HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Potato Patch Filing 2r��! e; �'� F � �� , ;s �r��,u ;�F ' ` �� ,. �.. �', E .;� : ;. .r•L�/V.'l'YJ ' !_i.�j,!�R!_ft t� :'�?�L:�t C.�•'.�?%'-.•'! t' L- !:'%:t�%ii�'�.•'�/� SCO/e � l "= 50' D�/�^\� ������i�� � pfonnir�q, en9meerir►9, A�c�onstruction c on p.o. box 7� voil , ooloroAo 81657 (303 ) 476 - 3601 . � � , _... _ ., . , ., . _ .. .,,...�--.��.�-,....,.�.�.. . , . . ��.......�.:���.-��.��.:�.. a �,.��. �_�� ,� VA/L /POTATO PATCH SECOND F/L/NG A RESUBD/I//S/ON OF LOT /,4/VD LOT 2� BLOCK 2� VQ/L /Pl�TATO PATCH ANL?_�N�lIIIPLATTED PARCEL OF LAND LY/NG W/TH/N THE SW //4 OF SECT/ON 6, T5S, R80W, OF THE 6th. P. M. TOWN OF VA/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO (AMENDED) \ \ � ~ , \ � \ � � � � �� � _ � � � N 87°28 �/3 N _ POTATO PQTCH OR/I/E (40 J �� J �r� �Q -� � � _�82°25 ��8 ��E /O_' /5 � \ _� �_ s,�'a. . � ' � � � / 9T j5� . . . / 2a'6'i7oo 5�3�►0��, �, �u / � `�'s�o �s b�y� �` � `fl� �2i., 33 �� \ / "s,9 �. •�m / . � / ���E �1�•��' / � Wn � � S� �a � N 3a / N�°31 � ` o � - �_ UTIL /TY ` � cVi� o � � EASEMEN� Q�� � v $ �o w ��, �' ►� 403! � 5 � 6 0.5 / ���' , `�' / \ 17048 sq. fl. /5092sq. fl. � `" p,h / y o� 0.39 Ac. O. 35 Ac. 3 � �` e9� '�> �b. \ ►., � N � ���` / '�'�-'�� b'ui�i�ry "' h�c a . EosemeM � � oN � /"� / � 3 6p�p3'� p "�y O � /5.Gt� y / 4 � _ /6942 sq. N. �°� _ 45.Gl�� 9/.09 � •�V � O. 39 Ac. �'a� � : •� � l ,� `` S B9 °56 �/O "E S B9 °36 �/O �E .�, / a � ,„W �p oo y° SA ND Y�5O 2� L ANE (30 i 8 ee..so � S �g.� 14 02 q,� yo ��, /08.25 57. 03 � c, C 195. 8 0 �� / � N59 56 �/O��W � /5.Ob� �� w�o � � / ,y�, Qa \ � � A�oO 9 Ah � ° �i � \ 3 � � imis Sq. fr. �'�'� / \ A� � O. 39 Ac. O�� � 2 g' �� ,y8/ /a � i5oia �. n. °�' 0.34 Ac. / � , a/ � .�.9/54 sq. f/. �� \\ � � � . . � � 0.90 Ac. �i . � /�/O Oroinoge �____. UTIUTY -� EasEM£Nr TJ;',4GT r; / / / / � �20' Droina9e B � Uli/ify EosemeM \ \ 30� Uti/ifj� � ���\ Eosemenf �\ � � N \ \N \ : �',�C� C � 21� � Uti/i1y �^ EasemeM \ \ \ \ This plat of Vail/Potato Patch, Second Filinq, be and the same is hereby approved. VAIL PLANNING C(1MMIS I(1N � � � By � '` -`'� - � ------- - Dat:ed: ��' �� �,�-------- � ai n'`� A T T E S T: �--- -_ a���,(� � u���� This plat of Vail/Potato Patch, Second Filing, is hereby approved by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, and the dedication of the road and easements shown hereon are hereby acc;epted by the Town of Vail. TOWN COUNCIL OF �iE TOWN OF VAIL ,-- By : . / . Dated: —�� Z,� �� : . , ATTE �- _ � 0 � �� �� L EGAL DESC/PT/OlV OF PL A T TED L ANOS !'�,11 of Lnt �l anc! Lot 2, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch, and an U11D�dt�P_(i tY'3Ct o� lanG sho!�!n �;n ti�e ��lat and described as Fxcepfion � on the �lat of V��i'!f�otato Patcii, a sui:div�sion recorded in Case 2, f�rau�er V, R.eception f!u. 1?_�577. �,ls� �recorc;ed in Book 23� at Fage 6?_3 ��rith proi;ective cove-- n�nts recnrded in �ook 233 at f�age 62� of tlie Caq?e Count��, `,oloracio, !;lerl: anci '.'e�:order`s ,•ec�� ds �nd beina more nart��cularly described as follot+.