HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT 5 VAIL ROW HOUSES LEGALi" ;m V;rl=ffiryhnu-. /,f 4 bbcL-5- Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2139 faxj. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: VAIL 44 LLC DRB Number: DRBO4O4B9 Proiect Description: 250 ADDMON FOR 4A AND 48 Pafticipants: OWNER VAIL 44 LLC 09/1412004 phone: 2OO W MADISON 25TH FL CHICAGO,IL 50606 License: APPLICANT PAM HOPKINS 09/1412004 phone; SNOWDON AND HOPKINS ARCH PO BOX 3340 VAIL, CO 81658 License: Project Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: VAIL ROWHOUSE 4A&48 Legal Description: lot: 4 Block: Subdivision: VAILTOWNHOUSE Parcel Number: 210108230007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: HANLON Action: APPROVED Second By: DUNNING Vote 3-0 Date of Approval= tQ10612004 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cnnd: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee paid: $3oo.oo I I I I .,.:- r, +,pplrcntion:..-.fgqprnflgn"'BevlFry,', ',, 1 REcEIyED TOIIIN .'r . :,' -".,.ii'PFpartntenrorciiii"lnll.nn*Dirii[pm*t: . :,' .,' "' ; .. ',i .: " .z5,Sot'flmontaotnoiidi:yatt-;Es.tprals gi657..' ,1. ;,.' : .. : tFl.'q7.l 4tO Dr.it'l'g;i brd frd i;tE . ' ntfriojJii.dqtiti tilGso ,.vleuu ry* rt€elve epFrp\Bt ptior ui.!up. F,rqtga buil{r4s Ferlrrrr €pFlcauon. 'phase 'efer to ,$e submltal Gqtlltdments {r}-re earticuril tpft.i{qi sr$ is"eqirEsipd-. :*i ;fuitrca$qn id; Deslsn Revtewcannot be acc€pted undi all.requlred.hh(.T.$!n C Efiieo lhluic, giminunrtv, obviloprnent p.opaTtmenu . Theprcject may also need .t0 be reviewed oy-trre town ounclrailiii ure ;iHriilit iiJ.iiVronmtnar commisston.rylsl r€ui3r,Y EPproval lapscs snhr; a tungtrg,ir*""rr.d{{rlieq ini iin*it;to-n oornnenses wtthin'oneyearof theapproytl. . -' .. . '.,1-=.r---.:.-:*:-:':'-l -: ' , : .W...,1:......''i...']*.**'j****..oTni.;.,..].,...j.. T.q froDrrtDi't fo uN rTs 4 t Looation of the pnoFosal: t-*:.4, Flrn, 6 Physical Addresr: Name(s) of Owner(eli Malling Addrese: I flm(o) Slgneture(r):; tvlichae I Pucker l{amb of Appltcanb : Haifing Mdresg: TD E-nail Address: Typc of Rerdew end F€eltr Signs tr Conceptual Revlew . tr- New Constsuction . - fl Addttion" .' tr Mlngr Alteration (mulU-famtly/mnrmercial) . tr Minor Albration (slngl+famlMdupta0 Ghangss tro Ap.poved Plans seP€ratbn Reguest .Phonel and tr tr ForOfice or the -a PROPOSED LANDSCAPING OuantiW -l 4t-+"h I II /{/ GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATiON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Botanical Name Common llame {\474PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED tl , ./ntt thL,? L.T qu4 4" ,'l I'Aq Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square FootaqeTvpe ?I? Page 7 of I2l02l07l1z PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of MaterialBuildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Winclows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notesi Color tl lt)ffi [.lurhu w*ffr bw07= (p?x {37 (ffi? 4O I4lrlLLtOXI4nt'tP 1b HMr'ttMiNa 40('0o tl please specify the manufacturer,s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip' Page 6 of IzlA2l07llz [and Title Guarantee Gompany Date 06-27-2001 To: DAVIS, GRAHAM & STI,JBBS Attn: BARBARA MtIELLER RE: Y272383-3 1550 17TH ST #5()O OAVIS. GRAHAM & STUBBS LLP DEI\WER, CO 80202 ECEI\ If.; Land Title Guarantee Gompanv cusToMEB usrRlgurroiu Date 06-27-2001 gur Order Numben vZ7Z383-3 Property Adilress: CONDOMIMUM A?ARTMENT UNIT 4A, VAIL TOWNHOUSES CONDOMINIUMS RON BYRNE & ASSOCI,ATES ROBERT J, &DIANE TUCKER zB5 BRIDcE STREET 31033 BUTTERMIIX couRT PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL EVSR6REI.I. CO 80439 VAIL, CO E1657 Phone: 303456-8000 Ann: DONNA FOR VICKI PEARSON Fax; 303,456-8100 Phonc: 970-476-t9E7 scnr via Us postsl Scrvicc Fax:970476-6747 EMail: dolns@rotrbyrtre.com Se Via US Postel Servica VAIL 4A, IJf Attn: MICIIAEL PUCI(ER Phonc: 312-E76{518 Scrt Vi8 Fax DAVIS, GRAIIAM & STUBBS 1550 ITTH sT #500 DENVER, CO 602m Attn: BARBARAMUELLER Phonc: 303-892-?412 Fax: 303{93-1379 Scnt Via US Postal Ssrvicc fsrn 0ftlVfRY I.$ID TTTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 0030 Bgt{cHMARK RD. #216, po Box 3480 AVON, CO 81620 ---ATroa &rfrtn shinn Ptronc: 970-949-5099 Fax; 97G949-4892 Iand Title Guarantee Company YOUR CONTACTS Date: 06-27-20ol gur Order Number: V27Z3g3-3 Property Address: CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT UMT 4A, VAIL TOWNHOUSES CONDOMIMUMS Buyer/Borrower: VAIL 4A, L.L.C., A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Seller/Orvner: DEANNE J, TUCKER AND ROBERT J. TUCKER t:r*:tt*:**********a*****t*t***tt******tl*r3**ttt********:*+*t**;G**+** Note: Once an origlnal commitment has been issueil, any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by underlining or comments. - r:|a*43********a***t**tt3t*3+*++*++*****t****a*******+*t***:t*****:** If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below:For Closlng Assistance: For Title Asslstance: ilf&l#ij"fi"*"ffl"rT#idl6;1.""#*il1osing? check out Lanil ritle's web site at www.trgc.com Ifuthryn Shinn OO3O BENCHMARK RD. #216, PO BOX 3480 Phone: 970-949-5099 Fax: 970-949-48% EMail: kshim@Itgc-com Form C0l'ITACT Vail Title Dept. Roger Avila TO8Y_FRONTAGETD; W.- PZOT -' P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phorc:9'10476-2251 Fax:. 9704?64534 EMail: ravila@lrge.com THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERT ESTIMATE OF TITTE FEES Alta Owners Policy 10-17-92 Deletion of Surndard Excrption(s) 14 (Owner) Tax Report SCH# R007780 $3.560 $40 $75 o0 00 0a TOTAL $3,675.00 Chicago Title lnsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. V272383-3 Cust. Ref.:Schedule A Property Address: CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT UNIT 4A, VAIL TOWNHOUSES CONDOMINIUMS 1. Effective Date:June 14. 2001 at 5:00 P.M, Policy to be Issuerl, and Proposed lruured: "ALTA' Owner's Policy l0-l7-92 Proposed Insured: VAJL 4A, L.L.C,, A DELAWARE LMITED LIABILTTY COMPANY 7 $1,850,000.00 3. 4, The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee SimFle Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: DEANNE J. TUCKER AND ROBERT J. TUCKER The land refemed to in this Commitment is described as foltows: CONDOMIMIIM UMT 4A, VAIL TOWNI{OUSES CONDOMINITIM ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUMMAP THERFOF AND PURSUANT TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF AND PURSUANT TO THECONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED JANUARY 29, I964IN BOOK I75 AT PAGE 379,FIRST ADDENDUM TO THE DECLARATION RECORDED JANUARY 29, 1g64IN BOOK I75 AT PAGE393, SECOND ADDENDUM TO DECLARATION RECORDED MARCH 1 1, 1965 IN BOOK 1 87 AT PAGE5I' AND TH]RD ADDENDUM TO DECLARATION RECORDED DECEMBER II, 1965 IN BOOK I87 ATPACE 465, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Sectioa I (Requirements) The following are the requirements to be comptied with: Our Order No. V272383-3 ., Item (a) Payment to or for the accouat of the grantors or &ortgagors of the firll consideration for the estate orhterest to be insureil. ' Item O) Proper insfume (s) creating the e$ete or i ercst to be insured musg gg gaecglgal pnrr 6uly filed for record,to-wit: Item (c) PalDent of alt taxcs, charges or assessmeats levied antl assessetl against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirernenrc, if any disclosed below: EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TI{E COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS ANDPROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. CERTIFICATE OF RICHT OF FIRST REFUSAL IN COMPLIANCE WTIH TI{E TERMS, CONDITIONS A}.'{D PROVISIONS OF CONDOMINIUM DECLARATTON. 3. WARRANTY DEED FROM DEANNE T. TUCKER AND ROBERT T. TUCKER TO VAIL 4A,L.L.C., A DELAWARE LTMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CONVEYING SUEIECT PROPERTY. NorE: THIS PROPERTY MAY BE suBJEcr ro AN AssEssMENT By rHE vArL TowNHousEsHOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. PLEASE CONTACT THE ASSOCIATION TO ENSURE THAT THEASSESSMENTS ARE CI,]RRENT. NOTE: ITEMS 1.3 OF THE GENERAL EXcEPTIoNs ARE HEREBY DELETED. UPON THE A}PROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIENAFFIDAVM, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERA! EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWST ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURELIENS RESULTINC FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF DEANNEJ. TUCKER AND ROBERT J, TUCKER. CHICAcO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIFNSARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAI FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF VAIL 4A, L.L.C., , ":::.: l;::n. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requiremmts)Our Order No. Y272383-3 Continued: A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXcEPTIoNs w]LL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE. RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED UNDER SCHEDULE B_1.,. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT oF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED To READ: TAXES AND ASSBSSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2001 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM ? UNDER SCHEDULE 8.2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF TI{AT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PA]D UP TO DATE, ALTA COMMITMENT Scherlule B - Section 2 (Exceptlons)Our Order No. Y272383-3 The policy or policic to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satislactlon of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties ia possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easenents, or cltims of easements, trot shown by the public records. 3- Discrepancies, conflics ir boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, anrl any facts which a conect suvey and inspection of thc premiscs would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or rigbt to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnishetl, imposed by law and not shown by ihe public records, 5. Defecs, lieos, encumbraaees, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the daie the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estale or ifierest or mortgage thereon mvered by this Conmiment. - 6' Taxes or special assesmenfs which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7 . Lieru for upaid water and sewer charges, if aly. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EKTRACT AND REMOVE }IIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNMD STATES PATENT RECORDED ruLY 12, I8gg,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 10- RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORJTY OF THE UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNrIED STATBS PATENT RECORDED ruLY 12, I8gg, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 4?5. I I. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORTETTIJRE OR REYERTER CLAUSE, BLM OMITNNG ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMIUAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT TITAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT I.JNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 360? OFTHE UNITED STATFJ CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST IO, I962,IN BOOK I?4 AT PAGE I79. 12' UTILITY EASEMENT TEN FEET IN WIDTH ATONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON TI{E RECORDED PLAT OF A RESUBDIVISTON OF BLOCK 5 AND APART OF GORE CREEK DRTVE, VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING. I ALTA COMMITMENT Sc,heduleB-Section2 (Exceptions)Our OrderNo. Y272383-3 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are ilisposed of to the salisfaclion of the Company: 13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN CONDOMIMIJM DECLARATION RECORDED JANUARY 29, 1964 IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 379, FruT ADDENDUM TO. DECLARATION RECORDED JANUARY 29, 1964 IN BOOK I?5 AT PAGE 393. SECOND ADDENDUM TO DECLARATION RECORDED MARCH 11, 1965 IN BOOK T8? AT PACE 5I, AND THIRD ADDENDTIM TO DECLARATION RECORDED DECEMBER II. 1965 IN BOOK I87 AT PAGE 465. i .r..:i.' , ffjtilo, i,'.,,: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOST]RE STAIEMEIYT Required by C.R.S. l0.Ll-122 A) The zubject real property may be located in a special uxing district. B) A certificate of raxes Due listilg erce taxiry jurisdiction mayte obtained ftom the counry Treasurer's authorized agent. c) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of suc.h disaicts uay be obtained ftom the Board of county comnissionen, the county clcrk anal Recoider, or the Couty Assessor. Effective Sepeubet l, 1997, CRS 30-10406 requires rhat all documefts received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's ofEce sdl contaia x top margin of at least one inch and a left, right ard bottom loargin of at lease one lalf of aa inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for tbe top margin she'll mf appty to documents using forms on which space is providcd for recordi4g or filing infomation at the top margin of the document. - Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Reguladons 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that .Every tide entity shr|l !E rcspelsiHe for all matters which appear of tecotd prior to the time oi recording vaseevcr the+itle+ntiE+onduets-the€losi'g an+i+respoasible{or*eordingorfiling.oflegal-- documents restlting from the transaction which was closed'. Provided rnat Uaue fiUi Guarantee 9oTpPy conducts the closi4g of the insued transaction and is reqponsible for recording the legal doorments from ihe tralsaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the owlerls Title Policy and the l*nders Policy when issued. Note: AfErmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owaer may be available(typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of schedule B, Section 2 of the commiftrent from the omei's polici !o be issued) upou compliance with the following coaditions: A- The land described in schedule A of this commitmeat must be a single family reside'rce which includes a cotrdominium or towfrouse unit. B. No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanies or material-men for purposes of constructior otr the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment withirthe prst 6 months. C. The Company must receive an appropriate affrdavit indenrniging the Company elains1 un-fi1g6 mechanic's and material-men's liens. D. Thc Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E. If there has been mnstruction" improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased withia six months prior to the Date of the Commiunert, the rcquircments to oUtain mverage for urecorded liens will include: disclosure of eertain constructioJinformation; financial information as to the seller, the buileler aucl or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium firlly executed Idemnity Agreements satisfactory io-the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an exar"ination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or maerial for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Nothing herein contained will be deemed ro obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless lhe above conditions are fuuy satiified. torm Dl SCLOSURE land Title 0uarantee Gompany Date: August06,2001 VAIL 4A, L.L.C., A DELAWARE LMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 233 S, WAJ\CJER DR, STE 58OO CHICAGO, IL 60606 Enclosed please find the title insurance policy for your property Iocated at CONDOMINIUM APARTMFNT I INIT dA v,I Please review this policy in its entirety. In the event that you find any discrepancy, or if you have any questions regarding your final title policy, you may conlact Title Department nUq6425l-WlA+t64,t3 Please refer to our Order No. V2iZ383 Should you decide to sell the property described in this policy, or if you are required to purchase a new dtle 9om113en1for mo$gage purposes, you suy be entitled to a credir oward nture titte insurance prenigms. Land Title Guarantee Company will retaia a copy of this policy so we $/illbe able to provide future products and services to you quickly anil efficiently. Thank you for givilg us the opportuniry to serve you. Sincerely, land Tide Guarantee Company lrll,'!1 LTG Policy No. CTAI272383 Fonn AO/CHI Our OrderNo. Vnn83 Sdredule A Amount $1,850,000.00 Property Adrlress: CONDOMINIIJM APARTMENT UNIT 4A. VAIL TOWNHOUSES CONDOMINruMS 1. Policy Date July 19, 2001 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Name of Iruuredr VAIL 4A., L.L.C., A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this poUcy at tbe date hereof is vested in: VAJL 4A, L.L.C., A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABIUTY COMPANY 5. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: CONDOMINIUM UNIT 44, VAIL TOWNHOUSES CONDOMINruM ACCORDING TO TI{E CONDOMIMUM MAP THEREOF AND PURSUANT TO T}IE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF AND PURSUANT TO THE CONDOMINruM DECLARATION RECORDED JANUARY 29, 1964 IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 379, FIRST ADDENDUM TO THE DECLARATION RECORDED JANUARY 29, I964IN BOOK I75 AT PAGE 393, SECOND A.DDENDUM TO DECLARATION RECORDED MARCH 1 I, 1965 IN BOOK I87 AT PAGE 5I, AND THIRD ADDENDUM TO DECLARATION RECORDED DECEMBER II, 1965 IN BOOK I87 AT PAGE 465, COI,'NTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. This Pollcy valid only if Schedule B is attached. Land Title Guarantee Company Representing Chicago Title Iusurance Company f.i,r: LTG Policv No. CTAI272383 Form AO/CHI Our0rderNo. Y272383 Schedule B This policy does not insure ageinst l65s or damage (and the Company will not pay cosls, attomeys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: General Exceptions: I. Rigbts or clairns of parties in possessiou not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or cleins of easements, trot ihown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, cooflicu in bouulary tines, shortage iu area, encroacbments, and any facts whicb a conect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not slrown by the public remrds. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5, 2OOITAXESNOTYETDUEANDPAYABLE. THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED ruLY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 7. RIG}ITOFWAY FORDITCHESORCANALS CONSTRUCTED BYTHEAUTHORITYOFTHE TJNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATENTRECORDED JULY 12. 1899. IN BOOK4s AT PAGE 4?5. 8. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILTAL STATUS OR NATIONAI ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTTON 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATSS TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICA} PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRTIMENT RECORDED AUGUST IO, 1962,IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE I79. 9. UTILITY EASEMENT TEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONGTHE NORTHERLY LOT LINE OF SIEJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI.AT OF A RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 5 AND A PART OF GORE CREEK DRTVE. VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FIUNG. IO. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED JANUARY 29, 1964 IN BOOK I75 AT PAGE 379, FIRST ADDENDI'M TO DECLARATION RECORDED JANUARY 29, I964IN BOOK I?5 AT PAGE 393. SECOND ADDENDUM TO DECLARATION RECORDED MARCH 11. 1965 IN BOOK I87 AT PACE 51, f:' :::t: L1G Poticy No. CTA1272383 Form AO/CHI OurorderNo. Y272383 Schedule B AND THIRD ADDENDUM TO DECLARATION RECORDED DECEMBER 11. 1965 IN BOOK 18? AT PAGE 465. ITEM NOS. I THROUGH 3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL CONTRACTED FOR OR FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF DEANNE I. TUCKER AND ROBERTJ. TUCKER. CHICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABIUTY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATER1AL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF VAIL 4A, L,L.C., A DEI-IIWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. I llllll llir',rlllll lllll lll llllll lllll lil lill llll llll *l[;1,, nu, reli isir"nton Easle, c0 469 R 6.00 I O'OO STATEMEI{T OF AUTHORITY t/, ",/fu1 -.-- l. (Section 38-30- 11 2. C.R.S.) This Statement of Authority relates to an entity named: Joy R. Hilliard Qualilied Personal Residence Trust dated June 21, 1999. The type of entity is a: TRUST. The entity is formed under the laws of the STATE OF COLORADO. The mailing address of the entity is: 3333 E. Florida Avenue, # ll9, Denver, Colorado 80210. The name or names of each person authorized to execute instruments conveying, encumbering, or otherwise affecting title to real property on behalf of the entity is: Joy R Hilliard as Trustee. The authority of the foregoing person to bind the entity is: NOT LIMITED. Other matters concerning the manner in which the entity deals with interests in real property: NONE. This Statement of Authority is executed on behalf of the entity pursuant to the provisions of Section 38-30-172,C.R,S. 2. J. 4. 6. 7. 5. 8, Executed "" /finy H ,2004. STATE OF COLORADO County of Arapahoe ) ) ss. ) Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbefore*eon 42,t,//, 2004, by Joy R. Hilliard as Trustee. / Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: f-/g-rd' ffi5'a;* W",biW Notary Public ,/./e/a' AFFIDAVIT CONCERNING zuGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL I, Mary E. Moser for Moser and Silver LLp (the "Affiant"), being first dury sworn upon oath, deposes and states: 1. Moser and Silver LLP represents the Joy R. Hilliard eualified Personal Residence Trust (the "Trust") and Joy R. Hilliard, the Trustee of said Trust. The Trust is the owner of Condominium Apartment Unit 48' Vail Townhouse Condominium. 303 Core Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 (the "property"). affidavit is made and executed pursurant to the Right of Refusal provisions of the Condominium Declaration for Townhouses Condominium. Timely, written notice, together with an executed copy of the offer of Vail 48, L.L.C., a Delaware Limited Liability Company, to purchase the Property was given by Moser and Silver LLP on behalf of the Trust. the current owner of the Property, to the Association and the other unit owners in accordance with the provisions of said Declaration. The requisite period has expired and neither the Association, nor any unit owners submitted an offer to purchase said unit in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration, This Affidavit is made for the purpose of complying with the terms of the Condominium Declaration, and assuring the proposed purchaser, and all others, that the Trust as of this date is satisfied that the Right of First Refusal requirements of the Condominium Declaration have been met. MOSER AND SILVER LLP / D r ,,0gV H^-..1 ( .l+-tz-^-"-, Mary E. Moser,'Partner STATEOFCOLORADO ])ss coLrNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) . , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged, subscribed and sworn before me this /l! day of May, 2004,by Mary E. Moser, a partner in Moser and silver LLp, as attomey for the Joy R. Hilliard Qualified Personal Representative Trust. Nf y coini:rissiorr expire r .Sr,ptcrnber i E, 20C5. 2. This First Vail 3. o€: H!*-srftSellt-RsJ- ..;o t'* t<€{3 e --:-,^ -.E -- r- - r-E- -^-O -,1 ---! -!