HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT C D E GORSUCH BUILDING AKA CLOCK TOWER MCBRIDE BUILDING 1996 - 1998 PERMITS LEGAL/u /"//"7' f'r//;/ / fu,tT, lz tbE 6r',/"rr/ g/r,/hy nra Chrtforre,( n"&r,/u ' ,er**7 Ar;E/?/t-nrd dateBusiness with Assembly T\pe V 1-Hour Add Sq Fts: caB ApplialtccB: *of €as Logs: Tocal calculat€d tr'e€s- - - > Addilional Fees---------> Total Panrit Fee--------> Pa]nDenta _ _ _ - _ _ _ "A/act(s, /o/ I ,i%kffio',lo TOI{N OF VATI-, 75 S. FRO}.ITAGE ROAD vArIJ, co g1-657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTT4ENT OF COI4MIINITY DEVETOPMEMT NOtE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AIT COMM BUILD PERIWI ON JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES PemiE #: 898-0062 'Job AddreSS: 263 E GoRE CREEK DR I,OCAIION. ..: 263 E GORE CREEK DRParcel No. . : 210L-082-29-003 ProjecE No. : PRJg8-0044 APPLICANT SIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArr, CO 81658 COIiITRAETOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VAIL CO 81658 OWNER GORSUCH DescrS-ption: EXCAVATE PASSAGE THRU 2 PORTIONS OF BLDG Occupancyz 92/A3Ilt)e Construction: V l-HR Tlr1'e Occupancy: Valuation: 7,740 RcstuaranL Plan Revien- - > DRB Fee-------- Recreatsion Fee----------> clean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FBES-.--. 2 . jrt(\' Fir6p1ac. Information: Reetrictscdr *of *of wood/Pa1lel: BuiLdinE-----> Plan check- - - > IDveEcigaEion> ni11 call--- -> 125 .00 81-25 .00 3.00 . o0 20-00 .00 100.00 329.25 .00 329 .25 329 .25 BAI,ANCE DUB---- .OO Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept : PL,ANNING Division: DRBTCHRISTIEDebt: FIRE Division: DepE: PIJB WORK Division: 04/Ls/L998Itbm:' 0540004/L4/teegItem: 0560004/L4/L998Item: .0550004/L4/L998 FIRE DEPARTT,TENTiIRM Action:PUBLIC WORKSJRM Action: accuratG plot, and ploE plan, Eubdivieion ITEM: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARTTVIENT,JRM Action: APPR approvedPI,ANNING DEPARTIIEIiTT 'JRM ACtsiON: APPR APPROVED APPR N/A APPR N/A I hereby acknowledge chat I have read thi6 appli.caEion, filled out in full the informarion required, conpleted an ptan, and rlser ehaC aLMe inf orfiation provided as required is corr€c!. I agEee Co comply with bhe j.nfontat j.on to co$ply *ith all Towlr ordinances and Blate 1awe, and to build thiE Ecructure according to the Toltn'B zoning and RBQI E9TS FOR INEPBeTIONS SmIJIJ BE UADE TI{EMIC-FOUR HoIlRs IU ADI/ANCE Bv IEI,BPHONB AT {AT QoR OPFTCE FRoM g:O0 Ait 5:oo PM status...: IssItED (GORSAppIied. . : 04/L4/L998Issued...: 04/L6/L998 E>qgj-res. . : to/L3 /L998 Phone: 9708455656 rof/c6inrf,lBei,:"' coRsucH r_,TD _ MCBRTDE .TOrrN p , Clgon_up Dg263 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 8155t aBprov€d arnount FEE SI'UMIRY ;;";";.;;.;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;,hi s permi, DECLARATTONS it Refund aand C16.n-I4r Dclro6it. To: GEOR('E SHAEFFBR OF OW}IER OR FOR HIMSELF AND OIIIIER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPerrnit #: 898-0062 as of 04/16/99 Starus: ISSIIED********************:l******:r**************************************************** Permit, T)pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: O4/L4/1999Applicant,: SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Issued: 04/L6/L99897084556s6 To E:<pire I LO/L3/L998 Job Address:Location: 263 E GORE CREEK DR (GORSUCH) Parcel No: 2101-082-29-003 Description: EXCAVATE PASSAGE TIIRU 2 PORTIONS OF BLDG Condit,ions:1. FIRE DEPARI?IIEMI APPROVATT rS REQUIRED BEFORE ANy WORK CAIiI BE STARTED.2. FIEIJD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPI'IANCE. Monroe ONewe[' Engineers, Inc. CALCULATED BY Kc-T CHECKED BY 3/qt\ : lt* A MonroelNewell Englneers, Inc.SHEET NO. " ."r.*our--_K{-- ** C+IECKED BY scAt€ 3/r,t\ , PROJECT: GORSUCH REMODEL M&N #4003 DATE: APRIL 10' 1998 GENERAL NOTES 1. LIVE LOADS USED IN DESIGN: A. TYPICAL FLOOR OO PSF B. wlND 85 MPH1. BASIC WIND SPEED 2. EXPOSURE B C. EARTHQUME ZONE I 2. TESTING: A.coNTRAcToRSHALLFURN|SHoRPRoV|DEcooRDlNAT|oNFoRTEST|NGASREQU|RED BYTHE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONi. ii;iESNNG PROGMM SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH TH E PROJ ;I;OWTI EN, ARCHITECT AND STRUCTU RAL ENG I N EER' B.INTHEABSENGEoFoTHERREQU|REMENTS,THEcoNTMcToRSHALLFURN|SH INDEPENDENTTESTING OF SOIL Cb-T"TPNCiICJN, CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE STRENGTH AND RErNFoRcrNG, To rHE EXTENT r.rEciisnnv ro ASSURE coNsrRucrloN ls lN coMPLIANcE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. 3. FOUNDATIONS: A. THE ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE ASSUMED IN DESIGN IS 2OOO PSF' THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN A LICENSED SOILS ENGINEER TO INSPECT THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION. SOILS ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY IN WRITING THE ACTUAL SOILS CAPACITY IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ASSUMED. B. ALL FOOTING BEARING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED, EXACT BEARING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD WITH ACTUAL CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR WITH APPROVAL OF SOILS ENGINEER AND ALL BOTTOM OF FOOTINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 48' BELOW EXTERIOR GRADE. C. ALL FOOTINGS ARE TO BE PLACED ON FIRM, UNDISTURBED, NATURAL SOIL OR PROPERLY COMPACTED BACKFILL, APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. BACKFILL SHALL BE coMpAcTED TO 95% (M|N|MUM) STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY UNLESS OTHERWSE RECOMMENDED IN THE SOILS REPORT. IF SOFT SPOTS ARE ENCOUNTERED REMOVE SOIL AND RESOMPACT WITH APPRoVED FILL. (RE: SOIL REPORT FOR DESCRIPTION OF BEARING SOIL.) D. DO NOT PLACE BACKFILL AGAINST BASEMENT WALLS UNTIL BASEMENT FLOOR AND FIRST FLOORARE IN PLACE. E. CENTER ALL FOOTINGS UNDER WALLS OR COLUMNS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PtANS. F. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, AT HIS EXPENSE, FIELD DENSIry TESTS ON COMPACTED FILL UNDER FOOTINGS AND INTERIOR SLABS-ON-GMDE. A MINIMUM OF 2 REPRESENTATIVE TESTS SHALL BETAKEN FOR EACH FOOTING AND SLAB-ON-GRADE. G. NOTIFY SOILS ENGINEER WHEN EXCAVATION IS COMPLETED SO THAT CONDITIONS MAY BE INSPECTED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL OR CONCRETE. 4. CONCRETE: A. ALL CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SHALL BE MADE WITH TYPE I PORTLAND CEMENT, STONE AGGREGATE AND SHALL DEVELOP 3OOO PSICOMPRESSIVE STRENGTH IN 28 DAYS. B. CONTRACTOR MAY POUR SLABS-ON-GRADE CONTINUOUS AND TROWELCUT JOINTS. JOINTS SHALL BE SPACED 12 FEETAND TROWELCUT 1'DEEP X 1i8" WIDE. C. SLABS. FOOTINGS, BEAMS AND WALLS SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTS IN A HORIZONTAL PLANE. ANY STOP IN CONCRETE WORK MUST BE MADE AT THIRD POINT OF SPAN WITH VERTICAL BULKHEADSAND HORIZONTAL SHEAR KEYS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SHALL BE AS DETAILED OR AS REVIEWED BY THE ENGINEER. D. ALL CONCRETE WORK AND REINFORCEMENT DETAILING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI BUILDING CODE 318 LATEST EDITION. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE WORK SHALL HAVE 3/4 INCH CHAMFER. USE STANDARD HOOKS ON DOWELS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. REINFORCEMENT: A ALL REINFORCING SHALL BE HIGH-STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM DESIGNATION A 615, GRADE 60 EXCEPT TIES, STIRRUPS AND PLATE ANCHORS WHICH SHALL BE DEFORMED BARS, ASTM DESIGNATION 4615, GRADE 40. B. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORMTOASTMA1SSAND SHALL BE LAPPED ONE FULL MESH AT SIDE AND END SPLICES AND WIRED TOGETHER. C, REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION:1. CONCRETE POURED AGAINST EARTH 3' 2. CONCRETE POURED IN FORMS (EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH) 2" 3. COLUMNS AND BEAMS (TlE BARS) 1-112" 4. SLABS AND WALLS (NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER) 314" D. NO SPLICES OF REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE MADE EXCEPTAS DETAILED OR AUTHORIZED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. LAP SPLICES, WHERE PERMITTED, SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 36 BAR DIAMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. MAKE ALL BARS CONTINUOUS AROUND CORNERS. E. PLACE TWO #5 (PER 8" THICKNESS) WITH 2'-O PROJECTION AROUND ALL OPENINGS IN CONCRETE WALLS, SLABS, AND BEAMS. ALSO PROVIDE TWO #5 X 4'-O DIAGONALLY AT EACH CORNER, F. CONTINUOUS TOP AND BOTTOM BARS IN WALLS AND BEAMS SHALL BE SPLICED AS FOLLOWS: TOP BARS AT MIDSPAN. BoTTOM BARS OVER SUPPORTS. G, PROVIDE ALL ACCESSORIES NECESSARY TO SUPPORT REINFORCING AT POSITIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL REINFORCEMENT TO BE HELD SECURELY IN PROPER POSITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF ACI 318. I. WIRE STRAND USED IN PRESTRESSING SHALL HAVE 270 KSI ULTIMATE STRENGTH AND CONFORM TO "SPECIFICATIONS FOR UNCOATED SEVEN-WIRE STRESS-RELIEVED STRAND FOR PRESTRESSED CONCRETE", ASTM A416 OR ASTM A421. 6. WOOp: A. ALL FRAMING AND TRUSS LUMBER SHALL BE DRY DOUGLAS FIR, LARCH, GRADED BY WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION AND CONFORMING TO UNIFORM BUILDING CODEAS FOLLOWS: 2" THICK.4" WIDE O ,rro rJuru r$ NO. 1 FB = 1000 PSI NO. 1 FB = 1350 PSI ' 2" TO 4" THICK - 6" & WIDER 5'THICK-5"&WIDER NOTED ALLOWABLE STRESSES ARE MINIMUMS AND FOR NONREPETITIVE USES PRIOR TO ALLOWABLE STRESS INCREASES. B. PROVIDE 1 X 4 CROSS BRIDGTNG NOT OVER 8'ON CENTER FOR ALL WOOD JOISTS AND 2X SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS ATALL SUPPORTS. FASTEN ALL WOOD MEMBERS WITH COMMON NAILS ACCORDING TO THE UBC SCHEDULE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. C. LAMINATED BEAMS 1. ALL LAMINATED MEMBERS SHALL BE FABRICATED OF DOUGLAS FIR LARCH AT 12 PERCENT MOISTURE CONTENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH WCLIB. ALL SIZES SHOWN ARE NET. 2. LAMINATED MEMBER SHALL BE DETAILED AND FABRICATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF STRUCTUML GLUE LAMINATED TIMBER, LATEST EDITION AS PUBLISHED BYAITC. 3. PROVIDE UNITS CONFORMING TO AITC 117,22FV8, D.F. FOR CONTINUOUS MEMBERS AND CANTILEVERS AND 24FV3 FOR SIMPLE SUPPORT MEMBERS. MEMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH ZERO CAMBER WITH TOP SURFACE CLEARLY STAMPED ON EACH MEMBER. D. PLYWOODDECKAND/ORWAFERBOARD1. PANEL THICKNESS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. APPLICATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION.2. EACH PANEL SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH THE GRADE-TRADEMARK OF THE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION AND SHALL MEET THE REOUIREMENTS OF U,S. PRODUCTS STANDARD PSI, LATEST EDITION FOR PLYWOOD. ALL PANELS WHICH HAVE ANY EDGE OR SURFACE PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER SHALL BE OF THE EXTERIOR TYPE. 3. FOR FLOORING USE 1/2'T&G STURD-I-FLOOR SHEATHING NAILED AT 4" O.C. ALONG PANEL EDGES AND AT 10" ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS. 4. FOR ROOF USE 5/8' (40/20 SPAN RATTNG) EXPOSURE I SHEATHING NATLED AT 4" O.C. ALONG PANEL EDGES AND AT 12" ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS. 5. EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL HAVE ONE LAYER OF 314" EXPOSURE I SHEATHING NAILED AT 6'O,C, ALONG PANEL EDGES, 6, DIAPHRAGM SHEATHING SHALL BE THE THICKNESS SHOWN ON PLANS WITH THE FACE GRAIN PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS WITH END JOINTS STAGGERED. 7. INSTALL SUITABLE EDGE SUPPORT BY USE OF PLYCLIPS, TONGUE AND GROOVE PANELS OR SOLID WOOD BLOCKING BETWEEN SUPPORTS. 7. NON-STRUCTURALELEMENTS: A. ELEMENTS SUCH AS NON-BEARING PARTITIONS. ETC. ATTACHED TO AND/OR SUPPORTED BY THE STRUCTURE SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT DEFLECTIONS AND OTHER STRUCTURAL MOVEMENTS. B. FIRE PROTECTION FOR ALL STRUCTURAL PARTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND SHALL MEET ALL CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. STRUCTUML STEEL MEMBERS SHALL BE CONSIDERED UNRESTRAINED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 7. GENERAL: A. ENGINEER'S ACCEPTANCE MUST BE SECURED FOR ALL STRUCTURAL SUBSTITUTIONS. B. VERIFY ALL OPENINGS THROUGH FLOORS, ROOF AND WALLS WITH MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS, SIZES, LINTELS, AND J c. D. E. REQUIRED CONNECTIONS ARE CONTRACTOR'S COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OR OTHER ITEMS TO BE ATTACHED TO THE STRUCTURE, ENGINEER'S APPROVAL OF CONNECTIONS AND SUPPORTS SHALL BE OBTAINED. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED ON ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL HANGERS, CONNECTIONS, ETC., REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF HIS ITEMS. PROVIDE ALL EMBEDDED ITEMS IN STRUCTURE AS NOTED ON ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. MISCELLANEOUS EMBEDDED ITEMS AND ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE FURNISHED BY STEEL SUPPLIER AND INSTALLED BY CONCRETE CONTMCTOR. STEEL SHALL FULFILL ASTM A36. WATERPROOFING, VAPOR BARRIERS. WATERSTOP, ETC., SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND AS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. .{ 'Contacc Eagle CounEy Assessors 0ffice 2-4 0 ELECTRICAL: S ,-VO MEcITANI cAl-, t $____16ftI_PLUMBfNG: $ Narre_ \ddress: \ddress: lleneral Contractor: \ddress: il-ectrical Contractor :w*L- ,lec]ranical Cont,ractor :\ddress: ]UILDING PERMIT FEE: .)LUMBING PERMIT FEE: ,IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: JLECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: --omments: . APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEIJY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI Lr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERMrr TNFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * J. * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * *t..-ffi-nuirains [ ]-Plumbing 1$-rtectrical [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-orher Job Name. @ Job Acldre""r _2_6_V zasr Go.e Cepe*Da\VeS Legal Description: Lot I 5BIock* Address: Architect, Y?At Z, 9rry'-L .Addressz SzAo K*t-ras Y2n-*p-^rpr..476-F!gcl ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New 9S-Aft"ration [ ]-Additional I l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling units , -AA Number of Accohmodation units , Nh, |rnbcr and Type of Fireplaces: cas AppIi un"u=.V,+eas rogs!\h wood/pelI "L_N/A_ k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r( * * * * * * * * * * *f':]UILDING: +OTHER: $Nz|t{e 'r rJ J. AL; a_4.n &a C,ant aT {f%r Vair Res. No.lkl- F ?4RI'IW oodnrf*J#l:"wHF f *******************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIJ\N CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI'NN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: rOTAL PERMIT FEES; BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: TrrrE$-,lumbins fJ'ti;"[a. *************************** Town of Vait Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: VALUATION I CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFIIND TO:Gg-aa-Ce 4+^er.uo- QtsteqorbN C-- o lnwn n l/al 75 south lron lage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I38 or 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ead and rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any ""irl-r""i., sand, debrisor rnaterial, incruding trash iumpsteri, portuLie-.orr-ets andworkrnen vehiclespr?:" o' -.,y -po;.Y::".f, :1"3!i""1;"=:i;Hil5i-ili"I"'Irf"fl*i ",Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wilL be =trittiy enforced by the Town of VailPubric works Department. perslns found "ii,r"ting this ordinancewil"l be qiven a 24 hour written notrce to rernove said rnaterial_.In the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour.time-specified, the pubric worksDepartrnent wirr remove said mate;i;i-;a-irrJ"!"pli.e of personnotified- The provisions or this orclrnance sharr not beappricable to cLnstruction, *.ini"nunce or repair projects ofany srreet or alley or any urilities :-" in"-ilfti_u_"uy. To review ordinance No. 6 in fuIl, please stop by the Town ofVair Buir'ding Departnent to obtain a copy. rtrank you for your.cooperation on this matter. of f lce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN Op vArL puBLIc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT MARCH l-6, 1 988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE 4€z R Y lili acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 3outh Irontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlco of communlty devolopmerrt BUILD]NG PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this permit requjres a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval ,Engineer'.s (pubt ic W:t$l reyiew and ipprovaf ,'a piannini-bip.rtn.ntrevi ew or Hea'l th Department. revi ew, unii'u-iuui.; ;i-ii;;";riiur ngDepartment, the estinated time ror-a totar ;;;i;"-;ui"iu[i'i, rongas three weeks. f]l cgmmgrgial (.]arge or smail)and a.il mutti_family permits willhave to follow the .rbove rnentioned maximum requ.i remlnii. 'iesidential and.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, ifresidential or snrailer.projects impact the virious-iuou. *ention"adepartmcnts with reqard to necessary review, th;;; t;;j;.ii"ruya'l so take the three-weet< peiloJ. H' vrrsr' L) l Every atternpt wi'lr be Tgge bv this crepartnrent to expedite thispet'mit.as sqon as possible. - -- -"r** I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. I (6-*-*) ' oio- Communi ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name:4 Dale: Please answ r lhd following questionnaire regarding the ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easernenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Bight Of Way way, easemenls or used for staging, need {or a "Public Way Permit": YES NO 1) 2l 3) 4) 5) X 6) 7l )< X d x d x Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of public property to be parking or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community XDevelopment? . lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction lnspector, at.479-2158 I have read and answered allthe above questions-r-..,',^ 31 (s.