HomeMy WebLinkAboutB00-0116 LEGALALL PEt€TRATniF rnr9T BE PATCIED lN Al.l APFROVED mx{NER Artlon: PA PARITAL APPROTAL -INST tL DRA'FT STOPS BETWEEN UMT AND EXITr\rc ATTIC SP CE +RO/IDE STRI.'C, ENGAFPRO/AL FOR STRI'C FRAI'E .PROVIDE REPORT FOR STEEL FREPROOFf,{C}h$g.clof: JRiI ACTON: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL FRh,Mn\|G PARTUL APPROVED FOR EAST STAR WAY zND FLOOR EtlCLOShfi. IECMI{CALSTUFTONLYlbm: 50 BlD$lnlt|mon 1IIM/0/1. hlcp€clof: CDAVIS AC{oO: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Gmmcnb: lNSt l.AllOfrl FOR SALES OFFICE AREA 11II3O1 InrD.dof: GRG Acdon: PAPARTIALAPPROVAT Co|rtmsrl$ ld 419 Oofi|o 211) onfu, .ound |rlgulrton only (dbtlof w.ll dhlho ufuuc|d).fin1m hca.clofi' crFvt3 ' Acffon: PAPARTITUAPPRCwAL. ComrrrsB: unlt 5t9 ofilv12/801 ln|o.cb|l 'CDA\rF Ar0oo' PAPARTIALAPPROI/A Conrn nt3: ItlfT4z3Ot{-Y@HQ, IN$.dOfi CDAVIS ACdON. PAPARTIALAPFROVAT C.ommeds: LrNlT526 APPRO\GD CORRECTIOT€ MADE IISTED ut\tDER FR MhG T.ISPECTIONbn: 60 BLDGShcafock N.[ " ADDrorred " 11n2n1 hroocbr: gRG " Acllon: PAPARTIALAFffiOVAL Cmw|3ritr: 2nd lloor conldor c.lllno, 5 lna Earl mly. 11/15/01 Ifl|oochf: GRG - AcbN: PAPARTnLAFPROVAL Conrfl.ote: 'Sdhs dtlc.' nqt to bmpomry conrfucilon ollhe, lomr Lr,Bl rt SE c.m€t of hrltskU, lmhdm to toD d !0!kE11ll*)1 Inipcc|or: CDAVIS Acfron: PAPARTIi{LApPROVAL Comrl3il!: [NT5t6Onil.Y AL9O D[) A I F|oI.R @T.JSULT ON T@ PTIASST|GttEEOt ln g.doc eRG Arion: PAPARTI LAPPROT/AL!!!!!s: t nl516onry,g$d.ff as Tn'x' qyr|[., - @,1@l@, lmDeclor: CDAVIS Comnrnls: tA[T 5a6 GA6/02 Comrfi6r*3: Co rrd3:ffil'" "*r,TLAPPR'/AL lzl0(}l rl|D.clor: GRG mrncnlr: ttrl4l!3EW.srCommmB: t nl4!3 E yy. dxt of znd noor coddor odV.A.[on: PAPARTIALAPPROiI/AL'l2ll3lttl ln$ccloc _ -cd6rbcommd*r: rhdchock 2 brus rcat $dr towEdco'rnDhb cdlim acsemDtv conDoad Frfilhd lor rMt mll rt gnd<c/lln dariioer 3rcl leinl corld.r1€ danfper 3rd hvo 3rd levd conld,orm||s r|rd c.finge €od rnd fi/tJrr ponf|ou$ c.illnlF and welb appovnd tlam€ ftob hcs b.|n cpplhd to oxhlngolyd lnsuhtfon.bo lnddLdohnmod lnsuhtfon.bo lnddLdti h),i cofr lo.rd_rrourid rn ch.nhd-ducnqEk OIlls{Jz, hr9.aroc CDAVIS rfl rE r: 4TH LEVEL CORRIIComftEn03: 4TH LEVEL COnRDOR WALtS,CElLltlG AtlD MECtfAl,llCAL SlnFT myOOm lmp.cbr: CDAVIS Acflon: PAPARTnLAPPROVAL Conilndir: ADD ADDNTK)T*rL FASTEIT{iRS W}ERE THE PAPER OF THE DRYW LL FiAS BEEN RIPPED DUE TO TtiE ATT CHI,E]'|T OF Tl'E FASTENERS LOCATED TO CLOSE TO TtE zuTT hrl ducnratkft,r Ftlrcqlh mernh. LvdolH Pffi|hot.rA.ilbn' APAI'PRO\rED EILII'IG AhID MECTIAI.IICA S}|AFT Ac{on' PAPARThLA'PPROVAL FERE THE PAPER OF THE DRYWALL FiAS BEEN R]PPED FE FASTENERS LOCATED TO CLOSE TO TTE zuTT JOINTS ln o€cio.: CDAVIS} Ac0on: PA PARTIAL A:PROVAL 2T{D tEVEt EAST STTAFT WALL COI,|FLETEDlotDocbr CDAVIS Acdon' PAPARTI LAPPRO/A STORAGE CLOSETS ON WEST EXIERIOR ELEVATPN APPROVED lmnrctor: GRG Acilon'PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Crea* to{ 2rd tloot !hb. w$t end.In$ecior: GRG Ac0on: l.lo l.lOTlFlED Temponry {gkr rilt |h€rc. P.ul, suporlrfrrdsnt !.yt penn riont 3Llr3 .ro b .ll|l/e €lod 6/?t,' -" ADororrad -Inrp*tor: CDhMS Acdo'n: APTdTPRO\/ED lbm: 6{2S/02 Co{flnql3: t)4/od0:! CommcrG: 70 BLDG-lrdm. Ogll/Uot CowncrG: {rE13(n Comm.nb: 90 ilJe'Hml 0EN1MI REPTl31 Rlrn ICl: 1656 0&2&2002 Inspecton Reqgest Reportlng Page 196:56am -VAIL-CO=-TQWILOE__ _ ____6;lle!0---=_ -__'___yA||.-ca;roumnE__ _" ---_. --commenu: zulLDtre FAI{ Li\t+tRoVED FOR UMTS 42V419 0.K. TO ttlovE Ft Rt$nnE N. OCCT.FANCY l.tOT ALLO,UED t NTIL APPROVAL FROM ALL DEPTS GMNTED P.W ALL THE cJo rED WTTH THF PTIASE OF CONS}TRIJCTIOTI AAID I'VITH TTE ALSOBE FIMLED. A.don: COt{D APPROITEO/COiDIIONS zull,lEssl€t RS COI'PLETE RATEDASSEMBTY AT ?ND LEVEL WEST ENDCORRIDOR lnrDcctor: CDAVIS Ac$on: Di.l DENIED BEHltlD lilOtf,lTED HEADEOARDS l,lOT PROPERTY COVERED ETC... -PLAMSTIG -rttl/.rEr,l ltltat I SUBMTTTEDAhIDSUBMTTTED AhID A'FRO\/ED FRIOR TO AT{Y R'RT} TO ri|ANt ITEMS NEED TOBE ADDRESSEDTO LIST ln|Dsctor: CDAVIS Ac$on: Di.l DENIED 2NbAID3RD LEVEL CORRDORS AND UI{TS T.IOT READYATTHIS TilG. ELECTREAL FINAL REOI'RED,FIXTT'RES I.IOT INSTALTED J BOXES BEH{ HEADBCIART}S NC'T PRCIPERLY COVERED ETC.,. Incpo.lor: cdnlB A.don: tto l.fOTFlEDc.il't m*firu for Ps.eordon o( Tco lns9ac{hn znd snd $d floors sch.dul€d for 12nOOl Al cofildo|g mrd bo cM end fimtclon podofinod Fbe Dgl cpqoval rcqultrd Plandrb fEil anrroval rcark€d fublc wod6 .pDior,ll rr(f,ih.rt Al rcdtoldlrE lilidad wltNn lhc nmru of .$..c on lhe bu|lldng.xhtbl touill ttt l wd J(b t|tuCbaEfixtmd S gffifgw]mlds d6b unlb dc.. t€$ttod to b. r|IirlLd sailf cbrlno #flnbtlG rrutttd on all unlt dooG mrv o. trblhe Thet wll b5 no l9provd of ix,cupaocy ln the tales oltlce aree r.frul tevl$d dtttlttgF.re r.cehnd and tpprq,Ed by $g Town tor .g'as l$r|eE cnd zonlng FEu€8. Uarw dher nffi'| ur{lnbhrd !t blr t}n€ and bo rndry lo mt tn rftror: cd.v|3 A.{on' CONDAPPROVEIyCONDIT|oIIS 2nal and 3rd ttoor acco[f,ddon unils a]rd foors only conduoo.lTCO -ALL EXITS MUST BE ltl lNTAr€D FREE AtlD CLEAR AT ALL TtrlES. t,|c' FURT}€R CONSTRI'CTIOI{ ACTMTY IS ALLCINA'ED AT AFFECT TIf TCOD PORTICINS OF T}E ilmt: 5:D 12/17nI Codr|IrerdB: 12t19El Comm€il!: l2tiltrol ComrnarG: PL/NNNG AND Pt BtlC YYoRKS APPRWAL REOURED PROJECT TTUST COfttPLY TO APPRO/ED PLANS FOR 801-OA$. A tY REVISfl)NS iR ST 8E }UBMTTTED AhID A'PRO\GD FRIOR TO AIIIY FT,RTHER CONSIIIIJCTIO}.I. BIJIDIT.IG {XTERIOR EORESS PATH OF TRAIGT MI'ST BE MAINTAhIED A}ID FREE ATD CLEAR AT ALLTN|ES -THE TWO BASEMENT LEVELS I.,IOT PART OF THIS PI{ASE OF CONSTRIJCTIOI.I I]'JST BE CLEAREDOFA TOAPPROVED SPACES.THBC T,SEALOJUED AND }.IO USE OF A}'Y SORT ALLflI'ED,PRO'DE REVISION'IS THE ADDITION.I OF ziD EXITS FROM THESE BASEiIENT COi'ISTRI CTED OR RE\r|SED DRAWIIIGS ARE RECIEVI OF VAIL FOR AATV USE. LACX OF COMPLIA,}.ICE TO TI.OS 'l MUST BE MET VylTHlN t0 WORKI'IG DAYS FCrRM l2E1O1. r'lO CONSTRT,ICTIOT{S TEMP. OFFICE I.[.ITIL 2ND EXIT IS SED DRAWI'.IGS ARE RECIEVED AND APPROVED BY T}€ TcnfUN ICX OF COMPLIA,}.ICE TO TI.OS CONDTION COI,,LD RESULT IN TI{E LOSS OFAT{Y OCCUPAI.ICY IN THIS BUILDIIG -CLEA}.I UP REOUIRED ON zuILDI{G EXTERIOR €On RETE CtEAl.l UP OF PARKIMi GARAGEfi/O304 lniDedot: COAVIS Ac'llon: APAPPRO/ED CO|rrrMNb: .ITfI LEVET EHtfS APPROVED FOR OCCUPAI{CY iIUST COIiPLETE SHEETROCK IN CORRIDO,R OZJI4otr lr$D.c!or: CDAVIS Acllon: PAPARTIAIAPmOVAL Cornmsnb: Fffi tOtt ER R€STURANT AREA SEATll.,lG lN 2NO tEVEt BASEMENT .REriOvE FURMruRE FORr,l SELF CLOsll.|(t DOORS BETWEEN ATRUfi AND REruRANT €OIIFLETE CONSITRUCTIOII CLEAN UP PRICR TOOCCUPAT{CY fROVIDE DOCUiIENTATION FROiii ALARM MNTRACTOR THAT CERTFIES ALARM FOR THISAREA .FIRE DEPTAPPROVAL REOTXRED FOR SPRF.IKLER SYSTEM -l}IE €XTERIOR STARS zuItT FOR SECOND EX]T ARE TEMPORARY OIILY. TI{EY MTJST BE REIUIOVEDA'IID FERM, STAIRS INSTALED PER AGREEMENT WITH PIA}IIS\F DEPT. llom: 532 PW-TEIF.C/O t'AeDrovr(t" 1?17ft1 lrsDe6t: tS Ac{ott: DNDEI,IIED CommdrB: M'TREADY 1U19flJl ht!.cbr: [s AcUon: cONDAPPROvEDICof{DlTtlNs Coflr.tF {i: mAINTAIN TRAFFI3 CONTROL lN NEEDED., ANYREAUNEDWORKINTIVINTERMOO.{THSMWTBEAPPROI/EDBYTOVPWA''DVAI. PO. SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF zuILqNG MAINTAbI€D BY SHAVI' CONSTRTJCTKIN OR VAL IIOIJNTAS.I LODGE. REPT131 Run Id: 1656 lnrpgq0on!9qqpt CommsilE: h|9.clof: 6ro|[e .Ac0on: DNDENED TIil3 pql.cl b brbo InconrDLb b rPPrutF hnr:hn: har:[m: lhm: borl 537 PL ,l$Ft'l L 616 FRE-FbIACO G39 PW.FttJAtC.rO 8O BID€.FHCO2t P|II$LCFounddonPhn 22 Plll$LCSbFhn Run Id: 1656 ' ,, . .\ l, .i_r,,,r 1., 1 . i i. i 11 |i1: :' l'.;l ''"' ]'".'t 'i''ii-'- f "i i::'ii'' Jii ,,-ii;-r fii, i l.-i : ,- 1':t ':,li,tlt-..,* i'ti ,' i' t'i,,. il'',- ri'i' t--i '-' l', .,i ,,rl,lr't ' . ',:t , 't ' lr March 7. 2003 '(Ar\ ^ tt,4t t II L'F l'lt,16 ^^,rTr0 $.fr!:';,{'oz Town of Vail Department of Community Development Building Inspection 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Charlie Davis - Building Official RE: Vail Mountain Lodge New Roof Assembly Type II - I hour Class B The U.L. assembly that is nearest to the conditions as constructed is Design No. P502. This Design has steel deck (item 6), wood nailing strips (item 4), wood roof deck (Item 3), waterproof membrane (item 2), and clay tiles (item l). Our design is similar as follows: Item 6 - Our steel roof deck is I Yz" deep not 3", however, ours is on steel beams and purlins with additional air and insulation below the deck to compensate for the shallower deck. Also, we have 2 layers of type "X" gypsum sheathing for the suspended ceiline. Item 4 - We used fire retardant wood nailing strips in lieu of untreated wood. Item 3 - We used %" fte retardant treated plywood roof deck in lieu of 3/8" untreated plywood. Item 5 - We used foamed plastic is lieu of mineral fiber board. This substitution is allowed in Design No. P5 l9 in conjunction with the gypsum sheathing on the roof deck, item 28 and item 4. 38lt Nlerket Street, Suite Numbcr 380, San Francisco, CA 94111 phonc: 413.392.4433 fax: 415.392.4454 cmail: info@ResortDesign.com w w w . R c s o r t D e s i g n . c o m Item I - We used copper roof panels, standing seam in lieu of clay tiles' The copper roofing is non combustible as is the clay tile roofing, but much less weight for our existing structure and also much tighter, i.e., no open seams. Item 2 - We used rated "ice & water shield" in lieu of asphalt felts. We feel that your concerns of wood nailing strips and wood plywood roof deck is clearly covered by P502, with both incorporate in a tested assembly and that our assembly exceeds the test because of the additional air space with fuIl insulation. 2 layers gypsum (type "X") suspended ceiling, and fire retardant treated, nailing strips and plywood. Ow substitutes of a smaller steel deck, foam plastic insulation, and copper wearing surface are equal or better than the tested materials. The design no. P5 19 also shows the assembly that resembles the pre-existing roof that we have modified with the approved mitigations. The roofing layers all line up and tie the existing roof assembly into the new assembly. Please let me know if you have any questions or concems. cc:Shaw Construction Stan Cope Ray / Jrn.lr-ot 00:3ian Frerl0ttl 0F v^lt cillallv 06vEt0PEllT t70r7n1l3 l.0n P.00a/002 F-$a hGdtS OFFICECOPY bD-o&i$\ovcmbcr 14,2002 l'o'*nof Vail DcPannctt Conmrrriry DevelctPmcot Building tnqPction- ?5 S. Fronrage Road Veil, CO tr657 Aun: CbarlicDavis, Building OffiGial RX': veilMonntainlodge Nc'r'Roof As*mt'lY TYPc II - thour Ctass B (oininwn) plcasc coasidcr our rEdcrsrrmding of rhe roof assenbl;r detaits as prcseutsd on ilrc coosuucrion doc trrnehts - Tbe stnrctue of r.he ncw rooft Ls fircry.oo{sccl!:.osi:C-5:*".t"""1$."*ff H'ffi 'ff ,:]ff'ili"#il'i*TiJ;i'n-*"39y1i513";a;;'11;1ffil'g ffifl.::f;;"J#il';'d* ;;;Ji!ss in us'c 1 15gI#:L' The fue ra:rd.anr trearcd PlYwooThe ttre relrl(uuu uearE r Pt] Evvr. e^rers ,uc,orii, it is nscd as blocking to ;.ttJ;. Thc firc rctardin: trcatcdplyrvood i: not 1 ------r .,. .,.,,,r.r ..rr firemAteners. I rle LllE rEtqrg.s-r'v=v-r-r---- eXpOSed tO SOUrcC Of lUe. ii"iJtil. no.rur-^e and tte 6re racd shirrglcs' i'c' not show a landard thal is relarivc to U'B'C' :::::::"H,y#ffiiffikffin cc: Sbarv Comtntction !0! MrrLrr Strce t Src Ftrocirco. CA 9'l I ! Snir. Nsd.b.. tlo' ,6.-llllll.1e r..,rr rrrr' r 3 3t2'"!'carrll lof o@ Rrrottl)cltFa -ct'ar vcv.RerrrrtDcllgt, ;"m F3HHiE!i*il+{fi ,,\, .H,$il;tiig;;*Hg ,. ",,. ['r.,H"EH ilEogi- .,'.,r.,"'.,,! 'fi' s[ ++BG' ',\\Et\ \'. tt.., t'. + \r\\\ z aF Jf(r)z fF =s = V \ N /\ K\t\ I\tt.\S gTsIit-It' T 5. x *x lrluI l[;p:sFtiil .fiFfiH6:iilIilk tLtttFZo\t u.' H+tqF:t..,,U\.5,i-sf;6' t'',s "".. ' *\\tttr\\\\trt\ '\ t"., t\ \'\\.. \ \ '\ '\. '4. '4, \\ \\ \\\.. \ \,\\\. \\ \\\ " \ \ t',, '\ \\r\ \ \t,\ \ t" \"\r\\, \,. \ \\..t, l. Iessi\.t nPanies. it-e&te'. ,.s to h pach end of overlap and to occur belorv joists As an alternate to the Litient furring chinnets, Steel Framing Members* (lrem 8A) may be used ., 6i""i ft .i"g t"lembers* - (Not sho!r'n) Mair runners nom 12 ft long " ;;;A 48;.tk cross tees nom 4 ft long instatled perpendicular to main runners and spaced 16 irr' OC Additional cross tees located b ln' iio^ and on each side of rvallboard cnd ioints Main runners sus- pended br min 12 SWG galv steel han6cr wrres sPaced 46 in uL haneet ttiit"s to be localed adjacent to main runner/cross tee rntersec- tions. BPB AMERICA INC - Types PDWH, PDWS cHlCiGo METALLIC coRP -Types 650,650C, 670' 67T ' rn. Steel Frarnine Members* - (Not showni -- As an alternate to ltems 8 "- and 8A. Main- runners nom 12 ft long, spaced 48 ln -u- bnds ol-m"m runners at walls to rest on wall angle, without attachment' wlth^l// to j7a i". ena clearance. Primary crois tees (l-112 in wide across flange) or cross channelt nom 4 ft long, installed perpendicular lo maln run- ners and spaced 24 in. OC Additional primary cross tees or.cross cMn- nels rcquired at each wallboard end ioint and E in' lrom and on eacn side of wallboard end loint.-* -iiiM5i[ol.tc ivonlo It'tpusrntEs INC -rvpe, DFR-8000' *C. Steel Framing Members* - As an altemate to ltems 4 uA anq dD. ^ il;i" -;;.t:.ross le!'s, cross channels and wall an-gle as listed- below:"*;' 'M;i;li;.;rs - Nom l0 or 12 ft lon& 15/16in or l-1./2-in'- *rJ" i*" t"ii"a 4 ft OC Main runnerisuspended by min 12 SWG ealv sieel hanger r', ires spaced 48 in OC Hanger wires to b€ loc;ted adiacent io main runner/cross tee rnterectrons' b. Cross Tees - Nom 4 ft. long, l-l/2 in' wide face' msta ed Per-- pendicular to the main runnei, spaced 24 in OC .When Batts ind Blankets'(ltem 12) are used, cross tees sPaced 16 |Il u-' Additional cross tees or cross channels used at E in trom each side of butted wallboard end ioints The cmss tees or cross cian- nels may be riveted or screw attached to the wall an8le or chan- nel to ficilitate the ceiling installation .. 'Ei*t'irt.nn.t" - Noiir + ft long, installed Perytendicular.to main runners, spaced 24 in. OC When Batts and blanl€ts' (liem l2) are used, cr6ss channels spaced l6 in OC' a. fr.li lnel;ot Channel - i'ainted or Salv steel angle with I in- l;';; ;iil^;i *ith t in. 1"g., l-9l16 in: d eeP- attached to walls ui"p""."l"ior ."iting with'fasteners 16 in' OC' To.suPPort steel fru'mine membet endl and for screw-attachment of the SyPsum 2OO3 FIRERESISTANCE DIRECIgIIY wallboard. CGC INTERIORS, DIV OF CGC INC -TvPe DGL or RX USC INTERlohs INC -Tvpe DCL qt EX' . . . Gvpsum Board* - 5/8 in thick,4 ft wide; installed wrth lon8 olm€n- si6ri perpendicular to furring channels and side ioints located I tt -trom centei liires of ioists. Watlboard fastened to furrin8 channets wth.l ln , wallboard screb's spaced 12 in. OC, 3/4 and 3 in trom butted srde ano end ioints. respectiielv End ioints attached to double channels and Pro' i*i"'J "U.i* ti,itt S iri. wide'strips of 5/8 in. thick wallboard Wall- board ioints mav be either crposed trr covered with ioint syslem ... i';h;;'s-il i;;;^ft-M"r"u"L. (ltcm 8A, EB or 8c) are usid, wallboard rnstalled with long dimensi(,n PerP('ndicular to cross tees with srde loults ."ni"i"a utons -iin -nnets in,l cnd iornts centered alon6 {mss tT! Fastened to cross t(€s wiih I rrr' long wallboard screws sPaced ll rn L - in the field and 8 in. OC alt'ng |nd toinls. Fastened to main runners wrm i in.ln.* *ifiUo"ta "crc*s.p.,c"d nridway between cross tees Screws along sides and ends of bt'.tlds splccd 3/h to 1/2 in from boaro eoge' inaiointt of itt" tt""ts sh.rll bc staggcred with spacing betwcen ioints on adiaient boards nut lcss lh.rn 4 ft O('', BPB AMERICA lNC -Tvpe FRPC. ceNibler'r cvrsuM coMPANY -Tvpes c, lP-X2, II{-AR' G.P GYPSUM CORP, SUB OF GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORP -Tvpe 5. - - ---inrnntC HonrH AMERtcA'lNc -Tvpes LGFC-C, LGFC- c/A. NATIONAL CYPSUM CO - Types FSW-C, FSW-G' -' em- s Per- rr use,bv it- sn red ,,' 48 nen- I )- )T :d ,tts cd ie n. fit 1Cl r& PABCO GYPSUM, DIV OF iectrtc consr butr.ullc PRoDUcrs INC -Type c- UNITED STATES CYPSUM CO -Tvpes C' lP-)Q, IPC-AR' USG MEXICO S A DE C V -Tvpes C, IP-X2, IPC-AR' Gvpsum Board* - - For use when Biits and Blankets' (ltem-12) and St'eil Framine Members* (ltem 8C) are used - 5/8 in thick,4 tt.wrde; installed witlilonq dimension perpendicular to cross t€es wlth slde ri"ii.""t"*a alo'ng main runireri and end joints centered along cross iees. Fastened to cross tees with I in. long steel wallboard s(rews spaced 8 in. OC in the field and 8 in. OC along end tornts.fasteneo to nlain nurners with I in. long wallboard screws sPaced midway . ^ .- between cross tees. Screws along sides and ends of boards sPaced J/u to 1/2 in from board edge. End ioints of the sheets shal be staggered 9A. LOOK FOR'THETUU'MARK ON.PRODUCT 557 with spacinq betrveen joints on adlacent boards not less than 4-ft OC'"'-' E;NXDiAN -Cipsuru coir{PANY -rvPes c' IP-4'-lqq AR iwiiio's-reies cYpsutl co -TvPe;-c, IP-xz' IPc-AR' u3'c rtlooco s A DE c V -Types e, tl:x2;IPq:4+ .. 10. Screw Wallboard - Case-hardened steel' 1 in' lon&.u'l5u rn qram'" in"Jl*u-ariffins and selFtapping,0 335 in diam.PhilliPs tyPe head' Screw heads may-be either exposed or covered wllh ,ornt cement' 11. ln lieu of ltems 2 throu8h 4''^ "';: c;ihi"; c"ncretelRoof ToPPing Mixture- - (Not Shown) - Foam concentrate mi>.ed with water and l'ortland c€ment Per manu(acturers specifications Cast dry density and 28day com- ;;;;;;;;;fili ;a min 250 psi, detdrmined'in accordanc€ with hsrv c+si66. Min thickness ol cellular concrete topprtg i"l'*""n iop ol a".r and boftom of foamed plastic may be 'iJt*i'tJiii 1". *hen 2 in or more of foimed Plastic.is us€d' Thickness of cellular concrete above fgamed Plashc shax De I ln'-'--' eiesnzu-r coRP oF AMERJCA -iyPe II: Mix. #1 of casi dry densitv 3e (+o1) l-0 qcf Y{ #2:t !T! EI:*- tity loi*o"l alo pti tulii *r 6t cast dry density 47 (tor-) s.0 Pci e. ro"-"i h';;.'- (Not Shown) - Nom 24 by '18 by max 8 in'- Gd potv"w.""e foarn plastic insulation boards having a densrw ili;.iili;, (pc0. Boirds placed on a 1/2 in thick laver of ;f;";;";;;iJnv coat dver the crest of the steel deck Each i*Jution Uo"ta *,af contain six nom 3 in' diam holes orimted ftt**l it*" "i tflt* holes each with the-holes spaced 12- rn,,OC' traruverselv and 16 in. OC, lontitudinally As an alternale' Ine io."tnJ ofiiti. imulation boardi may be omitted Plovided that a -h;;i;;;;.ixture thickness ;f 2-1l2 in is maintained' as ;;t;; ftdti th"e surlace of the roof toPPing mixturc to lhe toP of the steel form unit corrugations il-ir".J f'f "r,i.' (BRYXi category in Building.Materials Direc- u:*. f*."a fi*tl..iCCvW) catigory in Fir€ Resistance Dir€ctorv for list of manufactur€rs C. Wi;-M;h - (Not Shown) - No lg SWG galvanized steel wrre - ;;;iJ i" form 2 in. hexagons ln addition' s-haight-No' 15 SWG eahanized stecl wire woren into mesh and-spaced 3ln apart for liiffness. Uestr installed at mid heiSht of lellular- co-ncrcte rayer "U"i'" tft" foamed plastic, or layer ibovt the deck if foamed plas- tic omitted. lVithout attachment Parallel to suPPorts and over- lapPcd 3 to 6 in. at thc sidt's' o. Eifircated steel Deck - (Uncldssified) - (Not Shown). - Min" ;;; i';;;;. ""m 30 to 36 in wide corrugated units'.min 0'016 in. ti i.f, 1Nd. 28 gauge) galvanized steel Welded to all suPPorts lr'ith 5/16 in. puddle welds, through weldultrv"*.gi'.li1l welds located'at each side lap and not over'l5-ln. L)L^betw€en side laps. Adiacent unrts oveilapped along each side .Side' laps of ;;."iir8 ilaC units welded bi securedtogaher with No' 12 br" l/2 in. long self-drilling, self-FapPing steel sclew-s truo:vay #-;Gid"t sidc lip fasteni'ng n"ot required for 26 Msc or heaYier steel deck. rZ. Satt" aii'Bla"tets' - OPtional - Not Shown - When used ratings are* lin;i"d'i; i Ht - Fnt u* niith steel Framing Members* (specfically il; ot;il -'P.'m Board' (specificallv ltem, eA),- |1I-lT:Il':' mineral rvool tri il.rss fibcr msulation bearing the UL Llasslncanon, Markinx for Surficc Burning Charocteristics, havmt a tlame sPrcao ;;i;;;?;';l;;;;.d a s'ii'ke spread value of .50 or less lnsulation fitted in thc conccaled space, draped over steel iramrng memDers/ svpsum $allboard ceiling mcmbrane 'Be'aiins rhe UL Ciassification Mark Desien No. P502 Restrained nilmUtY Rating - 1 Hr' Unrestrained Assembly Rating - 1 Hr' - - - -- Design loading to be govemed by dellection of U360' I t-v2'T-s'itin.l, lo rt 558 FIRE RESISTANCE BATINGS - ANSUUL 263 ,BXUVI 1. Clav Roofng Tiles - Nom 14by9by3/4itt.clay rooEng tiles, iner_lockins lips. wirh rwo nailins holk. N;* ;&h;i.i.if,;l?i'i-,,j.r,"ato roof with l-tl4 in. long gitv sreet baruea i$.iinl ^i,rJjjiii"iirows staggered +1,/2 in. - - 2. Base.Sheet - Asphalt satuated rag felt, Classified as Roofins Svs-tems. (-rcFu) See Roofins Mareriafi ril Sri;;;ir*i;;&"J;y". of ,tr tb tutr or rwo tayers"of 30 lb fett. eir;iriJ't" -"i'j?r irii il+in. Jo-1g. ga!;teel baibed roofing nails spaced 30 i".-OC b";i;;*- and l8 in. OC across the sheets."Adlaceni ,f,""t, or"rf"Jo"j"a'n.'-3. Roof Deck_ Exlerior grade ptyl^/6oa, :lC ,n.'itr-i.i. ei[.i.il" .r"o,ot steel deck units with2_1/4'ir r,e,a sr""r ".,.*iipi; # il:' l#:?.rJr;i,i:l'lHaTlr;fo6[r,^nlil]'0"field When optionil nailing strips (ttcrn4) or" u*a, pfy_Ji .i,.*r, :ffiif1:"#iffi:T!,,0*i* * nairs spaced ro in. bc "rons siie" . I:jl':lg-S,Sp"; (Optional) - N_om 2 by 3 in. Dougtas fir tumber.>paced .appro-x.48 in. OC, pcrpendicular io stcel aecf Ata.hJ i.' ,ffi"::i!*.ir,1fi i{;{h,'1di-;ilff 1*',"TJ,:1"#:"" {tg. strips are used, boards placed b6hr"",i rna pqpnnai."f".i"'i",r-g' gJY_c+..I1!9_u!ArroN pRoDucrs rNc _permatite. FIBREx TNSULATTONS rNc _FBx-bui"Uouid'"ii"iox Cup_ caF- MATERLALS CORp _GAFTEMp perlite. ,o^HN-s MANVTLLE rNrERNArroiGi ii\d' " :,:l"fiiitst"li9*3Ji?f* ", st""r noor and Form trnits.* 3,47/2, *'t',,11,1*,*':lr';jkrt";lbtril;'J*l*,-lffi 1g1r; 3ti,Tfr1t#fflj'e ;oints button-pun.r'"u ni','ii Jiog?ti;,u36,". H. H_ RO-BERTSON _Types 5, 21. " "..__rylLKER ,sysTFM_s_lNtq _rypcs 3N, H.'*1"idl[:{[,*f #-{}Hffqtr"r#ri#,Tru#'j" ifl'X',"if:'Ii'T'#i:iTililgl'I' two |/8 in a'"* r'3[-.' iiil"i'" rcys oy sreer a*i.,iJfiririf i"";f,S:; :*Xll,i.r,,ji J:;gl^l:t;;'1,:i,ai"both ends of lap wlth do"uble"strand. "t m SwC i5i" ,i*i *r1".,. {rTi}F^i:,'1 i:"#-'"1iT,"1'0.,i', rlii';il^r;,""',lffjf fi,:'J, jll " iit$!i.{F,x.:l#i,y{ii$,f iTlltT;*:trur,t*:i:;.i,xg rrc i:,yfi Jq[1,1fl q't.an:l.;Ulil"t ***[. r*[ f, - secured. to integral steel deck han . rcrieo charnets not to excecd 24 -8er tabs' sP'rcing of l-[2 h cold o f1ry"],i B9gd.- 5/8. in..thick,_atuminum foit backed, anached withfT:111;,9. p:T*.Ldicular lo furring chnnnor". wuiidol.a'i"ri"i"a ii.'ii.ilF:}il:''":eH,,'ff ?:1i.Jiff ';T*r,T"ilg,xT,"""j1n wjde.by 5/8 in. thick, centered iifll:J:td;iil&;i;;lf ,f li[i",,lli.#;:.ln:,1' 31*3""ttYt"St*fl toM PAN Y -ryPe c' 2OO3 .FIRE RESISTANCE;DIRECTORY 9. _ i,i FlnE RESTSTANCE RATTNGS-_ ANSUUr28,{BXUV} GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORp -Type 5. , . :1.: ,. .,:.r.. LAFARCE NORfi AMERTCA'IIVC _types lcrcc rcrc_C/A.LGFCC ICFC- NATIONAL GYPSUM CO -T1pes FSI4r{,.FSWC,I, , t..ii ,PA Raral /'wDcrrM hrrr ^r ':. t,l; . PABCO GYPSUM, DMF : .,:) 1SJTSS9ASJT^q1-L^o.gv-c^ryo9uc1srxc_rypec.,il- '_ !11:ii UNITED STATES GYPS{JM CO -Twe C. , :fi,#;{iilF""* j*j:lyf il.:,1ry!1ii0,,*r*1*treadrserr. the wallboard. HH? tr't.n.'iii.%U"n 1 u-ll,t;*;"* il".-d'' ff;"#;H{iru il5ll'J,**l*o (not deeper than rzor t{ I ilrt" ii" "iil;,ff#;f..f rPound. qeeDer I . 4r<w .uEdus rnay De expo68 Try.k g.y* either flus. h_sp .Bearing the UL Classification Mark Design No. P503 i'e:-? i'ri Reshained Asiemblv Ratinc _ 2 Hr. Unrestrained Ass€mbli Rating-_ 1-Lt2 Hr. 1. Roof Coverin$. - Coruisting of hot mopped or cold applcation matenals comparible with insulari6n(s) descriBdd herein whilf,;il;'L|ass A, b_or L covenngs. See Roofing Materials and Svsteirs . . uueclory-t(oot Lovering Materials(IEVf).lA. In lieu of ltem l, roof c6vering corulsting of single-ply Roofing Mem. lt:fj llj_: l,h:l.baltasted,"adhered or mechinici.rly atrachEd as per_mrneo under the resp€(tive manufacturer's Classificadon. See Fire ^ Kesrsance Lhrectory-Roofing Membranes (CHCI).. .tJH:a!9T:.Tte - Air dry densiry and srrengrh approx 50 pcf and 3 lt],-5.p-S1"9,y. Dry gypsum. mixture suppfed iir'bags coirtainurg- nor more than 5 per cent by weight of rn ood lhavines or ihios.3. Wire Jl,tesh - No. 19 SWC gatrist*t *i." r*i,t"O i?- tiiri-l{"*u"o*wun.z rn. srdes. ln addihon, straight 16 SWG galv steel wire woier,Inro rne mesh and spaced 3 in, apart as stiffenErs, Mi.:sh insta ed with_, our an_actunent and overlapped 6 in. at the sides.{. rorm.uoard -.Gypsuul Board* _ t/2by 32 by 95 in. End ioinS ofroTl 9oal,qs to be supported on 26 MSC steel tels 32 in. loni bv l in.' wrde by.3/4 in. high'itaced perpendicular to ana - U,iirJiri"n".g" *sub-Durlins.' C_ANADIAN GYPSUM COMpANy-Tvpe FB._ _ _ UNTTED STATES GypSUM CO _Tvoe iB.5. )ub-p!rllyI.-. folded sheet metal tees wiili a f,anse width of l_l/zrrt. or l-J,/4 rn. tugh, made of minimum 20 MSG saTvanizrd steel, :l.i:*,13-ll_n * oc p€rpendicutar to ioirt, raiir,'U"tt"a *a o.i'l_rngov9r.lotsts^jtlg-s_laggered in adiacent rows. Tees attached to ioists wimwerqs or zU M5G gatvanircd steel clips. As an altemate, truis tee s,rb-pumns as tabulated below may be used. 10. ScreY.' selfd headr 11. ln lie..; A. 'Bea r Subpurlin'I\De*17-2 " 2-T17-2r /2 2-r'17-2 t-5-17-2 00Gt1+2 6. Sfe,el Ioisls - Trpe l4J5 min size, spaced not more than 4 ft O.C. andweroeo to end supports.Z l:dplp - Confiriuous. sreel bars, 1,/2 in. diam, welded to top angieanq oottom chord ot each ioist. 8. Furring Channeli -_ & 26 MSG galv steel, 2_5/g in. wide bv Z/A in ^.ff1:f:.-"ji4 h;9C,,1arpendic"ular to lorsrs. Two co'uri-,of Gi^Scnannet.posltloned 6 in. O.C., 3 in. from each end ioint of wallboard.rnanne$ secured to-each joist with No. 1g SWG galv steel wle doublesrranq.saodte bes. channels spuced with adioinin? pieces overlaooed.6rn. ano bed together usins double strand oI,No. iB SWG galv sttie.lwire at each end of over.lio. 9. ct;rr-* il;;: "' i)I i{|',ru.f 4 ft wide; insraned witrr ione di;e,,-sron perpendtcular to furring channels with side ioints located"L.ft ftotrlcenter tines of ioisrs. wallboird fastened to f*riff "t il;[;tli 1 ;r.,. .wauDo(u. o s€rews spaced 12 in. O.C., 3/4 and 3 inl,from,butted gile' ano. eno Jonts,.rcspectively. End joints attached to double charureE and . protected above with 3 irl wide strips of .5/g injhick.rtallboarC. &ta& 580 F|RE RESTSTANCE RATTNGS - ANSUU! 263 (BXUV) '1. r 1A. 2. ber ends and for screw_attaclunent of lhe gypsum wallboard _Painted or galvanized ste(*ltr' r *-r8gr'ia ;;ii?1 ""C"" with I in legs or channels of *ili"; ri"rh;;";;r'r"u}.H' uu-ned to walls at Perimeter CGC INTERIORS, DIV OF CGC INC _Type DGL or RX. _USG .INTERTORS INC _Type DCL or RX.,r,:Ip,'^::__Bo:'d. : fqr.ysg witl,s1""i.1," _.1. ila"ibers* ( | rem 12) _ *:?i{_ii,ti,i"fi ,:",11(:.Tgg"l1:1t;:kpg#:h,- ,ornts,centercd along main runheri and end ;oints cenieij';id;* ff; ,li:i*ffi"tiil:i$ ;"r':'d:'::: with i-1l4 'In il;ivii '8 iisr" oC,rn the nerd "r,[; ;;.ia. i#ijrlil%?:ii1""llJ""ilJ:#"11"tsna! b€ staggered not less than ,.'*' r".' tri6ugh -i,,,,o j;y"lil-"[ \]ls''if l*f I"i#:,STj# ij]:, :t-Tj rjr9yr, rp"SS.8 in. OC at butted end loinis ind,rz i". tt-i" u,"llio.^?l*$ "la irints ro be centered.along cross t"", _a U" if."i"TT or .+ tn. trom end ioints of irur", tuy"rl no_, oi*r"i, oriiliil9: 9r pgq{ end joinrs of each layer inarr ue rocaiJi'ii i" ffii".yT "g tr.Tq Bufted side ioints ol "ut". tuy". io u" oiiJt "" "rii ir raii:fiil o"n* side ioints of inner tayer. Join.ts reatea "i-ieriiea"in SIIAPTAN GypsuM coMpANy _Type C.UNITED STATES GypSUM CO _rvpe,6. - USG.MD0CO S n oe C v _ryp. t.'' - 'tJ€anng the UL Classification Mark Design No. p5l9 ,Hx.?*#.{L*r',r-i:Tg*:'it l. Roof Covering'- Consisting of.hot mopped or cold application mate_nars compatible with insutatidn(s) o"*ri6"a ["*r" *r"i,riiil.Jiil,'Ltass A, I or C coverinss. See Roofing Materials and Systems Direcotry _ Roof Covering Materials '"fifi[^,;il'r_ti';Tlf; ::itilgi:ff :lil",#:TgH[,J.[:fi f ., allached as permited under tt.,"l^"",;,) lJ'- i :;::'j:ll',Y"L;;il:$"f;l'i:L.H::,Jil:.:,",'Ir1'ffi ffi t",f :H::;"f o",. 2. Mineral and,Fiber Boards. _ 24 by 4g_in. min size, max size 4g by 96m -to_be applied in one. or more rayers. boarrls to be installed DerpcrFlllutar jo syps.rll wallboard direciion.with " a piiG ,iigii#,{ii ," i::l'iiil?-"'#,nfJo16'n:":l,y:tt'anonctJy"'..iii"By.i.-,,?" ;;5i1.,.$"fi *,:ilil",i:..ill;.1.,T:Iii'."i,ff lHllilll.ll,,"'" ill"ffiJrr:ffrfiffi H*JIJ:I T b""dcd ro FvPsum wa U board or nm,lja",r:*,:r[.*:",fi *tr".'r'r:"J*fi :i5#[ru:rf i"Haoortlonal la).,ers of insulation witl o.q ) .adhesi've -ma; ;;" #; il# r,i,li",;"lIji:T ?#l8f ;r.r"J:Jl,:irogether by mecharical fasteners. BMCA TNSULATTON PRODUCTS INC _Rigid minerat fiber GAF MATERIALS CORP -owENs coRNrNG "r-rn,{'Bi iljlt'a| fiber boards |.Tll.s. -c9.Il!rl!c _Risid gtiss fifir boardsrAru rK tNsulATloNs'ittd_puroie"Ji"ra and paroc Cap_ gv.$l{.v1eq pof ysty'*" rr"^"J ii:?i:l l*:" _IF;:.EIr,p"r.t:*:Plastic*.- . As an-alternate to ltem 2, 24.Roof Insulation - :if ."i-r*sqi!i{iyq'tr"^i:ffi itff [':'f#liSilHii;,;'i.;;'h;riffii:H[::iJ"T#Hr,;'f;1ff i"ff^fl .".lii*.'thick Mineral an^dlF:_F:*.otemzlanac5"i,"al,,ii,'iuir,""iii""ti,lft -i,l.n""rLovenng (ttem 1) or single-ply Roofing Mernbrane (It*; I'Ai. Tli" F|BE RESTSTANCE RATTNGS - ANSI/UL 263 (BXUV) 1 in. thick Mineral and Fiber_boards to be installed over the gyp_sum rr,allboard fltem 4). See.Foamed ptusti.. tOnVXi ."Lio.y ,othe Building Materials Drectory or Foamed plurtt.;'(CtViit ."t- ^_ $ory in the Fire Resistance.Directory fo, list of .rnliit .er".28. Foamed plastic* _ As an alternate io frc^ Z o, Za, poty.,!o.yu- Tl1""j:ilfl_pL::tic insurarion board., n". +e uy'l.e o,.'6i _., iii:'iiiu:iil:tr#il:'ilii"J.',d:"Ji,T,ii'"'H_:11:T,i.ittuckness. Boards to be installed r,lirt "ra;o,nt"'ii.gg";J ; *^of 6 in. in adjacent rows. When apptied ^ ^"i" iir"Tr""-fir",each laver to be offser i, oottr aulitionsli;i;fi;""d;;; of 6 in.'in order to Iao ali rornrs- APACHE PRODUCiS CO CORPOMTE -pvrox.ATLAS RoOFING C0RP -ACFoam II, ACfoam IIIBpB AMERICA INC _TvDe L. O_ - --'---: -*" "' cARLISLE syNTEc tNi,,Dtv oF CARLTSLE CORp _Types Hp, Hp-H, Hp_N. Hp_WRRESTONE BtnrDrN.c rncipucrsCo.-brv or 'l;?3,?TfiUgl$-?r91!B'*%r;rni::lx;,- cAF MATERIALS CORp _lsotherm R ' --- *- HUNTER pANELS L L C_H Shieldr?KilAll1gi:L,,Tenruariorel rNc _ENRGv 2, LOADMASTER SySfi MS INC _Loadmaster polyisocya- nurate lruulation RIvtAX INC _Multi_Max FA, MultiMax FA_3.sTtvENs RooFlNG svsrbMs, biv'bi' "' .. - lps ELASTOMERTCS COnp _ SrevenJiO ZOOOr :l:'"tjlg y"l".lat. _ (optional) _ v.yt fiil ;;;u'ailii "ppri"a. _,,^,fil8iiff flftifoK"ilhtfr#gmrr""t ouea"p[i.i.in. e. uypsum uoard - (Classified or unclassified) _ Supplied in sheetsnom 2 by 4 ft to.l bv 12 ft bv no fi tliJlj+;! ;:,ti i i',i.ii,"Tr'.i,li"d,,,.li.fi yili.::f,L,,,r.,r"lll, l?:#:HT /,"il:# occ!' o'er (resrs of steel r6of deck'iit *a' ;o'"r . See Gypsum Board (CKNX) cate8ory for name,s of manufacturcn.5. Sleel Floor and Form Units. _ m in o 03s in. ih i i [ ?ro i"i's"r,, i?",'":T$' [fli::o #_TltR,f o $ij|.5n^";1"9 or "etdj attiching unirs to stipiorts sh"ti fi.i'"_.*a rzrn. L -. Adlacent units welded or secured togdthcr with w.. ijUu'iZZin. self{rilling, self-rappin,: steel *r"*", fOin.',5t'ii;;;;;.fir"rl:VULCRAFT, DIV OF NU_CO_R CORp -Types 1.5A, 1.58. t.5BI, l.5FwHEELtNG-prrrs'Buncu sreeL ioiip, iirv orW.HEELING CoRRUGATING co _ iv# a, Bw] F, H*h . Skensrh B, High Strensth, aw, ru. u"iiirn]i, U" "iiiJ?il6. Adhesive - Optional-_ May be appii"J u_#*,i-dr*L?li*j r*rdeck and gypsum wallboard in | /2 rn. r^/ide ribbons, 6 in. OC at 0.d gal fe.. try tC ft. Mayalso be applied in t/2 .. *iao iit Uon o";.tt:u,u.4 gat per 100 sq ft.between gypsL,m wallboard i"J,Jp"iu"rr[i,"',,aDetween vapor barrier and miridrat and fiber boards, or.directlv , *Y.*1 gypru* boards and roof insularion rn,h; i;;;;;i{, "l#,Tf;t"t ",* be apptied at th" ,u-e iire l"i*.*[i"y"*'"i ilr - ,. . BYC4_TNSULATTON PRODUCTS rNc/. F,recnanlcal fasteners _ (Not Stown) _ Any stecl nail or steel chp t5i", j"ItiliFi-"ff f .f ti:*l'*:r.mi,'**i;ff :*ffi fl^, _ . i :i' 1"#i:?.tif,tl';#L'::l'"T,H1 ^+t" u tiu.t?a ?'i;n; tilh: /l1. nol Asphalt or Coal Tar pitch _ (Not Shown) _ May be used as an :fJij,;r,?r"S,T,ffi ret.'reen lal,eis of roor inJurotion,aii ili"-*i,o j lf:l-l_"1t";. rtpe rOKi,-mtn srze, sprced a max 48 h. OC.8. Steel Joists- Type tCiKi, min size, sprced a max 4g h. OC.e. Bridging - Steel bars, l/2 in. diam ,;r"fJ"a1o l"p ""i'bitio. cto.asot each ioist.0. Furring Channels - No.26MSG ealv steel 2_5/A in wi.loh,.7/a:_r urrrn6 Lnannels _ No. 26 vsc Aalv stecl 2-5,/g in. wide by 7/g in.d€ep; spaced 24 in- OC. perpendicdiar ro joists. frvo.u*Llf fui"nnchannel positioned.6 in.'OC;3 in. from each "na oi*uffU"irj. Cir"'jonlrs lcug. to each joisr rvith No. 18 swds;l;rili;;;lJ"ulrii''shand saddle ties. Channels spliced below jj'ists with adl:oiruni oi"."":,"j:lfd .5 in. Charureis tied togerher widh a6rui" itr"i",ji,rl iii""., SWG gdlv_steel *ite"t eu.rr eni-3i;i:;ri;;.'""""'' Jrldrru r\o ro rr. bypsum boardr - 5/8 in. thick, 4 It wid;, installed with long dimen-sion perpendicular to frirring channels with side ;oists iocai;i ?i'f,r_ :_"lll:i lh:. of ioists. wailboiid fasrened to fr".;;h;;;il;iih.i,*. 11u99u10 rrews spaced 12 in OC,3/4 and a -."rr.j- Uri[J,'ii" _aeno ,onts, respectivelv, End ioints attached to doubt;;;L;;; pro-tec-ted abov€ *irh.3 iri..wide'strips. of 5/d L. u'lii;il;;;;:#:f-board ioints may be "i*,". "i["iiii"J""n.ilji,'ririlfi!1,";fi. l" * LIOK FOR.IHE UL,TIIARK PN.RRODUCT iBxuv) Lled over the gyp- 'RYX) categori'in stic- (CCfrdf cat- manufacturers. ' 2A, polysocva- I by +S or Oe in., csum wallboard n max overall staggered a min than one layet yer below a min .CFoam III N,HP.W l. Dry OF ' 95+FK", "ISO ISO 300". \IC _FNRGY 2, rster Polyisocya- \-3. f 2000 rarier, applied ,rerlapped'2 in. Iied in sheets ;eight 2.0 pcf. tdhesive o-r laid k with end ioinb rufacturers. rr corrugated, r galv steel I not exce€d 12 BPB AMERICA INC -Tvpe FRPC, ProRoc Trpe C. CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPAr.IY -Type C. G-P GYPSUM CORB SUB OF GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORP -Types 5, C. LA-FARGE NORTH AMERICA-INC - Tvoes LGFC{, LGFC- c/A. NAIIONAL GYPSUM CO - Types FSW-C, FSW4. PABCO GYPSUM, DIV OF PACIFIC COAST BUILDING PRODUCTS INC -Twe C. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO -Tvpe C. USG MEXICO S A DE C V -Twe e. 12. Screw. Wallboard - Case hardened sieel, 1 in lonp 0.150 diam shank, selfdrillins and self-tappine 0.335 in. diam Phillips-tvpe head. Screw heads mav-be either ex'p'ogfr or covered with ioint c6rirent 'Bearins the-tll Classification Mark Design No. P520 Restrained Aseemblv Rating - 2 Hr Unrcstrained Assembly ltati;g - 2 Hr No. 12 bv 1/2 rg side .joints. )F ,, E HiSh Ptd/Pid. s of steel roof n. OC at 0.4 gal rs 6 in. OC, at )or barier, and direoly .r Darner ls ayers of roof or steel clip ttach one or sum board). As {tly to the re used as an a rate not to oc. 'ottun chords le by 7/8 in. ses of furring rxrd. Chan-- e double )ining pieces rd No. i8 r long dimen- ated 1 ft from rls with 1 in. ttted side and mels and pro- 'ard. Wall-- i'stem. As an 1. Roof Coverine* - Consistins of hot moDped or cold application mate- rials compatibTe with insulatiSn(s) descriEe'd herein whiifr provide Class A, B or C coverings. See Roofing Materials and Systems Directory-Roof Coverini Materials (TEVT). lA. ln Lieu bf ttem I - Rool Coverins consistins of sinele-plv roofing membrane that is eltirer uattasred. a"d-herJ;;';;h;ilfn'"tt".t "3 ut Dermitted under the rcsoectivc manufacturer's Classification. See Fire ilesrslance Drcctory - Rbofing Membranes (CHCI). 2. Cellular Concrele - Roofing Topping Mixture* - Foam concentrate mixed with water and Portland cement per manufacturer's sPeclhca- tions. Cast dry density and 28-day comiressive strength of min 190 Psi as determinerl in accordance witti ASTM C495-66. Mii thickness of c-el- Iular concrete toppine between top of deck and bottom of foamed plas- tic mav be reduied tii t/a in. whin 2 in. or more of foamed plastii is uscd. ' CELLULAR CONCRETE L L C--{ast dry density of 37 (+ or -) 3.0 pcf. ELASTIZELL CORP OF AMERICA -Type ll; Mix #1 of cast dry dcnsity 39 (+ or -) 3.0 pci Mix #2 of ca'si dry dersity 40 (+ or ) 3.0 pcf, and lvlix #3 of cast dry density 47 (+ or -) 3.0 pcf. 3. Foamed Pl;stic* - Nom 24 bv 48 bti max 8'in. thick polystyiene foamed olastic insulation boards havine a densitv of l'.1 lb der cubic [t (pcO rnai. Each insulation board shall iontain sii nom 3 in.'diam holes ririented in two rows of three holes each with the holes spaced 12 in. OC, transversely and l6 in. OC, longitudinally. As an altdrnate, the foamed Dlastic insulation boards ma-y be omiited provided that a mrn roof topiing mixture thickness of.2-3/4:n.. is maiirtained, as measured from the.suiface of the roof topping mixture to the top of the steel rcrm urur cornrganons. See Foamed Pl;tic* (BRYX) category in Building Materials Drectory or Foaned Plastic+ (CCVW) categori ii Fire Resistince Directory for liJt of manufacturers.. 4. Wire Mesh- No..19 SWG salv steel wire twisted to lonn 2 in. hexa-. gons. In addition, straight N6. 16 SWG galv wire woven into rnesh and altemate, nom 3/32 in. thick gypsum vmeer plaster may be aPPIi€d to the entire surface of Classified veneer baseboard. Joints rcinJorced. 2OO3 FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY FIFE BESISTANCE RANNGS . ANSUUL 263 (BXUU spaced 3 in. apart for stiffness. Mesh installed without attachment r plndicular to lupports and overlapped 6 in. at the sides. As an alti' nate,4 x 8-12114 SWG or 2x 2-74/'14 SW G welded wire fabric mav used. 5 Steel Roof Deck- (Unclassfied) - Noncomposite desigl,15/"16, l-5 / 16 n. deep galv units. Corrugated steel form units, nom 34 in. wide No. 26 lvlSG min thickness. Welded to supports 15 in. OC. Ad cent units overlaPPed one cormgation. 6. Steel Joish - Type 14K1, min size, spaced not more than 5 ft, 6 in OC and welded to end supports. 7. Bridsins- In accordanc,i with SJI specifications. Min conlinuousl{/I ini angles, 1/8 in. thick welded to top and bottom chords of t ioist at midspan. 8. Cold-Rolled Channels - 2 in. deep, No. 16 MSG cold-rolled steel, spaced at 32 in. OC and attached tdeach ioist with No. 14 SWG gal sieel wire. 9. Furrins Channel - No. 25lvlSG galv steel,2-318 in. wide by 7/8 r deep, ipaced 16 in. OC, and 2 in. on each side of end ioints cif inne. laver. Secured to each cold-rolled channel with a double strand of I ld SWC galv wire. Adioining lengths of channels lapred 12 in. and tosether ivith two dou'ble sh-and -wire ties, one at eath end of overl. 10. Gipsun Eoard'- Two layers nom 1/2 in. thick bv rE in. wide, iniialled with lons dim€nsibn DerDendicular to furrine channels. In laver positioned with end ioin6 siidway betw€en furine channels. Sd-^ur;d to furrhs dunneG with I h. long Tvpe $12 scftws spacet in. OC, and locatid 5/8 in. from side iointi ahh z in. from endioinr Outer laver pocitioned with end iohts between furrinq channels. Er ioints and side ioints offset ioints 16 to 32 in. from end and side loir of inner layer. Outer layer secured to furring channels with i-5/8 ir lone TyDe 912 screws 3paced 12 in. OC. Ena ioints of outer layer atta"ch6d to inner layer irith 1-112 in. long Tyire G buele-head steel screws soaced 8 in'OC and 3/4 in. from ind bf boards. UNIftO SmfES GYPSUM CO -Tvpes C 'Bearing tlre UL Classification Mark Design No. P521 Reslrained Assenbly Rating - 1. 1-U2 and 2 Hr. (See lt€ms 3A, 5, 58andB) Unreshained Assembly Rating - 1, 1-U2 and 2 Hr. (See ltems 34, 5A. 5B and 8 ) l. Structural Steel Members'- Pre-hbricated light gauge steel tru-. svstem consistinq of cold-formed, galvanized steel ihor? and web ti'ons. Trusses Iabricated in various sizes. depths, and from va-rious El.ro )otN-( Qer a=t LOOK.FORTHE UI..TIARK ON PRODUCT 01-02-20m _ hrpocilon RqH8$l[cBorr0tu Pascc R.quccEd Inspecil Drb: fY_cdneEfiy, Jull U2, NM' lmocdlqrAn : CD SIbATIdnC.: 352 E IUEADOTT DRVAL, 352 E TEADOIT DR, VALATHLEIIC CLI'B &D$eElges Rcouebd lnroeoilodsl {IOZO{B h0cbr: c(|Yb Corrr|€ fi: cori€cfm8 mr(h SubT)t : AC'Otl' ut3: Pftom: 97t}47&l$7 PhotF: 9l$384-51flt Fhon : 9t&38,1-51ru room fiorn 4Or b uppcr l.\r.l floor - DFLORES Acdon: PAPARTIII APPFO\IAL &ltEcH Comnrer{r: tf#fiffirrdnn'tEhdr*rejilctr5|hdutbdrriloordlmp€t3 /fA{-*,6Ut - Shdle *b8 ulth cordl| qldtonrt nnllr[on drct wo.ft mld b. t prgfily coilg'||cbd f-ildrdt--r|ttlnof.lbo.-|t!.r b fxuLrd dlbo. fllffiotl0d11,m X[D.cbr: eD Ar{on: APflaPPgY69 Co|wnd{i: OiF l{clt,n SHAFTAT STARS COIIPLETE oN( TOCLOSE il.AtgtB hlo.ctoc CDAI/!8 Ac[on: A)CRAPPROVEO/CORRECTKTI.IRE@ Coltlme|il3: DIrcT ROt,GH N BASETEilT A}ID LOWER IECI.uI{CAL AREA SEAL ALL SEAMS rcN DUCTYUORK l3mr 310 llEC+l-lledmlem: 3't5 PlfrE€cffinoIrm: 320 liEcFl€rturf, ]loo.h ilsm: !80 bm: 3{}hm: 3S tHl(y{x, It!o*br: cdrrb 460ot|: PAPAITIILApFROV^L Comflro|{r: B*rrr t|r|a hrb,llc0on h naw Dartrrortr ul{t tpDrq,ad ilutr !il[ ffifl fi]bbrt rb cimplo rtlft ti3rbfy*8*l[SP1flL*': GCD ^CtbN: PAPARTULAPPROVA COMIIENb: SIJFPLY DIJCT FOR RESTAT'RANT BETWEEN GRD IINES 1t&12 O}I LhIES AE, & F5 lEcr+mbc. lECH.Flt||lodlgtp lmp*br: CDAVltl Acllon: DN DEi.lED Cofi$n ilr: FEID BAI.AI.JCE REFORT RECn IRED ON Fr,OD VEhlTl|'ATtOtl FltlAL BALtl{CE REPC RT REOT'RED WIT}OhI THREE YYEEKS Dt,CT II'RIP FOR. I.HR EiICTOSI.|RE FOR GREASE DI'GT Tfr'ST EE COT|FLETED AIO SS}PECTED IIC'OD SYSTEII g}IALL 1{OT BE t,sED I'I.TIL REhISPECTIOI,T OCCIJRS KTTC}CN Coc|fiIF ts NoTAtLoYl,ED Drovlde lhd b*roc lcDlof $$h tF nsrt f O wodrhg (hr!iilFlo ioor p.rrtltn Dcbh[|g tlrl. n.tyffir.-dlElmd.l th€.l.|ldond drthoclon t|ld.rfi corErfr'ild rt allrirtop h trd s|!il|.i EgtEDInspAril CD %o7-DZo3lbfi: 3:m ilEcH€IhilttHoo{b FLq|.rfrTlmc: 0E:00Ail ltR.$"ff Pa.d-SlEUQcn|tu.ilon Phon: 477411 J Colritn nb: olrrrdrd i\ /N/34 AstonntTo: eD VIS ,ll-ll Enbmdry ToLDEN( t I--' i{d;nl --"' - n, rrx Eb: L"'-'nrmconffiffiimniilFffi*o_@erorno . A -jranflffifftobbnhrtbcimpLb$dlGiahtty t -At /frffifrffiiifrffii.fi8'#il#ififi:Sffiii J._Ar f.I n p ,h a._- WJ/U,u[/3 Y\ {.^"4/rf' /U'1{'Zr/v'L /' tfisoe*nFrrbry U /)_l)^,^t )oi Y ' (l A /) .l'L*&'txfbs v /l-ri Jlr' il'u-- )p&m'y ,.6) fbnr: 20 ltECl*Roudr "Apmlsd" ''En*' ' I -06mffih.p.dr:. cdryli' .-.Ac0oo: P P FI TAPPROVA I / /lt,---. .--- REPT131 R:n Id: Lt62 I fs-693003 tn'eif,flnJtT'+ffi1i?rnns PascT R.qoeeEd ln3pecn D.b: Erldtt, Junc 20, axxl- lnao.c0fiArE : CDSfcAddncr: !52 E ilEADOWDR VAIL :IdT E flEADOTY DR.VAILAT}g.ETIC CLT'B ArRlDlnlbm.0on A.rnfir: 92{}268 Corsf flrE: Onier: VAIL ATt! TlT.: A.COI M Occ|D{rify CLUB& SPA ACOI|| $!t!i BSTEDlll-hr h|9Arr: CD 97S47&t987 97t>242.9136ApDilflIt SHAWCffit&r: SHAWOrffbilon: REIIC,OEL TFE EXIgTII.|C} VAT. ALT}fl-ETC CLUB ADN SPABLDCl$tcc: l.lrvr Blcfi D.hls oo lE bd Cfiula* ld souill of VTRC end tlofi of \nil. h.ru gdcd. ].1*l b !.tuOfnmb*ra Flrol SDrov|l b ohin tlom tro PuDfr woft3 D.Dofffir[. - Ls r€otA|- Comncrrt Ra'Frd dnffic r.c.lvaal and rolfu b Gcorqe md Chrrlc - CDA\rlSGomtnc|lt Flsvltad (fitssrc L0dwo ano rouro !o Gcorqe mc GIrrrIG - clnv*t Coornent lhe oomlt ed E hcomct and mud be am.nfr b accunf;efv rhotr tfic tmunmmb b Da cottDhbd unfir lhb D€mtr3 scoD. of wort. I lr|r co{rr.|umlc|bd on bcu.! 6 ||rE connrcftr. - DFLORES *lH: Piffi: Phooe:corpAtfr COIPAIfY ||tF trrtfta - iri,|rt {t wl,tf,. r t:llt Er,trtl|tt||glEt utl st&t u, urt l.|,r|r|at'E , _ rrrLrirrfEitCormot ohn nvlew dbcinfnuod. fffic hiloflrtdoo rnrhsd. Arch. ndcd v|t Gtret 8/29jtm - OFTORES CO||ilI''NT ROIJTED TO C}I,ARLE,FUIiI!fl{G. PI'BLC T'UORKS A'D FRE FCN RA'EW,'APPRCR/TLS . DFlORES Conm.nt REVISIOf*I TC) Sm ORAWSKIS ROUTED TCI PUBtlc WORI(S, Pltlfllslc ANO CI{ARLC FORcDAvts , ;T ?r>rEJ tvt'^tt- nq /'1 Rcou.ftd lnso.cuon(fl [-U It ||t:R.qudr: Corrirrrdts Aadgned To:- /|flon: nJ|rCoflmailJ: ^ R€qu8lbdTlme: (E:illAil P fuW) Phone: s?D2/trI'$lt' - Ert r€d By: DFLORES K AtL COTSTRI.E'NOT.I ACTMTY MUST CEASE AAD TLL FROiIRESTT,RANT }trG}IANEAL SYSTEII T.IOt.|SE OFKTTCHENC Oln4fxJ B|scchr: oovbnrm rtB: 3dHtomodd!Comm.ntB: 3d klvdfoft3|d H tom grLl ${3rd(€ ont ftor,{d. rp.d.I ftl|e.cton npoftOl/flXB hcpscbc- cda,b- Cornm.dt3: 3rd Lsl lrld lnc G. x $13tllflX}(F hreedsl @D lmr: 60 BLDOfEU|hdon *ApnroruO" O1/gl'tB Irrp6cb: cfiirfr REITO'ED OF}ECtllilCAL PIPARTUL I'.IS,PECTIOil rfl ualdr rr|d connaatro{E oo thr algrails Fl PARTUL hlSFECTlOtl Acilon: PI PARTIAL T\EFECTIOT.I , Aadon: eq$ffi SYTEII f Tlmc: 08:00 At Phff|e: gtS242-9:F Eriler€d* I)FLORES K r"S,il&lmtmobcrxr. srNd {d drxtpeftur trmp cortructon !|!g[0 ilE ttd il'rg. lmoacdo.r HlabfY 10 BLttGFo.lhsJh 20 ELrB'FourflontSrd -^l'Ap?rottd"Une(xt lEsrcbf: GCD " Ar{m: APAPPROTTED rhr€rils: 4ilr-FtOOR I.nER|oR AfD EXTERIOR D€Cf SU88.Comrl€tils: 4ilr-FtOOR lbm: bm: Lm: A.ilon: APAPPROVED Comn rdr: 4fi'FLooR CEfl-hlO FRAllhlG AiD lN RLL FRA,ISI|G. B[-DG'F1aililtg "ADDrottd* 111141@,-lrnoecbr: GCD' A.[on: PAP RIULAtPROI/AL COMOI.|I3: hF[i FRAS{G AT STEEL BEAM REPT131 Run Id: 1108 llem: 592 PtV-TEtrlP.(ltolhn: 533 PUUVTTEMP. CVO ogtg(}3 Corn|fnr{s: PLAT$FbIAL CYO FIFE.FIFIAL C/O PW.FIMLCIO BtDGRndC/o Inrpec'tlon Requant GCD - AdON: PAPARTIALAPFROVAL GRID LINES 9 TO 13 AhIDC TO E. Actbn: APAPPR(XED Acfronr APAPFROVED 0&2G2003 Pago E Item: 60 BLDGSMoc*tlcll *nooom<l* ,1l16l0t2 hspecfr: cdnb' ' Ac{ofl: Pl PARTHL INSPECTON Cornments: Lorrr lcyd d lhe Rorl. €rcefutr rtll 02/04/03 lnsecclof: GCD Arilon: PA PARTIqL APPROI/AL Commenb: 2 U{YERS Or,l CEILI}.iG Al.lD I Oil WALLS GRF LFTES I TO 13 AtlD G TO K. (}a0303 Coilun€nts: 091offt Comrmnts: 90 BLDfi-Fkld "17tzzttn C,dnmenb:6{n BLDGT.mp. 06ittv(xl Commenls: OzIf}4B lspeclor: GCD Comrn€nts: AL{- NSl.Jl-ATK,|\l. 02i1OrB tn8p€doc JRM Cdtrmsr 3: SI-EET ROCK APFRO/ED Acfion: APAPPROVED sbotts r€afurant apD|otrtdapPfotrd lor 0oor pon Ird r|€w eilerbr'livall or(hEhri ls Fr apFoved !ftuc. dt8tflfrtg3 o.l(.1,0 concritaCDAI/IS tufon: f,P61cP69Y6P STEET FRE FROOFIh|G TIANY LOCATIO}IS W4THH RESTruMNT 2 LAYERS ryA X I,SED cd6rl$Aclbn: APAPPROT/ED of iruc sd spFrovqd 9D{vtF PLANNbIG FSUES MIJST BE COT'PLT ALL CONSTRI CTlo|.I ACTMIY UUST REMO\iED FROI'I RESTI RAIIIT MEC}IAMCAT SYSTEM.FOR TYPE I G'MEC}IAMCAT SYSTEM.FOR TYPE I GREASE DT.|CTMSUT BE COTIPLETED tlO USE OF I(ITCIEN COOI(II.IG EOt FIIENT ALLoiflEO uNTil- RES,ISP€CTKTN OF ilEC}{ANNAL SYTEM lnsDe$a: ro mrirt ch.nBn n€cdio rer ove Bond ri rrea and rrno. Acdon: $LY\f"rAcf,o.ri liem: 5ii7 Item: 538t m: 539 n m: 540 REPT131 Run Id: 1108 --T-l-E- I --Tt tI. E AJPTII Inlbrmrtlon mlm€5 Lm: 3HIt IECF} iJtl: 3flt MECtlRrd Odt9,OS Comrnents: Ac&ttr: ConCT$)a: ot{nicr: Appilcant: Crhbacb: D..c|tstbn:Comi|tt SubTlp.: ACOil LN:Phoffi 97tH7&1987Ptffi: 0t$3€+51il,Ptroc 91$38+5t7lt Sth|: l&stEDh|pA($: CD Rcqmrbdlnsoccdodcl -, l,l' tbm: 3go trEcH#tnd I kfReoud{or tt G{Js-T}lO EC|}|A|ICA CONTRTC'IOCmimcnh an{l4ll trc ,/'ABlgn d-To: CDAl/Xl ./ REOIJNED WINil TtItEE WEEKS NJCT TYRAP FOR I+IR Ei.ICLO€IJRE FOR GREASE T}I.|CT Ti,'87 8E COIFT.€TED ATO IT{SPECIEO I'IOOO SYSTEII S}TALL }r}T BE I'SED LNTT. REh}SPECTTON OCCI'RS KITC}EN COOI(NO ls NOT ir Ar 'i t ,r rl (nrm/ds honrcb: €CD Adon: PAPARTTAIAPPROVA Cdmn r{r: S|-PPLY OUCT FOR REgTAfi NT €€TwEEN GRD LlEg l1&t2 Oi.l ISES A,E, & F.5 Ir.q||llElr. lrfFLI LI1l ! rull laED | /UJTltEra I E- | IIEEi \rlIL LFaga' I lA rg lrrfl L$aEg ,irt' g r.C .ilhr: 3{t ECI+lhc.b-. 4Lh rE Lr Er-r lnrD.dbr: cDAvtg ^.uon: E t{ DEIGD FELD BAr-Ar.lCE FEPORT REOI|RED Otl IFOD I/ENIIITIONII FIIIAL BAltl,lCE REFORT REAUTEO W|T}S,T IIIREE WEEKS ELrCT UnAP FOR I-HR EtICLOCttE FOR OREASE Dl,rCT ltrsT BE CONTLETEDAID ITfSPECTED l-tooo SYSTEM sfutl. MtT BE txsED t,t,fTl. REnEFEcTtoit occt RS xITcl€N coor$F |sNOTAITOIED Re$t€cm hepccil}rE f{ry, June20,2lXXl Insgec$onArr|: CO - Slb ftl(tno.r: 352 E IEAIXilY DR VA|L 3I'I E TEADCM DR. VALATHLE]IC CLUB sllEcH CONTRrcTORS CONTRACIORS *,cHlfii cDAl,Fi ,/ Enbrdan oFLoREs x ^ kfbnrcornm.il.: "*THEEifiiommovENTnllclluFrtAl- o*^,{cErcpoo )(- - ALL(XWD'-' LYT qrP,q-P (ctutttr-f16 i.'^ - - /.- FCoxa Ptruzfl(ffituJ l'A€CHtkl6 ucr- / e'( Cot/t4-{Z?T-{ - t---/tt_,.-t}6 f_cycffiPf{ (cuc0f1€ : tnocoilon Hfsbrv ft L To otE I rc *t;"-l (t tv r *Ya " {p -tfu6a7- ifrfln:2dllEClf-RoqEh-'- "AFD.oi,Ett- i.-tiil t Itldoglxf htD.chr: cdnfi- Ftfi' PAPfl(n/IAP{PRoNN:i Ui.w\-" iCoffinirt3: (hrcl $Aply and nermr hr fiifiB"nchen kElud.r (irl tloor (hnp.t3 /;'. -€omdLxi , ,/ strat nl*n nf||ctr c{flbel3 adiloml yeftth[oil dudwrt mult b. r n$du oilflrud.d t.|rf : rhdt anambly or r toor 6rtE.r b rcqdfil d thor Dmdofl n ! --'-(F/11,1xt lEp.cbr: @D Adon: APIPPROTED i r Cool|ronlr: O,nElf,L|RSl-l FTATSTAnSCOT|PLEIEOl(TOCI-OSEf.l.'\,' 06/1S/00 hcpoftrn CDAVts A.tron: APCRAPPRSTEUCORFECIKITIRE@Comdrnb: DLICT ROUGH lN EASEI|ENT AID to|n ER t{ECrnmCAL rnel :- Seru- ru.l SenrsFon DUdTwoRKfir||: 310 tGctl-tl.|lhg itbm: 315 PtF€|3PElutilr: 320 fECl+Ednfu$loorhOSIOB h.D.oh.: c.kyh Artlon: PAPAR'MLAPPRO{T.A Conumnt: Grd.s_rftrct_[gh0ar fir new p.nt|o€c rqil lpptBr,Edtrintrm-dtifniro&uiiibi$triila6i6.irutlistt- i ''' .j 'i a.tlllIJI Il.I t{ {tl MEMO DATE: TO: FROM: April 18,2001 Gary Goodell, Town of Vail Steve Pavlisin, C-West Code Consultants RE : VailMountain Lodge Phases lll-V - Expansion & Renovation CWJobNo.201084 Gary, It's been a long time since you and I crossed paths in the course of our "careers"; back in the early days of the CCEI. Since I am now doing the principal reviews on the Mountain Lodge project; it gives me another good chance to renew our acquaintance. Ron Drey mentioned that we were to have received a memo or letter from the architect which would explain some of the history on this project. We haven't received the letter; so we are approaching it with no prior knowledge. They have listed High Country Engineering (Glenn Hoynoski) as providing a code analysis back in March of 2000; which we also haven't seen. There are some major issues needing resolution in the plans submitted; I thought we need to inform you up front. Basically they are not 100% complete with the drawings; but the issues are critical and will likely require follow-up, responses and revisions. There seem to be existing non-conformities involving Type of Construction and allowable height which may have already have been addressed in the project history. We will define and include them in our report so that you can properly evaluate their responses. They are using Type ll - 1 HR construction; but the lowest 2 levels are borderline "basements";which we think should be "Stories". These levels seem to fit both the 6 ft. rule; and the 12 ft. rule as stories; i.e. the definitions involving finish grade around the perimeter of a building. UBC 203 &220 They are attempting to modify some of the grades along the South side to bypass the 12' rule; but are leaving the entire South and West exteriors at more than 6' below the Main Level. These sides comprise more than 50% of the total perimeter; which leads to the conclusion of too many stories. Unless the designers can accurately show conforming grades, the building is 6 stories overall; and therefore grossly exceeding the allowable height (4 Stories) and Floor Area in Type ll - 1 HR construction for the occupancies involved. Using Table 5-8, we would classify the minimum Type of Construction as ll - FR. Gary Goodell Memo Vail Mountain Lodge April 18, 2001 Pg.2 ot 2 The building is also situated on the site real close to property lines on the South and West so that yard area increases are minimal. Also, an underground Garage extends beyond the property line into the East Meadow Drive ROW. I wonder if this is on the books as a variance granted some time in the past. The Meadow and Valley Drive ROW's appear to be less than 60' wide; which may further limit the yard credits applicable for allowable floor area. There is also a wetlands area identified on the adjacent south side property; which might be regarded as a permanently dedicated easement. Drawings submitted for review are referred to as Phases lll - lV; presumably the previous Phases | - ll have already been completed. We willcomplete our reviews shortly (in a couple of days) incorporating these issues as we see them. Thank you. C-West Code Gonsultants 2801 Youngfield Street, Suite 300 Golden, Colorado 80401 CC: Ron Drey, CW Gary Nickerson, CW Tele : 303 205-7860 Fax : 303 237-0023 E-Mail : steve@c-westcode.com www.c-westcode,com Frcm the desk of. . .Gory Goodell t1 z76e 752tt^ Keileur # Kr*at ru^f /lan /ui ea:;f fr ,l f/*n de/i ea) re"zS I I +73 Che(L +, C- LCest-"i';ott:rr,/Aii,tuf q d t7fis6: O[nec,k*o TouJrl o+ i r;i"e; rernq i /'hl€/ # z c I sz Pl^ rc,iarbr**''q - o)- V kase frefi /er h'rtt che'ks + rue 4-['f ( rTtdK€- 3//€-c-lo€nffi"##Wlffiy 2801 Youngtlcld St Sult 300 Gold.n, Colondo 80a0t TELE (303) m$7880 FAr( (3031425{n91 ErN#84.1361031 To: Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road'' Vail, CO a1657 Attn.: Mr. Gary Goodell . Re: Vail Mountain Lodge CWest No. 2O1084 SMP InYoice No. 2439 lnvoice Date 21'MaY'01 Client: Vail Reviewer: Steve Pavlisin q" Cornolete ro0% Total Earned Previously Invoiced Total Due Fee: $17,456.00 Permit Plan Review 4, Fee 1.OO% Eec $r7,456.00 Earned $r7,456.00 $17,456.00 $0.00 $17,456.00 UO'|. 'O"TAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 Applicable Codes: Drawings dated Manualdated StructuralCalcs Architect: Mech. & Elec. : Contractor : Structural : Civil : Fire Protection : Code Consultant: A. Occupancy Groups : B. Type of Construction :C. Location on Property : North : Frontage on East East : Frontage on Vail Basement Lower Level Health Club Upper Level Parking Garage Restaurant & Kitchen Main Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Penthouse Level '1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) '1994 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) (97 IPC OK) 1998 lnternational Mech Code (lMC) (97 UMC OK) '1999 National Electrical Code (NEC) CABO/ANSI A117.1 Accessibility Standards (C/A) (Per Town of Vail Adoption) Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 1 of 15 02t26t01 02t05t01 o4t04t01 Davis Partnership Beaudin Ganze Shaw Construction Monroe & Newell Marcin Engineering All-State High Country Engineering B-1016 No Stamp PE-l2082 No Stamp No Stamp PE22147 R-1 Apartments Units & Dwelling UnitsS-3 Parking Garage (Underground) A-3 Restaurant, Bar, Health Club, LockersB Offices & Kitchen S-1 Storage ll - 1 HR Fully Sprinklered Meadow Drive South : Faces Wetlands & Park Valley Drive West: Mountain Haus Parcel D. Summary of Floor Areas : These numbers have been calculated from lhe floor plans provided. Note that floor areas are larger than the entries provided in the Code Analysis on the lndex Cover Sheet of the review sets. Floor Area (sf) 15,167 12,953 4,257 2,500 16,654 16,474 16,318 7,316 Floor Elevation 8155.33' 8164.83' 8164.83' 8166.33' 8177.33', 8186.83' 8196.33' 8207.33', 91,609 'l Total Building VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 E. Height & Number of Stories : See Review Comment No. 1 Architectural Review 1. L 2-0 : The height of the building needs to be resolved with regard to total number of stories above grade as altered by the new penthouse units added to the top floor. UBC 506 & 3403 a) A 5-1 & L 2-0 : Area to be re-graded at the exterior spa pool will leave this portion of the south yard at Water Elevation = 8160', which is more than 12 ft. below the main floor at Elevation 8177.33'i thereby disqualifying the contiguous floor level as a basement. UBC 220 & 208, Definitions of "Story" and "Grade. b) The Penthouse additions thereby cause the building to exceed the maximum allowable 4 story height for an R-1 occupancy in a Type ll - 1 HR building. UBC 506 & Table 5-B. 2. L2-O: Verify that wetlands and park area on adjacent property south of the building is public space usable as an open yard greater than 60' applicable to floor area increase and fire department approach. Otherwise building has no usable yard clearance to the property line on this side. UBC 505.1.1 3. L 2-0 : Building requires sufficient open yards on 3 sides to justify allowable floor area on no more than 4 stories above grade. The parking garage and Health Club Lower Level are considered below grade. UBC 505.1.2 4. A3-2:The existing underground Garage is shown extending beyond the North property line into the street ROW at East Meadow Drive. Are property lines correct as shown? UBC 106.3.1 5. A 3-3 : New Bedroom windows on north side open onto yard supported by the Garage roof underground. Verify existing roof is adequate for emergency rescue by Fire Department to all new windows on this side of the building, including the new penthouse units. UBC 310.4 6. A 3-1 thru A 3.7 :The keynotes and general notes are the same on each sheet. Since keynotes are not flagged on the plan; the new work of Phases lll - V is difficult to separate from existing areas outside of the scope. Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg.2 of 15 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg.3 of 15 7. A 5-1 : South Elevation : Existing windows in South exterior wall of Health Club Upper Level will require tempered safety glass if less than 18" above new grade and panels unsupported greater than 9 sq. ft. UBC 2406.4 8. S 4.0 : Sec. 3 : Provide weather proof seal at steel bearing assembly on top of existing concrete foundation wallto prevent moisture penetration into building through areawell. UBC 1402 9. A 5-1 & A 7-10 : Wood siding is not permitted on the West Elevation on exterior walls less than 40 ft. from property line. UBC 603.3.1 & Table 5-A 10. A 5-2 & A7-12: Wood siding on North Elevation at new dormers not permitted more than 35'above grade. UBC 601.5.4 & Table 5-A 1 1. L 1 .0 : New exterior 1 :12 slope ramp will require a handrail on both sides. uBc 1003.3.4.5 12. A 3-1 & A 6-4 : Two exitsfrom Basement between Grids 11-12 are not adequately separated. 112the major diagonal of the basement area served is approximately 98'; requiring 49' separation between the exit-access doors at 101 & 102. UBC 1004.2.3 & 1004.2.4 13. A 3-2 & A 6-5 : New Elevator opens into the egress route from the Restaurant (Dining) area to Stair 208. The Elevator opening must be equipped with a smoke and drafi seal; or be separated from the Dining Room by a Lobby. uBc 1004.3.3.5 & 711.4 14. A 6-6 : Door 308C appears to be a non-conforming required exit for the new Restaurant occupants from the lower level. Address door width at top of stair, minimum width of exit discharge into courtyard between retaining walls; and the unidentified gate at the end of the walkway. UBC 1003.3.1 .3, 1, 1003.3.1.8, 1 006.3.s.2 15. A 6-5 : The main exit from the Restaurant may be considered the doors opening onto the Patio. Folding doors are not considered safe for orderly evacuation during an emergency. UBC 1003.3.1 .5 16. A 6-6 : Door 3088 does not provide an adequate landing at the foot of Stair 308. UBC 1003.3.1.7 & 1003.3.3.5 17. A 3-2 : Dishwashing area is not permitted under enclosed Stair 308 above. uBc 100s.3.3.6 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 18. Specs Table of Contents : The following Sections are noted as not included in the project manual. 08000 Do'or, Frame, Hardware Schedules. 09000 Finish Schedule 10520 Fire Protection Specialties Div. 15 Fire Suppression & Standpipe Specifications Div. 16 Fire Alarm 19. Specs 08960 : Refers to Div. 8, Section for "Glazing"; not provided. ldentify whether glass or plastic to be used at sloped glazing. UBC 2409 & 2603.7 20. A 1-'1 : Goordinate specifications and safety glazing requirements at doors and windows subject to human impact. UBC 2406 21. Specs06105 :Part 1 .2. A4 & 5:Sheathing and subflooring may not be of wood in Type ll- 1 HR building. UBC 603 22. Specs06100 : Part 1 .2. A1 & 5 : Equipment bases and support curbs may not be of wood in Type ll - 1 HR building. UMC 308.3 23. Specs 14420: Calls for wheelchair lifts; not located on drawings. Use as an egress component is limited by UBC '1104.1.4 Structural Review 24. Structural calculations use 40 psf LL for Residential balconies; same as interior floors. Minimum 60 psf required by Table 16-A; greater with snow drifting based on area snow loads. This includes the rooftop balconies shown on Sheet A 5-1. UBC 1608 25. S 4.0 :General Notes :Snow loads callfor 100 psf at roof slopes less than or equalto 3 : 12;and 80 psf at slopes > 3 : 12. Reductions may not be applied for slopes less than 4.36:12: i.e. 20" from horizontal. UBC 1614 Mechanical Review M1.1. Provide trip lever on wide side of handicapped water closet stall (cABOiANSt 41 1 7.1 -1 992, 4-17.5). M2.3, M2.4, M2.5. Required f ire rating of rated corridors and floor to floor separation shall be maintained at alltimes during construction within occupied building (UBC 710.1 1, 713.10). Town of Vail C-West 201084 Gode Review Pg.4 of 15 26. 27. VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive Gode Review May 14,2001 Pg.S of 15 28. M3.1. Provide reduced pressure backflow preventer in lieu of double check valve shown on domestic water service (UPC 602.3). 29- M3.1 . 2" vent serving 4" P-10 floor drain is undersized and should be increased one pipe diameter. 4" waste outlet normally requires minimum 2" vent. However, excessive length of 2" vent shown requires pipe upsizing to next recognized diameter (UPC Table 7-5). 30. M3.1. P-1 discharge piping is too small to be considered gravity drainage piping. Specified 39 gpm equals 78 fixture units, requiring a 4" gravity drain by UPC Table 7-5. All 2" PST piping from P-1 shall be rated for anticipated flow and pressure (UPC 703.2, 710.5,7'10.7). 31 . M3.1 . Sump for P-1 shall be vented (UPC 710.10). 32. M3.1. 2" vent may not be reduced in size to 1-112" V (UPC 311.5). 33. M3.1. Provide cleanout on two 2" vents originating from grease interceptor, following vent rise through grade (UPC 905.3). 34. M3.2, M3.3. 1-114" MG is undersized for gas load and length of piping to kitchen and should be increased in size (UPC Table 12-4). 35. M3.3. Clarify gas flow rate at Hors Dourves Range (UPC 103.2.3). 36. M3.3. Minimum vent size at 4' P-9 and 4" P-10 equals 2" diameter (UPC Table 7-5). 37. M3.3. Length of horizontal 1-112" V originating from P-8 at column lines U1 1 exceeds allowable maximum length (UPC Table 7-5). 38. M3.3. Providecleanout at Bath 114waste branch (UPC707.4). 39. M4.3, M4.5, M4.6, M4.8. Provide smoke detector within 5'0" of all fire smoke dampers (UBC 71 3.1 0, 71 3.1 1 ). 40. M4.3, M4.4. Clothes dryer exhaust duct limited to 14' length with (2) two 90q elbows (UMC 504.3.2). 41. M4.3, M4.4. Clarify outside air quantity to CUH-4 (UBC 1202.2.1). 42. M4.3,M4.4, M4.5. Clarify source of make up air to guestroom toilet exhaust system (UMC 402.4). VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive Gode Review May 14,2001 Pg.6 of 15 43. M4.3, M4.4, M45, M6.1, M6.2. Sanitary vent below fixture flood rim level not allowed unless required due to structural conditions (UPC 905.3). 44. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5, M4.6. Provide combustion air to gas fireplaces (UMC 901.2, 901.3). 45. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. All ductwork penetrations of fire rated occupancy separation shall be provided with fire smoke dampers (UBC 713.10, 713.11). 46. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Existing solid fuel fireplace chimney vent dampers and chimney construction shall be permanently opened and inspected prior to conversion to gas use (UMC 813.2, 901.2). 47. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Clarify all natural gas pipe loading to fireplaces and miscellaneous gas appliances such as ranges and boilers and totalgas loads such that gas pipe sizes may be reviewed for code compliance (UPC 1217.0). 48. M4.6. 2 horizontalstorm drain is not a recognized size. Increase horizontal storm drain to minimum 3" diameter (UPC Table 11-2). 49. M4.6. Length ot 1-112" vent above Bedroom 610A exceeds allowable horizontal length and must be increased in diameter one pipe size (UPC Table 7-5). 50. M4.6. Outlet of grease exhaust fans shall be located 24" above all building construction within 10' (UMC 507.1 1). 51. M4.8. Ductwork may not remain abandoned above electric panels (NEC). 52. M4.8. Provide smoke detector in s.A. duct of relocated MAU-3 (uMC 608.0). 53. M4.9. Provide make up air to EF-4 in elevator equipment room (UMC 402.4\. 54. M4.9. Elevator equipment room shall have fire rating at least equalto elevator shaft served (ASME A17.'1, 101.1 a). 55. M4.9. Provide fire rated duct cleanouts in grease exhaust duct systems (uMc s07.s,507.7). 56. M4.9. Provide fire smoke damper at24" x 48" S.A. exit from duct shaft (UBC 713.10, 713.1 1). VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE TOWN Of VAiI Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive Gode Review May 14,2001 Pg.7 of 15 57. M4.9. Provide minimum 3" high pad below condensing unit CU-1 (UMC 1 105.2.1). 58. M5.1. Check valves and gate valves at P-1 should be accessible (UPC 710.4\. 59. M6.2. Clarify size of vent from P/13 into riser P/14 (UPC 103.2.3). 60. Not Used. 61. FP-2. Pipe sizes shown are too small for pipe size schedule compliance. Provide hydraulic calculations to justify pipe sizing (NFPA 13, 8-5). 62. FP-3. Provide reduced pressure backflow preventer on sprinkler piping with glycol (UPC 603.4.18.3). 63. FP-3. Clarify missing piping at approximately column lines 3/M (UPC 103.2.3). 64. F3-0.1. Plumbing notes, number 11 indicates the need for gas pressure regulator for each piece of kitchen gas equipment. Plumbing drawings should be revised to show location of each regulator with appropriate venting to atmosphere. (UPC 1218.0). 65. FS-1.2, FS1.3, FS-1PP. Food service drawings appear incomplete. Clarify description of keynotes used on plans (UMC 1 13.5, UPC 103.2.3). Electrical Review 66. General Comments (E2.1 through E3.5): a) Document the complete electrical system one-line diagram and load summary from the load panelboards back to the main service to demonstrate compliance with NEC Article 220 and NEC 215-5. Show wire and conduit sizes, equipment ratings and the loads at each panelboard, distribution panel and the main service. Document each component of load with the applicable demand, continuous, and largest motor factors. b) Document guest room panelboard loads and compliance with circuiting requirements per NEC Article 210 and 220. VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 Pg.8of 15 c) Document the available short circuit current and equipment short circuit ratings for new panelboards and feeder replacements per NEC 110-9 and 110-10. d) The drawings are difficult to read, the background line weights do not appear to be any different than the device line weights. Also, the symbols in the legend on sheet E1.1 are heavy line weights that make is difficult (at best) to distinguish the differences. In addition, the symbol size in the legend is very small. For example, the difference between GFl, isolated ground and other receptacles is not distinguishable. e) Fire alarm and detection system division 16 specifications are not included with the construction documents. Document that fire alarm system shop drawings will be provided per UFC 1007.3.1. Also, document acceptance testing of the fire alarm system in the presence of the chief and certifying to the chief that the system has been installed in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications. 67. E1.2. Reference notes 3 and 4 for street lighting. Document the power source, load and feeder sizes to demonstrate compliance with NEC Article 210 and220. 68. E1 .2 and E2.3. Reference note 6 on E1.2 and notes '19 and 20 on E2.3 regarding X-MAS lighting circuits. a) Document panelboard GH2 and H2 branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 220: reterence the above general comments. b) Document that weatherproof receptacles will be provided in compliance with NEC 410-57(b); notes only call for termination of circuits. 69. E1.2 and E2.7. Document panelboard SPA branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 220; relerence the above general comments. 70. E2.1. Reference flag notes 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and plan notes. a) Document the one-line diagram, branch circuits and loads for future MMS (multiple meter stack), panel W (panel schedule only shown on sheet E2.1K), relocated H.C.E pad mounted transformer, panel K1 and K2 (panel schedules only shown on VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation C'West 201084 East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 Pg.9 of 15 sheet E2.1K), and downstream feeders from MMS to condominiums GS-S, GS-6, C5-1 and C5-2; reference the above general comments. b) Document the one-line diagram and load for the elevator connections to the club switchboard; reference the above general commenls. c) Document the circuit and load for the elevator pit lighting and receptacle per NEC Article 220 and NEC 620-24. 7'1. E2.1. Document that the elevator pit light is not connected downstream of the GFCI receptacle per NEC 620-24(a). 72. E2.1K. Reference kitchen detail2, food service equipment load schedule and panelboard schedules: a) Document the minimum circuit ampacity and maximum overcurrent device for item number 2,treezer refrigerator system (circuit K1-9,1 1), per NEC 440-35 and 440-22(c); 40A breaker is shown for #10 conductors and load is 21.4A. b) Document the feeder conductors for item 19, cook & hold oven (circuit K1-23, 24), per NEC 240-3; a load of 38.5A (8 kW at 208V, 1-phase) with 50A circuit breaker. c) Document that the feeder to item 37, booster heater (circuit K1- 20,22,24), complies with NEC 422-10;40A circuit shown and equipment is rated for 33.3A (12 kW, at 208V, 3-phase, 33.3 x 1.25 = 41.6A). d) Document that the feeder to item 41, ice machine (circuit K1-26, 28), complies with NEC 240-3(d); 25A circuit breaker shown for #12 conductors and load is 12.84. e) Document that the feeder to item 45, coffee brewer (circuit K2-5 ,7), complies with NEC 240-3(d); 40A circuit breaker shown for #10 conductors and load is 28A. f) Document that the feeder to item 46, ice tea dispenser (circuit K2-9), complies with NEC 240-3(d); a 25A circuit breaker is shown tor #12 conductors and the load is 1.7 kW. VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 73. E2.2. Document the feeder source and load for the elevator pit lighting and receptacle per NEC Article 220; only nearest 120V circuit indicated. Nearest suitable 120V circuit should be identified by the design engineer. 74. E2.2. Document the feeder for the elevator machine room 210 receptacle and lighting per NEC Article 220 tor compliance with NEC 620-23(a). 75. E2.2. Reterence EF-1 (stair 202). The 15A/3 pole circuit breaker shown panelW-3, circuits 38,40, and 42, does not comply with NEC Article 430; 17.5A shown per phase. 76. E2.2. Reference flag notes 1, 6, 7, and L Load is shown added to panel HG2 and the panel schedule with branch loads and load summary is not shown; reference the generalcomments above. 77. E2.2. Reference flag note 2. Reference the area enclosed by flag note 2. New circuits are shown to panel H2; however, they are not identified in the panelschedule on sheet E2.8. 78. E2.3. Document new panelboards A and G1A branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 220; relerence the above general comments. 79. E2.3. Document panelboard H3 (flag note 6) and G2 (flag note 15) branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220; relerence the above general comments. 80. E2.g, E2.4, E2.5, E2.6 and E2.7. Reference egress path lighting. Document that the wiring for the emergency egress lighting and exit signs in corridors and other egress paths complies with NEC 700-12(e) for unit equipment wired to the same circuit as the normal lighting, and NEC 700-16 for two lamps so that the failure of any individual lighting element will not leave the area in totaldarkness. a) E2.3. The F5 emergency cove fixtures in corridor 300 only have one lamp. b) E2.3. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 300; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. c) E2.3. Document emergency egress lighting in vestibule 344 and stairs 308 per UBC 1003.2.9.2; nothing shown. Town of Vail G-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 10 of 15 10 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 P9.11 of 15 d) E2,3. Document emergency egress lighting over the exterior stairs, outside of vestibule 344 at column lines F, G and 13, per UBC 1003.2.9.2; nothing shown. e) E2.3. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby; see flag note 6. 0 E2.4. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby; see flag note 6. il Ez/ The F5 emergency cove fixtures in corridor 400 only have one lamp. h) E2.4. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 300;the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. i) E2.5. The F5 emergency cove fixture in corridor 500 only have one lamp. j) E2.5. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 500; the normal lighting circuiting is also not snown. k) E2.5. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby; see flag note 4. l) E2.6. The F5 emergency cove fixture in corridor 600 and hall622 only have one lamp. m) E2.6. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 600 and hall622; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. 81 . E2.3. Reference f lag note 16. The feeder noted from H3 to A does not comply with NEC 240-3: #1 conductor (rated for 130A at 75 degrees C) shown protected by 150A breaker. 82. E2.3. Reference panels H2 and H2A, f lag note 17. Document the one-line diagram per NEC 215-5 (schedule shown on E2.8); reference the above general comments. 11 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE TOWN O' VA|I Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 P9.12 of 15 83. E2.3. Reference flag note 11. Document the branch circuit and load per NEC Articles 210 and 220; note indicates connection of lighting to existing circuit. 84. E2.4. Document panelboard G2, G2A, FF1, and FF2 branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220;reterence the above generalcomments. 85. E2.4. The location of new panelboard G2 does not comply with NEC t 10-26; the panel is located behind corridor doors to elevator. 86. E2.4. Further document the location of panel FF1 at column lines F-11 and document compliance with NEC 110-26; the panelboard appears to be located behind a door. 87. E2.4. Document flag notes 13, 14 and 15 on plan; nothing shown. Also, document the panelboard branch circuits and load per NEC Articles 210 and 220; reference above general comments. 88. E2.5. Document new panelboard G3 and existing panelboard PGS branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220; reference the above general comments. 89. E2.6. Document new panelboard G4 branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220: relerence the above general comments. 90. E2.6. The location of new panelboard G4 does not comply with NEC 110-26; the panel is located behind door. 91. E2.6. Reference flag note 10. Document the source panel for DC-S and panelboard load calculations per NEC Articles 2'10 and 220. 92. E2.7. Reterence detail 2, MAU-4. Document the branch circuit feeder and compliance with NEC ArticJes 220 and 430. 93. E2.7. Reference detail 2, AHU-1. Document the branch feeder breaker rating and compliance with NEC Article 430. 94. E2.7. Reference detail 2, emergency lighting circuit for dining room 200. Document the branch feeder and load of existing circuit for connection per NEC Article 220. Also, document compliance with NEC 700-12(e), emergency lighting not shown connected to normal lighting circuit. 95. E2.7. Reference detail 1, emergency lighting circuit for wine cellar, passage and elevator lobby. Document the branch feeder and load per NEC Article 12 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 220;panel and circuit not shown. Also, document compliance with NEC 700- 12(e), emergency lighting not shown connected to normal lighting circuit. 96. E2.7. Relerence detail 2. A separate circuit is not shown for elevator equipment room 210 per NEC 620-33(a). 97. E2.7. Reterence detail 1 , equipment CU-1 . Document the equipment load and feeder rating per NEC Article 424. 98. E2.8. Reference the "Partial Main Level Electrical Plan" detail. Emergency egress lighting is not shown for stairs 301 per UBC 1003.2.9.2. Even if the stairs are not part of the required egress system they are an occupied part of the building and may be in use; UBC 1001.1. 99. E2.8. Panel schedule H2A does not appear to be complete; document all loads and the load summary per NEC Article 220. For example, circuits H2A- 19, 21 for equipment 101 is not shown. 100. E2.8. Reference the "Partial Main Level Electrical Plan" detail. Equipment mark numbers and circuiting for 86, 90, 93 and 1 19-133 (with electrical loads) are not shown on the plan. Document the circuits and loads to demonstrate compliance with NEC Articles 210 and 220. 101 . E3.1 through E3.5, and E1.1 . Reference guest room details and lighting fixture C4 located above tubs and showers. Document that the fixture is "Suitable for Wet Locations" per NEC 410-4(a); not indicated on fixture schedule sheet E1 .1. 102. E3.1 through E3.5. Reference guest room details. Document the circuiting for all receptacles to demonstrate compliance with NEC 210-60; some receptacles are not circuited. 103. E3.1 through E3.5. Document that the type C13 lighting fixture as used in the balcony is "Suitable for Damp Location" per NEC 410-4(b);not indicated on fixture schedule sheet E1 .1 . Reference detail 1. unit 313a on sheet E3.1 for example. 104. E3.3. Reference panel FFU414, detail 1. The panel working space is obstructed by the laundry room door which does not comply with NEC 110- 26. 105. E3.5. Reference detail '1, unit 5158 electrical plan. Nothing but background plan is shown; appears to be unfinished. Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 13 of 15 13 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 106. FP-2 through FP-7. Fire alarm system manual pull stations are not shown at all stairs and exits at each level per UFC 1007.3.3.1. 107. FP-2. Coordinate elevator #1 and #2 shaft detection with the chief; nothing shown. 108. FP-3. Document that the duct smoke detector in mechanical 209 is for the AHU-1; unit rated for 6850 cfm. Document duct smoke detector for MAU-1 per UMC 608; unit rated for 7600 cfm, 109. FP-4. Clarify and document the magnetic door hold open and smoke detector location shown at the bottom of stair 328; no door shown on architectural plan sheet A3-3. Door schedule for project is not provided. 1 10. FP-4. Clarify and document the magnetic door hold open shown at column lines G-12; document what doors hold open is applied to. Also, no smoke detection shown. 111. FP-6. Coordinate and document the corridor double door at column lines G- 4;the location does not match the architectural drawing A3-4. Also, coordinate the additional magnetic door hold opens shown in corridor 500 at column lines G-5, G-7, and at the top of the stairs at approximately G-10. 112. FP-7. Coordinate and document the floor plan background between column lines G-2 to G-5; the floor plan does not match the architectural drawing A3-6. 113. FP-7. The smoke detector at column lines F-5 in corridor 600 does not provide coverage all the way back to the door at column line G-4 per NFPA 72,2- & UFC STD. 10-2; the distance to the door exceeds 21 teet from the detector. 114. FP-7. Fire alarm system visible notification devices are not located within 15' of the ends of corridor 600 (near column lines F-5 and F-9). CIA 4.26.3 1 15. FP-7. A fire alarm system visible notification device is not located in the elevator lobby 616 per UFC 1007. & ClA4.26.3 GWest Code Consultants 2801 Youngfield Street, Suite 300 Golden, Colorado 80401 Tele : 303 20$7860 Fax : 303 237-0023 E-Mail : steve@c-westcode.com www.c-westcode.com Town of Vail G-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 14 of 15 14 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V: Expanslon & Renovatlon East ltleadow Drlve & Vall Valley Drlve May 14,2001 Town of Vall G-West 2010&f Code Revlew Pg. 15 ol15 Distribution : Gary Goodell, CBO,TOV George Ruther, AICP Ron Drey, CW Gary Nickerson, CW 15 4*o = Lq &*o , s-69 -1 a+"Lrf ,/ irla*Z1;lil'frrnl . Gary Goodell +(oo{oo X a =L5,5cc Fromkedakof,.. X4: * $ nncru.eounn Page l ofl Gary, Here is our Plan Review Fee calolation lor the Vail Mountain Lo@e. Thanks! Gary Nickerson Valuation $9,500,000 Permit Fee $5,608.75 for first $1,000,000 $26.775.00 for balance at $3.15 per $32,383.75 Total Permit Fee Pfan Review Fee 921,049.44 Calculated at 65% of Permit C-West Fee $18,944 Calculated at $Vo of Plan Rcview Fee file://C:\Windows\TEMP\GW)00001.HTM 04n0t2001 FULL PHASE I AND II PERMIT SET July 20, 2000 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO ',,e Pe't oo ' olzb r z.F bco'ot\s_ lllLr- lh r-- -rllls- -,rl$P'- t -rq\@.,--. at- A O\u\- \/\A.F ! | -1.- EXCERPTS FROM PRELIMINARY CODE ANALYSIS PROVIDED FOR VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE BY HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING --/'fovlrn"of Vall - MARCH,2ooo CFFTCE CCPY RECEIVED JUL Z 1 2000 TOV.COM.DEV. Denver Olfice: 2301 Bloke Street.Suite 100 Denver Colorodo 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fox 303.861.3027 VoilOffice:0l3TMoinSheet'UnilC106 PO.8ox27ll Edwords Colorodo 81632 970.926.8960 Fox 970.926.8961 Dovis Portnershio PC-. Archit6cl3 VAIL ATHLETIC CIUB CODE ANALYSIS INDEX INTRODUCTION t. [.HEIGHT AND AREA ANALYSIS..... TYpE OF CONSTRUCT|ON.........,......- LOCATION ON PROPERW occuPANcY sEP4RAT1ONS .................... MISCELLANEOUS FIRE SEPARATIONS .......,............. EGRESS REOUIREMENTS ................. ACCESSTBtLTry ....,............. FIRE PFOTECTION REOUIREMENTS FtRE AI-ARM REQUIREMENTS ................. .........-...--:......".-..". SUMMARY AND FECOMMENDATIONS PAGE ilt. lv. V. vt. vil. vilt. tx. x. xl. 10 11 13 14 15 16 3 4 7 8 I HCE -1-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS INTFODUCTION This code review was based upon the 1997 edition of the Unilorm Building Code (UBC), lhe 1 997 Unilorm Fire Code (UFG) and the locally adopted amendmenls by the Town ol Vail This review is primarily intended to address the lire and life satety aspects of the code. The review is based upon the undated schematic design documents limiled to floor plans prepared by JMP Architects provided lo High Country Englneering (HCE) in February of 2000. HCE -z-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS I. AREA SUMMARY BASEMENT LOWER HEALTH CLUB GROUP A, DIVISION g =12,s77 FT'2 cRouPs = 2.158FT.1 SUB-TOTAL =15,135 FT" UPPER HEALTH CLUB GROUP A, DIVISION 3 =13,934 FT'' cROUpB = 4,042Ff.' GROUP S, DlvtsloN 3 = 4.287 Fr.i SUB-TOTAL =22,263FT.' FIRST FLOOR GROUP A, DtVtStoN ! = 2,402FT.2 cROUpB = 1,932FT.2 cRouP R, DtvtstoN 1 = 9.948 FT.-: SUB-TOTAL = 14,282Ff .2 SECOND FLOOR GROUP R, DtvtstoN .l = 14,960 FT.' THIRD FLOOB GROUP F, DIVISION I ='t3,693 FT''? FOUBTH FLOOB GRoUP R, DIVISION 1 = 6,841 FT''? " suMMARY OF BuILDING AREA BY OCCUPANCY (EXCLUDING BASEMENT LEVELS) cBouP A, DlvlsloN ! = 2,402FT.2 cRouPB = 1,932FT., cRouP R, DfvtstoN 1 =45.442FT.1SUB-TOTAL = 49,776 FT'2 SUMMARY OF BASEMENT AREA (BOTH FLOORS) GROUP A, DlVlSloN c p,g77 Fr''? + 13,93i FT'z = 26,911 FT'2 GROUP B Z,tSg ff'' + 4'O42FT '2 = 6'209 lJ '? GR9UP s, DlvlsloN s i,zsz n.' = 4'287 FT: SUB-TOTAL ' =37,298 FT '2 3/00-5- VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS II. HEIGHT AND ABEA ANALYSIS ALLOWABLE AREA ANALYSTS - ASSUME TYPE tl-l HOUB CONSTRUCTION BASTC ALLOWABLE AREA (UBC, TABLE 5-B) GROUP A, DIVISION 3 = 13,500 FT.2 GROUP B __ 18,OOO FT.' GROUP S, DIVISION 3 = 1B,OOO FT,' GROUP R, DIVISION 1 = 13,500 FT.' BASEMENT LEVELS MUST BE BELOW ALLOWABLE AREA FOR 1 STORY ALLOWABLE AREA INCREASES (UBC, PARAGFAPH 505) SEPARATION ON 3 SIDES EXISTS MEASURED TO CENTER-LINE OF ROAD MINIMUM WIDTH: NORTH SIZE = ZS' EASTSIDE = 31 ' SOUTH SIDE = 100' MINIMUM CONDITION EXISTS ON NORTH SIDE 22' .20'=2' INCREASE IS ALLOWED FOF 2,5% FOR THE MINIMUM DJSTANCE IN EXCESS OF 20' 2'x2.5o/o=5"/" A MAXIMUM 5% INCREASE IS PERMITTED ALLOWABLE AREA INCREASES GBOUP A, DIVISION 3 = 13,500 FT.'? x 1.105 = 14,175 FT.2 GROUP B - 18,OOO FT., x t.105 = 19,890 FT.2 GROUP S, DIVISION 3 = 1 8,000 FT.'z x 1.105 = 19,890 FT.2 GROUP R, DIVISION 1 ='13,500 FT.'?x 1.105 = 14, 175 FT.2 INCREASE FOR SpRtNKLER PROTECTTON (UBC, SECTTON s0s.3) AREA MAY BE TRIPLED IN 1 STORY BUILDINGS (BASEMENT LEVELS ARE CURRENTLY. SPRTNKLERED) GROUPA, DIVISION 3 - 14,175 FT.2 x 3=42,525 FT.,GROUPB ='19,890 FT.2x 3=59.670FT.2 GROUP S, DIVISION 3 = 19,890 FT., x 3 = 59,670 FT., AREA SUMMARY FOR BASEMENTS (UBC, SECTTON 504.5) ACTUAL AREA 26,9.1 1 FT.' 6,200 FT.' 4,287 FT.2 + -------------- =.80 ALLOWABLE AREA 42,525 FT.2 59,670 FT.' 59,670 FT.' FATTO OF AREAS MUST BE < 1.0 (UBC, SECTTON s04.3) SINCE .80 < 1.0 _ TYPE II . 1 HOUFT IS ACCEPTABLE 3/00HCE VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS lr. HETGHT AND ABEA ANALYSIS (CONT'D) AREA ANALYSIS FOR UPPER FLOOH LEVELS MULTT-sToRy tNcREASE (UBC, SECTTON 504.2) BASIC ALLOWABLE WITH SETBACK INCREASE (SEE PREVIOUS PAGE FOR SETBACK tNcREASE) GROUP A, D|VIS|ON 3 = 14,175FT.zGBOUPB =19,890FT,2 GBOUP S, DIVIS|ON 3 = 19.890 FT.' GFOUP R, DIVISION 1 = 14,175FT,' THE MULTI-STOFY INCREASE ALLOWS THAT THE BASIC ALLOWABLE AREA MAY BE DOUBLED FOR MULTtpLE STOBTES (UBC, SECTTON 504.2) GROUP A, DIVISION 3 = 14,175 FT.2 x 2 = 2B,350 FT.'? GROUP B = 19,890 FT.'?x 2 =g9,796 pT.z GROUP S, DIVISION 3 = 19,890 FT.z x 2 = 39,780 FT.'? GROUPR, DIVISION 1 = 14,175FT.2 x2=28,350FT.'? AUTOMATTC SpRINKLER TNCBEASE (UBC, SECTTON s05.3) CODE ALLOWS THAT THE ALLOWABLE AREA MAY BE DOUBLED IN MULTI-STOFIY BUILDINGS WHEN SPRINKLEFS ARE INSTALLED THROUGHOUT. AUTOMATIC SPBINKLER PBOTECTION IS CONTEMPLATED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PROJECT. ALLOWABLE AREA GROUP A, DIVISION 3 28,350 FT.2 x 2 = 56,700 FT.2 GROUP B 39,780 FT.2x 2=79,560 FT.2 GROUP S, DIVISION 3 39,780 FT.2 x 2 = 79,560 FT.2 GROUP R, DIVISION 1 28,300 FT.2 x 2 = 56,700 FT.2 AREA SUMMABY FOR ENT]RE BUILDING (EXCLUDING BASEMENT) GBOUP A, DIVISION 3 GROUP B GROUP H, DIVISION 1 ACTUAL 2,402FT.2 1,932 FT.' 45,442 Fr.2 + ------------- = .86ALLOWABLE 56,700 FT.2 79,560 FT,2 56,700 FT.' ... .86 < 1.0 TYPE II . .1 HOUR IS ACCEPTABLE FOR TOTAL PROJECT AREA. NUE -5-?/nn VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS lt. HETGHT AND AREAANALYSTS (CONT',D) CHECK ON NUMBER OF STORIES (UBC, SECTIoN TABLE 5-B) ALLOWABLE GROUP A, DIVISION 3 - MAXIMUM 2 STORIESGROUPB .MAXIMUM4STOBIES GROUP H, DIVISION 1 . MAXIMUM4 STORIES ACTUAL ALL GROUP A, DIVISION 3 USES ARE ON 1ST FLOOFT ALL GROUP B USES ARE ON FIBST FLOOR ,THE BUILDING HAS FOUR STOFIES. STORY LIMIT NOT EXCEEDED BUILD|NG HETGHT (UBC,TABLE 5-B) FOR ryPE II.1 HOUR HEIGHT LIMIT IS 65' ACCORDING TO JMP DWG A3.1 DATED 4I17I96,THE DISTANCE FROM GHADE LEVEL ON THE FFTONT OF THE BUILDING TO THE BUILDING FOOF IS 53'. THE MAXIMUM PEBMITTED HEIGHT IS 65'AND WELL WITHIN THE PRESCHIBED LIMITS. IN SUMMARY, ryPE II I.HOUR CONSTRUCTION CAN BE UTILIZED FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HCE -6-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS III. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION uBc, GHAPTER 6 (TABLE 6-A) - TypE il - 1 HOUR CONSTRUCTION ELEMENT FEQUIBED FIRE BATING EXTEBIOR BEARING WALLS 1 HOUB INTEFIOR BEARING WALLS STRUCTUHAL FRAME PERMANENT PARTITIONS SHAFT ENCLOSUHES FLOOR/CEILINGS ROOFS STAIRWELLS HOUR HOUB 1 HOUR HOUR HOUR HOUBNON-COMBUSTIBLE 2 HoUR (UBC, PARAGRAPH 1005.3-3.2) HCE -7-3/00 VAIL ATHLENC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS " IV. LOCATION ON PROPEHTY UBi, TABLE 5.A GROUP B/GROUP S, DIVISION 3 - TYPE II 1.HOUR CONSTRUCTION EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS - 1 HOUR/NON-COMBUSTIBLE OPENINGS NOT PEBMITTED < 5'TO PROPERTY LINE OPENINGS PROTECTED < 1O' TO PROPERTY LINE GROUP A, DIVISION 3 - TYPE II 1-HOUR CONSTRUCTION EXTERIOH BEARING WALLS .2 HR < 5'TO PROPERTY LINE o p EN I N G s N or p E R M rrr. " . ;' ?3!Hfft?Yi''-?J"LE E LS EW H E R E OPENINGS PBOTECTED < 1O'TO PBOPERTY LINE WEST SIDE ' MINIMUM DISTANCE TO PA = 2' lN SW CORNER NORTH SIDE - MINIMUM DISTANCE TO P/L= 0'AT ENTRANCE THE ENTRANCE CONFTGUBATION MUSTBE 2 HOUR FATED OPENINGS NOT PEBMITTED < 5' EAST SIDE - MINIMUM DISTANCE = 1O'- NO REQUIBEMENTS 3/O0HCE-8- VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS V. BEOUIREDOCCUPANCYSEPARATIONS UBC, TABLE 3"8 AREA GROUP A, DIVISION 3/GROUP B GBOUP B/GBOUP S, DIVISION 3 GBOUP B/GROUP R, DIVISION 1 GFOUP A, DIVISION SiGFOUP R, DIVISION 1 GROUP A, DTVTSTON 3/GROUP S, DtVtStON 3 (PARKTNG) 3 HOUB RATING REQUIFED NONE HOUB HOUR HOUR HCE -9-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS VI. MISCELLANEOUSFTRESEPARATIONS RooMS wlTH HEATING EQUTPMENT > 400,000 BTU/HR = .t HoUB - uBC, sEcTtoN 309.s OPENINGS ARE PERMITTED BETWEEN TWO COMMUNICATING FLOOR LEVELSuBc, sEcTtoN 202 ELEVATOR SHAFT. 1 HOUR _ UBC, SECTION 3OO2 ELEVATOF MAGH|NE ROOMS_ 1 HOUR_ANS|417.j, FULE 101.1(a). ALL CORRIDORS. 1 HOUR _ UBC, SECTION 1004.3.2 ELEVATOR LOBBIES - 1 HOUR _ UBC, SECTION 1004,3.4.5.REQUIRED ON ALL FLOORS SINCE THE OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDS 30 ON ALL FLOOFIS,INCLUDING THE FIBST FLOOH/LOBBY ELEVATOR REQUJREMENTS _ UBC, CHAPTER 30 iN BUILDINGS 4 OB MORE STORIES _ ELEVATOFS SHALL BE PROVIDED.MINIMUM ELEVAToR slzE BO" x s4" To AccoMMoDATE AMBULANOE STRETCHEFs - uBc,SECT|ON 3003.5 . THE AoTUAL ELEVAToR SIZE IS 57. x 78,.WIDE Au- (G5 ?up-u c[rllwtt5ev5 k4,€ | u,z. -10-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS VII. EGRESSREQUIBEMENTS obcupnrur LoAD cALcuLATloNS LOWER HEALTH CLUB GROUP A, DIVISION 3 12,977 FT." + 50 = 2S9 GROUP A, DIVISION 3 12,229 F7.2 + 50 = 245 GROUP A DINING 1,635 FT.2 + 15 = 109 GROUP B OCCUPANT LOAD UPPER HEALTH CLUB GROUP B OCCUPANT LOAD FIRST FLOOR GFOUP B 2,158 FT.2 + 100 = 21 = 270 PERSONS 4,042FT,2+100= 40 = 394 PERSONS 1,932FT.2 + 100 = 19 GFIOUP A, DIVISION 3 2,402FT.2 + 1E = 160 GROUP R, DIVISION 1 9,948 FT.2 + 200 = 43 OCCUPANT LOAD SECOND FLOOR = 228 PEFISONS GROUP R, DIVISION 1 14,960 FT.2 + 200 = 74 PERSONS THIRD FLOOR GFOUP R, DIVISION I 13,693 FT., + 200 = 68 PERSONS FOURTH FLOOR " GROUP R, DIVISION 1 6.841 FT.z + 200 = 34 pERSONS TOTAL BLDG OCCUPANT LOAD = 1.068 PERSONS GENERAL ISSUES ALL NEW STAIRS MUST BE 2 HOUR. UBC, SECTION .1005.3.3.2 SUB PARAGRAPH #3. NEED PANIC HARDWARE ON ALL DOORS WHERE OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDS 50 PERSONS. UBC, SECTION 1003.3.1.8. ALL SLEEPiNG ROOMS BELOW THE FOURTH FLOOR MUST HAVE A OPERABLE DOOR /VINDOW OPERABLE FROM THE INTERIOR. MtNIMUM SjZE 5.7 FT.2. MINIMUM CLEAR DIMENSIONS IS 24' HEIGHT - 20" WIDTH. UBC, SECTION 310.4. EXIT SIGNS BEQUIRED _ UBC, SECTION 1003.2.8.2 EXIT ILLUMINATION REQUIRED _ UBC, SECTION 1003.2.9.1 BOTH OF THE ABOVE REQUIRE EMERGENCY POWER 1.5 HOURS FLOOR LEVEL EXIT SIGNS ARE REQUIRED IN CORRIDORS _ UBC, SECTION 1007.6.2 3/00n\,tr -l l- VAIL ATHLETIC CI.UB CODE ANALYSIS IX. RRE PROTECTTON REOUIREMENTS 1. SPRINKLEHSREQUIREDTHROUGHOUTBASEDONTHEAREAANALYSIS. 2. FLOOR CONTROL VALVES SHOULD BE INSTALLED FOB EACH LEVEL _ RECOMMEND. 3. NEED STANDPIPE ADDED IN STAIRWELLS BETWEEN COLUMNS 8A-9 _ UBC. CHAPTER 9. 4. NEED ROOFSMOKE HATCH ATNEW STAIRWELLS > 4 STOBIES _ UBC, SECTION 1003'3'3'12' bSc-r- lt^cet^,.i..4 to{\c( $( f\^^€rr"\ c.p\4.L a !Tb*.S'-- 5. EXTEND WESTSTANDPIPETOTHE NEW STAIRWELL LOCATED BETWEEN COLUMN 4.5 _ UBC, CHAPTER 9. HCE -1+3/00 Toiln of Vall/-"'- rrrF f\/n: tJtSHAW VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCHEDULE orzb The construction schedule of the vail Athletic club shall generally be as followl ffi--OoO-'@ofrliromw'Eo' Commence building and site demolition/excavation Phase I Construction Duration Phase II Construction Duration Phase III Construction Duration Phase IV Construction Duration Phase V Construction Duration Exterior Construction substantially complete Interior Condo Construction May,2000 June l, 2000 - Dec. 8, 2000 Aug. 5, 2000 - April 18, 2001 April 2, 2001 - Sept. 4, 2001 April 2, 2001 - Dec. 10, 2001 May 1,2001 -Nov. 14,2001 December,200l January - Jdy,2002 TRUCKACCESS & TRAFFIC CONTROL . Delivery drivers shall contact the Shaw Superintendent a minimum of t'wo (2) business days prior to a delivery to coordinate the delivery and unloading. . All delivery trucks shall enter the site from Vail Valley Drive. When ready to exit, all drivers shall contact the Shaw Superintendent to arrange radio-controlled traffic exit with the assistance of the Shaw Traffic Controller. No delivery trucks shall leave the site without clearance for the Shaw 'I'raffic Controller. All delivery trucks shall exit the site to the east back to Vail Valley Drive. . Qualified traffic control personnel shall be employed by the Contractor. All traffrc control personnel shall be equipped with a radio and appropriate flagging/signage equipment. The traffic control personnel will coordinate the entering and exiting of delivery trucks with buses and pedestrian traffic. Public busses shall take priority over all construction traffic. All traffic control shall conform to the Manual of tlniform Traffic Control Devices. . During construction related deliveries and work activities which occur on public roads or walkways, a traffic control person shall be stationed at the exit gate and one traffic control person shall be stationed at the comer of Vail Valley Drive & East Meadow Drive. All traffic control personnel shall be equipped with a radio and the appropriate signs. The traffic control personnel shall signal when trucks are to exit the site only after making visual clearance for oncoming busses and stopping pedestrian traffic in all directions. . The Contractor shall desienate a o'Contract Enforcement Officer" to enforce the provisions of this plan. 760 Horizon Drivo . Grond Juntlion. C0 81506 Fol 970-241-5618 . www.showtonst.rom Phone 970.242.9236 REEVEO MAY 0 5 2000 TOV-COM.DEV. PARKING I Construction worker parking shall be in the Vail Transportation Center. r There shall be no parking on Town of Vail streets. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY AND TRAFFIC DIRECTION . The Contractor shall install waming signs informing the public of the construction activity. The signs shall be installed in the locations identified on the approved construction staging plan. r The Contractor shall install a construction fence as indicated on the approved construction staging plan. TREE PROTECTION & EROSION CONTROL . Tree protection shall be implemented as recommended by "A Cut Above Forestry" and as described in their report dated May, 2000.. Silt Fences and/or Straw Bale Dikes will be installed for erosion control on the outside of the perimeter fence along the south side, These barriers will be constructed as detailed in Attachment A. WORKHOURS r Access for workers to the site will be after 7:00 am Monday through Saturday. (Shaw Office workers may access site at 6:00 am.) . Equipment start-ups will be after 7:30am and must be shut down by 6:00pm Monday through Saturday, and 8:00am to 5:00pm during the ski season, except as follows: No construction work will be performed during specially designated holidays and events, to be determined. . Interior work (non-obtrusive) can occur at any time. r Construction activity required for Sundays, Holidays or for extended work hours shall be reviewed three working days in advance and approved by the Town of Vail. When required, construction hours on Sundays will be limited to the hours of 9:00am to 5:00pm. ROAD CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE . The Contractor shall keep Vail Valley Drive, East Meadow Drive and areas adjacent to the outside of the construction fence clean from construction debris, mud or other undesirable materials resulting from the Vail Athletic Club construction activities at all times. SNOW REMOVAL r The Contractor shall remove snow from within the site and disposed of in an appropriate manner off site, as needed. DUSTANDNOISE CONTROL r The Contractor shall limit unusually noisy construction activities to the hours of 7:30am to 6:00pm Monday - Saturday, with the additional restriction of 8:00am to 5:00pm each during the ski season. Unusually noisy construction activities include, but are not limited to: r Jackhammers . Diesel-powered equipment including excavation equipment, mobile welders, generators, crane, concrete pump trucks r Masonry saws outside of the building . The Contractor shall advise all trade workers of the need to use tools and machines with manufacturer-approved sound attenuating devices. . The Contractor shall control the dust emanating from the construction site during demolition and earth-working activities with water. r The Town of Vail Noise Ordinance shall be waived for this property during the approved days and time of construction. FIRE HYDRANT ACCESS/SAFETY . The fire hydrant at the SE entrance to the TOV parking structure shall remain free and accessible to the Fire Department at all times. . All construction activities will be performed in accordance with OSHA. . The Contractor will post the emergency response phone numbers on the site. . Fire suppression equipment and first aid equipment will be on site in the construction trailer and on site in appropriate areas. GENERAL RULES 1. Bus traffic shall not be stopped for any reason except an emergency. First time violators will be subject to a $150 fine. Second time violators will be subject to a $300 fine. Third time violators will be subject to a $ I ,000 fine and may be prevented from working on the site. 2. No parking shall be allowed on East Meadow Drive, first time violators will be subject to a $150 fine. Second time violators will be subject to a $1,000 hne and may be prevented from working on the site. . l. 3. Noise control rules shall be enforced. First time violators of the noise control rules will be subject to a $150 fine. Second time violators will be subject to a $300 fine. Third time violators will be subject to a $1,000 fine and may be prevented from working on the site. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAI{ COMPLIAI\ICE 1. Shaw Construction will mail a copy of this plan to all material vendors with purchase orders and confirm that delivery truck drivers acknowledge the rules and the potential fines outlined. 2. Shaw Construction will make these rules a part of each subcontract, will review them with the subcontractor prior to their first activity on site, will reference them in the weekly Subcontractor Meeting Notes as a condition of employment on the Vail Athletic Club project. ENX'ORCEMENT r It is agreed that all terms and conditions contained herein shall be subject to enforcement by the Town Manager. In the event any condition or violation of the terms herein is not remedied in ten (10) days ofnotiflrcation, the project is subject to a stop work order until such time as remedied. \ t- arroq LL \ cxEE: EE X i.* :: g; EEEE E; =EHi g: f*; ;:;aidicPpE F F E E. E, I i*gl= fuiE ll tE H E[;I EE cH i u, :EEEe [i ;t iE Fl: lEili ri, qEi ;r ;l; EE EE: rgi EE' ;E J?-,l'"/tt Qz 3'e HZ.: -E? (j) =z-6 2E -.-B=> zrD o<}I t 6e z) o z zz_ =t : 9t & LI L!CI q 1qilfl>t 39qF r.{H8(II EIttl vlqHx1 s'1 aFI(.t:tcl t a(-l \ :l A q r^lv, oz 3 6 a o z:: a6>d oE \1E st 22 LrO- t- z!'l> 9'. J (J z 2,^.9:qErEl Zd'Jzi&6 eeiEEsi !iiiiiE6 : E-Y P i fui ri!,E H iEtuiliiEsiE iEliiEEiiiIi i ".*l# d r' l!Ivl v1 a.{ uD 5E eE E?0.6 d66 E=A ,ih - Ee; *5 z o o oi2- a6@(JIEl9l tnzq ad EH A5ol c, aH vl a f, g Elrl @l lr,vo 5 @ - EFo I Irlol 'l t, I .lot dl e 6 Bt E t x tr Ll dz [, [r....,li August 13,2001 Mr.Gary Goodell Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 Re: Phase III - V Code Review Comments Vail Mountain Lodge Expansion and Renovation Dear Gary: Attached are responses for Architectural, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical to plan review comrnents dated May 14, 20Ol on Full Phase Itr - V Permit Documents for Vail Mountain Lodge, Expansion and Renovation. Please see the Phase III Permit Documents Dated August 1, 2001 for reduced Phase III scope. Items which are no longer included as part of Phase III work, will be resolved in future phases. ARCHITECTIIRAL l. la and lb We are approved to consider the building as a four story building with the two Health Club Levels defined as Basements. The grade exceeds l2'{" along the south face only above the spa area. This area represents only 28 percent of the total building perimeter. Fires will not be fought from in spa area, therefore, the Upper Level Health Club on Sheet A3-2, should be considered a basement level. Please see attached letter from Glenn Hoynoski, P.E. dated October 5,2000. On Sheet L2{, the wetlands and the park area to the south is deeded Town of Vail land and is dedicated open space On Sheet L2{, The separation measured to centerline of road on the North side is 25 feet and on the East side is 3l feet. To the south, the public land is greater than 60 feet. On Sheet A3-2, property lines are correct as shown. The Existing parking garage does extend beyond the property line. On Sheets A3-3 through 43-6, the renovated areas are provided with operable windows or doors which meet the egress requirements for Escape or Rescue windows in sleep rooms. The windows are accessible, by the fre department, from the garage roof. N/A Sheets A3-l through A3-7 have been revised and resubmitted to clarify scope of work for Phase III renovations, dated 08/01/01. Denver Office: 2301 Blole Street Suite 100 Denver Colorodo 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fox 303.861.3027 VoilOffice:0l37MoinSkeel.UnilCl06 PO.8ox27ll Edwords Colorodo 81632 970.926.8960 tox970.926.8961 6se%-/ Y4 GARY M. ADA[4S -r016 Dov;s Portnerrhip PC., Archii6cls Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page2 10 1l 12 l3 I4 Sheet A5-1. Re-grading and window replacement are part of future phases. Existing windows less than 18" above grade, on the south faqade, wilt be replaced with tempered safety glass. Sheet S4.0. Architect will provide detail for weather proof seal at steel bearing assembly on top of existing concrete foundation wall to prevent moisture penetration. Sheets A5-l and 47-10 have been revised per new phase three scope. Any walls with in 40 feet of the property line will be One-hour N/C per tables 5A and 64' of the UBC. Exterior finishes attached to the walls as defined in Phase III revisions are to be non+ombustible sidine. Please refer to Phase III Permit Drawings. Siding above 35" on the North Elevation is non<ombustible siding. N/A Sheet L1.0. Ramp is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. It will be completed as part of future phases. N/A Sheets A3-1 and A6-4. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III. The area is to remain unfinished space for Phase III. N/A On Sheet A3-2 and 46-5. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase IIL The Restaurant area will remain as unfinished space for Phase III. N/A Sheet A3-3. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work' Restaurant Construction, Stair 208 and Door 308C are part of future phases. The exiting through Stair 028 is no longer required. Sheet A6-5. The folding doors are not the main exit. Exiting is through door 200A which is 32" minimum clear wide and exits to grade. The Folding doors 200D - 200E open to balconies approximately 4 feet above grade. The restaurant space has been removed from Phase III scope. It will be left as unfinished space. The doors are part of the existing exit vestibule. The work is not to be completed as part of Phase III. The renovation to these doors will be part of phase Four. N/A Sheet A3-2. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Dishwashing Area will be resolved in future phases. Division 08000. Door. Frame and Hardware Schedules, Division 09000, Finish Schedule, Division 10520, Fire Protection Specialties, Division 15 Fire Suppression and Division 16 Fire Detection were issued separately. N/A Project Manual, Division 08960, will be revised to specify glazing mat'erial if sloped glazing is used in future phases. Phase III scope does not include sloped glazing. l5 l6 l7 18 l9 Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 3 20 Sheet A1-l and Specifications will be coordinated in regards to safety glazing at doors and windows subject to human impact. 2l Specification Section 06105: Wood sheathing and wood subflooring is not being used. 22 Specification section 06100 Equipment bases and support curbs will not be made of wood. 23 Specification Section 14420 refers to wheelchair lift located on A3-3 in Entry, Rrn 334. The lift was completed in prior phases. STRUCTURAL: 24 The rooftop deck between grids 3 and 4, F and D is the only deck in the remaining in the scope which is exposed to snow loads. The following calculations indicate that this framing has been reviewed for 155 psf snow load including drift. 25 The general notes indicate 100 psf for roof slopes less than or equal to 3:12 and 80 psf for slopes greater th an 3:12. Neither slope reduction nor live load reduction was used, as the Town of Vail requires 80 psf as the base snow load with a separate requirement of 100 psf for roof slopes less than or equal to 3: 12. MECHANICAL: 26 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 27 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 28 A reduced pressure type bacKlow preventer will be provided to replace the double check type backflow preventer. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Docurnents. 29 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 30 The gravity drainage portion of the discharge piping from pump P-l will be changed to a 4" storm pipe. This item will be addressed in Phase Itr Construction Documents. 3l Sump pump P-l serves as the building ground water dewatering system and is not connected to the sanitary sewer system. Therefore, per Chapter I I of the UPC, a vent pipe shall not be required. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 32 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 4l 42 Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 4 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 48 49 50 51 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Clothes dryer exhaust ducts that exceed 14' will be provided with booster fans. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. The make-up air for the guest room toilet exhaust will be provided by undercutting the bathroom doors. The guest room ventilation is provided by operable windows and doors. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Combustion air will be provided by Shaw Construction per manufactures requirements. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Existing solid fuel fireplace chimney vent dampers and chimney construction shall be permanently opened and inspected by Shaw Construction. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. It is noted on Sheet M4.3 to remove previously abandoned ductwork that is located above electrical equipment. Therefore, no abandoned ductwork will remain above electrical equipment. This item will be addressed in Phase trI Construction Documents. 43 M 45 46 Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 5 52 A duct detector for unit shut down will be provided for relocated MUA-3. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 53 Make-up air to EF4, located in the elevator equipment room, will be provided with fue smoke damper. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 54 Architectural Drawings will be revised to show Elevator Equipment room 210 meeting 2 hour rating. 55 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 56 A fire smoke damper will be provided atthe 24" x 48" supply air duct outlet from the fire rated shaft. This item will be addressed in Phase Itr Construction Documents. 57 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 58 All vatving associated with PUMP P-l is accessible via a removable top of the approximate 4'-0" diameter dewatering pit. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 59 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 60 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 6l Design Build Fire Protection Sub Contractor will submit answer. 62 The pipe sizing is hydraulically calculated per NFPA 13. Pipe Scheduling per NFPA 13, 8-5 is no longer an acceptable manner for sizing piping in new projects. 63 A 6" reduced pressure back flow prevention is installed in the riser room (Sheet FP-2). This backflow prevention device services the entire sprinkler system. 63 The piping at colurnn line 3/Ir4 is in the garuge, all of the piping in the garage is existing and will remain in place' 64 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 65 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. ELECTRICAL: 66(a) A one line diagram and typical FFU circuit docunentation will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 66(b) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 6 66(c) Short circuit documentation will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 66(d) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 66(e) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 67 Street lighting circuit requirements will be coordinate with the T'O.V' This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 68 (a), (b) Panel GH2 and H2 circuit documentation will be provided and weatherproof GFCI receptacles will be used. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 69 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 70(a) A one-line diagram will be provided to clarify requirements for the future condominium units powered from the future MMS. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 70(b) A oneline diagram will be provided to indicate the power source of the existing club elevator. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 70(c) Elevator pit lighting and receptacle circuit will be document. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 7l Elevator pit lighting is not connected downstream of GFCI receptacle' A note will be added to clarify this. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 72 72(a) -72(f) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 73 See comment #70 (c) above. 74 See comment #70 (c) above. 75 Clarification of circuits 38,40,42 will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 76 Clarification of Panel HG2 loading will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 77 Clarification of Panel H2 loading will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 78 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 8l 82 Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2@l PageT 79 80 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9l 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 r00 101 t02 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work' Panel FFI location. NEC I 10-26 does not say panelboards cannot be located behind a door. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Clarification of elevator equipment room circuit will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,20Ol Page 8 103 104 105 FIREPROTECTION 106 to7 108 109 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Fire alarm manual pull stations witl be provided at all exits at each level and will be reflected on the revised fue alarm plans. Automatic heat and smoke detection will be provided in elevator shafts and will be reflected on the revised fire alarm plans. Duct detectors will be provided for AHU Unit in Mech. 7n9 and MAU-I and will be reflected on the revised fue alarm plans. If the door(s) in question is installed and is a fre door and is required to be held open, then it will be held open with a magnetic door holder and will be reflected on the revised fue alarm plans. See Item 109. See Item 109. Design Build Fire Detection Sub Contractor will submit answer. Automatic smoke detection will be provided in accordance with NFPA standards and will be reflected on the revised fire alarm plans. Audio,/visual appliances will be provided in accordance with NFPA standards and will be reflected on the revised fire alarm plans. See Item I14. Please call if you have any questions or concerns. ll0 111 l12 ll3 tt4 115 AIA Jay Peterson Ray Story Keith Oxenreider Clark Atkinson Brad Staver Scott Wasson Bailey & Peterson Ray Story Architect Shaw Construction Shaw Construction Beaudin Ganze Monroe & Newell v\vml\0022000\admin\lener\tov08020 l.doc Stgl Gunirp prrgirtccrirrg Fire Pr ol,ection an<i ]3uildins Crrdc Coneultants 9?2 l{ru5'. 46, Sujte 300. Gotden. CO 80403-8886 (Golden Gate CanyoLr Road) Plrcrre: (303) 6t-2-0635 . lta;: {303) 582-3855 ocToBEF 5,2000 MR. GARY R. GOODELL, C.B.O. TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPT. 75 S FRONTAGE RD vAtL, co 81657 RE: CODE ISSUES VAIL MOUNTAIN RESOBT Gary: This letter is lo respond lo issues raised ciuring the Town of Vail review process of the subjecl p roiecl. The flrst issue oi concern is the classiijcation oJ the lirsl siory anC the impact upon the required Type ol Construction. The plan review indicates lhai the Upper Health Club level ol the project musi qualif)i as a basemenl. The expressed concern is that the distance above grade for the f irst fioor exceeds 12' alorrg a relaiively small porlion of the south elevation. \A/e agree ihat ihe UBC is clear in the cjeiinition ol a appljcable story, honrever. this inierprelation for this building seems impraclical. The UBC Handbook suggests ihai each case should be judged individually based on characterisiic's of the sile and construction. One of lhe more signiflcant concerns is the issue o[ emergency access to the building and fire lighting operatjons. According lo our review only 28% of the overall buiiding perimeter exceeds the I2' provision exclusively on the south elevation. ll should be pointed out ihat lhe buildlng is primarily accessed by both the public, as well as emefgency services on the nodh, easl and west sides. The south side adjoining Gore Creek is not generally considered as accessible. The 12' height is exceeded sllghliy (1 6) and does nol exceed 50% oi the perimeler. ln order to minimize this condition, the grade elevation will be increased lo salisfy the 12' crileria along ihe south side excepl in lhe area of lhe outdoor whirlpool, refer to Addendum #2. Since the building is noi readily accesslble on the soulh side; the provision for detenninatjon for classification ol the lirst story should be waived allorrying the building lo be renovaied as Type ll - t hour construclion. The second issue concerns the 3-story communicaing space which exisls between the Lower Health Club, Upper Healtlt Club, and the firsl floor. lt is recognized that the UBC limits the number of communicaling leveis to two (2). The principal basis for the code reslrictjon is to limit the polenlial ior fire spread through a building, as \ryell as minimize the impact of smoke lravel and the impact on the evacuation capabiliiy ol the building occupants. . . The design elemenl in queslion is a 6' diameter circular openin g (28\|.'?) localed between the Lower H ealth Club level and lhe Upper Heallh Club level. Reler to the paltiai building seclion allached. Due 10 the lirnjted size of the opening, it does not qualify as an alrium per Table 4-A ol the UBC. Based upon lhe above, w€ propose to provide the following safeguards lo miligale lhe saleiy risks associaled with ihe installation of the opening between floors: 1. The installalion of a draft slop localed at the ceiling level of the Lower Health Club level wilh the installaiion of closeiy spaced 6'o.c. quick rur'pon.. sprinklers around the perimeler. 2. The installation of passive smoke venls at the ceilino/rooi level al the lirst f loor level. These venls would be aclivated by either ol the ioilowing:-a. Smoke deteclors located ai ceiling o{ lhe bar on lhe lirst {loor level.b. Manual switching located at the proposed lire command cenler io be conirolled by the fire department personnel. We believe thal the inslallatlon oi the above safeguards will provide an acceptable equivalency lo permit the above mentioned opening between floors and provide an acceptable level of occupant safeiy. MR. GAFY R. GOODELL, C.B.O. TOWN OF VAIL BUJLDING DEPT. CODE ISSUES VAIL [4OUNTAIN RESORT ocToBEB 5, 2000 rAL: tr Z GTH:gjw cc: JASON OLINEK Please advise il you have any addiiional questions on ihe proposed aiternatives. SINCERELY, jbA^S.W,s^- GLENN T, HOYNOSKI, P.E. PRINCIPAL FIRE PROTECT|ON ENGR. A=---€ l<untrl'--t Q""{ fi1't 6) S7.^" Lk- I U.lf> f" i )il5 {h{d Sr*k. flzc"rue-S 1 l_"- - -P-|-;1;7r;g;7=z-ilio-fl irrf ;iiv. - tJ t z l'- t"'rtrr :it rlivl r' l'(o<-t^ c,arPid(- t ejin siocv.tL S?4tF f1RAG1, <.',n't'r"'s I I I IE Hffi November l4,2ml IOY.COfill,4. DEV. DEPT, Mr. Gary Goodell Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165? Re: Vail Mountain Lodge Architect's hoject No. OOZ2O.W Dear Gary: As follow-up to the conversation you, Ray Story and I had on September 26, 2001, please find attached the product spec data information you requested related to tbe fre retardant wood treatment and pressure treatment Shaw Construction is using on the exterior of Vail Mountain Lodge. Additionally, the following are from my notes as to your comments that day related to the wood treatment Shaw Construction will be installing. l. DPA will provide TOV with spec data on fre retardant treatment for wood siding and trim that is being used on this project. 2. All exterior wood trim is to be 2x minimum cedar but does not need to be fire treated. 3. All wood corbels, etc. to be minimum 4 x 6 so they are "heavy timber" members. 4. Since the wood siding on the building is to be fire-retardant treated per UBC Section 601.5.4, the siding can be used up to 35' above grade in the areas indicated. 5. All exterior walls are to be built tight to the deck above so fire moving up the exterior of the building cannot travel u and into the building through the soffits. 6. Our soffit and fascia detailing should be built with solid blocking (not leaving voids). Shaw Construction will add a layer of 5/8" type x drywall beneath the soffit wood paneling. Soffit rnaterial should be the same fire retardant treated wood as the wood siding. 7. Provide factory applied (UBC certified) fire retardant treatment and stain to the balcony railings if possible. 8. Wood shutters should also be fire retardant treated with a product (such as Flamekote 100) that can be painted over to protect the treatment from UV rays. Attached please find the product data for Fire-Kote 100, a Class-A fire retardant to be field applied for all wood not factory treated and PyroGuard-Class A for any wood that will be factory treated. Shaw Construction anticipates the majority of the siding and trim will be field treated. Denver Office: 23Ol Eloke Skeel S'rite 100 Denver Colorodo 80205-2108 303.861 8555 Fox 303.861.3027 VoilOffice: Ol3TMoin Srreet UniiCl06 PO.Box2Tll Edwords Colorodo 81632 970.926.8960 Fox 970 926 8961Dovis Porlnership P.C., Archile(fs Mr. Gary Goodell November l4,200l Page Two If you have any questions orI hope this provides you the product information you wanted. comments, please give me a call. Thank you. Jay Peterson Ray Story Keith Oxenreider $haw Construction 352 EsrrMeedo$ Drivc TNANSMITTAL No. 0406 co E1657 PRO.trECT: TOr ATTN: Vail Mountain Lodgc ; Davis Partncrship fu chitcctsi P.O. Box 27ll , 0137 Main str€et Edwards, CO 81632 l Jason Olinck DATE: t0ll7tOl REF: Submittals:FiraKotc 100 ' ri.iiirril;ttsA'lr:ff*r: ::1 " ji:1..r', i :../ii.'i:i E Strop Ot .ip il ApFwd E foqtrtd $ ltuhitcd lst l Yqr IJrc Aooropd rr NCd Pridr tr A: R.quad.d R**nrd ,4f,* laer E orngo ctrlcr D RsvbwldCoffi E |(c hdt [f nhrt E urmr ] s.rpt.t R.trrrd Eil sp*in.tor n 4!&t d !Rctrd forCtrtldictt tr onc d LD.dr.Cbv.ivir: f|I Dt2 DdT: I l0/l7i0l SttB Rcmerlrrl Fir+Kotc 100 CC; ExFddon O ttt'(t 001 Title; Class A Fire Rctardrnt.NEW Siprcdl Slwc Ritchsy Shaw Construction 352 EnS Mosdow Drive vsil CO t1657 TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING: STATUS: BIC: Closs A Fire Rstardant. VailMountain l.odge NEW Plom: 97O4?7{Xl l JO 6ont Rrtuncd tol17tol PACKAGE NO:07(XX} REQUIRED START: 3ll9l0l REQUIRED FINISH: 3127 l0l DAYSHELD: 0 DAYSELAP$ED: I IIAY$ OYERDUE: 204 REIURNED BY FORWARDED TORECETVEDTROM ALPINEL RS f,cvirhnNo Docriptlon/Bcurrtr 001 ClossA Pirt Rcudltrt. Firc-Kote 100 Dnrlng Fonrr{od Strtusbphfrirc DrIc H'HEhtt'd NEW000 SENTTO DAVIS i RGccivGd l0/16/01: E€dba FULL PHASE I AND II PERMIT SET July 20, 2000 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO PRJforzb B oo-orr5 EXCERPTS FROM PRELIMINARY CODE ANALYSIS PROVIDED FOR VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE BY HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING MARCH, 2OOO RECEIVED JUL Z 1 ZOOO TOV-CO]lil.DEV. To,^,naf lfElf\;*ltrl D nn*'r' DenverOllice:2301 Bloke Skeel'Suite 100 Denver Colorodo 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fox 303.861.3027 Voil Of{ice:0l37Moin St.eer'Unit Cl06 PO.Box2Tll Edwords Colorodo 81632 970.926.8964 tux?709268961Dovis Porlner3hip PC., A.(hilecls VAILATHLENC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS INDEX INTBODUCTION PAqE t- ||. ru. lv. vt, vil. 7 I I 10 11 Il) 14 15 16 3 4HEIGHT AND AREA ANA1YSIS................. TYpE OF CONSTRUCTlON..,.............. LOCATION ON PFOPERTY EGRESS ReOUtnr[4eNTS ............,............. vilt. AccESslBtLrTY.... IX. FIRE PFIOTECTION REOUIREMENTS X. FIREALARMREQUIBEMENTS................. XI. SUMMARYANDRECOMMENDATIONS HCE -1-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION This code review was based upon the 1997 edition ol the Unilorm Building Code (UBC), the 1997 Unilbrm Fire Code (UFC) and the locally adopted amendmenls by the Town ol Vail This review is primarily intended to address the lire and lile safety aspects of lhe code. The teview is based upon the undated schematlc design documents limited lo lloor plans prepared by JMP Architects provided lo High Gountry Engineering (HCE) in February of 2000. HCE -2-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIG CLUB CODE ANALYSIS I. ABEA SUMMARY BASEMENT LOWER HEALTH CLUB GHOUP A, DIVISION g --12,977 FT.z GROUPB = 2'158FT'2 SUB-TOTAL =15,135 FT.z UPPER HEALTH CLUB GROUP A, DIVISION 3 ='13,934 FT'? cRouP g = 4,042Fr.2 cRouP s, DlvtstoN 3 = 4.287 Ff .?= SUB-TOTAL =22,263Ff '2 FIRST FLOOR GROUP A, DIVISION 3 = 2,4o2FT'2 GROUP B = '1 ,932 FT''z cRouP R, DtvtstoN 1 = 9.948 FT.: SUB-TOTAL = 14,282FT'2 SECOND FLOOR GROUP R, DIVISION 'l = 14,960 FT''? THIRD FLOOH GROUP R, DIVISION 1 = 13'693 FT'' FOURTH FLOOB GROUP R, DIVISION'l = 6,841 FT? . suMMAHY oF BUILDING AFEA BY OCCUPANCY (EXCLUDING BASEMENT LEVELS) GROUP A, DIVISION 3 = 2,402FI'2 GROUPB = 1,932FT''? GROUP R, DIVISION 1 =45.442Ff .?, suB-ToTAL =49,776FT.2 SUMMARY OF BASEMENT AREA (BOTH FLOORS) GBouP A, Dlvls;6N d 12pt7 Fr'" + 13,93i FT'2 = 26,911 FT'2 GRouP B i,isa Fr'' + 4,042 FT''? = 6'2oo FT'2 GROUP S, DIV|S|ON S il,Zst fl." = 4.287 FI: suB-TorAL -37 .aIBFT'. HCE -.t-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS II. HEIGHT AND ABEA ANALYSIS ALLOWABLE ABEA ANALYSIS - ASSUME TYPE II-1 HOUF CONSTRUCTION BASIC ALLOWABLE AHEA (UBC, TABLE 5-B) GROUP A, DIVISION 3 = '13,500 FT.,GROUPB =1B,oOOFT.? GROUP S, DIVISION 3 = 1B,OOO FT.' GBOUP R, DIVISION 1 = 13,500 FT.' BASEMENT LEVELS MUST BE BELOW ALLOWABLE AREA FOR 1 STORY ALLOWABLE AREA INCREASES (UBC, pARAcFApH 505) SEPARATION ON 3 SIDES EXISTS MEASURED TO CENTER.LINE OF ROAD MINIMUM WIDTH: NORTH SIZE = ZS' EAST SIDE = 31' SOUTH SIDE = 100' MINIMUM CONDITION EXISTS ON NOHTH SIDE 22' .20' =2' INCFIEASE IS ALLOWED FOR 2.5% FOR THE MINIMUM DISTANCE IN EXCESS OF 20' 2'x2.5"/"=57" A MAXIMUM 5% INCBEASE IS PERMITTED ALLOWABLE AREA INCF EASES GROUP A, DIVISION 3 = 13.500 FT.'z x 1.105 = 14.175 FT.2GBOUPB =18,000 FT.2xt.105=19.890 FT.z GROUP S, DIVISION 3 = 18,000 FT.' x 1.t05 = 19,890 FT.2 GROUP R, DIVISION 1 = 13,500 FT.'? x 1,105 = 14,175 FT.2 INCREASE FOR SpRtNKLER PROTECTTON (UBC, SECTTON 50s.3) AREA MAY BE TBIPLED IN 1 STORY BUILD|NGS (BASEMENT LEVELS ARE CURHENTLY.. SPRTNKLERED) GROUP A, DIVISION 3 = 14,175 FT.2 x 3=42,SZE FT.2GROUPB =19,890 FT.2x 3=59,670FT.2 GROUP S, DIVISION 3 = 19,890 FT., x B = 59,670 FT.2 AREA SUMMARY FOR BASEMENTS (UBC, SECTION 504.5) ACTUAL AREA 26,91.t FT.2 6,200 FT.2 4,287 FT.2 + ------------ =.80 ALLOWABLE AREA 42,525 FT,2 59,670 FT.2 59,670 FT.' RATTO OF AREAS MUST BE < .1.0 (UBC, SECTTON 504.s) SINCE .BO < 1.0 _ TYPE II . 1 HOUR IS ACCEPTABLE HCE 3/00-4- VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS ll. HEtcHT AND ABEA ANALYSIS (CONT'D) ABEA ANALYSIS FOR UPPER FLOOB LEVELS MULTT-STORY INCREASE (UBC, SECTTON 504.2) BASIC ALLOWABLE WITH SETBACK INCREASE (SEE PREVIOUS PAGE FOR SETBACK tNcREASE) GROUP A, DIVISION 3 = 14,175FT.2GROUPB =19,890FT.' GROUP S, DIVISION 3 = 19.890 FT.2 GROUP R, DIVIS|ON 1 = 14,175 FT.2 THE MULTI-STOHY INCREASE ALLOWS THAT THE BASIC ALLOWABLE AREA MAY BE DOUBLED FOR MULT|PLE STOBTES (UBC, SECTTON s04.2) GBOUP A, DIVISION 3 = 14,175 Ff .2 x 2 = 28,350 FT.z GBOUP B = 19,890 FT.'?x 2 =39.780 FT.'? GROUP S, DIVISION 3 = 19,890 FT.'? x 2 = 39,780 FT.2 GFIOUP Fl, DIVISION 1 = 14,175FT.2x2=28,350Fr.2 AUTOMATTC SpRtNKLER TNCREASE (UBC, SECTTON 505.3) CODE ALLOWS THAT THE ALLOWABLE ABEA MAY BE DOUBLED IN MULTI.STOFY BUILDINGS WHEN SPRINKLERS ARE INSTALLED THROUGHOUT. AUTOMATIC SPBINKLER PROTECTION IS CONTEMPLATED IN CONJUNCTION W'TH THE PROJECT. ALLOWABLE AREA GROUP A, DIVISION 3 28,350 FT.2 x 2 = 56.700 FT.2 GBOUP B 39,780 FT.2x2=79,560 Ff.2 GROUP S, DIVISION 3 39,780 FT.2 x 2 = 79,560 FT.2 . GFIOUP R, DIVISION 1 28,300 FT.2 x 2 = 56,700 FT., AREA SUMMABY FOR ENTIRE BUILDING (EXCLUDING BASEMENT) GHOUP A, DIVISION 3 GROUP B GROUP R, DIVISION 1 ACTUAL 2,402FT.2 .1,932 FT.' 45,442FT.2 + ----*------*- = .86ALLOWABLE 56,700 FT.2 79,560 FT,z 56,700 FT.' ... .86 < 1.0 TYPE II - 1 HOUR IS ACCEPTABLE FOR TOTAL PROJECT AREA. HCE 3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS II, HEIGHT AND AREA ANALYSIS (CONT'D) cHECK ON NUMBER OF STORTES (UBC, SECTIoN TABLE 5-B) ALLOWABLE GBOUP A, DIVISION 3 - MAXIMUM 2 STOBIES GROUP B - MAXIMUM4STORIES GFIOUP B, DIVISION 1 - MAXIMUM 4 STOBIES ACTUAL ALL GFOUP A, DIVISION 3 USES ARE ON 1ST FLOOR ALL GROUP B USES ARE ON FIRST FLOOB THE BUILDING HAS FOUR STORIES - STORY LIMIT NOT EXCEEDED BUILDING HETGHT (UBC, TABLE 5-B) FOR TYPE II- 1 HOUR HEIGHT LIMIT IS 65' ACCOHDING TO JMP DWG A3.1 DATED 4I17IS6,THE DISTANCE FROM GRADE LEVEL ON THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING TO THE BUILDING FOOF IS 53" THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED HEIGHT IS 65'AND WELL WITHIN THE PRESCRIBED LIMITS. IN SUMMARY, TYPE II I-HOUR CONSTHUCTION CAN BE UTILIZED FOF THE PROPOSED PROJECT. -6-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS III. TYPE OF CONSTBUCTION uBc, CHAPTER 6 (TABLE 6-A). TypE il - 1 HOUR CONSTRUCTION ELEMENT HEQUIBED FIRE HATING EXTERIOR BEAHING WALLS .I HOUR INTERIOR BEARING WALLS .I HOUR STBUCTUBAL FRAME 1 HOUR PERMANENT PARTITIONS 1 HOUF SHAFT ENCLOSURES 1 HOURFLOOF/CEILINGS l HOURBOOFS l HOURNON.COMBUSTIBLESTA|RWELLS 2 HOUH (UBC, pABAcRApH 1005.3-3.2) HCE -7-3/00 VAIL ATHLENC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS IV. LOCATION ON PBOPERTY UBC, TABLE 5.A GROUP B/GROUP S, DIVISION 3 -TYPE II1-HOUR CONSTRUCTION EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS - 1 HOUR/NON.COMBUSTIBLE OPENINGS NOT PERMITTED < 5'TO PROPERTY LINE OPENINGS PROTECTED < 1O'TO PROPERTY LINE GROUP A, DIVISION 3. TYPE II 1-HOUB CONSTFUCTION EXTERIOH BEABING WALLS .2 HR < 5'TO PHOPEBTY LINE - 1 HR/NON-COMBUSTIBLE ELSEWHEBE OPENINGS NOT PERMITTED < 5'TO PROPERTY LINE OPENINGS PBOTECTED < 1O'TO PROPERTY LINE WEST SIDE - MINIMUM DISTANCE TO PIL=2'lN SW CORNER NORTH SIDE' MINIMUM DISTANCE TO P/L = 0' AT ENTRANCE THE ENTRANCE CONFIGUBATION MUSTBE 2 HOUR RATED OPENINGS NOT PERMITTED < 5' EAST SIDE - MINIMUM DISTANCE = 1O'- NO REOUIREMENTS HCE -8-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS V. "O'*'O OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS UBC, TABLE 3-B AREA GROUP A, DIVISION 3iGROUP B GROUP BiGROUP S, DIVISION 3 GFOUP B/GROUP R, DIVISION 1 GROUP A, DiVISION 3/GROUP R, DIVISION .1 GROUP A, D|VTSION 3icROUp S, DtVtStON 3 (PARK|NG) 3 HOUR RATING FEQUIFED NONE HOUB HOUF HOUR 3/00HCE-9- VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSTS VI. MISCELLANEOUSFIRESEPABATIONS RooMS wlrH HEATING EQUTPMENT > 400,000 BTU/HF = 1 HouB - uBc, sEcloN 309.s OPENINGS ABE PERMITTED BETWEEN TWO COMMUNICATING FLOOR LEVELSuBc, sEcTtoN 202 ELEVATOR SHAFT - 1 HOUR _ UBC, SECTION 3OO2 ELEVAToF MACH|NE BOOMS _ 1 HOUR _ANSI417.1, BULE 101.1(a) ALL COFRIDOFS - 1 HOUR _ UBC, SECTION 1004.3.2 ELEVATOR LOBBIES - 1 HOUR _ UBC, SECTION 1004.3.4.5.BEQUIRED ON ALL FLOORS SINCE THE OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDS 30 ON ALL FLOORS,INCLUDING THE FIRST FLOOR/LOBBY ELEVATOR REQUIREMENTS _ UBC, CHAPTER 30 IN BUILDINGS 4 OR MORE STOFIES _ ELEVATOFS SHALL BE PROVIDED.MINIMUM ELEVATOR SIZE 80" X 54,. To AccoMMoDATE AMBULANoE STRETCHEFS _ UBc,SECTION 3003.5 . THE ACTUAL ELEVATOR S|ZE tS 57" x 78,,W|DE N+ €ft6 er*,A CHLvu$e-q, kA,€ | ttz-. HCE -10-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS VII. EGBESS REOUIFEMENTS obcupanr LoAD cALcuLATroNs LOWER HEALTH CLUB GROUP A, DIVISION 3 12,977 FT.z + 50 = 259 GBOUP B 2,158 FT.2 +'100 = 21 OCCUPANT LOAD = 270 PERSONS UPPER HEALTH CLUB GROUP A, DIVISION 3 12,229 Fr.z + S0 = 245 GROUP A DINING 1,635 FT.? + 15 = 109GFIOUPB 4.O42Ff.2*100= 40oOCUPANTLOAD = 394 PEBSONS FIBST FLOOR GROUP B '1 ,932FT.2 +100= 19 GROUP A, DIVISION 3 2,4OZFT.2 + 15 = 160 GROUP R, DIVISION 'l 9,948 FT.z + 200 = 49 OCoUPANT LOAD = 2n PERSONS SECOND FLOOR GROUP R, DIVISION 1 14,960 FT.'? + 200 = 74 PERSONS THIRD FLOOF GROUP R, DIV|S|ON | 13,693 FT.2 - 200 = 68 PEFISONS FOURTH FLOOR, GROUP R, D|VISION 1 6,841 FT.2 + 200 = 34 PERSONS TOTAL BLDG OCCUPANT LOAD = 1.O68 PERSONS GENERAL ISSUES ALL NEW STAIBS MUST BE 2 HOUR, UBC, SECTION J005.3.3.2 SUB PARAGRAPH #3, NEED PANIC HARDWARE ON ALL DOORS WHEBE OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDS 50 PERSONS. UBC, SECTION 1003.3.1.8. ALL SLEEPING ROOMS BELOW THE FOURTH FLOOF MUST HAVE A OPERABLE DOORANINDOW OPERABLE FROM THE INTEFIOR. MINIMUM SIZE 5.7 FT.'. MINIMUM CLEAR DIMENSIONS IS 24" HEIGHT.20" WIDTH. UBC, SECTION 310.4. EXIT SIGNS BEQUIRED _ UBC, SECTION 1003.2.8.2 EXIT ILLUMINATION REQUIFIED _ UBC, SECTION 1003.2.9.1 BOTH OF THE ABOVE REQUIRE EMERGENCY POWER 1.5 HOURS FLOOR LEVEL EXIT SIGNS ARE RFQUIRED IN COBRIDORS _ UBC, SECTION 1007.6.2 HCE -l t-3/00 VAIL ATHLETTC C|-UB CODEANALYSIS IX. FIRE PBOTECTION REOUIREMENTS 1. SPFINKLERS REOUIRED THROUGHOUTBASED ON THE AREA ANALYSIS. 2. FLOOR CONTROL VALVES SHOULD BE INSTALLED FOF EACH LEVEL _ BECOMMEND. 3. NEED STANDPIPE ADDED IN STAIHWELLS BETWEEN COLUMNS 8A-9 _ UBC, CHAPTER 9. 4. NEED ROOF SMOKE HATCH AT NEW STAIRWELLS > 4 STORIES _ UBC, SECTION 1003.3.3.12. bsc-.* fnce\r"i<df Lo$\/\ r:( rv.roo^\ c.p\a-!r. a ifq ^t'--5. EXTEND WEST STANDPIPE TO THE NEW SIAIRWELL LOCATED BETWEEN COLUMN 4-5 _ UBC, CHAPTER 9. 3/00HCE-1+ VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 Applicable Codes: 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) Town of Vail G-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 1 of 15 V- 1994 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) (97IPC OK) 1998 International Mech Code (lMC) (97 UMC OK) 1999 National Electrical Code (NEC) CABO/ANSI A117.1 Accessibility Standards (C/A) (Per Town of Vail Adoption) Drawings dated V2/26101 Manualdated 02105101 Structural Calcs 04104101 Architect : Davis Partnership Mech. & Elec. : Beaudin Ganze Contractor : Shaw Construction Structural : Monroe& Newell Civil : Marcin Engineering Fire Protection : All-State Code Consultant : High Country Engineering B-1016 No Stamp PE-12082 No Stamp No Stamp PE 22147 B. c. Occupancy Groups : R-1 Apartments Units & Dwelling Units S-3 Parking Garage (Underground) A-3 Restaurant, Bar, Health Club, LockersB Offices & Kitchen S-1 Storage Type of Construction : ll - 1 HR Fully Sprinklered Location on Property : North : Frontage on East Meadow Drive South : Faces Wetlands & Park East : Frontage on Vail Valley Drive West : Mountain Haus Parcel D. Summary of Floor Areas : These numbers have been calculated from the floor plans provided. Note that floor areas are larger than the entries provided in the Code Analysis on the Index Cover Sheet of the review sets. Basement Lower Leve Health Club Upper Level Parking Garage Restaurant & Kitchen Main Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Penthouse Level Total Building Floor Area (sf) Floor Elevation 15,167 8155.33' 12,953 8164.83' 4,257 8164.83', 2,500 8166.33'16.654 8177.33' 16.474 8186.83' 16,318 8196.33' 7,316 8207.33', 91,609 1 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 Town of Vail G-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 2 of 15 E. Height & Number of Stories : See Review Comment No. 1 Architectural Review 1. L 2-0 : The height of the building needs to be resolved with regard to total number of stories above grade as altered by the new penthouse units added to the top floor. UBC 506 & 3403 a) A 5-1 & L 2-0 : Area to be re-graded at the exterior spa pool will leave this portion of the south yard at Water Elevation = 8160', which is more than 12 ft. below the main floor at Elevation 8177.33', thereby disqualifying the contiguous floor level as a basement. UBC 220 & 208, Definitions of "Story" and "Grade. b) The Penthouse additions thereby cause the building to exceed the maximum allowable 4 story height for an R-1 occupancy in a Type ll - 1 HR building. UBC 506 & Table 5-B. 2. L2-0: Verify that wetlands and park area on adjacent property south of the building is public space usable as an open yard greater than 60' applicable to floor area increase and fire department approach. Otherwise building has no usable yard clearance to the property line on this side. UBC 505.1.1 3. L 2-0 : Building requires sufficient open yards on 3 sides to justify allowable floor area on no more than 4 stories above grade. The parking garage and Health Club Lower Level are considered below grade. UBC 505.1.2 4. A3-2: The existing underground Garage is shown extending beyond the North property line into the street ROW at East Meadow Drive. Are property lines correct as shown? UBC 106.3.1 5. A 3-3 : New Bedroom windows on north side open onto yard supported by the Garage roof underground. Verify existing roof is adequate for emergency rescue by Fire Department to all new windows on this side of the building, including the new penthouse units. UBC 310.4 6. A 3-1 thru A 3.7 :The keynotes and general notes are the same on each sheet. Since keynotes are not flagged on the plan;the new work of Phases lll - V is difficult to separate from existing areas outside of the scope. VAIL MOUNTATN LODGE TOWN OI VA|I Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation G'West 201084 East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 Pg.3 of 15 7. A 5-1 : South Elevation : Existing windows in South exterior wall of Health Club Upper Level will require tempered safety glass if less than 18" above new grade and panels unsupported greater than 9 sq. ft. UBC 2406.4 L S 4.0 : Sec. 3 : Provide weather proof seal at steel bearing assembly on top of existing concrete foundation wall to prevent moisture penetration into building through areawell. UBC 1402 9. A 5-1 & A 7-10 :Wood siding is not permitted on the West Elevation on exterior walls less than 40 ft. from property line. UBC 603.3.1 & Table 5-A 10. A 5-2 & A7-12:Wood siding on North Elevation at new dormers not permitted more than 35' above grade. UBC 601.5.4 & Table 5-A 11. L 1.0:Newexterior 1:12 slope rampwillrequirea handrailon both sides. uBc 1003.3.4.5 12. A 3-1 & A 6-4 : Two exits from Basement between Grids 1 1-12 are not adequately separated. 112lhe major diagonal of the basement area served is approximately 98'; requiring 49'separation between the exit-access doors at 101 & 102. UBC 1004.2.3 &1004.2.4 13. A 3-2 & A 6-5 : New Elevator opens into the egress route from the Restaurant (Dining) area to Stair 208. The Elevator opening must be equipped with a smoke and draft seal; or be separated from the Dining Room by a Lobby. uBc 1004.3.3.5 & 711.4 14. A 6-6 : Door 308C appears to be a non-conforming required exit for the new Restaurant occupants from the lower level. Address door width at top of stair, minimum width of exit discharge into courtyard between retaining walls; and the unidentified gate at the end of the walkway. UBC 1003.3.1.3, 1003.3.1.s, 1, 1 15. A 6-5 : The main exit from the Restaurant may be considered the doors opening onto the Patio. Folding doors are not considered safe for orderly evacuation during an emergency. UBG 1003.3.1 .5 16. A 6-6 : Door 3O8B does not provide an adequate landing at the foot of Stair 308. UBC 1003.3.1 .7 & 1003.3.3.5 17. A3-2 Dishwashing area is not permitted under enclosed Stair 308 above. uBc 1005.3.3.6 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive r Code Review May 14,2001 Pg.4 of 15 18. Specs Table of Contents : The following Sections are noted as not included in the project manual. 08000 Door, Frame, Hardware Schedules. 09000 Finish Schedule 10520 Fire Protection Specialties Div. 15 Fire Suppression & Standpipe Specifications Div. 16 FireAlarm 19. Specs 08960 : Refers to Div. 8, Section for "Glazing"; not provided. ldentify whether glass or plastic to be used at sloped glazing. UBC 2409 & 2603.7 20. A 1-1 : Coordinate specifications and safety glazing requirements at doors and windows subject to human impact. UBC 2406 2'1. Specs 06105 : Part 1 .2. A4 & 5 :Sheathing and subflooring may not be of wood in Type ll - 1 HR building. UBC 603 22. Specs 06100 : Part 1 .2. A1 & 5 : Equipment bases and support curbs may not be of wood in Type ll - 1 HR building. UMC 308.3 23. Specs 14420: Calls for wheelchair lifts; not located on drawings. Use as an egress component is limited by UBC 1 104.1 ,4 Structural Review 24. Structural calculations use 40 psf LL for Residential balconies; same as interior floors. Minimum 60 psf required by Table 16-4; greater with snow ddfting based on area snow loads. This includes the rooftop balconies shown on Sheet A 5-1. UBC 1608 25. S 4.0 :General Notes :Snow loads callfor 100 psf al roof slopes less than or equal to 3 : 12; and 80 psf at slopes > 3 : '12. Reductions may not be applied for slopes less than 4.36:12; i.e. 20" from horizontal. UBC 1614 Mechanical Review 26. M1.1. Provide trip lever on wide side of handicapped water closet stall (CABO/ANSI 41 1 7.1 -1 992, 4-17 .5). 27. M2.3,M2.4, M2.5. Required fire rating of rated corridors and floor to floor separation shall be maintained at alltimes during construction within occupied building (UBC 710.1 1, 713.1 0). VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 5 of 15 28. M3.1. Provide reduced oressure backflow Dreventer in lieu of double check valve shown on domestic water service (UPC 602.3). 29. M3.1 . 2" vent serving 4' P-10 floor drain is undersized and should be increased one pipe diameter. 4" waste outlet normally requires minimum 2" vent. However, excessive length of 2" vent shown requires pipe upsizing to next recognized diameter (UPC Table 7-5). 30. M3.1. P-1 discharge piping is too small to be considered gravity drainage piping. Specified 39 gpm equals 78 fixture units, requiring a 4" gravity drain by UPC Table 7-5. All 2' PST piping from P-1 shall be rated for anticipated flow and pressure (UPC 703.2, 710.5, 710.7). M3.1. Sump for P-1 shall be vented (UPC 710.10). M3.1. 2" vent may not be reduced in size lo 1-1,.2" V (UPC 311.5). M3.1. Provide cleanout on two 2" vents originating from grease interceptor, following vent rise through grade (UPC 905.3). M3.2, M3.3. 1-114" MG is undersized for gas load and length of piping to kitchen and should be increased in size (UPC Table 12-4). M3.3. Clarify gas flow rate at Hors Dourves Range (UPC 103.2.3). M3.3. Minimum vent size at 4" P-9 and 4" P-10 equals 2" diameter (UPC Table 7-5). M3.3. Length of horizontal1-112" V originating from P-8 at column lines U11 exceeds allowable maximum length (UPC Table 7-5). M3.3. Provide cleanout at Bath 114 waste branch (UPC707.4). M4.3, M4.5, M4.6, M4.8. Provide smoke detector within 5'0" of all fire smoke dampers (UBC 713.10, 713.1 1 ). M4.3, M4.4. Clothes dryer exhaust duct limited to 14' length with (2) two 90e elbows (UMC 504.3.2). 41 . M4.3, M4.4. Clarify outside air quantity to CUH-4 (UBC 1202.2.1). 42. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Clarify source of make up air to guestroom toilet exhaust system (UMC 402.4). 31. 32. 33. 35. 36. 38. 39. 34. 37. 40. VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation G-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 Pg.6 of 15 49. M4.3, M4.4, M45, M6.1, M6.2. Sanitary vent below fixture flood rim level not allowed unless required due to structural conditions (UPC 905.3). 44. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5, M4.6. Provide combustion air to gas fireplaces (UMC 901.2, 901.3). 45. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. All ductwork penetrations of fire rated occupancy separation shall be provided with fire smoke dampers (UBC 713.10, 713.11). 46. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Existing solid fuel fireplace chimney vent dampers and chimney construction shall be permanently opened and inspected prior to conversion to gas use (UMC 813.2, 901 .2). 47. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Clarify all natural gas pipe loading to fireplaces and miscellaneous gas appliances such as ranges and boilers and total gas loads such that gas pipe sizes may be reviewed for code compliance (UPC 1217.0). 48. M4.6. 2" horizontal storm drain is not a recognized size. Increase horizontal storm drain to minimum 3" diameter (UPC Table 11-2). 49. M4.6. Length of 1-112" vent above Bedroom 610A exceeds allowable horizontal length and must be increased in diameter one pipe size (UPC Table 7-5). 50. M4.6. Outlet of grease exhaust fans shall be located 24" above all building construction within 10' (UMC 507.11). 51. M4.8. Ductwork may not remain abandoned above electric panels (NEC). 52. M4.8. Provide smoke detector in S.A. duct of relocated MAU-3 (UMC 608.0). 53. M4.9. Provide make up air to EF-4 in elevator equipment room (UMC 402.4). 54. M4.9. Elevator equipment room shall have fire rating at least equalto elevator shaft served (ASME 417.1 , 1Ol .1a). 55. M4.9. Provide fire rated duct cleanouts in grease exhaust duct systems (uMc 507.5,507.7). 56. M4.9. Provide fire smoke damper at24" x 48" S.A. exit from duct shaft (UBC 713.10,713.11). VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 Pg.7 of 15 57. M4.9. Provide minimum 3" high pad below condensing unit CU-1 (UMC 1 105.2.1). 58. M5.1. Check valves and gate valves at P-1 should be accessible (UPC 710.4). 59. M6.2. Clarify size of vent from P/13 into riser P/14 (UPC 103.2.3). 60. Not Used. 61. FP-2. Pipe sizes shown are too small for pipe size schedule compliance' Provide hydraulic calculations to justify pipe sizing (NFPA 13, B-5). 62. FP-3. Provide reduced pressure backflow preventer on sprinkler piping with glycol (UPC 603.4.1 8.3). 63. FP-3. Clarify missing piping at approximately column lines 3iM (UPC 103.2.3). 64. F3-0.1. Plumbing notes, number 11 indicates the need for gas pressure regulator for each piece of kitchen gas equipment. Plumbing drawings should be revised to show location of each regulator with appropriate venting to atmosphere. (UPC 1218.0). 