HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT B SLIFER BUILDING 1999 FACADE REMODEL LEGALTOI^IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 230 BRIDGE ST 230 BRIDGE STREET 21_0L- 082 -29 - O02 PR.]9B - 02 7t APPL]CATiIT SHAEFFER CONSTRU(:TION P O BOX 373, VArrr Co 81658 COIITRAETOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArt co 81658OWNER SLTFER BUILDING LLC 230 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Description: REMODET FRONT OF BLDG,RE-DO 1-ST FLOOR Occupancy. B2/Rl Not in table!Tlpe Construct,ion: Tlrpe Occupancy: Val_uation: 300, 000 FircFlace Info'.oat.ion: ResLricted:*of Gas Applianc6s: Clean-up approved arnount dafe Add Sq Ft: #of eas Loga:*Of Wood/Pallct.: Building-----> PIan check- - - > InveEtigaLi.on> Will calI----> 1,540.00 1,001.00 .00 3.00 200.00 .00 s00.00 3,244.O0 3 ,244 .OO , oo 3?244.O0 3,244.OO - 00 Restuarant Plan Review- - > DRB Fee- - - Recreaiion Pee-- - clear|'-Up DepoBits--------> TOTAI FEES----- .00 Tolal Calculated FeeE- - - > Additi.oDal FeeE------ --- > Tolal Peroit Fee ----- > Payuencs------- BAIANCE DI'E- - -' B/24/A999 JRltrItem: 05500 pu9)/24/Le_29 _JRM _ __Aqg_ton: AppR N,/AIIEM: -O55OO PIJBLIC WORKS Q3/,?4/.].999 JRM Acrion: NOTE pL.A04/22/L999 LSANDOVA Acrioni AFFp App Dept,: PIJB WORK BEG/LEONARD /oR B /.ca I s/4f, DEpARrr'rENr oF coM*.rNrry DE'EL.'MENT V" ltllfs g 'NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Ilqq, .05100 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT 93 /.2+ /.Lgeg,rmr--- -- -eEEibri,' ltijin04/L6/L999 ccooDElr, Aciion; AFeR$cL'i on: NOTE PLANS TO GAR Dept: BUILDING Divisi-on: ARY I!e.q; .05400 PLANNING DEPARTITEI{T93/.24/.1,999,JRM action: ucjrQ4/02/a999 cEORcE Acr.ion; AFF . DEPARIIVIEI\IT DepT: PLANNING Diwision:AcLion: NoTE PLANS To GEohGE93 / 2 4 / 1,9 e9 ;ntq - -' --' -acEibrii"r.r-tiin 9+/02/!9e9 cEoRcE ac€ioni AFFnIEqm: .05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT ------ 03 / 24 / 4999 ,JR]n Act i rrn : aDDp DepE: FIRE Division: Division:on: NOTE PL.ANS TO GR-Eon: .APPR APPROVED LS See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply Eo this permit.. DECI,ARATIONS r h€reby acknoelB€e chaE f have read thiE appLicatsion, fifled out in ful1 the informatsion required, eorpletsed an accurate plotplan, end Btatse that all the information Provided. as requ!.red is correct. r agree Lo conlpry sath the jrtfolntation and plo! plan,to comply with aLl Town ordinalcea and 6cate laws, and to buifd thj.s EtruccurE according to t.he Tolrn, s zoning and subdiwisioncode6, design tewj-ew aPProved. unifoar Euildlng code and oth€r ordinanees of the To*n aFEficable tshereco, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHA!! BE I4ADE TIIBNTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADI/NNCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479 213S OR AT OT'E OFFICE FROM II:OO AM 5:OO PM JOBSTTE AT AI,IJ TIMES Permit. #: 899-0034 SE.atus...: ISSITEDApplied..: 03/24/a999 Issued-. - : 04/L6/1,999 E>cpires. . : L0/L3/L999 Phone: 970-845-5656 Phone ,: 970-845-5656 TOV/Comm. Dev. D sit Refund Scnd Ctean-Up Deposit. To: cEORCE SHAIrFO SlGI{ATURE ******************************************************************************** CONDIT]ONSPermit #: 899-0034 as of O4/23/gg SE,atus: ISSUED**********************:k********************************************************* Permir, Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD pERMr Applicant : SHAEFFER CONSTRUqIIoN 970 -845 -5555 'Job Address: LOCAIiON: 230 BRIDGE STREETParcel No: 21_01--082-29 -oo2 Descrj-ption: REMODET FROI.IT OF BLDG,RE-DO 1ST FLOOR CondiE,ions: 1-. FIRE DEPARII,IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FTELD TNSPESIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO GiECK FOR CODE COMPLIAISCE.3. PROVIDE SIGN NEAR FRO}fT EIiITRANCE INDTCATING ROUTE TOACCESSIBLE ENTRANCE AT REAR (SEC. 1-, LggT UBC).4. PROVIDE AT TEAST ].8" OF MANEWERING SPACE TO RIGHT OF I,ATCTI SIDE OF ENTRANCE DOOR #9 (ANSI A].]-7.L-1"992) .5. PROVIDE AT LEAST 1BN OF MANEI'UERING SPACE TO RIGHT SIDEoF DOOR #6 AT pULL SIDE (ANSI A117 -t_Ls92, SEC. -6 - Ar.r.', NEW woRK & MATERTAT,S MUsr orIrERWrsE MEET THE AppLrcABr.EACCESSTBILTTY REQUTREMEIimS OF C1{. l_1 & APPENDTX CH. 11,1997 TTBC AND ANSI A1-1.?. L-L992.7. PLEASE COORDINATE WITH TTIE TOV FIRE DEPT ON THE DESTGN,INSTALLATION & INSPECTION OF THE AUTOMATTC FIRE SPRTNKIERSYSTEM. PHONE NI]I,IBER FOR THE FIRE DEPT. IS 479-2250.8. PROVIDE SIDE & REAR GRAB BARS A,T TOILETS AS PER ANSI DRAWINGS .A.TTACHED TO APPROVED PI,ANS (ATiISI A117 .L-Lggz, SEC.4.24 &. SEC. 4.1_7.4) . Applied: 03/24/L999 Issued: 04/L5/1,999 To $q)ire:. LO/L3/1999 f t e ALuL i,,n- " W O( * u rt\f Ci!d4A,,{) 899-OrZr34 $/3A/ lg Type: A-COlrlM Statur: lsSUED Constr"r fftrfiM ::m sRiber s'r E3E FRIDEE STREET e101-ra8E*e9-rAgre [Jccr Use; RE]YIODEL FRONT OF BLI]G. RF-DN lST FLOOR SHAEFFER CON$TRUCTION T]LIFER BUILDING LLTj SHAEFFER CON:STRUCTION 1 it* Time Exp REF.T 13 T S'9/34/ 1999 TDUN nF VAIL! rFS:17 RE0UESTS - INSF'ECTN l"fORR CNLORffDO SHEETS FORr 9.r38l1999 AREA: GG Frhone : tTtZt*845-5656 F,hone; . Fhone: 97fi-tl4iir5656 Artivity: AdrJress: Lo.rat i Bn : F at.ce 1 : DeEcniption: Appl icant l tlwner r Contr*act or r Inrpect ion Request Inf or"nat i on. . . Recr-test or': ROF Req Ti ne : tZtB r EO Comnreri'b s r CEL-L Itpm: tZttZtO9O BLDG-F in;LIItem: EB53ta Bi-DE--f emn. C./C) tA7 /F.3/99 Inspeebor": CD F,hane; 845*5fr56 ; t^lIl.-L f,ALL Comments 394-1114 . Action n ff-i0.--r MV( Uull \./ _//.- 6{J1y_"L*- '*oi;:;:"-Hi;';l;t-i""t inss,,st'*,-O.' e/i2g fc /; ih-f of n(ff1{ Item: A0OIA BLDG-For-rn,Jation/$teFf/ | 'J i rrU, t i:::: fg*:* *1$:l::^,iite F,ran Wou,f lf,-l o o,Hijr.>, qn(r4".) €ltf , frb/ffi9 /$9 Inspec'b or.: CD Act i on : F,A BflSEMENT ENTRY 1216,/t7,/99 Inspecbor.: CD f;ction: flF,F,R REST OF F,ROJE Item: rZttltZl6ttr BLDti-SheeLr.o,.k Nail... ef6/lA9/9s Inspec.tor.r uD flction: F,fl EXTERInF F.YF,S{qtfj-il6//V lzf6/1tAl95 InsperLorr JRM Acticn: F,A FIF,F,R 5HI SHOF EIIITRY ,/ I lzle'/31/99 Inspector': ERG flctionr fftrFR E L-EUEL5 +FR FNT EXT CLF Item : BtZlrZtTrA BLDF-Misc" fr31e7/9, Insnec"borr CD flction: N0 6TRIR HEFIT LINES Notes; SNffl.llvlELT FOR FRONT STRIRS. CIJNCRETE HAS BEEN F,LACHD FFIIIR HIftT LIFIE IT.ISF,ECTION HtAT LINES ARE UNDER IEIZI* AI RTES] IN THE F|JTURE f,ALL NLL MECHANICNL. RELTTTEI] INSF.HCTINNS UNDER THE fYITNHANICAL F.ERMIT lz16./lZltl,/9q Inspecbor: CD flct ion: AF,FR FIREF,R(JOFINC $F-h NfiTF: Notes : AL.trROVEF FI RE RE.SISTI VE fiSSE.MLlES FOR RLL STRUNTRAL STEEI- FIETHOD I,]bED Til ftCHIEUE RATING INCLUDE A FULL I^,RRF. OF 5,/9..X DR'YI^Jf;LL f,ND MNNOKSTE fiF.F,LIED MANUALLY Item: a,mrarra BLDc-;::ri;;' """ TyY l{{ l() ^1" ''' -/ -u" " v'' : J \ n61a4/se rnspector-: cD | 2 fA€6,W#A.n€d6,r*" tgli,kgg I c/4Aff vf./14/gr Inspector"r cD Actidrr-!'ftF,F'R AFFtlouED dcff?S-/It*mr U'AIA5O FlDG-Insrtlatrsn -.,_^.,-^::- "- 7 Rnt i an : AF'F'R RF F'ROVEPNotes: fine depb approval r.eqrd by 7/87/99 f inal electrical inspect ion r.eqt d f or" hvee i"emovF al1 constrr-tct i on mat er.ial r.tnco v et. smcHes r.einspeebi0n r^eq'd hy 7/?7/9iIten: |ZU'5J1 FIRE*TENF,, C/AIt em I rArASJl fiH-l'EMF,, t:/O Item: 0'4533 F,LAN-TENF,, f,/A Item I rZtO537 FLAN-FINtrl- l:/O rU' nI 4 a' aB L DE=F.i; e]* CT|J REF'T T 31 TOI,.JN NF VRIL" COLORflDO F,ffEE 33$9/3n/19T9 'Zrg!i_l 7 R!,6!UESTS - INSFEUTN NORH SHEFTS FORr 1.z3rZrl1!199 ARHA: GG rA9./14/99 Inspe*tor. I ALtNates: f inish or_rt nlanter. Actionr DN or.rtEtnding i $er_tFs 4 f I owe,r" hoxes l ight f ixtur"eflag needs aFpr- hy dr.btr-i m ar-or-rnd door-waV met er" b$xes pa i nt FcJ wrr.e hanrlingpipe painted mRchFn i t:a I shed needs st r-rcr:o ottrer. nec.hanicarl needs to be ser.eenedItem; Ofi538 FIRF-FtNAL C,/O rzr8,/fi6/99 Irrspertorr MficGFE fietion: fiF,rrR f,pproved per- lvlcGee I t e rn r 40539 F,t l-F I NRt_ C,i OA9/14/99 Inspector: LS filetionr AF,frR f;pl:,R0UEflIt em r 04540 BLDG-Finat C,/OlZrS/11/$$ Inspecton: CD Action: DN DENIEDNOTES: .fHE ROOFTFF' EAUIF.IVIENT ENCLOSURE MIJST BE CNMF.LETE F.RIOR 'fO ff FINAI. CN. THE ENCLOSURE HLJ$T IYIATCH BUILDINF IN REGRRDTU STUCf,O, TRItvt, FLASHING AND RffOF COVHRING"89/1,4/Sq Inspeetor. I CD Act ion: DN DENIEf)Notes I FLANNINti DEFT AF,FRflVAL RE&UIREI)_ROtrF.TFF, IYItIH. ENCL.OSURE NOT APT.ROVED_CEMF.LETE UARIous ExT, ITEH$ (F'ATCH sTU{:To, LIBHT FIXTUREINSTALI. IDDRES$ #.F UISIBLE FROIYI THE STRL.ET G, G. UER.BfiL NOTIFICffTINN .In Boylc Engineering Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drivc, Suit€ 390 Vail, Colorado t1657 Larry Dec}ard, AIA P.0, Bor 725 Avoa, Colorado t1620 Plcase feel &€e to giye ms a call if you have any qucstions rcgarding these irans. 0q Thc following iteur werre observcd: The pupose of this visit was D rcview th€ penetrarious ftat the phrmber will have to nake thrurgh a number of ilefnst floor joists for o wastc linc, aud to rriluat, the lintel requircments for a 6' wide op€ning through th€ existinginterior CMU wall. t*hav:glenniTd tha 6e ponetationt tbough th€ floor joisrs wilt requirc rcinforcing the joirts. I havc instrucred lonlnigr ! a[d a 2' piece of % " p]ywood ou ooe side of all of these joists. Thb Ts to 6e cent€rco on rhe hole,glued witb PL4QQ aod nailed with tw; rows gd @ 6" on ccntcr. The lintel that will be requimd for the opening in the block wall is a 4 x 4 x 3lt" aagle- A dstail ofthis in*allrrionis included witt &is report f,laE: +2G99 JobNumber 990tProject SSFirmo&l Locati<n: VaiL Colorado Contractu: Shaefie{CotstuctlonOwner: SS& F Weather: Snowing, 35 degrc€s Prescnt a Site: Dominick Castelluccio Tim Bovle oil Date Receiver MAY 05 1999 on W ONE 3,/E" DIAI1ETEREACI{ END bolr rnghccrhE; hc. 14ll a mcodo* dlw erltc 390 wl, colorqdo E1667 17O-2t7O +76-4itE3 fo. EXPANgION EOLT EXISTING 8" CI.1U TIJALL SECTION ANGLE,{.xlxS/B ELEVATION OF CONCRETE BLOCK TO RE}IAIN ABOVENOTE; I1|N|HUH OF 2C.' NEIU OPENING. NEIU CI"IU IIJALL OPENING LINTEL DETAIL | - t-.e SLIFER, SI1ITH t FRAI1PTON BUILDING REI1ODELVAIL, COLORADO 1/21/11 It$rl!;ij.S l te ee s !f, fHtr+#:€d#::'i's:i"t 0ffice TOWN OF FFDMT'N vArJ, CONS*Oa*| APPLTCATION FORM PER^\II # oerez 3 -ta-f f APPLTCATToN HUST BE fllr€D OUT COlrptETELy OR r1' l.ny NOT BE ACCESTSD,,:" legal nescription: !o LL SUtsDIVI r0r L VIl Owners Nane: KO 2.ao n(t069 srz€qr pn.,/16- lva4€q pn.7/?'703,? Address: Address:Architec+-: General Description: work class: [ ]r*ew g[-erteration [ ]-Additional. [ ]-Repair [ ]-other liumber of Dc/elling Units n/f?Numbe: of Acconrnodation Units: * * * * * * * * ** * * i * * * * ** :*'50H..* pEslr{T rNFoRffATroN * * * * * * * * * * *r * :r * * * ,t'-,u''u',.n,oLi.?'-Tlr=}^J.-P::trica1[J-Mechani.ca1,,-"."s rob Naine; 5L hEFt: E4 ! Via; y'rar ;;==; PJ.unbing. Contraclor: Address:Town of Vail_ Phone }{umber: Tovn of Vail Phone Nunber: Req. No. Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ************i*****i*************FOR OFFfCE USE .**************** ****'kr*i***** *BUTIDING PE$TT EEE: PLUI.IBTNG PERUTT EEE: MECEI'NTCAI. PERMIT EEE:EIfCTRTCA! EET: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: NFR FFF.w BUTLDING PIAN CTIECK FEE: PIUUBTNG PIA}I cl{ECK FEE:MECIIANICAI. PIAN C€ECK EEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI-.EA}T-UP DEPOSTT: TOIAT PERT{IT FEES: BUILDT$G: STGNATURE: ZONING; STGNATURE: #f{s$6Eo P,O CLEAI sP DEPoSI! BSFnD TO: FROM: DATE: FIE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBUC.WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ..PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED eteas arding the need for a'Public Way permif: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the night of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls ihe cjriveway being repaved? ts difierent access needed io site cther than existing diveway? ls any drainage woft being done afrecting the right of way, easements, cr pubiic properg? 7) ls a'Flevocable Right Of Way permit. requireci? 8) * A. ls the right of way, easements or' public prcperty to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan required by Community Job Nane:11/ t€t(- - Sn lf H- F4ftfil/foJ Re,+c €3 f/+r€ YES 1) 2\ NO Y X Y X { Y el ,tl o/ Development? lf_You answered yes to any of these questions, a'Publi,c Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Workt offica or at Community Development. lf you have any queslions please calt Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construciion Inspector, at 47$2158 I have read 3 -22fu /rt:Jt and answered all the above que$ipns. fft Frl*ryl,p Z-o,^/ 'il/rrt-: Job Name Co ntractor's S ig nature 75 south |rontegc road vail. cotorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479_2L39 FD6M. nl1'F ' ' oftlc! of comnunlty d.yclopmcnt A'.L CONTR.ACTORS CI'RRA\TLYL RSGISTERED lfrlE IETOWN OF VAiL !ok'N OF VAI! ptrtsLIC WORKS/CC!{!,!UNI!Y DE\EtoHmm l,tiRc:I 15, 19.88 SU&;'CT: CONSIRI'CTTON PAIICX{G & !,IAT=RE.L STO'..IGE in suo'ma''f, o=crnance No. 6 st.ies trat it is unraerf,Jl for aaytrerson rc li::or, track or deposit any-soifl-=J"*, sand, debrj_s;;"ff$T:ii.i::."cins t=isn-I-ip=t==i, po*"rfJ toir*ts aad, :l ?: =-*_ ;FE+ii:".i9":;1"";6" =;ir"ffi i5i_,11i.X" ;:Jt:**o,'ia:: s--:ee:s a:i :oai.s is apor=xG"i.ii-s-it.-J:_- pa?e*ent.rlris orcinance t.+ !a^;==;;:i;^"nror3ed. by t!,e rown of vail'ublic works De.arbent- pe:sins fgund .,rii:.a:ing this ordinancew:11 be given a 24 hour "=i-*;;';otice t.-==rJi"'said, uateriar.rn L''e event the pe=son so nctir-ie.. d.ces not corupry rqir-h tbenotice with:-n the 24 Uour tiae-spec:fied,, -..;:e zuific worksDepa::ient '*it_t ,.ro.,"-JiiJlItJl.al at .b;.;;se of personnot:'fiec' The orovi=io"=-oc-Liis o=ainanqe sai* not beappJ-j.cable tc cins=*ig;-p+it?""r:E or repair projecrs ofany st=eet or alle1, or anlr:ut:-liires :n the r:ght-a-nay. To reviev ordi:rance, No. 5 in full , please s-'op by the Town of::ii"::ii:i"g"o:ii*-:"::";;L a copv. tiani you ror your ,. e. con-.:actor, owner)p 75 routh frontsg. ro.d vril. cotondo trt657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 oftlc. of comnunlty dcvalopmlnt UILDING pERliIT ISSUANCE TIITTE FRA},E If thi; p"nj,it.yequires 1 Towl of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer': (,pubi ic 19"fr) reyiew and approvar,-a irJnnini-i.p.run"ntreview. or Heat th De?artm6ni. review, anl .. reufew ly-iire duiilid-"-Oepartnent, the estimated time t-or'a-totar """i"r-foy"L[!'"s tongas tlree weeRs. A]1 conmercial flarqe or sma'il) and arr rnurti-famiry permits willhave to foi'low itre irove r"nrion"J-maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects shou'id tar(e a ieJi"" amount of time. However, ifresidenir'al or sma'r 'i er.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartneflis with reoard, to necessary review, tfrai" p"i;.ati'*y a'l so 'uake ihe three-week period: - ' - Every atte'npt wi'il be made by this departnent to expedite thispermit as soon as posstble. l-1" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame. f, Fl":fAa sn,rn ,= rldu Communi iy Develooment Department. CEORGE SHAEFIER PO. Box 373 SLIFER, SMITH AND FRAMPTON REMODEL VAIL OFFICE Staging Plan 1. 5. Construction parking will be in the Town of Vail parking Structure. Material storage will be either on the entry level of the Slifer, Smith and Frampton office or in George Shaeffer Construction yard in Eagle-Vail. Bathroom facilities will be two phase. Beginning of construction the bathrooms of Slifer, Smith and Framplon will be used. when interior demolition starts, approximately April 20'n, a portable toilet will be placed outside the structure but inside the protective banicades. Protective banicadcs will be 8' movable plywood panels, green in color. The start date for abatement and interior demolition will begin on or about April 5, 1999. All demolition will be contained with in the building structure. No construction activitv will take place on the outside of the building until Monday, April 26n. The finish date wili be lury +il. aii"."rior work will be completed by the date set forth by the Town of Vail. Trash removal will be via a GSCC trash truck that will pull up to the rear of the building as need. This vehicle will pull in, be loaded and immediately be driven off. It will not be staged at the site. The hours of construction will be 7am- TpmMonday through s*nday, or as the Town of Vail may dictate. Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 84s-s6s6 (970) 84s-7013 FAX , - : _,.. ii:fffiffiffy i 3. +. 6. 7. S"ft- oo3g Town of Vail Comm. Dev. Dept. - Buildlng Safety & Inspectio 75 South Frontage Road vail, co 81657(910) 479-2138 FAX (9?0) 419-2452 plan anal-ysis based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code Proj ect Number: B99 -0034 Project Namer Slifer Buitding Remodel Address: 230 Bridge St Contractor: George ShaefferOccupancy: B nrchitect: Larry A. DeckardConstruction: V-lhr Eng.ineer: Boyle Engineering Report By: cary Goodel l NorE: The code items risted in this report are not intended to be acompl-ete listing of a]l possibre code requirenents in the 1997 uBc.It is a guide to setected sections of the code. Portions of the material contai-ned in this program are reproducedfrom the Uniform Building Code with the permission of theInternatlonal Conference of Building Officials. t n Serviees Date: April 15, 1"999 NFPA 13 sprinkler systemSprinkler system used for throug'hout the building al1owab1e area increase -- Sec. 505.3 FI-.,OCC MAX FIIR AREA AI,I-,OWED RATI O STATUS 1 Office Total for F100r 1800 1800 Interior check only Tnl ari^r nhonlz nnlrr 6-A NOTES Footnot e f ootnote Footnot e OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS TableELFMENT MATER]AIJ RATTNGlnterj.or Bearing wal1 Any t hrInterior nonbrg wall Any t hrStructural Frame Any t hrExterior Struct Frame Any t hrFloor/Ceilinq Assenbty Any t hrRoof/Ceiling Assembly Any t hrStairs Any None FOOTNOTES :1) Elements in an exterior wall located where openings are noE permittedor where protection of openings is required, sha1l be protectedagainst external fire exposure as required for exterior beari,ng wallsor the structura] frame, whlchever is greater. -- Table 6_A, footnote5) Nonload-bearing warls within a tenanL space Lhat are not part of at hr. corridor may be of:a) Noncombustible (nonrated) material sb) Fire retardant - treated woodc) one-hour construction (any material) -- Sec. 601..5.Z.I8) rf the entire roof structure is 25 feet or more above any floor,the fire rating may be allowed to be eliminated. see limitations andrequlrements- -- Sec. G06.5 See See #s .t+ 1 #8 ^I- PENETRAT]ONS OF FIREESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES U7 WAIJLS ASSEMBLIES -- Sec. 709.6 Through penetrations: 1) Penetrations sha11 be installed as tested in the rated assemblv.-- Sec- 109-6.2 2) Penetratj.ons shall be protected by an approved penetration firestop system and shalt_ have an F rating of not less than therequired rating of the wall penetrated. -- Sec. 709.d.3 Except j,on: when penetrating items are stee1, ferrous or copperpipes or sleel conduits and the wall is concrete or masonry, the annular space shalt be permitted to begrout or mortar. The minimum thickness is the thickness required to mainLain the fire rating. The maximum sj-ze of the penetrating items is equivalent to a 5-inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of 144 square inches. -- Sec. 709.6.j. Mamhrtn6 noh6fr.Fi/*_-cns: The requirements are the same as for through penetrations.-- Sec. 709.7 Except ions : 1. Steel electrlcal outlet boxes thal do not exceed lG squareinches provided that the area of such openi_ngs does not exceed 100 square inches for any 100 square feet of wall area. Boxes on opposite sides of the assembLy sha11 be separated by a horj.zontal distance of not less than 24 inches. 2. Sprinklers with metal escutcheon plates. Noncombustible penetrating items shall not be connected tocombustible materials on both sides of the membrane unless 1E canbe confirmed that the fire-resistive integrity of watl ismaintained. -- Sec. 709.7 FLOOR/CEILING AND ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBLIES ,, SCC. 710.2 'f hr..rrr.rh non | -. t- i ^'P-..--*-r-.ts: Through penetrations of fire-resistive horizontal assemblies shatrbe enclosed i.n fi-re-resistive shafl encl-osures. -- Sec. 7L0.2.L Exceptions: 1. When penetrating irems are steel, ferrous or copper conduits,pipes, tubes and vents rhrough a single concrete f l-oor, theannular space shall be permitted to be grout or mortar. The minimum thlckness is the thickness required to maintainthe fire rating. The maximun size of the penetraLj-ng items isequivalent t.o a 6-inch diameter and the openinq is a maxrmumof L44 square inches.2. Electrical outlet boxes that have been Lested for use infire-assemblies. The system shal1 have an F rating and a T rating of not less than one hour but noL less than the required rating oE che floor syscem.-- Sec.7t0-2.3 Exception: Floor penetrations contained and located wj.thin thecavity of a wal] do not require a T ratinq. Membrane penetrations : The requirements are the same as for through penet.rations. -- eo- 'l1n 2 Exceptions: 1. When penetrating items are steel, ferrous or copperconduits, electrical outlet boxes, pipes, tubes and vents through concrete or masonry and the annular space isprotected by an approved penetration firestop assembly orprotected to prevent the free passage of flame andproducts of combustion. Such nenpfrafione ehat i noc loo square ,t"" in any 1oo texceed alFaggregate area of square feet of ceiling area in assemblies without Yrpn lrr ra r i.\ne 2. ffectrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use rn fire-assemblies.3. Sprinklers r^rj.th metaL escutcheon plat_es. Fire- resistive roofs may have unprotected openings. -- Sec. 7j.0.4 SMOKE and FIRE DAMPERS -- Sec- 7l_3.10 and 713_tl Dampers shaI1 be accessibfe for inspect-ion and servicing:1. Penetrations through area separation walls. Penetrations through occupancy separations.2. penetrations of the fire-resistive construction of horizontalexit walls or corridors serving as a means of egress.Exception: Openj.ngs for steel ducts penetrating the requ j.red fire-resistive construction of corridors are not required to have smoke dampers when such ducts are of not less than 0.019-inch thickness(26 gage) and have no openings servj-ng thecorridor.3. Penetrations of shaft. enclosures. Exceptions: 1. Duct penetrations by steel exflaust air subducts extending vertically upward at teast 22 lnches abovethe top of the opening j.n a vent.ed shaft where theairflow is upward.2. Penetratj.ons of a fire-resistive floor forming the base of a shaft enclosure may be protected by fire dampers listed for installation in the horizontalposition. 