HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT C D E CLOCK TOWER BUILDING AKA MCBRIDE GORSUCH 1978 AND PREVIOUS LEGALF"- w POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE zo F J EXITS REO, JOB NAME DATE OF APPLICATION NEW{ I ALTERATIONI } ADDITION I } REPAIR COVEREO HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PAR KING *o. orlsroRrEs OFF ST. LOAOING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAI L AODR ESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATEA I ) FORCEDAIR{ ) ELECI } UNIT( I.OT ALK FILING rnacr M. BB-,';€ (:L7*- INT. WALLS BUILDING PERMIT1. TYPE OF CONSTFUCTION I II III IV V IHR 2. occuPANcY GRouP 16\ o E F G H I J PLAN CHECK FEESSPECIFIED FIRE SPEI N KLE RS WET STANDPIPE DRY STANDPIPE COMB. STANDPIPE ELECTRICAL CLEAN UP OEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY S€PARATION 7r-r'5-?$ TOWN OF I'AIL :BUILtrlII\IGi PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA FATIO EASEMENTS vARIANcE UNCOVEREO .APPLICATION ACC€PTEO at.-1\J ,royry[ 524', {:N ,:{L oN AND STATE TIIAT 'flrE 2 r ABOVE IS COBRECT AND AGREE TO CO}IPLY WITII AI,L TOWN ORDTNANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUI LDING CONSTRUCTIo.\.-. READ THIS APP OWNER OR CONTITACTOR rNsrrecforu TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIM E JOB NAI\,1E RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen n pnnrral LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: D appRovED fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG n orsnpPRovED CORRECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Yttn (nu \P S rrj 3 lulryn box roo r vail,colorado 8t6s7 .303.476-5613 January 17, 1978 Irwin ltalther Sir Sid's P.O. Box 2357 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Walther: IVe have been informed by the Town of vail Building Department that the corrections necessary to bring the rear (north-west corner) exit of Sir Sj-d's up to the standards of the Building Code, have not yet been performed. As there is only one exit which can be con- sid.ered lega1 under the Building Code, the Vail Fire Protection Dis- trict has no alternative but to change the permitted "Occupancy Lim- it" of sir sid's. Due to the single exit and occupancy use (drink- ing facility), we must lower the maximum allowable occupancv to ?Opsglg, as specified in section 3301 (d) of the uniform Fire code. At such time that the Building Department approves the exit, this Depa.rtment will review the business for an inerease in Oecupancy. A new "OCCUpant Certificate" for "50 Persons" has been included with this letter. This Certificate is required to be posted "at or near,'the main entrance at all times that Sir Sid's is occupied and open for business. If, you have any questions concerning this letter, please do not hesitate to call, me. Sincerely, James L. O1sen, CaPtain Vail Fire Protection District JLo/gk cc James Jacobson John lilcBride lluilding Dept.- Vail Liquor Board File Ir ,_:cJr,- (\C**- :-koJ* JAMES S. JACOBSON i ': - ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX IOOG vAtL, coLoRADO 61657 3o3/476-0075 JPHX*xX&bSRe December 30, 7977 Town of VailBuilding DepartmentVail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Bill Pierce Re: Nu Gnu (Sir Sid's) Dear Bill: This letter will confirm the understanding reached by you' on behaLf of the Town of Vail, and the tenant occupying the leased premises fcrmerly known as the Nu Gnu, presently being known as sir Sid's of Vail. on or before January 15' 1978, the following corrections will be made to the premises: a. The rear exist vrill be reworked so that it is in compliance with the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail; b. Emergency lighting will be installed at both the front and rear exits. If this does not correspond to your understanding, please call me at your earliest convenience. I appreciate all of your help and cooperation in this regard. Very truly yours, Jac bson Attorney fo the Nu Gnu of Vail, Inc. Sir Sid's of Vail JSJ/jh lnwn box to0 o vail, colorado 8t6s7 r 303.476.56t3 July '12, 1977 hlilliam F. Pierce Building Official Town of Vail Box 100 Vai 'l , Col orado Bl 657 Dear Mr. Pierce; In reference to a meeting concern.ing the changes to the Nu Gnu,Lot E, Block 5, Vail Village lst F.iiing and y6ur letter dated June I, 1977: l. l'lr. John McBride will ensure that a one-hour fireresistive occupancy separation will be established between the boiler room and the assemb'ly/exit spaces. 2. The manually operated Flush Bo'lt on the exit doorswill be removed no later than 12 noon, 13 July 1977. 3. Section C & D. Wi'l'l be comected by establishment' of another exit if Mr. John McBride and the necessary'Vail authorities agree. If not, then I shall modify the existing exit or terminate use within 45 days from this date, l2 July 1977. 