HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT C D E CLOCK TOWER BUILDING AKA MCBRIDE GORSUCH 1969 - 1987 PEC LEGAL/n//ul'f'z n/^q/ Eu'Eq M(, lF Cb,#rura&n{ara[lfi$ Pzc ,iootW BEST : :..18 coPY '1 AVAILABLE I move0 dJimV e'l e sec edtoa rove th 6 with the derstandi trash compacto',t^,as'?!=assoc deliveries to t, the vote was 7-0-n Tavor. one ma e trash must be han ed |JtLnt erson ma st r the staff e memo 10n 2.A reouest for an exter alteration in Commerc alC l't or a co ona I u est ant nt eC ock Tower Kristan Pritz presented the proposal . She showed site and floor plans and explained the criteria for an exterior alteration within Conmercial Core I, compliance wjth the Urban Design Guide P1an, and compliance with the Urban Design Cons'iderations for VaiI Viiirge- Sub-Area Concept #17, street access opened, specifically ca1 ls out that the Fu6 lic sprce between the edge of the Clock Tower patio and the Gasthof Gramsharmer Building be opened up which will al]ow for better pedestri an use and maintenance of this area. The applicant is proposing to pu'l I back the deck stair by l foot and to expand the deck area north and south of the hair by about 1'2.5' into Bri dge Street. A new stone wal1 would be built aiong the front of the patio area. Staff agreed that the upgrade of the wall was very positive, but felt that the new wall should extend only as far as the existing wall, and that the stairway could be pulled back about 3 feet to decrease the encroachment onto public right-of-way as much as poss i bl e. The staff felt that Bridge Street is extremely narrow at the point of the proposed deck expansion. The Fire and Public Works departments oppose the proposal because of the width of the road. Kristan a1 so expiained the criterja for a conditional use within Commercial Core I. The staff recommended denial of the patio wal 1 and approval of the entry way additjon. Dave Gorsuch, the owner of the Clock Tower Bui1ding, stated that it was the intention to improve the appearance and function for the Fire Departnent and for the Public Works Department. He stated that the stone work was decaying and needed repa'i r, and that the jogs in the wall were being removed. Duane Piper asked if the wall location was a function of the dining patio, and Kurt Segerberg, the architect, stated that a dining layout had not been done, but that'it was the intention merely to straighten the wall as a design consi derati on. Roger Riggert, owner of the Clock Tower Restaurant, stated that the jdea was not to jncrease seating capacjty, but to eljmjnate corners where trash collected. The bay window would also not increase seating. He stated that the improvements would make the restaurant more workable. If the wall js pulled back, he wouid probably lose one table. He stated that if it became a requirement to pull the wall back, he would leave the wall as it was and merely do the patio. the entire I conditions 3.4 an e added stinu cannot be foun arti ci pate age compactor add an entr Bui I d'ins. Appl i can PEC 1/26/87 -3- Dick Duran, Vail Fjre Chief, stated that he must look at operating wjdth in the core, and on Bridge Street access is very minimal . He added that to the north of the Clock Tower, the road width is workable. He pointed out that on Bridge Street one is also dealing with many pedestrians. Duran stated that much street space has been lost'i n the core by a1 lowing people to build to th,e jot line and to have decks on TOV property. Kristan Pritz emphasized that the staff was not asking to decrease. t;he patio. but to pu11 only the hajr and maintain the existing line of the pa:tio witt ai opposed to increasing the encroachment.. Roger Riggent replied that if he could take out the tree, he could put a tablejn its place. He felt he was taking street space for a patie that was otherwise worthless. Bill Andrews, Town Engineer, said that Bridge Street waq at present a funnel ,and that with the inevitable increase in skiers, more space would be needed. He suggested perhaps sacrificing the tree. Dave Gorsuch explained the trash removal situation, stating that jn the new'l eases wjth the restaurant and the beauty salon, the lessees were reguired toparticipate in the trash compactor. He descrjbed trash jn front of fire exjtsat present, and barrels of trash behind the bui'l ding from the restaurant. Peggv osterfoss felt uncomfortable that the Fire Department was not in favor ofthe deck encroachment. Riley stated, that in all due respect to Dick Duran, jf that space is congested, the Fire Department can still get through. peggy replied that if,in fact, that were the case, she would have to be in favor-of the jmprovemeni. Bryan Hobbs said that he was in favor. Jjm viele felt that the project wouldbe an overall improvement with a curve jnstead of jogs. Diana Donovan had mixed feelings. She had reservations about the wal I with regard topedestrians. sid Schultz's concern was the same as Diana's. He did not liketo see any amount of Bridge Stneet space taken out. Sid asked about the amountof money the Town charged for lease of space for an outdoor deck. Kristanreplied that it was $2.00 per square foot, and that the lease amount and agreement was up to the council. Diana added that the amount was a farce. Sjd stated that the PEC had approved several deck encroachments. He felt thatat $2.00/square foot, the Town would not likely have any streets 1eft. Dave Gorsuch stated that they put heat under their patjo, and the Town gets thebenefit. He went on to say that it was their intent to make the Town a-goodplace to l ive and to do busjness in. Pam Hopkins felt that it was a natural process to narrow the pedestrian path because by the time the pedestrians get to the covered Brjdge, the access isextremely narrow. she felt that outdoor decks were very important in Town. Duane Piper agreed with Pam and was in favor of the impiovement to the deck. PEC r/26/87 _4_ .+ a''l ., peter Patten said that he would like to amend the reconmendation. He read fron the Servjce and De1 ivery portion of the Urban Design Considerations and felt that a third condition ihould be added to ensure that C'l ock Tower tenants part.i cipate in the trash compactor. Piper disagreed that the PEC could dictate int'at reLnoA of trash disposai an individua'l could use. Dave Gorsuch said that tr" n"a stipulated the use of the trash compactor jn the new leases of the 4. restaurant and beauty sa1 on, and that it made sense to him to clean up his property. Jim Vie'l e moved to a ve the exterior alteratiol1 with conditions 2a tion.vote was 7-0 in favor. Viele an ti ons vote was 7- E Betsy Rosolack presented the request and stated that the applicant wanted to "nii"ot" approximately 18 square feet by moving exterior wal.ls on the south side oi tte Uuiiaing in oider to enlarge shop space. She showed floor plans and elevations. John Perkins, architect for the proiect, answered questions. Jim Viele moved and Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve the request. The vote was 7-0 in favor. Peter Patten made the presentation. He exp'l ained that the potential uses for the building were not known, and so it was djfficult to know if there was enougtr parking, etc. Therefore, the PEC were simply to consider the variances itia "ot'the siecific site plan. The varjances were being requested to allow for the construction of a one story building on the site' In addjtion, the tiui"n-"i-"ny aevetopment proposed in the Aiterial Business District requires compljance wittr ttr" hgO ciicuiation plan. While the developer had agreed to iorbty with the circulation p1an, there were no specific.solutjons proposed at this time. patten expressed coniern about how much of the highway right-of-way "ouia U! taken for highway inprovements. The Highway Departnent indicated that the 5 foot rear setbaik vlrjance would not be a problem, but wanted assurances iftit t construction fence would be erected defining the limits of construction during construction. patten then showed circulation and access pians for the area. He stated that in ttre ABD distrjct, it was planned to consolidate the crosswalks and intersections and to have deceleration lanes. He stated that the Highway O.pitit.tt tris ctrangea their requirements and may also requjre acceleration lanes as well. Peter stated that the parking spaces on the west end of the property were not acceptable as parking spaces- A request for an exterior.alterqtign in Comme!"ciiJ CPfe II it'! 9rd9r to g lhe Lionshead Lazier Arcaile Building. Applicant: Lazjer Cornmercial Propert front Partnersh r to constr ter propernown as the cant: PEC r/26/87 -5- )'l Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, pointed out that the site was adifficult one to build on. He then spoke about the conditions listed at the end of the memo saying in reference to #l that he djd not have clout, but thatthe access is part of the zoning, and if they cannot get access there, theywill have to come back to amend the circulation p]an. llith respect to #2,they could not go to DRB without Highway Department approva'l . As for #3, hefelt that other property owners must also go al ong with the improvements. Theydon't mjnd funding their part, but not the whole project. As the last buildingin, they should not be required to participate unless everyone elseparti ci pates. Patten replied that the staff could not get specific because they did haveexact information. He suggested that they put jn the left turn lane, as thevajl Professjona'l Euilding constructed a right turn lane. He stated that he was talking about the intersection only. Jay said alright. He asked if the fence in #5 meant on the north side on1y, and was told jt did. As for #6, Jay stated that they would submit a 4 foot high berm to DRB, but they might not approve it. He stated that #7 was ok. Peter stated that he would feel more comfortable including all conditions ofthe approval . He felt that timing and a process cou'l d be worked out that all could agree upon. Jay answered that if he could not get joint use, he would have to come back again. Peter stated that the landscape plan may depend uponapproval of the p1an, and it depends upon the adjacent property. Jay asked ifthe Vail Professiona'l Building had been required to promise the right turn lane when building. Patten replied that the vPB had been required to put in theright turn lane and that the Vai'l Professional Building knew al1 along of thejoint access. Patten added that this was a technicality that was important. Jay repeated that before he could go to DRB he would have a general agreementof access. Peter replied that the Town could grant a joint access, but the landscaping on the Vail Professiona'l Building's property depended upon the Vail Professional Building's owners to agree to the landscap.ing. Jay referred again to #Z and asked if "entire intersection" was what the staff rea'l 1y meant, when the Glen Lyon office building has not yet constructed thejr access plan. Peter replied that the proposed intersection had been approved bythe Highway Department in ]983 for the Glen Lyon Office Building and in l9B4for the VaiI Professional Building. He suggested chang.i ng ,,entire intersection" to "as it relates to this project.,, Jay then stated that #3 was 0K, that #5 was to be only on the north side- Peggy Osterfoss felt that the quality of the'l andscaping was very important atthe access. Diana asked if it would be possible to landscape the back (north) side of the lot and was told there was not enough room for landscaping. JimMorter, architect, stated that if it was possjb] e, they would landscape thenorth side. Betsy Rosolack asked if the building would be designed to add a second story, and was told it was not. Diana felt that the plan did not show enough parking for g4y use. Jay replied that there was plenty of space for the uses intended, and that these would be short term, not for an offjce building. Morter stated that there would be 4 or 5 tenants, 1ike1y a restaurant, convenience store, Iiquor store, and others. PEC L/26187 -6- o.:li ltiu;n n 75 scullr tr 6nl; !e ro; d tail, c ol or: Jo 8i 557 (313) 47€ -;.'t 90 jenuary ?8, 1987 iir- Rcger^ Riggert C'l ock Tor.sr Re staur ant 232 Bridge Sireet Veil, Colorado 8.l657 Re:Clock Tcr';er Exterior Alteration Dear Roger: Qp j;nL:ar't req:;tst. encl csed a cc:ilr. 1..'",: :,:.'i ?.:,,,...-" !tis',r,-il .1r. f:,: i | - .: Lt; g cif ice of ccli'ri'llirily d:i;loprn:-nt 26, -l9l-q7 , the P1ar'!1i l'19 Ccir, ni ss i cn ; ]-rp rcved ycur ex''"erior-a'l teraiion The'rt.'xt it,:p r'rill be io 9o to "-he D;sigri Re'ien l'''ard' I l-':'ve sche,iul e of ::Lr'ir,rittal detes for tilis fcvie'r' pt'cc€ss' In acicii-e ion, as ccr:diticrrs of 'uhe PEC approval , .a-ret'ocab1,e righ'u-of-way agre ere rit and a I uora -*E..nnre nt nit:st be' arrangid f or the rjeck are a' 0rlce ihe Jick is .on5if ir6tr:d, it iti lI be necessary 'co sitb' it 3-;1 i'r.p1'c'icir'r3l1t sllrvey so that ihe re,rocable ,"igiit-o;-,;:ay;.nd leas-e;grclriieni.s riiy be tjircuir:ri"d' These tiro issues must be adlressed before a terr,poiary cer"t.iiicate of occt'p;ncy could be released for t'he exi.erior alteration' lf ycu hai,e any qurstiorts ab'--,ut these corrciit'ions or De sigrr ieviei'l 'Board' please f e ei f r,:e to cal I ;.,e at 476-7000, ext I I I ' SincerelY, '' i '' ', l. i'.ri st ,-.n Pri-uz Jg;.6 fi;,:i';r' XP;br tsEST copY . {'.!{ AVAILABLE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. THE Planning and Envjronmental Commission Community Development Department January 26, 1987 The applicant is requesting to enclose an area on the west side of theclock rower Bui'l ding in order to create an entry vestibule and stairway up to the second floor. He is also request.i ng to add a new bay wjndowfor the clock Tower Restaurant. Improvements and a slight expansion are a1 so proposed for the exteri or dining deck (see accompanying memo). The square footage for the request can be broken down into the fol'l owing areas: Clock Tower Restaurant bay window = 28 sq ft Clock Tower entry expansion = 32 sq ftFirst floor common vestibule and stai rway =120 sq ft Second floor common balcony = 65 sq ft A request for an to add an entry Tower Building. Appl i cant: Cl ock PROPOSAL Total for addition. Dining deck addition 245 sq ft 60 sq ft II Parki ng: The only portion of the addition that wil1 require parking is the 28 square feet for the bay window. The parking requirement is .23parking spaces. The other common areas which nake up the addition do not create a parking demand. CoMPLIANCE IIITH THE PURPoSE SECTIoN 0F THE CCI DISTRiCT The Commercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Vjllage commercial area, withits mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I distrjct is intended to ensure adequate 1ight, air, open space, and other amenjties appropriateto the permitted types of bui'i dings anC uses. The district regulationsin accordance with the Vail Vi'l lage urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianri,ays and public greenways, and to ensure contjnuation of the building scale andarchitectural qualities that distinguish the vi11age. ^q, exterior alteration in Commercial Core I in order and exterior dining deck expansion to the Clock Tower, Roger Riggert This proposal is in compliance with the intent of the zoning for the ccl di str i ct. III. The following sub-area concept of the Urban Design Guide Plan relates tothe area around the Clock Tower building (please see the enclosed Urban Design Guide Plan): 17. Street access opened. The Guide P] an specifica'l ly ca] ls out that the nublic space between the edge of the Clock Tower patio and the Gasthof Grammshammer Building ce opened up which will a'l 'l ow for better pedestrian use and maintenance ofthi s area. The applicant is requesting to pull back the deck stair by l foot and tocurve a new stone wall along the front of the patio area. staff agreesthat this portion of the proposal is very positive, as the deck,sgreatest encroachment is being decreased at the narrowest point onBridge street. However, we believe that the new wall shouid only extendout as far as the existing wal 1. The stair onto the deck could bepulled back approximately 3 feet so that the existing stair encroachmentonto public right-of-way.i s decreased as much as posi.ible. The staff suggestion will result in opening the street access withoutdecreasing the actual patio space, as the new wall would be rebuilt inthe same location as the ex'isting wal 1. The only''difference js that the new wall will be curved and will not have a'l I the jogs along the edge ofthe street. Staff also believes that it is very impontant that both aspen trees be preserved jn the new des.ign for the wall. IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE A. The purpose of the comparison between Considerations is to show how the new from the overall intent of the Design Pedestri ani zat ion the proposal and the design strengthens or detracts Cons i derati ons . A ma.ior ob e for Va Villa e is to encoura edestr i anclrcuterconneted network o sate. pl easantestri an Man t rovements re zed in the Urban Des i qn eP erati ons are torei nforce throuqhout thevr Ilage. Applicant's Response: Bridge Street is a major pedestr.i an artery to thethe park'i ng structure. The deck changes proposeothe Clock Tower Restaurant improve the quality of Vajl Village core from for the west side of the pedestrianway with -2- heated paving at the entry and wide, more inviting steps. The stone base and iron railings of the deck are places for planters in the surmer. The trees at the entny steps will remajn. Staff Response: Staff agrees that the improvements to the deck area wjll greatly enhance the visual appearance of the stone wall. Morever, staff feels that the pedestn'i anway will be furthen improved if the new wall does not extend out any further than the ex'i sting wall and the steps are actual 1y pu1 'l ed back 3 feet from the existing encroachment. The quality of the pedestri an walkway will be greatly enhanced by the re-alignment of thewall and by decreasing the existing encroachment. B. Vehicular Penetration extent ible all non-resident traffic should be structures. Applicant's Response: The proposal for the Clock Tower deck will improve vehicular access, especial 1y for snow removal in that the curved stone wall elimjnates the current irregularities for the p'l ows to negotiate. The heated steps and entry way will reduce the problem of snow shoveling into the street. The new deck configuration a1 so provides for greater protection of the trees at the entry steps. Staff Response: The new curved stone wall will improve the snow plowing situation for the Public Works department, as there will no longer be jogs in and outof the wal'l . However, this is an extremely tight area for snow p'lows as well as emergency vehicles. For this reason, the Public Works and Fire Depantments are opposing the proposal . Presently, the dimension between the existing stair and the Gramshammer property line is 19.5 to 20 feet. The applicant is proposing to pu1l back the stair I foot, but will also extend the wall further onto the Town of Vail propenty by an additional 2-1/2 feet at the greatest point of encroachment. Granted, we are talking about a few feet in either direction, but it is important to note that the Fire Department requires 20 feet in width to provide for emergency fire access. In this particular location in the Village, every foot is valuable. For this reason, staff believes that the wall must not extend any further than the existing wall and that the stairs should be pulled back approximately 3 feet jn order to open up this particular spot for emergency vehjcle access. To -3- nKaqe a l0n commercial sto C. Streetscape Framework To rove the ualit f the walkin err ence and qive continui es tr an wavs.ace an are r0soft co utes : ol azas reen s ces as ese routes are en cou ra s tree tvisual i nterest. Appi icant's Response: The deck for the C'l ock Tower Restaurant maintains the use of trees and p1 anters along the pedestrian route. The stone base for the deck is in keeping with the Village core pl anters a1 ong Bridge Street. The deck capacity will increase for summer time dining which will give morestreet life and visua'l activity. Staff Response: The staff agrees that the improvements to the patio wal I and entry addjtion w'i 1l provide a nicer streetscape framework as long as the patio wall does not encroach any funther than the existing wal l. The staff also feels that the new bay window wil1 provide visual interest along the facade of the building. D. Street Enclosure l.lhile buildin faca hts shou from bui I di nq to sure for the street. Applicant's Response: The Clock Tower entry vestibule enclosure shall not exceed existing building roofs, eaves and ridge heights. The building deck provides anactivity area in front of the building off the main pedestrian circulation path. Vertical pedestrian circulation wiII now be enc'l osedto alleviate the problems of ice on stairs to the second level of the bui I di ng. Staff Response: Staff agrees with lhe applicant's statements and feels that the entry enclosure will be a great improvement to the exjsting outdoor stairway and entry area. E. Street Edse Buildinqs in the Vil'l age core shou'l d form a strong but irregular edge to the street. Applicant's Response: The street edge on Bri dge Street shal1 be maintained with the use of a low stone wall with box p1 anters and metal rail. The building form rovi de a c -4- G. changes with the vestibule enclosure and a large bay window into therestaurant. Building transparency is the goal here to add sparkle of'indoor lights at night and activjty visible to the street. Thjs transparency also provides the undulation of building form desirable to Bridge Street. Staff Response: The proposal is actually decreasing some of the irregularity along thestreet edge which, in this situation, staff believes is an improvement.staff believes that the proposal will positively define the street edgein a much better way than the existing pat.i o wa'l l. Buildjns Height Not appl icable. Views and Focal Points ect on views from pedestrian ar H. riorit shoul d be iven to an anal 1S O act of the nated or not. Staff Response: No impact. Service and Del ivery buiIdi nst on shoul d reserve the functions of existin servi ce new a r ed construction. de avo t 0s r] an wavs sno u erever practi ca ate or future Staff Response: Staff bel ieves that this exterior alteration could sl ightly increase thetrash demand with additional seating on the outdoor deck for therestaurant. We believe that the best trash solution for the Clock Tower Restaurant is panticipation in the trash compactor project locateddirectly behind the restaurant. Dave Gorsuch, owner of the building, has informed the staff that Roger Riggert, owner of the Clock Tower Restaurant, and Margarethe Christy of the Beauty Salon will beparticipating in the trash compacton through thejr lease agreement. This participation would be in compliance wjth the serv'i ce and delivery section of the Urban Design Guide Plan as it would reduce vehicle tri ps into the core for trash removal . -5- V. I.Sun/Shade Ail bui l d'i nqs t substantiall increase the on t-o Staff response: This addition will not increase the shade pattern, as it does not extend above the existing building or further out than the existing facade. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff finds that the project is a positive improvement on theVillage except for the proposed aljgnment of the dining deck. t,Je wouldprefer to see the patio wall not encroach any further than the existingwall and see the stairway pu1 1ed back approximately 3 feet to open upthe pedestrian area and to provide better emergency vehicle access. The staff is concerned that the re-alignment of the deck does not go far enough to decrease the encroachment onto the public right-of-way. The Urban Design Guide Plan also specifica'l 'ly ca1 ls out that thjs area be opened up as much as possible. The staff believes that to approve the new patio wall as it is presently proposed would be in conflict with the Urban Design Guide Plan concept #17 which relates to opening up thepedestrian way. Secondly, except in one area, the a1 ignment of the deckfurther restricts emergency vehicle access. Staff believes that these are two important concerns whjch make jt djfficu1 t to support the newpatio, even though aesthetically we feel that it is a very fine improvement. For these reasons, we must recommend denial of the patio wall and approval for the entry way addition. If the PEC chooses to approve the new patio wa1 l, staff wou'l d ask that the following condjtions be part of the approva'l : l. A revocable right-of-way permit for the patio wall encroachment onpublic right-of-way will be filled out by the applicant and submitted to the Community Development Department before a building permit will be released- 2. A lease agreement will be arranged between the Town and Clock Tower Restaurant for the use of public land for private dining space. The appljcant is responsible for completing the 'lease agreenent before a bu'i 'l di ng permi t wi I I be re1 eased. -6- r lli #trez,e ac=\9.a.> .( ) /1. Erq---;'i' '. -a,i- , .. :J < ,. |,-,IlJ(r , ._(glrF.9 X'uJ DI +:t'{: it*..'.r'ii.-;.:+.:. 1,. :.t:.. . , ',. -r WEST ELEVAT -.\ .|llrt . 1t-at 7J**"- ' --"-a:# r=- .^----'- zo \\/ \\ ., \rr .@\t\o\o\rfi -o{"" 2......J-....... a'--' --1,-1Y-1 \ \- Vr oP(t, a-o-n ot 1 u)tv?3 rfla /s \\\ \_\ \ et\ \a\ \ lP- \ \\z\ I\r^\ t r\\ r\\i\ \\ ,/\ /\\ '/\\'.'U\z ,t+^rr| \ B '_)ii \ \{ ,\\ ko TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commjssion Communi ty Devel opment Department January 26, 1987 Request for a condit:g4-1_-g!_g_-pg_t4_t in order to expand deck for the ffiin the Clock Tower Appl icant: Roger Riggert DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The applicant is requesting tothe Clock Tower Restaurant. O conditional,usp jn Co[mercia'l c"rc T. The ixistingm back approximately I foot and a new wall will be built so that it extend I. tu+ approximately 1 to 2 feet beyond the existing retaining wall jn most areas. The minor deck expansion will create approximately 50 square feet ofadditional space to the south of the entry stairs-and approximately 3gsquare feet to the north of the entry stairs, €ue+o-+ire-fa+Jri-nd,qh, expandinq into the ouldogr dining area. the net qa'i n in squaie foollge fort. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of section 18.24.070, conditjonal uses -within commercial coreDistnict, the following development factors shall be app'l icable: A. Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core L The expansion of the patio will not increase vehicular traff.i c jnto the Core. However, the new patio wall has the following impact uponstreet width: extends Bridse Street l'lidth Due to New Patio l.lall 2L' Existing 2o foot width increaserl to 21 feet LO' Existins width ot.ft)il\ decreased to 20 fbef South of the deck entry: encroachment increases from I to2-l2 feet along a length ilF- #{r--ll+eaJJ.a€t North of the patio entry: encroachnent increases fromI to 2 feet for a 'l enqth oft5T5Fr-- II Entry stair th'i s area is onto the patio: J5-5/+A', ft2. Existing 23 foot width decreased to3l f.et expand s'l ightly the existing patio deck foF 3.tf, 'nry#ft''encroachment. Whi I e the Com4q4_i laDevel -ojreIJ_:!qII_jS-!Otopposed to improvements tiTh-is-wilT.-weluqqEstTE btdone in autrpureu LU |rfiproverlenrs tro Ents wa||. we suggesE Enev De done ]n a -€nry:t - d oai li 6 t . irlcrease- erit_ An cro a c t rnliif ; n_il-e :s'f,- 6 I["y The purpose decfease in its-srroues-!- --_----i-FemgnTZed that portions of the wallis iiii6ictrment w.iil bereduced, it is felt that the additional encroachment of up to L to 2-1 /2 feet in certa'i n areas is inappropriate. The staff has : U.P.pg$ed-e th er.. en.Encachnenls- o n T owlfig! r :o f -wiv ijii d p r o pe rlv iuthe--past, b-ut alwa-v-s in areasitere tfierttas ueen-moEThiniuthe--nasr'"D-tt!-..a111ars- j!.-EE+-vr[er-.:E1gj@f ,F""r-e rl equ ate qtseet-.ryj dth f o r 31sffi .c I es . p e,l e d*t ilglC-.an fiTown-T-!]rii t operat_'ions.. In addition, both the public Woiks ana fire :rlequate c1geet--14jdth for Jgffi. ^9perelj e!i-,. . I n add i t i on, both th e p q!_1 i c* UeII.:_gdII- s oDen u n to this increased ublic c h a racter positive that the owners are proposing well as ma'i ntain the existing dining to the character of the area. upcrcrL tuns.. ln aqqlEton, ooEn f,ne puo llc worK.D"qqfr-" " ti h a v e i n d i c at e d t h e i r o p p oi-iE i o n -to'^En?Fffient. While the Communitv bevelooment B. in this area. Reductjon of veh'i cular traffic in Cgmlqercial Core I Not app l i cabl e. Not appl i cabl e Contro'l of delivery. pickup and service vehicles Not appl i cabl e Development of public spaces for use b_v pedestrians Not appl icable D. E. F.ntinuance of the various ommerc i al res i dent i nta in the e area. Staff feels that it is veryto improve the patio wall as deck which adds a great deal u. e existin racter of the area The upgrading of the wall will have a very positive impact on thearchitectural design of the building and dining deck. The two aspen trees that exjst jn the area of the patjo wall ai!- sToffiiGn t e I e1ner16 . to l-sFe- !{re e$'. ilq TFFTTcTn--t, s repl9s.e.!_t-eti ve h as s,ta_t_erl*[hat : of this table is to show that, in general , a I foo_t " We will make all attempts to keep the existing trees onthe site. However, if construction warrants removal and thesafe keeping of these trees, we shall take these precautionsin relocatjng the existing trees as they appear on our proposal . " rrr. srAFF REcoMMENoATToN DUU$L The cornmunity Development Department staff recommends denial of therequest for the deck expansion. It is our op'inion that the deck wil'l _tt Till:g=?!, "':?=' f"'lFpeqesErt an f,raTt'l c ,ven't c te acc Ifn fon cnmp reason, the trees are re@very important th@ the exlsting-;spens_. The improvements appearance of the consider whether ur oDlnton appr0xrma provide the much n a to the pati o or not wall are very positive as far as the aesthetic and.new wal l. However'. the stqff, muqt alsort ]s truly necessary to expand the deck area. T This solution will ng ts. If the request is approved by the PEC, the staff requests that thefollowing two conditions be included in the approval: l. A revocable right-of-way agreement_will be submitted by the applicant @nt Department before abujldjng permit is released for the proposed construction. 2. -n teg5eire@t will be arranged between the Town of Vail and applicant for the portion of the deck on Town of Vai lright-of-way. The applicant js responsible for completing the lease agreement before a{uj.14i+g-?Fnrit will be released for theproject. T (.O .- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. THE A request for anto add an entry Tower Bui'l di ng. Applicant: Clock PROPOSAL Planning and Environmental Commission Community Devel opment Department January 26, 1987 exterior alteration in Commercial Core I in order and exterjor dining deck expansion to the Clock Tower, Roger Riggert wr II. The applicant is requesting to enclose an area on the west side of theclock rower Bui1ding in order to create an entry vestibule and stairwayup to the second floor. He is a'l so requesting to add a new bay windorfor the clock Tower Restaurant. Improvements and a s1 ight expansion arealso proposed for the exterjor din.i ng deck (see accompany.i ng memo). The square footage for the request can be broken down into the follow.i ngareas: @e9 Clock Tower Restaurant bay window = 28 sq ft Clock Tower entry expansion = 32 sq ftFirst floor common vestibule and stairway =120 sq ft Second floor common balcony = 65 sq ft Total for add.i ti on , Dining deck additjon Parki ng: The only portion of the addition that will requ.i re panking is the28 square feet for the bay window. The parking requirement is .23parking spaces. The other common areas whjch make up the addjtion do not create a park.i ng demand. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF THE CCI DISTRICT The Commercial Core I district js intended to provide sites and tomaintain the unique character of the vaiI village commercial area, withits mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantlypedestrian environment. The commercial core I distri ct is intended to ensure adequate 1ight, air, open space, and other amen.i ties appropr.i ateto the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulationsin accordance with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and designconsiderations prescribe site development standards that are intended toensure the majntenance and preservation of the tjghily clustereo arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and pub'l icgreenways, and to ensure continuatjon of the buildjng scale andarchitectural qualities that distinguish the village. III. Thj s proposal is in compl iance with the intent of the zoning for the ccl di stri ct. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN The following sub-area concept the area around the Cl ock Tower of the Urban Design Guide Plan relates to building (p1 ease see the enclosed Urban The Guide Plan specifically cal'l s out edge of the C'l ock Tower patio and the opened up which will allow for betterthis area. that the publ i c space between the Gasthof Grammshammer Building be pedestrian use and maintenance of e licant is esti n I back the deck stair bv 1 foot and urve taff a rthatthis portion of the osal os iti v ecreased a Bridqe stree owever, we believe that the new wall should only extendout as far-?T the existing wall. The stair onto the deck could bepulled back approximately 3 feet so that the existing stair encroachment onto public right-of-way is decreased as much as possible. )' The staff suggestion wi'l 1 result in open in the street access wi thou d o space new wa wo e only-difference is that the new the wall wi street. curveo an wat |, fr-o-F-h'ave that it is very important that all the jogs a'l ong the edge of both between the proposal and the the new design strengthens or detracts Desi gn Considerations. ut the Vai I Vi'l l age core from for the west side of the pedestrianway with IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The purpose of the comparison Considerations is to show how from the overall intent of the estni an i zati o ective for I Villa e is to nc0ura ede an and acc ons are Applicant's Response: Bridge Street is a major pedestrian artery to thethe parking structure. The deck changes proposed the Clock Tower Restaurant improve the quality of an interconnected network of saferi an wavs. Man rovements recoqnized in the nforce and expand the ou sEr't an wa -2- heated paving at the entry and wide, more inviting steps. The stone base and iron railings of the deck are places for planters in the sumner. The trees at the entry steps wil'l remain. Staff Respo nte: fuiy a-&/a-u t Staff agrees that the'improvements to the deck area will greatly enhancethe visyal apoeafAnse qf the stone wall. Morever, staff feels that the pedest,rianway will be further improved if the new wall does not extendout any further than the existing wall and the steps are actually pu1'l ed -brrit back 3 feet from the existing encroachment. wall and by decreasinq the exjstinq encroachmg4t. To the naxi extent al'l non-resident traffic shou rout stru Applicant's Response: The proposal for the Clock Tower deck wil1 improve vehjcular access, especial 1y for snow removal jn that the curved stone wall elimjnates the current irregularities for the plows to negotiate. The heated steps andentry way will reduce the problem of snow shoveling into the street. The new deck configuration also provides for greater protection of the trees at the entry steps. Staff Response: oppos I n osal Presently, the dir19 the existjng stair and the Gramshammer proposing to pull further onto the the greatest point property line i The appl i cant i s Town of Vail property by an additional 2-1 /2 feet at e Frontaqe ai l Li onshea .The !e!v-gur.yed stole walI wiII imorove the snow plowinq situation for the Public Norks department. as there will no lonqer be.ioqs in and outoffiisanextr s wel l as emergency vehicles. fr'" tttt. ""ason^ tn of encroachment. Gr rti tion in reason, sta elieves that the wall few feet in either f ire access In thise. For this than the existing walI and that the approximately 3 feet in order emergency veh icl e access. extend any further be pulled back particular spot for stai rs to open must not shoul d up this -3- e To th- SO rgve the qua'l ity of the walkin EX err ence and qive cont i nu i an scap l n re to be useo...astriautes :azas a s are encour sual inte Applicant's Response: The deck for the clock rower Restaurant ma'i ntains the use of trees andplanters a1 ong the pedestrian route. The stone base for the deck is in keeping with the Village core planters along Bridge Street. The deckcapacity will increase for summer time dining which wi'l 1 g.ive morestreet life and visual activity. Staff Response: /ddr The staff addi ti on agrees that wi'l 1 provi de n the improvements to the patio wall and entrya nicer streetscape framework re long:s the patio . The staffalso feels that the new bay wi@U_Urll_pfSllt-de visual interest alongthe facaoe of the brjlg]lg. -- /.