3. Smoke dampers are not required when shaft is exhaustonly, and is used for continuously operaLing fans.4. Penetrations of the ceiling of fire-resj-stive floor-ceilingor roof -ceiling assemblies- Exception: Smoke dampers are not required.5. Penetrations of an atrium enclosure etement.Exception: Snoke dampers are not required-6. Penetrations of exterior wal1s where protection of openingsis required. Exception: Smoke danpers are not required.7. Penetrations of areas of refuge. Exceptlon: Ventilation system designed to supply outsidealr durlng an emergency.B. Smoke dampers are required in smoke barriers and elevatorlobbies. DRAFT STOPS:Tf there is combustible constructi-on i-n the floor/ceiling assembly, draftstops shall be inst.alled so thaL the area of concealed space does notexceed 1,000 square feet and so that the horizontal dimension betweenstops does not exceed 50 feet. - - Sec. 709.3.1. j-.3 when sprinklers are installed in the floor/ceiling space attic, the area may be 3,000 sq.ft. and the greatest horizontal dimension may be 100 feet..rf there is combustible construction in the roof ,/ceiling assembly, drafcstops shall be instarfed so that the area of concealed space does notexceed 3,000 square feet and so that the horizontal dinension betweenstops does not exceed 50 feet. -- Sec. 709.3.L.2.2 when sprinklers are installed in the attic, the area may be 9,000 sq.ft.and the greatest horizontal dimension may be 100 feet. EXIT REQUIREMENTS: FL NAME NUMB MIN MIN OCC EXITS WIDTH PANIC HALLWAY/ DOOR NOTES HDWR CORRIDOR SWING l- Of f ice TOTAL 1 3.6 AClB tfJ No Hallway N/R 11 No Corridor N/n Lj component s . components. on stairways. NorE: Areas with 'AC' before the number of occupants area is beingtreated as an accessory for occupant 1oads.-- Sec. 1003.2-2.2.L, Exception Hallways shal1 be considered as intervening rooms for exit-access desiqnPurposes. -- Sec. 1004.3.3.1 be f ire - resi.stive constructlon tl4)e. wal1s and ceilings of hattways are not required tounless they are required to be fire,resistive based- - Sec. 1004.3.3.3 There is no restriction as to the amount and type of openings unlessprotection of openlngs is required by some other code Drovisron.-- Sec. 1004.3.3.4 Door swing is based on Sec. 1003.3.1.5 except as noted_occupant load factor is based on TabLe 10-A. Number of exits is based on Table 10-A except as noted.Exlt width is in inches and based on Sec. 1003.2.3 and Table l-0_BExit width is to be divided approximately equally among exits.-- Sec. ]-003-2.3-2 Width shown for all areas is based on other egressWidth shown for 1st floor is based on other egressWidth shown for other floors & basemenLs is based-- Table 10 -B For the minimum width of doors, seeFor the minimum width of hallways,For the minimum width of corridors,For the minimum width of stairways, ea- 1nn-) 1 1 1 see Sec. 1004.3 .3 .2 see Sec. 1004 . 3 .4 .2 see Sec. 1003.3.3.2 FOOTNOTES: 11) corridors within an office space with an occupant load of 100 or lessare not required to be rated- _ Sec. 1004.3.4-3, Exception 517) The requirement for this hal lway/corr idor to be a corridor is basedon the hal lv/ay in a portion of this area being an intervening room.-- Sec. 1004.2.2 & 1004.3.3.1 FLUSH AND SURFACE BOLTS: Manually operated edge- or surface-mounted flush bolts and surfacebolts or any other tl4)e of device that may be used to close orrestrain the the door other than by operation of the l0cking deviceshall not be used. When automatic flu;h bolts are used, the doorleaf having the automatic flush bolt shall not have a door knob orsurface-mounted hardware. The unlatching of any teaf shaI1 notrequire more than one operation. __ Sec. 1003.3.1.g LOCKS AND LATCHES: Regardless of the occupant load served, exitfrom the inslde without the use of a key oreffort. -- Sec. 10 03 .3 .1- g Key-locking hardware may be used on the main exit when the main exitconsists of a single door or pair of doors if there is a sign statingTHIS DOOR MUS? REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS. WhEN UNIOCKEd,door (s) must swing without operation of any tatching device. __ exc. I,ANDINGS AT DOORS: 1) A floor or landing shal1 be provided on each side of doors. Whenaccess for persons with disabili.ties is required. the floor or landinq doors shalI be openabl e any special knowledge or shal1 not o" *ot"Qun l/2 inch tower than tne tirrilold. when accessis not required, lhe maximunr is 1inch. -- Sec. 1003.3. j..6 2) Landings shall have a width not less than the width of the stairwayor width of the doorway, whichever is the greater. where a landingserves an occupanr load of 50 or more, doors in any position shallnot reduce the landing dj.nension to less than one half j-t requiredwidth. The minimum tengtrl in the direction of exit travel is 44 inches. - - Sec. 1003 .3.1-.7 TRAVEL DISTANCE: (distance to an exit) The maximum travel distance in this buitding is 250 feet. -- sec. 1004.2.5.2-3Travel distance sha1l not be limit.ed wi.thin an exit enclosure or exlrpassageway. Sec. J,005.2.2 BUILDING ACCES S IBI LITY: In offices (except health-care providers) and retail sales lloors,with an aggregate area of not more than 3000 above or below theaccessible floor need not be accessible. -- Sec. 1"L03.2.2 Exceptl-on l) This bullding including each tenant shall be provided with at leastone entrance which complies with the accessible rouLe provisions of CABO/ANST A117.1. At teast 50 percent of aIl entrances shal1 beaecessible- -- Sec. 1103.2.3 2) When more that one exit is required from any accessible space, eachaccessible portion of the space sha11 be served by noL less than Ewoaccessible means of egress. -- Sec. 1104,1.13) When an exit stairway is part of an accessibte means of egress, thestairway shall have a clear width of not less than 4g inches behweenthe handrai.ls- The stairway shalr either incorporate an area of refugewithin an enlarged story-level landing or shalt be accessed froman area of refuge. -- Sec. Ij.04.J..2 The area of refuge sha]} have direct access to the stairway that servesit. -- Sec. 1104.2.1 4) Each area of refuge shalr be sized to accommodate one wheelchair spacenot less than 30 inches by 48 inches for each 200 occupants, orportion thereof. -, Sec. LL04.2.35) Tf the area of refuge is nol withi.n the stairwav, iL shal i be separatedfrom the rest of the story by a smoke barrier having at least a one-hour fire-resistance rating. smoke barriers sharl extend to the roof orfloor deck above. Doors shatt be smoke and draft contror assenblieswith a rating not less than 20 minutes. -- Sec. j.j.04.2.4 5) Two-way communications are required. -- Sec. LLO4.Z.57) Each area must be identified by a sign stating AREA oF REFUGE and theinternational symbol of accessibllity. -- Sec. LLOA-2-78) NorE: Exit stairways in buildings protected throughout by an approvedautomatic sprinkler system are Nor required to incorporate an area ofrefuge. -- Sec. 1104.1.2, ExceDtion 2 AUTOMATI C SPRINKI,ER SYSTEMS :If there are 100 or more sprinklers, al1 valves controlling thewater supply and water-ftow switches shall be elecLrically monitored.valve monitoring and water-ffow alarm and trouble signars shall bedistinctly different and sha11 be automatically transmi-tted to anapproved central station, remote station or proprietary monitoringstation. -- Sec. 904.3.L STANDPIPE REQUTREMENTS : There is no requiremenl for a standpipe_ -- Table 9,A FOOTNOTES: 2) A standpipe is not required in the basement. -- Tabfe 9-A, footnote VENT I LATION: All areas customari.l-y occupied by humans shall be provided with naturalventiration by means of openable exterior openings L/ith an area of notless than I/20 of the total floor area or shall be provided with a mechani.cally operated ventilation system. such system sha11 be capabl eof suppfying a minimum of 15 cubic feet per minute of outside air per occupant. -- Sec. L202.2.1, WALL AND CEILING FINI SH 31) Walt and ceiling finish materials are required to compty with Sec. 804.1 and Tabl-e 8-B. 2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Class I flamespread rating. -- sec. 804.23) Textile walf coverings shall have Cl,ass I flame spread rating.and sha11 be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U-B_C. Standard No. B-2 -- Sec. 9054) Toilet room floors sha11 have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surfacethat extends upward onLo the walls at least 5 inches. - - Sec. 807.1.1 5) walls within 2 feet of the front and sides of urinals and warerclosets shall have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface. - - Sec. 807 .1 .2 INSULATION NOTES : 1) Arl insulation material including facings are required Lo have afLame-spread rating of 25 or less and a naximum smoke density of 450unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact witha wall or ceiling. -- Sec. j07.3 exe.z2) Foam prastic insufations are required to be protected. sec. 2602 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMEN?S : For B occupancy ACCESSIBLE FACITITIES : NOTEs Except as noted, section numbers listed bel,ow are from CABO/ANSI A117.1 - 7992 WATER FOUNTAINS AND WATER COOLERS:At least 50 percent of drinking fountains, but not less than one,provided on every floor shall be accessible. -- UBC Sec. 1105.4.1Accessible units must comply with the followj-ngrL) spout is to be within 3d inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.L5.2.t2) Spout arranged for parallel approach shall be located. 3 inches maxlmum from the front edge. spouts of cantilevered units withknee and toe clearances sharl be located i.5 inches minimum fromthe verrical support and 5 i-nches maximum from the front edqe. - - Sec. 4 .14.2 -2 Spouts shall provide a flow of water 4 inches height minimum. - - Sec. 4.I5.2.3 Operable parts shal1 be located at or near the front edqe of theunit and shall compty with 4.25.4 -- Sec. 4.15.35) A cantiLevered unit i.s required Lo extend i.7 inches minimum fromthe vertical support. clear knee space nust provide a clear areaof B inches in depth at 27 inches high and 11 inches at 9 inchesminimum above the floor. - Sec. 4-1-5.4.j.5) Forward approach units shall comply with 4.2. units in alcovesshall compLy with Units not having the necessary kneeand toe ctearance or cl_ear space under them shall comply with4-2.4 and have a cfear floor space that allows a person in a 3) 41 wheetchaj-r .tu" a pararler approach. -- ,"cQ -r5.4.2 TOII.,,ET FACILIT]ES: 1) A 60 inch diameter unobstructed turning space is required inthe tollet room- -- Sec. 4.lG.3, 4.2.3 & Fig. F4.2.32) water closet shalI be mounted adjacent to a side wall orpartition. The distance from the side wall or partiLion to thecenterline of the \nater closet sha11 be 1g in. sec. 4.1"7.l-3) When the accessible water cl_oset is not in a stall: The clear floor space shall be 48 in minimum in fronrof the water closet and 42 in from the center line of thewater closet on the side not adjacent. Lo the wa]]. - - Sec. 4.'l-7 .2 & Fig. 84-]"'t -24) When the accessible water closet is in a statl: The sta1l shall be 50 in wide minimum and 56 in deep minimumfor walL hung water closets and 59 in deep minimum for floor mounted water closets. -- sec. the door swings into the statl, the required depth sha11be increased by 35 inches minimum. -- Sec. 4.Lg.3.2 &Fig. 84_18.3.1 5) The bars are to be 33 to 3d inches above the floor and sha1lbe provided on the rear wall and on the side wal1 closesc rothe h'ater closet. -- Sec. & Fiqs. F'4.Ll .3, 84.L1 .4 and 84.18.3 .l a) Side grab bar is required to start within 12 inches of theback wa]1 and extend to 54 inches from the back wall. (The minimum length of the bar is 42 in) -- Sec. 4.L1 .4.I &Fiqs . 84.17.3 and 84.18_3_1 b) The rear bar shall be 24 in long minimum, centered on thewater closet. Where space permits, the bar shall- be 35 inlong minimum, with the additionat length provided on thetransfer side. - Sec. 4.L7.4.2 & Figs. F'4.L7.3, B4 _1,./ -aand 84. i_8.3 . 1 5) The top of the seat on the water closet is required to be 17to 19 inches above the floor. -- Sec. A-L"t -3 & Fig. F'4.17.37) Accessible urinals shar.l be of the starl tlpe or wall hung withthe rim at 17 inches maximum above the floor. -- Sec. 4.Ig.28) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches minimum is required j.n lrontof the urinal _ privacy shields sha11 not extend beyond thefront edge of Lhe urinaL rim, untess they are 30 inches apartminimum. , - Sec_ 4_19.3 9) Accessible lavatories sharr be mounted with the rim 34 inches maximum above the floor and a clearance of 29 inches minimumfrom the floor to the bottom of the fronf edoe .'f ]-hc apron.-- Sec. & Fig. 10) rt shalr- extend i.7 inches minimum frorn the wall- The clear kneespace shal1 be 8 inches in depth minimum at 27 inches minimumabove the floor and 11 inches in depth ninimum at 9 in minimum above the froor. The dip of the overfrow sharl be ignored whenchecking the cl-earances. -- Sec. 4-20.3. 1 & Fig. A clear froor space of 30 x 4g inches minimum shalr be providedin front of the lavatory and shal-f extend 19 inches maximumunder the lavatory. -- Sec- & Fig- Water supply and drain pipes under lavatories shall belnsulat.ed or otherwise treated to protect against contact.' - Sec. 4 -20 .4 13) The bottom of nirror is required to be within 38 inches ofthe f1oor. -- Sec. 4.I5.6 & Fiq. 84.20.3.L GLAZTNG REQUIREMENTS AI1 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetygtazing material _ -- sec. 2406.3 & 2405.4 Irocat ions : 1) clazing in ingress and egress doors except jatousies- 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) clazing in aI1 unframed swinging doors.5) Glazlng in doors and encl-osures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers- clazing in any portion of abuilding wa1l enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than G0 inches above a standinq surfaceand drain inlet _ 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where thenearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-tnch arc ofeither vertical edge of the door in a closed position and. where thebottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than G0 inches above thewalking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual f i_xed or operable panel , other than thoselocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of thefollowing condi t ions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally ofthe plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in rallings regardless of height above a walking surface.rncluded are structurar baluster panels and nonstrucLural in-fi11 paneL s - 9) clazing in wa11s and fences used as the barrier for indoor andoutdoor swimming pooLs and spas when the bottom edges is less than60 inches above the pool side and the gl-azing is within 5 feetof the pool or spa water' s edge.10) Glazing in walls encrosing stai-rv/ay landings or within 5 feet ofthen bottom and top of staindays where the bottom edge is tessthian 50 j.nches above the watking surface. Comm. Dev. De Town of Vail- Building Safety & Inspect j- 75 South Frontage Roadvai1. CO 81657(9101 419_2138 FAX (970) 479_2452 Plan analysis based onthe 1997 uniform Building Code Project Number; 899-0034 Date: Aprif 15. 1999Project Name: Slifer Building RemodelAddress: 230 Bridge St t pt.t on services Occupancy: BConstruction: V- thr Con Lractor: ceorge Shaef ferArchitect I Larry A. Deckard Engineer r Boyle Eng ineering Report By; cary coodel l OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATTO STATUS NOTE: The code items li.sted in this report are not intended to be acomplete listing of alr possible code iequirements in the 1997 uBc.It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproducedfrom the Uniform Buildinq Code with the permission of theInternarional Conference of Buil_dinq offlcials- NFPA 13 sprj.nkler system throughout the buildinqSprinkler system used for allowabte area increase -- Sec_ S05.3 1 Off iceTotal for Floor 1800 Interior check onlv1800 InLerior check onlv OTHER BUILDTNG ELEMENTS Table 5.AELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wal1 Any I hrInterlor nonbrg wal1 Any t hr See Footnot.eStructural Frame Any t hrExterior Struct Frane Any t hr See footnoteFloor/Ceiling Assembly eny t hrRoof ,/Ceiling Assembly Any t hr See FootnoteStairs Any None #5 #1 +8 FOOTNOTES :1) Elements in an exLerior wal1 located where openings are not permittedor where protection of openings is required,- shafi be protectedagainst external fire exposure as required for exterio? bearing warlsor the structural frame, whichever is- greater. -- Tabre 6-a, footnote5) Nonload-bearing walfs within a tenant snace fhaf arp nor part of at hr. corridor may be of:a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materiafsb) Fire retardant - treated woodc) One-hour construction (any material) -- Sec. 601.5.2.18) rf the entire roof structure is 25 feeL or more above any froor,the fire rating may be allowed to be eli.minated- see timitations andrequirements. -- Sec. G0d.5 PENETRATIONS OF FIRERESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES WALLS ASSEMBIJIES -- Sec. 709.5 Through peneLrations:1) Penetrations shall be installed as tested in the rated .aqcamh.lv - - Sec- 109 .6 .z2) Penetrations shafl be protected by an approved penetrationfirestop system and shar-l have an F rati-nq of n-ot ress than therequired rating of the wa1l penetrated_ -l Sec. 709.6.3 Exception: tto..r.araLing items are steel , #rou" or copperplpes or sl-eel eonduits and the wa1l is concrete or masonry, the annular space shalI be permitted to begrout or mortar. The minimum thickness is theLhickness required to maintain Lhe fire rating. The maximum size of the peneEraEing items is equivalentto a 6-inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of l-44 square inches. -- Sec. 709-6-l Membrane penetraLions : The requirements are the same as for Lhrough peneLraLions--- Sec. ?09.7 Exceptions: 1. Steel electrical outlet boxes that do not exceed 15 squareinches provided that the area of such openings does not exeeedL00 square inches for any L00 square feet of wall area. Boxes on opposite sides of the assembly shall beseparated by a horizontal distance of not less than 24inches. 2. Sprinklers with metal escutcheon plates. Noncombustibl-e penetrating items shall nol be connected tocombustible materials on both sides of the membrane unless it canbe confirmed that the fire-resistive integrity of wall ismaintained. -- Sec. 709.7 FLOOR/CE]LING AND ROOF/CEII,ING ASSEvBLIES -- Sec. 710.2Through pentrations: Through penetrations of fire-resistive horizontal assemblj_es shal1be enclosed in fire resistive shaft enclosures. -- Sec. 7IA.2.IExceptions: l-. When peneLrating iLems are steel, ferrous or copper conduiLs,pipes, tubes and vents through a single concrete floor, theannular space shall be permitted to be grout or mortar.The minimum thickness is the thickness required to maintainuhe fire rating- The maximun size of the penetrating items isequlvalent to a 5-inch diameter and the opening is a maximumof I44 square inches.2. Electrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use rn f ire - assembl ies . The system shal-l- have an F rating and a T rating of not less thanone hour but not less than the requ j.red rating of the floor sysLen.-- qa. '11O ) 1. Exception: F'Loor penetrations contained and located within thecavity of a wa1l do not require a T rating. Membrane penet ra Lions: The requirements are the same as for throuqh oenetrations. -- c^^ ?1n 2 Except ions r1. When penetrating items are steeL, ferrous or copperconduits, electrical outlet boxes, pipes, tubes and ventsthrouqh concrete or masonry and the annu_Lar space isprotected by an approved penetration Eirestop assembly orprotected to prevenL the free passage of flame andproduct.s of combust j.on. Such penetrations shall not exceed an aggregate area of 100 square inches in any 100square feet of ceiling area in assenblies r^ri thoutpene Lrat ions .2. Electrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use inflre-assemblies.3. Sprinklers with metal escutcheon plates.Flre-resistive roofs may have unprotected openings. Sec. 710.4 sMoKE and FrRE DAMPERS -- Sec. 713.10 and 713.11 Dampers shall be accessible for inspection and servicing:l. Penetrations through area separation wa1ls.Penetrations through occupancy separations.2. Penetrations of the fire-resistive construction of horizontalexlt wa11s or corrj.dors serving as a means of egress.Exception: Openings for steel ducts penetrating the requiredfire-resistive constructi-on of corridors are not 3. 7. 8. 'l Zequlred to have smoke damper*t" such ductsare of not less than 0.019-inch thickness(26 gagel and have no openings serving the corr idor .Penelrations of shaft enclosures. Exceplions:l. Duct penetralions by steel exhaust air subducts excending vertically upward at leasL 22 inches abovethe top of the openlng in a vented shaft where theairflow is upward.2. penetrations of a fire-resistive floor forming the base of a shafc enclosure may be proLecLed by fire dampers listed for lnstall-ation i.n the horizontalposition. 3 - Smoke dampers are not requj-red when shaft is exhauston1y, and is used for continuously operating fans.Penetracions of the ceil ing of f _lre.resistive floor -ceilingor roof - ceil ing assemblies-Exception: Smoke dampers are not required.Penetrations of an atrium enclosure element.Exception3 Smoke dampers are not required.Penetrations of exterior wal1s where protection of openingsis required. Exception: Smoke dampers are not requj-red.Penetrations ol areas of refuge.Exceptionr Ventilation system designed to supply outsideair during an emergency. Smoke dampers are required in smoke barriers and elevatorlobb ies . q 6 DRAFT STOPS:If there is combusLible consLrucLion in Lhe ftoor/ceil ing assembly. drafLstops sha11 be instaJ-l-ed so that the area of concealed space does notexceed 1'000 square feet and so that the horizontal dimension betweenstops does not exceed 60 feet. - - Sec. 708 .3 . 