HomeMy WebLinkAboutStephens Subdivision - Amended Platr--�����...� �v�v � �� � P I I TRUE POSITION OF W I/4 CORNER, SECTION 14. - � BRASS �AP W'T"ESS �°R"ER aEARS q PART 0 F TH E N I/ 2 S W I/4 S ECT I ON i 4 TOWN S H I P 5 SOUT�-I W.C. N% N 01°33' W, 19.80' > > i ,3.3j, �.s �6�� RS,.qT� AL lA s,ozs, H���w RANGE 81 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIP MER1D N °9�"E �� �� � TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO O 1 7 R = 2680.0 L = 26.2� CH = N 65°07� 16�� E, 26.2� �9% �O , s ZON ING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE PLANNING 9ND ENVIRON"iENTAL COMMZSSION CFRTIFICATE (N 65°03'30"E , 26.11' CALC.) e�o 09, This final plat is he�gby approved y th Town of Vail,��Q�j,pg FROM HIGHWAY R.O.W. DATA THAT HAS BEEN �y Adminisirator this� day of �q. p. ��. This final plat wa� approved by he 'Ijown of Vail Pla�and Environmental ROTATED TO MATCH DEED BEARING BASE OF Stl. pin w/cap Commission this �;_ day of �� , A.D. , L.S. 16827(Typ.) A TEST� � PARCEI_ � �`�b�j ��/IrW�/VI. • ' ATTEST: d' �s ' � � � M � Town Clerk Zoning Administrator o� PARCEL A � ? Town of Vail Town of Vail �__ �� Town Clerk t1' 0. 7 3 A C. S�O • Town of Vail, Colora o Town of ail Plannin and (D Enviromm �tal Commis ion N' W.C. / L.S. 16827 POINT OF BEGINNING � NW CORNER o NW I/4 SW I/4 SECTION 14 BRASS CAP MONUMENT o L.S. 16827 NOTE: A final plat for Stephens Subdivision was recorded on May I7, 1984 in Book o � �3gR 385 at Page 690, Reception No. 281994 in the office of the Eagie County, ----EXISTING PARCEL BOUNDARY � � 1 , Sg Colorado, Clerk and Recorder. By their signatures hereon, the owners and TO BE� ANDONED �, �e� � 9�34�0�„ the Town of Vail declare such final plat ta be vacated, abandaned, nuli and � � w `� �9 , ^� void „and of no further force and ef fect whatso�ver. S 62°59 �49 �� / `�O �` / NORTH LINE ` H/ , \ / N I/2 SW I/4 � n,�� ` �c � �27 8e � \ o �p � SECTION 14 0 O� ��' � `.80. � � /� \ M \ � ti ACCESS EASEMENT "' 9� � `° N g2 2`�2 y NOTE : � ��3036� g1• EASEMENT BEARINGS ARE 3 M s3,, \� ROTATED COUNTERCLOCKWISE � 99 TO MATCH �EED BEARING BASE ,M Z � � ��' OF PARCEL ( 00°02' 54 "� �p O � M e2 PARCEL B ? i�3 9,�o , o. 5a ac. T 0 W N 0 F VA 1 L 2 LOT 23 , S ECTION 14 y �o � _+- APPROXIMATE 100 YEAR F�• I CALE� i"= 30' APPROXIMATE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN FLOOD PLAIN ,�, �Q., e�o � • . �9 • O IS 30 60 � , ' . �p . �S F pin w/cap 63. L.S.16827 S . 9e o `9/ s 5�� s� �v 06' IO" yy �� `�i7� , � ti ��B c,� ,' ' �/ o � p ^ 2/ �r'6`, 20' SANITARY h � se3o SEWER EASEM _ 302.33' o p �p�, S2 EN T °0 4 32 . -° ( BOOK 217 �� �� ' g� . , PA G E 96 ) y � � � ti PAf�CEL C 3 33��� S / � 'SS o PA R C E L D .�� p , 0.43 AC. 