HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT C D E CLOCK TOWER BUILDING AKA MCBRIDE GORSUCH BUILDING PERMITS LEGAL/o/ b, B/fs V: VI//,FE 1*TOT'INi OF VAIL 75 S.. FROITTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 APPLICAI{T COtf|RAETOR OWNER DEPARN4MCT OF COI4MIINITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL Tfl4ES PTIJMBING PERMIT PETMiT #: P99-0031- rfob Address: 253 E GORE CREEK DR SLatus..Locarion. . .: 263 E GORE CRK (ORE HOUSEAppIied. Parcel No-.: 2lOL-082-29-003 rssued- -Project, No.: 8x;lires. DEVELOPMEMr C't-o.,-:}f ISSUED os / 06 /Le99 0s/L0 /L999tt/06/L999 DescripEion: RE-DO KITCIIEN GAS PIPING JERRY SIBLEY PLI]MBING P O BOX 340, MT}{:TURN CO 81645 JERRY SIBIJEY PLUT,IBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81545 GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE .'OHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIIJ CO 8L657 phone: 303 -827-5736 Phone: 303-827-5736 L,275.00 Pl!&bing-----> Plan ch6ck--- > Inv3rbigation> will call -- -- > 30.00 7 .50 .00 3.00 tr*+.ttr'rr***'rr*r*r* FEE EtDll'u\Ly *r*rr *i* Rcstuarattt Platt R6wi6t --> .oo Total CalculaCod F666---> ,[0.50 TOTII, FEB:I----- ,[o-Eo Additional Pees---------> .oo {0 .50 {0.s0 Valuation: Total Pardi.c Fca--------> Pa)rlentE----_-_ BAIAIYCB DI'E. - - - rrr**att!r*trttrtt!Jrtatrrrr'a.r'.r*rrrr*rrir**rrrttttittttrrrt.rrr r**t*rt*t*rrtrt rLCM: O51OO BUTLDING DEPARI14ENT DENI,: BUILDING DiViSiON:O5/O5/L999 JRM ACTj-ON: APPR APPROVED ,]R}4RIEbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepT: FIRE Divisionl05/06/1999 iIRM Act,ion: APPR N/A r*rrrrrtrttrrairrrirti*i*+r.****'rr**rrrf *rrtri*i*r***rr***+*r* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEETTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT.ICE. irttri*tlittr.ittrt,r***i***rrr* lJt*itrttJttrrt', DECLARATIONS I h.!aL,!' 4cknosledgre that I hav6 rcad thi6 apptication, filled out in ful1 the inforraacion requircd, coupleted an accurat. PloE plan, and 6tat6 that alt lhr inforltt.lon providcd as reqqirrd 1r correct. r agrec to comply lrith th€ infotnacion and plob plan, bo codply with all Torn ordinanc.E and shate lars, and to build tlris et.lucture accoldinE Co lhc To!.n'6 zoning and Fubdivj.slon cod66, dcBlgn r.1rier. approv.d, tntf,om Building cod€ and otsh.r ordinanceF oll-lhe Town appficablc hhcreto. REQUB''TS POR IM;PECTTOTiE SHALI, BE MADE TI{EI,TTY. FOUR HOI]RS IN A.DVA.TiICB BY S:00 l}l 5100 PMLT {79 - 21 SIGIBTI'RE OF OIII{ER OR CONTRA(TOR ltn4sE!F PE P..\i1 T iI SUBDIT'ISIO}I: General" De scrj.ption: BUTLDING: .$X) ;H;iii:il; i-_->"F ---7--s--% {fi rgfii * x * * x * **-t x**** * * * t' EenereL Contractor: 'rg,ru:;:;;i.;;;i::I:*******,r*** coNrRAmoR rNFoR}lArroN \Jr'flt,l(: + TOTAL: f ** * * ** ** xx * * * ** i. *)tr ** *.i * rr rf * *Addres3: Fl onl-r i n-1 /rnx.l.--4vqr_ \,!rrrL!a.CtOf :Ar.dress : Town of Va j.l Req. No.Phone ).lumbe.r: To;;n of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Nunber: Plumbing Address: Hecha:rica1 Addres s: Coniractor.: h\ *****t **:rr********x***r.*x***z***+ BUILD] NG PER},TIT I.EE: PLTIJ'IE NG PXR],IIT FEE; 1'II. JiIAI ICAI-, PERHIT FEE: ELJCTITCAL FEE: OTJIER IYPE OF FEE: GROUI iv..r'I . Corunents : * l;H."i,5]1,*_&d!r#41 Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone l.lunber: . OFFf CE USE .r -; * * * * * * x * x * * * *'r>; >r :" * x *z; * * * ;r r< x * *BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PIU]'IBING P],}J,I CHECI( -Fi';MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: - RECREATIoN F.EE: ----'-- CIJAN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATTJR-E: ZONING; STGNAT"dP€: '.-----rr:.'--- 1 {.rfkrcen{y rr.:i..n-'iJ r I -*n"=lJun-ber of D,,reILiig' Units:. ___. _ Nu_nber of Acconrmodation Units:llpnber and Tvne of Fireplaces: cas Appliances\f , ... . . .. .. . __r"*qess. r Gas Logs_ i,roocl/pellet_-- lqx x * x x * * * x * )t * * * )t * * * * * * * * 't * * * * x * * r* * vALUATToNg * * * * f; * f< * * * * .* * * * * * .l * * * .; * * * * * * * * x * * VALUATION Ti r;'i l t.-T) a-n.i.:iiir':]i'il? It;P0SIT lnw n nf 75 south fronla gc road vall, colorr do 816S7 (3o3) 1t79-2t38 or tr79_2139 Ftr.|]!I . ootr, SUBJECT: o lllce ol communlly clevelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I.IITH THE:ro;,h{ oF VAIL Totn.i oF VAIL puBLIc \.toRKs/coi.!.rut{ITy DE\rELOpi.lEilr l.L\Rci{ 16, 1988 CONSTRUC TIOiq PARKING & I"T\TERTAL STOF..GEIn sununary, ordinance No. 6 states !!.it i!,is unlawful_ foli anype)-son to r-itter, track "r aJp"=it. any soil, =o.1,, sand,, clebris;:, m:;'+lii"illt"ai_ne tiasn-Iiip=t.f;, -;;;[.ii] ."ir..s e nd li' F=;:"liI-ffi .!li'.i!I"iii""li."ii!;li:i; jl;:";i,ili:ii-", rh : orainancJ ;tii'$l l;.i:fir:'':l?;::Iu""l.;;i" po,,umunt. -- pu)_,ric . r.rorks o.oarir,,entl -^pJr"i";,,;;;;;""i:.:iir;.[irlt"Xiilor,"u vilr be griven a 24 hour .".i;i;;"notice t"-r"iii" saicr r.ateriar.In the event the person so notifiecl .ao..-rli,'Iilpry r+ith thenotice rvithin the 24 hour tine lpecified, the publrc .r.rorksDepartment vriLl rehove said :r,ate:i:l.it the e.xpense oi perscnnotified' The nrovision=-"r- tii= -ordrnance shalr not beapplicabr_e to ctnstructi"n,-^.iil:11":. or repair projects ofany strc:t or a11ey or "ny'r,rfiii.r.=. rn. the right_a_.,ra1,.. io revievr.,orclinarrce No.. O in fu1l, p)-ease stop by tn" foan.ofXl; ;"?liili':""iHi:.Xl:"::""iii,n a copy. rhanl, you ror your 'ill ed os ti<;n/io Proj -E ( i . e. contracior, o..lner) 75 3oulh tronlagc tord vc ll, colo rodo 81657(3r3) 479-2138 or rt?g_2t3g o lllce ol cornrnunity developmelrl If thrls permi.t reour'res a Tor./n of vajr Fire Department Approval ,Ensineel''s (.Pub1ii 'ortrsj f;;;"y'onlIJpprouui,ri'pj'.-i.',,'Inf"irp.rtr, ntrevier'r or Herr rn o.p3flTint i;;ie;,':unrr'u ruuiu" tv-tiiJ"trit.tins Sioi[l?!',1;.,i!l "r t'*o ted t jme i"f ' u-t.t"r' ;;;;;,,"il.;,,iuii.,,, i on! A'll commercii:l '('1ur::^:l -:Til]) and a.lt rn,rtti_far,rj.ly permits r.ri.t.lhave to fo'i l.r the .rbovc.rnentioneJ-rlrr"r, requrrements. Res.identiarand smali prr jects sr,ouio iar<e-u"i"t'r.. umount of tiru.' tro,aever, ifresidentj'a'l < r snral i er ,projefir-iripJ.i'the various above ncntioheddepartments r.,ith rega.rd, to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three,rreek period l:::{."}!.Tp^t-vrit 1 | :.Tlg! by th.is cleparrnrent to exped.ite this.permr.t.aS s.gon as possi bl e. : - -- $'rr!v ' ur I' l;,*!" unders igned, understand the plan chec* pi^ocedure and time : BUiLDiNG PERI.iIT JSSUA}ICE T]I,IE FMI.IT -t, 'Conrmunity Deve'l opmant Departrnent. 'ra\. trQr\lr. n A'rc. IIEI,lORANDUI,'I .ALL CONTRACTORS TOV/N OF VAIL PUBLIC l,lAY 9r '1SJil WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY V/ORKS PERt,liT'' DEPARTIIENT IS FEQUIRED 1) z) Job Narne:oate' 'l7ZF Please answer the.follovring questionnalre @ariJing lhe I have read and answ,rr need {or a "PublicWay permil.: TE5 NO ls this a ne v; residence? ls. demoliti,rn vrork being perlormed that requires the use of ihe right ol rvay, easernenls or public firope;ty? - ls rny'utility rvork needed? ,ls .he crivervay being repaved? ls ciifferent access needecJ lo site oll'er than exisling drivelay? ls ;rny clrainage wor'x being done afl,:cling the riglht of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revor:able Right Ol V/ay permit' required? A. ls lhe right-of vray, easernents or public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no lo 64, is a parking, staging or lencing'plan required by Community . Development? I you anslered yes to an.'of these questions, a'Public Way permit" rrrf be obiainecj.'rublic Way Permii" applicalions may be oblained ai the Public Woril's ofiice or ai CrommuniV Development. . lf you have any questions please.call Charlie Davis, tha Tor,,,n of Vail Construction lnspecior, at 479-2j5B.' X X X t d x v d\ ql 6) 7\ B) ('d UIID.u esti Coniracior's Sign veq /-1,/ .-iiii.r i{ame ta rr,f{o,Y iploo't fF- FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 D ep artnent of C onmunity D evelo pment June 20, 1996 Mr. Larry Anderson Ore House Restaurant 232 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 RE: Possible Expansion of the Ore House Restaurant Dear lvlr. Anderson: After visiting with you about the possible expansion of the Ore House, the Vail Fire Department and the Community Development Department would like to provide you with some issues pertaining to rhe possiblc remodel you wish to pursue. Extending the entrance for the restaurant from the current position would result in addressing the need to remedy exiting issues for the officcs above that are sharing the common stair and particle atrium. This tvill include the separation of each occupancy and a separate door for isolating the stairs from the restaurant (this already occurs) and landings for the bottom ofthe stairs on both siCes ofthe added door. The alarm system and the zones for the system will also need to be addressed, so that rve can maintain a high level of fire protection for the occupants of the structure. The possibility exists that a refofit sprinkler system for the entire structure will be evaluated by thc Toun of Vail Fire Department and Building Departrnent. This will occw in the event that there is an increase in the usable square footage for the structure and possible changes to the Fire Dqpartment access to the structure. If this structure were to be evaluated Ordinance 25 Series of 1991, and the Uniform Fire and Uniform Building Codes (1991 edition) would be used. An accessible access will be required as per Chapter I I of the 1994 Uniform Building Code. Any additional square footage addcd to the restaurant (including converting common area to restaurant use), will increase the parking rcquircment. Because the business is located in the Vail Village, additional parking must be provided for by paying the parking Fund to support the exisiting parking structure. For restaurant use, one parking space must be provided pei tzo square feet ofpublic area. The cuncnt fee for a parking space is $16,333.38. {p**'uo'*o Ifyou have any further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact JeffAtencio, Fire Inspector (479-2462), Dan Stanek, Building Liaison Officer (479-2321) or myself at 479- 2128. Sincerely, ln rrr,-lila-fur4i4- Lauren Waterton Planning Liaison Officer NOTE: T]{]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT - zsz &rr*t stt u. l///@s' /st / JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES Permit #: E95-0075 75 South Frotiage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 - 3 03 -479-2 I 3 I / 479,2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-24s2 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Deparunent of Connnwtity Developuent Job Address: 263 E GORE CREEK DRLocation...: ORE HOUSE ParceI No,. i 21-OL-082-29-003 I/rolecE No, : Status. . , Appli-ed. . Issued. . . E'./n i ra c APPROVtrD 0^!/,??/,\?25_ u5/ur/Iee5 70 /28/L995 Description:Vafuation:2,000.00 INSTALL LIGHTING UNDER AWNING *tc*Jc#<*rtl'-**ictJr******ti:t**'l*t****************************** FEi SUt4tlARY ******************Jr*tc************ti*********Jrik************ WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1]. 18, AVON CO 81620 WHITB RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE JOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR. VAII.] CO 81657 Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 rI.UU .00 73.00 E Lect r i ca l---> DRB Fee lnvestigation> Ui l. L Ca t l.----> Tota I ca L cu lated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Tota t Permi t Fee--------> 50.00 20.00 .00 J.00 Payment s > 20.00 TOTAL FEES__-> 7J. OO BALANCE DUE---- *tk***t(***** ********************* ********ict****** **************** **********)t*********)t*** ****rt**** i* ****rk******* **************tr* *** DCPI: BUILDING Division:Item: -O5iOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/01/1995 GARY Action: AppR *****Jcf,*************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPR.OVAL 1 #r=ar: I i^1.rin t-o he *rrl lv conceal-ed under g1,,rni ncr: al I \^ri rr-qto be tu.l lV concea Led as- rvel.l-Z, lisn! sour-ces to be fglly cut-off,_ j.c. no part of bulb visiDJ.e Ironl aoldcelrt r)u].ld.Inqs or Dub_Ll_c wavs3. ne more than slx l-iqht sofirces io be installed.4. dimmer switch to be-operated so that liqhts meet liohtino ordinance at aLI. times,'i.e. to be kept-dim-enough so'as-ndt-co be overly bright. *****t:k****lr*,r****Jr****Jrt*.JcH*************)t******************************Jr*********ir*rr****t*Jr*it*****:t)k*JrJ.************************ DECLARATlONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in tuLL the information required, compLeted an accufate ptotpLan, and state that a[[ the inforrnation provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy r,rith the'information and ptot pl.an,to comPty Hith atl' Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according to the Tor.,n,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, LJniform EuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TIIENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A't 179-2138 oR AT OUR oFFICE FRoH 8:00 Ati 5:00 ptl 2 5 1s95 Job Nane: Legal Description: Lot owners Name: Architect: General Description: Ph. Ph. work class: -lx-New [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Additionat t l-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation Units: ,(- ... ::::: :::: ::. :::. ::. :: :: "":iliffi ffi ,:: :iw:.ryryllff pffi ffi * * * * * * * [ ]-Buirding [ ]-Plurubing [{-Erectrlcat [ ]-Mechanrcat [ ]-other .rob Ad.dressz 232 Brunt t" .STfr3Block_ Fili.g sunorvrsron, Address: Address: MechanicaL Contractor: Address: ******************************** FORBUILDING PERMIT F8E: PTUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE; Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Numberi oFFrcE us8 ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PL,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: OTHER TYPE OF FqEi DRB FEE: f*-_!/+tlffi BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE3 I fTPE TcRouPt_t_ATION CLEA}I I'P DEPOSIT RErI]ND ltO: o v.'1 &kfiro TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Please answor the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit': YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed thal requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) !s difierent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done: atfecting the right of way, easemsnts, or public property? 7l ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered all above NO / v ,l J / I I v I v I ,l Itv lf you answered yes to any ol these questions, a "Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construstion Inspeclor, at 479-2158. Job Name rastor's Signature ( . A(: JUBLtc wAy pERMtT pRocEslO How it relates to Building permit: 1) Fitl out the our check list provided 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) lf yes was answeredlo any of the above questions then a "public way permit" isrequired. You can pick up an apprication at either community Deveropmenr,located at 75 s. Frontage Road or Flotic wo*s, located at t sOg Vair vailey Drive. Notice sign offs for utility. companies. All utirities must field verity (tocate)respective utilities prior to signing apprication. some utiliycompinies require upto a 48 hour notice to schedule i tddate). A construction trafiic 99llrl plan must _be prepared on a ssparate sheet of paper.This plan will show rocations of ail tratfic contror devices (signs, cones, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) sr:lcl01w?r b.eing performed musr be submined indicating dimensions (rengrh,width & depth or work). This may be drawn on the tratfic iontror pran or a siteplan for the job. pyolit completed apptication to the pubtic work's otfice for review. tf required,tocates wiil be schedured forthe Town of viitetearici;.;ft fi;;tion crew. Thelocates are take place in the morning, out may require up to 4g hours to perform. The Public work's conslruction Inspecror wirl review tho application and approveor disapprove the permit. you wiil be contacted as ro ths tiirilio any changesthat may be needed. Most permits are released within 4g hours of being received,but please allow up to one week to proce"s" As soon as p-ermit is proces.sgd, a copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing the 'Buirding permit" to ue 16ieaseJ. pteas. do not confuse the "pubricway Permit" with a "Buirding permit" to oo work on a p,roie"i ,it" iirrrr. Note: *The above procgss ls for work In a rlght-of_way onty. rPublic way permrt's are varid onrv untir November 15th. 'A new Publlc Way permit is required each year. 75 louth lronlsgc road v8ll, color8do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TQ: FROM: DATE: su&rEcT: rn suurnary. ordinance No. 6 states that lt is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soif,-rocf, sand, debrisor rnateriar, including trash burnlsteri, pori.ui. toirets andworkrnen vehicles. upon any street.-si;;;.ik;;i;y or publicp1?:. or any portion rireieoil--rr," rishr_oi_;;t-;n arr Town ofVail streets and,I3ag" is approiinatety 5 ft. off pavenenr.ThlE ordi-nance w1r] be.;iti;Iit"inf,orced by the Town of VairPublic works De'artment. pers3ns found viiratin! this ordinancewilr. be slven a 24 hour writien--n.ii""-ti-;;;;;:'r.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.d.oes not -orpiy with thenotice within the 24 hour tir.-ip."i;i;,"ii"'i"tric worksDepartmenr wirr. renove said urate;i;i-;a-in""J"ili!e of personnotified. The provisions or iiris ordinance shall not beappricabre to c-onstruction, -r.int"rrunce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utitities in in.-iigni_u_r"y. -To,I.yigI Ordinance No. o in futl, please stop by the Town of:ill_:!i+ding Departmenr to obrain a copy. rlani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. olflcc of communlly developm€nt ALL CONTRACTORS C-TIRRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITTI TIIETOWN OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VArL pUBL,rC WORKS/COr,{MUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STOR.,A,GE Project (i.e. contractor, av//(AL| u<ositionTReIaETilI!r owner) luwn 73 roulh tronlrgo rold rtll, colorudo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 olflcc ot communlty dovclopmort BUILDING PERI-IIT ISSUANCE TiME FMNE If this pennit reouires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval ,Engineer''s..(publii *:Ilrt revien unO'ipb"ouul, a planning Departmentreview or Health Departmdnt.review, ana'a_review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated time for'a-totat .evie"-hay"LiI'as tongas tliree weeks. All corrnercial (large or smar'r) and al'r mu]ti-famiry permits wir.rhave to follow itre iuove menti6ned nnximum requirements. Res.identialand,sma'l'l projects shourd take a reiier'amount of time. However, irresidential or smailer.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard' to-necessili ievi"",-t"i. ii"ij..ii"ruya'lso take the three week perioa.- Every.attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - - '- !"rYY I' the underSigned, understand the plan check procedure and t.imeframe. = pP€, llods€t,roJect Ndme Communi ty Development Department. v"wlry /5t_ ALL TIMES #: 895-0249TOWN OFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT ON JOBSITE AT Permit 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 263 E GORE CREEK DR CLOCK TOWER 2101-082-2 9-00 3 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .z A8/fi/L995 rssued. ..2 A8/L4/L995 Expires . .: 02/t0/L996 Phone:3038455656 Phone: 3038455656 APPLICANT. SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373. VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VAIL CO 81658OIVNER GORSUCH LTD _ MCBRIDE JOHN P 263 E coRE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 81657 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY Occupancy: B Type Construction: V 1HR Type Occupancy: Valuat,ion: Fireptecc Infornation: Rastricted: 61 .75 DRB F 5r000 #of Gas Appti ances: Add Sq Ft: fot GEs Logs: .00 Additional, Fe.s-------->.00 Totat Pernit Fee------->100.00 Payments------- Not in table!Not in tablel fof t ood/Pal tet: ffi*ffi************fr*****fi*********fi***iri***ff***ffiffi* FEE SUl.lt4ARY lcttr*rr*****tr**************ffi**ffirnt**trffitr*****ff*ft*** Bui Ldi ng.---) Plan Ch!ck---> Invest igat i on>Uitt Crtt--_> 95.00 Restuarant Plan Revi eu--).00 Tota[ Catcutated Fees---> 259,75 259 .75 259.75 .00 Recreation Fee---------->5.00 Ctean-Up Deposit------> Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTO8/lL/1995 DAN Action: APPRItEm:',O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9p/tL/19_25 -DAN__ _ __Action : APPR N/ArTE.m:..05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTO8/LL/1995 DAN Action: AppRItOm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKSO8/lL/1995 DAN Action: AppR N/A Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept,: PLANNINC Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: *tffi ffii*ffi *ffi ***ffi ffi ffi *ffi *ff ffi ******ffi *ffi ***#*Hft ffi *#***ffi ffi*t**rrf,***#**** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to thie permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby -acknoltedge that t have read this lpptication, fitl,ed out in futl the information required, compteted an accur€te plotPt!n, rnd state that atl thc infornation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to conpty riith tlre infornation and pLot ilLan,to.conpty vith al't Tovn ordinances _and statc taus, and to hJitd this structure according tothe Torn, s roning and subdivisibncodes, dcsign revicH aPProv.d' uniform Buitding Code and other ondinances of the Town aipLicabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE -AT Scnd CLlan-Up Deposit To: SHAEFFER {p*o'o"*o --MI//NOF-bHTL *************************************************************** 75 South Frontage Road CONDITIONS Department of Community DevelopmentWAfCdWreoBEfjF0z4g as of o8/14/9s srarus: rssuEDt *9r0_4r9_2t3fl*79r769************************************************************** FAX970-479-2452Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicanr: SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 30384556s6 Applied: 08/tl,/199s Issued: 08/14/I99s To Expiret oz/ti/1996 Job Address:Location: CLOCK TOWERParcel No: 2101-082-29-003 Description: INTERIOR REMODET ONLY Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR3. INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY. ANY WORK CAN BE CODE COMPIJIANCE. {gu"ouoruo *************!**************************!r************************ TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0055 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: CK29191 259.75 08/14/9s 08:32Init: I'O{C Permit No: Parce] No:Site AddresE: Location: This Payment Total Feee:259.75 Total AI,L Pnts: BaLance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEA}iUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 895-0249 Type: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUIIJD P 2101-082-29-003 263 E GORE CREEK DR CLOCK TOWER *************************:l************************************** 259.7s 259.75 .00 Amount 95.00 67.75 100.00 3 .00 Account Code. 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 ^Q -v)-'-.f,p1 6z- 77 a2jrowN oF vArL coNsrRucrr PERMIT APPLTCATTON FOoernz g/to/?_< AppLrcATroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpLETELy oR rr-ttly D{-Buildingf t l-plunbing []-Elecrrical I l-Uechanical [ ]-other Job Nane:Job Address: Legal Description: I ,IJ Olrners Narne: Architect:Address:Ph. ceneral Description: ********************************* $ $ OTHER: $ TOTAL: I Electrical Contractorz N /kAddress: Plumbing contractor: lJ /gAddress: lIgN ** * * * ** * * * ****** * * ** * * * * ** * :&Olto',m of v-ail a9q-. n_o. /?Q-B Phone Nurnber: q1o -2u,1=-77L" Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'UBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECEANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREAITON FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: EOTAL PERMIT FEES: 4-rr:L- nrock;[- rilins / suBprvrsroN, '! ,E*\L at^4 E /) ^./,,1 F.-nn'- d)-.-- WAdd.ress: ZlaZA. 6 ' keezfn'oe pn."'979- work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration t l-Additional ftf-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Number of Acconmodation Units: Nlft Apptiances cas Logs_ Wood/pelletntlpnber and Type of Fireplaces/vd# Appliances /f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VADUATIONS PLI'}IBING: $ Address: igltqllq' | 5,orn s ****** ELEC?RICAL: }TECHANICAL: Mechanical Contractorz DfnAddress: ******************************** FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PIUI.IBING PERMIT FEE: }fECHANTCAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB 8EE: VALUATION / TYPEvl Mr( BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAIURE: i lown 75 touth |rontsge .oad v.ll, colorudo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 oftlcc ot communlty devrlopncnt BUILDiNG PERF|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI{E If this perltit lequires I Towl of Vai.l Fire Department Approval,Engineer ''s..(.pubr ic r.Jorks) review .na ipp"ouai,'i iiiiiiin6'b"p."t "ntreview or Health Departmint review, ani'a_review Uy lne'duiiaingDepartment, the estimated time for a iotar ".ui.n-ilav"Lil'is rongas three weells. All conrmercia'l ('large or smail) and ail murti-famiry permits wiilhave to follow the ibove ffiii6r;;-diimu, requirements. Residentiarand.small projects_should take a reiier"amount of time. However, ifresidential or smalrer-projects impaci the various-iuove mintion"odepa rtments wi th reoa rd. to - necessii.i- "eu i "n, - th;;; ;;; j ;.il"ruyalso take the three week pertoO. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispenni.t as seon as possible. - I, the frame, under5igned, understand the plan check procedure and time t/ .a) 4-F{1-41,t : <- ProJect Name Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 south lrontaEe road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DAIE: SuB.TECT: oftlce of communlty dey.lopment rn sumrnary, ordinance No. 5 states tbat it is unlawful for anytterson to 'itter, track or deposit. any ""ifr-ro"i, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash tulrpsters, portable toilets andwortsnen vehicres.upon any streerl ;i;;;"i;;-;ii;y or pubr.i.cplace or anv porti6n theieor. --rit" rrght-of-lray on arr Town ofvail streetl ina.Igag, is afproiinately s ft. off pavernent.This ordinance w1r| be. -a"i;iit"lnforced by ttre Tovrn of vairPublic works Departnent. persins found ,ri6ratirrq this ordinancewilt be siven a 24 hour rriti""--i"tr;; t;-;;;;;;'="id nareriar.fn the event the person so notified,aoes not--;;;piy with thenotice within rhe 24 rrour tirne-"p..riiil,;;";lfiiic worksDepartment wilr remove said uateii"r it trr"--""p"ise of personnotiri'ed. rhe nrovisions-orJiti!