---_---._--.-.D. \Street Encloffi-\----s_-: l'Jhile bui I di facade hei ts u'l d no from buildinq to bui ng. tne ou eet. Applicant's Response: The c'l ock rower entry vestibule enclosure shall not exceed existingbuilding roofs, eaves and ridge heights. The building deck provides anactivity area in front of the bui'lding off the main pidestrian circu'l ation path. vertical pedestrian circulation will now be enclosedto alleviate the problems of ice on stairs to the second level of the bui 1 di ng. Staff Response: 4fr<& Staff agrees with the applicant's statemenrs that the enc'l osure will be a great improvement to t Xnd o[try :v.aa. Pyildings,in the vi'l 'l age core should form a strong but irregular edge tothe street. Applicant's Response: The street edge on Bridge street shall be maintained with the use of alow stone wall with box planters and metal rajl. The bu.i lding form -4- changes with the vestibule enclosure and a large bay window into therestaurant. Bui'l ding transparency is the goal here to add sparkle ofindoor l ights at night and activity visible to the street. Thistransparency also provides the undulation of building form desirable toBridge Street. Staff Response: eStfeet edqg WhiCh- in fhig sif rretinrt c+aff he I iarraq ic en imnnnr/amanr lstaff believes that the proposal wil1 positive'ly define the street edgefin a much better way than the exjsting patio wa'l 1. Staff Response: No impact. ansion should reserve th ctions of existin serv't ce evs....and new ano remo e ied constr on. del iverv which avo ids acts on e explored and ado erever racE ate or Staff Response: Staff bel ieves that this- exterior a'l tera-Lio.g-could--sliqhtly increasgtrash demand with additional seating on the outdoor deck foi the the restaurant. I.le believe that the best trash solution for the Cloc Restaurant is e lrasn compa ran ve Gorsuch, owner of the building, il^tras ormed the staff that Roqer owner of tbe-l]ocL Tgqer- Restaurant, attd lbl-sarcthe-Tfiii s of the Beaut wil l bearti c'i oat i would be in compliance with the service and delivery section of the Urban Design Guide Plan as it would reduce vehicle tripsinto the core for Views and Focal Poin ect on vi ews an anal -5- V. I. Sun/Shade ew or expanded buildinqs ou] d not substantial increase the 0n ad.'i acent properti es or cflt t-o Staff response: Thjs add'i tion will not increase the shade pattern, as it does not extend above the existing building or further out than the existing facade. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff finds that the project is a positjve improvement on theVillage except for the proposed a1 ignment of the dining deck. }Jg_WgULaprefer to see the. p_q!-j.oJuallnot__etrWgg!_.arfftqftherllg!-lbe_e6i_sljns wa'tr:dF-dTee-!I;'si;l-iwa-v--p-!I-qs-trqc-T-eIsipffictelxgfeells-apen'"p tle ;AEF3n- ii ie a. an d. io-prsyfe* [e it " " .ca1l-isg ! _il G h i . I " a c c e s s,. patio, even though aesthetical 1y we feel that it js a very fine improvement. For- _the-99-reasons- we. must rcrcommend denial ot-!hg_p_q!io wgl'l and approviT'fijF tne entry-way adaition. *TfthilPEC chooses to ---_.-.appTdV.ThE'-iEw- flatf ii-mefi, sffiTf wouTiI-EEF that the follow.ing condit.i ons be part of the approval: l. A revocable nigh!-p!-wg_-pernit for the patio wa1 'l encroachment on-Tubile-fi0fif:iif:way will be filled out by the applicant and submjtted to the Community Development Department before a building permit w'i ll be re1 eased. The staff is concerned that the re-aliqnment of 'tFi?ectr"6e-S-n6''f-qo eruugrfft 6-?E-creeSe-TRe A lease agreement will be arranged between the Town and Clock Tower Restaurant for the use of public land for private dining space. The appl icant is responsib'l e for completing the lease agreement before a building permit will be released. \q#,h-,fi4 12. ( Urban DeSlgn Gui{e P!4 a1 so specifically calls out that this area be -.---i-. opened up as much as possible. The stafflsliev?c rhei tn approve-the new pat'io wa1'l is i_t-__iq. oresently plqpgs-qd_!Lo_!r-ld-}e. in confl ict wjth- the ur.leqrDEstrn-Gfi 4..f:an".-cqnseg!_#U.-ryntgUr-"f ejej-r""p"fi ng"p-T6t-pedestrian way. _S_e_c_-o-!{'ly-_excgdjn_qle-hre_a,- the alignment of the deckfurtfur restri cts bmerqenc.y vehi cl e access. SIaTFbelieves Tha-t-the6€--aF.fio *i6p oi-tarit coiit6inT- wFTcT- maEe-ift i f f i cu I t to suppo rt th e new -6- :ir ri:+i] rrl'r{ lll'Jt!) 1 .,li'j :--;: ':l;; r:',.'li;i'a.", UD.6P.tNosrrl ..j_1:._ij ',,' [- ,r'l\z l'l te ri(.- lLflf.l | /oIl ' Nt" L_ TE.-).. TF F--t. il ir li ' ::- '!. . .- ,',1i , ,. ,,'l . ,; ''..- ,rr., i,, ,.',,.. r:.:t ..j...;,'..'fr1"!,::':.li'ri,.+:.,,iiti,.,f,f -/.:tt.1'-at 9Y-.=+ *\*lzlt 7 @F ,O\o\(fl \\/ \\ ,, \Y \Lr DRlYg -;=1';5 ov(t, to'rt ou 7(n 33'rr a /\\ 'A\2.'U\Zl<) ,rbu^c. \ B _)r-.=-1 i \(t' I \ t^\ I1\I\/\ \ O'.tf^ar3ib C*J*\- I"i4" t^+ , l0d4d0r ruard-h- n,ptrei- tltrt\ 1to0h, CdWcff , N. {o c,re-/ilr'rtilAi${" b^6\s In ff'nr 4 +L fl^t sf'k,t$*"w r"r"d 'esnud,*,r fuo-{o {ri qf\^ inl[o'eA. d'' * &( qoryLin-1\t aro-- hs-.a-h* ,,4 +[L ^\QHr ilu eaC.s-{ &!,uqry.rt I ,, ^e(4lffiYfu*,,ur 'r *6,-,|i[ i ns],t $**frd f rc, (/*o{OiA*/^ ' futk' tt aXwfilg,y . /afuA&.k ,r3 daLLr. fO / dt _Ln Jf O tlpqr",q 4act-fu< +a Aflatr.,lans 6 , JO' zb al ' lnttn 75 south frontage road uail, colorado Bl65Z (304) 426-2000 offlce ol communlly deuelopmenl January 6, 1987 Mr, Dave Gorsuch Gorsuch Limited 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vai'l , Col orado 8]657 Re: Proposed beauty salon 'i n the Clock Tower Building Dear Dave: It has come to my attention that fire escape ladders and a new stairway aregoing to be required by the building code in order to add the beauty shop tothe clock Tower Building. At the time the beauty salon proposai was reviewedat Planning Commission, the staff understood that the remodel would be comnletely withjn the building. Due to the fact that exteri or changes are partof the proposal , it is necessary that furtheri nformation be submitted. I am asking that you or the applicant, Ms. Margarethe Christy submit the following i nformati on: A site plan of the deck area and building that will indicate where the new sta j rway wi 'l I be I ocated. An elevation of the west s'i de of the bu'i ldjng that w'i ll show the new stai rway. The appropriate elevations of the Clock Tower that wil'l show the fire escapes. 4. A materials sheet should also be filled out that will indicate the paint colors for the stairway and fire escapes. The staff js concerned about the fact. that fire escapes will be p1 aced on the Clock Tower. There is a possibifity that the Planning Commission approval may be inval id, due to these exterior changes. Let's hope that the approval willnot become invalid and we will be able to work this out. 2. 1 I will be out of town until next Monday. If you need to talk to a planner about the situation before Monday, please contact peter patten at 476-7000, extI06. Thank you for your cooperat.i on. S incerel y, KP: br cc: Ms. Margarethe Christy -K'&l$ilt Town Pl anner Gordon R.Pierce . Architect . A.l. A. November 24, 1-986 Mr. Tom Braun Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 RE: Clock Tower Entry-Remodel Dear Tom: I appreciated the staff review and comments on the Clock TowerenLry proposal. In response to your review comments in theletter dated November L7, t986, I would like to comment on afew of the items. Item 3. The applicant intends to completely remove and upgrade theexisting terrace wall and dining deck. Currently, this watloversteps the property line by 4'-0"+ only in a few locations. We realize that this is not an excus6 for encroaching into thestreet ri.ght-of-way any further; howeverr our proposal actuallylessens the existing encroachment at the most critical pointsof the road width - primarily at the entry steps (see drawings) . Item 4. We will make all attempts to keep the existing trees on thesite. However, if constructi-on warrants removal and the safekeeping of these trees, we sha1l take these precautions inrelocating the existing trees as they appear on our proposal. We have tried to maintain a level of consistency with the townand urban design considerations. The new entry was designed toprovide a more transparent, thus more inviting appeal to theClock Tower Restaurant. We have used stone veneer materialsand details to better relate to the existing Gorsuch SportsShop. Along with the patio-terrace upgrade, we feel that thisimprovement will enhance the overall character of eridgeStreet. 1000 South Frontaqe Road West . Vail. Colorado ttl657 . 303i476-4433 -.rI.r Ur. Tom Braun Novenber 24, L9g6 Page Two Please let review.us know if you need any further information for your Sincerely, #rk A- Kurt A. KAS/ trt enc. SegerberS, A.r.A. 75 south fronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 17, 1986 Mr. Larry Decker c/o Gordon Pierce, Architect 1000 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Preliminary review of Clock Tower expansion Dear Larry: ofllce of communlty development We have comp'l eted a preliminary review of the Clock Tower proposal and offerthe following comments for your consideration prior to making a formal subm'i ttal : The staff has not identified any negative impacts or potential issuesrelated to the vestjbule/entry infill. It appears that this addition would not increEGTIEGEfffi capacity of the restaurant and as aresult, no additiona'l parking fee would be requireci for this improvement. ldhile the proposed bay window is impacting the ex.i sting outdoor din.i ng deck, ample outdoor seating would remain (regardless of the exist.i ng stone wall's location or the proposed relocatjon of this watl). From the_drawings submitted it would appear that additjona'l interior seating would be gained from this expansion and a parking fee would be reguiredfor parking demand created by this expansion. Payment of this fee would be required prior to the issuance of a bujlding permit for this construct ion. Following two site visits and presentations to the Public Works and Fire Departments, the staff is unable to support the proposed relocation ofthe stone wall. As you know, the existing wa1 'l encroaches as much as 5 feet-Ji'f6-TEE-Town's 20 foot night-of-way on Bridge Street. The ex'i sting encroachment of the wall has narrowed this right-of-way cons'i derably. lllhjle it is recognized that portions of the wall's encroachment will be reduced, it is felt that the additional encroachment of up to 2 feet in many areas is inappropriate. hfhjle thestaff has supported other encroachments on Town right-of-ways anctproperty in the past, we have not identified significant public benefjt from this proposal . In addjtion, both the Public Works and Fire Departments have indicated their opposition to this encroachnent. While ?. 3. the,Conrmunity Development staff is not opposed to improvements to th'i swall, we would suggest they be done in a manner that lessens, and not increases, any encroachments on the right-of-way in this area. Our recommendation at this time would be for you to re-evaluate this elementof the p1an. 4. It has been assumed that the two trees indicated on the plan are the aspens presently existing on 3TilTF this js not the case, please indicate on your formal submittal the type and size of trees that would be proposed with this p1an. It is the staff,s feeling that the mature aspens presently on the site are a significant element of the streetscape. As we. had discussed, the submittal date for projects of thjs nature is Monday, November 24. Following a preliminary Planning Conmission review on December-8,a formal review date by the Planning Comnission wil'l be scheduled. If further encroachments are proposed on Town ri ght-of-way, rev'i ew of the Town councilwill be required before any forma'l review by the planning commiss'ion. Inaddition, the staff wou'l d require that you indicate improvements on the Gramshammer property opposite the proposed deck expansion if the expansion ofthe deck is to be proposed. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this preliminary review ofthis submittal . Hopefully this will expedite the formai review piocess that is upcomi ng. Si ncerely,n<)lt r1 \ w*t- \l /l^^-- Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB: bprcc: Dick Duran Stan Berryman 'I r-1 *j"q$ I 'r1 @ Gordon R Pierce . Architect . A.l.A. January t9, l-987 Town of VailAttention: Kristan Pritz Community Development Department75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 RE: Letter of Design Intent for the Clock Tower Deckand Entry Enclosure Dear Kristan: This letter is to further document the design intentions forthe Clock Tower Building modifications of the outdoor diningarea and the entry vestibule. The points of considerationare: (1) Pedestrianization; l2l Vehicle penetration; (3) Streetscape Frameworki (4) Street Enclosure and (5) Street Edge. 1. Pedestrianization. Bridge Street is a major @ to the vail Village core from theparking structure. The deck changes proposed forthe west side of the Clock Tower Restaurant improvethe quality of the pedestrian \^/ay with heatedpavement at the entry to the building and wide, more inviting steps. The stone base and ironrailings of the deck are places for planters in the summer. The trees at the entry steps will remain. 2. Vehicle Penetration. The proposal for the Clockrower neEI-wTTT-Trnprove vehicular access especiallyfor snow removal in that the curved stone walleliminates the current irregularities for the plowsto negotiate. The heated steps and entry way wl 11reduce the problem of snow shoveling into thestreet. The new deck configuration also provi.desfor greater protection of the trees at the entrysteps. 3. Streetscape Framework. The deck for the Clock TowerRestaurant maintains the use of trees and planters along the pedestrian route. The stone base for thedeck is in keeping with the Village core plantersalong Bridge Street. The deck capacity willincrease for summertime dining which will give more "street life" and visual activity f 000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado U1657 . 303i4'16-4433 4. Town of VailKristan PrLXz ilanuary 19, L987 Page Two Slteet Enclosure. The Clock To\.rer entry vestibuleendosui6-sEEliT-not exceed existing Uuiiaing roofeave and ridge heights. The building deck providesan activity area in front of the buildi.ng off themain pedestrian circulation path. Verticalpedestrian circulation will now be enclosed toalleviate the problems of ice on stairs to thesecond level of the building. Street Edge. The street edge on Bridge Street shallbe maintained with the use of a low stone wa11 withbox planlers and metal rai1. The building formchanges with the vestibule enclosure and a large baywindow into the restaurant. Building transparencyis the goal here to add sparkle of indoor lights atnight and activity vlsible to the street. Thistransparency also provides the undulation ofbuilding form desirable to Bridge Street. These are the eLements of urban design as set forth in theVail Village design consideration. This proposal complieswith the goals of these considerations. please 1et us knowif you have any questions. Very truly yours, Larry Deckard L,D/ lrt enc. tttr\on Yog \e,."hS Nk\Al f, t-u fu+^ tt PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannjng and Environmenta'l comm.ission of the Town of VaiI will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 1g.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of vair on January 26, 1997 at 3:00 pM.i n the Town Council chambers in the Vail Munjcipal Build.i ng. Consideration of: l. A request for an exterior alteration .i n Commercial an entry and a request for a conditional use permit existing din.ing patio of the Clock Tower Restaurant Core i in order to add to modify the 'i n the Clock Tower Building located "n"lgii ,lage )st Filing. 2. Appl i cant: Cl ock Tower Restaurant/Roger Ri ggert A request for an exterior alteration in commercial core iI in order to add less than 100 square feet of froor space to the Lionshead Lazier Arcade building located at 53.l East Lionshead Mall. Appl icant: Lazjer Commercjal properties A reguest for front and rear setback varjancesin order to building at 1031 South Frontage Road West (commonly known property ) . Applicant: Vai.l Commercial partnership The applications and .informat.ion about the proposals are zoning administrator,s offjce during regular offjce hours i nspecti on. construct a as the Voliter available in the for publ i c TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Administraton Published in the Va.i I Trail on January 2, 1987. ,l t' iE #r s EmE. to lessee: Cac tus AL1ey 953 S. Frontage Rd. W.Suite 302 Vail, CO 81657Bus; 303-47 6-2559 l'rrlis)ll 2 !lelga of Vail (llelga & t^larrcn 234 E - Gore Creek Drive Vail, Co 81657 Bus: 303-476-8004 Rcs: 303-476-5385 ll 4 lJrandess-Uadmtrs ttcal lisLitLc, lrrc. (l"larta & !1ark Cadmus, and#10 2Bi llridge Street Leo Brandess) i, ll Vai-l, CO B1657 Bus: 103-476-1450 jt 5 'l'he Cold & Silversmith of VaiI (Gay &.Iim CorEer)P.0. Box 385 Vail, Co 81658 Bus; 303-476-3131 Res: 303-9 49-6645 Mgr: 303-9 49-4326 (Janel. le tsix l.er) Spraddle Creek Land & Developnent Co c/o Palrn Beacher Newspaper 329 Royal Poiclana Plaza Palm Beach, FL 33480 Bus: 305-655-3880 (David Williams) stmt. to lessee: CurrenLs Jcwel ry (ltobcrt & Ilar[)itr:r l)eiT,uca) P.0. Box l47l Vai1, C0 81658 Bus: 301-476-3322 ti6 REAL ESTATE (303) 476-t4s0. DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 RESERVATIONS 1 -800.222-VAIL ', Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. 281 BRIDGE STREET . VAIL. COLORADO 81657 BRIDCI.] STREET CONDOI.'1INIIJM ASSOCIA'f]ON OWNIITS I, IS'T John W. Logan P.O. Box 926 Vail, CO 81658 Res: 303-476-6374 .-l .\ri ';9 t BRIDGE STREET CONDO}TINIUM ASSOClATION OIJNERS LIST Itl Hil1is of Snowmaes, Inc. Designer Furs, LEd.(Ill11is Akin) (KathLeen Vavra Denrion) 170 E. Gore Creek Drlve 285 Bridge StreerVall, CO 81657 Vail, C0 81657Bus: 303-476-6967 Bus: 303-476-5222Rea: 303-949-6496 Res: 303-476-6760 #8 First Franklin Financial stmt. to:lll2 Mr. Wl11iam Moore Franklin Savlngs AssociatLon tll4 708 Congrcss Avenue Accouncs payable Dept,,Austin, TX 78701 Attn: Maria Salgado Bus: 512-469-8011 (Tour Smith) P.O. Box 1723Resi 303-476-4565 (#12) Ausrin, TX 787,67 303-476_4586 (#14) tt9 BankAmerica 'Realty Servi.ces, Inc. David !J. llales, Sr. Vice Preslrlent 555 California - 42nd Floor San Franc isco, CA 94104 . stmt. to lcssee: Candy Dunn . c/o Vall Assoclal,es, Iuc. Accounts Payable Dept. Box 7 Val.l , CO 81658 l Bus: 303-476-7797 # f5 Barbara Thomas 2603 Mercantlle Bank B1dg. Dal1as, TX 75201 Bus: 2I4-7 48-8227 Res: 214-351-3L77 . Vail: 303-476-3042 Gorsuch Exterlor Alteration Adjaceqt Property 0wne r s 1. 2. 3. ..{., Mr. Ted VenArts Capital 39 Broadway, New York, NY Deltloude Servicee 2lst Floor t ,4+fu Pepi Gramshammer Gasthof Gramshammer2ll East Gore Creek DriveVail, C0 8L657 Mr. Sam Gary l) Village Road Englewood, C0 80110 Lro*' J.3\ dN L AJl, - C*d**,i,*- ).e''" wv4 LL> PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COI{IIISSION 12/8/86 PRESENT Diana Donovan Byran Hobbs Peggy 0sterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz ,lim Viele ABSENT ffi-Fo-pt<ins The neeting was called to order by the chairman, Duane l. Approval of minutes of November 24. .|986. STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Betsy Rosolack 3. Pi per. A correction was made on item #3. Donovan moved and Viele seconded to the minutes with the correction. The vote was 6-0 in favor. approve 2-Consi derati on ofare uest for a m] nor amendment the Ho nq Cafe eve I opment ans T0r e locat ono e alle ate. rlcan anqe Tom Braun explained the request. Byran Hobbs moved and Viele seconded to grant the request as long as the Hong Kong restaurant agreed with the reguest. l The vote was 6-0 in favor. Duane Piper moved to the audience and Jim Viele chaired this item. Peter Patten explained that the Sjtzmark wanted to expand an existing office space which the staff believes is a nonconforming use because the space is on thefirst or street level . He pointed out that there were many situations similarto the one at Sitzmark, such as the Plaza Lodge shops, the east side of the Bell Tower Buildjng and the Fountajn Cafe'i n the Creekside Building. The applicant is appeal'i ng the interpretation of street level and feel the officeis on the second level . Duane Piper, representing the applicant, felt this was more a consideration of degree. He felt that many of the examp'l es shown to be similar were less extreme than that of the Sitzmark, the greatest difference in grade being 4' as opposed to the 8 feet at the Sitzmark. He added that jf this was first floor, then there must be a basement. Piper stated that there needed to be a moredefinitive exp'lanation in the zoning code, for the street was well be1 ow the street level . Sid Schultz said that it was difficult to look at the zon'i ng code and try to apply f1 oor levels as therein described. He felt that street levels could be a staff i nter retat'i on stree 'i cant: at a number of different levels in different places, but that the intent of the code was to have retail shops near the pedestrians. I,lith the design of the berm, the jntent at the sitzmark was to get people off of the street. If the berm were removed, and shops placed at berm 1eve1 , he would see it as street'l evel . Diana_Donovan agreed with the staff memo. Byran Hobbs abstained. peggy Osterfoss stated that she would like to see the code clarified, that --- technical ly, if one has to walk up 8 steps, it would be Znd level , but she fe'l tthat the intent of the code was to interpret this as first'l evel . she repeatedthat she would ljke to see a rewording of the defjn'i tion. J'im viele agreedthat the definition needed to be cleaned up, but in the meantime would-go a'l ongwith the staff interpretation Di ana Do n moved and Sid Schultz seconded to u hold the s n terDre vote was 4 to horo the sta tent 4.lrgllTinary revie ion proposals for the fol'lowing DUl IOlnqs: BUI LDI NG LENGTH OF STUDY PERIOD a. b. c. d. e.t. C'l ock Tower Casino Building Plaza Lodge Bell Tower Lionshead Center Sitzmark Lodge 60 days 60 days 90 days 90 days 90 days 90 days PEC t2/8/86 -2- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Tcwn Council Community Development December 23, .l986 A request for the use of Town land for the expans.i on of anexisting outdoor dining deck for the Clock Tower Restaurant.Applicant: Roger Riggert, Clock Tower Restaurant Following two site visits and pnesentations to the public works and FireDepartments, the staff is unable to support the proposed relocatjon of thestone wall. The existing wa1 1 encroaches as much as 5 feet into the Town'sfoot right-of-way on Bridge street. The existing encroachment of the wallnarrowed th'is ri ght-of-way considerably. lthile itof the wall's encroachment wiI add iti o en croacnme n ropr't aother encroachments on Town right-of-ways anilproperty in when significant public benefit has been identified. However, both the the 20 has s past Publ i cworks and Fire Departments have indicated their opposition to thisencroachment. while the community Development staff is not opposed to i mprovements to in this wall such as repairing the stone work, pe__nould suoqest be done a manner a @ nts onthe r f -to ['utwt],*Ju,4,'U a//rli*-, ltyd lftflw lra *,t'flnr. t\ + LD =5 ' ;- . '- t..::i' -..- :.- :' .:: :. '-..''.,,.:..''- .,::.-_i,,f .. !.,r., - ;.:' _'.:'. -: . ._:, -.. - '- :: - . ...i :l .l :; ] ! j.':;:'.:.:..:. -.-..-,-.. .i -]: : ... - ':.!; _ -.- j..- '. '- ':r" r' 1 :r 3l ?l hl BI FI *l url T01,lN CoUNCIL AGENpA REQUEST Request forms must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by B:00 am Thursdays. Dale:72/17 /86 __Dept.COM DEV I . Item,/Topi c: A request for the use of Town land for the expansion of an existing outdoor dining deck for the Clock Torver Restaurant. Applicant: Roger Riggert, Clock Tower Restaurant II. l^Jork Session x Action Requested of Council: To either allow or deny the applicant the PEC with proposed improvements on Town of Meeting Date: L2/23/86 Eveni ng _ opportunity to proceed to the VaiI Iand. III IV. Background Rationale: The applicant is requesting to expand the entryway to the Clock Tower Restaurant and lhe outdoor dining deck. Before this proposal may proceed to the Planning Conrmiss jon for exterior alteration review, the applicant must receive approval from the Town Council to proceed to the Plannjng Commission for review of this proposal . Staff Recommendation: To deny the applicant's request to proceed to Planning Conlmission in order to revjew the exterior alteration request which involves the expansion of an outside dining deck on Town of Vail right-of-way- V.Assurances:_Legal ,_ Engineeri ng Fi nance 0utside Professional PUBLIC NOTICE NqTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commissjon of the Town of Vajl will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on December 22, 1985 at 3:00 PM in the Town Council chambers in the Vail Munjcjpal Building. Consideration of: l. Request to apply previous Town of Vail zoning to the fo1 lowing re-annexed areas: Vail Heights Filing No- 1, Vail das Schone Filing No. l and Filing No. Z, Vail Ridge, an unplatted parcel between Vai'l Heights and Vail das Schone Fi] ings 1 and 2, recorded in Book 281 , Page 350. Applicant: Town of Vail 2. A request for a conditiona'l use permit in order to replace a dwelling unit with comrnercial space in the Clock Tower located on Lot D, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. Appl icant: Margariethe Christy 3. A request for a minor subd'ivision and rezoning of Lots 14 and 17, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing to create 3 parcels, two single Fami'ly and one Primary/Secondary. Appljcant: Michael Tennebaum 4. Request fon a minor subdivision in order to resubdjvide Lots 'l and 2, 81 ock 3, Vail Val 1ey First Filing to allow access to Lot I' Applicants: John and Patrjcia Slevin and Roger and Nancy Anderson 5. A reqest to amend Special Deve'l opment District No. 6 in order to re-establish approval for Phase IV of the Va'i I Vjllage Inn for a period of eighteen months. Appl icant: Vai'l Village Inn, Inc. 6. Request for a minor subdivision and for zon'i ng for parcel A of Tract D, Vai'l das Schone, Fi I i ng No. I . Applicant: llend Group Partnership 7. Request for a minor amendment to Special Development District #4, Cascade Vi11age, to expand an existing restaurant in the Colorado Mountain College buildjng in Area A. App'l i cant; Andy Norri s The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public i nspecti on. TO}IN OF VAIL COTVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Admin'i strator Published in the Vail Trail on December 5, 1986. Date of Apptication rr/24/86 APPTICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS oR MODTFICATTONS rN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCr) r. This procedure is required. for arteration of an existing buirdingwhich adds or_removeJ any encrosed. floor area or outd.oor patio orreplacement of an_existiig buirding sharr be suuject to review by. the Planning and Environm6ntal Comiission. The apprication will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NA.I4E oF AppLrcANT_ Rodger niggert - clock Tower Restaurant ADDRESS 232 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 PHONE 476-5306 NA.I,IE OF APPLICAI{T IS REPRESENTATIVE Gordon R. pierce, Architect l-000 South Frontage noaaADDRESS VaiI, CO 81657 PHONE 47 6-4433 C. NAME OF OI,JNER (print orlype)Dave & Rene Gorsuch B. SIGNATURE ., I r I ADDRESS 263 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO 81657'HONE 47 6-229 4 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 232 Bridge Street, Vail, CO g1657 LEGAL DEscRrprroN tots c, D, E - Block 5 - vail village 1st Fi.ling (Ls u, L F. IMPROVE!4ENT SURVEY OT PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY LINES AI{D LOCATIONOF BUILDING A}ID ANY IMPROVSMENTS ON THE LAND. G. A LIST OP THE NAME OF OWNERS OF AI.,L PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THESUBJECT pROpERTy and their mai.ling addresses. Ir. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following inf,ornutlon: A' The site plan sharl be drawn on a sheet size of 24,, x 36,, at a scareof r" = 20r; a variation of the sheei-"i"" or scare may be approvedby the Community Oeveiopment Department if just,ified; 8. ..- a '8. Application for Exterior Alteration or Modifi. CCI page 2 : . The clate, North arrow, scale and name of the proposed deveropment "shall be shom on the site plan, c. . The existing topographic character of the site including exishingand proposed conLours. This condition will only be reqrircd forexpansion area where there is a change of tvro feet of gr:ade; D. The location and size of aII exist,ing and proposed builclingsr'struc-tures and improvements; E. The existing and proposed landscaping; Fi The location of a1l elisting and proposed buildings, structuresand patios or decks. IrI. The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form, a preponderanceof evj-dence before the Planning and Envirorimental Conunissj-on thatthe proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CCf Districtand that the proposal substantially compiiei with the vail viilage. Urban Design Guide plan. .,'' A. rf. the applicant is proposing a major change in the vair vi-llaqeurban Design Guide plan, the procedur"" roi crringe are-not;A-;-Section L8.24.220 (B). IV' The applicant'must also submit written and graphic supporting materialsthat the proposal substantially corirplies wiih ine rolicsing itr:banDesign considerations section of trr6 vail viuage Design Coisideration. A. Pedestrianization. B. Vehicle penetration . C. Streetscape Framework' D. Street EnilosureE. Street Edge T. Buitdins Heighrc. ViewsH. Sun Shade Consideration l"lany of the above iLems .shoul-d'be addressed in some glraphic rneansusins suclr roots as skerches, simutations, moctets (d;i;af"s";liihboringbuildings), phoLos, etc v.The To'..rn of VaiI Zoningthat the applicanr must VI . Applications for extcrior altcratj.onsafe only reviewed semi-annually. Theythe fourth Monday-of May or November.review schedule, see Se-ction 19.24.065 also describes other zoning issueswritten or graphic form. Code for CCI respond to in or nroclif ications in CCI canneed to be submitted beforeFor more specifics on theA-5. I order to the Cl ock TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 25, 1987 Request for a conditjonal use permit jn deck for the Clock Tower Restaurant in Appl icant: Roger Riggert expand an existing Tower Bui'l di ng. II The applicant is requesting to expand slightly the existing patio deck forthe Clock Tower Restaurant. Outdoor patios, and thus this expansion, are aconditional use in connercial core I. The existing stairs will be pu1 1ed back approximately I foot and a new wall will be built so that it extends approximately 1to 2 feet beyond the existing retaining wall in most areas. The minor deck expansion will create approximately 50 square feet of addit'i onal space to the south of the entry stairs and approximately 38 square feet to the north of the entry stairs. Due to the bay window expanding into the outdoor dining area, the net gain in square footage for the expansion will only be 60 square feet. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Sectjon 18.24-070, Conditional Uses.-|rJithin Commercial Core IDistrict, the following development factors shall be applicable: A. Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I. The expansion of the patio will not increase vehicular traffic into the Core. However, the new patio wa1 I has the fo1 |owing impact upon street wi dth: Encroachment Change Due To Project l. Entry stair onto the patio: this area is decreased I foot a1 ong a length of 22 ljnea'l feet. 2. South of the deck entry: encroachment increases from I to 2-L/2 feet along a length of 20 'l i neal feet Bridse Street }rlidth Due to New Patio }la'l I ( North of the patio entry: encroachment increases fromI to 2 feet for a length of 15 feet. Existing 20 foot width increased to 21 feet Existing width of ?2-1/2 decreased to 20 feet Existing 23 foot width decreased to 21 feet fr 3. o The purpose of this table js to show that, in general , a 1 footdecrease in the area of the stair does open up-Bri dge'street atits narrowest point. However, the new wa] I will alio encroach lto 2 feet more along 35 feet of Bridge Street. l,lhile it isrecognized that portions of the wall,s encroachment wi'l I bereduced, it is fe'l t that the add.i tional encroachment of up to l to 2-1 /2 feet in certain areas is inappropr.iate. The staff irassupported other encroachments on Town right-of-ways and propertyin the past, but always in areas where t[ere has 6een more than-adequate street w'idth for veh.i cles, pedestrians and Town of Vailoperations. In addition, both the publ ic Works and F.i re Departments have indicated their opposition to thjs increasedencroachment. Nhile the Community Development staff is not opposed to improvements to this wal 1, we suggest they be done in a manner that does not increase any encroachment on the right-of-wayin this area. ( B.Reduction of vehiculal traffic in Commercjal Core I Not appl i cabl e. F. c. D. E. Continuance of the various es i denti al Not appl icable Not appl icable Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians Not appl j cabl e uses tn oT Ene area. Staff feels that it is veryto improve the patio wall as deck whjch adds a great deal ublic ng character positive that the owners are proposing well as maintain the existing diningto the character of the area. u.Control oual of co structi on ite ral desisn. and andsca ct so as to maintainthe existinq char of the The upgrading of the wall wi'l I have a very positive impact on thearchitectural design of the buildjng and dining deck. The two aspen trees that exist in the area of the patio wall aresignificant elements to the streetscape. The applicant,s representative has stated that: ( " llle wi ll make al 1 attempts to keep the existing trees onthe site. However, if construction warrants removal and thesafe keeping of these trees, we shall take these precautions 'i n relocati ng the existing trees as they appear on our proposa'l . " If, for some reason, the trees are removed, staff feels that it isvery important that substantial trees replace the existing aspens. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The cornrunity Development Department staff recommends denial of therequest for the deck expansion. It is our opinion that the deck willnarrow an area along Bri dge Street which is already very restricted forpedestrian traffic, but more importantly for emergincy vehicle access. The'improvements to the wal 1 are very positive as far as the aesthetic appearance of the patio and new wall. However, the staff must alsoconsider whether or not it is tru'ty necessary to expand the deck area. Our op'i nion is that it would be better to pu1 I back the stairsapproximately 3 feet and rebuild the new wall so that it does nor encroach any further than the existing patio wa1 1. This solution willprov'i de the much needed upgrade for the existing wall without creatingany further encroachmenrs. If the request is approved by the PEC, the staff requests that thefollowing two conditions be included jn the approva'l : l. A revocab'le right-of-way agreement wjll be submitted by the appl icant to the Community Development Department before abuilding permit is released for the proposed construct.i on. Z. A lease agreement will be arranged between the Town of Vail andapplicant for the portion of the deck on Town of Vajlright-of-way. The applicant js responsible for completing thelease agreement before a building permit will be released for theproj ect . III. { o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmenta'l Commission Commun ity Development Department January 26, 1987 A request for an exterior alteration in commercial core I in orderto add_an,entry and exterior dining deck expansion to the ClockTower Building. Appf icant: Clock Tower, Roger Riggert I.THE PROPOSAL The app'l icant is requesting to enclose an area on the west side of theclock rower Building in order to create an entry vestibule and stairwayup to the second floor. He is also requesting to add a new bay windowfor the clock Tower Restaurant. Improvements and a slight expinsion arealso proposed for the exterjor d.i n.i ng deck (see accompaiying memo). The square footage for the request can be broken down.into the following areas : II. Clock Tower Restaurant bay window = 2g sq ft Clock Tower entry expansion = 32 sq ftFirst floor common vest.i bule and stairway =120 sq ft Second floor common balcony = 55 sq ft Total for addition, 245 sq ft Dining deck additjon 60 sq ft Parki ng: The only portion of the addit.ion that will require parking is the 28 square feet for the bay w.i ndow. The parking requirement is .23parking spaces. The other common areas which make up the addition do not create a parking demand. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF THE CCI DISTRICT The Commercial Core I distrjct js intended to provide sjtes and tomaintain the unique character of the vail village commercial area, withits mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The conunercial core I district is intended to ensure adequate 1ight, air, open space, and other amenities appropriateto the permitted types of bui'ldings and uses. The district regulationsin accordance with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and designconsiderations prescribe site development standards that are intended toensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly c'l ustered arrangements of buiIdings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale andarchitectural qualities that d'i stinguish the vi11age. ( o This proposal 'i s in compliance with the intent of the zoning for the ccldi stni ct. III. ( The following sub-area concept of the urban Design Guide plan relates tothe area around the clock rower bui'l ding (please see the enclosed urbanDesign Guide Plan): 17. Street access opened. The Guide Plan specifically calls out that the public space between theedge of the clock rower patio and the Gasthof Grammshammer Building beopened up which wi] I a'l low for better pedestrian use and maintenanie ofthis area. The applicant is requesting to pull back the deck stair by l foot and tocurve a new stone wa'll along the front of the patio area. staff agreesthat this port'i on of the proposal is very positive, as the deck,sgreatest encroachment is being decreased at the narrowest po.i nt onBridge street. However, we believe that the new wall shouid only extendout as far as the existing wall. The stair onto the deck could 6epulled back approximately 3 feet so that the existjng stair encroachmentonto public right-of-way is decreased as much as posiible. The staff suggestion will result in opening the street access withoutdecreasing the actual patio space, as the new wal] would be rebuilt inthe same location as the existing wal 1- The on1y,:{ifference is that the new wall wi'l I be curved and will not have al 1 the jogs along the edge ofthe street. staff also believes that it is very important [rr"t uot[aspen trees be preserved in the new design for the wall. IV. A. The purpose of the comparison between Considerations is to show how the new from the overall intent of the Design Pedestri an i zati on A ective for Vai'l illaqe cl rcu vr I taqe. the proposal and the design strengthens or detracts Consi derati ons. rlan are to App'l icant's Response: Bridge Street is a major pedestrian artery to the the parking structure. The deck changes proposed the Clock Tower Restaurant improve the quality of Vai I Vi l l age core fromfor the west side of the pedestrianway with ( -2- heated paving at-the entry and wj de, more inviting steps. The stonebase and iron railings of the deck ire places ror-piiniers in thesummer. The trees at the entry steps wil'l remain.' Staff Response: staff agrees that the improvements to the deck area will greatly enhancethe visual appearance of the stone wall. Morever, staff ieels itrat lnepedestrianway will be further improved if the new'wall does not extendout any further than the existing wa] I and the steps are actually pulledback 3 feet from the existing en-roachnent. The qlal.i ty of thepedestrian walkway will be greatly enhanced by the ""-"iignr"nt of thewall and by decreasing the ex.i sting encroachmint. B. Vehicular Penetration To the mum extent oss ibl e rouf,e structures. al I non-re t traffic should be r Applicant's Response: The proposal for the clock rower deck will improve vehicular access,especial 1y for snow removal in that the curved stone wall eliminates thecurrent irregularities for the p1 ows to negotiate- The heated steps andentry way will reduce the problem of snow shoveling into the street.The new deck configuration also provides for greatir protect.i on of thetrees at the entry steps. Staff Response: The new curved stone wall wi'l I improve the snow plowing situat.i on forthe Public_works department, as there will no longer be jogs in and outof the wall. However, this is an extremely tight area f6r-snow plows aswel'l as emergency vehicles. For this reason, ihe pubtic works and FireDepartments are opposing the proposal . Presently, the dimension between the existing stair and the Gramshammerproperty line is 1.9.5 to 20 feet. The applicant is proposing to pu11 back the stair I foot, but will also extend the wall furttrer onto the Town of vai'l property by an additional z-j/2 feet at the greatest pointof encroachment. Granted, we are ta] king about a few feei in eitherdirection, but it is important to note that the Fire Department requires20 feet in width to provide for emergency fire access. In thispart'i cu] ar 'l ocation in the Vi11age, every foot is valuable. For thisreason, staff believes that the wall must not extend any further thanthe exjstjng wa11 and that the stairs should be pulled back approximately 3 feet in order to open up this particular spot for emergency vehicle access. ( -3- c.Stleetscane Framework To rove the qualitv of he wa erience and e continuit to u a strian azas anreen s es as en nooes an oca nf,s a lon ese rou s are encouraqed. I cormerci a sEore ronts to qive street eanvisual interest. Appiicant's Response: The deck for the clock rower Restaurant maintains the use of trees andplanters along the pedestrian route. The stone base for the deck is in keeping with the vi'l lage core planters along Bridge Street. The deckcapacity will increase for summer time dining which will give morestreet life and visual act.ivity. Staff Response: The staff agrees that the improvements to the patio wal 1 and entryadditi.on will provide a nicer streetscape framework as long as thl patiowall does not encroach any further than the existing wa1 l.- The staifalso feels that the new bay window wi'l 1 provide visual interest alongthe facade of the building. D. Street Enclosure tlh i build'in facad hei qh shoul d not uniform fr uildinq to u a comTo c I osure Tor the street. Applicant's Response: The Clock Tower entry vestibule enclosure shall not exceed existingbuilding roofs, eaves and ridge heights. The build.i ng deck provides anactivity area in front of the building off the main pedestrian circulation path. Vertical pedestrian circulation will now be enclosedto alleviate the problems of ice on stairs to the second level of the bui I di ng. Staff Response: Staff agrees with the applicant's statements and feels that the entry enclosure will be a great improvement to the ex'i sting outdoor stairway and entry area. E. Street Edqe 9!tildlngs in the Village core should form a strong but irregular edge tothe street. AppI icant's Response: The street edge on Bridge Street shall be maintained with the use of a low stone wall with box planters and metal rail. The building form L -4- changes with the vestibule enclosure and a large bay window into therestaurant. Building transparency is the goa'l here to add sparkle ofindoor lights at night and activity vis.i b1e to the street. Thistransparency a1 so provides the undulation of building form desirable toBridge Street. Staff Resnonse: The proposal is actua'l ly decreas.i ng some of the irregularity along thestreet edge whj ch, in this situat'ion, staff believes is an improvement.staff believes that the proposal wil1 positively define the street edgein a much better way than the existing patio wal|. F. Buildins Heisht Not appl icable. G. Views and Focal Points shoul d tri an areas Staff Response: No impact. H. Service and Deliverv Any buildinq expansion shou'l reserv e function of ex'i tin serv t ce constructi on e||ver ch avoi ds reouce s an s snou lo De ex ored an aoo erever pr te or future useaqe- Staff Response: Staff be1 ieves that this exterior alteration could slightly increase the trash demand with additional seating on the outdoor deck for the restaurant. We believe that the best trash solution for the Clock Tower Restaurant is participation in the trash compactor project locateddirectly behind the restaurant. Dave Gorsuch, owner of the building, has informed the staff that Roger Rjggert, owner of the C1 ock Tower Restaurant, and Margarethe Christy of the Beauty Salon will beparticipating in the trash compactor through their lease agreement. This participation would be in compiiance with the service and de1 ivery section of the Urban Design Guide Plan as jt would reduce vehicle trips into the core for trash removal - -5- I.Sun/Shade All ex anded buiIdi shoul d not stanti al Iral I shadow al roperties or the STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff finds that the project.i s a positive improvement on thevillage except for the proposed a1 ignment of the dining deck. }Je wouldprefer to see the patio wall not encroach any further than the existingwall and see the stairway pulled back approximately 3 feet to open upthe pedestrian area and to provide better emergency veh.i c'l e access. The staff is concerned that the re-al ignment of the deck does not go far enough to decrease the encroachment onto the publ.i c right-of-way. The Urban Design Guide Plan also specif.i cally calls out that this area be opened up as much as possible. The staff believes that to approve the new patio wall as it is presently proposed would be in conflict with the Urban Design Guide Plan concept #17 which relates to opening up thepedestrian way. Secondly, except in one area, the a1 ignment of the deckfurther restrjcts emergency veh'i c1e access. Staff believes that these are two important concerns which make it difficult to support the newpatio, even though aesthetically we feel that it is a very f.i ne improvement. For these reasons, we must recommend denjal of the patjo wall and approval for the entry way addition. If the PEC chooses to approve the new patio wa1 1, staff would ask that the fo1 lowing conditions be part of the approval: 1. A revocable right-of-way permit for the patio wall encroachment onpublic right-of-way will be filled out by the applicant and submitted to the Community Development Department before a building permit will be released. 2. A lease agreement wil1 be arranged between the Town and Clock Tower Restaurant for the use of public land for private diningspace. The applicant is responsible for completing the lease agreement before a building perm'i t will be released. Staff response: This addition will not increase the shade pattern, as it does not extend above the exj sting building or further out than the existing facade. V. -6- ttJloNU 'd9Q'rl I(^ Ji\$(E J g . ttl.(ts l.lp:l.rc -(,Fqx UJ l:ilf ;tr,'*; )' r:1' 1 :;" :i ,{:i:,.--r'. (_ - ' 1, .',.,- ..--:-:':-.-F--.......-,_ :-- l :., '-,:-' !-'i':':'.:':.-.. -: _.' - -.-,..--....-.r.;. _:_; ( .'=-\ $rii I7o o,t\o\r$ <_-.--_l DRIY9 (-REtr-gK o U). to-n o' , 1ulaP3?(fi 7 \\ \ \ \ e\ EI ( L ' __1.-) "h,ro \ 1.r( t- I \ \e\ 4E\ ,\\ ri TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. II. Planning and Envjronmental Commission Community Devel opment Department January 26, 1987 Request for a conditional use permit in order todeck for the Clock Tower Restaurant in the Clock Appl icant: Roger Riggert 0M1' expand an existing Tower Bujlding. The applicant is reguesting to expand slightly the existing patio deck forthe clock Tower Restaurant. Outdoor patios, lnd thus this-expans.ion, are aconditional use in commercial core I. The existing stairs wiit ue putteu back approximately I foot and a new wall will be bui'l t so that it extendsapproximately I to 2 feet beyond the existing retaining wall in most areas. The minor deck expansion will create approximately 50 iquare feet ofadditional space to the south of the entry stairs and approximately 39square feet to the north of the entry stairs. Due to the bay window expanding into the outdoor dining area, the net ga'i n in squaie footage forthe expansion will only be 60 square feet. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section L8.24.070, conditional uses-l,tithin commercial core IDistrict, the following development factors shall be applicable: A. Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I. The expansion of the patio will not increase vehicular traffic intothe Core. However, the new patio wall has the fo'l 'l owing impact uponstreet width: l. Entry stair onto the patio:this area is decreased I foot a1 ong a length of ZZ jineal feet. 2. South of the deck entry: encroachment increases from I to2-L/2 feet along a length of 20 lineal feet North of the patio entry: encroachment i ncreases fromI to 2 feet for a length of 15 feet. Bridge Street hlidth Due to New Patio Wall Existing 20 foot width increased to 21 feet Existing wjdth of 22-1/2 decreased to 20 feet ft Exi sti ng decreased 23 foot width to 21 feet ? The purpose of this table is to show that, in genera'l , a 1 foot decrease in the area of the stajr does open up Bridge Street atits narrowest point- However, the new wall wil'l alio encroach Ito 2 feet more along 35 feet of Bridge Street. Whjle .it isrecognized that portions of the wall's encroachment will bereduced, it is felt that the additional encroachment of up.to J. to 2'1 /2 feet in certain areas is inappropriate. The staff hassupported other encroachments on Town right-of-ways and propertyin the past, but always in areas where there has 6een more ihan- adequate street width for vehicles, pedestr.i ans and Town of Vajloperations. In addition, both the public Works and Fjre Departments have indicated their opposition to thjs jncreased encroachment. l'|hile the Cornmunjty Development staff is not opposed to improvements to this wal 1, we suggest they be done in a manner that does not increase any encroachment on the rjght-of-wayin this area. B.duction qf vehicular traffic in Commercia reI Not appl i cabl e. Not app'l j cabl e D. t. F.Continuance of the various comrnercial i denti al and ublic Not appljcable Development of publjc spaces for use by pedestrians Not appl icable USE S ommerc relsoastoma n the ex cnaraof the area. Staff feels that it is very posjt.ive that theto inprove the pati o wal I as r^rel'l as ma. j nta j n deck which adds a great deal to the character owners are proposi ng the ex'i sting diningof the area. u.ualit constructi on architectural desi nq ommerct a str so as nta in The upgrading of the wall will have a very pos.i t.i ve impact on thearchitecturil Cesign of the building and dining deck. The two aspen trees that exjst in the area of the patio wall are sign'i ficant elements to the streetscape. The applicant's representative has stated that: cape oes o III. " We wilI make a1 I attempts to keep the existing trees onthe site. However, if construction warrants removal and thesafe keeping of these trees, we shall take these precautionsin relocating the existing trees as they appear on our proposal . " If, for some reason, the trees are removed, staff feels that it isvery important that substantial trees replace the existing aspens- STAFF RECOMMENDATION The commqnity Development Department staff recommends denial of therequest for the deck expansion. It is our opinion that the deck will narrow an area along Bri dge street which is a1 ready very restricted forpedestrian traffic, but more importantly for emergency vehicle access- The improvements to the wal) are very positive as far as the aesthetic appearance of the patio and new wall. However, the staff must also consider whether or not it is truly necessary to expand the deck area. Our opinion is that it would be better to pull back the stairs approximately 3 feet and rebui'l d the new wall so that jt does not encroach any further than the existing patio wa1 1. This solution willprovide the much needed upgrade for the existing wall without creating any further encroachments. If the request is approved by the PEC, the staff requests that thefol'l owing two condjtions be included in the approval: l. A revocable right-of-way agreement will be submitted by the applicant to the Community Deve'l opment Department before a bui.l ding permit is released for the proposed construction. 2. A lease agreement will be arranged between the Town of Vajl and applicant for the portion of the deck on Town of VaiIright-of-way. The applicant is responsible for complet.i ng the lease agreement before a building permit will be released for the proj ect. January 28, Mr. Roger Ri Clock Tower 232 Bridge S Vail, Colora Re: Cl ock Dear Roger: 0n January 2 request- Th encl osed a s In addition, agreement a deck is cons that the rev two i ssues be released If you have feel free to Si ncerely, '.1' llr I'i Kri stan Pr.i tz Town P'l anner Mr. Da Mr. Cu , .l987, the Planning Commission approved your exterior.alteration'next itep will be to go to the Design Review Board' I nave hedule of submittal dates for this review process' s conditions of the PEC approval , a revocab'le right-of-way a lease agreement must be arranged for the deck area' Once ucted, it will be necessary to submit an improvement survey aU1e rlght-of-tray and leasl agreements may be documented' t be adiressed bLfore a temporary certificate of occupancy south lronlage road colorado 81657 oltlce of communl$r develoPmenl476-7000 987 gert estaurant r eet o 81657 Tower Exterior Alteration the so These cou'l d r the exterior alteration. y questions about these conditions or Design Review Board' p'lease all me at 476-7000, ext 111- and Renee Gorsuch Cegarberg cc: O ,]p'^'*'/ lsz 5-* c2 t z,/ t -/fr I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The applicant has requested a conditional use in order to place a beautyshop in the "clock tower" of the clock Tower Building. The "clocktower" itse'l f consists of f'l oors 2, 3, 4, and 5 and iontains approx-imately 1078 square feet. The Clock Tower building vras constructed jn.|965 with residentjal use designated for the tower and all but the firstfloor of the rest of the build'i ng which contains the restaurant. About10 years later the Tower was changed to commercial use, although thekitchen was never removed. The presence of a kitchen is a key-factor because it then constitutes a residentia'l unit. There are no reconds inthe Town files to indicate that the change went through the conditionaluse process- There aren however, records to show that other areas ofthe Clock Tower building were changed from residential to comnercialthrough the conditional use process. About two years ago, Trout creekArch'itects lived in the Clock Tower as well as had their offices there,thus there was one more change to combined residentja'l and commercialuses. There was no nofification to the Town of this change. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of section 18.24.070, condit'i onal uses blithin comnercialcore I District, the fol'l owing development factors shall be applicable: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department Decenber 22, 1986 Request for a condjtjonal use permit jn order to replacedwelling unit with commercjal space in the Clock Tower. Margarethe Christy II. A. B. The change of use because parking in would have little effect upon the Village is accommodated vehicular trafficin the Vail TRC. The change of use would not reduce vehicular traffic. C. Reduction of nonessential off-street The change of use wouldtotal square footage is parking requirements, itfeet is divided equal 1y reduce off-street parking by 0.6 spaces. The'l ,078 square feet. In order to calculateis assumed that the total area of 1,078 square between commercial use and residential use. Reducti on veh i cul ar rci al 1,078/2 = 539 sq 539/250 = 2.1 539 sq ft = 2.0 4.1 1078 / 300 = ft each of residential and conmercial use spaces reguired for commercial uses spaces required for resident.i al usestotal spaces required at present spaces, change of use to personal service spaces reduction from change of use 3.5-0- D. E. The nearest_loading zones are adjacent to the plaza Lodge and Mill creekcourt Bui.lding and deliveries of supplies to the beauty salon w.i ll haveto be made through the front door. In researching deliveries to otherbeauty shops, it was found that delivery of supplies can range from twoper week to two per month. we feel that this is a very minimal effectupon del ivery. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians. Not applicable. Continuance of the variol/s coBmergial , One development objective of the Vail village Master plan (not yetadopted) is to continue the mix of residentia'l and commercial uies inthe village core. In most cases, we would be concerned about changingthe residential use to commercial use, especial 1y since much of the restof the second floor of the clock rower has been Lhanged from residentialto commerical . However, in light of the fact that the tower has beenused commercial 1y for the past eight out of ten years, and then used asa combination of commercial and residential uses for the past two years,the request js not rea'l ly for a complete change of use. F. G.tr ual itv of c ructi on arch i tecn Commerc re I Di str ct so ascharacter o e area. es l and landsc e ex isti n Not appl icable. III. Sltch other factors and criteria as the Commission {eems applicable to IV. FINDINGS The Community Development Department recommends that the cond.i tjonal usepermit be approved based on the fo1 'l owing f .i nd.i ngs: That the proposed'l ocation of the use is in accord with the purposes ofthis ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the'site is'located. That the proposed'location of the use and the conditions unden which it you]d.be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the publichealth, safety or welfare or materia'l ly injurious to propertjes br improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use wou'l d comply with each of the applicableprovisions of this ordinance. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Development Department staff recormends approval of therequest for the conditional use. l,le find litt1 e on no negative impactsresulting from the location of the beauty shop in the Cloik Tower. /oe n,,f J and Environmental Commission t/ --0TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: P1 anni ng Communi ty December Development Department ?2, 1986 ,tgtqglt for a conditional use nermit in order to replace adwellinq unit with comJnqrcial-Sn&c,g ip,J[g Clock Tower. I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The applicant hasffi' tower" itself, consists of and contains appTox- i,"lr[:;n?":l:" because it then . There ar-dtFinthe Town fi'l es#.t^-tll....^t" rr-#iFtonala-.rFltgs- There are, however, records to show that other areas ofthe clock rower building were changed from resident'ial to commercial through the conditional use process. ek and al I but the fi rstfloor of the rest of the building which contains the restaurant. About CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.24.070, Conditional Uses l.lithin Commercial Core I District, the following development factors shall be applicable: The C'lock Tower buildjng was fJnfilF . The In order to calculateffiare -L-- ------ : -------.-:---rrffiffirraruses. There was no nofificat'ion to the Town of this change. II. A. B. c. The change of use woul drlil-|llF--4'€Ti-rt.6-bil1+-f.'il{fiE because parking in the Village is accommodated in the Vail TRt. JrCflEmfdnltis*Alnlfiltlirf t lt*qrrlt€ir:l' Core I The chanse of qfirl$pt,J4onCtt f.t'f*lffiia The ch+^*-' ttrlrsfrrlgrruf rfitlD=^ -t t^'l^ r^^t. D.co'-Flfr firifiliru*|{ilfirffi ulm#ffi 'd s . The nearest of residential and commercial use requ ired for commercial uses required for residential uses spaces required at present of use to personal service use Plaza Lodge and 1,07812 = 539/250 539 sq ft 1078 / 300 539 sq ft each = 2,1 spaces = 2.0 spaces 4.L total = 3.5 spaces Court BuiIdito be ma beauty shdlE upgn de1 ivery. ilot applicable. The Community bevelopmentpermit be apBroved based suppl ies to the beauty sa1 on n Mi I I Creek wi I I have ther 'tllfo fee t..-.,.. E. F. Onq=d$ISloDment-objpgJfi,ve.of*ihe Vai l Vi l'l age Master plan (not yet aaon$E) is to continue the mii of resi-defril*and cotqencj.al*uses -inthe vil lage core. In ,nort"lilEesirllo woiria ue. .lorrcerned about' changi 49Ene resrdentlal use to commercial use, especially since much of the iestof the second floor of the c'lock rowei has been Lhanged from residentja'lto commerical . However, in light of the fact that the tower has beenused cornmercially for the past eight out of ten yearsn and then used asa combination of commercial and residential uses-for ihe past two years,the request is not rea11y for a complete change of use. G.uality of construction. architectural desi d I andsn uomme xcharacter o Not d'pit?ltabl e. lgghglher-lactors and criteria as the cormission deems app'l icable torEne proposeo use. IV.FINDI NGS III. 'Department recommends thaL the conditional .useon the fo1 lowing findings: :,, spaces,change V. That the proposed 'l ocation of the use is in accord with the purposes ofthis ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site'is I ocated. That the proposed 'l ocation of the use and the cond'itions under which 'it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the publichealth, safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties br improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicableprovisions of thjs ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Conmunity Development Departmen request for the conditional use. Planning and Environmental Comm.i ssjon December 22. 1986 PRESENT DiIiI-Donovan Bryan Hobbs Peggy 0sterfoss Sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT Em-Topkins Duane Pi per The meeting was called to order by Jim Vjele. l. Approval of minutes of December g. Diana The vote STAFF PRESENT Tom ffi,un- Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack Donovan moved and Bryan Hobbs was 5-0. 2.uest for a co i ti onal rtore I ace t llnwitcommercspace Betsy Rosolack presented the proposal , outlining the criteria to be utiljzed inthe review of the request. staff supported the removal of the dwelling unitbecause the space has been commercial for 10 years and there were noidentifiable negative impacts from the proposll. Donovan moved and Hobbs seconded to approve the request. The vote was 5-0ffi uest for a minor subdivision and rezoni of Lots 14 and 17 Bl ockaiI Vi stF nq t0 create two Si n z0n t n one Pr econoar zon l n 4pp 'i cant: M ael Tenne Rick Pylman explained the subdivision request and explained that the staffsupported the proposal with conditions. pylman explained several issuesrelated to the request that the staff felt needed clarification. One was thatthe amount of density must not be increased. The staff requested that thetotal GRFA for the three lots be limited to 8,768 square feet so that the minimum standards of GRFA related to site area are met. A second issue was that of parking for the proposed parcel c. currently asingle family unit located on Lot 14 uses parking spaces on what was proposedto be Parcel B. The staff requested that a 1ega1 instrument be created toallow the parking for Parcel c to remain on Parcel B unti'l such time as adequate parking is available on Parcel C. The third issue was that all the lots must meet the minimum site requirementsof bu'i ldable area, and the fourth was that approval must be contingent uponfinal zoning approval being granted by the Town Council. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, stated that he had an agreement thatall three lots did meet the minimum lot size and will draw up an agreement thatstated that Parking for Parcel B would be available on Parcel C until two more spaces are added to 3. I i cant: Marqarethe Chr Parcel C. Br Hobbs moved an Diana Don van seconded ro apDrove the requestfor a minor vision wit our con ons I i sted n the sta memo dated cember 22 98 e vote was -0 in Hobbs moved and Diana Donovan seconded to recommend val to the Town Counc Thevote was 5-0 4.Are st to ndS tcaI vel nt District No.6 in orde re-es S ro va or of the Vail Vil aqe lnn tor riodof 18 nths.aqe Inn Inc. station in the plan. Tom Braun exp'l ained that the action taken by the pEC would be advisory andfinal decision would be made by the Town council. The staff supported therequest and recommended extension of the approval for l8 months. Diana wondered if any changes had been contemp'l ated. Jay peterson, representinq theapplicant, stated that the applicant planned to look at including the service ning per the staff memo w recommend val of the request to the Town Counci'l . The vote was 5-0 .i n Tavor. 5.A request for a inor subdivision in o der to resubdivide LotsBlock 3. Va rst Fi I in to ow access to Lot Appl i cants: John and Patrj c n and Roqer and Nancv An0erson 6. Betsy Rosolack explained that thjs was merely a housekeeping request, becausethe lots were being used at present as requested on the plai. The owners had exchanged quit claim deeds in .|973 to allow this to happen, but had never formal ly filed a p1at. Diana Donovan moved and Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve the minor subdivjsion. *jgglleqj=f:or a mllgl suFdivjsjon and for zonins of Parcel A of Tract D. var | oas scnone, Fr tinq No. l. Appl i cant: hlend Group Pirtnersh i p Rick Pylman explained that the applicant was requesting to subdivide .l.247 acres from Tract D, Block B, vail das Schone Fi'l ing #l . Thjs area is east of and adjacent to the west vaiI Texaco service station- Tract D currently contains a total of 4.88 acres and is zoned Primary/Secondary. Through the Land Use P1an, the parcel was shown as having two different potential uses, the upper bench being designated as Medjum Density Res'i dential and the lower parcel(the one in question) being designated as community commercial . The applicant 'i s requesting to zone the lower parcel Commercial Core III which is the zoningfor the commercial area east of the Phillips servjce station. Bryan Hqbbs qroved ar:rd Diana Donovan seconded to recommend a in Tavor. pec 12/?2/86 -2- ByIl! tlo?bs moved, and Sid Schultz seconded to approve the request for a minor Date of Date of I Appl ication PEC Meeting /2- zz - PG APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERI4IT I' This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditionaluse permit. The application wiil not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICAN T ADDRES\ S/ J> > i3( qe ./< Gon PHONE /76- 2 >ss ?za- zsga APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE -** O B.NAME OF ADDRESS c. PHONE NAME 0F 0l,tNER(S) (print or ot,lNER(s) : SiGNATURE(S)_ ADDRESS ' t)/.r? /L- {o pHINE -7-a .- C/o-/. To a z-D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL- LOT(,O,6 BLOCltjI_FrLrNG L $-s- Irt- ADDRESS ,oro&h013 ,*i7Cbg THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I.IILLACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. AW A list of t!g_1q1es of owners of alt property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHTND AND NCNOSS iTNEiTJiTHE APPLICANT I^IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRE'i II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION CONF-ERENCE I,IITH A PLANN]NG STAFF MEMBER iS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF ANY-ADDITI0NAL tnronrlnrtor't is-llrlbrii."-ilii irppr-rcATroN ltill8E ACCEPTED uNLEss .IT-IS a0MCLEiE iMLiSi ir,rcilo'Elli-irri'ii irEquiRED By THE zgNrNGADMINISTRATOR). II-.{T l!1EA?pliinr'ri; i-nEsPONsIBLIii io_i,inxl AN APPOINTMENTr'rrrH THE srAFF r0 FrND 'ur Aboui' liooiri.il\L'IuB'iiini"nltuinEMENrs. fhFT5,,yls^lfll Lq+F+gF.ltp*gAiigl_Ir ll STR_EAML TN E rHE Ap pRovAL pRocESS Fpl #V*"ligi,':L"JFmtf 9, ill5 l$i : l_ii. ioN DiiioiG d; -nen i6vii.ilXy"fi ;frrf.lfilnulfiliftF; rALL coNDiiroi'ii ijF ipi;novni"i,iuii^Ei"c,inioiili';iin'J#;JiBUILDING pEmIii'H ISSUEd: OVER II . Four (4) copies of :;:: :cij.cwing ilfornation;-...4\ W t-3':::itll:: :;_:le-precise natuire or rh-. i:::;::sd use ar:its operiting charactlristic"l-"ia rn,jtrs,j:,_a;- :::':::'j:. :Il'*ur-e{.J-5Lr(:sr dlrd. rn,itrs,i:,-,-i:r:ccej to rIL:.:Ene us: compat::ie with other prope::-i; j ^i. :---. j vr-::_na:, " III. Ti.me requirements i ,'t . B. A site plan shc:v!.rg proposed deveLop;i€r^: :; ::t= site, in:._._,.:.a;1g., n topcEraphy, buildt,is' roliri;";;";;;;,-; ;, _.:::c cj_rcur:__:._::,.t ' { useable open space, Iaredsc"p.a'J;.;-;" ;:-i_ities and d;a:::age;- feattrres. t '' _-__.-- 9--5, (,i.. * ;g-4lL.r.gl Ctllg. {J' r'4SI) ' " -0rrfi',,'p1 0h6. :( c'l'/lptelinr-inary uuTidiflgr ii."9 and elevar:-ons sufficient to ir:iicate\+- the dj:nensl_on=, g"iJrii "ppearanceT scBl€, and jlterj.or pran of.. , . ,,'... al1 buildings- - -_-- , D' 'Any add=itional- matgrial necessary for the review of the apprj.cation ,ri, as determined by tire-ionins adniiist;";;r. _ Tae-planning and Environmental Commission meets. Mondays of each month. *--"inairation with thematerial rnust be submitted f;;, w".:." ;;i;rJ"meeting. on the 2nd and 4thnecessary accompanyingthe Clate of the -J.-/1 {-t'o-'c-' 'So1a.- ,,/-' f,' -'''t- y't'- '4^t'-r--/ .€ens.e.!,-:?f e-/ la..2/g.4-7 r , //o-.; ?*''',r-,y'"-7^"'-'J fJaz-zs : A o-.'1' *e./b,-"ni '-. l7za.*+ c 1--'<- = /t''?.(':: ot J "---'' J.o o;' .(.: " ;, c." 1s - t1-7 as s el'1 '-//-, a4rz' e -.J .42s A' a.zz aa-n iL /^- z.)Z e;?fe*,- ,a' /a,7 rt-' .t 7 6 e <>a '/ --' {a)) p L ct/.<21,-.,'e 't-a<>n; 6-/ 1 T-'. 'l E-t'F ' - 2.-a< 4-r'-Z / a la '--.--;k7 . ai s *e-t a-4 tfr' 3. r*< &"'--Z 4 "a '/'ua';4 {a /g e. B..r* 4 o<> ---. . /,'.'.',- 7 t?-- - fl*-ilR=,F.--- --.......|'- CONDITIONAL USE WORKSHEETI T0: Planning and Environmental Cormission FR0M: Cormunity Development Department DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE 18.60, the Community Development the conditional use permit based Department recommends upon the foilowing CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section (approval/denial ) of factors: ecti ves distribut'ion of upon traffjc wjth articular safety and convenie traffic f rKs and recreation fac ot snow trom the stree and parKl.nq areas. s. maneuvera Conditiof Use Worksheet ? rofEffect u the charac ncludin sca le an which the proposed use is to be located use in relation to surround uses. and criteria as the ission deems applicable to the proposedSuchgther factors use. environmental impact F9!cer!j=!g-!he proposed use, if an environmental ln / FTNDTNGSJ The Conmunity Development Department recommends that the conditiona'l use permitbe approved/denied b'ased on tne ioiiowing finaingi, - - - --' That the proposed location of the use fs in accord with the purposes of thisordinance and the purposes of the Jiitrict in which the site is rocated. That the proposed 'location-of the use and the conditions under which it wou'ld beoperated or maintained woutd not be aeiiimeniai t; ih; ;rbi'ii n.iiiii,';.;;;i; ;;welfare or materiaily injurious to-properties or id;"il;;;s in the vicinity. *:l"lr^otoposed use muld complv with each of the appl'icable provisions of this " ."r**fii trn LlcBrl-de ha.s applied rdi'a condrtr.ona.l use permit to arrow conversion of anexisting dwelling unit to eornnercial space on the second f'oorin comrnerciar core r Zone District- said building is l0catedon Lots c, d, and E, Brock 5, vail vir.lage First Filing.A'plication has been made in accord with section 1g .24.o40.of the Town of Vail Lfunicipal Code. A publlc Hearing will be held before the Town of VailPlanning & Environmentar commission on June 13, 1g?g at 3:00 p.M.ln the Vail Municipal Building. Said. Hearing will be heldin accord with Section 18.66.060 of the llunieipal Code. T OF COI,IMUNITY DEVELOPMEN? a S.?oughillZoning Ad.ministrator PunftsfreC in the VaiI TraiL May 26, tgZg ,i I I I I I I t ua department of community development June 16, 1-97A box 1OO vail. colorado 81657 t303) 476'5613 Mr. John l'{cBride IO5 Pacific Aspen, Colorado 'Dear Mr. tr{cBrlde: ' .'Your request for Conditional Use Permj't to a1low converslon ,.,of apartment unit to office ot tuitir space on the second floor .of 'the l,IcBridge -e"iiai"s in-vail' .c"1"f93 Tl:^btotuht before the Planning & E;;i;;;;;ntal Comrnission on June 13' 19?8' This .letter constitutes notificatign tr.ra|-L?i:-:::l:it o"t u.',,' lii';;:i= ;";";;;; ;";v-; ;; -Pi;ii i"f ^&. ::T:::"ff ll.lBffiil'3:l:;";; tiiE'i';;;;''";'! ;i i; ;;.q.