HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 19 LEGAL , TQWN OF VAIL DEFARTIVIENT OF COMMUNITY�EVELC7PMElVT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD �. VAIL, CO 81657 ���`'`�, �.�.1�c�`�._ ti �.' f 970-479-2138 �. ., � l.=� `°:�4�_��_ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON J�BSiTE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BU1LD PERMIT Permit #: BU1-0238 ]ob Address: 2470 BALI]IviQLJNTAIN RD VAIL Status . . . : ISS[JED Location.....: ApPlied . . : 48f 1�/2001 Parcel No...: 2101 Q33010Q2 Issued. .. : 08/13/'200 l Project No : .�J'f�,��j( -�,���C' Expir�s . ..: a2/09/2002 OWNER Tye & Bxielle 5tock�an 0$/13f2001 Phone: �76-0033 953 S Frontage Rd West Suit� 230 vAZL co $1657 Lic�nse; CONTRACTOR TYE STdCKTflN d$/13/2001 Phone: 970-4'76-4Q33 953 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST SCT��E #2�D VAIL, CO 81657 L�icense: 183-�, APPI,zCAN'� TYE STOCKTON 08/13/2001 Phone: 970-476-Od33 953 S. FRONTAGE RD WEST SUITE #230 `TAIL, CO 81657 License: 183-L Description: Re-roof sh�kes to asphalt Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $7,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information:Restr�cted: 1' t�of Gas Applian�45; (l �o1'Ga.e I,a�s: f) #of Wood Yellet: 0 �n�MMMrM■wma:.r��r*sss*�*******�e�*�s**x*xxsxx�*�rMaxxsr.M.�*a�e:�xsrssss* FCE;SUM1bIARY" xxMrawwsMMa�MMM+�r�wn�ss*aex�sst«*�t�x��a����*�*�***�x����nxsM�x�� Building------? $115.oo Rcsivarant Plan keview—% $0.00 "Cotal Calculated Fees-='� $212.75 Plan Chzck—> $74.75 DRB�ee -- $20.00 Additional Pees —> $50.00 Investigation-% $0.00 Recreation ree----------= $6.00 �I`otal S'erntit l�ee - $262.75 Will Cali-----> $3.�0 Clean-up llepasit-----------= $0.00 Payments----------------' $262.75 TOTAI.FI:IiS--------------- $212.75 Hr1I..WCI�UL�E-----=' $4_00 iitY#ttit#tF ti R##*i t i t t!b b d**i�1��l�1iK!#1�Rrt�It�MMNM�#MfFR#�I t M t t t Y k V**i t t k 4#####+k##R#4 tt i t iEi�Rfiiiiiiiitiiilli7�iii�Yiiiiit######**�k#*#4 M�kk�kAk#*�t t t ItMiM�F Ap�pravals: It�m: 051D0 BUILDING D�PARTMENT OS/13/2001 DF Actian: AP Item: D54Q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: Q5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ltem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS ******�****sst*rfs�rt+ss�s*s**r#*�v+**+�t�*��t**rrae**tst*t*rsr»*xksR*RSS*sr�r*ss��**►���****�********�***s*ssss�ss*�*ss�*****s**�s+***s**r�t#+�f** See page 2 of this Document for any canditions that may apply to this permit. DECLAR.ATIONS pA��z ********�****************�*****�******�****��**�*************�*�**�********��***�*�**�*��*********��**** CONDI'TIONS OF APPRQVAI. Permit#: �O1-Q238 as of 08-13-2001 Slalus: ISSUED **********�:�*********��**********�**************�*****�w�***�*****��***************�********************* Pernvt Type: AD�/ALT SFR BUILD P�RMIT Applied: 08/13/2001 Applicant, TYE STOCKT()N Issucd: OS/13/2�01 470-4�6-�033 To Expire: Q2JU9/2UO2 Job Address: 2470 BALD MOUNT,h[N RD VAIL Location: Parcel No: 2101C133010(?2 Descriplion: l�e-roaf shakes to aspha�t ******�********�*********�**�*****�*************** �ondition5**********�*******************************�* Cond: 12 (BLUG.): FIEI.,D INSP�CTIONS ARE REQUIRED�'O CHECK FOR CQDE C�MPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (B�I7G.): SMOKE D�TECTORS ARE REQUIRED 1N A,�,L BEDR(70MS AND E�v'ERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. I hereby acknowledge that I have read thi� application, filled out in fWl the inforrnation required,completed an accurate plot plan,and slate that all the informatian as required is correct. I agree to comply�vilh�he infonmalion and pl�t plan, to eomply with all Town ordinances and statc laws, and ta build this structure according to tlle to�rms zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other Qrdin�nc�s af the To�m applicable thereto. REQL�ESTS F�R II�SPF.CTION SH,�,L SE MADF.T�'�\TY-FOLTIt H()Z1R5 IN ADVANCE BY'TF.] YII T 479-2138 t7R AT QIrR dFFICE FROivI 8:ofr AM-5 PM. Send Clean-up Daposit To: N/A � IU RT:O OWIV�k OR CON"I'RACTOR FC1R I IIMSCLF AND OWNER ��� ::=. Design Fteview Baard ..,� ,ti; A�TI�7N FQRM Departrnerit of Community Deweiopment ���'�'���,j��� 75 Sauth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 te1: 97�.479.2i.39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProJect Name: Stockton Re-roof DRB Number: D#�8010249 Project Descri�rtion: Re-roaf shakes to asphalt Participants: OWNER Tye&Br9elle Stocktan 08/10/Z001 Phone: 476-0033 953 5 �rontage Rd West Suite 230 VAIL CQ 81b57 �icense: A�PLiCANT Tye&Brielle Stockton 08/iQ/20Q1 Phone: 47b-0033 953 S Frontage Rd West Suite �30 VAIL CQ $1657 License: Praject Address: 247d BALD MOUI'JTAIN RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 19 Block: 1 Subdivisiom CLUSTER�NE DUPLEX Parcel Num�er: Z10103301�02 Comrnentg: BOARQ/ST/4F�ACTIQN Motinn By. Action; STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of�►pproval: 0$J10J2001 Conditions: Cand: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made witho�t the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review cornmittee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN); bRB approval daes not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildang personn�l prior tfl constructian acti�ities. Rlanner: Judy R�driguez DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 �� 4 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACGEPTEb TF�NCOMPLE7E OR UI�ISIGNED Project #: " ' �� C`a Building Permrt #: 970-479-�149 �Inspections) ., �p��py� � TO1NN OF VAiL BUILDxNG PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits ar required for electrical, plurnbing, mechanical, etcy! _� 75 S. Fronfage Rd. � � � /, � �� � ��� � Vail, Colorado 81057' � �J eONT CTOR I��FORMATIUN General Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #`s: Q sv�,rL ��� Contractor Si r : C4MP�ETE VALUATIQNS FOR BUILDTNG PEFtMIT Labor & Materials BUI�DING: $ � ,r,�p, `'Q ELECTRICA�: $ OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ MFCHANICAL: $ TOTAL: $ � ���,,� For Parce/#Cantact Ea /e Coun Assessors t?�ce at 9TU-328-8640 or visit www,ea /e-coun .eom Parcei # L,�� ���� � �;���� ��- (application will t�Qt be accepted without pareel number) Job Narxie: j i b�T6.c/ ,��5��7��✓� Job Address: ��t� B�'�GL� /�At)J,�tJr''/A� /C� Legal C►escription Lot: /'�' Block: � Filing: /,� Subdivision: ���','/L G�e�c�'�,,� Owners Name:�. ��a��.� Addr�ss: � �,py��,,�,�,�, Phone: � A�J � �7,�-C�� Architect/Desig�er: � Address: Phpne: � Engineer. ,-- Address � Phone: f-- �etailed descriptinn of work: ����'a� Work CCass: Nevv ( � Addition ( ) Remndel ( ) Repair ( ) Demo ( ) Other(►✓f �'��C.�'�'�'r� Work Type: Interior O Exterior( :.� Both O Does an EHLI exist at this Iocation: Yes O No (� Type of Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-fami{y( ) Multi-family{ ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) ather( } Na. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ,�,� h�a af ACCammodation Units in this building: No/T e af Fire laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s WoodfPellet Wood Burnin t No e of Fire lac�s Pro ased: Gas A liances G�s Lo s Woad �ellet Wood Burnin NOT ALL�WED Does a Fire Alarm �xist: Yes O N� ( � Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes O No ( *,��:*x�,�x*���*�:,�**������*���:*;��*���,���:�FOR DFFICE USE UNLY���:*�*�,�*,���,�*x,�***,��*x�:*,�*�,�*,�*�,�***� Other Fees: Type of Construction: Acce ted B : DRB Fees: Uccu an Grou : Planner Si n-off: Date Received: F./everyone/farms(bl�gperm ,� `�-�., Questions? Call t�e Building Team at 479-2325 °'�. a� ;`'; 1 ' � 1 �� ��.� � x , ��`� ��'� Bui/ding Permit Submittal Checklist T(��'1��° ��� lr-���L� Departnnent of Community Deve7opment Proj�ct Name; .S�c,�,�-T�•�.l ,�s i����� Project Address• �Y�o /3�-!> ��.�r,��� ,,�2� , ✓ This Checklist must be com leted 6efore a Bui/dm Permit a Ii+c:at�on is accepted. ❑ All pages of ap�lication is cample'te ❑ Has DRB appraval obtained (if required} Provide a copy of ap�roval form ❑ Condor�inium Association letter of approval attached if projeck is a Multi-Family cflmplex ❑ Compl�te site pian s�bmitted � Public Way Permit aRplication included if applicable (refer to Pu�lic WVor�s chetkllst) � Staging plan included {refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,aark�na or material storage allowed on raadwa s and shouEders w�thout written a roval � Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring � Architect stamp ar�ci signature (All Commereial and Multi family) ❑ Full floar plans including building sections and eievations(4 sets of plans for Mufti-Family and Commercial) ❑ Window and doar schedule � Full st�uctural plans, intruding design criteria (ie.ioads) ❑ Structura� Engine�r stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) ❑ Soils Report must be subrnitted priar to footing inspection ❑ Fire resistive asseinb1ies specified ar�d penetrations indicatecf ❑ Smoke detect4rs shown on plans � Types and quantity af�replaces shown � Appli�ant's Signature: Date o#submittal: Received By: F:/everyo ne/forrns/b l dperm 2 �� � � ,. �19N4F 4'AIL x� H04V D�D WE RATE WiTH YOU? Tawn of Va�f Survey . Cornmunity [�eveiapment �epartment Russ+�ll Forrest, Director, (970�479-2139 Check a!�that applies. 1. Which Departmenf(5} did yau coniact? Build�ng •.�Errvironmen�al Housing A�lmin Planning DRB PEC . �. Was your inrtia!contaet with ou�sta1�immediate �slow or na one avaiiable ? 3. ff you uvere required#o wai�, how long was it before you uvere he�ped? r� �� �- �, �4ti� 4. Was your pro�ect r��newed oR a time�y basis�Yes Na if no, why r�ot? 5, Was t��s your fir$t time ta file a DRS app � PEC ap� Bldg Permit �' N/A � fi. . Please rate the perfarmar�ce af the staff person w�o assisted you: ,,,��-t/��5' 4 3 2 i Name: ,T�v �� ' .1��!�- � . (knawledge; respc�nsiveness, ava'tl ility) 7. Overai) �f��c'�veness of the �rant Service Caunter. �5 4 3 Z 1 8. What is the best time af day for yQU to use #�e Frant Service Counter7— y�-� —� ------� 9. Ar�y eomments you have which would a�low us to �etter serve you next time? T�a�k you for t�king �he time to complete this survey, We are cammitke��O impr�ving our s�rvic�. i� � � V�l� �� /'�!L 1NH�N A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECIC QFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUE5TI01�5 REGAR�ING THE f�EED �OR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": � Is this a new residence? YES NO `� ❑ Does d�molifion work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES NO ✓ ❑ Is any utility work needed? YES NO � ❑ Is the driveway being repav€�d? YES NO ✓ n Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO � n Is any drainage work beinc� done that afFects tl�e Right-af-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO f � Is a °Revocable Rigt�t-Qf-Way Permit" required? YES Na�/ ❑ Is the Right-of-Way, e�semenks or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES �JO f If answer is NO, is a p�rking, staging or fencing plan required by PubEic Works? YES NO ✓ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtair�ed. "Publi� Way Permit"applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofFice or at Community Developrrient (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonarci Sandoval in Public Works at 479-Z198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOV€ QUESTIOfUS. �/ � � �Tv�,�.;��� r-----� Contractor Signature Company Name JoE� or Project Name: .s����A �L���G�GL Date Signed: � /°/�/ F:/everyone/forms/bld perm4 i1 � 1 V�il ����12.