HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 2 LOT ( HAMLET ) LOTS 41-42-43 � � ���igri l�evievv A�tion �'vrn� T(144'NdFYAJI � i ��l\ �� 'Y �� i � Projc�t Name: Hamlet Candominiums Project I7escrip�ion: Exterior Painting C7wr�er, Addsess and �'haTie: The Hamlet+Gn�ndo Assocrat�on, PC� �ax 1292, 'V�il, 47�i-43+0�6 Ar�hitectlContact, Addr�ss and Phon�; sarr�e as above �roject Street Address: 2�14 'West�Gar�e Creek Qrive Legal �3escriptioE�: L,at 42, Vai! Vil�a�e��'est Filing� Parc�l Numher: Buildpn�I�i�me; Comm�n�s; Chan�e tc� all�w for b�ildings ta reverse trim and bady color s���a 1 st�f�,�C��� Motion by: Acti�n: �e�ondec�by: �v'nte: Cc�nciitians; Er�tire+�amplex must be painted, per submittaI Minimu�� a�`2 �uildings ta reverse trim and body Tnwa�Flaruter: Allisnn �chs �ake: I��B Fe� Pre-Paid: 5�epternber 14, 15�9l3 �ZO.�1D F:Y£'V'EgY`oNE'�.DR�'„APP1tDV AL'�.48'J�amle;t.w�d ` , � � ���'� C�ue�ions? Ca'�!'�e i'iannin�g StaFf at 479-Z138 � � � �� ` �3 ��^'?6 +S` �•�e^.Y,,,.+�. ����,t�'�� �}���, . ARPl..�CA7�4N Ft�R �E5IGN RE'VIEW APPR+dV�IL G�I��R�AL INFC�RMATIC�N 7his �ppiication is fca� �ny prr�jett r�quiring des�g� ���ies�v �pprr���l. Any pr�jec� r�qt�irin� �les�gn review must r�Cc�v�� L�segt� Review �ppr�tv�d �riw�r ta su�mitting �t�r a btiildir�g Perrni�. Fc�r�pe�if� in€c�rm��i�n, s� th� subr�€tt�l r�quirern�nt��r ttre part�cul�r�pprnvaB��t is re�e�ested. TI���rpplic�ti�n r�nna� be ac���� untii a�l the required £; inft�rmatio�t i�submitCeti. The praje�m�y alsc� r��d tc� t�� r�vi�+nr�c� by�e Tt�wn Cn�n�il �nd/ar khe Pfannin� and Er�vir�nrnentai Cr�mmission. D+�si�n #�e�iew �oard apprc��al expires one y�ar �fter fna� apProwal un[e�.s a �xuilcling permit is issu�c� and ec�nstructian i�st�rted. 1�. C7ESCf�ipTIQN Q�`T`F•iE RFQU�: �"(r u'Si�.�c.r��5; 1��'�"�€7+�c� �!f YI�r'�,�f�' 1��'c=�S t �T'2�� �� �:��t��L I�FS ��,��r 1�`��5�.���,� Clnl s�c=�'�,r��/✓�S �. V3. L.�CATI�N �'F�RC�PQSAL: LL7T; ��-. BL�C#C: _ . FILI�3G: �,l'�l� dfl�.c.�4 tJ� �C�r+��� � PHYSTCAL,AQURESS. � G✓ � '�' 1 t�t- �� C. PAR�EZ #; �Contac�Eag�e��. ,4s��c�r� C�F�i�e at 9717-3�8-8���f�r pa�cel #) � n, ZC]hlING: 1'�fU�i} _�� � E. NAME C��flWIWER�S}:�_��fA+�1L�-`7"►���i'�r}1(E,�J+� : - ;. , ; �a��N��[����: �'�Q� �� ,�,L��, t�L� �c.7 �`1�S�' _ ; ,� Pt�araE• ��� -�,�r�c� _ F, C3WNER(S) SIG�ATl1RE�S}; - - - G, iVAM� Cl�APPLICAMt�. I'�f�-�-.�.(y�'?°-i. ��5„�a�,�, �+�.'���?�7�., I'3�l�au.'�,�4���%� � r�r,a�urv� �ac���ss; �.�1 ,l�u,�_��5'�-�t.l�..��`��.s� . v �����: y��� �-��� __ _ k �. ���oF ���,v �r�� ���: ` CI New Cvnstruction - $�4Q CanstruCtia� c�f 7 new buulding. Q ►4ddition -� $54 Incfudes any ��dstion wt�ere �q�are ft�t�tage is �d�ed �o any E resid�nts�l ar eornrnes-ei�l �uiltling, � I�inor Ai#eratian - �2A Ir�cxud�s r�inc�r chan�es tc� bu�ldings arrd site irn�ravement�, sUCh �s, r���or�Pirr�, paintir�g, wi�daw addi�ons, I�ndscapmgf fenc�and re�tainii�g walCs, etc. f�RB f��r�t� be `� p���1 �t t�e tt�r�af subr�itk�l. L,�k�r, wf�en �p3alyir�g ft�r� b�i�ding p�i[, ple�a� identify t'��accurate v�l+��tion ar the pra�QCt. Th�Town ��Vail will a�ju�k the�ee ac�arding ta th� praj�t�alu�tior�. PLEASE Si1BMIT THIS APP�CATION, ALL SUBM�T�'A�REQUIREMENTS 14MD TH� F�E�C3 T��HE DEPARTMElWT�F C�C?MMUMITY D�V'���F�i�EMT, 75 SCiIJ"!'H FRflNTA��GE RC3A�U�VAIL, �aLC1RA[]U S�f�57. � .. , Fa�-(�Ff�c� �#s�17n1�. � I � F�e Paid: .�. ��#: � '�� 8y: ,���� -- E Ap��dc�tsar� ��te:����_�;� D�B Me�ting ��tt�: _ Pre-AppEi[�tion Ni�t�rsg �at�: ;` P��ar�n�r: P�oj�e�t �la.. � � s�:''�`� �' ��` ��,� �� ����r�� �x �:; H�„ � , ' � • a� K�"� ��� � �, • ' . . yy . . ..j �Y z t`���.�L.3 '� �...r `��'�� ��,���. .jY�;.�. ' f .� �y'� J�. . 8 q"j 1 :i� �...F L �. •, � ,{ i� , .. �. . F,�Ts�S:�: ��i �.qfr� �k.,�m^�.bb R,�� . � �". .. .:a , . . � �... ..�� . . ,i v .rc� Y ' ' . . . . . . _ . ... .. ... . . F ' � � �t�- l)esi�n R�evie�v A�ct��� F�rm t� �������� � T(]WN �]F VA►IL �'raject 1'3ame: Ham#et �ondominiums Fr�rject Des�rip�iar�: Exte�ior Pair�ting �wner, Address and Fhvne: Th� Hamlet Co�do Assaci�tion, Pt? Box 129Z, '�ail, 4'�6-4300 Architectl�Cantact, A�dciress z�rtd phc►ne: sararre as ab�We �'ro�e�t Stre�t Addre�s: 2f114 W�st Gore �reek Drive Lega1 Descr'iption; I�t 4Z, Vai! Village�JVest Filing 2 �`arcel Numb�r: Hrxildin� Name: Cc�mments: ��a 1'C� � ������l,C�lOn Motion by- Action: staff ap�roved Secanded by; 1Jvt�: CvnditiQns: �ntire eample� mus# be painte�, per submittsl T�wn Plann+�r: Bren#Wilsan DaCe: Segtember I4, I998 DFLB �ee�'re-Paid: �20.00 F:�1>V E€t'4'[lti�1bRB4APPRt7�r1i.19R�Hr1.�i�ET.WPC] ,_'. * " T"own at Vail � �rtrz��nt r�i Cvmmunity !?evelopment � 75 S. Frpntage Road Va�l, CO 81fi57 � �V a sne:�" _ ,� Recei�t'�c. ��J,� Address'_ 14_ � + ` : �1 Frcjeet:.� ' �a[e � f_�-I � +� Pfease rnake chee�s aaysirle io:he 70WN OF VAIL Aecount M1la. I Item ; No. Cod� � Cos# Each� Tcazal -_ ---_ _.� i-�-----_ - - - - _------r --__ - ---- - -- -- -- __---°_.��_ _..- -- - - - � --- �_.__. 001 000f1 3 t� t i 1 Q Zonin� and Address �laos � ZA �5 �3fl .. - --_ __,_ �_. 001 QOC1C ,14 111� LJniicrrn�u�icffn� Cade- 1997-Valums��&2 , iC� S�G 95 • 00� 4�i�Q 314 �f 1� ;l;nifarm Buiidin�Cade - taJ7 -'�/olume 3 I I ��57.2� ;' Q01 +�Qf}0 314 f 1 12 I Inter�aationai Pluml��r�g �ade- 1937 i iC� 3�6.QG ' 449 CO�f� �i�s 1 712 �In±ern�iicnal A�iecf�anic3l Code- 1998 ?CB 53�_{lfl • --- -. _ .. - - 04 i (JC�70 31 a 1 �12 �Jnifcrm Me�h�n�c�l Cad�-1997 �T� � � �3,�.��D ' -- ------_--- - -- ---_ .__ �Q1 (7G�G7 �14 1172 :L'nirarm Fir�Caae !C8 ' �3fi.Q(1 ' _ ---- � --- - 0(}1 �GOb ?i A 11 rt� National El�trical Ca�e ( CB $37.Q0 �' Op1 �J(}0(}3�4 t 112 A��tement af[3anaera�+s�i�n�� ,n�`' $9.95 • �a1 �(]D�3t4 #; - -- � �t�}.JQ • oolaooa��a �� � ���_;s � __ a�� �aoa��a 11 - -- cB �• _ oa� rar�o�ta 12 je� Jj ��.ao • _ — - Gq1 L�Obfl ;�1=l 11 �?CC _- ' $Q.2� j• 0�1 Cc�4(l�a�t �i ,NS � �4D.003 i• C�i oCiQ�a 314 1� Totrn of Ita�l �� �;� �hSTL11��R i�CEIPT M5_ OCl1 17f7QD 315 3C{ I'?��E: 71141� 01 fi�I'P�: 1�11273 �,N a01 Q[7Q0 311 c"3( �� � 1`P`P TM .�PF__ E ao�a�o0 3i5 2�c �SC�tI�TIi1�i � ��D.$0 p� CH eoH 001 Oa�Q 31�30G �E5i6N �EUIE�I � � ���-_ _ C�U� 00(}0 3 i�aqq �� 'AS�CI�TIC�1 I�P �2+J.t7� , OQ� Q000 372�QO TSF fl41 4UOO 37� 22D �+lUER t1ETAYL� ��0.f� ;CSR -- I ---_ 04�1 U0f]Q 315 303t !Cl( TE�IE; f2.49;4� 'PN � oa; aa�a��a��oi a��€: �r�+,�r� ��a.es -�� ; - � aa; oa�o�12 �oo� �o��.. c,�EC� s2�.ae ��-��..__�� _ �T T��UEf�} ao� oaoa 2�0 ��ac ;sA "r7D1 6040 241 100 � •aa� oaoo�fo �lv� THf�![ Y�L9 F�f Y�1R RF�YM�iT' �� , I fMs i Qf�1 flg40 311 25[3C1 r��,s�r�'�1CA'i'iOl��£�5 + � � � — 4Q 1 �74�0 3�1 2�Q4 Additiona�GR�A - "250'" EPV � �20(?.00 ' - f}�1 D{J40 31 i 25Q0 �onditianal Use Perrnit 'PV I ��0{}.QQ - ------ - ._.- ----- - --.....,___�- ------�- :_ aQ1 OOpD 311 25Q�} Exteriar Atteratian -Less tf�an 1 DO s .ft. GPV� :�2�30.00 (�01 0�(}�31'�2664--Exteriar Aiteratian,More than 1 QQ sq.ft. PV �a0�.�0 _ ------------._ __..�.__.._ _ ..._.�-- — � - {�0� Ofl�(J 31 i 2�DQ i�pECiaf Gev�lcpment f�ish'i�t- iVEW I IPV ��,5+30.C3t] ----- ------ -- _---- 001 t]O6Q 311 �S�(l :S�ecial aevela�ment�isttiet-A�1a'ar Amend ;PV Si,(3Q�.�}� --. _ _ _ _ �.. _ 001 4C16� �11 �CS{}Q Sp�cial Levelo�ment Distric:-Minoa Arnen� ;�U �20�.a� _ Q07 4(]{tQ 341 25L]0 5u��iWis;an Fees E PV ��i --- 001 ���1Q 311 25�Q VariaRC� _._-._.__ 'PV ��5iJ.L1Q ! bQi +J4q[7 31 i 250p Zaning Code Amen�rr�ents I�V ��50:00 ,' f IRe-Zvn�rr ;PV �206.00 j 061 �OBO 319 31QQ Greenstar Pro ram � � �ther- �MS I. _-.— �. ;��TAL: I �� Commants: Cast� ,�ian�y�rder# Cir�c#c# ��'�' Re�eived tay:,��/� - '7 �" � � 4 F1�•feryan�AFvrmsiSalesact.exe �+'1 Q/98 ` � � - s`.�:;`_ .� ��'S1��1 �.�'�V1@W .�►��l1�Il �[)I"Il1 ��j�������� '' T+�'�N �F VAIL f'��c�ject hlam�: Haml�� C@ndo�r�i��iurr�s Pr�ject Bescript�on: Exterior �'�inting �Qwner, 11,�icire�s at�d �'h�ne� The H�ml�t Ca�e�do As�aciation, PCl f3ox f 292, Vail, �76-�#300 ArckzitectlC�a��tact, Ad�iress and ['17a��e: s�nae as ab�ve i'rc�ject �treet �ddress: 2{]1� V4'e�t Gore C:re�ek [}riwc Le��l Descripti�n: Lot 42, V�i1 Vill��e W�st Filing Z f'arcel Num�er: Buildiri� Nar�7e: C`c�ri�n�e�ts: Bvar� I 5taff Actie�n M�atit�n by: ,�ctic�n: staff�tp�r��red Sec�nded �y: �Jc�te: CU��ditions: Entire comple� musf be p�ir�ter�, �er submittal Tc�r�vn Planner: Brent Wils�nn aate: Se�ternb�er 1«�, ('498 D�[� f�ee f'r�-f'�id; `�2[l.[l[1 r t:1��,at c��i�.«x�3.:ti����a��,�:a�,�i:�nit.�:r.�ti����� ; . � :-•� ,4 � , . � � Qu.;stiana?'�"aI� t}tc Pl���R�inb 5[at'i'.�,1a l:a':�';� � � '�� APP�,IC,4T��N F(�R� DES�Gt�t REVIE1�ir'APPRO�'AL f �a��� a��a z� � SF.rtNERAL lhlF�l�(ATi�i�l Thiti���li�atias� is far any P�ojcct rcguir�n�Dc.e`s,�n RcvicEV��a,�,oval. Ar+y�rajcct rcqui�in�d�si�t rcv'sciv i��c��t rccci�c E7c�i�n Revict�r approv�l pri4r ta sub�t�ittin,�#'ar a buiftL+e�g�rcrnlit, For s�ccifi�inforns�tiort,scc t�c subsiuttal rcquirc�i�ce7ts far thc�articii4as aP�rawaf that i,s rcqu�skcd. Thc a��lication c�nndt bc�ccc}�rcd�anril al I chc r�quirc� intormatiai7 is:;ut�mittcd. Thc�rrc�jcct�a�ay alsa nccd ta�c rcvic�vcd �y thc Town C4uncii and/or t�c P��ni���and F. Eizv3fLlllllll'.i1S�I Ct�111115{,�s51C}ll. DCS��n Revir3v �oard a��ro��al cxpirCS nn�YC�r 3ftCr final appro<<al unlcss a � , buildin� pe�•mit is issues! artd constr��ctinr� is started. A. �ESCf��f'T1CJN (}F T'H� �t�QU�ST: �f#`�'(�t= � -T� r s�/� /�c1i�����tJG _ - �rJ2S,.