HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village West Filing 1 Lot 31 - Shooting Star Condominiums„ 0 : �, � ( � �� �1 � � 1 � � `� � �.� `�� � , ������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� \ •� .� �, �ti / o �� � a� / c� ,/ S �`� i� ��� � 4 � ,� i f "�T2'/��� / . . The platt�ed �representation of Lot :31 c:ontains, a �cl��sure er�ror o�f I.?S6 feet ; bea�ring�s and distc�n�ces sho�n�n oi� thi�► plair rESprese�nU Io�catiioin ��f propE�riry cc�rr�ers as found, n�oif as, platte,d. L..C,.E;. = LimiitE!d Ccimmi�n Elei�ne�ni� (�. C:. E:. = G E� n �e r i� I C c� m m o n E I e in e� n t Alll i�uilciirig dimensionis are ais Ibuili� exteric�r dirriensia�n��. 1j Ir ( ,I �1 .J �. .J �. u ��� ������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� F' A�G E I�0 F� 2' LOT 30 _ .�_ / �� �� , '��. L�OI' S 2 TI.TLE CE]RTTF]:CA.TE: , , , ,I�,���,�, „ , +✓ctv',l, S,�F , „ �,r,�, , ,doe;s hereb�y cert:ify t:ha.t I 'have ex:�min.ed the Ti.tle to a7Ll la.nds shown upon this P7Lat: a.nd that Tit_le. to sur_h la�rnd�s is vested in i'ree and clea�- af all liens, ta.xes .and E�nc:umibran�ce:�, ex;ce�pt as follows: P{-..Qa�es•�. A:�". „1 �'t�.s�..'f.a.`S„ �'ti:e-..u�,s, G„ �rf .VI✓�/�i_t�w i..�.�'t��t��a��.� .��tQ�i .�?. .n,4 j.i,mi, �� ri.�. .1N�.116 4�!r . �:•. ;,V.G.'Y i�,, l�; �� ,�,q��eo� . �l�4�, ;4��. ��. .� 5�.�! q7 �5 .r,,4 p o r;� �a�. �� n. . �30�� h; , :t.�,�.1. . �� �" . . Pa�, � . . � 9'9. :, . . . . . . . . . . ,. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . '^► 6:-�'" y , u„ 'j', Dated th=is..l- ..,..da of'... ����� 3. ......,..., A.D. ,1!�7;�. ; 2dO TE�S : 1. A11 pra�pe.rty �Co�rne�rs w�ere �monunnerite:d with 5/�8 in.ch reb<�r„ 2. ]Bear�Lng;s were der�Cve�d from the pl.otted 'bear�Lng; of the :souttierly b��undary� Line of' Lot 3:1, F�`_li_ng No. l, Vai.l Vill,age [-�es,t. `.�� i t E� I�' I c� r� L.OT 31 , FI l_I NG I, �� �� I L 'V 'I L. L. A► G E: VV E S T i C� A L'E I"= I 0' PI�EP�1RECi BY J��H'NSON Ew KUWKEI_ LAIVD SURVE:YIIN�u (�0. EAC�L1= , (:OLC�RADO � . — �a C)��fER.S � C'ER:rIFIC;AT'E: { The �sndex�si.gn.ed b�eing tt-ie sole o�anE�r ini fee simple� c�f all that re�al pro�perty ciesc7-i��ed as followe,: Lot 31, Vai.l Village tidest Filing Number One� C��unty c�f Eagle, �St_at;e of Colorada does here'by cert:ify that the condomin:iurn map� of SN00'CINGS�TAR CO'.!VDOMT_NI:iJ1�9:S �Ls filed in conjun.ction �ait=h the Condom:in�:um Declarai:ic�n for SHi�O'rIPdGS�TA.R COTfDOMINI'UM3 as filed ,anci �-ec:orded in� the Office o:E �_he Clerk a�nd Re�carder of Eag;le Count�� ��s Document No . 1r��.