� PUBLIC WORKS AND 7HE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT RROCESS How it relates to Buildinb Permits: : Fill out the attache� check list with the Buildin Permit A lication. If yes was answered to any of the questEOns then a "Public Way" �erm�t is required. You can pick up an applica�ion at either Cammunity Develo�ment, loCated at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Qrive. � Notice sign-offs for utility eampanies. ALL utilities must field verify (focate) respective utilities prior to signing applicatian. Some utility companies require up to 48 haurs r�atice to schedule a lacate. r A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also �e used. This plan will show locatians of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of constr�tction, staging, etc.). This pBa� will expire on Navember lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval thraugh the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be deraied deper�ding on the location of construction. :- Sketeh of work being performed must be submitted indi�ating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the trafFic ��nkrol pian or a site plan for the j�b. : Submit completed applicatio� to the PublsC Work's office for revieuv. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Tawn of Vail electricians �nd irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. % The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Mast permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week ta process. :- As saon as the perrr�it is approved, the Buildir�g Depar�ment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permik" with a "'Building Permit". �- NOTE: The abov� process �s for wark in a pubtic way ONLY. Pubfie Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new PubEic Way Permit is required each year if wark is not complete. Re-application each N�vember 15th does not mear� an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. ��� � ; - �'�' r:���: nature ate Signed F:/everyone/forms/bld perm5 t� � ��'N�F��I� BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (PubliC V'Vorks) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department rev�ew, and a review by the Building department, the estimated time for a total review will take as lang as three (3) weel�s. All commercial (large or small) and all murti-fami�y p�rmits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount af time. �fowever, 4f residential or smaEler projects impact the various above mer�tioned departrnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks ta review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as saan as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check pracedure and time frarne. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, tha't I must stiEl pay the pdac� check fee and that if I fail to da so it may afFect f�ture permits tha� I apply for. Agreed to by: /'�� JT°�Xrv� �Print n_� � '�f ignature Project Name. ���"��� r��h��'1'�f��=t Date: � /� �/' F:everyone/form�/bldperm3 PW#: LJ I�� - � � !1 ❑ - APPLICATI4N �arce� #: C� ❑ �' ❑ - � ❑ � ' ❑ I�- - ❑ � ❑ t,�.,, � F'UBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 Bldg. Permit#: � ❑ ❑ - U i..�` �i i—I '� TOI�jNOF�Al� 1' Job Name Street Address ❑ ❑ � _ !� (li unknown call 479-2138 ext.0) 2' Excava#ing Contraclor Neme MailEng Address TOV Contracror's License Number REQUaRED ( ) City State Zip Phone# 3' S#art Date Completion Date (Permit Expiration Date) �. Wot'k IS for(cirde ane) Water Sew�r Gas Electric Tefephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other 5. Tr�nch-width Length Depth (min, 4") Tatal S� $ Total LF $ Band Amount $ Permit Fe� Total Permit Fee $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMEfVT, AND TRAFFI� CO 5T BE ON THE JOBSIT� BEFQRE 'fHE JOB 15 STARTED. ' 7. Rubber put-riggers ar� required or� excav g t en working on aspfi�aft. . Aspha9t surfaces undemeath the buc t a g I otected at all times. B. A signsture below indicates a revie h utility locations and approaals� Once alf utility campany signatures are obta+ned, permittee t uting ap�►licaticrn through the Public WarkS offiee to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. ow up to one week ta prnaess. Publi�c Service Company (1-S�fl-922 ) Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-19B7) U.S. West ti-B00-922-1967) �CI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water& Sanitati�n District (970-476-�480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-80Q-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Irrigafsan (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Warks Construction Inspector{970-479-2�98) ' 9. TH�RE WILL BE �i0 TOTAL STREET CLOSUA�S! A consfruction traffic contral plan must be ap�roved by the P�blic Works Department prior to issuance of the perm9t. � 10. All excavation must be done by hand withFn 18'° of utilities–(Senate Bill 172). 11. P itte m s ontact P ic W r -219 24 Qurs rior to mmencin af work. �ailure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture af bond money. Scheduled inspectians which are not ready may result in the�own chargin� the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8– Public V11ays and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utiiity company agreema€�#s, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that a11 utilities have besn natified as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreement Print name clearly pate of Signature ATTACH PLAI'V �F WORK, INCLLlDI�lG COAISTRUC'CI�N TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN White—Pubfic Works Sf�ow streets with r�ames, buildings, and locatian of cuts. USE DASH L1lVES FOR CU7 Yellow--Contractor ***###*##$**�##&*#�#��#*�*##*�*�#*�t###*�*�**�*�#*#*#�**���***�*#�##��*���****##*��#**�****� TOWN OF VAIL, COL�RADQCvpy Reprinted on U3-13-2002 at 11:41:56 Q3/l3/2002 Statement ***���*�**���x�****�x**a��**�*��*�*�***��x***�*�***�*�*****�**�***���***��****�**�**�*a��***�*�*� Statement Number: R000001218 Amount: $262.75 08/13/200103 :08 PM Payment Met3zod: Check Tnits DF Natation.: CHECK # 1807. TYE STOCKTON ------------------------—----—--------------------------------------------- Permit No: B01-b236 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BiIILD PERMIT Parcel No: 210103301002 Site Address: 2470 BAUD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Location: 'Fotal Fees: $262.75 This Payment: $262.75 Tota1 ALL Pmts: $262.75 �alance: $0.00 *�*******��**�x�***�***�****�*�**�*�x**�x��***�x�****�*****��*******a�****�****�x*****�**�******** ACCOUN'I'ITEM LIST: Accaunt Code f�escription Current Pmts -------------------- -LL-—----—-——-------------- ------------ SP 00100003111100 E3LlILDING PERMIT FE�S 115.00 CL 001000(}31230�0 �QNTRACTOR LICENSES 50.Q0 DR OOlD�0031122G� DESIGN REVIF'.� FEES 20.00 PF OOlOD003112300 �LAiV CHECK FEES 74.75 WC 0010(��03112800 WILL CALL INSPECT�ON FEE 3.00 , • \ . , � '. � � T � !*. " "^"`.k`+�.. � ' ��"� � Design Review Board . � ���'�����` A�TT�N FORM �� � ti� ' Depar6rnent of Communiry Development ���,'�'A� ;�� ���.j.L� 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Golorado 81fi57 te1: 470.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.ca.us Project Name: Stockton Residence DR8 Number: DRB010287 Project Descriptlon: Deck remodelJadditifln; landscape improvements Participants: OWNER Tye&Brielle Stackton 08/27/2041 Phone: 47b-6415-w 953 S Frontage Rd West, Suite 230 Vail, CO 81657 License: APPLICANT Tye& Brielle Stockton 0$J27/2Qb1 Phone: 475-6415-w 953 S Frontage Rd West, Suite 230 Vail, CO 81657 License: Prnject Address: 247Q BALD MOUNTAIN RD VATL Locativn: Legal Description: Lot: 19 Rlock:� Sabdivision: CL`USTER�NErrDUPLE?( Parcel Number: 2101033fl10QZ Comments: See TOV Building Dept re: deck railing BOARD/STAFf ACCION Motion By: Ac#ion: STAFFAPR Secand By: Vote: Date of Appraval: 08/30/2001 Candi�ionst Cond: 8 (RkAfV): No changes ta these plan5 may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cflnd: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activitie.s. Cand: CON0�04974 Colors and materials shall match e�cisting. Planner: Ann Kjerulf DRB Fee Paid: $�0.00 .ff , ' � � � . ' ' . ��` �:; � ������ � Applicatiora for Design Review � . i`:"�.� : � `' Departrnent of Community Development , [ ' , � �-sY <r '�>�.; ��� t�� ' �,; <= 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Coiorado 81557 °��i �� ��,'�;��,�'� tel: 970.479.2139 f�ax: 970.4�9.Z452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This applicatior� is for any project requiring Design Revlew appravai. My project requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a buildFng permit application. please refer to the subrnitt�l requirements for the ', parti�ular approval that is requested. An �pplicatidn for Design Review eannot b�e accePted uratil aEl requared � inforrriatian is received by the Community Development �epartrnent. The pro�ect rnay also ne�d to be reviewed by ' the Town Council andJor the Planning and Envirbnmental Comm�ssion. Design Review Board approval lapses � unless a building permit is issued and construction commer�ces within one year of the appraval. Qescription of the Request: _ b�t.� �,i��>�a._ r �-n�%���ac��: - �a7 � 1+2+�IG�AT�o� Location o�'the Proposai: Lat: �� Black: � Subdivision: tJA oL U��t...�,�,L l� F�L��c„ Physical Address: �� '}O �S� rr, �u �p . Parcel Na: �! O� C�;;�j� QG` . {Cpntact Eag�e �Ca Assessor at 970-3�8-8640 for parcel no.) i Zo�ing: °; Name(s) of Owner(s): �e,�, 3�i��L� STc�"I�c� _ - i Mailing Acidress: _�5 3 a: F2r��6,� i:.� • N� • �, Su a-r� �'�t% .__�� � A► � C� ' ? S hone: � �-�� �S- � 4'l�-�c�33 h �--^� Owner(s) Signature{s): Name af Applicant: � J � Mailing Address: � Phone• `` Type of Review and Fee: ❑ New Construction $20� For construction af a new build�ng or demo/reauild. ❑ Addition $50 For an addition where sq�sare faotage is added to any residential or commercial building(incEudes 25Q additions&interior conversions). C�Minor Alterati ,.� $2Q For minor changes to buildings and site impmvements, such as, ��' �� �1�'���`.��-�'reta n ng wallsnei�ng, window additions, landscaping, fences and ❑ Changes to Approved Flans $�20 �r revisions to plar�s already approved by Rlanning 5tafl` or the �`����'�'y' j,t Qesign Review eaard a, � PLEAS�SUBMITTHIS APPLiCATI4N, ALL SUBMI"fi`AL REQUIREMEN75 AN�THE FEE T4 T}-!E DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELaPMEN7, 75 SOUfH FRQNTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLC)RAIX?81657. For QfF�ce lJse �nly, E Fee Paid: ' � Check �Ii�.: ' By; �PPlication Date: aRB Na.: � '� � �i P�anr��r: Project Na : �`"�*► � " � �':' ��; J� , _ , � - �a�� ;; ..���;�, �,,: ,.