�s: Reg��nn�n� at the ��!est 1� corner of Se�t�on 6, Tov:nshin 5 Sout4�, �;anqe SC? !�'est of �he 6th N; inc�ipal r�eridian, �fov�rn of Vail, Cac?le County, �olorado, �' s�i� ', cerner bein� a brass cap monument; 1;i1P_nCP S 33° 7_7' 34" E�b f.a�s���r�ce of 14�2. ;£� feet to ihe most northerly corner of said Lot 1, said north- �' erly corner also beine� on the southerly Right oF �day line of °otato f'•x±:cfi ,�rive and �e�n� -(�he True Point of Bec�-inning: �thence along the souther�ly and s�utheasterly �ight of 'iay line of Potato Patch Drive the fcllo��!inc� three (3) courses: 1 S �Z 25' 3&" C a distan�e of 1U.15 feet; � (2i S 6C�° r.�'�' 07" f" a distance of 55.14 feet to a point nf cur�i�ture; (3} 1G2.Q8 reet �lcng the arc �� a curve to the left havinc! a central angle I o�= 1�5° ��' Oti", a radius o� 5U.00 feet and a chord bearin� P� 2G° 1`� 51` C a distance ^f �9.87 feet; tl�ence leaving said southe�sterly 2ight of � � `•.•lay line of Potat� Patch Grive P; 87� 23' 13" F alon� the nertherly boundary line of s�irJ Lot 2, a distance of 1:z5.25 feet; thence S 02° 02' 44" E ° � alone� the easteirly boundary line of said I_ot 2, a d�stance of ?�3.11 feet; �hence S 2�° 11' S5" F along the easterly boundary line of said Lot 2, a distance of 137.08 feet; thence f� 7?_° 43' 19" l� along the southe^�ly boundary line of said Lot ?_, a distance of 1%1.3� feet to the northeast i corner of said unplatted exernption; thence S 00° ;i?' S0" b1 along the e�sterlv boun�ar,v line of saia unnl�tted exempi:ion a distance o� 203.71 feet w � to the southeast corner af said unplatted ex�nption; 4;hence f� 89� 5(:' 1Q" 4� alc�nc� the sautherly baundarv line of said unplatted exemption a dis- I tance of 208.71 feet to the southwest corner of said un�latted exem�tion; thence :! 00° 03' 50" E al�n� the ��iesterly boundary line of said unplatt�d ' exeri�tion � distance o-� 3�.71 `eet to i:he nost southerly corner of said l.ot 1, �lock l; thence Pa 38° 2�' 32" �•! along the southerly boundar� line of �, � said Lot �, a distanr.e of 162.16 feet; thence �! 3�° 0�' 1�" l.J alonc� �;he s^ut{���esterl�� boundar,y l�ine o� sai� Lot l, a distance of 1E2.47 feet; tf�etu�e ' �! 14° 5i' S0" E along the westerly boundary l i ne of said Lot 1, a c; i st:�nce of 2, ;. �36 �Feet; tlience ��J 44° 44' 50" E al ong the north��esterly boundary � line of said Lot l, a distance of 3�.�!5 feet; t��ence �J 65° 37' S0'' F: alon� the north!�resi:erly boundary line of said Lot l, a distance of 2Q6.97 feet to Tlie True Poi nt of Be ig ' nni nr conta i ni ng 1 13 ,(;��4 s�i�are fee c or 3. 97�, �cres ., more or � ess . '�' �µ - � . �r .. ..":�..��. CERT/F/CATE OF OWNERSH/P AND DED/CAT/ON ' 4 � K"�0!�; ^,LL ��iE!! f3Y TFIFSE PRfSErJTS that the undersigned, Vail ,4ssociates, Inc. , Jesef �t�u�er•, /`,r.ne P. Staia`er, and Sun Company, be�ng the owners o� �- ; the lands descr�it,ed hereon referred to �s "platted lan�4s", rerfiify as follo��+s� � Th�t Vail �',ssoc�iates, Inc., Josef Staufer, Anne P. Staufer, and Sun Company are the true owners of all platted lands subject to eas�r►►cnts of r�C�r�d. �+ That Vail Assoc�ates, Inc., J�ser Staufer, /lnne P. Stuafer, and �un Company do hereby �la.yout, nlat, and resubdivide the nlatted lands into lots � a�, shoti•m on L�i� plat under the name and style of "Vail/Potato !'atch, Second Filing". � Josef Staufer, l�nne P. Staufer, and �� � , !. ` That Vail �ssociates, Inc., �un Co�pany, do hereby deci'c.te to tne 7o�tin of �a�l, for the use of the public, � t��e !