HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT B SLIFER BUILDING 1999 FACADE REMODEL-PEC LEGALluwya Fi,rtaT /'6me,ffiB /tfr- {il'*4ezr irlraurt&o'ful' TOI'//N 0TyAIL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for ury projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environrncnlal Commission. For spccific information. see the submitiat requiremcnts for thc particular approual that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acceptcd until all required information is submittcd. The project rnay also necd to bc rcvicwed bv thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsigr Rcvicw Board. irr,"o'oN FoR r,.o * *I,J'l'Fl*';ffi il^:'W COMMISSION APPROVAL Amendrncnt to an Approvcd Developmcnt Plan Employee Housing Unit (Typc: ) Major or tl Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillage) Major or tr Minor CCII ExtcriorAltcration (Lionshead) Special Development District Major or O Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional CRFA (250) E Bcd and BreaKastE Conditional Use permit n tr F o tr tr tr tr tr tr Major or E Minor Subdivision Rezoning Sign Variance Variancc Zoning Codc Amendment B. C. D, ZONINC: E,NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS:3o PHON (;. F.OWNER(S) SIGNATURE($: NAME OF R.EPRESENTATIVE: MAILING ADDRESS: H. FEE . SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THEDEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 8165?. PH}NE q^b'azoo T Rcvi.rd &96 "*r"t* ^LTERATI'N' oR MoDIFr"nrrtR cdilksr, IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CC D (VAIL VILLAGE) Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) rwicw is requircd for tlre llteJ{ion of an cxisting building which adds or removes any cnclosed floor area, the alteration of an existing building which modifies exterior rooflincs, the addition ofa ncw outdoor dining deck or the modification ofan exisitrg outdoor dining deck, or for the replacement of an existing building located in the CCI Dstict. Following PEC approval' the project musi be rcviewcd by the Dcsign Rwiew Board' I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFER,ENCE A pre-application "or,fo.n.*ith a planning staff membo is strongly encouraged No application can be accepted unless it is complete. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appoinhnatt with the staff to determine additional submittal requirements' II. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS FEE: $200.00 - Minor Exterior Alteration (Less than 100 sq. ft') 66f.0DMajor Exterior Alteration (More than 100 sq' ft') Th}lFlEffe paid at the time of submittal' El Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list ofthe names and mailing addresses ofall properfy owners /.),1 . i,\ adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streets' The applicant is (=lttig tlK r) ."rponsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available ftom thc Eagle\- - Countv Assessor's office. Four (4) copies of the following: Wtant" o*.lEe&eq' p/A' A suwey stamped by a liccnsed surveyor indicating existing conditions on the property including the location of improvements, topogaphy, and natural feahres' A vicinity plan showing thc project location in relationship to the surrounding area' A site plan at a scale of I " = l0' showing existing and proposcd improvements to the site. The date, north arrow, scale and namc of the proposed devclopment with its legal dcscription shall be shown on thc site plan. A landscape plan, at a scale of I " = 10" showing existing and proposed landscaping. Existing and proposed building elevations and sections, at a scale not smaller than one- eighth incb equals one foot, to determine tbe general scale and appearance ofthe proposed deveiopment. Existing and proposed floor plans at a scale of one-fourth inch equals one foot anda square footage analysis of ail existing and proposed uses in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation, and locations ofuses within buildings. A roof height plan at a rninimum scalc of one-eighth inch equals one foot. Sun/shade analysis, unless the Administrator determines that the proposed addition has no impact on the existing sun/shade pattem. F o tl { B M+ Page I of3 d O c---+d{xrtr+. wQww A prcliminary titlc rcport, inctuding schedules A and B, to vcrifr owncrship and easemcnts. \, $$ndominium Association approval (if applicable). ( {qctritectural or massing model scale to bc determined by the Administrator' A description of the precise nature of the proposal. The description must address: I . Conformance with the purposes of the CCI District as specified in Section 18.24.010: "The commercial core I district is intended to provido sitcs and to maintain tho unique character of tho Vail Villago commercial area, with its mixtur€ of lodges and commercial establishmens in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The commercial core I district is intended to ensure adequate light air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted tyPes ofbuildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with tho Vail Village urban design guide plan and design consideradons prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangemcnts of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of thc building scalc and architectural qualities that distinguish the village." 2. Thc proposal substantially complies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan regarding: a a o a FfiS6 A. Pedestrianization L B. Vchicle Penetration J. C. Sheetscapc Framcwork K D. Street Enclosure L. E. Sneet Edge M. F. Building Height N. G. Vicws O. H. Sun Shade Analysis Service and Delivery Roofs Facades Decks and Patios Balconies Acccnt Elcments Landscape Elements t] Many of thc abovo itcms shoutd be ad&essed by graphic means, such as sketches, models (including neighboring buildings), photos, ctc. 3. Compatibility with the character cithe neighborhood. 4. Compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan, Sneetscapc Master Plan and other relevant documents of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. The Administrator may determine that additional material is necessary for the review of the application. PLEASENOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BEACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATIONMUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICAT]ON TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. ilL Page 2 of 3 IV.? inuotuing morc than loo squarc fcet of floor arca are only revicwed semi-annually. They need to be submittcd on or bcforc thc 4th Monday of Fcbruary or Scptember. A complcte application form and all accompanf ng materi;l (as described above) must be accepted by thc Community Dcvelopment Dcpartmcnt by the appropriate submittal date' B, Applications for minor exterior alterations or modifications of an cxisting building' involving no ror. ttt* too square feet may be submitted at the rcquired time of the month for planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) review. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be accepted by the Community Development Deparinent by the appropriate submittal date, which is a minimum of four (a) weeks irior to the date of thi PEC public hearing. Incomplete applications (as determined by the planning staff) can not be accepted' ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requires a separate review by any local, Slate or Federal agency other than the Town ofVail, the application fee shall be increascd by 5200.00. Examples ofsuch rcview, may include, but are not limited to: colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsiblc for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of s0% oittre application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causlng the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by thc apPlicani C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Deparfficnt to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may requirc rwiew by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be mado by thc Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Dcvelopment Department may hire thc consultant. The Dcpartment shall estimate thc amount of moncy neccssary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to thc Town by thc applicant at the timc of filing an application. Expenses incurrcd by thc Town in excess of the amount forwarded by ttre appticant strall be paid to thc Town by the applicant within 30 days ofnotification by thc Town. Any excess fimds will be rcturncd to the applicant upon rwiew completion. Page 3 of 3 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Gommission Community Development Department April 13, 1998 A request for a Major CCI Exterior Alteration and a site coverage variance, to allow for a remodel and expansion to the Slifer Building, located at 230 Bridge StreeULot B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Slifer Designs, represented by Jim BucknerPlanner: George Rulher I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant, Slifer Designs, represented by Jim Buckner, is requesting a Major CC1 Exterior Alteraiion and a site coverage variance, to allow for a remodel and expansion to the Slifer Building, localed at 230 Bridge Street. The applicant is proposing to add approximately 16Q_sq. ft. of new retail floor area lo lhe lower level of the existing building, to remove a total of g sq. ft. of real estate office floor area from lhe main level (Bridge Street) of the building, and to add 135_sq. ft. of new office floor area to the upper level of ihe building. The proposed additions increase the fotal site coverage by 103 sq. ft. for a total of 3,129 sq. ft (97.'l%). There shall be no net , , , increase in real estate office square footage on the main level (1st floor) of the building. y) pr i I | > The major exlerior alleration is intended to improve the Bridge Street facade and to improve the cuslomer access into the building. Customer access will be improved by eliminating the exlerior stairs and providing an at-grade entrance to the building. The existing exlerior stairs will be intemalized into the building. The applicant believes the proposed major exterior alteration will significantly improve the building facade and the Bridge Street streetscape, as 12.5 sq. ft. of additional landscaping is to be added along the west side of the building. To further improve the appearance of the building, the applicant is proposing to replace the existing horizonlal wood siding with stone veneer, stucco, rough sawn wooden beams and braces, and a 5112 sloping roof. The Slifer Building is located in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. According to Section 12-TB-15 of the Municipal Gode, the maximum allowable site coverage is 80%. The existing building's site coverage is 93.9%. According to the applicant's proposal, site coverage would increase to 97.1%. Therefore, in order to allow for the construction of the additional 103 sq. ft. of site coverage, a site coverage variance of 3.2o/o needs to be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Iuo l.-?,'.7Q ,t''; ,d'-\l' o "'d" ,1i r."