*a- orv ..-6qts uc4+ 9--'** Contradofs Signatura DateJob Name How it relates to Building Permits: 1)Fill out our check list provided with a buildin 2) lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 s. Frontage Road or Public works, located at i 30g Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1Sth. andwill need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perlorm. The Public work's construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The. above. process is,for work in a public way only. " Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.* A new Public way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. co/pway o 75 louth l.onlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479-2139 ofrice ol communlly development . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUTLDERS Effective .rune 20-, rggrt the Town of Vair Building Department hasdeveroped the forrowing procedures to ensu."-il;l';"" construction :+lu" have acreguatery-etcablished_p-roper o.ainige from buirdingsites along and adjacent Lo Town of vail road" oi "cr""t".The Town of Vair public works Department wiLr be required. toinspect and approve _d-rainage adjacent to Town of vair. roads orstreets and the instar-ration of timporary or permanent curverts ataccess points from the road or street on to tire construction site.such approvar must..be o.bta.ineci prior to any request for inspectionby the l'own or Vail Bu.irding oepartmenl- for footings or remporaryeLectrical or any. other i-nspeition. pteasl--"urr 47g-zL6o torequesr- an inspection from th; public worr<s-bepJit*unt.- Ali;,r-;minimum of 24 hour nolice. Arso, thq Town of vail public works Deparl-ment. wirl be approvingarl final drainage and culvert instariation with resurting.roadpauching'as necessary^. such approvar must ue ontained prior toFj.nal Certificate of occupancy iisuanc". ri:i -a I TOTN{ OFVAIL 75 South Fronragc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e pa rt tn e nt oJ Couluuri ty D ct'c l<tpttt t' t t t INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1. 2. HEAT LOSS CALCUIJATIONS. TO SCALE FI-,OOR PLAN OF MECHANTCAL ROOM WITH EQUTPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EOUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow sIzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VBNT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTAI,I,ED TN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3. 4. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WIUL DEI,AY YOUR PERII{IT. TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 9L657 974-479-2L38 APPLICANT SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, cypSUM CO 81537 CONTRACTOR SABO ELEETRTC DEPARTI'iETiIT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iTOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: 898-0062ELECTRTCAIJ PERMIT .Iob Address: 263 E GORE CRBEK DR SEaEus...: IsSttEDr-,ocat.ion...z 263 E coR_E CREEK DR (cORSAppIied..: o4/L4/]-999Parcel No..: 2LOL-082-29-003 Issued...: O4/L6/L999ProjecE No.: PRiI98-0044 Extrlires..: Lo/!3/L99g OIIINER 0799 COTmONWOOD PASS RD, GypSItM CO 81637 GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE iIOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VArL CO 8L557 Description: REINSTALL EIJECTRICAL PANEL Valuation:500. 00 r''rit**tr*rrrlrrir.lr'l*rrrrrrtif*rrr****rtrrt*r*iir**rrrrrf** FE8 SwMARy r**r**r****{+t**t'rrr**ti****t***!|**tt*****rt** Total eeLculag€d Feee- - - > Phone: 970-524-7970 Phone:' 970-524-7970 53.O0 53,O0 53.00 EledCricrl - - -> DRE Fee Invcatigation> will calI----> TOTAL FEES- -. > 50.o0 . o0 . o0 3.00 53 -O0 Additional Fe€s- --------> .o0 Tobal P.rnit F6c----__- -> Palm6nt'6-------- BAIANCE DUE---- .OO tr*tt*attrirr**** ***r*r** r*i!**t*****t*r***r***]}ll**rrJ*r|r*rr*r*rr***\r*tta'r***t***l|r*r* **tt*rlttjtir*iJ*|r*ttt*at*tt*t* ITCM: OSOOO EI.EETRICAI-, DEPARTI'IEI''IT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O4/L4/l-998 .]RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRM-IE-ama'.05600-Frnr DBPARTT,IENI Dept: FrRE Division:04/L4/L998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEI-,D fNSPECTIONS ARE RBOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE.2. FIRE DEPART!,IENT APPROVAL-IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY hIORK CAN BE STARTED. DECLARATTONS I her€by acknowledge lhag I have read thiB applicatsion, filled out in fu1l thc infornation requircd, cornpleted an accurata plot plrn, and statse thrt all the infonMCion provided as requireil iE corrccc. I agree tso comply ttith the infonEtion and plot plan, go c@ply xith all Town ordinanceB and EtaLr lawa, and tso build thia Btructsure according bo bhc To$n'g zoning and subdivioion codes, deFiglr rcviey approved, Irniforh Building codc and olher ordiDanceg of the Tor|n apPlicable thereto. REQITESA8 FOR IN8PECTIONS SHAJIL BE I'llDE I!{BriTY-FOITR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPT{oNE AT 479-2138 FROII S:oo A 5:00 PU OWTfBR OR CONTRAC:TOR HIIISELF AIID OIII{ER )e- rqe Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Pdcct Name: Gorsuch Ltd. Remodel Project Description: Conneot east and wcst retail salcs areas Owner, Addrcss and Phone: Gorsuch, Ltd. - Colorado S Corp. 263 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Co 81657 (970',) 47G2294 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Ray Story, Architect 3230 Katsos Rench Road, Vail (9701476-s639 Project Street Address: 263 East Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Parccl Number: Comments: Lot C-8, Block 5, Vail Village lst Building Name: Gorsuch nlt Board / Staff Action Action: Staff ApprovalMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:/1. Pa-rking pay in lieu fee of $6,112.02 is required to be paid before building permit isissued' ) fl. ./y / Town Planner: Christie Berton I-rate: 4l6l9t DRB Fee Prc-Paid: $20.00 TOWI{. OFVAIL NorE: THrs PERMTT Musr BE posrED oN,JoBsrrE AT ALr, TrMES ADD/ALT coMM BUILD PERMT Pernit # 3 895-0325 75 South Fronmge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Addrees: 263 E GORE CREEKLocation...: Parcel No.. : 2L0!-0BZ-29-OO3Project No.: Department of Community DevelopmentDR Status...: ISSUEDApplied. .z 09/27/LeetIssued...: L0/02/L991 Expires .. | 03/30/L99t APPLICANT SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTIONP O BOX 373, vArL co 81658CONTRACTOR SHAEEFER COITSTRUCTIONP O BOX 373, VAIL CO 81658OI{NER GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE .TOHN P263 E coRE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 81557 Description: ATM AT GORSUCHS Occupancy: 82Type Constructiori: V l-HRTlpe Occupancy: Phone: 3038455656 Phone: 3038455656 B2 Type V 1-Hour **r@**t*i*ffiH***t***t**** F E EBul I'di ng*---> l95.oo Restuarant ptln Revieu->Ptm chcck---> 126.75 dii-;;;_:_'::j_.Inv.stigltim> .OO Recreiiionui tt car.r---> 3.oo iiili:Ji-'rj.i"li Valuation: Fireptace Infornrtion: Rcst ri cted: 15 r 000 ,tof Gas Appti anccs: ToTALfEES_--_--_> Add Sq Ft: .m Total Catcutated Fecs--->50.00 Additionat F.cs-------->,00 Totat perrit Fe!------> tof Gas Logs:gof l.,ood/Pat lct: SUIiHARY ffi *******ffi ffi ffi *********f**t*rffi ffi ********ffitrffi 100.00 474.75 Payaents-__----> 474.75 .00 17 4.75 474.75 .00 dE7liz?3180 iEHy,iis!: 687i,iABii'' "E$ : :: I r:o3€ i3*T*iil$* -FIiANNING DEPARTMENT- lffi*" or"fifiFfrEft: APPR 'fiilei,rc w6fift*"": APPR DAN AcIion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Dept: PLANNING Dept.: FIRE Dept: PUB WORK Division: Division: Di.vision: Division: qee Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appry to this permit. DECLARATIONS t hcreby acknotrtcdgc thtt t .h?::-:::d- thi s apptication, fil,ted out in fuu, the infornatlon. requircd, co4,1eted an eccur.tc plotPl'!n' lnd 'trtc thlt alt the lnfornati.on prolioed as rlquircd.i.s;o;;";;.' i'rgi.i to."o,pr,y yith the iniornation snd pr.ot pran,to coQl'y t'fth atl' Tor'n ordinances -and stgte tavs' -.rd-to fuitd this atru.tur"i.io"ding to thc Tolrn, s zoning and subdivisioncod's, dcrign rcvlcH approvcd, unito.n iiiiii ig-ifu"'lnd othcr ordinances of thc Toun appr.icrb(G thereto. REAUESTS TOR TNSPECTTONS SHALL 8E IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR }IOI'RS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 AT OUR OFFICE Sand Ctcrn-Up Dcposi t To: SHAEFFEn {9 r"rouor^ro 1 AiTD OIINER ...ToIIffmE***********r.*******r.******************************************* 75 South Frontdge Road wwtor&o &afi-0325 CONDITIONS DeparfrncntofcommunityDevelapment as of L0/02/95 Status: ISSUED**VW4tl9_2tWt7VtI99***************!r*:*************************!.******************* FAX 970-479-2452-Pernit rypel ADD/Ar,T coMM BUrLD eERMTApplicant: SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 303 8455 6s 6 Job Address: Location: Parcel No: 2101-082-29-003 Description: ATM AT GORSUCHS Conditione:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR Applied: 09/27/t99s Issued: I0/02/!995 To Expire: 03/30/!996 ANY WORK CAN BE CODE COMPI,IANCE. {p^*ruo . i .,,.' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT COMM BUILD Job Addrese:Location...: Parcel No..:Proiect No.: 263 E GORE CREEK 2L0t-082-29-003 POSTED PERMT Add Sq Ft: .00 50.00 100.00 ON APPLICANT SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArrJ CO 81659 CONTRACTOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArL CO 81658OT'INER GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE .JOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VAII CO 81657 Description: ATM AT GORSUCHS Occupancy: 82 Type Construction! V 1-HR Type Occupancy: 82 Type V L-Hour fOf Gas Apptiances:#Of Gas Logs:fof tlood/P!tt.t: *ffi*t***ffiffi*t*ffi FEE SUlltlARY **f,tffiffi*t**r*i*****f**** Valuation: Fi raptace Inforration: Rest ri cted: Bui tdi ngr---)195.00 P f.an Check---> 1?6.75 15, 000 Rcstuarant Pl,an Review--> DRB Fee------- Recreation Fee--------> C [ean-Up Deposi t------>Invest ig€tion> t,i l. L caLl,---> .00 3.00 TOTAL FEES-_-- Totat catcutated Fees--> Additionat F.ca-------> Payments------ BALATICE DUE---_ .m Totat Per[it Fee------> 474.75 .00 474.75 20.00 454.75 *ffi:Hffi:tirffi*ffi Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PI-,ANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DeDt: PUB WORK Division: ITEM: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09 /2'1 /L995 DAlt Action: APPRIICn:. -O54OO PLANNTNG DEPARTMENTO9/27/L995 DAII Action: APPRItbm:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT09/2711995 DAN Action: APPRItbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKSO9/27/L995 DAN Action: APPR ffit*ffiffittffi**f,*ffi*ffi*ffi*ffi**t**t***f,rirht*ttft*tffi tt* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this application, fiLLed or.rt in futl, the inforration required, compteted an accuratc ptot ptan, and state that atl the inforration provided as fequired is correct. I agrec to compty vith the inforration and ptot ptan, to corpty vith atL Tovn ordinancas and statc taws, and to buiLd this structur. according to the Tounrs zoning and subdivision codes, degign feviet approved, uniforn BuiLding code and othen ordinances of the Tolrn appl,icabtc theneto. REOT,ESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI,,ENW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEP}ONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRONI 8:OO A 5:()0 PiI 4 t 1(.,l 2/*'ty'-, JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 895-0325 DR Status...: APPROVEDApplied..: 09/27/tee5rseued...: 09/27/199sExpires..t 03/2s/L996 Phone: 3038455656 Phone: 3038455656 Send Cl.ean-Up Deposit To: SI{A€FFER SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.'NER -j . -\) t 1u'/ ' *******************************************************************!r************ CONDITIONSPermit *: 895-0325 as of 09/27/95 Status: AppRoVED *****************************************************!a************************** Fernit :Pype: ADD/ALT coMM BUILD PERMT Applied: o9/z?/I99sApplicant: SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON rssued: O9/27/t99530384s5656 To Expirez 03/25/1996 Job Address: Location: Parcel No: 2101-082-29-003 Deecription: ATt'{ AT GORSUCIiS Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTI4ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COI{PLIANCE. DATE: 'fni/ fntrril nn, nEDT ,APPLrcATIoNMusTBEFILLED;;;;ffiU"x'[u'H#"DJVuP[tA,","o $***************************** pERMrr TNF.RMATT.N ****** * !r ******************** *- -g 3-aullding t l-Prunbing [ ]-Electricat [ ]-Mechanical y4-otner,fttvpgo** Job Name: 4retu.rl 47ra rob Addressz 243 F. Ape &acr 4Z Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filirg susprvrsroN, owners Name: 6a Address: 2/3 F&zq &ee;02 pn. Architect:Address:Ph. ceneral Description: work class: [ ]-New ffi-Alteration I j-Additionar [ 1-nepair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling units: _ Nunber of Accomnrodation units: Arynber and Type of Firepraces: cas Appliairces_ Gas Logs_ wood/pel.let_vIt********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* durr,otNe: t Saoa-ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: I Address: L. 0,6. 3?Phone Nurnbdr:qf- bVzs rpLnMBrNGt t fui- !.rEcHANrcAutW- ioil;; - I***** * ******** ******it* ***** CoNTRACTOR rNFORllArIoN **************************af Eenerar contracto"t /.o.cs iiir-o-i-)-Z--J:))az rown of Vait *"i.-i6.-iig':e ::::::1:'r r'enErasEor.. a(a-ffi*lL Toltn of vail Reg. No.-Aqqress: Plunbing Contractor2 ilJr/r4 Town of Vail Reg. NO.Aqdress: /' phone Number: T::*:::.1 contractorz r,r//4 rown of vail. Res. No._Address: Electrical Coritriciir2 Qt&< ***************** ***************roR orFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEEs PLIJMBING PIAN CHECK FEES UECHANTCAI, PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT AE8: MECHANICAL PERMII FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: GROUP T - BUTLDTNG: SIGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: VALUATION Conments -/ CLEAII I'P DE,P.OSIT REFTIND TO:4rocee {aarrre-F co*s' 75 touth tronlage rcrd Yaal, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 oE 479-2139 otllcc of communlly dsvalopme||t BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI.IE If this penTit requi,res a Town of Vail fire Departnent Approval,Engi neer''s..(.Pubt i. fgllt I reyiew ana app"ovat,' a piinnt ni'bepa"tmentreview or Heat th Department.review, ani'a-".ui"; Li-il;"Erii aingDepartment, the estirnated time ror'a totat ""ui"n-il"y LII'as tongas three weeks. All commercial flarge or sma'l't) and all mu]ti-family permits willhave to follow the ibove menti6ned miximum requireminli. Residentiarand.smal'l projects shourd take a 'r esser amount of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smailer.projects inpact the various arove mentioneadepartments with regard to-necessary-"enier, th;;; ;;;j;.ii' *valso take the three-weet< periroJ. Every.attempt wi'll be made by this deparunent to expedite thispenni.t as spon as possible. -- -'rr--! rs er I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe, L 4o-o.u firet- Comnuni ty Deve l opment Department. lnwn TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 75 south trontage road v.il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 otflce of communlly developmcnt rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to lLtter, track or deposit i"v-""ir,-.J.i, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash lumpsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewair, ;i;y or publicplace or anv porti6n tneieoi. --ii.. right-of-!,ray on arr Town ofVail streetl ind.road,s is approiinately s ft. off pavenent.This ordinance rill b". aari;ilt"enforced bv the Town of vailPublic works DeDarrment. periSni rot'a-vii:.#I"g this ordinancewiLl. be griven a 24 hour rriti""-"oti.ce to rernove said naterial ,fn the event the person so notified. aoe= noi cornp:.y with ttrenotiee within the- 24 hour.tir.-=p""iii.a,"ii"*iiltric worksDeparrment wilr remove said nate;r;i-;a-ir.J"I"iJi=e of personnot-ified. The provisions ot-[rri" ordinance shall not beapplicable to c6nstruction, ,"irrt.rr"rrce or repair projecls ofany street or altey or any uti.iiiie= i; G"-;iiii-"_ruv. To review ordinance No. 6 in fuIl, prease stop by the Tolrn ofvail Building Department to ortiin a copy- rlan* you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ALL CONTRACTTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THETO9TN OF VAIL TOI,{N OF VATL PUBLTC I{ORKS/COMMT,NITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE ,(-,Ot'&&ra<'ositionTneIaEI6iBT[(i.e. contractor, owner) fhe bsuancc or scecifrcations shall appr0val 01, any vi01 or of any other ordi a 0ermit brsed ug0n noi pravtnt th6 bui correclion 0t errors Cata.' ' q^11 L_ _-J I 7l-' .tr 4 7y$6 )d"to 3u Fl F o tit9^t-4U- ltl>a '-.l iut I J 4 24J P iJlil oonr r rtl \tU { fir< ---i-CiF:.. s, c\.!li: .) 1g- I I I i 9r{rt!,rat H>r.r.t(,! lsyfl qoo^A . rl' |:311Vua!U H"Y)ll- :'rltlr.r d.oL lnorS -.-.,,. Ii IC o WuqWHk*rU WtnNlfuItWWrt MtM arAtv VhuNtrwwlilL ffful 0"1tW @ luofflt 6rWq)?^LsAtr cil&e' ^iwc'1w U^lLtqxgaw 7t Avouq tq% tWArt'e hxv/ aegrart Nt-l./2'bPa' lown ot Vail OFFICE COPY rN4 v" J I RW ?x,MA E4sr4t t o,Ee HeuA 6w)qr@{ gAb -\ 4vwed'o-c wfiluti.tg *qw,nqrolto oor-. w(^97 (l t$D atqt*b Waftoea' lal.o b?a-n@ tAl N0N,4v1Nv ewrY h/r[^, MAve NedMz*grzu oee NAA gyztpr)rAvaAB htgttrtt Mpwnsl gff1o) ^ *lauwe. 