'a" e'° s• O � 1.99 AC. A' / °os pin w/cap L.S. 16827 MEADOW CREE K CON DOMINIUMS PHASE I A PPROX. � OF 10' `s e GAS SYSTEMS -�- TO UTILITY EASEMENT � �9 �� BOOK 271, PAGE 534 \ / \ /� �� � / KINNICKINNICK RD\ INTERSTATE 70 WEST VAIL SUBJECT SITE � \ �� ��, EXIT PH �. .. �, ... �'i �'� �--�•- � GORE CREEK � \ / \ �LUPINE ST. \ \ / / ��� \ \ /�`�TOWN OF VAIL BOUNDARY�/ \ B.L.M. vAi� INTERMOUNTAIN � (�p� . VICINITY _ �MAP NE C��/ NOTICB: nccurdiil�� to Cc�lor<icl�� ]a�.a vuu i;�u5t ��ummuilec :iny 1eg<1] actic�n �� based ul�un any def��ct i_n �his titirvcy within six years after you first discover such defect. In no evenL m:iv .�n�- aci_ion based upon any clefect in this survev be commence�l mor� tl��n ten years i=rom the date ot the certi�ic�ition shown li��r����r.. EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING AND SURVEY INC. 1000 SOUTH FRONTAtGE RD. WEST , VAIL COLORADO � s �, / / / �1\0 9 � 2) . o� 2e� 00�� � /� BRASS CAP �b ��B � �6' , ��'l/ O / � ��' W. C. ?�s ' 39 • , o0 ,, ,�. � 1 2��0 ' S� N 87°38�42�� W 16.80� \ ,�O 2g ,�/ � , ��e. � - _.� ' p9 � •9�0 o,�a1 �40. `85 pg � e" � N 28°01'S4"E , 18.64� \ � �w N oi° 3i' w, ia.o'` Qg 0� ,�,�o Q2 N 87°09� E, 15.0' � i 5 .�'\ \ `,�� o . � ,,o� MEADOW CREEK CONDOMINIUMS s s�°o9'w, is.o' . p��W���P � PHASE Ilf O L.S.16827 O' o �� �� NOTES •� �, 0�, I. DATE OF SURVEY � DECEM�ER , 1983 .3 2. MONUMENTATION AS NOTED � � 3. BASIS OF BEARfNGS - NORTH LINE \ 'h . o.° hj� WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT : II � � �� R E C E P T I O N N 0. O F M E A D O W C R E E K C O N O a M I N I U M S � PHASE I= S 67 09 W. � � \ so• � pin w/cap \ �.S.ise27 CENTERLINE OF ACCESS EASEMENT BOOK PAGE N 66°30'00�� W , 41.59� WAT E R \ ' \ EASEMENT �2`' � � go. � Z�� \ , �o.00 � c�.��:!:h ,�:vu �:��c���L�rR�s cc��rlrzcATt. This I�lat was file�l fur r�curd in th�• uffice uf the Clerk asid Kecorder c�n c � � this ��'� c1.ay uf i��C� , t�. D. , ��S , at �i� c� `� lo�k � . `1. �y���`r\<Z����il / 'C R ` Recorded inder Rc���� >ti�>�� ^'c� �Jr'C�/0 ;. , uk � Pa � 4. A��•,�S" ;4} S vP�NE L Anq floodplain madification that is constructed for the Stephens Subdivision shall not change the approved number of units or gross residential floor area �for each parcel. , � , . :, . _ _,, �,.� -- ``- ��- 1bQ� Q�� . �'p+4r� ..... .,. = •�' '•• � f . �„ � f. .�„ ,,,, '•,; ,�, ! � �j �, : ., , �. OV���v�t� 1 �' i� , li : � Clerk and Recorder � � �� ; �'�'. I:agle County, Colorado t�t s r ; �,�� �r' . F_� � �1 y ; . - - - - ��� 1�'`_"_ "��i# �?�,c �' .� �� .� gy: � � �.+� •�.....••'�.� �- � � � Deputv �<<,����� Know all m�n bv these presents tl��_t rlllen J. Stephens, i�t:�rion L. Stephens, and Jean Ai. ?�lartin, beiT�g sote otisz� rs s_�� ��E� silnpl_e oi «11 that r�al prc�rerty situated in the Town oi G'ai1, �: <«7�_ C�unt.