�— B, I.t}CAT�Ur�J t��`�'i�C)Y'C75.A[�: I�C7T: BLCICK: F1L17'�IG: ' ,7 ..— - i'I-FY51C/�,L 1lI'+DRESS: .'�vr ��. �o�� ��� lc��[rt� . .. ' C. PAItC�L#; (C:�ntact���l� Co. Asscssar5 Off icc at 474-3�8-$64a f�r p�r�cl �) [�, ZU�lNCr: E. 1�TAME(JF(7"�VNER(S}: MAiL1NG �DpRESS: ' PHJI�'�: �. �1��'i1fEFt�S)�CGNATi1RE(S}: i'- .c t , _ ; �G. tv'AME�1F A.f'FLiCANT: �`�� � /`�SrU c�'�`i�i'r�� ; ��,AILI�v"G AUT�RESS: f� I��- ��� � � ►� G�� �. ���-. �H�rr�: ��� r� ? t�o # 1�. TY['�.C3F F�EVI�W Ah'� F�E: � Q I�'��v Cnnstructian -�20p �Canstruction of'a ne�v�uiPdir7�, �, L� Adctit�un - 5S€} IncE��dcs�rty aficdition lvhcr�sqs��rc ft�otage is a�dcd to atty residcr�tial or ? carq�mcrciai btaildin�. ' �I ��inor Alteraf�on - �20 [ncl��des�i�inor�:h�n�cs t�h�iildin�s�nrl sitc in;�r�ucn�cnt�. such as, � � � � rcrQOfng.�7�tint�na.�vsnd��v ad�ition�,l;��dscapin�.fcnccs�n�i rctainin� s wa11s, ctc. . . ` . D�E� f�c�arc to bc paid at�hc�ii�ic o�fsubmitt�l. L21te�,�vhcas���lyin�fflra b�ai��n�pert��it.j�lea�c identify tE1c��cc�ir�tc v�Puation of tl��prp��ct. Thc Tp�vn af Vait �vili adjust t11c fcc acc��din�to the�roject ti°aluation. �: f, 1'LEASE SU�MIT THFS AP'PLiCATI(3N, ALG SU�MI�'TAL REQC�IF�111ENT5 A.Na THE FEE Tt7 THE DEPART�"[�N1` O�'�01��i1�'[IJ�ItT7�' QEV�LCIPi�IEN'T, 7.',SpU°����� F�C��TA�� RCIAD, �'AILr C[}LOIRADCI 8IG�7. i� 3 <. �'or Off�cc Usc�nlr:"" � Prc P�iti: �I;#; By; . . � . . . Ap�iicaiian Qatc: QR$ Me�ting batc: Fr�-Applicatsota Mc�tinn Dat�: . ; � �--- ,--. _ _. � . L. • � � ! T FP� EQ� I E!UILU�lG �vlA�' RiQrL,S: �1'F'F OF MAT�T�EAL: L �,:* Roaf �'f i 1/�c��� - -'"--;�... . � 5idin�; '.' Qthcr �Va�l Matcrials _-----_� F:i�cia '•� �'r�7������°C7 �-" .�'saf`titti`, 1�'��1� _.� Windaws �r�'�If]f�O�V�C7f17 ❑DOTti UCIClF�fl lll i��ind car i�cck [t�til5 Fl a3c� 1"I;asl�in�;5 Cl�iiiYnc�s -Trash Enclos�;re� Gr�cnhvu��s f�ctai�iia�� 4'l"�lls �xtc�aar Li,�hting�* C]thcr * f'lca.sc�}��c�if�=thc n�an���ct��rer's cal4r, nc�rnber arad attach a sn�all cnlor chip ** All cxt�rior lightin�ntus� m�et the Tt�wn's Li�hiing�prdir�attce 1$.54.(154�.I). If exterior 1��ting is prqposed, �tcasc ir�dicatc t�c nuifibcr of fixt�ir�s and lc�cation�oit a sc�aratc ii�;hting�1an. Identify cach f xt�e rype and prayi[ie the t�eight a�avc,�rad�.l�tmcns out�ut.lun�inous arra.and attach a cut sh�cE of the lightin�fixtures. � U}xlatcd G197 � � ,l . 'i f� I. f;'`_",� �/ . ,� �-�" - � \ S-� �j -. ��� �T � `�_�_1__ , �. � c� A � �, . _ _�—_ �� � �� �-1fd-1�B �2�4�PM FF2pM CR[�SSRRAI� REAL1"'Y LT�3. TD d792452 P.�71 . - � � , �t._ _ •� � �, -..-----�..-�,,• r ,�r_-� ;;;� � ��� � . �T..�.. � - <. .- . � -ARaPERTY M�,rA�EM�1�T � Segtember lU, �99� Via Facsimile: 47'4-�45� �1+�r. Brent V1��lscrn Cvmrnuir�ity I3e�el�p�ent bepar��ent Tov'm vf'Vai� 75 S. Franta�e Road'West Vail, CCf 81fi57 R�: The H�mlet Assv�iatian ' 2414'W,G�are Cr�ek F.}ri�� Rec�uest fvr E�teri4r Cc�lor C�ange . � I�ear Mr.W�snn: � Tk►e pu�pose c�fthis le�er is to c�n�+�y t�e appro`v�of The�amlet Ass�Ciat�On o#'the cvlor ch�ge applicarion fil�ci wfth you tc�da�. '�'k�e�c�ar�of 1'�ire�t�rs �net in�ugu$t,%aa t�eir c�pacity of 1�rch�te�tural �antrot and apprQVer�the c4lcrrs submi[te�3. �A►s inc�acated in our discussaan,these�co�ors wi12 be those usec#by all ow�vr�+ers�they enc�aunter t�e need ta paint their exteric�rs- i Flease call if ycsu�ave any questions. � � C '�lIICCTCI}►�, � $1�� ��g'CIlt �Cxvssr�ads Reaity,�td. Iv�ana�i��,A,�eztt The Ha�alet As�crciat�a� Capy via[�S 1�ai1; Ms. I�vuise�'usYlc � � i } � � � � P.C7. �3cax 12�i���iail.�olt�r�d�+$1658/Cr�s�txaads 5ho�5pi�g Center/ 143 E. M�adaw�briae=Suite 39[111 � 9"lQm4T6-43U{7/FAK�70-474A534 '. �email: hUme4�lcrQ�sro�t�sreai[y�ail.ct�rra websi[e:www.crvssraadsre8l�yv�il.com � Ti]T�L F'.�1. � � H�,I+�LET FILE 10124191 P�c�n� call frc�m Lance Buetell �a Sets� Ro�olack : Lanee c�bjected to not beir�g able to r�nt a ga.rage at the Hamlet . His landlard had explained to him that the Town c�� Vai1. ct��ld no't a11ow �he rental of garages in �his zone distric� , Buet�ll fel� we we�e d:iese�°�min�.�.ory� and �hat we �hoult� allaw hx&1� �o rent the garage be�ause he wa� nr�t s�aring danger�us mat�rial , BetSy expl�ined th�t it was nat what wss heing stored in the ��rag�, but t�� �ac� �hat the g�ra�e was bein� �ented £c�r s�orag� ,; ,. that was ille�al ' � µ ._ . _ f. � i . . • , _ rv . _ �1_ �.ti �' +' i�-!� �..� .h-! � F�!.�,y i �,•- .E 4,. � "./_'•L' � —.. 1 7 y +..... 14.�' ! t.._ ! -t . . .yr-� +�/�� �„�,[. . .. � f t r�1J `r ,� � ��A� �� ���, ry_c��.� v''!� > � -�_ � r.� ,/7", y� �,/ i .� �. � �CG-1 ' f �-:a I- � r� 1 � �'�� (4,t� ,! di�t�S�`� �% I� � � /r� �� � /� f' / r�,,,t rt (.] /f / . �c.'��-- r"� �j sy� � ,�' �~ � -9�,F R�1 ."L`-s�t..' �' U �` t ��i�� lf f C � � , t'' � f �� � f ,t_,l� �: r� �,'"'' 6'` � � w�-- O! ,'y �'r' a�'(' (�r� �' �i�l . .,.,s Lj . lJ f L.:T � .�}� � � �� (�r� �1 r ��.��� � � 10/14/91 HAMLE'T B�etsy mailed let�ers ta Hamlet own�rs on �4I8 expla�.ninc� t�at rental af garages fcrr camrn�rcial �tvrag�e was against the zan�.ng code. Betsy receiU�d a phon� call pn 10I14I91 from Bi1.l Sargent [476- 43C}0) whc� was representing I{ehl' s tvac� unit� . H� stated �h�t Kehl was rentin� twa garages o�at to people �� store furn�ture in, I e�plained the �ade, and 5argen� ��ated �hat h� would c�iv� the people 3�3 days' natic�°, � � � �a �"(� l��� i �1�'�1 � `'� .,�, � '��°�'��.�� Y'1 �� .�O6EPF[ F. 15dLkN , - �'�g � e,�`� ��� � . � Cl � i '•�f �..��. +i10t $. CdLmRqLlO BLVA, EMGLEYJO[JE7. C6LORA1]CT 801XD � + ��� � 1�fi Cactc�ber' 1991 •' :' { Mr. Pau� Treacy ' .�,� 1 Kidspt�rt� Vail �� '.��t�'�� � ���..�� r� ��ui, j . k'`,, � t'+�e regret t-hat �ae must �nd ycatzx� t.�nancy� l�cause Z'� of th� situation outlin�d in th� enclos�d copy of a le�ter ',�': - � ±. we Y�a�ae receiv�d fr�m the 'Ibwri c�f Uail. As yo� know, th�: fi�e �� � r � was not a.n our garage, and �� �r�ze trna��rare that #:.tte zaning °� �� did r�t pexmi.t the kinc� of �ccuF��'Y Y'�u had. Yc�ur Zease expired �la.y 1, 1991, and the �ease pr�vit3es that your ��rtancy is now rr�rnth �o month so, regr�t- frally, w� ask yc�u tc� lea�ve at the end of t1�is rrr�nth. Y�ur 1as� �crn�h's rent, paid in advanc�, will kje r�fundec3. Si erely,. ; �. ,70�+I7r�J�an c �sy FtosQlack � � y. .7��wri of V�iI � ,�,�b ,�'9L.�� __ �__ � %' � �� � � � � � ' -- � ��,,��' ; ` � ...���� �- � � �� r r � � ��� � �ti �, � +�1� t�W� Of ��! �' 75 south frqntage road oflice ci cvmmunity devela�ment vail,calorado 81fi57 {3d3J4T9-2138 {3D3)4T'�-2�39 �ctc�ber $, 1991 Joseph and �iartha Lo].an 41U1 Sauth CaZorado Baulevard Eng].�wac�d� Colaradc� 8011a Re ; Ct�m�t�tercial stc�rage in Hamlet ga�ages D�az Mr, and Mrs. Dalan: I� has c�me to aur attent�.on �hat many garages at the Haml.et have b��n �,eas�d �c�r cQmmer�ial �tc+rac�e . We mus't infc��m y4u �hat the Towsz of Va.il zc�ning cs�de d�es nc�t permit commercial st�arage in garages in this zone dis�rict . F"urthermore, � sa£�ty i�sue was discovered when t�e �Iamlet had � recent fir� and the Vail Fire Departmen�. discovered that paint was S'�or�d in an� Qf the Hami�t garages . _Tf the fire h�d reached thG �arage wh�re the p�in� h�d k��en stored, thc� fir� would ve�y li2ce�.y gone out a� control because pain� is flammable. � We are requesting that a11 Hamlet ownr��� imm�diately cease tk�e prac�ice Qf leasing the�r g�rage� fo� storage. TY�ank yvu very much fc�r yc�ur coopera�..�vn. If you have arty c�u�stiansr please dc� no�. hesitate �o call. Si�ncerely, s� Betsy�osolack Plar�n ng 'Tect�niCian . f � � ��� ��- ��'� ���� � ��� �� T5 sauth fronta�e road o�tice of corrtmunity dewelopment vail,�olrarada 91fi57 (3Q3}4T9-2138 (3U3)�{T9-2139 �ctv�e� e, i��i Berlin arad Harri�t Fayne Jack Harmnn and Victaria Ann I�unn 1627 Aubur� Drive Gt�loradr� Spring�, Colorado $�9�9 Re: C�mmerci�3 stc�rage �:n Ham��t ga�ages D��r �iaml�� Frop�rty Dvaners : It has cam� to our attention �hat many gar�ges at the Ham�et has�e l�een leased far commer�i�l storage. We mus�. �.nform yau �.hat the T�wn af Vail za�ing code dv�s nc�t permi� commercial s�orage in ga�'at�es in th,�s zon�* dis�ric� . F�arthermflre, a safety issue was dis��vered when the Ham�et had a re�ent fire and the Vail �'ir� Departm�nt discavered that paint was �tored in ❑ne o� �.he Ham�et gazages . If the fir� had �-�ac�ed the garac�e where the p�int had be�n stc��eed, th� �ire wauld very l.ikely g�n� aut vf cpntro� be�aus� paint Ys flaanz��b�e . we are requesting that all Haml�t owners imm�diat�*ly �ease the practic� vf leasing their garages fo� storage, Thank you v�ery much for your coe�p+�aratian. If you hav�e any qu�sticrns. please do nQt h�sita�e to c�ll , 5in�er�lY. � � �, �` � Betsy 'Rosc�lack Planninc� Techn�ci�n • � � ����� `' .