1 0'o,c.wa bnqg.fraP@p,l&zl6re,lBqwaA. 1t6 par:a's x zi c;' c 6'a,c, Wtttao O'tNtp Asrblb, &anra&'u*r,to Wu/^w,cuprv Town of Vail %Atc2t--l dtWr5raef aeat++ h.iTr,i. .21 Asaw t%o fP{ee V" t J STRUCIIT'RAT SPECIFICATIONS A11 cast j-n place concrete must be made with portland Cenentand attain minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi after 28days. Design based upon BUILDING CODE REeU]REMEITS fOn REINFORCED CONCRETE (ACI 3l-8), L992. A11 exposed edges ofconcrete sha1l }:ave \/2tt charnpfer.Reinforcing steel is ASTIr{ crade 40. Reinforcement placementshall conform with MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE, L99O asprepared by CRSI. All lap splices to be minimum 36 bardianeters, all horizontal reinforcing steel to be continuous around corners and at wal1 intersections. Minimumreinf orcement protection : -Concrete poured against earth -Concrete poured in forms -SlabsLive loads used for design- -Roof-8o psf snow and 2000# point load. -Wind-25 psf. -Earthquake-Zone 1 UBC.All construction must comply with the l-991 Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail Building Department and theItGeneral Conditions of the Contract for Constructionrt (AIA Document A201-). A11 structural members are shown in their final- positionsproperly braced and supported, during construction it may benecessary to shore portions of the structure white otherportions are being constructed. Contact the structural engineer for consultation as reguired.Contractor is responsible for al-l non-specified connections,contact structural engineer for details as reguired. Engineerto approve' all structural substitutions.Contractor is to coordinate all diaphragm penetrations (ie, chinneys, plurnbing sewers, etc.) through floors, roofs andfoundation walls with appropri-ate sub-contractors. GeneralContractor is responsible for means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures and job-site safety associated with thisproject. General Contractor to verify all dimensions andelevations with architectural drawings. Notify engineer of allconflicts or omissions between various elements of the working drawings and the existing conditions before commencing withthat portion of the project. ceneral Contractor to inspect remodel projects and verify prior use and proper disposal ofexisting materials (i.e. asbestos, etc.) as required by code. A11 naterials exposed to exterior and/or rnoisture conditions shall- be treated for these conditions (ie, chemical trstaining, painting, etc. ) as reguired by code. [own of Vail 1) 2) 3rl 2rr 1rl 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) oWG'0^P./m*c+t A.r.M. oA avser t%o b/zo i ,'. + '.':'r / TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commlssion Community Development Department June 12, 1995 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the instaltation and operation of an Automatic Teller Machine located at the Gorsuch Building, 263 East Gore Creek Drive, Lot E, Block 5, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: WestStarBanUBethGoldePlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE FEOUEST Weststar Bank, lormerly doing business as Vail Bank, has requested a Conditional Use Permlt approval to allow for the installation and operation of an Automalic Teller Machine (ATM) to be located at the Gorsuch Buildlng, 263 East Gore Creek Drive, Lot E, Block 5, Vall Village lst Filing. Slaff has determined that an Autornatic Teller Machine falls under the category of "Banks and Financial Institutions" (a's described in the Town of Vail Municipal Code). nis type ol use is subject to Planning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEC) Conditional Use Permit review and approval prior to being located on the "first floor or street level" within the Commercial Core I (CCl) Zone District. Therelore, the appllcant ls requestlng a Condltlonal Use Permit to Install and operate an automatlc teller machlne in the GCI zone district. Banks and Financial Instilutions are permitted uses on all of the levels of buildings within the CCI Zone District. As shown on the attached drawings, the ATM would be located on the soulh side of the Gorsuch Building, immediately adjacent lo East Gore Creek Drive. The teller machine would be placed on an existing blank wall between two retail display wlndows. The machine will be mounted flush with the existing exterior wall and, lherelore, would not add any new commercial square footage lo lhe building. A 12-inch countertop is proposed with the ATM on top of a trash receptacle partially installed into the exterior of the Gorsuch BuiHing. The stainless steel housing of the machine would be faced with wood and stained to match the existing lrim colors on the Gorsuch Building. To provide adequate customer access to the ATM machine, the applicant is proposing to cover a porlion ol the existing exterior stairuell with a reinforced concrete slab, to be covered with pavers. The brick pavers proposed by the applicant would be matched to the existing pavers along East Gore Creek Drive. The brick paver construction proposed would be installed lo insure positive drainage away from the bullding. The area would drain into he existlng drain pan along East Gore Creek Drive, thus eliminating any potential icing problems during lhe winler months. The applicant has indicated that additional slone veneer would be added to the building in the area of the new ATM. The additionat stone added to the building would match the stone currently on the building. Additionally, to provide shelter from the wealher for the customers usinglhe ATM, lhe applicant is proposing lo exlend an existing, second lloor deck located above the ATM. The deck would be.extended approximately six feet to ttre east to accomplish this goal. Besides providing protection from the weather, the cteck extension would also servd as a locition to install a 3 sq. tt. hanging sign directly above lhe machine. The sign would be suspended lrom the deck by short lengths of chain. The sign and the associated tighting would be subject to review by the Design Review Board. II. RELATED REVIEW CR]TERIA FOR THIS REOUEST The review criteria lor a request of this nalure are established by the Town of Vail Municipal Code. In addition to the conditional use criteria, staft has included criteria lrom the zoning code Td l!9 Vail Comprehensive Plan, as we believe this will hetp the PEC in the evatuation oit the Conditional Use Permit requesl. A. THE TOWN OF VAIL UUNICIPAL CODE The Gorsuch Building is localed in the CClzone district. Accordlng to Section 18.24.010 ol the zoning code, the purpose of the ccl dislrict is: 'to provide sites and lo maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I dlstrict is intended to ensurg adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitled types ol buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with lhe Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended lo ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public green ways, and to ensure continuatlon of lhe building scale and archilecturat qualitles lhat distinguish the village., Banks and Financial lnstitutions on the "first floor" or'street level" shall be permitted in the CCI zone district subiect to lhe issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with provisions of Chapter 18.60. For the PEC's reference, the Conditional Use Permit purpose statement indicates that : 'in order to provide the llexibility necessary to achieve the obiectives of this tiile, specilied uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes ol lhis title and with respect to their atfec{s on surrounding properlies. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibitity and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as condilional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance wilh the dovelopment objectives of the Town and wilt not be detrimental to olher uses or properties. Where condltlons cannot be devised, lo achieve these objectives, applications lor conditional use permit shalt be denied." B. VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Several elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan indlrectly address Banks and Financial lnstltr-rtons . The relevant elements and sectlons are listed below : 1. Vall Land Use Plan 1.1 2.3 6.1 6.3 Vall Vlllage Master Plan 2.4 Objective:Encourage the development of a variety of nsw commercial actlvltles that are compatible wih existing land uses. Encourage the continued upgrading, renovalion and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial lacililies lo bener serve the needs of our guests. 2.5 Objective: III. CRITEBIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Sectlon 18.60 of the MunlcipalCode, the Community Development Department Stafl recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit request to allow for the installatlon and operatlon of an Automatic Teller Machine to be located on the south slde of the Gorsuch Buildlng, 263 East Gore Creek Drlve, Lot E, Block 5, VailVillage 1st Fillng, based upon the lollowlng factors: 2.1 2.2 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled envlronment; maintalnlng a balanca between residentlal, commerclal and recreatlonal uses to serve both the vlsitor and lhe permanent resident. The community should emphasize lts role as a destinailon resort urhile accommodating day visltors. The ski area owner, the business community and the town leaders should work together closely to make existing facllltles and th€ town functlon more elficiently. The ski area owner, he business community and the town leaders should work together to improve lacilldes for day skiers. Servlccs should keep pace wlth Increased growth. Services should be adlusted to keep pace with the needs of peaked perlods. 2. A.Consideraiion of Factors: 1. Felationshlp and lmpact of the use on the development oblectlves ot the To$rn. Staff believes the proposed Automatic Teller Machine, in the location proposed by the appllcant, will have a positive impact on the development objectives of the Town. At this time, the nearest locatlon ol an Automatic Teller Machine to the Vlllage Core is in the lobby of the FirslBank of Vail Building, located on Vail Road (directly west of the Sonnenalp Hotel). The proposed ATM is not only convenient in ils relation to the Village Core, it is also located near one of the busiest pedestrian intersections in the Town of Vail (Gore Creek Drive and Bildge Street). tt is Staff's betief that this ATM will not only be used by visitors and tourists, but it will be conveniently located for use by employees working in the Village Core. Stafl believes that the proposed localion of the ATM. approximately 13-1/2, from lhe edge of asphalt of Gore Creek Drive, will allow for lhe convenient use of lhe ATM by numerous customers without creating a congeslion problem on East Gore Creek Drive. The area immediately in front of the ATM is sutficient enough ln size to accommodate numerous customers without forcing waiting ATM customers to stand in the way of pedestrian and vehicular traffic llows. 2. The effect ol the uss on light and alr, dlstrlbution of populatlon, tlansportation facllitles, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facllltles, and other publlc facillties needs. The proposed Automatic Teller Machine would have llttle or no negalive impact on the items listed above. 3. Etlect upon traflic with particular reference to congestion, aulomotive and pedestrian salety and convenlence, trafflc llow and control, access, maneuverablllty, and removal of snow from the street and parklng areas. The proposed Automatic Teller Machine.would have little or no negative impact on the items listed above. i "-.r ".f B. 4- Effect upon the characler ol the area In which tho proposed use is to be located, lncludlng lhe scale and bulk ol tho proposed use in relation to surroundlng uses. As mentioned previously, Staff believes that the proposed ATM would have a positive impact on the area. Staff does not believe that the installation and operation of an ATM in the location proposed by the applicant would have any negative effects upon the character ol lhe area. The area is commercial In nalure and it is nol uncommon to see ATM's located in commercial areas- ln lact, staff believes that the installation and operation ol the ATM in this location would provide for a convenient, and much needed, service to both visitors and locals alike. Findings 3. lh+Plannlngind Environmental commlsslon shall make the following findlngs before grantlng a condlilonal use permlt: Thal the proposed location of the use ls in accordance with the purposes ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site ls located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wou.ld be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properUes or irfiprovements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the appticable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. 1. 2. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON Slafl recommendation for this request is approval. Sraff linds that the applicant's requesl complies with all ol lhe above criteria anO iinOings necessary for grantingi a Conditional Use Permit approval in lhe CCI Zone District, as wellas the relevant etemenis ot the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Should the Planning and Environmentat Commission choose to grant an approval ol the applicant's request for the ATM, the staff would recommend that the ap[roval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That the applicant monitor the ATM area daily to insure the area remains free of trash and debris. 2. That the applicant complete and submit a Design Review Board sign application lor the proposed WestTelter sign. 3. That all areas ol the stainless steel housing be either painted or covered in wood to reduce the posslbillty of rellectlon and glare of the machine. Pr \rvrr!,onr\pec\rnrnor\rto. 6l 2 -)aJ-?-e'\4b ,l,r rovised 5/24193 APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT.OF.WAY-THIS FORM CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type or print) OWNER OF PROPERTY NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS Fence Wall Landscaping Other LEGAL DESCRIPTION oF-pBop€RTy T9BFSERVED: - F,r&{ogK_$;suBDrvrsroN I' l,4u ftp,s-(tlle-ce_ssary, attachdescriptio.:n-r"p1rate sheet). __ Corner tot X Inside lot DESCRIpTtON OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S) tNTO RtcHT_OF-WAy:rlafl' dF du Altach plans showing encroachment, properly line, sidewalks, curbs, intakes, hydrants, meters, manholes, any other affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(i) as well as elevations(if applicable). Does struclure presently extsn W5 Proposed date for commencement of coi ln consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the "t.u.turE-boG indiEii6I,?ppti.ant fior Elreil E rArU, I \!_'agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2 That the permit is limited specifically to the iype of structure described in this application 3. That the applicant.shall notify lhe Project Planner and Town Engineer, or their duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement ofconslruclion, in order that proper inspeclion may be made by the Town. 4. The applicant agrees lo indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers. employees and agents from and against all liabilily, claims and demands on account ofinjury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury,personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other lbss ofany kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are In any manner connected with applicant'sactivities pursuanl to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or inpart by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, lhe ict, omission, error,professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault oflhe applicant, his contraclor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representalive of the applicant, his conlractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees lo investigate, handle reipond lo, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, ilaims, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees lo bear all other expenses relaling thereto, including court costs and altorney's fees, whether or not any suitr tiauitity, claiirs, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. Applicant agrees lo procure and nraintain, al its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands anO 6tneioUtigations assumed by the applicant pursuanl to this paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising.out of any damage, loss or iniury to the applicant or lo the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees whiie engaged in' mainlenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever bn Town of r lllilr ililt ililil llil til] ililL lill llt il] il] |l|l67215{ l0ltTllgltg 0fr39P 32 Srrr Flrher I 5. Vail property, slreets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment. obstruclion, or other slruclure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obslruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, lhe encroachment, obslruction, or slructure within ten days after receiving nolice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees lo maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. Thal in lhe evenl said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal inlhe same manner as general laxes are collected. 6. 7. E. 9. That the applicant has read this application. 