4. Emergency iighting wi'll be provided withjn 30 days from today, 12 July 1977. The iighting will be at the two exits (either existing or new). If there are any other items necessary to comply with any applicab'le statutes or codes currently in effect in the Townof Vail, p1 ease contact me at the Nu Gnu, 476-4465. Thank you for your cooperation and courtesy in this matter. Si ncerel y , Vice President, Nu-Gnu of Vail, Inc. Subscribed and sworn of July, 1977. fllv Oomrnission cx:;ile; il:':celbcr 30, 1977 before met0 l2th 4-- ,9Hlt*xX*lrteft JAMEs S. JACOB5ON AI-TORNEY AT LAW ?o5T OFFTCE BOX l60G vAlL, coloR/\Do 4t657 3o,3/,16-0075 December 30, L977 Town of vail Building Department Vail, Colorado 81557 Attention: Bill Pierce Re: Nu Gnu (Sir Sid's) Dear BiIl: This letter will confirm the understanding reached by you, on behalf of the Tor.rn of vail, and the tenant occupying the leased lientiser fcrmerly known as the Nu Gnur presently-being known as 3ir Sia's of Vaii. On or before January 15, 1978, the'following corrections wiLl be made to the premises: a. The rear exist will be reworked so that it is in compliance with the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail; b. Emergency lighting will be installed at both the front and rear exits. If this does not correspond to your underslanding, please call me "i yo"" earliest convenience. I appreciate aI1 of your help and cooperation in this regard. Very 1y yours, ilames S. Attorney bson the Nu Gnu of Vail, Inc.Jacr sir Sid's of vail 6ax. z3r7 VJaIther JSiI,/jh o totgn n l|ilI box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 off ice of ihe town manager September 7, L977 Mr. Larry J. Dirgo Vice President Nrr-Gnu of Vai1, Inc. P.O. Box 1940 Aspen, Colorado 8161,1 Dear Mr. Dirgo: We are happy to see the Nu Gnu in operatlon again and hoplng your business is doing weI1. In reference to your letter dated July 12 , Ig77, concerningthe Nu Gnu, Lot E, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing, we arelnterested to know if you have made the agreed upon corrections.Please contact us so v/e may make an inspection at your convenience, within the next (15) fifteen days from receiptof this letter. Should we not receive word from you withinthls time limit we will have to take the undesirable aetionas described by law. Respectfully, DEPARTMENT OF ITY DEVELOPMENT James A. Assistant 4.a.fu-* AbbieBuilidng Offlcial JAA/di. Enclosure box roo vail, colorado at657 o July l?, 19tl 303.476.56t3 Hilliam F. pierce Building 0fficial Town of Vail Box .|00 Vai I , Co]orado Bl 657 Dear Mr. Pierce: In reference to a rneeting concerning the changes to the Nu Gnu,Lot E, Btock 5, vait viii.G i;i'iiii,isi unol6ri i.tiu, jit.o June 8, l97Z: t. ilr. John McBride rvil'l ensure that a one_hour fireresistive occupancy separation wit be "iiiuiirr.abetween the boiter- room and the asserttvie*ii'ipiies. 2. The.manualiy operated F.lush Bolt on the exit doorswi I I be removed no 'later than '12 noon, -f i 'j, W.igit . 3. 4. Section C & D. lli'll be corrected by estabrishmentof-another exit if Mr. John r'ria"ia."rii ttu nJc.ria"vVail authorities agree. If not, ii,un:'i shal.l modiiy"the existing exit 6r terminat" ,r"'-*itnin 45 dayi " frorn this date, lZ July 1917. Emergency l'ighting will_be provided within 30 daysfrom.today, 12.July t9tt. tne tighting wiil be itthe two exits (eiiher existinS or"newi] Think iou for your cooperation and courtesy in th.is matter, Sincerely, If there are any other applr'cable stat.utes or'of Vail, please conract rrems necessary to comply with anycodes currentiy in effect jn the iown nre at the Nu Gnu, 416-4465. \.4 n ,.1) ' f7ft,y //uttt.Yzt-'Larty J./Dirgo, Vice President, Nu-Gnu of Vail, Inc. Subscribcd ancl srvornof July, 1927, llly Coltntlssior c:r;:i:l: il:':.:::rit:r 30. l9i7 t o F o taz)c F z !H:fl!<ts1<:IF.> FF - < c (,(J;tiD < .. Y z t t-5c ZHiEFsx^oyfr42<iZi < a zd ^zzA)zl.'c4-l!.!.3!o<-<Q;,lZ:>;=i:1H5E;;<o- <69" {9-i' <c Q > *(/)<or=aa:<c<3'l E CC Yo|lt3 z J z F: t': F 6-(J IJJE z llJ F lrJ z a o F !C lu tcF J F F ul cc J tt J F F Fz uJ ilt E ! E Er ul o t9 z -oJ f, o =, =€t- NOIIVNlVA Yt 3 z tr E Lll J E u,zr! >(9(, \t!N z (J: 2 tr i6 9o =>-z*< u)o-of9 - r,i oF O Fz (.,) z 3 c L. 3 o rL='F*<Q.,P < :. y z t z-.t:1 .--Ht;85X^t)Yr.,42"i2i<oza =22^); o < E5!Ir.oa <)H2Z,.igi:r0 l: y:;<(.,-<FlgiEIt"<cO) -o<o:1 Bq |0 =<r < B,l F cc ul E v IJJI 2 J z F:<;9* do o (Jzl ur z uJF o F CE tr E E cc F J .J o lut t J z UJ =uJ J ! Er ul o E zr| oIf o -t lro =, =G't- INSPECTION RECORD (For Department Use Only) Phone 4'7 6-2310 advance notic€ rsquired tor inspections ,Cro*r rs ro BE posrED oN JoB SITE AND ACCESSIBLE TO INSPECTOR O REO. INSP. SPECIAL INSPECTOR APPROVAL DATE COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE o2 o fo SETBACK FOOTI NG FOOTING FOOTI NG FOOTI NG STEEL STEEL STEE L FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FBAME FOOFING ROOM VENTILATION FIREPLACES WALL COVERING IINTI FINAL oz F Itl APPLIANCE SYSTEM FINAL z 6 =fJo WATER SUPPLY & DIST. DRAIN & WASTE VENTING STANDPIPES AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM FINAL J (, EFout g,l SERVICE ENTRANCE ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH FINAL CORRECTION ORDER LEFT STOP ORDER ISSUED:RELEASED: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED REMARKS: NOTE: rxrs cABD ls ro HAVE BEEN BE RETURNED TO THE MADE TO AUTHORIZE BLDG. DEPT. AFTER ALL REOUIRED INSPECTIONS ISSUANCE OF CEBTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. PRII\ITING&GRAPIIICS //u 64u K-arutw, ,/,/ WU 77 4r;"'/C /+-t {ryffi- 0, Sdl7 44e OFFICE BOX 7AO . VAIL COLORADO ar6rt . a, Mulrl vail, colorado 8165? (303) 476.5613 lmn 0rtr, office of the town manager June 8, !977 REGISTERED MAIL NETURN NECEIPT BEQUESTED Mr. John McBride P.O, Box 1940 Aepen, Colorado 816lL Dear Mr. McBridel Following the recent night club disaster in Southgate, Kentucky, the Town sf Vail- Building Department is reviewing existing nlght club installations for safety compliance. Upon lnvestigation of the Nu Gnu night club located in your building on Lor E, Block 5, Vall Village First FlLing, the following conditions were notedi a) A One-Hour fire Resistive Occupancy Separation does not exist between the boiler room and the assembLy/exit spa.ces. (UBC, L973 Edition, Section 708) b) The exit doors are provided with a manually operated flush bolt which is specifically prohlbited by Section 3303(c) of