..![J3 3pc Ez- lLi x According to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, of the Municipal Code, "the construclion of a new building, the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area, the alteration of any existing building which modifies exterior roof lines, the replacement of an existing building, the addition of a new outdoor dining deck or modification of an existing outdoor dining deck, shall be subject to review by the Planning and Environmenlal Commission." According to the applicant's proposal, the applicant will be altering an existing building by adding and removing enclosed floor area and modifying the exterior roof lines. Therefore, in order to allow for the proposed alterations, a major exterior alteration must be approved by the Planning and Environmenlal Commission. A copy of the plans have been attached for reference. II. BACKGROUND On February 24, 1992, ihe Planning and Environmenlal Commission approved a major exlerior alteration and a site coverage variance requesl for the Slifer Building. The 1992 proposal added approximately 57 sq. fl. of site coverage to the Slifer Building, in order to allow for the construction of approximately 53 sq. ft. of additional first floor retail area, and 548 sq. ft. of new office space on the second floor of the building, above the retail space. The 1992 site coverage variance approval allowed the applicanl lo increase the existing site coverage by 1.8%, from 92.1o/o lo 93.9ol0. The Planning Commission approved the applicant's siie coverage variance request, finding that the proposal was in compliance with the Variance Criteria and Findings prescribed in the Municipal Code. The PEC also found that the strict literal interpretation or enforcemenl of the site coverage regulation would result in a practical difficulty, as the site coverege regulation is inconsistent with the goals and objectives outlined in the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Considerations. On March 4, 1998, the applicant's representalive met with the Design Review Board for a conceptual review of the proposed major exterior alteration. The Design Review Board identified the following design issues, which they believed the applicant needed to reflect on the final plans: 1. Avoid a straight line plane along Bridge Street by inlroducing more articulation and recess into the design. 2. The pilasters need to be removed or pulled away from the glass and stone, to avoid the appearance of simply being "tacked" on to the building. 3. The use of stone, stucco and wood is attractive. 4. The cunent design appears to "busy and culesy." 5. A revised west building elevation needs lo be provided that includes the existing west elevalion of Russell's. On March 23, 1998, the applicant's representative met with the Planning and Environmental Commission for a worksession to discuss the proposal. In preparation for that meeting, the staff identified the following issues for discussion: 1. A possible site coverage variance and building height variance. 2. The proposed building facade and Bridge Slreet streetscape. 3. The completeness of the application. The Planning and Environmental Commission indicated they generally liked the proposed improvements and agreed with the proposed development review process. However, the Planning and Environmental Commission did recommend that the applicant provide additional articulalion in lhe design of the Bridge Street facade, particularly on the main level of the building. The Commission further recommended that the applicant propose improvements to the back side of the building to clean up and improve the building's overall appearance. Lastly, lhe Planning and Environmental Commission recommended the applicant remove the existing trash facilily behind the building. Since our last meeting, staff has researched the trash facility and discovered that the Town of Vail and the applicant entered into an easement agreement establishing the Bridge Sireet Trash Facility Association. Therefore, the facility is permitted to remain. However, if the Planning and Environmental Commission believes that the maintenance and upkeep of the facility is insufficient, staff would recommend lhat the Planning and Environmental Commission require the applicant to make all necessary improvements as part of the final motion. A copy of the draft minutes from the March 23 meeting has been attached for reference. III. ZONING ANALYSIS The following analysis summarizes lhe relevant zoning statistics for this request: Legal: Zoning: Lot Area: Lot B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Commercial Core | (CC1) 3,223 sq. ft. or 0.074 acres Development Standards: Site Coverage: Allowable 2,578 sq. ft. or 80% Existino 3,026 sq. ft, or 93.9% Proposed 3,129 sq, ft. or 97.1o/o tv. Landscaping: Building Height: Parking: No net reduction 40% 33'- 43' 60% 33' or less per Section 12-10-10 39 sq. ft. + 1 potted plant. (softscape) 0% 33'- 43' 10070 33' or less per Section 12-10-10 51.5 sq. ft. (+12.5 sq. ft.) N/C +1 .03 spaces (office +0.496) (retail +0.533) MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION CRITERIA A. Gompliance with the Gommercial Gore lZone District Purpose Statement According to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, the applicant's properiy is located in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District (CCl). Pursuanl to Seclion 12-78-1 of the Municipal Code, the purpose of the CC1 Zone District is intended to, "provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village Commercial Area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and olher amenilies appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the mainlenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arangemenls of buildings fronling on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continualion of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village." Staff Resoonse: Staff believes that the proposed improvements are in compliance with the intent of the purpose section of the Commercial Core 1 Zone Districl. B. Gompliance with the Urban Desion Guide Plan forVail Mllage Staff Response: There are no specific sub-area concepts in the Urban Design Guide Plan for Vail Village relevant to this proposal. C. Comoliance with the Urban Design Considerations for Vail Villaqe and Exterior Alteration Griteria The Urban Design Considerations for Vail Village are intended to guide growth and change in ways that will enhance and preserve the essential qualities of Vail Village. The Urban Design Consideralions are divided into two major categories: Urban Design considerations, and Archiiecture/Landscape considerations. The following design considerations are critical elements of the vail Village Urban Design Guide plan and provide the criteria to evaluate new proposals; Urban Design Gonsiderations The Vail Village Urban Design Considerations are primarily the purview of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Pedestrianization: The proposed major exlerior alteration will have no negative impact on the pedestrian circulation within Vail Village. The proposed addition will add visual interest to Bridge Street and improve customer access into the Slifer Building. Vehi cu lar Penetrati on : Vehicular penetration and circulation will remain unchanged, as a result of this proposal. Streetscape Framework: Streetscape framework identifies two altematives for improving the pedestrian experience in the Village. These include the development of open space, including landscaping along pedestrian roules, and the infill development of commercial storefronts along pedestrian roules. Landscaping softens the building edges and provides a colorful accent, while commercial infill provides additional street-level activity and visual inierest for pedestrians. Upon review of the applicant's proposal, staff believes ihat ihe major exterior alteration will contribute positively to the overall pedeslrian experience along Bridge Street. Staff feels the proposed facade improvements, the increase in landscaping, the new brick pavers and the new display window will enhance the overall appearance of the Village. Street Enclosure: The purpose of this design consideration is to ensure that a comfortable relationship between the widlh of the streel, and the height of the building, is maintained. The proposed addition will result in a slight decrease in the width of the street at the second level of the building only, and a slight increase in the overall height of the building's Bridge Street facade. Currently, Bridge Street is approximately 25 feet wide in front of the Slifer Building. Slaff believes that a comfortable relationship will be mainlained between the width of the street, and the height of the building, upon the completion of the proposed major exterior alteralion. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Street Edge: The design consideralions encoumge that a strong, yet irregular street edge be created along pedestrian streets. An inegular streel edge brings variety and visual interest to the pedestrian experience. In response to lhe concerns expressed by the Planning and Environmental Commission during lhe worksession meeting, the applicant has made minor revisions to the plans and introduced greater articulation to the Bridge Street facade. The greater articulation provides increased opportunities for pedestrians to stop and window shop in front of the Slifer Building without impeding pedestrian flow. Staff believes the inegular building line of the proposed major exterior alteration adds visual interest and will have no negative impacts on the Bridge Street slreet edge. 6. Building Height: The gable roof form over the retail space on lhe south end of lhe building will remain unchanged. However, the applicant is proposing to alter the exisling roof form over ihe real estate office portion of the building. Currently, the roof form over the real estate office is a shed roof sloping to the south. The applicant is proposing to construct a new gable roof with a 5/12 pitch over the real estale office. The main ridge of the gable will result in an increase in building height of approximately three feet. Even after the increase in building height, 100% of the building roof area will still be under 33 feet in height. The building height limitation in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District permits up to 40% of the roof area to be 33 feet to 43 feet, and 60% of the roof area to be 33 feet or less in height. Staff believes the proposed building heighl is appropriate for this site and does not believe the proposal will have any negative impacts on the area. 7. Views and Focal Points: The proposed expansion does not affecl any adopted or proposed Town of Vail view conidors, nor does it negatively impaci any focal points in the Village. 8. Service and Delivery: The proposed major exterior alleration will not negatively impact cunent service and delivery patterns. Architectural/Landscape Considerations The Architectural/Landscape Consideralions are reviewed primarily by the Design Review Board. 1. Roofs Staff believes that the change in roof form of the Slifer Building will have positive impacts on the appearance of the Bridge Street facade. Due to the height of lhe roof, the roof malerial is not visible from street-level. 