-! -vr-_ ---! Notary Public llllllll i#l?,1:.,,.u, R 11 .00 D 165.00 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Joy R Hilliard Qualified Personal Residence Trust dated June 21, 1999, a Colorado Trust, whose address is 3333 E. Florida Avenue, # I 19, Denver, colorado 80210, Grantor, for the consideration of One Million Six Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 dollars ($l'650'000.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, hereby sells and conveys to Vail 48' L'L.C., a Delaware Limited Liability Company, whose address is 200 West Madison, 25th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60606, Grantee, the following real property located in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado: Condominium Apartment Unit 4El, VAIL TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIIIM, according to the recorded map thereof filed at Reception No .98752 and according to the Condominium Declaration for Vail Townhouse Condominiums recorded in Book 175 at Page 379, The First Addendum recorded in Book 175 atpage393, The Second Addendum recorded in Book l8i at page 51, and rhe Third Addendum recorded in Book 187 at page 465. also known and numbered as 303 Gore creek Drive, Vail rownhouse 48. Vail. Colorado 81657. with all its appurtenances, and warrants the title to the same against all persons claiming by, through, or under the Grantor, subject to the lien for general taxes for 2004 due and payable in 2005, and subject to those matters iisted on Exhibit.4. aitached hercto onlv. I ||]il ililt l;;,;il ]il ililil||t ililt ilt iltlT6ak J Simonton Easle, C0 432 a4te f/t;a Signed and delivered on lndy /1 ,2004. STATE OF COLORADO County of Arapahoe JOY R. HILLIARD QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST DATED JLINE 21. 1999 ) ) ss, ) The foregcing instrument was acknowledged before me on flz v ,/f , 2004,hy Joy R. Hilliard, as Trustee of the Joy R. Hilliard Qualified prr*Td Ri$"nc" frr',rt dated June 21,1999. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: f-tc-a{ !r') /.r' t '-\ r-^J na^ .{ n' Jz..-t-zz-, ff,Curnialm E4nw gtElzffi Notarv Public EXHIBIT A ATTACHMENT TO SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Joy R. Hilliard Qualified Personal Residence Trust, Grantor Vail 4B, L.L.C., a Delaware Limited Liability Company, Grantee Exceptions pursuant to First American Title Insurance Company, Schedule B-Section II: Easement over the Northerly l0 feet of Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Resubdivision of Block 5 and a part of Gore Creek Drive, Vail Village, Fir;t Filing, as shr;*.n on the iecorded Plat of \,'ail Village, First Filing. Restrictions, which contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion or national origin, providing that no strucfure may be erected or permitted on Lot l, Resubdivision of Block 5 and a part of Gore Creek Drive, Vail Village, First Filing, or other improvements made to such real properly except for such strucfures existing on Lot 2 insaid {sic} Subdivision which may encroach thereon as of December 18, 1963 and except for walkways, parking areas and landscaping as Vail Associates, Ltd., may approve in writing, as contained in instrument recorded December 30, 1963, in Book 177 at Page 413. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded August 10, 1962,in Book 174 atPagelTg. Those covenants, conditions, obligations, easements Ernd restrictions which are aburden to the Condominium Unit described in Schedule A, and set forth in the Condominium Declaration recorded in Book 17 5 atPage 37 9, The First Addendum recorded in Book I 75 at Page 393, The Second Addendum recorded in Book 187 at Page 05 l, and the Third Addendum recorded in Book 187 at Page 465. Bylaws forVail Townhouse Condominium Association recorded in Book 175 at Page 387, and any and all assessments levied pursuant thereto. Notice Regarding Vail Townhouses Condominium recorded August l, 2002 at Reception No. 803235. 7. 8. 9. 10. I l. 12. llllllll 877547 llfl llfl #r;,1,2\ 1,, oun R 11 .00 D 155.00 | ililt ilil iltilt ]ilt l|l il||il ililt ilt till Tsak J Simonton Ea9l6, C0 432 Sep 1O 04 1?:3Op Snouldon&Hopk i ns Hrch i tect,p.3 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)lhomas Prilzkel , a joint owner of property located at (address/leqal provide this letter as written appfoval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compllance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations' & (Signature) -(Date) desoiption) Vail 48, LLC Feb 24 Ort 0E:O?p SnoudonlHopkins Frchitect JOIITIT FROPERTV OWIIER WRITTEN APPROVAL IJTTER p.3 Manager of .Vail 4A,LLC , a$ffF'dfflg{qf prcperty located at (address/legalI, (printname) Migbeel i.llclcer desaiption) prcvide this letter as writEn apprwal of the pldns dated whlch have been subrlltted to $e Town of Vall Oommunity Derelopment Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I undershnd that the proposed imptovements include: I further understand that minor modlfiotions may be inade to the ptans wer the murce oF the review proaess to ensure oonrpliance with the Townb appllcable aodes and regulations. (Date) Oct O4 O4 1?:25poeP cU U4 Og: SSp Snouldon&Hopk i ns Rnch i tect Vai I Resont Renrals 9?0_4?g_50A6 Vail Townhouses Cordominium Association Ittihutcs ofThe Fosrd ilfeefi4gl 9n7t04 Thc rmtice of{1cctingandago,,do ryns sem !y emailtb th€ BorrdTiisnbers hy Vi$irnEal Esratp one^6t04. R.rll Cslt BoardMembearyesen I}, Richa$f Barker.didaot vote . Detrhie Wclles b5r eftaiJ responsg-- Mugot Pritzker by emait resp6ns, ) Proxies_pescut nla Aguorum *a$ esrebfishsd wirhj of .3 .boaril niemlbrs votiuS:. Tltg mseli{g wm called by elecroniCmessage (email). OH Au;ine*s None New Bus[nesr J H:::l*-*:qh{pprove rlerflpli.a$on forreilodej on uniB 44.& 4E s,,bmitted by parn Hopkins. *=.y..Y-:gyr.lbmily- All ilems tr the submittal package'were re{civerl widirhe exccpion ofannssmnrusaror{efiBr by tre.unir owrer frr'any darnngrrha,.rfu&t** d,,,'ttg-'ofiu.rion ro tiroc:Tm_or elencnts or adjoining units. The unii owner shoutd suEmir this ra.iii"ln"r*0" piioilo iip ourt0t work.) Motiorr tc.ap.prove lht plam.passcd. The minutes oJ'this rnecting wcre herelry approved lyrtre Boardui this datEr p.2 p.2 - ReTeqnlgt ru6rifed Dy tbc_prapErry maUCcr forrav.tlw. Scqretary Date Jul-30-04 ll:40am Fro|l|-Pltrk6r & prrrrkgr l3t2S?0Z3SE JU I 3at' Uq I U: t ua -rr t!|r.r!r\rr.rtr.'u T-030 P 001/00? F-st8 Veil44,.LLC do Margot Pritzker , 2430 Lakevierrv Avenue Chieago, lltinois 66Et- 28 Jury 2004 Dear Ms. PriEkeC Fn9o""o are the'design dtawings for lhe vait rcrwrhsuses condo Assocration !TLs-44, 48, 5A, 58, 64 and 68. They Ere a[ adding epproximarely 25o sg. fr_ GRFA as.allixrsd by the Tiihar of vait otdiiranoe 4att iad*larsnd iotors are tomatch existing). These drawings are sent to you ior v"oui apprJ""r accoruing tottte Assoeiition'sgroidelines. we.noed your apgoval. and signatur€ below, or cornmenlslo snorpdon.and Hopkins byAdgu$ 6, f004. Sineerely, Q,Cut| +lo*tuA PamelaW. Hopmns;mtr- Principal I give rfiyaPprsvaf'forlhearttlittonstirVeit To$rrhossesu.nits4A 48, SA SB.6A and 68. Po Eor'3340 . Yail. coloradb-8165& r' Fhon-e: E?'o.:426.22o1 . Fax: 9?0.426-2491 A-D2-lUlUl4 9:rA/PM F RIJM COLTON 241 46f 97 16 SteY€rt Colton 232 Hsrtshorn Drive thort Hills, Netrv'J€rssy' 07979 28 July 2QO4 Dear Mr. Colton, fnclosed are the designdrawings-fur the rr'ail Tsmrhouses Condo.Association Units 4A, 4q 5A" 58, 6A and6B- Thqy are all adding approximately 250 sq. ft. GRFA€s allowed by the Town of Vail Ordinance (all materials and colors are io rnetcfi $dsting). Thesd.drewiags aresent to you for your approval according to thc As.soeialion's guidellngs. W€ need your-apprnrd; -aod:trgnature'telow," orqomments to Snowdon €od l-lopkins ryAt Su.$q 2004, Sincerely, P. 1 Pameta W Hopkins, AIA Principal t)lPbtu W +bl&L{olhu 4P4rP 1ml 3:{3 Unit I give rny approlaf for the additio{"rs to Vail Tonmhouses Units 4A, 48, 5A, PO Box 3Ja0 . Vail, Ciilorad'o 8-1 558 . Phrine:970-476.220 1 . Fax: 970.4?6-7491 AUE J 'UU{ II.UL Or. RichardPa*er 68 South GarfisldStrsst Benver, Colorado 80209 28 July2OO4 Dear Dr. Parker, Enclosed ar6 the clesigr drau/irlgs for the Vail Toumhouses Condo Units 4A, 48, 5A 58,.6A god 68. They ara alt addrng apprcxinat€ly GRFA as allored by the To$rrt erf Vail Ordinanee {all malerials and match existing). These drawings are-sent*o you {oryotn-approval the Association's guidelrnes. We need your approval, and signature beiow, or commonts to Hopkiffi by Augusl6, 20M. Sineerely, frnAutP +WtA Pamda W. Hopkins, AIAPrincrpal -D j . ;b W+eW o+'hw 4w+to-t441 sq. ft ar+la. ino to I give my €nd 68. Signature oivnhouses Untts 4A, 48, eb- ) Vdil, e oto r adoPO Bqx 3140 8165S . Phone: 970-4-76-2201 . Fa 97A.476-749 1 Jul:30:0d ll :50an Fron-Prr trlqr & Pr r trlar Jail" 3E 'U4' lu: ur-a '-3t!ott,.t|]|i!srrr,f'+r, '' r3r2ee023!5 I-030 P. 002100? F-8i I I I I JorqrPRoPEtrrr owfi fR ^., WRITTEITI APPROVAL LETTER. - '---'r't', t z')l, (PnntnaB\e);/+hm4,t Y: f-A T 2k . ,a jointowner of proFerty located ar (addressltegal ertptio"| provide this JeRer as wriften approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail community Development Departnent for the proposed irnprovements to be complehef arthe.address-notedAbgvs I t,hrf+qrind{hat the proposed rmprovemeob include: I funher undersland that minor thodlficadons may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance'lylth.'the Townt applicabE'cod6 and regulerions. L (>\ [{- oI/ 63t 1y.34 U5: 53 6Abn64Ab4ABVB PAGE 8i Golg-Cru*PeirnonhiP Oliur C.'Xtd Otirt F. Wrbon t 1oO Fiele$*reCirdo €+anrich, C€nardiq.il S8gFnry1 28 JulY 200t1 I Dear Olivernd Oliw. €ndoaad s€ -the"de*ign drsrir€sjor fhE Vail IsrnhOusas COndo Association Un1e 4A, {8, iA, SB, 6A md 68: Ttrsy are al} addrng apBroxinptsty 25O sq. ft. GffiA agellmd ty ttre Tom of \lail Ordinanaa {€ll-mstenel$ cndcolors.ar€ lo mstcfi oxlding): nic,a'anwlngs 61g scfitlo-you for your approval according.to the Arcociation'r gukfclinec. tAr{t ng3d },or.n.gpFs{r€1, orrd -rlgnslurg bali}w, or comrnFnto to Snolvdon and Hopkinr by Atrguet q. 20q4. I Sinocrely, AdLw futki' Pamcla W. .Hopkins, AIA I give my spprovef fq tho adttltiqrs to Vait Townhouses Units 44, 48, 5A" 58. 6A and 68. PfI Bd-x 3140 r Vail, Colorado 8'1'658 r P'hone 9?'A.476-220 1 . tox:970.476.7491 t !ryt<90' lt--Q / * Pn"r e*ole-. LLc.P.O. Box398 iJ' - t Vail, Colorado 81658 28 July 2004 Dear Decked, Enclosed are the design drawings for the Vail Townhouses Condo Association Units 44, 48, 5A, 58, 6A and 68. They are all adding approximately 250 sq. ft. GRFA as allowed by the Town of Vail Ordinance (all materials and colors are to match existing). These drawings are sent to you for your approval according to the Association's guidelines. We need your approval, and signature below, or comments to Snowdon and Hopkins by August 6,2AO4. Sincerely, Pamela W. Hopkins, AIA Principal I giyggJv approval for the additions to Vait Townhouses Units 44, ae, ;ElEh$K-anf{ o-++/\s,5 o.-Q. k^ qf, / \g ol )tg .P-.-J,*€\ Po Box 3340 o Vail, colorado 81658 r phone 970"426-2201 . Fax: 970-476-2491 Margretta B. Parks P.O. Box 1284 Vail. Colorado 81658 28 July 2004 Fax:970479-9049 Dear Ms. Parks, Enclosed are the design drawings for the Vail Townhouses Condo Association Units 44, 48, 5A, 58, 6A and 68. They are all adding approximately 250 sq. ft. GRFA as allowed by the Town of Vail Ordinance (all materials and colors are to match existing). These drawings are sent to you for your approval aceording to the Association's guidelines. I We need your appfoval, and signature below, or comments to Snowdon and Hopkins by August 6,2OCE. Sincerely, fr^rla-W +b*^< Pamela W. Hopkins, AIA Principal plat* +f,'K 4o t't'' 4 o!'lfiz 41b -ml I give my approval for the additions to Vail Townhouses Units 4A, 48, 5A, SB, 6A and 68. Signature Gpp- *-A tt 4 ++ q b.-"t't Po Box 3340 o Vail, Colorado 81658. phone:970-476-zz0l o Fax:920.426-7491 ro +J dl ro i_ + T -+_J (|) + m Cf) fitt copr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 20,2004 Pam Hopkins Snowdon and Hopkins Architecdts, pC PO Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Vail Townhouses, Unit 4A&B - 303 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 4, Block 5, Vail Village 1"t Dear Pam. The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed the Design Review application for an additionto the Vail Townhouses, Unit 4A&8, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from Staff's preliminary review: 1. The following must be submitted to complete the application:. Stamped, topographic survey (i.e. showing existing grades).. Exterior lighting plan. 2. The site plan must be revised as follows:. Show setback lines.. Show existing and proposed grades.. show the layout of all existing and proposed buildings and structures. ' Show all proposed roof ridge lines, roof eaves, chimneys, etc. with elevations. This will be used to calculate building height.r Show the location of the limits of disturbance fence.r Show erosion control methods.. Show surface drainage on and off site. 3. The architectural elevations must be revised as follows:e The drawings must be dimensioned.. Label the floor level elevalions.. Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.. ldentify the utility meter locations and screening methods.o Label all exterior materials and colors. Please submit the outstanding application materials and revised plans addressing the above listed issues to the Town of Vail Community Development Depariment for review. This proposal will be scheduled for review by the Town oi Vail Design Review Board once all necessary ' materials have been submitted for review. lf you have any questions or comments, please feelfree to contact me direcfly at (970) 4Tg-2173. Lo"".ur ro"*a.}Lp TOIilI{OT'III{II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Sincerely, 4"14 4t ,/1'.> Bill Gibson. AICP Town of Vail {p?u.,.uo'n*"* TEKA ILLUMINATION T22 CTASSIC WALL MOUNT Biogs FinBh Option T- J,/6 57t8" r! r2" Description... Exlerior woll mounted luminaire Moteriqls / Construction... A. Cost bronze cop B. Heovy pure copper shode C. Stoinless steel or copper on S.S. ring stock D. Solid bross spocers E. Cost oluminum woll plote d pure copper cover F. Heovy pure copp€r stem - 7/8" O.D. G. Pure copper gloss retoiner w/ cleor g.loss disk H. Cle,:r gloss cyiinder 1. Pure copper lompholder cover Mounting... Recessed 4" ociogonol wiring box CWM 8016/Nqluiol r00w 419 PBODUCT #Lamp CWM 8046Naturol 100w AI9 Brown P(ltinq Copper Brown Pcdino CWM'80664'trrckel"t 00\r/ A l9 -Nickel plcre U.L. listed, suitoble for wet loccrtions PHoNE (8O5) 434-3511 FAX (8Os) 434-s512 O TEKA 6/97 TEKA ILLUMINATION, tNc. 86 ctBsoN RoAD, SutTE 3 TEMpLEToN. CaLtFoRNtA 93465 '; :::, i ZONECHECK Datc: tDl4lrll. __fj{_r___ Grncr_l1-12&<____ ,lrrl,ir-r lt r. - - -. " "rr r rur-r FtAZHjn{ -% Pbonc Phonc Zonc district Lotsizr 16,a?a Proposcd usc / Toral GRFA (u^n' *i - u =JZE* Allorvcd W-) Lp,38Z . Proposcd + Total ncmrutng o ' + 6'15=425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs rhis rcqucsr involvc a 250 {dJition? iU -_3A. lLHorv much of tbc allorvcd 250 Addjtjon is usc,lwith hk rcqucfl ' ffi C, Tge. , tvqucsL: L>u E .Cpq sircco'cragc (*n t-b) i -hg?Lt'tt 6r, - #Jn@c. t-.L*(,trr,t zt.tf 3Hcight ; , *4&) e&ti+-.-4_- Z,t, -'--\''-r -'rr.ruu! i : .4,tr1ff6, We ZE, :t:sctbacks (u^* t-a) I Front ., 20, d>zu,;';..- ' *., 's'>ut!t \ooRcar 4-+ a. /-- '-.t D -71 Landscaping fu-':+' t-c) vinli'u' -r@%) ttrnaLwzi & +r!4r- {,t'3(q,pos) RctainingwallHciglrts i 1,t6, 'ffiE{l (ole'ux) - ': Requircd ./ J s O uo clra,!* u _Encloscd <:rt1sl1 *F (3OOr+so+ts€.0fff2:0or ,/Ycs---t(_ No.- I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Roclt'all ParlJng Garagc Crcdit Drivnvay Conrplics virh TOV Liglting Orriinancc :l Arc finishcd gradcs tcss than 2:l ,i50%) Enr"ironmcn tal,/He"ards .. ,i c) Dcbris Florv DESIGN REV'IIY CIIECKI,IST Projcct: _ . Q SUR\€Y tr srrc plnN Scalc Utility Iocations Spot clryations JC2lc Builling Hs;*51 Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4') Decks/Balconics Caragc conncction Sitc Cradc\Slopc Rctaining Walls F,*--- Parking/Caragc Drivervay (acccss and gradc) - , Snorv Storagc tr FLOOR p.LrrNs Scalc GRFA 250 addirional CRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU Q BUILDINC I|LEVATIONS Scajc i(oofPitch N LA.NDSCAIE PLA.N Eixisting hccs F'roposcd trces l:gcnd MISCELLANEOIJS Condo Approval __:_ T;tJc rcport (A & B) U{i lity vcri fi cati on form Buil ding material sarnplcs C,C. Vcrification Ut liti cs (undcrground) Vierv Corridors -_-r__ . V4,ianccs Pla : rcstrictions Plotos of sitc Firc Acccss VAIL TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS Area summary Total area of Lots 1 - 6 (condominium association parcel) = 16,209 sq. ft. Buildinq Level Area (sq. ft.)Lorer 6,'101First 6,387Second 6,250Third 1,644 Total; 20,82 K,'lQ o t#,bLqf I P:: Ig qnq I l=t E =[€' lq E liE IE e'-6F E 66E E I t: = t+ 6 1.4o 15 tr t5 le ... tb >6 loE F ti i? IPF E,: ;€ <triigi;iEFEE-iEEEiEHHEEE j / I N . I--. ONFt!O) + I I I I I lgBor _ E9 E* F] 4 (, -\ ,u9 \J !'J .<J:\ .''( ^QJ-(< Iu oN N -oo |o(\l ol(o = =o -o'too(op.f N C}z ()z J LL Fatii ,-._N uJ@()r.){R J+ .O-J L!<M. cri EF fq '{96toirI; f;: (.v::uc rrur) I I I ! I I I I())o^EtnIJ or Lr@a !- i.' (Etrg Y fz =zo I = 6/FI s/ F-/ r i_ __rlJ_.rr_=__ F,i tlv @.-- I lrl LrJ I I LJ L]JJ M-L! K- trlrl = --J fan ) YI I i -__i @ F2f lr) F =f _rri o rA i.,"f/ + corr) F-z o trJozt! I N Fzl ':i'L iEtrgz< o|,rF.<=D-zl r.) Fz:) mN Fzl ==lh ?1 Eq'o<" (<)-<----ot \-/>d z<a'? qiitEJ r.) ILI LLJ I t---LJLJE.FU) M. \, I tl aE- L-- (o Fz = F. N l-\ ,s' l+l!r< :Idifr. ; yz / ,62 I r.jazJ lr) zl + F2l 'Z .L\J)= z< a .N @ ,t'c ,t rI d*lecofo *'=< .tfI F. 'll ir @ J .tz r.) =zf oN Fzl @ ,2 9| l@*- @*-.r E. \J I LL -Z.O(J L-Ja rG) + i (a)V I i o oz v>. r.<'- on o<j m(o F =:) 00 Lr) z:) /:d IDto uir.ci =if m 'tcs- cor.) Fzl to<uJNO*fr7>l< @* i,i' i I i @*---r (co )V I it__ M- I L_ -M- I F_ (m)V I iJ I.t p --> I i I I ! I I i I I i.i'0 ->I .\n. o ..- mE -coFrlz--\ > - tr)J t- ,to z f -I- a\ =f I trI m6|r)6 F- ,,zl>trlJtrl .: mB.f6 _tlz--1 > - L'JJ UJ 0}.) Fz:f ,r'tl st\lP\+/th >rII fh'--lt---_____:, C]N zl TOIWW Project Namer FAMILY VAIL LTD RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB05007B Project Descriptioni 250 ADDMON FOR UNIT 54 Participants: OWNER FAMILY VAIL LP O3IILIaOOS 2OO W MADISON STE 25OO CHICAGO rL 60606 APPUCANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE03/l 1/2005 Phone : 970-47 6-2201 PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 816s8 Project Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: VAIL TOWNHOUSE CONDOS, 5A Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block: Subdivision: VAILTOWNHOUSE Parcel Number: 2101-082-3000-9 Comments: DORWARD RECUSED r.ldcl 1o Vloi- b-\f Design Review Board DKof-DfAo D$ol-At|l ACTION FORM W V;/kiufr,"t t Department of Community Development /rfu t 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 | ./ t - tet:970,479.2139 faxig70.47g.2452 Va.uvTi*fihottAO web: www,ci,vail.co.us BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr DUNNING Action: APPROVED Second By: HANLON vote: 3-0-1 DateofApprovat: 0412012005 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee paidt $3oo.OO Feb Zrt I il. 0+ OG: ltlp SnoudontHopk i ns r0l,t4\| p-? locatlon of tre Froposh l,lalling Ad&cer:' ramt-I Pritzker 3800,Chicago, ououb IL Genera SNgne[rru(c} ftlamb of ApFllcantr l{alllng Addrescl E-mell Addrcqr: fYpe of nsvhw Fnd Feeitr Slgnstr Conceptual Rc\rlety .- Q NewConstrucilon .. '. !.Addtuon .. ,. tr tlinorAtbratlon: (multl-famtly/coarmedat) . Mlnor Albration(dngtcfdrnily/duplofl, :. GharEesto Appoved Phns SepsrdHon REgUest tr tr fir:Oficc UssO;iti Fee Paldr g c<'l - Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Watts Exterior Lighting Other Notes: w00D O|*t>tuHtf6 Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and n',mber and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12102/071A2 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name MPTzxT Ouantity PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS e^ an-|, q EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ffitn6 + _JdAPINF I _JO:A Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in heioht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRR]GATION TYPE OF EROSiON CONTROL .trrannir[e Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L2l02l07l1z TEK,A ILLUMINATION sila- _ 12" Description... Exierior vr-o11 mounted luminoire Moterials / Construction... A. Ccst bronze cop B. Heovy pure copper shode C. Stoinless steel or copper on S.S. ring stock D. Sotid bross spocers E. Cost qluminum wail ploie w/ pure copper cover H He,:vy pure copper stem 7/8" O.D. G. Pure copper gloss retoiner d cleor gloss disk H. Cleor gloss cyllnder 1. Pure copper lompholder cover Mounting... Recessed 4" octogonol wiring box T22 CLASSIC WALL MOUNT 141 -i*- I 5t8" I i I I/8" PRODUCT #Lcmp Rings Finish Option CWM-8046,{.laturol l00w Ar9 Brown Pqtinr CWM-8016,4!qlural lmwAl9 Copper Brcwn Pqlilo CWM-8066il,lickei-100w At9 'Nickel plote U.L. listed, suitobie Ior wet locqtions TEKA ILLUMINATIoN, rNc- 86 GrBsoN RoAD; SurrE 3 TEMpLEToN, CALjFoRNtA 93465 PHoNE t8O5) 434-351| FAx (AO5) 434 3512 O TEKA 6/97 H Ftt t coPr Dep artment of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 974-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com March 30,2005 Pam Hopkins PO Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Vail Townhouse Condominiums - 303 Gore Creek Drive; Units 5A, 58, 6A, and 68 Dear Pam, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the design review applications for the proposed additions to Units 5A, 58, 6A, and 68 of the Vail Rowhouses. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: . The site plan must be revised as follows:o Label all proposed roof ridge elevations and show the existing and proposed contour lines undemeath the roof lines.o Show the proposed limits of disturbance fence.o Show the erosion control methods.o The existing parking spaces shall not be reduced in size (i.e. 5B).o Label any parking spaces to be snowmelt heated.. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:o Show the proposed limits of disturbance fence.o Provide a detailed legend listing the type and size of the existing and proposed plat materials.o Show the existing and proposed contour lines.o Submit landscape area calculalions.o The existing parking spaces shall not be reduced in size (i.e. 5B),r Label the floor plans to indicate the floor area use.. Submit an exterior lighting plan and luminance calculations for the proposed fixtures. Please submit revised plans addressing the above listed items by no later than Monday, April 4, 2005. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. SincerelV, . 44.