HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 PART OF TRACT B CORNICE BUILDING AKA DAVID SMITH 1991 AND PREVIOUS LEGALl',ORDINANCE NO. 15 Series of 1991 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING SECTION 18.04.130, THE DEFINITION OF FLOOR AREA, GROSS RESIDENTIAL (GRFA) I AND SETTING FORTH THE DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Gross Residential Floor area is an important tool for controlling the Level of development in the Towni and WHEREAS, modifications to the Gross Residential Ffoor Area system are necessary to ensure its effectiveness,' and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 18.66.140, the Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendments, and has submitted its recommendation to the Town Councili and WHEREAS, the Town Council has held a public hearing as required by Chapter L8.66 of the Vail Municipal Code. NOW THEREFORE, BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1 SecLion 18.04.130, the definition of floor area, gross residential, is hereby repealed anq reenacted to read as fol.lows: 18.04.130 Floor area, qross residential (GRFA) Gross resident.ial floor area (GRFA) meanll the total square footage of all leve1s of a building, as measured at the inside face of tire exterior walls (i.e. not including furring, sheetrock, pfasLer and other similar waIl finishes) . GRFA sha1l include, but not be limited to, elevator shafts and stairwells at each leve1, 1ofts, fireplaces, mechanical chases, vents, and storage areas. Attics, crawl spaces and roofed or covered decks, porches, terraces or patios shal1 also be included in GRFA, unless they meet the provisions of paragraphsAorBbelow. A. Yiithin buildings conLaining two or fewer dwelling unlts, the followins areas shall be excluded from calculation as GRFA: 1. Enclosed garages of up to three hundred (300) square feet per vehicle sPace not exceeding a maximum of tt,ro spaces for each alfowable dwelling unit permitted by the zoning code. 2. Attic space with a ceiling height of five feet or Less, as measured frorn the top side of the struct-ural members of the ffoor to the underside of the structural mernbers of the roof directly above. Attic area created bv constructi-on of a roof with I B, truss-type members t"tiIl be excLuded from calculation as GRFA provided the trusses are spaced no greater than thirty inches apart. 3. Crawl spaces accessible through an opening not greater than twelve square feet in area, with five feet or less of ceiling height,, as measured from the surface of the earth to the underside of structural floor members of the floor,/ceiling assembly above. 4, Roofed or covered decks, porches, terraces, patios or similar features or spaces with no more than three exterior walls and a ninimun opening of not less than 25\ of the lineal perimeter of the area of said deck, porch, terrace' patio, or similar feaLure or space provided the opening 1s contiguous and fuIly open from floor to ceiling, with an allowance for a railing of up to three feet in height. GRFA shall be cafculated by measuring the total square foolaqe of a building as set forLh in Section 18.04.130 above. Excluded areas as set forth in paragraph A shall then be deducted from tota] square footage. Within buildings containing more than two allowable dwellings or accommodation units, the following aoditional areas sha1l be excludeo irom calculation as GRFA: l.) Enclosed garages to accommodate on-siLe parking requ j.rements. 2) A11 or part of the following spaces, provided such spaces are common spaces and that the total square foolage of all the following spaces shall not exceed thirty-five percent of the aIlowable GRFA permitted on the lot. a. Common trallways, stairways, elevator shaft.s and airlocks b. Common lobby areas c. Common enclosed recreation facilities d. conmon heating, cooling or ventilation systems, solar rock storage areas, or oEher nechanical systems. Square footage excluded from calculation as GRFA shall be the minimum square footage required to allow for Lhe maintenance and operation of such mechanical systems. e. Common closet and storage areas, providing access to such areas is from common hallways onfv. I' f. Meeting and convention facilities S. office space, provided such space is used exclusively for the management and operation of on-site facilities. Any square footage which exceeds the thirty-five percent maximum wiIl be included in the calculation of GRFA. 3) A11 or part of an airlock wit.hin an accomrnodation or dweLling unit not exceeding a maximum of twenty- five square feet, providing such unit has direct access to the outdoors. accomnodation unit be countbd . at , the overlapping. stairways within an -*-. --"' 'or dwelli.ng unit shalI only 'a) .:Lowest*'IeveI. 5) Attic space with a ceiling height of five feet or Less, as measured from the top side of the structural members of the floor to the underside of the structural members of the roof directly above. ALtic area created by constructj'on of a roof with truss-type members will be excluded from calculation as GRFA provided the trusses are spaced no greater than thirty inches apart. 6) Crawl spaces accessible through an opening not greater than twelve square feet in area, with five feet or less of ceiling heig-ht, as measured from the surface of the earth to the underside of structural floor members of the floor/ceiling assembly above. '7) Roofed or covered decks, porches, terraces, Patios or sinrilar features or spaces with no more than lhree exterior walls and a minimum opening of not less than 254 of the lineal perirneter of the area of said deck, porch, terracer patj.of or similar feature or space provj.de the opening is contiguous and fully open fron floor to ceiting, with an allowance for a railing of up to t.hree feet in height.. GRFA shall be caLculated by measuring the total square footage of a building as set forth in Section 18 .04 . L30 above. Excl-uded areas as set forth in paragraph B shall then be deducted from t.he total square footage. Section 2 The provisions of this ordinance sha]l not be effective for any application for development which has been submitt.ed to the Department of Community Development, and accepted by the same, on or before July L, 1991, unless agreed to by the applicant submitting the application before July 1, 1991. Section 3 If any part, section, subsection, sentence' clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the vatidity of the rernaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it woul'd have passed this Ordinance, and each part, section, subsectiont sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalld. Section 4 The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and inhabitants thereof. Section 5 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this Ordinance shalI noL affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any vj-olation that occurred prior Lo the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or brr virLue of the provision repealed cr rcpealeC and reenaeted. The repeaf of any provision hereby shal1 not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Sect ion 6 A11 bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsj-st.ent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsisLency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinancer or part thereof, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READTNG THIS 4th day of June 7991 , and a public hearing shalL be held on t.his Ordinance on the 18th dav of June , 1991 at 7:30 p.m. 1n the CounciL Chambers of the VaiI Municipal Building, Vai)., Colorado. a:of Juneordered published in full t.his 4th ATTEST: INTRODUCEDI PUBLISHED READ AND by title APPROVEDthis SECONDON 18th READING AND June ORDERED , ItJt. Kent R. Roser Mayor c:brd\ordl5.91 1991 . Rose, ATTEST: PameIa Brandmelrer, fown CIerk ;.t ORDINANCE NO. 16 Series of 1991 AN ORD]NANCE REPEATING AND REENACTING SECTION 18.14.090, DENSITY CONTROT-RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER DISTRICT, SECTION 18.15.090, DENSITY CONTROL-LOW DENSITY MULTI-FA}4ILY DISTRICT; SECTION 18.18.090, DENSITY CONTROL-MEDTUM DENSTTY MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT AND SETTING FORTH THE DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO WHEREAS, Gross Residential Floor area is an important tool for controlling the level of developmenl ln the Towni and VIHEREAS, modifications to the Gross Residential Floor Area in certain zone districts are necessary to ensure its effectiveness; and WHEREAS. in accordance with Section 18.66.140' the Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendments, and has submitted its recommendation to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has held a public hearing as required by Chapter 18.66 of the Vail Municipal Code. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1 Section 18.14.090, Density Control in the Residential Cluster District is hereby repealed and reenacted to read as follows: 18 . 14 . 0 90 Densitv Control A. NoL rnore than twenty-five square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shatl be permitted for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area' provided however, that single family and two-family dwelling units constructed in the Residential Cluster District shall be entitled to an additional two hundred twenty-five square feet of GRFA per constructed dwelling unit. Total density shall not exceed six dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. B. Exemptions. All projects that have received final design review board approval as of December 19r L978t shall be exempt from the changes in this section as Iong as the project commences within one year from the date of final approval. If the project is to be developed in stages, each stage shall be commenced within one year after the conpletion of the previous stage. (ord. 19(1979) Seclion 5 (part): ord. 50(1978) Section 18 (part) . ) Section 2 sectlon Density control ln the Low Density Multi-family District is hereby repealed and reenacted to read as follows: Section 18.15.090 Densitv Control A. Not more than thirty square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shaIl be permitted for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area, provided however, that single family and two-family dwelling units constructed in the Low Density Residential District shaIl be entitled to an additional two hundred twenty five square feet of GRFA per constructed dwelling unit. Total density shall not exceed nine dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. B. Exemptions. AlI projects that have received final design review board approval as of December 19r 19?8 shaLL be exempt from the changes in this section as long as the project commences within one year from the date of final approval. If the project is to be developed in stages, each stage shall be commenced within one year after the compleLion of the previous stage. (Ord. 19(1979) Section 5 (part): Ord. 50(1978) Section 18 (part) , ) SecLion 3 Sub-section 18.18.090 Density control in the Medium Density MuIti-family District j,s hereby repealed and reenacted to read as follows: 18,18.090 Densitv Control A. Not more than thirty-five square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be pernitted for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area, provided however, that sin91e family and two-family dwelling units constructed in Lhe Medium Density Residential District shall be entitled to an additional two hundred twenty-five sguare feet of GRFA per constructed dwelling unit. B. Exenptions. AI1 projects thal have received final design review board approval as of December 19, 19?8 shall be exempt from the changes in this section as Iong as the project cornmences within one year frorn the date of finaL approval . If the project ls to be developed in stages, each stage shall be commenced within one year after the completion of the previous stage. (Ord. 19 (19?9) Section 5 (part) : Ord' 50 (l'978) Section 18 (part) . ) I Section 4 The provisions of this ordinance shall application for development whlch has Conmunity Development Department, and before July 1, L99t, unless agreed to the application before July 1, 1991. not be effective for any been 'subnit,ted to the accepted by the sarne, on or by the applicant, submlt.ting Section 5 If any part, sectlon, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance ls for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shal1 not affect the validity of the remalning portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby decLares It would have passed this Ordinance. and each part, section, subsection, sentence, .clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sectionsl subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 6 The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance ls necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and inhabitants thereof. Sectlon 7 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provlsions of the Vait Municipal Code as provided in this Orciinance sha1l not affect any right which has accrued, any duty lmposedr any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacLed. The repeal of any provislon bereby shaL] not revive any provision or any ordinance prevlously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 8 AII bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to Lhe extent only of such inconsistency. Thi.s repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or Part thereof, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS l!l!- day of June | 1991, and a public hearing shal1 be held on this ordinance on the l8tlt day of June , 1991 at 7:30 p'm. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Bui1dln9, VaiI, CoIorado. ATTEST: Ordered published in full this TNTRODUCED, PUBLISHED READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED Dy tl!]e rhis 18th 66y of June c:\o rd\ord I 6.9 I r.9 91 , 1991. Roset Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk ,J Kent R. Rose, Pamefa A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk .'l i ORDINNICB NO. 37 Serles of 1t990 aN i,RDINNtcE REPEAIIN6 11tD REENilSING SEcTloN 18.04.13ur-rHs oprrNITIoN OF FIDOR IREA, GROSS RESIDENTIAIJ (GRFA), Sicrrow 18. 09. O8o DENsITY coIilTRoIr-lilLIsIDE RESIDENTIAL orsrnrcr, SEqtroN 18. 1O.O9O DENSITy CONIIROIi--SINGLE-FN'IIIJY-orsrnrei, suB-sEqrroN 18.12.090 (A) DENSITy_C9NTROLF-TWO-ielail,v itrstoe11rtArJ DrsrRrcr, sUB-iEeuoN 18.13.080 (A) Onxs rry CoNTRoIT-PRII1ARY/S EigNDARY RES I DENTITL DI s t.RI cT *9...sgrlrNc FORTII SHli DETAU,S IN REGARD THERETO' I|HEREAS, Groes ReEl.dentlal Floor area !s an luportant tool tor controlllng the level of developrnent tn tlre Towni and WfiEREAS, UodllflCatlsns to the lcroas Resldentlal Floor lrea rystern tre necessary to eneure tte cffectl'veneesi and wltEREAS, ln accordance slth Eectlon 18'66'1{0, tbe Planning and Envlrorulentil Connlsslon held a publlc lrearlnE on the proposed aruendnents, and tras rubrnltteit lte tecoDnenaatlon to the Town councll; and t*tEREAs, the Town Councll had held a public hearlng as regulred by chapter 18.65 of ttre Valt Uunlcipal Code' NowTHEREFoRE,BEIToRDAINEDBYTHEToI{NcoUNcILoFTHE TOI{N OF VAIIJ, COI,ORADO, TEAT! Eeetion 1 Section 18.04.130, the definltion of floor area' gr|oss resldentia},lsherebyrepealedandreenactedtoreadasfoJlot,ls: cross residentlal floor arei lcnra) ueans the total Equare footage of all levels of a bu11dln9, as neasured at the inslde face of the exterior walls (1.e. not lncluding furring, Eheetrock, plaster and other elnilar wall finishes). GRFA ehall lnctudle, but not be lirnited to' elevator shafts and stalrwe[ls at each level' lofts' fireplaces, Dechanlcal chases, vents' and atorage areas' AtticsrcrawlEPacesandlroofedorcovereddecks'Porches' terraces or patlos shal'l alrso be lncluded in GRFA' unless they Deet the provlrlons of Paragraph A below' A. l{ithin bulldinga contalnlng tuo or fewer duelllnE unlts, the followlng areas shall be cxcludedl fron calculatloD as GRFAs 1. Garage EPaces ot up to three hundred (300) Equare feet per garage EPace not exceedllng a uixlaun of two aPaces for each allowable dwelling unlt Pernltted bY tlrd zonlng code' 2. tttlc 8Pace wlth a eelllng height of flve feet or lass, tB Detsured frou tbe toP alde of the rtnrctural aeubera of ttre tloor to ttre unilerslde of the rttiuctural uenbers of the r:l>f dlrectly 3. ebove. tttlc trea createit by constn'rctlon of a roof ulth tnrss-t1pe uenberE will be cxcludedl frorn cal:ul:-l"n :s GRFA provldeit the tn:ases are spacel no Ereater tlran tlrlrty lnches aPart' " crtrrl aPaccs accesslble tlrrough an openlng not Ereater ttran tuelve aguale feet ln area' nlth five feet or less of celllng trelght, as Deasuredl front ttre surfaee of ttre eartlr to the underslde of rtnrctural floor uenbers of the floor/cel'llng assenblY above. Roofed o! covercdl decks, porches, terraces' patlos or sinllar teature/rpace ultlr no uore tban three cxteriorral]'eandaalnlurrnopenlnEofnotless than 25t of the llneal perlneter 'of the lrea of, sald deck, Porchr terrace, patio, or slnllar feature/sPaee Provldedl ttre openlng ls contt'E:uous and fully open from floor to celllng' wlth an allouance for a ralling of up to three feet ln height. GRFA shall be calculated by neasuring the tota] tguare footage of a buildlng as set forth ln Sectlon 18'04'130 above. Excluded areas as set forth I'n paragraph A shall then be deducted frorn total square footage' $ithin buildings contalning nore than two allowable dwelling or acconmodatlon units' the following additlonal areas ehall be excluded from calculation as {. B. GRFA: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sectlon 2 Section 18.09.080, Dlatrlct lc herabY DensltY Control ln the repealed and rcenacted Hillelde Resldentlal to read as follows: 5. Garagesi Solar heatlng rock storage areasi Uechanical' areasi Connon hallways, cgmnon closetg' Iobby areas' stalrrays and cotunon cnclosed recreatlonal facllltlegnotexceedlngamaxinunolananount equal to twenty Percent of the allowable GRFA per:ulttedt on the !ot' Any sguare footage uhich exceeds the twenty percent uaxlnun wlll be includeil ln tlre calculatlon of GRFAT All or part of an alrlock not exceedtlng a nax-i1un of twenty-five sqluare feet per allowable'dwelling unlt. t-I \. 't, The ta. r8.09.O80 Densltv Control Not uore ttran a total of two dwelllng unlts shall be peroltteCl on cach rlte. tolloulng GRFA thall be peralttedl on cach sltc: llventy sguar€ feet of GRFA for each one trundred aguare feet of ttre flret twenty-one tlrousand reven hundred eighty Eqluare feet of rlte area; plus b. Flve sguare feet of GRFA for cach one hundred sguare feet of llte lrea over twenty-one tlrouEand seven hundred alghty Equare feet. In aitilltlon to ttre above, tour hundred tuenty-31ve aguare feet of gross resldentLal floor arca (GRFA) ehall be pe:mLtted for cach allowable dsel'llng unlt' on any elte contalnlng tno duelllng unitsl otle of tlre unlts shall not exceed twelve hundredl aguare feet of EroBs resldential floor alea (GRFA). Shls unlt rhal'l not be subdivided or sold separately from the naln dwelllng unlt' lhis unlt nay be Lntegrated lnto the ualn dvelllng unlt or nay be integratedl uithln a garage 3trnrcture senrlng the uain unit, but ehall not be a EeParate free standlng Etructure' Seetion 3 Section 18.10.090 Density Control 1n the ls hereby repealed and reenacted to read Not nore than site. Slngle FanitY Dlstrlct as follows: one dwelllng unlt shall be pe:oltted on eaeh The following GRFA ehall be pe::rnitted on each slte: a. l\renty-flve tguare feet of GRFA for each one hundred Equare feet of the flrst twelve thoueand five lrundred sguare feet of slte area; Plus b. Ten Equare feet of GRFA for each one hundred sguare feet of elte arca over twelve tlrousand tlve bundred aqJuare feet' Inadclltiontottreabove'fourhundlredltwenty-live3quare feet of gross resldentlal tloor area (GRFA) shall'be pernitted tor eaeh allowable dwellinE unit' No slngle faally resldentl'al lot Gxcept tlrose located cntirely ln the red trazard lvalanclre tone or ttre tlood plaln shall be ro reBttlctedl ttrat lt cannot be occupled by one single fanllY drelllng' Seetion 4 Sub-rectlon 18.12.090 (A) Denslty control in the Ttro Fanlly Resldentlal Dlstrlct le hereby repealed andl rcenacteil to re:it follogs: 18.12.090 Densltv Control A. Not Eore than r total permlttcd on cach sl.te pe:mltted on tots less feet. Tlre followJ.ng GRFA ghall be peraltted on cach slte: t. Tuenty-flve Eqluare feet of GRFA lor sach one hundreil Bqluare feet of tlre fl,rst fl'fteen thousand sguare feet of sl.te arcat EIus b. Ten rguare feet of GRFA for cach one hundlredl square feet of Elte atea over flfteen thousand square fcet, not to cxceed thlrty thoueand square feet of site area; plus c. Five sguare feet of GRFA for each onq hundrett Bguare feet of site area Ln exceEs of thirty thousand Bguar€ feet. In adtitltion to the above, four hundred twenty-five sguare feet of Eross residential floor area (GRFA) slrall be penritted for each allowable dwelling unit' No la'o-Fanily residentlal lot except those located entirely Ln ttre red hazard avalanche zone, or the floodplain, or those of l.ess than flfteen thousand Equare feet shall be eo restricteil that lt cannot be occupied by a Tuo-Family dwelling. of tgo dwelltng unlta shall be rtth only one dwelllng unlt than flfteen thousand square I I on each glte wlth only one dwelling unit on lote less than flfteen thousand square Section 5 Subsection Residential follows: 18.13.080 (A) Denslty Control ln the PriDaryr/Secondary Distriet ts hereby repeal'ed and reenacted to read aE A.Not aore than a total o! tro drelll'ng unlts shall be pe:mitted pe:mltted feet. The fo!.lowlng GRFA rhall be per:raltted on cach slte: !. Btrenty-flvc sguare feet of GRFA for cach one hundred sqluale feet of the flret flfteen thouEand tquare feet of rlte area; Plus t. .,v f, I Ten rguare feet of GRFA tor each one trundred .guare teet of rlte grca over tlftcen tbousandl Bquar. teet, not to cxceedl thlrty thousand Equare fcet of slte arecl PIus Flve rquarc feet ol GRFA for cach one hundredl squarc feet of al'te area ln excess of thirty thousand square feet. b. c. Iniadldtitlon to the above, four hundred twenty-five square feet of gross resldentlal floor area (GRFA) rhall be per:ultted tol each allowable dwelll'nE unit' on any slte contalnlng two drelllnE unlte' otle of the unltsahallnotexceedlfortypercent(4ot)ofthetotal allowable gross resldentlal tloor area (GRIA) ' No Priuary/Secondary reeldential lot except tlrose Iocated entLrely I'n the redl hazard avalanche zone' or ttre floodplaln, or those of less than fifteen thoueand Equare feet shall be ao restrictedl that it cannot be occupied by a Prl:nary'/Secondary dwelllng' Seetion 6 The provisions of this ordinance shall not be effectlve for any application for developrnent whlch has been Eubtnltted to the Departrnent of cornnunlty Develop:nent' and accepteil by the Bame' on or before January 1, 1991' Section 7 If any Part, section, subsectlon' sentence' clause or phrase of this ordinance ls for any reason held to be lnvalid' such deciEion shalI not affect the validity of the renalnlng portions of this ordinance; and the Sown council hereby declares lt uould have passed this ordinance' and each part' section' subsection' Fentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardress of the fact that any one o! Dore parts' sectlons' subsectlons' Sentences' clauses or Phrases be declareil invalid' Seetlon 8 The Tosn Councll herebY ordlnance is necessar1 uelfare of the Tonn of finds, deternlnes and deelares ttrat this and proper for the heatth' safety and Vall cndl lnhabltante'thereof ' Eectlon 9 ---^-!-a-r ^f rnv orovlslons of the The repeal or the repeal and reenactnent of any pr vail tlunlclpal code as provJ'ded ln thls ordlnance ehall not affect any right whlch hae aecnred' any duty lnposed' anY E I proBesut!.on corDencccl, nor any ottrer actl0n or proceedting as conornced under or by vlrtue of tlre provlslon repealed or repeal.?_9-and reenacted. lfbe repeal of any provlslon hereby sharl not revl've rny provtslon or any ordlnance prevlously repealed or tuperseded unless cxpressly rtated berel.n. Section 1O Al1 bylaws, ordere, resolutlons andl ordlnanees, or parts thereof, lnconslsteni hereelth cre hereby repealed to the sxtent onty of such lnconsistency. This repealer shall not be constnred to revl,se any bylaw, order, rcsolutl.on or ordlnaDce, or part tlrereof, treretofore repealecl. INTRODUCED, READ tl{D PASSED ON FIRST RE.ADTNG TITIS ?Oth day of llovember , 1990, ancl a publlc hearlng shall be held on thls Ordinance on the 20th day of, llovenber , l99O rt ?:30 p.n. tn the Counel.l Chanbers of the Vail Uunlclpal Bu11din9, Vail, Colorado. Ordereil publlshed ln full this 20th day of l{ovember , 1990. ATTEST: INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ln fu'll thls -.41h day of December , 1990. ATTEST: g I. Stelnberg Parnela A. Brandneyer, Town Clerk Brandneyeir,Town Clerk Ia- J .t ONDINAI{CE NO. I1 SERIES OF 1990 "o'*'ftrfffi'$:," s1-re -CovsRAGE -PRrHIfi t:"lRTIn*o rHEREro I WHEREAS, tite coverage ls an luportant tool for controlllng ttre level of developrnent ln ttre towni and tlltERENr nodlflcatlons to sl'te coveragc aB deflned ln the Vailttuntclpalcodeforthehlllelderesldenttal,rl'nglef,aroily, two-faally anal Prlnary,/secondary zone dletrlcts lre nGcGasaly to ensure ite effectl'venessi andl !{HEREAS' ln accordance wlth SectLon 18'66'140' the Plannlng and Environnental connlaelon ireldl a publlc lreartnE on tlre the proposed anendments and has gubnltted lts recornmendatl'on to tlre Town Council t and I{HEREAS, The Town councrr has herd a pubrrc hearing as reguireCl by chapter 18'66 of the Vall t{unlclpal code' NOt{, THEREFoRE' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN CoUNCIL OF THE TOI{N OF VAIL, COISRADO' THAT: Sectlon 1 *.00.365' the definltion of 51te coverage ResldentialrslngleFanily'rwo-fanltyand - HillEide Ptlnary/seeondary ts herebY enacted to read as follows: ffi the ratro of the totar buitding area on a slte to the total area of " t1t": :T::":::: ::;r""", ;Hil":- ;; the purpose or carcurattns slte coveraee' xbullillng areatr shall mean the total horlzontal area of any bulldlng as Eeasured from the exterlor face of perfuneter buttdlrng walrs o, ,rrrnortlrs- corurnns above Erade or at ground level , wfrlcfrever ls the greater area' Bullding area ehall lnclude aII bultdlnga' car?ortg' porte cocherear arcades, andl covered or roofed raltnrays' ln adtdltlon to the above, bulldlng arca rhall also include any portlon of roof overhang, Gave' ot-"ot'"ttd rtalr' covered deck' -cgrreredl poreh, covered terrace gr coveredl patlo that extends lore than four ft"t ftot tbe exterior t-ace o! perineter building ualls or 3uPPortl'ng colurnna' 1 rba1l EgEfJgDJ Seetion 18.09.09O, DLstrict ts hcrcbY r! ? , Elte Coverage ln tlre ttlllslde Resldentlal rcpealed and reenacted to read as follows: 15t of the total slte area.81te Coverage Sectlon 3 Sectlon 18.10.11O, Slte Coverage ln the Slngle-fanily DiEtrlct ls hereby repealed and reenacted to read ae 18.10.11O SLte Coverade 81te Coverage eball not exceed 20t of the total Resldentlal followe: slte area. Sectl.on 4 sectlon 18.12.110, 81te Coverage in the Ttro-fanily Resldentlal Dlstrlct ls hereby repealed and reenacted io read as follors: 18.12.11O slte Coveraoe Eite Coverage shall not exceed 2Ot of the total rlte area' SectLon 5 SectLon 18.13.090, Site Coverage ln the ResidentLal Dlstrict I's hereby repealed Sectlon I The Town Councll herebY ordlnance le necessarY relfare of the Town of PriroarYr/Secondary and reenacted to read as follows: 18.13.090 Site Coveraqe Site Coverage shall not exceed zot of the total slte area' Section 6 The provisions of tbis ordinance shalf not be affective for any appllcation for developrnent whl'ch has been subnitted to the Departrnent of connunity Development' and accepted by the sane' on or before January 1' 1991' Section ? If any Part, section, eubsection' Sentence' clause or phrase of thiE ordinance ls for any reason held to be invalld' euch decision sharr not affect the varidity of. the rernalnlnE portlons of this Ordlnancei and the Town Council hereby declares lt would have passed thrs ordinance, and cach part, sectlon, subsection, centence, clauee or phrase thereof' regardless of tbe fact that tny one or Dore parts, rections' subeections' Eentences' clauees or Phrasee be declared lnvalld' flnds, deteralnes and declarcs that this andl proper for the health' rafety and Vail and I'nbabltante thereof' z { 1, ''a\ Sectlon 9 The rrpeal or tlre r.peal and rccnaetnent of tny provlslons of the Vail tlunlclpal Code l: Provtdedt ln thls Ordlnance shall not affect any rlght uhlch hac accrueri, aiiy dr.Ly lnposed, any vlolatlon that occurred prlor to thc rffectlvc date hereof, any prosecutlon connencedl, nor any other actlon or Proceeding as connenced under or by vlrtue of the DrovlElon repealeil or repealed and reenacted. The tepeal of any provielon hereby shall not revl,ve ariy provlslon or any ordlnance prevlously repealed or superseded unleEs cxpreesly stated hereln. Sectlon 1o All bylawE, orderB, resolutlons anil ordlnaneegr or partE thereof, inconsl,stent hereylth are heraby repealcd to the extent only of such lnconsl.stency. ThIs repealer shall not be conEtrued to revise any bylaw, order, resolutlon or ordlnanc€' or Part thereof, heretofore rePealed.. INTRODUCED, N.EAD AND PASSED ON TIRST NEADING THIS IOIL dAY Of November'lggo,andapubllchearlngghallbetreldonthis Ordinance on the Lg!h- day of Novernber ' 1990 at ?:30 p'rn' ln the councLl Charnbere of the vall uuniclpal Building, vall' Colorado. Thonas I.€einberg, Uayor Pro Ten AIIEST: Panela A. INTRODUCED, READ-IN ORDERED PUBLISHED , 1990. Xent R. RoEel yo Panela A. t tuJ AranarneY6r, llown Clerk BrandneYer, lrtr copy 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (303) 47$2139 office ol community development October 14, 1991 Mr. Charlie Gersbach Vail Associates Real Estate P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Cornlce Bulldlng Dear Charlie: Kristian Pritz, Larry Eslwith and ldiscussed your questions on Thursday, october 10, lggl , and the answers are listed below. To clarify your original questions, let me rephrase lhem: 1. Could the Comice Building be remodeled on the interior only, and combine all of the dwelling units into a single unit without any exterior changes? 2. Could the Cornice Building be torn down and reconstructed as a single family dwelling unit? Concerning the first question, the current building has been constructed according to a variance granted in 1979. As the existing structure was allowed to be built because of a variance, all conditions of approval which were given as a part of the variance must be continued. One of these conditions w.rs the requirement to create employee housing. As a result, as long as the existing building continues to be on this site, the employee housing deed restriction must be maintained. Concerning the second question, if the structure were rebuilt without the need of anv variances. the deed restriction could be taken off the property. This elimination of the restrictions would be made possible by conformance to zoning standards. lf any variations from the code are needed, the housing restriction could stillbe applicable. Mr. Charlie Gersbach October 14, 1991 Pqe2 This information coincides wifi the letter Kristan Pritz wrote you on January 14, 1991. In her letter, she emphasized the fact the employee units must be maintained in any reconstructed building on ihe site, assuming that the existing variances would be needed. Please bel free to call me, Kristan or Larry if you have any more questions about this propefi. Larry Eshrith Kristan Prits lab cc: Sincerely, o ot ( \ ,/'\ IVJ , Jn? \r" , o ,lri "lF sn,* "i:: "","*,1 *"1*r* \ , ktr *I,J /r'- '"* .r'"' t'* ..,,,-r- , * ,D\' \* r (y'^r 6^\ 75 south tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3Gr) 47+2138 (303) 4792139 october 11, 1991 Mr. Charlie Gersbach Vail Associates Real Estate P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Cornlce Bulldlng Dear Charlie: Kristan PriE, Larry Eskwith and ldiscussed your questions on Thursday, October 10, 1991, and the answers are listed below. To clarify your original questions, let me rephrase them: 1. Could the Comice BuiEing be remodeled on the interior only, and combine all of the dwelling units into a single unit without any exterior changes? 2. Could the Comice Building be tom down and reconstrucled as a single family &velling unit? Conceming the tirst question, the currenl building has been constructed according to a variance granted in 1979. As the existing structure was allowed to be built because of a variance, all conditions of approval which were given as a part of the variance must be continued. One of hese conditions was the requirement to creab employee housing. As a result, as long as the existing building continues to be on this site, the employee housing deed restriction must be maintained. Concerning the second question, if the structure were rebuilt wihout the need of anv variances, the deed restriction could be taken off the property. This elimination of the restrictions would be made possible by conformance to zoning standarG. lf any variations from the code are needed, the housing restriction could still be applicable. o Mr. Charlie Gersbach October 11, 1991 Page 2 This information coincides with the letter Kristan Pdtr wrote you on January 14, 1991. ln her letter, she emphasized fie fact he employee unib must be maintained in any reconsfiucted building on he site, assuming that the existing variances would be needed. Pfease leel free to call me, Kristan or larry if you have any more queslions about this property. Sincerely, Andy Knudtsen Town Planner Larry Eshritr Kristan Pritr lab @: 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (3{r3) 479-2139 January 9, l-991 offlce of communaty development CERTIFTED MAIL j20'?Yoo Dr. Walter Huttner <""- ' 4545 East 9th Street Denver, Colorado gO22O Re: The Cornice Building Dear Dr. Huttner: ft has.recently come to the attention of the Department ofCommunity DeveLopment that two off-street parking spaces havebeen created on the Cornice Building property. Because of thelinited site distance and the tight rlaius oi vait valley Drivein the area of the Cornice Building, the Town of Vail ha3 naJorconcerns with the addition of off-street surface parking in fnisarea. r have reviewed the Townts permanent files regarding the corniceBuilding and have been unable to locate any T-wn approval foroff-street surface parking for tbe Cornice Building. ft appearsthat in 1979, an application was nade to the planning cornni-ssionto add one surface parking space, honever the pranning connissionsubsequently denied the request. Then in l-986 a request was nadeto expand the existing building, which included the addition ofon-site parking, and again, the planning Conmission voted to denythe request. The Town requests that you irurnediately elininate the on-siteparking, located on the Cornice Building property. Our concernsare entirely centered around safety, not only for the pedestriansin the area, but also the users of-the parking area. We ask foryour cooperation in this rnatter so that ticketlng/citation of theparked vehicles will not be necessary. ) ,' Again, thank you-for your cooperation and if you should have anyguestions regarding the above, prease do not Lesitate to contaclme at 479-2L38. Sincerely, hi* n,e^- Uike Mollica Senior Planner MM:lrdcc: Ron Phillips Ken HugheyKristan Pritz 2' t.1' 1 t 5/.44 "-/ ),n tlr **, , N " /-;( A ,a*/J ,k i- Vo;.( dc, *""/t*{ J ,*,-l db^ l.Z*/ .tk e!4,,r,-.