4r insur:ing cl-rrreer5 w.i1 I be ieddecl . .Item 6 rv.i, I I[rr: i.lelet.ed in l-htl f-]wn€tr'ts '1,'i.tLe po] ic:y to be :i.esriecl . Er-lril s|rflaf'An 6 U A f,ANTY ,,.'itl c otrr pri;t g8o'r EI: FT lf. :;T ti:r ' . . | ,...'.,'.:. t 'rProject Application o^" F/t s /ao Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and owner,Addressandphone: Etl f, rla/;fl (r{Y/rl, >3" ,t/or/Shar1 ( Sltnf 4t//s, e{.J. a?a}t za,,trZ-736O Architecr,Addressandphone: .-|,'nr, 'n, dol , /(3 € /fl"ntlars Ar. Legal Description: Lot Block r Zone - Phone r,t-a l'/a;/ u//"en' /-V , Com ments: Design Review Board o^," E/t s/ f o Motion by: L*n A seconded ,r, W ttt tnlu -s 4- D DISAPPROVAL Summary: E statt Approval TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Design Review Board File Andy Knudtsen, Comrnunity August l-3, l-990 GRFA for Colton Remodel , Condominiums - Colton Development Department Lot 3, Vail Townhouse The DRB application for the Colton remodel uas approved by the DRB on August 3-5, 1990. The proposal includes an interiorremodel with the addition of skylights and revisions to theexterior windows. This is no longer an application to enclosebalconies. The interior rernodel does provide enough GRFA toenclose balconies in the future, if the applicant gets theappropriate condominiun association approval . Refer to the pEC variance request for more information about the condominiumassociation. The breakdown of GRFA at this point is as follows: the interiorrernodel generates 130 sq. ft. of GRFA. The new GRFA will beprovided via the removal of a 3rd floor loft and the creation ofa rnechanical room and a void space in the basernent. At thistime, 42.5 sq. ft. wilt be used to expand the entry and toinclude a closet that was formally conmon area. fn tne future,the 34 sg. ft. rear deck and the 53.S sg. ft. front deck rnay beenclosed for a future additional 97.5 sq. ft. (if the proposal meets all other current regulations). The 42.5 sq. ft. that willbe turned into GRFA with this application, and the future BT.5sq. ft. of exterior deck that will be turned into GRFA, total 130sq, ft. a August 13,1990 Kirk Aker .r ' Morter Architects Dear Ki1k, we have revierved rhe revised plans for the remodel of vail Row flouse Unit 3S, The Associarion approves the 8/g plan for rerlodel. Thank you. I r -/r -a t\T)^ -, .-J./ /1/ /kfl,cgl Nancy Farker President Vail Row House A$sociation o ROSS DAVIS, JR. ATT(IRIiI.'Y AT I,AW VA I L NA IONAI, BANK BTJ II-DIN(i l0ll sotJ'rH FRoN'fAcI RD. W. SLr l1'E]07 POS'f OI-FICE BOX I9O vA, t L, cot.oRADo lt 1658 303 -47 6 -24 | 4 FAX -30.1 -479-0467 August l-5, 1990 Town of Vail Planning Commission75 S. Frontage Road Westvail, co 8L657 RE: Edward ColtenUnit 38, Vail Rowhouse Condominiums Dear Sirs: This office represents Thomas J. and olive c. watson, Jr. the ownersof unit 34, Vail Rowhouse condominiums. My clients share certainlimited common elernents with unit 38 that lre the subject of theapplication of Morter Architects for certain urodificaLi.ons set forthin the Plans and Specifications dated August 8, 1990. I have fomarded to rny cLients copies of the Plans and Specificationsand have this date