HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE FILING 1 LOT 12TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department July 28, 1998 An appeal of a Design Review Board decision denying the applicant's request for a building separation in order to construct a detached garage with Employee Housing Unit above, at '1694 Matterhorn Circle/Lot 12, Matterhom Village. Appellants: Harry GrayPlanner: Dominic Mauriello I. SUBJECT PROPERTY Gray Residence. Located at 1694 Matterhorn Circle/Lot 12, Matterhorn Village. II. STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellant has standing to file an appeal in this case as he is the owner of the subject property. III. BACKGROUND The appellant is proposing to remodel the existing structure located on this lot. The proposal includes providing a detached, 2-car garage with an Employee Housing Unit above. The appellant made application to the Design Review Board for consideration of a separation request as required by the Zoning Regulations. The Design Review Board, on July 1, 1998, unanimously denied the appellant's request finding that the proposal did not meet the criteria in Section 12-1 1 -5(l), Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development, lor a separation request and that there did not exist significant site constraints on the property warranting a separation of structures on-site. Section 1 2-1 1 -5(l) states: l. Duplex And Primary/Secondary Development: 1. The purpose of this Section is to ensure that duplex and primaryisecondary development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Drrelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set torth in subsection 12 of this section, with the use ot unified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common rools and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and features. 2. The presence of significant site constraints may permit the physical separation of units and garages on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the Design Review Board. "significant site constraints" shall be defined as natural features of a lot such as stands of mature trees, natural drainages, stream courses and other natural water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other natural teatures, and existing structures that may create practical difficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site constraint that allows for the separation of a garage from a unit. lt shall be the applicant's responsibility to request a determination from the Design Review Board as to whether or not a site has significant site constraints before final design work on the project is presented. This determination shall be made at a conceptual review of the proposal based on review of the site, a detailed survey of the lot (to include information as outlined in subsection 12-11-4C1a ot this ChapteQ and a preliminary site plan of the proposed structure(s). 3. The duplex and primary/secondary development may be designed to accommodate the development of dwelling units and garages in more than one structure if the Design Review Board determines that significant site constraints exist on the lot. The use of unified architectural and landscape design as outlined in subsection C1 of this Section shall be required for the development. In addition, the Design Review Board may require that one or more of the following common design elements such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural features be incorporated to create unified site development. Also, note that a site coverage variance will be required for this development even if the DRB decision is overturned. The purpose behind this design standard is to insure that duplexes and primary/secondary residences are integrated into a single slructure and not perceived as 2 separate structures. Allowing duplexes to be detached essentially changes the perceived lot sizes in a subdivision to around 7,500 sq. ft. or less. This would change the character of neighborhoods from large structures on large lots to small, independent structures, on much smaller lots. Areas would begin to read as having more density. IV. NATURE OF THE APPEAL The appellant believes there are benelits that can be achieved with the proposal that outweigh the restriction on the separation of dwelling units on a single lot. See appellant's statements attached. V. REOUIRED ACTION Uphold/Overturn/Modify the Design Review Board's denial of the separation request. The Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The following finding is proposed: The Town Council linds that Design Review Board's decision to deny the proposed separation request was proper and in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations and that no significant site constraints exist on this property warranting such a separation. The standards and conditions of Title 12, have not been met. FTEVERYONE\@UNCI LVTTEMOS\98\G RAY.728 Date Reeeived .luL 0I 19S APPEAI S FORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLAIINING AhID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTTON ACTION/DECISION BEING APPEALED: B. c. DATEOFACTION/DEC|SION: Jurtv t . torol7l NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKINC ACTION: D. NAMEOFAPPELLANT(S): MATLINC ADDRESS: ?T9-72_ A K\^^IcK( ^I^ IC-V< C(D\/.Ct prrystcALADDRESSpqyall, 4^'r.n.€- qs uao,tr,nn pnoNe. 4-trtr. 1b6)0 J LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF APPELL-ANT'S PROPERTY IN VAIL:l^el tz M,s{.kr hosw r*^ (,--\F E.SIGNATURE(S): Page I of2 F.Does this appcal involve a specific parcel of land? YeS If yer, plcase provide thc following information: are you an adjaccnt propc'rty owner? Ycs - no l(- If no, give a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggrieve d or advemely affected person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffcr an adverse eflect to an interest protected or firthered by this title. The alleged adverse intercst may be shared in common with other members of thc community at larga but shall exceed in dcgee the gcneral interest in community good shared by all persons. Providc tbe namcs and addrcsscs (both pcrson's mailing address and propctty's physical address in Vail) of all owners ofpropcrty which arc thc subjcct ofthc appcal and all adjaccnt propsrty owncrs (including properties separated by a right-of-way, sheam, or