-t 6" 4, \y'.e. ,L q + _/L? H'-t( "J ,"*tlg ,aSet a41-Q, ,, q*4,r 4 . H, ,r_t ,t r,4 A o_+'fr4,a-q -Ai Tdl re. t (,uet f{,-.4-^ rrQc0Py 75 3outh lronlage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 47$2139 otflce ot community deYelopment January 14, 1991 Mr. Charlie Gersbachc/o Vail Associates ReaI Estate P.O. Box 7Vai1, Colorado 81558 RE: Cornice nullding Information Dear Charl.ie: In answer to your question concerning the three employee housingunits within the Cornice Building, it is the Community Developurent Departmentrs opinion as well as our Town Attorneyrs opinion that the three units must be used for long tern rentalsto full tine ernployeers in the upper Eagle Valley per the agreernent dated ylay 2, 1985. The purpose of this agreement is to insure that the units are rented or at least made available for long term rentals to employees. ff the building were to be torn down, the units would have to be incorporated into the newbuilding. The only way to arnend this agreernent would be toactually rewrite the conditions concerning the ernployee units which should be reviewed by the Planning cornnission and Tortn Council . As you are well aware, the conrnunity now has an enployee housing problem. At this time, staff woul,d find it verydifficult to find any reasons justifying the removal of the units. I have afso included the Planning and Environmental Conmissionstaff memo dated Septenber 22, 1986. From the staff notes on the memo, it appears that the existing building has 1,595 sq. ft. of GRFA. The a]lowable GRFA for the property Ls 2,195 sq. ft. Please remember that we vould recheck the GRFA if a new proposal is subrnitted. A1so, the nulti-fanily GRFA definition will be amended in the near future. We have also included staff correspondence frorn Ton Braun dated Sept. 11, 1986 and minutes from the Planning and Environmental CornmissLon for yourlnfomatlon file. Please let me know if you have any additional questions concerning the property. Sincerely, r) I ft .tl-t r I tf I -{,r',*.t^ Y-l:r{^\-NuK,{rl lrIt,r-I(ristan' PrLtz\ Conmunity Development Director KPl1rd enc.cc: Larry Eskwith I t COPYFIL E 75 roulh frontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21s8 (303) 479-2139 January 9, L99L Dr. Walter Huttner 4545 East 9th Street Denver, Colorado BO2ZO Re: The Cornice Building office ol community developmenl CERTIFIED I{ATI, Dear Dr. Huttner: It has.recently come to the attention of the Department ofCornnunity Development that two off-street parking spaces havebeen created on the Cornice Building property. Because of thelinited site distance and the tight raaius oi vail Valrey Drivein the area of the Cornice Building, the Town of vail hal najorconcerns with the addition of off-street surface parking in Ltrisarea. r have reviewed the Townrs pernanent fires regarding ttre corniceBuilding and have been unable to locate any town approval foroff-street surface parking for the Cornice Building. It appearsthat in L979, an application was nade to the planning Comnlssionto add one surface parking space, however the planning conrnissionsubsequently denied the request. Then in 1995 a request was madeto expand the existing building, which included the addition ofon-site parking, and again, the planning Courmission voted to denythe reguest. The Town requests that you inmediately elirninate the on-siteparking, located on the Cornice Building property. Our concernsare entirery centered around safety, not onry for the pedestriansin the area, but also the users of the parking area. We ask foryour cooperation in this natter so that ticketing/citation of theparked vehicles will not be necessary. Again, tlrank you-for your cooperation and if you should have anyqueations regarding the above, pleaae do not hesitate to contacfne at 479-2L38. Sincerely, hl* n,u/- llLke ltoltica Senior Planner !l!t:lrdcc3 Ron Phillips Ken EugheyKristan Pritz I t)v ,l \i ) il\"i)' I r''i.E \x' 'il.,/! l j:i I*rnnol M"J;";n" C*tn July 3, 1987 WALTER A. HUTTNER, MD DIAAETES AND RELATED DISOROERS HARVEY B. KARSH. MD INTERNAL MEOICINE RICHARD S. ABRAMS. MD INTENNAL MEDICINE OANIEL C. CITRON. MD INTERNAL MEOICINE Thomas A. Br aun Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail-, CO 81657 Re: Cornice Building'r\\- Dear Mr. Braun: I '.lould like to delay ny application to the Planning Commission constideration of further options on my property. I will notify you well in advance when I would like to appear. als o like to apologize for this change in schedule. I appreciate your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Uvttr ld"mo Walter A. Huttner, M.D. WAH / me 4545 EAST NINTH AVENUE SUITE 670, DENVER. COLORADO 8O22O TELEPHONE 32O.2AOO p end ing I woul d petit:t<>loate PETITTON FOR],I FOR A.}IEND}IENT ?O THE ZONI}IG ORDINANCE OR tl,rJt, ^j f,es-rn r c4 or,,5 r. ::';":.:":^u:::-i=.::s:iI9d ror any amendnenr roor ror u. '.q'.=!-r;;=;-;i;dl;.T:"iffi;":ili";: .n" zonins ordinance,q N.E"',18 OF PETITTONE". aonmss_tf Urc_*IgIg_ru,o*u__p1@,) vn Jwy aL r 4 e-ro4 ADDR,ESS . ' I',. - _ | /ft t I--- (-.,:l cr \ t.. NAME 0F 0|{NER (apint or type) @nkL_t_A{Zffif"tf n"fr*A_srcNAruRE______.14lzLfih r- lrt .r**-. =)-- ^DD?Ess Ll>0u [ /44-^f 5t'/{i,s iJ.ryot I L4n//t2 7: *:-r,}: LOCATION OF .at r_,/ r,,.'1_L > b I-,EGAI DESCR]PTION FEE 9100. o0 PRO-DOSAf-'jb t V(+t t-_Vt+L-LC y fwo e eu+l"ij:.t""5.:l:r:;*"s or. owners or all properry adjacent ro rhei | ,a , n,:.nd thcir mailing addresses. '' T',7 ? i,|L33 ,',' f c^t/r $ / 1zt trLr L, tL/. l" -(" X'o t z, -e[ition form for Amen. I zo'r's ord or Request roo"rr.r,ge r' uoxr.,r;:.i"= Four (4) copies of the follorvi.ng infornation: The petition shall include a surunof the regulatior :ffi "i::"::"s,: i: l; i" =:S=*sl #.:i=i;;ii:i3i,S:.H::i:#:and. proposed d,istri"t 1"""a;;;.;.'' d rlraP l-noacating ihe,.exrsiing e"pLi" ;iu-;;rl?"ting the ;;;;;;;;. i ?he Pianning and Environmental co;nni.ssion_ meets on the 2nd and 4thFf.ndays of each-raonth. a-p"riti"r, witrr-fn.-,iJJ.=..ry acconpanvingmateriar must be_subin:'.tted.-;;;;. rveeks p.ior -tJ-rhe date of-thl neer_ang' Forrowino. the- plan"inj-""a. rrr.riioirrii":-'-cor*ission meetirg, .;i ].T:"9"$: ;:,j':" ff :il ;,:: ;+1;H :;:i;l"T t,: ". uor:na.,y -;;;s" A. .If f . Time Requirements \o \>'p-* ' (o\ \-, ,.'.. Q) 2,7o 4l I i ()i a I \ rn U \ -1)t s, n q$ n ht vF::t 'dI '-l *ro v r;x .i (?\ \f9 \.c ll\1< -.r.\r'tOr)o\t n.o \ N G .a i Oo x lO Jo v' \) { 'q-B-$F E3[13 b oo(a .--_-/ COSGRIFF. DUNN A ABPLANA|.F A'TOEIIEY' A? LAW aurTt tol cof,r|EictAL wln|o lr . FFOIIAOI FD. W. t. o, lot lao ArL. COLORAOO Attla a30!t a7a.7g5a o AGREEMENT TTIIS AREEMEI.IT dAted thE }I day of , 1985, by ard beb^,een I$IE TCI|N OF VAIL, CC[.ORADOrGreinaft€ffiffitE as ',V3i-iltard IGLTER IiIIIHINER, as the cr,srer of tte Cornice hrltdirg, hereinafter referred to as I'Oh[Er.rl WHERET\S, Vail has requested that certain restrietiqrs regardirgt}lree (3) erployee units be placed on the Cornioe hildirg, hereinafter referred to as ttte Subject Froperty. NOil, THERETORE, for tle srm of Ten Dollars ($10.001 arrt otlrer Eood ard valuable onsideration, ttre sufflclencry of vitridr is hereby acknovledged, the partles hereto agree as follcrus: - _ 1.- fhat portlor of ttre gruxd level on t}re subject property cuprised of tbre*r (3) dt€lling units, eactr having a sleeping area arxl kitctren and ap'pro:<inately 200 square feet (referred to as Erplqgee Units) sttall be used o<clusively as erployee horsing rrnits. 2. The three (3) ftployee Unlts shall naintain a minimln qilrare footage of 200 square feet per unit, horever, the wrfigiurationof the units nay be altereal. 3. the tluee (31 Erployee Units strall not be leased or rented for any period of less than tJrirty (30) consecrrtive days; ard, if any such Erployee Unit strall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants wlro are fuIl-tfurp enployees in the tJpper Eagle Valley. Ttte tlpper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to irtcludte the Gore Val1ey, Mintrrrn, Xed Cliff, Gilnen, Fagle-Vail and Avon, ard the surrcrrrding anreas. Afull-tire arployee is a person lrho lrorks an average of thirty (30) trourgper ueek. 4. lltte restrLctions contained herein shaU.rsnain il effectfor a period twenty (20) years fncrn the date of this AgreerEnt. 5. Ttris Agreemnt slrall. be a @venant rurn:rry with tle lard ard shalt birul tlre Oarer, its heirs, eiuccessors, and assigrns, ard aLl subsequent lessees and qmers of the S\rbject Property. ATIESf: Omer, Corn:ice Erilding Tcrvn Clerk $onN oE \nlt, cotoRADo o lultn 75 louth frontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7|nO June 8, 1987 offloe of Gommunlly dcvCopmcnl Dr. Walter Huttner 454f, East 9th Denver, Colorado 80220 Re: Cornice Building Dear Dr. Huttner: Enclosed you will find a form to be fil1ed out in order for your request to be considered by the Planning and Enyironmental Commission. Please accompany this form with a written statement detailtng your request tolift the employee housing restrjctions on your property. In addition, the items checked on the application form shall be submitted with your application. All material mUgt be received by our office on June 15th in order to be scheduled foFlfi'e July 13th Planning Cormission meeting. $,(Llo,,,--, Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB: bpr PUBLIC NOTICE NOTTCE rs HEREBY crvEN that the pranning and Environmentar conmission of the Town of vail $rill hord a pubric hearing in accordance with section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of vail on Jury r-3 ' Lg87 at 3: oo pM in the Town of vail Municipal nuilding. Consideration of: l-' A request for a density control variance, a height variance, a conditional use permit to renove accomnodation units from the second froorr'' and an exterior alteration in order to add a fourth floor, additionar decks and architectural projections to the plaza Lodge located on lots G, H, I, J, K and part of F, B1ock 5C, VaiI Vlllage Flrst Fi1ing. Applicants: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tang 2. A request for an exterior alteration of the castof Grarushammer located on Lots ErFrG, H and I, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: pepi cramshanmer 3' A request for a speciar development district in order to add a third f100r to the Rarnshorn Lodge r-ocated on Lot , Block 3, vair vilrage 5th Firing and Tract F-r and parcel RH. Applicant: Ramshorn partnership 4' A request for an arnendment to housing restricti_ons for the Cornice Building located at 362 VaiI Valley Drive. Applicant: Walter A. Huttner 5. A request for a setback variance in ord.er to add an enclosure for a hot tub area on Lot 1, Block 7, Vail Village First I'iling. Applicants: John and Mary Hobart 'f,1/t t)+- a >t-i' 5.A request to reapply zoning on recently annexed portions of Vail known as all of l-',ots 20 and 2L, Section 1, and part of the North L/2 SecLi'on L2, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, comrnonly known as Lionrs Ridge Filing No. 2 and Filing No. 4, Ridge at Vail , and Cliffside. Appticant: Town of Vail A request to reapply zoning on recently annexed portions of Vail known as a portion of the West L/2 of Section 14 and a portion of the Southeast L/4 of Section 1-5 Township 5 South' Range 81- west of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, commonly known as VaiI Intermountain Subdivision, Blocks Lrz1314,5,6,8 and 9, and Stephens Subdivision as well as unplatted portions. Appticant: Town of Vail The applications and infornation about the proposals are available in the zoning administratorrs office during regular office leours for public inspection. TOWN OF.VAIL COMMT'NITY DEVEI-,OPMENT DEPART!,IENT TAOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the VaiI TraiL on June 26, L987. 7. T 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlly development June 29, 1987 Dr. Walter Huttner 4545 East 9th Denver, Colorado AO2ZO Re: Cornice Building Dear Dr. Huttner: TI,"n\_you.for your call reguesti-ng to delay your apprication tothe Planning Cornrnission. I will need a written reguest inorder to table your application. prease indicate the date thatyou would like to re-schedule this hearing. The planning Cornmission meets on the second and fourth Mondays of eachmonth. Your written request is requj-red by July S, Lga7. Thornas A. BraunSenior Planner TAB: bpr raIrr '* , luwn ZS south lrontage road yall, colorado g1657 (303) 476_7000 June 8, 1987 offlce of communlty developmenl Dr. l,lalter Huttner 4545 East 9th Denver, Colorado 80220 Re: Cornice Building Dear Dr. Huttner: Enclosed you will find a form to be filled out in order for your requestto be considered by the Planning and Environmental commissioir. please accompany this form with a written statement detailing your request tolift-the employee housing restrictions on your properiy. In addition,the items checked on the-application torm ihatt'oe'suumitted with youiapplication. All material must be received by our office on June 15thin order to be scheduled fo7-El'e July 13th plinning commisirton meeting. 0Irl.^*- Thomas A. Braun Senior P'l anner TAB: bpr .-h r' T!r: procedure is_required foror for a requesr f";.;-;;;.ii.. eetiti.onlte THE ZONr}iG ORDI};ANCE tl,ils, -7 Ralg7n tttt a,n, any amendmen t to the zoning ordj_nanceboundary change PETITION FORM FOR A,IUEND}IENT TO OR 'e NA;'.IE oF pETrrroNER ADDRESS PHONE NA.I"IE OF ADDRNSS PETITTONER 1S REPRESENTATIVE PTiONE NAI4E 0F 0liNER (print SIGNATURE or type) ADDR-ESS Pi:ONE TOCATION OF PROPOSAT ADDRESS LEGA-L DESCRTPTfON lot block e e F'E.E'$100.00. ,PAID L._ti:a. of the names of owners ofsutr:ect properry, *Jir,"ir';;r;;::],"",::::rtv adjacent ro the (ovrR) Four (4) copies of the following infornation: A' The petition sharr include a sununary of the progosed revisionof the resuratio";,-;;-;*I"ini;*-al""riptioi or. tJre proposed,ffe";::,::.""; i :i: l" :;*: j: i :" F ::T::_:i$l:a,ins the ex r s,insand. proposea aistii"."ilI"i;;i.::" a naP indicatins tr," i*.-"tinggtrpl,ic n;tu'i,t]?.ting tl,e rcasons g;. i .rrr. Tirne The-Pianning and,Environinentar conni;s-ion neets bn the 2nd and 4th,,rondays of each roonth: e-p"iitio' ri_.rr rr,._r.I"!1";1..:::;:S"l,i"H5l"Firl:;1";".'"ubmitted-iJ,,'.'*"".I. piio'"i;";" date or rhe neer-"-ri..m"r,liJ"i.".i"e. Planning anri enviroiiJni"i"cJ*oission meeri.-:s,.musr so t" Ir,J ;:,;":",fr:ilnr::.il::;=.:arli.i,i!t ;;;;;#:;.;;" Requirements J,L ,r("*+ ,r*J :,+---Ln - ,l Att-tr l'r1 -rs - t--.^^$"L- ' -r^-..L--t.-- f -,^.- J*J^-- av-^- Js'. .l 1,^kgr ,gf,^ ,'t l;*'r t m*j -S\-^tJr Ir.*-^'! u; \ -4 6- f-U* -iDhc4- -f\*- ('\\W 1rtl I lUt/,h?'^ ,. ,,. |l>--"4 D,t^* I d'!,\ uu"= c,-.Q! n L*aiS<n ot[*,.t u*"1 <( /t^r,y *lA ,r^b | 'l ,1.4a,,4/b- s, k /tl"/ l* .lA /'4^A z;r7 . -brp?^^^'> 'l)o r.' .., AJ a/- o nl" Torrn of Vall Vail, Colorado Septernber 26, L986 I trWY Gentlenenl tsIVIIO\SGNfAI-PLANMNG of the Town of Vai-L Turned down a r:equest for a varianee for the enlargement end inprovemert of the cornicc Building at the last neetlng. l{e wouLd li}e to subyrit 4 sirrri}iap proposal at thls tlne to the Tom of vair council for thelr revier ard approval' AFFEII,TNG the declsion of the Environnental-plannirrg' Connlssion. Sincere\r, f*il/n1' '7 't{' a April ?6, 1985 HL Ton, Per our telephone comrersatlon the slgn would look like this, w:ith the exeeption that my name and tel-ephone nunber would be deLeted. It w111 be 10"x20" and rrll-1 hang fron the exlstlng Mlke Palner Real Estate Sign. Materlal used will be wood, palnt blaek anal whlte enemel. If you should feel ttere ls a problen, please let me know. loads,Thanks P€TEA COSOFIIFF JOHN tv, OUNIT FO8€Ri H. S. FRENCH STEPHEN C. WEST {IMOTHY H. AERRY OAVID H. MILLER RTHUR A, ABPIANALP, JR. JOHN B. }YOOD 13031 476.7552 28 February 1984 LEAOVILIE OFFICE: P. O- BOX tl LEADVILLE, COLORADO AO'6I t303) 486.taas BRECKENRIDGE OFFICE: P. O. BOX 5AA AR€CXENRIDGE. COLORADO OO42i] €o3r r153.290t D l'!r. PeLer PattonDept. of Conununity Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Cornice Buildino Dear Peter: As I hope you \^rere advised by your receptionist, Icancelled our recent meeting regardj_ng the Cornice Building because I vras unable to prepare the specific proposat whichyou reguested. if we were to discuss once again thealternatives for that structure. It is my hope that Dr.Iiuttner's desires regarding this building rnight besatisfactorily conveyed to you by this letter. Dr. Huttner desires to modify the Cornice Buildingin a manner which he believes will benefit both the Tovrn ofVail ancl himself. As you are undoubtedly aware, thestructure is now occupied by a residential unit occupyingthe ent{re second floor, three small residential units, andone conmercial unit occupying the l-ower floor, each of whichcontains approxirnately two hundred square feet. Theresidential units have been a continuing source of problemsfor Dr, Huttner because of the difficulty of obtainingreliable tenants for the residential spaces. Dr. Huttnerrsefforts to manage this portion of the structure in the manner reguested by the Pl-anning Commission in 1979 havebeen met with continual probl-ems of delinquent rentals and'' vandalism. Additionally, the occupants of the structure . create pressure on the area and make demands on the parking - s t r qgJU r-e i"e s on s _i s t e n!*lgl! h- 3'-b@ o*F e.-ehe' - Townts goals," While tfre=tiiictui:e' tfre siiE-'of the CorniceBuilding is, by its very nature, inconsistent with the useof adjoining properties, the parcel upon which the structureis located effectively lirnits the amount of expansionavailabl-e, and further makes unrealistic the demolition ofthe build.ing and the construction of a new structure moreconsistent vrith adjacent property uses. I,' "',,.''. Paqe 2 I.,". i ' l|''I t" t..! t" .l r'. f' ,i; ri||l t, t,{K'' \i \:i \\. .{ \ .?r'i, ,i I Absent the ability to either reconstruct the improvernent ot"J*pi"a tn" ttt""t"l"- it'' " *1i::Tt;:l"lil?"1n" with ad3a"""t pi"il"tlit"' Dr'.Huttner has concr most losi""t *"'ii'o;-;;-i""o"utii; -tnF b:i-l-gil?' consistent with his neeas-ina the concet"i"6t the Town 9f vail' rnrould be the "o.'t'"t"il"-oi--ir'" ro"tt-t'iir-oi trt"'structure into a sinsle tt"ia"tii'r-o"il f. !h:::b; lonsoriaa:|ls' tn" three existing t""tiJ"tial units and-the conmericar unit into a sinqle us-e-r ;;"il;; iiott"a"ttl"it'-n"l:"::^:?"ld eriminate / thermuTtiprt 7'"=itiltt!'"r u=t' li''a-Lhe attendant parking .. demando, t""ollol"a titt' pt"""i[-oies' ana-would arso 'l eliminate the lommerciar """ t't'ittt-yoo n"tt" indicat'ed the rown feels i"";;;;;;iu[" t"t this location' In order to reconstruct'this-build11g^?" "" attractive additil''-io-"-t'""t'iry ti""ur"a' tT"l'^lf ''the Torvn of vair' Dr. Huttner wourd-ll:: ::iH::;lltt;fi,t?X':'51:"? ry.:l=[ xi,ill3f"u,l"the ov-e-t!,€t-4 ,,"'l;i.7 ffiTTfrinate on-goj.ng prorJrEl''o. ""---d--drainage'. It is our mliitiiit"ul'1"::A Udlil: i1: "1I"""i " "t iolt- r, ih"t th"'" rema in s approx imate lv L-6 1 0- ?n:?t^: -;:::l" t-.H:i.":#l?:5 le to ::H'," i":t|:::'"-?:! i[;l'.i " io;i'";' " ;; J " - i o rro' t a app I i c ab 1 e to tlris buildins. t;"';;;;;i"u :91:J-"-irr""trated'on the enclosed plat, "ooia'cr"eate -leetoiiiu;;i;-;" 1aa1lionaL 469 square reet or t;;i;t;ti;r rrl-or ;;;;-;;=ed on external ;: : =;;.;; * ::, -,"*i!tk :-#ti3it"3ti;Xi? ; i?,tli; : 3";: " it order Lo. exP.ano r :il;it";.-l'"iit"a to set-back ' rn a-ssociation with the improvements of this property, ot' noiliei-woura ptopo"l-"'to aitt:-d" the property intb separate owi!t"rtti';l-e"'trtui'=-iy in imaginative Party waI1 asreement, -;;;";;;;' ritcetv- ?t,.i*:'":iii'$l.it.lHio" :il*:i+":r"ti:"i"i: "ln"':ttll"l'i"' to the creation or two units wourd n" tt'i"Ii"t{io" "r "iJ-=ingte-tamilv dwellins' which would ne "ouj""t to a t"rnoilrittg generalrY-similiar to that rvhictr we trave-plop?":l rot l"ii"loiit s1ru91ure' while this prop9".1 *oord-;;' ress-aesi?::i:rii$.lninS'l?'.'it::':: oi-"i!tr'it does represent an ar i"o ""P.tate units' you wirr rind enclo:?+ ? 'opv ?I^tl:-tTlt;I:Hl:", survey rocating'ii"-c"i"it-t.PYilui"g on the toc' : indicating tne pJiiio"" or the 1;;;; floor which Dr' Huttner r,rishestoexpan5:--;-i;;p"ti'tttilil'iiroi*utionrn'avbeof assistanc" ,o ylo ii ""iiy"ing this request' Page 3 ) It is our feeling that the modification of the cornice building ""gg""ita-by DI''H"tt"tt will improve the appearance of thii-#;;-; Ii-'e t-otn-."i v"ir' while lessening tire impact o! t-he present rise of the-structure' Recognizing that the Cornice eitifaing ls ol9 of the original improvements of t"u!-i;i"'"i-vtir' -"tta- that its deterioration under present ,,"""i"-iost-unaesii"[it ior uotrr the Town and the building's oktner, his proposal is one which would seem i"-f,"""fit iottr the Town anil Dr' Huttner' I hoPe that this proPosal within AAAJr: ggtt xc: Dr. Huttner \,re the .+ 4-'-":-i, ., i2"'""- f*''a:"t* /.. ,r71/.|''tz't''I r'" : " */-''"'tI /' ,y'nn*-t* , ar;,,,tA' I 1J\? {j'"- 2 have the oPPortunity ggl ur A. AbPl- &FGI lnwn 75 soulh frontagc road vall, colorado 8165T (303) 476-7tXtO October 2, 1986 olllcc of communlly deurlopnrnt Dr. lJalter Huttner 362 Vail Val1ey Drive Vai'l , Col orado 8.|657 Re: Connice Building Dean Dr. Huttner: , t_ Your appeal of the September 27, 1986 Planning and Environmental decislonto deny the Cornice Building variance reguests has been scheduled with the Town Council for 0ctober 21, 1986. The meetlng will begin at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Bui'lding. Please be advisedthat the Council shall review the same application and substantially the same presentation as was presented to the P'lanning Commission. Thomas A. Braun Seni or P'lanner TAB: bpr .:. : !/ -F.*, Lr o F U4 tL Pl+r* trvJ + t/vt/t4o,wta\&'q-ilL (-''Y) t14n4tS S(of'')/ D E4n Co\4rs.ltcttwf/E^t^t aF t/trL, UUrIS # {r,lttl Bt Jol,j-o272,; 3,-of qZS G4/v6a /<r>4o'7 _ 7l z/ra €ru / L7t t $cuJtiV Eft n t 7'c)u:an oF /e'( ' 5.rt- ctz z* W^,f"*"-q@-, ffiruR 4.f ar?tuER /vt.Dt I TAnet rl' 75 soulh t.ontage road yail, colorado 81657 (3o3) 476-7000 September 11, 1986 oftlce of communlty developmenl Mr. Mark Donaldson P.0. Box 5300 Avon, Colorado 8.l620 Re: Cornice Buildjng Dear Mark: t,/e have comp'l eted our staff revjew of the cornice Building application to beconsidered by the Plann'ing commission on september zz, 1996.' The followingoutl ine our concerns relative to thjs proposal 1. Restri cted Employge Units- As you know, the property is required to@sin9initsasout]lnea:iniprevious'agreementwith the Town. |,te request that you submit to this office a writienstatement outlining which of the proposed units are to be restricted to employee housing as per this agreement. Please submit thjs informatjonto our office by Wednesday, September 17, 1986. 2. Accgss,/Parkjnq. Upon further review of the proposed p1 an, it is theposition of the staff that it is inappropriate to introduce on-siteparking to this site. This is due to the location of the property as itrelates to the Blue Cow Chute and existing vehicular circuiation in thearea. In addition, there appear to be further problems w.i th theproposed parking layout as it relates to Section .l8.52.0g0A of thezoning code. This provision of the code requires parking lots of thistype to be designed in such a way that it is not necessary for vehic'l esto back into any street or public ri ght-of-way. l'lhile a portion of theproposed spaces could meet this reguirement, it appears that a portionof the spaces would require a vehicle to back onto the risht-of-wav.Alternatives in dealing with the parking demands for this site wouid-include redesigning the development in a way that does not increaseparking demands, or requesting a parking exemption from the Town councilto allow for the payment into the park'i ng fund for the requ'i red parking. 3. Density. Twice in the past year we have dealt with proposals foradditional density on this site. Twice the planning staff has strong'ly recommended that densities not exceed that allowed by zoning (or : - establjshed by existing development). Our position, as it relates tounits and GRFA, is unchanged from the previous two submittals ! Two positive aspects of the proposal include the remova'l of the office space and the upgrad'ing of the employee units. As has been stated, our department would encourage you to continue to study the potential improvements to thisproperty (particular'ly the employee units), however, we are unable to support requests that exceed the density contro'ls established in the zoning code. Please do not hesitate to ca1 I me with any guestions you may have. Si ncerely, ,/(t'*^ [&n^^ Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB: bpr cc: Dr. Ualter Huttner Mr. Robert Nelson D-\- rj a Application Date_-@ -PECMEETINGDATE I IoIZBICJ - APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. Th!s procedure is required for any proJect requesting a variance. The applicationwill not be qccepted until all ini'ormation is submitied. A. NME 0F APPLICANT James H. pabaer and Dr. Robert Baker ADDRESS 362 Vett Valley Drlve B.NAME OF ADDRESS NAI'IE 0F OWNER(S s ADDRESS Val1, Coldrledo 8L65?pxOne 425-t 320 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Roberta Inouye, the Deslgn Co. %2 Yell Va11ey Drlve PHoNE r+76-1370 (type or print)ndcr Contraetl Janee M. Felner ard Dr. 36a Vaft Vallcy Drtve Vall, Ccjlorado 8L657 c. ,J ,"!! n'u l)t'"' ( i.l:./n ,r 0u l*'t 'r, r'4l,rr'J /1 1 ,., Yu'o' t"1 Vall, Colorado 8L65?pggl6 r+f6-1370 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS )62 taLL VaILey Drlve, Vail Cotorad6 8].:65? LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N LOT _ BLOCK FILIN@ A part of Trect B'i erd a pert 'r E. 'F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY B€HIl{0 AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.)DETERMINEIFANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED, NO APPLICATION I,IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REqUIRED BY THE ZONING, ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO I'IAKE AN APPOINTMENT, I.IITH THE STAFF TO FINO OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI'/IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l.lILL STREAI'ILINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT SY OTCREMTIG THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLAI.INING' AND ENVIRONI'IENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COHPLIED t,lITH BEFORE .q EUILDING PER}IIT IS ISSUED-. I ' ItI. F0UR (4) C0PIES 0F THE F0LL0WING t'tUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A I,IRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity, ' 2, The degree to which relief from the strjct or literai interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation js necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment ;imong sites in the vjcinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. ,/ ,/ utrt crcek Roei - r-' r FEE $100 PNp,rt2,/,,/i cK # /a/2_ FR0M_ THE FEE MUST 8E PAID BEF,ORE THE COMI'IUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l,tILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. I l ._ ,? 3. The effect of the variance on Iight and air, distribution of,populat'ion' tiinsportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety' B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at,a scale of-at least l" - 20' stamped by a Coloiado licensed surveyor including-locations of all existing.improve- mints, including grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must be ghown are pirking and-'l6ading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas and utillty and dralnage features. C. A site plan at a bui Idings. F. G. scale of at least lr'= 20' showing existing and proposed D. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans-sufficient to indicate ttre bimensions-, general-appearancet scale and use of all bulldings and spaces existing and. proposed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements If the proposal is located in a multi-fami'ly development-which has a homeownet assocjalioh, then wrjtten approval from the association in support-of-the proJebt musi be received Uy'i auly authorized agent for said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator., * For lnterior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.Tlme Requirments The Planning and Environmental Commission meets oi-each monih. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC nuhlic hearing. tlo inconrplete applications admihistrator) will be accepted by tlre planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th MondaYs a1'l accomPanYlng material of 4 weeks prior to the date cf (as determined bY the zoning itaff before or after the desig- T; ,* /*l /nry >",.lrt,la{cetaty .^-M J*ria*,ce-- J'. L"f ' l'n"k t*'1- o.4 ./) 7'.., />/: /7 / o*p/yr-- ,-r.,,;f- g.,r,,.,^- - .(7 , *r ,^^tf pilc .i^r*o*d *-e--\ ot4 ri artG ! 1,^,(' /-+ ---- { ^t\.\ ogy--.8 G c^^'^-r* ,l )c-r.)- s-^.r L f*J/ s'l/.^*- :+,^i' (."; "4r; I /",*-/,n,," + tvt-|-,. ; i .^^^1. * + n"\ \-.'.1-".--- I* ,-., ^^*^, t z du *-il [*.n"-- \ec .,rr+!rw.. 11- r{- 'r*lroo*, "t^ {,-*-}t- er\^..$^( ?s .r*1. - . 4:^..ai)LJ- ,-l -,rl t)-/4 L drm^.\"-."r1 --r"/fl :rl F>) *1.-fitu I In ouo-- orf -- : l i i I I APPLICATION DATE: selrnber 9, 1985 :DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION hllLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION METTING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to aeiermiirb'if any additional inforination is needed. No applicat'ion will. be.accepted unless'it'is compieie-(must jnclude a'll items required Uy'ttre zoning administrator). it is tn" applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aiditional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE appl'ica- tjon wjll streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditjons of approval tlrat the'DRB may stifulat!. ALL conditjons of approval must be reso'lved before a building permit is issued- A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Lega'l Description Lot Bl ock Zoning Reedenttal-8ur0ts, oordltions.l use pennit office. Janee M. Palmer Fil ing Vall Vlllege Flret F1111ng' a pert of Tract "B' ard a part' of IIIIL Creek Road C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address telephone 4?6-L3?O D, NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Roborta (Bobbl€) INO'TY€' Th6 lbslgN CO. 36? VaLI VaJJey Dtr.r V411r Co.8L55?telephone 4?6-L170 0l^lNE Urder Contractt Janee Pal-ner ard Dr. Robert Baker S i gnature Address Vail Velley Hve, TelLr Co. 8L65?telephone 4?6L370 be paid at the time a bu'i lding permit is requested' FEE Address E. NAME OF DRB FEE: The fee wi I'l VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000$10,00I-$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ 59o,0oo $500,001 - $l,ooo,ooo$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10-00 $ 25.00$Tfnr $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICT REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In add'i tion to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the s'ite to ind.icate p.op"iiy iines and building cotneis. I"gbt^ that will be removed should also be marked. Thjs work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl.l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Revjew Board, so plan on at'least two meetings for their approval' 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at the'ir schedu'l ed reeiing and who i,ave'hot asked for a postionement wi1l be required to be republ j shed. ,1-l* . tl,/oq?_t/-c /"- rl\ | t,-*f 1 d^,\t U ca-e-<, ) - ^. ht l*1ut r<u'^ fi "l 0 3 N*L Qcc'ltrott^\< l> Aot*|.Wu L[,*h+ 1*^H^-.*yq t,'!"hr"- d^',ly J {";L. + \r^.-\ . -r, ^J pr[t^^,.. '--r.R.{ [.^.h\ 4 U& ,/",1A ] c*L (we rl,tl* dvr' n"^*Q sii. !;n,'a + 6..^n *l .1"^,Lt^,q aY g l- * d,-!l lrh L aL Nv\ (a*iua*<;sz- rJ.l n.. ?&,^k,,K G.t L,,l- ; ;u I^.+ I VJ J.,*!r*, I I l '.--.' Planning and Environmental Commissjon Community Development Department July 28, 1986 A request for setback (front, side, and (GRFA and number of units), and parking construct a new bujlding on Tract B of(site of the Cornice Bujlding). ot, /// //l,lnn - lJailr {*\^'J -04 4{4h" I ( rear), density control variances in order to Vai'l Vi I l age Fi nst Fi 1 i ng FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: I. Al I owabl e Proposed GRFA: GRFA:2rsu ,vt --.t-^.1 * Allowab] e no. of units: 2 Proposed no. of units: 7 Required setbacks: 20 feet on front, side and rear property 1ines, Proposed setbacks: front, sloes, rear , 9 5 5 feet and 9 feet feet APPLICANT:Dr. l,Jalter Huttner and Mr. Robert Ne] son DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED q The applicants' proposa'l would involve denol .i tjon of the existinq Corni ce Bui l d ing and the subsequ onffiofvariancesarerequiredtofaci]itatetheproposed development. The following is a statistica'l breakdown of the alIowab'l e and proposed deve'l opment features with this proposal: Lot Size: .084 acres or 3,659 sq ft K X ffi Required park'i ng: 12 spaces Proposed parking on site: 4 spaces In addition to the proposed construction, the site plan submitted indicates a number of off-site improvements adjacent to this site. Further clarification should be made at the Planning Cormjssion meetingto determine the extent of improvements being proposed with this appl i cati on. A number of unique circumstances ari se when cons'i dering this property with respect to the allowab'l e nunber of units permitted. At the present time, there is ona oFen market condominium, one- real estate office, and three units restricted to long term employee housing. Thgjotal_ruUberIt should be noted that these four units are lega'l nonconforming units in that they were constructed prior to theexisting zoning regulations. In add'i tion, the property is 2,]95 sq ftrgfo's;-ft a I II requjred to provide 3long term employee housing units as stipulated in an agreement s'i gned in .1985 as a result of the .1979 FEC aooroval . While the density control provisions in this zone distrTeE-(High-T-ensjty Multi-Family), al'l ow only 2 units, the existing unit coupled with the emp'l oyee housing agneement results in a 1ega1 nonconforming situation of 4 units being permitted- This is, of course, with the stipulat'i on that 3 of the 4 units are restricted to employee housjng. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Criteria and Findin s. S cti on f the Munici artment o nit Devel o nt denia o ce oase upon the ollow actors : While this property is surrounded by a variety of uses, the mostpreva.lentuseinthevicinityisres.idential.@the roplsal-Ll-conpaLible with structures and uses illhe-gieinitv. The iemoval of the exis!ing real ti ve iJlplgvgGnt wjJh respeiJte.Igygme!fuiih respect to this property's relationship to surroundinguses. However, the level of development propoged.,,is,entirely inconsistent with existing zoning limitation vicinity of thissite. The density proposed is equivalentacre. This is dramatically more dense th ts per evels of develonment on adjacent propenties, or for that matter thWghout the Town of Vail. ltafflgg]q strongly that this level of development wi'l 'l create 5 site asnthtvo The deqree to which relief from the stri or 'l i teral i nter ano orcement o rv to Consideration of Factors { The relalionship of the requested variance to other existing orpotentjal uses and structures in the vicinity. Because of the-extlgngf,iA-snall-size of this 1ot, a number ofdifficulties aFiFwh'tn dE Afopi-ng-Ehis property in compliance with development standards outlined jn the HDMF zone district. Thjs isparticularly true with respect to the required lQ_loot setbacks on sides of this parcel . Whiie the staffffiforJ,^U the all setback variances may be warranted because of the 1ot size, the oppositeis true when considering density contro'l variances. As stated above, the property is permitted 4 units, w'i th 3 of the 4 units restricted to emp'loyee housing. A request for 7 unjts is tot:l'ly inconsistent wit[theprovisions outl ined ardship nor cause to same is Efue wjth regard topermitted. To approve this would, wjthout doubt, be a the requested GRFA which is over request for additional density on grant of special privilege. ty. The that this site v I c't n't out qrant of s J^il d,u\e fi.q a The proposed Vail Village Master Plan recornmends certain sites for additional density according to a stri ngent set of cri teria des'i gned to preserve the ambiance, character and functioning of the Vi'l lage area. The Cornice sjte was reviewed, and we feel that thi s is an inappropriatesjte for addjtional development due to 'its extremely smilF5jfi-TtF- poor aciessibility with theproximity of East Meadow Drive and charter bus 1ot) and with the impactsof the future parking structure addition. The effect of the requested variance on light and air. distribution of utiI ities. and public safety. Residential densities permitted through zoning controls relate directlyto distribution of population. As has been stated, the development proposed for this site is significantly greater than what is permitted under existing zoning. It is fe'l t that the 7 units proposed on thjssite would present negative impacts relative to the potential number of people who could be accommodated in thjs location. This site has had no application was made on-site park'ing for a number of years. In 19 to the Planni llss' lng ecause of concerns over safety and traffic circulation, the Planning Commission denied this request. The proposed driveway js located only 60 to 70 feet from the final curve of the Blue Cow Chute leading onto Vai'l Va]1ey Drive. -5g|clllpEic]ggLipnsresultinq from these Iimite iqht Iines, conpounded by the fact that cars may well be backing out of the parking area onto Vai'l Valley Drive, raise the question of this site's abiljty to accommodate on-siteparking. This obviously puts the developer in a difficu1 t positjon with respect to satisfying the parking requirements at a location where on-site parking may not be a wise solution. This, in tunn, raises the broader question of attempting to redevelop a property that has existing nonconforming uses and structures on it. II I. SUCH AND CRITERIA AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS APPLICABLE TO That the granting of the vari ance will not constitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. IV. FINDINGS The Planninq and Environmental Commission sha'l I nake the following findjngs before granting a varjance: v. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regu'l ation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsjstent with the objectives ofthis title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditjons appl'i cable to the site of the variance that do not app'ly general'ly to other properties in the same zone. The strict or 'l iteral interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the app'l icant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff feels strongly that considerat'i on for existing this deve'l opment proposal has shown development guidelines out'l ined in no the zon r ng s ite code. The ty Staff recognizes that thjs wi'l I be difficult to develop within the existing site developmentguidelines outlined in the HDMF zone district- These diffjculties have been increased through the densities proposed in this project. Thestaff would be wi'l ling to work with the developer to solve the site development problems related to this parce'l if a proposal is made in compliance with the allowable densities for thjs property. However, to consjder a development proposal for densitjes greater than those allowed on this site is unacceptable to the staff. Our recommendation for this application is for denial . II ? 