65. FS-1.2, FS1.3, FS-1PP. Food service drawings appear incomplete. Clarify description of keynotes used on plans (UMC 1 13.5, UPC 103.2.3). Electrical Review 66. General Comments (E2.1 through E3.5): a) Document the complete electrical system oneline diagram and load summary from the load panelboards back to the main service to demonstrate compliance with NEC Article 220 and NEC 215-5. Show wire and conduit sizes, equipment ratings and the loads at each panelboard, distribution panel and the main ' service. Document each component of load with the applicable demand, continuous, and largest motor factors. b) Document guest room panelboard loads and compliance with circuiting requirements per NEC Article 210 and 220. VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 Pg.8 of 15 c) Document the available short circuit current and equipment short circuit ratings for new panelboards and feeder replacements per NEC 1 10-9 and 1 10-10. d) The drawings are difficult to read, the background line weights do not appear to be any different than the device line weights. Also, the symbols in the legend on sheet E1.1 are heavy line weights that make is difficult (at best)to distinguish the differences. In addition, the symbol size in the legend is very small. For example, the difference between GFl, isolated ground and other receptacles is not distinguishable. e) Fire alarm and detection system division 16 specifications are not included with the construction documents. Document that fire alarm system shop drawings will be provided per UFC 1007.3.1 . Also, document acceptance testing of the fire alarm system in the presence ol the chief and certifying to the chief thai the system has been installed in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications. 67. E1.2. Reference notes 3 and 4 for street lighting. Document the power source, load and feeder sizes to demonstrate compliance with NEC Article 210 and 220. 68. E1.2 and E2.3. Reference note 6 on E1 .2 and notes 19 and 20 on E2.3 regarding X-MAS lighting circuits. a) Document panelboard GH2 and H2 branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 22O; reterence the above general commenIS. b) Document that weatherproof receptacles will be provided in compliance with NEC 410-57(b); notes only call for termination of circuits. 69. E1.2 and E2.7. Document panelboard SPA branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 220; relerence the above general comments. 70. E2.1. Reference flag notes 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and plan notes. a) Document the one-line diagram, branch circuits and loads for future MMS (multiple meter stack), panel W (panel schedule only shown on sheel E2.1K), relocated H.C.E pad mounted transformer, panel K1 and K2 (panel schedules only shown on VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE TOWN OI VA|I Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation C'West 201084 East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 Pg.9 of 15 sheet E2.1K), and downstream feeders from MMS to condominiums GS-s, GS-6, C5-1 and C5-2; reference the above general comments. b) Document the one-line diagram and load for the elevator connections to the club switchboard; reference the above general comments, c) Document the circuit and load for the elevator pit lighting and receptacle per NEC Article 220 and NEC 620-24. 71. E2.1. Document that the elevator pit light is not connected downstream of the GFCI receptacle per NEC 620-2a@). 72. E?JK. Reference kitchen detail2, food service equipment load schedule and panelboard schedules: a) Document the minimum circuit ampacity and maximum overcurrenl device for item number 2,treezer refrigerator system (circuit K1-9,11), per NEC 440-35 and 440-22(c); 40A breaker is shown for #10 conductors and load is 21 .4A. b) Document the feeder conductors for item 19, cook & hold oven (circuit K1-23, 24), per NEC 240-3; a load of 38.5A (8 kW at 208V, 1-phase) with 50A circuit breaker. c) Document that the feeder to item 37, booster heater (circuit K1- 20,22,24), complies with NEC 422-10:40A circuit shown and equipment is rated for 33.3A (12 kW, at 208V, 3-phase, 33.3 x 1.25 = 41.64). d) Document that the feeder to item 41 , ice machine (circuit K1-26, 28), complies with NEC 240-3(d); 25A circuit breaker shown for #12 conductors and load is 12.8A. e) Document that the feeder to item 45, coffee brewer (circuit K2-5 ,7), complies with NEC 240-3(d);40A circuit breaker shown for #10 conductors and load is 28A. f) Document that the feeder to item 46, ice tea dispenser (circuit K2-9), complies with NEC 240-3(d); a 25A circuit breaker is shown lor #12 conductors and the load is 1.7 kW. VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 Town of Vail G-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 10 of 15 73. E2.2. Document the feeder source and load for the elevator pit lighting and receptacle per NEC Article 220; only nearest 120V circuit indicated. Nearest suitable 120V circuit should be identified by the design engineer. 74. E2.2. Document the feeder for the elevator machine room 210 receptacle and lighting per NEC Article 220 tor compliance with NEC 620-23(a). 75. E2.2. Reterence EF-1 (stair 202). The 15A/3 pole circuit breaker shown panel W-3, circuits 38, 40, and 42, does not comply with NEC Article 430; 17.5A shown per phase. 76. E2.2. Reterence flag notes 1, 6, 7, and 8. Load is shown added to panel HG2 and the panelschedule with branch loads and load summary is not shown; reference the generalcomments above. 77. E2.2. Reference flag note 2. Reference the area enclosed by flag note 2. New circuits are shown to panel H2; however, they are not identified in the panel schedule on sheet E2.8. 78. E2.3. Document new panelboards A and G1A branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 220:relerence the above generalcomments. 79. E2.3. Document panelboard H3 (flag note 6) and G2 (flag note 15) branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220; reference the above general comments. 80. Ez.g, E2.4, E2.5, E2.6 and EzJ. Reference egress path lighting. Document that the wiring for the emergency egress lighting and exit signs in corridors and other egress paths complies with NEC 700-12(e) for unit equipment wired to the same circuit as the normal lighting, and NEC 700-16 for two lamps so that the failure of any individual lighting element will not leave the area in total darkness. a) E2.3. The F5 emergency cove fixtures in corridor 300 only have one lamp. b) E2.3. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 300; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. c) E2.3. Document emergency egress lighting in vestibule 344 and stairs 308 per UBC 1003.2.9.2; nothing shown. 10 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town ol Vail Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation C'West 201084 East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 P9.11 of 15 d) E2.3. Document emergency egress lighting over the exterior stairs, outside of vestibule 344 al column lines F, G and 13, per UBC 1003.2.9.2; nothing shown. e) E2.3. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby;see flag note 6. tl E2.4. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby;see flag note 6. d E2.a The F5 emergency cove fixtures in corridor 400 only have one lamp. h) E2.4. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 300; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. i) E2.5. The F5 emergency cove fixture in corridor 500 only have one lamp. j) E2.5. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 500; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. k) E2.5. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby;see flag note 4. l) E2.6. The F5 emergency cove fixture in corridor 600 and hall622 only have one lamp. m) E2.6. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 600 and hall622; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. 81 . E2.3. Reference flag note 16. The feeder noted from H3 to A does not comply with NEC 240-3; #1 conductor (rated for 130A at 75 degrees C) shown protected by 150A breaker. 82. E2.3. Reference panels H2 and H2A, f lag note 1 7. Document the one-line diagram per NEC 215-5 (schedule shown on E2.B); reference the above general com ments. 11 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town oI VaiI Phase lll- V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 P9.12 of 15 83. E2.3. Reference flag note 11. Document the branch circuit and load per NEC Articles 210 and 220; note indicates connection of lighting to existing circuit. 84. E2.4. Document panelboard G2, G2A, FFl, and FF2 branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220; reterence the above general comments. 85. E2.4. The location of new panelboard G2 does not comply with NEC 110-26; the oanel is located behind corridor doors to elevator. 86. E2.4. Further document the location of panel FF1 at column lines F-11 and document compliance with NEC 1 10-26; the panelboard appears to be located behind a door. 87. E2.4. Document flag notes 13, 14 and 15 on plan; nothing shown. Also, document the panelboard branch circuits and load per NEC Articles 210 and 220: reference above general comments. 88. E2.5. Document new panelboard G3 and existing panelboard PGS branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220:reference the above general comments. 89. E2.6. Document new panelboard G4 branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220; relerence the above general comments. 90. E2.6. The location of new panelboard G4 does not comply with NEC 1 10-26; the panel is located behind door. 91 . E2.6. Reference flag note 10. Document the source panel for DC-5 and panelboard load calculations per NEC Articles 210 and 220. 92. E2.7. Reference detail 2, MAU-4. Document the branch circuit feeder and compliance with NEC Articles 220 and 430. 93. E2.7. Relerence detail 2, AHU-1. Document the branch feeder breaker rating and compliance with NEC Article 430. 94. E2.7. Relerence detail 2, emergency lighting circuit for dining room 200. Documenl the branch feeder and load of existing circuit for connection per NEC Article 220. Also, document compliance with NEC 700-12(e), emergency lighting not shown connected to normal lighting circuit. 95. E2.7. Reference detail 1, emergency lighting circuit for wine cellar, passage and elevator lobby. Document the branch feeder and load per NEC Article 12 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 220; panel and circuit not shown. Also, document compliance with NEC 700- 12(e), emergency lighting not shown connected lo normal lighting circuit' 96. E2.7. Reference detail 2. A separate circuit is not shown for elevator equipment room 210 per NEC 620-33(a). 97. E2.7. Reference detail 1, equipment CU-1. Document the equipment load , and feeder rating per NEC Article 424. 98. E2.8. Reference the "Partial Main Level Electrical Plan" detail. Emergency egress lighting is not shown for stairs 301 per UBC 1003.2.9.2. Even if the stairs are not part of the required egress system they are an occupied part of the building and may be in use; UBC 1001 .1 . 99. E2.8. Panel schedule H2A does not appear to be complete; document all loads and the load summary per NEC Article 220. For example, circuits H2A- 19,21for equipment 101 is not shown, 100. E2.8. Reference the "Partial Main Level Electrical Plan" detail. Equipment mark numbers and circuiting for 86, 90, 93 and 1 19-'133 (with electrical loads) are not shown on the plan. Document the circuits and loads to demonstrate compliance with NEC Articles 210 and 220. 101 . E3.1 through E3.5, and E1 .1 . Reference guest room details and lighting fixture C4 located above tubs and showers. Document that the fixture is "suitable {or Wet Locations" per NEC 410-4(a); not indicated on fixture schedule sheet E1.1. 102. E3.1 through 83.5. Reference guest room details. Document the circuiting for allreceptacles to demonstrate compliance with NEC 210-60;some receptacles are not circuited. 103. E3.1 through E3.5. Document that the type C13 lighting fixture as used in the balcony is "suitable for Damp Location" per NEC 410-4(b); not indicated on fixture schedule sheet E1.1. Reference detail 1, unit 313aon sheet E3.'1 for examole. 104. E3.3. Reference panel FFU414, detail 1. The panel working space is obstructed by the laundry room door which does not comply with NEC 1 10- 26. 105. E3.5. Reference detail 1 , unit 5158 electrical plan. Nothing but background plan is shown; appears to be unfinished. Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 13 of 15 IJ VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 14 of 15 106. FP-2 through FP-7. Fire alarm system manual pull stations are not shown at all stairs and exits at each level per UFC 1007.3.3.1 . 107. FP-2. Coordinate elevator #1 and #2 shaft detection with the chief ; nothing shown. 108. FP-3. Document that the duct smoke detector in mechanical 209 is for the AHU-1; unit rated for 6850 cfm. Document duct smoke detector for MAU-1 per UMC 608; unit rated for 7600 cfm. 109. FP-4. Clarify and document the magnetic door hold open and smoke detector location shown at the bottom of stair 328; no door shown on architectural plan sheet A3-3. Door schedule for project is not provided. 1 10. FP-4. Clarify and document the magnetic door hold open shown at column lines G-12; document what doors hold open is applied to. Also, no smoke detection shown. 111. FP-6. Coordinate and document the corridor double door at column lines G- 4;the location does not match the architecturaldrawing A3-4. Also, coordinate the additional magnetic door hold opens shown in corridor 500 at column lines G-5, G-7, and at the top of the stairs at approximately G-10. 112. FP-7. Coordinate and document the floor plan background between column lines G-2 to G-5;the floor plan does not match the architectural drawing 43-6. 113. FP-7. The smoke detector at column lines F-5 in corridor 600 does not provide coverage all the way back to the door at column line G-4 per NFPA 72,2- & UFC STD. 10-2;the distance to the door exceeds 21 feet from the detector. 114. FP-7. Fire alarm system visible notification devices are not located within 15' of the ends of corridor 600 (near column lines F-5 and F-9). C|A4.26.3 1 15. FP-7. A fire alarm system visible nolification device is not located in the elevator lobby 616 per UFC 1007. & CIA 4.26.3 G-West Code Consultants 2801 Youngfield Street, Suite 300 Golden, Golorado 80401 Tele : 303 205-7860 Fax : 303 237-0023 E-Mail ; steve@c-westcode.com www.c-westcode.com 14 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 Distribution : Gary Goodell, CBO,TOV George Ruther, AICP Ron Drey, CW Gary Nickerson, CW Town of Vall C-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 15 of 15 15 December 20,2000 Mr. Gary Goodell Chief Building Official 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 Vail Mountain Lodge Architect's Proiect No. 00220.N Dear Mr. Goodell: Per our meeting with you, Ray Story and Jay Peterson, we are providing you with specific product literature and test reports for the application of Sealeze on elevator doors. The attached packet is for Sealeze to limit vertical smoke movement on the elevator doors at Vail Mountain Lodge. We would like to use this product in place of a smoke door or a Smoke Guard roll down transparent polyimide film system. Included with product literature and typical application diagrams, in this packet, are the UL number and test report, WHI listing and test report and CDF listing. Please call if you have any questions. wnH cc: Iay Peterson, Ray Story AIA v:\vML\00220.@\leller\goodell\gg I 2 I 400 Denver Office: 2301 Bloke Skeel.Suite 100 Denver Colorodo 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fox 303.861 3027 uovrt roflneftnrp r.1,, Arcnrrccls I Voil OIfi.., ol3TMoin skeei.Unir ct06 Po.Box 271 | Edwords Colorodo 81632 97o 926.8960 tox970.926.8961 DtC-08-00 tlED 06:04 Ptl SEALEZE CORPORATI0N N0. 8004482s08 SEATEZE ELEVATOR SMOKTI SEA.il^' BRUSI{ TYPICAL INSTALLATION ICC:ATION S I"lendrr iIJLi 2{,l! FilL'fi Nt(Il)5 8000 Whit 4:ittc Roacl Richnroirrl, V A 2?2,37'2?43 Tcl: 1..800-7ti7-711:.5 l'804"743-09it2 Fax: f-i30(|-4rltl-?9'Jii 1-804'743-0051 E-rrrail: i "rdustrialt tistta lczc,ctltn [.1 U a d u I loistrvay Jamb Standard Sealer;e Elcva{or $moke Scals Strnilfrt $lrai1/'rt Str rtilJrt 15 c,A.rgle 30 oA:rgle 30 aA:rgl,r Scc l)age 3 for rlirrt nsjrrttnl tpr:cifications. NO'I'D; This bru*h nrcetr LJL T cst s94'V2 for llamnrnbility Proclucl Nuurber B2l ()CI AO5AZ Jrmb/Sill B21oCLA10AZ Jamb/Sill 82SOCLAO5AZ Jnmb/SiI Ir280Ct,Al0AZ Jan$/$ill 8215CLA05AZ 8215CLA1OAZ rlttt?r' li,r,l l,lcn,rrt {frl(l-(! | l3lXl SEALEZE l'.rgr,, 1 of 3 TM ' ' n lr n !t "\t'r\' 4"T /!r i r'l 'ir$j { ! '{n' dar SEALEZE A Unit of lason Incorporated 8000 Whitepine Road, Richmond. yA 23237 Phone 800-787-7325 Fax 800-448-2908 industrial@sealeze.conr NEW!!! TWO NEW CLEAR A]\ODIZED HOLDER PROFILES When one brush is not enough for the job. Hoids Sealeze's "G" section brushes as shown on pg. 6 of the Sealeze catalog. XTGG6BOCLA XTG6B2FCL,A Allows the brush to be mounted as shown, alleviating some clearance problems. Hoids Sealeze's "G" section brushes as shown on pg. 6 of the Sealeze catalog. Both holders are available in 8' and 100 stock lengths. They can also be cut to length. Flanges can be punched as required. FOR ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR APPLICATION CALL US TOLL FREE AT 1-800.787-7325 OR FAX US TOLL FREE AT 1-800-448.2908 T-fl1,;.. ti Il- ll : zierril LFlrll_l0.s28-j | |-- C.948 F DTC-06-OO I^IED 06I05 PH SEALEZE CORPORATION FA}( N0. 8004482908 ti00() Whitcpittc' Rtri\ti Richinonrl, VA 13237-211(13 'l'el: 1-800-7{i7-7325 l'1104-743'09tt2 Fax: 1-800'44t3':l90ti 1-!t04'743-0051 U-nrnil: indr.rstr ial/clsrfllcze.culn page 3 of 3 P. 04 SEALE ZE ELEVATOR SMOKIJ SEA"I,'" BRLISH STOCK LIST AND SPECIII]:CA IONS -ql m h-- w-*lrl t,llGLE0 IIOLDER |l ll tlIrll${J t""l S'TRAIGI-IT HOLDER -T- EIFq5EO LENGTH.L ,I I I H Ii l _'L__ SEALEZE A linit ol tason lncorPorated HEAPER BRUSH SEATS (Anglcd IIol Sr.ralczc Ploduct #Brush Exposcd Lcngih I lolder I,Vidrh(w) H I'lei 1 1. B2lsCLAO5AZ 0.50'0.262' 82I5CLA1OAZ I 00"a.262', B23OCLAO5AZ 0,s0"0,500'1, t.IJ23t)CI,AlOAZ 1.00"0.500' Angk'oI I lolctcr (X) IAMB AND SIIL BRUSH SEAI.S (fitrlii;h Scirlc'zc Procluct #Brusll Exposed Lcngth I{older widrh(w) I.I B21()Ct,A05AZ 0.s0,,0.261u 1 BzlOcLnt0nz 1,00.0,2-6?,',t n2s0cLA05AZ 0.50''0.267'{.) E2SOCLAlOAZ 1.00"0,267u 0 Holtlerl ohlcr glt (tl) Angle of l loldcr (X) 0()0r'190 0 0t)0"1tiO0 69r',1800 .(:91,"180 0 ,. i r . r,1?rrfl{r{rr'. TM P, 02DEC-07-OO THU 02I58 P}{ SEALEZE CORPORATION FR}( NO, BOO44B29OB tf,9, 'E.F, ut $g tgeffl jss'$1* fflg FFff "s=E$';5'F' F 5$ tr$ f$ 1,e$f, Z(,' rucl- E' "€ D!C-07-OO THU 02:59 Pil SEALEZE CORPORATION FAX NO, BOO44B2SOB CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORSSTRY & FI'IE }NOTEq]I )N OFFICE OF NtE STATE FIRE I\4/\'?{iI-,I,1 F|RE ENG|NEERING _ BUTLD'NG lvtATERtAt"s l.t5,ftNi pROofr,ltlrl LISTING SERVII]F. .1,076-1514:100 Smol<e & Draft Control For fjre nc,or P, 03 i^'\,ffi "^"ru,{.1-.1,/^, Page 1of 1 LIST,NG No. CATEGORYT LISTEE: DESI6N: INSTALLATIoNT II4A,RKING: APPHOVAL: Sealeze - A Unit of JaSon lrrc,, Contacr: * Mack plrolcn (800) ln accordance with & ordinonces and in Moticl Therm-L-Brush ll brusir typr: gaskerinly r onsisting nf a dense rrrlc ol fineproprrotary nylo filatnetrt$, Tha [rrush is r,rrp6lirid 01 a lnetal spJine, wJriohslides into extrudod arumin'rn nl6unling slriJ;$ nefrlr t(r ristec,s rrrirrlc(r dirtasheet for adcjitional detailett produot dciaipf io r arrrj'cpcrationalconsideratior"ts. BCr00 Whirt, Fir,u,' tlrwd. ,:!ichmonct, VA 2B?.OT787-7325 listee's printed instdliali0n nstt.uctioris, applic,lbje codos a mat]flor ncceptAble to thl arrrlrqrj ,y havirig jurisdiction, l"istee's namc, model nr.rmber, UL and WHI ltb,rls. Listed as gaskcting fitittcrial tor i"tsc metel flnd steel-covcred doots, ritEl.tl doors up to 3 hr. raling. lfistall,ltion Dy tho outhority having jurinrliction, wilh srlJrcr,rtely listr;d firt:-161sd hpl1rw dr:or f rirrrt,rs i,trcl pa.:st,n ge,r elevator and a1:Jrlicirtion rirc subjectcd to apprrovai ' Aev. 0G.22.?oO0 This listing is bascd upon lechnicill data submitted by thc apptjcirnt. C$FM J'irz Errglncc,ril.,l, s{atf hr)$ rcvicwclclthe testrosultsand/or othor data but.J0cs not Tilq en inoepenlaii u[ili.uton of ariy slrirrir, lfrls rirring rs r.ror. ijrn cnqor$cm(rnr orrccommondation of the ltent ligted. This li$ting $hould rot bc uriccl to vcrify cr:rrcct cpriririipn6[ lsqulrerner)ts or irritir JtlonOritorla. Refer 1O listee's data sheet, installation instructjons anrJ/or othor tlir;i,:lc trrfir,lari(rn sourcos. Date lssued: IUNE 22, 2000 tffe<;live isrue clato to cxnitiltion dnte Llsting Expires June 30, 2001 (r&ttt!,hl-"*" / BElt l-l(), sr4ler',lsing Doputy Progriin A'lanage'r Authorbed By: D[p-07-00 THU 02:59 Pil SEALEZE CORPORATION FA}( N0, 8004482908 P, 04 uNDEnwnIT$RS LAI^toI#,1'0nIfis [Nc.latl DOrT lJn '|AftTl CL,{RJ{. C,|,Ufirtr{t^ b6OGo c trn in"dftpulen t, no L fw - pr o1l I orgtniaatient twtino for nrhlir sn fetungtor publit saJety Ei Ic frloggsProjecL 84SClo3Z3 June 2?, lr1g4 REPORT ON SPECIAL sERVIcEs i}IVEsTI6Ai.Ir)N FOR GAFKETING MATERIAT., oN ELEVATOE: I)oORs The Owen Cornpan i esLos AIEo$, CA Copyrigtrt. o 198+ Underwriters Labor.rtor ir:s Inc:, Underwriters Laboratgries Inc.,. authorizec tlrr: nbove_namedcompany to reprocluce tlris Repori: provict-:,i it'is reproauceain its entircty. The issuance of this Report irl rro way irnplies l.ioLin<"y,classification, or othei r."om*"n.Jation hy IJr, and does 'otauthorize the use of UL Listi.ng or Clar;rliiicalion Marks orany other ref,erence to underwriturs Lalrorirt'rier Inc, on orin oonnection r.,ith the protluct or systqlrfi. rrr no event sharl uL be responsibr* to *nyone for r,,hateverusc or nonuse is rnade of the irrf,orrnatio',iontainec-l In thisReport and in no event shall UL, it,s errrpl,tyees, or its 19.'lt:. incur any obligetions or Iiabilii:y in" .t^,n"gon.itrcluding, but not Iimited to conseq(rerrr:i s,I clanrages Arisingout of or in connectlon with Ltrc use, o:. Lnahjl.i,ty to usethe information contalned in thit Repor,t:. Look For Tho 0 Listing or Clsssilication Mark On 'flrt' l'roduct Dlp-07-00 THU 02159 Pr{ sEALtZt C0RPORATI0N FAX N0, 8004482908 P, 05 Fi-1e Rl0995 .Issucd: 6*22-84 Pago Gl GETiBRAi.,, , This _is a Report of the observationsi rnlrle clur;1nq; uheconduct of a srnoke Bornb Te.qt in connectrcrr: di tlr an c.r.evatorcab and adjacent lobby area. GT: sd sra'* DT.C-07-OO THU 02:59 PH SEALEZE CORPORATION FA( N0, 8004482908 File R10995 TEST REC P, 06 I$su,-"4 t 5-22'84 Perge T1-l ORD N O.I TEST LOCATION: r, .n*s-L_UsIftg!i The tests were conductcd in a four*,st(,ry of ::icebuilding with garage level. with two clevar(,rs !n one $haft.lne snatt measured approxirnate.ly ./ ft rieep by ll ft wicle by?0 f t high. The toLai voLnrne oi tl,. EthErat vras Blt30 cu. Ft . The elevator..cloor: gasketi.ng rirateri6l v as iderntiti.e<r bythe Applicant as .,Ther6J1-grushi maltufacf.ured b5r $e.rlezecorporation. The instalration of tlre .,Therm-L-ilr.ush,, wasnot. verified by Underwriters LaboraLories tnc. l,hegasketing nateria] was ineta]]ed on one (rocr on Lhe firstlrnd second floors only. SMOKE I&ST 1 The tests were conducted in accordarrcc witlr ;r neLhodestablished by the Applicant and the MilFita$ lruildingDepartrnent. The following generally <ie:liribes Lhe testrnethod: A, Alt the elevator cioors with the exccption of c,nedoor on the first floor an(l one cic,,ot.ofr lJre second f Loor. were cornplebely r,oaLecl wit,ir duct Lal)e t-.ominimize leaks. B. A srnoke detector was mounted at a disbancc of 3-1 /ZfL fron t,he plane of the e.Lr:vator dc,ors r+hich wereequipped with the gasketing maLerials.C. Both elevator cabs were set at the carage.level, D. The pressure differentjal was nonj.tcred wj,Lh amanometetr. One port ilas exposed [o the e].evatorIobby pressure and the other porL w.s exl)(,sed to t.heelevator shaf,L pressure at, a point cn the firetfloor, 3 ft from t,he fLoor between thc nreerting edgesef the e]evator door withor.rt the gaskotlrrg, matarial .The other door on the fi.rst floor r,ras t,lro test cloorwith the gasketing materJal. DTC-O7-OO THU 03:OO PH SEALEZE CORPORATION f'l1e Rlogg5 FAX NO. BOO44B2SOB llseuerd t 6-22-84 PrcEE tre DlJ.fererrtlal ( i tt , rlratcr ) -0.004 lcbby -0.004 lobhy -0.004 tobby .0,004 lobby ,'0.00,1 lobby '-0.00,1 lobby .'0. 00,1 lobby ,'0.004 Iobby .'0.004 loblry ..0. 00 4 l.obI:y -,0.004 J.obby ..0.004 lobtry - 0.004 Iobby P, 07 page T1-? The, gpgnigg created by the pressurr) pcrt tu[rer wassealed with duct tape to ninimlze leaks, E. The Louvers. on the penthourie rernsined opfin.F. A smoke bomb with a burn timc of, orre m.r..nut,e and acapacit.y of, ?200 cu. nt as delerni.n*cl by :he ijmokebomb manufacturer was placr,rrl on th6 rcJoI ,:f theeLevat or cab loqat.ed trilorv Lhe ta$t cloor rln t,hefirst fIoor.G. The heating ventilatlon and aj.r c,rnCitlcning syscemwa,s in the off position, I.l , The smoke bomb was ignited, the el-eyator rloof,closed, and observatitns were recorcled. RESUIJTS Fir$t & Secorrd FLoor Time i-..rt.-...::_--0 Mlnutes I I A 5 t) t I o 1'lt9 11 1' 'l'est tertnlnated No smoke No srnoke No srnoke No snoke No smoke No smoke No smoke No snqke No smoke No snoke No snoke No sfioke visible vislble vi sible visiblc visibl c visible vi slble vislble vis ibl o visible vis iblc visibl+ Obee rva tl ons GTrsd UI.U-UI-UU IIIU U3:UU flI SEfILEIb UUKFORH'IIU]I- }.Hl( NU. UUU44UZUUU .t'11e 810995 r. UU The test method isheatlng ventllation andon positlon. Page T1-3 SMOKE TES? 2 METIIOD eimilar to Srdokeair condltioning Is$uc,d t 6-22-84 Test I except the .eystem waE ln the Tlme *--.-q.-0 Minutes I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 fogt terrninated GTIEd srd RESU!Tg First e Second Floor- observatlonE No snoke visiblo No €ftoke visible No smoke visible No smoke vlsible No smoks visiblo No smoke visible No smoke visible No snoke visible No snske vlsible No smoke vieiblc Prces rre Diriterent,lal ( in. warcr) +0.01 lobby +0,0I loblry +0,01 lobby ,0,0I5 lobtry .0,015 J.obby ..0.0X? lobby ..0.01.? lobby ..0.0J.? lobby .'0.01? Iobby '.0,01? J.obby r- i;! --rgnlElon {0.01 lobby DEC-07-00 Tltu 03100 PH SEALEZE CORPORATION FAr( N0. 8004482908 P, 0g t'i Io Rl0 9 93 Page CI SUMM Report by: IM** T,rn GARRETT ?O}IProject EngineerFire Protecblon Departmerrt fssuetl: 6-22-84 Lo the Lu'o Le:il: s slno*e wcrs visibi.er ln the Lhe $rfloke irodt exposures Revrr:u'ed by ARY - The observatlons with respectdescrlbed harein lndicate tfrai'no-adjacent lobby area as a result of Firr.r I rotect:Ion DePartnent -rl n S. (:. ROL,L ' \ Execqt ive Sl:af f EncJinee r 9T: ad srd I^IHI TEST REPORT #6 30 - 6113 00 REPORT OE ; TEST OF GASKETING FOR RESISTANCE TO AIR FLO$T AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURE TO DETERMINE EFFECTIVENESS AS A SMOKE CONTROL DOOR SEAL FOR SEALEZE CORPORATION RICHMOND, VIRGINIA BY WARNOCK HERSEY INTERNATIONAL, INC. MIDDLETON, I47ISCONSIN 53562 TEST DATE, 27 MARCH 1987 REPORT DATE: 31 MARCH 1987 REVISED DATE: 22 JULY 1987 The prodr-ict described herein has met the Performange r!9),1-l9i menti to be eligible for a tlarnock Hersey International (wHI) certification piogram. This report does not automaLically implv cerlilication.- Pioducts must bear a trlHI label in order tc demonstrate tlHI certification. Iiarnock Hersey authorizes the above named client to reproduce this report only in iLs entireEy. iiarnoek Hersey International Inc. (WUf) conducted tesEs on March 9 and ltarch 2i, 1987 Lo determine the resistance to air leakage of Sealeze Coproration "THERM-L-BRUSH II" brush type gasketing. Air leakage was measured al several differential pressures at room LemperaLure and at an elevaled temperature of over 4000 F. These teits rqere designed to deLermine the effectiveness of the subjecL producL as a smoke control barrier. The tesLs were desLgned- to determine the gaskeLingts performance as a component_ wiLh-respect. to requirements and recommendations of NFPA 105'1985i'tustattitroN oF sMoKE AND DRAFT coNTRoL DooR ASSEMBLTES." SEALEZE An oxidaEion resistance Of thC THERI''I-L.BRUSH II or. IiHI TEST REPORT #630-611300 CORPORATION - RICHMOND, VIRGINIA INTRODUCTION ^'i-^"-r'rUV LKV ]-EW Lest was also conducted on small samples material in accordance with ASTM D-572- APPARATUS A cenler opening elevator door assembly was used-for t.his Lest program. ttre opening measured 4 feet wide by 9 feet !igtt.- The iooi system, inituaing frame and operators, was i-nstalled by a professionai elevator installaEion contractor. The gasketing was ipplied per the manufacturerts written insLructions by a rePre- "i.ht.tinl of Sealeze Corporation. The door system was cycled OSZTIZO times before the'March 9, L987 leakage test' A fault developed in the chamber heating system during_the high temPer- aEure porrion of this test resultihg in.?^lilgf.e set of readings being made after 3 minutes exposure to 400e F chamber temPer- aturEs. Since a minimum exposure time of 20 rninutes- was planned, it was decided that ner,r gasketing be installed and the test rerun. The manufacturer-of the [asket material recommends adjustment of the seals every 100r000 cygle::^ Tlrerefore, it-was aeiiaea to cycle the second lasket set i00,00O times and conducE the air leakige tests withoul adjustment of the gasket. A visual examinaEion oE the gasket used in the first tesl showed little wear and no significant degredation of the brush fibers as a result of the 6SZrlZO cycl6s. For this and other reasons it is Warnock Hersey's judgem-ent that the results of the second test rvould not be iignifidantly altered by addilional cycling of the system up to the 500'000 - 700'000 range A chamber isas construcled for this test in general conformance to fhe rearli rements of ASTM E-283. The chamber included insulaLion and heating equipment capable of heating the air in the chamber and make up air used to measure leakage rates Lo over 4000 F. REVISED: JTJLY 22, 1-9E7 PAGE 1 0F 7 'r.rHr rEST REPoRT #630-611300 . SEALEZE CORPORATION - RICHMOND' VIRGINIA The elevator doors were installed in a wall construcLed in the open side of the dhamber. AIl joints within the chamber and bitween the chamber wall and malk r,'all were sealed wiLh silicone rubber caulk. Make up air was introduced through a calibrated oriface plate_. metering system upstream of the fieaters. The following is a list of instium-entation and measurements made during the tests' 1. 4. s MEASURED PARAMETER Air Flow Chamber nraqqttre Chamber Tempera ture Make-up Air Tempera ture Barometr ic Pres sure INSTRUMENT Orif ace Plate,/manometer Dif ferenLial pressure gauge Type K ThermocouPles and Digital Readout Type J ThermocouPle andDigital Readou! Mercury in Glass Barometer ACCURACY -r Llo + .002ttw. c. + 1.5o E + 1.5o F +.01"Hg TEST INSTALLATION The elevator door and frame used r'rere typical of normal consLruction and represented the shaft tbrridor opening (i.e. without car doors).' The doors were U.L. listed 90 minule insulated steel doors t-L/4" thick. As installed there was a L/4 i-nch space between the edges of the door and the door frame. Tha Sealeze Corp. Theim-L-Brush II was installed to span this gap and adjusted so that the end of the brush was in contact rith tt" it"*e at lhe sides and the gib rail at the bottom. In these areas the gasket was attached to the doors. At the top t.he gasket rvai installed on the f rame so that the brush rqai in contact r'rith the top edge of the doors when in a closed position. Sealezets 180o extrusions were used to mount the'gaskeL on the sides and bottom of the doors so that the brush il"" p"tp"ndicular to the frame and-gib rail surf'aces. A 450 extrusion rvas used at the top and aligned-so that contact of the brush was at the upper inside corner or fhp ton edop of Ehe doors- The gasketing used on the sides "ti i"ir"-'iu=- Lf 2" r,tide brush. "The top gasket was 3/4 inches rvide. REVISED : JTJLY 22 ', 1-987 PAGE 2 0F 7. .I^/HI TEST REPORT #630-611300 SEALEZE CORPORATION - RTCHMOND, VIRGINTA PROCEDURE An initial test was run before gaketing ivas installed in an attempt to determine leakage rate through Lhe ungasketed door.' With the maximum aii florv available frorn the equipmenl of 485 SCFM, the chamber pressure could noE be brought. t.o .05 inches w.c. The leakage rate of the ungasketed assembly- could thus not be deterilined but was estimated at over 500 CFM for all test conditions. The doors were operated after the gasketing-was.insLalled for A5Z,lZO cyeles piio. to the first Lest. Gib rail shoes. were repiaced L. ,".or*ended by the elevator door installer when rui, "as evident. At the'end of the cycling the-door opening "u" s.af"d with polyethelene plastic sheeting and- tape and tests were run to mLasure baci< ground leakage' The-plastic was Lhen removed and a series oi tests were run to determine ambient temperature leakage rates as follows: 1. Doors closed - no adjustments'2. Meeting edge taped aia gil rail ends sealed' 3. Meetin! edle taied ana liU rail track unsealed' 4. i"t;;it;E edle taf ed, traEk.unsealed, Sealeze Gasket readjulteil-to manufactuer' s specs' These tests \^/ere run to determine the location and amounts of l;;k;g;-ihiough the Sealeze,gasket system v9.ofhgr porential i;;k;E" p"i1t"l Ir was found-that a lubstantial leakage wa-s "".riiit! through the meeEing edge seal and through the gib rail traEk. Siice the test ilas intended to measure the.per- formance of the Sealeze gaskeL it rlas decided thaL sealing itr" *".iing edge of the doot" and plugging the track ends was "ppt"pti.tE so"that the leakage- rate measured would be a direct measurement of leakage-through areas gasketed with the Sealeze product. Following the ambient leakage tests described above, lhe air t;t;;;i;re in the chamber was raised to over 400oF and a seg of ieakage measurements made. A fault developed in the h-ating Eystem shortly after the 400oF Lemperature was reached n'ecessitating a shut down of the sysLem' REVISED z J:JLY 22, L987 PAGE 3 0F 7 .I'lHI TEST REPORT #630-611300 SEALEZE CORPORAT]ON . RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Run # L. Temp. 690 F . PFCIIT TC Conditions Unmasked, NoAdditional Sealing OF MARCH 9. 1987 TEST Tes t Pres sure LEAKAGE RATES TotaI:K SCFM/FT, SCFM,/L. FT 2. 710 F .05 70.6.10 107 .4.20 L76.8 Background check .05 2.95 Opening masked .10 6.61.20 72.L9 3. 72oF Unmasked, Meeting Edge Taped, Track s ealed t.96 2.98 4.91 2.4/. 3. 84 o. Jl- L.82 2. 88 4.7 2 .05 51.02 L.4t . 10 80.59 2.24,20 L32.26 3 .67 4. 5. o. 73oF Meeting edge taped, .05 54.LL 1.50 1.93 Track unsealed .10 85.05 2.36 3.04.20 L37.39 3.81 4.97 73oE Meeting edge taped, .05 32.89 .92 L.L7 Track sealed, Sealeze .10 54.87 1.52 1.96 Gasket Adjusted .20 89.49 2.49 3.20 403oF MeeLing edge Eaped, .05 18.6 .40 .63 Track sealed, Sealeze .10 22.7 .63 .81 Gasker Adiusted .20 42,27 t.I7 1.51 Since it was not possible to maintain the 400oF chamber temperature during this test, a second test was conducted. New gasketing was installed and adjusted and the doors were cycled 100r014 times before the air leakage lests were run. In this test the background leakage, raLes were measured as in the first test and the track and meeting edge of lhe doors were again sealed. No adjustment was made to the doors or the gasket.ing after the 100r014 cycles. Eor this test series an additional pressure difference of 0.16 inches traler column was used. Under ehe high chamber temperature conditions leakage readings were taken at 5, 10, 15, 20r 30, 45 and 60 minutes. Graphs I and II shorv the leakage rate vs time at 400oF for each pressure andtpressure vs Ieakage rate at ambient and elevated temperatures. t'rleakage raLes f or runs 2-6 are neE Leakage calculaled as f ollows: Net leakage = l"letered leakage - background leakage. REVISED t JTJLY 22, 1987 P.{GE 4 0F 7. 'I^]HI TEST REPORT SEALEZE CORPORATION - #630-611300 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA RESULTS Test Description Background Leakage Ambient leakage - Meeting edge & track s ealed Door Seals at Meeting edge & Track 5 Min. 10 Min. 15 Min. 20 Min. 30 Min. 45 Min. 60 Min. Temp. Press. 74 .05 .10.ra .20 nq . tu . ro .20 LEAKAGE RATES SCFM SCFM/FT' SCFM/L. 7.L 9.18 L2.271? Rq ET 74 400 401 398 406 407 406 33. 5 63. 5 99.05 t24.L 7.76 2.7 5 3.45, r .29 2.44 3.81 4.77 .05 .10 . ro .20 nq .10 .15 .20 .05 .10 .zv .05 .10 .16 .20 n5 .10 1i nq .tn . ro ')n nq 1n 1i 20.66 4L.7 9 60,82 72.52 15. 59 40.59 61.53 73.97 t9.92 45.63 63.16 7 4.24 L9 .34 44.79 69.Lt 77 .66 18.46 44.75 63.981/, aq 42.17 63.98 75.r3 t6.96/,? q5 lo.vL 1.16 1.69na1 .44 1.13t.7t 2.05 r.27 L.75 2.06 L.23 t.92 2.16 .51 L. LJ L.78 2.08 .47 I a1 1.82 2.08 .47 t.221 11 2.rt 1 .61 2.34 1. tY .60 1.56 /..5t 2.84 .71I 7q 2..+J 2.86 .74 L.70 2.66 2.99 .7L 1.7q I .40 ? ,qR 1F.? 2.4L 2.89 .55 7.69a l,q 1 c|,') REVISED- JIJLY 22, 1987 PAGE 5 OF 7 In both tests, leakage under the elevaLed Lemperature sonditions was considerably ieduced-compared to AmbienE temperaLure leakage- rates. This was due to a bowing- inward of the doors resulting from heating the inner surface. As this-surface htas heated it expanded more than the outer, cooler surface. This resulted in a bowing of the door which pr""r6d the door tight to the frame along lhe center area and pulled the ioor u".y from the frame at the top and 6ottom-. As a.resJ:lt, the gap being s.Lled became smaller in totll area as the chamber heated up. The data shows relatively constant Performance t,hroughout.the 60 minute perioa during which the ihamber temperature was maintained above 4000F' ttris inaicatEs that there was no thlrmal degredation of the seals during the exposure period. The apptication of the Sealeze Gasket showed at leas E a 957" decrease in i".t.g'" t"iei based on ambient temperature lesLs and estimated ungas- ket,ed leakage rates. 'I,]HI TEST REPORT #630-611300 SEALEZE CORPORATION - RICHMOND, VIRGINIA The ASTM D-572-8L test for deterioration by exposure to heat and oxygen showed no affect on the Sealeze product. DISCUSS ION REVISED : JULY 22, L98l PAGE 6 0F 7 I./HI TEST REPORT SEALEZE CORPORATION - #630-61L300 RICHMOND. VIRGINIA The Sealeze Corporation Therm-L-Brush II maLerial evaluated in this program is eligible for [.larnock Hersey listing and labeling service. the-fotlowins information will be contained on the label. 1 z. Manufactuerts Name and Location. The !ilHI trademark logo. The words'"List,ed Sm6ke Control Gasketing." The following information wiIl be included in the listing. Performance Table as follows: Pressure Dif ferenceInch W.C. .05 .10 .16 .zu CONCLUSIONS Leakase Per F6ot (scru1 AmbienE Temp. L.29 2.44 3.81 4.77 Leakage Per F6ot (scru) 400 F .74 L.70 2.66 2.99 Tests Conducted and Reported bY:Reviewed by: Rick Curkeet Technical Director Ronald D. Manager - Bradt, P.E. Central Region REVISED: JTJLY 22, !987 PAGE 7 0F 7 ADDENDUM TO REPORT #630-511300 SEALEZE CORPORATION - RICHMOND, VIRGINIA TNTRODUCTION On April 1, and April 10, 7987, Warnock Hersey Internatiol?lt Inc.'conduiLed adilitionai testi on Sealeze Therm-L-Brush II lasketing to determine the extent of effects of cycling the Elevator"doors 100r000 times and to determine air leakage rates iitio"gtt areas othei than those to which the gasket was applied. PROCEDURE 7. No additional sealing. i.e. gib rail track' meeting- edge gasket and openlngs at the top and bottom of the doors unsealed. 2. Track plugged. Following .the tests reported on in report #630-611300 new gasketin[ was applied io the door by WHI-pe5s9nn9]' Leakage iates foi ttre giitet"a area were measured with all alternate ieakag" parhs Eealed. The assembly was then cycled 100,000 times and nEw measurements made without any readjustment of the door or gasketing. Tests were run under the following conditions. 3. Track and meeting edge gasket 4, Track unPlugged, meeting edge 5. Track, meeLing edger and toP From the results of these measurements identifiable opening were calculated. sealed. sealed. and bottom of leakage rates door sealed. through each REVISED: JULY 22, 1987 PAGE 1 0F 4 AposNout"t ro REPoRT #530-611300 SEALEZE CORPORATION - RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Test conditions New Gasket, aIlalternate leakage paEhs sealed After 100,000 cycles ,all alternate leakage paths sealed 7. CHANGE Unit UnsealedTotal Leakage Leakage [hrough Track 7. of TOTAL Leakage through Meeting edge Seal 7" of TOTAL Leakage through Sealeze Gasketed Cracks % of TOTAL RESULTS LEAKAGE RATES IN SCFMTEST PRESS. (INCHES I^IATER COLUMN) .05 . 10 ,t6 .20 19.01 29 ,9 4t.9 50.8 ; 2L.4 32.s 46.3 53.8+L2.67" + 8.77" +t0.57. + 5.97" 37.O 55.0 76.7 88.3 5.2 6.0 8.3 10.1 t4.17" t0.97" LO.8% 17.47" 7.3 tt.4 15.8 L6.4 19.7 20.7 20.6 18.6 Leakage through openings at Top & Bottom or Doorsat meeting edge 3.1 5.1 6.3 8'0 7.of TOTAI - 8.47" 9.37. 8-27" 9.77. 21.4 32.5 46.3 53.8 57 . 87. 59 . L'tr 60 . t+% 60 .97" REVISED t JTJLY 22. 1987 PAGE 2 0F 4. ADDENDUM TO I.IHI REPORT #630-611300 SEALEZE CORPORTION - RICHMOND, VIRGINIA DISCUSS ION These tests were conducted in an attempt to determine Ehe relationship between leakage raLes through gasketed areas vs other leakage paths. Since NFPA 105 is presented in terms of leakage through the total opening, il is necessary to either test total systems-for compliance or determine Ehe effects of various types oi leakage pathi to determine an overall effectiveness of oilning protecfion. Since the gasket which was the subject of tiiis invistigation is applied typieally to perimeter cracks, it is appropriale to give il a rating based on its ability to seal thesL- cricks. Ifr-in a real insEallation, other leakage.paths. exist which are unaffected by the installation of gasketingr th-" Eotal opening wilt leak aL a-higher rate than determined from the gasket iatin[s alone. The exisLance of alternate leakage paths, Itreir size aid effect is likely to be a highly variable portion of the total leakage contribution picture. The results of this investigation showed that nearly 407," of the leakage through lhe door system' once gasketing was applied, occuried throlgh areas othLr than the gasketed perimeter cracks. This implies t[aL Ehe total leakage rate will in general-be -higher 'than thaf calculated from gasket ratings alone. It also imlties that even a LOO7" seal of ihe edge cracks would still allow significant leakage through other areas. one approach to determining opening compliance with NFPA 105 draft'i smoke control critErii is Sased-on component contribu- tion. In this method the designer must evaluate the system and determine where leakage may occur and estimate its extent. In lhe case of a 4-0 by S-0 c-enter opening elevator door as de- scribed in these tests' there are'4 baiic leakage paths' 1) the door perimeEer to frame crack, 2) the meeting edge, 3) the gib rail track, and 4) small openings between the doors at the bottom and top where the center gasket ends. The Sealeze Therm-L-Brush II test daEa provi-des information regarding expected leakage at. ambient and elevated Lemperatures thiough ihe perimeter crack. This addendum provides some additlonal information regarding the other three Ieakage. paths at room temperature. IL is 6xpectEd tha! leakage through the gib rail track would not be significantly affected by LemPerature or door moveiment at elevated Iemperatures. The other Leakage paths, horyeverr may be affected by temperature and door deflection. Thus there is.u.t.tttIy not enough informaLion to make support- able est,imates of tot;L high temperature leakage rates through r.Li ^ r-.,^^ ^€ ^,,-+En]-S rype oL system. REVISED:, JULY 22, 1987 PAGE 3 0F 4 ,f ADDENDUM TO WHI SEALEZE CORPORTION REPORT #630-611300- RrCHMOND, VTRGTNTA If on the other single openingthis case there leakage paths. could estimate inehes w.c. as hand one considers using the Sealeze 3.0 by 8.0 door, the problem is simpli are only the perimeter and track end Based oir the test results reported on the 400oF leakage rate of the assembly follows: gasket on afied. In areas for here oneat .05 Perimeter Leakage = (8+8+3+3) x 1 -29 = 28.38 SCFI''I Track ends 5 '2 scFl'l TOTAL Leakage rate per square foot of opening= 33.58 SCFM--It-Tr- = 1.40 SCFM/f t' CONCLUS IONS 33.58 SCFM Significant leakage was measured in areas other than th6se to which ga[eting w4s applied. -ApproximateLy 407" of the total asiembly leakage occurred i-n these areas' 100r000 cyles decreased the Sealeze gaskets effective- o."6 by a6out 10% Earlier tests showed adjustment of door ahd gasket restored effectiveness. The eomponent approach !o estimating total assembly leakage'rates i3- feasible but requires more information on t.hE effects of high temperatures on alternate leakage paths. Leakage rates through each path as a Percentage.oftotal"leakage were iearly c6nstant and nearly linear with pressure change. 1 a Test conducted and rePorted bY: Technical Director REVISED:JULY 22, l-987 PAGE 4 oF 4- VAILATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS INDEX INTRODUCTION I. AREA SUMMARY PAGE II. HEIGHT AND ABEAANALYSIS.,.. III. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION.. IV. LOCATION ON PROPERW V. OCCUPANCYSEPARATIONS VI. MISCELLANEOUSFIRESEPARATIONS VII. EGRESSREQUIREMENTS 3 4 7 I 9 't0 11 13 14 15 16 VIII. ACCESSIBILITY IX. FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS X. FIRE ALARM REQUIREMENTS XI. SUMMARYANDRECOMMENDATIONS HCE -1-3/00 I t '^lbtl"i-Ti:'3'"" I rNTRoDUcnoNI This code review was based upon the '1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC), the 1997 Uniform I Fire Code (UFC) and the locally adopted amendments by the Town of Vail - This review is primarily intended to address the fire and life safeg aspects of the code. I The review is based upon the undated schematic design documents limited to floor plans prepared by JMPr Architects provided to High Country Engineering (HCE) in February of 2000. I HcE I -2.3/00 3/00 I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T AREA SUMMARY BASEMENT LOWER HEALTH CLUB GROUP A, DIVISION 3 GROUP B SUB-TOTAL UPPER HEALTH CLUB GROUP A, DIVISION 3 GROUP B GROUP S, DIVISION 3 SUB-TOTAL FIRST FLOOR GROUP A, DIVISION 3 GROUP B GROUP R, DIVISION 1 SUB.TOTAL SECOND FLOOR GROUP R, DIVISION 1 THIRD FLOOR GROUP R, DIVISION 1 FOURTH FLOOR GROUP R, DIVISION 1 GROUP B GROUP R, DIVISION 1 SUB.TOTAL GROUP B GROUP S, DIVISION 3 SUB-TOTAL 2,158 FT.z + 4,042FT.2 4,287 Fr.2 = 26,911 FT.'? = 6,200 FT.z = 4.287 FT.z = 37,298 Ff .2 suMMARy OF BASEMENT AREA (BOTH FLOORS) GROUP A, DIVISION 3 12,977 FT.2 + 13,934 FT.2 - r+4/5= !Q9 vAILATHLETTccLuB t rt;LlL2- | =A-J coDE ANALYSIS I,b\ * ^Afu't.{' ,{ =12.977 n."4 = Z.lSaFT.' ,/ =15,135 FT.2 ,/ =1g,gg4F-f ."4 = 4,Q42Ff .21 i = 4.287 fi.2 ti =22,263F1.2-j = 2,4Q2F-1.2 = 1,932 FT.'? = 14,960 FT.2 = 13,693 FT.2 = 6,841 FT.2 SUMMARY OF BUILDING AREA BY OCCUPANCY (EXCLUDING BASEMENT LEVELS) GROUP A, DtVtStON 3 = 2,402Fr.2 = 14,282Ff .2 = 1,932 FT.2 = 49,776 Ff .2 HCE -3- I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I I VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS HEIGHT AND AREA ANALYSIS ALLOWABLE AREA ANALYSIS. ASSUME TYPE !t.l HOUR CONSTRUCTION BASTC ALLOWABLE AREA (UBC, TABLE s-B) GROUP A, DtVtStON 3 = 13,500 FT.'GROUPB =l8,OOOFT.' GROUP S, DtVtStON 3 = 18,OOO FT.2 GROUP R, DtVtStON 1 = 13,500 FT.' BASEMENT LEVELS MUST BE BELOW ALLOWABLE AREA FOR 1 STORY I t t <P,t tt ,/-' ALLOWABLEAREAINCREASES(UBC,eARAGRAnHsos) .t,illi J'"'.,,tft(f SEPARATIoN oN 3 SIDES EXIsTd MEASURED To CENTER-LINE oF RoAD T U* i I - I (\CAI11}. MINIMUMWIDTH: NORTHSTZE= 25. 4U'10 " . t,'r EASTSTDE = 31' 12.-[ /'?(,t1.{J SOUTH SIDE = 100, I t) n,i?trI u' l\_ MTNIMUM coNDrlBKtil#$- rb'"tr srDE 22' - 20, = 2, ' ia Oy" ' * ^-INCREASE IS A&LE$TED FOR 2.5% FOR THE MINIMUM DISTANCE IN EXCEYS OF 20' /!_ \zxzs.fd% ) / I A MAX|MIdM solo tNgfrEAsE tS PERM|TTED /.-L:<P,-- t--/ uHUuPA, DlVlSlONS = 13,500 FT.'x1.105=+lr{ts- FT.z !v? J)-Y--" GROUP B = 1B,O0O FT.rx 1.105={€rgee FT., eO*1f]3- GROUP S, DfVfSION 3 = 1B,OOO FT., x 1.105 =1€f9O FT.2 -? ;r+n< GROUPR, DfVISION 1 =13,500 FT.2x 1.105 =4*,fri^ Ff.z \ 5 356 INCREASE FOR SPRINKLER PROTECTTON (UBC, SECTTON 505.3) AREA MAY BE TRIPLED IN 1 STORY BJUILDTNGS (BASEMENT LEVELS ARE CURRENTLYSPRINKLEREDI r#2 b GROUPA,DIVISION3 -=\iflSn., x 3=rpfelary +bObzGROUPB 1047{=19,990 FT.2 x grqo,67€!F+" (-,t 4.17cRoUPs,DlVlSloN3- =1e,8e0 FT.2 x 34q€i0fT.2 5ir1,5 ALLowABLb{Hdm-ilElfstEs' **--*- t '/ GRouP A, DlvlsloN 3 = ls,soo FT.2 x .t.105 =+4r{rs- FT.z tr| !gb-* Wn-ElnstS' AREA SUMMARY FOR BASEMENTS (UBC, SECTTON 504.5) ACTUAL AREA 26,911 FT.' 6.200 FT.' ,,-/lI/7 1+| \n -.re' ,70vIn* -\/'I \ |41"";- "o41ui c3t ALLOWABLEAREA -_&#*FI,.?"+ao4 595?SFT3 ra tq {.\tL+ {.\;s'i*' RAT|O OF AREAS MUST BE < 1.0'rUBC, SECTTON 504.3) SINCE.sO < 1.0_TYPE II. 1 HOUR IS ACCEPTABLE zbl((6Z o *t 4 t t,-/ *60u9 I -*-rdd_.*_rJ-,,- . , -. I i lI_,tT,Lclft'/t; L:r1LJ t, ,6o^L + f; ln l+___s_:_/_-u l__ 1 .v.l: ) ' I I ={)K. 3/oo c ,"/q-6- HCE -4- 0,07o Ir t, 1 a er" f'/ I r *lbf;Ji-Tl?3i-J" I l. HEtcHT AND AREA ANALvsts (coNT'D)I AREA ANALYSIS FOR UPPER FLOOR LEVELS I MULTT-STORY TNCREASE (UBC, SECTTON s04.2) I BASIC ALLOWABLE W|TH SETBACK TNCREASE (SEE PREV|OUS PAGE FOR SETBACK tNcREASE) r GROUPA, DtVtStONs =$4J*SFF.." 1535L I GRoUPB r{€fgoFlrLetT {,."I GROUP S, DtVtStON 3 = lg.BgOFf .2Z O+-?5*cRouP R, DtvtstoN 1 =*+rffifTi I 7g5A T THE MULTI.STORY INCREASE ALLOWS THAT THE BASIC ALLOWABLE AREA MAY BE DOUBLED FOR MULTTPLE STORTES (UBC, SECTTON 504.2) - _., ^r GRoUP A, DIVISION 3 = 14,1ZbFT.t x 2 =-p&,aS(rFT.', ?071'L^I GROUPB =19,890FT.rx2=€S,7mFT., +O44 yI cRoup s, DrvrsroN 3 = rg,sso rr., i z -ffioFi: 4; ; * 0 GROUP R, DIVISION 'l = j4,175fi.z x 2 =e&BSO_Eff An4 ,lJU/IA I AUTOMATTC SPRINKLER TNCREASE (UBC, SECTION 505.3) CODE ALLOWS THAT THE ALLOWABLE AREA MAY BE DOUBLED IN MULTI.STORY I BUILDINGS WHEN SPRINKLERS ARE TNSTALLED THROUGHOUT. AUTOMATTC SPR|NKLER I PROTECTION lS CONTEMPLATED rN CONJUNCTTON WtrH THE PROJECT. ALLOWABLE AREA , . .< tt rlI cRoup A, DtvlsloN 3 28,gso FT.2 x 2 = s6,700 n." 6lr+-e!I GROUPB 3s7RoFTzv2=7eqAotrr2 A\0\O\)I cRoupB 3s,zsoFr:ii=is,s6o i."e\40o GROUP S, DtVtStON g 99,780 FT.2 x 2 = 79,560 FT." 6 \q 0J .I GROUPR,DtVtStONl 2B,gO0FT.2x2=56,700n:6\+LY T AREA SUMMARY FOR ENTTRE BU|LDING (EXCLUDTNG BASEMENT) _4 /I cnoup A, DrvrsroN s cRoup B GRoup R, DrvrsroN 1 ,t or /-/ AI D-I I ACTUAL 2,402FT.2 1,932 FT.' 45,442Fr.r, \ I = ---r"r-"-'r-- + -------------- + --------------- =.86I ALLOWABLE 56,700 FT.2 79,560 FT,' 56,700 FT.' - .: .86 < 1.0 TYPE ll - 1 HOUR tS ACCEPTABLE FOR TOTAL PROJECT AREA. I | ..-7 rl ,--.t -l"/ L+oL,-- + lreL +33la3L 4 q-.r- -l( +-.I .r, ,":., + -._-.--.__ff+t+ 3!il'ot6 t+t+(! (q c"*r- u:I *'^nor -\ r' "")/ I- C,731$= o'Bczf) a1,41 + c,o(19-: \t--- ,',-'' ^t^r'il )nou(fti-;:i+j+tk* \: o K-l--- -t ,,n;;/(h45(f!'rr{/t\a_q4+z- I + ',n:r":&, 't:"*ylrztqe9k+ =Z ('+t+* 3/00lrjgw;ffi+iumrM '^lit'Ji..TL?3,'J' HEtcHT AND AREA ANALYSTS (CONT'D) cHECK ON NUMBER OF STORTES (UBC, SECTTON TABLE 5-B) ALLOWABLE GROUP A, DIVISION 3. MAXIMUM 2 STORIESGROUPB .MAXIMUM4STORIES GROUP B, DIVISION 1 . MAXIMUM 4 STORIES ACTUAL ALL GROUP A, DIVISION 3 USES ARE ON 1ST FLOOR ALL GROUP B USES ARE ON FIRST FLOOR THE BUTLDTNG HAS FOUR STOBTES - STORY LtMtT NOT EXCEEDE', 9!!_19![qHEtcHr (uBc, rABLE 5-B) VFOR TYPE II. 1 HOUR HEIGHT LIMIT IS 65' ACCORDING TO JMP DWG A3.1 DATED 4117196,''' Offi-C}XROM GRADE LEVEL ON THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING TO THE BUILDING NOOF IS Sg" THd VIRXIMUM PERMITTED HEtcHT ts 65'AND wELL wtrHtN THE pREscRraeo dq1=._.1 IN SUMMARY, TYPE II I.HOUR CONSTRUCTION CAN BE UTILIZED FOF THE PROPOSED PROJECT. ,\[s, wtqSu/c s g u;i n,q 5e c. z-o1/ '( F€tutff o(" &4/4//r.b-'i l{t4hvs} 9'r/e61ak a,r t 'ri -^l 'l' tqfl^t urt&\ru, 5' --- M0/('(kqn l0{ a|'aue la'r#, --'r-t \". ^' -l .l- t r L 't l t > /-l \wS, v\((fnr =- lowcbl jya{e attthr A 5 ' rrllVet5ursl fo eu(/d(,( h-{ ,o€" nr4hest g4ttft. / t , / "J -. !( qrcl, ees+ leuqf i urt\. 53 HCE 3/00-6- I r vAtL ATHLETTC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS I III. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIONI uBc, CHAPTER 6 (TABLE 6-A) - TvpE lt - 1 HOUR t coNsTRUcTroN ELEMENT REOU|RED FIRE RATTNG EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS 1 HOUR I TNTER|OR BEARTNG WALLS 1 HOUR I STRUCTURALFRAME l HOURI PERMANENT PARTITIONS 1 HOUR SHAFT ENCLOSURES .I HOURI FLooF/cErLrNGS 1 HouRI ROOFS 1 HOUR/NON-COMBUSTIBLESTAIRWELLS 2 HOUR (UBC, PARAGRAPH 1005.3.3.2) I HcE I -7-3/00 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS IV. LOCATION ON PROPERTY UBC, TABLE 5.A GROUP B/GROUP S, DIVISION 3. TYPE II 1-HOUR CONSTRUCTION EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS - 1 HOURAON.COMBUSTIBLE OPENINGS NOT PERMITTED < 5'TO PROPERTY LINE OPENINGS PROTECTED < 1O'TO PROPERTY LINE GROUP A, DIVISION 3. TYPE II 1.HOUR CONSTRUCTION EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS - 2 HR < 5'TO PROPERTY LINE - 1 HRNON.COMBUSTIBLE ELSEWHERE OPENINGS NOT PERMITTED < 5'TO PROPERTY LINE ." O( TI OPFNINGS PFtOTtrCTtrD < 1()'TO PFtOPtrFlry | lNtr -. ql V)s{'e P-o'd)OPENfNGS PROTECTED< 10'TO PROPERTL|NE, -/ n, / I . WPr**r1*sgg5#< ( u ?t r c EAST SIDE . MINIMUM DIST I?'t;l,f ifif, e- f-'4!:',^::l'{i"ot Y, , r\AAV t(' *,n ",Y,, {nt r,,;hii ar ( tu:'t -l'^tr[!/i x, :i,,,,#fty,i;f;:;. p d *i*led' / THE ENTRANCE CONFIGURATION M HCE -8-3/00 I I vAlL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS I v. REourREDoccupANcysEpARATroNSI uFc, TABLE 3-B I , / AREA RATING REQUIRED )pnoue[dlvrsroN s/cnoup B r'rorue I Y/FROUP A, DIVISION 3/GROUP S, DIVISION 3 (PARKING) 3 HOURI v/cRoup B/cnoup s, DtvtstoN s 1 HouRr vTGROUP B/GROUP R, DIVISION 1 1 HOUR v GROUP A, D|V|SION 3/GROUP R, DtVtStON 1 1 HOUR I I I I I I t I I I I I t HcE t -9-3/00 I t T I -'" I I I I I I I T I I I I t I T .\ , q?r0 ,^ (e(''t't/t4 9/z€-/ . -ri 6*'- ' ,, g"w c7 K7g = OK 3os "t nA--ry \ r ",1* /'ulnl e xi sf inq Io*a( *rarnfi- eyceeds €q 'REQUIRED ON ALL FLOORS SINCE THE OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDS 30 ON ALL FLOORS, INCLUDING THE FIRST FLOOR/LOBBY ELEVATOR REQUIREMENTS _ UBC, CHAPTER 30 rN BUTLDTNGs + on uoffinnq-ELEVAToRs sHALL BE pRovrDED. MINIMUM ELEVATOR Sl4E 80'x s4" !D ACCOMMODAIEAMzuIANCE STRETCHERS - UBC, SECTION 3003.5 , THE AbTIIAI.,€TEVATOR SIZE"IS 57" X 78" WIDE f ^! trAt€ (l(utYtr ts VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS 7 MISCELLANEOUS FIRE SEPARATIONS I.,\lnoous wrrH HEATTNG EeurpMENT > 4oo,o0o BTU/HR = 1 HouR - uBc, sEcroN 309,s IIV OPENINGS ARE PERMTTTED BETWEEN TWO COMMUNICATING FLOOR LEVELS -'t0-3/00 t T I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS EGRESS REOUIREMENTS OCCUPANT LOAD CALCULATIONS LOWER HEALTH CLUB GROUP A, DIVISION 3 GROUP B OCCUPANT LOAD UPPER HEALTH CLUB GROUP A, DIVISION 3 GROUP A DINING GROUP B OCCUPANT LOAD FIRST FLOOR GROUP B GROUP A, DIVISION 3 GROUP R, DIVISION 1 OCCUPANT LOAD SECOND FLOOR GROUP R, DIVISION 1 THIRD FLOOR GROUP R, DIVISION.I FOURTH FLOOR GROUP R, DIVISION 1 12,977 FT.'z * 50 = 259 2,158 FT,2 + 100 = 21 = ZT0PERSONS 12,229 fi.2 + 50 = 245 1,635FT.'z+ 15= 109 4,042 Ff .2 + 100 = 40 = 394 PERSONS 1 ,932 FT.2 + 100 = 19 2,402 Ff .2 i 15 = 't 60 9,948 FT.2 + 200 = 49 = 2ZSPERSONS 14,960 FT.2 + 200 = 74 PERSONS 13,693 FT.'? + 200 = 68 PERSONS 6,841 FT.2 + 200 = 34 PERSONS TOTAL BLDG OCCUPANT LOAD = 1,068 PERSONS I 1/ ceuenal tssuEs' ALL NEW STAIBS MUST BE 2 HOUR. UBC, SECTION .I005.3.3.2 SUB PARAGRAPH #3. 1/ rueeo pANrc HARDWARE oN ALL DooRs wHERE occupANT LoAD EXcEEDS so- PERSONS. UBC, SECTTON 1003.3.1.8. / nll SLEEeTNG RooMS BELow rHE FouHTH FLooR MUST HAVE A oeERABLE DOOR/WINDOW OPERABLE FROM THE INTERIOR. MINIMUM SIZE 5.7 FT.2. MINIMUM CLEAR /DIMENS|ONS tS 24. HEtcHT - 20" W|DTH. UBC, SECTTON 310.4. l/ exrr srcNs REouTRED - uBc, sEcloN 1oos.2.B.a "/ exr |LLUMtNATtoN REeU|RED - uBc, sEcfloN 1oog,z.g.jv IBoTH OF THE ABOVE REQUTRE EMERGENCY POWER 1.s HOUBSV FLOOR LEVEL EXIT SIGNS ARE REQUIRED IN CORRIDOHS _ UBC. SECTION 1007.6.2 nL/tr -1 1-3/00 I t I I I I I I I t I VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS vil. EGRESSREOUTREMENTS(CONT'D) UPPER HEALTH CLUB PROVIDE RAMPED EXIT FROM SOUTH SIDE FROM DINING AREA _ UBC, SECTION 1104.1.1 FIRST FLOOR LEVEL SEPARATION IS REQUIRED _ COLUMN 1 1 IN HALLWAY - SEPARATION BETWEEN FLOORS - sEE ITEM ON DRAWTNG C4). V SECOND EXIT IS REQUIRED FOR BAR AREA. ALSO THIS DOOR NEEDS TO SERVE AS EXIT FROM MA|N BUtLDtNG. (gEE NOTE ON ACCOMPANY|NG DRAWTNG C-4).I Nrgj{V SINGLE EXtr FRoMNW Meelruc RooM ts AccEpTABLE wtrH occupANT LoAD LtMtrED lro 4e PERS.NS' ( c q(cvlnleS @ 4t puson s= , K) t/ oENTER EXtr srArn opENS tNTo LoBBy Nor pEBMtrrED pER uac, secirox 100s.9.3.2. SECOND FLOOR STAIR EXTENSION FBOM COLUMN LINE #4 TO WEST MUST BE 2 HOUR ENCLOSURE. THIRD FLOOR TWO MEANS OF EGRESS REQUIRED FROM THIRD FLOOR CONDOMINIUM . EAST _ UBC. sEcTtoN 1004.2.3.2 TWO MEANS OF EGRESS REQUIRED FROM THIRD FLOOR CONDOMINIUM. WEST _ UBC. I sEcTtoN 1004,2.3.2 Iv PROVTDE DOOR SWTNG |NTO STATRWELL BETWEEN COLUMN 4/s - UBC, SECTTON 21003.3.1.5I V ,nccess ro cENTER sTAIRWELL REeutBED. (sEE AccoMpANytNG DRAWTNG NorE c-6)/_ UBC. CHAPTER 1O,I'\, CORRIDOR TO STAIRWELL MUST BE,+4'lN WIDTH. (SEE ACCOMPANYING DRAWING NOTE)c-6-uBc,sEcTtoN1OO4.3.4.2 .t^ tl FouRTH FLooR LE'EL l I qr ? THE wEsr END coNDoMtNtuM REpREsENTs A TprAL AREn or Mrr..o .z\ THE CALCULATED OCCUPANT LOAD lS 750/200 =)(PEBSONS TWO EXITS ARE PROVIDED ON THE WEST END CONDO UNIT. ACCORDING TO UBC, TABLE 1O.A _ TWO EXITS ARE REQUIRED IF THE OCCUPANT LOAD IS 1O OR GREATER PER UBC, SECTION 1004.2.3.2. THE CODE REOUIRES 2 EXITS WHEN THE SPACE ABOVE THE FIRST STORY. THE EXCEPTIONS DO NOT ALLOW FOR AN EXEMPTION FROM THIS PROVISION. THE EAST END CONDOMINIUM UNIT WILL HAVE AN INTERIOR OPEN STAIR. WHICH WILL SEBVE AS THE SECOND EXIT FROM THIS UNIT. ,IrJ j ..I -12- I I I I t I I I HCE 3/00 I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I t I VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS vur. AccessretuwREoutREMENTSI\,v tHe rtnst FLooR AND THE uppER HEALTH cLUB ARE THE oNLy puBLrc AREAS wHrcH ARE CONTEMPLATED WHICH ARE REQUIRED TO BE ACCESSIBLE FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS ANALYSIS. THE ELEVATORS ARE NOT CONSIDERED AS PART OF THE ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS. NO REFUGE AREAS ARE CONTEMPLATED SINCE THE BUILDING IS COMPLETELY SPRINKLERLED _ UBC, SECTION 1104j.2, EXC #2. AS NOTED EARLIER, A SECOND ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS IS RECOMMENDED FROM THE SOUTH END OF THE DINING AREA ON THE HEALTH CLUB LEVEL _ UBC, sEcTtoN 1104.1.1 THE FIRST FLOOR LEVEL IS REQUIRED TO HAVE TWO ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS. RECOMMEND RAMP OFF DECK ON SOUTH.EAST CORNER. RECOMMEND RAMPED EXIT AT EITHER EAST OR NORTH ENTRANCE/EXIT_ UBC, SECTION 1104.1.1 HCE .13-3/00 I r "^lbtTihTL""3,'J' I x. FIRE PRorEcloN REoutREMENTst1. SPRINKLERS REOUIRED THROUGHOUT BASED ON THE AREA ANALYSIS. t 2. FLOOR CONTROL VALVES SHOULD BE TNSTALLED FOR EACH LEVEL -RECOMMEND. I 3. NEED srANDprpE ADDED rN srArRwELLs BETWEEN coLUMNs sA-g - uBc,I CHAPTER9. T 4. NEED ROOF SMOKE HATCH AT NEW STAIRWELLS > 4 STORIES _ UBC, SECTION I 1003.3.3.12. - 5. EXTEND WESTSTANDPIPETOTHE NEW STAIRWELLLOCATED BETWEEN COLUMN r 4-5-UBC, CHAPTER 9. I I I I t I I I I I I HcE t 3/00-14- I I I t I t t I I I I I T 2. 3. VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB CODE ANALYSIS SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS THE FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE SIGNIFICANT ISSUES RAISED IN THE CODE ANALYSIS: 1.THE ISSUE OF FIRE RESISTANCE OF EXTERIOR WALLS DUE TO PROXIMITY TO PROPERTY LINES SHOULD BE WAIVED DUE TO THE LOCATION OF PUBLIC STREETS ON THE NORTH AND EAST SIDES. THE ISSUE OF THE ELEVATOB WHICH WILL BE ADDED TO SERVE THE FOURTH FLOOR LEVEL. BY CODE THE ELEVATOR SHOULD MEET THE NEW MINIMUM SIZE CRITERIA. AN ELEVATOR LOBBY IS REQUIRED ON THE FIRST FLOOR, THE UBC. EXCEPTION IS FOR OFFICE BUILDINGS. A NEW EXIT (RAMP) tS REOUTRED FROM THE SOUTH END OF THE DtNtNG AREA. FLOOR SEPARATION IS REQUIRED TO BE ADDED DUE TO THREE COMMUNICATING FLOOR LEVELS. TWO EXITS ARE REQUIRED FROM EACH OF THE 3RD FLOOR CONDOMINIUMS. TWO EXITS ARE REQUIRED FROM EACH OF THE 4TH FLOOB CONDOMINIUMS. THE FIRST FLOOR MUST HAVE TWO ACCESSIBLE POINTS OF ACCESS/EGFIESS. PFOVIDE SMOKE HATCHES ON STAIRS SERVING 4 OR MORE STORIES. REVIEW PROVISIONS FOR FIRE COMMAND CENTER. PROVISIONS FOR CALL SWITCHES ON VARIOUS FLOORS OF ELEVATOR LOBBIES.\ REVIEW CENTER STAIR TERMINATION AT LOBBY. 7. 8. L 10. 11. 12. 4. 5. T I I I -16-t t HCE 3/00 l# opEroloc ITEA uolluAoueg puB uorsuudxgqnlc cllet(tlY ITeA rl gsc-zEg (soE) Hd gceo-trf (soE)trot@ 0o'u3Ppo 00C tls 9t IrH ZarqtrqltrrJoc aPoc uqPqard rg 9NrUllNtSNl AUNnOC HS|H l!-;il F.{ I(JIt (::-)4- | //-.--=--- ,'./ .-..2.- 3 "r5i t l,tlltu il tln:t t \0 'F N J( z o- I z LrJ o-O_l LrJ I' Ia ILJF I i ,,, t , 6rI F I e li I & t-,J td Et!o_(,z.-: =rD o LrJanoo-oE.o_ y/ t /\tl.lllt! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIII opBroloc ITIA uorlB^orreu PrIB uolsuEdxEqnIJ cI?aIqlY IIEA xvj 99SC-ZS9 (COS) FSrit*o o?q"ltood ooc als 9t hH zLE6ul nsuo3 epoo/uollr3lo.rd 3rU CNIUSgNIENS AUINOOJ HCIHl,,! !* H}IT t I c\l I $5O o s,/ o o o o @o o o oo L7 o @ o o o o o o @ o o o UIz vl;lrlt idvlo TL tL I co ) J I t =.J cP,r c:; hE= (l ct , i d6 ";;ZJ', o<n ii.-H n dg <>=16 d E5 5+tr"r r! !!3i tfowztr< Slr -z6Fo5 oH H.J O .I ,^f n 5z l 3 q: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII fu,1 oPBroloc IIEA uoTlsaoueg puB uorsurdxgqnIJ cllelqlv IIEA xy: ssec-zgs (coc) fsff'%?'."!'o',"? au311n",o3 o.opffi "iJ"ft ! Ef,: CNIUSUNICNU AUINNOJ HCIH fn\. r, I 16U t-*! Ocvuotoc l|v^ N9tslo 3tlVn3HCS SNTJ JITITHTV TIVA xYl 998C-299 (COC) iH'ff'tl''J"?8 '.,'o-uo"oSFoj*uoil"ft E,tE DNIUUUNIENU IUINNOC HCIH !is s I{s Oooo o o?o @ o @ o @ o o @ @ o 66 5i6-Aua EE vlzoa hJ E. ot!vlo(Lo E"(L I E, o f, FU'E 1r- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIITIIIIIITI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII t,ff 00vu0l0c l|v^ N9|S3C SrlVnlHCS SNTC JIIUTHTY TIYA x# SEBE-ZS9 (r0E) Hd 9f90-z'9 (coc) o?To"i' ,t-t, ?13quo ntuoc rpoc uoll3clord .,lB CNIUUf,NICNU I.UINOOS HEIH o oo@@ oo @ o o o @ 2Z9q 33 vd ',lrtgi o @ !ir l.;t IIi ot IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITI oovuotoc ltv^ N9tSlC CttvnlHSs SNTJ JIIU]HIY TIYA @ o @ o o wJ sg8s-zss (coc) f'8'ffno;?'."!to8 ou'r n",ocTFojs*?J"fii g,'.3 oNrut3Nl9Nl AutNno3 H9tH tttlooo@@ o o o E=t:[3oa c6 . NH a @ o @ o !!- ifiB o TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Permit #: 803-0086 M6q Status...: ISSUED Issued. .: 06/1912003 Expires. .: 12/1612003 Location.....: 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Applied . . : 06/1812003 ParcelNo...: 210108255000 ProjectNo , ?t{96 O\7,G OSINER vArL ATIILETIC CLITB & SPA O6/t8/2003 Phone: 970-476-L98'7 285 BRTDGE ST VAIIJ, CO 81657 L,icense: CONIRACTOR B & B ELECTRIC, INC. 06/L8/2003 Phone: 970-242-2450 2ALA L/2 NORTH AVENUE GRAIID intNCTrON, CO 8L50L License:266-E APPL,ICAI{T B & B ELECTRIC, rNC. O6/L8/2003 Pbone: 970-242-24sO 28tA L/2 NORTH AVENI'E GRAIITD,JIINCTIOII, CO 81501 License:266-B Descipfion: connect mua/mua-2 in lower mech room Valuation: $3,000.00 +*'il*l*:lt'la:ltl'l*'l Electical-> ss,t .00 Total Calculated Fees-> S57.00 Additional FeeF-----> S0.00 Tolal permil Fee--_-..> 95?.00 Palments---------> $57.00 BALAbICE DUE.--...-.>90. 00 DRB Fee--> lnvestigation-> will call---> 90. 00 $0. 00 $3.00 TOTALFEES-> S57. OO Approvals:Ifen: 05000 EIJECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT o6/L8/2oo3 df Action: AP ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIUENI i+|t**'l|*t|it*lt*t+.i*|ii|||tt*|1t+|l*|i'.*|*tl.ll.ttii|l|tt+|l||||+|tti|lii|t||*|*ttilit||***|*|*|**|| CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 -'::3:-:]-:..:::::-.lJ::-:-::--.".X..H.ff:J:lff-,:.:.*"::,:,T.i,o"l.::.",,:.-,":y:,:-l-Tli:,,..-..-,,,,,**..*.,*,,i:|+i,|:,,.*,... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns mning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS IN AT 479-2149 0R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OIGNATURE +:1.'f * t * * * * * * ** * + * i * +*:1.** i * * * * * t f * * t * + + i +* 'l{' * t 'lr * + +t* + t * +* * *f * * * {. * * +***a * a * :t * * * * * t * *{.{. 'ff + + * + I t + TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprlnted on 06-19-2003 at 0E:13:57 0611912003 Statement ** * t ***rl* {"} * ** 'l{r + * * * t * * * * t * ** +'}*** * *'t** * * * f 't'}l * ** f** '} * t I t ** *'l't't* * i * * ** **,1'+* *:}'}** * * * ** +**** ** Statement Nunber: RO3OOO42O1 Arnount: $57.00 06/:-9/2OO308:13 AIl Palment Method: Check Init: CD Notation: L768 Permit No: E03-0086 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMfT Parce1 No: 21010 8255 000 Site Address: 352 E MEADOW DR \/AIL Location: 352 E MEjN)OW DR, VAIL ATI{LETIC CLI,B Total Fees3 $57.00 This Payment : $57 . 00 Total ALIr !'rnta : $57 . 00 Balance3 $o-oo 1+ + + ++f**{' t '} *{r't * +l' *{' {' ** ** * * **** *** ** * ***** ****l'}* + + +*+* f * * ** *'} t +** * *t! *t * f t ** * * * **{i***+ ** * ** * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POI.IER PER}4ITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO hIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 54.00 3.00 JUH-16-2003 ltoN 12r06 Pl{FN{ NO,P, 02/03 ^rpuc^troil wu. ilor rE ^ccrrtro r ncorffi$nfi@0*lga rUhfrg runlt t!-*'"---^e, =tffitffi'n-.;E.,',*Jl;lilffi;' 7s6.Dtgnht nd. Y.ll, Colorlilo ll63t I q7"'z1z'24ry W,utl*.nd vtur toitt ;oR AtL 'THEBI (hDor I lr't.'.h) -lEECrrucArv LuraoLG.Og9 lr.oumor sQ Prril snucruee | ?oq ffior(lstl] il-ffiiu"tt untt ln thb bulldingr ffiffi'frEffilng untte ln $ts buildlncr .r r ailiir*ttt ra.... * l.rrrrt-.t 'irttt'trFm OF Icf, UgE OlfLY" tr*r1.."*tt'rr*'ilrrt*"**'r"t'r' \,vi lU ur\.dt Wol..trSVElJUIfS\HLESPERM DOC ,.ruN-16-2303 l10N t2:0i Pt1 FA)( NC.P. 03/03 d weneaa xryicts ale not tllowcd 1n fie fow6 sf Valt, i/Undergrwnd services havc to bs in conduh Pr/Q from the ba'rttlormer to the clectrlc meter, main dlsconnect' switch'and to the frrst electrical dtsuiluUon circult breaker prnal. n- The maln dlsconnect s/vitch shail bc located next to he'meter on the exterbr wall of the sfijcture eagly accesslble. q. all underground Conduib are requlred !o bc Inspccted belolt b*k'filling the rench.p tn mut6-dmily dwet[ng unlts, no elec6ical wlrlng gr feeder cables.shall pess fum qte unit to another' Corvnon- walls and spaccs are accept€d, ^s NM Cable (itomex) ls not itlowed ln commerclal buildlngs or strudures ?geedingttee (3) stqrlen g/ No uu. of atunrinum wlre snaller ttran slze #8 wltl b€ p€rmitFd wlth the Town of Vail, ra- All Instailations of exterior hot tube or spa's require a DRB approval frum plannlng. This appllcation wlll not be accepted wlthout a copy of the DRB appmval tbrm attached (if applicable). 6 lf this permtt is for insbllation of an exterlor hot hrb or'spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above Erade, you must also obtain a bulldlng permit, .d If this pernit Is for hstallatlon of an exterlor hot tub or spa on any exisffng deck or elevated PbtrLmr e structural engineer must rerlew the extsting condBon and verlfy that I will suPpoft the added concentrated loid, ptease provide a copy of the suuctural engineers wet stamped letter 0r drawhg with this appllcatlon, sr If $ls Is a rernodel In a multi-family bulldirrg with a horieowners association/ a lemr of permlsslon/ lrcm the association is required. p Ii this perrnit is for a commercial space. two (2) sets ol'*amped drat^/ings are rcqulred. rr lr t Ie".".Drte Sfuncd lf you have any questions regardiq thc abovc information ol heve eddltlonal questionu, ficisi ionU4 ifrirown of y;1 ttecirtcat Incprcter rt 9?0-479'2147. ThG Inrpector ca1-bc iearhed on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morirlngs bctrrccn tJra hours of 8am and 9am, YOu may atso leave a viicc malt ahd tht insPector will callyou back' TOI^/N OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 3ao'ot( i MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0055 3oo { t\o M 61 eo(-coll 16( -col\ ]obAddress: 3S2ENIEADOWDRVAIL Status...: ISSUED y:#;; Location.....: 352 E MEADOW D& VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Applied . . : 05/79/2003 Yi ^^n o ParcelNo...: 210108255000 Iszued. .: 05/30/2003 r'JAvr' - Itoject No : -"R5DO-O(l 6 Expires . .: 77/26/2O03 OWNER vAIIr ATIIIJETIC CIJTB & SPA O5/L9/2OO3 Phonez 970-476-L987 285 BRIDGE ST vArrJ, co 816s7 License: coNrRAcToR D'AGOSTTNO MECI{ANrCAI, CONTRA05/19 / 2003 Phone : 913-384-s170 4440 OIJIVER STREET KANSAS CITY, I(S 55105 License: 148-P APPLTCATqf D'AGOSTINO MBCIIAITICATJ COI{TRAo5/19/2OO3 Phone: 913-384-5170 4440 OI.,IVER STREET I(AIISAS CITY, KS 66106 License: 148-P Desciption: REVISED DRAWINGS FOR moving mechanical room from 4th to upper level floor Valuation: $41,500.00 Fireolace lnfornatioru Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances:0 # of Gas Logs:#of Wood Peller FEE SUMMARY Meclnnical-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> willcall-> S840.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> s2X0 . 00 DRB Fee-> $0. o0 ToTAL FEES----> $3.00 $0.00 $0. 0o 51,0s3.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fee-> Paymentg-> BALAAJCE DUF-> $r., 0s3 . 00 s0. 00 91,053 - 00 91. 053 . 00 $0.00 Iten: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII{ENT o5/29/2oo3 cDAvrs Act,ion: AP ItCM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONOF APPROVALCond: 12 (BITDG-): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPL,IATiICES SHAIJIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SI{AIJJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF T1IE 1997 TJMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT UUST COMPL,Y WITII CHAPTER 3 AllD S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 IJMC AID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PITAIiIS AIID CODE ANAI,YSIS MUST BE POSTBD IN MECHAIiIICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: CONO005885 A BAIANCE REPROT F:ROM CERTIFIED BAI,ANCTNG COIWRACTOR IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO REQT'EST FOR FINAI, INSPECTION DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correcl I agree to comply with the inforsration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codeg desigpr review approved" Uniforrt Building Code and other ordfuurnces of the Town applicable thereto. REQUTSTS FOR IruSTECT]ON SHALL BE MADETWENTY.FOUR HOURS PM. ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET t t l l l t t * t * i f i f t t a * t t t l l a * * t * + f t + + + +++t 'i * **{r*:t *a'}{' a'}'}* *{' + +**+*****f*'} *ft l lf f+ l l + *l*'} * **{"t**{' {' TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOCopy Reprinted on 05-29-2003 at 17:06:01 051291200.3 Statem€nt **+ +*+*t{' ** 't ***+ + | | faa** ** ** * ************+t + **t ***tt***+** * ** t +**** **++***a**a+*t++********* Statement Nunber: RO3OO040?3 Anoune 3 $1,053.0O 05/3O/200305:05 PM Pa)ment Method: Credit crd Init: KF NoEation: Permit No: M03-0055 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 82 55 0 0 0 Site Addreaa: 352 E MEiADOW DR VAIIJ Irocation: 352 E MEJADOW DR, VAIIJ ATHIJETIC CIiIB ToEaI FeeE: $1, 053 . 00 Thia Payment: $1,053.00 ToEaI ALt PmtE: $1,053.00 Ba1ance3 50.00 *** ***{'{'l *****ll t + tftt*fft +++++ + + +**f,* + * ***{rl' f*l+l***** * ***+******'a'a* *f | | fl** * '}** l' **++***+** ACCOT,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cunrent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 84O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 210.00 |.lC OO1OOOO31128OO W]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO r'. I-"' IOIITI OF URIL 75 S Fftff{T0ff M lJflIL CB h,J57+79-47F-ZiZ8 l 1414I7101916{32 T0|J? orlTE 65,ii9i$3 i TIttE 04:08 Pll { ITEtt: ffit w snu 0P: tg ffccT! 54759837018116S5 E)(P: flIg4 ffisP: ffuTf,'T|(T 029891 ToTftL: $1853.89 I RGREE T$ PRT fl8OUE TOTRL AI1{]IIHT flCCUBDI|IG Tt] [flRD ISII.Efl AGRTEIIEI{T iIEffi}HI{T ftGRTI]EHT IF CflEOIT UOIICI{ERI \-----&M--pL!z-:-uL------------- IilGffitufit ' mi cspv-mRclffilI 80n$ coPY-ffsIonER llednnbf Permit#: /4 fZ -Oat, 9lrG4,79-i2l]9 Gn+eAms) NMTTWYfiJ 75 $ FrontagE Rd. Vbil, @lorado 81657 Pennlt uiu not be a@pGEd witiout tfie ftllowing: Layout drawn Slze and $zrand MFCI-IANICAL: S I at 6vfrat FT94.# 1t ot - D7.2 --f t- aaa bbltmn: y' ,'1 ,/v"-- fo tA / ,Jou ^Wi E H.oA-- ,/9r d;/ hsnf D€scrrpd*lr."c 1lt4lw tr lflnrl. ) ownersNarne r)4 L u L I Addrcss: g?r ,,y'rt/--sili-lw' q >a.42 / 7,. ++, YY g.nn/rz E o -, -lWt D c-er- -Lt z^L"Jfu9o " - arz- ?frzqfiffiffi ffi'a^,*r-Yl,; qb a-r ; A ApM, -.