-;- Bill Gibson, AICP Town of Vail f,SL""r"uoo"" WE ARE SENDINC VOU ffiRttached trUnder separate cover via n Copy of lefter n Shop drawings I change Snrints order tr LETlIER u, l_-TRANSAAflTTAL "*' 4l4loo lroBNo AITENTIONI Rt: Villfinn hnilu h/ililrlr4 r"t/,t11(*bA,hb, bA,kb the following items: ! Samples [] Specifications P.O. Box 3340 Vail. Colorado 81658 P.O. Box 34871208 S. Ridge Street Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 970-476-2201 FM 476-7491 970-547-0554 rAx s47.0564 n Plans COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION h 4l+l0A (h)tkd, r,hrt ,ua+ W anlLr /C*r 257;g I 4l4la wot 'a{frtt THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: SAs reQuested I For your use I For approval# fMor review and comment nron aros our f Returned for corrections IApproved as noted n Approved as submitted n Return -corrected prints L_l Submit _copies for distribution n Resubmit copies of approval T 20 - L--JPRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SICNED COPY TO itecl4u€sa.e ml.r rcled, kindly notify us at once TEKA ILLUMINATION 5?te' Description... Exterior ws]l mounted luminoire Msteriols / Construction... A. Cost bronze ccp B. He,rrry pure copper shode C. Stoinless steel or copper on S.S. ring stock D. Solid bross spocers E. _Cqst crluminum woll ploie d pure copper cover F: Heovy'pure copper stem - 7lB" O.D. G. Pure copper gloss retoiner w/ cleor qloss disk H. Cleoc g.loss cylinder I. Pure copper lompholder cover Mounting... Recessed 4" octogonol wiring box T22 CLASSIC WALL MOUNT Luua[.lou5 h€514 = 2 x llxs 15-7" 1 r" 2.5tt= lt? tl = ts.'? 5.I--,1- I I i 5/8" I I Lul,vllHhntCP = 3ovaLe Luh4grl5 LtJf,t4lilAd5 A@-EW 14zsF no.7 6 : cl01b PRODUCT } ( rz5 o? Finish optionLumpBings CWM-8046.4loturol t00w Al9 Brown Polino c!rM-BoldNorurol l00w At9 Brcwn PiJtioq CWM-806UNictel'l00w Al9 S.S. 'Nickel plqle U.L. Iisted, suitoble lor wet locqtions TEKA ILLUMINATIoN, lNc- 86 GIBSaN RoAD, sulrE 3 TEMPLEToN, CALTFoRNtA 93465 pHoNE (8O5) 434-351I FAX (Bo5) 434 95t2 O TEKA 6,'97 fLt cupy TOIiINOF I/AII D epartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 Ftw 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com April 5, 2005 Pam Hookins PO Box 3340 Vail. CO 81658 RE: Vail Townhouse Condominiums - 303 Gore Creek Drive; Units 5A, SB, 6A, and 68 Dear Pam, It has come to the Town of Vail's attention that not all owners of lhe Vail Townhouse Condominiums support the proposed additions to Units 5A, 58, 64, and 68. At this time these owners are unwilling to approve and sign the required condominium map amendments associated with these proposed additions. The Town of Vail will not proceed with any further review or approval of these proposed additions until such time as all members of the Vail Townhouse Condominiums provide their approval and consent. Therefore, the design review applications for Units 54, 58, 64, and 68 items have been tabled from the April 6, 2005, Design Review Board public hearing to a future date. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479- 2173. Sincerely, rrl}.t" 4r/;.- frt724' BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail Dale Bugby Vail Resort Rental, Inc. Fax970-476-5026 ECYCLED P'IPER "' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 FAX970-479-24s2 TIIfN0Fl/Ail.,Fttt cuPy COMMUNIITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET COMPANTYNAME: FAXTE'EPTIONE NUMBER: F]RO'M.: Bill Gjbson # OF PAGtrS IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET) R_ESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ft'Jf^# NUI\AAS2 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TE,LEPHONF.,# g7}-47g-213s SPECIAL COMMENTS AI\{D NOTES: \)irkt also le4l ne d voveWu.ll *vssaq. eul,,cr A;s u.e/< s,faltn, hr^ op?os;*an 4 1/* pcoeotd t allthnt r,vl kcr unt^ttllt"latzs h t\r, 4c r?da/J F:EVERYONE\FORMS\FaxSheet (ffi. Vail Resort I(entals, lnc. April4, 2005 Pam Hopkins Snowdon Hopkins Architects, P.C. P.O. Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 Re; Vail Townhouses Dear Pam: During your design review process on units 4, 5, and 6 at Vail Tormhouses please inform the Town of Vail that the Association will be uniformly modifying the common areas. we are currently working with Gore Range Surveying and Louisa at LKp Engineering on new site drainage along Gore Creek Drive. When the drainage is coordinated with the new Tov streetscape later this year we will return to the Town with plans for upgrading the planter boxes and privacy fences from lot 1 through lot 6 which is the entirety ofour Association. The remodels you are currently working on for units 4, 5, and 6 will keep the same exterior landscaping until the civil engineering and association planter box re- design takes place. President/GM Email dbugby@vailresortrentals.com Web www.vailresorhentals.com 635 N. Frontage Rcl. W. +.1 . Vai1, CO {Jl65i . Phone 9701476,09A6 . Fax9701476,5026 o Reservations 800/456-8245 Department of Community Dettelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailgov.com {&, erl?.P o April 6, 2005 Pam Hopkins PO Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Vail Townhouse Condominiums - 303 Gore Creek Drive; Units 5A, 58, 64, and 68 Dear Pam, The Town of Vail Fire Department and Building Department have conceptually reviewed the design review applications for the proposed additions to Units 5A, 58, 6A, and 68 of the Vail Townhouse Condominiums. Please be aware that each unit will be required to install a fire suppression sprinkler system. Additionally, the building permit applications for these proposed additions will be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the International Building Code, not the International Residential Code. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) a79- 2173. Sincerely, 1-/..a-- 41. -/-<- Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail ECYCLED PAPER . Tue, Mar 8, Z00S 7;4'l AM from: Dale Bugby <dbugby@vailresortrentals.com> Reply-To : " Dale Bugby"kdbugby@vailresortrentals. com>To: Pam Hopkins <pam @snowdonhopkins.com> Cg: .Qi9k Parker^<rparkermd@copic.coin>, Margot Pritzker <chilsolo@earthlink.neb, Debbie Welles <DebbieWelles@ msn.com> Date: Saturday, March 5, 2005 4:05 pM Subject: Board approval Hi Pam, The Vail Townhouses Condominium Boarcl has voted on your plans to remodel units 5&6. The Board has approved the plans you submitted. Please send me copies of the approvals from the membership for our files. Please complete the indemnification letter and other required check list items in a file back to me prior to your submittal date to the Town of Vail. Dale Bugby, PresidenUGM Vail Resort Rentals, lnc. www.vailresortrentals.com <httpl/iwww.vailresortrentals.com> 800.4s6.vAtL (8245) 970.476.0906 (intl) 970.476.5026 (fax) Page I of I REC -l DATf, ouRFrLENo. N911513 & N91t514U4q 5A & 58 in Vai] PLEASE FTND ENCLOSED, THE FOLLOWING: Two 0vrner's policies for the above mentioned transactions. tF you sHouLD HAVE ANy QUES-froNS, CONTACTTHE UNDERSTGNED. 222 NORTH LA SALLE STR€ET o CHICAGO. tLLtNOtS 6060r FAX: {312) 419{569 TELEPHONE: (312) 41g-3goil 'ilUle 1'5 1ry2tNEAN NONTH NATIONAL TITLE CORPORATION A UtxrEi or ana NGAi Noirn N^rrorar Grou, ,l e -4!-F i*-t.,r. __: vn.r.-, JuLy 13, 1992 l--Mr. Irwin Gzesh NeaI Gerber & Eisenberg Two North La Sal1e Street , Chiccgo, IL 60602 t_ MAILED Dawn Taylor llQlt4rb I t Form No. 1402-E7 (4-6-90) ALTA Owner's Poticy POtruY ()F TITI,E INSURANCE ISSUDD BY First American Title Insurance Company SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE. THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, FIHST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A California corporalion, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date ol Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss 0r damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason ol: Title t0 the estate 0r interest described in Schedule A being vested other than as stated therein; Any delect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; Unmarketability ol the title; Lack of a right of access to and lrom the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' lees and expenses incurred in deiense of the title, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Condilions and Stipulations. First American Title I nsu rance Company ",(aLd6*4 1. 2. .t- 991275 *,", Wn/lL C,j*fL/. PRBS/DENT SECRETARY a.! EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE rhe following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys,fees orxpenses which arise by reason of: l' (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental. regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting,regulating, prohibiting or relating t0.(i).the occupancy, use, or enjoymenl of the land; (ii) the chafacter, dimensions or location ol any improvementnow or hereafter erectedon lhe land; (iii) a separation in own6rshiIor a change in thiiimensions or area 0f the land orany parcelot which the landis or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the etiect otaiyviotation'Jrirreseliwdili;;;;;;;ilrrinr*tui'"surarions, except to lheextent that a notice ol the enlorcement thereol or a notice of a def6ct, lien or' en.rrnrince resulting fromi viotation oiittigeo viotation aitectinlthe land has been resorded in the public records at Date 0f policv. (b) Any governmental policepowernot excluded by (a) above, except totheextentthat anoticeofthe exercise thereofor a notice of a delect, lienorencumbrance resulting lrom a Violation or alleged violation afl'ecting the land hai been recorded in the public records at Oae oi policy. - l' Bights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereol has been recorded in the public records at Date of policy, but not excluding fromc0verage any taking which has occurred prior to Date ol Policy which would ne ninding on the rights of a purihaser tor value withgutknowledge. i. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matrers: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed t0 by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not.recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not discl0sed in writing t0the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimani'became an insured unOer trrii poricy;(c) resulting in no loss 0r damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching 0r created subsequent t0 Date 0l policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained it the insured claimant had paid value l0r the estate or interest insuredby this policy. ' Atty claim, which alises 0u10t the transaction vesting in the insured the estate or interest insured by this policy, by reason ot the operation of federalbanKruptcy, state insolvency, or similar credit0rs' rights laws. oEfli Ttofi 0f TERMS. re toliorving terms when used jn this poljcy mean: . {a} ''insured": lhe insured named in Schedule A, and, rbject r0 any I ighls or delenses the C0mpany would hav; had larnst tne nlnred insured, those wh0 srrcceed t0 the interest lne named insuted by operation ol taw asdistingLished fromrrclrasr including, but not Iimited 10, ieirs. distributees, ,vrsees sdrvtvors, personal tepresenlatives, nexl of kin, oI rrporare or lt0uctary success0rs. (b) "insured claimant',: an insur8d claiming loss 0r Image. . (c)."knolvledge" 0r "kn0wn': actual knowledge, not rnslrLclive knowledgs or notice which may be imputid io an sured by reas0n olthe public records as delined in this 00licv any other records whicn impart constructive notice oimarl rs allectino the land (d) "la;ld": the land described0r referred to jn Schedule J, and improvements allixed thereto which by law constit!te al pr0p€rty..The term "land" does not include any propertyyond the ftnes 0f the area described 0r reteiriO io ii :neoute (A), n0r any tight, Utle, interest, eslate 0r easementa0u rng Slreets, toads, avenlies, alleys, lanes, wavs 0rlrerwals, iLl nothrng herein shallmodily or limit the e'xtentwntcn a flgnl 0l acCeSS lo and frorn the lano is insured by ls oolrcv (e) -m0rlga0e": mortgage, oeed ol trust, trust deed,0rler secufltv Insltument (0 'ngblic records": records established under statertules i,t Date ol Policy for the purpose 0l imoartino con-'uctrve 00ttce 0l ma ers relaltng t0 real 0ropertv ti our. aserS 10r vJtue.and without knowledge. W.ih rrispeit to ction. t(a)(iv) ol lhe Exclusions froni Coverage, I'pr,btii :ords' shallalsoincludeenvironmentalpr0tect,onljenilited lne records 0l the clcrk of rne Uniled States district court lor ) district in which {he land is located. .. (0),,'unmar'(etaDjtily 0l the litle': an alteged 0r apparent rttef afl€cting lhe ttlle to lhe land, not excluded or eiieoted m coverage, which would enlitle a purchaser ol the eslaie or erest described io Schedule A to be released from the rgalr0n t0 purchas€ by virtue ol a conlraclual condrlion lurrln9 lhe dclivefy 0l marketabte litle 9gllI'jll l{I.l g}i _01. ll's_r rRAH cF A FTER CON DITIONS AND STIPULATIONS lhe basis ol loss or damage and shallstate. to the extent oossi- ble, the basis 0f calculatino the amount of the loss or damaoe. It lhe Company is preludiced by rhe lailure ol lhe insur;d ciaimant t0 provide the required prootol loss or damage, lhe Company's obligalions t0 ihe iniured under the potici aha terminate, including any ljabiliry or obligalion to defen( pros- ecute,0I conlinue any litigation, wrth tegard l0 tne ma er or matters. requiring such proof 0f loss 0t damage. In add,tron. the. insured claimant mav reas0nablv be re- qurfeo to submit t0 examinati0n under oaih bv anv auinorized representative 0l rhe Company and shallproduce for examina- Iron, Inspectron and copyino, al such teas0nable times and places as may be designatcd by any authorized representative 0I rne U0mpany, all records, b00ks, ledgers, checks, corre sp0nd_ence and mem0rand4 whether bearing a date bei0te 0r afrer Date of Policy, which reasonabty pert;in to the lOss 0l damage. Funher, if requested by anyiutnorized represenla- tive ol the Company, the insurericlairrant shall granr its per mission, in writing, tor any authorized represeniatrve ol lhe uompany t0 exarntae, lnspect and cop\/ all recotds, b00ks. reogers, cnecks c0 eso0ndence and memoranda in the cus- tody 0r control ol a third party, which reasonably pertain to the loss 0r damage. All anl0rmalion designated as conti0entiat by Ine rnsu,ed claimanl provided lo the C0mpany putsuanr l0 this Section shatl not De disclosed to 0thers inle!i, in lhe reason. able judgmenl of lhe COmpany, it is necessary in the adminis- tration 0lthe claim Failuie oi rhe insuled cla-imanl to submit l0r examination unoer oath, pr0duce olhet teasonably request- e0 Inlormatton 0r gfant pe,mission t0 secure reasonably necessary Into|matton lrom third paflies as tequ;tud in this paragrapi, unless pr0hibiled by law 0t g0vernmenlal regula- ii0n shall rerminale.anV Iiabilily of the-Company undeithisp0[cy as t0 tnat ctatrn. 6. OPTIOI{S TO PAY OR OTHERWISE EETTLE CLAIMS; Tf RMINATION OT LIABtt|fi. ln case 0l aclaim under this p0licy, the C0mpany shal have the lollowing addiltonat optionb _ (4 To Pay or Tender Payment ol rhe Am0unt of Insuran6e. T0 pay 0t tender paymenl 0l lhe amount ol ins.trance urder this p0licy togelher wilh any cosls, a 0rneys, lees andexfr.n"!s in.rtrr(ad h), thc ir|",rfr.d cltimtqr. :vhicl] vl0rc (b) In the event 0l anV htiqali0n. includina liliaalion bv the C0mpany or wtth the Com0tny's c0ns|]nl, ine CrLrnpany shali hav€ n0 lrability lor l0ss 0r damtge until there has been a final determinalion by a courl 0l c0mperenl jurisdicti0n. and dispositi0n of all appeals therelf0m, adverse t0 lhe title a5 tnsureo. (c) fte Conrpany shaltn0tb€ Iiable fo- Ioss 0r damage l0 any insured lor Iiability vollntarily assumed by the ins;red rn settlng any claim or suit withoul the pr iOr wrilten consent 0r ine uompany. 10. REDUCTI0N 0F INSURAI'ICE; RE0UCTI0N 0R TERMINATIOiI OF LIABILITY. All payments under this pollcy excepl payments maoe l0r costs, allorneys'tees and expenses, shalt reduce rhe amount of the insurance pro tanto. 11. LIAEItITY NOIICUMUTATIVE. It is expressly undefsl00d that lhe amount 0f insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Com- pany may pay !nder any p0licy insuring a m0rlgage t0 which exception is taken in Schedule B 0r t0 which the insured has agreed, assumed, 0r taken subject, 0r which is herealter executed by an iflsured and which is a charge 0r lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A. and the amount so paid sharl be deemed a payment undet thrs policy to the insured owner. 12. PAYMENT OF LOSS. (a) N0 paymenl shall be made without pr0ducing this policy for endorsement ofthe payment unless the policy has been losl0r destroyed, in which case pr00f 0f loss or destruc- liofl shall be furnished to ihe satislaction ol the Comoanv. (b) WneI t;abrlity ano lhe ex(ent ol loss or dainaqe has been delinitery ti^ed in accordance wi r thcse Condru0ns arrd S lipLlati0ns, lhe ioss or damage shalt De payable within 30 days thereafter. 1? uy d rrurL dsts rrru cv i urrgdgu gryen oy a prq.haser Jrofl tile insured. or onty so'long aittri: iniureO ifratf nave Ia0 tty Dy reason 0f covenants of warrantv made bv the Insu,ed ln any transler 0r cOnveyance 0f the estjte or inteiest. r nrs pr,rrcy sndt not continue in force in lavor ol any purchaser lr0m lhe insured 0l either (i) an eslate 0r interest jn ths tand, 0l { } an IndeDledness secured by a purchase m0ney mortgagegiven to the insured 3. I{OTICE OF CLAIIII TO 8E GIVEN BY INSUREO CLAIMAIIT. The insured sha nottly the ComDanv Dr0mo v in writin0 ii) In case 0l any littgali0n as sel l0rth in S'eition l{a't below. trit iri case krcwledge.shall come. to an insured heieunder ol dny claim ol litle or interest which is adverse to the tifle l0 thil estate or interest, as insured, and which might cause loss o, damage l0rwhich rhe Company may be liabl; by virlue 0f this oorrcy, 0r ( D tt lt e t0 lhe estate or inrerest, as insured. rs-electeil as unma rketable. ll prompt n0lice shall not be 0iven to lhe Comoany, then as ro the insured all liability 0f th; Com-lany shall terminate with regard lo the matrer'0r malters [0r ,vnrcn prompt nolice is required: provided, howcver, thal 'ailLrre l0 notify the Company shall ln no case preludtie the'rgnts 0l any insured under thts policv unless the Comoanv ihall be prejudiced by the faiture and then only to the extdnt dl ihe prejudice. I. OEFENSE AI{O PROSECUTION OF ACIIONS: DUTY OF II.ISURED CLAIMAI{T TO COOPERhTE. . {a) Up0n written request by lhe insured and subject t0 ne opt'ons contained in Secti0n 6 of these C0ndttioris and ;tipLla-;ons, the C0mpany, al its own cost and witltout unrea- ;onable delay. shall provide lor the delense ol an insured in itigation in which any thtrd party asserts a ctaim adverse to he title 0r inleresl as insured, but only as to lhose stated :auses 0l aclion alleging a delect, lien 0f encumbrance 0t other natter insured againsl by_this polhy. The C0mpany shall have he nght t0 s€lect_c0unsel ol ils choice (subiect to the right 0f he insLr€d t0 object lor reasonable causei to reoreseni lhe nsured as to those stated causes of action and ihall not be iatlle for and will not pay the fees ol any olher counsel_ The ;ompany will not pay any lees, costs or dxpenses incurred bv he insured in the defense 0f those causes of action which rllege matrers-not insured againsl by this policy. .. (b) Th€ C0mpany shall have the r ight. al its'own cost, r0ls lule ano prosecute any aclion 0r pfoceeding 0r l0 d0 any 'ther acl which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable tir stablisn the title t0 the estate 0r interest, as insured. or to pre- ent or reduce l0ss or damaqe lo the i0sured. The Company'ray lal{e any appropftate actr0n under the terms of this oolicv. /helher 0r not it shafl be liabre hereunder. and shill n6i hereby c0ncede liability or waive any provision 0f this p0licy.'tne Uompany,shall exercise iLs ghts under this paragraph, Snall 00 S0 drlr0entlv _. (cj ,Wheneier ihe. Company shall have brought an clion.or interposed a de{ense as riquired or permitted"by the rovisi0ns 0f this policy, the CompanV may pursue any liiiga- 0n t0 final determination by a court of competenl jutiadiction n0 expressly teserves the righl. in its sole discretion, t0 ppeal lrom any adverse judoment or or0er.(dl ln allcases where this policy permits 0r requires the 0mpanV t0 prosecute 0r provide for the defense 0f any acti0n'proceeding. rhe insuted shall secure to the Como'anv the ght t0 s0 prosecute or provide delense rn the action oi oro- :eding, and all appeals therein, and permit lhe Comoanv to ;e, at its opti0n, the name ol the insured lor this purpose. /henevcr requested by the Contpany, the insured, afthe Com- rny's expense, shall give the Company a reasonable aid {i) any actr0n 0r ptoceeding. securing evidence, obtainirrg wit- ]sses, prosecuftng 0r detendrng lhe aclion 0r pt0ceeding, or lecting settlement, and (ii) in any other lawlul act which tn € opinion 0l Ihe Company may be necessari or desirable t0 )tablish the litle t0 lhe estate 0r interest as insured. lf the lmpany is prejudiced by the failure 0l the insured t0 furnish ,e reoLired cooperation, the Company's obligati0ns l0 the sured under the policy shall terminate, rncluding any liability 0urgalron t0 detend. prosecute, or continue any litigati0n, ith regard to the matter or matt€rs requiring such ioopdratjon PROOF OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. In additi0n t0 and atter the notices reouired under Seclion 3 , these C0nditions and Stipulations have been provided tl.]e )Jnpan], a pr00f 0f l0ss or damage signed an0 sworn t0 by the lured cla,manr shall be furnrshed r0 lhe Comoanv within g0 .ys after rhe insuted claimant shallascertain ihe licts aivino :e l0 th-. loss 0r darage. The prool 0l toss or damage-shaii scribe the dcfect in. or lien or encumbrance on lhelitle. or her matrer insured against by this p0licy whioh con$titules rEqu[EU, s dn [E It.t(C, lCtUUitU any lraDility 0r obligation to defend, prosecute, or contrnue anl lrtrgati0n..and the policy shalt be surrendered to the Compani lor cancellation (b) T0 Pay or 0theruise Settle Wirh parlies olher than the insured or With the Insured Claimant. {i) lo pay 0r otherwise sellle with other partics lor 0r In the name of an insured claimant any clarm insured against under this poltcy, together with any co'sts, attorneys' fees and expenses Incurred by the insured claimanl which were autiorized by the Company up to rhe time of payment and which the.C0mpany is obligaled t0 pay: 0r {I) l0 pay 0r olher\rise sertle with the insured claim. anl the loss or damage provided for underthjs policy, together wrtn any costs, attorneys' lees arrd expenses incurred by the Insured claimanl which were authorized by the Company up to the time 0l payment and whjch the Company is obligated to pay. Up0n.the exercise by the C0mpany 0f eirher 0f the opliOns plovided fol in paragraphs {bt(i) or {ii), rhe C0mpany's obli- galrons t0 the insured under this policli i0r the claimed l0ss or damage,0ther lhan lhe payments required t0 be made, shall lermanate, including any liabilily 0r 0bli0ation to defend, flros- ecute or continue any liligalion. 