+i` t +�I� �� 1��� � ' �lJi 75 svuth Iront�e raad cs�ce of corr�rnunity developmenl vell,cc�orado 816a7 �3�3}479-�1�8 (3�3}47�2139 �ctober 8� 1��1 �3oseph and Ma�tha D�lan 9IQ3 South C�lorado Bou�evarci �nglew�vd, C�lc��rada 8a110 Re: Cammercial storag� in Ham��t gax°ages D�ar Ms. and Mrs . Dc�lan: It has cvme to our a�.tenti�n that many garag�s at th� Hamlet hav� be�n leased for commercia]. starage . We must inform you �hat the Tawn c�f G�'ail z�+n�.ng ce�de does nc�� g�rmit ct�mmercial storage in garages in this zone dis�rict . Furt3�erm�re, a safety issue was discc�vered wher� the Hamlet had a r�cent fi�e and the Vail Fire Uepartm�n� disca�ered that p�int was stt�red ir� one r�f the Harnl�� gar�ges. If t�ie fire had reached the ga�age where the paint had been stored, the fi�+e would ve�y iikely c�ane ❑ut c�f eantrc�l because pa�n� is �lammable . We are requ�s�in� that all Hamlet �wners immediat�ly cease th� �ractice of Ieasing th�ir g'arages for �torage . Thank ya� v�ry much for y4ur caoperati.c�n. If you have any ques�.ians, please da npt hesita�.e tcs call . SincerelY► .S`/� Betsy�osolack Plann ng �'echnician . � � .����} k L_ - ��++ l� ��W� �� ��I �` 75 sauth�rantage road offir,�a�1 Gommunity devela�ment vail,Gulprad+a 81857 �3U3j�{T9�2136 �903)479-2138 t�ctC3ber $� 1391 Ms . JoAnn Swift a�ncl Mr. Don�ld �T. Ferkin I�ou�e 2, Box 28A W�rre�ton� Virginia �2186 Re: Conns�er�ial st�rage �.n Hamlet garages [?ear Ms . Sw�,ft and Mr. Ferkin: �t h�s came t4 our a�tentian Chat many garages at the Har�let ha�e be�n leased for comm�rci�1 storage . We must i.nform you tk�at �.he Town of Vail zoning cnde does nat permit cc�mmercia�. starag� in garages in t�h�.s zone dis�rict . Furtherm�,r�, a safety issue was da.scc�U�red when the Haml�t had a re�ent fire and th� vail Fire I7epar�m�nt disco�ered that paint wa5 stc�red in one rt tMe Hamlet garages , If the f�re had reached the gar,age where the paint taad b�:c�n stared, th� fire wc�t�ld very likely gone out of c�nt�c�l k�ecause paint is flammable . . T++F+e ar� req�:+�sti.ng that 311 Hamlet owners imt��diate�y cease the practxce af leasing their c�arac�es fo� stvrag� . Th�nk yau very much far your coopera�.ian. I�' yvu hav� an� questic�ns, please �lo not h�sitate tr� ca�l . SincerelYr s ,��-� � Hetsy �tc�solack Planning T�chn�c�an � � ��',, � i �a� i� ���� � ��� 75 south trontaqe road ai'tice of carnmunity develapment vall,cd�arado 81�57 (�43)47�2i3� (3e,3)A7}2139 fl�taber 8. 19°�3 Dale W. ancl Loraine C . Keh1 J.4297 W�st �7irginia pri�ae Lakewood, Cc�lorada $�228 l�e : �t�rnmercial starage in Hamlet garag�s �ear Hamlet Prape�cty Own�rs . It has cvn�e tc� aur at�en�ion th�t mar�� gar�ges at th� Hamlet h�ve beer� Ieas�d for cc�mmercial storac�e. W� must inf�rm yr�u that tYa� Town of Vail zor�ing C�d� daes nc�t �ermit commercial s�or�ge in garages in thi5 zcane distriet , Fu�therm�re, a safe�.y issue was discover�d cahen the H�mlet had a re�ent fire and the Vail F%xe Department disCa�rered that paint was ��oreci zr� c�ne e�f the Hamlet garages . if the fire had �eached th� garage wher� the paint had been s��rred, the fi.re wQU1d �er� �.ikely gone �ut of control becaus� pa�nt is flammak��� . W� are reques�ing that ail Haml�t owners imm�ediately ceas� the �r�c�ti.ce of leasing? their garages �or storage, T'hank �ou very mu�h �ve y�ur caoperatic�n. If yc�u h�ve any questions, pl€�a�� dr� not hesitate to ca11 . Si�Cer�elyr �s�� s���� �p�oi��� �lann�.ng Tec�nician � � � �.�� � 1. +{ + 74■ �i ���� �� ��■ . 75 aauth frontage road office o�cornmunity develnprt�ent vail,coltsreda B1657 (3Q3�479-2138 (303)4T9-2139 Octaber 8, �.'��1 Vail Ski R�ntals �5�4 Bridg� Street �ail, Coloradc� 8�.�57 Re: Camm�rcial stora�� in Ha��et garag�s �ear �Iail Ski Rent3ls : It has come ta r�ur attent�ar� that many garages at th� �T�mlet have be�n leasr�d fr�r cotnmerc%�1 stc��ag'e. We must inform yau that �he Town af Va�l zc�ning cade d�ses nvt permi� �arnrnercial starage in gazages in this zar�e da.s�rict . Furthermore, a safety issue was da,scovered wher� the Hamlet had a recent �ir� and the Vail Fir� D�partment discovered th�t paint was sta�red in rn� of the Haml�e� qarages . �f the fire had re�ch�d the ga�rage where �h� �aint t�ad k�een stored, th� fire would c�ery �ikely gc�r�e Qut of cc�ntrQ1 because pa�nt is �lammable . � w'e are requesta.�g th�:t all Hamlet awners imm�diat�ly cea�e the paractic� o� lea�ing their garages fo� storage. Thank yc�u �ery much for �q��` ��c�peration. If yQU have any questians, please do not he�itat� �tr� call . Sinc�relyr 1'�3+r �+� Be�sy Ros�lac�c Planning` Technician - . � � ���.. _ ,.� �+,+� �OW� � V�� �` 75 sauth trontage rvac� vfifice af cDmr�unity develapment va�l,coiarad4$i657 (343�479-2138 (3�i)479-�1�9 �lctober $, �9�1 Mr. Ray �renner and Mr. Ross �avi� Bax 1��} Vail, Colorad� 81657 Re: Cc�mmercial stor�ge in Hamlet garages D�ar Ray and Ross: It has com� tsa c�ur attention tt��t many garages at the Hamlet have been leased fs�r cvmm�rcial storage . We must inform you that the Town +�f Vail zoni.ng code daes na� permit cc�az�rnereial storage in g�rages in th�s zon� d.i,strict , Furthermore, a �a�ety issue w�s di��o��red when the Hamlet had a recent fir� and the Vail Fire F�epartment disc�ver�d that gaint was stc�red in ane af the Haml�t garages. If the fir� had r�a�hed the gar�g� where the ga�nt had I�e�n stc�red, the fi�e wor�ld very likely gone r�ut af cantrol �ecause paint is fl�rr�ma��e. We are z-equesting �hat all Hamlet awners imm�d�,a�ely c�a�e the practi�� a� �easing their garages for stc�rage. 'Fhank yau very much far yc�Ur c��p�ratic�r�. If yc�u ha�ae any questians, pl�ase do not hesitate ta �all . Sa�ncerelY, s ��.� � aets� �c�sc�lack Planning '�echnician � � ���� � - ��K � � t �` 1 � 1��� �1 ��I 75 sauth tmnlage road office of cornmunity de�v�lop�ment vail,�nlorado 8i6S7 (3Q3]479-2�38 (303J479-2139 C?ctvl�er 8r 1991. Ms . Sandra W4lfsbezger 2705 I]avos Txail �13 Vail, Colorado 8165'7 Re. Comm�rcial storage in Ham1�t garages �ear t�s . Wolfsb�rger: It has corn� t� our attentian that many qarages at the Hamlet ha�re �een leased fvr comrnercial storage . We �ust inform y�au that th� Tawn af Vail zaning cc�d� daes raot permit comme�caal storage in garage� i� �his zrt�n� district . Fu�thermore� a safety isst�e was discovered when Che Hamlet had a. �ecent fir� ant� the Vai1 F'ire S7epartment dis�cavered that paint wa� stored in �ne t�f the Hamlet garac��es . If the fir� had ��a�hed the garage where the paint had kae�n stared, the fire w�uld ver� likely gran� c�ut of ct�r�tr�l Y�e�a�ase paint a.s flamma�sle . We are requestinc� that al� Hamlet oraners imrneda.at��.y cease th� prac't�,ce of 1ea�i.ng their g�rages for �tarage. "T�ank ynu v�ry much far you� cac�p�rata.an . If yau ha�re any questions, pl�ase do nc�t �aesitate �o cal� . 5incerely, � �� ,,S ��i Betsy Rc,�solack Planning �echniczan ° � Tfl'WN �� 'VJ4lL C�LC3RAD{3 � . p � � ' �4PPLICATIQN fC�F� Bi1SlI��SS ANC?1aR f.E TAX R EXEMPT RNSTIT[!Tf�N EJCEh�S� � S�1 S 0 � LlCENSL YEAR 1'�91 FIa31�'�. J�� �{'t�a'���-' ` Bu$INESS AGTIV�TIE${Note all actiti6es conducted ur�der Ihis licence, T�]vvn of U'��I - Ret�l 5ales(speci€y): S�es Tax �rafessionaE ' Res�u�an�'s,arr: . 75 Saut� FrQntage Road � . �dg`np` Pro(fessiona!(specify): Vail, Co[or�d0 81 fi57 Service�spe�fY tYlae�. �''►.ar��l,co �Qther: (303}47'�-�1�5 Pro�duct ar service svzd: � Rk�Ai�t A CQdPY FDR YIX1R REC()R[3S . A saparate s�a�icadars must be fitad tor�ch business bc�tlon�r Vap.Apppt�don mu�t be typad ar�1nFsd,artid cr,�plake#y illed aut TYPE OF LICENSE aP'PL1ED F�R.- - --- - - �'�� ��"�IG� �S� ��V�.Y .❑ RETAIL SAI.�S TA)C LICENSE . - - - . ` `��`� Es r ui�ed iar an rson to e e in iha bus�ness nl sellin �ie ���� ���'� � . � �4 Y P� �� 9 �9 I��Pf�nY and certain # sen�s ai cetail arui for b�ih rnerc�ants l a c a i e d w i t h i n i h a T o w n a f V a i l a n d t h�e m e r t�t s w�h a u�t h e ;,�o,�� ;�'j t�.����� ! Ta►vn,b�t�r h a r�a k e sales arEd deliveries ol tang�persanal prop+�rty inio Ihe lown at Vail hy mai[, Lf��ts��?�}.�' ,� commoeo rarri�r or ihre3r own comreyar�e. � � � ��, i _.e. , ����1�L������-p�� �::��,.��.... �' BLISINESSLlC�NSE - �---- - — Is requuad(or�ny person to ma�nt�in,.pperale,c�oriduct vt'e�ga�e i�arsybusiness ac�ivity at ptemi�es II�l�I�k��..���_'.t_ � wiihin i�a Tawn of VauL �,. . _ ,, , :, ,-., ..CI �(EMPT 1NS71TUTIC�N Ll��NS� _ --.�.�_.�_' __f �ss�� �ate� � ::�����'� '�asic activi�r? `���a�,�� as r�qurured{oe non-pro�t�d7ari�la�le arrd loral gavernmenl+�gani��ons,which are exampt iro�payinp safes tax,Ewt may be required ta colls�t sa#as iax.�inancia[slaterna�ls.shawir�g sauraas af lunds arrd expan�iwres ihere�n�articies af incar�ac�ticn and bylaws�ay be re�r�asted with�is a�,pication. i[corporation,Regiskered Agenl: ""�-�" �t� �rv ti]r .,, ,�"'" '�ype ot CiwnersFlip: `Sal$Prv�r�eror P�ersh9p :� �C�car�ratian �Uther �rade Name of BuSic�es5: a n?fiF7 — ,�la�e oE Ownershlp(if olher#�n trade�m�}: - �r��-,r'�,��,�..