-"raii.;;; ;frfii'not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,.irri"r,.rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utitities i; il.-;iffri-u_*uy. To review Ordinance No. G in ful1, please stop by the Tor,rn ofI:il-!:ildins Deparrr'ent to obtiin a copv. rirani vou for yourcooperation on this natter. ALL CONTRACTORS CT]RRE}flTLYL REGISTERED WITTI THETOI{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMM(NTTY DETIELOPIIENr !4ARCH 16, 1988 CONSIRUCTTON PARKTNG & MATERTAIJ STORAGE to Project (i.e. contractor, ohrner) '.n.,ffi IF ezo.c %) Ileurz / TVor= fa,-au< 4// C,4tZer t f*rcq /Kyruet. ds l(teccsspl 1/ .' ,PF,*r * Es aezza-f/ I aur. 2 o4eozer*asrrrc-re*<: I /rrru /rrrt /Vo re - .4r , ( e-ttzs Faeou r fuez r Prtper Ul/gzt /Oe c r€szl/ y- ./,1 rc, Ezycortc e AaFrE Stuta-r^. {-:r.__._ /errrz I aur^ 2 7Varc' l(z*ar,< 4// C4zrer V f,pvc.n ,4Kytue., qs rttecas524)/ .' fpr*, * ,€rC,+?aaf /znu.lrrat q /Vore- ,4t, (e-vtzs n(arzorr fuee . P,qeer Uflezt lOeC css+r/ y- ./,,lrc, Zzytoazc ;fr,,'-r.'.'F INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 38 READY FOR ,LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES ( BUILDING: rttr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH /WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING B INSULATION -U POOL / H. TUB 4xeernocK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL] tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS u cpNDUrr tr SUPPLY AIR tr8 D tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED 6-{,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIREDfilaeeaoveo z. CORRECTIONS: DATE I -e rs- TOWI,I OFYAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pernit #: TIMES E 9 5-017 9 75 South Fromage Road VaiL Colorab 81657 970-479-213V479-213e FAX970-479-2452 E Ledt r I ca [--> DRB tc! Invcsti ga.ti on>lliLt Ca l. t----> TOT L FEES-> D epartment oJ Community Deve lopment Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 54.@ .oo .00 3.00 57.00 263 E GORE CREEK DR 2101-082-29-003 Status. . . Applied. . Issued.. . Expires. . ISSUED 08/30/teel 08/3L/tee! 02/27 /te9l APPLICANT OLD ELECTRIC P O BOX 490, MTNTURN CO 8164s CONTRACTOR OLD ELECTRIC P O BOX 490, MINTURN CO 81645OWNER GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE JOHN P 253 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 81657 Description: CLOCK TOWER REMODEL Phone: 3038275918 Phone: 3038275918 3, 000 . oo **********tt******ft*ilhll*ffi**lt****H*****tffi**** FEE SUllllARy ******rr******H******fi**********rtffi*****ffi******** Valuation: Total Calculated Fees---> Additionat Fees--------> Tota I Permit Fee-----> Payments------- BALANCE DUE-_- 57.00 .00 57.m 57.00 .00 *ffi*tn|ffi***ffi***ffi*ffffi*'ffir****irtffi*#r*ffijr'rffiffi**,rt*ffi#ffff***** Ite,a! .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO8/3O/L995 DAN action: AFFR Dept: BUITDING Division: **'drtt****ffi*t**tt*lt*,r*|t|t**ffi*'r*'t*****ffi***fi***ff***ff*ffi*ffi************fi*ff**#ffiffi****rr*ffitrt*fii**tffi*t***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL rt**tt***t**l*****ffffi*******rr********rr***********************r***#******t**ff*ffi***tffi***t*******rtl*ffi**i*ffiffi**-t DECLARAT]ONS I. he.eby .acknovledgc that I have read-this application, fitLed out in lul,l. the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptotptan, snd statr that alt the information provided as requ'ired is correct. I agree to compLy tith the iniornation and pl,ot il,an,to corPty uith atL Tor,rn ordinances -cnd state tavs, and io buiid this structure according io'the ToUn,s zoning and suuoivisibncodcs, design revicw approved, Uniforn Buitding cod. and other ofdinanc.s of the Town afplicabte theneto. nEQuEsrs foR rNsFEcrIoNs SHALL BE I'IADE Tl,,ENTy-FouR HouRs tN AovANcE By TELEpHoNE AT LTg-2138 oR Ar ouR 0FFICE FRolt Er00 Att5:00 Plt FOR HII,ISELf AND OI.INER {P u""".*'uo ********************************************!t******************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staternnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REc-0059 Amount; 57.00 OSFL/9S oBzL6 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #12085 Init: LRD 895-0179 Tlpe; B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2t0L-082-29-003 263 E GORE CREEK DRTotal Feee: 57.00 57.00 Total ALI-, Pmts: 57.00 Balance: .00 ************************************:**************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41335 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES VIIIJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 54.00 3,00 TOWN OFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pernit #: 895_0179 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 97M79-213V479-2139 Job Address: 263 E GoRE CREEK FAXq70-479-2452 Location...: Parce} No.. : 2101-082-29-0O3Project, No.: APPLICANT OLD ELECTRIC P O BOX 490, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR OLD ELECTRIC P O BOX 490, MTNTURN CO 81645OWNER GORSUCH LTD _ MCBRIDE JOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 8165? Description: CTOCK TOWER REMODEL D e partme nt of Community D eve lopment DR Status...: ISSUEDApplied..z 08/30/L991Issued...: 08/3t/199:Expires..: 02/27/199, 3, 000 . 00 tnhl***ffi FEE SUllilARY ffi***t*ffi*****ffiffi***ffi**ff**ffi**** Valuation: TotrL catcutated Fees---> 57.00 Phone: 3038275918 Phone: 3038275918 .@ 57.00 57.00 Etectri ca [--> DnB Fee ->Investigati on> Ui tt cat t--> TOTAL FEES---> 54.00 .00 .00 5.@ 57.00 Additimat fees-------> Totat Permit Fec------->Pa)'n€ntS----- BALANCE DUE---- ffi ffi *lrl(ffi t*'r***trtffi f,*tt#*rt!**ffiffi *trtrff **ffi **f,***ff ffi**Jrffi ft******** Ileqri,96900 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT08/30/199s DAN ectionl- AiiFn-Dept: BUILDING Di-vision: ffi ***********ffiiffi*ffi ff *ttffi *****ttff ffi ff *ffi ***ffi i*ffi *i***ffi ffi ff **t**ffi ffi*ffi *ffi ffi**,ffi ffi ** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ********tr*ff*l****t************f,**}r*ffi*****ffi*f**ffi*ff*ffi#****f,**H**fi*rffi**r***ti****1ffi*t*ffiffiffi*ffi* DECLARATIONS I.hefcby -acknonledge that I have read_this application, fitted out in ful,t thc infornation required, cotp Leted an accurete ptotplan, and stata that .tt thc infornati.on provided as rcquired is correct. I agree to conpl,y uith tire iniormation ana ptot iian,to corpl'y vith atl' Toun ofdinances -and state [aws, and io buiLd this stfucture according io'the Tovn,s eoning antt subdivisibncodes, d$ign levlew approvcd, Uniforn Buil.ding cod. rnd other ordinancrs of, the Town afplicabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR II{SPECTIOIIS SHALL BE llAoE TUEI{TY-FOUR HOT RS $'t ADVANCE 8y TELEplfr,tE At 479-21* OR AT OUR OFFICE FROft 8:OO Att5:OO pi {p**uo o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAfL,, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * rr * * * * * * * * * *!** * ** * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * *:h * * * * ** * * * statemnt Number: REc-0059 Amount: 57.0o 08/3L/95 O8tL6 Payment Method: CHECK Notations #12085 Init: tRD ' Total FeeE:57.00 Total AtL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:site AddreEs: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 E95-0179 Tlryre ! 2101-082-29-003 263 E GORE CREEK B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT DR 57; O0 57 .00 .00 Description ELECTRICA], PERMIE FEES WILL, CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 54.00 3.00 o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTR]CAL PERMIT Permit #: E95-0179 Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. APPROVED o8/30/Lees 08/30/tees 02/26/Lee6 263 E GORE CREEK DR status... 2LOL-082-29-003 Applied. . IEEued. . . Expires. . APPLICANT OLD ELECTRIC P O BOX 490, MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR'WO EI,ECTRIC P O BOX 490, MTNTURN CO 81645 Phone: 3038275918 Phone: 3038275918 OWNER Descriptionr CLOCK TOWER REMODEL Valuationz 3,000.00 ffiMtrffirFEE SU IARYffi** Etectricat---> 54.00 Total calculated Fees---> 57.W DRB FeeInvestigation> .00 Total Pernit Fee--------> 57,m gi tt Ca l.l,----> 5.00 Payments------- TOTAL FEES---> 57.00 BALAr{CE DUE---- ffi *ffi I!e.4i.90Q90 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:08/3011995 DAN Action: APPR **ffi****ffiffi**iffiffiffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi*ffiiffi******Jririr**r* *ffi********ffr**rnt**ff*ffrt*ffi*ff DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknovtedge that I have read this application, fitted out in fuLl. the infornation requi red, corp [rt!d an accurate plot ptan, snd state th€t atl the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to 6orFl,y vith the infonmation strd pl,ot pl,an, to conply vith alt Toirn ordinances and state [axs, and to build thie structure according to thc Toyn's zoning and subdivision codcs, design revieH approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tonn appticabte thepeto. REq,ESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE TIADE TIIENTY-FOUR TOURS tN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHO E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO]I 8:(x) Ail 5:OO Ph SIGNATURE ot o!INER 0R co TRAcT0R FOR HIIISELF At{D Ol,fNER €ffipt8ucH LTD - MCBRTDE JOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 81657 O *o* oF vArL *******it [ ]-Butlding I j-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-uechanibal I J-other rob Nane: (lrtlt llt,'", RofV]kl,0 rob Address: Lesal oescrrp&*Pla{ 2, 4f J,o"* owners Name: 6n ' ch t-h"i." Address: ,n.Urua*A4( Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: work crass: [ ]-New MJ#U,[ ] -Aclclitional I [ ]-other Nunber of Dnelllng Units;Nunber of AccornrnodatLon UnLts: #*"" and Tlpe of Fireplaces3 Gas Appliances lf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VAIIJATIONS Gas Logs_ t{oodlpellet_ ********************************* BUUJDTNGs $ Address: Electri Contracto Address: Plunbiirg Contractor: Address: ELECTRICAL: }TECHANICAL: '(., \o/ s lbCL)OTIIER: $ l,[echanical Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUI.IBING PERUTT FEE: UECTIANICAIJ PERUTT FEE: ELECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE Otr'FEE! DRB TEE: TOTAL: oN *** * ** *** ***** * ** * *** ***** * Town of Vail Reg, NO. Phone Number: Town of vail Res. No. llq-FPhone Nunber: Qllp?ZW Contractor:Reg. NO. ** * ***** **** * ******************* FOR oFFICE USE *** ******** *************** ***** BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLIIUBTNC PIAI{ CHECK FEE: UECHANTCAL PI,AN CI'ECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,BAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERTifIT FEES: BUTLDTNGS STGNAfT'RE: ZONING: STGNAfl'RE! Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. \ I 75 eouth trontage road Y.il, color.do 81657 (3o3, 479-2L.38 or 479-2139 ro: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ofllce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CTIRRENTLYL REGISTERED WIIII TI{E TOWN OI'VAIL TOI,{'N oF VAIL PUBLIC woRKS/coMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT !,IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.IATERIAI STORAGE rn suunaryr -ordinance No. 6 states ttrat it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soiJ., rock, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash dunpsters, pori,abre toileti ana--worknen vehicles. |pon any streetl sidewaik, alley or pubJ.icp1?9" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way 6n ari Town ofvarl streets and.fgaqs is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strillry enforcld by the rown of vailPy!}i-c works Departnent. pers6ns found viiratinq this ordinanceltrJ-J.- be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said material .rn the event the person so notified does not conpry with th; - notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puitic worksDepartrnent will remove said mateiiat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beappricable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fulr, prease stop by the Town of !1fr nuilding Departrnent to obrain a copy. trranx you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: Tt-dS.zr 6ltz.t-r <-r..,I Position/nelationstrlp-lo FiojEEF ( t. e. 6- z7-7>- contractor, owner) tr€l r,E I 75 routh t?onbge rord urll, colondo 81657(303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc of comttrunlt/ devolopnonl BUILDING pERtiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAr,tE If this permit ""Cui,l::_i Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer's (Pub1 ic r,rorks) ""view ana'approvar, a pranning Departmentreview or Health Departn6nt reviewl-.i['..-review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated iim;-6;'.-iit"r review rnay take as rongas three weeks. Al'l commerciar frarqe or smat) and ail murti-famiry permits wilrhave to folrow ttre itove il;ii6.il;xirrm regu.irements. Residentiarand small projects shou'rd t"ie i-ieile""amornd or iime. However, ifresidential or smar rer,projecis-rrirpiii' the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to-niiesiily-""uirn, these projects mayalso take the three-we"r p"i:iojl-Y J' b' Every attempt wrlll be made by this departnent to expedite thispermi't as sQon as possible. - -"s"5 r'v s'\Pssr LE r'r I' the frane. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and tine /rw Sheet wai tuFned-fi86-€f Devel opment Department.Comnuni ty CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE OATE L-DI4EI4BER 6, 1994 11 49rmffi/ htetSM{h^),,,r} dapartment of community development v " I r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IR M DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK : I 12 x 24 - 36rr TEMpnRARY qrAnF PERUIT. NO.--- .{t zIF lJ BUILDING ? -ooo-oo V Aa.lad tdb ELECTRICAL , I U t'E FILLEU UU I UrJMTLE I ELT TNIUH I U IDIUANUE(.'T TEHttlI I TYPE OF PERMIT EI autlonlo n prurilsr.to fl eleclRrcnl I rouruonrrq{. ....1-}I MEcHANTcAL tr W)!v" PLUMBING 4Dtt-"o MECHANICA!/o%/t{- h nit/qr/ ?lpaa L*. TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES \ LEGAL f)Esc. LOT BLK B-2 BUITDING PERMIT 65 .00 o tr\$;*S-- s- )\ FILING FRQtrI-I)E-GO8SIICS-PLAN CHECK 42.O0tJbeNRIr4r' vArL vALLEy FouND TEMp srAcl ELECIRICAL OWNER ^rerr6-vAll. VAl,tEY FOUUnArrOrs - MAILADDRESS , / ,'. ,.' --'. NEw(vV ALTERATION ( ) ADDITIONAL ( ) REPAIR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHTINFT, - NO, FIREPLACES MECHANICAL ry /u -75UrCITY ' PH.R€CREATION FEE ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD I MAIL ADDRESS CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT no.oo { CITY PH.USE TAX GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM REqORT FNTFRTATNMFNT WILL CALL 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES .i t{ls ft#l lo. ( 1g1p. JOB DONE! N0 REGISTMT ,osrtro#fl,8ffr_ _ _12-t-e4, _ 6rre f.r"rr,.o,- CONTRACTOR FIRM ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED. Y N INITIAL sr. cur I | | TOWN OffUAILBEG-IIO )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING CNING & BUILDING NOTES: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM PARKING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struciure according to the Town's ng and subdivision codes, dgsign own applicablereview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ord _/ HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO TELE. -4-fu oF vArL coNsTRucTIoNJ fu;*"J PERI'IIT I,ruA APPIJTCAIION FORM DATE:Itc . z tssl ,f ... :::..ffi irffiffi mi:""ff Hff ,:: :1.::. :::. ::.:::::::.. * * * * * [ ]-Electrical t b Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Owners Name Architect:Address: General DescriptLon: Ph. Ph. t'I{ork Class: [ ]-Nes [ ]-Alteration [ ]_Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other [ ]-Buildrpg [ ]-pturnbing rob Nane: tOJ \hra- Ju Number of Dwelli.ng units! _: Nunber of Accouuoodation units: draber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ 'r*** * * ******** ******************** vAI;UATroNs ******************** **** ********* PLWBTNG: $ --r I***** ********* * *** **llleneral Contractor: sr,Ecrnlcal: $ MECTIANICAL: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: * * ** ***** ** ** ******** * **********FORBUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE:PLWBING PERMTT FEE: I'IECHANfCAL pERUfT FEE:ELE TRTCAIJ FEE: OTHER: $ oTHER TypE oF r'nz:. V,lLeftWDRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGIIATTIRE: ToTAL:tW *************************** Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vait Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Town of vail Reg. No.Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUfLDfNG plAl.l CHECK FEE: g2,OO PLI'}IBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: I,TECHANICAL PI.AN CHECN FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:--..|--./06. do.4/o,oo Conments: I'P DEPOSIT XEFIITD !O: . MEMORANDUM TO: ALL CO]{TRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VA|L PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY g, 1994RE: WHEN A'pUBLtC WAy pERMtT.tS REQU|RED Job Name: Date:enas arding the need for a "pubtic Way permit,: YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2\ ls demolition work being pertormed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different a@ess needed to site other than existing clriveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting ihe right of way, eas€ments, or public prop€rty? 7) ls a "Revocabte Right Of Way permil, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing plar required by Community Development? lf-v?Y. "Ty"r9d res-to any of these questions, a "Pubtic way permit" must be obtainect.?ublic war Pe11it' applicarionl riy be obtained a ilre'pubtic work,s office or arCommunity Development. lf you have any^ques'tions please call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vaif Construction lnspectoi, at 47g-Z1lc/i. I have read and answered allthe above queslions. ' Job Name Contractor's Signature Dale How it retates to Building permit: 1) eflIlit a lication. 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) lf yes was answered tg 3ny of rhe above questions then a "pubric way permit" isrequired. you can pick up an apprication ar either community Deveropment,tocared at 75 s. Frontage Bbad or Fruric w"rr., rocateJaiJiog'vairVailey Drive. Notice sign ofis f.i_:rq. companie_s- At utirities must fietd verify (rocate)respective uririries ryort? signinj appricarion. s";;;ilil-;;;nies require upto a 48 hour notice to schedule i t,i&t"i. A construction tratfic_@-ntror ptan must b. plgp?r.g o.n a separate sheet of paper.This pran wiil show rocations or ar iatric 6nrrq devices (signs, cones, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construstion, ,t"ging, at".) sketch or work beino performed must be subrnitted indicating dimensions (rength,width & depth of ro-'*t' nis ;;fi;;#n on the traffic conrrorpran or a sireplan for the job. submit compteted apprication to the pubtic.[g*'. offioe for rsview. rf required,rocates wifi be schedured forthe Town or v"irer."tri"i"nJ"io'ni*oon crew. Thelocates are take place in tre mominf;il';"y require up to 48 hlurs ro perform. The Pubfic wort's construction Inspector wiflleviey the apprication anct approveordisapprove the p€rmir you wi, oJ"inria"o asto tr,e ffi;;;;; any changesthat mav be needed. Most permiti "irriii""r"c within ;B n"ri, Jilirg received,but please afrow up to one week to pa""ai"\' wrrr'rrr +o rreurs sI o As soon as permit is processed, a "opy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentailowing the 'Buirdino n_epir td o" i;iliriai. pt"".. do not conruse rhe "pubricway Permit'with a'-Buirding eerm!;i"iii"* on a project site itserf. Note: 'The above process ls for work In a rlght_of-way only. *Publlc Way permlt," "* 'A new pubtic Way permt ls requlred each year. 75 .oulh tront8g. ro.d t'lil, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 olllcc ot sommunlty cloy.lopmcltl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI{E If this permit requires a Town of Vai.l Fire Departnent Approval ,Ensi neer''s ( publ ii worrcs i "evie" .ni';d;;;ri,T' pjlijii li"blpartmentreview or Hear th Deoartm6nt.review, rnt..-i.ui.; ;i-il";riiorng lirilgE'h"ll: ""i'.ted time rJ"'a-lotar ;;,i;,-;u;"Lll'.s rong Al] commerciar ('laroe-or sma'il ) and all mu]ti-farnily permits wiilhave to follow the Sbove menti6ned marimum requirements. Residentia.land small projects shourd t"ie-i-ieiser"'amount of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smar r er,projicir-rrpiii' the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard to-necessai.y-""ni"n, these projects nayalso take the three-week period. Every attempt wi'll be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - I, the f-rame.. undersigned, understand the plan check procecture and tjme 5 h ee t wa s .tr n ed-ir to-Th'eDate !,loik Development Departmenr. 75 routh trontage rord v!il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DAIE: SU&TECT: Read Y and acknowledged by: offlcc of comnunlty developmenl !r,L coNrRAetoRs cnRRENILyL REGISTERED I{rtII THtTOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COM}IUNITY DSVELOPTGNT MARCIT 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,IATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to tl.tter, track or aeposia ;;t:;irl-"Jli, sand, debrisor naterial, t""t:g1ln_ll.rlr-t"rnsters, portabte toitets andworknen vehicles. upon any street, sidewaik, .lf"v or publicilii.=:I":lg Hf.-on trreieo;:--,;i"-;i6;;i;;;=:n a* rown or r,.r: ;;ei;;"; ;i!iT: $"i:8il":#*:L'"f.*i*"*:;:fl:i,"'Public r{orks o"o..tr"ntl--p"Jlins touna vihating this ordinancewilr be siven a 24 hour ,-i;;;;";"ai;;1;-;;;;;;r=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not cotnpry with thenotice within .n:_:1 l""i tii"-lieciried, trre puLric worksDeparrnent will remove said nateli.r .i-irrJ'!*ili"e of personnotified' The orovisions-or-trris orainance snirr not beapplicable to c-onstruction,-r.iii."r,unge 9f repair projects ofany street or alley o= .ry'"tifiii"" in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Toern of:3:i"::ii:i"3"Tf,i**:*"::"";;i" a copv. rirani< vou ror vour Fum (i.e. contractor, owner) tnwn 75 lou|h lrcntago road vrll, cdorrdo 81857 (3qr) 4792138 (36) {?}"t39 ofie ol Gommunity deyelopmenl NoTIcE To coMTRAcToRs/oIINER BUII.DERS Effective June 20-, 1991, the Town of vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h_ave adequately established proper drainage from buildingsites arong and adjacent to Town of vail roads oi streets. tbe Tonn of Vail pubric lforks Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Towa of vair roads orstreets and tbe installation of tenporary or peraanent culverts ataccess points from tbe road or street on to tle construction site.such approval must -be o.btained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of vail Buirding Department tor tobtings or temporaryelectrj.cal or any other inspection. pLease call 4'lg-zi6o t;reguest an inspection from the public works Department. Arlow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail public works Department wirr be approvingall final drainage and culvert instaliation with resulting roa6parching as necessary. such approvar must be obtained prior toFjnaf Certificate of occupancy iisuance. 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I s8 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303479-2452 De pa rnne nt of C onun uni4. De ve lo pm e nt If,FONUATION TIEEDED NHETT I"PPIITf,G FOR A UECIIAI|ICAL PERITIT z. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. fO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECIiAI{ICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DTMENSIONS aHO BruRATINGS OF ATL EQUIPMENT IN MECITANICAT ROOM. sHow SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES.VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED INMECHANICAT ROOM. 3. 4. FATLITRE lo PRovrDE lllrs rf,FoRMAErotf wrlf Dsrrty touR, pERtrrE. Plan Review Based on the l99L Uniform Codes NAME: VAIL VALLEY STAGE TEM DATE: 12-5-94 ADDRESS:263GORECREEK CONTRACTOR: RESORTENT VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY:A ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted cudes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cudes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQIJIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTTON rS REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE, BEFORE BEING USED FOR OCCUPANCY BY FIRE AND BITILDING DEPARTMENTS. 3. GUARDRAILS AND STAIRS TO MEET CHAPTER 17 AND CHAPTER 33 OF THE 1991 UBC. Tcprn cf Vail . frFFlt[: fiOPYfl;Zt5T Plan Review Based on the L991 Uniform Codes NAME: VAIL VALLEY STAGE TEM DATE: 12-5-94 ADDRESS:263CORECREEK CONTRACTOR: RESORTENT VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY:A ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQTITRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted cpdes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be cnnstrued to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted cods or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. FIELD TNSPECTION IS REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE, BEFORE BEING USED FOR OCCUPANCY BY FIRE AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS. 3. GUARDRAILS AND STAIRS TO MEET CHAPTER 17 AND CHAPTER 33 OF T}IE 1991 UBC. r$ffi1'T #.pY&Azrz'€-a/ oa I r}r P-:^'--:--1 lJtlW,ftlrT-''Ljl_$, TATWOFVAIL Deparntent oJ Connnuniry Developnent75 South Frontage Road Vail,Tolorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 103-479-2452 TO: COMPANY NA]"lE: FAX PHONE FROM: DATE:TIME: # OF PAGES IN DOCIII'{ENTS (}iOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET) RESPONSE REQUIRED?: SENT BY: TOWN OF vArIJ FAx PHONE NUMBER: (3031 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIIJ REGULAR PHONE NUMBER: (303) 4?9-2138 COMMEIIIS r I ln./ I lfllqel' t FA:C PHONE TR.ilNSMITTAI, SWEETI h,. i^1 ->f -/4: (I I CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 8-.TTCEIIBER 6, 1994 11 h9PERMIT NO. departmont of community dwelopment TO SE FILLED OUT COMPL€TELY PRIOA TO ISSUANCE OF PERMTT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL n D g !n PLUMBING FOUNDATION l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I t tv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DtvtStON l2za34 GENERAL OESCRTPTION OF WORK :I 12 x 24 - 16rr TEMpoR ARI/ sracE 29 J TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL DESC.FILING FRONI-OE--GORSIrcH- BUILDING PERMIT JOB NAME: VAIL VALLEY FOUND TEMP S NAME VAIL VALLEY FOUNDATTON NEW(XT ALTERATION () ADDITIONALI R'PAIR() DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. THICKNESS R-VALLUEFIRM MAIT ADDRESS OESIGN REVIEW EOARD GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM RFqnPT ENTF.BTATI0,rFNT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. JOB DONE! NO REGI TOTAL PERMIT FEES l#^8[fPJHL_ _ _ r2_r_!]4 _ o_eTE ING & BUILOING NOTES: ELECTRICAL FtRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG, NO. I here-by acknowledge that lhave read this application, tilled out in tull the inlormation required,completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is coirect- iagree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply witir all Town-ordinances and statetaws, and to build this structure according to the Town's i6ning ano Juoiuislon cod6; ;esig;review approved, Uniform Building Code and olher ordinances of'the iownippricaOle thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER oR coNTRAcToR Fo,R IIIiISELF ANO THE OWNEF, MECHANI CONTRACTO FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. C o f,,- 75 soulh frontage toad vail. cdorado 81657 (3{Xr) 4792138 (3Gt) 47S'2139 otflce ot communlty dwelopment December 10, l-991 Mr. Dave Gorsuch Gorsuch Limited 263 East Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Signs Vail Village Store Dear Dave : The Town of vail is attempting to correct some discrepancies in the use of window signs. It has been brought to our attention by another merchant that there are two signs on your enlrance doors stating the name of your store. In addition to exterior signs, the Town of Vail sign code permits each business to have one door or window sign which states the name of t.he business. This door or window si-gn mav be 1.5 square feet in size. Each business may have two window signs which state the 4glggg of the business, but not the narne of the buginess. These signs may not exceed 15% of any window in which you place them, and the two signs may have a combined square footage not to exceed a total of 10 square feet. Your door signs are very discreet. . However, in order to treat each busj-ness equally, we must request that you remove one ofyour entrance door signs. We hope you understand that we are not trying to be negative to you or your business. we are just trying to treat everyone fairly. at__!