7. DETERMII{ATION. EXTE}IT OF LIAEILITY AN0 C0|l{suRA CE. This policy is a contract 0f indemnity against actual m0netary loss or damage sLrstained 0r incurred by the insured clarmanl who has sullered loss or damage by reas0n 0f maF ters insured againsl by this policy andonly t0 the exlent herein 0escflDed (a) The liabilily 0f the Company under this policy shatl not exceed lhe leasl of: (i) the Aniounl 0f Insurance stated in Schedule A: 0r. (ii) lhe dillerence betvr'een lhe vatue of the insuted estate or inlerest as insured and the value ol the insured eslale 0r inlerest subiect to the defect, lien or encumbrance insured against by this policy. (b) In lhe event lhe Amounl ol lnsurance staled in Schedule A.at the 0ate 0f Policy is less than 80 percent 0f the value 0f the insured estate 0r interest orthe lull consideration paid for the land, whichever is less,0r ifsubsequent to the 0ate of Policy an improvement is erected on the land which in- creases the value of the insured estate or interest by at leasl 20 percent overthe Amount 0f lnsurance stated in Schedute A. then this Polrcy is subject to Ihe following: (i) where n0 subsequent improvement has been made, as t0 any partial loss, the Company shall only pay rhe loss pr0 rata in lhe Dro00rtiOn that the amounl ol insurance at Date ot Policy bears t0 the t0tal value 0f the insured eslate or Interest at Oate 0f Policy; 0r (ii) where a subsequent rmprovement has been made, as t0 any parlial loss, lhe com- pany sha only pay the loss pro rata in lhe proportion rhat 120 percent of the Amount ol Insurance stated in Schedule A bears to the sum ol the Amount of lnsurance stated in Schedule A and the amount expended for the improvsment. The provisions 0l this paragraph shall nOt apply to costs, attorneys' fees and expenses for which the Company is liable under this policy, and shall only apply lo that portion 01 any loss which exceeds, in the aggregale, 10 percent of the Amount 0f Insurance stated in Schedule A. (c) Ihe Company willpay only those costs, attorneys'lees and expenses incurred in accordance with Secti0n 4 ol these Conditions and Slipulations. 8. APPORTIONMENT. ll the land described in Schedule (AXC) c0nsists 0f two 0r more parcels which are not used as a sinqle site, and a loss is established alfecting0neor m0re 0l lhe parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled 0n a pro rata basis as ilthe am0unt of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value 0n 0ate ol Policy rif eaih separate pa'rcel t0 the wh0lq rxclusive of any impr0vements made subsequent to Date 0f P0licy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as l0 each parcel by the Company and the insured at the limo of lhe issuance ol this policy and sh0wn by an ex- press statemcnt 0r by an endofsement atlached to this policy. 9. I-IMITATION OF LIAEtLITY. (a) llthe Company establishes the title,0r removes the alleged delect, lien or encumbrance,0r cures the lack 0f a righl 01 access to 0r ftom the land, or cures lhe claim 0l unmarkel- ability of title, allas insured, in a reasonably dlligent manner by any method, including litigation and the comptetion 0f any appeals therelrom, it shall have lully performed its 0bligations with f€spect t0 that matter and shall not be liable lor any loss or damage caus€d thereby. pErru ur ptupc[y t rc5ltect t0 tne ctatmhad lhrs potrcy not been issued. lf tGquestco by the Com_ pahy, lhe insured claimant shall trans{er t0 the Cpmpany allrighls and remedies againsl any person ol orooertv necessary in order l0 perlect this right of subreqalion. Ih; Insureo ctalmant.shatt petmit lhe company t0 sue, com- pr0mtse 0r sef e In the name 0l the insureo claimant and lo use the natne ol the insured clainrant in any transaction or liligation inv0lving these tights 0r remedies. . I a paymenl 0n account o{ a claim does not fllly cover the loss of.the insured claimant, the Company shall be sub- rogat_ed to these rights andremedies in the plopOrtionwhich lhe Company's payment bears t0 the whoie am0[nl 0f the loss. ll loss should result fr0m any act 0l the insured claimani, as stated above, that act shall not void this policy, but the Company, in that evenl, shall be reqLrired l0 Davbnlv that parl 0f dny l0sses insured agajnst by this pohiy whicli shall exceed the amounl. il any. lost t0 the Company by reason of the;mpairmenl by lhe insJrcd claimant 0f rhe Company's right of subrogation. (b) The Company's Rights Against non-insured 0bliqors. The Company's right ol subrogctron againsl noo- insured 0bligors shall exist and sharl include, withoul limita- tion, the rights ol the insured t0 jndemnities, guaranties, 0ther policies 0l insurance or bonos, nolwilhstandrnq anv lerms 0r condrtions contarned in thosc instruments whic[r provide for subr0gation rights by reason of this policy. 14. ARStTRATt0l{. Unless prohibiied by appltcable law, etther the Company 0r the insured may demand arbittalion pursuant to the Tille Insurance Arbltralion Rules ol the American Arbitration Association. Arbit(able matters may include, but are not limited lo, any c0ntroversy or claim between the C0m0anv and the insured aflsing out 0l or relating.r0 this poticy. an! servrce 0l the Company in connection with irs issuance oj the breach 0f a policy provision 0r other obligati0n. All arbiltable mattets when lhe Amount 0l Insurance is $1,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of eirher the Company or the insured Allarbitrable matters when the Amount 0l Insurance is in excess 0i $1.000.000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed t0 by bolh the Company and the insuied. Arbitration pursuant t0 this poricy and under the Rules in effect on the date the demand forarbitration is made 0r, al the option ol the insured. the Rules in effect at Date 0f Policy shall be binding upon the parties. The award may inchrde all0rneys'lees 0nly il the laws ot the stale in which lhc land is locared per mil a courl t0 arflard att0rneys' lees to a prevailing party. Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbjtrato(s) may be entered in any coutt having jutis- drction thereot. The law 0f the situs 0l the land shall apply t0 an arbitration under the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules. A copy 0l the Rules may be oblained irom the Company u00n reouest. 15. LIABILIW TIMITEI) TO THIS POLICY: POLICY ENTIRE C()NTRAGT. (a) This p0licy t0gether with all end0rsements, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire pollcy and c0n- tract between the insured and the C0mpa0y. In inl€rpreting any provisi0n 0fthis policy, this p0licy shallbe construed as a wnote. (b) A[y claim 0{ l0ss 0r damage, whether 0r not based on negli0ence, and which arises 0rt of the status 0{ th€ title to the estate or inlerest covered hereby or by any action as- serting such claim, shall be reslricted to this policy. (c) N0 amendment ol or endorsement lo this policy can be made except by a wriiing endorsed hereon or attached herel0 signed by eilher the President, a Vice Presi- dent, the Secrelary, an Assistant Secrelary, 0r validating officer 0r authorized signatory ot the Company. 16. SEVERABITITY. ln the event any provision 0f the policy is hcld invalid 0r unenlorceable under applicable law, the policy shall be deemed n0t l0 include that pro!isi0n and all other provisions shall remain in {ull force and etfect. 17, NOTICES, WHERE SENT. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall include the number ot this policy and shall be addressed t0 the C0mpany at 1 l4 East Fi{th Streel Santa Ana. Calil0rnia 92701. or to the oflice which issued this D0 CV. Form No. 140? (6/87) ALTA Ownels Policv Schedule A Amount of lnsurance$ 520,000,00 Premium$ .l , j14.00 Date of Policv a'm- December 30. 1991 at 4:aB P.M. P'm' 1. Name o{ lnsu red: SCHEDULE A File No. j05j09_0 Poficy No. H gg1n5 FAMILY VAIL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 2. The esiate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is: FEE 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: FAMILY VAIL LIMITED PARTNERSFIIP, an Il linois llmlfed partnersh ip 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as lollows: THE LEGAL DESCRITTION SEI FORTH ON SHEFT ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE INCORPORATM HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF. , Form No. 14O2-C ALTA Standard policy Western Region (Rev.9/87) 7, Easement of Block ShOwn on over the Northerly 10 5 and a parf of Gore the recorded Plat of feet of Lots Cr. eek Dr i ve, Vail Village, .l to 6, Incluslve, Vall Village, FIrst Flrst Fl I lng. Ordor. No.305309-O Pollcy No. H 99.l275 Resubdivlslon Filing, as SCHEDULE B PART I This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will nor pay costs, attorneys,fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: Section One: 1' Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxingauthority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public recorjs. 2' Anyfacts,rights,interests,orclaimswhicharenotshownbythepublicrecordsbutwhich could be ascertained byan inspection of said land orby making inquiryof persons in posses- sion thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easemenl or encumbrances which are not shown by the public recorcls. 4' Discrepancies, conf licts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any otherfacts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing theissuance thereof; water rights, claims or tiile to water. 6' Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or herealter furnished,imposed by law and not shown by the public records. Section Two: 8' ResfFlcflons, which contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but onittingrestrlctions, if any, .based on race, coror, rerigron or natronar origin,pnovldlng tha-t no sfructure may be erecfed or peimitted on Lof r,Resubdlvislon of Block 5 and a part of Gore creek Drive, vall viilage, FirstFiling, or other impr.ovements made to such rear pr.operty except for suchstructures exis+ing on Lot 2 in said Subdivislon'which may encroach thereon asof December' 18, 1963 and except for rvarkways, parking areas and randscaprng asvaiI Associates, Ltd., may approve in vrriting, as con+a rned In Instrument ' recorded December 30, 1963, in Book 1i7 at pige 4lJ. 9. Restr Ictlons, yhlch do not contai n a forfelture or reverter clause. bufornlltlng restrictlons, if any, based on race, color, rel lglon or nitionalorigin,-as contained in Insfiument recorded August io, 1962, in Book 17i'atPage 179. 10. (. Those covenants, cond lttions, obl a burden to the. Condcminium Unif Condomi ni um Declaration recorded ( Cont in ued ) I gat i ons, easements and restr i ct lons wh ich are descrlbed ln Schedule A, and set forth in the in book 175 at Page 379, The First Addendum Pollcy No: D 9912750rder No. 105309 -0 EXCEPTI0NS - continued recorded in Book 175 at pafe 593, The second Addendum recorded in Book lB7at Page 051, and rhe Thlrd Addendum recordecl ln Book 187 at page 465. 12, Mor"tgage from Famlly vall Limlted partnership, an lllinols llmlfedpartnershJp, Mortgagor, ln favor of Hyatt Corporatlon, a Delawarecorporation, Mortgagee, in fhe amount of $498,750.00, dated December 23,199.l, and recorded December 30, 1991, ln Book 569 at page 759. Form No- 1056.4 All Policy Forms SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this policy is situated in the State of County of tag le 0rder No. 305309 Policy No, H 991 275 Co I or ado snd is described as follows: Condominium Apar+ment Unlt 5A, VA IL TOI,|/NHOUSE COND04IN IUM, accordlng to the recorded map fhereof filed at Receptlon No' 98752 and acco;ding to fhe Condcmlnlum Declaratlon for Vail Townhouse Condominiums recorded in Book 175 at Page 579, The First Addendum recorded ln Book 175 at Page 393, The Second Addendum recorded ln Book'l 87 at Page 51, and rhe rnlrd Addendum recorded In Book 187 at Paqe 465. INDORSEMENT Arrached to Policy No. H - 9 912 7 5 lssued by First Am.erican Title fr$urance Company .The company hereby insures the Insured against loss whichsaid Insured shall sustain by reason of any fjnal judgment enforcing thecovenants, conditi ons, and restrictions referredto in paragraph l0 of Schedule g, based upon aviolation of said land prior to the date of saidpolicy, of that provision of said covenants, con-ditions, and restrictions wh'i ch provides forright of fi rst refusai . The total liabi'l ity of the Company under said policy andany Indorsements therein shall not exceed, in the aggregate,the face anount of said policy and costs which the Company isobligated under the Conditions and Stipulat'ions thereof to pay. This Indorsement is made a part of said pol icy and is subjectto the Schedules, Condjtions and Stipulations therein, exceptas modified by the provis ions hereof. Dated: Februa y! 4 o 19920rder No. 305309 Fht;t Amsican TitlE Insuru'nce Company PR€5IO€NT F0RM 100.5 Authorize{. Siqnature Form No. 1402-87 (4-6-so) ALTA 0wn€r's Policy P(}LMY (}F TITLE INSURANCE ISSUEI] tsY First American Title Insurance Company SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVEBAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEOULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, FIRSTAMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A California corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as 0f Date 01 Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss 0r damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred bv the insured bv reason of: 1. t. Title t0 the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested olher than as stated therein; Any deiect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; Unmarketabilily of the title; Lack of a right ol access to and lrom the land. The Company will also pay the c0sts, attorneys'tees and expenses incurred in defense 0f the title, as insured, but onlv t0 the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. Fi rst American Title Insu ra nce Company "" (AL/,e-^-h pREs,DENr on ", WJ/)*-991274 c,1*r/_/SECRE-?ARY . i.i EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The tollowing. matters are expressly excluded lrom lhe coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys'lees or expenses which arise by reason o1: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances,0r regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting 0r relating lo (i) the occupancy, use, 0r enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions 0r location of any improvement now 0r hereafler erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensi0ns or area ol the land or any parcel 0f which the land is or was a palt; or (iv) environmental protection, or the eflect ol any violation ol these laws, ordinances or governmental regulatioris, excepl to the extent that a notice of the enlorcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice oi the exercise thereof or a notice ol a delect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights 0l eminent domain unless notice 0f the exercise thereol has been recorded in the publie records at Date oi Policy, but not excluding lrom coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date ol Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser lor value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed t0 by the insured claimant; (b) not known t0 the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior t0 the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or darnage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained il the insured claimant had paid value lor the estate or interest insured by this policy. 4. Anyclaim,whicharisesoutofthetransactionvestingintheinsuredtheestateorinterestinsuredbythispolicy,byreason0ftheoperation0ffederal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws. 1. DEHiilTt0l{ 0t TERmS. The following terms when used in this p0licy mean: (a) "insured": the insured named in Schedule A, and, subject to any rights 0r defenses the C0mpany would havehad against the named insured, those who succeed t0 the interest of the named insured byoperation 0l law as distinguished from purchase including, but nol limited t0, heirs, distributees, devisoes, survivors, pers0nal representatives, next of kin, or corpofate or fiduciary successors. (b) "insured claimant": an insured claiming l0ss 0r damage. (c) "knowledoe" 0r "known": actual knowledge, not constructive knowledgeor notice which may be imputed 1o an insured by reason 0l the public records as defined in this policy 0r any other records !!hich impart constructive nolice ol mat- ters affecting the land. {d) "land": the land described 0r relerred to in Schedule (A), and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real ploperty. The term "land'' does not include any pr0perty beyond the lines 0l the area described or referred to in Schedule (A), nor any right, title, interest, eslate or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lan€s, ways or waterdays, bul nothing herein shall rnodify 0r limit the extent t0 whlch a righl0f access t0 and fr0m the land is insured by this policy. (e) "morlgage": mortgage, deed 0l trusl, trust deed, or other security instrument. (f) "public records": records established under state statules at Date 0f Policy for the purpose of imparting con- structive notice 0f matters felating to real property t0 pur chasers .for value and with0ut knowledoe. Wth resoect t0 Sectir'n 1(axiv) 0l the Exclusi0ns From- Coverage, I'public records" shallalso include environmental pr0teclion liens filed in the recofds of the clerk of the United States district court for the district in which the land is located (g) "unmarketability 0l the title": an alleged 0r apparent nutter aflecting the title t0 the land, not excluded 0r exce0ted from coverage, which w0uld entitle a purchaserof the estate 0r interest describ€d in Schedule A to be released trom the obligation t0 purchase by virtue 0l a conlraclual condition requiting the,denvery 0l marketable title. 2, EOiITINUATIOII OF IiISIIRANIIF AFTFR CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS the basis ofl0ss or damage and shall state, l0lhe extent possi- blqthebasis 0f calculating the amount 0l the loss 0rdamage. ll the Company is pr€judiced by the failure ol the insured claimant to provide lhe required proof ol loss or damage, the Company's obligations to the insured under the policy shall terminate, including any liability or obligation t0 delend, pl0s- ecule, 0r continue any litigation, with regard lo the matter 0r matlers requiring such pr00f 0f loss or damage. In addition, lhe insured claimant may reasonably be re- quired t0 submit t0 examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company andshallproduce f0r examina- tion, inspection and c0pying, at such reasonable times and placesas may bedesignated by any authorized representative ol the Company, all records, books, ledgers, checks, corre- spondence and memorand4 whether bearing a date belore or after Date of Policy, which reasonably pertain t0 the loss or damage. Further, if requesled by any authorized r8presenta- tive of the Company, the insured claimant shall grant its per mission, in writing, for any authorized representative of the Company t0 examine, inspect and copy all records, books, ledgers, checks, corresp0ndence and memoranda in the DUs- tody or controlof athird party, which reas0nably pertain to the loss 0r damage. All inlormati0n designated as conlidential by the insured claimant provided tothe Company pursuant lo this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless, in the reas0n- able judgmenl0fthe C0mpany, ( is necessary in the adminis- tration ol the claim, Failure 0l the insured claimant to submit for examination under oath, produce 0ther reas0nably request- ed information 0r grant permission to secure reasonably necessary inlormation lrom thkd parties as required in this paragrapt! unless prohibiled by law 0r governmental regula- 1i0n, shall lerminate any liability 0f the Company under tnls policy as to that claim. 6. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTLE CLAIMS; TERMINATION OF LIABILIW. In case 0f a claim underthis policy, the Company shallhave the followin0 additional oplions: . (a) To Pay or Tender Payment 0f the Amounl of tnsurance. T0 pay 0r tender payment of the amount ol insurance under this policy together with any costs, attotneys'fees and aynan.,c in^"rro.l hv rha inc".o.l rlrim:rnt urhi^h wprp (b) In the event 0f any litigalion, including liligation by the Company or with the Companys consent, the Company shall have no liability l0r loss 0r damage unlil there has been . a linal determination by a court 0f competent iurisdictior! and disposition ol all appeals theretrom, adverse t0 the title as rnsureo. (c) lh€ Company shallnot be liable lor loss 0r dama0e t0 any insured for liability volunlarily assumed by the insured in settling any claim or suit without the priorwritten consBnt ol the Company. 10. REqUCTloll 0F IiISURANCE: REDUCTIoI{ 0R TERMII{ATIOI{ OF LIABILIW. All payments under this policy, except payments mad€ lor costs, attorneys'lees and expenses, shall reduce the amount ol lhe insurance pro tanlo. 1 r. LTABtL|TY l{0llcuMuLATlvE. It is expressly underst00d that the amounl of insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Cofi' pany may pay under any p0licy insuring a modqage l0 wntch exceotion is taken in Schedule B 0r t0 which the insured has agreed, assumed,0r taken subject, or which is hereafter eiecuLed by an insured and which is a charge or lien on the estale 0r intetest described or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under thas policy lo the insured owner. 12. PAYMEI{T OF LOSE. (a) N0 payment shall be made without producing this policy for endorsemenl 0l the paymentunless the p0licy has b€en l0sl0r destroyed, in which case prool 0l loss or destruc- tion shall be lurnished to the satislaction of the Company. (b) When liability and the extent 0f loss or damage has been def initely fixed in accordance wilh these Conditions and Stipulati0ns, the loss 0r damage shall be payable within 30 days therealler. 13. SUBROGATION UPOiI PAYIITENT OR SETTLEMEiIT. (a) The C0mpany's Righl 0l Sublogation. . Whenever the C0mpany shall h?'/e settled and laicl a nerjs Secutco 0y a prlrcnase m0nev mottoaoe Oiven bv apurchaserirom lhe insJred, 0r only s0 lonq as lhi in-su,ed shall naive ttaUtttypy reason of covenants of wanantV made bv the rnsurcdrn any lt&nsler 0r conveyance 0f the estite or inleiest. I rus poltcy shall not conlinue in fotce in lavor ol anv ourchaser lrom lhe insured bf either (r) an estate or intetest in the land. 0i iril an rndebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgdge glven t0 lne rnsured. 