other intcrvcning banius). Also provide addrcssod and stamped envelopcs tbr each property owner on the list. On scparate sheets of paper, spcciry the prccise naturc of the appeal. Pleasc cite specific code sections having relwance to the action being appealed. FEE: $0.00 c. H. i^ tz-\r=5 Cr). Page2 of2 o pnRADrcM DESICN July 21,'1998 Town of Vail Town Council and Planning Staff 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Date Received JUL 231998 RE: Gray Residence and EHU Design Review Board Denial, Lot 12, Matterhorn Village, 1694 Matterhorn Circle Dear Town of Vail Council Members and Planning Staff, We are in the process of improving our primary / secondary lot in Matterhorn Village. We want to improve the property by 1) building a restricted employee housing unit with it s own two car garagei and 2) upgrading the existing unit and adding a two car garage. Our design calls for separating the employee housing unit/garage from the primary unit/garage. The Design Review Cuidelines Sec. 12-'l l- 5 (l) require that we obtain conceptual approval from the Design Review Board ("DRB") to allow for the separation of the units. On July '1, 1998, the DRB denied our request to separate the two units. We are appealing the DRB decision because we think our project meets the Town of Vail's employee housing goals and design goals. The following points explain why this project should be approved. l. fustification for the Separation of the Primary and Restricted Employee Housing Unit. The Design Review Cuidelines allow for a separation of units if there are significant site constraints such as mature trees, natural drainages or streams, rock outcroppings, wetlands, existing structures that create a practical difficultv on the site, and slope. To allow for a separation, the applicant must met at least one of the site constraints. We meet three of the significant site constraints. - Mature Trees: lf we connect the employee unit/garage to the existing unit, two 25 to 30 foot spruce trees must be removed. Our design saves these large trees. - Existing Structure: We are saving the original primary structure and removing two small shed additions that were added to the residence at a later date. The setback requirements on the lot create a relatively narrow building area. Please note that we are not requesting any setback variances. The location of the existing structure allows for a secondary unit to be added on the east end of the property. This is exactly where we propose to build the employee unit/garage. However, if we attach the employee uniVgarage to the existing structure we will impact the two large spruce trees discussed above. - Slope: Slope can justify the separation of a garage from the main unit. By separating the employee unit/garage from the main unit, we have minimized site disturbance and provided a driveway with a slope of 6%. The 6% is well under the Town of Vail's standard of 8%. lf the employee unit is aftached to the main unit, there will be more retaining walls, removal of the two spruce, and a steeper driveway because the slope is greater in this area. ARCHITECTURE SCULPTURE INTERIORS 835 INCA PARKWAY BOULDER, COLORADO 80303 3034994252 ll. Site Coverage Variance. The project will require a site coverage variance for the employee housing unit/and garage. The PEC has approved variances for garages in the past. The variance is for approximately 270 sq. ft. We will try to minimize this variance request as much as is feasible. The employee unit is located above the 1ga'age and does not contribute to any additional site coverage. Please note that the site coverage variance would be necessary regardless of whether the employee housing unit/garage was attached or separated from the main unit. At this time, the site coverage variance is not presented to the Town Council for review because the PEC must first act on the request. lll. Explanation of Why the Upgrade Plan Meets the Design Review Guidelines. Our project meets the design guidelines for the following reasons: - Decrease in Mass and Bulk of the Structure: Matterhorn is comprised of moderately sized alpine style residences. By separating the units and creating smaller structure, the project is more compatible with the scale of the neighborhood. lf the units and garages are combined, a linear, more massive structure results. This larger structure is not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Our design supports the DRB Cuideline (p. 454d, A 1,2) These Cuidelines state that 1) structures shall be compatible with existing structures, and their surroundings; 2) existing features should be preserved; and 3) the objective is to fit building to their sites in a way that leaves natural land forms. - Neighborhood Compatibility: The project will be very compatible with the surrounding neighborhood because we are using proper scale, proportions, and materials and colors found in Matterhorn. The design has an alpine character. We are using white stucco, natural wood siding stain , and brown trim. lV. Communitv Benefits from the Proiect. The project provides the following benefits to the Vail community: - One Permanentlv Restricted Employee Housing Unit. The proposed employee unit is 700 sq.ft. and has two bedrooms. lt will also have a two car garage. The unit meets all of the Town of Vail requirements. -Removalof all ParkingOff of theRight-of Way. Currently,thisprojectdoesnotprovideanyon-site parking. The redesign will provide two, two car garages. All required parking would be on site. - Upgade of an Existing Unit. The upgaded existing unit will have a two car gatage. We ask that you approve the separation request based on all the justifications provided above. Hill,Architect I6'd -lrJlol .\.a'. J. o?u**o s. uJ J J ol J z oloT Dl uJ F F{I IF l!lltl llt Pll'-tl {ltl Z}\v b..;)r-t. 1. b'.:li||- it: L;t . l;:-l^lf l.: i;t" ii I I , ! I I I r1 t\t\t\ \\ \t\r t1 tl ll\\. I a'\ tql ,f\ I iY'r It\lt \ ll I l, I tlirt I,trl ,t' I i 1 | |' ll| .{ rlr I rltl{l,rl,\ i t'.i !ll''.f Il\.. Iir{ l.| \a_ I| 'l I'ltl N'* ffirl i{/[$ *' /:#-il!iWT il!,F'ii ,il Fl ''.) 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I I t--.- --r----*-.-l 9EBSaaBAA6I 01 dl"b ilitl A- --{fFEEEJll r lr, rt0 rit I i{'L 1..