HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 TRACT B VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE REDEVELOPMENT 2000 LEGAL,l Vail Athletic Club & Spa Redevelopment Proposal March/April 2000 ,, / oo VAIL ATHLETIC GLUB TREE PRESERVATION PLAN Prepared by: A Cut Above Forestry P.O.7133 3t;X;3:L'fe co 8*,24 Consulting Forester: Rick Herwehe 4t15198 The Vail Athletic Club renovation is a complex project that includes adding new floors, refurbishing the exterior, replacing retaining walls and installing a new water line. These procedures will require excavation, material storage, scaffolding and increased pedestrian traffic. Each of these activities can have a serious effect on the tree's roots, bole and branches if not carefully planned and implemented. A proactive approach to tree preservation must be implemented to meet the owners goal of minimizing the construciion impacts to the trees. The purpose of this document is to evaluate the potential impacts this project may have on the trees and to present adequate mitigation measures to minimize the effects of these impacts. Mitigation aclivities may include improving tree vigor prior to construction, preserving the root zone on all trees designated for preservation, treating trees effected by construction and prescribing post- construction treatments to mitigate the cumulative effects of the poect on the trees. During construction, the trees will be monitored for damage and stress @ncems. This document will address what trees presenfly exist on the site and wfrich trees should be preserved or removed during construction. The potential impacts the project can have on the trees will be evaluated and detailed specifications for preservation will be presented. A timeline for monitoring tree health and compliance will also be outlined in the plan. To obtain the maximum benefit from this tree preservation plan, it must be considered a guideline rather than an inflexible dicturn, because, invariably unanticipated social and biological issues will emerge during the project, requiring changes to the document Survey method Trees on the site vl,ere surveyed in two ways. First, all of the trees were identified on the site map. Next, the evergreen trees vrrere located on the ground and identified with numbered aluminum tags. The aspen trees were not tagged but they are well identified and numbered on the map. Additionally, the aspen trees on the east side may be treated as clumps rather than individuals. Trees marked individually were evaluated by species, diameter at the root collar, crown diameter, health, condition, insect and disease presence and suitability for preservation. Tree diameter was measured at the root collar for the transplanted trees and at 4.5' above ground for the indigenous trees. Crown diameter is the cross section of the crown measured at the widest point. lnsect and disease concems were noted throughout the survey. Health and condition ratings were based on tree form, existing damage and annual growth. o Description of treee Afl tree on the site, except for a20" diameter engleman spruce located on the east side of the building, and some lodgepole pine near the spa, v\,ere transplanted onto the property. Most of the trees were likely planted when the building was originally constructed. Other large trees in the survey are not on the property but very close tot he property line, Four tree species are represented on the property; Aspen (Populus tremuloides), Colorado blue Spruce (Picea pungens), Engleman Spruce (picea englemanii) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). Most of the evergreens appear to be in good health. A few of the spruce trees are lighily infected with cooley gall aphid. Cooley gall aphid is an insect that infests the tender shoots of spruce trees. The cooley spruce galls appear as light green or purple cucumber shaped growths on the lateral shoots in May or June. The galls dry and tum brovwr by late summer leaving unsightly grov(hs on the tree. Extended infestation by cooley gall aphids can cause deformed growth and degrade the tree's health. The ponderosa pine growing in the southeast comer of the property exhibits signs of porcupine damage and a broken top. The aspen trees on the north side of the property appear to be in good health and show no signs of root or stem disease. The aspen on the northeast side of the athletic club are growing in restricting areas too close to the building. Many of the aspen near the deck on the southeast side of the athletic club are leaning, bent over and exhibit a low crown to trunk height ratio. Suitability for preservation The goal of tree preservation is to have trees remain assets to the site for years to come. Therefore, trees preserved on the site must be carefully selected to make sure that they will survive construction impacts and perform well in the landscape. Evaluating the tree's suitability for preservation includes the following factors: Tree Health Healthy, vigorous trees can better tolerate the impacts of construction such as root injury, soil compaction, changes in soil moisture and the demolition of existing structures. With the exception of the pine tree in the properties southeast comer, the evergreen trees are in good health and are growing well. The aspen trees show a variety of condition and forms. The aspen in front of the building are growing vrell and show good form. ln contrast, the aspen trees on the east side of the building are tall and spindly, leaving them less than beautiful and vulnerable to damage from spring snows. Some of the trees near the deck are leaning or bent over. Tree structure Trees that contain decaying uood, poor crown structure, forked trunks and other defects are not suitable for preservation. None of the trees on the site exhibit poor structure. Most of the trees are young enough that any problem with forked tops or poor structure could be culturally treated. Species Not all species respond to construction injury in a similar manner. Young, healthy spruce trees are quite tolerant to construction stress. ln @ntrast, aspen tree with their fragile bark and susceptibility to disease are intolerant of construction impacts. Potential longevity Mature and overmature trees are less able to tolerate construction impacfs than are younger trees. Wth the exception of the large spruce tree near the southr,rest corner of the building, all of the evergreen trees on the site are young vigorous. The aspen trees are allfairly young but not all are growing vigorously. lmpact Evaluation It will be virtually impossible to retain trees on the construction site without incuning some degree of injury or change in their environment. lf the impacts are too server either the tree must be removed or the plans must be changed. There are turo components to evaluating impacts to trees: 1. determining what activity will occur around the tree from the site development plans and specifications. 2. Evaluating the effects of direct injury to individual trees, as vrrcll as site- wide changes that affect long-term health and stability From reviewing the plans and evaluating the related activities, lt appears that about five procedures will have direct effects on the trees; excavating the water line, erecting and dismantling scaffolding, foot and vehicle traffic, storing r'f AY-o l -ee FR r rB 22e l"rt AEovE FORESTRY materiat, and rebuitding-the otaining wall. The only regradirE on the site is inthe north u,est comer, if performed,itreruirv, no hrge Jpr'ceiree shorrd benefitby removing the fill from arounct the traa. Afewtrees wit have to be remorred forexcavation and to ailorrrroom to?yt tlru scaffolcfing. To faciritato construction, three spruce trreJ, tn" pine treeand about ei:deen aspon lrees wiil have to be moved or removed. The {reeslated for removat ie identified,on the site map. , ^,. *_r**nyffi^:;ff " *southeasr oomer of the project wiilrequrre removng AnOIlg jr=O* trery (#45, #6, #t, #49,#50, *St, -*Se, *Sg, f5{.. *.1 possibtv #s6, #s7,and possibry #4s ano *noi . rr*-iiiior 21 3 wiffbe planted nearlhe waterllne exdavatiori- The aspen repracement required bythe toun must be addressed in the landscap€ phh. The deck tocated on the east side of the buitding wilr be removed andr€pfacod.durang the proiecil. Aspen trees #gz, #4o, Hi, ano *+g wltt likety bedamagecf during the construction procoss. These trees will be left in plaoe <ludng constructaon as buffer treei, desuned to pro(ect the bote and branches oftr€es farther auay from the deck. lhe'5'utrer regs, will be evaruatod et tho endof the project to determin€ poet- construdion treatment, wfiidl courd includeremoval and replacement in a more appropriate location. Trees tF213 and#214 are localed m either side of the concrete vaultnear lhe front entrancs, lpreraullr, both troes wirt be r€rocated on tho property.since #213 is eo croso to tho retaiiring wail , itre root bar may be rost wtren theretainirg wall is romoved and a tree ipaoe wilt not be able to aocess lhe treeyn tg retaining r,rarf in praoe. tr tri *atg iurer" too r""r, ;;;;" duringdemolitiorr, it wrrt have to oe.removea sproe * DS arfr""pen *i5witr o*removed for the retaining wall realignment. .^ --j!,Fis-t tuo a:pgl trees (#26 E t2tl rrear the existing FDC wiil have toDe fsrovsd for ecffording placement. The*e trees u€re poorlv ptanned forduring the original lanoscaping ano ptanteJtoo crose to the buildirrg. presenily, one of the treos is rubbing ag;inst the UuifAing. Threo smal cariper aspen hees (#10, #11 , &#r2,)are rocated within thosideuntk at the west end of therelainini uair.. nesJ ir6s "i,, ln ilrgin"rcondition and pranted in a rastridive a[a. Ttrese rrees wifl be rernoved to arfo,vreoonstruction of the retaining uail and sidamrk reprec*.;;1. During reconstru-ction of the retaining wail, the root zone g of troes #204,f2o5'#2ffi, and#2or may ue encroaJreo'lapon- This w*r bo furtherdetermined vvhen the retaining t*fl';1";;;?nsr;zed_ when the o<tent of uarl construction is determined, hand excavation will be used to determine how much of the root system will be disturbed. Sinoe very little regrading is taking place on the property, the trees should not suffer from drastic changes in soil moisture. lf the tree protection zones maintain their integrity, soilcompaction should not be significant problem during construc,tion. Material storage is always a difficult task on a building site. Proposed storage sites for the Vail Athletic Club include the north side of the building , near the garage door and the south side of the building. Material taken to ihe south side will likely be delivered to the south\,\'€st @rner then hand canied or transported with a bobcat to the staging area. Matorials stored on the north side must be kept out of the delineated root protection zone. Materials moved to the south side of the building must be transported under the drip line tree #201. Build a nooden walkrnlray to minimize soil compaction. lf the crown must be raised to facilitate material handling, all pruning must be done to the standards designated in the Specifications for Preservation portion of this document. Fence the tree appropriately to minimize damage to the bole. lf the bole is damaged a forester or arborist must inspect and treat the wound. Tree#228 will be impacted by materials transport. Fencing to specifications should mitigate most of the damage potential for this tree. Aspen tree#73 will be removed for materials storage. The lodgepole pine trees located near the spa \,r,ere impacted during an earlier project. The trees have several scars, most vrere treated by removing the loose bark and cutting the nrcund into an elliptical shape. The primary concem for the trees in the back is that some of them were backfitled over and the extent of excavation is unknown. Very little adivity will take place near these trees during the proposed renovation. Specifications for ffee preservation Fertilizing 1. Deep root feed all spruce and pine trees to be preserved. 2. Feed with a root stimulating fertilizer. 3. Since these trees are all transplants, they should be inoculated with myconhizalfungi . Myccoryzia fungi improves the root systems capability to absorb water and nutrients. 4. Feeding will be performed in a radial pattem with the feeder needle being inserted 8-10" below the soil surface. Insertions will be made at 1 B" intervals on the edge of the drip line. Fencing 1. Fence all trees to be retained to completely enclose the tree protection zone, as indicated in table 1-1, prior to demolition or grading. Plastic snorrvfencing attached to metal posts driven into the ground will be acceptable fencing. lf the fencing is continually damaged or torn down , it will be replaced with chain link fencing. Fences will remain until construction is completed. 2. Fences around trees #217 and #218 may be temporarily removed to provide access for installation and dismantling of scaffolding. The fencing must be replaced after the scaffolding is in place 3. construction traffic and material storage must remain outside of the fenced areas at alltimes. Pruning 1. Prune tree #20'1 . a. Prune dead branches from crown. b. Remove scorcl'red area above vent. c. Prune branches to provide adequate clearance for scaffolding and construction crew. 2. An arborist or forester is to be present at all times during pruning. The tree service must provide proof of insurance for liability and workers compensation. 3. All pruning will be within the Tree pruning Guidelines (lntemational Society of Arborculture) and adhere to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations (ANSI 4300) 4. Any additional tree pruning needed for clearance will be performed by an arborist, and not by construction personnel. Transplanting 1. Transplanttree#214 and possibly #213. 2. Transplanting will be performed using a tree spade not less than 90', in diameter. 3. Transplanted trees will be staked using 'T'posts, 12 Gauge wire or 3/16" cable and nylon tree ties. 4. The transplanting hole will be excavated to twice the width of the tree's root ball. 5. The tree will be planted so the root collar is at grade or slighily (2") above grade. 6. The bacKillwill be 3/4 topsoil and 114 soil removed from the hote. 7. Guy wires will be sheathed with a t least a 3' length of p.V.c. for visibility. 8. Stakes should be removed after two growing seasons to encourage the tree's root system and improve stability. General 1. Any activity within the tree protection zone must be approved and monitored by the Consulting Arborist. 2. Any herbicides placed under paving materials must be safe for use around trees and labeled for that use. 3. Any grading, construction, demolition or other vrork that may encounter tree roots should be monitored by the Consulting Arborist. 4. Do not store or dump excess soil chemicals, debris equipment or other materials within the tree protection zone. 5. fnstall and maintain a 4"$" layer of mulch within the tree protection zone. The mulch will help reduce soil compaction and moderate soil temperature. Post-construction revegetation and landscaping 1. Turf grass should not extend into the drip line of existing tree. 2. Trees should be mulched to maintain soil moisture. 3. Bark Guards should be installed on all residualaspen trees. 4. care must be used wften installing irrigation systems. Avoid cutting any root over 1" in diameter. lf roots greater than 1" in diameter are encountered they should be tunneled under or pruned with a by-pass lopper, sharp shovel or a SElw. 5. lf soil moisture becomes a problem, a separate inigation system should be installed for the trees since they have different water requirements than turf grass. Monitoring tree health and compliance Trees cannot be preserved during construction. Successfultree preservation programs start during the planning phase when critical design decisions are made. Horever, activities during construction and post- construction phases are critical to successful tree preservation. in other uords, trees cannot be preserved during construction but they sure can be killed during construc{ion. Monitoring tree health and compliance during construction helps ensure that the program and details specified in this Tree Preservation plan are properly implemented. The monitoring phase of the plan is fourfotd: 1)Maintain the integrity of the Tree Protection Zone, Z) Assist with field changes, 3)Continually evaluate tree health and injuries, and 4) Communicate with the superintendent, architect and the Vail Community Development department. The frequency of inspections will depend upon the construction phase. Generally, one walk through per r,teek will be adequate. During the waterline excavation, demolishing the retaining vrall and wfien the trees are transplanted the Consulting Arborist will be on site through most of the activity. Site visiis will be recorded on a tree preservation inspection summary report. Copies of this form will be copied to the superintendent, Tom Ouens of John Perkins Architecture and Mike Mollica of Vail Community Development. Post-construction treatments Post-construction treatments will be recommended near the end of the projec{. Treatment will be based upon the cumulative effects of construction activities on tree health. Summary By applying the guidelines specified in this document, the trees at the Vail Athletic club should survive the renovation project and continue to be an asset to the site for many years to come. Again , this document provides guidelines for tree preservation activities, but undoubtedly, throughout the project changes design changes along with social and biological issues will mandate adjustment to the plan. As long as all changes to the ptan are guided by tree biology and sound Arborculture the tree preservation segment of the project should be a success. q) o) 'a E E o'EoN g F t\o)t\(o It o o o (o (a t g, ib o)!) F oc{('{ o(l,ol d)AI c{(rt(\l c)c) CT ta)(\l ro(96l @F'(\l F(Dc{ 6(tt(I Ot(r)(\<,t(I F (\Ittc{ 0to E u, E o N F to (o t\(o f\o 6z =o' It {l)E att 3o(\ |l) !toEo =o (\l 6z o ro * ltdt EF r.} 6l (o (\I F ({ € (\t o cl o(! 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DU'III F'I{Ui A, AEPT.AI{ALR JR. OIAiE {. rIiAURIELLO IiGA ]lAAGiEl{5Ot{ C,/IUSEV 97 C9UiaEL: JEIRY IY. HAXIIAH L^w OpptcEg DuNN, Aaptarunlp & MaunlELLo, P-C. W?s?SraF Bexr Eurt orr{- roa SourH FRoNYAoE Ro o Wesi SU|TF 3co v^,tt-, ColqnAgo at6az MBMORAND{JM To: George Ruther From: ArrAbplanalp $ubjecu Vall Athletic Club Building Plans Date 28 July 2000 George; Gonfirming our conversation of this utonrin& we wish to eq)ress, on behalf of Ronald Robef,tsorl the following objections to tJre building plans which have been submitted for rhe renovation of the Vail Athletic Club: l. Ttre eleyation of the cupola on the nontr side of the building has once again bem increased to rhe point rejectd by the Town during irc design review prooess. Where the orpola was to be about three feet below the ri<tge line of the roof, it is novr between tluee and four feet above the ridge of t)re roof- This is established by tbe pages A5.l and,{.5.2, particularly the north elevation on page A5.2. The soutlr elevation on page A5,l is defective in that it should (but does not) show the top of tlre cupola projecting aborrc the roof, on the far (north) side of the building, because of the fact that it's pea* elevation is above the roof ridge line. 2. Ttre plans do not indicate ary pener:rtion or modificadon ln the foof line of the norrh side of the building associated wittr the elevator run-out. It maybe ttrat this has been consciously eliminated and the problem resolved from below. However, we don't want the derreloper to be coming back before the Town in tlte mtdst of the project with a 'ty-the-waf' and a request for an inereaee in roof elevation whidr is not indicated on these plans. I have beerr advised by Tom Braun that these drawings w€re erroneous, and that we will be receiving revised drawings. However, we leel that itt imponant that tlrese concenrc be raised, in order ttrat they have your aneTtion in any future proposals. firank you for your arrendon m these matters arry questions. Please contact me if you have Ju--ffi-:lsw 1s : fi FRS,I : RAtc;crnrEs d*97ffi75;16 7w4ft 4- Iuly 26.2000 Gcorge Ituther Orief of Planning To*'n of Vail 75 $, Fronrage Road Vait, CO 81657 Re: Trccrf2l5-VailMouauinLodge 4- Dcar C-rcorge: Per Rick's rcport of 6f3(X)0 rrce #215 may havc to bc rcmvcd duc o rmt lms. This tree was licterl on rhc approvcd DRB plrns as hving tbe potential frr rcmoval (i.e.,'every attempt wiU bc madc to savc this ue'). Thc owncr plam to larvc the tec in place and erraluarc its mndition ovcr thc ncrt 9 ,trcoths. Thc too is locatcd in an area Ont is quitc dcnscly vcgenrcd rnd thc rcorovel of this te my cuhancc drc bottr thc acsthetic$ of thc sitc as wsll rs tbc cnviroaneu for srrrouding recs. Wc rccommeod evaluatiag tie crmrtition of thc trcc next spring. If lhc Town insiss on the mitigation of this trw. rve iue prEp:red to rephcc it with a healthy lJ' gvcrgttcn $cc. I ho,pe this course of action is agleeable to you. If you havc any que$tion$ plcasc f.ccl frte crntact rrc at 926-7575. Jay Percrson P.WLIEBL BAI/BR.AU Put{Ntl\lc r'td @t lllJt{rY ftvEOpMENT Edaa*Vill4e Cemcr; tuirc C-209 0 | 05 EfuudsVllage Eoulcvard Fost Oflice 8or 2658 Edrmrd+ fiorodo I l612 ft1. - e70326.7575 Fzx - 970.9267576 \wrwirdutss3ocirte.i((m I,. '..t of TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us 4 George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail Fttt cnPy Iuly 24,2000 Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Braun Associates, Inc. Edwards Village Center, Suite C-209 0105 Edwards Boulevard P.O. Box 2658 Edwards. Colorado 81632 Fax 970.926-'1576 Re Arborist Undate-6/30/00 Dear Dominic, I received your fax transmittal ofJuly 19, 2000 regarding the update to the A-rborist's Report prepared for the Vail Mountain Lodge (a.k.a VAC). According to tlre update provided it appears that the Consulting Arborist is recommending the potential removal ofa ffee (#215) from the development site. As you are aware this requires approval from the Town of Vail. Please indicate on a revised landscape plan how and where thc removal of the tree in question, if removed, will be mitigated. This information and the town's approval shall be required prior to the removal of the tree. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at479-2145. Sincerelv. {,7*"n""*'n'* nL-Le-e@T"+t.1i3,t**'tn*rN nssolres sTas?67s76 ro's$a P.6ALiW.+.l P|nr{NlN6 ard COHi4IJNITY DEVELOPM€NT July 19,2000 Geoqge Ruther Chiefof Planning Town of Vail 75 S- Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Rc: Arborist Uldate - 6/3ryo0 d* l)ear Ger:rge: Attached is an updatc to the Arborist's report based on flrther lield rcselrch. Tree #215 at thc corner of thc ttuilding will likely have to be removed since its roots were ggowing over the foundation wall rnd will lence bc cut. The Arborist is beginning regular site inrpections md hee prrxcctiod mea$ures e being eryloycd, If you havc any questions, plcasc tbcl free contact me atn64575. Edrrvards Village Cemer: fuhe C-209 0105 Edu,nrds Vllage Borlo*rrd Post Ollce Box 2658 E6.rards. Colondo 8 | 632 Fh. - 970.926.7575 Ftx - 970926.7576 vvvvrv.braurraSrocatcicdrt ." '^;r'l;ffi iti"'i1nry5flH'nn' '*l'%TL',' ",f"***' P sw/':fl?