3. I{OTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY II{SURED CLAIMAIIT. The insured shall n0lity the CompanV oromD v In writino til in cas€ ol any litigation as set forth in Saction,t{j} Oetow, tiit iri case l,nolvledge. shall come l0 an insured heieunder oi dny claim 0f litle 0r interest which is adverse r0 the tirle to th; eslate 0r_interest, as insured, and which might cause l0ss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue 0l lhispo cy 0r ( t) [ ttfle 10 the estale or interest, as insured. is rejected as urmarketable. If prompt nolice shallnot be aiven to tne 0ompany, ihen as t0 the insured all liabititv 0l rhe Com-pany shall terminate with regard t0 the matter br matters fOl\inrcn fl0m01 notice is required; provided, however, that larlure t0 notily the Company shal in no case oreiudiie the rrghts 0l any insured under lhis p0ticy unless ihe'Company shall I'e preiudiced by the tailure and then only t0 the extint ol tne prelu0rce. 4. OEFENSE AND PROSECUTIOII OF ACTIO S: OUTY OT INSUREO CLAIMANT TO CO(]PER,ITE. la) lJpon wri en request by the insured and subiect to the 0ptions contained in Section 6 ol these Conditioris and Slipulati0ns. the Company, at its own c0st and without unrea- sonable delay, shall provide lor the delense ol an insured in litigation in which any third patly asserts a claim adverse t0 lhe title or irterest as insured. bul only as t0 those stated causes 0l action alleging a defect, lien or encumbrance or olher matler, insured against by this policy. The Company shallhave rne flgnt l0 setect counselof ils choice (subiect lo the Jioht ol the inriured to objecl lor reasonable causei to reoreseni lhe Insured as t0 those stated causes of action and ihall not beliable l0r and will nol pay the lees of any other counsel. ihi uompany wtI n0t pay any fees, costs 0r expenses incurred bvtne Insured In the delense ol those causes of aclion which allege matters-n0l insured against by this policy. ,, (Dj I ne uompany shall have the I ighl at its own cost, to Insulute and prosecule.any action or proceeding 0r l0 d0 any 0ther act which in its 0pini0n may be necessary dr desirable tir eslablsh the title t0 the estare 0r inleresl, as insured, or to pte- venl 0r reduce loss 0r damage t0 the insured. The Comoanv may take any appropriate aclion under the terms 0f this oolic;_ whether 0r not it shall be liable hereunder, and shall n6i therebT concede liability or waive any provisjon ol this policv.I rne (;0mpany.shall exercise its righls under this paragraph, rt snall do so diliqentlV. ic) Whenever rhe Company shalt have b,ou0ht an actron.0r Interposed a defense as requifed or permi ed-by lhepr0vision6ol this policy, lhe C0mpany may pursue any liiiga_ rr0n t0 Itnat determination by a cout t 0t c0mpetent iuriadicti0nano erpressty reserves the righl, in its sole diicrerion, to appeal trom any adverse judgment or order. _ ld) In all cases where this poltcy permits or r eouir es the {-0mpany t0 pr0secule or provide for the delense ot any action 0r proceeding, the Insured shall secure to the Compenv the right l0 so prosecute or provide defense in the action oi oro- cee0rn!1, and all appeals therein, and permil the Comoanv to us-e, at its oprion, the name 0l lhe insured for this ouro6se.Whenevet fequested by lhe Company, the insureC, at thi [o.:pany s expense, shalt give the company allreasonable aid (i) rr| any aclton 0r pmceeding, securing evidence. oblainin0 wjt_ nesses, pr0secuting 0f defendino lhe aclion or Oroceedino. or enecttng selflement, and (it) in anv olher lawfulact whicji in the opi1i0n ol the Company may be necessary 0r desrrable to esraortsl tne ttfle t0 the estale 0r interest as insured. lf lhe u0mpany ts ptepdiced by the failure of the insured t0 furnish Ine requtred cooperation, the Company's oblgations t0 lhe rnsureo under tne p0trcy shall terminale, includinq anv liabilltv 0r oblrgatlon t0 delend, prosecute, or continue anv litioatiori. wrth reuard to the malter 0r ma ers requirino such iocodration 5. PEtl()T OF TOSS OR DAMAGE. . In addrtion to and afler the notices required undet Secti0n 3 0l these C0nditions.and Stipulations have been pr0vided the U0mpant, a prool of loss ot damage si0ned and sworn t0 bv the r0sured ctarmant shall be lut nished t0 the Company within g0 days after the insured claimanl shallascedain ifre t'acfs oivino'ise lo rhe.l0ss 0t damage. The proof 0l loss or damage'shii lescnbc lhe delect ln, or lien 0r encumbrance 0n the-litle.0r ?ther rnatter insured against by this policy whicfr constnuiei maKe tne paymenl tequlte0, sna termtnale, Inctuolng any liab;l y 0r obltgation td defend, pr0secure. or conlrnue any nrga||0n,.and the policy shall be surrendered m the c0mpany T0r cancellatr0n (b) To Pay or 0therwise Settle With Parties 0ther than the Insured 0r With tlle Insured Claimant (i) t0 pay or otherwise settle with other parties for 0r in the name of an insured claimant anv claim insured aoainsl underlhis poiicy, together wtth any co!ts, attorneys leds and expenses incurred bv the insured claimant which were authorized by rhe Company up to the time ol payment and which the Company is bbtigat;d t0 pay; 0r (ti) t0 pay of 0lherwise settle wilh the insured ctainF anl the loss ordamage provided for under this p0licy, together wiih any costs, atlorneys'lees and expens€s incurred by the insured claimant which were authorized by lhe Company up t0 the time of payment and which the Coinpany is obligdted r0 pay. Upon lhe exercise by the C0mpany ol either 0l the opti0ns provrded tor in paragraphs (b)(it or (ii), the Company's obti- galrons t0 the insured under this policy t0r the claimed loss 0l damage,0lher lhan the payments required to be made, shall terminale, including anV liability or obligation lo defend, pros. ecute 0r continue anV lilioation. 7. DETERMINATIOI{, EXTEIIT t|F LIABItIryA 0 c0rt{suRA cE This policy is a c0ntract 0f indemnity against actual monetary l0ss 0r damage suslained 0r Incu ed by the insured clarmanI who has sullered loss 0r damaoe bv reason 0f maF lers insured against by this p0licy andonli t0 ihe extent herein described. (al The lrability ot lhe Company under this policy shall not exceed the leasl of: (i) the Amounl 0f Insurance stated in Schedule A; 0r, (ii) lhe dilference belween lhe value 0f the insured estate or interest as insured and lhe value of the insured estate or inlerest subiect t0 the defect, lien or encumbrance insured aqainst by this policy. (b) In the evenl the Amount 0l lnsufance staled in Schedule A.al the Date of Policy is less than 80 percent ol the value 0f the insured estate or iriterest 0r the full bonsideration paid for the land, whichever is less,0r if subsequentto the Date of Policy an improvement is erected 0n the land which in- creases the value of the insured estate or interest bv at least 20 percent overthe Amounto[ lnsurance sraled inschedule A. then this Policy is subject l0 the l0ll0winq: (i) where no subsequent improvemenl has been made, as t0 any partial loss, the Company shall only pay the loss pr0 tata in the proportion that the amount of insurance at Dale 0f Polcy bears to the total value of the insured estate 0r interest at Oate 0l Policy: or (ii) where a subsequent rmpr0v€menl has been made, as to any parlial loss, the Com- pany shallonly pay the loss pro rata inilie proportioi that 120 percentol the Amount 0l lnsurancestated in ScheduleAbears to lhe sum of the Amounl of Insurance stal€d in Schedule A and the amounl exoended l0r the imorovement. The provisions ol this paraqraph shall not apply t0 costs, altorneys' lees and expenses for which the Company is liable under this policy, and shall only apply t0 that pbrli6n of any loss which exceeds, in the aggregate, 10 percent of the Amount ol Insurance slated in Schedule A _ (c) Ihe Company will pay only th0se costs, attorneys' lees ano expenses ilcurred in accordance with Section 4 0f these Conditions aod Stipulations. 6. APPORTIOIIMENT. ll the land described in Schedute (AXC) consists ot two or m0re parcels which are not used as a singie site, and a loss is established alfecting 0neor more of the parcels but not all, the loss shall be compuled and settled 0n a Dro rata basis as il the amounl o{ insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as t0 the value 0n Date of Policy ol eaih separate parcej to the wnole, elclusive o[ any improvements made subsequent to Oate ol Policy, unless a liability 0. value has otherwiie been agreed up0n as t0 each parcel by lhe C0mpany and the insured at lhe time 0[ the issuance 0l lhis policy and shown by an ex- press statement 0r by an endorsement attached to this policy. 9. LIMITATION OF LIAEILITY. (a) lt the Company establishes the ti e, or removes the alleged defect, Iien or encumbrance, or cures the lack ol a right ol access t0 0r lrom the land, 0r cures the claim olunmark-et. ability ollitle, allas insured, in a reas0nably diligent manner by any method, including lttigalion and the completiOl 0l ant appeals lnerelr0m, it shall have tully pertormed its obligati0ns wrtn respecl t0 thal matter and shall not be liable lor anv loss or damage caused thereby. ldu dgd 'sr d y pct5t,t|Jt p,Jperty lfl tespect I0 tne ctalm had thas p0licy nOl been issLJed. ll reQuested bv the Com. pahy, the insured claimanl shall transleito the Cbri0anv all rights and remedies against any pers0n or propirtv necessary in ordet l0 perlecr rhiujght 0l subrogaiion'. Ihi: tnsufed ctatmant.shall petmit trle company l0 sue, com- promtse 0r settle in lhe name 0l the insured claiman{ and t0 use th€ name of the insured claimant in any iransaction 0r litigalion inv0lving these rights or remedie6. ll a payment 0n accounl ol a claim does n0t lully covet the loss 0l.the.insured claimant, lhe Company shdll be sub- rogaled t0 lnese gnls and remedies in the pr0p0rlion which the Companys payment bear$ io the whofe amount ot the loss. lfloss should result lrom any acl0f the i sured claimant. as staled above. that act shall not void lhis DOlicv. but the Company, in lhat evenl, shatl be required to pay;nly that pan 0l any tosses lnsured against by this policy which shall exceed the amount, il any, lost to the Company by reason ol lhe impatrmenl bv lhe insu{ed claimant 0l the Company,s right of subrogation. (b) The C0mpany's Rights Against n0n-insured 0blioors.- lhe C0mpany's fighr 0f subt0galion against non- Insured obligors shall exast and shall include, without limita- tion, the rights of the insured to indemnities, guaranljes, other p0licies of insurance 0r bonds, rotwlthstandinq anv terms 0r conditions contained in those instruments i,hich provide lor subrogation rights by reas0n 0f lhis p0licy. 14. AREtTRAT|0 . Unless prohibited by applicable law, either the Company 0r the insured may demand arbitration pursuant t0 the Titli) Insurance Arbitration Rules ol the American Arbilration Association. ArLitrable matr€rs may lnclude, bul are not limited 10, any conltoversy 0r claim between the Company and lhe insured arising out o,0r relaling to this policy: ani service of the Company in conoection with its issuance 0r the breach of a policy provision or other obligation. All afbitrable matters when the Amount of Insutance is $ |,000,000 0r less shall be arbitrated ar tne 0Btion 0l either the Company 0r the insured. All arbit(able matlers when the Amount of Insurance is in excess of $1.000.000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Compary and the rnsured. Arbitrari0n pursuant to this policy and under the Rules in eflecton lhe date the demand fbr arbitration is made or, at the option 0fthe insured. the Rules in etfect at Date 0l P0licy shali be binding upon the parties. The award may include atlorneys'lees 0nly if the laws of the state in which lhe land is l0cated permit a court t0 award attorneys' lees t0 a prevailing party. Judgmenlupon the award rendered by lhe Arbitrato(s) may be entered in any c0url having jlris- 0rcu0n tnereot. The law 0f thesitus 0l theland shallapply t0 an arbitration under the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules. A copy ol the Rules may be obtairEd frOm the C0mpany upon reQUest. 15. LIAEIIITY LIMITEO TO THIS POLICY: POTICY TIiITIRE CONTRACI. (a). This policy toqether with all end0rsements, lf any, attached heret0 by the Company is the entire poticy and c0n- lracl betweeI the insured and the C0mpanV. ln inletpteting any pr0vision 0f thls policy, this policy shall be construed as a wn0le. (b) Any claim of l0ss 0r damaqe, whethe. or not based 0n neoligence, and which arises out 0l the status of the tifle t0 the estate 0r interest c0vered hereby 0r by any acti0n as- sertinq such claim, shall be restricted to iis pblicy. (c) No amendment of or endofsemenl tb thia policv can be made except by a writinq endorsed herebn oi attached hereto signed by eitherthe presidenl aVice presi- dent, the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, 0r validating otticer or auth0rized signat0ry 0l the Company. 16. SEVEBABILIW. ln lhe evenl any provision of the policy is held invalid or unenlorceable under applicable law. lh'e policy shall be deemed n0t to include that provision a nd allother pr0v isions shall remain in full force and ellect. .I7. NOTICFS, WHERE SENT. All notices required t0 be given th€ Company and any statement in writino required to be furnished the ComDanv shall include the number of this policy and shail bil addressed t0 the Company at 1 14 Eabt Fiith Street, Santa Ana, California 9270i, oi t0 the o ice which issubd this p0Ucy. :orm No. 1402 {6,/87}\LTAJCwne/s Policv icheitule A SCHEDULE A File No. 3O;5J41-O Policy No. H ggl1l 4 Amount of Insurance $ 425,000.00 premium $ 1 ,1j1 .00 Date ol Policy December i0, .|991 a'm' at 4:49 P.M. P'm' 1. Name of Insured: FAMILY VA IL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is: FEE 3. Title to the eslate or interest in the land is vested in: FAMILY VAIL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an | | | inois I im lted partnersh lp 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: ]HE LEGAL DESCRIPTION SET FORTH ON SHEET ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Form No. 14O2€ ALTA Standard Policy Western Fegion (Rev.9/87)Order No. J05J49-0 Pollcy No. H 991274 SCHEDULE B PART I This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: Section One: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real propeny or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained byan inspection of said land orby making inquiry of persons in posses- sion thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conf licts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 6. Any lien, or right to a lien, f or services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter f urnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. Section Two: '7 Easement over the Northerly 10 of Block 5 and.-a parf of Gore shown on the recorded Plat of 1 to 6, inclusive, Vail Village, First Flrst Fillng. feet of Lots Creek Drive, Vail Village, Resubdlvislon Fi ling, as 8.Restricfions, whlch.contaln a forfeiture or reverfer clause, but ornlttlng restrictions, lf any, based on race, color, rellgion or natlonal orlgln, provlding that no structure may be erected or perml*fed on Lof 1, Resubdivision of Blek 5 and a par.t of Gore Creek Drive, Vail Vll lage, First Flllng,.or other improvements made to such real property except for such sfructures existlng on Lof 2 in sald Subdivlslon wh lch may encroach fhereon as of December lB, 1965 and excepf for walkways, parklng areas and landscaping as Vall Associates, Ltd., may approve in vlrltlng, as contained in instrument recorded December 30, 1963, in Book 177 at Page 41 3. 9. Rqtf!ctlons, which do not confaln a forfelture or reverter clause, butornltf lng restric+lons, if any,. based on .race, color, rel igion or natlonalorlgin, as mntained in instrument recorded August 10, 1962, In Book 174 at Page 179{. 10. Those covenants, condlf lons, obllgations, easementl and reslr lctions which are a burden to the Condqnlnium Uni.t descr.ibed ln Schedule A, and set forth [n the Condominlum Declaration recorded ln book 175 at Page319, The Flrst Addendum (Continued) 0rder No. J05349 -O EXCEPT lONS - contlnued Pol lcy No. D 991274 recorded ln Bsok 1i5 at page 393,.The second Addendum recorded rn Bookaf Page 051, and rhe Third-Addendum recorded ln Book rg7 at page 465. 11' Bylaws for Vail Townhouse Condominlum Assoclation recorded ln Book ,l75 Page 387' and any and al I assessments levled pursuanf fhereTo. '187 Form No. 1056-4 All Policv Forms , SCHEDULE C The land referred tg in (his policy is situared in the State o{ county of tsag le Order No. 305349 Pol lcy No. H 991274 Co I or ado and is described as follows; ConOorinium npar+r.nt Unlt 58, VA IL TOII/NHOUSE CONDCI4 IN IUM, accordlng' *o the recorded .map thereof frled a+ Receptlon No. 9g752and accordlng .to *he condcmlnlum Declaratlon for vaiI Townhouse condornlnlums recorded ln Book lz5 at page 379, The First Addendumrscorded ln Book 175 at Page 393, The second Addendum recorded in Book 187 at Page 51, and rhe Third Addendum recorded in Book lB7 at Page 465. INDORSEMENT Attached ro Policy lssr-red No. by H-99L27 4 First Am.erican Title fnsurance Comoany by reason of any fjnal judgment enforcjng thec0venants, c0nditions, and restrictions referredt9 jn paragraph l6 of Schedul e B , based upon a ;I?I:; I'i,"In:i'i.I;?L i;':; ::,:n:.t:;:.:|,':;I-ditions, and restrictions which provides forright of f i rst ref usa'l . The total I iabr..lity of the company under said pol icy andany Indorsements therein shaJl not exceed, in the aggregare,the face am0unt of said pol icy and costs wh'ich the c6mpiny i,obl igated under ihe conditioni and stipulations thereof to pay. This Indorsement 'i s made a part of said pol.icy and is subjectto the schedules, conditions and stipurations thLrein, uxcepias modifjed by the provisions hereof- .The company hereby insures the insured against ross whichsaid Insured shall sustain Dated: February 4, Lggz0rder No. 305349 First Ameican Title fnsurance Company FOPFl 100.5 0k" ./t, ,flh Trrlr Covp,qny oF rHE Rocxrrs, iNc.all\ Wells Fargo Cenrer Suite 104, pOBox980 pn."", nro-rX;:;r!",,1t ?o) e4e,e486 OwHensurp & EHcurrreRANcE Reponr & llrvorce Prepared Margretta B Parks & Christopher L. Parks Date: February 2,200sTor: 303 Gore Creek Dr 64 Vail, CO 8165Z Order: 0806032-E Phone: 970-390-8345 Rer: Setldcc Belo E rcctutiofi itt Colorado lor: Eagle, OotjeLl, Qftnd, Jacl"ton, Lake. PD.k, Pitki , Ro t, Sun'i'it, ahd,t'eld CountE: Locotions In: l:pea ,4vo,fieavet C.eek, &rcdrcnrilq , Ataondale, DiUan, Frirco, Craeley, Rlqe, ond Lvinte. Pa*. Disclaimar This rcNll rel,ecls lh6 resu/ls ot a search of the coanty records posled lo lhe above described real estale only, and does nol hecessarily ,eflect invalunlary ,ens or olher mallers which fitght tre disc/osed by a search on the ifrividoal ownefs ot olher names shovtn lerenabove. The Tille Conpafiy of lhe Rockies, lnc. makes no $/anar)ly regarding lhe accur^cy of lhe inloinalian hercin provtded, and fudher, shal nol be liable for any loss incurcd by rcasut of lhe inlor alton repolted in lhis tepoft. THE DOCUMENTS INCLUDED WITH THIS REPORT ARE THE BEST COPIES AVAILABLE Pnopenry loEvnrrcATroN aNo Ownrnssre LegalDescription: CondominiumApartmentUnil64, VAIL TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUM.' according lo lhe recorded map lhereof filed at Reception No. 98752 and according to the Condominium Declaration for VailToy,nhouse Condominiums recorded in Book 175 ai Paoe 379, The First Addendum recorded in Book 175 at Pag€ 393, The Second Addendum recorded in Book 187 at Page 51, and The Third Addendum recorded in Book 197 al page 465. Prqpe.ty Address: 303 core Creek Dr Unit 6A, Vail, CO 81657 County: Eagle, Colorado Schedul€/Parcel#: R009540 Owner's Name(s): Margretta B. Parks and Christopher L. Parks, in joint tenancy Deed of Trusl kom Margretta B. Parks to lhe Public Trustee of Eagle County for lhe use of Chevy Chase Bank, F.S.B., to secure $1,210,000.00, daled July 20, 2004. and recorded July 27, 2004 at Reception No. 885619. Ouit Claim Deed from Margretta B. Parks lo Margretla B. Parks and Chrislopher L. Parks, reco.ded November B. 2004 at ReceDtion No. 896983. Nothing Further of Record Note: This reporl covers Eagle County. Colorado RealEstale Records Through January 19, 2005. CHlnses roa ftrrs Reponr nuo Docuuerurs ArucNeo , : , Description of Charqe Amount Qtv Total O & E Charge $75.00 '1 s75.00 Documenl fee $5.00 2 $10.00 Please relurn one copy of this report with your ramiltance paua e Io Title Comoanv of the Rockies. lnc.Total Due:$85.00 0h ')g Docn'!eD'! Coat-o1 DeDt -?501 ItiscoasL. -{v€nir€Eetbeada/ lrD 2 0 81.9 ft€pared By: .t€Ea 8a-Dclez, Loa! Closergaevy cbaas Bo-ok, F.8.!,rr 64Eerpt''ae'Iliao viej o, CA 9265d lll|,]il,tt{l iljill il lfllir"{ll til{uurnr DEED OF TRUST tr{tN 1000153 -05S4155333 _9 DEFINITIONS words used in mutopre sections oi rhr5 docu*err are defined belqw ard olher wor.G are. deiin€d mSeclioos 3, II, 13, 16, ?O aod 21. Canain rul€s reear.ling the usate of wo.ds used u bis documena arealso pmvidei in Secdon 16. (A) "Securib, Instrurnent,, means ftis doclll'trenr, which rs darcd ,ruly :0, :oolrogelhef wirh ali Riders to this Oocumenr, (B) "Borro\rer" is l.larsRErtt B. !-E.RKS Bo|rower is rbe !rusror under thjs Securiw InsmrsEnr. (C) "Lender" rs chevy ch,a€e saak, r.s,g, Lender is a feal6ral.ly cbalteled Eava4ge baE]r Iilllfl,ffii{:',"" 1f087,t23 /l/'t 16 llillrl ilil llll organized ind e stjng undcr tbc laws of tbe otllt.at state6 of .r.sertce LEnder's address ts 7501 WiEconBlD tvelue, 9sthosd., lrrD 20at4 (DJ I'Trustee" is ri€ Pubtic Trusree of Ea91e Couary. Colorrto.(E) "r{ERs' rs ivlontage Elcrrranic Retisrralion sysren$, Inc, I{ERS ls a separilre corporanon ,nar rs acDng solcry as a nomrDce lor Lander ard LindEf's successors al]d assrgns. lvIERs is the b€r€iici3ry undea tbis Secrrrity ln.strurnent. MERS is organized and c)iisirng under ihe larys aI Delaware, ano h ao rddtess and (elephone numberofP.O. Box 2026, Flinl, MI 4850t 2026, rel. (8SS) 6?9-MERS, {[) ''Nole" m€ans rhc promrssory Do(e 5lgned by Borrcwer and dirled .tBf,y 2 0 , :z oo{ Thc Nole sta(er tha( Borrow€r owes Lender Oae Xillioo Ty?o Eurdred Te! Thousa_od aDdoo/roo Do ars (U.S. $ 1.?1o,OOO.0o ) plus inreresl. Bonower brspromised ropal !lx! debt iaregular perrodic Payments a.nd to pey the debl in full Dor larer l]han Algu8t L, 203{ (Gl 'rtlr0pany" mejrls ths propenJ fiar is described below under rbe headiag .Tft.osfer of Righrs in r-be Propefly.' llearE lhe debr cvideoced by rhe Norc, plus inrcrcsr, nny pflpaynBot charges and la{e chargcs due under the No{e. and all sums due mdcr tlus Secur y lru!rurrrc , plus iolerEsl.(l) "RiOen" meaos all Rjders to thls Secunty InstrlJlnent Lhat are etecured by Bolrower. The follo*'ing Riders are ro be erajured by BoFowe. [check bol a5 applicable]: E Adjusrabte R c Rider ElCondomiruum fuder f] Sr:cond Home fuderLj Eallooo Rjrler E ptaru]".: Uoir D€veloprpnl Ridet tl il F.mily Rid"r L-J ve n,aer n Birveetly Pay,rrear Rider n Orbe(s) fpecify] (J) 'rApplicrble Lsrv" m€rJ all controtling applicablc federal, sfale and local aarure5, regujarions, ordinatces .nd rdmiDsrralve rules and ordels (!hat have rie effqct oflaw) a5 well as all apFlicable final. non-app€lable Judicial opinjon5- (K) "Commulity Assoclarion Dues. fees, sad Asiessmenlsr, mear5 jll dues, fees, asseismenrs a$d oder charges ll€r aie ituposed o|l Bo(ower or lhe Propcny by a condomjru'rm assoqrarion. lonleow$en i5socratlon or similar organizarion. (Ll "Elctcr.onic Funds Tcsnsfer" rnearls aIly tralufer of ilnds, other th!, a rransacrrat orjgiolrrd by checli, drait, or slmilar peper llurrumenl, which is in(liared rhrough an elecrronic rermirul, telephgtic In5trument, compulcr, or rT6gneuc lape so a! Io older. in5trucl, of authonze ? finaoctal lnstiru0an to debr! or crcdil an account- Such rerm ll]c]!dei, blt is oot lirlted o, poinr-oi-sa1e t|ailsfers, alton.uted teller mrichroe Lranjacticnj, rrarsfers roiristed by relepbooe, wuc rransfers, a]]d autorTuled clearinghouse tra!5fers. (t}l "F.scrow lrems" mrans tios€ tterns Lhar are described in Se.rjon 3. (l\0 'rt!fiscellane{tu9 Itoi=rds[ mears any compensauoo. seolcment. aw:rrd oi dnrnagcs, or proceeds paid by any lhitd pany (o|he! lhao iBurarce proceeds paid unde! the coverages describrd rn Secdon 5) ior: (i) datrage ro, o. desrrucuo! of. Ote Propeny; (ii) clndemrarion or other laki0g of all or a$l pan of oe Propeny; (iii) conveyalce ro lieu of condem.oation: or (i./, mis.cprcseo!.riorjs oi, or omissrons as ro, rhe value a,.rd/of cordrrio! of t-he P.operry. (Ol "Mort{age lnsurrnce" mealri insurance protecturg Leuder agaiosr de lonpayaenl of, or dcfrulr on, the Loan. (9 "Pedodic Paymenr" rne1ll5 tie.eEulaiy scheduled aolouor due for (i) prhcipal aod Norc, pl|l3 (ii) any anrounrs uodrr SecnoD 3 of rhis Seculiry lnstrumen|. ulder fLe lllilllillillllll fiili*?,,."ilflillliiltir]iIril @;oaicot ,ooosr L108?