HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 TRACT B TRASH COMPACTORVAJ\\"-\ tB!.*ks rtrRW T'.tCD'"1SI h# ''\' ,ln/EASEMENT DEED AGRE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT the Torvn of Vail (hereinafter referred to as 'lGrantor!) , for Ten Doltars and other good and valuableconsideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,by these presents does grant and quitclaim unto Rona1d F.iley and Rodney E. S1ifer whose legal address is 288 BridgeStreet, Vail, Colorado S1657, (hereinafter referred to as "Granteen) r the following real" property situate in theCounty of Eagle, State of CoLorado, to-wit: ' A permanent non-exclusive parking easenentr togetherwith the right of ingress and egress in, on iind over: That part of Tract B, VaiI ViJ-Lage First Filing,according to tbe map thereof recorded under ReceptionNo. 96382 in the office of the Eagle County, ColoradoClerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beginning at a point whence the southeast corner of Lote, Block 5r Vaitr Village First Filing bears S 04 31'16" W 75.72 feet distant; thence N 23 45r49n W LG.79 feet;thence N 25 34r44u InI 17.50; thence N 62 46r58u E 10.90feet; thence S 85 52131!'E l-3.58 feet; thence S 1427t47" W 13.00 feet; thence S 75 32rl3u E 15.20 feet;thence S 09 06t37" W 2L.09 feet; thence N 82 23100" wJ-7.52 feet to the point of beginning, containing 7gZsquare feetl more or l_ess. TOGETHER WITH: A-permanent non-excl_usi.ve access easement, togetherwith the right of ingress and egress to: That part of Tract B, Vail Village First Filing,according to the map thereof recorded under p.e-eption No. 96382 in the office of the Eagle County, ColoradoClerk and Recorder, described as foLlows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot e, Block 5rVail Village First Filing, thence following two coursesalong the northerll' right-of-way line of Gore CreekDrive 1) 6.2I feet along the arc of a curve to theriSn! having a radius of SZS.gS feet, a central angleof 0l- 05f 30" and a chorcl which bears S g0 39 t3gn E 6.ZLfeet 2l II .42 feet along the arc of a curve to the 1g!!-haying a radius of OS.eO feetr a central angle of09 56148"7 and a chord wtrich bears S Z5 08130" E ff.qffeet; thence departing said right-of-way N OO 45113" E37.30 feet; thence N 08 03,42" E 32.5g ieet; thence I.i09 06r37u E 23.71 feet; thence N 75 32r13" W 15.70feet; tbence S 14 27!4?il W Ls.OO feet; thence S 1230f09" W 8.09 feet; thence S 04 3l'16" W 75.72 feet tot,he point of beginning, containing 1r601 soruare feet,more or less. Together with alt and singular hereditanents andappurtenances thereto beronging, or in anywise appertaining,and the reversion and reveriions, remaind-er and iirnaindersl-rents, issues and profits thereof; and all- the estate,rightr title, interest, clain and denand whatsoever, of theGrantor, either in law or in equity of, in and to theabove-bargained real property i-nteiest, with thehereditaments and appurtenanies. TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD t,he sanre, together with allsingular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anl'wise thereunto appertaining, andestatel rightr title, int€.rest and claim whatsoever,Grantor, either in law or eo.uity to the only properbenefit and behoof of the cranteesr their heirs andforever . and all- theof the use, ass igns Grantorr its heirs, successors, anil/or assignsr shallnot erect nor place any pernanent building, structure, improvenrent,, fence or tree on the above-clescribed easement, and Grantees shall not be liable for their removal if theyare so placed. Acceptance of this'easernent by Grantees shallconstitute their agreement and consent as folfows: 1. At such time and in the event that the easement described herein shall be abandoned, or in the event that any of the terms and conditjons set forth herein shall be breached by the Grantee, Grantee's real property interest in the easementshall jmmediateiy revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. 2. The parking lot constructed on the above-describedeasenent and the accompanying access easenent shaLl_ beconstructedp maintainedl and repaired in a firstclassmanner, condition and appearance. In the event it isnecessary to construct, reconstruct, repair or replace theparking 1ot, Grantees shall restore the area as nearly as rnay be practicable to the same condition, including fullrevegetation, as it was prior to construction, repair orreplacement, provided no pernanent buildingl structure,improvement, fence or tree shall be placed tbereon byGrantor which interferes with Granteers rights herein. 3. The Grantees agree to fully indernnify, save and.keep the crantor harmless from any and aI1 c1aims for damageto real and personal property and injuries or deathssuffered by persons on said property during the terrn of thiseasement, and including but not limited to theresponsibility for enforcement and control of parking r ights SIGNBD AND DELIVERED this _ day of April, 1985. TOW}I OF VAIL Attest: By: Secret,ary F{. EASEI'IENT DEED AGREEIqENT KNOW ALL !{EN BY TIIESE PRESENTS; TEAT the Town of Vail (herelnafter referred to astrGra?tortr) r for Ten Dollars and other good and valuableconslderatlonr the receipt of whlch is-hereby acknowledged,by these presents does GP$NT and QUITCLAIM unto Lower AildgeStreet Trash Assoclatlon whose legat address ls 288 BrldlgeStreet, Vail, Colorado 81652, (heielnafter referred to airGranteen) r the followlng real property situate ln theCounty of Eagle, State of Colorado, to-wlt: A pernanent non-excluelve easenent, togeEher wlth therlght of lngress and egress, to construct, reconstruct,operate, repalr ancl nalntaln a conpactor, and relatedstructure or appurtenance ln, on over, under andthrough: That part of Tract B, vail vlllage Flrst Fillnglaccordlng to the map thereof recorded under ReieptionNo. 96382 in the office of the Eagle County, ColoradoClerk and Recorder, described as follows: - Beglnnlng at a polnt whence the southeast corner of tote, Block 5, VaiI Village First Flllng bears S 05oL7t24" W 83.74 feet dlitantg thence N l4o 27t47, e38.38 feet; thence S 75o 32rl3n E 15.201 thence S l4o27t47" w 38.38 feetl thence N Z5o 32rl3i w 15.?0 feetto the point of beglnnLng, contalntng 602 square feet,nore or less. TOGETHER WITB: A permanent non-excLusivewtth the rlght of ingress i acceEs easenent, togethei and egress to: That part of Tract B, Vail Village First Fllingr lccolglg to the map thereof recorded under ReceptlonNo. 96382 ln the offlce of the Eagle County, ColoracloClerk and Recorder, describecl as follows: - Beglnning at the southeast corner of Lot e, Block 5,Vail Village First Filing, thence fotlowing two coursesalong the northerly right-of-way line of core CreekDrlve f) 6.2I feet along tbe arc of a curve to therlght_havlng_a radlus of iZS.eg feet, a central angJ.eof 01" 05r30" and a chord whlch bears S 80o 39r39n-E6.21 feet 2l LL.42 feet along the arc of a curve tothe right havlng a radlus of 65.90 feet, a centralangle of 09o 56148r', and a chord whlch bears S Z5o08r30n E 11.{1 feetl thence departing saicl rlght-of-wayN 00o 45rI3', E 32.30 feetl thence N 0go 03t426 E 32.59f99tl thence N 09o 06t32', E 23.71 feetl thence N Z5o32rl3n W 15.70 feetT thence S I4o 27t47; W 15.00 feetlthence S 12o 30t09n W 8.09 feetl thence S Odo 3lrl5n W75.72 feet to the point of beginning, contalnlng l160Isquare feet, more or legg. Together with all and slngular hereditanents andappurtenances thereto belonglng, or ln anywise appertalning,and the reverslon and reveritons, remalnd6r and iimatndrersi-renls, issues and profits thereofl and alL the estate,rlght, tltle, lnteiest, claim and demand whatsoever, 6f theGrantor, either ln law or in equlty of, tn and to theabove-bargalned real property fnteiest, with theheredltaments and appurtenanies. TO EAVE AND TO BOLD the same, together wlth all andslngular the appurtenancea and privlr6ge- itreieunioDerongtng-or ln anywlse thereunto appertalnlng, and alt theestate, right, tltle, lnterest and ilatm whatioever, of the9rantor, elther ln law or equlty to the only proper use,benefit and behoof of the eiantie, itg succ-es-gori anaasslgne forever. . Grantor, Lts helra, successors t and/or assl.gns, shallnot erect nor_place any pernanent UuiLdi;g, stru6[ure,lmprovement, fence or tree on the above-cteicrlbed easement,and Grantee gharr not be liable for tbelr rerovai ia-ih;t-'are so placed. Acceptance of thls easement by Grantee shall constltuterts agreement and consent as folLows: l. At such tlme and ln the event that the easementdescribed hereln shall be abandoned, Gran[J"'J--ieil profertylnterest ln the easement shalr tmmeittateii-ieveii to and bethereafter merged with the servl.ent estati. 2- The cornpactor constructed on the above-descrrbedeagernent Ehall be congtructed, malntalned, and repalred in areasonable manner, condltlon and appearance. rn lhe event ll^1:^f::essary_to conetruct, recoiitruct, iepilr-or repiaceEne compactor, Grantee shall restore the area-as nearly-asnay be- practlcable to the game conditlon, fncfuafng fuifrevegetatlon, as lt was prlor to construi:tion, repilr or Sgplggenentr provlded no-pernanenr uoiiaing, -!tiuEture, rnprovement, fence or tree ehall be placed-thereon byGrantor.. 3. The Grantee_agrees to fully lndemnlfy, save andkeep the crantor ha-rnleis fron any aia att clairirs-for aaroage lo-leal_and personal property and lnJuri-- oi aeittsauErered by persons on said property durlng the tern of thtgeasenent. SfcNED AND DELMRED thlE _ day of1985. TOWN OF VAIL Attest: By: Secretary tl/}lg: '-',t,r34r83 A s s e Oo n LISTING .tCDIIE: illS4 CIINDUFIINIUI,I: VAIL]'OI^JNHOUSE a-( s .r ,'a-.<-t- VaJ 6 '-1. "- OO01 9CHEIIULE: OO89O4 BISTRICT: l03 EUI^,ER, |.1AKNELL - TODD, '.rAl"{Eg. 14. 5737 gDiJTH GALLUP STREET L I TTLETOT{ STATE: F\ ZIP CODE: EO1e0uNrr \:-9 B} -.O?L4 PG OE96 TAX ITEt15: 111? 1?17 00Oa ECHEEULE: OC'E130 DlSTRICT: 103 EARY, 5Ai,1UEL. T.C NANCY-HOLMDERG, JA]'IES S. 7. LOGAI'J ?,:. {IEIiDCIATES 1660 LIr{iloLt'j STREET *ESOO DENvER STATE-: rl8 ZIP CODE: 80264 UN I T\.e-,tr..!ir:. r31.f1 pe ol4c 8r,, r]3a0 PC C'167 TAX ITEl,19: 1 1 13 1e17 OOO3 sCHED{JLE: o10640 DISTRICT: 103 HILLIARD, ,-{. R. - ANDERSOf.I, K. - TI^JEEBY, -i. g, 46OC 53UTH ',1DI..IROE LANE ENGLEWdAR STAT+ CO ZIF C0DE: EOtlC) UNIT F-\\*( clrl pe 06?2 sr, 0et1 Pc o1B5 TAX ITEr,lg: 111e 1e17 OOO4 EI]HEDIJLE: OO759O DISTRICT:103 HYATT CDEPORATION ?7OO i^iEgT ERYN T'IAh'R AVENUE ROSEH01{1STATE\:L ZrP C0DE: 6001B UNIT \:F nv' tj3t7 Pe O4O7 TAX ITEl,iE: ttl? l2l7 OOOS Stl{.i,,:DULE: OO9O90 DISTRICT:103 HCCUI{E, t-i4Ft:LD T. ?.r HELEN 3O5O EA5I' sT'ANFORD DRIVE ENGLEW'DD STATE; CD ZIP CODE: 80110uNrr 3-qai (:'1>;1 PG oo47 TAX lTil,tg t11? 1?17 -/ , ,' 'r-- /.s/.tf l, ^ . -f I PAGE: o EAGLO cOUNTY CONDOf,IINIUI'I =====.=:=::::5-a:=3=:?==::-i:============-===E=ll======================================== CADE:1i1F4 CONDOfiINIUI"l: CSUNTY MINIUM TOr.rNH[lUSE ,i.- e ?{ ./83 EAG cu o IN OR c PA6E: ASSE LISTNDO VAIL 0006 SCI-{E}ULE: OO9S31 DISTR ICT: tOgO6LESBY, ENSLiE O. JR. &. T,{ARGARET SEAY1?e5 gAht JAcir.il0 DALLASsTATE:y'\ zIF CODE: 75eO1uNrr [ 134 Slt;-,6315 PG oe'sTAX ITE|{$: |IIZ L?,LT 0007 SCHEDULE: CIO8B?g DISTRICT:- 1OSPARKER. RiCHARD K.44 gilUTH EIRCH STREET DENVERSTATE:6s ZIP CoDE: BC2ee UNI T \Q-SBirYsr+ p+ 0e97TAX ITEt{5: IttA tAtT OOOB ITT]HEBULE: OO779O DISTRICT:103PARIiEE, &ICHARB K. & NANCY S.44 SBUT'Ij BIFCH DENVER STATC.TD ZIP CODE: AOE2AuNir v-E' 'd!r. rlEsg pG 0994TAX ITEl,iE: ttle t?tz OOO9 SCHEBULE: OO954O DI$TRICT: I03PARP,S, ELTON .,lR. 1,. I.IARGRETTA E.1 CAI{TITE€ LANE ENGLEhJABDSTATF\c0 ZIp CODE: BO1t0UNII\-\ M oeio pc og99TAX ITE|19: ttt? tet7 OO10 SCHEBULE: 0OA4SO DISTRICT: IOgPRITZ6EE. JAY A. 7. zuNAr4lltrt, sIt40N Th,O FIE5T NATIONAL PLAZA CHICAG}] STATE: iL ZIp CODE: 6060g UNI T Q\$ .Bd. r:At4 PG C'g6S Bl4 i)lpl PG 0031TAX ITEt{g Ltte I?17 4/83 EAcLO couN CSNDOMINI TY ASSE UN LIST tOo * INC PAGE: C0NDE|'IINIUM: VAIL T0HNHOUSE ====== . = -:i=. oo11 ECHEBUT-E: OOFS3? DISTRICT: 1O3 STOREY, CHARLES P. P-.: I{ELEN S. 54OO FIFST INTERNATIONAL BUILDING DALLA9 STATE: F\ ZIP CODE: 73e7OUNIT ITSFE'Vo31s pc oess TAX ITEt"lE: 1712 L?t7 OOre SCHEDULE: Oo778O DISTRIGT:'1O3 TUC KER_ TUCf,(,ER-TUCKER3 RANSDI,i RSAD ENOLEI^'OOB STATF:\CD ZIP CODE: 80110 UNIT \44\ \Eli oe47 PC 0100 TAX ITEi"?€: LLl? 12L7 O013 EC|{EDUL.E: O10630 DISTRICT: 103 I|lATEtrN, OLiVE C. MEADOI^I,;RDFT LANE OREENHICHSTATFI\|T ZIP CODE: 06A30 UNIT \3-\ftrert oree Pc oe35 Efi. Oeae Po oo73 TAX ITEI4€: t||e 13L7 OO14 9CHEDULE: O1OE5O DISTRICT: 103 I^IELLES, EARBARA C.3602 sBI-{TH CILPIN STREET ENGLET^tD0B STATEC\CD ZIP CODE: EollOUNIT AT\.€4 De1l PG 0691 TAX ITEf,15: LttA LZ|T '2a. j "ft t"firor' $1F4 -.t*€.fg: rj!/e4/a3 EAoLO c0uNry CONDOI'IINiUM I tt ' -UV I , /3$.'k-s- B R /-rr PAGE: AssrO 'CODE: O1FO CONDO|"IINIUM: VAIL ROt"tHUUgE LISTING o-ito p-i,.- Va-N ====== =: -:---========================================== O001 .ECHEDULE: OOBASO DISTR ICT: tOAGALVIN, F0EERT tJ. P.r l"lARY B. ROLLIN* DAKS FARI,I RI]UTE 68 BARR INBTOhI STATE: IL ZIP C0DE: 60010UNIT lE--6-lt otYs PG 0351 Et(. o19? Pc oe53 TAX iTEl,lg 1712. L2L7 0OOA SCHEBULE: OO7e40 DISTRICT: 1Og KNOX, 'IEORGE {.,ASHINCT0N IVE9I BRIE.G'E STREET VAIL STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 81657UNIT 1OA'E/. AeeL PA O7&7 8U, O27e Pc 0142 TAX I TEt tS. : t 1t2 t?t7 0003 SCHEE'ULE: COgAeO DiSTRICT; lOA KNOX, EEORCE I^'ASHINGTT]N IV491 ERIDGE 9TREET VAIL STATE: Ctf ZIP CODE: 8163ZUNIT lDE RESUB BLK 5 BK Oe:7 PC 0161\- Bl^. 0227 pc OAET EK Oa€A PG 0141 Ey.. o27? Pc 0141 BU. Oe77 PO 0178 EK 0e7e Pc 0141 EV,. Qe77 Pc 0178 TAX ITEf,lS: tLLZ tALz OOO4 gCHEDULE: C0E91O DISTRICT: 1OgLLOYD, T,{AR IAN H.RT, 1 EOX 32 LIBERTY\IILLP STAT9\ IL ZIP CODE: 6o04a UNIT/ 7/ BLK E6s5 LDT ooooT Ey,. a7&6 PG 0579 TAX ITEl,fg: LLLZ L?L7 OOOS gCHEEULE: 009479 DISTRICT: tOgROLLEY, ALAN t^1. tr ANN L.1545 SIFATFORD ROAD TOPEKA STATE: tk€ IIP CODE: 6h6O4uNrT 111B ) \€H._OdA3 PA O1h7 -+- l-J ======= 1 ,E0e/24/A3 COUNT 11 I.IINIU o ND AG co Y ASSE H LIST o IN OR e PAOE: O190 CONDOMINIUt"l:VAIL R{]WHOU5E ==== =::==,:a===TAX ITEMS: 11le lal7 0006 SCHEBULE: OO94ZEROLLEV, ANN L.1545 STRATFDRD ROAD TOPEKA STATE: t€\ Zrp CEDE:uNrr .Ire)E}\_C603 Pe 0164 ====================================================. DISTRICT:1Og TAX ITEM9: LL|Z teLT OOOT SCHEBULE: O1OEOO DISTRICT: tOGSTUART, ROSERT D, *,R. & BARBARA E.345 HEECHANBI5E f,|ART CHICAGf]STATAIL Zrp CODE: 6G6S4UNIt E \' Vx o16a pc og71TAX ITEtfg: lLte I?IZ OOOA SCHEBULE: 01O6tO DI$TRICT: 1OiT.'ALEH, EBI.'AFD J. JR. & KATHERINE I,I.30 I^TEET|"I0RELAND PLACEST. LOUIS STATE1\ HO ZIp CODE: 69lOeUNIT r9\\k oraa pG oszT8K Oe19 Pc 0814 BK Oe48 PC 0175TAX lTEl,tS: ltt? t?I7 Slifer Consolidated T?ash Association Date: April 29, 1985 4:00 P.M. Slifer Conference Roon Re: All natters conterning trash association Agenda 1. Construct ion over run2. Status of Clocktower,/Casino Building - TOV 5. Status of A€D Building4. Status of Trash Association (bil.I paying, naintenance, etc.) 5. Conpensation for adninistrator? 6. thpaid bills7, Compactor - BFI 8. Landscaping, paving to be done9. lJnauthorized use &-vp.o72 +/r/t {/, TD eu4, L/fryl 2 ,4tr<e-s,'/ P47/{8. s /aa.V@- 1 kt- ba / 1 tuE @/Uzv* /Z lrezF azz/,r.:&fu &zbdwii Crgr, ,p //"vt?//vad| ,// ',!,/ ( -lznues eFezryatzv4 n Dt/ *nbzry,tufta{ ( ..--- /dz- c/(*c,-fi-r r/s4/y' ft rV{ @rys -z,rt.fts4 e-A1= A/aZZ/ 2Azl -/eAs,@n,a4 reltl AarT(d L G u.,/ t*ilo^,/ar-> avq'- fr-"-*,,1 ,^- E/H /*/- llll.i,- i rl' i'iI' tr 1 i'l i I I- ltl lr, To: I?onaldH.T?;Iry March J.8, 1985 'A11 Participants of Trash Project The Tor.nr of Vail, is presently unable to deliver the participation of the casino Building or the remaining portion of the McBride Building, Gorsuch 'excluded. The reduced participation has necessetated a new calculation. On a positive note, the A 6 D Building, to avoid the conPlete collapse of the entire project, has agreed to join prior to the comrnencement of the ienovation. Their participation is based upon projected uses and square footage. Therefore, their rraccountrr will renain open and adjustnents up or dowrt will be rnade upon conpletion of their project. The net effect of recalculating by deleting the casino and McBride participation but adding the figures for the A G D Building result in the schedule enclosed. AlSo, you will see a complete breakdown of the financial status of the project, indicating the money needed to cornplete the project, including the estirnates for landscaping and paving and the resulting adjustnents to be made reflecting the overpayment by the Gallery Building. You will notice the najor expense to cornplete the project is the cost of the compactor itself. Since given the status of the project as a whole, I am no longer willing to be the owner and lessor of the cornpactor. Therefore, it becomes a capital expense item to be paid for pro-rata. We, Mike Staughton and myself, are no longer willing to serve in the capacity of administrating the project. We were willing to take the lead role in conpleting the capital irnprovernent portion'of the project, but will not serve beyond, Therefore, the issue of adrninistrat ion , maintenance, cleaning and accounting needs to be addressed as to who is going to be responsible for these and other aspects of the Project and for what conpensation. Be aware that some of these costs like landscaping and paving are estirnates and that we wiII have sone additional legal and engineering fees. Any overruns will be billed pro-rata in early sunrner and any savings will be transferred into the general fund to cover ongoing operating expenses. The initial capital cost to each participant miglrt be reduced in the event the Town is successful in it's acl ions against the McBride and Casino Buildings. The rebates rvould be rnade as determined by the trash declaration. Please make your checks payable to the Bridge Street Trash Association, which are due imrnediately. If you have any questi.ons, Please cali. Sincerely, Ronald H. RHR/kah Encl. 228 TSddgc Street, Tail, Solorafu 8t6s7 . 