10.Special and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in L er,;l;^2 Jrainsc*) ;fu"iyJ' Dllt,l1 erly Owner both signatures) APPROVED: Signalure of Prl (lf joint owners I llllll llill llilil lilt ill] ilil[ ]il ill llill illt |lllc721!{ tO/O1ltgeA?ci2itt.00D 0f;39F 32 Serr Ftrhrn 0.00 tl 0,00 Eesh C0 t, sEIr.15.1998 1@:524M LTD.NO. 126 P.2/? Vail Firc Dcparbcnt Attn: Dic,kDuran 42 WestMeadowDrive vail, CO E1657 $cptcmbcr 9, l99E DearMr. Duraq This letter is to provido written cqfinution that Gorgoh LTD will be undcrgoiug some e]$erior remodeling o the clocktower buil{ing bcginning in Septeuber, We will also be ocpurding inlo the ftrmer Sharpsbootcr spacc, Ths inslrilation of fire spriuklcre and dry wall iu this spaoe will be coryl*ed according to code before Thuksgiviug ild thc beginning of thc ski season. XT,H I Vtl "+tu*r JeffGorzuch GORSUCHt 263 E. Gore Crnock Dlive, Veil Cotorado tl657 9701476-2gg0 Fax 97014764329 o o o METAL BECK R,AILING EXETRI@R Q2 tiz'x n vz'l WALL M@UNTIB LAMPS EXISTING wtNB@w coloR NEW FASCIA WINDOW TRIM & BE€K petTl AJ FWE,.*acb41 NEttt FE@K RAILING #t wwFe:.*nost NEw FL@wEi t@xfs wN mezr*aoF?t PATTNATED CCPFEi NUII{ERAIS GORSUCH VILLAGE STORE REMODEL NEW CCPFEN AWNING t{fw o VAIL, COLORADO sTuee@ €oLOR TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97M79-2138 FAX 970479-24s2 September 2,1998 TomFry Pierce, Segerberg & Associates, Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 TILE COP? ffi6'o1"q4 Gorsuch Village Store Remodel, Lot D&E, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing Dear Mr. Frv: The building plans that were submitted for the remodel have been approved by the Planning Division. However, the following items still need to be addressed prior to the Planning Division forwarding the plans to the Building Division. The Planning and Environmental Commission approved the proposal with three conditions: ,. Submittal of detailed civil engineering drawings indicating how the gutters and downspouts will be tied into the Town of Vail stornwater system. f Application and receipt of a revocable right-of-way permit to allow for work to be completed in the Town of Vail right-of-way. COrF.. trl ^ Payment of $2,677.65 into the Town of Vail parking fund prior to a Temporary Certificate oeffit+'of occuPancY' f In addition, a materials list needs to be submitted. The proposed colors of the building need to be identified. And, the downspouts from the gutters need to be made of copper. You should be aware that the Vail Fire Departnent indicated they will not approve the building permit until they have received a letter of committment to resolve fire issues. You should contact Mike Mccee at the Vail Fire Department, phone 479-2250. Please contact me so we can discuss the completion of the project. You can reach me most easily by telephone at 97 047 9 -21 40. Re: Senior Planner {g'"n""o'o"' oTHI RlS()trT DIStcl{COtIAB()RATIVI INTENNATIONAI, I I OS/Il/Se FRI 03:49 FAI 1 970 476 ,1608 PSA VAIL o Al E ooz September ll,1998 Town of Vail Depar'ffnent of Community Development Attention: JeffHunt 75 South Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81657 Re: Gorsuch Limited - Vail Village Store E:Cerior Modifications DeaJeff: I am writing this letter to respond to the issues listed in your lett€r, dated september 2, l998,regarding thc Gorsuch Limited, vail village store ext€rior modifications. Condition l: Please refer to the attached copy of my letter to the Building Department regarding the drainage issue. Condition 2: The element to be constucted in the Town of Vail right-of-way sonsists of the copper awning above the east enty to the store and the adjacent flower boxes, both of which, according to the I.L.C. for the property, will project into the right of-way above grade. The copper awning and flower boxes will be constructed late in the process and I will submit the revocable right-of-way application as soon as possiUte. Certainry tnis could be completed prior to our Certificate ofOccupanry being issued. Condition 3: The Gorsuch's will pay the required the agreed upon fee of $2,677 .65 to the Tow of Vail parking fund immediately prior to receiving their Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Regarding the materials list; the D€sign Review Board reviewed and approved gnanimously our color palete' The original D.R.B. application drawings indicate coppeigufiers and downspouts. However, the conshuction documents fail to refer to copper. I can assure you the constuction budget includes and the Gorsuch's expect copper guters and down spoub: In addition, the fascia details refer to copper flashings, which is consistent with the copper downspouts and gufi€rs. (All copper will be pre-patinated to dark brown.) AII other materials are as follows; Wood trim and siding: Stained westeral red cedar, wire brushed prior to staining. Stain oolors per approved material pallete. The REgtQqign Colhbrairrc Lteurdiorral, P.C. r 10fl) Sofi Frars Rmd W€sr. $b 3m o Vai[ @ 8t657drare904751433 . fu,Enq6ffi o rtrrtri'ft ffi;; T-t';.vLJii*l+4..i".-.ii- VAIL SAN FRAI{CISCO O9/lI/98 FRI 03:{9 FAX I 97 I 4608047t PSA VAIL GoorJ ( Stone: At new Clock Tower Entry: Colorado Buffsandstone base only.At east/Iv{ill creek erevation: Match adjacent existing stone- Window frames and muntin bars: forest green. Roofing: At new Clock Tower Entr5r: Copper standing seam At rernaining roof areas: match existing ballasted, built-up roofing All copper flashings, gutters and downspouts and awnings at souih entranccs: pre- patinated dark "penny boown". Canvas Arrnings: "Ellie Blue" and white striped canvas pcr approved material palett€. Stucco: Color to bc ..offwhite,'per approvedmaterial paiette. ' Regarding the Vail Fire Department issu{s): it is my understanding that these issues have been resolved pcr Bill O'Neill of George Shacffer Constnrction. To conclude, it also my understanding that the drainage issue is the only outstanding iszue to be rcsolved prior to the building deparhnent issuing our building permit if tnis ir not correct or if the attached letter does not resolve that issue, pllase conlact tne 6+lO<+53, or 471-3945 if I |T_ryt in, as soon as possible as we would like to pull our building perurit Friday, September I l, 1998. Thank you for your atlelrtion to ourproject, TomB. Frye Project Architcct Cc: Bill O'Neill, George ShaefferConstnrction Jeff Gorsuch, Gorsuch Ltd. Attachment TIE REut Dcign Colhbtrdi\€ !g@t_f.C o 10(D sordq F,qfige Rd W€s, SufiE 300 . Vd, C0 6t657fnn:9o 4761+zl o wioht-aM -; crr'ii ffi{frffi.;E'"? "ililin",,",r*rrrtesi,..yrn VAIL SAN FRANCISCO og/ Lt/s8 I.Rl lr3:50 l'AI r 970 476 /t608t TIII R[$ORT DISIGIi C()TLABORAIIVI INTENNATIONAL T'SA VA I L li0 oo4 September 11, 1998 Townof Vail Departnrent of Community Dwelopment Attention: Charlie Davis or JR Mondragon 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Gorsuch Limited - Vail Village Store Exterior Modifications Dear Sir: I am writing this letter to respond to the conc€rns regarding the Gorsuch Limited Vail Village store exterior modification, specifically the "drainage issue" that has been made a condition of approval of this project. During the rwiew of this project by the Design Review Board, Plarming and Environmental Commission and Town of Vail staffthere was discussion regarding sorne revision to the existing roof drainage syst€m of the building. Upon review with 0re contractor and the owner it was det€rndned that the existing roof drainage system would remain in act with only a few minor alterations consisting of what amounts to cosmetic changes. These changes consist of rernoving two "dams' on the south side and an overflow "scupper" consisting ofa copper oonductor head and downspout down to the steet level. These elements would operate purely as'overflows" and provide immediate awareness that the existing roof drains are not functioning properly. To insure that these "scuppers" will only conduct overflow drainage, "crickets" and "diverters" will be installed to force primary roof nur-offinto the existing roof drainage system. Regarding the two additions on the west side: the two roof elements that are being constructed do not significantly increase the existing roof area already being drained into t'wo existing drainage collector pipes. These two collector pipes were tied into the Town of Vail storm sewer $ystem during the Clock Tower entrance remodel our frm designed in 1987. In conclusion I would suggest that the existing roofdrainage system of lhe building functions properly and considering the scope ofthe modifications being proposed, does not require any engineering or modifications other than the 'tosmetic" changes proposed in our original application. The Rffit lesign Coilabcrdive tnteoqrinral, PC. r 1frl0 Sc$ Fra4e Rmd We*, Suib 3m . Vail' CO 81657 rt]fi1fi970 4'164433 o hx:970 476 d'$ts o enrait fufr@Es.ri&dg1com o- trry/nrwwresritdesigrodn VAIL SANFRANCISCO 476 o I I 09/Il/Sg FRI 03:51 FA.x | 970 4808 PSA VAIL during the design review process and tlut this issue has been adequately addressed to allow the issuance of our building permit. Sincerely, TomB. Frye Project Architect Cc: Bill O'Neill, George Shaeffer Constuction David Gossett George Shaeffer Constnrction JeIf Gorsuch, Gorsuch Ltd. @ oos Tb R€scit Desisl Colhbmtitrc Ingndiqu[ P.C r rluE9?04?64433 c tu:,9047646d8 0 lmO Sddt RffisF Rmd W€s, SuiE 3m o Vait C0 81657 enuitinfo(Orcsqdesiprr"oun r h@/Anwwresctdesigrtcqn VAIL DEI{VER SAN FRANCISCO t o Updatcd 7/14 9am PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, July 13, 1998 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientation / LUNCH - Communitv Development Department 11:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop (left at 4:30 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : 1. La Tour - 122 Easl Meadow Drive2. Antleis - 680 Wesl Lionshead Plaee3. Scolnick - 2935 Basingdale Blvd.4. Liberty Wirestar - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road (Vail Mountain School)5. Craythorne - 2701 Davos Trail6. Mt. Bell - 160 Mountain Bell Road7. Rockledge Rezoning - Rockledge Road8. Gorsuch - 263 Gore Creek Drive9. Byme - 493 Beaver Dam Road10. Ptarmigan Rezoning - Ptarmigan Road11. Meyer- 813 Polato Patch Drive12. Timber Falls - 4469 Timber Falls Court 12:00 p.m. George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board Wll break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a front setback variance to allow for the construction of an inclined elevator, located a|2701 Davos Trail/Lot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Sonia & Brian Craythome, represented by Galen AaslandPlanner: Christie Barton MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Tom Weber Aasland recused) APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: Driver: @ VOTE:6-0-1 (Galen FILE tilPt Updatcd 7/14 9am 1. A revocable Right - of - Way Permit will be obtained before a building permit is issued and changes be made to the staff memo to incorporale the 0 setback and the relocation of the tree from in front of the structure. 2. A request for a variance to allow for GRFA in the front setback located at 2935 Basingdale Blvd./ Lot 19, Block 6, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Applicant: Jay & Sheryl Scolnik, represented by Railton-McEvoy ArchitectsPlanner: Christie Barton MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 3. A requesl for an additional 250 square feet of GRFA for a primary/secondary residence - located at 493 Beaver Dam Road/ Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 6th. Applicint:' Ron Byrne, represented by William ReslockPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Ann Bishop SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 4. A request for a minor exterior alteration in CC1 ar the Clock Tower Building, located at 263 Gore Creek Drive/ Lots C, D, E & F, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Gorsuch Ltd., represented by Resort Design CollaborativePlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Ann Bishop SECOND:John Schofield VOTE:7-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant submit detailed civil engineering drawings indicating how the gutters and downspouts will be tied into the Town of Vail stormwater syslem. The drawings shall be submitted for review and approval of the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. That the applicanl submit an application and receive a revocable right-of-way permit to allow for work to be completed in the Town of Vail right-of-way prior to the issuance of a building permil. 3. That the applicant pay $2,677.65 into the Town of Vail parking fund prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the installation of a telecommunication facility at the Vail Mounlain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ Lot 12, Block 2, VailVillage 12th. Applicant: Liberty Wireslar, represenled by Jill JilenickPlanner: Christie Barton MOTION:Tom Weber SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE:7-0 APPROVED 6. Updated 7/14 9am A request for a major exterior alteration in CC2 and a conditional use permit, to allow foran outdoor dining deck, located at the Village center Building 1La Tour), 122 East Meadow Drive/ Block 5E, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Fred Hibbard, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther MOTION; John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED WITH 7 CONDTTIONS: 1. That the unpainted soffiis on the existing building be painted prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the addition. 2. That the applicant provide spot elevations, as deemed necessary by the public works Department, for the proposed addition, prior to application for Building Permit. The purpose of the spot elevations is to determine the effects of the _proposed addition on the surface drainage of the plaza area. 3. That the applicant install a snowmelt system under the entire area of the plaza. Portions ofthe plaza have been left unheated pending the proposed improvements to the Village Center Building. 4. That the applicant replace the non-malching pavers along the curbline in front of Cleone's and Karat's with the matching pavers that will be removed to accommodate lhe footprint of the new restaurant addition. 5. That the applicant submit detailed drawings of the new landscape planter for the review and approval by the Town of Vail. The new landscape planter shall be constructed pursuant to the direction oullined in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. 6. That the applicant pay $48,896.17 into the Town of Vail parking fund. The pay-in- lieu fee is intended to mitigate lhe increased parking requirement resulting from the construction of the new addition. The parking fee shall be paid in full prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 7. That permanent ski storage be established. A request for a side setback variance, to allow for the construction of an additional garage, located at 813 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Liz & Luc Meyer, represenled by William PiercePlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION:John Schofield SECOND:Ann Bishop VOTE:6-0-1 (Tom Weber recused) APPROVED 7. Updated 7/I4 9am 8. A requesl for an amendment lo a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourVunplatted. Applicant RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 10, 1998 9. A request for a worksession of a major exterior alteration in CC2 and the establishment of a Special Development District for the Antlers at Vail, located at 680 W. Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVinePlanner: Dominic Mauriello woRKsE_sstoN 10. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for additional antennae on the Mounlain Bell tower, located at 160 Mountain Bell Road/ Unplatted Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Rulher MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE:7-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS; 1. That the applicant paint the additional antennae and the appurtenant equipment an earth-tone color (grey/brown), io reduce any visual impact associated with the installation of the antennae. 2. That The Learning Tree and ABC School be notified of this approval. 11. A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property owned by lhe United States Forest Service and transferred to the Town of Vail pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreemenl to Primary / Secondary Residential District for property located at Rockledge Road/portions of Uniled States Forest Service Lot 3, totaling 1.78 acres based upon lhe proposed Final Plat (not yet recorded) of Rockledge Forest Subdivision prepared by Dennis Shelhom as Job No. 0332-002 dated February25, 1998. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED '12. A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property owned by the United States Forest Service and transferred to the Town of Vail pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary / Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation Districl for property located at Ptarmigan Road /Govemment Lol 2 (1 .66 acres) and Lol3 (4.252 acres) crealed by a survey done in 1995 under the authority of the Bureau of Land Management Cadastral Survey. Updated 7/14 9am Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 13. Arequestforaminorsubdivisionof LotG-1 locreateanewlol, locatedatl4l0Buffehr Creek Road, Lot G-1, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2. Applicant: Leroy Schmidt, represented by Eric JohnsonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello WITHDRAWN 14. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a bed and breakfast operation, located -at 1779 Siena Trail/Lot 18, Vail Village West Fiting #1 . Applicant: Malin Johnsdotter/ Robert ZeltmanPlanner: Christie Barton TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 24, 1998 15. Information Update 16. Approval of June 22, 1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planneis office localed at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign languagb interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published July 10, 1 998 in the Vail Trail. j-' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Occupancy: 82 TIG)e Constrrrction: 'IlDe Occup€rncy: Va1uatsion: Fir.place tnfor.lorEl,on! R..!rl,ctcd: Building-----> 35.00 C1ar-u,- L- uk E {tLu- i^r, " I s'(-DEPARIMENT OF COMMI]NI TY DEVELOPMEI(T APPLIEAIiN SHAEFFER CONSTRU TION P O BOX 373, VArr, co 81658 CCNTRASIOR SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VAIr, CO 81658O-dl'TflR GIORSUCH I-,TD - MCBRIDE JOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIIJ CO 8]-65'1 DescripEion: DEMO OF SHARP SIIOOTERS NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BI'DG. iIOb AddrCSS: 263 E GORE CREEK DRLocat.ion..-: 263 E GOF'E CRK DRParcel No. . : 2LOL-082-29-003Project, No.: ON 'JOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES PermiE. #: D98-0016 Status...: ISSITEDapplied. .: 09/t6/L998 Issued. ... 09/L5/L998 E>cpires . . : Q3/L5 /1,999 Phone: 9708455656 Phone: 9708455656 *Of eaE Logs.*of wood/Pal]et: 82 1, 000 *of crs ApFlhnc.s: Add Sq Ft: r****rr*rrr**ir.l.tr*ittrett.rtt.tt.ttttrrtri FAE SUUMARy rr*rrrr*r!r*rr*rr.*r*r**ttrrtrtrrr*t.*****ie** Plan ch€ek- - -> Inve6tlga!1o'n> will call- - - -> 22.78 ,00 RcBtuarant Plen Ravisn- -> DR.B F6e---- ---- Recreaeion Fee----------> Clean-Itp Dcpo6it-- --- -- -> .o0 20.00 .00 APPR JRM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total calculatcd Fcc6- - - > Addicional Fe.E---------> Totsal. Peruit Fee--------> go,?5 .00 so .75 TOTAI, FEBS----- ******airtl|}iatjl r * * * * r + tttt * tt | * t * r f !* + rf r I tr r*! |ri * t * t * ai * t * tt * t t * !r t tt t t t t * t t t * BUILDING DEPARTtr{ENT.JI,DYR AcI,ion: APPRPI,ANNING DEPARITT{ENTJITDYR Act,ion: APPRFIRE DEPARTIIEI.ITiII'DYR Action: APPRPI'BLIC WORKSiIUDYR AcLion: APPR ENVTRONMENTAT HEALTTIJT,DYR AcI,ion: APPR LIQUORJT'DYR AcLion: APPR .00 Pavrn€nCs- - - - - - - Dept.: BUITDING Divieion: Dept: PLANNING Division: DepE.: FIRE Divisj-on: Depts: PUB WORK Division: Dept.: HEALTII Dj-vision: Dept: CI-,ERK Division: Item: 0510009/L6/L998rt6m: 0540009/L6/L998Item: 0560009/L6/L998ftem: 0550009/16/L998Itbm:-05700 09 /!6/1,998Itirm:- 05900 c9 /t6 /t998 . rl!itttlt*lrt*tttt*tt*t*it***tt**!r*****tt****rtir**tttt*ttt*trt*r**ttrt*a See Page 2 of t,his Document for any conditions that may apply Eo this permit. DECI.,ARATIONS I h.lcby .cknorladg. chal I havc rcad thiB applicrtlon, flllcd out Ln fuIl ch. lnfortnation rcquircd, coBpl.bsd en accuratse plot p!.an. .nd .C.C. thrb .lI thc infolEation plov-idcd ea requircd i. corrrct. I .9r.6 to cooply rith th. infornacLon rnd plot' plan, to c@lrly yith r11 ToIn orairt.ncca and 6t.tc hws, rnd to build thi. BtrucLur. accordi.ng co tshc Tor.n't toninE and gubdiwieion cod.6, d..ign r.vis!, .pttSovcd, onlforE Building Codr and other ordin.nceE of thc Torn appliceblc thc!.tso. REQI,E9TS FOR TNSPEETIONS gHA'.t. BB IIADB It{ENTT-FOUR HOT,RS IN ADVA,IICB BT TEI.EPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OEFICE FROM A:OO AT4 5:OO PM " t it . :. :.t 9,!tro6l,t To: OEO Am'PtER ***************+**********************************************,****************** **********************************************:r*******************:t*************Permit. *: D98-0016 CONDITIONS as of 09/L6/98 PermiE Tlpe: DEMO. OF PART/AIL BIJDG.ApplicanE: SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON 9708455656 rlob Address: LOCATiON: 263 E GORE CRK DRParcel No: 21_01-082-29-003 Descript,ion: DEMO OF SIIARP SHOOTERS Condit,ions:1. FIRE DEPJ\RII,IENT APPROVAIJ IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED,2. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR Status: ISSIJED Applied: 09/L6/t99e Issued: 09/L5/L995 To Erqpire. 03/L5/L999 AIVY WORK CAN BE CODE COMPLIAI{CE. ;,;,1;:i;03';::',f ::iT'.O;T;i oF vArL o:' f t-970.-328-8640 for parcel #.J 1OWH 2/0t6msffi PERMIT APPIfCATToN FoRM PER}IIT /' I__.--, DATE: J APPLTCATTON MUST EE FTLLED OUT COMPTETELy oR rr MAy NOr BE ACCEPTED /f***************************** PERMTT TNFoRMATToN * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * * * j .RCEL O:corsrnuctroN Legal Description: Lot Block_ riling Owners Name: Architect: t l-nuildirp 1 ]-rlumbing t .l_: "oo *u ; ;::r",t j-uecrrani-cal [ ]-other Address: Address: EI,ECTRICAL: $ FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* Dh Ph.ceneral Description: Work Class:- [ ]-New'; l-Alteration [ ]_Addition.f 1 11p"pair J l_otherNurolrer of Dwelliig' Units:. - Number of Accomhodation Units: #*:: :nd Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- cas Loss- wood/pell.a_- ry********************************* vALUArroNs * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Surl.orHc: ${ ,/ dAb 'ri,^nh*^r+ . PLLIMBING: f - 'b^i,.::::::'-'_-- oTHER:.t*-""*"'' ' MECHANTCAL:3.---- -FH*************************** nnl',lteneral contra ct-.' ., A;';.^ ^ \ 2'"v NftnecroR TNFORMATTo: Address:roo,. ffiffi|. "o.Phone Numberi Plurnbing Contractor:Address: Town of vail Reg. No.Phone Nunber: Town\of u.rt **Iol--Address: Phone Nurnber: . PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: CTHER TYPE OF FEE: DPFI X'FT'. BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PI,AN CHFEK FFF. MEcHAT{rcAr', pralr"Eiil"i<"iun, RECREATfON F.EE:CIJAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING; SIGNATURX:lornnents: CLEAN I]P DEPOSIT REPI]ND TO: VALUATION TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALt TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT PermiE #: Status. . Applied. Issued.. E>qpires. APPLICAMT €EABFFBR CONSTRUCTIONp o Box 373, vArL co 81658 CONTRAqTOR SI{AEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArr, CO 81658OWNER GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE .JOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 8L557 Description: REMOVE AND A.DD NEW WALLS Phone: 9708455556 Phone: 9708455656 TOV/Comm. Dev. Occupancy: 82/A3 Tlpe Construction: V l--HR 'I:T)e Occupancy:date Valuation: Fircplac€ Infof,natsion: ReElriclcd: 13, 000 Restuarant Plan Revicw- - > DRB Fe6- -' -'- - - Recreatsion Fee----------> Cllln-Up Dcporits--------> Euilding-----> Plan check- - - > I Dva 6l19 rt j. on > l.li.]l call----> 1?5 . O0 . o0 o o f'f,f,u{f7, , DEpAR'r\4ENr oF coMMUNrry DEVEL.'MENT &rbt& 3U' 898-0286 Job Address: 263 E GORE CREEK DR Location. ..: 263 E GORE CRK DR (sharp Parcel No. . : 2t0L-082-29-003Project No. : PRJ98-0232 Clean.up Dep Add Sq Ft: #of eaB Appliance6:*Of Gas Loga:*of wood,/PalLeE: ***r*t*rt**tt*i FEE gUMMARY **,r,,.r,.*,*,.,.,,.,,.1?l1l.l3li;;;;.;;;;;;;;:....,.....::i;ll-"*."liHil.?Yl;:-.:;.;;;;;;:,.-..,,.....;::..- Item: OS1OO BUILDING DEPARTIVIEI{I"I DepE: BUILDING Di-vision:^9.t24/.L998 JNM Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIEV9/25./L998 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISITbm:.O54OO PIJANNING DEPARTMENT DepT: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:O9/24/L999 .fRM ACTiON: NOTE PLAN TO PLANNER09'/28/L998 BWILSON Act,ion: APPRILbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTIIEIIT DepE: FIRE Division:09/28/L998 CITARIJIE ACTiON: APPR PI'AN TO FTRE-O9/28/L998 CHARI-,IE ACtriON: CANC PI,ANS TO F]RE09-/28./A998 MIKE M ACTION: APPR APPROVED AS NOTEDrtbm:"055q0 PIIBf,IC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division:09/24/1,998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A *ll*rrrrttra***r itrrtaa.rrrr*r*? Jr*rtttt*rrtrt* ****!r*t'l*t**tt* See Page 2 of t,his Document for any conditions thats may apply to Ehis permit. DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknowledgc lhab I have lead ehis application, fil].d ouE in full the informalion rcquired, conpleted an accurate plots plan, and siaL€ thac all ths infom.bion provid.d ee rcquircd ia corfect. I ag!€e to conply rith the infor$atsion and ploC Pfan, to cornply with atl Toi.n oralinances and etate laws, and fo build thiE structute accotding to bha Town'E zoning ard eubdiwieion eodee, design rewiew approved, Uniforn Building code and othcr ordlnuces of the Tolrn applicabl! LhereLo. REQUESTS FOR INAPEqrIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA.}ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9.2138 OR At OLIR OFFICE FROM ,.OO * ,,OO * . : ISSIIED.: 09/24/1"998 .: 09/29/L998.: 03/28/1,999 efund Business with Asse*lr#FProvgd Tlpe V 1-Hour tmount .00 50.o0 .00 100.oo Tocal calculated Fees- - - > Additionel Feee--- ------> Tot.al Plrrnlc Fee-- -- --- -> Pav.Inent 6 - - - - - - - - 44r.75 .00 441 .75 44L .75 *********************************************!ft**:l******************************* *********:**:*:****t********************:**********!t:k***********!r******************* Petmit #: 898-0286 COIIDITIONS as of 09/29/98 StaEus: ISSUED AppJ.ied: 09/24/L998 Issued: 09/29/L998 To E:<pire: O3/28/t999 Permit, T14ge: ADD/AI-,T COMM BUILD PERIITApplicant : SEA"EFFER coNsrRucTroN 9?084556s5 rlob .Address: I",ocation: 253 E GORE CRK DR (sharp shooters) ParceL No3 2101-082-29-003 Description: REMO1TE AI{D ADD NEW WAttS Condltions:1. FIRE DEPARIMEItr APPROVAI IS REQUIRED BBFORE Alry WORK CAlt BE STARTED.2. FIBLD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMprrrAlICE. 3. A FIRE STIPPRESSION AT-TD AI,ARM SYSTEM IS R3QUIRED. TIIESE MUST BE INSPECTED AND FI'I,LY FUN TIONING PRIOR TO OCCT'PANCY OF SPACE4. INSTALT FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM COMPI.IAIIT WITII NFPA 13, 96 ED, AlfD INSTALL FIRE ALARM AlfD DBTECTION PER IrFe 14 AI,ID TOV .ORD 25, SERIES 91. SI'BMIT PIAI{S SHOWING EXISTING AIiID NEW. TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2]-38 APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTilEN'T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTR]CAI., PERMIT iIOb AddrCSS: 263 E GORE CREEK DR LOCATiON. . . : GORSUCH'S BASEMEI{:T Parcel No. . : 2!OL-O82-29-003Project No. : PR,J98-0232 SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GypSIlM CO 81637 SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GypSItM CO 81637 GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE ,f,OHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VAII., CO 8L657 .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #z 898-0272 SEAEUS...: ISSIJED Applied. . : 1,0/L9/L998 rssued. . . : 1,0/L9/L998 Er<lrires. . : 04/L7 /L999 Phone: 970-524-7970 Phone: 970-524-7970 DescripEion: ELECTRICAT FOR STORE REMODEL,Valuation:3,000 .00 FAE SUI.4MARY Electrical---> DRE Fee Inveet'igaEion> wiLl cal.I----> TOTAI, FEES- - - > Total Calculac€d Fees- --> Addilional Fees-- ----- --> Total P€rmiE Fee--------> 54-O0 ,00 - oo 3-O0 57-OO . oo Pa)ruenCe------- 57-oo BAIANCB DgE---- DCPE: BUTI.,DING DiViSiON: DAVISDepts: FIRE Division: ITEM: O6OOO ELECTRIEAL DEPARTMEI{TIO/L9/1998 CIARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARI.,IEITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI Tto/L9/t998 CIIARL,,TE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DECI,ARATIONS I hereby ackno$ledge that I hawe read thj.s appl-ication, filled oue in fulI the information r.equired, comPlelcd an accuraCe Plot p1an, and state thats all the infomation provided ae required i6 cofracts. I aErcc to conply wiCh bhe information and Plot p1an, fo codlrly with alL Town ordinanceE and state 1aws, and to build lhi€ Flructure aecording to Ehe Town'B zoning and subdivision code€, deeign review approved, Unifoa_m Building code and oEher ordinanccE of tshc Town applicabLe thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I BE MADE TWEMTY-FOTTR HOURS IN.A!\,'ANCE 8Y TELEPHONE NI 479-2IZA OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM 5:OO PM 2*<{{,k gI(IIGTURE OF OViNER OR CONTB,AdOR FOR HIMSELF AI{D OWNER . )*Contact !:e1: gounty *slo.. offlce O It=f**JC;328-8640 for parcel f. ToWN oF VATL CONSTRUCTION ATAKLIL 'f :. 2j4I-482.29.!03 PER}IIT AFPLICATTON FORM fv DAES: e/17/98 PERIIIT # l-Repair [ ]-other Accornnodation Units:0 0^ Stob"" and Tlpe of Flreplaces: Gas Appliances 0 cas r',,ogs 0 lfoodr/pelletv lf******************t****i********* vN;uaTroNs **********************r***** BUILDING: $ 1O.OOO ELECIRI'CAL: I 1 ,000 ***' OTEER: I !IO!l ******:: *** i ********i* **,r*i Town of Va5-1 Reg. NO.129-B tf Pnone Nuuber: 84s-s6sE-- Town of Vall Req. NO.E2767 Pirone Nutrber: szi-tgto- Town of Vail. Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: BUTLDTNG PERMTT EEE: PLI'UBING. PERMTT EEE: MECITANICAL PERMIT EEE: EI-.ECTRTCAI. FEEI OTIIER IYPE OF EEE: DRB 8EE: Mechaniial contractor: @ Torn of vail Reg. No._Address: .'. -. : :,._- -..F -- phone Nunber: ******** * ********r** **********ii FOR OFFICE USE ****** it ******:r** *****r** r**** * BUII,DING PIAI.T ClrECK EEE: PLT]UBTNG PI.AII CTTECK FEE: !,IECXTAT{ICAI/ PI.AN CIIECK FEES RECRAN,TION FEEs CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI PERI{II FEES: BUXLDTNG: SXGNATURE: ZoNINCS SI6NATI'R8! ,(- . . . :: :: ::: ::. :: :. ::. :ff #iffiffi :: Pffi Hfl iH[F.e .. . I x)-Building I J-Plurnling [ ]-Electrical t rob Nane: c"r.".rt ltal"B8ItlfiE8l Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block Fllinq Orners Nane:corsuch Lrd/McBfide' At?}[=P=i zog core cYgti,o$?v81 5s7 phaJ*,zo. Architect: Resort Desiqn collaboralil6ess3 1000 s. Frontage Rd vatt "tf.on?ll?Zceneral., Description:move and rebuild existin rtitions work class: [x];New [ ]-Alteration [ ].-Additional I Nunber of Dtrelling Units: O Nr:nber of Electrical Contractor :S-ebs_lEleslric Address: . Plurnbiirg. Address: 3 -t'techani-caI 263 Gore Creek | 1-Other Drive Contractor: N/e \'. rCon*acL Eagle County Assessors 0fflce ARCEL II: at 970-328-8640 for Pqqce! #* TOWN O!. VAIL CONSTRUCTToNRCEL tl i zt Dt- r>g? . 7-q 'odg brnc,r,T.,rPERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM DATE: rolrtlqs . APPLICATION MUST BE TILLED OUT COMPLETEI,Y OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDt7..H!******************rrr'********* PERUIT rNFORl,lATroN **************!r**************t B-q6'^e{u'J{/6 PER.}IIT /.,...- PPlFt9-qetsL Ohrners Name: Architect; Addfess: 43. €. G.-e-L,<el, D-. tz^,-t topn. Address: General Descriptionz ?--eql Lou f<.,rt t{ork cLass! [ ]-New ffi-atteratlon [ ]-Additional I l-Repair t l-other Number of Derelling Units: A Nurnber of Accomnodation UnLts: )pnber and Type of FirepLacesi Gas Appllances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pei.let (i********************************* VALUATTONS ************r'******************** It.,BUII,DING: $ELECTRICAL: | ?otrY l PLUMBING: S ? N.f.)-_Y MECHANICAI,: ' TOTAL: $ I**************lr************ CONTRACmR INrORMATION ****'********************rr**teneral Contractgr: Gea.t<- S tlo-l(c- (,.,til.,ua-+Lo'. Tor,rn of vai]. Red- No.Contractgtz ,Gez.1+,.€tlac-{<- (.'zs,I ,uutol Tolrn of Vail Re-g. NO._-Address: ?..:.8 Fhone Number: &Ssas-c - Block__ Filing sunorvrsrotl: 4-..._ Ph, ElectricaL Contractorz Sr,;bu t=lLe{.t-i.-Tqu __ Town of Vail- Reg. NO.E-216 Address l, otq a,nun,n*lWiffi Fhone Nunber: ;Sl-ut.___ PLunblng "ona.u" Town of Vail Reg. NO.-Address: Phone Nurnber: [ ]-Bulldlng I J-Plurnbing t;d-Etectrical I l-Mechani-cal [ ]-other Job Name: S "".rt."rf,- WA 96t'J"1 Address: l{lr3-8. 6",r.- (ru.tcD. Legal Description: Lot O- MechanLcal Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERUIT FEE: MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE! ELECTRIEAL FEE: 3THER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Fhone Number: FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUII,DING PIAN CHECK FEE: PUruBING PLAN CHECK FEE3 MECTIANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE! RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOIAT, PERMIT TEES! BUILDfNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: conments: VALUATIO CLEAT IIP DEPOSIT BEFIII{D lIO: _3@_ PER}IIT # , APPLTCATION ttUST BE FILT,ED OUT COMPLETELY or ,(...... : ;: :.. " * * * * * * * * * * r * pErurrr TNF.RMA--""' flffi$f.-lHfHe... r, I x]-Building i l-P1unbing I J-Electrical I J-Hechani-cal Job Name: c"rr""r, ltal"BS[tk$X3l Job Ad,d,ress: 263 Gore creek Legal Description: Lot Elock_ Filing [ ] -other -__ Drive ^ ll,uilltINc: S w,/a l.tECHANfCe!, f-;;;--v -f * * ** ** * t * * * * * * * * * !r* * * * * * *,r * CONIR AqloR I$FORUAIf OIf Eeneral Contractotr cenrrro "l-,.^i*^- /aanar. ra^ - #*.t and T119e of Fireplaces: cas {************************:t******** General Description: Demo, move and rebuird existins partitions work class: [x]'r'ew I j-A]-teration [ ].-Additional I J-Repair t ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accomnodation Units: Appliances_g_ Gas Logs 0 Woodr/pellet 0 VALUATToNS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r BUILDfNG: $ 10.00j_ EIECIRICAL:$ 1,000 _ oEEER:$ ILUMBTNG: c/^ r.rrcnmiidil iffi- rorAl: $ Contractor: Geor.relhaetfer Const. Co. Contractor:N/A * ****** * * *t * * *** * *** * * * * * ** * * !a i*FORBUTLDTNG PERMIT EEE: PLWBING PERMTT EEE: MECHANICAL PERI{IT EEE: EI..ECTRTCAI. FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: tlechanicAl Contractor: 8IEsetectedYe]EAddress: Toun of Vail Phone Nuruber: town of Vail Phone Nunber: Torn of Vail Reg. NO.E27 6 81537 524-7 97 0 Reg. NO. Phone |frrrnhg1.3 ReE. No. oFFrcE usE ************ * * ** *************!r* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CTIECK FEE: PLITMBING PI,AN CTIECK TEE: UECXTANICAI. PIAN CTIECK EEE: RECREATION FEE: CI..EAN.UP DEPOSII: TOTAL PERITII FEES: Address: elurnbi;g. Address: BUTLDTNG: STGNAITIRE: ZONTNG: SIGNAN'RE: CLEAN IIP I}EPOSIT NETUnD 75 louth irontagc road vail, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 fPhM. DATE:. ottlce of communlty dcyclopmrnt ALL COMTR.ACTORS CI'RRXNII..YL REGTSTE'RED JTTH TEETOWN OF VAIL TO9[N OF. VAIL puBLrC WORKS/COMMUNITY DSIrELOPI@IT MARSH 16, 19.88 SU&TEC?: CONSTRUCAION PAIKTNG & !,IATERTAI STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No- 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to Litter, track or deposir ;t;;iri-"J"i, sand, debris;:"ffi$Tlii.r.l!r"d,ins trisr,-[,-p=t"ri, poriable toi].ets and s:l:;_i: ;il-illiH..i:I":f 1."i6"=;rr;:11;;:i"I";j,iT:*-",va:J. st=eets a::c.roads is approiir.t"iv-s-ia.