HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ05-0295 B08-0073 _---. . _ __. ---- - �-- : _��_7 ��Z 01 � . --- _ _— _ I _.___._ ._ -- �dV � — __ --_ __ __ . e----- I�'I_��' . . __ k�v�� '�l!�.�7,?�.i _:�-[��..�1!ti?re'�,�t,!�„ -�°- ------ _ , —�'n�_.__...� "��_ il�.r�_�,_ _C _�nn.�.�,��._._C�ro���-t� � -__�c�".�-�- � �`��`�'��-��� _--_�S''�'r�r� -�- cl�I� _ — _ __ __ ___ �--_�ly,s�,,� .►�r..� �n v��q_�`)_,n d"r±Q_ �?-� _ r.�e�vk�v-�_�� -`�''� -- -.__ �,��1"�7L 'y� +-y�� ���`��� �a t � 4� __ -- - _ _ -._— -- � T -------.._ .___. ._-- _ -- -- SC.ti'�'� {-�o�-ry,,,a� _ __. --------.� pr�TJ�''C��zn,•�, �.r�,o'to►�Q�,,�� �ti C�r� d ti U - � JUL 13 2010 --._ _...___-., I . . •��� �� ���� ,�s.�_.._...__�� . . . . �` � - f � . . , ., _ _ � � ' . - �. ; - - � � � �-�� ,� � *� �`.7.,.*� .::..�r � l���'�`��� . . 7'own of Y �� LKP ; ; Engin�erYng, �.nc. � a1I � ���: �._._'.�Y�--�`� L:tVI;JGI;�"11;C'H1�':CAL � � �—�_—�� '�"��'�hr �" _� ��p� I)��L�rn't��r 1 ; . ����r�r � �" ��� 1l�'. 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[�1�� tid���ul� �s�t i���ci�a�tical rtt�lha�i; c�l�cuz�ipacti��t1. I�u �tut pt�tjc�l� lt�� ���u►1�atiun �:��a�.�atit�F�. 1 h� �it� ,urrc�un�li��4, tft� b��ik�:�in4� str�icturc ,huu3�i slopc :��+ay irom t3n huii�lin�_ in all iJir���i���i�. :> ri�ini�i�um c�1� i� ii��h�> in 11�� �31'�l I{) tCcE 1� Pc:Ct�t13171t'[1�Itv in u�i�a�ecf arc�is, an�l .3�rt� i�:ch�� iE� ll�� lir,t Ef) l�=et in ��,����;r� �t�'��ns. �I�h4 �c3p ��I�th� �t•ar�til.�rli7uilcl���iir�s �ackiill �h��ut�1 ��� �����P�C{ r�Itfl � [tlttli1111i[ll U� 1 li�c�t ot r�lati��l� im}��r��ious till tu� r�c�ur� �Itc putextti<�l uC ��drt�acc ��at�r i�t[iltr.iti���� thr li��i�t�i�ttiun siib;utl; tiurl��s�� �t�t�r �;utttrall� �I��airtiil�_ t��•�ar�i th� }�rt��ii7;��i ��iilclin�� sitc tihoult� i�e c�i���rt�� ar��unc� <i►t� a��a� irien} it hz ��i�.in� u.��iraina_�� s��al�, or �,thcr a��pro�t�i m�tl��t.i�. �l�lt� rooi` �i�-ai��5 .ti:�i d.����7 s��c,ut� sE��aulLi �xt�ncJ anJ �ii��har�� l,�r�,nd th� fimit� �+f�h�: h��jtklili. [hiti r�}����-t lra5 h��rl �r��+ar�� a::c��?�i�i�3�; tcs 1�,�:�ill� ����::�}t��1 prc�li;;iui��i� ���c�tec}�ni��il �i��_it��zri���_° �t:in�ar:15. 1 l�4�� i� i��} �thtr ��ai-ra»tti �itf;�r c�},r�,se�1 .�r i�z��li«i. tiin��rcl�. � '��� -,: I.hl' f=n`.�in�erin�E. ]n�. 'Q�Q;q��'�'��.�;5�'�:':: ,,�C� .�.� .,h s• �' =�� . � �� ���; ;', _...._ , ,_F • ; _ -J�'� �-z�, ���ft���; 1 J52� .�_� _ . M f' � ��� �.._.� � 4 Ys�`(, �. �j: l.uira �'�tr����:a. I'1•: ��`�'••.....�•'"�,�„C��:' �`�'�4�f A�.'� ...'. I \\N1�-1 �!'�11ni-iunt�il!n:l:�.1�: uE�� I'.(�. l;us ��?�, l:cl+.r�zrd,. t'O �f 1li�� C.�f ��}7(7>t)_�b-�)(}l�S. l��i� (�)71'I) �)'�f�-�)(1S�I ����R� ���� IVOTE: THIS PERM/T NIUST BE POSTED ON JQBSITE AT AtL TIMES 7y}���T/��+'r i� 1VA11�'i A� • Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 5outh Frantage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 97�.479.2452, inpsections 97Q.4792149 A�DfALT MF �UILD FERMIT Permit #: BQ8-0073 Project #: PRJ05-0295 Job Address: 513 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status. . : ISSUE� Location......: BREAKAWAY WEST, BIiILDING 300 Rpplied . . : 04/0712008 �Parcel No....: 210301A�07�29 lssued. .. : 1�l2412009 Expites. ..: 04119/2010 OWNER BREAKAWAY WEST CONDOMINIUD/l A DA107/2008 APPLICANT GRESTQNE BUILOING COMPANY 04/0712008 Phone:479-1325 P.d. BOX 3389 VAIL CO 81658 License:42Q-B GONTRACT�R GRESTONE gUILDING GOkV6PAIVY 04/07/2008 Phone:479-1125 P.O. BOX 3389 VAIL CO 81658 License:420-8 � ARCHITECT TRD ARCHfTECTS O4/07/20Q8 Phone: 970-479-7387 TOM DUBOIS PO BQX 1492 VAIL CO B1658 License: C0��001769 Descripkion: BREAKAWAY WE57 BUILDING 30� NEW SIDING,TRIM, SZUCCO AiJD STONE.AUTOI�AAT{C F1RE SPftINKL.ER SYSTEM RETROFIT, FIREPLACE REPI.ACEMEN7,ADpITION O�STORAGE ROOMS ADDITI�NAL SCOf'E ADDED TO PERMiT: STA1R HANDRAILS, GUARDRAILS, STRUCTURAL DECK REPAIRS Occupancy: R2 Valuation: $2.382,318.20 Type Construction:VA Total Sq Ft Added: 106Q .,,�,,,.,..w..,.,�x.,.,e.:,,,..,.,..,.>.......,,..,..��,,,......<,.,,,......<,�.�..t...,.,., FE�SUMMARY .x,,,.,,,,,,,,.,...,,,,..�.,t.,�.>..............,.x,.,,....,�,,.x..,,.,�.,,:,x,,..,.,�,..,.,..,... Building Permit Fee------> $10,656.7D Will Cal Fee---------------------> $4A0 Total Calculated Fees------------> $6�5,119.92 Plan Check--------------------� $6,926.86 Use Tax Fee-------------------> $47,446.36 Additional Fees-----------------------> 46,446.37) Add'I Plan Check Hours-� $330.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $19,673.55 Investigatian-----------------� $0.00 Recreation Fee---�-----------> $756.00 Payments-_�-----------_.�_______> �19,673.55 Total Calculated Fees--------> $66,119.92 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $O.Op tf i�.1 tt t#1rt#aY�f rtwt rtn**�+�k+�'+��+�ty a t}eTkw%Rf Kf'Mwf�w;Ylxi/y kW itYff�kE W w:Yk}�x�t#f�kdtit+i Hntiat#l+�i!%ki ki:i+ik+iliti kia ti ktt4f ir>aKf H W fr�4}kf:t+iNiti k+tii#i ttei#:ltibfa'ifrttet�l'#t!fi Wxf kf klnFiri`kitt �ECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read ihis applicatian,filled out in full the information required,completed an a�ccurate plot plan, and state that all the informatior• as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information ancf plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zaning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Inkernational�uilding and Residential Godes and other ordinances of the Tawn applic�ble thereto- REQUE5TS F ftJSPECTION 5H L E MADE TVW -F�UR HOURS IN A�VANCE BY TELEPH�NE AT 970.478.2149 OR AT OUR OFFIG�FROM &:60 AM-4:0 PM. � .� ' � �.�.�.��� Si ur�of Owner or n ac o Date ���'� ��{ � — `1' _C��.� ��(�t'' �°. Print Name b Id_a!t_constructio n_perm it_041908 .....................�,...,,.,....,...�............,.,,,..,....,....,....,.,,.,.�.,..y.,.,........,,.�...,....,,.,.........,.,..,.,..�.,...,,rt..,,.>....,..,,..,..,.,<,�,...Y,.r,.... APRROVALS Permit#: BQ8-0073 as af 11-24-2009 Status: ISSUED w kf t;Y t h f�irex�+a texw kw YxY tflf fYM�RY�kfHkintittkt4M�Ffi1f4NR+Y�+�ik#R*4f}kx�yyr;yy�wi�kf:Yk#f ff ffYfM'f4lf e�kNM4'�vw**tYfHiY#ft�%4M%R�itRk�et Rf k:Vi�Fflhttt WiFf YfiYR4tfy'/YlfYYf'#AY:Y!W nkiY�#YHRi W Yf kf'itt1�NY'R� Item: 0510Q BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/17/2fl08 cgunion Action: COND 08/05/2a0� cgunion Action: AP 7/21/08 REVISION APPROVED 10/21/200� cgunivn Action: CR GQRRECTI�NS REQURIED FOR WALKWAY REVISIONS. �MAILED APPLICANI° 11/05/2008 cgunian Action: CR SECOND CHECK PL/�N REVIEW COMMENTS SENT 11I07/2pC}$ cgunion Action: AP APPROVED REVfSED PLANS FOR GUARDS, STRUCTURAL WURK ETC. ADDITfONAL PLAN SETISSUEQ 11120/2049 JRM Action: AP AP�ROVED REVISIONS �O ADD ELECTRIC HEAT FOR WALK, PAN, AhJD RETAINING WAL�. ( 50K ADDED VALUATION ELECTRICAL PERMIT REQUIR�D Item: fl5400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/07/2008 bg�bson Action: AP office set routed ta G-2 0$l01/2008 bgibson Action: AP 8/1/�8 revisior� approved 09/24/2008 bgibson Act�on: AP 9/22/08 revisipns approved by Planning, plans routed to Chris �union 10l31/20Q8 bgibson Action: AP responses to 10/21 letter approved by planning. plans routed to Chris Gunion, Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/28/2008 mvaughan Action: AP ♦f Rirw�/wtltf ylrwwwR+rt�xertw t!<tMfwRit�ww vW e+w*Y.kt'q+�k+k*Y k+S4M�RIrA Rf��!a ten f!�W vxY tRttivtiYSYM HRkwiFYr�lfsiyilf tff�ww}sfltlf efY�iFiltMf#1ffwRwilftYfHYYt'k%'tYiYVN'kf.Rfi%Wf M!'N Wt4ltffY4Rflffif fft�f kY• 5ee the Conditions s�ction of this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908 xK1RTxfikRw%w�hwwwfrt�rt*MwrkxMWwwwY��tiWiti+i*it#*kit+itit+ikdkftaflft�#�rtfwxrtRfw�Xwnwwrt�tM*rtrrtwnwMrtnk*MfiwRktxMFfhwMfiftwwwwrtrtwwwklww�TnrtwnwHrtXwx�rtfwwnwnwwwwnwtkxnw}rtxefiwTlKwxwfRTk*%R�xr CQNDITIQhIS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B08-a073 as of 11-24-20�9 Status: ISSUED ww�IrRrtkf warttKrta FwfY*w,YwMwnRwrwrtlr:Y�t�fWiW.YiYW ti#i K t#i ki t+i+iHl++Y k:Y k#�Yirikitfif kf kiMfi%*?�xMwakY�MAW FriFRFYtW FfiwwniYfYwwMwN/ewMwfl MY�KwM�It:Y k�h�w:�Fwnwwlr:FwN�w:Yww»p^A'RwwwM�YYrNAFMFwMRY�h:�hw:llrf IrRR+P:tw:f*wlew*fir Cond: 12 (BLDG.y; FIELD INSP�CTIQNS ARE REQUIR�D TO CHECK FOR COD� COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.}' ALL PEN�7RATI�NS IM WALLS, CEILINGS, AI�D FLC7QRS T� BE SEALED WITH AN APPRdVE� FIR� MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFQRE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond� 40 (BLDG): (MFRICOMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. Cond: CON0009898 ALL MEANS OF EGRESS REQUfREI7 P�R IBC CH. 10 SNALL REMAII� ACCES5IBLE ANY TIM�THE BUILDING IS �CCUPIED. Cond: CONd010424 SPECIAL INSPE�CTION REQIJIREL FOR WELDI�JG P�R IBC CH 17 bdd alt construction_permit_041908 *�*��***��+***�*�**�****��*�*���*��**���**�*��**�����****************�****�********�*****��* TOWN OF VALL, Cf)LORADO Statement *��:*���**********�***************�**�*********�**��*�:x********�***************************�* Statement Numlaer: R090�01702 Amount: $1, 3p1.12 11/24/2009DB:49 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #4791/CRESTONE PerTnit No: B08-0073 `I'ype: ADp/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT ParCel No: 2103-014-070�-9 Sit� Address: 913 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL �,ocation: SREAKAWAY WEST, BUILDING 300 Total Fees: $19, 673 .55 Th�.s Payment: $1, 3�1.12 Total ALL Pmts: $19, 673 .55 Salance: $0 . 00 �*���aa��x�*�x�*����x�x�********�********�*�**��*a��*�**�x:x���x����***�***�***����**�**�����*�*�*�* ACCOUNT I'I'�,M I,IST: Account Code Descriptian Current Pmts ---------—---------- --_�__-----—----------------- ------------ BP OQ1000031111�0 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 18�.50 Pk' 001�0�0311�300 PLAN CHECK FEES 118.63 UT l�.Op0003106Q00 USE 'I'AX 4� 9q9. 99 --------------------�------------------------------------------——--___----- �' � � �� � � . ��� � � �� � � � � �� � � , ������,�f ���' � �� �:��� .«�.� Depar#rnent;ci�.�ommvni#y �e��r�l�prrrenf�'� .�� "`;� t:��-�� � .� , ����� �� �'�� � �: �" . � ��°� .. <75 Sau#h Frpnta e Ro s3 g �� � �k "' :� � j .�., �., � . Vail � � � � � � �.� ,� ,* o�ora+��,����.�� � � 'a�4'„,�`�� � �'•_ " � " E-'f`��9��D �i c�� � b� �� �"��r . „ � A'�.•,�';� ,.. �k �� � .. ; �°�,��i � �. ��a ys���''� $. „�� '� �'`i ° � �d���'".S'��,�'�• � tg�.�Jt �`��_F �p 4� L�T'�����.7��,�;����;�r���Ta'� ,8 � " _ �i�� �� * . �'-��"��5 �� ,;j,��€�,�R�i7�°"����� �"� � � � ��� � ,�� a � � � � �������n����e ��r' � � � �v. 9 � i�i � '•�✓ tr �° $ � p������„ 'r t'�� �� ,�iS �tl�� �: �,'^* �i� ����it� ��"��' , ����m�a��a��.� �. �„r � � �� �l � ° . . �� �'�:�"�'��.�..�i��.�`i",�'-`.��."'����.?d.�..�'.;s,���.�a..� TRANSMITTAL FaRM � Rev€sion Submittals: � � +� 1. "Field Set"of a roved lar�s MUST aceom an revisions. � � PP P P Y 2. No Purther inspections wiil be performed un#il the revisions are approved&the p@rmit is re-issued. 3. �ees for revrewing revisions are$55.QD per hour(2 hour minimum), and are dv,� uRon issuance. E..__�W_.__. . �_..�._ ._...._..�.�._.�____-�-----.___.�.._._.__ - �Permit#(sy informetion appl�es to: Attention; � ��� � ('t�Revisions��TM ��~����W�� � �,j-����,,�,� �,��J t ���,�. ,,�,,�M� � a�eSPonse to Correction Letter ` v� € �f�hed copy ofi correction letter � � (��;�i , �j G�� � � rTed Submittal ( )Other , �..�.�,.� �.._.._...,_.,..�,�._:� i �,.�..._.._�...._.._.._..._..�,._.�,�.�._.�..t„�d�,.,c�_ �� £Praject Street Adtlress: '�`�'""�� � �'� �� ��o���-�����, �p�;�� j/�� I ; �escriptian/ListofGhang�s_ j F(N�r�eer� �street� �su�te� � Ih't•a��� nz� ��.��ed ; � � ��-I�` 1-�(ylr3 �Q,r�.Ir�;wn 7 �Bualding/Gomplex Name: �r�'� ��"'�'' �,/'�Q� i t�.r i�;� °, , , r � � a d ha�, kr T C ��a�� �aT�d — �_ �,�...