3o3t4764toqtoo9o ,t McBRIDE .SLIFER BUILDING GAIIERY BUITDING RETAII, 1 RETAIL 2 RETAIL '3 LTQUoR SmRE DELICATESSEN REAL, ESTATE OFFICE REAL ESTATE OFFICE RESIDENTIAL (2 Units) UISCELLANEOUS (Storage RESIDENTIAT (1 Unit) BUILDING TROUT GORSUCH BUS. OFFICE GORSUCH SKI SHOP GORSUCH SKI SHOP STI RENTAT/RBPAIR SKI RENTAT/STORAGE CLOCK TOWER RESTAURANT STORAGE CLOCK TOWER BLDG. FLOOR NO.PERCENT USAGE PERCENT USAGE BY BLDG. 384 19% st 388 1003 Roon) 3 2 1 9 18 1 L 1 1 1 I 1 1 1I 1 1 2 2 3 J 2 1 2 B B --E-B 1 t8 PENDING BRIDGE ST. ORE HOUSE CONDO OFFICE : : SHUFFLE t4 22II B 1 3 2 100& Type of Bill Arch Fees Bldg Engi.neering& Survey Conpactor Insuranc e Legal Flood Plain Landscaping Amount 3,516.42 27 ,949.69 520.00 9,979. 75 514.00 510.00 624.24 4,500.00 Paid 3 ,5L6.42 23,500.00 1,O00.00 Not Paid RHR RHR 2,949.69 Trash Assoc. 320.00 9 r979.75 514.00 510.00 624.24 4,500.00 47,9t4.70 28 ,576 .42 19,597. 68 Total paid, unpaid 6 estirnated = $47,914.10 Total due per entity with new percents with existing contributors to capital costs. (Not necessarily trash bills at this tine) A $ D Bldg. Sl ifer Gorsuch Gal lery Paid to Present Sl. i fer Gorsuch Gal l ery A6D s8% s% t9% 38? 18,207 .36 2,395.70 9, 103.68 18,207 .36 1,700. 00 6, 120. 00 -0- 47 ,9l4.tO Balance Due 695. 70 2983. 68 .., 20 ,896.42 (2689. 06) 18207 .36 28,7L6.42 19,197.68": 200.004(The difference between Slifer's 1,700.00 . Accounts Receivable 21,886.74 payment and 1,500.00 paynent to Ruder-Reineke by Trash Association) liabilities: 22 ,086,74 ** Accounts Payable BFI 9,979.75Ri.l.ey 2,689. 06 Ruder-Reineke2'949. 69 Engineering 32O.OOInsurance 514.00 Legal 510.00 Flood Plain 624.24 Landscaping 4,500.00 22,086.74 ** i. T?onald H. R;t'y March 18, 1985 To: A11 Participants of Trash Project The Town of Vail is presently unable to deliver the participation of the Casino Building or the renaining portion of the McBride Building, Gorsuch excluded, The reduced participation has necessetated a new calculation. On a positive note, the A 6 D Building, to avoid the conplete collapse of the entire project, has agreed to join prior to the cornrnencenent of the renovation. Their participation is based upon projected uses and square footage. Therefore, their "account will renain open and adjustnents up or down will be made upon completion of their project. The net effect of recalculating by deleting the Casino and McBride participation but adding the figures for the A 6 D Building result in the schedule enclosed' Also, you will see a complete breakdown of the financial status of the project, indicating the noney needed to conplete the project, including the estinates for landscaping and paving and the resulting adjustnents to be nade reflecting the overpaynent by the Gallery Building. You will notice the major expense to complete the'project is the cost of the conpactor itself. Since given the status of the project as a whole, I am no longer willing to be the owner and lessor of the cornpactor. 'Iherefore, it becones a capital expense iten to be .paid for pro.rata . We, Mike Staughton end nyself, are no longer willing to serve in the capacity ,5f administraiing the project. We were willing to take the lead role in lr*ourliletirrg the capitlllrinproveuent'portion'of the project, but will not servetteidria.I Therefore,l'the issue'of adninistration, maintenance, cleaning and accounting needs to be addressed as to who is going to be responsible for these and other aspects of the project and for what conpensation. Be aware that sone of these costs like landscaping and paving are estimates and that we will have sone additional lega1 and engineering fees. Any overruns will be billed pro-rata in early surnme1 and any savings will be transferred into the general fund to cover ongoing operat ing expenses. The initial capital cost to each participant night be reduced in the event the Town is successful in it's ar1 ions against the McBride and Casino Buildings. The rebates rvould be nade as determined by the trash declaration. Pleasg make your checks payable to the Bridge Street Trash Association, which are due irunediately. If you have any questj.ons, Please ca1i. Sincerely, Ronald H. RHR/kah Encl . 228 TJ ildae Street, 9 ail, 0 ok'rado 8 t 6 s7 . 3 o 3 t 47 6 4 t oQ t ooSo STIFER CONSOLIDATED ACCOT'NT ANALYSIS BLI}G. FIOOR NO.PERCEI.IT USAGE PERCENT USAGE BY BLDG. 38% L9% 5B s8% 100% A 6 D BUITDING RETAIT 1 RETAI,I 2 RETAIL 3 lrQuoR sroRE :. DELIGATESSEN REAL ESTATE OFFICE REAL ESTATE OFFICE RESIDENTIAL (2 Units) MISCELLAI'IEOUS (Storage RESIDENTIAL (1 Unit) McBRIDE BUITDING TROUT GORSUCH BUS. OFFICE GORSUCH SKI SHOP. GORSUCH SKI SHOP SKI RENTAL/REPAIR SKI RENTAT/STORAGE CLOCK TOI|ER RESTAUMNT STORAGE CLOCK TOl'lER Roon) 3 2 I 9 18 1I I I 1 1 1 1I 1 2 2 2 J 3 2 1 18 I 2 B B --BI PENDING T4 22 1 1 B 1 3 2 100% i. Tlpe of Bill Arch Fees Bldg Engineering{i Survey Conpactor Insurance Legal Flood Plain Landscaping Anount 3,516.42 27 ,949.69 320.00 9r979.75 514.00 510.00 624.24 4,500.00 Paid 3,516.42 RHR 23,500.00 RHR 1,900.00 Trash Not Paid 2,949 .69 Assoc. 320.00 9 ,979 . 75 514 . 00 510 . 00 624.24 4,500.00 47,974.!O 28,576.42 19, 397 . 68 Total paid, unpaid € estinated =$47,914.10 Total due per entity capital costs. (Not A Q D Bldg. Slifer Gorsuch Gal lery Paid to Present :Slifer Gorsuch Gal lery AqD Assets: rrWas in bankn Accounts Receivable Liabilities: Accounts Payable I 'j. with new percents with existing contributors necessarily trash bills at this tirne) to 38t 5e6 L9Z 38e5 78,2O7.36 2,395.70 9 , 103. 68 18,207 .36 1 , 700. 00 6, 120. 0o 20,896.42 -0- 47 ,9L4.10 Balance Due 695. 70 2983. 68 (268e.06) t8207.36 28,716.42 19, 197 . 68 200.00 *(The dlfference between Slifer's 21,886.74 Payrnent and 1,500.00 paynent to by Trash Associat ion) 22,086.74 ** 9 ,979 . 75 2,689. 06 1r 700.00 Ruder-Reineke BFI R11ey Ruder-Reineke2 ,949 , 69 Engineering 320.00Insurance 514.00 Legal 510. 00 Flood Plain 624,24 Landscaping 4,500.00 22,086.74 "" PEC -2- Peter Patten gave the 6ackground and listed corrections to the meno. They were that the 1ot si.ze should be twi.ce as large, ot 20,908 sq ft. Dick Brewer introduced hinself and his representative, Ray storey. Ray explainedthe Brewers I position, stating that the development was now prinarily for ernployees, and were less expensive unit s- - difficul t t.o sell now because of financing. He acldedthat the porch was already defined, and that it had 4 of the 6 surfaces, and thatno tnore space would be added, that the entrance would be improved. Discussion as to whether or not this would be precedent setting followed. Gerryreninded then that cost or inconvenience is noi considered a hardshi.p. Jin Morgan moved and Dan seconded to deny the variance E3-it was stated in the lneno datedAugust 24' 798I' The vote was 4-1 to deny. Duane voted against denial. He feltthat the added GRFA was not adding bulk, nor was it a significant increase. Healso felt that a greenhousets transparency made it somewhat less bulky inappearance. 5. r Request :for e. .valiance from the cov,erig.,parking re.qof t butld a secondary unit on lot 5, Block6, Vail Internounta.in Subdivision, 1933 Bellflower, Applicants: Craig and Jan Webb. Peter Janar Presented the neno and reminded the corunissioners of the restrictionsof Ordinance 22 of 1981, for lots under 15,000. One restriction was that halfof the parking must be covered to have a secondary unit. He added that one ofthe reasons for this criteria was aesthetic, but in looking at Bellflower Drive,he discovered that there were no garages at all. Therefore, the staff felt thatthe variance should be granted, especially in light of the fact that the addedunit- was already enclosed in the basement. The staff also felt that another slructure ' on the. sitg..wou1d be no:'c der-rinental to the site thln 2 acltlitonal palkin; .pi..=rgould be, and that anolher enployee unit was desirable. Duane rnoved and Roger seconded to approve the request for the parking varianceas stated in the staff merno dated g/24/gr. The vote was 5-0 in favor. 8r/81 r, al, 7.- Request for an exterior alteration a:rd nodification to the Hill building toadd-@ .Applicant : l*lrs. Cortlandt T. ' Hil I . Dick-Ryan stated -that the bedroom addition was being dropped, and so the request was, for the dining room and open greenhouse only. [e expiained the nemo and.'acK curtin showed additional plans. 'fhe addition of the green house only neededDRB approval . Roger rnoved to approve the request subject to the conditions inthe memo., and as stated in the ri.ff rn"ro aatea g/zq/ti. Duane seconded. Thevote was 5-0, unanimously in favor of the request 0._ *9T*lgl-ggcrior altcration and modification to thc Casino BuildinS__toconstru -i;ts D and E and a part of lots B, c and F, Block 5c, Vail villagc !-irst Filing. Appri-cants: Carlos Agostoni and Janes J. Sprorvls. Petcr Pattcn explaincd thtt thc proposal was a conplctc rcdcveloprnent of thc Casinobuilding. He presented thc site plins ancl cxplaine<l thc floor plans. Gcrry lthitcread a lettcr from the condorninium associirtj.on st.ating that thc allcy was "tr*onl{9p9Tty and that.to build thcrc would rcquile lpploval fron thcrrr. 'fircrcforc,ruc .r.rrcy prol)oscr w:ls not to bc coltsidc.r.c.d at thj.s ntcctj.rrg, (isrry adclctl tlurtwhen hc wcnt out to thc sitc, hc hacl not bccn told thut thc builcling rvould bcextended 8 fect on thc southlvcst corncr. PEC -5- 8/3r/81 Dick Ryan stated that for the 2-I/2 years that he had been in the Pl.anning offices, there had been much talk of tryi.ng to inprove this part of the Village and rnuch talk of naking the alleyway a viable walkway. He felt that the projcct was a trenendous inprovement to the Village. Gordon Pierce, architect for the project, showed sli.des and talked about scheduling the construction. He stated that after Labor Day, the plan was to take out the trash, equipment and partitions that werenrt needed. He added that the contractorfelt that he could meet the planned schedule. Discusiion followed with concern expressed that the project not look half finished through winter, and naybe using a finish material on the exterior if work was stopped part way through. The northwest corner of the building was discussed, some nembers feeling that the building should not be extended out at that point. John Donovan also objectedto the extension. Others felt that a small projection nright be better than aflat wa1l in that area. Gordon spoke of lowering the alley 2 ot 3 feet to nake it lighter and airi-er, and possibly to have glass looking into Pistachiots restaurant. the proposal discussed at this point did not j.nclude the alley or the extension at the northwest corner of the building, and these two items were to be continuedfor 2 weeks. Dan rnoved and Roger seconded to approve the exterior alteration and rnodif ication to. the Casino Building as stated in the rncrno wi th two :dditional conditj.ons:I. That the finished facade be completed before Christmas or the apfllfE-anf a treaincni ;;nila: to the ',;nf in.i's.hed.. cinncrc j al s;acc a: the Gonrl,ola building. 2, That the applicant agrees to participate financial ly in street i.rnprovements,e.g. street pavers, street lights, at the intersection of Gore Creek Drive and Bridge Street if a nini-inprovement district is forrned. The applicantsr share would be determj.ned by street frontage of property and other property owners would also have to agree to partj-cipate. The vote was 5-0 in favor. The deck area office expansion was continued unfil the next PEC neeting. 8. Request for an anendment to the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan fot Study Area #5, and an ext conunercial and office space located wouth of Vantage Point, north of Lift House Lodge and Lions Pride building and northeast of VaiI 2l building. Applicant: Robert T. Lazier. Dick Ryan presented the ncrno and stated that this was a significant proposalfor Vail. He added that the Urban Desi.gn 6uidc Plan discusses including more connon spaceand encourages a nel,/ entry concept into the mal I frorn the east, andthis proposal fulfills some major objectives of the UDGP and r{as an inplovenentto the conununity. l"luch discussion about parking followed. Gcrry fclt that parking was a najor issue in this proposal, and that thc loss of parking did not justify the proposal . Dick felt that this was the Purposc of thc ll00 spacc parkiirg structurc, thltit was, planncd knowing therc would bc nrorc dcnuurd Iatcr. (icrly predictcd that the parking structure wcs not going to bc big cnough, and sooncr or later rnorc parking was golng to be needcd. -, a 'a ?r. METlORANDUJU T0r PLANTNNG A.,\D ENVIR0NI'IENTAL CONI\4ISSION FROM: DEPARTIIIENT 0F COIf'{UNITY DEVELOPIIENT/PETER PATTEN DATE: August 26, 1981 RE: Request for exterior alteration and modification to the Casino Building to constTuct 3 condorninium units, nel{ retail space and office space located on lots D and E and a part of lots B, C and F, Block 5C, VaiI Virlage First Filing. Applicant: Carlos Agostoni and Janes J. Sprowls. A. BACKGROIJND AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL The Casino Building has changed ownership and the new owners wish to revise the uses for the property to residential and retail shops. The proposal Tepresents a major change in the use of the building, which has always beelr used as a nightclub- -first as Casino Vail , and then as Gartonrs Saloon. ..