�.'�:��,r. . �. . .� . . . , Boo'.k. . . �� �i� f✓. . . . . . . „ Pag;e. sL{ . . . . . ,. ,� � ,�,, ,� ,.,,e_, . ,s��7':'.�� . .�.. .. . . �r.�.-y4��.�-�s�c . ,. . . . . . . . i. ST��TE: OF CO'LORAI)0 ) ss (�OiJN1'Y OF EAGT E ) ' �- h Th.e fore�;o�Cng; certifical_e wa.s aekn��ra:leclge�d befo�re me� t:his �.�t..,..da.y of„..�1�+bt��.'Si'a.„......., 1!a7;�. � �Jit:ness my 'hand and offici,�l seal. . . . . �':". ; ��: ���: . . . . er' ��::'�'"�:''." :''f�: » . . }�'',�-r Nota��y Public +.�� w -` �,� a� �� My commi=�sion e:xp:ire�s. . s��i':�.��•�..�„ : i �. ;3URVEYGR'S CE]�TIFICA,TE: I, David L,. P;urikel, d�� hex�e��y certify t_hat I am a REagi:stered L.3nd 3w�veyor lice�nsE�d unider th�e 1a��s of the StaL-e of Col�orado, an.d th,at this �plat fu.11y and ��cc:uz•ately depic.t�, the l�ayouLs, nieasurements a.nd loc:at_�ons c�f impr�ovements, t:he� building :>ymbol, t'he d:Cmensions o:E :�uch condom:in_�um ;�part:me:nts, amd the elevations of` floors and cei.lings; and th:at suclz rnap �aas pre�pared ;subse�qu�ent to sub>taintial comp]'�_et:ion of tlze iripxovements„ ti M I �� I � � � w^a' � � ��,y � �,�. . /�/�Q � !O L%/7/7 � � y�' � /? / '�;,� � 'il�.�' � , �,,�r;�,Ei �C , . . . . . . „� . �✓. � . . . . . . ��..�1. . ,:� . 4 . . . . �'"•~� . �. . . , , ]DaL-e .�� D�avid L. ECunke�l, R.L. S , ]_41. �o � �� �, r� �� ��, m .. 0 . �,�,°� � �� ° ��� t� ,STATE CiF COLO�RADO ) �,'��'q��� S��R'��`�'3� �;;� SS ���` �€ ���� 4� f.,� �COZJN7CY OF EAGLE ) _ . �'��' ' �x The fore,go:ing c:ertiii�cate was acknoa:Lec�ged before m�� t.hi.s .... �t .. „... day of . . . . . . . . �10�� . . . . . . . . „ . , 1977 . lai�tness m.y hand arid offici,al sE�al ��� ���� /' /{�µ,�,f�o:r.ti � ,✓, �� !�-: . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . Notar.y Publi.c �� M:y comm:is�;ic�n expi�res. �� :'. !��. �.! . . ,. . . . PLANPdIr1G COMT4IS;3ION CE;RTIFICATI�: Tl�iis, plat ,3pproved by tl'ne F�igl.e County P�I_anni.n� and Zoning, Commi;ss:ion � this .....�7�fh..,...,da.y of i ���.,4:s��........,..........., '197'7. c= s� \ � . . (.��6�-�:,►,�5.��`Z., . .;�;.�.;e . . . . . . . . . �. . ., . Cha i rm<� n COl'JN'CY CCiMM:ISSIi�NER"' CERTIFIC��TE: This, plat ,approve�d b the� .4Boaz�d of Gouint%� Co�*¢nissiop,n,�e��s of' Eagle CountY„ C;olorad�� 1th�Ls ..�.�w..�.:„..da.y of ..: c�r�r:��.�:�'.• t?�.D�. 1977, �. "'�.�..,..,� � for i_i]_ir.