HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 4���.;mmrse,m..�-..�, .. . � _.. . ..... ... _:.. �IAAllll 1 � �� � �1 � � - ' � ( � � I � �� � � . I .7 � ! � AI�.���� �g� ���R�!!��"#w!7�"p�l��°!aRm+RRT"�r�!„',!m.�.+m��..�m.�='..�A+"^.r+^rnr.,.,-�,--,..�,...-.,..-...,._:.„.--....._ ... . ..... ....�...�-.,. ._--,_..�-,y "'.,,-_ ,', . . ... ...__.. ___'-_ y � R. . 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H, -_-_ 2°0<,, M I -=-- --_' -- D�, - -- I � a, � _ ` . \ — ' J ��: I��� � \ \ __� � � N '� . ��.4 �Op , / ��` � --�� � � � � ( IsC�B �� �` \ �/ N � � \ �'�- 2 �— .� � i 0 �� ;► 5 �� _ �� I � 1 —�. _.� II 1 � -I I v'-= b I' - I ( '� I - ; � �r � .. ° / .// � � I �-- �� ��J II— II— i� �n t �� ,� IPOI NT 01= IBE�3ININ IIVG // NE I/4�, PJW I/4 / �•� SEG. 8 � I ^r I I-- � I �1 � \ � \\\ //- ��_ —_/ . � � , ,- r,. �V SCAI_E: I" -� 5 0' 0 F-1 l_ I ��I (� a...�l�' �„� � I,� - . ,._.,,,--„�.�„--�—P..m�.r�mTTnirsv'e°*.°,!el,T+I�eIPNI�P�A�IR�� I ' ' ' � ,�., /.,. �� � �CE:R'TIIFI(�A,TI� OIF C�WNE:R,SHIIP �4ND DIECiICA��ION K'NOV�l �4L.L MIE�V 8Y' 1'H�ES�E 'P'Rl=S�E�VTS;, 1thc�t each of the� �m��e�rsigr�ed F►ersc>ns� �ref�ers h�erein� i�o thie fa�llc�winq desciribed lands as the �� Platted �.arids �� . A► part c�f Tro�ct A►, V�oil Viflc�ge, F�irst F�iling, aindl ci p�art �of a'�R'es�ubdivisic�n of Tract A�✓ail Village„ F'irst F'iline�° lying ir� i�he Morth�ea�st ome��qt�oi�ter of' the Morthwesl� ��n�e-qu�arter of Sectic►n 8, 'fo�wnship 5 South, Rcin��e 8i� 'We�st, E��gle C��unty C.ol��rcidc�, mo�re partic,ularty ck��cribed a�s foll��ws; Bleg�inining at a p��int �m tM� E:o,�fi IinC oi�d 13�4.17 feet Mo.rth� of 1rhE� �io��tl�easl� corn�er oi� the fVortlheast one-�qu�or'rer c�f th�� INortl�w�es'f one�-quairter cif Siec'fic►n 8, T�o�wms.hi�p 15 'So�utN, Ran��e 8�0 WE!st a�f th�� 'Si�;th Princip�ol h�eiridlian ;, the�nce Nort�heirly ciloi�g s��id E:as�t line� a �dia�tance o1` 13�i.3�4 fee��; tlhence ori cin amgle tc� the Ileft of 79°'2(��C)0° a �distance of 2_Oi�.00 feet; tt�er�ce on an ��n�glE� t�� �the le1't ��f 9�0'° a di�stc�n�c�e a�f 8EI.9�9 fe!ef� �fo a� {�oint on a curve ; th��nc:e on an ai�gle to the ri�ght of IO6°°il� 19�' andl along a c�urve to the� vight hcHi�ng a� rad�ius of 70.O0 feet and a oentrc�l arigle of 7'°C�8'��l°�on orc ciistance� af B�.T.3 f'eefi ib �a ��oint of tcmg�er�r; tihen�ce a lor�g soiid �la ngexrt o disttmc:e �af �4 �i6 f�ee!1 ro ci p�� i rit o n� the Mo r t h I ii ne� F>f G�o r�� C r e E� k[) r. i v e� ; t h e n� ce c> n a n a�ig 1 e to tlie I��f t c�f 9O ° a dlis4arice ��f 4�).