--/ _. The project involves redeveloping the street level sPaces to four new retail shops, retaining the existing real estate office and naintaining the Valley Forgc as is (with possibly sone facade improvements at a future date). New bay windows for the retail spaces are incorporated with a sidewalk in front.' Encroachments of 2r to 3t arl proposed onto Tov right-of-way on the Gore Creek Drive side to provide roorn for the stairs and sidewaik near the stores and entrance to the condorniniums. A previous proposal came out about 5r'farthe:c and has been scaled back due to negative Town Council reaction. , Landscaping is in the forn of aspen trees on the perimeter of the sidervalk , ,.;:, -d planter boxes in the same general areas. i, A naj or segnent of the proposal is to redevelop "the alley" on the south- side of the building. The proposal entails a small (about 289 sq ft) office addition on the western end of the alley, a glass enclosure of the entrance to Pistachiors, brick paver walkway, and a redeveloprnent of area to the west of the alley to acconrnodate grade changes and make an attractive, invitinC entrance into the alley. The existing commercial spaces fronting l{al1 Street will remain as is. c:rsino ur(-z- B/26/sl 0n the second lcvcl wilL bc the lowcr lcvcls of the thrcc conclonriniums,a new office spacc of 909 sq ft (j"ncludjng over the allcy) and the existing deck remodcled to a privatc dcck wj_th a hot tub. The third level contains the upper levels of two of thc uni.ts, while a fourthlevel is being proposed to accommodatc the uppcr leve1 of thc third unit.A height increase of 8t on the southern portion of the builtling j.s neccssaryto accommodate the upper level of this unit due to the half-level involveclin t}re current building design. B, COMPI,IA\CE h'ITII PURPOSE SECTION The Cornnercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to naintaj.nthe unigue character of the Vail village comeicial Area, with its mixtureof lodges and conmerci-a1 establishmenti in a prcdominant.i.y pedestrian environ-nent, The comrnercial core I District is intencled to ensure adequate light,air,- open space and other arnenities appropriate to the perrnitt"d- typer orbuidings and uses. The District regulitions in accorciance with the vailVillage Urban Design Guide Plan and Desi.gn considerations prescribe sitedeveloprnent standards that are intended to ensrlre the rnaintenance and preservatlonof the tightly clustered arrangenents of buildings frcnting on pedestrian ways and public greenways and to ensure continuation of buildin-g scale andarchitectural qualities that distinguish the Village The community Developrnent Ilepartnent considers that the proposed changesconforrn to the purpose of the conmercial core I District as outiined aboveand in the Vait Village Urban Design Guide plan. C. COMPLIANCE WITTI VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS l. _Sub-Are.a Concep.tj of Urlan Design Guide ttan ' Concept 15 - Facade inprovenents. Eyesores removed,'. increased facade transparency, entries simplified' and oriented toward intersection. (This is addressingthe Gore Creek Drive elevation.) Al 1 of these items are included in the proposal by creating retail shopsin this area. Concept 138 - Mid-block connection (covered) fromBridge Street to Village Plaza. The proposal calls for the mid-block connection, but only covers a seveltecnfoot stretch on the western cnd via the "office -bridgs ". ' The renainder ofthe walkway is to be heated, a very e.xpcnsive ptolro.il as well as one witha high potcntial for brcakdown. The staff feeis ihat rnore study is needcrlas to the possibility of actually covcr.j.ng the rcrnaining portion of the alleywith a llass roof. This would allow liglrt into the tpo-"'as well as keepingit clear of snol in thc wintcr. Problcns to addrcss i'or a glass roof wouldbe snow removal and drainage. Curi,r,,(.,g =:;- 8/26/81 Concept 16 - Kcy interscction in Vj.l.lagc Corc.Fcature area paving treatnent. (Ihi.s is the Gore Crcck Drive and Bridgc Strcet ir-ltcrsection,) Gage Davi.s and Associatcs has drawn somc very prel imi.nary skctches of thisintersectiolr so that r.,e can attenpt to tic-i.n the casino design with thoseideas. The idea at this time is to create a circular area of special paversin the intcrsection. To respond to this <iesign, the proposal for the casinoBuilding has curved the stepi coning off that co"ncr to blend with the curvi-linear edge of the paving tieut*entl 2, Urban Design Considerations a, Pedestriani zation C PedestrianizatLon rvill definitely be inrproved i-n and through three differentareas surrounding the building. A nerv pedestrian experience will energewith the redevelopnent of the alley and the area to ihe west of the aiiey.This new Bridge street-Village praza link will open up a new pathway t.hroughthe Village r,rhich can only serve to enhance the pedesirian experience. On the Bridge Street side, the existing rrdead-encl'r walkway will be elirni.natedto allow sidewalk traffic around the corner to the core creek Drive side.Also irnproved r.ri1l be the connection to the walkr.ray in front of the plaza Building shops. A grade change of tlo steps will separate this sidewalkfron the street grade. The Gore creek Drive side will be vastly inproved ot-fering a new sidewalknear the entrance to the shops and the condoniniums. Thii will enhance lhe pedestrian experience by again offering an additional alternative.rnr.s rs the area where the proposal includes 2r-sr of rov right-of-way. Thesidewalk. al1 the way around to Bridge street allows free-flow of pedestiantraffic by continuing the steps around the entire perineter of the sidervalk.Also included is a landscaping proposal of sorne aspen trees to increasethe green area of this sidl of the- street (presentiy there is virtuallyno landscaping). b. Vehicle Penetration The types of shops that will nost likely go in will not generate a largeanount of delivery traffic. The delivery vehicles wirl ie governed byexisting and future core area time zoning. The delivery traftic wi.tlprobably be reduced from wrrat it has becn due to the erirnination of thehigh-delivery traffic businesses of Gartonrs, Kentucky rriea cnlctenand Bridge street Inn. -Traffic serving the condonriniuns rvill be restrictedto occupant delivcry only and the gcneral parking "rir u"'r"t via trrcparking structure. At somc time of thc_ day th;;e ;t uJ ir""rs par.kedin front of the stores along Gore Crcck Drive curt,Cial t -4- 8/2o/8i c.Strcctscape Fritmcwork Thc streetscape francwork will be grcatly improvcd by allor+iDg pedcstr.ian flow i-n thrcc ncr.r areas and elini.nating the tack-on additions along Gore Creck Drive. New retail shops w|l l grcatly aj.d thc strectscaPe frantework as wel I d, Street Enc l osure The enclosure ratio of street width to building height is presently at a l:1. The irnpact of raising the height on the south portion of thebuilding will be negligible bccause the Plaza Lodge is still taller than the Casino Building, even with the addition. e. Street Edge The proposal provides a well the new pedestrian walkrvays. f. Building lleight fire proposal neets the tf.D.G.P. limitations on height'- 40% of the footprint no higher than 40' and 6oqo of the building footprint no higher than 30r, neasured to roof midpoints, even with the additional 8r on the south end. r defined street edge with the creation of c. No by Views najor or ninor view . planes the proposal . as designated in the U.D.G.P. are affected 3.Zoning Code a. Site Area - .179 acre or 7.797 sq ft br Setbacks - Zero setback allowed Proposed: East 8r' South 6l West 6lNorth 3r cr Height - see height above Con s iderat i on s \it f d. lgrl:ttJ_ rggry.! CIII:A sitc a r-r'lr .179 acte UNITS PROPOSED 3 units GITITA ratio .80 Lanclscaping - as mentioned earl ier, an increase in landscaped areasis being proposed. Parking_ - The appticable parking fee will be required for the retail space.s and the condominiums. First payment of the parking fee is due at the tine of tenporary certif j.cate of occupancy. 4,Archit ectura I and L an cisca Con siderations t- These willIt appears very wel l. addre s sed building be the by the Design Review Board at a later date. improvenents follow the Design Considerations RECON,ITIENDATION The Departnent of Cornmunity Developnent reconmends approval of the redeveLoprnentof the Casino Building. lrle find that theproposa.I includes rnany positive asPects for the village by increasing pedestrlan flow around the building, adding new pedestrian experiences on three sides of the building and gcnerallyinproving the aesthetics of the structure. The alley proposal is a gooa one, if the covered roof can be incorporated and if itts workable. The conditions of approval are as follows: l, lhat the applicant agrees to participate i.n and not rernonstrate againsta special inprovenent district if and rvhen formed for vail village. 2, That the applicant agreGto provide and pay for the alley inrprovernents(including pavers and lighting), a str.ect light on the Core Cree,kDrive and Bridge Strect. intcrsection, itnd rhc proposcd irnprovements tothe area to the Southwest of thc building. as it ionnccts to the Village .. Plaza steps. In addition, the applicant will be responsible to studyalternativcs for the alley, includ-ing a pcrrnrncnt covcr; and that tllcfinal design and material rnust bc subrnittcd and approvcd by thc Torr'nof Vail. Construction tnust be contl:lctcd no later than €$e4al*nlH9t|* Casirrof ri -, - 8/26/t)l Al l orvrrbl cclu;A _ 6237 sq ft .179 acre x 25 units,/acre = 4 units of. 6237 sq ft plus 20ea of GRFA allorved for commotr arcas. TEc, tstS?- :. "_r (, lno i;trt1l -6- 8/26/:il aPPlicant l)alt jc jpatcs f inrrnc.ially in thc constt'uction ol: cnclosulc 1-acility (corrrpactor-) ln thc allcy of thc Slifcl -app I ic-a-n9,xcce i.ve a rcvocalr I e ri ght - oi'-.rvay--a grcei'i6illG thfor risc of pr'ope iffbeiongJrig -fcr-fhe 'for,,l . 3, 'IhiLt the a t lash Ilui I ding 4.,.-^The_L- ghe -./' tlre 'torrn a & ,.F- I. MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Connission FR0M: Department of Conrmunity Development DATE: July 6, 1983 SUBJECT: Exterior a'lteration request for the McBride Building in Vail Village. Appl icant: Gorsuch, Ltd. B.VEHICLE PENETRATION -THE-8EAIEII Due to the Gorsuch Ski Shop_operation taking over the entire McBride Buildingwith the. exception of the Clobk Tovrer Inn, ihis proposa'l is intended to faceiiftthe south and a little of the west elevations to'make the building r"ua ui - a more unified retail out'l et. 0n the west facade the proposat is to c'lose in two windows with stone and retain 'one display window. 0n the south side, beginning at the western corner, theproposal is to add a bay window and aiiloc[, rem6del two existing windows, - add another two-story bay window, remove and relocate the stairs-to the formercity Lim'its_(now tobe a-ski rental shop) and io iJmoaet-tie entrance to thesecond level of the.building in that arbi. Also on this elevation are plansto remodel windows for more-effective display and to treai itre facade withstone in certain areas. The proposa'l also includes brick pavers on the south side of the building andnew-landscaping. Thus, the-proposal is generally a facelift of the buildinfto allow it to read as a unified structuie containing related retail busineises. VAIL VILLAGE DESIGN CONSIDEMTIONS A. PEDESTRIANIZATION The traffic patterns.of pedestrians will not be affected by the proposal .However, the pedestrian bxperience shou'ld be 'improved with"the-uiicil pivertreatmentand landscaping additions. A1so, benches will continue to bbprovided as resting or waiting areas on the south side of the buildinq. II. The proposal may on the southeastrental shop. Delin use and due to The service alley actua'l 'ly reduce the number of vehicles enterinq and parkino corner due to the conversion from City Limits to a ski-ivery and refuse pick-ups may be reduled due to this chanqethe proposed compactor to the northeast of the buildinq.-on the east side of the building remains undisturbed. a *' a. MCBRTDE UG -2- 7/6/83 C, STREETSCAPE FRAMEWORK The various improvements described above framework along Gore Creek Drive. D. STREET ENCLOSURE Street enclosure is D. STREET EDGE Street edge is a'lso F. BUILDING HEIGHT unaffected. unaffected. The proposal does not change building height. G. VIEWS No view coridors are }I. SERVICE AND DELIVERY I. SUN/sHADE This will not change as a resu'l t of the project, III. ZONING CODE ITEMS The proposal meets the zoning code requ.irements for Cormercial Core I. should improve the streetscape affected by the proposal As stated above, the number of vehicle trips to this building could be reduced with the change from City Limits to ski renials. As the PEC knows, the staff has advanced the instal'lment of conrnon trash compactors in the core to reduce vehicle trips required for pick-up and to centraljze and enc'lose trash facilit'ies (by use of compactors with building enclosures). The McBrjde Building wil'l be required to participate in the new compactor facjljty proposed for the existing dumpster location to the rear of thebuilding, We fee'l this will be an improvement in the service and de1 ivery to this bui'lding and to the others it will serve. There wjl1 be an organ.i- zational meeting concern'ing participation in the compactor on Wednesday, rlu'ly 13, 7.MC BRIDE arOJ-S- 7/6/83 IV. STAFF RECOMMENDAIION The Departmerl! of Cgmmunity Development recormends approval of this proposalfor the McBride Buildjng. -We are bt ttre opinion thai'these changes i.riti aaoto the attractiveness of the building and wi1'l enhance the pedeslrian experiencealong Gore Creek Drive. Conditions of approval are as fol'lows: 'l . The owner of the building agrees to participate in and not remonstrateagainst a mini-special improvement district'if and when formed by lowerBridge Street for the purpose of jnstalling brick pavers. 2, The'lessees of the building agree to participate in (to their fair sharedegree) the common compact6r iacility'consirlction aria maintenance and ongoing normal fees. () ( s/0 561 ,9ENERrr 'ENDORSEMENT Nameofpersonororganizationinsured DBA Bridge Street Trash Association Date this endorsement takes effect 12 IlO | 85 Endorsement Number Policynumber GPp ltl 26 6? 58 0 policyperiod L2tLjt85 Name of company issuing this endorsem€nt (We will not lill in the above unless we issue this endorsement after we issue your poliry.) Additional insured oer KK5L31 attached is as follows: Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 SC KK€Loo 2l13l85 nh INtermountain Insurance Services of Vail Inc. Vail , -CO gufhorized Agent t' s/o 561 ' .l .ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT (Llabllity-Leased Premlses)Endorsement iflA Name of person or organization insured Date this endorsement takes effect L2/Lo 185 Policy number cPP Dl 26 62 58 0 Name of company issuing (We will not till in the this endorsement INA above unless we issue this endorsem€nt after we issue your policy.) Any person or organization shown as an "Additional lnsured' in the Declarations is added to the WHO lS COVERED section ot YOUR LIABILITY COVERAGE. However, that person or organization is covered only against liability lhat arises oul of the ownership, maintenance or use ol premises that are leased lo lhe named insurcd and listed and described in the Declarations. And we won't cover that person or organization against liability: r that arises out ol an occunence that takes place when lhe named insured is no longer a tenanl of lhe described premises; r that arises out of construclion, slruclural alteration or demolition activilies performed by, or on behall ol, the person or organization; or r that is assumed under a contlact or agreement. SC 2lL3l85 nh KK-5131 (6/82) Intermountain Insurartce Services of Vail Inc. Vail, CO Authorized Agent ,,f' (; PEC 't /83 Pierce wondered why they could not put windows in the boot shop. Corcoran feltthat the blank wall was not acceptable. Trout agreed with Pierce's remarks and wanted to see specific drawings. He asked the appljcant jf he wanted to tablehis request. Fisher replied that since the sjte had been vjsjted by the board members, that the request be passed. More djscussion fo] lowed concernino the p'l anters and Corcoran stated that the DRB could address the question of [1anters.Fisher asked the board to approve the request for alteration whether or not thewall became totally transparent, with suggestions sent to DRB. f.fott ,mqveO an9= P i h t-ncl_U!_egi__q-[qn!-e_f_s_bs_QOlfr_defedj11onr_SLa-s-s tojlade._U_,__ALA_l_te&lron_b_e made to the south wa1l so that it have a removable panel , and c. to look at more B.McBride Buildin Facade and brick paver treatments, redes.ign Peter Patten stated that thjs was a remode'l of trvo facades, that Gorsuch, Ltd. was taking over the entire McBride Building with the exception of the Clock TorverInn, and the former City Limits was now to be a ski rental shop. He showed site and floor p1 an changes and elevatjons, adding that ner^r pavers were also proposed on the south side of the building with new landscaping. Gordon Pierce, archjtect for the building, stated that there were no major changesin the building, merely revjsions to allow people to flow more easily w'ithjn spaces. Corcoran wondered if Gorsuch had any problems with the 2nd condit'ion,'that of participatinq in the cost of a corunon compactor facilitv. and Gorsuch''replied that he had no problems with either of thb conditlons. Fatten said that'there wou'l d be a meeting of al'l persons invo1ved w'ith a common compactor that week. llack Curtin in the audience conmended the arch'itect for his design in upgradingthe build'ing. Viele agreed with Jack. Piper r.londered why one balcony wis remiiningsolid when the Design Gu'ide Considerations mention the suggested transparencyof balconies. Pierce answered that because there would be-transparency beloivit with the sky 1ight, he felt jt,would be a good contrast. Piper suggested that where there was a 12" drop it would be a good piace for a more permanent planter, and noted that the building had mostly p1 ants in contajners.Prerce answered that this part of the street edge was on TOV property, but thatthey would prefer something more permanent and would jnvestigate the subject. Uave Gorsuch, applicant, stated that many trees and plants were destroyed bydrunks as they left the building at night. Peter Patten expiajned that Bili Anclrews, town engineer, wanted temporary planters so that they could be removedfor snow removal. Donovan had reservations about unifying the whole street, and gave as a negative exampie the Sljfer-0re House build'ing. Piper pointed outthat thjs building had some factors which broke up the appearance and did not appear to be massive. Trout pointed out that the TOv land was olned by the people and encouragedthe use of permanent planters. He also was concerned that the stone in the stonewall. be a-good choice and not be too high. He said that he would miss seeingthe hats in the window if the window were removed, and felt that the buildin!did not look like one big building. Corcoran siated that he had seen many aipljcants PEC 6t',]1/83 c-u- who ask to etc., and rece I vethat th is more than they give was not one to the Town with of them. relat ion to. f1 oor area, !'iele moved and Donovan seconded to approve the request with the qonditions iirapsta ln'lng, Buildinq: and Bl u 's C. Gore Creek P I aza Basil Svreet Bas il : Enclosure of north side outdoor decks ( Peter Jamar showed the plans and suggested that the optimum situation would be to have the ability to enclose the area during the winter months while keeping as much transparency as possible and totally e1 iminating the enclosure duling the summer months. Robin Mo1 ny, architect for the project, explained that when trying to design the encjosure he trjed to remove the walls for the summer, but the-pitched - roo,f made it difficult. He explained that the Fire Department had wanted thef.ire exit changed, and that r,ras the reason for the walkways. He feltthat there would be no problem in opening up the east end, but becauseof the icy conditions, could not remove the roof. He added that no doubt the enclosed deck wou'l d reduce the open deck impact, but there would be more people observed dining on the deck in early spring'and late fall. He felt the misses thatcurrently exist were not attractive, and by bringing the second f1 oor forward,the building would be perceived as a two story ritner than a five story building. Kevin clair, owner of sweet Basi1, stated that in terms of visual impact, 75i6of the building would be open (the north side). He said that because of theice problem, they did not consjder a removable roof. He said that the patiois only useable for 90 days a year from the middle of June through the mibdleof september, because it doesn't get sun, and then often lunch can be servedbut not dinner. A1 so, because of-rain the diners often have to move inside. He stated that jn the winter he does not have enough seating capacity. 