* :1:::3u,.ln3l*lo" ;ffi'fi Hi"l"nit"i.^it'"i -i'"- :i*il."t:':::9.:Yi"iiuoin3"i3;ffi* fi:"3li; ;;;i;;;";-;;a*- ri'1 91i1i"-?, ?'*^'*:"X:"*P!L.f$ LIle s ir.urr= vrrJ . reirent Will be heafdicafe. The offsite parking requrr r .r..-^ r,1 :le,jf;flfnE"iii r ii'I'"";il;; 1-;i ! l:i" F:I : l*. ?Lt"';"'-oi,l3li3lu" tf; .' ?li"' i"il tl;": ;i ;; ; i;;- "' i l*l-liT ; - ^Tn?-: t ??"^i"*e"$";l:"iiEi'Xi'i"illtiI i"i' a"i' i"" ylit..l"-I :"*]., I "*^510 ) X";:';;;#"5ii"3-ril" igie-ii not appealed to the vail rown Council Zoning Administrator DST/gew COMMERCIAL CORE I maintain the exisring character of the area: 18.24.070 Conditionrl uses-Facrors3ppliceble. . .^_Il:9"r19:Ang., in accordance wirh Chaprir 18.60, an application ::ll c9nortronal use permir wirhin commercial core I disrrict, theIouowtng developmenr factors shall be applicabte: (cct) DrsTRrcT (; 1. Effecrs of vehicutar traffic on "orn*drti"f coie f disrrict;! Reduction of vehicular traffic in "ornrn.r.i"f '"or.-i-ji,.i",; -C. Reduction of nonessential off-streer o;;ki*, - I Control of delivery. pickup. "na ,.iul.. u.'r,].f"r, :. Developmenr of public spaces for use by pedestrians:r. Lontlnuance ol the various commercial, residentiat, andpublic uses in commercial core I district so as to mainrain rheexisring charactcr of the area:G. Control quality of consrrucrion, archirecrurat design, andlandscape , design in commerciil core I disrricr ,i "l to ( T 352a {vril I l -15-tlt c/"J t{^ 'tn wpl a ,rp t ji Iil +\)i' - it ;i.ti , , u"i'h a--c-<-.uJ" 4" iJo,,n n \, f Ic0n!,ffi +lt ^'J( f,*-o(b'-o- ii' '/ panllrr, .&^ tY's'2. /(d 0-)| , al iru$o.f {uJ troo 1-*iti tf llu bi ,, cn"4.u-{4 !r*.n +r- F 1r-d^ '' 7Q2t- a D6 r -/l'" cr*.4r -=-<- of{'u- *,6 e-"-;e/ ,/e 4Cfo.zzl-lz'zt'-'/ t?( ( I '- / 0? Y zltr'?/ iit -7 <<a'r-_>.nJ,''..-:J9--': ...q.t'9''' ' ', t9 '{ '?-- |.' rt'rt t il t- I. L 3 J !r !1e '. "' -' ' t4',4,,',j ',. l97a REF JpHN ITcBRIDE REQUEST FOR CONIIITIONAL USB pERillIT Alqo OTTSITE PARKING - IIcBRIDE BUILDING : i i John },lcBride has requested a Conditional Use Permit to al1ow an existing chvelling unit located on the second floor of approxinat"ly rr+o !q- ft. to be converted to more cornmercial "pu." for Goisu.tt, f-,fa. 'At this time they have not decjdcd rvhet5cr to use tfr6 ipuce as office space or additional retail space. The conversion to either contmercial use would require payrnent for two offsite parking spaces for rvhich Council' must set the fee IYe have rirestl-ed rvith the employee housing in the Vail Village Core for nany years- The debate has been long' and at times heated,-t,ut rvith the Horlzontal Zoning ordinatlce webelievethattheTolvnhasfoundatleastonen.}casureto control corn;lercial expansion. I don't think that anyone - felt that rvith ttre pais"ge of the ordinance the problem-ivould be solved. The-il"p'"ito"it of Conmunity Developnit:nt feels there is a significant social attd economic or safety benefit .tothealeabyhavingfull_timeresldentsoccupyirrgdwelling units in the bore. if a proOlem developed it could be dealt with mole efficientlY. ourditemmahasbeenandcontinuestobehowtoSubstantiate tl:e need for tlris type of living unit' A11 of us involved in the initlal- horizontal zoiring felt intuitively that existing iong-tett dr';elling units should rcmain' But, lr'e have no mealls to iake a non_jntiitive decision, only experience to date. Again, rve suffer fr.'om a lack ot irre-{i"!: or a more obiectirre mEtno& of cvaluating indiviclual applications' The follorving is offered at least as a step to provide a f"rr"i"Jt-i"?;.r"ii"n on rvhi.ch rve can base a decision. \[e believ< the issue of permanent housing in Cornmercial Core I to be funclamental to our planning eifort' It is evident from the discrrssion to Oate lhat 1ve lack clcf initive crite'r'ia for juclging the merits of certain types of proposed changes.in use' Norv that the parking issue iras finafly been r-esolved in CCl ' eacl applicatioi nrust be carefully cotrsiclered o' its orvn merit' T5e baiic motivating force behind the horizontal zon j.ng ordilrlrnce lras a rccognition tltat long-terrn housing iir the arca is benef ici-z t ttlt l3 Jtrnc I978 to th{r trc:rl ttr ' silf ety and 1\'L'1f are of the comnrunity ' IYe do Dot believe that this philosophy has bcen altered since the orclinance \r;as adopted. If we do trot have agreement as to these underlying philosophies, then the ordinance shouldbe seri.ously reconsi dered and amended. Ii'e liave spent con-sj-derable time in trying to isolate this request fronr othersimilar alrplications in the area, some of s'hich have beenapproved a,nd sonie that have been dcnied. \fe cannot rely onexperj ence fron other conxnunities, because there is no othercomparable. Should this request be granted, i-t must be proventhat any mitigation effort would not substantially improvethe living quality of the area and that the unit is notessentlal to the health, safety, and rvelfare of the neighbor-hood. The pot.ential impaet of further reducing the dwellingunits in the area rrrust be carefullv consider:ed. Relatiorship and impact of the use on developrnentobjectives of the Town. The applicable development objective under the HorizontalZoning Ordinance that is of concern in the request is thecontinuance of the various conunercial , resident j.a1 , andpublie uses in Commercial Core 1 so as to maintain the existingcharacter of said area. ' Our plincipal concetn rvith the conversion of this typeof unit (GRFA over 10OO sr1 . ft.) is that it is a relativelyrare housing type. Of the total estimated GRFA allocatedto divelling or accornmodation units (263,296 sq. ft. or 64.62Yo of total estimated sq. ft. in CCl). This housingtype accounts for approximately 25 units or less than l0%of the total esti.mated sq. ft. in CCI . Due to the l-irnitedavailability of this housing type,'we belleve it would har.esignificant irnpact on the desirable mix that is currentlyexisting in CCl . The staff has reviervedaccording to Section 18.600the follorving cornnrents : FACTORS Our principal concer-n untierdistribution of ltopulation. \t'ethis unit rvotrld bc conrlucivc toresi(lents to rrse the unit, rvhi ch the Conditional Use Permit requestof the Zoning Ordinance and have this factor u'ould be the br':lieve that the size of encouragement of permaneDt we feel is'dcsifable. 2. Af fect of the use on light and air, clistributionof population, transportatj,on facilities, utilities, . schools, parks and r.ecreation faeiliti.es, and otherpublic f;rcilities and public facilities needs. t-' .l ''i t'; :!- ,i,l f('ct uI)on tr:rf f ic, rvith particular ref erenc€| . to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safetyand co:rrrenience, traf f ic f lorv and control , access, man euvel-:,bi li ty , and rentoval of snow from thestreets and pai.king arcas - Il'e foresee no major conf rict rvith these considerations;ho'ever, the use could involve additional delivery trafficif the space is used to expand Gorsuch l.,td. retaii space. 4. Affect upon the character of the area in which the .proposed use is to be located, including the scaleand bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding. uscs. Ife see no conflict rvith this provision except as out_lined above. 5. such other factors and criteria as the commissiondeems applicable to the proposed. use. - Previous applicants.have coniplained of the noise probrememinating from the Nu Gnu which is located below the dweltingunit in quest.ion. It is of concern t<t the staff that several clrangeshave occrirred rvithin the llcBride Bui)ding and in the A & DBuilding rvithin the last several years. In 1974, anadditional 750 sq. ft. rvas arloca-ted for the country Flairshop u'hich had been a divellir.rg nnit. In 1g./b, a requestv"as made to convert an additional 1764 sq. ft: This proposal .was later withdraivn. A^ du'eIl ing u'it ivas convelted t-o ,io.rgejust prior to the adoption of the Horizontal zoning amendmeni. conditioral use permits in ccl also require that rve re'iewthe follorving developrnent factors in accord ivith section).8.24 -O',tO. Affects of vehi.cular traffic on Cor,rmcrcial Core l_distli ct . Feduction bf vehicular traffic i_n Conrmercial Core Idi st ri ct Rcduction of nonessential oif-street parking. Control of deLivery pick-up, and service rrehicles- 3. ....,. . -':::: :;= -'-'"' -:-:" ;; i'-'a;;irrans ' i<-, r ttse trY d.mi; l *#f 1r 'llse rcv P"--- " ?:t-il:*:"q#fjintt**:: il'*i"'ui; to maauua"'" :tiont ?tl!11"?ttiSttt:?:*" ? . cont ror .nyil:ttu.:iu;"1;till;;;;i'1 cor e-_1 ^dand landscape.l?:tgl^t:"Y:tfi;";f,"ra"t"r or the area' ;;-"s to mainlain the exi-s' 8. Affects of noise' 6dor' -9:""1;,:T'E:':^i illil'l?lt"'" on the environment of Comm rhe following is a sur'mary_"1.=tti:; *;T; H i;:t;:;. **ttii"Eri'i'npotti"t to consider as ur'rr-J s.-r:-' faetors residents 1. Noise j.s one of the,mal:i"ni:ot""Hrl?ii.:-'Llia;'ii'r in tilu -coTe a:rea- rvhich contrlburei r'v 4 --o 'lrroit""ttnt in the core - a. Deliverl' vehi-clet!- -^b. n"=ttii'l"i-""o tlrt loi-1e; : ' ;' S""'i""rfintil??i"td' Pedestra?l:ii:i:-'I' i"t" night drunks' rhe tr'o maior sources'"I-i"i:; l;i:::tl3: t: ii;::jj:- in u,e 't"a 11:--ffi:f,":fi1:"?:: ;;il^;;;" *??:=,and windorvs-"ipiiti"a Tl:isound proof ing, "t=ti'Jti"i.t itt" nisht drunns' "" :':::il' .,*0'. *hen s i ve :i::vl =*l; ;" ;i:;:31 il='r3Iu r" wrrici i"oi"it"a ih"t to"ttd lev the area \tere: Decibels* 30-40 41-50 51-60 61-?o 71-80 % of time Period* 50% 45% +1" o. e% 0.1% % of time 1-? P.M' n,'ili'1-=-g-a.!a,3-9 A.M. 30-4O 41-50 5L-60 61-70 ?r-80 50% 48% . r% . o.e% 0. r% measurecl frbm znd floor so% 49% o. e% o.1% o ofA&DBldg' so% 4A1o a%t.* o ' '': . lworst case daY * o ?ffTi".,..'.r.'t ror Offslte Parking Cotrdt tlon.al Use Permit & - IlcBr1de B1dE- Noise Lejvels for a Zl-hour period Maximum 80lrledium 45l{inimum 32 2. Traffic. a. Parking: The permanent residents of thecurrently have the problem of finding adequatefor their units. The lack of ad.equate paitingthe full-time residents discourages proipectivetenants from living in the area. b. Deliveri.es: lve feet that more traffic is dB dB dB 13 June 1978 area parking for probably created by permanent residents in this instaneesince the proposed commercial space is an expansion ofan existing business and would not require new types ofdellvery vehicles in the Cor'e. After careful consideration of the impact of the conversionof this unit, and all factors, the Department of CommunityDevelopment reeommends approval of the Conditional UsePermit and further reconmends that offsite parking beassessed for 2 spaces in the same manner as Hong Kong cafeand Cyrano's. a \. ",1 ji Ba+ ' E-+-A---XL-t//.lte-.bn ota/a/o., r a-.a-->-z-c A a-...>-t ---+_t+ **--€;-G*e.-4-_-<=4-2-__,___ 1/cz-'Z - 1o. J2la s- 7 2, .D ,t_-/\reA u4_Z)-=___ I I @e-'e" a -e"'> ./o f z-a j-ue<f-S-Uz--a-*o__-e.-o*.____! @s ?FA^.'-v", r'L Se*+,. ^a h.il4 ,/'/tt- a-cCnt OwnerE Gorsuch Exterlor Alteration I'llr. TEd Van DetfoudeArts Capital Servicesf9 Broadway, 2lst Floor New York, Ny t fr 2. Pepi Gramshammer' Gesthof Gramshammer2ll Eeet Gore Creek DriveVail, C0 8L657 ilr. Sam Garyl5 Village Road Englewood, C0 80110 ,. '{,,Lro""'' ?-r\ dN L Ulo C^&*ri,,.n' }o"" h*nV'4 .LO u o o * Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. 281 BRIDGE STREET . VAIL, COLORADO 81652 OWNORS LIST ohn W. Logan stmt. to lessee:.0. Box 926 . Cactus Al1eyail, C0 81658 953 S. Frontage Rd. Wes: 303-476-6374 Suite 302 Vail, CO 91657 Bus : 3O3_416_2559 elga of Vail (ttelga & Warren l,u1is)34 E. Gore Creek Dri-veail, CO 81657us: 301-4 76-8004 es: 303-476-5385 ll4 #r0 /ll r #s Brandess-Cadnrus lteal Llst-aLc, l rrc.281 Brtdge Srr:eeE VaiI, CO 81657Rus: 303-476-145O The Gold & Silversmith of V:ril (Gay &P.O. Box 385 Vail, CO 81658Bus: 303-476-3131 Res: 303-949-6645!lgr: 303-949-4326 (Janelle tsixler) Spraddle Creek Land & Development Co.c/o Paln Beacher Newspaper 329 Royal Poic lana plaza Palm Beach, FL 33480 Bus: 305-655-3880 r' BRIDGE STREET CONDOMINIUM A S SOC IATION llt J P v R H 2 V B R #2 ll6 (l"lar Ea & Mark Cadmus, and.Leo Brandess) Jim Cotter) (David Williams) stmt. to lessee: CurrenEs Jewelry (Robert {i I}arb:rra Det,uca)P.O. Box l47l Vail , CO 81658 Bus: 303-4 7 6-3322 REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450. DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 RESERVATI ONS 1 -8OO-222-VAIL ,6: , t BRIDGE STREET CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION #7 #8 #t2 . OhINERS LIST Uilt is of Soowmasg, lnc(Uil11s Akin) 170 E. Gore Creek DriveVall, C0 8155 7Bus: 3O3-476-6967Res: 303-949-6496 Fir6 t Frankl in Financia1 Mr . $Jt111an Moore Bus: 303-4 7 6-5222Res: 303-476-6760 stnt. to: Frankl ln Savings Associa t ionAccounts Payable Dept.,Arcn: MarLa SalgadoP.O. Box L723 Austin, rx 78767 #14 708 Congrcss AvcnueAustin, TX 78701 Bus: 5f2-469-8011 (Tom Smith)Res: 303-476-4565 (#tZy 303-476-4586 ulL4) #9 BankAmerica 'Realty Servlces, lnc.David lJ. Bales, Sr. Vlce Irresident 555 California - 42nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94lOA . stmt.. to lessee: Candy Dunn c/o ValI Assoclat.es, Iuc.Accounts Payabl e Dept. . Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Bus: 303-4 7 6-77 97 #15 Barbara Thoma s 2603 Mercantlle Bank Bldg.Dallas, TX 75201 Bus : 214-7 48-8227Res: 2L4-351-3L77 Va11: 303-476-3042 t August 3t, 1983 Town of VailVail-, Co. 81657 Attn: Jim Sayer, Planning Department Gentlemen: Thie letter is to advise you that I approve of Dave Gorsuch's Building plans and it is agreed that Dave Gorsuch may go ahead vrith his project. JPMcB: jnr t AI RPORT BUSI N ESS CENTER . 1 05 PACI FIC AVE. ASPEN COLORADO 81 61 1 . 3F,92FIO2 lnun 75 3outh frontaga ?o!d vsll, colorado g1657 (303) 476-7000 November '15, l9B4 offlcc of oommunlty dewlopment John McBride'105 Pacific Aspen, Colorado Bl6ll Dear ,John, Ft.]9r:9 is the only_agreement the Town of Vail has with you whichls rn the form of a letter from Jim Rubin on May 30, 1979. Also.enclosed are the building-perm]!s for the slifer and GalleryBuildingl. .If you contact raitb vatiey rngileeringl'+70_+air, voucan obtain i.mprovement surveyi for theie uilliaingl.l' i'wouil have toto xencx and tape to make them, and can onry rind tne-siiier ru"vey. I Secretary br/ Encl. ?ls atcv box 100 vail, colorado 81687 (3031 476-5613 llay 30, 19?9 /1tt /r. t tc. "/' Zoni:ag Adainistrator cc: Rich Caplan, Town lihnager Dick Byan Rod Slifer Scott Hopmn department of community development Ron Riley Box 91OVall, @ 8165? Be: Pavecent of Driveway Behtud lr,IcBride Builcling and ore House Dear Ro: TF*- Etlq" is to give yor permlssion to pave the drive,vay behjndthe_McBride Building and the ore llouse, ITe understand that there 1ril} b"_ a gate placed 1t the r4per end. of this driveuay, o,ti.t ,iffll-uit tbe access to only deliGry vehicles, the g""r"g"'d"k, scottfforcn and Rod slifer. Dre to this being i ri-iIeo ri."*r-o"iuor"y,re mrld- 1ik9 th9 paving surface not to &ceea lo feet and a plantedarea to be placed on both sides of the a"sphalt. we rpould a16 requestthat scrm barrier be p1a9ed alcng the uultr siae of the purr.iog "r"uto stW vehicles frqn going onto the gra^ss. As a firtber condj.ticn_of tlis appro'ar, we would rike you to land.wapethe strean bartJr alcng Gore C?eek.. we rculd appreciate seeing a plan for tbis area before Jrproraementsare started. If you harre any questions, please let me loow. Slncerely, tl 'r,l*. lt-to-, (i. Jases A. hlllin r 75 south lrontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476.7000 olllce ol oommunlty develoPment TO: MEMORANDUM Rod sljfer-sljfer Bui'lding, Ron Riley and Mike Staughton=(allery f,lll'1ffi ,::il,H3';li' llln:'v;,.:!'iifi!'*3?*i-Bli#ffi-A&D Bu i' di ns, Stuart Green-BFI, and John Perkins Peter Patten, Town of Vail September 25, 1984 F'ina1 Meeting on the Trash Compactor llelnusaiy, OitoU.r 3,-lta4,-8:i5 am, Sma'll Conference Room, Municipal Buiid'ing, Town of Vail FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: At'long last it appears that there is agreement on the-'location and the pirticipants tor iire tiasn compactor to be located on Town-of Vail.property Ul;';i';ii;-O"i'H6us". -[t i[a'meeting the proposed site plan and-building ilevations wiil I be revielved, as wel 1 is the-revised-percentages of each party,s part'icipation. '-it-is inticipat.i"ir,ii'i[I-n'a O euiiains .wi'11 . bartic.ipite in the compactor if apprbval for remodeljng is granted; this iril'l te!sen costs for each participant. Also discussed will be fina'l arrangements and agreements between a'l 1 partici- pirir in the "trash iisoiiition." -Please be prepared a! tle meeting with lnv-UacLground work i;;i;;-ie;ponsible for so'we can make final decisions' ili"e g"ii-ts to get t"hi;;*i;aioi tn is soon.as.possible--one quite attainab'le ii-tfiii point ii-we-moie-iJl'wird quict<]v. Thank's for your participation-- we'll see you WednesdaY. troul rrchitects inc. aia the clock towervail coloracb H476-1176 f .-t ,|!* 4r*,l ' r *9', a'_ Proiect Name: I Project Application * :fP:fxt X --1 / liAr Architect Address and Phone: + lb- li i@ L6gal Description: Lot Owner Address and Phone: g*FbiTE Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPFOVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Chief Building Otficial '.1 o Aox lfl) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47es613 l"tr. John McBriile Airport Business Center 105 Pacific Avenue Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Clock Tower Building Dear John: I received your note last week, and have no knowledge of Town council aPProval io" tt" porch expansion. I would suggest that we get together' review the or*, "tti see if they are still an appropriate design for this area' As you ["o*,, afr" Town now has an Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations for Vail Village. Your proposal foi change must colBe undel these guidelines' Before any r,rork can start on the porch, approval nust be granted by the Design Review Board. We will need a sur-vey showing the existj.ng proPerty line and current inprov ernent s on Town ProPerty. As you know, the Town is in similar financial difficulty as Aspen. ltle are ,rot'goitg to do nany caPital improvement Projects-this-year' The Town is still "onrld"ri'g a special irnproveneirt districi to fiurd landscaping Pavers and other inprorr"r"nis foi Vait Viilage. This would probably not be j.n place in 1981 to do these inprovenents. Two other issues I wanted to write you about, are the stTeet lights in front of Gorsn.h, and the conversion of the nesidential unit in the clock Tower to office use. The Town has recently placed a new street light at the colner of Bridge Street and Gore Creek Drive (by Gorsuch) ' We. would like to take doym thE two old fights in front of Goisirch. They are broken and do not work' I understand that yot t"y own then. If true, do we have your permission.to renove then? There may L" to^u other broken lights on Bridge Street, and we would also like to take thern down. It has been reported to rne that there has been a conversion of a residential unit to office space in your building. If true' this has- been done illegally, and you need to ilear this up. One option is to return this to residential , whill the other is to go thr;ugh a co;ditional use review to convert the space to office use. department of community development l,larch 16, l98I l,lcBri.de page two frufq, Let rne know when you plan to cone to Vail so vre can discuss your inProvenent s and other projects. Sincerely,?r4* DICK RYAN\ Comunity Developnent Director DR:bpr o LEASE AGREEMENT Effective 0ctober 21, 1981., the Town of Vail, Lessor, hereby leases io tfre Clock Tower Inn Resiaurant, Lessee, that parcel of property wtiif is occupiei'Uv tt'"-ito.k Tower patio on.Bridge Street ]!-ll:ntof the Clock fower-"UuiiJing. The 'leaied premises. are more Pafticularly it'otun on the map-whiit is ittached hereto as Exhibit "A" which by- this refer"n." Uuil*ei " part hereof. The term of this lease shall U" on" year but fi ;;y be'extended on a year-to-year basis subiect to automatic renewal -un'less notified by Lr'ther qar!{ at least n'inety (gOj-oivs prior to the effective renewal date of th'is agreement' In return for this lease, the lessee shall: 1. Indemnify, defend and hold harmless t claim, liiuitity" ob'l'igation, loss, d ( i ncl ud'i ng death ) , assessment, i udgme (including, without limitation' reaso ind costs-and expenses reasonably 'i nc preparing and deiending any litigat'io iuit, pr5ceeding, demand, of anY kind out ot'or in any manner incident, rel to the lessee's- use and occupation of he Town from anY amage, injurynt, cost or exPense nable attorneYs' fees urred in investjgat'i on' n or claim) ' action,or character, ari si ng ating or attributabl e the leased Premises. 4. The lease rate shall be $1.00 per yelr p1yab19 .of Vail,75 South Frontage Road, Vai'l , C0 81657 than 0ctober 2l.st of each Year. This lease agreement sha'l I inure to the benefit of and be Uinaing on t6e heirs, successors, and ass'i gns of the parties APPR0VED THIS 21st day of 0ctober, 1981 LESSOR: T OI,IN By: LESSEE: 2. The Lessee shall be responsible for maintaining the leased pi"*ises in u-tafe-and tleanly manner.including removal of snow and ice, irash and other-unsightly conditjons. The lensee shatl'assume all maintenanci responsjb'ilities which may Ue requested bY the Town. 3. The Lessee shall remove the unworking on the 'l eased prem'i ses no l ater than the effective date of this lease and any reinstallation of street'l ights s thl Town's standards for street l ight cost of reinstal'lation shall be subje the Town and owner. street lights located thirty (go) aays after further agrees that hal I be consi stent wi th s and the Payment of the ct to negotiation between to the Town , no later (L-,'sJ c c I tt t.n', - ' l4: "+ t'l.i t') uJ( ( r C LOCK By: hereto are aPProved and accePted ER INN RESTAURANTTOl,l ./' /(. C,/.,- t1. tl/ y' '/ /. ACCEPTANCE: The terms and conditions OF VAIL anager ,0Buildl I ur. {.7. r).. !.'t l) r):-i =" (r; I \\ tr.o t{J_t trl''{ }-(jq(/) a o :o$ rlh.l oivrl It;'*llfr!tio1 t4: I E ilI t{ Ea Yl{ ulq() t{to.(5 RJ 0(lS-lo\lF z til.., 5 < s"lE3 619() JicQ I-r ()st :) ^:t <Dilrl 5ri (5 -ot! olol cJ! c)i ai I I$l\- .\o a I tI I I I !I II I I I II !I I II tlnl'Nlro ;r't-, I ; I tlcrl OtOrJuOo ttz (,t;?, ) -LlJuls ])OHB 4 F ro T >.:lr I ) _;q eq oq P E oo$ o co q o csq. !.) 'Iot* o so I luwn 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 91657 (303) 476_7000 TjwN 0F vfiL L1CAL LLQU1R rICEi/SllJG ilnHORITy Appttoved, June 24, 19Bl office of the lown manager ,. DECK MO PAT.I0 GuT?ELT.NES LLc-enaee nuat havz dee4, Leate,^ on awi4nnent ad Letle gtunLlng {ur-e-and' comple'te n iah-t6 and' conrttol- doz the" o,stea pipotel, {"dL salvi4.e. l,ttea o$ tenvite mutt be totalfu coitiiguouo to t-iteyued pzmitet. \:-y.!y!yn tnad(ie aha.U- 'be a.t.Lwed thnoush anq pontion od the A ULv.G-e alLea. Tbe te'tLvj-c-e anea thou-td be bounded on alr ti-d.et bg a wax.L, pr-anteJL, uL{enee, 3k {eet luigh, ne.a-tuned {nan (Loott Levet- "----' I rdQ-a.r]4., ont4 one openug iolL stlLeQ,t oz outt,Lde &cceal tlwu"Ld, bee?o\4: 16 moLQ. ths.n one ia al-Lowed, the gui-d.e.{.ine #6 wh,Lch [o!!nwt,dhou.Ld be applLel. stneot oz outt,i-d.e- a.c.ceat ta thz aenvi,c.e aner" thou,Ld, be cov'tttoLter inAuch a mannQlL that the l-bensee h.a-s eontlLoX. o6 ne WEnins of tt ugpgyns. o'L a"ccQAs to the pnenide,s bq a mefthod""prr,rouui ai-inu to"olAlr\uLl.tA, wh,u,h mag ,inc,tu.de a gate on the pnu'ence o( ait enrploqeedunLng tenvice haMA. Pylya weni'oes nutt open dinec.ttq onto the tenvire anea .in a- m,,thod.wn+c.h e0n60nnt to bwilding aJld. llea.Ltll codet (i.2., a doott ott tenvitewindowl. ?nem6es wluLeh Lrc.Lude poolt, ttecnestion a)Lea6, on glLound, thouT l: ^,6uf:u1 ,?r4 !4?d ot the plope^tq t ine. Liin r' ;nii;dt-ot- aa*azcation,:il\.f ,Ahhub6, 4uq., .p!oFyt,. ch,eelz.t, wa.tQhrneA^, e.te., iaq be conS'Ld.QtLQd on an ind.ivinual ba8ia in eentain aneaA'al Long a,s the,seprn'u ane apytnoved bg both the LLeenrira Au.tt"orrLi,l iia-tnle. gepannnet* o d Comnuni.t tj O ev eloyrnent Pniott to eo*iduta.tion.bq the.Au.thoni.ttl o{ anq ,Lequaat (ott appnovaL 0,4 1 :y :Fnu on a chanse od .ary eaititg oi,,uiie oeni,i.u'anen, thzr.LeenAee 6halu( Auhm.t.t ryxo"A. *.rd ^ilranfuwt o( the pn-opote.d contltols to lh.z f o,1n o{ U^gt rupah.tunent .od Conmuilit4 DLvztopietrcnt (on- d,je*ennina_ Y^: ,o6- gorynt-i-arycre wi.th duign.u-i,twia.'. AU appLnea,tio,u jilel. 60,,nenLug bz{otte the Au.thon'i-tg tha.t}- incrude tlvi,s"wti.tten c,[-ei.zance. L. 3, 4. 5. 6. 8. o Decb and, Patio Guil.zUnu Page Two 10. Thue gw(lelinu, whene appnopainLe, thaL(. applq to the appltcation (on nen Loco,.tiont, tltatu(uta, extetrAiont ott nod,L{ic.aLLont o{ 'the ptwnfue}. Fx.FAng 9i-c-etuu. ao.zii.rg on dech.t and paLLot. anc hanebil .encounagdd to. bning the'in ptenitu 'in*} vofuntnng conipli:ance wieh thele gwid.otLnu lr \sr*.b, V'Y+h ,.-r;er{ +r.,L L 4:- 7ut*<f 4r 4, < n -/X ,rL.oca.lt T ^!-L^- A',II * .l. L {*. nat /*,urh*- -I*t *.*fS- ,t^-A oL+n-L cocz,t L i( - \d(1^,._rz.r_ =€) .,,\-.rl*-l -0".L * {^ nW I 4un.- Llq ! .0or. J q^^,^-J *.-.fr-. s ,.1* 4i* II telfi".+lT il,4-..n- '4 *', /- frr f["^E-\ n l11*at/'^ I A"I [*\" r or.^. .-^.-L*.r^h I3+ra^7 Cr:t<' \- *.^\ rtr^o6 \rteE e{t/ o o I.This procedure use permit. The appl ication A.NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS & APPLICATION is required wi]l not be all information is submitted. Date of appt;cation Etl4be - FOR CONDITIONAL for any project accepted until 1&y4 USE PERI4iT required to obtain a conditional B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATiVE c. nao 1 NAME 0F OWNER(S) (print or OI1|NER(S) : SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS &/06 PHINEJU:L4U|?j PHONE FILING A\ D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS c,4e, ., LOT / BLOCK hLEGAL. E. FEE $100 THE FEE MUST ACCEPT YOUR BE PAID PROPOSAL. PAID cK#BY BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL . F. { list of t!9_1qqes of owners of ail property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHTND AND ACROSS iTNFTiii THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONNECi II. PRE.APPLICATION CLAUSE adjacent to the subject property and their mail ing addresies. OI.JNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANN.ING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMiNE IF ANY ADDiTIONAL tnronlrnrton is llEroEii."-frii nppr-iceTI0N r.lrLLBE ACCEPTED UNLESS-Ir-Is coMPaEiE (urisr ir,rciuo'E-nli-irei,is iequineo-ey iHE-zoNrNe :,ADMINiSTRATOR). IT..IS THEAPPT]iNrui;i-Bq919N!i!riii iO-i,rqrE AN APPOINTMENT : :.ir.rrrH THE srAFF r0 FrND oUT ABoui AOoirior,rni"sueMiiini"n'Eq0rnENErurs. .r . llEA:q NOTE THAT A.-!9Ue!IIE APPLTCATT0N wrLL STREAMLTNE rHE APPR0VAL pR0cEssFOR YOUR PROJECr ev-bEeREAstr,re iii r'ruusen 0F coNDriiorii oF nppnovAL THAT THE r [uEf,-$fil.ulfl#iftis rShcoNDiTiorli oF nFi;noirni-i,iuii'[itoiipLiED rlrrH BEFSRE A OVER .Ftrr. r.our (4) copieb of the foltowing ilfornation: 1--u":glintion of-the-precise nature of the proposed use andr.Es operatinq characteristics, ind measures-pilpos"a to makethg ::" comparible with oir,".'piopurries in irre-vici:riry. A site plan showlng proposed development of the site, includiag. toposraphv, buildi"s-r"liai;";; parking, traffic circularion,, E::i",j:":pen space, -ran<iscif"I'.=u., and util*ies and drainase . t'.-. : :c' Freliminarv-buirding plans and erevations sufficient to indicate , .,i. :li giTil9i"".,-i""i.5illnnl"ru,,"u,. scale, "na inieii"i pi"i-"r Any-additionar material necessary.for the review of the applicationas deterrnined by t".-io"J"i-iiiiii"trator. IfI . Tirne requirements ' . The planning and Environmental Cor,nission meetsMondays of each tnonti.- ai'appfication with thernaterial musr be submitrld f;;--;;;rl iii", t"rneetjlg. A. on the 2nd and 4thnecessary accompanyingcne date of the fFTEFn,o=--rlki|'E-_ .,-......'|- Ial . 'r / i' .,-i 'trVt l"Jt'''f Li" r t r AD{'ACENT PROPERIY OTINERS: 1. PePi Gramshammer 231 naEt Gore Creek Drive vail, co 81657 2, Ted Vande lfoude Richard santali George Prussin 39 BroadwaY - 21st Floor Nevf York, NY 10006 3. Bridge Street Condorninium Association 281 Bridge StreetVail, CO 81657 Gordon R. Pierce. Architect. A.I.A. May 5, 1986 Mr. Tom Braun Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Westvail, co 81657 RE: Gorsuch Paving Plan Dear Tom: In regards to our most recent meetings and conversationswith Dave Gorsuch, I thought it woutd be a good idea towrite this letter to confirm our understanding of thecurrent status of the Gorsuch Sport Shop remodel plans. As a brief history, on April 29, t983, drawings wereprepared by our office for a major facelift to theexisting building. The plan was accepted by the Town ofVaiI and implemented that year with excepti.ons taken tothe paving and planting scheme which bordered the ful1length of the building. The public Works Department had some reservations about the ptanting of trees in thepublic right-of-way. The paving and planting was delayedat that time for further study. There were five trees shown on the August 29, L983 p1an. Today, we haveslightly modified the plan to include only four trees,see drawing dated April 23, L986. To my knowledge, thisplan has been reviewed and accepted by the Town. Most recently the Gorsuchrs proposed to extend theirpaving and streetscape plan to the east of the buildingincluding the alley frontage, existing street lamp andtelephone pad. The purpose of this additional work was toupgrade the smal1 area contigous with the Gorsuch propertywhich is currently used to acconmodate a public right-of-way to a dumpster as well as the pay phone facility. The Gorsuchrs felt that this additional improvement mightencourage the Town to permit them to place some four orfive tables with chairs in front of their new restaurant. The tables and chairs would be confined to only the newlypaved area within the limits of a portable fence.Although a portion of thls seating area would be in thepublic right-of-way, we feel that the improved streetscapeplan far outwei.ghs the impact of encroaching slightly intothe public right-of-way. 1000 South Frontage Road West. Vail, Colorado 81657.3O3/476-6776 'Iilr. Tom Braun May 5, 1986 Page Two t0e hope the Town staff favors this request because rdethat our town and aLl those who visit it would benefitfron these improvements. feel 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 June 10, 1986 Mr. Dave Gorsuch Gorsuch Ltd. 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vai1, Colorado 8.l657 Re; Cafe Gorsuch Dining Deck office of communlty development Dear Dave: As I am sure you are auiare, the Planning and Envi ronmental Commission approvedyour dining deck proposed at their June 9th meeting. The next step you need totake is to draft a'l ease agreement to present to the Town Counci'l for theirreview. I have enclosed a representative lease that you can use as a model foryour draft. Additional language I would request you add to this lease is: 1. Identify the dates the deck wi'l I be operational (as was discussed with the Council, the deck is proposed for summer use only) 2- Specify the dates that the deck will not be permitted to operate (andwil'l be removed). l.le have recommended that the 4th of July (duri ng theparade) and the Coors Classic be restricted dates. In addition, I wou'l d request language to permit the Town to add additional restricted days, as they may develop, with adequate advance notice of these days given to you. Pl ease forward this draft to me at your convenience. I will then have it reviewed by Larry Eskwith prior to Councjl review. in additjon, I would recommend that you contact Pam Brandmeyer to schedule your Liquor Board hear i ng . I have scheduled this proposal for the Design Rev'i ew Board on June 18. The PEC recommended that you inc'l ude planter boxes or some other type of sunmer flower^ ireatrnent in ccnjunction with the dining deck. Please do not hesjtate to contact me with any questions you may have. gi ncerei y, Thomas A. Braun Seni c: Pl anner Ai'D: lpr Enc-i csure ta b Sasthof p6t'nJUN1B1986 Telephone: 303/476-5626firamshammcr, trnc. 231 E. GOBE CREEK DRIVE vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 Pepi Gramshammer Sheika Gramshammer June 18, 1986 The Town Council 75 S. Frontage Rd. |ll.Vail, C0 81657 To the Town Council: I understand that on June 9th, 1986 the planning Commission approvedan outdoor deck for the Gorsuch cafe, where dining tab'l es wi'l I be piaced on town property. I wou'l d like to appeal this decisjon to the Town Counci'l . Theclock rower building already has an easement on Bridge street for theirporch. This decision is setting a precedence for eviry business ownerinthe village. Pepi Gramshammer PG: bg ?T A a--"n-rcLfiu r'r-lTDSr Sasthof firamshammel nnc.Teleohone: 303/476-5626 231 E. GORE CREEK DRIVE vArL. coLoRADO 81657 Pepi Gramshammer Sheika Gramshammer JUNE r6, reB6 THE ToWN CoUNcIL zs S. FRoNTAGE R0AD I.,. VAIL, C0 Bl6sz TO THE TowN CoUNcIL AND PLANNING C0MMISSIoNT IT IS WITH GREAT INDIGNATIoN AND sTRoNG oBJEcTIoNs THAT I WRITE THIs LETTER coNcERNING THE coNDITIoNAL USE PERMIT oF GoRe CREET DnTVE AS REQUESTED BY GORSUCH LTD. I STRONGLY FEEL THE PEDESTRAINS wILL BE ENDANGERED BY THE HEAVY TRAFFIC oN GoRE CReeT DRIVE, wHIcH IS ALREADY IMPEDED BY THE UNLoADING zoNE FoR THE A. s D. BUILDING. A REMOVABLE FENCE AFFoRDS oN PRoTECTIoN FoR ANYoNE SEATED AT THE TABLES AND INHABITS THE EASY ACCESS TO THE BUSIEST CORNER FOR ANY TYPE OF EMERGENCY EQUIPTMENT. THE FENcE wILL NARRow THE STREET To A VIRTUALLY IM- PASSABLE BOTTLENECK, ESPECIALLY IF A. t D. IS UNL0ADING MERCHANDISE. THIS WOULD INDEEO, BE AN INFRINGEMENT UPON A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. THE LIOUOR LAWS DEMAND THAT oUTDooR DINING MUST BE oN A ltAISED PLATFORM AND COMPLETELY SURROUNDED BY A PERMANENTLY SECURED FENCE. VAIL HAS MANY ESTABLISHED EATING PLAcES t.rlHo WoULD LoVE TO EXTEND THEIR SEATING CAPACITY OUT TO THE PEDESTRAIN AREAS oR STREETS. THE GoRSUCH REoUEST Is NoT TNLY oN PEDESTRAIN WALKWAY-BUT ALSO ONE OF THE TOWNS HEAVIEST TRAFFIC INTERSECTIONS. AND IS INDEED AN INVITATION FOR A VERY TRAGIC HAPPENING SHOULD THIS DRIVEWAY BE REDUCED AND FURTHER CONGESTED BY TABLES AND CHAIRS. IF THIS PERMIT IS GRANTED THEN ALL OTHER RESTAURANTS FACING PUBLIC WALKWAYS SHOULD BE GRANTED UNCONDITIONAL PERMITS FOR OUTDOOR DINING. HAVING BRoUGHT ATTENTIoN To THESE PERTINENT FAcTs I SINCERELY HOPE YOU WILL GIVE SERIOUS CONSIDERATION TO THIS LETTER OF PROTEST. S I NcERELY ,JTNLEHtsLY' JL'/* P-t"r^n / I ,w o %t, ,t/u/^ * b/;/*-/*''n-/ c.v'dfr-,J,-,^;. il L*^v J +'-/- EeL'', I / 4('-4 ktTz tz'^J ? 't*,t/"(."214/z/ ^/ fu'^ ,+ T y,- .rz&/ l#,-lr/'+"'(1- 4 h /4- ca,^.- / /* M /1) ---,- L. ^[.^n "J..h rL 'tr \ S\".-\ ^n r'' ll"JJt L,* J.l-- , {^t-*.^.,.-^. l- rA" ,^.o. t ,J-ij ; ^?-nr/\^'- / .^-. T,-p 7- L.!'-t C^^,,^^,^-. .- { \**A-^t( 1 L,rx-,- -\ "1- P*tqts 3^'1'* ['""^'^a '-'l -- -Il' t - h. -r- l- .*( + bt* ?D..s\^,.,,..*- E* W n' illrrrl I t*^ -/ *e ,r /--- k - 7{- I/}' +fk** &^-^^ ! 6t-rla S#.fih1= /+ , ."^,-,,**I "/ o-. /".*. f h.to k^*-- o-t-o,t,+tt- l/t-^^-/r,-r^" '" s"r*'7*,zr^""; f**/ /"r-r1> *--:, /^h,-.r,ny ' /it ,-q ll )tA,t< f{.o-- s4-*zt /J-Jo , !--t --+- 1--'.,< ^ai.!J-.-- l\ l/D,t" yv,.tt*' l-',r^.--'-!* t Laa-e- \ r-'- "-'-A N V Prynq. '. T\3 t'./ .\i |"t^.{ 6;^' J:.<-- i+ -Ca ^-!loL Nr,t\t U-e- ',n "t f-^-.*-"&t^\ ,-lrl'": ^-!rc"-T4- LtL /*^J J / o-L;.* -f **'l.r-,f >44,.r\- *-1." '('*^ I'1, ^,";( sl^al L- 4 \**t ^^-^-& !4 " ,J* r-P.^\ .A ?*\ '$ s-fut, s---i+^ ( l,^rt(*t d".",'*"y M/U /o"A/ rC /!'1"t,,* i r {) z *-L t'\ ^'^ ^.'^X .,^-<-'so* - r 4 o\-ee u ]Ltf- I \{ Q. \J.L ?* Do^", * -qr* -.[,^^^-L"^o c^/\- /r*- 1- / i,f^"" - \ anning and Environmental Commiss-..