1 .1.3when sprinkl-ers are installed in the floor/ceiring space attic, the areamay be 3,000 sq.ft. and the greatest horizontar dirnension may be 100 feet.rf there is combustible construcLion in the roof ,/ceiring assembry, draftstops shall be installed so that the area of concealed space does notexceed 3'000 square feet and so that the horizontal dimension betweenstops does not exceed 50 feet. -- Sec. 708.3.I.2.2 When sprinkl-ers are installed in the attic, the area may be 9,000 sq.ft.and the greatest horizontal dimension may be 100 feet. EXIT REQU]REMENTS:FL NAME NTJMB MIN MIN PANIC HAIJIJWAY/ DOOR NOTES OCC EXITS WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 1 Office TOTAL 1- 3.6L 3.6 AC18 18 No Hallway N/R 11No Corr idor N/R 1,1 NOTEr Areas with 'AC' before the number of occupants area is beingtreaLed ag an accessory for occupant 1oads.-- Sec. 1003.2 ,2.2.I, ExceotionHallways shall be considered as intervenins rooms for exit - access designpurposes. -- Sec. 1004.3.3.1Walls and ceilings of hallwaysunless Lhey are required to be - - Sec. 1-004 .3 .3 .3 are not required to be fire-resistivefire - resistive based construction t!'oe. There is no restriction as to the amount and tl4)e of openings unlessproLection of openings is required by some othei code proviiion.-- Sec_ 1004_3.3.4 Door swlng is based on Sec, f003.3.1_5 exceDt as noted.Occupant load factor is based on Table 10-A-_Number of exits is based on Table Lo-A except as noted.Exit width is in inches and based on Sec- t003.2.3 and Table i-0-BExit wj-dth is to be divided approximately equally among exits.-- Sec. I003.2.3-2 width shown ,ot utthas is based on orher esress "ilon"na=.WidLh shown for 1st floor is based on other egress components.Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways.-- Table 10 -B For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 1003.3.1.3For lhe minimum width of hallways, see Sec- f004.3.3.2For the minimum width of corridors, see Sec. 1004.3.4.2For the minimum width of stairways, see Sec- L003.3.3.2 FOOTNOTES: 11) Corridors within an office space wiLh an occupant load of 100 or lessare not requlred to be rated. -- Sec. l-, Exception 517) The requj.rement for this hal lway/corr idor to be a corridor is based on che hallvlay in a portion oE chis area being an j.ntervening room.-' sec. 1004.2.2 & 1004-3_3-1 FLUSH AND SURFACE BOI.,TS : ManuaLly operated edge- or surface-mounted flush bolts and surfacebolrs or any other type of device that may be used to close orrestrain the the door other than by operation of the locking device sha11 not be used. when automatic ifuih bolts are used, the doorleaf havl-ng the automatic flush bolt shal1 not have a door knob or surface-mounted hardware. The unlatching of any leaf shall notrequire more than one operat j.on- -- Sec- 1003-3.1.8 I.,OCKS AND LATCHES : Regardless of the occupant load served, exit doors shall be openabtefrom the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge oretEort. Sec. 1003.3.1.8Key-Iocking hardware may be used on Lhe main exit when Lhe main exitconsisls oE a single door or pair of doors if there is a sign stating THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS. When unlocKed, door (s) must swing withouL operation of any latchlng device. -' exc. TANDINGS AT DOORS :1) A floor or landing shal1 be provi-ded on each side of doors. Whenaccess lor persons w-Lth disabi-lities is requi red. Lhe fl oor or 'landing shall not be more than L/2 inch lower than the threshold. When accessis not required, the naxj.mum is 1 inch_ -- Sec- 1,003-3.f .52) L,andings shall have a width not less than the width of the stairwayor width of the doorway, whichever is the greater. Where a landingserves an occupant lOad of 50 or more, doors in any position shallnot reduce the landing dimension to less than one half j-t requiredwidth. The minimum tength in the direction of exit travel- is 44 inches--- sec. 1003.3.1.7 TRAVEL DISTANCE: (distance to an exit) The maximum travel- distance in this buitding is 250 feet. -- Sec. l. distance shal1 not be limited within an exit enclosure or exitpassageway. -- Sec. t005.2-2 BUTLDTNG ACCESSIBII.,,ITY : Tn offices (except health-care providers) and retail sales floors,with an aggregate area of not more than 3000 above or below theaccessible floor need not be accessible. -- Sec. II03.2.2 Exception 1) This bullding incJ-uding each tenant shall be provided with at leastone entrance which complies wj.th the accessible route provisions of CABO/ANSI A117-1. At teast 50 percenL of alt entrances shall beaccessible. -- sec. 1103.2.32) When more thaL one exit is required from any accessible space, eachaccessible portion of the space shall be served by not less than twoaccessible means of egress. - - Sec. 1104 . 1. 13) When an exit sta j.rway is part of an accessible means of egress, thestairlvay sha11 have a clear width of not less than 48 inches betweenthe handrails. The stai-rway shall either incorporate an area of refugewithin an enlarged story-level landing or shall be accessed froman area of refuge. -- Sec- LLA4.L.2 The area of refuge shall have direct access to the stairwav that serves it. -- Sec. 1104; Each area of refuge shall be sized to accommodatenot less than 30 inches by 48 inches for each 200 4) s) 6) 1) 8) one wheelchair space occupants, orportion thereof. -- Sec. LL04.2.3If Lhe area of refuge is not wiLhin Lhe stairway, it shall be separatedfrom the rest of the story by a smoke barrier having aL least a one-hour fire-resistance rating. Smoke barriers shall extend to the roof orfloor deck above. Doors sha11 be smoke and draft control assemblieswith a ratj-ng not less than 20 minutes. -- Sec. 1L04.2.4 Two-way communications are required. -- Sec. L104.2.5 EaCh area must be identificd hrr -a cidn eLating AREA OF REFUGE and theinternationar slmbor-oi-r"""r=infli;;. :- sec. LLO4.2.7 NOTE: Exit stairways in buildings protected throughout by an approvedautomatic sprinkler system are NOT required to incorporate an area ofrefuge. - - Sec. 1104 - 1- .2, Exception 2 AUTOMATI C SPRINKLER SYSTEMS :If there are 100 or more sprinkl-ers, a1l valves controlling thewater supply and waler-flow switches shall be electrically monitored.Valve monitoring and water-flow alarm and troubl-e signals shall bedistincLly differenL and sha1l be automatically transmitLed to anapproved central- station, remote station or proprietary monitoringstation. - - Sec. 904.3 .1 STANDPI PE REQUIREMEITTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 9-A FOOTNOTES:2) A scandpipe is noL required in che basemenc. -- Table 9-A, footnote 1 VENTI I,ATI ON :All areas customarily occupied by humans sha11 be provided with naturalventilatj.on by means of openable exterior openings with an area of notIess than I/20 of the total floor area or shalt be provided with amechanically operated venLilation system_ Such syscem shaIl be capableof supplying a minimum of 15 cubic feer per minute of ouLside a1r peroccupant. . Sec. 1202.2.L WALL AND CEILING PINI SH:1) Wall and ceiling finish materials are required to comply wj_thSec. 804.1 and Table 8 -B. 2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required Lo have a Class I flamespread rating. -- Sec. 804.23) Textile wall coverings shall have Class I flame spread rating.and sha11 be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet theacceptance criteria of U.B.C. Standard No. 8-2 -- Sec. 8054) Toilet room floors sha1l have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surfacethat extends upward onto the wall-s at least 5 inches--- Sec. 807.1.15) walls wlthin 2 feet of the front and sides of urinals and watercl-osets shall have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface.-- Sec. 801 .I-2 INSULATION NOTES :1) A11 insulation material including facings are required to have afLame-spread raLing of 25 or l-ess and a maximum smoke density of 450unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact witha wall or celling. -- Sec. 707.3 exc_22) Foam plastic insulations are requlred ADDITIONAL REOUTREMENTS 3For B occupancy ACCESSIBIJE FACILIT]ES : NOTE: Except as noted, section numbers CABO,/ANSI At l.7.1 - 1.992 WATER FOUNTAINS AND WATER COOTERS: to be protected- -- Sec. 2502 listed below are from I ins, but nJr".. r.han one,AE 1east. 50 perElft o; drinki ng f ountaprovj.ded on every floor sha11 be accessible. -- UBC Sec. 1105.4.1Accessible units musl comply with the following:1) spout is to be within 36 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.I5.2.I2) Spout arranged for para11el approach sha11 be located 3 inches maximum from Lhe front edge. Spouts of cantilevered units withknee and toe cLearances shall be located 15 inches minimun fromthe vertical support and 5 inches maximum from the front edge.-- Sec.4.I5.2.23) Spouts shall provide a f1or4' of water 4 inches height ninimum. -- q6^ A 1q, 1') 4) operable parts shalr be located at or near the front edge of theunlt and shall conply wit.h 4.25.4 -- Sec. 4.15.35) A cantilevered unit is required to extend 17 inches minimum fromthe vertical support. Clear knee space must provide a clear areaof 8 inches in depth at 2T inches high and 11 inches aL 9 inchesminimun above the floor. -- Sec. 4.1_5_4-16) Forward approach units shalt comply with 4.2. Units in a]covesshal] comply with Unj_ts not having lhe necessary kneeand toe clearance or clear space under them shalI comply with4.2.4 and have a clear floor space that allows a Derson in awheelchair to make a parallel lpproach. -- Sec. 4'.15.4_2TOILET FACTLITIES:1) A 60 inch diameter unobstructed turning space is required inthe toileL room. -- sec. 4.L6.3, 4.2.3 & Fig. 84.2.J2) Water closet shall be mounted adjacent to a side walL orpartition. The dlstance from the side wall or partition to thecenterline of the water ctoset shall be 19 in. Sec. 4.i.7.13) When the accessibte water closet is not in a statl:The clear floor space shal_I be 48 in minimum in frontof the water closet and 42 in from the center line of thewater closet on the side not adjacent to the walt. - - Sec- 4.L'7 .2 & Flg. 84 -L7 .24) When the accessibfe water closet 1s in a sta11:The srall shall be 50 in wide minimum and 55 in deep minimumfor wa11 hung water closets and 59 1n deep minimum for floormounted water closets. -- Sec. 4_i-g_3-1If the door swings into the statl. the required depth shallbe increased by 35 inches minj-mum- -- Sec- 4-Lg-3., &Fig. 84 .18.3 .15) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor and shaLtbe provided on the rear wall and on the slde watl closest tothe water closet. - Sec. 4 .24 .2 .2 & Figs . F.4.L7 -3 , B4 - L.l .4and 84. 18 .3 .1a) Side grab bar is required to start within 12 inches of theback wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wal-l. (The minimum length of the bar j.s 42 in\ -- Sec. 4-I7-4-\ &.Fiss - 84 . 17.3 and 84. j_B .3 . 1b) The rear bar sha11 be 24 Ln Jong minimum, centered on lhewater cLoset. Where Space permits, the bar shall be 3d inlong minimum. with the additional length provided on thetransfer side. -- Sec. 4.1-7 -4_2 & Figs. 84.17.3,P'4.I7.4and 84. 18.3 .16) The top of the seal on the water closet is required to be 1Tto l-9 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 4-I7.3 e Eiq. 84.L7 -37) Accessibl e urinals shatt be of the sta]I Lype or waI-L hung wilhthe rin at 17 lnches maxinun above the ffooi. -- Sec. 4.Lg.z8) A clear area of 30 X 4g inches minimum is required in fronrof the urinal . privacy shields shall nol extend beyond thefront edge of the urinal rim, untess chey are 30 inches aparLminimum. -- Sec. 4.19.39) Accessible lavatories shall be mounted with the rim 34 inchesmaximum above the ftoor and a clearance of 29 inches minimum f rom the f Loor to the bot tom of the f ron I ec,loc of t h e arJron _-- Sec. 4.20.2.L & Fis- 84.20.3.i - ---"' 10) It shal-l extend 17 inches minimum from the wall. The clear kneespace shall be B inches in depth minimum at 27 inches minimunabove the floor and i_1 inches 1n depth minimum at 9 in minimumabove the fLoor. The dip of the overflow shall be ignored when checkins .n"Q"utunces. -- sec. 4.20.3. 1 & F A clear floor space of 30 X 48 inches minimum shall be providedin front of the lavatory and shalL extend 19 inches maximumunder the lavatory- -- Sec. 4.20-3.2 & Fiq. P4-20.3,212) Water supply and drain pipes under lavatories shall beinsulated or otherwise treated to protect against contact.-- Sec- 4.20.4 1-3 ) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 38 inches ofthe floor. -- Sec. 4.16.6 & Fiq. 84.20.3.i" GLAZTNG REQUIREMENTSAl1 glazing in hazardous l-ocations is required Lo be of safetyglazrng materj-al . -- Sec. 2406.3 & 2406-4Locations: 1) clazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies.2l Glazing in fixed and slidi.ng panels of stlding door assembliesand panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinqinq doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosuies -for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas,steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of abuilding wall enclosing these compartnents where the bottom exposededge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above a standing suifaceand drain i nlet -5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where thenearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc ofeither vertical edge of the door in a crosed position and where thebottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above thewalking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoselocati-ons described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 1g inches above the floor.C. Eq)osed top edge greater than 36 inches above the ftoor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally ofthe plane of the glazing.8) clazing in railings regardless of helght above a warking surface.rncruded are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fillpanel s .9) Glazing j.n walls and fences used as the barrier for indoor andoutdoor swimming pooLs and spas when Lhe bottom edges is ress than50 inches above the poot side and the gLazing is within 5 feetof the pool- or spa water's edge.10) Glazing in wa11s enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet ofthen bottom and top of stairways where Lhe bottom edge is lessthan 60 inches above the walkinq surface. a DEVELOTOI4,N OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL. co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI\II| STONE MEC}ANICAL, INC. 1111. SOUTH 9TH, GRAND CONTRACTOR STONE MECHANICAL, INC. J-1-1-1 SOI]'IH 9TH, GRANDOWNER SLIFER BUILDING LLC 230 BRIDGE ST. VATL CO DEPARTME}IT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANTCAI PERMIT Job Address... : 230 BRIDGE ST status..tocatj-on : 230 Bridge Srreet, Slifer BldgApplied.Parcel No. .... : 2t-01-082-29-002 Issued..Project Number: pRr]98-027L Expires. PMEI{T iIOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit #: M99-0042 ISSIIED 05/07 /1999 07 /26/L999 ot/22 / 2OOO Phone z 97Q-242-501,4 Phone z 970-242-5014 .JI]NCTION, CO B15O]- JIINCTTON, CO 8l-501- 816s7 Valuation: bldg remodel Descript.ion: Mechanical for IfVAC system, Fireplace Inf omation: ReEtricbed: Y office *Of cae Appliances:#of cas Logs: 55,500. 00 *of wood/Pallet: Mechanical---> PIan Ch€ck- -> Inwestigation> will call-- -- > 1, 14O . O0 245.00 . oo 3.00 .00 . - 00 |,428 .OO 1r 428 . 0O .00 1/ 424 . OO L, 428 . 0O Restuarant Pl.an Review--> DRB Fee-------- Toial calculated FeeE---> Additsional^ Fees - Totsal. Permit Fe€--------> Pa)tments BAI,ANCE DUE-... .OO Dept : BUILDING Division:Ga-rv Goodell Dept: FTRE Division: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE.2. COMBUSTTON Ar4 LS_ REQqIRED pER SEC. 701 OF TTIE 1997 UMC, ORSECTION 7O]. OF THE ].997 IMC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFASIURES INSTRUSIIONS ANDTO ClIAprER l_0 oF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 ANDE4ALL TERMTNATE AS gpECrFrED rN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 IIMC, ORCIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND_ sEc.roaT oF THE 1997 UMC AND CITAPTER I OF ilF.n-Iggt rMe. -6. FOTLERS SHALL BE MOUM|ED ON FLOORS Or'-uOltcoMnuSrreln corusr-I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOUI\TIING ON COYBUSTIBLE FLOORING,7. PEB!4IT,P!,AI.rS AND CODE ANALYSIS MrUST BE pOSiED IN MECIIANICAL_ Bagq PEIOB rO AMNspEerroN REQUEST.8. D&ArNAGE OF MECHANICAT ROOMS C6NTAiNTNG HEATTNG OR HOT_WATERqqP9l.,y BOTLERS STTALL BE EQUTPPED WrtH A FLOOR DRArN--Fen'SBE-.-_ !9?2 QF THE L997 UMC, OR SECTTON 1OO4.A OF rHe 1t9t -Me.- -e. 4!! qQR{ rs TO BE IN'ACCORDANCE Wiilr-i*e-Appr_,rcael,e - -' PROVISIONS OF THE ]-997 I]NIFORM MECHANICAI CODE (UMC) OR THE IECM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI\TTO5/.L0/.1,999 KATIIY AcLion: NOTE Rout.ed to05/25/1,999 GGOODELL Action: AppRITCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT05/L0/L999 ICATIIY Acrj-on: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 199g TNTERNATT.NAL rlo"r* aoo, (rMc) . ****************************************************o *** DECI,ARATTONS r herEby acknonl€dge lhat r have read bhi.s application, filled out in fu11 bhe inforuaEion required, cotnpl"eEed anplan, and etate Lhat aJ.l the information prowided ao requj.red i-s correct. r agree Lo comply with the inforrnacionco conPly $ith all Town oadinances and stat€ 1awo, and to build this st.ructure aecording bo the Totrn, s zoning and'codee, deBign rcvior aPProved, Uniform Building cod€ and other ordinaneeB of the Toirn applicabl€ thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTTONS SHALL BE I4ADE l'w8lrrY-FouR HOTTRS fN AD\IA.IICE By TEt ErddIE \T a1s-2/!N OR AT OrJR OFFTCE FROM SICNATI'RE OF O!iNER OR COITTRAMOR FOR HTMSEIF AND OI{NER ************************* accurate p1ot. and ploE p1an, subdivision I :00 AIil 5 :0O PM _."_"_.____*.t*a**.*.***!,**,*** ?OBihI OF VAI],, COIORADO stateltml 1,42a.00 u /26/99 Os|.29 IniC: BR SbaLeEnE Nunber: REC-O543 AhounE: Pal4itcnt MeEhod: CK NotaEion: 1331"2 Perm1t. No: U99-0042 T)pe: B-tilECH MECHANTCA! PERMIT Parcef No: 2LOl-OA2-29 -OO2 gite Addr6e€: 230 BRIDCE ST LocaEionr 23O Bridge Street, Slif€r Btdg. ToEal Fees i t,429.00 Balance : .a.ccount Code Descript.ion Ahi6 Pal,ment 1,428,00 Tocal ALl, pntEs:r,428- 00 .00 MP OO],OOOO31113OO MSCHANICAI] PER IT FEES ?F OOL00003112300 PIJAN CHACK FEES vtc 00100003112800 wILl, CAI,L INSPECTION FEg Arnount 1, 140. 0O 245. 00 3,00 "", ' f lt lIJL't '. ;*QotifalJ tif,ggle County Assessors.tef f ic e rff .31'; :' hX'& i :; ;'#..' - . }gXH"?i Xlll, Elil i Il";I*?l-_ r.44 &arooro DATE | ,.f-rj-- qg -|35qB , oz-l I PER}IIT /I - t AFPr'rcATroN Musr BE FTLLED our coltpLETELy oR rT MAy Nor BE AccEprBD.TIt***************************** PERMTT INToRMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *rl [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Etectrical [t]-Mechanibal I J-other Job Narne:Job A<ldress: l3dE,o6r. g*r. UA,i Lega1 Description: Lot Block_ Filinq STrRl-rTvrsretrl; Owners Name:Ph. Architect t /*e pn.-11t_&td_ General Descriptioni ll vAC 6qrrt,t work erass: 1t'3-uew [ ]-Alteration [. ]-Additionar I J-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: . ryPnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances__ cas Logs_ wood/perletvIt********************************* vALUATToNs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,. * * * * * *'t BUILDING: S \trJvr.l.9rNtJ; + MEcHANrcAr., t $ rr, rr-:UJ**** * ****** ** ******* ******* coNTIU{CloR INFORMATIo.' Eeneral Contractnrr INFORMATION **** ******* *** ** * * ** * * rr****Contractor:Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nurnber:Address: Electrical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. .Plumbing Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. Address: Address: PLUMBTNG! T_.-EI.,ECTRTCAL: $ Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: ffi51:l::* "?:T::t,,":, '.?*,r q".u*"ugn.- *TS, dt Tr"r, or V-ail -;. -"*"1*_phone ll"*r"i, - szld?21__--******************************** FOR oFFrcE usE *******************************BUIIJDING PERI'IIT FEE: PI,UMBING PERMIT FEE: BUTLDING PI'AN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANTCAL pERMTT FEE: -.-.- PLUMBTNG prAN CHECK 3EE: ElEcrRrcti i;i;-- _r_% MECrIANTCAL pr,AN cHEcK FEE: --..- ;lg"F#f;ii"inr, _- iiiffi:ii"il"l3lb_ateRecffi r ;u;. r;;r;;;. , = = ,l...----.---'- TorAL PERMTT nrT'sTirav '1is-9g-- l r aurr,orre. tt^t ' rrrit- l--l 1Sr-Gn?TURE;l-i-l_i____i zoNrNG: l:::::-.1=___ t --- l -___..-_ l STGNATURE !uonments: CLEAN UP DEEQSIT REFIIIID TO: 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged by: Con nn6.76a ofllce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL pUBLrc WoRKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or a.posit ""V-="if]-rJ.i, sand, debrisor material , t""t.lgl:n_trasfr-iuipsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or anv norri^on rh;;";;:--it" rigrrt:"i-".v-ln arr Town ofVail streets ina.I?"g: i" upp.oiirnatery s fr. 6ti p.,r.r"r,t.This ordinance wirr be stritlry enforced by the Town of VairPubLic works o"oaritn.ntl--pJir'"nl rouna rri6r.[i,.,q this ordinancewirl be sriven a 24 hour ro.iil;;";"Ii""-t"^;;;;;'=.id rnarerial.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornply with thenotice within an:^-?1 trour tirne-iieciriea, tne puLtic worksDepartment wirr remove said mateiirt,.t the expense of personnotified' rne nrovi"i"""-Jt-'iiii "ror.nance sharl not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,-iit"r,^r,ge gI repair projects ofany street or alley ", iny'rrlifiir"= in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful)., please stop by the Town of:::i.::iHiT"Tf,H'mlt.::"";i;i" a copv. rirani you ror your f,tu (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south tronlsge road v8ll, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-ZL3g oftlce of communlly devalopmetrt BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permit ".qri:::^t ]9w1 or Vait Fire Department Approval, Ilg jT"l =,, ( pub) ic lto rks ) ""v i.n' u no'i pb"ouu il.i' pi'iil,ii il!"oupur*"n,revrew or Hear th Department. review, unr' u. ""uiu* Lv-ti,."Erir oi ns Siri[H5',1;.ll: .rrtru ted time ro"'u-totur ."ui""-il,uv',iui.,u, I ons All commercia'l (iarse^:f ,lul1i "1a ail mutti_famity permits wilihave to folrow ihe ibove rnentioned rixirrr requirements. Residentiarand small projects srrouro ia[e-;-i.;;;;amount of time. However, ifresidential or smal'l er,projecir irpi.i'the various above ment.ioneddepartments with regard't."r"..ri'Ji!"i.ui"*, these projects mayalso take the three-week period Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite thispermit.as qqon aS pOSSible. " q"E,.(/ r'v c^Peu I Le rr i;.