2. Facades Slaff believes thal the proposed changes to the Bridge Street facade will enhance lhe visual interest of the building and add variety to the pedestrian experience along Bridge Street. The removal of the dated vertical wood siding and the application of stone, stucco and rough sawn wood beams and braces furthers the building's compliance with ihe Urban Design Considerations for Vail Village. Staff further believes that the applicant should improve the east side (back) of the building. Cunently, the east side of the building appears neglected and in need of maintenance and upkeep. Poienlial improvements might include a fresh coat of paint, sidewalk repairs, an electric meler enclosure and landscaping. 3. Balconies A small, 40 square foot balcony will be constructed on the second level of the building. The new balcony replaces an existing 132 square foot balcony. Approximately 92 square feet of the existing balcony is being converted to inlerior office space. Staff believes that the area of the balcony that is to remain is large enough in size to provide adequate relief and visual interest to the building. 4. Decks and Patios No decks or patios are proposed. 5. Accent Elements To provide additional accent and visual interest to the building, the applicant is proposing to hang flower boxes from the building. The new flower boxes will be hung from the second story balcony and below the stairway window, belween the first and second floors. 6. Landscape Elements There is curently very little landscaping on the applicant's property. To increase the amount of landscaping, the applicant is proposing to construcl 12 112 square feet of addilional landscaped area along Bridge Street. The new landscaped area will be accommodated in two planters constructed along the front of the building. The landscaping in the planiers will help lo add seasonal color to ihe streetscape. Staff Response: Staff believes the proposal is in compliance with the Urban Design Considerations for Vail Village. D. Compliance with the Vail L"and Use Plan The following goals of the Vail Land Use Plan are applicable to this proposed alteration: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and ihe permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.4 The original theme of the old Village core should be carried into new development in the Village core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.12 Vail should accommodale mosl of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 3.4 Commercial growth should be concentrated in existing commercial areas lo accommodaie both local and visilor needs. Staff Response: Staff believes thal this proposal is consistent with the Vail Land Use Plan. E. Compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan Goals The Vail Village Master Plan is intended to guide the Town in developing land use laws and policies for coordinating development by the public and private seciors in Vail Mllage and in implementing community goals for public improvements. Further, lhe Master Plan is intended to serve as a guide to the staff, review boards and Town Council in analyrzing future proposals for development in Vail Village and in legislating effective ordinances to deal with the such developmenl. Contained within the Vail Village Master Plan are goals for development in Vail Village. The goals are summarized in six major goal slatements. The goal stalements are designed to establish a framework, or direction, for the future growth of the Village. A series of objectives outline specific steps toward achieving each stated goal. Policy statements have been developed to guide the Town's decision-making in achieving each of the stated objectives, whether it be through the review of private sector development proposals, or in implementing capital improvemeni projecis. Goal #1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Mllage in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Obiective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 1.3 Objective: Enhance new developmenl and redevelopment through public improvemen{s done by private developers working in cooperation with the Town. 1.3.1 Policy: Public improvements shall be developed with the participation of the privale sector working wilh the Town. Goal #2 To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Mllage and for the community as a whole. 2. 1 Obiective: Recognize ihe variety of land uses found in the 10 sub- areas throughout the Village and allow for development that is compatible with these established land use pattems. 2.2 Objective: Recognize the "historic" commercial core as the main activity center of the Village. 2.2.1 Policy: The design criteria in the VailVillage Design Guide Plan shall be the primary guiding document to preserve the existing architectural scale and characler of the core area of Vail Village. 2.4 Objective: Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activily where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policy: Commercial infill development, consistent wilh established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provlde activity generators, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and streelscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 2.5 Objective: Encourage lhe continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to betler serve the needs of our guests. Goal #3 To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. 2.5.2 Policv: 3.1 Objective: 3.1.1 Policv: The Town will use the maximum flexibility possible in the interpretation of building and fire codes in order to facilitate building renovations without compromising life, health and safety considerations. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. Private developmeni projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as paver trealments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. Flowers, trees, water features and other landscaping shall be encouraged throughout the Town in locations adjacent to, or visible from, public Goal#6 3.1.3 Policy: areas. To insure the continued improvement of the vital operational elements of the Village. 6.2 Obiective:Provide for the safe and efficient functions of fire, police and public utilities within the context of an aesthetically pleasing resort setting. Minor improvemenls (landscaping, decorative paving, open dining decks, elc.), may be permitted on Town of Vail land or right-of-way (with review and approval by the Town Council and Planning and Environmenlal Commission when applicable) provlded that Town operalions such as snow removal, street maintenance and fire departmenl access and operation are able to be maintained at currenl levels. Special design (i.e. heated pavement), mainlenance fees, or other considerations may be required to offset impacts on Town services. 6.2.2 Policv: Staff Response: Staff believes the proposal helps to obtain the goals and objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan. l0 V.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A VARIANGE REOUEST Upon review of Section 12-17-6, Variance Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Communily Development Department recnmmends approval of the requested site coverage variance. The recommendation for approval is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. To the north, south, east and west of the Slifer Building are reslaurant, retail, commercial, residential and office uses. To the west, dirdcfly across Bridge Street, is the Covered Bridge Building and the Gasthof Gramshammer Lodge, which contain a mixture of relail, restaurant and lodging uses. To the south of the Slifer Building is the Clock Tower Building, which contains the Ore House Resiaurant and the Gorsuch retail space. To the north of lhe Slifer Building is the Gallery Building, which contains Russell's Restaurant and Nick's. To the easl of the Slifer Building are the Vail Row Houses. Staff believes lhe proposed site coverage variance request of approximately 3.2o/o, in conjunction with the proposed major ederior alteration, would not negatively impact other potential or existing uses in struciures in the vicinity of the Slifer Building. ln fact, staff believes the variance, if approved, would create a more enjoyable pedestrian environment and would enhance the visual inlerest of lower Bridge Street. Approximately 50o/o ol the additional 103 sq. ft. of site coverage will be added below grade in the lower level retail space. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes ihat approval of the requested sile coverage variance would not be a grant of special privilege. Staff believes the variance of 103 sq. ll. or 3.2o/o is appropriate, as the proposed addition brings the Slifer Building into greater compliance with the Urban Design Considerations for Vail Village than the existing slructure did, and that no negative impacts are associaled with lhe proposal. Compliance with the Urban Design Considerations is an important goal for redevelopment in the Village. Additionally, the previously approved proposal (1992), which required a site coverage variance of 1.8o/o, utilized a similar review process. For these reasons, we believe a slight departure from the Commercial Core 1 site coverege regulation is warranted. lt 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facitities and utilities, and public safety. The requested variance will have litile, or no impact, on the above described criteria. B. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constiiute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. Thal the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the viclnity. 3. That the variance is warranled for one or more of the following reasons: a. The slrict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this Title. b: There are exceptions or exlraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulationc. would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other irroperties in the same district. Pursuant to Section 12-78-15 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, sile coverage is limited in lhe Commercial Core 1 Zone District to 80% of the buildable area of a loi. The cunent site coverage is approximately 93.9olo and is in accordance with a site coverage variance approved by lhe Planning and Environmenlal Commission in 1992. The applicant's plans indicate that there will be a proposed increase in overall site coverage. In order for the applicant to increase the site coverage, a variance must be approved by the Planning and Environmenlal Commission. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Communig Development Departmenl recommends approval of the applicant's request for a major CCI exterior alteration and a site coverage variance to the Slifer Building, to allow for a remodel and expansion to the existing building, located at 230 Bridge StreeULot B, Vail Village l2 1st Filing. The recommendation for approval is based upon the staffs review of the major exterior alteration criteria and site coverage criteria outlined in Sections lV. and V of this memorandum. Major Exterior Alteration Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the major exterior alteralion request, staff would recommend the following findings be made: 1. Thal there are no sub-area concepts which relate directly to this redevelopment proposal, and therefore, the redevelopment proposal is in compliance with the Urban Design Guide plan for Vail Village. 