_95::"U a o If you have any questions or concerns about this request, pleasefeel free to call me at 479-2138. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Sincerely K#^ r4'o(o.' Betsy Robolack Planning Technici-an '1,'1" o 4.est for ior alteration in order to enclose aat the 263 East Gore Drive.cant: Dave Go ch Tom Braun reviewed the request and the Urban DesignConsiderations, stating that the staff reqommended approvaL.Part of the deck remained open. Diana felt that to enclose the deck was contrary to everything the PEC and Toern normally did. She felt it would take away most of the relief and leave only a token relief , j.t seerned wrong. Ton replied that ttre staff discussed the issue of what happened at that elevation and alsothe fact that they could not find any reason to deny ttre request. Beth Levine, representing the architect, explained that theplane surface from the deck lras not attractive and felt thatwith articulation the elevation would improve. Grant moved and Pam seconded to approve the request. was 4-1 with Diana voting against the notion. 5. A recruest for a conditional use permit for an a Bhe vote Peter explained the request and showed elevations and plans forthe booth. He added that the Marketing Cornmittee had recommended this be done irnurediately to help with marketing. The staff recomnendation was for approval . Jim Viele abstained from comment on this issue. Diana felt the need for flowers or shrubs of some kind. Jin Morter, thearchitect, showed a model and said potted plants had been proposed to help cut down the glare. There would be no westfacing glass. A construction fence would be placed around thearea. Diana suggested waiting until after the summer tourist season to begin construction. Ron Phillips felt the impact onthe site would not be that great if the construction werestarted irnnediately. Diana felt it would be confusing totourists and wondered if anything would be gained by startingthe project during the summer tourist season. Grant stated that this had been dragging on for so long, it would be good to get it constructed. Pam agreed vrith Diana inthat not a whole lot would be gained by cornpleting the expansion in nid-August. Grant noved and Pam seconded to approve the structure. The vote was 4-0-1- with Jin Viele abstaining. A request for a conditional use perlnit for an addition tothe information booth at the Villace parkinq structure.licant: Town of Va 6. Betsy reminded the Board that this project had first been considered at the previous meeting, and that a revised iroprovenent surrrey had been done. Further, the request had been changed so that the request was stilL for a 4 footsetback, but the addition toward the street had beenelirninated. Gail MaIIoy stated that she had talked with Ross and had worked out the details concerning the Sandstone 70 Condo concerns. Grant rnoved and Sid seconded to approve the request per thestaff memo. Ttre vote was 4-0-1 with Diana abstaining. for setback variances a stream setback order to construct ce on Lot 10 BI vail Villaqe lst FilApplicant: Robert Gunn 7. The applicant asked to table until 6/27. seconded to table until- 6/27. The vote 8. This item was withdrawn. 9. Special Development Code Chanqes Diana moved and Pam was 5-0 Tom Braun asked to table until 6/27. Pam moved and Sid seconded to table until 6/27. The vote !,/as 5-o. 2. Prelirninarv review of exterior alteration applications: a. 90 days - vail 2L Buildingb. 60 days - Up the Creek Restaurantc. 60 days - Gorsuch Buildingd. 60 days - HiIl Building A reguest for a side setback variance to construct anaddition to Unit 5, Cottonwood Tolrnhomes.Applicant: Gail I'lall-ov o-* I C 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 olflce of communlly developrnrnt January 5, 1988 Mr. Dave Gorsuch 253 East core Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Parking for Gorsuch balcony enclosure Dear Dave: Enclosed are two copies of the parking agreernent for the balcony expansion which was completed this past summer- The Finance Departnent has taken into consideration the fact that you have al-ready paid $280 of the total parking fee. This payrnent has been cltEulated into the installment plan. Please sign both copies of the agreement. You nay keep one copy for your records. I would appreciate it if you would send the other copy back to me in the enclosed stanped envelope. Thank you for your cooperation on this rnatter. Sincerely, 4{"h^[,F Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP/br Enclosures PROPERTV corsuch Buildinq PROJECT Gorsuch Balconv En 141 s. f . July 11 PERMIT # 003419 $ 1,4to.ooTotal Parking Fee In installrnents after date, for value received, I prornise topay to the order of the Town of Vail at the Office ofthe Finance Director, ltunicipal Building at VaiI, Colorado, One Thousand Four Hundred Ten------ -------DoIIars Down Palment $ 280.00 Paid with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance,payable in yearly installnents as follows: Vail, Colorado,, 1988 and payabLe on 7 /LL/89. and payable on 7/IL/9O. and payable on 7/Ll/91. and payable on 7/LL/92. First installurent of $ 356.48 due Second instalhnent of $ 355.48 due Third installrnent of $ 356.48 due Fourth installment of $ 356.49 due It ls agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared due hereunder, the principal. and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest at the rate of 18 percent per annum, and thatfailure to nake any payrnent of principal or interest when dueor any default under any encunbrance or agreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to becorne due at once, or the l-nterest to be sounted as principal , at the option of the holder of the note. The nakers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentrnent for palarent, protest, notice on nonpaynent and of protest, and agree to any extension of time of payrnent and partial palanents before, at, or after rnaturity, and ifthis note or interest thereon is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agtree to pay all reasonable costs of collection, includlng reasonable attorneyrs fees. Date ?,&nT<'u '. ';v o , bnue\: 0ru\tcr.il @..**n1-lr bu f3,5' lq l ,'t1 x l)DcD = lLl lD fa'd f,"\.r bfc; I ., g Cirsueh Llntted Anortization Sehedule of Loan Paprents on Parking Fee TOTAL PRITICIPAL P}II{EIIT DUE PAYI.IEI{T I PRII{CIPAL IIITEREST PIYMEITT OIITSTAIIDIT{G r410.00 07/Ll/88 PD 280.00 280,00 1130.0007/LL/89 1.00 243.48 113.00 356.{8 8S6.5207/Ll/90 2.00 267,83 88.65 356.{8 618.6901/LL/9L 3.00 294.6L 61.8? 356.{8 32{.0807/L1/92 r.00 32{.08 32.1L 356.49 0.00 1r10.00 295.93 1705.93 PROPERTY Gorsuch Buildinq pROJECT_llgrquqh Ealcony EncI . PERMIT # 003419 s 1,410.00T@ fn installrnents after date, for value received,, f pronise topay t9 the order of the Town of Vail at the Ofiice- ofthe Finance Director, Municipar Building at v;ii; colorado, OnF Thousand Four m Ten ---_Dollarsfotat Down Patment 9_?_80. oo--Elg- with interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance,payable in yearly installurenti as follows: $ 356.48 due and payable on 7/LL/89. $ 356.48 due and payable on 7/tt/9}. S 356.48 due and payable on 7/LL/'L. S 356.49 due and payable on 7/LL/92. Tt i: agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declareddue hereunder, the principar and acsrued interest thereon shalldraw interest at the rate of 1g percent per annum, and thatfailure to make any palatrent of piincipat or interist when dueor any default under any encurnbrance or agreeroent securing thisnote sharl cause the whore note to become-due at once, or thelnterest to be counted as principal , at the option of theholder of the note. The nakers lnd endorsers hereof severallywaLve presentrnent for palment, protest, notLce on nonpa)rnentand of protest, and agree to any extension of tine of-piyrnent 31d partial payments before, atl or after maturity, ani ifthis note or interest thereon ii not paid when aue, or suit isbrought, agree to pay all reasonable Losts of collection,lncludfi reasory^blQlattorneyrs fees. . Dav 141 s.f. Vail , Colorado, July 11 , 19gg First installnent of Second installment of Third instalhnent of Fourth instaLlment of //7, t'I luwn 75 soulh frontage road Yeil, colortdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllcc of communlly developmenl ;fanuary 5, 1988 Mr. Dave Gorsuch 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Parking for Gorsuch balcony enclosure Dear Dave: Enclosed are two copies of the parking agreement for the balcony expansion which was completed this past summer. The Finance Department has taken into consideration the fact that you have already paid $280 of the total parking fee. This payment has been calculated into the installment plan. Please sign both copies of the agreement. You may keep one copy for your records. I srould appreciate it if you would send the other copy back to me in the encLosed starnped envelope. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Sincerely, .r r A,It I tt'l d(^rl"rnllll)lkl \ ttt 6 Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP/br Enclosures It PROPERTY Gorsuch Buildinq PROJECT Corsuch Balconv nn PERMIT # 003419 I 1,410.ooTotal Parking Fee 141 s.f. Vail , Colorado, July 11 , 198g In installments after date, for Pay to the order of the Town ofthe Finance Director, Municipal value received, f promise toVail at the office ofBuilding at Vail, Colorado, and payable on 7/LL/89. and payable on 7/lT/9o. and payable on ?/II/9r.. and payable on 7/1L/92. Ong Thousa$ Four H ollarsTotal. Parlcing Fee Down Palment $ 28o.oo paid witb interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance,payable in yearly installnents as follows: First installnent of I 356.48 due Second installnent of g 35d.49 due Third installnent of $_355.49_ due Fourth installnent of $ 356.49 due It is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or decLared due hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest at the rate of 18 percent per annum, and thatfailure to make any palment of principal or interest when dueor any default under any encumbrance or agreement securing thisnote shall cause the whole note to become due at once, or theinterest to be counted as principal , at the option of theholder of the note. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentment for paynent, protest, notice on nonpaynent and of protest, and agree to any extension of time of payrnent and partial paynents before, at, or after rnaturity, and ifthis note or interest thereon Ls not paid when due, or suit Lsbrought, agtree to pay all reasonable costs of collection,lncluding reasonable attorneyrs fees. Date hn department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT n pLuMarxc D rouruonrroru CREEK DR AND 232 BRIDGE L.-] BUILDINGn elecrntcll s'U5T.ot8# TEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING ).loa runue' coRSUcH BorLERs OWNER NAME GORSITCI{ T.TTI. MAILADDRESS 263 E. coRE CREEK CITY y411.- 6'6 PH. L7 6-? )9tt ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM rOVVN OF VAIL REG, NO J'-?A?3h FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. PLUMEING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MTN. HIGH PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. L17-P TELE. Oto-l, (nn OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM STONE SHEET METAL tOwru Or Vnt ReO. HO. 124-M TELE. 927 -r7 ? t! NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 4123/93 PERMIT NO. t. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M OIVISION t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORh ; R EMOVE OT.D ROTT.ERS TNqTAT.T. NE['] ROILERS. UPDATE TO CONE. GROUP G-R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES EUILDING PERMIT + 0 tt4t PLUMBINGEW() ALTERATION ADDITIONAL REPAIR OWELLING UNITS --HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMOOATION UNITS -- THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL 540.00/Pc = $135. DESIGN REVIEW BOARO TOTAL PERMIT FEES Hg5dE",^t*^* _ _ +l#LsL ING ADMINISTRATOR CONTFACTOR FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the informaiion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thal all the information provided as required is corr€ct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordirFnces of the Town appl thereto. OF OWNER ANO THE OWNER. NOTE _ DATE PEFMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PTUMBING rfiEC'D APR a J reer pERrrr *. S?QY h dcpcrlmont ol ommunity dcYdoPmont TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELV Pf,IOR TO IT}$'AI|CE OF PERMIT IYPE OF PERMIT I euttotNc D elecrntcll FOUNOATION EME D D I IYPEOFCO SlRt Crloil r l rrr tr@ ) 2. OCCUPAI{CY GROUP A\F/E H I R M G.R.F.A. VALUArlo toT--{a1: Al-l€RArloN ( | ADOlrlo AL( ) REP IR DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION I'{ITS -H€IGHT IN FT - NO.FIFEPLACES TVPE THTCI(NESS F.VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO: ct-€AN.uP DEPOSI I TOWN OF VA|L REO. t{O, TOWI{ OF VAIL REO. t{O. I hereby acknowt€dge that I havo r€ad thls appllcatlon, lllled out In full the Information requlred, "orpf"i"O an ""cutite plot plan, and slate ttratbt ttre Inlormetlon provlded rs.eguirod is coffect. I atr.b ro comply with ttie iniormatlon snd ptot qlen._!o comply withallfownogil_"1"::Tq-.^ll]: ia'w;, ;;J r;'-fiifi itriJ ittucture according to the Town's i6nlng an<t subitivision codo3, dosign applicable lhe.oto.roview approved, Unilorm Building Code snd othor CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELTrwtnorvxtacs.no. /2f - ftl OTHER CONTRACT () ,r0 3€s -:lq u;t f rJsss rr j 3t ? r3 o { $? &\ JIo$t E-1 <l- {"<\^l \tl- tt. !\ *g\ ,.\J ,rjfSJ = d te 35J s\) il4if Q d'\ t as,{ C't \E "{\i1 tlJ \-f,-)l\q R N d tY(t rtil t\* $sa ^J i'E3v $:, <) eilo€$ :ls;t f s3e $eN 23 { a ,rt? ,tl 311bH{if ? r3 o { $ \,s J aotfl u' -_tzt2r: {=ltl \,lEo{! .R ct\ C\J Or -a<-traraCE st J$ \ \) \ $ \N t'.), tr[ \s f) u f-{ rlrrrrrl l-1 ./ d t-r F l-l ltrtrrrr l-l /w-L_J-T l-! -- ttlrlrrt t_| ./ F 35 J t!.-\\l t1{'4t\e\)ev( {:- g IaI*q t: | ----rrTr-|-Trr-r l----F- /l o\ \9 \, v1 { $rt)nq, gr i $ r\S=*\$RrsJ\ -€ f-d r r{Jn < atrr ? $ri .* ntl 4,-+-f- st\:- aARStN{\RS-) A P].an Review Based onthe 1992 Uniform Codes NAME:GORSUCH BOILERS DATE:4/26/93 ADDRESS:263 E. GORE CR. CONTRACTOR:MTN HIGH PLUMBING VATL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:B2 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: PLANS EXAMINER:C, FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of, aI-J. possible eode requirements in the adopted codea. It is aguide to selected sections of the codes. The €ollowing is not to be construed to be an approval of any viol-ation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1) COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2) ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.7O3 OF THE r_991 UMC. 3) INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4I F]ELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. .rss fr I .{ $ \ U )R - th. 'Fr W tr\ ...) \ stN \\ N\t '!r \ -l\J \ \,.{\l,\.s T \ N D\ Nu\ \\('\ \ {\v\) \l ,\ry\h \ :/ o EFFICIENT 8I ECONOI4ICAL GAs FIRED ' HOTWATER HEATING UBurnhani AMERICA'S BOITER COMPANY sERIEs 8 sERIEs 8 BURNHAT-4 GAS-FIRED HOT WATER BOILER :f' :..:, '::''ti: :'i':. : Heating Capacities Z1O to 465 MBH Built-in durability The Burnhams Series 8 cast iron gas-hred boiler provides superior modular efficiency and reliability. ln addition, the Series 8 is outstanding in singular boiler applications. It is ideal for multi-family dwellings, small businesses and office complexes. The Series 8 boiler is constructed with durable cast iron sections. The pinned heating surfacc of these sections along with the vertical flue design extracts maximum heat while maintaining low draft losses. This results in higher efficiencies and lower fuel costs. Each section is joined with quality cast iron nipples rvhich will increase the longevity of the boiler by resisting petroleum based chemicals, including antilieeze which can deteriorate the gaskets used in some competitor's boilers. Time-proven cast iron nipples last the lif'e of the boiler. They expand and contract along with thr. sect jon s they ioin ensuring the integrity of fhe entirc section assembly. Features that are more thanjust standard Iivery Series 8 boiler is built with a patcnted cost saving feature called an Elirninairear,. This built-in air eliminator is cast into the lett-end sectiorr of every SeLies 8 to divert air bubbles into a tapping fbr diversion to the expansion tank. Therefore, no external device is required to separate air and u'ater, thus reducing both cost Eliniinate3', a patented cost saving feature is built in[o every series 8 boiler. and installation tinle. The burners, made of aluminized s(eel. are un iq uell designed and precision tuned fbr long life, optimum primary air flow and high combustion efficiency. These burners provide sntooth light off and quiet ignition. The manifold and gas train are factory assembled. This saves installation time and rnone)i. o eEfSi^fi'NG FEAT,RE' A safe heating alternative The safety of your family, tenants or co-workers is of prinary importance. Therefore, the Series 8 design incorporates a broad array of safety features. For example, each standard Series 8 boiler has a proven safety feature with its own backup system. tf you lose pilot flame, a thermocouple supervisor sends a signal to the gas valve, cutting off the gas flow. The Series 8 equipped with electric ignition has a redundant gas valve which is basically a gas valve within a gas valve. Therefore, if the valve's port doesn't close, a safety backup valve automatically shuts off the gas flow. Gas controls and valves are safely hidden inside the jacket away from children and safe from accidental bumps and tampering. Comfort without sacrifi ces Too often building owners or landlords end up giving up comfort, endure frequent breakdowns and service calls, and take safety risks iust to bring down their fuel bill. with a Burnham@ series 8 gas- frred hot water boiler, you don't have to make such sacrifrces. Our Series 8 is your long term investment in quality, dependable horne hearing. A B c o I , .-.-., ..,.., ,-- sPECIFICATIONs uffiO SlNGLE BOIIER RATIN€S NaturalandI.pcas @@@re tGI lkring5shownareforin5tallationsats€alevdandelevarionsupro2'0ocft'Foreleva.ionsabo}'e2'o0oft..mtingsshouldberducedatthera|eofurFrce above s€a ler'€L. i 1) N€l IBR radngs shown are based on normal tBR piping and plck-up allowancc of 1.15. Consult lhe manufacturer for in$alladons having unusual liping and pick-up requirem€nts such as intcrmittent sy$t€m ofoperation, ext€nsive piplng syst€ms, etc. (2) 15 ft. he8hl is m€asured fton rop ofdrafthood ro rop ofchirnncy (3) DOE hearlng capaciry l.'urni;hcd \.\'irh elecrroni€ ignition and velr damper only. AFUE is 80. 1 %. NOT FTOR DIRSCT INSTALIAIION ON COI'IBI.'T|TIBLE FIJOORING. A rIEAT SHIELD IS R"EQUIRED AND AVAIIABLE F]OR COMBUSTIBLE FIJOOR INSTALLAnON. NOT FOR INSTALLATION ON CARPBIT, E\/BN WTITI A HEAT SHIEI.D, tlBurnlraffi Form No. 42268- 1 2 / 9 | -2OMf Print€d in U.S.A. @ I 99 I Bunham CorDoration7604. o 2r2 (3) 257.4 308.9 360.4 411.4 463.3 184 'ra4 269 313 358 403 7 x15 8 x 15 9x159x15 l0 x 15 10x15 tanca$er, PA I ll'llvu l'llt. ,v 177-l 'Fr^,^ ii.\t r Pyt : lo"D 'ALLEY coNsulTrNo =nJ*rRs, rNeE 827 ROOD AVENUE ,_, GFAND JUNCT|ON, COLORADO 81501 - (303) 24*3177 FAX: (303) 24$.4450 LEZLIE BROWN JEANNINE CARY BILL N{AFSTON CLINT RALSTON RANDY REXwiNKLE RODNEY REXWINKLE KAREN IHEOBOLD May 5, 1993 Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Subject: Gorsuch Vail Village Dear Sirs: This letter is written to convey to you the results of the engineer's analysis of the boiler room combustion air requirements for Gorsuch Vail Village, as requested by Stone Mechanical, Inc. Stone Mechanical has proposed to provide 352 CFM ol outside air at atmospheric pressure to each of two boiler rooms by installing a blower in the existing outside air ductwork to each boiler room. They also propose to interlock each boiler gas valve with the combustion air blowers by way of a sail switch in each outside air duct. It is given that in each mechanical room, the appliances requiring combustion air are two (2) natural gas fired gravity draft type boilers with a total nameplate capacity of 660,000 BTU/hr. I have calculated that the volume of air required for combustion, for the given conditions is 199 CFM at 8150 foot elevation. Therefore, providing 352 CFM of outside air will be sufficient for each boibr room. Please call il you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Grand Valley Consulting Engineers, lnc. Don-r'( cfe.tu > Donald C. Ralston Jr., P.E. DCF/jc GORSUCH.WPF $.sffirm fia'?'iiy.gfr;rme9 g4>B/P3 tzrt? STtrNE ]'IECFfiNICALo**r*druru'"ru,4ri 3A3 82? 4255 P.AL '\- PAcEs ro,,.Lrqq..Rr#fl/Fr-PLBASE DULIVER TTIE FOLLOSTIIO IIN,$ NAI'TE: AI'NRE$$: STqNR SHEETI'ETAL TBLECOPIER MEoHANtCAL, COVE& I.ETTER DUEINESS PHONET fOTAL UU}i8ER OF TEIECOITEE ,'Fll0.FEr PACES IIICI.UDITS covBn LTTTERI (303) 827-57?4 (r0r1 627.42tr5 trROM: FINM PHOflE' TELECOPID& FHO$E! If YOU DO }IOT (305) 8Zr-5?24 THA||KS! ! BECIIVE ALL THB PAcf,8, AS 600t1 Ar PossIBLE. OR TTTEY ARE BEADAILE, DLEA$I CALL li trnn ilrnruBll 0FFlct . c&0ltsE 0BEBK CENIEB, 23?lE U,8. HrcHt{Ay 2{. uNrr B-13, l{IflTu&t.Co 8165llll sotrH NINTH STREET, €BAt{o tln{cfls{r GoLQRAD0 'lt6ol irol:iiE:'c6t{- ertB/ss L22Lz O.IE HECHRNICAL 383 g2? 425,5 P.@ ti]oilt mEcHAiltc^tr tltc. l?oulr Grlrt C]rt t .#''*#llB,.ffd'$ffi:,, \ \ *-.., f ?1 !tr I bt 7't.=,Gl rt T t-rA-ta l1'I IL \r \T't J It te q&a n A \'l llr ttl tl EI t I ..)L I!a f I \6 t_tt GL -l l.',.d!L.,,F. t:ua u E /.|,l d I t\tr cl -f,r dtt D .l Ufu--1 B -a fi L o I-o x .4 c fl_, I LY 6 tAt tat / /'aL .A rl I lt )'t:,'.x 3 d T (0!i allt I {? c'a tt! (Ar n A w F. _r I 2r t+t ti F a s HIb ,J ! !*. trrq )a/ t l3 (h.Lll dl I A I a ,r1 I)-rt itr E LrJ EI I l.t'I T'A t7,I :h t urrFqDrle&rr.qs.r{|.r!'-nitrEt{llita t SPE .a:/','') -) / <__-IN PERMTT NpMFER qF PROJECT I /-'. / ,'; ., ./, ---t / I .DAret'!' '/ ) JOBNAME READY FOR INSPEC.T-]ON:t' LOCATION: BUILDING: f] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND --tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERN FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION EI POOL / H. TUB B SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER k nenrrruo D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL flneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 6> coNsrRucrtoN PE n"W ..r-.,-----. \ Idepartment of community develoOms) .r.g TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMEING FOUNDATION sD' \'-L pd*N .AC\v$n DA tr U!ME(Hnrutcnlryi-ltnroce srnrrr -l LEGAL DESC. LOT BL FILING {-a.e nalre: o*, "oor* ^, _$ OWNER NAMF SBD VAIL/0RE I{OUSE MATLADoREsS BOX 996 crrY VAIL. C0 px.476-5100 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWtlt OF VAILAEqI!9 ELECTRICAL loNrRAcroR F;RM NEI^I ELECTRIC TowN oF vAtL REc. No. 110-E rELE. 949-465L PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF YAILj|EG- NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM AMERICAN AWNING TowN oF vAtL nee. ruo. 356-s nELE.232-r612 RMIT \l ,'.r'1- ..5 NOTE _.COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ffi DATE RECEIVED AUGUST LO, 1992 taktz 5964IA // FO64i penurr No. v / I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP otvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : r r rvv AEEHIRM 122a34 CONSTRTTCTTON OF PERMANENT AI^INTNG LITI''1 z9 F J BUILDING 12,000 ELECTRICAL 3,000 PLUMBING OVER ORE IIOUSE DECK.MECHANICAL TOTAI,:15,000 TYPE GROUP G,R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V IHR A BUILDING PERMIT 195.00 -t\ 'il2 /q $t $ =$. $ru. -9+-ct\L\n>-s PLAN CHECK I27 .00 ELECTRICAL 54^U{l NEw() ALTERATIONqX ) ADoITIONAL() REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD 50.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 EXT wALLS I I I USE TAX TYPE OF HEAT soLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 526.00 DAN STANEK 4/14193 iuTr-o-lldoFFrc-nl-- - - DaTE SHELLY MELLO 4IL5I93 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr cur I | |IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & BUILDING P9155. FIELII INSPECTION REOUIR 'oo*,*n I I FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. TO BE CONSTBUCTED PER APPROVALS AND THE OWNER. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in lull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design r8lfiNrfofJ";Horrniform€uildins code and o,n"t,l'o'?"n";" yrn":i*: Tpticabte ther€to. CLBAI| TIP DEFOSIT: TO:ffi*-pa 0o* a?: - , )^ -l {tr. klla.7. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION DATE 0pge PERMIT NO. dcpartmcnt ol community developmcnt TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PfitORTO TSSUANGEOF PERMIT TVPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL !n CALME r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUA AOOITTONAL REPAIR ( ctry \ _lui \ px. \lG5 OWELTING UNITS - A@OMMOOATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - I{O. FIFEPLACES TNSULATION: IYPE THICKNESS EXT WALLS TYPE OF AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO: FIRM MAIL AODRESS .:rYY PH- FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.4- //-t',26+ft - 7 A-,--h_ _LLv32_ WN OF VAIL BEG. NO.ELECTRICAL PLUMBING I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ read this sppllcatlon, filled out In full the Information required' ;;;[i;; accurite proi pr*, ana staiJitt"t'att the information provided as required is correcl' I ndree lo comolv with the i"ioit'ailon ""d plot ptan, to comply with all Town.ordinanc€s end state i."fi:;;ii;''#irJ'irtiii'itl"ttiji" ""iotoi"''s to'ihe rown's z6nln9l1nd subi,iti9l.",9d.""tr-L"^tinn ;;;;;;;t;""d, Uniform euilOing Cooe a-nd oiher ordlyrances o[th] Town applicable thereto' FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, t r.l t 75 routh fronlaEe roed Yall, colorado E1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 ottlce ot communlty devclopmcnt BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this peryit. requt:res a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval,Engineer''s..(Pgbl ic l.lorks) rey'iew and approval ,'a planning' Departmentrevi'ew or Health Department review, ani'a review by the duiibingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review inay take as 16ngas thfee weelts. All commercial (large or sma]1) and al'l mu]ti-fami'ly permits wil'lhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requ'iremLnts. Residentialand.snnll projects_should take a lesser amount of t'ime. However, if!esidential or srnller projects impact the various above mention6ddepartments. wrlth regard. to necessary review, these projects rnayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermrit as seon as possi,b] e. I^l the undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and time frame. llttt.: \ q r,- Communi ty Development Department. \ It lnwn u [fl1 75 south fronlage rord vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FR,OM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce of conmunlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMI.{UNITY DEVELOPMENT I{ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }TATERIAL STORAGE rn surnroary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil_, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash durnpster-, portable ioilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicp1?9" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way 3n al1 Town ofvarl st,reets and.roads is approximately S ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strichy enforc6d by the Town of vailPy!}ig works Department. pers6ns found vi6tating this ordlnancewrrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said nateriar.rn the event the person so noti.fied does not cornply with th-notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pulfic WorksDepartment will remove said mateliat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snift not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departrnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. tioflRelationship to (i.e. contractor, owner) lB-19?3 lg! ba,/ FRO1 E.LEll RrLEtI 'lo 1343422941? P'91 I i ,\ ..1?t-q. , tfnt'\'. ,\n$\"'.--)-' i . ttl lr) v .'l\' u ' i /-"f.|{-' qlt r/,lr\lrr{-,a.li$*n,"' ", EUllwifs# U\" r'45-./' T -\:ffJ ^-u+', Efld[Txrm8ffitffiffFitu TFST[mffi ffi0mFHnYs:t t'If;-, i I ll#;:;',1.1t,,;"i';llil..,,'.,.' I .. OF i!;r!.Dr:;c !.,.',ietl.it-s i I ^sn( s Bs- s4ti!t't'' 'i 'j !3:rrlal, ldo::clflc'J er "Stylc 0601'lii :.iI ,t: t ": il{ ! ,=bor 55a84i .i ' t'a?oiE li'J=b or 556s'l -q } :i ?ei! tir:gbcr 1766-6?55 $ i i'i""'r 39' le87 tsq it'!i,i,iijr 'l , lictc:ed foili 1 ,. .!rlpc:'ed foat' .r: "l :--'--;- - rrrrt- .i--I : cic" Plvo:r !!!IleI fec'. i;!.....'''G].cnl.el.ea,.!ior:thCarcLl::a',......,.iI.. '. . ,. 'ri t i; ' ' "': " : :J ;t .i :: .l'rii!':.) i i ccwJ3ct"'t r'silric cct.';rlir'tr .l'r' I' i 11 ]t r)t It ', I Lttflit-l |,bt-fu.Ji I Weat l*t"**tii ' v i i ^-,.-- r-^L^-r ' '€ | Jcslt:trlt Jqe&aoq i' n !" g1'lsgtive llco Prelld'-t:: :^- ^OD?F ,JFt'l-18-r9E3 16! 59 FRO'I ELEI{ FoIv*E}l rrt lirraicr Jl;,!',!s ljunbc r l;nt-ilit 1L)130342?94r? P.S2 ,?*}\t oI iiI a: 'r\ 'i I ;. ,i!I .t.t 1.ll ',!!rl ! :.1!i ..t '.1il :l;! I'.i I .'i 'l ..: I :!I ,t .:i .a''l,l' :l .l ,i' '{ t!.| :J. ',,.xl ?h1c t!;a:: :,3 e 73s5r:;':t-ilc:?. c! -rcE"r::3 ci E':c i'-::'''! i :": iii : ru:cri3l cul:-lllca -'o= icl:1.;; b;; 6lr'; F':"G'1.:lllir' i:'c' ' fr10 !lri t., "r-l"c'*C i-n t':c'r'jeaco t-i !'L' tt'! ;:!:r'f3i 5;:1r:;" lc:' ?est1:rt a:ir! t'r:ctlcli"iio"loia i"it..lir:i'od /'o:. 'r5-'r:f::r !":::1::; che:cc'-c.13i1cr of s;;rc-l.it-g -E !otr"i t ' " - ! eg s:' clse i:;r'-;'-te -t!'r stslic: ?'r.'.:'.o I lcti. "ifio i"tfi*l' ts r1:ll;r ;e t'riSi ?' t' :;:r-1 ils' l!3' UirC -'io. !i-t, crd ff fio,- i:J.- ihtr =o:i'c':! -:':'! 5oo:: c;;.''cTrJ fe:-u:c !" EIE;slsr i! rhe l"7c=-c;'"i-;i n"i"tt"" gild fet 1"3!!lia l- :'1'r l:l il.{+:: Ii-iii.l:i..=1=:rr c::i 5:cndatcr'-' -';i;^;;;"J.t:-o:r"'.:ii bc usoi !o :c!s$*ic e;d ccicr3!s il'r ;ii;l;:"cr (Jf !rrcijlf-:i ra :ca7c"l-a- io f'"ot atld 'ic=t t=io: c'.r:4tt': lElc:-l:ci:" """r-f il.*, f , sfr"riJ . rloi ;r sseC- ic: c':rc icac:i'ptlc::' t1;=ei::l' c: ;;;i;;i;; ol-ii.i rriotLrie;{ os fl:c:lslt g!'-rcoritlcr ?i6i:j':t' ci !rco:bl/^cs u:r(cr cc:;;l itri tot'lr:ittt '- ?::tar 3:?t -:r ''c'r14r:l:'-c:-t =:le for ics.Jlre s.',rf =ll- le 05tr1::€d 1i E;-'r :'rtc:lal )t::: ""'A:'rr: t: gero :cs:rC tn ce:l:'.,stlia slth otl'4t :i::c;'-r:JE' Ti'a !Es: :c:l':' "o!not 2rt.,,tcr fcr e:rc ..-"".1.="ni c! hrr: ::c!-.r-,f-s.,. ni :!.::'.:rl ii:c .tsrla:e tcsic'l' t:ro efic;; ci-tsiti"iitg- {ra-: t7--oci bchg;lsl oJ ai' art::};:r . :tr',:it1eg f;c: (l:e et"tiilti "t cr::';rct!1r t{l!'5 E::J 'r115'ir' G; Gl.cclrltit o: Ccfr,rrlg 5--nrlnvtot se ::;;:r=!':tEi':Ic rcie!1' bi ;cr:l e-= ;-]1;; rircrc irce::' t:orcv!:, rcrr:1:s of:hl6 lee! :ai !c {er! Et c!€=n:rr o! s ti:c lltL iitr"ii""*i ii':"1't tai:0e :l--sD c!'r::rt:::: !:: oi lh!-'f.'.la:c :.'\ Lr'! ,r:o ?c:ilic;i iQ t:t aBecsg:e:: q! t!'e 1l:e :'1inii ;: € Di;i,lcE:gr ci:4 ua!, tn thr J1!li:i of .7;.rr?:::'-- --?hq fl:o polfot:i;cc of rc:/ giio:!c: v--o',r"i j' ".t"oi' rr" oiiiuotti ci -the !os,tD t ! e:] c::a !"-i' i-c ic5: ;;;;i;;t;;;ia n'',r'i' "ipil"a +!1'.ra thc. s:cc1-r:" :cs!3i:::' r's 'iit . ncc:iscr111' 1=atcrr:r'i oi'"Jri=o"t'Lde: :"igl, tr rt=lr;i :e:o;lsic' ' /.!1 lcs! dsic .J* -"" iiro gr'd r:o n"'cl'-;!l p fri Itris:' !;r et:l;;- licC yciccag. !t I !'t 7.4;;t. ;-!lj..s TEL N0.00 ,llid-ei-.l-* r, I:;Tt0ticrlo:r FFT 8 ,93 10 :05 P .02 ;liJ::.]i';; i5*ie-11,o crec Eicis tiq o:::::t triatn 'i !r:o dc:a3: s:id! :i:c Prrrtogc c: 'r;1rr ir::.'c: rcsi =c:ill. !! ?t doto-l::e :la rc:l:i"'t !ur!i1i: !ch;r'lo; or c"'c .sii-.lri rii or:cttl"; :hr :lr:l sp:c:i :ic:; :i: ;;;i;;; "l -tr'n r;oc!=c:r' it !5 It:ici'drd ic p:r"'tic cali ser;rr::l'"s !a!Rr3tc=c:::? o! ru:lscc !!,s=s i,''jc:i i::'r s=?2' Cc?'9!:i E:Eliii'=r:i:t c: ;;;t;i:; ;;rcr{air vith-ltot ": 6eioci 5r:{o roc oal !losil;r i:'j iiiiiirlrt lnt/co:i.:! bocrd 'rss!eecs !:i;dsr s2ce!'flc !!re cr'losure cc;- dlils:;c, ibo tqi3 *t4oJo" a rc:j::cl -itJc;'::-i6u: .{:": ltli,bf--:::::i !rl tr il [ t li'-j'li ffi Firgfi mb trG $ T[ in I E{*llTFftEY , Jft{- 19-1993 19r59 139342e94r? P.E3FRI}I fLEI.I RHUEN Tfi l.s; o; i lil;lr4 s i5.iii:r TcT! fr::ir i li ei-bai) .l!.tt I s! i -.." ;r6 cli( floortnt siru-tLsn t$ ,.5c 3(nua3t d'Jrlirt t I9'3lr:''ic .ll4i duigclor r.l,:to .r1,1=eri:road over !:g gu: ilcc c'.3 {':t3r.:i o: th't i't5;::1:i; iiri. ot. "iitutce l# :eeorCci. Tec: ;c'-.1i i'i ii{ t5=?c:ci it:a!l:'t :" r!,r rtr,! cgl. gtr;!:rr.'r r.r;:g'lt l:.rr .l i's;:ii; r'" i3C, ''r"d t!'c Ek'si!!-3:'Is;.' ie:c:tc bdorC, vi':lch hrc n O rBll:ti, r;d cfo ct:?('!icd tt ti'=! !?Y!:! 'iilit-or.r srtokc Dc::rlry n0u0loPAd, lle'o;or, 3ho5o :r nt! racotgt::!i' c rc: a t:9i,!l l. ? bcarEcn:hasc t.'o G'qr'r',.r.r:a:,Et' I : i . glgll@.Aillo+lilc:ir:ic ci l r$'il s l,r:;l;r;; T"rc r,aierlol tc!e3 rcr:cC lf !{4ir'-:lc! t: ?':i': c i c::- ?e;,1 4' :i.:cc stlc*=c::r, ieegsrlr6 r1!i.t fcai la le::i;h,' of li'c.--r:e.:I:"' !rl:.: evstrrsla{ uas cdho:rl :o }-!:'c.r n!ao;si-l!brr/ca=3:r: )03;g st dt:ri:et l,; ?c:tBrs?h. i.l'10' "!ic';;t!r:3 lfriicC fa: iira"7. fr;-:11e lfais;fcrr,ti rt tha A?eor,{l;r oI t}f sinrcc::d' A.!' G:r:; sa1--1=-: lir!! ioijo."t"io Bo:rd!:!g !io:tr:j s." t;e'^'clcC ,,ri3'd c:-'r !s:I'- eS l!'a t?csl-rl' uelaS e r,ei6heC clcvcl n{th 3l3L't tz Jlf1't ': :lots!:es' :l' Ptc;a:!i gFciiaci *rs Ptocod €tr th.€ i'-'-s:r1-f iis:.1'r:d--t bo!r:! 6:c Eol1ri '.l:i' i ;i-4.-;t",,"* c;r:'iraa rn'l .!a:' trt aaf'lr:'! .+. 6ca.i hc'-c'lhc s;ecl,:lr llrs ccac eilg'lrcc o"'c:;:igL:' t;c:rs:'rt'e !' c tierJ-4 ;asltr r::C ca..,d{tltned 1n an et:lr7hr:c cJj:',ic1;ci bot'rac- 70 e;3 i!'i 6:1i i5 to 95 pcrcont Ec!3cgvc F.ustJgli. I\'. lis.r }j1oaEl'i3,: .. Tha tcro rofc;Btc0 Ei:d o;l'a: Ca:a c:!:1cal lc tti-i:rs3o c;orltlcn er;s $etlflcC by coeC';cct::3 c l0 :l:':!.rtc t!9t .usli3 ! ' tich '. cln.c^tci- f J*\r.:/cc:onG Eoeid ci chc 4ci of tbe tusl. ?crSolle tcllg- ue i;t ]iC" '-1{ iilir:cer!- s.l-ecC-6roca reC ock' fl+c;l;rg pror'1ccc d&tr !3: chc ICS ra|rronss. fho r.rcir1cl !o3 tlr:1 tcstcC iii a6iitds::cE t'!g:t :h' D:!'::{gr! teJ:.sc:h.C aioco4r:ro e:r Jr:lul:'t i0, 1937. ... r. ?E5i R5s.!i-Ti Thc lcat rcduiEJ, cc=?u!eC sn thc lErl. cf oitcrFaC fleo -tsc::: &Ci'gnco anl thc i,:ric3rered c:cE s::do: iho racatCci iun'c cf 3hc l=i':c CE::nlri' apicrrlu3r B;o ?i€so:1:cd !n Trltc- L!. ca ?cia 6-. .1:: :c;c1p{t1:; cl perirlii lcilglla;'9 ir: :ceults Cuc ic !:;llaci:;e oi tl:o icar =::!.;J.t:.:c te!:::,?s o:c co=71:cd !n thc r,ce.?45! hlj=)a? C1'.'101!tq b:r ll:'r, ihc da:s !or fla:c sFrccd a::d a::niir cnl'c!c?cC 8:c t:hc:; cc scIlC ti:cr or 1i1g f3fggoni* 4091 e*1trrr P:inE-ou! c: Eha ond cf th.a =0;o::. .t .- !, ..t .'rt I ti l'l ilI [* ii?'ij Ll i'i ii: I a ib .: ,j.: t t; l.t:.. .rr l .t.. r :?"! '.+' l :, 'l.l:'l.r .':: I .(. . .Jf*'l-18-19e3 lrtB Flill g-Efl RetEN TO LW34229411 P.E4 :l!' I I llcrro r: liur:br r 55lf,l ?ls c Ns:br; tt86-6i9t !$!-!-st-:--- .r Tali_$ I ' 141!.Ii!9!:-9r.tiI..:':Ir'*-!9!I!q t's LB ij sl 11s!:glftgrtton - giylc D60l- F5c '.q\f;f'E E'E$Ttt} [3 C0''Eitr IDR tr]Y r a Coc:tructlon tI I 'lt a II ,! t .i 't t 1 0 i Ct'\t lo 0 I :.1.l'ri .i..l' ,1 r: ;r1i, ir ';..1,I.JJ'lr iI i!r .:l' 1! ,tl 't ;r.--g t. ,i: . JI il . ,a IJ Alsh€'Jgh tist ' !c{{gicer:! of ''t i1a g -6'r-?4r i-u r1- c+:C.t1!::tc'r Es crlc.,les.4 r" ^'.'.anili'"rii- 'rs*tt i oa- t5 ' li 0 fo; tl:r =l''l:61 ECrE6d. ',A3!9-Iii o!E'E$4-3i oli.s DUR: :;$-3E!i r ric li lritt!lon c';og Ght tr.rr'ne:'c -vrr ::olrC !i O'60 cic'ilrs' Tle giea ll rrora-iiri"".l- io o.g f.cr !t.6,30 elruccr flBh o =rxg:lE t.=;t:r:r.!!t' tl iiiiJiaii ,i..:;tns ih? tcot or t!5'a' TEL No .00 T€aE s rrs s l:e:l olcetai. iiles/scrtng boerd rc,l vr.l f ivvl l;:4 Stylr E60t BM rTT ETI€ HtE[ ffi [d trB$ TE f0 ffi r: '-,i APr. 8'93 10:04 P.03 Flg3c SprrrC E=o!o D:;:c ltY'.l.gi=- t!it!.c:li- EOMFMfrEY 916stg utli $ot EGls llrlP' Psri/rr!l .qE!-rlqn l: ti::'r:*li: loi'lll',1.,1'.'"" For DrAPety and .[vnlngt . SeoPlg Sllc'r t'5" f,'. l2' t"' ilffi; ct Saovlcsr 'l lrltpr ! ll'l1ln5 iiiiiii'i-r"etir . vertlcal Ignlrlorl Sout""/tm' l'-i"rote'f cdbt 12 reconCc p4eE.l! -84!9tPE flamc: LcR8,t'hi f Clothlng/Int t ttut'lona! tlankerE tlr: laor rt Caltfornb tart B0l'. above) !g:S.lJill-s.*grtr Grirelifn ' t, After Flrsel 2 +rcondr avtll8c ;', Chsr LsRSthl 6" oaxLouo !s3rg!!--tp9lllf. FoR rrsrlNgllD--uArlE!48'A$UE95 S,rrfaga burnlng (fleqesPrlrd) of l'uttdt og narrtlglg 66sPtc Slrrl eO-1/4" !( 288" illlci"l rt'gt'' $erisonrer iFt;i;.1 lo':rcrr $rrlAtr llxcurs EherB noek (conlrols) [.i-6"i rroo.lrrg (conlrolr) SUNNRELLAC fIREfIST fuGI conlrtbutod te rero for thtn t g.condl avel8gr thrn 6{ fltcrrl'c trr, For tloitc (Abcut glglpr.td,I4d.$SEP!4$$g 100 ,-10 5uilBFE!.LA0 EIRESIST 100 5-lo S.Jnlf,flr"A'.r II,rEilst FA|rl!6, ?r-rB EESrgISXcE Dlte rctardinse [3 I'nhelAng Eel vlt! neE $ash Oul' IAIIFg oft E4g;Eri9.C NtrtoNrrl,--EIIE'EglEgTEl-|sarrqg- - !!!' "(!a8GE-lctrE'- FL|TI Eor AffilntD r UphokBGrf r ';8ll Cuvcrlnt g!BPI€ Siecl J'' x !4" [u,i.' o! saopre.q_! ?r::i:'ri.ltt]fl1r"ro.'[:llilt ttili;r'l3l:"i'l'ili-ei;' t3 rceoodr Alrsr Cll3r t.3sl Lfs$ AS Jd+-rF1gt3 llrgu 15931122941? P.06 I'r'.1,(. I'l I I.il ct l-HiJll Cil-Cl{ Rf{t EN lo gsggifrll 0rltEi{Sqr l. AFtst liltl|tc: lrct ?. Clfll Lengthr T.est then 4 g.condt avalsgt Ehan 6" SvcreBe For lJorlr Clothirlg/lnrt {Lutlonll llankeca (Abo$B thB 9a$. as Callfornla Trst 801'. Ebovc) leEgi-gatt -€llrer*C ' l, Aftir FIdSe! ? +rconir av'retc 2. chrr Lc$8thl 6" tcrl'8uo iIFsI-lp 9I Elf" Fo R tEstln c ^xD -!1$II@!". 65Ol r-t e- Srrrf ace burnln3 (f).auesprcail) of LslldlnS narrrttlg EaDFr3 Slzr: 2o-l/4" X ?88" M-uirrlng lrglr'l llotltontal lgnlcroir Sourcri $sslAlr E1$ccrc rc-gls.gd l,d.le$gtssE.!:l3$r r00l-to EheeB Sock (conlrols ) niU iar. lloorlrr5 (con!rols) SUNERELLAO fIRESIBT FucI contrlbutod ts :!ro for t00 5-r0 SutEFpr.LAO EIhESI$r JF t-tB-1993 lrree FHUI'| ELEt.t nfl.E.t 10 1fr3A229411 F.06 :i. .t I Iiil ilr frl fif {l ..v t) ru L q, t: anu o'tt 6 6' E.o'8Ct.{I -," rD co '-.. 1,..F r,:tO;grrt a t4lF. Fg U, 1.. trl tQ)|!lrj 'r (QF o)F?5.. = g? rrt F frJ 14, lcFit 4t t-it @' tlr 40 -a' lllFrof oa vrl. bl T?Et-(r, fi [?gr!l rrntl f;Fr-. 8,93 10:05 P.04 6, TtL No .00 H .. g' -r' rr' tt @) $ r:J€ -E tr, d$g x+ J +.tr, tftE * - ,,$3 x ETrn.etl!,--gl5a .; 'iJt '= == =t'lnTJ-.'-I?'-'Fld+ Jtrb r-Fg' 3s'.:r;'[i; *>i- qu)q; =sE Ggu fiFd =|u r- 5 t"'9u; sUe sEHEi-JT- F=F (JE-!=* ..',lju HrS. =..rrrg vigtl'lt 5E?' 5#*q 5Fo- .'LLL,''Lt or 3EJ,V 'f'*.9gFi Utt-=- dI = tA,'url- l! ll F' F.rriFF q) J Lt't (t 4' 3.JfJ l" !tr 4r F ri i:i ;||:I::l]: :i .ll 'ilil '..fi I i i1il :'{ . .:|l a:lrii' .,tt ? il|lli{ I (ni' rD |J,JlE=trJ,r0lL0di{dE.l otdF = E UJG H TEL No .00 HPr . 8 ' 93 10 :05 P .05 -ll'ii:ltl' l:l'!'A"t!$tEl :-t-:!$[q .lfuligllF'Lr.A fIRti$r:iT" Oltltrr rtcBts or t!;{s0orlt tho fs}loglnu (lanc t e6lE t.o'lcc 6Pc(lflcsLle $' 1.31 rrlPd-!0! (Lorge Scolc) 1 ffi*ffii:l;ffi'," *i#gt"sr A o1 crttt I HiltP**"o" s J e o r-rar !'t ?!' ftfuffivehl.elf E4ft.Er lg{!l!t' AY^[l!'FJS: rsl s i tDn-' t.l.glJlg} !g':c!+9 qlF" ItPo :'l'-Licn I$gg8-:u9g-- l,*--Q*J@ gsc . aL.|rful8b, tenis' 9rl1 eovertnS'' ;;;;;;;; :Bc' - rntericr gird rr(ccrlor tlbg lci ' Or-.,!f nrr, tcngr, drr'P?r' tannlrgr i.o.- I inre.ror and 'ttcrtorfrbrlcr ' . surfrsr burrrlng (f f1o1 911Pd)iii'lliri dc'rcitY of bulrdlug n!trtrlrlf, {ork clorhlns lnd trrstf.trr t lsnr! bl|nkr! ' Sutfr,;c bsrnlng of lntcrloE flbrtc lulotr-r,o-"lr rnd slrlne' IrtreBlor llrsrrft trl!tl'o rnd furnioblng,e ' Tent rdllls enl roofr ' |1::l.t"t'ntcrlor drcorrllVc ri4 ffi$*ffi:;;;"" *i#8i"sb A o! ctr'e t Hiil"fl t**"*r-leegls-rt-f etffivsb+.eli t'fetx 4tsl-A: *a:'f':r-!. &ul s r !0n-: "'!!lSI cr-mffitoarr'!icn I,'W f,Pr. 8,93 10r05 P.05 Arnl nSt. Cant'l' dre??r' lenncraI ll".''l- int.ttor en6'xtcrlor fsbrlcr. surfrcp burrrlnt ltiro; lP{?rd)iii'lllri i''rsiry of butrdlss sB!.rlsIc. uork c:othlnB and ltrctf trrtlonst !lrnlret. Surfl,;e burnl'$g of lntrrlor frbrl'e Ii.ot r -f'ut"t t attdt crrinc ' lrrEorlor ll'tctrft trx!ll3g aad !urulrbinS'a ' Trnc Yllls rnrt rool r ' lnlrrlct etrit rxrerlor drcortglvc trt ot lal . Ctgsret!r bufF tcltq on uPholrtcrY nacatial. TEL No .00 :':!i:!ltr:l'!'!' uII IUt :-l'llii! r,f,u$$iltLt.A rtlEslsT" cltlrcr rlcoEs or rlncootls ths lqlloulng flar:'c rEc (gcanco sltc( l( lcoLlcxr' .1!!r uE' xrrA ?0r (Lsrce scotc) 'illll?l: ::::':-fi11,:]':t"lt' . e x G'er lor frbrlcr' 2l' Jlll-18-lJtJ l!'!J I r:ui (''"!'r q' s!l r!3ullBntl.l.^ FIRESISIU FtlRlC A Un{qu! Producl by 0ltn Xavcn }llllr, Inc 'linsurpeeeed porEnncB lleur resfutrntc ind colot flt!nar3. lrbrie lo nrdc rrtrh Ig0[ 6EF ILUS (rrll rrtln3utrhln3 ftber]thtch 1r e coloc-p{jnrntrd oodrcryll! ftbrri etr lnhacrnlly flfa rGetsgnnr po lyor r. - i$".l::lrtlilE.atrd coror ProP'rrlef vlll not varh ouc or - Uolcd rnC fcbrlc It Yery rlslsta$! ta ultrs-vlolct deS,taditton, Glrn Beven glver lt a 5-year lthltetl earrahty for ol, tdoor uf.. - Pesser or et'ccrdn !ra! procedurr f80lr Title 19r Calllornta Scstc Flre Htrrhrlrs Tesr end $fPA 0701 . R?tl3trrfd bt crlltronlr Ftte uarrhal. ' r-L-r- ,l^^- -^r -^t. J-l-- Fgbrle doec not relt drlp. , 'Oulrrsndtng lexrlls aod drepeblltty proPrrrl.s' 'Ac1d, aLktllr snd lolvenc rcsitc!trr. 'ExclllcnE soll and lcaln rolcarc ptoperttrr. ' t'lacer re prllcnt, '&(c.lt nE brcnEhsbttlty. ' 0utstrndtnl otldrr.r retfslensr. ' *b 'Very lott iol$turi reSeto end febrlc ehrlnhago' 'lsbrrc w3lthc 9,?, sz./cq. Id.r 4F" rrldr, 1l sulpsr. nn' t TEL No .00tshlc- lt J., t I ! L'J r-r.'.;r.r L{Ft I ft, |r"t I FiPr . L93 10:06 P.06 .l -lJ--l!..j..r{ | r,iIUt "s.t$n Rrr.rl FI ?.Es\sr'r rA.B4rc Sutll. I_.GHT RESI stAr{CU Hstt colQlt g.rtcd up cc 1500 fcat Soutca ! "tler theroor !s rtl lrtl.nFt{ llrt frbrLg tri'll trot tuFpoac gron Eh or nlldo.r; howlvrr, ntldcg oat grovon CLrt or forelgn trrttir .t(rchad ro thc lrbrl.c. ltlldee Hllt ioc-v:rksnor ror slrl{Bl,ELLAo rrRgsl9l and la roodlly {engvedr Thc besc grevurrt8rlvc{i per t.rd I c cl"rrrl'tg- t r!! I rE!_t. Y EAr-_uAl ru[E SUrltlRlLLAO FIRESIST ls ulrrrncrd .for che !.brfc to !?Drln lorvl.ccrlrlt' tor locc of col.or ot Sttcdgch ( ror.r rrornsl e$iroguro condltig.lr, lncludlngrtrnl{ght' n{lrla'r. r0tr and rtnoq0i.rle t:hrolcttF. ctGn nrvctr otl! rrpl-eothr fabrlc, Thc fsrrenty does noC cover lrbor lnd lns(sllrElon ruppllrd by che drrlrr. SfrLlllLITY ;rhrra hrnd lr .tof crr th:n SUNBhELLAO bh$r rl l. oirf,,fF$ to Frf,e?ntchc€E€lv. puckerlng lnd unrrren tllu ruu-ong shosld be gtken.' IIIAT SEALII{C febric crn b€ h€rt aoaled elch I rrdlo-frcque. cy b8d eq J.pDed elth I th6luo-htrrea bar end rubbcr foot. A vlnyl flla or rapc ruch Arleufu (FI{8-EC-50) or luro-A-lcnd (P7l) t. belng ucra to bcnd rhc frbrlc. theae teg+r +r€ .0O5x thlckocsr erd 7/E[ rldrh. Tertr tbould bc rrrn on rcr6p bAt€r{.I to rchelvr }!oge! 9prtoltnS EroDcrgttrscs. hot'rg !,lgh nlnlool or oo r.olof slrrngr. - Xcnon [,13}c f, I I ! i 'i : ' ':.\ Jfli 18 r3?3 11! 84 rtu- I gLEl,l RP"rEl l snrrBiErg\. FrRE3Itt r ERrc TlCllNlcrL-p.ArA coilsTftusrrox Plsln lisa{. - 3! t,lcks t ,5 cRdt - t6/2 cc l{idch - Scrndard - 66 lnchne, 116'8 co tfcl?,h c - 9.2t ounccc/Equlre yald' f!! eraoe/stuari D'..tGr'- rt.E2 ounc'en/ljocnr i'erd' 366 Crcns/lintet nrtcr HArEF nF.pr.1*tl!9119l L REslstAlice A.lTcC TesB 0t27 - 30 clr cqluan or bettar J\ATqg rrrt t22 - f00 or betttr ($prry) BAC Tlst - 100 nl vlte! 24 hourl - 69 t:rh+ ArtTUo f.!B [tl8 - (O[r] - 5 tfslg fllrlhl TO 1fal4z23g1? P. rA E-rRE{ffi Asnr u - i6E2-04 ASIM D - 2262-Et cBElrrcAr. REs{.s.laIcE No cglor choE8r and dl'Bldsl sireagBh t61lo$1at ehratcel solurlonl 1n thl Acidr - Sulfurlc ' ll' ?01 Eydrochlorlc - L7, 372illlrle _ tl, {Uf, Forolc - Llt 90tr* lhorrphertc - lfr E5t SYdroflrrortc - ll' 54tr Chroui,c - Itr. t9l - Aqul Ratle - l00!'t alkrltcr - Crusslq 6oda - 0.511 351 gorttur llYPochlQrltr - 'lt' 5'01 Sodlud chlotltr - 0.llr 5.02 Eodluo Floutrdc - 4I Hydrogeu ?erorlde - 0.31, 30tr'i SolvroBr - Pltcnnl - l.otr 5.0t ErhYIrn Gl/aor - l00l AE.lour - l00X ttelhYl Erhtt KcYtonc - l00f y.s6_g1p36t - r00f, tirchloErghtlen:' l00l tEsr GtrDluol|E ?0 lrourr rE, Toof^i Jrrutrr rt l90vF- Geept !01 1t6fi11s"r Aqus fu rgat{tt. t67 crabl0.g 'tootuo Iosr (Icer then l5l) to tho llsterll I conB.oBratl'o[s. '' bgtrt, rsd l0l Blt{!o3!n 285 14 .3 ib t t ,-/1 , /t?'a(/ PERMTT r'rUrU6en Or pno.recr DATE /'/t'il' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER MON ,ffiREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D tr EI UMBlNG: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL d#,*o,tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL vf?lBsueo ,f )ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR {Ha<tv - )r, ..n rarul< r..-. t Ofiee of Town Attorney75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 479-2 r 07 / FAX 303 -47*2 r 5 7 April 5, 1993 Mr. Larry Anderson The Ore House 232 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 RE: TOWN OF VAIUSBIIVAIL, INC. AWNING AGREEMEI{]I Dear Iarry: Enclosed is a fuliy executed original copy ofthe above r.eferenced agreement for your files. Ifyou have a4X questions, please do not hesitate to call. I Yours truly, I Iz(lrfi-tL-- zr1\v-d' u Lany A. Eskwith Tovm Attorney LAE/dd Bbq TOIYN OFVAIL TOWN OF VAIUSBD-VAIL,INC. AWNING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered inlo on June 16, 1992 by and between the Town ol Vail, a Colorado nunicipal corporation ("the Town"), and SBD-Vail, Inc., dba The Ore House. a Colorado corporalion ("The Ore House',.) RECITALS 1. On June 3, 1992, a hearing was held before lhe Town of Vail Des[n Review Board lo delermine whelher or not to approve The Ore House's application to install a permanent awning approximately twelve (12) feel in depth with combined length of filtyjive (SS) feet, along the west side of the Clock Tower building adjacent to Bridge Street. 2. Subsequent to the hearing, the Design Review Board voted to approve The Ore House's application tor the installation ot the awning. 3- The decision of the Design Review Board was appealed to the Town Council pursuant to lhe Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail and a hearing on the appeal was heard by the Town Council on June 16, 1992. 4. Subsequent to the presentation of lhe facts relatirE to the appeal before the Town Council, the Town Council suggested, and the applicant agreed, that the Design Review Board's approval of the awning should be modilied from a pgrmanent to a temporary approval, lasting not more than one (1) year from lhe date of the installation ol the awning. 5. The Town Council requested lhat the applicant and the Town Enter into a written agreement setting forth the terms and conditions relating to the temporary Design Review Board approval of The Ore House awning. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as tollows: 1 . In accordarrce with the decision of Town Council at lhe June 16, 1 992, hearing appealing the Design Review Board approval of The Ore House awning at the regular meeling, The Ore House is hereby given a temporary approval to install the awning as more particularty set lorth in the design ancl plan attached to this agreemenl as Exhlblt "A". Subsequent to the installation of the awning, The Town Councit shall have one (1) year after the final Building Department inspection of the awning to demand modification of lhe awning design or the removal of the awning. 2. Should the Town Council demard either the rmdilication or lhe removal ot the awning, it shall notily The Ore House in writing of eilher the npdilication required or the demand for removal, as lhe case may be. 3. ll The Ore House lails to make the necessary modification to the awning set lorth in the Town pourrcil nolice or lail to remove the awning, as th€ case nny be, withln thirty (30) days ot such notice' lhe Town or its agent or representatives shall have the right to enler onto The Ore House premises and remove the awning. Any expenses incurred by lhe Town related lo the removal ol the awning shall be reimbursed to lhe Town by The ore House wlthin thirty (30) days of such removal. 4. This agreement represents the enlire undeFtanding of lhe parties and shall not be amended except by a subsequent written agreement signed by the parties. By: THE TOWN OF VAIL SBD-VAIL, INC. CTOREHOUSE.AGR q1u - 5t oD - l{' 'n Bldg. {qt^d Permit # r'-t 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 olflce of communlty development SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST ttla..,t {14€=F Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Specific Request and Rationale: fi nw o ,t,,ti--'-)r' frn(at l''I' at'/ysLrul tu;11'"/:a/ t &d Alurlat " r)ns/ruthnn efiz'ufrtt* Applicant Signature: *Please return completed form to the Building Department. Town of Vail Approvals: Community Development : Police Department: Fire Department: Public Works: Date: -f-f-77 cgw3 ; -i-q 3 5-5' a t 75 roulh fronlrge road uall, colo?.do E1657 (3o3) .479-2138 or 479-2139 Bldg. Permit g ottlcc of qomnunlly dcv.lopmenl y 27-43 Date SPEC}AL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Lt -12 t - t-/ Dll l,^/ tL , laa tfi ld / tl-ttl tflar Name/Position Specific Request and Rationat", V,e{-up ,"trlL hAlef n,// dt/t,tl tlle1 '/i-t.,"-. QA"tl W +tfr/k/, ), ,r;,/! katt hagt ,9a"1"/ w krdSz,*fue* bo/'r' 'V,nils ; ftaltut Requested Date(s)/Times, fiffi;l A4L ' 3ot Applicant Signature: *Please return completed form to the Building Department. Town of Vail Approvals: Community Development: Police Department: Fire Department: Public Works: Date: q lv )1>@ 7-:z-rJ c/- &7 -?3 . ...' .. , ' ,.JAN-18-1993 LAz58 ,*n ?,u **."TO tfi342294t7 P. A1 Da-.- n'''r"'I. ,f rr 5 $9tt 0'@ 't ..1 ,-i t I t BmEstrmBffimBffitu EFSTnmffi Effiffi?F$mY Scanda=d ?csi !'!c:hcC fo= illie-ci Ef tt: i:ic ci'r-t$crE?'rsirc s or iluill tFc l:'.TE?.r-1''lS ASTI! E 84-6/' !i6iet!al ldc;ELflcd as 'tStile 8601" !.cpo:e 1;--5 6g -c-c486 ?esi !ii:=ber 1786-6255 Ja:'luary 30, 1987 ?:op a: ed . 61e* Glan !!llIs, :Irc. ' licrth CarciL::s foi: P.av ee I 't.! ^t t. {:'' $ Jaac:hce JacLgos : ir:ccu: lvc Vlcc P res lde:rg F-drFl/!tli.3i)dfirY'{J o RESffiBEi4 Ei.iGtFdEg,qlt{G ,rn'u-re-t9": 1A:59 ,**, ]*RRUEI.I TO L3A342294t? P.Az fic?')rt lir:=hrr ictt liunbcr I )"":'. .lt2-a!)) I 'lrl t :l , I .i 'l { .l I tl I I ':i 1! -l l.i.; ..1 ':-.i e$T[[lsr-;: iT.'" t:r;:1":n fl fa;.': ir': i: t i'i'. i,.'ii - !:,::lJ i l'.: . u'uJ'--l-' 9 ""-r t i ,.1 ': .: :.i ,! -:l ,i tt.::l.l'rl il ,;.., .,t i'ela ? ci 5 IliT7.0ra',CT l0:i ?lrlc ra;::l 1s I 7:escr'icg1cr. c:' :ctx:':s ci :'rq i:::':'r! ::3: :: : :::e:iirl 5'Jtr;l!tc{. :c-- ccsr:;5 bi' Gic:; i":'' e"' lliiis' iac" ?l'le :esi v;s ccnCuc:eC i:: 'e:corieL:c ;1:l i'L'r l-=l:lce; 3c:1e:.. ic: Tccli:r6 a::d l'tl"ti*i'- SianCerd Tes: fir:l-'cd !o: "5uii::e !':::1::: che:ac;cri=;:.cs ol -ii-li':ft;; Y-:i.c:-!'e1: "' a ?1 el' iico !::::';; 3a :':"r stc!:'i.cr Tlr:lc1 r""=, --:iln ierhcC 1s sl:llsr :o ijisi 3'i' :iiii "ic' li5'' 'rj5clio.,i:-I,rrd-u-i.lic.733.This=u',i""'::'ssbEeaE?pi$"'e:ic:u=ri;; eEc::cleE b: ihc :u;;:;;r;: cf Dc!cnsc t:.'a E=t lte :1:"-3 i- :l"r l:l l:'ii- o? Spcci::cei13:'rs a:i 5;endarCs ' ?.lls s c.:a/-a. j ;.j.r;il .be r:se<i !o :.3e.5'c;c alc ie!c:1ie :Lr p::;el:le= e j 'i-icij;lals 1:.. ="Jpc-; :o 'r'c:re :;"c- Jia=o 1':-de: c'T'i:41: r': 1^'"':c:e:::;" cc::diii.q;s. r. ul"Ii;:;";- iti- *soa ic: tl-:a iesc;ipt1c::' a;;':aissl' c: :egulailon c! ti'e il=- l""t"e o:.f1:g :lsi" c! =rie:iEls' ?isi::':5' c: ;sce=blj,es ""*o= ""Jt"f ittc tc;:ej'ti'::r ' ?l:e:e e:rr- :n- :-':s'!'de:E::c::i ::c.d e for :es'iies ti;; =t:t- be obeel::ee 1i si"'e =nid::e: i*i:; e';'ai';:tei $eic E4sie. r" ."