HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ05-0034 B05-0041 � , �� APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF Ih1COMPLET� OR UNSIC�'D 1/�� � Project #: �� ���✓ ' Bu�ldin� permit#: '- '�� �� 0-479-2149 (In�pections) TQ�'N�FY.�IL jt �'w' O 1�;1 B D IT AF'PLICATI4N are re ed elect , plumbing, mecF�':araical, etc.! �� .`-� 75 S. Frarrtage (�d. _ Vaii, Colarada 81 fi57 CONTRACTOR INF�RMATIO�N Genera! Contractar: Town of Vail F�eg. I�o.: Con#ac# and Phorae#"s: li! � " S�G�u� l�`G �� �,/� � � " �—� C �',� �/1 �—�"O�f.� Email address: � �+���� �, � � Nr � Contractor Signature �_ <�-���`c� � COMPL�T� VALUATIONS FOR �UILDING PERMIT Labor � Materials BUILDING: $ �� � �,� 0 ELECTRICA�: $ �� �� - OTHER: $ � - � �/�C S/°'�'��` l�� PLUMBiNG: $ � MECFiANICAL: $ f � �fOTAL: $ �' � �� For Parce! # CQntact Eaqle Caunt Assessors Dffice at 970-328-8640 or vrsit www.eaalP-cc�unt .com Rarcel # - - Z � � � I � . Job Name: �� �T .�- '��7� J�b Address: �l�' S//�` ' /j/ ' J' �� �� � .�� � L.egal Description Lot: Block: i=iCing: l Subdivision: Owners f�ame: �� ]� Address: Phone: �3! � �� Archi��/D�gner: A Address• Phone: ` '� IC� C'D � �G�' r� " ' �/1 �- 7 G� Engiaieer: N�� Address: Pt�ane: DetaiGed descripiion of work: ��-���f�-G ��� �_�,�-,����� �r ���� ������� ' Work Class�f�lew ( ) Additian (X') Remode! {f��) Re air ( ) Qther � p ( ) Demo ( ) Work Type: Interior(x} Exterior O Both O � Does an EHU exist at this locetian: Yes (��) Na O � Type of Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family ( ) M��Iti-#amily (�'j Commercia!( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) lUo. of Existir�g Dvvelfing Units in this builcfing� � � �io. of Accorrtmodation Units in this building: �,,% No/T e af Fire �aces Existin � Gas Ap liances ° Gas Loqs ( Wood/Pelle# ( Wood 8urninq ( � No/Ty_e o#Fire laces �rt� osed: Gas A iiances Cas Loqs } Wc�od/PelfEt ) Wood Burninq {NOT Al_LC]WED Does a Fire Alarm Exisi: Yes (1�) No ( ) Daes a �Fire 5prinkler System Exist: Yes (�) No ( ) � � ��*****���*�*************�****�**���**FQR QFFICE USE ONLY��:�*:����*�**�****��,�**��*�******�*�*** �th� er Fecs' � `Type af Constsuction. Acce#�ted By:_ DRB Fees: Qccu ar�e Grou PlaniierSign-aff: 'Publ+c Wav Permif Fee: �--Y—p'— -- -=1 Qate Received: ;.. : , _ . _ � ,��<< � �,,�'z�, ►� F:1UserslJSutherinewBL�GPERM.DdC �i �� ` � ���'j 0�/28/2004 ��f Requirements foz an Acceptable Staging Plan I� is preferred that and Approved Site Plan is uset� to draw a sf,aging plan, h�at �� hand drawn plan may be used as long as it is da���n to scale and is neat and legible, 1.) The Staging Plan�nust show the follow�ing: (a) Show all parking that is requu•ed for the job site. (Iz�cludin� cc�nstruetian equipnzei�t). (b} Show the�ocation of all material that will be staged on site. (c) Show the location of all dumpsters and poi-�-o john that are to �e on site. �d) If a fence is required, then show the lacation af the fence anc� describe tl�e material used for the fenee. {e) If trees and / or vegetation is required to be prptectcd, then show how this will be done. (�) If this stagin� plan is for a Den10 Permit, tk�en show staging foa- dump trucks and all reiated equipment. If the Town of Vail l�i�ht of Wa� area is needed f�r staging, then a Traffic Gontrol Plan is required i�z conjunction with the slzging plan. (g) Pl�ase provide anci show an Erosion Control Plan. (h) No equipment, veliicles, z�at�rial� are allowed on Town of Vail Right of Way in the Winter Staa n�Plan. 2.) If work needs tc� accur in the right of way, then add a Traffic Contro] Plau to the staging�lan sh�win�;tlle follo��ing: (a) The wozk zon� (area fhat is to be perfoi�ned) (b) Trattic Contral Devices (warning, si�s, cones, f7a�g�rs, etc.) (c) Distances that all deviccs will he set up from the work zo��e. Als� �how� aIl din�ei�sions of work h�ita� perfonned in t�e right of w�y. All traffic control plans must conform tc� t�e ?WIUTCD manua�.