the Uniform Building Code, L973 Edition. c) There is a step at the sill of the north exit door- It is not perrnitted to have greater than a one insh variation on elther side of this door. A landing must be provided on each side of the door as well. (UBC, 1973 Edition, Section 3303(h). d) The width of the North exit is not adequate due to the accumulation of equlpnent and trash. Ftrrthermore the exit direction is confused. upon discharging from the northern-most door in the north exit. These matters must be reetified and storage of flamible debris rnust not occur in these exits. Furthernore, the minimum width of an exit way (corridor or stairway) is 44 incbes and stairways must have handrails or each side. (UBC' 1973 Edition, Section 3302(b), Section 3304(b), Seqtion 3302(e)' Section 3312(b), Section 3305(b), & Section 33O5(i). ) ltill John McBride -2- UIP/jek cc: Vail Fire Department Larry Bider, Town AttorneY f .rune a, Lg77 Sineerely, OF TY DEVXLO 11iam F. Bu1ldiog O o k, e) Emergency lighting is not provided in accordance wlth Section b-10t1 of the Life Safety Code. Currently there is no emergency lighting in the space' The purpose . of tbe .r"ig*oly llehting is tq provide illuminates in the event t[at -etecilical power j-s interrupted to the space' The obvious beneflts of this system will not be elaborated on bere. our records do not show that a current certificate of occupancy had been issued for the Nu Gnu .f<l11owj-ng improvements con- ducted after the fire of early J.975. Our records indicate that a final inspection had not been approved following these improvements. Please contact me at your earliest couvenience to discuss these problems. I am available at theTorrn of vail Municipa'1 Building at 476-5613, \ ficiaL 104 : I - -'-tsi ! i I-- L '? /'1 i I '2 fi .J- "- lo'--,.+b I E- | | \-1nn' c.{ \ -1Ct? r N r - AIV\A Daruce FLooR 2?xr4 r'..i'.L r. :t l- ={-i-:- j l,*.l;{:-r\ :\ \3 4at lv ,, . l0'| - 9''t'€t -1 $52 nz -2lB fr2 ts3l]-Trz -308 ft2 Trfi6-nzl-2 -2to ft- ?miEu TOTAI, A]TB{ oIrEIClr AiiD ]toli,!!r licoi'fs us.AFlii AnEp, DAI\ICI fLOOn /l *Z per person KITOIIIIN ARFT = |.1l1 per.sons OFFICIi: SiFCIl,i:fi R00li KJTCT]IT{ DAI'ICit IrI,('0n . If,)Irl;Gi4 Airl,il =Le2 =L! = 168 TOTTI, C^^PACTT-f r,rolbr,n t), :1976 /lu 6n, USArll,E LCITNGF: LJf5 ftz = lBS persons o JA-g- OPLUMEITNG/MECHA|\ilCAL PEF|M|T TOWN OF VAIL DATE JoB NAME /// il frU A owNER Aaure/ ltr/o. rLtJAil ADDREss //4t L, C",./o coNrRAcroR frr &a.-zlr,Z S & u ,nouc ?4r!15trA USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: ! rrrew E aoorrroru ! neruooel -,EI *.ro,* DESCRIPTION OF WORK: LUMBING: NUMBER .?MECHANICAL: NUMBER ALUATION $VALUATION ERMIT FE PERMIT FEE E otsnppnoveo Lt,rl,s oarc ftb /Z;, /7b- fu"tPLUMElTNG/ MECHANTCAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMIT 2-ta - 7 t- E.g /.zoVavrzanJ 4l pHoNE ?iz^gzf 7 OF BUILDING:6-*.O oF WORK: E r,rew n aoorno"ffnerr,'ooel fl aEprrn oN oFWoRK: t1b-**.ra =h.zruruu-rc,, f,Stt r:. PIUMBf NG: NUMBER tr' r MECHANICAL: NUMEER vALUAnoN$@s7q.ftuoauo'o" $ REMARKS: X 1-€REMAHKS: ---<+--*.-.i\-/- ,/' I --/tl 2l '.*",rr.{ ( ' &U+/rr *,r rt__:-4 Lt-q-75' #725 APPROVED TOTAL FEES: $ I orsnppn o TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA FA,TIO EASEMENTS {fAffANCtr UNCOVERED DATE ,?*7 -'7 { {.t,.-- APPLICATION ACCEPTED PERMIT # I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT TIIE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE IO COIIIPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE lo7 74';;it TOWN OF EIIJILElIIVG! I|Att PEFIMIT 4U o Town of Vail ET,T:Cf,TTICAL PERMIT 108 $......-......-. N9 Job Name...... .. lU.a-. G.*t t*. Date of Application.-- ..Egle,u*eg.".....d-1.. ................-ts....25..-.--.-.... Electricalcontractor--.....Q-tt^1.-.....E-t-g.C.T.-e-/-c-t----tru.e.,-..... APPROVALS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 00 PIan Checker oate paia.... J .:. 2. !-. :..-./ -{. Received By 4i( r' THIS FORM IS TO .IOB STTE DURII{G Date BE POSTED ON col{STRUGTIOl{ ,47; /8 2,1 HOLJRS ADVAI\ICE NOTICE NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS E..b,"o.o.a. 8.... ....a-!..9-. ,Ob s.......... 4- !-.. 1-... $.... "...!{ //o llrrr rotrr I o il PLUMBINGI/MECHANIeAL PEFTM|T TOWN OF VAIL ot, rt^Lv/v\ E orsnppn 2-/a-7r RAcroR 4 , f* frZg /zoA=-nal 4s pHoNE 232^87f 7 OF BUILDING: /7-<-u844/7' 6'e''O ASS oF woRK: I r,rew E eoorrton ffnenltooel El neparn Rf PTfoN oF woRK: .,4Lro**rr. &.zrrur.4-4', {vl 16-?-7 PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArfoN$ffis78 Fuorror,o" * REMARKS: X 1.€REMARKS: --7?=:')/r-a nt,L 2t /rr^*r, r*__4 AAPPROVED 3/r.g o PLUMEilNG/MECHA!\ilCAL PEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL DATE JoBNAME /// f/ //ru u owNER Azne/ lilo. tt-unn) ADDREss //#r L, C"r,Lo "o*r^o"lo^frr F/g.rzlr,4 S Ttu u ,rone ?4rla53b OF BUILDING: oF woRK: ! rrrew ! noornon n nenaoorl Xl *rpo't RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER +t a-f MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION T rODO. AO VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMfT ,rr{ z7, do )PERMIT FEE t-/ E orsnppnoveo 1511 oor' rcb /Z\j / 74; , t:: i'uuspE$rclN RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I |r +*rr'*tl DATE TIME FIE'IUEsiT florxrn 44 ,-72 flpanrrnu LOCATION @ READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON't ,,:.11 -.* - ,- - GOMMENTS: 6*+t'ay{eo El4,or,,. D orsAPP RovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS )r :.: h'tl1SpEa*t FIEOUEST VAIL i,', TOWN OF flornen ! pnnrrau. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: FRITUE .AM PM Lr [4APPRovE D ! orsnppRovED n nEtNSPEcr D uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTlONS INSPECTOR AATE ''irvsr=.fio* TOWN OF FlEEUEST VAIL \ I, iDATE ,' r' ',"'.: JOBNAME ,- TIME RECEIVED '" AM PM CALLER I ornen n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE AM PM COMMENTS: U APPROVED E orseppRovED E nerNSPEcr ' n uPoN THE FoLLowrNc coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR I / TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEI D':, {.{] I ornen MON GOMMENTS: TUE ! pennau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM WAfiRovED fl upon rue COBRECTIONS fl orsappRovED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: fl nerNSPEcr I ).'/n cB4;J'4- ,1-r ,iilh 6 pzs. .rNseecGru TOWN OF HEEUEEiT VAlL.loare&Joe TIME RECEIVED.' .,:.ii AM PM E ornen E pnnrtel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION K nppRovED Ht I.hI UPON THE FOLLOW ! orsaeeRovED ING CORRECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR ) Jfl=Eg l'W TttEo '- : rNst=.fr* TOWN OF FIE(l|JEST VAIL E orntn MON COMMENTS: TUE I pennal LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ElnppBovED I otsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr n upon rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS lNSPECTOR I:fliji l;:ta'"X;;;;;'"' -. - { fii:ii6[ io.goo n"'totiti"" "1 \vhenar er a non'colrfotmr.ng ust I $bich does not coirform sith tbe I leeulalions lor !he dtstrrc! in which it I is locrled, or B non'conlormlrrE I strvctuYe o! stte improvcmenl wnrcn I -^^,!i'ndant. 1does noL currrurrd for setbackq. dislances bclw4'rl I tiilCine". hetvht.dcAsiiv c'rnlrolr. buildin; bulk contlol' ot site i coveraEe. 1t 6q5!t9ved bY fir€ or I .ti,.r .-"timir.v. b1- ac! of God' or hv i;#;"-fi;;;;;;'ti'lie c*r""i ot so i ;;; -"; or tess. the use mtY bc i ies,rrned or thc strJctule me.y qe i restoted. provided tha! restolalro! r8l I v v te The Vail Trail 53 commenced within 1 yea! and diligen!ly pulsued to complction. When deslruction exceed6 50 Par cent, o! the structure ot sil,e imptofeml-rrt is v(,Iunta!ily ts,zed o! remoyod b''- la.,r', the structure o! site improvement sh:rll not be resioled e*cept in full confornritr, reith th€ development standards prescrilted by this ordinatrce. Tbe exlent of damage o! patlid destructiorr shall be based upotr lhe ratio of the eslimaled cost of lestoration to the same condition as prior to such damage o! partial destruction. to Oie esaitnated cost of dupticarlng the entire struclure as it existed p.ior tbereto- EsLinretes ol cost tor this purpose shall be made o! reviewed by the l'ori'n l\tanager, shall be approved by the Tolr,'n Cguncllr and shall be b-aseil on the minimum coSt of construction in compliance wlib the Building code, ADMITiISTRATION Seciion 21-too Zoning AdDinistfa- tion 21.101. Appointment. The Town I\,[anage! s-trall appolnt a Zoning Adininisbato! who sh.ll administet add entorce this ordinance. Theposition . of Zoning Adrnlnisuator may b€ 'cornbined $ith anoih€r Pqsition of the l'o\t n. 21.102. Duties. Thc Zoning Adrfnls. trat'o! shall be r€sponsible fo! auch duiies as p:"scribed itt this ordinance. and shal! be responsible for entotce- mcnt of the zoniyrx tegu.lations. 'fhe Zoning Administtator and his depu- ties shall have the right to enter o|t rny site o! to enler any stmcture tor tbe purpose ol investigation or inspection related to any provision ol this oldinance, ploYided tbat the dght ot enlly rhall be c,tercised on-ly at reasonable bours rnd that in r.o case strall any structure be enter€d irt the abserice ot the olrne! c! tenant wlthou! the !r ril.ten order of r court ol competent jurisdictior!. The Zortin€ Adrrinistrator may se|e'l notice indicatirlg lhe naiure ol any '1 violat,iob. or requiring the rrrnovarl ol i any sltuaiure o! use in !'iolatlon ot ihis ordinance, on the o$ner o! his auihorir€d agent, or a re!1ant, o! on , atty otber Jrerson rvbo colttrlitr 6t participates ilr anv violation of this ordinenee. 1 he Zoning Adminisualor may call upon the Town Aitolney t+-\ Institule neces.sary la!!l proceedings to enforce the ploi'lsions of lhis ordiniDce, and the Town Altorncy hereby is authotized to lnstitutc applopr:ale actions lo that end. The Zoaing Adrrin:strato! may cdll upon the Clriif ot Police {nd his autholized r8ents to sssist !n the cnfotccrnent ol tlris ordinrncc. , MEMORANDUM TO: TERRELL J. MINGER . FR0M: DiANA S. T0UGHILL RE: DESTRUCTION OF NU GNU BY FIRE AND DETERI'IINATION OF PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL STRUCTURE DESTROYED Under Section 20.900 of the zoning ordinance, we must make a determinationif the Nu Gnu was more or less than 50% destroyed by fire. This section states "Whenever a non-conforming use which does not conform with the regula- tions for the djstrict in whjch it is located...is destroyed by fire or other calamjty...to the extent of 50 per cent or less, the use may be re- sumed or the structure may be restored,..When destruction exceeds 50 per cent, ...the structure or site improvement shail not be restored except in full conformity with the deve'l opment standards perescribed by this ordinance." The existing use is non-conforminq w'i th respect to required off-street park- ing. If a determination is made that there lvas more than 50 per cent destructjon, the Nu Gnu would be required to apply for a parking variance before a building perrrit could be issued for restorat'ion. Plans for the restoration have-been prepared and submitted by John Eden and a permit will be applied for as soon as possible. The zoning ordinance outlines the follou'ing procedures for makjng the determination of percentage of destruction "The extent of damage or partial destruction shall be based upon the ratio of tlE gqq![ated cost of restora- tion to the same condition as prjor To--o the estimated cost of duolicatinq the entire structure as it existed d bY Bob l'lilson of Mountain General Contractors for both the restoration of the Nu Gnu and replacement of the entjre l'lcBride Bui'l ding. The estimate ind'icates a destruc- tion ratio of approximately 5.6%. The zoning ordina4ce requires that the Town l,lanager review the cost estimate and that this review be approved by the Town Council. rrAtalI FBTiH neral contractors, inc. 476-2090 February 4, L975 Mr. DavLtl Mcllvain 413 Gore C:'eek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Mcllvain: ourestl.matedcosLtoreplacetheclockTowerBuildingatthecornerofGore creek DrLve and Br:idge street hail ir been totally denolished by fire or other causes would be $623,885'00. Ttre cost to reatore and remodel the NU GNU in the basement of the aforementioned buildlng wlthout fixtures and furniture is $34,900'00 SLncerelY, llountaln Pre s iden t General Coq.tractors r INC, PO. Box F Vail, Colorado 8i657 ; (303) Totryil 0t t|Att EIUILEIINGI PEFIMIT OATE OF A,PPLICATION MAIL ADDRESS NEW(} ALTERATION #DDITION ( } REPAIR( I USE OF BUf LDf NG (* )4rzztrs ' HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF LIVING UNITS WATER{ } FORCEDAIR{ ) ELEC UNITI I Lor (a' BLK --t FILING 1. TypE OF CONSTRUCT| ON I [t tV (6@ 2- OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E@G H I J gUILDING PE RMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS CLEAN UP OEPOSIT ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION (rcCUPANCY SEPARATION EASEMENTS TOTAL FLOOB ANEA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO VARIANCE I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE UNCOVERED APPLICA PEEMIT READ THIS APPLICATION AND gTATE THAT THE ABOVE tS COR&ECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY I I \l T0i FROM: RE: DATE: MEIOMNDUM TOI.'N COUNCIL PLANNING CO4MISSION COUNTRY FLAIR . PARKING EXEMPTION AUGUST 6, L974 At their meeting on F,r'rgust !, L974, the Planning Corunission i;iviJr"a a-requEst for-parking exglptign to convert an apartment ;;ii-6 conrner.cia't spacb for dOUnfny FLAIR in the McBride Building on Gore Creek Drive. In accordance with Section 14.800 (2), the Planning cornmission voted i-Zl-witf, i absention, to deny the exemption. The maior reason was i "tung" oi resid'entiil space to cormeriia'l space on the.2nd floor' if,e--coil*irtion feels thaL this type of change is not desirable. The irqument was made tfiai-ite ipace has been used as storage for at least ;'iil";d-tnJi-it *ii noi rbatly a residentjal to cormercial chanse. il. LAPIN/nnrn PBOOF STATts OF COLORADO OOI.JNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICAIION )) s8. ) do solemnly swear that I am the -tlJg . lbg. ol rHE vAIL TRAIL; that the srme is a weeHy newspaper pdnted, in whcie or In part and publirhed in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general cireulation therein; tltat said newspaper has been published continuously and uninternrptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that 6aid newryaper has been admitted to the United Ststes mtils rs second-class matter under the prcvision$ of the Act of Mrreh 3, 18?9, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspaper is a weetly newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notiees and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annored legal notice or advertisement wc published in the r€gular and entire ifsue of every number of said weekty newryaper for the period of I consecutive Insertions; and that the flnt pubication of said notice was in tfie issue of said nerspaper aatca {$"Y tL l.D. 19?4 and tbat the tast 'publication ol said notice wrs in the issue of said newspaper dated slrlUY t1.- r.D.lellL In witness whereof I JrloV bave hertuntornto set my A.D.le?t- Subccribed and sworn to belore me, a notary public in and for the State of Colorado, t16 d J-'' aay of r) I ,,1 '-).) ?v Mycommbaion le:rrxrc 77'Id- t 6 telf ) , ''t DATE OF 14EMBERS SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: DESIGN REVIEI,I BOARD MEITII'|G: August 8, 1974 PRES ENT:Ruoff, Bil I Abbott, Dudley Hanlon, Bill Parker, Lou Sage, Dave removal of window and Dave Gorsuch ; SECONDED BY Hanlon APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: COUNTRY FLAIR with sta'irway AGAINST: Appl i cant Dave Gorsuch ).i August 19,1974 l{r. Rod Sltfer , 'Sllfer & CqaFrny',,.. P.0. Box l?4tl: lrtl, Colorudo ' 86: Appllcatlon for parklng Curntry Flalr Dcar Rnl: Pleaso conElder thls verslon of drnlllng vrrlrncc/exe$ptlon as a v$lanca/ucnptlon pvolt for tlre subicct con- space to cmaerclal space for thc ptroposed Calntry . . Etth.r |lr. lk8rlde or llir, Gorsuch rlll hava to slgn tha agreenent to Frc*t thr om addltlonal spaca In the-Pr*lrrg Stnrhtr€. Plalm hevr orn of then check rlth ma at tbclr aerllest cgnver*cnce to gct these Yqm tnrly, ogprnurrr 0F colf{uilrrY DEt,EtoP}rEilr .' . [Xmn S. Toughlll Zanfm Admialgtrqtor dt Jo+eJ+s I u lrupy Ou 1uo7 111q6no1 ,S eucl0 , I IBA lo uitrol eq+ Jo't t I-sueJ{ oQ 1;1r s6utput} putr uolsslururo3 6 oJoleq pJeoq oq lltri $ocuelJ€^ plES '6u u l 'ul'd OO:f +B tl 6l ' ; .te n6ny uo e3ueu ual+cas q+ltl efuepJo3se ul plsq aq I 'ltvA Jo Nitol sunoc ur^ol er{+ o+ p9++lul uluuEld llPl lo ufrot eq+pltng ledlctunn t teA cq+pJo 6u luoz or{+ }o ggt. I Z 1n 6ulJBeq c11qnd y .lleA 4e eEpol geugEtJo sq+ o+ peqoe++E eqptngr 0ut0t1nq pesodo.rd plcg '€Jn+"nJ+s 6ulul.roluoauou ApseJle ueo1 6utpllnq e6elole puo rlscJ+ e ,to uol+lpps oq+ rolle o+ JEpJo ul(gl6l lo solJes) 8'oN e3u8ulpJ0 jo 906'8 uol+ros q+la pJosre ulesuclJe^ foJ+uoo 11nq 6ulpllnq e rol pel ldde seq ,se11:edol6 o6po1 6ulntueselde.r lepng +Jeqou'Jta +eq+ N3ilO lelU3H Sl lClIOil cprJso!