(� t�!ei' 1�o m p��in�t on� flhe S�ou�th lin�e ��f Gc�rE! (;r�eek D�riv�e ; thence on �n angle to the left of 9►0'° a ciis�tanc.e af �4.56 f�eet fo ai �point c�f curv�e ; th��nc;e alor�g a c.urve to tF�e left havir�g a radiu<.> �of I 10.0O feet a�ndl �o central cinqle of 24°' a�n a��c dist�ance of 4'�6.�l3 ifeet tc� �� poin�f ��f t��nge�nt ; tfie�nc�e allor�g s��idl f�ar�geni� �o di��ta�nc� of 2C►4.7�i fe�et t�� the poirrt ot beglininirig . T'h��t 'Vail �►s>oc:ia�te�s, L,td., ce�rlrifiies i�hait . it is, the� c�wiier of aill ple�tl�ed Ilar�d�� suibjec.t to eas�errier�ts a�ndl righrFs-of-�wa�y of r��ccxd. T'hat �✓ai I�1s�>oc:'icite�s, L.tdl., fa�r itseff does he�re�byr Ilay cwi�, plat and re:�ubdivide the platte�d la�nds i�nto such� lot> �os a�re shown on th�is pla1' �unde�r thi� i�aime� ond sty�� ��f "1/A I L. V I LI_�►G E, F'OiUFtTH F I L I NIG°� T'ho�t V'ail A,ss,ac;ia�tes, L_ttl., h�er��b�� i�x��e��ts� an�i rese�rv�es to rt>elf, its succ:e:�s��r�� and o�ssiigr�s, im fe�e sirnple a�bs�ol�utE:, �oll portions� af tlhe p�lalrted loncls s�ho�wri c�s Gor�e Cree�k D�ri��e ��n tliis plat . T'hat V'aiil A,ssocia1�es , L_tel., t�y these presen�ts dloes dedi�co�fe ta� p�ub�lic, �utilifies an�i �sonit��tion elis�lri�ct�� irhE� rig�ht to ins1�a II, Raimfciin emdl ��p�ercrte n�ains,, tir��ns�riis��ion lin�es, serurice� li�ne�; , i�ppurt�enancE�s „t� prrwi�de such utility�, �wate�r �and sainitary sewrer service w�itlhin� thiis subdivisi��n or pro��ei�ty i�oi�tiguous theret�o, o�rer, un�de�r arxl ai�rc�ss the dlrives arid ciircles� as cire� �shc�wn on thi> pla1�, alsa� �easeme!nt�s fc>r u�tilityr ani� draiina�ge pur'pE1SE!S as showrn . T�hat V'ail Ass��ciaf�es,, L1`d., di�clares ��nd a��rE�e!� that the pla��ted lands� s.hall be subje�ct t�o the protective covenants a�s r�ecorded ir� Bo�oh;__ I'T4___at Page_ �?'�! _nf th�e record�s of the Cl�erk an�i Re�ca�rde� of !Eagle� Ga�nty, C�ok,rcido, whic;h are inc��r��o�ra4ecl he�re�in b�y referience., V'AIL L�SSC)CIIA'TE;S � �LT'D. �a k�i�nited Pcirtnersi�ip By 1rh�e Va�il Gorpa�ra�tic�n- Cier�eral Pai�tner A,TTE=ST : . - �� � ��� - ��,' , ti `" , �I �t ei y ---- -- �' --=�=- �- "--'= =-- -- — --- B �� ------L -�_ _ `=---�---- — � ��#��' _ �'��`,:'t�i2-- P�t�er vl�. SeitSer�hl;ene+ral P��r4nerr P�et�er W�. Seibert- F�r��sNieir�t K:eilth L. E3r��wn-- �;e�;r��tary STl�T E (�F (;OLGR A I�d► )� C. I T' Y�1 N D CO U N T'Y 01� DI_ M V E F2 ) s� S T'hE� �Fo�regoing� instr�ume�nt �rm�s acknowrledged' be�fore nie tl�is—�'_2t'�day c►f.