-- " Vaif Athfetic Club A CutAbono ForElrY P.O.7133 Bttcksnridgq CO 80424( 45+9154 Intpecdon $mmary Dili: OA[Y00 n".f{/ffil/rfq/l Do|noflt|m tdpplng In$octor Rick l|elflche R0u0n graddg Stsesl, ttfiilllics . AroprssentsnErrllKftfln"Domodc Eulldw-6ld{t@!! -FiilFgladlrulstdscePlflo Genenl conmqrE Sorne mfk b stmod h bfit drhe cl|s We discussad Ore roll of the adorisr ths conhaclor and the need br communication <luring construdion. Slb Condidonr Tlle * Corrtiuot|srconcsms TDffinqtlsmqrdts Pl5 Founddlon uall ls dosorthrn antkipated' L[$8 roltloral of filts Root hss 8rd buildifrg pnnOmity. frtz Asdiscurscrlinr"port,tnoffirviotdy frfinonl olfz&, dafiagsd ilrl Ft lnzflrl. Rocomnnddiont atd Folh*ry Speah $rith To.I, Opohsltn€r ebout tefilNal of #411. Follow up rfllth deep tool feedhg rd imcdrflon rffr UFo. farr eairdUF In the lrfiTGdde ftU6 &rt $ll €ffod hG- In$ed ry- 7/0S00 4 OU U O Review of the Building permit set for the Vail Mountain Lodge Reviewed By Greg Hall Reviewed on July 24, 2000 Which plan is to be the grading plan? Both the Civil and Landscape plans show grading. Which one is the to be reviewed grading plan? Which ever one it is it will need to show existing and proposed contonrs /spot elevations for all tie ins, top and bottom of retaining walls and Also top and bottom for the boulder slope treatment greater than 2: I grading. The landscape plan does not match the Civil site plan, there is a stairway on the southeast corner, an Inlet in the sidewalk, and the existing contours don't match. It isn't necessary to have both a curb and gutter and bollards at the pullout section. This is a bit ofoverkill. You could just have curb and gutter, or have a pan or border and bollards both are not necessary. Some ofthe proposed grades on the civil plan are inconect the 74 contour on the stair landing has a spot elevation of 77.33. There is grading taking place where the landscape plan shows treees are to remain. Northeast comer of the building and the east comer of the parking structure. Move the paver crosswalk to the east and add paver amount to the existing paver area or provide pavers for the entire section between the two. The raised transfonner will require DRB approval ofthe architecnral treatment to hide it. With the note on the structural plans the front slab elevation is 72.73 Both the Civils and the Architectural have this at 72.4. There are places on the proposed curb iine in which the curb is higher than the existing asphalt. This will need to be corrected in the field to match the proposed detail ofmin 2% slope for the asphalt patch. East Meadow drive landscape detail shows grading of 1.5: I show the use of the boulders or provide 2: I grading. The heated sidewalk detail shows road base at 95% standard proctor compaction this should be 98 %o or 95 % modified. The grading on the west side is no good. The difference for the sidewalk cross slope is l9o/o-24o/o.T:he grading to the inlet is less than 2 o/o. The tree removal plan does not show how the storm sewer pipe will not effect the existing trees. AUG-04-2000 FRI 03:37 pMt-o P. 002/005 August4 20(E MEMONAI{DI]M Goo,rgo Ruther GregHall Grry Adunn Vail Mountain ladgo Architcct's Projcct No,4220.00 TIre following outlinca our revirionr brrcd ur your cunurmts givm to ur July 28, 2000 by Dominic Mrurietlo of Bnrm Arrc. hc. Rcvisions to thc building rot will ba mailc rnd re.rubmitted to the TOV by rddendum. llme doet not allow for us to subtult tho dmwings by 08r04m. We ue providing thic leter to scrve as a statcment of what the ttviriom wc will make to the building drawing pactage, Thc addendum will docunrert thcrc issuce. We egrec to the following: y' l, T'tcc Idmtification Numbers: Trco numbcrc will be added to L1-0 The Trcc Rcnnoval Plan besed on the mrmbcr sy$cm suhittcd wr May I' z)00 by JMP Architectr. It will bp n-rubrnincd on Friday' August 4' Z(no. g 2. A table will be shown ou IJ.1 The landscape Plan dercribing qurntity and sized of- all tsEsc and sbrubc. Tbr rbcet will be re-submitted on Pridry, Augurt 4, 20fi). y' 3. A lotc wiil bc addad to tbc pla:: LI.O Thc Tlce Removal Plan thet trec No. 215 will bc mitigatcd witb a 15' cvcrgrccn if rcquLd by tho Town of Vail. llha thect will bc r+submitted m Fdday, August 4, 2000. l/ 4. Picnic Table: A note etetiag tlut a picnic tnblc will bo providod to 3trc8m trucl property based cn direaion fron theDRD hts bsn added to L2.l Thc landrcapo Plm. nre sheet will be re-subnitted m Friday, August 4, 2q)0. r' S. Thc Roof Plan: Tha Fupcrty line of thc rita will be includod on thp Roof PIan A4.l rhowing that the building outlino docr not go over it, The elevrtism of the mof olennnts, including ridges, dcrrrs rnd towero. will be noteil on the elevatiotts. Thc cciling of thc room added to thc top of tlr North Towcr ie below 48' . It ie dimsneioncd on A6'5r (new drawing)- Thc rcvicione will be includcd in tlte addondum. / S- Rooftop Mechadcal Exhaust fans, which chow on tlE rcthos$t cqrrcr of thc roof plan rre hidden in the chirrurey and are not viaible in the clcvations. A notc dercribing their location will be addcil to the elevatisls in thc addcndum, Wc will provide details ofhow this occurs. / 7, South Elcvatiut Stmcwork will correctcd to cxtcnd to the bottom of dcckr abovc, at thc gound floor, Thc rcvisims will bc induded in tho addildum to shect A5-1. Daanr Ol0o: ?3ol lloL str!.t. sult. lfi) D.||vrr Colomdo 10205'210t 301.t61.4555 fcr 103'16l.J02t tr.tl ol[..! 0137 ttotn ltrrd.th[ cloa f,o,ro,.27t I Edvordr celen/o lltl2 9t1.9,{.8tli0 for Ito.9il6.89dl TO: C.C.r FROM: RB 0q,ir terlnitthlP Lc.r A.thh.dl a. AUG-04-2000 FRi 03:38 Pl{ - Uo P. 003/005 /e. The new stair hsr bcen rcdceigncd eo that it ie open to below by cantilevcring ove.r thc ncw spa, It is compatiblc with the now niling dosign. East Blevdion: Stone or the chirrray end wood braces on the East Enty and balcurics will bc shown. Thc rwisionc will bo irrcluded In thc rddendum to sltact NA ,/ I. North Bovation: Tho chiumey not rhown it partially hidden by othc architcctunl clcrucntg. The nortb slerntim will be updrted to imluded it. Thc wcst eod of the north building clcvation will beupdatcd o includc tbc appropriato locatim of gtonework Thc shuterr will be rddcd to tbc olevatist, Thp rovisions will bc included in the addendum to ehcet A5-2. r' 10. &tmis Finishcs: We are etill rning tlr original deuih fr thc erteriu finirtres submithd with thc DRB ayplicrtim- Thc danilr will be rc.Eubmitted as conqtutEt drewingr in tho ;dderlrhnrL Thc addcndum will dro include noter srll{ng out 8ll mrjor cxtciu lidrbos. / I l. Plrnk Boardl No rynthotic plank board is being used' Any rcfcrcocc to thir will be rsraoved from the drrwing lct {od Nbmittcd in thc addondurn. z t2. Flnrlplace Vents: Fircplace vStX, incluiting location and details of color and niterial will be submittcd in the rdde,ndum. y' 13. Tower Elcrncnr Ths Tourcf, elcvations drnrn wr.re mirinterpeted iu the coqrutcr. Thc drawilgr willbe cqrccted torcflcctthttthe hcight docs not excced tbc cfcvation of Ln' $An'-U') glown on thp DBR application sot. Plerre call if you hevc rny qucstionq WF v'\p,ojccrVnlU0ZXl0o\edm\lcttct\Er080300.fu tit {-" AUG-04-2000 FRI 03:38 Pl{P. 004/005 August 4,2(X)0 MEIVTORANDI'M < TO: c.c. FROM: RB: Orcgtlrn Ocorge Ruthcr Grry Adams Vail Mountaialodga Civil and Landrcapc Cwmcntr rccoivcd luly 24. 2000 Archieetr c hojcct No. W22n,0O The followiug outlincs Davir Prrtnonhip'r and Malcin Bngineering's plan rovidonr bqs€d or your July 24h cmmon$. If you haw any questionr ngarrding thc rovieionr plearc givc mc a call. L GndingPIrn: Seerwited Civil rtreet 3 of 5 and L2.1. The revhed civil ehcet 3 of 5 rhould bc rwiewed as thc ovorall site'grrding plan. TherEvised landrcrpc drcct IJ,l hae poposcd cmtonrs and should be uecd to rcview tbe locatim rnd hoigbt oftbc lrndscapc boulders. Ite boulder locatiou arc established to enhEnco propoqlphnting and protect exirting trcc locatiqc, Rcfcr to detsil l/I,2. I fc boulder rctaining wall. 2. Stair aud Inlef: See revircd Civil aud Landocape Plans. Thc snir has bcen added to the clvil planr. The inlct no loDger oxistr and hae becn rcmovcd from all plans. C\ub and Bollrrdr: See revired qivil and Landrcape Plans. Therc will be no curb and gutter !t thc drep-off Brea. Tbc drop-off area will have steel bollands set in a concrcb brnd. Soc dotail A of civil shcct 5 of5, Propoeed Gradc 7.33: Sec rcviscd Civil dpet 3 of 5. A contow lins was drawn in the wrong location. Thit infsrnation hee bccn pvired on thc grading plan. Gradiag aroud exhtiag trees. See rcvieed laudrcapc plan L2,1. Grading around existirg rues will be doue by hmd and bouldcc will be ueed to retais eafll arnund any ai*ing troos and futurc planting utas. See detail l/LZl for boulde,r retaining wallo. Paver Gosswalk: Thc cunsnt dcsign hm bccn apptwed by the DRB, ( 3. 4, Dn'rr dlic.r 2t0l lhb lnd.Suib 100 Dr'rvrr Colorcdo 80205'?108 !03.E61.8555 lox J03.861.3017 Voll Olllcr: 019l{"in 3lc.r. \hil Cl06 t0.lcr?ll tdr.crdr Colserle 0lrll2 t70926.t?t0 for r70,926.896tDlYh Pltnr[hlD P.C.. Arthlt.dl AU0-04-2()0U FRI 03:38 Plt,l P, 005/005 < T\ansfompr: See revited shect Ll.l, The tansforner will rcrnain in the urne location o(cept for it will be rsised 33", Blevrdons of the transforurcr cnslosure will be submitted for final approval. Slab Elevation: Civil and l^mdrcrpe planr unrk clevationa outeide thc building tlab. Refcr m srchitectual shoot 46.5A fs a ssction of lhe front enhy. Proposed Curb Line: Sec ra,iscd Civil shect 4 of 5 for curb and flow profilc, Thc patch work grading will bc rt a minirnum 2% dorpo backto flow lino. 10, Bouldcrs; See rcvired ehcet I2.1. Shcct LZ,l hrs the rovised tandscape boulder locatisrt and hoights and a dettil fs a boulderrouining wall. I l. IIeaEd Si&wrlk Detrill Sco rcvisod dotail m civil shcot 5 of 5. The detril has beeu rcviscd to show a O'basc cotusc cotupactcd to 95% Eodifrod Proctof, .4L. 12. GradingWest Side of Site: Seerevised eheetl.l.O and civil sheet 3 of 5. Crrading har bcen reviled to show a 4% crott tlope. Tbe grading to the inlet has beeu modified to strcw a 2% minimum do'pc. The ttorm scwer pipe ha6 been added to tho trto rcrnovd plut. A note rcftrting to veilry trEe locrtionr, hand dig trench, and rnodify dignmcnt ac rcquired to avoid treos and roots has bccn added to flc plnn. v.,/vMr./otlil:loo0lADMwM8t\roroHwoI m 4 7. 9. From: To: Date: Subiect: Gary Goodell George Ruther B/1 1/00 1:57PM Comments on Vail Mountain Lodge Full Permit So far, I have identified the following building codes issues with respect to the plans received on July 21, 2000: 'l) lll still need details on fire-resistive assemblies, i.e., exactly which wall, floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assemblies have been selected to meet requirements for 1-hour or 2-hour fire resistance. 2) On the south elevation, the finished floor level above the upper basement is more than 12 ft. above grade. Per the deiinition of "story" under Sec. 220,1997 UBG, this level would be defined as a "story" and not a "basement." This would classify the building as a s-story building which would not be permitted to be constructed as the proposed Type ll 1-Hour construction, leading to a need for Type ll F.R. construction instead. Type ll F.R. construction has not previously proved to be feasible due to the structural details for the existing building. 3) The west elevation, which faces the Mountain Haus, appears to show the use of combustible wood siding on lhe exterior of the building, which is not permitted (see Sec. 601 .5.4, '97 UBC). Sec. 601 .5.4 otherutrise permits the use of wood under the conditions specified, as long as the walls containing the wood front on a street or yard at least 40 feet in width and as long as any wood more than 15 ft., but no more than 35 ft., above grade is approved fire-retardant-trealed wood. 4) The new restauranvbar space still appears to have openings connecting the three levels and to have an open stair that also connects the three levels. This would classify the area as an "atrium" under Sec. 202, UBC, requiring the special design and construction features found under Sec. 402. In addition, a stair connecting more than two adjacent levels is not permitted to be open, but must be enclosed in accordance with Sec. 1005.3.3. These are the major building codes issues identified to date. There may be additional comments on August 14. JtN-13-e6@ 13: e1 FR0'1: BRAAqIIATESrt |p*'*o- i97ffi75?6 p.qU)wC BAI/Eraun ;Slf d qGEhtrfu+OoOhr-r?U.96?S!k-tuwb'5 6 [AffiI rnlHd{rchqffiilt :: ; ro.ba -, G=oq, R:r rrt t1?+Yr{Ez. bqilOnDraltt,hil:!-t blf jIhAd. DrlE LIrc\" o r& PLJph.; Lc.,?o{t/f,,*l Tru' rav'-*j lAGISs O*'ot^-0r€Ecg Crut[r frT uto"rt'.U i h1GEt!@ JtJ{-13-2@ 13 : e1 Fffi't: RAfaCrArEs fi'*oo9fr%?5i6 Uencrr EronscRnrc rrr Junc 13,2000 TomBnuu BAVBrarm Arrociilc, Inc. Edwrds VillageCartcr, Suib C-209 Elwads,Colorado tt632 fE: Vril Morrtrtu I-dF nood l|rir DerToD,, At pur rcqucsr ur hrw inveligrted &c l0O.prr flood plain of ftrc CttGk in the vioinity of thc Finsl Plat of thc veil Cft$ Cqrdoninirur in vait, Colmrdo. Our nrcmh was bsr.d on ttc l9t5 FEMA nry artd topogaEhic i[ftfrrtion collcoted by oru ofioa orathclss4wr*8. It is ont oonphrsioa thrt &c l9t5 FEtrtlA l0Gyeu llood phin docs lc mmach o the nr$cct plrt. FOEclEl.Aru Cdildo fl@ (9t0)rrr'UZr P.g@/Fs Alccl Chcney, P^L.S. wffP61516JU{-13-@! 13:at 6gn,*O fIcIATES,, --'_ VAILATHLETIC CLUB TREE PRESERVATIOilI PLAN F||or.dh TonBnnlr|dP|tr|r 8AU, ftE0rnnadA.rcEiSs P.O. Bor2858 eowd+Cg8r6n hrtrdlf Rf*Hmrdn Fqeda/GatfedAftg|id cgtril) P.Wt@ roit* ffiItffi Jr,N-13-e@ rs=ar rnor, ennr5*rnres df*"*t*974l.?67576 Table of Contents l.0Istnodrction 2,OSrrvcyMcthod 3.0 Prcrcnt Coditioo. - -... 3.1 Dcrcriptioa of Tics 3.2.1TIEGr&olh l.2.2Tl Strucnro 3.3.3 SFGiEs-. 3.3.4 Fucmd Lorgdity 4,0 Con$uction lmpacte and Mitigtdm..... 5.0 Spsificdioas for Trce Pnoccnation 6.0 Monitaing Trcc Hedth id Colpliarc T.0Csrlrrsion. Tr!{Gr TrecDulStrcct Rccommcodod Tree Protecniol Zoncs....,..,... Prcacdptions., IolpcctftnForn Coodition Oui@in€e... .. Mrpr Enclgl*! tocairnfrrp...,..--. -.- --. A4cot€ti@Itlap Finqrryl{ry..., P.gla4r@2 3.2 Suitability for Presvdoa 4 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 7 8 I 10 17 It l9 m 1 4 l3 l4 l6 JrN-l3-?a@ 13r a1 FRI}I:RAIU*rnTES Sfa+r*esa 9W75't6 l,0Introduction Thc Vail Adrlctic Cft$ rsnovation ie a corrplex projec &d ilcludcs building expansion, rcfirrtishing the exterior, rcelasirg rtilainiog wollr renroving the existing spa and irrsallgtiou of a new swimning pool. fhose procedures wrll quirc cxcavatiot, lnfirial $or8gc, rcatrolding and imrcaccd pedesUiar Uaffic. Eachd6cscastiviticscan haw a serious effett on the tcc's roots bolc and brancbEs if ru carcfully plarncd and implernented. A proactive approach b tcc prccrwtion Eust bc inCcrncntod fo meet thc owncrs goEl of minimizing ttc constnrctiur impagts to the fees. The prposc ofthis docunent is to erraluate the potential imp&c this pojcct m4r havc on thc trccs aod to preseot adcqudc mifigrtiou measucs o niainize tle eficca ofthesc immct$. Mitigltion activifics may irrchdcinrpuvirgrcevigwpiutocmsarnio& prrcscrying ttc root uone otr arl .f€es designarcd ftr prcscnmioo, rcaiag ftcs cffbslod by consfiuctiotr sd prcscribing post-corstmction tratmeots to rdtigdc the curnuldirt effccts of thc projcct on thc trees, Dun,rrg cousfuctioU thc trs6 will bc nonitorcd for damrge and sfess oonssna. This documcnt will adftGss what trees pesently exist on tbcsit(including fivc tnses locatcd on Town of Vail p'oeqty) and s'tich tEca should be pmserved or remowd during constnrction. Thc potential impacts the projec Gan hav€ on ttc trccs will be etaluarcd anl delaitod specificatlns frr fsvcim wilt bc pcscrcd A timclirc fa moaitoring trcc hcalth and complimcc will also be oudined in tbc plan To ob'tain tte maximum bcn€fit from this tree pesewation plan, it nrst bc considercd a grrideline rath€r than an iuflorible dictum. becsuse. iurruiably unnnticipalcd social and biological issues will crncrgc during ffrc proj€ct, rcquiring changos to the docrrnent. 2.0Suvcy dod Trees on the site were surrapd in three u/ays. All of0rc trccs rryse idertified on thc site map. l'he weryrcm trocs rrcrE locatd oo thc groud rd i&rtified wift uumbercd aluminum tags. Thc aspca &oca u,erc rct teggsd but atl tr€es qtcrc id€ntified ard numberod on thc site rnap- Tnqplrr{ed arcrgrern [o6 wrp rnarted idivt-drnlly and ereluaed by species, diauer ncar the basc of thc sce, crown di'm€ter, bcshh, couditiotr, inscgt ard dise$e 1rEsctrcc and suiability for pcscrvation Tre diamcter rras nrcasuud ncrr drc bes of dtc fr€G for thc ban$atod trecs atd at 4.5' abore ground hr the indigenous fiEE$, Crum drametr is tbc cros sction of tlrc srow.rr rncasrmd d dtc wid6t poid. lnsd ad dfuElsc corcru *rrc nded througho8 the surrcy. flcalth ard codition retings nw bascd on trec form, ori*ing damagcard annual gowth P.gffi,W 'N_ls_?'@ 13: al FRo.t: ffifrnres lfraze+sa P.(ffi/@97@%7576 J.0 Druretrt CordiSioa Tree condtion is bssed on frctors, thc rcotc tbc trudc, tbs scrtroldbarches Se smdlcr braschcs and twigs, and thc foliagc corditioo, 3.f Dcripirn offilcr AII trees on the sitq except fu rtrr.z0" diameter engfeman sgucc (tec # 201) locatcd on ttre east side of the building sons lodgcpolc pdnc mr thc spa rryerc transparted onto the propcrty. lvdost of thc trcs urcrc lihcly plrrcd wtren tlts [uilding wrs origindly csutrffid Ohr laryo toe$ h drc srney at bccd m To*u of Vail pqperty, but very cloee to fre sou6 propcrty lire(#225,n27,#242,#U2, #235,#n6,#237,#23E, #239,1 Six ttee $p€cics src rttresc&d m thc propcty; Aspco (FoErhs trsnuload6), Colorado BIrrc Sprucc (Picca pungens), Englanar Spuce @icca."rghnrnii) ad I-odgcpolePheOinrs contorl.r), SurdgomPinctPins ponacrosaclaadANUian phe (Pinus nigrn). The fanspluted ev€rgmem appcor ro bc ir gmd hcalth" A ftw of the Spruce Eccs are lightly infccrcd with cooley galt aphid. Cooley g6ll aphid is au inscct th* itrf€sB firc tcndcr $mls of spruoe r!es. Thc CooIcV sfrpc slls appr as liglt gta or purple arunb; shaped grofib on thc rcs hds in May or June. Thegdls dy ard hm brwn by ls summcr lcryinguqiehrry g|m{hs m Sc he Erordcd iaftccim by cooley gall aphids can caue doformcd govvth ad degndc ths trcc's hcalth- Tb Pondsosa Pirr gruuring in thc sootlrea$ corner of the pqcrty qhtits sign ofpororpine damap aud a hokcn top. Inc Eo lodgcpolc pioc eucs localsd ncar the qla are in poor coadition. Eight ofthc lodgepole pine trces lrave beeo severly suessed as is indicated by th€ thin crown ard discolored foliagc. The rcoaining two lodgcpotc pinc tree$ near the spa rre dead. Thssspm trocs on tfo mrth sirbof thc groperty @carb bB ilgrod bllh rd show no signs of root or stem distsse. I}c a#n on thc nodbcrst sidc of ths athletic club an erowiqg iu rccicting arcas too clo6c 1o the building Many of& aspr- lcar tc dock on thc southeast side. of the athletic club arc lcaftg, bcd wlr ard havc a lonr live crown to tflruk hcight ratio. Thc Aspcn tccs that are leam'ng c bent are srsccptible to drnagc from carly eod ht6 scrson snom. Sinoc greot folialp is thc onty fmd producing material on the tree, arrce with a low srorm rltio is usutty a pmr crrdi&te for gcscrvalio- d fl..r.r- 13-eo@ 13 : ?p FRCr,r: srfproro Sfaaze+sa 97sfP87576 3.2 Suirrbility for pmrcrvrlioo IbE gpsl of E Fcs6vatio0 rs b hn|G tEc$ rrnriD rlsc$ fo &e dlc fuScm O oomc. Thcrcforc, tees prescncd o thc siG mu$ bc crcfully rctcsEd to ne&c srrs tht thry will survire consbuction impacB and psrfurm nelt in &c ladscape Eraluating the treds suitability for prcscrrrtion includcs tte folloring futots l.2l TrroeEcrftL Heatthy, vigorou trew catr bcftr tolcrrtc fu inpctrofmrniu suchesmt injury, soil compactioD. cbsngcs in soil moi$ure ald tfte dcuolition of cxisting structurcs. With th€ orccptior of tlt lodgtpolc IipF pirc t€ ncardrc apo aild tae #222,ttn vvtrgrtrrrt lru loced wifrh trr pmpcrty tim! arc in good hct[! ud growing rrcll. Trccc #233 d t234 arc dead ard trecs #229, #23O, #231, f235 ud Y236 arc in poor coadition. I hard excoratcd an lE" tcnsh ryFroxinarcly 3' ncrrth of trccs #235 tfd#236. I expoccd 3, 1.5- diametcr mots. A |" diamdr pvc lire rras aficady buricd in thc vicinity, root$ \Here likely rernoved rnd danagpd drdng this project lte aspcn trcs on tfe sia strm a wrirfy ofoondidor rnd ftrns ltc erycn tccs in front of the building arc gruwing u'€ll rnd shory good fonn In contrast, thc aspen tress on the cast side of tie building arc tall aod spindly, teaving thcm less ffrnn besrrtiful aod vnlncrrble to dffirgp lfiom spring sronc. Soru of ttc rspco tcce acar thc ddc fis alruO lcaning or bent oar. 3.22 Trce Structure Trces that contain decaying rruod, potr crown surrcturc, forked tnmks and otlrcr defua arc not suitable for fescrvation. None ofth€ b€es on the sie cxhibit pmr sinrauc, Ittodt of ths urscs rre yong mrgh lhat anf'frobh *i6 frrlcd top or pdll slnlchrc could be culturrlly tealqt Alttowh D !€cs @ tbe sitc cilhibit stn|Gu|tlal P.@7t@ problsms,tec #242 which is loffidbtom ffio frc aorft sidc o,fthe trce cl!'$dda hasffarthcbs$. Acffisrryt ofsorrdrdo4 Corsiderins the potential targcts, this trce does repr€sent a hazad srd hg Twl of Vail shuld msidci ibrunout 3JJ Spccicr Not all species rcspottd 0o constrrctr:or injury in a similar mrrmcr. Youag hcalthy spruoe tr€es arc quitc tolcisrrt to constuction strcss. ln contrast, aspcn frce srittl their ft4ilc bort and susccplrlflity b disctsc trc idolcnat daonshuction inpts. r.-r.r- 13-ea@ 13 | ee FRt}43 BRfp.toto deaazsa+sa 97A%1576 3.L4 Poteotirl Longcvity Mature and overma,hfe tccs arc less able to tol€rae construstion inpasts than are yorugcr trccs- Witlt the exceptiot of thc lsrge rynEc t€c ncar the sordr$r€$t coltEr of the building thc lodgcpole pin€ fioes ear rhs spq and thc tlree spuce tecs locared on Town of Vail PrWty, rll of thc crrcrgrccn nw oo thc silearc yol4g d vigpru$- Tb Aspcn tccs arc all ftidy yomg but nd all arr growng vi$mudy. 40 ConrtruCion Impect Evrluation end Mifigrtiotr Tbcrc rrc tlo oarpoorts lo aaluatfug iry6 to G L Determiniug whar activity will csur amund the trec from the site developcnt plruand spccifications- 2. Ewtriing thc cfrcrts of dircc iniury o individnt Cot, ac udl as dt6.uib chaagss &at effect long+crm health and sEbtlity. From rur"icwing thc plans and crraluating the rclatd activitics. it appcars rhat ssven constnction activities will bavc dircct cffccts on thctccs; installing the tundicap nmp on thc cast sidc of thc building erccting and dismantling scalTolding fmt and vehicle tnaffic, storing material, excarating to erdend tlrc wall m &e near ttc rault oo tre north side of thc building rcburlding tic rfiitring wall on ttc ftom sidc oftbc building ed cxc$tzling for thc pool. To faciliarc constnrction, forrspnrcchoa, serm pirct€es (trurrs d€ad) srd 49 aspsn tees will have to be ronrowd. Trs slated for rcmor,"al ale identifted in Table 4. Since vcry litle regrading is uking place on the popcrty, the fiees should tot suffer from drastic changcs is soil moisturc- If thc tcc prmction nncs mnintain 6gir integrty, soil compactio'n should not be cipificant prroblcm during cwtnntion. Storing Erffiisl is alrr:a5n a diffiollttask o a buildiug sitc. Pmpoeed ffagF site^s for the Vail Athletic Club incl'de the noah side of thc building ncar tftc garrge dm snd $s souh sidc of tbc buil&qg Ltd€rial ufeil !o dle $db side wtll lilcty ba dclivered to thc southwest sorncf, thcn hfld carried or transportcd with a bobcat to tile staging arca- Othcr matcrials will bc liftcd owr tbe building with a cranp. Stsud maFrials shall be kcpt orhide of thc &lineatcd rmt protcctioa zoncs. P.Wlme JLjr.l-13-agaa 13: 23 FR0I: BRrAur nJInreS 97ffi7576 rfaarsaesa Some rnarcrials moved to the south sid" of thc buildiry must bc trrnsportcd under thc drip I ine trCIs #201 . Trcc #20 I is alrcady backfi lled wcr aud bas slftmd soil compaction and drainagc problems. The crovm must bc rEiscd to tlcililato nutffid handl;ng AII pruing $dlt bs dG totc ril"'d"'& dcriCldcd in ttc Sfcif,cairrc &r hcsrln Ntioil portion of thii doctmcd- llay htcc or tirrs will bc nead to protcd tho ulc against danagc to the bolc Fcncing will nc bqequirEd sincc thc accoss is so nsrmw. If ttc bolc is damagcd a fbrcstcr rr ubodst rr'rd i!