�_.. ( , � ' � � , , � . . � �-0�� µ - � Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 j,.. T�Y4'`Y� V� �G��lL MIN{)R EXTERIOR AL RATIO TE NS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPR4VEM�NTS SUBMITTA� REQUIR�MENTS Gen�ral Information: This application is required for proposals invalving minor exter+or al�erations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add iandscaping do not require DRB approval uniess they involve the addltion of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL RE UIREMENTS ❑ Stamped topograpF�ic survey*, if applicable ❑ Phatos or p�ans whi�h clearly convey existing con�itions* ' a Photos or plans which cfeariy convey the proposed building or sEte aft�ration(s)* o All relevant specifications for the proposal including cobrs and materials to be used. ❑ Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if appNcable � Written appraval from a condominium association or jaint owner, if applicable ❑ The Administrat�r and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawinas, �ecifications,samples and other materials(including a model)if d�emed necessary to determine whether a project will comply uvith Design Guidelines or Ef the intent of the proposa9 is not clearly indicated. Please submit th►•ee (3) cnpies�f thc�rnaterials n�lted with arz asterisk (*J. II. R�pAINT PRQPbSALS For all propasafs to repaint existing buildings, the foliowing supplemental in�ormation Fs required: ❑ Color chip or color sample incfuding the manufacturer name and cofar number(s) ❑ Architectura! elevation drawings which cfeariy indicate t�e locatson of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The folfowing is an example: � — .� ; � � � `' - � - . 1 `�� : �� �`� a � i � �- ���,_ ��.�..��.�. . __ ��"".." :�:��� ��. � -� w �y: F�1S��Q � ' wiNaow TRinn ' � TRfhA BAhJQ " � ° � _�����_�� � �� � � �� � . �;. 'j�atRu i n.mvuM I� x Cc,�*in... . �+.iae��� � 4 �� ��r"._r.v UpPER STUGCO SOUTH ELEVATIQN SOF�IT � i � . . � .: ; LC3WER STUCCO '�� � i . ,`� ---�--:_ WEST EL�VATIQI� � � � � � e � � . LIST QF PROPOSED MATERIALS �uildina Materials TVDe of Materia[ Color Raof 5iding Other Wall Materials Fascia St�f#its Windows Windaw Trim � Doors D4or Trim Hand or Deck Rails FI ues Flashing Chimneys Trash EnClosures Greenhouses Retaining Walks Exte�ior Light�ng Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer`s color and number and attach a calor chip. All e�erior iighting must meet the Towrn's regulations regarding lighting (see T�tle 14— Develapment Standards}. If exterior light�ng is praposed, ;�lease indicate the number of fi�ures and l�cations on a separate lighting plan. identify each �xt�re type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, lumi�ous area, and attach a cut sheet of tt�e light fixtures. , ' , s � � . �, 4 � � PROPOSEU L,A�DSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name uanti Size PRO�'OS�D TRFES AND SHRUBS IXISTING TRE�S TO B� R�MOVED htinimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees— 2"Caliper Canifervus TreeS—6' in height Shrubs — 5 Gal. Type Square FootacLe G�tOUND COVER SOD Z a'�Ot"�SG SEED IRRIGATIQf� So�5►= �! pr�lY'���pP F 5 G-� TYPE �F ER�SION CONTROL Please specify other lar�ds�ape features (i.e. retaining walls, fenees, swimming povls, etc.} � ls.vGc� '1�'�� -;J��`!�/�-�� ' , • ' � , . J��Q�7�1 ' i � i . -t,'G�'�� . �,�la3G�� - UTI�ITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is ta verify service availability and location for n�w construction and shoufd be u�ed in conjunction with pre�a�ing your �tility plan and scheduEing instailations. The location and availability of utilities, whett�er they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Si nature Date ��JQWEST g70.384.Q238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: ]ason Sharp � PUBLiC SE�tVICE HIGH PRESSURE GA5 970.458.252$ (tef) Contact: Bruce Miller �'�HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC AS50C. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) � Cor�tact: Ted Husky '�CCEL�NERG`( 303.571J518 (tel) 303.571.7877 (fax) Contact; Paul Kellogg ��" EAGLE RIVER WATER&SAiVITATiON � , G � ;'����'" DISf�RI�T* G-,�,n'��� 970.476.7480 {te!) 970.476.4Q89 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee S-�a � '�AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 11� (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when abtaining approval from the Eagle #�ver Water & Sanitatiora District. Fire flow needs must be addreSSed. NOTES: 1. If the utility uerification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directEy on the form, the Towr� will pre�ume that there are na problems and the development can proce�d. 2. If a utility company has eoncerns with the praposed construction, the utility repr�entative shall note directly on the utility verification f�rm that there is a probdem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter td t'he Town af Vail. H�wever, pleas� keep in mind that it is the responsibility pf the utility company and the applicar�t to resolve identified problems. 3. Th�se verifications do nat relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtaFn a Pub�it Way Permit fram the Department of Fubfic Works at the Town of Vail. lJtilitv lacations must be obtained before di in in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town vf Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separatel�r. t y + � ` , � � , , � r I�OTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-aa�nlication MeetinJc A pre-application meeting with Town of VaF� stafF is entouraged. The purpase of a pre-app�icatian meet�ng is to identify any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's propasal and to determine the appropriate develapment review process for an application. In many eases, the �re-application meeting help5 to expedite the development review process as critical fssues are identi�ied and �eait with in the pr�fiminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduied by contactir�g ]udy Rodriguez at 970.479.2128 or L�d�ig�E�zCa��i.vaii.ca.us Tirme Re uirements The Design Review Board rneets on the Zst and 3rd Wednesdays of each monkh. A complete application form and all accompanying materiaf must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to applicatifln deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated applicat�on deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http;;/�i.vaiE.ca.usLarnmdevlpGanninaldrblmeetings/defauft.htm For a new residential deveiopment, the applicatian deadline is typieaffy 3.5 we�ks prior ta a Design Review Board he�ring. Reviaw Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for camplEance with the Design Guidelines as set forth i� Title 1�, Chapter 11 (Design Review) and Title 14 (Development Standards7 of the Municipal Cade. Renuirements for orooerties located Pn hazard areas If� property is located in or adjacent to a rnapped hazard area (i.e. snaw avalanche, rt�ckFall, debri5 �low, flaodplain, wetland, poor soifs, etc.), the Community Dev�lopment Department may require a �ite-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific geological investigation determines that tt�e subjeck praperty is located ir� a geologically s�nsitive area, the property owner(s) must sign ar� a�Fidavit reco�nizing the hazard report prior to the issuance af a building permit. Applicants are strong�y encouraged ta cor�suft with Comr�unity Develapment staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the praperty ta afl mapped hazards. Repuired Plar� Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landsca�pe plans and oth�r site improvement �lans, all of the foEkowing mu5t be shawn. 1. Plar� sheet size must be 24"x 36". �ar large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scafe. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale. 4. North arrow. 5. Title blatk, project name, project address and legal descrip�ion, 6. Indication c�f plan preparer, address and phone numbe�. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and a!I re�ision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum lef�s�de margir� ot 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 1Z. �lan legend. t � � • I . • . . , � ; ' Design Review Board Meetinp Reauirements For new construction and additians, the appficant must stake and tape �he project site ta indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be remaved must be ta�ed. The appf�cant must en�ure tt�at staking done during the winter is rtot buried by snow, All site tapings and staking must be comp��ted prior to the day of the bRB meeting. Applicants who fail to appear before ti�e Design f�evi�w Baard on thei� schedu6ed meeting date and who haae not asked in advance that discus5ion on thesr item be postponed, will have their items remaved from the DRB agenda until such time as the itern has been repubi9shed. If the DRB approves the applicatian with conditians or modifications, all canditions of approval must be resolved privr to the issuance af a building permit. StafF Approv�l The Administrator (a mernber of the planning skaff) may re�iew and approve Design Review app9ications, app�ove witG� certair� modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a d�cision. All staff appravals are reviewed by the DeSign Re�iew Board and any staff de�ision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application r�quires a 5e,�arate re�iew by any local, state or Federai agency other than the Town af Vail, the applicatior� fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may ir�clude, but are nat limited to: Colorado Depa�tment of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps af Engineers 404, etc. The ap�licant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees ir� excess of 50°/0 of the applitation fee. If, at the appEicant"s request, any matter is postponed for hearing, ca�sing ti�e matter to be re-pubiished, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by th� applicant. Appfieations deemed by the Community bevelopment Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the comm�nity, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town stafF. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external . consultant is needed, the Community Deuelopment Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall �timate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amvunt shall be forwarded ta the Town by the appl{cant at the time of fling an application. The applicant shalE pay expenses incurred by the Tawn in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of no�ification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon reu�ew completion. � ' ` ' � � y , ` 1 1 . . � �' ���� J4INT PROPERTY QWNER - ti'�`�� i WRITTEN APPR�VAL LEffER � �'�,,� > .1 lJ���J�� V,� ��F l'�. :'� ��� ._ I, (print name) a joint owner of property lacated at (address/legal description) ��-y 7� ,B.��i� r°�o:�,�.r,�A�,c� �P� . , provide this letter as written approval of the plar�s dated _�z3/�o J whicl� have been submitted �o the Town of Vail Community De�elopment De�artment for the proposed improvernen�s to be tompleted at the address not�d above. I understand that the prvposed impro�em�nts include: �>�,� �ru--n::>�.� Ay�>.r �A���,�;��,P�,ca�, I further understand that minor madifications may be rnade to the p�ans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Tawn's applicable codes and regulations. !? � ignature) (Qate) . � �Top View of 1r'our De� : , � The Scale is 1/8" : 1' 3T�L_ 1 16'� 4"5' � q� -3�r � ---5 � 119' � 3 I � i � m rr-,+^•�„a- � ti � I � N . . _ . _. . . .