-, !o49lg, *AJf I Addtuon( ) ru#uo"lxl Repatr( ) odter( ) Boller LocaUon: tnterior (l) ' EtErior ( ) Odrer ( )Dean ErlU edstatthb locatirn: Yes (X) No ( ) TypedHdg: Slnglehrfy( ) D4l€x( ) ruEAmfV( ) Aownercbl($ R€stauram( ) 6ter( ) No. d btbdng D$rdllng UnlB In thb buildlng: e ib. dAsnmodatiott Units in thbb{ffilrg: .27 ibffvpedHrepFgExirsting: GasAppllanes( ) caslrrsu/l Wood/Fdl€t( ) wbodBrrnlru( ) NqffypedHrcplae@:GasApdlanes( )Gaslrgs( ) W@d/Pdlet( ) WoodBun|q(NCITAUSTED) Is ttrb a @nv€rsbn from a rmd fumlng frrcflae b.n EPA Phas tr devie? Yes ( ) itr ( ) *!r*:i rr* ****** *rr*rs***!*oJlLy**,i****,r.:l*******1.******t * **** Print Name REGISTRATION FEES General Contractor A or Construction Management (Valuation over $1,000,000).....................-....... General Contractor B or Construction Management t NAME OF COMPANY: MAILING ADDRESS: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PHONE #: FAX #: CELL f: ' ,t, F, This form musl be received and approved prior lo issuance of registration. Please submit to the Town of Vail Building Departmenl, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657. PLEASE SUBMIT COPY OF ANY PEBNNENT BEGISTRATION WITH APPLICATION. Type of regislration being for: Applicalion made by: /to, Reoular Cgst Renewal Cost $175.00 (Valuationunder$1,000,000)............................ 100.00Plumbing......... 75.00Mechanical...... .....................,.. 75.00Electrical.......... NO FEE Special (includes drywall. glass, masonry, concrete, elevalor, etc)................,. Excavation....... Omer/Builder.. NOTE: lf you are purchasing an electrical or plumbing regislralion, you MUST provide a copy of A Master Registration from the State ol Colorado. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL CONTHACTORS SUPPLY THE TOV WITH THE FOLLOWING INSUBANCE CEFTIFICATES: ' LlABlLlry - Option #1: $1,000,000 in the aggregate for Bodily lnjury $1 ,000,000 in the aggregate for Property Damage Option #2: Combined single limit of $1,000,000 ' WOAKMEN'S COMPENSATION - Show thaf you are covered in the Stafe of Colorado ' No Workmen's Comp (no employees)- Provide a letler stating you are the sole owner & will not hold the Town liable for any acodents and at the time you hire someone ' you will provide us with WC. NOTE; ll you are purchasing an electrical or plumbing registration, you !!gg! provide a copy of a Master Registration lrom the State ol Colorado. Thank you, TOV Building Dept. 75 South Frontage Boad \/ail l1f\ Ft AE? 75.00 75.00 s0.00 $125.00 75.00 5s.00 55.00 NO FEE 55.00 5s.00 970-479-2138 A7A-A1Q..2Ar-, /trav I inal llry t4 03 o2:tttp .. n.o 13 O3 OBr59p , BCH PROFESSIONRL D'Rgostino llecheni ar I 970535.173S 7"O-524-1fJ?() p.l p.3 W? t)D -!-- ..-,r. .i6\it.r ln tDe and size: . 3- u$ rh€ most recenr gldesls yq,' orgsnizllioo has had h constn'ffr :Ty^:X ol odm-cl P/4r li/4t,' /f t'tih', ou e"/*"riJ, c vrr;.J L;,*tc't oP h,tto C'L ,. Tvoa & class'ol wofi u'heo corlldStsC taC^. b.+4-iii') a. List rnunirjPalhcs lul tlle litttdg€oanct otte s!an,s: ' ' lar*lo i+ni. .{ C.fu ffi"i *,r*r,* hd vour org.nizaridr comde'd? & l{ave you ev€r tailed lo cotrd* any uod( a/atded to youl lf 60, whBro and shy? ,- ffi at'"-t' m"arn capac*v' atd $G mmg ad adress d $re local agency yott exp€ct lo use: ;ffi;.*Et19ilnf'trffiS or vor'n oqilization and those B.wh3t is th€ con$rusr'rr anu.*F-.i-pr,i"rr i,n n" ro"n ol val ildMdrab 10 ba dledlY inYolve lndrvittoalb t'€setrl Pos ion y"ifi ila$iltd€ & Type ol Worfi ,LaJ -//t hWhal CaPacity? or otl'cg Epaince3r ilr Pa'{ *ffi. *'ik' tr rtr!2 l.rotn'tt/",* . lolw t'-PlLvlW W-ri;* ,P'E - l'l.U l4 O3 02:1'tp nas 13 03 O9: OOpt : ACH PROFESSIONHL D'Rgotelno iach.ni cr I 9705354?39 ?zfJ-s?g-1.l?(J p.2 p.4 9. Do you trold any valid ficenses, i.e. Maslot Plumber, Ardritect' E#r?]l? Please pDvide copy (s)' l-l ro. Lis' 'hc n'ail;,tH' ffifiTJ):f$ X.efiy:,:y,trlry*,gf or wirr be weo on 1 l. Lisl b€bttr tlE Cootrads wi*:h tut q ,ol.f company. 0r corporalion wFre pany to' duing dE - pr€vious Stll O) yeatt. rhat wer3 h\lolved In @atbn ot a'ry V?e: irke tr*h #,**,*s - thaor Vul ffif .|i"a . ,- i^,,,au futd).a -fte.L{eil (*< Ntre <ln*tr.t Mt*{ oonnr' t2. Th€ totlo{ing b lor all conracts vrtrbh }gu, or }our comps'ly, oI co'peretitn n'Greflv-!9^dJ'tqht}9 Fevious tvt(s, yeaG. whal Perc€nrage ol lhese ptDiscts were cottp|€leo w|ti|tn scneoue '-J:gE-^^+, 13. Hoil/ mucfi ot the yrork wifl you do direcdy compaod to su!co.fie?',loB?::l&l: - 14. Bankhg Feferences ra / ).t t trA. \e? Frfinzg+r. ' E- Trade Aelerencss D. | 6. tia'/e you ever lBd a trcense in ow tea or ary other atea ufder atly name that was: tuvr*rdJllo -: I so, plsase exphin: DBnted-U-4--S:spenUeOJb- 17. lt regislrant is Corporalion or PMnership, plsase.nale appricant GlafionghiCposhion: i,a-fniln* ,,{ \w /Uez/a'v'u! Q**'*r1 ll.U 14 O3 O2:l.iP RGH PROFESSIOIIRLo }1r! 13 o3 o9:oop D'Fjorsino ll.ohanlcrl.. 9?O535.1739 ?20-528-?O?O p.3 p.5 t8. wlrrl '3 yo.rr go,rfrioo In $l| nCir'{bl: nJJ, V,ii P*-t+,*'n"-"s.b$,r.h;t ?YYmt-bi$':hnct P*$dir4g! D) Oilt{ 19, Sodsf S.ottitY Nunbort €- t"""t*tD. hry I tt 03 02: l rtp BCH PROFESSIONRL 9?0535,t?3s P. r+ Contractor's Qualification Statement 1936EDITION Tltfs lorm is approved and recommended by The American Institute of Archiuctt (AIA) and The Associatetl Ccneral Controclots of America GC) lor use in a,aluating the qualifcations of contraaors. No endonement of the tubtuitti.,g pdrty or veriJication of the information is made by the AIA or /GC. The Undersigled certifies under oath that the information provided herein is tnre and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. STJBMITTED TO; ADDRESS: Pinkard Constr:ction Co,, Inc. 9195 Wcst 6s Ave. Lakcwood,Colorodo 80215 Tel: 303-98&4555 Fax: 303-985-5050 John L. D'AgostinoSI.IBMITTED BY: NAME: D'Agostino Mcchanical Contractorg Inc. ADDRESS: 4l l0 N. Valley Rd. LongmonlColorado 80504 PRINCIPALOFFICE: D'AgoetinoMechanicalContactorq 4440 Olivcr Stea i Konsas City, KS NAME OF PROJECT (if applicablc): FTJTURE PROJECT T 1VORK (lile seprratc form for each Classification of Work): Corporation X Par.rnership Iodividual Ventrlle Other Inc. 66106-1763 TYPE OF Gcneral Consuuction Ptumbing X Orhcr Sheeqncral &.gipi!g (please specify) Copyrighr 1964. 1960. lt9, @ t9S6 by Tll Amffic.r trstitltc or-,\rchit!6s, l?35 Nlw Yo.t Avcnuc. N.W., *'ashinglon, D.C.20006- R€troduclion ot'dE nllcrial hcraiD or subrtutial qloudon of itr provirioos withott pcmirsion of rh. AtA violucs rhi copyright bw: ol lhe thitcd Srald &d will bc subjccr to tcg.l trGccntion. X HVAC Elcctrical Ar,{ D(rcUllEITalOs . CONTn^CTOR.S QUAUFICATTON STAteM&yT . tgS6EDmON . AIA O -O l9t6 THE.AIIERrcAN Il./SfnUTE OF ARCHnECTS. Itfi NE,v YORK AvCNOe N-idr. wAS N'GTON. D.C, tOOO6rvA[ lIC: Uttrc.nt! ptoto..fyiotvtol.t6 U.S- coptrtht trEr r||d k aublc.t to hgrl ttro.rcrlint. .{3{t5 - r tE6 | |lrc lt OA Oe:1.tP RCH PROFESSIONR-9?O535t?39 p.5 I. ORGA}{IZATION l. t How many years has your organizetion bcen ia busbess as I contractor? 52 ycan 1,2 How nuny ycars has your orgrnization been in hisincas under is prescnt busiaess uernc? 2 yeo: & l0 months | .2.1 Uudcr uAat othcr or formcr narres bas yor orgmization opcrated? Anthmy Phmbing and Heating Coryany, hc. Anftooy Mechanical C.ontractus, Inc, Arlboay, lnc. t.3 lfyour organization ic a corporatioo, answer rhe following: 1.3.1 Data ofincorporatioa January 5, 1977132 Ster of incorporetion: Missori 1.3.3 Prcidcnt's nsrrc: John L. D'A.gostino 1.3.4 Vicc-pr*idcnt's nnn(s): Jerry Svrrro4 Max E. Singcrt.3.5 Sccrctuy's narncr John L. D'Agostino, P.E. 1.3.6 Trcasurcr'g naurc: Max E. Singer 1.4 lfyonr organization is a prrtncrehip, answ6 thc following: IVA 1.4.1 Datcoforganization: 1.4.2 I}Ac ofparacrsbip (if applicablc): 1.4.3 Nam(s) of geocrel partrcc(s): 1.5 lfyour orgonizati- ilindi"iduo[y ocr*ed, ansflor thc followirg: ]VA 1.5.1 DrE of qgalization: L52 Narn of owncr: t.6 If the form of your orgoization is othcr then tboso lisrd abovg &scribc it rnd namc tha principals: N/A n{E AMEnI(.AN INSTIIUTEO9 Arcflrlcts tAtNtW YORK AVGt{-iE, N.W.. WAS}|I}(i?ON, DC. tmo 430$lgg6 Z WARNIiIG! lrr[.trn.d plrto.opthl y|,|rr.r tl-s. Goplrld( l'r'' d b r!!j.Ca r. lcg.] pro!.tdtor. iles l.l O3 O2: 15p RCH PROFESS I ONRL 9?O535.t?39 p.6 2. LICENSING 2.1 List juisdicttons and trade categories in rvhich yow organization is legally qualified to do busincss. ond indicarc registation or licensc numbers, if applicablc. State oT Kansas - Plumbing Kansas City, l{O - Plurnbing, HVAC Mechanical Kansas City, Kansas - Plunbing, H\,-AC Mechanical AtchisoD, Kansas - Plumbing Stotc of Colorado - Plumbing 2.2 List jurisdictions in which 1'our organization's partoership or uadc namc is filed. Missouri i Ka$as / Colorado 3. BXPERIENCE i.l List thc catcgories of work that your organizltion normally pcrforsrs rvith iB own forces. Commcrcial and industrial plumbing, process piping, IIVAC systcms, shceunetal and mcchanical utilities Ncw coDsbrction, service and renovation 1.2 Clairns and Suits, (If ihe answer to auy of the quorioo, b.lo* is yer, pleasc attach details.) 3.2.1 Has yotr orgauizarioo cvcr failed to complete my rrork awarded to iP NO 3.2.2 Are therc any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pcnding or ouBanding against yorlt organization or its officers? NO 3.2.3 Hm your organization filcd any Iaw suib or requcsted arbitration with Egard to cons&rtction contracts witbin the last frve years? NO 3.3 Within lhe last fivc yoar, hns any offrcer or principal of your organization ever bcen an officer or principal of aootlrcr organization when it failed 1o complcre a construction cootmct? (If rhcanswer is yes, plcase attacb dctails.) NO 3.4 On a scparatc she€t, list rnajor constuction projects yoru orgauizatiot has in progress, giving thc nanre ofproject, owner, arclrjtecg confact amount, perc€nt cornplcte an and scheduled corrpletion date. See Atached Schedule3.4.1 St.te total worth of work in progr.ess and utrdcr conhaai $3,898,668.00 3.5 On a separatc shea, list thc nrajor projccts your olganizadon has compktcd in the past five ycars, giviug drc narnc of project, omer, architccq conEact a.moutrt, datc of complction and percctttage of tlre cost of the work pcrformed with your own forces. See Attachsd Schcdule 3.5'l Slate avenge annual amount of construction work performcd during theprst five years: s3J68,r66.003-6 On a sepamtc sheet, hst the construction expcdcnce and present coruniblenls of the key indir"iduals of your organization. Sce Attached Schedule THE AMDIUCAN tySTtTUTE OF AR(:|{'TECT'S- tt3t \Ew VOiK .^vtNUE r,l.w.. w_AsHtNcToN, D,c. 20d16 A.305 _ l rg6 f $ARNlNc: lllliclrad ltftotocop,r{tg tio|ltc! U.S. orpyri;lr lawt rnd it !r.bj!ct t0latal p.oracotio!. n.U 14 O3 O2:15p RCH PROFESSIONRL s?o535t739 p.7 4, REFERENCES 4.1 Trade Rcfercnces: Jorban Riscoe Assoc., Inc. The Necoan Company Fergrson Ederprises 9808 Alden Road. 5701 Btuc Ridgc Pkwy. 14861 W. l00th St. Lcnerg KS 66215 Klruas Cily, MO 64130 l*ncxr, KS 66215-1198 Contacc Mark Riscoe Coniact: MiLc Ncenan Conacl: Doug Erickson 4.2 Bank Rcfcrcnces: Sccuriry Bank of Kauas City Mr. Devid A. Nivens. Execttive Vicc President I flX) Minnesota Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 43 Surcty: 4.3.1 Namc ofbonding corpany: USF&G P.O. Box I138 Baltirnore. MA 21203-1 138 43.2 Nur and addrcsl of agcnt fiomas McGce & Sors Mr. Tom LaE 920 Main Strccr Kansas City, MO 64105 ArA DOC-I,MENT Atott . COi|TnACrOn.SQ{_i^UF|CATIot{ SIATEMEYT . r9t6 EDrTror{ . ^tA C , O !ia6 Tr.rE AMERIC,IN FSTTTUIE Or ARd.rnEcIS. tn5 NEW VORr A\€NU6, N.W.. WASIiTM;ION. O.C.20006 A30tl9t6 4 lYARIli{Or U cantld ph.rocooylr8 alol.!.. U.S. .qrtrEht lrw.-rod lr !l.j.ca t. ktrt r!r6.c!.io.! hlu 14 O3 O2:15P BCH PROFESSIONFL 9705354?39 p.8 5. I NANCING 5 I Financial Statcrncnt, 5.1 . I Attoch a financial lntcment, prcfcrably audited, includiug yow organization's latesr baloncc sh€et and inconc statemcnt showing the foliowing items: Furnished Upon Reqncst Current Assets (e,g., caslr, joint venturc accounts, lccounts receivable, notes rcceivablq accrued incomq dcposits, materills inventory atrd prepaid ct(pense$); Net Fixad Assec; Oth€r .A,sscts; Cuncnt Liabi[tics (c.g., rccounts payable, notcs payable, accrucd crpenses,. ptovision for incomc taxcs, advances, accmed salaries and occnrcd plyroll taxas); O6cr Liabilities (c.9., cdpital, capital stoclq authorized and outstanding sbarcs . par values, cancd surplus and retained canings). 5. L2 Name and address of firm prcaoring artacbcd financial statcmcnt. and date &creof: 5.1.3 Is thc anach?d fmancial slatcmcnr for tha identical orgubation named on p€e onc? 5.1.4 If nog axplain 6e r:latiorship and Iinancial rcsponsibility of thc orgaaization whose financial statemcnt is providcd (c.9., parcnt-subeidiary). 5.2 lVill the organization whosc frnancial statcmcnt is ottachcd act as guar?ntor of thc contract for constuction? AtA D()cuM€,irr A3.5 . COyT&{CTOR'S Qt AllFtC^T|o:,J STATCTTiEiT . lFoEbmON---AfiG; O lot6 -- TIIE AMERICAN lNSl TIUIE OI ARCIIITECIS' I t NEriv YORK A\Gh'UE N.v. vASHtt{clON. D.C. r$06 .{305-! 986 S ruAnNlNG: Urlioia$d Fltolocqrylni l|.lbl!r U,g. cop! rllhl l$rr i|(t ir rrbJcrr to trtil Dr.r.irtbr. l1.y t4 03 O2:15p RCH PROFESSIONRL S?O535.1739 p.9 5. SIGNATURE 6.1 Darcd at D?gostitro Mechanical Contacors,Inc. this. llt day of FeDnuary 2003 Nomc of Organizariorr D'Agostino Mechanical Contraciors, Inc. By, Jery Swlnson Tirlc: Vice PEsilcnt / Constnrctiotr 6.2 Mr. Jcry Swrnson being duly sworn deposcs and says that tte information provided hcrcil is rue and nfficiently complctc so as not o bc misleadiug. Mr- Max E. Singpr _ Subscrr-bed and sworn bcfore rne this -__Lt__ day of February, 2003 Notary Public: Max E. Singen N{y Commission Expires: Decenbcr 17, 2005 AfA CAUTION: You shoutd sign an origitral AIA documentwhich has this caution printed in red. An original a$ures thit changes will not be obscured ar may occur when document ere reproduced. THE AM€RICAX IMiTI?UTE OI RCITJTECTS. I']' NEW YORKAVENUE N.E., W.{S'{INGTON. D-C.2OOff A3OTI9E6 tI wlmif:l.c: Utl!...!t f clc:ap/|.g tlol.a.! U,S clptrBlrr lrvt .d k ..Uc.r F h;j prrr.crrb!. tlev 14 O3 O2:15p FCH PROFESSIONRL 9?Os354739 D'AGOSTINO MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 4tf40 OLfyER KaNSAS CnY, KS 6f,t}64763 PEoM: (9rg)s%-4440 FAX: (913) 38+5123 TRADEREFXRENCES l. FcrgusonEntcrprises 12600 W. 93d Saeer Lcnex4 KS 66215-380Q Tol: (913) 752-56fi Fax: (913) 752-568s 2. The Trane Company ' 8104 Flht L€ocxa, KS 66214 Tel: (9I3) s99,-4664 Far (913) 5994669 3. NcenanCompauy 5701 Blue Parkway Kansas City, MO 64130 Tel: (81O923-1300 Fa,r: (8lO 9234417 4. Jorban - Riscoe Associatos, Inc. 9808 Alden Road Lc,nex4 KS 6621s Tel: (913) 438-t244 Fax: (913)438-6548 ftu$rrtD..)4rvord\hn[\aorqr.llJroc P.lo t7 f,lry 14 O3 O?:16p RCH PROFESSIONRL 920 Main Street . Suite 1700 P.O.Box419013 . Kensas City, Missouri 64t4.t.6o13 61&842-4800 . Fru( 81S472.5018 Website: un^,yy.lhomasmcg€g.@m 9?O5354739 P.rr lnfr f$Thomas McGee, rc INSURANCE AGENCY slNcE 1910 IalallaryZI"2ttO3 Mr. Kit Crowcll Pinkard Consruaion 9lg5 w. or Avenue lakewood, CO 80215 RE: Conhsctor Prquahttcatlon Dear Mi. Clour.ll: It is loy undcrrtrnding tbaf you are considcring &s scrvices of D'Agostino Mcchrnical Conracorg lnc" I am pleased to respond in this regard" * Thomas McGcc, LC has bcca associuod with D'Agctino Mcchanical Contractors, lnc. and is prcdcccsscs sincc 4 lca$ | 980- Ttr boads prcvilcd on behalf dris comrrctor arc tnd€crminctr by USF&G of Thc SL Paul. Wc gaically do not gtnre information tcgpdiog cdrblishcd lines of crcdir I ccn confiro lhat tbe srrcf,y would srryport individual conrac'E in cxocra of $2,000dXt and a otal prograrn ia excess of $5,000,0110, Thc support k bascd on 6a rcvicw of a rltrrDly acrcprlblc cuma rnd bond fonn+ coofirmaioo ofprojcct lindrcing and firorrblc corditionr atrhc tinc oforr clicrtr's rcqucst Our experiencc with D'Agostino Mecbanical Contacron lrrc. hrs bccn urtralding Tlrc oper.arbns of tbis confar;tor arc professiomlty managcd. I fully recommond your coosidcrarion of D'Agostino Mechaoical Conbac-tors, Inc. Plcasc call widr any $rcstioos tht tou rary havo in dris regard or if I rry bc of fifdrcr assistance, Sincercly, T&omas l4cGe, LC Eric Van Buskirk llay 14 O3 O2: l6p BCH PROFESSIONRL CERTIf|CATE HOU'ER 9705354739 P. l2 CAttICELLAION ACOND- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE '4 oArE Im.DDIVYWI o1t22IOX "aool,roER tltora ucce3, L.C. 92O x.ia, a8ite 1?00 X!,Eaas eity l o 54105 Dboa.: 815 - 842 -4800 8er: 815 -172-5018 fi FEffi FIGATE|3}SSU€O A's A MATTER OF A{Ffi i|ATF OiILY AIID CO'IFER,S }IO RIGIII19 UPOI{ THE C€RTIFICATE HOLDER. THS! GEKnFTATE OOES l|OT ASEND' EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAI6E AFFORD€D AY THE POIICIES AELOIY. NSURERg AFfORIX'{O COI'ERACE raA|c I ISNED D,AaoaciBo H€ch{|oicalContr!,ctorr, Iac.4tlto ol'ivcrxetrsa.s clty 18 65105 o{nxERA Ohl,o Crtualtv nsuRERB: Suildolt. AltociatLolt EeIf- Il a iEtnERc: h€un€Ro: '|SI'FERE: nG 9o.EIES OF tt{grR itCE ultTED 8E!O|V H VE g€An 6$JCD TO $€ lf{gUnED MrGD AF|,'E FORI}€ POrKlt P4Ip lrOlCAlEo. }.OTWlT}lgtAlOhC ^rfr REqrREr*rt. rEnx oR coDoarrc|t oF A$t co.rrRAgt oh orHER Doctlcrrr w|tH nf,sp€cr ro wmo{ t}os GER'TEAYE r,|^Y gE F.9lEo oR M^y p€nt^t{. t}€ h6uR^r{c€ AFFofio€D rv f}€ proucEs DGICBBED }€naN is sJoJEcI to Atl. ?l€ TER '/6, EXCIUlbNlt A O cOND{toN8 oF glEH FO.ElEr. TGGRCO$E urfls 9rOWN n Y HAVE BEFr R€OJCGO Br PxD C|A[4S. L1 tl?t oFlltsllritE FOLEY ruIEEN Fqo L'||N3 A I olxeia urauTY il m,ne^oacet erur.r ..--fl o^o ** [1o".*x iE]-kt lildl Inrd 8rts0452789003 otloLl03 oLlorloa E c|rocctFiB|ce r 1000000 I (Ett,rcc,t 300000 iGO EXP lAw ct. D.tr.i'I 5000 PCnSSU! I Alt tt(xjFf 31000000-1 GEiEMI AGOREBATE 3 2000000 GENL AGGfiEGATE L['I' APPU€3 PER:--lrouq'k-l* f-ll ,oc PR(D{lCl.l| - O(I|P'FAGG r 2000 000 A I A.|I TI --.1 ---'l r - fib|tELng|lw nY ^t,roarr o|lt{ED x''os sq{€ou-ED AUYOg I HIRED auros I ronovrrro rurog rfAol0479202 oLl orl 03 o'-l orl 01 @Mlt€o st{Glc uLT Gt Glrhltl r 1000000 ooD[Y rlljiY (Prr ocErl t SDLY DIJINY (t's. t dd.'rl)I PRFERTY OAIIAG€ lP- Edd.ntl 3 GA I OE IJAIIUTY I ^* ^uto ajro on Y . eA AccpF(I t I oYHEirr x EAlcc AUtOOt{tY: AGG 3 I .l x lsII F r- -lsirttitu.r u t|.tw l** f, cur"s., oc ] oan,cnu.r I nerort,or t BXOo{52789003 otl o1.l 03 ouot/01 EACH OCClfnE{CE t 2000000 .6qECATE 3 2000000 ! -- t I. B won|(ERs corp€Lslnor atD A|PLOYEIS LIABIUTY A'{' PrcPRETORPATN€','EXECUVIVEof f rccR,icrtri orclrroED? I Yc" dGc$a unt:lpec|x-pRovmich, 03rNc0397 otl or/ 03 01/o1/0{ x eL €^cr| tcqoE {T 3 500 0oo AL O|SGAIII. CA EFLWTI 3 500000 EL *-A3E. FOIJCY LrfT 3 500000 OT}CN DESSFIPTION O' OFERATEI8 ' LTATD]€ ' VEHCI.EI ' B(G!!'3IOI13 ADSED BY E|DOiSEIIII' ' SPICIAL PNOY'gOTI Platard coDrtlu€tl,orl co ,,r addltlooal ingured oa Coaa CO2010 11/85 r.dlttoD. crcepl lor rorkelr I Colrtrcocalloa tor |'bl.ch ! uiver of ,ubroE.tloD 18 .ddCd. Irau!.!c€ Ls prtlary aad covcrage casried by addl,ttonal Lanq-ed ls orccga asd soE-coatsibuEory. Th€ lBaursd r,ftorded to ll ar desorlb.d lD tblt C€rtt ficatc of I!.aur.acc for work perfora.ed by tbe ltsllcd IatulGd, i8 3SIOULD AI|Y O' TXE AIOI'E OESCRB@ POLICIE! 3E CAIICEI.LGD StFORFII{E oatE r{GnEor, l- r6glc ngrn€i un L EM,€avoR ro uet 3 0 DAYs tn rrEN IEIEE to trc ccf,TFtcalE r{r-DR ll rEDto lrcl-EFr,a|rT F l-utrETo Do to St| lL raposE rc od.ri noroRLt lrlrrYoF AxY rhDu?ol Tl{E l{slJREn, Jtg adELls oiPi,lICaEd CoDatnrctiolr Co. 9195 lfcrt 6Cb lvc,l,alcflood CO 80215 i1.y l.l 03 02: l6p RCH PROFESSIONFL 9?05354?33 D'Agostino Mechanical C,ontractors,Inc. Key Individuals John L. D'Agostino, P.E. - President Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering Univenity of Kansas, Lawrence Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering University of lllinois, Urbana Construction exDeri ence: P.13 2l years Mechsrical Engineering dcsign and President. 4 years Projcct Engineer for Mechanical/Electrical Consulting Engineering Finn. Profcssional Engincering; Kansas, Missorui, Colorado Master Plumber; Kansas City, MO, Kansas City, KS & Colorado Master Pipefitter; Kansas City, MO, Kansas City, KS National, Missouri & Local Professional Engineers, American Sociery of Mechanical Engineers, Master Plumber State of Kansas - Block Exam. Master Mechanical - State of Kansas - Block Exam License: Organizations: License Numbers:Kansas City, MO Master Plumber: Kansas City, MO Master Pipefitter: Kansas City, KS Master Plumber: Kansas City, KS Master Mechanic: State of Kansas Block Master Plumber: State of Kansas Block Master Mechanical: Slate of Colorado Masler Plumben State of Kansas Profcssional Engineer: State of Missouri Professional Eneineer: #013605 #124985 #99980100082 #99980/00082 Issued On 6-3-87 Issued On '12-5-98 #186353 #8736 #0197E3 r.u 14 O3 O2:16p RCH PROFESS IO]'{RL 9?O535{?39 P.l+ rn t) or)6 GIq) {) J-l EI.r>-&EOrA ra trJA s ft;6 s1'l6\o sa-l cro s dt'- ET N o(\o(> a.l NaoN Egg? ooo(\lsria crtt-.\o r\ a \o F q ga c\Fr-l€o a F.t)ttlF. C) .€ U) ..r[) ..\ "E RHt/) o€ c -o.tUE O'7 F \.''li.= $ Ef i gr$ (.) F lc|o(\tn Ee,.8,3 g fr$5 >\F(!o EI i){)aFv)() 9 c.tsS E.! +1 \o9F u){E i€EeU =E=nE$g$ & z B Eo (tE$-,\OOEEP9€ E H; S I$E H € -\o.EK E$T tE.,=3'E 36$F$stsE'; C g sE F c'l >\ r+ F eX{ e=UE*T s56&g,, E H(fFV g G) EE9€ \.,f O EEotg E tr cE -r5E--V ut u C) F..(J tll E? fgtob trs € E=i E gs * €T €\J qt ,i 6<'E'>.95.!!d iEo !E eE e aFF ' =$s EEr; gllg,gF {) E.ii!= ?i,i .$ 9oatE l-a rXs\, a|?6()7 ctX Q,">ii ^CJ OLb0c<'Eb> rlv 14 O3 O?:17p RCH PROFESSIOl{RL s70s35{739 P. 15 rf [)blt6o- o cl() a{A {, tr r-P E5 tra s t*\o so oi\o 5rio\ s o z l{tr:l<EO U ({oo(\l ac h G'N t{o*{ alt\ (\l o GI !J Noool q Eege t-o,o. c{n"e ooot--t\t\.t\@ oo ('! \f a c\O'lq(\t\ C.le F C)trl -!c H g.:: E?g{Ee.sS g Es5 o,Fe€v)gd{ EE EIrE EgE N il€FOE> _tgv.2oe-5 -HB:t) .4 U) \o€o\c)\ogs -EEd $E*a)rV) &trlz v)v E oo.iEs. 9E qg ?E 5EgE!U -\o.EKg;I o'E,i!Pg'E 86 'IF,EstE"iE $ a"E g No \llt sc(.|.€ (\ -Jrr1E-r-F8X.,,its 9:3tr)<= EKA 'E v') YAIiA t?rr:i \o4()E.9= .fe 't' D-9"iEEb-,c ct t)!).F b & utv3;oEdxe =3EE F EE E ; H E r\8 o= 6 9!EE E i f,3cHnF -(' c. !)EE*u) ,= F$ g E r*iEidm sF IiE 3zozE b= dA'6-r'5 ige5 {t ?= a{A {, tr IJ a () .t| (J c) d) lllv 14 O3 O2: l?p RCH PROFESS I Ot{RL 9?O535rt739 P. r6 c)aDs EH m6 )Rr{, $ 6. t:: fr E3I NIrlh = Ee 6r oo \4;\oo\tt\c.lg1 b E C) Lot)'Sr E* e gE;B &trlz>o F >r6l-N F€:ES € Hs*6* $Eg h Eo&o. Ekog Es* -.5$ $3Hg n 6ggisbii96;n (JE 9! 0, EFtd€oa6 .s.FEE F*o> HrV I rt O3 O2: I ?p RCH PROFESSIONRL 9?0535.1739 P. 17 \o l)sfil F8 EHgFA6 sq N sq (\I so(\so qF aF E sd - := (\l €R bct c.)to 6Ntl. 7(-tE8g* v) 6l >' Eg 6a oooo'\ 6l(\I ooF.\o \o\o\o4 \o GI(\ \o c.t6 ooort Ne, ,t) F 4 g vt 0asE EGa€8€ o =B U E r.l a.' 6: gR Rd == d ,oo .-dsIE srg'Ecll-E;{ 3#E?oB-:-GtEss o ,; o .9, ":€MiBast'Hq a o0 a){) H c) til ()v q) z>o c'istf, @go:91 udt $ sEi€ BE; B -\o.EKfi:I N:E gE ,5i'Est!';E s sE g 9,2 ,-t -dg';8eosE&8 gEES E#$#E $eZg-$5EF5g t) vt ()F (Ru) F CJgr o&A. E En; EYE EE T"EE s€ g $* l|) 3;esgEgl EF gf HnSg .9 G|ia :6E9a1 s 6E€Bs.c DB dEF6'Faistd5TS ? H:P-o EFa6 fcxFI g g a5 sg B gd P s f Se _t () .J rq -- at :9* Eir RIAEF o.-r<Eaa a)t\ lutro'6AOt-boo<'ah> tlry 1.1 O3 O2:l?p RCH PROFESSIONRL s?o535.f 739 (913) 384-5170 Fax (913) 384-5173 4440 Olivor Slreet. Kansas Oty, KS 66106-3763 P.la D'AG[|STI]{I| r!IITIIIITIIIH MECHANICAT COMRACTORS, INC. CREDIT INF'ORMATION OWNER'S NAIVIE: Iobnl. D'Agostino -Presideot BANK REFERENCE: Security Bank of Kansas City OFI'ICER: BAIYK ADDRESS: rooo@fty, Ks 66tol BANKPHONE: (e-iFi:Im' ANNUAL SALES: 4.0 miilion prus IN BUSID{ESS SINCE: rqsr DATE OF' INCORPORATION: Ianvary 5, te71 STATE OF' INCORPORATION: SALES TAX IIUMBER: 1127945T129 - Kansas NOIE: We are taxabte except for tax cxempt projects for which ]rou will bc firmished a Project Exernltion - Aedi$s3tq,' FEDERAL I.D. NUMBER: 43-l0e8e3F TYPE OF'BUSINESS; Plumbine, Heatine. CoolilF apd Shee.tsnetal as Related to New Conskuction and Rcnoyation TRADE REFERBNCES Davitl Nivcns (l) (2) (3) (4) Gladslone Winnelson Phone: (81Q 842-9466 Fax: Jorb an-Ri scoc Associates, lnc. Phone: (913) 438-1244 Fax: Neeuan Company Phonc: (816) 923-1300 Fax: Ferguson Euterprises, Inc. Phone: (913) 152-5660 Fax: (816) 842-8436 (913) 438-6548 (816) 92344t1 (913)7s2-s68s FOAMEBLY ANTHONY MECHANGAT CONTRA TORS. tNC. l1.v l4 O3 O2: JFN.2t.2093 t1p RCH PROFESSIONRL 3:36PT-1 THE TRNI€, COfIPRNY 9?O5354739 t{o.818 P .?/4 tnvkugt Oistrht tt'd,n'gar 9r3 899 4884 gr3 699 1669 fs Crry" fhs7nno&,nwry KtnsEe W DlttnZt 8Or4 mnt St.' Lencxa KE 66214 January 21,20A3 To whom it may concem: The lGnsas Clty Dlstrlct Offce of th€ Tnne Compry offers the folhwlng summary and endonemEnt of heir engage6enb with p'trgostfno Mechanlcal Gonhac'lors, Inc. of lGncas City. lGnsas. In addigo'fi b tlE tfadltlonal wndor - con0"c{or rahlionshlp where DAgosfino Mecttanlcal uould purchasa Trane equipment under a onpettvE bld gituation. hls rEla{onshlp has evolved to include direc-t subcontrae{ig and cunently a desErrbqnd assodalion. In an efiort to expad thelr marlets, Trane has laveraged lhelr systorns knorledge ino provlding trr*ey soMbns to solye tfielr cllent's needs, In futfillment of fiis efrrl, Trarp hat subconfaaed wih D'Agostino on several prdeob, all with grcat suooessi. Thess Include. but arc not limited to:r [rabmrttr Pr.rblishing - lnstallaton snd plphg of 40 Ton Chillerwith mul6pla connsclions b a color Printing Press.r BNSF - Replacement of 100 Ton Chlller wlth ramof araporabr barrel in a cri$cal seMce appncafion. Allwork performed over hollday weekand with.no intemrptlcn to orner.o AtgosY Caslno - ln:tall bmponary conruc{ions fur rEnbl dtiller on floating casino,, Instalathn complebd orrer onseantive night ofi-tlme windqvs' where plping remahed full of unter and eeciions werc fiozqr and rsplaced to complete work wilhin givan tlme mnetnaints.r Aquila -WEekerd insiallation of pipirg and pumping oquipment on lce sbrage $/sbm.. l(awasakl Phase 2 - insratlalion of 13{i Ton air cooled chiller. plping nndifications, nerpAHU inebllafion. modltlcalion to existim AHU. extenslve duciryork modifications, new dustwork fabrlcaflon afft compleb systEm start{rp if,i $*:!3; encountered on firesa projecrs has tead to a mltatbration as a design-bitild bam member on lGrvasakl Phase 3, a propoeed central ctrlllad water plmt of modular deslen u/ih up to 2400 Tons of total capaclty with air disFlbutlon systerns. Ottr con0nued assodatlon wlth Dhgosdno l,tedranical ls based on iheli comnitnent to compleb att projeds Wthlnbudget and on sdtedulq comblnetl wlth their dadication to engur€ that the sptem functlons as fntetded, b all parties sallsfacdon, As always, please feel frec b call wlh any addltlnnal queslions or concerns regBrding his mater. Sincerely, p. rS Mike Gallagher. P.E. Director of Engineerlng Services H.u 14 O3 O2:18p RCH PROFESSIONFL 9?O535.1?39 O.rw r s B norH E*s eoirr|l9e?.ox Deeember 1,6,2002 RE: Tom D'AgastinoII- 3730 East 48rh Avcnue Denver, CO 80216 ToWhom It May C.onocm; - tot p'Agastino with AnPam Colorado has complcted two projects for Davis Brothers Construction in the Denver area over thc past couplc of years. Ono, located in Ft. Collins, CO, wbich consisted of 224 unis and tbo otber locatcd in Boulder, CO, a student bousing projcct that was 4 stories high. Thcir work has been vcry professioDal and complcted in a timcly manncr. I could not be more plcased with lhc pcrformancc of AmPam Colorado. .-Plumbing is oae of rhoir sister companies localed here in Houston, TX. Davis Brothcrs Construction has used this company on many of our projects located in tre Texas, [nuisiana, and Georgia area over tho past eight yean. Again, their work is higb quality and very professional. lf you havo questions conceming the above companies, please call me at 281-355-3800. ru'fu Tom C. Davis Davis Brothers Oonstruction. LTD. ?2oo Louatra StRrNc,TExas 77 3 B e -,r?og 241,353,3eOO261.gE3,3eol t^r P.20 illy til O3 O2:18p RCH PROFESSIONRL To Slhoro lt May. Oonccm: s70s354?39 P.2l D'Agortbo Mechaaical Coltaacns-Inc. is arrcntly undcr coutract wilh otr firm. To date, wc bava found lbem to bc e vcry good corrpauy, dedicatcd o providing r quality, timcly product. It is our opinion that they arc botL profcssiooal md coopentvc. We would gladly do burims rrilb D'Agoatino tvicchanical Contactors, Ioc. is hc fpnue, and loo& forward to abiry so. Siaccraly, 7k RECEIVED Miksc'bs@ FEB 07 2003Vbc Presidat ry/{gosnno ilod|. cod.,,ncMG:lcm cc: Sub #18 Gcneral Contrector rnd Mcmbcr of Aeeociated Goncrat Cotactors MURRAY &SONS -coNsrRucrroN co. rNc. ^4. P,O. Box 2698 av>785-267-1961 ( Fcbnury ( 2003 Topeka, Kansas 66601 |1lc lrl O3 O2: l8p RCH PROFESSIONRL s705354?39 P.22 To Whoo It Mry Colccml I! th. Fst tro ycrr, I Uavo ucd{|@ 6. mdoriry of thc rultihcrity-projcct thrt I brw co&!!ogcd, -h.s consiscody beat oc oftc Ucsr pcrfomdqg rubcoorrcors 6rt I bvc dcdt with, I brve m hesibtion in rccounariling Mr, D'A3Onino rod hir rffi 6r rny sizo uli'finity iob. For spccific qpcrrtions, t cro bc rcachcd.t 719-785.331?. /f /*4( Dcccdct {, 2002 TomD'Ago*ilo -J-3?30 Er$ 4tr Avldrc Dem'er, Colondo t0216 RE: Lctlcr of Rccr ucndrtloa Clas3ic Glo.rtl ConE clors, I!c. 63E5 Corporde Drlvc, Sultc l0l' Colondo Springr, CO 80919 Tcl: 7 | 9-7E3-3299 Frr 7 | t-t85-0Zl! wwr,clerclcgc.com l,lau 14 O3 O2: 19 RCH PROFESSIONFL 0l/g7l26A? gg..37 9782235f46 9?O535it?39 Phosc (9?0) 226-E616 Fu (970) zl3-5740 ccconondoq?(dolvcgr"rr r P.23 BELLISII'I) Beilisimo, fnc. 37(12 Ml!}flrrn Av6$. izol Ft Collio. OO80326 RE: Janury 6n, 200J GinoD Canrpura Prcsidcnt, Bcllisimo lncorporatcd To Whom It Mry Conccm: I! 2001 I contactod AilrPAsl to work on a lugc-s6d6 rcsirtcntial prqicn.lllns complctcd its cotrNcru.t obtig*ions to iru satisFrtion end b", cglsistcorly pcrformcd itr warrmty oblignrioos wi0rout hcsitation. I reooarrurrt Mr.D'fuostino ead hir staff for aay job rcgardless of size- Thrnl you, Tom D'Agosrino 373O Eosr 48{' Avcrnr Danaer, CO t0216 EOSEE€'5S7QI 6/2Sl@e @6! 4EPtt P. @@2 TOWNOF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: F'01-02U Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 352 E MEADOW D& VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Applied . . : 70/09/2007 Parcel No...: 210108255000 Issued . . : 10/18/2001 ProjectNo : p'1146- OIZ{9 Expires. .: 72/78/2001 OWNER VAIL ATHI-,ETIC CLUB & SPA LO/O9/20OL Phone: 97O-476-L987 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL, CO 4L657 I-,icense: coNrRAcroR B & B ELEcrRrc, rNc. ]-0/o9/200L Phone: 970-242-2450 281,8 1,/2 NORTH AVENT'E GRAND 'IIINCTION, CO 81501 I-,icense: 266-F. APPL,ICANI B & B EITECTRIC, INC. LO/09/20OL Phone: 97O-242-2450 28AA a/2 NORTH AVENUE GRJA}ID i'I]NCTION, CO 8l_50L I-,icense: 266-E Desciption: Electrical for Phase III Renovation & Remodel. Valuation: $200,000.00 Electrical--> $3,457.00 DRB Fee--_> Investigation---> will call__--_> TOTALFEES-> 53,460. OO FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees-> $3 , 450. 00 Additional Fees------> So. oo Total Permit Fee------>$3 , 450. 00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 Payrnentsr-.----2 $3 ,460 . 00 BALANCE DUE-->s0.00 Approvals:Ite.m: 05000 ELECTRICAI DEPARTMENT 10/09,/2001 cRc ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Action: AP CONDITIONSOF APPROVALCond: 12 (BT,DG.) : FIEI-,D II{SPECTIOI{S ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAI.rCE' Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILIIIGS,AIID FI-,OORS TO BE SEAL,ED WITII AliI APPROVED FIRE MATBRIAIJ' DECLARATIONS I hereby adcnowledge thatI haveread this application, filledoutinfull the infomrationrequired" completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforsration as required is correct. I agree to courply with the information and plotplan, to conrply wift all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structue according to the towns zoning and suHivisioncodes, design.review approve4 Uniforur BuildingCode and other ordinances of theTownapplicable thereto, REQT'ESISFORINSPCCTIONSHALLBE MADETWE{TY.IOI]RHOURSIN ADVANCE BYIELEPTIONE AT4?9-A3E ORATOUROFFICE FROMS$OAM.5 ru. SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIVISELF AND OWNEF 0cT-04-2001 THU ' cge-a'l-gn t o. sn rum{ff| 75S. l'ron(rgl'Rd. Vail, Colorcrlo 81G57 02124 PII B&B&ELECTRIC INC FIIO1{ r TOU -COl{-DEv-DEFA; 970241868?r97A4"9'2452 iTE OR Proled#: Building Permit #: Eledical Permit#: 9m - 47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) TION WILL NOT BE .4 Qooo lvoftTyp: ln(rrlor( ) E("Tior( ) BothtX.) -ffi .5r=-r.:!!1-,i=- | -' --F:!r_.=-:'--_4!Frt t- TyFeof Blilg: Stftrlo.fFmity( ) rt|f,ler(( ) l.lulti+atty1 ;Cofirmercial 0|o Rc5asrant ( } Other ( ) COl.rH.rxE S(q. FEEr FOR l{Ew BUII"DS and VALUATIoilS FOR ALL OT}|ER'5 (rabor & t{aterials) CONTRACTOR IN FORHATIOI{ r=:i= !.= ?.r-.r:-i-t'. 7 !?,'!-.- I L'erk'r(Bl Contracfnr: il etc [Lrc1'&lc.rNa, ]c,_.fi .t.a,!..r*:-_. *EF*Ei!=!E:. I Cootructor Signatilrtl: J Rerrroott- Eil$Tt^lG 'i-+t E=|:tr:r uo. of f,lisXiryt Dw.illlng UniE In drls buildingr a ltot hrb:(x) No( Bllr Work Clart: N.rvt ( ) Addfiion ( )neriraetpd) Reparr( ) TenrpPqwer( ) Other( ) r l*r t,r**r.r r ;'( . r.l \ * r r'rr t ** r***,t*r*rr r.**+rFOR OFEICE USE ONLY.** *t *t **l*+i* t ***t+*******t**+*'****rr P. 02t.AtrE I t z. M JobNamc: VAtU fnW*Tr4tN Loo6e robAdrressr BSL E.JrAAtooW 0&. Vntl zes 8ao6e sa. rhrr9|0sT qTo-{?O-ltl+ DoesanEHuexKatttrislocation: Ye( ) No( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this buildiog: iF. -:r.+;!F?E:-.rF+ ?r !.r... r -.1n.rr.::--.-=:-::- fi nrnloum'Or SQ FrIN SIRUCTIEE:ELFCTRICAL VALUANOITI: + ?M,OOO, -- &- J -?vo'e+z'a:use, f :/ivr:ryorrr(or m:-./deqa.rrn QT-04-2001 THU U2124 Pl{ B&8&ELECTRIC INC Fil( N0 9702418687 P. 0l |BreB&BE|octrtq|nc..2818%No'thAvonuo.GrandJunction,Co|orado81501.(g7o)242.21fi FAX COVER SHEET I DA'rE: ---tOJ.o*-J0ot RIIF _EA4LTS\CF'L P€ptTtT - .. cOivltl{IINl'S: rBn tr'ROr\l: IfAX # (970) 2'l-l:8687 Ph # (t70) 242t4s0 NtlltlllllR CIF PAGIiS, (including this ptge): To:---JqV AfINr TO:Fr,xfr i+o-?.+|-Zf.FL Z- ---flJ{ -fhs"nloYow Ly'/gnrt*er.-- ??o- z4Z'z+so 'Bt|r'19 Eln'ctri,ct, I nP. .- n-q-r' t ?t 11-ZsZtlOl Inspccdon Rcquast Repordng Z 5e_an0 _ _--'-'-- - -.IIAIL._CO "JorIil.ilf-- . .-*t-r,___...lfat|.,_co.dct[u.il.or-,. _ _*__*5.,vnequ$SdtngBtDdb: Tqe$dsJ,itoy€|nber2o,zool tt.' a-'.,ttilcftedTo: cDAUlS 'flrfatcadon Typc: BIDGrfii-lisiiilAilii GF-c \-StbAdctresr:33ZEf{EADOIIIDRVAIL '1 tStbAddresr: SSzElfEAIXlvvoRvAlL ': ./- s5tErtiElo6wop,FaRr{ERvAtLATHLETIc€L / /\ArPrO lilbrn{fron ,. / ) AcFrltu B{X}o115 TyDo: +COlltM SubTvF€' rcO{t SUrut: tSSUe( /co@Tyti: Occupeifty: R1/A3/62 Ole: ll l-HR- lnspArce: GRG-til#it ?10i0€ls€oo0 !.,r!4'Lrysr*!" I\,'rri"rJ6 n'at"---' -"' ,\ ApDltcsnt: gHAWcC+rgllluClFl.lCoMFAltY Phon€: 97+?!*a-9?lE' ,' /\'broer: \'AtL ATI-H.ETIC CLUB & SPA Phom: 97&476-19€7 |Contaa*: SFIAWCOf{STRIJCTIONCO}TPANY .,-ptrona: e70,212-923E I AlDucsnl: SFIAW'broer: \'AlL A fFil CoMFAIIY Phon€: 97+?44-9236'Piicsf ?101Piicsf ?1010€l$€tm z"N AlDllcsnl: sl'lAw cC+rgTRuClPi.l CoMFAIIY Phone: 97$?4G-9236' I \' b*ner: \'AlL ATI-*LETIC CLUB & SPA Pfionr: 97S"176'1987 "-* I - Corrtaa*: SftAWcOilFTRtJCTtONCntlPaNy :'''-Ftrona: 97S'?.f2'9236 |trEtrllilon: FULL FERI4IT FOR PHASE IE il CONBTRUCTION QI.ILY ItS{co: SFTAW cOtlSTRuCTloN lS SEEK]NG TCO FROlrl puBl-tr WORI(S 't2-22'ffi. Wn-L },lOT ISSUE TCQ I ^ UTTESS AlI MATERHI-S ARE OUT OF RIGHI OF WAY AREA ANf' AREA IS (JLEAN OF DEBRIS, ST'IOT 4 -.0-{tffifFed{h*'Fofi sro.wArfi- TE.NARD sFor(E wrrH $HA*H . A}.rD KErrH vl,rrH s*lAw r -..p r I CONSlnUql[Crl'{ , I gPLlEvE JAY F€TERSON tt} TO TAKE CAFE OF 8ONS. AMOUNT CIF BOi\F I /1.-,(M b'o-l ^ffi4!"**rFEsAF'ryrs$uEs -LsA roofAf I' l \'7 ' commn*tDl$flffiltflH WARFGN OF SFiAW cOtl$TUCTIOI'l ItlE REoUlRElvlNETS TH/AT HA\,E flOT BE$N| . ^ (> r .^ acrffiTftE l.toFlrT sIAtR To\ilER ANE, EAqT EMERGENCy EXiT CO,RRECTIOI.|S Ahf,i II '' UTN - i,/ TREOI-'IREifiT'T$ THAT HA\G I.IOT BEEN ilTTAs OF TODAY THEgE I-CSUES VUERE TO BE RESO{.VED,. ,T ,rr i. .T ON 'IAflffiWARREN STAIES THE CORRECTI)NS WILL EE CfiPTETED BY THIS WEEXEhD. GAFTYi / rv I A g{tSEtfWFHTHEToinHAsALSotlBEEtf NoTlFfED-cDAvl-c Ir Df#r*,t-,t;!1#"ffiWrgT"rfffifr* r.$Fst fof rn [Epectbn cf tlte nodh enby torvet. An Lc n . u]ott - Cqrrmnt EtEVATOft PERHr RECE\nED FROi{ l''I}rr,COG ON 1Iv27i2C00. sEE Fu-E - COAVF I- cofiil.flt ADoEtsuil t2 sET oF Ft.Aits REcrnED lclilggo - RoUTED To CIARY - CDAVIS I \Pr* REcncohDorE"nERoFApPRovALn23/20m-lTin . Lin'o*Icorn,o"oros.r 4 ,, pBpfoW+' I i Ittfiti 530 BLDG-Tcilp, C/o | \'- \ Rcxruestsd Ther 08loo Ar 'l z' R.qLFsior: SHAWGEn\gTR]WilS|ICOMPAHY \ Phorn: 970''242'fi1$. t' ( n D'PP?owsrI u'r R.xruest d Tlme: o8:oo ArOMpANy \ Phone: 97&?42-S136 \y' -ll , .-..^.^, Err,. r\Er ,.roro , n " Rauecior: SHAWCCn\gTR{ Cconin4$r: kLqE^rXp Wnn{fAscbncdTo: CDliUSi:' .)Entcred By: DFTORES l( .-..c**q;ffiftqi^#T*"-ffi6r , | ) nT;,'i^fufr::hirf#:%Pnrtoi?'tro"rY t cco 06T usr H)l-o253,:FMSqfiA,ruS gat#cWtJ rnreo Peptutts- t4usr W F,urtil nS GMfuttW ft e- F,tttl e o dz\tstrc1btu 5 6T7EA A:gc lnspccoon Historrf 226 mE DEPT. t'STFlCAIlOlrl 6lQ cFlsrrw orrdo ffrollo BtDqF_q9{rlgB/SLi{ ^: lhmi lltrfr: Itain: 10111/00- iDscbr: GRG'' Commentu E. STAIR TOVTTER FOOTI?.IG APAPPROVEO Run Id.: 1068 11-2&2001 Insp€cdon Request Reportlng 7:59 am . - vAfL. co - TowN-OF --- -t6,pstoo-lrnrEaorl -GRG Acuon: 6ppp6"o(P25/00 lnspeclot: GRG 'mments: SSIDED LOVUER. S. S]DEComments: &SIDED LOVYEFlollzlm ln3g€cb'r: GRq llom: 52O PLAN-iLC slt6 Plln12mtn Acilon: APPRAPPROVED AclbN: PA PARTIIN- APPROVAL Aclion: DN DENIEO Commonb: 14:Hff3H E, ELEVATOR SI.iAFT 1U17IW Ingecior: GRG AcOOn: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL ComFFdb: E. ELEV. SHAFT. TO TOF.l(Izgm hso€dor: GRG Acton: NR l.lOT READY FOR INSPECTION COMM€NIS: 11:5O. hIOT READY. S.E. MULTFSIDEO WALL. WILL RESCHEDTJLE VWIEN COMPLETE. 1U?4tW lmDoctof: GRG Actton: APAPPROVED Crmm€nls: SE dalt to*E| lo tul hobtil. 11/10/m hspec{or: CDAVIS - Aclbn: APAPPRO\GD COMMO{rb: EAST TIEC}IANICAL ROOI/| It'AtL DOTJBLE MAT APPROVED ON CONDrcN YI'EATHER PROTECTICN INSTALLED 12mln hsp€ctor: ( Coflm€nti: Thb s]t€ pbA i Plrn - nrpro,ett "lnao€ctor: Geomb' Acton: AP APPROVED Thb slte obn apdoval ls oEnted ONLY lor ih€ north enfv bnpr. Addltlofltl sli€ plan ILC'S ard dqge halim LC'i wilt be Equfed thtdrghod the duraflon'ofthe conrructon Prorect. t{o{fy Item: 3l _ ffnnlng-of h|tule tamlng a;d toundaton ln$p€ctlons prbi to granttu any EpPtorab.B|-DqF!!!rlng - *Apploved" ,eFramlno * ADorov€f" 1ry13/00-ln8p€cbf: COAVIS mmert3: l.l(t ELEC PERMTTS ISSUE tvr r9rLJ un|lrtll,urr. \,|Jlavlt r{-urJrr. rJrt r.rErrltEl,. COMMETTI: i|d ELEC PERMITS ISSUED OR INSPECTED. NO ALARM PERMIT ISSUED OR INSPECTED, NO SPRNKLER PERM]TS ISSI.ED OR INSPECTED. }JO MECH OR PLUMBhIG ROTJGH COUPLETED NO ILC SUBTfiTTED OR APF'IOVED COI'ITRACTOR HAS BEEN NONFEDlUz7tm Insp€ctot: GRG Actlon: AP APPROVEDco nndtts: 2-lbrm & $bdrm FFUS, 2rd lhor. PockE{ cbor lyoodan tlam€ crmpon€nb musil b€ beatod u,ltl lpptorred ft€ r&rd|nt on slb.tll{$oo lfiDrclor CDAVIS Acton: AP APPROVED Co{r n€nb: 2 #DROOtt FFU NEW BAYWhDOVI/ AhD Bt trrPOLrT 1?y(}yoo lme€clor: JRM ' Aclbn: Pl PARTIAL ltlSPECTlOf'f Cornm€nb: APPR FRAMNG PARTTAL FOfi UNIT 438 3 BEDRMS lN FFU EXTERIOR (SOttTt0 WALLS of{LY. APPR 2}.ID FL@R AREA FOR ELEYATOR SHAFT AFEA. COhITRACTOR NONFED OF t5 PERtflTS NSPECTIONS AND ISSUA]'ICE PENDI}.IGIIII f2l0{3lm lnsoecior: GRG Actlon: I,fiNOTREADYFORINSPECTION Cotnmenb: l'lo'ro{.Joh €lecfkal irlsD€cton v€t Thb was for tho north €nby totrr only.lzlzlu) hcpeci6r: GRG Acilon: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Corm€nb: lrlc*$ Tos3r Entrv OntY. fi/(5r101 lfiro€cto{: cdavls Actbn: PA PARTIAL APPROVA comrn nb: FRi\l/llttc FoR uNlT 101 oNLY A'PROVED WTTH CORRECTION TO NSTALL l.HR FIRE RESFTTVE ASSEMBLY ARO{JND NE\,V STRUCTUR L BEAM. THE SPRAY APPLIED FIRE PROoFll.G lS 1'lOT ACCEPTABLE Dt E TO INCONSISTEI.fT CO\TERAOE ALSO iru6T WRAP THE ExlSnr\E STRTJCTURAI BEAM AS MUICH AS CAN 8E REACff,O nsn: 50 BLDGIngttHon 1?N7tffJ lrlspedor JRM Acdon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comm€nts: APPRO\iED IN UNIT Zt38 3BEDRMS ONLY 12l1U0O Insp€ctof, GRG Adion: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Cornm€nb: Nerw Notlh cnw loiier onlv.01/tH0t Inspsclor: co5vts Acthn- PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comrn€nts: EXTERIOR WALLS FOR UMT 101 Ol,lLY tr m: 60 ELOG-Sh3dfocI Nlll " ADDrov€d " IU(WOO InsoBcbl: GRG-. AEilon: PAPARTIqLAPPROVAL Comm€nts: 5 COLUtfi{S & INSIOE O'F SHAFT.zND FLOOR. P}IASE 2. l-HR. 10/1300 Inspoclor: cdNvB Actlon: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comrnents: exbrior stnetim for entry torver,| 1/O5/0O lnsD*to.: cddvb Acllofl. pA PARTIAL APPROVAL C.ommenlg: Paitbl apgoval for 2nd lloor tftr's rrdls onty. Th€ celllrE ar€ not cornpH€ ond wlll bo raimpocr€dfrrIt/101fi) |nspcclor: CDAVIS Acton' APAPPROVED Coil'Nolrt3: FFU CEILII.IG COTI,FLETED(lf?/1#01 lnrpaclor: cRG Acdon: AFAPPRO\GD CommenB: D4,*all eround handbeppeo |tl at nev, nonh enlry. Item: 70 BLDG-MFG. Aoprwad H o7lo5/O1 ln3p€ctor: cDAMs Acton: APAPPRoVED Commonts: ALL STRt,C STEEL I.IAS gE. OF SPRAY APPLIED RRE PROOFING APPLIED LOCATPf-|S.3RD FLOOR EAST PENTHOTJSE.FUTI.JRE SALES OFFEE IN BASEMENT ALSO NOTIFIED CO|'ITRACTOR Tl-LAT A SPECIAL INSPECT&3N lS REOURED FOR Tl-{S TYPE OF RREPROOFII.IG, f;sm: g) EtDc'.Fhellbm: 530 ELDGTenp. C/O 12n1l(lfj lnsr€rlor: GRG REPT131 Ac{ion: CR CORRECTION REOUIRED Run Id: 1068 11-2S.2001 InspecUon Request Reportlrq Page 37:Se_grn _t NL CO iTolilit-OF Comm€nl3: For TCO tbr n€w notth entrdnce ara6 orily, plct up ond poy tot 6ny outsbndhg p.mn3, cDmd€f. trr|glm of Ell door8. compl€te tolol cb8nolt ot perHrtg'ga-raga. ldcludlng etl laripmry pflftlood tmlLi: mslntaln €rst entrahco ts a ck6r and unobatructed em€rg€ncy onry exn; comp|eie oher. mi$ellaneous items as n€c6sary. TCO appro\61 do€s not irrfude any resld€ntlal trlts ttEt hav. b€sn a o€tt of lhb coosiructon groiocl. 12l22lW IttrD.dor: cdlvis - Action: tl0 l'lOTlFlED COMMENTS: T.IC,RTH STAR TOWER COIIPLETE O.K. TO I.'S€ AFTER OTHER ITEMS COTiIPLETE -I-IO OT}IER PERIfiTS OR SYSTEMS INSPECTED WITH TFIIS INSPECTION.I ./ -tO D ALL HA\rcES ON 3RD FTOOR CORRTDOR DOOfiS -.PATCH/FIRETAP€ CEILIT,IGAT 3RD FL@R EXTT E}ICLOSURE -lAltAP STRUCTURAL CotlJirN Of.l lST LEVEL z- .UAN DOOR{EXiSTNG) INTO EXIT E}.ICLOSIJRE MUST I-IAVE STYLE A}-ID BE TIGITT RTNNGW]THPANIC I-I,ARDI,\'ARE '.--RElrOl/E ALL EXTENSPil CORDS FRofrl CORRETORS - -INSTALL EMERGET.ICY trefrttri.Ic AT BASEIIENT LEVEL EXTT Z' -INSTALL ||AOn ARE At{D LOAD ALL HII-IGES lN BASEIIIENT ARBA u .COIIPLETE THE C'ARAGE CLEAT.I UP Z - RETOVE ALL MATERiALS IN R.O.W. -PUBLE WORKS APPROVAL REOUIRET-irAfrfAr.r REAR ElifS-rno* ens€u-gxr ueus eND u,oMEN's LocKER Rooilg .-''''' -CoMPLETE PATN|TTNG OF AIL EXIT CORRTDORS AND lNsrALL ESCUECHON PLATES TO ALL SPRINKLER HEADS ? -REMOI/E ALL CCNS"TRUCTION MATERIALS FROM INSIDE EXITWAY9 > -EAsr Exlr ENcLosuRE MqgIlnS teDtDRAlLS.REMovE ALL PLAsrc AI\,lDcoMPLerE INUSE i{OTE OF ENTRY Of.l 1A21tffit THIS INSPECTION WAS PERFORMED AT 3:30 PM 12.22^OO Item: 531 FIRE-TEMP. C/O 'zNIIff) hsOAChf: GRO ACUON: PAPARTIiALAPPRO/AL Conrnenb: OKfor TCO lor new norfi anlrance only per Mik€ Vaughan p€r Mlke !kC'€9. ltem: e32 PIw-TEMP. C:/O12l26lD lmrectot: LS Actlon: DN D€NIED Conmenb: heAVE llOT RECIEVED BOhJD FOR SID€WALK Ai.lD PLYWOOO MUST BE REMOVEOFROT RGHT OF WAY AREA GRAVEL iruST BE INSTALLED TO PREVENT AAJY IiATERAIL FROM TRACXI},IG ONJTO STREET I'VHERE SIOEWALX IS DAIIAGED. It m: fiim: nam: nem: Itcm: 533 PLAIITEMP.C/O 537 P!.AI$F|ML C/O 538 FIRE.FINAL CIO 539 Pl r.FlML C/O 5{0 BLDC'-Fha|C/O REPT131 Run Id: 1068 vt 12-2*?Ogl hspectlon Requess ReportrnE.8:57-ern----- .---"----y*t--cti-Ta.ug[bL--: --Page i R.quFsEd lfituect L'!!te, I huruday, Oec€m8er 10. i00{ |nsp€ctl'on^rea. GRG $iie Aodrers: 352 E lSi:AIXlYf DR VA,L 35? E rilErqDCW DR. VAIL ATHLEI1C CLUB I ii. HSlalrts: rtsp Ar€a' TVoa:(Xcupaitv: &E|D hform|tton Aclhrfr: corut ffiE:Parc.l: O$rner: Contrrcbf: ADDlcsnt: oeicihlbn: l&licc: C,omm|l: Commonl CofRan6|l: BO1-0?63 2toto{tt56000 VAL ATHLFT|e CLLE & SPA .s b fyoe: rcO l[r$€: $ l-HR Phofi€: 97$47F1s87 A.COMM ElrA3,S3 ISSTJ€D €RG SHAW COilSTRLCTION COi'PANYglfAw COil.lSTRuCTlON COiIFANY Phona'. '*7G242-82?6 RET#OC€L TIG EXI*iTWC Vrul ATAENC. CLUB & SPA TIJILDiIIG como!.nru RourED ro 7u,T F|RE .MKE v Y Gsol;E y:jTpRQVTRE\/|EW . cDAVrs Requ.**drnsp€{nan{sr 16,',lOty",1t<- .l-: u? Mp; YD tEm: s30 BLDG.TcInp.c,o hh/Pl()'rLu n..irei4'ffiffiAil Roqwstor: SIiATVCONSTHIJCTONeOI|PAM' Fhonc: 9;$142-Ej3b ArslgnodTo: CDAVIS EnhrerlBy: DFLORES l( Acllonr --_-* fln6 E{p: Bord,aB bea0 sr4{fllHl !n th3 arnounr ot & 60,000.00 dolbrs for 3trtrt improvenunts, approved by 6reg H. afil Ger{ro R. - IS/TNDOVAI Plarnlno irrnttlru ooftnnrm:e bond lo{ o{Gtorrdfoid hllD{ovem€nu. - GRIJTHEE A pedofrr.rrca bi{U for th. roquired publk lmp'tald$ditt lrxxltl $hli o{th6 Etest E rd ho|rl drcp ofo hsr b€tr| lgbHJ/ffi t?;tffi 'R16ffi tffI*rcrEvE'ANyREvrsEr,,pLA*ssr-nowhrcn{esrREEr IUPRO,EIffiNTS THAT HAVE BEEN A'{ ISAUE- THE OAIIY CI{ArI{GE THAT HAS BEEN AI.LOWED IS TIG REI'I(II At OFTHE ADOfilOl,lAL CROSS WALK ACROSS E. ttrEADOw DRIVE. ALL OTHER ilPROVSIIENTSWERE gT|tt REAURED- FU$.N WORI$ WLt NOT APPROVE zuILDII{3 PERTJ|ff UT.,LCSS GRE€ HALL IS I.JOTIFEO AI.ID HIS APPROVAL |s GUEN. . I.6A'{DOT'AL Itfln: 532 FW.TEHP. CrC Rcqucdor: SfAW_qONSTRUCTDi.I got pAlly ^*,gffi, LSitrDCn/Al R€quect d Tlme: 08:00 Ail Phons: 97G242-92$ Enbr€dFv' DFtoREs K Tlmc Exp: $Co^lotronrhL f...o Foe- euo+ 3?O FLoo€- A((6ljvr{}lSrrno/-/ dNrrS r r\r-- | t,trf J \fJ.[t- L!ty+>^6]t tsASE$E^tr NoT Pncr oF TH,s F+'4s€ oe (attwurui n',"L P:rZff:*Jtr^ nzi-J;e*e,q*uo ruo usa <ir ArE so€r. ALU E:t,rs nnusr BE mnrn-rrnr^rEo Et2te rg.^lo cLc$a ALc- 71a1p=glNo F-uan+r€ Corr.rsrtucrtoarl Acnurry Is ALLo.^)q) rb A trFe-cT Jne -rc.oD popnr.rus otr r-r+e &rr/"NA,G 5:-r*- q6eF6S Pnrrt atr 1g4L1rrL t'hosT BE- rn*rr.-rrk f A/€0 ft*tDl5L trEVe Arr.t$ Q-a44 A1' Acc -rfll\fs :: Atror",lg|, -FAotrnp"'oJl;::,.J.-rreE- 'a-rYL) '\'\J r'-c- .-r rt'vY \lLrEr ' i$; t#ia*- l f*is ffiilbi ff'ffi*dVlar"tltfi{loRjuu?o Ly* k t rtt 6Al- ORGAT.IIC$ FROM SU6GF.,1D€ PRffiO 1"O CO$rcliETEFtlCElrEllTlTRASH &f\ ^ - I -f,EMq/E Al- ORGAIIICS FROM $UBGF.TIDE PRffiP 'IO cAf,rcFE i E Fl.-AcEtJE.N I{TRASH & " Y >,/ffW*L* I4fi/.*S'H$lTryqf'bSf hct o,,-,e4 rrr-J s}rAr,uz Cossrr*rctrtxr!r-T"n:offijo:offi-fg*nnifffiS..,gflffitsptomrsrcsnsrA 6e. ?Eu t sto xtsEr-ak$l#ffidffieOn'Xnug',4ffiffi*.Bq -rttr 4 -rrePT131 Rrln fd: LL62.| -ldiiiq--SF t)frtL, Lhcz oF Gnrft-rnn-c 70 T?{tt. Gionall-" CoucD 0rscrcr rrvr rrf E lojln_Jl __"-_._t*tr) o:rllll(yTf rTt Prrtet #l'iafi ''*oF tra.l,8g6dad, gp11gQ-{t Ct64+t 0P OF GA€*tse Mw2T CtuREEb t".lfrl tH{-\TTr,-\,. t --.t; $i rt,,( \ .i rr, 1 rj ,t . i_i,irt{ $tf; Dr'1r(b' t{ yJWEI06.: ",' ;l 11e'r11 12.2G?001 lhm: 80 Cofl||nordi: llrtlryol Cofimefils: ' -lilraor Cafimonl!:1l/'l&0t Co|lfitrnnt: lltzEtDl Comrr3nh 72n7tDl Coruncnta: 12/1lO{ Comnrfib: C.|nneot$: l2lQ*i,'0{ I t/1901 Comm.r6: tltlgJOl Comrndtr: fiftanl Co{rf,rt.f[i: t2l10/t}1 Commeil$ t2/13&1 Cofirmmli: 619 oofyedoc CDA\f[$ Request Pago 2 Si$iiriinlng-ft"-romporery sarer oldi *' $t[t cornry ot outteltng, gr.d€ tewl {ilr tuh.rt wlil bi P.ttolr€fturmo.[Eo.cbr: GRG Actttn: PA PARTllt. llPPRgV t Caetrg ftdt ng. 2m tloor orX corttdo..-E, €nd W. to grld line 5. Atss wdbd thol morlcr rhc€tlhg b.ilro-rDolLd -on N. d.b ls alDrousd FRT ph^ilood. - h*p.aor: GRG '' Ar{on: PApARTIALAPPfTOVAL t nlt419 qtly lfoflrH UDlt?11i.Il$.cior: GRC Acllon: PA PARTIAI. APPRCilAt t nit 516 oolv, rv[h q rd{ic$r: | | Aoplv tbme rlfttrdrnf he|f €nt to undrr|klo ot .xhiilto ptrreo{ rtrea0rkrE cimrac |n unn G prfi ol cdffitucdon, tnd 2) S'att ofl p€n€trailotrs ln Frly tdb -trr 1-p'rpprord ma'nner erd fill rtud caudat ln p6rty wslb yrrh bc0 hctxedm ptur b drltall , ritb€dof: GRG Ncfloh: PA PARTHL APPRCI'/AL LHt rl23 Oily. dlo cJo€od ltect brsms rAraDIad rvul dn^.rs{ b 1-hout nr}mdsbnc€ hsDcctor: -COAVIS - ldo{r: PA PARTIAf APPROI/A! FRIMIIIG FCR 2im LEVEL WEST CORRIDOR CORRECTX'N CoTiFLETE PATCHI}IG OF ,IOINT AT WALUFL@R PATTI IN II,ANY AREAS haD.CIOI: CDAVIS A&IION: PA PARTIIT AFPROVAL 3fiD LEVEL CORRIDOR FIIAMIT.IG ASID CEII.iIIG CRID ALL F€hIETRATf,3ftS IIff,,$T EE PATCHED IN AI.I APFROVEO iNCNNER ,o,l* ltrnr 50 B-Dc*srhlbnll/ot/gl htoeclo|: CDAVIS Acdon: pAP,IFTIALAFPflOI'AL comffi{r: htstlttl|oN FoR s t-EsoFFtcE AREA 11/lSOt hspedor: GRG nunenb: t nll4|9lb|mir 2 Acllon: PAPARTI LAPFROVAL Co!t!r!!g!'!F: Unlt 4l I fb|mir 2 | 1| only. sund In$dafion gfrly_{?!]t!|!f lALgFIg untoilfie(fl.fr[fl€nts: Un[ 419 ffixmif Z | 1] onfy. $rfixt lrr3$rtron mry {ani|to,r lral etBfltlg 11,a1/t)1 ft8Dccrd: cd.rds A.ilcrr: P{PARTIAIAPPnOV'AL ONLY Nell : GRG '{c{o{: FA FARTIAL APPROVAI €onl&{ c.ffbtg, S 0ne E{3t gntyffir: PAPART!{I,{PPR()VAIhooecbr: GRG - A{ildl: PAPARTIAL '\PPROVAL'SdLS dlcr' n rt b lr.rpoi'ry cofidn dioti ofllce, )otrs hvc C SE c.otrl.r of bonillng, ltlcjud'E f0 Ariirn: PAPARTI LAPPRO{,AL ALSO Dm A I FTOUR COilSlnr ON rCO PltASttJohl0iclor; GRg Actlon: PAPAR Inspocbr: - c{ffb Aclio,n: PA PI^RTTAL APPROVAL A*tio6: PAPARTI.L APPFO{,AL bOo(rtrr.haD.cb.: COAVIS lJlrftT 515 Ol.rLY h$idor: GRg Ac{on: PAPARTIALAFPROVA! Un[5tC ooly, $9d a[ $f, Type 'x'dr]ftail.fffil r^"*tALAPPRorAi"FrF€cbc GRG " Acffon: Uil443 e w. cnd d Znd lloor cordtlor only. *rc.l$cf 2 bytnr rsalt rdr lcn rrcomdats c.HnS €$afitbfycorfud b|{llbrt tc'r !|l|tl rirll tt lmo*c{lrs (trn9s 3't! Lsl corH.t $d hd coilldor Yvdr -d celfim$ alst enq il.uro panhotr*a csilin'F anO ,mtto opprov€d f,am€ t(otB hts bc.n aPplbd to axlrltng Dlrrriwod hrulCbn qko hEtdfcrflit hyEf corc losrd around nrcnr|gcrl ductnnt lor xlthcsfi Ifl m€ru.nlnc 16{ il oa oatl panthoqa.[]tt lbm: httn: 70 8Loc'iliic. 0914,'01 LltF€cbr: GRG Aclion: PAPARnALAPFROVAL Coildr.ntr: tha* br znd noor !lcb. rcrt'.ffi-g) ELDC,-FiD.I 53O ELDC-Totno. CJO '" ADDfovrd "1t/23O{ lmo.clo.: c{bvis.' Arilon: CONOAPmOVEEICOND'ITb|aS comn nt3: FoR uAlN LomY AAD REST. Ot\|Ly 4ORRECTI)IIS COT'IFI.ETE FhIAL STEAN A}ID UI.&CVER ON RENSTALL AtL SiilOI(E DETECTORS ADD Sl(}N TO P.E9T Et\tTRASreE STATll.lG THE ISOR rO REtlAlN I"TNLoCKED HJRI}.I(} AJS\I€SS }IOURS * COI#LETE RATED ASSEIIBIY AT ZlAlD LE\IEL WEST EtlD COFRIDO|? lnclcchs: CDAVIS Aclnn: Dtrl D€ltJED 2ND AllD 3RD LE\/EL C.ORRDORS AIJD Lff,STg tlOT READY AT Tl-lS TlllE- ELECTRICAT FtIAL REAURED.FIXTREB t'tOT INSTALLEDJ BOXES 8€t{$'lD ITOI NIED IROS I.IOT PROPERLY CO\GRSD ETC |g A'.tr) R'BLIC YI'ORI(g APPROVAL REOUIREO T MUST CCUPTY TO APFROTED PIII.IS FOR SOI$253, AAIY REUSTf,NS I'I'ST BE I ff}PROVED PRIOR TO AI{Y FUNTHER COII9TRIJCTK)N. IGED TO BE ADOEESSED TO TJST! Actbn: l{OlFTlFlED 12t't7/o1 Comme s: REPT131 12i19'o'- ftepeclot: Run Id; 1162 \ i2-Ttr?00f-_- -lrii,ffion RedGimeomns .Q 4.e*eu. -.- . - yAtl-co :Tsy{il Or:_ -- Requtsted lnsp€ct Date. Sls( esdat, L.}eccr$tlsr 1{1, 3c,0 : InsF€ction Ar aa: GG Sita Addr€ss; 351 E blEADOsf ilR r'AiL 352 E frIEADOW BR, VAIL ATITLETIC CLUE AIP'O Intsrmoden ActivitV: P0r-0!?O Tye6' Bt-Lit4B Slrb T\€€ .!d:{)i, Const lype' 0cctrj'ei.'sy' {J*.pireel: 2 101 i,8?&stJoo otdtl*r: VAfL F,]'HLETIC CLUB & S;PA F!'iDr1€: :rI+476-1?E? Apolhant. FAf.CCtr ptUMBS\iG & HEATiIIG P!lor']€: 970-4:44€5€ Contrnctor: FALc+fi PLLJMBIi'IG,& l.iEAllt'tc Phr*e: g?O-*i+Ss$d D.6crlptcn. I'.€MC'FOIJNDAnONAT NE.S€ & EAST EllE. TIJTERiOF AliO EXTf,RTJR r"/OFk Cornmrnt: 1 O'i A'i&01 : ROLITEU TO GARY FCR FEVrE.rffrAr,pROVAt - LCAMP6f LL Ststus: ISSUED lnrp Ars5' 6q3 *'ril Eesgersd.CItEtlsl{cl \ -<),--' fr( R*,*$si ?Xil"HFfrlffi ,,* -f,ff;it l#.rn* - Cornmenls: ADAtnrft4&fr456 f|f\Arsloneri To. COAVIS'Acrlon Tirtt lrp lleoseotsd f lme: U8:d0 Alg Ph$D€ j j';O-4-"n4-t$66 Eni€red Sr: trFLoRE$ X, {sm: ?5O ttem: ?60 PLM&MEC. * ApfrroJ€d * 10.t1 o1 tr$Fsctcr: ski/b Actiorr. c0lJDAPFRoldEDicc[JDtTlol{s' Cornnenis Sno*mafr mrtrr$ bGtacl at 100f dtrisst l1ro FUFTI|EF i4ECF.Ai,IC*L rrrtspE(iTrgt{SALLOWEC}e UilDEA A PLUMB|]iG FERhilT UUttf 34J,,,., ft{t Ittt fr X rurr-s I tq srrfzrvJ - ftLc €Prc Bfi.AS fti,tsT Bf tustrn;'qSggr pr I S*utr B kt-e Itrspccdon Hlstoru tlcm: lkm. tbm: 23f, liEm: 24O tbm: 29O PLld&Frnct 12J1tlii1 hRDB€tsr: *pAlrl$ Adten: C,NDEf{IEC Conm€rt5: 2Ntr AfiD 3RD LEy€|. r-rl'itfgi t{Ot REIDy'FOF lNSpECllCli AI r!-r|S nME 210 220 PLhdg-Unolqround Pl.hl8-Fouoh-t'.W.V.F{.niftl-Ftf)uonrtr!.w.v. 11.'Ot,0f in*Dacro''i CDAVIS jrcllon. pA PAFITIAI AF,ptqOV,ct_ ComfilBnis; unfl 311 ond 311 lBt sidcN{ FLMBEunohWatetl1t0li0f lrwpoctrx: CDAVIS .- -.-- Frtion. pAFATiTIALAFpROVAL Colnmerrb; {Cff slrbtt untt5 211 andtl t .iPLHB.GasFiplno \<- 11r01,(t1 inrisEtor: cdevt$ Artton: AFCRAPPROVEgiCCIRRECTTONRESO Cofnf snts: Ail gos pFfng tB$t€drt 60# qtrt€sl ' -PrD\rld€ scc*s 6l rl! vNhrc ess€rnutes kr corndor$ rn(i rinlir lrtpr$ltfiFrc stubbed for frr]Jr. ua.Hch att Dcnehfit ('ls thru tkrorc8ilins rit€mbiF$ Gr'd wallE Reculatoi not in$tstimi at ttic Ume Ttts mr:rl tr,a f*p'trd 1(} b is{tng €yler;nr l> ^t f-Rthsp€clbn required for abd.re femt PL MFPrnul,fot Tub ',. Ri:rr Idi 1143REPT].31 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: MO1{,226 [sSu]-L Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: vail mtn lodge phase 3 Parcel No...: 210108255000 Project No : Status. . .: APPR€IVED- Applied..: 17/05/2W\ Issued. .: t' lq lOt Expires . .: t Phone: 97O-476-a987OVJNER VAII-, ATIIL,ETIC CLIB 285 BRIDGE ST vAfL, CO 81557 I-,icense: & sPA rL/05/20o1 CONTRACTOR ENCOMPASS MECIIAI'IICAL SERVICEI1/05 /20OL Phone : 5541 CENTRAI-, AVENTIE BOI]I,DER, CO 80301 License: 147-M AppIfICAtfT ETiICoMPASS MECHAI{ICAl, SERVICE1l/05/20oL Phoner 5541 CENTRAI, AVBiIUE BOIII,DER, CO I03 01- I-,icense: L47-M 970-949-L747 970-949-L747 Desciption: Remodel of club & spa, sheet metal only. Valuation: $100,000.m Fir€place Information: R6tricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: O # of Gas Logs: 0 # of wood Pelles *1'*- FEE ^siJMM Mechanicat_>g2,o0o.ooRestuarantPlanReview_>so.ooTotalCalculatedFees-->92,503'00 Plan Check--> gsoo'oo DRB Fee-------------> $o'oo Additional Fees------> 90'00 Inv6tigation-> 90 . OO TOTAL FEES------> s2, 503 . OO Total Pemrit Fee'---> 52 ', 503 ' 00 Will Call--> 93 . oo Pa1'rnents-------> S2 ' 503 ' o0 s0.00 ItsCM: O51OO BUII;DING DEPARTMH{T 11/09/2001 cRG Action: AP see 801-0253 for approved engineer-stamped Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' Condt 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION ^A,IR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 oF TIIE 1997 IJMC' OR SECTION ?01 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.) : INSTALLATION MUST 10 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, CMPTER BALANCE DUE---> CONFORM TO MANUFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER l-0 0F THE 1997 rMc. Cond: 25 (BIrDG.): GAS Appr-,rAl{cEs sHAr-,L BE VEtrVrED ACCORDTNG TO CHApTER I Ar'rD SHAI-'L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF THE 199? I,MC, OR CHAPTER I OF TIIE 1997 IMC' Cond: 29 (BLDCI.): ACCESS TO HEATIIIG EQUIPME{T lltsT coMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AI'ID sEc.]-017 oF TIIE 1997 T'MC AT{D CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNIED ON FL,OORS OF NONCOIIBUSTIBLE CONST. IINLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBI-'E FLOORING' Cond: 32 (BL,DGI.): PERMIT.PL,,ANS AI.ID CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MEC]IANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDGi. ) : DRjAINAGE OF MECIIAI{ICAL BOII-,ERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A sEcrroN 1004.6 0F TI{E 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plaru and state ihat all the information ai required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot Plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build thisitructure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER ST'PPLY FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. IO22 OF THE 1997 UMC' OR REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE 'ttt:f 't tltt:t** * ** +{' '}**tt*{!* l* 'lt't't*l't*****'t'*{t*l*t 'i *i+'} * * *t*:t***'t+!t*'}*t:tlt't**'t***{'* **t'l'}***'t'}*l **'} TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO tatement t***'t * t**'t*l*** **t*';r**'t* *t ** ***'t'lt***{' !t!t**l'* * * * {' *** * *'}***+* **'t***t'**** ****** * * * ***{'********* statemen! Number: R0oo0o1?20 Arnount: $2,5O3.00 LL/09/2OOa1-2:26 PM Palment. MeEhod: Check Init: Lc Notation: *108342/Enconpase llechanical- Permit No: MO1-0226 T14>e: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210108255 00o Site Address: 352 E Ii{EADOW DR \rAIIJ Lrocation: vail mtn lodge Phase 3 Total Feee: $2, 503 ' 00 Thie Payment: $2,503.00 Total Ar'Lr Pmte: $2'503'00 Balance: $0.00 * *******'t {r lf'},1**i!t**f*** *l{t***tt'},} 'i +*{t*'l * t*:t'}*'t*****'l *'t tt *'** *:}* * * *d"f * * **:t:*'* ** ****{"}'f+**'+***'}* ACCOI.JNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113O() MECHANICAL PERI4IT FEES 2'OOO.()() PF 00100003i12300 PLAN CHECK FEES 500'00 t,,lC 00100003112800 I^JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'00 SHAUU@ Town of Vail, Please transfer all applicable permits to foom #313 Vail Mountain Lodge to Schaeffer Construction fo; rernodel use. This appties only to this room and Schaeffer Construction 'I rn #ytv //'#{rhW Shaw Construction LLC. 760 Horizon Drive . Grond Jundion, (0 81506 For9/0-211-5618 . www.showonsl.com Phone 970-242-9135 --../ =6trl-'J r, a..za CJ. &*" O!{NER, APPLIET]E SHAW CONSTRUCTIOI{ CO}!PAN':T 750 HORIZON DR GR,AND iII'NqTION CO 815 06 License: CONTRACTOR SIIAW CONSTRUCT]ON COMPA}IY 760 HORIZON DR GRAND .]UNCT]ON CO 815 06 License: 108 -A Valuation: 3,700,000.00 Fir€phce Inforn8tim: Restrict€d: # ofGas Appliances: r r r i t * *r r t * * t t l*****at***:|:|:|ttaatttaa'lalal**:la,t*,laataaaaaaaa l l it ***** Desciption: REMbDEL THE E>ilSTING VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB & SPA BUILDING Occupancy: Rl/A3/S3 Type Construction: II l-HR Type II l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT ISSUED 08123/200r t010412001 04/0212002 08/23/2oOL Phone: 910-242-9236 08/23/200L Phone: Add Sq Ft: 0 0 # ofGas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SLMMARY ,rrtt**r*r*t,t**i*t,*r***,r*r*1**trrt.ttr*'rrt'rrrt**'r'r*t****rr"' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.......: Parcel No....: Building-> Plan Check-> S12 , 44 o . o o R€stuarant Plan Review-> 58 , os6 . oo DRB Fee--> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 352 E MEADOWDRVAIL 352 E MEADOW D& VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB 210108255000 Permit #: B0l-0253 projectNo ,?fLtm- Dl>V VAIL ATHLETIC CLI,B & SPA OB/23/2OOL Phone: 910-476-L987 285 BRTDGE ST VAII-,, CO 816 57 Lricense: lnvestigation-> So.oo Recreation Fes---> 9o. o0 s500 . oo 90.00 90 .00 Total Calculaled Fees--> Additional Fees----> Total Permit Fec-----> Pa)'ments--_._----> s21,029.Oo 98,086.0o) 912,943.00 912,943.00will calt->$3.00 Cl€an-uPDePGit-> ToTAL FEES-> 921,02e.00 BALAIICE DUE "--> S0'00 |'t|||||||||t|t|..t''.'l**|*'*||''|''|lt|.|tt......tt'|'t.|*******l***.**' Approvals:If6m: O51OO BUII.,DING DEPARTMEIIf !o/02/2ooL GF{G Action: AP Per Russ, check receiwed tso guarantee extserior inE)rovementsa and OK to iesue per George . Item: 05400 PLAI.INING DEPARTMENf LO/04/200L George Actions AP IteM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMB T PAGE 2 *****:t*+ *,tri*{r*!*** ****** + +*{r * * ** * ***** *,***+'*:**** * *'}*+* {' * **** * * * ++* * * * ***** * ** * * * ** * * 'i +* * **** ** ** *'*** * **** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0253 as of 10-04-2001 Status: ISSUED * * t * *,tt:t* * | t**:t* {, * ** *:i !i * * ** * + * * * * * * * * *'t* +t't** + ** *** * * * *** + * * *** * * * * * * * * r! * * * * * * * * * * 'i * * * * * + 't:* *** * *** * tt 'f,* +* Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 0812312001 Applicant: SHAWCONSTRUCTION COMPANY Issued: l0lo4l2ool 970'242-9236 ToExpire: 04102/2002 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB ParcelNo: 210108255000 Description: REMbDEL THE EXISTING VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB & SPA BUILDING Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQT,IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 telpC.l, FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI-ANCE. Cond: 14 <etDG.), ALL PENETMTIoNS IN wALLS,cEILINGS'AND FLooRS To ile seRlso wITH AN APPRoVED FIRE MATERIAL' Cond: l8 lelOC.l: HANDRAILS ARE REQI-IRED TO MEET SEC'1003'3 3 6 OF THE 1997 TJBC. Cond: 19 <sL'C.I. GUARDRAILS ARE REQTNRED TO MEET SEC.5O9' I OF THE 1997 UBc. Cond:CON0005005 This is a Type II l-Hour building and most materials used must be NONCOMBUSTIBLE in accordance with Sections 603, 601.5 and Table 6-.4. t0/04/200t Mccee to final insPection rt,em: 05500 PIrBr-,rc woRKs 09/L8/2OOt LS HALIJ' S APPROVAIJ, ON CHANGED FROM ORGINAL 09/2O/2O0a LS Action: AP APProval subj ect and compliance wit,h current code. ACTiON: DN AWAITING FOR GREG STREET IMPROVEMBiITS. PI,ANS HAVE PI-'AN. Action: DN DEVEI,OPER IMPROVEMENTS AGREEIT{B{T PI]BLICIMPRoVEMENTSNEBDToBEPARToFTIIESI]BMITTAL.ALL IMPRoVEMENTSMUSTBESHowNoNSITEPIJANoNTHISPHASEoF WORK. OIVLY ADDITIONAI, BRICK PAVERS ON E. MEJADOW DR. AIJIJOWED TO BE REMOVED FROM SITE PLAII' PROVIDE REVISED SITE PI,AN' Lo/04/2OOa LS Action: AP APPROVED AFTER MEETINGWITHSHAWCONSTRUCTION,RONBRYNE,JAYPETERSON, GREG H., AND COM DEV STAFF. rralaaaa:raallllaltlaaa'tl***rrrrttiltt See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I here\ acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in firll the information required" completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is c'onect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan' to comply with all rown ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to G towns zoning and subdrvision codes. desigl review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto' REQLESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM' Scnd Ctean-up Deporlt To: N/A TURE OF O CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE Building Permit #: 970-479-2149 (Ins \., NWNMy " i $ tt S. Frontage Rd. ,V- Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION\ a \.\ N \ General Contractor: Shaw Conef rrrr-t i rln - T,T,C Town of Vail Reo. No,: l(\'/';a Contact and Phone #'s: Da rr 'l ffnnrzar All-AA'lW /-/ OMPLETE VALUATI ONS FOR BUILD PERMIT & MaterialsING BUILDING:$ . ,nn nn",ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contad Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit 01-082-55-000not be accepted without parcel number) lob Address: 352 E Meadow Dr. , vailJob Name:Vail- Mountain Lodqe Address:P.O. Box 2711'iiis Partner Detailed description of work: RemodeL the existinq Vail Athletic CIub & Soa Buildin WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(x) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (- ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (* ) of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Twofamily ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial k) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas let ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (; ) No ( ) **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****'r******'!********j-* of Construction: F:/everyoneforms/bldgperm o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family coniplex. O--... -td e-{omplete site plan submitted e-lPublic Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) e-€taging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aporoval ts-Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring a.---Arch itect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) e-full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) HVindow and door schedule s-full structural plans, including design criteria (ie,loads) e-Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) E Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection N I fr q-TVe resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated e-lsmoke detectors shown on Dtans T-f-ypes and quantity of fireplaces shown. Applicant's Signaturel Date of submittal: ruh'I,m Depaftment of Com munity Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Checklist must be omoleted beforc a Buildina Permit apolication is arcpted. uzAll pages of application is complete trHas DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form. Q.,,.- Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: \ HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of VailSuruey Gommunity Dwelopment Departnent Russell Fomst Directoc (9701179-213s Check all that applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building}:.Environmenbt >( Housing )( Admin >L Planning ,\ DRB ,X PEC 2. Was your inilial contacl with our stiaff immediate;! slow no one available ? 3. lf you were require! to wail how long was it bgfore you were rrdpear \j,&,^.. t.4 rl:-+r4-- 4. Was your project reqiewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? Was this yourfirsttime fle a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit N/A 9. Any cornments pu have which wor[d allow us to betetr qerve you nexttime? Thank you fur taking the lime to complete this survey. We are commitbd b improving our seMce. 7. Overall efiectiveness of fre Front Service Counter.@ 4 f 2 1 L What is the besfrlime of day for 1ou to use fie Front Service Counter? (lrr.r. -tiJJ llease rae $e performance qf fie stafipenon who assisbd you:(ft 3z INamq Ott=.tlr.,'sko/I (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUEfiONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": tr Is this a new residence? o Does demolition work being public property? Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? YES NOX performed ,require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or YES X NO- NOY-- YES NO:l- q o o o Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NOX Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES__:/:_ NO_ If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained, "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Worksat 47s-zls8. }q. .-+<j,"- I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. lob or Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 NOX Is any drainage work^bping done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public propefi? YES NO X. Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. i A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. ts Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to pefform. > The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. i As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ts NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November lsth. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and underctand the above. f /11 l n l Date Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time, However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Asreed to by: lfFY F . (R+* R-rcN Print name o"te, //171t) F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 1e- Btds.Permit#'E I I,I PW*:TT-NITT Parcerr:I I I I'f -nI-fInTlI T 1.Job Nams Strgel Addr€Bs nnn-Tl (lfunknowncall LJ LJ tJ I | 47$ZlgB ext.o) Ercavating Conlractor Namg Maillng Addr€sg TOV Contractor's Licanse Numb€r REOUIRED () Phone fzipCity 3. 4. Start Dat6 Work is for (circte one) Water Cornpletion Date Sewer Gas Electric (P€rmit Expiralion Dat€) Telephone CAW Landscaping Temp.SiteAccess Other 5. 6. Trench-width (min,4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surfaces undemeath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. Total Permit Fee $ BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth ToralsF $ Total LF $ Permil Fee 7. 8. Public Service Naiural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987') Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) 9. 10, 11. 12. TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, exl 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800.922'1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public works construction Inspector (970'479'2198) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construclion trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ol the permit. ? All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Pormitta€ must contact Publlc Wofks Department at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencino ol work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forleiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town chargiig the contractor a reinspection fee. t certify that I have read all chapters ot Title I - Public Ways and Properiy, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TFAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Whit6 - Public Works Yellow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTI.ONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftiflcate of Occuoancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldpermS MVNOF Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewal( alley or public place, or any portion thereof, o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. tr Summons and Penalty: As an alternaUve to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such pe6on shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B. hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-34.I AND 7.34.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1958) 5 1) a Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge, (Ord. 2(1968) 5 3: Ord. 28(1981) S 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Dalesigned: &lt) / mI- --------\ift* F :/ev€ryone/forms/bldp€rn 7 t, PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS & GORRECTIONS, VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE (FORMER VAIL ATHLETIG CLUB), PERMIT #BO{-O253, PHASE lll, 352 W. MEADOW DRIVE. l. Reference Documents. Please refer to plan review report by C-West Code Consultants, Inc. dated2/14/01, and Davis Partnership Architects response dated7l2Ol0l. All commitments made in the response to the C-West plan review report are considered to be conditions of approval for Permit #B01-0253. Note that subsequent phases of the Vail Mountain Lodge project are also subject to the code requirements contained in the C-West Code Consultants, Inc. report and the requirements listed below. 2. Interpretations. Due to the facts that this is an existing building and this project has had various previous Town of Vail Design Review Board @RB) and Planning and Environmental Commission @EC) approvals which require a specific exterior appearance and the use ofwood on the exterior, that the building has been the subject ofa life safety analysis and fire protection engineering report by High Country Engineering, and for various other reasons, the following code interpretations have been made: a. Type II l-Ilour Construction. The building will be considered as having two levels of basements and four stories, permitting the building to be classified as Type II l-Hour construction. Much of the existing building meets the requirements for the next higher tlpe of construction, Tlpe II-F.R. Notable exceptions are that regular plywood roof sheathing is in place over much of the roof and most of the floor-ceiling assemblies cannot technically meet the Tlpe II-F.R. requirements for a 2-hour fire-resistive assembly primarily due to the webs of the existing steel open web floor joists being too light in gauge to achieve a 2-hour rating. For practical purposes regarding emergency access, the fact that a portion ofone side ofthe upper basement exceeds the height above grade of the UBC definitions for basements and stories has little, if any, effect, on emergency access. See also the High Country Engineering fire protection engineering report dated 10/512000 and the previous life safety issues analysis by High Country Engineering. b. Exterior Wood. A limited amount of certain tlpes of wood will be permitted to be used on the exterior, as detailed below. 