2. That the redevelopment proposal is in compliance with the urban Design Considerations for Vail Village. 3. That the redevelopment proposal helps to achieve the goals of the Vail Land Use Plan, and therefore, the proposal is in compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan Goals. t ^ ^., j.., i ThellhergqFxE-o.p,mefrrfrogcgdtisiO.cOmpliance.witb::rher-Sals:, - jdi-)... .:.11 1 i ': ' ' ' prescribed.Wilhin'lne valt Wtidd Madter plan. 5. r site 1. 2. 3. That the redevelopment proposal is in compliancewilh thepurpose statement for the Cotrrrnetcial .Core lizoh; DisftiGti-r .l Site Coverage Variance Should the Planning and Environmental Commissioni coverage variance request, slaff would recommend the follqwing.,findings be made: That the granting of the site coverage variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties located in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. That the granting of the site coverage variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity of the Slifer Building. That the strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the site coverage regulation would resull in practical difficulty inconsistent with lhe development objectives and goals of the Municipal Code, the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Considerations. f:\everyone\precVnernos9 8\baseml3 23 l3 should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to grant an approval of the requested major exterior alteraiion and site coverage variance requests, siaff would recommend thal the commission make the following conditions part of the approval: 1. That the applicant pay into the Town of Vail parking Fund to meet the requirement of the additional parking demand resulting from the redevelopment proposal, prior to the issuance of a building permil. The exact dollar figure shall be determined by the Town of vail at the time of building permit application, based upon the parking pay-in-lieu fee at lhe time and the configuration of the interior floor space. 2. That the owner of the property in gueslion be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the planlers and landscaping, as identified on the approved development plan dated April 13, 1999. 3. That the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approve the site coverage variance request of 3.2o/o to allow for the maximum site coverage to be 97.1%. 4. Ct"^t- v? a46T =l,cr-- oF *he ts.-rirdrr.q . q Ioh4 '. dApeotre talr.{ 6-o f \everyone\pec\mernos98\basemt4 I 3 t4 offumoc TYI fitfiuJs 8gotus (lge N0rdmrud ry HIInS'Uil{ns uoJ 1il00nffi @r d H HI $ - r-|l- - {dFl -1-5--r Ff- | L_lHlsii OOf,MOJ TVA ,l,lu8ts flx0rus oez No,ldnvu.{ ry Huns 'uu,tus uod 1g00ntu €r4qffi 00ru0t0c TY &ilus 8oqrfls 08a Nordnru"{ ry f,rms u[,{ns uod 1[00mu LtltrEf @r & & I / I di 8P 8p zb t'qo t a tffi l,,***, o,iffii#r,* o*n,, I L_l tttEil $ @ €lris$!lE-l 0wxotoc lIYt Jtfiruls [00t[E oez Nordtrvu{ 4 Euns uruns uor 1[00nflu t!/ r!l '!tR$/, Ih:t H$ t-- t tt=-*---'-€' tf.l&--- r$Hno I;__=____r o sorjIf, U *S fisJa $j.lof @ ^o E d o qtrn- $n$ vl<l o 5d $ a <7 i E >F$ -;i d(' :$F $8 $f il,sr z 0E B BH nJSs5 nx$ f$n * Fq.+ E: =$5 ffi tffi | *** o,iffiiffiff ,*o*n,, I Ll illlil ??tltdilit il $$ rt {qq f?.fi|q!$ilfl$qsit f il Il!l 9lI 6. A request for a worksession to discuss a Major CCI Exterior Alteration and a site coverage variance, to allow for a remodel and expansion to the Slifer Building, located at 230 Bridge StreeULot B, VailVillage 'lst Filing. Applicanfi Slifer Designs, represenled by Jim BucknerPlanner: George Rulher George Rurher gave an overuiew of the statf memo. Discussion lssue #1 Jim Buckner, representing the applicant, said the height vadance would not be an issue, as it woutd offer a variety of roof heights and would only be on the front ol the building. John Schofield noticed on the site visit that the dumpster was on Town property. Jim Buckner said he was not aware of that. George Ruther stated the back of the building was on the property line and that the trash enclo-sure and reserved parking were on TOV property. He said in the CC1 Zone Disrict, on-site parking was prohibited and they may need to reduce this non conformity. John Schofield had no problem with the application. Greg Amsden had no comments regarding the height and site at this time. He did agree. that the parking was encroaching into a TOV tract. He said the handicapped access area should be . labeled handicapped, Instead of private. Galen Aasland said the west elevation needed significant articulation and he could not support this application until he saw more articulation. He said it was against lhe Town's objectives to have a flat wall against Bridge Street. Diane Golden echoed lhe concerns about parking. Greg Motfet stated thal in order to grant a variance, the PEC needed to know why it would not be a special privilege and advised the applicant to come up witlt a good reason. Discussion lssue #2 Jim Buckner said the DRB gave us an understanding of where to work towards, so we just need comments from the PEG regarding the walking experience. Galen Aasland said he wanted to see a change in the roof. Diane Golden supported the change in the roof pitch and the change from external stairs. John Schofield said he heard the DRB comments. Greg Amsden had no commenls. Planning and Environmental Coomission Minutes March 23, l99E 9 o Greg Moffet said rather than shrubs for landscaping, he would like to see a commitment to flowers, as shrubs die with people sitting on them. Discussion lssue tltl George Ruther asked if the Pec wanted to see a color board. . The PEC did not want to see a color board. 7. A request for a worksession to discuss fie proposed Major CGl Exterior Alteration to the Hong Kong Gafe Buitding, located a1227 Wall StreeUlot B & C, Block 5C, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant ASlVail Land Hotding, L.L.C., represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: George Ruther George Rulher gave an overview of the statf memo. Kathy t-angenwalter explained the model and said the applicant was using lhe same fooprint that ttre tiong Kong used, jrist changing the entrance. She said the edge of building was .7' over the propertlline oh one side and .7' under the property line on the other side. Greg Moffet disclosed for the record that he saw no conflict, but Base Mountain Sports was a customer of his. Galen Aasland disclosed for the record that Wall Street was a customer of his. Rick Rosen, legal counsel for the Hong Kong, stated that during the original construction, lhe surveyor mi'sse? by.7'and shifted thebuilding over.7'qs ylu look towards the Lodge property- ne saiO in 1g86, v'ihen it came up for a redev6lopment the-Town acquiesced to the continuation of that encroachment and he lelt it had been approved by silence' John schofield said he would like to see the discrepancy cleaned up for the new owners and suggested trading some land. Greg Amsden suggested an even exchange. Rick Rosen showed the ILC lrom 1986. Galen Aastand suggested adding more square footage overTown space' Diane Golden was in lavor of cleaning up the problem' Greg Moffet strongly recommended trading .7'lor .7', 1 Rick Hosen stated that as the building stands today, there was a window opening on the west wall and an agreement that allowed f6r the openinls in the event that the Lodge properties did a redevelopment. Planning aodEnvironneabl Commisston Minrses March 23, 1998 L0 i Slifer. Smilh 4 Fram?Lon 23O Brldge gtreeL, Adjacenl ?ro?erfiJ Ailners LisL tG oagLhot 9ramghammer, lnc- 2"1F,- eo?e Creek Drlve Vail, Co. O16F1 yialLa lnvesLmenLe, lnc.ALtn: Victor Villaplana 5o1 n. Broadwag,. lqLh Floor San Diego, Ca. q2to1 Govered Br.ldge,lnc- 1o1 g. E. 6Ln Ayenue 2o4 Delrag Beach, Fl. gZ4A3 Town oF yall c/o Finance DepL. 15 9. FronLage eoad Vall, (n. Ab51 PfR Enl. 224 Bridge ilreeL vail, @. t-16l51 Koch, charles & Ellzabeth B.Atln: Ruth trtilliame ?. O. Wx 225,6 tlichiLa, Kg. b12Ot-2ZEb SliFer Building LL{*- 23O Bridge gitreeL vail, co. o1b51 ooreuch, LLd. - t lcbride, -bhn p. 2b? E- 6ore creek Drivevail, ca- b1b51 Parker, Richard K. 332q E. Balaud 1514 Denver, C,p- AOZOq Todd, &mes t4. Euwer,Rlobertt4. Q Barbara D., Truslees 512A 5. aallup gLreet LitLleLon, (n- rc1zo THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERry PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 23, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance, to allow for a healing boiler to be placed in the sideyard setback, located at 22 West Meadow Drive/Lots G and H, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Villa Cortina Condominium Association, represented by Rick HaltermanPlanner: Christie Barton A request for Major CCI Exterior Alteration, to allow for a remodel and expansion to the Slifer lBuilding, localed at 230 Bridge StreeVLot B, Vail Village 1st Filing.I [plicant: Slifer Designs, represented by Jim BucknerZFhnner: George Ruther A request for a Condilional Use Permit, a Minor CC1 Exterior Alteration, a height variance and a site coverage variance, to allow for a bay window addition and to eliminate a dwelling unit, located at 193 core Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Rodney & Beth Slifer, represented by Jim BucknerPlanner: George Ruther A request for a Major CC2 Ederior Alteration, to allow for the addition of a spa maintenance building, located at 641 Wesl Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: The Montaneros Condo. Assoc., represented by Michael Hazard Assoc.Planner: George Ruther A request for a front setback variance, to allow for a 3-foot encroachment into the front setback for a residenlial addition, located at 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: John & Kathy AdairPlanner: Christie Barton A request for a worksession to discuss the proposed Major CC1 Exterior Alteration to the Hong Kong Cafe Building, located at227 Wall StreeVLot B & C, Block 5C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: ASI Vail Land Holding, L.L.C., represented by Kathy LangenwalterPlanner; George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during legular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Communily Development Department, 75 Soulh Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Developmenl Department Published March 6, 1998 in the Vail Trail. o Community Development Plan Ro Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions a utin g Form Form AL 4/95 Order No. V24000 Policy Dat.e: SCHEDULE A 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of Insured: FIRSTBANK OF VAIL , and/or Assigns The estate or inEerest in t.he land described in t.his Scheduleand which is encumbered by the insured mortqaqe is: A t''ee lil_mple The estate or i-nterest referred to herein is at Date of policy vest.ed in: €eDl+E**rrrrER su-iFfj: -:: = ::3 :.'3:T' The mortgage, herein referred Lo as E.he insured mortgage, andthe assignment.s thereof, if any, are described as follows, DEED oF TRusr DATED May 02, 1994, FROM RoDNEy E. SLTFER To rHE puBl-,rc TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIIJ TO SECURE THE SUMOF $1,000,000.00 RECORDED May 05, Lgg4, IN BOOK 639 AT PAGE 5t_4. The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado,and is described as follows: LOT B, BLOCK 5, VAIL V]LLAGE, FTRST FILTNG, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF AND A PORTION OF LOT C, BIJOCK 5, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FTLING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF MORE PARTICULARLY DESCR]BED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SA]D LOT C WHICH IS A POINT OF TANGENT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF BRIDGE STREET; THENCE SOUTH 82 DEGREES 23 MINUTES00 sEcoNDs EAST 55.05 FEET ALONG THE NORTHERLY L,,rNE OF SA]D LOT C; THENCEsourH 4 DEGREES 22 MTNUTES 00 SECONDS wEsr i-.08 FEET; THENCE NORTH 85 DEGREES 38 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 56.58 FEET TO A POT}i:T ON A 92.30 FOOTRADIUS CURVE WHICH IS THE EASTERLY LINE OF BRIDGE STREET,. THENCE 4.50 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 2 DEGREES.47 MINUTES 34 SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS NORTH 25 DEGREES ]-7 MINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST 4,50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COI]NTY OFEAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. LAND TTTLE GUARANTEE COMPANYThis Policy walid only if Schedule B is attached. 