discussed the proposed changes and rnodificationswi-th Mr. watson. llr. watson has lutlorizea rael on his behalf, toconfirm his approval and. consent to the proposed. rnodifications inorder to expedite the approval by your eoard. rt is anticipated that a short three party agreement will be enteredinto between my clients, Mr. and Mrs. colten and pepper Etters, thegeneral contractor, relating to noise, clean up, ac-ess and schedulingconcerns, however, my clients and r see no reason to delay theapproval process pending.formal execution of that agreement by atlparties, the terms of which have been conceptually igreea upoir by arrparties. r encrose herewith a copy of the consent of the condominiumassociation, executed by Nancy parker, which r had been directed tohold pending this approvar by my clients. rf r can do anythingfurther to assist Mr. coltenrs ipprication, or if you hav6 anyquestions, feel f contact ny office. Since oI -# e&d /<>1. l.r. a/r/ru /"4 l;u ' L L^, /" 4-la) a.s d-btM sfv 8-/e-qd D.eB *fV L h*l 6 fr-/ cat*/-a atuac . 7<7rrrr"-? A'* 4 8-H-ra(, th( ^on*/^.' IPPIJIOIf IOT bATE APPLICATION RECMVEDI . -Ar;gust-8--I990'-._' DAIE OP DRE ]fEnTINc I -*UlA-- BE ACCEP}ED UHTIL ALIJ INTORilATIONrrr..THI8 APPLICATION tfILL NOT I6 SuBI'iITTED.iirr I. PRE-AFPLICATION MEETINC; A p16-epPllcatJ.on hretLng ulth a Etrongly suggost.d to deErrmll)e lntornration-ie necdcd. trQ.-ixlU trllnnlng rta !f, uorrrbor 1r ti any nddltlonnl caijli-u+Il ba -.0'cacnl"sd.ffi;-Tl {tcml,ilflul.,r-o.d.-hY "r"ittJiit ii'in tn. aEaf f to. rlnd rolPon8lpll.Il-y. lLr rllel^(' urr sl,!'v*" cago notrfo,,c' auout adrlit ionaI trubnltt"1 - ItSYL'- :l:?::' **f ' *,^,.,, .,,^ louc ADeUE acr(lrEr.qIrda ou!rtrr -ltiai^t ino bhr hFpr-<.rvAIir,it o coMptETB appllcatlon wll l - ,.. r-r.* v.rrxnor- 6?;l::.1";:;T;;''fi i;ii;:: !Y l::;l:lt::,"'i:, llgll . "'proces'foryourproJsct,.byqBcrratrrl19r-||E'rr\{rtPV oondltlotu of nppi;;ii una"c tno onn-'iv f :lt:}":'i,,, tkl::lli;i:x; :i lil;;;;;i ;il;; il-"ipr;:i"o::a:3^:":::lu'nnprrnrlt 1r llguod'iipili"ition-wirr nob bo prooeeoedpp littrout ownor' s S lgnature ' A.PROJECT oxtcnl or DESCRf PTIoI'l t altot'atiurts ' B.IiCATTON OF PROPOgAL; rddrees -J Gore cr:!ek Drl ve , .Vail ' C0 -(Uni*t 3tJ Bl oclt HOI4F C. NN'IE OF APPIJICANF: HatIlnE Addreort Drj ve 4*e4-€ !honr .(201146H36-0 - Arlch1-tggll---q hrl r' NAME OI' t'talllng APTTLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE: I43 E, l,leadovj Drl ve Addrrse I Phonr 4lL-51j9. '- - - E. NAME OF OWNER5I \i:l r.[]- It prouTun:i:l:/'- zitHAltlng Addrsdti = , akr:;l1o*l-"iil"r'tUtt;;t7-;*"s - .:honr -2or condorninlum Approvlt lf appllcable' DRB FEEt Xbe file ilil1''f'o 'nrrl4-nt'-!h''r t:irna a-t'r'l1tlilt9 =r'--.';lF { r na I rt ror ' viIllATroN I,NE $ o-$ 10,999 :10'oo i e::ssl : i 'i;iil! t,33:33 lmiffii ' f';siiiiii il;i:il;--;i;;- ir,oooiooo $roo'oo Stewart (ov[R) &IgT OT HATERTAI,S NN,IE OF DROJECI t Colt;rn, per:ncd.l , # r.,EGAr, DEgCRrprroN: r.Or-lf- BIFCK FUBDIVI E IoN Va'l I v'l | 1 a tl ls L SI'REET ADDRESS: 1n3 +crl f\ee+?-0pJ+,e.r+r&H-r+ffi DESCRTPfION OF PROJECTTlnterlor dnd axtcrlor al teratlons Tha followlng lnfornatlon 1s Rovlrw Doard befors a flnal regulrod for eubrnlttal to tho Daulgn approval oan bc glven: A. PIANT HATERIAIJ.S ! 