HomeMy WebLinkAboutEleni Zneimer Subdivision Lot 040 60 124 Feet BUILDING ENVELOPE QETAI� BUlLDING ENVELOPE VACATED BY TMIS PLAT (�,4ao s4. FT.) N 28'22'29" W s.s7> N 61'37'31'° E 1 ti.02' N 28'22'29" W 3'1.5E?� S 61'37'31" W 3. QO' iV 28'22'29" W 25.82'- N 61°37'3t" E 75.04' / � � / '�� � � / \� ✓ 5 8137'31" IN \, ' 2.93�� \ 5 61'37'31" W `\ �27.00' � Y� i FOtJND No. 5 R£F3AR WITH A 1 � ALUMINUM CAP F.L.S. No. 3009i U.S.F.S. (UNPLATTED} BU{LDING ENVELOPE CREAT�D BY T1-IIS PLAT (5,40Q SQ. FT.) S 28'22'29" � 53.80' S 28'22'29" E � Q.SQ' 5 75°49'06" E 31.1 Q' S 6137'39" W 21.t3' _�S 28'22'29" E / L5 61'3i'3f" W 3.50' 31.00' N �s•z�'�s" w 3.5d' N 36'28'Q8" E 85.41' �t��� ����� ����`�����, ��,� � ;�`��- � � ��.x �� � _ F,��n_�_ � - r �.�.. � �y�, ����s, t�� ���a�� :. �,,. r9��� ��w��9� � i��c ��?{�� ���{��� BUIL.DING �N!/ELOPE VRCATED BY THIS PLAT (5,400 5Q. FT.} FOUND PK NAIL VI�ITH 1NASHEF� P.LS. Nd. 3(3031 S48'39'05"W 52.28' — FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH A 1 �" ALUMINUM GAP P.LS. No. 30Q91 15. (?0' N � �� � � � N � `_ �r � m � W o.. � �n � � °° �C} � O Z AM EN DED FI NAL �'LAT � � �.,�BQ���J��� I ZN� M � ELEN l� L��T �- T��IVN �� VAl L, C�U NT1� Q� EAG�E, �TATE O� ��LC.�C�AaC� LAND USE SUMMARY: I�AFtCEL AREA i.AND USE CaRFA s. k. ADDRESS LOT 4 1.9t2 AC. ONE SINGLE FAM�LY RESI�ENCE 5267.4 1699 BUFFEHR CR�EK ROAD 86'�4 �9 12 116.53 TRACT A (OPEN SPACE) 9.o2s a,e��s � � � � F-- � z �� � � Q �� J ��� � L�T 4 � 1.912 ACRES N � � � 1699 � I � ! o' � � � � 0 � � � I I � � �BUILDING ENVELOPE CREATED BY THiS PLAT {�,�.oa s�. �T.} � � /� j � i'% '\ � O � / \ •� � � � �� FOUi�D Plo_ 5 REBAR WiTH A 1 �� ALUMINUM CAP P.L.S. No. 30091 LOT 3 Ft3UND Na, 5 REBAR WITH A 1 �" A�UMINUM CAP P.L.S. iVo. 30099 FOIJiVD PK NAiL WlTH was��R P.LS. No. 30fl91 \ �� � � . ����- 1 � � � �� ACCESS, U�ILITY & Rf}AD � � � �, 1- MAINTElVANCE EASEMEEdT i � �-- ° � L (RECEPTION Nn. 824582) �� � ' � � / � ' / , / i � ✓ / �`�r ��_ LOT 5 �oT s RADIUS = 325.00' ❑EL 1 !"1 = LL•'-1-7�4Ln ARC = 129.30' TANGENT = 65.52' CHORD = 128.45' BRG = S60'02'56"W Certificate of Dedication and iiwnership Know alf inen by thase presents that Jorclan Kuppinger being sole owner in fee simple and FirstBank as mortgagee of ail ihat real property situated in the TQwn of Vail, Eagle County, Calorada described as fnllows: �leni Zneimer Subdi�ision, Lot A, per the pfa# thereaf recorded August 9, 2Q06 at R�:eption No. 200621672 in the office of the Eagle County Clerk ar�d Recarder, containing 1.912 acres more or less; have by these presents laid o[�t, platt� ar�d subdivided the same into fots and blocks as shawn on this amended finaf piat under the name and style of Eleni Zneirrrer Subdi�ision, Lat 4, a subdivision in the �own of Vail, County of Eagle, and does hereby accept the responsif�ility for the campfetion of required im�rovements; and does �ereby declieate and set apart all of the p€�blic roads and ather public impravert�ents and places as shown on the accompanying pfat to the use af the p�blic fiarever; and does hereby dedicate those po�tions af said reai praperty which are indicated as easement on the aceompanying piat as easements for the purpose shawn hereon; and does �ereby grant the right to install and ma�ntain necessary structures to the entity responsible for pro�iding the services far which the easemen#s are estat�fished. EXECU�Ep this �i�c�_ ciay of �Gt C� `f A.D., 2013. Owne • �°'V�`�! Adciress: 1706 Buffehr Creek Road Jo an Kuppinger Vail, CO 81657 STATE �F ��a►'cx� ) )ss COUNTY O� } The foregoing Certificate of Dedication and �wnership was ac�cnowlsdged before me this ��day of , A.D., 2013, by Jnrdan Kuppinger. My Commission expires: �'I ����dl /� Wit ess my hand and official seal. 4 v �...::._.,, . � , ...... .. ._:-, Notary Pubfi Mortgagee : FirstBartk �� � ° � �y. ' Title: � If � STATE OF � dld���} )SS COUNTY OF � l�- ) Address: f � �h�.�- Ki> L/.�! I.L . L.s $�1i5 � T e fnregoin Certificate of Dedica 'on and Chvner hjp was ackn, c,�,wledge bef re me this ��day of �s � , A.