{ e{r+ ur perEeor 6r +tun a,{;onl::r:?:'lr;i:3r:"r3;'3jl:: lElcreuuoc o+ ps+J6^uo3 oq ol +lun +u6ut+Jede ue ilolle o+ JepJs u!(r.L6l lo selres) B.oN esueulpJ0 to l0g'tl uol+3ss r1+tA pJocreul u.ollduexe Jo e3uEllen 6ullled E Jol pegldde sEq .€p l.,tglt4 uqof 6ul.f uese.rdel re1 I lS '3 Aeepog 'Jl'{ +eq+ NlAlg AS3U3H Sl lClfON 9NlUY3H 3llgnd lO tCtloN 9L6l'6 Alnf lo t,' APPI ICAT I ON FOR VAIiIANCE And/Or CONO IT IONAL USE PERMIT Ordloance No. I (Series of 1975) Appllcation Dafe ?"q-7/Fubllcailon lloarins oate A*'/L | , t f 7f *reartns Fee F1n61 Decision date .f or Town Councll | (we) Country Flair (Appl icant) tt-: rtd I I(Stale) (Cl ty) do hereby request perm.lsslon to appdar.bgtore the Val Commlssion to request th€ folloving: '(X ) Variance from Article_, Sectlon( ) Zonino Chanqe lrom to t X. ), Pa.kJ ig Va riance(.' ) Cdnditional Use Permit to allow fgllowr4g described property: Iotltract.Cr --d-1 €, Number.-.'..r._*__V_Ei"!*.Il_l_lf Se_Fjfs_t_tLlfu S..__._ 'state, purpose"and 'i nt'ent d{ th'i3 appllcatlon o1 Gore Creel_Ulve__..._ (Addross) Colorado p1.,"n"476-2294 I P I ann i ng t;t..Zone. For the Fl.llng C lea r I y 9l o:t 5 l.lhat do you {eel ls the basis for hardship in this caee? .-. Srsrcrq Rnvril,l ryAEP DArE or MIlErrNG, $fT .f, t+, \11'l r'-) MEMBERS PRESENT , H:<J<,EK -' ' ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: APPROVED: DISAPPROVUD:-- SUIIITIARY: fmiTffitr or ttrc u<fr-ru f'2 MorroN: 64ernR- ABSTENTION: --) SECONDED ,",u6, AGAINST: F F c c z o FT z n j!lHa ,43o2rl D < t. : z F!FF<o H;Hil5x^s!,',47." i>j < o zd ^22^)zY - e)!F,F.Oo!,<Q<ordz;>ii:^:mi;y;E<r <r't9a.lI lf,'<ta) -o<oi'!lqt<I <;A F t I 2 -) z ;1 Fo llJ z F z tr t! JIL UJ cc F JJ ll. E L =r=HlroO =,2 =ql-- f o NOIVnlVA 2ct9 z E9g :)JcrO 9s;> :z =< >o I [l )zE 3 z F tr luz IJJ U:INMO ao !. z z- F z(, !H:E'<Fg<: EF:FF -<o(,oio f < :. Y z FI:F <14F?r't 4r'-rrial! n::?g:'<lzE =zz;A:9<E5IFLoAa<a<lJt't2: "i5iic!:: y:3?5'?fi9,'{9 - i ,. < d Q> -(a<c*-rrJtr;=<l(<;,1 F =lc ul J E t!I z J 2 <u - (-) o tuE uJ (Jzl uJF qJ z cc Fz IJJ UJ UJ F ql cc c )tt uJ tc F J F ut oo J F F 6 a ! 5I- =tr= lrl-olroO =,2 =qE.l l E E- I\r >(9(t \E'Y zo9 2 F(J o.ABqa :z:< o.o>o ;N 3tt 2o F t uJ J lll o a Donjd E. Borker fiorald E. Qinker R RussellSaocot Mtery D Frcrcis MtchoelB \ulypt^rtu Roz Schneider 6 September 1978 Re: McBride Rerpvofion -Voil Poiect I\b. 7815.1 Mork Morkus Voil Municipol Building Building Deporlment Voil, Colorodo 81657 Deor Mqrk: Regording our discussion in your office on 7 September obout the rerpvofbn of ihe Clock Tower Building firr John McBride, I uould like lo restote our oonclusions. We decided thof o one-hour lobeled door with on oulomotic closing device on o fusible link will be odequote for the bridge connectionon fhe second floor between the iraro buildings. |.b odditionol sfoirs for exits will be rcquired. Woll onstruction of this connection will be rored I hour. Both exits will hove illuminoted exit lights on ctn emergenry circuit. These ore the issues we discr.rsed ond fhe onclusions we reoched. lf there ore ony qr.nstions or misundersiondings, pleose feel free to coll. Borker Rinker Seocot ARCHITECTS, INC \.r t' 0-Lil/ l- I \r' Dsvid S. Hommel DSH;r cc: John P. McBride ' tv "\./ a frl ' '', ,ut t'-'- Ir-- ',n'- i 177C Bloke 3C3/825-8123 T0tTil 0f BUILElINGi YA II PEFIMIT DATE OF APPLICATION MAIL ADDFESS NEW{IALTERATIONI''ADDITIQAT( I REPAIR ( I USE OF BUILOING SO. FT. OF BLDG.OFF ST. PARKING OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS AIR( } ELEC () UNIT( I LOT (/, BLK:) FI LING 1. rypE oFcoNsrRucrroN I n rr ,u @@ 2. occuPANcY GRouP a B c D e@c x r .l Df vf sroN 1(213 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIR E SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSUFE DEscRlqlQN oF woRK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EA,SEMENTS UNCOVEBEO VARIANCE APPLICATION ee nrurr # I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE TITAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WTTH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION,t6 Town of Yail Brr:cfRICAL PERMIT N9 239 Erectrical contractor....- ;1r4-2..s {7c.X**--a.....-......--.. A"PPROVALS ru*6,/ilG THIS FORIUI TO BE POSTED OT{ .'OB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTIOT{ 24 HOTJRS ADVANCE NOTICE REQI,JIRED FOR INSPECIIONS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee -)-.&$-J.Q..:......... $-26-' .:?-,. rrr c. .. Iorc{at lo., 0rrivEr lr..5z TO|T}I OF BUILEIING; vA tt PEFIMIT o EXITS REO. JOB DATE OF APPLICATION NEW() ALTEBATION D{ ADDITIONI IREPAIB( } HEIGHT IN FT,OFF ST. PARKING OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER( I FORCED AIR ( IELEC( } UNIT LoreBLK-FrLrNG INT. WALLS 1. TYPE oF coNsrRucrroN I r n6 v @ue 2. occuPANcY GRouP ABcDe@e xr.r orvrsf oN 1/2 )3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FE ES FI RE SPRINKLEBS ELECTRICAL SMOKEPROOF €NCLOSURE ENERAL OESCFIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION EASEMENTS TOTAL FLOOB AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO UNCOVERED VARIANCE APPLICATION PERMIT 7i & T HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE ,M Vail Fire Department lom P. O. Box 100 vAtL, coLoRADo81657 476-2200 476-5613 Ext.223 Date served: CORRECTION NOTICE Date ot original inspection: Building address: Time served: Building name: Building