�, i I. �E,2.GG� , ►+J��� I�,voE��� � j�,h �,,er �- �Contact Info�mation: } ` !Company: �i' PIGh ��t+ ���5 ��� : a � ��.���tiq �y'�e4 O�C���1 �or,, ��,�d��,q. � �G � �� t�Gh �3 �M l � 8`tr� ��� , ,Company Address: z ;City: V G` � State: `� Zip: �'` �,�� g r � ! � �U� � I-f U�f�. € ' �Contact Name: Qn j ; � � � � �ContactPhon�: �� �'��- II�� �C�1 ���+-���1' � ' E �E-Mail S (,i,�� � ��eSYO''��������� . (,uw„ �' ; � 5 � ..��.�„�,..w....�.�.�..�.���� � �Valuations (Labor&Materia[)} � 1 � � � �� ���� � ; :Bui1ding: $ � _ ' � � � � € �Plumbing: $ �(use additional sheet if necessary� f �F ...._..... _ . _.. t E -. . .__ .... _ __ __....... _ .._..: �Electricaf: . $ 1 � = �L�ate Received: f Mechan�cal: $ �{Tatal: $ � u, �'�' G� � � � �„ � � E � � v � ._._. . . � _ __ . __. ....... .... �. � D Nov �� zoo9 TC)W�I CJF VAIL I-Sep�D9 ;: " � � � t i . , � � ' ? � . .,4�,r' �� �' •� `' ��, ,�. �_� � � .s/ �.,.:�'i�� +��. i '�.,�a�, , 3 �»�a��I��` . � :�.1 _ ;.�.��, _l 1 `••J��}� � . . f � TO�VN�F VAIL ' Departrnent of Comrraunity L7evedapment 75 South Fruntuge Road ijail, ColorGtdo $1657 97(I-�7�-.2.T38 ���� FAX 970-479-2452 www.vaalgov.com Sep#ember 18, 2009 SENT VIA CERTIFIE� MAIL Breakaway West Hameowners Association 913 Lions Ridge Laop Vaii, CO 8�657 Re: Expired Rermit: Permit#B08-0{�73 Breakaway West Building 300, 913 Lions Ridge Loop Dear Property Owner(s}, A review af the Town of VaiE Community Development fles indicates that the permit listed above does not shaw a record of any work perfarmed in the last 18d days. The ap}a�icant I e�wner m�st show work progressing within a 180 day period or an �xtensifln must be applied for per fhe 2003 International Build�r�g Code, section 105.5. While contractors typicalEy submit permit applications, property owners are ultim�tely responsible for the permits on their property per th� 2G903 International Building Code, section 105.1. I encourage you to contact me at(97�} 479-2142 with any questians. Sincere�y, Martin A. Haeberle, C.B.O. Chief Building Official Town of Vail cc: contractor: Creston� Builders ��� REC'YCI.ED PMER 06-01-2009 Inspection Request Reporting Page 33 : 8 �m Vail, �C(? _ Cifir O�F -- Requested Inspeet�ate: Monday,June 01, 2009 Inspection Area: SH 5ite Address: 99$ LIDNS RIDG� LOOP VAIL SUITE 342, BREAf4 AWAY 1NE5T A/P!D Information Activity: E09-OQ21 Type: B-ELEC Sub Type: A�1F Sta#us: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: SH Qwner. SONDAD ENTERPRISES Con#ractor. BOSTON ELECTRIC Phone: 970-74�-8980 Description� WIRING FOR IfVTERIDR REMdDEL Requested fnsaectionfs) ttem: 19U ELEC-Final Requested Time: 08:30 AM Requestor: Bf7S�ON ELECTRIC Phone: 970-748-6980 Camments: 904-175 Assigned To: SHAHN Ent�red By: JMON�RAG�N K Action: � Time Exp: ��3�' CZv� Inspection Histarv Item: 110 �LEGService Item: 12Q ELEC-Raugh `A�pproved '* �2/23109 Inspector: SHAHN Action: AP P,PPROVED Comment: Nem: 13Q ELEGCanduit Item: 140 �LEC-Misc. Item: 190 E►�EC-Final REPT�.31 Run Id: 9795 NOTE: FH/S PERIVI�T MUST BE POSTED DA1 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES k� �iVNDFYAII, ' Town of Vail, Comrnunity Developmenk, 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Cvlorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, t 970.479,2452, inpsections 970.479.2'f 49 ADDfALT MF BU[LD PERMIT �'ermit #: B08-0073 Project #: 05-0295 Job Address: 913 LI�NS RIDGE LP VAIL Status. . : ISSUE� Location......: BREAKAWAY WEST, BUILDING 300 Applied. . : 04107I24a8 Parcel No....: 21Q301407029 Issued. .. : O8I06/2006 Expires . ..: 1112512008 ONfNER BREAKAWAY WEST CONDO�u11�11U1W A 0�107/20Q8 APPLICANT CRESTONE BUILDING COMI�ANY 04l07/2008 Phone:479-1125 P.O, BOX 3389 VAIL ' C� $1658 License 424-B CONTRAGTOR GRESTflNE BUILDING G4MPANY 04107/2008 Pho�e:479-1125 P.O. BOX 3389 UAIL CO 81658 License:420-B ARCHfTECT TRQ ARCHIT�CTS O414712008 Phone:970-479-7387 TOM�UBOIS PO BOX 4492 VAIL co s7sss License: COQOQ01769 Description: BREAICAWAY WEST BUILQING 300 NEW SIDING,TRIM,ST�1CC0 AN[3 S�ONE.AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRI�IKLER SYSTEM RETROFIT,FIREPLACE REPtAC�MENT,ADDITION OF STORAGE ROOMS AQf]ITIONRL SCOPE AD�ED T�PERMIT: STAIR HANDRAILS, GUARDRAILS, STRUC7URAL b�CK REPAIRS Occupancy: R2 Valuation: $2,332,318.27 Type Construction:VA Total 5q Ft Added: 108� tTM5M1�%wfRtMYrwitMRtfYfYiY�FtiY:YYfirtRfrR}rtwAleYi4Mtit3i+i}iafaY*}k'MW*�YkYrititii+}}y*}*#I�# FEE SUMMARY �RK4M':FhRwRf11MR�.R/wfiRfYH'Rf�Y'k'rt/rti4'kM�TARf�N"�h�1�11fM1Y;1R'RwRfY�1`:Fk'Rnjt:Y'kSttttitiktiki4f�YiFft Building Permit Fee-----� $10,474.2� Will Cal Fee------------------� $4.Op 7qtal Calculated Fees------------? $64,618.80 Plan Check---------------> $6,808.23 Use Tax Fee-------------------> $46,446.37 Additional Fees--------------------� 46,446.37} Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $33D,00 Restuarant Plan Review----� $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES------------a $18,372.43 Investigation---------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------a $756.00 Payments------------------------------> $18,372.43 Total Calculated Fees--------� $64,816.80 6ALANCE DUE----•-------------------> 3D.00 •tA(rkRlr%RVxf�IwfFkltRtME:Ftlft4ifeRwhk�!lYwrFfRtW WMY�I"ki#tfli�Y*�t**ir%tl�Ylt+ftiktitftti*ir#1lfi�11rwRIRw�hfxRR#**�!#*i#R�KRMf�wRRflANhfr/r�'f4tkYf%Yr!llr�lriti�k}�wMfi*R***f�:49A*R*ltkM�Y*FRfiR�wY��tft+ititltlri!*i:fi* b�CLARAI'IpNS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,fiiled out in full t�e information required, completed an eccurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plok plan,to comply with aEl Town ordinances and state laws, and to�uild this structure according ta the tawns zoning and subdivision codes,design review appraved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applieable thereto. REQUESTS OR INSPECTION H LL BE MAD ENTY-FpUR WOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELERHONE AT 970.479.2'149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AhA- :OD PM. ,...� ��'' 1 I �I Q,G00�} ' nature of Owne or on ctor Date _ ��� �� �� Print Nam bid_alt_construction_permit 041908 Y4t#�Y%fwwfiKhMW%Ykwt*tit***k!**Mfifli+#Y�*R*k�bRKrtw�MltiW4lxlkWWW��fYkit#k*�<fR�*�i4it+*****RwRfilRkWfifRf4*►*w+YlM*x�wAtMilYffiiYYi#�wSqMA�VMNWiWi�#il�i#*ktf*iRftArRMMYYM�YY+�kit*i***�} APPROVALS Permit#: B08-0073 as af 11-10-2008 Status: ISSUED 'k'iWYiHM1MW:Vin1'fY!#kii#it}k}i**k4#litil+�yy*xf�wriRf��wfYkYiiA kf!!lRf1NWk%i+itti+iHkly*Y'tf 3iFtti k#�i*;1�eKrtwrtx#/MRilif/rYrktY`IrY1wH#wY�fiRrtlntARtik+f�.!!/ilAYrArtlri'iMYMi1Mf frtk�t4f O>#fiYRfRA�Y11t�w�YX9'fYwY�eftMiFfitR Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN7 04117/2008 cgunion Action: CQNa D81d5/2008 cgur�ior� Action: AP 7/211Q8 REVISIC3N APPROVED 10/21/2008 cgunion Action: CR CQRRECTIONS REQURIED F�R WALKWAY REVISIOh�S. EMAILED APPLICANT 11l05/2008 cgunion Action: CR S�COND CHECK PLAN R�VIEW CC3MMENTS SENT 11/07/2008 cgunion Action: AP APPR�WED REVISED PLAhJS FOR GUARDS, STRUCTURAL WORK ETC. P,DDITIONAL PLAN SET ISSUED Item: 05400 PLAf�NING DEP'ARTMEIVT 04/07/2008 bgibsa� Action: AP office set routed to G-2 �D8/09l2008 bgibson Action: AP 811/�8 revisior� approved 09l24/20a8 bgibson AGtion: AP 9122/08 revisions approved by Planning, plans routed to Chris Gunion 9Q131/20�8 bgibso�n Action: AP responses to �0/2� letter appraved by planning. plans routed to Chris Gunion. It�m: 0560D FIRE �EPARTMEI�T 05/2812Q08 mvaughan Action: AP w1ltttHei�f�iHMfRn'F:F*w4Mif W#YiF4l+YNStW WMt WYFtl�tti tti#ik8iff�NRf�*kttt#itiiH}i111pTk/�Mitii*}k*k+hlwMRR�YRNhRrtY'rtill1kikR�Y*:Y*Yr*w#rtwM'FM Wf4wR:1w:1#+*#f t#iMH*'R*#*t1h1eM*i*Ai#�tFRliti*f k#i+fH##f*iYM See the Conditions section of t�ris Dacument for any that may apply. bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908 #*i**kfM*%i`4kfiii t+**#**FwY11rR4RSM�lkfiYtYRfMVf WitilkiHF�lkYrt+iti*kk+lA�F+'tkxY`ef k'h kfrxklnF*iltxlYlYYi%+ittYxW WYtiltii+tirtt4f`�lrtSt�#t+it+tfii#R*xRf xxrtirtktt*iR#Hti:FRAk1M#%tJHilf****Yif YnFiA9t#t CONDITIONS OF APPR�OVAL Permit#: B08-Q073 as of 31-10-2008 Status: ISSUED h'Rf1�hYrtwf**irf MfidRlIYw:lfrf�tYYi�1�#i##R�W W��kilii+ii***tyYf�4�4i##k**IrRMwpRY�rt?ik�ki Wirt�twfilRfYfrYFY�.�Yw+*4fRW W Wttft+tkit+i4i#-kilr#11f MHitlit#*fib#�Irinlitt4*+#+iMt*/l�Ytff`4ylrffiiHtik+i+}tf#k/ilkf Y CiOf1C�; �� (BLDG.): FIELE3 INSP�CTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEC}C FOR CODE COMPLIAhJCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIOI�S IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AI�D FLOQ�S TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPRQVED FIRE NIATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE}: FIRE DEPARTME�i�APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY UVORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 4C} (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FfRE ALARM REpUlRED PER �FPA 72. Cond: CONa009898 ALL MEANS OF EGRESS R�QUIRE�] PER IBC CH. 10 SHALL R�MAIN ACC�SSIBLE ANY TIIUIE THE BUIL�ING 15 OCCUPIED. Cond: CON0010424 SPEC�AL INSP�CTION F�EQUIRED FUR WELaING PER IBC CH 17 bld_a It_con structio n_perm It_041908 ##**#**�***###�*****ffi#�***####�*#*#****######**#######*##**�###*##�#***#*####*#*�########�*# 'TOWN QF VAIL, CpLORADQ 5tatement �********��**�****�****:��*�****��*��**�*��*��*��***************�***�*****�****���*********** Statement Number: R080002151 Amount: $4,438.58 �1/10/2Q0811:0� AM Payment Method: Check Init: I,C I3otation: #9547fCRESTONE aUILDTNG Permit No: 508-0073 'I'ype: ADD/ALT MF BUTLD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-014-07p2-9 Site Address: 913 LTONS ]2IDGE LP VAIL Location: BR�AKAWAY 'WEST, BUILBING 300 Tatal Fees: $18,372.43 This Payment: $4,438.58 Total ALL Pmts: $58,372.43 Balance: $0.00 �**�********�W*****************�**��*�********��**���*********���*�**�**��*��******�*�***�*� ACCOUNT[TEM LIST: Account Cod� Description Current Pm�s BP Q010�403111100 BUILDTNG PERMIT FEES 2,590.05 PF 00100003112300 PLAN G�-IECK FEES 1, 748.53 � � ��� �:`, ��`�`����'"����� `^e a� ���'�'��'� ��'�'"��� ;' �`s'�� , �� ���`� �, '�. ���"��������„�.�x`,.���� ����' �, � � ��: ' 3� . � ��,.. -. .. ..i�'.. s::a .�. i.oa� — 1 ' � �� i�evei�pm�nt�tevie�rr C�ordinato�� ' 4� �:�� �:� � � ��75 Sout�i Frar�tage��to�d� �.� y$ ° N ,: ,J��9,'�C� ���i�T � 'I �°� �� t� ��� � Ph�on�. 97����� �1��3 � �Y� ���, � � ,� ,.;�. ��� 1"��:' �70-���=�S7� ,i �� ���xi" �� �� �� �.�' �� r � ��� �� �� " I�t��c�r�� �7C-474 21�' �� ���?..,�£'';a id s�`a.�. . ...;�> .. .., . .���;��.��'��i��'`�g3`.'� ° ,ro�°sa'�``�4'� . "'�:�� ;�"� 'e•". .. �i;��. . . , .,�v�a Transmittai Form Revision Su�mittals: 1. "�ield Set" of approved plans MUST accampany revi�ions 2. f�o further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved &the permit is re-issued. ^� 3. Fees for reviewir�g revisions are$55.00 per hour(2 hour rrrinimum), and are due upon issuance. `� W... ._ _ __...___ .._. ...... --__._� _... .__ ...._.: ..,..... _.,. . ._.....m�.. _ ._. ..� ._.._.. ( `Revisions _ ___.... .. _ ., z � �� � ; Permit#(s} information applies to: Attenxion: O Response to Correction Letter � � �;, ,� _ -� � _attached eopy of correctian letter � � � �'��' ��' �{ ( ) Deferred Submittal � � � � ��'e��=�a-,,��.� W��t �I�� �G� �'�-.;�,��-t �v�_���� ( ) dther � "� � _� �.._.. _.._ �.. � , , ° Project Addr�ss: �� � �����.����� s��� i Descri tion J List of Chan e� � � W���� �.,� � ,_ _ � r.��u. . �,.ro..����,ri�., � , _ } � ; �� 5 L..,���;r �y� Lo t,� � � � � � � r �. rN r��-�.������.,,L � , � �. � __..___._� � �� � � . .� _ _ __�. � Co�tact Informafion ; ; � r � f��c.�.�i�-�.t�„--,�.