-odJ sho4m hereon, su�.iect to such easements and Ric�hts of �;�aY over narts c�� suc�� road as are n��esen�ly vested of record. "`�; .;� That Vail !lssociates. Inc., Josef Staufer, Anne P. Staufer, and Cun Cor���nv, c±o hereb�� dedic��e to the Town of Va�il for the use of the �ublic the p var;ous ut�ility eaternents shown or� this nlat for the purposes c�f construct��on, maintenance, and reconstruction of se��erage, water, gas, electri- city, telephone transmission fac�ilii:ies and cable i;elevision. That Vail 4ssoc�ates, Inc., Josef Staurer, Anne p. �taufer, and �un �cmpany declare and agree that the platted lands shall be subject to the � protective covemants of Vail/Potato Patc�,, To��!n of 1�ail, Eaole C�ur,ty; !'oloraco, as recor�led in Rook 2s3 at Pane 62; of the records of the Clerk � and '?ecorcier of �aqle County, f,oloradoj uihicii are incoroer�te��i f�erein by ��e��PrPn�e. � �T�F��-. . By. ` - Charles Langhoff, e re ry � STATE OF COL�RADO � ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) VAlL �SS ;CiATC�, ?FJC. Qy° Ja Marshall, President Sl!'�� Cnt�?PA,F,Y � y : � ,..� �.�lason i ttria l;umney � � 1 :� a. , tl ;:��': ' � '� �� �;� � ,a f �y µ "f � ` ��: " t, � `�� u�����. � : � �,� ' �; "� ,'; �� �"�, , . � �, ��, s.� , , _.._ � �- ' .'�:._v f �`�a. �The foregoing inst�rument was acknowledged before me this day of A.D., 1978, by Jack Marshall as President of Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorado corporation, by Josef Stuaffer and Anne P. Stauffer as Joint Tenants, by Mason Pittman Rumney III, Sun Company. Witness my hand an�l seal. Pdotary Pub i c My commission expires � I, ��(��lf l� Qa,rZ , Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, hereby accept this plat of Vail/Potato Patch, Second Filing, in my records indicated below. This plat was filed for record at ��M. on the � day of _�_ A.D., 1978, in Case ��,�,�� , Drawer �_���, Reception No. ��,�;�8 Protec ti ve Covenants are recorded i n Book �7�, at g__��_. � � /e� ' � � Co ty Clerk an�der . ...j+�►��v � - � I, Donald A. Leibengood, a Land Surveyor registered under the laws of the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the survey of Vail/Potato Patch, Second Filing, was made under my supervision and that this plat accurately shows the platting and subdivision of such Vail/Potato Patch, Seconcl Filing. The boundary corners have been pinned and monumented. � Dated this day of __ A.D., 1978. � `���� �„� n►►.,,,. ��,. A, �F�� . ;,.� �.� .....,, '•. �. 1STER � . . , • . . . ,� � � » , . . _ ! . " _ . __._.. _ .___... _......._ _.__ Donald.A�:�ei"berigotid ' Colorac�o�:``�, No. 9/jjj,,,,,, • '� i,�tvF` ,O :' ��, '�e•�• •�.����' �� ,`l'! ��i� V,i 1.�Y1. = ���• ���,,,. ,,,,,��' �