-iri pavement.This ordinance will le ;rilii;^;nforced, by the rovn of vailPublic works o"o.-tr"trtl--p"ilins found, rr:irutir.,g this ord,iDancevilr be siven a'a+ rroui-r=l;G;;otice to-;;;;;;=="id, nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not somply wi-ttr thenotice within the 24 hour tine-=n9"iri.d, the pui:.ic worksDepare!.ent o'il1 r"r"""-=iii-iitlii"r ii-irrJ';rp;=" or personnotified' The orovisions-or-uris orainance snirr not beappJ'icable to c-onstruction. rir,i"tr"r,ce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any:utilitres j.n the right-a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of::#"::irtli"g,":iif*:lt.::"oiiii" a copv. ri.,,i you ror your Read and acknowledged by:\uF osi-..ron@r (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 louih trontsgc rord v!il, cotorudo &t657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-ZL3g offlcc o, oommunlty dcyolopmcttt EUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If thi; permit reaui,res 1 Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineerrs (pubiii wo.11i iivi""'.ni'approva'r, a prannini;' Deparunentrev i ew or Hea'l th Deparrn6nt. review, -. nI'.- ""ni.; ;i-il;;,,;, it a.r..nglirilH:',j;.llf .'.trrted tim;'ti'..tJtui rerie"-i"i"til as l6ns All commerciar (rarge or smalr) and at multi-family pennits wr'Ihave to follow itre ibove rtntion"J-*ximum requirements. Residentiarand small projects shourd tar<e-Jrieise"'amouni of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smal'l er .proieJis-iripaii' the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to-n"c.rril!-revlew, these projects mayalso take the three-week period. Ever"y at'uenpt will be made by this departmeni to expedite thispermi't as soon as poss.rDle. s'\pE. I r'E Li I:-j!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timelrame. F %z-,*--/ s**1,*tf,ProJect Name Corsnuni ty 0eveloomert Department. "-i, r'\,' -ri+E 6arNr6, -laz i$E FF t\.t- F xnz ITtsl' Itldrtr $$ tEiF Lti 6$ar\illi $$ $ 4-mgx R$ F \7 I Iot $ *L + {5 ap eo $! ui [$Fr $ $tr> $ giIic oT['Tl C' A g-r: cofFsrfitn vTLLAGE sroRE SHARPSHOOTERS REMODEL o o a I It-gg -t# , 4 -ta-- ft :* il', "a--\d RF v :,g$}: I + J .So .h 1Hfi H ft$[$ iEptrr KP isq :f{ri7 3Nilr\ ,''{{ iHH iNH ni $l Rd \[ i$$i $$*$ilt a\ Ng s$ HK iU \_Jf \r1v FROi'1 GSCC TO 4-,9'24s2 P.@. 2IAw)+9 Czf'Ir:; l+tosZoE + /nl fi J )- rJ ol JWrt+vP? o vW zttsu%!gt/&" JW rlas qetfl Yttll reel aL-rz e nHZ lr I t \ / / tffi-?V ?an&Hsn 1#urs l*aa ,ht laq Date Received 0k 9H-1, BlB-dge /o ffyr fi5,l;lf lrre oB:c3 li'arrEsrs QilI-E[ril^,lbn"3hEl?3nro*,O nr,*n* trAGE 5 AREA: CD ==EE=l-====E==e====E ==!=======58==iei============= ======::=:==::.l::::;::*::::, --DActi"vity: B9B-titEB6 3/ 9/1'r Type: A:COMM Statue: I55UED Cons'tr': AEOI4. Acldrest: 863 E GI]RE CREEK DR l,ocat i an l 3nJ E $URE [:RK DR ( s]rarrp sfroot e]-s ) Fareel r ts181*Er6**19'-4fi$ Occ; Dedcriptionl RElrlOV|: AND trDO N[i[,J HALL$ Applicant: $HAEFTFER lifiN9iTRU()1 tON r Fhuner 9788435656 Ownerl SOR€UCH LfD " I'ICBRIDE JOI-IN -tr frhone: trontractorr $HffEF:f:EF ljBF]Sl'RLICTION Fhone: ri?12r$455656 Irr{pection Requer.;1, Irrl"or-mat ion. , . . , Heqr-tesb trn! JEFi: i'JARRfiN'.i $'ieq f ime: 0lSr EVit Ionrments: tltems requested Lu be lnr,per:tetl,.. {+t:t i ori ["lse; V 1-HR fir354gt HLDG*Fina1 t]rO Inspeet i on Hietory..... Item: OOASra BLDG-Fi'anr irin L8/eI /$S I nspert or^; LID Iten.l A0rASla tsLjlij-Ir,suld.b i oriItenr 60ff64 BLLTG'-$hectroc:k tlai I 1 1/Etg,/$A lnsprectnr"r CD Ibenr OOATD BL.D6-f'lisc. Iten: 4fr49f{ BLD6'-F inal Jterr BESS|Z| BLD6-Tgrnp. t',/A Itsen: E{i3Jf FIRE*l-b:rrrF,. trlE] lten: gt€t53$ F-IRE-fjINAL i;/A Itenr ClCl546 tsl-DG-Finai tj/U l1/1819{J Inspectorr ul) Not e s ; LL EC l- I Nt4l- RE{lt O Act i on ! f,frFR AFF'ROVl.lt) 1,1/ L6/cj# Indpect $r': D flct i orr r \otes; IH,IS Tl:ti 1$ 6n$D FOR 3rA I]RYS."ILI ilHtsCK [.OIT DUOR IN$TALf,TION 1,1 STORY FF-R l':)91 UBC SEC 1703,' \FIUMTJVE: ITADLUI,]}{ FORI'I EXTERIOR Frct i crn, ^,,r,. ily#;frv--- fttrF.R SEE FJOTES IlE I NEiPECT I ON I5 NEEU I F.{ED TO SEI..iIRffTE BRgEMENT FROM {F'LI]NEi RE(;IEVED) GLflSS tr00R I- I RE Dh:,I..I I,IF'I.'REVfi|- RE$I' D ( JILfiRIYI COt'lL'L-|: f ID ) l-,At-L:rt HOI.-E IN F:1RE RH$ISi-rlVE ll$$I:ryttrLY UNDER STFrIti STORfiGE r,tjR I'J91 L'FC J.7O3 ltr DOER t4U5T 5EF'AFIAIE flrl{lEFlENr FilUFt $FAU r-']$irvH. jOU %,- /* oz.l*,j+.* -laue/ ba.-<ul u (or4tlbf* ful- d>r p*A -'^-t-^- 4/;"ua iil'l bL:.lq I ED AND SFTiINKLf:R MU$l BE IFtet ion r rHEFrr'tJl O r,r** uF vArL, coLorrnno O11i16/98 86:O4 REilIJ[Li]'.i Frrfi If'lSt-Et]TION [^J{JRK SHEETIj FTrtl ,:11,/16r9t.t F,{ltii: I AREFJ: UD Activityr 898"'Olr+n 11,i16l?g Type: A-C0lilfil litatr-tj-;r ISSLIHD fisn9br-: FrCnFt. Addr-ess: liiL'J li ri0iil:: l;ftEEK Dfl Locat i on ! ;r{r.: rj 6Oi.iE i::t:ll-i Pll { *nai-p shfiot €i-e } F.lart;el ! i: Ili?il *9r8,1--r9,"t!rir3 fir::r-:: Description: H[i,lffVE tlf'lD WD iilEt", IIALL$ rlppl icant i sFlflEF:FrHH {:ONs?Ruf,T1Ol'.1 Owner: EfiF$UtrH LID * IY,EItRIirit: JUI-lf-l F, Contractorr SHffIFFHR i:i]f']51 Rldl:-r ItrN Use r V 1-t{n Itens i:eqnestpd to be Inspecbed"., 80530 FLDG-Temr:. Clu Frfrone: 97O845'i65t, Fhc,ne: F,hone I ri7O8455656 Ac:t i on Commen b g InEpection Reqr-r*rt { r'l 't n r* rn * t. i o n . . . , . Requert or. JEr'[:r!': f,hrrrre : 843-3[,38, fleq Ti Fe r Ur{3 r [r[r l"-..urnneirt s : {:]llARF,SHI Ol ERg Time Exp -_a*-_#tr eMLa-lll{ - S {Pf Fg #re - I fi 3e m sqr- #o -+Inspection History", .,, .Iten: frECr3f.t BL[)6-F'r'.am:rriu o! 1fi,/tl l("iF I rr s ple r:t cr'; []D StatltHtlt Bt_D$-I rrsLt l, a b i (3n UlOtlLltt flLlrLl*rjhe e t i.r,rjk f{s. i I I l,rtlgr98 Inspriictr:r': CD rA'407d' n[-Di:-.1'1i $e. CrOtZtgq' hLLrG -f i rr+.l fr$53q1 BI-DG*'[ errrp " C/n AU'53I r:1 RE-l I Fit-,. (:,i O rerErS;$[J l- 1 [1- .,1::; 1 1r1Ot.-. i.:: / ti Ail54tt ttl-[ri;]*F] cI LiA L1 / lLt/98 irep,ec.Ir,r.: flD Notes: ELEC FIi''.ltl|- REt)' n F I nF. f)LFi i itl-,F,ROUrlt-. C0rilFL I rED) F,trl-t;fl l-i|]i".|; Ihl fiRF. F,Efl ttlg I UB|"; t 7rn;t ft AFI]V[:, Itenr: Lt em: I t drn: It em; I t em.:Iten: ItemrItelr: Ae:t i on ; , RF-fiR BHSEI4ENT' REMI:,DEL Act i c,n : IIN Dti i.l I E L REGr I)(AL_Afit't ANIj ilr.,RlhtliLLR r,lUSt" BE I RESlS f I VE flC.$HMi:(i-\' tJhlDt:R 5"rAi R STORR{iE DoOR lylUST SHFARA'rl: nsrsEltlEt"lt FRut'l SFAC . iilf;/# ON 'JOBSITE AT AtL TIMES Permit #: Status. . Applied. Issued. . Expires. FEE SIn4iARy * *. * i *ait r a rrr'r. rtr r r rr rr.r * *t* *t ,*,*****,*i**,*,**i,.,,*i******.,,......1:::l,llli;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:...,..."?:lll;11..".,..THII.?YI;;;;;;;;;;;;;:......,*....;1i... ITCM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARII,IENT DEDT: BUILDING DiVJ-SiON:OS/27/L998 JRI4 ACTiON: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE09/LO/L998 CIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR CIIARLIE DAVISIICM: O54OO PI,AI{NING DEPARTMEIiIf DEDT: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:08/.27/.L998 JP&.t Action: NOTE PI_,AI{S TO GEORGE09/L5/1998 ,JHUIillf Action: APPR see condit.ionsITEM3 05600 FIR.E DEPARTT4EMI DEPT; FIRE DiViSiON:O8/27/L998 JRNT AcIion: NOTE PI,ANS To FIFS09/L6/L998 MIKE M Action: APPR approved as notedItem: 05500 PITBEIC WORKS Dept3 puB woRK Division: ;" ;;;;;;;';; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknowl€dge thB! I havc read this appllcrtj.on, filled out ln full the infornatian requircd, cobplrtcd an accurate plot pLar, rnd Btate lhab all the inforrnation provided ae requircd i. corr6ct. I aglee !o couply wibh bhe infornation and plot pl,an, to conply r.ith all Totn ordi.nanceB and 6ta!e 1ae6, and to build thl! structut e accordlng to t'he Tor.n, s zoning and gubdiwiBion codcs, d.Bign r.wicu approwed, UniforE Building coiL and ocher ordihancea of th6 Tor,n applicable thercto. icQu!.a,!€ P\R INSPECTIONS SmIJIJ BE MADE TIIEIITY-FOI R HOURS IN AD NCE EY 898-0244 ISSIIED 08/27 /L998 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970^479-2L38 DEPARTMEI'IT OF COMMI'NI TY DEVEI-,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AI.,T COMM BUILD PERMT .fOb AddrESS: 263 E GORE CREEK DR LOCAt,1ON. ..: 263 E GORE CREEK DRParcel No. -: 2LOL-082-29-003 Project. No. : PRt98-0L47 APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OWNER DescripE,ion: EXTERIOR RENOVATIONS ValuaEion:250, 000 Fir.pl.cr InforE.tion: Rlterlct.d: *of Gae Add Sq Ft.: AppLiancee: *Of O.. f,ogs: SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VAIL, CO 81658 SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArL CO 81658 GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE JOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VAII CO 8].657 Phone: 9708455556 Phone: 9708455655 BuiIding- ----> Phn ch.ck- -- > rnvc6Ligetion> wi.l I csll----> 1,340.00 871.00 .00 ReEturrrn! Phn R€vien-- > DRB P..--- ----- Reclcqlion Pee----------> Cl.rn-Ulr Dr.po6i t. - - - - - - - - > .o0 200 .00 .oo 500 .00 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De approved Occupancy: B2/A3 Business with Assembly amquntlype Constsruction: V l--HR Type V l-Hour Type occupancy: datg Totsr1 Calculatsed Fcaa- - - > AddtElonal Fc.6---------> Tolal Pcrmit Fee-- -- ----> Pry cnt6------- *of t'lood/PalleL: 2,914.OO . oo 2,9!4 ,OO 2,9r4.OO efund $nd clcln-up D6porit. ro' sEoRoE SLAEFFJ greNAruRE ""1" oR corf,ltAc.roR FoR Hrr,rsELF Ah'D og.rNER **********************************************************************:t********* CONDITIONS..ri.j-t #: 898-0244 as of Og/L6/gg Status: ISSITED***********!t!t******************************************************************* PCTMiI.TYPC: ADD/AI,T COMM BUII-,D PERMT APPliCd: OE/27/Lgg8Applicant: SIIAEFFBR CONSTRUCTION Issued:9708455656 10 Elpj.re: ilob Address: LOCAIiON: 263 E GORE CREEK DRParcel No: 2101-082-29-003 Description: EXTERIOR RENOVATIONS Conditions:1. FIRB DEPART!,IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY VIORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE.3. THIS STRUCTTJRE TS A TYPE V ].HR. ALL ADDITIONS AND REMODI,ED AREAS MUST COMPI-,Y WITH THIS CHAPTER IN 1991 UBC CHAP 22 SIIBMIT DETAII.,S SHOWING FIRS RBSISIWE ASSEMBI.,IES PRIOR TO A FRAIT,IING INSPECTION. 4. A LETTER OF INTENT 1S REQI'RIED FROM BUITDING OWNER AS TO COMMIT!,IENT TO RESTIFY ALL FIRE CODE ISSUES AND THE .ADDITION .OF A FIRE SI'PPRESSION SYSTEM IN UNPROTECTED AREAS IN TITE BASEMEIiIT I,EVEL 5. STAI{PED STRUETIJR,AL DRAWINGS MUST BE RECEfVED AND REVIEWED PRTOR TO A FRAMTNG INSPECTION OCCURRING.6. PalmenE of $2,677.65 int,o the TOV parklng fund prior Co Temp orary CertificaEe of Occupancy.7. An approved fire sprinkler syst.em is required in the basement level prior to TCO. $()-Buildins I J-Plunhing Job Narne: Legal Descriptlon. IptPtE Bloc owners Narne: P49P,4VA.I va l-ElF:tr-ig1l g ]-uechani-car [ ]-orher-JtfttL 3T6P_E_ - Job AddresE: ZtcT &W- &nX DC, kf frI-tNh eL.,lfr-"s1€ Pb.q7G-qV?3 leo 6Address: y,-/.r- Vllt-*6E?1f26r General Description: Evfe4Tr* work cr.ass: [ ] jNew [ ]-.[lteration [)Q.-Additional p{-nepair t ]-other Nurber of Dweiling Units:lfirnber of Acconnodation Units: lF*t" and Tlpe of, Flrepraccrs: Gas Apptiances_ Gas r.ogs wood/perret_ fi***** ******t********** ** **** **** !t VAIUATfOI1S ***** *************** * ************ Eutrolrc: I z&4ac>o ELEeIRTGAL: siiut'diifl; i- vFFt'rr'?,-rr. r- orlIER:iirrrl5rr\G: 5 !{EcEANicAr., s-- I * t * * * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * !r * * * !r * * * r COIIIRAQIOR f!{FORt[ATf OlI Eengral Contractorz 6*t?h)E <rrl-n.FrrrD .-.tt r<q.- .--\ BUTLDING PERITT FEE: PLU!{BING PERUTT FEE3 I.ECHANTCAIJ PERUTT FEE: EI"ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE o8 FEE! DRB FEE: ToTAL:$- COIIIRAGIO_R f!{FORt[ATf O!'l * * * ** *. * *** :r!r r ****.** a.. * * *iiff:::,"91'Ejry.6 row:r of van *d:-;;:I?3._....._ , phone Nunber:'ow,{FS6 Electrical Contractor: Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: AddresE:Phone Nunber; Mechaniial Contractor: Address:Phone Nunber: **********r********************t FOR OFFTCE usE *****************r********r*r** BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PU'I{BTNG PLITI{ CITECK rEE: UECIIANTCEL PIA}I CHECK FEE: RICT,EATIOI| FEE: CLEIN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERUII FEES: BUII,DT}IG: SXGNATI'RE: ZONrl{G: STGNASTIRE: YJ-Buildins [ ]-Plunbing t l-Etectrjcal_ f l-Mechani-cat [ ]_other Job Name:43 eaee cE>eX Dy, Legal Description: lotPtE efock ,L rifirrg_u*,, U|tfR owners llane: @ Addres.o, %p,..fifr-"st/g7+soa-_^DF?gt:- fz:o affi-'-' i 4 -' > 7oArchitects a&W aadiEss:" i*tJ Z;-ctas*- ---n _r_- q7c _qv):B General Description: E6fP'pt6Z worr< class: [ ];New [ ]-Alteration ]Q.-Additl0na1 D{-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accomnodation Units: ^ {prnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- Gas Logrs_ wood/pelletv J{*********'r******************+**** vALUATToNs ***** ** *******i****************** Eurlptre : i Ze,ooo Er.EcrRf.cA!: I oTHER: IP^LWBING: T- rfF.rrrp?,.rr r . 1-^ s!v..rErr^,.(': I }{ECHANfCA1.: i- Ir * * *r * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * ** * * * * coNrRAqloR INFORI|ATTo:t Eeneral Contracto rt Garea,h- *.,,il.L..- -.tu.-- )\ TOTAL: coNrRAqloR INFORUATToI| * * ** * * * * * * * ** * *,r* *** * ** *** *Contra cjgo r : 6 ffi E rrt*+;r-- +- -Z;*; -Address: _B;Zjt.: Town of Vail Reg. No. _r 7 lhone Nunber: F,rS_sail'Ou{'{Electrical contractor: Address:Phone Nunber; --_ Pluubing Contractor:_v-. __ ev eva .Ad,dress: ---- Phone Nunber: Mechanic-al Contractor: Phone Number: ******************************** BUTLDINC PERMTT FE8: PLUMBING PERMII FEE: MECIIANTCAL PERIi'IT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHTR TYPE OF gEE: DRB FEE: FOR OAFTCE USE *********************r********* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PII'UBTNG PIAN CHECK fEE: !,IECTIANTCA.L PI.,AN CEECK FEE:RECRAITION FEE: CI..EAN-UP DEPOSTT: IOTAL PERIIIT FEES: BUTLDXNG! SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: CLEAil I'P DEPOSIT BEFIIf,D !O: sr TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WOFKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ,,PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'tS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding thE need for a.Public Way permit': YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility wod< needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) fs different access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afiecting the righl of way, easements, or public propefty? NO X1) 2) 7q r ?< ts x X7)ls a "Flevocable Right of Way required? Permit' you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town , at 479-2158. all the above questions. TArtD iZ a65Ev- 8) - A. ls the right olway, easements or' public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lflou_ answered yes to any otthese questions, a "Public Way Permit'must be obtained. 'Public Way Lqrmrt' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at F Community of Vail I have Job Nam-e Contractor's Signature v-'zg-r8 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit apolication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questons ttre,n -rpublic way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Developmen[ located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Diive. Notice sign otfs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controystaging plan must bq prepared on a separate sheet of paler.An approved site ptan irai irso be used. ' This phn wiil show tocations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, slaging, etc..). This ptan will expire on oct. 1sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic Lontrot ptan oi a iite plan for the job. submit co.mpleted application to the public works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g houls to perform. The Public work's construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received,. out pteasi allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be fa:<ed to community Development allowing the "Building permif to be released. please do not confuse the "Public way Permit" with a "Building permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: 'The ?bove process is for work in a public way only. 'Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.'A n6w Public way Permit is required each year if work ls not complete. 7t 'cdFny 75 soulh trontega ro.d v.il. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 offlc. ot comrnunlty dcvGlopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RREMTLYL REGISTERED IfITII llGTOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL pgBLrC WORKS/COMUUNITY DStEI..op!@rT !,'ARCH 15, 19.88 CONSTRUCTTON PARICTNG & !{ASERIAL STORAGE .f111, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. ttran* y"" iJr-yoir Rea Y Dr(ut> P fuasg- TO: EROM: DATE:' SUBIECS; rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to 'itter, traek or deposit ""y-="if,-ro-"i, sand, debrisor uateriar, incruding_trastr iunpsters, portable toilets andnorkmen vehicles pl *:. i" ;il ;;iHif; il"3;l*il"=;E;il5ii:i"5, ":.it:il: :,Vail streets and.road,s is approxinatefy 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilr. be ;=Gily-lnforced by the To','n of vailPubric I{orks DeDaftlrent. --i"irln] rouna rriir"ti'i this ord,inance'*itt be siven a 24 hour ,=i;;;;";"ti".