� �y���'�C r���w�— �' i�,��w,�., j ; Company: L�e�r'.;n� �:��� ��ti� ��rr'' �h f � � �v Sf"� I h C��'�- '��`Nrv-i l Y �h' i�� � Company Ph: �'��' 1 �� u' Fax: �'�a`� � } � � � � ' Gontact�lame: ��Gt F ��;��1 r„�, ' . Ml".7i_''��=_ � � � �? Q-. l I ? � 76-�?q , € r ; Contact P�: � Cell: I `" � � ,. , k E-Maif: 5 r c.f � C� �r�li��h��.a;���ti� ; ��r�, ; � � �_�, � Town of Vail Confractor Regisiration NQ: ��.. � � � �, ; X ���-- � ; � E � ; SignatuPe (required) � . � ry ; Ft�v. �n �. .� . .."�: .�. � �� . �.��:� A,��R� _ � i � ised AC�I�lTIO�IAL'Va uations {Labs�r� Matsriafs) ` � � � ; (DO NOT include original valuatian) ' � € � � � � � ��—f r� {, � r Suilding$ ", � �i ; s' Plumbing $ ; �Use additional she�t if necessary) � �i � I I U i;'-� ; � ; Electrical$ � J ; � , Mechanicel$ ....x_.,._ _.�_,..._ .......,.__ . ,._... _.. .._..._ �_.€ � ` Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ ` Date Re ' � �n � � � � � V � Total $ f � � � � �` � � � � �' � � ���, StP � ���$ i� l� ; �_ __�...� __.� . �� TC�'�lt� C�� VAIL � �� ;� ,.:- _ _ _ _ __ —� a_.�..I� �t, '' �_I 1�v:'' I-�_.u�_.. D� L I�- — -- I � � �arc#�itects � .................. . -;�.,,_ � 1 � ���y �. `�_s,;� i(J� �_.x. � � aF C�[� �ctober 31, 200fi .._a ,v..�W ..._ .., ___._ �'��� ��e�� ���`���� �.�� �.�f��k.. I^vlr. Chris Gunion i Tham�s Plans �xa�7Zitner-Bui_lding Safety& Inspection Services ;i '* RObe�k [3Ug41S '� Town of Vail �an�nunity Development _ ��� 75 South Fxontage Road �► Vail, CO 81657 �C'�.� `��Ci� , Re: Breakaway West Condamini4uns ��� A RC� Building Permit#BQ8-0073 Deat Mr. Chri�, In res�onse to youY Plan Review eonnments dated �ctober 21, 2008 xegarding t-he above-Yeferenced project, I offex the foPlowing responses itemized per yo�lettei: Architectuaal commen#s: 1. A new drawing,Sh,�et A4dG,has bee�added showi��g large-scale plans of each typical stair conftguzation and associated guardrail and�ndtail details. Handrail extensions have been ptovided in accordance with ANSI 117.1 sections 505.10.2 and 5fl5.10.3 where praetical and were not provided per ANSI 117.1 section 505.10, exception 3,w'here it watild cxeate a hazazd. It is�.g o�inia� that if a handrail extension we�e to praject into, and thus impede, the normal path oE egress t�ravel, a hazard would be created. Sheets A401 through A404 show where I �elieve extensions could safely be pravided. 2. Stair sections have bee� pzovfde on Sheet A406 3. Sbeet A802 is part of the original pertnit set but has been included�ere as requested. Electrical comments: 4. Per our teleplaone canvexsation,the waterproof deck coating(Dex-Q-Tex) for the catwalks, and consequently the electrical work underneath,will not be completed until next Spring due to the weather xequirements of the systern However,it is out desire to complete the structural work (glue la�s and tirnbers} and isistallatton of tl�e new guardra.ils this year and are �equestvng a partial release of the permit to da so. We axe moving forward with the e�.g7neered.electrical drawings a.nd.wi11 submit th�m in the upcoming weeks upon completion Four full sets copies of the revised cat�ualk drawings,Revision #4, datec� �ct 31, 2Q0$, are attached as �equest�d, allowing y€�u to discard thase previously submitted if you wish. Thank you, U �� � Thamas R Du Sois,AIA ec: Scott Hoffmau-�Crestflne$uylding Company AC)'Bax 1492 tel.• 97(�4?9-?387 Vail, CQ SIb58 trdr�bors�7a att.net fax: 970-476-D4�? NC3TE: THIS PERMIT I'VIUST BE POSTED OA1 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .� 7GWN OP VA1L ' Town of Vail, Community D�velapment, 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsec#ions 970.479.2149 ADDlALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 808-0073 Project #: 05-�295 Job Address: 913 LIONS R9DGE LP VAIL Status . . : ISSUED Location...,..: BREAKAWAY WEST, BUILDING 300 Applied . . : 04/07I2008 Parcel No....: 290301407029 Issued...: 08146/2008 Expires, ..: 11/25I2008 01NNER BREAKAWAY WEST CONDONE9NIUM A 04/0712008 APPLICANT GRESTONE BUILDING COMPANY 04/p7l2Q08 Phone:478-ti125 P.O. BOX 3389 VAIL C0 81658 License:420-B COM1ITRACTOR CREST�NE BUILDING COMPANY 04107/2048 Phone:479-1125 P.O. BOX 3389 VAI L CQ 81658 Licenss:420-B ARCHITECT TRD ARCHITECTS p4J07/2048 Phone:97D-479-7387 TOM�U801S PO BOX 1a92 VAIL CO 81658 License�C000001769 Description: BREAKAWAY WEST BUfLDING 300 NEW SIDING,TRIM,STUCCO AND STONE.AUTpMAT1C FIRE SPRINKLER SYS'fEM RETROFIT, FfREPLACE REPLACEMEMT,ADDI710N OF STQRAGE ROOMS Occupancy: R2 Valuation: $1,595,003.27 Type Ganstwuction:VA Total�q Ft Added; 1Q80 .W,�.x.w.,,,�.w.�.,....�.........�..,,....��...�t.�.�,.�.......,,,,...,.,,,�,.,,,.,.....w,,,,.... FEE SUMMARY .,....,.�.<,..�;«..,.....,.._.,,.�.�,,.«*�..,,,,r�,,,.,..�..�..�..............>....,,,.., Building Permit Fee-----� $7,784.15 Wdll Cal Fee------�.____.______> $4.Q0 Total Galculated Fees-------------> $45,633.92 Plan Check-------------------> $5,059.70 Use Tax Fee-----------°-------3 $31,7d0.Q7 Additional Fees--------------------? 31,700A7) Add'I Plan Check Hours-� $330.00 Restuarant Plan Review----> $d.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> 373,933.85 Investigation----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------� $756.00 Payments------------•--------------> 513,933.85 Total Galculated Fees-------> $45,633.92 BALANCE DUE----------------------> 50,00 xw,rrrxx�•awewwwxxxwxRwwxw«y«xrx.x�wwKen,�-r,rr.sx�.wx.�w+x.txrr+att+r++�r+++k+�xwRawxwwxwwaxw�+r�ar�xxwwe+rr+aatir.+��<�,+,ra+aay,r�+�+e,t+i:�*+�+a+�,s++ri�+++�+tit+aras++rtaa��i w+��avtw�r�rr�rr,wrrsrt DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge 4htat I ha�e read this applicatian,filled aut in full the irrforrnation required,completed an accurate plot plan,and stale that all the information as required is correct. ! agree to comply with the infoemation and ploi plan,Io comply wilh a11 Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to Ihe towns zvning and subdivision codes,design review approved, International Building and ResidentiaE Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable therelo. REQUESTS F NSPECTIOW SH BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 97Q.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FR�M 8:40 AM -4:0 PM. e� '`._-r`' g.6-o� Si ure of Owner or o Date La � � Print Name bld_aft_construction�ermit_04�9a8 ,r,�x:rxxwwwwx�»wwaeYr.w�wr,�++.:.ywwx+«:wr+xfffa.�es*+�t�#�erxxxxf,�.ww:�exwrtxewwrrwx:t:r�,r�v+�+,�+rw�rrr„+++se+a+�++a+,taa�.+,trwesirr�rx�ai.,r+a+a+iws,�+v+�a.rw�.ti,�+�x�t�ira+s�++a��ia+a++�is��,rwkxsw• APPROVALS Permit#: Ba8-0073 as of a8-fl6-20Q8 Status: ISSUED WMYk1rrt/9YrtF1RN1tRMfifYRwh4/t!Y'kMilfttlfe�.lY WS�YMiY+ili�Fik+fHh1liYlk*kkYeift4**M*iYR!lHxtA�F�1�Rrt�wfF�M'4Yitf R*nhri1HY�WhfltYnY W�hW YY':k*Y#�Y*A**iYfr%'kRWRfIWM'�W WY�Yr,YWhirkitii#iHk*F*aY WV W1YW WfYYWNttY�eWYrYW°tniYe W W W�IY�Y°YMw�xt% Item: b5100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Q4/17/2048 cgunion Action: COIVD 08/05/2008 cgt�nion Action: AP 7/21lOS REVISIQN APPROVEIJ Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTM�AIT Q4/07/2008 bgibson Action: AP office set routed to G-2 08/01I2008 bgibson Action: AP 811/D8 revision approved I�em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/28l2008 mvaughan Action: AP k/r�R#hf�ti�titiiti k+;*:Y*wrt+%R>tff trtkf i ti MttHlly�rtw/wf Rf Rff ir}tRiw*1rR�fitF}RAfYff't3'tti kl�i#tAiF4fefiif#>4+#+i*a Yif#f*�'it}-Yex��R4�ef k�kf#-M'k+iH#f Yt##i�li*r*t14�4if�ttlrwlstfltl+itti+iii ktifi+f k#FYf M See the Canditions section of this Document for any that may ap�ly, bld_alt_construction_perm it_041808 rtrtwf4ttt!*�RThwYRY►fi�RN%Mk+iki*ii4iRA�1KWfk+itititaitiklrt�wkw�eyR%k;f�3wfXwYwfMYrkffRY�+YYilkftMx�Nfi4tRiittiilit+tli#*k#i�ftR�4Af4i#i#i#dki#Yt4it+i#ifyfiwkikwHiMNHWiiYiki�i#tYA �QNDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B08-0�73 as of OS-06-2008 Status: ISSUED ,..�.,.,.,,...,.�,.,....,...,,�,....,.�,,.,.......,�...>...,,.,�,....x...�.,.�,,,,....,,,�.,.�,,..,.,,,..,�,,,..,,.,�.,...�,.,...�,..,.,,...,.,,,,�..................�.,,.....�,.,.,....,�,...,.,.,, Cand: '12 (BLDG.): FIELD IhlSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F�R CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PE4V�TRATION5 �R4 WALLS, CEfLiNGS, AND FL�ORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIRL. Cvnd: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPRQVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE �TARTED. C4nd: 40 (B��G): (MFRlCOM�1/I) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. Cond: CONa009898 ALL MEANS OF EGRESS REQUIRED P�R IBC CH. 10 SH/�,LL R�MAIN ACCESSIBLE ANY TIME 1`HE BUILDII�G IS OCCUP6ED. Cond: CON0009899 ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS STAMPED BY A COLORADO STATE LICENSED ENGINE�R REQUIRED WITFi THE ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICA�`ION bld alt_construction_permit_OR19Q8 �***���������**�*�m�������****����**��*****+******��**�***�**********�*******�********�����* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **��**�*�******�**�***��**��*�*****����*****����***�***�*+�*�****�**�***�*��**+++****�*�**** Statement Number: R080001321 Amaunt: $330.00 OS/q5/2�0849:5� AM Payment Method: Check Init : DDG Notati.on: Crestone 4476 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: SOB-0073 Typ�: ADP/ALT MF SLT�LD PERMIT Parcel No: 21D3-014-0702-9 Site Address: 913 LIONS FtII?GE LP VAIL Location: BREAKAWAY WEST, BUILDING 300 TataJ. Fees: $13, 933 .85 This Payment; $330.00 Total AI,L Prrsts: $13, 933.85 Balance: $0. 00 **twww*******�rt*�************:�****�***************��**�*���*****��*****+�***********�*+****� ACCQUNT ITEM LIST: Account �Code Description Current Pmts PF 00�00003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 330.OQ � ..� �, ,�_ � . .r.... _ .� . �,�. �3' � e,- _ •. .. . a ._ .'.'� ,: �. .. �. � . . .�,_ , . ,_ . ._ , .,, .., . Ad L'� :' 'j . .... ... ;., .. � . , , . .. '.: _.:. �. _. .� _-,. ���. , . —��� � � ' _: ��,.. ;! ; ; �eV2lapment Review Coordinatar �,,� 75 S+o�uth �rontage Road : �. .. ,� � Vail, Ct3 81657 ; � -: _ � Phone:'974-�7�-2128 . _ . � � - � ��, .:� Fy � ,,: _ ` Fax: 97Q-t179-2172 '' ' � - �� pz . . Ins�aections: 97Q-474-214� : �- , � .����"�������� a.. ,. . ,�' "� � ... ._._._ Rev�sionllnformation Transmittal � AI� Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved pla�s and a copy of t�e correction letter. No further ins ections will be erformed unti� the revisions are a roved and the ennit is re-issued. _ _.__.._�T__.____._. _..._.._ .._.._. _ ___ . ...__ _.__.. . .� __ ... __,._ _ _ _. ..,.�.___.�__.._____ , � � Permit#(s) inforrr�ation applies to: Attentian; (.�j'�Revisions � V' � � i t?�-� - v�% � � ( ) Ft�spanse to Correction Let#er � ': � �'�-��-���,,��� ����-�� �'l�y ��� (� �:� e-T ��� U`� ,' � � ( ) Defisrred Submit�al � �� .�-,� __..�. ��_..� _.��._,_�..�m�___�_._�M._... ...�._ �..�.�_, ��__.w .._ ._._ _ __ww . �..�.. ...�..,_ _, �..____ � �� ' � Contact Information � Reason fnr Revisions (�nclude a list of all changes that = j � have been made from original approval}: � Company: �f�-� j-U�,� �'`','1� �ti� �=�Y�n�1�hY � (� �t� � i`�y�" C��� � ./�-c�l_v�--�-� 1 ° ; � Company Ph: ��� ' � �2--� Fax: �'�� - f I i r � Gontact Rlame: � �c�}� �`"�����v�, �� [,�t ��w CV�'��tr�� +�'''`-��"�`U fi'�-� 1 . 4 � f � co�t�ct�n: `�-�� - i i�-� _ceu: � � � � `1 �-j�-��� �� r v�,�.,�t-^�., � �� -� N� �r1�U�-����, � E-Mail: � C ' t t , �i`u�1vs,?l�w��c�,ti�, ��w, � j j z �2�_� � �r�. ��. �ru�,�� �i-"h` ; � � Town of Vail Gontractor�egistr ' n No: # � � `-.o-v�� ��w� y �C ` 1 � � (,�'�`�.�u i � � �_-` � � � � . � °- ` � ;;�.� -�d,�,,�-��-,�. � ss;� r.�C�w,ti� �-, . � . S�gnature (required) v „ — 3 i ; � ; � z � �._ m,�....�� �� � � � � Revised ADD1TIOt�AL Valuati s �abor& Materials) ; G�'��1'^(�'� � � s ' '� (DO NOT include orig+na!