- _ . M � �� ._'_'.. __ _ � . : ' —__. . ...___ _ _"._ __ _- .— . . , 'I [n � •i �����'��. �. _._ � I � �� . . . . .. I � � .. . � ... . . . i � � vF. I ��- � ... __ _" _ . . -__ _ _ . �D View of Your Dec� �� T �... .`:���`' . � � � � � � ��: I ri ���:. �i : , � � d"s'.!.:� �r. .a _ ,�� t��'� _ ," * „�.� � 4 � ,� ,, ;;�''���' ��' ��' �. r,: '�;� ��.z ;�,''' � �Y 4.y±� �5�'j� � 4� i�.t�� . .. aQ4�.F- i� �xa` �-,q l-.. 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U � w �, � � �' a , w � I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on November �e –� a 5 J � 28, 2000, except utility connectlons, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcei, Q : _ � . — except as shown, that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by =' > Q O improvements on any adjoining premises, except as indicated, and thbt there is no � > o pC �, apparent evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdenfng any part of said £ � � parcel, except as noted. � � – l� o - - y This certificate does not constitute a titie search by.lnter–Mountain Engineering to � � determine ownership or easements of record. For all information regarding ' � easements, rights–of–way or title of record, Inter–MountQin relied upon the ORAW 87: � �!� Townhome Map, Lot 19, Block 2, Vail �Ilage Thirteenth Filing, Town of Vail, Colorado, RPS y! a.k.a. Cluster One Duplex and Land Titie Guanantee Title Commitment, Order No. ��` �• � ?o• NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence V270317. o,,,�,�„�: �Z����oo any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In � � PftN[[iNO. no event, may any action based upon any defect in this �� 00-0153S survey be comrnenced more than ten years from the � ���r date of certification shown hereon. a Duane D. Fehringer P. . 8c P.LS. 26626 � � � � � , , , . ' ' � I , , , � I; � I •p� �� 'i ..� �' A= -_ I � � • j � �p � . � � m� ! � c o r �8 �I a � •� ,� sa i 3 A � $� � I � �' c� I ,� y �s i � �� I S 2529'08" E 174.�9' "� o •� $� � � `� 1 � \\� ���� . `�, A \ � �\ ���`� '�, � � ��, � � �� � �� � � � ` � ` � � '� � � �� ,� ��� � � � � -, � � � ` � , '� . , ''i � ` � � \�` , � � � � r —` � � �J� ��� \ � `� '�,\ •� � s �� �� �_,_ � � , ' �'� \ � „y sa � H ( � � � � ,,p � OI I� ` � ' . - „I h� '" ��. � O �' � o � 9, ._a . � � � 'o i � °5��g°�' —� I N �o �-o.o� � r�$;��:� � � � � -� s �o' °ac°i5��o . � 0 4, - - - - - � � � : I TRACT A $�ra°�s� S,G;. Z � ,NI i -�° �s Y ="s�=a €€- J I; � ee�s=:.�` � � � o� • _ � n���ra � . � � ' � ^ } �$�,g���fre � � tv� I � U 9or>sE��� Q . � - . I � I,%�LI' �.Ot�� n�7� Q � . . ' Q ,y goc=�-fi£'o Z V?a.a�3 E 3 J � ' . � . , . g€€r�e��� Q , �. . . . 5�_a;� . . � �I . � - I . �. . � , • � , y�O 5��€�� I � i '°�' .. � E r c dn �, �,. _"___ _'._._ . _. � ' I . . . ,r �_.�- _.._----_'— . , . '`$Y"mTV� I /' I v°�ooEEu�� S rE . . I� . j/ _ � ' � � � �S��aSwao i r . . � �' %� . . . - �.�r . /� . - - � l ^� I ' Q Q , ! a �� � �� � • � . � � N25 3>'30"W 175.09' � o I W U � � ' y R � i hereby certify that this improvement location certificate was prepared for Nancy Z x c� � . � y 4 Lipsky, that it is not a land survey plat or impravement survey plat, and that it is � � � ° � L�T 2� ,,u � � not to be relied y pon for the establishment of fence, buildin g, or other future Q � �. � • � 3 improvement lines. U � w '�, - � ^ � w 1 £ � � I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on Novem6er o � � 28, 2000, except utility connections, are entirel.y within the boundaries of the parcel, = � � S -' � except as shown, that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by W -' > � T v improvements on any adjoining premises, except as indicated, and that there is no � > � �� . _ o N 0. apparent evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any part of said ° aQy � � ;r parcel, except as noted. Q � - N °°l 1 � � � � `, This certificate does not constftute a title search by.lnter-Mountain Engineering to � � � determine ownershlp or easements of record. For all information regarding ' � � easements, rights-of-way or title of record, lnter-Mountain relied upon the �� ; �/"1 �i� Townhome Map, Lot 19, Block 2, Vail Village Thirteenth Filing, Town of Vail, Colorado, OfiANNBY: RPS � , a.k.a. Cluster One Duplex and Land Title Guanantee Title Commitment, Order No. �`"�` r a zc' NOTICE: According to Colorado law you rciust commence ��� V270317. �ar�: �Z���/Qo any legal action based upon any defect in this survey \` within three years after you first discover such defect. In � ,,,- �a��«�a. no event, rnay any action based upon any defect in this 00-01535 survey be comrnenced more than ten years from the ��a�r I date of certification shown hereon. /. <� Duane D. ehringer P.E. & P. .S. 26626 �—J' � � � e � �`�q��*������� Design Review Board .�.. ��v: :••>�:: }�•-r `��-��?{�;�%. ACTION FORM �`}� Deparhnent of Comrnunity Development ���;'�'��.������� � 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CoEorado 81657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.245� web: www.ci.vail.co.us Projeat Plame: Stockt�n Re-roof DRB Number: DR8010249 Project Descrip#ion: Re-roof shakes to asphalt Participants: OWNER Tye&Brielle Stockton 08/10/2401 Phone: 476-Oa33 953 5 Frontage Rd West Suite 230 VAIL CO 81657 l�icense: A,PPLICANT Tye & 6rielle Stockton 08/1D/20Q1 Phone: 476-0033 953 S Front�ge Rd West Suite 230 VAIL CO $1657 License: Praject Address: 2470 BALD MOUNTAI�V FtD VAIL Lacation: Legal Descr�ption: Lot: 19 Block: 1 SubdivisEOn: CLUSTER ONE DUPLEX Parcel Number; 2101033010fl2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 08/10/2001 Conditions: C�nd: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these p#ans may be made without the written cansent af Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PtAN): DRB approval daes not canstitute a permi�for building. Please cansult with �owr� of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Judy Rodriguei DRB Fee Paid: $�4.04 . � � ` +�► ; �`� Application for Design Review � � <:;€;;:;;. ,. ff&:;;5 Departrnent of Community Development 7'(�T T�7(} �1� i `"�` 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 A V I�i1' U� V't��l� ' � tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ; GeneralInformation: ' r This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. My project requiring design review must * receive approval prior to submitting a building permft application. Please ref�r to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by f the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: �f�� � VA�+— V�u.�,C,� Location of the Proposal: Lot: 1�Block:�_ Subdivision: � 1;t�- F+�.�uG, Physical Address: ��}�b [�A1.,1> ►MvV��,��l �{� , Parcel No.: �/C�0,3,3D�vDo1 (Contad Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: = Name(s) of Owner(s): �:::dr'�2.i�t���c-�r'tl� Mailing Address: ;�S 3 ` F2naJTA��_�.D W � S•y�T� z�,t3 i/llt L Lo glb��° Phone: 4f7G -l�a���L,� `���-b�l�s�w) �— ; Owner(s) Signature(s): - Name of Applicant: .S Mailing Address: Phone: Type of Review and Fee: � ❑ New Construction $200 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. ❑ Addition $50 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or / commercial building (includes 250 additions&interior conversions). � Q Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. ❑ Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board PLEASE SUBMIf THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS �� � AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 50UTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. �� For Office Use Onfy: ' Fee Paid: ' �r�"�;:--�• Check No.; 1 Sy: '. � Applicatian Date;"` � DRB fVo.: Planner: Project No.: : _� �✓*�`�'l:;,t�r�y i:., ...c ;�,�...±�y . J . . � . . . ' ' .� � � . 4 ��'��`���� �� Questions? Cal! the Plannrng Staff at 479-2i38 a�'�. TOIti�'OF ti�:�Ii� MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walis. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS ❑ Stamped topographic survey*, if applicable ❑ Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions* ' ❑ Photos or pians which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)* ❑ Ali relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to he used. ❑ Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicabie ❑ Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable ❑ The Administrator and/ar DRB may reauire the submission of additional olans drawings specifications,samples and other materials(including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of ihe materials noted with un asterisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: ❑ Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color num6er(s) ❑ Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: - �vr-�. �� r-`� - J � � If"' ._ ' +i-A ' .. - ,: A " �� 1 'Y��c� �''L._._..': .1 ....BveF,���:ti� , . :`nJsl9fi. � '� � .. .. �,_1_�'A+ �:� �,. WINDOW TRIM � ' �3� ' "� .,.._ TRIM BAND ' ar . �` `' - .. . ..g��M0�6.,. �4-'?NC�G�V� � �� .T.v..{�f++T,.%l ' ��� :.^�4� �Ml[".lb.Ft ��Vj UPPER STUCCO :SOUTH ELEVATION SOFFIT < '� s #�'�� ' �M � ���,. a�� � � � .<y � - � � � � � ��'`�.� L�WER STUCCO m'"�"°` ,�,, � � , - WEST ELEVATION . ; .. . � • . � LIST QF PROPOSED MATERLALS - Build9na Materials Type of Materiai Cplor Roof Sidi�g . Other Wall Materials Fascia � SOffits Windows Window Trim Doors � D�or Trirn Hand or Deck Rai�S _ • �- - _ � Flues F{ashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior L�ghting Other Nvtes: Please specify the manufacturer's cokor and number and attach a calor chip. AI! e�erior lighting must meet the Town's regul�tions regarding lighting (see Title 14 — Develapment Standards). If exterior lighting is praposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate 19ghting plan. Iden�ify each ��cture type and provide the height above grade, lumens oukput, iuminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtures. • � PROpOSE� L14NOSCAPING Botanical Narne Common Narr►e uanti Size PROPQSED TREES AND SHRUBS E7CISTING TREES 70 BE R�MOVED • Minimum f�equirerr�ents for Landscaping: Deciduaus Trees — 2" Caliper Cor�iferous Trees —6` in height Shrubs — 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUNb COVER SOD SEED . IRRIGATI�N TYPE O� EROSION COIVTROL � Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pool5, ete.) i� i UT�LITY L[}�ITYON VERIFICATION � , This form is ta verity service availabiCity and fatation for new constructian and should ae used in conjuncCion with preparing your utility pian and seheduling installativns. The lotation and �vailabiiity of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or prvposed lines, must be approved and verifed by the fallowing utilities for the ac�ompanying 5ite plan. Authorized Si nature Date QWES7 970.384.Q238 (tel� 970.384.0257 (fax) Contac�: ]a5an S�arp PUBLIC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GA5 970.468.Z5z8 (tef) Conta�t: Bruce Miller HOLY CRpSS ELECTRIC A550C. 970.949.5892 (tei} 970.949.4556 (fax) . � Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL EI�ERGY , 303.571.7518 (tel) 303.571.7877 tfax) Contact: Paul Kellogg EAGLE RIVER WATER& SANITATI4N DISfRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476,4089 (fax) � Contact: Fred Haslee A�&T BR0�IDBAND 970.949,I224 x 112 (tel} 970.9�9.9I38 (fax) Cnntact: Floyd Saiazar � *Ple�se provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eag�e �.iver Water &5ar�itation District. Fire �low needs must be addressed. N�T�S: 1. Tf the ut�i�ty verification farm has signatures fram each of the utiliky companies, and no c�mments are made direckly on the form, tk�e Tawn will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility campany has concerns with the proposed canstructiora, the utility representative shall note directly on t�e ut�fity verifieatian farm that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The i�sue shc�uld then be deta+led in an attached letter to the Town of U'ail. However, please keep in mind that �t is the responsibility of the utility company and �he applicant to resalve fdentified. problems. 