{23 flul'IPATM DEBD "t.ts DEED. r!t:dsr)U-1^r,r '-7 /o / ,:0a.,, b.r\ten il!rA..rb 8. hrkj ofLnc Courryof[uBi! Md 51ilc oi:ColoRdo 8,o,o(t,ond M.rg.crb a_ hrl3 rn! €lrrl5|oph.r L. pcrru, q Joia( . r/rr r uf LULUr<eAuL' I I coullrY of EAcl,E 155 l_lE ro'(B.,ng ,nntud.n, pG.cxn6,vtccg.! bcfor! mc rhi5 J du) of ,vl'osc letslladdrcss E lcrl Co.! Crcct D.ilc, 16-^, VliL Cotoftrto Et657 ofd. Coun.J of E0glc and56r. ofCotoBdc, grdrlc.rrt WITNESS, thir lllt snnro(r), for ard llr coffidcrulon o[tllc tum of ...Tcn Doll : lld otbcr good 6nrl !r lulblc c onsidcrrl ron " " "' r.; rcc e'pl snd 5! llic'c ncy ot whi.h ie hcrlb y lcxllo w lcrl Bcq hll rfmrsc4 .rlra5cd. 5'r d !n'l QUITCLAtI'1EO, lnd bJ rhcsc FBlnL5 docs rcn'5c. clcsc, *llud QUIICLAIM, unro rh. smrcc(ri. hi5 hcrs and a3irgr15 forcycr, ollr,\. nghl rirlc, lntcrctr, cllrm $J dcnad $iicl! ulc srunD(t ho3 n snd ro rhc rcrl propery, [gcrh.r wilh rmFrovcmcfla. il any, rnuitc, llrng and b.mg In rhc Counry of fugic ard Sbrc of Colorado, &scribcd a folloei: Condoninl!rn Apan{rcnt Unit 6A, v^lL TowNtouse coNooMrNtu[1, 0c(ordins lo ltr rr.o.dsJ m p tt.rcolljicd Recsprio! No. lfi5l lnJ r(cording to thc Cond!Drnrurn O.alD.t(ldn lor VailTorrltouc Coni.lDminrum5 r.co.dEd nr Ador t?5 or l!!g.3?9,Th. f|dr r{tldr.J!nftcrrd.'l in Borli lt5 !l PcC.l9I ADe S...ro AndrarrF rc.o.d.d io oook lE attogcjr.oodThcThrrtj Addcndun r.$.dc'.r tn Booll tE? r! frgr 4{5. !lsoknopn bJ,lrrtctr'dnombcrar: 301 CorcCrr.[ Dnvq6-,1, V.it. CO 8t657 TO H-/\vt nfiD TO HOLD drc 5rh., togcrhcr lriri .'l a,d sD6ula rh. lpputllmc* Md p,iv;legc! rturcunro ccloo$ng. o. in !n)*Ec rhenuro cppenaning, lll $c csatc, nglt tllc, inrcrcar ord cloirn rytrd5ocycr ofdrc g6nror(r), cilhc n lsw or.qrir}. to rhc orly pfcpcr !sc. benelir and bcho.iof d|c e|[nr..r(j), tris hci6 rnd a$lgns Thc soguhr numocr rholl inciud. rla pluml, thc pl!-rdlthc rin8ulqJ, lnd thc uic of lny Bcndcr5hJl b! lpplicDur lorlrtsLndcfs. z,+ltlld{ss l}HEREOF. t}c grutot(j i$ crcclbd tri5 dclrt on lnr o.rr srr ru,d. abuvc.{t \ \ i Dlsrxrrt(! 8.?fils sroreonco.Joroo I 'lob -'ilrt,, ',,4u, nlf CofrnrFo..!p(6: lllltrllllillllill,illillllll llilllll|rlllllllllllll ffi:iii" " "rlrr r lrFqnrq. Erelt. C0 rt9 n 6,so TC!-UA-:I :J:l rq.lo I I lLc r<uL|..!tr: R.flr.oei Pakq'Mr{greff ' ' Prcp{rrd torr-- K-nrby Scbuab P0nfolio Moqg{ge- PO Bor ?46 Edwards, CO 8163L. C O|lrMTr|rt E IYT- rdr TITLETNSURANCI \1 $rr.o bt 'Ttrrr Courar.rY or : . Ei€.ll,o, I Frf,rr Ar|'rlcrr Trru'tmurqct Cv'. .. Trdcey L Baumgsrdner Tjtlee orryq-vf tbr'ftoctics - -Ea€lc County 00?0 Bench.urarrt Rd #loaJ8jfi::3 t. ScHmor.qA ElTcctive Date: April'2l,2004.7:0{tan . I Policy (or Polici$) lo be issu.d: AITA Loar Policy (lO/1?/92) Issuc Datc: Nhy I l, l00a ?iilici-,&iouor ..Sl,:10,000.00 Pmporcd lnsrued:, Chr? €hrrrBrrtsti*Dj; ia'Succe3torr'!trd/or Alsigrs The catale or inter.st in Lbe land dcscribed or refcned to i.D this Comrnigtcm did coverpd bereb is: FecSi4plc I and tit/e th;flo ii al t.b. -cffrctiie -d;rq -hrl.eoJ vesrcd.id tt///////Mrrg/rr*rr7hrf.s, */n:ao:rnrall4/ac+tz;oty'tcr:+rr, wt$ E rYlfo'd, c. y,l;t"ar{ wlitetgrd,/Cttlilo#r L, Pert{and Ml.hs.lft. Prrk!, .e}d!l! tn comfioo, ts toy'r /udrtivid-cd37.65 % tJ1..4. /- /' ^ - -, ) Y Tlrc l'd-rrfcardroio*tffilo*do, and is dercnbed avfollows: FOFLECAT DESCRFtIOIrSTTSCIfEI}ULT-^ CONTIMJED ON NEXT PAGE ( I ruilililillil|*ilfi"';i,",., SC.EtrDULE A . CONTE$IED t l;lilif *"ed ro in rhc Commiqnenr ii coverint !h€ rand rn ore Srare oiColondo. Counry of Eagle , dcsc,ibed Coodo!0tEium Apariment UDit 6A.ViILTowNEoUSD COr\rD Or\4li\rriM racco'd;sg 10 tbe rccorrled 'oiD fbcreoftcd ar Recaptiou No. 9E?52 and accordiag ro rbc condamioiumDecJarrrioo for vait ror+rDo,sc €*.."-;';"-u i""-".aJ r" i""t'rii "t o"r" a?9, Tbc Fi.-r Addcndumrccordcd i! Book 175 ar pae€ r93' Tbe sacoorr -raacaoum rec-oJ"i ti uoot rsz ., l"ge 51, 30rr rhc 'I.hird.{ddcodum Gcord.d i{ Book187 ar laee t65. Fi)e No: 0804J72 ililtilflililirilttililillilt]||ultJ Sidodro. €..tr _ Co rEo-ue-{uuJ rq. 1u Cotnniunern ND. 030t1?2-C Scltcdulc A (conrinucd) LEGAL DESCRIPTION :fh€ laDdEErI! toi! hc.sirlFlo€s.d ladtGi.BgtolSi€{. Siardcdiar..do,s)d degcribed [! follpr{s: Coulomiri|tm {permcDr UDi!.djL-' VAjL TOWNHOUSE CON DOMINIU\4 accordirgtanfficd Erap"frlrldtted"rkccatytioflNil gfifiudic.ordiDgro$c Cardoluitrfun DcclaratisD for Vail Townholsc CondomiflilrD' recordcd h Book 1?J ar Prge 37t, Tbe Firgt Addenduo r.cordcd-i*B.ok.1?5 rt Pagc-39fi..1}f3ftonffiddll!.rrcddedlEBod( lt?.srPage. J.l, c6d :rxd -r Thlrd AddcDdurn rEcordEd itr Book I87 P.cc 465, llrc Con 'rrtn^t - Sc,,.bl t - ca"lMd >ru :r.t::!qurtr r-- r]4j ll,,tr Sch.dul. g.Il -EraEpiionrConE tDct|| No. 080.t17:-C CoM,il lTilr,rr ror TrlLf, llisuR^-\cr Sir!nrn rg-.Ssif:|oxn-,! Excsrtror{s Scb.6rlc B of rbe pohcyor goiicirsb.h. hlretrivi.lfsooriin "rqeFribsi .o.rhc Jo.llo\r{nt.oancrs rmlcss Loe gtmc are drsposEd of10 the satisfactioo of tie Company. -AtJ, lolr or daq|agg,-i.ctEditrg[nomsy fe$;ty rEslon ofth€ Faran 9hoq,D below; l. Any fffls, rigbre, idror€sE, ot clqims which are Dot ihown by $c public rccords but whicb could be Lscenarncd by !trl-inspqmio,D-oirid tard or by nraRilg,inqiriry-olpersons in possesJidn rhcreoe 2, Eascmenr or claims ofcrycrDcDb, nor sho*r by Orc public rccords, 3. Dircn?anci.r,-ronficrsitrlomdqj.litrcgsnrryrbaE4tuctoac}raurS, aod r.nyortrr hcr: which E conecr suwey would diJclose aod which arc not shown by thc pubtic recorG_ 4. Any licrE orriltfio a-lied-torssreicrs, l8borormnrEri,rrilrcrDftti3 or-hlr!3-0!r$,uni'hed, impns.d by law ard nor sbowu by tlc public records 5. Dcfccts, ItrqcnrEnbr4)scr; !dv!r5r.himj or r,thir mqn.s, jfaly ^i,,r".r,firrr-rFpelring in thepublic rc.cods or arachirg 3trbsequenl lo ri. cFectivc &te herco{ iuf prior ro rh. dare ofrhepr.qPTt4?*rcsftqr i'qr-ef rcEorffirvr@lrelr'i'r.Erd!ru;1gsg€ tlercor cevred byOis Commitrncnt. 6. TaacJ drrc dprlrblq"!+ltry_lad slccii,Lsscrsutllag, r,!.Er*e oa.fas jrafo..rl jertydervrlqqsr service, or for any qtler spccial tarug districr, 7 E&rcrnctl orErrbcNol1hsrv ttrtulrqftrots I fF q init,i<ii4 R;ji,hdit-iiiol afBJock J r!d{ F{l1 of :.o..rt Lre4k Dnvc, Va]t \4ltrgq FiGLFililg, s3 shown on hc rccorded plsr of Vail Villagc. Firslf ltmB. 8. Rctmctions, which coDrain N foif.iture or rcvrtcr claugc, bur omining rcsrri$iots, ifaDy, based onrace, color, rcltEircB-orndioal:origia: lruvidiqg dst.nojFrlctrurrorit-bi !r l.d o, per;ifted oi {!tl, Rcsnbdivision ofBlock 5 EDd a pan of Corc -rcek hivc, Vail ViiLge, Fint Filing, or orha I mFov€menG.Dad6 tc sur b.1|'l pro?ertjr"i!"pffvr-suEi.rl|rDcrrEi rrbdrg,on Iot? ir$.e;d buDdrvtsron wbrch mry cncroach thereoa as oi Deceober l t, I963 .!d .xccpt for *alkways, parking arcas:and latrt.".f ing-r+1hi!4s$cier.+. Lld ! ,n iaprrrrrc-ia ro.nir6..as-cortaingd j.D,iDLDlrnent Yecordcd Dec.lobcr I0,l96j, in Book 177 atpagi ei1. 9. ResFi4ioni;Blric! do-nlt rjoft{ila 6-rG.ih']l! or,!v4r14r.rrr,.^. g,i o-;ci^g {ea!-icrions, ifary,bsied o! racc; cqlor, rcligionor Eational orid& as conubed b insrrument re'cordea nugusr t O, i962,i! Book 174 ar psg€ f7q, )0 Those covcnsolt, condirioos, obhgations, easemAnts ard rE3D,ictions wbich ore 8 burdefl to the e ondorDifttudr ttrh dcacribetr iIrScMtF A; lN,ldler jiii[ jn rli. C;"fii i. iurn n". r ",arion recordedit Aook 175 sl PaAe 379, Th. Fint Addendum rerorded in Book 175 at pagc l9j, The SecohdAddeDdueE ordid i!.Bqo{c+8?-d+gr& ,5d$s,Tlbd-,lrddesdtrdriont gio3ool tEl utPsgr 465. )1. Bylarvrfr:rVaitTomiDE? Condumiifirm.Isrocietidn y6;a11g6i1 F66l( .t jlr.I{ge 3t?, an{jnr}. Conmilns No. 0tr0f372,e' l,,l Sihcdrrlc g-lr €xccpliort (crrmirurEd) aad rll aseessrrerrs lcviEcplrsursf dcr€fo: 12. Noticc Rcguding Vail Tor.r,nbouscs Condominiun recorded Augut l, 2002 ar R.c+rion No. r0l2t5. I l. A-Dy loss or d.@age rcsulring 6oE tbc faihue to providc rhc Coopaly or it! BuLhorized agent evidelcc-dlr.rri dr6-lDdftr.lBlcsE rcttrh?iqdty dlElloDrcown.rr Associatioo bovc bccn plid. , lllId Contaitsvnt. Siri4.htJl r.".{,^-.|.d!!t*4 Past5ol6 ]OTFTL P. 05 v+/ ttrl,r. vv.+r .-,,i ' €Pfl-€?*2394 15:t1 ortrn Fron Lnnd Tit]e tS5) Frl rnd h I ndman 0? Apr ?004 0lr19t?9 PItl lt|lr **eJt?j'oo "'hh Chl.!!o'l'tl.!Eu@c4 CO4II tt a r. Ta C1)'vtftl rt !t gN{ +i.biifi'lii A '€ur €rdw fio. +*0+0.96: -l "r,'mr _EEl= " '*nrgr6 *e*:rie: 3$gi;r_)gEcsEgff(& vAL 1. [fedro blo: lillth f.|1 liiia xlsjltl] E.]i. l F'U.i lo t'n irii-d4 r.tH "i'irrF e.d l;r#,..rea!: iTBlt" CoElr{lmart Ropprod lnrutd; 'r$ Bll l$:i'il*irtlN ltii l. Ilrt edt$E t)r lrl6r€rl t[ t]E lcn*de'€rlheil rn. rc-terreft.rtrrGl.r{:rEn!$t t ald flt?ard lrrtuln trl A Frc HiuSr e, lL'Ja l€ tlta 6',,teia €r {tti}J:ciil cay.fra hcf€h te et ue +ltgerjvc Ccr4 hsr4lE ./!!t!d lgr .'lEiJ,Eri. vAiL, LLq a c(X/(lRaDO LtMlItE) LtASIull' C(TMPANY J. -l:ic baj-ft5etred +05+:k4+st1.g{51-tsr!e:+jllcd eelala*e: ('()NI!{!t'ffN!IJM Lltln 6Er. VAtr T(}WiVFODSBI-LIiCDOIdIHIUFIAC'L'('RDIV(] lll TEB C( )f{ D(lvrl}i fLrM h{A? TtlltRItCtF AND nllrSuANT mTF{E COomOftfiNttM MAP TBIIRFII:' ND Pt]nsll^I\T TO 1'Hn coNDoil{lNltrMoteLrft#Htosl-tEs€o*$tlD JANUARY tg, rfd4t\ frooK rTS aT raGI lE,'iqRTT AfDf,lfDat$I'Ft)AiEDE[:rn'iirTitiFr'iE{-'ttftDifi J*nf,r,rffiif 5j, ffdi Sr-Bixifi l?5*T PA(iE 39j, fiCOriD hiiir-.T*DUi',i-TO DHf;;tFtFSH E14ffiP,!> t#A RC.r; tl, 159,!{ E+g lS? AT P.,'=gI 5l ..+iD::{JeD } rr!l'!ts{r(]&4 't!!l)t,c!=AcafloN t{Ectctu}ItjD r}t /'l{r}rlil{R 11. 196J.lFt lool( t87 .{l' rA(E46f. C{IUNTIT (j[.rrA(;t-S. tiT.trg ()f (:(t-{ recD( ) " r - o,ril*/lDl03 0S:i)B IAX itOJ atl Uijttl trriin'r q trliitflEfir fF-36e4 15121 of url and hlndman rlrilr'Ftr | "d'#&i" Frg|i !.!nd Tltlc (56) Fnl 02 Apf 2004 0lil,9!19 Ptl MST Poe' 4 o? I .A L'I'A CO1r1Mtl'Mi:NT' S ch..F8--S.Ctlsa t. iR.,iffiroEisEEi (hrr llr{ar I'dr' Y!Ulll4$(t'l l'!6 fct!oF!.!:F E.E llrrsgukenranll !g br c{}Eplild.*llbl tblr (r) ltyfict! b or td.tll'ct€outrtrf, {h' F oElor+or rmrllrrcra 0f tlrc ArU sorgi{LT olicll ioi iht nti'it or btstlti tr h. ilrulbn .. i{.'ft t5i.S€f..{!strrurc=t{*}]:Er4qp ira crrrn or tntrr+rl,to! l6nlrd |trdt bo ctcr.drd tod dull IllC lor ccod FtElg lnm (r) ltvgrcn! oI d! l&ed, c.halBor or lsso tBols bvtsd ad |aEc$!d $ri4t u|c fffUlofi lftnirH rtti(iI ilt i$ rdF dls, Itcrr {d) Aers[ood ft*rirsi6i63. tf !fi rEBalorat Hkv: 1, A sUt"L COPY Of tlt& OPli,li{liNcAUlis+ug{jLAISi ANW EuEJltrl"IlESJAUr.IlC-\ g Ll)}rii-DoaTilIlnnr.|Afirtr.!r trNrPrffri{ffrr tm rtumlimi m t,rXii lfl-Ej=-uinlNrr,5.r-'niF -{Y. S4ii) nffiii|*.:nny ldus'f DECI Gen:r{tcni*itfirwt- li:cu#+RtxJrrsi;$" i#"+sg+* ctt:n!:R+rrs.tcrrotlwutt l!*'rEg[sfS $r ngF-i PPJX#IY P(.BJ|-{!D LitlTIv. N OTSI-AD1)IBONaL ltlQUIHHM$ni'-|$ Ivr^ Y lth: fl u($6Ea.sv l]tgllry.U]ll)H,1tAl D(LIIMF\TATI{hL r. <sRifi(-iig$8 EIAF,{r$-FRH:I+#J$41,{,\{:{JS#LTAN{jET+IIH !gEsB!#;, €.I}lqlrTtc'r*S Atg.?R&rFl!a-rN3 OS COFfDOPItrI[,tlrtn$Cl4SATlCfi{ 3. EvrDli.NCI: 8^:rSF^gFCn:v TO Ttm eOA,nP^tW-1H^T Tm flT0ISrCONDITiONS ANf) PRDYT$IW{$ T)r rrE Tfn r -ol-1/AE TF'ANfifEra^J( i#avti'stfrti3{-fnii5tD. 4. WAitR4NlY DE!:,D f lro_ !r! WF.r. LHa.VA.ll* U.c' A CO!OH/1j]O.1JMn'!.|) LrA,BlLIlt (:oAtPANv TO fi } Btr DEIERMINEI'(:ON\EYN(;.$tIhGCT PR(II'ENIY. iifiIE; AXTffi=;ffi-fil{;A}tfffAfiif{fi'firiffjijffi.t^il. i;i:Qi'tt{tl:,tlfti$f}i$fiIED Lr.{Br rv couPAHY tr€cJinfris)-F.^.RhAR^. c. lYF"F,r',Ts ANf} vr}rcrrtr'}a c. !+!tIJ,s As lr.t !? Md. Nr f:t'Dre l Nt)rlf,: ATL PA ltl'tqi WlLl, tt{ REQU UiH} l0 8tf/N A fut*Al, AtltIl)AVIt' tu\li) AGltl:f&|l]Nr AT CL(XiF{(;. . .N{rrE:.4!)DiT!{.I{-aLC.E(i'{.rAB'{ENTS t)RB](CFrl}NS jVAY EE NECSli$Atl AT.\iucE r]ME AS TRn NI,IYRRS N^MF€ ^NE ^DDI'D To T}NS OOMIIITMDNT. vta t t.*t v\'P. 84 r, SJPE6.-QF'-92-2ffia 75,21 f rora Lrnd fltl. (S0) nrtcn and h l ndmsn Frl 0l Apr ?o0a 0I I 19 i?! '}}il lssf cise J d I *pc-s9-zee4 t !:44 Pn n t Fni;'-''l P - 65 €PR-€2-2&s4 15' al Fron Lrnd Titls (55) e. trn rard h l$dtrsn Frt 0? Apr ?00a 0l:19r29 PM ll5T P,gEru." Pag.6 of 8 aLii cor'rl,l ITM g'H ?l &hc0deD.Ss{don1 {ljxl€tltan) l}rr (}rrlcr Nrt' V3fiXl{9f1-2 Tin atlicy-tr psclo( io bcisrcri 'riii'coshintrrtFiiodi*o i,li'iiffiiEfiifl s'8ffft6{f€ €!fir*cd ..... -L., -^.4.t^-d.-- -t r\- J!,.---,-rL r- s.. L?.n|5trJ. l. . RlBhh 0. cl6lttBd pFnlc| lr lor{iririon ml rhown by lh* pnblit nrcorfi. l. lbirn ttr, or cldrnt o{ sroenenlr. not rtn?n b! thc Frblic rrordr. 5, {iriafqsixiat, rrtrfficii.irrir*dr:Fiii=;i;j@t-nj*s, trcddl--l6irfreirtk* "{lj4!a a+€r'f +*r=af {d in;F1c+ af llx F!r!tJ*! r.ftH .rs!+t+ !r!d tltslal-a rrr Eer elslen+ lte PsHff rH'a'rA- 4. Anc lhn, rlr rlght hr r teq lirr' ncnicor, Lhr rr ncrdd thorg! 'rrrl ,n hundler hrntdud, trrrpurd by llw ud mt rhown bt Ac plEr* *eortlg, 3. Dciit'n, li6t! 34@f;lnccr, rdvcnt: ctdinn rrr 16or rrriiuln, fl qf, rrrldle liriri tppurirtgg in tE! triidil ajari6i* 0a ibeltrt i*eq'ri*i 6.s3.cj€{l|+c**.91rlSid#+ gi- r""-$e i#9Ficdls*sd-ea{FCe4lr+$ad lqr !-rrh rt5 -arrsr &.t-r--. '.qP rrar!*!g tlcmo+corcrcd$ lbb C{rnrdtl4*rg- 6. Tfr4* or Bpcrirl atrotE h€nb rrtich an rut rtrolrn a,! en;dng lienr by fhc pdlt ncnrdr'o the l\ta.rurr/r sftlce. 7. Lisr lor rqtdd rrr rnd m'vcr du4#r, it rny.. t. Ja-{dCi{c+ {!c e*sc/+;+!ic1-*il!to +d{rxl$.t b"c+*3. { *r s4!1n64.{csJ-4! $"h"(lutc.I-b+tae{' 9. trl{,'ln' 0r'PRoPtrBl\)ll ojf a vgIN oR L,oDtJ l'0 lI'l-lr!.cr aND tul\tsvE Ha oRtr T1IEREFNOM JIEOII.D lEE SAIVIE BE FI)UID T{) I'ENETN,ATE (}tr NTEN$ICT 'IIiE TNEW,b&] zrs Effiftnrrtr) ini itiiiTnit-STnlrit ^ffi{Tf,ffOifiiii:D fiji.? it, iii99, fii60t(rs rT a.^ ttv lea rri rur;Hrr 0r w^r ruR Dlm.Hrs ox efsinl-s coNsnriJcl'El) Bv tllt AuTH0ttl'lt oF 'l'ltB UNIIF' STA]EN AtI RS$EI{VED IN I'NITED ITTATT^S PAIENT REC(}NDtrJ} JTIT,Y U' 1II9'' lN BOOX 4t AT PAGn 'F!. I t, x[sl?IcTrvn coY$lANTs wHr(3 ru Nof con']'AlN A r.oRlilll'ruRE oe RttlltBTclr cl,ALIit!. gu.I 0$4.rtlL!rc ANY covt)NAN'r'oB Rt{5TRf,lrro}i BA 8I{D oli RACS Cgr,o|t' R.grtGrON I sn(, IIAIIDICAP, LtlvtrI/rr. tilAT[J3{ffi+ATl(flrlAt;lrlltilN UNt.Ellft AI\ID IINLY t(f THE IiXTE {T T'IAT SAID COTNTNANT (A) Ni IDXIMPT T]NDNR CHAPTII,B $, gNCT|qN 360? Of tir! tiNtfiti) straTi's cai'E oK (ii) iii:i.ir?s fi) ii^il'iiicA-P EUT Diitrs Nol: .$RLRS/flll{-B'4€*S{#:F{iA}lS.Hl+$*lRH(}Nfii+.9{II+I+SH*+jHS{R[*GAIT*$L:(;RDIB AUGUST !4, le€l, !N 800{ t74,^!'P r:g !79. 12' F.AStftfl{NTS, COVfNANTS; CONI}IIONSi F&STIIGI.IONS' RFSEnv'tTtf}Ng AND N(miq ft{ Ttlil xDqtxDrID PLATG A arsvEDrv6$rt{oi-ErfqK-! luso a?-AiTfFcoirr ci.lsx l)nlYb. vJal|. t l|/-/t{.& r!S! l lrr.r{1r, i=.!t f hh i)ro "rJa rrFttr vr\ii,,r a nilliiin,{t P - ta6 ? AqR-Q:l-2€84 15i?2 oi.lin and htndman Freh Land TltIG (36)Fr1 02 Aer ?O04 03:19r?9 PM lv!57 P, E#;Ii" P€r7of6 .^-!,?a e oMitat!'Mf,Nt Sche&Jo B. Srdonl, IExtryri0nr) limtirlts' lt o. .V5txrfi,lti-: fbo pdley oc Flichr.]s.*. *rcc+ l'llf {os$!*a:ea+l]lcs$ ftsjguc+isE]lldle rtit *fHrr 9rr dllgrrrsd o! 1) th. |}tgsetltrD trf thr CrRpeEtI 13. Tf,Rl,!{. cxrh|DlrxN$ Al{D rR(rvrr*K}r$ coNTAlNEn IN co$to(trtln'IuM rriig,AHAlr{Jl{' xtrCDt{ItftD t{ml^nnF?t. ttrtf 1riifrSR ifi n'i-iAftj?t.fftS?flfiiinfiDuM .tC Dfl,rini?'ioFt ttstcDtsDtt) jAsw"Ar(y 1i, 1p$4 tnr Bcoc !r! *t .t n(Jg-3s3, Ecc$+g) . *4DSiqgL.}{.!!! orra A naEllg Fn{:(ulr}Fn t\'f ^ n(rf 1I_ jlddlNJo{jK rji?. ar -pacE JL ANI) THmn ADI)IINDUM 1.8IlrirCtJrRATtON f,ttCOxDnL frDcr$vrFEr !r. t96S its ROOK 18?' A1 fAcli465, 'l{. ELSit[{f,lrrTS, ttrtDIn0i\ii;, (]sritffffi'i$,-i6i'tbtiiciiiii*i$HvAi:f0F{€+,ir}+gH-OH 118 Rf,C()RDt! FI.AT { rF v*f, T{}qD-r,,ri+rJf;gt Af+D ASSEHSgtsi EtMDp FErjEtdE{t ttlg4 rN noox.rrr AT plGrr _tr94 ANl. AMTCHDTVENT nIlC0ru}g) ht/ttCE l, ?001rb{nl'll&{ No rg?602. 15,'I'l;t{!vls,coi'iDnnN6.At/rrPtovlgic*t$.Oir:pAJity.wALl,AGltfitlFitNT.rqjct]iiitti]Jet+uiRy ' i9; i9{f Fi-BiXi{ i7g*.i+ii#*?3. !6. E(ii ft\-. ri r^EatiEii AhD TII|AA CIg\. . ,;" 1,o\/.,4/-- i HU t,-6>- z\1\t4 I I :4.{ Pt1 nFR-O?-?044 tst22 P,EJ7 o.t!n and Fri 0? h I ncmen Apr ?!84 ni.:ii?i Pi'i iiST a ,6efac EEftFroF Lrnd Titl r (S5) L/\ N I] TITLts OUAITANTgE COt\IP.A'N'Y DiiiCU I'IURE ]iTATE}ENTE Niib;.I\e,*E* er C|!g 1lf 1!.UX srrt:: lrr h:*be glvrn 6gl Al Thi r*nlieat rs.l pFo!6ry rnrg b. loa#6d ltt . rFci*l Exi4g ldldrL S) A Ccninrdc of Tnr& orrc llollq tflri l|rirg jrEidlclloo ny bc ohridcd frJtm {bc Coltrty TrtsrEal r rrfrlr{rcd Sc C) Thr |riilrmddtn ftgrr$4i rF(1d riirriotrirhclxluelrirrdfrdrdrriri*rrryir-tbffitffror ifu lirlxi oi Corav filrrialrrionr, (fu flliua{r (-'lori ri! Htto.J..'a or tht (briu{i .L;';ca*r. Nors !!f!!edvo SesurSor l. 19ft, CnA 3G 1{t-l06 t€qdrtIi lh.t dl dqflrncnor 't{alved for rrcor{ing 0r filiql Io thr crcri rd nrordcCt olltcc rhdl conldo r lop nrollL! ol6i lcert on lrh d r bA, dght rd blloo Euryltr rtl rt lorrt {rru hrll o! m l6b. T}c dcrt rld rtctndcr tItt1y relltts tr rutrd or Jlle dry dlrrgldtflt t}rr {o6n nol corform. rrc€}t Itmr $c rcqdlcm0n for aho iop rttrrgln ti|*ll mr nFdy ut {trlsuntrm udrg fr'rmi onritici-FFoo io]yo"iftd fi'rnmrriia'ortrryiEiiriTtdiorTttrior-r*incfrfudottrad S+b: Color:do Jltvirloa-of iuutset..xegdsiiortr .l,J-I. Ilrgryh C of Attclc vllrt4drr* tho! 'Ilvcry rl[r cnri{v ahrll hc rtr4uihli for dl nrllro *blch lpgarr of rscord Pdr !r thr ticr of rccordq& whtorver ti* !tre s:dty r:rlldnctl ths clonlng rnd h nrprnililo tir ocrndhX rrr flllug tf lcgtl .bcllnffr{| m tq l\on thc !'am|.usn phlch w$ clorod'', ltovidod hat lend Tltle Crutrsniso [,brpo-q] mrdrtrt3 ox clarint oi ttc lmun:d tnwsclioa gtrt ir rt-tpofiJble ibr cconiing iirc ingd trcnrErltr-ffir-u'nctrrrrcrtptti*nmharg-ir11|"€t+tFFl*ria*a$a:frr Flft kliev cd f-- lecFn hakv wltn ls€!r.d. Notr; Atl'trnqiw nnchnric'r lleu pnrtxdrtn frtt Ors ()r+Er Ely h! erdhNc (Sfc.ally h.dEhlltrn of flc.#or rto. 4 of Scho&le H' Soclloni rf fio.ermd|r'e't-frollrtffinc/8 Poltey t4 lI j6dud) oFr comClorxc *lO' 0t lollorirA codiliorr: Al Tlt{ ittri rit*rihcd in licbNiuiq A. rtf iih crrrnmlqu{d nrui ix u ltEit lurriiy rcti&re *lddt 'irrltdr-rtoit&afiirrrittriolrftat rld- !+) No ls!+r or 4!.c4g! !ee,.i b+c! nl.aal+le4bt E hrtic4 et t*Lde!4!e* fot Pu!g-44! 0t crrrrtruc{uo rnlbr fr.'d dsmrthil {n tictrdd+, ,t '{'fir Crprurdbtt wlthlo the Ft 6 ttsrnhr. L) Tt* CrurryV rrarxt rlcirt rn rypruprirb {lldvlt lndcrnrtfy'ng tirr Cornprry rqgrinl un'fi}ed nrchrric'l tdf ,ul&{d.nlsnr llcr$i D) Th- Crmprlv nast ncritr P.trrurrt .* 0l rpprrprfu: pncuiun li) F ttere iu ti-err crnrtn rio'! tfffosemr* or mqf,r mfln |lrdgllEhn on liF FFrt! to bo Fi,-.-heesd -rrtl*i. 9:n-t€+*-*-a5+f+ fH cf Lhs CqsqilRpst-tk+a*be*f+ syd^ee+-et**e frtr uurgudld lLll g[Mrrst!&; drct+'sls! {* crrtda s}D|!rts&s! b(urr-lgt!trr llnerjld ldltttnson B to the setlcr. the hdl&r'md or thg co$tatbt: -p.ynionr of ths tgro1tirts prrrwn fdl.v cxcstitcd Ldcrtrrit LsnrcErotc cetisttc|orl lo tho com!,o.rt. !d4, irrt eddi0otd .nqullttlcntl rDrt hs Errri.nt dh'f r'l !(!!lndnu<tf thc dlrrtr,dd {nirrrrudon try be Ormpr4t, No roycrogt rlil ba d rf,n udtr rqy dftuftdhEiis I0r llbor or.sliirie! tw irblc! |i.,' r-*C hr rnnrnr.rsl frrr rs sxr.rl r,r lw Nolc: I'urrulnt to ClLf L0.l.t;!fli m e c k hnrcbt givcl: fHl nrdct agdkr i) otrbt'J:r Frucy cltffi{Enrlh conlcioing u ninal scrtrunru lll{i'rrrud €rceptiot! or eree/otu. In llhcdtla Il, Socllon 1,'i) 'ftrrlhti-nrmi$ rviritscfu. nl*trrri'crttllrftr'tcrn-mrcrd iEEqti frofrcrlvirc (oflty.d frrD thr firfrst arhrr r*ib ftrtr ir rr*rt#il Selflrrrt* *ai c did-Fo|tt !o!dr rlt4er,glt-h4al !.!o!!,4-re, aller rrlrpr'ah, or geotbrnad rE-€y lnlbt!tro$tg.:.tDd ti) 1'bar rrxb ofdool cdttlc nl&t lEludc {bc. dFnt h culcr tDd |rlic thc F.pFfty .wllbotlt llc *ltirc utvFr'r !f,Erll,lAll rt!' Notticf, lcreh coddrd wiilDo dogrEd !o oiliieri. titc coitgnl |c!.{ovido riqy of t'r cotcrrggt{ - t*trr,r#.*t*rri+h{r*e'ri.$ierihi+cfr *{irfifi-m#t**€td tori Drrclsrr.,t! 0 t / 0li,0l TNTAI P AN m ro od to ! ',\i I",-| 1-j:r .l:, .a\ ) \ ) i:r. ,.-. l.; .t '.--. ! tr, ', t t l: m(o od (o L"gaf dcscriprion:for J6lL_Block < -_n6l, ZONE CHECK Pbonc Addrcss ir)r /!.^.. /; Osncr Architcct Zonc district Lot sizr _ tL Total CRFA t{ni{s l-C I : Phonc 47L- ?z4l Proposcd usc Brrildablc arca AXqysd E^*isfi[g hoposcd Tntal = ovOC R cmaining I , + 675 = 42j crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250.{ddition? Horv much .of rhc allorvcd 250 A dd;tion is usc,i wirh this rcqucst? 5k 5g zst ?9 6A'. 6b zfF a{ zsb d 2t? 42* ?5b eI ?$6 Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks 27 tt (300) (500) (e00) (1200)w/n Pcrmihcd Slopc e-*;<lJrs yo.-=-r e$tlt|q /\ff_ Encloscd Proposcd Slopc Y.r-l_ No I) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (j0) 5) Gcologic Hazar.ds a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Roclt'all (*'lr) \qzt 6,ru - + 164 = 1,2f,c tw +4tftt , -€4)€i) ,/ ,./ Front Sidcs Rcar ri r!.\i .( { ;i j uii^,d%411u* ' 3'16' R eo u ircd .' ?0, -v 72 *"a Ycs. _ No c) Dcbris Florv . Projcctl DESIGN REVIE\Y CIIECKLJST Scalc Scalc Building Hs;g61 Sctbacla Sitc Qqysmgs EavcVOvcrhangs (4) DcckVBalconics Caragc conncction Sitc Cradc\SIopc +__._: RctaininglValls Fcnccs Parking/0aragc Turnirrg Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) ..--_ Snorv Storagc Q FLooRpL,n{s Scalc 250 additional CRFA Crarvl\Atlic Spacc EHU Q BU]LDD.IO I:LEVATIoNS Scalc -'- 'lolor\Matcrjals tr LANDSCA-PE PLAN I,.dsting trccs F roposcd bces I cgffid MISCELLANEO:JS C'cndo ApprovaJ Firc Acccss DiSt{- oo-?8 Design Review Board W^th/tt1'€/'"1 t Va-u-lf,*nhautu Proiect Name: FAMILY VAIL LTD RESIDENCE Project Description: 250 ADDMON FOR UNIT 58 PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 815s8 ProjectAddress! 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL VAIL TOWNHOUSE CONDOS. 58 Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block: Subdivision: VAIL TOWNHOUSE Parcel Number: 2101-082-3001-0 Comments: DORWARD RECUSED Pafticipants: owNER FAMTLY VArL LP 03/11/200s 2OO W MADISON ST STE 25OO CHICAGO rL 60606 APPUCANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE03/11/2005 Phone: 970-476-2201 ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB050079 Location: ,r*ffi Saz U*t 5t4$bs /if L BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion Byr Second By: Vote: Conditions: DUNNING HANLON 3-0-1 Actionr APPROVED Date of Approval= O4l2Ll20Q5 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buibing. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO P."SnoudontHoph i nsFeb ?tl tl4 O6: l{p T0l,14\I g P 6t locatlon of ttre proporal: Hamc(s) of Owner(cli Irlalting Addrea: Tlr"*" i Gene@'FarTrr--ff-Siltr(s) Stgnarre(r):. l{amb of Apificanh ilalling Addresc: E-tnall Addrsca: Typc of Rcvlew and Feettr Slgnstr C.onc€ptuel Revleu, .- tr, Neuv ConsitsucdoD . ' FAddtuon . '. tr MlnsrAbnton : (mulU+arn[y/ostmeria) Mlner Albntion (dngtefamtly/duplEt) . :. Cha.EEsbApprovcd phns Sepsr6uon'Rqurst Fsr:Oftct Urc, Fldld: 'Pritzk<!r., /a5 3800, and Phqnci. tr tr App|k"Son Eb or tre z0NE CHECK Lcgal dcscripri cn:tot t 41 L_ nto.t <--l;&lAddrcss 1r)1 l*- /-, t. +-,. -- r . Total GRF.{ En r,"i66nm gn ta 1 ftl azar ds t{d{s f-L r . Allqrvcd E*-isdng Proposcd Tota! + 6?5 = 425 crcdir plus 250 addition Docs thts rcqucst involvc a 250 Addih-on? ,lr< 5n'! zro 4 zto bfr | at? o( 29 Horv muclr of cbc allorvcd 250 Add:tion is usc.l Mrh this rcqLrcst? 5g 2go of, zp (,b zto t{ zrb sitc co'cragc Gq*) -g\u- 6,roo -r- 16L = 1,Lte il^ff, + Rcmoiniry o. Hcight u;ft$ i +,-)€--) J ,/ / *_= -_Scrbacks I . Front .. 20,fi -'- ' Lv ?? .l :'0", -+ zo N/*\ a,/4;1 .Rcar *u t{ i:ndscaping uli^r,rfud4lu- qaj(fi) Rctaining \\rall Hciglts i ,,, U, 1 Prrking Renrrirnrt -.r..ong :Rquircd uoii\ o, _Encloscrl Carasc Crcdit G00) (600) (900).(1200) DriYclvay Pcrmiffed Qtnnn n v. u', Lry4y pcrmiftcd SloDc e.$;4tv 0/"_ proposcd Slopc Conrplics tvith TOV Ligliting Ortinancc ycs Nn ,i-.