="i"]" t il" "-1'h ogl^'c: ='::c::3is ' Ti'a ies: :t::-::: ':et noi p:o'-'lCe f"t t:'o =to"'"=o=o-t af hea: ::i:'-9-"st{n:r ::"::":;i- ilg 9":::a:e tcsied, tl'ro ef f c:t ;;-;;;;;"irea- f 1e=: e p:eei ':c':"s';icr ci a:: ess:=il:' :es'.:Ic;.rg i:cl at-t" -i="'itrty of. cc::':crlb1e 'iells e::l ::11:-':gs' ': c1.+csli)'l-::; "= a"ri-rlg-'n-t' " t'",:.r tf o" t'""'"t-:"5c:-1!e ssiel:'- b; =ge:s c-= efLe=es;reaCi::de::'llorever'rcsu1:sci:l':lsiegl=:]'Secsejc: ele=llis cl c fi:e litL "iu"='=cni :'hic'n tailll L:'lcc eic":::: all ai ll:: " !e::::s :-'iLeb ::c p4:i!"c::i to '" """99:e:': qi ::"1 3i:e' ':'::::{ :.! e Fc:ilctlar-e;:d uso ::aile1 in the lig:; cf ';:i:e::: Tha 51:o 9e:fore;:lcc of gnY ci ?::a'-'-!. ed g p cc::nc:-' U"- "''of*ote.d o:l -the ics!c ri e::y c::e ie5:' .T:'c :es: resurt prcscrued h;t;';;11; l+t:-.:t the s;ec1:eil :cs:!3 e::i 16 --t3 i:ec.ts;!11:.' 1:dlt:ri'"e oi-"ppare"c !de:':'-;ai c: s1:11;; :3:!:lcie' ' ril-i cosl ca:e eto "" iiro ""a tto-ll'lJi-=:ru lr"" :l:'lc'; b;; l'j:i'::- i;cd Pc:cc::s. :i. ?ui:l!!-3 T;lepl:pe:ccit:''at::::::ciicst=E::'i'isrzde:c=i'::c-::crc:'s:iYe t';r:r1;j: icl"c*lc: of ;;; Jce:lei by ob;c:-"!r'; :he ilE:3 sa':;:i :::::-;:: c'.:riacc c! t:'.e =i"tLio -;t -lt ir:c;d:c =c p:r"'iia c:i1' :r=;atl::"'e :ces'.::c=c:::c "i ,u=:'Ii"'::"=u r;:c:c -:::J s=:l'-e cc:lri:'t' a:s!:'::c==n:i c: bu1lct::g ectc:Lals "Jitf'-ftt" -if ecicci g:ade -roc 'cc! i-c;:l=g r:i c1::c:al- i i-q e:,/c c:cr.! - ioo*J ""=ieccs -undc: -s;ecif lc !l:c c:";osuro c3-- dliicns, T-no .oo* oio'J. s a ;"=l'tc1 .:uc;:i-:o"',t -loo: !'c:r; b;r :'rt:--::" 1i..:'rec r"icc Epecl="t-ii-u- ""=::rlled -t-^: jio" ,"-:'l--:l::lii"t::!":;';;:;:;i;:::.:it:: "-iliJ.='l*.""r;'=;;-'-'; tio o"::io !a::3ih si r:"e r!:c:: 6::/-: /.4\ {3m[']nRYf,il icr{-ra-rggs latsg TO 13A3422941? P.A3 -r :". i;') 7.i6-fi- i.; ,r. Pele i of 5 PilE9;,F-{.?i0l;i.:D CclilI?Iolil:ic Cl TI.sa J3EE Ii:. T!5T r-RCC:l''-:i': Tlc r.aic:{al belng tes:ed 1s ide:':lilei 1; TebLe I c:: iage 4' T!'.:cc s:eclac::5, -=easull:5 e:Eh: !cet li Ie::!:;" cf '-i': e =a:e:1:l' bei:g c..'.ii!':3i6d ';ae cihored Jc i-it'"i =1no:si-f1!o:/ec=en: boa:i 2' di:ec:ed 1::, ?aragleph n.l.le, "l!ot:::1;6 llziF'cd . fc: I"u'ry Tr;:i- e Xalerlels," i:: lhe ArponCl,;: oi ghe Si;::dard' A'?' C:ee:: Sel:=!':-i lilgi: ?c=Ferti'i=c EcrC!;-g Ya::a: t';ea ::"cioC c::!c :i'e b=:i: ef the €--ei1=e-- using e i'3!c::e{ i;c..'cl tiih 3/32'' ji 3|32'' '.. :.loi:hes. i:.: e p:e?e:.. r;"ii.u* '.i!p p:.aceC cx iha el::crcl-f i:cr./ce:c;c bcei{ a:' ;ci'1:: uili a IiC-pol:ni c"-ior rc i i o:: to .1-':R!r:'r' a gc=r'i hn-:i ' The s;ec1al:l $a3 icad-siackcd cl'e:1.i51..::, t:alsje=ie. E3 E €:3:ci! ;e:i:, e::d cc::diiilred 1n €:r at=35?he:c =;1i':E1::ed 'tcc:"6e:: 70 er'i 7i"F a:d 4 5 to 5-i pe:cc:rt Eele glve hu=1dlii ' 't ..? I :. .,;. i!.; i. :, Tho terc roie:c:'.ce e:ld cther Ca:a c:1:1cel ic ful::a:e e?c:ai:''a uc:e verlfled b1 co:rductkS e l0-=.i:':utc !esi ustr.g l-lr.ch. =l::e:al- f iier/ce;,enr Eca;d c; iltc Cii of the casr ' ?crlodic tcaEs ssl:g :;Cilli cc:cllled s€1ecr gioai iec'Oek flccrlng p:o'lced daic. for cie lc: reiero::ce. Ti':e r:ecc:1el l.'Es ihe:1 iesici 1:: attcrde-=e vlth :h: g:e::de:l Eesc. solhcC F:occCurc er ieluer-v 30' l9:7' T. i,ts? Rislars Tllc ccg: Tcsultsr ccepuced cx the besls cf oice!';ed flarc i:c::: eiTe!'icc ei:a ii:e 1::ic6rr:cC' e:ea ';::dt: lhc raccrdcd c'::-;e ci ti:e =:ll ie::s1:;,'c?i;rciu3,e:opreso;r-cihTc':icIic::?8;e4-'i=:e'c;--::1::r .i--i".iffil ""lt"tlcr".s ir: resu::s iua cc llaltaclcns of rhe:as: =::lci' t.:c ?c$x1ts 3:c co::1'::cd tc uhe ::ea:esi i:":=h c: Ci:-lsliia b;" ii';e ' ?hc dat,e Ecr il.a=c sPreeC ar'C s:ci:c Cclcicpod e:c - sic'n es slf i j l]:-cs c:'r ei're Takc:oni:( 105i ccspute:: F:lnc-oL:i .e: chc cnd cf the :e'ie;: ' FROHOEN. RFUEN i:c i:rr I li:;=irt r Taci :irJiLc r I :e4 cak fioojl::g 5pc!l=En 1:r 5 '5c gtnugeg curlrs a !l-=i-.J:c ce!. rj::rccLon .;;:'-lc flc=ciprood o'rer lis su:iace e::J ie:':s1:1' o! :he rcs;l:i:'; e=:kc ale r.e:su:e'.j aLj :ecc:ded. Tcrl :ec:ji!'i aic :::?"::ej rol::1';c :: r,l:c igC cci: s7e;'i.::c,., uL1':ir l;a:i + ;c;'i;i; c-' i3C' ':"i tl:= =l;oi!:-:1':':i'' ce;enI bcarc,' vhj.cil hag a 0 rsll:13, e"i!, a:g er:?iesseci 3s i:E=1 s;le:i incex g:rd S:c..le Dc:siii. DevaloPed, iicr'c'..cr, thc:e 15:r!i r.ccesse::l;; : :eietlq;si.17 becleen thase css Eeesii;e=e:ic5 ' E [i'1 rl ;tiliiiciau, EGsT[nffi c0gEil pmffiY inN-re-rgg: i.ttaa ,*on||},, *ur., Actori liu;bcr 55if,5 Tess lirr=b e I I7R5- 5iS5 ?atc 4 of 5 o t3a342294t? P.g4 l':4 te r.ld i Identif,lcation Cons cluc gion 9E5Ci.r?ilolf 0F FATi?.ir,.L ?:S?;D - Sc;;!.e €601 - Fe5:lc TAsLE iI ITlEffiG[ffih EffiSTIMG B@MFMffiY ,-. '', a 'l.I tI I .l I .l ..t .,I :' f:i '..! i:. 't-l,.J .iJr:. :1" .:i' .: i'rt. la .l: .! ,.: a .'t; .r.t..ll ,.| TES? Ri.sl:?_!S Tes E S peC l:e:1 FLe=e Spread l:1ci c:4 irli,erai- i 1'; e r/ cenenE board 0 red s.,k { lcur i;:5 ICC Style 5601 5 . Llthc'+gh e:c a rcqulre=e:rE c'f Asl'l E 64-84, c8lcuiac,eC 1; acecidalce lrtch AST:{ E 64-;5, l's i€5 red . TA3LE Ii: oSsStvAT:0:;s DUR:::G ?ii?I:iC Lgrl tloa c'.'e: frcirc edvenced !o r€corCad dullng Ehe Ehe burners \ras 0.8 feet eE 6.30 tesc of 535'F. rc:eC a: 0.60 cl:ru ce s r'l,th e S=cle De;s l:;: De l'e 1o:e i......-.r."..... 0 i Ct) IO Suel cg:!::'^-Eca, as 0 f c: tie -:e:1,c: nictires. Tie ila=s =ax1=:.= te=e:a:::fa Bffi[ii-I JHl l-i']'Lf f -' .L! ''r Fabrlc nlll not melt driP' Flre retardance ig inherenc anil ulll nel etash outr' Eor Arnings, Upholstety' WalI Coverlnt SanPre s!ae! 5" x 64" iil;; oi s"mpt"": 5"wsrP' t ttttttlroru.u, l'r.[tli"g-,r"gle:,- vertical' Flat (non' Igoltlon soutce/I1;;l- ltalur*l G+e' t2 seconds l. Afrer Elane: 2, Char Lengrhl 2 seconds oaximum l0r' maxioun For DraPerY and A\tnlngs . Sanple Slee: 2'5" x 12'5"' ffuo,!"r ot Sauplesr 3 warp' 3 lt'ILlnE Mo"o.f"g Angtll Vertical'ff;;; Glt'"lrit*i--xarura'1 Gc3' 12 seconds ' l. Aiter Flaue: 2 secoods av€fage 2, Char Lengrhi 6" narluutn a.YERIC.L\.'FOCIEfl roR TEST.ING Al{D MATERTAL'S A5I}I E-84 Surface burcing (flauespread) of building narerials SaoPIe Size: 20-t/4" N 288rr llo"i',tf"g Angle r Horizontal ignieloi source; Gas/Air rBl:(ture SheeE RaCh (conErols) i.A O"L Flooring (concrols) SUNBP.ELI,A.9 FIRESISI Fuel conlEibuced !s zero for AfEer FIa$e: Less tnafl Char Lengch: Less than For l{otk Ctothiog/IosBiEutional Elanlce (Abour Ehe Ea$e as Callfornl'a Test 4 secoods avelage 5tt average ES 801, above) FIapF SPregd Indes 100 5-r0 sUI{BRELLAO FIRESIST Deneity o ;i;l .-. .-r E E4-&4 TUI.II{EL TEgT DfiTA SHEET riL I Ef{T ; GLEf{ R}1rrEl{ 1'l I L LS I t.tC . ; TES.T t{Lr}tgEF1: I 7$5-€255 NfllEF I IiL IT.EI{T I f I CAT I OI{i STYLE 966 T DATE: ]E JftI{ 8I IEST FIESULT!;: TII'1E r0 IGI'll T I Dl{ = 8.eg lll l{UTES ftISTf{t{CE t'lfi}{ll'lUl'l'SPt?EfiO = $.8 FEET TIl'lE T0 l'tf;)4Il'lul'l gPFEfiD = 6.38 l'lII'IUTES FLNI.:E SPREAD I I{DEX - 5 FIJEL COI.ITRISUTED = S $t{0KE I,EUELOPED I I{DEX = tt) 0 za {6 60 dotted line = FEtf o'J.li D' I (Il I utulut : hJ 'Ttn = -il 7lT m7 ?0 {1-l (^l 6l(,rtA ]\J IU(l)A -l 3s 0rl go 100 I s 1.1 0.'ti E F t'ti t'l E"t o .P R E l{ F.ug ?34 TIT,IE 56 7 ( I'I I I{UTE S) 8 ! l0 TII,1E (I4IHUTES} J{N-IU-I9yJ 1r'uc t''t, ' I "stJtillil.;t,l.A Ftnnsl s1 " hAlliiIc 'rSUI;BRELL.\ tsIi(ES I5T" c i,rhcr FlceE$ rcElsEance spccif icfl clcns. T6s E NFPA 7OI (Lerge Scol.c) Regittracion h'o. F-368.0I ASTil E-E4*84 Fabrlc ls Class or crcccds the follortag flane Work clothlng and blanket. Surface burnl.ng of auEosr busses r and g:s Al.rrfngs, tencsr ns1l covering 'benners, ecc. - Intcricr aad exEerioE fabrlcs - Ar"nings, tencs, drapes, banners t etc. - Incerlor and excerior fabrics'. surface burning (flaue sPrcad) and snoke densitY of buildiog oe ce r lals . A oE Class 1 NFPA I..975 Fe d e r J{-6-ove rnne n c .l 9 0 3-FIl :l-?l Federal Hocot Vehiglt Safetv 5!arrdsr.d 302 F€rlc r a 1 Aviatlon RegulaEtgE-, t-'85J(b) 1n-ernaL:oneI - 8ar llew York Boar{ of Srandards end ADDeals 294-40-5R lns r i. tut fonal tnterior fabrlc cEalne. J.nssrlor slrctetc ti*Etles aod furnlshLngs ' Tenc ldalls and roofs ' Incerior and exgerior decorative E!trcr i81. Clgareqre burn tesr on uPholstc:Y naEerirL ?b , . J[J'.1-18-I93J lr I krr t IncA Unlque ltoduct by Glea.F-aven lllllg' 'Unsurpassed peroanet llane resisEgnce and color fasrnctE ' - Fabric is made rith l00Z SEF ltUS (sel! alcingulshlcg fiber) r{hlch ts a color-pigmented nodacrylic fiber ' an lnherenElY ftre resi$canc PoIYoer. - fire recardanc snd color ProPertleg wl!'I noc trash ouc or dry clean awaY - - L:olot' and fqbric i5 very r€EisranE to ulcre-violetr degradatfon. Glen Raven gives it a 5-year lirnlted rtBrrsnt)' for ouEdoor use' - Passes or exceeds tesr procedure #801' Tlcle 19' Callfornia state Flre Mirghalts Tesr and xF?A f701' RegisEeled by Califronla Flre $arshal' - Fabrlc does not oele dr5'P' 'outsEandlog textlle and draPabllity properties' 'Acidr sllqalir and soLvenE resistBnE' 'Excellent, soll and stain release properlie€' 'tilaser repellenc . ' El(cellenE bEeaEhabLlltY' ' Outstanillng nilderr lesr:slance' 'Very Low tnoisEure Eegain and febric shrtnkage' 'fabrlc wel'ghc 9.21 oz'/sq' yd" 46" wlde' 2l cslors' ,Jnt-.F18-1e83 1l:83 FRU'1 Ul RHuEl l houre crich qioioal qr no colgr shcnta. - Xenon Light ahe febric wl'll not strPPort gropth oo dirt or ioreign maEier etcached or tot SUNBRELLAo FIRESIST and ls Ln per{ orlic c leen Lng - or nildcwi howevct, rsildew oay g:ro'' Eo Ehe fabrlc. ltlldes will noc neaken readily 6s;1eved. The besE Preventative SUNBRELLA@ FIRESIST is wsrranced for ehe fabrlc ta rlnai:r servicaable ' for loEs of eofii-or-scseagth fron nornsl e:<Posute conditions' includlng nunl ight, ttt a"-t, to., i"tl-" crnospharle ehcoieals' Glet Raven wtll rcpl*ce che fabric. The warlenty does noc cover labor and lnstallation supPlied bY the dealer' SEtdABILlTY Felrrlc hand l-q sofcer than SUNBRELLAQ thun ell ne-atrtf,Fs to FrFn?ot .x.*"*f,r" puckering and uueveE seaE run-ouc should be iaken ' HEAT SEALING labric can be heat sealed lrtEh a radl,o-frequency bgr equlPpe4 lflth a gher o-heaEed bar and rubber foot' A vtnyi fito or lape such as Benis (Fl{8-rncliol-"i ;;;:i-;;d trTil-il.!ul"e used-to bond the fabric' These gapeg ar" .b05" Bhickness "ttd 7/8" wtdth. Tests should be run on scf,ap narerLal to acheive groPe! operatin8 teEPeraEures' ,'SUIiBRELLA 'IRESIST.' EAIBIq srJr{LIGFI RISISTANCE MoEe eolors cesEcd uP co 1500 Tesr Source l. ttl'learheroote trer" HILDETI JFil'l-18-1993 1.L?84 -l{ RAUEI'I STNBREL.LIA FTRESTST FABRTC TECBXISAL-p-AIA qo,IsrRucT.I,gt| Plalnr,,feave - 35 plcks & 75 ends - L6l2 ce ',ftdth - Scandard - 46 inches' 116.8 cu $iiehc - 9.25 ouncee/squ're yard, ll,4 graos/square nes'er 1I.82 ouncbs/Iinear i'ard, 366 grenrs/linea( meEer qATER REPEtLqIg!./0lL REsrsrtu\cE AATCC Tesc tL27 '30 cur coluun or bercer gl,TCC f.tc #22 - t00 or beqcer (Spray) eAC t""c - 500 ml weter ?4 hours - no laat<s AATCC Tesc frrg - (0il) " 5 t3@342294L1 P.tA STBENGTTI ASTM D - 1682*64 AsTt{ D - 2262'83 i{arp 286 14.3 tlItlng 167 Grab 10.9 Toogue cHgltlcA]" REs{sTAiqcE No color change and tnl'niroal srreogt'h loss (less than l5Z) to t'he iifii*i"g cheitcal soluitons tn tbe liEted' Z coneent'rat'ions' Acids - Sulfuric - L7", 7Q7" f,Ydrochtorlc' 17,-, 377,. NlBttc - L!,, hu7" forulc ' L/,' 9A7!t' PhosPhorlc - lZ, 852 EYdrofluoric ' lt"' 5Z'l Chrornic " L7"' s0L Aqua Regia - l00Z* Alkelles - Causttc $oda - O'52, 257 $odlua HYPqchlortEe ' '51' 5'02 sodiun ciriortte - 0'5U ' 9'08 $odiuo E.r-outrde - 4f, llydrogen Petoxide - 0'3U ' 302* Solvencs - Phenol - l'02' 5'02 EchYIen GlYcoI - l00Z AceEone - 100U l{erhYl ErhYl KeYeone - l00Z llesa-Cresol - t00U ?erehLoreEhYlene - l00Z rEsr qol|Plllol{s 20 houre at TooF 5 ainutes aE lgooF. eltcepf, 901 forolc*, Aque RegLar, aud 30f, Eydtogen Peros ldcrt . a ,ltul4z 6,p touuuA YUI^d-hf *.r'rryvu Cul5lcd{rafrzxs ) SeW Svolca d-a'fwVw'V rt-45 Otz j u%g,\/t+'- C,,t wr,,rn*"tu,a 0 ur",-peraf h r"rruJ A"d,/dui -frOut txlt i*0 \rir,^nA iq *ru* i I d,in* EX\42 $lrpnts*# rrv| knW<u^ - a'P,plruA^tf HrbutnNll 11uaAv- ' t-t-aLTuS 01 Wa'r - vrct- Wr+ztbU tngzl ofuinw+ *^o*Cu- %b W,nL -ca{^/d W W&uaJ botc blvc*Jt,a- lnn-rL- JD W Wvr+ts rkntl ^ \,-#vrN appl+'cafu,f3 %o [an u cro'{^- 7?rictss wfuUY-I/a- aN,^. nirl- /w Wu( (qt\c tu1,\r\o fu,fna^r5+a*W3 \'l {\,_ '76,o ,r\ r/t/rP )" Wfir,{\J*\f- /t oo ?W- e4wt M i+yb\en) twnl 6nnda 04/ W wnl- 'CA-dUgg-a - dJ'olL LnJr l\W \trld -- nct inuthnq M\K,4(b qw6w7?\- VtLillU tX$t&6-ryt W!57 U lN WdAfr<,ol J? M U(prutnlrws IzV'X- +nlw' ,py1w6t} 1, N o lrY\tLqtc VwLrrbignr CIb A[+er na-'htes t'Aoh h^ +o rnocl' I wrL( frryf 1rn^5f naNL W t/u I {n^tv\ n$s\r\ t .1 o -€r:.+t,^Trlr1 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: I Project Application Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Town Planner E Start Approval \pc[ ']D- b?-P) rc DL c^ -: m#przr- Ve ii,,'a C '.W Corner Lol c Point of Eqinning __]-_ stoirs ( up ) N OO" 09'W 32.34' CLOCK TOWER INN IAIS c,d,e, BLOCK 5 GORSUCH, LTD. Shoded orea denibed ot lwer nghL H^Ooa-to\l l-..t{ 1-. l.-.- u) t{o 6 wood plonter SCALE DATE I" = lO' OF SURVEY : 8/ \\ )\ t"/- n = E.ooL' 18.85 stoirs ( down )property tine ligh, potestonc pbnteg 89"5t'w 50.77' A?1rt- ^Ft?Fr) t\Frtr lf / ifl' I o Hzo Po /^t'v 2 ,rl DJ 7,7 va *// Z zrn QJ o )2 ;t > ol? ffinJut 1,31w Y! 4 regular-meo,ting of the VaiI Town Council was held on Tuesday, June 16, lgg2, at Z:80 p.m., in theCouncil Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. JUNE 16, 199? 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIAI-S PRESENT: Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Merv Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Bob Buckley ; Jim Gibson Rob LeVine Jim Shearer Tom Steinberg none Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, l'own Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant to the Town Manager Martha Raecker, Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. JeffBowen, representing the VaiJ/Eagle ValleyRotary Club, reported on thc success of the lst Annual Tbee fhniing project a*long I-?o. Jlff reaa aletter ofthanks to all sporrsors and participants. The second item on the agenda was a Colorado Public Radio update by llontine Clapper, head of thelocal committee working to bring Colorado Public Radio (KCFR-NpR) to Vail. Montine reported that theP]anltng gmup has decided to:raise the $21,000 funding needed to Lring the translator for signal intothe Vail Valley in the earlv f all of this year. That fundiirg will be solicited from private aonutiorr.. tr,time, the committee hopes to establish a studio in Eagle County, which woul'rl cosf appro*l-atery $75,000, including the expense of the first year's operiting buaget. The group has affined to theNational Telecommunications and Information Agency fo"'a grait for this?aAfrty, .rra' ""ltt also beseeking further cnmmunily support. Ms. Clapper eskea tLat a liaison from the Town of Vail beappointed to work with the local Colorado Public Radio committee. Bon Phillips was appointed l,o eervein that capacity. Third item-on the age-nda was Sandy Davies. I\{r,s. Davies introduced herself as the Democraticcandidate for county commissioner, and brieny discussed he" ca-paign strategy. Fourth item on the agenda was the appointment of a Planning and Environmental Commission membcr.Voting was done by paper ballot, with Jeff Bowen receiving tf,e highest number of votes. Tom Steinbergmoved to appoint JeffBowen to the PEC, such tersr to expire Febirary, 1994. Jim Gibson seconded t11emotion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed rrnaniirmously. - Fifth item on the agenda was a motion to rescind approval on first reading of Ordinance No. 15, Seriesof 1.992, an ordinance amending Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the Toin of Vail by the additi6n ofChapter 3.42 establishing a Use Tax; and setting forth details in regard thereto. Following a nine hourwork session on June 9, 1992, at which the use tax was discussed extensively and then decided againstin lie-u-oiextending the term of Town debt and cutting numerous capital projects fmm the general fund 9l{^REIT, Merv I-apin moved to rescind the approvll on first "u.dirrg if d.dirrance tgo. is, Se"ies or1992' with a second fitm Jim Gibson. A vote *.s takett, and the motion passed, b-2, Tom Steinberg andRob LeVine opposed. Merv r,apin then moved to deny ordinance No. tt, Series oi rggz. Jim Gibsonseconded that motion- A vote was taken, and the *oiiott passed, 5-2, Tom Steinberg and Rob I*Vincopposed. Item number six on i'he agenda was Ordinance No. 17, Series of lggz, second reading, an ordinanceamendingTitle 2 - Administration and Personnel of the Municipal Codc of ihe Towiof Vail, by theaddition of Chapter 2.56- concerning disposition of unclaimert property. iSteve ltrompson reported toCouncil t]ra! no changes had been matle to the ordinance since il" rr".t reading. Jim bibson moved toapprove Or:dinance No. 17, Series of 1992, on eecond reading. Tom Steinberg sec-onded. There wa6 somediscussion regarding the procedural aspects of the propJrty disposition. Latry Eskwith and Steve Thompson stated it was important the Town have an ordinance in place prior to July of this year, or allprcperty would have to be turned over to the state. they said "p""ific pnocedure *Ua l" a"u"topea uta later date. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unattimously. Item number seven on the agenda was Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1992, first reading, an ordinanceamending Chapter 2-32 of the Vail Municipal Code by the addition of Section 2.Az.lS; - Court Costs,empowering t'he Municip-al Court Judge to aseess_co-urt costs to be paid by defendants in the MunicipaiCourt of the Town of Vail; and settingforth details in regard thereio. Larry Eskwith informed Councilthat this ordinance increases court costs to $15,00 for trials to the court ""a gs0^00 i"".i"ry trials,bringing our.municipal co-urt charges in line vrith those of other mupicipalities. Rob r.e- Vine movea toapprove Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1,992, ou first reading. Merv Ldpin seconded that motion. A votewas ta.ken, and the motion passed unanimously Item number eight on the agenda was Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1g92, first reading, an ordinanceamending fitle 10 of the Municipal Code of the Town of VaiI by the addition of Cnapt"i-io.z-a - parking Infractions; and setting.forth details in regard thereto. L;ry Eslwith stated that this ordinanceprovides for a late fee of $5.00 if parking tickets are not paid within 21 days. Merv Lapin;sked if therewaa any relationship between the $5.00 charge and the ictual cost. Larry Eskwith ""ia tt i, figure wasr-egue1t9d br the Court, and was similar to cliarges used by other municipalities. Steve Thompson saidthie additional fee had not been considered du{ic the budgeting process. Jim Gibson moved to approveOrdinance No. 13, Series of 1992, on first readin!. .lin Siea*eiseconiled- A vote wae taken, and themotion passed unanimously Iten number nine on the agenda was Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1g92, frrst reading, an ordinanceconcerrring the refunding of certain outstanding obligaiions; authorizing the issuarioe and sale of$7'900,000 single family revenue refunding bondf 199t serie; A, to refuni such ouligations; ratifyingcertain action heretofore taken; authorizing the execution and delivery by the Town orit"nsiLaentur{bond purchase agreement, assignmenl md amgn{tment of originatio" u"a service "gt""-urrt", option topurchase mortgage insurance, closing documents and such bonds in connection therewith; makingdeterminations as to the sufficiency of"err"nrres and as to other matters related thereto; exercising theTown's option to redeem ce-rtain outstanding obligations; and repealing action heretofore taken in conflictherewith' Keith T\rlly, of George K. Baun, was present tn give Council an update on the status ofrefunding the 1979 issue_-. Mr. Tully reported a projected $zzs,ooo net savings to the Town, andindicated they were working for an A rating. be"aos" of the high concentiation of the pitkin Development, the fact ihat they are all "ood6-it irr-s, and that tliis is a resort town, additionatmort'gage insurance and over-collateralization of the bond issue was needed in order to satisfy Moody'srequirelrlnts. Upot questioning by Merv Lapin, Mr. Tully indicated that George K. Baum would reatizea $102,000 fixed fee in.this e1{eavo1. any pront g"o*""t"d through trading*would go to tle Town ofVail, and all bonds will be sold, with _n9t[ing held in inventory- in order 6 meet fro"g" i. Baum,s lime-table i1 offering bonds the week of June zsth, it was decidei to call a special -""tioe?o june B0thfor athe public hearing on this ordinance. Jim GiLson moved to appncve Ordinance rs, fo-ries of 1g91,on first reading, with the second rcsding scheduled for a special mllfir,g on Jurre 80, 1992. Menr Lapingeconded this motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanitously. Item number ten on the agenda was the Town of Vail and Vail Resort Association Visitor CentersAgreement. As couacil was mnning ahead of the projected schedule, and Frank Johnson of the VRA wasnot yet in attendance, it was decided to move toltem twelve on the agenda. N Item tY"t"|. on the -1ee3da was a call up by Town Council of the Design Review Board (DRB) decisionapproving the installation of an awning located on the west side of thJCbck Tower Buiiding (Gorsuchbuilding) for the Ore House Restaurant, 232 Bridge Street, Int A, Block b, Vail Vlllage Fi-rst Filing.Shelly Mello gave a brief overview of the project, statiog the orrners of the Ore House Re-staurant madea request to locate a green awning approximately 12'in depth with a combined length of 6b'along thewest side of the Clock Tower_Building adjacent to n"iag" dtreet, The Design Review Board voted B-Ztg apnrgvg the request, with Sherry Dorward citing in her motion the installation would extend the useof the deck and add vitality to the area. Ned Gw:athmey and Gena Whitten "f th;bRli;;posed themotion, finding that although the- request did conforn with a number of the Vail ViffJ* DesignConsiderations, it would enclose and narrow Bridge Street to an unacceptable level and would not complywith several of the Vail Village Desigrr Considerations. Ore Irouse owners Larry Andersou and JohnBeaupre presented their pmject and stated they had full support from David Gorsuch, the buildingowner. Rod Slifer, owner of the adjacent building, stated he *i-* "on".t "d with the permanency of the lear-rould awning and the protrusion of the building into the street. Peggy Osterfoss said severalDesign Guidelines had not been met, specifically, therE was no varied heighiJno i*"sol""-rttet edge,i and the sun and shade iesue on the aeck had oot-beeo adequately addressed-' After frirther il;;;;: f Y"l'1"tt1P1"ua to uphold the DRB decision. Bob Buckley seconded that motion. A vote was taken, \ T1 it ot:q?" was defeated, 3-4, with Jim Gibson, Jim Shearer, Tom Steinberg, and peggy osrerfoss I ltITj_1_I:1,:*"q fu$.he1 discussion, Merv Lapin moved to modifr the DRB's-app"o*,.iio a one-yeari t"Tryoty approval with the plan as proposed. This motion also called for Larry'Eskwith to draft aI IilT" "c"""P":t between the apalicant and the Town regarding this temporary approval as it relat€s I T-:|:T_toval of.the awning should it be determined that the installation doee "ot "i""t the Vail Village I T:*"^lTllejitio*s. Bob Bucklev seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed, 4-8,| .Ji- Shearer, Tom Steinberg, and peggy Osterfoss opposed. --6tnis time Council returned to items ten and eleven on the agenda. Item ten was the Town of Vail andvail Resort Association (VRA) visitor Centers Agreement proriding ror staffing of ro\r, vi.ito" centersbv vRA. Item eleven was the Town of vaiiand vaif R€s;rt-associatio; (vRA) visitors centersfureeTgnt retaining VRA to act as a central reserrations and marketing agent for TOV. Frank Johnsonof the VRA was present to address Council questions on houre of operation. Frank responded that thevRA intends to extend operation hours on -weekends during the gummer. He also said the minimalnumber of calle between 6;00 P.M. and 8:fi) A.M. do not maie it cost effective for reservations to stayopen during that time, that calls for informatiol ar9 handled by a recording, and that virtually allinternational business is done by FAX, Following further discussidn, Jim Gibso; moved to appmve boththe Visitor Centers slaffing agleement and theLntral reservations and marketing ageni agreemenr.Bob Buckley seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passedunanimously. There being no further business, Merv Lapin moved to adjourm to Executive Session, seconded by Tonsteinberg. A vote was taken, and the -otiot, passed unairi.mously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:4O p.M. Respectfully submitted, ATIEST: i,|" L S. P"aAr"/ Marthd S. Raecker, Town Clerk l|lnut€! t.kon by nartha !a€ck€! FIL E COPY TOWN OF VAIL 75 Soatb Fronttge Road Yail, Colorado 81657 101 -47 9-2 I 1 I / 47 9 -2 1 t 9 Departmcnt of Commanity Deoclopmctt May 20, 1992 Mr. John J. Beaupre Ore House P. O. Box 996 Vail, CO 81658 RE: l€tter to Vail Gity Councll Dated May 11, 1992 Dear Mr. Beaupre: In response to your letter dated May 1 1, 1992, it is appropriate for you to proceed to the Design Review Board on June 3, for a final review and vote on your request. Assuming that complete submittal information is available for the DRB to consider, the Design Review Board will then make a motion to approve or deny your request. lf the proposal is denied by the Design Review Board, an appeal may be made to the Town Council by the applicant, adjacent property owner, or by the Town Manager. For all appeals, the appeal must be filed in writing ten (10) days following the DRB's decision. The Town Council may also call up a Design Review Board decision at their next regularly scheduled meeting. The Council shall then hear the appeal within thirty (30) days of its being filed or called up with a possible thirty day extension il the Council finds that there is insufficient information. As you are aware, the Design Review Board will use the Town of Vail Design Review Guidelines and the Vail Village.Urban Design Considerations, particularly the architecture/landscape considerations to review your project. lf you have any further questions about how these guidelines relate to your proposal or any questions concerning the process, please leel free to contact me at 479-2138 and lrrill be happy to assist you. Sincerely, 'l(t,thn ft'b Kristan PriE Community Development Director cc: Town Council Ron Phillips gRE HdUSE. VAIL sBD. VAIL. INC. BOX 996 vArL. coLoRADO 816s7 303-476-5rOG2 Diay 11. 