9ROPOBED TREE8 EXIgTING TREEs TO E8 REMOVED BUILDING }IATERTAIJS s Roor 8lding Other tfall Haterlals TYPE Or UAtERIhIJ COLOR Gra,Vgl .- .. ,,,, , -+*tura} --+l{-.- ------'-rg declrluour tresB, !IJ.n{lnr eher. Indleat. halgnt for-con S blceo ,,. - - t0 mrt€,lr.+(l sti no Fagoic 60fr1t3 I{lndor,la l{lndow Trlm DoorE Door frlnt Hand or Deck nnlln FIu.l flarhlngr Chlmneyr Trarh Enolotutat Or.rnhOqser Othrr 40od - -- - llhl.t.- E. ULHDECAPINC:Nana of beelgnert Phonli Boqa4lcnl Na$a genDglt-UlnE ouanglfy E-ll3-t Hood *Indlcato Eracs . oallprr for Gc-U.1-f.""f"q,e. treos l3.i-tsg t-'- fcrouE ,. ' i,'ittia, (rar :4, at ' it, t! i iji : t _ I.i.-l : irJi l!ir_.tilar/ :lfi1,,{l - r-r!l !:r;t,i .li \.?. ,, :r i_ :r '.i:,ar.r :-! I i: i. l )l::. a: :i'.:):) MoruER,{ir, : iiri:[Ti I nit, , r L_ (; L Lt; I Tranr,,,,,ri ittalt^\ f\J! Jil li-. t(i - : ;). t,| Colton Residence Remodel August 8, 1990 Andy Kundtsen, Town Planner Town of Vail Conmunity Deveiopment Dept. i- t'::::;':t.. I -i::,ri..-.i|,, ,,-.|:,*. il: L) li'r'r.: Aug. 8 'J c pr, ir l;,.- ] A1 - 44, Plans, Sections, Elevations of Exi sting building and proposed remodel . . :,r ,..'i:r.:Andy, Since we are making only exterior changes that do we would like to submit Note that we have North and South ofare. If you have changes to "wjndows, skylights, and similar not alter the existing plane of the buj'l ding,"this for approval at the staff level. na l proposal 1 no longer of Jul 16 so that the decks sed; but wiII remain revised the oriqi the $ritdins wit any questions, pl ''i on the as they ease cal.l be en , AIA JUL-16-' 3E l"lDN 15: 44 Jtrl, i6 r90 11:53 AAAA :' TEL N0:281 46? '1?18 TEt 383-4G?10 HEJE FTJ.} f. I',n ;il,'rTEcrs DN5 IDDT.IOIEtrOT DATE APPI..IqATTON RECEIVEDT. DATI OF DRE }TEETTHCI il,r' .' t6. 1990 !1tlllHlg AFPlrcATroH $IL,IJ Nor EE nccrrryED uilTrL Ar.rrJ trNFoRHerroN16 sugl,Illlt'EDrr*rr I. PR!-.f,FPITCATION ITEETINC I f,. DteriFplloatlon h.ctlng wlth a FlrnnlnE ftatf nrnbcr lr PElongly.Buggrat.d to detrrmlne li any eadltlonrl conclltlonr.of a![rovar muat bc-rirolvcd uctire a uul-iainEprrrillt 11 llsu.dl, _ Appl{catlsn wlll not be prooarredwlthout ownerta slgnalirre. A. PFOilE9T DEFCRIF1IIONt -Ua{l p?WharreF- rifin0lqJinfl, {ntgr^tnr rnfl- ottarlor o?tarutiuns. 11 hc-,eeqFptsd ErrFonB apFLloantfr out Ebout a€d ty to nahe an aFlroinrh8nt wlth thr ctafl to flndditlonal qubtnlttll rtmrlrenentr. Pharr notott,al rrquirenentr. Plrarr notgthrt a col{PtrEAE appllcatlgn wlll s-trrrrnllne thr approvilproq?9| f,or your hroject by decrraFltls rhe nurnrrer-b!oohaltlohr of approvll that tha DRE nav etlputate.oondltlonr oi applovil tnat itrc pnn-iiiy itlpurate. ALL E. tOCA[foil OF FROFOSAIJT Addraeg 303 0ore -CrqgL0rJ ve-, .Val l , C0 -(Uni t 38 ) Iilgrl Dercrlptlon I,Du _L0**- Block _!subdtvlslan Vrl.'! VillaFe I+t_ Zonlng HD|'|F c. NAt'tE oF APFrrrgANrl, !!!Itft and-,ludv Coltqn ., _ fialltng Atldrearr_il1?-,&IL{ho_r4.Drl.ve ., ,,.,.