'ii""." felt jt would be good if the Fire Department could find another wayto get people off of the building. Mo1 ny. sajd the F.D. asked them to combjnetheir stajrs with the bui'l ding next door, and that they did investigate a spiral sta i rway. Jack Curtin in the audience, said that enclosinq a balcony or deck for winter and then removing the windows in the summer did not work,-and gave the Red Ljon. as an example. The Red Lion looked attractive, but was a giant microphone,which ampf ified even quiet conversations. He suqqested that peihaps better majntenance would solve the ice problem. He als6-suggested a'canopy and gasheaters. He stated that at the Lodge in early l4ay, -anopies and hbaters iladethe patio useable even in rainy and cool weather. Curtin added that everythjnoin Lionshead is enclosed and that this particular deck was critical , beca"usenext Las Mananitas would ask to enclose their deck. I I IU: FROM: MII"IORANDUI.4 Pl anning and Envjronmental Conrnjssjon Department of Community Development DATE: July 6, 1983 SUBJECT: Exterior alteration request for the McBride Building in Vail Vi11age. Appl icant: Gorsuch, Ltd. r. -l!l__Bt!!t!r Due to the Gorsuch Ski Shop operation tak'ing over the entjre McBride Bu'i lding wjth the exception of the Clock Torver Inn, this proposal js intended to facelift the south and a little of the west elevations to make the buildinq read as a more un i f i ed reta i I out'l et . 0n the west facade the proposal js to close in two windols with stone and retain one display window. 0n the south side, beginning at the rvestern corner, the proposal is to add a bay window and airlock, remodel t!^Jo exjsting windows, add another two-sto4/ bay window, remove and relocate the stairs to the former City Limits (now to be a ski rental shop) and to remodel the entrance to the second level of the building in that area. Also on this elevatjon are p1 ans to remodel windols for more effective display and to treat the facade wjth stone in certa'i n areas. proposal also includes brick pavers on the south s'ide of the building and landscaping. Thus, the proposal is generally a faceljft of the building allow it to read as a unjfied structure containinq related retajl businesses. II.VA]L VILLAGE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS PEDESTRIANIZATION The traffic patterns of pedestrians will not be affected by the proposal . However, the pedestrian experience should be improved with the brick paver treatmentand'l andscaping additions. Also, benches wjll continue to be provided as resting or waiting areas on the south side of the building. VEHICLE PTNETRATION The net^l to The proposal may on the southeast rental shop. Del'in use and due to Tho qerrrr'rc alIorr actually reduce the number of vehicles entering and parking corner due to the conversjon from City Limits to a ski- ivery and refuse pick-ups may be reduced due to this change the proposed compactor to the northeast of the building. on the east side of the buildinq remains undisturbed. L "t MCBRTDE 6)G -2- 7 /6/83 improve the streetscape C, STREETSCAPE FRAMEWORK The various improvements described above should framework along Gore Creek Drive. STREET ENCLOSURE Street enclosure is unaffected. STREET EDGE Street edge is also unaffected. BUILDING HEIGHT The proposal does not change building height. VIEt,lS D. n u. H. No vjew corridors are affected by the proposal . SERVICE AND DELIVERY As stated above, the number of vehjc'l e trips to this building could-be reduced wjth the change from City Lj:rits to skj renials. As the PEC knows, the staff has advanced the jnstallment of common trash compactors in the core to reduce vehic'l e trips required for pick-up and _tg.central ize and enclose trash facjlit'ies (by use of compactors with building enclosures). The McBrjde Building will'b-e required tb participate in the new compactor faciljty proposed f6r the ex1 sting dumpster location to the rear of the buildin'g.' Wb feel this wi'l 'l be ai improvement in the servjce and delivery to thjs building and to the others it wjl'l serve. There will be an organi- zational meeting concerning participation in the compactor on ll|ednesday, July 13, SUN /SHADE This wi'l I not change as a result of the project, III. ZONING CODE ITEMS The proposal meets the zoning code requirements for Conrnercial Core I. I. () MC BR]DE BLDbO-3- 7/6/83 IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION .The Department of Community Development reconrnends approva'l of this proposa'l for the McBride Bui'lding. l.le are of the opinion that these changes wi'l'l add to the attractiveness of the building and wi1'l enhance the pedestrian experience along Gore Creek Drive. Conditions of approval are as fo1 'lows: 'l . The owner of the building agrees to part'icipate in and not remonstrate against a mini-special improvement district jf and when formed by lower Bridge Street for the purpose of installing brick pavers. 2.:;The'lessees bt ttre building agree to parficipate in (to their fair shire'- degree) -thq clrmmon cornpact6r iacility constrirction aid maintenance and.-- ongoing noimal fees. ( attempt'ing to resolve this problem, we feel that it is necessary to exploreall avenues availab'le, and I fee'l it is important that you respond to' our-concerns regarding your agreeing to this condition of approval. Thebasic problem that I feel we all need to resolve is how to i:bmplete this compactor project as p1 anned from Day One, and I rea11y would appreciate any help that you can lend to that effort. Thank you very much for your prompt reply to my concerns. Mr. Dave Gorsuch 2/14/e5 Page two D i recto r APP: bpr Encl osure xc: Larry Eskwith Ron Riley y yours, Patten, Jr.of Community Development 75 south tronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 14, 1985 offlce ol communlty development Dave Gorsuch 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Trash Compactor Dear David, I am writing to you regarding our favorite subiecti the trash compactor. S'ince your 'l andlord, John McBride, has now chosen to not participate financ'ially into the compactor, it is 'important that we review the previous conrnittments that people have made to this project.I believe that Mr. McBride should be responsible to contribute to compactor because of his participation throughout the formu'lation project, we have now had to go back to look at the conditions of that were attached to the McBride Building remodel in .|983. Al though the of the approval In going back and reviewing the staff memorandum to the P1 anning Commission regarding your proposed rgnode'l and the Pl anning Commiss'ion minutes from that meeting (enclosed), it appears that you made representations to the effect that all of the lessees of the building agreed to the trash compactorproject. The staff memorandum contains a condition of approval for the remodel on the bujlding that all lessees of the bui'lding participate to their fair share in the trash compactor project. The Planning Commission asked in the meeting whether or not this condition was 0K with you, and you replied that it was. Although you were the only person present at that meeting, your agreement to that condition would indicate that the entire building was committed to the compactor project, and indeed, the compactor project proceeded on that basis. Now we are at the point where the compactor is there, and we do not have commitments from the entire McBrjde Building and this is, of course, a major problem. David, my guess on this matter is that you were probably agreeing to the compactor for Gorsuch, Ltd, and not for the entire building, but this is not what the condition of approval clear'ly represented. In 75 soulh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7mO February 19, .|985 ofllce ol communlty devclopmonl John Mc Bride.l05 Pacific Aspen, Colorado 816ll Dear Mr, McBride, Al 1 of us involved in the trash compactor project are extremely disappointed in your "hands off" attitude about the project now that the financial com- mitments are due. A1 though you had expressed concerns over your landlord- tenant relationships with regard to the financial responsibility for the compactor, you never indicated within this year-and-a-half process that your 'intention was not to participate at a1l by simply not addressing that prob'lem. John, you participated'in the compactor meet'i ngs by sending your representative to these meetings, and I think there was an amount of assurance that when we got to the point in the project where money was due on a fair share basisfor each bus'i ness, that you would have the problem of who was going to pay for the project worked out. Your attitude about owning property in Vail and making improvements to that property is quite disappointing to those of us in the Town of Vail who are trying to improve and upgrade our capital p1 ant in a way that reflects the positive approach about the future of this Town. I will remind you that by the Town of Va'il providing the land for your trash disposal that this allows you to collect more in Iease payments because you do not have to provide an area for trash disposal on your own property. I will also state that there wjll be no approvals granted for the McBrjde Bui lding with regard to remodels or upgrading in the future until this trash compactor project is solved. I realize that this will probably hurt your tenants more than you, and I think that is quite unfortunate for both you, your tenants, and the Town of Vai'l . John, I simply feel that you have some moral and ethjcal obligation to help resolve the problem we are now facing with this compactor project. I think that by simply ignoring the problem at this time that it is aggravating the s'ituation, and I would real1y appreciate anything that you can think of to get us off center. I would be happy to set up a meeting with you either in Aspen or Vail with any of the people involved in the compactor project. John McBride 2/1.4/85 Page Two Please let me know what your response is as soon as possible. A. Peter Patten, Di rector APP: bpr Community Development Larry Eskwith, Ron Riley Town Attorney hm0m 75 3outh tronlag{r road Yall, colorado 91657 offlce of communlty deyelopment MR. RON RiLEY 228 BRIDGE ST vArL c0 81657 bffi0m 75 .outh trontage .oad vail, colorado 8'657 ottlce of communlty development MR. JOHN MCBRIDE 105 PACiFIC ASPEN, C0 81611 # 97r 7so 3/slb lrrru 62b 2rooo 7 qfa e 46,;fi 34, w Cur;- Sl#offi" ij,';; +!#"- O,ral{*"- /Ar l ?o -Slt/^ /, 7 oa- tl t4'4 /*,// -/44n;. n'^/ *ft-- /Z*Z,/rr/t*/.- @ / rrr -"" /)k'*rry./hr**ffi, U ) "/r/t, (U, e',t;,# O€tr/fu"eo-/L*;- ?*laZ:ry.daa@(44ft/r-nf ee#2,.o.,-,,- / 62ry, E/, 9r*/\-/ / 24 --/*-2 /' / / flMtutuffifu1t,,*"v' /kZAa Zae/L-/ - gZ, 4r{"r../,,,/*'Z " -/*^ ;- *a'Lt ,1u Frry ,F,W Clc .,\N,tl l-t't"-("V / .^ f{ '''.i'/ %:W,-;jfu ,/') . ,r/ f/ t(' ,'f c" / / PEc Oru$-5- (; a) Pierce wondered why they could not put windows in the boot shop. Corcoran feltthat the blank wali was-not acceptabre. rroui;g";; *iirr pi.r."'s remarks andwanted to see specific drawings, He asked the afiplicant if he wanted to tablehis request. Fisher repiied that since the site had been visited Uy tfre Uoiramembers, that the request be passed. More discussion followed concirning-theplanters and Corcoran stated lnat the DRB could address the'question or [lanters.Fisher asked the board to approve the request for alteratjJn whether or irot thewall became totally transpai^bnt, wjth su5jgestions sent to DRB. EOn5.r{e-rcdthat it ha a removable anei and c. thich rn__D_g B. McBride Buildinof entrywayl . Peter Patten stated that this was a remodel of two facades, that Gorsuch, Ltd.was taking over the entire McBride Bu'ilding with the excepiion of the Ctoct< fowerInn, and the former City Limits was now to-be a ski rentai shop. He showed siteahd.floor plan changes. lnd elevations, adding ttrii new pavers we"e atso pioposeoon the south side of the building with new lindscaping.' -- Gordon lig["' architect for the build'ing, stated that there were no major changesfn the building, merely revisions to all6w p"opie io-itor-mo"e easily w:-thin - spaces. Corcoran wondered if Gorsuch had airy prob'lems with the 2nd Londition,that-of participating in tfrg cost-of a common-compactor raciiiivl ina-ooiiriiii'replied that he'had fro'prouiemi-riiin 6itner of thb condiilorii. -'Fa[Ien said itrattjrere would be a meetini of all persons involved with a common compactor that week.oack Curtin in the audience conrnended the architect for his design in upgradingthe.bur'lding. Viele agreed with ,lait.- Flp"i wJna"""i wiiy-on" barcony was remainingso]id when the Design Guide Conside"ii'ioi,t'meniion-ilre iuigesteo traniparency - of balconies, Pierie answered that because there would b6"transparency oeioiit with the sky light, he fe'tt ii:wouia ne-a-tooo lortiuri. llner suggested that where there was a 12" drop it would be a good place for amore permanent planter, and noted that the buiiding had mostly-plants in contiiners.Pierce answered'that this pari or ihe-street edge iai on rov i,rirpe"iv, bri-ffii*l:l pyld prefer.something rore pe"ranent and iourd investigate'ir,""iruj..il-- ::::,_!oi:r:h, applicant, stated that many trees and plants were destroyed Uy:]lf as.they left the buitding at night. peter patten explained tnai aitiii:t91:' town engineer, wanted temporary planters so that they could be removedror snow removal. Donovan had reservations about unifying the whole street, 9!td.sg.ve as a nesative examp'te the sI tter-ore-io;;"-br.;ii,i;;g. etper-poiniea'outthat this building had some'factors whiah br;k; ,p-tn.'ipp.urun." and did notappear to be massive. Il:r,i^to]lted out that the TOv'land was owned by the people and encouraged .:19,u:. of permanent planters. He also was conlerned th;t the stone in"ihe stonewall be a good choice and not be too high. He said that he would miss r""int--the hats in the window if the window weie removed, and felt ihat tne-ouiiJinidid not look like one big building. Corcoran stated that he had seen ranv ippricants Facade brick PEc oll/83 -6- | .t who ask to receive more,than they give to the Town with relation to,floor area,etc., and that this project was noi one of them. viele moved and Donovan seconded to approve the request with the conditions abstaining. Enclosure of north side outdoor decks Sweet Basil: ( Peter Jamar showed the plans and suggested that the optimum situation wouldbe to have the ability to enclose the area_dur_ing the'winter months while keeping 1.s mych transparency as possib1 e and totally el'iminating the enclosure during'Ine summer months. Itlil lgllvr architect.for the project,_explained that when trying to designlne enclosure he tried to remove the walls for the summer, but the-pitched - roo'f'made it difficul!. .He explained that the Fire Depariment had wanted thef.ire exit chdnged, and that was the reason for the watiwiyi. He feltthat there would be no probiem in opening up the east eno", but becauseof the icy conditions, could not remove ihe'roof. He add6d that no doubt theenclosed deck wou'l d reduce.the open deck impact, but there would be roie-peopreobserved dining on the deck in eirly spring'and'1ate fall. He felt the missJ, tnutcumently exist were not attractive-, ahd b! bringing the iecond tfooi iorwiro, - the building would be perceived as i two siory ritnir than a five story uuiiJing. Kevin clair, owner of sweet Basi'l , stated that in terms of visua'l impact, 75%of the building would be open (tne north side). He-siia-thit because of the ]!"