3. Use of Wood on the Exterior: a. Siding. All wood siding used on the building, regardless of its location and height above grade, is to be factory fire-retardant-treated wood meeting the LIBC definition and standard for "Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood" found under Section 207.1997 UBC. Siding is to otherwise ".. .be placed either directly against noncombustible surfaces or furred out from such surfaces not to exceed l- 5/8" with all concealed spaces fire blocked as provided in Section 708." One way that this requirement can be met is to apply fire- resistive exterior gypsum sheathing underneath the siding. b. Trim. All trim, including fascia boards, is to be at least "2 X" nominal in dimension. c. Ornamentation. Larger wooden omamentation, i.e., corbels, "brackets," etc. are to be at least "4 X" nominal material and larger. d. Soffits. Any wooden horizontal soffits are to be backed by noncombustible materials or solid "2 X" wood blocking covered by 5/8" exterior fire-resistive gypsum sheathing with any wooden soffit materials to be either approved, factory fire-retardant-treated wood OR teated with an approved, exterior flame retardant treafrnent to achieve a Class "A" (UBC Class I) flame spread rating. e. Eaves. All exterior walls are to be built "tight to the deck" to attempt to prevent the spread of an exterior fire into the eaves and roof structure. The underside of any existing plywood roof sheathing that is exposed during construction will be treated with an approved interior flame retardant treatment to obtain a Class "A" (UBC Class I) flame spread rating. Approved insulation materials will be blown into joist spaces to serve as fire blocking within the joist cavities of the roof assembly. In accordance with Section 707.3,1997 UBC, kraft paper backing is not permitted to be used in Type II buildings. Any vapor retarders used must meet the flame spread and smoke developed rating requirements of Section 707. f. Guardrails. The proposed rough-sawn-cedar-covered balcony guard rails are EITIIER to be constructed of approved factory fire-retardant-treated wood OR treated with an exterior flame retardant featment to achieve a Class "A" (UBC Class I) flame spread rating. The flame retardant treafinent is also to be protected from ultra-violet degradation by an approved finish treatment. The applicant is to follow up by submitting a proposal for the fieatnent of the guard rail materials to the building official for review and approval. g. Shutters. The proposed window shutters are subject to the same requirements as item "f immediately above. 4. Miscellaneous. Any and all new wood installed as sheathing, backing, blocking, sleepers, etc., within assemblies must be approved fire-retardant-treated wood. See Section 603.1, 1997 UBC. Chief Building Official GRG:grg GatyR. Goodell, August 13,2fi)l Mr. Gary Goodell Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 Re: Phase Itr - V Code Review Comments Vail Mountain Lodge Expansion and Renovation Dear Gary: Attached are responses for Architectural, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical to plan review comments dated May 14,zC0l on Full Phase Itr - V Permit Documents for Vail Mountain Lodge, Expansion and Renovation. Please see the Phase III Permit Documents Dated August 1, 2001 for reduced Phase III scope. Items which are no longer included as part of Phase III work, will be resolved in future phases. ARCHITECTURAI I, la and lb We are approved to consider the building as a four story building with the two Health Club lrvels defined as Basements. The grade exceeds 12'{" along the south face only above the spa area. This area represents only 28 percent of the total building perimeter. Fires witl not be fought from in spa area, therefore, the Upper Level Health Club on Sheet A3-2, should be considered a basement level. Please see attached letter from Glenn Hoynoski, P.E. dated October 5,2000. On Sheet L24, the wetlands and the park area to the south is deeded Town of Vail land and is dedicated open space On Sheet L2-0, The separation measured to centerline of road on the North side is 25 feet and on the East side is 3l feet. To the south, the public land is greater than 60 feet. On Sheet A3-2, property lines are correct as shown. The Existing parking garage does extend beyond the property line. On Sheets A3-3 through A3-6, the renovated areas are provided with operable windows or doors which meet the egress requirements for Escape or Rescue windows in sleep rooms. The windows are accessible, by the fire department, from the garage roof. N/A Sheets A3-l through A3-7 have been revised and resubmitted to clarify scope of work for Phase III renovations, dated 08/01/01. Denver Office: 2301 Bloke Street ' Suite 100 Denver Colorodo 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fox 303.861 3027 Voil Oflicel 0l3TMoinStreer'UniiC]06 PO.Box2Tll Edwords Colorodo 81632 970.926.8960 Fox 970.926.8961 GlRy M. ADAI,lS -10I6 ffi=t* Dovis Porlnership PC., Archilects Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page2 l0 1l t2 l3 l4 Sheet A5-1. Re-grading and window replacement are part of future phases. Existing windows less than 18" above grade, on the south fagade, will be replaced with tempered safety glass. Sheet S4.0. Architect will provide detail for weather proof seal at steel bearing assembly on top of existing concrete foundation wall to prevent moisture penetration. Sheets A5-l and A7-10 have been revised per new phase three scope. Any walls with in 40 feet of the property line will be One-hour N/C per tables 5,A. and 6,4, of the UBC. Exterior finishes attached to the walls as defined in Phase III revisions are to be non+ombustible siding. Please refer to Phase III Permit Drawings. Siding above 35" on the North Elevation is non-combustible siding. N/A Sheet LI.0. Ramp is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. It will be completed as part of future phases. N/A Sheets A3-l and .46-4. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase IIL The area is to remain unfinished space for Phase Itr. N/A On Sheet A3-2 and 46-5. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III. The Restaurant area will remain as unfinished space for Phase ltr. N/A Sheet A3-3. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Restaurant Construction, Stair 208 and Door 308C are part of future phases. The exiting through Stair 028 is no longer required. Sheet A6-5. The folding doors are not the main exit. Exiting is tb'rough door 200A which is 3?' minimum clear wide and exits to grade. The Folding doors 200D - 200E open to balconies approximately 4 feet above grade. The restaurant space has been removed from Phase III scope. It will be left as unfinished space. The doors are part of the existing exit vestibule. The work is not to be completed as part of Phase III. The renovation to these doors will be part of phase Four. N/A Sheet A3-2. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Dishwashing Area will be resolved in future phases. Division 08000. Door. Frame and Hardware Schedules, Division 09000, Finish Schedule, Division 10520, Fire Protection Specialties, Division 15 Fire Suppression and Division 16 Fire Detection were issued separately. N/A Project Manual, Division 08960, will be revised to specify glazing material if sloped glazing is used in future phases. Phase III scope does not include sloped glazing. 15 l6 l7 l8 l9 Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 3 20 Sheet A1-l and Specifications will be coordinated in regards to safety glazing at doors and windows subject to human impact. 2l Specification Section 06105: Wood sheathing and wood subflooring is not being used. 22 Specification section 06100 Equipment bases and support curbs will not be made of wood. 23 Specification Section 14420 referc to wheelchair lift located on A3-3 in Entry, Rm. 334. The lift was completed in prior phases. STRUCTI]RAL: 24 The rooftop deck between grids 3 and 4, F and D is the only deck in the remaining in the scope which is exposed to snow loads' The following calculations indicate that this framing has been reviewed for 155 psf snow load including drift. 25 The general notes indicate 100 psf for roof slopes less than or equal to 3: 12 and 80 psf for slopes greater th an 3:12. Neither slope reduction nor live load reduction was used, as the Town of Vail requires 80 psf as the base snow load with a separate requirernent of 100 psf for roof slopes less than or equal to 3:12. MECHANICAL: 26 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 27 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase trI work. 28 A reduced pressure type backflow preventer will be provided to replace the double check type bacldlow preventer. This item witl be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 29 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 30 The gravity drainage portion of the discharge piping from pump P-l will be changed to a 4" storm pipe. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 3l Sump pump P-l serves as the building ground water dewatering system and is not connected to the sanitary sewer system. Therefore, per Chapter I I of the UPC, a vent pipe shall not be required. This item will be addressed in Phase Itr Construction Documents. 32 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 4l 42 Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 4 JJ 34 35 36 3I 38 39 40 47 48 49 50 5l N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be conpleted as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Clothes dryer exhaust ducts that exceed 14' will be provided with booster fans. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Docurnents. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. The make-up air for the guest room toilet exhaust will be provided by undercutting the bathroom doors. The guest room ventilation is provided by operable windows and doors. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Combustion air will be provided by Shaw Construction per manufactures requirements. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Existing solid fuel fireplace chimney vent dampers and chimney construction shall be permanently opened and inspected by Shaw Construction. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. It is noted on Sheet M4.3 to remove previously abandoned ductwork that is located above electrical equipment. Therefore, no abandoned ductwork will remain above electrical equipment. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 43 44 45 46 Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 5 52 A duct detector for unit shut down will be provided for relocated MUA-3. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents, 53 Make-up air to EF4, located in the elevator equipment room, will be provided with fire smoke damper. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 54 Architectural Drawings will be revised to show Elevator Equipment room 210 meeting 2 hour rating. 55 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 56 A fire smoke damper will be provided at the M" x 48" supply air duct outlet from the fire rated shaft. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 57 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 58 All valving associated with PIIMP P-l is accessible via a removable top of the approximate 4'{" diameter dewatering pit. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 59 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase Itr work. 60 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 6I Design Build Fire hotection Sub Contractor will submit answer. 62 The pipe sizing is hydraulically calculated per NFPA 13. Pipe Scheduling per NFPA 13, 8-5 is no longer an acceptable manner for sizing piping in new projects. 63 A 6" reduced pressure back flow prevention is installed in the riser room (Sheet FP-2). This backflow prevention device services the entire sprinkler systenL 63 The piping at column line 3/1vI is in the garage, all of the piping in the garage is existing and will remain in place. 64 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 65 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. ELECTRICAL: 66(a) A one line diagram and typical FFU circuit documentation will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 66(b) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Mr.Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 6 66(c) Short circuit documentation will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 66(d) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 66(e) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 67 Street lighting circuit requirements will be coordinate with the T.O.V. This item will be addressed in Phase Itr Construction Documents. 68 (a), (b) Panel GH2 and H2 circuit documentation will be provided and weatherproof GFCI receptacles will be used. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 69 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work' 70(a) A one-line diagram wilt be provided to clarify requirements for the future condominium units powered from the future MMS. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 70(b) A one-line diagram will be provided to indicate the power source ofthe existing club elevator. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 70(c) Elevator pit lighting and receptacle circuit will be document. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 7 | Elevator pit lighting is not connected downstream of GFCI receptacle. A note will be added to clarify this. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 72 72(a) -72(f) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 73 See comment #70 (c) above. 74 See comment #70 (c) above. 75 Clarification of circuits 38, 40, 42 will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 76 Clarification of Panel HG2 loading will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 77 Clarification of Panel H2 loading will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 78 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work' Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 PageT 79 80 8l 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9l 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 l0l toz N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Panel FFI location. NEC 110-26 does not say panelboards cannot be located behind a door. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to b completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Clarification of elevator equipment room circuit will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 8 103 IM 105 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. FIREPROTECTION 106 to7 108 109 Fire alarm manual pull stations will be provided at all exits at each level and will be reflected on the revised fre alarm plans. Automatic heat and smoke detection wilt be provided in elevator shafts and will be reflected on the revised fre alarm plans. Duct detectors will be provided for AHU Unit in Mech. 209 and MAU-I and will be reflected on the revised fre alarm plans. If the doo(s) in question is installed and is a fre door and is required to be held open, then it will be held open with a magnetic door holder and will be reflected on the revised fire alarm plans. See Item 109. See Item 109. Design Build Fire Detection Sub Contractor will submit answer. Automatic smoke detection will be provided in accordance with NFPA standards and will be reflected on the revised fire alarm plans. Audio/visual appliances will be provided in accordance with NFPA standards and will be reflected on the revised fue alarm plans. Seeltem 114. Please call if you have any questions or concerns. 110 111 tt2 113 rt4 ll5 Bailey & Peterson Ray Story Architect Shaw Construction Shaw Construction Beaudin Ganze Monroe & Newell Iay Peterson Ray Story Keith Oxenreider Clark Atkinson Brad Staver Scoft Wasson v\vml\0022000\admin\letter\tov080201.doc Ftgll C,,Lruirp prrqincrring Fire Proiecliorr arrd iJuilding Codc Consuitants 972 l{ruy. 46, Suitc 300. Golden. CO 804.03-8B86 (Goide r: Gatc: CauloLr Road) Pl:or:e: (303) 642-0635 u Iia;i: (303) 582-3855 ocToBEF 5, 2000 MF. GABY R. GOODELL. C.B.O. TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPT. 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 frE. u\Jt)tr tb>utri) VAIL MOUNTAIN FESOFT Gary: This letler is to respond 1o jssues raised during rhe Town ol Vail review process of the subject p roject. The f irst issue of concern is the classiiication oJ the fir$ storv and the imDact uoon the reouired Tvpe ol Consiruciion. The pJan revieiv indicales ihai ihe Upper H€alth Club teve; oi tlre prolect musi qualify as a ba'qemenl. The expressed concern is thai the disiance abwe grade for the lirst floor exceeds 12' along a relailveJy small potlion ol the souih elevaiion. \4/e agree ihat the UBC is clear in the definition oi a applicable story, hotrrever, this inrerpretation for this bullding seems impraclical. The UBC Handbook suggests thai each case should be juciged individually based on characteristic's of the site ancj construction. One oi lhe more significant concerns is lhe issue of emergency access to the building and fire f ighting operations. Accordlng to our review only 28k of lhe overall building perimeler exceeds the 12' provision exclusively on the south elevation. lt shouid be poinled oul that the bulldlng is primarily accessed by both the public, as well as emergency services on the nonh, easl and west sides. The south side adjoining Gore Creek is nol generally considered as accessible. The l2'height is exceeded sllghtly (16') and does nol exceed 50% oi the perimeler. ln order lo minimize this condiiion, the grade elevation will be increased 1o salisfy lhe 12' criteria along the south side excepi in ihe area of the outdoor whiripool, refer to Addendum #2. Sjnce the building is noi readily accessible on the south side; lhe provision for determination for classificatjon ol the fjrst slory should be waived allo|ing the building to be renovated as Type ll - t hour construclion. The second issue concerns the 3-story communicaiing space which exisis between the Lower Health Club, Upper Health Club, and the firsl floor. lt is recognized that the UBC limils the number ot communicating levels lo two (2). The principal basis for the code reslriclion is to limit the potential ior fire spread thlough a builciing, as tryell as minimize the impact of smoke travel and the impact on the evacualion capabiJiiy ol the building occupants. l\4R. GARY R. GOODELL, C.B.O. TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPT. CODE ISSUES VAIL IMOUNTAIN FTESOFT OCTOBER 5, 2OOO PAGE 2 . The design elemenl in queslion is a 6'diameter circular opening (28 it.'?) localed between the Lower Heallh Club level and the Upper Heallh Club level. Referiothe panialbuilding section ailached. Due 1o the lirniled size of the opening, il does nol qualiiy as an airium per Table 4-A ol the UBC. Based upon the above, we propose to provlde the following-saieguards lo mitigale lhe saieiy risks associaled with the inslallation ol the opening between floors: 1. The installation of a d raft stop localed at the ceiling level of the Lower Health Club level with ihe installalion of closely spaced 6' o.c. quick response sprinklers around the perimeler. 2. The installation of passive smoke venls al lhe ceiling/root ievel at lhe first fioor level. These venls wouid be aclivated by either oi the f ollowing:a. Smoke detectors located at ceiling ol the bar on ihe lirst iloor level.b. Manual swilching localed at the proposed lire command center to be controlled by the fire depariment personnel. We believe thai lhe installatjon ol the above safeguards will provide an acceptable equivalency io permil the above menlioned opening between floors and provide an acceptable level of occupanl safely. Piease advise if you have any additional queslions on lhe proposed alternalives. SINCERELY, ->ba^S.W,,.*-- GLENN T. HOYNOSKI, P.E. PRINCIPAL FIRE PROTECTION ENGR. GTH:gjw cc: JASON OLINEK A-€ lcu,^*ro"-t Q"{ {''t''l -+o) S7-" rk- J-* - Si o( v,^ tL S?r' r'uan(:'vr>) J--.il f" i ),,s5 {tt{d S1*k- flrr'lue\ =!-.s.-- 1n i 7 rr5 ; 7=il0 c:S r i f ;[v. - iJlTl'- i"'{x) :)trlivl i' r.ru,€| <on't 'rr"r$EB JE l. (o{r^ 66Pi'|c- :--il.\11Y VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll -V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 Applicable Codes: Drawings dated Manualdated StructuralCalcs Architect: Mech. & Elec, : Contractor: Structural: Civil: Basement Lower Level Health Club Upper Level Parking Garage Restaurant & Kitchen Main Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Penthouse Level 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) 1994 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) (97 IPC OK) 1998InternationalMech Code (lMC) (97 UMC OK) 1999 National Electrical Code (NEC) CABO/AN S I A1 17 . 1 Accessibil ity Standard s (C/A) (Per Town of VailAdoption) Town of Vail C-West 201084 Gode Review Pg.1 of15 Fire Protection: All-State Code Gonsultant: High Country Engineering 02t26t01 02to't01 o4lo4lo1 Davis Partnership Beaudin Ganze Shaw Construction Monroe & Newell Marcin Engineering 91,609 1 B-1016 No Stamp PE-12082 No Stamp No Stamp PE22147 A Occupancy Groups : R-1 Apartments Units & Dwelling UnitsS-3 Parking Garage (Underground) A-3 Restaurant, Bar, Health Club, LockersB Offices & KitchenS-1 StorageB. Type of Construction : ll - 1 HR Fully SprinkleredC. Location on Property : North : Frontage on East Meadow Drive South : Faces Wetlands & Park East: Frontage on VailValley Drive West: Mountain Haus Parcel D. Summary of Floor Areas : These numbers have been calculated from the floor plans provided. Note that floor areas are larger than the entries provided in the Code Analysis on the Index Cover Sheet of the review sets. Floor Area (sf) Floor Elevation15,167 8155.33'12,953 8164.83',4,257 8164.83'2,500 8166.33'16,654 8177.33','t6,474 8186.83'16,318 8196.33'7.316 8207.33' Total Building VAIL MOI.,IiITAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 E. Height & Number of Stories : See Review Comment No. 1 Architectural Review 1. L2-0: The height of the building needs to be resolved with regard to total number of stories above grade as altered by the new penthouse units added to the top floor. UBC 506 & 3403 a) A 5-1 & L 2-0: Area to be regraded at the exterior spa poolwill leave this portion of the south yard at Water Elevation = 8160', which is more than 12 ft. below the main floor at Elevation 8177.33'; thereby disqualifying the contiguous floor level as a basement. UBC 220 & 208, Definitions of "Story' and "Grade. b) The Penthouse additions thereby cause the buitding to exceed the maximum allowable 4 story height for an R-1 occupancy in a Type ll - 1 HR building. UBC 500 & Table 5-8. 2. L 2-O : Veriff that wetlands and park area on adjacent property south of the building is public space usable as an open yard greater than 60' applicable to floor area increase and fire department approach. Otherwise building has no usable yard clearance to the property line on this side. UBC 505.1.1 3. L 2-0 : Building requires sufficient open yards on 3 sides to justify allowable floor area on no more than 4 stories above grade. The parking garage and Health Club Lower Level are onsidered below grade. UBC 505.'1.2 4. A3-2: The existing underground Garage is shown extending beyond the North property line into the street ROW at East Meadow Drive. Are property lines correct as shown? UBC 106.3.1 5. A 3-3 : New Bedroom windows on north side open onto yard supported by the Garage roof underground. Veriff existing roof is adequate for emergency rescue by Fire Department to all new windows on this side of the building, including the new penthouse units. UBC 310.4 6. A 3-1 thru A 3.7 : The keynotes and general notes are the same on each sheet. Since keynotes are not flagged on the plan; the new work of Phases lll - V is difficult to separate from existing areas outside of the scope. Torn of Vail G-West 201084 Gode Review Pg.2 of 15 VAILTUOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Ddve & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 7. A 5-1 : South Elevation : Existing windows in South exterior wall of Health Club Upper Level will require tempered safety glass if less than 18" above new grade and panels unsupported greater than 9 sq. fi. UBC 2406.4 8. S 4.0 : Sec. 3 : Provide weather proof seal at steel bearing assembly on top of existing concrete foundation wall to prevent moisture penetration into building through areawell. UBC 1402 9. A 5-1 & A 7-10 : Wood siding is not permitted on the West Elevation on exterior walls less than 40 ft. from property line. UBC 603.3.1 & Table 5-A 10. A 5-2 & A 7-12 : Wood siding on North Elevation at new dormers not permitted more than 35'above grade. UBC 601.5.4 & Table 5-A 11. L 1 .0 : Nevtr exterior 1:12 slope ramp will require a handrail on both sides. uBc 1003.3.4.s 12. A 3-1 & A 6-4 : Two exits from Basement between Grids 11-12 are not adequately separated. 112 the major diagonal of the basement area served is approximately 98'; requiring 49'separation between the exit-access doors at 101 & 102. UBC 1004.2.3 & 1004.2.4 13. A 3-2 & A 6-5 : New Elevator opens into the egress route from the Restaurant (Dining) area to Stair 208. The Elevator opening must be equipped with a smoke and draft seal; or be separated from the Dining Room by a Lobby. UBC 1004.3.3.5 & 711.4 14. A 6-6 : Door 308C appears to be a non-conforming required exit for the new Restaurant occupants from the lower level. Address door width at top of stair, minimum width of exit discharge into courtyard between retaining walls; and the unidentified gate at the end of the walkway. UBC 1003.3.1.3, 1003.3.1.5, 1003.3.1.8, 1 15. A 6-5 : The main exit from the Restaurant may be considered the doors opening onto the Patio. Folding doors are not considered safe for orderly evacuation during an emergency. UBG 1003.3.1.5 16. A 6-6 : Door 3088 does not provide an adequate landing at the foot of Stair 308. UBC 1003.3.1.7 & 1003.3.3.5 17. A 3-2 : Dishwashing area is not permitted under enclosed Stair 308 above. uBc 1005.3.3.6 Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg.3 of 15 VAIL MOt MIAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase fll -V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive Gode Review May 14, 2001 Pg.4 of 15 18. Specs Table of Contents : The following Sections are noted as not included in the project manual. 08000 Door, Frame, Hardware Schedules. 09000 Finish Schedule 10520 Fire Protection Specialties Div. 15 Fire Suppression & Standpipe Specifications Div. 16 FireAlarm 19. Specs 08960 : Refers to Div. 8, Section for'Glazing"; not provided. ldentify whether glass or plastic to be used at sloped glazing. UBC 2409 &2603.7 20. A 1-1 : Coordinate specifications and safety glazing requirements at doors and windows subject to human impact. UBC 2406 21. Specs 06105 : Part 1.2. A 4 & 5 : Sheathing and subflooring may not be of r,tood in Type ll- 1 HR building. UBC 603 22. Specs 06100 : Part '1.2. A 1 & 5 : Equipment bases and support curbs may not be of wood in Type ll - 1 HR building. UMC 308.3 23. Specs 14420: Calls for wheelchair lifts; not located on drawings. Use as an egress component is limited by UBC 1104.1.4 Structural Review 24. Structural calculations use 40 psf LL for Residential balconies; same as interior floors. Minimum 60 psf required by Table 16-4; greater with snow drifting based on area snow loads. This includes the rooftop balconies shown on SheetA5-1. UBC 1608 25. S 4.0 : General Notes : Snow loads call for 100 psf at roof slopes less than or equal to 3 : 12: and 80 psf at slopes > 3 : 12, Reductions may not be applied for slopes less than 4.36 : 12; i.e. 20' from horizontal. UBC,t614 Mechanical Review 26. M1.1. Provide trip lever on wide side of handicapped water closet stall (CABO/ANSI Al 17.1-1 992, 4-17 .5). 27. M2.3, M2.4, M2.5. Required fire rating of rated corridors and floor to floor separation shall be maintained at all times during construction within occupied building (UBC 710.11, 713.10). VAIL MOUIITAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll -V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive Code Review Jt|r,y 14,2N1 Pg.5 of 15 28. M3.1. Provide reduced pressure backflow preventer in lieu of double check valve shown on domestic water service (UPG 602.3). 29. M3.1. 2' vent serving 4" P-10 floor drain is undersized and should be increased one pipe diameter. 4" waste outlet normally requires minimum 2" vent. However, excessive length of 2' vent shown requires pipe upsizing to next recognized diameter (UPC Table 7-5). 30. M3.'1. P-1 discharge piping is too small to be considered gravity drainage piping. Specified 39 gpm equals 78 fixture units, requiring a 4'gravity drain by UPC Table 7-5. All 2' PST piping from P-1 shall be rated for anticipated flow and pressure (UPC 703.2, 710.5,710.7). 31. M3.1. Sump for P-1 shall be vented (UPC 710.10). 32. M3.1. 2" vent may not be reduced in size to 1-112' V (UPC 31 1.5). 33. M3.1. Provide cleanout on two 2'vents originating from grease interceptor, following vent rise through grade (UPC 905.3). 34. M3.2, M3.3. ,,l-114' MG is undersized for gas load and length of piping to kitchen and should be increased in size (UPC Table 12-4). 35. M3.3. Clarify gas flow rate at Hors Dourves Range (UPC 103.2.3). 36. M3.3. Minimum vent size at 4" P-9 and 4" P-'t0 equals 2'diameter (UPC Table 7-5). 37. M3.3. Length of horizontal 1-112' V originating from P-8 at column lines L/11 exceeds allowable maximum length (UPC Table 7-5). 38. M3.3. Provide cleanout at Bath 114 waste branch (UPC 707.4). 39. M4.3, M4.5, M4.6, M4.8. Provide smoke detectorwithin 5'0" of allfire smoke dampers (UBC 713. 10, 7 13.11). 40. M4.3, M4.4. Clothes dryer exhaust duct limited to 14' length with (2) two 90o elbows (UMC 504.3.2). 41. M4.3, M4.4. Clariff outside air quanti$ to CUH4 (UBC 1202.2.1). 42. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Clarify source of make up air to guestroom toilet exhaust system (UMC 402.4). VAILITIOUiTTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 43. M4.3, M4.4, M45, M6.1, M6.2. Sanitary vent below fixture flood rim level not allowed unless required due to structural conditions (UPC 905.3). 44. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5, M4.6. Provide combustion air to gas fireplaces (UMC 901.2, e01.3). 45. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. All ductwork penetrations of fire rated occupancy separation shall be provided with fire smoke dampers (UBC 713.10, 713.',|1). 46. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Existing solid fuelfireplace chimney vent dampers and chimney construction shall be permanently opened and inspected prior to conversion to gas use (UMC 813.2, 901.2). 47. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Clarify all natural gas pipe loading to fireplaces and miscellaneous gas appliances such as ranges and boilers and total gas loads such that gas pipe sizes may be reviewed for code compliance (UPC 1217.0). 48. M4.6. 2' horizontal storm drain is not a recognized size. lncrease horizontal storm drain to minimum 3' diameter (UPC Table 11-2). 49. M4.6. Length of 1-'112" vent above Bedroom 610A exceeds allowable horizontal length and must be increased in diameter one pipe size (UPC Table 7-5). 50. M4.6. Outlet of grease exhaust fans shall be located 24" above all building construction within 10' (UMC 507.11). 51. M4.8. Ductwork may not remain abandoned above electric panels (NEC). 52. M4.8. Provide smoke detector in S.A. duct of relocated MAU-3 (UMC 608.0). 53. M4.9. Provide make up air to EF-4 in elevator equipment room (UMC 402.4). 54. M4,9. Elevator equipment room shall have fire rating at least equal to elevator shaft served (ASME A17.1, 101. 1a). 55. M4.9. Provide fire rated duct cleanouts in grease exhaust duct systems (uMc 507.5, 507.7). 56. M4.9. Provide fire smoke damper at24" x48'S.A. exit from duct shafi (UBC 713.10,713.'t1). Torn of Vail C-llUest 201084 Code Review Pg.6 of 15 VAIL MCX.rnfTAlN LODGE Town of Vail Phase lll-V: Expansion & Renovation C-tYest 201084 East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive Gode Review May 14,2001 Pg.7 of 15 57. M4.9. Provide minimum 3' high pad below condensing unit CU-1 (UMC 1't05.2.1). 58. M5.1. Check valves and gate valves at P-1 should be accessible (UPC 71O.41. 59. M6.2. Clariff size of vent from P/13 into riser P/14 (UPC 103.2.3). 60. Not Used. 61. FP-2. Pipe sizes shown are too small for pipe size schedule compliance. Provide hydraulic calculations to justify pipe sizing (NFPA 13, 8-5). 62. FP-3. Provide reduced pressure backflow preventer on sprinkler piping with glycol (UPC 603.4. 18.3). 63. FP-3. Clarify missing piping at approximately column lines 3/M (UPC 103.2.3). 64. F3-0.1. Plumbing notes, number 11 indicates the need for gas pressure regulator for each piece of kitchen gas equipment. Plumbing drawings should be revised to show location of each regulator with appropriate venting to atmosphere. (UPC 1218.0). 65. FS-1.2, FS1.3, FS-1PP. Food service drawings appear incomplete. Clarify description of keynotes used on plans (UMC 113,5, UPC 103.2.3). Electrical Review 66. GeneralComments (E2,1 through E3.5): a) Document the complete electricalsystem one-line diagram and load summary from the load panelboards back to the main service to demonstrate compliance with NEC Article 22O and NEC 215-5. Show wire and conduit sizes, equipment ratings and the loads at each panelboard, distribution paneland the main service. Document each component of load with the applicable demand, continuous, and largest motor factors. b) Document guest room panelboard loads and compliance with circuiting requirements per NEC Article 210 and22O. VAILMOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 Town of Vail G.West 201084 Code Review Pg.8 of 15 c) Document the avaihble short circuit current and equipment short circuit ratings for new panelboards and feeder replacements per NEC 110-9 and 110-10. d) The drawings are difficult to read, the background line weights do not appear to be any different than the device line weights. Also, the symbols in the legend on sheet E1.1 are heavy line weights that make is difficult (at best) to distinguish the differences. In addition, the symbol size in the legend is very small. For example, the difference between GFl, isolated ground and other receptacles is not distinguishable. e) Fire alarm and detection system division 16 specifications are not included with the construction documents. Document that fire alarm system shop drawings will be provided per UFC 1007.3.1. Also, document acceptance testing of the fire alarm system in the presence of the chief and certif,ing to the chief that the system has been installed in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications. 67 . E1.2. Reference notes 3 and 4 for street lighting. Document the power sour@, load and feeder sizes to demonstrate compliance with NEC Article 210 and 220. 68. E1.2 and E2.3. Reference note 6 on E1.2 and notes 19 and 20 on E2.3 regarding X-MAS lighting circuits. a) Document panelboard GH2 and H2 branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 220: reterence the above general comments. b) Document that weatherproof receptacles will be provided in compliance with NEC 410-57(b); notes only callfor termination of circuits. 69. E1.2 and E2.7. Document panelboard SPA branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 220; reference the above general comments. 70. E2.1. Referenceflag notes 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and plan notes. a) Document the one-line diagram, branch circuits and loads for future MMS (multiple meter stack), panel W (panel schedule only shown on sheet E2.1K), relocated H.C.E pad mounted transformer, panel Kl and l(2 (panel schedules only shown on I VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Town of VaiI Phaee lll - V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 Eaet Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 Pg.9 of15 sheet E2.1K), and downstream feeders from MMS to condominiums GS-S, GS-6, C5-1 and C5-2; reference the above general comments. b) Document the one-line diagram and load for the elevator connections to the club switchboard: reference the above general comments, c) Document the circuit and load for the elevator pit lighting and receptacle per NEC Article 220 and NEC 620-24. 71. E2.1. Document that the elevator pit light is not connected downstream of the GFCI receptacle per NEC 620-24(a). 72. E2.1K. Reference kitchen detail2, food serviec equipment load schedule and panelboard schedules: a) Document the minimum circuit ampacity and maximum overcurrent device for item number 2,lreezer refrigerator system (circuit K1-9,11), per NEC 440-35 and 440-22(c); 40A breaker is shown for #10 conductors and load is 21.4A. b) Document the feeder conductors for item 19, cook & hold oven (circuit K1-23,24), per NEC 240-3; a load of 38.5A (8 kWat 208V, 1-phase) with 50A circuit breaker. c) Document that the feeder to item 37, booster heater (circuit K1- 20,22,24), complies with NEC 422-10;40A circuit shown and equipment is rated for 33.3A (12 kW at 208V, 3-phase, 33.3 x 1.25 = 41.6,4). d) Document that the feeder to item 41 , ien machine (circuit K1-26, 28), complies with NEC 240-3(d); 25A circuit breaker shown for #12 conductors and load is 12.8A. e) Document that the feeder to item 45, coffee brewer (circuit K2-5 ,7), complies with NEC 2a04(d); 40A circuit breaker shown for #10 conductors and load is 28A. f) Document that the feeder to item 46, ice tea dispenser (circuit K2-9), complies with NEC 240-3(d); a 25A circuit breaker is shown for #12 conductors and the load is 1.7 kW VAILIIIOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll-V: Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 Town of Vail C-Weet 201084 Code Review P9.10 of 15 73. E2.2. Document the feeder source and load for the elevator pit lighting and receptacle per NEC Article 220; only nearest 120V circuit indicated. Nearest suitable 't20V circuit should be identified by the design engineer. 74. E2.2. Document the feeder for the elevator machine room 210 receptacle and lighting per NEC Article 220 forcompliance with NEC 620-23(a). 75. E2.2. Reference EF-1 (stair 202). The 15A/3 pole circuit breaker shown panel W-3, circuits 38, 40, and 42, does not comply with NEC Article 430; 17.5A shown per phase. 76. E2.2. Reference flag notes 1, 6, 7, and 8. Load is shown added to panel HG2 and the panel schedule with branch loads and load summary is not shown; reference the general comments above. 77. E2.2. Reference flag note 2. Reference the area enclosed by flag note 2. New circuits are shown to panel H2; however, they are not identified in the panel schedule on sheet E2.8. 78. E2.3. Document new panelboards A and GIA branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 220; reference the above generalcomments. 79. E2.3. Document panelboard H3 (flag note 6) and G2 (flag note 15) branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 22O; reference the above general comments. 80. E2.3, E2.4, E2.5, E2.6 and E2.7. Reference egress path lighting. Document that the wiring for the emergency egress lighting and exit signs in corridors and other egress paths complies with NEC 700-12(e) for unit equipment wired to the same circuit as the normal lighting, and NEC 700-16 for two lamps so that the failure of any individual lighting element will not leave the area in totaldarkness. a) E2.3. The F5 emergency cove fixtures in corridor 300 only have one lamp. b) E2.3. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 300; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. c) E2.3. Document €mergency egress lighting in vestibule 344 and stairs 308 per UBC 1003.2.9.2; nothing shown. 10 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2OO1 Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review P9.11 of 15 d) E2.3. Document emergency egress lighting over the exterior stairs, outside of vestibule 344 at column lines F, G and 13, per UBC '1003.2.9.2; nothing shown. e) 82.3. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby; see flag note 6. 0 E2.4. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby; see flag note 6. g) E2.4 The FS emergency cove fixtures in conidor 400 only have one lamp. h) E2.4. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 300; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. i) E2.5. The F5 emergency cove fixture in corridor 500 only have one lamp. j) E2.5. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 500; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. k) E2.5. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby; see flag note 4. l) E2.6. The F5 emergency cove fixture in corridor 600 and hall 622 only have one lamp. m) E2.6. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 600 and hall622; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. 81. E2.3. Reference flag note 16. The feeder noted from H3 to A does not comply with NEC 240-3; #1 conductor (rated for 130A at 75 degrees C) shown protected by 150A breaker. 82. E2.3. Reference panels H2 and H2A, flag note 17. Document the one-line diagram per NEC 215-5 (schedule shown on E2.8); reference the above general comments. 11 VAIL MOUNTAN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 83. E2.3. Reference flag note 1 1. Document the branch circuit and load per NEC Articles 210 and 220:. note indicates connection of lighting to existing circuit. 84. E2.4. Document panelboard G2, G2A, FF1, and FF2 branch circuits and foads per NEC Article 210 and 22Oi reference the above general comments. 85. E2.4. The location of new panelboard G2 does not cnmply with NEC 110- 26; the panel is located behind conidor doors to elevator. 86. E2.4. Further document the location of panel FF1 at column lines F-11 and document compliance with NEG 110-26; the panelboard appears to be located behind a door. 87. E2.4. Documentflag notes 13, 14 and 15 on plan; nothing shown. Also, document the panelboard branch circuits and load per NEC Articles 210 and 220; reference above general comments. 88. E2.5. Document new panelboard G3 and existing panelboard PGS branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and220i reference the above general comments. 89. E2.6. Document new panelboard G4 branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220; reference the above general comments. 90. E2.6. The location of new panelboard G4 does not comply with NEC '110- 26; the panel is located behind door. 91. E2.6. Reference flag note 10. Document the source panel for DC-S and panelboard load calculations per NEC Articles 210 and 220. 92. E2.7. Reference detail 2, MAU-4. Document the branch circuit feeder and compliance with NEC Articles 220 and 430. 93. E2.7. Reference detail 2, AHU-1. Document the branch feeder breaker rating and compliance with NEC Article 430. 94. E2.7. Reference detail 2, emergency lighting circuit for dining room 200. Document the branch feeder and load of existing circuit for connection per NEC Article 220. Also, document compliance with NEC 700-12(e), emergency lighting not shown connected to normal lighting circuit. 95. E2.7. Reference detail 1, emergency lighting circuit for wine cellar, passage and elevator lobby. Document the branch feeder and load per NEC Article 12 Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg.l2 of 15 VAIL Mo|..,NTAIN LODGE Phase lll-V: Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Ddve &VailValley Drive May 14,2001 Torm of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review P9.13 of t5 220; panel and circuit not shown. Also, document compliance with NEC 700-12(e), emergency lighting not shown connected to normal lighting circuit. 96. E2.7. Reference detail 2. A separate circuit is not shown for elevator equipment room 210 per NEC 620-33(a). 97. E2.7. Reference detail 1, equipment CU-1. Document the equipment load and feeder rating per NEC Article 424. 98. E2.8. Reference the "Partial Main Level Electrical Plan" detail. Emergency egress lighting is not shown for stairs 301 per UBC '1003.2.9.2. Even if the stairs are not part of the required egress system they are an occupied part of the building and may be in use; UBC 1001.1. 99. E2.8. Panel schedule H2A does not appear to be complete; document all loads and the load summary per NEC Article 22Q. For example, circuits H2A-19, 21 for equipment 101 is not shown. 100. E2.8. Reference the'Partial Main Level Electrical Plan" detail. Equipment mark numbers and circuiting for 86, 90, 93 and 119-133 (with electrical loads) are not shown on the plan. Document the circuits and loads to demonstrate compliance with NEC Articles 210 and 220. 101. E3.1 through E3.5, and E1.1. Reference guest room details and lighting fixture C4 located above tubs and showers. Document that the fixture is 'Suitable for Wet Locations" per NEC 410-4(a); not indicated on fixture schedule sheet E1.1. 102. E3.1 through E3.5. Reference guest room details. Document the circuiting for all receptacles to demonstrate compliance with NEC 210-60; some receptacles are not circuited. 1 03. E3.1 through E3.5. Document that the type C13 lighting fixture as used in the balcony is'Suitable for Damp Location' per NEC 410-4(b); not indicated on fixture schedule sheet E1 .1 . Reference detail 1 . unit 31 3a on sheet E3. 1 for example. 104. E3,3. Reference panelFFU414, detail 1. The panelworking space is obstructed by the laundry room door which does not comply with NEC 110-26. 105. E3.5. Reference detail 1, unit 5158 electrical plan. Nothing but background plan is shown; appears to be unfinished. 13 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll -V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May {4,2001 106. FP-2 through FP-7. Fire alarm system manualpullstations are not shown at allstairs and exits at each level per UFC 1007.3.3.1. 107. FP-2. Coordinate elevator #1 and #2 shaft detection with the chief; nothing shown. 108. FP-3. Document that the duct smoke detector in mechanical 209 is for the AHU-1; unit rated for 6850 cfm. Document duct smoke detector for MAU-1 per UMC 608; unit rated for 7600 cfm. 109. FP*4. Clarif, and document the magnetic door hold open and smoke detector location shown at the bottom of stair 328; no door shown on architectural plan sheet A3-3. Door schedule for project is not provided. 110. FP-4. Clariff and document the magnetic door hold open shown at column lines G-12; document what doors hold open is applied to. Also, no smoke detection shown. '111. FP€. Coordinate and document the corridor double door at column lines G{; the location does not match the architectural drawing A34. Also, coordinate the additional magnetic door hold opens shown in corridor 500 at column lines G-5, G-7, and at the top of the stairs at approximately G-10. 112. FP-7. Coordinate and document the floor plan background between column lines G-2 to G-5; the floor plan does not match the architectural drawing A3-6. 113. FP-7. The smoke detector at column lines F-5 in conidor 600 does not provide coverage allthe way back to the door at column line G4 per NFPA 72,2-3.4.5.'1.2 & UFC STD. 10-2; the distance to the door exceeds 21 feet from the detector. '114. FP-7. Fire alarm system visible notification devices are not located within 15' of the ends of corridor 600 (near column lines F-5 and F-9). C|A4.26.3 1 15. FP-7. A fire alarm system visible notification device is not located in the elevator lobby 616 per UFG 1007. & C/A 4.26.3 G-West Gode Consultants 2801 Youngffeld Street, Suite 300 Golden, Golorado 80'l0t Tele: 303205-7860Fax: 303237-0023 E-Mail : steve@c-westcode.com www.c-westcode.com Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg.14 of 15 14 VAIL IUIOI'iITAN LODGE Phme lll -V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May {4,2001 lcBo # 4495 C'ary Goodell, CBO,TOV Gorge Ruther,AlCP Ron Dey, CW Gary Nickerson, CW Tom of Vail C-West 2010|d{ Gode Review Pg. t5 of 15 Distrihrtion: 15 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT PCrMit #: MOI-0I76 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status...: ISSUED Location.....: 352 E MEADOW D& VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Applied. . : 09/21/2001 ParcelNo...: 210108255000 ProjectNo , /4f m-0 /2b OWNER VAIL ATIILETIC CLIJB & SPA O9/2a/20Ot Phone: 910-476-L997 285 BRIDGE ST vArL, co 81657 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR HEARTIT EXCIIAIiIGE, INC. (TIIE) 09/2a/200L Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MIMTURN, CO 81645 L,,icense: 174-M APPLICAITT HEARTH EXCIIAIiIGE, Il{C. (THE) 09/2I/2OOI Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MITflTURN, CO 81645 License : L74-Nl Desciption: INSTALLATION OF GAS FIREPLACES IN 2 2ND GLOOR LINITS Valuation: $6.000.00 Fireplaoe Information: R€strid€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 4 of- Wood-Pellet: 0 *rl*r*rrtrrt*t*r*r...'*'****':|.|.+...,}|..'....||'tl.l..,}*,},}*,}:}****i*' Mechanical-> 9120.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 90.oo Total Calc'ulat€d Fe€s-> 9153.oo plan Check-> S3O . OO DRB Fee--> 9o - oo Additional Fe€s------> 90 . 00 Inv€srigation-> go . oo TOTAL FEES-> 5153 . oo Total Pemil Fee-----> 5153 . 00 Will Csll-> S3 . oo Pa)T nents""""-------> $153 ' oo BALANCE DUE ---> $o ' oo Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIIT 09/2!/2OOL DF Actionr AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Condt 22 (Br-,DG.): COIIBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 199? IJMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 199? IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALIJTTION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CIIAPTER 10 oF tItE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 1-0 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 Issued..: 09/27/2001 Expires. .: 03/26/2002 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPI,IANCES SI{ALL BE VBfifED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CSIAPTER 8 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (Br_,DG.): ACCESS rO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLY WrTH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF TIIE ]-99? IIMC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE ].997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJIITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. UNLESS LISTED F'OR MOT'If,TING ON COMBUSTIBI.,E FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DCI.): PERMIT,PIJAIIS Ar.ID CODE AI{AL,,YSIS MUST BE POSTSD IN MECHAMCAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN I}ISPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHAI{ICAL ROOMS CONTAINTTTG HEATrrilG OR HOT-WATER SI'PPLY BOILERS SHAII_, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. t022 OF TIIE l-997 uMC, OR sEcrroN 1004.5 0F TI{E 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAII BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFIICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE t9/2B6L691 18,42 976a279222 APPTJCATIOT{ WILT TIOT EE ACCEFTE tF IIIGOiIPLET ON. UI Ptoject #: TWNW S. Fmnt4c Rd. colondo 81657 ]t|edlarlcBl i4frfJ.479-2l.rg Permit will not be acepted without dn following: flffift.htfro EquipmrntCut/Sc$aotr ot{ LY+ +** * {} r. r* !t*+ !r l.:t!tri*+*:f:l TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TJOSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P01-0120 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : IASUED Location.....: 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL ATHLETIC CLIJts Applied . . : 1.0/1.0/2001. Parcel No...: 210108255000 Issued . . : 1.0/30/200L ProjectNo : \WOOO\Z.I4 Expires. .: 04/28/2002 ot{NER VArL ATHIJETIC CLITB & SpA LO/LO/2OOL Phone: 970-476-1987 285 BRTDGE ST VAIIJ, CO 8165 7 License: CONTRACTOR FALCON PI,T]MBING & HE;ATING LO/AO/ZOOL PhONC: 970-434-0555 3187 MESA AVENT]E, SUITE A GRJAND .]I'NCTION CO 815 04 License: 175-P APPLICAI\T FALCON PI-,ITMBING & HEATING LO/L0/20OL Phone: 970-434-0556 3187 MESA AVENUE, SUITE A GRAND iN'NCTION CO 81504 License: 175-P Desciption: DEMO/FOLINDATION AT NE,SE & EAST END, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK. Valuation: $140,000.00 Fireolace Information: Restricbed: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Logs: ?? * ot Wood Pallet: Plumbing--> $2 , 100 . 00 Restuarart Plan Review->g0 . 0o Total Calculated Fees--> $2, 628 . 00 Plan Check-> gs2s.oo DRB Fee_-> SO.O0 Additional Fees--> 50.00 Lrvestigation-> $0 . OO TOTAL FEES-------> $2 , 628 . OO Total Perrnit Fee-----> $2 , 628 - 00 will call->$3.00 BALANCE DUE---->90.00 IIeM: O51OO BUILDTNG DEPARTMENI 1,0/26/200L GRe Action: Ap See applicable plan review conments by c-w' Consultants and responses by Davis partnership Architects - Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITIONOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond: 14 (BI-,DG.): ALL PENETRjATIONS IN WAI-,LS,CEILTINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEAI-,ED WITH Al{ APPROVED FIRE MATERTAI . Payments-> 52, 628 - 00 DECLARATIONS . I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl fiIled out in full the inforrration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforuration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cornply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build ttris stf,ucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS TOR INSFECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR PM. INADVANCE 479-2138 OR AT OIJROFFICEFROM 8:00AM -5 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSETT AND OWNET + * * ** * ** + * * * ++ * * * **** ** * * * * l1* + * *** * * ***** * ** * * * * *** * * * ** *** + + +:tr| * **** * *+ t:! 'i +{. *:}* ** * * ** * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * *** * * * *+ + * +{. * * * ** * ** *+** * +ti l:Ft ** + + * * ** * * * ** * * * * +** t t + +* * **ri tl.** * ** | * * ** * * * ++ *.1* *{. *:} ** * * * ** * Statements Number: ROOOOO1549 Amount: 52,628.0O IO/30/200103:32 PM PalmenL Method: Check Init: LC NoEation: #7258/Falcon Plumbing Permj-t No: P01-0120 T)t)e: PL,t,MBING PERMIT Parcel No: 21,010 82 55 0 0 0 Site Addregs: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL, Location: 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Total Fees: $2, 528.00 This Palment: $2,628.00 Total ALL Pmts: 12,62A.00 Balance: 50.00 * * t* ** ++ * * * *l *,i 'i * t * * ** t * * ** * * * ** * * ** ** * * * +* *** * *** * * + +++1. * *:ltl * * tF*+ * * * ** * * * ** * * * *+ * * * ** * * ** * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 525.00 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMB]NG PERI4IT FEES 2.1OO.OO t'JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO .b&, upTg Building Permit #: NWTIWytn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 816!i7 COMPLETE VAIUATION FOR PLUMBINGfERIIrT (Labor & Materials) - IIPLUMBINGT $ tt(0,000 l and Phon'tl-/e,,lt Offie at 970-328-gHO orvisit www.eaole-county.com forhrcel # 8*ffiffiE l,t|totlf,sMo rob Name: Uail r/l".'th;q hdoe= rob*dressi- ( thrbt D/ t/ala lttr, Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: 'fiH"n*Xhei ordrtnr lAddress:J5s &-,:Ja.# tL;l A flwf? lPhonet?70470-11t7 Ensineer: Squ{;a fuaze I Md'*'tgtaz D-; ub6rL-rffilPhonefat-.?rg.Jffi trt,tffiH$6*"r#3ffi f,,V^ar#*!et;-*,a2t"Wsat Work Class: New ( ) Addition QQ Atention ${ Repair ( ) Other ( ) Typ€of Bldg.: Singletamily( ) Duplex( ) MulU-family( ) Commerciat{ nestaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ?No. of Accommodation Units in this building:? Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase U device? Yes ( ) No P{ i*'lr*tti*t*nt**ai*rt*t.*r**i!r*ni*t**rrrFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*rir*i**r!i*nin*irririri*rir*rirri*r*ri* DATE ROUTED: DATE DUE: F/everyone/hrms/pl mbperm $vto PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS & CORREGTTONS, VAIL MOUNTATN LODGE (FORMER VA|L ATHLETTC GLUB), pERMtT #BO,I-O253, PHASE ill, 352 W. MEADOW DRIVE. l. Reference Documents. Please refer to plan review report by C-West Code Consultants, Inc. dated2/14/01, and Davis Parhenhip Architects response datedT/20/0L All comrnitrnents made in tle response to the C-West plan review report are considered to be conditions of approval for Permit #B0l-0253. Note that subsequent phases of the Vail Mountain Lodge project are also subject to the code requirements contained in the C-West Code Consultants, Inc. report and the requirements listed below. 2. Interpretations. Due to the facts that this is an existing building and this project has had various previous Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) 6d planning and Environmental Commission @EC) approvals which require a specific exterior appearance and the use of wood on the exterior, that the building has been the subject of a life safety analysis and fire protection engineering report by High Country Engineering, and for various other reasons, the following code interpretations have been made: a. Type II l-Hour Construction. The building will be considered as having two levels of basements and four stories, pemritting the building to be classified as Tlpe II l-Hour construction. Much of the existing building meets the requirements for the next higher type of construction, Type II-F.R. Notable exceptions are that regularplywood roof sheathing is in place over much of the roof and most of the floor-ceiling assemblies cannot technically meet the Tlpe II-F.R. requirements for a 2-hour fire-resistive assembly primarily due to the webs of the existing steel open web floor joists being too light in gauge to achieve a 2-hour rating. For practical purposes regarding emergenc:/ access, the fact that a portion ofone side ofthe upper basement exceeds the height above grade of the UBC defrnitions for basements and stories has little, if any, effect, on emergency access. See also the High Counfty Engineering fire protection engineering report dated 10/5/2000 and the previous life safety issues analysis by High Country Engineering. b. Exterior lYood. A limited amount of certain types of wood will be permitted to be used on the exterior, as detailed below. 3. Use of Wood on the Exterior: a. Siding. All wood siding used on the building, regardless of its location and height above grade, is to be factory fire-retardant-treated wood meeting the UBC definition and standard for "Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood" found under Section 207, 1997 IJBC. Siding is to otlerwise "...be placed either directly against noncombustible surfaces or furred out from such surfaces not to exceed l- 5/8" with all concealed spaces fire blocked as provided in Section 708." One way that this requirement can be met is to apply fire- resistive exterior glpsum sheathing undemeath the siding. b. Trim. All trim, including fascia boards, is to be at least "2 X" nominal in dimension.c. Ornamentation. Larger wooden ornamentation, i.e., corbels, "brackets," etc. arc to be at least'? X" nominal material and larger. d. Soffits. Any wooden horizontal soffits are to be backed by noncombustible materials or solid "2 X" wood blocking covered by 5/8" exterior fire-resistive g)?sum sheathing with any wooden soffit materials to be either approved, factory fire-retardant-treated wood OR treated with an approved, exterior flame retardant featment to achieve a Class *A" (UBC Class I) flame spread rating. e. Eaves. All exterior walls are to be built "tight to the deck" to attempt to prevent the spread ofan exterior fire into the eaves and roofstructure. The underside ofany existing plywood roof sheathing that is exposed during construction will be treated with an approved interior flame retardant teatment to obtain a Class "A" (UBC Class I) flame spread rating. Approved insulation materials will be blown into joist spaces to serve as fire blocking within the joist cavities of the roof assembly. ln accordance with Section 707 .3, 1997 UBC, kraft paper backing is not permitted to be used in Tlpe II buildings. Any vapor retarders used must meet the flame spread and smoke developed rating requirements of Section 707. f. Guardrails. The proposed rough-sawn-cedar-covered balcony guard rails are EITTIER to be constructed of approved factory fire-retardant-treated wood OR treated with an exterior flame retardant teatment to achieve a Class "A" (UBC Class I) flame spread rating. The flame retardant treatment is also to be protected from ulta-violet degradation by an approved finish treatnent. The applicant is to follow up by submitting a proposal for the treatrnent of the guard rail materials to the building official for review and approval. g. Shutters. The proposed window shutters are subject to the same requirements as item '?'immediately above. 4. Miscellaneous. Any and all new wood installed as sheathing, backing, blocking, sleepers, etc., within assemblies must be approved fre-retardant-treated wood. See Section 603.1, 1997 UBC. GRG:grg #\\RsN Chief Building Official August 13,2001 Mr.Gary Goodell Town of Vail Building Departrnent 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. Co. 81657 Re: Phase III - V Code Review Comments Vail Mountain Lodge Expansion and Renovation Dear Gary: Attached :re responses for Architectural, Structural, Mechanical and Elechical to plan review cornments dated May L4, zC0L on Full Phase m - V Permit Documents for Vail Mountain Lodge, Expansion and Renovation. Please see the Phase Itr Permit Documents Dated August l, 2fi)l for reduced Phase III scope. Items which are no longer included as part of Phase III work, will be resolved in futurc phases. ARCHITECTURAL 1, laand lb We are approved to considerthe building as a four story building with the two Health Club Levels defined as Basements. The grade exceeds 12'{)" along the south face only above the spa area. This area represents only 28 percent of the total building perirneter. Fires will not be fought from in spa area, therefore, the Upper I-evel Health Club on Sheet A3-2, should be considered a basement level. Please see attached letter from Glenn Hoynoski, P.E. dated October 5, 2000. On Sheet L2{, the wetlands and the park area to the south is deeded Town ofVail land and is dedicated open space On Sheet L2-0, The separation measured to centerline of road on the North side is 25 feet and on the East side is 3l feet. To the south, the public land is greater than 60 feet. On Sheet A3-2, property lines are correct as shown. The Existing parking garage does extend beyond the property line. On Sheets A3-3 through 43-6, the renovated areas are provided with operable windows or doors which meet the egress requirements for Escape or Rescue windows in sleep rooms. The windows are accessible, by the fire department, from the garage roof. N/A Sheets A3-l through A3-7 have been revised and resubmitted to clarify scope of work for Phase III renovations, dated 08/01/01. Denver Office: 2301 Bloke Sheet Suile 100 Denver Colorodo 80205-2108 303.861.8555 tox 303.861.3027 VoilOffice:0l37Moin Srra€l UnilCl06 PO 8ox 27ll Edwords Colorodo 81632 970.926.8960 Fox 970 926.8961 #ry% . GARy il. .. 1 ADA'I4S-Iolo iRf\D Dovis Portnersh;p PC., Architecls Mr.Gary Goodell August 13,2fi)l Page2 l0 1l t2 13 l4 Sheet A5-1. Re-grading and window replacement are part of fururc phases. Existing windows less than 18" above grade, on the south fagade, will be replaced with tempered safety glass. Sheet S4.0. Architect will provide detail for weather proof seal at steel bearing assembly on top of existing concrete foundation wall to prevent moisture penetration. Sheets A5-l and 47-10 have been revised per new phase three scope. Any walls with in 40 feet of the property line will be One-hour N/C per tables 5A' and 64. of the UBC. Exterior finishes attached to the walls as defined in Phase III revisions are to be non<ombustible siding. Please refer to Phase III Permit Drawings. Siding above 35" on the North Elevation is non+ombustible siding. N/A Sheet L1.0. Ramp is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. It will be completed as part of future phases. N/A Sheets A3-l and A64. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase trI. The area is to remain unfinished space for Phase Itr. N/A On Sheet A3-2 and 46-5. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III. The Restaurant area will remain as unfinished space for Phase III. N/A Sheet A3-3. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Restaurant Construction, Stair 208 and Door 308C are part of future phases. The exiting through Stair 028 is no longer required. Sheet 46-5. The folding doors are not the main exit. Exiting is through door 200A which is 3?' minimum clear wide and exits to grade. The Folding doors 20OD -2WE open to balconies approximately 4 feet above grade. The restaurant space has been removed from Phase III scope. It will be left as unfinished space. The doors are part of the existing exit vestibule. The work is not to be completed as part of Phase III. The renovation to these doors will be part of phase Four. N/A Sheet A3-2. Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Dishwashing Area will be resolved in future phases. Division 08000, Door, Frame and Hardware Schedules, Division 09000, Finish Schedule, Division 10520, Fire Protection Specialties, Division 15 Fire Suppression and Division 16 Fire Detection were issued separately. N/A Project Manual, Division 08960, will be revised to specify glazing material if sloped glazing is used in future phases. Phase III scope does not include sloped glazing. l5 t6 t7 18 l9 IvIr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page3 20 Sheet Al-l and Specifications will be coordinated in regards to safety glazing at doors and windows subject to human impact. 2L Specification Section 06105: Wood sheathing and wood subflooring is not being used. 22 Specification section 06100 Equipment bases and support curbs will not be rnade ofwood. 23 Specification Section lM20refers to wheelchair Iift located on A3-3 in Entry, Rm. 334. The lift was completed in prior phases. STRUCTURAL: 24 The rooftop deck between grids 3 and 4, F and D is the only deck in the rerraining in the scope which is exposed to snow loads. The following calculations indicate that this framing has been reviewed for 155 psf snow load including drift. 25 The generalnotes indicate lfi)psf forroofslopeslessthan orequal to3:12 and 80 psf for slopes greater than 3:12. Neither slope reduction nor live load reduction was used, as the Town of Vail requires 80 psf as the base snow load with a separate requirement of 100 psf for roof slopes less tlun or equal to 3:12. MECFIAMCAL: 26 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 27 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 28 A reduced pressure type bacldlow preventer will be provided to replace the double check type backflow preventer. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 29 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III rvork. 30 The gravity drainage portion of the discharge piping from pump P- I will be changed to a 4" storm pipe. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 3l Sump pump P-l serves as the building ground water dewatering system and is not connected to the sanitary sewer system. Therefore, per Chapter 1l of the UPC, a vent pipe shall not be required. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 32 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase Itr work. Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 4 JJ 34 35 36 JI 38 39 40 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work' N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work' N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work' N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work' N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work' N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III worlc Clothes dryer exhaust ducts that exceed 14' will be provided with booster fans. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. The make-up air for the guest room toilet exhaust will be provided by undercutting the bathroom doors. The guest room ventilation is provided by operable windows and doors. This item will be addressed in Phase Itr Construction Documents. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Combustion air will be provided by Shaw Construction per rnanufactures requirements. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Existing solid fuel fireplace chimney vent dampers and chimney construction shall be permanently opened and inspected by Shaw Construction. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. It is noted on Sheet M4.3 to remove previously abandoned ductwork that is located above electrical equipment. Therefore, no abandoned ductwork will remain above electrical equipment. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 4l 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5l Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,20Ol Page 5 52 A duct detector for unit shut down will be provided for relocated MUA-3. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 53 Make-up air to EF-4, located in the elevator equipment roonL will be provided with fire smoke damper. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 54 Architectural Drawings will be revised to show Elevator Equipment room 210 meeting 2 hour rating. 55 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 56 A lue smoke damper will be provided at tlre'?4" x 48" supply air duct outlet from the fire rated shaft. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 57 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 58 All valving associated with PUMP P-l is accessible via a removable top of the approximate 4'{" diameter dewatering pit. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 59 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work' 60 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 6l Design Build Fire hotection Sub Contractor will submit answer. 62 The prpe sizing is hydraulically calculated per NFPA 13. Pipe Scheduling per NFPA 13, 8-5 is no longer an acceptable manner for sizing piping in new projects. 63 A 6" reduced pressure back flow prevention is installed in the riser room (Sheet FP-2). This backflow prevention device services the entire sprinkler sysrem. 63 The piping at column line 3/IvI is in the garage, dl of the piping in the garage is existing and will remain in place. 64 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 65 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. ELECTRICAL: 66(a) A one line diagram and typical FFU circuit documentation will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 66(b) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Mr.Gary Goodell August l3,2Dl Page6 66(c) Short circuit documentation will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 66(d) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 66(e) N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work 67 Street lighting circuit requirements will be coordinate with the T.O.V. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 68 (a), (b) Panel GH2 and H2 circuit documentation will be provided and weatherproof GFCI receptacles will be used. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 69 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 70(a) A one-line diagram will be provided to clarify requirements for the future condominium units powered from the future MMS. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 70(b) A oneline diagram will be provided to indicate the power source ofthe existing club elevator. This item will be addressed in Phase Itr Construction Documents. 70(c) Elevator pit lighting and receptacle circuit will be document. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 7l Elevator pit lighting is not connected downstream of GFCI receptacle. A note will be added to clarify this. This item will be addressed in Phase Itr Construction Documents. 72 72(a) - 72(D N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. 73 See comment#70 (c) above. 74 See comment #70 (c) above. 75 Clarification of circuits 38, q,42 will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase Itr Construction Documents. 