- Commun i ty oeviGirminf Dedifitnt June 9, 1986 A request for a conditjonal use permit jn order to establjsh anoutdoor dining deck at the Cafe Gorsuch along Gore Creek Drive. App'l icant: Dave and Rene Gorsuch rhJ rt'k \ (o,^'J I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The proposed use involves the placement of a small number of d.in.ing tablesimmediately in front of the Gorsuch buiIding to be served by the cifeGorsuch. The tables would be located on the newly instal 1ei pavers thatfront the Gorsuch building along Gore Creek Drive. A removabie wrought ironfence is proposed that would define the limits of the outdoor dining-deck. The Plann'i ng commission shou'l d be aware that the outdoor dining deck islocated predominantly on the Town of vail right-of-way. The Gorsuches havepreviously met with the Town council at a work session to discuss thisrequest. At this meeting, the counci'l gave the Gorsuches approval to pnoceed through the review process with the understanding that the bianning commission is actual 1y making the final decision concerning this riquestthrough the conditional use review process. It should also be noted that the '-=:- Request for condjtional use permits'in Comrnercja'l Core I are reviewed with aspecial set of criteria designed to ensure that the use is compatible withthe specific characteri stics found wjthin the vjllage core. These criterjadiffer from those comrnonly used in other conditional use requests. Thefollowing is the staff response with respect to each of these criter.ia. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of Section 18.60 and Section jg.?4.070, the community Developnent Department recommends approva'l of the condjtional use perm.i t basld upon lhefol lowing factors: TO: DATE: SIJ BJ ECT: applicant has requested this dining deck for the surnmel months only. A.Consideration of Factors Effects of vehicular traffic on Conrmercial Core I distr.i ct. As stated above, the dining deck.i s proposed to be locatedpredominantly in the Town of Vail right-of-way along Gore CreekDrive. After reviewing this proposal with the publ ic Works, F.i re, and Police Departments, it was concluded that this encroachmenr would not create signjficant impacts on the vehicular circulation 'i n this area. The potentia1 of negative impacts on vehicularcirculation has been mitigated by the removal of the loading zoneacross the street from the Gorsuch building as well as by the factthat the deck is proposed to be operated only during the summer months. '' I-r.... \" L^\t 1. ll- \C { {"r\ tr-'Ae, - Co.c5 C\qrs-.'.- Jt^-... ._"\ ,,^\\.\ _...*L 2. ? 4. Reduction of vehicular traffic in Cornmercia'l Core I Distri ct. It is not anticipated that this proposal , if approved, would cause a reduction or jncrease in vehicular traffic in the Village area. Reduct'ion of nonessential off-street parking. This proposal would not affect any reduction in off-street parki ng. Control of deliver.v. pick-up. and service vehic'l es, The location of the outdoor dining deck does not directly impact any existing service or delivery areas. The Cafe Gorsuch is in operation and the proposed dining deck would add a small number of seats to this operation. It is not felt that this would creare any additional burdens with respect to loading or del ivery requi rements. 5. The djning deck, limited to those and seating area the southwesterlywiII continue to while located on Town right-of-way, would be patrons of the Cafe Gorsuch. However, the bench provided by the Gorsuches would be maintained at corner of their property. This seating area be open for use by the general public. *f.', ''.t -\^ . r\6. r-s-* 5 1"1"\Lt't 3"^\,J*\i* t\-r( o\'ru'\ tinuance of various c denti a ublic uses ln uommerc e existi Over the past few years, the staff, Planning Commission, and Council have been faced with numerous requests to enclose or eljmjnate outdoor dining and public seating areas in the core. With this request, we are faced with an applicant who is proposing the addition of a new outdoor dining area in Vail Vi'l 1age. Thestaff is very supportive of this proposal because of the positive 'impacts it will have on the street life and activity generated along the streets of Vail Vi11age. 7.Control oual it constructi architectural desi and o ntai The proposed improvements in conjunction with the dining deck arefairly I imited. They involve the instalIatjon of a movable wrought iron fence that will be compatible with the existing wrought iron found on the Gorsuch building. The simpleinstallation of tables and chairs will constitute the dining deck Related to this deck are the pavers and street trees that were installed earlier this spring. These materials and improvements are very compatible with the development in the existing area and add to the high quality of design and development that is desiredfor the core areas. It 'I \.r',1^- Gorsuch -6/9/86-2 e B. i!.rch other factors and criteria as the Commission deems appljcable to Ene proposed use. III. As has been stated, the outdoor dining area will contribute to the ambiance and street life found in Vail Vi11age. This will serve to foster the continued success and growth of our summer and shoulder seasons. IV. URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations highlight a number ofcriteria to be considered when evaluating dining decks and patios (see attached copy). lllhile this proposal is compatible with some of theseguidelines, it is also in conflict with others. For example, the dining deckwill benefit from direct sunlight during most of the day throughout the year.It is sjted to provide the users of the deck the opportunity to be seen and see the activity that js taking place in the core. This contrjbutes greatly to a much richer pedestrian experience than if the street were void ofactivity. 0n the other hand, the ideal dining deck shou'l d be slightly elevated wjth a strong physical separation from the pedestrianways. I.lhilethis dining deck is lacking in these two factors, it is the feeling of thestaff that its location and other positive impacts far outweigh the shortcomings of being elevated and having a greater physical separation from the street. V. FINDINGS The Community Development Department recommends that the conditional use permit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed locatjon of the use is in accord with the purposes ofthis ordjnance and the purposes of the district jn which the site is I ocated. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under whjch it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or materially injurious to propertjes or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. Gorsuch -6/9/86-3 1-='g-r-e VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of this request as submitted. }{hile there were some initial concerns with the proposal being located on the Town right-of-way, the nature of the operation of this deck is such that these concerns have been mitigated. It js felt that the deck will add another elernent into the overa'l I fabric of the Village that contributes to its pleasing pedestrian environment. }Jhi1e properly located, the deck is lackingin some design elements as outljned the Urban Design Guide P'l an. However, the staff feels that the deck can be a great success, both for theproprietors and for the streefscape as proposed. The staff would recommend the following conditions of approval to be applied to this request: l. The Town Council shall formally review and approve this application. 2. A formal lease agreement shal 1 be signed by the applicant and the Town Counci I . The operation of the deck is for the summer nonths only. If the applicant proposes to use this deck in the wjnter, it wil1 require staff review and approval . Establishing the actual dates of operation wjll be made by the applicant and the Council during the revjew of the lease agreenent. The applicant agrees to comply wjth those days that the openation of the deck will be nestricted as established by the Town Council and these dates will be incorporated jnto the lease agreement. \r1'r-\.,*.\--)*\rv",,\ 3. 4. Gorsuch-6/9/86-+ a DECKS AND PATIOS 9ilinS decks and patios, when properlydesigned and sited, orrng people tothe- streets, opporiuni ti 6s'to"i iol"anabe looked at, ind generalrv ioniritui"to. the liveliness of a bu;i ;;;;;;_""'making_a richer pedestrian""ip""i"n." . than if those sti.eets weie eriiir'-':"= ( ( revea - !]1ect sunlight from il:00 - 3:00lncreases use by many.days/year-- and protects frbm wrno - elevated to give views .!_q!q the pedestrian wal k (andnot the reverse) - physical separation trom pedestrianwatK tptanter better than a wail) - overhang gives pedestrian sca1e,/shel ter. Decks and patios should be sited andoesrgned with due consideration to: - sun- wind - views- pedestrian activity .; review Va il 22 T0: Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: July '1, .1986 SUBJECT: Preliminary discussion of the lease agreement between the Town ano Cafe Gorsuch for the proposed outdoor dining deck on Gore Creek Drive BACKGROUND ON THIS REQUEST The PEC approval of the Cafe Gorsuch din'i ng deck has been appealed to the Towncouncil and will be considered at the Jul-v I evening meeting. If the pEC decision is upheld,-a lease agreement between the Town and Gorsuches will berequired before the deck can be established- pending the outcome of theCouncil's action on this appeal , it wou'l d be beneficia'l to have a preliminary discussion on three e'l ements of the lease agreement. ELEMENTS OF THE LEASE AGREEMENT The proposed lease will be very similar to the lease that has been used forVendetta's deck. There are, however, three factors relative to this agreementthat warrant discussion: l- 7. Specifying the dates that that deck will be operated. (It has been ; established that the deck wjll only be operated during summer months.) I 2. Establishing the days that the fenc'i ng will be removed and the deck will, be restri cted from operation (previous discussion centered on the 4th of J+^ YrA July and the Coors Class'i c). Staff would reconmend that ianguage be , "j.',-h included in the'l ease that would allow the Town to specify aiailional+ "- restricted days as was fe1 t to be necessary. 3. Cost of the Jeased sDace. The staff would appreciate direction from the counciI on these and any other issues relative to the'lease agreement. Given this input, a formal lease can beprepared for review at the July 15th Council meeting. l/W'/ lltt' { LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE is made and entered jnto this day of ,1985, by and between the TOWN 0F VAIL, State of Colorado, a municipa1 corporation, by and through its Town Council hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor" and DAVID and RENIE G0RSUCH dlb/a CAFE GORSUCH, herejnafter referred to as the "Lessee". t.lITNESSETH: IIHEREAS, the Lessoris duly authorjzed by jaw to admjnister and govern certain real property hereinafter descrjbed; and WHEREAS, Lessor is wjlling to leasd to Lessee the above referenced property, together with such rights and privileges as are set forth in this Lease Agreement; . and WHEREAS, the Lessee is desirous of leasing said property and the improvements thereon. N0l.'1, THEREFORE, for and in consjderation of the mutual covenant conditions and promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as fo'l lows: SECTION ONE PREIIISES Lessor grants to Lessee the use of a certajn parcel of real property location in the Town of Vaj'l , County of Eagle and State of Colorado and more particularly set forth jn the survey attached as Exhibjt A. Lessee shall use said premises for a restaurant patio only. No permanent improvements or fixtures except railing around the perimeter shall be placed thereon by the Lessee. Any change in purpose shall be only with the consent of the Lessor and upon the terms descrjbed by the Lessor. SECTION TliO TERM Subject to earljer termination as hereinafter provided, the term of this Agreement shall be the period commenc'ing and ending on . The Town may prohibit the use of the premises by giving the Lessee ten (10) days prior written notjce. The use of the premises is prohibited during the Fourth of Ju'ly parade and the Coors Bicycle Classic. SECTION THREE RENTAL AND CHARGES Fon the use of the premises as set forth herein, Lessee covenants and agrees to pay Lessor in advance the sum of two dollars ($2.00) per square foot per annum for a total of three hundred twenty dollars ($320.00). SECTION FOUR TAXES AND UT.ILITIES The Lessee shall be liab't e for and shall promptly pay for all charges for gas, el ectricity, and other utilities relating to the premises leased by Lessee. Lessee shal'l promptly pay all ad valorem taxes on personal property. SECTION FIVE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONS Lessee shall keep and maintajn the leased premises and all improvements of any kind thereon in good and substantial repair and condition, including the exterior condition thereof, and shall make all necessary repajrs thereto, including snow removal . Lessee shal 1 provide propen containers for trash and garbage and keep the '| eased premises free and clear of snow, rubbish, debris, and litter at all times. Lessor sha'l 'l at al'l times during ordinary business hours have the right to enter upon and inspect the premises. Such inspection shall be made only at a mutual'ly agreeable time. SECTION SIX RULES AND REGULATIONS Lessee agrees to observe and abide by the ordinances of the Town of Vail, the statutes and regulations of the State of Colorado and of the United States government with respect to the use of the premises. SECTION SEVEN INSURANCE Lessee agrees to secure and deliver to the Town a comprehensive liability insurance policy wrjtten on an occurrence basis, including public liability and property damage in a form and through a company acceptable to and approved by the Town, covering the premises, and all operations performed by the Lessee on the premises in the amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) in respect to any occurrence and aggregate amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for bodily injury and property damage. All such policies required herein shall name the Lessor as addit'ional insured. A certificate evidencing such insurance, in such form as the Town may require, shal'l -2- "o be delivered to the Town prior to the time the Lessee takes possession of the premises. Each certificate or policy shall contain a valid provision of endorsement that: "This policy shall not be cancelled, or materja'l 1y changed or altered, without first giving thirty (30) days written notjce thereof to the Town of VaiI Colorado, 75 South Frontage Road, Vai1, Co1orado,87657, sent by certified mail, return receipt requested." A certificate of renewal shall be de'l jvered to the Lessor at least fifteen (15) days prior to the policy's expiration date, except for any po1 icies expiring on the date of this lease thereafter. SECTION EIGHT INDEMNIFICATION OF LESSOR Lessee agrees to jndemnify and hold harmless Lessor against all liability for injuries to persons or damage to property caused by Lessee's negl'i gent use or occupancy of the'l eased premises; provided, however, that Lessee shall not be liable for any injury, damage, or loss occasioned by the neg'l igence of the Lessor or jts agents or employees; and provided further that Lessor shal 1 give to Lessee prompt and tjmely notice of any claim made or sujt instituted whjch in any way direct'ly or 'i ndirectly, contingently or otherwise, affects or might affect Lessee, and Lessee shall have the right to compromise and defend the same to the extent of its own i nterest. SECTION NINE ALTERATIONS Lessee shal l make no alterations, add'i tjons olimprovements in or to the premises without the Lessor's prior wrjtten consent. All such work shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner. Lessee sha11 pay or cause to be pa'id all costs for work done by or caused to be done by it in or to the premises and Lessee shal 1 keep the premises free and clear of al'l mechanicts Iiens and other liens on account of work done for Lessee or persons claiming under. Should any liens be filed or recorded against the premises or any action affectjng the tjtle thereto to be commenced, Lessee shalI give Lessor wri tten notice thereof. Lessee shall thereafter cause such'l iens, or claims against the Lessor in lieu of liens, to be removed of record withjn five (5) days after the filjng thereof. If Lessee shall desire to contest any clajm or'l ien it shal'l furnish the Lessor with security satisfactory to the Lessor of at least one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the amount of the c'laim, plus estimated costs and interest. -3- If a final judgment establishing the validity or existence of any lien or claim for any amount as entered, Lessee shalI pay and satisfy the same at once. Prior to the commencement of any work jn or to the premises by Lessee, Lessee shall notify the Lessor of the proposed work and the names and addresses of the persons supplying 'l abor and materjals for the proposed work. During and prior to any such work on the premises, the Town and'i ts agents shall have the right to go upon and inspect the premises at all reasonable times. SECTION TEN SURRENDER OF POSSESSION 0n the expiration or termination of this 1ease, Lessee's rights to use the premises, facilities and services described herein shal 1 cease, and Lessee shal1 vacate and surrender the premises to the Lessor immediately. The Lessee shall be responsible to put the premises and improvements back to their original condition. AlI alterations, addjtions or improvements upon the premises, unless otherwise agreed at the time Lessor's consent is obtained, or unless Lessor requests removal thereof shall become the property of the Lessor and shall nemain on, and wjll be surrendered with the premises- Depreciation and wear frorn ordjnary use for the purpose of which the premises were let need not be restored, but any repair for which the Lessee is responsible sha'l I be completed to the latest practical date prior to such surrender. If Lessee shal'l remajn or continue to be in possession of the premjses at the end of the term of this lease, at Lessor's option, Lessee shall be deemed to be illegally retaining possession, or shall be deemed to be a month-to-rnonth Lessee the premises and all the terms and conditions of this lease. l'lothing in this paragraph shall be construed to iimit the Lessor's right to obtain possession of premises upon termination of this lease by unlawful detainer proceedings or otherwjse in the event that the Lessor does not exercise its option to treat the contjnued possession by the Lessee as a month-to-month tenancy. SECTION ELEVEN COST OF LITIGATION Lessee covenants and agrees to and with the Lessor that in case the Lessor of the shall, without any default on its part, be made a party to any fitigation conmenced by or against the sajd Lessee, Lessee sha'l I and will pay all costs jn connection wjth such litigation and that said Lessee shal'l pay all costs and reasonable attorney's fees which may be jncurred by said Lessori n enforcing the covenants-and agreements of thjs lease. -4- SECTI0N TI,IELVE SECURITY Lessee shali keep on deposit with the Lessor at all times after the execuLion of thjs lease agreement, a sum equal to one monthrs rent as securjty of the payment by the Lessee of the rent and any other sums due under this lease and for the fajthful performance of al'l the terms, conditions and covenants of this lease. If at any time Lessee shall be in default jn the performance of any provision of thjs lease, Lessor nay, but shall not be required to, use such deposit, or so much thereof as is necessary, in payment of any rent, or any other sum due under this lease in default, in reimbursement or any expense incurred by the Lessor and in payment of the damages incurred by the Lessor by reason of the Lessee's default, or at the option of the , Lessor, such deposit may be retained by the Lessor as 1iquidated damages. In any event, Lessee, shall, five (5) days after written demand from Lessor, remit to the Lessor a sufficient amount jn cash to restore the deposit to its original amount- In the event the deposit has not been uLilized as descrjbed above, it shal1, or as much thereof as has not been utilized for such purposes, shalI be refunded to Lessee, without interest, upon fu1 1 performance of this lease by Lessee- SECTION THIRTEEN OEFAULT The occurrence of one or more of the following events or cjrcumstances shall constitute a default hereunder by the Lessee: A. The filjng by the Lessee of a vo'l untary petition of bankruptcy. B. Proceed'ings in bankruptcy instituted by the Lessee and adjudication of the Lessee as a bankrupt pursuant to such proceedings. C. An appointment of a receiver of the Lessee's assets of the divestiture of the Lessee's estate by other operatjon of |aw. 0. Failure by Lessee to make lease payments due to the Lessors as provided in this agreement within ten (10) days after the Lessor gives notice to Lessee of jts del i nquency. E. Failure of the Lessee to perform, keep and observe any of the terns, covenants, or conditions herein contained on its part to be performed, kept or observed, which fajlure continues for a period of ten (10) consecutive days. SECTION FOURTEEN REMEDI ES If the Lessee shall be in default under this lease as set forth in Section Thirteen, Lessor shall have the following ri ghts and remedies, in addition to all -5- ^/ other remedies at law and equ'i ty, and none of the following, whether or not exercised by the Lessor, sha'l I preclude the exercise of any other right or remedy, whether set forth in this agreement or existing at law or equity: A. The Lessor shall have the right to terminate this lease by giving the Lessee thirty (30) days notice in writing to be served as provided in this agreement, and the term hereby remaining shall thereupon cease and expire in the same and to the same effect as if it were the- expiration of the lease term stated in this agreement. Upon any termination of thjs 1ease, Lessee sha'l 'l quit and surrender to the Lessor of the leased premises. If this lease is terminated Lessee shall remain liable to the Lessor for all rent and other sums accrued and pajd hereunder to the date of termination of this lease. 8. The Lessor may, without demand or notice, reenter and take possession of the premises or any part thereof, and repossess the same as of the Lessor's former state and expel the Lessee and those claiming through and underi t, and remove the effects of any and al I such persons (forcibly jf necessary) without being deemed guilty of any manner of trespass, without prejudice to any remedjes for appears of rent or proceeding breach of covenants and without termjnating this lease or otherwise relieving Lessee of any obligation hereunder. Should the Lessor elect to reenter as provjded in this Section or should the Lessor take possession pursuant to 'lega1 proceedings or pursuant to any provision provided by law, the Lessor may' from time to time, without terminating thjs 1ease, relet the premises or any part thereof for such term or terms and such rental or renta'l s, and upon such other conditions as the Lessor may in its absolute discretion, deem advisable, with the right to make a'l terations and repairs to the premises. No such reentry, repossession or reletting of the premises by the Lessor shall be construed as an electjon of the Lessor's part to terminate thjs lease unless a written notice of termination is given to Lessee by the Lessor, No such reentry, repossession or reletting of the premises shall release the Lessee of its liability and ob1 igations under this lease, all of whjch shall survjve such reentry, repossess'ion or reletting. Upon the occurrence of such reentry or repossession, the Lessor shall be entjtled to the amount of the monthly rent, and any other sums which would be payable pursuant to this agreement' if such reentry or repossession had not occurred, Iess the net proceeds, if any, of any reletting of the premises after deducting a1 I of the Lessor's expenses jn connection of such reletting. Lessee shall pay such amounts to the Lessor on the days the rent or any other sum due hereunder would have been payable hereunderif possession bad not been retaken. In no event shal] Lessee be entitled to receive the excess, if \ -6- any, of the rent co'l 'l ected by the Lessor as a result of such reletting over the sums payable by the Lessee to the Lessor pursuant to thjs lease. The failure of the Lessor to seek redress for violatjon or to insist upon the strict performance of any covenant or condjtion of thjs lease shal'l not prevent a subsequent act which would have origina'l ly constituted a violation for having a1 1 the force and effect of the original violation. The receipt of the Lessor of rent with knowledge of any breach of covenant of this lease shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach. No provision of this lease shall be deemed to have been waived by the Lessor unless such wajver is in writing and signed by the Lessor. SECTION FIFTEEN ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING Lessee covenants and agrees not to assign, sublet, pledge, or transfer its rights in this lease, in whole or in part, to grant any 1icense or concession hereunder, without first obtaining the written consent of the Lessor. The consent by the Lessor to a transfer shall not relieve the Lessee from primary liabi'l jty hereunder or from the obligation to obtain the express consent in writing of the Lessor any further transfer. Lessor's permission to an ass'ignment or subletting of this lease shalI not be unreasonably withheld. SECTION SIXTEEN ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS A. Lessee covenants and agrees that the Lessee will save harmless said Lessor at all times during the continuation of this'l ease from a1 1 damages, claims, fines, penalties, costs and expenses whatsoever which may result from any workmen's compensation claim. B. l'lhenever any notice of payment is required by this lease to be made, given or transmjtted to the parties hereto, un'l ess otherwise specified herein, such notice or payment shal'l be deemed to have been given upon the mailing of said notice or payment by United States certified, first-class mai1, postage prepajd, and addressed to the parties at the respectjve addresses as shall appear herein or upon a change of address pursuant to this notice provjsjon. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 0avid and Renie Gorsuch dlb/a Cafe Gorsuch 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vai I , Col orado 81657 C. All covenants, conditions and provjsions in this lease agreement shall extend to and bind the lega1 representatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. D- This agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Colorado. Any covenants, conditions, or provisions herein contajned that are held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction shall be considered deleted from this agreement, but such delegation shal'l jn no way affect any other covenant, condition, or provision herein contained so long as such delegatjon does not materially prejudice Lessor or Lessee jn their respective ri ghts and obligations contained in the val j d covenants, condi tj ons, or provj si ons of thi s agreement. E. All amendments to this lease must be made in writing by mutual agreement of the parties and no oral amendments shall be of any force of effect whatsoever. IN l.llTNESS }IHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set thejr hands and affixed thein seals, in counterpart, on the dates indjcated to be effective the day and year first above written, pursuant to a resolution or ordinance as appropriate, of their respect'ive govern'ing bodjes duly entered on the minutes thereof. TOWN OF VAIL 8y and through its T0WN COUNCIL 8y: Rondall V. Phillips, Town Manager Address: 75 South Frontage Road Vaii, Co]orado 81657 Telephone: (303) 476-7000 ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk DAVID and RENIE GORSUCH d/b/a CAFE GORSUCH \ -8- By: i TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: I. The proposed use involves the placement of a small number of dining tables immediately in front of the Gorsuch building to be served by the Cife' Gorsuch. The tables would be located on the newly'installed pavers thatfront the Gorsuch building along Gore Creek Drjve. A removable wrought iron fence is proposed that would define the limits of the outdoor dining deck. The Planning commission should be aware that the outdoor dining deck is located predominant'ly on the Town of vail right-of-way. The Gorsuches havepreviously met with the Town Council at a wonk session to discuss thisrequest. At this meeting, the Council gave the Gorsuches approval to proceed through the review process with the understanding that the planning conrnission is actua'l 1y making the final decision concerning thj s request through the conditional use review process. It should also be noted that theapplicant has requested this dining deck for the summer months on1y. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Cons'ideration of Factors 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development object.ives offfi-ftwn. - Because of the nature of this request, it is not directly relatedto the development objectives of the Town. The dining deck, however, js indirect'ly re'l ated to the overal 1 goa'l of ma'i ntaining an active pedestrian activity center in Vail Village. The outdoor dining deck would add to the street life a'l ong Gore Creek Driveresulting in an overal 1 positive impact on pedestrianjzation 'in the core. 2.The effect of the use on I i distribution o ati on trans rtat recreat on fac The proposal does not affect any of the above factors. 3.ffect fic rti cu ference to c esti on automo ive and cont ow and reet an rki n areas. As has been mentioned, the dining deck is located predom.inantly on Town of Vail right-of-way al ong Gore Creek Drjve. It is felt thatthis location will not adversely affect vehicular or pedestriancirculatjon jn thjs area. There wi1l, however, be times duringthe year when the dining deck wil'l create congestion and conflictsalong Gore Creek Diive. These wi'l I be during special events suchas the Coors Classic and the 4th of July parade. In discussingthis proposal with the Council, the Gorsuches have already agreedthat if this deck is approved, the lease from the Town wouldstipulate that the dining operation will be removed during specialevents as determined by the Town staff. Because the deck isproposed to operate only during the summer months, there will be no conflicts with the removal of snow in this area. If approved,the Gorsuches wi'l 1 be responsib'l e for maintaining thjs area duringthe time that the deck js in operation. The scale of the proposed use'i s compatib] e with the character ofthe surrounding areas. The dining deck is also a compatible usein this area and will complement the nany decks in the surrounding .. ..'-*--*--area. B. lfch other factors and crjteria as the Commission deems appljcable totheffi III. RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTIIIII PLAN As has been stated, the outdoor dining area wil] contribute to the anbiance and street ljfe found jn Vail Vi11age. This wiil serve to foster the _continued success and growth of our summer and shoulder seasons. IV. URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The Urban Design Guide P'l an and Design Considerations highlight a number ofcriteria to be considered when evaluating dining decks and patios (see attached copy). tdhile this proposaf is compatib'l e with some of theseguidelines, it is also'i n conflict wjth others. Overal'l , considering thesefactors, it is fe'l t that the deck can function in this location and besuccessful in doing so. 4. l^,.,lJ, conven ence. traffic access. maneuver e and bu C\I+ '(a^.^11vt^* -2- -^,. Lt.--e/, ,f IV. FINDINGS The Community Development Department recommends that the conditional useperm'it be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes ofthis ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is I ocated. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or mairitained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or material 1y injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicab'l eprovisions of this ordinance. V. STAFF RECOIVXIENDATION The staff recommends approval of this request as submitted. tr{hile thene was some initial concern with the proposal being located on the Townright-of-way, the nature of the operation of this deck is such that these concerns have been mitigated. The staff would recorrnend the fo'l lowing conditions of approval be applied to this request: 1. The Town Council shall formal'ly review and approve this application. 3. The operation of the deck js for the summer months'on1y. applicant proposes to use this deck in the winter, it wjll require staff rev'iew and approval . 4. The applicant agrees to comply with those days that the operation of the deck will be restricted as established by the Town Councjl and incorporated into the lease agreement. 2. A forma'l lease agreement sha'l 'l be signed by the applicant and the Town,. Icounci I . "rolJ /r^1,;--- a/ /rrt-h,,tAU'A--;//'fr"6'/ L**'"only. ff the -3- f '] ,J Gordon R. Pierce. Architect. A.I.A. June 3, 1986 Mr. Tom Braun Planning Department Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, cO 8L657 Dear Tom: Here is the plan for the corsuch Ltd. fence. Thisfence will be fabricated in a black wrought ironmatching in desi.gn to the existing guardiail aroundthe stairwell. It will be set into steel sleeves inthe asphalt at approximately 5'-0" centers. Thiswill allow the fence to be removed at certain timesof the year. Very truly yours, Y,/ tt ? tft,.dt ,ttl,ailtltqi .WF,' Fr/Fr-v IKurt A. Segerberg, A.I.A. KAS/ 1rt enc. 1000 South Frontage Road West. Vail, Colorado 81657.3O3/476-6776 ) PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vai'l on June 9, 1986 at 3:00 pM in the council chambers in the Vail municipal bui'lding. Consideration of: I. A request for a conditional use permit in order to place din.i ng tables on Town of Va'i 'l right-of-way on East Gore Creek Drive adjacent to the Gorsuch shop which is located on Lots C, D and E, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing, 263 East Gore Creek Drive. App'l icant: Dave and Rene Gorsuch / 2. A request for a conditional use pernit in order to construct a ski lift at Cascade Village, Special Development District No. 4, at 1300 l,lest Haven Drive. App'l icant: Vail Ventures, Ltd., Montane Corporation 3. A request for a conditional use permit in order to operate a landscape nursery in the Arterial Business District, on the Voliter sjte at .|031 South Frontage Road. Appl icant: Larry Benway The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for publ ic i nspecti on. TOTIN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trai'l on May 23, 1986. o ( June 11, 1980 ( INTRODUCiION Backqround These Design Considerations are an integral part of the Vall Vil'lage Urtan Design P'lan. The Plan as a whole is the culnrination of many month's effort by residents' merchants, Town staff, and consultants to deve'l op a mechanlsm to manage physical change in the Village. It is an attempt to identlfy aspects of the physlcal character of the Village and to assure as far as possible that future changeswill be consjstent with the established character, and wi'l 'l make positive con- tributions to the quality of life. Vail was originally conceived as a mountain resort in the pattern of quaint European alpine village. tt remains fairly faithful to that lmage today' because of the conmitment of its early founders to that concept. However, recent rapid growth, both in size and popularity, has introduced nelr pressures for developrnent, which many feel threaten the unique qualities from which that success has been derived. There are rapidly increasing land values and resulting pressures to expand existing buitdings, infjll parcels, and even totally re' develop parcels less than l5 years old. This pressure for growth has brought with it the potentia'l for significant change. New materia'l s, new architectural styles, the premium on'l and usage, and sheer numbers of people and cars a'l 'l have potential'ly major impacts on the chdracter and function of Vajl. That is not to lmply that all growth and change in Vail is negative. There-are nany areas that are underdeveloped. The actua't area of Vail that g-ives it its uniiue character is but a sma'l'l'area of the Vi'l'lage. There are definitely opportunities to extend the character of the Core beyond its current limits. These Design Considerations, and the Urban Design P'lan as a who'le, are intended to guide giowth and change in ways that will enhance and preserve the essentia'l quaiities-of Vail Villagi. This-character, while inspired to a degree^by guropean mode'l s, has evol ved into a distinctly local interpretation. -AnyJtanbards, in the end, nust be based upon Vajl's ovln unique Characteristics. anO poteniia'l now, To preserve this ciraracter, care musd be taken to avoid both new irChitectural prototypes, and historica1 ones, loca] or foreign, which do nOt share the same design vocabulary. These Design Considerations are a recognition that there is a distinctive design character to the Vil'lage and that this character is important to preserve. The characteristics ldentJfled herejn, are first of al'1, descriptions of the orimary form-giving physica'l features of the Village. They are not exhaust'lve. iil."