1992 cc: Larry Anderson Dave and Renie IECEIVEoi'tAY15lg92 v JoHNJ.BEAUPRE PRESIDENT LARRY ANDERSON GENERAL MANAGER Vail City Council City Offices, 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Col-orado 81657 Dear Pql%fu/"u,4* We trave sourehow run a foul of the Design Review Board. Our proposal for two awnings over our deck is a good one. Yet we cannot get past all sorts of concerns about "snownelt, " "dripr " "splash" and "street narrowing" that sirnply dontt or wontt exist. It's rnost difficult to get anyone to focus upon the positive elenents of our proposal ... and there are lots of them. Anyway, each of our D.R.B. neetings has ended with a veiled threat ... "Do you want us to vote" (and therefore turn the project down) or "l"lotion to tabLe?" We want to work thru the normal channels here and gain D.R.B. approval, so we've opted twice for the latter "mot j.on" twice now, but we're not sure that D.R.B. appr oval will ever(?) be possible ... and we honestly don't know why not. Ned Gwathuey has been quite specific that we can (should?) seek city Council approval instead? If such wele to be the case, then I suppose the approval process will require considerably nore time ttran expected .., and a different approach? So l/we need a bit of advice on how best to proceed if our D.R.B. hearing on 'June 3 resrains a stalenate, We'd also ask a bit of assistance at least to get off the non-exj.stent technical argunents and to f,ocus upon the aclual benefits or shortcomings of our proposal Enclosed is a copy of ury most recent letter attenPting to explain the current situation as above. Any advice and/or assistance would be greatly appreciated. and Kin Saafeld, Gorsuch, Gorsuch' Ore House-Vail I Ltd. '. One rpusE. vAtL - SeF-Jnrl rnc.-lbb-x'g'gs vAtL.COLORADO 81657 303-476-5tOO2 |, laafA ft. q. tua i-^ra a.tsr^.( rat 8.:|c6 a. ctI@ cc-oae I aur v.aur. o r< r.a! lr]trr vruar, |!^rio LARRY ANOERSON GENER.AL MANAGER May 8, 1992 I.lr. Ned Gwathmey, Chairnan Mearbers of the BoardVail Design Review BoardCity Offices, 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado el657 Dear Ned and Board llembers, _ lhank you again for hearing our second presentation for theOre House's proposed deck awnings. Apologies again that our nodel was not constructed exactry asour.project would be. rn that light, the nocel has been taken 6aekto it's makers for the appropriat- changes, and wiLl be presentednore accurately on June 3rd, several Board statelrents ?rere nade in the forn of objectionsto our proposar. several o! these had been previously voiced atour,firs-t hearing, and I had attenpted to addiess tnen in nry fetterof April 28th. .I'm aware you ail receive a huge amount 6t inputand had to consider 28 proposals alone on Monday, the 6th, 6utplease do take ttre tiue to read and consider ny Alril 2gth letterf,irs1 if you will, and then this one in regard to our neeting onthe 6th. rt was stated on the 6th that the/our project wourd be 'coldand dark. " Actuarlyr, the area und.er the lro-posea awnings isradiantly heated frod ber-ow and would, re raailntly heated fromabove. - so_ the-space covered wirl be in fact considirably warnercovered than it is now uncovered. rn fact, excluding verf cold orwindy conditions, we can probably create very clole to insidetemperatules on our outside deck. The space will not look "c!'old" either. rt will be properrvfurnisbed_ and appoi.nted. A fully stocked coffee/no"tta/ritti r-irrrill be Located thereupon, and fbod and beverage will be availableduring nost of the business hours. To take pepi,s rarge, coveredarea as an example again, it is rather '.cold" and deserted whenuncovered (and unused), but-is q:ili.te warm and inviting otherwise.Our space wiIl function sinilarlv. l4r. Ned Gwathmey, Chairroan Menbers of the Board VaiI Design Review Board Page 2 May 8. L992 As to "dark" ... the awnings would span 11 feet from the buitding at their widest and be 7 feeL off the ground at their lowest. True, they will provide shade (and shelter) as j'ntended' but not "darkness." We will be including a proposed "sky 1ite" option (elear, transluscent material in the awning roofs) at our next meeting for your consideration. We also have Dany artificial lighting options for the awnings (for evening/nighttine operations), but were advised against presenting then at the May 6th neeting. Depending upon aesthetic considerations, we can make the space about as bright and at the sane tioe'shaded' as desired. But the covered space will have plenty of natural, daytine light regardless . .. and provide year-around shelter. Pict,ure the interior of several large 'event tents' at Vai1. fhe Chef's Race at GoId Peak for instance (where I participated) the tent was opaque, but of solid, white naterial . It also covered aL least 5 or O tines the space of our deck. However, it was oPen (to about seven feet) on two sides (ours will be open on thlee sides), and was quite bright and cheerful inside regardless I would caution you only that all-white awnings ni.ght look rattrer strange on Bridge Street? The Proposed forest green is a wonderful, rich color that is used extensively in Vail. We will present the all-white option to you on the nodel at our next neeting, regardless. Short of our Preference for green' we obviousiy can and will color the awnings as you and/or the City Council deem most desirable, It was also stated by your board that ou! project would "narrow the street," and further that, in conjunction with Rod Slifer's approved expansiori (under construction) and Ron Riley's approved delk (now apparently not (?) to be luilt)' our project would sonehow aggravate this situation. Do note that both Stifer's projeet aud Riley's (if it is in fact ever built) do physically put new structure(s) on the street. Our proposed awnings do not. Our deck is where it is and will not change. ltre pedestrian street at its present width in f,ront of our deck functioni perfectly well and would be physical ly unaffected by our Project. The "narrowing" then must be only a visual concePt. Again, with the photographs that have been presented, these both with perrnitted- urnlrettis and the existj.ng canopy shown' versus th.e iwning/canopy option shown, really dispute tbe g1g! narrowing conceln. It is nuch nore inagined than real . Mr. Ned Gwathney, C'hairnan Menbers of the BoardVail Design Review BoardPage 3 !{ay 8. 1992 __ Further, the "vail virlage Design considerations,, section G."views and Focal points" rifers Jpecifically to protection ofpedestrian views of the ',Ski Mountainl the core'R"rrg.-or (and) theClock Tower." Again, our proposed awnings do not intrude norinterfere with any of these vi-ews fron ani di.rect,ion rroo. anvstreet,. r think one of. the najor probrens involved with any nodel,ours in particular, is persplctiie. Ihe view we aLl shared,- at thelast neeting is not possiute unress frour a helicopter or balloon.r too was taken back at first by the apparent,'iass,, or fr.encanvas that did give a nore 'structural'-look to our proposai fromthis-elevated, perspect.ive. Therefore as presented to- you, thenodel should have been.elevated sone 2 or 3 feet to slignfly aboveyour eye levers. T'hat is in fact how it witl look instairea-on-tnedeck and viewed fron the street. Renenber our deck is raised werl above stleet level on thenorth end and somewhat above on the south end.. No one will reallybe abre to notice the top nor roof'of our awning from the northuntil across the. covered Bridge, and then onty smarler northernsrope wi.ll be noticeable agains{ the already vari-ed, architecturalbackground. . - walking past the front of our awnings, one will look up at thetwelve-inch valence and. roughly parallea to the slope of. butltithout being able ro see rh6 expanse of rhe rop/iol'r- J'"ii.walking down from tbe nountain at the south ena bl Bridge streetnay give the most "nassive" view of the awnings, but from-quite adistance and I propose that this view will be architeciurattygrore pleasant than what currently exists. Approaching Gore creek Drive fron the north arong Bridgestreet' the awnings quickry align thenselves again at pldestriineye lever. so the "visual narrowing" concern dtes appear to benore inagined than real . To attenpt to crarify 'wrrlrt in fact will- be or will not beseen" we will retain a graphic artist ta prepare an eye-levelPerspective fox us aIr at the next neeti-ng. we are iebating ^whether to present thi.s on an actual photograplior via an artistrsbackground ... and probably will do boeh to Ue sure. lfE.- Ned crrathmey, f.irr".':Menbers of the BoaidVail Design Revier.r Board Page 4 May 8, 1992 Next it was stated that, ,,A sloped surface like your (our) awning will carry more snow than a flat surface like y-our (our)deck." Tbis is sinply and physically untrue. When sii or twelveinches of snow fall on trre ?oughry oso foot area of our deckrexactry the sane volune falls whether the d.eck is flat or coveredby flat or sloped awning(s). Connon sense dictates that we aredealing with the same volume of snow, therelore the same volurne ofsngw-nelt whether the deck is covered or uncovered, and whether thecover (awnings) are flat or sloped or curved. It nakes nodi f ference Again, the deck is already radiantly heated, and the sane anownelts of f of it and aEi.iFlEEeEEref ffi norrh along Bridgestreet with no current no! extraordinary probleurs with ice buird-up. There sinply is not a problen, inagined or real, that cannotor i s not currentl.y dealt with in the norroaL course of BridgeStreet's snow removal and normal function. Whether the same snow will nelL nore slowly or nore quicklyoff our heated awnings than off our heated deck is subject to'several variables, f suppose, but there won,t be nuch tinedifference, and there won't (can,t) be any volurne d.iff,erence. It is very frustrating to lrave to defend our proposal fron theaccusations that our awnings will sonehow increale or aggravate asnow-nelt or ice build-up problen on Bridge Street. It sinplywon't (can't) happen given-the laws of naiure! And we can dlalwith the "drip" or "splash,, concerns, again whether inagined orreal, as below. The Ore House awnings as drawn and as currently designedcannot drip upon anyone. rt is physically inpossible to wark cloEe enough to the outsidepf the deck's atone wall to pass under theedge of the awning as designed. We tried. Sinilarly, w?rile on thedeck, one cannot pass outward under the edge of the awnings, asdesigned, witttout passing over the iron railing, which obvibuslywon't happen. Granted, during a windy rain-stbrn, sone water oftthe awnings could be blown onto the perimeter of the deck. But isthis really of concern? unbrellas would obvi.ously suffer the sasrebut nuch worse fate. It was suggested that tbe Ore House 's awnings would beapproved il they were installed only to the joint prope@ine,"therefore covering only a bit over 2f3.s of thL deck. Thearchitectural effect of such an installation can be easily shown tobe/look very awkward' Nevertheless, then the awning" *oitld ind,eeddrip on.our guesls, and the utility of the d.eck would be severelyconpronised. I.!r'. fieo GwaEi.rnelr, f.rrr"nMenbers of the Boarf,Vail Desi.gn Review Board Page 5 blay I, L992 We can d,raw a section showing this part.ial-coverage suggestionif it is truly under consideration? lhe implication that, "Thedrip (on Ore House's custoners) problen would then be yoqr (OreEouse's) problen rather than or.1r (Vait's) problem" seens to be arather odd response. We can denonsLrate easily. that with properdesign, it can and will be no onets problen... and that certainlyis the best solution ... yes- So given the awnings as designed there is no real "drip"Problen. Is there a 'rsplash" problen? Your board says "yesr" weand our designers and conlractors say t'no. " It's an apparentj.mpasse. But do consider the facts: 1. The vertical distance any drip would traverse to land atthe outside base of our deck wal-l is relatively short . ..fron roughfy 8 feet to 11 feet at worst at the very north- end where tlrere is no traffic any?ray. fhe roof lines thatdo drip and splash and cause urore problems in Vail are 20, 30 or 40 feet high and overhang the street directly. Suchis not ttle case for our awnings. 2. Where some concentrated accurouLat.ion of run-off nightoccur, speci.fically where our proposed awnings intersectwith the existing canoplr it is quite easy to ctrannel saidrun-off to the ground, without any splash, via lengths ofchaj.n (nuch more aesthetic tban downspouts). We willinelude this option on the inproved nodel . 3. We can and will install planter boxes either on theexisti.ng rail or on the existing wall and align the awningsto drip into then ... this at you! request. And this nay be a very palatable solution regardless. Again, we willattenpt to denonstrate this option via the inproved nodel on .f une 3. 4. Lastly, lots of awnings in Vail carry snow when it -,.cersand urelt onto the street and/or over entry!{ays when itwarms. Leaving the neeting last Monday, we neticedseveral, includ j.ng the Mount,ain llaus, Russell's, Slifers(existing) and Currents for exanple. While the expanses of these awnings are less, their potential "drip" problens arepotentially the sane (sane heights ... roughly, etc.), andthey do drip on the street/entry areas. (Our awnings as designed will not.) Regardless, there are not any real"d!ip" nor "splastr" problens involved here anyway. Pleaser' when examining our proposal , do different,iate between. irnagined and,/or anticipated problems and real enes. There are plenty of (other) awning exanples in Vail upon which to base your judgenent. "Dripping" and "splashing" are not conparable problens with what we have designed. o I Mr. Ned Gwathiey, Chairuan Members of the BoardVail Design Review Board Page 6 May 8, 1992 - Lastly, the ability to construct our awnings as drawn anddesigned lras again chal.renged. Mr. pielro, our contractor, and whohas installed over 2oo of the better awni.ngs in and around vair.was a bit insulted, I think. Eis response wa! understandable anilone of frust.ration tbat alr of us at the ore Bouse share. rf thenodel can be built, so can the full-sized project be bui1t. Werrenot talking about a rnassive structure here, only two +/- 2go squarefoot awnings. Werve denonstrated, albeit not exactly, how ourdesign works nechanically and architecturally. we wilL be quitespecific on June 6th. rf your board sti1l charrenges our coniinedabilities to install the proiect as designed and is drawn, we'rlagree to take it down and/or fix it if we are wlong. No argu0entshere. In regard to function, if there is in fact an ice-build up ordrip or splash problen, we'l. l fix it too. But to condenn theprojec_t_based upon questionable or the rnistaken assunp!ions aboutrun-off and snow load that we've heard is unfair. ri it drips orsplashes we'11 install heated gutters. rf it causes any increasedsnow nert or ice to accunulate on Bridge st,reet, w€i11 connectdirectJ.y to ttre storu sewer (incidentally located innediately tothe north). We of the Ore Eouse have undertaken this project to irnproveour frontage and corner of Bridge street for vail. yes, it willallow us to do nore business. rt will be a nice attraction for theGorsucb's too. And, it wirl- also genelate nore sales tax revenuesand provide Vail V-itlage,s only (to-date, known) year-round, heatedand covered "outdoor rooa." we don't see what ii wrong with thisoutdoor roorD concept, yet one of your nenbers went so far as to !fY,-."I don't agree"with it (tfr:.s concept).,, Ttrat,s a bitdifficult with which to deal. we're trying very hard to workwithin the guidelines and criteria which we-understlnd your Boardis charged to sraintain and enforce. Hopefurly we alI -an do justthat. -. ! ' i e l'!r. Ned, G$rathney, Chairuan Menbers of the BoardVail Design Review Board Page 7 May 8, 1992 If we are really off-base sonelrow in either our effort orapproach, please let us know prior to ,fune 3rd so we can at leastattenpt to correct the situation and avoid further unproductivetine. We will have conpleted uechanical and working drawings, pluselevations and sections at that time as well. Sincerely, h-. Beaupre rT,JB lb jb cc: larry Anderson and Kin Saafeld, Ore Eouse-VailDavid and Renie Gorsuch, Gorsuch's Linited Geno Pietro and Pauline Landis, Colorado Steel. Vail City Council Oe.thrA- {2 ufiu ; :j .:,1 .-t t,, . i.\ i 1'. 1i ')i ,' o {r;., .): : 4 .'''r . i:. I '1i,d,,1, ;l I.1 : ,, ..;,r'H f,EIEI'1 i ffi iilt: t4 P{ht\ s F "!l .''.| :.1 ' 'li .:'i., ,y ,if il t,'i lti","i , .l' ll ',''i I I I \ 'f anlrstrlsEfLJ i.J t,,l .it', 'tt: llt ,it I {ll \.,r :f::. , ffi H ttNr*rls *ii ir 1 t;l '1 . I .r'tl \l! lr;l fr' I I L\-.ill Oe-thra- {Z unlu t 1.1; i,; { F Ai 1l .ll11 ' i,$ ,l , f}'''fi It{ir\ irrrlii ,Tl' .J I !l \;I :;r ) J fi 'I I II j {' i .,, :' '..,:, t -,1, I DRB APPIICATION - TOWN OF TTAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: e/4/9L r'rs AppLrcArfil;;rTlio, ", AccEprEDUNTIL AIJL RTQUIAO**'*TOjRj?JTON TS SUBITITTED PRO.JECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION:+o .r.r*-- +L," 'O' ffi B. TYPE OF REVIEW: --New Construct j.on ($200. OOI / Uinor At_teration ($20.00) Addition ( $50 . 00) _conceptual Review ($0 )c. ADDRESSt A3)t 3-,'Ac* g{.,-*.\ D. LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: Lot ---.-------------- Block Subdivisi o ? revised COIOR,ADO F NAME OF APPLTCANT:Mailing Address: H.NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIMailingdress:3 I.NAME OF OWNERS: STGNATURE(S):Mailing Acidre I'F'tr q.t]trr\ITT L.. VALUATTON$ 0 - s 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,ooo s500,001 - gL, c00,000$ over $1, C00,000 * DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAI UNI.ESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS If property is described bydescription, please providlattach to this applj_cation. ZONING: LOT AREA: ff required, applicant must provide a currentStamped survey showing lol area. a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and J. V Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of subnirrq+ of DRB applicarion. L;i;;, whenapplying for a building permitl please identify iheaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town -of Vail-will adjuSt the fee ar-r-nrdi n.r r^ tensure rhe corre"i"tlE"iioil?ol" the table below' to Phone Phana FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YF"AR AFIER FTNAIJ ISSUED AND CONSIRUCTION ISSTARTED. **NO APPLICATION }TILL BE PROCESSED WITBOUT OI{NER'S STGNATURE 1 STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT; The following information is Review Board before a final. A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Lrsr oF MATERTALS t SUBDIVlSION L -;\ for submitlal can be given: MATERIAL LOT_ required approval TYPE OF Fascia Soffits Vilindows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TP€ES Common Name Ouantitv Size* to the Desiqn -,rL.{* R EXISTING TREES TO BE REMO\TED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for COLOR trees.Indicate height for coniferous ORE HOUSE RtlNlNG PRtrJECT 1) The structure to support. the canopy as detailed in the structural drawings will be steel. The sLeel supports fron the rock wall to canopy r'rlll- be exposed, all others t.lill be wrapped by the sarne canvas materi€l ag uged in the ar.rnln<r. 2t The awnlng wj, ll not now be retracteble, as retractable aurnings need be relracted in lnclenent, $reather conditicns, Juet the opposlte of our needs. Consequently, we now favor thie 6er[i- permanent. ewnlng. Our lntention srould be to leave the awnlng up year round. Ho$rever, the canvas 1s renovable. as is the structure itself if need be. f borJ"_ 3) Our lnLention is to uge the gane Forest Green material for the awnlng ae we have used ln the,,Ore Houge nrsrquee. however, Lhe awnlng sould be trlnmed 1n whltei glvlng a very elegant ]ook. As the swning wlII be qulte 'hlgh off the slreet, due to the fact that the poreh ls severaL feet ebove the level of the street, the area under the alrn1ng w111 appear very open and llght. In addition, we lntend to lnsLq1-l altraetlve, $reat-herproof llghtlng throughout the €wn1ng. 75 south trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 47S2138 (3Gr) 47e2139 February 12, 1,992 Mr. Larry Anderson c/o The Ore House 232 Bridge St,reetVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Proposed canopy for The Ore House nca r T,-a ?.rrr . offfce of community derelopmenl Thank you for submitting drawings for the canopies which are proposed to be constructed on either side of the entry awning. When this was proposed to the Deslgn Review Board, along with the awning over the door, the Design Review Board felt the need for a more detailed explanation. Some of Lhe questions thal the Design Review Board and staff will want answers to are: what are the materlals of the supporting structure? Are these canopies retractable? If the canopies are retractable, what wilf remain in nl:ne when fhc r-annni es are nulled baCk?q.v!- What times of day and part of the year does t.he Ore House anticipate using the canopies? I have enclosed a Design Review Board application (cover sheet and list of materials). Please return them, along with answersto the questions, and we will schedule you for the next possible nIlR maot i n.r 1 z. { I will be leaving my .fanuary 20. However,project. If you have Sincerely, job with the Town of Vail on Thursday, another planner will be assigned to this any questions, please call at 479-2L38. ,&f/ ,4r/*/ Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician Enc. 2/ tt/ 92 Ore House Canopy proposaL. Larry Andersonr' 475-5L00 This concept was approved by the DRB at the same time the canopywhich projecLs from t.he doorway was approved. Same color and rnateri.al . Need: DRB application, especially materials fist. ?Retractable?? What is left when the awning is pulled back? When would the awning be used? J' TOWN OFVAIL FIL E COPY 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 816J7 t0t -479-21 3 I / 47 9 -2 I 19 D ep artme nt of C ommunity D et e lopme nt May 12, 1992 The Gorsuch Family 263 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Gorsuch's: Thank you for your letter dated May 8, 1992, regarding the Town's proposal to erect banner poles at the intersection of Bridge Street and Gore Creek Drive. We have considered your comments and at this time have withdrawn the application from the Design Review Board agenda. Consideration is currently being given to locating the display banners on the lower end of Bridge Street. Again, thank you for your letter and if you should have any further commenb or questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2138. Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning cc: Kristan Pritz Pam Brandmeyer Sincerely, /J"*//.UJ '*f.,. MAY 1t {lll Ilay 8, 1992 Design Revlew Board Tor*n of Vall 75 South Frontage P.oad Vall, CO 81657 To Members of Deslgn Revlew Board, l,le are wrltlng thls letter to foroally protest the actlon to erect poles adjacent to Gasthof Gramshammer and Gorsuch Ltd. for the purpose of hangingbannere. [.Ie do not agree r.ri th this proposal and urge you to reconsl-der your need to add this permanent structure next to our property line. We wlll co-operate rulth banners from our balcony, but rve are opposed to anythingpermaneat. Thls is one of vall's nlcest corners and we do not feel that permanent banner placernent is appropriate here. rt is so often photographed;lt must be kept tasteful, not an advertlslng corner. Our slgns are tasteful. Banners rnany Cimes are not. Thank you for your consideratl-on. S inc ere1y, lhrQM" rl^ Aa"-!,, The cor$ch Famllv J 263 E. Gore Creek Drive. Vail Colorado 81657 303/4762294 Eax 303/4764323 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT L-J PLUMBINGf rouruolrtor.rI zlz w MEADow DR NOTE DATE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE rN oN AUc. 7, l99Lt!005005 hn+'depsrtmgnt of community danelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT tr DE BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL -.DESC. LOT BL K FILING CLOCK TOWER BUILDING lOeNni;e' LAPPIN BIREPLACE CONVERISIO OWNER NAME MR' LAPPIN MDR. MAIL ADDRESS VAIL CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VA|L REG-INA. Cl,r";^ulr FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING FIRM L;UN I KAU I Ut( MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR .,*u ROD IIALL CoMPANY ToluN oFvArL REG. No. 150-M 77 7 -3234 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. T, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP I tl l E 2a tv RMAIH DtvlstoN I 2 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - INSTALL PETERSON GAS LOGS TCBO 2399 PERMIT NO. __- z9 BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL 900 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATIOI{PERMIT FEES v-N R-3 900 BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW() ALTERATION 6I) ADDITIONALO REPAIR()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODAIION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO, FIREPLACES MECHANICAL FEES WAIVED RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE TH|CKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT tlEXT. WALLS I II J r{rlrilL' _ |USE TAX FOOF TYPE OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES FEES WAIVED MICHAEL WHInAKER AUG. 7, lggl ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL ST, CUT I lxl ,ILOING OFFICIAL DATI )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ol the/Town applicable thereto. AND THE OWNER. f{OTt -'t'Lrrr lrr rcrratta r .\, DATC .r! .rs I --z r,- fERilr Ao. --29p2-. - -(fi coNsrRucTtoN PERMIThnmfl l**iF iJJ"romnnrnftY drruopnt I z'occnrl TO AE trtEo otttoorF|JEf €LvPnlonroFStir'€Eor?EFtrlr O ptumeflc E rounornor ^.^uA72-^ eu JtU!4w TYPEOFPCNflTT f] aunDficfl eucrnrcn mEctnilrc[ FA}( NO.3034557 P.03iUL-16-9l TUE-9:55'lown ^fVail tE |oulh frcnug.|€rd rrll, coloildo tlftT(tool 479-2L38 or 479-!139 otlb| ot comilunllt thwlopmrttl BUILDIN; PERI-iIT ISSUANCE TIl,lE FRAHE If this Dsnntt requlrts a Town of Vail Fire OePartnent Approval r Enqlneeri.s (puUtii tlorks) reyiew and approvalr r PlannlnE DtParhent iiiiew-or Hi*alth Departmint revlew, and a revlaw by the aulldtle bepartrnlnt, the estimrted timc for a total r:vlew may take as long as three weelts, All corrurercl6] ('largc or small) and all nu]ti-famlly perfilts tlill iiive-to ioiiow ifre ibove menti6ned maximum requlrem'ents. ..Rcaldential ini-smitf-ir6jects shou'ld tal(e a lesser amouni of tlme. However'.ffrlitilniiri oi ima'ller proJects lmpact the vtrlou3 above mentioned departnents with regard to necessary revJew' these proJects may alio talte the threq week Period' Every attsnpt w{ll be nrade by thls deparfinent to expedlte thls permtt ai sion as Poss'lble. I, tbe underslgned, under$tand the Plan check prtcedure and tlme frafi€. ConmunltY DeveloPment Departrnent. JUL-16-91 T[JE 9: 55 Torn ol"il FA){ N0, gog4t15?P. 04 t 1, 75 routh fronl.g. retC rell, colondo tl6t? (30t) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUEJECT: clflce ol conmunlty drvdopmrnl ALL CONBRACTORS CTIRRENTLYIJ REGXSTERED WIMT !N$ TOT{N OF VAIIJ TOVIN OF VAIL PITBIJIC !