3. TheSe verifications do not relieve the eontractor af the responsibility to obtain a P�blic Way Permat from the Departmenk of Pubiic Worlcs at the Town of Vail. Utilitv iocations must be obtained before �i in in any public right-of-way or easement within the Tawn of Vail. A buildin ermit is r�ot a Public Wav permit and mu�t be obtained separatelv, l � � w ' NOTES TO ALL APPlICANTS Pre-aoulicat�on Meetinu A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is enco�raged. The purpose of a pre-applicatian meeting is to identify any critical issues pertaining to the applicant`s�proposal and to deterrriir�e the appropriate deveEopment review process for an application. In many cases, the pre-application meetin� helps to e3cpedite the development review procnss as critieal issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages, A pre-applieatian mee�ing may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 970.479.21Z8 or�roe�rivuez a�ci.uail.�o.us Tirne ReQUirements The f�esign l�eview Baard meets on tne lst and 3rd Wednesdays of eac� month. A complete application form and all actompanying material must be accepted by the Community C?eveloprr�erat Department prior �o application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may b� found on the Worlcf Wide W�b at http•Jfci vaia co us/comrndev/aianning/drblmeetings/default htm For a new residential development, the appEicat�on deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearirag. Review Criteria The propbsai will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Tit�e 12, Cnapter 11 (Design Review) and TitJe 14 (�eveioprne�k Standards) of the Munidpal Code. Requiremer�ts 4`or nro�erties lac�ted in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjaceRt to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodpf�in, wetland, poor sails, etc.), th� Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific geological inv�tigation determines that the subject pro�erty is located in a geofogically sensitive area, tl�e property owner(s} must sign an affidawit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are stror�gly encouraged to consult with Community D�velopment staff priar to subrnitting a QRB appl��ation to determine t�e relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Re uired Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site pians, landseape plans and other site improvement plans, aq of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. �. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All pians must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scaie. , �+. North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address ar�d legal description. 6. Ind�cation of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7, Dates af origfnal pfan preparatiorr and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 1p. A border with a minimum lef�side margin of 1,5". !1, Names of all adjacent roadways. lz. Plan ieger�d. � � . f Desiqn Review Board Meetinq Requirements _ ., For new constr�ction and additrons, th� applicant must s�ake and tape fihe project site to indicate property lines, proposed bui�dings a�d buiEding corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to ti7e day af the DRB meeting. Applicants who fail to appear before the Desig� Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and wha have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be pflstpaned, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until sucE� time as the item ha5 been republished. If the aRe approves the application with conditions Qr madifcations, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to t#�e issuance of a building permit. Staff ApqroWal The Admi�istrator (a memt�er of the planning staff') may re�iew and approve Design Reuiew appiica�tions, approve with certain mvdifcations, deny the application, ar refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staafF approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approva4 by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any Iocal, state ar Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. �xamples of �uch review, may include, but are not limited to: Co�orado Department of Highway Access Perm�ts, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The appiieant shall be responsible for paying any pubf9shing fees in exce�s o�' S0% of the application fee. If, at the applicant°s request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter ta be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publicatian shall be paid by the app�icant. Applications deemed by �he Community Development Department to have d�sign, land use or other issues, which may have a significant �impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition ta Town staff. 5hould a de!terminatiort be made by Town staff that an external consujtant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consuftant. The Deparkment shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consu9tant and this artlount shall be fa�rr,rarded to the Tow� by the applicant at the time of fling an application. The app�ica�t shaEE pay expenses incurred by t�he Town in excess of the amaunt forwarded by the application to the Town withi� 3fl days of notification by tk�e Town. Any excess fun�s will be returned ta the appkicant upon r�v+ew completion. 1 ��;���>� CONSTRUCTIOI�'�RMIT � Q Z �-) �'`jC� �9�8 0'D)f DATE � � v PROJECT N0. ' �+ PERMIT NO. N� 104 ION� 0 Y81 ���� � � 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION i n ni i� department of community development 2.00CUPANCYGROUP A B E H I R M� BUILDING -7 DIVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 � ELECTRICAL TYPE OF PERMIT � ERAL DESCRIPTI N OF RK : < PWMBING ❑ BUILDING �PLUMBING �i�T1 C� z'�� � � � ❑ ELECTRICAL ❑ FOUNDATION ONLY > MECHANICAL ❑ MECHANICAL [�1�at Tuf� LEGAL LOT ' /BLK TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION PERMITFEES DESC. FILING ��G 1�GL���� �3 BUILDING PERMIT 33 , �o CJ J NAME: ��I�S� / � j PLANCHECK '�" V O ER AME 7�� ELECTRICAL .�- MAL DRESS�23 C.� � IA PLUMBING --�' Z�3- � CITI �L�� PH. SJ J NEW( ) ALTERATION( ) ADDITIONAL O REPAIR O MECHANICAL '�'` ARCHITECT FIRM DWEILING UNITS ACCOMMODATION UNITS RECREATION FEE "�'"� MAIL ADDRESS G.R.F A BEDROOMS DESIGN REVIEW BOAR� �� CITY PH. COMMERCIALSYST RESTAURANTSEATING CLEAN-UPDEPOSIT Q� /G�NERAL FIRM V � �J7L.L71EP..�S HEIGHT IN FT. BATHTUB/SHOWER CONTRACTOR MAILA �RESS� / NOFIREPLACES No.roi�ETS TOTALPERMITFEES ,�3p O , � CITY ` PH. Z COVERED PARKING UNCOVERED PARKING �� �" FIRM � � � / — E TRICAL B I� IN60F�IA� !i'L/-� DATE — � C�ACTOR MAILADDRESS INSULATION — — _ _ — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CITY PH. ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TYPE THICKNESS R VALUE FIRM FLOOR ONING NOTES: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS EXT.WALLS CITY PH ROOF FiRM HEAT MECHANICAL MAIL ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ELEC: GAS: CITY PH. i HF.REBY ACKNUW'LED(iE THAT I HAVE SOLAR: WOOD: READTHIS APPIJCATION A VD STATE THAT'PHE OTHER RRM _ �!. ABOVE 1S CORHkCT AND AGHEF. TO COMPLY � VAIL WATER&SAN.DIST.TAP FEE�. � wiTH n�� Tow� orsuiHnNCr.s .qNO sTnTE MAIL ADDRESS ,� LAWS REGANUWC: BI:ILDiNG CON TRUCTION. � CONTRACTOR CITY pH SPECIAL NOTES: � � (� � ' � �'� � . ��t�1� � ' l ' N'NF. CONTNi1C7 2 ; - �,��; CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DATE PROJECT No. � �+ PERMIT N0. tow� a �ai 1 TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V department of community development 2.00CUPANCYGROUP A B E H I R M BUILDING Z ELECTRICAL DIVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 O TYPE OF PERMIT � GENERAL�ESCRIPTION OF WORK : � PLUMBING ❑ BUILDING ❑ PLUMBING J ❑ ELECTRICAL �' FOUNDATION ONLY > MECHANICAL ❑ MECHANICAL _; LEGAL LOT BLK TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES DESC. FILING BUILDING PERMIT J NAME: PLAN CHECK O NER NAME ELECTRICAL MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CITV PH_ NEW( ) ALTERATION( ) ADDITIONAL( ) REPAIR( ) MECHANICAL ARCHITECT FIRM DWELLING UNITS ACCOMMODATION UNITS RECREATION FEE MAIL ADDRESS G.R.F.A. BEDROOMS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CITY PH. CLEAN UPDEPOSIT /I � COMMERCIALSYST RESTAURANTSEATING �f" p� GENERAL FIRM HEIGHTINFT. BATHTUB!SHOWER � � (/ CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS NOFIREPLACES NO.TOILETS TOTALPERMITFEES � ,'O" CITY PH- COVERED PARKING UNCOVERE�PARKING FIRM — - - - - - - - - - �TRICAL BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE C ACTOR MAILADDRESS INSULATION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CITY pH. ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TYPE THICKNESS R-VALUE FIRM FLOOR ONING NOTES: _ PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS EXT.WALLS CITY PH ROOF FIRM HEAT MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS ELEC: GAS: CITY PH. � HLREBY ACKVOWLG�GF TIIAT 1 II.AVE SOLAR: WOOD: RF.AD THB APPIJCATION AND STATE TH.4T THE OTHER FIRM ABOVE IS CORHECT AND AGHEF, TU COMPI,Y VAILWATER&SAN.DIST.TAPFEE: wiTH nLC. TowN oeoirvnvices AND sTnre MAIL ADDRESS LAWS HEGANUING Bl71LDING CONfiTNUCTIOV. CONTRACTOR CiTV pH SPECIAL NOTES: � ' 1 ' N'YL i CONTRAC'7'OH ' YA�L �� g �NIlTA7ICN D15iRIC7 . . - VA[L�EOX �C� fZADO u15S� � . RFS[DFJdItAL PIATETt � 5�3�r�i TAP FE� C�1�tMTIOP� PtiYSICAL PLAFI Q-�UC t�[AP� OF HC"� �.':ER L �.S?C-`''� � ' . � ��� S� r ua7 itcc.�c F�ur,� i -�� !3 �Ililr�G ADiDZESS . � 1. BAS€�'iEPfi ` 15T F!_OOR �I N & ZDi LET X 1.�EJ = I � F�OG� 10i�1E tiA1.F FA1N} ` FLDOR pCiRA S T NK5 X .� _ ? '= . � � �. SElSE�'�I�iT F�L 3A7}i • ' cv �()p� �S}�7rlER OR Tl�i x 3.� - � } } � �pp� BASIN� TD[LE�J _ FLOGR o � c �: ROQf'S �L.IVIhG 4�01''l5, � ° fLp� Er'�Z. 00FLS, OFF1C�5, X 1.� _ �p� S�'�ID IOS) � FLLlOit • . L�, KITG�NS . X 2.� •_ ! �"' � zatst�rasf�s x I.OQ = . . (�, � � � [.��tES x .5D = " ' — 5. (��u �u�:,} j � F- 6. - ICE F'I�GfINES X .� _ `. � � �. - � � •� — � � W B. wAr� cao�?s 8 _ . Z R'L , _ wa,�t wu��rairs x .25 ° � a s. ������ �� /X �.o� _ �. a � JACUIZI / X �.U! - � � ~ ��. . 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Project Application Date Project Name: j �- ,R' �"�r�� � ` r ` , . ' f J� „� ... . -' ._. �. i ..