���,t1��1` Q.D. 19i63, by P�etE!r W, Seibert„ cme� of fhe Gex�e�ra�l P�artn�ers a�f V'ail A!ss��c!ial�es�, Ltd., a liimite!d partnersriip, a�nd t>y Pe1�er 1N. Seilbert„ as F'resHdent a�f T'hE� Vail C;o�rp�oratio�n, Mrhich� corporation is the �other (;e�ieral IPortiier �of Vail A��se�ci�ates„ l_t��. . V�✓if�ne�ss� my han�d and si!al. Mly ccim�mi�ssion i�x�pires _�c�� ��4,..��`'� —___ . ---- ����a _���s.� ----------- �J o1�a r y IP u bl �� c A,Pf�RiOWAI_ 01� TF�E E30AIRCI I�F' (;OUMTY COAAh�I�>SIIOfVER�i 01� EA�Gt_E I�O�UPJTY T'hi:s Plot ofi V,AIIL VILLi4GE,F�OUIR��H F'ILINt; is aI�P�'�'�d f�or filin�g in thie record:s of tlhe (',Ie�rM; cmcl Re�cc�rcier of 1=agl�e �Couh�ty Col��n�d�� . D ate �I __�,r.��e���-3 d��_3_ E30 A R 0� OF� COU N'f Y' I�O�M IM I S> IO Ni E f�S By� -----�� 12Cr� �-�1e���---- ---=!I�' o.�? ����— /�2�.�,�r�e�--- C h c� i ir Ri a n C ler k 1� E; R'T I F I C A T E!OF_ S IJ R'V E=Yip Ft f, IE. Mox Serafini , ai Ilarid �surveyor, re�gi�sterre�d wnd�er the Ia�NS of 4he �itate c►f Ca�lo�rada�, do hen!b�� c:ertify th�at 1rhe� �surve!y ofi V'AIIL \/Il_LA(iE,FOUR'THI F'IL.IWG w��s n�a�de und�er nny s�upervi�sic>n cind ��hc�t tNis F'tat �xcx,ralr!ly shows, a,ai�d subdivi�tio►�,' , �, , . D�at�ecl this I�� 1�h d�oy o1f ,Au�ust ,A.D. 09E;3 � '', � —5.��� �. , �!%��� �—_--: �-..��.c.ar�; sd,aQ_ —_ _ � _.� ' - ;", :. < E. AA QK Se:r ci f i n i �� `�'�'�' � ; �� . Ri!gi�sti!n�d Lan�� Sur�re��ar . � : r,. ,,, ;; . CEf�TIFICAI�E ��F' iCO�UIVT'Y (;LEI�K; AWD F!Ei�Q�RDER OF E�AC�LIE COUNIT'Y � I„—�Z��.�nc�.�� �7 :�3c�s: �.f ,�� I is r k a r�d F!e c: o r d i! r a�f E �o g le Cou� nry, C�o Ic► r c� d o, her �e b y a �cc�� pir th is P�I a t of V�41 l_ 'V I IL L. A�G E: , FOUR'THI F'IL.INIG fo� filine� in r�ny rer,oird�; as indic��te�d b�ele�w . Dated —Srp�� �.1;P.��—_��-��_ „ . , , i �orn4�S f-1�S�L�G�Ss�� _ -------� --- ��IE�rM; and Ri!ce�rciei� �of Eac�le (�oi�My, Col�xaidc► � f're�pove d by � ` 1�'��U'f���Fr' --,SE"f��4 f"ll�ll' ,�a�N'L� llN'E"C/l�E'f� � � Cor,rsu l ti �� g� En yr i ��e e rs -- 2 9 O,l W: /�� 1,h �f v��. ,� , _. � , De•�r��► 4„ ' C��J��r�o dc� � I , j � � �.� w � ��, /��/�/ ' /�il �/ 'ri.. • i/ . � ; �{ � , - .,. � � �I� /7�'e w��' • ' �► �� _ _ ., �� 0 , . � /'. _ _ . �. � � �� � m R ,. f .1 .'I �T. ' r � , =, � w �'w+ � � �,, , .; �.. "'�' r �+af � `.� � , •« ^ ��