5. 6. eoricf,6. MM1538245 AmounL $l-,000,000.00 Address ilz /.--t laY /-}te}-O-#99*-at 5 :00 p.M. Page Form AL 4/95 Policy J ttlurrrnu Order No. V24000 SCHEDULE B-I This policy does nol insure against. Ioss or d.amage by reason of the following: 1- Rights or cLaims of parEies in possession not shown by ehe public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easement.s, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts j-n boundary tines, short.age in area,encroachments,- and any facts which a correct survey and inspecEion of thepremises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for serwices, labor, or material theretoforeor hereafter furnished, imposed by Iaw and not shown by the public records. 5. 1994 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. 6. R]GHT OF PROPR]ETOR OF A VEIN OR IJODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 13, 1899, IN BOOK 48 ATPAGE 475. 7. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHOR]TY OF THEITNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATENT RECORDED ,July 13 , 1,899,rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 8. RESTRICTIVE COVENA}flTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT oMrTTrNc REsTRIcTroNs, rF ANY, BASED oN RACE, coloR, RELIGToN, oRNATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August 1-0, Lg62, INBOOK 174 AT PAGE ].79. 9. ]NGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATIONCERTIFICATE #459 DATED AUGUST 23, 1983 AND REVISED OCTOBER 1-9, 1983 ANDMARCH 12, 1985 BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGTNEERTNG & sIlRvEYrNc, rNC. 1-0. ENCROACHMENT OF PLANTERS ONTO BRIDGE STREET AS SHOWN ON ]MPROVEMENT L,OCATION CERTIFICATE #459 DATED AUGUST 23, 1983 AND REVISED OCTOBER j-9, ]-983 AND MARCH 12, 1985 BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING & SI]RVEYING, INC. ]-]-. ENCROACHMENT OF BUILDING CORNER O.]- FEET SOUTH OF PROPERTY LINE AS SHOWN ON]MPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE #459 DATED AUGUST 23, ]-983 AND REVISEDOCTOBER 19, 1983 AND MARCH 12, 1-985 BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGTNEERING &SURVEYING, INC. ]-2. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CROSS-EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDEDOctober 05, 1992 IN BOOK 590 AT PAGE 760. 13. TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMEIiI| RECORDED October 05. 1992 TNBOOK 590 AT PAGE 761. Page 2 Form AL 4/95 Poticy O *rurrrnu Order No. V24000 SCHEDULE B-I 14. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. SCHEDULE B-II In addit,ion to t.he matters set forEh in parL r of this Schedule, Lhe title E.othe est.ate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule A issubjecL Eo the following matters, if any be shown, but the Company insures thatthe lien or charge of t.he insured mortgage upon said esEaEe or- inlerest is , prior to such matEers, ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED May 05, 3,994 rN BOOK 639 AT PAGE 5].5. Page 3 o cy NoForm AL 4,195 Order No. Vl-7948 SCHEDULE A PoIi Amount . BQL532L2 $21_5, 000 . 00 1. 7/,-,lr:i-l I .Policy Dat,e: @2 at 5:00 P.M. Name of Insured: FIRSTBANK OF VAIL Address UNIT 2, GORE coNDos CREEK PLAZA 3- The and estate or interest in the land described in this Schedulewhich is encumbered by the insured mortqaqe is: A Fee Simple The estaEe or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policvvested in: RODNEY E. SI-,,IFER and ELIZABETH W. SLIFER The mortgage, herein referred to as the insured mortgage, and Ehe assignments Lhereof, if any, are described as follows: DEED OF TRUST DATED December 09, L99t, FROM RODNEY E. SL.,IFER and ELIZABETHW. SLIFER TO THE PUBL]C TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIJNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OFVAIL TO SECIJRE THE SIIM OF $215,000.00 RECORDED January 07, L992, IN BOOK 570 AT PAGE 115. 6.The land re\:rred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado,and is descr\bed as follows: coNDoMrNrUM rtNrT 2, GORE CREEK PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ACCORDING 4. 5. CONDOMINIUM I{AP THEREOF FILED FOR RECORD AS DEFINED fN THE DECLARATION/RECORDED SEPTEMBER 16, L9'71_ IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE AMENDMENT TFERETO RECORDED OCTOBER 27, 1971 rN BOOK 222 AToF EAGLE,ATE OF COLORADO. 'r- (2O, _=>1 C-<:>.-<"-r.a-,* t S TO THE CONDOMINTI]M 598 AND THE PAGE 74, COU}fTY c-€<-. 'z /z l.-= tl_7 lt1 la, .Io /= /a=-'l rz l=, ltt-rl c- 1z-/*= .. t-^s /-=, L-72, / =,t--r,9f f == a I,AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANYThis Policy valid only if SchedulePage B is att,ached. Form AL 4/95 Order No. Vt_7948 SCHEDULE B-I This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1- RighLs or claims of part.j-es in possession not shown by the public records. 2. EasemenEs, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record.s. 3. Discrepancies, conflict.s in bound.ary 1ines, shortage in area,encroachments, and any facts which a correct. survey and inspecti-on of t.hepremises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4- Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or maEerial theretoforeor hereafter furnished, imposed by Iaw and not shown by the public record.s. 5. TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1-991 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS AND ANY AND ALL ASSESSMENTS. 6, RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HTS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOT]ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED rN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July L3, 1899, IN BOOK 48 ArPAGE 475. 7 . RTGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI-,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AI]"]HORITY OF THEIINfTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 13 , 1,8gg,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. B. RESTRICT]VE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTA]N A FORFEITURE OR REVERTERCLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIG]ON, OR NATIONAIJ ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August 1-0, L962, INBOOK 1-74 AT PAGE l-79 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED October t-5,L955, IN BOOK ]-87 AT PAGE 353. 9 ' TERMS, CONDITIONS AI{D PROVISIONS OF CONDOMTNIIJM DECLARATION RECORDED SEPTEMbET 15, ]-971 IN BOOK 22]- AT PAGE 598 AND THE AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED OCTOBER 27, 1-971 IN BOOK 222 AT PAGE 74. 10. EASFMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINII]M MAP GORE CREEK PLAZA CONDOMINIIJMS. 1-]-. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. o Policy No. 8Q1s3212 Page 2 Form AL 4/95 Policy No. BQI-5321-2 Order No. Vl-7948 SCHEDULE B-II SCHEDULE B-II In addition to the matt,ers set forth in Part I of this Schedule, the title tothe estate or interest. in the land described or referred to in Schedule A issubjecl t.o the following maE.Eers, if any be shown, but the Company insures thatlhe lien or charge of t,he insured mortgage upon said estate or interesE isprior to such mat,Eers. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED January 07, 1992 IN BOOK 570AT PAGE ]-]-7. Page Form AL 4/95 Order No. WF258338 COMPANY TO VAIL TO SE o Policy No. Amount L,,TE.]25B33B $l-, 700, 000 . 00 SCHEDULE A Addressffi T]NIT PEI\]:|HOUSE GORE CREEK PLAZA =lrl"rl-. Policy Date: @ at 5:OO P.M. 2. Name of Insured: FIRSTBANK OF VAIL , and/or Assigns 3. The estate or interest in t.he ]and described in this Schedule and which is encumbered by the insured mortgage is: A Fee Simple 4. The estaLe or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policyvested in: RODNEY E. SLIFER AND ELIZABETH W. SI,IFER AS TO PARCEI, 2 5. The mortgage, herein referred Eo as the insured mortgage, andthe assignments thereof, if any, are described as follows: DEED OF TRUST DA August 19, 1,997, FROM ALEXANDR SLIFER LLC, A COLORADO LTMITED LT+BILITY COMPANY NKA TURTLE FROG LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY I,,IC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COT]NTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF SIIM OF $1,700,000.00 RECORDED August 27, 3.997, IN BOOK735 AT PAGE (AFFECTS P DEED OF TRUST DATED August 19, 1-997, FROM RODNEY E. SLIFER AND ELIZABETHW. SLIFER TO THE PIJBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OFVAIL TO SECURE THE SIIM OF $1,700,000.00 RECORDED August 27, t997, IN BOOK735 AT PAGE 609, (AFFECTS PARCEL 2) LAND TITLE GUARAMTEE COMPANYThis Policy valid only if Schedule B is at.t.ached.Page Form AL 4/95 Order No, VTF258338 o cyN situated in EAGLE CounLy, Colorado, PO_L r-LTEJ25 83 3 8 $1_, 700, 000 . 00Amount 5. SCHEDULE A The land referred to in this policy is and is described as follows: PARCEL 1: LOT I-2, EAGLE RECORDED AUGUST COLORADO. PARCEL 2: VALLEY 8, 1-9 MERCIAL BOOK PARK, FILING NO. 702 AT PAGE 363, 2, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT COT]NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF CONDOM]NII]M I]NIT''PEIflIHOUSEt" GORE CONDOM]N]I]M MAP THEREOF FILED FOR DECI-,,ARAT]ON RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED OCTOBER OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. CREEK PI-,,AZA CONDOMINII]M ACCORDTNG TO THE RECORD AS DEFINED IN THE COIIDOMINIUM ]-971- IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 698 AND THE 27, ]-971. IN BOOR 222 AT PAGE 74, COI]NTY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANYThis Policy valid only if Schedule B is at.t.ached.Page Form AL 4/95 Dnl 'i nrr o No.LTEJ25833 B Order No. WF258338 SCHEDULE B-I This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of t.he following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by t.he public records. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correcE surwey and inspecEion of thepremises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any Iien, or right Eo a Lien, for serwices, labor, or material t,heretofore by the public records.or hereafLer furnished, imposed by law and not shown 1-997 TAXES YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSME}ilTS NOT YET CERT]F]ED TO THE TREASIJRERS O ICE. RIGHT OF PROP R OF A VETN OR LODE TO EXTRACT A"I{D 2 VE ECT H]S ORE THE PREMISES IN BOOK 105 AT THEREFROM SH THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR AS RESERVED IN PAGE 5]-9. STATES PATENT RECORDED MaTch 2 L929, 7.FOR D AS RE 48 AT RIGHT OF WAY I]NITED STATES 1895, IN BOOK PAGE 51-9. OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE VED IN I]NITED STATES PA RECORDED February 21, E 451 AND RECORDED MARCH 2, 1929 IN BOOK 106 AT TERMS, CONDITIONS AND THE EAGLE VALLEY COMMERC ]-995 ]N BOOK 563 AT PAGE EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, RE ON THE RECORDED PLATS OF VAI-,,I,EY COMMERCIAL PARK. THE CTIONS,RESERVATIONS EAG VAIJITEY CIAL PARK RELATING TO THE ANNEXATION OF EAGLE RECORDED March 14, sroNs oF PARK TO 1_. OF AS SHOI,'[N OR RESERVED ANNEXATION AND EAGLE 10.EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RE PLAT OF EAGLE VALLEY COMMERCIALIN BOOK 702 AT PAGE 365, INCLUD BUILDING SETBACK RECORDED August 08, 1996 CLAUSE AMENDMENT RECORDED ONS AS SHOWN , FILING NO. 2 BUT NOT LIMITED OR RESERVED ON THE FINAL RECORDED AUGUST 8. 1.996 TO: DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE PATH I) SOUTHEASTERLY LOT L]NE OF PROP L1. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVI IONS OF SI]BD ]N WIDTH ALONG THE ION ]MPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT 353 AND FORFEITURE OR REVERTERBOOK 702 AT PAG OVEMBER 15, ]-995 Page BOOK 71-1- AT PAGE 55]-. Form AL 4/95 1-2. RESTRICT BIIT OMITT NATIONAL BOOK 702 l-5 TERMS, CONDITI Order No. vTF258338 SCHEDUi-,,E B- I COVENA}NTS WHICH DO RESTRTCTIONS, IF IN, AS CO}i"TAINED IN INSTR E 356 PoIicy o No.LTEJ25833B EI,ECTRIC ASSOCIATION, August 23, l-995 IN BOOK 703 ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, AugusE 23, 1-996 IN BOOK 703 OR ltr NOT COIVTAIN FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. ANY, BASED RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR RECORDED August 08, L996, IN LY CROSS RECORDEDINC. I]NDERGROIJND AT PAGE 575. 1_4 TERMS, COND]TIONS PROVISI S OF HOLY CROSSINC. I]NDERGROT'ND RI frl rtt'(Jtl 5//^ OF WA EASEMENT RECORDED ( ITEMS 5 THROUGH 1.4 AFFE 15. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HTS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INI|ERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 13, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 16. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI-,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHOR]TY OF THEIINITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 13 , !899,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 17. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTERCLAUSE, BUT OMTTTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED August l-0, L962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED October i-5,L955, IN BOOK 1.87 AT PAGE 353 . 1.8. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONDOMINII]M DECLARAT]ON RECORDED SCPIEMbCT 1-6, 197]- IN BOOK 221- AT PAGE 598 AND THE AMENDME}ilT THERETO RECORDED OCTOBER 27, 1971- IN B,OOK 222 AT PAGE 74. 19. EASEMEMTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTTONS AS SHOhiN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINII]M MAP GORE CREEK PLAZA CONDOMINII]MS. 20- A DEED oF TRUST DATED october 27, 1-993 FRoM RoDNEy E. SLTFER AND ELIZABETHW- SIJIFER TO THE PUBLTC TRUSTEE OF EAGI-,E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF F'IRSTBAIIK OFvArL , and/or Assigns To sEcIrRE THE sIlM oF gj-,264,44s.00, AND ANy orHER AMOITNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED November 03, 1993, INBOOK 523 AT PAGE 790. (ITEMS 15 THROUGH 20 AFFECT PARCEL 2) NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. FORM 1OO.OO IS HEREBY ATTACHED AND BECOMES A PART OF THE POLICY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE COMPANY HAS CAUSED THTS ENDORSEMENT TO BE SIGNED AND SEALED AS OF THEEFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS POLICY, TO BE VALID WHEN COUNTERSIGNED BY ANAUTHORIZED OFFICER OR AGENT OF THE COMPANY, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS BY- IJAWS .Page 4 AND PROVTSIONS OF IGHT OF WAY EAS Form .A,L 4/95 Order No. WF258338 SCHEDULE B-I SAID FORM ]-OO APPL]ES TO BOTH PARCELS SCHEDULE B-II In addition to t.he mat,ters set forth in Part I of t.his Schedule, the title tothe estaEe or interesL in the land descri-bed or referred to in Schedule A is subjecE to the following mat,ters, if any be shown, but the Company insures t.hat Ehe lien or charge of E.he insured mortgage upon said estaEe or interest isprior to such maLters. NONE o Po1icv No. LTEJ258338 Page 6 r Qu.rtlonrfall rhc I'lanning Staff at 479-2l ZS APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATTON c6,W?flL wilfitw WMwl, This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr rcview must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approvat prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. Foispecifit information, sce the submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd infomration is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc planning and Environulcntal Contnrission. Dcsign Revicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcis a building permit is issucd and construction is startcd. a't - B. c. D. E. F. C. PTrySICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: 2IO o82 OUI- (Contact Eagtc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-3 ZONING: NAME OF OWNERTS): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: H. ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: .tr Ncw Construction - $200 Consrruction of a new building.p loaitioo - $50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. tr l\{inor Altcration - $20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings anri sitc improvcnrents. such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls. ctc. DRB fecs are to be paid at the timc ofsubnrittal. Latcr. rvhen applying for a building pennit, please identiff thc accuratc valuation of thc pdcct. Thc Town of Vail rvill a-djust the fcc accord.ing to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. TOli/N OFVATT LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: fi4le ie Wre of BUILDINC MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Solllts Windows Window Trinr Door.s Door'l'rirrr lland or Dcck Rail.s Flucs Flaslrings unrrnncys Trash Encldsurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** 0ther COLOR:* Ail(xo NUi'JT Ob,4P * Please specify the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip *+ All extcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54,050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc nunrbcr of fixfurcs and locations on a scparate lighting plan. Identiff each n*tut" type and provide thc height above grade. lumens output. luminous arca. and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighiing fixhues. I - -: ' Updated 6/97a' o o PROPOSFD LANNSCAPING Botanical Narne Conrnton Namc Ouantity Sizc* _ PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: Nlk EXISTINC TREES TO u'*uTl}fr- *Mininru'r requircmcnts for randscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calincr conifcrou.s trccs - 6 fccr in hcightshnrbs - 5 callons Tvnc Squarc Footage CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION 'r Iof LV TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTRO orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls''fenccs, swirnrning pools, etc.) prcase speciry. Indicate top and nilT,::ffi:i:TJ,l'Jliltr,]llfr]i:imui'height orwairs rvithin t-i,. nont,.iu".k is 3 6el i4a*imum i,ie[g Updated 6/97 FILT. COPY IPPRSYIPAPFf J i [S 6. A request for a worksession to discuss a Major CCI Exterior Alteration and a site coverage variance, to allow for a remodel and expansion to the Slifer Building, located at 230 Bridge SlreeVLot B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Slifer Designs, represented by Jim BucknerPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the staff memo. Discussion lssue #1 Jim Buckner, representing the applicant, said the height variance would not be an issue, as it would offer a varieg of roof heights and would only be on the front of the building. John Schofield noticed on the site visit ihat the dumpster was on Town property. Jim Buckner said he was not aware of that. George Ruther stated ihe back of the building was on the property line and that the trash enclosure and reserved parking were on TOV property. He said in the CCI Zone District, on-site parking was prohibited and they may need to reduce this non conformity. John Schofield had no problem with the application. Greg Amsden had no comments regarding the height and site at this time. He did agree that the parking was encroaching into a TOV tract. He said the handicapped access area should be labeled handicapped, instead of private. Galen Aasland said the west elevation needed significanl articulation and he could not support this application until he saw more articulation. He said it was against the Town's objectives to have a flal wall against Bridge Street. Diane Golden echoed the concerns about parking. Greg Moffet stated that in order to grant a variance, the PEC needed to know why it would not be a special privilege and advised the applicant to come up with a good reason. Discussion lssue #2 Jim Buckner said the DRB gave us an understanding of where to work towards, so we just need comments from the PEC regarding the walking experience. Galen Aasland said he wanted lo see a change in the roof. Diane Golden supported the change in the roof pilch and the change from extemal stairs. John Schofield said he heard the DRB commenls. Greg Amsden had no comments. Planning and Envircnmental Commlsslon Mnut€s March 23, 1998 Greg Moffet said rather than shrubs for landscaping, he would like to see a commitment to flowers, as shrubs die with people sitting on them. Discussion lssue #3 George Ruther asked if the Pec wanted to see a color board. The PEC did not want to see a color board. Planning and Environmental Commrssron Minutes March 23, 1998 10 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 23, 1998 A request for a worksession to discuss a Major ccl Exterior Alteration and a site coverage variance, to allow for a remodel and expansion to the Slifer Building, located at 230 Bridge Streevlot B, Vait Viilage.l st Fiting. Applicant: Slifer Designs, represented by Jim BucknerPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Slifer Designs, represented by Jim Buckner, is requesting a Major CC1 Exterior Alteration, to allow for a remodel and expansion to the Slifer Building, tocateO at 230 Bridge Street. The applicant is proposing to add approximately 300 sq, ft. of floor area to the existing building. The additional floor area will be added on three levels of the building and will be constructed as part of the overall remodel. The major exterior alteration is intended to improve the Bridge Street facade and improve the customer access. Customer access will be improved by eliminating the exterior stairs and providing an at-grade entrance to the building. The existing exterior stairs will be internalized into the building. The applicant believes the proposed exterior alteration will significantly improve the building facade and the Bridge Street streetscape. A copy of the plans have been attached for reference. The purpose of the worksession is to discuss the lollowing issues: 1. A possible site coverage variance and building height variance. 