-,_,, ,. , -Jhoa Phonr D,I{AUB OT ADPLICAT{TIS REPREEENtrATIVEI M Matltng eaa"."",,-143 E:, Mttlow ?rtul. 5 Phonr 476-5105,, -E.NAI.IE OF OT{NERIT I Frourwn! (Ft r ualtlnE ladray'r;7Xz Lf, llf lfF . /u^J o+a Pbonr Condomlnium Approval lf appllcable,F. 0. TNE $ 10,00 0 ?5.00 $ so.oo sl00, 00 $eoo, o0 $3Q0. oo | 0-$ to,00o S10,001 -S sor000 9501001 -9,150,000 01Eoro01 - F $0o,ooo eS00r001 - T1,000r000fl over S1r0oor000 DRB fEEl .The,fbe Jrrl1t,, be .eald at,.the tlnrr_a, bulldingprnntt 1r oeld for. v/lLultrroN ter Arch{tects (ovrn) _TUL-16-'9F tIr-_rf l Jul. 15 '94 llrS3 I'IORTER FRCHITECTS TEL t'lo:?O1 4E?(}€ ?EL 383-4?6-A?18 1q.,1.t a@@E Ir:fu!SEf,E FEl: F:p- IJISB OF HATSRfff.9 iltt{E OF PROrfECTt r.nltnn Femnd^l .,, - -+ tscr,rJ DEBcRrprroN: LOIjg BISCK :1-. suBDrvIEIoN -lhll-lLllJasa-1sl STREET ADDRE69: qni a+fF-fFne* r'r+ver-+r'14.r,effi OF PROJECTT , Veil fta "' extar{or altsrtt{ons DEsCRIFTION lnterlon and Th€ f,ollo$lng lnfortatlon Is Rovl.w Board-beforr a flnal fequlrod for cubDlttal te tha Deglgn 6ppioval oln b. Elven: A. EUILDING I{ABERIAIT8 I Soor 6lding Othcr l{all t{attrlalc Faiolc 6offltr l|lndo$3 tflndow frlilr Dooft Door [rln Hrnd or D*ck nnlln FIurr Flarhlnge CblnnrYr Trsrh EnslotuleE omrnhcUgrr Othrr TYPE OT ilATERI}I COLOR Slu"eo , , - .----#+-+r{+h.+tt{t+l+tg B.IANDECAPINC:Nanr o! Dcelgnert Phonl: PIANT UAtrERIALSt 9NOPOEED TREE6 sotaqlcaL-l{ans qASSPII--UIES ouirrlltY Etlf! atn-# 0rnvn] .-- . .,,, nrtgr*l EXISTINC TREES E8 REUOVED TO declrluour tftlE' E!'n*;lndlcltr helght for conght forrlndloatO oallprr trtrg ' for i- f erou s trcai-it--.9-,i.gBt-- fareut o To: File From: Christie Barton Date: April l, 1998Re: Vail Rowhouses Lot l-6, Block 5, Vail Village lst 303 Gore Creek Drive, Unit 3A Mike Mollica, Gary Goodell and myself met with Michael Charles and Dave Pcel conceming enclosing a porch at unit 3,A Vail Rowhouses. Current GRFA regulations {o not allow enclosing a porch into GRFA square footage in multi-family rcsidences without utilizing allowable GRFA, The Rowhouses are in the high Density Multiple Family Zone (HDMF). The Rowhouses are all over on GRFA because they were built many years ago and the regulations have changed since then. The unit upstairs has an enclosed deck but I can find no documenution of building pcrmits or planning approvals. To be allowed to build the enclosure, the owner would need to obtain a dcnsity variance. a sicrc yard variance, and possibly rearyard and floodplain variances. o Qucstions? ""t Planning staff at 479-21 28 APPI-,ICATION IIOR DESIGN RBVIEW APPROVAL CENERNL INFOITMATION ftli, opptr.ntion is for any pro.icct rcqtriring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any proicct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv mu-st rcccivc Dcsign llcvicw approval prior ro subruittirrg tbr a buiiding pcnttit. For spccific infornration' scc thc submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval rhal is rcqucstcd. Thc applicatiotl cannot bc acccptcd trntil all tlrc rcquircd i'fornratiol is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also necd to bc rcvicrvcd by the Town Corrncil arrd/or thc Pl:urningand Environnrcntal Commission. Dcsign ltcvicw Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval rrnless a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DIISCRIPTION OF TllE ITEQUEST: TOlffN OF VAIL LOC^TTON Orr PROPOSAt,: t,OT:/-b BLOCK' S FILINCB. C. D. ti. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL II:UO , Of r3O0N<Conract Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ofiicc at 970-328-{t640 for parcel #) ZONINC: NAMU OTi OWNER(S): MAII-INC ADDRIISS: r{' ItiT:it"",Yj.?.Y*lH?: consrnrction ora ncw buirdirrg. t*n* C{'atlas $ AOOition - affi) lncludcs any atlclition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcrrtial or [ '----"- cornrucrcial building. E Minor Altcration - $20 lnclurlcs lninor changcs to buildings and sitc ittprovcntcnts. such as,'. rcrooling, painting. wirrdow additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRBfccsarctobcpaidatthctinrcofsubntittal. Latcr,whcnapplyingforabuildingpcnnit,plcascidentify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTownof Vail will adjust thc fccaccordingto thc projcct valuation' PLEASE STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL RBQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVET,OPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vAlL, coLoRADo 81657. [;. ci. WF{s l I I j PftoNE: owNBR(S) Sr GN ATU lLB(S): NAME OF APPLICAN'I': MAILINC ADDRIJSS: I LIST OF PROPOSED MATBRIALS BUILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials rascta Soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trint l.land or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimrrcys , l'rash Enclosures Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting+* 0thcr TYPE OF MATERIAL: ,1f,^'\ t t t/1A I t-+ L I tAAIIT ^-tft Llfr CQIQ.R:* a)/f/rE - | t) L1TE Wnre tDhTe //4 1,1r'4\ --..; * Plea.se speclfu the manufacturcr's color, number and attach a small color chip ++ All cxtcrior lighting must mcct thc Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J), If extcrior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicate the number offixhrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Idcntify each fixture type and provide the height above gradc, lumcns output, luurinous arca, aud attach a cut shcct of the lighting fixturcs. Updated 6/97 e4$hr,'ly ?4 +\ffi( 7A4/FP^ A(# fi,xA uirnaan +p rMfch Wwtwaw o b,ll,41 Peel/Langenwalter Architects, L. L.C. David Mark Peel, A.l.A. Kathy Langenwalter, Al.A. P.O.Box1202 Vail, Colorado 81658 Tele 970476-4506 Fax 9704764572 g7l16/199? 15:48 =u=rfu FR'NTTER *a *'t""F'ia': t2 v$t torilHousEs CSIDCI{$IUH AssoCrATlOr ,.,)^P /9 ,r'#Yrrl,colqrdo o*b:,* {ffi_w.A, ,tY M,2^ r :;Krsu,,33* ?ry-J#- fu14 chlc.8o, rL 60600 il'). lh Jucr l{. Todd ,-v10. ,5b rLy l. H.tzkcru1IX' \J RobrFt L. Ernnr (N clo SL ern.Fll,"tt{4/ tZ8 5. ftIlup Strcct \7 ?00 tl. l{rdlrsa St. Eulte 38O0 'Y Ilttlctonr Colorado 80120 Chlcljo, IL 606{t6r ?e5J501 (H) ?94-1109 (0) f\ 7\ r;l). (I$ ) ' !1301 'ttd ttrFtrttr Prckr 6, 5plat6.lt 3. ftzc) Seu Crry ffi') \---/ ?,o. Bor lal0 .