-i'". i aeicripiiirn-of those key e]enrents without which- the image of .Vai'l wouid be noticeably different. They are divided lnto two major categorles: ( General , large-sca'le land use p1 anning issues, as well as form conslderations which affect rpre than one property (or even whole areas). These considerations are primarily the purview of the Planning and Environrnnta'l CorrnJssJon. This Corrnission also has revlew responsibilities for additional zoning code.compliance such as density control , parking, etc. Archltecture/Lands cape Conslderati ons Detai'1, details, style and overa'll appropriateness of a design for a given site. These considerations are reviewed prlmarlly by the Design Review Board (DRB). Below is a general checklist of maJor lssues and concems which the aPp'licant nust address in the course of the revJew process. Each of the fol'lowing items should be addressed at least briefly ln any app'lication hearing or submitta'l: Urban Desiqn Considerations (Zonino Code Items Pedestri ani zati on Vehicle Penetration Streetscape Framework Street Enc'l osure Street Edge Bui lding Height Vi ews Density Control Landscape Area Reduction Parki ng l. RooFs Form Pi tch 0verhangs Compos i tion Stepped Roofs Materi a'l s Construction2. Ff,SRgis l4ateri al s Co'l or Transpa rency lli ndows Doors Trim3. BALCONIES Co'lor Si ze Mass Haterials Cons truction4. DECKS & PATIOS5. AccENT ELEI,IENTS6. LANDSCAPE ELEHENTS Pl ant Materia'ls Pavi ng Retaining l{alls Li ghting Si gnage7. SERVICE l4ateri al s Constructl on l. 2. 3. D. 5. 7 t. 1. 3. 4. 5. 5. {i o Second'ly' the_design conslderations rre intended to serve as quideline design Parameters. They are not seen as rlgld rules, or "cookbook dffi-elementsn to bring about a homogeneous appearance in Vall. Rather, they are a statement oflnterpretation, subscribed to by the Town Plannlng/Environmenta'l Conmission and Review Board, as to the pFesent physical charactei and objectives of the Vi'llage. They are intended to enable the Tovn staff and citlzen review boards to more clearly comnunicate to property owners planning and design objectives, and allow Property owners ln tovn to respond ln general conformance or to clearly dencnstrate why departures are warranted. Finally, these guldelines are intended to help fnfluence the fonn and design of buildings, not to estab'lish minimum building volumes. 0ften more than onecriteria applles to a given sltuation e.g. Building Height, Enclosure, Views and Sun/Shade - all are concerns applicable to building height and masslng - and they may be mutually confllcting if Judged on egual tenns. It is the role of the revlew boards, together with the app'l icant, to determine the relatlve lmportance of each consideration for a given situation. They then must app'ly those considerations to assure that a ba'lance is achieved between the rights of the pub'l ic and private sectors. ( ltr oo : t \ .c-' )t\ -/\ ,'-(J f),2"rJ '/, )J ../ \ <'"./' . \),'\,\i.' o l"t'(j-t' t/ URBAN DESIGN '' _ :- ' PEDESTRIAN IZATI ON All new or expansion construction shouldanticipate the approprjate level ofpedestrianization adjacent to the site. A major objective for Vail Vi'llaqe isto encourage pedestrian circulation through an interconnected network ofsafe, pleasant pedestrian wajrs. Manyof the improvements recognizbd in thb Urban Design Guide Plans, and accompanying Design Considerations, are to reinforce and expand thequality to pedestrian walkways throughout the Vil'lage. -.:. ; :- -' Since vehicular traffic cannot be"-; - removed from certain streets (bus - _ ._i , . -.:i -.:. -routes, delivery access) a totally . . ;_.._.-_j -:... ,r-ouf,es, oet.tvery access, a totally .: :-:L___- - _.car-free pedestrian system is not- , : i l- B.YEHICLE PEI{ETMTION To the maxlmum extent possible-. all non-resident traffic shou'l d be routed along the Frontage Road to Vail Village/Vail LionsHead parking structures. ln conjunctlon xith pedestrlanlzatlon 'o'bjectives, majo!" enphrsis 15 focusted upon reducing ruto penetration lnto Ure center of tJre Yillrge. Yail Rord and Yail Vallcy Drive rill continue{p serve rs tAc najor reutes for servfce and resident access to the r Ui I I age. Road constrlctions, traffic clrcles, signage, and other nEasures !re lndicated in The Guide Plans to visua'lly and physical'ly di scourage al'l but essential vehicle penetration beyond the Frontage Road. Alternative access points and private Parking re] ocation, where feasib'le, shou'l d be considered to further reduce traffic confl i cts i n the Vi'll age. C. STREETSCAPE FRAH5I{ORK To improve the quality of the walk'ing experience and give continu'ity to the pedestrian uaysr as a continuous system, two general types'of improve- ments adjacent to the walkways are considered: \nrw{ i 0pen space & landscaping - be rms , g rass , f'l owe rs and tree plmting as a :oft' colorful franexork linkrge rlotE lndestrltn routes ; cnd gfazas and park green Epaccs.ts open nodes and focal points along those foutrs, 2. lnflli conmrclr't gtorcfrcnts - expanslon of cxistlng buildlngs' or new lnfill developmnt to create ner conmercial activitY generators to give street life and vlsual intertst' ls attrac- tlons at keY 'locations along pedestrian rcutes. 9,irqe 6nA ral V ffi,W,iW ka$" cWpgnoge Oillr4 65fr'utbaero I fz+T? ar u/.2 i to hwdah ard*nw ! so]:eQQ D. It is not intended to enc'lose a'll Yillage streets rith buildings, as ln the Core Area. Nor is lt desireab'le to leave pedestrian str''eets 'ln the open and sonra+hat undefined condJtion evident in nuny other artas of Vai'l . Rather, it is desired to have a variety of open and enclosed spaces' both built rnd landscrped xhich cr€ate a strong framtork for gedestrian rrlks as rell as visual interest and rctivity. STREET EilqLoSURE Ithile buildlng facade heights shou'ld not be un{form from building to bullding, they should Provide a "comfortable" enclosure for the street. Pedesirian streets are outdoor rooms rhose walls are fonned by the build'ings. The shape and feel of these 'rooms' are created by the variety of heights and massing (three-dimensiona'l vari- ations) which give much of the visua'l interest and pedestrian sca'l e unique to Vail. Very genera'l ru'les, about the percepti.on of ixierior spaces have been deve'l oped (ernpirically) by designers, based on the characteristics of human visi0n. They suggest that: . an externa'l enclosure is most cqnfortab'le where its walls are aPProximatelY lr as high as .thexiitn or the space cnclosed; if the ntio falls to I or less' the sprce'3eems unenclosed; !n$ \-rJ I if the height is xidth, it corPs canyon. greater than the to r€seflble a ln actual application, facldes are seldqn uniform in height on both sldesgf the street, nor ls tJris desired. Thus, some latitude ls appropriateln the application of this L - to - Iratio. Usjnq the lveraQe frcade heiqhtof both sidei ri'll-lEffi'lly sttll be a gulde to the'ccnfortab'leness"of the cnclqstrre. belng crerted. fi' .1.* -'-Lln strre instaficls, Ure ,ctnyon' effectfs rcceptable rnd even desllable -for cxamp'le, rs ! short.connecting Ilnkage between langer spaces - togive variety to the walking experience. 'For sun,/shade reasons, it is often tdvantageous to orient any longer segments in a north-south direction. Long canyon streets in an east-westdirection should generally be d i s couraged. lJhen exceptions to the general height criteria occurr special design con- sideration should be glven to creating a wel'l-deflned ground floor pedestrian emphasis to overcome the canyon effect. Canopies, awnings, arcade and bullding extensions can a'l I create a pedestrian focus and divert attention from uPPer building heights and'canyon' effect. . For other consideratlons on bullding nassing see: x Ytz= t .tt<lo.6x r Bui'lding ilcight Sun/Shade Yiars Street [dge 'r E. ) Un1 ike many Arnerican to+ns there are no itanOarO s-etUact requirenent! fol buildings in Vait Village. Consistent with the desire for intimate pedestrlan scale, P1 acement of Portions of a bu'i 'l di ng at or near the Property'line is a'l 'l owed and encouraged t0 g'lve strong definition to the pedestrian s treets. Bui'ldinEs in tjre Vil'lage Core shou'ld form a itrong but irregu'lar edge to the street. t{here bui'ldings jog to create activitY Pockets, other e'l ements can be used to con- tinue the street edge: - lov Pl anter wa1 'l s - arcades - iiee'pianting - raised decks - rai sed si dewa'l ks - texture changesin ground surface ffi; ) This is not to lmPlY continuous lriiains frontage- along the property 'l i ne. A st rong street edge r s imoortant for continuitY' but oeifectly a'l'igned facades over too ions a distanie tends to be .Initonort. llith on]y a few Hc!;fi;;;' i n..ttre- ii li aee, .s'l,i shtlY iti"-.rtar facade lines, buildingj;;;:-;;a lindscaPe areas' sive iiie'to the street and visua'l- i"iitiit-ior Pedestrian travel ' acliltata \ /\c.,, {te ..) lle'ight of side wa'll does not'increase G. V] E!.JS AND FOCAL PO]NTS Vai'l's mountain/val'ley setting is a fundamenta'l part of its identity. Views of the mountains, ski siopes, geologic features, etc. are constant reminders of the rpuntain environment and, by repeated visibility, orientation reference points. Certain building features are a'l so important character features, orientation references . anC visua'l focal points. ', The most slgnificant and obvious view corridors have been designated on the View Corrjdor Hap (an element of the Vai'l Village Urban Design Framework Plan) and photographical'ly documented (photos on fi'le in the Corrnunity Development Department). However, the view corridors depicted on the maps and in the photographs should not be considered exhaustive. There are obvicusly many other lmportant views too numberous to map. llhen evaluating a development proposal , fjrst priority should be given to an analys'is of the impact of the project on views from pedestrian areas, xhether designated or not. The views deslgnated to be preserved orlginate from either major pedestrian areas or public p'l azas. They are views of the ski mountaln, the Gore Range or the Clock Tower. The vlews of the ski slopes and of the Clock Tower which were selected to be preserved were chosen due to their significance, not only from an aesthetic standpoint' but also as orientation reference points to helP the guests determine their location. And, of iourse, looking east from the Vail Vlllage area, one views the dramatic Gore Range provlding some of the most beautiful scenlc views anywhere. ( Plazas, patios, green areas are im- portant focal points for: gathering, restlng, orienting and should be distributed throughout the Vi'llage with due conslderation to: - spacing - SUh tCCeSS- opportunities for views- pedestrian activity See also: ' - Sun/Shade Building Height Street Enc'l osure Views The def init jon of height sha'l'l be htignt restrictions in Connercia'l l. Up to 60i of the building (bui'lding triigtrt of 33 feet or less. as i', i s in the Vail Hunicipa'l Code' Buil ding Core I sha'l 'l be as f o'l I ows : coverage area) naY be built to a F. BUILDING HElGIlT Basica.|ly,ther/.i.I.|ageCoreisperceivedasamixoftwoandthreeslory facades, a.lthoueh t#;.-;;;;it5-i;;; ina tire story bu'i1dinos. The mix of bu.i.ld.ing hei_ohts g.ives .var.iety to the siru.t::*ni.h is.deiirable. The height criteria are intended to Lncour't!.-ni,ight ind r'assing variety and to discouraqe unlTorn building heights along the street' 2, No nrore than 40x of the building (building coverage area) may be higher tfl.n Si feet, but not higher than 43 feet' 3. To{ers, spires. cuPo'las,-chinneys,,fiagpo'l::' an{ 1]mi]ar architectura'l features no, ,r"lii. ii'eiort n!siOtniili Fi6ot Area-nav extend^above the hejght limii-i oistanc. of !g! more than twenty-five percent 0t ;il; i;;i;ili ii"ii no. more than fifteen feet' 4.Theaboveheightsarebasedonanassumed3fee'''in't2feetor4feetin l2 feet roor-iiictes. To accommoiate and encour3ge steePer roof pitches (up to 5";;;;-i; ri-rlii), tilit'tl proportiona.te heieht lncreases could be s..n.ri;;'ir;; ii irr.-friisni'oi'u[iiline side walls is not increased (see diagratn tol l0wtn9)' Any propose.d bui'lding changes which would encroach into, or substantially a'lter, the designated major viov planes wi'l I be di scouraged, l'li nor encroach- ments lnto the designated minor viet planes may be acceptable. Emphasis should be upon framing and enhancing vlar gJanes rather than protruding directly into them. Ihether affecting the desiqnated view planes or n6t, thtifiF of rll proposed building expansions on views from pedestrian nays must be deronstrated' and niti gated where xarranted. u SERVICE AND DELIVERY Any building expansion should preserve the functions of existing service al leys. The few service alleYs that exist in the Vi'l 'l age are extremelY important to minimizlng vehicle coirgestion on Pedestrian waYS. The-use of, and vehicul ar tccess to, those alleys shou'l d not be e'l iminated excePt where functional, a'lternatiYes are grovi ded. ln all nat and remode'led con- Structionr'del ivery which avolds or reducei lmPacts on Pedestrian :ays shopld be cxPlored', and '- rd-optld xhenevtr-gractical ' for trniOiate or future usag9.' Rear !ccess, basement, and be'low-ground aeii"iiy corridois reduce congestion' iia$rii protection increases del ivery ef f i cientY substanti a'l'lY' Eelow grade delivery corridors are found ln,a few buildings ln Va'ilYil lage (sitanark/eore-Credk plaza, Village Center, Vail Vil'lage Inn). Consideration should be given to extending these corridors r-here feasib'le and the creation of newones. As bulldings are constructed or_rerpdeled, - tfie opportun'ity mayexist to develop segnents of afuture syst€n ! a)rrtr,ox 5u/t 4itr,AiYaU etn 61!;e ,5e' In a'l 'l building construction, shade sha'l I be considered in massing and overall height gonsideration. Not- rithstanding, srm/snaae considerations tre not lntinded to restrict building heiqht allonances' but rather to infiuence the massing of buildings. Limited hefght excePtions maY be granted to meet this criteria. t-J'?bt.+lxlat' '&7t. 1o I. SUN/SHADE Due to Vai'l 's a'l pine c'l imate, sun is an irnportant comfort factor, especially in winter, fall and spring. Shade areas have arrtient temperatures sub- stantia'lly below those of adjacent direct sunlit areas. 0n a'l i but the hrarmest of surmer days shade can easily lower temperatures below comfortab'le levels and thereby negatively impact uses of those artas. A1'l new or expanded bui)dings shou'l d not substantia'l ly increase the spring and fall shadow Pattern (flarch 2l through SePt' 23) on adjacent propert'ies or the publ ic R.0.!'l . Additlons to exlsting buildings may be created in several ways to avoid extending shadow Patterns. ARCHITECTURE/LANDSCAPE CONSIDERATIONS BOOFS lrlhere vis'ib'le, roofs are often one of the nrost dominant architectural elementsin any buj'l t environment. In the Village roof form, co] or and texture are vi sibly doninant, and generally consistent, which tends to un'ify the building diversity to a great degree. The current expression, and objective,for roofs in the Village is to form a consistently unifying backdrop for the architecture and pedestrian streetscape, and to avoid roofs which tend to stand out individually or di stract visually from the overa'l l ch a ra cter. Roof Forms ) Roofs within the Vi'llage are typically gable in form and of moderate-to''low oitcfr. Shed roofs are frequentlY irsed for snn'l'l additions to I arger buildings. Free-standing shed roofs, butterflY roofs and flat r.oofs, can be found in the Vjllage but t[ey are'general 1y considered to be out of iharacter and inapprop- rjate. HiP roofs likewise are rare and qeneraily inconifstent with the charicter of the Core Area. Towers ire exceptions, in both form and pltch, tb ttre general.criteria' but do have an established.local veinacu'tar sty'le which shou'ld be respected. MNtt( wu,oat L2 1_ PJ tch Roof slopes Jn the VII'lage typically range from 3/l ? to 6/'12, wi th sl i tht'ly steiper pitches in limited applications. Again, for visual consistencY this gineral 3112-6/12 range should be preserved. (see .9ry!g|!.9!]. below-) Overhanos Generous roof overhangs are also an estab'l ished architectural feature in the Vi'llage - a traditlonal expression of shelter in alpine environments. Roof overhangs typically range from 3 to 6 feet on a'll edges. Specific deslgn consideratjon should be given to protection of pedestrian ways adjacent to buildings. Tee fal'ls, snow s'l ides, and runoff hazards can be reduced by roof orientation, gutters, arcades, etc. Overhang detai'l s are treated with varying degrees of ornamentation. Structural e'l ements such as roof beams are expressed beneath the overhangs' simply or decoratively carved. The roof fascia is thick and wJde, giving a substantial edge to the roof. Composi ti ons The intricate roofscape of the village rs a whole is the resu'l t of manY in- aiviOuat simple roof configurati.ons' Fot any singie building a-varied but simo'ldcsnp6sition of roof planes is oreierred to either a single or-a torplex arrangertnt of many roofs' As lndividual roofs become more complex ffi ili attracts visual attention. iriv i"ot the streetscape and the tota'l "iiiiscii" ienas to*t"d-i'busyness" rather than a backdroP comPosition' ey't'lo elz obry I 13 I As buildings are stepped to reflect existing grade changesr resultlng.ro0r steps should be made Hhere the nelgnl cr,iirse wi'll be vlsually significant' i..iitions which are too subtle appear ii ii-"oii stvlistlc than functional' inU out of chiracter rith the nnre -iiiaieht:foruard roof desi gn typical ln the Village. llateri a I s Hood-shakes , wood shingl es, and bui'l t- up tow and gravel are a'lmost exclusiveil used as roof materia'l s in the Village. (See Construction be'l ow. ) For visua'l cons iilffiifi-ther materi a'l s shou'l d have the appearance of the above. Cons truct i on Conmon roof problems and design-con- siderations in this climate include: - snows'l ides onto pedestrian walks - gutters freezing - foor dams and witer infiltration - heavy snow loads Caiifui attention to these functional details is reconrnended, as well as familiarity rith the local building code' provln construction details' and torrn ordinances. For built-up mofs, Pitches of 4/12 or steePer do not hold gravel wett' For shingle Foofs' pitches -of ^4112or sha'l lower often result in ice dams and backflow leakage under the shingles- I4 \ Cold-roof construction ls strongly preferred, unless warm-roof benefits for a specific app'lication can be demonstrated. Cold-roofs are double- roofs which lnsulate lnd prevent snow srelt from lnternal building heat. By retaining snow on the roof, many of the problems listed can be reduced. Perlodic snow r€mova1 xill be rcquired and shou'ld be antlcipated in the design. Roof gutters tend to ice-in completely and beccrne ineffective in the Vai] climate, especial'ly in shaded north- side locations. Heating the interior circumference with heat-tape elements or other devjces is general'ly nec- essary to assure adequate runoff control in colder months. K@fw 15 FACADES Stucco, brlck, rood (rnd glass) are the primary bullding naterials found In the til'lage. tlhile mt rlshlng to restrict design freedom oveprnuch, existing conditions show that xithln this sma]l nnge of naterirlsruch vrriation and lndivlduality rre possible vhile pre- serving a basic harrrony. Too manY diverse materials reaken the contlnuity and repetitlon wiich unifies the street- scape. 0f the above nateria'l s,stucco is the most consistently used materia'l . llost of the bui'ldings in the Village exhibit some stucco, and th€re are vjrtually no areas where stucco is entirely absent. It is intended to preserye the dominance of stucco-by its use in portions, at 'l east. of all new facades, and by assuring that other materials are not used to the exclusion ,of stucco in any sub-area within the llillage. Co] or ^) \ There is greater latitude in the use of ioioi in [tre Village, but stil'l a iiill..iuie-consisiency xithin a general range of colors. For rood surfaces, trim or siding' darker i6io. ton"s are preferred - brorns' greysr ;i;;:fiF, aart' ollve, slate-greens' etc' Stucco colors are general1y-light - I!!tt'il;;;; ilii-e"io' ii ottrei llsht pastels' blnEr'tisltt io'lors could. be approprlate' ii ionsiiered on r case-by-case basls' Erioht colors (red, orange, -b.'l u.es ' "i"iJn'-itc.) ihould be avoided fo.r iilsoi'rlail pianes' but can be-used liilitj"iiv' (wi tt - restraint) for iiioritr"J tiim, wa'll graPhics' and^ ;il;;;;;;"i elernents (see E' Accent Elements ) 16 \ Genera'l ly, to avoid both "bus1mess", and weak visual interest, the variety of maior wall colors (and materia'ls - exiluding glass) should not exceed four nor be less than bro. A color/naterial change betueen the oround floor and uPPer floors ls r ionrnon and effecti ve r'einforcemnt of the pedestrian scale of the street. Trans parencv Pedestrian sca1e is created in many xays' but a major factor is the oPenness' iiirictiieness' and generallv p-ubli.c character of the ground f'loor facade of adjacent bui l di ngs. Transparent.. store fronts are "people attractors"' opaque or sol id wa1'l s are more pr'lvare' iinpiy "do not aPProach". 0n pedestrian-oriented streets such as in the Village, ground floor conmercia'l facades are proportionately more trans- parent than upper floors. UPper f'l oors are typcially more residential , private and thus less open. lll llHiijHilH{ i,H J iH ii {hEErlnW t? As I measure of transparencyr the rpst characterlstic and successful grrund f'loor facades range from 55X to 70% of the total length of the cormercia'l facade. Upper floors are often the converse 302-45C transparent. . Examples of transparency (linea'l 'feet of g'lass to llneal feetof facade) on gnound'level. - Covered 8rldge Bldg. 58X- Pepi's Sports 7lZ- Gasthof Gramsharrrer 48%- The Lodge 66'l- Golden Peak House 62%- Casino Euild'ing 30%- Gorsuch Building 511 lli ndows In addition to the general degree of transparency, window details are an important source of pedestrian sca'l e- gi ving elements. The slze and shape of uindows are often a response to the function of the street adjacent. For c'lose-up, casual pedestrian viening windows are typically sized to human-iized dimensions and characteristics of human vision. (Larg'e 9'lass-wa1'l store- fronts suggest uninterrupted viering' as from a moving car. The sense of intimate oedestrian sia'le is dimJnished. ) Ground iloor display windows are typically ralsed s'llghtly l8 feet + and do not-. eitend muc6 ovlr 8 feet above the ralk- 'xay level. Ground floors which are noliceably above or belorv grade are excepti ons. I , rzA j' The articulation of the windoir itselfls stil'l another element ln giving pedestrian scale (human-related dimenslons). Glass areas are usually subdivided to express indjvidua'l window elements - and are further subdivided by mullions into sma'll panes - xhich is responsible for much of the old-world charm of the Village. Similarly, xindo:s rr€ rPst often clustered in banks, Juxtaposed with plain xall surfaces to give a pleaslng rhythm. Horizontal rcpetitlon of slngle ri-ndow e'lements , especi a'l 'ly over I ong distances, should be avoided. Large single pane xindows occur in the Village, and provide some contrast, as long as they are generally consistent in form with other windows. Long continuous 91 ass is out of character. !orre'.{+t tqplniat cahune glz* orw Bav. bow and box rlndows are conmon iti'ior details, nhlch further variety and massing to facades - and tre encouraged. r'tJl nl'id'sel 1rcbn4uler and},d.5 taft,ql, \rytwu Prfg b1 box bou Reflective glass, plastlc panes, and rlr,minun or other mtal frames are not consistent in the Vi'llage and should be avoided. l{eta'l-c'lad or plastic clad Hood frames, having the appearanceof painted rood have been used success-fully and ane acceptable. Doors Llke rindors, doors ar€ irflport.nt tocharacter and scale-giving architectura'l clements- They should also be som€ilhat transparent (on retai'l conmercial facades) and consjstent in detailing with windows and other facade elements. Doors with glass contribute to overallfacade transparency. Due to thevisibi'lity of people and merchandiseinside, windowed doors are somewhatnore effective in drawing people insideto retai'l corqnercial facades. Althouohgreat variations exist,25-3071 *. transparency is felt to be a minimum transparency objective. Private resj dences, lodges, restaurants, andother non-retail estab'l ishments havedifferent visibi'l ity and character needs, and doors should be desionedaccordingly. Side'l ight windows-are a'l so a means of introducing door- transparency as q compler,rent or sub-sti tute for door'windows. da*,rd*ri- al laEl h/t" gla* adwblel sof€att 19 o Artlculated doors have the decorative quality desired for Vail. Flush doors, light aluminum frlmes, plastic applique elements all are considered {nappropriate. llOTE: Security is an important design consideration in Vail' Dead- bolt locks are encouraged' Locks, door handles and glass should all be designed to discourage break-Jns' Security-design discussions with the io.n poiice siaff are encouraged' As an expression of entrY' and sheltered relcome, protected entry- rays tre encouraged. DooruaYs raY be r.ecessed, Gxtended' or covered. 20 Trim Prominent wood trim is a'l so a unifying feature in the Village. Particularly at ground f'loor leve'l s' doors -and windons have strongr contrastlng (see @lor,-Facades ) framing elernents' itrictr-Tie the various elements together ln one cmposition. llindors eni doors are trcated !s strong visua'l features. Glass-wall detalling for either is typicallY avoided. ) 21 DECKS AND PATIOS Dining decks and patios, rhen properly deslgned and sited, bring people to the streets, opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to th€ liveliness of a busy street- naking a rlcher pedestrlan experience than if those strtets were empty. A revlan of successful decks/pat{os In Vail r.eveals seycral cqrnon char- rcteri sti cs - direct sunl'ight from ll:00 - 3:00 lncreases use by many days/year and protects from wind - e'levated feet to give views into the pedestrian walk (and not the reverse) - physical separation from pedestrian wa]k of to (planter better than a wall) - overhang gives pedestrian sca'le/ shelter. Decks and patios shou'ld be sited and designed with due consideration to: - sun - views - rind - Pedestrian activitY ,b,glutry .or.bWi, x ahw5 .lnbrt)la or t!+'e( eluqfft hr ubr anlsale 'l-lfi+tape evld,ore hu$N Zl,niit-.Ava zz BALCONIES Bal conies occur on a'lmost a'l 'l buil dinqsin the Viliage which have at least a - second 'level facade wa1 'l . As strong repetitive fentures they: - give scale to buildings - give life to the street (nhen used)- add variety to building forms - provide shelter to pathxays below.. The prominance of balcony forms is due to several falrly ctxrnon characterlstics: Co'lor Thev contrast in co'lor (dark) with the buiiding, typ'ica'lly nntching the trim co]ors (see- Facade-Col or). Si ze \ They extend far enough from the bui'lding to cast.a prominent shadow pattern- Balconies in Vai'l are functiona'l as we'l 'l as decorative. As such, they should be of useable size and located to encourage use. Balconies less than six feet deep are se] dom used, nor are those always in shade, not oriented to views or street 'li fe. l{ass -efur.et,ln io bc : hr,ilty,a;l or daoi*lt,htl Ute$tli\ .' t\rwt^'ts' wf !tlte*f. Thev are cor'.nron'ly massive yet seni-trans- oarint. distinctive from the building, vet a'liowing the bui'ldjng to be somewhat vtsiU'le behind. Solid ba'lconies. are found occasionally, and tend to be too dorninant obscurfng the bui'lding archi- tecture. tight bllconies lack the iiiuat lmpacl which ties the Village together. luk fui'ot liqht brt!,ftl lia*qrau:1.' ,--bala'l prrt.A*' ftn h'tJrn1 o Igteri a'ls Iood ba'lconies are by far the rost conmon. Vertica] structural rcmbers rre the most dominant visually' often decoratively sculpted. Decoratlve Hrought iron balconies are also conslstent visually xhere the vertical :nenbers are close enough to create semi-transparency. Plpe rails' and plastic, canyas or glass panels should be avolded. Construc tion Cantilevered beams, beams extended to support the ba'l cony, are most often visibly exposed on the underside of balconies. As such they are an expression of structure and tie the balconies to the buildjng visua11y. ApfUzott \\r T ef >htafure/ K 24 , ACCENT ELEMENTS The life, rnd festlve qua'llty of the Village is given by judicious use of accent elements which give color, rbvement and contrast to the Village. Co]orfu'l accent e'lemnts consistent with existlng character are encouraged' such ts: Arnings and canoples - clnvas, bright color or stripes of two colors. Flags, banners - hanging from buildings, po]es, and even across streets for sPecial occasions. Umbre'l las - over tables on outdoor patios. Annual color flowers - in beds or in' planters. Aclent I ighting - bui I dings ' p'lazas 'windows, trees (even Christmas liqhts a1l winter).' Painied wa11 graPhics - coats of arms, syrnbo] s, accent compositions' etc. Fountains - sculptural ' wj th both wjnter and surmer character- 25 L LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS Landscape considerations include, but go beyond, the placement of appropriate plant materials. Landscape conslderations Jncl ude: - plant naterlrls- paving- retalning ralls- street furnltur- (benches, llosks, trash, etc. )- ll9htin9- slgnage Pl ant !,laterl a'l s 0pportunities for p'lanting are not extensive in the Village, which places a premlum on the pl ant selection and deslgn of the sites that do exist. Framework p'l anting of trees and shrubs should inc]ude both deciduous and evergreen species for year round continuity and interest. Native plants are somewhat 'limited in variety, but are clearly best able to withstand the harsh winter c'l imate, and to tle the Village visually withits mountain setting. Some typica'l 'local p'lant materia'ls i ncl ude: Trees l{arrow-leaf cottonwood Balsam poplar Aspen Lodgepo'le plne Colorado spruce Subalpine flr. Shrubs llill*r Dogrood Servi ceberry Alpine currant Chokecherry llugho pi ne Potenti l.'la Buffaloberry 26 Pavi ng The freeze/thaw cycle at this a'ltitude vl rtual'ly el iminates cormon si te-cast concrete as a paving surface (concrete spall). Hlgh-strength concrete may- rork ln selected conditions. Asphalt brick (on concrete or on sand), and concrete block appear to be best suited to the area. ln general , Pavlng treatmnts shou'l d be coordinated with that of the public R.O.lJ.' adjacent. The Town uses the folloring rnaterials for a'l I new constructi on: - asphalt - general use Pedestrian streets- brick on concrete - feature areas (plaras, intersections, fountains, etc. ) I Retai ni na l'la'l I s Retaining wa1'ls to raise p1 anting area oiten pritects the 'landscape IroToeJ"ltiiuns and snowp'lows, and should brovide seating oPPortunities: Two types of naterial are a'lready wel.1- ;;i.bi i s hed i n the v i'l I age and shou'l d be utjlized for continuitY' - sPlit-face ross rock reneer - iitlag" Core Pedestrian streets ( tyPi cal ) - rounded cobb'le hidden mortar - ln oPen tpace areas if above. tYPe not lt.eaby established nearbY' ..G;.ili;:-'ro,n-oi vail entryxa'l'l ) Iood retaining ralls are strong'ly dis- couraqed due to dcteriorati0n causeo ii-iri-r,aistr ctimate. Thev mav.be I'trilli "eti usea with apPropriate-- Aetiiting to resist rot and express crafted ioint conditions' J _) 27 : Lithtinq ' Light rtandards should be coordlnated- with those used by the Town ln thepubllc R.0.t. 9lqnrqr tafcr to Tom of Ualt Slgnrge 0rdlnancc. Golorful lnnuals rre used In key locatlons thnoughout the Vlllage to acccnt pedestrlan tneas, hlghllght bullding entrles, rnd rs plazr focil These cplor acccnts can be provlded ln: - rettined planting beds- florver boxes- hanging pots' baskets- ground beds 28 o SERVICE Trash hand'l ing is extremely sensitivein a pedestrian environment. Trash collectlon is primarily made ln off-peak hours. lt is the building owners responsibility to assure thatexisting trash storage problems are corrected and future ones avoided. Garbage, especially from food service establjshments must be carefu'l ly considered, including : - quantities generated- pick-up frequency,/access- conta'iner sizes- enc'losure location/design- visua'l , odorimpacts Garbage col lection boxes or dumpsters must be readily accessible forcol - lection at a'll times yet fully screened from public view - pedes- trians as wel I as upper level windowsin the vicinity. llateria'ls Exterior naterials for garbage en- closures should be consistent with that of adjacent buildings. Constructj on Durabillty of the structure and oper- ability of doors Jn a'l'l weather are prime concerns. l.leta'l frames and posts behind the preferred exterior materials should be considered to withstand the inevitable abuse these structures suffer. .,I fuq E I I -l 29 t7 lS .1 toL' box i00 vail, colorado 91657 (303) 476-s613 llay 3O, 1tI79 department of commun ity development Bon Riley Box 91OYail, O 816b2 Re: Pavsent of Drivanray Behind }lcBride gqilding and ore House Dear Rcn: This letter is to give ycu permission to pave the driveray behindthe McBride Erilding ana ttre orb Fouse. we understand that tbreYill b"_ a gate placed 3t !h" ,rpe." e"O of this a"t"*r', "arich willlirit tbe access to only_delivliy-vetriefes, tte eililfrit*a., S"ottEopmn and Bod slifer. -Dre to tir:.s-Ging , ri'iiJ-aE"."u o"irr**y,re Eq+d- lile the pavlng surface not to &ceed r0 feet ana a phntedarea to be placed on botb sides of tbe a.sphart. we wculd a1o requestthat scme ba*ier be plaged almg tG Nco,;h ;ide dt itJi""r.ing areato stcp rrehicles frm going onto-the gra^ss. As a firther condilicn_of tlis appro'ar, re *rld J.ike yor to randscape. tbe stream bark almg Core freek.' se upuld appreciate seeing a plan for this area before irpnormtsare started. ff yan harrc any questions, please let re know. Sincenely, ?r, /r',,- ,rr/, Zoniag A&ninistrator cc: Rich Cap).an, Tcmn lrtanagerDick Ryan Rod Slifer Scott Hopmn '/ "-'o-'(' Janes A. hlbin PROOF' STATE OF COLOIIADO COUNI'Y OT'EAGLII OF PUBLICATION of lllE Vi\lL TRAIL; that ihe same is a weekly nt,wspaper lrinled, in whol(' or in parl ald published in the County of Hagle, State of(;olorado. and has a gencral circuiation lherein; that said n..rvspaper has been publishrid coirtinuously and rrnintemrotedly in said County of Eagle for a period of nrote than tlfty-two consccutive vreeks next prior to the first publication of the anncxe.d le.gal notice or advertiscment; that, said newspaper has bcen admitted to the United Siates mails as second-class matier under the provisions of the Act of Idarch 3, 18?9, or any amendments thcreof, and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualified fcr publishing legal notices and advertisemcnts within the meanirlg of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legd nolice or odyertisement was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of saitl weekly newspaper for the period of I consecutive insertions; and that the fint pubication of said notice was in the issue of said newspape. 6usua rJVLY 12- e .D, fi14 and that the last publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated \\uLY t)* A.D.1e?