75 south lrontage road vait, colorado el657 (303) 476_7000 September 11, 1986 Mr. Mark Donaldson P.0. Box 5300 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Cornice Building Dear Mark: l,le have completed our staff review of considered by the Planning Commissionoutline our concerns relative to th.i s otllce of communlly development the Corni ce Bui 1di ng appl i cati on to be on September 22, I986. The following proposa] . t. 1-Restficted Emp'l oyee Units. As you know, the property is required toprovide three employee housing units as outlined'in a previous 'agreemenl with the Town. We request that you submit to this off.i ce a writien statement out'l ining wh'i ch of the proposed units are to be restricted to emp'loyee housing as per this agreement. Please submit this informationto our office by llednesday, September 17, 1986. Access,/Parking. Upon further review of the proposed plan, jt is theposition of the staff that it is inappropriate to jntroduce on-siteparking to thjs site. This is due to the'l ocation of the property as it re] ates to the Blue cow chute and existing vehicular circulation ln thearea. In addition, there appear to be further problems w.i th theproposed parking layout as jt relates to Section .l8.52.080A of thezoning code. This provision of the code requires park.i ng lots of thistype to be designed in such a way that it js not necessary for vehiclesto back into any street or pubfic right-of-wayl Wh.i le a portion of theproposed spaces could meet this requirement, jt appears that a portionof the spaces would require a vehjcle to back onto the right-of-way-_Alternatives in dealing with the parking denands for this sjte would-jnclude redesigning the development in a way that does not increaseparking demands, or requesting a parking exemption from the Town Councilto allow for the payment'i nto the parking fund for the required parking. Density. Twice jn the past year we have dealt with proposals for additional density on this site. Twice the Planning staff has strongly recommended that densities not exceed that allowed by zoning (or established by existing development). Our position, as it relates tounits and GRFA, is unchanged from the previous two submittals 3. a I ;- Two positive aspects of the proposal include the removal of the office space and the upgrading of the employee units. As has been stated, our department would encourage you to continue to study the potential improvements to thisproperty (particularly the employee units), however, we are unable to support requests that exceed the density controls established in the zoning code. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions you may have. S incerel y, 4,^-r^ [,t,n ^Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB: bpr cc: Dr. hlalten Huttner Mr. Robert Nelson o'f PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION September 22, 1986 PRESENT Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy Osterfoss Duane Piper, Chairnan Si d Schul tz Jim Viele The board first made a site visit to the STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack Cornice Building and Ford Park. The meeting was called to order by Duane Piper, chairman, at 3:00 pM. l. Approval of minutes of 9/8/86. Donova4 moved and Viele seconded to z.Ar uest for setback. parkinq and densitv control vari cant:uttner Tom Braun made the staff presentation and showed a site p1an, floor p'l ans andelevations, as we'l I as the part of the village Master Pl an study showing thisarea. He explained that there was on the site at the present time, one real estate office, one open market condominium and three units restricted to long term employee housing- The 4 units are'l egal nonconforming units in that they were constructed prior to the existing zon'i ng regulations. In addition theproperty is required to provide 3long term employee housing units as stipu'l ated in an agreement as a result of a 1979 PEC approval . tthile the density control provisions in this zone district allow only 2 unjts, theexisting unit coupled with the employee housing agreement results in a 1ega1 nonconforming situation of 4 units being permitted with the stipulation that 3of the 4 units are restricted to employee housing. Braun added that the density proposed (5 units) was comparable to 59 dwellingunits per acre which was probably greater than any levels of development through the Town of Vail. The staff felt some consideration for setback variances may be warranted because of the 1ot size, the opposite is true when considering density control variances or additional GRFA and to approve the request would be a grant of specia'l privilege. Another po'i nt discussed was parking. Braun stated that thjs site had had noon-site parking for a number of years. In 1979 an application was made tb the Planning Commission to add one surface parking space_. Because of concerns over safety and traffjc circulation, the request was denied. Staff feels that jt isjnappropriate to introduce parking on the site in the manner that is being propose(. Mark Donaldson, architect for the project, stated appreciatjon for the additional hearing, added that hjs client was not wi11ing to modify the proposal , and planned to provide with the plan as proposed. ct a new buildinq at 362 VaiI Val'l ev Drive. location 'l^ Pam Hopk'i ns asked if the applicant cou'l d pay into the parking fund, and Braunanswered that the council could allow that as an a'l ternative to onisiteparki ng. Pam asked if the applicant reduced the number of units, what would his a1 ternatives be, and Braun answered that one a'l ternative may be to pay into theparki.ng fund if they are creating a need. If four units are developei, itwould depend on the size of the units. If over 500 square feet, the pirking demand would be increased- Sid Schultz felt that the parking would create a dangerous situation at thbtcorner and did not feel he could approve additional density. Jim viele agreedwith the staff with regard to circulation. Brian Hobbs asked what was jn thebuilding origina'l 1y, and was told there had been 8 employee unjts. Duane piperfelt there cou'l d be some latjtude in the setback variancls, but was concernedabout adding more density and would prefer to see parking placed elsewhere. Braun stated that Mark Donaldson had mentioned the possibility of e'l iminatingthe parking, but if the PEC denied this request and the applicant appealed to Town council, the jdentical request that was made to the pEC must be made tothe Counci I . Viele moved and Donovan seconded t vote was 7-0 to denv t e request. Applicant: Town of Vail the request per the s 5.A rgguest for.a cgnditionql_usp permit in order to install landjng mats on Ene upper Dench ot Forcl park- Kristan Pritz presented the request and explajned that using the upper bench ofFord Park_for,a parking area using protective mattjng had been successfully done in .|985-6 and the Town was requesting a conditional use permit to onclagain instal 1 matting on the upper bench jn a larger area to accommodate 250cars during the'l 986-7 season. Bus service would be prov.i de to the parking 1otand a packed pedestrian path would be majntained from the lot to the'coverldbridge so that pedestrians could reach Golden peak. The path would followalong the South Frontage Road. Ford Park is located in the Public Use Distrjctjn which a pub'l ic parking lot is considered to be a condjtional use. Pritz exp'l ained that the test of the parking mats proved that they do not causeany damage to the existing softbal 1 fie1d, irrigation system or utiljties. The Town has a1 so agreed to repair any damage that may possibly occur due to theparking. The staff recommendation was for approval . Edie Hudson, manager of The ldren, asked how far to the west the parking wouldextend, and was shown on an aerial photo. The bus service was discussed, andMike Rose, Vail Transportation supervisor, stated that the same bus route wouldbe followed that existed at present. Peggy 0sterfoss felt this sounded like anappropriate solution and felt it was better than parking on the Frontage Road.she felt that the path should go in a direct line to Goiden peak rathei thanfollow the Frontage Road. Pam Hopkins asked that the park.i ng arrangement be -2- pec 9/22/86 NOC >HV HOIS/\ ( ,:.L,FJ :o'(r) L ' ' .: 'l';' LL*-+-- -..- .t Q.lI .-. n' @ \:t: li' lEl- a \ }-362 Vail Valley Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 A.C. 303 476-1370 Bus. (24 Hours) \fo ,-^,' o/=/A,L fi t 0.t /Tft DRn ua L )frf rL, czgetyo '' €t cp u < S 7 ElLESStft f !e!83lel .trttatralt. DE].atlltt Qzn'flz/n (/J/ P/r'*- c'--.1/Z 9d--- el . /.4-r'-? rff7/zc:4v a a-/ * l,/rfrti4.,.,-z F"f }_at fuPrc-t- Etf .,., b Co.v:>at4 ff< /'teV.saz Vfr'LMBZ: N t/,t nt ,- //(c-t oF/r4./ fifft,c4/y'o.t 7oy 1ft6 \-t<- WA- Z 4a*-ttz *a c4+'to Elrsrrl s>b/ fr/ Y /"22 t4 yzz- €a-fte z /a<aaftec /pL?se- Rtrrn,n ny'ftoo Fez- Yv'/4L oi ust '7- fi< mf,' r pe.$ tnf A) r.r'5 o*t ' 4ff 1<:'7/7azt-,, $.-,---ra{9- Qt-*zaEz-"* o Peggy Osterfoss questioned what happened to people who build decks without approval . Tom Braun replied that essential 1y it was an enforcement issue. The Town staff does try to keep up on people who build additions illegal'ly. Ifthey do have the GRFA for the addition, they are required to go through thebuilding permit process as well as Design Review Board. They are also double charged for their building permit fees. If they do not have the GRFA, they are asked to remove the addition. Duane Piper stated that the examples cited by comparison given this request. A motion was made by Brian Hobbs seconded by based on the opinion that it would be a grant the additions. The vote was 6-0 in favor. Ms. Avarch are not a direct Diana Donovan to deny the requestof special privilege to approve 7 3.A reouest Recreation Dist ict of the Town of VAilto allow o eve ra e cart Holqogs,Lew Kristan Pri tz presented the memo, explaining how the request was compatiblewith the neighborhood, existing zoning, and that food and beverage cart vending'is compatible with a recreational area. Jay Peterson and Mike straughton asked if this request would only affect the Go'l den Peak area, as they had received public notices for the Hill Building and Gold Peak House. They were assured that it was just Golden Peak. Lewis Meskimen stated that he wanted to do beverages andfruit ices'except for occasional 1y serving hotdogs and hamburgers. He also stated that the surrounding neighbors he had talked to had had no objections. Diana Donovan wondered if we should have a limitation on distance from a restaurant in Golden Peak. Duane pointed out that a conditiona] use permit would contro'l competit.ion wjthcart vending. Lew a1 so stated that Vail Associates wou'l d control thatsituation. Kristan pointed out that the conditional use permit regulations can be quite restrict'ive and specific. Concern over controlling the nunber of carts on site was expressed by Diana Donovan and Peggy Osterfoss. Peter Patten stated that crjteria No. 4 of the conditional use permit regulations would control this. Jim Viele made a motjon and Brian Hobbs seconded the motion for approval per the staff memo. The motjon was passed 6-0. 4.A request for side rear and stre iances in order to construct an addit on to Valleve. A cant:James This application was withdrawn. July 28th meeting. A new application has been submitted for the TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: \l Planning and Environmental Commjssion Community Deveiopment Department OESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The appll.gl'F' proposal would 'i nvolve demolition of the existingcornice Building and the subsequent construction of a new strucEure onthe site. A number of variances are requ'i red to facilitate the proposed development. The folIowing is a statistical breakdown of the a] Iowable and proposed development features wjth this proposal: r Lot Size: .084 acres or 3,65e sq tt +i[it\F 6r,* tQt K oa'^ \\v-ib) Al1owable GRFA: 2,195 sq ft frogo$ey' $RFA: 2,665 sq ft{.v5'air'u5 /ft f A request for setback, (front, side, and rear), density control (GRFA and number of units), and parking variances in oider toconstruct a new building on Tract B of vail village First Filing(site of the Cornice Building. APPLICANT: Dr. lrlalter Huttner and Mr. Robert Nelson I. [p\ ,,urt", "^t r rr .r,.r1ort . r,4 ii ti;';r.:' -\ i Tb Fl,8+gitd ,n*to' ,2;[65 so ft </t oaL,p&'n,& rr "\t , Allowable no. of un,l:: Z Sam'. 'fu'a*rte'7,n'+,nfrhl$ii^ U"tt"Td no' of units: ,uu,, / qx.,..a,*.Mtar.dt Required setbacks: Proposed setbacks: on front, side and rear feet oert and 9 feet) property 1 i nes20 feet front, ,9 si des,r,5rear, 5 feet € Required parking: 1.0 spaces Proposed parking on site: 4 spaces 5.+Y\ a 4 fu,\re, ov' s-L,,'^'r+lJ 4 '.,t"t', ' -; 'i:,"i.\ ').1:'i-l In addition to the proposed construction, the site plan submittedindicates a number of off-site improvements adjacent to this s.ite.Further clari fication should be made at the planning commission meetingto determine the extent of improvements being proposed wi th this appl i'cati on. A.number of unique circumstances arise when consjderjng this propertywith respect to the allowable number of units perm'i tted. At the prerent !jU",..-th9re is one open m.qrkg!. cgndo-nfu-.ium, one real.=statel6ffifi1Hntthree units restricted to long term3mp-ulee"[gusins. The total numberoflLir-i'ts"oh the properrti" is 4. It lhould- bel'oted ihat these four unitsare legal nonconforming units in that they were constructed prior to theexisting zoning regulations. In addjtion, the property is required toprovide 3 long _term employee hci-tising units as stipulifdilT-ii dfi'-?grGE-mentsigned in 1985 as a result of the 1979 PEC approval. i,thjle the denfitycontrol provisions in this zone district (Hjgh Dansity Multi-Fam.i 1y) a1 1ow only 2 units, the existing unit coupled with the employee hous.i ng f u...\, .-J-.1 J^J (V ,rr*r) ? .iI.T.,^*.^*h h*t II. agreement results in a legal nonconform'i ng situation of 4 units being l:Titl:9. Ili: i: I 9f 9ou1se-w j Lh_ _!!"e _:!tpul ation _t_hat -3_oi the .4un r r_s are reptll-gled_..L0*ernp_Loyeg_ hg_usi ng . CRITERIA AND FINDINGS il . ,\<1!- ut*:(..i u4il {- i* lat[-itt\, ,-, t-,'t* [i]ri1i n..{c. ( i'i'i, , 1:,,{ Uoon review of Cri teri a and Fi ndi s. Section 18.61 .060 of the Muni ci Code e nt of Communi t Devel ooment r e comnen ds den ia of the re que s te upon the 0llow actors: Consideration of Factors: The rglalionship qf the requested variance to other'ex.i stins orpotential uses and structures inffi While thjs property is surrounded by a variety of uses, the mostprevalent use in the vicinity is residential . l,l|ith respect to uses, thep+'^n.'cal is generally compatiblq with other uses in the vic.i nity. The femoval of.thg.existing Eql gptate offlce is cons.i dered a positive improvement with respffis relationsh.i p to the surrounding residential character. However, the le_yCl_gf__fuSjopnentproposed.isentire1yinconsistentwjthexistingzoi.iffii.n the vicjnity of this site. The densjty proposed is equ.ivalent to 59dwelling units per acre. This is dramiticai ly more dense than manylevels of development on adjacent properties, or for that matter throughthe Town of Vail. Staff feels strongly that this level of development wi ll create significant overcrowding and congestion problems on this. site as welI as in the vicinity of this s'i te. The d to whi ch rel ief from the strict or l iteral interpretation and enforcemen OTAS clTled req u al'l0n Is necessarv to acn 1 eve c ompat and un ormit treatment amonq s ites e vicinitto atta eoo ect ves o s title without qrant oprrv1 rege. Because of the extremely small size of this lot, a number ofdifficulties arise when developing this property in compliance with development standards outl ined in the HDMF zone district. This iszone ql sErr cE,, I n't sls- red 20 foot setbf,ffi on a.rcel while the staff feels some consideration for setback variances mav bewarranted because of the loffis true-wTtffii'i deringdensity control variances. As stated above, the property is permitted 4units, wjth 3 of the 4 units restricted to employee housing. A requestfor 5 unjts is totally inconsistent with the provisions outlined in the d\";h"; the jffi'n\+r all !ld.l rl ,.,-, 'it flo,,"f- hrv-$ lt'1',, -" &.0r,**l lW\'tt iltr$.p9Srnting an additional unit to this property. The same is true-with o,.^ lk'lt5 'i:9it9 to the-resuested GRFA.which is over that permitted. To appro I zgnrnE ilw+\l iih'flly:ling code, and the staff sees no hardship nor cause to justify permitted. To approvethis request for additional density on this site would, withou! doubt,t,rlr\*{\t .\, ;:'i Ji]ili'Jt':;.:T:i";;?;lr:;:: t. rlu to^\ o.-^,r^^^.It...|.]l:.!!:|?:'9^Wrecommendscerta.insitesforaddjtional deiSit!-Effi ila stFlngent set of cri teria des'i gned topreserve the ambiance, character and functioning of the village area. arti cul ar'l v tr -2' Cornice BldS 9/22/86 oi The Cornice site was reviewedn and we feel that this is an inappropriateOlha0Qlrksite for additjona'l development due to its extremely smalt size, its tia!l(t1p"4.1* awkward location on Vail vi11ey Drive (very poor accessiu:rti.i-ririii-trF-aWtUprox'imity of East Meadow Drive and charter bus lot) and with ihe impacts ff'S, of the future parking structure addition @lfvl'.fir The effect of the reouested var opul ati on ran rtati on an csa Residentjal densities permitted throughto distri bution of population. As has proposed for this site is significantly on l iqht and air di stri buti of s and zoning controls relate directly been stated, the deve'l opment greater than what is permitted W driveway is located only 60 to 70 feet from t of Cow Chute leadinq onto Va ety considerations rom these , compounded by the fact that cars may well be bgckinE-oFo the parl!3 A onto Vail Val 1ey Driveraise the question oTTEITTTf6 s--aET1 i ty to accommodate on-site necessary for cars to back onto public streets. It would appear thatthis design does not meet this criterja. This obviously puts the developer in a djffjcult position with respect to satisfying the parking requirements at a location where on-site parking is not a w.i sesolution. In turn, thjs raises the broader question of attempting to redevelop a property with additjonal dens.i ty that al ready has exist.i ng nonconforming uses and structures on .i t. III. SUCH OTHER FACTORS AND CRITERIA AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS APPLICABLE TO under existing zoning.unl EN cts relative to-the potential numberpeople who could e accommodate This site has had no on-site parking for a number of years. In 1979 anapplication was made to the Planning Commissjon to add l surflFiEiRjlparkihg space to thjs site. Because of concerns over safety and trafficcjrculatjon, the Pianning Conrmissjon denied this request. The proposed That the granting of the vari ance wilI not constitute a grant of speciaprivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the vari ance will not be detrjmental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. i. "..,.4Yi* ' i.. II '-r f f3r ttqj'$ c+-l U IV.. FINDINGS Ile,?lannjnq and E o|owjngfindings before granting a variance: -3- Cornice Bldg 9/22/86 t \,{1- \hh }- D \ M'y l-,rl,,trr,[rl o!r"4,q4,f,"11, v I t[t$,^ Y r'D V.STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff feels strongly that this development proposal has shown noconsideration for existing development guidelines outlined in the zoningcode' The negative impacts resulting from the additional density arenumerous. staff recognizes that this site will be difficult to develoo-within the existing site development guidelines out'l ined in the HDMF zone district. These difficulties have been increased through thedensjties proposed. The staff would be willing to work wjth the developer to solve the site development problems related to this parcelif a proposal is made in compliance w'ith the allowable densities fortEs_Irgpertyl However, to consider a development proposal fordensities giEiter than those allowed on th'is site is unacceptable to thestaff. Our recommendation for this appl ication is for denial . It should be noted that the site does have approximate'ly 600 square feetof GRFA remaining. One option available to the owner would be'toutilize this GRFA and not increase the existing number of units on the si te. I .\ \ ad \r^L i,K h- }T,IDf u That the variance'i s warranted for one or more of the fo1 lowing reasons: The stri ct or literal interpretat'i on and enforcement of thespecified regulation would result in practical djfficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives ofthis title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions app'l icable to the site of the variance that do not apply general1yto other properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interprelation and enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant of priv.i leges enjoyed by the owners of other properties.i n the same d.i str.i ct. t'"41 L\ -4- Cornice Bldg 9/22/86 142263 ,",* 4-ll.b.-- ,orr.....2-b"''' JllilE+i:J;tlhil'. -qfu AC.RffiT{EITI *t Jut z9 l2 stl Pl'ltB[ ftrrs A*mr,r*vr dated the 'LY*v ot ar -, 1e8s, by ard belween ITIE TfI,lN OF \fAII-,, COIORADO, hereinafter refefred to as "Vail" ard I,iALTER HIIflNFn, as the crmer of ttre Cornice Building, hereinafter referred to as ttOv,zner. " WHEREAS, Vail has requested that cerEain restrictions regardilgtlree (3) enployee units be placed on the Cornice Buildilg, herejl,after referred to as the Subjest. Property. NCH, TI{FRFORE, for the sr:rn of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and ot}rer good and valuable consideration, tie sufficierrcy of dridr is hereby acknorledged, the parLies hereto agree as follcrws: 1. That portion of the ground level on the subject property ccnprised of three (3) droelling units, each havi-ng a sleeping area and. kitchen anil approxirnately 200 square feet (referred to as Drployee Units) shall be used exclusively as enployee housi-ng urrits. : 2. The three (3) ftployee Units shall rnailtajl a nrinjrrun square fcotage of 200 square feet per unit, ho,.iever, tlre confign:rationof the units may be altered. 3. lhe three (3) Eployee Units shall not be leased or rented for ary period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; ard, if any such \>loyee Unit shall be rented, it shall be rented only to ter:,ants who are f1r1l-tine enployees in the Ilpper Eagle Valley. Thre upper Eagle Valley shall be desred Lo j:rclude the Gore Valley, l"linturn, Red Cliff, Gilrnan, Eagle-Vail and Avon, and the surrounding areas. Afull-tine anployee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 4. The reslrictions contained herein sha1l rernain in effectfor a period twenty (20) years frcrn the date of this Agreenent, a PROJECT:(ft DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY; BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC I.IORKS PARTMENTAL REVIEI,I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date ,./ Date V ZJ1a6 4/^d.J+r -" .a s.F7': 6z'c/l "s ? s'rcra"s< Date Date Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTI,IENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARII',|ENT Reviewed by:_ FIRE Revi Comments: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El^l PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY:I BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF r'Lt but /.,"- -.&t,-a{ Commen c @ @ G)6 Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date DATE 0F pUBLrc ur.eame tf z y' il\ ?u1'" i()a/!/ /t € 5''' t' U* tFrc4Tt,u fr z.,t Detvee,rt Gtto€ (Cr**o 6m'/ 4 *-rrn) /rrt e 4eroz 7 @e P.voe4616 8.a. u . Fe_ s/ae:,)i1/- /' .,..ru, Q/< tf trk ^a-t 246€b, FIRE DEPARTMENT ts: Ce,tnr-. THE PROPOSAL: ftltt-tr- -1' /-) -+ 11. /f Date PUBLIC WORKS RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date o lnwn 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 15, 1986 ofllce ol communlty developmenl Victor l'lark DonaldsonP.0. Box 5300 Avon. C0 81620 Dear Mark: The Department of community Deve'r opment has-completed a preriminary reviewof the cornice Buildins laitea Jriv Io, igeo), iubmiitir-ii the plann.insand Environmentar commisiion. ro ilore'rutrv'rna.riii,iJ ilr" proposar, I amrequesting that east and north erevations_and a ground rever pran besubmitted. prease submit tnese aaaiii"rir-aL*ii;;l; i;i; 21, 1e86. In reviewing the proposal it is evident that the size of the parcelpresents a number of significant deveropment contraints. -it i, tn"feeling of the staff thit "u"rv-"ii.rpi'shouro be made to comply with theexist'ing development standards o;iiiil; in the HDMF zone d.istrict.consequent'ly' it is the.staff'. op:n:on that a request for units and froorarea greater than what is permitted under existr"s--i"^irs is totaily'inappropriate- I wourd "nior""g"-voi"[o ""-"ua]uate your proposal tocons'i der a structure in compliaice-wittr-the densities outlined for thiszone district. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. S i ncerel y, /\ a)/ \\nr^ b trov,^, Tom Braun Seni or Pl anner cc: Robert Nelson l,'lal ter Huttner TB: ca VIOOR MARK DONALDSON . ARCHITECT 0ox 5300. Avon, Colorodo 81620 .303/949-5200 June 30. 1986 Mr. Thornas A. Braun Town Pl anner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 RE: PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF THE CORNICE BUILDING 362 Vail Val1ey DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom: Please accept this letter and accompanying information as our applicationfor a variance(s) with regard to the above described real property. I have prepared drawings for this redevelopment scheme based upon the program requirements of my c'l jent, Mr. Robert Nelson. We propose that Units 102, 103 and 104 remain as "employee hous.i ng" units based upon a pre-exist'i ng requirement. The remainjng four would be sold as separate condominiums, tde are pr.oposing to provide covered (mostly) parking for four cars on site with the remainder of required parking to be purchased from publjc facilities. This proposal includes a total of seven residen-tial unjts as shown with a total gross residential f.loor area of 2,500 square feet. 0bviousiy, this proposal also includes a request for varjances from the requirements of the high-density multiple-family (HDMF) district to allow such improvements to take place. i. With regard to the requirements jn "18.20.050 Lot Area and Site Dimensions.", we believe that this parcel would be considered apre-existing, non-conformance use, and continue as such. 2. 18,20.060 Setbacks. We hereby request approval of the setbacks as shown on the drawings. 3. 18.20.090 Density Control. t,le hereby request approval of sevenresjdential units and 2,500 square feet GRFA as shown. 4. 18.20.130 Landscaping and Site Development. In I jeu of the minimum shapes of landscape areas, we hereby request that the 1,550 square feet of landscaped areas (qZ"/.) le approved. i Mr. Thomas A. Braun June 30, 1986 Page 2 5. 18.20.140 Parking and Loading. We hereby request approval to provide the-remainder of the par.ktng spaces within publicfaciljties (by other agreement). Given this opportunity to consider redevelopment of this project with the program as stated, I have arrived at a solution which I believe hasbetter proportions in mass and appears more responsive to this very dif-ficult site configuration. l,Ie have brought parking onto the site and propose to extend and embellish the public way adjacent to this develop-ment. The existing comnercial use is being elim'i nated and in general vle_are_proposing a more carefully articulated building design for this valuab1e parcel of land. Please let me know when your staff has reviewed this applicat.ion in order for me to assist in any inquiries that may arise. Thank you foryour assistance with this application. Feel free to contact myself or Mr. Robert Nelson at 476-1370 (Vait) or 796-6000 (Denver). VMD/ I rd cc: Mr. Robert Nelson enc.: drawings I dson, Date une 30, 1986 o J procedure is required f9I gn{ project requesting a variance. The applicationnot be accepted until all information is submitled. NAME 0F APPLICANT Mi. Robert Nelson ADDRESS 362 Vail Val1ey Drive, Vail, Co'lorado 81657 O Appl ication PEC MEETING APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE OATE I.Thi s wil I A. 476-1370-Vai I PHONE 796-6000-Denver B. ADDRESS P.0. Box 5300, Avon, Co'lorado 81620 PHoNE 949-5200 c.NAME OF Ot,lNER(S) (type or print)Robert N (under contract) s ADDRESS 362 Vail Valle Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 476-1370-Vai I P H0 N E_-Zg&I000=nen v e r D.LOCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAL 362 Vai 'l Val I e Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 01614 BE PAID B LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING E. FEE InE YOUR g't0o FEE MUS PROP FROM_Ro[gr.r {qlqon COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT F' A I ist of the names of owners gI_111 qrgpgryy adjacent to the subject propertyINcLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND.AcRoss_btnEEr5, inl tn":" mairing iiJ""rses.THE APPLICANT hIILL BE RESP0NSIBLE FOR cOnnEci Niiir-rrve ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICAT.IqI..,gqIiE$ry98 !,JII{ A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 )DETERMINE IF ANI ADDITI0NAL INF0RMATIoN ii niiolo.'-'ru0 nppr-rcnu0N t.trLL BEACCEPTED UNLESS IT-IS^C0MPLFI! (Nusr INcLUDa nff-iiir,t! REQUTRED By rHE zgNrNGfl9!.lNItIR4Iq[).- IT Is rHE APPLicANT's nriFoNlieriiiV'ro MAKE AN AppoTNTMENTl.|ITHTHESTAFFT0FIND0UTAB0UTADDITror.rnr-sualliiininrquiRel.rer.rrs. PLEASE N0TE THAT^A^-ISIIErE_APPLTCATToN hlrLL sTREAMLTNE THE ApPR0VAL PR0CESS FoRYOUR PR0JECT sv orcR€A-sING THE NUMBER or conoirior'rs-or nppnovAl THAT THE pLANNINc AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSI0N r'lnV srtnqinTE: -4l-Coniirtons 0F AppRoVAL MUsT BE-c0MPLIEDl"lITHBEF0REABUILDINGpEnt'lti-ii-iSSIiEi.--..:: III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN SI4III,IENT OF THE PRECISE I.IRTURE OF THE VARIANcE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATI0N INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUsr ALs0 ADDRESS: -- .'---- l' The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the'vicinity. -- ': 2' The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and' enforcement of a specified.regulation is-ne-essa"y.to achieve compatibilityand unjformity of treatment afrong sites tn-irre viiinitv-,i"-ii iitltn tnuobjectives of this titre without grant or speiiat p"iv";r"ge. ---- OVER eVari ance 3. The effect'of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities' and public safety' B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of a'l 'l existing improve- ments,, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas,'ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least'l u - 20' showing existing and proposed bu i 1di ngs. D. A11 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficjent to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. g. A preliminary title report to veri fy ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located'in a multi-family development which has a homeowi,ers' association, then written approva'l from the association in support of the projebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. T'ime Requi rments The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete appf ication fonn and all accompanying materi al (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) wi'll be accepted by the planning staff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. VICTOR AAARK DONALDSON . ARCHITECT t'l?T'l tt!tnn!l''riFi'i:n_:t'?:-i?t!1lfrttr'it.ll'rfi'trli'!lr! 0ox 5300. Avon. Colorodo E{620 ' 303/949-5200 June 30, 1986 Mr. Thomas A. Braun Town Planner Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF THE CORNICE BUILDING 362 Vail Valley Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom: Please accept th'is letter and accompanying information as our application for a varjance(s) with regard to the above described real property. I have prepared drawings for this redevelopment scheme based upon the program requirements of my client, Mr. Robert Nelson. l,ile propose that Units 102, i03 and 104 remain as "employee housing" units based upon a pre-existing requirement. The remaining four would.be sold as separate bondominiumi, hie are p,rroposing to provide covered (mostly) parking for. four cars on site wjth the remainder of required parking to be purchased from public facilities. This proposal includes a total of seven residen- tial irnits as shown with a total gross residential floor area of 2,500 square feet. 0bviously, thjs proposal also includes a request for variances from the requirements of the high-density multiple-farnily (llDMF) district to a'l low such improvements to take p1ace. 1. With regard to the requirements in "18.20.050 Lot Area and Site Dimensions.", w€ believe that this parcel would be considered a pre-existing, non-conformance use' and continue as such- 2. 18.20.060 Setbacks. l,le hereby request approval of the setbacks as shown on the dragings-. 3. 18.20.090 Density Control . t''le hereby request approval of seven residential units and 2,500 square feet GRFA as shown. 4. 18.20.130 Landscaping and Site Development. In lieu of the minimum shapes of landscape areas, we hereby request that the 1,550 square feet of landscaped areas (a2%) be approved. M'eo Mr. Thomas A. Braun June 30, 1986 Page 2 5. 18.20.140 Park'i ng and Loading. t,{e hereby request approva'l to provide the remainder of the parking spaces within public facilities (by other agreement). Given this opportunity to consider redevelopment of this project with the program as stated, I have arrived at a solution whjch I beljeve has better proportions jn mass and appears more responsive to this very dif-ficult site configuration. l,.|e have brought parking onto the site and propose to extend and embellish the public way adjacent to this develop- ment. The existing commercial use is being eljminated and in general we are proposing a more carefully articulated building design for this valuable parcel of land. Please let me know when your staff has reviewed this application in order for me to assist in any inquiries that may arise. Thank you for your assistance with this application. Feel free to contact myself or Mr. Robert Nelson at 476-1370 (Vait) or 796-6000 (Denver). AIA VMD/ I rd cc: Mr. Robert Nelson enc.: drawings nal dson, Appl ication PEC MEETING APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE o J une 30, 1986te TE Da DA I.This procedure is requiredwill not be accepted until A. NAME OF APPLICANT MT. fgl gn.I project requesting a variance. The applicationall information is subrnitted. Robert Nelson ADDRESS 362 V Val le Drive, Vail Colorado 81657 -1370-Val I PH0NE 796-6000-Denvel B. ADDRESS P.0. Box 5300, Avon, Colorado 81620 PHONE 949-5200 c.(under contract)NAME OF 0I,INER(S) (type or print)Robert Nel Si qnat ADDRESS 362 Vail Valle Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 476-1370-Vai I P HON E_296-j000=De1 v e r D.LOCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAL 362 Vail Valle Drive, Vail, Co'lorado 81657 THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STR-TTS-, THE APPLICANT I,IILL 8E RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECi LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING E. FEE $IOO PAID cK#FR0M Robert Nelson DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l.lILL ACCEPT adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICAT,IqN CONFERENCE t,lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0';DETERMINEIFANY'ADDITI0NAL INF0RMATI0N tS t'teroEo.-N0 AppLrcATI0N t,tILL BEAccEPTED UNLESS IT_Is-C0MPLETE (MUsr INcLUDE ALL iTEMs REQUTRED By rHE zgNrNGlgIINllIR4Iql). IT Is rHE APPLicANIs RESpoNsrBririV-ro MKE AN AppoTNTMENTI'IITH THE S.TAFF T0 FIND OuT ABOUT ADDITIoNAL atBmiiinr nEqifiiier'rnirs.'--'-:"- PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l.|ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0uR PROJECT gv DrcRmSlNG THE NUMBER 0F c0NDITIoNS 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNINc AND ENVIRONMENTAL^COMMISSION MY STIPULATE. NU. COIIOTTTONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE. COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT Ts issnED.--.:; -, ;, III. FOUR (4) C0PIES 0F THE F0LLOHING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE I.IRTUNT OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 'l . The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the-vicinity. 2, The degree to which relief from the strict or litera'l interpretation andenforcement.of a-specified regulation is necessary to achieie compatibilityand uniforrnity 9f treatment among sites in the viiinity or to attbin theobjectives of this title without grant of special privjlege. OYER VICIOR MARK DONALDSON . ARCHITECI- Box 5C00. Avon, Colorodo 81620 '303/949-5200 June 30, 1986 Mr. Thomas A. Braun Town Planner Town of Vari l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF THE CORNICE BUILDING 362 Vail Valley Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom: Please accept this letter and accompanying information as our application for a vari airce(s) with regard to the above described real property' I have prepared drawings for this redevelopment scheme based upon the program requirements oi my c1 ient, Mr. Robert Nelson. t,|e propose that ijniis 102,-103 and 104 remain as "employee housjng'r units-based upon a pre-existing requirement. The remaining four would.be sold as separate tondominiumi. l,ie are pnoposing to provide covered (mostly) parking. for. four cars on site with'thb remiinder of required parking to be purchased from public facilities. This proposa'l includes a total of seven residen- tjal irnits as shown with a total gross residential floor area of 2'500 square feet. 0bvious'ly, this proposal also includes a request for variances from the requirem;nts of ihe'high-density multiple-family (HDMF) district to allow such inprovements to take place. 1. With regard to the requirements in "18.20.050 Lot Area and Site Dimensi6ns.", w€ believe that this parcel would be considered a pre-existing, non-conformance use' and continue as such. 2. 18.20.060 Setbacks. We hereby request approval of the setbacks as shown on the drawings. 3. 