- je"yL(lU) lJ 370 r?rh srr..t Sulrc 5300 W- Er&lct c0 El63l ,,rU XiP-\:'/ Dcnyca. co 8ozo2 318-6664 (l{) lfirw",tQ'rt\:-/ rtcnvrr, co 8OZ0t tl8-6664 (t{) Lpry"l; ?6f'8971r tE) 62E'r$Pg 191 b r DIeJ6u ) &tb.r. l{rlhr @' Iu li"!:il;rtil*:. ^?DJ u33 Rrcc strc't I'r south Lnult, Co1grrJo 80220 120-6620 (H) fA 5. /i3r) ol lvr rleuon W \J 100 Ftcld poitri p.rh Grccmleh, Cf 06830 6. tfftj st.Yrr: Coltoa\J 132 ttrrrrhon Dttvr -*i*r. /*rLD hW.L, - QU+te-:shotr t*llr' lrJ 01078 " w-,-- Lroru ,pur g*cLi,k--,- # kbJ ,H' oitt - 2---\ (-//>-'-\./I)7. [14. ) iobrrt J. {l DInor Tuclct V \-/ 3103t lortrrallk Courr Evcrtr.ia, C0 60639 Pn. 317-6888 (O) l2''-'\.ffie. /ruU ) }b'. Joy flltllard(y \-./ 1t500 S, l{onror hm Eng),crrod, Colorrdo 8oU0 ?s9-ff/92 $') I 'u4r (qqrcnddrl)#Lrln'Dpusl 'clqrtdeorr eq o11ear3 erog ispr; quou cql ol annopsc ln-'elqrlceoaB eq ol le?r] 9roC tslglJ quou cqr ol ellEotrtrc lrl,{s"tql gur t66I .l I rfurruqeg porsp e.Eorlc rol 11rA equo Ve # qql 4I tcqd prodord cp pe/rrl! .r c^rq I J . paorddy pctor{ Iopo@sf, socrrl\\ r4,{ c'd r n ar)vrl r.IJlq:l lJ"8 ree: I I gB Ot JrH r;fla:a?)r' ,r'na oFEf ttr tcd lLlZ-8Li-oZ8 q'{}lvJv | ?;-tt) o Mrs. Watson Remodel Project Approval - 2 I1,1 tb ril 30 '1. t? // t Tnr r/),- i2 r/l lfn ,t j{. ti., I have reviewed tle proposed plans for unit # 3,{ ofthe vail rownhomes dated February I l, 1998 and find the deck enclosure to the north facing Gore creek to be acceptable. /J/?- ,r a-_) knder, Unit # (if applicable) o (alqecqdduy) 6 gun'repual - },.L/.- sh-+ 'elQst&cce aq ot {aerc ero|) Sut.rE qilou eq} ol erm olcue ffeglpug pup g66I 'I I,{runrqeg papp seuorp \oI II?A eqrJo V€ # Tun rog suqd pesodord aqr ptrner er e^BrI I i'-"., ' / r.:\-, '.i 't | -on " LY-$jfuO. lr, sc..tydsl> ct ,. lt &ht-rl 7 - prrorddy tcafor4 leporuea uoslsl\ .s4^l yL[. lry.t-- # u-un'reu/$g 3-gl- | VVU V:lcjlAl"1 r-f cor-roru 2at t61 97 t6 fle,, Z f,t..'{ o.l, . t,'n:.! TS Y .t Mrs. Watson Remodel Project Apprwal - 2 I hrvc rcviaved tle propoeed plms for Unit # 3A ofthc Vril Tormhomes drted Februrry I 1, l99E end fiud the dack caclo$re to the nonh facing Gore Creek to be ecceptabte.tftlr/ Lcnder, Unit # (ifapplicable) Ecr^1 *-4 (/s.,rlt 77f€ Q--{o. 77c.tPn / =.-rTo<t**tr- 4,K., qs uso+{ tu € lF y htc,az Ittlzi /c t4rc- e&r- ,D uJ,E 0\ lH fleVroera"Z zT t 2z 'alqrldacce eq olryarJ arog turcE rprou etp ol eJnsolcrn lcep frwuqag palvp seworlur\oJ IIBA er1rJo yg 6 qu61 rog surlrl (alqrcgddey) # qun tepusl 7 - prrorddy felor4 lspowau uoslBAUs.q^I ; ,..L itvvut ily ht nlUI .-ir d f"/- .." cil / uyll PvEgful',tl o Mrs. Watson Remodel Project Approval - 2 I have reviewed the proposed plans for unit # 3.{ ofthe Vail rownhomes dated February and find the deck e,nclosure to the north &cing Gore Creek to be acceptable. 2-K /// l,ender, Unit # (if applioable) o *<z' 'alqBld.crE eq or {eelJ eroD SmroJ gUoq erp ol ,tueuqeg pal?p sarooqumoJ ilsA aquo VC # Iun roJ . 1L I r.-3zb-oz6 sa IJeqS rJes {a1qrc1ddugr1 I ttug'rapuarl 866I 'I I g - lu,rorddy uefo:; 1)poma1 uo6lr;ys.rhl C') LNl- c- t'd d8e :60 86 9I .rrll TA ]9id rjt{ uiDl>]i.] qdiHtrIu 914 96F,t r 0r ET : T: EF,F, T ,1F: ./ TN ro 98 1l:33r Lhar l.i B?o-O?r?ro'P.3 Mrs W.troo Raoodel Prpjooa Appro\id. 2 I lt:l"y* 9e propo*d phne ftr thir t 3r{ oftlc Vril Totnloncs drtod pobrury I I, 1998 md fi7d1l'ar{ock arclio$rc ro thc lsrh frciag Gorc Crcek ro bc rcccptrblc. 4ha.