(Manua� of Unifonn Traffic Control Devices) 2.) This �lan will ve reviewed by Public U�'oi•ks and if�ecessary the Policc, Fire, anc� Community Develo�ament Department. Oi�ce the sta�ing plan is approvec�; it will be re�istered wath the deparfinents listed above arrd ent9rced. 3.) The Village �►nd Lionshead area have outside construc�ion restrictions, please Uecome falniliar u�ith the Vail 2005, Vail �Till��ge and Lionshead Construction Haurs handout. r � � ��sCat�1��� �, ' �nv�rv�rnenta�,l��. Inr3uat�i��N3rR}fiene,S�feC�&�nv�ronmen4at Services i ��.TC�l ��,����J A�rchiiectural�ervic�s,P.C. �t�n: Dar�ny Swertfeger �l0 E�.w�,rds Vi�tage Bautevard �dwards,�U 81G32 Re: Asbestas�i�s�ectioaz at Li�tszs�e Candon�i��i�n,U�it 8-52 �ear D�in.Y, At your r�quest,��dt�i[Is En�ironmental collected asbestas bu]� samples of s�sp�et mat��-i�l.s a�cot�do B>S? �t the Liftside Condc�z�.aniur�i carnplex in Va�l, �olorado. In � particiilar, sar��ples w�re cciliectetl to facilitate r�na vatzvn acti�ities t�at wauld im�act s�ispect�sh�s��s cancai�ing rt�aterials inside the contlaminiutn. An ast�eatc�s i�.s�ectar ce��i�ed kiy t�e�CQlc�r�adt�Dep2�rt�ent o�'Public Hea.lti�&EnviranrnenC conduct�d the asbest€is ie�sp�c�ior�. The foliawin��ab1�s�tmmari��s the samp�e results of ttie drywall �.ateriai and.s�.ray-oan.iextuxe collec�ed for rhis pz•oject: �Kz�ta�gl� ��1�'T��s����."an�T���t�� . ���tic��'��su�ts ��.b�� L�'-1-1 V1?al�texture�t.dryvs�al�;Bedre�ar� �af�,narth _ None Detected. wall L�-1-2 Wall text��re &dryu�ail; �eci��oom 1oft, east None D�t�cted i w�il �.F-I-3 �all tex�r�e &dryvva�l; �eclrootn 1oft, east N�ne Uletectec� watl 1:.F-X-4 t�all text�tre&drywa.11,I�oft haflway, north None I�efected � �all I..F-�-5 Wa1l t�x.t�re& drywall;�edraom laf�, None Ueiected nortl�east wall L�'-2-1 S ray-on�earn fire roa�ng; Wa1I vaid None Det�cted L�-2-2 � ra -an beaa�a�re �of��. ; VVaI� void �tane Detected LF-2-3 � ray-pn beam�irepraofing; V�all voici Nnne Dete�ter� T1�.e drywa:ll sam�les and firepr€�ofing�pray-fln texture callected did not coneain�bestos �€1 ar�consi�,ered�bestvs-�'ree. �t is recr�mrne�ded that if additio.nal rertavation �ctivitz�s are �l�ied that r�ay in�.pact othex sus�r�ct�,sb�stos cantaz��n�anaterials beycrr�d thE sEap�of this.inspcct�i��, t�et�add�.tianat san�pl.es l�e c�llected�o ensure ali r��zte�-ials �'e prop�rly ch�.rac�erized prior to disturbance. A copy of the anatyticai repc��t is attacheci f�r yaur referenc�. 1�2�Si��s 5tre�t: SiMete 3��.�aldeaa,CaEorado 8(►4E1� 4'keeat+�:f 3�33)232-�� �ax.E3t�31�32-�9�t# I __ __ _ � ' � r r r r r r r � �A C7 --i ]� [7 r) C? [7 m � ��[i '71 '�i1 ?i '71 '71 ?i 'r1 � � C a p� . . ..� � h3 MaA�� hi� -z� a i ..�. a � � � �p � � !6 � � j U? 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L3es1 reg�u'ds, i ,,�, �,� �-;=" ��_ ''F�� �z:'� � �,��,,-r.. �''" C,.�.. ,. �. j Anc3re G'ran�.a.l�r.., C,I'H �'residet�t { � �.._, _ _ _ _ � � ; , ._ i ;" �q��& � t 8�� �"���,� � .,. � d _� ,��� '.�� �,��a���^ �s�:: � " ;?,�"�`` "'�^`� �4:'`�^` o��..�,� s;�' � ���°`�� � �� � r�.m�-,�r�,`�. ��i � 9j.��$��„ ��,� �'���� � �� ,.,d«" .s P,�,a�°o.�`...