18.20.090 Dens'i ty Control . }'le hereby request approval of seven residentia'l units and 2,500 square feet GRFA as shown- 4. 18.20.130 Landscaping and Site Development. In I ieu of the mjnjmum shapes of iandscape areas, we hereby request that the 1,550 square feet of Iandscaped areas (42%) be approved. Mr. Thomas A. Braun June 30, 1986 Page 2 5. 18.20.140 Parking and Loading. We hereby request approval to provide the remainder of the parking spaces within public facilities (by other agreement). Given this opportunity to consider redevelopnent of this project with the program as stated, I have arrived at a solution which I believe has better proportions in mass and appears more responsive to this very dif-ficult site configuration. t.le have brought parking onto the site and propose to extend and embellish the public way adjacent to this develop- ment. The existing commerc'ial use is being e1 iminated and in general we are proposing a more carefully articulated building design for this valuable parcel of land. Please let me know when your staff has reviewed this application in order for me to assist in any inquiries that may arise. Thank you for your assistance with this application. Feel free to contact myself or Mr. Robert Nelson at 476-1370 (Vail) or 796-6000 (Denver). VMD/l rd cc: Mr. Robert Nelson enc.: drawings Respec al dson, I J I. Th'is procedure is.required fgl gnl project requesting a variance. The applicationwil'l not be accepted until all inloimaiion is'submitled. ' A. NAME 0F APPLICANT Mi. Robert Nelson Appl ication Date une 30, 1986 PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE ADDRESS 362 VaI le Drjve, Vail, Colorado 81657 NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS P.0. Box 5300, Avon, Colorado 81620 476-1370-Vai I PH0NE 296-6000-Denver B. PH0NE 949-5200 c.NAME OF 0WNER(S) (type or print)Robert Nel (under contract) s ADDRESS 362 Vail Valle Drive, Vai1, Colorado 81657 476- 1370-Vai I P H 0 N E196.$000=-Den v e t D.LOCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAL 362 Vail Valle Drive, Vail, Co'lorado 81657 F' A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject propertyINcLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND AcROSs itRErts-, ani their mailing aidresses.THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf r,INrrir,rE'ROONESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0-;DETERMINEIFANY'ADDITI0NAL INFORIIATI0N lt ltreora.-no npplrcnTI0N t,trLL BEA0CEPTED uNLEss IT_IS-COMPLETE (MUsT INcLUDi nff-iier'ls-nEqurRED By rHE zgNiNG I9I.INMRAI9E). Ir Is rHE APPLicANTs nEipor,rCisriiiv-ro MKE AN ApporNTMENrl.lITH THE S.TAFF TO FIND OUT AEOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMiriNr NrquiiirNrNrS.'--":'"-" PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION t^lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0uR PROJECT sv.oEcREASING-THE NUMBER 0F coNDITIons oF-nppnovAl THAT THE pLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL^c0MMISsION MAY silpuLATE. -[U-Coruoirrorus 0F AppRovAL MUsr BECOMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PTNNIi_ii-iSSIiED.--':.' J i , i. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FI LI NG F FEE $l oo PAro cK#FR0M Robert Nelson THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l,l|ILL ACCEPTYOUR PROPOSAL. III. F0UR (4) C0prES 0F THE FOLLOWrNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the'vicinity 2, The degree to whjch relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement.of a-specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibilitvand uniforrnity of treatment arirong sites in the viiinity or to ii*i;'lh;'-. objectives of this title without grant of speciar privirege. 0vtR VICTOR MARK DONALDSON . ARCHITECI :1:ir-?:r"i1E!!*ritr!a.!r1.t!*'i!t*!* Box 5300. Avon, Colorodo 61620 '303/949-5200 June 30" 1986 Mr. Thonas A. Braun Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF THE CORNICE BUILDING 362 Vai1 Valley Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom: Please accept this letter and accompanying information as our application for a varjahce(s) with regard to the above described rea'l property' I have prepared drawings for th'is redevelopment scheme based upon the program requirenrents oi my client, Mr. Robert Nelson. 1n1e propose that iJnjis i02,'i03 and 104 remain as "employee housing" units based upon a pre-existing requirement. The remaining four would.be so.ld as separate tondomjniums. hie are proposing to provide covered (mostly) parking for. four cars on site with'the remiinder of required parking to be purchased from public facilities. This proposal includes a total of seven residen- tial Lnits as shown with a total gross residential floor area of 2'500 square feet. 0bviously, this proposal also includes a request for variances from the requirements of the'high-density multiple-family (HDMF) district to allow such 'improvements to take p1ace. 1. l,tith regard to the requirements in "18.20.050 Lot Area and Site Djmensjons.", w€ believe that this parcel would be considered a pre-existing, non-conformance user and continue as such. 2- 18.20.060 Setbacks. I'Je hereby request approval of the setbacks as shown on the drawings. 3. 18.20.090 Density Control . We hereby request approval of seven residential unjts and 2,500 square feet GRFA as shown. 4. 18.20.130 Landscaping and Site Development. In I ieu of the minimum shapes of 'l andscape areas' we hereby request that the 1,550 square feet of 'l andscaped areas (42%) be approved. Mr. Thomas A. Braun June 30, 1986 Page 2 5. 18.20.140 Parking and Loading. We hereby request approval to provide the remainder of the parnking spaces within publicfacilities (by other agreement). Given this opportunity to consider redevelopment of this proiect with the program as stated, I have arrived at a solution which I believe has better proportions in mass and appears more responsive to this very dif-ficult site configuration. I'le have brought parking onto the site and propose to extend and embellish the public way adjacent to this develop- ment. The existing commercial use is being eliminated and in general we are proposing a more carefully articulated building design for this valuable parcel of land. Please1et me know when your staff has reviewed this application in order for me to assist in any inquiries that may arise. Thank you for your assistance with this application. Feel free to contact myself or Mr. Robert Nelson at 476-1370 (Vait1 or 796-6000 (Denver). AIA VMD/ I rd cc: Mr. Robert Nelson enc.: drawings aldson, Llst-oF owners of 4Jaeent p.ropertlesr I Gv+':k V{ Y'' North South East t Town of VeLI, ?5 south Frontage Road I'lestt Vall (J veIL Tralls Chelet-Bebara J. Fey, preslderrt Con'i.' 7 Assoe. , '+2oo East Bellrtew Ave' rllttleton Co' tiolzl ,/6hyroLean Restaurant-Pepl Iangelger, 400 rast }leadowvD*!u., Vall, Co. f9-/ 3 38 o .rOu ett Athletto Club-ElLlot AlPort, Internatlona l(?Bqtn|cy Group, Ltd.' P.O. Box'L128, vall, co. titi -i1i ;(' { ll^* (3 o* .tt/(:'- fi'r<L'- r-z''' u ( ItdJr ,.1 (" I T/ aoj .,o' tzlo -r '\o, ' r. '\- Y" P- !;; '\Z[\,. d\"h""- J. A{oto-- t&&rcse+ -- -J( Lf d ?ac ryh^x I"u,[/ r"lr"lt/ c/,t/tC Apptication D^r; ?-),^r,--., r,t"f ( PEC MEETING DATE 'I t This wi'11 A. procedure is required for any project request.ing a variance.not be accepted until all informat.ion is submitted. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE REPRESENTATi VE The appl ication r'227r/8s B. ufrrfrL E. NAME OF ADDRESS APPL ICANT' S .Sa z C. NAME 0F 0hlNER(S) Siona re ADDRESS THE FEE MUST BE PAID YOUR PROPOSAL. PHaNE 4,4t tza (type or print)2a P2"'FEzz')Y- nonl=/Z6 izaj D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 3 {z- LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FEE $100 PAID ex *-l//r'l F R0Y1 zZ'.2 r yt4Zrz a< PZo Z-*r,y coMMUNITy DEVELopMENT DEpARTMENT l,tl[L AccEpr ,',sn II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l,'JITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0IDETERMINEIFANY'ADDiTI0NAL INFORMATI0N IS NEEDED.-r'to Rppr-lcRtI0N WrLL BEAccEPTED UNLESS IT_IS coMeLETE (MUST TNcLUDE nr-l irEt"tt REQUTRED By rHE zgNrNG 8?I.lNlIIR4igE). IT IS THE APPLicANT's REspoNsrBrLrrV-To MAKE AN AppoTNTMENT|.JITH THE S.TAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMiriNr NiqUrRErqEIirS.'--":..'- PLEASE N0iE THAT A cOMPLETE AppLIcATI0N I,JILL sTREAMLTNE THE AppRovAL pRocESs FoR YOUR PROJEcr ev-orcRffim-THE NUMBER 0F coNDrrroNs 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. II-I. CONOITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE. COMPLIED I^IITH BEFORE A BUILDING PEMIT IS ISSUED.-- , - : I T I III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE ruRTUNE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to'other ex1 sting or- potentia'luses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenfo..:T:l!.?l a-specified.regulation is.necessary to aihieve compatibi'tityand uniformit-y of treatment among sites in the viiinity or to iiliin ttreobjectives of this tiile without grant of speciar pr.ivirege. F. A list of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STR'EETS-, THE APPLICANT I^IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf adjacent to the subject property and their mai'l ing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. )eq BEFORE OVER Vari ance 3. The effect of the variance on light and ajr, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities' utilities, and public safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a sca'l e of at least 1" - 20' stamped by a Col orado l 'i censed surveyori ncl udi ng l ocati ons of al l exi sti ng improve- ments, inc]uding grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas,'ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. D. Al'l preliminary bui'lding elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance' sca'le and use of all buildings and spaces exist'ing and proposed on the site. E. A prelim'inary t'itie report to verify.ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located jn a multi-family development which has a homeowi,erst association, then written approva'l from the association in support of the projebt must be received by a du'ly authorized agent for said association. G. Any add'itional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator., * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning admjnistrator. IV.T'ime Requi rments The Planning and Env'i ronmenta'l Commission meets of each month. A comp'l ete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the plann'ing nated submittal date, on the 2nd and 4th MondaYsall accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determ'ined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- o Town of Vall, Plannlng Departnent ?5 South Frontage Rosd West Vallr Colorado To whorn it nay concernr In regards to the varlance request for the addltlon ard renovetlon of the Cornlce Bulldlng located al )62 Vatl Vellcy Hvc, ValJ., Colorado 8L65?. Tha naturc of the request ls that thc set beck regutrcnente be welved. At the present tlne the exlstl.ng bullding et varlous potnte does not neet the set beck requlrenents of ?0r frorrt, 15. eLdcs, end 15r roar. But, the addltlonto the east eaet slde of the bulldlng ard thc constnrctlon of two stlnrays on the west srd north eide ere distanceg close to or Lesa thrn verLous points of tbe exlstlng set backs. It is unforseeable thet thie weiver of the sct back requl-rements should bave a4y negatlve effects. Dr,rc to the fect thet the present butldlng does not rneet these requlrenente at thc prcscnt tfunc. To datc there have been no problens whlch hevc ar.Lgen fron thts property not neetlng theee requhenents. As to the rcletlonshLp of the requestcd varlance to other {f"tfng or the potentlal uses ard structures ln the vlclrrity thcre should be no effect on argr of these. There ls nothing dlrectly adJancent to thls proporty shlch thls eddltlon rould effect. The additlon ard renovation whould clortc & nora ettrective structure nhlch would enhance thls corner. Ilrrc to the lrregularlty of the lot thc only posslblc plrce thc eddXtton rould be the east slde of the bulldtng. Slnce, thls area uoufd acconaodate the total eddltion nlth the exceptl-on of thc etafusreys. At thls tlne there 1s appioxlnatcLy Lr585.5 squere feet ard the alloneble GRFA Ls 66 of the lot area oi zrtgi.4Z squers feet. Accorllng to thesc flgures therels an addltlonal 510 squere feet tbat ls el-lored. Thls addltlonel square feet would perult the osncr to takc naxlmu rdvent.g€ of the poterttLal use of thelot arrt the renovatton of the a:clsttng enploy€o houslng erd bullding rrcuLd nake thLs e nor€ deslreble Val1 Vlllcgc prperty to the co@urtlty. The narlenoe nould have no effect of the llght ard a1r, trensportetlon, traffic.faeilltles, utllitles, ard publlc safety. Slnecrely, The Deslgn Co.l Bobble fnouye on beheLf of Jarnes M. Pa}ner anl Dr. Robert Baker 7:ry'-4" l].flIu lnts LAND TITLE nf pp€sEf,rr r^,GGUABANTEE r ttLt INSUR^NCE coMPANv COMPANY oF MINNESo | ^ IHo lrtt ouanANt[E CoMFANY -^..,,tt,' .datf, Noclrl oerv! 8lo (lrtlNG slerIl-i,",?,iii'i'ri,\;;iirixt,ir - iArtr'/ooD (olo'^ooEoz15 iir.t, ir' lur r ?r'lrrl ar11 cf ir'r,noo nolrllvanD lJ6tl !Asr ltltt Av' 6iir"i''i i,liii;1o-e6izi o.rvtn. coro 00212 7)i ottt ttt 'J161 4 !(r ur^O\wOPIH 0Lvo lol tfllrx a':CAOt rv.JrADO 5PPrN6S. COI'O l{',901 ti, iiiri ioro eortr ol"82l 906 tll5c t2 MA|N AVfNtrE l^.lt \(| yostqrlE 5urtt J'o DrrLatJco, lol'olA0o al30l ;i NviP coLoeaoo 8o2lt 2tt Saat llt,o)2o DOr 3jl 610 t,/.h sr vArt. coLoaaoo 6l6tt 6i,Nvi[. Coto ro2or ./6ll5l 62r.137' cr25 t. HAMpOcN AVE- ofNvtr, colo.00?!ltio !?tR l:: Commrtment No,GV 874'l FIN i\L AFFID-AV IT AN D AGREEI\,IENT sTA T ll ol cololt Al)o City and CountY of Denver rre: Rf.r propcrry "no ,nru..,*.-"i,. i,ir,.n ", 362 Gore crgek Dri Vg County.rf Eagl e Sli|tc of Col orado||r tho Colorado. atrrl m(rrt patticularly doscfibod as follows' to wrt: See attached Exhibit "A" made a part hereof as if fu1 ly set forth herein. whprr^s. r,rnd 'r.irr,,(i'ar.nrro (jornp;rny has issrrcrl its commitment N.. GV 8741 c.,vorinc said pr'rpertvi C,rt|lra.tot. ()tvncr-Soll''I /\f tidrtvit: as the (ir'nr'ral Contractor and/()r August 23 N!trv thcrc[(rre. CFpAI n N RFNNFR ns rhr Or,rrcr-Scler l'f rhe lleal listr(r arrd inrpy,,r'r'rn.nts '."..'..Gll';'*'".il|"f''iffi;fr;jrduci||gl,^n{l'|.it|tGuarantl'||c')ml)anytoissucitsAI,TA l|c'rs.(|ra|tyriBlrtst||cr('t().w|rcrcDonoiiceo[s!tch|i.nsorrightsaDpcari|fIcco'd'dohcr(.bym|kflh.: (;uarant.'e (lornl):iny, wiah full kDowlt'dge atrd intenl lhat said coml)nny shall rcly theretrn: .rf improvr.nr( nt.s ('n (he r.al rstatc hercin dcscribrd, hi|lc bcrn qaid in aull' as i() irny ntntrr ri,ts. .rl)pll ||crs. lixlrrr(.s or frrrrrishings l)lacod up,)n or installed in said premiscs. 3. That.tll ()f thr imt|rovcmetrts c(tnstructed on the rcal cstaLe hereilr dcscribed welc completed on l)r he(()re . rn 7Q 3 abovr. .--.-J-.-1- (4"--- GERALD N. 'l hr.f,rrr'*||rng rnstr unr'.nl RENNER $'rs acknor! li'dfcd. sultscrib.'d anrl srvorll to bof r)re nrc ltris -?3f d aav I'f Augug!. --- -''''- re 79 r,v--_- / tt. z, Prrr( hir set's '\ lfrdriil Thr rrrrl',rsigned. I'urch.rsr.t (sI (;unri|rt,.(' C,rrnpitnv wilh fult kn,trvlodEe atld in(cnt that said c(tml)anv shall telv thtrcoll: l'.l.hntlh.|tn|)rov(,mc'rtsonlhfrcille5tlteh.ft,indcscrlbedhat,cbecnfu|lycornp|e1edandhavcbcenacceptcdbyth€undcrs|8ncdAscomr,|ced and ns !rt isfactrl!v. 2. Thaa th, frrll purchasc pric. h:rs bcl'n paid bv said ptrrchaser(s).to said contrictor and/". n'[li[;", "tTt U ? ,, 793-'thatrnr(l|r|''nis(sXqtx'X(lvillbe)rlccuprtdbysaidptrrch'str(s)rrrlor boul" ^"tlt !Y,. , ,, ,, t().ittrrl r'n \,rid l)ropr'rtv rvhir:h hrv('tl,)t b'!'tr t)iri(1. imprr)vtrrrcn(s 1.,.;rtt'd on s|id t,roptrtY. 6. 1,, lh,. lr(ht ()f thr. t, oF()ing facts, th$ uodr'rsigtled, in c()nsldcralion of thc issuance hy l,ard TiLl('Gutrantec Company of a pollcy olTille V cC c (-)-n-tth^.,(Ar'-t,*ft-;ztt;-- WALTER A. HUTTNER 'I h,.fr'rr*('in$ il|strttmertt wir|s rcknrtwl.dged. subscrrbed and g4".rti c^ August re J9 _r,r as Purchasct(sl. Wtu!.\s nrv lr.rnrl .ut(l ,rttrcrnl \ral. Ilv.r!Drmas{rrr r x Drr.r: as Gcnrr{l C(rntracl,or I L day of ,-'Lr['-''?. Wrln( ss rnv hrn(l rn(l officti|l scal. Nly c0D)rrission r xlriros: / Nolar y Public //- 7A sworn to beforc mc this 23rd (/,ao--JL! - 7 "5/ EXHIBIT A A part of Tract "B" and a part of Mi'll Creek Road' VAIL VILLAGE' FIIIST FILlNG, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly descrjbed as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Vail Village, tirst Filing; thence North 79o 46'00" West along,the Southirly line of U.S. l-lighvray No. 6 a distance of 367-06 feet to the Northrast corner of si'iO Tract "B"; thence South l0o 14'00u West alon1 the Easterly line of said Tract "B"; a distance of 198.31 feet to tf,e Southeasterly corner of said Tract "8"; thence North 7go 46'0[r" l,lest along the Southerly ]ine of said Tract "B" a dis- tance of .l70.00 feet; thence South 740 16'00"'ilest and along the Southerly ljne of said Tract "B" a distance of .|00.00 feet to the true point of beginningi thence North 09o l0' 07" West a distance of 41',67 feet; tience South 88o 27' ll" West a distance of 75.21 feet; thence South 27o 13' 37" East a distance of 77.37 feeti thence North 57o 24'00u East a distance of 55.11 feet' more or less to the true point of beginning. a<'r;ttitr',' oI rt'cor<l frtr r-alrr,, llrc cslirle or irrtt'r'cst (tr rnortgage llrt'rt'<lrt covt'rr.d bv lltis (],'rrrrrritrrrcrrt. llr \1 l-l'\ l .SS \\ | ll':llli()F, 'l ilL. lrtsrrrlrt<'c (irrrrgrauy of trlinnesota has carrsetl its cor';xrratc nlrrrr.ln<lst';rl l,r lx' lrrr crrrrlo ullil'rI ll1' vllirlatirrg <rfficlr rrr otlrer autlxrriztrl srgrurtory, owNi;R's_TITLE I'O!|9Y___* .,.-,? 3 2 0e * /,',.r, , ',-':: lii l: POI ICY'..-._.. )t.@* :-"' ful " '-::=' "4.n!-.=, .' Jrn-e lr.rsunnruce f,onnenr'rv or i,jrnrruEsorAxa: 4 lown of Vall. Plannlng Departnent ?5 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado To uhon it nay concernr In regards to the varlence request for the addttton ard rgnovetlon of thc Cornlce Bulldlng located et 362 Vatl Vallcy Dr'!.vc, Va1L, Coloredo 8L6J7. The nature of tbe request ls that the sct back nequlrenents be rnlved. At the present tlnre the exlstlng bulLding et varLous polnts doea not nect the set back requlrernents of 20t front, lJ' sldea, anl I5r reer. But, thc eddltlon to the east east slde of the buil-dtng ard thc oonstnrctlon of tno stlrrnys on the west ard north side are dlstanccs close to or less than varlous polnts of the existing set baeks. It ls unforsceebl€ thet tldg nalver of the sct back requlrements should have an;r negatlve effects. Drc to the fect thet the pr€6€nt bulldlng does not meet theee requlron€nts at thc prosent tlne. To date there heve been no problens rhtoh hgve erC.sen fron thls propedy not neetlng these requlrenents. As to tha rclatlonshlp of the reques0ed varlanoc to other {t*t* or the potcnt,lal uses ard etnrctures ln the vlclnity thcre should bc no effect on aqr of theEe. There ls nothlng dlrectly adJeneent to thle propedy whlch thls addltlon would effect. Tha addltlon anl renovatlon whould creat€ a nore ettrectlve structure which would enhance thls corner. Ilue to the lrregularlty of the Lot thc only posslble plece thc eddltlon rould be the eest sl.de of the bul1d1ng, Slnoe, thls erea nould accomrodete the total addltlon wtth the exception of thc stalnrays. At thls tlme there 1s appro:dmateLy Lr585.5 squana fect ard the el-Lorablo GRtr'Ats M of the lot area ol ?rL95,t+2 squ&tro fee{, Accordtng to these flgrrres therels an additlonal 610 squarire feet that Ls allorcd. Thls eddtttonal square feet would permlt the omer to take naxlmrn edvantege of thc poterrttal use of the Lot enl the renovatlon of thc e,ttstlng enploJrsg houelng erd bulldtng would nake this a nore deslreble Vall Villcge prperty to the comunlty. The verlance would have no effcct of the ligt0 ard alr, transpor4etlonr trafflc,feclllties, utilttles, ard publlc safoty. Slncerely, 3he Deslgn Co.r Bobble Inouye on behelf of Jancs M. Pa1nor ard Dn. Robert Baker - iio lili$ ouAnAHrtl qGITPANY L. r,,rr"' trlrr t!!'xttt t,Rrv! lre \xtruuq:J,iiliiir.i;iii i;jit; -' - iairwooD, cotor^Dd &t{t !n1, .ilr I lrF I stlt (:t.trLr'//OOO BOlllaVARO 1369J t Sl llltr Avtiiiii'i'i i.iicii^no s,rrr otNvte coro 80112 t)t q\t 'r| 'll'3l|. SO V,^OSWOPIH !r,vo !o,l sourH a^sclDt \v'oFAOO 1tRrN65' Cr)to 0otol o,iiiri ioro oorlr 6). .s2l 908 81511 t2 MA|N AVtNrrC :rdr, \() YOSlUtlt sulta Itd rjl,RAtlco (ololaDo 6130l Dir.vtP. rotolAoo 8o2Jt 2!t iact //90,r?0 BOX 35tvAl|. COtORADo 8165t di-l'iii- ioLo oozor uo ll5l 619 r32' 9r2l t. lta&Poft av€.otNvtt, coto, to?! | 7iJ !25 FINAI, AFFTDAVIT AND AGRBEI\{ENT s1'A't E oF col,olt ADo City and County of Denver R E: Rear DroDerty "nu ',,'nr,'""-.-,,,. i,ir,"a ", 352 Gorg Cf egk Df i vg D TIilIIE ItE: Commitment N o. LANDTITLE Ffpnfsr^rr,trc GUAFANTEE fIILEINSIIEANCECOMPANII COMPANV oF MtNNEsor A GV B74I Counly ot Eagl e Sti'te (|f Col oradoin the Colorad(t. and mrttri trarticularlv dcscribcd as follows. 1o \r/it: See attached Exhibjt "A" made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. cv gTal Nherras. l,and'l'ilk.Crrarantac (:omp|nv has isstrcd ils Commitmcnt No. '" "' ' covtrin* said Dlopcrtvi Conlra.lor. ('wner-Srllrr r\f aiduvit: as thc (;cneral Contractor an.l/or GFRALD N. R ENNEB_ as rhr ownrr-st'ller ,'f rhr' ltonl list.tc nnd inrr)ror,l rnorrs |l'cn||(|t)nlhi'h{,teitld('scrrhla]p'.'r]i*a.'ly liens.itri||yriAhtsthr"loto.whctcl|r!noticcolsuchlifn5()rright'saDl,[aroile.or. (luar{nt, c Oonrttirny. witlr lrrll knowl('dgc and int(rnt that said companv shall rcly ahcret}n: ot iftDr(rvonr|nt.!{ on the r('al rsttlte herein dcscribrd. bavc brrn paid ln tull. 2. Thnt n.r claitns hrl,c Norv thcrl'[o.e, as to ! y mnlelrirls. applrrlct's, fixttlr.'s or frlrnishlogs plor:cd upolr or installcd in said pronriscs' 3. That nll itl lhe imDrov(meIts conslructcd ()n lhe roal cstate herein dcscribed weie complcaed trn or before Auqust 23 rs 79 3 ab"ir. GERALD N. '1 h,. f ,rrrg,rirrg Instrut ( rs 79 r'"- RENNER nt wJs acknD$ lrd*r{1. subscribed and sw(}rll t(,b.:rorl,nre ttis 23fd aav,'r August Wrlncss mv h nd r||(l 0fftcral sc.l. [ty .(,nlnris:'I,'rr ' x!riros: /:/- tt. Pu!r'h,rser's A ffrd a!it 7' 'I hc und.rlii[n(d. (;olrnnt.r. Corrtrnrry !r'itlr full kltrrwll'd(o and intcnt that said .ompany shtrll raly thercon: l. Thnt th. itnDrov(mcnis (}n the real estaae heroin d(,scribrd havc been tutly comptetcd and have been accepted bv the undetslEncd as completed and as satisfactory. 2. Thatthrfullpurclras0pri(ohasbortrpaidbvsaidptrrrhaser(s)tos rdcdntra'torrnd/'rrO\Xn(ts"ll$r'2? ,O 793. 't ttrt v,!l pr('nrisrs 0(9(Xx(v!rll l,c),rrcuDi.d bv saKl prrr.hasrrr(s) on or dboul ftuqu) L 4J . - locato(l r,rt sxi(l t)rottrrty whi(lr hn!c n('t brrrr pirid. 5.ThJlrht'tttl(|crs|(nt'(lhavcndt.a||scd iart)ri)v(rnrrlls l('cdt.d on !irid tltoDrrtv. 6'l''th||.Eht.)flht.f'}Ifr'ingfacts.thl'ul|dFrsigned.lnconsidtrarionoflhcissuanccbyl,an(tTi|' f()t serrl.fs. as 6cncral Contractor L?L.LC\ c- l,wc;(. ( )n.r17r,^. bIALTER A.HUTTNER 'l-lrr. f.rr.Eornll rrstrurnrrrl wrs dckn.rwl.rdgcd, subscribed and swotn to bolole me this r o _/Q_r,r __.[alaLIER_A__IUTTNER-and BAFnARA .1 Fll lT Wrtnrs\ nrv hi|n.l dtrrl ,)lfrcral sIal ltl v .,'rrr nl r\\l.rtr . xt)lrr'{l C*,,,^ BARB 23rd August RA Nolary Public as Purchasrr(s)- 4 zrStO EXHIBIT A A part of Tract t'grrand a part of l'lill Creek Road, VAIL VILLAGE' flRSf ftltltG, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Vail Village, lirst Filingi thence North 79o 46'00" West a]ong the Southerly line of U.S. llighr'iay No. 5 a djstance of 367.06 feet to the Northrast corner of said Tract "8"; thence South l0o'l 4'00" West along the Easterly line of said Tract "B"i a distance of 198'31 fegt to tl,e Southeasterly corner of said Tract "B"; thence North 79o 46'0(r" tlest along the Southerly line of said Tract "B" a dis- tance of .l70.00 feet; thence South 74o 16'00"'i^lest and along the Southerly line of said Tract "B" a distance of'100.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 09o l0'07u West a distance of 41.67 feet; thence South 88o 27'11" West a distance of 75.21 feet; thence South 27o 13' 37" East a distance of 77.37 feet; thence North 57o 24' 00" East a distance of 55..|1 feetr more or less to the true point of beginning. acrlttilcs oI r<'slrtl for litltrc tltr, r'stirte rlr itrlercst or nt(,rt,{nge thercorr covcre<l by' tlris (i'trrrrilrrrt'rrl. l]r\\l.|.\l,,SS\ll|l.:llE()l..,.l.i||r'lrlsrtritttt.tl()tlrrr1lrrrryrlfIlitttresrrta|tascattsct|itsctlt.1xrrttttt|tittttr'lttrt|4.11||ll|lt. |tt'rr.rtlrltrall.irr'll|r1,itst|rr|yar vllirluting offit'r'r or olhcr itrrtlxrrizlrl sigrrltory, owr'i;R's_TlTlE |o!l9l__ _ ..332Oc _ /,'..;,:, "'':': lil :: POI ICY--.__..V,4O- L i r,i;l'.tR Jrrr-r lr,rsu nnrvce f, orvr rnr.rv ::' ' e+ --&.a?.-:=':="4.9'":,". 3")2.d --.' oF llirNNEsorA Torn of Vailr Planning Depertuent ?5 South Frontage Road West Vell, Colorado .' To whon tt nsy concetrrl fn regards to the var{.ance request for thc addltlon anl rcnovatlon of the Corntce Buildlng located El 362 VatL Vellcy Dnlvc, ValL, Colorado 81557. The nature of the request ls that thc set beck reguirenente be nalved. At the present tlne the extstlng bultdlng Et varlous polnts does not ncet the set back requirenents of 20' front, I5r sldca, anl 15t rear. But, the addltlon to the eest east slde of the bulldlng srd the constnrotlon of tro stLrneys on the west erd north side are distanccs cfoee to or less then varlous potntc of the exlstlng set backs. It ls unforseeable that thle uEivor of the sct back requirenents should have any negetlve effecte. Duc to the fact that the present bulldtng does not neet these requlFqtents at the prcscnt tfunc. To detc there have been no problens whlch heve erlsen fron thls property not meettng these requlrenents. As to the reletlonshlp of the requestcd verlence to other &stfng or the potentlal usos erd structures ln the vlclrrlty there should be no effect on enJr of these. there ls nothlng dlrectly adJancent to thle propotty rfileh tlrlo additlon nould effect. Tbe addltlon erd rcnovetlon whould crerto & nors attraotive structure rhlch rould €nhenco thls corner. Drs to the lrregularlty of the lot the only poeslble plaoe the eddltlon nould be the east slde of the bulldtng. Stnce, thls area would eccomodate the total addltion nlth the exceptlon of the stainrays. At thts tlme there ls approxtrnately 11585.5 nquaro feet erd ths alloreblo GRFA 7s 6S of the lot area ot 2r]-:95.l+2 squeno feet. Accordtng to these flgures there ls an addltlonar 510 squere feet thet ls elloned. Thls eddltlonel squane feet would pernlt the ormcr to take naximrn edvartage of thc poterttlal use of the lot arxl the renovetlon of the e:clstlng employee houslng ard butlding would nake thls & nor6 deslrable VaIl Vlllcgs prpedy to the contnunity. The varlance would have no effect of the ligtrt ard a1r, transportrtlonr trafflc. facillttee, util"ltles, ard publlc safety. Slncerely, The Deslgn Co., Bobbie Inouye on behaLf of Janes M. Palner atd Dr. Robert Baker lxo ltrrr ouAtArrltr cotlPANY J^,,t,root (pf tr trolrx orTtva at, 'il'(ltk; ll'rLl -rr,\uip r,.rocet.r nnt,ro la'twooD Coton^oo l0ll5 |]u:1,.lrr luf ) ?r'Jl|| ar11 r:nrrtf/.ono nolrttvato ll69J IA5t lrllt avf iiiiivip t<.,i otelo ejr?r otr{v'r' (oro tntlr i)).qi,,t 1tt.17b lr r. 5(l waoswoglll atvo lol. SourH cAlcaot (utOPAOO SPllNOl COIO et9ot ril ii',ri ioro. eozu 61118?l 9N6 011. tl MA|N avtNr,f ldr,r \(! Yostl rIE.sutlt !10 Dtrratlco COlOraDO tllol 6iNuip coLonroo aor:z 2r' 5160 tt9ot?n sot 357 dlo tr,h 5r valt, cotoaADo ll6t, 6i-Nviq. i<)ro somr .t6 2251 o29 r32l 9125 €. HAI/,POEN AVt.ofllvtt, co!o. 80lll,{ lr25 LAi,D TITLE GUARANTEE COM PANY T|TIIE REr Commilmenl No.GV 874.| ,qfPRf.s€NlrlrG T I I L' I NSURANCE COUPANY OF MINNESO'A FINAL AFFID'{VIT AND A(;REET'IENT sTA',l B Otr col,(tR Al)o City and CountY of Denver RE: Ilent propcity nno ,-u.,,'o-"ir, i"-""*a ", 362 Gofe Cfgek Df iVg County of Eagl e Strt€ of Col orado Coktradr), n d m(}r€ parti.ulntlv dcscribcd a3 follows. to wlt: Cor|l raclor ()wner-Sclk r .\ ffrdrvit: See attached Exhjbit "A" made a part hereof as if ful 1y set forth herein. AV ATII I whert.Is.l,a'Mt.t.i!||.(it|arnntr'c(:omp|nvhasissucditscommitmcnt Norv th.rca,,rc,rs ihc Gfneral Contractor and/or GFRALD N. RENNER _-------------_. as thr owror-s(lle ,f rh.' llcal lisratc alrd imorov|'nrerrts k|cntl.d||nth|.hcrelnd(.scr|b|4prrrp|||.tv.b|inPfiIsrdtllys.vor||"'i- liens. o! any richts thcreto. where Do otice ol such licns r)r rights appcnr of record, d(' hcrcby mak( th. tollowirg repteicntations to La:rd Titlc (;uar.rnt.c Cornt)irny. with lull k[Itwh'dqe a|rd int(n! that said comltany shall relv theteon: .ll impt!,r'r.nrtlrrts itn thr'rral {'stntt hercin dr"scribed, basc bcen lraid in { ll "'"'l:'",i'ilLli:i: ,il'i;ll;:;;;:l::1fi;';,:lT:i:T'::,'Ji.H:'i,':::illJ;:l;i:'::""i:,;::' j':::':ffi",ot".r.,,' or t "r,,,e Aueust 23 . - 1o ,-\rt-",? . rrr 7Q 3 ab.rr'r, Qr*-.-..-.-n- GERALD N. RENNER 'l l! for"[0i19 Insltunront s irs ackrr{)r\'lf durd. subs.ribr,d anll srvorrr to b('f rrrt nre rtis -!!f d aav of Augug!- r v *f!._r'v as Grnct,|l C.rtrtraclol NNER /, tt.Z? xs l )wncr'Scll( r. Wrlnos\ trrv h;rn(l an(l (tftictdl sr.|l. lll y c.rrnnrissr tl o r !rircsr Putr h:rt{.r's .1 f f rdn!il The unrt',rsigncd. Purchasr.r(s) of rhc hcrein describ.d prrlporty. lo induce l,and Titlc Cuirrantec C('mpanv ro lsttre its AI,TA LOAN Policy of Titlc Guarrntr.(, (i()nlpaov v!rlh lull knorvlP(lso arld intcnt that s.rid companv sh:rll relv thererxrl I Thrt thf irntrrov(.ments on thp renl cstate hercin d(.scribcd halc been fully comDleaed and havc bren accepted by the undersiBned as completed aDd as sltisfartorv. 2. Thal th' frrll rrurchasr' |'ric{. has bern paid bv said ptrr.hascr(s} to snid co trtrctot and/or Orlnct'Sdl$r'2? ," 793. 'f hnl snr(l t'n't')'{ s 0(IXXX(wrll ho),)cctrl)r.'d bv sdirl ptrrchar(r(s} r)rr orubt'ul Atlqu5 L 4J " t.r|.xtrrl rnr s,r(l trr,tt).'rtv rch( lr hrve n.r( br. tr ||ii(l. 5. l'hll ttrc impr()!( rllcnts hi..lt('d orl said proptrtv. li. lrr th,, lil1ht {rt lh(. t.\'{r)ing lacts. thr urr.tr,rsignd- in corrsldcraaion ol ahc issuanae by Lard Tilh Guat.ntec Company oa a policy ol Tiilt \tq (.- ( J,-ett;^. I^,ALTER A. HUTTNER 'I h. forrgorn* urslytrrnrnt $tas ackrrowk'dged, subscrrbed and sworn to bcfott I L re Jq-b\ -l^lALf ER A. HUTTNER--and-BARBARA--,'L-HIJI t!rtrr. !'!i rrrv hirrtl nrrd ('fftcrrl \i'al. l\l v .''l]tll)i\\r''n r' x r) lrr's : day of Nolar y Puhlic August //. '7 q me lhis as Putchas('r(s) ''4Y 77s/ o EXHTBTT. 4 A part of Tract uB" and a part of l'li'l'l Creek Road, VAIL VILLAGE, flhsr riltltG, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as foliows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Vai'l Vi1lage, Iirst FiIing; thence North 79o 46' 00" l,lest along-the Southir"Iy line of U.S. l-lighvray No. 6 a distance of 367.05 feet to the Nort'h,ast corner of said Tract "8"; thence South l0o 14'00" West a'long the Easterly line of said Tract "B"; a distance of l98.3l feet to tl,e Southeast-er1y corner of said Tract "B"; thence North 79o 46'0(r" uJest along the Southerly line of said Tract "8" a dis- tance of 170.00 feet; thence South 74o 16'00"lr'lest and a'long the Souther.ly line of said Tract "B" a distance of 100.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 090 l0r 07u West a distance of 41'.67 feet; tlence South 88o 27' ll" West a distance of 75.21 feet; thence South 27o 13' 37" East a distance of 77.37 feeti thence North 57o 24' 00u East a distance of 55.11 feet, more or less to the true point of beginning. &. t "-,-:. =- -.. r' 1,. 4,=,,,.. it<'tlttit't's oI rt'cortl for tirhrc tlrr'<'stirte or irrtercst or nr()rlgage llrt'rrrrrr covcrcd ]rv this (irrrrrnilrrrerrl. llr \l l'l-\ l'.SS \\ I l lillE()1",'l'itL' lrtsrrrlnt'c ()orrrpauy of tlirrnesota hls causetl its crrrlxrratr: rrarrrr.iurrl sr.ll l'r lrr. Ircr r.rrnlo aII ircrI ll1' tirlirhrting officlr or othcr arrllrorizcrl sigrurtory, owr'iiR's_TITIE .r'o!!9I__ _ ...'3620c * /.'...r, , 1',' : j I it :: POI lcY )t.4a_ l.,i r,i;'liii-it 6oo.- Jrrr-e |r,rsu nar.rce [or,a nanrv or I j r nr'r EsorA I -1 ','',I ,(- E&^"*ooo( ?osn of Ve1l, Plennlng Depertuent ?5 South trtontage Road tlest Vallr CoLorado To whon 1t ney eoncernr fn regarrls to the va.rianca rcquest for the addltlon erd renovetlon of the Cornlce BulLdtng loeated et J62 Vall Vellcy Hvc, Ve1l, Colorado 8L55?, the naturc of the request ls thet thc set back requlrcncrttc be ralved. At the prcsent tlne the exlstlng bulldtng at verlous polrtta does not meet the set back regulrements of 20' front, I5f sl.dcsr errl 15t rcar. But, thc eddltlon to ths east east slde of the bulldlng ard thc constrmotlon of two st!.roays on the rrcst enl north sldc sre dlstanccs close to or I€ss then varlous polnts of tbe orlstlng set backs. ft ls unforeceable that thte walver of the set back requlrenonts should have arqr negattve effects. Duc to the fect that the present bulldlng does not neet these requlrencntg at thc present tlnc. To date therc have been no problens whloh heve erlsen fron thls property not neeting these requlrenonts. As to the relatlonshlp of the requested vertence to othsr {**t* or tbs potentlal uses ard structures ln the rrlclrrity thcrc should be no affcct on arly of these. There ls nothing dtnectly edJencent to thls property rhlch this addttlon would effect. The addttlon ard renovatlon rtould create 4 noro ettractlve structure whLch woul.d enhance thls corner. Dle to the trregulartty of the Lot the only porelbLe pLacc thc addltlon rrould be the east sl.de of the bulldlng. Since, thls area would aacomrodate the total addttion wlth the exceptlon of thc stalnrays. At thts tlme there ts approadnately 11585.5 squarc fect erd the allowable GRX'A ts 6S of the lot Erea or 2rL9J,42 oquane feet, Accordlng to these fl3rres there ls an additlonal 610 squar€ fect that ls ellon€d. Thls eddltionel square feet rould pernlt the orncr to takc naxluun rdvautage of the potentlal use of the lot arvl the renovatlon of the o<lsttng cnployee houslng ard bu1ldlng would nake thts e noro deslrable Vell VlLlcgc prper{'y to tho connunlty. The vartance trould have no effect of thc llgt* ard elr, transportcttonr trafflc faetlltl"es, utiLltles, ard publlc safcty. The Design Co.r Bobble Inouye on beheLf of Ja:ncs M. Pa}ner ard Dr. Robert Baker LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COM PANY RfPRESENI INA T II Lt INSORANCE COUP^NY OF MINNESOI A .LqHD llltr OUARANIC! COl'lPAtrY f tnrvu; tit't- lt)titi ir{'ia !/!' tjli;i.15 1;;lil .-. I,ir'r,ir.'rri.on".'ur tArlwooo,(otofaooto2l5,...-.tl trljr (rlrtrOOO iOUlrvAlD llA?J tASl lrlrt Avf biiivir't,.rr.o*.oo acirt otNvlc colo 002ll .)t Dl\l '5l rlu l r so u/^DSwOpIlt BLvD 3Ol SOUIII C.:CAO[i,,;" -;r CorOlAoO SPRINOS, CAIO lofol d,iil i ioro m2?r 6]. .B2l 948 0t5c t2l I A,rAlN AV(r.ltJCjdr, c/' rOttMtIE 5utlt 310 4',tlAllGO, (OIOIAOO tll0l dlrJ\,rp coloRAoo 8olJ, 2rl 1360 /tgol?o BOX 15/ 650 ttrh Sl VAII COIORAOO tl65t DrNv r, COIO !0202 .t62trl 617.152) 9125 t. 'taMPOaN AVt otNvtt, coto.802ll,i0 lrliRE: Commitmena No.GV 874.| FINAL AFFID"AVTT AND A(IREEI\TENT s] ^'Ili oI" coLr)lt Alx) City and CountY of Denver REi li(nr pr.'pcrty "nn ,-u,.""-"i,. i,i"t"a ', 362 Gore Crgek Dr j Ve Corrnt y of Eagl e Sti']e of Col oradoi|1 the Colrlrado. and rnorc particul|tlv describcd as follows. lo wit: See attached Exhib'i t "A" made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. AV R7A] Wherrari. l,a'd f ill'. (;uarlDt.c (:ompanv has issued ils Commitment N". -:j_::-j- covcrrnf said prr)pe rtv: C.rntrdctor, | )sDl'r-Sellr.r,\ f frdirl,it: 'l hr f,,r,' ro_flr,y N".rw t harc 1()re.as thc Gencral Contractor and,/or rs lhr t_)w|rcr'Sr.llrr of th(' llritl listate n|r.] iml)t(r1r'm{'trts |.*^'*'.*tI'.,|l..'.-iiHfi;li;;iil:b.ffirr1l.s..ofirrd.rcilr*t,^nd,l.i.k.Gunrirnl|ccl)mD![yt('isrl'litsAl,TA te[s. or aiy (;uaren!.c Cornt)any. wrth full krowk'dgc arrd in!ent thaa said comPnnv shall rclv thereon: (lf imttrr,\'( nrorrts on lhe r.irl .stntl' hercin dtscribtd. bave bctn Itaid in tttll as ti) nnv mattri:rls. at)l)li:rtrc.s. frxtur('s or ftrrrri$hings plilcr'd uDon or irstrllcd in said prcmlsc$ 3. That .rll of the imDrovrments constructed on th{'rr'al ustate hareh dcscribed were complelcd on o. be{ore ts 79 3 abovc. GTRALD N. RENNER !()irrg t s(r'ulnrnt wns acknoN l('(hcd. subsr'rib{d and slv(,rll io lrt'fort nrc rtis 23Fd a"v,'r August August 23 as Gcnrr l C(rrrlraclot Wrlncl's mv ha'r(l t lll t'fficial s( al. Ivl y conrnrirsrorr r.xpir($i / Notary Public as ()rvn{:r-Scllct. y'- t z, P!r( hrscr's .\ ffrd,r!il Thollnrll.rslqno(l'|'l|i.ha5'lr(s)ofthchercindcrcribcdpr.|perty.toinducet,andTitl0Gui|rantee Guar.Irto(' C()nrt)itnv rvilh tull k itwlod*aatrdintenlth:ltsltidcr)mpanvsh llrelythereotli I I'hl|t th. ltnDr(,v(mc.ots on tlr. real cstate her(,in d*scribrd havc been fully comDteted and havc bt'en accepted by the nndersiBncd as complel€d arlrl ns ! tistartoiv. 2. That thr, flllt purchasc prico has be.n paid bv said prrrahrser(s) to said contractor and/or O\XneFsrltr. 3. 'l hal s.rid prrnliscs o(rxXX(will l)e) ltcc(rpitrd bv said ptrr(hlstr(s) rrn or b('ut lt''i.il'li'z: 4''|.h;ltlhl'un(tfrstgt||(lar.|r.|ti|\vaf{..'fa||vbil|sJ.lrscrvices.lal)(,r()rma!(Iia|susodinconncttil)ntvi.hthcconstrct|onof l(\.at{,il on srid l)roprrtv rvhilh h.r!c tlrtt brrlr p id. 5. l'hnl llx imptovr'rnrnts l,'cntr'.1 r)o said !)top(rtv, {i'|nthi.||(htl'fthc'(l|.F'lir|gfacts'th(t|||(lrsiBDed. .rs 79 . thc imProvolnents WALTER A. HUTTNER l'lrt f,,r, *orng rrslrunr.:nt was irr)krlowl( dged, subscrlbed r $ ,29_b! \!rtr.\\ '||v hin.l .rl(l olfrcr;rl s, al. I\l v .,,fi rm ir\r'rrr r xprrrs: 23rd and sworn t(J before me this - daY oI C*.t.^ L?L.LEr c- Augus t L W"tC L- ( )n'ett;.^. as Purchascr(s). <i=.'-rJ (/tno-= lnL.