owner: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNrFoBM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) VTOLATTONS rl tr NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS D tr OTHER SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ACTION REOUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:A.M./P.M. Date: FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN FURThIER ACTION UNDER THE PROV]SONS OF THE U.F.C. 1973 EDITION COPY TO: tr VAIL BLDG. DEPT.VAIL POLICE DEPT, PUBLIC SERVICE tr PUBLIC WORKS tr HEALTH INSP. tr WATER & SAN. DEPT, tr IJ BUILDING OWNER/MANAG ER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER: lSignalwe) (Signaturc) lmn P. O. Box 100 vArL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail Fire Department CORRECTION NOTICE Date of original inspection: Building address: Time served: 476-2200 476-5613 Ext.223 Date served: Building name: Building owner: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: C] UNIFORM FIRE CODE (U.F.C.) VIOLATIONS tr CI NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS tr tr OTHER SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: i. 'i.":,"i l. "l iii{. . ACTION REOUIBED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: ,, i-: CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY: FAILUBE TO COi'PLY WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTION UNOER THE PROVISONS OF THE U.F.C. 1973 EDITION A'.rtii.lp.rrrr. Date: COPY TO: Td VIII- BLDG. DEPT. tr WATER & SAN, DEPT. O VAIL POLICE DEPT. tr ,, PUBLIC SERVICE tr PUBLIC WORKS tr HEALTH INSP. r.. t!,-':.ri lr-r :, j: r I, t rli "( . BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIFE DEPARTMENT OFFICER: (SEnatuft) ..; l, .i (Signature) :. - ' lro trhLry/varl s+ )iF z > dF Y 2',- ,., z6 q?9d Fv x zec zE < E5 a;zrd ^ol')< c {d o n=re =<<;r'1 a F 3 F F z z F l. F l- qr oOz IJJ z s ? z IJJ E uJ t ul F ul o J lt ll,/ F J F F !J cc .E E J F F !.t =r=H o z -o Jl E lte =,-ot- a a ( t - -t\ uJ Fx ur (,,z II ulo F z F lt 2 Fo o rlj f 2 ul J F E UJ z o lllul Y ul z <{ J o- J I Foul ul l- CE all -z tr z tr utFJ =Itlz (Jz oJ l t0 ul F z gJ oruo lt ul oz F o UI Eoz F o uJ Joz U,J tt llJY Eth z F G ut IJJ 2 tr c !J 2 t J J E 2 o |lJ lJ- 6 uJ o- U' UJJ Y2 IJJ ) llJ E E F ; o o ; uJ ll. z :z zt 3 z NOITVNIVA \! \ VJ cc- Is >(9.t \t!N z <.1 9 z Fgc 9o=>:z:< >O ; c.i I v uJz N art o3 tl. z F ql |llz l,lJ ltl tc o =: UJ J E \\ == I Y' J c0 \|, F z tr = F o t447rdht ,?lckt ur6d Eprco R^crggtl[l-' llEvwED .\.\^A,' p(lnESClNr UGHtrr{G EElfi6 RrilouEEi.. (au- uarmirc pr-uqgeb rt\fTb HlSftrtc llrAl|so*c]3) -F- l{strArtATtoNr$ $t ${ tn,i $ @rtntr{ Fili\i f;F fiININ'M GOR.euC!{ uD EAS.r END OF BT.IIIDI (r<arx uro ) l-16 <- l9'+ { I I I I I WEl+ Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. o BUILDING Jurisdiction of. ON ftF K.\ | ^)^vld M.o. / cAsH r-/1 I WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR t! , l\'l {l \ \ d N l\(r F (/! infl ; \ IN s \R 0t\t a\ $ Y /il€ Bnd< B+r/d"tq, , Go"c Cr--k 2tr)2. lflsec rrrecrlo sr:et1 2 Wn fVe Brtd<-, LICENSE NO.3 gEttr (6arsuc/)aor r9O y'eil 4?6- ts4, ITECT OR DESIGNEF a r.tcENsE fto. SE/F (Aarrt'cA MAIL AODRESS PI{ONE LICENSE NO.5 /16rya. MAI L ADDRESS BiANCH6 rr/4 t slaea I Class of work: DS.N EW ADDITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIB tr MOVE N REMOVE g Describe wofkt stbr,4da/'l'b'2, /rorf of /olar-q rfexr To sh'b re 4p( /aue12 &eond4-oo- 7/Q- 4/&&.d ,rt.#/ . 10 Changeofusefrom @?ent)V 4 {6.ap Change of use to :SZfuee I tudau/ t1 Valuationof woru,$V( O Oze SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ol Bldg, (Total) Sq. Ft. No. of _/\ _* Dwelling Units NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OB CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THtSTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A FERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANV OTH€R STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. u&!\'' FIRE OEPT. Form 100.1 9-69 REOhDER IROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF gUILOINC OFFICIALS ' 50 50. LOs RObLES ' PASAOENA, CALIFOFNIA 9IlOI . -AL srtlss axr ,O..***=, _ STAIR TR.EAD <1T'FNifu6"TO EE 5€ALED, WlllDO,r,.rO coNtrrrm r$trh Grrsilai6 tuutu}og: oFFN wO<< gN slr{ RS -rc 8€'. flRcNTr z4'CeDRe F:ldtsr{ 5/gr'.3{E6i- RCC|< I'r\f\iuD (rUf Fr.lcE. dt= 5l-g;r[ilee -lo b"* FLUsH t^rlrH Ra (zl{T- v=A(E dt= (3(JrtDllY{; tx,Fi-thl(l c€tLtN6 E ND t=a Ntljr{Ei D SActtE Ag 9i Df F-ir!+ED ;aoctr (Tc ?t<ccr;DE. TRASet r\tvD S'\F6ry) STTJE u;i+h /f struernoa< lN llfiio ouT Y 74' CEDAR Plyt^ooDftruts* To €our.c hlYl -tb Burr.ora&. Pitc'tt r.o I N{.r"(5b i3q Eg is-i-trrri w Jltl /{r iaP c+ srAiR5 GORSUCiT LTjf srarrR-trlELL lNCLoSuie€ (sneaoe*ean) Y#,{f, tt" A I i9 litt I Y * 4VF. Eo. ll " - ALL STrJ$9 oto - srrylR TREAD sEALED, \\ ttu ceruf,ER.S. OPFNir.r6'TO eE Wl(xDO'd To @.iFfrtvr Urlt'h 6tgifrl(r turulotr:g FrlcE c:'F SfRucn-ree .io be FtUsH t^rurlt ob-N wo<< cN gIA/ Rs Ya BE'. FRctrrTi Y+' cevne Fldts|{ V8'glEFr RerK n.( /\ND C.Jf eaal+T tihcE 6F O$rLbtt..(6 ,a \'{ ru( . -., /.\ ! \',, ' .' l,t l -'\ .,' F(|tn-lr.t6 c€tLtN6 END irlt-rl€r+6iD 5AFTX A9 9rg16 PITCHED RCCF(fc Pes-ccriDE. TRAslr AND fi+Ft=i-y) sruu uri+h {6"*+aer-rco< IN ANO OUT*l 11; cED{ R PtYtsoag trrrurs* To €oulchm +0 Bureorr&. Fttct" Ei> lN[-l{jsuRq Efl isrlf,ia1 Wf-rll- if -i?P cf srArRt GORSUC|{ LilD A Ip igv, I v r l{,'j 5P<1r Q.