� �& �g�°g �h`'�i�,��+.3 �w„��',�.96°��y �'Q�4�� .';y � �,'��,�� :'��-��gVS �� k4���p�+,�i��;��`a� �a�,q�;'�°p'*W�".i9 t��cr�a�R�.,n s�'��E.�# �.p �x §�`P-a;s `�xt�e,��$���,�?� 'a#Y� a ��;.a�aP n na�,g.F , � ���� �$�f° � �� 3e� r�t� s"��ep-f aA��k �t���$ �§§y��� p h�� i �4�3� �a'by-.��aa�1�����3�3t. tdp�r,sY s��c$'Sa�i&����-r� �� -.:'� "�d. 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' �°9 t a �r ��e� ::�* �.'� �� ; f ' �.- q ���,s,a�. ' k � ' 4� �S �t�,��° ���� 4�§ �.� � S�s�� at�:. ���.i9��„� °��� y �� aa`� 3 q 'a 3 �z,� t�� .. z,���,4R4y' �.'��,.�>� �a x���,`"Ya � ��-„ � �4� 3 � Po�.�"7 s �� s�`a� s' a�'� a ���:� %`" y&;a ���7 # x s �� '�r�-`f D� ffi �� ^y �� �: R ��,'i g e�''^�8 � A� �A� �``��� "� '` y � �I�e � � - $° �,k�,�aa-: fiv=y, � ��` � ,;v�� � �. "� �z �.,�' `��;�`a�,, � � r, e,, ���_ �,� _. 7 � il � � _ I Design Review Board ACTIQN FORM �������� Department oP Cammunity Developmerrt 75 South Fror►tage Raad,vail,Coiorado 81657 te1:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us Project Namec NEC�DAD RES. ADDI7ION DRB Number: DRB050050 Project Descrip�ion: INTERIOR CONVERSION OF A'T'TIC SPACE TO CREAT 555 SQUARE FEET OF AQDTTIONAL GRFA. INCLUDES THE ADDtTlON aF A NEW EAST FAQNG WINDOUV WNICH WILL MATCH bQS1TNG WINCIOWS ON THE STRUCTURE. Participants: OWNER LA NECE�AD LLC 02/11JZ005 Phone: C/0]IM DOURAS PO BOX 8549 AVQN C� 8]:620 Li�ense: APP�.ICAM" ARCfiITECTIJAL SERVICES, P.C. D�j11j2D05 Fhone: 970-926-7605 ; pANNY SWERFEG�R , PO BOX 164 E�VVARQS Ca 61b32 License: ARCHIT�CT A�tGHTT�CNAL SERVICES, F.C.0�./11/2005 Phone; 970-926-�505 DANNY SWE�t�EGER PO BQX 164 � EaWARDS CO 81632 l.icense: COl}00018�0 Project Address: ].�34 WE5THAVEN bR VAIL Lacatian: I1FfSIDE CONDOS A-72 . Legat Description: Lot: Block; Subdi�isian: LIFfSI�E CONDOMII�iUMS Pal�cel Number: 2103121�2006 Comments: 5EE CONDITIONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: AcEion: STAFFAPR 5econd By. Vote: Date of Appro�al: �2/i7/2�05 �onditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written conse�t af Tawn of Vail stat�and/or the appropriate re�iew committee(s}. Gond: 0 (PI.AN): DR8 approval does not canstitute a permit for building. Please consult with � 1 � � A . � � . Town of Vail 8uilding personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprroval shall not become valid for 20 days fallowing the date of approval. Cvnd: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and becorne vaid one (1) year followirtg the date of final approvaf, unfess a buildirrg permif is issued and canstruction is corr�menced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $300.D0 � . ; � Sent By: Arc�itectural Seruices P.�. ; 9�R9267810; Mar-24-45 12:05PM; Page 213 � r � � � � farltt�Y.Z6,�'(�(}� 'ta: T"nwtt af V�i1 From: Lit3side BQa:•�t��D;racFOCs David Str�n,�ar��reside�t Re: B-5� �,evis�ct Pla� �'v 1�'�om lt May Cancern; ?he Bo�d qf I3iractors at�if�sic�e Cnx�domuti�ans hus ���s date�! I lQ4fU5 f8r�ti�B-s�Z. The re�ised �r�'�ed t�e�reuis�l.ex�r�r�sion �ir�ited�o�tan�tr��nts app�rtcrcatr�t ca�u�t H 5Z a�d will��t�make�y�lt���e - th�exterior af�Liits�t�e bui�di�g, gs� If yo�hav��,y q„Gatic,ns,p�a���tact thc builcting�$„ager,Z�� A[brccht at•�7 - 9�4Q. � l�avid�va��ard,ptr�ident � � ��, � �-�ltsic�e Condominivnrrs As�ociatiQr� � � .�� ��'�� ' � .., . .. ... - ._ _ .. ._. . ��3�� `�-�' .'� l t I . i.'�s I�� r� t��ti Ci f � i j L)7 �7 . .{;' �` .�7 � �)(1 • f';t x W' ��_ . . �� �t���fi: 'OF1 ?Gk+.d ! � l C�- f S��.i�) T r.w�.. ( Sen� By: Arohitecturai Services P•.C.; 97092�7B10; Apr-11 -05 3:18PM; Page 2/2 � ' . , s���,�.,�-id�.t'r�:�.x��°��.