2. The proposed building facade and Bridge Street streetscape. 3. The completeness of the application. II. BACKGROUND On March 4, 1998, the applicant's representative met with the Design Review Board for a conceptual review ol the proposed major exterior alteration. The Design Review Board identified the following design issues, which they believed the applicant needed to reflect on the final plans: 1. Avoid a straight line plane along Bridge Street by introducing more articulation and recess into lhe design. 2. The pilasters need to be removed or pulled away from the glass and stone, to avoid the appearance of simply being "tacked" on to the buitding. 3. The use of stone, stucco and wood is attractive. 4. The current design appears to "busy and cutesy." 5. A revised west building elevation needs to be provided that includes the existing west elevation of Russell's. III. ZONING ANALVSIS The following analysis summarizes the relevant zoning statistics for thls request: Legal: Lot B, Vail Village lst Filing. Zoning: CommercialCore | (CC1) Lot Area: 3,223 sq. ft. or 0.074 acres Development Standards: Allowable Existing Proposed Site Coverage: 2,578 sq. ft. or 80o/o 3,094 sq. ft. or 96% NYD- Landscaping: No net reduction 39 sq. ft. + 1 potted NYD* plant. (softscape) Building Height: 400/"33' - 43' 0% 33' - 43' NYD' 60o/" 33' or less 100% 33' or less * NYD - Not yet determined IV. MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION CRITERIA- ' Note: We will not be addressing all of the criteria at this time. A. compliance with the commercial core tzone District purpose statement According to the officialrown of VailZoning Map, the applicant's property is located in the commercial core 1 Zone District (cct ). pursuant to section 12-78-i of the Municipal Code, the purpose of the CC1 Zone District is intended to, "provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village Commercial Area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail -village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tighfly clustered anangements of bui|dings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village." Staff Response: Staff believes that the proposed improvements are in concert with the purpose of this zone district. B. Compliance with the Urban Design Guide plan for Vail Village Staff Response: c. comoliance with the urban Design considerations for vail village and Exterior Alteration Criteria The Urban Design considerations for Vail village are intended to guide growth and change in ways that will enhance and preserve the essential qualiiies of Vail Village. The Urban Design considerations are divided into two major categories: Urban Design considerations, and Architecture/Landscape considerations. The following design considerations are critical elements ot the vail Village urban Design Guide plan and provide the criteria to evaluate new proposals: Urban Design Considerations The Vail Village Urban Design Considerations are primarily the purview of the Planning and Environmental Commission. 1. Pedestrianization: 2. Vehicular penetration: 3. Streetscape Framework: 4. Strest Enclosure: 5. Street Edge: 6. Building Height: 7. Views and Focal Points: Architectural/Landscaoe Considerations The Architecrural/Landscape Considerations are reviewed primarily by the Design Fleview Board. 1. Roofs 2. Facades 3. Balconies 4. Decks and Patios 5. Accent Elements 6. Landscape Elements 7. Service Staff Response: D. Compliance with the Vail Land Use Plan The following goals of the Vail Land Use Plan are applicable to this proposed alteration: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.4 The original theme of the old Village core should be carried into new development in the Village core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 3.4 Commercial growth should be concentrated in existing commercial areas to accommodate both local and visitor needs. Sfttff Besponse: Staff believes that this proposal is consistent with the Vail Land Use plan, E. Compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan qogls The Vail village Master Plan is intended to guide the Town in developing land use laws and policies for coordinating development by the public and private sectors in Vail Village and in implementing community goals for public improvements. Furthet, the Master Plan is intended lo serve as a guide to the staff, review boards and Town Council in analyzing future proposals for development in Vail Village and in legislating etfective ordinances to deal with the such development. Contained within the Vail Village Master Plan are goals for development in Vail Village. The goals are summarized in six major goal statements. The goal statements are designed to establish a framework, or direction, for the future growth of the viilage. A series of objective outline specific steps toward achieving each stated goal. policy statements have been developed to guide the Town's decision making in achieving each of the stated objectives, whether it be through the review of private sector development proposals, or in implementing capital improvement projects. Goal#1 Encourage high quality redevelopment white preserving the unigue architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Obiective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 1.3 Objective:Enhance new development and redevelopment through public improvements done by private developers working in cooperation with the.Town. Public improvements shall be developed with the participation of the private sector working with the Town. 1.3.1 Policy: Goal *2 To foster a strong tourisl industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and lor the community as a whole. 2.1 Objective;Recognize the variety of land uses found in the 10 sub-. areas throughoul the Village and allow for development that is compatible with these established land use patterns. 2.5 Objective: 2.5.2 Policv: Goal #3 To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. 2.2 Objective: 2.2.1Policy: 2.4 Objective: 2.4.1 Policy: 3.1 Objective: 3.1.1 Policy: Recognize the "historic" commercial core as the main activity center of the village. The design criteria in the Vail Village Design Guide Plan shall be the primary guiding document to preserve the existing architectural scale and character of the core area of Vail Village. Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. Commercial infill development, consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. The Town will use the maximum flexibiliV possible in the interpretation of building and fire codes in order to facilitate building renovations without compromising life, health and safety considerations. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. Private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. Flowers. trees. water features and ofier landscaping shall be encouraged thrcughout the Town in locations adjacent to, or visible from, public 3.1.3 Policv: areas. Goal #6 To insure the continued improvement of the vital operational elements of the village. Provide for the safe and efficient functions of fire, police and public utilities within the context of an aesthetically pleasing resort setting. 6.2 Objective: 6.2.2 Policy:Minor improvements (landscaping, decorative paving, open dining decks, etc.), may be permitted on Town ol Vail land or right-of-way (with review and approval by the Town Council and Planning and Environmental Commission when applicable) provided that Town operations such as snow removal, street maintenance and fire department access and operation are able to be maintained at current levels. Special design (i.e. heated pavement), maintenance fees, or other considerations may be required to offset impacts on Town services. v.ptscusstoN tssuEs The community Development Department has completed a preliminary review of the proposed Major cc1 Exterior Alteration. Upon completion of our preliminary review, we have identified several issues we believe the applicant, staff and planning and Environmential Commission should address prior to a linal review. 1. A possible site coverage variance and building height variance, Pursuant to Section 12-78-15 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, site coverage is limited in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District to 80% of the buildable area of a lot. The current site coverage is approximately 960/o and is in accordance with a site coverage variance approved in 1992. The applicant's plans indicate that there will be a proposed increase in overall site coverage. In order for the applicant to increase the site coverage, a variance must be approved by the Planning and Environmental commission. The planning and Environmental Gommission will review a site coverage variance request on April 13th. BuiHing height in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District is prescribed in rhe Vail Village Master Plan. According to the Vail Village Master Plan, 600/o of the overall building height is permitted up to 33' in height and the remaining 40ol. of the building height may be between 33' and 43' in height. Staff has requested that the applicant submit a completed roof plan, showing the proposed roof configuration and the roof elevations. Once a completed roof plan is submitted to statt, we will determine whether or not a building height variance is necessary. Like the site coverage variance, if a building height variance is necessary, the planning and Environmental Commission will have an opportunity to review the requesiat the April 13th Planning and Environmental Commission meeting. { staff woutd suggest, based upon the limited information provided, that the Planning and Environmental Commission provide direction to the applicant, with regard to both the site coverage and building height variances. rahl fhA is r..rcn t+ qPhrr ar ry)'+t parVlEe. The proposed building tacade and Bridge Street streetscape. The applicant has expressed that the goal of the proposed major exterior alteration is to improve and update the existing Slifer Building facade and Bridge Street streetscape. In keeping with the goal of the major exterior alteration, the applicant has proposed significant improvements to the existing building and the streetscape. The improvements include: 1. A change in roof pitch. 2. The addition of stone siding. 3. The elimination of horizontal wood siding. 4. The removal of the external stairs. 