76 Clarification of Panel HG2 loading will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 77 Clarification of Panel II2 loading will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase III Construction Documents. 78 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Mr. Gary Goodell August 13,2001 PageT 79 80 8l 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9l 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 ro2 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work MA Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work N/A Work is not to be cornpleted as part of Phase III work. Panel FFI location. NEC I 10-26 does not say panelboards cannot be located behind a door. N/A Work is not to be conrpleted as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase IU work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be corrpleted as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Clarifrcation of elevator equipment room circuit will be provided. This item will be addressed in Phase trI Construction Documents. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase trI work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work, N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. Mr.Gary Goodell August 13,2001 Page 8 103 104 105 N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Pbase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. N/A Work is not to be completed as part of Phase III work. See Item 109. See Item 109. Design Build Fire Detection Sub Contractor will submit answer. Automatic smoke detection will be provided in accordance with NFPA standards and will be reflected on the revised fire alarm plans. Audio/visual appliances will be provided in accordance with NFPA standards and will be reflected on the revised fue alarm plans. See Item I14. Please call if you have any questions or concems. FIREPROTECTION 106 Fire alarm manual pull stations will be provided at all exits at each level and will be reflected on the revised fire alarm plans. 107 Automatic heat and smoke detection will be provided in elevator shafts and wilt be reflected on the revised fire alarm plans. 108 Duct detectors will be provided for AHU Unit in Mech. 209 and MAU-I and will be reflected on the revised fre alarm plans. 109 ffthe doo(s) in question is installed and is a fre door and is required to be held open, then it will be held open with a rnagnetic door holder and will be reflected on the revised fire alarm plans. 110 lll lt2 ll3 l14 ll5 Jay Peterson Ray Story Keith Oxenreider Clark Atkinson Brad Staver Scott Wasson Bailey & Peterson Ray Story Architect Shaw Construction Shaw Consruction Beaudin Ganze Monroe & Newell v\vml\0022000\admi n\leuer\tov08020 Ldoc , /lf tza Bll {.Lrrrrulrp $rrgirrccringFire Prolectiorr anci tsuildir:g Cbdc Consullants 972 Hrvr'. 46, Suite 300. Golden, CO 80404-9886 (Golder: Gat<: Canrrolt Road) Phcr:e: (303) 6a2-6635 e l?ai: (303) 582-3855 ocToBER 5. 2000 MF. GARY F. GOODELL, C.B.O. TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPT. 75 S FFIONTAGE RD vAtL, co 81657 RE: CODE TSSUES VAIL MOUNTAIN RESORT Gary: This ietler is lo respond io issues raised during ihe Town oi Vail review process of the subjectp rolecl. The f irst issue of concern is the classiiication of the fir$ siory and the impacl upon the reclr;e: Tt,oe ol. consiruciion' The pJan revieur indicates that ihe Upper Health Ciub level oi ihe project must qualify asa basement. The expressed concern is thai ihe distance above grade f or the f irst fjooi exceeds i z "ronga relaiivejy small porlion ot the south elevation. \4/e agree tna-t tne UBC is clear in the detinition oi ;applicable slory, however, this inierpretalion for ihis b;ilding seems lmpractical. The UBC Handbooksuggests ihai each case should be judged individually based on characlerisiic's of ihe sile and construclion. One oi the more significanl concerns is the issue of emergency access lo the building anc iire f ighting operaljons. According io our review only 28o/o of the overa'il nuitoing perimeler exceeds lhe 1 2,provision exclusively on the south elevalion. lt should be poinled out that the O-uiiCing is primarily accessedby both the public, as well as emergency services on the north, easl and west sides. The south sideadjoining Gore Creek is not generally considered as accessible. . . . Thg 12' height is exceeded slightJy (16') and does nol exceed 50% of the perjmeler. tn c:rer 1ominimize this condiiion, the grade elevalion will be increased lo salisfy the '12' criteria along ihe south s joe excepi in lhe area of the outdoor whirlpool, reter to Addendum #2. Since the building is noi readilyaccessible on the south side; the provision for delerminaiion for ciassificalion of the lirst ltory shoutd newaived allowing the building lo be renovaled as Type Jl - .l hour conslruction. The second lssue concerns the 3-story communicating space which exists between the LowerHealth Club, Upper Health Club, and the firsllloor. lt is recognized that the UBC limils the num::er olcommunicating ievels lo lwo (2). The principai basis for the code restriction is to limit the potenlial ior firespread.lhlough a building, as well as minimize the impact oi smoke travel and the impact on the evacuation capabiJiiy of the building occupants. IMR. GAFY B. GOODELL, C.B.O. TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPT. CODE ISSUES VAIL MOUNTAIN RESOFT ocToBEF 5. 2000 PAGE 2 H eallh Club level and ihe Upper Health Club level. Reler to the partiaibuildini section attached. Due to lhe limiled size of the opening, it does nol qualify as an atrium per Table 4-A of the UBC.Based upon lhe above, we propose io pro'viOe lhe following'sateguaiJs lo miligale the satety risksassocialed wilh the installation ol the opening between floors: 1- The instailation oi a draft slop localed at lhe ceiiing level of the Lower Heaith Club level with the installation oi closely spaced 6'o.c. quick response sprinklers around the perimeler. 2' The installalion of passive smoke vents at the ceiling/roof level at the first floor level. These vents would be aclivated by either ol the iollowing:a. Smoke delectors located al ceiling ol lhe-bar on lhe lirsl floor level.b- Manual switching iocaled at lhe proposed fire command center to be controlled by lhe fire department personnel. We believe that the instaliation ot the abov€ safeguards will provide an acceptable equivalency lopermit the above rnenlioned opening between floors andprovide an acceplable level of occupant saleiy. Please advise if you have any addiiional questions on the orooosed alternatives. SINCEFELY, :AA^SUr'**^F GLENN T. HOYNOSKI, P.E. PFINCIPAL FIRE PROTECT|ON ENGR. GTH:gjw cc: JASON OLINEK .*$s?.H#k, ss+\w*b.Ye{ffi t f Aocrr< 6 6rrirrc- A-€ lcua*rirr'-r Q"{ fi1''l {ol S7-oV .I IJ I I I r U."tF f" i lil5 rtt{d Snn l{- &zafi"t5 BIT{''rr- ; i-lili D-il. s ET e- ljl 77'- l"'(i0 -ritllwl'i' I l-- - si oe|,'.att- S?'<' r' gfUel <.'nt,r-i'PEB _rr :---ir\llY VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 Applicable Codes: Drawings dated Manualdated StructuralCalcs Architect: Mech. & Elec. : Contractor: Structural: Civil: Basement l-ower Level Health Club Upper Level Parking Garage Restaurant & Kitchen Main Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Penthouse Level 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) 1994 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) (97lPC OK) 1998IntemationalMech Code (lMC) (97 UMC OK) 1999 National Electrical Code (NEC) CABO/AN S t A1 17 . 1 Accessibility Standards (C/A) (Per Town of VailAdoption) Town of Vail G-West 201084 Code Review Pg. 1 of 15 Fire Protection: All-State Code Consultant: High Country Engineering 02t26101 02t05t01 04104101 Davis Partnership Beaudin Ganze Shaw Construction Monroe & Newell Marcin Engineering 91,609 1 B-1016 No Stamp PE-l2082 No Stamp No Stamp PE22147 A Occupancy Groups: R-1 Apartments Units & Dwelling UnitsS-3 Parking Garage (Underground)A-3 Restaurant, Bar, Health Club, LockersB Offices & KitchenS-1 Storage Type of Construction : ll - 1 HR Fully Sprinklered Location on Property : North : Frontage on East Meadow Drive South : Faces Wetlands & ParkEast: Frontage on VailValley Drive West: Mountain Haus Parcel D. Summary of FloorAreas : These numbers have been calculated from the floor plans provided. Note that floor areas are larger than the entries provided in the Code Analysis on the Index Cover Sheet of the review sets. B. c. FloorArea (sf) Floor Elevation't5,167 8155.33'12.953 8164.83'4.257 8164.83'2,500 8166.33' 'f 6.6s4 8177.33',16,474 8186.83'16,318 8196.33',7,316 8207.33', TotalBuilding VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll-V: brpansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 E. Height & Number of Stories : See Review Comment No. 1 Architectural Review 1. L 2-O: The height of the building needs to be resolved with regard to total number of stories above grade as altered by the new penthouse units added to the top floor. UBC 506 & 3403 a) A 5-1 & L 2-0 : Area to be re-graded at the exterior spa pool will leave this portion of the south yard at Water Elevation = 8160', which is more than 12 ft. below the main floor at Elevation 8177.33'; thereby disqualifying the contiguous floor level as a basement. UBC 220 & 208, Definitions of 'Story' and "Grade. b) The Penthouse additions thereby cause the building to exceed the maximum allowable 4 story height br an R-1 occupancy in a Type ll- 1 HR building. UBC 506 & Table 5-8. 2. L 2-O: Veriff that wettands and park area on adjacent property south of the building is public space usable as an open yard greater than 60' applicable to floor area increase and fire department approach. Otherwise building has no usable yard clearance to the property line on this side. UBC 505.1.1 3. L 2-0 : Building requires sufficient open yards on 3 sides to justify allowable floor area on no more than 4 stories above grade. The parking garage and Health Club Lower Level are considered below grade. UBC 505.1.2 4. A3-2: The existing underground Garage is shown extending beyond the North property line into the street ROWat East Meadow Drive. Are property lines correct as shown? UBC 106.3.1 5. A 3-3 : New Bedroom windows on north side open onto yard supported by the Garage roof underground. Veriff existing roof is adequate for emergency rescue by Fire Department to all new windows on this side of the building, including the new penthouse units. UBC 310.4 6. A 3-1 thru A 3.7 : The keynotes and general notes are the same on each sheet. Since keynotes are not flagged on the plan; the new work of Phases lll - V is difficult to separate from existing areas outside of the scope. Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg.2 of 15 VAILMOUNIAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,200{ Town of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg.3 of 15 7. A 5-1 : South Elevation : Existing windows in South exterior wall of Health Club Upper Level will require tempered safety glass if less than 18' above new grade and panels unsupported greater than 9 sq. ft. UBC 2406.4 8. S 4.0 : Sec. 3 : Provide weather proof seal at steel bearing assembly on top of existing concrete foundation wall to prevent moisture penetration into buifding through areawell. UBC 1402 9. A 5-1 & A 7-10 : Wood siding is not permitted on the West Elevation on exteriorwalls less than 40 fi. from property line. UBC 603.3.1 & Table 5-A 10. A 5-2 & A 7-12:Wood siding on North Elevation at new dormers not permitted more than 35'above grade. UBC 601.5.4 & Table 5-A 11. L 1.0 : New exterior 'l:12 slope ramp will require a handrail on both sides. uBc 1003.3.4.5 12. A 3-1 & A 6-4 : Two exits from Basement between Grids 11-12 are not adequately separated. 112 the major diagonal of the basement area served is approximately 9E'; requiring 49'separation between the exit-access doorsat 101 &102. UBC 1004.2.3&100/..2.4 13. A 3-2 & A 6-5 : New Elevator opens into the egress route from the Restaurant (Dining) area to Stair 208. The Elevator opening must be equipped with a smoke and draft seal; or be separated from the Dining Room by a Lobby. UBC 1004.3.3.5 & 711.4 14. A 6-6 : Door 308C appears to be a non-conforming required exit for the new Restaurant occupants trom the lower level. Address door width at top of stair, minimum width of exit discharge into courtyard between retaining walls; and the unidentified gate at the end of the walkway. UBC 1003.3.1.3, 1003.3.1.5, 1003.3. 1.8, 1006.3.5.2 15. A 6-5 : The main exit from the Restaurant may be considered the doors opening onto the Patio. Folding doors are not considered safe for orderly evacuation during an emergency. UBC 1003.3.1.5 16. A 6-6 : Door 3088 does not provide an adequate landing at the foot of Stair 308. UBC 1003.3.1.7 & 1003.3.3.s 17. A 3-2 : Dishwashing area is not permitted under enclosed Stair 308 above. uBc 1005.3.3.6 VAILMOUNTANLODGE Town of Vail Phase lll-V: Expansion & Renovation G-West 201084 East Meadow Drive & Vait Valley Drive Gode Review May 14, 2001 Pg.4 of t5 18. Specs Table of Contents : The following Sections are noted as not included in the project manual. 08000 Door, Frame, Hardware Schedules. 09000 Finish Schedule 10520 Fire Protection Specialties Div. 15 Fire Suppression & Standpipe Specifications Div. 16 FireAlarm 19. Specs 08960 : Refers to Div. 8, Section for 'Glazing"; not provided. ldentiff whether glass or plastic to be used at sloped glazing. UBC 2409 & 2603.7 20. A 1-1 : Coordinate specifications and safety glazing requirements at doors and windows subject to human impact. UBC 2406 21. Specs 06105:Parl1.2. A4& 5:Sheathing and subllooring may not beof wood in Type ll- I HR building. UBC 603 22. Specs 06100 : Part 1.2. A 1 & 5 : Equipment bases and support curbs may not be of wood in Type ll - 1 HR building. UMC 308.3 23. Specs '14420 : Calls for wheelchair lifts; not located on drawings. Use as an egress component is limited by UBC 1104.1.4 Structural Review 24. Structural calculations use 40 psf LL for Residential balconies; same as interior floors. Minimum 60 psf required by Table 16-A; greater with snow drifting based on area snow loads. This includes the rooftop balconies shown on SheetA 5-1. UBC 1608 25. S 4.0 : General Notes : Snow loads call for 100 psf at roof slopes less than or equal to 3 : 12; and 80 psf at slopes > 3 : 12. Reductions may not be applied for slopes less than 4,36 : 12; i.e. 20" from horizontal. UBC 1614 Mechanical Review 26. M 1 . 1 . Provide trip lever on wide side of handicapped water closet stall (CABO/ANSI Al 1 7. 1-1 992, 4-17.5). 27. M2.3, M2.4, M2.5. Required fire rating of rated conidors and floor to floor separation shall be maintained at alltimes during construction within occupied building (UBC 71 0. 1 1, 713. 1 0). VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase llt - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 Torm of Vail C-West 201084 Code Review Pg.5 of 15 2g. M3.1. Provide reduced pressure backflow preventer in lieu of double check valve shown on domestic water service (UPC 602.3). 29. M3.1. 2" vent serving 4" P-10 floor drain is undersized and should be increased one pipe diameter. 4'waste outlet normally requires minimum 2' vent. However, excessive length of 2" vent shown requires pipe upSizing to next recognized diameter (UPC Table 7-5). 30. M3.1. P-1 discharge piping is too smallto be considered gravity drainage piping. specified s-9 gpm equals 78 fixture units, requiring a 4" gravity drain bi UFC Table 7-5. Rtt'2" pSr piping from P-1 shall be rated for anticipated flow and pressure (UPC 703.2, 710.5, 710.7)' 31. M3.1. Sump for P-1 shall be vented (UPC 710.10). 34. 32. 33. 35. 36. M3.1. 2' vent may not be reduced in size to 1-112" V (UPC 31 1'5)' M3.1. Provide cleanout on two 2' vents originating from grease interceptor, following vent rise through grade (UPC 905.3). M3.2. M3.3. 1-1l4" MG is undersized for gas load and length of piping to kitchen and should be increased in size (UPC Table 12-4). M3.3. Clarify gas flow rate at Hors Dourves Range (UPC 103'2'3)' M3.3. Minimum vent size at 4' P-9 and 4" P-10 equals 2" diameter (UPC Table 7-5). M3.3. Length of horizontal 1-1t2'V originating from P-8 at column lines U11 exceeds allowable maximum length (UPC Table 7-5). M3.3. Provide cleanout at Bath 114 waste branch (UPC 707'4)' M4.3, M4.5, M4.6, M4.8. Provide smoke deteCtor within 5'0' of all fire smoke dampers (UBC 71 3. 1 0, 7 13.1 1l' 40. M4.3, M4.4. Glothes dryer exhaust duct limited to 14'length with (2) two 90o elbows (UMC 504.3.2). 41. M4.3, M4.4. Clarifi outside air quantity to CUH-4 (UBC 1202'2'1)' 42. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Clariff source of make up air to guestroom toilet exhaust system (UMC 402.4). 37. 38. 39. VAILMOT,|NTANLODGE Phase lll-V: Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Ddve & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 Torn of Vail C-West 201084 Gode Review Pg.6 of 15 43. M4.3, M4.4, M45, M6.1, M6.2. Sanitary vent below fixture flood rim level not allowed unless required due to structural conditions (UPC 905.3)' 44. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5, M4.6. Provide combustion air to gas fireplaces (UMC 901.2,901.3). 45. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Allductwork penetrations of fite rated occupancy separation shall be provided with fire smoke dampers (UBC 713'10' 713.1't). 46. M4.9, M4.4, M4.5. Existing solid fuel fireplace chimney vent dampers and chimney construction shall be permanently opened and inspected prior to conversion to gas use (UMC 813.2,901.2). 47. M4.3, M4.4, M4.5. Clarify all natural gas pipe loading to fireplaces and miscellaneous gas appliances such as ranges and boilers and total gas loads such that gas pipe sizes may be reviewed for code compliance (UPC 1217.0). 48. M4,6. 2'horizontal storm drain is not a recognized size. lncrease horizontal storm drain to minimum 3" diameter (UPC Table 11-2). 49. M4.6. Length of 1-112',vent above Bedroom 610A exceeds allowable horizontal length and must be increased in diameter one pipe size (UPC Table 7-5). S0. M4.6. Outlet of grease exhaust fans shall be located 24' above all building construction within 10' (UMC 507.1 1). 51. M4.8. Ductwork may not remain abandoned above electric panels (NEC). 52. M4.8. Provide smoke detector in s.A. duct of relocated MAU-3 (UMC 608.0). 53. M4.9. Provide make up air to EF-4 in elevator equipment room (UMC 402.4). 54. M4.9. Elevator equipment room shall have fire rating at least equal to elevator shaft served (ASME A'17.'1,101.1a). 55. M4.9. Provide fire rated duct cleanouts in grease exhaust duct systems (uMc 507.s, 5o7.7). 56. M4.9. Provide fire smoke damper at24" x48" S.A. exit from duct shafi (UBC 713.10,713.11). VAILiTPUNTAIN LODGE Town of Vail Phase flt -V : Expansion & Renovatlon C-West 201084 East Moadorv OnVe a Vail Valley Drive Code Review May 14, 2001 Pg' 7 of {5 57. M4.9. Provide minimum 3' high pad below condensing unit cu-1 (uMC 110s.2.1). 58. M5.1. Check valves and gate valves at P-1 should be accessible (UPC 7',10.4). 59. M6.2. Clarify size of vent from P/13 into riser P/14 (UPC 103.2.3). 60. Not Used. 61. FP-2. Pipe sizes shown are too small for pipe size s_clredule compliance' Provide hydraulic calculations to justiff pipe sizing (NFPA 13, 8-5)' 62. Fp-3. provide reduced pressure backflow preventer on sprinkler piping with glycol (UPC 603.4. 18.3). 63. FP-3. Clariff missing piping at approximately column lines 3/M (UPC 103.2.3). 64. F3-0.1. Plumbing notes, number 1 1 indicates the need for gas pressure regulator for each piece of kitchen gas equipment. Plumbing drawings sh-ould be revised io show location of each regulator with appropriate venting to atmosphere. (UPC 1218.0). 65. FS-1.2, FS1.3, FS-1PP. Food service drawings appe{ incomplete' clarify description of keynotes used on plans (UMC 113'5, UPC 103'2'3)' Electrical Review 66. GeneralComments (E2.1 through E3.5): a) Document the complete electrical system one-line diagram and load summary from the load panelboards back to the main service to demonstrate compliance with NEC Article 220 and NEC 215-5. Show wire and conduit sizes, equipment ratings and the loads at each panelboard, distribution panel and the main service. Document each component of load with the applicable demand, continuous, and largest motor factors' b) Document guest room panelboard loads and compliance with circuiting requirements per NEC Article 210 and 220. VAIL IUOTJNTAIN LODGE Phase lll -V : Expansion & Renovation Eaet Meadour Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 c) Document the available short circuit current and equipment short circuit ratings for new panelboards and feeder replacements per NEC 110-9 and 110-10. d) The drawings are difficult to read, the background line weights do not appear to be any different than the device line weights' Also, the symbols in the legend on sheet E1.1 are heavy line weights that make is difficult (at bes$ to distinguish the differences. In addition, the symbol size in the legend is very small. For example, the difference between GFl, isolated ground and other receptacles is not distinguishable. e) Fire alarm and detection system division 16 specifications are not included with the construction documents. Document that fire alarm system shop drawings will be provided per UFC 1007.3.1. Also, document acceptance testing of the fire alarm system in the presence of the chief and certiffing to the chief that the system has been installed in accordance with the approved drawings and sPecifications. 67. E1.2. Reference notes 3 and 4 for street lighting. Document the power souroe, load and feeder sizes to demonstrate compliance with NEC Article 210 and 220. 68. E1.2 and E2.3. Reference note 6 0n E1.2 and notes 19 and 20 0n E23 regarding X-MAS lighting circuits. a) Document panelboard GH2 andH2 branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 220; reference the above general comments. b) Document that weatherproof receptacles will be provided in compliance with NEc 410-57(b); notes only call for termination of circuits. 69. E1.2 and E2.7. Document panelboard SPA branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 21O and 220; reterence the above general comments. 70. E2.1. Reference flag notes 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and plan notes' a) Document the oneline diagram, branch circuits and loads for future MMS (multipte meter stack), panel W (panel schedule only shoan on sheet E2.1K), relocated H.C.E pad mounted transformer, panel K1 and K2 (panel schedules only shown on 8 Town of Vail C.West 201084 Gode Review Pg.8 of 15 VAtLitOt NTA;NLOD6E Tottm of Vail Phase lll -V : Expansion & Renovation C'West 201084 East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive Gode Review May 14,2001 Pg' 9 of 15 sheet E2.1K), and downstream feeders from MMS to condominiums GS-S, GS-6, C5-1 and C5-2; reference the above general comments. b) Document the one-line diagram and load for the elevator connections to the club switchboard; reference the above general comments. c) Document the circuit and load for the elevator pit lighting and receptacle per NEC Article 220 and NEC 620-24. 71. E2.1. Document that the elevator pit light is not connected downstream of the GFCI receptacle per NEC 620-24(a). 72. E2.1K Reference kitchen detail2, food service equipment load schedule and panelboard schedules: a) Document the minimum circuit ampacity and maximum overcurrent device for item number 2, treezer refrigerator system (circuit K1-9,11), per NEC 440-35 and 44O-22(c); 40A breaker is shown for#10 conductors and load is 21.4A. b) Document the feeder conductors for item 19, cook & hold oven (circuit K1-23, 24), per NEC 240-3; a load of 38.5A (8 kWat 208V, 1-phase) with 50A circuit breaker. c) Document that the feeder to item 37, booster heater (circuit K1- 20,22,24), complies with NEC 422-10;40A circuit shown and equipment is rated for 33.34 (12 kW at 208V, 3-phase, 33.3 x 1.25 = 41.64). d) Document that the feeder to item 41, ice machine (circuit K1-26, 28), complies with NEC 2a0€(d); 25A circuit breaker shown for #12 conductors and load is 12.8l., e) Document that the feeder to item 45, coffee brewer (circuit K2-5 ,7), complies with NEC 2a04@);40A circuit breaker shown for #10 conductors and load is 28A. D Document that the feeder to item 46, ice tea dispenser (circuit l(2-9), complies with NEC 240-3(d); a 25A circuit breaker is shown for #12 conductors and the load is 1.7 kW. VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Phase lll - V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 73. E2.2. Document the feeder source and load for the elevator pit lighting and receptacle per NEC Article 220; only nearest 120V circuit indicated. Nearest suitable 120V circuit should be identified by the design engineer. 74. E2.2. Document the feederforthe elevator machine room 210 receptacle and lighting per NEC Article 22Otoroompliance with NEC 620-23(a). 75. E2.2. Reference EF-1 (stair 202). The 154/3 pole circuit breaker shown panel W-3, circuits 38, 40, and 42, does not comply with NEC Article 430; 17.5Ashown per phase. 76. E2.2. Reference flag notes 1, 6, 7, and L Load is shown added to panel HG2 and the panel schedule with branch loads and load summary is not shown; reference the general comments above. 77. E2.2. Reference flag note 2. Reference the area enclosed by flag note 2. New circuits are shown to panel H2; however, they are not identified in the panel schedule on sheet E2.8. 78. E2.3. Document new panelboards A and G1A branch circuits and loads per NEC Articles 210 and 220; reference the above generalcomments. 79. E2.3. Document panelboard H3 (flag note 6) and G2 (flag note 15) branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220; reference the above general comments. 80. E2.3, E2.4, E2.5, E2.6 and E2.7. Reference egress path lighting. Document that the wiring for the emergency egress lighting and exit signs in corridors and other egress paths complies with NEC 700-12(e) for unit equipment wired to the same circuit as the normal lighting, and NEC 700-16 fortwo lamps so that the failure of any individual lighting element will not leave the area in total darkness. a) E2.3. The FS emergency cove fixtures in conidor 300 only have one lamP. b) E2.3. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 300; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. c) E2.3. Document emergency egress lighting in vestibule 344 and stairs 308 per UBC 1003.2.9.2; nothing shown. Town of Vail C-West 201084 Gode Review Pg. 10 of 15 10 VAILMOUNTAINLODGE Towt of Vail Phase fll - V : Expansion & Renovation C-West 201084 East Meadow Ddve & Vail Valley Drive Code Review May 14,2001 Pg. 11 of 15 d) 82.3. Document emergency egress lighting over the exterior stairs, outside of vestibule 344 at column lines F, G and 13, per UBC 1003.2.9.2; nothing shown. e) E2.3. Document emergency egrcss lighting in elevator lobby; see flag note 6. t) E2.4. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby; see flag note 6. g) E2.4 The F5 emergency cove fixtures in conidor 400 only have one lamP. h) E2.4. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 300; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. i) E2.5. The F5 emergency cove fixture in corridor 500 only have one lamp. j) E2.5. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 500; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. k) E2.5. Document emergency egress lighting in elevator lobby; see flag note 4. l) E2.6. The F5 emergency cove fixture in conidor 600 and hall 622only have one lamp. m) E2.6. The emergency lighting and exit sign circuiting is not shown in corridor 600 and hall 622; the normal lighting circuiting is also not shown. 81. E2.3. Reference flag note 16. The feeder noted from H3 to A does not comply with NEC 240-3; #1 conductor (rated for 130A at 75 degrees C) shown protected by 150A breaker. 82. E2.3. Reference panels H2 and H2A, flag note 17. Document the one-line diagram per NEC 215-5 (schedule shown on E2.8); reference the above general comments. 11 VAIL i]IOUNTAN LODGE Phase lll -V : Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2fill 83. E2.3. Reference flag note 1 1. Document the branch circuit and load per NEC Articles 210 and 220; note indicates connection of lighting to existing circuit, 84. E2.4. Document panelboard G2, G2A, FF1, and FF2 branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220:. reterence the above generalcomments. 85. E2.4. The location of nerrrr panelboard G2 does not comply with NEC 110- 26; the panel is located behind conidor doors to elevator. 86. E2.4. Further document the location of panel FFI at column lines F-l1 and document compliance with NEC 110-26; the panelboard appears to be located behind a door. 87. E2.4. Document flag notes 13, 14 and 15 on plan; nothing shown. Also, document the panelboard branch circuits and load per NEC Articles 210 and 220; reference above general comments. 88. E2.5. Document new panelboard G3 and existing panelboard PGS branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220; reference the above general comments. 89. E2.6. Document new panelboard G4 branch circuits and loads per NEC Article 210 and 220; relerence the above general comments. 90. E2.6. The location of new panelboard G4 does not comply with NEC 110- 26; the panel is located behind door. 91. E2.6. Reference flag note 10. Document the source panel for DC-S and panelboard load calculations per NEC Articles 210 and 220. 92. E2.7. Reference detail 2. MAU-4. Document the branch circuit feeder and compfiance with NEC Articles 220 and 430. 93. E2.7. Reference detail 2, AHU-1. Document the branch feeder breaker rating and compliance with NEC Article 430. 94. E2.7. Reference detail 2, emergency lighting circuit for dining room 200. Document the branch feeder and load of existing circuit for connection per NEC Article 220. Also, document compliance with NEC 700-'12(e), emergency lighting not shown connected to normal lighting circuit. 95. E2.7. Reference detail 1, emergency lighting circuit for wine cellar, passage and elevator lobby. Document the branch feeder and load per NEC Article 12 Towr of Vail G-Weet 201084 Code Review P9.12 of 15 VAIL MOI,TTAIN LODGE Phase lll-V: Expansion & Renovation East Meadow Drive & VailValley Drive May 14,2001 220; panel and circuit not shown. Also, document compliance with NEC 700-12(e), emergency lighting not shown connected to normal lighting circuit. 96. E2.7. Reference detail 2. A separate circuit is not shown for elevator equipment room 210 per NEC 620-33(a). 97. E2.7. Reference detail 1, equipment CU-1. Document the equipment load and feeder rating per NEC Article 424. 98. E2.8. Reference the'Partial Main Level Electrical Plan'detail. Emergency egress lighting is not shown for stairs 301 per UBC 1003.2.9.2. Even if the stairs are not part of the required egress system they are an occupied part of the building and may be in use; UBC 1001.1. 99. E2.8. Panel schedule H2A does not appear to be complete; document all foads and the load summary per NEC Article 220. For example, circuits H2A-19, 21 for equipment 101 is not shown. 100. E2.8. Reference the "Partial Main Level Electrical Plan' detail. Equipment mark numbers and circuiting for 86, 90, 93 and 119-133 (with electrical loads) are not shown on the plan. Document the circuits and loads to demonstrate compliance with NEC Articles 210 and220, 101. E3.1 through E3.5, and E1.1. Reference guest room details and lighting fixture C4 located above tubE and showers. Document that the fixture is 'suitable for Wet Locations' per NEC 410-4(a); not indicated on fixture schedule sheet E1.1. 1O2. E3.1 through E3.5. Reference guest room details. Document the circuiting for all receptacles to demonstrate compliance with NEC 210-60; some receptacles are not circuited. 103. E3.1 through E3.5. Document that the type C13 lighting fixture as used in the balcony is "Suitable for Damp Location' per NEC 4104(b); not indicated on fixture schedule sheet E1.1. Reference detail 1, unit 313a on sheet E3.1 for example. 104. E3.3. Reference panel FFU414, detail 1. The panelworking space is obstructed by the laundry room doorwhich does not comply with NEC 1 10-26. 105. E3.5. Reference detail 1, unit 5158 electrical plan. Nothing but background. plan is shown; appears to be unfinished. 13 Town of Vail C-West 201084 Gode Review Pg. 13 of 15 VAILi]|oUNTAINLOI'GE Phase lll -V: Expansion & Renovatlon East MeadorDrive & Vail Valley Drive May 14,2001 Tom of Vail C-West 201084 Code Revbw Pg. 14 of 15 106. FP-2 through FP-7. Fire alarm system manual pullstations are not shown at allstairs and exits at each level per UFC 1007.3.3.1. '107. FP-2. Coordinate elevator #1 and #2 shaft detec{ion with the chief; nothing shown. 108. FP-3. Document that the duct smoke detector in mechanical 209 is for the AHU-1; unit rated for 6850 cftn. Document duct smoke detector br MAU-1 per UMC 608; unit rated for 7600 cfm. 109. FP*4. Clariff and document the magnetic door hold open and smoke detec'tor location shown at the bottom of strair 328; no door shown on architectural plan sheet A3-3. Door schedule for project is not provided. 110. FP-,4. Clarify and document the magnetic door hold open shown at column lines G-12; document what doors hold open is applied to. Also, no smoke detection shown. 111. FP6. Coordinate and document the conidor double door at column lines G-4; the location does not match the architectural drawing A34. Also, coordinate the additional magnetic door hold opens shown in corridor 500 at column lines G-5, G-7, and at the top of the stairs at approximately G-10. 112. FP-7. Coordinate and document the floor plan background between column lines G-2 to G-5; the floor plan does not match the architectural drawing A3-6. 1 13. FP-7. The smoke detector at column lines F-5 in conidor 600 does not provide @verage all the way back to the door at column line G4 per NFPA 72,2- & UFC STD. 10-2; the distance to the door exceeds 21 feet from the detector. 114. FP-7. Fire alarm system visible notification devices are not located within 1 5' of the ends of conidor 600 (near column lines F-5 and F-9). CIA 4.26.3 1 15. FP-7. A fire alarm system visible notilication device is not located in the elevator lobby 616 per UFC 1007. &CIA4.26.3 C-West Code Consultants 2801 Youngf,eld Street, Sulte 300 Golden,Colorado 804{ll Tele : 3|t3 205-7860Fax: 303 237-{1023 E-Mall : stevo@c-westcode.com www.c-wostcode.com 14 TOIVN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D0l-0031 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status ' ' ' : ISSLJED location.......: 352 E MEADOW D& VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Applied. . : 0712912001 ParcelNo..'.: 210108255000 Issued' ' ': o7/3ll2o0l ProjectNo.: ?? ('/-Acn=O(L(? Expires"': 0112712002 ovtNER VAIIJ ATHLETIC CLITB & SPA O7/29/200t Phone: 970-476-]-997 285 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ, CO 91657 License: CONIRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 01 /29/2001- Phone: 760 IiORrZON DR GRA}ID iIIJNCTION CO s1506 License: 108 -A APPIICAI{T SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 07 /29/200L Phone: 970-242-9236 760 HORIZON DR GRAIID JI'NCTION CO 81506 License r Desciption: VML PHASE In DEMOLTTION. See plans dated 711610l. Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family TypeConstruction: II l-HR Typell l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $300'ooo.00 Add Sq Ft: o Fireplnc€ lnformttion: Restric{eit # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas l'ogs: 0 -{ of-Woo-d,P€llcl: 0 atlrlrtlrlrrlratrrrartaiaaraararrrraaaaaaaaaaa'trrrra,ra*a*rrrraar*aa FEE stTMMARY *rttttlt***tltittttt**'ltt'l"lt'1"'l'*lt'*"t*tl""t'l"tl Buit<ting-> s1,540 . oo Reduarant Plan Review-> so . oo Total cdculalcd Fe€s-> s2 ' 7'{ ' 00 Plan Check-> S1,OO1.OO DRB Fe€---> S2OO'OO Addilional Fees-> 50'00 fnve$igrtion-> 9O.OO R€cfeation Fe6---> so.oo Tolal Permit Fee--> l2'744'OO Will CaU-> $3 . Oo Clean-up Deposit-> 90 ' oo Payments.-.-> S2 ' ?{' ' 00 TOTALFEES-> 92, ?44 . oo BALANCE DUE--> 50.00 tl+*'itti+|r'lll|.''|||||||||||l|l|'|tl|]tit't.'ll|||||||||***l...iil|..| Approvals:Ii.6m: 05100 BUII-'DING DEPARl'l'tElfit O7/29/200a GRG Action: AP IIEM: O54OO PI.AI{NING DEPARTMB(I 07/3]-/2001' George Action: AP IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT O7/3L/2OOL nrvaughan Action: AP subject tso field inepecbions PAGE 2 t*****{r*If *ttlll****t****it**|*:}********t **** | {r**'* * * **** * * *:ttr * * tl**'* *'} *l * * *:t* *,t't'}*****l*'} * **:l **l*'} * a****** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: D0l-0031 asof07-31-2001 status: ISSUED ,t,t ** *****'t:t **'t* ****!t** **,t*** * * ** * *,t***** * ** {. *t* +* * *!t*** *** * ** *** * 'i * *** 't * * * * * ** ***** *{r 'f '} * * {t '** **'* t ***it * tl 'r'} Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: 0712912001 Appliiant SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Issued: 07/3rl2g0l 970-242-9236 o ExPire: 0112712002 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL location: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB ParcelNo: 210108255000 Description: VML PHASE III DEMOLITION. See plans datd711610l. Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETMTIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:20 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS BY FIRE AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS INE REOIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE BEFORE BEING USED FOR OCCCI.JPANCY. Cond: 9 (PLAN): Prior to the issuance of a final csrtificate of occupancy, the applicant shall have completed all site and landscaping improvements as shown on the approved DRB plans. Cond: CON0004913 Contractor must coordinate closely with TOV Fire Dept. & Bldg. Safety to prevent false alarms and to ensure that required emergency exits, signage, etc., are available at all times during demolition ad consfruction. Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS' oii lto lzoo1 Ls PARKER REGARING STAGING CONTRACTOR IS TO SET I'P Action: ISSITES. FENCE PER HAVE MET WITII MIKE LAST YEAR APPROVED PIJAI{' See page 2 ofthis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requird completed an accurat,e plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plarL to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr reviqw approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI.JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN Send Clcen-up Deporlt To: N/A OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTORFORHMSELFAND OWNE TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT PErMit #: MOI-0088 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL Status...: ISSLIED Location.....: 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Applied . . : 06108/2001 Issued. . : O6lll/2001 Expires. .: 12/0812001ifrj'3,\:; ?ilitiY\ta-b OI{NER VAIL, ATIILETIC CLIJB & SPA 06/08/200! Phone: 970-416-a987 285 BRIDGE ST VAILJ' CO 8165? License: CONTRACTOR HE"ARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (rHE) 06/08/200L Phone: 970-527-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 8154 5 License:174-M APPI-,ICAI{T HEAITTH EXCIIAI.IGE, INC. (TIIE) 06108/2001 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MIN|T'RN, CO 8154 5 Licenge: 1?4-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A DIRECT VENT GAS F/P IN THE RESTAURANT Valuation: $3,700.00 Fireplace Infonnation: Restricted: Y # ofors Appliances: O # ofGas Logs: o ....tof Wood Pellcl: o *r*it*+rrr*rrrttr**rrr*a,rt****,iittt* Mechanical-> S8o.oo Reshraranl Plan Review-> $o.oo Total Calculated Fees--> S103'00 Plan Check-> S2o . oo DRB Fco-----> So ' 00 Additional Fees-_-'-> S0 . 00 Inveetigation-> 9o.oo TOTAL FEES---> S1o3.oo Totrl Ps:nit F€e------> $103.00 Will Chll-> 93. oo Pelrnenis- > 5103.00 BALAI{CE DUrE_> S0.00 :ttaaalaaalt*tttltlt'l'r*|***|rattttaaaItemr 05100 BUILDING DEPARTME'IT o6/tl/2o0L df Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDCI.)r FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTION.A,IR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?0L OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI.DGI.): INSTAII,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANTTFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CTIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.): GNS APPI-,IADICES SHAI,T., BE VE}ITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 A}ID SIIAI-'rL TER$TNATEAS SPECTFTED IN SEC.806 OF TIIE 199? UMC, OR CHAPTER I OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPLYWITH CHAPTER 3 AIID S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 IJMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TIfi 1997 TMC. Cond: 31 (BL,,DGI. ) : BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOIIrflTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOIJTITING ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FI-,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDCI.): PERMIT,PLAI.IS AIID CODE AI'IAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHAI.IICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICLL ROOMS CONTAINIIIG HEATMG OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOII_,ERS SHAI_,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FT.,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, OR :'""f'*I'::".i;-l--3lr-TH.i?.t-]'."lli-;'***r****'r,r,r.,rr.*r'r*'r**:|:,*.r*'..*......'**'...."r."*r*.'1......**..'ar.trrti..r. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of th€ Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI]'R HOIJ'RS tN ADVANCE BY TEIJPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0087 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 352 E MEADOW D& VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Applied . . : 06/08/2001 ParcelNo...: 210108255000 Issued. . : 06lll/2001 ProjectNo: ExPires..: l2l08l200l OWNER VAIL ATHLETIC CLIIB & SPA 06/08/200L Phone: 970-476-L987 285 BRIDGE ST VAIIT, CO 816 57 Lricense: COMrRAIOR HEARTH EXCHAIiIGE, INC. (THE) 05/08/200L Phone: 97O-927-9523 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81645 License: L74-M APPLTCNTI HEARTH EXCIIAIIGE, rNc. (TIIE) 06/08/2001 Phone: 910-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTT'RN, CO 8r.545 LicenEe: L'74-M Desciption: DEMO/FOUNDATION AT NE,SE & EAST END, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK. Valuation: $4.900.00 Firepface lnformalion: Restristed: Y # ofGas APPliances; O # ofGas l,ogs: 0 # of- Wood Pellet: 0 *......+'..:'......|....:l+tt+|t*|***tll'*tl,|l''||i|t,t1****tt*****t*l.....FEEsI.JMMY Mechanical-> S10o.oo R€gtuarant Plan Review-> So.oo Tolal Calculaled Fees-> $128.00 plan Check-> S25 . oo DRB Fee--*> 90. OO Addilional F€es.._----> S0 . 0O tnvestigatior-> so . oo ToTAL FEES-----> $128 . 0O Total Pemit Fee-----> s128 . 00 Will Catl-> 53 . OO Payment5--"'---'--__> 9128 . 00 BALANCE DUE-> 50.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o6/La/20ot df Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COIIBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1.997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DCI. ) : TNSTALLATION MUST CONFORI.I TO MANUFACTI'RES INSTRUqTIONS Ar'ID TO CHAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.): .GAS APPLIAIICES SIIALL BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TER.I,IINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR CIIAPTER I OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Condr 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING THE 1997 I'MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 Condr 31 (BL'IDC!.): BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOUI{IIED ON FIOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE COIIST. IINI-,ESS I.,ISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI-,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLAIIS AI'ID CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHAIIICAL, ROOMS CONTAIIIING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOTLERS SmLL BE EQUTPPED WITH A FIOOR DRArN PER SEC. L022 OF TI{E 1997 IJMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. t||||.ttt*ftt|||t||ti|||'|..||||'|l||||||||||'|*||'|**|||||||||*l|||||t|||*'.,t|.*.'l|||..' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in ftll the infonnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agreo to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLIR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY I{ITH CHAPTER 3 A}ID SEC.1O17 OF OF TIIE 1997 IMC. AT 479-2138 OR AT OLrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE Building Permit #: Medtanical Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 91657 97 O-47 9 -2t49 (Insp ecd otrs) . rerrntr wtil not be accepted without the followinE la_, :-t&l1ffi i'lTlfi Tl*rl:l,.""rawnroscaretol1d[.f\Atzi FT,'J#:#t::i,1?fl:"?n*L" I t v. J o Heat Loss Catcs. ^ls r.sqr Lgss €lCS.e Equlpment Cr y:_.. ar-rcrmrr wlt not oe accepted without the followinq: ti "" Contad Parcel # Job Address: g 6 2 Easf -?aA- Dn *tkc*t hf l noartr."( I art",2ionpg Repair( ) Other( ) Typeof Etdg: Sngtefamily( @ )-Commerctatlo nesaunnt( ) Other( )No. of Existing Dwelting U",C lrffiEffi COMPTETE VAIUATTON FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (LAbOr & MAICTiAIS ) 77A,* t* *" * t/.;/ /.oafota ,4J. Subdivision: l/*, / DetE ited aescrip.onGFGn: : /a/-.11-,ct^ .ty- Bo@_nnrior@ Does an EHU sdst at this locaUon: yes ( ) No ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this buitding: r4Ecl-fANIcAt-: S 75. lo CONTRACTOR TNFORMATTON 4echqnical Contacton7ar// bntractor SignahJre: DRB :veryone/forms /metfi oerm ****lAl*$J*loll*'******* .!v . r,.- /,rLLtr I Et, rr .lttr.tJ|'|rlt I E gR mwnnvytn Buifding Permit #: Medtanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9 - 2149 (tnspecdotrs) . 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Cotomdo 81657 Permitwittnotoea@ irnot-aas;Fm JobName: y SubdMsion: W"rk q"ss: Ne^, ( ) Addition ( )Aftention (X) Repair ( ) Other ( )Boilerlocadon: Interiorffi Does an EHU odst at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Eldg: Slngt+family ( )Duple<( ) Murufamrry( )-corr"rrd(x) R"or""ont( ) otfier( ) No. of Existins Dweiling un,e inEls Uiiiiiiifi No. of Accommodation Units in Uris buitdino: Is $is a **"o"n ConEct @pneatg7o-or visit for Parcel # Noffype of Fireplaces pr""o="a, :$ffi GaslogQl) Wood/pettet( ) Wood BumingGOfnUoweED COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (I.AbOr & MAtETiAIS f/2oo,* CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON Medranical Gonbacon,/E Contrador Signatrrel r********?roFEICE USE | / everyon!/formr/medtpenn oN Ly** * * *** * *** JllN-oJ J$qt - 'i** * **'t:* + ** + * + ****** *!t +* * + * ** * t * * 'lr*+ + *+ + + + + {.,} * * * +'*** * * 'lr '1.,1** * 'li:1. {. '1. + '1. + *'f * t * * * * {.*{.* f'f {. 'lt I't:t * lt'}*'l* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rcprinted on 06-ll-2001 ct 13t39:27 06llll20iDl Statement * * ** *,f * * f**** +,f :*rf t* * ** ***:|!**i****+* *{r*+t{r** * **** * ***:t*,}* *a'*{t,}+l*****{',* * * *{' *,}**!t'}'**{t'}**+ **+* * StaEement Number: Roooo00924 Amount: $103.00 06/LL/200],0]':39 PM Palment Method: Check Inj,t : DF Notat.ion: check 1?73 /1811 Permit No: I.{01-0088 Type: I,IBCIIANICAL PER!{IT Parcel No: 210108255 000 Site Addreee: 352 E MEADOII DR VAIL I,ocat ion: 352 E MEADOW DR, VAII, ATHIJETIC CIJI,B Total Feee: 9103.00 This Payment: $103.00 Total ALL Pmts: $103.00 Balance: 50.00 |*f**f I * * * **'r** *!t'*'*'t * * {r'lr* *'t*'}* l.* * 'lr ** 't* 'l 'lr*'tt***'t**'t* * * lt't'l** * +'t,*{. * *'t'f '****!t!**'}*t * *'l***** {t'}*{' '}{' * ACCOI]NT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts MP OO1OOO()31113OO I,IECHAiIICAL PERMIT FEES 8O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 20.00 t.JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.()O TO\^TN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E01-0032 t'a_/, t | ) Job Adtuess: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : AfF€*ED Location.....: 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Applied . . : 03/20/2001' Parcel No...: 210108255000 Issued . . : Project No : ? g-5 o0 'O\L@ Expires . .: OWNER vArL ATHLETIC CLIrB & sPA o3/20/200L Phone': 97o-476-L987 .285 BRIDGE ST VAfIJ, CO 81557 License: COIfl|RACTOR B & B EITECTRIC, INC. 03/20/2007 Phonez 970-242-245O 28L8 L/2 NORTH A\ImIUE GRAND iIIINCTION, CO 815 01 I-,icense | 266-E APPT,TCAN:r B & B ET,ECTRTC, rNC. 03/20/2007 Phone:. 970-242-245Q 28L8 1/2 NORTH AVBIUE GRAND iIIINCTION, CO 8 L501 L,icense : 256 -E Desciption: tempservice Valuation: $4.000.00 FEE SUMMARY f,lsctricat-> S?2 - OO Total Calculated Fees-> $?5 .0O DRB Fee-> So. oo Additional Fees-> 90.00 lnvestigation--> $O . oo Total Permit Fee--> $75 - 00 Wilt Call-> g3 . oo Payments-> S?s . 00 TOTAL FEES-> 5?5.00 BAI-AIICE DUE-> SO.OO Approvals:Iderm: 05000 ELECTRfCAL DEPARTMENT 03/20/2o0L Ic 03/23/2OoL,JRvl Action: NO Routed to GarY Goodell Action: AP CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 ::.:*:1j"-:--.:.".:*::::.'-:-'.:.:::*y--:"*:::::*.:.:"j::-::":::*"::"::j:i11-Tll; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatior; filled out in fuU the information required, completed an accuraie plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninS and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVM{CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNEI 'ti!*'t rt!*** | *'i*!t! *'t ** {***'lr * + 'l **'t * *{ot'i *:f ** * + *:t't't * * 't 't * *:t*'t**tr:* *:t**ti**+!tt!t*'t**{.:t:t**:r*****!ti*{r***** TOWNOFVAA., COLORADO Stdeo€or 'i'l i++'iir*t *******:l**lf rt**ltr+tt **i*f **:t**'ttr*{.tt***'t***+*:i*+tt*'t*+'t:t**{.1 *+!tt:l:t:}:tt*+t**rt!ttt**+*'t*{.:l . State{rent Mrnrber: R00000052? ArnounE: g75.oo O3/23/2OO1-LL:33 Alt Payment ltethod: Check Init: IIAR ttlotation: 4348 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _:_ _ _ _ __ - Pomit, No: E01-0032 Type: SLESI?ICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 210108255000 Site Addregg: 352 B IIEADOII DR VAIIJ Locat.ioD: 352 E Ii,IEN)Ofl DR, V2IIIJ AIStETIC CIJT B Total Feea: $75.00 Thie PaymenL: $75.00 Total AIJIJ PmtB: $75.00 Balance: $0,00 f l*l*t|****t**lf *'l'l**tt*ttttl*l**:l*'il**{rrt*t*ll**l*rl*r}t*ttl**tt**{.*'l******l**'}*****l**'t******+'l't** ACCOTJNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current ffis EP 00100003111400 TEI4P0RARY P0,JER PERIIITSr{ 00i00003112800 wtLL CALL lt{spEcllor't FEE 72.00 3. 00 I{AR-23-2001 FRI Og:50 M B&B&ELECTRIC INC SEF-2?-gO lO:5[] tsROM ' TOV-COI{-DEV-DEPT. TWTIWYfiL 75 S- FrontrEe Rd. Vail, colordao 81657 FAt( N0, 9702418687 t D.9?0479?{52 ,, orle tt FAGE I/ APPI.ICATIO}I WILL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INOOMP1ETE OR UITISiTGNED Project #! Building Permit #:_-&o --9lJ Elecfiicaf Permit #;, E-ol:qqnz- em4ilr2t.49 Qnspections) t/3sfrt Paroel rc Udg. permit # is pmvided Job Name; VRtL fvtounrnrr-t Looa€JobAddress: jS7- E nnEaosw Ofr, Vn-her) rcE - 3oo ,rmP CT C.Pdhtlc1.Utezac|a- - 3fl U,rl, 4leEhEQ,csr,b WorkClass: New() Additfon( ) Remodd( ) Repair( ) TempPower!4) 06er( ) WorklVpe: Intcricr( ) extcrior(X) Both( ) Tyfic.'c,f Rldg-: singl*.fomily( ) Duplex( ) Multj.famify( ) Commerdat $) Resrasrant( ) Odrer( ) Does an EHU o<r-st at his locat-ron: Yes ( ) No ( ) No. of Clisting Dw:lling Units in thls buildiry: Is [lis uerrnit fur a hot tub: Yes l,lo, of Acmrnmodatim Units in this buillllng: COMPLETE Sq. FEET rOR NEW BUIUTS and VALUATIONS FOR AtL OTHEnS (fabor & I{abriab) AMOUNT OF 5Q Fi- IN SIRUCfuR€I EI.ECTRICAL VALTATION: $ + Ooo,% CONTRACTOR IN FORIIAIIOiI BrB ELb(TRlc,,^tcr. f-rro' F "tro ' ztl *:t***{$*r.I I l':t }* x*cr*r*tr****r******++}FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***r*.*.r*****rrr*:}**}***t tt**r*+r+t*r. Filelreryone/f or nc/ehcp.'.rm 4q/ TOI^IN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M79-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE TOSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F01-0006 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Applied . . : 03/12/2007 Parcel No...: 210108255000 Issued . . : 03/1'2/2001' Project No : 0A5 0O'Ol Lte Expires . .: 09/08/2007 OWNER VAIL ATHLETIC CIJttB & SPA O3/L2/20OL Phonez 970-476-1987 285 BRIDGE ST VAIIT, CO 816s7 License: CoNTRACTOR ALL STATE FrRE PROTECTTON, TO3/L2/2001 Phone: 303-288-3901 5045 E 76TH *L2 COMMERCE CITY CO 80022 I-ricense: 370-S APPrJrcArcr sIIAw coNsrRucrroN CoMPANY 03/L2/2ooL Phone: 970-242-9236 750 IIORIZON DR GRJAIiID iTI'NCTION CO 81506 License: Desciption: INSTALL FIRE SPRINKLERS TO REMODEL AND NEW AREAS DEMO/FOIINDATION AT NE,SE & EAST END, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK. Valuation: $150,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> S3, oo0. 00 Resh.rarant Plan Review-->so.oo Total Calculad Fees-> $3,?53.00 Plan Check--> S?so. o0 DRB Fee------------> $0. oo Additional Fees-------> $0.00 lnvestigation-> SO.OO TOTAL FEES--------> S3,?53-OO Total Permit Fee--> 53.?53.00 Payments-------------> $3,?53.00WillCall--->$3.00 BALANCE DUE->$0.00 rtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT O3/L2/2OOI MVAUGHAN Action: Ap CIIANGES SIIBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION BY FD CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .::"::.:ilr...::."-::..":::-:-":'-11-"::..::".::::.:.Y:.::-::""-::.:::.".::.::..::.:.:-"-'.T:""1 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, comPleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. ANDOWNEF +***f+t**+****+'l ***{.*,**+**+t******* **+*{l+***++********* * f* t*,1. {.******+**t* ********1.1.***:t,t**t* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Starement *****:F*+* t*** ********f**** ** **** *****+*:i ***:*'|****** *f ,F***** * * {.**,} *lr*****+**+*** ****lr'}*+{.**** Statement Nuniber: RO0OOO0502 Anount I $3,753.00 03/t2/200103:50 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: *2e449 /A]-]-- SEate Fire Proteclion Permit No: F01-0006 T]4)e: SPRINKL,ER PERMIT Parce1 No: 210108255000 Site Address: 352 E MTADOW DR VAIIJ I.,OCATJ.ON: 3 52 E MEADOW DR, VAIL ATIII.,ETTC CLUB Total Fees: $3,753.00 ThiE Payment: $3,?53.00 Total iILIJ tmts: $3,753.00 Balance: 50.00 * +* +* **l'f 1f** t t *** * +t*** ++tt ++* t* *t* * ** ** * * * * +*+ ** * * **r' * * * * + 1. * * * ** * *l ** * * * +* llt * *** * * **!* * * f* * ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptjon Cunrent Pmts l.,lP OOiOOOO31113OO MECHAN]CAL PERI.IIT FEES 3,OOO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 750.00 I^/C OO1OOOO31128OO !.]ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO f' f1l ac 970-t28:85t0 for percal C. lr rowx on vArL coNsrRuqrroN DF I "*ILH5!$$S ** 'Oiope PERilrr t &t.@6 , AIPLfCATIoN }|UST BE FIL,IED oUT CottPLEXELf OR IT ltAy NOT aE ACCEPAED X*rr:rr r*l**tit**t**t*t**** *l** PEnilIT nfFOnUATfON rttt*.rr'rtt*.t**1.*r**rr**j**,l [ ]-Buirdtng t l-pruDblng I t-Electrical I t-trechanl'ca1 [ J-Other ,Iob Narne:Job Addressr Ipgal Descripti Bloak_Filing Onnirs Naloes Address:\r' Address:@1]bU8 ceDeral Description: 0 Pork classi I l-Nes P<}ettera!,ton 6 J-Addtrtonlr 6 1-n"palr g I Nunber of DnelLLngr Unitsl Nunber ol Acconuodatlon Units: r and itlpe of FJ.replaccsr Gas Appllancos Gas logs lrood/Pallet__ *at* **i*tr**lrt*trr+***rr**** **r** VATITAEJONS *rrir****r*rrt.**************r*t**a oi'IIER; $ TOTAI,: r **t* *****il*** *+* r *r r r i *t*t Address: Electrl.cal CoDtractor:Addrcss: .Plunbing Contractor: .Address: !!own of Valt Reg. No. Phon. Nunber: _.[ Town of, vaLl Reg. No. Phone NuDber: Torn of Vail Plronc Nunbet: Torrh of Vall Phona NuDbet: ReE. NO. **ta****trra*** l{echanlcal Address: lat*a**'l***rt* ****t tt***t***tttt* BUII.,DTNG penuir reo: PUIUBTNc pERur! FEEs MECEA}ITCi.L PERITTT FEE: EIiECTRTC,IT FEE: OTITER TIPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR BUTI.DTNG PIAI{ CITECK FEE: PU'UBING PI,AII CIIECK FEETI{ECIIANICAI' PIA}I clTDCK FEE .RECTEATION FEE: CI.EAN-UP DEFOSIT: ?OTAL PERI{IT FEES! EUXLDD{IJ! SIGNATURES ZONfNG3 STGNAN'RE' --l-- (Lslolot TOWN OF VAII-. 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIII'IENT OF COMMTTNITY DE\TELOPMEItr NOTB: fiIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/AI-,IJ BI]DG. ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: D00-0020 Phone z 97Q-242-9236 Phone: 910-242-9236 Phonel. 970-476-L987 #of GEF t ogE:*of, Eood/grllcc ! ilob Address: Location. . .: Parcel No..: Project No.: 352 B MEADOW DR 352 E MEADOII DR' 2101- 082 -55-000 PRiro0 - 0126 Statua...: ISSUBD vArr, ATEApplied. . : 05/05/.2000riiued.. ': 06/09/2000 E:qrires . .: L2/06/200O APPLICANI SHAW CONSTRUSTION COMPAIIY ?60 IIORIZON DR, GR.,N{D iII'NCTION CO COT.ITRAC]TOR SITAW CONSTRU TION COMPA}IY 760 IIORIZON DR, GR.,AIiID intNcrroN co 81505 81s06 OVINER VAIL ATITLETIC CLTIB E. SPA 285 BRTDGB ST, VArL,, co 81557 Descriptsion: DEMO AT NB,SE & BAST BND occupancy: Rl MulEi-FamilY Type Const.rucElon: T1pe Occupancy: val-uaEion: 150, 000 Add sg FE : Flr.plrc. Inf,ot:Etign: R.r!rict.d!*of oas AFPlirncos: T;;:il::::::""""'::::;:""'-T::::::.li:il;":::."*" ""':i.""";:::'::il;::::1::::::: 2'o5..oo pI.n Ch.ck---> 611.00 DRB t|.c-------- '00 Addlelon'I FacE---------> 'OO tnv.rcig|Eiqr>.ooR.crc.lion!G.-.-.--...->.ooToc.lParulcF.c..-.-.-->2.054.00 Hr,r crrr----, ':;; ;;f;:"j::::::_:_:_-__: ,,ill:li iiil,i:i";:_:::-::::_::: ''o".ll ttattaitttatrtatatttttlai!rtttttttaltatttltttttltattrtt'"irtt',.'t ttttttttit'rttt"ttrltttt**ttlttrltit''r+rrtlt"ttttttrt,. 6E?Ti r g 3 t8 0KRffi+DrN""BEIt*yFS-E RorlrED ro 8f;R!' BUTLDTNG Divi slon : 667 467 2060 @OoDELh-AsErsli AFPR iEig i t Hi H offi#frt.""Agt*yffi'u oo.*o ro gfEF"=pr.ANNrNG Divi e ion : 6-670172660 KAfi{Y Actsion: APPR N/Artem: ose do'?'iiifi DBP}\F{T4Ei'IT PgpE: FrR"E Divielon: 6E7'iilI666'Ki'riiT ---[CEion' tlots Bo.ltrBD ro McGEE 6676172666 flrlif - 4s!-1on: APPR N/Artem: ossdo'Effiirc wtjFftS--' ---- ::' - -^ Dep-t-'i-EItB woRK Divieion: d67TL / r66d - KitfiT- - "I-Ct'Ion, NorE RoIIXED -ro ^tEolIARD- i!ff",\iifi : ffi:W:+'ffit ;ffi: sEsE ffiH'- :i;i : i:t, 6Eroi/8EE80Kk+8VoR Acrion: AppR N/A ;;.;;; ;;'; ;;;' ;;;;; :;;;;;; ;;;:;;';;;';;; DEEI,ARAITIONS r h€r.by rcknotl.dg. chrt I hava rcad thle rppllcaElon, fllIed ouc In full th. lnforlBtlon requlred, couPl€t'd tn accurrt' p1ots pl.n. r$d .t.t. tshrc rl]' . lnf ororelon Provldld rs rlquir6d Ie cor!'cts ' t t"ttt t:, :T?lyfltlo cmpty rlCh .11 Iorn ordlnrncG! rnd .tce. 1Er,6, and ro build !hi6 tcluctur' t.!ttt:ti?-:Z:l:- cod.r, d..lgn r.vl,.r tPplovcd, lrnlfor. Bulldlng coda and other ordl'nrnc'r of th' Tovn 'Pp/acrDrt RAQUES?B FOR TNSPEcIIONS S!|AIJ! B8 T'ADT !|V!!OTY-'OI'R BOT'RS tN ADVAXCE BI grnd chen-UF D!Po!l! To; gHAll CONSTUCIION ghc aorn'a lnfo: clon Eonl,ng and rtrd plo! PIur, rubdlvlrlon g loo Atl 5300 PtloFFrca rRoll FOR HIUIIEI,F AND gItCER ******************************************************************************** COIIDITIONS Permlt #: D00-0020 as of 06/09/00 sEatus: rssuED ****tt**!t**!r***********************i**:l****************************************** Permit, T14ge: DEMO. OF PART/AL,L BIJDG- Applicant. : SIIAW CONSTRUCIION CON'{PAff,f 970-242-9236 Apptied: 05/05/2OOO i-eeued, 06/09/2000 To E:<pire z L2/06/2AOO ilob Address: L,ocat,ion: Parcel No: 352 E MEADOW DR, VAII., ATHLETIC CLITB 2101-082 -55 -000 VAIL VILI,AGE FIRST FILING,A PART OF TRACT A, BIJOCK 58 DescrlpElon: DBl,lO AT liIE,SE & EiAST El[D CondiEions: .1. FrRB DEPARIIIE!{T APPROVAL rS REQUTPAD-!Eq9-$-}NY WORK CAr'r BE STARTEDIFTIIBREIsAFIREAI.,AII'{oRSPRINKJERSYSTEMEXIST- ING IN TIIE AREA OF CONSTRU TION' 2.FIELDINsPEefIoNsARERBQUIREDTocIIEcKFoRcoDECoMPI.IAI{CE.3. AIJLWORK SIIALL IN CONFORMAIiICE WITH APPRO\IED STAGING PLAN' PLEASBcoNTAcTIJEoNARDSAI{DoVAIJNE4Tg-zLgSFoRQUEsTIoNs REGIARDINGTHBSTAGINGPI,AN,DELIVERIES,LOADTNG,ETC'4. TI{IS IS A DEMOIJITION PERMIT ONLY AI{D DOES NOT AUII{ORIZB ATiff ADDITIoNAI, coNsTRucrIoN oR PRoVIDE AITY ASSIJRANCES TIIAT AIIY SUBSEQITEI'IT PERMITS WILI-, BB APPROVED OR ISSLED' aattt*tl!latttttttat!}tttatilttat***tt*tt**t*t}ll}t***rltr**tttlltttt!lt IOINT OF VAIIJ, @IORADO StatemnE *ttia*tttail*alaa*rlaaia***tt*ta*a*trrrttitrtrttt*arlirrrlrtt***it gtatennt lnnnber: RBC-O539 enroua!: 2,054,O0 06/09/00 LSzOS Palment llethod: 034355 Notatlon! SHAtf COI{STRUCTIO Init! ,JN Petmlt. Nor D00-0020 rlDe: A-DEttO DEMO. Parcel No: Z1O1-oO2-SS - o0Ogite Addresr: 352 E IIEADOI{ DR Irocatloor 3 352 E UEADOW DR, VAIIJ AmILETIC Total Fee6: Thi6 P.)4!cnt 2,054.O0 Aotal AIrIJ Prte: Balance : t*ta*rtttit*rttt*trt***r***t***tat***ti***f r*rt*arttt***f a*it*ti Account Code Descrlptloa BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUITDINC PERUIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CHECK FBBS AI) D2-DBPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31].2AOO WIIJIJ EEIJJ INAPECTION FBB OF PART/AI,I. BU CIi'B 2, OS4 .OO 2, O54 . OO , o0 Amount 940.00 611 . 00 500.00 3.OO lO/28/O0 09:00 8970{881208 Bool !A o02 Apo)lcaCon* Job AiC;:ress: iegnl)csc-': Cc;l+-- )ia-:rg Acd*ss: Flcec : glevs,tor C+niPcraf: l'1iii:g ?hola#: ftLf { l ul l4aY*t gee-o nS r.j ta:- t ar\arle r_.J;i Cless ofV/ork: lescnleWlrh I icre4 c<tifv tu : lev: af-a{--lgt-t'i.:L=iEL?i't'* *''-' ? -o'-:.::: T:.1:'"i;1TffiNg:ICE i"ilfro" dtse rryi'5 rvlc'l:: 'n*r: 1f-1;-]ivcr- wur de ery tit' t g'w sti'::ffre graning of a Scrt ry.-t !, - -.r- --i ar .n.-l '-if#tiii;;;ic"; ii e. Y ote-' s:e cr'o::r 'aw reguld:g maswdon :. pcJorca,ce ol cos3!|'l:Ctioc- 5!g3:rtue c{cgctndcr ol Sigrar-l:c of orvlcr t:)4:! lt .i.i.s:o,cii.il.ii'c':ico:-s-ric'oo1oF-'I^5' -J iidii.ll "t i="::::'-!ceci cver 95QCCC'00 "':ii:-#;#i;#$':si$ffi s','# lri i:'6tl't-.li rr="co: $':rorr cv.' s?l' l ;)'3| :."o5", =oi. G sh:: ie rs s:" fl'' :t ]z:-"c )'F' ci * '.:Ji.; ea"*,ts:=1'rc Crl: e: la:l: )-c' !''\ c-- '!''c n {4o ec:l:d 5y thc fo"'5wes:-Cc'orec: Cc":'uc!I of covc toelt$ PbBs Yitt '" 'l'i'iiJ "-lrvccoc--'- *t"tn rnc rlprovci' schecr:ls h:::c*ons by conbcting tlc liw'ccC'G t#;:l;;"' o1 9tol qss-c6i-',::e' '9i'as" 's:ic c'eclis ?:'j'eble to Reci-.ot i necrv ocT 2 4 2000 $wccoc. NwccoG TO!{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROT.ITAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLTEAItr COIirTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTIIENT OF COMMT'NIIY DE\TBLOPMENT NOTE: ITIIS PERI.{IT MUST ADD/ALT MF BUII,D BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AJ.L TII'IES PERMIT Permit. #: 800-0094 ilob Address: 352 E MEADOW DR I-,ocation. . .: 352 E MEADOW DR, Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-55-000 Project No. : PRiIo0-0126 sEatsus...: ISSI'ED vArL ATHApplied. . : 05/05/2000Issued...: 07/21/2OOO Ercpires. . : 0L/L7/200L SHAW CONSTRUqTION COMPA}IY 760 HORIZON DR, GRAIID .'IJNqIION SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPAIVY 760 HORIZON DR, GRAND iIIINCTION VAIL ATHIJETIC CLIIB & SPA 285 BRTDGE ST, VArL, co 81557 Phone: 9'10-242-9236 Ptrone z 970-242-9236 Phone: 970-475-1-987 co co 81506 81s05 Description: NEW FOIJNDATION AT NE,SE OccuPancY: R1 fipe Construction: Type Occupancy: & EAST END OF BLDG MuIti-FamilY ValuaEion:200, 000 Add Sq Ft: liraplrcs Inforuaelon: Rcdtrict.d: YBg llof 6a6 Appllanc.s:*of cae t ogs:*of wood/Pcll.t ! t*.|:rrt'.*''rrtFaEsuUt|ARY'r''t'*'t'+rarr Building----->1,].{o.ooR.gtuarantPIanR.wici-->.ooTotalcalculalcdFcc!--->2,983.00 PIan chcck---> 1,1{o:OO DRB F6c-------- Invc.ligieLon> .oo R.croaeion Pcc----------> .oo ToCal Pcroit Fcc--------> 2't83'0O wlll c.ll----> 3.oo clcan-uP Depo6i!--------> 5oo'oo Payrtl'nc6----------------> 2'943'00 TOTATT AAES- -- - - *tatlrtatttartarti**ttiir.tt**ttat*tttrtrt*ir*lr*ti'rtttt**rtltt tt 'ltttt*' ', !r a.,r t rr.r rr,,,, r i * * * * r r it r r * t rar,r t r r * r r,, i * r a I r 'r t a a * rr t t a a * t t a a t ', t 'l t * r * * i a * ir t,rt 'l t a t r t tf " t t' tt * ' J t t t t r t See page 2 of this Document for any eondiEions that may apply Eo tshis permit. DECIARATIONA t hcraby .ckno{lcdg. that I h.vc rcrd this rpplicacion, fillcd ouc in fuII thc inforuation required, coEPlltcd 'n rccutrt' plot ptan, ana stala that all lhe lnf,orE.cion provided as rcquirld i6 cor!sc!. r aErr. to codply ,itsh Lhc inforuNEiort rnd pIots phn' go coup1y rith ill Toxn ordin.urceF .nd 6tatsc laxs, snd to build this strucgure according tso chc Tosn'6 zoninE rnd lubdivieion cod.s, dc6igrt rcvicr approved, uniforn Building cod. qltd oth.r ordinanccd of tshG Totn altltlicablc th'rcto' Item: 05100 BuILDING DEPARII4ES DepF-: BUILDING Division: 6E7 Ii t 56 o6- KAff --' -AcE-ibn ; NOEE BoIrrED - T9- -cARY5i76s72666 ec66DsLL ACtion: APPR F & F oNLY-itail;' o6ioo-Fi,alrfifre SfiFa-dfiaiffi _ --' _ -pepg'_PLAIiINING Division : 6E7it t16o6-KAffiy-'----AEEi.on; r.tOte noTrrtsD ro qEpRqE - rtaft;'65aoo-F1,16lmrNc DEPARrl,lBlT DQp!;-er'amtrNc Drvagaon: 6E7Iit z6o6-KAffiy-'----AEEi.on; r.tote 4otrreD ro qEoBqE .6t'/ri71oo0 ilAiiit A-EIon; liotr pretl Fsv PENDTNG MEETTNG 0772072000 GEORGE AcEion: APPRit6fr;'dieoo-Fi-dr-DgpARntgl{r Depli,-qIBE--- Division: 6E7ilizi6do-K4frtr ---ACEioril totg BourED ro UGEE/vAu.GIE'I giLgi? ]"PPI""WJP+1",H; E I oii ; AFFn FEi - raee'eE E;$tT tn#' #fl * Divi s i on : nEQUEST9 FOR INgPEelrONg gHArtJ BE UADA TWE$IY-FOI R HOITRS rN ADVaNCE Bv g.nd cl..n-up Depo6its Tor SHAW ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSpermit #: 800-0094 as of O7/2L/00 SUatsus: ISSIIED *************:r*****************:r************************************************ Permit 1:pe: ADD/AL,T MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant : sHAW coNsTRucuoN CoMPANY 970-242-9236 Applied: 0s/0s/2000 Issued: 07/2L/2OOO To Br<pire: oL/L1 /2oo1- ilob Address: LOCAEiON: 352 B MEADOW DR, VAIL ATIILETIC CLI'B Parcel No: 2101-082-55-000 VAII.,VILI,AGEFIRSTFII,ING,APARTOFTRACTA,BI'OCK58 DescripEion: NEW FOUNDATION AT NE,SE & EAST END OF BI.,DG CondiEions:1. FIBI-,D INSPECfIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIAI{CB ' 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN IIALIJS,CEIIINGS,AIiID FL'ooRs To BE SEALED WITII AN APPROVED FTRE MATERIAI. 3. SMOKE DETEcIoRs ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AriID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 310 . 6 . 1 0F TIIE 1997 I'BC. 4. FIRE DEPART!,IEIiIT APPROVAIJ IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI{Y WORK CAN BE STARTED. 5. ALL WORK TO BE AS PBR APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF 1997 I'BC' 1999 NEC, 1998 IMC OR 1997 I'MC, 1994 ttPc oR 1997 IPC' ALIJ AS ADoPTED BY THE TowN oF VAII-,, & AIVY oTIIER APPI,ICABI,E oRDI- NAt{cEs, REGI'LATIoNS oR coNDITIoNS oF APPRoVAI BY THE TowN OF VAIL 5. PIBASE COORDINATB WITH THE TOV FIRE DEPT REGARDING PEASING' PRBSERVING SAFE EXITING DURING CONSTRUSTIoN, AVoIDING FAI-',SE ALARMS, 6. THB DESIGN, REVIEW & APPROVAL oF AJ-,ARM SYSTBM & FIRB SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLANS & THE SITBSEQITBNT IN PROGRESS INSPBCTIONS OF TIIBSE LIFE SAFETY SYSTBMS. CONTA T MIKE MCGEE OR MIKE VAI'GHAN AT 479-2135. ?. TIIIS IS A FOI'NDATION PERMIT ONI.,Y FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW FOI'ND]ITIONS FOR THE PRO.JEEI ONLY. NO OTHER WORK IS AUTHORIZED T]IIDER THIS PERMIT. AS TIIB RECIPIENT OF A PARTIAIJ PBRMIT, T.IIB owNBR Is PRoCEEDING AT HIs (TIIEIR) owN RISK WITHOUT AI\TY ASST'RANCE THAT A FIJLL BUIIJDING PERMIT FOR TIIE PRoiIEcTwlttBEAPPRoVEDoRISSIIED.SEESE(IIoNt06.4.L, 3RD PARIAGRAPH, 1997 I,BC, FOR THE ADMINISTRATM PROVISIONS GOVERNING PARTIAI, PERMITS. S.FINALPROiIB TWILI,BEREQUIREDTOMEETTHEMINIMIJM RBQUIREMEIIrS OF AIJL APPLICABLE ADOPTED CODES & REGII,ATIONS. 9. this approval shal-1 be for foundaUion only. No porLions of trre luiraing including scone veneer and roof overhangs ald e aves shall 6e permitLed to exLend beyond the property' An OUR OFFTCE PRON{ 8:00 lll 5:00 PU COITARACIOR FOR HIMSE'JF AND OIINBR :l excepEion shall be grantsed only for thaE porEion of Lhe curr-ent building which is over-the propercy line as depictsed on the fianl Plats. *tlrla****t+*****trla**a*t*r***ti.***tl******a*t*******t***i**r*t* .Ttr$N oF VAIL, CoIORADO gtatennt **** ** * **rtt*t a*t *tt *t* ***t******t **:lt* t***frt i*rtr.ra*tr trrrrlr* r * - StatemDt, ![u[ber: RBC-0550 trnowrt:2, 933 .00 07/O5/oO O8z3o Palment ltethod 3 4933 notatloD: DAI{ LEROY Init : illf ADD/AI,T rlIF BUIIJ' PR, Varr, arru,rrrc cLIrB Total Fees: Balance ! Account code Deecription BP . 0O10O0O3.1111o0 BUrI,I)Uce PERI'IIT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESIGIT REVTB! FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN EHECK FEES AD D2-DAPO8 CI,EJANI'P DEFOSITS TIC OO1OOOO3112AOO WIIJJ EAIJJ INSPEEIION FBE Total AI.L PEtE : 2,983 .OO 2, 983. 0O .00. Amount 1, 14O . 0O 150 - 00 1,14O. 0O 500.00 3.OO Vri/ Wil/sf" dal , ilow: VN/ /Ylh). /"/fU Farcel l{o: 2101-082-55-000 Site Addrese: 352 B MEADow DR Location 3 352 E UB}|I)OW DR, Thie Pal'[elrt \.->><-/- 'Fu4rlstt ' 'uv a** * ** tri**:lii*at*rtt a*t*rl * ****t*****t i**rtitti*** tt t tt tl t*** *** * *** D ^^,9 .ot:sg1\,O Project *: PPil t....S" DEl.llO- BnilCrirg-Permit #:er*U\9 (\$97 O- 479 -2t49 (Inspections)F0DnMfl6N' 6Ob-OCg+ mwvuFYtn 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colora?o 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Contad Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # 2tot - O82 - gg -Oo t Scdo.rcd I ZogSG tf ,l rob Name: y'rn A"r"ETtc c.ue, CW. E- fneadou, ua. JOD AOOTeSS: t ',l13, L4tr n64o6) DAvn Legal Description Lot:Block: f Filins: I'f F.,-,Subdivision: Owners Name: ll S.l t- LLC .Address:7 gf l>uoupt l/a-Phone: 47A _ l1 g" ArchitecVDesigner: JMp Ap"U.Address:P.E.tg"^ zoo+ Auoa onon"' rilu) 1'r1- 132L Englneer: 7u|op/orc l. L)f-,,1t_-Address: P.O. Eot t f,1 7 Aun^t Phonet (jVo> q 19 -7?b g Detailed description of work: ( SF,L /'.,i.rr 4..a $pr.rcor flOO Uo fs,,,,r|s4 n es L.r)o-r af c.,oatL L.-rftr-> 'r,) E t3E,,w Casr Er,o (xunt,.- i Evrgr.t-\ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ; O"roQ{ Other}'{ Fosrtbane,-t Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both bO Does an EHU exist at this location' ^y6r.*gA-S ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily g,Q Commercial gQ Restaurant 0O Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: t (t 7 Ff O)No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 2 B Noffypeof FireplacesExistinq: GasApoliances( ) GasLoqs{ ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq ( ) N/4 f*tsP NoiType of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas ApDliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED)9 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ffi No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ()Q No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) I BUTLDTNGi$ frLOr>,.r.>o ELECTRICAL: $ -- orHER: $- l/f,o,ooo PLUMBING: $ -. MECHANICAL: $ - TOTAL: S REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: S.terrr: CCfn-ST?r r r Tl 1^1L_1 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Sqa, C|,\)Jr/,i'c-Tto-) Town of Vail Reg. No.:lo8^A Contact and Phone #'s: (17o> zYL- ?z'b KE t nt Oxtuof-r,cr.tt (9f+?sV -r-+zc Contractor Signature: .Z /IK tzt?_r'f.///oo :t******r.t **t!****'l***************:r*****'rFOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********!r*******r{**,i**r.