�Q with the Cl.erk an�3 l�ec:ox•dex of E�ag_Le C�C`unty a�nd for convey,anr_e to the Ce�unty of �the� public �deciicat:ions sho�an here�on; su'bject: t:o the prov:is�Lori that ,�pprc�va�l in n�� �aay obligates E<�g]_e County fc�r fi.nancing or cons�truct:in.g of impx-o��em�.ents on lands, stre��ts or easements ded.icated to the publi.c except as spe.cifi�ca:lly agreed to by t.he Board oi� Commissione�rs an�3 icui-tt��er that sa:�d approv�al shal_1 in no way obl.igate :EaF;le C;ounty fo�� main�tenarice. of st�ree�t�� dedic,at��d ta t.he pub:Lic_ unt:il con,st�rurti.on. of improvements thereon shall h,av�� bee�n completed t.o the satisf��ct:ion of tlze Board of Commissione�rs. . . . . ,�:�, . . !�:c�`�t�. „ ��i.����. „ . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . Ch,� irman Witnes:� my hand a�nd se�al AT'TE>T . . . �� NN�!�(.'��1`����� • . . • . • . . . . • • �� • of tlze Cc�un�ty of :Eagle Cc�unty�le�rk CLER]Z ANI) R'.ECORDE][2':i CER;TIFICA'TE: Thies F�lat wa;s f=i]_ed. for recor�i in the �Of:Eice of the C:le��k an�d Reco�rdE�r !! �l � at . J�. . . ., . . o' cloc�k. !Q„ . .M. ��cs�µt�+V�-!. o� � � . . . „ . . . . , 1977, <ind 3.s duly {�� recorded ir.� Book .a�� 5�9. . . , Pa;ge . „ �:,� . . . . . . . . . . Map rase,,,*!w ., drawer„ . . �"�. . . . . R'.eception Num��er. . o ��� s�.i.r'��'�. . .. . . ;/�j,���r:�-��� . /.�C.•.'. ! ,��,,�M�,,.., . . . . . . . ]�agl�r• Count.y Clerk and R�cc�rdg'�` by �... .�/��aY;J�,k�/�:�!-,(t,,�,� ........... I) epu t:� � --�.` -^ , ` i , �„ ., 1� c � a r . .�. s �S(:A,LE l�� _ 'i� ,J C^' � ' 1 � ' ' ' � - � � � n , .�� ., � .� � � -----------------------------------� ----------------------------------- r•� -� , � �� ( ) 1 ► 1,� ► ,,� � � U ,� .----------------------------------- .----------------------------------- P �� �G E_ �'_ �0 F- 2 �Jote�s: I.) Elevaiti�ons i'ol�en from first floor of IJnit II , 81dg. A, , Westlanclet C'�ondi'miniiums. Saiid E9IE:v��tion origir�ailly ta�kE:n 1�rc��r� USC a GS be:ni�hma�k, rnairMced C�47 19;34 (E_lev. i'49�4.5E3�} IoccitE;d ��n the D& F�GWRR rigFit oif ��ay„ 5.2 mil�as nor4hwesfi N1 i r� t i� r in , C� o„ 2:)A►II u�niit w�alls� ai�e 13e:n�eral Coimrnc�n Eleme:nts: G.C.E. incfudE: E�ct�erior VVa�ll:g, ��Iciiri or Beairin�� W►oll;>, N1ain or B�earinc� S�ubfloorin�g, a�nd F�oo1`s„ 3.)A►II dimerisiioins aire i�s buiilt in�te�rior dim�ei�sioms. I6.II - �;.(;.E_. = Genera'I C��mmori IEl�eme�nt �i� Beariin�g W'alls� Ek Cc�lum�ns (Ci.��.E. ) ;_-_-_ = BI e �� r i n �� B e c� m� s( G.�E. E.) L.C.E. L.innilte�� C�ommon E=1E:ment E1010.73� 'T99l3.Ei6� 7'98 9. 7 :3� '79�81.63 i � --� �� 17. II 5 � � �,�---------� ----- . 17. 115 f� .1�. E_ . - \�t 80(J7'.3i9� 7 S� 9� 3. 4:3� 7 '9 �I I . '7 ?i � 75�83.�63�� vr,7cyy,.T•�♦.:.�y.' �N� .�_�� T 4'' r .1 '`,t �� » 1 v �, j ;'�•. �