*il undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Gnce,i* s, srur6 6l ,rg;1 Jn, t 71"1 ProjecT of /or Date t{oil Sheet wa s Tuirrel-TnTo-IhE Com.muni ty Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' IS REQUIRED ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls lhe driveway being repaved? 5) fs diflerent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easemenls, or public property? 7l Is a'Flevocable Right Of Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenfs or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? - B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Communifi Development? !fJ?Y..$ytred yes to any of these questions, a 'Public way eermit' rr.t be obtained.?ublic way_ Permit" appricarionl miy ba obtained at the'pubric work,s otfice or alc,o.TT,Titv Developm-ent ,rf vorl h.y-eg1y euestions prease cail charrie Davis, the Townof Vaif Gonstruction lnspecloi, at 47g-21ffi,' I have read and answered allthe above questions. S+,i-gf-, S ;a i nn *rto^r -- .Gae*,+ S-* *- -,Job Name Contraaof-Sfraure Date 1) 2) Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a "public Way permit": YES NO Y {- )c X x x v )t {Load Express: Load Calculation to*"L General Job - .-*+ !..^.L - FArt Job Descriplion: Building Owner: Program User: Comments: Program was Run: Dataset Name: Slifer, Smith & Framplon GSCC Garrick S. Stone Heat Gain Only 4/30/99 at 8:17:29AM C:\CDS\LOADEXP\DATAVAIL\SSFLLE.LE TItEFn Geographical DataLocation: Vail, Colorado Weather File: Vail, ColoradoLatitude: 39 deg Elevation: 8,150 ft ^i,', I i : ir'..,. Design Data Summer Dsn Dry Bulb: BZ.O deg F Summer Dsn Wet Bulb: 60.0 deo F Winter Design Dry Bulb: -2S.0 de; F Density-Sp Heat Produc 0.8143 Btu-min4hrft3-F) Design Simulation period Apr To Nov Bullding Peak Data Monlh/Hour:Jut / 15 Cooling Cspacity: 32.0 Mbh Cooling Sensibte: 31.0 Mbh Sensible H€at Ratio (SHR) 0.969 Heating Capacit -22.0 Mbh " t,....,,,"1 (<41:c't, ) (1, ....i ', r(t?.\3h L. rlr.4 rrit. ?43G (_- i i!r.' i i ,, ."t ,, .l ,, ;...' (,rt,r ruI ?4Xrr '' / ''r"':<ja') t.. !.. 1'. ii ,i,0 .3,6',troo'(ou' APF||OVED Conmuilty Darcloprnent - Dsadment BuiHing Salely & lriepecrion S€rvtJes t .ilc.106r.3, L'lforr nlht g|+ nnAU C hrl. Tt c issu!!c! t'y ordr Foviliror of rhir co& aof ny-e.iitbc;;?d j;;il6.|tmits Fcaotlin8 !o gi}! |lthfiiry ro tlot- c c&cC fr Fwisioar of $itcodc.or otb oditrc of rtE j,rrl;dicrio dl[ ffi bar.'ffd---'-'* -. .rE rssuatce or r pcrmil blscd oo otaar, 4odf,cdor rri oOrcr Ao,f,lttor plEycrr the bdlding ofticial fro cnDrs In said 6h -.F.ifi.,'i^n. ".I59 -ryag tho contctioa of #,l"J"yfl ,o#tffi 'lf li?T#'"*:gr;-e;-;ffiffiil;ft "s,,_*,rgffii, _ "" . ",y, H w. Date Receiveel IlAY / 1999 - ','t^ -t. y'- . .. :t i :,".,:. i.,*-T":. r*_ :tr:_ _!.rC -"1 '!i'' rri illd,/"{Jtr! I i?sqt - ozll rnqq' oo42- VerBioh 2.0 Tifle Page 1 t 'i .:l r\,rl fi tNtTiALS.r-lrlF OArF- Load Express: Load Calculation a"*"r"O Version 2.0 Zone/Ah Hand16r Dsscriptions Zone/Air Handler Descdptions Air Handter Type Descripflon1 CONSTANT FC.z Zone Type Description1 Commercial Retail Bath West2 Commercial Retail Conference #23 Commercial Retail Kitchen4 Commercial Retail Workspace5 Commercial Retail Bath East \ l i; l. 6 9\\\6 bNc.rorF? (\ (9 (O (ocjd(5(.)c) $INN c b5BI dcid u; q N F (o et C o <f)6.4 -= I 3o qJo $ oEo,3 h .E Eo quro p o() o =ooo lGr.coool; J af, ct cl lE d;ss .16 eE Ecl EIolOl= -trooolJt fNrfvlF;6P';I or ctr (D I rrl.)(r, <sOo N p.:oao o E$ 'o ciF(O \ a i E o)alL(J Y L Fs#3 *HE36d!dt() ,! o o o N :ta E 14 G.l r s.l rYtl l"t-$ CJ C I a ,i I : rL \- .= 3 ro ra, L)r! lt'-NLI6gssF r.$s E 'i= ;idl YJo I CD .E(l, clEo q o(J ooI ? o.Eooo P E deee b qr- o)_ o- ' ifiF o, o.tr60@gEfr:*3 O E UUUd rrr (\ d>l os o '6 o C' F E o io! Fv'ao-q3 (,YcLO !Z Lta*2*do--S *EE= .: nigco >:oooJ o o,(L o .E o Eo- ou, E IJ(! oooJ ui E ulo |D) Load Express: Load Calculalion Software Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary Air l'land 1 Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 629.8 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw Wsfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 169.5 Cool Check WSfty Fch 28.5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 27,360.5 Btuh 27,360.5'Btuh ..,( 1,79Y dm Jzf6B cfm 2.81 cfmlft2 2.81 cfmftz 1,768 cftn 1,768 cfrn Heating Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: Cooling Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: Outside Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: -28 7 t17 76 57,: 94.5o/o Cooling Coil Peak Heaflng co PeaK I orar Loao sens Load Porcnt ot lot { Btuh ) ( Btuh ) (7") rga|l r9r Dens rercnl or tol( Btuh ) ('l,l tsNVELUT'ts L(JAUii Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.00 557 .07 557 .O7 0.00 0.00 sUO I OIal 55/.U/ 55t.U | '1.74 0.oo 0.00 Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 67 .87 67 .87188.09 188.090.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,486.82 -/YO.0C 0.00 0.00 JUO I Oral 255.96 255.96 0.80 -2 ,263 .4 | 1 0.40 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 14,520.40 14,520.403,471.23 2,154.169,524.2',t 9,524.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 -tuu r oaall z/,0 | c.YU zb,19u.uu 6tt.u5 {J.UU O.O0 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 31 1.88 606.190.00 0.0022.63 72.802,526.34 2,526.340.00 0.00864,02 86/..02-77.38 -77 .38 -'t 5,154.70 -2,467 .49 -2,051 .21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 sub I otal 3,64/'.49 3.99I.96 11.41 - rv,o/{r..tu 6v.bu OViUNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 31,976.40 31,003,80 31,976.40 . 31,003.80 -21,956.80 -21,956.80 Load Express: Load Calculation SoftwareI VeBlon 2.0 Peak Load Summary Areas ( ftz ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load52.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr0.0 CoolAirflow0.0 Cool Airflw Wsfty Fctor0,0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check W/Sfiy Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0,0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 1,035.8 Etuh '1 ,035.8 Btuh rA 67 cfm .11" 67 cfm 1.29 clmlft2 't,?9 dmn? 67 cfm 67 cfm Heatlng Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Cooling Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: I t 17 Outside Air: OADB: 76t/VB: 57 RELHUM: 94.5o/o Heating coil PeaR- { Btuh )( Btuh I (Yol 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 FeaK tot 50ns PerenErTot( Btuh I l%, Solar Skylight Solar class Solar 0.00 0.00tiub Total u.u0 0.00--uJ0 0.00 -trff- Condu6ted Skylighl Roof Glass Wall Parlition SlabOnG/ExFtr SuFToEf- INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00{J.uu 0.or" ]lJo-_--o.o0 tr.oo 1,032.00 1,032.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat_9IT-'q_- OV/UNDR Sizing I,urz.uu 1,o3z.oo Egzr ono---------]rc(r 0.00 0.000.00 0.00-4.63 2.8895.64 95.640.00 0.0032.71 32.710.00 0.00 0.00 -24.29 -169.37 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 e t,) t.za tu./ |-luJ.bb 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 1,155.73 1,163.23 1,155.73 1,163.23 -193.66 -193.66 Load Express: Load Galculation Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary Zone 2 SoftwareI Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 122.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Aimw Wsfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check Wsfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 7,120.4 Bluh 7,120.4 Btuh ,u1 460 cfm poc' 460 cfm 3.77 cfmnz 3.77 clmlftz 460 cfrn 460 cfm Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Cooling Coil P€ak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 15 Outside Air: OADB: 78 l rB: 58 RELHUM: U.OO/o Skylight Solar Glass Solar Sub Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr---EuFTotal INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat SuFTotal- OV/UNDR Sizing Grand Total Wsafety Factor ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I l%l 0.00 0.000.00 0,00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,177.30 5,177.302,371.?6 1,604.19203.19 203.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 244.85 475.900.00 0.008.18 15.90657.46 657.460.00 0.00224.85 224.85-36.89 -36.89 -1 1 ,897.50 -1,763.19 -397.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,850.20 8,321.90 8,850.20 8,321.90 -14,058.10 -14,058.10 / Load Express: Load Calculation a"*L Vergion 2.0 . Peak Load Summary Zone 3 Heating Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Gooling Coil Peak Peaked st Time: Mollln Outside Air: OADB: \,ts: RELHUM: Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Soace Sens Load Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr Cool Airflow Cool Airflw W/Sfty Fctor Cooling Check Cool Check Wsfty Fctr Heal Airflow Heat Airflw WSfty Fctr 426.5 Btuh 426.5 Bluh 1o 28 cfrn ^,u28 cfm - 0.43 cfm/ftz 0.43 cfm/ft2 28 cfn 28 cfn 63,8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7i /.16 Tl, 58 34.1% g coil Peak Heating CoifPeak- ENVEIOPE LOADtr Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar I orar Loao uens Load pereRIEITot-- ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) l%l reaK ro[ DenS Fercnt ot lo:( Btuh ) (%) 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conducled Skylighi Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr u.rjo 0.0(f llJtt o.oo 0.o(r 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 uJlr----tmo 0.00 uo(r 628.81 628.810.00 0.00106.43 106.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infillration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heal t35.24 735.2{---165{--o.00 oJ(r 0.00 0,000.00 0.000_92 6.8539.38 39.380.00 0.00't3.47 13.47-27.40 -27.40 0.00 -29.78 -207.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -ur, I o[.ll OV/UNDR Sizing zb.lr6 32.30 L 0.00 0.00 -zJr.42 luu,uu 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 76'1.60 767.53 761 .60 767 .53 -237 .42 -237.42 Load Express: Load Calculation Zone 4 Softwareo Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Paftition: Space Sens Load 340.0 Spc Sens Ld WSffy Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 CoolAirflw WSf,y Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 169.5 Cool Check W/Sfry Fctr28.5 Heat Airf,ow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfly Fctr 17!742.0 Btuh 17,742.0 Btuh ^o5 1,147 cfm ,"nl1,147 dm '- 3.37 cfrT/ft2 3.37 cfrnft2 1 ,147 dm 1,147 cfm Heating Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: Coollng Coll P6ak Peakod at Time: Outside Air ,a .ii I CoofrnTToif"eak-- I ora' Loao sens Loaaf PErenlTlTot-( Btuh ) ( Btuh I lt"l reaK tor -ens Percnt ofTotr( Btuh ) lotcl Solar Skylight Solar Glass SolarEU!]=. Conducled Skylight Roof class Wall Partition SlabOnc/ExFtrSuET-oE|- -l INTERNAL LOADS Lights PeopleMisc i 0,00 0.00 557 .O7 557.07 0.00 0.00 JCI.U' Z.16 0.00 --_-lmtr 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 67 .87 67.87188.09 188.090.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,486.82 -796.65 0.00 0.004u\r.vq zCt.VO 1.16 -2,283.47 ------TI-3'- 6,650.33 6,650.331,099.97 549.979,214.59 9,214.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidiflcalion Infiltralion Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat -SI'qqOV/UNDR Sizing ro,vo,+.9u 1tr,4t4.90 E4.6u urD -- __-Int(r 67.03 130.290.00 0_0022.79 44.301,638.21 1,638.210.00 0.00560.27 560.27-13.09 -13.09-------T'r-/E r,r-r-rEffi -3,257.19 -625.93 -1,107 .44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I I.JU -4,V9U.D5 OE.6l 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 20,053.10 19,587.90 20,053.10 19,587.90 -7,274.02 -7,274.O2 -t' Load Express: Load calcutarion solfe Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Pertition: Space Sens Load 52.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfly Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw WSfiy Fctor0.0 Cooling Ch6ck0,0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Aidlw W/Sfly Fctr "1,035.8 Btuh i,oss.a etuh ^a 67 cfm _,)g 67 cfrn '" 1.29 dmft2 1.29 cfmlt? 67 cfm 67 cfm Version 2,0 Peak Load Summary Heating Coil Poak Oulside Air: OADB: -28 Cooling Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hc 7 t 1l Outside Air: OADB: Z6WB: 57 RELHUM: U.S% Zone 5 Gooling GoilPeaf-Heattng coit Peak ( Btuh ) (Btuh) lyol roaK I oMns Percnl or I ol( Btuh ) l%) Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar_ yb IqeI- Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFtr -SuF-rdoFf INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 99rytar- MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heai Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0r 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00u.uu u.uu u.oo fiIr 1 ,032.00 1,032.000.00 0.000.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 urr(r 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00-4.63 2.8895.64 95.640.00 0.0032.71 32.710.00 0.00 0.00 -24.29 -169.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OV/UNDR Sizing -r93.6ri 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 G.and Total W/Safety Factor 1,t55.73 1,163.23 1,155.73 1,163.23 -193.66 -193.66 a'/t : Load Express: Load Calculation Sonware Genefaf Job uoD.L L.pd- - EALI Job Description: Building Owner: Program User: Comments: Program was Run: Dataset Name: Geographical Data Location: Vail, Colorado Weather File: Vail, ColoradoLatitude: 39 degElevalion: 8,150 n :i lj . \,]ra Dx Slifer, Smith & Frampton GSCC Garrick S. Stone Heat Gain Only 4125199 at 4:28:10 PM C ICDS\LOADEXP\DATAVAI L\SSFULE.LE Design Data Summer Dsn Dry Bulb: Summer Dsn Wet Bulb: Winter Design Dry Bulb: Density$p Heat Produc Design Simulation period 82.0 deg F 00.0 deg F -28.0 deg F 0.8143 Btu-min{hr-fi3-F) Apr To Nov l.-i o'rr t I : 2 7 ^^ i,., cL .t t.. 't.t / t .d-1. ( | t L.,.n),.1 ( to"o') ^\B.1at^ L /r\C4?ka'c- f fl4lrro r,. i l{r,'4r-bo .1 .\ rt./. ntTf rr.,rt : F{,{l irr ilfl a' I f I', | :t: r\ {tr!:r Jf ., ':.1 nl tt,o' F f Li'-''I LP 4 2'7 'ri dro ,|Ll ' 7,oZ 'f {- lr ot 41P'" t Version 2.0 Title Pag€ Sof,wareI Verslon 2.0 Zone/Air Handl€r Descriptions Zone/Air Handler Descriptions Air Handler 1 TYPe CONSTANT TYPe Commercial Retail Commercial R6tail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Commerclal Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Descrlpti6n FC-3 Descdption Office #{ Omce ,15 Office 16 Secretary #12 Office #1 1 Office #10 Office #9 Office #8 Ofiice #7 Zone 1 4 6 a I E 9q9C6 6N(')('Fr $q =rGo o I a,- F@@qla or@@ o a o a\ll t (t( /7 I { 1i i os ll o aL?oal-.;\r 'll Fl c I L.-€ .l L€ $ro(o(D dr at)ddci loldtifl. ! 3 .3IE* n ;l ot8l*e fi Id, cnlEo \lr! o t l!r.tooot;:F-(rts) lE fisppt:. @oo_l(/, s$s HI =lolOI 'lE Eae= 13 fi;ae| @()ro| {ddI (e(')c') {Ro;sseJ'o 6N 6SF !,Si., N-J E a) 'E oYcLC) Y !-iog2hdtf, *88H Edtm() .: d.I .A .-.!:FFF -rtr 5;'i^i ,9 fiNFi{ Tr (\tN(\ E I ot't-{s R@ 'roctEo aluo 3 o El ooT E * SRRR€ E 6nnr ; @(o(o6 $si Q ar.cc)oo!2 ? f c.r (\r o,t.&Efiusu-, 6 !f- !c_ \r_ (D (n (.) (r)55t q,Yclo Y r- F3ff3 EHR9Tt--a\ ;!0dlo .= {Ro-s- Ootloeeo'- ES.o L,+F .-<!ql F{ ;o E gF N.:co.9EEb 9E E'(!o o _q, o (! og o |D =a .E -g .9oOT(! J tr; Eo. IlJpr!oJ ' Load Express: Load Calculalion SoftwareI Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary Areas ( fiA ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Paftition: Space Sens Load 1 ,137.3 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fc{r0.0 Cool Airftow 1,146.0 Coot Airflw W/Sfty Fctor21.0 Cooling Check '| 82.5 Coot Check WSfiy Fctr70.5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfty Fctr 26,372.0 Btuh 26,372.0 Btuh 018 .+,wH 1.50 cfm/ft2 1.50 cfm/ft2 1,7.q5 cfm 1,705 cfm Heating Coil Peak Oulside Ah: OADB: Ag Goollng Colt Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: Z t g Outside Air: OADB: 62WB: 4S RELHUM: 44.90/6 :ar.|lirtar fl^Heating G6iIEak_- ENVELOPFIOADS Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar r uri Loao uens Load pe-renlTtToT-( Btuh I ( Btuh ) l"/"1 968.09 968.094,305.27 4,305.27 l.eaK |ol sens Pcrenr6fT6[( Btuh I (7ol 0.00 0.00 I TNTERNAL LOADS I LiEhts People Misc - SUF ToEI- - c,z/J.Jo 5,273.36 -fjtgz-- -- .. 171.97 171.971,200.78 1,200.78-333.47 _333.47 -30.09 _30.09 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 -l nntfTq.-_-- T.rrard- - -r -1 ,095.55 -3,667.26 -3,677.92 -857.75 0.00 0.00 10,951.90 10.951.905,444.99 2,694.99 1 1,706.60 1 ,1.706.60 2SJUI.40- --2535r.4o --7g=r/- -v,29u.49 ?8.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Rel. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat -919.61 0.00 -274.78 2,435.06 0.00 832_80 -871.30 58.63 0.00 -1 1.83 2,435.06 0.00 832.80 -871.30 -SriFTotal 12WaT- z,4f,fjb.- - TJt-- OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 -16,285.90 -2,929.08 -4,138.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --2JI'J5C:7T- -- 1TSI- 0.00 urano I otal W/Safety Factof 35,588.10 34,079.30 35,588.10 34,079.30 -32,652.20 -32,652.20 Lbad Express: Load calculation Software velslon 2.0 Peak Load Summary Zone 1 Areas ( ftz ) Floor: SlabchG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glaes: Parlilion: Space Sens Load 90.3 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr 0.0 CoolAirflow 120.0 Cool Airflw WSfty Fctor 0-0 Cooling Check 0.0 Cool Check WSfty Fctr 0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Ainw W/Sffy Fctr 2,101.9 Btuh 2,101 ,9 , Btuh n,,"*1S :n ''* 1.51 c.lmlflz 1.51 cfin/fr2 136 cfm 136 cfm Heating Goil Peak Outside Air: OADB: coollng Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hn 7 Outside Ah OADB: WB: RELHUM: cooling (;oil Peak Heating coll PeaK I Olal Loao Sens Loao rercnl ol I o( . ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) (%) t eaK I ot DenS rGrsnr ur l9r( Btuh ) {%) NVFLOPE LOADS Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total o.00 0.u0 u.uu u.uo u.ou Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk 0.00 0.00171.83 171.83 0,00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -384.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total-TZT3- 171.83 5.E7 -3U4.OU 14.61 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 885.55 885.55544.03 269.031,168.64 1,168.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 sub I otal ' -2.59T2-2.323.22 88.71 0.00 0.oo MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat -17.07 53.740.00 0.00-3.08 9.70 194,08 194.08 0.00 0.0066.38 66.38 -81 .59 -81 .59 -1,628.59 -275.71 -293.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 __saTq9l = OV/UNDR Sizing 158.71 242.31 5.42 -2.196.26 U5.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 2,92A.77 2,737.37 2,928.77 2,737.37 -2,582.26 -2,582.26 -28 /16 7l 58 ?4.1% l I I I i ' Load Express: Load Calculation Venion 2.0 Peak Load Summary Zone 2 Software t ftz ) Space Sens Load 90.3 Spc Sens Ld WSffy Fctr0.0 CoolAirflow 90.3 CoolAirflw WSfiy Fctor0-0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Checfi W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfty Fctr Areas ( Floor: JlabOnG/ExFlr: tioof: likylight: ',;Vall: VVall Glass: Farlition: 2,072.9 2,072.C ^."nu rrg b' 134 1 .45 1 .48 134 134 Btuh Btuh f 'orrcnl1 dmftz drnlltz cfm cfrn Heating Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 | 16 Outsido Air OADB: 77ltVB: 58 RELHUM: U1% CoonngGoifPeaR-Heaflng Go Peal( I orat Loao bens Loao Percnt d lot( Btuh) (Btuh) (%) rea[ r9r Dens rercnt oT lol( Btuh ) (%) r]VtsLUT'I LUAUS : i)lar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00luD I olal u.uu (J.oo o.o0 0.00 u:o(r l,rnducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall irartition SlabOnG/ExFlr 0.00 0.00148.52 148.520.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -288.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i,up | gral 14U.bZ 144.52 5.12 -26u.60 t 1 .61 II..I.iERNAL LOADS r.ights People f,,tisc 887.88 887.88544.03 269.031,168.64 1,168.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 -uI, | 9fal z,buu.cb 2,325.55 E9.58 u.uu o.oo Mi lC LOADS Outside Air iiumidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat -17.07 53.740.00 0.00-3.08 9.70 191 .40 191.400.00 0.0065.46 65.46-82.81 -82.81 -1,628.59 -275.71 -293.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUD I Otal 1 5J.U9 2;J1.4C 5.30 -2,194.26 68.39 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 2,902.96 2,711.55 2,902.96 7,711.55 -2,487.06 -2,487.06 SoftwaretLoad Express: Load Calculation Vsrsion 2.0 PEak Load Summary reaK Loao uummary - Atrerna ve 1 Zone 3 tsKIUgEi' I REE I ](EM(JUEL Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Root Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partilion: Soace Sens Load 90.3 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr0.0 CoolAirflow 90.3 CoolAirflw Wsfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airtlw W/Sfiy Fclr 2,072.9 2,072.5 . "'' 134 ,i .o " 134 1 .48 1.48 134 134 Btuh Btuh cfm .o1q cfm ctmlftz dmlft2 cfm cfm Heatlng Coll Peak Outsid€ Ah: OADB: -28 Gooling Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 | 16 Outside Ak: OADB: TlvvB: 58 RELHUM: 34.1% Cooling CoilPeak Hea ng Goal Peak rgrar Loaq Dens Loao rercm or I oI( Btuhl ( Btuh ) (%) reaK I oI Jens retcm oI I oI( Btuh I lY"l ENVELU}'E LUAU5 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total U.UU u.uu U.UU o.o0 0.00 Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Parlition SlabOnG/ExFlr 0.00 0.00148.52 148.520.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -288.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5Ub I Otal 146.52 144.52 5:12 -zu6.6u 11.61 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 887.88 887.88544.03 269.031,168.64 1,168.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 sub Total z,ouu.5c 2,325.55 E9.58 u.u{J 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltfation Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat -17.07 53.740.00 0.00-3.08 9.70191.40 191.400.00 0.0065.46 65.46-82.81 -82.81 -1,628.59 -275.71 -293.96 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 sUD I Otal 1 55.U9 23t.49 5.30 -2,196.2tr 86.39 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 2,902.96 2,711.55 2,902.96 2,711.55 -2,487.06 -2,487.06 Load Exoress: Load Calculation Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary 'ne 4 SoftwareI Areas ( ft2 )Floor: 283.9SlabOnG/ExFlr: 0.0Roof: 2629Skyfight: 21.OWall: 0.0 Wall Glass: 0.0Panition: 0.