�:�.. ��af������,;�*�, l�� �:'� — . .., - .�...��- �?ll) Rilwa�rd;� Villm�;c Y3Y►•d. • C:-�qL • R(.Y. R�ax:itia . E�dN�:�rdti, lloJorHelo FIIi'�3? !'hayn�: 97A.V�ti.7Af15 • Fa+v: v7().�32ri,7b1(1 Aprii 11, 2005 Chris Gunian Town c�f Vail, Builrling [?epartment 75 Seuth Frorrtage Road Vai�, Calaradfl ���5'7 Re: Un�t 8-52 Liftside Condominiums �Mad�ro Residence) Permit Nr�. B�5-0042 Exis#ing Spiral 5tair '� � C]8ar CPtriS: Per�ou requ�st t visi#ed Unit B-52 an�l A72 toda�y and field m�asured ti�� existing st�irs. Ti� foflowing is a summ�ry of my abserva#ians. , Z. The dimer�sin� from the center of the stair to the ou#side edge of tf�e stair tread is 3'-1°. 2. The center pas#is +!- 8° in d+ameter. � 3. The dimensior� �ram the au#side edge of#he center post to#he inside face af the hand rail is 3'# '/". (Sectien 1009.9 requires a min. dimension af 26"). 4. 7ha wjdth of th�Er�ac! at 12° out froiri the outside e►�ge of the s�rrter post is � �/�'. (Se�tian 1 DQ9.9 requines a min, dimen5iv�af 7 '/�"!. 5. The rls��s are 7 h" high. (Se�#ic�n 1pt��.9 allaws a rr�ax. dimension af 9 '1x"} Naving revi�wed the abave information you can 5ee that th�stair meets#he pr�s�nt code with the , exc�pt��on of item No. 4. 1 woutd like �o offer the follawrng t�r your �v�sfderatipn when d�ciding on the acc�p#ability of the�xisting stair, as it reiates ta the proposed remodels. 1. The exis#i�g stair is wider than �s required a�d the riser� are much lower than could have � be�n used. 2. If you meagute frQm the insid� face of the railing fo the required min, v+ridth ai 26" and then c�me Y�ack the required '[2", th+�tread width is B 'fa', wh'sch is more that what is raquired by ' the coded far a 26"wide stair. 3. 7he buildi��was canstructed irt 1953 ur�der th� 1991 L1BC, I reviswed this cade and found I th�t the requirements t�en are the same as thsy are now as it relates to tread widths anc� riser heights. I hope you will cansider ap�raving the existing stair becau�e it is wider tl�an requir��l �nd carnplias ' with the cad�for traad width when measu�ed at a point 1�" back Prom th� r�quired width. Please ca44 if yv�t h�ve any�uesfions or when you have ma�ie a decision, Sin�:rely, ARCHtTECTII SERVICES, P,C. �anny wertf I � • d����-���°����,7�d��� ����,����9 1I�a �a ' 210 Edwards Village Blvd. • G202 • P.O. Box 385 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Phone: 970.926.7605 • Fax: 970.926.7610 April 20, 20Q5 ��� o CO�o � � �� p Chris Gunion S� Town of Vail, Building Department 75 South Frontage Road � �., Vail, Colorado $1657 , Re: Unit A-7� Lifitside Condorniniums {Martinez Residence) S' ARG'`�`` , I Existing Spiral Stair Code Compliance Dear Chris: I have discussed the above referenced issue with Mr. Martinez and he has directed me to have #he Contractor prpvide a raifing at the interior of the stair to cr�ate a tread width that will campiy with the Building Code. We discussed this idea and you seemed to be recepti�e to it. I alsa asked Charlie I Davis if it would be acceptable ta him, and he indicated t#�at it would be, but fihe balusters would alsa have e to comply I hope this will aAow you tv release the Building Permit for this project as soon as possible. I have to be out of town for the next few days due to an illness in my family and wi!! not be in my c�ffice until Wednesday 4-27-05. Please call if you have any questior�s. I can be reached on my cell phone at (970) 376-3256. � Sincerely, ARCHITECTURAL R �ES, P. . Danny S rtfi ' r v Co�y To: M art n Clouatre, Woadstone Homes I