-t l,adrr, Uqir t (if rpplicrbhy o APPIJICATION - TOWN OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *********!t VAIIJ, COIJORADO rt r6vi.sed 7/14/94 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD I. A. ********** TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: I,EGAL DESCRIPTI Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideto thj-s application. o D. ,,/ MirLor A1 terati-on (g20.00) neview (90) a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and attach Conceptual E, F. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing APPLICAIJIT: Address: 'r&, w OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :NAME Mai 1 Address: NAME OF OWNER(S): APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PRocEssED wITHot'T o',,INER's IIGNATT]RE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at theti:me of submi t.tal of the DRB applibation. t_,ater, whenapplying for a building permit, pLease identify the accurateval-uation of fhF nrnnr'qa l The Town of VaiI will adjust thefee accorainq-lJ ;;;-;;i; berow, r.o ensure Lhe correcr fee owNER (s) srewArtrRl,: AQ ir,ro C /i h l:n n"n r,r Pcr_Lu. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION ,h^P \,, ' P J.U,UVU $ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ s0, 001 - g 1s0, 000 $l-s0,001 - g s00,000 $500, 001 - 91,000, 000$ over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAI, I'NI,ESS A BUILDING PER}fIT ISIS STARTED. Address: 11 "d*.A.re -r50-ru0: $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION II PRE.APPLICAT MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to deLermine if any addiLional applicaLion information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibifity to make an appoinLment wiLh t.he sEaff to determine if there are addiLional submitLal requirements. Please note that. a COMPLETE applicaLion wi-11 sLreamline the review process for your projett. III. IMPORTAIiilT NOTICE REGARDING AI.I. SUBMISSIONS TO TgE DRB: A. rn addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appticant must stake and Eape the projece site to indicate property Iines, building lines and building corners. Att trees to be removed musL be taped. A11 site tapings and staking must be completed prior to Lhe DRB site visi-t. The applicant musL ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Desi.gn Review Board: a conceptual revi-ew and a final review. C. Applicants who fait to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked i-n advance that discussion on their item be rr^cf rr^rrazl .iiII have theif it.emS femOved f rom the DRB}Jvu LPvrreu. rY agenda until such time as Ehe iLem has been republ ished. D. The following items may, aL the discretion of the zoning adminisLraLor, be approved by Lhe Community DevelopmenL DepartmeriL sLaff (i.e, a formal hearing before the DRB may noL be required) : a. Windows. skylights and similar exterior changes which do noL alLer Lhe existinq Dlane of the buildri.q; and b. Building additions not visible from any other loL or public space. At the time such a proposal is subrnitted, applicants must incLude letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agenL for or manager of any adjacenL condominium association stating