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld WSffy Fctr Cool Airflow Cool Airflw W/Sfty Fctor Cooling Chsck Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr Heat Airflow Heat Airflw WSny Fctr 5,785.5 s,785.5 374 tql. .ts 374 ,.1 .32 1 .32 374 374 Btuh Btuh lllll . r,"lGIIN - dmlft2 dmlft2 cfm cfm Heating Coll PeakOutsid;Air: oADB: -28 Cooling Coll Paak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr 7 I 15 Outside Air: OADB: 78WB: 58 RELHUM: 34.OYo CoolingGoilPeaK-Heating coil Peak | grar Loaq Dens Loao Percnt ol I ot( Btuh) (Btuh) (%) Fgar r9r D€ns rercnl ol tot( Btuh ) (%l I TTVCLL,TE L|J.iL,O Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 968.09 968.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ouu I olal Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnGiExFlr eb6.ue 968.u9 1:|.79 0.00 lIJ(r 17 1 .97 17 1 .97343.34 343.340.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 -1 ,095.55 -841 .34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-uo I olal 515.31 5T5JT-'---628 -r ,yJo.gu zt.14 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misctuqlotlt_ MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidificalion Inflllration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhausl Heat 2,774.83 2,774.831,086.78 536.782,331.66 2,331.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 q, f vJ.z/ 3,o+J.z/ lt.4z o.u0 18.47 130.290.00 0.006.56 46.24534.20 534.200.00 0.00182.70 182.70-206.97 -206.97 -3,257.18 -632.89 -1,155.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUD I Otall s34.97 68626 - 6.51 -c,046.04 72.26 I ,V/UNDR SiziNg 0.00 0.00 0.00 (;rand Total \^//Safety Factor 8,211.63 7,813.13 8,211.63 7,813.13 -6,982.94 -6,982.94 Load Express: Load Calculation Verglon 2.0 Peak Losd Summary Zone 5 Softwa16I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Areas ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: KOOIi Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: tt2 ) 162.0 0.0 162.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld Wsfty Fctr Cool Airflow Cool Airflw WSfty Fctor Cooling Check Cool Check WSfty Fctr Heat Airflow Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 2,573.2 Btuh 2,573.2 Btuh " .rrn166 cfm n(r.l c5'c - 166 cfm 1.03 cfm/ftz 1.03 cfm/ft2 166 cfm 166 cfm H.ating Coll P6ek Outside Air: OADB: Ao Cooting Coll Peak Peaked al Time: Mo/Hr: 7 t 16 Outside Air: OADB: t7WB: 58 RELHUM: U.1o/o cooling Coilleak--Heating CoilPeak- I I [ENVETOPFTOADS Solar I Skylight Solar I Glass Solar f- Su5rotell- Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Parlition SlabOnG/ExFhEglar _ INTERNAT LOADS Lights People Miscs-,g]9!{_ MISC LOADS outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heai ---sOb Total- . OV/UNDR Sizing | orar Loaq bens Loao parctit ofTot-!_,!!y!) (Btuh) (%l rea[ tol oens rerEnl oT lol( Btuh l l%l 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00u.uu u.uu o,oo 0.00 1IJ(r 0.00 0.00266.59 266.590.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -518.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00zoo.cv /. tJ -518.40 lTW- 1,593.75 1,593.75544.03 269.031,168.64 1,168,64 0.00 0.00 0.00irrruo.+z J,u\t t.4z u6.42 0.00 lrlt(r -17.07 53.740.00 0.00-s.53 17.41 237 .59 237.590.00 0.00 81 .26 81.26-129.98 -129.98 -1,628.59 -309.23 -527.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00too.zt zou.uJ 4.4c -2,465.4E 6z|ffr 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total W/Safety Factor 3,739.29 3,558.04 3,739.29 3,558.04 -2,983.88 -2,983.88 I oad Express: Load Calculation Vorsion 2.0 Peak Load Summary T Zone 6 Softrrareo Areas ( fl2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFk: Roof Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 85.5 Spc Sens Ld WSfry Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow 85.5 Cool Airflw Wsfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check WSffy Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fch 2,039.7 Btuh 2,039.7 Btuh ^ ,.^ 132 cfrn ,c11 bo "' 132 cfm 1.54 clfirlft? 1.54 cfmnz 132 cfm 132 cfm Heatlng Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: -ZB Cooling Coil P€ak Peaked al Tim€: Mo/Hr: 7 f $ Outside Air: OADB: 77WB: 50 RELHUM: 34.1o/o Cooling CoilTeaf--g Go Peak rarar Loas sens Load PeIeRIofTot-( Btuh ) ( Btuh l l"/.1 rea|l | 0r ogns ].ercnt ol I ol{ Btuh } (%l Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 5ab-Tolar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc q0b-roril__ MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infilkation Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00u.uv U.Uu U.UU o.00 lI]ttr 0.00 0.00140.70 140,700,00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -273.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00r+v.ru t+u./u 4,y4 z(3.6U 11.15 841.15 841.15u4.o3 269.031,168.64 1,168.64 0.00 0.00 0.00z,aaJ,ol z,zt6d2 69.67 0.00 lilxr -17.07 53.740.00 0.00-2.92 9.19188.34 188.340.00 0.0064.41 64.41-79.37 -79.37 -1,628.59 -273.49 -278.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 |oJ_Jv zJo.Jl 5.39 0.00 0.00 -zJ,6U.b/ 6U.U5 0.00 Grand Total W/Safety Factor 2,847.9'l 2,655,83 2,847.91 2,655.83 -2,454.17 -2,454.17 Load Express: Load Calculation Vorsion 2.0 Peak Load Summary Zone 7 Softvare O Ar€as ( ft2 ) Floor; SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 85.5 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow 85.5 Cool Airtlw W/Sfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heal Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 2,039.7 Btuh 2,039.7 Btuh ,,"^1ll:lfi,o." 1.54 ctmlfrz 1.U c+mfitz 132 clm ,132 c.tn Heating Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: Cooling Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr l Outside Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: :,28 /16 77 58 U.1o/o Cooffi Heaung Goil Peak ENVEIOieElo6gS '- Solar Skylight Sotar Glass Solar I orat Loao U6ns LoetfpCrenTATTdT-( Btuh) ( Btuh t (%l reaK I or Jens l,ercntoTTof( Btuh ) (%l 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFtr@ INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc u.uu u.o0 0.00 0.00 uJlr 0.00 0.00140.70 140.700.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -273.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t+u. rv 4.Yrt -zlJ.oo 11.1t 841.15 841.15544.03 269.031,168.64 1,168.64 0.00 0.00 0.00z,oaJ,ol z,ztd,62 49.67 o.oo lIJ(r MISC LOADS oulside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat :q"0-$r OViUNDR Sizing -17.07 53.740.00 0.00-2.92 9.19188.34 188.340.00 0.0064.41 64.41-79.37 -79.37 -1,628.59 -273:49 -278.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I ir\r.Je zco.it I b.Jg -2,160.s7 -----X855- 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total WSafety Factor 2,847 .91 2,655.83 2,847.51 2,655.83 -2,454.17 -2,454.17 ,/ Load ExPress: Loa(r catcutarion t"*.,1 Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabonG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Zone I Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary Space Sens Load 177.6 Spc Sens Ld WSfly Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow 177 .6 Cool Airflw WiSfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 1O7.5 Cool Check WSfry Fctr46.5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfty Fch 4,180.9 4,180.S ^,rd'270r' ' 270 1.52 1.52 270 Btuh Btuh "lt . ,iuctm cftn,lft? cfin/fi2 cfm cfrn Heating Coil Peak Oulside Air: OADB:r .28 Cooling Goil Peak Peaked al Timo: Mo/Hr: 7 t 9 Outside Air: OADB: 62WB: 49 RELHUM: 44.BoA Coonng-CoilTeaF-HeatihgCOiIEak- ENVETOPFLC'ADT Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar I urar Ledq oens Loao l,ercnl ol I ot( Btuh) ( Btuh ) lyol FeaK I or uens p€rcmOtT0[( Bruh ) (%) 0.00 0.002,391.82 2,391.82 0.00 0.00 -lu! lgral_ Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr 2,3s1.82 2;3gf5z----16;3tf 0.00 -_--Inxr 0.00 0.00 -r 13.44 -113.44-242.48 -242.48 -17 .72 -17.720.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 -568.32 -2,425.86 -s05.25 0.00 0.00Sub Total -3 /3.O5 -373_65-----1123 -3,499.44 ----565r INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc -s"aToki! _.'.- MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidiflcation Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heai Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat-rsubry OV/UNDR Sizing Grand Total W/Safety Factor 1,593.41 1,593.41 547 .O1 272,011,181.54 1,181.54 0.00 0.00 0.00o,u+o.:ro o4,Jl 0.oo -_--lmlr -417.83 -197.060.00 0.00-185.52 -87.49386.05 386.050.00 0.00132.03 132.03-89.49 -89.49 -1,628.59 -337:25 -723.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t++.uJ _J.Jd -2,68E.94 ---TI4il 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,165.38 5,209.16 5,165_38 5,209.16 -6,188.37 -6,188.37 -.. Venrion 2.0 Peak Load Summary Zone I Areas ( fiz )Floor: 72.0SlabOnG/ExFh: 0.0Roof: T2.OSkylight: 0.0Wall: 75.0 Walf Glass: 24.OPartition: 0.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sons Ld W/Sfty Fctr Cool Airflow Cool Airflw WSfry Fclor Cooling Check Cool Check W/Sffy Fctr Heat Airflow Heat Airtlw Wsfty Fctr 3,105.3 3,505.3 . ,s,227l\\, - 227 3.15 3.15 227 227 Btuh Btuh tltt' r1? clmfitz dmfit2 sfm cfm Hoatlng Coil Poak Outside Air: OADB: Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Tim€: Mo/Hr: 7 Outside Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: -24 t9 62 49 44.8o/o .:'. coolihg CoifPeak--Heating C6i[?eak- I orat Loao seRsLoairPErem-dTTdl-( Btuh ! ( Btuh ) l"tol reaK I ol uens percntOTTot( Btuh ) (ohl Solar skylight solar Glass Solar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Parlition SlabOnc/ExFh -Su6-rolaf INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.001,913.46 .t,913.46 0.00 0.00 r,v I J,lto 4/,55 0:00--------_-1xt(r 0.00 0.00-45.99 -45.99-90.99 -90.99-1?.37 -12.370.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -230.40 -1 ,252.06 -352.50 0.00 0.00f+Y.J+ -t4V.J4 -J.lO -1,U34.96 '1551 646.26 646.26 s47 .01 272.011,181.54 1,181.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISG LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat z,rr5.o I z,Ugg.Ul 5E.76 0.00 -------lfs- -417.83 -197.060.00 0.00-75.21 -35.47323.66 323.660.00 0.00110.69 110.69-38.90 -38.90 -1,628.59 -275.59 -293.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OV/UNDR Sizino -Jt -.rt tol.UJ -2.41 -2,197.33 ---5:mr 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total WSafety Factor 4,041.35 4,026.86 4,041.35 4,026.86 -4,032.29 4,032.29 :r/' toaa Express: Load Calcutation t"*"jb Gencral Job b*t -n-, csl Job Description: Building Owner: Program User: Commenls: Program was Run: Dalaset Name: Geographical Data Location: Vail, Colorado Weathr,r File: Vail, Colorado Latitudr::39 degElevati.n: 8,150 ft Veeion 2.0 Title Page Building Poak Data Month/Hour: hl I 17 Cooling Capacity: 34.2 Mbh Cooling Sensible:33.0 Mbh Sensible Heat Ratio (SHR) 0.9e1 Heating Capacit -28.8 Mbh o 4 o 1p^ x .92J '- 2'ol €+. tl1-6 ,(' Slifer, Smith & Frampton GSCC Garrick S. Slone Heat Gain Only 4125199 at 4:44:12PM C:\CDS\LOADEXP\DATAWAtL\SSFULW.LE Design Data Summer Dsn Dry Bulb: Summer Dsn Wet Bulb: Winter Design Dry Bulb: Density-Sp Heat Produc Design Simulation period 82.0 deg F 60.0 deg F -28.0 deg F 0.8143 Btu-min/(hr-fr3-F) Apr To Nov ', r ,1 ,.^ ,, '' 'it"'"" 'r.r!ii3 o ,i,.,'t"^ (8"uo') r: ?7f rr'- "' "'t f ,,.,.''r ,',1'i'tt.'t '- J't ,r- 4l.rrlC 1f ,,. ,.,r,!:rr /D.'\ t- f tl$'4Lrra !. ,. I ., , -1 J q^- .' ;^': '/'-' -' ''-l : f-:-..1 rtBtl t' (, ,:".,''! '\'ft"^\ s'-' rh''Jf /5P ! 2 't- Load ExFf ess: Load Calculation t"*"b Version 2.0 Zone/Air Handler D*crlpfl ons Zone/Air Handler bescriptions AftEMA Alr Handler 1 Type CONSTANT Type Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Description FC.4 D€scrlptlon Ofiice #1 Otfic€#2 Office #3 Stairwell #18 Office #13 Office #14 Coridor #19 ffirce#16 Landing #17 Zon6 1 2 3 4 6 7 I 9 ? oororglX E<.icic.i tl o,g- o @ (.) ((' cD (o (oor (o (o NddF'NNlr)(olY) o E o (\ IE I ItI II \ t t" 'torCi E.G '{l\j 3l lil t" t*to F 4 6 t.t J os rJ t.|. (- lrl u, C Ir g 1",3 3 [l!* n El o$olP= 3 tqr |r)IEB F |a Hs-+ I b qr- |.-_ F_-.l' s33 OI6l=.oool:: f tco(rr lP 63oo I N^r_-- | $(t(, | .o(o(r) (o (o (oot o) cttoood. o ol'- F. .N.vot^b{,q OYILO :z Lio<2 h d "-'* CEESEdl.0oIr .9 -___ c Feen t, NNGI E 'f o F.. E (b rt .Eo@Eo a?lJo 3 {RONsfiEtno =to Eb l- r, X -J l) : E a, \<o(JYL-eas2hda-S h.ll.n U) tt..i-/1 ;(Dd)oI- oo oo E * SeeP P E fibhh 6 rr-N-\, ryryry $3FF3g .Eio 'CG i frE_| >= 'E,ati ls'a ,tJ ig .lt L E(5] (t Fg to ooJ u; E UJ lCItloJ Load Express: Load Calculation Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary FEek-fori Air Han<i 1 SoftwareI Areas ( ft2 ) Floor i 963.6Slab()nc/ExFlr: 0.0Rool 1,105.1Skylight: 19.5Wall. 422.3 Wall Glass: B7.gPartition: 0.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld Wsfty Fctr Cool Airllow Cool Airflw W/Sfty Fctor Cooling Check Cool Check WSfiy Fctr Heal Airflow Heat Airflw WiSfty Fctr 27,843.0 Btuh 27,843:0 Btuh - 1.80Vdmt15 Foo .tn 1.87 d${ffz 1.87 dmtflz 1,800 cfm 1,800 cfm Heating Coil Peak Outslde Air: OADB: -29 Cooling Coil Peak Peaked al Time: Mo/Hr: 7 ! 17 Outside Air: OADB: 76WB: i7 RELHUM: J4.So/o ;oolino Coll Pa2 tleating CoiIPeak- (Btuh) { Btuh ) (o/"1 2,711.96 2.711.566,877.U 6,877.54 reaK t or uens Pofcnt orT0t( Btuh ) (ohl Solar Skylight Solar Glass SolarIlFFr"l_ Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr -f-,,98r _. INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.00v,oov.gu zt.lo 0.00 ]tlr{r 91 .73 91.73907.26 907.26536.79 536.79 624 .77 624 .770.00 0.000.00 0.00 T:ran aE ----_--r'rF,sEr -1,017.30 -3,170.94 -4,564.80 -1,984.57 0.00 0.00 o. t+-lu,/J/.6u 37.34 8,286.54 8,286.543,823.39 1.898.398,246.24 8,246.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Olrtside Air Hrrmidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heal Pkup Exhaust Heat :-silEloral- OV/UNDR Sizing au,oco.zu t6,451.29 57.86 o.00 1lIlr -51.90 298.030.00 0.00-37.58 105.832,570.89 2,570.890.00 0.00879.25 879.25-286.13 -286.13 -11,400.10 -2,260.05 -4,359.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 J,OO/.OO 6.14 -16,u19.5U 62.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 35,180.80 33,749..10 35,180.80 33,749.10 -28,757 .10 -28,757.10 SoftwareILoad Express: Load Calculation Velsion 2.0 Peak Load Summary Areas ( ftz ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 160.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airflo/r/ ?52.0 Cool Airflw WSfiy Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 100.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr26.5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airftw W/Sfly Fctr 7,982.6 7,982.6 ..Icr'*516" 516 3.22 3.22 516 516 Btuh Btuh cfm z +-lcfm '--' cfmlfr2. clmfit2 cfrn cfrn Hsating Coil Peak Outside Ah: OADBi -28 Cooling Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 17 Oulside Air: OADB: 76WB: iz RELHUM: U.So/o Heatingc6IIl'e-R- I orar Loao sens LoatfpErem-fTdI-( Btuh ) 0.00 0.003,'to2.21 3,102.21 reaK I ot sens rcaentEfTot( Btuh ) lo/.1 Solar Skylighi Solar Glass SolarJ!re-- Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition slabonc/ExFh INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Ducl Heat Pkup Exhaust Heatsgq_.Tcl- OV/UNDR Sizing Grand Total Wsafety Factor o.00 0.00 :].":..1___ j',y1.11 _il.u: 0.00 0.0089.31 89.31122.01 122.01159.72 159.720.00 0.000.00 0,00 0:u0 -- __-Ir.dr 0.00 630.00 -1,382.48 -470.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,556.95 1,556.951,099.99 550.002,389.08 2,389.08 -2 48238 - -----37fs6i- 0.00 0.00 0.00 lt-"j|"la _, r,4uo.uz . 53.76 -89.02 55.370.00 0.00-21.36 13.29 737 .07 737 .070.00 0.00252.08 252.08-12.12 -1?.12 o.00 lIJtr -3,257.18 -579.22 -781.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00oeu.u(J |,vjc. /u 9.25 -4,b16.] z 65.(X 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,385.92 9,014.96 9,385.92 9,014.96 -7,100.60 -7,100.60 SoftwaretLoad Express: Load Calculation Version 2.0 P6ek Load Summary Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load80.8 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr0.0 CoolAirflow 120.0 Cool Airftw WSfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airftw W/Sfty Fctr 2,4s4.3 2,454:3 -,P*159r1. , ' 159 1.96 1.96 159 154 Btuh Btuh ff ,,t' cfm/ft2 ctmlfr? cfm cfm Heating Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: -Za Cooling Coil P€ak Peaked at Tim€: Mo,/Hr: 7 t 16 Outside Air: OADB: 77WB: s8 RELHUM: 34.1a/t Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People MiscrToET-- MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnRltralion Sup. Fan Heat Rel. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat Sab-Totil-- OV/UNDR Sizing Grand Total W/Sefety Factor 791.82 544.03 1,168.&l 0.00 171.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 791 .82 269.03 1,168.64 0.00 171 .83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,983.31 2,983.31 2,766.13 2,766.13 ( Btuh ) (Btuh) l%l ( Btuh ) I%l 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -384.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.19 53.740.00 0.00'1.74 13.02226.61 226.610.00 0.00 77 .5O 77 .5O-6.07 _6.07 -1,628.59 -290.13 -394.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' Load Express: Load Calculalion Softwarer Version 2.0 Poak Load Summary Zone 3 Areas ( fl2 )Floor: 90.3SlabOnG/ExFlr: 0.0Roof: 120.0Skylight: 0.0Wall: 0.0 Wall Glass: 0.0Padition: 0.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld WSffy Fctr Cool Airflow Cool Airflw Wsfty Fctor Cooling Check Cool Check W/Sffy Fctr Heat Airflow Heal Airflw WSfly Fctr 2,548.7 Btuh 2,548.7 Btuh -- ,r,r^ ''165 cfm .og.Liu - 165 cfm 1.83 cfm/ft2 1.83 cfm/ft2 165 cfm 165 cfm Heating Coil Peak Oulside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coil Paak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 t 16 Outside Air: OADB: 7lWB: 58 RELHUM: 34.1% Heating Goil paeR- { Btuh) ( Btuh } aV.) reaK I ot Dens Fercnt ol tof( Bruh ) (%l Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar _ S.tb lord- Conducted Skylighl Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr--Snb T. -T--- 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00u.uu 0.0(r 0.00 0.00171.83 171.830.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -384.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL LOADS Lighls People Misc -SrihTotaT- I / l.oJ C.3b -384.0u'--_|Ifs6- 885.55 885.55544.03 269.031,168.64 1,168.64 o.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhausl Heat 7 .19 53.740.00 0.001.95 14.55235.33 235,330.00 0.0080.48 80.48-6.21 _6.21 o.oo Ixlo- -l,628.59 -296.79 -440.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OV/UNDR Sizing -2,3b6.32 66-gI 0.00 0_00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 3,088.81 2,872.9t6 3,088.81 2,872.96 -2,750.32 -2,7 50.32 Load Express: Load Calculation U"*L Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary Zone 4 918.9 Btuh 9f8.9 Btuh -",,r 59 tr ^"r' | 59 c.fm '"'- 0.91 cfm/ff2 0.91 cfrn/ft2 59 c{m 59 cfrn Areas ( f,2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load65.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfry Fctr0.0 CoolAirflow 60.5 Cool Airflw Wsfty Fctor4.5 Cooling Check0,0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSny Fctr Heatlng Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Flr: Outside Air: OADB: \,ts: RELHUM: -28 7 t14 TI 58 35.4% cooling Fdilleak-Heatang Goil Peak I orar Loao UenS Load percnttrTot- ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) ly"l reaK roI Dens l.erc ol lot( Btuh , (%l Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 625.84 625.840.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I oua t9[al I Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partilion SlabOnG/ExFh,sry: INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 6?5.44 SZ5'F[- 5tfJ6-o.oo ItJ(r 21.17 21 .1754.92 54.920.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000,00 0.00 -234.76 -193.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 r o.uv /o.u9 b. |u -42E.36 6T5tf 419,87 419.870.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00aru9 | olal MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Rei. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 41e,4/ 419J7-34:1-Z-o.00 _ltJ(r 0.00 0.000.00 0.004.37 6.9984.84 84.840.00 0.0029.02 29.02-9.44 -9.44 0.00 -30.36 -211 .72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-24Z.OA 36.1-r OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 1 ,230.s9 1 ,233.?1 1,230.59 1 ,233.2'l -670.44 -670.44 ' Load Express: Load Calculation t.T Ve|sion 2.0 Peak Load Summary Areas ( ftz ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass; Partition: Space Sens Load 124.8 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr0.0 CoolAirflow 117 .3 Cool Airflw WSfiy Fctor7.5 Cooting Check0.0 Coot Check WSfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfiy Fctr 3,236.6 Btuh 3,236.6 Btuh - ,Fv*\ 209 cfm lt...rnc - 209 cftn ' 1 .68 cfm/ftZ 1.68 cfnvfi2 209 cfm 209 cfm Heatlng Coit P6ak Outside Air: OADB: -29 Cooling Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 14 Outside Air: OADB: nWB: 58 RELHUM: 95.4./0 Heating CoiIPeaE-- I orat Loao ffi( Btuh) ( Btuh ) (%l 1,043.06 1,043.060.00 0.00 reaK tor uens PeIeffE T0[( Btuh ) ltol I Solar I Skylight Sotar I class Solar f-SuETotat -t-- Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Parlition SlabOnG/ExFlr _strb-ro1:!| _ INTERNAL LOADS l-ights People Misc -stryfMISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infillration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.00 |,vrtr.u9 zJ.Jo 0.0(r---_ltu(r 35.28 35.28106.48 106.480.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 -391.27 -375.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00141.77 141:n--518 -766.63 ZlrJE 1 ,209.24 1,209.24542.66 267.661,162.68 1,162.68,'lt:raE-t-4_.I?- 0.00 0.00 0.00 <,,(,4,ir.o, oc,z6 0.0u ------.1[m- 33.62 53.740.00 0.0010_49 16.77298.85 298.850.00 0.00 102 .21 102 .21-80.05 -80.05 -1 ,628.59 -306.42 -508.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-----ry45iT--___7E'T2-ctuu t utal OV/UNDR Sizing Grand Total Wsafety Factor 365.10 --3gT5r- _-E:TS- 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,464.51 4,215.92 4,4U.51 4,215.52 -3,209.76 -3,209.76 Load Express: Load Calculation a"*b Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 105.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow 97.5 CoolAirflw Wsfty Fctor 7 .5 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fclr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfly Fctr 3,120.0 Btuh 3,120.0 Btuh ^o .e.'.202 cfft rrt.202 cfm '' 1.92 dmfie. 