*****-&***** Public Way Permit F€e: F:/weryone/forms/bldgperm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTtrIEI{:r OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI,TT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-01-15 .Iob Address: 352 E MBADOW DR Locat,i-on. . .: 352 E MEADOW DR, ParceL No. . : 2LOL-082-55-000 ProjecE No. : PI{J0O-01-26 Statsus...: ISSUED FORMER VApplied. . : 105 /23 / 20Q0Issued...: 08/24/2000 bq)ires . .: O2/2O/2OOL APPLICAIVT SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone z 970-242-9236 760 HORIZON DR, GRAND JI]NCTION CO 8150b CONTRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone: 970-242-9236 OI'INER 760 HORIZON DR, GRAND iIUN TION CO 81506 VAIL ATHLETIC CLI'B & SPA PhONE: 970-476-L987 285 BRTDGE ST, VArL, CO 81657 Description: FI'I.,I, PERMIT FOR PIIASE T & II CONSTRUETTON ONLY occupancy: Ra/A3/F.2Multi-Famj-l-y w/ Assembty & Bus \pe Const,ruct,ion: II 1-HR Type II l-Hourqlge Occupancy: R]-/A3lB2Not in table! Valuat.ion:4 ,7,75 ,000 Add Sq FE: L9542 Fir.plac€ Inforlnation: Rertrictsd:*of ea6 Applj.anceg:*of eas Logs:*of wood/Pe]ler: Buil.ding-----> Plan check- -- > Investigation> will call----> 13,965 .0O Rcsluarant Plan Revicrr--> 13, 855. OO DRB Fee--------- ,0O Recreation Fee----------> 3 .00 Clean-UD DeDodiE--------> .o0 Total calculated FeeE-__> 48,975.0o 5o0. o0 AddiLional Fees---------> .0o !9,542.oo ToEal PedtriE Fee--------> 48,875.00 1, 000 .00 Palmenld- - - - -- - TOIAIJ FBES-- -'- ,*tJ**!rtrriarrr'.rtr*tat***:r*rr **rtit*i**t****'r*r i*t att*tati* DePE: BUILDING Division: ROUTED TO GARY CORE & SHELIJ ONLYFI'LL PERMTT. PHASE I & IIDeot: PI,ANNING Division: ROTITED TO GEbRGE Dept: FIRE Division: ROUTED TO MCGEE/VAUGHN PER MCGEE E-MAIL 7/3lOO DepE : PUB WORK Di-vision: ROI}TED TO LEONARD DEIiIIED APPROVA], DENIED NEED CIVIL DRAWINGS APPR PER GREG-ALI ISSUES DISCTISSED WITTI GBORGE IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARIMEIiTT06/OL/2000 KATHY Action: NOTE O7'/1-9/.2OOO GGOODELL Action: APPR08/22/2000 GGOODELL Action: APPRII,EM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARIIIT'IEIiII O5/.O1,/.2OOO KATITY Act,ion: NOTEO8/LL/2000 GEORGE Act,ion: APPRITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiITO6/OL/20O0 KATITY Action: NOTE07/L8/2000 KATITY Action: APPRrtem: 05500 PIlBtIc woRKs06/0r/2000 KA,TIIY Action: NOTE 06'/O5'/2OOO ISANDOVA Act,ion: APPR 06'/ O5'/.2O00 LSATiIDOVA Action3 CANC06/O5/2OO0 I,SAI{DOVA Act,ion: NOTEo8/.L5'/.2O00 KATIIY Action: APPRO8/L5/2000 KATIIY Action: APPR r * * i i r * * * * r r !r * ''l r **rf I i* !r * *r.r *ri*i * r* * t *ilr * r * * * * * t tt ft See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any condit.ions uhaE may apply Eo tshis permit,. DEEI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tshac I hav€ lead thi6 application, filIed out in fulL the inf,omation required, couplct'ed at! .ccuratc plot plan, and stale lhat all thc Lnformation provided a€ required is correct. I agree to co[ply Eo conply rriCh all Toen ordinanceB and dtatse lar6, and to build thi6 struceule according to Permit #: B00-0L15 COIIDITIONS as of 08/24/00 Permit Tlpe: ADD/AIT COMM BUILD PERMT Appl j-cant,: SIIAW CONSTRUCTION COMpAI{Y 970-242-9236 oftlrat10n and and ploc plan, subdivi si on codes, design reviett approvBd, uniform Butldtng code and other ordinance" ot /tn. y-" Tt,REerr'srs FoR rNgpEcrroNs sHArJrr BE UADE TwErrrr-FouR HouRs rN AD\rANca sy ***WyrA OFPI PROl.l g:O0 Afl 5!OO Ptt send Clean-up DepoElts To: sllAtl SIGNATURE OF CONrRASOR FOR HIMSELF ******************************************************************************** ****************************:l***:l*********************************************** SEaLus: ISSIIED Applied: 05/23/20OO Issued: 08 /24/2O00To Elq)irel. 02/20/2OOL Job .Addt'ess: LOCAEiON: 352 E MEADOW DR, FORMER VAIL Parcel No: 2101-082-55-000 VAII, VII,LAGE FIRST FILING,A ATI{LETIC CLI]B PART OF TRAET A, BLOCK 58 Description: FT'I-,I, PERMIT FOR PHASE I & II CONSTRU TION ONI-,Y Conditions:1. FIRE DEP.A,RTI4EI T APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK EAN BE STARTED IF THERE IS A FIRE AIARM OR SPRINKLER SYSTEM EXIST- ING IN THE AREA OF CONSTRU(TTON. ARRANGEIIENTS MUST BE MADE WITII THE FfR,E DEPARTT{EN T. TIIIS WILL PREVEI T FALSE ALARMS. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. 3. NO PARKING OR STAGING OF MATERIAIS WILL BE ALLOWED WITIIOUT AN APPROVED PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT.4. AtL CONSTRUCTION TO MEET TIIE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 1"997 I'BC, 1-999 NEC, 1998 rMC OR 1997 UMC & TTIE 1994 IIPC OR ]-997 rPC, ALL AS ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL, & OTHER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES, REGI]I,ATIONS & CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI . 5. THIS BUILDING PERMIT APPLTEATION WAS SI]BMITTED BY THE APPLIEA}iIT AS A OPHASE I & IIN ONLY APPLICATION. FOR THIS REASON & BECAUSE NC|lr ALL REQUIRED DETAILS OF TIIE CONSTRUCTION IIAVE BEEN SI'PPI,IED TO DATts, fiIIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSI]ED AS A PARTIAL PERMIT IN ACCORDANCE WITII SECTION 106.4-t, 3RD PARAGRAPH, 1997 uBC. TIIUS, PER SEC. 106.4.1,I]. . .TIIE HOLDER OF A PARTIAL PERMIT SHAT,L PROCEED WITHOIIT ASSI]RANCE TIIAT TI{E PERMIT FOR TIIE ENTIRE BUILDING OR STRUSN'RE WILL BE GRAN|'IED,II6. PLEASE COORDINATE WUITH rHE FIRE DEpARTI\4ENT AT ALL TIMES REGARDING PRESERVATION OF SAFE EXITING FROM TIIE BUILDING AT AJ.L TIMES TIIAT IT MAY BE OCCUPIED DI'RING CONSTRU TION, TIIE PREVEI!:TION OF FALSE AI,ARMS, & TTIE REVIEW & APPROVAI OF AIVY REQUIRED SHOP DRAWINGS FOR FIRE .A,I,ARM & FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. COIITACT MIKE MCGEE OR MIKE VAUGHAN AT 479-2l.35. 7. ALL LAIVDSCAPING ISSI]ES MUST BE RESOLVED AND ELEETRICAL TRANSFORMER LOEATION AND DETAILS MUST BE SHOWN ON SITB PI,AN. 8. The developer sha11 submit a desigrn review board applicat,ion for the proposed rai-sing on the nort.h side of the of the utility transformer locatedbuildino. The utilitv Lransformer shall be reviewed and approved prior Lo the constructsion oralteration to the uciliEy work. 9. A snowmeLt syst.em is Eo be provided on Ehe north side of East Meadow Drive. Construction drawings shall be submitEedto the Town of Vail for review and approval prior Eo the construction of Ehese required improvements.10. The owner musE su-bmit, revised floor plans showing trhe IocaEion of t,he required 150 cu. ft. of sEorage for t,he required employee housing units. These revised plans must, be submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by Town of Vail staff prior t,o the scheduling of a rough framing inspection for this area of the constnrctioir.11. The developer must submit revised plans addressing each of the issues idenLified and agreed ro in the leLter from Gary Adams to George Ruther, daled Augusc 4, 2000, prior to the scheduling of a rouglr frarning inspection. 12- The developer must submit a revised roof plan showing the locatrion of Ehe elevator Lower override, if one proves to be necessary, for review and approval by Town of Vail staffprior Eo the scheduling of a rough framing inspecLion. The heights of the tower shall not exceed tshe height approved by Lhe Town of Vail Design Review Board. 13. The developer must submit. revised plans showing theconstruction of the wooden shut.t,ers as depicLed on the DRB approved plans. These plans musts be submitted by che applj-cant and reviewed and approved by Town of Vail sLaffprior to the scheduling of a rough framing inspecEion. 1-4. T'he developer must submit revised plans showing Ehe finished heights of the entry tower. The finished height of tshe entsry Eower musL be as indicated on t,he plans approved by tshe Design Review Board (DRB). l-5. The developer must submit a revised grading plan showing all proposed grading on one plan. Specifically, the areas on the east and west si-des on the underground parking st.ruct,ure along East. Meadow Drive must. be shown. 16. The developer must revise sheet 3 of 5 of the civil engi- neering drawings to increase Ehe wi-dE,h of Ehe bench shown on Section L/L2.L. The plans shall indi-cate the horizontaL dist,ance for the bench and wa11 baEter. The revised plans mrst receive approval from the Town Engineer prior to the scheduling of a rough framing inspecLion. 17. All issues regarding meeting t,he minj-mum reguiremenLs of the adopted building codes of the Town of vail will be required tro be resolved as part of the construction. The owner wil.I employ a gualified fire protrecEion engineer t,o provide an engineer-stamped reports and detsails confirmJ-ng that, in the besc judgment of Ehe engineer, any proposed const,ruct.j-on meEhods and/or maEerials are ac least, eguivalent to or exceed the minimum reguirements of the adopted codes of t,he Tovm of Vail .18. The following issues and any. other building codes compliance issues identified during Ehe consEnrcE.ion of this project must be resolved Eo Ehe sat,isfact,ion of Ehe chj-ef building official . fssues identified aE Ehis time include:1) Otrlenings connecting more Eh€rn one floor and required means of egress issues for the proposed three-level restauranE and bar-2l The use of wood/combustible mat,erials on t.he wesuern exterior of the building where wood is not permitEed. 3) Classifi-cation of t,he basemenEs as "sEories" based on the finished floor above being more than L2 ft. abovefinished grade aE any point. **il**trl**rl*rl****lll*at*ltitttttat*t**l*********t**a***i***i*l**** TOnN OF VArrJ, COTORADO Reprinted: oe/23/oo L3:49 Statemnt *********t**{*tr******t**t*t*a******tt*t*t**t*tiltt**tt*t*t*tt*** gtatemnt Number: RBC-O658 Amount :29, o92.oo 08/23/oo a3 :47 Payment lrlethod r 0002 Notation; V.U.L.L.L.C.Init: ilN Permits No: BO0-0115 T)E e: A- ClCIrt{ ADD/AL,T COUIiI BUILD P Parce1 No: 2101- 082 -55- 000 glte Address: 352 B IiIEADOW DR Location: 352 E llEADOlf DR, FORMER VAIL ATIILETIC CLUB Thls Pa)ment Total Fees: 29 , O92 .OO ToEal Ar,r, Pmts : Balance I 48, 875 .00 48,875.0O .00 Amount 500. oo 1 ,947 .OO 1,00o. oo L9 ,642 . OO 3.00 i****A******tl*****ll*******t**artt*t**ta***********l+llll*+*+**it** Account Code Descrlptlon DR 00100003112200 DESre[ REVrEtf FEES PP OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FBES AD D2-DBPO8 CLB:ANUP DBPOAITS RF11100003112700 RECRB,ATTOT{FEES TIC OO1OOOO31128OO IIILL CATL INSPECTION FEE NWN0Fvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Building Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) TI Separate Permits are trical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.!8 SHETL ConEd Assessorc Office at g7o-328-86/n or visit vvvvw.com for Parcel S Parcef# ZIotOgL St@Q w rob Name: y'^,t 1-lo,n,r.i,r LooAL Q.a.c)rob Address: 3; z E. flcn >o,rl)g,rt Legal Description Lot:Block:Filins; t'a,. # 1 subdivision: ( Spr 4rne**) owners Name: Vn U, L. L, C.Address: z\i k,otE 9r. l/41"Phone: r7c -/ga7 ArchitecvDesisnu,;D4n,, hu,n.,*)loo9iTrLS_tintJi,nn', @ ll Phone: lzu .g1ao Engineer./Llte.,pF l lJt* l^*.-Ad95"ll'rn,r-" at', @ Phone: ?,/1_ TVGg Detailed description of work: F&,*ru tJo-, E)7&" Ta.rtt.t- Ft /fur+rl* -t ttsr &ro ilo-t 5ll b&tr n^to, .F Borrt,or C0A^'PA w,q. ,r\rC.i.l,craat lE Ldr-f- eoT. WorkCfass: New() Addition(rzf aemodel 6.l Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Eoth (,zf Does an EHU exist at this location. Yes (fJ No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singte-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (,rzf Commercial (/t Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasApoliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq ( )il/4-6*15 No/Type of Fireplaces ProDosed: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Aj Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (,zJ No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (wJ No ( ) Fbr 4 CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (Labor & Materaals) BUILDING: $ /, f,OO,OoO ELECTRICAL: $ 3(A>. eor>OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ /OO, goo MECHANICAL: $ qoo, a€c ToTAL: S 2, G Go,ooo. ee) REFUNDCLEANUP DEPOSITTO: Shnrrf O,r6srer lr-hrcn ? CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: C*rr*u.Town of Vail Reg. No.: rcts-q Contact andlhone #'s: (gto\ gl z -92 )b E A,m 6\,^t+, ot tL (t to)tot - zzrloo -Nbrrne Vrla R OFFICE USE ONLY* * *t *******'t**** *:t*t ***,t**:!****^!***** F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm I#8L?*E9PErl4l#lEEE&.$Sff 9$rES Ito.866 P. 1 SCEEDI]I}A Ordu Nunber: 9 902 6 I 27 44 LEGALDESCRIMON UAIL AITELB'IITC CtI'I 4TUMr:flVJUr6, ExCEDgINe coadoailirln tait9 A aad 8, Aocozllag to tic Coadoninlrn l'ap tlcreof tecozdtedt A|grgu't 34, t98l in Eook 393 at Dage 326 6r nracpticn Ib. 209622, and Accotding to tbe Ala€edeC srrC Eestatcd Condmjalun riap teoo*t& *-_aad as aatbel aad dcpctibcd ia thc c<radoniaiuu Deelaratlon a€oorded Auguat 24, 1904 ia Eook 393 et page 339 aa aaceptlon lto, 289621t andtl€ eneJtded aad Sestlted Coadoaiaitn Declaretlon tecoulldred, COL'Nf,g OE 3aCEE dIAlE OE CODOBADO c3 c&ttrrwvt DaNE t2ll7 l9g Bv IBw C2 COTINfTEEET DONE 1I/TJI99 BT I.C'W.ruls coe,/TuEd4 tag paapex8D oy ocf. 7t 1999. nn ouDEIIoN$ PLEAEE CALI) $INDA VIIdTIAIT$ At (970)919-r.0tt, Ihlg cffitttuent is sc.at tot torltr 84RAu55 EXWEST fl, dEI.I{nlI JEFT LAI'PIASI IOI,I'N OT IdJI Project Name: Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Comm unity Development Vo ,, Plooora n L,,t t t ( Vn,- Ar*.t, * C.ue Project Address:E*rr Mu*s Dr,vc \ l,/n,. il,.,,t/ b*,rt / This Chqklist must fu comoleted before a Building Permit aopliatrbn is accepted, "/ ett pugu, of application is comptete / nurDRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form S Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-l d Comolete site olan submitted Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted { pr1nrWay Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) { /vtr" ?Po!t,i' lf\ P.r-QotAEs {Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkano or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) ( winoo* and door schedute (a/a - 6tr i Srea) { 9U structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads),// Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) / Soitt Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection d fir.resistive assemblies soecified and oenetrations indicated,/{ lsmoke detectors shown on plans dtyp.tandquantityof fireplacesrho*n( Oe,t.orttfls sf+r|'^r , Tftts td,rur- c;r}rt| vtftl nlgAc- lql"rlr Ailarc.Anet) Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: 1)y6*>t *r bf,-A CgrosTps.-,ru F:/everyoneforms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requir.es a Town of Vail Fire,Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above .mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of tlme. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect tuture permits that I apply for. Agreed to by; Project Name: Date: Print name K,I r,/t I /crc F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 / { { { { s/ IVWNOF WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A*PUBUC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence? YES Does demolition work being performe( require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES X NO_ Is any utility work needed? YES-1K_ NO Is the driveway being repaved?YEs--X- No- (b+,t^ur) Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YESI- NO Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES ,Y NO_ (Pose ,r"y) { s/ YES_D<_ No If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES X NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Work at 479-2L98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. SA.<* Cuus,rqvtno*) Nol{_ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? & {,/rl /.r' F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name PUBTIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontaqe Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifo (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job, Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to peform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Buildino Permit". ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. g lq /.- F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed DRAIT{AGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Buitding Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by; './t.V$tu f4r,o. Lo D,tEProject Name: Date Signed: Print Name F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 {/zz/rc MATERIAL STORAGE AI{D CONSTRUCTIOT{ PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSTTS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. q Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow; ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravd, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-L of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3I PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED u No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) S 1) a Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any seqtion of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed:5r/zz /* Po*. r{ q - >a*,'ffil"-c.,*t,p F :/everyone/formsibldperm 7 TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2t38 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT .fOb AddTCSS: 352 E MEADOW DR Location. ..: 352 E MEADOW DR Parcel No. . : 2l-01-082-55-000Project No. r PR;Io0-0126 APPLICAI{:T SHAhI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 750 HORIZON DR, GRAND .JI]NCTION CONTRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUETTON COMPA}IY 760 HORIZON DR, GRAND .IIJNCTION OI,{NER VAIL ATHTETIC CLI]B & SPA 285 BRTDGE ST, VAII, CO 81657 Description: TEMP ACCESS/EGRESS STAIR FOR EXISTING SPA/CLI'B Occupancy: 81 Et1 T:rI)e ConsLruction:lfpe Occupancy: DEPARIMEIiIT OF COMMI]NIW DEVELOPMEI T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES {t-tt.Permit, Status. . (SOUTH SIAppIied.. Issued. . -bcpires. . B0 0 - 0115 : ISSI]ED :To5 /23 /2oOO: 07/20/2000t ot/L6/2ooL 815 06 8r-506 Add Sq FE: .00 Phone : 97Q-242-9236 Phone: 970-242-9236 Phone:. 970-476-198'7 co co FEE SUUMARY Valuat.ion: Fileplace Inforualion: ReBtricted: 25, 000 *of caa Appllanceg: Regtualant Plan Revle*- - > Rect(lation F6e-------- --> CIean-Up Deposit------ --> *of Gas LoE6:*of iiood/Pcllcg: Total CalculaLed Fees_ - _ >459 .7 S Additional Fees---- -----> .o0 Toeal Perdi! Fe6- -------> 449.75 Pavmenb6------ - {89.75 Buildj,ng-----> Plan check-- -> InvestigaEion> wi.11 call----> 295 .O0 .oo 3.OO .00 .00 TO:'AL FEES----- ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARI14ENT06/0L/2000 KATITY Acuion: NOTE06/09/2000 JRII Action: APPRITEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMEIiIT06/OL/2000 KATHY Action: APPRItem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTTiIEIiIT06/0L/2000 KATTIY Action: NCrfE O7'/05'/2OOO JRjM Accion: APPRIt,bm:' 05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS06/OL/2OOO KATITY Action: NOTEO6'/OL'/2000 KATT{Y Accion: APPR DEPT : BUTLDING DiViSiON: ROUTED TO .]RM APPROVED DepE : PIJANNING Di-vision: APPR PER GEORGE W,/COND'S DEPE : FIITE DiViSiON: ROT]TED TO VAUGIIN OK PER MCGEE (BUII,T) DepE: PIIB WORK Divisj-on: ROI]TED TO PUBI-,IC WORKSN/A *t* ttrt* i*l t*f tt See Page 2 of t.his Document for any conditions EhaE may apply tso this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknowledge lhat I havc read Ehie applicacion, fillsd outs in f,u11 che infornation !equi!.d, conPleted an accurato Plot plrn, and Bta!6 chat alL Lh6 j.nformatsior provided aE requir€d i6 corr6ct. I agrr. go conply ltitsh !h€ iltforllation and plots pIan, to conply idbh alL lo$n ordillances and ELate 1ans, and fo bqild thig 6cruccur6 according !o the Tot.n'6 zoning and au.bdiviEion code6, de6ig't r6vi€w approved, UnifolE BuiLding cod6 and other ordinancos of ch€ Torn appllcable lhereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS Sl'{LIr BE M:\DE TWENTy-FOUR HOTRS IN AD\IANCE BY TE TEPHONE Nl 479-2135 OR AT OUR OPFICE FROlil SrO0 AM 5:00 PM COI{IRACTOR FOR HIMSELP AND 06;;Sena 3lean-Up DeposiE To: SHAW ******************************************************************************** Permit #: 800-0116 CONDITIONS as of 07/20/oo SIaEus: ISSUED ***************************************:l**************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Applj-cant : SIIAW CONSTRUCIION COMPANY 970-242-9236 Job Address:Location: 352 E MEADOW DR (SOIITH SIDE) VAIL, Parcel No: 21_01-082-55-000 VAIL VIII,AGE FIRST FII-,ING,A PART Descriptsion: TEMP ACCESS/EGRESS STArR FOR EXTSTTNG SPA/Cr-,UB Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARI1IIENT APPROVAL IS REQUIR-ED BEFORE ANY WORK CAII BE STARTED IF THERE IS A FIRE ALARM OR SPRINKLER EXISTING IN TIIE AREA OF CONSTRUCTTON. THIS WILL PREVENT FALSE ALARMS. 2. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. 3. TTMPORARY STAIR TO BE REMOVED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF T.C.O. Applied: 0s /23 /2000Issued: 07 /20 /2000To Ercpire z 0l/L6/2001 ATHLETIC CI,IJB OF TRACT A, BLOCK 58 ***t*a*tt**t!t**it***t*****tt*tt*it;*i****itr**rr****rf *rt*ttr*t* TOnN OE VAIL, CoIOrieDo sraremnr tt** ** ****t **t**t ***** *****!t******* t** i* ***i ***a**** tt*tt* *** t*!} Statennt l{unber:. RBC-O656 Amoutrt: 4Ag.7S O7/2O/OO L3:2O Payment ltethod: 35297 Notation: SHAW CIoNSIRUCTIO Init: r]t{ Pd.mit No: BO0- 0115 fl4re: A- CgMt{ ADD/ALT COmt BUII;D p Farcel No: 2101- O82:55- 0O0 Site Mdreee: 352 B IiIEADOW DR IJocat,Lon: 352 S MEADOW DR ( SOITTE SIDE) VAIIJ ATIIITETIC CrJU Total Pees: 4A9.75 this Paymefirt 4S9.?5 Total ALIr PrtE: 4A9.75 Balancer .00 *a**fitrltt*t t*t*t**a t* tt,llt a *t !lr * *rt *t*l}i*tt******tt*****tt*.****r Account Code Description Anount BP OO1OOOO3111100 BUIIJDING PEN$IT TIEE8 295.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHBCK FBES 191.75 wc 00100003112800 wIIJr cAIJr MSPECTION EBE 3.00 APP|ICATIOTI WILL TTOT !E ICCEFTED IF I]ICOIIPLETE OR UIISIGIIED ProJccl *! -_ ,_Buiuing@ 97O-aV9-2149 (Inrpcctons) IWNUWhIY rowlr 9F vAJt BUILD 75 s. Fronterc Rd. seprnrlc Pcrnits rre rcquircd I Y.ll, Color.do E165t rlrc PERrirr APPLI+FG EIVE D or clcctricrl. plumbirg. mechrflcl^|. erc.! 6g$ltll\unY 2 3 2ooo ,qtlo t ttffi tt*ny.eaatM * JobAddrcss: 3gz t,.H,u'n trL,u, t-egatD€scridion I t-oe I gbcr: I ritng, S*r,4.r*,.rn I suuoveion, ownennane:VyAL. (LC - -Phone: 171"- tlL? nrcnitecVOesigner:Aar,, / -r***Iffi IL? Hrl* 9r|.,satl'ts a-6.Phone:1t*- B?coPhone: i#-ttt E Detailed descriotion of crc*: --,\Pcl'w Stt Annerlno Ltt-t- workclassr Nettr() Addrtbn( ) Remodet( ) Repair( ) perno( ) orher({-ptrrnP*rr6;1;'u Wort Type: Interlor ( )Exterior( ) Both (Lrf Does an EHU edst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) t Typeof 8tdg.: slngh-famify( ) Tryofamity( ) Multi-famity( ) cmmerdai( ) R".t--rrt pAk; rq[vpeofFircolacesExistins: c'asA slms( ) wood/pellet( ) woodBumins( ) N/l Io/Tvpeof Fir€elaesPtoffi:CsAoolb sloos( ) wmd/Hl€t( ) woodBurninE(NoTAttowED) Ooes a Fir€Abrm Exlst: vesld---Ff Doer a Fire SpdnlGr System Extst: ya ( w{ Xol l cotfP[ETE yAtuATrOlfS FOR tuttDrilG pERrrtrr (t'bor i l|rb]rNb] BUILDING: $2;,ws ETECTRICAT: $OTHER: $ PLUMBII'G: g I,ECI'IANICAL: $TorAL: S 2f.eog RETJUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: cotfTR cron nFoRtrtAttorr S ruaqor: 6tL.z ol -tlLt, *. r.* * *rt* * r * **** ** r* rl****r*rrr rt* ***.r*FOR OFFICE lIlE OilLv* * r***** **r** r****** ***r*** **** * **rr * * i--:--, Tlpaofconrtructtoru i PubllcweyPirnEE ^-- rts .peg?kon'up f6e's uDawdd- fJn qolroactia er,crt,nj Fbj. F :/ercrtongfr omVbldgperm : & FSOCIAIES np.ffi P.1 &wlga &derlfinfu: 990a60a7-c1 1 LESIILD8SdRIPEON uar.- I,tIEt,gEtc cltD @ryDoflIUIUr3,ffirDtnl{| OerdorLottr lECtr I trt D. lrcEEabj u t r. cerderlaJn t{t ttoarof t .toEba rsrart 2a, tgaa ta acpif ttt rt trt 323 tr l.o{rcf.t| b. at9522, d lf/'fa,dhg tc U. .lr.rCod rad t rt.trd Garulnlalua tnp r'/o96!t.,, nA .. drtJlat. d td dl,tg,lbld ln gtr Oandctetu Drp.ltstttcn srcc:drd ^ttgart ,a, ,'tl ir loot t9t $ ,'lr. taa rr lreqrtJaa tfE, 21)621t udttr rraCod otd Saatatrd 6oa&rja&n Drohatlol tt oar6.d coNncr o2 \w 6UgE O' @[Att,o cJ dd48ltilafi! DotE ,2ll7l9g Dt rRfl c:, &t4$[w w rttttlgt 9, tarr.f|Ilg cilrrut mt ttlPar8D o[ oct. 7t t9t9. tur 9urtfto[t Drira&tt crI'E SIIdD] rtti&,titrt Xt (r70tta9-r0tt. Slttr cEbltt.rt Ir rrtt, tor inEN cn oS!ffitr E. .d8uar JEFY ,,,retrcI TOWN OFVAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2135 OT|NER Elect ical-> DRBFc€l-> Inv!$ig8tion-> will cbll-> TOTAL FEES-> VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:A0l-0012ALARMPERMIT Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 352 E MEADOW D& VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB ParcelNo...: 210108255000 Project No : & SPA 02/t2/20OL Phone: Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 02112/2001 Issued. . : 02/1212001 Expires. .: 08/ll/2001 970-4',t6-1987VA,IIJ ATIIIJETIC CIJ'B 285 BRIDCIE ST VAIL, CO 816 57 License: CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAIJ SPECIALISTS OF 02/L2/200L Phone: 970-513-7100 WESTERN COT,ORADO, r-,LC P.O. BOX 1572 SILVERTHORNE, CO 90498 L,,icense: L5L-S APPIJICAIiIT COMMERCIAL SPECIAI-,ISTS OF 02/r2/2O0t Phone: 970-513-7100 WESTERN COLORADO, LLC P.O. BOX 1572 SILVERTHORNE, CO 90498 License:161.-S Desciption: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RETRO-FIT Valuation: $72,000.00 ttittrrra'rar'taaartrrllllaaallallllaaaaaa*rraaaaaaraar,rr,r,|r:r,r*tr****ll FEE SIIMMARY s1,281.00 s0.00 93.00 s1,284.00 Tolal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fccs--> Total P€tmit Fce_--> Paymeds--.> BALAT{CE DUIE-> 91,284.00 $0.00 91,284.00 91, 284 . 00 Approvals:rfem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 02 / 1-2 / 2OOL MVAIIGHATT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: CON0004547 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information requird complet€d an accurate plot plar\ and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply witb the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiuchtre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTION SSALL BE MAI'E TVYENTY.FOIJR HOURS IN ADV f'l*lll't:;l***tl****l:i*'il******tl:i***'l*'|*'|*{r****l'*'}'}:}:}**!*'t*l**!t*****t}****t*l***'}****t{t{t'i*{t*{t*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprhted otr 02.12-2001 at 15:40:5.3 0?l2n00l Strtement fl +t'l i t'i{r'}** 'lr* **'lt't** lr'}*!tl *'l** * *'l'*'t't* +'}* * ** ***'l** *'lrt** * *'l*:}*'} 'lr'l*'*f *'l*** *'}'}'t* **{' * ** *** * '} ir* f '1"}:} Statemerrt ltumber: R00000044? Amount: $1,284.00 02/L2l2OOLO3:40 PM Payment lttethod: Caeh Init : KMI{ Notation: *10050/coililERclAlr SPECIAIJISTS Permit No: A01-0012 Ty?e: AIARI,I PERIT{IT Parcel No: 210108255000 Site Ad&eee: 352 E tilBADOIt DR VAIL Location: 352 B UEADOW DR, \IAIIT AI]IIIJETIC CIirB Total FeeE: $1,284.00 Ttrie Payment: $1,284.00 Total AL,Lr Prnt.s: 91,284.00 Balance: $0.00 ****i tt ** t**'tl trttt'lr I *t** ft'r*** *tr'l** t{r* * t* *'t**t * t*'}'}* * *:lttlt** t*'f 'l'lt* **{t** t*'l'}* *'l'l't***** **'t* *'t't * *'} ACCOIJNTITEMLIST: Account Code Desription Current Pmts EP OO1()OOO311T4()() TEMPOMRY POI^IER PERMITS M ()()1()()()()3112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1,281.00 3.00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI rcvN 0prilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail' 2"0 pag-e of this form. Application will not be accepted without this information. ConEct Asessorc Otrice at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Retro-fitX) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial fi) Restaurant( ) Other( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERIT,IIT (lAbOT & MAICT|AIS) Fire Alarm: $ *1e, ooO r oc: CONTRACTOR IMORMATION Parcef # (Required if no bldg. Permit# is provided above) 7t1l Oge 55 oOl - o JobAddress: 35Z. Easr tdelr:oul Dg.Job Name: \siu N\our"ys1n1 Looce Phone: ( q.',o I 4l t-- O-l OOAddress: 3Sz e.m,eoo,^, Drz.Owners Name: 1N\L-. r L C Phonu'(3o3) G4e- 06Address: Qrz \\irv.4o Gclx,..rEngineer: Hr('u (g-s,r Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Detailed description of work: No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: zf q-, Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: ves (A) No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yo $() No ( ) Fire Alarm Contractor:<snmE{.CrAL ape{tAtr S-TS oF \lE=srr€rli.t C-ci Lr>r<-lort ^ L!{, r Town of Vail Reg. No.: lut- I Contact and Phone #'s: f,e'srv [)or{'cn (lro) 513--1 loo Contractor Signature: A tY(r, ht L_-Z-- *******i**r*i********************it***iFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*.********'t*trt***************it**'r**** S tzslce F:/everyone/forms/alrmperm #lotyrro TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL EIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: .\ \ \ A Colorado Registered Enginee/s stamp. Device locaUons on reflected ceiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The number of each type of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. The source of AC power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box location. Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring a9ency. tnformation regarding property managerc and contact numbers. Owner/s primary residence location and contact numbers. Instructions for fire alarm system operations and any peftinent code numbers for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensure that our leview process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requircments: Project name: Contractor Signature: Date Signed: TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 2 MOCK UP LTNITS Parcel No...: 210108255000 ProjectNo : Q 9-EOg - to\Lto OIINER VAII, ATIILETIC CLI'B & SPA 285 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ, CO 816 57 CONTRACTOR ALL STAIE FIRE PROTECTION, It}/1-2/2000 Phone: 303-288-3901 5045 E 76rH #L2 COMMERCE CITY CO 80022 L,icense:370-S Desciption: fire sprinkler SYSTEM FOR 2 MOCK UP UNITS Valuation: $2.000.00 Fireplace lnformalion: Restric'ted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas t ogs: 0 FEE STMMARY 54 O . oo R€stuarant Plan Review-> s1o. oo DRB F so . oo TOTAL FEES---> 93.00 t0/L2/2000 Phone : 970-476-L997 9o . oo Total Calculalcd Fees-> 5o. oo Additional Fees--> 953 . oo Total Permit Fes----> PaYnents----"'-1 BAL{]{CE DIJIE.-_> F00-0027 ISSUED to/t2/2000 lL/02t2000 05/01i2001 # of Wood Pcllel 0 Mechanical-> Plan Check--> Investi galion-> will call-> s53.00 s0.00 $53.00 ss3 . 00 50.00 It,irtItt*I||t* |||I'rItem: 05100 BUII-'DING DEPARTMENI Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBflT tL/OL/2000 rnvaug'han nfpa 13 required Action: AP subject to rewision on inspecEion. Complian CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 ::lT.":,T.t::,",:,:fl:..,X.-:::::T,:-.::--.T:-".:,:,"-1-::::,::,T.:-'-1H-:,";,+,.,,.,.,,*.,,,*,,,**,.,,,*,,,*,**,.*. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tov"n ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto' TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM ' 5 PM.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV l*f *'ll***lt't!t*l*''1.*l**l*f *'t**f al*f *t+*f **l***f f f ***l***'|*'ilf f *f *t****t**'t'il*'| *ll*'i'if *'*'ir*'|'|f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stdement *t**f *f *tttt**l*rl**tttttt*rt*tt**t'itttrirt*tf **tr*tf *'**tf **'|*t*{ri,}'}*l**'tf *'ltlr***'l't'}**:}'t*l**'}ll***l gtatemeltt lhlnrber: RO0OOOO165 Amount: S53.00 Ll/o2/2OOOOt:08 Pl{ Payment ltlethod: Cash fnlt: LC Notation: CAfIH Pemit No: F00 - 0027 Type : SPRINKIJER PERT,I]T Parcel lfo: 210108255000 Site Ad&eee: 352 E lilEeDOW DR \IAIL IJocatiorr: 2 I,IOCK IIP UNITS Tota1 Feeg; 953.00 flrie Payment: 953.00 Total AIfr IhtB: $53.00 Balance: $0.00 ||ttr*ttt**ft'i+tf**'t*********+'illt*f*t**|}l*lt'l'lr*li*{r{ri*tl***'}***tl*{t'}**+*lf*+**'t+****l*'}f*:t'}'}+ ACCOIJNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current ffis MP OO1OOOO31113OO I.|ECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 4O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAil CHECK FEES 10.00 rfi 00100003112800 I{ILL CALL INSPECTIoN FEE 3.00 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970419-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Locatiol....: ParcelNo...: 210108255000 hojectNo : Permit #: F00-0028 otrtNER vArIJ ATttL,ETrc Cr'uB & SPA :aO/72/2OOO Phone: 970-4?6-t987 - 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL, CO ApprrrcANr ooitSilt" FrRE PRorEcrroN' rto/:*2/2ooo Phone: 303-288-3901 5045 E 76',tlH #L2 COMMERCE CITY CO coMRAcroR o"floSiirt FrRE PRorEcrroN' rto/t2/zooo Phone: 303-288-3901 5045 E 76TH *L2 COMMERCE CITY CO 80022 License:3?0-S ISSIJED t0/1212000 0112212001 0712112001 # ofGas Logs: 0 f of wood Pellet: 0 .".i":;;-fiff;--*-*ttttt*tt*tt*tttt*+***"*'rr**r*'!FFtrr+rFr"$2s3.00 Desciption: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM' Valuation: $10'000.00 Firalace Infonution: Resticted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 rttitt*t+*rt**r*tt.'rtrrr*.*tr""r*'*"**tt*"*'r'trt*r**ii*t+r*tl* FEE SUMMARY Mochrnicd-> $200' 00 RestuErl Plrl Review-> ;i;?n;-t fso. oo DRB Fee----> Inv€otigtfon> $0 ' 00 TOTAL rEES-'------> lvill Call--> 13 ' 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 s2s3.00 Totrl Cslculat€d Fe€s-> Artditionrl Fees-.__-> Tolal P€mdt F€a-__> Psyln€,nls-------------> BALANCE DIJE..--..---> $0.$o.oo i2s3.0o 53,00 10. 00 i2s3.0o l2s3.0o IIEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTMENT iIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 1,2/2L/2OOO 4Eo Action: APCR plans are approved as meeeing minimum code' I was duetoownerchangeinscopeofFPEcommenLs.Futurechangesandcorrectionsareper on t?iirirto? Sioi?E"tt""ttot;..ron: Ap pER 450 AppRovAL GRANTED FoR PHA'E r oNLY',FUI SUBMITTAI,S ARE REQUIRED CONDITION OF APPROVAL t2Cond: FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED ro cHEcK FoR coDE col{P!,1}I-9* DECI.ARATIONS I hereby acknou,redge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in full the infonnation required, completed an accurate plot plan' and state that all the information as required is correct. I .d;-."tttpft,h the inf. ormationand plot plan' to comply with au rown ordinjances and srate laws, and to buitd this structue acc;;;;-ffi ryo^ zoning and subdivision codes, desigp review approve4 i;"tf"#;dt"c code and other ordinances of the Town apptic,able thereto. REerJEsrs FoR lNspEcrroN 'HALL BE MADE TwENTy_FouR HouRs IN AD'AN'E By TELE'H'NE AT 479-2138 oR AT orJR oFFIcE FR.M 8:00 AM - 5 pM' TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLTNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ParcelNo...: 210108255000 ProjectNo : ?4TN-O/e4 ot/\rNER vArL ATIILETIC CLUB & SpA LO/O9/20OO Phone: 970-476-)-987 285 BRIDGE ST vArr_,. co 81657 CONTRACTOR B & B ELECTRIC, INC. 70/09/2000 Phone: 970-242-2450 2e18 1/2 NORTr{ AVEXTUE GRAND .]UNCTION, CO O.L]UI License t 266-E APPI-,ICAIIT B & B ELECTRIC, INC. 10/09/2000 Ptrone: 910-242-2450 28!8 L/2 NORTH AVE$IUE . . GRAND .JI]NCTION, CO 815 01 Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR PHASE I CONSTRUCTION. Valuation: $70,000.00 FEE SIJMIVIARY s0. oo s0.00 s3 .0o TOTALFEES-> 91,2 so . oo Approvals:IE6m: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEITT !0/09/2000 cF(G Action: AP' Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE. Cond: CON0004415 AI,L WORK TO BE IN ACCORDAI{CE WITII TIIE 1999 NEC AS A.DOPTED BY THE TO$'N OF VATI,. Cond: CON0004416 SEE BOO-0115 FOR ENGINEER-STATUPED ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan. and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E00-0201 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status...: ISSUED Location.....: VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE (FORMER V.A.C.) Applied. . : 10/0912000 Issued. . : 1011312000 Exoires . .: 04lll/200l f,,f6eff61f---> 5J.,247 - oo Total Calculated Fees-> 51, 250 . 00 9O. OODRB Fee--> lnve$igation-> will call--> Additional Fees--> Totel Permil Fee-> 51,250.00 Paynents-> 51, 250 .00 BALAI{CE DUE->9O .00 Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ,\DV TELEPHONE T 479-2138 OR AT otrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM " 5 PM. OR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNE * 'l * 't't* * +:* + {r*'t f +++*tl*'l'l'}r**'}r+{r++++++ttt++*,t+rt!t**ti*:S*f *a*'t:t{r'tf *'t,tt t + {r:f,{t 't + r* *+ + +'r* f *!r!sir*+*t't TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stst€rn€ot *++*'f :l++*'l'|**+*++*rif +**'l'**:t'lrr|tl'f 'i{r'|:tl+{'*,t***'l+'l+'l'lf*lt*****++{r*+***!t**{.:r!***dr:$d.*+{.*+;+'l*,t'}r{r't*+ Statenrent Nuiber: R000000050 Amount: 91,250.00 70/L3/2OOO1I.:35 Alt! Palment l{ethod: Check Init : .IJC l{otat.ion: #59'l9 /B&B Electric . --------:--- Permit No: 800-0201 lYpe: EITECIRICAIT PERIIIIT Parcel No: 210108255000 Site Addrege: 352 E MEADOI{ DR VAIL, Lrocation: IIAIIJ ITIOITNTAIN IJODGE ( FORI4ER V.A.C. ) rhis paymenr,: $1,2s0.00 t"."lo:;i fi::: 31:3i3:il Balance: $0.00 +*'**+****************'t*'t'*++**rt*r.'t**'tt't'f **+*{'+*+'i***f *'t*****'t*****,}*i*+*'*l+******,i,r.r.*:rr*'}**{.** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pnts EP OO1()O()(}31114()() TEMPORARY PO.JER PERMITS I,JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION.FEE 1,247.00 3.00 SEP-27-2000 tlED 02:02 Pl'l B&B&ELECTRIC INC gEP-27 -tAO lOrSO FRo r TQV-CoM-DEV-DEPT ' 75 $ FmntageRrI. Vail, Colorf,o a1657 FAl( N0, 9702418687' t D | 3'lttq f :12114-1 APPLICATTOIT WIU iIOT BE ACCEPTED TT IflCO}IPL TE OR PruJ-d#t Building Permit #: Eted'rcal Permit #: 9m-479-2t!9(l frFee*:.::-1 i. . "i'r' ' :.6Fe:neEfl:"r .- ,A-r.EirtadBy; atner Sqn.ofE.' . ' P. 0t at97G32E-Effi orvf,st hr@l# )ob Narne:VAtt- fv\ouFlT*rFl r-6o6e JobMdress:--- ?5z. g. mtrou, OR. Vftt\' rrgalgggptrf It-on iebcrs llntins,I sroolvis'rm: .---- 'i trfffiJi9&ei rc,c.-rra l--sea A FLo.-.* vorr ^.r "*t*TqEngfieen-Address:lPhone: :=DAiiE'aAfr Ftioii or wo * : NeW - Pw I Co"tsrs.$,cl rqa I WorkChss: Nevr( ) Addkioo( ) RemodelQg Repair( ) TemPPdwer( ) gqg]( ) -- lnrnr''"rt t Exterior(t eoth(.1 lOoesanEHUcdstat0rlslocatbn: Yes( ) No( ) Type of Bldg.: gngle"lbrniV ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi'famity ( ) Comncrcial (tQ Festaurant ( ) Ofher ( ) No. of Exi*ing Dwelling Unfs in thls builditlg:No- of Acornnrodotion Units in this bqilding: Is tiis permit for a hot tub: Yes L -) t/ coupr.ETE sQ. FEET FOR t{Eut BUTLDS and VALUATTONS FOR ALL OTHERS ({Uor U {ateriatsltt-__-.-r AMOUNI-OF SQ FTIN SIRUCTURE:ELECUIICAL vAlIAnorl. + "!gq..a - CONTRACTOR INFORIiA'TION EffitalConhcbr; GrtG rlec*ri<., lr'e, Tom ofVail Reg, No.: Zl.a.'L Corrba and Bhone #'s:#fuA."'J- ?lo'L+"-z+so \--crntrector Signaturel F./eve0€rgbrnvelecp(rrn 4- off+ TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 800-0203 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Applied . . : 10/10/2000 ParcelNo...: 210108255000 Issued. .: 10/13/2000 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 04/lll200l OWNER VAIL ATIILETIC CLI]B & SPA LO/L0/200O Phone: 970-476-L987 285 BRIDGE ST VAIIT, CO 81657 COIfTRACTOR B & B ELECTRTC, INC. L0/L0/2000 Phone: 970-242-2450 28L8 !/2 NORTH AVENTE GR.AI.ID ,IUNCTION, CO 81501 L,icense: 266-E APPLTCAIfT B & B EITECTRTC, rNC. L0/L0/2000 Phone: 9'70-242-2450 28L8 A/2 NORTH AVEEilttE GRAND iIIINCTION, CO 81501 Desciption: REPULL FEEDER FOR BUILDING TRANSFORMER. --::::.:::,...-.:.::::::*-**++++.****'.r,r,,..,,*..r.r.*,:|:*:r FEEsuMMARy *,r,,,r,,,*,,*****r..*,,**:r*:r*+.,|*,','***r',*r.'r'r''.',| Total Calc,ulat d Fe€s-> 993 . O0 Mditional Fees__> 90 . 00 Total psrmit Fee__> i93 . 00 Paymants-> 993 .00 BALANCE DLIE-> S0.00 Elech.ical--> 390.00 DRB Fce--> Investigalion-> will csll-> s0.00 90. 00 93. OO Aoorovals:IfAm: 06000 ELECTRICAI DEPARTMEIE TOTALFEES-> S93. OO 10110/2000 GRG Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIII Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAI'ICE. Cond: CONOO044L7 :l:.::::.,::...::,-::,,:-::,",',.::::.:-,::,:.1--::."---T.'.:.x:..::-.:::,n:."-:,,:,1,-:.::.-:."*-.:,:,...].:Lt*;..... DECLARATIONS I hoeby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in full the infomration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiuctue according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOLIRS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATI.JRE AT 479-2138 OR AT OIr'R oFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE *f **'ir**'lt*l**t*l*f *lt+tf tt{'***ll***'tl*{'***l**'l**ll***'}l**'ltttt**lr*l+*'}'}r+*'}:tl***'tt*'t'}llr'lr'r*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemeot Statement Nuniber: R000000051 Arnount: $93.00 L0/L3l2OOotL:36 All Pavme't lletshod: check ooa.aroll,tt'*it"rrl"* Elecrric Pemit No: 800-0203 Type: BLECIRICAL PERI{IT Parcel No; 210108255000 Site AddresB: 352 E I{EADOIT DR VAIIJ r lJocation: 352 E I{EADOW DR, VAIIJ ATHLBTIC CIitB Total Feea: 993.00 Ihis Payment: 993.00 Total AL& Irrnta: 993.00 Balance: S0.00 t*tr+t+*rttt*ttt***tt{rt**tttf ttt****++***ttxttt*f l{r't't'}t+d.lrttll*'l'l*i{r****t,}'3:}l**'t***'t**+'t****{r ACCOIJNT IIEM LIST: Account Code Oescriotion Current ms EP 00100003111400 TE|I'IPORARY PO.JER PERHITS I{C ()()1()()()()31128()() HLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 90 .00 3 .00 sEP-27-2000 tfED SEF-2?-os 1O t SO 02:02 Pil B&B&ELECTRIC INC FROI{: TOV-COU - DEv-DEF L FA}{ N0. 9702418687 I l): g'llt.| f a?1uz P. 02 AprlrcArroil wrLL Nor EE AccEprED rF rnry"tffj{ IiW Buitd in g Permit # :,.$-oo-*f 15- SedkdFermit#: 97O-479-2L49(rn TVtrT]NYfrL 75 S. tr'rontrse R.l. Vail, Colorddo 81657 "t orvisitaraa lob Nryne: vAll Job Address:?5?- g $/t€noour oR. .vtllL e.o t-egalHiption ll tou ll Blodc I Flhg:Subdivision: Engineer:Address:Phone: TGipoodiiFub[oiwofr: ReP,rt-t Feeose FoG. ButuPrxe T8fttrlsFoRlrEa. I WorkClass: New( ) Addrtioo( ) Reilmdd( ) Repair( )4lempPonver( ) 0$er04) WorkTyper Intcrior( ) E$enbr( ) Eoth( )Doe an El{U uist at thls'locatim: Ye ( ) t,lo ( ) llro' otnccom^oOatlon Untts in ttris bulldlng:No. of Exlsting D'^telliq Unils In thls building: ---------=:=---.-- :;r =-. lE =-,;,-.!----a Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ($ cOllpt.ETE Se. FEET fOR NEW BUIIDS and VAII,ATIOilS FOR ALL OTIIERS (Labor & ttlaterLrls) ATJOUNT OF SQ. FT IN STRUCIIJRE:EI,ECIRICALVTTATION: f $. 66e.v giB Elecrtctc-.rr{c *****fri *r*i+*r{.r.**.***+ll trr**r*"*****FoR OFFICE USE ORIJ.**"**r**r.{.lllr***+4}l***er11116r4** Filevrt)€na/tlormqtdcr:p('1fi TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTNCAL PERMIT Permit #: E00-0204 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Stafus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 352 E MEADOW D& VAIL MOUNTAIN LODG Applied . . : l0/l l/2000 ParcelNo...: 210108255000 Issued. . : 10/13/2000 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 04/lll200l oI{NER VArL ATHLETTC CLITB & SPA L0/L1/2000 Phone: 9'70-476-L987 285 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ, CO 81657 CONTRACTOR B & B EI-,ECTRIC, INC. L1/LI/2OOO Phone: 910-242-2450 28L8 a/2 NORTII AVEEiIUE GRAND JI]NCTION, CO 815 01 License: 266-E APPLTCANT B & B ELEeIRIC, INC. L0/LL/2O00 Phone: 970-242-2450 281-S L/2 NORTH AVEiITIE GRLIID ,JITNCTION, CO 81501 Desciption: Demolition of existing pools and spas, former VAC. Valuation: $5.000.00 FEE SUMMARY *rttttia+araltt*artrll.rtttaaaaataaraaa*rt****aatrtr...r..... Total Calculetcd Fe€s.-> S93 . 00 Additional Fees->90.00 Total permit Feo_> S93 . 0o Paymerfis------> S93 ,00 BAI-ANCE DUE----> so'oo llla,laaltltlllllllllaat||i****ala**,t Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIiIT Electrical-----> S9o. o0 DRB Fee----> Invctigalion-> Will Call-----> 90 .00 so. o0 F3.00 TOTALFEES-> S93, OO 10/1112000 GRG Item: 05600 FIR"E DEPARTMENI Actionr AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: CO110004418 :]:.::::-::..::-.::--::H::-::i:..:l-:,,1-,:::..:;'..T...:.::..::--:::.:::.1.:.1,.,'.::..:.':..:.'...:::.1:..... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, Iilled out in firll the information required, completed an accuate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plar1 to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Torvn applicable thereto. RDQI-,'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-I'OTIR HOURS IN ADVANCE 138 OR AT Ol,'R OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. ORFORHIMSELF AND OWNE 'il*:l'i*+*,i'i*****f *'i******f f tt't*l**'f {rt*l*'}+:t*+*'t***l*:l:}*ll*att*lt{r**'}f *lr'}'}'lt:}:}:al*tt'l*li**l****+'t TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statmeot Statemerrt N'ur$er: R000000062 Arcunt: $93.00 LO/X3/2O0O1I:38 AII Payment l{ethod: Check Init: LC Ilotation: *5979|sfa Blectric Pennit No: E0O-0204 Tlpe: BLECIRICAIT PERI'IIT -Parcel [fo: 210108255000gite MdreEs: 352 B IIEADOW DR \rA.IIr Location: 352 I UEADOII DR, \rAIIr UOI'NTAIN I'|oDG Total- Pees: $93.00 Thie Payment I $93.00 Total AIJL [tntB r $93.00 Balance: $0.00 .trtltttr**l***l**tt'tf*'i**l*'a*'it***'|t*t+{rt******'}**{r{r'}!t*f t**'}*rl***'}'}*'f ,l 'f *t{r*{r**********'tl****+{r{t* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pnts EP 00100003111400 TEI'IP0RARY PotlER PERNITS r.rc 00100003u2800 hlILL CALL INSPECTI0t'| FEE 90.00 3.00 SEP-2?-2000 l,fED 02103 Pl{ B&B&ELECTRIC INC S;EP-}?-aa lO: sa FEQM: ToU-CO!I-DEV-DEPT ' APPIJCATTOil U'IIL NOT BE AOCEPIED IF II{COMPLETE OR UT{S ElecfriEal Permit #: 97O- 479-214t (Inspecfions) XINNMYffi 75 S- Frontase Rd- Vail, Goloraio 81657 CO}IPLTTE se.FOR NEW BUILDS I 6**rr******+.r*** *.J*********r*.*?.-***rFOR OFFIGE USE Ol{LYl**tr'*l*+***a.r*-+i**********$ll*+** FAl{ NO. 9?0241868? ll) | 5'att4 l5:d'rtz P, 03 ConAct orffiFrtr6;ilfr-ir@lirref : Job Address:352- E,DR. VAIL. errirrehoow tegat Descrlptbn fl Loc ll Btck I Fling:Snbdlvlsion: FrfERWr; .r* t tP-1ffifo^o6c <r v*,r c.. Pr!.g ftont'gto- rrt-tqg"- Erqhrecr:Tddress:Phonet 'iretailed?€scriffi n q? wotk: bEmotrrr"N oF Poil.s .ArilD SPRS Wo,rkclass: New() Addirion( ) nemodil( ) Repair( ) TempPo ,,erd) outofXt WorkTy?* Interiorl ) E)ftrt6( ) 8oh( )Does an EHU o<ist a thls locati<m: Yes ( ) No ( ) TrTpe of 81d9.: Singlefamily ())Duplex 1 ) Mufi-famiV( ) comnwdal (!) R€saurqrtt( ) A|g( No. of Histing Dwdling Unfts in this buildang: I ffi;F'ieaErrn Effi : --ET)-laa1 VALUATIONS FOR ALL OT}IERS (Ltbor & ifaterials) F;/seryon4forms/clecpetm < sEP-2?-2000 l,fED sEF-a?-o0 ro.so 02:03 PI{ B&B&ELECTRIC INC FROtI : ToU-COll-DEu-DEPT ' Ffl( N0, y7024l868? rD. g'?84"924s2 P. 04 FAGE 2/2 -f o\rcrhead services are not allouted in the Town of Vail' -' lJndergrouno ="*ic.s t uuu to be in conduit trr6 ii"* ttt* transfonner to the electic meter, main disconnect - ilit*r-una to the fiJ ehctrkal distlbution circuit breaker panel. s- The main disconnJsrlt*, Jnarr be bcated;;iliil i';JJ"n the exterior wall of he sbudure easly accessible.,.liffi fi ;undconduitsl'e'€qu:c1.9,h.:1'f 1t1d-,*j::S3ll11"gT;F;fl1 Commonfil ffiir:jr:ffiffi1'il;"H Ll"Jilil *ii"i"i r""*. ."btes it'all pass fiom one r$rit to another' umlls and sPaccs are acxePted. .o. -;.iM caure (iromed is ryt 11ry9 jyil1ip""lfy:ili o(ceeding three (3) stories. 7ilf 'HIr:ffiiilffr",,n"t1.r than size *ewilibe pirmitted \"ith trerown of Vail' n All installations of efterior hot hrbs or spa's require a DgB t - not-OJ.optuA wfthout a copf of the DRB approval form from plannlng. Thls application will (if applicable). a new elenated platsorm or deck over/a If th's permit is for installation of an e<terior hot tub or q 30" above grade, you mut also obtain a building permit' 9. Itlht5pefml[lslorllr>tdrEtrurrr'r srrt'Ars"'lJ' "slrwv v_F- !" - ' y thA t Will SUppOft ttfe addedt ; ,t dtural engineer must rcview the existinglcondition.and-verif concenbatert loa<|. please provide a cow oitni sruaural enginee* wet stamPed letter or dnwtng with th'ts aPPlication. 4_ rr If this ls a remodel ln a multi-family buildino with a horneowners association' a letter of permisslon from the association is required' d- lf this permit is for a commercial'space, two (2) sets of drawings are required. I have the above' Signalurc Signed ;1#JHtH{r,11?i""'i'f iU:si;'gr#'**:g:-n*"H':"ffi f tfrffi;f"l?ft:HJ,fiffi#;?-#fi;;;iG, b.^,*"n dre hours of sam and eam. You ffi;;1 "*;;". ,;G mait aho the inspecror will call vou back. TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-21-38 DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE PermitMECIIAI{ICAL PERMIT AT AI.,L TIMES # : M00 -01-03 ilob Address...:Location......: 352 E MEADOW DRParcel No..... : 2101-082-55-000 Projects Number: PRiI00-0126 Status... (FORMER VArrJ AApplied. . Issued. . . E:<pires. - : ISSI]ED IJO9 /LL/2OOO. 09/L4/?OOO: O3/L3/20ot Phone t 970-949-0259 Phone: 970-949-0259 Phone: 970-476-0'70O 75, 000.00 l+of wood/PcLlot: APPI,ICANT CONTRA TOR OI'INER ROBINSON MBEHANICAL 5541 CEIWRAL AVENI'E, ROBINSON MECHAIIICAL 5541 CENTRAL AVENT'E, VAII. MOI]NTATN LODGE , vArL, co 91657 COMPA}IY BOI'LDER, COMPAIVY BOI'LDER, 80301 803 0r_ co co Description: SHEET METAL WORK FOR REMODEL Fireplac. Inforoetsion: Rc6tricted: Y *of Gas Applianceg:*Of Oa€ Log6: ,00 .00 Additsional F6es---------> 1, 87s .0o Total P.rflit Fcc--------> Pal rcnta------- Valuation: *r**re**aratr. FBE sIrullARY trrr*tr j*r***** Mcchanical- -- > PIan check- -- > Invcdtigation> $ilI calI----> 1,500.0O Re€luarant Plan Rcvicr- - > 375.00 DRB Fes-------- .00 3.O0 TOTAL FEES. - -- - BAIA.IICE DUE- - -. IIEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARITI'IEIiIT DEPts: BUIIJDING DJ-V1SiON:O9/L3/2OOO iIRM ACEiON: NO1TE PERMIT TO GARYo9'/L4'/2000 GGOODET-,L Action: APPR SEE 800-0115 FOR Pr.,AliISrtbm:-05600 FIRE DEPART!{ENr Dept: FIRE Division: EONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PBR SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, ORsEgrroN 701 0F THE 1997 rMC.INSTALI.ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANT'FAETURES INSTRUETTONS ATiIDTO CHAE{TER TO OF TIIE 1.997 I'MC, CHAPTBR 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLIAIICES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHAI.,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 UME, OR CHAPTBR 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMETiIT MUST COTI,IPLY WTTTI CHAPTER 3 AIIDSEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 IJMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC,BOILERS SI{ALL BE MOI'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBTE CONST.I'NLESS I.ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.PERMIT,PI,ANS A}TD CODE ATiIALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANIEAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPEETION REOI'EST.DRAIIIAGE OF MECHANICAI. ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HCIT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHATL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 OF TTIE 1997 IMC.ALL WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABI'E REQUIREMEIITS OF THE 1998 INTERNATTONAL MEEIIA}TIEAL EODE (IMC) OR, AS AN APPROVBD ALTERNATTVE CODE, THE 1.997 I'NIFORM 1, 878 . O0 .o0 1, 8?a .00 1, S7S . OO 1-2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. l MIiCIIANICAL CODE (UMC) , Al.lD THE APPROVED ENGINEER-STAII{PEDPI.}\NS.10. SEE BOO-0115 FOR APPROVED, ENGINEER-STAIIPBD II{ECIIAIIICAL PI,ANS ******************************************************************************** DBCLARATIONS I h.r.by acknorlcdgc thal I havc r6ad gh16 .pplication, fillcd oul ln fuLL Chc Lnfor[tlLon r.quir.d, coDplct.d rn rccurrC. ploe plen. rnd atels tstrtl al.I thc inforlaElon provLd€d es requilail is corr6cL. I agr66 t'o couply rItsh Ehr lnforrecl,on and plot pllr|, to cotlply i,iCh rll Toen ordlndrcr! and slata 1rx6, and to buil.t tshLa Etructurc accordj,ng to thc torn'e zonlnE .nd subdivlelon codca, acaign roview approvcd, lrnifolE Building codc and oth.r ordinenccr of thc Toun epplicrbte chGrcto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS gHAI,], BE MADE T!{ENTY-FOUR HOI'RS IN CB FROU S:00 llil 5:00 PM SIGNATINE OT OflTTBR OR CONTRI'C,TOR EOR HIMStsIJF AND OWNER t*tt******ttttt*t*t*t*t*a***!ttt**t***tt****t****tta**t*a*t**!r**t TOm{ OF VAIIJ, COTpRADO Reprlnted: o9/15/0o 14:13 gtaeemrt t*t*tt*atlt*tt*llitt*l*t*Att*tlt****l*lt!tt*ttt*l**itttta***ttAlt gtatemrt Number: nEe-0676 Amount :1,8?8. OO 09/L4/0O 09 !7.0 Inlt: JRMPalrnent Method: cK lilotation;100083 Perf,it No: !l0o- 0103 TlI)e : B-UBCH UECITANICAL PERI'IIT Parcel No: 2101-082 -55- 000 I,OCAtION: 352 B !'IEADOW DR ( FORIi'IER VAII,, ATHI.|Ef,IC CII'B) ThlB PaynenE **ltra*it**l*tattt*l*at*tttt*ttt!raatttt*t*t*tttlttitt'*t*ttit***t Accormt Code Deacription Anount 1, 5oo . oo 3?5 . O0 3.O0 Total Fees: 1, 878 . 00 Total AIfr l,rnt6 : Balance: llP 00100003111100 I,|ECITANICAIJ PER!'IIT FEES PF 00100003112300 PLAII CIIBCK FEEA WC Oo1oOOO3112800 WILL CALL INAPECIION FEE 1, S78 . 0O 1, 878 . 0O .o0 sEP-08-2000 FRI 12:07 Pll mvvnFliE 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Coforado gtGST FA}{ NO, APPLICAIIOil I|IIt,t T{OT EEACCEPTED tF I]ICOMPLETE OR UNSGNFT, Proiect *: Building permit #e_i,b Mechanical pernft til 9 70- 47 s - Zt4g (rnspeaninsl P, 02 :.,,||tff"*lhTllTl:;1il,i.'.,0-_,toscareroindude; " !:nq_urtion Air DuctSize inJ r,ocaUono jrJue, tent and Gas Line Size and i-o*'tiono Heat Loss Calcs.c EquipmentCut/Specsheets Mact {.+*:t**;t++*+* :t ***t***il*** offieat or visit Permit wiil not b" ac.c@ f"**'_eota F H*/o/bri; h\ hr""k- -L-4- \- Wor* Class:- wew ( )R"p..,r( ) Otfier( )gf ut"' _ t;'t"'i"< @rrffiffi Does an EHU exist .t tnEm --: -------- itlonr Yes ( ) No ( )Type of Bt@: Singb-amiryTj Drpl*!) "r'nf.riti |cm !o.:t.I*nn o*"ring [nis iffil No. of Accommoortion unEiffi ? Yes( ) -N6 M5cHA tIc4L: $ Z{oOO "" COHPLETE VATUA?ION FOR MECHANICAL PERUIT (tAbOr & MAtCriAtS) @rhctand ptrone ylt: 5_lrz" 6""d O: F, /€veryom/f orms/ncctrperm SEp_08_2000 FRt 12:01 ptl 9l rta lt {\,i .U $,.,,i.1 rn '?.. CO tl6.!l'r{{ lrtil!'l,l.r,l{F., t't.lrl:'Jlrl FALIo.P. 0t F'AX COVER SHEET No. 14 llllO.lECl': Vail Morurtain Lodgc l)A'l'll: 9/8/0Q 'l'(): 'Iilwl of Vail NAi\'lll: Aclnrinistralion l'f fON0: 970 47r-Zl3B I'rtl(: 970 4?r-2452 St,ll,fEC'l': Mrchanioal pennit Application .IOts NO.:I1J0763 TfME: 12:54 I'ROMr llobinson Mechanical Conrpony NAMD: l-lolly Klcirr I'IfONE: 970-940-0259 IIAX: 970-845-s404 4 Dtlscutp't.toN 4.- NIIJ\113P9 OF PAGI]S INCLUDIN(; COVER SIIEOT: 2 To Whour It Mny Conccru: llii[,ilffil''Application lbr a Mccha^ical Pcrmit orr thc lrmjccr krown as Vail Mounrain Lottgc (Forrncr Vail \\t hclicvc that all of thc spccified requiremeuts, eg: dimensiorrs, nir rhct siz.c climensio's, Ireat loss calcs, erc. il:l;,ffilli'$tilsuhntired lbr tlrc original Buitdin;p*mit, iilft,;;,;;"lri" sendirg our vatuation of the Plcasc call with thc ilnrount of lhc Permit, ancl wc will scnd a chcsk to you as $oon as posuible.1-ha'lt yorr lbr your help nnd ptcase give mc " *rr *i,r, any rurrtrcrqriJsiir"r.'Sirrcrcly. Ilrtlll,l(lcin t';tric'rt (bordiniltOr ltolly rkil TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr_,, co 8t657 970-479-2L38 APPI-,ICAI.TT CONTRAETOR OWNER BUSINESS FALCON PLI'I,IBING & HEATING 3187 MESA AVENT]E, SUITE A, GRAIiID FAI,CON PLIJMBING & HEATING 3187 MESA AVENUE, SUTTE A, GRAIID VAIL ATHLETIE ELI]B & SPA 285 BRTDGE ST, VArt, CO 81657 VAIL MOIN TIAN LODGE Phone:. 970-434-0556 JttNcrroN co 81504 Plrone : 970 -434 - 0555 ,JIrNqrroN co 81-504 Phone: 970-476-L987 Va1uaEion:16, 688 . 00 Totsal Pornit. Fcc--------> 321.75 DEPARII,IENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVBLOPMEIiIT NOTE: fiIrS PERIiIIT MUST BE POSTBD ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI,MBING PERMIT PETMiI, #: POO-0077 Job Address: 352 E MBADOW DR staEus...: IssttED Locatsion. ..: 352 E MEADow DRrvE, v.A.cApplied.. :To8/o3/2000 Parcel No..: 2LOL-082-55-000 Issued...: 08/o7/2000 ProjecE No.: PRJ00-01-26 E>cpires..: o2/03/200L Description: INSTALL NEW GAS LINE rrr*r*r!rrrrrrttirr*tttttrlr*attrttt*attttttlrt*ti*1*titrt**t* FEE suuuARY Plud.bing-----> Plan chack- -- > Inv66tigaCion> will call-- --> 255.00 53.75 .00 3.OO Rcdturrant Plan Rcvicn- ->.00 Total calculatsed Fcc6---> 32f.75 Addifional Fe6s-- ------ ->.00TO'IAIJ FEES-. - - - 32L.75 BALANCB DI'E. -_. ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARII'IENT DCPE: BUII,DING DiViSiON: O8/03/2OOO KATI{Y ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-KWIib.m:'.65e 0o rrnr pepARntEri Depts: FrRE Division: O8/03/20OO KATIIY AcEion: APPR N/A ***rrrr*****rtt*rr***ttr*r*tt* *t**ltt***r*rttt CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. NO PARKING OR STAGING ALf,OVIED ON PI'BLIC RIGHT OF WAY WITIIOUT AI.I APPROVED PITBLIC WAY PERMIT. 1.2- DECI,ARATIONS r hcrcb,y .cknoxl6dg. chat I hav€ r.ad chi€ applicetion, fillcd out in full lhc inforuation r.quirea, complcccd an acculatc Plot plan, and otet'c th.t. .11 th.t inforEation provided a6 raquj.red i6 corrocts. I aglae tso coBply with th6 inforuelion .nd Plot Pl.r, to conply rith all Towll ordinancas altd ELegc law€, and lo build lhi6 B€ructurc according to thc Tonn'B zoning and BubdiviEion codcB, deEign revier approved, uniford Building code and other ordinanc6s of the Totrn applicable thercto. CE FROU 8:00 Afi 5:00 PMREQI'ESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHAIJL BE MADE II{ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY srglaTuR8 0F OR CONTRAqTOR FOR HIHSEIIP T}{D OIINER tlatttl**lltt*a**ltt***t*llt*t**tt**t*a*tt*tt*ttt***!rtt**l*rtt**** TOI{N OF VArr,, COTORADO gtatennt *****'l***l*rl***rl*llaalt*i**t****i****ttt**l*t*tl********a***ttl**t gtatemat lilunber: RBC-0663 Amount :e6.'tS 08/o7/ 00 13 :3? PalnneDt llethod: cK Notation: *5517/PAL,CON PLU Init: LC Permlt No: P00-0077 Ttrpe: B - PIrMB PII,!4BING PERMIT Parce] No: 2101- 082- 55 - 000 gite Addre66: 352 B IIEADOII DR Localion: 352 B MEADOW DRIVE, V.A.C., (VAII, I4IN TODGE) Total Pees: 86.75 Total AIrL Pnts: Balance : This Payment 32L.75 32L.75 .oo ***t******tt*t*tr*t**t*t**t******tttr*t***tt*t***irrt*tr*******i Account Code Descrlption PP 00100003111100 PIit!,lBING PERMIT rBES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CIIECK FEES wc 00100003112800 lfrLl cAr.,L rNaPEcTroN rEE Arnount 20. oo 63.75 3.00 ***************************:i************************************ Toj{N oF vArL, coLoRADo stat,erurE*************************!t!t*!t*******'*************!t************** statennt Number: REe-0661 Amountz 235.00 ol/03/oo r-r:L7 __:1r:::_Y::i::: cHEcK NoEarion: #6sL4/pALcoN prrvr rnlt: KMW permir N", -;;;-;;;;---rye;; -;:;tr*-- -;;,,*ffi-;il;- - - - - parcel No: 2101_0S2_55_-oboSit,e Address: 352 E MEADOW DRLocation: 352 E MEADOW DRIVE, V.A.C., (VArt MTN LODGE) This Paynent.Toual Fees:235.00 Total ALL pmts:32L.75 23s .00Balance: 85.75*******************************************!t******************** Amount 23s.00 Account Code DescriptionPP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES ' r-q16;t$rQ'-5t'S"''l-''H:g'"'i-v'.-r:t,<)-, t,J+La - AppucATrotrt wtu Nor BE AccEprED IF rncotfpt-ETE oR Project t: Buildirq Permlt #: Plumlring Permit #: 97O-a?9-2149 (lnrpectlons) ,5 S. Frontrtr Rd. Vail, Colondo El6S7 oel otnce et 970-329-9640 0r v Parel *P"*at* (n qatt JOb Address: 352 Fast Ueadoys Itrive reatD€scrip(on [rot; la**, ffi Subdtulslon: il8f"ffll c"o"" coor.r.roe-Tffi lffist ueadows Dr. vail co lPd?6t3az7=o4rr fFf;o= 39 vatl co 81658 I Phqne:e7o-sae-6toR D€bil"d Install tres Gas Line Ilrk Clas5, ilcw ( ) Addliloil ) Altcndg (x) R€palr ( ) Other ( ) Tpe of 8tdg.: gngtehmiv ( No. of Slsting Dudltng UniS rn nls Uuttafng No, otAccommodaUon Unlts in tfiis buitsing: Is $is a.*"o,on . collPtETE VALUATTOI{ FOR pLUMilt{G pERt{tT (tabor l, t4arcriats) PLUMEING: $ 16,588.d5 CONTRACTOR, IIIFORHATIOII Don l{cGrlre 97(F4 tt{' t} I ttlrltt.t.l tr ttt*t *..rrtt.ar{ri..FOR OFFICE USE ONLYr.ritt}r.rrri*.. r......irr...i. r...l.tr fficDAUG0S2000 l F/6,eryone/to|mt glmbpenn TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUI.iITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P00-0123 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 352 E. Meadow Drive (former VAC) Applied . . : 10/2012000 Parcel No...: 210108255000 Issued. . : 1012512000 Project No : Expires . .: 04/23/2OOl OWNER VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB & SPA 10/20/2000 Phone: 970-476-L987 285 BRIDGE STvArL, co 81.657 CONTRACTOR FALCON PLUMBING & HEATING ]-0/20/2000 Phone: 970-434-0556 3187 MESA AVENTIE, SUITE A GRAND iIUNCTTON CO 81504 License: 1,75 -P APPLICANT FALCON PLIIMBING & HEATING I0/20/2000 Phone: 9'70-434-0555 3187 MESA AVENUE, SUITE A GRAND JUNCTION CO 81504 Desciption: PLUMBING FOR REMODEL Valuation: $114,900.00 Fireplace lnformation: Resl cted: ??# ofCas Appliances: ?? # ofcas l,ogs: ?? #of Wood Pallet: ?? Plurnbing-> $1,725.00 RestuanntPlsnReview--> Plan Check--> $431 . 25 DRB Fee-------->$0.00 AdditionalFees--->$0 .00 Investigation-> Will Call-->$3.00 BALANCE DUE_--->$0.00 * ****++'r1.'*'| **i** IICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1,0 /20 /2000 Jwl Action: NO PERMIT TO GARY,ARE THEY REQ'D TO SUBMIT PLA AI.,,SO CHECK ENCLOSED IS NOT ENOUGH ALSO LIC EXPIRED. CONTRACTOR HAS NOT BEEN NOTIFIED. r0/2s/2000 cF.GItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP See B00-0115 for engineer - s tamped p1ans. CONDMON OF APPROVAI Cond: 12 l1.E.L;t..JlH*lE..,c,T*I9,T.s.,*11..1P.9.Y1-13.?..T.o*,S*9*1.191..9.?P-"...t:li:ll3y,9l;,***,*.****,**.*,,,,**,,*:,:,+:r*+*N,*,*{.,*1.*,.*,r DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appiication, filled out in I'ull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Torvn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. $0.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $2,159.25 $0 . 00 TOTAL FEES-_--____---__> $2 , 159 . 25 Tonl permit Fee__> $2. 159 .25 Payments---> $2 , 159 .25 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCqBY /7 AT#q-2I38 OR AT OUR OFf ICE FROM 8:OO AM - 5 PM. ,, SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprintcd on llL2+2000 et l4:4E:35 L0n4n000 Staternent '||****'i:l***'l***{.'i*'}****1.:{.***:lrtrrt**'l':**!i.******t *******'t'i*!t{r**t***********'}**************:t******* Stdtement Nrnnber: R000000097 Amount: $800.00 LO/23/2OOOO9:05 AI'[ Palment l,lethod: Cheek Ini.t: iIl{N Notation: FAIJCOI{ PIJI,I,IBING & HEATING OF CO Permit No:' Parcel No: Site Addrese : Locatidr: Thie Payment: P00-0123 Type: PLITI,|BING PERIIIT 210108255000 352 E !,IEADOW DR \rAIIr $800.00 i*i!tr** lrt+*tr rt+* '1.'i{':lr****'t{.**** *'}**!i!*r*****i$t*'t******!t'}*l'***'}**{r*!t**r**:t******!***!*t*:1.'i'lr*'t**rr**'** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PP 00100003111200 PLUSING PERMIT FEES 800 .00 Descri pti on Total Pees: Total ALL Pmcs : Bafance : Current ffis i2,Ls9 .25 $800.00 91,359.25 AUG-O2-56 tl:t6 Ar4 SHAI.I,,VA I L'IT. LODGE APPIJCTIIOI wlu. tfof BE rccEpltD tF tt{corpl.Ert ot urr!ilcx 979477941€P. g2 /< L+ NTNWYIL tS S. Front.i|. Rd. Vrjl, Colofrdo !:t687 GOIIPIETE YAIUATIOII FOR PLlrHttilc EnilIT (1rbo7l llrtlrirFD cottfi n^croR IilFoRilATrorr tttttr *irrri rr.t r ra rl r-*r.r.trror.+rr.rFOR OFFICE USE OllLYrrrr*.+rr.ra*..a...t..t..t.tt..a.... Poo-o tL} -Or 2-.b _ol #Parcdl (Rcqut JobNane:y6i1 Mountain Lodge JobAtldresi: 352 East Meadow Drive regarD6cripdon I Lou I ar*r, -T"t,rg tubdlvl$on: Owers tt{ane: Wt,LtC l$$tzas Brtdge street, vairlM: Englneer:p.n1" part"eisr,ro f'l€fFlio* 271r, Edwards. co Phgru: Dcbilcd Ocscri*ittn wott Clr$: New ( ) Ltdtflon (*) Altcra0gn 0() rcpeh ( ) Ofrcr ( ) TygcofBldg.:9$lefrnily( ) hocl( ) Multi.frmlty( ) cornnrcr,ots() R:staunnt( ) ofrcr( ) ftlo. of Ebting Drdltng Unib h thb buildtng:No. dAEcomr?Edaton Unlts in this buildittg: Is this a cont,ersion ftom a woO PLUMBING: g Falcon Plunblng & Ife4fi Ravan 970- FrGr.ryondfumgpl'nbpc?rn #2r5?, TOI^/N OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81557 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PUBLIC WAY PERMIT Permit # PW00-0035 fob Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 352 E. MEADOW DRI\IE Applied . . : 05/24/2000 Parcel No...: 210108255000 Issued . . : 06/05/2000 Expires. .: 06/05/200L APPLfCA$r LONGS EXCAVATION, INC. 05/24/2000 Phone: 97Q-949-4682 P O BOX 894 AVON CO BLASTING PERMIT rfi-.I-, 9/16/99 8L62O License: 171-X AIso is CONIRACTOR CONIRACTOR LONGS EXCAVATION, INC. 05/24/2000 Phonel. 97o-949-4682 P O BOX 894 AVON CO BITASTING PERMIT TILL 9/1.6/99 AL62O License: L7L-X Also is Applicant OWNER VAIIJ ATHIJETfC CLUB & SPA o5/24/2!0o Phone: 97o-476-a987 285 BRIDGE ST VAIIT, CO 81557 License: Desciption: DEMO.-REMODEL AND STREET IMPROVEMEI\ITS FEE SUMMARY Public WaY-> lnvestigation-> Bond Amount-> Payments---------> S5, 665 . 00 BALANCE DUE-->90.00 TOTAL FEEg-> Ss, 55s. oo Approvals:I€dm: 055O0 PIIBLIC WORKS 05/05/2000 IJSAIIDoVA Action: APPR APPROVED 06/06/2000 KATHY ACtiON: NOTE CIVILS TO ],EONARD Item: 05550 ENGINEERING CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: CON0003955 REFER TO APPROVED STAGING/TRAFFIC CONTROIJ PLA}I. Cond: CONo003957 SI{AW CONSTRUCTION IN AGGREMEMT WITH THE PI'BI,IC WORKS DEPT. WfIJIJ NOT HAVE A CRANE ON VAIIJ VALLEY DR., OR E. MEADOW DRIVEO}I DAYS OF SPECIAIJ EVEIi|ITS IN THE VII-'I'AGE OR FORD PARK AREJAS. Cond: CON0003958 MUST GET IJINE IJOCATES FOR TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL DEPT. WHE}IWORKING IN RIGTM OF WAY DURING TITE COI'RSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROiIECT. Cond: CON0003959 VAIIJ VAIJIJEY DR. AIID E. MEADOVI DRIVE CA}INNOT BE NARROWED DOWN TO ONE LANE IN THE SAl,tE DAY OR TIME. Cond: CON0003970 TRAFFIC CONTROI, REQUIRED FLOW FII,L ASPI{AI,T PATCI{ MUST BE INFARED Cond: CON0003971 BOND TO BE HEIJD FOR Ol{E YEiAR DECLARATIONS I certify that I have read all chapters of Tifle 12-STR of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements/ sigped by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilitiid as required. Public Works will have a spec/ detail book available in April of. 1998. **** REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN **** ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER tftll***t*rltl tll fl +t f+fl*l *{ alt*+ * *'t l** t * | +* t{r'l **rl {'***+ at*l * ** + * * ft* * ***fltf'ttffflltl*fa{t'}* TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADOCopyR€printedon03-l3-200l at09:11:38 03l13n00l StatementIt*alr*a**ll*tlltltl{tflllfalllalt*flt't**aat**l*+tllf,ff{'tt!t***t'at*l*tf**+r''}*+t*f*t*{''}aa*aa+aa Statement Number: REC-0535 Anount: $75.00 06/05/20OOt2:53 PM Pal/r|lent Method: CK Initr LS Notation: CKf*{886 Pernit No: PW00-0035 TIE)e: PITBLIC lfAY PERMfT Parcel No: 210108255 0 0 0gite Addresss 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL !,ocation: 352 E. llEiADOYf DRrVE Total Peeas $5,655.00 ThLs payment: $?5.00 Total Arrr, PmtsE: $5,565,00 Balance: $0. OO **t**!tftl'|t*'}|.*a***f*l*+ltlftf*lt+frtlflfl*ft*t*'t****lt{rtl*a+lf*{''}fl+la***ta*a*at}lt*aalftl*lt*a ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrintion Current Pmts ST OO1OOOO31121OO PUBLIC liAY FEES 75.00 TOI^AIOF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIBLIC WAY PERMIT Permit # PW0G0053 fob Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : IASLIED Location.....: 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE Applied . . : 06/26/2000 Parcel No...: 210108255006 Issued . . : 06/26/2n0 Expires. .: 72/15/1995 APPIJTCANT GAs DrsTRrBIrtroN coNfRAcToRso6/26/2oo0 Phone: 262-641-7L54 P.O. BOX 510650 NEW BERLTN. MO 531s1 License: 114-x AIso is COIi|:rRACTOR owNER ANGET,O JOHN M & iIItDrrH H 06/25/2000 Phone: 3OO CNTRJAI-, PARK W NEW YORK NY lo024 License: coNtRAcToR GAs DrsrR.rBlrrroN coNrRAeroRs06/26/2o00 Phone : 262-64L-7L64 P.O. BOX 510550 NEW BERTJIN, MO 53151 License: 114-X AIso is Applicant Desciotion: GAS bERVICES FEE SUMMARY Public Way-> lnvestigation-> Bond Amount--> Pay'arents-------> BALANCE DI,'E-_> $0 .00 s0. 00 TOTALFEEg-> S5O. OO Approvals:I€e'm: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/26/2000 LSANDOVA Action: APPR PAY Er[D YEAR ITEM: 05550 ENGTNEERING CONDITTON OF APPROVAI-, DECLARATIONS I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12-STR of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilitiid as required. Public Works will have a spec/detail book available in April of L998. **** REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN **** ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OV\AtrER TO\^TN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.INITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PUBLICWAY PERMIT Permit # PW00-0122 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE Applied . . : 09/15/2000 ParcelNo...: 210108255006 Issued. .: 09/75/2OOO Expires . .: 12/15/1996 APPITICAM GAS DISTRIBIITTON COI\IIRACTORSO9/]-5/2OO0 Phone z 262-54L-'7164 P.O. BOX 5L0650 NEW BERI,IN, MO 53151 License: LL4-X AIso is CONTRACTOR owlIER AIIGEIJO \TOHN M & antDrTI{ H O9/A5/2OOO Phone: 3OO CENTRAL PARK W NEW YORK NY ]-oo24 License: coNTRAcToR GAs DrsTRrBUTroN coNrRAcroRs}g/L5/2000 Phone: 262-64t-7L64 P.O. BOX 510650 NEW BERIJIN, MO 53151 License: 114-X Also is Applicant Desciption: REMOVING OIJD GAS SERVICE FROM MAIN I'INE FEE SUMMARY Public Way----> Investigation-> Bond Amount-> TOTAL FEE$-> ?? Payments-----> BALANCE DUE-_> 90. 00 $0 .00 Approvals:ffem: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS O9/L5/2OOO I,SANDOVA ACIiON: APPR PAY EIID YEAR PSCO Item: 05550 ENGINEERING CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: CON0OO4O44 MUST WORK WITH S}IAW CONSTRUCTION TO COORDINATE,TRAFFIC CONrROL, TIMING OF WORK, DATE, ETC. NO STREET CLOSURES Al'lD MINIMUITI AMOI,IIT OF VEHICIJES ON E. MEADOW DRIVE/VAII-, VAIJI,EY DRA],I,OWBD. MUST COIi|:TACT TOTVN OF VAIL EI-,ECTRIC DEPARTMEI{:T FOR I-,INE ITOCATES. CONfRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE. DECLARATIONS I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12-STR of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreemmts, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilitiid as required. Public Works will have a spec/detail book available in April of 1998. *'FII REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOT.JRS IN **** ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2738 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATT.JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER lolult> tLl C) UJE {Jl-2q€ EJ Jrc --,J9sF3:-r>a1 LrlI aE = ln r-r-lolql-l--7-t H,i t0:.l iliI C|00i-il-5llv000i200 d b tl.lFn c\|| j I tsl tsl z.O A\IOI\\y I Iz. I()lrl 3Emt69" t0Oit00'd Hd t0:zl 1[I 0002-9t-9nv Shaw Construction 352E.IttodorvDr. Val Co. E1657 Phoos: Frx: n047744t1 vo4n.04t6 A€ust4,2(n0 TmmOfVail 75 SofiFrmtlgeRoad Vail, Co. 81657 Gayftod€ll hjoct Vail Morrntain Lodgp Ro: NochqFirreRetardmt Job#: 1520 DearGuy: Atiac,hcd rcthe specificdios fu " NochorFireRetardmt" foryorreview This is the smc matsrirl as usod m the eideria lurnbc at the Austria Haus. Yor pproval of6is mderial fq theVail Mountain Iadge will beappreciatod . F,I.JG-64-WIAA ATtss FRomrl.lotD so[.FCE 343 e15-973 1Dt97q4417a4t6 P'AB?/@A : How to use w00d a$ a finish rnaterialgulmeet flame' spread classificadon requircments"" tCs c.$y. $Fjty C'i' r'!ac$cd \gdtd' tr bal the lctr vorr &nnod lor grctl dcrlgas ecl lhl fipecr you necd to nrcct al1sr buildifl rnd nrE ccd'tr' 6dr Froccrsccl \troorl lFn'l presarrt trcatcd or coctcd wirh rrl[9' th'q$ or tqc . chenriolr Ys$ ger |lat T'md dnlr suelght and rcrdy bt th3 Gnl'b yqr sao' Udinlcd shcpe and sirc telcc'notr rssrrc Fnr of ltr arertctt dc.rsa n'si6itty' Mo6l Itngonmt. gtmoct ttcls" nErnatitnit errt0.3 ard I8c Gefa POc'lGd lpood. Nl the m.rior l:ttllcllng crtchr In tlte ti' S' rnd Cemdr rccgClnir€ t!.tn' Gall Tgcl'ltclo8H. hc.. lha nadonrt ttt(E in cnrtfottflErrt:ll lFchtrololly' dgt4lopcd and @nti rca to imptot'€ m Goh Proce$Gtt vood' Tttr't ehy !'ul clrr bQ rirrc tha $fect an<l llr$ sdvanccd tcclurology ir bcrng u*d' Scod or catl lor lmtc infurrBtion roslryl . Gaia Ptocl4ild Wtud Frt€ottlnbtrrs 29?9 Tls wtv Bdsc. lD 80?02 or crll (20t) t!fi60 i{.JG-4t-e@A @?: 55 FRON! 1^lU0D SOIf,CE 3B.3 ?15-97?3 TO|97A477A1t6 P.n3/E/84 $E$NCATION GIIIDE FOR N$ NNARD$IT fiE${TilT PA*T 1.GE!i]E8AI, t."t rtecif.rd |tt€tlor rn[ d cl PaSir&PR@ugr8 "'ot ffi*" btrlD3tunhrt oth"?* tpcc !'t M f-oirl#lil'Fili'lr*.0 n, carartchoolo{t4' luc' or onc otit! r. l'1?'HlffilH'ffi_ trtnt thcn tc*r'l ln C. TIE llta ttlrfdr'd ch' colodooo, btodc4trd D. th. firt tllrnlrt4 drt E. Tha lumD|f rld fr'c t rtFa ttdtlcruoni r P/|.ST9 E3$TAIIAilON aol 'lGU orfir"-- ftcafci tr nlcr murt, not b' r{PFd 6t mllGd' AJG-W-WB 07:55 FRo}4!HOUD SoLRcE ' ' 3A3 a15-9?73 Warnoch Herry tisting$ of rH..