{' :t !l tlrlljl vi'r+ .iF q I P J llr ltY tfll"till{'l*l-{,t _ ot llgll 'Jtl sll6 tft,. t11 lT {t \i : C 5tI + a T $ fi(l il dr 5t! E@'d llr u61sap rr:61pe.r"d HggJ t^lfg:Za 866T'Ee Inf P.U9?S82?5886oT0 1igm des ignpanadoJu I 23' 1998 A2:53Pt'1 FRO1 ,[ 1*-rl 31" , lvr,Ji+ '-hLIT,I l(r; lj,,ili''' r$l I+ ,'tr I ,4 s ! ( III E ! l-oJ lltJI fl{ t flu Flf; ol Xt++- u61sap rr:61pe;"d t^tOE j98€SAaB0l,6r 0r s $.: slli $l flll 3 J{)IIit 1 c ) ,rt J uJ 'J $ tr{ J u61sap ur6l peued HOUI l,ldSS:ZA BG6tr ,!e I nf b .i(2! h ,4 -.1 IU L i/l il 988SeZ8Ae6I 019A'd ff Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Gray Residence Project Description: Separation Request for garage with EHU above Owner, Address and Phone: Harry Gray, 2672 - L Kinnickinnick Court, Vail CO 81657 ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 1694 Matterhorn Circle Legal Description: Lotl2, Matterhorn Circle Parcel Number: Comments: Paradigm Design, P.C. 835 Inca Parkway, Boulder, CO 80303 Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Board / Staff Action Pierce Woldrich Action: Denial The proposal did not meet criteria for separation as stated in Design Guidelines. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 7lll98 F;\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98\G RAY.70 I DRB Fee Pre-Paid:nlt Qucstions? Caff Planning Staff at 479-2128 ?fr17- otG) APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL Date Reeeived cENERAL INFoRMATT'N JIJN 1? lgg8 ihis application is for any project requiring Dcsign Review approval, Any project requiring dcsign revicw must rcccive Dcsign Rcview approial prioi to subrnitting for a buiiding pernrit. For spccific information' scc thc submittal rcquircmcnts-for the particular approval that is rcquested. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all the required infornration is submitted. rnc piolect may also nced to bc rcvicwed by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. Design Rcview Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is started. TOyiN OFVAIL L. D. B.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT 12 BLOCK:FILING: YVla$*rr\os,,t Uil\q3a - PHYSICALADDRESS: l(fl* th&.rUr^,Crt. \lc^t\, ( o\orado ZONINC: -Tl" *., ' ,1,f {r-,,-'r'y/','lo'o\oY rce" J igJ-, 'll /NAMEOFOWNER(S): F{^rry Lara.Y;t i ; ; ; MAILING ADDRESS:o--lbqo OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: E. F. pHONE: ,-t-',-^- *nQ - lEZ C. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building' D Addition - $50 tlcludcs any addition where squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commcrcial building. tr Minor Altcration - $20 Includes minor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts, such as, reroofing,painting,windowadditions'landscaping,fencesandretaining walls, ctc. fr con..ptuul Revicw - $o For any application where thc applicant wishes to meet with Dcsign Review Board to detcrmine whether or not the projcct gencrally complics with the dcsign guidelincs. Thc DRB does not vote on conccptual revicws' DRB fees are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please idcntify thc accurate valuation of the projcct. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIR"EMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' PHONE: vArL. coLoRADO 816s7. Updated l/97 .. BUILDINC MATERIALS: oo LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Aefn^ l+ €th^"rc- i t^J-J COLOR:i Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting* * Other l\jI r ,..\r.rn rl\ I\tJor,d aal la | ^a\ l\a\rJooc} lJ^A^r^ \ B,|or"z\ f\_rZr^?_ t tjrrrrr\ l.L*^r'^t r- B.^o,-^ [*\J-^ *-[ Ct ".- i 8.o,"',. a-{nrrrc fr *fp (r^-'.re) /--tl(. n - r-a .o\\ * Please spccify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip **AllexteriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLigbtingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, please indicate thi number of fixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Botanical Namc ta)^r^t2t Common Namc Ouantity Sizc* _>-33t. To@,ble. l-Pr"re- I *Minimum requirements for landscaping: dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr coniferous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Type Squarc Footagc R-Ct.re- drr,.,.,,.". t..'t gr" ts\t3 9od OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please spcci!' Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 fcet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. I _t_t; 1 lD €+ +r.it lJcrnco,^r [.<e,,* Co{+o.rt ro<eclS zl," 4ro. 2- latl*t\\<- |- t[tt*5o Pr'aas 6-3-{b-f'44 2- |Dar}vrl bt' .lt^ 3 4.^ Agenda last revised 6/30/98 gam DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, July 1, 1998 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Gommunity Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT SITE VISITS 1:00 pm 1. Adam - 706 Forest Road2. Gray - 1694 Matterhorn Circle3. Craythome - 2701 Davos Trail4. Vail Mountain School - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road5. Gorsuch - 263 Gore Creek Drive6. Herman - 343 Beaver Dam Road Driver: George PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Adam residence - Residential addition. Ghristie 706 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represenled by Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 2. Gray residence - Conceptual Review/Separalion Request for EHU Dominic 1694 Matterhorn Circle/Lot 12, Matterhorn Village Applicant: Harry GrayMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 3. Herman residence - Conceptual review of a residential addition. George 343 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd. Applicant: Michael Herman, rePresented by Mark Donaldson MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 4. Gorsuch - Conceptual review of a store front remodel, George 263 Gore Creek Drive/Lot E, Block 5, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Gorsuch Ltd., represented by Tom FryeMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: @ nnirinlY 5. Raelher residence - New single family residence (demo/rebuild). George 278 Rockledge Road/ Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First. Applicant: Homeowners, represenled by Pierce, Segerberg & AssociatesMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 6. Red Sandstone Affordable Housing Development - Final review of 18 unit Dominic development proposal. 