�, Colot.ido, descr��Led as f�o11_c>ws: Thc�se portions oT tlie NE��4 Sb;l �_'� „�td �'«I_�'=f S�di_�4, Sceti��n 14, '1'c��vnslii,� 5 S��uth, R�tnge 81 t•lest ot tlle 6tli Prine ipa_L '�rricti_ail, describ���l .is ft� LZ��ws : BeQinnin� at tIie no7-thwest cornc�r ��` Sai_<i !`,h;l/4 St•Jl/4 whence tlic. tru� pusition of the West IJ4 Coraer uf saici Seeti_on i4 b�ars S 87°09` ia 1380.06 1=eet; thence N g1°09'1: v15.00 fe�t, aluz�g tlie norther?_v_ iine of said NL'1/4 SlJl�4 to the Gaesterly line of Meado�a Creet: Cond«mini_ums Phase ZII, �ccording to the condo- niinium map tllereof recorded in the o{Eice of the Ea�le County, Colorado, C].erk and Recurder (Glerk`s Records?; t!lence the fol_lowing twc� courses along said westerly 1ine: (1} S 33°Q2' ':� 1_�35.�9 feet; (2) S Ol°31 ` I; I30.0 feet to tlie �orther?�r line of Mea�'ow Creek Condominium:> Phase II accordin7 to th� cc�ndominium map tlier�ot recorded in the Clerr.'s Rec�rds; thence, al�nr the northerly line oE said tifeadow Creek Condominiums Phase TT. and the northerly line of Meadow Creek Condominiums Phase I according to tne c�ndominium map thereof recorded in the Cleric's Reeords, S 87°49' �d 31_0.0 feet, to the caesterly line of said , NE1/4 St�?1/4; thence continuing along the said northerly line o{ Meadow Creek Gondominiums Phase I, S 83°32' [J 156.t�Q feet, thence Pd 39°11'30" W 264.)1 reet ta tht satitlierly ri7ht-of-wav line oF Interstate Hi�hwav No. 70; tlience tlie following three courses along sazd southerLy right-of-way line: (1) 26.2 feet along the ar� of a 2680.0 foot rae�ius curve to the right, having a calculated central angle of 00°33'30" and a chord that bears N 65°07'16" E 26.2 feet (; 65°03'30" E 26.11 calculated}; (2)'N h7°25'09" I? 197.10 feet, to the nar.therly line of s�lid NtdL/4 StJl/4; (3} tilen�e, a1un�; said northerty line, N 87°09' E ti��l,'; f-�,t L. ;�` t��t' c)t�lilC ��t l�.�r-1�1-�1[l?� �'C�.T-1t:11t11I1`.� �i.(9 �1�'iCS� i?lUTC' nT �C'SS. have by these presents laid aut, platted and subdivided the same as shown on this final piat under the name and style af "Amended Plat, Stephens Subdivision", a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Colorado; and does hereby accept responsibility for the completion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accom- panying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those partions of said real property which are indicated as easements on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the.right to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the ser- vices for which the easements are established. Executed this �_ day of 1�• , 19$5. OWNFR: ��� - - - -- :�zl�� � . e l��ns � Y.o. B�� �� Jai]_, C�lorado 81658 Otti'NEP�: _� ' Marion L. Stepficns P.O. Bos 3099 V<�i_1_, Colorad<� 81658 �ivN�R: --�� __ � J an i�l. t�lartin `J�il, Coloraclu 8165i3 ti"1'.i`CI�. �F � � ) --- - -- } ss. ;;���;T�� or _ _ �� } (ure oing Certi�icate uf ;)c.dicatiun a!Zd Ownership ��as acknowledgecl before �;. ��is �_ day uf �C,t7._ , A.D. ,!