Lhe associaLion approves of the addition. E- rf a propert-y is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow aval-anche, rockfa11. flood plain, debris flow, wetland, etc.), a hazard study must be submiLted and Lhe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior Lo Ehe issuance of a building permit. Annl ir-anf s are encorlra.rtrd fo check wit.h a Town Plannerprior Lo DRB application to det.ermine Ehe relationship of Lhe properly Lo all mapped hazards. F. For all residential consLrucLion: a. Clearly indicate on Lhe floor plans the inside face of the exterior sLrucLural walls of the buildi-nq; and .b. Indlcate wrth a dashed l]-ne on the site plan a four fooL distance from the exLerior face of the building wa11s or supporLing columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modif icat.ions, all condit.ions of approval must be addressed prior to Ehe application for a building permi t . NAME OF PROJECT: I,EGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING IIATERIALS: Roof Sldinq Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffi Ls Windows Wlndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl-osures Greenhouses Retaining WalIs Exterior Lightinq Other I-TANDSCAPING: Name of _I_,I ST OE _M4EERrAL,.S_ ION reguired for submiLtal approval can be g:iven: TYPE OF MATERTAIJ LOT \3 <- =/{._ o,ff Lo the Design COL,OR llzt'u? Designer: Phone: \ PrJArrr *r"*tr' PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name OuanLity size* v Common Name *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mi.nimum caliper for Indicate heicht for coniferous trees.,k*Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 oallcn. Tvpe Sguare Footaqe GROI]ND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTII{G: If exlerior Iighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighring plan in the space below and provide the height above grade, type of l.;^lrF n*a*aaa,t Ir!h^h ^,,F^r!r '1 "-; =nn r ^it r- ch^6t- /'\+t,.-H-ied, lumen oulpuL, luminous area and a cuL sheeL ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 J) n OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaining wa11s, fences, swimming nrrrrl s pf r- ) Pl eaq.p qnar.i frr Tndinafo hoinhfc nf rpf aininrrul-/vvf ! )' ue lrsf Yrrue v! -ues4r^4..Ywalls. Maximum height of walls within Lhe fronl setback is3'. Maximum heiqht of walls elsewhere on the property is 5' o a 75 South Frontage Road Deparunent of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657';];'ffiii!;"" th.,*,^Sl,kE;\1ql} N., R r Vo.) -Ror!,** Q*\" \**\* [,1n\ ,&..<\..' a qR r^. $. \,) -e J $^-: :i"il*T t"$J. 1.T"\\or* \"\,\,N{. tyL\6; it\q ,ss?r.,'-\?:\.,, \$* [**. \f\: ' L 1." F,.,jg ? r. lu'o ''iil/lilJ|'ulu' -'' " nqlprcE VaiI, Colora,& To: ;";r. $tfuy hvtcis.rn A{*{ $p. tiS$[ ;,t &a;w*f, *olotutro 'r'*taf gnl {imqr 'i *,p ,etc i}* tsrrf t$fljri$t *rttrittt,;+t, rlgti*CIJr :, 3S :.jftlts ' $lh }} ilr r$lt lqf,tp.ild#fl$E r* jt$,f et6sM Foi!|a rtnd;l',$ili t.1* iJr*j,tl SS{[h lS Rr unlr 'rtdliletrrl . i$ :rnt{.* ;.8},L:}J #*f i&{St druxd Dw rs/stl$$ hte: {t a Invoice No. We have debited your accornt as follows: *$r b. $l ,s.J. ).) $,.)..I) ii