�...y.. "ti., , r Project Description: ! , . .° —„1�,d_. �.�3,'t �'f +� ° Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Pt�one: '� . �� ,- : ���P'''��- � ? Legal Desc�iption: Lot ° , Blbck , Filing Zo n e: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Secondsd by: APPROVAL DISA�PR�VAL � ,� .,.� �'� Summary: �.T ; ' . � a zoning Administrator Chi2f 8uilding Official Date: Date: Ihe prinlery.va�I � INSPEC�N RE[1UES� , TOWN OF VAI L ,� � - � " - DATE �v�','� �'`°� '�� "� JOB NAME -' _.c_:�i��'��'� �`'�' , �� : , , K � _ TIME RECEIVED � AM PM CALLER '� BU{LDING GQVER PLUMBING MECHAIVI�CAL ELfCTRtCAE.. FOOTING REQ. RATING ROUGH VENTtIATlON TEMPdRARY 'FOUNDA710N SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATtNG ROUGH W D C S FRAMlNG VENEER FINAL H4QDS FINAL FINAL RUOF PAflTIA! PARTtAL PARTIAL PARTIAI PAR'CIAt LOCATtON: LOGATION: I.00ATION: LOCATION: LQCATION: ,..�' ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION � MON TUE WED THUR ' FRI AM PM � COMMENTS: �] APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ' - .. � ._�i?`/14 t t.11 ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS __ ;�,��. ,:�-,��, ; : .,� "L: - , _ - , . .. ;,�v- ��i-- DATE INSPECTOR i�e prinlery'vai i 1 .1 F ���5 �' q. L� t3Kl � k � -1 - � '� ���� ��� �'��Iv° i�t �ri�l �1���""`r,�P`!����a., ��`:Y �ti��� b�'���`� 's� �.1$ � . J �� � .,,Y �...9 . t ' E q'k`�k F'"1�'`� �e . } �.�-l'� � � fi`�•,� Y�� r ,�k'� ,� 1`t c� �s t r.1 . , � � � S" ,.i C �- ...Fr� �YE;�x �P 5'Y:f} 1 ! .;j',7 i 1 �{ � $iKf��} '..;� .�. '"�; a � (,Wk �� i 4,� x k .-.� � _ . . . �'4 it � � ����, x ; �.s 1 �� �d 4 � f ' , t � � � ��; . � , � �' 'i' � ° ;-; !,� , _ '4 4 - � I ' �S � . . 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POWER ❑ HEATING ❑ ROUGH ❑ EXHAUST HOODS ❑ C�NDUIT p SUPPLY AIR ❑ ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL O�,APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,` �.. , �::. y.. r,, �.,. f � .. A M1 ... � .. . . � .Fbn._: ��_. ! � i I) � � . 'ti.. '�1�. . • %� �. . ' . ' . ' / DATE _� ..��� /�� �P �- � INSPECTOR � iM1e prinbry/va�il � ZONIN -�e�� � IJ ���---�'r�,� TOWN Of VA I L BUILDING �� «, � �"���� � --- , . Z PLUMBING TYPE OF OCCUPANCY AMOUNT EXITS REQ. � BUILDIIVG PERMIT Q MECHANICAL Z° � E 7 Q ELECTRICAL f ` � � JOBNAME �,.�.' L���j 1 ��C�= OTHER DATE OF APPLICATION ` 19 TOTAL ' '��� � � �'3�'' " µ����. r K� ��� `�£�, �c`. l '�_ �"et� y�+,ro � TOTALPLOORAREA ¢ � NAME �- M y}`-� � � • �` �+ t� �i � `i. CLASS OF WORK TOTAL LOT AREA 3 MAIL A[�DRESS ,�� ;�� NEW� ALTERATION 1 1 ADDITION ( � REPAIR ( 1 FLOOR AREA RATIO O CITY � �L.,_ PH��`°�Q O USEOFBUILDING � COVEqED UNCOVERED . 0 NAME t'• �` SQ.FT.OP BLDG. `2 Z HEIGHT IN FT. .��7 OFF ST.PARKING � H Z Q MAILA DRESS ,� � ��rC� � NO.OFSTORIES � SETBACKS OFFST. LOADING O F CITY � L PH � .�L`��f NO.OF LIVING UNITS � FHONT � EASEMENTS � { LI W NAME �' CONDO. LODGE SIDE � ��• . . � F — UMAIL ADDRESS SQ. FT.COMMERCIAL REAR r) VARIANCE DATE ot TYPE OF HEAT Q CITY ��' PH. WATER ( 1 FORCED AIR ( 1 ELEC l 1 UNIT( I y�" � ��. u,�! � v3< : � . � � �d# �,��s,'c .,a� �, �" � ,, �;� � �.„� ;� + J � y LOT � BLK � FILING 13 COVERING � � TRACT � EXT.WALLS f- '� � , 3 �'"� �"'�' `t �"���a�,d', .-I� L�-.C t C?� ROOF G'�,� „�/A. , ,. =r..C�P�^, �,�,� " .a,. f` .... .. APPLICATION '�> t "'�3= -" � INT.WALLS FEES ACCEPTED 1.TVPEOFCONSTRUCTION I 11 III IV � I HR � � � BWLDINGPERMIT L • 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H�'1�J S P E C I F I E D ves NO PLAN CHECK FEES 72 S PLAN CHECK DIVISION 1 2 3 4 FIRESPRINKLERS � PLUMBING :, s �, +,,. � � � ��. � re r `�s�r �b 7' �2�, i '��r?7rp� �FM j M o-�,s"�Po .4�" �u�t .::`E�� U� rs�� .:+�: ': ✓ ,� _ . , , , , 4,m g !1 :q,,, „ WETSTANDPIPE MECHANICAL � APPROy�L ° /�u p 74� /' � 3.USE 20NE DRY STANDPIPE � ELECTRICAL �l,,.s �' L COMB.STANDPIPE � CLEANUPDEPOSIT C G ,�rbef�, S.'d,�s fy IW ��R'b.F (9 2 ��� � n...r��' � � 4�.�n�,(�e �`� f `�`� �' �"��' `'�"��k`� '" SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE OTHER _ � ,� -1 T:c ..�i.�r< ;. st"„a�. � PC�F@Pi .S Q s/ PERMIT ,*r 79� � C�Sr�.Jv'fr�t ,Tp P �/ �'. GENE L DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION TOTAL C �h+ lc _l. '�7���cc OCCUPANCY SEPARATION ✓ '//J�7� � 1 'BY qCKxOwLEUGE TxA E�� 7�J SOIL TEST � l !3�p��AD TH[S APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE��---- - ��'r� S CORRECT AND AGHEE TO COMPLY ���� SURVEV V �� ��'o F r_'�ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE �il r T � F yJ / LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. "f/�� SPECIALINSPECTOR � PLAN NUMBER �-���`��'.:fi���..�� �/ SIGNATUBE OF OWNER OA CONTRACTOR /?�5 � 4t �"ZONINC� �� .f� .:. . PUB WKS._....-------� 1 i � � ---J , TO WN OF VA I L BUILDING � , Z PI.UMBING TYPE OF OCCUPANCY AMOUNT EXITS REQ. BUILDING PERMIT Q MECHANICAL 7 Q ELECTRICAL > JOB NAME L_ s � %��J� ..� OTHER DATE OF APPLICATION 19 7 L TOTAL .. � � ', i.", TOTAL FLOOR AREA � NAME ry� � � ' .t � CLASS OF WORK TOTAL LOT AREA w Z MAIL ADDRESS � � NEW 1}Q ALTERATION( 1 ADDITION O REPAIR I I FLOOR AREA RATIO 3 0 CITY � PH.y7 .��,;f��- USEOFBUIIDING � , COVERED UNCOVERED • Q NAME Q - � � r SQ.FT.OF BLDG. � HEIGHT IN FT. OFF ST.PARKING H Z Q MAIL ADDRESS �,�, � NO.OF STORIES SETBACKS OFF ST.LOADING O OC --- V ~ CITV � �� PN. NO.OF LIVING UNITS FRONT EASEMENTS WNAME C bNL� }`�/ . CONDO. LODGE SIDE � ���j � � F . . �� -r..� UMAIL ADDRESS SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL REAR �� VARIANCE �DATE � TYPE OF HEAT Q CITY � �! �' PH. WqTER O FORCED AIR( 1 ELEC( 1 UNIT( 1 � ,.; � F ' 4 ^ < ' � �� �:',,°j +�' '•:s ��;.� v+ �1 .; s ,. . �.,. ,. .,.< ,� a ,. , ,.� .,- ,; , . ,s . . .,., �.. J � y LOT BLK �FILING � COVERING D W W 4n ` -� O TRACT c � � EXT.WAlLS E' ?(. I�ry . � ROOF ,L� J �" + , s�� �y"Gt � _ � i' ,y'._ �a� ,"�*.g�'�'k�µ i � � x �.� � � s� . AP A � '`'� � INT.WALLS i �, t x,� "�h',..:�-.� � ,�s. r„�Cca '�"� FEES a. F� 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II 111 IV � I� HR BUILDING PERMIT , � 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H�U S P E C I F I E D VES NO PLAN CHECK FEES PLAN CHECK �IVISION 1 2 3 4 FIRESPRINKLERS �� PLUMBING � � �; !�„ „ , �.�.� WETSTAN�PIPE �� MECHANICAL APPROVAL ; � 3.USE ZONE DRY STANDPIPE �� ELEC RICAL -- � �� COMB.STANDPIPE �'� CLEANUP EPOSIT QtS)� /�• � p��#� ���:„u�,a.�. ��.� ap v . �d�'�p�.� � '":t3au�� .. `, . S t �.�itai ' ` �" � yRc�„� �Krk r '"�;G�;:'. SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE �� OTI1E � 2 ,� i GENERAL OESCRIPTION OP WORK AREA SEPARATION ✓ TOTAL � -� �—��—��� �— � (,� � OCCUPANCVSEPARATION L� �.J4S.� � al%JlG /.��C'' IHEREBY AC NOWLEDGE HAVE SOIL TEST L/ READ THIS APPI.ICATiON AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TU COMPLY SURVEY ✓ WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE SPECIAL INSPECTOR �/ LAWS REGARDING BUILD[NG CONSTRUCTION. PLAN NUMBER �� � f ' SIGNATUHE OF OWNER OR CONTRACT � i � J �3t.. n ,�_.�. L `�� . /� :,�s � �% i�_-...� �.. � TOWN OF VAIL 8���°��� �- -� �� - �- . Z PLUMBING TVPE OF OCCUPANCY AMOUNT EXITS REQ. BUILDING PERMIT � MECHANICAL a� a � �. r. � I Q ELECTRICAL ,�( �� �� � _ '- JOB NAME���/p 6� S (�r� �����{ � � OTHER a � DATE OF APPLICATION 1g T07AL r'�{'_ � --- ' � TOTALFLOOR AREA � �. ¢ NAME����� ��_� L'��1 � 1 c.' . CLASS OF WOHK TOTAL LOT AREA w z MAIL ADDRESS , `i �� - (�J NEW I I ALTERATION( 1 A�DITION� REPAIR I I FLOOR AREA RATIO 3 O • GTY . j-? {L PH��(� ��i � j USE OF BUILDING - �, COVERED UNCOVERED � t, � NAME ��r., y�, �x,�.�t �-(� ,. �t�;.-., � � SQ. FT.OF BLDG. "'- � HEIGHT IN FT. OFF ST.PARKING , � ^ � / Z Q MAIL ADORESS _ L, �, ��� r -- � NO.OP STORIES SETBACKS - OFP ST.kOADING O 0[ ` - ��� v ~ CITV ���;'� � L_ PH� ( L� �[' NO.OF LIVING UNITS FRONT J 5 EASEMENTS WNAME �7`-F!�"�'��'� - CONDO. LOOGE SIDE /�R� �'�) F t = MAIL ADDRESS SQ. FT.COMMERCIAL REAR j t) VARIANCE DATE ' � TYPE OF HEAT � a CITY PH. WATER O FORCED AIR( 1 ELEC( 1 UNIT( 1 , Q �j LOT BLK �� FILING �� COVERING (7 w � O TRACT EXT.WALLS I t I � �'[C_ 't(e�:� ROOF .FJJ.li' .` � APPL�IC�ATION INT.WALlS FEES A��er^tO 7.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 1 II 111 IV V 1 HR BUILDING PERMIT ,� � �� �� p� , � 2.OCCUPANCV GROUP A B C D E F G H I J S P E C I F I E D VES NO PI_AN CHECK FEES `( PLAN CHECK DIVISION 1 2 3 4 FIRE SPRINKLERS �" PLUM6ING WETSTANDPIPE �� MECHANICAL AL\,� 3.USE ZONE �RY STANDPIPE � '=� ELECTRICAL % � `�� j -L � [. G - � --- COMB.STANDPIPE �� �lEAN.-UPD�P � �; r-� SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE �/- OTHER y^,C'�� �� PERMIT#/ � GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION �"� TOTA /L'� �� , . � �/�� ,^��.7 y!. - �n �a ' y�> . OCCUPANCY SEPARA710N � � � - I HERE CKNOW GE THAT I HAVE '� � SOIL TEST ` �� READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE A80VE 1S COHRECT ANU AGNE:E 'I'O COMPLY SURVEY �/ WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AN❑ STATE / ( ` _ LAWS RF.GpHPING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION.r�/ �\, SPECIALINSPECTOR ' � J ( -� . -- j' .._.-`" PLAN NUMBER �/�J_.��; / ,i��i� .�7 �'-2 l�E� Iheptlntery/vail �� SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTHACTOR � � � PLUMBING/ MECHANICAL PERMIT � TOWN OF VAI L - DATE JOB NAME ➢C ar�J�� OWNER ,� ,(� ADDRESS CONTRACTOR � /�`' �,.�,q PHONE � a USE OF BUILDING: p� ��-� CLASS OF WORK: NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ REMODEL ❑ REPAIR DESCRIPTION OF WORK: J"�,G � �,✓ � � PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION$ �° - i a� , OTU VALUATION $ REMARKS: REMARKS: /6. J' PERMIT FEE � PERMIT FEE APPROVED ❑ DISAP�iOV � DATE � TOTAL FE S• $ � �_ \��(i ( . ''1 / __ l� �y � ,�. /e7� G � /6. S�J Permit IVo. ��Q��j 9 � � � i '� VAiI WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT �x WATER aND S�WfR TAP PERMIT rawa Q �ai TAP PERMIT WI � OT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP,FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB f � •"� LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION � ����f�,q�,f•7 �� � „ �c�a �/ ,� '�+ � GENERAL CONTRACTOR LIC. NO. PLUMgING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR LiC. NO. E?CCAVATING CaNTRACTOR LIC. I�O. SIZE OF TAP: Water Sewer Meter Size���'_ �tjl� � NIJMBER OF UNITS x$3U0.00=Amount`���� ��j���� -=`�'�`�j���^° Date Billed IDate Paid /�)��- ,�� � � // ,�,� �' �!��f ��� , s��� .I���j—�—. Finance Director Bldg. Dept.-White; — Water and Sanitation-Green; — Public Warks-Canary; — Contrector-Pink; — Accounting-Goldenrod � . . � .. Town of Vail Q� � ELECT�,ICAL PERMIT Job Name---�L�?`�1._�-..�U�1-_�.- .---�,��. -�-�,�- .��-�•-- --•-•-• Date of Applicatian-----�----�-�---��1��.,---- �-3-�-�---------------�19--��------ (�os� ��.��� 1n,ie. . . .............. �y_ �3� Electrical Contractor................... .....------------.....�----------------------------- -- �/} . Building Valuation $............................ APPlicant�---. . ......_...........�-'�.../��'�'�-.-- •--- .C'.. -•-----•-•••-••---•--..._. "-�'S n ure Electrical Valuation $.�!_�Q a'�0 APPItOVAL9 Pern�it Fee $---------...•••............. 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FLOCR �i:cA: Percer.t��c al Icwable , AI Iowable sq, f�. _� Actual s^. ft. �'�` IUIL[]ING EULi: C�NTROL: AI low�ble mar.imum iength — , Diagonal " , tequirec 4fisets '� , Actual length ��' , Diagonal � � g �'U iITE COVERAGE: Rliowable .Zr $, Allowable Sq. ft. ,/_____�_', Actual!