� 7 v au�iness�►c�ra�s=- R�� i���ra� �wvs�raa�. ,�. �k ��� �- �t... '��G���- 5iMt / (;�ly Sf�H ZR 1s yaur business oper�ted�rcrm yaur�aome'? ��Jo r Yes (Home Qa�patinn Permit Application requir�d.) Mai1�g AtidreSS: , ,y, �A��4..� . C.,C� ��� - s...e . �,. l.ocal Maitiager-R�presenEative: ��"� HkVN'� °_ , ��-���� ��-�� �� �-�r�* `5�'9� �� .5�ate ot CaEs�rada 5ales 7ax# pl],� Feder�f�den�ific�atian# �"' �Q����_I� Local Bu�irt�ess P�xa�e# �'��:�"�� - _ SALES TA�lC REMITfANCE INF#�F��IATl4N: I+Iame�of persan,�r�par�rig Sa3es Ta�c Retvrn: Chaose ane: �Em�fayee �ucc�un�antlBnokkeepe� Other(spec�ly) ���nes�Fh��re# (i1 d'+f�erenl tha�abave�: Do y�u ar�ree��y fif�yo�r st�te saIes tax form: �°flua�ierly _M�n�hiy C}tl�r —c�wv►er--- i � . ` -, . � NAM�S ANC►H�1NE A�DR�SSES QF PA�TNERS�R OFFIC�RS QF BUSlNESS�att�ch additianai sc�edule ii r�eeessary} � r�,.E scar s.o,��„ vu,aon __ r�,.. _ . , ,�_ . ,wdr�w �, �.� s.�iy� ,; . AdrY�w � Gd AP assdr qa - • , r . 'Addrw' b dP , ., �. , �lew�usiness Yes No aa�e bu5i�ess b�garti . _ '�isting Busir�es���as �No . {If ye�c�mpieCe� , , � . , ,. , Former+awner's I�me — Farmar�+nrner"s Lksnse� Farmer Name af Business � AD�7[i'1QNA�B1lS1N�SS L.QCATIC}NS 1N YAiL: . . _ NAl�4F F�1331hSESS ; . . c,. , ,,�„,,;� .E � STi R�ET A�pR�SS � � . , � ff'u,.... .t �,}a.r..�..: . .-:W'i Jl15':'.,j ir .. . , .. � _ •� , .. . , . 1'1 . :�. !{ . _ � .. ..;i !Y./.d�-I_ ... - K . :a- � ,. , �: r . I _ _ � , .,,; �,r, - ;�',k. _,«: A. ,. . - . Nur�ber of smploy�es atl ss�t�ans seasor�al year araund r�u�ber ai square feei 4�x��n.�� STAF�APF�F{'dVALS FOR BUSf�VESS LICENSE C?NLY. _ Fiealrh � (Susa��car�l�nl.:,.-- , : --- , Fue �,_ . ,� ° -�• {D�s!]�uan). �., . •.• _ A�.L�IG�IS M�iS�' ..... ��I'V'i � ' " . e�.,d� 1caf.;• " � i,aL.ii r J i., L7���.9"4[��fI�YLLJ 6i..I.:�, I �,3� � , ' ..,'-.�• .�. , . . . :. .. . .e �ig�s —� _ .. _ _ 4 � -� �BatsyRosolack} - . . . �f�P�1��3L�NlTY ' ' . 57�RIA�.� _ �"v 1^f ����`.°F'' �. �r� �4..�_1 Lf�!f�L.�f'7YI�SY i ��: :..�. _ � . Pcrlice. ,�� ;(SgG R's�it Dnar�tfl�... , � - �, 'j _..'. . , EMFAGF�CCY�1C]TlF1CA71(7N: • -. '- � . ; ; - —. .. . _ . , .,, , , :�� ;�°�: t,Ci'��f^;3.K!:r;.!9f;ift�� ''3+� �� t� � � �� � , �7�8 ` _ � . �� ! t ''.J� �AV"E1B . .. ' .-•. . . ._ - � - - - .. _ .. 5tree1 Address -° 5�eet 11cJdrasa `�` . . � . { : .., ' '� i � .� � ` .�( - �.,, . �'1Ik18� _ _ . _ _. _ _ - �f10fYB�' - �_ - . 4 , , ., _ ,i �-..k , I'1 � . C _— — _ _ I d_ec�are,under penatty ol p�erj�rl'in the seoond degree,tha�l�Js�apdicai�rn hh�ss bean exami�ed by me,t�t t�e ststerngnts m�de har�in ar+�r�ade i�c g��d[aish pursuanl ta liae a Town oi Vail's h�unici,pal Cade,and!a IF�besl af my kr�owledge and belie{,ara we,cor�ecS and c��npleta, � ��;,is r t". ''''i!. , � � - � � Signed� Title: ��a��+�r E��a a,�,��.�,wn�.��a�,..�c.a " - - Uate: � � � TL}1N�1�� VAlL ��avsrRUC�ioN1ATHL�TI� CLUBISERVI�ElH+C7ME t]CCUPATft�N i991 F�E SCiiEalJ'LE FOR B�ISINESS�IC�NS�IMARK�TlNG �Required b�r prdinan�e#�S,`Series of �388} �'�E NAM� C7�-' ��� � s..]�r•�{� � ��i��r`r�����Fss ►� �.� ,��4 c �, '��c��s� A. �}ETE�iMINE Z+��fE � Zfl�� � —Cascade Villags to Mar�or Vai!�Souths�de c�t In#erstata 7a.� � �one�—W'�st Vaif,S2�ndstan�,Ga�f Co�rse Cfu�hQUSe, Ea�t Vail. 8. ���,��SCH�t3UL�; `��3N�1 �d ��; ,�,� � .N„ ��. x �. ����.��.ZQI������ ,. Car�strudian ���. 243.75 � Athletic Cf�rb �OU. 45D. SQfVIC@ 325. 243.75 HSme CJccupation 154. i12,�4 � C. TOTAL FEE�lJE = $ �� �� �°�� ���� s,�,v�a c���-� t� TfTLE �� PH�7NE ������ � � � . '�OWN QF VAIL� C�LARAI�G � + Appli�attan for Ham�a Gccupation Fena�t R�equired bg► VAIL MUNICiPA� GC3DE, Sec'�i�an 18.58.13t�, � su�p�lem�ntal torm to the Su�inesa. as�d S�el�s Tax Lia�n��. HAI�E OF BUS TNESS: E�.��0� r,J-r--I� PIiYSIC�?, IACATIaN: ��' ��c.c'� �S��k. +�"L�, �A I�,.. �►r��r�c �n�ss: ��� �,I''�E r c� �. ��c��s r�n� o� cc�rrr�eT p�sor�s �7�,�]�� ��� ,�� Ap'pl�.c�nt►'s Statements ' . • Answer th� tol3owing �,uestivns in deta�,l c�� a separa�e sheet, �r+d � attaeh to agplfeatiQn fvr Busfness �nd Sa�l�s Tax License. • x. Fu3,3y d�e�cri�� the type and nature of the business. 3. Numbe�r ot empl�yees. , . ` ' 3. Hcurs of o�erativn. 4, Equipment/machinery .ta ba use�l. ' S. A�nticipate�d nu�aber c�� cu�tom�er$, cl�ent�. cr $tuden�s. , ' 6. Aritiaf.pnted r�umber u���r�hie�,e trips g�r�erated .ta ar�d from �� busit�ess locat�on vn a dai3� and weekly. b��i�. � Parkit�g provisians� �o� Gustvmers, clients, Qr Btudents. , . 8. I! residinq in towrrhause/condv. �tta�h lett�� at agproval lrcm assc�ciatian. �t zesislinq �in rer�tac� houseJ ciup�ex, attach letter of appr�ov�l from landlord. • ����►x�oN ss: . . .�PPr�ved ' Denied CQnd�ti�ans c�� ap�rc�v�l/reasans f�r de�ia�: � �-,1-�c��"�. !h � �- �.. v r _ .i�'-�'i"� G�./ L�' � � S ! h . � I �Gc �Er � - /� rS' � � _ Zon g ,�+dm n strata� . • � . . . . • 3 ,�. �-�" �� -- - . ��r uuo-- ��i�an� Dbte ' � � . , . • � ,� . . , . �ar�dstcane �� Cc�n�aminium Associ�,tivn P. O. Box 12C36 Vail, CQlorado $1657 � � 1,,r''�,� . �� . , . 1� f,�� ��� � ° ��I �� ,��, � �� � �� �� ��� �� �� �� � ���� . � s .� ,�v,� ,�'�,�,� c� -� ���,�.��� �'i�i'',rrJ r.s 4 �rJ ,��€' /.� � . • , ,/ ,� � � C] Cc�rv D�c c.� r�`�'���►�� �Q'� ''� ,1 ,�JN ,�•Lr 6� � . �O�v�p G�N�c ,� e'� ��, �. � _ u.v T— �!��'� � � ��t� �/� � �� ���� � � � �� �..�`'"��,�� s.��� �'�'" ,�(� - ,�r��s ,�u 1�-�, t� � l � / •/ - - �,..s� c��,�;�. Gt�f7�/�r C C�'�+C�u c�rti�- ��i�v��S.S ��'v ''�a � � � /f�G� � i�6f � �. ��' �� -_� � r � � I ���.�¢� =# �c? ' � � �� ��� � � I � � y 93 � � :i � ! � �- .[?�.� N �� � � f� �;'U Rf us � � � � '�W � e �`�i � ..�+ Cy (`,� lo �� ' .� N ���� rc � � � +C� c� o o � �`'`U ��..�.;� � �, c� +ra �n � eT:� z a .�- 31,�.��`, iR a.. � � G]. W p '� � ,� �'� '�. 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Address and Phc�ne: �; t Legal C}�S�ription: L(3t , Slpek �iling , Z�ne r �iOR1tT18rf�S: � ii ; De�ign R�ev��v�r Bvard ;: :� f7are Matiran by: Secande€f hy: APPRC7VAL D�SAP�RQVAL � i 1 Surrtmary: � _ _ � . ; �,� # ! l'�wn Pdanner � Staff Rpprflval �;� �� ��t�: � , �f' -- _ � � _ � �--�.� �- � , � � , � � � ��--- rPR[�CEI3'URE �� ' i --- ��'�' . �''��" � � ' � �f���" � � 17.1b.4]2d P�'�I1[T11tl�F � c�utline develc�pment plan— � � � t � ��+�,� A togo�r�p}aic susvcy pr�;pared by a regisiered 1de�d survey�r � v vr licens��l cnga�eer, or, alternatively, to�o�'aphic data ! , ��~ compile€� by photo�ran�metric mcthods s}iatl b� prepar�d � �iwin�; #��e follt�win�: Baundary Iines �a�rproxirr�ate}; � �asen��r�ts, 1c�c4�tion, wi�ith, and purposes; i �'. �Streets an �nd adj�cenl tca fhe tract; 4heir name c�r naanesa � �� � the wid�h �nd location c�f �he ri�ht-�f-way; the type, width and elevation of s�rfacir�g; the ctirbs, gutters, sidew�ik� and � 0 ulverts; ' � • �ltilities an �nd adjacent to the tr�c#; the lacation,�ixe, and � tnv�ert rle�atic�r�s tsf sanitary sewers, storm draina�e faci!"tties, I and wat�er mains; the ic�ca#ion of �as trnes, e3ectric and � tetep�one ]ines, f��re hydrar�ts and street lig'�ts. If water ; rr�ain, �nitary sewer, or draina�e �acilities ar� nat on or f , adja�cent to the tract, the surv�y may indicafe the dire�tit�n and d"a�tance ta, and tlxe size and invert elerration af, the � nearest ext�nsians of s3�ct� Utilities; � GrQ�and elevatians an the tract; 9 F. raina�e eunditic�ns c�n the tract; location drad exten�t c�f a u��ater courses; low areas suhyect t� inur�dation on a � Eafty-year ;�torm fre�,uency; perpe#tsal drainage easemertt�; � ('+G�}Qther condiYic�ns pr feat�ares an the tract; rvek autcrop, ''��f �vac�d�d areas, isc�lated �reservable trees; �xistin,� t�uiidings � �nd other significant #�eatures; ther cor►ditrons�n ad�acent l�nd; for th�e tirst #wo hundred � feet frcarn sut�diwisir�n t�aundary, apprt�ximate dire�Eion an� gradi�nt �f �rQUnc� slc��a�„ includit�� �aZy en�banl:mer�ts ar retainuag w�a115; loca#ioc� and character of nearby land uses ' ar��d �uildin�s; c�wners caf �tljacent lant€; adja�ent platted � land ia�cluding subdiwisic�n name, recbrdine date, a�d nuanber; � �r�nin�an and �djacent tt� the kract; ' d. Key plan shpwing ]ocatian o�t}�e tract. C3rd. �{197�D) Art. 3 § �(]).} � � ��� ��� � . �' f�' ,� �� cvaa a.s,; �`���1t.� lL 1 � �,�r����� ��r��� ��'� �,�',�� y��!�'�h�"�i �f f�.� Y,][�Lf1/a`CG�N/� ��G'i`,r-� . � `_ s � � c�r;��r�,:��e�: ��a, �� S�ri�s of � 97� AtW E'•IERC��T�CX URS�Id'�I�1NC� AI�:E;�1��NC; 'T'I"I'�� I.7 Q�' iH�,` V7�.3L ?'��UI+�I��P7�L C�L?E ;f3Y T}3E T�LtDITICI�I . C7F t=� C1I,�,�T:.,'R 17 . 4 0 i�ELATI t�G TO C�IvLIC�,•�IitiI1Ji".S , CO;'��IEI�S IC1ty C]T' RE�?i�`iL UNI T5 T(� CQ;�IT]C7i=�Li���,�iS CJP FvC}?�-P.F:I�TAL I.3i���'S ; 5��"`�'I�G �'aR'�'H I]��`INI- - TIC3"�S , R�47U.��Z�MEI�TS F�R T�'�. T�NTAT�V� I�I.I:1� �ND PF!EX..It�IId:�I�'Y N�P � RE'�UIi�`t•1�14TS FDR T�-1� �'IN�F�,L f�u�P k:�i� FARTIAL N,TsP � S�'ECIF'Y�NG PRC?CEI7URE FOR F2.�VIEZ�� QF THE FROPQSED CCINVERS�Q:J F�I�1D SFECII�YI2�3G 'I'HE TYPES 0�' SE�UF�I�Y THAT THE TO;�7td 3�1A5�' rt�,C�UIRE F�R �MPRCIVEA3.ENT5; STATING THE UE''Y'A7[LS RE(�UIR- ING THE �r'�i•���IATE E..ACT.^`�'�)T �3F' "?�HIS !C�RDI- I�+�ANC� ANFJ DECLARTNG 'F'H�S O�f7II�IANC�. TC7 BE AN EN�ERG�I3�Y f]R�7II�A�CE IN ACC�RdANCE L��ITH ' SECT�f.7N 4 . 