1.92 dmlftz 2O2 dm 202 ctm Version 2.0 Pesk Load Summary Hoating Coil Peak Oulside Ah: OADB: -ZB Cooling Coil Peak Peakod at Time: Mo/Hr: Z t 14 Outside Air: OADB: 17WB: gg RELHUM: 31.4oh I Zone 6 coolangCoilPeaf Heaung Goil Peak torat Loao Sens Loat-f-peremiTTdt-( Btuh ) ( Btuh I l,/,1 rea[ | or Jens r-ercnt ol lot( Btuh ) ltol Solar Skylight Solar Glass SolartEqry Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlrE-ubToEf- INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 1,043.06 1,043.060.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 | ,v{J.uo 24.J1 0.00 lllrr 35.28 35.2888.51 88.510.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 -391 .27 -312.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t.J. t r tz),tJ t-Jl 1,017.39 1,017.39 542.66 267.661,162.68 1,162.68 -tu3.2t 23.03 o.00 0.00 0.005UD I Ot€|l _ MISC LOADS outside Air Humidification Infilhation Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat z,tzz.tt 2,44t.72 64.06 0.00 0I(f 33.62 53.740.00 0.008.82 14.11288.08 288.080.00 0.0098.53 98.53-68.25 -68.25 -1,628.59 -294.86 427.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .ruu.ou aaa,1t 6..1v -z,J5U.9b ffj.97 OV/UNDR Sizino 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 4,250.38 4,000.80 4,250.38 4,000.80 -3,054.23 -3,054.23 . Load Express: Load Calculation Sottware Verslon 2.0 Peak Load Summary Zone 7 Areas ( ft2 ) Space Sens LoadFloor: 205.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfty FctrSlabonGiExFlr: 0.0 Cool AirftowRoof: 205.0 Coot Aifftw WSffy Fc{orSkylight: 0.0 Cooling CheckWall: 159.5 Cool Check WSfty Fck Waf l Glass: S2.g Heat AirflowPartition: 0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfly Fctr .4,084.2 4,084.2 264 lzg.?6 264 1.25 1.29 264 2U Btuh Btuh cftn . ra.l cfm cftn/ft2 cftnft2 cfm cfm H€ating Coil Poak Oulside Ah: OADB: Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 Outsido Air: OADB: I'VB: RELHUM: -29 t17 76 57 34.5% coonng CdrPeaF-Heaflng co Peak -ENVEIOPE LOA Solar Skylighl Solar Glass Solar ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) (%l FeaK tor iiens Pcrc-nITTTot( Btuh ) (%) 0.00 0.00 2,751 .O2 2,751.02 0.00 0.00 Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFksOFroEl- --=--l INTERNAL LOADSLights I PeopleMisc l 2,t51.o2 2,75T02---53. TU- - 0.00 ---_-lm(r 0.00 0.0072.65 72.65374.50 374.50201.16 201.160.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -512.50 -2,725.84 -744.95 0.00 0.00 1 ,335.77 1,335.770.00 0.000.00 0.00 -3,e83.29 TrEr 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Aif Humidificalion lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat_,sllloll_ OV/UNDR Sizing Grand Total Wsafety Factor r,oJc. / / aa.16 o.00 --lxlr 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 -27 .37 17.03377.12 377.120.00 0.00128.98 128.98-32.74 -32.74 0.00 -143.64 1,001.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,145.22 22.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,181.09 5,225.49 5,181.09 5,225.49 -5,128.51 -5,128.51 a. ' I, ,,, d Load Express: Load Calculation Softwaret , Verbion 2.0 Peak Loldd Summary Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnc/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: 64.8 0.0 64.8 0.0 163.8 8.8 0.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr Cool Airflow Cool Airf,w WSffy Fctor Cooling Check Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr Heat Airflo,t/ Heat Airflw WSny Fctr 3,137.0 Btuh 3,137.0 Btuh 203 cfm ri1q1 'Fn 203 cfm '"- 3.13 cftn/fr2 3.13 cfm/ft2 203 c'fm 203 cfm Heatlng Coil Poak Outsidg Air: OAD& Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Tirne: Mo/Hr: -28 Oulside Air:OADB: 7. t 17 76 57 u.6% WB: neLHuiti: HeatingToiIPEeF-- IENVETOPETUACE-t^.| 50tar I stytigtrr sorar I Glass Solar [-Sub-Total- ["".0**I Skylisht I RoofI otass I wall I Partition I SlabOnG/ExFlr [-Sub ToI-T- -I INTERNAL LOADS LightsPeople lMisc I-"sub Toral- | -l Mrsc LoADS I Outside Air IHumidification IInfiltration ] Sup. Fan Heat I Ret. Fan Heat I Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat ] OV/UNDR Sizing rQrar Loaq sens Load PcremETTot-( Btgh l ____lt Btuh ) (%l reaK tor Jens l,ercnt o' Tot{ Btuh ) (%l 0.00 0.00 1 ,024.31 1,024.31 0.00 0.00 |,vzr.o I z,a.J4 u.oo ltl'o- 0.00 0.0022.95 22.9540.29 40.29263.89 263.890.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -161.88 -456.48 -769.63 0.00 0.00r4r. r\, J4l.tJ 6.tb 1,36/.96 38./t:f- 621.23 621.23550.00 275.001,194.54 .t,194.54 0.00 0.00 0.004,uvu./o cu.96 0.00 0.otr 44.51 27.690.00 0.00-8.65 5.38289.65 289.650.00 0.0099.06 99.06-41.74 41.74 -1,628.59 -278.92 -316.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,223.87 -6-)I5T- 0.00 Grand Total W/Safety Factor 4,011.03 3,822.25 4,01 1.03 3,822.25 -3,61 1.85 -3,61 1.85 Load Express: Load Calculation So Version 2.0 Peak LoEd Summary Zone I ftwaret Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnGi/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load68.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow 68.0 Cool Airflw WSffy Fctor0.0 cooling Check0.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflo,rr0.0 Heat Airflw WSf,y Fck 360.9 Btuh 360.9 Btuh ., .f,i* 23 cfm -ot123 cfm - 0.34 cfin/ft2 0.34 cfrn/ft2 23 cfm 23 cftn Heating Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: Coollng Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: Outside Ah: OADB: WB: RELHUM: -28 7 t17 76 57 34.5% cootintCoifFeak Heaung Goil Peak- ENVEfC'PE-I.UADS Solar Skylight Sotar Glass Solar I otar Loao sens Load PeiemElTor-( Btuh) ( Btuh I l%l reaK I or sens PercntErTol( Btuh I l%l 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr lybr.EL _ Ii{TERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc SUb-TottI- MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat pkup Exhausl Heal u.uv U.UU U.0U rrco ----__lnn- 0.00 0.00128.76 1?8.760.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -217.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1<,V I -217.60 -"--4trJ:77 448 .73 448 .730.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00nno - -__lIJo_ 0.00 0.000.00 0.00-7.57 4.7133.33 33.330,00 0.0011.40 I 1 .40-29.52 -29.52 0.00 -39.70 -276.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00_ -y l-",i1, OV/UNDR Sizing Gr""d T"t"l- W/Safety Factor |.64 lgST fJf--316.5/ 59:6- 0.00 0.00 0.00 585.13 597.40 585.13 597.40 -534.17 -534.17 {, Load Express: Load Calculation General Job - .u*.r-.-.@(_ -4,,r- Job Description: Brrilding Owner: Program User: Cornments: Plogram was Run: Dataset Name: Geographical Data Location: Vail, Colorado Weiither File: Vail, ColoradoLatitude: 39 degElevation: 8,150 ft lri,,- r: - r'\ ,*,^.r o 'rr,1e 7 e ,.,,\ Et ,,,, ,, j, r ) .,.2t , t, r' ':,Ct.t j:. ir Slifer, Smith & Frampton GSCC Garrick S. Stone Heat Gain Only 4/30/99 at 8:22:45 AM C lCDS\LOADEXP\DATAWAIL\SSFLLWI.LE Design Data Summer Dsn Dry Bulb: Summer Dsn Wet Bulb: Winter Design Dry Bulb: Density-Sp Heal produc Design Simulation period Building Peak Data Month/Hour:Jut / 15 Heating Capacit -28.6 Mbh Cooling Capacity: 32.9 Mbh Cooling Sensibte: 32.2 Mbn Sensible Heat Ratio (SHR) 0.979 Softwaret Vgl6ion 2.0 Title Page ffie .82.0 deg F 60-0 deg F -28.0 deg F 0.8143 Btu-min/(hr-ft3-F) Apr To Nov . (, --',"^, (rooo ) i,t.,, ,,,,rr, iG ,.,7 tiro 2r13{.) ! rt*, t:, i''. 2,1' to . 3 Grdac a el,u, r. Load Express: Load Calculation Softwareo Velslon 2.0 Zone/Air Handler D€scdplions Zone/Air Handler Descriptions Air Handler 1 Type CONSTANT Type Commercial Retail Commercial Relail Commercial Retail Commerclal Retail Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Description FC-1 Descrlption Enlry Display Reception Sitting Confsrence #1 Stairwell Zone 1 4 o o G 9\\\6 6c{NNl- +r ryN ol E I .I; rf !{..t \: c X s ,} o F9 +l '. .-- *Jrr ovr \d: _: 5: E@|J c (YFr-O (O()ro S ddodT RRS lo Ile= I El!n *ctI El oBolq= h ld, t.tlEm q lur o s l* €R38lE;ssx16 .{- (\_ (\_.l' ssscl 8l "lE Ege= lF d+++ I or- oI o,- I C{NNI .r.9 (r) t<:lO oi ls EIE ; al6 .:l"ls 8I'E o:CcLO Y Lto<2hdtrt 888H id)d)()I- .! I d., { { r(t € l^,{ :t-eolr() -.l]..J nlN lrr I,, r-€ a E ^j co .o aort or (D o,T octci U' ',i E.C!f\tst E -= cd od cd E o6_6-6- tt ot c.r N r l",lcgl!* s €lOJrlor l.ElA tltlEo q lur o I 1:Ooi ;s O@'El t-'dN o E8.o; @- Fo ;o E O\ZA.O:< !-los2hdts +88X 6dl(Ilo .: F t HgmfrE $$m" ,*E EFFF"E tl$'iY.i (tc c'i 3 goru=>:oooJ o(t(L () {, { E at =o.,1, Ig 9o J ti g U Load Express: Load Calculation Ver6ion 2.0 Peak Load Summary Air Hand I Softwarea Areas ( ft2 ) Ftoor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 819.8 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw W/Sffy Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 107.8 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr137.5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfly Fctr 28,483.6 Btuh 28,483.6 Btuh ,.,^ 1'89 dn 1441 dm 2.25 clmlltz 2.25 dmllt2 1,841 cfm 1 ,841 cfm Heating Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: -20 Cooling Coil Peak Peaked at Time: MoiHr: I t 16 Oulside Air: OADB: TlWB: 58 RELHUM: 94.10/6 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar'-Suttl Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc Srib-TolaT- MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidiiication lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust HeatSUFToEI-- OV/UNDR Sizing Grand Total WSafety Factor 32,947.10 32,254.80 32,947 .10 32,254.80 ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) lo/,,t ( Btuh ) l%l 0.00 0.002,735.33 2,739.33 19,076.80 .19,676.80 2,941.86 1,890.993,345.93 3,345.93 546.50 0.00 180.76 2,630.04 0.00 899.48 -54.78---TUOflrrl 0.00 0.00 -7 ,173.26 -506_43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -13,662.60 -2,618.43 .4,595.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Load Express: Load Calculation Software Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary Zone 1 Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 126.5 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr0.0 CoolAirflow0.0 Cool Airflw Wsfty Fctor0-0 Cooling Check59.0 Cool Check WSfty Fctr40.0 Heat AiIflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfly Fch 2,150.1 Btuh 2,150.1 Btuh - 139 cfm ^'r 139 cfrn 'o'- 1.10 cfrn/ft2 1 .'l0 cfm/ftz 139 cfm 139 cfrn Heating Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: cooling Coil Peak Peaked at Time: MoiHr: 7 I 15 Outside Air: OADB: 78WB: 58 RELHUM: U.O./o -28 a:Heaflng Coil Peak I orar Loao uens Load PareRIof ToI-( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) 1%l rga|( lar Dens rercn ot lol( Btuh ) l%,It V EL\JTE LIJ'I IJJ Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.00435.79 435.79 0.00 0.00435.79 455:791S52 0.00 4:l'(r Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlrsuFrot4:'- INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.000.00 0.00138.29 138.2923.04 23.040.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,086.77 -277.30 0.00 0.00tot.oz o.oo -2,364.O7 46gf 1 ,237 .16 1,237.160.00 0.00210.68 210.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 |,,+,|t .QLt |,44t .64 b].55 0.u0 0.00 IJIISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat'-j.t[Totel- 0.00 0.000.00 0.0048.11 93.51198.53 198.530.00 0.0067.90 67.90-7.01 -7.01 0.00 -335.27 -2,337 .84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ju/.cJ JCZ.VS IJ.U//-2,?i13.11 53.0i- OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total WSafety Factor 2,35?.48 2,397.88 2,352.48 2,397.88 -5,037.17 -5,037.17 " Load Express: Load Caleulation Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary Zone 2 Softwarea Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Pa.tition: Soace Sens Load 185.4 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfly Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw WSfly Fctor0.0 Cooling Check48.8 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr97.5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 8,644.2 Btuh 8,644:2 Etuh .ao 559 cfm ,,1o{" 559 cfm 3.01 cfm/fl2 3.01 cfm/ffz 559 cfm 559 cfm Heating Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Cooling Coll Peak Peaked at Tlme: Mo/Hr: 7 I 15 Outside Air: OADB: 78 l lB: 58 RELHUM: X4.Oo6 Gooling GoifEek fteating coll Peak |orat Loao uens Load PcrcmllTdl( Btuh) (Btuh) ("tl l.eaK ror sens Percnt ot loT( Btuh ) (%) Solar Skylighl Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.002,303.54 2,303.54 0.00 0.00ouu I utitl 2,5uJ.54 2,3U3.54 23.74 0.00 tIJ(r Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr$qFlI__-_ INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc Sublotal-_.- 0.00 0.000.00 0.00204.02 2U.0234.37 34.370.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,086.49 -229.13 0.00 0.00 zJo.rir zJo_JY 2.46 -5,315.62 88.5(r 4,842.70 4,842.700.00 0.001,235.36 1,235.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.0(r MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heal Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.0012.43 24.16798.16 798.160.00 0.00 272 .97 272:s7-1.81 -1.81 0.00 -86.62 -60t_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t,uo |,/c t,vYJ.4o | 1,15 $9U.62 1 1 .50 OVIUNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 9,701.74 9,713.47 9,701.74 9,713.47 -6,006.24 -6,006.24 Load Exoress: Load Calculation Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary Zone 3 SoftwareI Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass; Parlition: Space Sens Load 202.1 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airllow0.0 Cool Airflw Wsfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check WSfiy Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw Wsfty Fctr 5,469.1 Btuh 5,469.1 Bluh - .353 cfm ,qxv' 353 cfm '' 1.75 clmlflz 1.75 ctmlfrz 353 cfm 353 cfm Heatlng Coil PEak Outside Ah: OADB: Cooling Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 Outside Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: -28 /15 78 58 34.00/6 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar- SnFTotar- Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFh INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc-SuFTotd- IJISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infillration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhausl Heat OV/UNDR Sizino Grand Total WSafety Factor 6,384.76 6,384.76 6,154.17 6,'r 54.17 ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) l%l 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,957.65 3,957.65543.39 268.391,165.83 1,165.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.52 65.140.00 0.0013.5s 26.33504.99 504.990.00 0.00172.71 172.71€.86 -6.86 -1,628.59 -327 .94 -658.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Load Express: Load Calculation to*"r" I Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 80.8 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr0.0 CoolAirflow0.0 Cool Airflw Wsfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fck 3,81 1.9 Btuh g,et t.ti Btuh ^ 246 cfm , riAtY\ 246 cfm 3.05 cfm/fiz 3.05 cfmfit2 246 cim 246 cfm Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary Heating Coil Peak Outsid€ Air: OADB: -28 Cooling Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr 7 I 15 Oulside Air: OADB: 78WB: 58 RELHUM: U.OoA Zone 4 " rl:Heating coil Peal( Iolat Loao i'ens Load Pei-filtTot-( Btuh) { Btuh ) (%l reaK I oI Dens Fercnt ot I ot { Btuh ) lo/.1EI!|VCL\.,TE L\,,AIJJ Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar !!!TEr___- Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00u.uu u.uu {J,u0 0.00 lmu 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00u.uv u.uu u.uu o.00 0.o(r INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Mis6 3,163.18 3,163.18 649.'1 8 439.18134.49 134.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 JUO I OEtl 3,e40.85 3,736.85 ---Trlt5-o.oo 0.00 lillSC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heet Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heal 67.03 130.290_00 0.005.41 10.52351.97 351.970.00 0.00120.38 120.38-10.56 -10.56 -3,257 .18 -504.83 -263.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ouu I qtal cJ4.ZJ 602.60 11.92 -4,rJ2b.03 100.00 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 4,481.08 4,339.44 4,481.08 4,339.44 '4,025.03 -4,025.03 Load Express: Load Calculation Software V66ion 2.0 Peak Load Summary Areas ( ftz ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFk: Roof: skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load90.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty F6tr0.0 Coot Airflow0.0 Cool Airrlw WSfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check WSfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfry Fctr 6,614.7 Btuh 6,614.7 Btuh ^a 428 cfm .rrLF'' 428 dm 4.75 clmlf,z 4.75 ctmttt2 428 cfrn 428 cfm HeaUng Goil Peak Outside Air: OADB:.28 Cooling Coil peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 ! 15 Outside Air: OADB: 7gWB: g8 RELHUM: , 34.00/6 coolingCoitPeaf-.-Heatr-ng CoilEef ENVELOPFTOAT'S' Solar Skylight Sotar Glass Solar IUla'lt,dl|fu( Btuh) (Btuhl l,Ll 0.00 0.000.00 0.OO reaK I or sens PeidnTotTdT( Btuh | (%l 0.00 0.00 Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFh INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0 00 ---ryo------mo=-.- 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00-------1.0u-_- otr(r------ulto=---- 4,700.70 4J00.70 I1,749.29 1,183.42 |599.57 599.57 I uIXr - ------ll5tr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -Ir-Jo-- ----mtr 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infillration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Ducl Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 180.63 351.070.00 0.006.03 11.73610.77 610.770.00 0.00208.89 208.89 -27 .21 -27.21g-lsrT--r;f552{ 0.00 0.00 u.uu U.OO -8,776.83 -1 ,300.72 -293.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OV/UNDR Sizing ru,J/u./u fUO.Oo 0.00 \rrano I ota|l Wsafety Factor 8,028.67 7,638.93 8,028.67 7,638.93 -10,370.70 -10,370.70 Softwaree.i..' Load Express: Load Calculation Version 2.0 Peak Load Summary ENVEfC'PFIOADS Solar Skylight Sotar Glass Solar -SuFTOfal Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: trVall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 135.0 Spc Sens Ld WSffy Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Coot Airftw WSfly Fctor0.0 Cooting Check0.0 Coot Check W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airftw W/Sfly Fctr 1 ,793.6 Btuh 1,793.6 Btuh ^o 116 cfm -r1-- .116 cf.n '- 0.86 cftn/ft2 0.86 cfrn/ft2 116 cfm 116 cfm Heating Coit P€ak Outside Alr: OADB: -ZB Cooling Coil Poak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 t ,lB Outside Ain OADB: 77WB: 58 RELHUM: U.lo/o Conducted Skyl'ght Roof Glass Wall Parlition SlabOnc/ExFtr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc SuFTotaI- MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification hfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat OV/UNDR Sizino Grand Total W/Safety Factor 1,998.34 1,998.34 2,010.91 2,010.91 ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 ( Btuh ) (yol 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 't ,775.46 1,775.460.00 0.000.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.001.95 14.51165.61 165.610.00 0,0056.64 56.64 -1 .32 _1 .32 0.00 s3.06 439.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvAIt, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI,IENT OF COT{MI]NITY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #; P99-0021 SeaLus...: IgSitEDSliferApplied. . : 04/23/L999Issued...: 04/26/L999 Ex;:ires . . t L0/23/L999 Phone z 970-926-3708 Phone : 97o-926-37o8 ValuaEion: PLT]MBING PERMIT ilob Address: 230 BRIDGE STL,ocation...: 230 Bridge st.reet,Parcel No. . : 210L-082 -29-OO2ProjecL No. : PRJ98-0271, APPLICANT WHITE WATER PLI'MBING & IIEATINGP O BOX 4290, EAGLE, CO 81631 CONTRA TOR WHITE VIATER PTUIIIBING & IIEATTNGP O BOX 4290, EAGI,E, CO 91531O}INER SLIFER BUII,DING LLC 230 BRIDGE ST, VAIL EO 81657 Descript.ion: Remodet,/move 2 baE.hrooms 6, 000 . 00 rr**t?tr*****t* **rra*rrr**rf'* FEE SInitMARy rrrr***r*irrr*1* Plunbing-- - -- > Plan Ch€ck- - - > In'ne 6t igat.I on > Hi1L ea1I----> ReEeualanc PIen Rev-ier- - > TOTAI, FEES- -.. - Tob4L CeIculatsed FeeB- - - > Addi.tional Fee6--- ------> Iotal P6a"nlt F!€--------> Pa!'mentsB-------- 90.00 .00 3.00 .00 115 .50 55 .00 170 .50 1?0 .50 *****!r****t*******r*r*******r***,,+*****,**********r*i,***t -....---",Tflll.lll;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_*.**,****.r;::_._ Ileq'i.051-OO--Fu-LI.'DING DEPARII,IENr DepE: BUILDING Division:9! / 2 6 / Le e 9 ^ ItlTry- _ _ _ aEE-iixi i EI;FR epprovea pli-Eia;i ie- -"- " :Iqe.Bi .05500__FLSB DEpAlR.TT,rENi - oepE,-FrnE Division:04/26/L999 KATITY -AcE{on; AppR N/A *********t ** * t t**tt** i1****1t * *t l*!r**t*** *r*r**r**** * ttla * **** *t*** I * ***** **** +lt t * * * * t * * * * * * i * * * * * * * ****r ** * *+**** t t CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]AI{CE. *r*rr****r**itf DECLARATIONS r h6r€by ackno$'ledge ihac r have read ehle applicatlon, fllled out in ful1 the infonEtsion requir.ed, completed an accurate plotpran' and 6tate tsh4ts all the infomqtion provided ae r:equired iE coErect. r rgr.. to conply [iLh !h€ infonatlon and p],ot pran,to co[tply wirh all To!|n ordinanceB and 6Eace ],an6, and to build thiE sclucturo according to Lhe lotfn, d zoning and 6ubdiviBioncods6, de6ign revlew approved, unifornr Bulldlng code and other oldinanceE of the Town applicable bher6bo. REQI'EST.3 FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,L BE I|ADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOURS IN A.DIIANCE BY TowN oF vArLlNSrRUcroN pERMrr eefcATroN FoRM Contact thgEpgle^ County A.y;esso4s Orfice at 970-329-8640 for parcet#gql - Do 7\APR 2 B fi99 Job Building ( )PlumbingX Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Other ( ) Legal Description, L,ot,....-_-Block_ Filine Subdivision robAddress:2EO flq44K 18q8. oell Receivee Date: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: o*",**,,'!47 -n*.*Architect: Addrccc OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ Gcneral Contrector:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registratron No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Tou.n of Vail Regislration No, Phone # Address: FOR OFFICE USE en*.* Date Reccivcd APR 2 3 1999 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Alrcrationf Additional ( )Repatu( )Otler( ) Number of Accommodation Units: NumberandTypeofFireplaces: GasAppliances_,-p .