HomeMy WebLinkAboutSunburst Filing 2, ...i . _..., . , ,... _ :, _ ,.; .�a . . - ; "�� � ` � � - �, � �; � -; , c :�_ �� ; �. �����' _� �� � ;� � � � � � . � � ,: _� � � , :,� � ._ �� � �� ��, ;� � �. � �� � � � � � � ,.. � - � ':� � � � :i°� �t � d° '�`� , � � � �\� ,� - : � � ��� � :.. . �' __ .' �: �.. � � �..�,, , � .,. �� � y E ,� rJ � � >. , ; '� I NY , ;``F i ' ; _ ; � � � � �� K1�QIN 'ALL MEN BY �THESE PRESENTS that �ach of tf�e undersrgrred person�s ref�rs her�ein �to ��he fal lowrng �fe�scr�i bed �!'anc�s ;as the "P I at t�ed L:ands .„ �A pari vf �the NortM haff af �Se'ctron.9, TawrrsFrip 5 Soufi�h, �Range �O West af �th� Srxth Prin'crpal Meridi`an 'Courrfi of 'Ea ie'. �Stat�e of °Colorado, more.part°i'cularly.de•scri6�ed as fo!l�ws': Y 9 y Co�tmen'c i ng at ihe ,No rt-hecrst :co rner o f�sa i d.��ct� i an �; th��'c:e 'S 00°0��';�0 E along ilre East lirre o� .sai.d '.Sect�ron 9 a �fi�stQn'ce o� l320.00 f�et to f�he Southeasi ;corner o�` the 'NortM t�t�l f af the Norih ha[ f of �sai d Se�ct�r an 9; th.err'ce N 89a23'4.�" W a'l�ng �•fie So.ut�h ��ine of the North ha1 f of �fi�Me North ho.! f af sai-d 'Se'cti on 9 a e�rstan'ce of 1�46..09 .f��et to the True Pain� caf Begir�nrng; �therice 'cont nuing M 89°�23'.�1" F"r' along 'sard �5suth � i�e af the Narfh ha! f af fhe Narth hcr! f 470.51 feet; ��iherice N C30 .36'l7" E l;86.�56 feet; '�h�en�e 5 89 23!.41 "E 1T0.. ! l.fe�et�; ' 'th�n'ce `N 00�:�0':00" E l99.8�2 fe'et; �tr►eric�e !V �9 � 2,3'.4i ". '�'Y '21;8. Q0 f��.t,; . thence S OQg�'i3' DO" `E l.09 .&�2 f'ee t; � , theric�e 'N 89 �23'4!" W!':4! . i.8 fee�t �f� a pornt on �ihe e�st�er.ly l.irre af Vcri ! Val !ey Fi r�st 'Fi 1�ing, a piatfed �s�r�bdivr`sioni in 't�fre �Town af Vail; t-hen`ce N 00�36' f7" E aJong the easi�erl y l ine Qf �said �/cri ! Va! !ey Fr rst Fi 1�ing !�4i.%�5 ��et; �hen�ce N 6'4°23'43" W atong the ecrsierly l ine �.# �sard Vai l�al l�ey Fr rst 'Fr l rrrg 35.,16 f�e�t to a paint on tFre east�erl� right-af-way � irre af 't�ai.l Va! l�ey Driv�; th�en�e,nortirve�s��erfy along �sard rrght-�f-way lirre and aJong �tfre arc of a'curve to tFre left having a 'cerrtra[' ang�e of ,89°�1'�30", '"a radru�s .of 7��'.00 feet and �who�se �long chord b��ar�s N 33°D9'�20r' W 1'd5.63 f���t, an ar'c drs,tance Qf 1 lT..P9 f�ei�; � t`:�ren'ce N T?"°�5'd5" W a!:lor�g �said rrght-of-way l�in�e of �Var.! "Va!!ey Dri�e F6'.�40 feet'; therice S 6�`���"' !9" :W 1`7. 