^!I9b]T:,lhey did not consider a removable roof. He said that the patio]s only useable for 90-days a year from the middle of June through the mibdleof.September, because it doesn-'t get sun, and then often lunch can be servedDut not dinner. Also, because of rain the diners often have to move inside.He stated that in the winter he does not have enough seating capacity. 'ii""." fe]t-it wou'ld be sgog-if the Fire Department could find another way 19 get people off of the-building. Mo'lny. laid the F.D. asked them to coirbinernelr stairs with the building next door, and that they did investigate a sp.iralsta irway. iack Curtin in the audience, said that enclosinq a balcony or deck for winter .a1d tlen removing the windows in the summer uia'not-wort ,"uia giu" th" Ril - L.10n.as an example. The Red Lion'l ooked attractive, but was a giant microphone,which amplified even_quiet conversations. He suggeitea-tt,ii peihaps bettei.maintenance wou'l d solve the ice problem. He a'l s6"sugg"si"a a canopy and qasheaters. He stated that at the Lodge in eiity l,tiv,-iir.ji"t-una r'|it;;; ;;;"the.patio useable even i.n rainy and-cool weat'her.''Curtih uaaea that evervthinoin Lionshead js encJosgd and tFrat this particulai oeir-rur-i"itiiui; il;;'r;' '" next Las Mananitas wou] d ask to enclose their deck. Gore Creek P'l azafor Sweet Bas'il t December 3, 1984 FROM: Ron Riley fO: A11 participants in Slifer Consolidatecl Trash Project RE: Trash Compactor Project I am writing to bring everyone up to date on the trash project. Specifically, I arn responding to a resuest for information from Mark Cadnus. (See copy enclosed) 1) The construction bid is fixed aE $27 t949.69.2) Copy enclosed (approximaCely $245.00 of which are permit fees, which we hope to get reimbursed.3) Let me make it perfectly cl.ear that I make no representations nor do I assume any responsibilities as project manager. I will pass the information along as it is made available to ne. I am sure everyone is aware of my reluctance to function in this roledespite the obvious necessity for someone to do so. I^lith that as a prelude, the estirnates on total costs are as follows: A) Architectural fees - $3,5L6.42 (Already paiC by Ron Riley)B) Construction of building - 527,949.69 (S10,000.00 paid on account by Ron Riley)C) tandscaping and paving approximately - $4,500.00 (To be paid for in the spring)D) Flood plain analysis - $626.24 (Billed in September 84 and not lzet Paid)E) Legal fees - Cost to form association and review documentsvrith town approximately - $2,000.00.r) Cost of compactor - $f0,000.00 (Paid on account by RonRiley) This includes cost of compactor, installation, freight and taxes. BFI would not order the machine on the promise that the association would lease it. They were justifiably skeptical whether the association would ever be created. Therefore, I hadto agree to personally buy the machine to insure del ivery. Iwill then lease the conpactor to the association at the same ratequoted by BFI, approximately $363.38 per nonth.*t7ith the exception of the architectural, flood plain and firm construction bid, everythl.ng el.se j-s an estimate.4) A trash assocjation will be formecl to arlmjnistrate theproperty. The documents are in the process of bej.ng drafted by Jackie Flater, a loca1 attorney, with whom I have met severaltimes. When available, the Cocuments vrill be sent to you for review.5) Insurance for the structure ancl l.iability insurance is beingexplored. No quotes are avail-able as of yet.6) As of December 3, 1984 the buil-ding is built with the exception of the installation of the garage door and electrical. The sizeabLe concrete pad has been poured. The compactor is promised prior to December 15th. The ceremonial conpaction ofthe first loao of trash to take place prior to December 21st. 7) The association will be responsible for the maintenance of the buildingi costs to be determined later. Page Two Of the above costs, contractor, architect. and fLood p1ain, anounting to approximately $32r100.00 has been spent. There isapproxirnately another $2,000.00 in legal fees in process. Landscaping and paving ($4r500.00 approximately) wiII wait untilspring. The immediate call for funds now is based on $34,000.00in expenditures resulting in: I 5,440.00 due from Casino BuiJ-ding (16t) $13,940.00 due frorn IrIcBride Building (418) $12,920.00 due from Ore House Building (3BE) I 1,700.00 due from Slifer Building ( 58) It is envisioned that a portion of our expenses in this projectwill be returned pro-rata frorn the A & D Building when theirproject comnences and they join our association. I wouLd addthat usually information such as the above is made availableprior to the commencement of the project. However, everyone is avrare of the myriad of reasons (which would fill volumes) as towhy this luxury was not available to complete this enigmaticproj ect . Sincerely, Ron Riley CC: Bob Ruder, RHR,/kah encl. Peter Patten TO: R.onuld 11. R;lta All narticjpants in Sl ifer Consol idated Trash Proiect Gentl emen , Enclosed is a copy of the Cadmus letter referred to in my December 3rd letter to .vou explaining- the Trash Compactor situation. It was inadvertantly omitted at the time the letter was mailed. Thank you, KOn Kr le.y CC: Bob NHN tnc | . tl Ruder, Peter Patten 228 Tlridqc Strcct, |ail, Aok,rado Bt6s7 . 3o3t1764toQtoo\o Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. 281 BRIDGE STREET . VAIL, COLORADO 81657 November 8, I9B4 Re: construction of garbage disposal housing. Dear Ron: With regard to the above construction, the Bridge Street Condominium Association is requesting your written answers to the questions below before we can release any funds for our portion of construction, 1. q MC/kp 476-1450 O PROPERTY DENVEH TOLL FREE MANAGEMENT (303) 476-2855 893-3101 5 7 Is the construction bid fixed or open ended? We request a copy of the bid. What will be the total cost as it relates to all facets of completion ? Is there to be a seperate association and if so, we request a copy of the association documents. What will be the annual insurance premimum and what will be the coverage? tr{hat are the estimated times for construction? I{ho will maintain the bulfdinq? Sincerely, Ilark Cadmus REAL ESTATE (303) Town of VailVail, Co. 81657 Attn: Jim Sayer, Planning Department Gentlemen: This letter is to advise You Gorsuch's Building Plans and Gorsuch may go ahead with his August 31, 1983 that I approve of Dave it is agreed that Dave proj ect . Wil,'/n,g*-7r* F"h" P. McBride JPMeB: jur AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER . 105 PACIFICAVE. ASPEN COLORADO 81611 .30Y92'|NO2 a1/ FiiCl.l: Ron P.i iey iO: AIl partiiJpants in Slifer Cor;sol-idateil frash Project IiE: ?rash Co;,pacter Pro j ect r an writing to L,ring everycne uP to d.rte on t!,e traslr projeet. S-oecifj.ca'lit, I an resp(:nciin3 to a r:ecuest for j,r,fcrnaticn from llark Cadnus. (Sere copi encl oseci) 1) ?ire constructjon bid ig fir:ed at S27'949-69. 2l Copl'enclosec-' (apprcxirirately $245.00 of v:hich are perrnit fees, ',.'l': jch ue hope to get reirbursed. 3) iet r..e na.ke it perf cctl-v cl ear that I :'-take no reFresentat jons nor c'lo I assure any rcsponsibil j ties as 1;roject nana.9er. I rvi1.! p".ss the inforration along as it is i:ade --va j'1 ahl-e to me. I am sute errcr;,.-orre is e.'..'arc of rny reluctance to f unction in this rol e ics5.i.te the obvious reCesS. j.ty fOr sor,ecne to do so. rrritir that- as a piol uc-,e, the estinrtes on total costs are as fol'l or"s: _\-i v + A) Arciritcctr:ral fees - S3,516.42 (AJ.rea,.]y paiC 1,1' F) Construction of builijng - 527 '919.69 (S10'000. nccclrnt Ly ilctr Fi"leY) Ron Ri -l ey) 00 p.airl on (To l-,e paiCC) Laniscaping anr.: paving apPro>:ir,atcly - for in thc spring) D) Flood pIa.in enalys! s - $525.?4 (Pj 1led s4,500.00 in SepternL'cr S4 anr'i not yet pa i<'i)E) Lr:gaI I'r'cs - cost to fornr association.rnd reviev/ docuncnts I'i th to',.,'n ap?roxinateJ l' - $2,000.00. I') Cost of conpactor - $ 10,000.C0 (Pa jti cn accollnt lry F'on iiiley) ?tris inLl-ucles cost of co:ripactcr , insta l-lation, f reight an<l laxes. tiFI woul.d not or:(:er the r:,acliine on the pronisc that thc association r.,'()Llli lease it. Tliel';'s5s justifial-'ly si:eptical .,,.].rethcr: !hc assoeia Lion r. orrl.d ever he createci . Thereforc, r hact tr:, agree to Dersoni. l-.! y huy thc r,achine to insul6 ric J ivery. I r.'i. l I tl:e n -tease tirc. co:'pactor to the assccration ai tlre sair,e ratc 1-:i;r--f-pri 5:' r'fI, eFlrox:':rate.l:' S3C3. jS r.':- :cttth.i'.itrt ta,(. r.]:{ e €-,i) t j c,:r lf thc ;ircl:jtoctrrir r f lcor' ple in an,: f jrr ccr:tr-uct ir,':r l i,'-r, cver-.'tl: j n| c.l re is: ii '-rf- jr-;'te. ,r) /. '-r:.::.), as,:.rcl:.,t icr, u't l. l:,c l'arnci' tc-, ,--,":: i n i str:a."c ti-re y-'l-r-1r'r ty. '.i e <loc':-r.on';s ;rr. jn +-',o -)roccl:S C,f \'c:rg rlraf "erl }-,y ;t;,,:: jc i1at.or, p Icci.l attcl-ne'Jr ', ltll vlro:r i llavc rct so'lera-'l- tires. Iilren avail;,blc, th^ r:cctti-ent:- r''i1l- l-e sont to you for r-.,:ie'.'. 5) Insurance for tl'.c- structure an'l I i.ai,ilitf' instrr3llce is f'eing .ji:piorc(,. l.c'j ctu()t.tc .tre avail,;'i,1e as cf :zct.-.) ,r,s cf lecer.bcr .-?, i-!::r4 the 1."-liliing i: l'uilt ";i th tt'c r."6'r-'r'l'ion oI thc in::ii ],i.r;tlcn of thc larag..l ioor a:ic; elcctr rcal-. i i.c s i zc. :,1 ? corlcrri tc ;-, t,-: has h,ecn r)cu!'cc. 1i:r .ionpactc)r 19 '- rc*.i s':,(: .rior to :-,ccc::lier i5li:. '-^;c ccrc::c'l: al ccnpacF-icn of l-l:c-' f irst lcai o1- trl::.lr tc tal:l: i,1ace r:r jrlr to Decc;!-'r,'r 2lst. 'l\ i'-'rc acccciat jor -'.'i I l,- t,e 1s5'rr't-!sil-1e fo: the -,a i nt':n;:rcc cf Page Tlro Of the al:,o'Je costs, ccntractcr, anounting tc .ppro):i:-.ete1y $32,aFlro:ijnatel:' ancti)er S2.0110. 00 Liindscaping enci paving ($4 ,500.spr ing. Tire jrnnecliate cali fcrin expenditures resulting in: ieter;',rined later arcl:itect, anci f13oo plain, 1C0.00 has heen -epent. Tl:ere is in lrsaal !:oac ir-.t process. 00 approxinetely) will wait untii f ur,ris nor+ is L-.aserl on $34 ,000.00 $ 5,41C.00 Cue 913,940.00 c'lue I'12,920.00 tlue $ 1,700 .00 r"ue f rom Cas ino Bu j l.d:'.ng f ron i.;cllr ide tu i t''l i n,j fr:c'rn Ore Horrse Euil-Cing frcm Slifer BuiJ.ding 16S) rl I1l ?49.'\ 5?) It is envir:ior:ed that a pc'rtion of our e-1:penses j.n th j s projectwill be returnecl l?ro-rata f rcrn the A & D Bui l-cii.ng r"'!ren the j rgroject conrinences ancl tirey join our associ ation. I would acidthai usualJy inforn,ation such as the above is narle available pr ior tc the conr,lerrcenent of the p r.o ject. tler:ever , ever-)zone i sa\:are of t:1e r,ir iaC of reasons (which lroulrl f i J J. r'o1u:nes) as to vrl-r y ti: j.s l,-u;<trrv v;2..s not a.vaiIaI l-e to conplete this enigmaticprcject. Sinccrel y, CC: I;e.j Ru{:er, Feter Patten hi-r,/,{a:j cirL-j. DUl.lc llg ; cos ts to bc I. Peririon ,".a1f lbfb-4 lo4 /2PETITION FORM FOR AI'IENDMENT TO THE ffi ,,1/lFC This procedure is required foror for a request for a district A. NA}IE OF PETITIONER any amendment to the zoning ordinanceboundary change ,Qa<l e/8./tr /qL mopess 22O - WIW. ls,F,PH)NE+16-bh, B. NAI4E OF PETITIONERIS REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE =c,4tre u^o4. S;g56A./ aoppass ?.o. %f ?Ido \)HL ,HoNE4T--3s/: c.NAME 0F 0WNER (print or tvoe) /@t-6e*,i- eqaT 6tu& ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION lot block FEE $100.00 ' PAID_i ,_1__1;r rn\VE sfAtr6t)fO*{ tr)LL- PA! F <tr.i\Def&L) A list of the names of owners of al-IA rrsr or rne names or ownefs ot aII property s,;,tbject property, and their rpiling addresses. (z'JED 4 s6{-AeNEl, ) soavul ls ,u PLoores= CEW- /.' t" i,.,,",.t' J]2/nle adjacent to the (ovER) Appl i cation Date PEC MEETING DATE flottr:rc/f/"il .rt APPLICATION FOR ++TftI*tI€f /?./Dnt// I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The applicationwill not be accepted until all information is submjtted. A. NAME 0F A??LICANT VArL UZLEAE rE4s4 &M A}}neSS 22b Hrrc e7: 1/o ep 2/+-7 ,zoD z.FAZ u,+/L, (z)/-z),&ga)a/6sa PH}NE €76 a>a&o B. NAME OF APPLICANT.S REPRESENTATIVE '.Jc>?II P&E/*s ADDRESS F a. /k'* @ 7w. \.2"/u ae)6/6sO C. NAME 0F 0l.lNER(S) (type or print) l-/A,/L A2.--oZAAO PHONE4TA _33'S ADDRESS PHlNE 476-7c.@ D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Zd/4FL2E*4 h'ttt-e--- cffi tf &,ry.242EF LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING P4/O 64p2/f-z'. &7 z77r& <S-mOO/Jr'c)</ E. FEE $IOO PtlD y' cK # FROM THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l.lILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and thejr mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l.liTH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO }DETERMINE ]F ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED 8Y THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT I.IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEAST NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l^lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT AY OECREASING THE NUI"IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONI'IENTAL COMMISSION MY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COI'IPLIED I,IITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSM. TO:P'l anning and Environmental Commi ss i on Ii. r_:-_-__9-_, .i___ _i.L __":..^.- _ -- _ _:_r,: fi0llr,-:' : coryluni ty oevel opment Department . ' DATE: September I0, 1984 aOC-.- . .:. :.C€i- ' .-lli '. : Si< . .g ,, 'SUBJEOTT-. Request firr flbodplain riodificatioii'fdn tte:i-"' east of the Gallery Bui'ld'ing. App'licant: trash cbmpactor project Vail Trash Group This project has continued to have jts tria'ls and tribulations even though an enonnqus amo-unt of time.and -effort has be-en spent i.4 negotiations. -These ..... deg6;btatiomt+ftt-r6ieifiue#bpefti+Ty icome't'e a- csrt-eensus-regar4ing -fi-re : - ' - lane width and exact sit'ing of the compactor relative to Mil'l Creek. At {h.is timerrthe appl-icants.ar.e .requesting .tabling.the issue UrtrFF +anlba_ Wefd.e!-guTi _F -a-_s tgT f ; we -w i 1 I c o n tl [u e o u f this most important facility is constructed this fa]l. so-these ". : eTfoits to see tlat C I r.- | alr ':- 2^a" ;... - vrt: .:' : .r_J-:_ . -a-. ( PEc -2- 30/84 A reqqes! for"q_liCe selbqcls-varlancg in=or9gr to construct a garaqe onLot 24, Resubdivjsion of Buffer Creek. Appiicants: John & LoyEttE-Goodel Kristan Pritz explained the request stating that due to the slope and the existenceof a shed, this location was the most desirable on the site. She added thatthis Iocation would not adversely affect other existing uses in the vicinity.Pritz also stated that the community Action Plan ecouraged the upgrading and remodeling of structures, and added that the staff reconrnended approval . Loyette.Goodell, one of the applicants, sa'id that they would pave the driveway and landscape the south side of the garage. She explained that the west s'ideof the lot had a stream and a hill, the north side sometimes was flooded from the stream, and the east side of the house had wind that caused deep snow drifts. Pierce stated that these were excellent arguments, but that it seemed to himthat the garage could be built elsewhere, whether or not it was best. He suggestedplac'ing the garage uphill and detaching it from the house. Goodell lo'intea out that by moving the garage to the east, the requested variance was only 5 feet. Piefce move!!, and Vie'le sgcgnded to approve the request of a 5 foot setbackvariance. The vote was 7-0 in favor. A request for a conditional use oermit in order to add to the lift bui]dino Kristan Pritz explained that this addition would be'104 square feet in size. Joe Macy of Vai] Associates added that this additiona'l room for lockers, etc. was b4d1y needed. Donovan asked if snournobiles would still be arriving in ihe earlymornings, and Macy answered llyes" but that this was occuriing now. Viele moved and Pie 6. A regues_t. tg modi_fy the flood plain in the area of 'ttiE-Conf'luence of Mill Creek with Gore Creek. Applicant: Itr-.i Traah-Group Peter Patten stated that the applicants had asked to tab'l e this item untilthe next meeting. Rapson moved and Pierce seconded to table. vote was 7-0. A work session followed concerning the proposed spraddle creek subdivision and the proposed amendment to the zoning code to allow additions of 250 squarefeet. 5. ci/: Yit'/ PEc -2-o24/84 Dave lruin, architect on the project, stated that he had a site improvement survey from Intermountajn Engineering. Pierce stated that on visiting the site,it was evident that there would be little impact on neighbors, and thai he wouldrather see the building squared off rather than have another ang1e. He addedthat he would feel differently if this was the original development. Vie'le feltthat this was an extraordinary situation. Iiele.Toyed.to approve the request with the first two findinqs ljsted and thetact that tlere were exceptions or extr . ""a.*.tat tt*a that she felt that the owner did have prior knowleqe of the encroachment. Inrrrin stated that when they found ouil they i-edrew the d6signfor DRB. Discussion followed concerning the fact that the applicant chose togo before DRB with the knowledge that hi would then have to iit< the PEC for avariance. Improvement surveys were also discussed, w'ith the majority of the boardfeeling that an improvement survey should be requested before pouring a foundation. Patten explained that at one time the Council had discussed this, and had decidedthat since the staff was concerned about the height as welI, it would be betterto have the improvement survey at the framing stage so that the he'ight would beindicated. l,la'lters suggested that an improvement survey be required both times, and Viele suggested that the building department make a cursory check of setbacks when he does the foot'ing inspection before the concrete is poured. Another suggestion was to require all pins to be in, and Viele said that this was expens'i ve. Pierce felt that it was important for the building departmentto check the steep lots expecially. The expense of the surveys was explored, and Piper mentioned that bui'l ders often compla'in that each regulation the Town imposed added to the expense of construction. Pierce seconded the mot'ion for approval and the vote was 6-0 in favor. 5. lubm'is:i9n oI final p'lat for Vail tloods subdivis'ion, a revision of )Pegial DeYelopmelt 9istrict ll which would divide the remainjnq area intoll duplex lots. App'licant: I.K.S. Vail Associates Peter Patten explained that the applicant requested to table this item untjl October 8. Viele moved and Rapson seconded to table to l018,/84. Vote was 6-0in favor. 6. A request to modify the f'lood plain in the area of the confluence of Ouaa* * *he location of the trash compactor had been changed and thatthere was no longer a need to modify the flood p1 ain, so this item was withdrawn. Patten told the members that there would be a jojnt meeting of the PEC and Council on Tuesday,0ctober 16 from l2:00 to 2:00 (with those delicious Cheese Shop sandwiches). Rapson stated that he cou'l d not attend, and Jere wasn'tcertain whether or not he could. Patten asked for suggestions for the agenda. (memo to members--this meet'i ng is being changed to 10721 , same tjme) c//z //t/ erc -z-(lz+rc+ Dave lrvin, architect on the project, stated that he had a site improvementsurvey from Intermountain Engi.neering._ Pierce stated that on visiting the site,it was evident that there would be'liitle impact on neighbors, and ttrai frt-wouiarather see the building squared off rather than have another ingle. He addedthat he would feel differently if this was the origina'l developfrent. Viete-iettthat this was an extraordinary s'ituation. ved to a rove the uest with the first two findi 'listed and theactattre were exceDt ons or extrao lna nces on Pierce seconded the motion for roval and the vote was 6-0 in favor. Kristan Pritz stated that she felt that the owner did have prior knowlege of theencroachment. Invin stated that when they found ouTl they i^edrew the d6signfor DRB. Discussion. fotlowed.concerning ihe fact th;t thA apptiiani-cr,oi""togo before DRB wjth the knowledge that he would then have to iit the pEC for avariance.. Improvement surveys were also discussed, with the majority of the board Ie9JtnS that.an.improvement survey should be requested before pouring a foundation.Patten explained that at one time the Council had discussed this, and had decidedthat since the staff was concerned about the height as well, it would be better !0.ltav9 the i.mprovement survey at the framing stige so that the height would belnqlcated. |r'|alters suggested that an improvement survey be required both times,and Viele suggested that the bui'ld'ing delartment make a-cursory check of setbaciswnen he does the footing inspection before the concrete is poured. Another suggest'ion was to require a1 1 pins to be in, and Viele said that thiswas expensive. Pierce felt that it wab important for the building departmentto,check the steep.lots expecial 1y. The elpense of the surveys wis elplored,ano Plper mentioned that builders often complain that each regulation the Townimposed added to the expense of construction. te. 5. Submission of final plat for Vail Woods subdivision, a revision of ea into Peter Patten..explained that the applicant requested to table this item untiluctoDer E. vrete moved and Rapson seconded to table to l0/g/g4. Vote was 6_0in favor. 6.uest to modif the flood lain in the a of the confluenc of roup Patten stated that the location of the trash compactor had been changed and thatthere was no longer a need to modify the flood piain, so this item wis withdrawn. Patten told the members that there would be a joint meeting of the PEC and Councilon Tuesday,0ctober 16 from lZ:00 to 2:00 (with those deliiious Cheese Shop sandwiches). Rapson stated that he cduld not ittena, and Jere wasn,tcertain whether or not he could. patten asked for suggesi.ions for the agenda.(memo to members--this meetlng is uifng changed to loi15 rir. iim.i ing and Environmenta'l Commissi September 24, 1984 PRESENT Diana Donovan Gordon Pierce Duane Piper Howard Rapson Jim Viele Jere Walters ABSENT Scott Edwards meeting was called to order by Duane piper, chairman, at 3:00 pm. t on Rapson was 6-0 o annPI STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack The 't.Approval of minutes of September .|0, 19g4. moved and Donovan seconded to approve the minutesin favor.as printed. The vote 2.intment of member to DRB for 0ctober November, and December. It was decided that Jim Viele would be thebacking him up. Diana Donovan volunteered.|985. 3. This item was withdrawn next DRB appointee, with Gordon pierce for January, February and March of 4.uest for a side setback variance in order to ild aen Lyon subdivision.c Kristan Pritz showed a site plan and explained that this foundation had beenconstructed.3 or 4 years ago and as approved was located within the 15 footsrde setback. However, the foundation was laid 2 to 3 feet into the side setback.To complete the residengg Isj!s the existing foundation wiit require aptrov;i--'of a variance. The staff felt-that this wai a Jeti-cieatea emdi and i^bcommendeodenial. Rick Pirog, the app]icant, stated that an.angle on the garage would not comp'lementthe.project. He felt that the lot was uniqu6, and stat6d t[at at tne ong-iivei,he had qgreed to heavily landscape this cornei. Rapson wonaereJ-ti tn. ippii.i.tintended to complete the project'once it was started, and pirog stated tfril fre--did. Piper questioned the fact that the applicant had gone through DRB before cominq l:.!l".llul1jng cgmmi;sion, and pirog stated that he didn't discou.r^ ii,";6bi;,un[ll tne URB review board process. Piper read jnto the minutes the fact'thathe had a letter from.the adjacent propei^ty owners named Heller, approving theproject with the variance. z/r o/F / PEc -2- {Jozrn 4.uest for a side setbac variance in order to construct cants:Lot Kristan Pritz explained the request stating ttrat due to the slope and the existenceof-a shed, this iocation was ttie mosi oesiiable on the-site. she added thatthis location wou'ld not.adversely affect.ottrer-eiisii.g-ri"i in gre-viiinitv.Pritz atso stated that the cqmnq-1itv Action Fla; ;;il;s"i-ir," unsiaiini'jii-remodeling of structures, and added-that the stirr-recJffi;ileA ;pp6;;i: - - Loyette Goodell, one gI tlg applicants, said that they would pave the drivewayand.'landscape the south side iri p4e gaiage. srre eipiiin.a.ir,ut the west sideof the lot had a stream and a hi'll, ine-north side sometimes was flooded fromthe stream, and the east side of the house had wind that caused deep snow arifts. oyette del I ence of Mill Pierce stated that these werethat the garage coutd be bui'ltplacing the garage uphill and excellent arguments, but that it seemed to him .elsewhere, whether or not it was best. He suggesteddetaching it from the house. Goodel_l lointed out that by moving the garage to the east, the requested variancewas on'ly 5 feet. 5.A uest for a conditional use rmit in order to qdd to the lift build.i Kristan Pritz explained that this additionJoe Macy of Vail Associates added that thisb4dly needed. 'Donovan asked if snowrnobilesmornings, and MaCy answered llfiet" but ihat would be 104 square feet in size.additional noom for lockers, eti. waswould still be arriving in the earlythis was occurfing now. a or unalr 6.A t to modif.y th fl ood reek th Gore Creek.App ppncant: va sociates, Inc. lain in the a cant:roup Peter Patten stated that the applicants hai'asked to tabk{histhe next meeting. Rapson movel'and-Fiirce seconded to tabre. A work session followed concerning the proposed spraddle creek subdivisionand.the proposed amendment to the-zoning cbae to illow addiiions oi zso-iqru""feet. item until Vote was 7-0. PRESENT Diana Donovan Scott Edwards Gordon Pierce Duane Piper Howard Rapson Jim Viele Jere Walters 2.A t Peter Patten stated that had found a way to build 3.A t for front se kinos schone Edwards mov and Pierce nded to a th the sti Planning and Environmental Commission September 10,'1984 s E for a real setback variance in order toreCreekvi sion.p I i cant:c STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack l. Approval of minutes of August 27, l9g4 Donovan moved and Rapson seconded to approve the minutes. The vote was 6 infavor with Pierce abitaining. -- -rr construct ra ravt s raqe on lng on Lot ll st m this request had been withdrawn, as the applicanthis garage without needing a vaitinci.-- Kristan Pritz presented. the.request and explained that because of the location9f lhe house, it wou'ld be diffiiuii io-tocate. the.two garages in a positionthat.would not require a setback variance. she added [t'at"itre ippriiini'ft'a l9Tl9d the garages out of the front and east side utiiiiv easements as wellas the west side drainage easement. She. stated itrat-itri-"prdpoJai i,ipi6rii " upon the existino situation.by.removing the existing pi"tirg configuation thatforced residents-to back into-ttre tiilEt, maring a safer parking area and arsoenc'losed some of the parking. The staff recormended approval . Howard Rapson questioned the number of units in the dwelling, and Klienmanstated that according^to the applicant,-itreie *.ri-t"i-rniii. The guest parkinqin the street right-df-way was' iiscuisea. pritz ."iiirniid'inat iinie-ir,.i!-""""area had been usEd tor-palking siniJ-ueiore it had be"n'inn"*ed by the Town,parking here was grandfathered. Rapson stated that he would like to see landscaping where guest parking rvasindicated on.the plans. 0thers felt the same way, and discussion fol.lowedconcerning the number of units,and questioned the'il;J;i;;paces for 2 units. the tac of !?Yg,!!e,Ir9n!, se eulalion that the two gue-t-ifiG-b6-sicaI restraints s -u tn tavor. (TO:Planning and Environmenta'l Commission t80$-i:_' : $eqqfuhity O.evdlopuEnt Uepartment : , OATE: September 10, 1984 :: dQOl'- . -, -r ! : i.Cgi.l-, 1 .. ., lti. -. : SCc . ,! !, traslf cbmpiictor project Vail Trash Group SuR.l EOT!'. :Req uest fi}}.. filoodfla i.n init'dfi criti oif, fair thes-'" , east of the Gallery Building. Applicant: This project has continued to have its trials and tribulations even though an e.r.to t ,of 3nd ^effort lg-.n 1.p-9lt lg.nesotiations.,. Th9ge ..- lane '_-:-___ I lr: Lclr-],-1, 'LV . c..r:- tcum= ' :: tsDlll^a !. .a,!: :- 1^:-:, +at-tofts-1*i:H-;effifi+tu$kHor,'effi+rGbtRs'te''a*ddfe*sus*+egar4in3 fiFe :-:---:' width and exact siting of the compactor relative to Mjll-Creeklto Mill Creek. 14_JEE ,!Ur!€rt!E qplirantrrar.e ftequest,ing.jabl,inq.the issue so -these , : :a-@igq{'EUG{grF,-19_ a16-rf ; w-E wiii-6ntTnu-;;" ;rro"ii=tO' see tlattn]s most important facility is constructed this fall. (uSDd-i-il:lil ' -, - L, ) e C{)ii:ir!: l'l: l r Ii . i i.:: r'1. .1,1-- - .r! a -:li:-!-:--, (r John M, Fekins/Architect, AJAlVol nunlsorf, 1000 Lions Ridge Loop/p.O.g,aAloit, Colo, S1658/303- 4763515 13 August 1984 Peter Patton Town Planner Town of Vail Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Flood Plain Modif,icati.on Dear Pete; Please accept this letter as formal application for modification of the flood plain in the area of the con- fluence of Mi11 Creek with Gore Creek. This modification is associated with the proposed construction of the Vail Va1ley Trash Compaction Unit. A hydrology report will be forthcoming. If you have any questions reguarding this application, pl do not hesitate to call. k you, hn M. Perkin Rod Slifer Ron Riley Appl ication Date PEC MEETING DATE I. /robTnclr/"il a APPLICATION FOR +ffiI*ilCE ft-anArty' This procedure is required f91 any project requesting a variance. The appiicationwill not be accepted until ail .inioi^malion is'submitied. A. NAME 0F AppLICANT \/A/z- L//Zz_zeaE 7-p3ts4 &)p ADDRESS 22b H/@ sz a/a ,etq .a/z-F< AoD ://FEZ 0/656 PHlNE 676 ao& B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE\.Ja'4,Y 2,A&EAg 5 F-a. tuA vz44a 6/6sA PH0NE47A-39= C. NAME 0F 0l,tNER(S) (type or print) Tacrz,g aF /,A,4- l^/o4tz 4rzz>,zzao ADDRESS D. PH}NE 47d-7@ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS ta*/Fzure,?tr/Z-. cm d &ZP r?trk LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK c FEE $IOO PAID P4/p agaL/re 6/ zlar& .svAu@+LrAy/ cK # FRoM FILI NG THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l,JILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their ma'i1ing uOO"esses.-THE APPLICANT l,IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf NATLiNE ADDRESSE5. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l,lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO)DETERMINEIFANY'ADDITiONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED._NO NPPIICRUON WILL BEACCEPTED uNLEss IT_IS C0MPLETE (MUST INcLUDE nr-l irlus REqUTRED By THE 2oltr,re I9IINI9IR4I9B). IT Is THE APPLicANIs REspoNsrBriliV-ro MnrE nru ApporNrMENTl.lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL S'BMiiiNr NiqUINrNrrIiS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0uR PR0JEcr sv DecRmIm-THE NUMBER 0F coNDrTroNs 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNTNG AND ENVIR0NMENTAL c0MMIssI0N MAY sTIPULATE. At-i conorrroNs 0F AppRoVAL-MUST BEC0MPLIED WITH BEF0RE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSffi'.-- - i l III. FOUR (4) COPIES 0F THE FOLL0WTNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requestgd variance to other ex1sting or potentialuses and structures jn the vic.i nity. 2. The- degree to which relief from the strict or literal 'i nterpretation andenforcement of a-specified regulation is necessary to alnieve compatibilityand unifonnilv o{ treatment afiong sites in the vtlinity or to iitiin itr"'"objectives of this tiile without grant of special privitege. -2- IV. 3. The effect of the variance on light an!-qi1, distribution of population,transportation, traffic faci'lities, utilities, and public iarEii. - B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at_a scale of at'least 1,,- 20, stampedby a colorado licensed surveyor including^locations or-irr-eiisi.ing irp"ou.:ments, including_grades and e'levations. Other elements whictr must-be Strownare-parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped aieas ina - utility and drainage features. c. l:l!g plan at a scale of at least l" = 20t showing existing and proposed bui 1di ngs. D. All preliminary building e'levations and floor plans sufficient to indicatethe dimensions, general appearance, sca]e and use of ail buildings una-ipi..,existing and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners'association, then written. approval from the association tn suppori or if,.