--- Arc finishcd _eradcs lcss tban 2:l :50%) ycs / Nn I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wcrlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50)_ ,/ 5) Ccologic Ilazards _ r tt a) Snotv Avalarchc b) Roc[t'a]l c) Dcbris Florv i I i '-p Project Name: Project Description: C Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: LesalDescriprion,ro, {l ({fi , arocr 5 , rr^n l/,r;( V,-llo Az lsF , zon" HLrr'lK Commenls: Design Review Board ,^," 1, fTf o / orsnFpRoval Summary: .:1. I ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRTCTS V*, | /;tt,6-,h( Ua:l S €^tl^t* ,. LZn I Allowed (30) (33) + tefrlJaFl DA'E! tllt" 04 .nq I LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LOt. 5 B]OCK 5 r:-riNg ADDREss, 3oZ 4olr< O.-1. Ar,v- 5 A d SB owNER (h** P rt h L.r pHoNEl> lt .ARcHrrEcr ( t ltr lLhs pHoNE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE 20, 15' 15, (30) (50) a) -1 /' ).i i, ') lP t a, /6t Parr rd Heighl rll^! ^ lr uud.J. bI\-E }| Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage i- ;j -,,1 ""1 ' Y-Landscaping Retai-ning WaIl Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronment a1,/Ha z ards : Does this request involve a How much of the allowed 250 Existinq Proposed Total ILt ?rtBL_ U =-.rs--a A.!:"j rcFe rnnPcl+a'ra*t cle-Adl w+ L&thlwk qe"A (300) (600) (900) fvo eh-rr-,.r,V -r- i ryzn. {b'tzz1,qt1,a nrWr- PrryUnJ raI (1200)_ Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope ,vla Date approved by Town Engineer: | .t , Ives h*^l lt* No_M__k! 2?? ) aute-eat- 1) F100d Plain uo( in {Lol th,\ 2, Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands 250 Addition? ho Actdttron is used with this request? 10 141991 '.':: \ SC'g MAY DRB IPPIJICAAION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: *****THrs APPrJrcATroN I{rLL Nor BE ACCEPTED uNTrL ALL TNFORMATTONIS SUBMITTED***** r. PRE-APPLTCATION MEETING! A. pre-appllcation neeting with a planninE staff menber isstrongly.suggested to deiermine i-f any aiAitionafrntornation is needed. No apellcalion vrill be accjeted ft is the applicantreresponsibility to nake an appointrnent r+iltr ttre staff to flndout about additionar subnittit reguirenents. please notethat a COMPLETE apprication wirL E-treamline the approvalpro:?:? for your project by decreasing the nunber- of,conclrEt.ons of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL :?""1:r?ns.of approval nust be resolved before a buildingpermlt Is lssued.. App).ication wi1l not be processedwithout Owner's Signalirre. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:o(' ,^]lrlfarlv4 B.ISCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: UF.{l1- 6l\ Legal Descrlption Lot w Block 6 Subdivision VAL-VL c.NAI'{8 OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: vAu't 4flW?r,;* hluafl phone D. NAIIIE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address: F. G. AlC,Adl#t {1.-, UCI( O U phone Condorniniun Approval if appllcabl.e. Zoning Phone *-l L'fre"aL E.NAIVIE OF OWNERS: 8IGNATURE (8} : MaiLing Address: DRB FEE: VALUATION $ o-I 10,001 -$ 50,001 - $150, ooL - $500, o0t -$ over I 10, ooo$ so, ooo$ 150, ooos 500, ooo $1,000,000 s1. 000, 000 FFF $ 10.00I zs.oo S 50.oo $r.00. 0o $200.00 9300.00 (ovER) II. IIIIPORTANT NOTICE REGARDTNG ALL SUBI'ISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In additi"". !: meeting- subrnittal requirenents, theapplicanr nust stake irre ,iie_C" r;a'i;;t;-fiop..tylines and building corne"r. - fr.*s that will be removedDust also be marked. [his work must Ue c"nifeteabefore the DRB visits the site. 8. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS witl normallyLnvolve two separate rneetings of the Desiqn ReviewBoard, so the ipplicant snoiia-tr;;-";-;;'i"ast trorneetings for a tinal approvir. c. Appllcant" y!? l?.:.f -tg lppear.before the Design ReviewBoard at their schedured'ir"titrg and who have not asked,f,or a postponenent witl nJ-ieqrrir.d-t"--r""iepurrtsrrea. D. At the discretion of the zoning adninistrator, thefollowing itens rnay not have t6 Ue presen[ea- to ttreDesign Review. Board. They, however', nive-t" lepresented to the planning bepartmeni iJr-approvalc a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changesthat do not atrer the extsiing ;t;;-ii tt "buildlng; and b. Building addltions that are not viewed frorn anyother Io! 9r public,space, which friv.-fr"A Letterssubnitted. I:?i-adjoining property ownerc approvingthe addition; andTor approvai rr6rn th--igent ror,or manager of a condoniniu:n assoclation. E. You nay be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studleson-your property. you shourd check witrr i-rown Frannerbefore proceeding. .,i . NN.TE OF PRO.'ECT: LIST OF MATERIAI"S IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: INT-L BIPCK trI SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRG'ECT: 6nutt The followlng Review Eoard required approval TYPE OT f,or submittaL can be Eiven: to the Design A.BUILDING Roof, Siding lnformatlon isbefore a final UABERIAI.S s Other l{all Uateria}s Fascia Soffits Windows window Trirl Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I"ANDSCAPING: Nane of Designer: Phone: PLANT I{ATERTAI^9: PROPOSED TREES B. Ouantitrl'Sizet ---- EXISTING TREES TO BE RE}IOVED *Indicate cal.lper for deciduouE trees. MATERIAI, Botanical l.Iane trees.Indicate height f,or conif,erous BotanicaL Nane WlolfHAaa 'l Ouantity SizerlPIAI{T I{ATERIAI.S: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING STIRUBS TO B8 REMOVED GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION rYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Comrnon Narne rod__ *rndicate slze of proposed shrubs. I'rintnun size of shrubs is5 gallon. TYPe square Footage 6xwtk4aqp #a-wyi c.orHER TANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining war1s, fences, swlmningpogls, etc.) prease. specify. rndi6ate r,"ignir--i'retaininiwalls. I*taxirnum height- of wilrs within irte-iioni eetback is3 feet. Maxinun height of wal.1s elsewhere on-tfr" propertyiE 6 feet. t 1,, *- Yfz*fr/Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner Staff Approval sNouvDoN. & #3T:Tks #H rrEcrs vAtr. coLoRADo 81657 ,i'r, '.' (303) 476-220r i A,- TO {erintt fJ Change order n ! Plans ffiTch oF TrmANSnfl[TiT"AL;ti "^" 5//1/ (/ lroB No ATTENTIOI! *"F///ah/ FaMa/ the following items: D Samples E Specifications I Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit-copies for distribution E Return -corrected prints > wE ARE SEND|NG tou f, Attached tr Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings D Copy of letter tr FOR BIDS DUE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked betow: [J For approval ! For your use D As requested coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION o 6ilalq/rt/- 44 /&4/h/ar -f0' n/r'^' /y'zt t fuaffr" i 4*,{M/ fl Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted E Returned for corrections ! ror. ,"ui"r, and comment D 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS \ SIGNED: r9lttJtrzlo? /@J tnc,filbi, rB or,lil lf oncrosqrca ara aot 13 noted, kirrdly notity us at once. JOY R, HILLIARD .#:ff3$:J?::::i::i," Mr.Kurt segerberg, pro j ""t n""nj.i"""Jt7ae'o5e2 $grdonr R. Fiercel arcnitect1000 South Frontage Road -West Vail, CO 8165? uear Mr. Segerberg, August 29,IgB5 r am writine in response-to.your letter of Aug.21, lpgJ concerninsMr.Thomas,ll pritzt<br's desii"-'io", and plans to build, a whirl_ -pool spa, deck and boire" "oo* o"'tr-r" noitri "io" or his condiminiums,Units #5A and. 58, in ifre v"ii fo*"houses. r own #4n in the vaif rownhouses immediately west of the pritzkers andam totalLy opposed to the *"{i"" concept toi ttre following reasons ! 7' r do not wish to have a spa in my view to the East towardthe Gore Range. The view-from tire Co""""O Bridge to theEast will also be degraded.2' The potential for nol""-or-both peopr-e and machinery isinevitable and, worst or-atr, *io'i"orraire. The noi_se ofpeople. p"".t{.11q- in a spa a"o'on i-a;;;*;; hour of the davor.night, winter or summer, und.er my three i;;;";; ,i"aifi{which are_ all on the norirr-sioe ana"imn,eiiatery adjacent tothe pritzkers wour-d be an :-nvasion-oi"iil"""v and very ^ .ylpleasant to have to live wiiir.---)' wnere do the pritzkers plan to have the snow shovelled offtheir roof on the North'"iae: it ;;;;t Le oumped on thespa or U::I: "lg *.u neighbors ao noi care-to fraiie ii--put"on our roofs, porches or terraces. When my own roof iscleared it wilr be difficult to """ iirui none of the snow,, ?trd ice goes on the spa or deck.+. Access for construction wirr___be disruptive and d.arnaging alongthe west and North sides oF-vrir-i;ilfi;;;;s to lawns and toour homes, and the potential io; ";;;;**iJr_r"tion in Gorecreek will be ever prese"i-o""i"g-i"i-"r{"" constructi-on.5 ' r think a spa invitis ,rana"ri"* ;"a .;";;;Jssing and wour. bean "attractive nuisance". s:-"""-i; ;;ii';" buirt on propertyowned in cornmon by all in our condominiu, ;";;;i;ti""i-;";;r_der what kind of insurance would have to be carried by theAssociati:l lo protect- rit or us and what the cost would be?Our condominiums are a]l second homes. w" have no residentmanager. An unsupervised spa could be a disaster. r hope the Pritzkers wilf not buir-d the spa. Thoughtful and con_siderate as they.may be, when they ar,e noi-irr*"", they wir-l have nocontrol over thei-r guests' usage 'or tr,e "pr. -ivry'ri*iivl-iiu"I" "r-,a r have enjoyed for iwentv o""-v""rs-the quret,.the naturar beau-uyand the nrivacy of the N6rth-sioe of tire=vaii'torni.ouses and Gorecreek and our ihr"e p;.;;f;l iedrooms. Sincerely, .4//zz,>-Ynr-l-l-rardVai] Townhouses Thomas a Braun, Assoc.,Ross Davis, Jr.,Elton parks,Jr., Town of Vaif, etc. BARBARA C. WELLES 9602 SOUTH GILPIN STREE. ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO AOI IO TELEPHONE (3O3) 7.At.33OaaF1\'\5 @ncnzrfla-{1^L Drfi'|i:r:;rt}(-\ J_ Cvrrr bz ott og uncilD)t_ -\-D pDkJrc hta,tina\ -occ\4 -L W\ )t -to *-".;rn 6lncl cd+zo'r\ \t4L ttpi . Pr. lqA( on \+h1_- -pr;+1qc.t- f torut:-f . fTrvl \ri}z{^ -+"o ff\t. Tt',+1q14'--, qrc,hi*t t-t ogpOrnc,\+R_ ?"r\t * \> -rnd..^uJ- ' hn:&roi.^ ( ,i,\utt=., BARBARA C. WELLES 3602 SOUTH GILPIN STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLORAOO AOI IO Iilr, Kurt A, Segerberg 1000 South Grontage Road WestVail , Colorado 8165? Dear lllr . Segerberg: Thank you for your letter ofkitzker. |fu. pritzker ownsUnit 68. August 26, l-986 August 2:-', 1985 on behal_f of I4r. Thoinas J.the unit directly west of our Vail townhome r have reviewed. the plans for the proposed whirlpool spa with deck on thenorth side of the Pritzker unit between the building ane c,ore creek. rt isny understanding that the property on which l,{r. hilzker proposes the add.itionis not owned. by Mr. Pritzk"r, but by all owners in the building. pernission !o -nake any ad.dition to the Vail townhone building requires approva] of75% ot the owner interest in the building, I- do not approve of the proposed- addition because it will change thecharacter of the building and the surround.ing environnent. Although T amsure it would be well planned and. landscaped., we would not wish to rook dornon the structure or its occu?ants fron our windows or deck. Secause of the change the structure wouLd. cause to the now peaceful northside of the build.in! we do not approve-ine plans. Thank you again for Fritine. Sincere 1y , lbc"**x.'\r.- ( . v\'t\\t --> Barbara C . 'i,le 1le s cc: Vai] Townhouse Assoclation Dan Mosel-ev 44 South Birch Denver, Colorado 29 August, 1985 Planning & Environmental Commission Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Dear Sirs; We have received the agenda for the September 9, l9B5 meeting. Listed s4 on lhis, is the consideration for lhe Thomas J. Pritzker deck and hot tub additian to Unit 5 of the Vail Townhomes. The Vail Townhouse association has not yet responded f0r, 0r against this proposal. We will have our annual meeting on 0ctober l, 1985. This will be discussed lully at that meeting and we will give our decision at that time. Sincerely, fl***,Jfu"- Nancy S.Parker Co-presidents TO: FR0r.1: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Conrnission Community Development September 9, 1985 Request for side and add a hot tub to Unit Appl icant: Thomas J. De pa rtmen t rear setback variances in order to 5 of the VaiI Townhomes Pri tzker Thomas J. Pritzker is the owner of units #5A and 58 of the vail rownhomes.Mr. Pritzker is requesting a rear setbaik variance of 20 feet and aneast and west side setback variances of 20 feet. Approval of thisrequest would eliminate all setback restrictions that apply to therear yard of l4r. Pritzker's townhome. The reason for this request isto enable the Pritzkers to construct a patio/deck and hot tub. Thepatio would extend from the residence to the rear property line (25 feet)while at the north end maintaining 7 to g feet of iiae seiback area. Thesouthern portjon of the deck abuttinq the residence nould cover the entirewidth of the lot (26 feet). The applicant makes the following statement regarding the request, " The reasons we wou.l d like the rear setback eliminated are as follows:First we would like to locate the hot tub as far away from the ice andsnowfall l'ine of the roof to a11ow adequate protectibn and safety of itsusers' secondly, we would like to provide approximately B feet access lane between the rear of the building and the hot tub. Finajly, because other owners of thjs townhome complex have made similar improvements to thejrrespective properties we feel that our request is in keeping wjth neighborhood improvements which have been permitted in the past. [^Je intEnd to laniscape around the tub and deck area using native fir trees similar to those inplace to provide a natural privacy for both users and neighbors alike.lle would also ljke the 20 foot sjde setback requirements is defjned in thehigh density mutiple family district, sect'ion ia.ozo.ooo eljminated becausethis restrjction would severely, if not tota11y, eliminate any improvementsto this property." CRITERIA AND FINDINGS review of Criteria and Findin Section 18.62.060 of the l4unici eDe artment o nnmant v!6 antrrnan UCS IC ance Das e acrors: Consi derati on of Factors The relationshin of the requested varjance to other exjsting_or potential Due to the nature of the ownership pattern of the vail rownhomes, virtualiyany exterior improvements or additions require setback variances to somedegree. l/hile the staff feels that the owner does suffer some legitirnatehardshjp imposed by the side setback requirements rve also feel th;t theproposed design does adversely affect other existinq structures wjthin the Pritzker -UJ/28/85 area. The addition of a mechanical room'in the southwest corner of the property, while necessary to service the hot tub, may adverselyaffect views from the window of the adjacent townhome. The extensionof the patio area to the eastern property line rnay adversely affect theprivacy of the adjacent unit to the east of unit #5. The staff also beljeves that by respecting the rear setback line this deck and hot tub could be constructed in such a way that v'i sibjfity from the adjacent units would be greatly reduced. The deqree to which relief from the strict or literal inte retation and en fo rcemen t or a s eo re ation is necessa eve comoa unl Torm Irea nr amon sltes ln tne v or to obtas tit It js the feeling of the staff that to grant this request would be agrant of speciai pri vledge. It is our belief that through an alternatedesign the objectives of this project could be net while maintaining agreater degree of respect for the setback requirenents thus creatinqless impact upon adjacent properties. In this type of high density /onedistrict it is important to maintajn open space areas". l,le feel that thjsproposal does not meet that objective. '/e do agree th.at this site andjts related setback re-ouiremenis does present a-legitimate hardsh.ip tothe owner, however we do feer the objei:tives of this proposar courd bemet by maintain'i ng a greater amount of open space. The effect of the rejus:te!--yg-!!Ilcq on right and air, distribution of There 'is a ten foot utiiity easement that runs a)ongof thr's property. The applicant has received letteis encroachment upon this easement from all of the local0ther than that there is no s.i gnificant effect on anyelements. RELATED p0LICIES rN VATL,S COl04uNrTy ACTTON PLAN the northerly portion approving theutility companies.of the other above No policies are direcily relevant with respect to this application. Such other factors and criteria the commission deems licable to the p rgpg! sll rt!,!"r' an ce . FINDINGS. tg*BJarlli!g=gld-Eny.i-!g![gntar conrnrission shar r make the foilowing findingsqelqlle grantlng a variance: IlSt,lhq granting.of the variance r,riil not constjtute a grant of specialpmvl ledge lnconslstent with the limitations on other propertjes cjassifiedin the same district. Ilil.lh" granting of the variance wili not be detrimental to the publicnealth' safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties orimprovements in the vjcinjty. pritzt<erl- s/s/Bs That the variance is warranted for one or moreof the following reasons: The strict or literal_interpretation and enforcement of the specifiedregulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physicalhardship inconsistent with the objectives of t-tris titte. There are exceptions or extrordinary circumstances or conditionsapplicable to the site of the variahce that do not apply generallyto other properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcment of the specifiedregulation would deprive the applicant of privledges enjoyed by theowners of other properties in the same djstrict. " STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS l'lhile rve recognize that this property may warrant some relief fromrequired side setbacks we do not believe htat there is a iegitamate'involved with the request for a rear setback variance. t{e 5elieveof this project respecting the rear setback criteria could meet theobjectives of the owner while presenting Iess impact upon the sitethe adjacent property owners. the hardship a redesi gn and I t- l O,INBRS l!2a ; & 2d Riehard K. Parker hlr ti. Blrch Slraet Denver, Colorado, 80220 )2o-6620 (H) Jenrc:; M. Todd & Max L. Euwer 5?3? S. Gall'rp Str-et 1 Li.ttletonr Colorado, 80120 795-650r $) ?94-1509 ,(o) !2e 5.x1 iiarf l'j Vj.llage Road : Enr'l e'reod, Colorado, ,cdll0 ?e1-.3974 (H) ??3-3800 l(0) ,. Thorl' t s J. ',tfa t son , Old'Orehard Road' Armonk, New Y91ft, Harotd T. ltCune ,, . clo l,[cCune Outboard ]Iafine Co.2J0l Blake Street Ddni'err. Colorado, B02OJ 825-12.68 (o) . . / ti- Vfs6-,,,',:(/[-6tr-:{ouf Hlton Parks'Jr. 1602 S. Gilpin Englewoedr Colorado. 80l.IC 781-3308 (H) 6{,'f LtJs l Canitoe Laner \,an]'to.t LSne EnqlewooC, Colorado, 80 7 /)-7o t( B:irbara t.Je1l-es lo, P0110 126- # " iiffio iHj -'y 7/ i I i .t, ' '.:! t I I t, Ii2. it iil:A ir'" " i.,.. irt .. g, #6a 'tr\i2b 4, il?a 6. #4a @ I It ,l U'*t" B : Jr" i i 10504 t i I I I i, "@ru, 8. #5a & 5b , I,tichard B. Tucker I R;ndori Road I Engl er.rood , Col orado. 8011076I-55y 1u1 j?3-8ioo'(o) t'!rs. Joy H':Illard 4600 S. !,lonroe Lene' Englewood, Colorado, e0110 789-0692 (ll) Jay A. Pritzker i, i Two First llational Plaza Chicago, fllinots, 6Od?O 312/62r-4200 (o) o ,! I VAIL ?OfNHOUSBS CONDOMil]UM AfISCCIATION Vail,y Colorado @ rt' Vq(I il6Jlo*o b'( , (ooe " /- '.. f''' :ll-'itt, | \f Ross Davi},'Jr.,l\\ Attornev at Law ,un" ,0, Vail National Bank Buildino Vail, Colorado il;4 %'r _ P.O. Box 190 Vail, Colorado gl5S7(w) 476.2414 I .t . I Tlq lie .. .l\lna\MT r rT lrr, I ; Yal I,r' t,OIOf ad O 80110 Plaz: 5o5io :it A;SCCIATION I : VAIL TO l /NHO .l;+ l;rJ 1.{2a & 2d i?b &. ltc t:e 5. +rb Richard K. Parker l+ll 5, Blrch Straet Denverr'Colorado, )2c-()6zo (H) 'Thoni s J.' ',,,Iatson 01d Orcliard Road Armonkr'New York r Harold T. HcCune ,, Mafinec/o McCune Outboard Co.. 2501 Blake Street : Ddnver, Colorado, 8020J a.tr 1-f11 f ^\e25-t?.68 (o) fichard B. Tueker I Randori. Road ('t r- V r!( - &ofxt ( /r- 6 7, !'{ouf . ta,a Iilton Parks 'Jr. " I Canitoe Lane EnqlcrvooC. Colorado. F0]10: ??i_Ttrlo, (H) 4?6_y?/7 71-Vo tt 10. #6V Barbara t.Ie11es l6c: s. Gitoin Eng.l e',rced, Colorado, FOl lC Z8t--IoB (H) ; I OUINERS Y. I I ll6a ?. xL. ?? q ttle < A< nCa lIi'l gl e"r 'l -qo T. q let :n i itl ervo \e? Ja Ha I.',1 (v 2F cla 'l Ir-et do,80i-20 -1509,(o) ' i Ido, 8d110 -3800 l( 0) i Jr, i .t 10504 d& 'rn Sf olora 79tt oeo o1o ra 77i od er 11 c H) It n) M. Tc Eur+e . Ga1 ton, 01.(H la se od, ?4 (H I H(u ?e et <n It rvo >l 'l B ,^J,rA Mh1 '':: 6.f l+a #l+b f5a * 5a Engl cwood, Co) orado, 80110z6r-ssll $) izl-8900'(o) _Mrs. Jol H'i111ard,t l+600 S. l,lonroe Lane- Bngl e,ro od r Oolorado, ZE9_D692 (r1) . ,, Jay A. Pritz.Xei '.L Two .Fi rst Nati onal. q Chicago, fllinols. 3r2/52r-42o0 ( 0) .. t. ( ti.' .. $ ' : ii"; .'t' I i , ^r . I vArL ro^NHouru, .j..oorrur* ofr.rrorrn*F al':? ,, , 'r) r, , ? 1.-, 1.t.; '-o Vai 1,r' c61 6""6o s u* $ -., q i{ --"' -n !z t. ',l'.; a. lZe Sla tlary r r ;-i"i,- 1l vi 1ta re Road . ^ i ', Cf A ilr" B ,^JrA:i . 5ngJ e'ucod, Colorado, 8d110 i lO r,. i,l'. 731-4e74 (H) ?73-i800 l(0) Lft(, 1)ofl !-o^,n E ( ; ;;-: ci'tHms 61t- f,fF6- &nlrl ' I ri r (/t-67r-:{o>f .'AAra,,J'., tLt ' 1. t\a & ?d Rlehard K. Parl<er . g. /6a ' [lton parks.JF^' 1. tZa & 2d Rlehard K. Parl<er . 9. /6a ' [lton parks .Jr. ' ' rr+ s. etr"l., ili""t :' r'-- l. canitor: Lane . I I h --- - F r ,j ?l:;;;.'"t;tado' so22: ij 777'7ot{'i 2. tzb J;nc:; M. Todd & fO. #6U garbara r,.,relles 'l F;r';.'H:il.,p str-ot i ;li;",1;.Sl'Ello",ao, soirc lil' Littletonr -colorado, 80120 Zgj-llog (H) - -- -' ;1i '.- 795_5501 . (H) ?94_1509 ,(o) ; . 7., - | ' ' | '- ' wv- ll ' h. #1" Thor'is J.",.Iat =on Jr. i i ' :.ll t tr. ' 1" Thorlis J.' ',.Iat=on Jr. i i ' :.;;' .'oldorcliardRoed ; ,l 4 \ ?- i,1'' Armonk, Neu York, 10J04 ww"t \4/\'v']-L2 ' ' j; 'il ). i 'tv Hi..J.d^T. \Cu-ne ;'I t ,. -, c/o l'lcCune futboard Maiine Co. i | ,'{.. ;. :ft Ddnverr..Colorado, B02OJ ' | ____--I- .tllt e25-1268 (o) . -: I !,: ,, 6. ll4a ,. Sichara B. Tueker II j Rancori Road I rFl, i!Enplcr.rood, Colorado, pOll0 ,1 :"t ?57-55Y 1u1 :Zf-eioo'io) : 1 7. +4b ' -H".. JoyH:lliard, i i{ rr5oo s."uon;;;"i:".- ; i .i'l ' o--.- -' .-":"-" ""t Bnglewood, Colorador 80110* zei-osgz (u) -- - j ,,1 l: 3. #5a & 5b Jay A. P1jr716p '-i i ' , .! -J '-' - i: l^'o First llational lrl373 I Cnicago, Illinois, 50di0 |,i . 3rz/6zL_4200 (o) .i lili "iT otflce of communlty development luwn 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81G57 (303) 475-7000 July 3, 1985 Curt Cegarburg Gordon Pierce Arch.itects.l000 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Unit 5, Vail Townhomes, Gore Creek Drive. Spa and Deck Addition Dear Curt: At our staff meeting today we reviewed the pritzker spa and deckaddition' Before I can schedure the project for pranning commissionreview, the following items must be slbmitted: l. 0wner's signature 2- Letter of approvai for the project from the condominium association. ,3' Letter from the utility companies ailowing you to buird on theutil ity easement. 4. Please indicate on the survey the Gore creek center l.ine as weilas flood plain. 5. Title report, particularly Schedule B showing easements. 0nce I receive this information I will schedule the project for planningCommission. Please call me if you have'any furthe" qruriionr. Si ncerely, t.r.l n I)1 :-t lt'll\Il\Tf,vr {rrrdl r' ,[|/.'t l\l fl,'6.i-+-- n.