�� , by Allen J. Stephens and , �n I.. St�phens. �� mission csxpires q_-_ �_3- $�o _ . � �:;,! �,��,�! . - - PRY P�B ` � 0� ,„......... l� b� �l . ° �•.' � -------- -� - -:-�� •�� :�ot.iry ��ti� _1_� �, q gA,R.BARA A. �; 1�a�� ��5s : I!!�. I�' OX � l y-q _�T�PHENSON ; -����, co ��g .fo4 : . i .t. , � � l�� _ ) 91E;•QF, �pL��P �. i s s . ' . . (�' � �Ui..� ? 1'i��• ` urt.��in� t;ert ii i�atc� �f I)edi_��at i��n and (�wnership was a��kno�aledged before :���• ti�i_5 � d�iy «E -�, /�. ---' �'�.11. , �Q�.��, by Jean PI. MarCin. ?1v C��nunissi.on expires _ -(-i�• �� `.i itn�s� :ny liand and seal. ^ � r - - - G��.�.�_ _� =�_ _�-__-_�� _- - � � d r �� s I:�� ���:� �C 31 � E �p`RY• P(/6'� . '". / - ----�,`tL�.�� -- � (iO!���''Si' a ' € sa�eAg� A. ; sL�z�.=r���,�z's cFr�T��rc,a7r�. � STEPHENSONi `!' �s �o I do hereb�� c�rfity that ?�t:;i ,i rc�gistereci I.an:l Surveyor li��ensed �i �1-�','•.Zhe •�Q •�•.. Iaws of ttie St<?t� ��f Cc�lorada, tf�at this piat is truc, correct, ancl �F�.t�o`Q� as lai_d o��t, pl�itt�d, d�d�ic�itc�d �ind sha�an hereu�t, that sucli Plat was m_ 1-rum an �iccur<it�. surv��y of s��id prunerty by me and under my supc�rvision ana correct]_v sho�•,s Lhe locatie�n �lnd dim�nsion:�� of tF�c ?ots, c�asements and streets �at" s�ti�I si�bdivisi_on as the sa!�e ar� stalced ugon tile �rc�uncl in comp7.i<�nce with :�npl icab 1 e rc�;u LaE �e� ��,�?����Riy�,�� tl�e sul��' i v i s io�� � i Land . .�'`�1i C'Qt>. ♦ ......,, �Q . iIl C1i�ilCSS t'tlt„--C'.t?�����*����EQ��ii� �!'y.���,,1�111i� :IR�,� �;l'�l� rlt'.5��� Ci�iV Ui ���_ � .� Q ; Q- � �i _..i)., tq�' •: � f � • � : • ; � �6��% ; � � �*: � i %N�'�'•�;'�o ��°.�'�q9� -- - -- ---- r,��� ..��SUR�.,•�Q• �ti� Da:�n ��� �;,,i-� ��i-i.i _ ���i��FQ���O\-��,�,J�� Cu1�,�,�.«i�, Lan�l Surv����,�or I�u. 1h�2; TI�?'.�i: f:,:R`1'�1'1�,.�'_'l'1? � ��_ 11_T'��.Qt �t ��c� `.��r�rt�v c��?�tify ttiat 4re t:ave e_�rimin��d the Ti�i� �� al_1 1<incis �}:�>t �i u,>c>-� ��:is p]_at and tii:�t "i'it 1 e tu such lands is free and clear of al_1 liei�s, tax�5 ��nd�cumbrances, escept as follows: � 1_�s�� _ �T� _ �.w• _a «� �. f�t1• r .t �e►.. Nn._'�a�� - - �- 1�. �0. _��RAt'i - �io - � _�!� _ � _ i � � �j �0 _ � 1_+Z���as0 �.. _ �� j �A�M►� ���b�tK�irb a� _ 6�se.�� ��'R cerd -- --- - - - -- - -- ----- ---- - Ds��� t�1�s 31-- a��ti- �f ahu►a�_ ,:1.»., -85 . � - -- T�t� � E�� -- � ----------- '}�, ' - � -- -- - �- �