+cctod*f6crmrd. IEW uill bc impOcd by maUials trryt hdE uA ra$ir8t+rcrfic'd.m rhouldi nitigllc mosfi of tbc damqgp poHid fa tis rtc The Indgcpole Pirc trcca lcatcd noar the sf !ryc$ iryGled dring an eadio EojGGt. The trccs havc scncral sqlni, mo$ *trt trcd by ruroving the lootc bsrk sd ottting ihe wound into an elliptical sbape. During prcvious activitr'es fhcsc fces rvErc buded with brckfiU snd thE tr€cs dcrcd sme rod lo6s. I hand qcavalcd an lt' ttcnch appoximately 3' north oftecs #235 End#2%,1cxposcd thrce l.f diamets roo$ and a l" diametcr prrc pipc. Most likcly most of tte rcots wcrc remowd during thc installalion of this pipe Based upon the small anouut of rcot matcrial found in ttre trench, impacts ft<m root loss should bc minirnal for thcsc trpes. Giverr tlre poor cotdition of hcsc trecs, thcy will li&cly cootinue to dcolirr evar wifroc the propoeotl colsfrrtcfion activity. Two spucc clumps are pressnt on tha northeast side of the burlding. Thc nordrcrn urall will bc cxtsnded tonard these ficc$. I band exclvtted a 12' long l0- dssp tremh m the sou& sidc ofthrsc tccs. I oaly cxposcd umdy rcols lees ilun 7r" in diamstcr and fibcrors roots. lf tro othcr roob anc encomlcrd drring crcavEtion thc impacts ofadditional root loss from this projcct shoutd bc nininal- Thc foliagc of thc trecs in the northeasr comer of the sitc will be impse'tcd u,hc! the building is expaded and.rcf.accd, 'llhe inpacts wiI inctds rcil compaction ald potutial duragcto thc crowL Sircc thc rrca is sE ll, 6c rut trddion nnc vitl m( cxceed thc drip line (thc &ip line the area at thc oubid€ of the cruur, or whclc tc lvalcr tbat drjps offthe en& of Orc b,ranches hi6 tbc eround)"$il cmfdion witt bc addrcssctt with vsrtisal mulching (soil acration) during s after constnstin. TatBs will be draped *ross the westside ofthe tuestoninimizc &magF ftom orrumnbnncridsandto gUoC tbc bnrhcs ftom'claw fnrnlnqt Frunits Stormg and transporting malerirls on thc xruth sidc of tlc building will crae soil compaction problcms for trrr;s#226,tr1t1 ald#2Q. To minimizr soil comFctioa pobknq a bridgc shall bcrunslrrqed b frc nortr offu pmain rc forte#Xl6 ,16#242. tf the to'nln @idss lo renora W#21L no briQp will be nccasary. The bndgc will trc ody be necssary to lb€ sordi of the pool cxcadion ua- Gensral trec hcalth prcscriptions idudo a prc-coastnrctior desp root feoding of all residral trces. This doe<ting will be in conpliance wi& the Fcrtiliartion soctior it Otis donrrncd. Vcrticcl mulclting wrll bc pcrfomcd qr rtsidrrnl lccs o ucc gruping$. P.eots,@, JrN-ls-e@ 13!e3 FRo{:HAr-br frnres 97ffi-tgt6 Post-constsudior teatmerrb will be comncndcd ncrrtbccndof$e projd Trcemo will be bsscd upon the cumulirtiw e&cB ofcmccdorectiviticsonfta hE fth Itesidual tees will be fcnced in accordance to tlrs fcrcrng Sccificdim i! thc $pecificdions for Trm l,rcseryuio. AlthilS opaind ftnrchg di$rF+rs alt idrntifiod ir tlE TrGc ProtEcti@ Zonc C,hg d.[mco sill tfE lobs qd. b acodd& mcss and storagc. To frciliurc ths needsi at dtdt-st ihall lcqrrih ltco fu ftocc linc is idorified lfany additiorl mitiFing eE iilcd irunind, eis rill bc ad&tssed at fiis timc. Hf,firdcrOrfrrfruPraaffi" Fcrtilizinq l- Dccp root &od all fccs to be prserved. 2. fccd widr a root stimulrting fanilizc. 3. RoG shdl be iuosulncd with Eycffihizal filngi fi;qg6c ft* fccding. upor5aar fiugi improvcs tlre root systenrs capabilily O ahofb rrarcr urd nrnrieos. 4. Fding wi[ be pcrformcd in a radial patrsm with thc ftcdcr ne€dh bcing inserbd E"- | 0" below the sil srnface. Insertims will bc mgdc at I t' inMrnrls on ttc cdgs of ttc drip linc. Fmci"g l. Fcncc all trccs to bc uaincd to oomple*oly orclosc thc tw protoctiot mnq as indiccod in table I -l , Eior ro demolitbn or grading; Plasric w ftncing attrchod to metal poss drivcn iuto thc groud wiil bc rcccpublc fcncing. If thc fercing is codinuslly droNgpd ortom dou,q itwill bc rcplrsd wi0 chri' HoL Faci'tg, Fcoccs wiU r€main until consausdotr is cmrplded 2. Ferrccs arorurd trca #217 and #2lS nay bc tcnporrrily rcoorcd b pvidc m frr insallation and dismrnrliqg of sca,ffolding. Thc fcncing nus bc r€dacad after ttc scafrolding is in flacc. 3. C-ousrudior traffic and malcrisl stongc mrxt remrin orrside of the f€nced areas at all times" Pruring l. Prun€ tree #201, #2?3 nd #?.X. v* JLbl-13-e@6 13: ?3 FRo,l: ERA-bl fmres s7sffi7f't6 rfa<zec= P.ettL'w a Prmc dcad branchcs from c,roum, b. Remove scorched gceabu,E ffi. c. Prune branches to providc adoqrac ctanlcs for r.ltrr*lftrteadcongnrctiocgy. : 2. Atrabodsor forcrrcrisbbcrcctatatt docsdri$Iuile . 3. All truning will be within the Trcc pcuning Guidalinc (htsnnrtimrl Sooicty of tuborflltuG) ard adherc to Arn€n-carr Nstional Sfirndrrd fu Tnc Caru Opcntious (ANS[A3oo) 4. Ary dditiml tE Friry ltdodfcdcrrcrall bcprfud byausbci* ad not by co'rrEu(tion pcrssmct G'sneral l. Any activity within ttc rce prot&ation r.olo mrst be appurcd ald mml'torcd by ttc Consulthg Arborist 2. Ary hcrbicfr|cs phcod uodcr pvirg nrtcrirb Du$ bc saft fcussrrurndts ild labelod fmthd rre- 3. Any gnding, constructioq dcnrolition or o8rcr u,qt fiat tnay erpourftr bee 1006 should bc monitorcd b,y fiE Cotrsultiry Aftorist {. Do d sr€c droperccss soil fuicrlq rlcDrb quipcca fu llrtctfuls wi&in thc tEe gotcctim mne. 5. Insall and maintain a 4"{' lryer of mulch widrin thc tre pioEliorr zone. Thc mrdch will hclp rcducc soil comprstion god modcrrEsoil tcopffirrc. Po*consE Etion r?lEgrirtion and bn&cspitrs l. Turf grass shsuld not orhd illo thc drip lir of qisting tcc. 2. Trro shouldbc mulcltod lonafuain soil rnidure, 3. Bark Crurds should bG fur*alled on dl rcsidrnl aspcn ftcs, 4- Crrp nrust bc rxed ufrcn imtling fuig{im qplEus, Avrdd of,ilg ry root owr I' in diarnetet If rmts grcaler ilran l" in diaNn€ter ara cncountcrcd tbey shouldbe nnnaled rmda s Futcd with a by-pcs lopcr, shup dtord om w- JtN-l3-e@ 13:a4 FRo.l! ERnul frnres stasrr7u16 {aorsa<sa P.Et?,ry 5. lf soil moisture bocoilrcs a problcrn, a scpnE nrigFriq @ sbouB be insta[€d tor the Fets sincc they haw difrcrcrrunbr roqui|Etntllls firn nrf gfass. 6.0 llloninriry Trtc llcetth end Mornitoring oce hcdtr sd conplirrc dtriryo@bhlp -r'qrcttatttc program ad dctails spocificd in this Trtc l,rcsanotim Plalrnpmpcrlyiru@€oted- Thc nonitoring phase of ihe plar is turftldt l}driointe ir4dry ofito Tc hectim Zme, 2)Assist wi& fie|d cbrngss, 3)CUinnlty adurcmc b&Lrrd iduric$aod4Xlmnuni,cate uinOuupcrftftndtr(grt}ib*rFd1fi. Vril|.^ryqnit, ,.0. ..:"u Developnent d€parffi ent. The frcqucnryof inspocdions *ill dcpcdupontc couruaion @sa Goually, orc wtlk thtoueh p. rrcck will bc rdcqurn, Cruullry ttorist will bc o si$d duing nE clcldE& poot end wll mrntim rnd r&ar lhc rririnirg w|| ls dcrmlishcd. Sirc visits will bc rccordcd on a fee pres€watim inspcctim srmmy rcport Copies of this form will be copied b thc $pcdrtcndcnt C.olclu!for! By applying the gurdelines specifid h this docuncnt, tb tE6 at thc Vail Athlctic CIub should survivc tlrc rcnordionr projsct and cmtirrre to be an asset to ths sirc for many ycars to com€. Agin, this &cunent provides gui&lirtcs for tc prccndion activitit$, but undarhcdly, ltruqgDori ttc projce .t'""g* dcsig! chrtrgcs'L'ng witr social and biological fusucs will mandafe adjusun€nt ro the plrn. As lorgas all cbngcs i btlrcplaalo g'ddedbylrcc biologadsuudArtcurhrctbtrcc psawimI scgmcnt of thc prcjcct drould bc a $rcccss Jl..Fl-13-eam 13:a4 FRff{:ERnur fcrnres e7ffiis76 {a+zsa+sa P.sr3.ry, Vail Athletic Gfub lnspction$mmary A@A,bdrcrorcay P.O.7133 grudgrdsq CO gX24 453€154 lmpco{on Dde: Ii |ttspcdot: Abo Prrccnt: Ggneld aornments: OcnUnn$rgtPn'cgtfreBm[{tneFhg Rorlg|tOrf,rg stlcl. tilltE BdHtuncor*uen, Fln {n(&rgradspa|lg Oorcr Slt CondlfionsTrocl CordfllonsrcflicotfB TrcatnfttnqrntuC Reconrrnffiom and Folhrrp n.hr-13-a@ 13: a4 FRil' rotHB_3gFgg *_ryo P.AL4're. t.rt toclrDl *rrf t'Wt$hrr. tOir ntu f,fHSrr rJtHrHir ItH.rE-rSrUharrrfuldfuEhrudl-rrb flru qq!*rfl.Dfl- 4;tl|:dlrrld) r -Ib!+tJrrh* i!E -brlc. lllr&rtri s.ubl-rt-lI|IntrafrD aE{ C rtnnrbtOtdtrl I I ib-hcdbl*UfrE.f a.ry- Elb !Xld,gu4ErrrhtdrE1rEEdh---_tddqlqdl tfed.Ir IlEdHErtrrFr|'Ibdaq, ffh rarr||rl|EfarlE J--+rEr-r-E- rild frle n frE"eb-.-- r trrrE---E-If -Fr.b-r*tlr-err{l gi-c dhrlrh; fr|IE hrFrD-tr* !nfftldF- AruaiilHcihalFr rpE f,ttrcrlh f,hn abctrr-- f, lUfi[Elf trilnH3 r*t t --'5IIE3FH abrt{ tFd{ ab*|} att 4: *l t U ,lrrd tr-ffi'fnH ttfrr*t tbrhfl jet *rahf ErF*t Ikff tqFFhil!trt**l ar! rFxFltilrl,edHfSrt fhl|bFrhO Oel -Fl6IttIat .- ,{l 6 a,t Iftrhr;rrrasbdH*Hhrrffi ryr-tot!-tI.Oll.I6-r trc *tEGt F, lb bnacd b-Tl.€rcrlr-tqbLkll-rcIFrQt||Hf .stFlts -LE- iarrH-blEdIts ' tdff '5i ftrDFHHb.d*b.d-d!...rq lh rrFt -tEi ta !* I * B, brh ll.I re .l' t5-tltl.ta6-to I bHf*haiqttr otfaog F @rST,8'd asre64€}r 9/Stg6616 srrurt Mlur€:hnur berEtr @@-ET-Nnf ffit916'd 9lsLgrffiL6 s=rurfl fnut€ :r^rour be :Er aa@a-tT-tn.c cI FgF€ t crt oeoz Eo=Ixul co=Ixut 5 Elll oeoz oec'2 oco2 .taIt ocoz otro2 .tall- .toIL 1't 8o(9 5EI UJ cg o(, 'il ococ Eo o(, 6 E=Eco(,oIL Eoc) Eo(:) 8oo bo4 oor boA oor Itooo aooo bor bor ooq bo. EI(9 E 8(, EIo aIo EgE oCoz ocoz o Ez o 5z ocoz o Ez Eocl d6o Go6 Eca d(l cl tqtoo E6EE Eo E 9 olr ! blr o FUGr! og E TD ocoz o atE olj. g Gl- o C'6=oltc EF ogoz -c=qoE Glr Boo tlooo !tooc, Boc, -tqtlr 6lr EsI. .F6lt 6lr '6 't tl a!l! Eoo '6 l! aooo Eooc) .g oc,6lE= E-= d(tOtL (D ir (I 6 rt (\t ]s (\l 6 6 b -Cr,(!*to (!('\l N s -g ep 8-E t ct tt (o i Ar i',rl|o o b ol .C it or toEatCIo oa,t o|.o3 @ Cioci 5q Ct! I C6 E I 5 5 Etu aco !E€o I ocq oEoG -q! oc'6 ooooq 8 oc o o6oog EJ Iq o E |D € .Eo .goooq 8 oEo .Eooo { oc.E .9oooo E o .Ea .eoooqEo oc6 .9oooq E EtoOoJo I: o6 5 @ I ao, {te @ rin Co E .9qcul !E ocF ratN(\|RGI t\l(\|s.|a R(\I(\|f,(\ Ncl C\t ct(Yt(I t({ r,trt(\|$N cl G{ @.r!c{ Ot GI(\| o!.{!(\|$(\| Io ? =o o EF *orfi Ffiut':l€dl t€:tT m,e-sr-hnr92S,LF'5;BL6 JLN-ls-aS@ 13r eS FRo'l: BRAI-bl rATES 97g9€5-1U16 TrpPnrc#blr y*=P.478'W tt "f Ec E a3E5 oc ,s zz 7 z '7 l=o o o o {z @ *o E Rgt\t G. c' G| CtlG'(\| G'G'(\| rtc,N !!G' t.\| {oo$(r)(\| aoctN dr ar)n| a)!r !t $(\| ttss !f lttoc.oN t\ lO o |p F €z oE EEtt !'IE B G| a .E E,E E!A d i{t o tt rt x ro {o (\|$a 6l o N o ol o N c{c{cl C' G|N I N ro(\| GI oNN t-c{ GI ao N i oec oJ E otroN Fo N |D o z z rO o .o @ 6 z o it o E r- (AooNC{ a !utc,(\| .pC'N ct(\ 00o({ octN o c|N ol N c, c{ g (\l I 1iI;'ii1 r r j J f d { i; i:n I,i 1li r 11; fr i\ 3 t':i l ,r jl: ?-, t i { t. .t. .t? oEoN C .E E eEog F f -9 4 -),-t G 3J'tt l!qL f., I4.r * t Imrf rol, +..+ Illsllu(ld 8lo(Y uD v tsr6 SSt-tZB I'Yd gt:CI IUII Oi/CO/OO sr.,-urrJ MUIE :r€ur ge :rtr @aa-ET-ttrlr o0 .5t F grolD @tGT6'd 9zs,LPf,E,t.6asuartalu | .rnr-rs-?w L3tas FRo,l:RALl.,r fcrnres Vail E tJu"n*,+* Jl'hl-13-ea@ 13! e6 FRo,l: BRfl.r.{ fcmrrs rlerlsr.a= Vai JLl.f-13-@@ 13:e5 FRt},r3ERnlr fCrnres g:,6'ffi75?5 faee+se v"irKr"tr*tj o o BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr , Doors Door Trini Hnnd or Dcck Rails Flucs Flnshings Chirnncys Trash Enclosures Grecnhouscs Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other LIST OF PROPOSED MATERTALS TYFE OF MATERIAL: Slate Tile and Copppr 'Western Cedar ( treated ) Wood with copX)er flashing Sidinq & Stucco Wood Clad Wood 2xSlStucco M€741- c'Lffi Wood./Glazed Wood Wood Rails Metal Copper Slone & Stucco Interior to Bldgr " Clad Frame Stone Veneered See Cutsheets COLOR:i qlnqee ti-r..erz*r(grrl eray a/creen ,r"i"Ju ?*lbP,q Simitar Austria Haust l4HT f4 p4 F-ae-?. staineo ajXhPrE Stained,/Paint Coppertone enffi -- elr.s-r6rr.Col4tdl+lrrptclot lvtooAe ltzl'Sta i ned,/Pa int L"o Paint to Match ?c'r:t./q Copper Match Existing srone - l,rq*tr |,11c,*;7*h + Pleasc specify thc manufacturer's color, nunrbcr and attach a snrall color chip ** Alt cxtcrior lighting nrust nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighJing is proposcd, plcasc indicate thc nurnbcr of fixturcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identify each fii'ttuc type and provide the height above grade, luntcns output. lunrinous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthc lighting fixhres. Stucco zStone stainei olj#tre ,r.ir,.o t?.flc x4t t', IROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRTJBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUNDCOVER SEED : IRRICATION Botnnical Nanrc Populus Tremulordes Cornus Servicea 'fsanti' Jun.iperousSabina'Buffalo' Spiraea ilaponica Froebe tr i Sal ix Nana * M ininrunr icquircnlcnts for landscaping: - Typc. - Perennial f Lotrers Corrtrrton Namc Quaking Aspen Ouantity 5 Sizcr 2l/2"ca1iper Isant i Dogwood lq 5 Gal. Buffalo Juniper 10 E /.t^.r Frobel Spi rea 12 5 GaL Y.rUf puf ea Blue Artic Wi 1low 5 Gal. dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs and ground - 5 gallons Sguarc Footagc cover 675 SF Spray TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis, fenccs, swirnming pools, etc.) Ptease speci!. Indrcate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. Matinrunr hcight of walls'rvithin the front setback i" r feet. Maximum heieht of rvalls elsovhcre orl the propcrty is 6 f cct. orm Spa,/Pool BRIAN WAGNER !$2 East Meodow Ilrlve VelI, CO 81S57 s7o47fi-24A4 Friday, March 31, 2000 Mr. Georg€ Ruther Senior Planner 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO E1657 Re: Vail Athletic Club Un-Lardscaped Strip Thank you for meeting with me'on Monday and going over the VAC/Byme Redevelopment Plan. I was pleased to see that the area between VAC and the Mountain Haus is going to be landscaped. I am sure the Mountain Haus will cooperate with this landscaping. I appreciete you suggestion that this is the time for the Mountain Haus to submit plans for any improvement we would like to make over the next several years. This would give the Town of Vail the aUitity to coo1linate those improvements with the improvements being made by the VAC. lmprovements such as the sidewalk across from the Mountain Haus and the VAC. The Mountain Haus may want to resubmit a-rcquest to change our roofline to enhance the long-term drainage problems related to the roofs design. Discussing the possibility of mo\ring the Electric Bus Gates was most intercslilE- On Tuesday I spoke to Lynn Fritzlen about our previous designs for our North Entrance. She will be proving mqwith materials so I can go to our Boad and enoourage them to submit a request for Planning Degartment approval. I also met with John Hildreth at VAC and went overlhe Redevelopment Plans. We agreed to keep the gravel area clear of litler until the construction is complete. At the very minimum be agreed to landscape a rock platter box behind the large rocks that are there now. On Thursday I spoke to Ron Byme about his plans. He was enthusiaslic about the possibility of cooperating with the Mountain Haus on improvements to East Meadoyv Drive. He invited me lo meet with him next week to discuss what w€ can do to enhance one anothefs prcjects. Sincerely.? l,r,%Brian Wasne/ / mh000332 cc: Mr. Tomas Zeisel, Manager, Mountain Haus John Hibreth, Vail Athletic Club Ron Byme, Ron Byme & Associates I.IAY- l5-GO ._ 'a A. B. G ro,Jazsz+sa SIGN/AM This application is fm ary sign that irB loced wfthin tie Town ofVail. Spccific requirerueats arc nrailable liumthc Depatnent of Co,trrmuDity Devdopueol llamc Euildingnaupadi OoNsrtc of tv{ailfurg PAGE I./2 Ouc$iur"c? CaIl thc Planniog Derk zit479-2178 Iu Sigprture o'f E" r. Naure ofpcrsou (lf differenttt'" ormcr) Addrcss: Trryc of srp (scc back for &Snitions): tr FrccSadingtr wallri8F'tl Othcr,ryccifr: Xq t+angingsip Auming G. rr i Sign Size of sign od size of leeeringfor eaph sip M 1- J. iL L. Lengtiofhrsinessfmmags: > 2O8t H€itfrtofsienabove gldftfx L 2<'- Nunrbcrofsigm prcry,txr+d (a Numbc*ad,sizcoferirtilgsigns: AI |'l-Le re" .ueJ, Location af cach si$ (atach a site plan Sd m dc\dion duwinC r a photograph cleuty indic*ing the prQoscd tocaticxr): N.Deccribe lighitrg ofsigt (aristing sprcpod):t,"Airc'<-t. o.Business license ard/or salcs tax licasc vtrificdim is REQUIRED prior up ptmrdng rwiew: SalesTaxAdministator'ssignzmc(Sallylortoir 479-2125)'- ..Ex'|tll.iq b*rv,a.rd*5- -- FEE: $20.00, ELUS $1.00 Fm SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA" I .rlN-ae-aa@ 15;sJ FRsrrBRAt{lrsmrATEs g7ffi1s76 E-lrdSL.,zr,#E eili,.aHillr#[..ffi * B?!AE|BrEEuldSL.,zr,#B e;li'ffi-F#[..ffi e'$ft ) f rnr-rs-.ti.T lfg|r.rov-Gil-Elr'trlt?-F rKh P.Wttgat :Fo4ig4di'* "F.etL.a, tDrgllf"str:il Ffm a-dt crrrcltssE -t71ffi r0tlrd Itb ilEEdb b fr tr' tF |trird*5 illTIB dv& $dsq!rec arddf: iuftDqrlurcl!i-rr?Ddlff. ldft3n rbd! tl*r $ntrtI flfdierrtfaord| IDedt*f (strrt t-ra. .G II'Io- l,iL O BE*tr s${lr x EI EIFfil&-Cl Cirr, c', qsDffisr, $+trila.A-l. (JLil'{U-'Lt^Lsh!u+FF*q"-G.+a,lhl,*ldarf$ x i 9alc.isrd&ldt€&SC* IrqllotuiiEffi >2b! -',H+nrof*r-aFeg rwds Idn dd t! (rdr& Cldrffi 6rfrg refqS rhty Lffistr l6tLsxsohrof qlffif Ddrutrdfr(dtt lScr|rF- rdhil$EbvtrdnlIH|IEElirbidgEntr; Sr!g,ts, A&iliwl dre Fry lrr5 Ee ral@, E ltrlt|"oot!8 gqIABE!0OTOF$GN AI[A. NECIIYDD JUN 2 2m. , | ,1:nn t D o esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Nane: Vail Athletic Club & Spa Project Number: Proj00-0126 Project Description: Sign, lighting and landscape approval Fttt copr Owner, Address and Phone: Ron Bryne Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Tom Braun, Braun Associates, Inc, P.O. Box 2658, Edwards, Colorado,81632 Project Street Address: 352 East Meadow Drive Legal Description: A part of Tract B, Vail Village Parcel Number: Comments: Project#: Building Name: Vail Athletic Club & Spa *.**PLEASE CONSULT TIIE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBE STOS ABATEMENT ISSUE S _ 47 9.2325* IK * * Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Woldrich Vote:4-0 Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date:6/7/00 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved TTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\9N I DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 eo \qslts ?v I I BRNZMR.AT-IN ASSoCIIAIIES" lNC. PLANNING and CO|Yl.lUNlTY DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM TO: George Ruther, Chief of Planning CC: Jay Peterson FROM: Dominic Mauriello, Braun Associates, Inc. DATE: July 28, 2000 RE: Vail Athletic Club - FFU. AU. and Condo Floor Area Calculations I have calculated the latest figures on square footage for FFUs, AUs, and dwelling units and have compared these figures to the approved PEC plans and the PA zone dishict regulations. It appears that the square footage of each use has increased. Based on the changes to the plans, I have determined that AU and FFU square footage accounts fot 7LJAVo of the new GRFA (an increase of I percentage point) in the building and therefore in compliance with the requirement that at least 707o of the new GRFA added to a building be in the form of FFUs or AUs. Overall GRFA Calculations l#o.*e PEC Plans (Old Plans) New Plans DifferenceUse AUs FFUs 15,081 sq. ft. 10,529 sq. ft. 15,576 sq. ft. + 495 sq. ft. 11,175 sq. ft. + 646 sq. ft. Condos 8.235 sq. ft. 8.391 so. ft. + 156 sq. ft. Total 33,845 sq. ft.35,142 sq. ft. + 1,297 sq. ft. The Town of Vail (in the PEC memo dated March 13, 2000) indicated that there was 12,851 sq. ft. of AU and FFU GRFA and 5,494 sq. ft. of dwelling unit GRFA being added to the building. Based on the figures in the table above the total amount of GRFA on the property is being increased by L,297 sq. ft. There is now 13,992 sq. ft. (7l.UEo) of FFU and AU GRFA and 5,650 sq. ft. (28.76Vo) of dwelling unit GRFA being added to the building. This complies with the PA zone district regulations on GRFA. The changes in GRFA come from the addition of floor areas within the building, modification of interior layout and corridors, and more detailed calculations using centerlines of interior walls. If you have any questions or need some assistance, call me at926-7575. Edwards Village Center: Surte C 209 0l 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Office Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 81 632 Ph., 970.9267575 Fax 970.926,7576 wwwDraunassoclales.com t vo I tan il/ BtR.ArulN ASSoclA'titES, tiNC PLAN N lN G and CCl"lMUNliY DEVELOPIYENT February 14,2000 Mr. George Ruther, Senior Special Projects Plarurer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Athletic Club Dear George: Enclosed you will find submittal material applicable to the proposed re-development of the Vail Athletic club (vAC). Three separate, yet related applications have been submitted: l) Application for an Exterior Alteration in the Public Accommodation (PA) Zone District to allow for the addition ofresidential units and building square footage in excess of 1,000 in accordance with Section l2-7A-12 of the Municipal Code, 2) Application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a fractional fee club in accordance with Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code, and 3) A request to void existing SDD No. 30, which currently regulates development within the subject property, Approval of the requests listed above will allow for the comprehensive renovation and expansion of the VAC. As you are aware, the Town has approved a number of re-development plans for the property over the years. While some upgrading and renovation of the hotel, health club and related facilities has occurred, the major renovation and expansion ofthe property as originally approved in 1996 has yet to occur. The proposed renovation and expansion has been designed to conform with the recently adopted amendments to the PA zone district. As such, a request to void the existing SDD approval has been made. Submittal material included with this application includes the following; . Application fbrms and filing fee of $400 ($200 for Ext. Alt., $200 for CUP)o List ofadjacent property owners,o Title commitment, Minturn lronworks Building 201 lYain Street. 2nd Fioor Post Office Box 776 l"liniurn, Colorado 81645 Phone - 974.877.5797 Fax - 970.827 5507 wwwDraunassoOares.com I vo . Existing site plan and floor plans, o Proposed site/landscape plan, r Proposed floor plans, o Proposed building elevations, o Statistical surnmary ofexisting square footage and proposed square footage, r Written statement describing the project, including the project's compliance with the PA zone district development standards the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, and CUP criteria. I also request a waiver to the requirement for a sun/shade analysis. This is due to the fact that the proposed re-development does not alter the existing ridgelines ofthe building. It is our expectation to have a massing model of the proposed building completed within the next two weeks. I want to thank you for your assistance to date and look forward to working with you on this exciting project. Based on the PEC schedule, this application is to be considered by the PEC on March 13'n. In anticipation of this hearing date, I think a work session with the PEC on February 28u would be very beneficial for all concerned. Let's discuss this work session and other aspects of this application over the nexl day or two. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Sincerelv. f*b,t^^,-- Thomas A. Braun, AICP Encl. CC: Ron Byme John Perkins t vo I ig,q lz gp.nuN ASSoclAtlES, llNC. PLANNING and COMIYtJNITY DEVELOPI''1ENT March 8, 2000 Mr. George Ruther, Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE:Vail Athletic Club Dear George: Attached you will find a revised site plan and landscape plan. Revisions to this previously submitted material include the following: r The property boundary has been revised to reflect the most recently completed survey for the property. This change essentially moves the western property line approximately 6 feet to lhe east thereby reducing the size of the parcel to 29,749 square feet. This change has affected site coverage, landscaping and setbacks in the following mamer: Site Coverage - revised site coverage is 62A% Landscaping - the reduction in site area has reduced the landscape requirement to 8,924 square feet. This reduction in site area has also eliminated a proposed landscape area of 330 square feet. As a result, the total landscape area is now 9,527 sqrare feet, or 32o/o of the site area. The removal of the dining deck has converted 431 square feet from hardscape to green area, reducing the overall percentage ofhardscape to l4.2Vo. Setbacks - the proposed building expansion would encroach 8 to 9 feet into the side setback. As stated in the original application, the two bay windows add an additional 2' of encroachment over a very small portion of the west elevation. This change does not affect the relationship of the two buildings - there is no change to the distance between these two buildings. o The dining deck has been removed from both the site plan and the landscape plan. o The landscape plan has been revised with the addition ofbrick pavers to the proposed guest drop-off area and a new brick paver pedestrian crosswalk on East Meadow Drive. Landscape treatment on the west end of the building has been revised in response to the revised property boundary. The addition of stone veneer to the town parking structure entry portal is also indicated on the landscape plan. lYinturn lronworks Buiiding 201 l'4ain Street, 2nd Floor Post Office Box 7 /5 Minturn, Colorado 81545 ?hone ' 97A.817.5797 f ax - 970.877.5547 wwrv.braunassociates.com vo The south elevation has also been revised in response to preliminary comments by the Design Review Board. These drawings will be submittal on Friday as an element of the DRB submittal. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to facilitate you review of this application. Sincerely,G Thomas A. Braun, AICP encl. CC: RonBlnne Jay Peterson John Perkins Stan Cope Februarv 14.2000 Town of Vail Planning Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Athletic Club The undersigned, as President of the Vail Athletic Club Condominium Association, Inc., pursuant to the powers granted in the condominium declarations for the Vail Athletic Club, hereby authorizes all applications for renovation of the Vail Athletic Club Hotel and Spa including, but not limited to applications to the Planning and Environmental Commissions for variances and to the Town of Vail Desien Review Board. Ron Brrme . President Vail Athletic Club Condominium Association. Inc. VAII ATHI.ETIC CIUB Hol€l & Spo Hotel; 97O.476.Q700 Spo: 970.476 .796O Fox:970.476.6451 E-moil: voc@voil.net3.52 Eost Meodow Drive Voil, CO. 8]657 t lAitESi 5TATE = STFEETm EltFT Rorrt iYRNE IATESif{[E = ETFEET! Et€52 lhrilain fhlsffiffi**\a[, @ 8166-t : rbrd WiesIIC 19E0 H<irts H Batcn hge' lA 7810 I t TH IS ITEM MAY AFFECT "O" "otPUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannino and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance #ith Sectlon 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 13, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A final review with the Design Review Board to discuss the proposed development plan/master plan and a conditional use permit for a park and recreation facility for an approximately 12 acre unplatted parcel of land zoned General Use and Residential Cluster, commonly referred to as the lower bench of Donovan Park, located south of the South Frontage Road and east and north of Matterhorn Circle. Applicant: Town of Vailn/ail Recreation DistrictPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for an exterior alteration and a conditional use permit for a fractional fee club and a parking variance, to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive/A part of Tract 3, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant: VML, L.L.C.Planner: George Ruther A final review of the proposed changes to the Town of Vail's parking pay-in-lieu policy and proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson A final review of the Town of Vail's revised parking generation analysis and proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson A PEC review of proposed modifications to the Gore Creek Flood Plain, located at the Gore Creek Whitewatei pi*, Gore Creek Promenade/Tracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Tourism and Convention BoardPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for an amendment to a previously platted building envelope and a revised lot access, located at 1452 Lionsridge Loop i Lot 4, Ridge at Vail. Applicant: Mike YoungPlanner: George Ruther A request for final review of a proposed maior amendment to Special Development District #4 (Gascade Village), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)/Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant:Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects George Ruther .,. t.J ,i (t- l ti,,la\ w "[ Planner: td 12-14-6,Town of #.a", to attow tor the addition of gross residential lloor area and balconies within required s.etbacks, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive Vail Townhouse #2-ClLot2, Block 5, Vail Viliage 1"'Filing. a Applicant: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl, ArchitectPlanner: Ann Kjerulf The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department,75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138lor information. Sign language intenretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published February 25, 2000 in the Vail Trail. tt rEM MAYAFFE.TJ,BH* PRo- NOTTCE tS HEREBY GIVEN that rhe Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vaif rnf hold a public hearing in accordance frith Section 12-3-6 of the Municjpal Code of the Town of Vail ori April 10, 2060, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: - A request for a conditional use permi1 to allow for four Type lll and one Type lV EHU's.. located \f "t m6 Vait Athtetic Ctub & Spa,'SSZ East Meadow Drive/a part of Tract B, Vail Village First Filing. ,lf>,-\ Applicant: Ron Byrne, d.b.a. VML, L.L.C', represented by Tom Braun Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are availalle for public inspection during reguldr'office hours in the project planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail Communfty O-fvefopment Oepirtment,'ZS Sodtn Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon-req'fst with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2gSO, tetephone foi the Hearing lmpaired, for information. i Published March 27, 2000 in the Vail Daily. ASSOCtlnOn COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPAi\Y, A Texas Corporation, berein called thc Compauy, for vatuablc conrideration, hcrcby commits to issue irs policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed, Insurcd namcd in Schedule A, rs orvncr or mortgagee of &e cstatc or interesl covered hcrcby in the land described or rcfcrred !o in Schedule A. upon paymeat of the prcruiums and charges thcrcfor: all subject to the provisions of Schcdules A and B and to the Conditions aod Stipuladons hcrcof. Tlris Commimrenr sball bc effective only rvhen rhc idcnTity of the proposed insurcd aud tho amount of Crc policy or policics commiilcd for have been inserted in Schedulc A hereof by the Company, eitlur at ilrc dmc of thc rssuar:cc of this Commitmmt or by subsequent endorsement. I i This Commiment is preliminuy to the issuance of sudr poiicy or policies of title insurance and all liabiliiy and obligations hereundcr shall cease and terminate six mourhs after the effectivc date hereof ol when $e policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever firsr occurs, provided $at thc failure ro issue such policy or policies is nol the fault of the Comprny. Signed undcr seal for lhe Company, bu this Commitment shall not be valid or binding uilil it bears an authorized Countersi gnahrc IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, Stewan Tide Guaranty Company hss caused is corporate name and scal to bc lrcrcunto aflixed by rts duly aurhorizcd officers on rhe darc shown in Schedule A. STEWART TITLE OUARAIfTY COMPANY L'h;ll:hs!! o( che STEWA!116.5 OF EACLB COT'NTY, INC. F.O. 8or 2000 vril. Coloado S 1658 (910) 949-10l I DEC 3A '99 19:35 PF6E,A2 Order lfwnber: ssoae azz-Y SCHEDALE A I' Efrectivedate: Decanber 30' 79tg at aL 8:00 A'It' 2. Poliq or Poticies to be issued,: (a) A.L,T.A. Owner's (sEaadard) Proposed Insured:' VI?III. t.&.C. t A COLOADA LI,jd,TTED LIABILITY COUPANI (b) A,L.T.A. Loan (scandardJ Prpposed lttsured: (Q Leoselvld Proposed lwured: 3. ilhe estate or interest in the land described or refcrred to in this Commitment and covered herein is fcr slmple 4. Title to the fec sjm1r.t e estate or interest in said land is u the effective date hereof vated in: JT{:t 298? UAII/ I'frtZTED PAETTERSIII! ' A COLOEADO LZ|ITED PAETNEaSI{IP 5. The land referred to ia this Cammitment is described as follows: sE8 i?tAcasD ItCitL DBsCr:ParO.V Purlrorted 'elldreea: SDITEMENT OF CH,/IRGES Thue clnrges are due ond payable beforc a 352.;.'aEADon Dnrw Poliqcanbeissncd, vArr,, co 87557 PRTTTUM OMIERU: 5!2 '480,00te.r CER!6: 390 - 00 FOR{ 200.5 50.00 .FORM 103.J 50.00 DEC 3A '99 19:35 a PRGE.A3 : SCHEDALE A Order Number: 9 e 02 6827'cs I,EGAL DESCNPTION UAII' AttILBtIC Cr.W CONDOUZNM9, ixcsetwe condominl un uniLs A ar'd I' Accotdlag eo Elre CondomJnj ua MaP ,,heteof reeorded Augusc 24. L984 in Eook 3g3 ae Foge 326 as S.ecepelon No. 289622, and as Snended by the .I,nendcd and Resteted Co'rdordnj u.rl UaE, raeorded and aa deflned and described in ghe Coadoaini uat DeclaraEioa recorded jlugust 24, 7984 in Book 393 at Page j28 as naclPcjoa No, 289624, alad Es enrended by ehe ingzded alrd &ctbated Candontaiun Dec.lars tjon recorded 'COitffV oE EAOE)E e5 cotl''rrr,rSltt D?NE t2/30/99 Ev trAW, c3 eorurrnar{T DONE 72/77/99 Bv LGW c2 CawrTnENt DONE 77/77/J' 8v zc!v. THrS CONIT1ZTMENi reS pREPTX ED ON OCT. 7, 1999. FOe OuEgrro$s P!8Ast , qLL I'INDA WII'LIAMSI Al (970)949-1017. I I trllg cotuttt tDet x ta genu Eo.' (Iorot sfaAugg .ERI'ES! ''. 6EI.MJW 'IEFF lA.}lPIA,9r I DEC 3E '99 19:35 PAGE.64 SCIIEDALE B Section I Order Number: 99026az? -cs REQAIREMENTS Thefollowing are the requirements to be complied with: kem (a) Ptymenr to or Jor the account of the grantors or mortgdgors of th.e full cowideration fot the esnte or intercst rc be insured. Iten(b) Properinsrrwnent(s) ueatingthe estateorintercst tobeinsuredmwt be*ecutedand dullfledfor record, to wit: o to ggeftdrt rJtle cuatrnty ComPany of Psy'enc of 6I'I essesslt|ertd ae cettJfjed, by the Eagl,e CouflCy lteasurer, aB Eo D€.bt6 atd .Elens rnd iC.E r€Cuttl Lo sieltarE rjt.le 3..Wldence aettsfecBoty Co St€!.art TiCJe Guaran ty Comps'iy thac tlre teal cstage craasier tex essebaed by Ehe 1lovn of Vajl las been pald or eiac cXe tranga'cgioa La e:cenpE fron sajd !Ex. I.Egjdence sdtisfacUory outscaldhg taxes a'ld 'xecutl,oa of. atfidawtE Guaranry CotrPaay. 4i I !a:r6eat of, any drd all CoadooinI urn assaagnoatg aad expens es ae casdonCal r.rn Dealalatloa aE ValT At.blatic Cl ub aad cdreificate neblecjc Cl,ub As,gocl at,lon vetifylrg thBr such pal4tren s les !€ell 5. &elcat€ by ehe pqlljc lnJ,aaac of Eagle cou[cy of Ebe f,o77oy.ing requlred by Ehe f,.rom vail, receJrred. deed of trusE: A Deed of, frus e degsd Decenber !5, J.987, execuced by thlT 7987 valL .LirJ ged PJ.'hne;,hip, co Ehe Publie TtuEEee oE Ezgle Cou,i|yr to Secure E'l iade.bgedlesa of T5'7oo,ooo,oo, jr: f:vor oI Na:ional CiEy Ea,;.J<, Ncton, rrusgee, ,BEcjceye frusc and goclety Natlonal, B','.k, Ttustee, IilarJ.boro Trule. teoorded pecerrbet 22, 7987jn !oo& 475 aE er,ge 987 es .Rece.ption No. 372207 .ls.rlgrimea t of abave Deed, of, ltust to T&oDas ff. RousIr, by Natloeal ctty Eank, eEo. teeorded Decenrbcr 20, 7993 ia Book 627 xe Page 902 es le6eptlon No- 523964'erd esslgr'lmd'lt recorded Deaenber Z0' 7993 7a Booh 627 aE Page 903 as Rec.ptJon No. 523e6s. AssJgnmer:t of above Deed of tzuat by to deorgre c. Boush by Sociecy $aulonal tartc ttuaCee. ,latlboro frugt to George C. Rouglt fecorded Dece4.ber 20, 7993 ltz aook 627 ac Page 904 aB Recaption No, 523965 ard .1t5.9 t gn.!|a}1 E recorded Dedenber 20, 799J !r, Eook 627 aE eage 905 as ReceptJon No. 523967, 6. treJ erse by cie Publlc lruseee af Eagle eouaby ot Ar,e folloviag deed ot b'ust.' I Deed of Trus t detad Jul,y !7' 7999, erecuted by {9IT 198? vatT LLmlted Pr.R cr:eralljp, co Bhe PubJjc frustes e.f, Eag.1 e Cortncy, co secure aD lndebtednecs o! $750,000.00' ia lavot oE .llatjoaal CiEy &ank. Akzon, z'?ustee, Cuyehoga ftus|, secozded eultusc 9, tgSS in Eoo,L 5!I at Page 259 E,e Redeption No- 407437, 7. leleese by che Pubhc ?rugtee of, Esg.le CounBy of, Ehe folTowlng deed ot cruser DEC 3A '99 19:35 -1- Conclaued oa aaxE p6ge PNGE. A5 I CoztJauEbion o,f Schedule .E - Sectioa I order lfiurber.' 99026e27 -Cs A Deod of ttlusE da ted Augus t 22 , 7991 / axacuged by 'n'T 79d7 vall r,.fudi Eed pattrlers.fjFl, Co Ehe Pu.b-tjo ?rustc. ot 8ag7e Coutrcy ' Eo aecure aa .i,adcbtedness of $7r7i0,OOO.0|. jn favor of flrornas I'1. and Geotge C. Foustt, one hal't each' racord€d Uateh 9, 7995 ia Eook 662 aE Page 850 as SecePtjon No, 558877 eslJgmer2e of tte rboe€ Deed of T'vst trom Cteotge C. Roustr to ClEudi a Aronow Rougtr, a6slgrjrrg hls one haJ^f, interest, py AsslgrrnenE teeordad April 8, 7998 as ReceptJen No. 657912 - 8. gf tisfaatory cvideace. le AtEtcIeB of, tgraenena vhich Jrawe laea fiJ ed p.{ tli CoJ izada Secrectty of Ecate' bhet WL, Ir,L,c. l:es bee.n teglseered vlah ahe Secre cery of SCeCa 9. Daed ttqa i'I/It 79e7 vail .EJrJted prrtnetEhip' a CoTozado ljnJted lalgaetslrjp, r'escing tee ell,,,ple Eltle lh WI. ' 'L.L. C., a Colotado l/lnteod Uablllty Cotnpany. lrofE; Ng"A?roIf oF rEB LEGIAL ADDRE9S OF TrtE GR.a.NTEE ,tEISr AE?aAA ON f$E DEED AS PEn 7976 AltENDfiE!fir To SIAT9TE ol\t RECORDIIIG OF DA.EDS CnA 38-35-109 (2). DEC 3A '99 19:36 PAGE. A6 t c5 Section2 O Order Nwnber: 99025e21 - H&PNONS' The policy or policies to be issued will contain *ceptiow to the following unless the same are disposed of to rhe satisfa$ian of the CornPany: I. Nghr or cloins of parties in possusion, not shown by tlu public records' 2, Eascmentr. or clains ol easanentt, not shown by the public records, i. Dfucrzpaacles, conflicts tn bount*try linu, shortage in area, .encroachments, and any facs which a correct sumqj wd inspecrion of the premiset would disctroie and, which c not lho\.n by the public records. 4, Any lim, or rtght to a llen, for services, Iabor or maerial heretofore or hueafier fumished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5, Dcfects, liens, encutttbrances, adverseclaimsor othermatters, ifatry,created,frst oppearinginthepublic relords or utachitrg subsequent to the effectivc date hereof, but prior to the .date ilrc proposed ittsured acquiret of record for value the estate or interest or mongage thereon covered by thts comrnimeu. 6. lJnpatented ninin,g clai.ns; reservations or xceptions in palents, or an acl authorizing the issuance thereo!; ,water rights, clatns or tftle rc waler, Z,i lmy ead all uapa.id taxeg ar:d agaesgroeats end any uaredacned cax ealea. 8. !J:c efiect of Jnchuaiots ln aay genc',:rT or e;reclfic trter conse tvarrcy, flre ptolectionl soJf coaserrra tJ ol1 or ocher dJggrlct ot iacl.usloa in aay rater sersice or street .l4proveaent area, 9. .Rcsereatioag or excelrtlors eoacal.ued lD U.s. PaCenCr, ot l,a Acts tuthorizing i,he lssua.nce theteef, recorded ja 8oo.k 48 eL Pege 475. tesetttag l) Xights of, cle propria :.,ot of. a yoJn or Iode to extr|cc "eDd ternot'e lrlg ore the'efrom and 2) rJghcs of ztey .fo.r djlcfies and caaa.ls cosslructed uidar clre autJrorJ Ey of Ehe I'IBJ Eed SCaUe€. 10. ReEtrLcbions c/lll ch do noc coaoal:a a fotfel,ture oz tevetCer cJaud€, as conealnrd la c,te Proteccivg Covenent,s tecozded Augrust 70, 7962 ln Eook I74 at Page 77g as Receptlon No, 9638L. voMt 700.5 l$LL P&OVIDE AF .fnuAffvE coltERACE FOE rllr.f .gxctP?roil .tr. Eesenents, rescriccjo'|s and rlghta-ot-vaya se slrorn on the ETaa of va!.l vlllage rirst Flliag. NQTE: Thls ta tot Lnf,otaatioaal ttutposef, tlera ere ro easefiet:ts o.r or iTghcs-of-wey vhlch cross or encurnber subject propetty o.o thl.s p]€ c. 12. Ea.lrenerrte coJlveyed to HoJy CroeE ElacErjc Aa'oclaElan, by iaatrunests recolded Jn loo* 757 et eage 587 as .Eeeeptioa No. 753977, ln Book 257 at Page 588 as ReceptJon No. 7539!9 a.ad la Book 272 et Prge 447 aB Recepclon .[ro. 168844. 73. Tetas, condl Clots, reierrzrtlons, teserlcxions and obJlgeclons a6 coEcaiaed ln tte Condc"rl,a:, um Declgra tion for V$l Clttb Coadoaialuna, Eecatilsd Augruac 21, 1984 ii gooJc J9J tlb Page 328 as .Receptioa No. 289621, a!;d tbe .lraendad aad r€sceced coDllnucd oa lert peg6 DEC 3A '99 19:3?PEGE.A? contlnuaEion of, sch Otdet Numbet: 99A2 rt cdulel-Eeceloi2 6827 -C5 Condonlnl r:rn Decllrttlog for Val.t Club colrdorljnjulls, . Esscmenes, reseridbjota *nd tlghta-of'tays as tlrovrr uajl CLuIr co[doEJtrltuBs, tecotdad Augtis c 24, 1984 in Reeepllon No. 289622, rad tJre &nended 8!d Resteeed I reeorded ou !J:e Condonlalurn Nep ot BooJc 393 tc nage 326 aB cordo&tal un ual, of viil Clu! do:rdonial uas recordad 14. tcg'm', co''di Eion', tasetva:laao, tdstrictlonA and ohllgsbioa' as cottt:Jted j't .;g5eea€! t .betrser: ttaJl Club lrrc. and lta fo*n of Valt tccotdad .tugusr 30, 7994 la loork 393 aC Page 6g8 aa ReccPbton No- 289984 lS. t@zxts, ooadlEions, reaettatlons t restll,cEtota lad obfigattoaa ag contalaed Jn Licenle egreemerl C rdth the To'{'c of Vai7, ',hl.ch provldcs for cle encroae]meat of EIze buiJdlag onbo Ea€C !,eador Driie, recotdad Augusg 24, 7984 in aoof 393 :t Plgc i27 aa Pcccption No.' 289623. 76- Term' r coaditiona. regarr'eEioasi, reEttlcElons aad o.bllg'a tioas as aoatajned Ja Ca-ble :relcvlslon f u.lk B!71!ag Agree!.en| by ead be trlrree! Ca.b.l evJ.Blo! vI, IDc - and ,JW 7587 vajl llnjted psrtnargA !p, zecordad August 23, 7999 as Recepejo[ rlo. .706421 - ! 17.IEncroaclrnEat of .buildiag oago Easc lreador Drlwe aad anto uttTlty easenenc, .botfi slorn on cle CondornJrl urn /ap. PORI', 103.3 wIlrL PROIfIDE AFFIRl{"A?Itr'8 COVERAGE FOR TAg EI\TCROAC}IXEIVT OF TUB EUII'DING OTEO WILTTY SAS4}'EAIT. 19. Rlght of, way for Eha f).ow ot 6ore Creek. 79. Ehe folTowtrg spaces Lee'aa! Darjd llosda -Vai.l Sorts iaed4ciDe Jtrtl. gs!6en -valJ Flaanal aJ Se:nrJcas .Eric .Lo.bbea -Salolr Cjtrsnr!' SoE aga Ca-' Znc. nrorE.. txcE.P?roNs 7 ,JltD 4 aBow ilx,IJL BB DEwrg) oll 1rItE tII{Ar' orulnERs NLrcY, pnal'IDED Borg sallEn (s, l'lrD PuEcrJtsEr(B ) E tFicorE flE AAEEX,N ISqUTRAD ATFTDAVITg A'CD SAT.D AFF',DAVITS ARE ADPROIE.D iY TBE CO''PAT{r. 8]TCFPTTOITS 2 AITD 3 WTI'L BE DELETED ON tEE Ffr{A! OWMERS POIJTCY, UrO r XECATVTNC AttD.BFPROIIIN@ rrfE I{EafI$ eaQUItaD ran'/.owit'ttj.tT LoeATtoN c?,rTIFtcA?E. axetPfrotl 5 wzLL lto? .IPPEA.p ol| rfif, olfrfEas potrrcv, Afrt ce.P PRoTEcTroN wllrt" EE 6R .MrtD PRoyTDED tHAt srEwARt rrTLE OF EAGIE COWW PIR9ORMS CIIOSING, DTSIUR8EIIE^IPS AM RECOR ING oF DOCUIIAPTS, SEE 'DT.5g!O.ET]Ra8 " TNCLVDED '{EXE'TIT. DEC 3A '99 19:3?FHtc.tU Torn of Vailril CtIil(lmR RffEIFT r*r DRTE! U15l.0 EE ftECEIPT: 9353635 DtscRIpTI0ll olY fll0ul{I TP Il!pEE-rrnftI$lct FtE I €9S.S $U H( VfiIL NTNSTIC ctw'iri unniAttcE mE I Ego.og rPlt c{ WIL RTHJTIC CLUB PLffi[IEft .6R. TEilEN DETAIL cr( - $e86 ilge.m l[IE: ?/15/08 TIIIE: l?:10:19 iorn meCn il00.W Axrm lnnrnEu tloE.oo TItr{K YtlU F|lR Y{IIJR FRYIIIIT ! Fr{ 50846 DATE I nncnwED FRoM I moness- t ! t It!-- !i Prr.it Numbersii '-'-- -check -:?E%!l HOW PAID-Cash- tl'L*--- - Police ReceiPt t\mbers |***1ltiffi*'*0.*! Vail. CO 81657 Receipt No. o^t -Zt4t-fu.tpayable b the TOWN OF VAIL Account llo.Item No.Gode #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA s5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildino Code - '1997 - Voiumo 1&2 s50.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Euildino Code - 1997-Volume3 $57.20 001 0000 3'14 1112 International Plumbinq Code - 19€t7 \JE|$36.00 001 0000 314 1112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 raEl $35.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldq.'s 1997 $9.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Model Enerqy Code - '1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books lJE' 001 0000 3141211 glue PrinwMylar Copy Fees BF s7.00 001 0000 314 1 111 Xerox Copies xc $0.2s 001 0000 314 1 11 1 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 111 1 Studies. Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penaltv Fees/Re-lnspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Recheck Fee ($40/Der hourl rF 001 0000 315 2000 Ofl Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Siqn Application Fee !)F $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Siqn Aoplication Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Design Revieur Board Fee (Prepaid)DR 001 0000 315 3000 Buildino Investlgation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Develooer lft provemenl Aqreemenl Deposil 02-0EP10 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)BL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Ass6ss.-Restaurant Fe€ to Co.Dept.Rev.SA-001 0000 201 1000 TaFblo @ 4.5% (State) - Tax pavable tr -001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0% (Town) - Retail sales Tax Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2s00 PECAPPUCANON FEES 001 0000s112s00 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 ZSUU Conditional Use Permit PV s200.00 f-do 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Altoration - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 4nr) 001 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. fL PV $s00.00 001 0000311 2500 Special Develooment District - NEW PV $1 .500.00 001 00003112500 Sp€cial D€velooment Distiict - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 SDecial DeveloDment Disbict - Minor Amend PV s200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Zoninq Code Amendments PV s2s0.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:(/nr>: Comm€nts:Zo,W* -Ae. Cash -. Money Order #Check #Received Or= T I F:Eveq/on€/Fonnsrsaiesfft.e)c al0n9 THE VftIt ATHLETIC $400.00 for planning issues for the Vail Athletic Club CHECK 33286 rt I PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, April 10, 2000 MEETING FESULTS Proiect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Community Develooment Department MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT Diane Golden Brian Dovon 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1. z. Driver: Katsos Bike Path - Tract A. Vail Villaoe 12tn Fahey-225 WallStreet George tox NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the boad will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Gouncil Chambers 2:00 p,m, 1. Swearing in ol reappointed PEC member Galen Aasland - Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk. 2. Election of 2000 Chair- Vice-Chair - MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Doug Cahill TABLED UNTIL MAY 24. 2OOO VOTE:4-0 3. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow lor the consolidation of two units within the Wall'Street Building, ioCaiea it'z2s Wati Streevtot B, C, Block 5C, Vail Village l"tFiling. Applicant: Eugene Fahey, represented bySally Brainerd, RKD, Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Doug Cahill APPROVED SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:4-0 I 4.A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for one Type lll and four Type lV Employee Housing Units, located at the Vail Athletic Club & Spa, 352 East Meadow Drive/a part of Tract B. Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne, d.b.a. VML, L.L.C., represented byTom BraunPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: Thal the Developer executes and records employee housing deed-restrictions for each of the required employee units with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. The triggering mechanism for the TCO would be construction of any of the AU's, FFU's, or condos, That the Developer indicates the precise location and final location of the storage lockers and washer and dryer on the plans submitted to the Town ol Vail for a building permit- The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. A request for a conditional use permit, to relocate 1300' of low-lying bike path, informally known as the Katsos Propert% located at Tract A, Vail Village 12" Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Chas Bernhardt SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE:4-0 DENIED -With the finding that the PEC feels the environmental negative impact would outweigh the positive impacts. Final review of the Town of Vail's revised parking generation analysis and proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Chas Bernhardt SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 3-l (Aasland opposed and requested that his support for approval of the proposal be forwarded to Council. TABLED - With the finding that it be tabled until such time that the Comprehensive Day- Skier Parking Study is completed to review it altogether and that the PEC is in general agreement that this is a step in the right direction to encourage businesses in the core area. A request for a variance from Sections 12-6H-6 and 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for the addition of gross residenlial floor area and balconies within required setbaclG, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vail Townhouse #2-ClLot 2, Block 5, Vail Village 1"' Filing. z- 5. 1. Applicant: Planner: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl Ann Kjerulf TABLED UNTILAPRIL 24. 2OOO I 8. A request for a variance from Sections 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage), 12-6D-8 (Density) and 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Town Code, to allow for a garage and residential addition, located at 2955 Bellflower Drive/Lot 6. Block 6.Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan & Francine PelersPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL APRIL 24, 2OOO L A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a proposed expansion at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part ot Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12h Filing. Applicant: vail Mountain school, represented by Gwathmey Pratt schultz ArchiteclsPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED UNTIL APRIL 24, 2OOO .10. A request for a work session to discuss a proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4 (Cascade Village), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)/Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL MAY 22,2OOO 11. A PEC review of proposed modifications to the Gore Creek Flood Plain, located at the Gore Creek Whitewater Park, Gore Creek Promenade/Tracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Village l"tFiling. Applicant: Vail Valley Tourism and Convention BureauPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED 12. Information Update a Town Council joint worksession with the PEC on May 2nd, at 1 p.m. in the Town council chambers. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss philosophy related to development review projects and how to coordinate between the two boards. One two-year term PEC vacancy - (Tom Weber). PEC HEPRESENTATIVE AT DRB FOR 2OOO. Doug Cahill - Jan-Apr. 5, '00 Chas Bernhardt - Apr. 19, '00 Galen Aasland - Apr-Jun '00 Diane Golden - Jul-Sep '00 John Schofield - Oct-Dec'00 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 24, 2000 (untilall members are present) 13. Approval of March 27,2000 minutes. \ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannert offhe located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138 for information. Sign hnguage intepretatbn available upon request with 24 hour nofficafion. Please call 47$2356, T@hone for he Hearing lmpaired, br information. Community Development Deparunent Published April 07, 2000 in the VailTrail aI TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 10, 2000 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of Type lll and Type lV employee housing units as part of the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic <:.i'_err .rt.c,.j.glyp * SRal loqalgd {S2 East Meadow Drive/a part of Tract B, Vail Village First Flllng' . rpr'rpl , ..'1;rr'rL.rl,, rlL. 11) ,t1'rr,rl .it-] ., 1..11i rXgqi: *rSS Ron Byrne, d.b.a. VML, L.L.C., represented by Tom Braun George Ruther Applicant: Planner: I. DESCBIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Ron Byrne, represented by Tom Braun, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the construction four Type lV and one Tyce lll employee housing units as part of the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa. The Vail Athletic Club & Spa is located at 352 East Meadow Drive at the intersection of East Meadow Drive and Vail Valley Drive. The applicant is proposing to provide on-site, deed-restricted employee housing for six Vail Athletic Club & Spa employees. To do so, the applicant is proposing to construct four, one bedroom Type lV and one, two-bedroom Type lll employee housing units. The five units will be located on the lower level of the hotel and will total approximately 1,6'10 square feet in size. The Type lV employee units will average approximately 285 square feet in size and are designed to meet the minimum requirement for Type lV units as prescribed in Section 12-13-7 of the Zoning Regulations. This includes the provision of at least 150 cubic feet of storage space per unit and not less than one washer and dryer for the five units. The one Type lll unit is approximately 466 square feet in size. The two bedroom unit has been designed io meet lhe minimum requirements for Type lll units as outlined in Section 12-13-6 of the Zoning Regulations Each of the employee housing units will be deed-restricted in accordance with the Town of Vail employee housing requirements. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the applicant's reguesl for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of four Type lV and one Type lll employee housing units as part of the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa, located at 352 East Meadow Drive. Stafl's recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Sections lV of this memorandum. Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to approve the conditional use perr'flit request, staff would recommend that the Commission make the following findings, I 'That the conditional use permit request complies with the criteria as outlined in Section IV of this memorandum. The proposed employee housing units fufther the development objedives of the Town of Vail and will not be detrimental to existing or potential uses, nar will they have any adverse effects upon the distribution ot light, air, traffic or population " Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to approve the applicant's request, staff would recommend that the following conditions be made part of the approval: 1. That the Developer executes and records employee housing deed-restrictions for eaclr of the required employee units with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, pgg tL16- ulctorr,t11,7,'.lp.o.t g,ur'lS-t€rybttowtt- F6E cl-rb u-rrF: Qoucrtrntt-rivtr.. r,tqr'b.2. That the Developei indicates the precise location and final location of the storage lockers and washer and dryer on the plans submitted to the Town of Vail for a building permit" The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Departmerl prior to the issuance of a building permit. III. BACKGROUND On March 13, 2000, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission approved a major exterior alteration and conditional use permit to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa. The Commission's approval required that the developer provide deed-restricted employee housing for a minimum of six employees in a minimum of five employee housing units. These requirements were generated as a resull of an employee generation analysis completed for the redevelopment proposal. lv. CRITEBIA AND FINDINGS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERtr,llT Upon review of Chapter 16 ol the Zoning Regulations, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of five employee housing units at the Vail Athletic Club & Spa based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of 1r€ Town. The provision of deed-restricted employee housing has been a long- standing goal of the Town ol Vail. To insure that the private sector participates in providing the much needed employee housing, the Vail Town Council recently adopted legislation requiring developers to mitigate not only the impacts ol development on the Town's infraslructure, but also to mitigate the impacts of development on employee housing. Overall, staff believes the developer will be mitigating the employee housing i'npacts created by the hotel redevelopment and that this requesr fully complies with the above-described criteria. tI o 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that this request wiil not have any negative effects upon the above-described criteria. In fact, staff believes the applicant's request will improve the distribution of the population in the Town of Vail. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotilr'e and pedestrian safety and convenience, raffic flow and ccntrol, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow lrom the street and parking areas. Staff believes that the request will not negatively impact the above- described criteria. 4. E fect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses- The Public Accommodation zone district allows for residential uses. The existing uses in the immediate vicinity of the vail Athletic club & spa are residential in nature (Mountain Haus, Cornice Building, Vorlafuer). Staff believes the residential nature of the employee housing units are compatible with the existing surrounding and potential uses and will not be detrimental to the character of the area. I rBAlzBtRAuN ASSocTATES, ilNC" PLANNING and COIYfIUNITY DEVELOPMENT June 2,2000 George Ruther Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: DRB submittal for June 'l ,2OC0 Design Review Board Meeting Dear George: Thank you for meeting with me last week to discuss the Town's stream tract behind the Vail Mountain Lodge. It was helpful in developing a landscape plan for this area. Included with this submittal you should find a proposed landscape plan for this area and all submittal information necessary to complete the DRB's review of this project and to comply with PEC conditions of approval. Specifically included are the following: . Revised site plan. These plans have been revised slightly to reflect minor changes to the exterior (i.e., new door on the east end and revised handicap ramp).. Lighting details with fixtures indicated on the site plano Revised building elevations showing all proposed vents, chimneys, and other minor changese Proposed landscape plan to address the Town of Vail property at the rear of the building. Sign application and proposed sign program for the property (application materials attached) The following provides additional comment on items listed above and other DRB related issues. Clean-uo of Stream Tract The owner is proposing to remove all of the timber retaining walls with minimal disturbance to the site, generally clean up the area (i.e., remove debris, tree stumps, etc.), and restore disturbed vegetation. Landscape Treatment of Town Stream Tract It is our assumption that the previous owner of the VAC has "mowed" a portion of the Town's stream tract. These actions have created a delightful "parkJike" setting. The intent of this landscape plan is to retain this area as a public parkJike setting where users of the streamwalk can stop and enjoy the stream and the sun. The concept is very similar to the park directly to the soulh of Gore Creek, the Roger Straub Park. The Roger Straub Park is a beautiful setting between two private developments where the boundary of where one property ends and other begins is blurred. Our proposal will provide a spur-path from the current Town streamwalk into the green area and provide two public seating benches (per TOV streetscape standards). The owner is also willing to maintain the area at no expense to the Town of Vail. Fdwards Village Centei Suite C-209 0105 Edwands Village Boulevard Post Oftice Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 | 532 Ph. - 970.9)6.7575 Fax - 970.976.7576 www.braunassociates.com The Vail Village is a unique area where buildings frame public and private spaces, making property ownership indistinguishable. The area to the rear of the VAC is a continuation of the concept developed in the Village. We believe it would be a shame to make the area behind the VAC less accessible to the public in order to try to draw a line between what is public and what is private. The owner believes the proposed plan will invite the public into this public pocket park. Utility Meters/devices at NE Corner of Building These devices are being removed. Grate over the Existing Transformer The current grate covers a large utility vault, which is required to provide adequate access and air to the Holy Cross Electric transformers contained therein. The proposal is to improve the appearance of this area by placing an attractive metal grate over the vault. Details of this grate have been difficult to resolve with the utility company, however, a detail of this proposed grate will be provided at the DRB meeting. Civil Eneineering Drawins Two copies of the proposed improvements to the streetscape are included with this submittal. Please note that the old hot tub deck indicated on the plan is incorrect and should be ignored on this plan, as it has no impact on the streetscape improvements. Arborist's Reoort This report is currently in draft form and will be submitted next week in compliance with the PEC condition of approval (prior to building permit issuance). As part of this application we request that the DRB make a site visit to the property and also to the Roger Straub Park to view the similarities. ffyou have any questions, please feel free contact me at 926:7 5'15. Thanks again for all of your help and diligence on this project. You have helped make this project a real success. Cc: Ron Byme Vail Athletic Club - DRB Submittat Braun Associates. Inc. Page 2 of 2 I Bnit,lgtR.AutN ASScclAtlES, lNC, PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT Sign Progrom Applicotion Atfochment June 2, 2000 Below is o list of ollowoble signs for the Voil Mountoin Lodge (o.k.o., Vqil Athletic Club) ond o list of whqt is proposed at this time. Proposol: Tenont Signs: Nome Number of Signs Sguore Footoge Vail Mountqin Lodge & Spo 2 9.25 s.f . (4.45 s.f. * 5 s.f.) Terrq Bistro 2 3 s.f. (l s.f. + 2 s.f.) Vail Athletic Club 2 3 s.f. (1 s.f. + 2 s.f .) Address Plote 1 015 s.f . Allowoble Signs Per Town Code: Buifding Identificotion Sign - Size: 20 sq. ft. ollowed (none proposed ot this fime) Number: l qllowed Lighlingr fndirectorpon-chonneled Plocement: Woll or free-stonding Content: Only nome of building Height: Free stonding - 8' Wqll- 25' Hotel Use Sign - Sizet 10 sg. ft. ollowed (mox.) Number: 2 ollowed due to 2 f rontoges (both signs odded together cqnnot exceed 10 sq. ft.) Lightingr Indirectorpon-chonneled Plocement: Woll, owning, or honging Content: Name of business ond description of use Height: 25' Edwards Village Center: Su te C,209 0105 Edwards Village Bou evard Polc Ofllce Box 2558 Edwands, Colorado 8 | 632 Ph. - 970.976,7515 Fax - 970.976.757 6 www.braunassocrates.com Tenont Signs - Size: 3 sg. ft. ollowed (mox.) since businesses (without frontoge) do not hove their own entrqnces Number: 2 ollowed dueto 2 frontoges (both signs odded together connot exceed 3 sg. ft.) Lighting: Indirectorpon-chonneled Plqcement: Woll, owning, or honging Content: Nome of business and description of use Height: 25' Dispfoy Box (o.k.o. lrlenu Box) - Size: 5 sq. ft. qllowed (To be determined) Number: 2 allowed due to ? lrontages (both can be 5 sq. ft.) Lighting: Indirect Plqcement: Woll or freestanding Content: 0.5 sq. ft. cqn be used to show nome of business Londscoping: Required for freestanding sign Height: 6' Doify Speciols Boord - Size: 4 sq. ft. qllowed (To be determined) Number: 2 allowed due to 2fronloges (both con be 4 sg. ft.) Lighting: Indirect Plocement: Wall or attoched to menu box Height: 6' Voil Mountoin Lodge - Sign Progrom Application Braun Associates. fnc. 7O9e a Of Z \ -ro "df jS $ rl a I DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, APril 5, 2000 3:(D P-M. MEETING RESULTS PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department ur^, 11:30 pm 130 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain BillPierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Doug Cahill SITE VISITS MEMBEBS ABSENT 1, Daly -782 Potato Patch Drive2. Young - 1452 Lions Ridge Loop 3. O'Brien -2992 A Bellflower4. Vail Golf Course pump station - 700 S. Frontage Rd, East Driver: Brent PUBUC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Swearing in of reappointed DRB members, Clark Brittain and Hans Woldrich. 3:00 pm { 2. 3. Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk. Election of 2000 Chair - Clark Brittain 2000 Vice-Chair- Bill Pierce 5-0 5-0 AnnVail Golf Course * Pump station. 700 S. Frontage Rd. EasVTract A, Vail Vatby 4n filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Jim Meyers ^__MoftOru: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 TABLED (Statf shall review based on the applicant revising the building materials and proposing additional landscaping) 4. O'Brien residence - Separation request for detached garage in setback.Ann 2992 A Bellflower/Lot 1 0, Block 6, Vail Intermountain Applicant: J.P. O'Brien MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the large conifer by the power pole on the northeast corner of the property be preserved' VOTE:5-0 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. lllig residence - Appeal of staft approval of remodel and addition. 706 W. Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'" Filing. Applicant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich MOTION APPROVED TO UPHOLD STAFF DECISION Scalise residence - Final review of proposed dormel changes. 2567 Arosa Drive/Lot 9, Block E, Vaildas Schone 1.'. Applicant: Dennis Scalise MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Doug Cahill CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Vail Athletic Club - Final review of a redevelopment plan. 352 East Meadow DriveiA part of Tract 3, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: VML, L.L.C., represented byTom Braun Allison VOTE: 4-0 (Pierce recused) Allison VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That there be a clipped hip on the west dormer and the easternmost & westernmost roof. Mountain Haus - Exterior paint color change. 292 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Mountain Haus, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith Architects MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED Allison George Landmark Condominiums - Exterior paint color change. -, Allison 6101612 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3' Filing. Applicant: Landmark Condominium Association, Inc., represented by_Geoff Wright MOTION: Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 5-0 APPFOVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the General Store accent color be reviewed by the DRB. Young residence - Conceptual review of new single-family residence with an George employee housing unit. 1452 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 4, Ridge at Vail. Applicant: Mike Young MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. Provide a fireplace layout to verify the vent location. 2. That a landscape plan be provided prior to building permit' 3. That an outdoor lighting plan be provided. Daly residence - Final review of residential remodel. Brent 782 Potato Patch Driveilot 16, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Andrew Daly, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schula MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 't1. o APPROVED WITH 6 CONDITIONS: 1, An additional stone column will be added adjacent to the entry stairway to be consistent with the columns proposed for the new garage.2. The stone will be carried to the top of the southeast corner of the home on the first level. 3. A "limits of disturbance" fence and some form of erosion control will be added to the site plan prior to building permit issuance.4. A P.E. stamp will be provided for the combination retaining wall detail drawing. 5. The earthwork behind the garage addition shall have a finished grade not to exceed 2:1.6. t:€1ffiffi:'Vde will be provided behind the garase to provide positive drainage away from 12. West Vail Lodge - Conceptual review ol a proposed redevelopment plan. Brent 221 1 N. Frontage Fld. (West Vail Lodge)/Lot 1, Vail das Schone #3' Applicant: Reaut Corporation CONGEPTUAL-NO VOTE 13. Perot residence - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence, George/ 84 Beaver Dam Roadiloi gt, gtock 7, Vail Village 1"t. Ann Applicant: Jim MorterMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL APRIL 19, 2OOO Staff APProvals One Track Mind - Temporary event window signs. .. Ann 392 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot 1, Block 5A, Vail Village 1.' Filing. Applicant: Tom and Ken Gart Base Mountain Sports - Temporary event window signs' Ann 100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1.'Filing. Applicant: Tom and Ken Gart vail 21 - Remove wooden facades' {llison 51 | East Lionshead CircleiLot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 1"t. Applicant: Vail 21 Condominium Association, Inc. lllig residence - Remodel and addition. Allison 70b W. Forest Rd./Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th. Applicant: Cliff lllig Lionsquare Lodge - Remodel of pool area. Dominic 660 West Lions*head Placeffract A, Vail Lionshead 1"t Filing. Applicant: LionsquareLodgeCondoAssociation SliJer Smith and Frampton Real Estate- Flat screen TV inside window' Allison 230 Bridge Streevlot B, Block 5, Vail Village 1o. Applicant: Brigit Taylor Christoffersen residence - Patio enclosure. Ann 4770 Bighorn Road unit B-zNail Racquet Club Townhomes' Applicant: Ralph and Barbara Christoffersen 1 Thornburg residence - Exterior window replacement and deck alteration. Allison 14608 Greenhill Court/Lot 20, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Tom Thornburg lllig residence - Addition of exterior door. Allison 70-6 W. Forest Roadilot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th. Applicant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth Levine Nye residence - New hot tub. Ann 2581 Larkspur Lane/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Richard and Kristen Nye Dowie residence - Interior conversion. Ann 795 B Potato Patch Drive/Lot 26, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch 1"r Filing. Applicant: Robert Dowie, represented by Eric Johnson Willaman residence -Additon/attic space conversion above garage. George 1458 Greenhill CourVLot 21, Glen Lyon Subdivison. Applicantr Veme Williman Lyons residence - Addition to living room under existing porch roof. Ann 441 5 Bighorn Road, unit #1/Lot 1 , Victorians at Vail. Applicant: Gary and Jan Lyons The applications and inlormation about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours'in the project plannefs office, located atihe Town oJ Vail Community Development Department' 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, Jor information. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName: Vail Athletic Club & Spa Project Description: Major Exterior Alteration and Redevelopment Proposal Owner, Address and Phone: V.M.L., LLC,285 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado 81657 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Same Project Street Address: 352 East Meadow Drive Legal Description: a part of Tract A, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number: 2 I 0 I 0825500 I Building Name: Vail Athletic Club & Spa Comments: Project#: *,.'TPLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSUES - 479-2325**** Otteopr Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Cahill Board / Staff Action Action: Approved Vote:5-0 Conditions: That the developer submits a final landscape plan with tree protection, an outdoor lighting plan, and a gas fire place layout plan to the Town of Vail for final review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Town Planner: George Ruther Date:.416/00 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 oo \c-*ss --i i t I )--- q llav €l-l t r,,i cr L e v IZ<??F 2 1+t t- '- z^,r I L-rel+ AFJDAI?. SHUTTEF4 \,/AIL ATHLETICCLdb lnztrurtp M qAL c.Lprr> Wae fu)ry-r€cuur-T n, -4*6r/fr-xtD & IEINL 2xh 26 1#'QP1:- METAL r-i,4,A v,)e ::,rurtr,icc *r1 CaWE? Wqrrou lxi 4.sone €tglt4t J*I_oi l,l nqArL dA{}.Aoew+ c,a)F:rz:T]F,l14 -{#P1/Gtrt(AHJ-t4odyric.Y-' o1-la-cd oo wvEl-ED4 4G1 -i Hiltlli\ trts-lL,rcl Y ao 1=D,'A.IL 4," -EF_\/ELL-D4 4TA\ts il i I I I I i I r l, iiiiIt lrllri li l1 lr I . :. _------ --::i_-t/ )( \''zxz \ Ji. lfr "U.rf \ V- *ol*) ., ".'J=i^" )(r'\f zealzI I ) =s.l to {) {- 1a f ?E.""- fl-^qs, p I lrt<2 .+ =sl U??ER L6&Lt r ,.,11 t.rl f.WU D a4 d.l tz r. I LJQ fte - l"a q.mtqtu flHNWrt -,I ' "a,trl]P{<!t49wo f n q,6zt weF I ,( \ <.'_OAfZ Tiva €TA,if,IEl> tyaf rx+ u9.e trFAME PAr^r1'tiD r '1. i"1! &?7€.7 ltewl 4r4EN FF,C-i.' P4 6 -'\-\ ir-i'-at' Leri ccLJa aa -11 -c>2 Erw \ '\ i \(-Asr :a,*9 h]Oor;) Lrrr)G /"\ /'la51r*J6$ ?-teczo fr1^J6e {;ro'JE U PteAAF MEM(}tt u - f_\ toN h/6 c-r> ocli l(rrwo z) zxZ @ 44", - 4ranrq,r-x, 4g.rn1a.op7ci(z sgLxna€l+tu6LE5 l*tr F9 x*-( it6 <E;D^.rz ... \ aq?E6 FLA€H.\- ?x6 7L ZA>AelFaN 4UAJTC.F Wrr+ootlo9 DffTA ?_ @e.e_ Dzrpsr.r. FIPPEr) Ixz z)zxz'e,^ e+q<a, zx6 E€4-,Darz appgzltwr4cp*s ?tta FS ctre\tz arhyt G-I2AE 2><\E' 4DATE <--MrLeLAl', \JIPO€ vJ TeYp\wzwt* - - 4TLt zXD F+1*A.tz- €N4A[FrrclA: VAru+ilfihw CLUE, eP?ea F*h <4frgfiz p1a=H 2*b cEP1Afz 2X+csDArL 4xZ 1E>he Qppaz-4G!F|-], az-|r?.. aa €1bil ORDINANCE NO.7 SERTES OF 2000 1-O AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO.30, VAIL ATHLETIC GLUB; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to repeal Special Development District No. 30, VailAthletic Club; and WHEREAS, In 1993, the VailTown Council adopted Ordinance No. 27, Series of 1993, establishing Special Development District No. 30, VailAthletic Club; and WHEREAS, Ron Bryne, dba VML, Inc., as owner of the property, has submitted an application for the redevelopment of the VailAthletic Club & Spa; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major exterior alteration application;and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Commission has reviewed the prescribed criteria for a major exterior alteration and has approved the redevelopment proposal pursuant to the Public Accommodation Zone District; and WHEREAS, the Special Development District designation is no longer needed; and WHEREAS, the VailTown Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to repeal Special Development District No. 30, VailAthletic Club. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Puroose of the Ordinance The purpose of Ordinance No. 7, Series of 2000, is to repeal Special Development District No. 30, Vail Athletic Club. The zoning designation does not change and shall remain Public Accommodation. Section 2. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided Ordinance 7. Series of 2000 in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 4. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 4'n day of April, 2000, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 18h day of April , 2000, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 18th day of April,2000. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ordinance 7, Series of 2000 T0tfl,m Quotionlullthe Ptanning Staff at 479-2I38 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMANON This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted. The pdect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. A, TYPE OF APPLICATION:tr Bed and BreaKastDI Conditional Use permit n Major or tr Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningtr Sign Variancen Special Development DistrictEI Major or tr Minor Amendment to SDD Employee Housing Unit Oype: _) Major or E Minor. Exterior Alterationffffiffiffil ten) Maior or Minor Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) Variance Zoning Code Amendment Amendment to an Approved Development Plan tr6 tr tr tr tr B. DESCRIPION OF THE REQUEST: E&. A1t. fcr r*elsogb ctr \hil AtltleLic Cxdc ad C.V.P. fc fEcticrEl fee club. c. D. E. F. G. H, LOCAION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ BLOCK:_ FILING: hrt d Iract 3,thi1 Vill+ Filirg 1 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 352 Hsb lbtur lrire PARCEL #r 2101G2sm1 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-86*0 for parcel #) ZONING: Rrhlic lrmmotri.cnz$ #S NAME OF OWNER(S): tlf-,, LLC. O 816' OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF AppLICANT: \tr{., L.L.C. MAILING ADDRESS: \iail,8165',7 pHONE: SIC-4b,L%7 FEE: See submitful requiremenE for appropiate fee $4m.m pLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 816s7. FEB 1 4 2000 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 13,2000 A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration and conditional use permit to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa, located at 352 East Meadow Driveia part of Tract B, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Ron Byrne, d.b.a. VML L.L.C., represented byTom Braun George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant, Hon Byrne, represented by Tom Braun, is requesting a major exterior alteration and conditional use permit to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa. The Vail Athletic Club & Spa is located at 352 East Meadow Drive at the intersection of East Meadow Drive and Vail Valley Drive. The proposed redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa includes a major renovation and upgrading of the existing building along with several exterior additions to the existing structure. The new e)Cerior additions are generally located on the south, west and north sides ol the building. Due to the configuration and design of the existing structure, the majority of the new square footage being added is atop existing building foundation and is in the form of infill development. The applicant is proposing to redevelopment the existing hotel in accordance wilh the development standards prescribed for the Public Accommodation Zone District. lf the proposal is approved, the existing Special Development District will be abandoned. The major elements of the redevelopment proposal include: . The complete renovation of the exterior of the building. The renovation introduces a new architectural style for the building. The proposed improvements lo the exterior include a combination of stone, wood siding, stucco and timbers. The new architectural style is more in keeping with the goals of the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Considerations.. A complete remodel oi the interior of the hotel. The remodel to the interior includes a newly designed restaurant and bar, lobby, front desk, health club and meeting space.. Modifications to the existing accommodation units (20) and the creation of 10 new accommodation units. The average size of the 30 accommodation units is over 500 square feet per room.r The creation of a fractional fee club operation. The proposed club will include a total of seven new lractional fee club units. The size of the club units varying between two and three bedroom units. Operation of the club will be in accordance with the provisions outlined in Chapter '16 of the Zoning Regulations.. The addition of two, new free-market, for-sale condominiums. The new condominiums will be located on the top floor of the hotel. There are two dwelling units existing in the hotel. The construction ol one, new on-site employee housing unit. The new unit will be in addition to the four units already on-site. As a result of the proposed remodel each of the existing employee units will be remodeled and upgraded. The on-site units will provide deed- restricted housing for up to ten employees. The implementation of the suggested streetscape improvements along VailValley Drive and East Meadow Drive. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the applicant's request for a major exterior alteration and conditional use permit to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa, located at 352 East Meadow Drive. Staff's recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Sections V & Vl ol this memorandum. Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to approve the major exterior alteration and conditional use permit request, staff would recommend that the Commission make the following findings, "That the major exterior alteration and coditional use permit requests comply with the criteria as outlined in Sections V & Vl of this memorandum. Specifically, the request for 131% GRFA, 63% site coverage and the variations from the setback requirements meet the goals and the intent of the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Considerations" Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to approve the applicant's request, staff would recommend that the following conditions be made part of the approval: That the developer submits a complete set of engineered plans for the required streetscape improvements. The plans shall be required to comply with the applicable Town of Vail Development Standards. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail Public Works Department prior to appearing before the Town of Vail Design Review Board for final review of the streetscape improvements. The plans shall receive Snal approval prior to the issuance of a building permit l, rrfr'ii.*ag-:Jhat the devetoper records a deed-restriction for the new Type lll Employee Housing Unit,yi.f - JS;trin the Vail Athletic Club & Spa with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's ofiice prior to the "r L'.r) f issuance of a buiHing permit. That the developer submits an application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of one new Type lll Employee Housing Unit in the VailAthletic Club & Spa and that the permit be approved by the Planning & Environmental Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the developer submits a tree preservation plan to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. That the developer submits a construction staging and access plan to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. The plan shall include the location of a construclion fence and erosion control fence to preserve and protect the Gore Creek riparian corridor. 2 F ,s.That the developer pays the Town of Vail 913,620, as previously agreed to, for previous streetscape improvements already completed by the Town of Vail on behalf of the vail Athletic Club & Spa. That the developer submits a comprehensive sign and exterior lighting program for the Vail Athletic Club & Spa to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. III. BACKGROUND November 1993 - The VailTown Council approved Ordinance No. 27, Series ol 1993, establishing special Development District No. 30, vail Athletic club. The establishment of Special Development District No. 30 allowed for up to 52 accommodation units, 4 dwelling units and 4 employee housing units. The total allowable GRFA was 32,282 square feet with an additional 17,000 square feet permitted for restaurant, club, lobby, etc. The underlying zoning for the property is Public Accommodation January 1996 - The VailTown Councilapproved Ordinance No.2, Series of 1996, amending the Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 30. The amending ordinance increased the number of allowable accommodation units to 55 and increased allowable GRFA to 34,505 square feet. There was no change to the number of dwelling units or employee housing units. March 1997 -The Planning & Environmenlal Commission approved a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 30. The minor amendment allowed for modifications to the parkng garage, restaurant, common areas and the balconies and decks of the accommodation and dwelling units. May 4 1 999 - The Vail Town Council denied Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1 999, amending the Approved Development Plan lor Special Development District No. 30. Had it been approved, the amending ordinance would have permitted an a reduction in the number of accommodation units from 54 to 46 and increased the number of dwelling units back to four as originally approved. October 1999 - The Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1999, amending the prescribed development standards for the Public Accommodation Zone District and establishing a revised development review process. The approved amendments, in part, increased allowable GFIFA to 150% of the site area, increased site coverage lrom 55% to 65%, eliminated AU'siEHU'siFFU's from the density calculation, and changed lhe definition of a "lodge". The building height, landscape and parking requirements remained unchanged. IV. PROS AND GONS Bsnefitsr Provides an increase in the number of short-term accommodations in the Town of Vail. lmproves and redevelops an older building in the Town of Vail. The project complies with the Town of Vail Land Use Plan. The recommended streetscape improvements will be implementedo An increased occupancy potential due to the operation of the fractional fee clubr The construction of up to two new employee beds in the Village 3 . The redevelopment of an existing building that currently does not comply with many of the development objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Consideiations. The elimination of a Special Development District Negatives. The loss of meeting room space in Vailr The loss of health club square footage and other similar amenities. The loss ol several existing trees V. MruOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION The development review process for the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa is estabfished in the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. According to Section 't2-7A-12, 'The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existirg building shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter 11 of the Zoning Regulations. However, any project which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units, any project that adds more than 1 ,000 square teet of commercial floor area or common space, or any proiect which has substantial off-site impacts (as determined by the Administrato) shall be reviewed by the Planning & Environmental Commission as a major exterior alteration in accordance with this Chapter and Section 12-3-6 of the Town Code." Staff has determined that this request is a major exterior alteration, since the redevelopment application includes an increase in the number of dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional lee club units, and employee housing units to the site. vail villaoe Master Plan According to the Vail Village Master Plan, Action Plan, the Vail Athletic Club & Spa is located within the East Meadow Drive Sub-area (5-1). The only recommended action in the sub-area is the completion of the streamwalk. The streamwalk has long since been completed. No further improvements are required, Pursuant to the other elements of the Master Plan, the Vail Athletic Club & Spa is located in the periphery area surrounding the Village (Land Use Plan), already exceeds the conceptualized height (Conceptual Building Height Plan), has no negative impacts on the proposed open space of Vail Village (Open Space Plan), and fronts upon a street devoted to accommodating both vehicular and pedestrian traffic (Parking and Circulation Plan). Goals for Vail Village are summarized in six major goal statements. The goal statements are designed to establish a framework, or direction, for future development of the Village. The goals, along with the established objectives and policies are to be used in evaluating a proposal during the development review process. The following goals, objectives and policies have been identified: Goal #1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preservlng the unique architectural scale of ths Village in order to sustain lts sense of community and identity. 1.1 Obiective: lmplement a consistent Development Review process to reinforce the character of the Village. 1.1.1 Policv: Development and improvement projects approved in the Village shall be consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and design considerations as outlined in the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.2 Obiective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 1.2.1 Policv: Additional development may be allowed as identified by the action plan as is consistent with the Vail Village Master Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.3 Obiective: Enhance new development and redevelopment through public improvements done by private developers working in cooperation with the Town. 1.3.1 Policv: Public improvements shall be developed with the participation of the private sector working with the Town. Goal f2 To foster a strong tourist iddustry and promote year-round economic health and vlability for the Vlllage and for the communlty as a whole. 2.1 Obiective: Recognize the variety of land uses found in the 10 sub- areas throughout the Village and allow for development that is compatible with these established land use patterns. 2.1.1 Policy: The zoning code and development review criteria shall be consistent with the overall goals and objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan. 2.3 Obiective: lncrease the number of residential units available l0r short- term, ovemight accommodations. 2.3.1 Policv: The development of short-term accommodalion units is strongly encouraged. Residential units that are developed above existing density levels are required to be designed or managed in a manner that makes them available lor short-term overnight rental. 2.4 Obiective: Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policv: Commercial infill development consistent with Goal#t established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible greenspaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the village. 2.5 Obiective: Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. 2.5.1 Policv: Recreation amenities, common areas, meeting facilities and other amenities shall be preserved and enhanced as a part of any redevelopment of lodging properties. 2.5.2 Policv: The Town will use the maximum flexibility possible in the interpretation of building and fire codes in order to facilitate building renovations without compromising life, health and safety considerations. 2.6 Obiective: Encourage the development of atfordable housing units through the efforts ol the private sector. 2.6.2 Policv: Employee housing shall be developed with appropriate restrictions so as to insure their availability and affordability to the local work force. 2.6.3 Policv: The Town of Vail may facilitate in the development of affordable housing by providing limited assistance. To recognlze as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experlence throu ghout the Village. 3.1 Obiective: Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policv: Private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adiacent pedestrian ways. 3.1,2 Policv: Public art shall be encouraged at appropriate locations throughout the Town. 3.1.3 Policv: Flowers, trees, water features and other landscaping shall be encouraged throughout the Town in locations adjacent to, or visible from, public areas. Minimize the amount of vehicular traflic in the Village to the3.2 Obiective: greatest extent possible. 3.2.1 Policv: Vehicular traffic will be eliminated or reduced to absolutely minimal necessary levels in the pedestrianized areas of the Village. 3.3 Obiective: Encourage a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. 3.3.2 Policv: Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial infill or redevelopment projects. 3.4Obiective: Developadditionalsidewalks,pedestrian-onlywalkwap and accessible green space areas, including pocket parks and stream access. 3.4.1 Policv: Physical improvements to property adjacent to stream tracts shall not further restrict public access. 3.4.2 Policv: Private development projects shall be required to incorporate new sidewalks along streets adjacent to the project as designated in the Vail Village Master Plan and/or Recreation Trails Master Plan. Goal#4 To prsserve existing open space areas and expand green spaoe opportunities. 4.1 Obiective: lmprove existing open space areas and create new plazas with green space and pocket parks. Recognize the different roles of each type of open space in forming the overallfabric of the Village. 4.1.3 Policv: With the exception of ski base-related facilities, existing natural open space areas at the base of Vail Mountain and throughout Vail Village shall be preserved as open space. Goal #5 Increase and lmprove the capacity, efficiency and assthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the village. 5.1 Obiective: Meet parking demands with public and private parking facilities. 5.1.1 Policv: For new development that is located outside of the Commercial Core 1 Zone District, on-site parking shall be provided (rather than paying into the parking fund) to meet any additional parking demand as required by the Zoning Code. 5.1.5 Policv: Redevelopment projects shall be strongly encouraged to provide underground or visually 7 concealed parking. 5.2 Obiective: Encourage the use of public transportation to minimize the use of private automobiles throughout Vail. 5.2.2 Policv: The Town shall facilitate and encourage the operation of private shuttle vans outside of the pedestrianized core area. 5.3 Obiective: Concentrate the majority of interconnecting transit activity at the periphery of the Village to minimize vehicular tratfic in pedestrianized areas. Goal#6 To insure the contlnued lmprovement of the vital operational elemsnts ot the viilage. 6.1 Obiective: Provide service and delivery facilities for existing and new development. 6.2 Obiective: Provide for the safe and elficient functions of fire, police and public utilities within the context of an aesthetically pleasing resort setting. 6.2.1 Policv: Development projects and other improvements in Vail Village shall be reviewed by respective Town departments to identify both the impacts of the proposal and potential mitigating measures. 