�aluatio�n) ; � ��-� �.�;�.� � � � �. , z i i , � Building$ _� ; ; � Plumbing$ y � � � - 5 . . j Electrical$ j � i ( � Mechanical$ �' ' ( ,� '� ^ � � � ; (Use additional sheet if necessary) _ � Total $ U,, '�lJ 4'�`' t���'t� � t , i � — _.. _.._... � .�,_.,... ��._._ ���_..�� �.�__ __�-�-__ _�.__._,.,�_�_ �....___.�. -�� . _...... ..._ _. _-- �..�._.�..�... � � � � �������� ���� C� Date Receive D �uL 3 i 2ooe . TOW'N �7F= '+��,IL ' ,.. . ._ ,. : _ - , , .� .. ._ .. €� ;a � � ; F 4 � f. i • • � '��� __�.._._.�____._._.__ �.._- � � Town of Vaif ��,�� ��c�rchitects ���� ,.... ..�...... ; . � • )�,�y i, 2oas ��� .?� . '� � D, �ir. t;hris ��r�ic�n �� � I��P� E,�an°uinet ` ,� � � "�°o..�n of�'ail �3uilciing Safet;�and lnspectio�.Se��iccs 7�5 l�rc�ntage Road,West r,.�� ��� '�'ail,CtJ 81657 l��e:Brt�ka�v�€� t"�ec��ant�t�miniutns ��s�� ����'' Builtiing 3()()Renc��ati�n�nd Altcracions Buiidin�P'�rmit #I308-U073 I�eaz C:t�tis� Tr� res�i�t�se t�►�et=eral issues tai.�cci ar x r�certt i���ecti.�on by t3zc Torosrn of���ail's Iiuildin�i�pect�srs re�.zt�ing the deGl���COristtuctit�t], 1 offet the fr�llowing response: 1. De+tails 1$,�9.2t1 a,nd 21/Sh�et&t/2:The dovble 2x1{3 jo�t spacir��at 16"on centcr(m lieu c�f 1'�>'ar�cecttc:.r as inc�fcatc-ct o�the clta�n�s}as cuttenE4v%�st�lled is as+ce�ita�sle a�d mc�xe tha� a�slequate to carry thc rt�quiee�i lt�ads.The 12"spaGing i:a throw�iack fsam whin tlie 1'lsscxia�iors was cc�nsidersng ccysnposite decking,ttrhieh tequir�s the c�c�sttr s�acing 2. 13etai118/5heet$()2:7'hc�#x12 RS Ceciar bcarn indicated u?as"over-c��"sgned"in c�rdcr to pr��s�ide.riie ccilin�materials a Ica�ical place to t�rminate with�ut exposir�any raw edges a�ad tc� parr�vide Eor th�ztt�cl�rne�t vf the�u�rdrail,Fr�sm a pur�l�stxuctural pc>is�t of vfe��r,a�:�1(}crr dvuble �t?C}jr�is�s a�e eap�ble of re.�isttt�g the required loads, t�tetefoxe the�otclti�i�;that has c�c-�ua�cr�fc�x attachment a£the 4�12 is consistent with t�c Building code 3. Details 1S.�9,20 and 21/Sh,eet$t32:'t'he secnnd laper of 5/8"T'}*pe`X'dry-�vall an the ceili�is prc�p�sed tc�be deleted as unn�ecessary ta pz�xu,i�d�e the r�c�uized l hc�a�praCectic��a foz Che r�eck ctructure._� ���ised detail�1 b/.�BU�,a�aC�ers ci:tnilar),sh�wan�;ccatnpiiance isi;aecorda�ce��ith Section.�?1.G.2.�,iu attachui fas referenc�.Additional��,t�e 1-�ouf asseTnb��i$ "saudra�iehed" between ncan-com�ustible materials tap and tic�ttom,pravidixig additional.�xotectic�n. �. D tai!181Shee#802:�'he�J8" tkru�SC�lts ce�unccting the�;uaad.eail will be substituted�ith 3/$>, �4"lag�iolrs c��ith na decc�a�e is�.sttuct�i�a.[ca�acitp If��c�u ha�>e anY quesd�sns c�r requi�e a�tciidQnal info t U���L� �' �y• a' Community De�elopmerrt Depa�tment 'Y�ank au, r r � ^ � " Buildin Safe and Ins ection S�rvices Y ���±°1��':' �.F�� r ,/ 9 tY p Sect:�� !'J • `f ��,,,,�� ��-��� intematfona)B��Meneetionat Resident,�af Coc�e 1�':.lidity o}panRlf. j'hg�pr���a P�r,„;,`hail 'ilinmas R Du �3ais, AI�1 not be construed to be e pBfR�tOf,pr� of,�ny violation 4f any cf the provisions oitltie cc_IDarin Hc�ppe-Ctestone�3uildin�;Cocnpanr J�risdictian. Permits p �OrdMy �OrdirtB�oe of th� provisions of this cadg� ���'�folate or c�rc�!the I'D.Sax�'��}2 valiU. The issuanca of e����Oi��a:� J�` d C�aai� CD 81�58 trrlxrba�r��tat���all not prevertt the 6uitding����qwr�ir,g a•T^ cc�r��;i�;�cf errars in tf�a constr�ctlaR docum0nts and oth�r c'�:�.Ti�g b���=-_`�?�`';�iai is also authorized fo provent occupancy cr use cf a $�'�'�� : '�-;'=r�in violat' n of this code o of any other ordinances of this j�_:.t_"::"_��. PLANS EXAMIP1e � ATE: t''�^�� ��� . _ , . ,_. . � . , - - - �.. .. �! ... � `- ��.f.Y.,.. ....�iHl�ti`,.".. . ..�3�tt'S � si.:fi. .YV.:. .-. .....:- r ' - w� w. � .� , s._ ..r .. . . - ... .e . �. - . - . . . ��S ... . ..Ni�F,. .� .. . ,u �.�'. 1�: .� �,!�•ygaav Y'�� � ..: �j R �� Mx� � W���M k%' Lj � � W . .. i �:) �� d �'+i.� � '�1 ' . . �. n f � � (1 � � r � �. i .i . �� p }� �}},,'r '� .. .p . . � �'pS x} �}� yvl '. . . � . . 9 �f ' do 'Pr� C't ., �-- , } _.. .... _. . _ — _ — __.__ ; i � � _ f ��t � •, y_ � � u . . �, Yf � �. i' ) b�' y� L A�a�� .. � F • � RS 4�^ � � �� � . . . s � � � 1 5x � a� . . � ' .,. 2 il �! 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I �1 't �iw�F _f ��\../ ���'� ��� I i../� LLr V �./ �� ( .L/ .f.�� I i � � � � � �� � � � � �� �� � ��� ���If s � € � f�it L..�t � �{ �� �u��[y� 4 �t t,�t�► �� � - , _ ��°'���:C#Y'�C�t� �'��St i� r�:b.�: � �architeets .�JL t,2�00� �� ss�•r�as���sr�r��r•. Buildlnc� 3C�4 � . �' �� �Ac��3s��t��� ,ti�: ���-���.,�? �i�fi3 L.ipnsridge �.c�op �[J 0�44 `� �-��,c:c� s���� s�c:a��-.���-ut,�v `fdi 1, Go�drado x �',,�'�,,�r� ���"�. 5,�� ����;� '� �` We��he�vea� � ,� _�� .-�� . _ :. ..F ��'St��l1 ��SCZ'���OII ►��lE'.et Pramenade and Raof Ileck Water�roofittg Snrf�a�ing S�ste� [. PR��ILgCT D�E�CR[t"1'IO�i Primer f{1D iPmc+is�ut��rapor tnussmission exce�i�15(bs/l0(If3 A. t�idA1P()SITt()Y sq(#iJper 24 hr period per ASI���II F 1 Afi9-a4. Weatitenaear�zmmenade ancl muf dcci.e�n��ring systesn is a muiti- 2. TYP[CAL P}IYSICAL PROPERTIES at 75°I"+ (24°C) lay�eFr.ti troucled ;a�,liecf ti��itzr�iriaat�n�and we�rin�surf�cc. il is , . .. �.$Ibs. f slesi�rnxl for u:,�c as�c�'atcrprvuf pmmenactc�,�a�ui rmaf s�ar#'aces �'� ����.......�.�<......._-..••.•................................... ps swch as sun Jec�pl�±• rt►s�fs,ab�enra�tion decJcs,ac.,►�hich are S. Artekrate��Ycxerirria� A5'I?�9 C�'3•s sut�c�t co nwmal fiwt u�aflic; ronf fumiture �td nrbt�er-tirtd �Adas`i's�in-A�c 4'.'�$�hcromct�r.t2Dmin. Cyrid102 wiird��v e��ashing r��s. mins. �ry at 14S°1r,18�nins.Wel st 6i�°2,04b hours)�Jnder 3x Mago;ficati��i+Ia c�+ciciFi�,blisterir�g.challcirzg,crazing `t'he mxteriat is�i}s�'red ip a s�rirs o1'lrtt��xled r�autin�„wEticdt form ar colnr chunRe. �n ei:i.�,is f8l�.z snesnlsrane�w�ith�sste�ra!�soraposition tlaching�nd a :�tote:"?,tHfO Mrs.as above is g�tratty cvnsideret�t�uivatCtst tl��cible ruhbe+'-cc.ment Ir�fTc surfact. A smique 'slip-s��cet of b yr�ars n�uura3��thering. i�14'U1S:GS(�l2"i�'SlL'ft1}�t711][}S2 SUT�SiL'�fltl�A�X'fS77[S l�l0"ti�at�`�ove,�r C, Ac�elorated Aging ASTIt�i)756*............. . h'n effect. ........... �tnrm�l h��il�lin�craeks and isolai�elenient ni�veme��4 I'nac:cd�u�e ll&li;6 cyt;l�s(�lu chall:ing, 1Nr.�tlLen�'taw s�utnp�u�nts cttinsi�t nf a camb'sFwYicros of dchpdrmed craxing,ctucksn�,bfisfcring,deitunlnaiing,etc.j poE��n�ric tiquid nrbbes-)atcx ia poa�rr fam�and�•alwnizers.as I�. Freearl'haw ASF�i Cb7........._.._�......._..... �fin�re�cage �+�elJ as speciel prei�sgineesec�a�gre�atES. t3t1 ey4les�..................................�...._.......,i�J'cight los.s�1 a F:. Chcmi��l ltesi.ti-tanc�rAS'lF�1 DZ294� 1'1� Wtal thicl�t� �rf the matariat rts 3116" �4.75it►m} 1�r i/�4" Indra.�triul Nd colar changa nr chtu��c in textur� (6.35r�m}. Ml � (zt u4splieal over plw-wnod nr c,7nrrete. .4fFr.r ��t C?0°�) suitabl�pr�paration it may he ia�talted o��er existinB Pj'�+�z'�}� Satt 2Q%sofution '�Io wlar ch�n�e or ch8[►gC in textare sur£�of�ari�ty�es,5uch�quurry lile,flag.�one,etc.A�+ett Ammflnia l�o color dvsnge or�ga in sGS-ture band aftplicat'e� tna�� ix svb�ttrt�d ior lhe �lip-shcct fea�ae, 5t�l�atit�(S°�i) c�md�x Cmssfield Cor c+cccr,nmrnrlutions. ft is�v�ilabic:in e�wide MwisGe Acid N�ca,l�z�ge c�r c�an�e in fe�cture rartge fli'st�IP ' 10°/n Wca e.yr is u fire reUuJunt system, �rith a Qne Hcxa �m Chkrrine(]0°fo) ]Vo cvlur change ar change in trxtsse� r�sis�ive C'anstructfon pating and it is appcut�ed b�° tha:foU�vi��g �ros�ne t3rr arlut ehat�¢e or change in texdtne agcnci�: Turpetitinc Slaghtsoitenissgafsur�ce �'aint 1T�€�ncr 5light soitening dfsurf'�cc 1. Tnrensatinnai C`unst�vcrion Cnnt�rencx(1C�).Class A F.pecrnlsSna ICf3n Test Fire ltetardant ittmf Coverin�,i��rt t3a 1338. ?�a mttiis[ure on smdeiside,ME�a,�in wat�tvlutnn 0.10" 2. E:alilortti�Stac�f irc hiarshal,Listin�Nn.d 1?�-291'1 Compi�s iCFl4 Standdard for this test- 3. Ci[y nt t.cR Angetes R�sacxrch Rep�aart I+to.23b{►. �. VI'ster,�bsor�ti�sn'�E:b-3 k34&A�l'?�S pi�tF.-•-., 6.[1� . . CNo WBrp€ng„CrBCkiRg,Cm,inp,'tlTEdC;5�'i ma�niiicffiinn} Pimm�ade r�fs.condominium r�oFs,sun dec�,pl�y dcc3:s,oftice I�. lYind Uptift Factory?4�kutual I-52,Qu:tliEying rcaofs r�•berc���i;sducv washing equipn�ent i5 LLu�,etc. Wind Ye3ocity�viih a 3 Safety FatXar—331 m.p1s. C. Aft�'AYI'AG�`.S A`+1t)LL`�1€'�':�'Li{)�f5 complics 1CB�requiie�nert. � 1. �irs$�'cty�`"�I'!N isit}8,[!G 7$4,�E'F'A._Sb ,41}w',4�"'f',iG��: lntcrmil�i�la€neF.xposure �I�s A 1. A+laiaolithic.including inicgrsl flashine. Sp�ctf F�sme Cla�A 2. Sdip-sh�.�t petmiis��Qfll"OvCi'Ct"dC�C.S IR fiU�1S��IC. Dumitig nrand Class h �. lnsta(�ed o�ly by 1'mFessinnal Facaton Tr�incxi Ik;x-(?-Z'ex �. 4YERViEW UF[I�5"E'AL[.A'�'i[)1�I STE�'S G���rs. I.1!497"f.4TF�h5: �. Cyn sui�b�}� pitched suh-susi'a�s a�aly C7c�-[1-"iex S{ip i. 5u�rstrat�must he dry u�hen materiul is assplicd. �,"�. ?. ?�at suiiable for usz Khen subjceted to hesry steal�vhc�led B. Apply� Elastomerie nzbber rpmpn�itian membrann with � Fabric r�in forcemcr�t. �. 44uc�xinl subj�e�.�t�o vapur cl�wgc upoa.��er ieaicagc (:. �pp�� C7ex-O-Trx ix�t�gra) ft�h"tng �rf simitar cxznstruc.tie�n, und�mcalh sEert�ming f►wtt acij�ccni arcas. m at«nv�;. 4. Moistvr�v�7r tsan4nission(MV'T)in esccss of 3.0 Ibs/1U0�4 D. Agply two tra�r.� ooals c�i'4iquid robE�r and aggregate ��#t.��r �4 hr pericxi �er ASTb9 1^tAbg-�4, may msu3t in �xrmposition u�nffiic surfacing o�•er entire deElc. Sand tc� d�larninatian, �i:�sPulorxtion or improper Curing. U:;� qex-O- �djf��wcl ridges. 'i'ex Yt�porCtxx#rc�lia,I'rimcr IQO va�nr tt�ntrol membra�e s�v�r E. APP�!' tvro �mat-�ynnoffiing cn�ts of ruhber-sxment s�sb-Uale�, �+-hich heee 4SYI' c�nissions Uret excctx� tf� crrm�itiost u►sawziUz starCscae. tuniis_Cvnsuit►v7i3a Cr(ss�6cld prior to tts�ittg VaptyrCor�tta3�- F. Roller a�ly tu� �ats Qf surf�e chr�ing w achie��c ussifars�t surFa�. Deo-(}-'[`ea�i1e t:ade l.-S.�A I�iflui Pape t a€2 WmfAea'wrar '.4ST�t D�Sb�litkdrasva 1998 'AS7';►1�R�ttilkdr�Kn 1942 ••AST]i C.3,3liepi�ecd hy•�ti"t'!11 C:iSi-OS�ad t:153-Q9 ��E��FI�d�T�Q�I �HEET` �i�1�E��.���CRI�C�1�:��°eat#teriit�arc�s"Fibe.rC:em�,nt Sirlin�;�s�naila�sle wn di[TCrent prndacis protmlir;g Ex,ih tratCititatt�l c{nd cnrilempc>rary accthc�tics. [i is saitable[vr xt-si�ritial and li��t rnmmeri•ial a;��l;€��iun,e.TtfCSe p[ttElurts��Ifer a tuah tftgree vt�lmt'tL�ionH!SLabit€�v 3itd �n�pact resist:cnre. �TY�S; �c� � �I ��.t Trim Pcefeciic�t�Sl�in�lcs Tcxiurcd Duichla� Stuct� Smoutk�NOn-Ventil�ted f'edar Ranrlun�5ytixrc Stra��hl Edge Icx�ured f3eadsd Lap Si�tti Ccclar�lan-4encilatcd itane�nm 5quare�ta r�crecl Edge 5tttocsth t3iadc�!I� C�rinn groove Scczcuzrh 4�entilatc�# tta(f-Rc��xnds 5rtxx�(h[.ap t:edarf�°groe�ve iCeclar 4entilated r.-�i'I8�4flti (.C:C:�.Zf�.,8E1 �������:�:GertainTccd�excEu:ir�e fihexlcct'�Se.�lin�Sy�slcrn,rt�dy for lield top tttntitt����ith high-yuatity acrylic latex��int or Stain. Facturv Pre�`ir.i�hing a��aiiablz wic3��aint ur strin.C,�rtainTec�c{L�'�alhert��t'cis"Fit�rCcment Siditi�rnuss 6e�Ifow�d ta br�rarhe;ther�fure, it must nev�r be primecl,pais�ted<�r staiccerl crtr thr back side_ ������i������"�:Sm�th.n;dx°cwd gr�in,�+etL•�r-teacturec!grain,scucca Ie.Kture.tertical grain �$�ES�: Sh�pc-s—� 1/�°x 1Z'(?713�nm x 3657mm),12"x 4£�"(3l?5mi�s x 1'll9mm). l6"x�B' (�famtn x 1?19�rtim) L3p Siding-5 l!4"�133mm1,6 U4°f159inrn�.7 11�4" (1�5mru),7 1/2"(181mm).8 11�k°{�IChn:n).9 l/4"�235rnra). �2�'(.iQ�llllllj,X�IZ'E�S�3iUTi3)Ithe{ET Vrstical—�i'x8"(I2i9mm x 2�3t�mm),4k-9'(12kyzttax x?743mm),4'x10'(i2T9mm x 3046mtn� So�t?V�n-ueatiLlEad— I 2"(3D`atnui),ld`�40Crmm),2�'(510mm}z 1�'(�617�nm2�cngth 5d�s 4�entilated—12'{3�5r�m), 18" f�Gtt4m).24"LC�ICInim)x 1.2`{�is7mm)ken�;ili �rim—(7/16"t�ickl—3 4!?"t89 mm),5!d3't14()rnsn).�ll4"{I$5 ra�r�),�3 U4° (235�u).1l i14' (�8b man}x 1?'(3bi7 mtn)le�.it TH1GKHfSS:Atl siding is�.�s"thick.'�c�n-ventilatec!and venc�fatQd sa[Gt is'a'thick.Net lrec air nf rcnntated soffit=5 inz1LF COMP�,���M:Tlte ptochactc are manttlartur�using a mu11t-s�.e�,�mprictary ptaeess comt�ining I'onlanii cemcnt,tly ash,►vcx>d fifscr aad specialt}=�dd'ztFt-e.�.14i�rtid greins attd other arch'xteceur�I featur e pressed irtla[he 5ut{�e. ��'iN�C�I� A:Cett�inTeed°dVeaihrrBtsarcls'"FibCr(:,ement sis7ing�as tested in accnrdancc a�ith the American�ciely[�ar Testing�z i4laterials(A.57L1�siandarcls n#ittc foiio�,dina s�it�cificali<m.� ASTtr�Cj 185-96 Sampling znd Tesling t�an As6estos fiber Cement F1at Sheet,R�oiing and 5iding 5hingles,and Clapboards ASTM E72•J5 Canducting Strength Tssts pf Panels for Baildir�g Construction� _�. _... — _�. __._ _---..._�,�_ __ ._..�.._ _ AS7�1 EB4 Surface 6urmng Cfraraet�#ics of Building Materia�5 ASTPeI Ei 1J-� , Frre i'ests o18uiEdinq Cnnsfru�lion and�f�ri�4s _.._ _ ASTA�1�13i'i ' {UDn-Ct�bustftile - ASTM E33�-96 Structural f'erfo�tnanee aE Exter�ar Windaws,Curtain Walls,and�oors by Uniform Static Air Pressure[l�fference ASTN1��6-95 �p�rating Light-Exposure Apparatus{Kenar-Arc Type)Wit4�and Without Water i�r Exposure af Nor�m�tallfc MateriaEs 1lF'F�Rf�4fiRt�S:1{.:C E:S�i-[(iCs,�, Tex�ts i7 artncem of Insurxnre Nra�init Ec;�lu�zi��n�G18 Y1�EIMTHER�►I�D O'�IEA G�II�SI�FRA��NS:1'rotiucs��ers mistanrr tc�frCezel�a-cicles at�d is d=_mensionall}�sta6tc.Tt is rt�i.�ta�u tn da�uagia�;uttraviolel{l.�V}r:�s sncf;ait spra�:It L�,u»nunc w wnnd-barin�inscc�s.Pmduet r�3n resist}�i�h wind farces whEn installc�i in�tx Ant �vith Certai��Tc�tii a�a��licati�it instrEic�iuns;cce ia�lruclions f��r deiails, F1F[��ES��A.NGE��'IRRA�R�fiTIC.'S:Certairt����J wV�therBoarcls"Yiherterrt�t�t sEding pr't�iuccs Fw��e�z�C,I.�s.s 1(A)�ire Rati�ig, Flatne Sprt�c!-C}.S�ttuke devcicsprd-5,per A57ti!L-fl�4. 12 . �Jnt„�,:.c.�•:.., .;-.- . �. -;:� . - � ...:. .:. . ..:: r ..�y.� .:tx :'!�. ,i . -.�:r., wn'��-, i",€,.;,��'�'Sk`�'r:'� . . °�*-^,�.�a,.�:s ".7�.'�-���';��':°��`;�--,�_r.�y;??;.�9RE1 '' NOTLG: 7'HIS PERM/T MUST BE PCiSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ,, �wxa�v� ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 Sou�h Frontage Road,Wail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f.970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT IVIF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B08��073 ProJect #: 05-0295 Job Address: 913 LIdNS RIDG�Lf'VAIL Status.. : ISSUE� Location...,..: BREAKAWAY WEST, BUILDING 300 Applied . . : 04107l2048 Parcel Ffo....: 21030144i029 tssued...: 05129l2008 Expir�s. ..: 11I25/2008 OWNER BREAKAWAY WES�COIVD�A�fN9l�M A�4107/2�J08 APPLICANT CREST�t�E BUILDING COMPANY �4/d7/2006 Phone:479-1125 P.O. BOX 3389 VAIL CO 81fi58 License:420-8 CONTRACTOR CRESTONE BUILDING COMPANY OAI0712008 Phone:479-1125 P.O. BQX 3389 VAaL CO 8165$ License:420-B ARCHITECT 7RD ARCHITECTS 04l07l20D8 Phone: 970-479-7387 TOM❑UBOIS PO B�X 1492 VAI L CO 81658 License:COD0001769 Descri�tion: BREAKAWAY WEST BUILDING 3D0 NE1N S�DING,TRIM, STUCCO ANp$TQN�,AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM RETROFIT, FIREPLACE REPLACEMEMT,ADDITION OF�TORAGE ROOIUIS Oceupancy: R2 Valuation: $1,595,003.27 Type Construction:VA Total Sq Ft Added: 1Q80 "•"'•••�•••••"••••,<,•,••-•••",.•".,.•••'••'•".,•,•,•,`•"•""••••'••»••`•,"••"'< FEE SUMMARY ff(#!ti`t+#iriti#At1�i*kYSitkMirf*YrtkktikRhHRf#*f4lr+ktkiY+tfi4li4k+kiYf#fif#ftfiiitit Building Permit Fee------> $7,784.15 Will Cal Fee----------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-----------5 $45,303.92 Plan Check-------------------� $5,959.70 Use Tax Fee----�-------------> $34,700.07 Additiar�al Fees---------------------> 31,700.07) Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TC}TAL PERMIT FEES----------9--> 513,603.85 Investigation----------------� $�.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $756.OA Paymentsw-------_.._______�--y $13,6p3.85 Tota9 Calculated Fees-------> $45,303.92 BALANCE DUE--------�-----------> $O.OU RxR<lS4f iYYfi�kYb�i+iF#lttaYtsaF#ttkH4iltf#�ft+YMil+4l4+i�##iitir�etf�ikihllt�F�RR9RwwwtMR4frtilfvf�tfWYlRktt#t3#ti t++Ht#tti+#ti.tf-b##ktii#ifrt+irifi#�#4ttH4f�i#flitttfT.#ii##iti4t+MkHrY�YwYrlMMffYN4YM'Wf W DECLA�ATIOMS I h�;reby acknowledge that 1 have read this application,filled out in full the information required,evmpleted an accurate plof plan,and state that all the information as required is correcL f agree to compfy with the informalion and plot plan,Eo comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strueture according to the towns aoning and subd4vision codes, design review approved, Interna6onal Buildirag and Residential Codes and olher ordinances oi the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS F R INSP�CTIpN LL BE MADE TY-FOUR HOiJRS!N ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A7 970.479.214�OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:04 AM-4: PM. - _' � �-Z�. L��� na ure of Qwne ractar []ate �c,�t i-- l--f y�.,�ti. Print Nam b!d_alt construction_permlt_D41908 r�,ra�+a kii+�:ti�xxe.wxr.wx.x.+at+�+s:�x+a ex�.wxaaxw�eww,ewrW,r:rc�arrt+•+it.,e.�kar,��,r�t.ae.wwr.w�ewxxweaer�ras:a+ti,r:srrRaexyrxex�exa,earyww.ywxrrrirwra�r+w.a+�es,�w.rt+�+rr�a+ta-aaf a++ra�+a+a• A�'PROVALS Permit#: B08-0073 as af 05-29-2008 Status: ISSUEQ VWYWYlY4#N*+*R?t+aYRi�f�+nktW�RiYVrfl+t+it+k+ik}W1rM Hkfi+4'R%k�1W�Rn1�f��YM�WyYfl�k�Y+ikiii##itfl+IeHtfM#ihl�lrhwf�RwFw�MertRYR1R:YM1rw/rf wMiYrf kYrMef k�FtR�Yrt+RRlhM-ArtwN+l:YkleWwM'w:FYeYtfYwMh!fiXwwYinO4WRfYR:YRArtwM1::FRf'MH ftem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/17/2Q08 cgunion Action: COND Item� A54Q0 PLAMINING D�PARTMENT Q4107/2008 bgibson Actiar�: AP office set route� ta G-2 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/28/2008 mvaughan Action: AP k+i#+f+#++i*4t#kfMlif*kiTtt*aYt4i##lk�yrrfih#A}rinFwf;RwYtwa�iFYryrxY:kfi`f3RM4#tti iik##!***rttiif/e�.YlRRMi�rtw�YfRMwRRY�Rwirw�RYrHrtRi rt*F*f�R/rk#YeeiF#�lif4A*irff�R#i1MRltYrfil�f+RARlRfcrt%+1R'RI'1r+11rYrF'RMMw1Pk1rR�lrtA1`whwl� See the Conditions section af this Dacument for any that may apply. bld_ait_c onstruction_perm it_041808 xfiHt+Fil+.`tY.MRMwwwwl�wRiliMrRfewrtwlEf YhW fYli#+f til+YffH�Fffaa�V wt�Rwl(fA1-AY:ir4RiRf R�iatyfYY#itirtie4fRiHtl�H�rR�R'Frtfilf#-F!#liF:F+4i<feititi#iifiiii#iti Y+iHNt+fNHil+i+iiittMMitll4+#;litk CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 608-0073 as af d5-29-2008 Status: ISSUED Ytiiit}fl+Ri1T!*W#:!%w1MhFlh�YMMFRttRwRirYWY WY�F4*ti*#i###*M**kAdf�}M1A�Tryn�rtR�tRYrRMffk�Mrktff*f k�.lYYf Y�kHYIiMWMYh�1YW W�Ytt1YNrtHYRf*1rRlw**rte!*!fk*f**t*4iik+*#�k<*I�kitf#it!#}*f+}*i#*k*kf�**A*3##**Ririr Cond. 12 (BLDG.}: FlELD INSPECTIONS ARE REf�UIRED T� CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL �ENE�aATIO1�S IN WALLS, CEILINGS, ,hND FL04RS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQ�JIRED BEFORE ANY W4RK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG); (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIR�D 1'ER NFPA 72. Cand: CONd009898 ALL MEANS OF EGRESS REQUIRE� PER IBC CH. 10 SHALL REMAIN ACCESSIBLE ANY TIME THE BUILDING iS OCCUPEED. Cond: CON0009899 ELECTRICAL pRAWWGS STAMPED BY A COL�RAD{� STATE LICENSED ENGINEER REQUIRED WITH THE EL�CTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION bld_alt_construction_perm it_Q41908 *****�*******�*�***��*****��*��****�****�*�****�*���*******�****�****�*��***��*******�***�*� TOWN OF VAIL, COLO1tAD0 Statement ***�**��****�*************��****����*�r�r*�**���****�***********s*********�**�**************** Statement Number: R080op0819 Amount: $8, 021.85 05/29/20D811:19 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: CrestoneBuilding Ca 4403 Perrnit A7o: B08-0073 Type: RDD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel �70: 2103-014-0702-9 Site Address: 913 LIpNS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: BREAKAWAY WEST, BLdILDING 300 Tatal Fees: $13,503 .85 This Payment: $8, 021.85 Total ALL Pmts: $13,603 .85 �alance: $D .00 x�����x�*�*��******�*�:�*�*******�*****:�*****�*********��****s**�*�*******�*��**�*�*�******�**� ACCUUPJT ITEM LIST: Accourzt Code DesCripta.on Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP b0100003111100 �UILDING PERMIT �EES 7,261,$5 RF 1110D0031127Q0 RECREATION FEES '755.00 WC 001004b31.12800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------—----------------------------------------------------- ��. , � � .1 t�PLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPT�D IF INCOMPLETE OR UI�SIGNED Project#: �RJ U,�'�c�-`�.� __ Bu�Icfing�Perrnit#: �' - �` '�7 a=:;���'���"d���i ����� t � � ! 75 �. Frontage Rd. � � � Vail, Colorado 81657 TOWN QF VAIL BU�Lal1�G PERMfT APPLICATIOIV Separate Permit� are requirec! for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONd'RACTOR INFORMATION - General Gontractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contac# Person and Phane#'s: u1 R- ��-� � r�s�Uh� �u� �a�ti� �oM Pq�Y `'..�� "� �cc;i`� ��rffm4^ ���-��i=— Emaii address; ���t-t @ tr�lta ������ti , Co►-n Fax#: 4-��-3 ��5 Contractor Signature: � , l.�" COMRLETE VAL"t'JJ TI S F�R BUILRING PERMIT Labor 8� Materials BUILDING: $ �;�a'� `�� UU�. �-� �LECTftlCAL: $ � �I� � 5�-� �U OTHER: $ PLUMBIMG: $ MECHANI�AL: $ I �1-� Z� I� 6� TOTf�L: $ For Parcel# Conf�ct Ea le Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visif wWVw.ea Ie-counf .com ,_ � � �� z , �� � ; �. �� � �� � — Gz� . Jo� Name: � �g� v�tl 1(`� �� r l � �J� .lob Address: �'6� L� '�,s g L � r � Y � � � � c� ��� � ��� � - — '1 Legal Descriptian Lot: Block: Filing: Subdiwision: �'rQ4kclW�y N'�t+ (�h�ti� Owners Name; �ed�Uway. We�+ Address: F� ��yX i-��;E.. � ,p;� �� 6�r� Phone:{���� ����-c��j64 .� v�, h�u�, G1 ; _ ArchitectlDesigner:�-�� ����;j�c�r Address: �� �,�,� l'i.a�� V��I �i6�+� Phone: u-J�--J��-� Engineer: ��� �;�;,��{,- Address: z9i0 P�1#�ih �'�vff� �}�+�Y, ��J �Oy��, Phone:�7iq) �a.fq-O�CQ Detaileddescr�ptionofwork: ('�n;�v����h i''�C��t��+,� hr?vv 1 it�i��C 3�tihdUG"���U�Jr "�r�nn, l�4�C� 4h� I��h2> f�1.P+-i�jr L'VGr� ih��K� -3 i''�,�i' 11 jpw pf i�{� Y'�f2� bh j f i'+-+ Work Class: �lew( } Additian � ) Remadel (r✓f Repair( ) Dera�o ( } Other ( ) _ Work Type: Interior( ) �xteriar( ) Both ( Does an �HU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-farnEly( ) Mu6ti-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other{ ) No. of Existing Dvuelling Units in this building: No. of Accomrnadation �nits in this building: NalT e of Fir�e laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas La s Waod/Pellet Wood Burr�in NoCT e af Fire faces Pro osed: Gas A liances Gas Lo s WoodlPellet Wood Burnir� NOT ALLOW ED � Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) hlo ( } aoes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( � No ( ) ******'*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY''**�`*"``�'' `� � �'''�'`�`*'""'�� y■y} ( ['}A/�.i1�/p�J D - ��,�. ,.:V�C� 11.�LL4w��/1G.la�a , ��.1 ,, ... -Yf 4 i�1+G�; i I . ;R�ceiv�d BY; "i� C.-� � .t� :-�4 g�,��,��� ��� �� = ZQO� �� � ;; � > c.:.�, �,:,:_`.; .. �.