945 Red Sandstone Road/Part of Parcel A, Block D, Lionsridge Filing 1. Applicant: Town of VailMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 7. Roth - Deck expansion. George/Brent 1890 Lionsridge Loop Unit #2/Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge 3rd Filing. Applicant: Bubbles RothMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 8. Craythorne residence - Construction of an inclined elevator. Christie 270't Davos Trail/ Lot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Homeowners, represented by Galen A. Aasland MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: g. Vail Mountain School - Conceptual construclion of a cupola to contain 4 antennas. Christie 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Applicant: Liberty Wirestar MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Staff Approvals current residence - New fence' Brenl 3235 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Village 12th. Applicant: Bill & Nancy Current Passages - Add logo to awning. Brenl 244 WallStreet. Applicanl: Peter Aposlol Capstone Condominiums - Dumpster enclosure. Brent 1817 Meadow Ridge Road/Lot 21 Buffehr Creek. Applicant: CapstoneCondoAssociation Red Lion Penthouse - Add wrought iron to stairs, change awning lext. Brenl 304 Bridge SireeUBlock 5A, Vail Village 1st. Applicanl: Mary Hart & Burl Sugarman ABC Children's Acre Building - Concrete deck and stairs. Brent 249 N. Frontage Road/Unplatted. Applicant: ABC Children's Acre Linn residence - Waler feature. Brent 2897 Timber Creek Drive Unit D24lLot 14 Glen Lyon. Applicant: Robert Linn & Alexandra Palmer Linn Jennings residence - Interior remodel. Brent 1853 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 3, Block 3, Lions Ridge #3. Applicant: Jeb Jennings West Vail Lodge - Replace existing sign. Brenl 2211 N. Frontage Road. Applicant: Reaut Corporation Dugan residence - Repair existing stairs and deck. Christie 2642 Kinnickinnick CourVLot 5. Block 2. Intermountain. Applicant: Suzanne Dugan Bolen residence - New pool deck. Brent 990 Fairway CourULot 4, Vail Village 1Oth. Applicant: Dr. James Bolen Samuels residence - 250 addition. George 224 Foresl Road/Lot 11-B, Block 7, Vail Village First. Applicant: Forest Road Trust Adair residence - Landscape modification' chrislie 3035 Booth Falls Roadi Lot 12, Block 1 , Vail Village 13th. Applicant: John Adair Johnston residence - Repaint. George 1184 Cabin Circle/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: Paul Johnston Schwartz residence - Landscape renovalion and lighting plan. Christie 1136 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 10, Block 6, Vail Village 7th. Applicant: Alan & Cathy Schwartz Esrey residence - Interior conversion. Dominic 1314 Spraddle Creek Road/Lot 15, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: William Esrey Ruffalo - Deck expansion. Christie 5025 Main Gore Place/Lot 5F, Sundial Phase l. Applicant: Harry Ruffalo Riva Ridge South Condominium Unit #755 - Window addition. Brent 74 Willow Road/Lot 7, VailVillage First. Applicant: Robert and Tina Adams Walker residence - Reroof. Brent 1730 Sierra Trail/Lot 21 , Vail Village West #1 . Applicant: Fonest & Joan Walker Jost residence - Reroof. Brent 5013 Snowshoe Lane/Lot 24,Vail Meadows #1. Applicant: Thomas Jost Alfond residence - Window addition and interior conversion. Christie 44 Willow Place #3/Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Ted Alfond Garvie residence - lnterior conversion. Christie 1600 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 20, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing #1. Applicant: Robert Garvie Golden residence - Interior conversion. Christie 1403 Moraine Drive/Lot 24, Dauphinais-Mosley Subdivision Filing #1 . Applicant: Diane & Paul Golden The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection. during regular office frours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretalion available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. flrtt rhrn (lt1* br t* Design Review Board ACTION FORl"l Department of Community Developraent 75 South Frontage Road, vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970,{79.2'152 web: www.vailgov"com Project Name: WOODINGS ADDmON DRB Number: DRB060477 Project Description: coNcEPTUAL REVTEW (GAMGE ADDmON) Participants: OWNER WOODINGS, SAMIM 4923 DORSET AVE CHEVY CHASE MD 20815 LO/0912006 APPUCANT JOHN G, MARTIN, ARCHITECT LL1O/09/2006 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 ARCHmCT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHnECT LL10/09/2006 Project Address: 1694 MATTERHORN CR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 1694 MATTERHORN CR VAIL BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT CondiUons: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Location: LoE 12 Block Subdivision: MATTERHORN VILLAGE FIL # 2103-r23-t203-7 Oct O6 06 O3:Oap RobeFt Dlta P.l9?O-9?6-?3?6 Coneptnl Reuiew Applkatbn br Dedgn Rwiew ''ffigigffi;I",s:gto.rtt Aa h gll{tt2{Sl *fli.dgH.cf,trCrnrrdlt'onrtirn: *ffiggt* gt:g.-e?g!-Egr--?-rhnb I tdd,,e ec,,r* Tflorbrl r,retrft O UE smrr dit"rcrG -- ' D rErdrg r- L-hD pcrmt T9.Cfbn. PrarEccrnd E €..d ul,' * ,-^-f;**f rrylurr-i crril. ll,irf,li,EE, n",s,ffiLffigtK,ffiEqil';ffirytffi#FoJeEI tttat !6p ra o C ' e lEsEg w E't (&ltEf E*F!il oc;latunail. fftcD.srn .rr, rd -... -=.! k TP_ona-ndc u: trai ;ffiffi&;'5b. --:--=-_-.rr lErd-crreril*rafEfc--fh.trra. Dc't|tftrrdtic ( LF({,, P.a *-m rerr(r)Corr(r) AOrru(r)glar(i} tlrcdf'Fka* rlpc of i.|f:-d hO Slgrs ,E Cmcpu rae O I0 BltrfrlO rdflin o titha rE?rco.t(illt.|ryr.|r.rrir0 U lfi|or lEr.ton(snd!.trdt dlgbo O Or.rEGrb AFod t'|3 O Sepcrrtbn f4rr* lg0 Off ft.t! gcr sqlr & ottEt rtgn tG.-TbEz fP Forqttuclb,td. rErb-rt g a tt.qrEbdft$m Flm grrrnqrathJEJcoo yrr.rrcrru a ='!:!!-Lry ea* z* rc r irrrco.rrrre).rcrs rarrF (n'gt3lDUflll9sdlErrre,idrG, tl9qfio FilrB ffi lru.t* nao6'grcr ,,o|lbnSgdts'!kf20 For rJEr ciEngt3 to bEtgE.j S! |f|F,lrt rrts srn -,l::Fg' '|rfig, |m* lArnr'rrsolrg,-nn& rroIrbtdE*,GE*f0 For.;vifu b ftB -r..dt t|t'd t pt-riE St|lt a ln.Odgn farar lo-tfrbb () P c[)0 @o { { 6lug fwtprr\roa Fulo(4 qQ ^ ErEt-' ,lE lq EEfiEEgEEE fr8, 9Es()!t E;H o E rE E*$i* H$;HE isiHl;it. Y,Y& I i t I\\ t.,t E \\\ I I\t ct FoJ I/ ,lI' z,--,gt :troffqis>\-/r u.l +-E50 ,! aAi i\iririri\ -->>-*<. \-\ ------ \-,__ \ t, Fo lEH[Ii I .- rlqr $H I rl-p ff _---i-_l- 9. $$ I t" l0 l.r in$ t$ .]l l-lt{ t, t\iv' I $' ,b .--- Renovation and Addition for: Samira and Ted Woodings 1694 Matterhorn Circle Lot 12, Matterhom Village Roofing: Main Roof - Existing Cedar Shake Metal Roof - Standing Seam Copper - Color: Copper - Naturai Patina Fiashing: Existing flashing and Copper flashing Color: Copper - Natural Patina Sidings, 2x12 Shiplap wood siding with 10" exposed face (horizontal) Color: Olympic Semi-transparent Stain 705 Texture: Light Hand Planed Vertical siding - Random width wood siding at gable ends Color: Olympic Semi-transparent Stain 705 Texture: Light Hand Planed Fascia, timber columns, knee braces, and railings Color: Olympic Semi-transparent Stain 705 Fascia and trim, garage door dadding texture: Rough sawn Timber elernents and railing textur€: Mill finish Entry door Color: To match Olympic Semi-transparent Stain 705 with satin lacquer Patios and Walks: Deck: Redwood 2x6 drio thru New area of Main walk to entry, Entry porctr, and patios: Concrete Stuccc: Cement stucco system Color: Benjamin Moore - Ablingdon putty # HC-99 Texture: light sand smooth to lighty modeled texture Stone: Ark Moss Strip Windows: Aluminum Clad wood windows and doors Siena Pacific Windows Color: Dark Red ob;ngdon pulty Color Board ItI\i l -\r nrltt-- '6t7 2*-Iil _,.-- a tEa V !<g a $l HI z U $5 J.lJ --1.f 5 o \t)t\tf rlf a ftCI 4" v rur}{trvitt cdJr*rrttotl&(ptEltt Deeign Review Board tcTrol{ FoR}l D€piltmsnt of Commlnity D€1rslopm$|ft 75 Sqth Frontige Road, Vall, Cdtrdo 81657 t'l: 970.479.2139 f;ax: 970.479.2,152 web: *vw.vellgd.com Project Name: WOODING RESIDENCE Proje€t Description: Pafticipants: PrcjectAddress: l€gal Descraption: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DRB08012b ADDMON, LANDSCAPING, NEW DRIVEWAY/PARKING AND ECERIOR REMODEL OWNER WOODINGS, SAMIRA 4923 DORSET AVE CHEVY CHASE MD 2081s APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHnECT LLO4l29l2O08 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 1694MATTERHORNCRVAIL LocaUon: lot: 12 Block: Subdivisionr MATTERHORN VILTAGE RL # 2to3-L23-L203-7 0412912008 Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPP Dab of Approval: 05/2912008 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihlte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. C.ond:201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town @de, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PIIN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward compleUon. Planner: Bill Gibson DRBFeePaid: $3OO.O0 /;r,,r!rt0illl:58 FaI+1 101 t?l 7316 Deprtrcrt dCornt rfy oeldop.trcrt 75 Sondt frorfrlg. Roe4 Vdl, Cojo|r(h 016td: E 0.|7l.2l2E hx: 970.479.2492 vrrbl rnrw.6r1gw.om €e|tcdlnlomnda|: All pr$ac i€$|ilng de$n tlvlsw mult rrr!ir,! rpprDwl p.lor to srbmitd.tg r hildng Frmlt ilC|csuon. plre nf? b hc $bmmd nilt€m6nB flr dic pntcldar appqval hrt b rcqlc*rd. &r appsdtioo for t €stgn RcvilMr c'|tFt b0 oocpgted udl dl rqNltd ltilotttffin b 'rairexl by ttE Ct|l|rfintt 06rdopntcrt Dartrnert ThepaFd |rry .bo mad b be tgl Eilfd by dr lorn Cqrnc{ {dor f|e 9Emhg and Envlronnsrtd Cotn nisd6. Odgn trdrur rgFof, lepr ulcr r htfi|9 pt|rh b b|cil rnd conrtsuadoo conngtcsr lfr n one trar of tlr. *D|ltrrl prfuf rfor ?.1o3 ta3l zi)jJ (Aortad Esgle Co. AsErssor 't 97F3ZE{640 ftr parcl no.) A/zqg.6t ffh(/r1/ 54c,o4()ary _ tlan.(t) of Orwc(3r: il.ilftrglddr$: ffnc(4ggnrur{r} l||mcdappuorttr llefrnglddre; E-firill &ErG.a: 0ooyooz AFP 11otJS Appllcedon for Deslgn Rwlew Mcdlddrsc; "ype of fcr|cw rnd Fcc: tr $grtstr €onegatd fuvhr €/, iletYU cor$uction /E[,t Addldon B nhc Nturatftn (muloftn{y/orrngdd) O |,|'rnc aluraion ($9lc'fm!1t/tu9Lr) B chm0ca to Aogo{d Plrd tr Sagtrdon Rcqlc5f l$ Plu! 11.00 pcr Eua€ froot of ffirl d0r1 rrre , rbFlc iSgI - Fw conrhnxn of I rs bu[fi|o or ddtrdrlbuild. Cf300, r€r il a*ffDo yyts€ qu't hmF b affi b ary rGilerd.l s onrnsdd bultlDg (indudE 250 dffbrE I interir 6|ty€rElon8r. $e50 For rnlffi chsngcr t0 betfld|rgr rnd dte impromsits. sldr s, rFtooflng, p$ndA9, dndon additlons, lafibcaplT, ftnc.r 3d r(tining rdls, etctzo For minw cl|ang[s to ttnmrfg and Ctc impmvancntr q,dr |1 t+roofing pqt'nfing. wlrdffr rdditi$, hrecapiry, llcncs and lgt!.|ltrB tds, €tc.$20 For ler/iliofls to da||s arrcdy aeprwrd bt Flrnniry Sffi (,r tr o€dgn R6/ten 8ornl. Ilo Fac a{ '; t{t+tta'*'}'}***t*++'}*'t*'l'}***********tlrlt*'}ff+*+l**t*ff++++*****+++++t'}*******++'}'t't't*++*+++++++lr*+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 04-29-2008 at 0t:48:40 04/2912008 Statement Stsatement Nurnber: R080000554 Anrount: $3OO-00 04/29/2OO8O8:45 AM Payment Method: Check MARTIN ARCHITECT IJIJC Init: RIJF lilotauion: 1798 iIOHN G Permit, No: DR80801.25 T)E)e: DRB - Addltion of CRFA Parcel No: 2IO3-123-I2O3-? Site Address: 1694 IIATTERIIORN CR VAIL Irocaeion: Totsal FeeE: 5300.00fhia Palment: $300.00 Total ALL Pmts3 $300.00Balance: $0. OO ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN RTVIEW FEES Currents PmEE 300.00 -Mthis funn ser!rcs b vedry tlat t|e proposed improvernerfs w not impad any exi*ing or Proposed utility serviceq and also to . verify se ie avaitaHtityirU toratiln ior rrr,v construcUon ard should be used in conjunctlon with preparing your utitity plan--and i*iaufing ir6tulUtior,s. A *" 6*, including grading dan, f,oor plan, and elevatj,oDs, tttflt F :f_trt$ to the following uti|itles ior appmiar ano vernca:on. pim3: Alfoiv Lr? To 2 wEExs.FoR APpRovAr OR COfiilEUTs FRoH THE UIIUTY COtiilnffS. tr you are unabb to obtain dnments wtthin that tlm€frame please contad The Town of Va - UIILITY APPROVAL &. VERIFIOATIOI{ Ibvdory b novrde IstAddrc* Irrtbt rra6ot : Ld Addressr QWEsT Date 92t.468.6860(tel) 9ru.468.0672(fax) Contads; Sam Tool€ry samuel.toolev@orrest.com X€EL HISTI PRESIiUNE GAI' 9ru.262.4076 (eD 970.,168.1r?0 r (fax) Contad: Rlch gsneros ridtard.sislefos@xcelenergv. com HOLY CROSS ENER T 90.947.s471 (tel) 970.945.4081 (hx) contact: Diana C"olis doolis@holvcros.com xcEL Energy 970.262.,1t138 (fdx) 9m.252.rSC24 (tel) Contacts: K't Bogert Kathrm, Booert@XCELENERGY.com EAGI.E RIVERWATEN & SAIIfATIO'I DISTRICT 970..176.7.r€O (ED 970.476.469 (fat) Contacn H Haslee fhaslee(oenvsd,orc co cAsr cA8tr 970.41S.8243 (El) 970.949.9138 (hx) Codact Davit Evans oK__s/'h{ 7-7- david Evans@crble.comcast.com OTES:i]IiG Wfty app.o,,at & \€rification fom has sEnaturcs from *h d th€ utility oompanies, and no €ornments are made diredy on ttre brnU q. no actlon is bken within 2 r,rreeks of the Uu[tfs recgpt of the fonn without exdanation the Torwr will precJme that tiere are no prouems and the det/elopment can proceed. 2. tf a uulity comparry has concerns wlth the propdsed constructbn. the utility reUrgsenffiivg {9ll noE directly 9l the utiltty rerlfcatbn f6rm thlt tirere S a $ablem lyhidt nieds b be resohred. The issJe shotrld then be detailed in an dtacfled leater to u|e To,rn of Wil. Holyever, dease keep in mlnd that it ls E|e ,€gonsiblllF of the uti[ty comparry ard tne applicant to resolve identifu probletns. 3. These verlllcdions do not relisre the contador of tfre responsitility to obbin a RJHic Way Fermit from the Department of pubtb Works at he Town of Vall, UUlity locadons r|||rlt ba obbln€d b€for€ diooing in arry publk right-of-way or eatetnent within the Town of Vail. r nlldlna oernlt ls noi i publlc Wav ocnnit and must ts oblned l€osatell-* in" O*"toper is requffi ana@s to srknit any revised drat'/inqs bc the utilities for re€mroval.& reverification if the submiEed plans are an&ea in any way after the auth;dzed signatur€ date (unleEs otheMis€ specllically noted within the comment area of this form). De\relopey's SignahJre F:\cdev\FORMSFsttnitslPlarnin g\DRB\Ufl ity App|l|€L0S2&07.doc AClbgiz,e*C!!natufg z d agHtooo<tt4 'ot{/et : I t 'leloala} .@iF lz A9ll<qait l€9!ra a,lorrJ SILIERIHRIE FP mr&TilZ Fax:19704681i101 UTILIW APPR.OVAL &. VERIFICATION Authorlzed Sionetu]€ Hag 16 2m 18t44 ?.O2 This form serves to verfi tlut tfre proposed improrcments i{ll not impact any e<isdng or pmposed uullty services, and veriry ssvke arrallability and locatbfl for nerv ooflstruction and *|ould be rced in conjunctbn wf,'l p|€parlng your dillty to and schedullng in*dlauons. A site plan. indudins grdlns plan, fbor phn, and elevatixE, $all be gbnitted to tie utflnks tur approval and verifHon. PLEASC ILLOW UP TO 2 UrEEI(S FOR APPR$,AL OR CODlllEtfTS FROtrl THE OOI|IPANIES. If you are unabb to obtain {Dmments within that tim€frarne dease @fltact The Town of Vail. oewtw to Ptovide Lot Mt# Itfqrrratiot : ;;, / 69{ hnnnrr-rla"* 441 QWEST 970.468.6850(tel) 970.u168.0672(fax) Contacts Sam Tooley samud.bohy(Oo/rest,€om XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.252.4076 (td) e70.468.1{r (fa)o- Conbct: Rkh Sisneros ridrard-sisneros@)celererov.com HOLY CROSS ETIER T 970,947.s47r (Ed) 970.94s.408r (foo €onffi: Dbna Golls doolh6lnlltross,com XGEL Energy 970.262..1038 (fa() 970.262.4024 (H) C.ontacts: Klt Bogert Kathryn, Booert@XCEtf NERGY.om EAGI..E RIT'ER, WATER &- SAIITATIOI{ DISTRICT 970.476.7,180 (bel) 970.476.40S (Fax) Contad: ro Hadee ftadee@€rwsd.do coltctsT cABr-c 970.418.8248 (El) 970.949.9138 (Fax) @ttact: Davld E\rans david eYa ns@cable.concast com r{oTEg: stffittkionfu Gomm6ntg rt"+A &,rn-r/- tct-vU liafuanrs '/.o.a. aol ilA 18m dlrccfly g€aume utillty bthe r€solve of 1. If ure utifry approral & veriFrdion form has signatures from eadt of tfie udity @mpanies, and m comments are on the form, or no adirr is taken within 2 weeks of the tJti[trs r€cetpt of the form wttho|jt eelanation the Town t rat there a|e no orouerns and tie developm€nt can pfoced. ' 2. lf a ublity ompany has mncerns with the plopos€d @nsbuction, the uttty rcprenta0\re $all rFte diredy \€rlficdion form t}lat ther€ ls a problem whtch needs to be .esolvEd. The isgte $ouH then be detalled In an ffached Town of vail. Horlrev€r, please keep in nund that it is the r€spondbiF/ty of tte utility company ard the applkant klert'hed goblerns. 3. These yerincafrons do not rElieve the contr&r of the r€sponsblity to ottah a Rrdic way Fermit ftom the pubtic Worls at the Torn of Vail. t fflity tocrtion6 mu6t be ohlned beftr€ doolno in any pblic rigtttof-*yay or witfiin the Torm of Vall. 4, The Detdoper b €qulred and agrees to $bmit any rcvi*d drdwinga to he utilifies fot reapproml & revedFctlon submitted dans are alter€d in any way after the authorized dgndule dab (unlrq othetwise specficaly noted within ar€a of this form). Devebps's Slgmure F:\cdevtFoRMs\P€mitslPlanningl\DRBu.Jtilty Apprtra|-0&2847.doc ' ilay,23, 2008 7:30Ah4 l'|o. 0326 P. 1 I\\'.II UTILITYAPPRWAL & VERIFICATIOI{ ][ftGlM17 ThiS form serv€s b verify that ttn poposEd inprcr/€rnents wi0 nd lmp6d any odsthg tr troposed utlity serylaes, and aM to verifu. srviE avtilahiBly and locrton for naw consbulion atd dbuld ba ussd h @njunction with p|Eparirq llour uflity plan and sdeddlng irEhllafio|ls, A sl€ Fn, inchftfing qradnq dar. fbor plan, and eb\aliorE $ail be $bmthd b tfie folotii'rE Uilities ficr apF0ral end verincabm. Autisizad SiqnqturE CommetE Oate gvrlE$T 9m.s13.7r89 (td) 97O384.O2r4@ en.ffi7.oTxI(c]tD Caltdds $se Waters swaters@qu€sLcom Ef,(EL HTO{ FNESURE GAs 970.262.4075 (td) 970.458.140r (frx) Cortad: Rldr SsE qs HOLYCROSS ELECTRIC 970.917.9425 (d) 92t945.408r (Ex) Conbd: Jeff Vrofln jwoflI|€tEltsos.srn ETCEL E{ENGY s70.262.1038 (fdQ Contacts: Kit tsogart 970.26U.,f02.1 IGttrdnc 8ogefi EAGIEIIVERWATERA SANITIEMI DISTRICT 97O.476.74gJ(dl 970.476.4(ES (ax) Contacl Fed tladen fluthc@erucdorg aolfilsTcrsrf, 9ru.,|68.266{t e)d. llm fteD 9n.468.262 (fs0 Cqtta(t' Brad Docas kadev-fu ras@ble.coma st.com I|(ITE* M 5-?2-oB L If tne uUw app'o\,al & verification ftrrn hes dgntrures from €ach d tlre ufiSty ornparies, and m cdnl||eFB arc nnde dircdy on tlE ftm,lfie Toivn witr prcsrne thatthere e no profrhfiE and the dsrdoFriert dn prce*. 2' If a dility mqnpary has conaerns wfth ths piopo€€d consbuctlrn, U|€ utlity repftlsenEtive dlan mE directv on $c r.rtiFy ve.ilcaton fom tiat tf€re h a probhm whidl needs b be resolved. Tte is|E *F|.dd tnn be detdbd in an attrcte(letter to thi Tqit t!-ol Wl! Hofiev6r, please @ !n rind tfiat it is the rcsportjHlity df the udity comparry and tre applicarrt to reghre hat[fied problens 3. Thse r€dficdidns do mt ndi:rlE &€ ants cbr of tie respon*ility to otbh I fuHh Way Femit from Ul€ Deparfnent d Publc Wbrls at flte TOvn of Vatr. lliaitv betbns mtE ba obFlnid belbre dqdno h irry E$tic rlft-of4rry tr easernent wftlln tl|e Tom of Vail. Afuildno oermit b nm a Prili: lllay mrmlt and mnrt be obtatred eeoafa,.Edv, The D€wloper i5 rquir€d and agre€s b $ilntany rg\rl*d dnnirEsb fie udhies fur t€-applorral & rs.\€rificatbn if thes|lItlt4. d-an' arc alteEd in arry way after thc autMnd s'rgndure daE (unhes o$€rr,!,be Sedficlly noted within tte amyreot area of thb fam)- Delelope/s Sitmture Dab F:\cda4rcRr4gPenniqPtamirgDftE\d6_ninor_at-U-B-2m5.doc re€gdf3 rV?Jllalos May. 21. 2008 7:49AM lio. 2728 P. I l UilUW APFROVAT & VEN,IFICATION TNs furm s€rvss to vedry that the proposed imffolEmenb wil not impt.t ary erdstlng or pfopoEed udity c€nic€s/ md aho b , verifu xwice aailatrifity and locatim hr n€w €onsbudion and should be usd In onjumtkrn with pepadng your ut{lty plan and schedrllnE tGtallatlons. A slte ptBn, includfrrg grading pbn, flor plan, aM devatlom, shall be sJbmifred to the bEoyving utniUQS for approml and verifiotion. PLEASE ALIOW UP TO 2 WEEIG! FOR APPROYAL OR COMHEI{TS FROM THE WIUTY COMPAI,IIES. If you er€ unable to obhin comments withn h.t tlneframe phaso €onM Tl|e To\fln of Vail. Oewlorer to pwrtda LoI Addrctt fttformafion: ldAddresr!Lot#: AUEstE l€isrdrp Commgnts @ $ilEgr 970.468.6860(teD 970.460.0672(far0 Conhcts: Sam Tool€v samLEl.bohYoSi/est.conl XCEL HIGH PRESURE GAS 970.262.4076 (taD e70.468,1401 {tux} Contacti Rkh Slsnefo6 ridrard.sisneroq@xrdmcgy,cam HOf,YCROSS ENERGY 970.947,5471 (teD 970.945,40Sr (fax) Contacf Diana 6olb ddollr@hofucross.com XCEL Enoryy 970.262.403S (fax) rru.262,4024 {!eD Conbcb: Kt Bogett 5'At.0V EA€LE RIVER TIYAIER & SAN]IfATIO]I DISTRICT 9X1.476.7.180 (tel) 970.475.4089 (fax) Contad: Fred tladee filasleeoen sd.om COHOAST CABTE 970,+10,8218 (H) 9ru.949.9138 (fao Conbct: bOvid Evans davld-sans@ca ble.comcalt.cotn trgIESilf ttre uullty apgwal & verificaaion form has dgnatures frun esdt of tlE ublity cornpanls, and no commenE ar€ ritdo dlr€ctv on the form, or no acuon is taken wftlrln 2 weelc of the Ut[tyt recelpt d Hre form wihout erpladatlon the Tou,n will preurfic that ttpre arc no problems and the dsr€loFndit con fl[aeed.L Jf a utility company has €oncems wldl the Foposed constructlon, the utility repre6enbdve sltall note dlr€cuy on &|e utilitf writication form that there is a problem whkft rEds to be re6oh/€d. The issL€ drould then be dehiled h an attaded letGr to Ul€ Tovrn of \bil. lficwever, Cesse keep il mind *nt it is the responEibifity of the utllltY orTatry and he apdi@tlt to re$h,€ identifted prouems. 3. These veriflcatbns do not tgieve the contnctor of the rE*onsbllify b obtaln a fublc Way permit frcn ttl€ DeparhHt gf puHh Works at the Torm of Vail. Utilltv locatlons must be oblsined befors dioolngt in lny Fublk doht-of-way tr eas€rnent wlthln the Town of Vall. A butHind Der4il irr not i public ltlrav permit t 4. The ooveloper is requlred and agrees to submlt arry levised drav{hgs b the uElitles fur rFappoval & r+wrlflcatkn ir the ,subndtted ptans arc altered in arry way aftu the authoued giEnahrre dab (ud€ss ohenvise specificalf notsd wihio the cooment area of this form). DeYelope/s signaturc 'Qq+ n4ceAAA/Lrt* g-M, L-l&t rn&s'\-lwrt- V^iW .\\\'...r UTIUTYAPPROVALeVERIFICAIION {fl[HKr*, to verify that ttrc proposed trnprovernents yrtll not lmpact any €tdsting or pr@@d utilty 5ervic6, and a$ to . vaify serv,ice availatrility and locadon for new ofistrtrction ard sho.rld be used h @rdutlcEon wli preparlru your utlity phn_and sdrdg1U irs*Uons- A sb pbn, inctudhg Eadng plat, floor plan, and €hrdton:, $al be subrnitted b ttn fdloling difries for apprqral and verifrotion Adhorbed Sionatup Cdnmcnts Oate QWE!;T 9to.513.7189 (td) 970.38{.025{fa) 9rc.687.0722 (el) C.oftads: SEve Waters slEie Ses,com EXCELHIGH PRESSJRE GAS 970.262.4076 (rd) 970.468.140r (fd() Cortad: Rich Sisne,os HdY CNOS ELECTRIC 970.947.9{25 (td) 970,945.4{El (tax) c.ontad: Jeff vr@m ,rcCIm@Ia!ffoscao EXCELEIERGY 9ro.262.,O38 (hx) Cortacts: Klt Bogrt 970.252.1024 KatlEdrE Bogert EAGLE RII'EN.WATR& Sil{fTATTOil DISTRICT 9rc,476,7?tgl (rd) 9 70.475.,1{89 (rax) Contact: Fred lhCee flBslee@enir9d.0rg cor,ElsTcltt"E 97)468.2669 oc. 1100 (d) 970.11&1.2672 (6x) C.ontad: Brd Dorcas 5-J/-o 8 brad€lv*dorcas@cable.cdn(asLcom 'IOTE:L n m utny appronl & verficatlon fio.m h6 Cgnatues from adr d lhe udty @rnperies, and no ccnments arc made dir€dy cn ttn ftrm, freTown wfl pr€qrne that there ae no ptDbkns and the d€rrdotrnent en ploceed. 2. ff a uflity cqnparry has concerns y{ith ttre proped consfudlon, the utilty repre*ntative *|al mte dircctly m tte utlity vedfrcatim fbrn thil '6rerc is a problern which ne€ds b be r6olt ed, The issue $ould then be detaihd h an a&dEd hner tD the Toun of Vail. floilet/et Cease leep in filrd tid tt b OE respondbdity af ttE utility cnparry ard the apdkant b reelve ldenufed probhrE. 3. Thes \ErificdorE do not rdiew the @ntador of the rcspon$ltity to ottain a Puuic Way Pemit tum fie ryattr|ent d fuilc Works * the Tovn of VaiL h arv pub[c rlght.of-wa/ or ealietneflt witldn lfie Tovrn of ViiL I hultdlno ttermit ltr nrt r Pralic tflbv Ennit .ttd mutt bc oblth.d ..o.rd€qf- The Devdoper ls reqdred and agrees to $bmn arry rwled drawltEs to tfie uulldes for rFapptovd & tFvedficatbn if the suhnited flans are aler€d in arry u€y after the authodEd slgnd|[e daE (unhss cdrerwbe spedficaiy nded wltt{n tln co$meft area of thb fom). De\doper's ggnatu€ Frkds^F0Rlts\Pe6ildPlary{n9\DR8\db-tdnor-all 1 1-2}2m5'doc w Page 8 of 13 ru?3no06 -ffi U'ILIW APPROVAL &, VERIFICATIOTI This iottn servs b vertry that the proposed impmlemenb wu mt inFd any existing or prlpoFd rJtility s€wices. ard atso b vedty rfllce a/allabl[ty a]1d loca on hr r€,v corlstsutfon rnd $ould be used in onlundioil wiu| preparirE ]our ltility plan and sdeduling insblladons" A $te plan, indwkg gradng plan. noor plil, rnd elevatio.ls, sfial be $bmded m dre rcnorvini uuities 1br approYd and v€rifi€tlon. PUASE ALtrOW OP TO 2 WEE!(S FOR APPR0T/IL OL COtfrfEr'tTS FROtrt THG UTILITYC{ilP lllEs. If Wu arc urEble to omln dnnsrE lirlB n th* dmeframe pl€as€ conbct Thc Tryvn of Vall. IrerclWer tu hevide ast Addtw Infwnadw: 6mm* l6?V,1,(afl4Ao-- (ir/t s'ur"u*7[dr.flcl'-^lt,.- t*= 12 S-lV-qE , ltprtz.d gionahrre G0nrn!nb EE qwEsT 970.468,6860(beD 97t1.468.0672(fax) &nbcb: Som Tooley sarud-tpdeyoq €st.@m ICEL IIIGII PREX'URE GAs 9ru,262..1076 (teD gm..|5&r'.mr (fax) contad: Rkh slsmIts d$ard -dsneros@relenergv-orn HOLY cnO6S BIERGIf 979.947.X7r(d) 9zl-945.40m (rao Conbd Dtar€ Gofls doollsohdrrdG.com XCE Energy 970.262.4038 (fax) 90.26a{024 (br) Cffffi: lft BogEn Kaf*vtt.8ogertfilxcEtEtlER6f .on EAG1E RIYB, f,IATER A SANTfATIOil DTSfRICT 90.476.74$ (ter) 9ru.476..10s1 (fd) Contae fu Hdee flradee6errsd.oruo$|GlsIcABtE ^eru.4r8.824€ (ie{) | lAm';:giHi* -.[/.b\"1(/iL..'