5. The introduction of pilasters,W and braces, 6. The rearrangement of windows. A copy of the plans has been attached for reference. Similar to the Design Review Board's conceptual review of the applicant's request, staff would suggest that the Planning and Environmental Commission provide direction to the applicant on the proposed improvements. Specifically, staff would suggest that the PEC address the proposed architecture of the revised building facade and the Bridge Street streetscape improvements. In keeping with the goals outlined in the Vail Village Master Plan, statf would further suggest that the Planning and Environmental Commission provide direction to the applicant, as it relates to Goal #3 of the Vail Village Master Plan, "To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village." . ,,-6 An objective of Goal #3 is to physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by ,^0,V'' landscaping and other improvements. The Town's policy on improving existing M n'. pedestrian ways is to require that private development projects incorporalet ', p pt&' streetscape improvements such as, paver treatments, landscaping, lighting, and seating areas adjacent to the pedestrian ways, as well as encouraging the planting of trees and flowers adjacent to public areas. Staff would recommend the Planning Commission provide direction to the applicant on any requirements fie PEC may have for improving and enhancing the streetscape adjacent to the Slifer Building. 3. The completeness of the application. on March 6th, a letter was sent to the applicant's representative addressing a number ol outstanding information that is necessary in order for staff to complete the final review. (See attached letter). In addition to the items listed in the letter to the applicant of March 6, 1ggg, the following additional items shall be submifted to the community Development Department: 1. A fee of $250 for the proposed variance requests. 2. A written statement of the precise nature of the variances requested in the specific regulations involved. 3. A written statement addressing: . the relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity, . th€ degree to which the relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the regulations is necessary to achieve compatibility amongst sites in the vicinity of the project, or to obtain the objectives of the zoning code without a grant of special privilege, . the effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic tacilities, utilities and public safety, and . how the request complies with Vail's Comprehensive plan. In order for the applicant to remain on the agenda for the planning and Environmental commission on Monday, April 13th, the above-listed items must be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development by no later than noon, Monday, March 30th. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As this is only a worksession and not a final review, the Community Development Department will not be making a recommendation at this time. The Community Development Department will provide a recommendation to the Planning and Environmental Commission at the time of the linal review. A final review is tentatively scheduled for Monday, April i O. f:\everyone\pec\menros\98\slifbld. 3 23 oo It[ IX lol{ l= lcl l> Inr lul{ trrm { 6z k6 REUODEI tr'OR SIfftn SUNH & FRAIIPTON 230 BRIDCE SII.EEiT YM,, COI.ORTDOffiT ffil@'ff H e c oo E#M offiufioJ rttY IIHUS rCoU[ 08e N0Idnvu,{ 4 fiIlfis u[JnS Uod Itflonffi L_]ttril a,t,@r o o Ery$M,,,*"-ffinffi oo asavJo:t'15^n8 5;) :suBJd o^ucodsat eql uo palceuaJ aq ol peou qctqi!\ sanssr uffrsap fiurntolloJ sql palrluapr pl?og ^rer^eu u8rsaq aq1 'iserls eSpuggo eprs tse^\ eql uo Eurppng e8pug pere^o3 aqt.;o afpe Burppnq Surlsrxa aql puu Surpilng JsJrls eqlJo aSpa Eurp[nq pasodo:d aql s8urnturp uorrp^elc arll uo er€crpul 'sroloc pasodo:d aq1 Sur,Srluopr plsoq Joloo Jotlelxe uB lluqns pue s8utrte.lp uotl?^ela eql uo slgrlelgw Eurplnq pasodord eql Ieq€-I 's.llessnuJo uorlB^ela 1se,m Surlsrxa oql sapnlcur 1?rl1 uorle^ele Surp;rnq lsa/r\ pesr^er v 'aderslaarls eql ol .{ler:u,r pue roloc ppe 01 laorls a8prrg uo ^\opur/y\ ,{uldsrp eql qlueuoq pasodord eq.raluuld educspuul /doJJBu e luql lsa88ns p1no,n JJlllS sluauraloldrut pasodord pue suorlrpuoc Surlsrxe arll fiurtecrpur rruld adecspuul y 'ccue luoAuoc .rrro,{ .ro3 uorlucllddu ccupuu^ oqlJo ,{doc u pcsolcue a^pq 1 fuessacau sl ccuurrpn tqSraq fiurp;rnq u o^arloq J 'suu1d pasodo.rcl .rno{ puu suorlpuoo Surlsrxc uo pcsu8 suorlB.rcprsuo3 ufirsoq ueqLq cfu11r1 lrBA eql ur pcqucsc.rd ss suorlsltr.l.fil tqfircq Surp;tnq%ov/%Og orllJo suotlulnsluc puB'luaudrnbe lurrueqcauJo uorlBcol 'suorl?^alo c8pr.r pesodord Surpnlcur uu1d.;oo: aloldtuoc y I :uotlBr.uJoJul 3urmo11o; erll lruqns asua14 ,{.russecsu sr uotlerrloJut luuoUrppe lurll pcuil.ulolop O^Er{ l '/ylet^cj,{tu3o uorlclduoc uodl 'tca.rl5 c8pr.rg 0tz lB pel?co1 'Surplng JeJtlS 3ql ol uotlEjollB JolJolxo .tolutu e ro3 lsonba.r .rno.{3o ,ryrar,rer ,{.rsururrle:d z pslagduot onutl I 'uuf Juec Surpg 1s.rrg aEulpn ps6 'lS lcolg .J T S sto-Iruorterellv rorrelxg rofu4 Burplrng reJlls :aU Ze9l8 opuroloC'spre/$pa 60il xog'o'd suSrsag legr15 reulcng Iulf '9 's t ,z g66l .9 qcr?l^I zsfz-6tt-ot6 xv! ,rrrr:;::"f"': i'*: poog a?o1uotg qtnos gl g a wdo 1 ata q Kuunw ut og {o tu auuto dag ,td0c I ltJ 1'. 1('t;:i f,!'q, .-lI avoiu a straight-lin; plahe along Bridge Street by introducing more articulation and recess into the desisn. . the pilasters need to be removed or pulled away from the glass and stone to avoid the appearance of simply being tacked on to the building. . the use ofstone. stucco and rvood is attractive. . the current design appears too busy and "cute". 7. In the Commercial Core I zone district, site coverage is limited to 80%. According to my calculations, the proposed building is over on site coverage (96%). In order to proceed forward with this proposal, a site coverage variance application is necesiary. I have enclosed a copy ofthe variance application for your convenience. 8. In order to allow for the proposed relocation of the legal non-conforming real estate office square footage, an equal amount of square footage must be removed from the office use on the first floor. Staffsuggests that you convert approximately 93 square feet of ofllce space in the rear of the building to storage. The converted storage area will need to be designed so that it is only accessible frorn the exterior ofthe building or from the retail space on the lowest lcvel. If you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, pfeasc do not hesitate to call. You can reach mc by telcphone al 479-2145. Sinccrcly, fl-^*Q,.t+l George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner COLORADO DAvID H. YoUNG, M.D. RICHARD K. PARKER, M.D. JAMES A. NARRoD, M.D. DAVTD \,ly'. NELSON, M.D. NoRTH OFFIcE '160'l EAST 19TH AVENUE, SUITE 6300 DENVER, COLORADO 8O2I8 PHONE: (303) A61.A15a FAX: (303) A6t-O939 March 15, 1998 oo CARDIOVASCULAR SURGICAL ASSOCIA CARDIoVASCULAR AND THoRAcIc SURGERY TRANSPLANT SURGERY TES. P.C. DANIEL L. SMITH, M.D , MYLES S. GUBER. M.D. ROY E. CARLSON, M.D, RANDOLPH M. KESSLER. M.D. SOUTH OFFICE 95O E. HARVARD, SUITE 55O DENVER, COLORADO 8O21O PHoNE: (3O3) 778-6527 FAX (303) 733-r28a' Tfill.f;ill\,|ffi.$E1/, DPT ceorge Ruther, planning Office Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Ruther: As a resident at 303 score creek Drive 2A and 2D, r have receiveda notice of the March 23, 1998 neeting on the application forexterior alterations by slideford. Designs at 23b Bridge street.As adjacent neighbor whose front door iooks over the back door ofthe slideford Building and other adjacent buildings, r do pauseto ask if in the.process of rnaking ilterations to-this buiiding,if proper attention has been paid to the back of the building. As you wilr notice, r have landscaped ny side of the creek andplaced trees along this to help screen out the back of theirbuirding. rf it is appropriate at the time of this alteration, rwould like to request that attention be placed for sinilarlandscaping aton{ the creek and perhaps ilanting of trees orgreenery to help improve the facade that is our'view from ourfront doors. rf you have any questions or would rike to cliscuss this further,please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Richard K. Parker, M.D. RKP/PTN 8762 frA, r g 1gS FIL E COPY TOWN OFVAIL D epar tm e nt of C ommunity D evelopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21s8 n4,x 970-479-2452 March 6. 1998 1. 2. Jim Buckner Slifer Designs P.O. Box 1409 Edwards. Colorado 8 1632 Re: Slifer Building Major Exterior Alteration/Lots B & C, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing Dear Jim, I have completed a preliminary review of your request for a major exterior alteration to the Slifer Building, located at 230 Bridge Street. Upon completion of my review, I have determined that additional information is necessary. Please submit the following information: A complete roof plan including proposed ridge elevations, location of mechanical equipment, and calculations of the 60%140% building height limitations as prescribed in the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. Based on existing conditions and your proposed plans, I believe a building height variance is necessary. I have enclosed a copy ofthe variance application for your convenience. A landscape plan indicating the existing conditions and proposed improvements. Staff would suggest that a narrow landscape planter be proposed beneath the display window on Bridge Street to add color and variety to the streetscape. A revised west building elevation that includes the existing west elevation of Russell's. Label the proposed building materials on the elevation drawings and submit an exterior color board identifiing the proposed colors Indicate on the elevation drawings the proposed building edge of the Slifer Building and the existing building edge of the Covered Bridge Building on the west side of Bridge Street. The Design Review Board identified the following design issues which need to be reflected on the respective plans: J. ^..'. 5. 6. ?a *r"r"r"o ror"^ ? ...t.f,1 ,e \ !, -,1 r avoid a straight-li#e plarre'along Bridge Street by introducing more articulation and recess into the design. . the pilasters need to be removed or pulled away from the glass and stone to avoid the appearance of simply being tacked on to the building. . the use ofstone. stucco and rvood is attractive. . the current design appears too busy and "cute". 7. In the Commercial Core 1 zone district, site coverage is limited to 80%. According to my calculations, the proposed building is over on site coverage (96%). In order to proceed forward with this proposal, a site coverage variance application is necessary. I have enclosed a copy ofthe variance application for your convenience. 8. In order to allow for the proposed relocation of the legal non-conforming real estate office square footage, an equal amount of square footage must be removed from the office use on the first floor. Staffsuggests that you convert approximately 93 square feet ofoftice space in the rear ofthe building to storage. The converted storage area will need to be designed so that it is only accessible from the exterior ofthe building or from the retail space on the lowest level. If you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerelv. George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner