HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 1 Block B Lot B2 - Snowlion at Vail' _..,_- __ _ __,,,., __ ---- _ -_ - _. -_ _ f_, ��M , . .. __ _ . , R81W R80iJV I 6 SNOWLION � INTERSTATE 70 12 7 r y VICINITY MAP SCALE: I" = 2000� i � �` . . �P� � / 1 � olry �O' v � ni L\Oi � Q. R\�/ � � CONDOMINIUM PROJECT ) S HEET NO I OF 5 \� Q� . �O / �+i 0` � 6 � � NOTE: . � � ,� . �ti � � ss�o G�v � \ 4�. � s2 �F .�/�. � � 'STbTE OF COLORADO ), O1TY AND CQUNTY OF DfNVER ) SS . • � i, E. �ax'Serafiini, a�"eg�steted Land'Surveyor, hereby �ertify that the p��p��ty xas �su�vey�d as �shown on th�s map, and t[�� prop�rty �i�s d:��cri�b�d as a p�art,of �Lot �B-1 and al I of!Lo� Bi2; ltion'�s Ridge'Subdiv�sion, County of Eagle,'State of Colorado, mor�e pa��icul�riy ��sc�ribed �s follo�rs: PARCEL A: Commenoing at tfie most Ntsteriy corner of Lat B� a# Lion's Ridge 'Suhdivijsion, G�unty o� Eagl�, State Of CflI0F�d0; tfr�nce �S.74°28'��°E. , 66.64 �e�et �o th� tru� RQint of begi«ning; thence N.44°55'58i'E.,. 93.34 feet; .thence N.:�5°Q��'Q�2"�9., 45.50 #s�� to a po�n� on the Northwe���er[y tirte of .said !o� B-�2a ther�c�e art �� angl� i� tf�e rigt�t fffi 86°��'33" and along said Northwest�rly [ine and alQng a c�rv.:e to �i�e teft having � radius of 405.53 feEt, a centr.a[ ang[e ofi�00°5��20", an a�rc �istance of 7. 02 fi��t; ihence S. �5°Q4'02"E. , 45.96 feet; thence N. 4.4°55' 56 "E. ; 4O. 1� f EE�; thence S. 45°Q��'0��"E. , 66. 5Q �eE�;. thencE S::4�°55°58"�. , 3. EQ fieE�s th�rtce S.:45°0�4'�:2"E. ,�2�.30 feet; thence S.:44955'58"W. , 1a4.10 feet; t(�ence Na:�5°Q4�'02"�9., �4.3� feet; ��►encE S. 4�°55p58"W. ,� �Z. 50 fe��� thence N.:�5°04"'Q�'2"�V. , 66.50 #eet tc� the irue poin� of begi.nhing; containing 0.28Q acres. , . PARCEL B: C�rne�encing at the most �lesterly corner of Lot 6-�2 of Lion'�s RidgE'Su6division, County ofi EagtE, State of Ca�orad�; #f��nc� S i4°28'37"�,., 66.64 feet; thence 5.45°04'f�:�"E., 66.50 fieet; thence N.�4°55'58"E., 3"2.50 fieet; thence S.45°0�'02"E., ��4.30 fiee� �o ii�� point of beginning; th�eRCe �1.-44°55`58"E., 1Q�4.70 feet; �thence N. 45°Q�4'02"91. , 24. 30 feet; thence N.��4°55'S8"E. ,��2.60 fee�; thErree S.:45°Q4'�2"E. , 13.9D f��.t; ih�nce 5.44°55�58"W. , 18.:�D ��o�t; �h�nce S 45'°��'f�2"E. ���6.12 #eet; thence tlue South 48.53 feet; thence S 44°55"5�"W. , 39. 74 fieet; thence S.85°32`Q��'W. , 46. 10 fee#; �hence N.45°04'02"W., 20.�0 feet to the poin# of beginning; containing O t�'8 acres= FARCEL C: Beginning at the most Easterty corn�r of tot 8�;, Lion's Ridge S�rbdfvisi�n, Court#y of Eagi�, S#ate of Calo;rad�; i��nce S. 13°061�"�1. and �long #he Southeasterty 1 ine of said Lat B-�2, 200 OD �e�ei to the �tost Soc��i�eri� corner of �aid to� B-2; �hence ar� an ang(� to th�e ri�h# �f 90°0�'�0" and �long ' �he Soutt�erfy t ine of said Lot B-2 and al�ng a curve ta the [eft havin.g a rad'tas ofi �U7.51 fe�t, a c�nt�al aRgte of tl9°Zi'19", an arc d�s�ance of 50.�22 fieet; thence N.13a06'�48°E., 1��3.00 feet; #hence d�e North 48.53 fie�i; the�c� N.�S°'�4'D�"W ,�6 }2 ie�t; �hence �1.:44°55'5�"E_= 47:�5 fi��ei �o a � paint on the Northeaster[y [ine 6fi said !�� 8=.2; th�en�� S.57°�0��2"E. ar�d aEor�g safd Northea��er�y �ir��e 61.62 fe�t to �h� poin� of beginnEng; coniaining 0.273 acres. . B_/� PARCfL D: Beginning at th,e most Easte�ly corrter of Lot B-1, Lion' s Ridge Suhdivision, Cor�nty �f Eagle, Stat� of C�(orado; th�ence S.7�o��`48"�1 `'�' and atong the Southerly iine of said Lot B-1, 60.U0 �eE#; i�En�e N.Q�2°t�Y51"E., 1Q8.Q9 �e�t io a pain� on �f�e East�r�y tine of saitl Lot B-1; thence S.3�°25e10"E., an� a[�ng said Easter[y � in� 1Q5.00 f��t �o th� po�nt of b�gir[nir[g; conta�ning 0.070 acr�s. PARCEt f-1: �Beginning at thE most �IestErEy cor�er of Lo# B--2, Lion's Ridge Suhd�v��ian, Cour�ty of Eag�e, S#ai�e �f Colora�o; th�nce � �Northeas�erly a�ong �he Nortf�w�ste�iy ��ne of said Lo� 8-�Z and a[ung a e�rv� �o th� Ief� h�ving a r�a�iu� of �Q6.53 ��eei, a centra[ ang[e of 17°55A1g", an arc distanc� of i27.tfi f��t; �I�er�c� 5.45°04'Q�2°'E., �5:50 #e�t; th�r�c�e 5.4�°55'S8"W.,; �3:30 feet; thenc� S.:�5°0�'Q2"�, , 66. 5Q fE�t; �hence N. �4°55'58"E, , 32. 5� �e!e#; ihERCe S. 45°0�4'0�2"'E� , 44� 30 ��e�eto �hence N.85°32'04"E., 46.10 fieet; �hence N.�4°55`58°E., 39.Z� fee�; thence S.13°D6'48°W., i23.00 �eet to a point on �he Southerly [ine of saitl Lot B-2; thence on an angTe io th�e right Qf 80°3E'4�" and along sa�d Souiherly Iine and along a c�rrve �a tMe [eft having a radius of 30i.57 ��e�, a cEntraf angle of 20°40`41", an arc dis�ance of 11j.00 #ee�; #hence N.3Q°25'�0"W., �o�� 201.55 feet to the point of beginning; can#aining 0,562 acres� , QsFMFti� PARCEL E-2: B�g�nRfng .at #h� mos�o ortherly corner of !o� B=2, l�nn'� Ridg�e Subdivi�si�n, Couniy of Eagl�, Stat� of CoiQrado; ih�n��e S.57 �0 .�2 E. ar�d alnRg #he Nor�h��st�rty 1 ine of said Lot �-�2, 138. 38 ��e:et; ther�ce � S. �4°55' S8 °1N. , 2g . Q5 ���e�; t6ence N. 45° 0�' Q2°W. , 13. �0 ����; tf�ence S. 44°55' 58"W. , 19 . 60 ����; th�nc� �, �� N. �3°��AO�"I�. , 66. 5Q fe�t; th�nc� S.:�4°55'S8"W. , 4Q. 10 �eet; �h�n�e N. 45°Q!4'02"�. ,�5. 96 �ceet to a �°�' � �b poin# on the Nor�i��e�t��[y � ine �f .s�id Lo� 61�; �hene�e on an ang€e ta ih� right af 85°�4°1�`� and alon � �ph \ '� . said North��s�e�ly �in� arrd �[ang � cu�v� to �t�E [ef� h�v��rg a radius of 406.53 fie��, a c�;r��ra! ang Y� : � �f �B°20'53", an arc distance af 59.��3 �Eet to th� poin� �f beginning; con�aining Q,1:41 :acr�e�. � E����•••..• � • \ '°���•,• 3 � O d•� ;i �I � �r �• 0 e�. (i � � ' �� . . �l` , « . i 1e � O T e Q3 i �^�� � V �' �s s• 1! � E. M�x S�ra�ini, R� ste.r�� L�nd Surv�eyor No. 25 .c ;% N� ��: o": � •. � * � ����1► ;�� . � •*� � r I . ��i �•^...•q'` � ,: � �ORTHNESTERN NAT(ONAL L#FE l�ISURANCE COMPANY, a MinR�sata Corpar.ati6n, as Owner of i[t� h���in-d��c�i6�tl � `� � I �� . ° prop�rty does h���hy c�r#i#y tftat this t��p af SNOWLtgN A`� VA[L (A Condominium Proj�c�) h�s be�n p�epar:ed .M � pur ant to e p[�rpos�s sta#�d in �F�e Gor�dominium D�c1�3.atiQr� �a� SNOWL[�N AT 11�tt (A Condominiut� Proj�ct)��°RD�A :� I r� on ��n 2QT_ , 1970, in Book� 1 9 , Pag¢ y�l a , R�eco��s af the Clerk and � RECO�d�e�, County ofi Eag��, S���e �f Go[aratla. � ........ . � V / D'�NORTNIIESTER�I NATCQFtAL L# FE INSURANCF COMPANY . �, �"�' ��"�.;� '� / �y .� �--_.. ,� - �rc � � • . ; 1 � /��.'� '�t�-`l, �,+�„�..�.,., -� +'- � B, M. foster - � � . V. M. Keen ; ; �ice President Assi��a�t Sec�etary _ - �r''� , � t, : G I W �� � o m G o a QP� I �° ° / . / / / � � ro , ' EQSEMENT I / / / / On I y Parce � A on th i s fi�ap i s� resentjY b� i ng sub j Eci ta that cErtaFn Condominiurri D�cfar��tion rscor�d�� in Book_ .°ZI q Page /d ihe ba��ncd2 �r" T[�� s�u�vey :sha[ [ nn�t be sub ject thereto. � � \ -� •• ...� STATE OF COLORADO � SS ;' �� ,tt,,� �` CiTY AND C017NTY 4F DENVER ) ' �'� '• �+�`�-_ . - ThE foregoing 4��r's Ce�ti�icate �ras ackno�ri�dg�d be�a�� m�e #hi�� �_day of_ ��-�,.� , 1970, bY B. M. Fost�r., Vic� President,.antl V� M. K�en, Assistant Secretary o� F�1RTN�tESTERN NAT(OF(At L[FE iHSURANCE CQMP�t�Y, � Mir�R�sn�a Co�poration. Wiinsss my hand artd of#iciat s�a� thi°s�day �# , 1�70. My c�rr�ni ss i an exp� i�e�: �r�► R. BERGIAVE , Mfaa. �h � � 7u�y la. 14T7 �� No�a;y Pub �cl 1, E. M�x S��afini, � Re��s�er�ed E�rg�ne�r, do h�r�eby c�er�E#y that ihe ma� s�6stantially d��icts t[�� loca�ion and the horizont�f and ve�tic�l m��sur�m�nts �f the bu�lding, the ur��ts, �f�� t�nit �e�ig�atior��, th� tlim�n�ions o� �i��e units, tfi��e e[EV�#ions of t[�e e�nfiRi�f���d #fooF� ar�tl c�rlin�s, �� co��tru�ct��, �fre buil�ir����yrt�bol, �� such m� was p��par�d subs.eq�rent #o sups�anti aE campl��t�Q fi�he [ rnv�m�r�t;s. ��!� E� A"�' � . , ...'��,, o..,,..... : •�ta ;, ., - E. Nlax S��raf i n i, R �t:er�d Engi ne�� No. 2 68 ; �: �� '+ ���'•`- �.. �.;...,_. e�. � � : � t:r�.♦ •- �.�.►�" . � 'M . �'. ��,e �+:" �, STATE OF CQLORADO � : � '!� �'� Cf TY AFID CQUNTY Qf QENVER } SS e ;•, .eg •�,O* ,3 ' , Tfi� �OIEgOlRg C�T�[fIC��E W�S �ckROwf�edg�d before mE this_�?,_.da �f�ELEMBE� �g1� b E Max S�ra r�'�`��- :"� � Y - � R�egis��r�d Enginee�. Ai#n�ss my haRd and afficiat s��t ihis 2� day nf_DE�E�nbE2 , 1970. My comm i s.si on �xp i r�s: � w�:�-�i'r�+��� ���fes Aprifi �8, 197I � �� � Not�ry Pu� 1 i c ��-� i� _ G� STATE 0F COLORADO } `.A " � � �- �-- T- � COUh�TY Of EAGLE } Ss _ S Accepfied fo r f i f i n E n'thE o f f i e� o� �h� C� erk ar►d R!�co rde r�f th�e Goun#y o f E�gt !�, Co {��ado i a t�. o'c I ock,.�.M. , th i s da� of , A. D. , 1970, as R�c�piion No. �1.�435- , i� �ap C�s� No. `�. , D��w�r_ �'S `� . a�lsa t�¢corrd.e� ,SoaiE' � tq�. Pas� �}#/ Cierk and Recorder Coun�y o�f E agt �, Sta�e afi C� I o raolo O O O � r � � MEURER SERAFII� a MEURER INC. CflNSULTING ENGINEERS - 2901 W.19TH. AVE. DENVER, COLORADO 80204 ,. �� �� � t �. £.: 4' � _� :� _ � -� � � �t � � _� m . � � � � � i� L � N �1 N � � � � � �� � � � \ �i cim N _i r _� � � _Q - _� -a �, _� � ,, .. �A � ,, ��� , „ - 9 3/� 13$ _ 2�� , ,� �3 -o � . „ � ^ O , 24�` $, � ,� 2Q- - C, , ,� ?A- -� � � �_.� � � '_ 2+/4 2G �- 9 3/4 � � � � � i�-�'� 13'-0'' o-o�� 138�-2" FI R5� �Lo�R PLAn �/s" = i -a � ,, � i3-o 1 , ,. _ 2�4 I �� - 9'��4 � � � , '„" � io- o'' � � . ; , ,� -3 I �N � _,� ; _o � M N ' � N �N �9 i -�N : M \ \9 - ;^a �N i � =\ N _\ O _c G.�o � n D F L vv R P LA f� V8- - �'-o i A CONDOMINIUM PROJEGT � SHEET NO 2 OF 5 c ILI�'URER - SERAF/N/ AND MEURER /NC. COiVSULT/NG ENG/NEERS - 2901 t�1! /9TH. Al/E. 1�ENVER, COLORADO 802Q4 7 � � � i� i q 1 n � v i n � n � • � n 14�-s" _ �-lo�' 7�0�� 'L5-2�4 lo-o _� �'° lo-c5 I�-9'�/4 7-0 �o-0 14-8 SE�on� FLUVR P�An vs„,i�-on �M � 1 _N M _ ,— N _� � _N � � 'Si � �g M - . _� -u0 �1' V N � _� a � ,� =��1 I�i � � _ 1 N e A CONDOMINIUM PRaJ EGT SHEET NO 3 QF 5 �IEURER - SERA FlN/ �4N0 MEURER /NC. CONSUL TlNG EN�/NEERS — 290/ W. /9TH AVE. DENVER, COLORA �4 80204 I f- � a .� � ,, � �� 0�� � 2fo _y3/4� �3$ _ 2a 13 - O'� I 35�- 2 �/4� - o" � � �� TNIRD FLooR P�An ��s'' _ �,� �� E�. �c��nD FL • 81�2.31 noR-rN E�EVaT�on V8" - f ,`a, $190•2e 8181.2� 8l72. 26 8162.31 � A C� ND�MINIU� SHEET NO 4 OF 5 PR�J E CT ,2 �2 tV EST EL�VATID� Ii8' ^{ _aR� 7/�' /yIEURER - SERAF/Nl AND MEURER /NC. C'ONSUL TING El4tGINEERS - 2901 W. /9 TH. AVE. DEiVVER, �'OLORADO 80204 ; -0 � N SOUTN ELEvATIoh ygu _ I'-o' � � �L.o �n� SEGT lon I/¢" s I�^o' A +�ONDQMINIUM PR�JECT SHEET NO � 5 OF 5 N _� Ft. 8(9b. EL : SEC.ariD FL .� S I 8 I.25 El.: FI2sT Ft. 1 Bi"i2• 2� EAST E L E VAT I C�("? 118� - �=o" � � 1� � � � ❑ ��I 0 I� � � � �. Ii�EURER � SER�4F/N! AND MEURER /NC, �'ONSULTi1UG ENGINEERS 290I W. /9TH. AI/E. �ENVER, COLORADO g0204 _ ,�.