-"proJebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for saia iisoiiation. G. Any aaditi.onal material necessary for the review of the application asdetermined by the zoning adminisirator.. * For interior modifications, an'improvement survey and site plan may bewaived by the zoning administrator. Time Requinnents The Planning and Environmental Connission meetsof each month. A complete application form and(as described above) must be submitted a minimurn PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondaysall accompanying material .of 4 weeks prior to the date of the(as determined by the zoningstaff before or after the desig- Peririon "*)l lbfe4 any amendment to theboundary change PETITION FORM FOR AI\IENDI{ENT TO THE % This procedure is regui.red foror for a reguest for a aiJdi.t A. NAr{E oF pErrrroNEe- 4a/ e/A/g /4L B. NAME OF PETITIONER'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS SIGNATURE c.rN,JE"'*hp2p,g;; I.zoning ordinance enoNnlft%-35/5 e#=re ffi tt%. -<fqS{'*/ ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS LEGAT DESCRIPTION E. FEE $roo.oo p^rD 7/?/F/ ft tze z- P -nu(E srAue*+fo{ rr-EE{ t1rl*noerugF. A list of the names of owners of all property "Pj:.t_nroperty , and their ,,L"if ing addresses.(Nw 4 ,qfieeuEp) svval ls tu Pbopa= L e., /z-vt)''= zy't/e+ adjacent to the t l" t/,1 / (0vER) Petition form for t,. to zonins ord or *.q'.lror chanse i" b"fi3:ri.r, Ir. Four (4) copies of the following information: - A' The petition shall includ,e a surnn rry of the proposed revisionof the regulations, or a complete dLscription oi trr" piopo""achanges in distric! boundarils -""a-"-;;; indicatins -tii"-"*isting and proposed district bound.aries-. eppricant nust, subrnit written arrd/orgraphic material s stating the reasons for 'r'equest. ,III. Time Requirements The Planning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each month. A petitio" ritrr-[ir.-r,""."r.ry accompanyingmateriar must be submitted four _ weeks prior to the date of the meet-ing' Follovting the Planning and nnviioiimenlar cornrnission meeting,all amendments to the zoning,ordinance oi-aistrict bound,ary changemust 90 to the Town Council for ti"ii-a"[i"i. ,a/zzrtu@=r@. bt6>fu1 zz6\/.UL A4 D tsJILDING Cunrbln Jo la.;l-.c /u.rr) otrrne,rs) @D aLttrEPz* w,aDw, ar. VioIL €a.8la=*1 .)osH rneWtDL lo3 PACJ 7_IC ^asPE-.t , ao. 6lat1 clgblatEz gry>.2?3 E@Earu)LDL >/PlL , @. A1a=@l TO: FROM: DATE: lJhom It May Concern John P. McBride November 23, L984 Apparently, construction has now started on a new tf99h building and there'is some expectation that building o!{ners wilJ- pay for this building. I believe that the clout to get the olrners to pay is in some cases the withholding of CO's. I am will-ing to do whatever is fair. But as a matter oF reality, I do not have anv relationship whatsoever with the trash company. I do not use the-company and iritl not have had to in the future. Additionally, my leaies- reguire that Lhe Lessees pay-for all their own tlash expenses thenseLves. Consequently, I h-ave no int,erest in being part of or contributing to a new trash assoc- iation. Of course, l-f a trash district had been formed, I would be obligated to particl-pate in that fashion. Interestingly enough while apparently I may be ei<pected !9participat6,- I hav6 never recLived plans, consLruction bids, or an easement to the association. Additionally, I have not received an analysl-s of who is to Pay what and when. Perhaps this is my faul-t as I was away for the July 13th meeting. Regardless, I feel strongly that the town or the trash comPany should assess the users. Additionally, I feel that new users should have to reimburse Riley, Slifer and myself for a portion of the expenses we incurred tb nove Mill Creek, build the road and lands-ape it in years past. To me it seems like a very r:nique town that can clairland as its own (i.e. public), and yet not have to pay a dime to build or maintain a road improve- ments or landscaping on. the land. Incidentally, about 15 months ago we completed re-roofing^lltg __Clock Tower-Building. We still-have not-received back a-$500.00 cleanup deposit. Ia this supposed to be a form of coercion? AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER . 1 05 PACIFIC AVE. ASPEN @LORADO 81 61 1 . 30}92FAO2 /, ?***/*L=*ry"*/ is r-;-2"'r*fuh t ,' (// o ,/;b:w -r4"i-E;./-JlL m*"r,r'ryirb' EAGLE COUNIY TRASH REIVIOVAL SERVICE. INC. p.o. box 1579 voil, colorodo 81651 3OJ/ 4l6-J7 31 ! ( (-\< \s- t f\ f-' August 1, t9B3 Sl.ifer Consolidated AccountsP.0. Box 1248Val1, Colorado 81658 Attention: Rod Slifer Dear Mayor Slifer: Reference is made to the prior discussion concerning compaetedtrash removal anc service. As discussed, for businesses withhigh volume, low density waste materials, stationary compactioni< an nnli nr' *n '"- Jrour waste control requirements. your narticularwaste problem is ideal_ly suited to the compaction conceit. rmplementation of the proper compaction system will realizethe following key benefits! 1. Waste is crushed and compacted to a traction of itsformer bulk. With your material , a compaction ratioof approximately 4:1 should be attainable. 2. rmproved Housekeeping: Ai-l waste wifl be secured withinthe encl-osed steel container. you no fonser wilf 6ave-the problem of airborne paper debris that*detracts fromyour building' s external- appearance. 3. Improve Safety: Al1 waste is thrown into the compactorand the button is pushed. The compactor will d.o rthe compacting and the pushing of trasn into the front ofthe container, not your employees. 4. Elimination of costly doubfe.handlirrg (breaking downboxes, and having employees police t[e grounds-due toairborne debris) enabting a -better uti]fzation of omnlnrroo-Elme. Significant reduction in waste hauling cost: Since acompaction ratio of 4:1 should be realized, coupledwith a 28 cubic yard receiver box your average numberof monthl-y pul1s shoufd be hel_d to three to iour timesper month based on our previous hauling records of yourfacility. Eagle County Trash, BFIP.0. Box 7579Vail, Col-orado 87658 THE EQUTPMENT AND RECOI\flIIENDED ACCESSORIES Eagle County Trash, BFI , wi-ll furnish and instal-l_ thefollowing: One (1) Marathon Equipment Company RJ 10OSC stationarycompactor with the following accessorj_es:a. advance warni_ng lightb. oi-l_ heaterc. ground feed hopperd. push button control_se. guide isl-and-3O feet long fnstallation woul-d inc_lude recieving all equipment, deliveryto job-site, setting in place and anchoring to concrete pad,and features as described above. we wil-l also be resnonsiblefor the proper instruction of your personnel. The Stifer Conso'lidated Account will be resonsible for nv"nrri Ai n -. 1. An electrical- disconnect box within five (5) feet of thecompactor control_ panel This disconnect box must becapable of handling a 10 HP motor, a-Iso the electrica-l_connection to the compactor. 2, A concrete pad meeting the foflowing requirementsr55' long, 10r wide, 6"'deep. 3. An adequate back plate within the enclosure. EQUIPMENT PRICES Eagle County Trash, BFI , will provide the equipment (toinclude instafl-ation and freight) as descriEed- above forthe charges as outfined bel-ow: PIan I fhe Olynpic Rental- Program: Under this p1an, thel willprovide all of the above including maintenance as a servicefor a perpetual monthly charge of-$T5,00 based on no longterm agreement. Under this planl they will provide a complete maintenanceprograrn, both preventive and repair as a part of the service.Should a breakdown occur, they vrill restore the unit to anoperating condition at their expense, provided that thebreakdown is not a result of misuse by the customer" Misusebeing defined as the following: Eagle County Trash, Bl'I .,f August7,1983 Page Three 1. Failure to notify O1ymplc immediately of any hydraulicoif leaks. 2, Fail-ure to maintain the proDer el-ectrical- service to the comp.actor resulting in UurneO out e-l-ectricaf components and/or motor. 3, Failure to restrict the loading of highly combustibl-e material-s into the compactor, or aflorving dangerousmaterials such as hot ashes, burning cigars, cigarettes,pipes, matches, etc. to be toaded into the unit. Pl-an II Direct Purchase (does not include maintenance). One ( 1) Marathoil Equipment Company 28 yard RJ 100 SC Compactorwith proposed accessories ..... $1&,040.00 The above prices do not incl-ude Co-l-orado State Sa-i-es Tax. HAULING AND DISPOSA]., CHARGES The charge for servicing the Heavy Duty 28 cubic yard compaction"receiver container" (each time the container is haufed to adisposal site and dumped) woul-d be: $210.00 per pu1I including t-andfilf L]MITATIONS The enclosed quotes are good for a period of thirty d"ys. WARRANTY Marathon honors a standard six (6) months parts and J-abor warranry. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT We will provide maintenance at $5O.OO per month under a maintenance agreement for a three year period. Should you have any questions regarding the above, contact me at your earliest convenience. We took forward to workingwith you during the months ahead. Di e J-ri r'f Marrarrer SG: mcb o \JLbste Syslems" BROWilNC?FERHF INDIJSTRIEi Vail Colorado /Arrowhead District SLIFER CONSOLIDATED BLDG.FLOOR NO. COMPACTOR ACCOUNT PER CENT USAGE PER CENT USAGE BY BLDG. 9.L4CASINO BUILDING FUR SHOP COOKIE SHOP PRTNT SHOP BRANDESS,/CADMUS .]EWELRY SHOP GTFT SHOP B.C. REAL ESTATE B.C. REAL ESTATE BRANDESS,/CADMUS VACANT OFFICE UNIT A UNIT B UNIT C MCBRIDE BUTLDTNG SKI RENTAL,/REPATR CLOCKTOI,T,ER R ESTAURANT REST. STORAGE SKI RENTAL,/STORAGE CLOCKTOWER RESTAUANT GORSUCH SKI SHOP GORSUCH SKI SHOP GORSUCH tsUSINESS OFFICE TROUT REAL ESTATE TROUT REAL ESTATE TROUT REAL ESTATE SLTFER BUILDTNG IIOUSTON GALLERY SLIFER REAL ESTATE RETAIL SPACE SLIFER OFFICE GALLERY BUTLDTNG BRTDGE STREET SHUFFLE ORE HOUSE REAL ESTATE CONDO 1 L 1 1 1 I z z 3 3 5 E _rt I L 1, z J 4 f B L l- IJ 1 2 1.02 .68 1.03 .49 2.7 L A1 -14 - zr . zr .2L z-z) 4.23 1.47 .35 8. 56 2.23 2. 50 .83 .15 .15 .15 22 -87 4.08 30. 28 L.2t .62 1.41 .84 t-3.48 L4.98 1.61 .2L CONT ID PO. BOX 1579 . VA|L, COLORADO 81658 . (s03) 476-3737 A&D BUILDTNG RESTAURANT DELI RETAILi SHOPS OFFICES CONDO FLOOR PER CENT USAGE L9.46 9. 35 2.76 1.85 .21, 33.63 * * * * * 100.00%100. 00% *-UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME --=- -5ar,*,4r/ 1"/ q L*l /---1 fr*/-rt Lr"rrrn"*r/d c I tr //r '77/h.a*t i - p;"m"r+ ntr/uA - /"/'i/r,/u"rh"-L - ;,u;,*ft:;a- /*,zt rz= I,,"2))/%;a"; lfu/"*- ,""* zVl/ -LrZ -/"^ o"-,.*^/ Qpavv4 //atzVQ D*- A^,*fi- d*rJ.l ac,ntzaf yxn, etu kA - u/r*--i)rrL /lAwr*t*r.rc ZezEeKS eq=kra*Z*r/ ,r// rzg ftt't'il -> t, l*.,-r"*u< Dtt* eu- r/6t 2. ,t*o ur/rtvz -tbrJ - clsztm U , yero k*.. r4arua-weatr &rahWaZ--fr.f tl ' [L*la4 fu^rrrt < F4t-rJ *-? h4?/ -/"--,tlz-.6.&a al ^n- /h* ffi*a a Afrfr/Vrt a,'-cl-a.yr Q a.---T/*-A"". nlzertL 0 7 Afh.if--=J/t / tn l|nll rail|y' communiry De'eropmenr ,L8"4,,/'/ Departmentn* TO: FROM: DATE: 75 south lronlege toed vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 MEMORANDUM Rod Slifer-Sljfer Building, Ron Riley and Mike Building, John McBride and Dave Gorsuch-McBride Mark Cadmus-Casino Euilding, Vince Domenico and Stuart Green-BFI, and John Perkins Peter Patten, Town of Vail September 25, 'l 984 oltlce ol communlly development Staughton-Ga1'l erY Bui l di ng, Buff Arnold-A&D Building, SUBJECT: Final Meet'ing on the Trash Compactor Wednesday, 0itober 3, .|984, 8ll5 am, Small Conference Room, Municipal Building, Town of Vail At iong last it appears that there is agreement on the location and the participants for the trash compactor to be located on Town of Vai.l plgqqrty bast of'the Ore House. At the meeting the proposed site plan and bujlding elevations will be reviewed, as well as the revised percentages of each party's participation. It is anticipated that the A & D Building wi1'l participlte in the compactor if approval for remode]ing is granted; this will lessen costs for each part'icipant. Also discussed wil'l be fina1 arrangements and agreements between all partici- pants in the "trash association." Please be prepared a! t!9 meeting with iny background work you're responsible for so we can make final decis'ions. ThL goal is to get this compactor in as soon as possible--one quite attainable at this point if we move forward quickly. Thanks for your participation-- we'll see you Wednesday. i I I-1 t. .'-.-,i.'o . ./' I I I I I I \ \ G t-.--'^5/* J lmn-lftflli/ communisr Dweropment Department 1'a.o/u /t,bn , / 8'+LU 6xi'vzc/L"n ii.. -+.---*/r'b7 ,#:,"# 6 p-Au /*,-."1L (/ / Vail Townhouses # 2A Richard K Parker 44 South B'irch Street Denver Co 80222 # 28 Maxwell E'lmer James M Todd 5737 South Gal I up St Littleton Co 80120 # 2C Samuel and Nancy Gary James S. Holmberg % Logan & Associates.|660 Lincoln St #2500 Denver Co 80264 # 2D Richard K Parker see above ffi!ffii$' BROWNINC'FERRIS INDUSTRIES SLIFEI{ CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNT ANALYSTS ']LDG. PLOOR NO.PER CENT USAGE q"aslNq BUTLpTNG FUR SHOP COOKIE SHOP PI{INT SHOT) BITANDESS,/CADMUS JEWELRY c r l''T B.C. REAL ESTATEB.C. REAL ESTATII BRAND E.S S,/C.rrDMU S VACANT OFFICE U}IIT A UNI'I' I] UNIT C Mc_D R te E _It! l-!_L! I_NA. GOR.SUCFI BUS. OFFTCE GORSUCT.T Sl( I Sl.toP C;OIISUCH SI(I SHOP SIiI RENT.\L/REPATII IiK I R I]N'I"\[,,/STORNGE TiIOUT REAL tr*CTNTE TIiOUT REAL trSTA'I'il 1'ITOU'1' IlEAL I':.ST'A1I'E i.'I.,oct( T'ot{nR t.t Fi.s'tAr.)ItANl' si'I'otiAG Ij CLOCIT 'l'c)t,'l::it z L z 1 z 2 1 I L I 1 1 -to I I I 1 I 2 2 2 2 3 'J 4 PER CENT USAGE BY BLDG. r6% 4L% 3B% 2 I z B B 3 5 L] B I zz .S L 1 F'HI?[]u rL,D I l'1(_; IIOUSI'ON GA.I.,LEI{Y B SLJIJIiIi REAL EST,/OFFICE 1&2 RETN.IL SPACE 1 (]..\LLT]iT Y TiUII,DTNG <o' T 2 llir . sT. sHUF!'Ll: ORI] HOU.SIi '-ONDOSKI SI]OIIR IIIJ.^.L !,-STATE ItL;i\L I'ST.ATE B 1 3 z 2 13 20 I 1 I r00%L00% t'i'rlN t.ilof/TA(:i 8: ) .r,i] B()x23{.1 .vAtL.coLoRAoo81658.(303) 476.3737.(303)926.3396 Ronald H. R;by July 19, 1984 Mr. Mork Cqdrnus Brondess-Codmus Reol 281 Bridge Streel Voil, Colorodo 81657 Deor Mork: Estote, enc.cc: Peter Patten 228 Rndge Street, Tail, 9olorudo 8t 6S;7 -) Slncerely, ,L*n74 - b?'/'^ *kffi r'* |-;*7 z-4b(-/ gyr"7aa6 /fu*-ftfr^fMld 2,1/S;Z ry / i/'" 1' ' 71"';' ': ' ', / I ,,1 tt,.jr4,-' i '/1 t ,r1../ / ,' _ t A-:' L"l''/ ,l llr.II ///,,'. L- 23, E+i\ltJoste Systems" BROWI\il}IGFERRIS INDUSTRIES Vart D stflcl SLTFER CONSOLTDATED ACCOUNT ANAI,YSTS CASINO BUILDING FUR SHOP COOKIE SHOP PRINT SHOP BRANDESS,/CADMUS JEWELRY GTFT B.C. REAL ESTATE B.C. REAL ESTATE. BRANDESS,/CADMUS VACANT OFFTCE UNIT A UNIT B UNIT C MCBRIDE BUILDING SKT RENTAL/REPAIR CLOCKTOWER REST STORAGE SKI RENTAL,/SToRAGE CLOCKTOWER GORSUCH SKI SHOP GORSUCH SKI SHOP GORSUCH BUS OFFICE TROUT REAL ESTATE TROUT REAL ESTATE TROUT REAL ESTATE SLIFER BUILDING HOUSTON GALLERY SLTFER REAI ESTATE RETATL SPACE SLIFER OFFICE GAIJLERY BUILDING BR. ST. SHUFFLE ORE HOUSE REAL ESTATE CONDO BLDG. FLOOR NO.PER CENT USAGE *!.-l t. L.54 L .02 1.55 1^- r.1 .90 4.08 .7L .95 .64 - 52 .32 PER CENT USAGE BY BLDG. L3.77 34 .46 6.14 45.63 100.00 I' E' B 1 I 2 2 3 4 5 3. 39 b.5t5 2.2r .53 L2.92 3.35 3.77 L. Z3 - zz . zz .22 B I 1 B 1 2 3 I.82'.93 2.L2 20-3L-" 22.57 2.43 .3.2 1 00.00 221 1 N. FRONTAGE RD. . P.O. BOX 2344 .V AtL, COLORADO 816s8 . (303) 476-3737 . (303) 926-3396 Q' 0ctober 1-8, l-983 'r/ 1 ) (r' r"J\'r0-rV\ i/rvu, Dick Ryan %Town of VailVail, Co.81657 Dear Dick: I am not sure what is going on with the Trash Building behindthe Clock Tower Building. I haven't had any firm correspondence on that. lJill you be dealing with the users of that i.e. the lessees of the Clock Tower Building or are you expecting me todo something about it? I know that Ron Ri1-ey has been ilis-turbed about it and Rob Snyder gives me periodic reports.Additionally, I noted that Dave Gorsuch's building permit wastied into some sort of an agreement to helpingyou pay for thatbuilding. In any case, who is actually going to olm the building and is 6a19 jt going to be an exclusive easement to that building for the' Clock Tower - Sl-ifer-Riley Buildings as welL as the Trash Company? Wil-l- there be any parking allowed in back? WiLlthere be a newly established fire lane etc.? In the near future should I expect a forroal document outliningthe makeup of that building and how everybody is to participateor will I not be hearing anything at all? Sorry I missed the seninar but I presume it was excellent. Doyou share in all the enthusiasm you heard? est regards. ncerely, ohn P. McBride JPMeB: jmr (, (.g AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER . 1 05 PACIFIC AVE. ASPEN @LORADO 81 61 1 . 3o}92sn02 -ptL ocT q t7& T ,a.t!''Ba,lE,G.4P.- al /. J, ^JL5 6, l 'T : /n *1, li4 /ft r./a."-Zh/ //fZ &-u.