-- GasI.ogs_ f) Woodlpellet O_ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITI{ THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI.JBLIC WORKS AND COMMLNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITTI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlaufirl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snow, ice, debris or anv other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: 1. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer maiq electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appu rtenance theretol 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safetg and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to vioiate the same, mav be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation herzunder be punished as provided in Section i-4-1 of this code. E. Notice; Penalt_v: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with thc notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereot and any such person shall, in addition to paynent of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereo{ upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by Position or Relationshio to D"", (-23'?? TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PENMIT ISSUAI{CE TIME F'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparhnent Approval" Engineer's (public works) review and approval, a Planning Deparhnent review of Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review- may take as loog as three (3) weeks- All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits wiil have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small prqjects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depa$ments with regard to necessary review. these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by tbis departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. l, t}e undersigned understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand thar if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must stiil pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Work Sheet was turned into the Communiw Develooment DeDt. tp uno"o'oo* TO: FROM: DATE; RE: MfMORA"\IIUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PI'BLIC WORKS JANUARY I. 1999 WHEN A "PIJtsLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED .?UBLIC WAYPERMIT": 1. Is this a new residence? yES JOB NAME: DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TITE FOLLOWiNG QI.]ESTIONNAIRE RECARDING TIIE NEED FOR A No)!- Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Right-of-way, easements or public property? VgS_ NO X 3.Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Is a diferent access needed to the site other than the eristins ddvewav? yES Nox- Is any draimge wo$ ping done that affects the Right-of-Way, easemetrts, or public property?YES NOY '7. Is a "Revocabie Righl-of-Way Pemit" requued? yES 8- A. Is the Right-of-[9y, easements or public pmperty to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO X B. IiNO to fA, is a padcing" staging or fencing plan required by Corununity Development?YES_ NOx_ If you answered YES to any of these questionE a "public way permit" must be obtaircd- "Public way Permit'' applicatiors may be obtained at the public work's office or at community Development. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. r IIAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL Tt{E ABOVE QLIESTIONS. No><xNOYES+, 5. 6. NOX D^r", zf-z?-qq DEP]\RTI,IEIiIT OF COMMUNITY PMENT NOTE:TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ATL TIMES ELE TRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 899-0073 o DEVETO Job Address: Location. - - : Parce1 No..:Project No.: 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS SIJIFER BUILDTNG tLC 230 BRIDGE ST, VATI, OWNER Deseription: ELECTRICAL FoR sToRE REMODEL ,***!a*rrr*rr?r FEB 6UM!,IARY APPIJICAMT SAEO EIJECTRTC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSI'M, COMTRACTOR SABO ELEETRIC TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co gt65? 970-479-2L38 Electrical- --> Investj.gation> Will Call----> TOTAE FBES- -- > 230 BRIDGE ST 230 BRIDGE ST 210r.-082 -29-OO2 PRJ98 - 02 7L status...: IssuED AppJ-ied..: Os/L7/L999Issued...: 05/20/L999 E:qpires . . z LL/LE/t999 Phone: 970-524-'7970 Phone: 970-524-7970 co 81637 co 8r_637RD, GYPSIJtr4, co 816s7 Valuat,ion:20, 000 . 00 r r* * !r a *t** r !rr* * * * I r 350. OO .oo - o0 3.00 353 . OO Total Calculaled Fees---> Addicional Fe€s---------> Total Pefi[ib Fe€--------> Palnnontse------- BAI,AJ{CE DUE- -.- 363 .00 .oo 363,00 353.00 .00 *tt*i*1***t*t+* **tr+*****r**tt r*i*t*rrrrrrrr*, IEg$i,-0FQq0_E!ECTRTCAL DEpARTTr,tErirT DepE: BUILDTNG Division:o5/L7 /!229 _Jgt{ AcEi-on: AppR APPROVED,lRtd'rEem: 05600_qrRE DEPARTMEIiII -Dept: FrRE Divj-sion:o5/L7/L999 ,JRM Ac-j_on; APPR N/A r **it*ttt*****r***t****** **t**t*t*t*!r***rirartiii****** **ar* ** !r* *r * ** 'r ** r* * * ', * * *** rr rl!r ***r* COIilDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPES TONS ARE REQUIRED TO CXIECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acknowledge that r have read thie applicatsion, fitJ-ed out in full the information requj,red, conpleled an accuraee plotp1an. and Btate tha! alL Ehe inforruation provided ae required is correct.. r agree to cotrlFly wiLh ehe infoniation atld pJ.oe.p1an,Lo conply with all Town ordinalces and staLe 1ass, and to buitd thj-6 structure according to the Tolrn, s zoning and subdiwisioncodea, design review aPproved, tnifom Building code and oCher ordinancE€ c,f the Town applj.cable Lhereto. REQT,ESTS TOR INSPECTIOIIS SIIAIJL BE I.'ADE TI{EIITY - FOUR iIOORS IN ADITA}]CE BY TETJBPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFrIcE FRo E:oO A sioo PM SIGI{ATT'RE OF OI{NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF A}JD OI{NER -l "t-?5 - zq.'I ,Contacc Eagli Counry Assossors Office *(& 3'1 t',€';?9 -3#: dt :.o J.'' _'31il,?[ Xi Il, :lIi3ilu FI*i*K DArr;- 6l.Llqq _ €-11- aoat PERT.IIT f t APPLTCATToN MUsr BE ULLED our coupr.,EfEr,y oR rr lrAy Nor BE AccEFTEDf i* * * * * * * * * * * * * t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PER}lrr II{F0RMATToN /r****************************t --.-- rp|;lmr'r' 4 !a r ul(ltA'l'-L eN rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. t -nutf,ag1-!*';?};**::tojri{-ttctricar" r I -uechani-cal r '-orherJob Narne: 4.<.-4__ ilob Addres=r $D_R3419_ Sf regal Description: Lot Blockrl,Lrsrr; rroE Bloc'k_-- "ilingsk s:*$ttr-fr-.,"6on orrhers Name: fre..,,t e*t f,a k ' _ Address I erchitect:Address:Ph. :eneral Descriptiont fork C1ass: [ ]-New l$-atteration [ ]*Additionat t l*Repair [ ]_other {umber of DwellinE Uhits:Nurnber of Accotnrnodation Units : flnber and Type of Fireplaces! Gas Appliances Gas Logs_ Woocl/pellet t******************************r.** VALUATfONS * J t ls * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t rr * )t lt |t rt * rt + * Jr *)]UILDING: f iLUT,TBING: EI'ECTRICAL: $ad.ooo MECHANTCAL OTHER: TOTAL: * /r*** ** * ** * *** * * * ***** * * * **l* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {.* * * * * * * * coNTRAcToR INFonMAl,IoNIeneral Contractor : C'<-oj- SLracJl- r.^^ri - ;;;,-:--'-" L-t't*^__ -tE4rrr.E:-_ -E}LA(II cDD . -.':{j1 hot" Number: U' (*sr"!ill.co!o,8l8ct ilectrical Contractor: )lunbing Contractor: tddress: lechanical ContracLor:rddress: % IUILDING PERMTT FEE:}I,UMBING PER!,IIT FEE! IECHANICAT .PERMIT FEE: t:ere+Town of Vail Reg. NO.Fhone Nunber: - sAF+FrEcf4c'iltc. -_Town of Vail Reg. No.2?6-ae:!:'r3:r--- Town of Vail Phone Numberi Reg- NO. To$rn of Vall Reg. No,Phone Nurnber; I tr ** * Jr* it *** ****** * * * * * *** * * *** **FoR oFFrcE usD ******************************* ;I,ECTRTCAIJ T'EE: ITHER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUII/DING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIAN CHECK FEE:I'IECHANTCAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE; .RECREATION FEE! EIJEAN-UF DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI'TIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURD; ZONING: STGNATURE: rddress: P:g,Eq-q!:! V+,- ;LES{ uP DEPoSrr REfiTND ro: I DEI/EI,OFME}TT TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO . 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARI'I'IET{T OF COnl![tlNITY NOtrE: lgIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTED ON i'OBSITE AT AI,I-. TIMES AT.,ARM PERMIT PermiL #: A99-0006 OWNER Description: Fire Alarm sysEem *t**ttttt*+trtt*'t**tl*}*t+!'*ittt**t t*iarI***1*rtlltit'rttr*'' *** B1.c!r{cal---> 72 'oo DRE !.C trnva.tsLgrclgn> .oo Wlll catl"----> 1.00 TcIlllJ' PEEE---> 75 'oo RgOUEgTs FOR IMtFEaFIollg srqIrl BE lltDE l'f$|TI-FoLR HottBll IN ADvnNcg Ev fBIEPIIONE Phone: 970-949'4538 Phone t 970-949-4638 VaLuation:3 ,200 . 00 OR Af OUR OP!'!CE rRoM StOo A$ 5100 FM ilob Address: 230 BRTDGE sT l,ocation. . .: 230 Bridge sE, ^Fiicit No.. : 2Lot-o82-2e-oo2 ProjecE No. : PR.I98'0271 APPLICAI{I TTIIIL ELECTRONIC SYSTBMS P o Box 534, AVON, co 81620 CONTRACfOR TIIIIL EITECTRONIC SYSTEMS P o Box 534, AVON, co 81520 SI,IFER BUII-'DING LtC 230 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 sLatug. ": IgsuED Slifer of feSrPlied. . : 08/04/t999 r-siued. . .'- o8/O4/L999 Expires. ': 01/31/2000 9EE gurdri||Rl. t*t*t*lrtt*tl*'tt'tt+J**l***tttl*!trt*lr*l*'*ttl.rit*ri{*t*'lrttt*fr Totsrl Cslculatod F'€e---> tt'!! Aaldlllonal Fe.E---------> '99 fotti Pnt"ft te€---'--"> 15'00 PqY$rnEt-------- 75'00 BA',ANCE DUE----- '00 trr*rr*rrrrr**J+*.,rr**rrir,r*frrf*rr*rar.rrrri.r+r*r***f.r*ft*+**.1*r+t*i'r','''t!t,.!'t*tt+t*tttt**t**tt**t**ttrtrrri***r*t*+r*****trcr*** rrq4 i . e 6 q e o Elrr-srRr c+r,. PEP+RHBilrApproved r"6 i$rfiE#t*n Dol;iil:, I g 1$1 I i B ? i' i}iffi DEptELtffi+ ::: :"j::"I'.1. *.u".o8/04/Lss6-Kiffi ---lCE-ioni appn Approved p' ,rarr,a!tit*tit**ta*r*r*r*,rrr+**irtr.r,,a**r*t**raif*t,rr*tri**rrriia** **rr**)***rrrrat*****a*ttrt****t'tlr'*ir**t***atfrt*ttfrtr ****t**** COIIIDITION OF APPROVAI' *l*l*''*',.llt*'l**r**'*t.''rl*t't'*t'*1tl.ti*tf**'*'|**.t''***i*+'|ltit***.**+t*.l*'.*tl{*!t*'J*.'li.*a****t*t'''.''t***lr'*tf**lf*l*lltt| DECI.,ARAITIONS I hrEtty rckrro,lrtrdg. Chag t htv. rcad bhlF rpplicetlon, fttl€d out ln full tshc lnforastlon requ!"rcd' c€a|Pleted 'n accurrts' ploE p1an, rnal !crt. ghrc alr chr lnforoa'lon providqa * -t.g*i"ta 1! colr€cc' t tgttt-"" ";;ry Jttn tn" lnf,or$acion and FloL plan' co o@ply rlclt rIt Tor.ll a,ldinrncrr rnd rei!. r""". -!-lo-u"ild shl'..rructu!' tol"iii"g- i"' tft" govn'g. Eonlng end tubdiv! sion sod.., d..j.gR rcvicr rpprovrd, urrlforn Butlaling *o.'lrl-"ii..1Jinrn..r of th' Totn rPltllcrbl' th'ftEo' AT 47t -2X36 rOR, HIIISEIJT ff{D O!{NER P?rqB. oz.1 l TowN oF vArLlNsrRUcroN pERMrr Ap*ATroN FoRM s\ct 55 INI'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE RNJECTf,,II Contact the Eagle Parcel # ZlOl - Date: Job Name: Buildine ( )Plumbing ( ) BlockLegal Description: lot Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Town of Vail Registration No. Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Var I Regisuation No. Joafta,*r, 230 B,rt'/qe 5t Mechanicar( ) od'{'6 fire ,l/qrr, tfauh"*, ?je 13 n i rtq_St- ,n ^* arterationf edoitionar ff Repair ( ) Electrical ( ) Filine Subdivision Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Other ( ) Wood/Pellet VAL.UATIONS ELECTRICAL: $OTFIER: $3.egATOTAL$- BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $MECHANICAL $ General Contractor: TownofVailRegistrationNo. ,ffi I lZ-S phone# Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone # Plumbing Contractor:Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTITI TTIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAiL PIJBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNIry DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY 1, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAI STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROIIIBITTI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereoi it is unlawfrrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited sand. gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, tce, or any otJrer debris or maGrial upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, grav€l, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or matenat within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice witJrin the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any sfeet or alley at the expense ofthe notificd. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereofshall not be applicable:l. Within the immediate area of any construction- maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any nater main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto;2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials.D. Summons; Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same. may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in section l-4-l ofthis code.E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawfiil for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of tlte Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to pa)'rnent of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereoi upon being found guilty ofa violatron hereunder, be purushable as provided in secrion l4-1 of rhis code. (1997 code: ordinance 6 .L9791 Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship ro Project: (i.e. contractor or TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCN TIME I'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparftnent review of Heaith Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects shouid take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to nocessary review, these projects rnay also take the tkee (3) week period. Every attempt wilt be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and timc frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it ma1' affect future permits that I apply for. Agree d to by: Projecl Nafle: Date: Work Sheet was tumed into the Communitv Development Dept. {p*n*or*r, REPTIS1 -,TOIJN OF UAIL, COLORADOa7tettt999 s8:19 REauEsTf rrusnecTN tfoRK SHEET$ FoR p99-S0el 7l?lf19 Type; B-PLl'lB EsO BRIDEE ST E36 Bnidqe Streetl SIifer Bldg. alsr-osa-eg-oio,? Rerodel/rove 2 bathrools IIHITE l'fATER pLUilBIHG & HEATII{G SLIFER BUILDING LLC I'JHITE I.IATER PLUTIIBI}IG & HEATITG er / 1999 PAGE AREA: JRl'l Activityr Address: Locat i 6n: Farce I : Deecri pt i on: Appl icant I Owneri Cqntractorl Eitatusr ISSUED Eonstr: RCOI{ Oecr Use r Fhoner 97O-926-37S8 Phone: Phone z 979,4?6-37o,8, Inspection Request Requestorl JffCR Req Titer @lOOIters requested to $oi496 P|-ltlB-Final Inforlat i on. . . . . SIBLEY Loraentsl SLIFER be Inspected-.. Fhone: 39Cr-7594 BLD6 Inspection History.. .., OOeIO PLllB-UndeFground Wn?eg PLIIB-Rough/D. hl. V. $+/?4199 Inspector: JRltl 913107 199 Inspectorr EFG OOAES FIRE-SPRI}II(LER RT}TJTJH OOPSO PLtrlB-Rough/lfat er o5/07 l9S Inspector: GRG ooe40 trLlrlB-Gias Piping OO8S& PLltlB-Pool/Hot Tub O$e6ft PLttlB-ltliee. OS?9O PLFIB-Final OO53S FIRE-FINAL tr/O fter:Iter: Iter c Iter: IterrIter r IterrIter: It er: ion Corrents ftct i on: APPR Action; AtrPR : Actitonc APPR i Tire Exp under water pFesiure FULL OF htATER, BRTHS, KI l' HORI{IHG pRESEURE, BATHEI I..' ;{ -#' REP'[ 131g7le3/1999 EB;16 Act i v ity: Addregs; Locat ion: Fareel s Dercript ion: Appl ieant : Owner: Contraetor: JttHN UF UAIL,IJT]LI,JHADO 5HEETS FOR PftGE AREA: GEINSPECTN T,IORK 899-OO34 7/e3f 19 Type: R-CBl{lil E3A BRIDGE ST E3U BRIDGE STREET e101-sae-"s-9,o,? REi|BDEL FRUNT ItF BLD6, RE-DU SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTIT]N SLIFER SUILDING LLC SHAHFFER CTTNSTRUCTION e3,/ 1999 Status: ISSUED Constr: AtrOl{ Use: 970-S45-5656 976-945-5656 Ucc: 1ST FLUUR Fhone: trhone r trhone: Inspection Request Inforrat isn. . . . .Reguestor: DBfttINIC Req Tirel 68106 Corrents: SLIFERItera requested to be Inspected... soog& ftrFTiiET -T?_o or-tc!-l Fhone:390-9768 BLDG"rffig Tire Exp Inspeet i on lsIter: 0OOIO BLDE-Footings/Steel Iterr SOO€S BLDE-Foundat ion,/SteelIter: g05eg FLAN-ILC Site PlanIter: OOgSg BLDF-Fraring orglB4l99 Inspectorr CD86ll4/9, fnspeetor: CDIter: OOOSO BLDG-Insulationr&l6ilji Inspeetorl CD WE/ r"7 /99 Inrpectorl CDIterr SSO6S BLD6-Sheetrock Nail A6/AS199 Inspector: CD06ltO/99 Inspector: JRFIUg/?l/19 Inspector: ERGIter : 6UO7ti BLDti-lrlisr. ESI?7lgS Inapector: CD Actionr Ff,Action: APFR Actionr FA Actienr ffPPlt Aciionr PA EXTERIOR SYP SHEETINEActionr FA APPR SKI SHUP ENTRYAetionr APtrR e LEUELS +FR ENT EXT CLg Aetionl NO STfiIR HEAT LINES LIII.IEI{ ENTRY ONLY fftrpRovED EASEI'IENT ENTRY REST T}F PROJECT NOTEE: TiNU]'IT4HLT FOR FRT]NT STAIRS. trI]T'IGRETE HAS BEEN PLAtrED PRIOR HERT LINE INSPECTION HEAT LIHES ARE UNDER l0g+ AIRTESTIN THE FUTURE CALL ffLL T'|EtrHAHICAL RELATED IhIStrECTIONS UNDHR THE FIECHANICHL PERf{IT 9.6/o.4/gq Inspeetor: CD Aetionr AtrtrR FIREPROUFING SEE NOTENotes: APPROVED FIRE RESISTIUE ASSET{LIES FOR nLL STRUCTRffL STEEL IIETHOD USED TO ACHIEUE RRTING INCLUDE A FULL I.IRAtr trF s./g"X DRY}JALL AND I{UNOKOTE APPLIED IIANUALLYIterr Og09O ELDE-FinalIter: SS53O BLDG-Terp. C/UIterr SO53l FIRE-TEIIF. C/OIter: ttrtSSA pur-TE!|tr, C/OIter: 06533 PLAN-TElttr. ClOIter: OO537 PLAN-FINAL C/OItear OG53A FIFE-FINAL ClUfter: Old539 Plf-FINfll- D/OIter: S05+O BLDG-Final U/0 REtrTISI 87fegf1999 O6r16 trF VAIL,trBLBRAI}T] $HEETS FOR:HEEUESl'S NSPECTN l.JT]I{K Ftg9-6S+e Trc?llg Type: B-llECH Status: E3E BRIDGE ST 23O Bridge Street, Stifer Bfdg.e1O1-ABe-e9-O0e Occr Itleehanical for HUAC syster, office bldg STONE IlECHAilItrfL, INtr. Fhonec SLIFER EUILDING LLC Phoner STBNE IIECHH$IItrAL, IHtr. Phoner E3/l ljse: rerode I 97e-e4e-5014 970-E4e*5014 trAEE HREAI GG Aetivity: Addre*s r . Loeat ion I Farcel: Deseript ion: Appl icant: Bwner: Contrsetor: str: ACOII Inspect ion Requeet Inforuat ion. . . . .Requestor: EARlrItrK Rcq Tire: O€:OO Corrents; HUAC,Iters requested to be Inspected... so340 Fhone: Be7-37e4 trr|-l- trALL ltARK, SSF Action Eorrants Tire Exp Inspection History.. . ..Iter: ooe@ IGCFI-Rough ]B6lo,&l9i Inspeetorr CD Notes: I{UST trROVIIlE FIRESTtIPIters ofl,e40 trLlilB-Eias PipingIter: ff|Sf|| ilECH-HeatingIter: OOSEO HECH-Exhaust FfoodsIterr OS33O lilECH-Bupply AirIter r 00340 ltlEGH-lrlise.Iterr OO39O ltlECH-FinalIter: OS538 FIRE-FINtrL ClO Aetion: PA bIITHIN FLOOR/SHAFT ASSEI{BLY -'=> ALL bUCT IdOHK SEE NtrTE o DEVELOTOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L557 970-479-2a38 DEPARTME}fI OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PosTED DEMO. OF PART/AI-,I, BUDG. 'JOb AddrCSS: 193 GORE CREEK DRLocat.ion...: 193 coRE CREEK DRParcel No. . : 2101-092-l_3-oo2Project No.: PMEMT ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: D98-0003 SI.AEUS...: ISSIJED(UNIT 2App1ied. . : 04/L6/L998Tssued...: 04/20/L998bcpires..: Lo/17/L998 APPLTCAI{T K. C. COMPANY P.O. BOX 341, CONTRACTOR K. C. COMPANTP.O. BOX 34L,OWNER SIJIFER RODNEY 230 BRIDGE ST, Descripti-on: INTERIOR WALIJ DEMO Occupancy: RlTlpe Construction:Tlpe Occupancy: J0_01 Valuation: Fireplace Infornation: RestTicted: AVON, CO 81520 AVON, CO 8i_520E 6c ETIZABETH W VAIL CO 816s7 MulEi-Family DWEIJIJTNG 1_0, 000 #of eas Appliances: Add sq Fr: Sof cas Logs: Phone: 970-925-O566 Phone: 970-926-0566 *Of, Food/PaIlet: Building-----> Plan check- - -> Inve6tigation> will calI----> Restuarant Plan Review- - > DRB Fee-------- Clean-Up Depoeir-- -- --- -> 94.2A . o0 20 .00 .00.O0 Recreation !'ee----------> .OO 3.O0 accuraEe ploc and ploC plan, 8:0O AIil 5:00 PM FEE SUMMARY 100.00 TOTAL FEES-.. - - Total Calculated E'ees- - - > Additional Fees- - -- ----- > Total Pehnit. Fee--------> Pal/ments------- IEgm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMTQ4/L6/!998 ,JRM Action: AppR APPROVED!!qmq .0!!00 pr,ANNrNG. DEFARiT,i|ENT-- ' 94/L5/)9_2q -Jryt4 Acrion: AppR DRB AppITCM: -056OO FIRE DEPARTVTEN-T94/L6/L299 ,JRM __ __AgF+on: AppR N/AItem: 05500 PITBLIC WORKSIlem: Q5700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHrEem: 05900 LIQUOR See Page 2 of thj-s Document for any conditions thaL may apply t.o this permiE. DECI,ARATIONS r heteby ackno ledge chaE r have read thiE applicaEion, filted out. in full the i.nformat'ion required, compleled anp1an. and staEe chaE aLl the infonratj.on provided ae required is corlects. r agree to compry with the informationto contply irith all Town oldi.nance6 and etace lass, and bo build thi6 gtructure zoning and dubdivisioncodee, de6i.9Tt revier approved, unifom BuiJ.ding code and other ordi.nanceg of Eh€ Tosn DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: JRM-DepE: PI"ANNING Division:PER EHRISTIEDept: FfRE Diwision: Dept: PIIB WORK Division:DebE: HEALTH Division:Dept: CLERK Division: REQUESTS FoR rNsPEqrroNs SHALL BE ti4ADE TwENry-Fot R HouRs rN ADVANCE By TEIJspHoNE AT Send Clc.n-up Dcposits T'o: K-C. coMpANy HIMSELF AND O',INER ******************************************************************************** CONDTTIONSpermit #: D98-0003 as of 04/20/98 Status: TSSUED**************:k***************************************************************** PETMiE.TYPC: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. APPliEd: O4/L6/L}9BApplicant: K.c. cOMpANy iisued, O4/20/t998970-926-0566 To E>cpire: LO/L7/1,998 Job Address: LOCATiON: 193 GORE CREEK DR (UNIT 2)Parcel No: 2101-092-L3-002 Description: TNTERIOR WALL DEMO Condit,ions:1. FIRE DEPARTI{ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.3. NO EXTERIOR SITE PI,AN STJBMITTED FOR STORAGE OR USE OF PUBI,IC WAY )onEact Eagle Uounty Assessorsfkr"" ' bli" ? w?fl* ?i xi I l, :il i 3fi "F3ifl - ( zlologztT@LgtryL)' ---'orrn:_ PEP..\IIT I: t APPLTCATToN MUsr BE FTLLED ouT coMpLETELy oR rr MAy No? BE AccEprED : :t Jt Jr * * rt rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * ** * * * ,t PERMIT INFORHATToN * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *I )wners Nane: ;eneral Description: VK ,ni7;:LzilotrPh. $T- Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************it OTHER: $MECTIANTCAL: S ToTAL:+W * **.t * * * ** * * **** * * *** * Town of VaiI Req. NO. '"";h)iftr q?b'o, Town of 'VaiI Reg. No. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r{.