�., �01 �, by � 1 �'� t�' t � asts��c '� �ace v����t�ar��c. resi e�. My Commissi�n expires: � `� �� Witnes my l�and and afficial seal. ary Pubiic � _ Titte Certificate Land Title Guarantee Company daes hereby certify that the Title ta all ]ands shawn upon this plat have been examined and is vested in �orcfan Kuppinger, and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbra€�ces, except as fallows: becd. �f -f r�st t� �'rst ���. v����ct. � � �� � I 3. '�-�-���o� i�ii�t �rr �b � �.i b�. � i... . -- Dated this�," day of ��-y , A.D., 2013. Agent signature Agent name f-fil.i�� �f� Address: 61 Q West �.ionshead Circle, Suite 20Q Vail, CO 81657 ���� ���� � `, � � -� � o —+ �' c � o �.� o �� o� 0 ���o � �� W � � �l �N � +� Administrator Certificate �° ��,, �W � This final piat is hereby appro�ed by the Town of Vail Administrator ihis � day of , a.d. 2013. C � �.. ...�r �'`� � _J � � � - �- - ,. • � � � � .r• ,� Surveyor's Certificate I, do hereby certify that I am a Prafessianai Land Surveyor licertsed under tt�e laws a# the State af Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and corr►plete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereo�, that su�� plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctfy sho+nrs the locatifln and dimensions of the lots, easemen#s and streets of said subdivision as the same are stalced upon tl�e ground in compliance with applicable regulations goWerning the s�abdivision of Iand. !n Wi�ness 1�lhereof, I have set my hand and seal this � day oi �I'1�'� � , A.D., 2013. Samuef H. Ecker Colorada P.L.S. No. 30091 � � y�. �;A� �� ���1 � ��.. e3°�� ��� P°�°�_ �,l��i��-�. Certi�iCate Df Taxes Paid I, the undersigned, �io hereby cer�ify that the entire amount af taxes and assess�nents due and payable as of CG6i�A� �13upon ail parceis of rea! �state described on this pfat are paid in full. bated this �q ay afi Ti�d� dt�S{- , A.D., 2013. . .- J . Treasurer of Eagle Gounty '` �' ` - �p5�#� fo� ����°` s �,t , �� ��;;� � `� � t� — Clerk and Recorder's C�rtificat� �S � This P t was� Jf'led for record in t�e Office nf the Clerk and Recorder at �A►h o'ciock aM on this �� � day of S"1 , 2013 and is duly recorded at Reception No. 024(��(p%�� __ ___ S! '� �Yw'l � �� , C{erk and Recorder ���°'�� � .��� � � By: � l��"�� , Deputy �:: :.:; ,� ' ��'z���•� GENEAAL NO'1"ES: 1 j f1ATE DF SURVEY: MARCH, 2(3t3. 2) BEARINGS BASED UPON THE L1EVE GONNECTI(VG THE MOf�[EJMEIUiS W PLAGE MAfiKIIJG TH� WESTERLY BOEJNDARY OF SAIi� LOT 4, 6�3NG ]V01 °35'S9"E (SEE DRAWING). 3) THE 50tE PURPOSE OF THi5 PLAT IS TO MppIFY 7HE BUIL€31NG EN1/ELDPE FOR LOT 4 AS INDICATED HEREON. ALL OTf-EER ASPEGTS OF LOT 4, ELENI ZNEINIER SUB�IVlSlON PER TI-tE PREVlOUS R�CCIRD PLAT SHNLL REMAIN IN FULL FQRCE AN[3 EFFECT. 4) NpTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOtJ MUST GOPAf�lENCE ANY L�GAI. ACTIQN BASED UPQf�I AIVY qE�ECT IN TFfIS SURVEY WITHIN TI-tR�E Y�AI�S AFTER Y4U FIRST DISGQV�R SElCH DEFECT. IN NO EVEfVT, MAY AfVY ACTIOiV F3AS�p Uf'ON ANY DEFECT IN TFIIS S1IRVEY 8E COMMENGED MORE THAfV T�N YEARS �I�QM 7HE i3ATE QF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 5) STREET ADDRESS�S AR� FC3R ttJFQRMATIpNAL PURPQSES QNLY, VERIFY CURRENT ADdRE55 WITH TH� TQWN �F VAIL GQMMLJNIN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEIVT. 6) GpRE RANGE SURVEYiNG, LLG DID iVOT PERFORPA A TIT�.� S�ARCH OF THE SUB.IECT PROP�RTY TO ESTABLISH QWIVERSHIP, �AS�M�NTS qR RlCHTS OF WAY OF RECOR�. RECORD DOCItMENTS UTILIZED ItV TN� P�tEPARATIQN pF THIS PLAi 1NERE PROVfDED BY LAND TfTLE C,l1ARAf�ETEE COMPANY, fJ�tqE�! lNo. V50035665, DATED fEBRUARY 27, 2QE3 AT 5:f� P.M. 7) ALL REGORDING REF�Ft�NCES SFipWN ARE Tp THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS [N TFiE OFFiGE OF TH� C�.�fiK ANR REGl7RDER OF EAGLE CQUNTY, CQLQRADC}. 8) [�[NlENSfOt�iS IN�ICRTED HEREON ARE 1fV U.S. SURVEY FEET. �A� ��,. SE a,��. 3/01%2013 eHearea er 'SE nRA,�,vc No.: 06-32,�en v � No: 06-°-322 s�w�r 1 a� � _� � � 3 �. . . �