{ORKS/COMI{UNITy DEVEIOPIIENT ueRcH 15, 19gg CpNSTRUCTION PARKING E UATERIAIT STORAGE rn surrnrary, .ordinance Ng. 6 atates that tt Ls unlawful for snyperson to litt,er, trask or depoeit any coll, rock, sand, debrisor naterLal, lncluding trash dunpster-, portable tolleti andworknen vehiclee upon any street, sl,dewalk, allcy or publlcplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on ali trown ofvall streets and roads ls approxlhately 5 ft. off paveraent.llhls ordinanco wllt be rtrllLty enforcEd by the Town of ValIPublia Workc Departnent. Persons found. vlolattnE thle ordlnancewlll be given a 24 hour vrltten notlce to renovc-said naterLal.In the event the person so notifled doeE not conply rrlth thenotice wtthln the- 24 hour tlnc speclfled, the puLfie WorksDepartneht uill remov€ said rnatarial at tha expenee of pcrsonnotlfied. The provlsions of thls ordlnance shall not bEapplicable to conEtructlon, halntenance or rcpalt proJectc o!any street or alley or any utilitias ln the rlght-a-way. To review ordtnance No. 6 ln full, plcaie rtop by the Town 6fValI Buildlng Departnent to obtain a copy. thank you for your cooperatlon on thls netter. '+li Read and acknowledged by: oCltlon/RelattonEhlp fo ProJ ec Date (1.G. contraotor, ownrr) 5oos t INSPECTION a .t. REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: (JJ trU I TOWN OF INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUE.l o"@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STE PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND EL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL cl E]FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT E FINAL 'pneenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO dz F =E u,lo- o\o tr)rfi rfl lnt\ anul uJIL F =tutL ts6s +do ffi cf)N u) H&& z F) [l,lIF lo lc)ltIt!ol(, t=ro J,= t6 u/ Eo EoF eF z = =z <lFt . "lHr'11 trl FJI AileHI F HtiIrl1 F{I F4HIEI F FqI FEel* fr9F:'oiTzoz z&,69J F.] 5..1@=i oa i-\ | (, t1lz<l 2,-rlolNI ttJt!.tt =I Eolt (EoF() Fzoo Eo uJz3od l!UJ6z;t .E L' :J UlFI<F4aYZ(a< z l-l FlH<oE@Dr.rladA\ots<'<rArdooZFOu)C)EO (tH p4 |l .HD+FO)+HO)'+FrI.ntt ---oc6*t.9 E EE:E EgE:E ;Ei€E iEiiE g;Egc EEEEg €89 !' E STE€€I E 'E-- gBgiF F\c\ao\T a.l rn @ Lr\ r.|/.lr\lnN o o (f) * tr =G|llc('zor to I C) uJt z o- J 9 F() uJJ (,z E d J Iz outE lrlulIIzo F gtg,oujE oE o.o 'ul uJEzIu,ulo F6I u,loC I UJJa x t- ulol U' uJ u.lltt =e. uJo. l-oF Iz6J:to iIc,F() u, Iu (, =E = d J ()z I() uJI Fl H H llo|.tvn]Y IF IE vE 9: b6z.ol trt'1EFlET 8EuJ<oEi 'ax yz lll Ho> z=99E* g?x=FYat, O6!l!<o* Hg ->E z9 F fJ t! G o o-foE |rJo. F rr F- E UJg, zo Eoo xF5zI ? uJ - UJz I 2lz9a3? =PxtI'Hg Ez ,, 9z d63GOI r,u J d Ezv(J F !J.l F 2 tr at,z I -t I , J II t! o oo 3 lJI<l FI =l 2l .- >lollj uJ uJz U' E = IJJ o- z Eo zFo o I ll;,; I I^l cn8(oFlrtt' -+3o v)Oz#l uJ Eoooazo Fo' uJY l!o oF F *-d3 lL.|ol>J E '-'lo_IrH HuraEzcl z o92t-< aoo =zffd9 Hnn i=rt tt =-=7 -F< =5s =GulLtto EgE<a.f€aIE '9'38 E arE FEE 6ftE 90I iurE XO-I d.si Ho @, E =E lrJo.zIl- C)DE azoo t tsz Har'l FdHlil 14 c/l uJ =z coo-) HIq)Izl#ttrll el-l Bl*l -r I lrl-l* sl tslUa aJ 2Z;{<q* Jg d z F) tlJt z o \+ I\ot\-ir Ell nl El 1g |n$ I .n o\ l"l Fll itg Hl bl IA HFI C\ cr) (\.1 IIn.so =lrlO\lcjl*l d fll Gl JI alil 3 Fl Etsz ttlA EH FJ : e, l! ciz ci TJ G, J lroz =oF G -rO<FE(J!u<ztr!F(rZ-o (J (Jz d) = J E irsi b2!+}{t}4r EgI D<I D{J .n UJultt E Ec uJ(L UIl- o EoF F2 =o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gulz3o uJIFoz c d g'oc Illl!() =CL CLo c 3oF, o.c o oo()c6 16.IL \o ot o Dc6(,Eo() (tco =t @ c o =f d(D o o.o-(I' !o o c .9o 0,tt 6qr,Eo..J, e .9: .9':E.o5o 11l q'. cD. EoN !,c,1ol o*:, o o) E.rOr E((or @.1 3-(t:JT g/tl qrlEi E: oa(!.: 6ta1ttc6UoJ()! EE ..s E P:Eo> 5E,oa o; '€o't+ >6o.N EpC'CC)]oo-.F EE rO E9 Efo6ca€t9o e6se oGEp .c, c iu a; EeoEoc -6o-o .f, gE E. EE'5E gH c.!2 .=tEEts'i "EFcr- o(d€o -=$e5c9 EE 8E :Bcc€cgn o.(u sE 5* E6 EPoiia-cg - q,, r! o' =o.atOglE, E5' E8o 6' taGtt>g-o o.9E. .c5 U' u., UJlt E =E uJ o. J FoF stEolo HEI iiE -Elairo 5S3()Z|.l-o dlrirulzQ EFU fi'fiur +,oc *r.rl =rtUJt- =9bq Edaa<>E9r!<.ogPdFIn.i t! 4I o.3oG(t zl .; >lclulo uJutzI =Eul J z 9 troo r|; lcr I.tt lOtu to 3tg EIE =T rl* i15 ;I5 EIE I z, zo 5o::ooo I I I at trzf(,z JJ B zItroo zIl- e, u.lFJ tu2 IJc cdl{Iqt +Jo & oa .a;ri oLlo 'ii=z too-l N(ocr'l r(Orl-r+.r5,U' +,(r) l filJ 5l sl f,fl r-l \o.f, Io\.+o\ I TIol =l ,l (9l ull 5l il fl o.J HIJoo 6z I .l g el i oEhgi+8,l-o2 oc) <) <>o n 8q co +t<.6c)qr-a aO JF.40ox<0t u-(,l Fa ('l\/E .-lgF ./r g.Olc,io +rlEOIc '-lo o.ltJ EI o!rF !.o+,+,oJ (, CI v,.|Jov, AI GI F E4 L|.tG (D 2, de ot!a lrJlrlz tA C57- =oJJp t! t! t- J E q u, Eo zgPzecoO . =z3= dPnrn J "dg =F3 =qsrotr= fr-f E'd:<tEut- 91 c Yb Esu *E3A EE P.?- I Ff;9., I=gFI g=P HI E;f; ilsq; re .la* €t -clt Bnn 'ab q "r.J Ul tsu,oo?zo Fo-ut:( ul tD oF b tEut.q. lto o-oo I trlFoz F E E,lrl o-zoF C)f, E,Fazo() . , T \\'.., i-' 17 -1 \\. .-\\ \\ \ '-r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ -\';- --N\ . .\, f JOB NAME INS I PE CTION REQUETT TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECJIONS: /,/ /> .- '1//-./t- I-7DATE /t /' './INSPECTOR t JOB NAME FRI u\la.z-, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,:1/6D CALLER TUES WED THUR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ', )'-*no9- [ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGALI i MECHANICAL: E I?AP. POWER ffiouen \,.t O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED-,..,:- /'tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR , '' \\^.' l \ \ \\ - -.J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: I JOB NAME '\) \ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL T THUR FRIINSPE ..'-t tt.'3I' r/-T BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEI- N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK N POOL / H. TUB NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PQWER tr HEATING T] ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr FINAL O FINAL a;d APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, //-/":''{? rNSpEcroR pffisnop t INSPECTION REQUESTVAIL IROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI e.y' l't TOWN OF eDATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES -----@" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLywooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL - tr FINAL /ete9'fflcat: a/EMP. PowER dnoucn - MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr 0 CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPFOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,*. //- Zo - f ? rNSPEcroR eeiftssop T INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON TOWN O VAIL DArE (\ \}J JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: t{q. ;?\oeJr,,Q-CALLER TUES THUR FRI ----@ PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATERtr FBAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB OCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: ':. tr TEMP. POWER ME trl trt tr{ tr CHANICAL: HEATING Souo-r EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED-1,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ndfts,- UEST E N REQ oF\ vAtL i\i':t\('r\l o N cTl TOW 't'"] - . I INSPE :\!':(\oor= \)\_ \ r -:\ JoB NAME CALLER TUESINSPECT.MON )FRIURrl \.i READY FOR LOCATION: I BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION B POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr_ '(r,,uo,- APPROVED E DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /tOATE i < ' !'" i! r' INSPECTOR I,piftsrop PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT U- \)\:$\JoB NAME INSP \MON TUES ,'\ THUR FRI t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER AM Q) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL .- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIoNSI-_. z-/3'C2 INSPECTOR prffis"o" t '1 lh',+ OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL :IT NU ,I PERM DATE R I MBE 4t tarNt. \c JOB NAME MON ,j-+:>"q:\il|9il"v ').- INSPECT _____ffi@CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL t-l LI tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr hrEArNG tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR E tr trtr FINAL FINAL APPHOVED RRE DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 5: - INSPECTOR niFs,'." 4tt"z ,t INSPECTION TOWN OF $f,-&ts.r& ,l PERMIT NUMBER OF I'oor, 17. lb PROJECT . JOB NAME C4+&tq,- tfr?e+ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ebL TUES WED THUR FRI .7.-.-? - r IuV{+ llo\+e CALLEB BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FHAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK NAIL nnat {^O-O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL $neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED . CORRECTIONS: ; INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete beforeg'iving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL TEMPOMiY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ,,4 q )< "4 r,/. q d., n"/(z (J.Od oo o $td an IJJ lr.l 14 ==E IJJo rynl L6.tls<t85f1 YD z, F = lr z, v) lrlF Lrl = dlrlFu- Ld LJJz. trl J -J = UJ .J1 Fz.L!Etd d = s tlco(\J H{-lzcq F{U\ E1J 4rq H =o UJF z oz o- @ .6 z I I lu, ,Ft<r6 I I I IFt<( I6z l=to lotz t\ OlFt (6 = NIF E z. F t /', E.:z IH lo I I I I I I t_,, IE to,z t-.@orFl ao = z, E. E E *6EEg EE o) 5gE Es*qlad .E 6.9p'6Eo:: *FEi ):N5FF* >5 E g;R '-:€ \ o-! i€e z EH"-.1: E o.c .1 EEtfr f* ier9.-- .n O. e/*EE k-'==)- /t:i A; EJ; EeRir ,oo dl-l I gEe?I i EEE'5E g8 e2'FX :r-F'5 EB ,_ aJ,oo€o =€c';cP'- o. -C\,, .Y rE =i5O .ge .8= o-(E *E EE H(Do,E OGi;-c! 605a t,* E5E8oo +(! dr !t>g6t eE -o z = Jo- o UJ u.I+ ==G, lrJo J FoF d oz, =T! t!(J lr7 1-(n t! ==F(J !{ F(\l I.lt-:l F| e| aloltr-l EI ;l ;Eo-z zv-o ooF.'T'ZI5 :eE P of, ooc6e filr-<oq iH6 f,-R 2 dNC9 SurN =o(\l a UJ z F zl .. >l UJ uJ uJzoF =l! o. J z Eoo Ol I cf, Ie. dt{IJJI= lrJ I (/, ,1, (o GTFl F-F FF (E Jll- JJf F rll r! oE Ir - -l--i) ,/, 'c,i-- co '-.:) '"\.r' (f /'O 6 ! ct ... l! Fodlo-zo Fo-luY ul.oon'Fcor- ch :- F{ =Eolo-_ b il><lo-l 831t=lgurakzo z .rP =2.oo =zd8 FlFtftr<r t< r--r J 282oh-- i'i'l o-) -''1 Ul6il= =)<><Plltsl Esl tr ujo-tto EUE?ol€ue9EL 5-'E llt- E EE: >di 8a9 \utr 6LE 5tI.u{ €; ul .D F E =E,lrlo-zoFo -EFU'zo(J +Ja.{ no z J lJ- I J Jo Ir!l.lol 'l I 5J J LIJo e UJ& ifi =z co a. I Ptn EJct)0 '. (\I (f, c\I u1u! = {oo(olr) I(o j ao = E -1 P Ltr- 2 Ft t44t oo{ -l = Jg fl d tr T {z8 a 1 =EI trl cf) (f) r<rsr Iro i .o o F. <J1 =o d LdtJ- Lr- UJ -r .,/'t Q! a t! oz ,.i IJJ = ]toz; F r( t F.(\ IJ !r =tr oz |ll I rloz3 F : tr tr .i o lrJE t! z 3 F =tr I oz ci uJ =ioz3o |l.l) IJJF E u.Jz =o Fo IJJ E-C) E <FE<)[!<ztr .qZ-oo JE<o()F E3 HEt E 2P =<>(r d6o ix9tr 73 P,2 =g othgi ez <Oa?3H oz b =Euto- / 8 'ctPlr bt'tSh 1 I I l_ t<IA I I I I,,oIFt< lbzl=t6 l2 R;3 Fr!-1o-lol I I I3t.<,<EP - tl! =t5 E;iFE aiEi€ Foze?;.5 €SEreI s* aPF iEgE3 ;-*Eico s=rtloF e€:€€x 5'=-l ti tfl EE-t4!t Eq HAUJHOH EHEfifiHH= JEo-aztt-I 90F ^ OZ H a =Fl,(5E+>.v9()!,1Y= 6 -rl<l trl 2l zl .. >lo ur IJJulzoF =G uJ o- J z E oz Jtr Jo F J t4q ,) ,')t/) 1zt/ /. /) ,x, !-/ 'jj=z clI an llJeoo J = -r(J =U)E, u.t o ul: z L =g t! a an IJJ ) t j o- E F .J1z.oC-) frJ Lr-u-lrl rn Etrtr co I O)<\l o =.)olull IE J] <l>l IIol zl =iFI t((.( Ir\ <\ ut iI F (J F(J L!JLI J E t!- oz ..i |ll J a ttoz3o Orcf, =f, Iorsf Or u |r F =tr IN(ft r-{ oz a LIJ&- lt z3oF rJ)sf tolsror I I l = o- INc.t Fl ciz oult J ltoz; 01F U)E.!J F UIz. SZ U1 ccl =tr >< I Ol<\lFf ctz allltr J l! z =oF o\( I F |riJIJF' t t uJz =o F C) uJ E 0a -.r O<Fc()uJ<ZE,lrJ h.,z., () -Jt5P fr3E' * (,o 1F =<(=G d5 6F F3 EE lr EtigX b2 o C' <O(4 Chrir lU JO { z ,r9zeoo 33sJOUJ.L|!A EEi = uJ ;'idd= uJ E U'oo?zo Fo.ulY uto oF E (EhP5 bJi"1O-lo'q t-9|guratzo tr H IIoEqE<3A =ee9.lra b9'EE =>E il=E b=rr dtrE =+E UbE :HE ;Ta u,l €= ulooF rs vt=I - ts =Elrl o-zIFoDEFu)zo() f-]r.1txL-J LJ l>{ DDN ^guJ oJ'-co +,<.oL)cH .ElJt-o-odx<t(u u-|, F. g) JC rBC'F I'E 'U c'O'l''E(U 8g rts o, vl+,(u an N ot-tF !o+)+t(l, J F =EldCL (5z, J |J- do!- at!c: UJlrl =U, (5zl-a =O J lr. UJ E6(oo-zo Fq IIJ!( uJ EI UJ o oF ts Elrt.___a- tI.o o-oo I tuFoz UJ F t{ (\t t-tl Ed:<s 91 t\-/ llEo Esg €83fr €E E.i- I5ff5F-:.r F ='- lJ.l '- e5iF E=P HEI!X O Eue i €q= EHie** II - F =&lrl o-zoF(JfEFQzoo l! Z Z t!Jo o ottr ^ 6 z\tp =Nu, 0 cd 6 ! fii EF E$ zl .- >lo u,oul llJz .n F =t!o- J zo Eoo (5z Jtr J d FoJ uJ =z. dl -9I - gt uJEoo J = to- F \) .sq + \stl =l EI U' IJJ = F C) -{ klF \3 s SPr+l \l q E trl .lol z.l ol uJlEl JI <l>l rr.lol zl 3lolFl UJJulF {r $ \E d olzl OI uJl Gl JI <l>l t|-lol zl BlolFI uJ J B.lF ,T \ s s s ---. -{ \ =a I I Il1 I ciltlltolI lrl t5ltall>ltI,lq zl 3tolFI rriJ uJF t\ t$ \ts Y $ ls \E d KItltltlollzli cilull :l sl. u-lq flE rnpq ol.,\i l\|\lnl sl =lel rl-l Iolzl ollrjl ail ol zl 3lolFI IIJJ 1r.l F t IJJz =o F C) UJtrr()E E -rO<Fc()u,<zEurFo6 C) J(f<o()F FEYF ----, ZT = =l J(L v ? t *5YF =3Es -'FPE\Eo r.\2rss J<oftfi,? x € dR zgPze aoo =z:)fJOo- lL "dg =F,*-t -: t!Eil= 6. ><x><><>< trnn g Total $840.00 C'lock Tower Remodel Spring In insta'llments after date, of the Tovm of Vai'l at the at Vail Co'lorado - Paid fi*r n.llffili:il*tt8.00 on the Vail ,colorao. MaY 26 't9 87 1987 for value received, I Office of the Finance promise D i rector, to pay to Municipal the order Bu'il di ng One Hundred & Sixtv Eiqht ---- Dollars, with interest of ten percent per annum on installments as fol'l ows : Ihe first instal'lment of $-el3-Sg- due and the second .installnent of $:teg9-- due and the third installment oi S--?gg9,- due and the fourth installment of $ 4-L99.- due and with the entire unpaid baiance' the unpaid balance, payable in Yearly payabl e payabl e payabl e payabl e on June 26, 1988 ' on June 26, 1989 , .' on June 26. 1990 , bn June 26, 199 1 t '.'. IT IS AGREED that if this note js not paid when due or declared due.hereundeq, the principal and accrued jnterest thereon shall draw interest at the rate ot iA-pircent'per annum, and that failure to nake any payment of principal or interest wtreh Oue or'any default under'any incunbrance or agreement securing tftis-1ot9 -,.shall cause thl wholc notc to bcconre due at once, or the interest to be countecl as principal , at lhe optton of the lrolder tlf -Lhc noLc.. Tltu trukcrs ottd cttdot'lur5 frlrEoi ie'veritty waive'presentnent for paymerit, protest, notice on nonpaytnent ina-of pioi.rt,-und agree to any extension of t'iine of payrnent arrd partial !:{'i"nt'before,'at or after nnturity, and if this note or interest thereon ls not palo when due,:or suit is broughi, agree to pay all reasonable costs of co'l 'l ection' includin! reasonabl e attorney's fees. Ri ggert DATE. la/r.'^1tra.1 CLOCKTOWER RESTAURA}IT & ENTRY REIODEL MAY 8, 1987 lst FL00R = 160 s.f. Znd FL00R = 78 s.f. BAY WINDO,I = TOTAL 33 s.f. 271 s.f. RECREATIS'I FEE: 271s.f. x 1.00 = $271.00 ' PARKING FEE: New Restaurant Square Footage = 33 s.f.'i Parking Required = .28 spaces Parking Fee -.28x$3,000=$840.00 CLoCKT0IIER REMoDEL MAY 8, 1987 NEtl RESTAURANT SPACE = 33 s.f. PARKING REQD. = .28 spaces PARKING FEE = .28 x $3,000 = $840.00 Typed l{ay 8, 1987 75 soulh frontage .oad vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce ol oommunlty developmenl November 9, 1987 Mr. Roger Riggert Clock Tower Restaurant 23? Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Design Revjew Board Fee for the Clock Tower Remodel , 1gg7 Dear Roger: I am writjng thjs letter to inform you that I made a mistakein calculating your Design Review fee for the entry remodel toyour restaurant. You were charged $500 for the Design Review Board fee. You should have only been charged $50. I am verysorry for this mistake. Attached to this ietter is the reimbursement for the error. If you have any further questions about thisfree to contact me. S'ircerelV4 ,r/.1 l/l ntrffonrtrl? Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Encl osure issue, please feel \N,\Nfl \"w z -rn . N(\\l s- r{\ \ \' \- l\r\\, '/\J r \vr_, o f- is-----{F*\St irJ\ '--\ \'l\ -, \ \ - i{li luwn May 7, L987 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce ol communlty deyGlopmcnt Mr. Roger RiggertClock Tower Restaurant ZZZ Zridge StreetVail , Colorado 91652 RE: Clock Tower Building pernit Dear Roger, Thank you.for providing the drawings that indicate the proposedand existing seating airangement for the clock io"", Restaurant.According to these drawingi, there is not-an-i"ii"."" in seatsfor the restaurant. $re faitcing requir"*"rc i"i-r."t"urantspaces reads: Section 18.52.j-00 parking Reguirernent Schedute L.Ospace p:T_:.:!.eight seats, based on seating capacityor Building Code Occupancy standards which ever ismore restrictive. 9iy:l .these_requirernents, your parking fee will be based onbuilding code occupSrry wnicn is trre iost resiriciive approach.The crock. Tower parring fee wilr be calculated by dividing the33 sq. .f!. Uy L5 sg. it. and then dividilt-ihat'arnount by I::ut:. (T!" l-s sq. ft. is equal to- the buitding code occupancystandard for one person.) rne parking ,;di;;;.r,['i" .zespaces, As this proJect is in ttte Conmercial core I zone district, youwourd have a oarking fee of g84o.oo. This fee is carcur_ated bytaking .2s x Sooo a6rtar".i"J"i-"i " .o*"rical parking space)yl'i"!.equals g84o.oo- thii fee rnay ue paid in s'in"t.ttrents.The first instalrment (9r-6g.oo1 mu-st be'paid wn-n-you pick upyour building permit. you nay also pay the fee in'one Lump sun. j, An inprovement survey wiII also be necessary after- the. concrete is poirred for the foirndation. This will pr-vlde the staff vith an aecurate drawing that will indlcate the deck area wbich ttill be used for the leise agreement for the deck on Town of Vail property. If you have any questions about these reguirenents, please feel , free to call ne. sincerely, Ki,f*R,h. I(ristan Pritz lown Planner Jlt MAY g, 1997 1st FL00R = 160 s.f. Znd FL00R = : 78 s.f. lst FL00R REST. BAY l,lINDm = 33 s.f. CLOCKTOWER RESTAURAI.IT & ENTRY REMODEL T0TAL 27I s.f. CLOCKTOI,IER REMODEL MAY 8, 1987 RECREATION FEE: 271s.f. x 1.00 = $271.00 T**' iliriii'ftulll.:'*"i;i'il;ih,,'] *;l; ,, NEl, RESTAUMNT SPACE ; 33 s.f. PARKING REQD' = '28 sPaces PARKING FEE = .28 x $3,000 = $840.00 Typed lthy 8, 1987 ta I /t "\ ) t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR PMlFRl ,/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: BUILDING: 4€oorrr.rcs furou*oo' tr FRAMING / srEEL a-* 'GA(. PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr a/JN* - tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF '.'.,) I 1l VAIL r. r, ' \,\ M\;tr,, *^L, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MoN flulq; *=o BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r HOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL I H. TUB i''C-tNE' r,n t.t lma r ^- Z \ tlr.\)tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS u coNoulr tr SUPPLY AIR EI p #ur tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR . e '-\k -) i,/' L', .,/ ) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST .TOWN OF VAIL ' Lr,r&'--,JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED ./1 (J e- rHUR (.*FR) /, ,- -1*_r_-=_'4,t) pM\:*_.- BUTLDING:PLUMBING: ^i,'FOOTTNGS/STEEL t'l-*, TUNDERGROUND Itr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH _ tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB -tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oare# 5'l-'t'7 tNSPEcroR- PERMIT PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL WED THUR FRI I, PM NUMBER DArE 3 - 5 - 'a-? JoB NAME C-\ rr ['.. ---il.,,.,,,ct- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER r,_f _., MON TUES ., BUILDING: ' tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E}5FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr Fil{AL tr FINAL a/APPROVED tr DtsAppRovED tr RETNSPECION REQUTRED CORRECTIONS: - INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t: INSPECTION TOWN OF rl REQUEST VAIL Vi -tZ,- wED rHr*ffiD AM PM oarc 5-2i-3?- JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLEB MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/ WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL $nurr'ro <ROOF & S tr GAS PIPING& SHEERD ijiv-vir ob-ri'nr*ii r- r ru o tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n E POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: ''' ,lt/4tseppRovED '#Hlr*srEcr|oN REeu I RED INSPECTOR 3 -\ <? ) i3{n r a> PERMIT NUMBER OF PRbJECT- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLEB MON TUES WED THUR FRI -+(-INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME C\,',.K-:*- t;;-,.DAIE {a- l- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEELr:! i NG A\' i' , (ii,,.\,,,^ i i^-< OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING r] ROUGH r] EXHAUST HOODS -tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT ' ,..,-...,,- ,I t --.t i , I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL ,' CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr F IE FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEF MEGHANICAL: E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED RBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT -C .X\),INSPECTION REQUEST r\ \ --_, TOWN OF VAIL t. . --'' ,r"-.'.\r, "'li PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR r"FHli t" tr tr cl n tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H^ TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED &atrg PEBMI DATE ("* t - t-'l eloJ( €-tlN t SP ECTION OWN OF I REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT.ION:r'fioN',5> tt T NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING:PLUMBINGT tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING TIN,SULAT|oN EI POOL / H. TUB-Wwryw tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER M tr tr tr tr EGHANIGAL: HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL r] FINAL ff/PPNOVEO AS NO{'4 tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED I CORRECTIONS. -- a- l. \rl . onre o I it INSPECT DATE L" f JOB NAME I :READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ---t' Y,':',. ''; 3 INSPECTIONTOWN OF .J-.../ 'j r.,' fr\-- REQUEST VAIL CALLER rues (Go) rnun.\-..''-,./FRI PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E..ROUGH / D.W.V. .:)i'-.. --E ROUGH / WATER it--- (l tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR (.,_APPROVED RRECTIONS: fI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT ----, /' v ''1Y > > PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t SPIN ECTION TOWN OF i REOUEST VAIL DATE {, - t5 *t:i JOB NAME TNSPECTTON: ,/- n4Or{\, _.- -, CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: I BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ft€HEETROCK NAIL ( 'r.t'..-., O D- TI tr FINAL I] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT Er tr SUPPLY AIR t-l alrrunr-tr FINAL \PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: ,l TNSPECTOR __DATE ' / t- r - -- -#.:=.-.- - | INSPECTION REQUEST .. TOWN OF VAIL I .t"-I i'i \ 't!. r' ;-Y )\ PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT /^ l'.' t lv't9a76 U l? i ltr t JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:wED (@ fy_',PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEU tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB trFINAL c 'lj,tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAP tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED CORRECTIONS: ?. \,,,, -'l r'f) C= *! INSPECTION REQUEST ..'fl:rJ..,,.,..i! OF VAI CALLER MON TUES WED THUR ,fil OJECT .] \ JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: _ tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH/D,W.V. _ tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING - - D POOL/H,TUB - r'l T'l - tr FINAL - MECHANICAL: ON / STEEL n tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELE tr'T uF uc tr_ CTRICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL q. APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST "TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR r--,Mlnpeaoveo / connecrrorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ''.:-'-*' .-'\!. \ r-.-- i--ir-'- I INSPECTOA'': I FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belolv items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL OATE: EL ECT RI CAL n FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPOMRY C of O r- " hnrlnii CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (( 232 BRTDGE STREET)) PLUMBING FOUNDATION CLOCK TOWER d€partment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT M Dn MIuT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL VAIL VILLAGE lst JOB NAME: MARGARIETHE OF S1n1ITZTRLAND MAIL ADDRESS crry Vail pH 6-5490 ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR LECTRICAL CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICA TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER EONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. ih. Prlnlery/vail NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE L/6/87 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | [ t tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROIJP ABEH IRM DlVlSlOt{ r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : NANVFDT DDtrMT(trC I I\ITN }]A1A ANn PERMIT NO. zotr f, BUILOING 11.000.00 ELECTRICAT 2.500 .00 PLUMBING 15 ,000 .00 BEAUTY SALON.MECHANICAL TOTAL 15,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II thr Be2 15,000.00 BUILDING PERMIT 162.00 ) d, f-\ '.9 r=)ol s6T:.-s q- -'\ PLAN CHECK 102 .30 ELECTRICAL 45.00 NEWO ALTERATION I(XX ADDITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING 2u.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 exr wlrr-sl I ,M I USE TAX BOOF TOTAL PERMIT FEES qYnr 42q ?n GARY MURRAIN 1/14/87" JILDING OFFICIAL BETSY ROSOLACK DATE L/6/87 INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE ".^s-'"c N^N',(]N1N-)NING & BUILDING NOTES: '^"-'"" nVN{X\N,X 'lW oeruo V \ \ -\ lr I AND THE OWNER. oF coNrRAcron roTArruselr I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the information required, completed an accurale plot plan, and slate that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi applic4ble thereto. GLEAN up To; FpotSet?es-/f S' Fro t'n'z-R/ ./<-.F-tt SIGNATURE OF \tV t-;A R.G.A,ri {87i4 A a tr ,;vl,itT.zERLAl\tp aiCcK rcc<)E R {3!-9G A*J gPRtxttLe HEA| a" tE lA!sTpt*t-69 Ellc l-Ev € * SMokfz -D.f llr,+( M # s c tt-i" €- P &r't ft e F -i'e g 6 rt-{- criPr f- /+ t !;E ! 