* * * ,r * anNrnreneralcontracto;;- *!L:-to;fffin*"t*roRrNFoRMAl'roN Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. No. f'OR OF!'ICE USE ********!t******* ***rr****)r****** BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK PEE: PLTIMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUfLDING I STGNA?URE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: [ ]-Buildinsu I r-::umbin,s [ ]-Electricar [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-orher w|o ob Name:Job Address: ,egal Description: Lot Block Address:a Address: (a.bo/, t(24 Atq,) , bVZo 'ork class: [ ]-New J{-afteration [ ]_Additional [ ]_Repair [ ]_otherILJurnber of Dwelling Units: I Number of Accornrnodation Units: ,;rmber and Type, of Fireplaces: cas Appliances ,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * Jr '( * * VALUATIONS UILDING: LUMBING: EI,ECTRICAL: $ ddress: IectricaL Contractor: ddress: Iumbing Contractor: ddress: echanicaL Contractor; ddress: ****fb rmments: VALUATION LEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFI]ND TO: -_ t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-4'7 9-2I38 DEPARTMENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN ADD/ALT COMM BUTLD PERMT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit Et 997-0274 Job AddressLocation... Parce] No. .Project No. ISSUED L08 /26 /7ee7 08 /28 /ree7 02 /24 / rseB 230 BRIDGE ST Status. . . 230 BRIDGE ST SLIFER BLDGApplied..210I-082-29-002 fssued...PRJ97-0152 Expires. . APPLICAN? MICHAEL GRANT 4026 LUPINE DRIVE, VAIL, CO CONTRACTOR MICHAEL GRANT 4026 LUPTNE DRIVE, VAIL, COOWNER SLIFER BU]LDING LLC 230 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Description: REMODEL RETAIL SPACE INTO SKI SHOP Occupancy: B2 Bz Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation I F i reptace lnformation: Restricted: L2 t100 Phone : 47 6-335A Phone: 476-3350 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De 816s7 81657 fof Gas App L i ances:fof llood/Pa |' let: *****************)t)t********rr******************************* F EE SUI'l ARy ********************************************************** approved amount date Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs: .00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---)Restuarant Ptan Rev i ew--) Recreat ion tee--------*-> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> Bui Ld i ng-----) P lan check---> Invest i gat ion> tli l,L Catl,----> '113.75 DR8 .00 3.00 175 .00 391 .75 .00 391 .75 ?o1 75 -00 Addi tionaI Fees---------> .00 100.00 TotaI Permit fee--------> Payments------- aq/,?a/,\e-97 cnEntle- -acEii;;i;"NdiE prans to08'/28'/7997 DIRR Action: ApFF ' Itqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 9p/26/\227^CHAB!IE Acrion:- AFFn cnenr,rnItQm:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENi- Q9/,?6/,L997 CHARLIE acEion:- Noie08'/28'/7997 DIRR Action: AFFRQ672y71sei nf'Rii"^" i\;ii;;i: ilFiH 'Jlem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 991?9 /I227^cH**1,+8,.{st{on: AppR n/a!Ft/t6 /i2t1 -cnAi{rr[-- fiari;iii AppR n/aIt'em:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKSoB/26/1997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/A DepT: BU]LDING Division:DAVISDEpT; Pi,ANNING Division:dirk Dept: FIRE Division: DeDt: PUB WORK Division: ****'k***********************************************************************fi**************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknolrtedge that I have read.this appl,ication, liu.ed out in fut,t the information required, completed an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compt,y iith the .information and pLot irLan,to compty t'/'ith aLL ToHn ordinances.and state [aws, and io buil.d this structure according io'the Town's zoning and suMivisibncodes, design rfviet'J apProved, tlniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town a[pticabLe theneto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 Refund 8 OR AT OUR OFFICE s;d cre;-uP'DePosit Io: l,rrKE L GRANT I sT.NATURE o, I oR coNTRAcToR FoR HrrsELr ArD ouNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Pernit Et B9'1 -Q27 4 as of OB/ZA/,'| Status: ISSUED d.******************************************************************************* Permit,Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Apptied: 08/26/1997Applicant: MTCHAEL GRANT lisued oB'/28'/I997476-33s0 To Expiret o2/2a/t998 .lob Address:LocaIion. 23O BRTDGE ST SLIFER BLDG BASEMENT&1sT LEVELParcel No: 2101-082-29-002 Description: REMODEL RETAIIJ SPACE INTO SKI SHOP Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQU]RED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE RESUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. A MOVABLE PARTITION WILL BE USED FOR DRESSING ROOMS FOR TO AQUIRE MINIMUM DIMESIONS FOR ACCESSIBLITY TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-419-2r38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit €,: P97-0111 Job Address LocaLion... ParceL No..Project No. I SSUED 08 /26 / teel a8/28 /reel 02/24 /leeB 2t0I-082-29-002 PR,l97-0152 .00 96.75 230 BRIDGE ST Status.. 230 BRIDGE ST SLIFER BUII-,APPIiCd. Issued.. Expires. Phone z 30382794I4 Phone z 3038279414 APPLICANT GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2t56, VA]IJ CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PI,UMB]NG & HEATING P O BOX 2156 | VAIL CO 81658 OWNER SLIFER BUILDING LLC 230 BRIDGE ST, VAIIJ CO 81657 Description: PLUMBIG TO ADD I/2 E.ATH Valuation:5, 000 . 00 **************#*******************rrf,***r(****************** tEE SUHt',tARy ***************************************ff***lct******tr**** P Lumbi ng-----> Ptan check---> Invest igat ion> tli Lt caLL----> Restuarant Ptan Rev ie,r--> TOTAL FEES----- Totat catcutated tees---> Add'i t iona L Fees---------> Totat Permit tee--------> Payments------- 75.00 18.75 .00 3.00 96.75 .o0 96.75 96.75 ****)r****************************************rrr***r***********)*************************?lllH5-ll5;;;;;;;i*ii*i************i?9*** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:0B/26/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIt6m:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept': FIRE Division:08/26/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A *****|*****************Jri******************itrr********fi******i**********************************************************i********* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **************************J**************l**************lrt*****t t***************************************************i************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have nead this apptication, f il.l,ed out in ful.l. the information required, conpleted an accurate ptot p[an, and state that a[[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and Ptot pl.an, to compty with atl Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revie!, approved. uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appIicabLe thereto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT OR AT OUR OFFICE IROI4472 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 Job Address. . . Location Parcef No..... Project Nurnber DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PerrnitMECHANICAL PERMIT AT ALL TIMES M9 7 -0155 230 BR]DGE ST 230 BRIDGE ST SLIFER 2101-082-29-OO2 PRJ9 7 -015 2 Status. . BUILDING Applied. Tssued.. Expires. I S SUED oB /26 / LeeT 08 /28 / LeeT 02/24 /Lee8 OWNER CONTRACTOR SLIFER BUILDING LLC 230 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO sToNE MECHANTCAL/ rNC. 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND .00 3.00 Phone:co 81501 Val"uation: Addi t ionat Fees---------> 97 0-242-5014 500.00 Iof [,ood/Pa I tet: 81657 JUNCTION f i replace lnformation: Restricted:fOf Gas Apptiances:{0t Gas Logs: ************ff***********************************t k******** FEE SUttHARY ********************************il*t*Jr**ff#*******i***** 14echani ca [---)20.00 Restuarant P tan Revi eu-->.00 Totat Catcutated Fees---) Des cr-iplion : MECH FOR VENTILATION ]N SKI SHOP P[an Check---> 5.00 DRB IOTAL FEES_---- .00 28.00 28.00 .00 Investigation> tJi l, L Ca L l,---->Totat Permit fee--------) 28.00 Pavments------- FRo S:00 Al'l 5:00 Pl',| *******************************r.*r(*******,r************r********************************illlllLlli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************ill**" I!e$;,gllqO,EUII-,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division;oB/26/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVISTtbm:'05600 EIBE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:OB/28/7997 CHARLIE--[cEion: eppR CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPT INSPECTION MUST OCCUR PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY ******************************************************************************** DECLARAT]ONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read thjs apptication, f il.Led out in fuLt the infornation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the infornation pnovided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y r.iith the iniormation and pl,ot !tan,to comPty with al't Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the Townrs zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Bui(ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHATL BE I.IADE TI.IENTY-TOUR HOURS SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OI,INER 'Ff Contac t Sagle CounEy I ar 470-3ZB-8640 for I PARCEL /I:f """"" _ t APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED OUE COMPLETELY oR rf l"tAy Nor BE AccEprEDUx***************************** PERI'IIT INFORMATToN *****************************rl rf::iT:"Gt;ir oF vArL coNsrR'crroN IPERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: tfQ -Buildins t{-erurnurinv [[J-Elecrrical Ip-Mechanibar [ ] -other Job Name:Job Addressz ;?iO ,9ft/p6€ snEV SLiFF-e. $oac6inr6 Number of Dwelling Units; I BUTIJDING:,$ ;[*r"' and rvpe or Fireplaces: " -. iil]f;Hfiz=..r.,*"1.1-;.::::1:::::;t*** * ********* * ***** * * * * ***rtrtrtrr *r rorAr,: $E;to-- 1'JON * ** *********** ** ****r(*** * t*,I T."*" o-f Vail a.g; yo<-j6:-EPhone Number: 9/ -3ffi Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: _ Mechanical Contractor: Address:Phone Number: ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK !EE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: tOTAL PERI,IIT FEES; BUTLDTNG: SIGNAfURE: 3liixff-, PER}IIT /I Owners Name: Architect: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Address:Ph. Number of Acconmodation Units t / General Description: Work class: [ ]-New Dd-att"ration [ ]-Additionat [ ]_Repair [ ]_other EI,ECTRICAL: $2oo t'{EcHANrcAr, $_jCr[TD **. co CTOR INFO BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Address: /az/ /,ahs t>r /o,t 4L. ,". VALUATTON CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RDFIII{D 75 soulh lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (s03) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CoMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is untawfur for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit ""y-""ir,-rJ.i, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash h.,rp=t".=, portabre toilets andworkmen vehicres. upon any streetl =ia;;"ik, -;ii;y or publicll?i"^::-anv porrion tneieoil--rrr" rrghr-of-wav on a]r. Town ofvall streets and.Ig"9= is approxirnateiy 5 ft. lff pavernent.this ordinance wirl be.;ari;ii;"enforced by the Town of Vair.Public t{orks Department. perslns found viorating this ordinancerqill be siven a 24 hour writi"n-n"ii""-t"*;;;;;'="id materiar.rn the event the person so notified^aoes noi-conprv with thenoti"ce within the 24 hour.tir"-"p""i;i;;,"iir."i"tric worksDepartment wirr remove said rnate'.i"t _.t the expense of personnot-ified' The provisions-or--'lrri= "ra:.nance shal1 not beapplicable to c-onstruction, riiri"nunce or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any "tiiiii;;-'i; ;;"-;iiii_"_,.v. To review ordinance No. e in fult, please stop by the Town of:3ii"::ii3i'3,";f,i:'*:ll"::"";;;i" a copv. rlani vou ror your owledged (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 3outh lronlage road yail, colorado 81657 t303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty devclopmelrt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permit requi,res a Town of vair Fire Department Approvar,llgil:'l l',,!ly9l i: t:fl-Fyl"y u;;'ipprovar, a prannins Departmentrevr ew or Hea I th Department. revi ew, u nit' u-""uid ;i-;i;;"Erii ai ng SSoi[HE',1;.lL: *'.t'uted time ro"'u-lut"r "uuiu*-iluv"iuil'u, rons All commerciar (rarqe or smail) and a'l r murti-family permits wilrhave to follow the ibove rnentioned maximum requirements. Residentiarand small projects shourd take a resi"" amount of time. However, ifresidential or smal)er,projects irpuii the various above mentioned9iliriT:",1. with regara' to'necesiuiv-""uiu*, these projects mayaiso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by th.i s department to expedite thispermi t as soon as possr b re, \''l\ Hs*, I LE ul l:"1!. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and t.imet rame . {r fitzffiDate tt6rR Communi ty Develooment Department. o DEVELO Status... ! ISSUED sPoRAppIied. . : 09/22/.r9e7 Issued. ..2 09/23/L997 Expires..: 03/22/t998 Fireptece Infornation: Restricted:fof Gas Apptiances:#of Gas Logs: 500 .00 fof t,ood/Pattet: **f,rr*****l*******ff*******S*****ffft***t*******ttt***ffilr FEE SUlll'tARY *td*******trti****************ffi**ff*****rrff**t******** Total calcuteted Fees---> 26,m TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Job AddreaE...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT PMENT ON JOBSITE Permit Phone: 8150l- Phone: 81501 Valuation: ALL TIMES M9 ? -017 9 970-242-50L4 9'10-242-50L4 AT *: 230 BRIDGE ST sr.,rFER BUTLDTNG/OFF PrsTE 2101-082-29-002 PRJg7-0152 APPLlCANT CONTRACTOR OSINER Description: EXHAUST FAN sToNE MECHANTCAL, rNC. 1111 SOUTH gTH, GRAND STONE MECHANICAL, INC. 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND OFF PISTE SPORTS FOR SKI PREP AREA JUNCTION JUNCTION co co l'lechani cat--> Plan cheek---> hvcstigation> tli tL cal.l.---> 20.m 5.00 .00 3.00 DRB F TOTAL .00 .00 28.00 Restuarant PLan Revi err--> Additionat Fees--------> Tota I Pernit tec------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- .00 28.00 28.00 .00 fi****t ****************rr*****t**f,****l*Jnt****ff***.r****r.*#Qt*rffi*ld**H******#***t***f,t********f,t***rttr*rtff*****ff*ffi*** Dent: BUILDING Division: DepT: FIRE Division; CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * DECLARATTONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this application, filted out in fult the infornation requi red, compLetcd an accurate ptot ptan, and stste that a[[ th. infonmation provided as required is corfect. I agree to compl,y uith the in{ormation and ptot ptan,to comPLy lrith al,t ToHn ordinances and stste [avs, and to buit,d this structure according to the Tounrs zoning end subdivision codes, design revleu appfoved, Uniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the appLicabte thereto. REOIIESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{AOE TIJENTY-FOUR TIOURS IN T 479-2138 AT ouft oFFICE FRo[ 8:00 A 5:00 Pfl lIem: 05lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT09/23/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppRItCM:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT09/23/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A SIGNATURE OF OIII.IER OR COiITRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OIINER t-' )*Contact Eagley[ ar 970-328-86 fPARCEL #: ?lo Y Coun ty 40 for P1041 VAIL CONSTRUCTTO APPLICATTON FORM PERI.tIT /I Qzfiz-otsa-r APPLTCATIoN MUST BE FILLED oUT COMPLETELY oR If MAY NoT BE AccEpTEDrtx***************************** PERMTT INFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *7l [ ]-Building [ ]-plunbingr [ ]-Erectricar gt(-mecnani-cal [ ]-other rob Narne: nr=c'ptszg spoFs .70b Addre"", 2Jg=6rr_rsgF=.Fnrraer Lesal- oescriprion: r,ot_-p_ ilocxgh rui,,n l4lWlf$%Jff F',g Address: ?3o Btrrocr,, efi, pt.Owners Name: Architect:Address:Ph. Address: ElectrLcal Contractor: Address: Plumblng Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: ?O gcr 33 ******************************** BUILDTNG PERMIT TEE: PLUMBING PERilTT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Req. NO.Pllone Number: r'r uIlIJe-r : \'-*q ) - :'rlatf neg. No. l>f frI FOR t BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONfNG: STGNATURE: oernz 7- I ?-?7 . ryFmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances. cas Logs-_- wood/pelretv __ __-_- ,._ (********************************* vALUATToNs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BUILDING: i EI,ECTRTCAL: $OTHER; $$.,UMBING: T-TOTAL: $. lr,u*ror.ns: + MECHANIqAL: $--Ea-oE--UJ***** **** *** ** * General Contra.tl:l*******,t* CONTRACToR INFORMATIO:INFORMAI'ION **** * ** **** **** * ** ** **rr****Contractor: ceneral DescrJ.pti"r, work class: [ ]-New lvf-atteration t r-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-otherr r ___F___ I Number of Dwelling unJ.ts; - Nurnber of Accornmodation Units: Town of VaiI Req. No.Phone Number: m5 -- 5ne Number; 'E>l--Siii OFFICE USE ***********************,t******* BUILD]NG PI,AN CHECK FEE: , PLUUBTNG PLAN CHECK FEE:}IECHANTCAL Pil{N CHECK ITEE!RECREATION FEE: CTEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: CLE/AN [fP DEPf|STT nFrm,m .rn. I 75 soulh fronlege toad v.ll, colorado Bl657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2139. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT! of llce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I.IITH THETOWN OF VAIL Tor^,N OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PAX,KING & MATERIAL STORAGE (i.e. contractorf owner) rn sumnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to titter, track or d;;;;ir.;il-";rrl"rili., sand, d.ebrisor material, including tr;=;-5;;psters, portabte toilets andworkmen vehicl-es. upon-any streel, sidewalk, alley or public$lii"";:":il ffi.rln-tr,"l"Jil--*," rien[_oi_*""-i, arr rown or rh.ia . ;;;i;.-;":"iliil!!. $"i:8il"iil?Hil"'"f .;;i,f:*l;:flii, "' Pubric works n""arlment- --iJi"ins found rii,r"Il"i rhis ordinancewiL' be siven a^za houi ".iti;;";otice-to*;;;;;;'""id rnarerial.rn the event the person so notiriea.does not compry with thenotice within the-24 hour tir"-rp""_ified, the putlic l,,0rksDepartment wilr- remove saia-mat"liur .t-tn""I*pJi"e of personnoLified' The nrovi"i"n=-or"'iii" orainance snirr not beappricabte to cbnstruction, -ruiii"'un9e gr repair projects ofany street or alley ", i"V'"fiiitr." in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, please stop by the Town of:::i"::i13i"9""i'f,?:'*:lt"::""#;i" a copy. ri,u,,i. you ror your wledged 75 routh ,ronlege .oad vtll, colorado Bl65l (303) 479-2138 or 479-Zt3g ottlco ot communlly developmeul BUILDING PERI|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engi neer''s ( publ ii ulorks ) ""vt "n' una'upp"ouui,'i pjiiiii i5'bepartncnrreview or Heattn oepartm6"i-,:;;i;:'-un5.u.review by the 6uiroing 3irtilH;",l;.fl: "r r rru ted time ror'a-io tar ".u i.n-iluy,.iuil,u, i o ns All commercial (large or small) and all multi_family permits willhave to fotow tne iuove ffiii;r;;'*liiru, requirements. Residentiarand small projects shourd ili;-;-i.;i!.'arount of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smaller.projects i'npiit the varjous above mentioneddepartments with rega.rd' 6-;;;;s;;i!"ruvi"", these projecrs mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite thispermi.t aE sQon as possible. - e"'u.,L Lv cAPtsu I Le Ll I:.ilr undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and tinreTrame. Shee t wa s-t[iiEI-Tn*td-TFEDate Worf Deve'l opment Depa rtment . A MEMORANDUM rr ALL CONTRACTORSTO: FBOM: DATE: FE: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS FEQUIRED ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public properly? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site olher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the fight of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI Way permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. . lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Commjnif Development? lf-)/?Y. "T.*tred yes to any of lhese questions, a 'Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way_ Permit' applicationl miy be obtained at the'public work,s ogice or atc,o.llqity Developmeni. ttyou n1v^e^any euestions please cail chartie Davis, the Townof Vail Conslruction Inspectoi, at 479-21S8,' Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe tollowing questionnaire regarding the need for a "public Way permit': YES NO I have read and answered allthe above questio DT Eignature 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) B) Job Name rE5 . STONE MECHANICAI. INC. P.O. Box 3066 Vait, -1658Grouse Creek Ce'Er 23798 Highway 24 Unit B-13 MINTURN, COLORADO 8i645(9701827-s724 Fax (97U 827-425s ."..r*o f / o, CALCULATED BY CH€CKED AY DATE r800UCl20r.r lsiqb S.lfttt205r te*t1l@l6m 6don lbs 0t4i1 ro 0rd6 pH0Nt roLl rnft I 80{216300 lo );xPisto\,, mnnttl. i-,m*' orrhiifow v; 7,il , u,l/"[)*,,/, D.*Lr,**l fr; f/ P& /r"*1 M*l )/*o fu-ss O ?3o.e/g?<" s7"4 Y/r, /-/Lo /, % trru^lv, ,F .4,s,r V/. ,oA"[ 6,/ / 7 ,ara*A, /,/-,4 Al,{ ufr7 Jso e,h srnEFr 7ar--y' /r"- D'y). ry* *,tr -;V2EFT /m:-*7 )t2czn L Brrr/ **u /t lt ,*/Lt : ") ') ) ) r) r) /*/*/ - zr',/*/--/; / 1,n-'/*e C i FL/-*/ -z*W / eo-+h/^il, : 4+tW . 7-r,f-/Lh , lVra f/-" ttt* /rV-[, : /"/P*4' + all tur",L ', /,-o,4 : 6 nJ z*,//1"/; * taf, y' ..hr ' ,1 .8,14 14 22r.a$ ,l>e *tzrl';7o r, \ : llL/'/*'t ,*z*s'Obt 5 arSua"4$) 7y'tso i */;1L. 2^^,L /*s ,ey,,^ : / iloo* ,/ goot / 7n^ / sm- { fu' dt !@' 4/*- ,{ -roo * :-'--'-- I n,m d) t/) /Y/3a i Fs/',n'rrb-o fVnP4s l,;- : f,;"{ *A *1; 4/ ,Frno,ao 1,4 ts "-/ (a 1&7runn5 r, -/Lteyb\'/.,t&. : / P.O. Box 7OO . VA|L, CO 81658 . 970-4760088 . (FAX) 970-476-8866 o A )t" d4-, t 4 rlt ^/, 7/.ttt**L,,/ ,p_.- ; 7/ fu f /3,ooo ;i /.rooo ,^#X .>/ A,/ y *//-/A; /,".*;,1/, _1 y A*," il G ?so )AttklL. szaaT */o &r Bd..* . ,/, /^, <*. gu_ A/// ";+ f/,, p/*, r/, ,*o l-*A ; ; A no;^-'"+ P,r"/ 7/J "*L .r'*/ *ot ,ty";",.*,*.{, . V '-l n*/ ///**rL efuls B.- ,1 ,A'-'*r/ 'qt-?, o-, /- ar"/r' sr,an t?st, -/,r/ tto,/> ?rov<- jL ,s/L+ ,f,*7t>-sa , 4 L+u o.-,"ib 7 ZJ.-^/ ?*{ tl n-^,-fr ftor,)e rt,uoo-' nrz"slt" " f {&- ,') /rthul p4^ n p**k 1 f*nu'e/l- %:l/ .'1"L, 1 // P,/ *^/ ,,// ?..*,;- y 6.,;.- a/ 4., 1 ,/7 ,/+"r*2a at bt*t[ paont r Z e/, ",, j^;/4 *rV/ 7l -ryL / il/ ,/^ .,/6a5i 4i /** /.-(- 1U{-' ,,3;{, ,1llfu P.O. Box 7OO . VArL, CO 4165a . 970-476-0088 . (FAX) 970-476-8866 @ 1 nw * rt*o @ -lifli\l {1l: Y tntV*V I HT I I N$i it i *;t i,t i r$$ ) ,i E o- ,r.r lt os, dI'r\ , reit ! bl;i*h uoui* \{tS ii{f $$$i $'={ ,r [ .l { l,ot I tG.o ,4,'4 3 q. r- e, eg .Fttgh- ,r?Prrt lrr*l , 65? sr. 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