HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ98-0278 E98-0265 LEGALTOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr.,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPL]CA}IT COMfRACTOR OI,VNER ELeccrical- - - > DRB Fee Invc6tiEaEion> will call----> TOTT,L FEES- - - > Job Address: Location. . . :Parcel No..:Project No. ! DOUBLE Q EIJECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS DOI]BLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS NICO VAIL INC+ SLIFER MANAGEME}flT, ELECTRICAL PERMTT 1OO E MEADOT DR 1OO E IVIEADOW DR (VAIL 2L0L-082 -56 -004 co 8r-632 co 81 6, .22 JOBS]TE AT AI-,L TIMES Permits #: E98-0265 SL:tus. -.: ISSITED vAlApplied. . : G10/15 / L998 Issued...: a0/L6/L998 Extrrires.. : 04/L4/L999 Phone: 970-926-3675 Phone: 970-925-3675 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 143 E MEADOW DR STE 360, VAIL CO 81657 Valuation:D=o.-r-iption: GHANGING LIGHTING IN STORE FEE SIJUMARY 3, 000 . 00 54.O0 , o0 . o0 3.00 5?.OO 57 .00 57.OO ToEal CalcuraLed Fees- - - > Addicional Fees---------> Total Peridt Fee--------> 3IT ANCE DUE---- II.CM: O6OOO ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTI'IENT DEPE: BUILDTNG DiVJ.S1ON:LO/L5/1,998 JRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED .JRI"TI!Qm:"056q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepL: FrRE Division:L0/LS/Lg_og JpM Aerion: AppR N,/A { ***r * * * ** * * * ** * .00 sur\i-,lrliON OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tha! I have read thi5 applicatsion, filled out in full the infornaeion required, conpleted an accurate !t1oC plan, and aCatc lhat all the :lnformalion provided ae required is co'.r€cc. I agree to codply nith th€ lnfoliraCion and ltlol p1an, ev !e{'rr} codes, d€Bigrr rcvicw approved, Uniform Building code and oghe! oldinanccs of th€ Town applicable therel,o, REQUESTS pOR INSPEeTTONS SmIJL BE MADE TWBIITy-FOUR HOURS IN ADI'TANCE By TELEPHONB AT t79-2139 OR .ET OUR OFE .*rriJtiJrr.rr**t*r r, y r1**14J.}{t.}**tlttatar*ll*tt|'la,ar !Ol{![ OP VAIL. COL@.IDO ttrts.unr tta a a*al}t t a a irlttlltla rra ** ttt t a,*a gtatebDE' Nurb.r r REC-0{55 .l,nounC: PayDenE. [.thod: CK Not.Elon. 8556 57.00 10/16,/99 10:07 lnlg: trtt p.mLB No3 199-0265 l)/r|r! !-EIJ8C SLEerRteAIr PERMTT Parc.l No: 2101-032-56-004 9lr- 't66t ."r 100 I I|EADOH DR Locrllolt: 100 E tlEADOtf DR (VAIL VttJLBf PLAZA cttilrERf) Toerl F€.E: Pr!8anE 57,00 Toral AIiIr Prt6 ! BP OO1OOOO3I11'OO ALtseIEIE}! PBRIfIT FBES wc 00100003112800 wlrrrJ e.A!L tNBpEcIION FBE Balance ! rJrtit*tt*tt*rl****a *tt**i**r tl**.rr*rrr*t!|*rt*t**i.rir*r*!r*jlf *tr**t lccounr Codc Desc!Iptsion s7.oo s7.o0 .oo .l,nount. 5{.OO 3.00 TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAfrJ, co 8t-657 970 -479 -2138 APPLICANT COMTRAETOR OltlNER Elect.rical---> DRB Fee Inveetigation> will Cal1- - -- > ilob Address: Location. . . :Parcel No..: ProjecL No.: DOT]BLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS DOI'BLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS NICO VAIL INC T SLIFER MANAGEME}TT, 1OO E MEADOW DR ]-OO E MEADOW DR 2LOt-082-55 -004 co 81632 co 81632 ]-43 E MEADOW DR STORE Status. . (VAII-, Var,appf ieO. . fssued. . - E:<pires. - DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELO NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ETECTRICAL PERMIT Descript.ion: GIIANGING LIGHTING IN 54 .0O . oo .00 3 .00 TOTAL FEES- --, 57.00 Payments- - -- - .0O BAI,ANCE DUE--.- 57. OO ,00 s?.oo PMEIiIIT,4 .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: E98-0265 Phone z 970-926-3575 Phone:. 970-926-3675 sTE 350, VAIL CO 81657 Valuat,ion: 3,000.00 Totsal calculated Fccs- - - > S?.oo Additional Fees-- -- -----> Tolal PeIInit Pee--------> FEE STMMARY *r***r*iii****r ITEM: -06000 EI,ECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiWiSiON:L0/L5/L998 ,JRM Adtioni ApFn-appnovED ,JRM--IIem: ,O55OO FIRE DEPARII,IENT Dept,: FIR.E Diwisj.on:LO/L5/L998 ,JRI'4 ACIiONI APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknoBledge bhat I have read this application. filled out in futl lhe infohtration required, compleeed an accurate plot plan, and state thats a1f ihe infornat.ion provided ae required is correct. I agree to coBrply riith the j.nformaeion and plot plan, to comply with all Toqn ordj.nances and Btate laus, and Lo build Chis Etrucbuf,e accordi.ng to the Town,s zoning and Eubdivision