11 C]F THE �CI�AI�TFR UF THE TC?WN OF VAIL; �.N� SETT�?�IG �"C1RTI� DETI��LS TI�1 RELRTIQN TCJ T�IE FC}Ft�G�7ING WHEREAS , the Town has nat pr+�vic�usly r�gula��d c�r ccrntrolled canc�omir`s��ar� d�ve�.avments , bu't the T�wri Council i� c�� the opin�.�an �.hat trie bui�ding �f �ondc�miniur� units and the con�r��sic�n af r�a-xtal uni.ts �a condamin5 urrts has the �o�ential fc�r a��ver�ely affecting the p�}alic h�alth, saf��ty and w�lfaxe; WHE�EAS , �he c3�creasing a�raila�ai�ity c�f ren�.al un�.�s has taecome ,an a.ncr�asir�� pzot.�lem wi�hin the T�wn of Vail; t�THEREAS , in pd1��1CUl3z r th�' �v��_labili�y c�f �o�T ann ar.c�derately pr�,ced arental haus�n� has 3ae�n ��c�ininc� witt�in the T4wn c�f Vaa.l until naw the lack of Y�c�usirag far low and rnadera�e �ncr�me residents is at a crxsis �ain; ; WHETi�AS , the incre�si.n� lack �f availab��i�.y of la« and moderat��.y priced �enta� un�ts fa� r�sidents has zesulted . in the fQllowing �.mpa�ts tc� �he cammuni�,�: . (ay The pcapulati.on c+f ti�� Town c�i V�il �.s ch�.ncrincs siQnificantly and dram�tica�l�r wi�h employ��s of pri�rate an� puhl.ic �nterprises beinc� for�eed t� live +�ut c�f tY�e Tvwn �f Va�l �c:��use of tt�� lack of laGa �nca moa�ra�c ren�.al �ousinr, . �r. acditior�, e�a.�tinC lo�• and mocser�te nricerT r�nt�l hc�usang is beinc� converten to condc�r'�ini�xm� �or salc at prices tha� canrmc�t be af�rarded by low anc3 moderate inc+�rn� pe�spl� and fc�r sale �n irst�rv�l �tanership. � , � . � F�c�e 2 G�ci . �b� Pu}�l�,c anc� �.�rivate c:rr��r�aris�s '���c found it increasingZy dif�icul�� te� g�t �nd ?:e�p �mgloye�s la�c��s� of the lac}: c�f lr�ea� 1a�.� a:�� modcra�el�* pricec� r�nta� ti��sin�. (c) The effect af con�rex'ting rental h��sir�g units to conda�niniums h�s bc�rs ta rerno�e fr�rn �he r�rar�set hc��sing for resic�ents and a.n plaee thereot, to prcru�de tr�ns�.ent hou�-- inc� fc�� short-tc�rm ��nta1 ta �i�i�c�rs c�r interv�l vwnership. [d� The loss of empZoye� housing has hac� the impact of r�mc�ving fram tYs� Tc�km of Vail r�sic3en�s that are necessary to p�ovide leader�hip and suppar�. fo� the 'I'awn. WHEREAS , th� �T'nwn �ouncil is �of th� oginic�n �hat �.n vrder t� l�ssen tl�e im�act eaf r�ntal. cc�nversiarrs Qn the TQwn o� Va�Z �ne� to pratect the p�zbJ.i� hea]��h, saf.ety and w�Zfar� o� t�e res�.dents af the 'I'�wn flf '[7ai.1 that � rev�ew process is requirec3 to cnn�.rr�l rental. canv���ions; NC}S�I, THEREF�]�tE, BE IT C7RDAIP+7ED SY THE 'TO��TN CD[]NC�L OF THE TQW�1 (JF VA.IL, COLf}Rl�DO, THAT: �ection �. `I'it�e 1� o� the Vail Nlunicip�l Cod� a.s am�nded by the additic�� of Chapter 17 . 40 tQ b� entitl�c� "Con- . dominiurns and Cc�ndomir.wu.�rt Conversions" which will read as fallc�kYs : 17 . 4� C���]D�?�1I1�IIUMS AND C�NDUMTN�UI�i C�NVERSI�}�1S �.7. �C�.171i� ��•.arnose � :is ordinance has been adoptea in accard- ance wit�s tt.� pro�ision �f the Laeal Gs�vernment L�nd �`s� Con�rol _:zabling Act c�f 1974 , as f+�ur�d in �C.R,S . 29-20��fl1 , c .-.. seq. as mor� Far�ic�s�arl}� sp�Zled r�ut. i.n C.R.S . 2� --�()-��14 to �egu�.ate �and�m�.niu� devel�ap- . r�ent� which �y resu�t in siaraafic�rst chan�res in the papula�.iar� � . th� Tr��n s�f Vai�. an� to cantrol th� iinnact ther .` nn �.hc Tcskn r�F Vail and the su�round� ing areas . �►�e 'Ic�tirn �s� Vaa 1 finds that this arc�inaa�ce is n�cess�r iar t$�e pro�ection a� t�e publa�c he�lth , � saf�t�r ancs' i fare to �cco:��li,sh the f4].lawinc� purpQSC� : �'o er�sure the tp�rfvrmance af rnain- #er�ance-��-.e� .—o�sib�.�.ities in condam�niums an�d canv�rted conc�c�m�.niu:- anr� to pror�at� the �ublic health, safety and +�.��1 f�rc �) fio cnsur� th�t rental units beinc� can- vert�c� t� c 3ami niums m�et �r+�as�nab�'1�:.:..�h}►�,�%���a�--' �lards �as rt ired by subdi�,�a.sion and laua.ldinc; eo�3es adc�ptc+d In�� .e� Tc�wn raf Vail. �-�- __ �� � ��- t . � ��c) �I'o }�r�'�t�--�rr�m�..�ann������-��ic��ic��'� tlr� r�yic3ent� c�f rc�n�al unit� a�in� cc�r�vcrtcc3 tn cc�n- dorniniur�s , an3 �:a �ssist- thc�c �-��idcn�s in m��tine� t�reiz �uture lYOU�ing r�eecis. � {d� 'Y'Q pr�serv� � xe�sc�n�bl� �a��i���i'r� ��"�����n��i�'r�s"��r��a��' and ta m�in fc�in the suppl.,y �� low to maderat� incom+c� units availab�e in �h� Tawn o f ��i�.�. (�) Ta f�oni�,��,th� supp�.y ��_:.l:��l_ �.o:mcid.�* �rat��ii�come un�,�s"�" sa that the Tow� ma}+ take m�asures ta �void a wc�rs�n�.ng hauszn� �risis. � 17 . 40. 0�f7 ��finiti�ns The fcallvwing def�ni.�ions shal� appl� tc� th� i.n�ergreta�ir�n o� �his Chap�.er ; (�� By-L�t�1S . B�-�.31ti'S a5 �3S£?C� 1T7 i��11S � Ck�apt�r �h�ll refre� tcr �h� by-�aws c�f �he uni� owners ' . a�sociation c�r �orporatic�n, • {b) Condamini�m Unit ; Cc��dc�minium unit means an inc3i�idual air spac� unit t�g�t�ier wi�i� �he i��ter�st in t�e cammon eTern�nts ap�urt�nant ta such una.t. (c) �ornmunity �part�ent: Commuz�ity apart- � men�, is defit�ed as a develtt�pm��it in wh�ch there is an undivir3�d interest in th� land coupled �.�Tith th� right of exc�usiu� cr�cupancy a� an apartment lrcat�d therea.n. �c�mmunity ag�x°tmen�s shall be subject to th� same zes'�rictivns and ca:�ditions s�t �c�rth h�rein fo� con- dorninaum uni�s. {d) �Q�dama.r�iurr4 Cc�nversi�n : �Condc�min�um conv�rsion is defineci as the deve�.c�gment or use c�� i:he l�,nd and existing structur�.s as � cc�r�drminie�m project ; re�rard�ess c�f �h� pr�sent v� prior us� af suc� �ands and �tructure� , �nd regardless �f wh�ther substantial improv�m+�r�ts hav� been made �a s�ach structures. � �,�'� Ct?T1dOIStZI11L1ITl P�(]��EC�. t CC7IlC��pflal.Fll11111 ��Q— ject is defi�ed �s the e�tire parce� c�f r�:a� p�e�perty � inc�udirsg a�.l st�uctuz+�s ther��sn , to be divi�ed in�r� tw� or more uni�s for the purpose af �c�nst�ucting or converta.ng exist�ng s�.ruetures to cc�nddmina.um units. (�) Declaratian: A declara�ian is an � . znstrument reca�ded pursuant ta �h� Statute� af the Sta�� of �o�orad� and which defines tne char�cter, r3ura�ic�n. �iqhts , o�I�gati�,ns , and limita�ions of ��and4minitzr[� ���n�zshi�a. . �c�) Indi�idual 11i� S�a�e Unit : An indava°� c3ua1 air space: unit consists o� any encl��se�i roor� �r r�oms occuP�,r�nc� �;11 or part of a flaor or fl+�c�rs c�f a . b�ai�.�inc; c�� or�� or r��re floors to be usec3 £ar residcn- tial , �rr�i�ssion�l, car�tmerca,�l oz` inr�ustrial �surpose� ,� which h�s ac���s tc� a ��uk�lic st_re�t. ih) ?•Soder�te Inco�i� : Mad�ra�.e in�ome sha� be as defined from t�.m� tv txmr: �iy th� Couracil. ,C' • __. _ � � �'�C;� •i , 17, 4�. �13f� 3'ic�].itr�inax` T�1:�� A11 r�raposeci cQncio�,inium nr€�ject� �h��l_� d= � s��m�t tM� �rel.iminaryF inaF, �c�n�aiz��ri�.-..���..��farma ' ._., :. ,..-.,�., _..�,--� ` �.- (i' �i'�3��`�.�an�c:°�r��c����3'�s�p���#�:e���r�_�}iatj��t's 17�:�G--�af� � 1�' �1�+�'i'����', z�s maV �� a�nlicg}��� to �lze pra�cas�d � �ondo�iniurl pro�ect. �'rr'�ar�e'�� 't�i tha� i.nfvrrna- �.� tion , the prelimin�ry ana�� �c�r the cor,dominium projc��t ,�" sha11 �nc�r�de : {a) ]? map s�icawinc� �1'=�c�mxnc�'`ar�_'��� �a�ages��f th€� bual�inc� and rrounds , �nd plans far the�ri.r�ter�v„��3,i•�r;is�,on�f-.th��b�a'�.�1dir�� showing �ori- . � � _ . . ._.__ �.� ,.r.�b �[ � zontal anc3 veartical boundaries of a�1 units. �'�'" (�y} A copy of the �ecl�rat�t�# appii.cable �I� to t�Z� c�ndomini.um pro ject, ,�� (c) A cvpy c�f the �zf-�.aws'�. The by-laws �. sha1.1 contain the inf�rra��tian r�quired �y �he Cond�- I minium ��an�rship Ac� o� �he �tat�e c�f CQlorada. A1.� � c�ndeaminium prajects shall �urnply wit�h this require- . i msn�.. ,,,� 17 . 4Q, 04�1 Fi�al Ma ThG �inal map f�� the condominium pro�e�� � sha11 co:��ain �.11 in�c�rnt�tion ��qu��e�3.�b_y� Ch�p�e� �i7. �6_-�f this �'it�.�e 17 as �.h� sam� may �e app].�cabl.� tc� the condami.nium �rtijcct. �n �r3ditic�n , i� th�xe ar� �ny ��s�rictz�re cc+ve�.ants , cnnc�it��ns c�r res�- �tr.ictic�ns--�ather _�han_ speci��ec�_ in �he -declar��.ion", �.hey sh�11 Ioe ��.le�i concuzrentl� wi.th �he �inal ma�, 17 . 40. �50 Revie� Procedure � The r�vi�w prrscedure for con�omi.nium pro- jec�s �nr� ��nc�ominitun c+�nver�ions sha13 be #i:�i= ac.�c�ox'a��` . .___ - , . ,. _ - �xnc� w3�"h �he._.pxr��edux€'-_-��`�=�r'-�c�ac�ivi�����_�a5_•.sger�- �ied �.i�°��;��is�Ti�Z��`17. �7. 40. Q�S� Convers�.on t� Can�aminiums �n add�tian �ca any a�her ��plica�a�.e r�quire- ments c�ar��ain�d in �his Chapter . cc�ndor�ainium ctrnver�i�� px-�j��ts sha�l �comply �aith S�c�i.r�n 1�7 . 90. �80 tk�rouc;}� x? . 40. 134. 17 . 4 D, 07� Addi tianal. Recruirements -- Condaminium . CanversionS The applicant propc�sing ta make a �on- dc�min�.�m c�nv�rsion shall provi de t�e �o`3�ir_z�3 �p�����e�i�:.tl`i��e�r�I:3:m;narv-ma ; �—,--.�,..��_ P (a} �--�4- �c�z�dc�miri�tii� .coii�r�r�s iori`�r�i�cir�' �..� ��am.:'�.�:��+��ri�>-r���Vai�,�Bui73ii�� :Tt�sn���-an��.eP �ct��dit��:����!�..:th� ".k�ui.�.