HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 7 Block 5 Lot 02p' 20' 40' fi�' SCALE: 1 "=20' n�a�s: 1) Date of Survey: August 2fl13 2) Stewart Title Guaranty Company commitm�nt No. D1330-28512 ciated July 5, 2013 was reiied upon for aN tftle and easement information. 3) Notice: According to Colorada law you must comrnence any legol action based upon any defiect in this sur�ey within three years after you first d'€sco�er such cEsfect. 1n no event, may any act(on based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown herean. 4) The soi� purpose of this plat is to correct an error (or amend a pfat note or an easement} filed with an approved plat. This plat carrection does not alter the charqcter, intent or develapment standards impased under previous plat approvals. *This plat includes that portian of Lot 2 that was erroniaus{y excluded by the Replat af Lots 1-6 Block 5 Of Vai! Viilage Seventh F(ling, Replat of Lot 4 of Vail �Ilage 7enth Fi41ng, and Government Lot 3, recorded January 17, 20{�2 as Reception No. 783155. 5) Basis of Bearings: Tl�e bearing between faund monuments s�narking ths west property I'sne Lat 2 be�ng N00'36'31"E, as shawn and descr(bed hereon. 6) Protect(ve Covenants of Vall �Ilage S�venth Fiiing are recorderJ in Book 187 at Page 515. 7) Note �1 on plat recorded dt Reception No. 729628: No buildings as defined by the Town of Vail zoRing regulations shall be constructed an those portians of Block 5 4ying south of the North line of Government Lot 3. Nk.a�ntenance of existing improverr��nts on such parcels shall be permitted. Qevelopment rights (including but not limited to gross residentiai floor area, site coverage and setbacks) shall be computed by the Tawn of Vail based upon the to4al lot area and new lot boundaries notwfthstanding said bullding restrictions. LAND llSE SUI�MARY Lot AR�A 2 0,4809 Acres 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE--VAIL P.C3. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, CQ. 81632 (970)949-1405 ADDR�SS 1027 Ptarmigan Road CORRECTED FINAL PLAT � REPLAT QF LaTS 1--� BLOCK 5�F VAIL VILLAGE SEVENTH FILING, R�PLAT �F L(�T 4 OF VAIL VILLAGE TENTH FILING, AND GOVERNMENT L�T 3 TOWN �F VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE 4F COL�RAD� TR ACT D RECEPTION N0. Ft�d. #5 REBAR & REC�PTION NO�E02780 102780 �t�D. #5 REBAR & 2" ALUM�CAP L.S. #18478 � — — — — ,.� .� � � — — — — — �. _..._ � .._ ,._.. .,.,._ _. — — — — .,._ ...� _„_ �. �... _... r2'�AL1JM. C,AP L�S. �18478 � � — — �� 10.0' S89'23'28"� 154.24' � �r �w � � �w..�w� � � � rw � r�w� � � � �r�rr � � i �� � � � r rr�� r � 1 .�.�.� — \ — S89'25'40"E 154.41 �MEAS� � � j � � 1.7'X1.7` �..—.-----s�o�v� �osT I (TYPICAL) l� � � I� 1 � � � METAL RAIL F£NCE r i � � � l� � � LOT 1 � 1� � � �, o' � � R�cEprlo� �o?�zssza � LOT 3 RECEF'TION N0. � �'"� � 0.4809 AC. �29fi2$ � � �, �� , _ REC�PTION N0. I a� . . 1 1027 � � 729628 �' � � � ti � W I I d' o r. / � •- cn M I � � � � BUILDING OUTLINE i 0� � � Z �� I M 1 i� 1 1 ►� � � O I � 1 I FND. #5 REBAR & � FOUND PLAIN �5 REBAR YELLOW PLASTIC CAP � MQNUMENT FALLS ON PROPEf2TY LINE L.S, � 1l.�EGIBLE � 2.8fi' Nf�RTH QF NOR�I LINE OF ' �j-•��GOVERNMEN7 .LOT 3 .�.,_.._,.�.�,.�.....—..�„_...,..—.._,,.�,._.._..�..,�.. .. — .. ,.........�.,�.,....._,.�..�.,,...._l.—..—.,�..,...._,.—.,�„_.... NORiH LINE OF GOVEi�NMENT L07 3(SEE NOTE �7) � � 20.96' (PLAT) 21.10' {MEAS) MAINTENANCE EAS�MENT � � � RECEPTION N0. 729628 h � ������� ��� "'"�--- ..,.. .�� �I � — -- -- � _.'" _ — -- _, __.. -- .�.. .._. � � r°� - _ _"_' - _ ---- - - �. _ _ �.. _ _ ,.�. _ T _' ._._ _" .." -- _ -- _ ..1.. _ _ -- _ _ _ $.�° � sEi #4 REBAR 8c N 85'45' 18" W 2fi.1� � _ L •• •• -�`"" •• � — — � 1 1/2" ALUM. CAP LS# 2659$ �- FIVD, 5 R�BAR & � �N�• #5 R�BAR & # AL.UNi. CAP l..S. # ILLEGIBLE ALUM. CAP L.S. # lLLEGlBi.E � � „ Mp�t��f�NT FALLS W ASPHAL7 MONI�MENT FALLS �kN ASPhIALT �=02 22 04 g13'26'42"W 1.54' FROM CORNER 514'49 56 W 1.29 FRqM CORNER R=68�%.