6.2.2Policv: Minor improvements (landscaping, decorative paving, open dining decks, etc.), may be permitted on Town of Vail land or right-ol-way (with review and approval by the Town Council and Planning and Environmental Commission when applicable) provided that Town operations such as snow removal, street maintenance and fire department access and operation are able to be maintained at current levels. Special design (i.e heated pavement), maintenance fees, or other considerations may be required to oflset impacts on Town services. Public Accommodation Zone Dlstrict The lollowing development standards apply to this request: USES The only permitted uses in the zone district are "lo@es". A lodge is defined as a building designed for temporary lodging of individuals or families in which the GRFA devoted to accommodation units or fractional fee club units is equal to or greater than 70% of the total GRFA, The existing building is currently non-conforming with regard to the new definition of a lodge. In the existing building 54o/" ol the total GRFA is devoted to accommodation units, This figure includes 20 accommodation units and seven "lock-off" units attached to the existing dwelling units. As a result of the proposed redevelopmenl,6TVo of the total GRFA will be devoted to accommodation units and fractional fee club units. This figure includes a total of 30 accommodation units and seven fractional fee club units. While this figure remains non- conforming, the proposal represents a significant increase in the amount of total GRFA devoted t0 accommodation unit and fractional fee club unit square footage on the property. However, in accordance with the recently adopted language for the zone district, more than 70o/" oI the "neW' GRFA resulting from this proposal is devoted to accommodation units or fractional fee club units. Therefore, the proposal complies with the provisions of the Public Accommodation zone district with regard to uses and GRFA. SETBACKS The minimum setback requirements for the property are twenty feet on all sizes. However, at the discretion of the Planning & Environmental Commission, variations to the setback standards may be granted, subject to the applicant demonstrating compliance with the following criteria: 1. Proposed building setbacks provide necessary separation beNveen buildings and ripartan areas, geologically sensitive areas and other environmentally sensitive areas. 2. Proposed building setbacks comply with applicable elements of the Vail Villqe Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations. 3. Proposed building setbacks willprovide adequate availability of light, air aN open space. 4. Proposed building setbacks will provide a compatible relationship with buildings and uses on adjacent properties. 5. Proposd building setback will result in creative design solutions or other public benefits that could not otherwise be achieved by conformance with prescriMd setback standards. The existing buibing encroaches into the required twenty{oot setbacks on all sides of the property. The applicant is proposing additional encroachments. The additional encroachments are requested pursuant to the criteria listed above. The areas of additional encroachment include the expanded restaurant on the south east corner of the building, the bay windows on the south side of the building and the new permanent front entry leature on the north side of the building. The encroachmenls are shown on the attached reduced plans. Staff believes that the proposed encroachments are warranted since they comply with setback criteria identified in the Zoning Regulations, Specifically, the proposed expansions on the south side of the building do not encroach into the so-foot stream setback, nor do they negatively impact any geologically sensitive areas (floodplain). Furthermore, the expansions will not negatively impact the residential uses located to the west of the property (Mountain Haus) as the distance between the buildings continues to adequately provide for light, air and open spaces. Lastly, the residential uses of the vail Athletic club & spa do not differ from the residential uses of the Mountain Haus, and therefore, the use remains compatible with the uses on adjacent properties. To further insure that the uses remain compatible, the applicant has located the outdoor pool and restaurant on the east end of the development site where they will be operated away from the Mountain Haus and the grade change of the site separates them from the Cornice Building. Staff believes that the proposed setbacks result in a creative design solutions and are beneficial to the public. HEIG}TT According to the Zoning Regulations, the building height for a building with a flat roof or mansard roof shall not exceed forty{ive feet (45'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty-eight feer (48'). The existing height of the building currently exceeds 48'. The overall height of the building will nol be increased as a result of the redevelopment proposal. DENSITY CO]iITROL Pursuant to the zoning Regulations, up to one hundred and fifty (1s0) square feet of gross res,idential floor area (GRFA) may be permitted for each one hundred (100) square fe-et of buildable site area. The final determination of allowable gross residential floor area shall be made by the Pfanning & Environmental Commission in accordance with Section 12-7A-12: Exterior Alterations or Modifications. Specifically, in determining allowable gross residential floor area the Planning & Environmental Commission shall make a finding that proposed gross residential floor area is in conformance with applicable elements of the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and the Urban Design Considerations, Total density shall not exceed twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. For the purposes of calculating density, employee housing units, accommodation units and fractional lee club units shall not be counted towards density. Staff has reviewed the redevelopment proposal for compliance with the density control regulations. The overall density ol the property will be 5.9 cfuvelling units per acre (4 du's X 1.46 acres). The maximum allowable density is 25 dwelling units per acre. There is approximately 2'1,000 square feet of GRFA (70%) in the existing building. This includes square footage devoted to AU's, DU's and EHU's. lf approved the GRFA square footage would increase to 39,935 square feet (1 31%). The proposed square footage includes the 30 accommodation units, 7 fractional fee club units, 4 dwelling units and 5 employee housing units. Most importantly, of the additional square footage (18,345 sq. ft.) being added, 70.1o/o (12,851 sq. ft.) is devoted to accommodation units and fractional fee club units and the remaining 29.9olo (5,494 sq. ft.) is devoted to the 4 dwelling units. The numbers are exclusive of the EHU square lootage in the building. According to the statf analysis the proposal fully complies with the density control regulations. SITE COVERAGE Site coverage shall not exceed sixty{ive (65%) of the total site area. Final determination of allowable site coverage shall be made by the Planning & Environmental Commission and/or the Design Review Board in accordance with Section 12-7 A-12: E)Cerior Alterations or Modifications. Specifically, in determining allowable site coverage the Planning & Environmental Commission ancyor the Design Review Board shall make a finding that proposed site coverage is in conformance with applicable elements of the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations. The staff has reviewed the proposal for compliance with the site coverage limitation of 65%(max.). The applicant is proposing to increase the amount of site coverageby 2,082 square feet. The existing site coverage is approximately 541o or 16,063 square feet and the proposed site coverage will be 61% or 18,'145 sq. ft. Staff believes that the proposal complies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Urban Design Considerations since all of the required parking is enclosed in an existing parking structure and the proposal fully complies with the landscape area requirement. IANI'SCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the Zoning Regulations, at least thirty percent (307") or 8,924 square feet ol the total site area shall be landscaped. The applicant is proposing that approximalely 3210 ol 9,519 square feet ot the site will be landscaped area. Staff believes the applicant has complied with the landscape requirement. PARKING AND LOADING Otf-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of the Zoning Regulations. At least seventy five percent (75oh) ot the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view. No at grade or above grade surface parking or loading area shall be located in any required front setback area. Below grade 10 underground structured parking and short-term guest loading and drop-off shall be permitted in the required front setback subject to the approval of the Planning & Environmental Commission and/or the Design Review Board. Statf has reviewed the proposed off-street parking and loading for the Vail Athletic Club & Spa to insure compliance with the prescribed regulations. According to the staff analysis, the applicant's proposal lully complies with the regulations, Over the years parking variances have been granted for the Vail Athletic Club & Spa. The variances were approved by the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission in accordance with the provisions ol the Town Code. Due to the granting of the parking variances a legal, non-conforming situation has resulted. For purposes of this analysis, the parking requirement has been evaluated based upon the existing and approved parking situation. There are 22valet parking spaces on the site today. As a result of the proposed changes to the building there would be a net decrease in the parking requirement of 6 parking spaces. The elimination of 2,548 square feet of meeting room space (-21 spaces) and the conversion of 7 hotel d,velling units (-14 spaces) to accommodation units significantly contributes to the net reduction. The result is an overall reduction in the parking requirement for the site. However, since much of the parking requirement has been addressed as a result of the granting of parking variances in the past, the will be no loss of parking on the site. The applicant has proposed to provide space for a short-term guest loading and drop-oft at the new front entry. The loading and delivery area will continue to be located at the west of the building. No loading and delivery will be permitted from Vail Valley Drive. Overall, staff believes that the applicant's proposalfully complies with the parking and loading requirements. MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS According to the Town Code, property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals of redevelopment and will be determined by the Planning and Environmental Commission in review ol development projects and conditional use permits. Substantial otf-site impacts may include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, stream tracVbank restoration, loading/delivery, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent ol this section is to only require mitigation for large-scale redevelopmenVdevelopment projects that produce substantial otf-site impacts. Staff has determined that the redevelopment proposal is a large-scale redevelopment project, and therefore, the mitigation of development impacts shall apply. The applicant has proposed various streetscape and employee housing improvements. The streetscape improvements that shall be required are identified in the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan. The applicant is proposing to construct the required improvements. The improvements to be constructed by the applicant include the heating of the sidewalk on the north side of East Meadow Drive from the east parking structure portal to the portal located immediately to the west of the west property line and the sidewalk from the front entrance to the hotel to the north end of the bridge on Vail Valley Drive. Also included will be the installation of Town of Vail street lights, as identified on the site plan. The applicant shall be required to submit a complete set of civil engineered drawings for the review and approval of the Town of Vail Design Review Board and Public Works Department, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Other improvements include the application and continuation of the stone veneer into the east 11 o portal of the parking structure. The stone veneer shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. The applicant is proposing to provide five deed-restricted employee housing units in the hotel. A total 0f 'l,479 square feet of GRFA will be used to construct the units. This is an increase of one unit and 209 square feet ol deed-restricted space over what is existing today. In determining compliance with this criteria staff completed an Employee Housing Generation Analysis to determine the incremental number of new employees that may be generated as a result of the hotel redevelopment. The results of our analysis are listed below: a) Health Club b) ReslauranUBar c) Lodging d) Multi-Family (DU) TotalEmployees = 77.2 employees (- 68 existing employees) = 68 employees (X 0.30 multiplier) = 3 "new" employees Comollance with the Vail Villaqe Urban Desion Guide Plan The following summarizes the redevelopment proposal's compliance with the applicable elements of the Urban Design Considerations of the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan: Pedestraanization The Club is located on streets with separated pedestrian walks. As part of the review of previous SDD proposals, a number of improvements were contemplated for the wallways around the project. Foremost among these were heating portions of the sidewalk and eliminating the sidewalk west of the entry to the Club, The idea behind this change was to direct pedestrians to the sidewalk on the north side of the street. These changes are included as elements of this development proposal and are depicted on the preliminary landscape plan. Streotscape Framework The replacement of the sidewalk west of the entry to the Club will result in increased landscape and planter area. The restaurant expansion on the south side of the building will create an area of interest and activity along the street and the Gore Creek trail conidor. Street Edge Proposed expansions and cantilevers to the building will break up the mass of the existing building and add variety, visual interest and greater articulation to the building. These epansions along the street will maintain the vast majority of the mature trees that currently surround the building. The proposed expansions will conform with the new oflset requirements recently adopted for the PA zone district (no less than 50% if the building offset at least 5 feet). VI. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Upon review of Chapter 16 of the Zoning Regulations, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a Emolovee Generatlon Analvsis = 18,552 sq. ft. @(1.25/1000 sq. ft.) =23.2 employees = 2,372 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) =15.4 employees = 07 unirs @(1.00/unit) = 4 units @(.4/unit) = 37 employees =1.6 employees 12 fractionalfee club within the Vail Athletic Club & Spa based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: Relationship and impact of the use on development oblectives of the Town. In January of 1997, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996. ln part, this ordinance amended the Public Accommodation Zone District allowing fractional fee clubs as a conditional use and set forth criteria for the Commission to consider when evaluating such a request. Since that time the Austria Haus Club redevelopment project has been completed and the Gore Creek Club has been approved by the Town. The Austria Haus contains 28 fractional fee club units and the Gore Creek Club has been approved to construct 66 units. The applicant is requesting the issuance of a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club within the Vail Athletic Club & Spa. The proposed club would be comprised of 7 two and three bedroom club units. These units would range in size from 1,154 square to 1,873 square feet. The average club unit size is approximately 1,504 square feet in size. According to the applicant, the ownership of the club units will meet the minimum requirements of fractional fee club units in terms of intervals Through the adoption of Ordinance No. 22, Series of 1996, the Town further recognized the need for lodging alternatives for our guesls and visitors. In passing the ordinance the Town Council found that quality fractional fee clubs are an appropriate means of increasing occupancy rates, maintaining and enhancing short-term rental availability and diversilying the resort lodging market product within the Town of Vail. Equally as important, the Council believed that fractional fee clubs were simply another of many forms of public accommodations. lt has been a long held belief that in order for the Town to remain competitive and on the leading edge of resort development, that altemative lodging opportunities must be created and creative financing vehicles for hotel redevelopment must be implemented. Staff believes that the conditional use permit for a lractional fee club within the Vail Athletic Club & Spa will be beneficial to the Town and will have a positive impact on the development objectives of the community. The effect of the use on light and air, dlstribufion of populatlon, transportation facilitiqs, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilltles needs. Staff believes that this review criteria has been satisfied as previously discussed in Section V of this memorandum. Effect upon traffic with particular referenoe to congestion, automotlve and pedestrian safety and convenienoe, traffic flow and control, acosss, maneuverabillty, and removal ol snow from the street and 1. 2. 3. 13 4. 5. parking areas. Statf believes that this review criteria has been satisfied as previously discussed in V of this memorandum. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use ls to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surroundlng uses. Staff believes that this review criteria has been satisfied as previously discussed in Section V ol this memorandum. Prior to the approval of a conditional use permit for a time-share estate, fractional fee, fractional f€e club, or tlmFshare lic€nse proposal, the following shall be considered: a. ll the proposal for a fractlonal fee club is a redevelopment ot an sxisting facillty, the fractional fee club shall maintain an equivalency of accommodation units as pressntly existing. Equivalency shall be maintained either by an equal number of unlts or by square footage. It the proposal is a new development, it shall provide at least as much accommodatlon unit GRFA as fractional fee club unit GRFA. The VailAthletic Club & Spa proposal is a redevelopment of an existing hotel. The proposed hotel shall be required to maintain an equivalency of the presently existing number of accommodation units, The applicant is proposing to meet the equivalency requirement by replacing a greater of accommodation units. According to information on file in the Community Development Department 20 accommodation units exist today. The applicant is proposing to replace and/or remodelthe existing units with 30 new hotel rooms totaling approimately 12,851 square feet. b. Lock-off unlts and lock-off unit square footage shall not be included In the calculation when determining the equlvalency of existing accommodation units or equivalency of existing square tootage. No lock-otf units are proposed. c. The ability of the proposed project to create and malntaln a hlgh level of occupancy. The fractional fee club component of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa proposal is intended to provide additional hotel and "hotel-type" accommodation unils in the Town of Vail. The applicant is proposing to incorporate 7 member-owned club units (fractional lee club units), with 30 new accommodation (hotel) rooms. Although not in the present design, staff believes that lock-off units provide an additional community benefit of added "pillows". lf a fractional fee club unit owner purchases an interest in a multiple bedroom unit, and does not desire to utilize all the bedrooms, they can then have the opportunity of returning the unused bedrooms (lock-offs) to a rental program. 14 d. Staff feels that by providing lock-off unils, and managing the availaUlity of the lock-off units in a rental program when not in use, a fractional fee club project can significantly increase the availability of accommodation units in the Town of Vail. Staff would recommend that the applicant provide "lock- off" opportunities into the design of the fractional fee club units. Through our research on the fractional fee issue back in 1996, staff then identified some potentialpositive impacts of fractional fee units in the Town of Vail: A) Activity during the "shoulder seasons" tends to increase due to an increase in year-round occupancy; B) The attraction of revenue{enerating tourists; C) The etficient utilization of resources. This is the "warm beds" concept; D) More pride of ownership and community buy-in with fractionalfee club units than with accommodation units: E) Increased levels of occupancy; and F) Increased resort exposure due to the extensive number of interval owners. Statf believes these potential positive impacts are stilltrue today. Employee housing may be required as part of any netu or rcdevelopment fractional fee club prolect requestang density over that allowed by zoning. The number of employee housing units will be consistsnt with employee impacts that are expected as a result of the proiect. The staff included the fractional fee club units into the calculation of the employee generation resulting lrom the proposed major exterior alteration and conditional use permit requests. Based strictly on the number of club units, the development will generate a need for 7 "neW' employees. When the multiplier of 0.30 is factored in, 2.1 of the "ne#'employees which the developer must provide deed-restricted housing for, are generated by the fractional fee club. e. The applicant shall submit to the Town a list of all owners of exlstang units within the proiect or buildlng; in urritten statements from 100% of the owners of existing units indicatlng their approyal, without condition, of the proposed fractionalfee club. No wrltten approval shall be valid if it is signed by the owner more than 60 days prior to the date of flllng the application for a conditional use. The applicant, Ron Bryne, d.b.a. VML, L.L.C., and represented by Tom Braun, has written legal authority to act on the behalf of the owners of the property. No other written approval is required. 15 oo Vail Athletic Glub Location Map Subject P,loperty =^\ vAlL VILLAGE FtLtNG --=--- VAIL VILLAGE FILIN EASTMEADoW DR Produced by the Community Development Department N * 't:, := su s> '42tg trslfll 6JI i8[i il;l sl $ $r 3is I o I ,$l ul UIF{.uli)l4I Et 3li '"II4l dtl $tl gll d)llJil\sll- l-lllgH \o\li. -i oI ol ll I DI =l-llul r \)l i"li ,dJf4i --rl \ 9i lI '.q ?llr)[ 31 \tl\\ll t-Jto $lt$ -'7116-llt f ! 3 * I -l 1l $ qt glt L rl, ;;-i----- : *- - ---- - -+-- I - -.-l. -A \ i' i\\*4 I igEi i hi:\ .iaq ."'.r't , - iil*1 r. l/l Ru^'\A\\\i IW :, | :./ r'i-'t I a - e$'' ,0ii!1i i s Ii s ) $i't"l0\l ,-'rt i \-JSt-'ilt ilttl Itl U lor\:\l t hIIlt>tl\ itt ! lr.l-Y {$ d--.. i .: Vail Athletie Club fryrrllm rnd FooYe{m nffi l=-'1rTmt5 tt rtffirux I t-iTril I llT-rr-rrr II il d-H+ 5#F:' I -r- I I l---1Flffimrryt ll__JlrElr. ne#r--- J[ ru Hp jt J []trffiffi8 [-'1rTmmFlI ll lt +-r-+--+--+-i ll scHEUAIlc DESIGN llt Jt JlffiffiF:: l[ ulii'--^.."0r.*roo rr I oo I Ir tt t ffiffi, 'AIL AIHI.BNC SCI{EMATIC DESIGNvAL COLmAOO t-l|__lltFI ll llfFFFn ffi:: I -Jr--.---r- PIANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBUC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, March 13,2000 MEETING RESULTS Prolect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Community Devetopment tleoartment a COMMISSION MEMBEHS PRESENT Galen Aasland Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bernhardt o 4, tr b^Ua 11:00 a.m. MEMBEHS ABSENT John Schofield Diane Golden Doug Cahill Driver: George KEX Site Visits : 1 . Vail Mountain School - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road2. Pearson - 303 Gore Creek Drive #2-C3. Vail Athletic Club - 352 East Meadow Drive4. Gore Creek Promenade 5. lllig - 706 W. Forest Road 6. Donovan Park - South Frontage Road and Matterhom Circle7. Lot 4, Ridge at Vail- 1452 Buffehr Creek Road 12:30 p.m. NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for.a minorsubdivision, to allow for an amendment to a previously platted building envelope and a revised lot access, located at 1452 Buffelir Creek Rd./Lot +, Hidge at Vail. Applicant: Mike YoungPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That the developer submits a complete set of engineered plans for the required improvements to the private drive. The plans shall be required to comply with the applicable Town of Vail Development Standards. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail Public Works Department prior to appearing betore the Town of Vail Design Review Board for final review. 3. 2. That the developer records an amended plat for Lot 4 with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's office prior to the issuance of a building permit. A request for variances from Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an extended entry, trash enclopure and deck expansion, located at 70G W. Forest RoacULot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6'n Filing. Applicant: Cliff lllig, represented by Beth LevinePlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That a limit of disturbance be established at the rear of the unit and no development is to occur beyond this line in the future. A request for a variance from Sections 12-6H-6 and '12-1zt-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for the addition of gro_ss residential floor area and balconies within required setbacksr located at 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vail Townhouse f2-ClLot 2, Block 5, Vail Village 1* Filing. Applicant: Planner: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl, Ann Kjerulf Architect VOTE:4-0 4. MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND: Brian Doyon TABLED A request lor a work session to discuss a proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4 (Cascade Village), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Gten Lyon Olfice Building)/Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther WORKSESSION-NO VOTE A request for an exterior alteration and a conditional use permit for a fractional fee club and a parking variance, to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive/A part of Tract B, Vail Village ls Filing. Applicant: VML, L.L.C.Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 8 CONDITIONS: 1. That the developer submits a complete set of engineered plans for the required streetscape improvements. The plans shall be required to comply with the applicable Town of Vail Development Standards. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail Public Works Department prior to appearing before the Town of Vail Design Review Board for linal review of the streetscape improvements. The plans shall receive final approval prior to the issuance of a buibing permit 5. That the developer records a deed-restriction for the new Type lll Employee s Housing Unit in the Vail Athletic Club & Spa with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's office prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2 4a,& a 3. That the developer submits an application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction ^J I rnt,_ of one new Tpe lll Employee Housing Unit in the Vail Athletic Club & Spa and t l ''I'-{) that the permit be approved by the Planning & Environmental Commission prior to 6V. the issuance of a building permit. 4. That the developer submits a tree preservation plan to the Town of Vail Community Development Department lor review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. That the developer submits a construction staging and access plan to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the OY issuance of a building permit. The plan shall include the location of a construction fence and erosion control fence to preserve and protect the Gore Creek riparian corridor. 6. That the developer pays the Town of Vail $13,620, as previously agreed to, for previous streetscape improvements already completed by the Town of Vail on behalf of the Vait Athtetic Ctub & Spa. , 1.,, 16) 7. That the developer submits a comprehensive sign and exterior lighting program b I , t- for the Vail Athletic Club & Spa to the Town of Vail Community DevelopmentO\r Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. . - 8. That if the height increases after the DRB review, it wilt come back to the PEC fordl- another revieil. 6. A work session to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for a proposed expansion at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson woRKsEsstoN - No voTE 7. A PEC review of proposed modifications to the Gore Creek Flood Plain, located at the Gore Creek Whitewater Park, Gore Creek Promenadeffracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant; Vail Valley Tourism and Convention BureauPlanner: Brent Wilson WORKSESSION . NO VOTE 8. A request lor a conditional use permlt, to allow lor the conversion of existing hotel rooms into employee housing units, located at2211N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail LolCge)/Lot 1, Vaildas Schone #3. Applicant: Reaut CorporationPlanner Brent Wilson MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bernhardt APPROVED WITH 10 GONDITIONS: VOTE:4-0 9. 1. The approval will not be valid unless the Vail Town Council approves the pending proposal to amend Section 13-7 ("Condominiums and Condominium Conversions") ol the Town ol Vail Code. This amendment is necessary to allow lor the conversion of accommodation units to condominiumized employee housing units. The applicant , shall demonstrate compliance with all provisions of the Town of Vail Subdivision ." ,:Regulations. .. : 2. All employee housing units created with this proposal will be deed-restricted in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-13, Town of Vail Code ("Employee Housing"), prior to the issuance of a building permit for any improvements on the property. 3. The applicant shall provide the Town of Vail a pedestrian easement for the existing sidewalk located at the south end of the subject property along North Frontage Road. 4. The applicant shall complete and improve the existing unfinished retaining wall at the north end 0f the subject property, This improvement is subject to approval by the Town's Design Review Board. 5. In accordance with the anticipated impacts generated by the provision of employee housing units upon the Town's transit system, the applicant shall provide a pedestrian stair connection between the berm at the north end of the parking lot and the existiqg , Town of Vail bus stop along Chamonix Lane. This improvement will be contained , entirely on both the subject property and the Town of Vail right-ol-way. This ; - improvement is subject to approval by the Town's Design Review Board. 6. Landscaping along the parking area and lot perimeter will be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section '12-'l1, Town ol Vail Code ("Design Review'). Compliance with these provisions will be determined by the Town's Design Review Board. 7. The applicant will obtain an encroachment agreement lor the placement of any parking facilities within planed easements. Additionally, the proposed parking plan shall comply with the town's development standards and will be approved by stafi during the design review process. 8. The applicant shall complete additional exterior improvements (il applicable) to be determined by the Town's Design Review Board. 9. That the pedestrian path be formalized in the northwest corner. 10. That There be more screening, in the torm of landscaping to the noftheast corner of the lot. A final review of the proposed changes to the Town of Vail's parking pay-in-lieu policy and proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED .-.LU10. Final review of the Town of Vail's revised parking generation analysis and proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED 11. A joint work session with the Design Review Board to discuss the proposed development plan/master plan and a conditional use permit for a park and recreation facility for an approximately 12 acre unplaned parcel of land zoned General Use and Residential Cluster, commonly relerred to as the lower bench of Donovan Park, located south of the South Frontage Road and east and north of Manerhorn Circle, Applicant: Town ol Vail/t/ail Recreation DistrictPlanner: Dominic Mauriello WORKSESSION . NO VOTE 12. Information Update Four, two-year term PEC vacancies - (Galen Aasland, Brian Doyon, Diane Golden and Tom Weber). PEC REPRESENTATIVE AT DRB FOR AXN. Dous cahi, : fi?lIX',lf Jul-Sep '00 Oct-Dec'00 13. Approvalof February28,2000minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during rygular otfice hours in the project planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138lor inlormation. SQn language interpretatbn available upon roqu€Gt with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephon€ for th€ Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Dwelopment Department ORDINANCE NO.7 SERIES OF 2OOO AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO.30, VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZON]NG MAP OF THE TOWN OF VAIL;AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to repeal Special Development District No. 30, VailAthletic Club and to amend the OfficialTown of VailZoning Map; and WHEREAS, ln 1993, the VailTown Council adopted Ordinance No. 27, Series of 1993, establishing Special Development District No. 30, VailAthletic Club; and WHEREAS, Ron Bryne, dba VML, Inc., as owner of the property, has submitted an application for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major exterior alteration application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Commission has reviewed the prescribed criteria for a major exterior alteration and has approved the redevelopment proposal; and WHEREAS, the Special Development District designation is no longer required and the fficial Zoning Map of the Town of Vail needs to be amended accordingly; and WHEREAS, all public notices as required by the Town of Vail Municipal Code have been sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the VailTown Councilconsiders it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to repeal Special Development District No. 30, Vail Athletic Club and to amend the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO, THAT: Section 1. Purpose of the Ordinance The purpose of Ordinance No. 7, Series of 2000, is to repeal Special Development District No. 30, Vail Athletic Club and to amend the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail. Section 2. Propertv to be Rezoned The Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail is hereby amended and Special Development District No. 30 is hereby repealed. Ordinance 7. Series of 2000 A parcel of land in Tract B, Vail Village First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Tract B; thence N7Y 46' 00" W along the Northerly line of Vail Village, First Filing, and along the Northerly line of said Tract B 622.86 feet; thence 5060 26' 52" W a distance of 348.83 feet to the Soulhwest comer of that parcel of land described in Book 191 at Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle County Records, said corner also being the True Point of Beginning; thence S79o 04' 08' E and along the Southerly line of said parcel 200.00 feet to the Southeast comer therof; thence N62o 52' 00' E and along the Northerly line ofthat parcel of land described in Book 222 at Page 513 as recorded in 1971 in the Eagle County Records, a distance of 66.78 feet to the Northeasterly corner, of said parcel of land; said comer being on the Westerly right-of-way line of Gore Creek Road, as platted in Vail Village, Fifth Filing; thence N27o 13' 37' W a distance of 77 .37 feet along said Westerly right-of-way line of Gore Creek Road: thence N89o 29' 22" W a distance of 12.80 feet to the Northeasterly comer ofthat parcel of land described in Book 191, Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle County Records; thence Northwesterly 26.51 feet along the arc of a 37.50 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 40o 30'00" whose chord bears N53o 40'00" W a distance of 25.96 feet to a point of tangency; thence N73o 55' 00' W and along said tangent 166.44 feet; thence N84o 43' 09" W a distance of43.72 feet to the Northwesterly corner ofthe Mountain Haus Parcel; ihence S02o '18' 00'W and along the Easterly line of said Mountain Haus Parcel a distance of 100.98 feet to the Soulheasterly comer thereof; lhence S38o 37' 52" E a disiance of 33.36 feet to the True Point of Beginning The zoning designation for the above-described parcel of land is Public Accommodation. Section 3. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 4. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously Ordinance 7. Series of 2000 repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 4'n day of April, 2000, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 18th day of April , 2000, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 18tN day of April,2000. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ordinance 7, Series of 2000 I gn ll rErR,AUir\ ASSoctiA-nFS, tiNc" PLANNING anc CO141"1UN]|l'Y DEVLLOPM ENT March 19, 2000 Mr. George Ruther Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: VAC/CIIP/EHU Dear George: Attached you will find four (4) copies of the proposed floor plans for the VAC employee housing units. These plans have been modified in order to meet the design standards for Type III and Type IV units. In addition, approximately 120 square feet of employee unit square footage has been added to the proposal that was approved by the PEC last week. This change increases the total square footage devoted to EHU's to approximately 1,610. Another significant change to these plans is that the Type III unit is now designed as a two-bedroom unit. The storage lockers required for the four Type IV units will be located on the upper club level of the building in an area that is currently used for employee lockers/lounge. This area of the building is currently under study will likely be reconfigured in some form. I would propose that the precise design and location of the storage lockers be handled as a condition of approval to be addressed as part of the building permit approval. This will allow us time to evaluate this entire area ofthe building in the context ofdefining this required storage space. Please let me know ifthere is anything else I can provide in order to facilitate your review ofthis conditional use permit application. Sincerely,---\ o{\ ThomTs A. Braun encl. CC: Ron Byrne lYinturn lronworks BuilCing 201 lYain Street, 2ncl Floor Post Office Box 776 l'1inturn. Colorado 816'1.'r Phone - 974 817 5791 Far - 970.8275507 \,\,\ / w braunassocrates.com TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 10.2000 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of Type lll and Type lV employee housing units as part of the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa, located at 352 East Meadow Drive/a part of Tract B, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne, d.b.a. VML, L.L.C., represented by Tom BraunPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Ron Byrne, represented by Tom Braun, is requesting a conditional use permii to allow for the construction four Type lV and one Type lll employee housing units as part of the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa. The Vail Athletic Club & Spa is located at 352 East Meadow Drive at the intersection of East Meadow Drive and Vail Valley Drive. The applicant is proposing to provide on-site, deed-restricted employee housing for six Vail Athletic Club & Spa employees. To do so, the applicant is proposing to construct four, one bedroom Type lV and one, two-bedroom Type lll employee housing units. The five units will be located on the lower level of the hotel and will total approximately 1,610 square feet in size. The Type lV employee units will avbrage approximately 285 square feet in size and are designed to meet the minimum requirement for Type lV units as prescribed in Section 12-13-7 of the Zoning Regulations. This includes the provision of at least 150 cubic feet of storage space per unit and not less than one washer and dryer for the five units. The one Type lll unit is approximately 466 square feet in size. The two bedroom unit has been designed to meet the minimum requirements for Type lll units as outlined in Section 12-13-6 of the Zoning Regulations Each of the employee housing units will be deed-restricted in accordance with the Town of Vail employee housing requirements. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of four Type lV and one Type lll employee housing units as part of the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa, located at 352 East Meadow Drive. Staffs recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Sections lV of this memorandum. Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to approve the conditional use permit request, staff would recommend that the Commission make the following findings, "That the conditional use permit request complies with the criteria as outlined in Secflon lV of this memorandum. The proposed employee housing units further the development o obiectives of the Town of Vail and will not be detnmental to existing or potential uses, nor will they have any adverse effecfs upon the distribution of light, air, traffic or population " Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to approve the applicant's request, staff would recommend that the following conditions be made part of the approval: 1. That the Developer executes and records employee housing deed-restrictions for each of the required employee units with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 2. That the Developer indicates the precise location and final location of the siorage lockers and washer and dryer on the plans submitted to the Town of Vail for a building permit. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. III. BACKGROUND On March 13, 2000, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission approved a major exterior alteration and conditional use permit to allow for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa. The Commission's approval required that the developer provide deed-restricted employee housing for a minimum of six employees in a minimum of five employee housing units. These requirements were generated as a result of an employee generation analysis completed for the redevelopment proposal. Upon review of Chapter 16 of the Zoning Regulations, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of five employee housing units at the Vail Athletic Club & Spa based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The provision of deed-restricted employee housing has been a long- standing goal of the Town of Vail. To insure that the private sector participates in providing the much needed employee housing, the Vail Town Council recently adopted legislation requiring developers to mitigate not only the impacts of development on the Town's infrastructure, but also to mitigate the impacts of development on employee housing. Overall, staff believes the developer will be mitigating the employee housing impacts created by the hotel redevelopment and that this request fully complies with the above-described criteria. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. tv- Staff believes that this request will not have any negative effects upon the above-described criteria. In fact, staff believes the applicant's request will improve the distribution of the population in the Town of Vail. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that the request will not negatively impact the above- described criteria 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The Public Accommodation zone district allows for residential uses. The existing uses in the immediate vicinity of the Vail Athletic Club & Spa are residential in nature (Mountain Haus, Comice Building, Vorlafuer). Staff believes the residential nature of the employee housing units are compatible with the existing surrounding and potential uses and will not be deirimental to the character of the area. fi i.' MAR z7 March 24,20OO Mr. George Ruther, Senior Planner, Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 Dear Mr. Ruther: I want to thank you and the Tounr of Vail for the opportunity to participate in the public hearings regarding redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club. I especially appreciate the concern shown by the Planning and Environmental Commission, the Design Review Board, and the Town Council for my view problem. The Town Council addressed my concern by asking the Applicant to work with me to try and find a solution, which was most gratifying and made me feel my time was well spent in the process. I also want to say that Tom Braun and Ray Storey went out of their way to work with me to mitigate the impact on my view. I believe we reached a very good compromise and I hope the redevelopment goes forward without any major changes. You may introduce this letter at future hearings if it vrould be helpful. I would appreciate it if you would notiff Art Abplanalp if any design changes were to be proposed which affect northern roof elevations as viared from West to East. I have given Art Abplanalp a limited power of attomey to act on my behalf in this matter. Finally lwould like to thank the Town of Vail planning department. The professionalism exhibited by the planning department and members of the PEC, DRB, and the Town Council, at the hearings I attended was more than I expected. Very truly yours, dr*"!-J e Qo4<fr"^ Ronald C. Robertson Cc: Tom Braun, Ray Storey, and Art Abplanalp l iit ti 2000 r l/ Brian Wagner 2gZ Da"st Meadow Drive I-aiI, CO bf657 97o-47o'243.4 Monday, March 27,2000 Mr. George Ruther Senior Planer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: VailAthletic Club GravelArea The below planning was done before I leamed of Ron Bums and his associates redevelopment plans for the VAC. I hope they are still of some interest in showing what can be done with the area. John Hildreth and I discussed the landscaping of the gravelarea this falland that this spring we would try and come up with an acceptable ldea for the area. In the mean time the no parking sign and large rocks were place in front of the area. Dominic Mauriello thought this was a good interim solution that would stop the illegal parking in this area. This winter I used a landscape design program to see what type of plants would grow in this area and what they area might look like landscaped. The computer programs rendering of what the area looks like now is on the right. The simplest landscape solution was to just plant the area with gnass. Part of the area did have grass before and a portion of that area died be- cause itwas never watered. The computer pre gram says that grass should grow in this area with out a problem, if carcd for. A stone walkway / drainage path was added.r{> The intermediate solution is to landscape part of the area with perennials and part of the area with grass. The final solution is b landscape the entire area and branch of the walkway / drainage area with a walkway to the back of the properg. I hope you find the designs interesting. lt was very interesting landscaping the area by compute. The program does show what can be done with the area. I look forward to uorting with you and aniving at an acceptiable plan br the area. Enclosed are 8 x 10's of the landscape solutions. Sincerely: Brian Wagner VacLandscapel Cc: Dominic Mauriello $ff 1r;ff*ffi*.O hEfr '#