//- 79 ?"s/ o o EXHIBIT A ('rlttir('s (lI r('cor(l for litltrr'llrr' cst:rtt ()r inl(.rost or nx)rtg ge llrr.rnotr covfrc(l hv lltis (irrrrrrrittrrt.rrl. lll \1 l'l'\ l.SS \t I l l',llUOt", 'l it h' Ittstrr:rtcc ()orrrpurry of Ititrtresota has causetl ils corlxtnrt(: rllr||('iur(| sclll.) l)r |tt'tt'tttt]tra|'|i,rr'rlllyitsrlrr|yarrt|r<lr.izr'r|tl||itt'rstrnt|tct|irtes|xllvrr valitlatinE o[[i<r,r or otlrer nrrtlurrizlrl sigruttoryr olilNi;R'.S_TfTrE..ro!lcy _-...3320C_ /.i.;, ,'1'':: Iil :: POtICY-.- h'@* 5oa- A part of Tract t'grrand a part of l'lill Creek Road, VAIL VILLAGE' FIitST FILING, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Corrnencing at the northeast corner of Vail Village, lirst Filing; thence North 79o 46' 00" West along-the Southerly line of U.S. l-lighr'ray No. 6 a distance of 367.05 feet to the Northrast corner of s;id Tract "B"i thence South l0o 14'00u llest alon1 the Easteriy line of said Tract "B"; a djstance of .|98.31 feet to tt'e Southeasterly corner of said Tract "B"; thence North 79o 46'0(r" l,lest along the Southerly line of said Tract "B" a dis- tance of 170.00 feet; thence South 74o 16'00"'llest and a'l ong the Southerly line of said Tract "B" a distance of 100.00 feet to the true poiirt of beginning; thenc9 North 09o l0' 07u l'lest a distance of 41.67 feet; thence South 8Bo 27' 'll" West a distance ot 75.21 feeti thence South 27o 13' 37" East a distance of 77.37 feet; thence North 57o 24' 00u East a distance of 55.11 feet' more or less to the true point of beginning. Jrrr-e lr,r su nanrce florvr nnr.rv or l'; j r rrr N EsorA ,.i t' 4 ,'.''I ,.3'/2.tt.-.* nffi*'** PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail wi'|l ho'ld a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vajl on July 14, 1.986 at 3:00 PM in the council chambers in the VaiI municipal bui'l ding. Consideration of: 1. A request for a Gross Residentja'l Floor Area variance jn order to enclose ten balconies in ten different units at the Treetops Condomjniums located on Lot 6, block l, Vail Lionshead First Fi'l ing. Applicant: Treetops Condom'in'ium Association 2. A request to amend the Ski Base/Recreation District of the Town of VaiI to allow outdoor food and beverage cart vending associated with perm'itted and conditional uses. Applicant: Hi Ho Hot Dogs 3. A request for side, rear and stream setback variances in order to construct an additjon to the Cornice Building located at 362 Vai'l Valley \ Drive. Applicant: James A. Palmer 4. A request to amend the Town of Vai'l zoning code to repeal and reenact Section .|8.13,080 A, Density Control , to provide that the secondary unit in the Primary/Secondary zone district shall not contain more than 40% of the tota'l square footage. Applicant: Town of Vail The applications and information about the proposals are availab] e in the zoning adminis+-rator's office during regular office hours for public i nspecti on . TO}JN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPART]VIENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vai'l Trail on June 27, 1986. /']- A -/-/ e /z ', /re o luwn 75 soulh trontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 7, 1986 Mike Palmer Mike Pa'lmer Real Estate 362 VaiI ValIey Drive Vail, Colorado 8.l 657 Re: Cornice Building Dear Mi ke: I am writing to you to .inquire as to your plans for the cornice Bujlding. It has been some time sjnce the Planning Commission reviewed this proposal . At that time, you requested a tabling of your application to itudy other alternatives. If you still plan to propose some type of development on the site, I wouid encourage you to contact me to discuss the nature of these improvements. If you have abandoned any plans for additional development on the site, we would request you to formal 1y withdraw your application in a letter addressed to the P'l anning Comm iss ion. It would be helpful to know what your plans are for this property- At this point, we would like to see some action taken with this application, whetheri t be a nrodified proposal or to have it withdrawn. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss this matter. Si ncere ly, ^\"3hs'\* Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr excepti onng excepllon. and a var an add'i ti on PEC 10/28/85t -2-o 3.st for side and rear setbac vari ances densi contro ri ance waEercourse er to cons Mike Palmer Tom Braun gave the staff presentation regarding the requested variances, the.background of the project, impacts of the request, and stt recommendationof denial . Mike Palmer presented the a'pplicant's request and further describedthe proposal . : Affeldt felt this definiibely a- grant of special privilege unless the applicant could show otherwise. Donovan felt that parking issue was critical and severlyrestricted any further development. Schultz agreed with Affeldt. Hopkins fe'lt the build'ing needed remodeling and a personality change. Vie'le felt the parking was critical , although he also fe'l t respect for the owner with respect to theright to develop his property. There was general discussion regarding the employee housing restrictions on theproperty, with additional concerns from Hopkins and Affeldt were ra'ised aboutthe stream encroachment request. The applicant requested to table the request to 11/25. Affeldt moved and Donovan seconded to table until lll25 and the vote was 5-0 in favbi of tabling. f, {\ 4. A lgqygst for g setback varignce in order to add !n east entry to the Concert Rick Pylman gave the staff presentation outlining the proposal with a staff recommendaijon for approval. He explained the locatioir oi the stairway andstated that the staff felt the use was compatible with existing uses iir thevicinity and was not a grant of special privilege. Mark Donaldson gave the presentation for the applicant. Affeldt questioned howthis was not a grant of special privilege. Rick.,cormented that it wasn't becauseof locations of existing buildings. Patten gave sone history of the developmentof Lionshead. Quayle agreed to improve conditions of the wa1 kway adjacent to Rat 'n Wi I 1i e's.Affeldt moved and Sid seconded to approve the re est with conditions That Quayle aqree to the wa acent trees an hts be relocat area near r srle.vote was 5-avor,staff to write a etter neros requesting that t roof be improved atop Charlie's T-shirt shop. The and was meeting of L2/23 wi'll be cancelled. Peter encouraged the commissioners to attend. A cond ucted . explained the Keystone conference short discussion of GRFA ordinance l. (Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Commission October 28, 1985 Request for side and rear setback variancesr a densitycontrol variancer a parking variance r and a variance tothe required setback fron i major streamcourse i.n orderto construct two additional units with a total of 6A9square feet of GRFA to the Cornice Building, Applicants:Jim Palmer and Dr. Robert Baker. DESCR]PTION OP VARIANCE REQUESTED The five variances requesEed are necessary in order tocons_truct the proposed addition to the Cofnice Building.The.following i-s a statistical breakdown of existing develoi-nent on this site: Lot Size:.Q84 ac/3 r659 stAllowable GRFA: 2,I95 sfAllowable # units: 2 Existing GRFA: I,677 sfExisting # Units.:4Existing Comrnercial: 195 sfProposed GRFA: 2 t 29.6 sfProposed # Units: E Required parking: 7 spaces - Existing parking on site: 0 spacesRequired parking under this proposal: lO spacesParking provided with this pioposal: O spaces As this table- demonstratesl the existing development on thissite is over its allowable number of uniis and vlry deficientin required on-site parking spacea. The proposed additionrequires variances for the -aaa:.tional two units, a variarrc"for 91 square feet of GRFA over the allowable, and a variancefrom lhe 3 additionar parking spaces that wourd u" ""qui..dfor th.i s proposa f . in addi tion to these variance-s, anexception would have to be granted to the required 5g 'fooi setback from the centerline of Gore Creekl aJ well as sideand rear yard setback variances. The remaining portions of this memo will address each of thevariances requested with respect to the factors to beconsidered in evaruating these reguests. r.olrowl"g-lhi"analysis, staff recomniendations;iIt be given for eachspecific request as well as for the project proposal as awho.Le. o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT3 I. t I o II. CRTTERIA AND FINDINGS Upon rgyiew of Criteria and Findingsr Section 18.62 of theMunrclpa-[ Code, the Department of Communitv Deve ].oomentrecommenos den1al o e requested varlances seo on IOJ.IOV'Inq Consideration of Factors The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or poEenE,].aJ- uses and structures in the vicini tv- A. Density Control fhe*iOOi€fona1 9-l sguare feet of GRFA requested withthis proposal would not have a significant impact onuses or etructures in the vicinity in and of itself. However, the additional units proposed would have anegative impact. Most significant of these impacte wouLd be the required on-site parking that is not anelement of this proposal. In addition, 6 units on thisextremely small parcel would generaJ. ly overcrowd thesI.te. B.Se tba cks The proposed addition would extend to some 3 to 5 feetfrom the propertyrs southerly boundary. fhe proximityof this structure would have a negative impact on the existing walkway that is located adjacent Co theapplicantrs property. While the existing structure isnon-conforminq with respect to existinq setback require-ments' this pioposal wolul.d increase tliat degree of non-conformance. This increased encroachment would havenegative impacts on existing and future uses in this area. C. Stream Setback Because of existing development on this site and in thevicinityr thi,s encroachment into the required 5o footsetback of Gore Creek is not seen as having significantnegative impacts. Parking As was mentioned previously in lhis memor additionaL development on this eite would have negative impacts on this area with respect to parking. While this proposaldid not address the additional parking that would berequired from this additionr it has been assumed that t.he applicant would request some type of variance from this requirement. One can further assume that parking demand generated by this addition would be accommodated D. by parking on adjacent properties or inVail parking structure. neither of theseare acceptable to the staff as a solution the Town oftwo optionsfor meetingthis parking .requit€ment: The degree to "which-"?d"tlef "-from"'the Strict "or Literal n EerDre on an enr orcemen eo re on ].snecessaro ac eve comDarea tmen amon o es ln ev e$,ou tvo Ec ran oa a n cta rt.v e e. fL {it}.r -ttr-e ex€eption -of ' the 'btr-eEni-boui:.ib-se'fback requirement Iit is felt that each of these requests would be J grant ofepecial privilege if they were to be approved. The aiplicanthas failed to dernonstrate to the staff what justificationthere would be to grant these requests. Because existingdevelopment on this site and on adjacent sites encroach intothe required setback from Gore crEek in a number of cds€srit is felt that this request woufd not be a grant of specialprivilege. Consequentli, with the exception of the variancefor the reguired setback from a streamcourse, each of theserequests wouLd be a grant of special privilege if they wereapproved. Ihis is particularly true with respect to therequest for additinal units considering that absoLutely noparking is provided on site. The effect on Iight and airr distEibution of populationr utili t.e A. Density Control The additional two units proposed vrith this appticationwould increase the density on a site that i-s- alreadyover developed. The most direct impact with respect tothis increase would be on the distribution of populationand transportation and traffic facilities. ft is thefeeling of the staff that to provide accommodations forany additionaL number of people is inappropriate.Effects on transportation and traffic faciliies -will beaddressed under the parking variance request. B. Setbacks The most signficant effect on the above factors wouldbe- on public facilitiesl specifically the walkwayadjacent to this pr.operty. Discussion his taken pfac6concerning the future development of a pedesirianconnection be t$reen this area an d Ford p-a rk . Theproximity of this proposal would have a negative impacton both the existing walkway and any future developmentof this walkway. a C c.Stream Setback There will be no mentioned factors se tba ck. significant with respect irnpacts on the aboveto the required stream D.Parkinq ---.-,Tbg inability of ,this .site to provide on-site parkingwould have a direct effect on transportation andtraffic facilities. Approving this request wouldindirectly encourage additional parking in the VaiLTransportation Center, on adjacent propertiesr or alongVail Valley Drive. fllegal on-street parking wouldcreate problems for buses, snov, plowsr and generalcirculation in an area that is already a poor situation.Staff feels that it is the responsibilfty and obliga-tion of this site to be capable of accommodating iLsrequired parking dernand. This issue has not beenadeguately addressed through this application. { RELATED POLICIES TN VATLIS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN There are no goals outlined in the Action plan that would beapplicable to this request. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems a licableto the proposed reques III. FINDINGS That the granting of the variance will not constitute agrant of special privilege inconsistent with the linitations on other properties claseified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental tothe public health, safetyr or hrelfare, or materially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the varianee is warranted for one or more of thefollowing rea sons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentt The Planning and Environmental Comnission shaII make the.following findinq with the objectives of this title. trhere are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the site of the variance thatdo not apply generally to other-properties in the sane--zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe same district. ITI. STAFF' RECOMMENDATION the following are staff recommendations for variancesreques ted: A. Density Control This request is for 2 units and 9l square feet of GRFAover r.that is allowed under existing zoning. The staffcan find no justification for supporting this requesc.Physical hardship has not been eJtablished, and -it isrert that it rrould be a grant of special privirege tograq! this request. The site is simply nol capable ofhandling any additional density. B. Setbacks To grant these setbacks would have a negative impact onan existing walkway adjacent to this property and ingeneral overcrowding on the site. Staff recommendationfor the reguested setback variances is denial. Streamcourse Setback As has been mentionedl there ls a great deal of existing development located within the 5g foot setback fromGore Creek. The encroachment from this proposal isminimal. Staff can support this element of the request. Park ing The applicant has not established any basis with whichto recommend approval for a parking variance. Thezoning code requires that development in the HDMF zonedistrict provide on-site parking (75/* of which must beenclosed). Because of site constraints, there i.sinsuffi.cient parking for existing development on thesite. Staff cannot support a request for additional development which would increase this discrepancy andfeels strongly that it is irresponsible site planning to ignore the parking requirements for development onthis site. fn considering this request, it is obvioue that this site is unable to accommodate the -additibnal development proposed. Staffstrongly recommends that the Planning Commission deny this request. c. D. { I Law OFF|CES CoscRtrr, DuNN & AepLaNaup A PAFINERSHIP OF FROFESSIONAL CORFORAIIONS P O- Box 34o Var L, CoLoRAoO I t658 (303) 476-7552 PETER COSGFIIFF JOHN W, OUNN ARTHU FT A. ABPLANALE JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN CoscRlFF, DUNN 6 BERRY P. O. BOX ll LEADVI LLE. COLORADO 8046I 1303t 466- rAA5 8 August L985 t{r. A. Peter Patton, Jr. Zoning Administrator Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, Colorado 81657 RE: Cornice Buildinq Dear Peter: As you will recall, we have on several occasions reviewed the manner in which the Cornice Building might be renovated to provide a more attractive structure in the Townof Vail-, consistent with the Townrs desire that the struc-ture continue to provide employee housing and with the goal of the owner to take maximum advantage of the potential ofthe lot on which the Cornice Building is located. As far back as L982, I believe we agreed that the GRFA formula would permit an additional 610 sguare feet on this property, if other land use concerns, such as set-back limitations, were satisfied. In May of 1983, I directed to you a letterrequesting confirmation of our understandings and, while Ibelieve we discussed and confirmed these figures, I have nowritten evidence of our agreement. The impediment of the employee housing limitation having been removed, the purposeof this letter is to reiterate the contents of my letter ofl,Iay, 1983, in an effort to confirm our understanding of the Town of Vail!s position then and now. l4y notes indicate that we determined that thetract upon which the Cornice Building is located includes3,659 square feet. Under the Town of Vait zoning regu-lations, the allowable GRE.A is 508 of the lot area in the zone district in questj-ont or 2rL95.42 square feet. Mynotes also indicate that t're determined that there presentlyexistta total of 1,585.5 feet in gross residential floorarea in the Cornice Building, including 676 square feet onthe ground level and 909.5 square feet on the second level. Based upon these calculations, my notes indicate our agree- ment that, as far as the gross residential floor area rdas concerned, the Cornice Building is permitted 510 additional Note from Town of Vail: These numbers are not based accurate information on thefootage anci are an estimate square footage would requir:e A.P r Pat confirm in writing the position of the To\,rrn. Mr. Peter PattonI August 1985 Page Two square feet under the GRFA formula applicable to this lot.Naturarry' the property has other difficulties with refer-ence to where the additional square footage may be con-structed, but I am dealing at this time onty witfr tnequestion of arlowable GRFA. Those other diificulties, suchas set-back limitations, would naturally need to be remediedprior to any construction which would olherwise violatethose restricti_ons. These calculations, you may recall, do not takeinto consideration the credit lvaitabl-e for storage space,nor is the floor space having a ceiring of less tfran six andone-half feet, which includes the Loft and basement of thisstructure, included in the calculations charged against thebuildingts alrocati-ons. Add.itionally, the circuritions ofexisting floor space are naturally bised on our measure-ments, and, in the event our measurements of the floor spaceare incorrect, it would be necessary to adjust the GRFAfigure which we have used according-ly. If the calculations discussed above are, in fact,correct' r would appreciate the courtesy of your signatureto the enclosed copy of this letter in order- that w6 rnight our on having LANALP tJ by Dr. Huttner. Any deter;nination oftectural plans. fi nal AAAJr:das xc: Dr. Walter HuttnerMr. Larry Eskwith LTRS COSGRIFF, d,*- $"[- ,^L ult^^t '\_ 5rr\ ? AT\ ^^(-ocvr\'<- llfl?tea6Kloor"\-- {n- ? -\rQt \.\ '.,l'of "= l' | -hr\"',1 ,d V# t4:n ^ry(r,^ 1r'*.- cQsw u? q*- It L 64 a- " Pocko*I +0'. 65urq, a^'./!-r.r,,., Lt^*r^^-(, ' Arl.Q*\.- cL! L /rt^* J)^."A,t^- $lt* (a f ,{ .{."1. "t"a!- I t.7"{ tr*p,^+/ Irl+" U* o^*^\.!] ;r- \\^*- ,.-lp"\"-{ 'fi l, i" \"'..r'* | * '1,rs\ *"y;1 \-. ,..8-a- tJ*. rl t f\\ l\,k'" - >\"1). f& w'r!.'\- \ oli^,L ";,$r +-.> [-,) I J.'on* : fr.1^", *- D ^n.kv*. '\,r! u^.',lj T9 ) ur\ ll. tt/l*4\^,\ . ,(t.b\e,t"^ o&Ar^V J...^."-$ot.-- 7*r.-Q s;L , ry/ te J- ,tl^l^ z'L ?; \? r^\l-L A.-L*\ {- [t\^\."- go-'-'^L 9-o / I -{.. t-/ I'F< \ l'r I Aueugt 1.9' 1986 Ionr of Vel,]. Vsll, Coloa.do Gcrtlocn: lttlrInoNuE}lfirPlfxnnG of thr tovn of Vrl]' Turad dorn r rcqucat f,or e rall,rmc fon thc onlrraocnt ard Luplrov@ut of t'hc Comtot Bulldlw rt thc lrct nc.ti,ttg,. tlc nould ltlc to srrbntt I tld.!'g propoerl rt thfu tlnc to thr lonn of Vel.I Councl.l for thctr revLov erd cpprovr].' IPPEAUINC th. d.oisiodl ot thc m.lorr!.ntr1-Pbtu|fne Co"|!rr,!!i.on. Slrc.!.\Y; o L&#^ ^ $m*,,D Irltcr A. lluttn ! I'!.D. (fuilfu-- Da te DAT E-_._ Se:llernb-er_ =?? ,__l 936 _ . .___ I Augus i-?.5,-J,98€ :t I i n q ,'r 'v a l i a rrc i: .T lt,."ri,r,I i'.-,; tiOn i-.rniitr:d. Ntu'lI Ci: ArPL ] CAtr i _ _J Pa I mer AD[)AIr55 3q;l-_..,,q,1 | Va) l:r-v lJri\,'c , Va i1 ,4pl orado Blir57 Irlrit 0F APPL_ti:AltT, AUORISS P.0, Liox -\ ili:i'ir.IStf,iiATI Vi i!r'. Vi ctor tler.k Dori,t ldirrn. ri:ii li0ll , Avr-in, Colorado 31620 Appl ication PLC i'lf.tTifiG iill)i- lCAil0N f 0ll A VARIANCI, ll . .l Pt'ocedi.;t',.' i: :' :,.; .r ii'ld nc,t l'!o .i::,ri-i---| ,r..:(, I i I ior dnl/ pr'.;,.icr:t r,:li iirfolrriai.ion l rl,,Jiir 476-1370 Fli0lli. 9.'19-:,?00 il,/',l.i[ 0F OtiXEIi{S) (type o !-rs-td.ure{s.,'_: r print)Dr. ldalter Huttner ^- dntffi^l , Colorado Bl65/ 4i- rVy on';dJt<, r'-, 7Xltr? SS f,,1fa P RO PO SAL ili +76/3?o L I.CCATION OF ADDRESS 362 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 L IGAL DTSCR I P I i O;\i LO i B t.OC K t.F[[ $t o0 PAj o IIIE FTI NUST 8I PAID fOUR IROPOSAL. FILIIiG ./ ,^/y61ll ^,L/' cK '# /<Z ( FRol'l J. Mike Palmer 0tf'0Rl- Illt CCi'ii'luNtTY Ui:ViL0PMENI DtPARll'lIlli tilri- r,CCtpT 1l il Ti t-r' PI II]. A I ist of the no,n*r^9.f .:Ir':1: 9l gli property adjacenL t,o the subjecr pr.opertyiIiCLUDING Pn0PERTY BtlliND AN0 ACR0SS htnlets-, anl tneir mailinq art,tressui. - ' il15 APPLIcANf 1^liLL BE RtspONSIBi I r;OR c0RR[cT MAii_tNG ADDRESSLi. :*tll.!l9A,r_]QN c[]NItRr-N(:t HITH A Pl-ANNit{G sTAFi: t'tr"1BEil rs sTRoricl-y sur-]ci..si[0eTtR[liNf lF ANY AD0tTI{iNAL Illr{]Rl4Ait0tf'l:i rlrr,i-rEr.l. -uo-nppirlgrtot hrlr-L BI!TE0 UNL[;SS IT l5 COl'lPLtIi iI4UST INCLUtt ALL iTEI'IS REQUIRED 6y THr. Z0r{ rri6I.i.::]R4iOI]. IT IS THi APPLiCAIIT'5 iiTSPONSiBILITY TO ilNXr RII APPOINTNIIIl'lliE STiiFF'i0 i:.Ii10 0ur AE0UT ADDiTI0NAL suBr'irTTAL RE0r.rItiil'rEhi:r. j[ NOiE TijAT A Ii0ilfl.iJi rippr.rc/rTI0N r,ltLL sTRr-r\r,1lINE T]rE AppRiJVAL {rncc[ss FCRPR0Jrcr IY DicliE/iSi.r'" liii- i'i'Li],iiiEii or ior'rolrrciii;0F Appncvrli- IiiAt tltE f,Li\ttfjir{c:l{VIR0l'i11[NiAi* C0t'1NIS5iOi,i i"lA)'SitPUl_/\Tt. ALL f.OiiDITi0NS 0i: AirpR0VAL MUST 0aIED l{ITIi B[i:{]ll[,i EiJlt-0lt'ic , iltf.1ti Is istm.D. (4 ) C()Pl tS Ci: iiii: Ftr.t 0|iil'tc I4UST Bt SLrBi.it I t-tD: \ I.JRITTEN STA.iI.IlINi OiJ THi PRICISE NATIJRt- Oi: IIIi: VARIAI'Ici RIQUTSiID AIItl TIiI IIEGULATI0N INV0LViir. Tilt STAI$,ltNT tlUST ALS0 AijDRESS: l. The relationslri! cf rhc requested varjance Lo other exisljrig or potential uses and:::ructi.rr-es.i ri ihe vicinity, l. The degree to which relief from the strict or Iiteral interpreta'Lion andenforcetrent of a-specified reguletion is.necessary to achieie conrpatibilityand unil'orrlity of treatnrent among sites in the viiinity or to attain theobjectirles of this title without grant of special privi lege. trt 0vrr VICTOR A4ARK DONALDSON . ARCHITECT Box 5300. Avon, Colorodo 81620 .303/949-5200 August 25, 1986 Mr. Thomas A. Braun Totvn Pl anner Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 RE: PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF THE CORNICE BUILDING 362 Vajl Va11ey DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom: Please accept this letter and accompanying information as our applicationfor a var:iance(s) with regard to thb above described real properry. I have prepared drawings for thjs redevelopment scheme based upon theprogram-requirements of my.client, Mr. J. Mike palmer. We are proposingto provide covered (mostly) parking for four cars on sjte with the re- - mainder of required parking to be purchased from public facilities. Thisproposal includes a total of five residential units as shown with a totalgross residential floor area of 2,665 square feet. Obviously"this proposal also includes a request for variances from the requirements of the high-density multiple-family (HDMF) district to allow such improvements to take place. 1. tllith regard to the requirements in "18.20.050 Lot Area andSite Dimensions.", we beiieve that this parcel would be considereda pre-existing, non-conformance use, and continue as such. 2. 18.20.060 Setbacks. |rle hereby request approval of the setbacks as shown on the drawings. 3. 18.20.090 Density Control . We hereby request approval of fiveresidential units and 2,665 square feet of GRFA as shown. 4. 18.20.130 Landscaping and Site Deveiopment. In lieu of the minimum shapes of landscape areas, we hereby request that the 1,550 square feet of landscaped areas (42%) be approved. 5. 18.20.I40 Parking and Loading. |.,1e hereby request approval toprovide the remainder of the parking spaces w.i thin public fac i I i ti es (by other agreement ) . - a ffm' Mr. Thomas A. Braun August 25, 1980 Page 2 Given this opportun'ity to consider redevelopment of this project withthe program as stated, I have amived at a solution which I be'lieve has !g!!q" proportions in mass and appears more responsjve to this verydifficult site configuratr'on. llb'have brought iarking onto the siie and propose to extend and embel'lish the public way adjacent to th.is deve'lop-ment. The existing commercial use is being e1 iminated and in general hte are proposing a more careful'ly articulated building design for this valuable parcel of 'land. Please let me know when your staff has reviewed this app'l'ication in order for me to assist in any inquiries that may arise. 'Thank you foryour assistance with this applt'cation. Feel frie to contact myself orMr. J. Mike Palmer at 476-1370. Respectful ly submitted, VMD/ l rdcc: Mr. J. Mike Palmer enc.: drawings - 4-''. PRESENT Diana Donovan Bri an Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy Osterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz ABSENTl-iiTiete The meeting was called to order by l. Approval of minutes of July Duane Piper's name had been omitted correction, Diana Donovan moved and minutes. Vote was 5 in favor, with PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL July 28, 1986 COMMISSION STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Kri stan Pritz Betsy Rosolack the chairman, Duane Piper. 14, 1986. from the list of those oresent. hlith this Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve the one Hookins abstaininq. 2.Are es!setback front and rear ens I A and on Tract Va App'l icant: Dr. llalter Huttner and Mr. Robert Nelson \--_ Tom Braun explained the request. He stated that the present building wou'ld be demoljshed and a new building with 7 unjts constructed. At the present time there exists one open market condominium and 3 units restrjcted to long term employee housing. The property is required to prov'ide 3long term employee units as stipulated in an agreement signed in 1985 as a result of the 1979 PEC approval . t,lhiIe the density control provisions in this zone distri ct (High Density Multi-Fami1y) al 1ow only 2 un'i ts, the existing unit coupled with the employee housing agreement results in a 1ega1 nonconformjng sjtuatjon of 4 units being permitted if 3 units are employee housing. The level of development proposed is entirely inconsistent wjth existing zoning'l imitations in the vicinity of this site. The density proposed is equivalentto 83 dwelljng units per acre, more dense than any in Vai1. The staff felt that this level of development would create significant overcrowding and congestion problems on the site and in the vicin'i ty of the s'i te. l.'lhile thestaff felt some consideration for setback vani ances may be warranted because of the lot size, the opposite is true when considering density control variances. The staff fe1 t that this would be a grant of special privilege. Braun then added that in studying the area for the Vail Village Master Plan, the staff felt that this was an inappropriate site for additjonal development due to its extremely smalI size, jts awkward Iocation on Vai'l Va1 iey Drive and impacts of the future parking structure addition. It is felt that 7 units onthis site would present negative impacts relative to the potential number of people who could be accommodated jn this location. The site has had no on-site parking for a number of years- In 1979 an appiication was made to the Planning Commission to add I surface parking space to this site. Because of concerns ts to constr e First Filin over safety and traffic cjrculatjon, the planning commission denied thisrequest. Braun stated that the staff felt that this deve'l opment proposal has shown no consideration for existing development guidelines outlined in thezoning code. Mark-Dona] dson, architect for the project, stated that he agreed with thestaff's evaluation, but that economics required 7 units beciuse of the 3 whichwould remain employee units. He added that the applicant had removed the realestate office and placed parking on site and that the units were modest, andthe circulation was kept to a minimum. He asked for feedback on what the Townwanted on the site. Pam Hopkins fe] t that the added density was the issue and the park.i ng andaccess were a problem. she asked if the applicant could pay into thi parking fund and was told that the code does not allow for this. 'Hipkins statid thalthere was a real problem on that road in the w.inter months. sid schultz agreed that the added density was a major concern. He did not see how the board could look at any density over 4 that did not a] low for 3 employee units. Diana Donovan felt that the added density was a real pnoblem.For-thjs zone, only 2 units would be allowed--the extra units were a1 lowed onlyif 3 were to remain employee units. She reminded Donaldson that thjs board wainot allowed to considen economic issues. Donovan felt that the added heightmight create more shade, that traffic was a poor situation and should not befurther impacted. Donaldson asked if on-sjte parking was considered a positive feature, and Donovan answered that she had trouble with parking in general, that ihe did notlike to-see the problem answered with, "park in pirking struciure.,, She didnot feel parking for tZ autos shou'l d be in the structuie, but also djd not feelthere should be any more impacts on traffjc at this corner. Duane Piper stated that he could see some compromise with providing someparking on site and some in the structure. He felt that the site flan wasgood, but that sometimes the numbers simply don't work. Donaldson answered that obviously they were asking for too much. RobertNelson, one of the applicants, asked what was on ihe surface of the road atpresent and was told it contained an experimental product that wou'l d de-ice the road . bbs moved Hopki n seconded to den request as roposed because to ran e requ SE WOU e vote was 6-0 inavoroT oenta -?- i.L/ PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vai1 will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on September 22, 1986 at 3:00 PM in the Town Counc'i 1 chambers in the Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: l. Request for front and stream setback variances in order to construct an addition on Lot 16, Bighorn Fourth Addition. Applicant: l{illiam D. Benkelman 2. Request for a conditjonal use permjt jn order to install 'l anding mats on the upper bench of Ford Park. Appl i cant: Town of Vai I 3. A request for setback, parking and density control variances to construct a new building at 362 Vail Va1 1ey Drive (Cornice Building). Applicant: l'lalter A. Huttner 4. Request to apply Greenbelt and Natural Open Space zoning to an unzoned parcel of land located on the North Frontage Road and bounded on two sides by Breakaway West Condominiums, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, State Highway Parcel 24. Appl i cant: Town of Vaj l A1 so, a work session on the Vail Village Master Plan at l:00 PM. THE PUBLIC IS ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND AND COMMENT. The app'l ications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office durjng regular office hours for publ ic i nspecti on. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on September 5, 'l 986 "' / ... /,r c/ / ,/ /" ?o*n of VelI VelI, Colorsdo ^l Septenrbcr 26, L986 Ocntlcnenr EX{\|IR0N}!E!EAIFPI"AN}III{G of tbe Town of VetL Trrrrcd dorsn e rcqucst f,or r ver{,rlrcc for thc cnlergmcnt crd tnpnovencttb of thc Cornlco Butlding et thc lart ncctlng. Ws nsuld llltc to gubmi.t e sLu1.118" proposrl rt thle tLnc to thc Xsryn of Vell Council for thclr rcvJ.cv rrd approveJ.' APPEAIJffi ths dcelslon of thc M.ronnantrl-Plrnnlng Connlgcion. Stncsrclyt Projecl Application Proiect Name:';rrr:ice lr,:lLdlnf, RenorJcl :; Additl.on :iepternber 9, 1985 Contact person and ,non" i i.obet ta itsobble The Dcelsn Co, or Filke Palner Owner, Address and Phone: ':rrjer eont-ract t Jancs l'1. Fal"ner ard ir. Robett Beker, 476-13?O Architect, Address and phone: : ' ,ans bjrr The ncsr gn Ca, . Rnilrh.t a lr?f.-] 3?r1 Legal Description: Lol Block p;;;no ',raiI ti llLeg,rr ilrst FlliZone _- llng, A pert of Traet "en end e part of Comm€nts: Design Review Board Dale Molion by: Ssconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner E Statt Approval I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY.GROUP AB E H I R M OfVfSfON t?2234 GENERA[ DESCRIPTION OF WORK : zo TYPE qROUP G.F,F.A. VALUATION.jft*ll!)2--zep,9f* DESC. I FlLtNGr_ /: - EUILOING PERMIT JO8 NAME: OWNER PLUMBINGN€W( ) ALTERATTON( } AOOITIONAL I I RTPINI ) - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS -ARCHITECT G EN ERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES ELEC.TRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. oIHER IFIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. cor.lrRAcToRl rELE. ^6) . 6*ffi#\ilorK Shee.t department of community development PLEASE FILL OUT WHERE THE "X'' MARKS ARE!! TO 8E FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT g |:J- Ean BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION o ^t. OATE NING AOMINISTRAIOR OAIE ONING & BUILOING NOTES: I { A I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the iniormation required,completed an accurate plot pian. and state that att the information provided as required is correct. Iagree lo comply with the information and plot pian, to comply with ail Town ordinances and statelaws, and to build this structure ac^cording to tlETown's zoning and subdivision codes, design PERMIT FEES IGNATUFE OF OIVNER OR CONTFAC;OR FOF HIMSELF ANO THE OWN€FI. review approved, Uniform Building Code and o APPLICATiON DATE: OATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THJS APPLICATION hlILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION iS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No appfication will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the appiicant's responsibiljty to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submjttal requ'i rements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of condit'i ons of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditjons of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued- A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: Addltlon of 2 studlo unlts of epprordnatcLyr 609 sq. ft of 1tvlng spaee, 52 sS.. ft. of storEge,l_36 sq. ft. of dcck, and 2 staLrnays. B.LOCAT]ON OF PROPOSAL: Address 352 Va1I Valley Dn. VEll Co. 8L65? Legal Description Lot Block Zoning Resdentlal-8urdts, cordlttonel use perult offlce. C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Janes M. PaLner Filing Vail Vlllege Ftrst F113.1n9, a part of Ttect '8" erd e pal{ of MiLL Crtek Road Addres s 352 vslI Vatley Drc.ve, yal1, Co. 8165?telephone 476-L37O D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S RIPRESENTATIVE:Roberta (Bobble) Inouye, fhe Dcslgn Co. Address ,62 VaSl Valtey Dr., VsLI, Co. 8L65?telephone 4?6-L370 E. NAME OF OWNE Urder Contrectr Jancs PaLner Dr BdcerardRobert S i gnature Address Vell Valley Dll.vc, VEll, Co. 8155?tel ephone tn6-I370 F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION be paid at the time a build'i ng permit is requested. FEE 1. - $ 0-$ 10,000 $i0.00 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $25.00 $ so,oo1 - $ 15o,ooo $:t0:0u- $150,001 -$ 500,000 $100.00 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $200.00$ Over $1,000,000 $300.00 ]MPORTANT NOTICE REGARDIN6 ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and bu'i lding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. The review process for NEl.l BUILDINGS will normal 1y invo'l ve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. 4. t. The following They, however, items no longer have to' have to be presented to be presented to the Design Review Board. the Zoning Admjnistrator for approval: a. llljndows, skylights and sjmilar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed f1ory 9ny other lot or pubfic space, which hive had letters subm'itted from adioining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studjes on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. o BE SUBMITTEDMATERIAL NEl^l CONSTRUCTION A- Topograph'i c map and s'i te plan of 1. Licensed surveyor's starnp. TO site containing the fo11ow'ing (2 copjes): 2. Contour jntervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consjsts of 6 more, in whi ch case, 5' contour jnterva'l s wi1l be accepted. 