-.7pt+z' U-> "l fZool Onl*czaz- ,,^fA ' &lr*., &zr'/, ,(t-f Strnnaz(,ac*.ee) / l4zqTz&,E4/ ' barua,flrq /61166 frtu'r+, fuzg,rcll , /tr'<-n's , SuFtr- I ,#,6--fu"/^z/ dthal(ruT-*, Ail",rrrz- h'-/r^.r? -'l*X" ryA -(,UT7 4zo - 7ra/ > s-,zc^ *3 - z l^*/r[ 6z"xyv fr)a^-d* A^/- h ?'oA 1/-/ftlU*-d"t 9u,4 h ?'oA 44.CUfuW M" ,, .f ,l ^ ,'lLr.;.-*' e-f7 e"f /U'//1- ' 4,tMf ht-oL- In-*lcd.rwn lLu;',Ir,ls / r- , ,/ *l'lr,--T'),"1 drr^fl1rftW" ,ffi tiry*,@N 6nmae 'l/z*tnt4 J '%z*/ ,.lt /*/o /. l-aaf y,fu/6, '/44= 4'g \rfr ,n,--.* //u (l /"-,;/,6 A" t4'1 rt*.k-k"fzre =/o y Z{ n/' /h-r* z/r'L& fuv1.*4"* t//t t /zn'.t €/. -'.r Fl 4 t t (ztrrzzz -.{41 o-r ft,4u ' u E* 4/ vr' /%4"',S6f*,a C' *"fu,l n, 7/ {'/7, orA|/" j 9",6rp/ -_{_trz ---q4(qa<- rq,fu#*Arl- fit: n*/ 4 .'/)rh L,,-r,2dz-6-. g ,* ,,2-/a Taurahw.{S Gr,JlJ"*ns ru'JolVeD 1-'< ii 0 s,"51S..,-i;, D t!-ort'- lowtt li* sr 3) '[wi lks*. I i , f/irr* t,; /.rer: -[tor,-. 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S*o /,^'-= ?z zi /r,-2 /7,na /*, = /?6 >s/w" >% /o+D b?u 3r',,, / a'/, ? >v, s o /,* t r t, ro,/ tua 7o,Q /v*" 3f ,z-r lr,r-- /iz, ?t /t"'"" a;.f I ri, i'l I.t IrlI''l I I 6t4' - 594<n1 etory r L--4roo +7>s ry -..- 7tt9 / 7. -ST / t,* ?.f, .Q 1,"-rgz F r /,,,- io. >a / w*, ll7 z-{ / t*-o l{, ro 7E Eo y'E, zu Lz. c{ ?(,td <-'). , LT/i.',-r- f U.+, dotl (rt/'? )la-+"^'^*,k &a,ts rt'r+'r-{L 0avv^^^-r;.(. 6m.*t',ra-' -^1 /. ,! l7,t c-Ca- ' ,/tki-<.-,<.c2 i aa.-r-' ,'(,"'//:<, t r,r-, ,./5 r'',l5r*/' -l : ;J-;'t' /o/u : /o2o = 7T" = ,(o/o = /5% - 7Yo r oo/o ti+'1 3lt', '! t"3'/o! " '?, I /,(l t A; r.tt4 Ct a.( ; l. \--. -Azcorr'r2 / y',4Co I ilii ilr l,,qt )/r ,t'ii'l /4 /e/.-/ 'r,r.q S e l; Y? efl,it ta i ,/ drltd 8a | /7 Qyl ?ry 84 ,,5{ 4f4? rzltrlur i,t/a, ss ll/3 4 r/U 83 lilaz q 7a/ $ 1,lst Q/'"t tS i:1iY4 q 7e/ 8) |,&3 (,r/,b/ BJ',,'is /' Lr/ ./"/"4 hoy lrJ t. J?4 AZ,/ /*& 1^/r/ 02?"/ "td/ drs 330 34 35/ J S, ae/@,u,;g 30& Va r'a,y A/a -.ot -/zz-f r/7x/*"efat E@= '{ Sl-ifer Consolidated AecountsP.O. Box 1248Vai1, Colorado g1658 Attention: Rod Sl-ifer Dear Mayor Slifer: Reference is made to the prior discussion concerning compacted.trash rernoval and service. As discussed, for busin6sses-withhigh volume, low density waste material-s, stationary compactionis an option to your waste contror- requirements. ybur pirticularwaste problem is ideally suited to the compaction conceit. rmplementation of the proper compaction system wil-1 realizethe following key benefits; 1. Waste is crushed and compacted. to a fraction of itsformer bulk. With your material , a compaction ratioof approxirnately 4:1 should be attainabie. 2. Improved Housekeeping: Alt waste will be secured. withinthe enclosed steel container. you no l_onser wiff l-avF-the problem of airborne paper debris that detracts fromyour building's external appearance. 3. Improve Safety: A1l- waste is thrown into the compactorand the button is pushed, The compactor will do thecompacting and the pushing of trash into the front ofthe contai_ner, not your employees. 4. Elimination of- costly double .ha,ndling (breaking downboxes, and having employees police t[e grounds due toairborne debris) enabling a -better util-ization of employeetame. Significant reduction in waste hauling cost: Since acompaction ratio of 4r1 shoul-d be realized, coupledwith a 28 cubic yard receiver box your average number EAGLE COUNTY TMSH REMOVAL SERVICE, INC. p.o. box 1579 voil. colorodo 81657 30A/476.3iJ7 !<-.r\ Afi< r't August 1, L9B3 of monthl-y pulls shouLd be held to three to four timesper month based on our previous haulinETE?-dfffifacility. Eagle County Trash, BFIP.0. Box 7579 Vai-l-, Colorado 87658 THE EQUIPMENT AND RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES Eag1e County Trash, BFf, will furnish and insta]l thefollowing: One (1) Marathon Equipment Company RJ 100SC stationary compactor with the following accessories:a. advance warning lightb. oi-l- heaterco ground feed hopperd. push button controlse. guide island-10 feet 1ong Instal-l-ation woul-d include recieving all equipment, deliveryto job-site, setting in place and anchoring to concrete pad, and features as described above. We will also be resoonsible fnr. i-ha i n-*r.'^+i ^h ^+' ^-*^1-r,-. -nstruction of your personnel. The Sl-ifer Consolidated Account will be resonsible for nrnrri ni n-.yrvvfurr16' 1. An electrical disconriect box within five (5) feet of theeompactor controJ- panel. This disconnect box must becapable of handling a 10 HP motor, al_so the el_ectricalconnection to the compactor. 2. A concrete pad meeting the fol_l_owing requirementsr55' long, 10' wide, 6"'deep. 3, An adequate back plate within the enclosure. EQUIPMENT PRICES Eagle County Trash, BFI , will provide the equipment (toinclude instal-l-ation and freight) as descriEed-above forthe charges as outlined beJ_ow: Pl-an I The Olynpic Rental Program: Under this p1an, they willprovide all- of the above incfuding maintenance as a servicefor a perpetual monthly charge of-$335.00 based on no longterm agreement. Under this plan, they will provide a complete maintenanceprograrn, both preventive and repair as a part of the service"Should a breakdown occur, they will restore the unit to anoperating condition at their expense, provided that the breakdown is not a result of misuse by the customer" Misusebeing defined as the foJ-lowing: Eagle County Trash, BFI August t,I9B3 Page Three 1,, Failure to notify Olympic immediately of any hydraulic , oil leaks. 2. Fail-ure to maintain the proper el-ectrica.l- service to the comp.actor resulting in burned out e.Iectrical- components and/or motor. 3. Failure to restrict the loading of highly combustiblematerials into the compactor, or a.l-lowing dangerousmaterials such as hot ashesl burning cigars, cigarettes,pipes, matches, etc. to be l-oaded into the unit. Plan II Direct Purchase (does not incLude maintenance). One (1) Marathon Equipment Company 28 yard RJ 100 SC Compactorwith proposed. aicessories. ..... The above prices do not incl-ude Col-orado State Sales Tax. HAULING AND DISPOSAI CIARGES The charge for servicing the Heavy Duty 28 cubic yard compaction "receiver container" (each time the container is haul-ed to a disposal site and dumped) woul-d be: $210.00 per pull including fandfil-I LTMITATIONS The encl-osed quotes are good for a period of thir,ty' dByS. WARRANTY Marathon honors a standard six (5) months parts and l-abor warranry. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT We wil-l- provide maintenance at $5O.OO per month und.er a maintenance agreement for a three year period. ShouLd you have any questions regarding the above, contact me at your earliest convenience. We look forward to workingwith you during the months ahead. District Manager SGr mcb g_rely, Stuart Green fl,^fre {zz-zflofoh WI t15tl,ffifu(W h^1 il6 6n6ss/^ ,*A! -fn-< { u of/^** nlU'Q'J 4 k** qr'il* lr'--A/44/tn {t.*1"',^^4'y - *"4*+ -/ Csrc s/"a1 sL{1,i L t*-"a!- @>-^$* d=+ J7, &{P? Vffit-'^lt/"/,r' / @q*l Wu^+.d[-;- @frt*-'^ /'p^@T-*ry7 '.11, ,A yl.06,/4^/.'ht' %, n:l:4.'i.,:tr Wl f,a :>"-_ € HAUL AWAY YOUR \{ASTE PROBLEMS! When you need a self-contained compactor, think of KILKOM. We have the machine to meet your neeos. Up to 63,000 pounds of compaction force are developed by the use of twin hydraulic cylinders and a two-stage power unit. KILKOM "Scissor Pack" compactors provide maximum compac- tion ratios with a minimum of cycle time. lf your business deals with wet waste disposa l, KILKOM can help reduce handling costs while allowing for a clea n, etf icient ref use d isposal sys- tem. Contact your KILKOM representative for the answers to your waste handling problems. FEATURES ONE PIECE BODY CONSTRUCTION SLOPING COMPACTOR FLOOR DUAL HYDRAULIC RAM CYLINDERS TWO STAGE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONTAINED POWER UNIT SINGLE AND CONTINUOUS TIMED CYCLE LOCKING STOP BUTTON COVER 2 HP. 3-PHASE IVOTOR *APPROXIilIATE OVERALL LENGTH OPTIONS ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS FULL CONTAINER SIGNAL AUTOMATIC ACTUATOR OIL TANK HEATER INTERLOCK -Add Hook-up Length Self-contained com oactors are recommended f or industries, such as hospitals, restaurants, hotels and schools, that must deal with wet waste disposal. Kilkom offers a selection of compactor head and container combinations that will fit your needs. Kilkom self-contained compactors are designedto minimize liquid and granular leakage. a SPECIFICATIONS l-Inc. Spokane Industrial Park. Buildino l3 .Spokane, Washington 99216 . 150{t1928-5252 DISTRIBUTED BY: UCS BALER &, CfiliPACTOi \SALES & $[t?liC[ !ri0... \tgo3l469-e$rr ,. 'lg5 C{,trif,'f:;liFr.' gR00l.4FleLs.Cr.t00e0 15',3"15',3" 15'5" 16',5"18'5"16',5" A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 MANUFACTURER'S RATING .33 yd. cu. yd. .85 yd. 'I cu. yd. CLEAR CHAMEER OPENING 24" x 30" 25" X 36" 32" X 40" ,tz X 40" HOURLY CAPACITY cu. yds. 33 cu. Yds. 46 cu. vd s. 46 cu, vd s. CYCLE TIME e2 sec. 34 sec. 38 ',r29 sec. RAM P,S.I.73.63 psi 61.36 psi 55.22 98.18 psi TOTAL FORCE 35,342 tbs. 35,342 IOS. 35,342 tos. 63,827 tos. CONTAINER PENETRATIOI{9"11"9"9" \*Ootional Power Pack --") Ytc's BAIIR & coilPtcfoR I SAIIS & SERYICE nc. DITE T. ERITII , R{iond Sch ilrrqc ltotl |fr-tttl - urJH t nr 00l nc t8offit, c0. toro t-7 EF,T *r../6r** Z *2.- /4o- ro, Nio, Utt/; -.^f, cde e/.Ld*y att+. - tl,i*1,,,C, G,q.-/t 4-/ /Zo+ % oprtav.r ,ryy'lf. r t-o /-l Ltznt.t.i,'.1-Lh trxr SERIES REFUSE GOMPACTORS '' AIII SERIES REFUSE CI)MPACTI)RS APPLICATIONS Model A-1 Compactors have been used extensively by fast food operators and specialty business, i.e., glass and bottle crushing. Model A-2 Compactors have been used in full service restaurants as well as mod- erate size food outlets. A-3 Compactors fit into the grocery store and supermarket where volumes and the physical size of the garbage is larger. The Model A4 Compactor is designed for the hard to compact refuse that is moderate in size and shape but requires high pressure to allow for efficient compaction ratios. FEATURES . ONE PIECE BODY CONSTRUCTION. SLOPING COMPACTOR FLOOR. ENLARGED LOADING AREA. SINGLE HANDLE CONTAINER LATCH. DUAL HYDRAULIC RAM CYLINDERS. TWO STAGE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. REMOTE OR CONTAINED POWER UNIT. SINGLE AND CONTINUOUS TIMED CYCLE. LOCKING STOP BUTTON COVER OPTIONS . ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS. FULL CONTAINER SIGNAL. AUTOMATICACTUATOR. THRU-WALL CHUTE SYSTEM. 4 CONTAINER CONFIGURATIONS. OIL TANK HEATER f-c^l A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 MANUFACTURER'S RATING .33 cu. yo. 6n .85 cu. yd. 1 cu. yd. CLEAR CHAMBER OPENING 24' x 30" 25" x 36" 32" X 40" 32" x 40" HOURLY CAPACITY cu. yos. 33 cu. yos. 46 cu. vds, 46 cu. vds. CYCLE TIME 33 sec. 34 38 sec.'29 sec. RAM P.S,I.73.63 psi 61.36 psi 55.22 psi OA'tR psi TOTAL FORCE 35,342 lbs. 3s,342 lbs. 35,342 lbs. 63,827 lbs. CONTAINER PENETRATION 9"11"9"9" *Oplional Power Pack SPECIFICATIONS A B c D E F G H A-1 24 30 62 17 33-5/8 4+316 1913/r 6 16 4.2 2C 36 64 17 39-5i8 47-11t16 1913/16 16 A-3S zo 40 65 17 43-5/8 47-11t16 19-13/16 to A.3L 32 40 78 17 435/8 47-11116 19-1316 16 A.4S 26 40 65 17 435/8 47.11t16 21-13/16 18 A4t 32 40 78 17 43-5/8 47-11t16 21-13t't6 18 IN A CLASS BY ITSELF! Designed to handle your toughest ref use problems, the Okom A-5 "Super Scissor'' offers a two cubic yard charg- ing capacity with an extremely shon overall length. The A-5 continues the "A" series tradition through the use of the unique twin cylinder "Scissor Pack." A complete line of oplions enables the A-S to handle your specific needs. Contact your Kilkom representalive for the answers ro your waste handling problems. FEATURES: FULL LENGTH TUB CONSTRUCTION SCISSOR ACTION TWIN CYLINDER DESIGN SLOPING COMPACTOR FLOOR SINGLE AND CONTINUOUS TIMED CYCLE LOCKING CONTROL COVER DEEP CONTAIN ER PENETRATION BUILT IN POWER UNIT OPTIONS: ULTRA-COMPACTION 2-STAGE POWER UNIT w/5" CYLINDERS PRE-CRUSH ASSEMBLY LOW OIL SHUT OFF ELECTRONIC ACTUATOR OIL RESERVOIR HEATING SYSTEMS FULL CONTAINER WARNING LIGHT CONTAINER DISCONNECT LITE A COMPLETELINE OF CUSTOM DESIGNED HOPPERS AND THRU-THE-WALL SECURITY CHUTES DRIVE ON DECK PLATES CUSTOM CART DUMPING SYSTEMS 105" SPECIFICATIONS l(ll-KEllVlrn". SpokanolndusrlalParkoBuilding13.Spokano,Washington99216.lSlpl9il&8162 '"Ir DISTRIBUTED BY: .VIC'S BALER &' C()MPAOTORli;r"=: :,, lrirf lll li0.'i ' t::i] 1) ri.:f il3 il ii'-' * ' ' : r''3 glico ;'l' i: ;l;' cc':c'ezo 'w/5" crindeB and 2€tags Po*€r unit % l--'-* i r:-i HAUL AI{AY YOUR WASTD PROBLEI{S! When you need a self-contained compactor, think of KILKOM. We have the machine lo meet your needs. Up 1o 63,000 pounds of compaction force are developed by the use of twin hydraulic cylinders and a two-stage power unit. KILKOM "Scissor Pack" compactors provide maximum compac- tion ratios with a minimum of cycle time. lf your business deals with wet waste disposal, KILKOM can help reduce handling costs while allowing lor a clean, efJicient ref use disposal sys- tem. Contact your KILKOM representative for the answers to your waste handling problems. FEATURES . ONE PIECE BODY CONSTRUCTION . SLOPING COMPACTOR FLOOR. DUAL HYDRAULIC RAM CYLINDERS. TWO STAGE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. CONTAINED POWER UNIT. SINGLE AND CONTINUOUS TIMED CYCLE. LOCKING STOP BUTTON COVER . 2 HP.3-PHASE MOTOR *APPROXIMATE OVERALL LENGTH OPTIONS . ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS. FULL CONTAINER SIGNAL. AUTOMATIC ACTUATOR. OIL TANK HEATER. INTERLOCK Sell-contained compactors are recommended for industries, such as hospitals, restaurants, hotels and schools, that must deal with wet wastedisposal. Kilkom offers a selection of compactor head and container combinations that will fit your needs. Kilkom self-contained compactors are designedto minimize liquid and granular leakage. I SPECIFICATIONS ]'<ll-ffitn". Spokane Induslrial Park. Euilding13 . Spokane,Washingrongg2l6. (5O9)928-5252 10 yd.15 yd.20 yd.25 yd.30 yd. A-1 15',3"15',3"17'3"1g',3"NA A-2 1 q'6."1s',5"17'5"19'5"23',5" A-3 16',5"16',5"18',5"20'5"24'5" A-4 16',5"16',5"18',5"20'5"24'5" 'Add Hook-uP Length A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 MANUFACTURER'S RATING .33 cu. yd. .50 cu. yd. .85 cu. yd. 1 cu. yd. CLEAR CHAMBER OPENING x JU IJ x JO JZ x 40" JZ X 40" HOURLY CAPACITY 27 cu. yos. 33 cu. yos. 46 CU, yd s. 46 cu. yds. CYCLE TIME sec. 34 sec. 38 *29 se c. RAM P.S.I.73.63 psi 61.36 55.22 psl 98.18 psl TOTAL FORCE 35,342 ro s. 35.342 tos. 35.34? rDs. 63,827 ros. CONTAINER PENETRATION 11"9"9" *Ootional Power Pack Wur:l fr"'i.. HAUL AWAY YOUR WASTE PROBLE}IS! When you need a self-contained compactor, think of KILKOM. We have the machine to meet your neeos. Up to 63,000 pounds of compaction lorce are developed by the use of twin hydraulic cylinders and a lwo-stage power unit. KILKOM "Scissor Pack" compactors provide maximum compac- tion ratios with a minimum of cycle time. lf your business deals with wet waste disposal, KILKOM can help reduce handling costs while allowing lor a c lea n, elf icient reluse d is posa I sys- tem. Contact your KILKOM representative for the answers to your waste handling problems. FEATURES . ONE PIECE BODY CONSTRUCTION. SLOPING COMPACTOR FLOOR. DUAL HYDRAULIC RAM CYLINDERS. TWO STAGE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. CONTAINED POWER UNIT . SINGLE AND CONTINUOUS TIMED CYCLE. LOCKING STOP BUTTON COVER. 2 HP.3-PHASE MOTOR *APPROXIMATE OVERALL LENGT}I OPTIONS . ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS. FULL CONTAINEF SIGNAL. AUTOMATIC ACTUATOR. OIL TANK HEATER. INTERLOCK Self-contained compactors are recommended for industries, such as hospitals, restaurants, hotels and schools, that must deal with wet waste d isposal. Kilkom offers a selection of compactor head and container combinations that will fit your needs. Kilkom self-contained compactors are designedto minimize liquid and granular leakage. r SPECIFICATIONS Spokane Industrial Park. Buildingl3 . Spokane, Washingrongg2l6 . lS09) 92g_S252 DISTRIBUTED BY: 'VlS': ' .:.Iii ,' t:{}1.11{ll i'0hl.sii,-t' ..,:;';c-" 'rlilCSi 'r,.i '' . :. a1, 195 llrl:l::."';, BR$01,!Fl;:-i i i ':-':'-':':' 10 yd.15 yd.20 yd 25 yd.30 yd. A-1 1s',3"15',3"17'3"19',3"NA A-2 15'5"15',5"17'5"1g',5"23'5" A-3 16'5"'16',5"18',5"20'5"24'5" A-4 16'5"16',5".t8'5"20'5"24'5" 'Add Hook-up Length A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 MA}.IUFACTURER'S RATING .33 cu. vd. .50 cu. yd. .85 cu. yd. .t cu. yd. CLEAR CHAMBER OPENING X 30" 25" X 36" JZ x 40" x 40" HOURLY CAPACITY 27 cu. vds. 33 cu. yo s. 46 cu. yd s. 46 cu. yd s. CYCLE TIME 33 sec. 34 sec. 38 *29 se c. RAM P.S.I.73.63 psl 61.36 psi 55.22 psl 98.18 psl TOTAL FORCE 35,342 lbs. 35,342 lbs. 35,342 lbs. 63,827 tos. CONTAINER PENETRATION 9"11"9"9" *Oolional Power Pack