-t"-;:;;;:tr"id, nareriat.rn tbe event the person so notified.aoes nii corpiy with tbenotice wirhin *: _r1 rroui-tGJ-ri""iii.il,' fi";;;iic wortcsDepartment wirl remove said nateiiar .t1i,. -"*i"ile of personnotified' The Drovisions-or-trri! orai.nance shil1 not beapplicable -.-o cinstrrrction, ,"Gt.rr"rrge or repair projects ofany street or alley or arry:utiliires rn the right_a_way. matter. ed bv: . EUILDiNG PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIIIE FMIIIE if thid peryr_it.19euires_a Town of Vail Fire Deparhent Approval ,Ensineer's (-pubi ic f$l review .nJ'ipp"ouai,'i iiiii,iini'i.p.rrn"ntreview or Hea] th Departnint revi:ew, -an[' "- review ry ttre' duiifid*""Department, the estinated time ro"'"-tot"r .iuii, il"v"L[!'u, ,ongas three weeks. Al'l corrnercial frarge or smail) and alr mu]ti-faniry permits wiilhave to fot'low ine imve il;ii6;i;ximun resuirements. Residentiarand small projects should tate J-ieiier'amount of time. However, ifresidential or smat'l er .projecis -impJii tf.," "i"tou, l'tor. mlntioneodepartrnents wi th reoard to-necissaiy-""u i "r, -u.r;;; ilj;.ii' *yalso take the three-week period. Every attempt will be pge by this departrnent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - 75 touth ,rontsga rord Eil, colorrdo 81657 (?o3, 479-2L38 ot 479-2t39 olltcc ol communlty dcrrlopmalrl gned, understand the plan check procedure and time mdcH fzfuualtfu-tw/S- / tt"t- SrapL- I, the frame, r Y I -zs-za r Comnuni ty Develoomert Department. EFFER o GEORGE SHA P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 845-56s6 DATE:8.25-98 TO: TOWN OF VAIL - BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: DAVID P. GOSSETT RE: Gorsuch Exterior Remodel - Vail Store Attached please find the plans and details on the Gorsuch proiect. lncluded in this is a staging plan for the work. At this time the structural drawing are for preliminary work. Afterwe have exposed the existing conditions, the structural engineer will revi€w and make any necessary adjustments in their design, We will submit these prior to any framing or structural inspections. Monroe Newel is the structural engineer on this project. Please contact me if you have any further questions, ( pager 845.3071 ) Thank you. CC: Bill O'Neill - GSCC tql'#( GEORGE SHAEFFER P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 84s-5656 DATE: 8-12-98 TO: TOWN OF VAIL - BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: David P. Gossett RE: Gorsuch Exterior Renovations CCI Bill O'Neill We will be performing renovations to the exterior of the Gorsuch store in Vail. The work will staged in three main areas, the Bridge Street side, Gore Creek Drive side, and the Creek side ( East ). Our perconnel will be working from pump jacks and scaffolding. A temporary barricade of 3' tall snow fence on temporary ballards will be used to separate the construction activities from the general public. This will allow us the remove the scaffolding and fence for the weekend traffic. The store will continue to conduct business through out the renovations. Trash will be handled via a small Dumpster placed in the rear of the property, next to the existing trash enclosure. It has not been determined if the roof will receive a total replacement of a series of patches and/or repairs. lf we are to replace the roof, the roofing subcontractor will require a staging area for a medium size truck( 25' I lor material and demolition activities. Please contact me if you have any further question. ( 845.3071 - pager ) Thank you. I ag-w-Lg$ e,B:@RN FROM GSCC 4?92452 P.AI cn su.OFFER Fax Cover Sheet GEOR Vail, (970\8'4.s- 9,9-98 Town of VaiI / Building Dept. Charlie Davis TIME: PHONE: FAX: 479.2452 Gorsuch Remodel - Vail Store Nunborof including cover sheeft h Aftadred find the ADA Survey that was performcd on the Gorsuch storc rurd the associatcd I fROMi: Davirl P. Gossctt Pleasc call i 'lhank you. I will : + copy amched to the staging plan as well. you h'dve any firrtherquestions. A9-@_L99f3 E8:EEAM FR0t'1 GSCC o TO 4?92452 P.@ Fmns t70.S45'8:r?2 voaoq/fftFt tt0€!t!Z Enalt wwgCa.carr DIE rcnc Tlmc renc tw'nbcr of pEg€s tncfudlng @\,!r Pagg SO1'|FIOEililAL flIifffio,*o, P.o.lsSlt Arcn Cg!r6:!0 o a a a t i l a ta a a Fio||er ?70t{5t!t2 G|rtflft. Fts t?Oerytar* ffiiglplltrlt E9*O9-1998 AB:A8AH FROI'4 GSCCt TO 4?92452 P.A3 Access lnnonafions tLC Ae+e$$bil irySra ndards Knti ail I !Tb fdm fry, Resort tlesign Colhbo|Blive I n * l4temecotFwbt(AccesslnnordlrstlG IcG esEpshaeturconsttdion t'ItrE girrenroero,tm, Chsng€s Go|Etrd| BuiHit€ vail Mllrue This Ors{iew was @ndt@ at ttE €$Edt cft Tom Fy, st bdlalf d hb dr€nt Gorcdl Ud. : Thb doa#ent strorH onv be ptwided b hdividu# and q, organiiztiols wlut UE erEt d bodl nest Oqlgn Orelae, @rs.dt lfi ..* i* eotge itr*Cotsuctin ]rre bsr Cd etley ae tfteonracbrfrr UE PtqecL is@tE d byTileIIrdUEADA, andf* unrtsrtlprcquiE nel{sfrr€ldiultg fdlrB tne enffi dtrc ffn 0990) F5.'101 qrslts (+ Seftmber 19!B) t€t,iot{ d CafiEd ad-tbr6 b tE hddlry t'E ltv that tlr propced additiiru ae srdic in lfritts. Thb ntar, mdil€ b UE ADA larry rqircnnrtbad.lEss qddtordaaesJuiW turpso.|s wih @fftics. Tlr nluilxsatittns&tArchiEd,rrd Grildinessffiftat ra,isbrEb htitsituE rlustadil€s aarsdW o+ltln ploin gG ffi Gndic applidtotls' ! IpafO+OhfUeIIIdtlreADA rquirEsUE adiztioll of e..esibilty trEBsltr€siltlrcalgauolt urrOerArcs m nU!il the fimary-enbance, dii ingnat 'qre dE.ad, c lnrdtrcs fie lerE|d d uals,and qsbrrilh gin:nts'UmC$e IudP dfafd andfiJtdarE dal usageof tlEfrd[ty. j eetga[v; t e uriEim b tFr,b bt pe|EdE wih digbintiet' In fact iit is o.E dtln rprc rcdbh O16mib in tre Vail Vntage. tlany s6e fiilts t€+fiettre gstb negft gfp Thecofsudl Oe Od trae an at graOe enfare. orre a gwst b h tE sbrc ]d a[ leveb a|e aGdue, rpr*rert'= snrcan 6arae *nppiry w ailltru guesb w bnng rE dlandFebuE grstcn the aaEsible hd. 'Ihb pdky b orenuy in pla@- Thts hittHon UErEb .Pags1: w-@-Lgm @:agF!l 47E24s2 P,U I urudd slgnage be addd bu|esbreb htum Srests vumt dbahuies tiaft etnpblFEs wsg|adly asdsbtr rrih ftrns bd q| tln lnade hrcb. Ttteb by dE Am, tr das derrrretab a gpod f$r €tut aM *nflldg€s $e dn da[wln an guesb at6 ndt, tegatdless d ph6iol aHfity. Thank ilr inE eS in the ADA" If I mi$t be cf additiond aeeistance lbd fiee b onftac fiF. andfd(845{492 A.Eesdhilty Tf lbr*ir'nnrdbraEsbCdfu. rtui|| f td ryrtbdoEdtuind&rlFtHhCnlldh rn nraoipl*F.dnttnruqq'fr ttsrffidr&,rffi rFrks cruL &co lmah uC ?n, rfi Al AntG0 fiD m$tttA I Fqe2 FROM GSCCt TO miln0ElrilfiL TOTfl- P.@4 *?F"-€e* CclNCFIETE o^ - --)o TQETJG' L,r'r a.r:. ,i:' j,. ri:: --,',;i' cAnoEE{pNcRErE pROOUCTS COl"lpANy (303) 7!Itt6C0 (303) 791-17ld FAX 3340 EAS1 tAS VF']AS ST coLoFADO SPRh.TCS CO 80931 @x,4- Crors,oivr Stoc'dnc\ ?tcrh 1l7lq6. r.neaol Arudqep6 6ivir drowi nqs - 91ut$v.,aA&stanp<1 ?. €a s$our (arce reez-)s to kl rp' $cear prquicod (mov<z:tare) 5 . AbA ocras nce)t to be'teri \ed. ,4. Wc necd ?. sers af krurtdi ncl gtat-5 5.PVa,ewrt|€fh6apgo.r:-<Dhoor:qlkheste,ginc\ p161.\ _ ?arn--lprrr Aon{a1 ttrru{, 5aturr\a.i co thrrt ure h6rr€ aqreernefi "n t# hd; . rccierp"\ bll\l18- esviex-"rcz) Altlqb. retucnpcl ql4qg nrL t 4,2- Btl\ f-o^;+(( *-o (( "*r Feinforced Concrete Se\,ver, Culvert & lrrigation Pipe (12 thru 144 )^-------.Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe { I 8 ' thru 144 ')Precast Inleis Stormceptore Hs:ncreteBoxcurverts "Buy lt, Bury lt, Never Look Back" B?g-g?rlel Town of trlil oFFlf;ryffiy Dlfrovco u sfffBtdner 9,'i998 ot Vall Csnnonnt D6relooment iutid ,-\ Hoalth(l p{OV r: iFi Ftre n i; Prepared By: Monroe & Newell Engineers Inc. PO Box 1597 Avon. Colorado ,9;,,9, Vail, Colorado Denver, Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. trrr.e URJ STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLANS. DETAILS AND GEI{ERAL NOTES FOR Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Vailotty ol Psrmit sec.303 (c) 19 U.B C. l'he il.n;:,,i'i or granting ol a permit or approval ot plans anU jftr"rtlij, . '.,,1:! shall not bc construed t0 be a Ferriiti for. 0r an rpi)f')i'i.; oi, any violation 0f any 0f the prsv151i115 0l this codE 0r 0i anv otner ordinance 0f the iurisdication. The issuancS of a Derrntt ba6ed up0n plans, specilications and other data shal: mt prevent th6 bullding ollicial from thoroaft$ llqufh0 thc lnection 0f srrus in srid ptanr, spooilffiions Ird -ht ilgtl."'1"* - Q -t<-?bm*.l4..,. I t- / 70 Benchmark Road o Suite 20.1 . P.O, Box 1i97 r Avon, Colorado 87620 . (97O) 949-l !-68 . FAX (970) 949-4054 RSUCH VAIL REMOD .l PROJECT: GORSUCH VAIL REMOI 1998 M&N #4169 DATE: AUGUST21,1998 GENERAL NOTES 1. LIVE LOADS USED IN DESIGN: A. ROOF BO PSF 40 PSF (RESTDENTTAL)B. WPICAL FLOOR C. WIND1. BASIC WIND SPEED2. EXPOSURE D. EARTHQUAKE ZONE I 2. TESTING: A. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH OR PROVIDE COORDINATION FOR TESTING AS REQUIRED BY THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, THE TESTING PROGRAM SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE PROJECT OWNER. ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. B. IN THE ABSENCE OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH INDEPENDENT TESTING OF STRUCTURAL STEEL BOLTING AND WELDING TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY TO ASSURE CONSTRUCTION IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. 3. STRUCTURALSTEEL: A. ALL STRUCTURALSTEELSHALLCONFORM TOASTM 436 EXCEPT PIPE COLUMNSWHICH SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A53 AND TUBE COLUMNS TO ASTM A5OO, GRADE B, LATEST EDITIONS. STEEL SUPPLIER MAY PROVIDE ASTM A572, GRADE 50 AT HIS OPTION. ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE A3O7 STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS EMBEDDED ITEMS SHALL BE 436 STEEL. B. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE DETAILED AND FABRICATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LATEST PROVISIONS OF AISC "MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION." C. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. USE STANDARD FRAMED BEAM CONNECTIONS WITH STEEL BOLTS PER AISC "MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION" TABLE II.A WITH A325-N BOLTS OR WELDED EQUIVALENT. SELECT CONNECTION AT EACH SPLICE TO SUPPORT 600/O THE TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD CAPACITY FOR EACH GIVEN BEAM AND SPAN. D. MINIMUM WELDS TO BE AISC AND/OR AWS BUT NOT LESS THAN 3/16" CONTINUOUS FILLET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. E. ALL WELDERS SHALL HAVE EVIDENCE OF PASSING THE AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY STANDARD QUALIFICATIONS TESTS AS DETAILED IN AWS Dl.1. F. PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACING AND PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO WITHSTAND ALL CONSTRUCTION AND/OR WIND LOADS UNTIL ALL FIELD CONNECTIONS ARE COMPLETED AND SHEAR WALLS OR DECKS ARE IN PLACE. 4. NON-SHRINK GROUT: A. NON-SHRINK GROUT SHALL BE PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS:,1. BETWEEN STEEL COLUMNS AND FOUNDATION WALLS. 5. WOOD: 80 MPH B A. ALL FRAMTNG o*ot"" LUMBER 'HALL BE o*" oorn*t* LAR.H. .RADED By WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTSASSOCIATION AND CONFORMING TO UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AS FOLLOWS: 2" THICK - 4" WIDE STUD FB = 675 PSI 2" TO 4" THICK - 6" & WIDER NO. 1 FB = 1000 PSI 5'THICK - 5" & WIDER NO. 1 FB = 1350 PSI NOTED ALLOWABLE STRESSES ARE MINIMUMS AND FOR NONREPETITIVE USES PRIOR TO ALLOWABLE STRESS INCREASES. B. PROVIDE 1 X 4 CROSS BRIDGING NOT OVER 8'ON CENTER FORALL WOOD JOISTS AND 2X SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS AT ALL SUPPORTS. FASTEN ALL WOOD MEMBERS WITH COMMON NAILS ACCORDING TO THE UBC SCHEDULE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. C. PLYWOODDECKANDiORWAFERBOARD1. PANEL THICKNESS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. APPLICATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATIO-N2. EACH PANEL SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH THE GRADE-TRADEMARK OF THE AMERICAN PLWVOOD ASSOCIATION AND SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF U.S. PRODUCTS STANDARD PSI, LATEST EDITION FOR PLYWOOD. ALL PANELS WHICH HAVE ANY EDGE OR SURFACE PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER SHALL BE OF THE EXTERIOR TYPE.3. FOR FLOORING USE 3/4" T&G STURD-I-FLOOR SHEATHING NAILED AT 4'O.C, ALONG PANEL EDGES AND AT 1O'ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS.4. EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL HAVE ONE LAYER OF 1/2" EXPOSURE I SHEATHING NAILED AT 6" O.C. ALONG PANEL EDGES.5. DIAPHRAGM SHEATHING SHALL BE THE THICKNESS SHOWN ON PLANS WITH THE FACE GRAIN PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS WITH END JOINTS STAGGERED. 6. INSTALL SUITABLE EDGE SUPPORT BY USE OF PLYCLIPS, TONGUE AND GROOVE PANELS ORSOLID WOOD BLOCKING BETWEEN SUPPORTS. D. LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER MEMBERS SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING STRESS CAPACITIES: FB = 2800 PSl, E = 2,000,000 PSl, F6 = 750 PSl, FV = ZeS PSl. BUILT UP MEMBERS SHALL BE CONNECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS, CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE OPTION OF USING 3 1/2" OR 5 1/4" WIDE MEMBERS. 6. NON-STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS: A. ELEMENTS SUCH AS NON.BEARING PARTITIONS, ETC. ATTACHED TO AND/OR SUPPORTED BY THE STRUCTURE SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT DEFLECTIONS AND OTHER STRUCTURAL MOVEMENTS. B, FIRE PROTECTION FOR ALL STRUCTURAL PARTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND SHALL MEET ALL CODE REOUIREMENTS FOR THE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS SHALL BE CONSIDERED UNRESTRAINED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. GENERAL: A. ENGINEER'S ACCEPTANCE MUST BE SECURED FOR ALL STRUCTURAL SUBSTITUTIONS. B. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OR OTHER ITEMS TO BE ATTACHED TO THE STRUCTURE, ENGINEER'S APPROVAL OF CONNECTIONS AND SUPPORTS SHALL BE OBTAINED. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED ON ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL HANGERS, CONNECTIONS, ETC., REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF HIS ITEMS. ) C. WATERPROOFING, VAPOR BARRIERS, ETC., SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND AS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. D. ALL DIMENSIONS ON STRUCTURAL DMWINGS SHALL BE CHECKED AGAINST FIELD ARCH ITECTURAL DRAWINGS. E. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT WITH THE ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT IF EXISTING CONDITIONS DO NOT MATCH ASSUMED CONDITIONS PRIORTO INSTALLING OR REMOVING STRUCTURAL MEMBERS. Monroe #":y,:# CALCULATED BY taa ,oru 8/t1 48 CHECKED AY Monroe $ewellEngrneers, Inc. CALCULATEO BY K/b CHECKEO BY SCALE 0 ,Rfitil\ Monro{J.:y,:# CALCULATEO BY {Ao DATE CHECKEO BY DATE ,ou AoLsuc, ffOOt|cr ar,t Fi'qr s&dsl e-r (Pdt 1o" hoLsutuMonro{J":y,:"tJ Monro{#.:y,#JO8 SHEET NO. CHECKED BY "*"r*r.o""----44-Q-- o^r,a,4 t ,/f g DAIE - Monroe (H.:y:Jl CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY OATE SCALE Af\Y (/ \ MonroC*T":g*11 oor. I /zt 1rB CI.IECKEO BY CALCULATEO BY DATE ,o, Lopsuc-u A MonroefN.ewell tt- 2unoatt'/1180 A 7-\(/V Monro$New-ell ".*r *ou"---l-69- o * Monro{il.:y,:J " .-**orr--44-Q- CIiECI(ED BY Monro{#.:x:"tJ t4,- (url6aL - *r"u rrou KbD t^'r, 1 ,/l4B g ^ru MonroCNewell "o,ar, *ou"----{A-O-1 ,/Ar/1A CHECKEO BY DATE DATE MonrotrH.:y,:# *r, 9./8 nB Rh.FfTt3l TOTJN Ori VAIL-, CELORADE FA6E 4 @6/Qtl1999 S7:59 REAUESTiI. rl.lSFEtrTN r^ltlRK SHEETB FORi/ r/1999 AREA: CD = =:-=e====E==== == = = ==== =={t=====-=E:===== E===E*======-= == ====== = ======== Activity: BgA*fifl44 A/ l/1? Typer A-Ctrt{M Statr.rs; I:}SUE0 f,onstr': flCOlt Addnessr, ;:63 [: G0RH CRFEH DR LOCAIiONf '€63 E GORE CREEK DR Fareel : ElEl-rlse-ig-oa3 Description: EXTEtiIOR RENOVflTIONS Appl icant : $l{flHFFIIR f;tiNSTRUtrTION Owner.r GORSLJCH Lfn - MCPRIDE JOHN F Contractor: SHflEFFER {:fiNSTRUCT1ON Oec': : Use: V 1=HR r,hone; 971218455656 Phane r trhone r 978t8459656 Lockro Holds, AtrTIVITY Noticer Ho 1d: Not ice t and Not ices. " . . waitng for stagingo ai'ch. NO INSF.ECT]fiN5 TO SE DtrNE SLOT i:6 plans fon prlbworks atrPr*oval UNTIL A REFLECTIVED ROOF F'LAN REtrD Inspoet i on Reqr.re s I Requestor: BILL Req Tiner til8;tZruf Itens r.eqt-re$ted to OgtOgA BLDE-Final Inf ol.'mat i on. . , , ur NElL. Uofi ment s r be Inspected...Aet ion Iomnent s Time Exp NEI^I DORI'1ER fiNLY EI{TRY FI{AMING i Fhone i Ei Irrspeetion Histary..... Itee; ECtOStl EILDG-Framing 1A/49/98 lnspeebor': CD lCl/E1/98 Inspecbr:r"l CD Itesr 0St03O BLDG-Insulat ion Iterr 008160 ErLD6-Sheetr.ock Nai I Itenr OBO70-t FI-DF*Mi se. IL/q4/9A Inspreetorr JRM Iten r E6'49@ BLD6-Final Iterr tA[1530 BLD6'-Temp" C/tr Item r 0$E3f FIRE-TEltlF. C/a Itenr TZTOSEP Ft^i-TElylF. C/ll Itenr rzr0533 FLnN*TEMI-'. C,ltl Iten: 0O537 FLFTN-F:INBL C/B Item;' $f053S FIRE-Fitlf,L C/g It em t 46539 [-'l^l- ]: I NFIL C/'O Iten: Egt54'ar BLrJE-F:irraI f,/il ACtiON: AF,F.R TIF'F,ROVED LATH ENTRY HAY \ . ---.. .. I Actisn: FA flct i. on r AFF R i.1 I!e,i i ..! ?' i\ TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 97 0-4'l9-2138 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Nurnber: APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0076 Description: REPLACE EVAPORATIVE COOLER AND DUCI WORK 263 E GORE CREEK DR 263 GORE CREEK DR (GORSUCH 2loL-082-29-003 STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH gTH, GRAND JUNCTTON CO STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTTON CO GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE JOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VArL co 81657 #0f Gas App(iances: Status. . . LTDAPPIied..