codes. de8j.gn review approved. Uniforn Building code and other otdinanceB of the Tor.'n applicable t'h6reto. RBQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE IIADE TliEt[IY - FoUR HoURa ]N ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 479-213e oR AT oUR oFFICE FROM 8:O0.A.U s:oo PM : APPROVED tGLO /L5 /1,99e: LO/L,/A998: Oa/13 /1,999 BIGNATITRE OF OWI.IER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER ')*Conir"r Eagle counEy Assessors Offlce W;;,3{!r?"if9"i,\"4..:}/onf gy*,?iX#lrff ili;$";3ff }{ r oern:. /d/rr/?tl PEfu\IIT /' r/ AppLrcATroN l',fusr BE FTLIED ouT coHpr,ETELy oR rT HAy Nor BE ACcEp?jD ,{* *** **n * ** *t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMTT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * :r !r rk * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * ,f 1-Prri1.:.3*-L J-burr.qrng t J-pl_umbing g/$_tlectrical [ ]-Mechani-ca1 [ ]-OtherJrb Name: I,egll Description: Lot Block_ Filing fwners Namc : Architect: Address: Address: Gene:al- Description:+,'; I fdresi: F I enJ-r-i r..1 -rahr --rudl uL)ll r raCiof : Phone Nunber:-.--- Acldress I e.9cPr'c Iown of Vail Reg: No. €-/?a63zPhone Number: . P: unbing Co.rtra:cor: Ac dresi: MechaniciLl contracEor.: Addre ss: t ,i*** rrt***rt*r * * :t rtr * * * )t * ,t * * * * * ,t * * *] JTLD NG PERMTT FEE:] TUMBING PERMIT FEE:} ]CHANICAL PERHTT FEE:T .,ECTFICAL ]:EE: O'HER TYPE C)F FEE:D R FrE. OLL''r,own of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Req. No.Phone Number:. FOR OFI'f CE USE * * !r * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * *BUILDING PIJ\N CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:MECIIANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREA?TON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: S]GNATURX: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: I lln"puir f :-otnerNumber of DwelLing'Units; ,Nurber of Accomrnodation Units , ! Vf::::":::-:::: of Firepi.aces: cas Appliances _ Gas Loss _ wood/pe11er__.--_ /f1******'t************************** vALUATToNs rr***********2r*******2r************ VALUATION nFpn.:T'r' 75 30uth lron lage road vs ll, colorsdo 81652(303) 479-2138 ot 479-ZL3g : oltlc€ ol communlly devolopmerr t BUILDiNG PERI.iIT IsSUANCE TiI,IE FMI,II Jf !h'i.s perrni.t requires d Toyrn of Vai] Firp Donrr-rar* /rn^, :l; i:j;;;;r!:fli l;, wo ir, i ;;; ;;' . ;; I i p5H;.i;':.lff ii, ff oiiJll ;.,', li;Ulll*'ti :'. 3i?fi illl'1, I!"iil, u. il d,'::i ;:"*.; il;-;, ;i5;;;"' " il i.:!i:i;ii :J, fl:":;.;: ;rill J":to,:l 1,ffi , ll;ji IJ;':,' ?: i^, lt,TJl 1,,., ii!: iii i t* l'ti.!,1i, i ii: li; ji: i, ;, i;i: ; ;it.f tt;: ftr f i, ; l:nl;;,,,, f il: .l3gTn'J i tf "!inii:_i;_l i#: ; tiy'i.u i*, -ii;; ;ilj ;.Ti,u, tver I attempt vrill be made hv thiq rlan;rr-r..,^-+ +^ ^...--,.rpc'n i't.as. s.qon ., o|;rTif:.bv this rJepartnrent to expedite thjs . i;;,1: undersigned, ttnderstand the plan check'fiiocedure and time L,/ Pro jEctlarne Date l,iork Sheet wa s Ju rnEd'lit6-T'Communi ty Devel o5rment Department. I'li 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado B165z (303) 479-21.38 or 419_2139 ALL CONTRACTORS TOIEN OF VAIL ottlce ol communlty developme6 g CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH T;{E TO: FROM: DATE! c ltrl TE ..m, 1o.5ef i9w- ordinance N.j. 6 j_nVail Builcling Depart nent tocooperarion on tili, ^uli.i] ToVrN oF VAIL pUBLIc l.rcRKS/co[II\ruNITy DE\rELoptrENT ItARcH 16/ 1.988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING E MATERTAL STORAGE 5:f1, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. riranir t;; ;;;"y;;, ii.ii$oitli3il"ixi"il";"'"::l:?: l!1r ir- i='llu*frr.ro1 any i5,ilil, i'i :ii"i:"i"ai.g'-tii=;=5;;i:.31I,';:li"ili!*i"iilil :;l;i = place. ;t ;;;";;:r:tpo''t.anv street, sidewaixl-.ii"v or pubrici,air =iie;i; 5;5.i:lu:ni:.:i;,"I1;"1:ll.;;:;:;i.;"r:li;::[: ",This ordinance wirr ue ;;ri:ii;'enforced by the rown of VaiI' Publ"ic.h'orks D"pi.t..nr:--;;;:t"ns found .ril,r.Iing rhis ordinancewill be'given "'za irour-rri;i.;;'.,.,otice to renove said rnateriar.In the event the person =o,.,oiifiecl .does not cohply with thenotice with- n the 24 hour tir.-=p"-ified, the public llorksDe;rartment r itl remove saia nite:iil.it the exfense of personli,;iiliil. i,|u"lt"''ision=-or''iii= ordinanc! snarr nor be;;;-=#;:; :;: :iff;'::.1:;,"tiilii::"ff :il."::nl :*l;Ie= or Read qnsh e. contractor, owner)