��` " Actua I sq. ft. ��' �`4' pI; ' JSE�IBLF OPE�J Si ACE: Requi re�d ���_ sq. ft. , Rctual sq . tt. , Ground Level , �, ConSmon , �� �At�DSCA?lI�G: Required �p, �� sq. ft. , Ac#val �� ��r�s�.T-. 'ARKIt�G A1;D LOk�IP:G: tJo. Required , No. Actua ! ��, �overed F.s- �uired f--� �b —� Na. ; Covered tuaE " , �" � . � ZOidlNG AF'PRaVAL ��- I.K*,: -��,.� �-.Gf �'_�-/7_ � ' �oninq AdminisiTator D`fi� DESEGN R€VIE1:' BOARQ APPROVAI� ---- , Gh�,irman, Design Rev�iew Board Da�e ' U71LI7iE5 APPRO'dAL " � 7own t�gineer Daie ENV I RO?d".�i1TAL I i4PftiCT RPPROVAL -• • htayor Da�e Daie 5ubmit#ed for 2o�ing Review , Qeadline Da�e Date 5u�nitted #or Qesign Revi�w , Qeadline Qate Date Subritted for Environmental Impact Review • deadEine _ Extens.ion of � ta as rerR.i �y_� item date by 5ection of Ordinance "�o. 8 (Series of 1973) . COt•i�IcPJTS: " . � 0 o����c c� �,„ � � ,� i --z �r t✓ X'8 c� p �$h h —z � S r �l � �, , .� �, , -xxr� x � s � t& � � �.�'X � � 4 � ,�� � � �_� x �sr -� � � ,� � � v � �.�C �S`' /� G ' � � '� � —t � �/ 6 l�' � � p�r � �i ,.G Z' '// �e � ' 9�7 ( = 9 `X /4 ) -* � 'E z' // —�''gh �! �� �� r .� , �,r�, i r c� � � c�,� � ;�' x_tr'// ��° ' .�z'J ��'� K�, ) -z , '�'.�' v r � ,,�'g/„ x .�� �•��'" �� �� I�C �4_C� � �/' �t' �,� ��F� L�' �` � � �7 o�lf �! - 1°�ac '�"v r ��. ' 4 / c • �j� s ,� $ Z' � .� �7/ � '�f .+� - � ° ' a 7'G �r ��►�+►� �,: � °J/ . 0 � �,� �;�' � .� s*� v �f' r�.-��,�� .� s d��' `�t ?� �7' ���' �' � � __� � ,r �- � • ! DES IG!•1 REV I Et�,' E30�RD p�TE OF ���CE�fI1dG: AUGU57 15, 1974 + r�1�1��ERS PRESEhiT: Ruo�f, Qi� 1 _ ' , Abbott, Dudley � Hanjon, Sill Parker, Lou L��_ Sage, Dave � - ��Q��CT: MOUIVTAIf� �ENERAL CONTRAC�ORS - dup1ex - Qaa�t� C�eek - �3ob Wi 1 san � AC�'IO"� TAI.EP; �Y �OI�R�: I�1(}TIDt� to a rove b ; SECO�D�D SY VC}TE: �flR: AGAI«ST: r APPROVED: - j �.�-������ DTS�PPROVED: SUhiMA�Y: � � . . � ���� �hairma af �he Board _ pp �cant �d� � � . . , .�.�' c9� � � �� �� � . l�..��� �� D�SIGN P.P:VI�iti' �phltD I.��:STGh' CIPI:CF�LIST' � IN'Ft�OI�UC1'IDN: � 7'hzs cl�ecklist is inte�lcled as a guidelinc for evaldiating a i,�iLO s4�ectrt�m c�f structtires.' Con- senuer�tl.y so^�c parts of ifyese g,uiciclir.es cIo not �pplr- to 111 structures znd a r.e�:�titi•c re- s�onse tc � specific �;uirieline daes not neces- sarily se��gest a rejectac�n of the e�itire design. I. Gt:VEi�+IL: YF.S Nd f1T1IT'?? A. Does the scale, loc�tion, and architec'tural desigli of the bttiJ.din�� }�arino;lize i5°itl� the � st�rro�i��din�; cY:virnn:�ei�t hot}z existing and future: B. Are open sPaecs Ieft in a naturaZ state � or relandscaped to L�2e�id t}�e structure to its s�iri�oundinos? C. Is t}le tapography o� the site used a.n ��,b � a benefici�l way? ��f�' D. If cut and fill slopes a��e rec�uirect, are the}�, scul��tt�red (with the use of x•e- ' : taining ��aZls, etc.) ���cl rclancisca�;ecl to � blend ti�rith the sui•roi��:din�s? . _ -'szzal i?�pact oi off-stree� varri�7g rizni�nizec t Iications of � 1�ndscnping aitd �er;�iii�g? . • : : � �_�` F. In general, is landscapin,� used to the ��¢� bencri c� the u�lic? � : �n �� �n a'��' 15 G. If the bui.ldinj is residcr.tial, dnes � 1 I__ 5��� a� its location ancl confifxuration maximize the � YT� D�i � privacy of surrot>>.dir�g c�s1�c:llin�s and intrt.cle � �W��J�� /I �V� in'�� ti�e�.r 7riexti�s to th� minir.ufrn extent . ��° feasible? II. hfATER?AI.S AP;II ARCHiTECTUR4L I'ESIG�:: . ��� � A. E�ocs the roaf have a pitch G/I2 or � ^ � greater? I£ nof, is there a ga�d reasen � � � far this and is the design con�ltible �+ith Q� ���7'�. � *�� " the surroiuldin� are�? r B. Ciimatica2.ly, does the buildi�.� design � La�:�. ud�-antage of st�n, ��inc3, p:�ecipitation, r' �'G�.1� �`•' •�� etc. , throiigh locatie�i of fencstraticri, f'� otirer::anss, sliutters, etc. , anci �r,neral �[ - �y��.�� '�'� oTi-CntaLion pIl t�1e S�tG'? ��... f`� C. E?o the de��i�n and materials use�l on t�,e ���� ' t�uildin� reflect tlie najestic motiiitain set- K tin� anc� AJ.pine village scale of the 'I'oun? D. �lre the buildi�aa n:�terials used i�t an imagin�ti�-e and ereati��e ti���y so �s to lessen the noJ�otony of Uuildin� planc surfaces and I X coor�linnte fenestration locations" - : _ , � � YES h'C1 (7Ti(f:l;_ E, Are thc pal�emcnt r�atic2•ials on p�tios, public s�aces, �r�ti�e���ys, nnd parki.n� sreas � eonipatible �tiith the intended use anc� otlier � surrounding materials? � e r'11J� � ��� ��� � F. Ts t}rc design of accessory structz�res, fences, iti�lls, and othcr sti�uctur.�l land- �a4� scape fcatur�s cor,�}»tib?c in loc�tipn, re- • lation arld mater�ai �s�ith t}�e main structuxe and the rest of the surrounding environme � � p G. Are the finish colors compatil�Ie tyith ���' Q{��('� the sur�-aundir.g cnvironm�r.t? (r:�tural, , earth colors are f�.t•ored, accent colors ��}a,� �p"�!�� (�C� should be used �•;i.h discretian and only on , I_ ob�ects of visual ir.:part�nce; metal trirt �' ��rr� '�` �Ilrl�`)� and flashi3;� shc•�,lcl be anae3iz�d or paanted ta be non°reflecti.ve.) . i I I. SCALE, fJPE1� SPAC�, STOR.IGI: A, If the Froject is co;�me7-ci��l in charae*er, is it relati-���:�r tigh*.-knit, intimate, a��ci , J pedestrian in scal.e? Does it ha��e an o��cr- �II\T all siga: �rogram that i:ill l:armonize signs r of commexclal intcrest itiith caeh othcx anci the surro��ndi�i� eiil-ironnent? . B, Are parking areac screened fron put�lic � vie�ti� and bro?:en up x•:itl� landscaping? . C. If the building i� residential in character, is there a looser, lo�cer der.sity character? If fencing i_s planned, is it harmonious ay�ith � other fencinn� �nd buildin� nateriais. (Solid, }� hi�h fences are dI5COL72g2C� in residentia]. . a�•eas.) : D. Are scrl�i.ce areas, o�trToar storage, . garhage cans, 2nd trash storage areas screened fror� adjacent proPerYies, sti�eets, and otlier �`�G' �� �' �c 2rea� by[plrtt�ti���;, �ences, or otlier . suitable na - � �� � � E. Are stnrage arnas ior boats, trai.lers , � ���� ��'�'p� � camper� , mot.orc��cles, off-raad ti-ehi�les , e�c. , �eonpleteJ 3r enclosed or screened fram acij�cent. }�, � �5.��� properties, streets, anc other public areas ���7T Uy �l.anting, fezc.es, or other suitable ma- � terials? Daie 5ubrniiied for Fe•vjek L���f ��� 7 I � TJYRd OF VA' 3_� � ��1U3 ,,•d'�'E,`;TAL �E�'lcri' CI'�EC'L! ST ! � , �roject _ _ Type nf �ro�eci � - . " � Owner ,�__�_����„� , Leaa ! DescrEpticn / 3 �� ! hn encironr�eniai ir^��ct repor, r;u=7 be mad� for any aciivity which may have �ry � noni'rivial eif�ci or� ihe �nviron��ent. Efr�;is include en�ironmental conseeuPr- ces of bath prir.�ary �nd secon�ar�; nature. The follasving questions =_hall be used es cui �elines tc tiecidc� wF�ether 10 rake a I • ' negativE dr�claratian or an en:�iron,°;en�� l ir�{�act reporl . ( If answer is unknc�+rr I w r i 1•� "unitnowri" i n yes/nc co I urnn) . YLS '!" + i I , Could tr;e croje;' sic�if : cantly ch=nse oresenT uses of the projec_' � - I ; area? __ � � l 2, boes 1he projec* �,ic�^ificci�tly ccnflicr with applicable e�enerai — � � plans and the V�i ! "�"ast�� Plan? ,/� � f 3. Could the pro,jec� a�-Pct "h� _�e _ a recr�;�tiori� l area, or area o€ I impo rfant visua! val .,� or �:re-�mp � a si=a with potential recreation- � a I or open �paee va I .;G? � �� j, 4. 4�i I I any naT�.:ral �r �-.an-�-�de �eo'�res ir� the arojec:i area which f are un i 4ue, that i s, ��ot =ou��d i n �thar parts of the To��ar., County, E or 5tate be affected:' _� � f I 5. VliEl the prajec�• involve construcTeo� os fiacilit9es on a slope af � � 30 percent or areate-? G. 1lill th� project invc-Ive car.struction o= #acilities in an area oi � geolcgic. I�dzard�? _ �_ � 7. 4+ill thc prajec' involve construc�ion oi r�cilities in an aree � � subject to ava [�nche:' 8. Could the projec� chanae ex� sting featcres or invafve construction � ln any flood pl�in, nat�ir-al dr� ine�e course, or v�afercour�e? _ � 9. 15 i�e pra�ect, es pa�t ot a larger �rcjec�, one of a serie= cf �umulative aetions, +�.� ich althouch inciividuafly small , mey as a whal�. have signi ; icent enviranmental im;�ac1? _ ✓ � ' / i 10. Doe jY�hP7 p�o,�ect in ! e� �xt,e�sive exc�v�ti(�n or fJ' I I ? �.���QX9 �! � �(.��I /'Q95CIrR� �r�.l �e.�� �PiG�•�.✓J / *JtY P�w'�.CwY I�si7�� - II . L?oes thp projeei are� or 1he �roject Si�e sErve as a 'siabit�t, #�od j ' source, nesii ❑Y ;, lac�, crassin_y, winter4 ��y area, source of water, � etc. for n�i Idl ife spp�ies% -�Q +�e dR+�'r �� �"� V�r41 ar=°'"' _ 12. Cou4d ihe projec° si�;-iifican�ly af`ecfi rearir�g areas or habitaf 1 of fish species? r� 13. l�re Ihere any rare cr endangered planfi s,pecies in the prajeci � ! area? � ! 14. Coul � the projee- chanc�e exis+inn features �f any of ttie region's i stream fron'ae� cr er�enbnli yrea=.? _ f ? ; 15. Y:i I 1 t'he pro,;eci rer.,�;e,�u5sta,Ztia4 amo ts of ve eia ` n ir.clud- f� p i n g g r a u n d c o v e r' /U ZCl, .L.ti Gr� fa.-� � -- 16. Could the project result in sivnif � cant c'iarzc�e in the hydrology � / � of the area? ,V i 17. Could the projec,t resul# in �`�e disp !ace,Tent oi communi�y � residcnts? ✓ ! 13. Cr�uld 4he pr�jec- se��:e ic encaura�e �e•��elopr:ant of pr�sently �n- � d�veloped zrees �r i���er,sifiy de��edear,er� of �lr�ady developed � areas% r/ ; — — ; 14. Is there appreci-=_ble op�o� ition �n the project or is it likely to � be co�ir•over� ial ? ✓ � — ! I t � . I � i YES NU ' 20. Wil ; � projeci crevte new nr aggrav�te�isting healih hazards? Y � 21 . �fil1 the oro,ject � nwo( ve the applic�tion, us� �r disposal of � � potentially hazardous maferi�ls? __ � 12. Gould tr�e project ycrierute sicr, ificar,i ar�ou�ts oi d�st er odor? _ '� � 23. Could ihe �,or,jec# gener�ite sigr�ifi�ant noise? � /.� I 24 . 4'Jill thQ pro�ect discharge significant volures ot solid or licuid ✓ � wastes? 25, Cauld i�he rpojectl result in dar�age to soil capa�ilii-y or loss of � � agricultural land? _ � i 26. Ceuld ihe pro�iect cignifieantly affect the c�tential use, exi-rac- / ( tion, or conseruation of a na�c:ral resource'. � V � , 27, Cou€ d Froject alter iocal traffic q��tter�s o� causP a sianiti - � cant increase in traffic volu^;e or transit s�rvice r,eeds? 2E. Additional remarhs: ` - i - �— - i � � I I __ --- -- -- I �— �__�__ � � I I ------ - — I � I — __ ._ - - -- i I �I ^ I __._._ i I _.___ I I l �I I . + � - � kevie+.� Ch�lis� Comple�ed uy . . Oate �-a2�� 7y � it . i � - Checkl ist Re,vie�iE�d by� � __ . ! Tiile �—,--- ' ---�. Title � � I , f3ased on fihe at�ove rsview, it is found thaT an Enviror�r�ental Impact Report is required. � Signed pd}e � � . ! NEGATIVE �ECL�RATIfl?! Base�3 c�n 1he bovs revic4i, (ar�d the siatement below, ) it is found that 1-h�s project c� 8 ot cause � sionificant envirOnrrenial irpacs. . � O '-�d' ?,�' _ S i oned Lla�te STATEI?F�T (�F f.:'1V I ROEd''ENTAL EFFECTS f"or� any poinis �r7s�aered yes or "unknoi�rn" , th� re�sor.s zre as foa lows: G�'a�.t � , �' �� �c�c.�' � . � , � ' I , . ` � �j�/�;��� �a*�-K INSPEC�N RECIUEST TOWN OF VAI L DATE_ _ JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER . 4 I BUILDiRiG COVER PLUMBING �I MECHANICAL � FOOTIIVG FtEf2. RATING ROUGH I� VENTIE.ATI(}N � FOUNf�A7I{lIV � SFi�ETROCK STANDPIPE W D C S WEATtNG '�' ;. FRAMING � VENEER _____ FtNAL 'HOODS I ; �:;;: ,FINAL ' ROOF =----- ---- _ _ ;! _ __-_____ i P/YE�'#'tAt PA�tTIAL PARTlAI �I . P��'#'IA� ,� ; " tOCA710N: LpCAT10N: LGiCATION: � lOCATI411�: �� � � � i ` ' - , _.. � � .: �..- ' , ���� - � �---__ ' _..._ ' _.. .-.._ :�., _'-__ ... i$ _..: _ -------:..__ __ �.�i�. � ��.. . .. ..i . . . . ,. .. . . . . . _, . . . j� ... . . ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM � COMMENTS: � ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT � ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR � FlLE 0 31974 � INSPEC�ON REC3UEST �...._...___ ___� . _-.�.�._. � �-�,v-� �-�.�s_�a�� . �- ,� -� DATE JOB NA E � TIME RECEIVED AM PM ��L� —� BEJILDING :, CQ�FER _: PI.UMBING MEGHANIGA�. FQPTtfVG RE4;-RATiNG �OUGH VENTJLATIOtV = - FOUN�ATION SF►EETftQCK - STAN�PlpE W Q;C S HEATING �. ; FRAM!!VG V£NEER ._ . , �INAI HOODS ;: . ,. F WAL R046 i �s,. ,., ^ _ .. PARTIAL PARTIAt PARTIAt PARTIAL ~ LOCATIQN; LOCATfON: LOCATIQN: LOCATION: ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ''},����� Z � 1��� INSPEC�ON REC3UEST --------- -- I.Q_W N O F V A I L � .�--- -_ DATE JOB NAME 'r �_�``. TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLE�t � � a ,, 3;�;,, , BUILDiNG COVER ;: PLUMSlNG : , Nt.ECt-lA�VIGAL .___ F0071NG ` REQ.'RATtNG '' R(7UGH` � VENTILATIOltf'r' Ft7U11iDATiON' � SHEETFiOCK STANDPIPE W fl C S � FtEAT[NG - FRAMING � VENEER ' FINAL ' HbODS FINAL � RbOF ' _ � ' PARTIAL , PARTfAL = FARTIAL PARTiAG. '' LOCATIQN: ' � LQCATIOh�: " LOCATlC?Ni =' LC}CATiON: `• ,. , _ _ �. _ .� _ : , � � '' ._ —` —' — ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR FllE OCT 81974 � INSPEC�ON RE[3UEST TOWN OF VAI L DATE JOBNAME _ TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER BUI LDI NG COVER PLUMBI NG MECHANICAL FOOTING REQ. RATING ROUGH VENTILAT�ON FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE W D C S HEATING FRAMING VENEER FINAL HQODS FINAI ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION: LOCATION: LOCATION: LOCATION: _ ____ ...__.----- -- - ------------ � ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS � DATE INSPECTOR � Fl� OCT 2 2 1g7 � INSPEC�ON RE[3UE�T �,..w N OF VAI L DATE __ JOB NAME " TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER "' i BUI_LDING_ COVER PLUMBING ' MECHANICAL ' I — ; I FQOTIN(; RE4. RiaTlNG_- - - ; ROUGH VENTILATiO�v' _ fOUNDATI6N SHEETROCK STANDPIPE W D C $ HEATtNG FRAMIRlG VENEER _ FINAL Ht70Q5 FINAL ROOF . ` i PARTtAL -' i�ARTIAL : f'ARTIAL I '' PARTIAL` IOCAT(ON: LOCATION: IOCATiON: ' LOCATION� ; i I , , i � � � �---- _��.. — ! � ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE F�ILOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ��I�' OCT 2 Z 1974 '� � INSPEC�ON RECIUEST TOWN OF VAI L DATE JOB NAME; Y���� _ TIME RECEIVED AM PM CAL I BUILDIIliG CfJVE,Fi ; Pl: llMB! (VG �� i�1ECi-lRNICAL ; — � � � — FOOTING REQ. RATING _ ,_ , , , RdUGH VENTlIATIONi FOUNDATION { SHEETROCK � STANDPIPE W D C S l�EATING FRAINlNG <, VENEER _ F111IAL ` N�QDS ,:-:... ( FINAL � ROOF _- �� °... ; ' _ PAftT1AL � P�tRTlAL PARTIAI ��' PARTIAL LOCATION: � LOCAT3flN: LOCATION; � LQCATIflN. ; - - - �� - � , i �� ' _ ° � ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REI NSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR � F1�� OCT 2 21974 � INSPEC�ON REC3UEST _.----_. .. __ ._TOWN OF VAI L _-.._.,�,_� , DATE JOB NAME i/ � _ TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER �' ' BUILDING COVER PLUMBfNG MECHANICAL FOOTING REQ. RATiNG___,_ _ ROUGH j VEN�I[�ATION FOUNDATt4N SHEETRt)CK' STANDPIPE W D C S I� HEATlNG ' = FRAMIIVG VENEER _�_ :_._.�. FINAL HJC?[7S = FINAL ROOF _ _ ___ -_. , _ � PARTiAL PARTIAl� PRf�7'IAL PARTtA� � LOCATION: � LOCATIUN: LOGAfiI(�N: I� LOGA714N: % I � j r� --- --- - j - - - � i ; � � --- -- _ � - - � ; ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTIOIV MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR � INSP C�ON974 REQUEST " TOWN OF V • DATE JOBNAME ' TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER BUILDING C�VER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ----- ----- - FOOTING REQ. RATING ROUGH VENTILATION FOUPIDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE W D C S HEATING FRAMING VENEER FINAL HOODS �I FINAL ROOF ---- --- _ ___--,- I' PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL j LOCATION: LOCATION: LOCATION: LOCATION: - -- _ ____.. --- -- -- - - � � ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REI NSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS � 'r � DATE INSPECTOR � �NSPEC'iON RE[3UEST \r�����,� �pN � ..... ........7�0 V1( N -.�.F..,.V A I L ' DATE JOB NAME `""`�- °--< ���� , TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER BUILDIN .f,, COVER Pt,UMBING �� ;1�ECHANICAL, �LE�TRICAL — -- _� ( FOCJT6NG REQ. RATING.____ ' ROl1Gii '� VENTI"�ATIQN "���'1PflRARY FC3UND,33;C��] SHEETRt�Ct6 . STANDPIPE �1 �3EATPiVG is�=.t�.'sH' a i �{ P'FiAI47#IV� i1 V�lVE�R _� _ F1�1,�11. 1� � � S � ��C3�3C3S ��'��`�� 61 � � FtNAL RGC1F � .._.____� { _ �_ _ � -- � �j PARTIA� PARTi%aS. � PARTlAL '� �PARTIAL �°ART(A� LOCATION: LOCATION: � �OCATION: �� L�Gr�TiQN: LC.�CATEC�h: _ � � _ � �' -----_ _ �:_ _.—� � � ___ __ _. —. � �_m — — �� - --.._. _...__ ____r____ _ �_��.��._�._._.--- -' M w:n�` �_...._.��..�W� _ __ � ❑ OTHER LJ PARTIAL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMEfVTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REI NSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR � INSPECI�N REO� UEST TOWN OF VAI L " DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER BUILDlNG CCIVER PLUMBtIVG 11�ECK�RIICAL i ELE�;.RIGAL - - FC?rJ7ENG REC2. RAT{'!VG ROUGH VEh7T1LATiC7N 1 `- - ' �� T�MP{?�AR'i � C F�UNDATiON Sii�ETROCK ST/�NDP[PE HEATING � ROUGFi W D C S �R,�IVIING V�NEER FINAL FiOQDS FINA� G FitUAt, si(7(�F _------- -- ---- ;, � PARTIAL PAiiT9AL PARTIAL �°AR71AL PRHTIAL �i �� LOCfiTtON: LOCA710N: LQCATtON: i.00ATlOti: LOGATIOPI: � — — — — — — — — — � LJ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READYFORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT 'j ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR � IIVSPEC�ON REGLUEST G�E DEC 31974 =. . . -r o ,N-nr__.a F _ v_�.,-L� , .f, . DATE _ JOB NAME ; ---r" . � • TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER�'�---- � ° SUILDING COVE'R PLUMBING fVlECHAR�(CAL , - - ---- -- - - I FOOTINC, REQ. ftATING ROUGH I VENTILATiOPd � FOUNDATtflN i ' SHEETFtOCK STANDPIPE W D C S' HELITING ^, , FRAMING VENEER FIiVAL FiOQDS � ��tNP�� ROOF -- � ._ —: d .._.�. ! a � � I �.,,�. � �' , � . . � .: . . , . ,...:. .. . . . . . . �, . . .. PAFtT1AL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL � i 'LOCATIpN: �OCATtOR�: LOCATION; ( LOCATION: ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION .. ��'.i`�..;'°. MON TUE WED THUR FRI � AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR i INSPEC�ON REC�UEST � TOWN OF VAI L I : DATE_��_ _'�� JOB NAME � � �'� • TIME RECEIVED '�� PM CALLER BUILDII�IG � CpVER PLUfYIBING � MECHANlC,4�. � _ _�_ _____ _� --, ___.__.________ FOOTWG � REQ. RA71NG _ RDUGH �� VENTILATION FOUNDATIC]IV ( SHEET#�OCK - STANCIPIPE W D :G S ` , •Ii�ATIN� i , FRAMING j VENEER FINAL � HOODS I FINAL � ROOF . _ _ f :. � PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ; � LOCATION: ' LQCAT(ON: ' i LOCA710N. LOCATION: I � , �_-'_ -_ .. ; � ------..� -_ ------- � � �- _ -..,-- __ ._. .. �< . ' ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: � APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS , DATE '�'q1`- _Z/ f INSPECTOR � , . r I�NSPEC�ON REGZUEST G � r_ � c r�Ty � , .�. i� , -*�r = � , . � _ J .% �.,-c— �� ° DATE JOB NAME ,�„�`,t� ?�� '�z �_.. _, '�� • '�- �' ,ti _ ir TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER --L_ � � BUIL[7lNG CtSVER PLUMBlfUG ' !IVI�CHANl�AL ELECTF�ICAL FOOT11rIG : REQ, RA3RNG ROUGH . . ; , i�ENTC�ATI�N °��MP!?RARY .. , ' FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE NEAT9NG ROUGH W p C.S ;. - �RAMiN� `':.' 1f�fUEER`. FIiVRL : `WC7Cl�S ' FINAL , ;FINAL RQ�F ----- _ `, ;. <.. ; PARTIA� PAF§TIAL` PARTiA� 4�ART1�l. PARTIAL LQGA'ffCtlV. LOCAT�ON: �:OCATtON: � LdCATIOtV: L12GATiON: ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: �,APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT �UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS � �T' �—���- �^ � ��—= � �.� r-�,� � �-t>a�=,.�-��i', � �- ; , '-- ci� � � ) t� J / � � ��� � /f—s' f�7 l'G � �P� � G�����f '1 �' ''� / `'" � _ � _r�� � � . �y, �,� ��T }7�� }� � i / _„ ��_, ( DATE _"' _,._ ---/�V ��(l f; -J'" '�-- -i Z . ,✓ INSPECTOR - i . . _ � °-• =� INSPEC�ON REf3UEST � EAGLECOUNTY � � � DATE JOB NAME �` TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER BU�LL�lNG CtaVER PLUMBiNG . MECHANtCA�. ELECTFiICAL �.��T1NG .: F�EC2.RATf4UG� r FiOUGM ;VEIUi'I"LATIOtU TEh+TP(3RARY,_ FOUNDATtON SHEETROGK STANDPIPE HEA�ING ftQUGH .- : �� ° . ,;; ,., FRAMING VENEER FINAL � � � S HOODS �INAL � , ; �1�CAL ROOF � ��• . .�v `2`4h� ��. ,:. �. , . .:. .. . ..� ; ::.�. . � .:. '`4'ARTBAL PAR"�IAL` PARTIAL' FARTIAL PlaRT1AL LOCATION: '' LOCAT(ON:' IOCATiON: LOCATION: Lt3CAYlON: ' ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION p � e READY FOR INSPECTION a MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ` ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS _, ." DATE - - INSPECTOR � , , , r �' �' INS EC�ON REC,�UEST . EAGLECOUNTY , ; DATE JOBNAME ° TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER BUIIDING COVER PLllMBING MECHANICl�L V�LECTRICAL �FO(ITING FiEQ.RATiNG` ROU'GH VENTt'LAT10N TEMPt1RARY ! FOUNDATIOIU' ; SH�ETRQCK . STAlVDPIPE i-IEATlNG RDUGN ' w o c S FRAlVII(VG UEl1VEER.__ FINAL H�QFJS FINAL ;.. FINAL ROOf __ _ _ PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LQCATIpN: 60CATfON LOCATION: LOCATIQN: LOGATiON: ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ; CORRECTIONS 4 ' i DATE INSPECTOR � �INSPECI'�;]N REC3UEST TOWN OF VAI L � DATE JOBNAME �« TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER ---___g_ ; , ---- � � , ( BUt_L.t3ING �' CC7VEfi P�.UIVIBEIVG _IVlECHANICA� EC,E'�TRICAL ' t �OdT9SVG REQ. �ATING_ _. RqUGH � VENT[LATION TEMFDRAR`t � FQUNbATiON f SHEETRt1Cl� STANDPIPE E NEATING R(?U�#i : FRA�iN6 i� V�NEER �{N1RL w � c s � Mt70D5�� � F9NAL FINAt, ' d�d3t3F — 1 - - ` � j PARTIAL PAR71A�. �PARTIA� PA€3T9A1 � PARTIAL I � ; � LOCATION: LdCAT101V: LOCATIQN: 1.QGATt4N: � LOCATIC}4V:: � I ❑ OTHER ❑ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR • � � � � �� ' ��� � ]�INT �ROPERTY OWNER - } ��"��$�;�� WRI7"fEN APPROVAL LETTER ;,,�:.z;��� ;:3 ;�a>;:';` .���'�''���.� �������`>'�'� I, (print name) �.��-� _�,r-�y��� , a joint owner of property facated at (address/{egal � de5cription} �f,�o `�,a ,r� .�t���-�,�' �`�'�. , � - provide t�is letter as written approval o�the plans dated c�l which have been submitted tv the Town of Vail Community De��lopment Department for the �roposed improvements to �e completed at the address nated above. I understand that the proposed improve�nents incl�de: �� ��• I further understand that minar modificakian� may be made ta the plans over tk�e course af the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applic�ble codes and regulations. � -''` �` ,�'//G�'/�f/ —�� ig�ature) (flate}