��n�_, la.sti.nrr ail bui�cinc � ca�� ��.i _,"s �tios��: , f�r�: cr�tie violata.ons arjc� r�lated vic�latians �hich are d�trir�der�tal to �.tce �ealth � sa�et�T �nt3 welfare of the �u'�lic , the oz•:r��rs , and th� occ�a�ants caf �he builc3in� . The applicant shalY h�Ve availaUle anr� sh�ll pro��zd� c�pa.es of this r�port to all prosp�ctive purch�sers c�� cvnc��mxniurn ur�its or a.nter�st in the canc3ominium prcaje�t. ` y _" _-._..� � S '' P , � � (l}) #�'3.�.:i��u�t�i�'',��.t�t `a���`�:,s.���� � inc�tz�.ing �]�c �c�l,].o�,�ing iaziox:��::tion : (�) �ag�s��;r3�;�v�iccizpi�� t�� pre��n� t�nants. �2) Th� �`��'�i�°�:cT��a ". � of ���,�n'� �enants. C 3} d:���`��ea. e��t����; wheth�r r�n�s incl�ad� or �xelud� utilities; da�e and the ar��sunt of l�st ren�a� xncrease. - �4} A su�ma�y Q� the �i���ci e��ii��� �hi���3�•,:t�?!++�Mu���'x�", if the un�t� wi�.l �e sQld as ti�ne-share o� �.n�er�al ownerships; the approximate prapr�sed sal+e �rice Qf units and finan�irrg �rrar►c�ericnts �a be prvv�d d k�}► the applicant. $���7'"f�T�' �'�'�{�fl AIf��� !�!'i�,2�-�"T 1�'f1LG" � �c) �'-3.ans�.�nr3��3iesc;�i..�ti+�ns shgw�.ng hr�w � �he folTawing w�ll b� perfoi��ed : f 1} A�.1. ���� �wcirl4 s�a7�� �ie -brti�ght�► u .to .ct�ri��x�t' T�wn a� -��ai.� ��anx�ar�3� unless �� . a variance ther�efrom is gran�ed ta �he a�p1i- . _ cant by th� TQw�s Crauncil in accardanc� �F��h �.he variance procedures vf t?�is �itle 17 . The Tc�wn Council may . i.�' i� de�ms necessary. require ac�ditir�r�al parking fac��ities to r€���� requiremeni:s vf �wners and gu�sts C�f t��� cc�ndc�m�ni�um �ni�s. �2} �"rszr�ct�c�a�ss c�f. vic��.a'��.aris citc��' �n th�-.��ndv�►i�ium�:ccinversinnAr�:por�` by tYa� auilding Inspec�ar. . ..�-.�..-.-��.�� (3) ��rndr�mina.�um pro�ects".sha���me��t c,�rren�;,[�n��orm -�3ui�ding -t'nde �-eg�iiremex�ts fQr heat an� fire detect;�n device� and sys- tems. {4} ��,ndc�minium pxojec�s shall have pt�hl�.��'�a,����:�:�;nd�p�ie�i�m"�:�e'r+�3�"a` each uni�; watez rnay be �� a c€amrnon mete� if appropriate actre�r�enx ; are in�cl.uded in ' ��1� C�RI£'.I1r3T1�S r G��C�.a.rc'i�J�715 r CC]I1�1�30175 r r3Tlf� ��5�'�'.lC�1C]Il$. (5) '�l�I a�t���t:�.�.�-�a7tes W:��e�..o� . . �arges �fox:water.�,,�ew�r��"r�creat�ioz�al' �+�n� fi�ties,-=�r-�ther..:s��uice�;��hat'u��vu7.d�.b�.paoy,.� �able__��'t�e.:�'as�in-':�c�r_�Ix�'_��cc��.ect=��.�y�'�'�a�r�" . _ . , . �e�.nc� ��cans�.ructed �rieca- ��•-.�.��e���3-iazi'�a�i11g�'��a�` �'ert�d. s�al�. `�i�'�a�d `"6� `��ie y;a�i�l.'ica���.��`�.or"�' ��a 'a�ix�ra�a��~c��At3}e�����n��.�;-..�.-.'��,�.=1 Ttze apr�l i cant �hal�. be credited in th� �mount ��se�a� to �he correspar�ding �ee , tax chara� th�t was paic to tn� rQ�•.�n .c�f V;ail �*tae :h� b:�i�din� �ti�a� buil�.. 17 . 4D. [lE0 llctic�n �n Frelir:�inarv r- {�) ±�4:ti.��he:���arinv t�n�.,��;�`}a�e3.imi�tary�-m��:; �he;P�.anninq_,�4rr��,�sir�n�����31 =�ns �-�r �rh�th��`-;_�Y�e_,.�?�=, d._., _,. .�.-�._-__ _.,. ._ ,,__. , , ._ --� 8��������tl+exs�:on��s__9cans i��'t�-=�r��:�_=�.}�e.���13+C��+finq- - �,i-ng--c�aal,.�,--��wthe-;`�wr���+o,� �ai�` " . . -- _.._ _._ � . • _ � . � {�} Tea c�r�cc�u:°�rae Ct�1'rtirtuatze�n c�f .� ., _ . 7.., ��������������'� - - - �.� '�71� T��.•:n �f Vai� thrvuy�:i a variet� af hnt���.n� tyfl�s. (�� ��a��-�"����s�i.pn�.y. ci.�:��.� ���.��'��°��� �ir��c-�`'� fam�i�i�s. (3 j To ��hi.eve far- �Y�e Tc,wn of Vai.l t�y incre��ing �he num�er of jabs �nd �h� sup�ly of h�c�usang for pP�ple whr� will hald �h�m. �b) The Commission �Y.--:r�qi�i"Y:�"`��a���'�:e� �c���;��:p.�:r+�.���ag:�����"�ciriv.ie���d�un�.a�.�.�_b�"��-�c�:�:e..��� - �r-���i3,:���`reii►t.�1:���.'"�`scin�"::�£.��ar�.e'ra���i.ric�ar►i� (c) Th� P�annzng �Cnm�-nassion �i��'rd�.�th� tenta�.i�e c�� pr�liminary map �ipCsai:��f�rir3a..nc� 'that : (1) Based on t2�e in��r���-�a.on recr�ir�d _ by �'] . 9 Q. (�7 fl and an �r�� v�canc yr �ate for ren�al housing , R�nants -�w��3"�:,�iav'ek=s�i�5���� c�f�ic u�t�r��-�-'�.n��`c�b�a i n 3�r�g=c������ty��ced� �e�'��]:�:'�t�us�,�;g- I� rent�l vacancy rate k�elow fi�a� ��rcen�. 4,$? �as�c� an t3�� mc�st recent Tokan surve� shal� c�r€sti.tute a hcsusing emer- g�n�y situatior�- . _ (�� ;�'�i�:�a��.r�'�_�,�' ���.��:�p1 e��famil.y� r.en�aT� �nits wou�d_�?��:reducer3 to l.��s th�n twenty--: i-�ve percent ��?�y _.af .'�he tc,tal .nurrmber of� idwel3inc� uaiit� in the Go�� _Vallev., �rom Dcawd �u�ctian eas� to th� base af V�i.]. �ass , ti=ith no r�p3acemer�t rental, housing bezng provided. 17 . 4�). {�9(l P�-elimina� Pu�3ic R�port �a) �l1v°ylat�r-'�than _�ive -�ays°:.a�t�r�►t;t�t��1°��q� p.f;`an`��A.p��.�:a�tit���:�'�ar _�conv�r��.c�n ,. the ��,�p3i�ant-��2ia�1` '��.'�}��`�he_at±��a�nt� c�f th��r�nase3 -c�r�d. '`�,.� . � �. �. �_ ._ c�rraa.�e�aa�m��=cr�n�e�� ��:�c�e�io�t ta �h�� Planning Cc�rrtmmxssion �t i�ks taub�.ic hear- lI1C�, ��i�.' c�g�rC77��`.`Y�Ia��:�1�.7��'3!��"�7�`�t'�P13�'3��.,�.'��,��' '���,.��`r �7��`'�..:°'�D' CO73t�L33�tI-Tllll�,„�.�7W�lE�f7,�=: 4b) �xistYng ����ants shal.i b� noti€i�d vf the pra��s�d sa�.e price, ���:� ' ���i�it��� � ��j:� �'�'�'�1Tf41S3r3riJ-��+ft���C�.�._"`� `T�ai:sx�'!r¢7*�A,9`�`�:�,la'�'�'j=1� aYt�.�g �-:i �'i'1OTl_..�Su3. 13c��.71.E�';;�Q ��.��Ci-�]LlY'�'�'��k �. � � - --,-.��r- .�r'�"�`}C�-�r�`+`Y?�����'�.'''� '��lf�.,"�;�+3.��x�"��..�=i�� -- i7�s'--��=.:� �1:��.��1�� '� -.�-�. � ��' . ��r��u�a.�.�� ` �°���.�;�►�e. i���: �' -- �----�--�-�.E?�7'l;'�� - - i�, a�, �oa Fi��� ��� . �i�=:�=n'�1.map� t�o�b�e�Vf�.led by �}�� applicant � sha�l can�ain the��,s'i���.�+�---recru3��.�'�"1���3�.7.��.�. ].3L1 rela�ing �n subdivisions as the sam� ma�� be ���li- c�ahle t+� the cvndr�minzuri proj�ct. ��`;�����'�ta tha�. in�ormation, th� a�p}�icant sha�l o:��ai� tti�: folloa;inc ccrtification ta bc fi�ed �,rith �he rinal map: �ceip�..o�. �,�con��r�inium .x�=perr_� f�vm t�� F�����,��sp�ct��:=±R��t#1� .Ts�wra_,c�� "�Tail��ta�inc�� t�d�' �o�'�..�����rt����T.�.e:�:�n�3 .�n i���`�r�-��c�n�`�ai�na�+��` �„ , ,���.�,�:_ � � �... � �i:t�,�t����►==�e�� -'�'a x.1=`�ti z�l�d a�c�r�,�c���r�.=c��3 e�:a�?CS ��'.��;�`��c��sY`adopted by th� Town c�f Va i 1 ar th� Vail F'ire F'rntecti�n Di�trict, or th�t acrrecments h��re b�en �nt�x�c� into �*a.th �.hc �'c�wn af 4'a�.l �r Va%1 Fir� F�rflte�tiar� Da.�trict c�nccrnincr said atruct�re� �nd urxtC. . .c3. � t',i J,, � � � �.7 , �Q. ].1�1 F'in�xx ;�: f:T3���-tr-a:�l i�Ic� final ar pur�i�,l ma� ��all be ��prr�v�d ur��.i� th� certifxG�tian rec�uired in Z7�. 9Q. 100 �s obtaa.ned. 17 . 40. 120 Sube�iv�sion Publ�c P.Lnv�� !:�'�ie�ii�i��rir��:°�=�_�;�,���.�"s�a� ��iat 4�a1e.�-=are�.s�.t�._����':��t�vc.��..an�.��;:�:'�.�?�'�:�x�s�i�rr� � _ _�. _ _ . _ ��an'E:.�r�r�ine� K_ -- -- . �'�x:�!�$�.������!.'��....3�������"�a ar��� �f_'�`�ai:����i��`�' ��ithin fiv� (5� days o� issu�nc� �f the �ub�ij.�i�ion pub�.ic repor�, �he anplicant sha�1. • no�ify the t�nants of the fc�l�c�wing: (a} The date v� zssuanc� af �he repcsrt. �b} �he �ight o� o�cupancy speci�ied abave. . {c} That no repaiac �r arern�odel�ling wi1�. b��ir� unt��. a� le�st �hir�y {3�l) r��ys after the date a� the issu�nce af the subd�vi,sion z�ublic xepqr-ti or the date o� na�tifi��t�c�n , �,�hichever is �.at�r. ._,-- , � sl�ia�.�.,.:lae: -filed�witt�i - c� �es--c�f -_s�ic3 :ca�ic h� .�lepar�men� Q� Corir�iunitv n�.��1.o�mer�t�;at-w.th�����t±�-� h �.�e is iv�: -to. th+��. ten�n�s� Tn the �cas�__� a onvers�on praj�c�. cQnsistin o� fc�ur'�ga�cels or �.ess , he applacant s a m�� �.hi.s r� uirem�n w� �.n i � 45} days a e a�prova of the fir�al �nar�. 17 . 9(3. 130 �Impro�T�ment �e_�ur�ty_ The P��anning Cor.uniss�on and �he Town �aunci� may r�quir� a securi�y to b� pdstecl by the applieant whi�h sh�11 consis� of ane ar mc�re arranger��nts whieh t�ie Council shall ��c��t ,��secur�:��t� --a,c��i�`� cci��:���° ��ins.tructio�=_of_ �s�ci��u�li�c _improver�erat-�-as �r�.sequire� +l�iy�.'?�he,__��c3inance�.�.�f�h�wr�R��fy�tia�1: The im�rc��em�n� s�e�rit�7 m�v inclu � any one Qr a ccamb�n�tipn nf t�se tyr�es �f s�curi�y ar co].�.3teral listed in thi.s paragra�h, and the applicant may �ubs�itute security in c�rder tv r�lea�e par�zons of th� cojl�iaminium pro�ect far sale. ',�e-�ypes� �t-�v�; r�a , �i�.-c:��a���i`se�'::aa�'.:�;:��`� "� - r�as-.:�ollciws�• �:.�._____�.�'�_�m�+P . Y '� [a) Fte �rictions c�n the �anveyance , sale c�r transfer af �,rsy un- t within th� condami�iurn prr�j�ct as s�t forth an �h� �-,:al r.�az�. (by F�- :Qrmance of �rr�p�rty bond. �c� P�r� .7�te or raublic escrow a�reemer�t. �d) L� :s comrnitment. (e) A� anmen�.s c�f receivab��s. �.�) I.- �.s on property. (o) i. =�s o` �r�ai:.. (h3 I�c sits of s��curity funds, or +�+�he�r sirs�i�ar surety ae�7 -�,en�s. 5�curit e�ther th�rs p3at rc�trictions , reauired und�r the a.m�x-a�e; ;t securit}� ,��ia�.�.��nval__ an".v�'7.ii�`�� �c��"�,'�.�:a����.��t� tv=Y�b�,��riplct-e� "��t�sha�:���� �eavir�l�i=;�h+� ��. �::.:.�,�n �rt �tta�e con�o�ry:in�um ��r��cc�,-sub��e��� �a� p7a�--r��tric.t�t '-r' - 7'hc Cnune�l sha�7 r�nt rer�z�zrc �c�:ur�- ity �ith co�.3a�r_r� �rxEznncmcnts in exccs� of �he actual s C._,�: . .__ � � d'c�c.�C' `r', �a�t r�f err�:tructi +- �. � c�n of t}�c� is��rav��cn_.�. Th� ainc��n� ; t�f security m�y b� in�rcrr,cntally r�c3t�cc:c� �is ss�b�3iva�- sa.�n or cand�rrir�ium irn��r�vGrzrcnts �rc ,compl�•�ed. i 17 , 4fl. 13� Fx�mntica�ns Th� t�rrns of this r�rdinanc� shall nc�t a�P�-Y tc� deve,�a;�men�s Qr �truc�ures o� �.wc� -un�ts. 17 . 