1; i:! : *'r it h- t.' f i. lt: 5-."1 c- *t- /5L i;c- €;,-tcl-i;r:,]:- f!-,t:*t;j tr..t6 a" f{ Fo K t-I Td C . ,'ii:"ii;' f-t: ,.' * r"z';i: ' 3 ;- lt *, I -'.-'_,{ .lilncEr" ll?""L' N E '^.' s l-,! ' ri t Fl(f :v G l.i.: v ;t :i )'*, i- ^* ,j .-a,- !.- /r t: L- t i { t t.. i:r_51fi € ooiL (i '{! l {.. \q it t- [- ii t) IJ t<'/: - ic 4rrPtul I - ,1.t{82 OFFtc-e T/}NNi!iG $t', ^ L:\..'-' ;' lJ {- \ 4 -'*' <!F (...n L47 5a FT o ,,-, REF4ctr€- Tut + ZN 5Td,r.L, :rr/+St+tR +-ARf Eq I ';' ri 't, \i : r 't '_ ii --; REtiovf 1.. LI t. - _.I'.. ' ,l t tu?{ts4--" :ii=:-_-:--_ -' I i-i .li .J, I'ri- i tisi C-i.! I M /3'- to" -7 1 J '- oJ i* ico.vn 732 5e- Fl: ReHavE i €XlrT-rHc- kif i ---\__t- \ \l \ r-lliil i---ilI tl ---jfr-, 'Itlitl r\ iLJ i) rl._]runILI LJirl TM /.32 54. F74 fl Flrr -' l/ tt - n -.ii :.rcrls l--J Fl." 3 ot tz = /raj d Al E .ia': d..'i-: ,1.\ / ,CLoset .*;. -i.f^t fl- lREtt i6Efi .- lJJ i; l-l oo-a L38 Sq-Ft lnwn 75 south trontage ?oad Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 1-4, L9A7 Mr. Roger RiggertClock Tower Restaurant 232 Bridge streetVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Improvement Survey Dear Roger: KP:br cc; Joe Norris offlce ol communlty developmenl r am concerned that an improvenent survey for the deck has notbeen submitted. r am reguesting that you abide by our originalunderstanding that was stated in several previous Letters indcomplete the improvement survey. r will appreciate your promptattention to this matter. rhank you for y-olr cooperitionl rwould also like to add that I think the rernodel l6okswonderful ! sinlere$,, , | ), I 1 ,| | I$'fln"rY(iBKristan PritL- Town Planner or the Clock Tower r INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL .t INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER : TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: OF PROJECT BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr o tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATER GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr T] FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING I] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr p r/fiet tr FINAL 'fibeaoveo fRRECTTONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT '1 t'Jt-.Y ^1r)lPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT U INSPECTION TOWN OF .^.1_!:_,-:l'\ \ -. .,-e f- REQUEST VAIL CALLER t' =t :-,l'r.?,-:'lr*'*FRI onre li - I l. El JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D BEINSPECTION REQUIBED I DATE INSPEC r1\ 'rf PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF , \.,-t '...'i REQUESTVAIL I).,- 'r' --' iri DATE ,'l* - 't, r. t, JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED' THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: EMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o't- tr FINAL tr FINAL ptAeeaoveo CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIHED .'- 1 t' ' INSPECTOR T .' / '' iDATE a?84 t INSPECTION:,.(11) ruES wED IHUR FRI {\AM tPM:\ 54., I c|\ o.uT.J qts PE 9T I O N- R E O U EST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF ROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: E FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER - ..'rMEcHANrcAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr ffiilgg:T] FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE ?, -8, 'a,l rNSpEcr 6Jt rJ_. |fri.t PE CTION TOWN OF \... REOUdSTvAlL rPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I ', . \ DATE i-r' !.- i 't ,, JOB NAME MON tNs INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .r'INSPECTORDATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF i-, ."J',i: \ REQUEST VAILl'r .-F '\ \ i JoBNAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER -,.-'.,.Qy-,INSPECTION:ruEs @ tr FOUNDATION / STEE- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED z-z?-F7 INSPECTOR 7 -\ -_-r t\ vr.r rb r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT onre L{ 2,9 - ('1 JoB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL ! cALLER -l>gK-- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI AM\ PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FfOUNDATTON / STEEL ik- tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|LING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr 8, r/1nr tr FINAL '1,/e,6paovea J**r"r,o"., tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL onrE, &*&\-tl FINAL BUILDING TEMP0RARY C of 0 CERTi FICATE OF OCCUPAI'ICY NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITECONSTFUCTION PERMIT D^rE 6/23/83 -riLqi dspartrnent of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO TSSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Dn D a Etr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION r.TypEoFcoNsrRucnoN r rr rrr rvfu,/ z. occuPANcY GRoUP npe x rnu DrvrsroN ,@^, o GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - ILV Tnc*el'lrf inn nf awhrrra* f- -PERr,ilT NO. --*'-'" zIF g F$rrDrNC 800 ELECTRICAL 800 PTUII,BING air for restaurant TIECHANICAL 8500 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES V lhr B-2 10,100 BUILDING PERMIT 80.50 -\ \v aT 5nr\.\a N $')+s\stJ PLAN CHECK 40.25 ELECTRICAL 35 .00 NEW( ) ALTERATTON(X) ADDTTTONAL( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS- HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 90.00 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT t 00. 00 Exr.wALLS | | |USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 345.75 @.y- ,ILOING OFFICIAL - r"Qg?:fJ-ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N II INITIAL ST. CUT INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: PAFKING I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design plicable reto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and other,aflinances of lhe T FOR HIMSELF LEGAL DESC. JoB NAME: CL6CKT9WER CAFE r.tllre Korrmharnc I nC, MAIL ADDRESS ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR rtnu Alpenhaus Const TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR rrnu White River TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR rrnru Vai'l Sheet Metal TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. COlrsRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. lh. Pnnlery/vail i November 21, L984 Gary Muraine town of Vail , Building Department 75 So. Frontage Rd WestVail, Co. 81657 Dear Gary: There are a eouple of items I would like to find out aboutregarding our building in Vail . First, is there any reason why the cleanup deposit I posted not be refunded? I have been substancially done with my work since late August of 1983 and as I recall eleanup r,ras never a problem. The other item is regarding Roger and the CLock Tower fnn.It was my understanding based on a conversation with eitheryou or Mlke McGee that Roger hTas to get that locker roomsituation re-moved. Now I hear through Roger that a com-promise has been agreed to. I just need to know what Rogeris to do so I can make sure that he does it. If you could let me know about these items fairly soon, itwould be a big help to me. Sincerelv.ek RS : jrnr ,1trtrv Ii(" / At RPoRT BUSI N ESs cerutn . 1 0s pAcr Frc AVE. ASpEIGLoRADo 81 61 1 . s0$92s2r 02 U ",1'. fa office of the town managerbox 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 January 4, .|983 Bruce Le Duc c/o CitY Limits 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Le Duc: This'letter is to 'inform you of the procedure that wjl] be fol]owed by the oepirtment of cmrmuniiy D'evelopment iegarding i1.1ega1 ti91=' Starti'ng im- med.iately, we will st.ictly adhere to the pr6ceduris outiined within the Va'il ffi;i;il.i'Code whjch statdthat it js unlai,rful to display.any s'ign w'ithin the town without r"."iulng i*n oi Va1l approval. Violations are subiect ii-p..iitv;;ai;" ii"", iia we w'itl begin'issuins summons for illesa'l signs' In the past we have relied on a cooperat'i ve.spirit.in havino siqns that were il'leqal removed without fine or penalty"'itre'protiferation of itratk boards ;il'ili;;rv'iiliiiv boards and the repeatea iisptay of these sisns bv.several busjnesses has resulted in our decision to strjcti.y -enforce the sign code ;;ili;il;;r.--rt"r" ivp".'oi signs.are-not al'lowed-- Each restaurant and'/or bar is allowed a five'!qu."" io6t aisptay nox in whjch to post menus' current entertainment, specials, etc. (see attached intormatlon/' If you have any questions !!9!rding exactly the. type and number of signs you are allowed, or if Vou toufO"tit. io appty to-the besign Review Board for i iiipiiv-uox, pleale contact me- Thairk you for your cooperation' I hope you have a happy and a prosperous New Year' Town Planner PJ :br Encl . Si ncerely , department of community development 75 soulh lrontage rd' vall, colorado 81657 (303) il76-7000 JanuarY 4, 1983 li3'i'Et3l3[l ,or,* .AFE & BAR 274 East iBridge Street Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Dear Roger: Thjsletterjstojnformyouoftheprocedurethatwil]befol]owedbythe Department of Conrmunjty DLvelopment "gu"ding i1'legal :igll: Starting im- nediate1y, we wil t .i;'i.;iy".it"",i"tt-ihe pr6cedur6s outl 'ined with jn the vail Mun.icipat codev|ii"r.| itit" t!u!. il'ir"unii*iui to-displav anv sign within the town wlthout t""!i"iiig-il*n oi-vuir.ippiouai: Il:1::j?ns are subiect to penalty and/or ttni,'"ia *" nif 'l begin' issuing summons for jl'lega1 s'igns' In the past we have relied on a cooperative,spirit.in h9Yjlo siqns that were i'lleqa'l removed without fjne or penalty"'if'.-p"oiiferation-ot itrait boards and temporary d.isplu'-Uou"ai and'the.t.p"uili biiptaV of these signs by several businesses hus .".rit"i"il,-o"""a"iiiion"io-.iriciiv Lnforce the sisn code requlations. These ivpes or signs are nol iiio*"a". Each restaurant and/or baiis allowed a five iquare fooi, displafU"i in which to post menus' current entertainrnent, .p".iui;;-;;"'-i;"t iituln"a infornntion )' If you have any questions regarding exactly the type and nunber of signs vou are a'llowed, o."*oiia iiit to gpprv to the Delign Review Board for a ,d;;pi;; i"il ii..i" ;;i;.;'il.--rtihfyou for your cooperation- I hope you have a happy and a prosperous New Year' SincerelY,a PETER Town Planner PJ:br Encl . box 10o Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community dwelopment Novernber 23, 1981 Bruce Hartman 232 Bridge St. Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: DRB Submittal of 11-18-81 Dear Bruce: At the November 18 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal for an entrance awning lras approved with the following stipulation: awning not to extend more than 6" beyond building edge. Sincerely, Peten Jamar Town Planner PJ:df Project Application oate /L'1 cxgr lltl Project Name: rijtjl{-{{ ts lt2,rt})6g /\1-t{) Design Review Board ''rrir Motion by: Seconded.by: DISAPPROVAL /f€f ./a Summary: I I ll-oC,/< -aoqJa-t>\ t,.-) nNama of Cultomer Type and Number Oate Measured Address Telephone No. New or recover Width of Valance of material Type of Edge Color of Binding lpecial Instructionr Proj. _ Drqp - widttr ,""I #l:?/ \.--- Au.r+on r*r€ e4r5 Ttturz W,\eD?nA( ?, y t tr" v 4r'' lt.n -tr.Ik- -TD Csa-' t-lO4)gttqa e,'z/€}-€-' At.fifl 4 t-u 11 t+ru 1,1 Ptr<t \ a Nama of Cu;lomer C LoCt< -ao 4)€4 t 2.-t ttJ| Type and Number of material --j Type of Edgs r' Color of Binding Oate Mearured Address l/e,. Teleohone No. New or recover Width ot Valance Special lnsi?uciion3 Proj. - Drop . width .\ ,,*ui 4d n'- il,n, .ar.\ 7+XtL." ulV"a.-7..{z- )" f'1l* Au.r+on (45r e4P5 'Tt2 C oa. tlt?4eataz .'.z-<<vE u.tan 4 cu a t4.2 .,1 Ptr<,t 0milft OfiAINGT Style 1109 .9t tNcH - 7.A.a CM 100'7. Acrylic V-\/'\,,,'\, r,,'\. 1:li. fii l;') ii t..t .-. _ l,l.llAl, l;1,i,, 1. Il"ilr):i: {,r ,l t.i t., aU"{. faLU-e_E- i.t". . lt-lf-J. .. l.ll.l:il; lt t Lttt -9",C_,a-._ -lil,}ill b bhTE4 'l'hc fol I o'.; i lrg . in fornut j on .i:, , rcrlrr i r.t:rllloard bcd'r>rc a f,ina I ll)provil I crirr 6c, for'subrnittill by thc al1rlj<:;rnt to thc Dcsillrr ltt:vjcw li ivcD : 4., BIJIL,I)IN(; T.,tAl'IiRIALS Roof Siding Other l'ial1 Materials Fas c ia Soffits .. Windows Windovr Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Encl osures Greenhous es Other 'l'ypc of lttrtcr.ial ax4l Color Er'447 Nltilo _ "^lll"-r,7f87""o. B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Exezf Corrynon Name Size EX|aT Ntufb*T Vaf_-fo nfro+l e*+n*a SHRUBS " /.-.-;l> CoNSTRUCT|ON PERMTT*$ffi$/ | ,.,-*, dopertment of ommunity darelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELYPRIOB TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ! autornc ff eluuerruc Kl. ELECTRTCAL LJ FOUNDATION E uecxnrurcRt- fJ LEGAL lesc. LOT BLK FILING JOBNAME: Clock Tower Cafe Remodel OWNER NAM E MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. lrr.r*,.o,- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.]NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN IEVAIL FEG.NO. I TELE. tra NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 11-10-82 u0L22L r.rypEoFcoNsrRucroN r rr@rv, /Pl- 2.occuPANcYGRouP o@ n rn u orvrsroN Az. s o GENERAL DESCRIPIION OF WO.RK , - ,remode I restaurant PERMIT NO. ---_ zIF J BUILDING 8500 ELECTRICAL 3500 PLUMBII{G 2000 MECHANICAL 6000 TYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II thr B-2 20.000 BUILDING PERMIT 140 .50 J Do VIg 3 PLAN CHECK 91 .00 ELECTRICAL 48.00 NEW( ) ALTERATION(X) ADOITIONAL() REPAIR PLUMEING 20.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS- G.R.F,A. -BEOROOMS -COMMERCIAL SYST -COVERED PARXING HEIGHT IN FT. -UNCOVEREO PARKING - NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 60 .00 RECREATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 USE TAX 250 .00 INSULATION TOTAL PERI{rT EEES $709.50 FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R,VALUE !#1+#Kffi/r^- - - //94** - - )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATF HEAT ONING & BUILOING NOTES: ELEC: I GAS: SOLAR; IWOOD: I hereby acknowlodge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requir€d, compleied an acourate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state revieJ,v approved, Uniform,Buil{iqg C9{e and other grCinances olthe thereto. srGr\ AND lnil-W*rr:r'V6: appl FOR HIMSELF l i il .^ - ,/ rt- D^rE A- / h -i' :, JoB NAME PECTION TOWN OF '\. '1, REQUEST VAIL IN READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTIoN: MoN G)\-*"'rHUR FRI AM 'PM BUILDISIG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER fI FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,,. CORRECTIONS: -7 DATE DATE .\.7' / JoB NAME -- l, ,f L c ,/( INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 1"! {) ! -."1' -' CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: Weo rHUR 6i -, FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL7Z ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR JOB NAME MON CALLER INSPECTION TOWN OF J 1'-, t-9, I L.f.:,.* REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ruEs €t rHUR PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE /2-/,8--d2. tNSPEcroR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPEC LOCATION: JOB NAME MoN ruES 'i3:?) rHUR FRI CALLER BUILDING; tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE* T] FRAMING r] ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL \E APPROVEDA CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INS roN OWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE /i- /5-,r;,,JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER --:l_''MON 'TUES\WED THUR FRI :AM., PM::::", BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIIBING: tr FOUNDAT]ON / STEEL tr tr tr rx tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr n FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEF MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR n a F,frN tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: i:, . DATE INSPECTOR TION. TOWN OF t. REOUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES a -.r THUR I FRI]WED AMi PM J VAIL BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - qRouGH / D.w.v. ryROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n t-l tr FINAL IIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r-t tr FINAL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr u ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAT ..,g-,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR fho cntlr. .oul, tha worl bclng donc ln J urruerr,gle budgctcd at the anount of 3l$9to@. 0f thle cntirc emountthr greetcst erpcasc i.s allotcd to tha purcheec of natcrlele such es palnt, wallpapcr, staincd glass, custos frenlng of nairrors end prlnts, and thc purcheec of ncw kitchcn cqulpncnt. Estinrtcd eosts of natcriale end lebor for thc pluablng brlng donc in thc kitchen duc to thc ralocatlon aad purchasc ofcquiprant 1s the 82,000 figurc etated on tho pcralt appllcatlon. Ihc $1r5OO fi.gurc on thc c].cctrl.caL is a coublnatlon ofsork that w111 bc needcd in thc kltchrn as rc]-]. as aotlo clcctricalrcqulrcd ln thc dinlng roor for tha addltlon of sone tractllghtlng and thc movcucnt of cxletlng lightlng. On thc flgure for the bui.ldrng valuatlon there ls soaccrplanation nced,ed, thc $4,000. figurc le the cstlnete nc havc rcecivcd fron thc pcraon dolng thc gcnaral work ln thc dinlngrool. Thls work incLudcs the closing 1n of eosc cristing walls,th: addltlon of stalrway bannlsters that eonfor:n to codc' and the addltlon of sonc shel.vce arouncl thc dlnlng roon. Thc $4,OOOflgurc does not inc1udc thc nork that Ls being done ln thc kltchcn.In thc ki.tchen thc only bulldtng cstinatc that I thlnkappllrs 1s the lnstalJ.ation of thc tilc floor. Other than that therc l.s no construction belng dono in tha kitchcn. Thc eostof thc floor ls estinatad at a flgurc of 84,500. Tha onl-y ncchanlcal vork bcing clone on the rcstaurant isthe iastallatlon and possiblc novlng of thc ventilation hoods ovcr thc cooklng cqulpucnt, .%5' AqE*\.L.a|!' % a,ff r "bae; kn=t7*'H, Y CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 1/1e/82 DATE department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT PROJECT NO.- trtrI tmr a!I BUILDING ELECIRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY PERMIT NO. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP GENERAL DESCSIPTION.OF WORK :'r nsta I I awnr ng PLUMBING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT ) ADDITIONAL I REPAIREW ALTERATION DWELLING UNITS G.R-F.A- COMMERCIAL SYST HEIGHT IN FI. NO FIREPLACES COVEREO PARKING - RESTAURANT SEATING - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO.TOILETS - UNCOVERED PARKING TOTAL PERMI 4{l'- ADMTNTSTRATOR DATE I HT]REBY ACKN('WI,T]DGE THAT I HAvE READ THIS APPI,ICATI('N AND STATE TIIAT TIIT: ABOVE IS CoRRI:C'I' AND AGREE TO COI!PLY WITII ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STA'I'!: I,AWS RF:GARDIN(j BUI LDI NG/f ONSTR TICTIoN VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST.TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: LEGAL DESC, I OT BLK FILING 'Joa nnure' clocktowner Inn OWNER NAMF MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAII ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu Ameri can Awninq + 'Palin MATLADDRESS 3301 W Alameda]cRvc- . ELECTRICAL )onrnncron MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F IRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER QONTRACTOR FIRM IlIAIL ADDRESS CITY PH lft€ prlllery /vail li:t('r i'. lia , DATE READY FOR LOCATION: # 1,,/', ' INSPECTION REQU VAIL JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES ,. r T9WN OF r.r-{...!.. 1i(t,o!- THUR FRI',tINSPECTION:WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR Vrrr.rnr-tr FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,o-rE ,/ - <5 * ,ri,'3 rNSPEcroR /: T> coNSTRUcnoN PERMITl----Vl - nnhffi/ 1T,,,,o,. department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING loshlRtt r, clocktower Bldg. Elect. se. OWNER NAME 'J MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAII ADDRFSS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO ci,l?'^i?3i FIRM Hess Electric TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOIVN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM rOW!{ OF VAIL BEG. NO TELE. lra n DT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 11-B-82 u01218PERMIT NO. DATE r. wPE oF coNsTRucfloN I ll ,lr.rr v v 2. OCCUPANCYGROUP {Bf H IR M GENERAT DESCRIPTION OFWORK : chanqe service on Clocktower Bldq. TYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES t \na aq fro PLUMBINGALTERATION (ADDITIONAL REPAIR ( DWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A. COMMERCIAL SYST HEIGHT IN FT. NO FIREPLACES UNCOVERED PARKING INSULATION I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requlred, completed an accurate ploi plan, and state that all the information provided as rgquired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply $rith all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and olher oylinancas ofJhe Tgwn applicable thereto. SIGNATUR OTOWNER OR CONTFACTOR FOR HIMSELF DArE 'l'l 15/Bl PRoJEcr No. - PERMTT no. 0 f'8 4 3 ITr t-.] I BUILDING ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. LOT BL K FILING lroa nnvE, c LOCK TOI,|ER STEPS OWNER urr,re Brian Hartman MATLADDRESS Box .|88 crrWai 1 Pu 5306 ARCHITECT FIRM }'|m Trout MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM uneney LJompany MArL ADDRESS Br]094 )5'-1"-'^i?3'* FIRM MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIL MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR rIPM MAIL ADDRESS arrv PH. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAII ADDRESS C ITY PH' th. prlnlsiy/vail 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION I22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : BUILDING PERM IT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT, VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL O REPAIRI OWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A, - ACCOMMODATION UNITS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HETGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOITETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW EOARD 't s3.30TOTAL PERMIT FEES 'S/or!- rr/s-h/- - derr 7 ,-* NING ADMINISTRATOR NING NOTES: INSULATION I HI]REBY ACNNOWLED(iE TiIA' I HA\'E READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE TIIAT TIIE ABOVE IS CORRf,CT AIiD AGREN TI) COMPLY WITH AT,L TOWN oRDINANCES AND STATE I.AWS RECARnTNG At'll,Dlrac C(lNSIltI CTIi)r VAIL WATER & SAN, DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: aut Ir I I I I I| .- 4t1A)c,tr#l.vV N t'eillnJ<a I I I eriiot e...rt - 5fcal#'j"€Got- ilt !E ffi (' 1$ il .F$ q t\ is FT $$ $L {F {F T t_ il ?E $r s6qF BT totlsl I\ifl iB\ic- if ilr fil T t oa LINE AF F\ T$T. E 'its-.oFauatt tga.t6i'- | ;.-Ldr*$o 9a4 E)sgt t?AlL ^. '[KNi f I uJq;u;frrrJntrqel4 .e-v I o . Lrr|E aF E JSf. !*.F41 \, t:&9,''l.1 taott " ortc. -"-: \ \ _d-jzH I I g H o o 2a.a.ao .9 6 d.,o'0 to EFtJC- ' (rnt a.r,-t GerlE *aJ) f.Frtrfl+r orFPrr$1 EFF taar.rJlID Fna+.tttar3r. | 4-e..4t1*1 ut/ erltlg. q*vt,t' t{ . ..'.'.'' .|) rr^ll t^f$ alEr^l.rn o ' P/'(2 e lL 1:'"*1't' f//an x .r) r7/^ ,/,/ /--- / 1't 4' rt /) :i ,X t2 -).'zZ--*' qt-1 i 1.."t JA 'lez- g, ,t 71 ,' ,l ,U <,>. 'g'."r .t/ ,1/., =;-'9,' 9*pp Ol+*.*.*-P vl<,, {uB- .*'.€'r/a a-,r,r-Zs,-:4 ( Project Ajrplication Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Own€r, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPHOVAL a4fztA l'T 2A4OS UOZ(/,Ud*fs, " S./FT/ 'OLLor't O/e0/^.Lt W /lrt Jy X-'Approval f) coNsrRucrtoN PERMIT't\y/-1.mhffi/ [,,,.o, dopartncnt of oommunity dewlopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E[ guu-otire n pluuenc \\ ^\i) I\. \ E[ elecrnrcer- fl MECHANTCAL DATION \\\\'\ \\. LEGAL 1DESC. LOT.----:BLIt' -FTLTNG Ws\- tJoa NAME, p1611g OWNER NAME 228 BRIDGE ST ctw vArL PH.6-3334 ARCHITECT FIRII MAIL ADDRESS clw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR RUDER-REINERKE CONST, - TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 47 6-57 08 )elecrntcal CONTRACTOR FIRII TRIANGLE ELECTRIC rowN oF vArL REG. No. t26-E 468-8086 PLUMBING FIRTI CONIKAUIUK MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. UUNIKAUIUK OTHER 60NTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL RE!- !!O.- TEI,E. NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 9119 NOV. 2. 1989 r. IYPE OF COI{STRUCT|O|,| lll lll lV V 2, OGCUPA'{CY CROUP ABEH IR M DtvtstoN r2b34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - MOVE D..T. BOOTI{ PERMIT NO. z9F fJ BUILDIIIG s .000 ELECTRICAL 2,000 PLUIIEING EXT. DANCE FLOOR UECHAI{ICAL TOTAL 7 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUATIOTI PERMIT FEES A-3 7,000 BUILOING PERIIIT 72 ffi t767 Utr f PLAN CHECK 4t ELECTRICAL 44 NEW ALTERATION OOTXADDITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION; TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEIV BOARD * CLEAN.UP DEFOSIT lco EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAR HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES I 263.00 GARY MURRATN NOV. 2, t989 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIALsr.crt I lxl .oING oFFIEIAL DA1E ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING IING T BUILDING NOTES: oeuo I lx I I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ read this application, filled out in lull th€ information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subillvision codes, design revlsw approved, Uniform Building Code and o|.liFlL!,jnip€nces ot the T thereto. CLEAN UP TO:SLALOM, INC. 228 BRIDGE STREET vArL, co 81657 SIGNATURE OF AND THE OWN FOR HIMSELF ATT: RON RILEY INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR T.fi;)\-€--_(\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E UNDERGROUND E ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr #*o.O FINAL 'APPROVED 1'D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DA1E //'t-{J/ rNSPEcroR !-. tr '- "'l t\\'lc PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ) INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST - VAIL JOB NAME READY FoR INSPECIoN: MqN TUES WED rHUR rt"Q o" @r-oc"#ou' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATIoN / S*ItEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING -tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr ll tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPEGTION REQUIREDlqeenoveo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR sfiFsro" ;t INSPECTION. TOWN OF ,/ .1 REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT /z -r- 7t'' JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: o D tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rb t' 5a a ? The belor items need togivingapermitafinal Please check off in the be compl ete beforeCof0, box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE:.y'- FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0