�� '�j11 ��ri�7, ���C�� 1 TO'W�1 �3�'VAIL�- -_` F:�edev\F4RM5\Permi[s\Building\building,�aermit 4-17-2007.DOC Page 1 of 7 04/17J20D7 . � � . ������`' � BUIL��NC PERMfT ARPLIC�ITION CHECKLIST SfNGLE FAIiIIILYIDIJPLEX CHECKLIST This checklist is to be used with any single �amilylduplex permit (new constructian , addition, or remodel application.) � Town of Vail Design h�eview Board approval must first be ot�tained {may not apply to in#eriar rernvdels} ❑ Plan Ghe�k Fee must be paid at the time af application far projects vver$1 Q0,00� valuation (see attached schedule} The following information must be shown on a!I � sets of plans: Architectt�ral P1ans �1 Si#e PFans. Prov9de a11 site plan informatian as required for the Design Review Application for your project. Refer to the DRB application checkl�st for complete detaiis. �7 Construction staging plans. Provide constructian staging and materiais storage sife plans. � Floor plans. C�mplete�Ioor plans pro�id�d far each Ievel. Complete dimensions, drawir�g scale noted, use of each room shown on the plans. Location of inechanical equipment clearly shown C1 BuildEng �levations N,W,S,E ele�ations. Show all praposed exterior finish materials, guardrails, windows, dc�ors, and finisF� grades. ❑ Window sizes and operation ty�es. Specified on th�floor plans or elevations. �� Reflected ceiling and finish pfa�. Required if fire alarm or fire sRrinkler work is required. [� Stairways, guards, and handrails Show all stairway details with rise/run, handrail and guard details � Raof plan. Show all roof covering materials (Class A cover�ng rec}uired) and underlayment, roof pitch ❑ Builcling crvss sectians. Show roaf, wall, floor construction assemblies and insulation R values. Show rvaf and crawl space ventilation. Show ceiling heights in rooms and crawl spaces. ❑ Rescheck eompliance certificate and inspectian checklist (new construction and additions anly). Provide a complete signed compliance ce�tificate and inspection checklist. V�rify afl exterior building is c�etailed on the building plans as required an the Rescheck compliance repvrt. ❑ Fireplaces. Ali fireplace types shown on the f�oor �rlans. Specify gas Iog set, or gas appfiance at each fireplace. Struc�ural Plans ❑ 5oils Report. Include 2 copies of the soiis repor#for your lot. ❑ All sF�eets af the structural plans stamped and signed by a Colorado State Licer�sed Engineer. ❑ Design specifications sh�et. Roof Pive Ivad, Deck live load, Flaor liv� load, Wind SpeedlExposure, Soils �epork number and soil bearing capacity referenced per the soils report. ❑ Foundation plan. Provide a complete foundatio� plan with all faotinglfoundati�n section details ❑ � Framinc� plans. Provide complete frarrtiing plans for flaors, decks, roofs. All b�ams, joists, rafters or trusses clearly shown. Include fram�ng construction details and connection schedules. Other items ❑ Asbestos farm cornpteted. Asbestos test and report provided if any existing canstruc#ion is proposed to be disturbed. See Tawn of Vail asbestos testing requirement form. ❑ Plan check fees. Plan check fees must be paid with your application. T'he building permit and recreatian fees will be �aid u�on issuance of a building permit. I have read and understand the requiremen of this checklist. If any required information is missing from the applicatio , f understand e applicatio ill not be accepted. � �s� 4.�', i0fl9 p�pplicant`s Signature Date + F:�cdevIFORMS1PermitslBuildinglTOVSi ngleFam ilyChecklist_4-i 6-20D7.DdC � � ' � ' � .` " 'T��;d�'VAfL ' BUILDING PERMIT ARPLIGATIC)N CHEC�LIST C�MMERCIAL TENANT FINISHIIMPR4VEMENT ` This checklist is to be used with any tenant finish/�mprovement permit application. ' ❑ Town af Vail Design Review Board approva! must first be obtained for any exteriar mvdifications proposed ; o Plan Check Fee must be pa�d a�the time of appEication fnr prajects over$100,000 valuativn (see attached schedu�e) , The following informatian must be shown on a!I 4 sets of p1ans: ; ❑ Constructian plar�s stamped and signed by a Cotorado State Licensed Architect. : � Origina! building constructior� type per IBC chapter 6 ex. !I-A, V-B �: Q Tenant suite or tenant space number. ? �1 Tenant space �ocation identification. Shaw location of the tenant s�ace within the overall building. '' � Floor plans with existing and proposed walls. Show all wall assembly construction and proposed in#er�or finishes with f�amespread index. Proposed eonstruction type mt�st match existing building construction rype. Clearly show propased use of each room or space on the plans. s C� Reflected ceiling and finish p1an. Type of mater�als must match the fire resistance/type of eonstruction _ eequirements in the existing building. Shc�w all interior ceiling frrishes anci flamespr�ad index ;' 0 Door schedule. All doors shafl be clearly identi#ied with fire rating, size, hardware and swing. �� ❑ Me�ns af egress plan. Show aIC accupant loads and number of exits from the tenant space ':'; ❑ Areas requiring two (2) exits: Exit doars shown to swing in the directian of exit travel, separation of exits << comp�y with cod�, illuminated exit signs are shown. � �, �l Windows shall be labeled with size, operation, safety glass. "� ❑ All areas and raoms of the tenant space are accessible per A,NSI 117.'f requirements. ,: ❑ Accessible maneu�ering clearances provided ai aH daors for accessibility per A�1�1 117.1 '• ❑ Serv�ce cou�nter-#ops ar►d b�ilt-in work statiQns pravided with accessibl� areas per AN51 117.1 ❑ Bathroom facilities. All accessibleladaptable features, clearar�ces and turning spaces provided per ANSI 117.1 requirements rnust be shawn. Cl Se�parate sex bathroom facilities provided �f the number of occupants or em�loyees exceeds (1�}. ❑ Toilet room flaorslwalls finish schedule. Cl Fioors have a smooth, hard, nonabsarbent surface such as con�rete, ceramic tile ar other approved material, extending upward onto the walls at least 5". �1 Wa16s within 2 feet of the front and sides af urinals and water closets must have a smc�oth, hard nonab�orbent surface to a height of 4 fee#. � Occuaancy separations for rrvalls/ceilings betw�en tenants cfearly shown or� the plans with f re resistive �, construction details and listings specified. �� ❑ Fire-stopping. Fire-stoppi�g per�etration details for pkumbing, rnechanieal and electr�cal components i� all fir� rated walls anc� ceilings. ❑ Plumbing, Electrical anci Mechanica� Pla�s stamped by a Colorado State L�censed Engineer Mechanical HVAG plans, plumbing plans, electrical plans/panel scheduleslload calculatians. ❑ Fire/smoke Dam�ers on mechanical plans at all duct penetrations into fire resistive walls and ceilings. o Fire sprinkler plans. Show all proposed work per VaiC Fire and Emergency Services requireme�ts ❑ Fire alarm plans. Show a�l propased work per Vail Fire and Emergency Services requir�ments I.have read and understand the rec�uirements of this checklist. ff any required inform�tion is missing from the applicatian, I understand the application will nat be accepted. �,. Applicant's Signature Date F:lcdev�,FORMS�Permits�Bullding�building�ermit 4-i7-2007.DOC Page 3 of 7 44/17/2D07 , �+ � � ' ` I {--"-'� �y �r i ��U�[� . PLAN CHECK FEES TABLE Pfan check fees are required for prajects with a valuation aver$10t3,000, at the time af Build9ng permit submittal. Please use the tabl� below ta calculate your plar� c�eck fee tatai. $100,040-$150,�Q� multiply by .fl[355 of Valuation Total $150,001-$250,Ofl� multiply by .005 of Valua�ior� Total $�50,001-$400,000 multiply by .0045 of Valuation Total $401,Ofl0-$75Q,Oa0 multiply by .004 of Valuation Total $750,Oa1-$1,000,000 multiply by .0(}35 of Valuation Total Valuations over$1,000,000 will be ca�culated by the Town of Vail Building Department. If you �aave any further questians, please contact the Town of Vail Building Depa�tment a� 970-479-2128. F:\cdev�FORMS�Permits\Building�buiiding_permit 4-17-2007.DOC Page 4 of 7 04J17/2007 j � �" .� , ;� ���� _ ASBEST4S TESTING REC�UIREMEIVTS THE T4WN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLQRADO DEFARTMENT �F PUBI�IC HEALTH REQUiRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN Ni�RE THAN 16Q S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED �R REMOVED. AN P�SBESTOS TEST AND REP�RT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTEp WITH YOUR BUILDING P�RMIT APPLICATION FUR A�L R�MODE�, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY D�MOLITION OR ��� REMOVAL OF BIJILDING MATERIALS THf�T MAY CONTAIN ASBESTUS. BUILDINGS GOhISTRUCTED AFT�F� OCTaBER �2, 198$THAT HAV� NQ ASBESTOS C�IVTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBM�iTE� WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI�N s I have included the asb�stos test and repart with my building permit applicatian �l�-�'-�-' ' �-.�, Z D��y applicant signature date �R • I certify my �roject will r�ot disturb or remove more than �6Q s.f. of building material. The c�nstruction plans submitted with my application clearly indi�ate #his �n'�ormatian. �This will be veri�ed during plan r�vi�w, and will delay your progec# if founci to be inaccurate) applicant signature date OR • The building was construGted after October �2, 1988. The date af construction was original construction date applicar�t signature date F:�cdev�FORMS�Permits�Building�building�ermit_4-17-2007.E?OC Page 5 of 7 04/17J2007 • �J r , �� , ,. �a�r�v� . WHEN A"PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" iS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOW�NG QUESTIONS REGARDIN�G THE NEED FOR A "PUSLIC 1NAY PERMIT"� a 1s this a new residence? YES NO � o Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? Y�S �JO o Is any utility work needed? YES NO o Are there any improvements being done to the driveway? YES �1Q � o Is a different access needed to the site ather than the existing driveway?YES_NO f o fs any drainage work being do�e that afFects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES �a ✓ o Is a"Re�ocable RighE-a#�Way PermiY' required? YES N0 � o Is the Right-pf-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES `� �10 lf answar it NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan req�ired by Public Works? YES NO If you have answered YES to any of these questions, a"Public 1,Nay Perrnit" must be abtained. °PubEic Way Permit" applications may be obtained a#the Public Works office ar at Communiry Development. lf you have any questions please call Leonard Sando�al in Public Works at 970-479-2198• I HAV� AD AND ANS ED ALL Ti H OVE QUESTIQNS. �,=. �, r�r-�b�+e ��t+�d'ti� �-°F'"�0'^7 Cont�actor Signatur Campany Name Job ar I'r�ject Name: -� �4� a ��1� �ia �UQ Date 5igned: 4• �� �� �� . .,... F:�Cdev`FORMS�,Permitsl,6uilding�building�ermit 4-17-2007.DOC Page 6 of 7 04I17/Z�a� __ �N . i r � t� TtJ�Ni�'VAIl," HC7W DID WE RATE WITH YOU?' Pfease take the time to tell us haw we perform�ed during the deve�opment review process. 'V'Ve will use . this information to �ecognize aur employees wha serve you and we will also use it to imprvve our level a# serviee. Please fcnow we do care and will react to your suggesfions. Thank you for your comments. George Ruther Director of Community Develapment 1. What serviees did yvu use at Community Devefopment today? Check all �hat�pply Admin Building �nvironrnent Fire Housing Plannrng P.W. 2. Was your visit today as a: Homeowner Contractor Architect Other 3. Please rate your satisfaction with the�ollowing aspects of the Community Development l3epartment. L�se a scale fram 1 to 5 where 1 means "nat at all satisfied"and 5 rneans"very satisfied° to rat�each of the following items. Please use DK(Don`t KnowlNo Opi�ion) as appropriate. P9ease circle your respanse. I�ot Wery 5atisfied Satisfie� Friendly and Courteous 1 2 3 4 5 DK Know�edgeable � 'I 2 3 4 5 DK �imely ResponselCalls Returned 1 2 3 4 5 DK Qverall �xperience . 