13 feet; i p' t'.W fi4:05 fe��t to ,:a o�ini or� tfre �souther�y right�of=:way I irre of isaid Var 1�I/al l�y..Dr-:iv�; t h�enc�e 5 63 ,.Q5 48 p f�'fre�rce N!2°�5i'.43"`E 5p.Q1 t��t to' a p�int of" inter�sect�ion of ���Fre nort�rerly right�,-,a<f=way I irre of Var l Vatl�e� Drrve ond 'Sunbursf flri ve; � therice .alpng �the no�therly'right-of-way lin�s of •said Sunbur�st Arive the foll�win.g' faur (4) 'cour�ses; . (1) N �5�5°36'�:19" E 37.99 f:e�e`t .io -a .�oint of 'c�rYatur��; . _ (.�2� ��'h�erice �crs�terly alon.g the ar'c of a c�urve �to t`he right ha�ing a'centrcrl angle of �26°45'�!"� c� radru�s o� "�44:T! f��t, an a�r'c c�i�stcr�c�e of 20�2.47 f�eet to .a po�rrt of 'tangen'cy; (�,�. �h'en'ce N 81°4!'',30" F a.l.ong sai�d �t;angerrt S7T:�3 f�eet to :a paint of 'curvature; {4) t�,Frence s`out�reast�erdy along the ar,'c of. a. �curve #o t�e r►gtrf hdving a c�entra� angl�e of 50°38' !i'r� a rerdi�s o.f l35.00 feet:, an ar'c dr'�stance af I l9.3! :t.e�et to a po�int: on a non-tang�rrt 'curve t.o i':h'e rrghi; t�h�en'c�e ,southeasterly olong a'curve fo the rrght `havin� a'central 'angle of �T2°31 ,5,2rrr a radius of l89..10 fe�et and who•se long 'ch�rd bears "S �51 °.!8',24r' E��23.,7�2 f�eet; an arG di�sf:ance of �2�9.38 feef to a poirrt of t ar��G'l1'�Y; th�rice S 1°5°02`'�D" E a�QnQ �,stx.+d t angenf ! 15.00 ��eet �to a sarnt af 'curvat:ur�; �tfrera`c�e ��ou�theasf;�rly alan� tlre ar'c of a'curve t� the !'ett Frarvrr�g a'centrdf ungle of 4�2°06'13", a rae�ru�s ' of 108.8i fee:t, an ar� . d f�star�ce af 80.00 f+�e,#; - tfren'�e 5:3�2°.5T'.[8" W rpdial fo th�e prevrou�sly c�e�s'crib�ed cu.rve 93.8�2 f�eef; tfren'ce N 88°i07,.0!" W 3�6.4.� feet; tfrer�c�e :S 0!°',�2'59" W 88.;�'l fe��k:� �tfr�rac�e S 6�°�52'��59" W 164: T9 f�e�e t; th�enc�e N 90�'O��pQ'r W 68:TI f�ee�t; th�ence 'S 00°�0'(30" W l�59..T3 f�eet f;o �Fhe True Parnt of Begtrtrrrng, .,containing l3.7'50 �cre�s, more or l�ess.. � , . A RESU�BDlVlSI�N OF A PART OF SUNBURST AND A PART 4F THE NI/2 QF SEC.9, T5S, R80W OF THE 6th P. M. EAGLE CDUNTY, COL�RADO S HEET I aF 2 � That �irsf of Denver Mortga�e lnve�stors by thes�� �;r.��senis doe�s hereby lay aut, plat crnd �subdi�ride th'e Plati�ed Land�s rnt.o �su'ch lotis as are �shown orr th�i�s plat una�er th�e nar�e ar� d sf �y ! e o f "SUNEUf�ST F I�L 1 NG !JO . 2." That "Fi r�st of Denver Martgage �nvesta�rs doe�s lrereby �edicate �to tfre 7oc�r� �of Var ! for . th� �:�e of� th� �ubl�ic a!! raad�, streef�s, cir'cle�s, 'couri�s :an�! walkwa�s �shr�wn f�er�on, �subject fo su'ch e�QSemerrts and right�s-of-way Qver par#�s of �such raads, street�s, cir'cles, co�rr�ts and wa! kways as -are pre°s�errt 1��es t�d o f record or �shown on th i�s p l at . Thert Firsf� of Denver Mort�a�e lrave�stars hereby c�edicat��s #o f;he Tor�r� of �Vail for #�re crse of the ,�ub1i`c �the -�arrous utififiy �as��rents °sh�wn or� �his p��Crt for the �urpo�ses nf con�stru'ci�iorr, mainf�enance arrd re'con�struction of �sew�rage, wat�er, ga�s, efectric �rrad t�le�ah�ne frerr�°sr�i�s�s�ion . fa'�i l r t res. _ rt ca n� stor� d�clare�s and a r���s #haf th� Platted Lands Th a�fi � i r�s t o f Den �e r Mo g ge I e g ��i�al� bs ��ubd�'ct to ihe Protective ��ovenexn#�s �f �Surabur�st °Fi�in�g �lo. 2, Er�gle 'Cou�tY, , �Colorado, as recc�rded rn �ook-� crt P�rge_��`� of �h� recore�s o� t:fre �Clerk and �Re'core�er of Eag1e 'Courrty, �o'Iorado, which are ��rrcorporated her�in by refer�eric�.. 'F1 [�5"� Q�F AEIV�/ER <MOf�iGQG� r NVESTa�S � e �� � � , J Rodrrey Uhrr'�h � H. Rob�ert I�al�sh, Jr. V �e Pr�siderri '�ssr;starrt Se�cretary , x . � ._. � . STAiE OF �C�LOR�ADO � 'SS �Cnd�f�TY QF FAG�LE ) 7h� for�gaing irr�s�rum�nt �as acknowleeiged before me fh:i�s �day of ___� A.D., l9T�, by J. Rodrr�y Uhrrch, �Vr�ce Pre�sident, and H. Robert I�als�h, Jr.., A�ssi��iant Se'crefiar;�, of F'i rsi n� Der�ver Mort�age I n�e�st�rs, a Mas•sachusetts bus in�e�s�s t rust . � My comr�is's�ron exai re�s': � 31, I°E�`� _. N�tary Pub! i'� ���' _--- A , � 0 ■ �APPROV AL OF THE V A l �L PL.�ANN I NG �COMM ! SS d ON - .._. -_. .�.. _ . . _ . . . _ Tl�r�s plcat of SUNBURSi FlLlNG N0. �2 b� and ihe �same 'rs hereby crpproved. L'A I�L PL�ANN 1 NG �COMM ! SS ! ON � Qai.ed : �� 8Y' �AT _� � _. APPRdV��PL OF PLAT AND �AOCEPT�ANC� 4'F DELil�CAT1ONS �Y 'iHE i�WN OF VAI � - Thr� pl�rt �f 'SUNBURST FlLIl�G NO. �2 i�s hereby approved by ��h'e Town C�unci! of fih� iowrr �f Vai !,', and the dec�i'cat r on�s of the raads, �s#reet•s, ci rcl e�s, courts, wal k�vays and easements sha�n th�ereon cr�re h�ereby cr�c�pt�ed by tFre Town of '�ai !. - TOWN 'CO�IN� d �L , ' %� f -- '�� x � a��-- -����� � � �. �af;ed : ' �. .� - % BY . Mayor . --_ �%� � � ATTEST : ���:�.������° , 'Cl erk � � ��;�: « . � �CERT !'F l ��A'TE {�F '�HE. �COUNTY CL'EF?K . AND RF�CORDFf� .OF E�,4Gi.£ C4UNTY � ., , �`lerk ar�d Re'co�der �f Eagle 'Courr#Y, C�!•orad�, h�reby�ci�cept tfris pl�rt f SUfVBUF�ST F`1LING N0. 2 in my r�cords indicaf��d beiow. ' - ,� � Thi�s plc�f was f�i !ed for record ai/-.� N�. oa� the ����ry of ' A. t�. , i,;s'�� ; � n 'Ccrse ._ �- Drawe r .�' �'ecep't i on o �� � � ��' - - ��� K�s� �� � ��� Prate'ct�i ve 'covena�at�s �rre r�:corded in Baok �22.59 . Pa�e ._.��� � .... _ .. oi /3 �.�r�, �'° � tCourr��y �C1erk ane! R�ci�r.d� � (q��� _,. - .. .. . , . � . . . � • °"^ /�'� r � � «o � �GERT 1 F 1 �CA�TE OF 'SURVE'YQR ° 1, Jame�s V. La�ralay, a land �surveyor regi°st�ered �nder th�e laws af i:he Stat�e of 'CoPorado, do here�iy cert r f�r that the �surv�y af SUN8URS7 'Fl�LlNG N0. 