3. Ex'isting trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" one foot above grade. acres or or more 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (1arge boulders, 'i ntermi ttent streams, etc. ) . A 7- Avalanche areas, 100 year f1 ood plain and s'l opes 40% or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the fo)'lowing: a. Proposed surface dra'inage on and off site showing size and type of cul verts, swal es, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed serv'i ce lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cable TV Te1 ephone sewer gas wa ter el ectri c c. Property ljnes showjng distances and d. Proposed driveways w'i th percent slope e. All easements bearings and a basis of bearing and spot elevations 8. txi stj ng and fi ni shed grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements jncluding structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-street parking' loading areas, retaining wa11s (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevatjons of top of roof ri dges (with existin9 grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each ut'i lity verifying location of service and availability. To be submjtted with site plan. C- Preliminary title report to accompany a1 I submjttals, to insure property ownership and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter oi'larqer:trees,.other'shnu6s,and-riatiVe plants tha are on the sjte and the'l ocation and deiign of pioposed landscape areaErlith the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materia'l s to be planted. T' 2. Complete landscape materjals list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be 'l ost. NOTE: As much of the above information as poss'ible should occur on the site plan, so that- the inter-relation of the various components js clear. The landscape p1 an should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate mab. The appljcant muit sta[e Lne s'ite to-'show lot lines and bui'lding corners. Trees th;t wjll b!'lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. 'Archjtectural Plans (l/8' =lo. 1aiger) 2 copies i. Must include floor plans and a'i I elev,ations as.they.wi11 appear on completion. E'levations must show both existing and finished grades- Z- Exterior surfacing naterials and colors shall be specified and submjtted for review on the matErials list avajlable from the Departnent of Conrnunity Deve]op- ment. Color chjps, siding samples etc., should be-presented at the Design Review Board meeting. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submissjon of additional .p1 ans' drawings, specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed n"i"rii"V tb determine whethei a project wiil comply w'ith desjgn guidelines. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site p1 an) oi proposal may be submjtted in lieu of the more formal requirements g!ven above, as ioni ir they piovide al'l important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. 0r'iginal floor p'l ans with all specifications shown B. Floor p1 an for addition - 2 copies c. site plan showing existing and proposed constructjon - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of add'i t'ion E. Photos of exist'i ng structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Design Revjew Administrator you may also be required to subm'i t: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utiiity location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by regjstered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownersh'ip of property and lists of easements. i/. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building perm'i t has been issued, and when the project is underuay., the fo1 1ow'ing *ltt Ue requirei before any building receives a framjng inspection from the Building Department: A certjfjed improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i,e. djstances and an91 es. B. Build'ing dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. Al1 utility service lines as-bui'l ts showing size of lines, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 coPies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A] 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Building floor e'l evations and roof ridge e1 evations' arsT 0F MATERIALS NlviF nF pR6JECT: Cornlce Bulldlng RenodcL ard Additlon ' i-'Eb'nL"br!CRi PT I ou DESCRIPTION OF P ELILlngr e liiiir"iioiii i i i 3a. 4iiw*;, -":*:a per{ of Crcck Roadft. of storagc, gtrrdl'o unitcl 'i nformation 'is required for submittal by the applicant to the Desiqn Review ttBtt.8ld The following Board before A. BUILDING a final approval can be fiven: },IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof 5i di ng Other l,lal I Materi al s Fasc ia Soffi ts }rli ndows l.li ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F.lashi ngs .. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhou ses 0ther PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Ccdrr Shrkcs rlM leclng over 15# felt. lx8 cbrnncL lop ccder vcrtleel tJrpc, eoLor to natch oclstlr€. StuCCa s'h{ iC On 'r'cin lOvel Brlck nou] dlng, brorn grterlor opcdngg, roaf Junatrlros. s ecd to tbo lteethcr rlIL bc urtcrpoofcd rrith nctrl ard/or Bituthouc Mctalbegt,ouc flu nlth noof Jaak to netch eoclsting To !c loeatcd udcr nw etgfnny, €ad B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: !4e1uc rlblg6't EXISTiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Nonc Botanical Name.-.'''-Plcca Far(var) albccttene Common Name Quani tY Si ze* Drnrf 4lbglts_Spnlcc (Florcrrtne) Dofso-CrrlL for conifers. (over) -3 3l 2 ?.. 2i6 ts6 pl.nc to netch Drter.:lon 3rx6r8l BrLak nold, eolor to nrtch 2x5 S4S raLl rrtth 4x4 *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees' Indicate height : PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *5 Corrnrs rlbe 'slbb.Lcer S!.bcrlu doerood 3C s dogrrod-Z-orJ Butb south ncst eorner of buatd*rg-yunc uriknonn t5T'- Type Asaorbcd phlox Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS l: Botanical Name;Common Name ' Quanity Si ze i? Junipe'nrs horizerrtllle . !s$&4ssesr)*4l4qn Junlper .ludfg!'ug_!94_u8rnil.1s___10r9g,p!39 Jurdper 5 t5 Alpltt forgct-.nc-mt (crXtrtchtun clongetun) Ktnniklnnick s0D SEED TYPE OF I RRI GATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL H'p rystcn (lf eqr) C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimm'ing pools, etc.) Please specify. Plentcr 2r rrldc t brokcn Prtrsu!1B UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBD IVI SI ON JOB NAME Cornloe Bul1dlng LOT BLOCK ADDRESS 762VslL VaILey Dr., Vsil, eo. 8L65? The locati.on of ut j.lities, whether theylines, nust be approved and verified by acconpanying site plan. w FILING Vell Vtllcgc Fir:st Fllllngr e pett of Trect "8"-eIETFf !-f ffi .-Tr65k-fffi f - be rnain trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the Date Mountain Bell 1434-3778/a(-noo Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper EagIe Va11ey Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek ?:{1'' For new const ?'//-65p1ease fitt out attached sheet. c'l' ,t -Sr; ^ r--t'/LAl-n q-//-rfM NOTE: 'Ihese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perrnit frorn the Town of Vai-1, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Toun of Vail. .A, building pernit j.s not a street cut penDit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This fo rn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling j.nstallations. I Authori zed e : ZONE CHECK F08 SFR, R,.R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: Seutenber a* 1985 LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N: Lot Bl ock Filingvall vlllege, ADDRESS: PR0POSED USE Resldental LoT SIZE S-55.L]-, W'7?,3?, N-?5.2].. r4L.6? Totel 3,6?5.57 Sq. r't. Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks. Front-center Si des Rear Water Course S'i te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence,/Retai n'i ng l^la1'l Hei.ghts Park'ing Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Env j ronmental /Hazards : ? OWNER Janes M. Pahrer & Dr. Robet"b Bakerr ARCHITECT PLans byr R. Inouye. Thc Deslen Co- ZONE DISTRICT First t'tllng A part of e part of M111 Creek Rd. Al I owed (30)(33) 2tJ.qs.t+2 Phone 4?6-13?0 *Urder Contract Phone 4?5-13?O Proposed teinq as coclstlng 2.1a4-42 ?0' 15' 15' (30) (50) (3oo)(600) (eoo) (1200) (so) (1oo) 125)(50) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) 14' east 3.5'-rpst 15' 13' epproxlraate\r as exlstlng N/A 66 5o sq. N/A 25 per sq. N/A (52 sq. ft.) N/A Slope Actual N/A Aval anche Fl ood P'l ai n Sl ope l,letl ands Geologic Hazards Conments: F Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Date: ffi COSGRIFF, DUNN & ABPLANALP ATTORNEYa AT LAW 6UttE ZO? cotaxERgtAL WtNc zzlt N. FttoNTAoE AO. w. I I P. O. BOx 3jo lvat|., coLoR.{oo gt65o ; (3031 47c-7552 I i I I t AGREHUEIiIT $Irs AffimMrstr dared rte trn'*, ot %-l , 1985, by and bet$Een lrIE To$l oF lrArl, cconnoo,-hereiirafteGEffi-b as "traii"arxt VBLTER HUEII{ER, as the crner of t}re cornice Buil&ing, heneilafterreferred to as t'Otvnetr. " UIIIEREA.9, Vail has requested tlrat certail restrictiqrs regardirqthl€e (3) enpl-oyee r.urits be placecl qr ttre Cornice BuildiJg, hereinafter - referr:ed to as tle SulDject prryerby. blClil, THREORE, for the sun of Ten Dollars ($10.00) ard other good ard valuable cqrsideratiqr. ttp sufficienql of drictr is herrelryadcrofledged, tte parties hereto agiree as follops: . - 1: That portion of the grcund level on the sr:bject prqerty ccnprised of ttrree (3) drdetling units, eactr having a sleeiilg -area andkitchen and appro:<irnately 200 ssuare feet (referred to asErpfcSaeeUnits) shall be used er<clusively as enplq'ee housing units. 2. The tlree (3) Erplcyee Units shall rnaintajn a Iniximm sguare footage of 200 squaxe feet per unit, hq.rerrer, tlre configr:rationof the units may be altered. 3. Ihe ttrree (3) Erployee Units sha1l rpt be leased orrented for any period of less than ilrirty (30) conseqrtive days; ard, if any suctr E[ployee Unit shall be nented, it shall be rented only totenants who are firll-tine enpJ_oyees in the tsper Eagle Valley. TIre IJpper Eagle Valley slrall be degred to include the eore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilnan, Eagle-Vail and Arzon, ard. tfie surrounaing areas. AfuIl-tfue enplqlee is a trnrson wlro works an average of thiruy (30) tpursper vteek. 4. the restrictions contained herein shall recnain in effec{for a period tr,trenty (20) years f:rcm the date of this Agreerent. 5. Tttis agreenent sttall be a oovenant rulnj-rlg wittr the lard and sha11 bind ttrc Oyrner, its heirs, successors, and astigns, ard. all subsequent lessees and. crrvners of ttre Subject prroperty. Tctr{N OF Olvner, Cornice Building ATTEST: Tcxnrn Clerk To\,vn lGnager By a I-\ I. TO3 FROM: DATE 3 SUBJECT: Lot Size 2.A84Allowable GRFA A11owab1e Exi sting Existing Exi sting Proposed Proposed * uni ac/3 t6 GRFA: It677 # Units: 4 Commercia 1 : GRFA! 2,286 # Units: 6 Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Commission October 28, 1985 Request for. si_de and rear setbackrrariances, a €njlig/.g,.t.t Y..i" variaiiiTacne required setback from a najor streamcourse in ordErto construct tvo additional units with a total of 609square feet of GRFA to the Cornice Building. Applicants:ilim Palmer and Dr. Robert Baker. DESCRTPUON OF VARTANCE REQUESTED The five variances requested are necessary in order toconstruct the proposed addition to the Cornice Building.The following is a statistical breakdown of existing develop-ment on this site: sf 195 sfsf rl95 sf ,$+ N,"^,^r\ rY$!:Jlu.*q 4\ | o"^ Required parking: 7 spacesExisting parking on site: O spacesRequired parking under this proposal: 10 spacesParking provided with this proposal: O spaces As this tabl.e demonstratesr the existing development on thissite is over its allowable number of units and vlry deficientin required on-site parking spaces. The propose-d additionrequires variances for the additional two units, a variancefor 91 square feet of GRFA over the allowabler and a variancefrom the 3 additional parking spaces that would be requiredfor this proposal. fn addition to these variancesr anexception would have to be granted to the required 50 footsetback from the centerline of Gore Creek, as well as sideand rear yard setback variances. The remaining portions o.f this memo will address each of thevarlances requested with respect to the faclors to beconsidered in evaluating these requests. Following thisanalysis, staff recommendations will be given for eachspecific request as well as for the project proposal as a who1e. I. rr.CRTTERIA AND FTNDTNGS qp9" review of Criteria and Findingsr Section 1g.62 of the recommends den e reguested variances seq on IOl-lOW1nct ors: Consideration of Factore Density Control The addit.ional 9I square feet of GRFA requested withthis proposal would not have a significani impact onuses or structures in the vicinity in and of itsetf.Howeverr Lhe additional units proposed vould have anegative impact. Most significant of these impactswould be the required on-site parking that is not anelement of this proposal.. tn aaaition, 6 units on thiseTtremely small parcel would generally overcrowd thesite- Setbacks The proposed addition would extend Eo some 3 to 5 feetfrom the propertyrs southerly boundary. The proximityof this structure would have a negative impact on lhe C r existing walkway that is Located adjacent to the\'*'!'e \tfit^ applicant's property. while the existing structure is \ [,v" \it\'JK"Y *31;::'tfliltlg#'"!3r'?,?o"i?,t ,tno";'J.ts.ttifl"i*3n.:5'B?'i:i:conformance. This increased encroachment -would havenegative impacts on existing and future uses in thisarea. C. Stream Se tback A. B. * ij.-,L*^* D. Because of existing development on this site and in thevicinity, this encroachment into the required 5A footsetback of Gore Creek is not seen as having significantnegative impacte. Parking As was mentioned previously in this memor additional deveJ.opment on this site would have negative impacts onthis area with respect to parking. While thj.s proposaldid not address the additional-parking that iould berequired from this additionr iL has been assumed thatthe applicant would request some type of variance fromthis requirement. One can further assume that parking demand generat.ed by this addition would be accommodated or pgEenE.raI uses and structures in the vicinitv. 2' by parking on adjacent properties or inVail parking structure. Neither of theseare acceptable to the staff as a solution'"' " -t,his parking 'reguirement;*--_---- -------- -'- the Tor"rn of two options for meeting The degree to'"which--?eLief - f rom-'the btrict or liEeral necessar o a cn leve comoa ;ancl un 1I ormrea cmen t am on es ].n ev ncor coecElves o ew ou ran sDec].a Tiith -the liixieption -bT thd'-- str-eEni "Lotilse -sefback requirement Iit is felt that ea of these reou ldbea ant ofspecia 1 le f thev werE Eb be a proves failed to demonstrate to e sE,aE! w l. The applicant t iustificationjustifithere would be to grant these requests. Because existingdevelopment on this site and on adjacent sites encroach intothe required setback from Gore Creek in a number of cases,it is felt that this request would not be a grant of specialprivilege. Consequently, with t,he exception of the variancefor the required setback from a streamcourse, each of theserequests would be a grant of special privilege if they wereapprove d.h rticularlv true with respect to thest for addit q on slEe. ut €Sr OIld PubJ.1.C Sate A. Density Control The additional two units proposed with this applicationwould increase the density on a site that is alreadyover developed. The most direct impact with respect tothis increase wouLd be on the distribution of population \ -. ^ and transportation and traffic facilities. It is the O6^Kt\ feeling of the staff that to provide accommodations for\ r any additional number of people is inappropriate.Effects on transportation and lraffic facilites will beaddressed under the parking variance request. B. Setbacks The most signficant effect on the above factors wouldbe. on public facilitiesr specifically the walkwayadjacent to this pr.operty. Discussion hls taken placLconcerning the future development of a pedesirianconnection between this area and Ford park. Iheproximity of this proposal would have a negative impacton both the existing hralk$ray and any future developmentof this walkwav. arking is prov u gV''r{ c.Stream Setback There will be no mentioned fa c tors se tba ck . significant with respect impacts on the aboveto the reouired stre am D. Parking Thg inability qf _this site to provide on-site parking would have a direct effect on transportation andtraffic facilities. Approving this request wouldindirectly encourage additional parking in the VailTransportation Center, on adjacent properti€sr oE alongVail Valley Drive. Illegal on-street parking wouldcreate problems for busesr snohr plowsr dnd generalcirculation in an area that is already a poor situation.Staff feels that it is the responsibility and obliga- tion of this site to be capable of accommodating itsrequired parking demand. This issue has not been adequately addressed through this application. RELATED POLICIES TN VATLIS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN There are no goals outlined in the Action PIan that would beapplicable to this request. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to E.he progosecl reques E. ITI. FINDINGS Thg. Planning 3nd Environmental Cornmission shall make thef That the granting of the variance will not constit,ute agrant of special privilege inconsistent with the Iirnitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safetyr or welfaE€r oF materially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity, That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons3 The strict or literal interpreeation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent o vrith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the site of the variance thatdo not apply generally to other properties in the same--zone. The strict or literal interpretation ".ra "nfor..."r,a-otthe specified regulation would depri.ve the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe same district. ITT. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The following are staff recommendations for variancesrequested: A.Density Control This request is for 2 unils and 91 square feet of GRFAover what is allowed under existing zoning. The staffcan find no justification for supporting this request.Physical hardship has not been eJtablishedr and it istelt that it would be a grant of special privilege togral!.this request. The site is simply not capable ofhandling any additional density. Se tba ck s To grant these setbacks would have a negative impact onan existing walkway adjacent to this property and ingeneral overcrowding on the site. Staff recommendationfor the requested setback variances is denial. Streamcourse Se tba ck B. c. As has been mentionedr there is a great deal of existing development located within the 5g foot setback fromGore Creek. The encroachment from this propoeal is minimal. Staff can support this element of the request. D. Parking The applicant has not established any basis with which to recommend approval for a parking variance. The zoning code requires that development in the HDMF zone district provide on-site parking (75/Z of which must beenclosed). Because of site constraintsr there is insufficient parking foc existing development on thesite. Staff cannot support a request for additional development which would increase this discrepancy and feels strongly that it is irresponsible site planning to ignore the parking requirements for development onthis site. In considering this request, it i unable to accommodate the additionalstrongly recommends that the Planning s obvlous that this site is development proposed. Staff Commission denv this reque s t. PEC 10/28/85o -2- 3.t for side and rear setback vari a dens i exceDt a vart ance !o ce Bui Mtke Palmer Tom Braun gave the staff presentation regarding the requested variances, the background of the project, impacts of the request, and stt recomrendationof denial . Mike Palmer presented the app'l icant's request and further described Ithe proposal. Affeldt felt this definitel.y a- grant of special privilege unless the applicant could show otherwise. Donovan fe'l t that parking issue was critical and severly restricted any further development. Schultz agreed with Affeldt. Hopkins fe'l t the building needed remodeling and a personality change. Vie'le felt the parking was critical , although he also felt respect for the owner with respect to theright to develop his property. There was general discussion regarding the employee housing restrictions on the property, with additional concerns from Hopkins and Affeldt were raised about the stream encroachment request. The applicant requested to table the request to 11 /25, Affe'l dt mgved and Donovan seconded to table until lll25 and the vote was 5-0 in favor of tabling. 4. A Iequest for a setback variance in order to add an east entry to the Concert Hall Plaza Building in Lionshead. Applicant: Brad Quayle Rick Pylman gave the staff presentation outlining the proposa'l with a staff recornmendaiion for approval. He exp]ained the 'location of the stairway andstated that the staff felt the use was compat'ible with existing uses iir thevicinity and was not a grant of specia'l privilege. gave the presentation for the applicant. Affe'ldt quest'ioned how grant of special privilege. Rick. commented that it wasn't because existing buildings. Patten gave some history of the development Quayle agreed to improve conditions of the wa1 kway adjacent to Mark Donaldson this was not a of locations of of Lionshead. Rat'n l,|illie's.feldt moved and Sid seconded to anorove the uest with conditions That I rove the walkwa.y adjacent to trees an relocated in an area near the site.vote was 5-0 avor. eldt as to write a letter ntaneros reques roof be improved atop Charlie's T-shirt shop. The and was meeting of L2/23 will be cancelled. Peter encouraged the commissioners to attend. A conducted. explained the Keystone conference short discussion of GRFA ordinance rcourse ]n o er to construct an addition to +.1 t Appl ication Date rr/ PEc MEETING DATE roltL l9ttl APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. This procedure is required for any proJect requesting a variance. The appllcationwill not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NME 0F APPLICANT Janres M. Palrner arxl Dr. Robert Baker ADDRESS 362 Valt Valley Drive ValL, Col-<irado 81657 PHoNE 1176-1370 B. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Roberta Inouye, the Design Co. ADDRESS 362 vel]- Valley Drlve Vall, Ccjlorado 81652 PHONE 4?d-13?0 c.NAI'|E 0F ol.lNER(S (type or print)Urdet 9en!r3g!.r J91qes H. Palraer ard Dr. s ADDRESS 362 vatl vaue Va11-, Colorado 8L65?p;.1gNg 4/5-11f0 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS fiz Vri-I Valley Dr{ve, Veil CoLoradi, 8J:65? LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N L0T_BLOCK FILING Vell Vll1ege, flrst FlILln A pert of Tract-ts,t and tpa!.t L,r,',=-.^ €\""4 ,/ ,/ Mtll Creek RoEdFEE $100 pArD ///,zK_cK #_&/_Q_ FRoM_ iHT TEE MUST BE PAID BEFbRE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT t,tlLL AccEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. D. nE. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEtlIN0 AND ACROSS STREETS, and their maiJing addresses. THE APPLICANT I.'ILL 8E RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MILING ADDRESSEs. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l.lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.)DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.'ILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT,' [{ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l.lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT EV OECREASIXe_THE NUMBER oF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING, ANO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL HUST BE COHP!-IED WITH BEFORE A gl.rIL0ING PERI4IT Ls ISSI]ED. ! r, III. FoUR (4) CoprES 0F THE FoLLoWTNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: -ctA,TrMrit'r tlE Tt.tf nrrrn I ef tt,lTt toC .lf E TUr rtll CE REqUESTED ANO THE existing or Potential ai interpretation and to achieve compatibilitYnity or to attain the ri vi l ege. l'tu 1010 FIRSTNAIIONAL OF VAIL BUILDER'S GROUP OF VAIL VALLEY, INC. 362 VAIL VALLEY DR. 476.1377 vAtL, coLo. 81657 -.\ + ': LCte I0 5 50 tr! toCI I..BB 1il. Id to 19-dtu-rro,rou PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVTN that the Pl anning and Environmental Connission of the Town of Vail wi'l I hold a publjc hearing in accordance wjth sectjon 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of vail on October 2g, l9g5 at 3:00 pm in the council chambers in the VajI municjpal building. Consideration of: 1. Requests for sioe anci rear setback variances, a density control variance, a parking exception' and a variance to the required setback from a major watercourse 'i n orqer to construct an aocrition to the cornice Building at 362 Vail valley Drive, locatecr on a part of Tract "B" in Vair viilage F'i rst Fi).i ng. Applicant: James palmer ano Dr. Robert Baker 2- A request for a setback variance in order to add an east entry to the Concert Hall Plaza Building in CCII. Applicant; Brad Quayle The application and informtion on the proposal can be examined in the community Development Department office during regular office hours. TOl.lN OF VAIL Community Development Department THOMAS A. BRAUN Published in the Vail Trail on 0ctober ll,l9g5. t luwn 75 soulh f?onlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 7, 1986 Mike Palmer Mike Palmer Real Estate 362 Vai'l Va11ey Drive Vai I , Co] orado 8.|657 Re: Cornice BuiIding Dear Mi ke: I am wri ting to you to'inquire as to your plans for the Cornice Building' It has been some time since the Planning Commission reviewed this proposal . At that time, you requested a tabling of your application to study other alternatives. If you still plan to propose some type of development on the site, I would encourage you to contact me to discuss the nature of these improvements. If you have abandoned any plans for additional deve'l opment on the site, we would request you to forma'l 'ly withdraw your application in a letter addressed to the Planning Commi ssi on. It would be helpful to know what your plans are for this property. At this point, we would like to see some action taken with this appiication, whether it be a modified proposal or to have it withdrawn. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss this matter. Si ncerei y, At,|$lulr\-" Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr <:cr:-(it{r - PETER COSGRIFF JO HN W. DUNN ROBER' H. S, FFIENCH STEFHEN C. WEST TIMOTHY H. BERRY ARTH U R A. ABPLANALE JR. JOHN B. WOOO VAr t, Co Lot.^r, r ) trtr.t.,. (3O3) 476 -7 5 '-,,. 14 November Cornice Buildinc LEAov,.,' J ."'. ,,,,,, .,..1"i.-,,..".. " *.":..J,:,i;'" J.:,,..t " tt ^ t t l:"o""i ;t"t l!!3;" " " "" 1984 Planning & Environmental Commission Town of VaiI75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Col_orado =_81657' : Re: This office represents Dr. Walter Huttner, ownerof the Cornice Building in Vail. In 1929, Dr. Huttner.applied to the planningConmission for a variance relate& to parking and 1otset-back for the cornice Building, in order that he micrhtconvert four second floor units io a singte resiae"ti.i---unit. while the planning commission denied ah;-;pplicationfor a variance which wouid have permitted. p"rii"g^ on thepremises, the Commission granted the set-Uict< vaii - , ,.' ' . ,- iermitting-Ih.-|.oposedeipansionofthep'op.'ty.'ance,.:!/.'':!' During the course of the hearing on Dr. Huttner,sapprrcatlon, a discussion occurred regarding the imposition "f ?l employee housing llmitation on use of the first_floorresidentiar portions of the Building which were then in use.A copy of the minutes of the planniig commission meeti-ng areenclosed. Dr. Huttner agreed. to keef, tne suiidi"f ."employee. housing as long as he owned it, and "qr.6d to .qeeq restrlction, which he fert wourd provide {,he town withthe ability -t.o enforce . that .ji""r"nt. It r^ias _ neversuggested that,. the_period 9! -gmrrtitment._ifroufa Ue.-extended , .beycind-ni. uuttnerli owneis4ip.'accordingty, the ;i;ili;; .commission-'conditionea its apiroval of th5 -set-back variance /ol 3tt employee housing agreemLnt which !'/as to re- irrangeawith the Town of Vail-Atiorney. The employee housl_ngagreement was never negotiated or reduc6a io writing] butduring the past five years, as a result of Dr. Huttner,sdesire t-o make improvements to the property, the issue hasarisen once again. It is the position of the Vail Department of community Developmenl that the employee housing agreement is to be of indefirrite dur.tion. Dr. ttuttner has maintained the employee-housing use of the portio!,of -the cornice Buifding irsed as .*p1oy*.-housing in 1979 from that time to the preient. Although i-t j-s. apparently now -the position of - tne Vait Department of Community Development that employee-' -, n"""i"g 1s 'no longer a problem ior the To\ntn' Dr' Huttner is-been r6quetted to execute an employee-housing agreement which would effectively bind the property for at least twenty years. In view of the aPp-ar-e-n-!.-?q-qi-sult, -of the 1979 conai-ti6n placed. upon the CorniEe SuLldind, the'good faith demonstratea Uy Or. Huttner is preserving-the.-. emp I oy e e - hou s iir s u se th rou g h-the - pe 1-1-qq ..9.f= -Ya1 l-lS1p-]ovi F -housinq crisi-s, and the-mutual- benefit to be derlved by tne Toi^m,-ihe-iieigtrbor:-ng properties and Dr. Huttner by improvements to the cornibe Building i&qqtls;-+-elt with continuinq employee housing use, Dr' Huttner requdst5--that .-i# =ni ;ffii ";"'5;I' e"v i ib "*;frt " i- c";ofi;;i cjn- <i i rh6 i -i ! a 1 i-rv it'i- -. o ;a i t i " i't :i i c 1 u d qd-T,nJhe- -1 9.7 9 - mi nu te s - to - I irn i!- t h F bmp ! oy 9 e ; -n;; Jils* iE qn iiene nr :i" _ t dJ_pe_f ,i"d wh i ch D.g_,_ liu_ttne r own s -the . -i;it pe -J i v ;:- Ji:ir' ii- -i n. p i ; ''''i " g,i nd. ! nV fi- o''me .'t t 1--c o mn i c q i gL ?a$eve.€_n_e-.p_lo_pgt9v--qf -a1ry-employe=e-]qgq.1ng--requirenept-*i .ydq!"Pen-9-i-. - "- P IaIrn illg & bnvaromenr-ar '* fi:Hffi:i"Ln Page 2 We request the oPPortunitY concerns and considerations with the to discuss these Plannin mental Commission at your earlies! spect Arthur A. AAAJr: ggt Enclosure ' ..J .) .1 -\ I IL*-.-'!IF*, ' 75 roulh trontage ro.d vail, colorado gt657 (303) 476_7000 0ctober 17, 1984 Mr. Art Abplanalp P.0. Box 340Vail, Co'lorado 8]658 Dear l'lr. Abplanalp, Enclosed is a copy of the Cornice agreement. Please call me if you Si ncerely, oftlcr of communlty dcwlopmcnt Re: Cornice Bui'lding Bui lding's employee housing have questions. t,lirt,, I't+ Kristan Pritz Town P'l anner KP: br Encl . I 8ur ldrn9, hereinafter referred to as "Uwner." WHERIAS, Vail has reqtfea that certain restrictions ]rding three (3) gnrplbyee un'its be placed on the Cornice Bu'i 1d'i ng, hereinaftffreferred to as the Subject Property. NOW, THEREF0RE, for the sum of Ten Dol'l ars ($.l0.00) and other good and valuable considerat'ion, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. That portion of three (3) dwel I i ng un its 200 square feet (referred p'loyee housing un'its and from the remainder of the theground level on the subiect property comprised of each having a sleeping area and kjtchen and approximately to as Ernployee Units) shall be used exclusively as em- shall not be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately Subject Property. 2. The three (3) Employee Units shall maintajn a minimum square footage of 200 square feet per un'it, however, the configuration of the units may be altered. 3. The three (3) Employee Units shall not be leased or rented for any perjod of less than th'i rty (30) consecutive days; and, if it shall be rented, jt shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time emp'loyees in the Upper Eag'le Va11ey. The Upper Eagle Valiey shallbedeemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vai1 and Avon, and the surrounding areas. A full-time emp'loyee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 4. The restrictjons contained herein shall remain jn effect for a period not nore than 20 years and the life of Trent Ruder from the date the certificate of occupancy is issued for said unit. 5. This Agreement shall be a convenant running with the land and shall bind the 0wner, its heirs, successors, and ass'igns, and all subsequent lessees and owners of the Subject Property. TOI,IN OF VAIL, COLORADO By: Dr. Huttner 0wner, Cornice Bui 1di ng -a ATTEST: Rondal 1 V. Phi 11i ps , Town Manager Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk hun 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce ol communlly developmenl June 17, 1985 Bobbie Inouye Mike Palmer Real Estate 362 Vail Valley DriveVail, Co. 81657 Re: April 26 letter concerning sign Dear Bobbie: As we had discussed your sign can be staff approved. please completethe enclosed form ani returi to our depirtmeirt with the $io.oo i... You can consider your s'i gn proposal approved as per the descriptionin your April 26 letter. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions you may have. Thomas A. Braun Town Planner Sincerely, TB/blf enc. PETER COSGRIFF JOHN W, DUNN ARTHUR Aj ABPLANALE JR. TIMOTHY H. AERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN LAw OFFrcEs CoscRrrr. DUNN & AeplRrualp A PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL CORPORAIIONS P. O.Box 34o VarL, CoLoRAoo at658 (303t 476-7552 CosGRr FF, DUNN & BERRY P. O. BOX tl LEADVI LLE. COLORAOO EO46I {303) 4€6" rA€5 8 August 1985 I'1r. A. Peter Patten, Jr. Zoning Administrator Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West VaiI, Colorado 81657 RE: Cornice Building Dear Peter: As you will recall, we have on several occasions reviewed the manner in which the Cornice Building might be renovated to provide a more attractive structure in the Town of Vai1, consistent with the Townrs desire that the struc- ture continue to provide employee housing and with the goal of the o\^rner to take maximum advantage of the potential of the 1ot on which the Cornice Building is located. As far back as L982, I believe we agreed that the GRFA formula wouLd permit an additional 510 square feet on this propertyt if other land use concerns, such as set-back limitations, were satisfied. In May of 1983, I d.irected to you a letter requesting confirmatj-on of our understandings andr while I believe we discussed and confirmed these figures, I have no written evidence of our agxeement. The impediment of the employee housing limitation having been removedr the PurPoseof this letter is to reiterate the contents of my letter of May, 1983, in an effort to confirm our understanding of the Town of Vailts position then and now. My notes indicate that we determined that the tract upon which the Cornice Building is located includes 31659 square feet. Under the Town of Vail zoning regu- lations, the allowable GRFA is 608 of the lot area in the zone district in question, ot 2,L95.42 square feet. My notes also indicate that we determined that there presently existsa total of L,585.5 feet in gross residential floor area in the Cornice Building, including 676 square feet on the ground level and 909.5 square feet on the second level. Based upon these calculations, my notes indicate our agree- ment that, as far as the gross residential floor area was concerned, the Cornice Building is permitted 610 additional Note from Town of Vail: These numbers are not based accurate information on the footage and are an estimate square footage would requine A. Pe r Patte Mr. Peter Patton 8 August 1985 Page Two square feet under the GRFA formula applicable to this lot.Naturally, the property has other difficul-ties with refer- ence to where the additional sguare footage may be con-structed, but I am dealing at this time only with thequestion of allowable GRFA. Those other difficulties, such as set-back limitations, would naturally need to be remediedprior to any construction which would otherwise violate those restrictions. These calculations, you may recall, do not takeinto consideration the credit available for storage space,nor j.s the floor space having a ceiling of less than six andone-half feet, which includes the loft and basement of thisstrusture, incl-uded. in the calculations charged against thebuildingrs allocations. Ad.ditionally, the calculations ofexisting floor space are naturatly based on our measure- ments, and, in the event our measurements of the floor space are incorrect, it would be necessary to adjust the GRFAfigure which we have used accordingly. If the calculations discussed above are, in fact,correct, I would appreciate the courtesy of your signatureto the enclosed copy of this letter in order that we mightconfirm in writing the position of the Town. our on having by Dr. tectural Huttner. pl ans. deteAny firnal AAAiIT: dasxc: Dr. Walter Huttner Mr. Larry Eskwith LTRS COSGRIFT, nati on li.:-''f rns#?noN REouEsr DATE CALLER THUR '. a. TOWN,^OF VAIL -s:-.- AMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON PM ' ..F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/H,TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR /.: , rNs ro ow_N REOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - I] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING - tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL -r-rj- tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. BUILDING: tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o rrr.ifr- B tr FINAL ,",, F.ApPnoveo\" , / CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRET' DATE INSPECTOR 'd'',*ffitoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL a,/-;r. ,.: . ...DATE JOB NAME MON '. i .'a a-{..a-t..--t a:) .CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED' THUR FRI AM PM 'f.../, . ti,- \, ,::.,1.-' , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL r] ROUGH / D.W.V. - tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING - tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR P1 anning and Environmental Conmission 0ctober 22, 1984 PRESENT Diana Donovan Gordon Pierce Duane Piper Howard Rapson Jim Vie]e .lere l.lal ters ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Scott Edwards Duane Piper called the meeting to order at 3;10 pm. l. Apptgval gf,minutes of 0ctgber 8, 1984Il_y1:-ryirte@e the second to approve theA&D Bui I di ns, s exterior at teritio;. yi"iar-il;&-;;;";o;;";;";;;#!; 5-0 (Pierce h-d not yet Peter Patten Tom Braun Betsy Rosolack Item #2 was to be discussed last because the applicant wasyet.not at the meeting uest for a final p1 at review of Vail Woods Subdivision revision ofal uevelo nt Di st['ict I t ]Hiqf i;ark ).cant:S. Va soci ates Peter Pattenthis item to The vote was 2. Appl icant: Tom Braun showed said that the applicant was stil'l11/26. Donovan moved and Walters not ready, seconded to and asked table to to 1l tabl e 26.5-0 in favor. Vail Valley Medical Center thi.s item until 11/26. Rapson moved and Vote was 5-0. q setback varian e in order to ild an addition on the i can alter Huttner uested to table uest for an ame nt to !!e Vail rnunicipal zonjn code in orderail Vil a Fi um Densit ame District zoninq. that thethat the existing zoning is not request was recognizing '2.uest for a s to table to 11/26. appropriate for a a site plan and exp'l ainedmedical center, He added Planning and Environmental Commission October 22, 1984 3:00 pm 1. 2. Publ ic Hearing Approval of minutes of 0ctober 8, lgg4. Request for an amendment to the Vail municipal zoning code in orderto change the zoning district for Lots E and F, Vai'l-Village 2ndFi1i1S (the Vail VaIley Medical Center) from Medium Density Multiple Fam'i1y_to Public Use District Zoning. Applicant: Vail Vailey Medical Center. Staff Recommendation: Approval Re-quest for a final plat review of Vail Woods Subdivision, a revisionof special Development District 11 (Highland park) which would divide the_remaining area to be divided into 1l dup'lex lots.Applicant: I.K.S. Vail Associates Request for a side setback variance in order to build an addition onthe Cornice Building. Applicant: Dr. Walter Huttner TO BE TABLED TO BE TABLED 3. 4. o o TO:Planning and Environmental Commission FR0M: Cornrnunity Development Department DATE: 0ctober ZZ, 1gg4 SUB,IECT; Bggles.t to rezone_two parcels of land: Tracts E and F, Vail,vi I I age -second^Fi I i ng irom Medi um Dens ity l'|uiii -rami tv - (l,ror,rr )to public Use Distriit Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center Background on Request The Vail valley Medical Center has been 'in operation at its present location formany.years: ouring this period an inconsistbncv nii ;in;i; !xistea wit[-""lpilito the zoning.and the.uses on this site. ereseirtty tfre'siie is zoned MDMF. Thepurpose of this zone district.is to provide sties tor mriii:rimiiv"il"i'fiil, ;i'a density not to exceed lg units per'acre. This requeit i, un attempt to bringthe-zon'ing more in line with-ttre lies-piesently on-dhe-iii". The purpose of thePublic Use District is as followsa ' 18.36.010 Purpose The Public use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-publ i c- uses whi ch , . because. of .thei r speli ar characteri iti is , cannot appro-priately'.be regulated !v ttrg developmtnt stana'u"Ji-p""ii"iu"a for otherzoning districts, and for which devllopment standarls especialtv presi"iueafor each particular.deveropment propoiit "" p6J;;i-iri-fiecessary to achievethe_purposes prescribed. in'sectibn ia.oz.ozo,and to provide for the publicwelfare. The Public Use district ii-intended to ensi.rre that pubiii Luiiiings'and grounds and certain types of quisi-puulic usei permiiieo in the district .1f:=ppropriately located and designed to meet the heeds of residenti ina -- visitors to Vail, to harmonize witfi su*ounding uses, and, in the caseof buildinss and other.structures, to-.nirr.;;.;;;;; iigit, air, openspaces' and other amenities appropriate to the ptirmittea"iyies of uiei. Eva'luation of This Request There are three sets of crJteria necessary to adequately.evaluate this proposal .FiTt:.a.discussion 9f-!1" rezonfng request_concerning the suitabirity/non-suitabili.tv of the existing zoningl ieionatv, ii *ri"piJpolea reroniirb"ifnsistentwith land uses in the.area-as weli as munic'i"pit onieitiueii FinatIy, does therequest foster the orderly and viable growth'or it6 iommrnitvr 1.'"s lnwn o lltl 7s south trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 19, 1984 Dr. Walter Huttner 4545 E 9th Avenue Denver, Co 80220 KP: br olllce of communlty dcvcloPmenl Corn'ice Building Employee Housing Agreement Dear Dr. Huttner I am enclosing the employee housing agreement for the Cornice Building. I wou'ld appreciate it if you wou'ld and return the iigned orig'ina1 to me. The Town wjll with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's office. I a copy to your attorney, Mr. Art Abplanalp. 3 units in the s'ign the agreernent record the agreement am also sending Si ncerely, nr- f I t, I Kr'tk,' {'*+ Kristan Pritz Town P] anner o AGREEMENT . THIS AGREEMENT dated the 16.th day of 0ctober,-1984, by and between THE T0l,lN 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0, herejnafter feferred to as "Vail" and the owner of the Cornice Building, herejnafter referred to as "0wner." hIHEREAS, Vajl has requested that certain restrictions regarding three (3) ernployee units be placed on the Cornice Building, herejnafter refemed to as the Subiect PropertY. NQll, THEREF0RE, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($.l0.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the suffjciency of vrhich is hereby acknowiedged, the parties hereto agree as follows: l That portion of the ground leve1 on the subiect property comprised of three (3) dwelling units each having a sleeping area and kitchen and approximately 200 square feet (referred to as Employee Units) shali be used exclusively as em-'' ployee housing units and shall not be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the remainder of the Subject Property. 2. The three (3) Employee Unjts shall maintain a minimum square footage of 200 square feet per unjt, however, the configuration of the un'i ts may be altered. 3. The three (3) Employee Units shal1 not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; and,'if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees in the Upper Eagle Val1ey. The Upper Eagle Va1 'ley shailbedeemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cljff, Gjjman, Eagle-Va'i I and Avon, and the surrounding areas. A full-time employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 4. The restrictions contained herein shall remain jn effect for a period not more than 20 years and the life of Trent Ruder from the date the certificate of occupancy is issued for said unjt. 5. This Agreement shall be a convenant running with the land and shall bind the 0wner, its hejrS, Successors, and assigns, and all SubSequent leSSeeS and owners of the Subiect ProPerty. TOI,JN OF VAIL. COLORADO Dr. Huttner Owner, Cornice Building ATTEST: Rondall V. Phili'i ps, Town Manager I By: Pamel a A. Brandmeyer, Tovrn Cl eri' o/T\ A*t' |...4l=->/- / lnWn il taiil]/ communit5z Deveropmenr Deparrmenr 3,151 4 b7"2w f 6WA lfS; + Wntcg AL hrtfu(v* ?D? S 1.b? I , W a(Kt. r\ | r , -tstlacX+n$ottt-tfu-HibA$ot LID4 J \gf{ko"creLK;Wsbt5#*trtr#' -l At |"i [>=5:r / liln il UnlV community Deveropment Deparrmenr cov-\i\c_€ tf,[Krt-J,3 7 i\.-tJl\aw. ) / ,k bi ia/.(u'^ \),'** , R{'uai\- Vnq,n'$ Ur rL, irug 6.fu-t \lnrip [:punr'*/ ,.bx.J *,5 ,i rV. u INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI Ehl PROJ ECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DATE OF PUBLICE HEARING: @ Orrws>rae &ret A+* ( Suoret ,ec .a,ottr- ou Puj+t ?rtJ*cruaxt ( otl.t7| PCtlp tF r.t.fr ellr.?tF(, €366. FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT TOWN ATTORNEY Date: Date:Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: PUBLIC WORKS I I*'*'.*r' 4 o^t", ,orh/8 f Comments: Date: @ o Reviewed by: Comrnents: Date: Appl ication ,^r" PEC MEETING DATE APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE KEViN RECdCT ArChitCCtrNI DESigNCT I.This will A APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required fgf ?nI project requesting a variance. The applicationnot be accepted until all lntoi^maiion is'submitied. NAME 0F APPLICANTJT. Watter n. Huttne ADDRESS 4300 East Mansfield St. p11g1g 759-28B2 R NAME OF ADDRESS 1524 Buffehr Creek Rd. #A26 Denevr, Col orado PHONE HuttnerNAME 0F 0WNER(S) (type or print) Siqnature(s ) Ivur"!j"\ L"':-' e ADDRESS_4300 East Mansf ield Vai I , Colorado Dr. Walter Denver, Colorado pg6lg 759-2882 n LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Cornice Bld !!2 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, C0. 81657 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING E. FEE $too vnn-gf14fry|_cK ## _FR0M_:!l_walter A. Huttner THE FEE MUST BE PAID BdFofrE'THE coMMUNITy DEVELopMExI pEpaffixflf16ffi YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY 9-EHIryD AND ACROSS STREETS,THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPON'IELi-FON CORRECT adjacent to the subject property and their mailinq addresies. MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION.CONFERENCE t.tITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER Is sTRONGLY SUGGEsTEDT0 )DETERMINE IF ANI ADDITI0NAL inFonr"rnirorv-ii NiEbLD.'-'r,io npplrcnrroN t.trLL BEAccEPTED uNLEss IT-IS^coMPf{l illusr INcLUDE nrr-iiir'rs REQUTRED By THE zgNrNGADMINISTRAToR).--IT Is THE nnFri'cnryr'q nEipoNs-isriiiV-ro MAKE AN App0TNTMENTn^'ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUi Nbb[i-NOOITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT'. ih[fl]isUiiit-illd:mlqjfli:hlitii'irlibh'ill5fi!'dfuollFofii-?Xti if;8'5ff,,[?ft.AND ENVIRONMENTAL^c0MMi5Siorl NnV-!'rrpuinri. -a!-tor'roirr0Ns 0F AppRgvAL MUsr BECOMPLIED u,ITH BEFORE N EUiLDri,iG' PENNTi ii-iSSffi.--''I' III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN SIIIFYqTi OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STAiEMENT MUSi AiSO'IOONLSS, l' The relationship of the requested varjance to other ex.isting or potentialuses and structures in the.vicinitv. 2. The degree to which rerief from the strict or literar interpretation andenforcement of a-specified regulalion is.necessary to achieve compatibilitvand uniformitv of treatment ifiong-iites in the vicinity or to attain theobjectives of *rrs tiii.-*i*,";;'s;;;;'oi'ri"ii"i'ir.ii{r"n". IV. f-'- 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population,transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safbty. B. A topograph'i c and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - 20r stampedby a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existjnq i,no"ov"-ments, inc] uding grades and elevations. -0ther elements. whictr'must"UJ iirownare,parking and-loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutl rlty and drainage features. C. I ttlg plan at a scale of at'least'1" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. D. All preliminary building e'levations and floor plans sufficient to indicatethe dimensions, gspspsl appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners,association, then written approval from the associaiion in support of theproJebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said ilsociation. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application asdetennined by the zoning adminisirator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. Time Requinnents The Planning and Environmental Commission meetsof each month. A complete application form and(as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC pubf ic hearing. No incomplete appljcat.ions administrator) will be accepted by the p'lanning nated. submittal date- on the 2nd and 4th Mondays al I accompanjring materialof 4 weeks prior to the date of the(as deterrnined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- . j"' Town of Vail Plannlng DeparUrent RE: Variance Request Cornlce Bui lding 362 Vail Valley Drlve Vail, Colorado 81657 September 10, 1984 . STATEMEIIT OF REQUEST A varlance is requested for the Cornice Building, Q!f-Va[t V-el!"V Drive regarding sei,back requirements (V.M: C. 18' 20. 060)+raf '. tt{Q The owner, Dr. llalter A. Huttner wlshes to add 610 sq..ft. (which is ihe G.p.S.F. for this building) to the east coming out l5ft. from *neie tfri oiesent foundation wall exlsts. This would require a "zero- ioi'irrie; liiiinie on tne east property line, which borders Vail town property. :,1'lg the A. The Vail town property to the east will probab.ly.remai.n."greenbel't" spii! ii it i! not dnorign, -nor has adequate access to be bullt on under this zoning. oiiui-ri i-seiuail-traioitrip ueciuse of size and 3!3pe. B.This ls one of tjre original sites and bulldings _in Yli_l (1964), .- grus irre stte dimens-ionJ nliCing (V.1,1.C. .18.20.050) fon-H-D-l',1.F. hardlv #tiy il iin oi seen from the site Dlan and '9fvel: vail has grown uli iiti consideratioii-iri muin rpie:inflexible than any other regulations ii.".-uie, ttiight; iSviniiris,-iic.j if setbacks are pdrtly determined ni'rit-iiia ini siti-itmeniioni, then-the conditlon_at 362 Vall Vall€v feel that strict enforcement of,the code presents a hardship on followlng points: a C. As the buttdlng stt on the stte originalU'-lt.dtd.no.t conform to -riiii ;;iring.-iiizstinus iny improvemint ai all involvins buildins expansion requlres a variance. D. Even though econonic hardshlp as a result of strict enforcenent ls nol onounds ?or,vlrianoe.; lt diaerrves meitioning heror, DrrrrHuttner .Jiiiri*iiii-r.r*,]lr:is:lliiiUinlj,.more rentaUle, manketable,. as.weltl'.ias:'i:airle' li6id-ieiinetiialiy in ti;;-11tah the neishborhood. The buildins consists ;i ; [;;i aiiiii'irtiice,ttt"""iis sq.ft--"boxes" and a single familv ,nii liiiiuiri. -in6:tti*izS sq. ,ft. 'unitf are virtual ly unrentable, and he wishes to combine tneni into one much more rentable unit, and iiio t*o iOo-iq. ri."units-on tne east. Thus keeping the sarne number of units as orlginally for renting purposes. cont.. -.r pagB z O In concluslon, we feel that thls request wilt not have any,detrinrentaleffect on the nelghborhood ln any riy. tfe vould like to wbrk with thetoyn ln any Hay to reach a mutually satisfactory end. Archi tectura l. Des! gaer a -l,lelghboring Property 0|t '1. Vail Athletic CIub 476-0700 352 E. l,leadow Drive Vall, C0 81657 2. .Vorlaufer (l'lanaged by Brandess-Cadmus Real Estate 476'1450l 385 Gore Creek Drlve . 2 \-;.1 Sr., a^ .L- 3. Apollo Park Lodge t$76-5881 442 South Frontage Road East Vall, C0 81657 4. Apelto Park Time Share 476-0079 442 S. Frontage Road llest Vail, C0 81657 5. Tyrolean Restaurant & Lounge 476-2204 400 E. Meadow Drive Vail, C0 81657 6. Tyrolean Condominiums (Managed by Brandess-Cadmus Reat Estate 476-1450) 400 E. Meadow Drive ZL, ,6- |,- Vall, C0 81657 7. Vail Tralls (tlanaged by Brandess-Cadmus Real Estate 475-1450) 413 Gore Creek Drive z ): i t3" LVail, C0 81657 o , LEGAL DESCUPTIOIi: .A poreel of land lytng tn Trect Br VAIL VILLAGE FIRSI ULING,Tortn of Vai1, Councy of Eegle, gtatc of Colorado degcr{bed ae: Co-",1,!octng at the Northeagr Corner of eald Ttrac! B, thcnceS 10'14'00" tJ 198.J1 feet Eo the SouEhwest corner ihereof;theoce along the Southerly llne of aald Tract B on thefollovlng two ses1e6": (1) N 79046100'.r !J 170.00 feet and(2) S 74916.00t' W 100.00 feeti thence N 9rl0'07'r W 41.67 feecthence s 88"27111" tr 7s.2r fect to rhe true polnr of beginnlng;thence-continulng s 99.27'11.', W 5.95 fCbt ro tlre nasteriyIlne of Gore Creek Drlve as ehoe! on tlre plar of Vall VfilageFlfth Fl11ng; rhenc€ S 27013'37" E 90.46 feet alonr saldEt6teri-y line and EasterLy l1ne extended; thence N 57c24'60" E5.39 feer; lhence N 27,c13"37" W 77.37 feet ro the true polntof beglnnlng contalnlng 423,41 sguare feet or0.@97 acres noreor legg. CERU?ICATION! I certlfy thar tbe above plst and legeld-ctcrlptlon rere prcprred by roe aod trodgr uy aupervlalon eodChat both 1r€. lfrcurate to the be6t of ,i knorluae".- !h8t Ooan ar.._*ffiurate to rhe be6t of uy knorrledge. '&iHbk- *.u .,).r),.# \ 50 t I red Profesrlooal Eogtneer Surveyor No. 2183 I I I Iil.r No. U0lll).j119 s0H[:Dul.r: A t'('|)u Amorrnt l. or rr ll Addrr r r Ne'. lr 1 19tr t 7l tlo0rtl0rJ.ou ;t. I Itl fttrrll.rr r.g1t- 1,/',t,1 | r''r r, .:,,f tO l. l'ol icg Date: 0C'lOtl.l( ?frr l9f, I rt [r!(l(r A.ll . 2. Nasr: r)f Insr-rr'ed i lr0llL t VAI(l) (:fil (t[.16['6 NAI IttN/rl l].ANl{ l.h* rstst* or lnterec.t ln the lend descrlbed In this gichedul* end rrlTlch lr encumbcred L,g the Insur*d $ortgBtt.r iE! A rt:L 'Ih+. es.{ &{.G c,r' int.er'ee t. re{'et"red i,o her'eln iE el. ltei.e of F'ol lcg .reE ted I n: ilAl.'f t f{ rr. }{l.ll THl li r,n.i trAl(!tAlif) -l . lltlt 1Nt't( 1h+ mo1t,grr14, ft*:1 € In r'ef'err'*rJ t-o al tlrp ini,tlr F.d n16;^f";rge, :nd t,he er... ilrtrretr{ s {,h*retrf , if arrtlI Fr'rr clc.,t r r' it,*ql rr {c'I lr;'ttr'l Dr:In 0l: TRlJ5l 0AlrD $tit]T[:f'lBr.n 14, l98l I-R0n uAl. l'1,: R A. tlul TNIri ANI) tlAl(kAti/t .l . tll.tl f fltt,' 1(r ltlf t'Ut:]-If: 1f(tlliil-[ C]f !ACLt f:0LlNIY F(rh lHf ll9if 0l,f,0ULliUARD C0I-ORAD0 NATIONAL BANK l0 5|-:CURE 1'111,. $Ull 0f tlO{l'{1O0.Oo litr(:0;{I)ED (rf:1(}Pf:Fi 13r 19trl lN g00l(:13f1 AT trA(;[']68. I hs lend ref r|'recl t,o in th ie pol lcA ig c itrrel.ad in EAtit E Cnunt,g, (nlnradc, eind is desct'il'&d ae l'ttiloue; ri FAfit ot 'tRAtll p. AND A pAR't' Ot. fiil-t. riRti[-t( floAD, vAll- uILLAlit ' r'lRtil F rLtH(i, t;OtlNlY Qt IA(it.[, f]T/rT!- 0l: tj0t 0tiAD0 ll0Rt' l'AltTI(;tlt-/tliLY OESCRIIlED A5 FOt.LOU$: coiltltilcIN(i AT Tllt N0liTlltAg:1 (;oF(NIt{ ot (rAlt- \tlLl.Atrl;' tili{t;T t ILIN(i' I tf r:,Nrit: N 79 DF:{ir(t.-F$ 4/r flINtJl'l{9 f}0 $l.c0N0il U Al.ON0 TtlL: S0lJlHIRL-Y LtrNL oi U.!:, ilIt{}ttdAY N0. 6, A hlgiTANf'L 0f 36'/.ttt, rEE'r T(} 'f Ht N0FiT}ltA$'l c0RNr:ri 0l: $AIo lHAril i.r l'lll"Nt:F: u ltl DF.GREF:S t4 l'lINUl'85 00 st':c0NDti l', A1 (rNri lHf t{rf;'fERLY LtNL Or SAID TtlAcT 11 r A DI$TANCE 0F 19t},I1 rEET To rHt- SOUIHEASIERL.Y CoRNER OF SAID TRACT B1 THENCE N 7t 0E{jREES 46 NIilItTTg OO SEC:ONNf; Lt ALONf.i THE TOUTHTRI Y LINI OF SAID TRACT B' A DISIANOI: 0r 170.00 Fr-El 5 l't{F:NCE S 74 DE6RrjES l6 ItINUTES OO SECoND:i U ANU fILONI; THT SOITTHCRLY I.INE OF SATO lRACT B' A DISTANCE OF lOT',TIII FFEI'To I'HF: TFIJE POIN'l.Of.-BEI}INNING; TIIF.NCF: N 090EGREF-S lOttINUTEli ffTt;EC0l'lDt; tl, A t,lS'l'AXt:t Or 4l.t'l FEtI; TlllNCI tj 8fr OE0RIt'fi 2'7 nlNUTt--s lt sEcoNDs u A 0IslANct: oF '75.?t F€F:l'; IHENCE S ?/ DT0REE$ t:1 nINUlEfi 37 $[CoNtrg t A DI$IANcF. 0r 77.t'7 I EETs' IHf'NCf- N $7 D[$R[.ttt 24 nINUTE$ 0U SECOND',i E A DI$l ANCt 0lr 5Lr. I I FCtil , fl0Rt' 0R t.Ititi T0 lHt lliU[ l'0 INT 0l trt:ttINNIt'ltr. Page I lhls Policl vrl irJ orrlrl lf' b'ch*dr.rt* F, l': *1, l'*rhed if:{:1, (:1tlT I fl tlor'tc{cge f or'ot l'c,f rr Nc,' ['119tr17l l'lle No, V0O03l:;? !i(:HItrtfLL lr* l Ttrir policg doer. nol. In;ure st:JF lnEt lors ot^ drneg* bg reason c'{ t'he f o I I ox I ng: t. $iightr or cl*lmr. o{ F,rrtl16 ln posr*rslon not iho$h bg the pubtlc racoFdE. i'. [.ssc:rentsr r.r clr:ins. of ?a6eflenie, nol. rhcrpn bg t]re r,ut, l ic rtcords.' 3. 0lecrepenr:itr, cont'licts ln houndarg llnesr Ehortrge itr areat G,ncroBchrent.s, rnd sng f ert.t phlCh e c crrrect- iurveg encl inepectlon of tlre prenlg.!6 t,outd.dist:lose and r,rhich ere noL rho$,n k'g th* ptlbllt: r'c c or<lg, 4. Arrr,l I f *n, or rlghl I.o e I len, f ot" ;er'vicee, laL'ot'r ctr' oat'lrlal therrt{rf of.* ot. herepfter furni:hed, ltrpo*ed hg leu end not !hoxn bU l.he F,u[:, I lc reconde., 5. ANY AHI) At-t- IAvH'r AHD ASStiSSnEllT:i. t,. titGtlt 0f f'kot'ftlf IoFl 0F A Vt IN (|l( LODI 'l tt [.XTl(AC1 ANb F;f fiout ]l I$ 0R[ Ttlt-:11{:FliOfl liHOl.lLD TH}, SAf''lE 0[ F0UND 1O t'IN[:It{Al'F- Oli INTF-k$t1Ct lllb' f.,trLftISl.$ Ati lrItiLt(\tlft IN tINITID tiTfrlff; l,frTf-NT 0f f,:1.(:0ttD 1N IN!i'fRtff'ltH'l Rl:tl0nDf-D .rlJLY I il ' t ll99 IN B00t( /tU Al ltA{il 47:; . '/. f-iltill t!, (rl lrAy t ofi [rllt:]l[9i ()]i t:ANALt; fi0N$1f4tt('lItr trY lllt- ALll]f('t(11Y 0r lltr.tJNIl't-D tjttrTt, li, Alt RE$l:tiUt;D IN UNtTf-0 $rAlUti frAl'ENT RF.C0nDLD JIJLY Li', 1(rr,'9, Il{ tl00t( r;[t fi'f 1t11(f, /fi';r. 8. RISTRIt]t IVt: (:OVtlNAN'r'S, tfl"tItiH 00 N0T t:0]'ITAIN A F0tiFEIlUli'F Or( Rt,vt-RTF-li t:t./rtftit., Agi t:ON'tAlNf {"} ltt lN$Tf{tlnENr RE00ft0[.0 AUGl"ll:T 1gr 196? IN E00l{ 174 Ar PA{3E 179, AND AS AilENDE0 IN INSTRUfiENT RECORDEO 0CTO8ER l5' t r/65 I N e.00H I 87 AT FA0E 3$3. 9. trEtjD (rf TRtr$'r DAT[.0 JUNE ?4 I !9?6 rRofi .lAllts tl, t'At tlER' DUt]l-EY $AYNr ;IICHEt.t-, BAnIt.YN ,rrITCHt:LL, IU0F.Nt' L. IIARNOCHA' JANI F. llA,RN0C]lA' Ot AN | . i.;tS;SIONf', tiOtJEF:TA .lrRN t;tg;t;rON$ AND .l0ltN H. 'qTtAt(NS T0 lHt pUp.LIC TttUSlEE Of IABLE COUNIY FOll'l'Ht: USt 0f; ldtiSl[:f(N FE0ERAI'- tiAvINGg' AND tOAN Atiti0cIATloN of ttlNvER TO $tCUtiL THt tjufl ol' f /tl ,fJlltl .ll0 R[coRDL.D Jt.ft.Y i]l, 1976 lH BO0K 247 AT PAtiF: 600, NOTrI Af;f;tIIlI'TION ANI' 'tOI,IFICATION A6REE'ITN'I IN T:ONNTCTION NIIH SATD oFED OF TRUST lirAS Rt:coRogD $EPTE'IBER 4, 1979 ll''l p00K 29ll AI PA6E tt--,. N0T[! TINANCTNG ETA'fLfiENT IN CoNNECTION ]'ITH SAI0 DEED OF IFUSI fA6 FETIORDEO JUt-Y 2l, 1976 UilOr,R FINANCING 8TA]'EIiENT tO5B45. F cgc' itrfi ttortgogr Forrr _f.. - .' 5 ECHEDI.ILT B.I SCHEDI.|LE B-IIIn rddltlon to thc rrtterr rrt forth In Prrt I of thls tichrdulel thctitlt to thr rrtrtr-or Intrrrrt In thr lrnd dercrlbtd or rtfrrrrd to In Schrdulr f, lr subJcct to tht follorlrrg eettcrr, lf rng bc rhorn, but thc Corgrng Inrurrc thrt th* llrn or chrrgc of the Inrurrd rortgrgr upon*rld rrtrte or Inlrrert lr prlor to ruch rrtier.r, - NoNs - ,f331 trIIl Flt* No. VUOO3li;t t'r'fu .No. ltll9tttTl o {.; LAw OFFTcES CosoRrrr, DuruN & FRENcH, P. O.Box 34o VArL, CoLoRADo 8t658 (3031 476-7552 14 November l-984 LEADVILLE OFFICE: F. O. BOX tl LEADVILL E, COLORAOO EO45I (303) 446- teA5 BRECKENRIDGE OFFICET P. O. BOX saa BRECl(ENRTDGE,COLORAOO AO4e4 (303) 453.2901 PC. PETER COSGFII FF .,O HN W. DUNN ROBEff H. 3. FRENCH STEPHEN C. WE3T TIMOTHY H. BERRY AFI?H UR A. AEPLANALFI JR. JOHN B. WOOD Planning & Environmental Town 75 S.VaiI, Comrnission of Vail Frontaqe Road Wes Colorad Re:Cornice Building This office represents Dr. Walter Huttner, owner of the Cornice Building in Vail. In 1979, Dr. Huttner applied to the Planning Commission for a variance related to parking and lot set-back for the Cornice Building, in order that he might convert four second floor units to a single residential unit. While the Planning Commission denied the application for a variance which would have permitted parking on the../^ -./bt<,..,premises, the Commission granted the set-blck vaiiancelnilWpermitting the proposed expansion of the property. During the course of the hearing on Dr. Huttnerrs application, a discussion occurred regarding the imposition of an employee housing limitation on use of the first-floor residential portions of the Building which were then in use. A copy of the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting are enclosed. Dr. Huttner agreed to keep the Building as on an employee housing agreement which was to be arrangedwith the Town of Vail Attorney. The employee housing agreement was never negotiated or reduced to writing' but during the past five years, as a result of Dr. Huttnertsdesire to make improvements to the propertyf the issue has arisen once again. employee housing as long as he owned it, and agreed to -adeld iestrictioi, which-he fett would proiiilE--€IET6i-n--withffi"i." titit i!i""*""t. Iuee-jqerze& ,/t/n../*suggested that thp-FFriod of.corunitnenf shorll.r he extenged 5e-yo-riffit. Huttneg]gggllp*- Accordingly, the Planning Xc rt/ q ovai of the let-back variaice7 2,,r4- o Planning & Enviromental Commission 14 November 1984 Page 2 ft is the position of the Vail Department of Corununity Development that the employee trousing agreement is .to be of indefini"te d.uration. Dr. Huttner has maintained a l'- -r',)ttre employee-housing use of the portion of the Cornice-#'f'**lBuilding i.rsed as emiloyee-housin-g in 1979 from that time to U ' !t-- --^-^- r !r-----r- r r .: - -----^-!r .La- ^ -^^.1 r-.: ^- ^€the present. Althouch it is arentl the VaiI DepartmEil:F-of,Efrr"u-nitv DeveEs.usr_nq ].s no ronqer a Dr. Huttner n requested to execute an employee-housing agreement which would effectivel-y bind the property for atleast twenty years. In view of the gpgte4t-ambiguitylof the 1979 conaiii6n placed upon the cornffiod faith demonstrated by Dr. Huttner is preserving the;:3lil;';l?Hl:'"1i". 6.s- lown; the neighboring properties and Dr. Huttner by improvements to the Cornice Building inconsistent v"ith coirl-Lggi-rrs--enployee housin9 lEe ., or ] @trat L;H'*ry /ffi';z 4a14.-? I I I I I Ehe Planning and Enffi-ffienfa ss10n e].tner co ous g requirement to the riod which D Huttner pro eIIeve e hous soe We request the opportunity to discuss these concerns and considerations with the Plannin mental Commission at vour earliest Arthur A. AAAJr: ggt Enclosure 75 Boulh lrontage road yail, coloredo E1657 (303) 476-7000 0ctober .|9, 1984 Dr. }lalter Huttner 4545 E 9th Avenue Denver, Co 80220 olllce of communlly dcveloPrnent Cornice Building Employee Housing Agreement Dear Dr. Huttner I am enclosing the employee housing agreement for the Cornice Building. I would apprec'iate it if you would and return the signed original to me. The Town will with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's office. I a copy to your attorney, Mr. Art Abplanalp. Sincerely, Kt,t*n {.'*+ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br 3 units in the sign the agreement record the agreement am also sending :i 75 .oulh trontage rcad Yail, coloredo Ei657 (303) 475-7000 October '17, 1984 l'lr. Art Abplana]p P.0. Box 340 Vai'1, Colorado 8.|658 offlce of communlty dcvelopmcnl Dear Mr. Abplanalp, Enclosed 'is a copy agreement. Please Si ncerely, of the Cornice ca'l'l me if you Re: Cornice Building Bu i l d'i ng' s empl oyee housi ng have questions. K'r\*,' 3,h Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Encl . AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the l6.th day of October, 1984, by and between THE TOWN 0F VAIL, C0L0MD0, hereinafter r-eferred to as "Vail" and the owner of the Cornice Building, hereinafter referred to as "0wner." WHEREAS, Vail has requested that certajn restrictjons regarding three (3) employee unjts be placed on the Cornice Building, hereinafter referred to as the Subject Property. NQW, THEREFQRE, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideratjon, the sufficiency of which'is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 'l . That portion of theground level on the subiect property comprised of three (3) dwelling units each- hav'i ng a sleeping area and kitchen and approximately 200 square feet (referred to as Employee Units) sha11 be used exclusively as 9m- ployee housing un'its and shall not'be'sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the rema'inder of the Subiect Property. 2. The three (3) Employee Units shall maintain a minjmum square footage- of 200 square feet per unit,'however, the configuration of the units may be altered. 3. The three (3) Employee Un'its shall not be leased or rented for any.p_eriod of less than thirty'(:O) coniecutive days; and, jf it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to ienants who are full-t'ime employees in the_!.lPPer Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Val 1ey shallbedeemed to jnclude the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red C'l iff', Gilman, Eagle-Va'i1 and Avon, and the.surrounding areas. A full-time employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 4. The restrictions contajned herejn shall remain in effect for a period not more than 20 years and the life of Trent Ruder from the date the certificate of occupancy is 'i ssued for said unit. 5. This Agreement shall be a convenant running with the land and shall bind the 0Wner, its heirs, SucceSSOrS, and assigns, and al1 subsequent leSsees and owners of the Subject Property. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Rondall V. Ph'i llips, Town Manager By: Dr. Huttner 0wner, Cornice Bui lding ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk \: .Thd V.i! VitLglf ,ltocembor lA 1974 Town council heors first zoning oppeol Ernst Larese is ang4r over stop-work order. , excessive drainage caused'by the town with the building of the road by his apartment building in re- gard to the parking struc- ture and repaving o{ another road by his apart- ment building. In his appeal, Larese pointed out the town law allows him to maintain his property- Toughill agreed. adding that it does only as long as improvements do not expand the amount of nonconforming use ol the properry- Toughill said the real that the cars the Corniceparked in Apartments are required to back onto one ol the busiest streets in town. She noted the town does not like to issue stoD-work orders and that "we at- tempt to work with people if there are oroblems." Larese, however, felt the town was "treating me like'a drunk Indian" by not allowing him his right to maintain his property. He {urther - alleees the town government is "harassing" him so he will-be forced to sett his building at a low price to the town. Larese claimed the town wanted to buy the property because ol the new parking structure and does not wbnt him to improve the building. The town has said it is not now interested in acquiring the land, but was consider- ing it at one time. by Peter Eicistaedt Vail's first zoning appeal was heard last night by the Town Council, and was submitted by Ernst Larese, owner of the Cornice Apart- ments. Laresse was issued a stop-work order Dec. 10 under the authorization of Town Zoning Administrator Diana Toughill because 'lparking lot construction (was) not approved and a olan was not submitted" to the town government. Toughill contended Lar- ese was building a parking lot on the Cornice Apart- ment property and was- therefore adding nonconlorming use property. The property was labeled nonconforming because the use and density of the land does' not fit the zoning which the .town goverment placed on the land in 1973. Larese was stopped by the town while he was tn'the middle of spreading gravel on the ground sur- rounding the Cornice. He did not deny he was build- ing a parking lot there with the gravel, but contended it was his right since the building has been there for many years and drivers have always parked there. This, he claimed, put him under the "grandlather" clause oJ law, which ex- cludes a law from being applied retroactively. His legal appeal slated he "sought to maintain and repair the premises suf- rounding said building by placing thereon gravel lor the purpose of eliminating the boggy and muddy con- dition of the ground and to ameliorate. the eflects ot water drainage from the surrounding municipal pro- perty. . . " Larese said his property has suftered the effects of to the o{ the :i, . .lu! o! a good tront with Hang Ten's Essex. Ahigh fashion shirt jacket of luxurio-us Trail Skin thatlooks lik6, feels like and wears like leathor. Hand- somely detailed with checked gingham and smartcontrast slitching. Simple eleganc-e. . . in brown, chamois or navy. Siz€s S, M, L, XL.. . $4S.OO h& COIORADO'S GREAI SI(I COUNIRY CIOIH'ER Glenrrrlood Springs s,lHx*rl;1,, "'"";;;;il;"''* in 'ui;ry&+:A outerwotr Crossroods } a /:\'\'; \it r .'j'' t;'LAW OFFICES COSGRIFF, DUNN & FRENCH, P. C. P. O. Box 340 vAlL. COLORADO 8t 654 13031 476-7552 PETER COSGRIFF JOHN W. OUNN ROBERT H. S. FRENCH STEPHEN C. WEST TIMOTHY H. EERRY OAVID H. MILLER ARTHUR A. ABPLANALP, JF, JOHN B. WOOD LEAOVILLE OFFICE: P. O. BOX 11 LEADVILLE, COLORADO 8046I 13031 486-18€5 BRECKENRIDGE OFFICE: P. O, BOX 5A€l28 Februarv 1984 et-I-u-9*tstei-nsonc-i_.s!.anilglth"-yh.+!--W-*"Town's goalF.. While the structure (3O31 u153-29O1 Mr. Peter PattonDept. of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8L657 RE: Cornice Buildinq Dear Peter: As I hope you were advised by your receptionist, I cancelled our recent meeting regarding the Cornice Building because I vras unable to prepare the specific proposal which you requested if we were to discuss once again the alternatives for that structure. It is my hope that Dr. Huttner's desires regarding this building might be satisfactorily conveyed to you by this letter. Dr. Huttner desires to modify the Cornice Building in a manner which he believes will benefit both the Tovrn of Vail and himself. As you are undoubtedly aware, the structure is now occupied by a residential unit occupyingthe entire second floor, three small residential units, and one commercial unit occupying the lower floor, each of which contains approximately two hundred square feet. The residential units have been a continuing source of problems for Dr. Huttner because of the difficulty of obtaining reliable tenants for the residential spaces. Dr. Huttnerrs efforts to manage this portion of the structure in the manner requested by the Planning Commission in 1979 have been met with continual problems of delinquent rentals and vandalism. Additionally, the occupants of the structure create pressure on the area and make demands on the parking: i \'.' \,' l r'l',, ., ',rl tant with what we-TnEEES€EfrT to -be -fhe i;"'tle-=tiuctuit* lrre-size- of the cornic,Town's goalF zG--of the Cornice Building is, by its very nature, inconsistent with the use of adjoining properties, the parcel upon which the structure is located effectively limits the amount of expansion available, and further makes unrealistic the demolition of the building and the construction of a new structure more consistent with adjacent property uses. I It . r^- uh l' ,nn for,4a? ry{,\,d Mr. Peter Patton February 28, 1984 Paqe 2 Absent the ability to either reconstruct the improvement or expand the structure in a manner consistent with adjacent properties, Dr. Huttner has concluded that the most logical method of renovating the building, consistent with his needs and the concerns of the Town of Vail, would be the conversion of the lower half of the structure into a single residential unit, thereby consolj-dating the three existing resi-dential uni-ts and the commerical unit into a single us_e--o By this proceedure, Dr. Huttner would eliminate the rnuTfiple residential use, and the attendant parking demands, associated with present uses, and would also eliminate the commercial use which you have indicated the Town feels inappropriate for this location. In order to reconstruct this building as an attractive addition to a heavily traveled area of the Town of Vail, Dr. Huttner would also request that the lower floor .be expanded under the oveqlr44gl-e-neloae-d *i:r*L949, in order* -.. :-- *-'--. - '-to-€timinate on-going problems which have existed in association with ice accumulation and drainage. It is our understanding, based W)oniour past conversations, that there remains approximately{.610 square feet of area available under the gross residential floor area formula applicable to this building. The proposed changes illustrated on the enclosed plat, would create approximately an additionaL 469 square feet of residential floor area, based on external measurements. Vq-51q4ge_s_{9gldr. of -course? be- necessary in order to expand Ehai-lohrer -floor, but these variance.s would simply be related to set-back. In association with the improvements of this property, Dr. Huttner would propose to divide the Propertyinto separate ownerships, perhaps by an imaginative Partywall agreement, but more likely by the creation of two condominium units, an upper and a lower unit with common ownership of the lot. An alternative to the creation of two units would be the creation of one single-family dwelling, which would be subject to a remodeling generally similiar to that which we have proposed for a two-unit structure. While this proposal would be less desi-rable from the owner's point of view, it does represent an alternative to the creation of two separate units. You will find enclosed a eopy of the improvement survey locating the Cornice Building on the lot in question' indicating the portions of the lower floor which Dr. Huttner wishes to expand. I hope that this information may be of assistance to you in analyzing this request. ,r'F*7 ) Mr. Peter Patton February 28, 1984 Paqe 3 It is our feeling that the modification of the cornice building suggested by Dr. Hutlner will inprove the appearance of this area of the Town of Vail, while lessening the impact of the present use of the structure. Recognizing that the Cornice Building is one of the original i-mprovements of the Town of Vail, and that its deterioration under present use is most undesirable for both the Town andthe buildingrs ov/ner, his proposal is one which would seem to benefit both the Town and Dr. Huttner. I hope that wethis proposal within the AAAJr: ggt xc: Dr. Huttner - r'i---, aTr,' "*,'p.*ex'''i ( t :'c* F--!. f ! U'" t t, ' 'r !"1" f ut*-&rt u.- 7fu",'"t-*"// ! l r, -', /, ? "t , , .'-' ar!= J ri' &/'*4'J -*-6/1* .4ft."/r. **'t cb"* 3'JE;{1 LL !| .' l'Vftry:-tf i44t.{, !4'"/ l-( f \* [( / *.Jn*t'l/ q( / ^ ,., lat-,,:JL-, Lrn ( \'? have the opportunity E-3i ur A. AbpI t.az p'qy ':Y // ,.-.\/ 10i\\ i ,/ --'.,' '.-. c( It'' hR"H ,$6;X)il{ (? -al* \ N Gft i b x tOj |r Ui o rStul .lo { r) q u 4.O zt.7 .i )1 sro ll* {(;x .i (t't \95\o ll:t 7<*-F \t.