40. ]_4(7 Apn�icability "'he terms a` this rrc�inance shall b� aprli- cable ta candar�inium prc���cts that ar� cor.�rnenced or ' c�nvert�d aft�r the ef£ect��� +�ate 9f this ordinanc�. S�ction 2. Em�r en�y. The Town Cv?uncil finds that ar� ernerg�ncy exists �ar the fc�,llawi.r�g reasr�ns . • d�} 'r'h� decreasi�g avai�.ak�zlz�y o� renta�, units has becc�m� an increasin� prvb�e� within the Tawn c�f Vazl. (b} In p�rticular, the avai�a�ili�u of law and mcsder- � a��ly pr�,c�d renta�. hous�ng has been decl3ning wa.�.h�n the fir�wn of Va�I unti7� now the �.a�k c�� lhous�ng ��r 1c�w and maderate incvm� ' " residents 3s at a c�isis gc�int, {c) A� 1�ast on� ].arge p�oj�ct, ApQllo Park, and o�.Y��r � sma�l�r pra�eets ha�+e �een sc�ld or are ts� k�e sc�1d shartly, and the rental units will be r�moved frc�rn the moderate a�d �.nw in�om� r�n- tal marke� tb Pae ��ld as candarainiums c�r ti�ne-s�are u�.its. The l�ss a� thes� units t� mc�e�erate anr� lvw income residen�s wi�l pu�h a �ri��:s situatic�n �c� the �rnerg�ncy J.evel. (d} Th� rate �� cnnverszons af rental �nits will e��ca-� late upon the notice ❑f �.his or�inancc , Theref+��re , baserI c�n �he above, the Tcswn Caun�.al finds and is of the c��%nion that an e�aezq�ncy exists , �hat this vrdinance xs ia�ur�ee3ia�ely nec�ssary f�r the pr�tectian of �he pub�ic h�a?�h, safety a�nd weTfare. and �he prvvisi�n� af the !.�ith.in shall �ake ful� �ar�e and eff�ct imme�ia�elv as an em�r�encv ordinance kn accr�rdanc� with �he �harter af the �'c�wn r�£ Va�.l . Sc°�ta.vr. � . Ii C�ny r�art, sectia�, su����tic�n , s�ntenc� , cJ!�use ar phrase c�f t�iis ordi.r�ance is fe�r an�r r+�ason helc3 to 'he ir�valid, such decision shall na� aff�ct the v�lidit� of �he remair�- inc� pa�t�.oras c�f this vrainan��: �nd the Tawn Ca�ncil hereby decl�re� ' , fi?-f� . �� �� ���� f{ , - .._._____- _ FC1 i�t ra�uld '...•��� pa�s�d t7�i� orc3a.nanc�e, and each ra�rt, se+ctian , su�- s�ction�, s�n��nc�, c�ause or phras� �.h�rec�f. r�c��rdl�ss c�f �he fact that any cxne or mor� par�s, sectiesns, subsections, s�ntenc�s, clauses or phrases be rieelared �nv�lid. I�TRCJDUC�D,� R�?�D AS A1^d �?+'i�Jt�E1�C7�° QRi]I!LI+.^J�F r APPROVEII� .��IaD O:�aEREI7 PU�LZSHED dPICE- IN FULL, thi$ Sth c:ay af S�ptemb�r, �97$ . ..-� � . �,,�` �J�; r° �1� J ,� � � �� Mayor ATTEST. ��,,.�—. . ,. . .��,,,�.�� �,�� `��,� Tcawn cl�rk A�;w'7EU AS AP� Eh9ERGENCY UR�I�lANCE - first readir�g or�ly. r�RCH�TECT�� QlN�, ❑ . FI�I.D R�PC71iT c�r�,�r�vr � � �ra ���u,uEn�z c��,j �i��a 0 � � PROJ�CT: Ham�et Chal�.t . FlEL�3 f�EPaRT h�a: (3ne ��N7�ACT; �r�raciominium �on�versicsn A�CHITECT'S PKC7IE�T NO: a,a�E 21 I�av. g3 Tinn� w���r�-se� T��n�. �Arrc� £5T. °ro (7f Ct�MPL€TIOhi �C]NF[7Rh�tAiVC�WITH SCHEC}ULE{�-, --j W+aRK IN PRC7GR�S5 PRESENT AT 51TE ('id.i"�7 �4'�L1TT'i1.1.C1 � �L1T�].ri Fayne, Rev�ew c�f buildin� noting J1�iP, Ann iJ�C def�ciencies (]BSERVATtONS �.. _C�os� penetratir�ns in �ara�e wldrywa�l/sea� a�1. �aene�ra.tian� 2 . PrQVZC�e comk�ustzon aix grilles in mechanical rar�m. 1 sq, in. per 1��0 STU input . 15[l �q, �.n . gx�i l le l�'" f ram t he ce i�ing ; 15Q sq. in. grille 12" �rom th� fl�ar. 3. Exter�d dri.�r extensians orz P.T. r��ief �a].vcs �c? u��ith�.n �" of �h� flaor, 4. Stair treads to be s�cured! s��cure stringer. � 5. Assum� fir�place aliight . �. Srnoke d€��c�ivn.lk�att�ery operated Unit G '�. Ver�fy 5I8" rock thr�,ughout �he lauildin�. S. Repair e�t�r�or wiring an east dec� 2nd floc�r . 9. R�turn hand�ail to wall in c�m�mran stair top and bnttc�m. 1� . fte�lace �ntry doo� t� L�nit D with rated 2(l �nin . daor. 11 . GFI receptacles in all. ba�thrpam a�t1G�s @ the va.nita�s. 12 . R��lace winda�w in l�edroom af Un�.� I] for egres�. 13. Smoke seal stri�pin� on entry dae�rldoor �� Unit A 14 . {T�uo �moke detector�' by each b��rnom [�n�t 4 �nsTnv�R1�r' �±erifg that retaini.ng ��=al.l is structurally saund. 16. Cl.aset Xight is within �.8" of sh�lf; switch to fluor�scent �ixture ox k�ulb. 1NfOKIv1A71pN C7R ACTIC7N RfQUIRE❑ 1'�. ❑acuum �reak�r �n dishw�,sher Unit A 18, Veri�y mech�,nical f1_ue cl.earanee thr�t�g�i sof�it, � 1.�=nc�nn�Nrs Sm�k� c�etector Unit B. REPQRT BY: JQi�n 11�. Perl�ii�� AIA DOCU'MENi GT71 • ARCYiITECT'5 FIELD REPOR7 • pCtOB�Et �47Z E171T'IG?3V • AIA� � �' 1472 THE AMEARCAR6 IN571TUTf OF ARCFi�TECTS, 1735 NEW Y(}RK AVE., N1,^�', bvA5H9�[GtON,fl.C.20U[?G p�g� of pages _ ,!alf�A.��F.:+,A�ll�it� #�l4i�t.' ,:� �- . � � . APPLICATI�,;�i FORM �'+OR COI+��CJMINIUM CC3NVERSI(7N I. This �Sr�cedure is required fc�r the cc�nv�rsion crf any exi�tin�g units, r�gard�ess t�f theix� pres�n� use. into cz�ndor�ir_aur��. The appl�c�tian will nat �e accepted until �11 in�vrmatian is �u}�mitt�d. . 4 � A. NAME C}�"„AFPLICANT_B�rlisa �`ayne . Calo. �ap�$., Cca RDD�tESS 6 Aubu L�r � PflONE�!�'7?87� ,r �. , r?�>r1�1.���1 � �,':' �'�1�;' I'�! l.':�'►.v:}�1�"r����'1 S. N.AME {3E' �P�LI�CANT'S REPRLSENTATTVE,�,ee-�a�d�r� �.C.-rA�tarney a� ��' • '� !�� f (r' ly,y���'�" ��,�,1'� _.� � �� `�� f��� L� , ����.,�� '�.� ADFIR�ES� �a�Snge- AT��3--fiank-�lc#�;- �;�.;Ge► 8 � ts,'�` � �'"Hi[?NE 3�-�°�483�- . ��- r C. AUTHfJR��RT�DN DF PR£7PERTY OiWNER � ,:a .�3I�7rI��►�l�'U� ''`} � ' . � � (�� �_ _�`�s AI]DRES� 1627 Aubu� Dr. Calo. Spgs.,-`�a 8Q��9 P�DriIE 597-78?4 �, L�CATT(}N C)F PRC]P"C]SAL ADT�RESS The Hamlet Bld�.,, ��l�g.let "i 2Q1� Gore re�� r. 'Fail, �n 81657 r LEGAL DESCRIPT�ON LG�' BL{)CIC FTI,ING (5EE ATC�.) E. FEE $��0 p�us an amaunt equa� ta the then c:��rent r"irst-cla�s postage rate for e�ch pi•o},erty awner tn be nvti�'iecl.,.hereun��er. g. A list of t}�e name vf owners �f all ,prr�p�rt ad ja�cent to th� st�bje�t pr�perty and the�r acldres�es. �SEE ATCH) �. , ,�� ,, . � ,� . � ; , . � . i .' � �� . { _...�. .__._�. .__A ?� � i(6 boY HO T�[\ IH IM 1M1•OOpd � n+ r �..�rlGt� �.wS.._ i. a � /3� IO��r� �� d^Am�iS� MllUy4 _ ... um�os. ►.r �r , ':.. �+ � 4fL Counry M . . . . . aaerv. . TIIlD�C4 WMIM� I�LIµ1 N�y .nl3 nUNOtC�MP . . ""'" i. WLE NOMS011 . . . . � �IAII MI�IAll16 �.':: � . - „ �� , . .. � � Mlb � CwM�R �[�9�e . �nl4neJ MAY I01982 � fJ.nNr,M�M11�MM�l.�M ��/ �� AUNLIN C . F�YNE md 'k�PN�FT E : FArME �-�L�� ���'.ry.i.r�...i. 16111WWrn Or1r� � �, ;,g. .- ColenEO Sprinps . CalonEO .^ 80909 . �..: )I�M � 6umY•t � nrM < dL�4�hbw��N�1: ��= �'f ' . . . . . . . . . 4J.. •ITN�111LTN.�W Ib r11 M�V d1M fmt pn.f r�M In n n� YrnF.n d IM�ow 4 ` . ��1 ?. Tlq 1AlI1DlC0 fOf1T1 111QI$AIIC �11� NU�100"•.•••....�.��•••.•��•••• • • .�:ILLiI7 • •• • S=+.� �n1aM� /w �Mr�lu��4r�m�M���w . n� �. r ., n. On� :n nN�n� � 4 �MUi< Mn � ��M ,. wun�M .IMrr�iM �ti��• ��nhrvnA.r•n n ..�w.ab.M�. � n.nt . �unn.d. rbmrlenn vN.�M . �/ 1 wn ��. MrM�� /Y, rv. rq �nd nmM1�m vni� �Ih n.l • ��� •A �eun� Nrl. M1�Ir Nin �� .yn.I.M1r�rrr nJl • ; Inm �x�nh� iul•x np. tl n LIlnuu�.l.«r�M� l�x .rNr..l M IVJ.�mnwlpryu r�N 1M� I .niw�M ' �/9f� .nINn.N '.ixr�u�.�l�', � SEE �TTRCMEO FXHIIIT 'A' FOA LEWL OESLNIPTIOX ��le�wv� rMrM�M nu�r� ` TIII:[OI[\ wl� W�M myuqr IM M�Nlpinm� �M �ryurlrn�r�� IMrr�nb F4ropM.or �n �µ��� �prn � m1 �M rr r.l.y� �n� nmw�n.. . tln�ln mJ nm�lnd�n. �mu b �nd p��Ob �MrH', �M dl �M . L�1 r'ryll.ulL.ulrr�l.tl�Iw��C4T�n� �A�bi�m✓IMrti�pllYoflbliblpnLnl�n �n6� �nNm1Y.�dd� . .. � �M�nNWnr4rpinr�prwun.�uMM�oW�u�mm� �nirv0uria�ni�r. T11 N\Y� �Y�1 TI NIN II I b p11 pnnnnuEnY U�q�InN �n.l M�'n1�.A. ul� Ib �pvbnuw�. unb IM WI M� d�� �nw� V . �MnMin • .. .. n� .vr �e.liM. .�iAryn ..IIbIU.Ip�n. lix �InrlL ��• Adn . .. �MWnb� n �. ��n. r � • nAY u � i ��errvlpn •id�M��NM/1. IMIrMn�NWyn� 1�tl �11M1iimNl\..rnu.JmpM.ML�.v��AMvinon.l.. n •.IIxl�r�ullMp�nuw ' N�rlwrpN. nMpM. rvn. Y�lm ��rL.l. rvlmMlrmY. � i. �nl.r .��n. �eh�, nlrr �nJFu � CJ � � N� M�. M1XY��nNhvNU1 �wL.vnllun ni. uuu� dl �n.lmn.e�' i�.I.v�.. rvnun1�.�Mpwm �fmnn6 � , � ' . uA J.�� rn • In� vNV Im Jl lx un unl +i pun q�nu. �li.a I n.� � �. �M �, ,p ,�...s...�...,.,.n...,,„... .... ,� acrpt��G�n�nt T�x�f for the Ya�r 19l7�na � p, C�E' ' mbapwnt Y�+n fuwMnH' Of feCOld o� I� fatftlnte . InE retOPd00 .. q O •� Eed�r�tlont , nstrtctlans , re�erqNom �nE coramnts . u � Q .d i�. .�.. . � n�.a p.. ,. „ �. . ,... . .. � , p......i.,, ..� i . . �� �. .�.,� n.. ...�.ne n�i. �Fr i � ... iAiMm. ,M1.� n nun. n.� u...yu.'A ..vl, ... in . 'dlxe�IrrrlWU.. rF'n � �. lolu4l .b. . i • erm • �. inr.lin . � .. .•11` . �dlniAuIIM �XN�Sf114 . Y�pY.\'Y.� I�Y.YY.\bin.�. � nlu �..n.i.n .e.V .u. �...l. �er �� n��. � �.. �.,'nnb. .w�rui�.., .�„Iib �... .In.� veMrr � ' � II I N.e . � 116 . �. • ' • I ITYI. YIIIMI. Inr A 1 '� Ir � � nx . n ... . In ♦ x�lllpnl wful � , ,,., � ��.�, C,D,4 i�'b�-p� � �� .r � q n . s.s ii . ��. i�.. i ,. .. ., .a I . � � -: C.-0�L[ MO�011 ��N,� i c w � �w � .eui . ... .. _ .. � . IYI:AI.I . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . .�� } L - '' . ' � A\TY�p �1�� uXMxi j . . I , , GYI< i .. ` � 1 ' p0��w�� . � I 1 Y �W � b � . . .. �mi:. ��� � . .i � �ll ) �'n I � , �� DALE MONSOX BM FRIC MONSON. AS RTiOaN[1' IN fACi. . O f �(� ,; �, � . . YiCoia.. .. �ia . , M � �i. o- . N t: Yq JU. IY /' + ... i., i � � � l�r��� a�u��?"',.: 1 LAND TITL JA(7ANTEE ' �. '-= '- � ' �15fi5 f 6 k�rt� DllVe � ( y 1111� w .n. .,..,.