--:r- r \r\r rJusrr | | tLZ Town Planner KP: br .. MME OF PROJECT: , LEGAL OESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: OESCRIPTION OF ,-W=q,o-WW*"i;fViWr,a.ti;{r-WmrWs$tu{l/rfu f f' vq4AA ' The following information'is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revien Board before a fjnal approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE 0F MATERIAL C0L0R Roof Si d'ing Other t.|al'l Materia'ls Fascia Soffits lJi ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ral'ls Fl ues Flashings.. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name of Des'igner: phone: B. PLANT IIATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Si ze* 4''o" 6b' ro dmc Quani ty (q E *Ind{cate caliper for deciduclous trees. Indicate height for conifers. Botanfcal Name . PLAI{T IIIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Connon Name T-vPe Quan'ity Si ze Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR IIIETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirnming pools, etc.)Please specify. t^+" 1..l^ , DATE: L EGAL DES-CfiTTTOI:I6,I_ ADDRESS: Otl|NER ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bi ock Filing Proposed (30)(33) 20, 15' 15', (r011561 (3oo) (600) (eoo) ( 1200) (50)(1oo) (25)(50) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) ARCHITECT ,o*r orrr onon' PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Al I owed Height Tota] GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l{ater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining llal1 Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta l,/Hazards : Conments: Hei ghts Slope Actual Ava I anche Flood Plain Sl ope l,letl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: ffi Gordon R.Pierce Architect A.I.A. June 28, 1985 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail P1-anning Department 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 RE: Pritzker Townhome Hot Tuba Resubdivision of Block 5Drive, Vail Villaqe First Dear Kristan: Thanks for meeting with me thetownhome on Gore Creek Drive.reguesting that the 20r-Orr reareliminated. T have enclosed aas an improvement survey of the and Deck Addition (Lot 5, and a part of core Creekril ing) other day at the PritzkerBasically, we are and side setbacks bedesign sketch plan as wellproperty. The reasons we wourd rike the rear setback eliminated areas follows. First, we would like to loeate the hot tubas far away from the ice and snorrr faII line of tbe roofto allow adequate protection and safety of its users.Secondly, we would like to provide appioximately gr-Orlaccess lane between the rear of the buirding and the hottub. Finally, because other owners of this townhomecompLex have made similar improvements to their respec_tive properties, we feel thal our request is in keepinqwith- neighboring improvements which have been permiltedin the past. We intend to landscape around the tub anddeck area using native fir trees similar to those inplace to provide a rrnatural" privacy for both users andneighbors a1ike. we would also like the 20r-orr side setback resuirementsas defined in the High-Density MuItiple Famitf OistrictSection 18.O2o.O60 eliminated beeausl this re3trietionwould severely, if not totally, eLininate any improve_ments to this property. Should you and your staff need further information,please contact me anytime. Best regards, 6xa Kurt A. SegerbergProject Architect enc. 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-6776 Application oate, 6/28/8s PEC I{EETING DATT 7/22/85 APPLICATION FOR A VARIAIICE I.This procedure is requiredwill not be accepted until A. NA}IE OF APPLICANT fgl qny project requesting a variance.all information is submitted. Thomas J, Pritzker The application ADDRESS t"ladison Plaza, 200 West lladison 8. Chicago, IL 60606 PHOI{E APPL ICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE Gordon R, Pierce, Architect]{AHE OF ADORESS 1000 South Frontaqe Road West vail., Co 81G57 * t{At"tE oF o}mER(s)(typ 0r prl nt ) s ADI)RESS D. LOCATIOII OF PROPOSAL A0DRESS Unit 5, Vail rown Homes, Gore Creek Drive PHoNE 476-6776 E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT ELOCK FILI NGLot *5, Resubdivision of Block 5 and a part of Gore Creek FEED'i"$ib0u"ttnx,lf t1n" f& $"T. JIF FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE YOUR PROPOSAL. COMII|UN I TY OEVELOPI,IEI{T OEPARTIT'IEI{T I{ I LL ACC EPT F. | list of the names of owners of all property rNcLUorNc pRopERTy q_EHIryD AND ACR0Si brnLers,THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPON!IiJiE-FON CORRECT adjacent to the subject pruperty and their mailing addresles. I'IAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATJqT CqilFERINCE l,lITH A PLANNING 5TAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 ;OETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIoNAL iNionrqniior'r-is nigbiu.'-iio RpplrcnTr0N r,,rLL BE' ACCEPTED uNLEss IT-Is^coMPLiiq trlusr lNcaudi iiii-iiimi REQUTRED By THE zoNrNGADMINISTRAToR).-^IT IS THE nppriCrlrs neipon'sisriiiV-rc nAKE AN ApporNTMEr{T}IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUi NSOUi-AOOITIONAL SUBI,IITTAL REQUIREI,IENTS. PLEASE t'torE THAT^A..ggTl!5Ig-APPLICATT0N t{rLL STRET$,ILrll[ THE APPR0VAL pRocEss FoRYouR PR0JEcr sv-oecrESixG-THe rlrlNsEn or colroirionC-oF nppnovnl THAT THE pLANN*GANo EIIVIR0NMENTAL^c0l'lMl!sIoN MAt-lrr.tqrnri. nii-ioHoirrgNs 0F AppRgvAL susT BEc0MpLrED wrTH BEFoRT n surrDrNd'pEnr.rri-ri-issnEd..-'":. , , ItI. F0UR (4) COPIES 0F THE FOLLOi,,II{G !,|UST BE SUBTT|TTTED: A. A I.'RITTEN SIIITqI OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIAT,ICE REqUESTED AIID THEREGULATION II{VOLVED. THE STAiEMTNT IiIUST NISO'AOONLSS: t' The relationship of the requested.variance to other existlng or potentialuses and structures in the'vicinity. 2' The degree to-which relief from-the strict or literal interpretagon andenforcement of a specified regulation is-nei"rrr.y to achieve .orpit.iuitityand unirormi!v 9r treatment afions siies-i;-iil-;i;iritv-ir-i" IiiSin tn"objectives of this title without-grani of.sp.iiur privilege.- ----' ., 3. The effect of the variance 91.llSht and alr, distribution of population,transportation, traffic raciritiis, uiiriiiir, rnd pubuc safety.B' A topographrc !!d/or fmprovement.survey at a scale of-at_reast r,,_ 20, stampedbv a colorado llclnsed iurvevor tn.irii.i'ri.iiion of ail exrsting rmprove-ments' lncluding graoes ind-elevations. "oitrii-"r*.nt, which must'be :hownliit ?il-:ll l;|r l:3:t l:,iffli : t ngreli' ana t;J" iu'ia"ipii ui".,""no c' fr?lli"Bl:t at a scale of at least l" o 20' showing exrsuns and proposed 0' All pretiminary buildilg elevatlons and.floor plans-sufficient to lndlcate:li,tiffi':1,:'ilFi3;['J..il3;iiliil iiiri'.'l ['. or-iii'r,iiiii!,'lnd spaces - U A prelimlnary tltle report to verify ownershrp and easements If the proposal is located in a mu'ltf-fapjlv development which has a hmreowners,association, then wrttten-appriuii'rior 're"aiioiiiiiiii"rn'supporr of theproJebt must be recetvea oy';'ilii iui'rrorrzea agent for sard assocration. Any additionar material_nggelsyy for the review of the appr.rcaron asoetermined by the zoning aominfsiriior.. For interior modificailons, an imprcvement survey and slte plan may beHaived by the zoning acmtnisirai;:-'""' . Tlme Requlnnents Il"-ll:rying. and.-Envinonmentat Co,nmission meetsot each month. A complete apptiiiiion'iorm anO(as described above) must be submitted a minimumPEC publ ic hearino.'. no-inijriiil."iiprjc.tion,adrninistrator) wii] ue accepted by the planningnated submittal date. c. IV. on-the 2nd and 4th lrlondaysall accompanying materiai ,of 4 weeks prior to the date of1as-oetermined by the zoningstaff before or after the d6sig- 1^ LANN TITLg SUARANTEE COIIPA!IY fi|rprcrrntinr Tttlr Inrurrncc Cont*ny of l,ltnncsots THAIS( Yfl.| Fffi Y{N"!R ORffiR Julv lS' I?AE Oun Ord*rt V7€17 EUYEftI TEtr SELLER! rlAY A, PRITIKER ADInESSI VAIL ASSOCIATESP,0. BOX 7VAIL, CO 0t65A Z Attnr PETE EORIT{STOf.{ BEAVER CREEX PfifisERTIESP.O. 80x 9$9 AVCF{, CCI 8t620 I Attnr Jtr{ ,JpRDOtrt R. PTERCE // rw 8. FBONTAOE RItv vArL, co 816!7 T *ttnI KLNT SEGERFERa r|lr COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAIIY 108 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST - P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 (303t 476-2251 ";-;;q p1 Representing: lrl-e In,sunaruce florvrear'rv or f\/|rruruEsorA ,{r?lercas--a?t-,f'S.t!_ vrosrr.rrurllf ro rruvarruof roNvdnsNl rurl ',(roieuBrs pozuoqlne reqlo Io racgSo Surtuprp,r e ,tq pau8rsralunor uoq,r prp^ aq ol'V alnpar{r5 ur u^roqs etep aqt uo sreruJo pozuoq}ne fpp s1t ,4q pexggu oluneroq oq o] Fos puu otueu a1u:odroc str posn?c s€q eloseuurl4l Jo ,{uudruo3 €cu?rnsul 0l1ll 'JOAU3HA{ SS3NIIII NI 'luarulrrutuo3 stql ,{q para,roc uoereql e8eSlrout ro lsorolul Jo alelso oql enp^ JoJ proror 3o serrnbce pernsur pesodord oql olep or{} ol roud tnq Josroq otrup o^rlceJJo eqt o} iuanbesqns 3utqce11e Jo spJoJoJ crlgnd oql ur Suueodde lsJU 'pol?oJc ',tuu 3r 's.ro11eru Joqlo ro surBlc asro^p8 'socuerqurnoua-'suell-'slJaJaC '9 'sprocor ollqnd oql Aq uaoqs lou pue A4e[ {q pasoduir 'peqsruinJ reg?sroq ro eroJoloreqtr Fueleu ro roq?l 'sof,hres roJ 'uall e o1 lq8u ro 'u011 ,{uy 'n 'sprocer c11qnd eql .{q umoqs 1ou oft qcpl/[ pue osolostp plno,tr sasturerd aq13o uotlcedsut puu ,{a,uns }JerJo. u qJrr{ \ slJeJ ,{ue puu 'slueurqc€orcuo 'uare ur e8epoqs 'sau11 ,{:upunoq slcluuoJ 'satsuedotJsl( 'f 'sprocar o11qnd eql ,{q uuoqs lou 'sluotuasue Jo surmlc Jo 'sluouroseg 'Z 'sprocol Jrlqnd eql ,{q u,noqs 1ou uotssessod u1 setlrud 3o suimlc ro s1q8ry 'l :8ur,no11og eql ol lrafqns osle sr luaLut[uuoJ sJil] 'ol paJJeJaJ eaoqe e8era,ro3 uoU suorsnlJxg pue suorle;ndr1g pue suorllpuoJ eql rq pal48luoc sroll?ul aql ol uolllppE ul sNorrd3cx3 cuvoNvls 'lueurlrunuo3 s1ql3o suorspord oql ol Falqns ere pue uo pesuq aq lsnlu lu3rrrlllrruoJ slql {q poraaoc uoaraql aSuSuoru aql Jo snlels aql ro lsorelq ro elelsa eql ol al}ll eq} Jo snl?F aq} Jo }no 8u1suu,(ueduro3 eql lsureS? 8urrq,{uur ro a,req,(rur parnsul pasodord aql }Brll uotlcu;o slqEg Jo suotlcu ro uotlre ,(uy 't 'ueraq perJlporu flssardxa se ldecxa luotullulno3 srql Jo u?d E ep?u pue aouareJor ,{q pele.rodrocur Iqaraq are qrrq^\ parnsul pasodord aql Jo ro^q u toJ pallgr -uloc sa1c11od .ro ,{cgod yo ruJoJ eql Jo aiure,ro3 uorg suorsnlcxe eq} pue suol}elndng puu suor}Ipuo3 aql pu? suotst^o:d Swmsut sql ol fielqns s; fi;11quq qcns luu'rog paprunuoc sarbllod ro',tc11od aql roJ V elnpaqcs ul pa]ets lunorue eqt poacxa ,(]tgqeq qcns Ipqs lue e ou uI 'lueulluruo3 srql ,{q pare oc uoeraql a8u8}rou ro lsara}rr ro ale}se oql al?art ro ermbce o1 (:) to 'g elnPaq3s u! u^roqs suondecxa al?uflu1o o1 (q) ro goaraq slueurarrnbar aq] q]l/rr ,(1du:oc o1 (e) q]FJ pooS u1 Euqegopun ut uoeraq acuull -ar ur paJrncq ssol pnlc? :og r(po puE roJ pa Iu uoc sagcllod ro ,{cglod Jo ruroJ oql ul parnsul Jo uolllul.Jap eq} rapun popnlc .uy saryed qcns pu? pernsul paeodo.rd peureu eq1 01 {1uo aq ller{s lueutpuuloC sr-ql :apun .(uzduro3 aqt go ,(11tqut1 't 'suor1u1ndr15 pus suotltpuo3 asaql Jo g qder3ered ol luensrnd paJJncul Ipnoul,srd f1ryqeq uror3,{ueduro3 aqt e eflar tou IIBr{s }uarupuorue qrns 1nq '.{lSurprocce luarulruuroC slqt Jo I slnpoqrs puarue ,{uru uorido ill 1e fuedruo3 iq1lra11erir raqlo'io urrelc aira,rpu 'aiuerqruncuo 'ua[ 'tcaJap qcns.{ue jo s8pa1nou1 1en1cu sarrnbce aslt .reqlo ,(uedruo3 aq1;1 ro'Iwdu;oJ aql ol eSpal,nouq qcns osopsrp fiErls pernsul pasodord aqt;1 'atpqnroDl qcns esolcslp os ol pa:irsu1 pxodoid iqi go arnpeg ,tq pairpnfarii sr ,{uedu.roJ eqt tuatxa aqt ol uoaroq atuuJlar Jo 1ce ,(ue utor3 8u;}1nser aEuuup ro ssol ,(ue :og ,{lqrqert uorJ pa elar aq geqs ,(ueduro3 aql '8u1lF,n ur ,{wduro3 aq ol aEpey,nou4 qcns esolJslp ot llBJ ll?qs pu? 'goaraq g a1nlaqcg u1 u,uoq-s esoql uurll reqlo luaulluruoC sr-ql ,{q pore ot uoaraql eSeSlrour Jo Narelul ro elBlse aql 8u1lca;3e Joll?lrr taqlo ro rurelo asralps 'acuerquncua 'ue11 'lcagep dui go a8pal,moul pnlce sartnbcu ro s?q pomsul pasodord eq1 ;1 'Z 'luaurnrlsur ,(lunces reqlo ro'paap lsnrl'lsnrlJo paep epnlcw eqs'uareq pesn uoq/t\ '..e8e81rour,, ural eqJ, 'l sNorrvl ndrrs oNV sNoriloNoS 'r(uuduro3 or{l Jo }lnuJ arp tou sI sarJllod ro ,(cqod qons ansst o} ornlruJ eq} leql peppord 'srncco }snJ ra aqJJqa '?nssl Ilsqs JoJ pellguuroc salcJlod ro ,(rqod eql ueqlr ro Jooloq elep e rlcaJJo aql raUE sr{}uotu x.rs a}BuruIJal pu?_as?al llgqs ropuneroq suoll -e8rlqo pue ,Q;pqe11 gu pue rcuernsu ep11 go seycllod ro z(c11od r{cns Jo acuenssr aql ol Aeutu4la:d st luautruluoC sIqJ. 'luaruesalopuo luanbasqns Aq ro luarullluuro3 slql Jo ecuBnssr aql Jo aurl eql l? Jer{lla ',{ueduro3 eqt fq goeraq y alnpoqcs q peuesul uoeq e eq roJ pellnuiuoJ sarcllod ro ,(cqod aql Jo tunouI? aql pu? pernsul pasodord eql ;o Ilrluepr egl uaqn ,{po o,rRJeJJe aq fieqs luaurlJuu]oJ slqJ ';oaraq suorlulndrls pue suolllpuoJ eql 01 pue g plr? V salnpeqcs 3o suorsnord aql ol tcafqns [e':roJeraq] setnqc pue sunnuard el{l Jo luau^ed uodn 'y elnpaqos ul o} pellaJeJ io p&gcsip fueieqr ur,(qaraq pararror tsoralrn ro olelso eqt go ai8e81:our ro raul\o sB !V alnpaqcs q peuleu parnsul pesodo:d eqlgo ro,rE i4'y iynpaqc5 ul peg4uopr sB'acuulnsu1 eltri;o sarcllod ro fctlod sll ans$ ol slnuuoJ fqereq 'uo;luraplsuoc elqenle e -ro3'i(uedruo3 3ql pallec u1e:aq 'uorlerodror ?loseuurl^l B 'vIosiINNIl^l co lNvdl4loS |IJNYUnSNI A'IIII elossuurl l'sllodeauulw lo Aueduoc lcols e vrosiNNrN ro ^NVd^ol rcNvdnsnl rrrrl ',\€u 01,61 - lNSwlll,ltNoc Nollvlcossv f-lrlr oNV'l NVClUSl,llv AL/Z ZAEZ u. ol WtI ALTA COI4 I,tITT{gNT sgilEgu-e A Arrllcrtlqn Na. V78t7 Fcr Xnformr,tton Snlv - Chr,rtrc -fun*r Pol lcy --TOTAL-- l{ith vour rcerittrnc{, plcroe ref*r ta V?9t7. L, Ef frctivc lletrl Julv O8" iF&S ilt gtOO A.it. 3,, Fallsv to he isluodr snd ?rorcr"d lh$urrdt "A-TA" &rnlr"s PollcrForn 8-197$ (trn*nd*d tO-l?-7O) Propolcd Incurcdr TBD g, Th* *rtetc or' intcrert in thc lind d*rcrlbed sr r*fsrred to inthlt Comnltnsnt lnd covaprd herrln isr A Frt 4. Tltlc to th* cstate or intrrast ccv*r.+d harcln is rt th*tff*ctlv* drtc hereof vc*ted lnr .NY A, PRITZKER $. The, lrnd refcrncd to in thic Comtrltni$t [l de*erib*d *t f ol I orrrcl OONDUIINIUII lJllIT SF' VAIL TSt"tilHSuSg$ CSllBSr-1It{lU,t ACCORSINO TO TI.dE CONDO}IINIUI,| HAP THEREOF S.IE FIJft$UAI.IT TCI THE CSilNSHI}IIIS{ DECLARATI0N REeffiDen 'JANUARY 29' rF64 IH msK 175 AT PAo€ gzp, FIRar A0DSN0UH To 0ECLARATI0N RgccRb€D "nNuAFY ?9, t?&4 rN BsoKI73 AT PASE 393' SEtrONB ADE€TI.MUf.I TO DgCLAftATItr.I f,frG$RBEI} I'I{&CHllr lt6$ IFf BOOI( 167 AT PASE Sl, AND THIRI! ABFENIruH TO IHCLANATTON R€CORO€N D€CEHBER II, t96$ IH EOOK r87 AT FASE 465, CBUNTY OF EASLE, $TATB OF COLffiA8O. rt-l o ALTA CSFIIIIT}'ENT SCHABULE B.I (Rsruirca*ntrl Aprltcstlon l'ls. V7Al7 The folloutna ua thc reculFGrhontr to br cofipllad utthr 1. Prvn*nt to or fon thr lccount of ths rrantors or norttatont ofths Sul | {snrldrrrtlsn fcr thc *rtrte ar lntsrsat to bc I n rursd, 2. Prsp+r in$trumant{a} cncrtinr tha crtn't€ or lnt*rrrt to bcinrurcd nurt bc rxacuttd rnd dulv ftlcd for pGiordr ta*nltl 3. CERTIFICATE CIF FIOHT OF FIRST REFUSAL IH COI'PLIANS€ I.IITH THE TER}IS, Cf,NNITIOH$ ANB FROVISIONS OF Cf,flMt'IINIUI{ DEff-ARATION. 4. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TTIE CSfiFANY THfiT THE TEFIIS, GONITITIONS *H$ FR0VISIONS fiF TI{g TOI.IN OF VAIL TRAT{SFER TAX HAVE BEEf.I $ATISFIED. S. g€RTIFIEN CSPY Ol. ffiATH EERTIFICATE FON ALAH S. BSEYr IGCEASED, TO Bg RECORDEN IN €A{il-E COLNTY. iItrTET IF T}€ NAHS ON T}€ TISATH T€RTIFICNTE IS gTHEF THAI{ THAT OF "ALANO. 8fiEY' x AN AFFIDAVIT |IUST EE PRSVI0ES $TATING THAT Tl,lE HAI{E AN TH€ T SATH CERTITTCATE ANN ALA}I 8. CRES ARE gSG AISD T}€ SAI'IE. I,ITITES A S€ARGH CF T}E EAGLE couNTY INCIIEES DCI€g HsT g|.ffiId A RECsRgsn neATH C€RTIFICSTE FOR ALAN G. AREY IH SONNSCTIOT{ HITH THE RELEASE OF INIIERITAHCE TAX Lt€N AND TllE COilVEYANCE OF zuFJ€CT FROFERTY FRSI{ \rgANt'tg ftUltg SREY TO.NV A. PRITZKER. &. }NRRANTY ffiEN FRO'{ ',lAY A. PRITIKER TO TFtr CO{\IVEYINS 9UB.JECT PftOPERTY. CfiI$t{TY SLERI(8 AN8 RECffiD€RS REffUXRH RETUftN ANSRES$ES CX\t NGCUFIEITITS SEITIT FCIft RECOROINSI ' ALTA CCIHI"IITHgNT SCHENLq.E F.? {Exccrtlsnr} Aprl lcutlon ltlo, V78f7 Thc rollcy or rollclac to ba ir*uad rslll contrln axE*ptlont tE thsfolloElnr unlags tha rrn,s ere dispoa*d qf to thc sati*fecti*n e#thc Conrgnvr l. $trndrrd Excrrtlons I tbrou;h $ rrintrd on th* covcr shrnt. 6, Trxtr tnd ceraltmcnta nst yct du€ or pavebla and rpccleli.rrcrst$entr not v*t certifled to thr Trsaruf*cr/! sfflc*. 7. Anv unrrld trxcc or err€$srrrntr nralnst g*ld l*nd. g, Llrnr fsr unmid uater and siuruf' chtFt*s, if e.nv. 9, BISHT GF FR]SPRIETBR OF A V€tH OR LOO€ TO €XTRffiT AND REI.IOVE HtS fiRE T}'IEREFROF,I SFBIJLS THE SAI'E BE FSUNE TO PENETRATE ffi IhIT€R$ECT TFM PBE].IISE$ AS R€SEFVEB IN UNITEB STATE8 FATENT RECORIIED Julv l?, 1S9?r lt-l FOOK 4€ AT FAOE 47F. IO. RIS{T OF I{AY Fffi SITCFISS 6R CANALS C{INSTRTFTEN BY THE AUTHORITY EF T}Ti UNIT€S STATTS AS RESSftVEE IN IJf{ITEII $TAT€$ PATENT RECORSES rlulv ltr tS9? IN F@n 48 AT PA$g 47S. II' R€STRICTISNS !'HIEH FO NOT ffOITTAIN A FORFEITTJftE ffi REVERTER CLAUfiE, SUT O}IITTIMI RESTRISTXSNS, IF ANY, BS$ED ON ftACEI COLOR, RELIBION, OR TIATIOI{ALfiRI$IN' AS C6NTAIIIEE IN INgTRul'lENT RECQRUED Auruct 16, l9&?, IN EOOX t74 AT PAg€ 179, 12. UTILITY EASST{ENT TEN FEET IN }IIDTH ALOT'IS T}€ IIflFTI{gRLY LQT LINE 6F SUA-JSCT PROFERTY AS SI{O}OH ON THE R€COftDgD PLAT CIF A RS$UBNIVISICIN OP PLOCK $ ANO A PART SF OORE CREEH BRIVSI VAIL VILLAOE FIRST FILTilG. 13. TERIIS' CAN0ITIOhIS AND PROVI$lOltlS CONTAIFffiD lt'f CSNDOf.ltNIUft OE$*ARATIS${ RECffiNES JANUARY 29! 1P64 IT{ Wt( t7S AT PANS S79, FTRST AFDENN.'H TO IISCLARATION RECffiDgD JANUARY E9, T?64 tN BOOK 17S AT FASE SPA, SECOND ADDEHNUil T8 BSCL*fiATTON R€CffiS€N ilARCH IT! 196S IN FOOfi 187 AT PASE iTO AHII THIRN ADNEfi[UFt TO BSCLANATION ftEGl}Rg€D WCEIlItrR IlI I9&E IN BOSX 187 AT PAO€ 46$. 14. TERI{$' CONSITIOilS AHI} PROVISIONS tr FARTY tfALL ASRSEI'IEHT RECORDED *hnusrvzer lt64 tN BOO|( 17$ AT PASE 373. 3799 HICHWAY 82 I. O. DRAWER 250 GLENWOOD SPIIINCS, COLORADO 81602 .'ro,-v cRoss ttrc-rRrc ,rssotrATroN, rNC. ARI]A CODI] 303 945-5491 July 2, 1985 Mr. Kurt A. Segerberg Gordon R. Pierce; Architeets 1000 South Frontage Road WestVai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Utility Easement - Part of Block 5,Vail Village First Fil-ing Conflict Dear Mr. Segerberg: Reference is nade to your letter of June 27 | 1985, concerning the above mentioned conflict. HoIy Cross Electric has no objection to the encroachment. ontosaid easement. We would execute an acceptable Ouit Claim Deed torelinguish our rights to use the encroached upon area only. S incerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Ted Huskey,lneer TH: rj 1 CC: Holy Cross Electric Association,Vail Office FORM (F) 850 - 22 - 0686 COMMUNICATION MEMO Public Service Cheyenne Light t l Home Light I Fuelco T Western Gos Supply - oo-. h - R E P t Y SIGNED ORIGINATOR; SEND PART 1 Al\D 3 W|TH ,1,\FiBON tNTACT. REt ArN ptNK.RECIPIENT: RETURN ORIGINAL wlTH REPLY, RETAIN YELLOW. tt Gordon R. Pierce . Architect . A.I.A. JuLy 3, 1985 Mr. Kenny Freeman Mountain BeLl P.O. Box 3O5ODillon, CO 80435 Dear Mr. Freeman ! Enclosed is a plot pLan for Lot 5, Resubdivision of Block5, Gore Creek Driver Vail Village First Filing. We woul-dlike to encroach into the lOt-O' utility easement (indi- cated in red ink) with a whirlpool and deck installation. On June 27, L985 I met with Sam Smith of your utilitylocate department and we found telephone cabLe in thissaid easement. ft is our understanding that your company will not be heldresponsible for these improvements over the easement should access be required. If your company has no objection tothis encroachmentl would you please sign below and returnthis letter to this office. Best regards, fr,rtnW Kurt A. SegerbergProject Architect KAS/Irr enc. Sign: 1000 South Frontage Road West. Vail, Colorado 81657.303/476-6776 ot Gordon R. Pierce . Architect . A.I.A. JuIy 12, 1985 Mr. Jeff Hughes Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box 439 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Jeff: Enclosed is a plot plan for Lot 5r Resubdivision of Block 5; Gore Creek Driver Vail Village First Filing. we wouLd Iike to encroach into the l-ot-o[ utiLity easement (indi- cated in red ink) with a whirlpool and deck installation. It will- be our understanding that your company will not be held responsible for these improvements over the said easement should access be required. For your service convenience, ne will provide a two inch diameter conduit below the new deck for any future cable installations byyour company. ff your company has no objection to this encroachment, would you please sign below and return this letter to this office. Best regards, fu{A @tu1 Kurt A. SegerbergProjeet Architect KASi/lrt enc. 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-6776 ,s \$vs Gordon R.Pierce . Architect . A.I.A. July 10, 1985 Mr. Riek B. Tucker3 Ramdom Road Englewood, CO 8O11O Dear Mr. Tucker: I am writing this letter on betralf of Mr. Thomas J.Pritzker who is a townhome ohrner (Units 5A and 5E}) inyour Vail townhome complex. Mr. Pritzker and his farnily would like to construct a whirlpool spa with deck as wellas a small boiler room enelosure for their personal useon the north side of their unit between the building and Gore Creek. We would like to have your approval as a condominium association member for this proposedproject. The Town of Vail typically requires members of any said condominium association to approve improvementplans prior to their staff approval. For your review I have enclosed the plans of thisproject. We intend to landscape the whirLpooL spa anddeck area with several fir trees (simil-ar to thoseexisting) to provide a natural privacy for all. If you have no objections to this proposal , would youplease sign your approval below and return this l-etter toour office at your earLiest convenience in the encLosedself-addressed, stamped envelope. Should you have anyquestions, please feel free to call anytime. Very truly yours, // to* fuecfK-ryaaZ,aq'// Kurt A. Segerberg I Project Architect KAs/1r t '*f qtr .4 --t4 /,+ fl / , 'ee/' ^UU{L( /"*4 Vrskf Aun- a A /t -'-' SBil4^A )&'y+,{s b*444 Approved: 1000 South Frontage Road West. Vail, Colorado 81657.303/416-6776 Gordon R. o Pierce' Architect . A.I.A..s# ]tllu' JuIy 10, l-985 Mr. James M. Todd 5737 South Gallup StreetLittleton, CO 8O12O Dear Mr. Todd: f am writing this letter on behalf of Mr. Thomas J.Pritzker who is a townhome o{/rner (Units 5A and 58) inyour vail townhome complex. Mr. Pritzker and his famiLy woul-d like to construct a whirLpool spa with deek as well as a small boiler room encl"osure for their personal use on the north side of their unit between the building and Gore Creek. We would like to have your approval as a condominium association member for this proposedproject. The Town of Vail typically requires members of any said condominium association to approve improvement pLans prior to their staff approval. For your review I have enclosed the plans of thisproject. we intend to landscape the whirlpool spa and deek area with several fir trees (similar to thoseexisting) to provlde a natural privacy for all. If you have no objections to this proposal , would you please sign your approval below and return this letter toour office at your earl-iest convenience in the enclosedself-addressed, stanped envelope. ShouLd you have anyquestions, please feel- free to caLL anytime. Very truLy yours, 6at dEtug Kurt A. Segerberg Projeet Architect KAS,/1r t 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-6776