\ l$ (J \ $ s, !q s $il viDt l:0\ ui'{ o a PETER COSGRIFF JOHN W. OUNN ROBERT H. S. FRENCH STEPH€N C. WEST TIMOTHY H. BERRY DAVIO I{. MILLER ARTHUR A. ABPI-ANALB JR. JOHN B. WOOO LEAOVILLE OFFICEI P.O.BOXll LEAOVILLE, COLORADO g046I (303) 486-1AA! BRECKENRIoGE OFFICEt F. O. BOX saa LAw OFFrcEs COSGRIFF, DUNN & FRENCH, P. C. P. O. BOX 340 VAIL, COLORADO A 1658 (303t 41e-7552 May 31, 1983 (303' 453-2901 Mr. A. Peter Patton' Jr. Zoning Administrator Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Cornice Buildinq Dear Peler: As you will recall, on the 18th of october of fast year, or. walter Huttner and I discussed with you the a11owable gross residential floor area available to the cornice Building, and the question of whether additional floor area was possible under the GRFA Regulation. My notes indicate that we determined t.hat the tract upon which the Cornice Building is located includes 3t659 square feet. Under the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. the allowable GRFA is 608 of the lot area in the zone district in question, or 2,L95.42 square feet. My notes also indicate that we determined that there presently existed a total of 1'585.5 feet in gross residential floor area in the Cornice Building, including 576 square feet on the ground 1eve1 and 909.5 square feet on the second level. Based upon these calculations, my notes indicate our agreement that, a! far as the gross residential floor area ktas concerned, the Cornice Building is permitted 610 additional- square feet under the GRFA formula applicable to this Iot. Naturally' the property has other difficulties with reference to where the ad.ditional square footage may be constructedr but I am d.ealing at this time only with the question of allowable GRFA. These calculations' you may recall, do not take into consideration the credit available for storage space, nor is the floor space having a ceilinq of less than six and one-half feet. whilh includes the loft and basement of this sLructure, included in the catculations charged against the building's allocations. Additionally, the calculations of existing floor space are naturally based on our measurements. and in the event our measurements of the floor space are incorrectr it would be necessary to adjust the GRFA figure which we have used accordinglY. Mr. Peter Patton May 3L, L983 Page Two As I recall, we both kept copies of our Octobercalculations in order that the owner of the Cornice Buildingmight be certain of his standing in relaLionship to GRFAregulations. Dr. Huttner has now advised me that thearchitects with whom he is working have been informed by the Town of Vail that no additional GRFA is permitted at theCornice Building. If the ptanning staff has arrived atcalculations different those which we discussed, please advise me of the basis for those calculations in order that we might all be relying upon the same figures. If thecalculations which we discussed in October are, in fact,correct, I would appreciate the courtesy of your signatureto this letter in order that we might confirm in writing theposition of the Town. AAAJr/d19 R4 cc: Dr. Walter Huttner Approved: Peter Patton George Rosenberg Alltxrrey,rt l,arv P. 0. Box 241I Vail. Colorado 81657 (303) 949-420t) Novedber 27, L978 DEI-,IVERED BY HAND Town of Vai-l Department of Communi-ty Development Vaj-l Munj-cipal BuildingVail, Colorado Attn: James A. Rubin, Zoning Administrator Re: Application for Conditional Use Permit- Cornice Building, a portion of Tract B Block 5, Vail Village First Filing Dear Mr. Rubin: This office represents Dr. Gerald Renner, Lakewood, Colorado, the soLe owner of the Cornice Building, located within the Town of Vail. It has come to the attention of our client that Mr. ,fames M. Palmer has filed the above referenced application with the Town of Vail-. As you are probably aware the Zoning Title for the Town of vailrequires the applicant for a conditional use permit, if not the owner, have the permission of the ouner to make application andact as agent for lhe owner. Please be advised that Mr. Palmer does not have the permission of the owner of the Cornice Building, Drl-Renner, to make the above referenced application and,/or to act as Dr. Renner's agent in any respect with regard to this matter. Therefore. we would appreciate your withdrawing the above referencedapplication and canceling the hearing on same set for November 28, 1978, Thank you for your attention to this matter. hb cc: Gerald Renner, D.D.S. Jame s M. Palmer rely, Re: Conditional Use Permit Requestfor expansion of Real Estate Officein the Cornice Bui1ding Dear Mike: At the request of Dr. Gerald N. Benner through his attorney, your Conditional Use Permit application has been wlthdrawn. Part of the application process requires the consent of the o$rner of the building, and this.was not given, A check for forty-three dollars and seventy-six cents ($43.76) is being proeessed and will be forwarded to you, a refund on your application fee. The aruount of six dollars and twenty-four cents ($6.24) has been deducted to cover the cost of publication. If and when you do receive the permission from the owner, please let our department know and we will start the process again. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Mr. Michael PaLmer Box 3628Vail, Colorado 81657 JAR/eew cc: George Rosenberg, Attorney at Law department of community development 13 December 1978 Sincerely, ii- a D n-Y'a t^ ^ .+- a . lt ''frQvr,^%) F l! v"v\-^ .l-ames A. Rubin Zoning Administrator o box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476-5613 James [I. Pa].mer Box 3628 Vail-,' Colorado 81657 I}ear Mr. PaLmer: Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes of the Plannilg & Enviornmental Commission meeting of December L2, L978. These record Dr. Rennerts request that your applicationfor a Conditional Use Permit be withdrawn. ENC department of ccimmunity development December L4, 1978 luwn n '"'T-" box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 George Rosenberg Attorney at Law Box 2411Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rosenberg: Enclosed is a copy of Environmental Commiss ion These record Dr. Renner'sa Conditional Use Permit department of community development t4 December 1978 the l,4inutes of the Planning & meeting of December 12, 1978. request that the application forfor Mike Palmer be withdrawn. ENC 638 W. Lakeridge Road . Denner, Golorado A@27 Novernber 18, 1978 tlr. George Rosenberg P.O. Box 24tlVail, Colorado 81652 Dear George: As the sole owner of the cornice Buildirg in vail, r r,rould like youto represent ne at the Town of vail planning ard EnvirormentalComnission Hearing on Novqnber g, lg7/g at i:OO p.m.- r have mt authorized Janes lrrl. palmer to appry for a corditionaluse Pernit for the expansion of his Rear Eilale office in the corniceBuildirg. dL-+-i47@)-' Gerald N. Renner MINUTES PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMI,TISSION MEETING OF: December 12, 1978 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ed DTagCT Pam Garton Ron Todd Gerry lVhite Roger Tilkemeier Sandy Mi11s Jim Morgan - Absent STATF PRESENT: Jim Eubln The first item on the agenda, Mike Palmer Real Estate Office, Bequest for ConditionaL Usq Permlt to expand offic€ space. Beth Rlggert, an assoclate of George Rosenberg, Attorney, was present to represent the building owner, Dr. Renner. He has asked that the application be withdrawn. A letter was presented to the Commission for their review from Dr. Renner outlining his request for withdrawal of the application. No formal Motion was needed. The second item, Vait Mountain Sc@ Town Council hea@. Jim Rubin explained that the Councll upheld the Planning & Bnvironmental Commission decision on the Vail Mountain School, with the condition that the building be moved as shown ou the revised site p1an. The cabin on site wil-I remain in its existing Location. The school. building will be moved further from the closest residences, the lYhite residence and others which are Located at the top of the hill. The Planning & Environmental Commission reviewed the revised site plan. The Llotion was made by Pam Garton to approve the revised site plan for the Vail [Iountain School- as reviewed by the Commission. Seeonded by Gerry lYhite, the Motion was unanimously approved by the Commissi-on, Roger Tilkemeier abstained because of a conflict of interest. The thi.rd item on the agenda,I (Vai1 Fire Protection District). Fire Chief Gordon Swanson was to address the Commission but he was not present. NOTE I'ROM JIM RUBIN: This matter was discussed on an informal basis later on during a work session and the Planning & Environmental Commission did not objeet to the proposed sale. The lrlotion was made to adjourn the Public Hearing by Gerry White, seconded by Roger Tilkemeier and unanimously approved by the Commission. Meeting adjourned at 3:25 P.M. I box 100 vaif, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 ldr. James M. Palmer Box 3628Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear l[r. Palmer: P1ease find enctosed. the & Envj.ronmental Commlssion meeting As you are aware, at the request of the applicantyour request for a Conditlonal Use Pernit was postponeduntll the PEC hearing schedul-ed for Tuesday, December 12, .I9?8. PLease come to the Municipal Building, Council Chambers, at 3:OO P.M. on this date. ENC luun department of community development 4 December L978 Minutes of the Pl.anningof November 28, 19'18. '''-"4 },{INUTES o PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL l'{eeting of November 28, COIIMISSION L97B MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESEI{T: Pam Garton Sandy Mi1ls Ron Todd Ed Drager Gerry White Roger Tilkeneier Jim llorgan A11en Gerstenberger Jim Rubin l{umber one on the agenda, Request for Conditloqqf liqg lesrnllto expzrnd Mike Pal.mer Real llstate Office in the Cornice Building. This matter lvas postponeci at the request of the appllcant until the Deeember 12, ISTB meeting of the Planni-ng & Environrnental Commission. Boger Tilkemeier and Jim Morgan.were not present for this natter. Gerry Ifhite ma"de the Motion to postpone the request for Conditlonal Ilse Permit by the llike Palmer Real Estate Office expansi-on in the Cornice Building at the applicant's request to the Planning & Environmental Commissi-on meeting on December 12, 1978. Seconded by Eon Todd and unanimously approved. The second item, 'Iyrolean Inn - Request for Distance Betlveen Bgildings Variance. Jim L'lorter, Architect, explalned the plans for this proposed aCdition to the Tyrolean Inn, Jay Peterson, Attorney at Law, representing the appllcant, went through the technical aspects of the Zoning Ordinance with the PEC. If this variance is not approved, the addition would have to be built four floors in height and would not fit into the nelghborhood as well as the plans as proposed (Par'king below grade and another 3 floors). Gerry ilthite questioned l\{r. Peterson on the parking. }dr. Peterson explained that the addition will have 7 condo unlts, and there will be 19 covered parking spaces provided, 13 of which vril1 be reserved for the condominium owners and the rest will be parking for the restaurant. .However, Mr. Peterson feels strongly that people should not be encouraged to drlve to the restaurant as the Tyrolean Inn is so close to the pedestrian Village. Pam Garton asked whether any of the condos will be long-term rentals? Jay Peterson said no, but that in the downstairs of the Tyrolean Inn, there will be dormitory rooms to house some of the Inn's employees. After further discussion, Pam Garton made the llotlon to approve the request for Distance Betrveen Buildings Varj.ance to permit an addition to the Tyrolean Inn as outlined in the Department of, Community Development memorandum dated I'lorrember 24, 1978. Roger Tilkenreier seconded the Motion. Gerry I[hite added that he would ask that the principals not return in the future for a Parking Vari.ance, ?g. 2 Minutes - Planning & Environmental Commission Tbe Cornmlssion voted unanirnous approrral . LL/28 /78 for The third item on theConditional Use permi.t agenda, Val1to a1low the e r Mai-ntenance Facilit Si te . lh1l Ordway was present to represent this request from VailAssociates- The purpose of this request is their need to havethis additional space for offices to house personnel. There willbe 7 emproyees using the office space during regurar businesshours who are part of the construttion g"orf, tnit witt be re_located to Beaver creek in the spring. -vail Associates will ?-greg to a' expiration date as a condition to the approva.l ofthe conditional use permit. These employees will be- working onvail projects durlng this vrinter, and it makes i.t advantageousto have them in close proximity to the v111age and LionsHead.Mr. ordway explained that he can't give an elact timetablefor putting the trailer at beaver cieek, but they intend to relocateit sometime next spring. The trailer will be lotated in a cornerof the maintenance facility 1ot. sandy !.{i1Is asked whether they had tried to obtain officespace in Town so they would not have to add to the congestionon this site? l.{r. Ordrvay explained that eost is a big factor. Theywould only need the space for 4 or. b months and would have tosign a lease for a year for any space available in Town. Heexplalned that the vA staff has grown to the point vrhere theiroffices in Llonsllead wi1l not hol-d anymore pelple. Sandy Mills asked whether it might be possible for VailAssoeiates to come back again for this type of condi.tional usePermit under sirnilar ci_rcumstances? l.Ir. Ordv.'ay stated they would not have asked for this CUpif it had not been a temporary situation. There will beapproxlmately 25oo sq. ft. of office space available in Lionsl{eadwhen they move personnel to Beaver Creet. Pam Garton asked whether vA will be bringing in a landscapeplan for this site to DRB soon. Jim Rubin saia irrat DRB isScheduled. to see this plan. parn added that she feels the fencearound the site is.not adequate and is in really bad shape. Mr. Ordway assured the Cornmission that the landscaping andbermi.ng w111 be done as approved by the Desj.gn Review Board and asstated in the I{eavy Service District requi-rements. Gerry Mite felt that perhaps the approval of this CUpshould be conditional on their cleaning up the site right away.l'!r. ordway feels the timing is bad for any early l.andscaping orthorough clean-up on site. Ilolever, with the completion o{ thenaintenance building, much of the materj,als sitting Associates.Inc. - Relacine of a trailer ..,1, Pg. 3. Minutes - Planning & Environmental Commission tl.128 /78 outside wil"l be moved inside, and this will take care of much ofthe problem. Pam Garton made the Motion to approve Vail Associates, Inc.request for a Conditional Use Permit to a11ow placing a trailerin the corner of their maintenance facility site wittr a deadlinefor reLocating the trail-er to Beaver Creek of May 15, I97gand as set forth in the memorandum prepared by the Department of Communlty Development dated November 24, 19?8. Seconded byRon Todd. Gerry White asked that an addendum be made to the Motionstating that the site will be cleaned up as soon as the maintenancebuilding is completed and that material_ which is stored outsidewill be stored in the building. . The Commission voted 4 for approval, Sandy llill-s opposingand Roger Tilkemeier abstaining because of conflict of interest. The next Variance for 1tem, Sheehan Thomas -Request for Buildin Bulk 44 unit pro ect known as I'Courtside'in Bi hornUnplatted. Craig Snowdon, Architect, is representing the owners ofCourtside. He explained that they own 9.15 acres, 5! acresof which are in Moderate High Hazard Avalanche Zones. They are requesting this variance to a1low a buildinglength of 120 feet, and a diagonal dimension of 130 feet. He showed the plans to the Commission. He wants to keep thebuildings lorv and construct them outside the Hazard area. Thereare to be three building groups which will require this Variance. The project will be phased and the first phase will be for 9 units Pam Garton advised the Commissj-on that Design Revj-ew Boardhas seen the plans and encouraged the owners to come in forthis varj.ance as this will allow them to stay out of the Hazard Zone. There 1s a proposed land trade sonsidered with l{a1ter Kirsch (Vai1restriction for tennis courts to beis not buildable because of the mudbut there has been no commitment aswill be built. The owners ( Sheehan/Thomas ) stated that in regard to the drainage situation and water florv, they are planning to drainthe water off and construet holding ponds. They are workingwith Gingery & Associates on this project. (or land lease) being Racquet Club), with a deed built on the acreage that slide area (Hazard Zone), to the time when the courts -t Dcr 4 llinutes - Planning & Environmental Commission The Commission memberslease arrangement would beto retain orvnership of all develop the number of units would have to come back foroutrlght. a7/28/78 advi.sed the owners that a landpreferablc since they would havethe land to make sure they canplanned for the project - Theysubdivlsion if the land is sold Gerry White asked about their plans for landscaping? The owners stated that the drainage area will- be l-andscaped. A lengthy discussion ensued relatirze to the proposed Amendments to the Zoni-ng Ordinance and if this request should come under the present Zoning Ordinance or the amended Zoning Ordinance and Ron Todd felt that the Cornmission must base thedecision today on the present Zoning Ordinance. This seemedto be the consensus of opinion. Roger Tilkemeier aslied Craig Snowdon what the consequences would be if this va::iance request is refused? Craig statedthat they could drop 3 units and eould shange the site p1an, but they vant to keep out of the ldoderate Hazard area andretain the trees on site. Ron Todd made the Motion to approve the Building Bulk Variancefor the project knotvn as "Courtside" located in an unplattedarea of Bighorn and as set fortlr in the memorandum prepared bythe Departnent of Community Development dated November 24, 7978. Pam Garton seconded the Ivlotion. The Commission voted unanimous approval. Nurnber 5 on the Agenda, Amendments to Zoning Ordinance. The Amendnents to thc Section will be heard by Council were discussed by staff and the Commission. Jim Rubin also advised the Commission that there is an error onpage 336, HDIUF which states that lodges are the only permi.tted use. This should be changed to add l,{ultip1e-Fanily Residential Dwellings. Gerry lVhite made the lr,lotion to reconunend the Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance as discussed and as attached to these Minutesbe forwarded to the Torvn Council for their approval . Ron Todd seconded the lvlotion and the Commission voted unanimous approval. By Motion, the Commission approved the lrlinutes for the meetings of August 22, September 12, September 26, October 1O, October 24 and November 14. 1978. lileeting adjourned 5 P.lU. o l,a PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that James M. Palmer, representing the Cornice Building, has app'lied for a Conditional Use Permit for a Portion of Tract B, B'lock 5; Vail Village First Filing to allow the exapansion of his Real Estate office. Subiect property is located in a HDMF Zone District. Application was made .ln accordance with Section 18.20.030 of the Town of Vai'l Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section'18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on November 28, 1978 at 3:00 P.l.l. before the Town of Vail Planning ii Environmentrl Ctrmission. Said hearing will be held in the Vail itunicipal Building. TOI.IN OF VAIL DEPARTI'IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT +.t-,D- ames A. Rubin Published in the Vail Trail November .|0,1978 'l TOWN OF VAIL APPI,ICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ApplicationDate llf Z,'^E - Publication Date Public Hearing oate ll/ Name of Applicant .Fn u f S --_----:--. Nn 1. aa.,r-\ A<n ,vcL Name of owner if dif ferent from Applicant lJf \'L+'/ri' - '- -'- '. n . A , 'tr "t Plrlailing Address l'. t . l-j v4 -;e- ' Telephone Legal DescriPtion: Lot , Block , Filing - = . ,' = = ; ; iIJr4(Ifproperty].SfipE[TEa-ubmjtfretes&boundsdescriptionaSexn Applicatlon is hereby made for a Conditional Use Permit to a1low: {t c'-''-..Rua r r.U-sz- Districtina APPLICATIoNV{ILI,NoTBEACCEPTEDUNLESSACCoMPANIEDBYTHEFOLLoIYING: 1. Hearing Fee - $50.00 + $1'40 for EACII addressed envelope' 2.ALISToFTHEo\INERSoFTIIEPRoPERTIESwithin300feetinaSingle-r'ami}yResidential;rruo-l'o*ilyResidentj.al;orTwo*tr.ami1y Primaryiseconaary-nu"iOu"ij-a1 Zone Distrist; or adiacent to the subje.t ptopl"ty in all -other Zone Districts' The Owners List sha11 include iht nt*"" of all owners and the 1ega1 description of the properiy owned by each' Accompanying this 1j-st snaif be pre-a'ddressed- envelopes a19ng with Certificates anA-n.^t"t" necei-pis ptopt"ly filled out to each owner. These io"*t can be obtaintd i"ot-the U'S' Post Office' 3. Site Plan, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator 4. A description of the precise nature of the prooosed use' its operating cnaralteristics and measules proposed to make the use compaiible'with other properties in the viclnity' nD+t,d,'$ D4, g,@nr&)\J ZrE,#,'&O-\+4ieg#* Slzss<q U P,(-t5* "-& /) I-\A'fu-A aD 4 L7tf+f/ W'M,' qgqt /\/.'v - 6 tl77g J,frIR Xsr\ S+31{ l;4- \*ry '\*.ilN 5r\)' r)i1",${ GBT.EH]F-3gw Edl#se{ceG'QG3' -a (-, AGENDA PLANNII'IG COMMISSION September l6' 1976 Vail Associates - Request for Conditiona'l Use Permit for Chairlift llo. 16 on Tract E, Vail Vil]age lst Filing in an Agricultural zone. Racquet Club - Request for Building bulk control' height and covered parking variances to constructe two more buildings. lledsker Residence - Request for setback variance to allow construction of a garage. A & D Enterprises - Rehearing of request for Conditional Use Permit to convert two dwell'ing units to real estate office. Cornice - Rehearing of request for Conditional use Permit to convert dwelling unit to real estate office. 6. Town of Vail rezoning of public property to new public zone t. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) I 1177 t^'j'c'u 'o 5l*/-5 Dry -)Jve /)t' 4f *trrh/.t&r. q) l?,rll| O O ?tqt-tLl'{"" The ipplicant was not willing to wait for a decision until December or January. Diana Toughill suggested that if the informatjon gathered from the noise meter were conclusive that both the Planning Commissjon and the Town Council meet on Tuesday, September 2'l n to come to a decision before the Council Meeting that njght. Unan'imous approval was heard from the Planning Cornission with the applicant agreeing as well. Decision on thjs matter was deferred. CORNICE BUILDING -- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The Plannjng Conmission neconsiidered the request fora Conditional Use Permit to allow conversion of one dwelling unit of 232 square feet to a real estate office. The Planning Comrnission general'ly felt that a real estate office was not appropriate in a primarily residential neighborhood; however, feelings were mixed regarding how much'impact 232 square feet of office would have. A motion was made by Gordon Pierce and seconded by Pam Garton to approve the Conditional Use rpernjt. The decisjon was to deny the Conditional Use permit with Pjerce, Abbott & Garton voting for and Corcorn, '-- Hanl on, Mi I I s and l^lhi te voti ng agai nst. The comnission genera'l 1y had no strong feelings pertaining to the sma1l pu11-off area ProPosed TOWN OF VAIL REZONII'IG OF PUBLIC PROPERTY TO A NEI'I PUBLIC ZONE The areas to be rezoned under the public zone were: Antholz' Transportation Center, Post Qffice & I,lunicipal Bui'lding, S'ite 24, and the School Site portion of Lot 8. Gordon P'ierce made a motion to approve the rezoning and Bill Hanlon seconded the motion. The motion was unanimous for approval" G o ,t ? -.-t'r AGEI{DA PLANNING COMIIISSION Auguet L2, L976 1. Vail Racquet CIub - Request for Condltlonal Use Permit i;;-.1il-including restaurant and bar 2. Cornice - Request for Conditional- Use Permit for real estate offiee in EDMF zone. 3. Vall East Lodging - leSggsl for rezonlng of-Lot 3' Block 9 and irl2 of Lot li"ni6ct 8, Bighoru Souaiotslon Thlrd Addition' 4. Crossroads Cinema - Bequest for joint-use parking for 71 additional tbeater seats' PLANNING COMMISSION SummarY August l.2, \976 MEMBERS PRESEM: Dudley Abbott Dan Corcoran Sandi Mil1s Bill Eanlon Gordon Pierce Gerry White T CLUBVAIL RA Walter Kirch representing the Vail Use Permit for the club including Racquet Club requested a a restaurant and bar ' GerryWhitemadeamotioatorecommendapprovaloftherequestl seconded the motion in accordance with staff recommendations' ""i" *"" recorded in favor of the motion' Gerry White made.a motion to recommend approval of request; Dan seconded the motion in accordance wittr stiff recommendations' ;;;; *"s t..o.ded in favor of the motion' Dan Corcoran A unanimous MikePalmerandRossDavis,JT',andMalcalmHuntrequestedaConditional Use pe".it for real estate office in HDMF zone' Gerrywhitemadeamotiontorecommenddenialoftherequestbasedon staff recommendations, Bill llan1""-r."""aed the motion; Gordon Pierce opposed. nequesi-was'aenieA. tte--"*"ets further requested approval of a driveway which encroaches a streei rlgtrt-of-way and fo fence and landscape a sma11 sreen beit area' Motion *"t-i"d" bv GLrrv l{hite t9 ::::T1t"d approval to the C""""if, seconded by Bill Hanlon' Vote was unanimous lo recommend aPProva1 . CORNICE VAIL EAST LODGING CROSSROADS CINE}I-A Rod rodd and lterv Lapin requested for ioint-use parking for 71 additlonal theater seals. Erlka McCa1l requested rezoning of Lot 3' Block 9 and * of Lot 1' ;1;;k 8, Bighorn subdivision Third Additiou' Dan corcoran made a motion to recommend approval of request; Gerry lryhite seconded the notion in aceorAance-witn stalt recommendations' A unanimous ;;;;-;;" recorded i"n favor of tbe motion' Corcoran A unanimous Conditional Minutes/Regu'lar 7 September 1976 to approve the resolution; Councilman.staufer seconded the motion; a1l present voted in favori and the motion carried. RESgLUTISN No. 18, Series of tgZg, regarding the Townts "Goals and 0biectives", was jntroduced. Mr. Minger explained-that the resolution would adopt the goifs Statement and so direct iuture policy. The Mayor commended the numerous people who had spent many hours on thb docirment. Councilman Hejmbach moved to lppiou" in" resoiution; Lounci'lman Donovan seconded the motjon; all present voted in favor'. and the motion carried. With regard to A & D Enterprises'request for a conditional use permit, Diana i.,ilftiii-i,-piainea tnat ttr! applicand had asked that the matter be deferred to ttre"Ftanntng Comrnission for finthen study prior to being presented to the Council blith regard to the Cornice's request.for a expta'ined that the appficant.also had asked Plinning Commjssion for further study. conditional use permit, Ms. Toughill that the matter be deferred to the hlith regard to AAA Acme Haircutting Co.'s request for.a-cond'itional use permit' l,ii. r""6tiir-expruinea-*'ii itre re{uest.was to convert former qlfice. space.in i6" Uifi Creek bourt-eriiJjng into'a hairdress'ing shop. She added that both it'e Ftann:ng Commission and ihe staff recommended apOroval .. Councilman Staufer rovea io upirove the r.qr"it; Corniit1nun Donovan setbnded the motion; all present voted in tivor; and the motion carried. }lith regard to the Lodge at Ljonshead's request for a buildinq bulk varjance and ;;;". pi"f,ing-uu"iance-for six cars, lls. i,jughil't ttut"a.that*the Planning Com- missiolr and ihe staff both recorrnended approial . Counci'lman Donovan moved to aDDrove the request on the conditjon tnat'it the parking sDaces were needed in ;h;' i;ir;;, ind-*"rt d 'be i nsta'll ed at the- ov''nerts exDense; counci'lman Staufer ieiondea the motion; al'l present voted in favor; and the motion carried' Ilith regard to Ms. Jonine M. Hixon's request for a three.foot setback variance to buj'ld a deck onto-ii.i-""iia.n.", Ms.'ioughi'l'l stated that both Planning Com- mission and staff r".omunJ.a-ipp".ivat- ioinci'lman Ruder moved to approve the ;&;;;t; d;uncilman-oi"""in-i"i6ha"a the motion; all present voted in favori and the motion carried. l|lith regard to East vail Lodging's request for rezoning,^Ms. Toughjll stated that the request ny.r-io Oou,nione Lot j,-gioci g anO th6 South 1/2 of Lot I' B'tock 3, B.ighorn rnirJ-nJaii'ion from UouF io ngricu'ltural,.and added that both planning Commiss.ion unA ii.if reconmendld ipp"6vuf. Couniitman Staufer moved to approve tne requeill iouniif*un Heimuictr'ieconded the motion; all present voted jn favor; and the mot'ion carried. councjlman Donovan reouested that in the future u ""pr.r.ititlr".i;;y;ppii.ini ue present when the request is heard before the Council. lllith regard to Fitzhugh scott's_request for an encroachment onto Town of vail property for the p.op6i.a viit Rtnfet.ic club, Ms. Toughil.l.stated that the Spiliiiit iequestba-itrit tne matter be heard at a later date' l,lith regard to the app'l icant's appeal-of the Zoning Administrator's decision reqardinq the Riggs house, Ms' Tough'ilt'siiieA thai the appellant requested if,6-ritt"r to be-leferred until the next meet'ing' blith reqard to Crossroads Cinema's request for a iojnt-parkino aQreement' ii"i"rlii"i-"*prii"la that the ioint agriir"ni'"orja i'ltbw sev6n iaojtionat seats for tne propoiei'[*in il-n"rni. if'l-Cin*l submitted a 'letter stating that the cinema uni-itt" inopping area would utjlize the same parking spaces but at d.ifferent t.imes of the day. couniiirin Heimbach moved to approve the joint agreement; Couiciinan nuael t".oni.a'ltre motion; a'll present voted 'in iavor; and the motion carried. }lithregardtotheappointmentofaP.|anningConrnissigl_r:*b""totheDesign Revjew Board, the pi-u;;i;g comnission "eqr"it"a tnrt member Gerry wh1te be appointed as the .;;;i;i;9 *qFt of^the'Design-Review Board' Counci'lman Donovan moved to .il;i;i"fi".-r.r[it"i couttciiman Staufer seconded the motioni "ii-p",it""t-voted ih tuuo"; and the motion carried' x= l_, 476- t3?o 476'€/0{ Ar-d lrl, / /. ,< -tn-2rt 4'/,,- a; da't /. d/A *, 4 /.(/n J t*rd 5. *fr/-,/,*".* b;g. /'#ropo 6*-4-- >/o+ s/r.rr. ry r,"ri/ ..lz-.r-*6o , U* ,*J a/rfr /*/-*Tt,4a'*< fuWfd Z?p?-- , bx z?pz = 3r(o7ofi /L_rvrue( ,(a vail, colorado 816F7 303 5613 Augus-t 21 , box 1oo t973 DC. MEI''lORANDUM T0: FROI,I : Tofii.l ccul{c tL KENT RCSE J ll't LAl"iCi'll- D IAI.,IA TOUGH ILL comprises approximately 50f, of the floor area. Secl.ion rEggslg_lJ.RKtNc vAR IANCE F After careful consideration of the proposed variance, theTown staf f strong ly recommends d isapprova I of the subjectparki ng va r iance request. The proposed use which makes the variance neces!tary is notpermitted under the new zoning ordinance in a public Accom-modations zone. The owner, Mr. Larese, is proposing to usefhe f irst f loor of the structure as a restauranl.. inis item ( l) of the ordinance allows eating, drinking, anddining facilities in a P.A, zono ro occupy no more than 7 "nn LV /:tof the gross f loor area of a structure. ln order to change the use of the structure, the owner mustapply'for a certlficate of Zonint compriance, which certifi-cate h,ould be denied as a nonconforming use under the newzon ing ord inarrce. Nevenber Ir:1971 Hr, ^Claud*- {, Mar"tinF' O. Box I?5 Breekenridgq; Color*de .- .i Dean Hr:. Hgr^tin: " ; ' ?hle ie ,o"rnro* you that g*.; p, .,{. 'cramsrus n** '' appl.ied fon a zoning vaniance to allow no setbackon the cneek eids and' $ t edtbaek,.on the perrking lotside in orden to enlange the Csrnice Uuilaing. A 10 t setback ie ::equired'. The Boand of Zoning, Appeals and, Examiners wilL meeton ThunEday, Novenben 12 at g:00 Et.rn. in the Munici-pal Building to heg$l ttrLs.caee; : :: ' ': . If you wiah to ppoteEt th{c vlriance, please bepresgtl at this meeting on eend your proteat byeentt rt-ed fiIeil.l.. tr truLy , ,.,,j , goARD Or tOHIl{g, *?Fsar,s A$D ixergueRs ' '{ Robert'iR.' el*"k Chairrsan of the Bonl'd dw-_- r r' ) ' .: Centified Mail T0t'tN oF VA I L BOARD OF ZONING, APP;4LS AND EXAMINERS I4EET ING OF NOVEIV$5R I6, 197I Meeting called to o rde r:A. The meef ing was called to orde.6f 9:jO in the Town ofVai I Municipal Building, il . The follovring members were present: l4essrs. J im Viele,14itch Hoyt, Robert Clark and Ed Struble (ex-of f icio).C. The following guesfs were pr€senr.; l,4essrs. peter ' Cramerus, Bob Lazi er , and Ch uck Rosenqu is-fPast Bus Iness: A Case B-14-1 I - Chuck Rosencuisf - f,.1 r. Rosenquist pre- sented a solution for the Boardrs consideration on avarlance which was hea rd on 0ctobe r 21 . He orooosed tl ilt. rails on fhe street s ide of the Creekside buildino tosatisf y the needs of fhe traf f ic f iow as far as handrailsby putf ing one to Andres, one fo -lhe condomin ium area on rway. chmond As soc i ates ( Kiandra hand- of lnf na) - FcaArir- so I ut ions f orthe October 2l fhe east side of the building, There is also a question' who is respons ib le for putt ing the railing on the lowerstairs, but Mr-. Rosenquist will mec.f wifh Vail Associatcs'1'o determine this matter. A motion was made by Mr. Vielethat !1r. Rosenquist will be required to use fou r hahdrails--one on the west end at the point where the sta i rs break,two in the center and one on the east en d, The motion was secon de d by Mr. Fioyt and approved unanimous ly by the Boa rd.The Board wenf to the site to dete rm i ne wh at shou I d be doneon fhe lower sta B. Case d-lB-71 - R Bened ict & Assoc iates submitfed a lternativethe circular sta irs on the ca se presented atmeeting. A motion was made by Mr. Viele thaf Scheme Abe epproved. The mot ion was seconded by lvl r. Hoyt and approved u n a n i mo u s I y . New tsus incss: A. Case Z-14-1 | - 14r. l). A. Cramorus - tleques-l for zoning varionce'fo al low no se'f back on the creek side in lieu of l0 t and 5ron the pa rk inE lot s ide in lieu of l0r in order to enlargethe Corn ice building w ith the p resent width dimensions, The Board first examined the plans of the property of fheproposed va r iance. lf appears thaf the Town of Vail has alease on some of t'he p rope rty on wh ich Mr:. Crambrus has an opf ion. The Boa rd must dete rm ine who holds the legal r ight to fhe p rope rty be fo re fhe var iance can be deniedor granted. A survey mus-i- be made of the property and the co r rect p rope rty lines dete rm ined before any act ion can be ta ken . The property surveys in ex istence we re re fe rred toMr. Larry Rob inson, Town Aftorney for his opi.nion.Case B-20-71 - Mr. Robert T. Lazier - Request for building variance to allow non-f ire retardanf wood in lieu of f ire retardant in noncon formance w ith Sect ion 2005 of the Uni-form Building Code; and requesf to use non-conforming stair construct ion. Mr, Laz ie r stated that the siding is apprgxi- mate I y 60t f rom fhe nearest building so th is doesnrt present a f ire hazard. He then presented his case for the non- conforming stair. They will put |/2" p lywood fire retardant. The ent ire sta ir is inside a prestressed concrete sfrellHe also wants fo use the same exte r ior iinish whe re rhe olanssnow stucco. A mofion was made by Mr. Hovt that the variancesbe granted. The motion was seconiied by f.,f r. Viete and ap_proved unanimously by the Boa rdc. case B-2 1-7 i - Gord Peak by vair Associafes - A motion wasmade by Mr. Viele that temporary mechanical wihdow ventila-tion be puf in the chi ldrenrs waiting area immediatelyand that work starf on June i and to be completed by July Ito bring the entire building venting up to ine code standards.'The rnotion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved unan imouslyby the SoardD. case B-23-7 | - Mallory Nottingham - A building variance wasrequested by Mr. Nottingham fo use fire retardant treatedshingles over plywood in Iieu of 5/Br gyp board in a sma||area in his fiower shop. A motion was made by Mr. Vielethat l4r. No.ttingham be required to use fire retardant : coat ing ove r fhe sh ing les. The mot ion was seconded byMr. Hoyf and approved unanimously by the Boardlv.0the r Bus iness:A. Mr. Strub le b rought up theVail for Avis Rent-A-Car. f ac i I i t i es of any type rnust Adjournmenf:A. As there rvas at ll:15 a.m. gas tank proposed for ManorA ruling was made th at gasolinego in Heavy 5e rv i ces Zon i ng. noiother business, the meeting was adjourned Respectf u I I y subrni tted TOWN OF VA I L "f7 ,e Pl:rf ,,':;{' '!;'; **. *' -d- L *" 1| i *:pe';'. ; ii j$';j.s t;,fu Ed Struble(Ex-officio) dw s#&a ' APPLICATTONTO APPEAR BEFORE THEBg4lD 0F z0NrNG AUiUSr.MttrI---- BOARD OF BUTLDTNG APPEALi'- 4F -\q r, ?n vanaance 0f the Va nom the requrrernents nespectfully neque 1 poning 0ndinance '' rn making a determination on zoning the Boand considens onryr r. unftr iilS:HB'"3;,:::i,illil:^n::r::g.y;;r;";; B. conpatrbility Jftr iilS:H:, .,: j, l::9 .{?r. ;ir: ;$;3" $",#iI;"::T :":ffinliiili ri;"ui' j:;"f::*::o^:"Lti":! Iiii,-ti"'"ii,.""aiii'#;:;,i: !??3ll':i'il{.;lf :" ]:f T_"1: - :f _ .l? 1."" { ",,a, "i . -;; ;i;il; "Jidttyr and the welfane ofthe inhabitants of the Towil llrili].:lc_i:g:_y*":i:l:::.the Boand may considen only, 1. suit_i:'i::X":j" ll. :l*= ::-:*:li:i; iii: T"tiJo I"li'::;qilil;, j; llil'2 . . neas onable int enpnetatio"J - oF-'ii,l'=;il;i" i;";";F=iil:.::1": The Administnative officiar may charlenge any va:riance granted whicigoes beyond the scope or iire- p6,0""" oi--ii," .b';";: .rt is undenstood that a fee of $25.00.is payable in advance and tha.r1t:l (10) day posting p!'ioa ii nequined onio'to a .rrrrr{rr }a--.i--in-iii.li#";"Lfi::il: e"":oa ].e nesuined prion ts a pubii: i,."ni"g suirJi"s-c; Signed: l"lr-. Errrst LareEe The tslue CesVaiI, Colorado Dean Mr, La.lr,e6e i - i . 1, , Tl:?,i: l" infonm.you thtt Hr. p. A. Cnamenue hasappried fon a zoning vanl.Ence to arlow no setbackon the creek eide ana s I aetbaek on the pan*ins-lot :i1. in.order to enlange the Corniee U"iiai"g;" A-- lCI t setback is nequired. The Boand of zoning, Appcarsiand'Exaninena will L*eton-Thunsggy' Novenrben 13 at g:00 a.m. in the ltuntci-pal building to h*er thla aas6, If prou wiEh to .proteet this varienee n pleaee bepTlgett at'thie meeting or send ysur protest by eer,*tified $atl. . .:l'Yourl truLy, BOARD OF ZONIN€, APPEALS AND EXAHINERSj- Novembci ln tg?:. . Robert R., Cl".ark Chainrnan of the Board o1{ . :Cbstified Ftatl