-I-{ELL tt\tcLosrJR€r(rnene enera) tsl E{z I Hz3 rd E t z 9HIEd;:si: - i P g)9 l.E-AC<---921.TE:<9 nfisRBqEsEE Ei:Ego<o<oElz: EdEFe !E:iHA)-o<oH3tslaE<E<t-r $s :+F F E ul zotr9 6t-d6o.u o ul ul (Jz u,l()z -<G IDFz uJ EulIA ul o F G ltl G o Jtt |lt E FoJ FI ul EooJtt J FoF t Ec ul B uz I EJ If tr -l t*e - -o lF J j ( ,a o =Y 'G F. aatttt o =o oJ F aat!t! F E ul4 C'z o a oul uJtt Y() gJI 2 J G-4 IJJE zo F 6o d zo t- tlltFJ t!tz IL z F !J atEulJvz EGo BIll u. a, uJ F at>tt z v,F z z tto dz (,z oJ fo t! glo s zo .2 o E-t =-I>(, ,@ tr,l o -6 zo F:=d,6FC92|J =>xo:z:< uJfa.U>oFO -ri E. tlt!o.s {f tcq DN vf t\\} H z Ir - .t!TrF-:r E. 3ulsgt-/ t- w-s$.E2uko7, + I.L FE3i;{O -o set1 #3fr; .? fit: 7iu4 HEh'- 6:h-ao e l+90E:]aei8S \tA?db$-ilagP e! :{g &* fr}fr\rd 9utu5FE 0r2) 0' 0, Ij i.l I i I I I 1 I i I I 1 t d!la4 dl't' .tNt-'llvH H 2 v o ( g Ig'$ AtlE a{- -ill- _ul.t Hts.;l a ?Be \. _, 1 c _ ra.d I pio .?+lr:-,;Gt.r'.- --t | ;t rr st ,1 ll| 6" a'a gil .o u o b 3ll i. -T- ?1 i 2 ,".9. 8^ll . --t I d ry sr . _-ll. | 6: d"e gil3ll . i '-?t e'-Ae- olllu ar< ollItlll i I AE': ' -"--" j -:l Ai2-i;>l- >) _, l{ tr.l I vl 'i p 4r1VJ*ov :( ,-l{9, g$ Fl '.rrirS H$r$ HE4? sQUIZHt-a t\/Zg.Z t*t<iz 'lOo'P , I Building address Narne }PPLICATION FOR BUILDINC PE THE TOWN Ol. VAIL licant fill in this section onl LfD Date of Application "f,-/ - ( f New :{ame Address City Tel. No. t RMIT BUILDING INFORM.A TION A ddition Alteration !.2/ Repairs_ Type of accuparrcyJ&&Jgg -A rea of Lot BUILDING DIMENSTONS 1dI A ddres s Total floor area (sq ft)- No. of stories _Ht. No. bathe c los ets No. of Farniliee _ ESTIMATED COST ,/ oF coNsrRucrroN-}1c3 (Materiale & I"abor) City Tel. No. Nc. of roorns No. of waterName Address Clty t a. Li€r Lv TeL. No. V4A.-rvzs' Subdivision Circle correct classif ication l. Type of construction I, lI, ilI, IV, V Z, Occupancy group D, E, F, G, cv A, E, C, ll, r, J g. tUodo() d F fit H 6c o xo .t 5(, (J o o o tn|) t{ 0)u o Ic(t{t () tro +)o,t IA Eou g o (J (t)oo tr (tg tt{ +t'c aog nlI a)o o. r0F rd C)a oto H lr tup. 0)+rd A &'u tu Fo (llu rt'i 0: d {+ {) c) l.{|. q, o c,o E o da s' trdil o fit ohp,c fi'd 0" o +rp" q) oo & INSPECTION (for Departrnental APPROVA L RECORD use only) COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATUREINSPECTION FOUNDATIONS oI.t P'' (l {rt tr € d hkr! Fo!t ut,a q) lip, g) c tl l{ C) .x ulo Edg it) intr .Es.l. rr:o(,+rU,(0rd>tr0).Et q +lE!, Q) 0) (n() d 0,li IG t{oo tr a o, o) {o l')-..sift(!O €+'latrio.P bo +l .E 'F NFtrHtd O+ra: 'E FrO hpho) nd-'g3E' It3aH'3<+fJ, z Fu IllAqzH uzHa l-l p gl (l) lr .1,d trb0 CO [, fil A FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FINAL ROUGH FINAL ROUGH FINA L a-/ l-/e Date d- H s6P Perrnission is hereby et"rrtua O4t E 6e r s14C-h as le..rse,c-t" */h" o,nJ *'*" l" I sto ry BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Pe rrnit DtrA r(n.,rr.* 6o-**A l{{, In accordance with the C ornrnitte e, s ubj e ct to Protective Covenants. provisions set forth by the VaiI the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 Group A rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniform Building Code. Jal Type of C onstruction Contractor Vail Building Inspector A pproved INSPECTICN RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION FOUNDATIONS .\ PPROV.A L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN,^TURE FRr' MING ut € r.t I.INA L ROUGH(J o FIN/ L ROUGH UD; F 0,FIN/1 L ROUGH o0 -*t d C) o : FINT L I, (NttbPACt Ar 3 U/sf//Vq COruM,4/5 /" 1:O pr) 445 I ROBTRI H. VOITAND . CONSULIINO ENGINETR 5/DE --'?I .l 2- 2? &fr*t ztL- /a,ctr igYg ID KIIEE TO IWEEEACT XIEEICEw /5- 6, ,/sr.o Joll x6\ s \. F-ltto al//t zJ ru.4'kl mn 70 htql€H " ErEnAlQ ll1UJ 1{ &IJ -'-. | - _EIET gH M.. 7€I/571 cot. cAP A\1[|/O/Y ( t r- SKwD Fla \ lY-€r/sr 2,6i |-\ :9€x75E(x/2 tlx e /4"4!t" \f 1-"&JJ.al-'3"^\ 'tIr ie r o!Sl,,{ltt \ 2 KilEEEKE M.5., A1E:[eACt 45. -\-_.__ -;-'/ / Y'i / .,i'{//V-Y 41, ',/ :lft-firctrs tx *;i f art c,o \ \-; 1\l"rzzi- 1-- \ lc) ,&,1C8 A55gil6lr A.J. 4 85. /5- dx/2t14 , M/|ER AA/D0 JOll/fJ A'UD CtR/ /D Jl'l@/7/ { ll dat . r:-s pHoflE {!or) 317t.!!!a P.o. Box l€a YA|L, COLORAOO 6ttt7 Y SUBJECT R€) : , ,NEASAGC \S; , addC ,\()..,s,Qgs6'"\q*, ,\:' 12:$ llgon=. be'. 'l-F€ ': ]..bir:i]...]:'.].'].] ::i::,. <ie-nf'c& *n Rrdif;rmo 43 472 SENO PARTS I AND 3 WITH CARBON INTACT. PART 3 WITI 8E REIURNED WIIH REPI.Y. FPPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE :3::.TN OF VAIL licant fill in this section onl Building address Date of A pplication Addres City Tel. No. Narne Address City Tel. No. Name Block Subdivision ( Circle correct clas sification) l. Type of construction I, II, III, IV, V Z. Occupancy group ILDING INFORMT TION A ddition A Iteration Repairs Type of occupancy New -A rea of Lot BUILDING DIMENSIONSf FEI Di(T c, D, E, F, G, J Total floor area (sq ft) No. of stories Ht. IJd 1.. +J a r0 t)uoh1DtiA Add.res2_84_!p_city ?j Lt " tu rer. No.l4f 2{1? Lot INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departmental use only) APPROVA L Nc. of rooms No. baths No. of water liiEi" No. of Families -- ESTTMATED COST 'lOF CONSTRUCTION (Materials COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE >. U trd ou o rdo r+{ k o) O h I FI rd {) {J tro () H 6dou c'o +,(J ()p o E .Uq h tit ).1 d tr. (, q) a. GI Fr 'lC a) o vt ELop. 0)+,dA xo o) u q sg, CIu t d Ft 4 0)o t: Fl 11,p. .t{o Cino E q) d c) q, d F.t o tt li rl 4 g r! A +ra 0, t) d, d otro cJ l,lo UI F iu H ,J{r)g$ Ft -tug 86 Hd ilB49 "dnU,l E6z&Z V1<i a 'lOp,9 : INSPECTION FOUNDATIONS 'boo.?*& Uabor) +rp, (, u o +J g H ct A d tr{ ho d ht. ntl] ll)l{r|. o o ! |.! t'Et ;i .; u)drd> ;d, o.tac tu vt (3 0) d c),{ d lro at p g,k U) bo o Illc:1 .,{.; fit uitrvdO €.r-,trturd {) bo +ltr'F trFcnd O+r h o'k,39 -1 d*"!sohcto".E r.{ .'! €r.r ag -.1at'i<5.cl zo Fi() HAr/)z oz rl gl o)tl +rd DO TD 0)+, rd F{ FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FIN.P, L ROUGH FINAL ROUGH:Fitu FINF L