- Issued... Expires. . ISSUED o6/2t/ree6 06/27 ftee6L2/24/Lee6 81s 01 815 01 Valuation: #of Gas Logs: Phone: 827-5724 Phone2 827-5724 4,546.00 #01 tlood/Pat tet:Fircptace Inforrotion: Rrstricted: M*fi*ftrt.Lfiiht Jrf*:t****,ri*i F EE SUltl{ARY echani cs [--> P lan check--> Investigation> {,litt catl.---> 100.00 25.00 .00 3.00 Restuarant P lan Reviev--> DRB F TOTAL FEES------ .00 .00 12E.00 Total, caIculated Fccs--> Addi t iona I Fees------> Totat Pernit FrF----> Payment s---------_---> BALAT{CE DUE----- 1ZE. m . (IJ 128.00 128. 00 .00 Iten:.O5lOOBUILDINGDEPARTMENT---qePt:BUILDINGDivision:'0672i/1-996-cHARttE Actionr APPR CHARLTE DAVIsir!fr;,656oo"irtfiE-6epARi\,rgi,ii Dept: FIRE Div.Lsron: 667ii /lt eE - cFiEiil,re-- Action : APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE BSQUIBED T9 qSEqE-EOB..qQPE CQ}-4P!IATqE'i. ifr5tfur,ii,iion'frillji 'CbUqtjEE-tq_r,1er,nlqlerlJt{eS rtrstnucrloNs AND-'tit-AfFEuDif cttAFiER 21 oF rHE 1ee1-ql4q-.- g . Adcii-s-s-t6-iieArfftG-E'ouiplarxi--Mu5i- coltFt v wrrn sEc ' s05 AND 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.4. pER Fi,asiirwG-ospil, EQUIqMENT L9SATIQN_Mq-qT.-RE144IN TllE sAME-' i$,rD srzE- oF-e6ti'lriftr-M"[51--N-cji eE-tARGEn THAN ExsIsrING EQUIPMENT **************:r*****************************************d'*********************** DECLAFATIONS t hereby acknoetcdge thrt I havc read this appl.ication, fil,l,cd out in fut! the infornation required, conPtcted an accurate plot pl,an, ard state thrt ru, thc information provided "...qui.J i" correct. I agree to compty iith thr infornation lnd ptot p[an' to conpLy vith a , tovn ordinances and stEte ta*s, and io buiLd this gtructure according io- the Tovn's zoning and subdivision cod:s,'dlsign r"uic, "pp.ou.Jl'-unito.n BuiLding Code and othcr ordinances of the Tovn aPpticabte th'reto' REouEsrs roR INspEcrIoNs SHALL BE IADE TfiEnry-FouR HouRs IN ADvAticE BY TELEPHoNE Al 4?9-21!8 oR AT otR oFrIcE tRoll E:00 An 5:m Pil TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-4?9-2t34 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER H!chanic.[---> 1m.00 Ptan Chcck--> 25.00 DEPARTI'{ENT OF COMMTTNITY DEVELOPMEN1 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUSR BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI.,t TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit *: M96-0076 Job Addres6...; 253 E GORE CREEK DR Status" ' io."tiorr......: 263 GoRE CREEK DR (GoRSUCH tTDApplied" Farcel No.....: 2101-082-29-003 Issued" 'i,itj""t Number: Expires" ISSUED o6/2L/ree6 06 /27 /rse612/24/Lee6 STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTIoN co STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHN{ICAI., 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JttNcTION CO GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE JOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VArt co 81657 81501 81s 01 Valuation: #of Gas Logs: Phone z 827-5724 Phone:827-5724 Description: REPLACb EVAPORAT]VE COOLER AND DUCT WORK Fir.pLace tnforration: Restrictld: #of G.s Apptiancca: Mtt***hH*t*fi.lrtlf*lttrffi,r FEE SUI'lltARY 4,546.00 iof [ood/Pattct: Restuarant Ptan Rcvirv-> DRB FcF-------- TOTAL TEES-_--_ .00 .00 128.00 TotaI cstcutated Fees---> AdditionaI f ecs------> Tot. t PrrLit Fce----> Paynrnts---------> BALANCE DUE.---- 128. 00 .00 128.00 128.@ .00 Inv3stigstion> Ui l.l, Catl-*> .00 3.00 Dept: BUILDING Division: DAVIS-"n66t: r'rne Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD rNspEcrroNs ARE BEQUIBEP ro cHEcK-EOB.-qqpE-q9UPLI4NSE' 2 . IN STALIAT I oN ^ ft6'si'Cijllqcjnfi - tct_ll+UUf aqiq{nS - r N s rnucTIoN S AND-' iit-AitFEliDrx-ciiaFtpR 21 oE THE- 1eel wc. r . adcb s-s-t6-iiei'frird-bbfii plrilri-ftt$i'- eoMF1v wI rH sEc . 5 0 s AND 703 0F THE 1991 lrMC... ifiB Elaufreu6-atgnir+eulE"fiuf, l8'tfrfi8H-ryfitu*E$tlH'T$E'*' EQUIPMENT *********************************************************{t********************** DECLARATIONS t hcrcby rckmvtcdge that t hsve nead this lppl,ication, fitted out in futl' the informtion required, colPt'ted.an accurlt' ptot pten, and statr thlt a . the infornation provided ".."qui.J is coffect. I rgree to.coFPty *ilttr ti't iill!:ti:^ and Ptot Ptan' to conply yith at,[ ro,rn oriin"n"i" and stilte [ars, and io buitd this structlrc "c.o.Jing io'thc Tom's.zoning and subdivision "ra".,'i'..igri ."ui., "fp-u"d,"u.it"." iritOing Code and other ordinances ot the Tovn appticabte thsr€to' REqJEsrs tor lnspEcrroNs sHALL BE nADE TsEr{Ty-FouR HouRs r ADvAl{cE By TELEPHoNE Ar 479-2138 oR AT ouR otFtcE tRorl 8:00 Atl 5:00 Pn Item:.05100 06 /2L /L99 6 It'e.m:' 0560006/2L/Lee6 BUILDING DEPARTMENTCHAR-IE ACtiON: APPR CHARLIE FIRE DEPARTMENTcir.il'niiE-- e-Ctio;i ; APPR N/A NortFrel {llru TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M96_0076 .lob Address. . . t 263 E GORE CREEK DR St,atus. . .Location......: 263 GORE CREEK DR (GORSUCH LTDAppIied..Parcel No.....: 2101-082-29-003 Issued...Project Number:Expires. . APPROVED 06/2t/tee6 o6 /2t /ree 6 L2/t8/Lee6 APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL Phone z 827_5724 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81501 CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL Phone I 827_57241111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81501OWNER GORSUCH I-,,TD _ MCBRIDE JOHN P 263 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 81557 Description: Valuation : 41 546. OO REPLACE EVAPORATIVE COOLER AND DUCT WORK FirePtace InfoPmtion: Restricted: #of Gas Appl,iances: flof ca3 Logs: #Of lrood/pa l. Let: *frr*t*ffi*ffirffil*ffi ***ffi ffi***ffirffi FEE SUl.lilARy ffi****ff,f,rr****fffi*** l'lechani ca t---> 1@.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviel,--> .00 Total, catcuLated Fees---> IZE.OOPtrn Check---> 25.00 DRB Fee--------Investigation> .00 IOTAL FEES----- r,rir.r. car.r.___> 3.00 :iyLffiilil;:__:_:::_i ,rrr.ffi **ttt*i*f*****f,*f,trlltrlt|lfttlrt*ffi trffi *ffi****trtr***ffi **ffi ffi I!e,q; ,951q0^qqrI.DINc DEpARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:06/2L/L996 CHARLTE Acrion: ApPR CHARLTE DAViSI!e$!',q5qq0^EIREt DEPA,RTryIENT Depr: FrRE Division:06/2L/t996 CHART,TE Action: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EI-E D TNSPECTIOTIS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. INSTA! ASIoN UqST coNEoR.& ro ualrurAcfunes-tl,rSiRuciitfirF-juip--_ TQ_APPENDrX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991--UMe-.3. Aqqggq Eq HEATING EeurpMEwr MuSi-dolapr,v wrrH sgc.sos AND703 OF THE 1991 UMC:4. PEB EIANNING DEPT., EQU]PMENT LOCATION MUST REMAIN THE SAMEaND g:zE oF EUrpMEt{T MUST NOT BE T,ARCER -iHar--UXSrBri}iG ----- EQUIPMENT ******************************rt:t*tr********************************************** DECLARATIONS l. hercby .acknov !edg. that I have read_this appl,ication, fil,Led out in futt the information Fequired, conpletcd an accurate plotp[an, and state that atl the infornrat ion provided as required is corrcct. I agree to compLy Jith tirc iniormation and ptot ptan,to conpty vith al'l' Town ordinances-and state lavrs/ and to buil.d this structurc according io'the Tovnrs zoning and subdivisi6ncodes, design fevier, €pproved/ uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Totn afpt,icabl.c thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,ENTY-FOUR HOURS Il{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Al 479-213a oR AT OUR OFFICE FROtt E:q) A 5:m p l*Contact Eagle County Assess $rudJ';,'*-€SEiaeUlv Tto t' 08>-21' PLIJMBING:rl ,f************:r**********l***7 Eeneral Contractor: 0ffice Towlf oF vArL coNstRucra PER}IIT APPLICATTOH rONUDatnz |o -21-?6 ^ I APPLTCATTON }IUST BE FTLI.,ED OUT COUPLSTELY OR IT UAY NOT BE ACCEPIEDIT x********************!r******** PERUTT rNAORllalroN !r****r**********************7t I J-Building I J-p1"rnr.'futn [ ]-Electricat tu{-u."n^nibal Job Narne: Job Address: l,egal Description! Lot Block_ Fiting Address: }r-j Architect:Address:Ph. General Description:tzt) work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t r-AdditionaL tv(--Repair t r-other Nunber of Dnelling Units: PER}IIT /! [ ]-other #*"= and ?1pe'of Fireplaces: cas Appliances {** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * VALIIATTONS BUILDING: T EI.ECIRTCAL: $ Address: ELectrical Contractor:Address: Nunber of Accomodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet * * ***** ** ****** * ******** * **:aa**** OTHER: S TOTAL: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: PLUI.IBING PERUTT FEE: !,TECHANICAIJ PERUTT FEE: ETECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE: *****************************r** 8UrI.,DTNG PERMIT FEE: Contractor: BUTLDTNG PI.AN CEECK FEE:PLITI|BING PLAN CHECK FEE:T,TECI|ANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE:- CLEAN-UP DEpoSfT3 TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: BUTI.DTNG: STGNATURE: zol{rNc: SIGIIAtrIJRE: Ttot-O8>-21-ooS UEcHeNICAtt f_ eoamAcIOR rUFeRl{AfIO![ * ** * * * *** * * * r * * * ** ** * ****r rTown of VaiL Reg. NO.Plrone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. No. Town of Vait Reg. No. ntTqPhone Number: - ..---' FOR OFrICE USE **********!r***************i**** CI.EAT I'P I'EPOSIT IEFT'f,D rI': ilil[ 75 routh lr€ntlg! rord u.ll, coto?.do E1657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2t39 lo: FROM: DAEE: SU&TECT: oftlc. o, cott|munlty dcyelopn.nt ALL CONIRACTORS CTJRRENILYL REGISTERED FTTH THETO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I'oRRS/COIT|MITNITY DEVEIpPIIENT UARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUETION PARKTNG & UAIERTAI, STORAGErn sunmary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anvperson to tirter, rrack-or-aelJs_it_ ""iLiirl-rJh, saDdr debris;:.ffiH'i:ii"i:"r"ains tiisi-Etn==1s, portabre toirets and fiitrr"Sli'#.iH'd:r" :::""ii=:ifiilil:l _iii{;:j"#l;"", rhi: ";ei;;;. i:[]ii- :r$8il:itii:li;ifar"i ;"#:l:+t, "'Pubt-ic !{orks oep3rtnentl-iliilns found rrlir"rl'g this ordinanceh'i't be given "-za rr"oi-*iiili'.r,otice-ti-;;: sa'd nateriar.rn tbe event the 3rersor =o ,,otified.ao"=-rrii-roiprv with thenotice within the 24 toui tiln"-lpecified, the-p,rufi, WorksDepaftEent wirr reDrove saia nitei-iar _at-frr.-'I*p"*r=e of personnotifi'ed' The nrovi=ions-or-iiis orainance snlir not beapplicable to clns.t"u"ii""l-yiil::""r,J.-oi-rlplir e=o:ects ofany street or attey or any utiiitie=--i; $..;i;it_a_h,ay. To review ordinance No' e in fult, please stop by ttr" rown ot:::i":li1:i"9"":f,if*:*"::"oiili,, a copy. rfr.,,ic you ror your ProjectI F, on t! L 1'neIaTfonSE (i.e. contractor, orrner) lnun 75 routh ,rontlgc aoad vlll, colo.!.to Bt65Z (303',) 479-2t38 0r 47g-2L39 ottlcc ot conrtrunlty dcvrlopmc[l BUILDING PERI.IIT IssuANcE TII,IE FRAIIE If this permi.t ""qrl,:::_i I?1v1 or Vai.t Ftre Deparhent Approval,Ensineer's (pubrii p"irj ;il;";'u;l ipp"ova.l, a ptannin!. oeparunentrevrew or Hea'rth Departrnint ""ui*,-ri[-a.,review by the 6uitainglirl[H!.j;"11rl .rri*ted time ro.'u-tit r review:iny..Lli."s rone All commercial flarge 91 srnall) and all multi-family permits willhave to for'row itre ilove.mentr6niJ-maximum requirements. Residentia.land smaJr projects stroufo taie-;-i.;:e;'amount-of trme. However, ifresidential or smaller.prcjects impact the various above mentioned:il: "ffl.i,,3i ll"f nl!!_ T"l*::;;iv-""u r"'- i - ilil ffi j;. il, *, Every attempt wilt O:_.1TS: by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. i;.i!l undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and time r Date lorl Corununi ty Snee-,.'Ea- E F;Ei-T;E-tfriE Devel ooment Departnent. O MEMORANDUM . TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL pUBLtC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9, 1994RE: WHEN A "PUBUO wAY PERMIT,Is REQUIRED Job Name: Date: 1) ls this a new residence? Z) ts demolition work being performed that requires the use of ihe right of way, easements or pubfic froperty? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any dninage work being done- afiecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7l ts a "Revocable Bight Of Way permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easernents orpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? - B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any ol these questions, a 'Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way Permit. applications may be obtained "i inr public work,s otfice or atcommunity Developmehi. ryou have any_questions please callGharlie Davis, thE Town' of Vail Construction Inspectoi, at 429-ZtSg.' I have read and answered allthe above questions. ercas arding the n€ed for a .public Way permit,: YES NO Contraciol,s Signature -- D-Job Name 2) 3) 4) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication.lf yes was answered.to any @;Fpubric way,, isrequired. You can pick up an apprication at eiiher community oevetopmeillocated at 75 s. Frontage Road orPublic works, located at tsdg vairvirrey orive. Notice sign offs for utirity companies. Ail utirities must fierd yerify (locate)respective utitities prior to signing apprication. some utirity-companies ieduire urito a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheetolqper.l1 approved site ptan may itso be used. ' this plan wiil show tocationsof all traffic contror devices(1gns, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area ofconstruction, !!aging, etc..)..T-nis pran wiri expire on oct. lsth. anct wiil need tobe resubmitted for approvalthrough the winter. sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (lengrth,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the trafiic;ontrot pran or a siteplan for the job. submit completed application to the public works's office for review. tf required,locates wilt be schedured for the Town of vait Eteciricia;;;il inilition crew. Thelocates take place in the morning but, may require up to 49 hours to perform. The Public work's construction rnspector wilr rwierry the apprication and approveor disapprove the permit. you wiil be contacted as to the sidtus and any that mayneeded. Most permits are rereased within 49 troursoiGing'rJ"liu"o, but pr€aseallow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy wiil be Jaxed to community ^?:""*ll"T.ailowingthe "Buitoilg permit"-to be rereased. prease do not confusethe "Public way permit" with a "B-uitding permit. to oo wort on a-jro;ect itsett. NOTE: I ltrg-?0ry" process is for work in a pubtic way onty.* Public Way permits are valid onfy uhiliirovember 15th.' A new Pubtic way permit is requireo Lach year rr woii is not comprete. s) 6) 7l c'jlW.y o rcWIIOFVAIL 75 SouthFronmge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303479-2138/ 479-213s FAX 303/479-2452 De pa nment of C om nt uni ry* D eve lo p n e nr T||FORIIf,IIOf, TEEDED rrffEr TPPLIITG rOR I uEcrllnrcf,t PEn$It HEAT LOSS CAICI'I,ATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAI{ OF IIECIIA}IICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENTDRAIJN rN To scALE, tfrrll PHysrcAr DrMENsroNs AlrD BTuRATINGS OF ALL EQurp!{Erf,r IN uECHANTCAL ROOM. sllow srz' At{D tocATIoN OF CO!,IBUSTTON AIR DUCTS, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES ----I --F'Y' ' NorE WHEIHER ELEVATOR Eourpl.tENT wrLL ALso BE rNsrAr,LED rNMECHA}TICAI ROOM. FTILURE !O PROVTDE EIIIS rrForuArr.r ,'IUL DgLTr IOUR PERUIT. 2. 3. 4. hun 75 .oulh ftont g|c rold xdl,cdorsoEt657 FGr)4r}z|38(36).}}A39 offfe of communlly declopnent . NorrcE To co![rRAcroRs/otv![ER BurtDERs Effective June 20, i.991, the Town of vail Building Departnent hasdeveloped the forrowing'procea".as to ensure that nee, constructionsites have adeouately-"ir"ili"ir"d proper arii"ig" fron buirdingsites along and'adjade"t to-ior" of vair road.s oi streets. Tb" to*a of vair p;rrlie rirorks Delrartnent rilr b€ reguired toi1t|p.S aog . ippTgo: -q5a1gge "ai""Lot i" lorra- "f vail roadg orstreeta and tbe iastallatioi of i'erpora"y or permaneDt culverts atacce3s points fron tbe road or sire€t on to tie cJnetmction site.such approvar' musr be obraineo piior-r;;r; [i.,;;i for inspecrionby the Town of vail BuilaG.S oJn.rtment f6r robt.ings or remporarverectrical or anv. orher ii,"pE-"iio". pr.""" -J.rr 419-2160 t6request an _inspect.ion from tnL piuri." wo.r"--o-.pJi.^"nt. A]]ow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail public works Department wir.l be approvingarL fina'l drainage and culvert -instaliation with resurting roadpacching as neceisary. s"cf.--."pprova' must Ue oUta:.ned prior toFj.nal Certificate of -o"""pun"v-i!r,r"rr"". coMMUNrrYt"o*r**. FEBRUARY,1996 DIRECT LINE TELEPEOFTE LIST: ADMINISTRATION Susan Connelly, Director of Comrunity Dwelopment Lorelei Donaldson, Depatrnent Secretay Judy Rodrigrre4 Planning Secretary BI.]ILDING DIVISION Charlie Davis, Building Inspector/Plans Examiner Chuck Feldmaon, Building Inspector/Plans Examiner Emst Glable, Electical Tnspector Dan Stmel Building Liaison OfEca ENVIROI.IMENTAL I{EALTH DIVISION Russell Forrest, Senior EnvironmenAl Policy Planner Paul Reeves, Environmerrtal Healtl Ofrcer HOUSINGDTVISION Andy Knudben, Senior Housing Policy Plaoner PLANNINGDIVISION Jim Cumutre, Serfor To$m Plznner Dominic Mauriello, Town Plaoner MkE Mollic4 AssistantDrectorof Commrnity Dw. George Ruther, Tovm Planner Randy Stouder, Town Planer Iauren Waterton, Planning Liaison Offictr FaxNumber Inspection Requests 479-2t40 479-2149 479-2139 479-2t43 479-2325 479-2147 479-2321 479-2t46 479-2333 479-2440 479-2142 479-2148 479-2t44 479-2t45 479-2150 479-2128 479-24s2 479-2149