HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ08-0075 B08-0154 LEGALL2l6al2gga L4i2L Ca December6,200E ARCHTTSCIS Mortin Hoeberle, Chief Bulldlng Otflclol & Chrls Gunlon, Plons Fxominer Building Sofety & Inspection Servlces Town of Voil Voll, CO81657 97A3495245 VMDA PAGE AUA3 OO4{' E BEAVER CREEK BLVD sullE 207 POBOX$m AVON CO 81620 .97019r9$m FA(94*s205 WWW.VMDA@M 3og o(sl -K-sog-oo-r)- Re; Bullding Pemit# 808-0.154 Gerqrdo Schroeder lm Eosf Meodow Drive, Units 27 128 -Voil, CO Good Afiernoon Genfl emen, We wrlte to you on beholf of Gerordo & Pqtrlcio Schroederto respectfully reguest on extenslon of the obove referenced Bullding Permil; but wlth the following obseNotions ond lnqulde$, os foltows: l. This permit wos oppled for ond opproved very llmely by your deportment, bosed on DRB opprovol (DRB Number: DR80800771 provlded; Z. fne permitwos ifieh opplted for by Held Custom Bullders. wlth whom we were unoble to reoch on equitoble consfruction ogreement S, Therefore thb permit hos not been plcked up from your otfice, though oll relotedfees poidj 4. Due to reosons beyord the corrlrol of the ovners, they were unoble io proceed thls yeor. Genlemen, we request your thoughts ond possible oction on fhese mcrfferc os lf ls the owner's Intentlon to proceed in lhe spring of 2009, We ore not cerioin of the dote you w_odd considerthe BP isued sln'ce not plcked but feelthot contociing you In odvonce ls prudent. Pleose let us know of your requiremenis regording lhese motters ond let us know whqt dote constrtption musl then commence so os fo obide by thot dofe. Additionoily, there ls onolher reloted Bulldlng Permlt @P# unknown - forthe Gollery belorv) owoiting pickup by o yetto be determinedGenerol Controcfor regordlng the Instollotlon of on NFPA13 &mpfiont Flre?rotection gystem & Alorm SWtem upgrode, which $tould be hondled in o llke monner, Thonks In odvonce for your consldercflon of these motfers ond feel free to contoct me with ony questions whotsoever. tzlaalzasg L4t2L 9769495265 Respectfu lly submittecl Mork Donolchon, filnclpol CC: Gerordo & Poticlo Schroeder VMDA PAGE A3IA3 BEST 'i! copY AVAILABLE L2/8U2AAg L4t2L TO: COMPANY: FA,\NUMBER: FROM: DATE: VMDAJOB #: PROJECT: 9709495205 VMDA PAGE ALIqS OO48 E 'BEAVER CREC( BLVD surrE 207, P.o, SO{ 5100 Avur, co 81620 970 9a9 s2o0 FA)( 9{9 S20l ll*'l.vlOA.CUl FAX CI #wBn.ffi#rff' BEST COPY AVAILABLE