+ O * *t,nu:.'un:t"of I have hereunto set my hand this - $UtY A.D.1e7+ day of Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary ty of Eagle, State of Colorad,o, this -{J-! aay of ^.D. $ zy' ss. '-'[)1c9>;,9-** Fubtrie fileffEee NOTTCE Cts PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HETlESY G IVEN _ that Mr, R6dncY E. Sliler tePre- senting John Mc8ridc, ha9 applied tor'a ptrking varin cc or cxefiptrorl in accord with Sect'on l4,60l of Ord;naaco No. I {S€ries of }973} in ordcr to allow an apartment unit to be converled to commerciJl tpace lot,'Co!nify Flair". The !na1 i5 located in the McBiide Bullding on Gore Creek Drive. NOT ICI IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1,4r. Robert Ruder reprcsen!in9 Lodqc Prooertius. hai applred for a lul|ffiTiiii-conn o' var rance In accord \4,ith Sectlcn 3.506 ot Ordinnnce No. I (Serict.ot 1973) in order to rllo!v thc additiorl of a traah and siofngc buildino to an nlro!dy nonconformi 9 Struc ture. Saad pro- 9O5ec builcln! wo!lcl be dtlacn€d to the original Lodge at vail. A publ;c hearing will be held in accordance with Sectiorl 21.400 of tho zoning ordinance on A\rgust l, 1974 .1( 3:O0 p-rn. in thc Vail lvluaicipal tluilcirr9. Said vsr,ancos v/iit bc hoaro belore the Town of Voil Pianning Comm i5ri on anc lin<lin9! will be lrtnsmitred to tn€ Town CoLrncit tor the TovJn ol Vdil. TO\,VN OF VAIL By D iana S. Toughill zonlng Adminastrator Pub{ished in Th€ Vail Trail on JulY t2, I974. rhe .RJg 1[tEgi public in and for the My Conrmission ,*1ir*u 'ftLev*l'-, I L 19-?.l] box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 l,fay 30, 1979 department of community development Ron Riley Box 910 Vail, @ 81657 Re: Pavqrent of Driveray Behind lvlcBride lsilding and Ore llouse Dear Rcn: lhis letter is to give ycrr perrrlssion to pave the drivernay behind the McBride Building and tbe Ore ltrouse. We understand that therewill be a gate placed at the ulrper end of ttris drivoray, which willliruit the access to only delivery vehicles, the garbage truck, Scott Eoermn and Rod Slifer. Dre to this being a limited access drivtray,re rlqrld f-ike the paving surface not to es(ceed 10 feet and a planted area to be placed on both sides of the a.sphalt. We would also requestthat scrn barrier be placed alcrg the North side of the parking areato stop vehicLes frun going onto the gxass. As a firttrer cond"iticn of this appnoval, re mrld like ycnr to laldscape the stream bank al.org Core Cbeeh. We uould app:reciate seeing a plan for this area before irqlroriements are starbed. ff you harre any questions, please 1et ne lgrop. Sincerely, 1 ,/)'-): ,,.., n ;,' ,( ,. 1 , r- / ("/ ' Janes A. hrbi:r Zoning Adni-nistrator eE,2 Rich Caplan, Tom llanager Dick ftyan Rod Sl-ifer Scott Hopmn . MINUTES PLANNING & ENVIRONMEI{TAL COMIIyIISSION, ocToBER 10, l.978 Members Present: Ed Drager, Chairman Jim Morgan. 531.9"fi1i1" Roger Tilkemeier Gerry llthite Staff: A11en Gerstenberger James Rubin The meeting was brought to order by Ed Drager, Chairman. Jim Rubin suggested we go Item 3 on the Agenda, The Vail Mountain School Conditional Use Permit. Jay Peterson asked for z postponement for two weeks because he felt that sufficient notice had not been given. Pam Garton made a Motion to postpone the Vail Mountain School Conditional Use Permit hearing for two weeks (October 24, 1978). Seconded by Gerry lYhite. The motion passed with unanimous approval . The next ltem was #2 on the Agenda, Vail Athletie Club Parking Var j-ance. Pepi Gramshammer represented the Vail Athletic Club. A request to convert a parking space into a laundry room was made. The reason for thls was that the designated laundry room was inadequate for the large heavy duty washers and dryers. There was some concern from Pam Garton about the traffiepattern in the winter and how it would affect the parking spacesavailable if one space was given up to a laundry room. Jim Rubin explained that Fitzhugh Scott had converted 2 accommodation units and I dwelling unit into a 3 bedroom apartment,but this had only reduced the existing parking requirement by /10of a space. The variance therefore r,vould sti}l be required. Gerry Whlte made a Motion to approve the Variance withthe condition that no further parking variances rvould be granted andthat Pepi be assessed $1OOO for a parking space as stipulated bythe Torvn Council. Seconded by Roger Tilkemeier. The Motion passed by a vote of six in favor of approval , Sandy htil1s opposed, .!Feq The next rtem on the Agend.a was #4, Dave Elmore property Zoning, Pam Garton wanted to know what was suggested three weeksago. she was informed that for the 11# acre pai-el that a maximumdensity be set at 10 units per acre with the possible ad.dition of 4units per acre for long-term rental units. The planning &Environmental Commission, after much cliscussion, felt that this densitywas too great. Pam Garton then made a Motion that Dave Elmores I1gacres be zoned Residential cluster (6 units per acre), but that hecould build up to an additional 6 units per icre for'iong-termrental housing. The upper portion will be zoned primaryfsecondary and the sma1l parcet on the west side w111 be includ.ed iir trre lar[epar:cel for densi-ty but will not be allowed to have new developmentplaced on it. seconded by Gerry white. The Motion was passed.wi.th unan j-mous approval . Pam Garton made a Motion to postpone theSub4ivision Item #1 on the Agenda. Ed-Drager asked PEC MINUTES ocToBER 10, l97B flEaT-TEe Board knorvs that-they have to act on itGerry llthite seconded the motion. Thermotion passeclapproval . Pam Garton made a motion to adjourn,Ylhite. The meeting adjourned at 4:27 p,M. for next with Minora reminder meeting. unanimous The 5th Item on the Agenda, Clock Tower Buildingfmprovements A1len Gerstenberger presented a plan by Eldon Beckon conceptual bui.lding i-mprovements.for the clock rorver Building.The Board was favorable to the presentation and stated that morebuildings shouLd do'the same type of improvements. Allen Gerstenberger discussed that he was submittingthe names of the Planning & Envi-ronmental commission and Design'Review Board members for the vail community serviee season passProgram, through which free ski passes w1lr be issued by vailAssociates. Seeonded by Gerry ), TOr MEMORANDUM PLANNING COMMISSION FROM; DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REr JOIIN KAEIIMER REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND PARKING VARIANCE * IUCBRIDE BUILDING The staff has reviewed the Conditional Use Permit request according to Section 18,600 of the Zoning Ordinance and have the following comments i Request; The applicant has requested that an existing dwelling unit consisting of approximately 1140 square feet, located on the second floor of the lrtcBride Building be converted'to an antique shop. The request would also require a parking variance for two spaces. I,Factors A. Belationshlp and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. B. The applicable development objective under the Horizontal Zonlng Ordinance that 1s of concern in the request is the continuance of the various commercial , residential , and public uses in ComrnerciaL Core I so as to maintain the existing character of said area. Our pqincipal concern with the conversion of this type of unit ('GRFA over 1,OOO square feet) is that it is a relatively rare housing type. Of the total estimated GRFA allocated to dwelting or accommodation units (263,796 sq, ft' or 64,627o of total estimated sq. ft. in CCI). This housing type aceounts for onl_y 44,751 sq. ft. (approximately 39 units oyI7% of the total'estimated sq. ft. in CC1 ). This unit constitutes 3% of the sq. ft. allocated for this type of dwelling unit, Due to the limited availability of this housing type,, we believe it would have significant j-mpact on the desirable mix that is currently existing in CCl, C. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and iecreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. Our principal concern. under this factor would be the dis- tribution of population. llle belleve that the size of this unit would be eondusive to encouragement of permanent residents to use the unit . which we feel is desirable. o1QnPlanning Qgt4tniss October 23 1975 Page 2 F. D Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to conges-tionT automotive and pedestrian safety and conveniencetrafflc flow and control, access. maneuverability, and re-moval of snow from the streets and parklng ateas,' We forsee no major conflict with these considerations; however, the use would involve some truck traffic fordeliveries to the store and from the store to customers. Effect upon the character of the area in whlch the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of theproposed use in relation to surrounding uses Assuming that character refers primarily to physical concerns, we see no conflict wi-th this provision. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deemsapplicable to the proposed use. Previous applicants have complained of the noise problem eninating from the Nu Gnu which is located below thedwelling unit in question, lVe have no information regarding ,this problem, We suggest th'at a committee of the Planning Conmission visi-t the unit during Nu Gnu business hoursto determine the proported negative effect of noise. The applicant has inferred that economic eonditions have changed in the dlstrict which has encouraged him to con-slder conversion to a commercial use. As the Planning Commission is aware we are not able to a.ccept these reasonsfor justirication of the request because they are concerned,with economic factors. It is of concern to the staff that several changes have occurred within the McBride Building within the last several years, The zonj-ng ordinance allows for a maximum of 8 0OO sq. ft. for any one business, Gorsuch is currentlyat 9,000 sq, ft, In 1974 an additionll 250 sq. ft, wasallocated for the Country Flair shop, In 1975 a request was made to convert an additiqnal 1764 sq, ft, This pro- posal was later withdrawnt however it has been brought to our attention that a dwelling unit has been converted to storage just prior to the adoption of the horizontal zoning amendment If this assertion is correct approxi- mately approximatety 80% of-the building is in non-resj-den-tial uses. Assuming that 64% of total area allocated toresidential uses is the average in CCI . this building would be approximately 2O% beyond the average for the entire CCI area. . --rI "r.:: t I Slannlng CommissiU Sctober 23; l.975 Page 3 lfe believe a tour or the building is necessary to determine what the actual use allocation at this time is.The Planning Comlssion may want to coneider the proposJ.-tien that no bulrding shoutd be alrowed to convert uetowa standard percentage level , we shoutd consider the conseguences of corttinuing to in-crease available comerclal spaee. in CC}, Figures indicated that major new areas of somrnerclal use are becoming available or are under=utllized, By lirnitingexpanslon of commerciar uses in cc1 it may have the effect. of improving utiLlzation of other conunerciaL areas. II, FINDINGS/ until the above information is gathered, we do not feel it isappropriate to make any reconmendations'at tbis time. fu.-r- zadl T0wl{ 0F BUILElINGi l/A tt PEFIMIT APPLICATION ACCEPT€D >3 / P 7^f; HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATD THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDINC CONSTRUCTION,F fuL- oArE oF neelrcarrou 1fi CLASS OF WORK NEWI) ALTERATION ADDITION REPAIR I I USE OF BUI LDING SO, FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS AIR ( I ELEC ( }UNITI} LOT BLK FI LI NG 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR z. occuPANcY GRouP "@ " E F G H r J BUI LDING PERMIT SPECIFlED FI BE SPRINKLERS WET STANOPIPE DRY STANDPIPE ELECTRICAL AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA BATIO EASEMENTS VAFIANCE UNCOVERED DATE SIGNATURE OF OWNI]IT OR CON'TItACTOR t JOB NAME rrv*cnoN neoudsr" AM PM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr tr D POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trT] FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED EnetruspecroN REeUTRED DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: # ,16- 'j'/ LocArloN: 'l.l:;" "l) 4' JOB NAME 2 - z-a r.r*cnoN REouEbT. TOWN OF VAIL CALLEB / L/ MON E WED THUR ?\ , i;rj-o(: tJL _ (-,11i:U , PMFRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N,,INSULATION EI GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL 30- 7-li"+ ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4.i U dt-I- ou + vtt' i)zv<t* lttt s t',., ':-i,.t *,r.,-.- et <-t r. ,.?.) / DATE INSPECTOR oo ,t / lri {t l*;i t, \ t /)f:_ i1 Hffilff* & Environnenturt""ion Meeting of April 24, IWg Not yet approved by the Plannirtg Cqrmission Ccnmission Menbers Present &l Drager Sandy lti11s Ron Todd Jim l[organ Jack Goehl Foger Tilkeneier was out-of-torvn Gerry lVhite vas on vacation Staff Mqrbers Present Jim Rubin (entire neeting) Diek Ryan (4:20 untj.1 corpleticn) 1.) Hi11is Akin Residence-setbac y .l 7i-c,tt*-., ffie b;/- 4dT, Jim hrbin explained the setbacks. There was a discussion. Ttre revj.sed and redesigned plans were presented by the architect. IYalter Kireh vfrro omrs the properff on the north side of the creel< stated lris two objections: a. Tlre driveway will destroy a nice stand of trees on the southeast corner of the 1ot. b. The house is too bulky to be located so close to the stream with 35 feet elevtutions. He thirrks the house eould better fit the 1ot. Sandy Mi1ls suggested he redesign and cone back. She feels therereal1y isr't a hardship a"s the cmner krerv the lot vrhen he boughtit. Jim Rubin explained that this is not an orrJinary Iot, withthe buildable area rvithin the setbacks being insufficient for a reasonably sized duplex. Sandy Mi11s made a nrrtion to dexy the Setback Variance Request for the Hil1is Akin residence proposed for Lot g, Bighorn Estates. Jack Goehl seconded the rnrtion. C,oehl, Todd, and Mil1s voted for thernotion. I!{organ and Drager voted ap.inst the nption. The nrrtion .:passed. Ed Drager inforned the architect that he has 10 rlays to alrpeal tothe Council. Sandy lt{i11s sriggested that the architect neet rvith staff to work on a front setba"ck as an aitemative to the stream setback. !lF'-}a.i Hi11is Akin Residence-Setback Variance R Lot 9, Bighcrn Estates Minutes (4-24-79) Paee T\nc 2.> Jim Rubin e><plained the location of the horse, the history of the 1ot, and also that the neigtrlus had been notified with no one objecting. Katz is the nearest neighbor, Jim said he feels that the questi.on i-s, "Is there a real hardship?" lvlrs. !'.!edsker pr.esented her rnenp and plans. Ed Drager said that if the Torn pond were not on tbeir 1ot, the Medskers could have had more of a choice where to place their house. Sandy Mi11s asked if the encroaelnrent of the pond will be a hardship forever. fl,on Todd read a staterent frcrn the Torl,n Attorney's Mmo. Jim Morgan roved that the Setback Variance Request for the Stan Medsker Residence for Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village 13th be approved. Ron Todd seconded the nntion. Todd, Goehl, Drager and Morgan voted for therption. Mi1ls voted aga.inst the motion. The rnction passed. Ed Drager told Mrs. lvtred^sker she can make her presentation to the DBBafter the 10 day appeal period. 3.) Love for Resubdivision of Parcel A, Bi Subdivision Parcel A rn First Pos{>oned until May 22, 7979 4,) Creekside Bui.lding Rrquest for Conditional Use Permit in €f Ifithdrawn 6.) Discussion with John tr{cBride on Proposed expansion of Clock Torver Porch The Ccrnnission net at the Clock Tower at 2:3O. Ii{r. Drager said he felll that they should neet with lr{r. Ryan as he feels before they make deci.sions on anythjng like the Cloclr Tovuer Porch, they need to decide on a l,&r.ster Plan for the CCI lrbll Area. Jim Morgan said he, too, feels a Mall- Plan is n@essarj/. Sandy Mi11s said the Bridge Street side of the plan is good, but snor, rerDval rvculd defjnitely be a prcblqn. Jack Goehl said he feels an overall plan is needed. Bon l'od.d did not attend the 2:30 rneeting. No mot ion was nade. Mirutes (4-24-79) Page three 7,) Andy Nomis-Preljminary of Mansfj,eld Village Andy Norris said he nainly wanted to fu1ly acquai-nt the sta^ff and conmission with the nein points of their project. He explailed the Learning Center part of their project. a. There will be a Continuirg Education Center nainly to acconnodate Clr0. b. There will be a 250-300 seat auditorium for filrns, lecturers, etc. c. There w:ill be a library. (Perhaps the Tor,wr Library) d. Ttrere will also be offices for scholars, etc. It would be 28,000-3210O0 square feet. It wcmld be non-profit owned. Ctr& cqrld have a lease-E:.rchase arrangerent. Library could be or,vned by a foundation. 95Y. of the Parking wculd be coverred. Tlrere would be a 150 rocrn hotel , 34 Condcrniniums (qner occupi-ed) and 34 rental units. It rvould be a lowrise vi11age. Ttrere would be 10,000 to 12rO00 squarefeet of connercj-al spaee r*einly for the use of the owners and users. It wcr.rld not be p5uest oriented. There would be four indoor Termis Cor.rts, two racquet ball courts, tvuo squash courts and an jrdoor-outdoor s:winming poo1. The tennis courts ard pool wqrld be scheduled for use by the public. Also there would be about 1000 private msnbers. There would be an eatjlg facility and locker rocms. This is a 16.8 acre parcel in Special Develognent District Four. Tlre5r have purchased the Robbins T?act. 'Itrere is another tract approxirnately 1.4 acres which 'Lhey are tryjng to buy. It is in the lvay of ttre bj.kepath so he would like the Tovin to think about condernilg this tract ifneeesalTr. .. He wourld like to nske his forrral presentation on \lay 22. IIe would 1iJ<e everyone to see the report done by Allen Gerstenberger. Jim Rubin u"ill malic' copi.es for Ccnrnission nxrrbers. Minutes (4-24-79) Page Four 8.) Jay Peterson-Preljmjnary Discussion of Annexation of Pareels B' C, D, and E, Lionsridge Filing No.2 Jay Peterson and Ron Todd nade the presentation. It is a 77.7 acre parcel vtiich is cumently in the County. Jay would like to contract the zoning with the Torm of Vail now for possible annexation jlto the Torn. It is 16? units. He would like the PEC to nske a preliminary recmrnendatj-on to the Tcrvn Council to consider this for annexation. The Staff feels the site plan can work but that the upper area might not be developable. They wculd need proof that it can be developed. Hopef.ully, if this is arurexed, the To,vn could buy Lhe upper part for open space. Ttre staff does agree with the revised site plan except in the upper area. Jay wcnrld li-ke to go to Council on ll4ay 1 to begin annexation. There is approxi.nately 30 acres developable. Ed Drager nade a nption that the Conmisslon rrge the Coimcil to annex and contract zoning for Parcels B, Cr D, ancl B, Licnsridge filing No.2 as presented today. Jim Ivbrgan seconded the nption. The vote was unanjrnous rvith Ron Todd abstaining. Ed Drager nsde a nption that the PEC urge the Tcxvn Counsil to acquire Tract E, Lionsridge Filing No. 2 hopefu11l' 6u purehasi:lg it at cosL (what the new cfi/vner paid for it) ancl makirg the purch-rse part of the Annexation prccedure, Jim Nlorgal seconded 'l,he rmtiou. 'Ihe vote was unanirnous w:i,th Ron Todd abstajaing. 5.) Lionsridge C1-C5 Approval for Devclopnental P1an. Jay Peterson and A1len Gerst enberger nade the presentation. Phase I vculd be a recreational building and 102 rmits. Bevisecl plans werre explained. Ttrere n'as a discrrssion. . Dick Ryarr read the points frrorn the SLaff lr'lernr and Jay made his ccmnen];s. 1.) Depar-tnent approval of the location and desigtt of contairers. Jay agreed to this. 2.) Construction of an ilternnl siderv:alk and an off-set sider.valk along Frontage Road. Jay did not agree rvith this. 3.) Constmction of a bul; pull-cff area ancl shelter. Appljcant slrould work rvith Jon Bberlc concerning location ancl speci- fication. Jay agreed to this. Itinutes (4-2449) hge I'ive 4. ) Special Treatrent of the concl€te retainilg vaIls. Jay agreed to this. 5.) Constnrction of protective wa11 along Lionsridge Ioop. Jay did not agree to this. 6.) Change in location of stnrctures as reco npnded in mernorandum. Jay agreed to this. 7.) Adding windows to the West Blank wa11 of the three story structures with views to the vest. Jay-agreed to this. 8.) Increasing the distance between build:ings to allclr. rnone natural light into the ccnrrtyard on the three story stnrcture. Jay agreed to this. 9.) Redesigrr landscape plan to include additional landseaping to the street surface. Jay agreedto tbis. 10.) Schedule of when the recreational anenity package w:il1 be constnrcted. Jay agreed to this. Dick ftyan a.dded an eleventh item. 11.) Redesign the grades on the dri.vways entering into the project so that they do not e<ceed 8%. Jay agreedto ttris. Sandy l{ills nade a rmticn to approve the preliminary site pJ,an for Licnsridge C1-C5 eonditional on the before-rrentioned iterrrs 1-11 v/ith the exceptior of #2 and #5. Jaek Goehl seconded the rntion. the vote was unanimous. The rreetfug afiourned at 6:0O P,M. 'wt luwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476.s613 department of community development June 16, 1978 Mr. John l,{cBride 1O5 Pacific Aspen, Colorado Dear Mr. McBride: Your request for Conditional Use Permit to al1ow conversion of apartment unit to office or retail space on the second floor of the McBridge Building in Vail, Colorado was brought beforethe Planning & Envj.ronmental Comrnission on June 13, 1978. This.letter eonstitutes notification that this request has been approved and granted by the Planning & Envlronmental Commission by their vote of 5 to 1,.and be advised that tn-is approval requires that two offsite parking spaees be paid for with the same provisions made for Cyrano's and the Hong Kong Cafe. The offsite parking requirement will be heard by the Vail Town Council at their meeting of June 20, 1978 and the fees will be set by ihem at that time. The Plannlng & Environmental Commission decision will be final ten (10) days fron June 14, 1978 if, not appealed to the Vail Town Council DST/gew F PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that John McBride has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to al1ow conversion of an existing dwelling unit to counercial space on the second floor in Commercial Core 1 Zone District. Said building is located on Lots C, d, and E, Block 5, Vail Village First filing. Application has been made in accord with Section 18.24.O4O of the Towa of Vail Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held before the Town of ValI Planning & Environmental Commission on June 13, L978 at 3:00 P.M. in the Vail Munieipal Building. Said Hearlng will be held in aceord with Seetion 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code. Zoning Administrator Published i.n the Vail Trail May 26, Ig78 a S.Toughill o' APPLICATION TOR VARIANCE And/Or COND I I'IOIIAL USE PERI,I I T Ordlnancc llo. 8 (Series of 1973) Applicatton oate ,{'/& -7( Publ ication Hearf ng oate- 6 - t? - 78 +{earing Fee Fl na I Dec I s i on dafe {or Town Counc | | | (ve ) 8{,;r?,'b'-- (ci do hereby requesf pernrission to appear Commission to request the follorving: ) Variance f rom Article-, Sec+ton /('2/.a4o( ) Zoning Change from to( ) Parki ng Variance' lX, Condif iona] Use Permif to allovt-h ln CC Zone. For the follovring described property: Lo+ / + rac+lQad!-, B.l ock il// purpose and intent o{ th is app I ication /os fue,i ic(Address) Phone lzs 2ta z tv) be fo re ihe Vai I Planning Fl llng l'lumber C I ea r ly state 'eil ;-\l6M rv 4-tc (App I i ca n t ) llhat do you feel is 'l-he basis for hardship In fhis case? gnature o MEMORANDUM TO PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION rROM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE 13 June 1978 REF J.OHN MCBRIDE REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERIIIIT AND OFFSITE PARKING - IJCBRIDE BUILDING John L{cBride has requested a conditj.onal Use Permit to a11ow an existing dwelling unit loeated on the second floor of approximatery rt+o sq. ft. to be converted to more commercial "irr." for Gorsuch, L{d. At this tlme they have not decided whether to use the space as office space or additional retail space. The conversion to either commercial use would require payment for two offsite parking spaces for which Council must set the fee We have rirrestled with the employee housing in the Vail Village Core for many years. The debate has been long, and ai times heated, but with the Horizontal Zoning Ordinance we believe that the Town has found at least one measure to control cominercial expansion. I don't think that anyone . felt that with the paisage of the ordinance the problem would be solved.. The Department of community Development feels there is a signifilant social and economic or safety benefit 'to the area by having fuIl-time residents occupying dwelling units in the bore. If a problem developed it could be dealt with more efficientlY. Our dilemma has been and continues to be how to substantiate the need for this type of living unit. A11 of us involved in the initial horilontal zoning felt intuitively that existing long-term dwelling units should remain. But, we have no means to rnake a non-intuitive decisj-on, only experience to date. Again, we suffer from a lack of the facts or a more objective method of evaluating individual applications. The following is offered at least as a step to provide a level of inform*tioo on rvhich we can base a deci-sion. IVe believe the issue of permanent housj.ng in commercial core 1 to be fundamental to our planning effort " It iS evident from the discussion to date that we lack definitj.ve criteria for iudging the merits of certain types of proposed changes in use. Now that the parking issue his finally been resolved in CCI , . eaeh appticatioi must be carefully consiclered on its own merit. The basic motivating force behind the horizontal zoning ordinance was a recognition that long-term lrousing iu the area is beneficial MEMORANDUMPg. 2 MsBride Request for Offsite Parking o' Conditional Use Permit & - McBride Bldg.13 June 1978 to the health, safety and welfare of the community' l{e do not believe that this philosophy has been altered since the ordj-nance \vas aaopleA. I] we do not have agreement as to these underlying p-hilosophies, then the ordinance should be seriously reconiiberea and amended' lTe have spent con- siderable time in trying to isolate this request from other "irni1ut applieations in the area, some of which have been approveO aiA so*e that have been denied' We eannot rely on experience from otfrer communities, because there is no other comparaUte. Should this request be granted, it-must be proven that uny mitigation effort would not substantially improve the living quit ity of the area and that the unit is not es:sential to the Lealth, safety, and welfare of the neighbor- hood. The potenti;l-iri"ct of-iurther reducing ttre dwelling units in the area must -be carefully considered' The staff has reviewed aceording to Section 18'60O the following comments: FACTORS the Conditional Use Permit request of the Zoning Ordinance and have 1' Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town.. The applicable development objective under the Horizontal Zoning Ordinance that is of concern in the request is the continuanee of the various commercial , residential , and public uses in commereial core f so as to maintain the existing character of said area. ' Our principal concern with the conversion of this type of unit (GRFA o,r.t 1000 .q. ft' ) is that it i-s a relatively rare housing type. Of ttre totat estimated GRFA all-ocated to dwelling or accommod'ation units (263,196 :9' ft' or 64.62% of total estimateO sq. ft: in CCl)' This housing type accounts for ;;;;;;i*;!"tu.25 units or less than 10% of the total estimaila sq. ft' in CCl' Due to the limited availability of this housing type, we believe.it would have ;i;;i;i;;"i" itpt.t on the desirable mix that is currentlv existing in CCI . 2' Affect of the use on light and a'ir' distribution of population, transportation facilities' utilities' schools, parks and recreation facilities' and other public ioliriti.s and public facilities needs' Our principal concern under this factor would be the distribution of pop"i"tion. We believe that the size of this unit would Le'conducive to encoura€lement of permanent iii;ia.iii" i" "*"-irre unit, which we feel is'desi.iable. o' MEMORANDUMPg. 3 McBride Request for Conditional Use Permlt & Offsit.e Parking - McBride B1dg"13 June 1978 3. Affect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control' access' maneuVerability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. We foresee no major conflict with these considerations; however, the use could involve additional delivery traffic if the space is used to expand Gorsuch Ltd. retail space' the character of the area in which the is to be located, including the scale the proposed use in relation to surrounding We see no conflict with this provision except as out- lined above. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. Previous applicants.have complained of the noise problem eminating from the Nu Gnu which is located below the dwelling unit in question. It is of concern to the staff that several ehanges have occurred within the McBride Building and in the A & D Building wi-thj.n the last several years. In L974' an additional ?50 sq. f-u. was allocated for the Country Flair shop which had been a dwelling unit. In 1975, a request -was made to convert an additional 1764 sq. ft ' This proposal was later withdrawn. A dwel"ling unit was converted to storage just prior to the adoption of the Horizontal Zoning amendment. conditional use Permits in ccl also require that we review the following development factors in accord with Seetion L8.24 . O70 . 1. Affects of vehicular traffic on CommerciaL Core I district 2. Reduction of vehicular traffic in CommerciaL Core 1 district. 3. Reduction of nonessential off-street parking. 4. Control of delivery pick-up, and service vehicles' 4. Affect uponproposed use and bulk of USCS. o MEMORANDUM Pg. 4 l,fEiriae Request for.Conditional Use Perrnit' & Offsite Parking - McBride Bldg. 5.'Development of public spaces for 13 June 1978 use by Pedestrians. 6.Continuanceofthevariouscommercial,residential, and public uses in Commerci-al Core 1 district so as to miintain the existing character of the area' 7. Control quality of construction, architectgT"l design and landscape design in Commerei'al Core I district 'so as to maintain itre existing character of the atea'. 8. Affects of noise, odor, dust, smoke and other factors on the environment of iommercial Core I district' a surnmary of those items we feel are to consldbr as they apply to tl''e above l.NoiseisoneofthemajorproblemsfacJ.ngresidents in the core area whish contribute to a negative residential environment in the Core. a. Delivery vehicles; c. Service vehicles; d. Pedestrian traffic; e. Late night drunks. The two major sources of noise irritation to residents inthe&reaarerestaurantandbarnoisesduetoliveoru*piiti.a musj-c which eminates from open doors and.windows or^ inadequate sound proofing, as well as late night drunks. A fairly comprehensive study was conducted in L976 which indicated that sound levels oi a 24-nour basisl in the area were: The following is extremely important factors Decibels* 30-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 % of time Period* 50% 457o 4% o.9% 0.1% % of time 1-7 P.M. period ?P.M.-3A.td.3-9 A.M. 30-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 case day 50% 48% . t% . o.e% o'l7o from Znd floor 50% 491o o,9% o.r% 0 ofA&DBldg. 5O7o 4O7o 8% L.9% o lworst measured o' MEMORANDUIU Pg. 5 MEgriae Request for Conditional Use Permit Offsite Parking - McBride Bldg. Noise Levels for a 24-hour Period Maximum 80 Medlum 45 Minimum 32 13 June 1978 dB dB dB 2. Trafflc. a. Parking: The permanent residents of the area currently have the pioblem of finding adequate parking for their units. The lack of adequate parking for the fult-time residents discourages prospective tenants from living in the area- b. Deliveries: We feel that more traffic is probably created by permanent residents in this instance iLnce tle proposed- cbmnoercial space is an expansion of an existin-g tusiness and would not require new types of delivery vehieles in the Core- After careful consideration of the impact of the conversion of this unit, and all factors, the Department.of community Development recommends approval of the conditional use Permit and. further recommends that offsite parking be assessed for 2 spaces in the same manner as Hong Kong cafe and Cyrano's. v re PROOF OF PUBLICATION SESI ss STATE OF COLORADO COT.]NTY OF EAGLE \atrA. S* F )( ,, f,C,"N k""* do soremnry swear that r am the ?-U-6145K€e- of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newspaper printed, in whole or in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation thercin; that said newspaper has been published continuously and uninteruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 18?9, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the r"gular and entirc issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for the period of I consecutive insertions; and that the first pubication of said notice was in the issue of said newspapet aatea %PlEtV+B@, Q6 1.D. 1915 and that the last publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated @tEvlBfl? 1Jo A.D.1eJS_ ln witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand trris 24{ aav ot 3@ler(B{F.- A.D.1ef,S- Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary pub State of Colorado, tnls J? e day of ounty of Eagle, A.D.rszi My Commission expires Ynar.c-t- /G fi7' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Mr. and Mrs. John Kaemmer have requested a conditiona'l use permit in accord 0rdinance No. 16 (series of .l975), an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance,0rdinance No. g (series of 1973); and a parkjng variance in accord with Section .|9.200 of the Zoning 0rdinance in order to convert a dwe'lling unit in the c'lock Tower Building to an antique store to be located at 263 Gore Creek Drive, Town of Vai.l , Co.l orado. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with section 2.l.500 of 0rdinance No. 8 (series of 1973) on 0ctober 16, 1975 at 3:00 p.m. before the vail Planning commission whose decision will be transmitted to the Town council for fina'l decision on 0ctober z'l,1gls at 7:30 p.m. Sai d heari ngs wi 11 be hel d i n the Vai'l Muni ci pa.l Bui 1di ng. TOWN OF VAIL DEPART;I'IENT OF DEVEL0PJ'tENT /Y4-r'L-/L/.z* \.>t Diana S. Toughi'11 Zoning Administrator Pub'lished in the Vail Trail September 26, 1975 oI APPL ICAT I ON FOR VAR IANCE And/0r CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Ordinance No.8 (Series.of l9i3) r Publi Hea r i Town Counc i I Applicafion Hear i ng Date Flnal Decision (we) t For fhe followi Fi I ing ng described property:Lot/ f ra ct_-_.-..-,B lock cat ion Date ng Fee Cle^arly Number sfate purpose and. intent cf this application hardsh case? TOr FROM REr MEMORANDUM PLANNING COMMISSION : DIIPARTMIiNT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOHN KAE]',IMER REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND PARKING VARIANCE .. IUCBRIDE BUILDING The staff has reviewed the Conditional Use Permit request acco?ding to Section 18,600 of the Zoning Ordinance and have the following comments i Request; The applicant has requested that an existing dwelling unit consisting of approximatety 1140 square feet, located on the second floor of the llcBride Building be converted'to an antique shop, The request would also require a parklng variance for two spaces I, Factors A. Relationship and impact of the use on development objeetives of the Town. B. The applicable development objective under the Horizontal Zonlng Ordinance that is of concern in the request is the continuance of the various commercial , resi.dential, and pubtic uses in Commercial Core I so as to maintain the existing character of said area Our principal concern with the conversion of this type of unit (GRFA over 1,000 square feet) is that it is a relatively rare housing type, Of the total estimated GRFA allocated to dwelling or accorrunodation units (263,796 sq. ft, or 64.62% of total estimated sq, ft. in CCl ). This housing type accounts for only 44,?5I sq, ft. (approximately 39 units or ]-7% of the totat-'estimated sq. ft. in CCI)' This unit constitutes 37o of the sq. ft. allocated for this type of dwelling unit. Due to the limited availability of this housing type,. we believe it would have significant impact on the desirable mix that is currently existing in CCI Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and iecreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs, ' Our principal concern, under thls factor would be the dis- tribution of population. We believe that the size of this unit would be condusive to encouragement of permanent residents to use the unib, which we feel is desirabfe. c. Planning October Page 2 D corrlti""io?23. 1975 E. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to conges-tion; automotive and pedestrian safety and conveniencetraffic flo.w and control , access. maneuverabillty, and re- moval of snow from the streets and parking areas.' We forsee no major conflict with these considerations; however, the use would involve some truck traffic for deliveries to the store and from the store to customers. Effect upon the cbaracter of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses Assuming that character refers primarily to physical concerns, we see no conflict with this provision, F. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. Previous applicants have complained of the noise problem eminating from the Nu Gnu which is located below thedwelling unlt in question, I[e have no information regardlng this problem, 1,[e suggest that a committee of the Planning Commission visj.t the unit during Nu Gnu business hours to determine the proported negative.effect of noise The applicant has inferred that economic conditions have changed in the district which has encouraged him to con- sider conversion to a commercial use, As the Planning Commission is aware we are not able to accept these reasons for justirication of the request because they are concerned.with economic factors. It is of concern to the staff that several changes have ocsurred within the McBride Building within the last several years, The zoning ordinance allows for a maximum of 8 000 sq. ft. for any one business, Gorsuch is currently at 9.000 sq, ft, In L974 an additionhl 750 sq. ft, was allocated for the Country Flair shop, In 1975 a request was made to convert an additional 1764 sq', ft, This pro- posal was later withdrawnt however it has been brought to our attentj.on that a dwelling unit has been converted to storage just prior to the adoption of the horizontal zoning amendment If this assertion is correct approxi- mately approximately 80% of-the building i.s in non-residen- tia"l uses, Assurning that 64% of total area allocated to residential uses is the average in CC1 , this building would be approxj-mately 2O7o beyond the average for the entire CCl area. ft'"'rlt:;:r- Page 3 Comrni""iol 23, t975 o ITe believe a tour or the building is necessary to determine what the actuaL use allocation at this time fs,The Planning Corunission may want to consider the proposi-. tlon that no bulLding should be allowed to convert bblowa standard percentage leve1, ' We should consider the consequences of eontinuing to in-crease ava1lable cornmercial space in CCl , Figures lndicated that major new areas of commerclal use are be. eoming availabLe or are under=utilized, By limitingexpansion of commercial uses in CCl it may have the effectof improving utilization of other commerclal areas. II, FINDINGS i Until the above information is gathered, we do not feel it isapproprj"ate to make any recormendations at this tirie, ,t-h. '.I:e' V1 box 1oo r voil, colotad.o 816s7 303.t0r6-s613 Decenber 28, 1974 The Kegc/o Steve Ruder Box 652Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: During an inspection of the Keg on Decernber, 2!, !974-, the. folloiring deficiencies and/or iiolations of the Uniforn Fire Code rvere noted. These itens are to be corrected as soon as possible, but not Later than the date specified on the cor- iection notice issued at the tine of inspection. rtriclations, in detaiL, are as follows: 1. I{ood systen over cooking areas does not have a l'alid inspection tag. These systems are to be checked and ser- viced as needed every six nonths. 2. All extinguishers are rvithout valid inspectio! laSs. -These units aie to be checked and serviced as needed a rnini- stum of once a year. In addition, these extinguishers should be nounted on i.ra1l brackets where they wi1.1 be readily visible and accessible in a location faniliar to all employees. 3. Existing exit light over nain entrance was not-operational In addition to rnaking that unit serviceable, an-additional exit J.ight or lights-are to be installed to guide Patrons to the re,ar exit near l'estroons. 4.' I*{aintain a clear and open passagelrav to the rear exit' This area is noi to be usea foi s-Lorage or accunulation of trash or empty boxes. Fu1l rvidth ai.sles to the doorrvay must be maintained. li :l ,l .t f. -: ,INSTRUCTIONS . ; }lcg i De,EEslber 28, J-g?4 5' ope' electrical junction box-es were noted above the walk-in,over the sink area, ind in a iigirt iiiirii-ltnrru the bar entrance.These present a roieiy r,"zoi,r'a! welr. as " ii"" hazard. Theseand any otlrer exposed'wirin!-are to b.e coveied(" storage behind the bar was excessive and cluttered. Thisllti"il?;trtj. "to'" onrv iusoiii" n"."ssities "r,a r" kept as neat In addition to, th." ll:p"ction, -the fo11or,.ing occupant load, asspeci{icd ot t}:_o:iiJI;;-?;;lrri" ."a"1,'"lr"i"mputed. rhec,ccupart toad for the Ke! ii-rio, .;;;;;;a"i] iorrons: Of the total square feet of the area, it is divided asshorr'n belorr,: 492 sq. ft. in permanent booths: 32 occupantszio sq. rt. i; e;;;;";i;";; so occupants144 sq. ft. jn stage .r"ii 10 occuiants1"54 s{. ft. in ganing area: i0 occupants,Fff :q. f!. or iiiie-or'ilr., 37 occupantsrssb sq. ft. of useabl" *.u"-- = ]'?.O;;;;;;r., Due to limi.ts tl?l-have been perrnitt-ed in the past, the FireDepartment is wil-ri"s'io-iii";"; higher-nr*illr"of occupants onthe prenises. as ronE ai "uiie"n"rrg-and or*rru"irrip agree ro keepa tighr contior. o"-iil"-iffi;f;i;.1imit, and naintain borh exit!rn a werr-righted, operabl" ;;;dition.' ii-'rlie conoitions canDe inet' t'c a110r','abrb rimit "ili be 260 .cc'pants. periodicchecks r.'i1r. be rnace- ;"-il;;r;'ii".. tr",ii "i*u5;";= not exceeded.Exceeding this speci"r iirii-"iir^lu grounrls for issuance of a#:::ii"3nd enrorcenent or the-i20-;.3;;;;I"r"ii as the code B'ith rc.qard to ll"^::ir_:xit, s9n9 changes or moct i {:ications rvi11oe required. The code statei that- exits shal1 be naintainedgpenablc+ fron the -insid;-;i;;";; tr,u ,ri. oi"i-tIn, or any specialknorrrledge or effort-at all tir"r. wten-iie-uririirrg rs occupied.To nal<e the rear e*ii-coii"t"l''irt" following are required:t. Docf -co be n_1ag9d on hinges ivhig]r pernir siv.inging to theoutside in such- a rnanner as iot to blocl.: the exit.. ?. Door to be eqr.rippecl nith alg t!" door corriq L)c an alarnthe door rvere openea from-li.,eescape. An alarrn of this typerequircment. knob or p.anic hardriare. Attachedryhiglr nouid notifr- rinns"*o";-;;'insicie for reasoni ottrei tlran iireis a suegestion only, ana "ot-a- i tbJ.:1li,l'-li', S' :il't",: ll *"O 3il'fl':'J:"ll' i'J'll''*'' n' u u' . tN5 lt(LJ('r rr"/'tJ I lL? ili'fi;;A ir*r' gt srrctrtto' uAIr r' 11lit* J I +-3o u. rl sI {ij ^.\s9.-L.tf\ i\rr! \ {\" \,\ \!q"\- *\,J H u).\0q ti $,* Ta!,S T €a.bs Ps FR RI Tt $qal\| 1 .u \|l $q $l $r +fp P€ + rt H.i {tf $ 1J $ dl 8l 8I I \,ro Ert ft \,_lcttq 3 J F s $ il o -THE Oac-l t 8A box too r y8ll, cotorado 81657 . 303..r6.56r3 .fLELLAR 7bra.u D9{tr It '.F 43' Art**-t o4/ )i. f tqo4. 555+T = go 2tor7 :JO ll39 + rf,.- ?6 . Ti'ras Au,, igA I ..;r.j. - ----a"- - '?*4'- :f* br a- .T i!.t J <t *) T\ ql i+ Lt' I L : F s * e'rl..Ja4#-. .f'.4.4..6' i ]'.f.:'1li ::, : , d 7-j 'bL nJ il , - ttotrt roaal il'/ /41' csl'd4(aP llgy 22, t9?5 Dcsign Rcvicw BserdVall, Cplorado Gentlcmnr lhic lrttrr iE to rcqucat your epproval for r rrought lroa fcrccln front of the Cloct Torcr Inn. Thc fcncc ls to ixtcnd alongthc natural rock wal-l fron thc eorner of Bridgr Stract end GoiaCrmk Drlve to tha cnd of thc wal.l on Brldgc Strert. Ihc ptrpocc of the proposcd foncc ls to cnclose thc patio andcreete a norc natural prdcctrlan trafflc flow by prsvcntlngpooplc fron clinblng ovcr thc rock rall. Alsor Chlldrcn sicnneturally incllncd to pLay on thc rock rlll rnd the lnrtallatlon rof a fcncc rould prcvcnt thr now cxlstlng hazard of a child falltngoff the rall. A pietorial poat card wlth e drawrr outllnc of thc fincc lsenclosad to glvc you en ldea of hsw thc fencr wlll eppcar.Thr fancc 1g to,be 'Ior profilc"(Z? lnchac off thc pitlo dcck).It ls to be constructcd of blaek palntcd wrought irbn and ectln r Eturdy fashlon. I eppScclate your pronpt attrntion te thls nntter, rs rG rrc enriougto procccd ae qutckly as poatlblc. Slnccrcly, _ // /' , ) r'<--/ t' t/ )r---' /'-4-azz-C. Brucc flartnanProprlctor Clock Sorcr Inn ///"ffi,t/^, rtj, I DRAFT MEMORANDUM T0: Town Council FR0M: Community Development Department DATE: July 22, 1975 RE; John McBride Parking Variance Exemption Application for a three-car park'i ng variance/exemption has made by John McBride in order to allow conversion of two apartment of approximately 1,764 square feet to offices. No specific tenant been uni ts has been designated. ********* add attachment #l The proposed horizontal zoning ord.i nance requires a conditional use permit for any use which el'iminates a dwelling or accommodation unit above the first floor. The Planning Cornmission has stated that the preservation of existing housing in the Core area is the most'im- portant goal of the Horizontal Zoning and feel strongly that the var- iance should be disapproved; however, this application is identical to the numerous other parking variance/exemptions previously granted by the Council in this area. The applicant further argues that the space in question is no longer suitable for housing and must be rented at reduced rental rates due to the noise produced by the Clock Tower and Nu Gnu. He has agreed to preserve the existing apartment in the Town because'it is not suitable for commercjal use due to numerous Bujlding Code Problems. We feel that the decision on this parking variance be tempered by the proposed Horizontal Zonjng Ordinance. The following findings must be made before the granting of the varjance; * Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town Grant'ing of the variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege in light of previous variances granted in the Core area. In order to be consistentn a parking purchase contract should be required. Effect of the use on fight, and ajr, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utjlities, schools, parks and re- creation facilities, and other public fac'i litjes and public fac i I i ti es needs . Granting of the varjance could be detrimental from the stand- point that it elimjnates housjng in an area where mixed uses are necessary to the viabi'l jty of a successful area. We are aware that simjlar var.iances have been granted in lhe past; however, we feel the depletion of the housing investors is becoming a service problem and further deplet'ion could be quite detrimental to the area and we therefore recommend a cautious approach. * Effect upon traffic, wjth particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control , access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. The-epi teria -of-the- Zeninq-0rdi nan€e-states- that-the-€eu neil 5ffiJf-6snsider.-uThe-degnei-te-whi eh-pelief '" "i s-neeessary- te- aeh ieve-eompa tibi 1i ty-and -u ni fermi ty- ef- The priv'i lege of converting dwelling units to commercial space has been extended to owners of other properties in the same district. The criteria of the Zoning 0rclinance states that the Council shall consider "The degree to which relief... js necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity. Attacfment #l -- the applicant sights as a reason for the request the Toilor,{ils: "Since two apratments are located above a restaurant with Iate night noise, it is difficult to get the going rate in rents.'l The Zoning 0rdinance states that "Cost or inconvenience to the applicant,..shall not be a reason for granting of a variance" The Department has reviewed the criteria and findings as presented in Section 19.600 of the Zoning Ordinance. lale have the following /,/' nru"4 - S-t-x-4/- /b//T_ comments: FACTOR #I The relationship of the requested variance uses and structures in the vicinity. to other existing or potential The applicant states that due to surrounding noise problems the dwelling units do not return a desirable rent rate. Pursuing this logic nearly every dwelling unit or accommodation unit in CCI is subject to the same or similar conditi.ons. Therefore, the same argument could be applied to other variance requests by other building owners, thus through time this logic could effectively eliminate a significant amount of housing -- whatever type-- from the CCI area. It should be remembered that thequality of a living environment is dependent upon the perception of the occupant. Thereare as many different perceptions as there are people. The applicant has not demonstrated to our satis- faction that the Iiving environments of these units if,unacceptable as a living environrnent. Further, the municipality has either program or studies underway to mitigate against undesirable noise, odor and traffic congestion in the CCI djstrjct. THe end result being a more desirable living environment. Therefore, we reject the applicant's argument. The adverse environmental conditlSn reduces the desjrab'l ity of the dwelling unit. It should be noted that means can be found to reduce the adverse environmental 'impacts such as installation of windows, carpeti ng , etc . In our view allowing the variance under the condition that rent rates are not comparable with the going rate is taking economic or costs into consideration which is not allowed under the Zoning 0rdinance. To the best or our knoweldge economics has not been a condition under which a variance has been previously granted. The closest comparable situatjon r,ras the Gra;4shammer variance. It was the view of the Department of Community Development that transient dormatory housing type was not a desjrable type of housjng when located in the basement area due to the lack of proper light and ventilatjon which then existed. . Th'i s is not the case after a pre'l iminary review of the McB(lde Building. The issue of economics in our view should address the economic viabjlity of a class of use for the entire district. WE cannot be concerned with specific jnstances of economic inequities. Specific instances are totally conditioned by the market p1ace. The health and stability of the market place js a concern of the municipaljty. Clearly frorn existjng sales tax figures for the past two years the health of the market place is good. Con- sequently, we feel there is no basis for changing the Town policy towards retaining this class of housing with'i n the conmercial core area. Any inequity between owner and tenant should be resolved at that level . The Department of Commun'i ty Development would not be sympathetic to an attempt by the owner to price these dwelling units out of the existnq market in order to force abandonment of these uni ts. FACTOR # 2 t" "tt* to which relief from the $rict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation'i s necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this ordjnance without grant of special privilege. l^le feel it would be a gqanl of special prividege; it would suggest a precedent for subsequff applicants to use the argument of economics and environmental conditions jf the varjance was granted. FACTOR # 3 The effect of the requested variance on light and a'i r djstributionof population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Adverse effects on distribution of population FACTOR # 4 Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance, Horizontal Zoning being considered -- under the wire -the Boulder Case --the Texas Case Protection of empioyee housing The variance providing they are not high traffic generators -- can be acconmodated. Have the applicant resubmit the proposal . 1- ',.. f@:-n"l Li= F*T q>-z-AW' 'uT < {--p,-T aA e"7 )r,^.,-rp. Fv /S bz>-- ^y?te;3tb:P, aTfl/At-)- jj: ill :i o," t ,'' h : u0 GIlrl h 14t'|(t! i o ,!€ dt >' g o o o q) I ' .) It o) F .9 € .E LC .. f{ts '^l =:-i9t -':.:< IEI'a I-l'ru o lll ^21621 E-X EIal 6 =t ult*l !i < I I I IFI/tl I ll)l22l{rl I I I c x x 'o t E (l ! E I I I I I q) q,) d € Fll) It Et x a ? ;E;T;;f: : grgeE;*E: i;€lgEtEg *:aEsE gst E ;EE€EtEEq t FeiE€ lc:fi € igE3t;;EE EisiEiEleH I E€EE giE rE E o) 'a b trO EoF Ib, I I I Iadldt \rtl\ .Xlo ^^4\ ol2.' Ilz' 1lA \/l6g -.Tl r12-lE< E NId!!i*lF' \,, Url-< =rlrJl:e{ IJ rrlFlhal Ibo cl 6 G' ,l\J{l I tt 6t =o a (t) cl bd .E o B t 4l F 3 s) <t) \ (l) ,(l) ! <tq) F (D o ,1 F El F e Ax E () .1_ lnwn vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476.5613 April 19, 1975 of f ice of the town manager Mr. John McBride P. 0. Box '1940 Aspen, Colorado 8161.| Dear Mr. McBride: At the request of Mr. Rod Slifer, I have checked the plans for the Clock Tower Building with the proposed conversion of approximate'ly 2900 square feet to office or retail space. I am enclosing an application for a parking varJance which would be required to make the change. The present' apartment use requ'ires 4,98 spaces and the proposed office or retail use requires 9.75 spaces or a difference of 5 spaces for which you would need the variance. The Town of Vail Planning Commission has looked very unfavorably upon residential spaces being converted into commercia'l uses. We are presentlyjn the process of adopting horizontal zoning for the core area which would pennit your second floor spaces as proposed to be converted without the parking variance, but it could be some time before this is actually passed. At first glance, I don't think the Tower could be converted into another kind of commercial use because of the Uniform Building Code requirementsfor exits. The existing spiral stairway does not meet Building Code re- quirements for a legal ex'it and I don't see an alternative means of pro- viding the necessany exits. If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to call. 'Yours truly, box 100 S. Toughilt Admi ni strator cc: Rod Slifer - Slifer & Company -t-i .:i- <t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that John P. McBride, representing the Clock Tower (McBride Building) has applied for a parking variance in accord with Section 14.601 of Ordinance No. 8 (Series of 1973) in order to convert two apartment units to office space, Iocated on Lots d and e, Block 5-8, Vail Village First Filing. Proposed conversion will require an additional three park'ing spaces. I A Pub'lic Hearing wil'l be he'ld in accordance with Section 21.500 of Ordinance No.8 (Series of 1973) on July .|5,'1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Vail Municipal Building. The hearing will be a joint session of the Vail P'tanning Commission and the Town Council for the Town of Vail. TOI.IN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on June 27, 1975 $ A t fl'/' I b{at- L : ./ ' , 'v'''rd-')'L,ul " 4" PPL ICAT ION FOR VAR IANCE And/Or CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 0rdinance No. B (Series ot 1973) o A nd te for Town Counci I (Applicant) tlfts(r.at ,(State) do hereby request permission to appear before the Vail' Comm i ss ion fo req uest the fo I low ino : Application Hearing Dat Flnal Decis e Hearing Fee .{/ao,dd ( A d d re s s ) Phone PI ann ing. ( ( (* ( Variance f rom Article_,Sect ion to 0r"i f o I low i ng ctttlSK described Zon ing Change f rom Park ing VarianceConditional Use Permit to allow tn Zone. Lot,/ t ra ct 8",.1,,* p rope rty:For the Fi I ing B lock Number Clearly s'tate purpose and intent of this application ,-4tlp o{ue e Z 7 ftp*grnad^tB {6 (E€ ,es oF esS o< 0rt".,,,*g;ta4u, d op€ c_c*'.fttri| ooe? etg ytwfl dil. op€ toc4rr\ aueR utt Guu. What do you feel is the basis for hardship in fhis case? S,pei ttxt *+nquoc/n ks 4c4r6A frhu€ ,q (City) ignature of p I icant ilr. rlohn l.lcBrlde P. 0. Box 1940 Aspen, Colorado Bl6ll Dear th. l'|cBrlder At the reque3t of ftr. Rod Sllfer, I have checked the plans-for the Clock td*ai:-giriiOini wtttr the prcposed converslon of approxlngtely 2900 squcre teil 3g offlci or retall'space. I am encloslng an appllcatlon for a pirittS iartince rnlch rouid be requlred to rnrle the char6e. The prerent ipii:iriini-uie iiquirii q..gs spaces"and the proposs offlc3 or retall use rbqulres 9.75 spacas-or a Alfierence of 5 siracis for rhlch you rould hacd tlerpFtlance. The Torn of Vatl Plrnnlng Cmmlssion has looked-very unfavorably upon ieitainlfat spaces Uelttg"converteU tnts cmmercltl irses. lle are presently i;-iil ir;;eii of aaoiiing hortiontat zonlng for the core arer whlch rould ;;rria lbur-iicona flbor ipaces as proposed-to be converted wlthout the birfiog virlince, but lt cbutC Ue sine.time before thls is actually passd' At flrst glance, t don't thlnk the Toxer could be converted into another-finO-oi-clxmiiiiai usi because of tFre Unlforn Bulldtng -Co{g lequirsnentsiii:-exiti. - ine extiiing spiral stalrb,ay does rct rneet Bullding Code re- quircrriinis tor a tesii ixfl anO I don'f see tn alternetlve means of pro- vldlng the necessarY exlts. tf ve can be of furthen asslstance, please feel free to call' Yours truly, DEPART}IENT OF COFfiUNITY OEVELOB'IEIIT Aprll 19, 1975 Dlanc 5. Toughlll Zonlng Adnlnistrator cc: Rod Sllfer - Sllfer & CcnPanY w''uo {$I r) I' ---,, r^9 {f;t!{ tll,/ F5/ Nr r_rJ<-)o/(h{A '\.t\x $ ll''if F!" ;+ lil: 89 fo .9i ;{ .l lrr Fr.rx \ f \>Yqr\t3 R \ -{ t\X t-rrQt-' ir$r0ls , I:rd /'\({\. .\ o.q * \ n9d 1lo tlIiltl" EIil" {L tI =F t A d $+ tL : biI L ///'K"fu il,- t(' DRAFT MEMORANDUM T0: Town Counci] FR0M: Community Development Department DATE: Ju'ly 22, 1975 RE: John McBride Parking Variance Exemption Application for a three-car parking variance/exemption has been made by John McBride in order to allow conversion of two apartnent unjts of approximately 1,764 square feet to offices. No specific tenant has been designated. ******rr** add attachment #l The proposed horizontal zoning ordinance requires a conditional use permit for any use which eliminates a dwelling or accommodation unit above the first floor. The Planning Commission has stated that the preservation of existing housing in the Core area js the most im- portant goal of the Horizontal Zoning and feel strongly that the var- iance should be disapproved; however, this application is identical to the numerous other parking variance/exemptions previously granted by the Counc'i I in this area. The applicant further argues that the space in question is no longer suitable for housing and must be rented at reduced rental rates due to the noise produced by the Clock Tower and Nu Gnu. He has agreed to preserve the existing apartment in the Town because it is not suitable for commercial use due to numerous Building Code Problems. We feel that the decjsion on this parking variance be tempered by the proposed Horizontal Zoning Ordinance. The following findings must be made before the granting of the variance: * Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town Granting of the variance would not constitute a grant of special privi'lege in light of previous variances granted in the Core area. In order to be consistent, a parking purchase contract should be required. Effect of the use on 1ight, and air, distr.i bution of population, transportation facjlities, util ities, schools, parks and re- creation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. Granting of the variance could be detr.imental from the stand- po'int that it eliminates housing in an area where mixed uses are necessary to the viability of a successful area. |,,e are aware that simi'lar variances have been granted in lhe past; however, we feel the depletion of the housing investors is becoming a service problem and further depletion could be quite detrimental to the area and we therefore recommend a cautious approach. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and conven'i ence, traffic flow and control , access, maneuverabjjjty, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. The-er"i teria -ef-the- Zenine-0rdina nee-states- that-€he- €eu nei I E hETT-eens ider-!The-degre6-to-whieh-rel ief" 'i s-neeessaFy- te- a eh *eve-eompa tibi li ty- and -uni f epmi ty- ef - The privilege of converting dwelling units to commercial space has been extended to owners of other properties in the same d i stri ct. The criteria of the Zoning 0rdinance states that the Council shall consider "The degree to which rel'ief... is necessary to achieve compatibility and un'iformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity. {ttacfrnent #l -- the app'l icant sights as a reason for the request the FoTTom n9: "Since two apratments are 'located above a restaurant with late night noise, jt is difficult to get the going rate in rents." The Zoning Ordinance states that "Cost or jnconvenience to the applicant...shall not be a reason for granting of a variance" The Department has revjewed the crjteria and findings as presented in Section 19.600 of the Zoning Ordinance. We have the following Ir/i/ ,// ,/1 ,,1 | / /,/rq --{ltt t't,rr l/ttrtt fl't+fl * V'<- 14"-//t/ tt "//*f- comments: o FACTOR #'I The relationship of the requested varjance to other existing or potential uses and structures jn the vicinity. The applicant states that due to surrounding noise problems the dwelling units do not return a desirable rent rate. Pursuingthis logic nearly every dwelf ing unit or accommodation unit jn CCI is subject to the same or similar conditions. Therefore, the same argument could be applied to other vari ance requests by other building owners, thus through time this logic could effectjvely eliminate a significant amount of housing -- whatever type-- from the CCI area. It should be remembered that thequality of a living environment is dependent upon the perception of the occupant. Thereare as many different perceptions as there are people. The applicant has not demonstrated to our satis- faction that the living environments of these units ifunacceptable as a living environment. Further, the municipa'l ity has either program or studies underway to m'itigate against undesjrable noise, odor and traff.ic congestion in the CCI district. THe end result being a more desirable f iving env'ironment. Therefore, we reject the appl'icant's argument. The adverse environmental conditpfn reduces the desirablity of the dwelling unit. It shou'ld be noted that means can be found to reduce the adverse environmental impacts such as installation of windows, carpeting, etc. In our view allowing the variance under the condition that rent rates are not comparable with the going rate js taking economic or costs into consideration which'i s not allowed under the Zoning Ordinance. To the best or our knoweldge economjcs has not been a condition under which a variance has been previous'ly granted. The closest comparable situat'ion was the Gra4shammer variance. It was the view of the Department of Community Developnent that transjent dormatory housing type was not a desirable typeof housing when located in the basement area due to the lack of proper 1ight and ventjlation which then existed., This is not the case after a preliminary review of the McBf,;de Building. The issue of economics in our view should address the econom'i c viability of a class of use for the entire district. lrlE cannot be concerned with specific instances of economic jnequities. Specific jnstances are totally conditioned by the market p1 ace. The health and stability of the market pl ace is a concern of the munjcipality. Clearly fror,r existing sales tax figures for the past two years the health of the market place is good. Con- sequently, we feel there is no basis for changing the Town policy towards retaining this class of housing within the commercial core area. Any inequity between owner and tenant should be resolved at that level . The Department of Community Development would not be syrnpathetic to an attempt by the owner to price these dwelling units out of the existng market in order to force abandonment of these uni ts. FACTOR # 2 The degree to whjch relief from the S,rjct or litera1 interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this ordinance without grant of special priv'i lege. We feel it would be a g5g4t of special a precedent for subsequft applicants economics and environmental conditions prividege; it would suggest to use the argument ofif the variance was granted. a. . FACTOR # 3 The effect of the requested variance on light and air distributionof popu'l ation, transportation and traffic facilities, publ ic facilities and uti'lities, and public safety. Adverse effects on distribution of population FACTOR # 4 Such other factors and criteria as the Commiss'ion deems applicable to the proposed variance, Horizontal Zoning being considered -- under the wire -the Boulder Case --the Texas Case Protection of employee housing The variancs providing they are not high traffic generators -- can be accormodated. Have the applicant resubmit the proposal . o\t i _. <A,13-Tal1 c;*r-,^l-l= Pv e+-bzni v: ny,-p-A rb >2. alT/ A?hl/-) aI -.--i. APPLICATION THE Iicant FOR BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL fill in this section onl Building Date of addre s s Application BUILDING INFORMATION Ne w -A ddition--.._-- 4 ltet ation-[- R ePait s ;1ft2* Type of occuPaacy-*.-- (A11 parts of building) Area ot LoE - nutl-plNc DIMEN€Iq.Nq Etal floo. area (sc ft)---- No of stories--!t'- No. of roomi No. baths- No. of water clos ets---- No. of Families --.--------- ESTIMATED CCST 4^.^":- OF CONSTRUCTION c//" (Materiets & Labor) tr 6) E Bo uL Narne Addres City '-Tel, No, & Narne Address City Tel, No o .0lr+fgi ou Narne "/goo {('tzz.;O Address B"x ft City v t nl uoo.tl :l Lot ./aB a ." F 'l Block { \ sub0rvlsion /,- tl F) ,_.,'*,, , (Circle correct classification)l. Type of construction f . ff@i)t V v. Z. Occupancy group A. B. C. D. E.6y' c.6t I. J. Approval by planning and architectur3lpermit. ,rr."W Date BUILDING INSPECTION Receipt of Plans_- srt,""_Z;*- ---"* -- Apl'!#.- -- APProval of Plans (Z sets reouired)Date control committee to obtain building Signature Date Arnount of Permit Fee $ / ,rrrl Amount of Clean up Feffi Date perrnit iesued bffi Final inepection -_--r*----1# Paid: cash ffin."{ELL -Paid: Cash $----Check $'- Tap fee Paid Arnount- Conetruction clean-uP - Certificate of occrrpancy & compliance _**---- Perrnit BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Date 9d2 Perrnission is hereby c"^ft"djzu/ t ftz-/44, ,z' t- r'-as La-/4a( //z-,, t sto ry -A ddre s s In accordance with the provisions set forth by the VaiI .A.rchitectural Control Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set Iorth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1954 Uniforrn Building Code. Type of C onstruction 2-Gtoup__Z-n-_n/ Z 1: pproved Vail Building Inspectcfr INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ...PPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNITURE FOUND;\TIONS FRI MING bo d d ) g.l FINA L ROUGHoo kr FINI L ROUGH h0 H F.,FINA L ROUGH u0i.d 0)tra o FINI\ L 7',APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE :JO?N OF VAIL licant fill in this section :i:lLots crDra.ndE iio F' Block 5 *o l)! ^.,.F.l n i Duodrvrsron____Lirdjlllm (Circle correct cla s sification) l. Type of construction I, II, III, IV, V I Building address Date of A pplication a me-------Jabm,-P^ l(aannra,. A ddre s s,,_g16gLf orrar. Tnrr City Yalt Tel. No. 476-5{53 Narne Narne Davld Raloher.dt Addt. " "City Silval*,horae Tel. No. Z. Occupancy grouD C, D, E, F, G, J INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) INSPECTION APPROVA L FOUNDATIONS BU ING INFORM4 TION New A ddition A lteration ; Repairs Type of occupancy y' rea of Lot NSIONS Total floot area (sq ft)__!@_ No, of stories I Ht- Nr. of roonts_l_No. bathe-_q No. of water closets O No. of Families ESTIMATED COST oF coNSTRUCTTON_j3rgco * (Mate rials & Labor) COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE o aS t\ d l.lp" fr{ 0) {d dd Pr +) (u oo t?. c)ur'! u H olr k o o t-t "l{r)g$ H-tus HfiF{ t!E+ Hil :E u:.,a6zfiZH<j x '1 OpQ tU (t $ U tu u @ o r0 O d Fr ll 6 o a) i.llr o c o E{ ttq) t8o Etr tUp. lu+, (tla 5o .! n, u(, o tU d(J tr C)o , I E C' c, () tro I 'r+, at,p u o +I() (, o trH rde k {.1tr l{ <i rt rd 0)o aO t Add""ss_ Dever Dt'y G..oods Co.City__lSover_ Tel. No. Ke 4-2LIL lt)L A (g k1 d.1 d k a4.r AJtr tt' ru 1.. ::Xr{ do. ;oAV f;o ::.F{ ('(dd> Jc) o+ttro ai at) {) G' c) (') ti Q) I(.) -l9l .H.:d u:t{ r' <09 rd *' tr0)d{) botd'F iFCHtdor? o'= hO rr.oFrO -.HQS6or5".8r{ -1 d6 aE ..<a:'i4ir.E zo tru Id FI(/)z z t-aJr-l o c)I dg DO U) q) +rda i,) sl FRAMING FIN.^ L ROUGHII kl FINA L ROUGHfF M.l t)s ar ROUCH FINAL T'INN L (, o o Perrnit Perrnission is as 6tr, vr cn taar""" C.r. c4,;r? nnl Brrlr. I In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail -A.rchitectural Control Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in compliance with the 1964 Uni{orrn Building Code. Type of C onstruction Group BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Iv^t" June l1 n_!_t hereby g'^^r"a JoLq R. K"amen n l ralstory B*,il,if " Contractor A pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ,\PPROVA L FOUNDATIONS COMMENTS DATE & SIGN}TURE FR,^ MING bo d a t trl FINAL ROUGH l.t FINT L ROUGH bt /. *r FIN/1 L ROUGHJE (6 0) E Or FIN,A L BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado ,^tu tn. t4 Is-6r- Perrnit Perrnission is hereby granted as P*na. to ft?ote t //cr sfiea .l ddre s s In accordance with the Cornrnittee, subject to Pr otective Covenants, provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 1' rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. Type of C onstruction C ontra cto r -ry Group Fflr? f, pproved INSPECTION RECORD (For Departmental use Only) INSPECTION .\ PPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNTTURE FOUNDATIONS FRl\MING FINA L oo ROUGHIo t']FINI L ROUGH FINI]. L o0 -,.. l-q ROUGHd 0) o FIN/1 L )' ',. (. 5. Mruu €. M. Serafinl r!{, P. Mrurer o frc. ?fQxt att.tt ! ' /$lfunrft. $rnarlrul tr{D Slrunrn, - Co*ufi;ng €rgin'.,' - 29Ol Vest 19th Avcnuc Denrer, (olotedo 8O2A4 "r'uu' oo.f6!l L- 10-11-67 A. H.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of I€ts c, d, a,-ld e, Block 5, Vail ViIIage, First Filing, County of Eagle, Stace of Colorado, lying llest of the following desc::ibed l.ine: Beginnin5, at a point on the North line of said Lot c, said point beini;57.03 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said.T,ot c; thence Southerly to a point orr the South line of sald Loc e, said pcint beiug 48.24 feet Easterly of a point of curve of the 12 foot radius curve at the Southuest corner of said iot e. LEGAL DL]SCI{IPTION That part of l,ots c, d, and e, Block 5, Vail Village, First Filing, Count]' of Eagle, Stare of Colorado, lying East of the foiLr,ring described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of said lct c, said poirrt being 57.03 feet Easrcrly of tlie Northwest corner of said Lot c; thcnce Souiherly to a point on the South line of said LoE e, said point being 48,24 feet Easterly of a pcint of curve of the 12 fc,ot radius curve at the Southr.^iest corner of said lart e; and a pa-r-t of Tract B, Vail Village, First Filing, more particularl-y described as follor.;s: Beginnitrg at thc Southcas' corner of Lot e, Blcck 5, Vait Vi1 lage, First Filingl thence N.0o09r00"w. along the Easterli' line of lot e and Lot d, said Block 5, a distance of 54,26 feet to the Southeasc corner of Lot c, said Block 5; thence. N.13o15r00t\"1 . anci along the Easterly lirre of said Lot c a disrance of 23,38 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot c; thence S.82"23rE. along the Northerly line of said Lot c excendeci a distance of 11.57 feet; tlrence 5.4"31r16"w. a distance of 75;72 feet to the true point of begianing. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN CF VAIL (Applicant fill in this section only) Building address Date of Applicrtion Narne _j)ttat n r?c&,Jb Address Address City r)2.^lvn Tel. No. I+z /z/"i Tel. No. 4z trq) tr 5o h o !Bt{ u BUILDING INT'CI R MA TIO I! New Add ition No. of F atniliea---2--.-.-- Narne - *F4- .flir+t^t Addresscity@ Lot Bloek Subdivision Approval by planning and architectural Detmit. 4 lte r ation_.1!_ R epair s_-_ Type of o c cuoancy-!,;b&G!&!LJ- (Al1 parts of building) /?E{'c/gilf'^1 ' ffis 26''uld4T' Total floor area ( sq ftl Zo.oao F No of stori"s2{*.r.,'#t' ,24=' ,. No. of roome-|2-jo' bathsJ No. of water closets -l:2- ESTIMATED CCST 01 oF coNsr xucrrcfulf{o:to (Materiels & Labor)tll u0 {)J (Circle correct clas sificationl 1. Type of construetion I. II. Uf@ V. Occupancy group A. B. c. D. EE, c@ r..1" Signed control comrnittee to obtain building Date Signature Receipt of plans BurlpJ[q $ts-Ep-c'TlgNeroval of Plane (2 sets reouired)---5;d ^.n Date Amount of Perrnit :. ee-g-Aaa Paid: Casn$Q9 "tffi-_Amount of Clean rrp Feffi Paid: Caeh $-Check Date permit issued W rap fee paid- Finalinapection r / / Construction Amount BT'ILDINC DiNTENSTC N.S 'r/* /-&7 (Petmittee) Certificate of occrrpancy & cornpliance clean- up a,'//