�, �,� �. ... �....,, .. 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[7 UNDEF�GF�C7UND CI FOU�fDA,TiL?N f STEEL Q RC7tJGF-I / a.W.V. � Ff�AM�NG ❑ ROU�H I WATER � RCI�F $� SHEER ❑ GAS PIPING _ F'LYWQOC7 NAILf!'JG C� INSULI�TIOhJ ❑ PC7CJL / H. TUB � SHEETROCK NAI� Cl ❑ _ ❑ . _ l� �INAL ❑ FIh�AL _ �LEC9'RICAL; MECMAN��AL: ❑ TEM�'. Pt3WiEFi 0 H�ATING O ROUGFi � E?(HA[�5T F°l��C75 C� GC)NDtJIT C� SUPPLY AIR �;, ❑ C7 �.7 FfriJAf� C� FINAL `�I APPFtL7VED C� �ISA�'PRr�VE[� C1 fitLINSP�C"�4ClIV FtEQIJIR�C7 CC?f�REGTIaNS; �- . • ,� - r :� y. i � /,�'„ G� �t,dG^� -- - �, � .,_ _ - �.: _ . Lfs.`.. . . .. QATE ''�_ �-� � `�',�' INSF'�CT�F� �' ,' _ ' _ ; f .. r.�;y.t.� � . -� .., . ��'*� � "'�� �'�'�F,rr�:r:-+.-....�. � - P.+.�..�,n�1� � :`i�.�f.v �. .�,_, w.'3'�`,i _ ux'`� � , ti+ - -.._" �F�1f,�Mfj�4r1 �� ` •.�..y.'r�y• �ffEC�RL'�UL~S'�" � �. �, T'RCPARLD I3Y: /��,�,�"'�.� . I�A�'E: ,���� VEN��I� NAM�,; ' f � �C'�r S <'t�--�. � V�NDf3R I�iLJMI3��: �-C� � r�/� DESCRIF'TI�?T*� a,��XP�NSC: +CLE�1►1'+II CJP D��'CISIT REFUNU F!C)� �P# ,��7-dr y 1��iAMC C3F.�JII: ,,� ,�'� �- A�COUNT NU�B�R; f}I �D�4(l 2�U0� �t�aur,tt��r u��ur��: � � �, Qr �, � DATE �PPRCIVEI3: � - �� �' APPRG1VA�.SIGI++IAfiUF�E; . �.•�� -�; � � �, �`',� �'�^`�' �� � ��. _ _.� __ -_ _ - -- - _ _ . � � � � : � - �`, �'�- `� � . �,I �'� �� �� � � � _____ - : . �. �, . .�� . _ - . : . . � : . , . � . � � � . . . . : . . � ; - , . � . . . . : � � � • TUi+�P� l7F V,�I L DE�RRTMENT C3F C�MMUN I TY �3EV ELD�MENT 75 S . �'RC�N'�'AGE RC]AD V�IL� CO 81657 970-�79-2138 A1�T�: THIS PERI�IZT MCl�T BE FC7S"I'ED C}N ,�C3BSITE AT ALL TIM�S ADI],fALT M�° BU�LI] P�FtNd�T Pe�m.�t # : B97-4148 Jcrb Addr�:ss : �a14 W GORE CREEK DR 5tatus . . . : I SSL1E� Lcrcation. . . : THE HAML�T 24]14 W G(7RE CRApplied. . : Q6�'C�9��/�99'7 Parcel No. . : 21C13-] i4-18-U4� �s�ued. . . : (�6�49,/1997 Praject No. : Expzres . . : 1,2,/�}f�,�1997 ,,r�� 1�t' �"� APPL�CA�I'Z" SUI+1SHiNE BUILDERS �! v Fhr�n�: 30347624I7 1$59 MEA�]OW RIDG� RClAp, VA�L CO 81F57 CCINTRACTC]R SUI�SH�NE B[�ILDERS Phone: 3Cl34762�17 1�359 MEAI��W R�DGE R(]A]], VAIL �C1 8�657 OWNE� H�MLET CC��1i]0 ASSOC �(}14 W GUA� CR��K DR, VAIL Ct7 81657 Description ; 4i[�OF REPAIf�S (3�cupancy: �Z Multi-Family T�rpe Catl�tructic�n: V 1--H� TYpe V 1-Haur Type C)��upancy: Valuation . B4OU� Add 5q Ft: Firepla�e In#armation: Re��ricted: dOf Gas AppLiances: #4f Gas �ogs: q4f ltoad�Pattet: *#ir,k��k�r�ir!*****irkir*��,k*ird*k#*�t*�tk***ir*****#ir#*'k*�k�k�*#�:�kic*�k* FEE SUMNAR'd ir�*�r*�*��*�#*�k***�F�F*�k*irak�i�**#k1r***ir*�rrk�*�rk**�rlrk***�t*irir*irsF* Buifding°----� 125.00 Rest�sarani Plan Reviea--> .OQ Taitat Calcvlated Fees----> 309.25 Plan Check---? 81.25 OR9 Fee-----------------y .OD As�ditipnal Fees---------> .0� Invest�gativn7 .QQ �tecreatian Fee---------) .99 TotaL Permit Fee----_°---y 309.�5 IJill Call----> 3.40 Clean-l�p De�osit--------? 1f1{7.0� Payments- -----°-� 3[19,�5 T4TAL FEES-_-__�________� 349.25 BALANCE UllE--___A------> .0� *#****ir�C*****akir***�k**t*1r#Ar*r4*�r�F*1t�'k R*itit*!r#�****ic***##ie*****��F#**-k*rt#**tir*�r*#*ir#itlr#*�*te�#irtririr-kir t#*irir#*�****�*****it****�rlr**�S#**°k**�h* �tem: 051U0 BUTLT3Ti�G I3E�AKTMENT De t: BUILDZNG Divisifln : 4b�i�9,/19�7 CHARLIE Actian : APPR CHARLIE DI�VI� It�;I�i: 0540�J PLAI��IING 17�PAR'I'MEIVT Dept: PLANPJING I}�.V�.�a�vn : a6�ID9/`1997 CHAPLT� A�ctic�n : APPR N�'A Item: �?560� F��,E LIEFARTP�iEN'� Dept: FIRE D�Wisian: C�f�C19�1497 CH;ARLIE F�c�ic�n : APPFt t��'A Ttem. U55��0 FLIS��C WC�KKS Dept: PUB WORK Dir�isir�n : a 6,,/[l9,Il 9'�7 CHA�tLIE I�ctit�n . APFR I��'A *�*���*��*�***�*�*****��a�********�,r******+t�*��t*�*��t�t,t�t���,�*�r***�**,��**��*�*,t�k*���,t***�k�tt��*�***��t**�****�*�*�*�**�,t***�***�,r*** Se� �age � of this �ac�ment far any condi�tions that may apply to this perm�.� . oEC�n�n7zorys I here�y ackna�rledge tFiat � haue read this appLicetion, f�lled aut in #u�l the in#ormativn required, comp4et�d �n �zcurate plax pian, and state that sl4 the irtformation pravided as required is carrect. I agree ta cvm�ly with the infnr�nnti4n and pLot plan, to cbmp�y aith al1 'fown vrdinances �nd state laus, and to build this structure according ta the 7oun's aaning and sui�divisivn GOdes� desiC,�n revie� appraveti, Uniform B�alding Code and vther ordinanc�s ot the 7oun a�plica6le #hereta, REQUESTS F4R INSPEC7IQH5 SHALL 9E {1AU£ THEHTY-pOUR H4URS I� A�YAP7�E B1' TELEPHOtJE 479 ICE FRO�f 8.f1(] AM 5:{74 pM 5end [tean-Up �eposit Ta: Sl1h1SHINE BUFLUERS A F vElNER OH C[1N'fRA�TdR FOR iF15ELF AN6 (}WNER . ' � � • � *��*��***��***��*�*****��r�������r*���*�****���**�**��*�*�**,�,��,��x�*�****�*x�,�,��,��,� cc�n�Dx�zorrs Fermit � : 8�7--a14S as flf o6/09/�7 statu�s : r�suEa 71r�kYk�t*Ar�t*-k Ittk ic'IrlFft**�411r34 Jr k*7k*�k3k7�9c sk�k�F*k�s7F'k'A'3kiktktkak�tc�i¢•Ir-k-�kdrtY-,irrY�Y�F51t*�k3k�F�lr kiez4�hll"k'k'*�r4r�tYr�k ir k-ik°k�lk�k•k P��t�tit 'Type� ADD,/ALT MF �UZLII p�E�IT Appl].edt (36�09,�1997 Applicant: SUNSIi11V� BUILI7ERS �ssu�d: Q6�°D9+/'�997 �03476�417 To Expir� : 12,/a6��997 .�ab Adel res s : vocatican; Tf�� x,AMLET �014 w G�]R� cR�EK I?R Farc�l No: 2103--��4-18-U(30 D�scrip'�ion: R�7QF �EPA�RS Conditions; I . �IELD TI�SPECTTC�AIS AR� REQUIR�D "I"� CHEC� F�A CODE CC)MPLIA�ICE . 2 . FIR�' L�EPARTMENT �LP�R.�VAL IS REQUIREI� B�F�3FiE AiVY 4VORK CAN BE S`I'ARTED. � � � . . *�*�**��*****��***xwa�*�r����;���*,�����***�*������*********�,�,�**�** T�WN ��' VAIL, C{�LC7RRd0 Sta�emnt �r��-**�-�******��*�*������t�r�*�s�***��x�r*� �,�����***w*ww�w�*,t,�**,��t� Statemnt Numk�er, RE�-4.��4 ,��unt;..,�` �' 30� . 25 05f�9�'97 15 : 15 Payment P�ethad: C�ECK �lotat�ora • #3899 ,/� _Zni��_�D� _�_��_m_P__________������_---__YP.� ----�------�---__ _ F�rmit No: B97-01,48 T e: M�' A�JD ALfi NfF BUILD PER Parcel No: 2103-114-18-f]�U Sa.t� Address : 2014 'W GOI�� CR'��K DR Location: Tf-3E i-IAMLET 2014 W G�R� �T2EEK l�� To�al �"ees : 3(}� .25 Thi.s Payrr��nt 309 . �5 Total ALL Pmts : 3Cf9 . 25 Balanc�; . QD ��****���x*���*****�*�*��*���****�******��������**�***-��*��*��*�� A�ccaunt Code Descriptian � Amnunt a1 (3[lflQ 4i31D BLIILI�ING PERMIT FEES I25 , Q�1 OI U(?aD 43.332 PLAN CHECK FEES Sl, . �5 �1 D(70f] ;�2�d2 GLEANC]P DEFC]S�TS �.U0 . 00 �JJ. (70�7� 4�336 WILL CALL INSPECTI�N FEE 3. U0 ,. . . **Contact i�ag�e Cc�unty Assessrars�'ace � -� . at 97Q-328-$640 �for Par�el �1. �OWN DF V��L CC?NSTRU�TION PERtiIT �'r P�RCEL l�.�� ._ ! e.� _ �� -C���J FEFt1��T AP�L�� FORM DATE: - AP�L�CATION M[7ST BE �"�LLED DCIT C+D�+iPLETELY Qlf� IT MAY Nd`�' BE AC�EPTED *�**�*****ar*�r*���*�***����**� PEFtA�[IT TNFdRMATI(?N *�c��*����*�****�*�r**��**����* [ ]�-Suilding C �-Plumbing [ 3-Electra.cal � �-M�c�,anical [ ]-�pthe� Job tdame: � ��'C- ` �7'tab Address: � '� �'�r. �.� � _ e Legal Descriptir�n: L4� Block F'i].ing __ SUBUILrIS�Otv: .. � �� c�wn+�rs Name: � �'>G° .�w Address: L��'�'r ��tJ� �� Ph. Architect: Address: Ph. ���ener��. Descriptic�n: -' -�.�' ",. - _�_,. � .,, „� L�ark Class; [ ]-�iew [ ]�A].ter�tion [ ]�Additiona7. ( ]�-�t€:pair � ]--Qther N'umber vf IIwe�l xng Units: Numb�r c�f Accamrnodat�.r�n Uni�s: N mb�r and Type c�f Firep�ac�s; Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/P�llet ����*�***�**��*���***��*��**,��**�r VAL[JATIUN� *******������*�***���,�***�*�r�*��� ��( � B�JILQ�NG: $ EL,ECTRICAL: � �3THER: � �f[� Tlfvc-;� PLC7MHIN�: � MECHANZCAL: � �..� - TQTAL: $ ,�'a��,?.� ��r�*���*��*�**a���*���*** �* CdN'�'R,ACT�7R IN�"f7RMA'I'If.3N *�*���***�**�r���r*���x�*��**� er►eral Cc�ntractor. _��.,,,�-�-�:r� .�� ' Tc�wn of Vail R�g. N�. Address: �S�r ,� � , - . , Phone Numb�r: Electriea�. Contract�r; �`t�� �� �`�� _ �own a� Va�.� Reg. NU, Address: Pho�� t+d�mber: Plumbang C�ntractcar: Town o� Vail Reg. �10. Addr��s; Phvn� Number; Mechanical Co�tractor: Tvwn of Vaii Reg. Nt�. Address: l�hon� t�umber: �*��**�����t����t��****��*�r,x�t����� FOR C?FF`ICE iJSE ������*�*�**��*��t*�r�r�*�x�������� SUILDING FEFZI��T �EE: BUrLD�N� PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUM�3Ii+PG PERM�T FEE: PLUMBING PLAl�T CHECK ,�'EE: �ECHANTCAL PERMI�` FEE: N'IECH�iNICAL F'T�N �GHECK FE�t ELECTR7CCAL FEE; . . RECREAT��N F�E: QTH�R TYPE t�F �'EE: CLEAN-UF bEP{?ST'3': i3RB FEE: TC�TAL PERM�T FEES: '�'YPE �RQUF SQ.FT. VALU�TI�N! BUYL�T1'�'G: S IGAi�.TUFtE: Z�1NIF�tG: SxGNATURE: Comr�ents• c�� tr� n��ns�� ��rrm �a- ` � � � � _ I I t��`/6t7��,/"-37 �l'wai F�!'�LPk��Sx�;� F`l�le` LY'��ii-"�1.:`I1CJf+! WI�F�I�� �HFc,�`::i l��,i�{' 7f 1/�?7 Htl��,F-i:' [�� �.��___..._�__�_�__._.____a�_.,_.__�,�__�_�_�r��.�....��__�_���__.��-���.-__..__W___.�.�.__�._d�___+.. �+�'� i�va�ty: �9�-�148 '7: � I��" �'y��p: �-h�F ������� : I�SLfE�? fit�n�trt» Fih�F r�cid��°es�: ���14 � G�I�� ��t��#< tJ� �.ae�t ion� �"�I� Mfi�t�LET �t�14 W �DR� CFt�FI�t L�� 4�'�t�r_�e� s �::l�e��l, 5�+�-1�i�-��t�h C]c�; I��e: U � -HR �e���i��; ion. 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