1 2 3 d a DK 4. Was the review process clearly expfained to you? (i.e., how the Design Review Bpard and�or � Pianning and Environmen#al CommissEOn works,when they rneet, what you need ta haue wi�en you apply for the planning and/or t9�e building process, how long reviev�r times ger�erally take, housi�g and/or enuironmenta� health policy, etc.) �YES Na I� NO, what additional information woufd have been help'�ul? 5. Did the plan�ing process meet your expectations? YES NO 6. Did the builcfing permit rewiew process meet your expectations? Y�S NO 7. Did the inspectian process meet your expectations? YES MO 8. Did you feel the process was fair and effECient? YES NO P9ease explain your respanse{s). 9. If yau were looking for information �i.e,, iegal address file, plat map, ptans, etc.)was the inforrnation in a format that wraS helpful! user friendly? YES NO 10. Are you aware of the Community De�el�pment Dept. informat'ran available at http:llwww.vailc�ov.com? YES NO Thank you far taking the tir�e to complete this e�aluation. If indicated below, we will pers�nally contact you on spe�ific concerr+s. If it is your desire, you may cor�#act the directar by#e}epf�oning, 970-479-2145. Please feei free to use fhe back for additional comrnents. Name� Gompany: Address: Telephone: Gity: State: Zip Cade: Date: F:lcdeulFORMSIS U f2VEYSlcomdev�s urvey^091907.d oc � �•� * TL34Yhl OF VAIl.-GOM}VIUNITY DEVELOPAAEN7 �COMSTRUCT�4h!F�E SCHEDUL� 20i33(adopted March 1,2003);updated March 7,�OD5,updated March 13,20D6,updated 5ept.4,7007 I. BUILDING PERAAIT FEES Total Valuation Fees $1.D4to$5D0.00 $23.50 $501.00 to$2,ODp.00 $23.5D for the first$500.D4 plus$3.05Aa for each aciditional$100.00 or fraction thereof, lo and including$2,000.00 $2,OD1.00 to$25,004.D0 $69.25 for the first$2,Q00.00 plus$14.00 for each additional$1,OOO.C►0 or fraction thereof,to and incfuding$25,OOD.00 $25,0O1.OD to$56,ODO.DO $39L25 far the frst$25,Oa0.Q4 plus$1a.10 for each additiona��1,C30�.00 or fraction thereof,to a�d including$50,000.00 $50,401.Q0 to$100,qD0.D0 $643.75 for the frrst$50,Oa0.00 plus$ZDO for each additianal$1,000.00 or f�action thereof,to and including$10{},IJ00.00 $100,001,dD to$500,000.06 $993.75 for the first$100,0OO,Od plus$5.fi4 for each addittional$1,004.00 or fraction thereof,to and includ9ng$500,DOO.OQ $500,Dp1 to$1,00O,OOD.OQ $3233.75 for the first$500,D00.04 plus$4.75 for each additional$1,000.00 or fraction thereof,to and including$1,Op0,00a.00 $1,OOQ,OOI.OD and Up $5608.75 for ihe firsk$1,a00,400 plus 5,3.65 for each additional$1,000.00 or fraction thereot. II. OTHER INSPECTION FEES 1. Inspections outside narmal business hours minirraum chargs two haurs. $47.b4 per hour 2. Reinspection fee assessed under prauision of section 305{g)af the UBC. $47.Od per hour 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated including special inspections, special work orders&zoning. $47.00 per hour 4. Wili Call Inspection Fee-applies to all permits $4.00 per permit III. PLAN RE\/IEW FEES guilding Plan Review Fee shall be 65%of She buiiding p�ermi#fiee. Plumbing Plan Review Fee shall be 25%of the plumbing permit fee. IUlechanical Plan Revfew Fee shall be 25%of the mechanical permit fee. Sprinkler Plan Review Fee shafl be 25%af the sprinkler permit fee. Investigation Whenever work has commenced without first obtaining said perrrrit, the investigation fee shall be equal to the amount of the building, plumbing,mechanical,electrica1,sprinkier or alarm permit fee.All other fees shall be in addition to tha investigation fee. Fast Track Plan Review for a fast track permit,when p[ans are not totally complete shall pay a p9an review fee equal ko the building permit fee. Restaurant Fee Health Departrnent Plan Review for kiichens shall be a Flat fee of $75.D0 Preconstructi�n Meetings A fee may be charged when time spent is determined tn be excessi�re by the building official(excessiwe review is o�er 2 meelings or four hours). $55.OD per hour Additional Plan Review Additional plan review required hy changes, additions or revisions to approved pEans. $55.00 per hour IV. P�UMBING PERMIT FEES $15.00 per$1,d00.00 valuation (valuation-$500 per trap opening) V. MEGHANICAL PERMIT FEES $24.00 per$1,OOO.dO valuation (valuation-$54D per opening} VI. S�RINKLER P'ERMIT FEES $350.00 plan cheek fee plus a.25%of the valuation VIL FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES $232.00 plan check fee plus 3.75°fo of the valuati�n cdev/buildinglfee schedule/Permit Fees.adopted20a3.3-13-�6_will call update.xls 3-13-2046 r•' � V1N. ELEGTRICAL FE�S ' ' � ' , A. Residential Fees Includes new construction,remodeiing or addition and repair to:singie family homes,duplexes, �i, con�ominiurta and tawnhouses. Excluded in this fee is hotel accommodation units which are calculated based on Section 6,below. not more than i,040 sq.ft. $ 57.75 over 1,d01 sq.it. &not more than 1,5Q0 sq.ft. $ 57.50 over 1,50i sq_ft.and not more than 2,000 sq.R. $ 86.25 per 100 sq.ff. in excess of 2,D00 sq.ft. $ 4.60 B. Ail Other Fees Includes com�nerica4, accommodation units&ternporary constructian meters,shall be computed on lhe doilar vafus of the electrical instailation, including tim�and mat�erials,whether they are provided by the contractor or the property owner. Such fees shall 6e computed as follows: Not more than$340.00 $ �B.75 $341.00 to$2,000.00 $ 57.50 $2,001.00 to$50,OOD.bo $21.85 per each$1,000 valuation ar fraction tt�ereot of total valuaiion $SO,D01.00 to$500,000.00 $2070 per each$1,OQ0 or fraction thereof ofi#otal valuation Plus$57.50 More than$500,QQ1 $19_50 per each$1,ODD or fraction thereof of tatal valuation Plus�$632.D0 Reinspections on all of the aiaove $ 42.00 IX. Planning Applicafion Fees-these are nat charged on the buiEding p�mtits but when planning apps are submitted. 7yae Fec Fee Gonditional Use $ 65D_00 Variance $ 500.0Q plus$i.OQ per sq.ft.o Special Development Diskrict total sign (New/Major) $ 6000.00 Sign $ 50.00 area Special Development District(Minor) $ 15�D.00 Additional GRFA $ 3a0.00 Special�eveloprnent�istrict ( Major-na e�ct.changes) $ 125D.D0 Rezone $ 13a0.Od Minor Su6division $ S5D.00 Minor Exlerior Alteration $ 650.D0 hflajar Su6divis+on $ 150D.40 Major Exterior Alteration $ SOO.a(7 5ign Variance $ 200.00 zoning Go�Ye Amendr�eni $ 7300Aa X. RECRE.4TION FEE PEFt SQ.FT. Type Fee HR(Hillside Residential) $ Q.15 LMU1 (Lionshead Mixed Use 3 $ 1.00 p,BD(Arterial Business District� $ 1.40 LMU2(Lionshead Mixed Use 2) $ 1.04 SBIRI](Ski Base/i�eG District) $ 0.70 PA(Public Accommoda4ion) $ 1.04 PD{Parlting Qistrict) $ d.10 CC1 (Commercial Core 1) $ �.00 PUC(Public lJse District) $ D.10 CC2(Comrnercial Core 2) $ 1 AO SFR(Single Family Residential) $ 0.10 CC3(Commercial Core 3) $ 1.OD R{Two Family Residential) $ 0.15 CSC(Commerciaf Service Center) $ 1.00 RC(Residential Cluster) $ 0.30 HS(Heavy Servics) $ 1_00 R Pl5(PrimarylSecondary Residential) $ 0.15 A(Agricultural&Open Space) $ 0.10 LDMF(Low Density Mul#i-family) $ 0.35 SDD(Special Development District) Rate of zone district MDMF(Medium Density Multi-family) $ 0.7p1 applicable!o the density H�MF(High Density Multi-family) $ 1.00 projected. cdevlbuilding/fee schedulelPermit Fees.adopted2003.�13-Q6_wil!call update.xls 3-1�-2006 .� C�`-�� � 3� � � �� D ` �I �o„Es�� . s ' �� � /- .,MPS� Q ' / -�,D�. 1 x ��'-; �� °1 O If 8�?��' � � �,n G . � � P,�ti�.�W-5"�P�'�N �, � J M % `` �.! '` - � ���,AN��� '� f� ,� � 5��`�GT�c�',- �\.` -�'-�'s����`�� � �o� �-- �" � �_______ � ,��--, ��ta����. � ���G� � ! � 9 �P�G��S� ��. ����-Q�N � 1 � o � o � ���� � I I � �JS�P��(,1CLG A�tE��� aPQ , �aM��.�y�E �q��� / � � � �,�, � � � , ���'SR��c� ��, p Wi'EECYGLE ENVIRONMEWTAL CONSULTING, IIVG, 5375 WestEm Avenue, Suite B 8oulder, Colorado 80301 (303�4�3-0452 Fax(303)413-Q710 March 26, 20Q8 Diana Heinle Breakaway West 993 Lions Ridge Road Vail, CO 81657 IRe:PLM anaJysis on Building 30Q Breakaway West, �/ail, Calorado Dear Ms. Heinle: Qn March 13, 2008, Lauren York, a certified Calorado State Asbestos Inspeetor submitted eleven (19) samples af suspected asbestas-cvnta�nin� material for analysis from Building 340, Breakaway Condos. SUNIMARY 4F AMALYTICAL RESULTS Sample Date Location �escripNon Asbestos Namber Go��ected Content(%� 0333�W1-1 3i13lDB Unit 31�behind A: White plaster wlwhite paint 3°/'o Chrysotile heater in living room B: Tan/whi#e drywall ND 0313�W 1-2 3/13/D8 Unit 312 ceiling A: White plaster wlwhite paint 3%Chrysotile material in living room B: Tanlwhite drywall ND 0313DW1-3 3/13108 Unit 392 in bedroom A: White plasiErw/pink paint 3°/a Chrysotije closet 0313�W1-4 3/13I08 Unit 342 bedroom A: White plaster wlwhite paint 3°!o Chrysotile wall B: Tanlwhite drywall ND 03�C3DW1-5 3/13l08 Unit 342 bedroom A; White plaster wlwhite paint 3%Chrysotile closet B: Tan/whfte drywaH I�D 0313DW1-6 3/13lOB Unit 3d2 master A: White plaster vu/pink pEaster 3%GhrysQtile bedroom ceiling 0313DW1-7 3l13/08 Unit 333 ceiling in A: White plaster wlwhits paint 3%e Chrysotile living roorri B: TaNwhite drywall ND 0313�W2-4 3113/08 Unit 333 in masSer A: Wfiite plaster w/pink plaster 3°!o Chrysfltile bedroom �313DW�-2 3/13Ib8 Unit 333 in cfoset A: White plaster w/pink ptaster 3°!a Chrysatite 0313DW2-3 3!i 31b$ Unik 315 master A: White plaster wlwhite paint 3%Chrysotile bedroom B: Tanlwhite drywall �TVD 0313DW2-4 3J13/08 Unit 315 kitchen wall A: VllhEte plaster w/v+rFiite paint 3°Jo Chrysotile B: Tan/white drywall ND C:1I)ocuments and Settingsl7'OM1Local SettingslTemporary Internet Fi l eslContent.lE51VK2iwi2 V INlreport.doc r � Sampfe Date Location Description Asbestos Numher Colleated Content(°/a) 0313DW2-5 3l13/08 Unit 315 ceiling in A: White tape ND closet B: White plaster wlpink paint 4%Ghrysotife C: Tan/white drywall ND �* ND = No Asbestos De#ected **TR=Trace Asbestos all samples collected in Unit 300 contain 2°,�0 -4°lo Chrysvtile asbestos. All renovation must be pertormed by a ce�ified asbestos contractor. I have inclucied names of contractors that I Pind to be honest and wil{do a professfor�al job. The samples were analyz�d by Polarized Light Micrascopy(P'LM)for asbestas content by Reservoirs Environmental 5ervices, Inc., Denver, Colorado. The laboratary analysis is included in this report. This is a not complete AHERA Asbestos Survey for demolition. Weecycle has assigned Job#07-00467 to th�s study. ff you have any queS#ions, please contact Lauren Yark at(303)413-0452. 7he laboratory repor�is enclosed. Submitted By: Lauren York State of Galarado Asbestos Inspec#or#�748 C:�Documents and SettingslTO��v1lLocal Settings\Temporary Internet Fi leslContent.IE51V K2N2w3Nlreport.dac RE� L�4B Re,�,��oir� �n vironmen tal, 1nc� March 20, 2008 Lab�ratory Code: RES Subcvratract Number: NA Laboratory Repori: RES 152031-1 Project Description: None Given Yail-Breakaway Lauren York WeeCycle Environmental 5375 Western Ave. Suite B Boulder CO 803�1 Dear Customer, Reservoirs Environmental, Irtc. is an anatytical laboratory accredited for the anaCysis of Indus#rial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab Cade # 1fl1896 for Transmission Elec#ron Microscopp (TEM) and Podarized Light M�croscopy (PLM) analysis and the American Industria! Hygiene Assgciatian(AIHA), Lab ID 101533-Accreditatior� Certifcate #480 for Phase Contrast Micrascopy (PCM) analysis. This labaratory is currently pro�icient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively. Reservair5 Environrr�ental, Inc. has analyzed the following sarnples for asbestos content as per your request. The anatysis has been completed in general accordance with the appropriate methodology as stated in the attached analysis table. The results have been submitted#a yaur o�ice. FlES 152031-1 is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential and the sole property of the custorr�er. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with personnef other than those of the eiient. The results described in this report on[y apply to the samples analyzed.This report must not be used to elaim endorsernent of products or analytical results by NU�Ap or any ageney of the U,S. Government. This report shall not be reproduced excep# in full, without written approval from Reservoirs Environmenta�, Inc. Sampies will be disposed o# after sixty days unless longer storage is requested. if you have any questians about this report, please feel free to call 3D3-96�4-1986. Sincerely, -� ��` '—, - - _ �==--�_ -.�_�-����.�—= �::`�r - Jeanne Spencer Orr President � -� � sF ' f --�=e��-..� ��az. .t_�• '`� Analyst(s}: -- Paul D. LoScalzo Wenlong Liu Paul F. Knappe Rich Wegrzyn Michael Sca[es P: 303-9fi4-1986 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80215 1-$66-RESI-ENV F: 303�77-4275 www.rei lab.com Page 4 af 3 RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. NVLAP Acc,�edited Laboratory#1U1896 Page 2 of 3 TDH Licensed Laboratory#30-d136 � TABLf PLM BULK ANALYSIB, PERCENTAGE COMPOSlTION BY VQLUM� RES Jab Number: RES 152031-°I - Client: Weecycle En�ironmental Client Proj�ct Number!P.O.: None Given Client Project Description: Vail -Breakaway Date SartZ�les Received: March 14, 2Q08 Analysis Type: PLM, Short Report Turnaround: 3-5 Day Analyst:LW Date Analyzed: March 18, 2008 ien a L As estos Content on on- Sample ED Number A Sub asbestos Fibrou Number Y Physical Part � Fibrous Component E Description (%) Mineral � visuai ompanents (%) R ; EstimaZe(°� % 0343-DW1-1 EM 255487 A White pl�ster w/white paint 50 Chry�otile 3 0 97 B �an/w�ite drywall 50 N� 20 $0 0313�DW1-2 EM 255488 A Whi�e plaster►n►/white paint 5� Chrysat°rle 3 fl 97 B Tan/white drywall 50 ND 25 75 0313-aW1-3 EM 255489 A White plaster w/pink paint 1p0 Chrysotile 3 {l 97 D313-DW1-4 EM 255490 A Tan/white drywal� 10 ND 30 70 B White plaster w!white paint 9p Chrysotile 3 0 97 0313-D1N1-5 EM 255491 ,W 'Vllhite plaster w!white pa�nt 50 ChrysotilE 3 0 97 B �anlwhite drywall 50 ND 15 85 Q313-DW1-6 EM 255492 A Wt�ite plaster w!pinl�paint 100 Ghrysotile 3 0 97 �313-DW1-i EM 255493 A White plasterw/pink paint 50 Chrysotile 3 Q 97 B TaNwhite drywall 50 ND 20 80 0313-DW2-1 EM 255494 A White plaster wl pink paint 10Q Chryisotile 3 0 97 0313-DW2-2 EM 255495 A White plaster w/white paint 100 Chrysotile 4 0 96 0313-DW2-3 EM 255496 A White plaster w/white paint 10 Chrysotile 2 0 98 B Tan/white drywall 9Q ND 15 85 e� � NI�None DetoGed � �: � , TR=TTace,<1°fo Visual Estimate ,.� Trem-A cr—Tremolite-Acti nol ite rfote:Further analysis by T8M is recommended for organically lwund material(i.e.floor tile) �rPLMt�SUi�S�E{�oi Data QA � � � � ******��*'�'�'�'�''��'`��'��*##*�**��*�'*+��`'�*�#**�******��*��**********���*�*****�''*'*******##������'T�'�* TOWN OF VAIL, GOLQRADO Statement ****�*��*����������*��**��*+�����*�����#*�**����+*��*�**�***����x*�r***����w****�**�:��*�***���* Statement Number: R480400400 Amoun�: $5,582.40 0�4/07j200811:54 AM Payment Method: Check Tnit: RLF Notation: #4356 Crestone building com�any Permit I�Fo: Ba8-0073 A Type: ADD/ALT M�' BtJILD FERMIT Parcel No: 2143-014-Q702-9 Sit� Address: 9Z3 LIDNS RIDGE LP VATL Location: BREAKAWAY WEST, BUILDTNG 'B' TAt�7. Fe�s: $I2,847.85 This Payment: $5, 582.00 Tota]. AL� Pmts: $5,582.00 Ba3.ance: $7,265.85 ��*��e���*�*�***�r******�a******a�*******��x*�x�xa�***�:����*���*��**�***�***�*���x����******��*:a***** ACCOLJNT T�EM LT5T: Accaunt Code Descriptian Current Pmts -------------------- ---------------------------,-- ------------ BP OQ14000311110D SUILDING PERMI'T' FS�S ��2•3� PF 00100003112300 PL,AN CHECK FEES 5, 059.74 ��s��n �Le�i�w Bc���d �t�T���l 1=��N� . � De�artm�nt o€Comrr��tn� Dev�la�ment ����I�� ' T5 Sauth Fr+�ntag� Road, VaIi, Coio�ado �1b5? �,� te1: 970.4�9.213� f�x'. 97fl.�F79.Z4�2 ��+.r.��rv��rrr web: vuww.vaiigc�v.corn Project Name: BREAK AWAY WEST BLDG 300 EXT DRB Number: DR607fl731 Pro,�ect Description: FiMAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTERATION FOR THE BREAK AWAY WEST BLDG 304 EXTERIOR ALTERATI�N Par#icipants: �WNER BREAK AWAY WEST�WNERS AS50C12j31j2007 Phone: 970-�76-2196 P�J BOX 1743 VAIL - — - -- - - - - CO 81657 APPLICANT TRD ARCHITECTS 12/31JZ007 Phone: 970-479-7387 � TOM DUBdIS PO BOX 1492 VAIL CO 61658 License: COa000�769 ARCH�fECT TRD ARCHITECTS 1�/31/2007 Phone: 970-479-7387 TQM DUBQI5 P� BOX 1492 VAIL C� 81658 License: CA{}0�01764 Project Ac�dress: 993 �IONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL Laca�ion: BREAK AWAY WEST BLDG 300 E.egal Uescription: Lot: Block: Subdivision: BREAKAWAY WEST CQhJDQS Parcel Number. �1o3-014-Q70�5-5 C�mments: BOARD/STAFF AC730M Motian By: Action: STAFFA�P Second By: Date of Approval: 01/17/20d8 Vote: Canditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes�o these plans may be made without th� written cansent of Town of Vail stafF and/c�r the appropriate review committee{s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB aQprava! does not constit�te a permit for building. Please cansult with Tavtirn af Vaii Building pe�sonne6 prior to constructian activities. . , ' . . t�onc�: �Ul; DRB approvai shali not beoorne valid for 20 days followir�g the date of approval, pursuant to th�Vai�Town Csxie, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Conci: 20Z Approval af this praje�t shall lapse and became uo�d ane(1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building per�nit is issued and constructio€� is commenced and is diligently pursued tov�rard completion. Planner; Bi11 G�bson DRB Fee Paid: $250.OQ .. �� .:___ . _. I s �, . , RES�RVOIR$ ENVIRONMENTAL, IN�C. . fVVLAP Accredited Laboratory#101896 Page 3 of 3 TDH Licensed Laboratory#30-0136 " TABLE PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMP051710N BY VOLUME RES Job Number: RES 152031-1 • Client: WeecycEe Environmental Client Project Number/P.O.: None Given Client Project Description: VaFI -Breakaway Date Sampfes Received: Ma�ch 14, 2008 Analysis Type; �LMI, Short Repart Tumaround: 3-5 Day Analyst LW Date Analyzed: March 18, 20b8 ien a � As4estas Content on on- S�mple ID Number A Sub Asbestos Fibrou Number Y Physical Part � Fibrous omponent E Deseriptian (%� Mineral � wsuai OIl"1�}011eflt5 (%} � ; Estint�te{9/0 % 0313-DW2-4 EM 255497 A Whi#e plaster w/white paint 50 Chrysotile 3 0 97 B Tan{white drywall 5Q ND 20 $0 0313-DW2-5 EM 255498 A White tape 5 ND 95 5 8 Whi#e plaste�w/pink paint 45 Chrysotile 4 0 96 C Tan/white drywall 50 F{Q 20 80 �- � ,., � AfD=NOne DeteCted , TR—Trece,[1°fo Visaal F.stimate - �m �'rem-AcY—Tremolite-A clino li te Note�Putther analysis by"1'kM is rawuuneuded foc organicaUy bound material(i.e.floor tile) ' ifPLMresultsare<1%m �at'3 �QA . ' i ; � � � i . ' � I 1 I `m p � ;�-;O� ��"`, `�'. � ; II h � m m 1 . � � � �� . : �� 1� � a �- � �� � ��� �r���t� � I � � �c �� i � � � �� a � ; �� �� �� ;��� ; o � � - - � � ; � � I � � . j I � �_ � , f"l � � � �- 0 0 � � !I � � � '�� ` I '^ �::. � 1 ! I ' � � � � f i W � ,. � i � ? ; ; � :� ° � � .-� � ,�� i i 6 � � m m Z � m C11 � � � ! � m � ! V � i � � � � t=- i= �Y O ar �' i � � a , I ,� �c aa � �j p, � 6 E � ' f a � - = I , � V 4 �, ii v � `�,� � � ; ;� E � � � a u. u� � Y c � n y�: ( E � � .� I _. �- -;` � ,°�`� � Y Q ! I W $ !�i,� � �_ -- -.� _. . ._ { $�___ � �. �� � E � � � � !� � vm' i �o m � � � � w � ? j �, � � i�I ��€ �i � ia � � I � � .i �_ R ca a n ¢ � a —, �i��r��. ° -- � �� � . f ' ; �� ° ( �- ! � ic m O� m -- - ' .., . '�- � � � x �: m; a sieu�e}uoa� � = s. '� m U i . ❑ .7)i,C.�� ti --- .. � � -- - � � lL LL LL , ¢ � .. � _-.— ... .. ..._... _ .___ f a I � a n � "�'�! ❑ w ��X!�l�W � � -- �� a sS. 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I��; I�reak;��v��-lk%e:sr C;c�n�iUnnzniutns Ii��ildin��iOi�Re�nu�°ti�tir�n ;�n�t r�ltzrations l�uildint;Pei�tit �iif?�-('7(:1.,'3 L�c:�rr C.;hri�, �I'e-x i•c�ur c��n�-ers�tic�ns�-ith Sc�att�c�ffman c�f C:restc�r�e���ilc�irzg Cc�siz�ant•re�ardi.a�t; tlze c�ikcr>��cr�- c�f�the iac�: �>f����str»� y�t�atl�tn�;u��cr tl�e e�i�tii���z�cac�c� sl�.i.n�;le����el :�i�i�a�;,att:acl�cc� sw�Iettcr frz:>r��t�v �tz���ii�tal en�i�eer, Ii�1C,'�En�;irir:r:r�s,��utIini���iE����rc��c��e� �r�l��rir�n �Eaets�chiri�;r��ti�- ?�'l fi" C)��3 c��cr thc c�:i;��e�-<�c�d:;hin�le ��n�ls. ��l�r�, the}ac�ti�t�s�tnl irian;�al�x"sha�t',spacc c:xe�tc��i l�y tl�e.��cjc3a�c�a�s�1 C�Sl3 slr�tl�i�.};�ili b�; c�i�t�-}tu�a�cci�x�,{)'-f)"irstct-�-als. If o��u hca�-e an�� qut:�t.�c��s�r t€c�uire�dc�itie�r3a!�nfc�rt�iau+an. ��le�se c3�zic�r h.e�:i�ate to c�zla. ��`i�7Y�FrSU, : ___..-�.�.. _ ���p� .r.._._._ ��,�.—�`�� � � � fi � �. W��. � �r e.�� ��� *;. �I'L1�C�ft7ac i� I��1 B(�js, .-�1,°� �� _ � � ��,� � cc;�cr�tC H�a�£i�an ��e�t��t�c �uilc�is��;�;'r�na��a�s��r � � �, T�arin Ht-���pc. C:r��t�ne�3uilciiri��;atz�p�nt� 'j`+.+�,'�, ��� `���� ����� ������ I���c�x��1�� ttl° ��"�-=��'�?3�T !G��i1', �� ��'�.�8 trsdv�i�is�,��tt..�et fax:�7f�#7S(1tI77 , _ ,r y�.,Y..r n . .;'^ .+c. �, -._ , � _ ,. `` . J � C � _ _ I � ro��ra. �19��z �LU1e�,�ap$ ..: fna vuww.rmg-engineera.com TOWTI Q� W��� � TrD Arclutects � � ,r = � P.O. I44? � ' � �971 Big Hozx�Rd, BB7 �f� ��l � Vail,Ct��16�8 � �+ � Attn: Torn RE: ���erior OSB uail�g zeguinements �Breakaway��est Condomin�iumS Vail, Colorado 'Tom, Per your request,Personnel o�RMG Engineers Groug have been engaged to perf'orm design�avork related i to Bu�ilriing 300 in tlie p�Qject xeferenced abo��c. During the caiuse of demo work performet3 by Crestone . � Build'u�g Compa.xiy, it�aas ber,p�e evident that the existing erteri.or wal� assembly does not match tlae ariginel design assl.unptions. Speci�'ically; tbe gypsutu vrallbbard bazxi�r s�awn botween the e�,�te�-ior wood shi.ngle panels and �l�e wall frami.�g is absent. Th� shin�les are at#ached dixectlp to t]3e u�aTl � . fran�sa. Due to onaoin�asbestQS mitigation u�ork on fihe interior of t}ze unita, Crsstone Ixas expresse� i�teresfi in reuising the arc�itectural de�ail.s reiaied to fhe exterior re�a��ation, Crestone representatives bave propased ta leave the e�is�g wood shingle panels intact. They wil� s�im ou# t3�e s�oids to provide a flat surface, arid the�attach 7116"OSB panels nailed#�iraugh the shingles iata the wall fr�iug. Tn lieu af the 3/" rigid insulation panels, they �rill pravid.e a flexiUle I�ouse wrap mate,�i.al witl� a n,;n;,,,uu1 R value of 2.0. Per Crestone representati�es, �14 T'OWII br Vail has verbally approved tlus assembly; ha�lever, the 'I'a�xrn l3as requested ttrat an engineer review the �ropa�al aufl , pro�'ide nai�iug ree�uirements for the OSB pauels, B�.s� on our pxo£essional apinion we recam�a-ieud tbax the QSB pa�ne�s be a�.ached to th�e vaa1T fra�ring � urzth a :a�inlwn I2,d box f4.126°°dia. � 3.25"long) or I6d hox (0,�48 dia. x 3.5" loug) n�s spa�ced at 6"a.c. along t11e vertical panel edges and 12"o.c. field_ The naiLs shall h��e m;n;mum 1_5" embed�nent inta the w��I framing. Due to the presence af the existi.ng shi.ngles u�ader the new panels, this siding confia 7��ion is nat intended to fo�a]ly provide additional 1a�eral shear�all st�part to the eaisting struci�are. These reco�mendations are provided only as an appropriate bacl;iug aud support for the new erieriar sLingles and sfucco. . _ jIf yau have any questaan.regardin.g this issue p�ease o�ntact me at our Avon '"ce. k�tiiytit��n�e�t��i �i�' `�����Pp0 R�Q�rffi��r � Cordiall��, ��` Qq.� .P.c j� '��`�,''. `;4 ;�c� qq:,�yy � ' ��� � �'.o = i� ' _ 1� �r•� i i7•! � TlL. � .� i� � � . T.R..qVhipple,ETT R.evievued y: John G,�'Ia��:F.� .���c,`�'�� , � Proje�t Manager . ' President �'�f�l�I faN'i`14��`44''� r 291a Rusfin Bl�ffs Park+xay 202 Main Stteei,Suibe#22 910 Nm�ir�gham Road,Suite N72 Ccrforado Spdngs,CO 80916 P,Q,Box 4438,Fnsar,C�80443 P.Q.Sax 7b2fi,Avon,Calor�do 81620 i 719.�48,�6Q0 Fax 719.548;0223 970.56$.4530 Fax 974.B68A589 97U.B49.1970 Fax 970.949.t179 ---- --