2 was made under my supervi�sran and that #hr�s pfat accurafely �sho'ws `��re platt�,ing as�d �ubcfivision of �s�ach SUNBUI�Si FiLfNf N0. �2. The !ot c�rners and bour�dar'y 'corrre�s have been prnrred and monument-ed. �� Dat�d ihi�s �Zda� of � J���, 'A.D., 1975. � me�s f/. Laraby gi�st:ered Land Surveyor No � � E � ..�, � , ....,- � �� . � - � .�� ; ,r. .,� � -_:_. _ ._ _ � `, ��sV � �� �' . �; , ; :� � i �- '; � � C �� , `n� 1 -_ � `�I �� - � � � �I � l� � � � . �_ �._ ..� e _ � �_, , _ , � ,, _ , '�E i3 � I,; �;: ; 3 i � ' ' } E' - l:"i ]: !„_ ._. S .... q,: 6 5 4 � --.���� j`_ 1N,�,�RS�A —�—.- ~, ''7'-- ,.-�_— � � � �--��� `` �~�� r�Tfr Cid�RS� r��-��-�.���_ `� �rT�`� �� ��,..._ '� �Ol.� �` _ � ���.-�== � \�� `�r�,�`� ~ 'r�. _ � � -_, Y _; --�. , • -. _ _,�. VAI L � -� ' � � .._ ' -"r ' SUNBURST c`��� ��� � � 1 " � � � �`� F/L /NG NO. 2 7 8 9 VIC�NITY MAP NO SCALE 0= 26°Q5�11" i R= 444.71'� � �` L = 202.47 � `� . g� �� 0�6 h W ��'l °�9 ~ — ;,� � E . -� 22 05�;� ` \°� ,�. � � � �'t� t�°'��'�� o � ' ��cj �' N r0 '26: � Zg � �� � � ^ n Oro� �$. _ � _ � �' - \ ' � _ �l � � � ,- � � � `' ,/ N s4 0 3s � �, ?3 43 / c; '� % '' � ; �, � / y' i �,\,.� i / � i / �,�,�j!;�; , � w .. �,; �^ i �� ��,� ��i ti i .%� � ti � � � o �r � o ,� z I/ ( �,� i� i �` �� , , . � �� �, t � //�t�r,��,. � L, � � . � � // I , � �''�� � � 1 � t7 � �� � - 1� � - � �; ► � r � �n � � �Y V�-a.� L_ vM�_I._t_ � w ��� �' ��� 1n i i�t h� � `i-��J ..�i � 1�.� tfl �� M F�t_i�`v:� o Z � r� � L � W 3 I_ �� � � �o -- _— __ __ ~� I SUNBURST ` l io „ i . r� La �. ` fw t r' `��� :i� • � • ` i �i �`i L r �+ �� � L� a77,73� 170. I I� S 89° 23' 41" E • A RESUBDIVISI�N 4F A PART OF SUNBURST AND A PART OF THE NI/2 OF SEC.9, T5S, R84W OF THE 6th PM. � � EAGLE C�UNTY, C�LORADO � � SHEET 2 C�F 2 470.57' N 89° 23' 4 I�� W f► j 1-C � � S ��1 � `' ^, f�[� r�": ' r �/-� i i�. i�l r� L. �:, �1 �..7 ; � � g�°41�� 3� 9 �6�` � South Line of NI/2, NI/2, S�c. 9 TRUE PO/NT OF BEG/N/V/NG a0 0 � 1746.09' to Sec. car. N89°23'4i"W ��_ �J�°38��,7 u +R -135.00 jL= 119.31� ! �:_:�_�? i 0 = 72°31� 52" �R=189.10' � L = 239.38� �C = 223.72` (S 51° I 8� 24`� E) N SCaie � I'� = 50' i� = 42°06' 13" �R =108.87' �� �L = 80.00' � ' �: . _ �- -- so. oo' = _ � ��,• � � \ � ��. - \ � \ ��� � � � 41 : / , �►n E( 1 I I ��^ r V/al�.. Vr�t�l_�..� / � � �� `r' � r � r� li' t 1"t�� R: 1 t:�i,�,�.? PD/NT OF CD/LIMENC/NG NE Cor., Sec. 9, T5S, RSOW 0 M .N ,o 0 � � � E N M _.�f��_ ; S� Cor., N I/2 N 1�2, SeC. 9 � i � ` �