+is Procesed\I/ood classilid as to sur-tace burning charachi$tic$ Clacsificatone are baeed on f{e^{afetf Code' NFPA 101-1991'6" 5,9.2 Tests arc condrrcted tn Eccddtlqqg srtb ASIM E-84INFPA 255- rgt97@4TIO4L5 P.AA4/AB4 'tD --.qltGtrtq'rnrFrnxlr From: George RutherTo: ComDev Dde: 7l20lOO 12:03PM Subject Vail Mountain Lodge I hara sQned the foundation permit. The existing foundation has encroached to within 4yz" of lhe property llne. Thls causes the need for changes to plans since the proposed 18" - 24" of stone veneer will now extend over the propedy line. Planning will request the issuance of a red tag should the stone veneer issue not be resolved. No new work beyond the foundation is allowed. I strongly suppod having e discussion regarding our "fast-track" process and the potential problems it creates. Thanks SHAI'U Mav 22.2000 Re: Vail Mountain Lodge (Vail Athletic Club Remodel): Minor Remodel - Addition of AccesVEgress Stair to South Side of Spa/Club Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Kathy Wanen, Permit Review Coordinator Please find the following information in consideration of our South Stair Addition: r Completed Permit Application Form o South Access/Egress Stair Archit€ctural Plans & Elevations and Structural Plans & Sections, including Architect's & Engineer's Stamps. The installation ofthis stair will allow access and egress ofthe existing Spa/Club areas without circulating through demolition/construction areas on the South side of the building. (Re: Demolition Permit Application dated May 5, 2000) Please call me at (970) 904-5726 if you have any questions or comments. Thank you. SHAW Ron Byrne, VML, L.L.C. Jay Peterson, VML, L.L.C. Tom Braun. Braun & Associates Dan Leroy, Shaw Construction Clark Atkinson. Shaw Construction Tyzt-t SGlE RECEIVED TOV.COM.DEV. 760 Horizon Drive . Grond Juntlion, C0 81506 For 970-241-5610 . wrw.showronst.rom Phone 910-242.i236 1968'926'OL6 xBJ 0969'926'016 aeg t8 operopC 'sprsap3 I t,lz xo€ '.O'd 90rC Uun loaAs ulen /8t0 :ocgo lle^ I ",*u*Jv ,.c.d dtqsrsr4rpd sr^po Lz08'199'e0e xBJ 9998'l9S'e08 80tz€0209 operopc .Je^uoo 00t a ns le04s atetg l0Ez:acllo ra uso I LHsutvts :3"ltJ ovcutvrs :l3u 9,vto utvrs ss3.3v'os :3'llll- 0N'|MVuo XSONI ufnoc .ON9NIMVUO 0002200 'oN lc3foud ]300hr3u oNV NotsNvdxfoulrgo :3-Lvo f 000] NtvtNnon lMn ::nlr lc3loud *il 7: n-LEUo- K f,: *'..3r+tr L +- --\i o oO j i., =oo TU F U) uJ zo UJF RS 92zH (^l-u ==<Oz>9tU) =zS<(L X tU b $Ii J u .9 8- 0 $, 3 .ilu 11{ f \\Ya \l so Tqt d & b,tur Z6oFz-Szzzz. tt,t.\ r^ Z ,JLlLrJLrJLrl11 | t'\ tf\ tf\ tf\ u"MM,lP==iltlttMttvu;;;=:fpP l- !- !--.- 33333OOOt&trvEEt== )1 t)...\|,r <lf.l tl()l =l Nl.:<-u^)LrJl -l IL-r F-t rlllrr (Jl (n u) a a aX rl --lt\ |X(Jl uiiM.ulMtuEu =c{lFFFFl =z-<l aanalaaaaa qr. -_:_) 'F ILU tar|- l>,t;lJ o- cg' 6 t Faaaul C)o o U) C; \t ts E ,..,:," t.oEca =r =EoEEY 1968 926'026 xBJ 096s 926'026 zeg18 operopc 'splP,rip3 lllzxos o'd 90lcuun lae4s uler\l zel0:a3uol!"A I "t""lt,lrv ,.c-d dlr.ls.teqred s!^po LZot'198'e0g xej 9998 |'98'Sot 80lz-90208 opBroloc 'ra^ueo 001 suns le€4s alPl€ foez:aeuo la^uso l N\ftd LUIS 'oN e Nmwo rHsutvJ-s :3"1H ov3 utvLs :l:lu cMc .0-,1=.8/l :f'IVOS utvts ss3c3v'cs :f"lr! !. e Nmvuo 0002200 'oN rc3toud00t2V90 :3lvo 'l3cot/{3u oNV NolsNVdxS Seoo] NlvlNnoy\l 'ilv :f"lll Icsroud Os2 r?-€ \f! z!"<=-=q 5Zto> *Y- =H-z' <t tu,2 JJ><<tLt! zoz ) F v zoO ""&3Z o .l o o'Lloo<tJffoa() ^\t t- -ln-''><i\ L! F EAFF MI xo tJJ o : | --'1 YS > ii L.l [! ,ilr\>>*=# 9=: Ou =)<?io 63-'ez ><:roT < um I m LrJaa & a __J Fa oz E u')t L! E t968',9a6'026xBJ 0968'926'026 Zegt8 opBrotoC 'sp'e^ p3 Irlzxo€ o'd LZ0€'t98-e00 xeJ 9998 t98 e00 80tzf0z08 operopc'la Uoo 00! 90lc lun lee4s ulPyl lelo:o!go llen auns les4s elel8 l0€z:aouLo €^uso I s1ce1;,t",y ''9'6 olqsreuued sn'o NO|-LC3S I IHSUMIS :3"ltj OVC ,0-, f=.8/l :31\,t3S utvls ss399v 'os :3"l.|.ff 9NlMVro ZUIS .ON ENNAVUO 0002200 'oN lc3roud00/ztl90 :3rvo 13CO1 t3U ONV NOTSNVdrl 39co] Nvl-Nnow llv ::llLl.| lcSroud l-oll | 'ro trl r @)l r -l(Y)-txlYI.-l*L z,al le 3ls .--i, 6 ,j i-lI] <l-rl-l Hrl col) IF __J r I J x =-J J Fa i>ds co,^a .1 >YF ---r ma1- =ooLIC)F z F@= Eg z. !l<)...- t- () O t! LrJ(J>o 1968'926'0/6 xel 0968 926'016 Ze9l8 operoto9'spr"r pf tl/zxo8'o'd 90rcuun le€4s ulen z€!0:ectgo ""n | "*,*o.-".d dlqsraruBd s! eo LZ0€'198'80S xEJ 999S 198'e08 80lZ$0208 operoloc ',le^ueq 00|' elns lo04s alqg loez :scso re ueo I NOr-rv^3'r3 euls 'ON 9NlrrlVUC .I-HSUIVIS :3-ltJ OV3 UlV.! S :J3U t/'AO .0-.1="8/l :3-IVCS uvrs ss3c9v'os :3"1J1 s.\t/l^\/Uo 0002200 'oN lc3foudffitlugo :3lvo '1300y\l:lu oNV NotsrwdxS Seoo'l NtvrNnov\t -ltv ::llLlr lS3foud lo,tl UJI Xi' ;-_i I,t ) --r I Y Jl'.r:(J'(o 6IIt- --.) alLrl-Tl-l ilt o_lLrl Jl IJl -e ()l u-,l6IIt-t J al Tt I U.lot 9I-l zl >l tT -_ 4X4Xt/4 -9feeL t(lx 0l 7 Il-oi IU extgltt'{6 0'col'{cREte I.{6XIQ(64',-6 t/2') 4 t/2"g_Aa toc22 fl ; .lt e METAL REINFORCED lal.lTHr6r<b-w2.f,xt,{2.q I ],^{JA.F. | |tl VARIE9RE: AR6H. EXr9Trl.16&1913 TOP OF 5LAE)ffYPIC.AL) t'-o" c,or{cRETE PAD AITH '5AT I'.O' EACH r{AY b4'-o' VERIFY fOP OF EXr9Trhr(9 l^rALL wt2xtob g1rArR 9TF?il.lOER t ilTH METAL gTAIR5. REt AR6H. FARTIAL UFPER HEALTH CLUS LEVE FRAIYING FLAN 9(-ALE' t/6" I{OTE6, c,|.l€J<ere STEELwr9 }^ELP t'-o" woftlA% A325 e10 PROJECTTITLE: VAIL MOUNTAN LOOGE EXPANSION AND REMODEL DATE: PROJECT NO. 05n2lq 0022m0 DRAWING NO. STR s-1 SECTION DRAWING TITLE: SO. ACCESS STAIR SCALE: 1/8"=1''0' DWG REF: STAIR CAO FILE: STARSHT I Denver O{fics: 23Ol Blake Street Suito 100 Denve( Colorado 8O?f,+2108 3@.861.8555 Fax 303.861.3027 Davis Pannership P.C., Archilscts ]lVail Oiice:0137 Main Street UnitC106 P.O. Box2711 Edwards, Colondo 81632 970.926.8960 Fax 970.926.8961 gTEEL EE,A'i,| RET PLAN t/2" gf4tPt ANO 6R.oUT t/2"o x 4" EPO)(Y AN6I{OR -9LOT HoLES IN BEAM 9ECT ICN 3/4. - t'-O. PRo.JECT T|TLE VAIL MOUNTAT'I LOOGE EXPAI.ISI OT.I AI.ID REMOOEL DATE: OSl2Zn PROJECTNO. 0022000 DRAWINGNO. STR s-2 SECTION ORAWING TITLE: SO. ACCESS STAIR SCALE: l/8'=1'-O' DWG REF: STAIR CAD FILE: STAIRSHT Davi3 part t€rship p.C,, Ardflects lDenwrOffice: 2301 Blake Str€et Suits 100 Oenver. Colorado 8020$2108 303.861,8555 Fax 303.861.3027 ' lVril Offce: 0137 Main Str€et UnltC106 P.O.Box2711 Edwards. Colorado 81632 970.926.8960 Fax 970.926.8961 gTEEL BEAM REI PLAN SECT]CN 2ffi PRO.JECT TFLE: VAIL MOUNTAI{ LOOGIE EXPAI{ SIOi.I AND REMOOEL DATE: PROJECT NO. 05mtfi 00?20m DMWNGNO. STR s-3 SECTIOI.J DMWINGTITLE: SO.ACCESSSTAIR SCALE: 1t8'=1'-0" DWG REF: STAIR CAD FILE: STAIRSHT I Denvpr Office: 2301 Blake StGet Suite 100 Denver. Colorado 8020$2108 303.861.e555 Fax 303.861.3027 Oavis Pannership P,C., Arctfecis IlVrilgffice:0137 Main StG.t UnltC106 P.O.Box2711 Edwards, Colorado 81632 970.926.8960 Fax 970.926.8€61 CONORETE ON METAL RE. PLAN 9LABDEdK gTEEL EIEAM RE' PLAN EXT9TTNO e_A9.TYPICAL.JOI5T AND BEAM L6X4re/OXO'-4" 9ECT]CN 3ffi l.-tt-l-l-l PROJECT TITLE: vAlL MoUNTAIN L@cE $(PA SIOI.I AND REMOOEL DATE: 6t22tm PROJECTNO. 0022000 DRAWING NO. STR S4 sEcT|o,{ DRAWING TffLE: SO. ACCESS STAIR SCALE: ll8'=1'{ OWG REF: STAIR CAD FILE: STAIRSHT Oenver Oflic€:2301 Blak€ Stre€t Suite 100 Denver, Colo.ado 8020$2108 303.861.8555 Fax 303.861.3027 Davis Pannership P,C.. At€hit€cB II Vail Office: 0137 Main Strest Unit C106 P.O. Box 2711 Edrsrds, Colorado 81632 910,S26.8960 Fax 970.926.8961 {"l SECTICN 4ffi PROJECTTTLE: VAIL MOUNTAIN LOOG€ E)€AI{SION AND REMOOEL DATE: 06122/00 PROJECTNO, @220@ DRAWiIGNO. STR s-5 sEcTtotl DRAWNG TITLE: SO. ACCESS STAIR SCALE: 118=1'-0' DWG REF: STAIR CAD FILE: STAIRSHT I Dsnysr Offcs: 2301 Blake Strset Suite 100 Oenver, Colorado 8020+2108 303361.8555 Fax 3G.861.3027 Davis Padnership P'c'' Archibcts lvatt once: otsz uain srrset unircl06 p.o.Box27t1 Edwards, cotorado 81632 970.s26.8960 Fax!70.926.8g61 5H[I'U May 22,2000 Re: Vail Mountain Lodge (Vail Athletic Club Remodel): Application for Demolition and Foundation Permits - Follow-up Application for Core & Shell Permit Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Kathy Warren, Permit Review Coordinator Dear Kathy: Please find the following information, as discussed, to be included with our demolition permit application (Submitted 5/5i00): o Asbestos Inspection Certification Letter by Adams Environmental Architecture. o Finalized Staging Plan (Color Plan Submitted to Public Works) and Written Description of Construction Plan, including comments received from Public Works, Fire & Safety, Streets, and Transit Departments. o Public Way Permit has been secured through Public Works Dept. Additionally, we are applying for our Phase I & II (North Entry east to South Pool Area, InteriorlExterior) - Core & Shell Building Permit. Please find the following items for your review in association with the application for this permit: o Completed Permit Application. o Public Way Permit has been secured through Public Works Dept. r Staging Plan (See Above)r Full Phase I & II Floor Plans, Life Safety Plans, and Structural Plans, including Architect's & Engineer's Stamps. r Fire Assembly, Alarm, and Sprinkler system design. r Soils Report and Asbestos ReporVCertification submitted with "Demo/Foundation Permit Application". r Fireplaces for Phases I & II are shown. Types and final quantities will be submitted with final Building Permit Application. J." . RECEIVED MAY 2 3 2n00 TOV-COM.DEV. PZJco'otztc' PrdJec* fi1,e, V, rf,Cl/ 750 Horizon Drive . Grond lunttion, (0 81506 For 970-?{l -5618 . vwv.showronlf.tom Phone 970-242-9235 Please call me at (970) n4-5726 if you have any questions or comments. Thank you. SHAW Construction LJ.C. cc:RonByrne, VML, L.L.C. JayPetercoq VML, L.L.C. Tom Braun, Braun & Associates Dan Leroy, Shaw Constnrction Clark Atkinson, Shaw Constnrction i. t I nAY.e..ZAAA 2:54PM RON B\I?NE & ASSOCIFTES Mty22,2000 No. B1?--F. 1-'-- RECEIVED MAY 2 3 2000 TOV-COM.DEV. Town of Vail Buildins D€parurentlll S. Frcntage Road West Vail, Colorado 81652 Re: Reoovation of Vail Moumain Lodee (f/k/a Vail Arhletic Club) To Wbom It May Coucem: Tbe nndersigncd as Presideirt of the vail Club Condominium Association herebyoousenb and agrees to the raovation and remodel of the vail M;u"hin Lo_dge. In d;id"qcoarsetrt is hercby given for vML, LLc and/or sbaw consfiuction; apnr, r* "'brrildi"g p€mi]fromtbe ToumofVail. May- IE--OO 09:37A Links I i.,\r'4J- t t:r?r to. {t O L€gacy Rtdge 303-454-8736 tfry ll. t000 l. Jcr rfiil3ar x$rt5gt3, nG.t.0. ts( 200t lYoi, g0 llc2o lE: Vtlt tIll,EIlC Ctltrtrtttlt l:rovtl n0tlGt P-Ol ffiEHlbrntffimrruffft lI(nlrt(T$rE S-tbC-r*,8.bm,IrQttmfma.ta. RECEIVED MAY 2 3 2000 TOV-COM,DEV. lhrr th, ?trllns: I|| Ts-q{do$ tfth tour raql.3t ldus Envlroililntrl Arrchttrcturc, p,G. pcrfornntr! flf_Xf -ffb|ito_s inrlrr_c-tlon of thr refrnncd Arwffrt in ltt6. As-r nrulreltDl! lrtt rctlm llllG drrcorrrrd rm rrbcrtos:conirining artrrtrl co titIlttr. ltttt JGkrtE in tie tfecirolcrl Roon. fG ntnt tf rrchd to Drre thrsr|t.rtr! ancy|o rrd dtrDotaa of rr u EtA rpprovrd lrndfill- -To thc *r[ oi!r^rcccllactlor,-rll tnoh rrbrrto, In th. rlthutcrl Roon rrs rcmvro a,ifniOcteDrr er flcrt'lcr 0f 1900. ?lcrsr crll if forr nerd xythtrrg f,urthcr en thtr natter. wrffinl rrotttt8tulEr l.c. ProJact fflr TOTRL P.61 W FRtrf AUAT.I:; ARCHITECIURE 383 499 1844 . .': , THE VATL AIHIEITC CLUB ASBESTOS ITISPECTIOII REPORT P.2 Vlru Arutln\q cuDB \ CVA,. L{TIL \'oDqE'/ 1.3 1.4 qCCO' OntlNq ftp. FpKTRLFZM EEFgn$ct Acru.bl- DrsE oF BbFFCD EETND)AL IN MEftIALTICAL EOOM. ,lrt}Yfiilbh-P IU5co'ol2l'o Boo. ocg'\ sEcTIoN 00100 EXECT'TIYE SU}II,IARY 1.0 The Vail Athletic Club Building consists of a four (4) story building withan adjacent health club facility consisting of a'l ower and an upper level . The building was constructed in 1977-78. The guest rooms were remodeled in 1982 and the Spa, Club and Lobby were remodeled in 1987. Reconstruction of the entire facility will begin in mid September of 1996 (Phase l) and April of 1997 (Phase II). The total area of the existing building is approximately 68,285 SF. l.l All suspect asbestos-containing building materia'l s (ACBM's) were inspected and evaluated during the developnent of this Asbestos ltrspection Report(AIR). Eelow is a brief summary of the asbestos-containing building materia'l s contained in the building units for purposes of this study. Also included in this section is a "Schedule of Samples and Homogeneous Areas" for the entire facility. 1.2 Ihls subject building has only one (l) homogeneous area which has been identified by the inspection and/or sampling to contain ACB[1' The following Homogeneous Area is jdentified to contain > L% asbestos: ,,zlHomogeneous Area VA-09 Elack coating over HlJ Tank lnsulatione Bt^rn .Ltnu I77U Inspection reporLs, bul lt sampl ing arralysis reports and physicai assessments are included in each designated section of this report. Lead-based paint, 'lead in the drinking water, 91yco1 , PCB contamination and radon have not been addressed in this report, but should be taken into consideration by the Vail Athletic Club. 00100-l t-. 5RE 3A3 499 1844 = 9ee9 ==eeee ??"" e9 e I9= == ?2??""="2???""=9e ? 9EEH ao (| o 9r I ) tt giF, t? t' lF(\r c{c6;-: =L a aoo < Eoo - -.cJlat F -.- - N lv.-.- i.r -t-- Ertnarg !t--- 116- F r.r;; -6-6 a l! - - E E - - g E o -: .a a.-<l (J !, .-,r u iJ< --t-F-G>.!,ss ro.! -.-':ttt!> -a qno clG-- o o|9.,- -...--t-b.re-- - - Or Or eE -;5t t..,",rt pgoo:tt'6>tL,r.,z.;;3 B:: BPB g gg.:3*-uu,. -E o o - -LLUU=-t,r'--(J|Lioa,q,o(Ao .;;t|ll-/-ed. -^l,r'rqo, o-a es! !ss--"it* P 3: E E E E E E EEEEESS=,i= =7; E E E E';'; E ! --t -- a . - - u i-| 9t .,'i O- o. oO O O0 O O O gr C'r (J(J <! ,! L) (r d rl d E .. - a) .!r t' l,ll cdattEd.t.i c c lncrt- L --ZE t€€ t E====E€ a;; - _ - - -i i t i; ;=: ., 5==tt S S,E Eie: j _OOItOOO|!€OOOLLL - - I 9 - - 'o i O O .! '! 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I "i i - ; + i ; ; g ; J. .l J ; ; ; 6 6 : :.1.i ; ; 3 J ; ; $ .i' .l l s $ ; ; rr e :.t ;V, i-l lE'!l'lo OO'lErCtCto Er Ct Ct 'Et iCt O iO Gt Ct- - - -n -(\.- |\,-.rt-rn- it d< -rt7-t't-t./tr < i - < -?''-a,r-r.t -!t -..1 -e-q-!rO6@o ro I e o o cr o o o 6 o o o o o I I c o cr cr o o o C> o <) <> o c, o ct ct ct tt o o o o o Q or.rll 1r<lO ...1elr! lrlloFl><ll- El Qn =ol+l-ct^, -la, I9qt = ltl ?EI P.4FRr-0.t ADAMS ARCHTTECTI-X{E 393 499 1844542-'& l: I lPil ctcrocl---- tt, ilirr E!!I!!.r ieffri; -;F--5 43rtg3'.iar t |' o J o-rJ{ --!st L a. \ ll.. I!$!!h* Lttor-tir' a9 t- lr a, gr tlEC l, a, itaoo !ttl,00.|Jr't.t< < -pgbg{ -CCFltg-Aatt l,rt ? [*E,i e ! I I to t C ,x3a LJ t o3 t'tIoo ct(J Ic ct at- ,ttlJl33Bt:ES:a.too r U0lrl.. rrol,t -rtF a t g' 'tUtraStl-a--FbF--I- 8339=:3*13*-r** |DrO.trOtraorot FPgP??9? +++*FE3; #T #; ffi:ffisaa ffis b-vz-Z@ | , I lPl't FROM AUAI4S ARCHITECILRE 93 499 lgAA P.5 . ASBESTOS CBRTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO Colorado Deprtment of Public llealthl and Environnent Air Pollutlon Control Division This certilies that Jane H. Adams Certification No. 031-40'5679 has met the requlrements of 2*7-5O7, C.R.S. and Air Quality Contrbl Commisston Regutation No. 8, Part B, and is hereby certiFred by the state of Colorado in the following dlsclpline: INSPECTOR/MANAGBMENT PLANNER. Issued: 00/30/1999 Expires: 06/30i2000 . Thts ceailicua is vdid only.wita the postxtloa ol ct rruxt &HEIIA ccniticoilm h thc dkclplinc tpccltlcd r,bova Rxord Nutub:r: 823 SIIAI'U May 5, 2000 Re: Vail Athletic Club - Application for Demolition and Foundation Permits Townof Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Kathy Wane4 Permit Review Coordinator Dear Kathy: As discussed with you and JR Mondragon earlier this week, we are applying for both dernolition and foundation permits for the Vail Athletic Club. This work will be concentrated at the North Enty, Southeast Exterior, East Exterior, and East End Interior (excluding the existing restaurant) areas. Per our discussion, please hnd four (4) copies each of the following: o Completed Building Permit Application - (One Copy) o Asbestos Inspection Report and Certificationr Staging Plan (Color Plan Submitted to Public Works)and Written Description of Construction Plan o Schematic Design Drawings. Demolition Plans o Foundation Drawings (Stamped by Structural Engineer) and Preliminary Structural Framing Plans (Not Stamped)r Preliminary Soils Report (We will follow-up with an'bpen pit" invesigation during excavatiorq as we discussed) Please call me at (970) 904-5726 ifyou have any questions or comments. Thank you. SHAW Construction L.L.C. cc: RonByrne Jay Peterson Clark Atkinson 760 Horizon Drive . Grond Junttion, (0 81506 Fox 970"2{l -561I . www.showronsl.com Phone 9 70.2 4 2.9 2 35 -': lit'ii!t I t:-,ir fl,4'll t U[o,' I TOWN OFVATT Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colarado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 974479-2452 November 21. 2001 Shaw Construction 760 Horizon Dr. Grand Junction Co. 81506 Att: Steve Re: Vail Mountain Lodge Existing Non-Conforming Wood Roof Decking Dear Steve, It has come to my attention that there is a non-conforming roof assembly located in the east wing of the existing Vail Mountain Lodge building. The existing roof deck assembly is constructed with plywood. In a Type II l-HR building, combustible wood products are not allowed for this type of construction. This is an existing situation. If this assembly were to be constructed today, the plywood would have to be removed. I have been made aware of remedy to this situation that was proposed by one ofthe architects on the project and the Town's Building and Fire deparfinents have accepted the proposed remedy. Anytime the non-conforming plywood is exposed during construction, a field-applied flame retardant is required to be applied to the plywood. After that has been completed, the whole space between the plywood and the lightweight bar joists will be filled with some type of draft stopping material such as fiberglass insulation. When that is completeq a layer of 5/8" type X drywall will be installed to the bottom of the bar joists to complete the assembly. ln locations where the plywood is not exposed a layer of5/8" Type X drywall must be installed to cover the existing insulation and vapor retarder. I have also noticed in this area that the mechanical equipment for the restaurant below may not be up to code compliance. It appears the Type I grease duct is unprotected and not within a one hour shaft. This grease duct is required to either be located in a one hour shaft or some type oflisted duct wrap used, to obtain a one hour rating. The exiting ventilation duct will also need to be contained within a one-hour shaft. Please provide the Town with a proposal for us to review. I hope this clarifies the Town's requirements in this area. Feel free to contact me at (910) 419-2142 if any questions arise. Acting Building Offi cial Mike Mcgee Russ Forrest {S r"n"*o rn u, FEB-04-20p2 no{ os:pr Ail Nttccoc ' FAtt N0, s?04681208 ('l r\, I kwrffi{.,.} ;\*-f t Iffi*ip'r uipt;C I i 4.*--ffi**' ME1i4SRANDU14 ro, Chalie Daui I A^/ { /,t'z Fmm: WaYneMartin / \ , i I loae, tftt:tT*":t,"'*,*T*i*::'* P. 02 Iil*nu".*, Vaiil rtlo,#ai^ Lo/6c I SPa f u*u*r. phn deview Elevator Test and InsPection . r\ I) I .. 35A E. /Ilc*dour Uf. I ' LocPtion 'V,xi l,cb' | 1 \ Perrnit NLrmber ruUJCC0G 00'1o,7Perrlrit NLrmber |\{UJCCOG 80-lot7 ' , er"{u,o' ryn" /i+l , I I'l ,' | | The ptanS have been r{vieweO and foun( to conform to alt applicable ANSI 17.1 ard I I I I{ Uec'cod*,1 {' fhe de*ebr / "r€.bt€t / [ft/ drip€*rqt€r at ttre abov$ location was inspected and restedon--.. l/silaodal-uno,u' t \ I / lift/ dr;e€*E it€r at ttre abovi'iL-T l^^^. t l on--.-. lYrtl4sa;1 \ -andf::- TEMPORARY Certificate has beenlissued. { FINAL Inspection Certificate has been issued' cot,{l.ntt, /r t1 sisnaru,e4lw\n t PO B"t 2308 . gtrertno.ne r CO o 80498 I { It a 1200 r vw|,w.n$,c.cog. co. us 9o 63 9L?*a.sstt5 .3dlo;Ead 3E .E o ::.: o.2 €r. l, .9 o .E E c lo I eooo I I I z l oo zo E o- t- @ cc ;vz o-t 5 I .9 t 5 I o E ? o z rj - 2Oaa 3e5R:.t 6 dhav aE o.= dt E& S* '*z orJ ? 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Fm>1 -5o .r ".ILJd o-u\)^ a(-) ;--L,l Y a) o Y/o __J = LJF tO N I -9aii:d Ln m:^ OI#<hr'r V@>= <i -= c'.1 Lll\FT1r-tr)* F 1 o- til ,l>L! =r<=(y v) LJ-oo s-iltr>= fr9 Lllo -z I> a>tz.go r_1r (J Iz<oma L) .:a Lrl 0a(v-Lr< >;\<Yrk (,z v F> .l>E 6- Y,i < ^ l-- *{ nIo5 93 oz ONZ 'r;< t o -OONq8 -C) z F .. tll9r:<too- (t,Fz Lll f,o o NIt =lotrZ :<z<<Ftzz.u?>(J LU>#J&<l> (t) ui tr tr olu-tot o- di,iiutidi 9o5<oo u, 3 6 z = CE 5h ll.l llx\ 'lt) =Foz to (o a\.r- ol8Ra2 q,66@lL <.iB8r. OlGqu- ro(\|ool3Rqs, (oNaodd@ ;6 .o 3Eil€Pd5s ^|tr:a69buJE.o--f-bNz5E1 O^ s8 6o R]Y6'o -eg(! (rld.s rO9>i.i r.- 85b8bF ES 0, -cc o- .gEeo Eo .2 Architect's Supplemental Instructions AIA Document GZl0 - Electronic Format OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULTANT CONTRACTOR FIELD OT}TER ( Jov Peterson) (G.Adoms. R.Storvl (l IK, Oxenreide0 I Mike Porker) IJ.Olinek,S. Nevinl THIS DOCUMENT HAs IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCESI CONSULTATION W]TH AN ATToRNEy ls ENCoUIIAcED wrTH RESpEcT To ITSCOMPLET]ON OR MOD]FICATION. AUTHENTICATIO-N OI'THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFIED AlA DOCUMENT ]\4AY BE MADE BY US]NG AIADOCUMENT D4OI. PROJECT: (narnc, addrc:s) Vail Mou.ntain Lodpe & Spa -152 E. Mcadow Drit'e \tail.. CO 8 i657 O\\I}JER: Vail Mountain Lodee. LLC 352 E. Meadow Drive Vail. CO 81657 TO: (Contrcctor) Slrcu, Cortstruction 352 E. Meadou' Dri.ve Vail. CO 81657 CONTRACT FOR: Addition ond Renovotion to VoilMountoin Lodqe CONTRACT DATED: ARCH]TECT'S SLTPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO: Fifrvone (5] ) DATE OF ISSUANCE: September 26. 200'] ARCHITECT: Dalis Parmershio P.C.. Archirects 0137 Main Street. Unit C106 Edwards. CO 81632 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 00220.00 The Work shall be carried out in aciordan6 u'ith the u,ing supplenrental instructions issued in accordance with the Contract these instructionsDocuments without change in Contract Sum indicates your acknowledgment that there wiil or Confact Time. Proceeding with rhe Work in accordance with be no change in the Contract Sum or ConEact Time. Descdption: Entrv Lobbv Fire Seperation. Attachmenls: (Here wscrt listittg ofdocunents @t support desctiption.) Architectural drawinqq AX- t - AX-6 & PARTT AIA DOCUMENT 6710 - ARCHMECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS. 1992 EDNJON - AIA . COPYRICIIT i992 . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OFARCHITECTS' 1735 NEw YoRK AVENUE, N'w'' WASHINGTON. D .c., ?0006-5292. ilaRNtNc, Unlicensed photocopying yiolaes U.s. copynghr ta$,s andis subject to legal prosecution This document was elecronically produced with permission of the ALA and caD b€ reproduced witlout violarion uDtil the date ofexpiratioD as Doted belo\,. Electronic Fomar G7l0 - 1992UserDocumeni: #5i.Doc -9/26/2001.ArALicenseNumberr10s0.1 ,whichexpires on1z/Brzool -pace#1 t968 9e6'016 xel 0968.9e6.01.6 ag9t9 opeloto3 ,spter p3 f llexo8.o.d 90t9 llun lseJls utew teLo:ecigo tren I /z0e f98'eo€xe! 9998'198'eoe 80!Z-9ozog operoloo la^ueq 0oLaInS lae4s aletg toez:e3uJo r€^uao i slcalqorv "c'd dlqsrauued sl^eq 1968 926'016 xeJ 0968'9e6'0/6 Z€9f8 operoloc .spreA\pf f !/zxo€.o.d 90t3 llun la€4s u!e!\ zglo:aculo Fen I /zoe'tg8'eoe xeJ 9998'!98'toe 80 !2.90208 operoloS ,ra^uaQ 00! ellns laa4s alBl€ loez:€3!lo ja^uao I slc€rqciv'c'd dlqsiauued sr^eo 19 ISV z-w .ON ENIMVUq ::1ll qVO ,,O-'t =,9/! :jtVCS :r3u eMo Nvrd A-Lflvs =lt'l Not_tvSfdls 3uH uoo-ll puz :flJ-t.l. e NTA VUO 69',04200 'oN -tcftoud NOttvAoNSu cNV NO|SNVdXSL0€z-60 :flvq fgclo'] NtvlNnow -rjv^ :f-.tltIt 3f foud -l lst-taI Lr-Jl>lLdlv.l:) I>HI* | 4zI ><O I Lil :-| ,? I J-<;":- ts->=LL ft-_--lI lz z II lo o II lF F II i< < |I ttr tr |I ls ft |I I- ^ [I I Lr.l i! 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(.J cn Lrlo\'O Ns 't T tI f, I 1s 02-14-20Ct 7:06 am TStliSl!fr"U,.S8:111 Page 4 Ilequesbd Tiine : 08100 AH' Rnne: 97&24e-9236 Ett|'ore{t l3v. OFLORES K ..*.. - Kf,tr,-i"e FJe rq@E- -p4"^ Ooa[S**' ft77lJal - Co.nfu.trt (ff SW 8S ftAe Requestetl Insp€ctr,nt*. lhursday. February t4,?bm p,ff,rn n TAnfu*PL/'"TffiTJofl*: f$';uF{Dowi:'Fvntt./ _./ 352 E ftIEADOW Ol1, VAIL AIllt.ETlC CLUB ArP,D |ntlojmsuon ActivlN: BO1-0253 -Ivr€: I.L.Ol.iM Sub Tvp€: ACOM St tu$. ISSUEDConstTyp6: occuF,oi'il: R1 AISS t,ts,€: lt l-HF lnBpdroa: GRG Parcdl: ?1O108245@0 c\rfiet: VAIL ATHLETTCCLUB&SPA Ph{,ne: 97&47Fi987 Camr6clcr: SHAW eONSTRLJCTION COMPANY.\eelkant SHAW COUSTR!-JCTIO{-j COMPT$IY rlherre: 97t}i4?'9236 DeSchptlon: REMOOEL THF. EXI$TIN6 VAIL AThLgTii: .:!1J8 S IiPA BLU.DIIIG frdotce: Boncl m b$on $rb$rit!a{j in llrc arirount o{ li fll 0tl0 0O riicihr$ for stt6s4 improvetnetrts. apprwed by c'Ieg H. snd G€orfi€ R. - tsAl{EOVI{ Cor nrnt. Plafininq e{trarunq Detk rm€nLt tx'{ rJ fo: i'ulstfi$d:.u ifirHsv€tnenl5 GRU ll-lEtl Crwun€nr A porforhence uddd br fh€ r€quhed puble rrnpr:udnorits tnonir sidc c{ |he stlctrr ard ttont drop oltl hat b€nn approvd by Plsnnlng 1D'04iO1 - GFU'IHER Commonr: AS oF l0.t-01 PUB[.tc lfsont(s HA$ rior REctEvEp A]tY REVTSEP PLA]rs sHOWll.tG THe $TREET ilPROWil'ENT5 THAT IIAIG BEEN AI.I ISSUH THE OT{LY G'-[ANGE 'TITAT T'iAS BEEN ALLO'\'ED IS THE REI,IOVAL OF THE ADDITIONAI- Cf?OSS WALK ACROSS [. MHADOW ftrN/E. ,ALL OTHER IMPROVEMENTS IA/EFT s'l|L Ff;AUREDpUBl-lC WORKS V'lllt I'tO-'!'APPfIOVE l3L{Lf.{NG PEIqn r I.JI'ILESS SR'EB HALI lS NOTIFED ANO HIS APPROVAL I9 GIVEH. . Comm€ol: ROTJTED TO ? rq €*-F4ov1 Ooa[S**TltrrT S€{MPffic.. ( frln^trv+-,ol ltnAtqs 6; FGerSs GrustPccnonl Qc€.tt*t- @ Ppwe 70 QryT. F?"{t x, 7b PrGc,L*\ ) -REII,IOVE AL| OEGANN$ TNQM g.I"I8GF.AOE F-NRO TO CON{:RETE PISCEME'\'T{TRASH & COHSTRUCTIO}I D€BRISI Itam: l0 ElDGFoun6tion'9taelIt*m 3O ELDG-Framlm .' Arauo,tati " l0rO5O1 -in$crctOr: fiRO A!-tio4- FA PARTIA,I APPAOVAi. cofim€nt$; 3rd tknr irect r'rnre€ft. DK L\ &c,tl{ dsuti "it 10/22i0i lftrssclrrr: GEG .Aution. AP APPROVED Comrrrents: Flo$r d€ck. {&l tlcor L.nlv, OK tri rour.lO/zAO'i lnspoctor: oFG Action: AP AFPRUVEtrgomnrontB: Slorl tramrng for tsmporary s€i€ri oificG fi S'Jg cornsr ot bultdinfl. grodo l€vsl (|n fut € w'lll b€ pottot.estrursnl. i,{11t06.01 Insn cto{' GRG .dclr$n: FA FAITnAI. APPROVAL CorfiF€nt3' C.eilln{ ftamirrp 2nd ftor,t p-rli cn+Bj..:r . E. €rl,j W te qrir! llne 5 dlffi verifled lhd enerlor sheethtng being ipoittt itn N. :rde rs spFtovetl FFT p!y^r,'oc'd - InspcctlguElqjLbg ll€|n: ln Bl-Dc-F?oilFoi,/Ste€l '. ADlrov€d " {0i23,O1- Insp€ctar tlnlVlS Artior\: Ap APpROVHD comrnonl\ : SOIJTI.|WES] .:CFtlER RSPTJ.3l Run fd: 1338 I I,t ..r_ _ _u [dn: Lflr: UDlt 419 onlv fibdn r Unn 211).tracdor: 'GRG A.flon: PA P RTU,L AFPRCTV L Unlt 518 odrr. wlh oondluorE: | | ADDIy tbmc tebftbnt teetnent b mdqtld. of .xFlhg p|t|t/rod rndmo efiocrd In ur{t c orit ol idrrfiucton. lnd 2) Scl a[ DemfaUorB ln F.tly Filr ln tn aoorord ndmrr and llll rfird cndtht h rnv rvrlb wl|h b.il lDstlt!ilon p|br to dttd. l|isD.Gbc CRG ACiltiT: PAPARTIAIAFPROVAI' t fllt il23 oolv, .ho crDoc.d tbal b.cms wramcd wfrh dm.nll b l-hour ffFr6Bbnc.. hcDlcbc 'CDAVIS' Acdon' PAP RTUIAFPROVAIFRlilll.lc FOR 2NI) LEVET WEST CORRIDO,R CORRECTKTN COilPLETE PATCHII.IG OF JO0.|T AT WALUFLOOR PA^l lN MANY AREAS IAl1D1 hlD.cbfi CDAVIS AEIbN: PAPARTULAPPROVALCofl[tlffi: 3RD LEVEL CORRDOR FRAIIhIG AID CEtrT{G GRIOAI PEt€TRATKrl.lS lil,rsT BE P TC]ED lN A},l APPROiTED ilAr.liER ffy{n/Da hsD.cbr: COA\,!S ^.ilon: PAPARTIALAImOI/AL Ganurnrb: lAmga6 -hISTAL DRAFT STOPS BETWEEN UMT AT{D EXMNG ATTIC SPACE .PROVDE STRI.,C.EI.IGAPPROVAI FOR STRTJC TRAIIE .PROVDE REPORT FOR STEEL FREPROOFhIG 50 Btoc-|nsu[dhntl/Ol/t}t hsp*b'r: CDA\fi' Actbo: PAPARTI LAPPROVA comtncrilr: T.lSt LATlOl.l FOR S^LES OFFICE AREAtlll5rt}l f,rD.6r: GRG A"ton' PAPARTIALAPF'ROVALC.n t.{3: t nlt4|g{bflxrztt) mly, lo|rd h3uffion or*t (€!.Hor u,rs €|d3fftg lnbucndD.l'1'nlfl{ }:p.cbr: cdct,lr Arflon: PAPIIRTLILAPPRO\rAL Corurnr{r: unlslg onh,l2(}:yfi h8D.cbr: ?DA\tls Ac{on' PAPARTUIAPPRoI/A Co|tuno|ili: UMT4|I3ONLY 60 ElDc€m*ockl.Lill -Arqornd"lltlztf}| tEpcbr: GRG " Ac{on: PAPAITIALAPPRO/ACoflxElbr 2nal lhor coddor cdlno, 5 [na EGt only. II!IE/O1 h.p.cbr: GRG - Acfrn: PAPARTIAAPPROVAL Conymr*r: 'Sdlet oltce' .ren b fnpo.ery c.mtuciloo otlce, lotu larC d SE coffi of bu$*p, hcfd|ng b bgof d!|r3.t|llgol InbD.cior: CDA\lEf Acdon' PAPARTIALAPPROVA coflr||nrb: t MT5t60ilLY ALSO DD A I I{OUR CONX;ULT ON TCO PIIASII.JGhrp.cbf: GRG A.iloo: PAPARTIqLAPPROVA unll6t6 onlv. u*d .[ 5/tr TF 'x' d]rvd.ttll6r: -GRG Ac[oo: PAPART]AI-APPROVAL t o[ 42it A W. orxl of 2il noor conkhr onty. Comm.|{r: 11/144)l Coflunsrti: |',fiNn1 Corflnq{r: lAO7lM Co|nnmb: llP]&(}, Coman€r$s:tztoot Cornmeilt: 1A1gO1 Com|tEds: o1/15'OA Coilnr€nb: 70 ELDemsc.gl.g0l Const|€ili;g' BLDeFh.l hcp.dor:_ c&vt Adlon: PAPARTI LAPPROVA shd€lrod( 2 byr|t$Gt rlrl brE comp|rb ceiln{t as8 tnbty cor€bffirl brfil.d h sh'|t rvrl rl smd(g/lho ilfirDot 3fi1 brBl csrld{ $d hlrtl cord(bt mlb md csilftos ..3t €nd ft[rls per$oulc cellnlF and wlls epro,sd tLme lob ]|G be.n .p?ll€d b odstrlga.st €ndftfu18 Der$oulc cellnos and plv{Dod trcuffio a|so haiall€f, f !t bFr cotl-qFlg_ilomd msh.dgaa b{rl sround m*hrnhal ductr,ofi tor lfiEen h mozanhe lewl ol ailf PantltouLCDAT,IS ACIOII; APAPPROVEDh$cclor: CDAIJIS Ac[ofi; APAPPRo\,ED .TH tEVEt OORRDOR WALS.CEIIII.IGAND MEC}uISCAL S}IAFT hc9.cbi: GRG ACfOO: PAPARTIALAPPROVALD..l tor 2ilt lhor rbb. wl|l .nd. liSOBLDGTotnp.C/O "fpgongO-lll??nf fisD.ctor: cdflb-- Acflon: COtlOAPPRqrED/CotlDlTlOtlSCdtmo'rlr: FOR MAIN LOBBY AI.ID REST. ONLY €ORRECTIONS COiIIPLETE F$IAL CLEAr.l At{D t IICOVER OR REhISTAL ALL StilOl(E OETECTORS ADD SIC}N TO REST ENTRA'I.ICE STATlf.lc THE mOR TO REliAlN UNLOCKED DURI{G Btxf.lEsg lnURS @N|FIETE RAIED ASSET'BLY AT zND LEVET WEgT END CORRIDOR 12117fiJ1 lnso€ctoc CDAVIS Acthn: DN DENIED CO|ilNoNIi: 2}ID AND 3RD LEVEL CORRIDoRS ATD UNITS }IOT READY AT THIS TIME, ELECTRICAL FT{AL REOURED"F'IXTURES NOT INSTALLED J BOXES BEI.II\ID Ttr't'T{TED I€ADEOA,RDS I.IOT PROIPERLY COVERED ETC....PII'S{t.lCi AT.ID PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL REOUIRED +RqECT lrt ST COIiPLY TO APPROVED PIlt\IS FOR H)l{Xlgs. A}lY REVISIOITIS llt ST BE ST,'B|STTED AiD AI'PROVED PRIOR TO ANY FI'RTHER CONTSTRT'CTIOI{. TO ilANY |TEXS }GED TO BE ADDRESSED TO LIST bm: It m: RSPT131 lzlgf,l [tspofic a&Yb Acilort f.lO l.lOTFlED Rtm Id: 1338 InrpertotEequeqt Ancon|t|o|tmrdbc and firtdst pt|orm.d 12t2W1 Coilnaail3: Fhr Deprapp|o'd '8qdlalPlmL*r t'.arDorod rq{rs RrDIc UYofii adrorra nquh.d Al rcdlo*fne pe*o ntuin nr mar d.g[F on t|c ill!fie.DtHor $ulh tnd u[l d(b||ildbolffi fiffiHffiffiEil.nclourrcsJnlt* clocs unnr *'. t $rlrd b b.lmbL.t All tfrl ilooc corralt.nd h.blLdd Satclodno6aalrSlc ruuk dmd lnl dooF new or eddbeTls wll Di m roorod dircdrgancy h lho '!afa o||lca la ttr tu*cd thrrtUp .rr rrcdt drr anqovr(l Wtn Town sr ilss bt5 cn l zDnlng FsL8. ilrflv-dr.r lElb ldhtstEl aifihilm. andbo rmnv5 ndeho.|for: cdwb Ariloo: OOI\DAPPROVEDCOnDIKnI|S 2nal .nd 3d floor.ccornr(Son untB lrd fbols only condondTCO -ALL EXITS rfi.rsT BE MAINTAT.IEDBE MAINTAD.IED FREE A}ID CLEAR AT ALL TIES. ltlO Ft RITGR ACTMTY IS ALTOUYED AT AFFECT T}C TCOD PORTT]IGI OF T}E EGRESS PATH OF TRAI/EL llt ST BE MAltttT [.lED AlrlO FREE Al0 CrE R AT PARTOFT}TS t siEoFAr.lY THE Aoqno|'lOF2r€EXfGi BE ItrT wlT}T}.I IO UYORKNG FORI| tzlztnt. t SE ATOWED fitl S]l W COt'LSTRt CTlOtlS TEMP' OFrcE I''ITL 2l'lo EIrT]s CONSfiUCTED CN REVTSED ONNWTTrcS ARE RECIEVED AI.IO APPROT'ED BY TTE TOWTiItr VAL FCn Airy tfitE. l.llC|( OF COUPL|ANCE TO Ttfl[t CoiDTlOt{ COULD RESIIT hl TIE LOSS OF AtlY OCCI PAICY N Ttlls il.il."Dll.lc.C[EA}I I.T REOUNEDO}I BIT^D$re EXTERIOR €OTII.ETE CLEAi.I T.|P OF PAR(hIG OARAOE TEruT'T: CDAI/IS ACilOO: APAPPROI'ED.flf{ LE\rEL E}{ r AIPROVED FOR OCCUPAI.ICY MUST OOTf,t^ETE S}GETROCK IN @RRFORbn: lxli! PW-TEIP.C/O -ADorod- '2lfinl [Eo*br: LS A.too: ON DE]{ED Cor|||tr{3: }.lcrTREADY O,|/B'trl Commnb: bfi L5 trOoll: ( T$I TRAfFE CON'TROT I{ IGEDED Adlon: CoNDAoPRClvEDtCOilDfnontslzllE(}il fEgcbt: LS Comrrnb: ilID{TANTR| A}$T REOI'REDYYC'RK NUY|{TER ilO}ITHS XI'ST 8E AI'PROUED BYTO'PYI'AM)VAT. I?,1Afy, [t.f'Ebr: €ort|. Acdoor DN DE].IED coorErb: Thb pmfd b brbo hooilFhbb sPprov€ llem: 537 Plr0+FI.l LC/OItilr 538 FIRE-F[.| LC,Oirn: 5@ PW-Ff,ilALC/O[m: 6aO BfDCtFhtlC/o PI,|$I.C Fo.fifilhnPhnPllfil{.CShPbltbm: 2lbn: 2i! SDEWALX hl FROIIT OF BtttDf,{G MANTANED BY 9HrW CO[tlS'IRt CTION OR VAL K,(n|TAIILOOGE.Itiln: {XB Plll+,TEtP.C/o REPT131 Rltn Icl: 1338 APR-02-2002 TUE 10:05 Al{ NLICCoG lorrrac: i .J r._': f vrr,r.-alr r ln* ,*Ff ..,^...;-. To: Chorlis Oa'vir Frpm: Wayne Martin 970-45 8-0295 ert 108 or ele,ratcr@nwc.cog. co.usDate: 4lrflooa prolertName: Vai I fYlov,r*ain L"ltr+ Spa' FA){ N0, 9?04681208 P, 0t : u Eievatcr Plan Re'rie',v Eie'rator Tesi and Inspef.icn 35A E' lfl26l"Yt fuivtLoc=dcn !uJ,h. gllfj ' PErmit i',lumter ilwec?6 o0-o&l Ele'/aicr lype HY P The plans hEve b€€n re.rie.,.red and Found to ccnfcrm to all applicable ANSI fZ.i -^A UEC ccdes I The eleva[or | ffiri Ri dumffier at the above lccaUon was inspected and tested on - -lru.q:,q aM a: : TE|vIPORARY Certificaie has been issued. n/ tY FrllAL Inspeciicn Certificate has been issued. Comments: Signah.rre U' , , (1-/ !^ z_, Ncnhlvest Col(:racr ;owc,l of Governments r ?O 3cr l30il t Svefihorne r CC r 3Ca-cB 970-€a-m95 r Fax 970-6&l2CB . ',r\r\r r,wc cog.co us ,.!| t tl APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR Project #: Pennit #:.-.ttrtfils {cs\ort Qpt'rt tutn-Dwro '}'t$rDAlt /fr[T|J. FPEFEEb filtr- Broq El'lrr L --\\t ,r/ | t --iI,mmtwny rgwN.o=F v+IL BUtt?INjG PFBrl 75 S. tr'rontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! foNT-kAcron TION General Contractor: SUp.nJ Cut-sTit -LA- Town of \lail Reo. No.:t'Contact and Phone #'s: W.+C.e6t B,iR*g- 477 cfll contractor sisnature: I /( / o4,\FL- v TIONS FOR PER"IIIIT BUILDING: 51,6O0, O)CI-ELICIRICAL: $OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOl'Al; $ REFTJND CI$AIIUP DEPOSIT TO:9tft+'vJ .' t x:-- / z. t'-<- 'Jl'2C I'h.) \. i2i"- ')l\z, .2"r*r -) r - r -'l-l l2 )-(; l:t C{.L tur #A55€5tr/rs ffitK 2tcl- oE robName: VAlz /l|i;lulr.t)J LoDaF Job Address: 7tt E, {ltt^fr)trw n R , 'l A t r- LesalDescription ll-wrl lqlancr: $ [ rirns: I Subdivision:1/A lL VtllAfrE: l)r ownersName:vAL+sPh Inooress:rifBRr bt {tr tJAtt- Fltsi Phone:gro -t 72.1 ti'b'7 Arcnrcct/Desisntt',)Av, s r>renJekAo$fi g bx21tl u-DtnrAFD5 (?)Pnolr'v)ria b,gl a it Enginer: n e*ilt rJ6 ledc?.( il Aqt?T--il,,,hrr.*sp t -o*t.r AwJ Pnon? 7c Q',4ti 7fu.9 DetaiH description of work: RcntcDEL 'T?t€ ENtsD*t:, Vn tu ATHE{rL cL.lB d.SpA 9uDa . WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodetld Repair() Demo() fther() Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both Xt)Does an EHU e){st at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeoFBtdg.: single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) comrnerciat fi) Resaurantffl Onerl 1 No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thls building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: l!-ollypeof FireplacesEdstinq: GasAooliances( ) GasLms( ) Wood/Petlet( ) WmdBumino( ) No/Tvoe of Flreplaces Proposed: @s ApDliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) wood/Pellet ( ) woodrBumiline*'+Otffi)-l Does a Fire Alarm Exisil Yes X) No ( ) FDoes tFiie Spanrcr System E (istl'17E!EE *r*r*r***r*r**r*****ir****r*i:r*rri**'r**FoR oFFIcE usE oNLy***i***r****r*F*t**l .{.il#-,t. I I :' F:/eveqonefo rE/bldgperm ftrrornrn Sol,0ac't cu IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Building Permit #: szo-lrg-erls (riib Separate Permits are required for elcctrical, plumbing, ,ffiPT, MWNWYilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. / Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INT'ORMATION General Contractor: Qhalr lrnnclrrrr'{_ i nrr T,T.n t"*'"lui'ffnd",,Crntact and Phone #'s: I)arr l H6.lwor L1-7-na17W PTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor q}laledelq TOTAL: $PLUMBING: $ Far Patel # Conhct Assesnrc Office at 970-328'8640 or visi! rdf]Lrtt lr i;;;ii;""#rft '*;,t#;ffit$wnhoutparcernumber) Job Name:. Vail Mountain Lodqe JobAddress: 3s2 E.Meadow Dr., vair LegalDescription ll Lot: - ,.ll etoctc . ll Filing:Subdivision: rr-.i 1 r,.i Owners Name: VML,LLC Mdress: 2g5 gridoe street, vaj.l Phon"' orn-o ,i-, oo., Architect/DSJner: partners Address: P;o. Box 27ir, Edwards-Phone:970-926-Rq60 Engineer: M.\n r^r^r i Narrra Lt Address:? O Et.a rr nh PhoneiL PA {tn, ^"- - Detailed descriotion of work: Remode! the existing VaiI Athletic club & Spa Building WorkClass: New( j'.Addiuon( ) Remodel(x) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: ves (, ) No ( ) rvpe on grag.' single-family ( .i.t k ) nesturt.nt ( ) ott* ( ) 2 No. of Accommodation UniE in this buildiry:_2Alq No/TvDe of Fireplaces existins: ,l"ettfE*& f f *t *t f ) *". TYpe ofConstruction: acuDenoy Grcup: pte Reelved: F : I e,t ery one / f or ms I bldgperm U 1''D ll APPUCATIOT{ WILI NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UT{SI ttftcrb -lo S\drt Qprjtt tta'tn -Dbrro -Mq.sa.{ Prciect #: FEEFE€5 FIJLL elo€r Elrtr Bui Permit #: Ip/VN0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! fo rwltcro R I NTo RMATI oN General Contractor: SUA-ri Cux,sf,r c-LL Town of fil Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: W.A'Pert BJ e*E- 47 7 c ft I Contractor Signature:'( / c,\,l2- COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDII{G PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: S 9,6O0, O)C-ELECTRIOAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAI: $ REF{'ND CLEAI\IUP DEPOSIT TO:5H1l'u,J ('c x': 7 z t-t -7(rc l+r?-tze"- )A /.: l?.r-*' ) r .., r., t'f1b t'-c itt €L0 # Conbd AswsorsOffieat9TO- Hf,ffi 2 tcl- o rob Name: V4 tr /l1i; ttrhvt tJ t t,v g 6 to' *o*t 3;.) F, vlr t]rt) c,t* I (l . \ A t t- LesatDescription fl*-l/q ll eb.k' f ll rilins' I Subdivision:{1 t t v t I I *r',g I t t- Owners Name:lAZ. {5 pA Mdress: 2h{BRl D rr sr \/Art urn')PhoneqTg4Th/Et;7 ArchitecvDesisn"t'r)Ari/ \ r:nenlPil'ootfi:j B r-, x zl tt FD4zftpg5 .'<)Pho\7v)ria b&l b i) Engine€r" fftoL'Rucvrri |i.*r2-/ [A4$ry,B"* t t\/yt.r&c F-;>i-t,ut Avci Phonu 7c ?4q 772.F Detailed description of work: RcnloD EL 'TTr€ rxrsn r t:V4It ATHE€NL.C/.UB d5N DUDA WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodelld Repair( ) Denro( ) Otrrer( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Bothfi!Does an EHU odst at this locauon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof BUg,: Singl€-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) @mmerciallQ nestaunntrf Ofier( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildingt No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Nofrypeof FireplacesExistinq: GasApoliances( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) No/Type of Fireolaces Pmoosed: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) WoodrBffmtf,$ffi"filEmil Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Y* (X) No ( ) I Does a Fire Sprinkler System E iistl'lfd I rtl E n ffi ***n*****rrir*r*****l*iri***r****r****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***,r't,tr***********f F:/everyone/f orrm/bldgperm fwonun APFLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #; Building Permit #: a,1. --Fl|| tvnti0FVnil! 7i !. Frontase ltd..,1;;il. CororaEo 81657 Seprrafe Perrmits 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) umbing, mechartical, etc.! Contact P;rrcel # Assewrc Office at 328-8640 orgL 9f oo .F fusr Eoo &fJt,:t t r\, C Lu er.rT b&.*. Multi{amily (Commercial (y'J Restaurant ( ) O$rer ( ) Exist: Yes (No( ) COT.IPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUILTYING PERMIT (Labor & MAIETiAIS) ,J/z -c,ut Fcc NOT ALLOWED 4 ilt tt I t I V qlo /10"*14 't L'DA -_}r--.. , r.ription l! t-ot' I ebck:r --!., ! :irne: vnu, L.L. c. finri'=1i1%[ I i: rgineet:14r* es1 | l)1**- {.a.li od9.fttl;.r, :i . .tailed clescriptron of ivork: &b"**- ,/6at4rr,.- il ,l)n-t fnr* Ta;lt+- +"t a.la,^r SE rob Address: S; Z E . I'lCo >orrbp,rt 9F-p Ar*e.ua '285 B&,ot^c 9r. Phone: lZU .glAo V\loikClass: New( ) Aclditicn(rzf nemodel (.,{ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Wcr"k Type: interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (v4 No ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes tl TILDING: $ /, f,OO.O.lO ELECTRICAL:5 te>ieor>OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$ feO,geo MECHANICAL: $ 7OO)-e€o TOTAL: s 2, G,l9,O,OsO. Oo REFUND CI-EANUP DEPOSTT TO: $fi63;1 P,.v.:<tpr ln4f rm f i. . .l riiL I e ntractor: Le^,, :::===!: Sionatu CONTRACTOR INFORMATION -NlU-nErF Y R OFFICE USE O BEST COPY Contact andfhone #'s: (gto\ 9l z - tz, b Et-rnt &pl+twA (1u)2ot- ctzt Town of Vail Reg, No,: ICE-q f,/z4eo F :/everyone/f ormsTbldgperm $ffik AVA'LABLE APFLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #; Building Permit #: a,1. --Fl|| tvnti0FVnil! 7i !. Frontase ltd..,1;;il. CororaEo 81657 Seprrafe Perrmits 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) umbing, mechartical, etc.! Contact P;rrcel # Assewrc Office at 328-8640 orgL 9f oo .F fusr Eoo &fJt,:t t r\, C Lu er.rT b&.*. Multi{amily (Commercial (y'J Restaurant ( ) O$rer ( ) Exist: Yes (No( ) COT.IPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUILTYING PERMIT (Labor & MAIETiAIS) ,J/z -c,ut Fcc NOT ALLOWED 4 ilt tt I t I V qlo /10"*14 't L'DA -_}r--.. , r.ription l! t-ot' I ebck:r --!., ! :irne: vnu, L.L. c. finri'=1i1%[ I i: rgineet:14r* es1 | l)1**- {.a.li od9.fttl;.r, :i . .tailed clescriptron of ivork: &b"**- ,/6at4rr,.- il ,l)n-t fnr* Ta;lt+- +"t a.la,^r SE rob Address: S; Z E . I'lCo >orrbp,rt 9F-p Ar*e.ua '285 B&,ot^c 9r. Phone: lZU .glAo V\loikClass: New( ) Aclditicn(rzf nemodel (.,{ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Wcr"k Type: interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (v4 No ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes tl TILDING: $ /, f,OO.O.lO ELECTRICAL:5 te>ieor>OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$ feO,geo MECHANICAL: $ 7OO)-e€o TOTAL: s 2, G,l9,O,OsO. Oo REFUND CI-EANUP DEPOSTT TO: $fi63;1 P,.v.:<tpr ln4f rm f i. . .l riiL I e ntractor: Le^,, :::===!: Sionatu CONTRACTOR INFORMATION -NlU-nErF Y R OFFICE USE O BEST COPY Contact andfhone #'s: (gto\ 9l z - tz, b Et-rnt &pl+twA (1u)2ot- ctzt Town of Vail Reg, No,: ICE-q f,/z4eo F :/everyone/f ormsTbldgperm $ffik AVA'LABLE I : I r Pase I ofl Ron iust came an and submitted a development improvement agreement with a check for $60,000. I talked with George over the phone and he says the permit can go out now and we can lift the red tag. Thank you Russell Forrest, AICP Director of Community Development 75 Frontage Rd Vail, CO 81657 970-479,2146 russ4l@yail" n-e! fi le :i/C :\Windows\TEMP\GW l 00003.HTM r0/0212001 DETACH AND BRING THIS PORTION OF CARD TO Office of Building Officiat, TOWN OF VA|L COLORADO I '27v"-"..",. Building Inspector $ffir rr,kl .fi rt "l8ui 3I Jfi'b[fFfB?^'wfiff1' l-dl? rr,, BUILDING Has Been Inspected, and- Cllp.,{{eTHts BUILD|NG Has Been Inspected, and- of,=*AL coNSrRUcroN D coNcRETEI rr/[trunv I PLUMBING N WAf,M AIR FURNACE ..N ELECTRIC !3 wAitTul AIR FURNACE T0ELECTRIC WIRING qg6fi,firrlNc AND vENING ]So BUTLDTNG pERMrr ^'"'X;rHER: NoC,A {ie reVia,ae WOtk dll Do Not 'rtn Building Inspectorffi Remove This Notice!- . ' f-p6s*tuCil,w\.5lnttr 04/zE/oo l7:3{Fal 303 {{4 1857 JYA, IIiC,.' JIP F-w chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS $ S. ZUril . DEI{VER, COLORAOO t02?3 192' EAST FTRST STREET ' CASPER' WYOflIilG I2IO1 $[ltqnDrflof, Ir0lxltllllG SOI L AI{D FOUIIDATIO[ IIIVESTIGATIOH FOR PRO?OSED VAIL ATHLETIC CLUE VAIL, COLORADO Danno Prcprrcd for: PIERCE, BRITIER C FITZTIUGH SCOTT ASSOCIATES vArL, coLoMDo 81617 t03/ila-710f . firl2?,|.21'| rg o0I %Koxy" fturoxnxt Boo-o -nffieo MAY o 5 ?t)oo TOv-coM'DEv' Job No. 11876A Fcbnrary 18, 1977 s{izE/so 17:34 FAI 303 {dd 1857 t.i JVA, INC. TABLE OF COTTEffiS coilcLusrols sCOPE PRoP0SED CoilSTRUCT|0ll stTE coilDlTtoxs suBsotL coilDlTtoils CROUNDI{ATER FouNoAT | 0x RECoTflENoAT I oilS RETAIIIITIG STruCTURES FLOOR SIAES uilDER0RAlil SVSTEil EXCAVATIOil DI FFICULTI ES svt|ililr{G P00L cotsTRucTt0r{ SURFACE ORAINAOE TIISCELLAI{EOUS FIG. I - LOCATIOI OF EXPLONATOfiY HOLES FIG. 2 . IOSS OF ET?LORATORY HOLES FlG. , - SUELL-COllS0tlDATl0x TEST RESULTS FIGS. 4 througfr 6 - GRADATI0II TEST RESUTTS FIC. 7 . FOOTITIOS O{ COITPACTEO STRUCTURAL FILL TAELE I . SUITIIAIY OF TASOMTOiY TEST RESUITS . JtP @ oo2 I z z 2 t t I 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 APPENDIx A - SUGGESTE0 ltlllll{Ufl SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE Pl.AcEnENT 0F CO'IPA TED FILI o4i26/OO l7:3tl FAI 303 44{ 1957 JVA. INC. nry bc foundcd wlth rprcrd footlngr plrccd dcrlgnodforr@ r JIP @003 a coltcLust0]rs (l) Thc propocd cthlctlc club on thc upp.r nrtutrl rol lr 3.000 prf. Ql fehlghcr onxlmer ellqrblc roll prcrrurc of 51000 prf can bo obtalncdJ I Uy placlng footlngr on r nlnlnlm of ! fcct of ccrnpcctod rtructsnt J I rrrr (r) Dccp brrcmnt walll thould bc dctlgncd rcrlrt e lrtcral Grrth prcsrurc bescd cr rctelnlng ttructur.l to upon a_n-ccu I vrlcnt f luld (lt) Gror.rndwetcr bc cxpcctcd wac found at elcvrtlmc 8154 to rlrc durlng thc rprlng ond to 8156 ln Jrnuery cnd crn crrly runncr nonthl . Thc (5) DGflatcrl n! of thc foundat I on cxcrvrtton rnay bc nGccrrrry. rdreln I A; INC.r JfP &00{ -z- SCOPE Thlr rcport prctcntt tln rclult! of a coll rnd foundrtlon Invcrtl- g.tlon for thc propotcd Vclt Athletlc Club. Thc rcport Prcl.ntt thc nott dcrlrablc rnd rafe typc foundrtlon, rllcrblc cof l pr.!!ur$, rrtcr teblc condltlmr end othcr dcrlgn rnd congtructlon d6ttllr portlncnt to tht subrol I cqrdl tlmr. |lc prcvlorsly canductcd e prcllmlnary toll and foundrtlon Invcctl- gatlon rt the rltc raportcd undcr our Job t{o. 13876 drtcd Nwcrnbar 10, 1976. Infomatlon obtalncd fron thlt Invertlgatlon hrs bccn Incorporatcd Into thls rqport. PR0P0SE0 C0ilSTRUCT|0r{ Thc propoccd rthlctlc elub wlll be r 5-rtory structur! wlth barcmcnt lcvel cnd covcrcd perklng lcvcl. Thc bercnpnt lcvcl wltl Includc a lwlrn. mlng pool and handbrll courtr. Tha handbell courtc wlll br con3tructed wlth a rrod floor rt clcvatlon 8154. Coturnn loadr up to l5O ktpr arc expcctcd. Typlcel wsll loadc wlll be on thc ordcr of l! to 15 klps per llncal foot. stTE coilDtTt0il5 Thc proporcd slte lr currcntly occuplcd by tr*o cxlrtlng t to 4-story itructurrs. Thqgc structunar arc gcncrefly In good condltlon; hcrover, rsrc mlnor cracklng trrr obtoryrd ln thc soncrrtc block of Poor Rlchrrdr. Thc tltc lr locetgd m thc north bmk of Gorc Crcck. Thc Around rurfacc :loprr rtlghtly to nodcrrtcly dornwrrd tanrrd thc crcck. Thc wrtor lovrl In thc crcck rar rt approrlmtc alcvrtlon 8155 rnd wr! oot foot dccp. 0.1,2b,.00 17:3i fAl, 30J 4{4 195;J\.{, It\C. -t- lr!3 cngountercd from 6 tlmo of drllllng, Ar c?c.k l! rpprorlnrtcly -, JIP hols ls on thc ordcr helf of thc slte and to l5l fect dccp (clcvatlons 8l5lr Indf cetad prcvlously the elevatlqr 8155. Duc to thc arrnulrr nrtur. B oo5 The maxlmum dlffcrcnco ln olevatlon botracn our tott of 12 fect. Vegetatlon wrs eonflncd to thc routhcrn contl3ted of natly€ grassgs, weeds and plne trcos. SUBSOIL CONDITIONS The subsol I condltlons brc rc Investlgalcd by drllllng 3 eddl tlancl exploratory holcs et the locrtlons s hourn on Flg. l. Thc rlopc of thc clto and the preeencc of exlstlng bul ldlngs I lol ced drl I I lng acccsslbll lty, Thc 2 exploratory holer frcrn our prel lmlnary Investlgatlm lrc al!o Indlcatcd on thls flgure. The subtol lg cneountcred et thc sltc brc rc qultc crrctlc. General ly, t hey conslsted of a cornblnatlon of rned I grn dcnge to dcnsc sllty sand and grevel and sllty sandr on the north ond of thc tltc. Frcqucnt cobbles uere cncounBcrcd ln the upper 14* to 18 fcct. At the routh ond of the iltc the subsol ls conslstcd of l0 fect of sl lty srnd wlth grewl ovcr- lylng rrcdlw to vGry stlff sllt. some arcas of cxlstlng flll worc cncountcrqd both along the north ond south sldcs of tho sltc, Thc flll conslstcd of sllty sands wlth somc aravcl and cobblcs. sqna of the fllls ncrc orgrnlc, A swel l-cmsol ldatlon tesr on a typlcel semple of rl lty rand f t I l, prcsenred ln Flg. t, Indlcotas that thc flll wlll conrolldato axccrrlvcly under noderate loedlng. Gredatlon chsroctcrl!tles of the granuler rubrollr lrc prGlontGd In Flg:. t through 6. Therc grrdrtlons do not rcflcct thc trua ahount of large grrvel and cobblas wlthln sqnc of thc subrolls. GROUI{DIJATER Frce watcr to 8156) ct tho of n.b? In thc u4; Zor UU I r : Jo l'A,l JUJ ,1'14 1957 JVA, ll\U.r JIIP : I4 006 -ll of th6 rublot ll, wc would cxpcct thc watcr tablc to fluctuttc cloccly wl th chrngcs In the Hetcr lavcl In Gore Creek. Informatlon obt.lned frcrn the U.S.G.S. Indlcetcr an rvorlgc tacron.l fluctuetlon ln the wetGr lavel on thc ordcr of 2 to 5 fcet wlth the hlghcri wctGr lcvGlt oceurrlng durlng the sprlnE rnd corly 3urnxrr monthr of thc ycar. ]tc mexlmum tcetonal fluctur- tlon In the lest 25 ycart hal bccn approxlnatcly 6l fcct. qr.-g I I ph tlX._9s!s{-Ue-e.Ec@e!9.f .table, a posltlvc undcrdraln3[g_11_cgrntlnuous purnplng wlll be_.q'p*ulg9g.S..*rr_*--*rr .€?.- "!>+qc!.r.'!---ir-- It utlllle lmportsnt to proteet the woodcn floor fr<rn nolsturo as well as the frce water. t{o suggest consldcrstlon be glvcn to ralrlng thc lorer f loor lcvol ro that coritlnual purplng wl|| not be nocellery or consldcr dcrlgnlng thc loner floor as a w.tcr tlght rtructure. FOUNDAT I ON RECOHIIENDAT.I Ot{S Conrlderlng ths subsoll condltlons at the proposcd slte, wc bollcvc the ttructure can be founded wlth spreed footlngs plrced on tho n€turrl solls. The foll*rlng deslgn and constructlon detellc rhould be obserucd: (l) Footlngr placcd on the gturrl rol ls bolow thc cxlstlng flll rhould bo dcslgnod for e msxlmum.soll prerrurc oflrgggl. (2) lf a hlgher maxlnun ellorable soll pretsurc ls dcrlrrblc, foottngt moy be placcd on a mtnlnum of lfcet of gqo dcslgncd for c maxlmun roll prasaurc "fJ*900*sj. A detoll for footlngs pleced on ccnprctcd gtructurul flll ls prescntad In Flg. 7. Structural flll chould conrlst of granulcr sollr slnllrr to thc on- rlte tofl!, lorl .ny rtonor grcrtor thcn 6 Inchcr In dlanatcr and cqrpactcd to l00l rtrndrrd Proctor dcnrlty rt optlmm nolsturo eontont. v4/28/og 17:3tt !A.L JOJ {{{ 1957 J vA, I tic.r JXP r4 007 -5- Gulde rpcclf lcatlonr for thc plicmcnt of coPectcd structur.l f ttl €re attrchcd In the apPcndlx. (:) Under thc abovr prcrrurcs' trc ortlnrtc thet totrl tcttlqngnt wlll bc on the ordrr of I lnctr and naxlnrm dlffcrcntlrl rcttlsnsnt tcross tht proporod rltc wlll bc larr then J/{ Inch. (tt) lf largc bouldare .rG encountGrcd ltrrnedlatcly bsla, thc fmtlngs, (6) Contlnuous foundrtlqr wrllr should bs ncll rctnforccd to rpan .n unrupported length of ct lorct l0 fcct. (7) Dcwetcrlng of thc cxcevrtlon, as dlrcurrod In r trtcr rcctlon, n y h nec'olsrr.y to fcstlltatc construcdlon of thc foundatlon. (8) gld fogndctlons rhould be renpvcd cnd backfllled whorc noodcd wlth granuler goll ccnprcted to l00t standrrd Proctor donslty. RETAIT{ING STRUCTURES Thc basorncnt wolls rhould ba dcslgncd to rcslrt loteral 6arth pra3- turor, llc recqmpnd thrt rctrlnlng wallr bc dcrlgncd brlcd upon rn oqulvalcnt fluld wclght of 35 pcf. Thtr assrmos backftll tollr slmllrr sollr and drclncd condltlong OctrtnC ahc welt. A drrln thcy should bc renrovcd rnd replaccd wlth cdnp.ctod flll. {All footlngs rhould bc pleced below any cxlrtlng fl ll or old )/ tlons. The Gxlstlng flll ls rlmllar to th€ on-sltc sollr. I I OtfflcutGy ts cneountcrcd In dellncatlng nrturrl roll rnd ftl I\ should be notlflcd to Inspcst the foundrtlon excavltlon. (5)foundr- feny, l. irJ to tha rhould on-: I tc ln .s I vc hyd ror nt I cJ ror rjf.?-r !,e!r I nd Jhc .wo I | . u4izE/00 r7:3n fAI 30J 44{ 1957 !nd of ..no JVA. tNC. . -5- - JltP @ o08 FLOOR SLABS . Thc nrtural solls rrc c.prblc of supportlng llghtly loldcd floor slrbc. Any cxlrtlng f tll or old foundrtlstr locatcd bcnceth f l9or llrbr ghould bc cqrplatcly rcmovcd.tnd rcplaced wlth t.grrnulsr noocxPlnslvc roll conpected to .t lcr3t 951 rtrnderd Proctor dcnrlty. To nlnlmlzc drnagc duc to rllght dlffcrcntlel rtrb ttovGrEnt. rlebc rhould be:cparatcd frm ell borrlng wrtls end colunns wlth a posltlvc cxpenslon Jolnt. Slabs should also be dlvtdcd Into rirodcretc sl!c unlts to mlnlmlza danage due to shrlnkegc cracklng and ttrcy should bc relnforccd. rovldod boncrth ths floor ilrbg to dlstrlbutc floor lod to prewnt capfllcry watcr rlse. Frec dralnlng grovel should conrlrt at lcart 50t grovel alzed aggregrtc hevlng r nExlrnrn rlza of J Inshcr lcrs than 5il pesrlng thc tZ00 rlcvc. UNDERDRAI}I SYSTE}T Slncc frcc wotcr ls gencrally ncar or ebow thc a roporcd lourer floor elcvattons, lle rGcornEnd that tho I oncr lcvel of thc butldlng bc protcctcd . by rn underdrrln ryrtcm. Thc undcrdrrln ty:tcnr should o(tcnd oround thc pcrlmtcr of thc bulldlng and lotorrlly bcnerth thc slab on nlxlm,m Intervrlr of 50 fcct lcadlng to rcverot sunrps wtrcrc xctcr can be rqnovcd by plnnplng, Thc rystan rhould conrlrt of dreln tllo crnbcdded In a grrvel flllcd trcnch Instrllcd at lcart 2 fcct balor the bsrcmcnt slab. Thc underrleb gravcl chould connrst lnto thc udrrdrrln tronch. ThG lyrtcm rhould bc dcslgncd ' for r tolrl cryrclty m tho ordcr of 200 gpn. Thlr rlzs 3yitdn rhould handlc nornrrl 3c!son!l flueturtlal! In ground€tar. Thc systan rhould bc prwldcd rlth rtrdby punrgr rnd rn dtorglncy pc.ar rourcr to protcet rgrlntt purp or pcrrr frllurr. Sfncr thr lanr flor lcvrl lr rbqt thr rrrr lrvrl gravcl 3ltoulC U{t 26t 00 1.7:37 FAI f 03 'ltt{ 1857 JYA, INC. -7- -' JfP rg 009 €! thc cr.cck, a grrvlty dlrchrrga prdtbly lr not fcaslblc. It thc !y!t.tt ls dcslgncd for grrvlty flan to thc creek, HQ recoirncnd thet a flap vclvc bc Installed to prrvent watGr frcn thc srrck frm backtng rp tnto tfr. dreln tl lq. Thc undcrdraln rystern lr cxtranrly crltlcrl bcnceth thc proposcd handbcl I courts. Thc proposcd hardr.rood f loor ls vGry sensltlvt to tttolstur.. Uc strongly reccnmnil sn altcrnatc floor lystcm for the handbrll courts. ihe slab shoutd also be deslgncd to reslst sone hydrostatlc pressurc In the event of cxtrame groundnater rlse. Ue rccqnnend a rnolsture barrler be lnstallcd beneath the slab. EXCAVAT IOlI DI FFI CULT IES To facl ll tote thc constructlon of thG l6Gr lovel , lqnc dewatcrlng of thc exbavotlon tn€y be ncccrrary. Duatcrlng can bc rccomp I lshcd by cxc.y!- tlng dralnage dltches or plts along thc pcrlncter of the €xcavltlon whrro the water can bc Interceptsd and purnped. Tonporory €,ut slopcs rhould have a s lope no stcopcr then l:1. Permanrnt stopes rhould bc malntalntd at a maxlmrm rlopc of 2:l (horlrontal to vertlcrl). svtf,lr{tNG P00L coilsTRUcTt0N The proposed swlnnrlng pool wlll be a leppool havlng a conttrnt dcpth of 5 feet $rlth a bottdt st elevstlon 8155. Thc gubsoll condttlong arc sucb that conventlqral ${lmrlng pol conrtructlon crn b6 utlllzed. Tle-gggl d]:rurqd-to-! !_tp;- capt any wa ,rfgl {:gl:!_tgjlf__pgg!-_{:g __te_jytg! g*c- erelsua- A rcvc rre f I or d ro I n vr I rr 04/26/09 17:37 FAI 303 4it4 1957 JVA, tNC. -8: . JIP I4 0r0 mlght bc dcrfrablc to pf6wnt Gnc'lrr hydrortrtlc Ptclurc outlldc thc pool . Grre should be trkcn In constructlng r watertlght Jolnt bctrilcn the poot watl cnd dcck to nlntmlzc leakegc lnto thc foundatton tolls. SURFAGE DBAII{AGE Thc fol lovllng drelnagc prccsutlqr! rhould bc obscrwd durlng cor- ltructlon rnd mlntelncd at oll tlmes aftcr the bulldlng has bscn coflPlctcd: (l) Exccsslrrrr'ncltlng or drylng of the foundatlon excavatldr should be arroldod durtng construct lon. (2) Backflll around the bulldlng shorld bc molstcnad lnd copectad to et least 85t arandard Proctor dcnslty. (r) hrc around rurt€cc rurroundlnE thG.xtcrlor of thc butldlng should bG slopad to drefn anry frm thc bulldlng In ell dlroctlqtr. lfc roccnrrnd s mlnlmurn tlopc of 6 Inchor ln thc flrrt l0 fect. ([) Roof do^nrspout! snd dralns chould dltchargc rell beyond the llmtts of all brckflll. htscEtLAfrEous a'' Our cxplorrtory borlngl ularu spaccd er clorcly m fculbla In ordcr to obtrln r cqprchcnrlvc plcturc of tho rubroll condltf orr; hmvcr, Grrrtlc roll condltfor rlll probrbly occur bctrr.n tc1t holcr. l{c rcconncrd thr !m br Inrpcctcd. ilvlcrrd DtlA/dr : ftai:t*e;?y-1.;i9"'€a{.i) ri 14486 !rA di.': fu,.,., AilD ASSoCIATES, lilC. 3 Artocl.t.res: Johntsr, Vollrnd, Archulrtr f.Indicates O lnd i cates (Job No, exp I oratorY exp I ora torY I i,876) . E lev. =tl | 70. holes dri I led holes dri lled + JIP t-14-77. l0- 28- 75 Sca le: O | 7' l$'r= | | $' 1- 4' #t3,876A Hole 3 04i28/00 17:38 FAI 303 444 lS57 JVA. INC.@ or2 ROAOWAY .----._:_.___ \ \ \I \\ 5w lnrn I ng _ \r \ , I,I I II I I EXISTING BUILOING I TH€ sHoRT SlttNG'" I:lq 'l t\ LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY HOLES Fi9' I 04/2b/oo 17:3E FAtr 303 4{{ lS57 '.ole I sl.=8 171.55 JVA,tlic.J JIP Hole 3 El.=8159,98 @or3 Hole 4 El.=8161.15 Hole 2 El .=8169.22 Hc El.= F lr- I :: i-.: ;>:,) 33/ t2I UC= lJ. ' -200-9 l00r 5 32/ 12 -- lJc= | 2. 3 -200- l0 ')6/ 12 VC=l?.? -200= l2 8/ t2 WC=9, 5pg=tb.9 -ZUU=q I 8/ t2 |/.c=?|..2 -20o=72 NP 20/ l2 t./C=20.7 3Fr0l.6 - 200=5lr tB/ t7 WC=27.4 -200=E0 NP 2t/ t2 Prel inrinary lnvesti Job No. 13,876 rlP 26/ tz yg= l!r.8 - 200= 20 NP 7r 12 B/ t2 rlC=29.9 - 2 0o=96 t\r t5/ t2 -ZOO-22 23/ 12 iir 3876A lJ!l/ 10/ , '9.8rt 50/6 uu I r : Jd l,Al JU., {{{ luirl 8t75 8 r70 o ro) JVA. lNU.+ JilP |a or{ Finished l'larrdba | | t'l.=5l5It 29/o WC= 16.3 \o/ tz F Ino.8 l6o Courts 8t5l 8 rb5 B ll{0 F rrJut t! I ; trJJ r.L I u i sturbea -lttd i cates IIOTES: LEGEND: DQ Ii-lJ, s i lLy sand, organic, moi st, dark brown' N-/l nt,lt (ML), ntedium to very stif f , wet' brown. L.A Sand (sM) , s i I ty, occas iona I grave l and cobb lcs , rnedium dense to dense, nroi st to wet, red-brown. Sand and gravel (SM-Gn) , s i lty, frequent cobb les, nredl um dense to dense, red-brown. l.. Undigturbed drive sample, Ttte syrnbol 33r l7' irrdic"tes that U ll Ulows of a 140-pound hanme r falling J0 inclres were I requ iretl to drive the sanrp ler l2 inches. stondard split spoon sample. deptlr to free water t the time of drilling' (l) Test lloles l-l wcre dr I led J.:nuary 14, 1977 and Tes t lloles 4 and I were drilled Octrber ?8, 1976 vritlr e A-inch p orre r duge r . and refer to B.11. showrr on d iameter cont iruous f I ight (2) Elevat ions are approximate Fi9. I (3) tJC = Water Contenl (%); DD = Ory Density (pcf); -200 = Percent Pass ing l{o. 200 S ieve ; llP = Nonplastic. on LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HO!ES F i9. 2 Nc. CHEN AND AsSOCIATES 0 I 2 3 It ) 6 7 8 9 AfPLlSg PrttlUtS - rrt Srrpl l-Csrnl idof ion Trrt Rrrrltr . JIP Ia 0r5 .. t co i-_z $.eL CI.E 8 ' lf ctu?cl Ort Unrl t.ie ht - 96.9 gct lloturol loi.lstt Confail . 9.5 Drtc.nl lloterol oft Unrl W.rghl ' Pcf Xol|/r ol Mor Itu?a Co;trnl - D'rc'nt ,t 3,876A Flg. lco t s4/28/00 17:40 FAI 303 {a{ 1957 JVA.INC.{ JXP q! or6 Cxrx exo AsrgctATtl C.onsl tlrn Scil cd Fern&tlar Eqinrer !tt ITtII g!aY ttlrttal tO llLV lno'tl'llrCl arlv.L 9 %' taxe 82 Lleulo Ll,r r T, .a..rL3 o: Sl lghtly sllty 7 rtt-r axo cLAY 9 ol. tLArrrctrY F{oGx * . sand F.oM Hole I at dcPth 4t-0rl a!tt IItI SraV ttlaltat 1! a[Ll trD4rllcl OIAYTL LtcurD tararL3 t3r LIMI' tar.o % t0%r at dcgth l7 | -0"o' 3l lghtly rll tY grrvcl ly rrnd GRADATION 77 * .tLY ^xo .LAY tLAlttglrv lxorr rnd ?rou Hole I TEST RESULTS fl 3,876A orarlrlr ot 0r.rllll ot a ll Fle. { 04"28/00 l7:40 FAI 303 4{{ 1957 JVA, uic.r JTP Cxsx exo ArsocrAtt3 Canulrlng Soil ard Fqn{stlm Erginro cllv l?!'rl'l iD lllv lE- crAvrL zl 1, laxo 67%, .rLr axo cLA., 12 % lrouro Lrxrr % tLaarlcrrY txoer * raLrL: or Sllghtly sllty, TroM Hole I at dcpth 24r-0'l g revcl ly sand C,tty ttr.0lEl !O atLT lC'"laltitl orAvGL I * tAxo 6g lh trLT ^xo cLaY Lleuto Llr. I t 'h larrLe or Sl I ty rrnd 7ror. lblO 2 RESULTS ?LAartc I tY lraolr 22%t .t dspth ll'-0" @orz Fls. 5 ca-r ! 3I !fI t allIa I tl,t I a!aat aII oraratt t 3r tai orarSlla ot tra?tltl rr fl 3,876A GRAOATION TEST J JXP go2o/022 I.(l Fa { g q o.FJfo lrlc Folll F G-o u, l-J( :GFO o( J lr o G { =Tfo (h 1.1 F oo at,q z 4 z l.l , u \ 5H[W May 5, 2000 Re: Vail Athletic Club - Application for Demolition and Foundation Permits Town ofVail Dept. of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Kathy Waneg Permit Review Coordinator Dear Kathy: As discussed with you and JR Mondragon earlier this week, we are applying for both demolition and foundation permits for the Vail Athletic Club. This work will be concentrated at the North Entry, Southeast Exterior, East Exterior, and East End Interior (excluding the existing restaurant) areas. Per our discussion, please find four (4) copies each of the following: o Completed Building Permit Application - (One Copy) o Asbestos Inspection Report and Certificationo Staging Plan (Color Plan Submitted to Public Works)and Written Description of Construction Planr Schematic Design Drawingso Demolition Planso Foundation Drawings (Stamped by Structural Engineer) and Preliminary Structural Framing Plans (Not Stamped)r Preliminary Soils Report (We will follow-up with an'bpen pit" investigation during excavation, as we discussed) Please call me at (970) N+5726 if you have any questions or comments. Thank you. SIIAW Construction L.L,C. cc: Ron Byrne Jay Peterson Clark Atkinson 760 Horizon Drive . Grond Junrlion, C0 81506 Fox 970-211-5618 . wsw.shovronst.com Phone 970-211.9236 YA. INg. Llqutd Limlt - t (ASTH . Des | 9n at l on D-1r23-66). Greater than 50 30-50. Less than 30 CO}IPACTING SOIL tn maxinurn dlnrcnslon shall be placcd In the fl l1' APPEHDIX A SUGGESTED 'tINI}IUIT SPECIFICATIOI{S FOR THE PLACEI{ENT OF COI'IPACTED FILL GEilEML A soll en$lneer shall be thc ownerrs rcPresentatlve to cdltrol thc backfltl conrpacllon. it. Sotls Englnecr shall approve the matcrlal' the mcthod of placlng and comPectlon, ind shalt glve a wrlttcn aPprov'l of thc cornpleted f I I l. I.IATER I ALS Thc solls uscd for cornpactcd ftll beneach Interlor floor slabs shall bc non-swelllng for the deptir shonn on thc dranlngs. Solls rneetlng thc follovrlng crlterla wllI be considered non-swel llng: t llinus #200 Slze (AsTx oeslgnatlon D-I r4o-51). The Prepsratlon of Natural qrcglqt l{o brush, sod, frozen materlal or or stones oi 5 tncnes or greatcro6'cr perlshaEL or unsuitabl" materl.l ' + J.ff : wo2L/022 t5 - 30t0-q0 5-50 The dlstrlbutlon of the naterlal on thc flll shcll be such as to avold the,format.lon of len:e3, or l€ycrs of metcrlal dlfferlng substantlally In-"l"i."i"ristlcs frorn the surrounding materl.t. The materlals shall U" J.if".r.d to the backflll surfacc ai a unlform rate, end In 3uch quantlty ai to per"t t a satl sf.ctorY constructlon procodure. Unnecessary conccntratlon of tra;el tcndlng 9 cause ruts and uneven cqnp.ctlon shall-bc avolded' Beforc ptaclng the successlve layer, all ru.ts end othcr hol lours more than 6 Inehes In depth shall be regraded and compacted' 'After dumplng the flll matcrlal on thc beckflll surfrcc, the matcrlel shalt bc spread by approved methods In approxlmately horlzontal layers. irtui. f.v".s shali noi b" grcatcr than 6 lnches.ln thlckncss efter carrPactlofl. l{olsture Control: Thc materlsl In each laycr, whlle belng compacted by ;oTifr!-hTfi-onGaln the arpunt of nolsture requlred for optlnurn ctrnp.ctlon "r ncaiiy.3 13 practlcable, !3 dctcrmlned by thc soils Englnccr end the rclsturc contcnt shall bc unl form thfoughout thc laycrs. ThG Cgntrlctor rnay bc rcqul rcd to add the ncccaslry molsturc to thc flll matcrtal at thc borrer rourc. lf, In the oplnlon of'thc Solls Englnecr, lt ll not Porrlble to obt.ln unlfortn molsture cont"nt by addtng water on the flll surface. rJli1A/VU lr:t6 !/tA .tUJ {t{ IUOI JVA. INU..| JTP FAo22/022 ' -2- ConrpacttOn: llhcn thc molstur! content and condltlon of cach tpread layer ;fiiEi'ilT'actory, lt shall be compacted by a ncthod approved by the Solls Engtncer to at least 95 t standard Proctor denslty for naterlals suPPortlng floor slabs only, and to lOOt for rnaterlals supportlng foundatlonr. A standerd Proctor test Ghould be performcd on cach typical flll materlal and frcquent dcnslty tests of thc fill nrust be tokcn. tlornrlly, 4 to 8 passes of e sheepsfoot rollcr are suggcstcd for thc first trlal. The fcet of the roller shall extend approxlmately I lnc'hes ln clcar proJectlon f rqn thc rollert: cyllndrlcal surface and shall be spaccd .3 to Provlde approximately onc tampcr foot per 100 square Inches of rollcr arca. The roller shall ble provlded wlth eleaner bars so dcslgncd ind attached as to prevcnt the accunrulation of rnaterlal bctwccn thc tanpcr feet. Thc roller shall be the type whlch can have lts weight Incrcased by the addltlon to the drums of water or sand, or. both. The welght of the roller, whcn fully loaded shall be not lcss than 4,000 pounds per llneal foot of the drum. PRoCToR CoHpACTlot{ TEST, ASTf,l 0698-70, }rETH0D A Essentlal ly, Proctor denslty ls deftned .s the dry deisl ty obtalned In the laboratory by conpactlng minus f-lnch'soll at the optlrnum moisturc for cunpaction Into a l/30 cublc foot nlotd ln 3 equal layers, uslng 25 blors of a 5l pound, 2 lnch diarneter hanmer dropped 12 Inches. COI,IPACTtNG, COHES IONLESS FREE DMINIIIG I{ATERIALS Uhen compactlng cohesionlcss free dralnlng materials such as sands and gravels, the rnaterlal shall be deposlted In laycrs and compactcd by treads of a eravrler type tractor, surface or internal vlbrators, smooth or pncumatic rollers, hend or pov{e|" tempcrs, or by any other means approvcd by the Soll Englncer. The thlckness of the horizontal layers aftcr compactlon shall not be more than 6 Inches lf conpactlbn ls perforned by tractor treads, surflce vJbrators or slmllar equlp.nent; or not more tha8 the penetratlng length of the vlbrator herd lf conpactlon ls performcd by Internal vlbrators. Thc rnatcrlal rnay be ponded or flooded to aid ln the compactlon, lf specifically approved by the Soi ls Englneer. Thc relatlve denslty (dry) of thc compacted materlal shall not be lesr than 75t ss determlned In accordence wlth ASTII D2049-69, Relative Densltlcs of Cohes lonless Solls. The relatlve densl ty tests are conpletelydlffcrent, and arc not to be'confused wlth the Proctor tcst descrlbed abovc. The relatlve denslty tcsts wlll bc made by thc Solls Englncer. Therelatlve densl ty of a coheslonless frce dralnlng soll, expressed as a pcrccntage, ls dcflned as lts statc of compactncss wlth rcspect to thc most loosc.nd nost comprct stetrs at whlch lt c,an bc placcd by leborotory procedures. Thc rclatlve denslty lrlll bc based on thc followtng fonmrle, r"f,rcreln the maxlmun denslty ls the hlghcst dry unlt Lclght of the soll, nlnlmum densltyls lc*rert dry unlt brelght of the soll, rnd In-plecc dcnslty ls thc dr.y unlt welght of thc soll ln plecc: Relatlvc Denrlty (t) - Xax. Den. r (ln-Pltce Dcn. - itn.oe,n.) x 100 LZ/ 2C/00 uu: r3 'd97046E120E Nllccoc U oor P. Ot0nAnr)$q I rl r. 17.r-r r i,i* Jurisdiction )o s }cooo VIIT APPLICATION l)rtrt Application f Job.Addresr: vrr.ir* OO - /.Q 7 Legnl Dcscr: Oqmcn I{ailing Atldtrss: Phorrc#: ol 70' Elevator llailing Addrtss' ?horp#2470- ClrscofWork , Ddtnstellati* SMqjorAltention DccrfbeWork ,{f-!e'?' 4.& . NOTICE I b€r{$,y ccnify thlt I ha,/c tErd sd cx'utiacd thl* gplicuioo grd tmrs thr !rr$ !o bc ma ud €rlccl AII prwirions of taws od odits€ Sortming Ols rypc of nndi rvitl bc ,;omotlea wth whcthrr spacifist hlcin 0t noL Th. lrsnrhg of I grnnit docr aot prcsmc to Sivc uthority ro tiolarc or.r:elccl rlc P{Dvisiars of -ry dcf ltlc or lo.5l trrr rcguhdng coostrucrloa or lbc po'frrruncc of r;on$rnrctlco. NIEU$STAITAIJCIN-ISES. Perrcrgcr or frcitbt.frtltoar ctcshton novlnl rn3t: Up h !d imlodiog SJ4000.00 of vuludon - t350.00 Orcr S50.fi10,00 ofrrlu:ttion - S350.00 plur 56.00 for crch S l.0fillXt or fnrtion thsrtuI u'/€r S50.000.lltl Dumbwlltcf or priv F retidrlq! c'lsuttnt: up ro and includiqr 9Q0O1.00 of tntuuion - S3i0.00 Orc $?0,000.t8 ofretuetion - SlSo.lto plus $J'00 for drch Sl.tloo.m ot fnclloo rltcrcofovcr $f0.000. 1 MA,'OR ALTERATION-EEEST Fccr ftr mQio( $l(€tdiont shrll be as .ltt fonh io Trblc 3-'{ of thc Lhifrrm Arlninisrsir€ C'odc or 1'&lc No. l'A ofthc Liaifcu &rildiogda .'\ 4nQCNVALUATION . I/D? @ Totrl Frr Ihtc Prld 0r{.) WaSo.oo f,lcvator phn (;ovcrnmcnts. contrctinl thc r-lvccoc. rcwicw and ticld inspccrions witl bc conducted by thc triorthrvcst colorndo council of Ptrns wlll bc forwrrdert ro NTVCCOG for rcvicw ond rppmval Schedulc inspcctionr by NlvQqqlc Etcvlror lo3Fctor nt (9?0) J68-{1295 x l0E. Plcrtsc utakc chccks pryrblc to \ tu) .., I ;. r+ 75 S Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 91657 Parcel f 2tot 'o82's9-oot Joi. tiame: Separate Permits are required filr elc r: t:'. . Asressrc Ofrice at 970-328-86,;" '9, mechanicel, etc.l Address: Zvt lrant 0<J Other ( ' i Units in this bu:.d.. ,, of of jXat r 'lJtttt t3(e t t ]zr- lr l.-..1 ************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY L"qtr P{t*o,":h," Arr""tuc C.us Address: P.D. a"* 2oot 'P.O. Bot, tr|? Wor k Class: New ( )Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair i Doe: ', Tyre of 8ldg.: Single-family ( ) Two.famity ( ) Multi-.ramily 0o No rf Existing Dweiling Units in this buitding: .l (t 1 ff rl 1' Gas it{,@4j Gas CIIEL Wood COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERI,.,,bor&Materials) ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL: $IAL: S CONTRACTOR JNF,{n!:i, l Town of Vail Rcg. Iru... ,,d Phone #'s:(tlo> . /oB -Krt.,rrt Orr-t,4j,*P (9P\,,.. 'f/"o J(JU r\9!rr !J.:,2.t Firins: I'r Ft,- our-5r.,Phone: ,/7t" - t ito) 1'11 O7a> g'l I (2u1g,"r- t fiy, rhis location: Publlc Way MAY 0 5 20'' TOV-COM.D'. , r * **** * ***rtrt*rt ***** {lqt NTN$YilIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Golorado 81657 tl APPUCATIOITI UNLI NOT BE ACCEPTED IF II{COMPLETE OR UNSIGT{ED \rnfib *o Start ft>t'rt ttr+h-DFA6 -t{ssal1 Prclect #j FeFes RJtl. Broq*eFTrr Separete Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Prciect#: Ptr.Jclr - el2b TIONoNfRI]\tI General Contractor: SJ-l-Ar^/ Cnt't Sf, r uLL- rown or/il Res. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Wilr€.eal BJRFr 477 o'/ll contractorsBnature: l/( / n/X:,fu BUrf.DrNG: $ a,5OO, OOO - REtrUNIt CLEAIL P ITEPOSTT TOr 5l+-*v1 e O N 5 T L t-4 7a;gpgt-t,""!;r* robNarne: VA,r ltlottNlwtil Lo>oa JobMdress: 3F) F,flre-fioovlD R, v4/L LesalDescriptton tr-r*t-lO I ero.r' 5 | nitins' I Subdlvisionr{tr lL vtlh6e: lst- Owners NameVA4, P.s PA I AddressrT9 {BRID E{Sf VM L gtA-Z Phon.'grn 47b | ?97 ArchitecvDesbno'i)^.,, { Daef,r,pkAdtr8 g ox 27 t l,6u^4ApDS 4dL onoP oqab&bD Engh.*r: 1161R-ouJ e ilanal I 14wi}otrohrv'l.r'p xa3t.yt k'lvJ Plnnvro q4q 776A D€failed descripUon of work:---Rer,1;n eL-'flG ailt gn F tc V* t t- A-rHE#l (t cLU B tS PA guDa, WorkClass: New() Addition( ) nemoaetll Repair( ) Demo( ) osrer( ) Wo*Type: Interlor( ) Exterior( ) Bdhb0 Does an EHU exlst at this locatlon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: sinsle-famtv( ) Two-family( ) Mul$-famlti( ) commerdatl)Q nstarr.ntff ourerl I No. of Exisfing Druelling Unfts In thb bul6ing:No. of Accmtmodation Unlls In thb bullding: No/Tyoeof FireDlacesProooeed:GasADoliances( ) GasLoss( ) WooO/pettet( ) Wffi Does a Flre Alarm Exist: Yo X) No (Does a Fire Sprinlder Systern E ml"[EFlf;iFl\lEl D *******t****t**t** it r.tit * ** * ** ** * ****FOR OFFICE USE Ot{LYr**** rt** **tt***.*.F n ffi F:/4,lryonqforns/bldgp6m Kpornrn P.2llov Og O 1 O8: O3a INI}I'PENDEI\TT TTDSTING & INSPEC'TION SDNYICES INC. l200avAsEEl{ cT. GOilIFEECOLORAOO m€it 30367+7560 FAX il867+7t60 Plgo-!-of -2 OBSERVANOil REPORT Cllcnt Georee Shaeffer Construction Co. - lTlS Job l{o. J0A9!!L- I}eb: - .10-29-01 Prcroc{:Vail Momtain Lodge - Unit 313 Loc.fon: Vail, Colqqrlp Inrpec'tor David L. Sturgeon Thts raport pad€gB contains lnfiormdlon aon€nsng Bpodfic b6ts and inspeolioriE of structral steel rreldrng, struciural bolfing, sfuctural sprayed fircprooling, and/or nondestructfire te6ting. The specific criteda u$ized in ludging Ote degree of confomance foreadr area of inspedbn are conlahed on eacfi individual inspec{ion fom. Also included may be lTlS' 'Llst of Orrtstarding Dsqepencies (O.D. UEt). Thc O.D. List will be coneeoiivety nurDered for each page iswed thrcughout the duratlon of the pmFcl. Each ln<lM<lual ilem listed will also be conseortively numbemd. lf thele are any questions rBgarding th6 oontent of tttb Gport, please bd frBe to conlact fTlS al your comrenience. Aru Devid L. Sturgeon //President (,/ ICBO Certified lnspeaor f1 138247€5 AWS QC-l ffi2122691 Resident Level lll Itov O9 O I O8: O3a GEORGE SHAEFFER PO Box 373 CONSTRUCTION CO. Vail, CO 81658 p.1 FAX To: Town of Vail Building llePlrtment Attn. Garv Curdell Fax phone: 479-2452 Date: Friday,November09r200l Numberofpages includingcoversheet: 3 Frrm: JobName: Phone:970t845-56s6 970184s-7013 nUfta.{'RKS, ! U;*, ffi For your rcview I Reply ASAP n Pbutt comment Hi Gary, Anached is the slrustural steel inspection r€port for pcrmit # B0l-0068' Please call with any question. Thank You, Jay Carlson GSCC. lf any problems wlth receiving ttris transmission please call GSGC's main office immediately.