�Q PTARMfGAN L=28.3s' ROAD (33' R.O.W. T=�4.20' � C LEN=28.39' BRG=N86'5fi'20�W 5URVEYOR'S CERilFlCATE I do hereby certify tha� I dm a prafessianal Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colarado, thaf this plat is true, carrect and complete as faid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made fram an accurate survey of said praperty by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location anck dimensions of the {ots, �asem�nts and streets of said subdivision as the same �re staked upon the graund in compliance with applicable regulatians governing the subdivision of iand. `,,`����tite�iii�a�r�ej��''' �4' In witness there���,�+���:��4�r�����lanrl and seal this _/ r_ day of Stan Hogfeldi Colorado PL5 •c� � -: o _ • �, - . � .••'�q`i�: �......•• S .� t� pl�d ��,.��. (IIIa111�����RR 9 ����� �-•.� �� ADMINISTRATqR CERi1FiCATE This final piat is hereby approved by the iown of Vail Administrator this �i�� day of ������_...._—_� A.D., 20i3. TEST: wn C rk � � , Town of Vail � rriinistrator � �-- - ; own flf VpEI �� , M.�� CERTIFlCATE OF DEC11CA110N AND OWNERSHIP Know alf inen by these presents that Forever Trust, being sole awners in fee simple of all the renl property situatad in the Town of Vail, Eagle Coun4y. Colorado, described as foflows: Lo� 2, According tn the rnap thereof recorded May 12, 2400 as Reception No. 729528, in the office of the Edgie County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorcfer containing 0.4809 acres, more ar less. have by these presents laid aut, platted and subdivided the same into parcels as shown on this carrected final plat under the name and style of Vail �llage Seventh Filing, Block 5, Lot 2, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagie County, Colorado; and do hereby dedicate and set apart al4 of the public roads and other public impravements and places as shown an the accompan�ring plat to the use of the public fiarever; and do hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the ❑ccampanying plat as eassments for the purpose shown hereon; and do fiereby grant the right to install and m�intain structures to the entity responsible far providing the services for which fhe easements are establ ished. Executad this��_day of.,...��.7� _.....__. A•D•� 2fl13_. Forever �rust 1� Address: __ ���� �S-�}LY jG� �� L/��_.... .... � i..��r �� �� � � gy: _--___--� __ —_..�..__....,.._ (Ttl e) _..�����__....___-- ��r� � 1L.S (Y � �--_..� Print Name Address: �� �� �!"� � Y.��}..�... �6.�'��._ SiATE QF_S�Lz��O ----) )ss. COUNTY OF _�.�I�..�.�_-----..--) The foregoing instrurnent was acknow{edged before me this ��� day of �.��.�.�_�..__...�� A.D., 2p.�1 by .��..���!��--------- as ___�j��„T_,�,N,_,_____ of Forever Trust. My Camrnission sxpirea: �� �=-.-- �ESt �A,.._... E Witn my hand n \P ,ti� y'. N��AR r �``�O Nat Pub1ic� ����.������ �.• p � �� Address: _ '• UBLS-•� �' �[�� �?_ �?-�2.�z----- � s�9�' ' c� � t �e_ �' C�- _ �� 71TLE CER�IFlCATE /%_ r ��r� ��Y,��. Stewart �y Company does hereby certify that the iitle io all lands shown upon this final plat has been examined and is vested in: �orever Trust and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except-as fallows�-��N���-�—�-��—� Dated thisv7�! day of __ __ ._._---------� A.D., 2� Stewart Title G�re�err�y""Cnm� Y � �Z�l �dd���s:1'�' � � �.�.oG3 � . i . �.� Ai ' / . as: CERTIFlCATE OF TAXES AAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxea and assessments due and payable as of _ ����.���------ upon all parceis of real estate described on th�s plat are paid in full. ted this C�.�_ day of ��s�..� _....__, A.�., 20 ±„�_. � ����-�- Treasurer of Eagfe Caunty �a�� �' CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTiFlCATE 7his Plat was �led for record in the Office of the Clerk a Recorder at � 3! _o'clock Q_.:,�..M., on this _���! day of _----.- r__�..� 2� � 3 and is duly recarded as Reception No. °1��� �?�66 _—�___ �. ��� !�.eaG� � S.� � � ___._---___ °� � ���-, Clerk and Recorder � � �e � �,Qcv�'� � * sy. M _—�..�__—___ ------- . r,��s�R�+�° peputy n�v� .. � �I � j`//� `J ...1 V J O � �� � o = a � �. o n °o � a C� s� I 0 °��o�v � j � W � N vl D Q °� �� � W °'I