- daride arr bfe-com€st.dn -----7-- TIOIE! L If fu utiny appm\d & Y{|lR€Uon tuil lrdi slgnrErrus frfii dr of Se ub-hy rynpanl€+ ard no ffi||m€nE ds nade drscdym tlE Fd , or m acdon ls taken witr*n 2 }r€ek5 Of ttE U6it/s receipt of S|e fuin wlfioLt oQlanauon u|e To*n wllt presmi that |Jl6e are no proHems rnd the datcbFrEft qt Fd. 2. g d drily erpany hm orems vdir the prcpog cofEtsrrctioG the lldrty regesenteuve *6I note d]tcdr on sE dilittt€n-E@tim brm f|at tl€re ls a rblem sfi"dr needs b b€ re$tErl. The is$a crouH cren be detdied in rr atbdld btbr b tfti Town (f Val. Horve\rer. phae keep h mhd thet lt b the re+oJtdHtry of fE ditty cfinporv ild Ule agdizf to rcsolt e klenttied prublans. 3. Tf:se verfrotiom do not rd'ff tle co.frqpr d $E respoffiboiv b obtaln s fu!ilc way |W fom dle tlepfftment ofRry War15 at E e Ioiln of vail. tttifirv lceHp+r md b orrbinad tratbrc <fooinq fr any nrutc d$lt+f+riy or ea*mert w&lin the Torltn of Vdl. 4Eui6ina perdfr irj|d a Prrblk wfl p€mrit aod mttst bL ottitn€d rsFlrbty..l TtE Dev€loper b rcquir€d ard agrc€e b $banlt any rutsd *awirgs b tlte uditl5 for rs-appro\al & re.,vermca0on if ttla e.omltted plms arc altercd ln any lt'6y anrr tlre a.dro.ized s(ftaure date (tr|less ofterwi* sfdRcany noted wiullir ttre onmert area of tf|lr furm). I Delelopert Stgmture FlcdcrlFoRMsrFerlllitrrPlandn}e|t}RB\utxty F Fprovst o+2e07-dac zo0lrollh srsEc rEvcflos ,0Ttgz60l6 I\rr Lr[. t00Z/ 91/ig 1',| ' ., l , Land Title Guarantee tompany Date: 04-{D-2fi12 To: LDWIS EDWARD WOODINGS 4925 DORSET AVE. CHEVY CEASE, MD 20E15 RE: Vn97lN ' t, April09, 2002 LEWIS EDWARDWOODINGS 4Y25 DORSET AVE. CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 SubJeet: Attacbed Title ConnJtmene 275798 for I'ot 72, ldattetborn ViITage LEWIS EDWARD WOODINGS, Congratulations on yow contact for purchasing the property listed above. Attached please find a copy of land Title's commitment to provide title insurance for your transaction. This commitment consists of three parts: * .gctedute a discloses your namds) as you intend !o take title to the property, the purchase price, your lender and/or loan emount if known at this time, the seller(s) name(s) and the legal description of the property under contract. * Scbedul e B, Saction 7 ( the Requiranae; te ) discloses items that need O be resolved before or at the closing. We have begun the process of making sure these requirements are met and we will contact you if we require any additional information. * Schedule B, Sectlon 2 (Ehe Exceptloae) disclosesotherinterestsintheproperty, such irs easements and covenants, that we will be aking exception to in the title policy. If covenants are listed, copies will be provided for your review. Please be aware that you may receive additiond copies of this title commitment if we receive new information pertaining to your transaction, In the event that you receive subsequent commitments, the changes we have made from the previous version will be underlined so you will be able to easily identify what information is new. In addition, we have also enclosed an informational sheet explaining residential title insurance. Land Title Guarantee Company is proud to partner with your agent, STEPHEN MICHONSKI of PRUDENTIAL GORE RANGE PROPERTIES - VAIL, in this transaction. We will be working as a team to answer your questions, to resolve any issues if they arise, and to complete your transaction by providing you with a friendly and professional closing. Sincerely, Arzana Rucker 65 Market St #4, P.o. Box M20 Fagle, Co 81631 TITLE.LETTER,BUYER F LandTith(;u^ill\lrcl coaf,aanY A Guide to Your Title Policym A forgcry 50 ycars ago. .. A decd cxccutcd und€r dur6s.., An crror by a clerk in thc county rccordcr's officc... A misapplicd tax p8ymetrt... An undisclo€cd bcir that rcsurfaccs tcn ycars from now oad demsods his right6 to your ProPcrty... Thesc are just a few of tbc hiddcl dcfccls tbst could causc you to losc your propcrty. And svcn ifyou don't losc your pro'Pcrty sltogclhd, ccrtain titlc problcms can makc it impossiblc ffi you to scll or svc! givc it away. Thc purchasc of a home msy be the sinSlc largcsl iflcstmcnl you'll make il your lifctimc. You do['t want & problem thrl occurrcd lotrg before you bought your ProPsrty lo dcptivc you ofthc rigDt to u6c or disposc of it, or to iffcct thc valuc of your investmcnt- Ard you don't wsnt lo pey lhc potcotially ruinous costs of dofclrding your propcrty rights in court. A tittc inrurance policy from l-and Titb is your bc8t protcction ageinst polcDtisl dcfccts lblt could rcmain hiddcn dcspile thc mosl lhorough scarch of public records . What is title insurance? Uolikg casualty irrsnrance (sulo, fire, or health insrrsncc, for cxample), wbic.h protects sgaiost fulurc svcnts, titlc iDfursnc€ Protccts a prop€rty o$'ncr or lerdef agsitrsl losscs arising from unk-nown or uodisclo8cd dcfEcts in the past chsin of tillc. Uolikc cosuatty insurancc prcmiums, wbich arc paid h continual inst0ttmcnts (hcuc a lapce in pEyBent may mean I IsP3e or conccllation in co\r'ciagc), a titlc instramc prcmium is a onc-time flat fee rcgurrrd by ihe Division of Insurance and paid ot thc lioe of closi!8. For this otrc-limB prcmium, an o$'rrr's titlc inurancc policy rcmaine in effcct as long as the inswcd or lhc insurcd's heirs rctaio an inlereEl itr tbc Propcrty or hivc ary oblitatiols to warralt thc titlc to thc prop€rty when lhey Edl it. A resllcntial drlc insuralcc policy is likc o ptc{aid lcgEt dcfcnrc asaiost any chaltcngcs to the ilsured's title End will rciobursc tic irurcd fi!8trcislly for sDy losses as i rcsult of hiddcn dcfects io owaership rights. The title company Irnd Tillc GuErantcc Corp8ny is E locally owncd ond opcratcd titlc insurrlrcc agcnt that has bccn serving tie rc$idcntiel rcal estale conmunity in Colorado sincc 1967. I-al|d fitlc is focussd or ltc frturc a!{l thc changing nccds of the Colorado r€al cstrlc mffket, The property search Bcfoac your rcal csrste Eansaction clos6, the tiilc company pcrforms an cxtcasivc scarch of all rccordcd docnmcnts relatcd to the property. Tbc historj, of owncrshh of s spccific pioce of propcrty iE rEferrcd to as rhc 'chain of titlc.' The examination and commitment to insure Expcricrccd title officcs ihcn claminc thcse records to detcrminc tlcir ctfed oo tbe current stattrs of ownership, and I r?ort, rlso cElled a "commiuncnt," is issucd for your reviau. This thorou8h €xaminatior geoerally idcntifies any pending ritle problcms that musl bc clcarcd Pdor to your purchrse of the propcrgr and issuancc of thc policy. Hidden risks If litlc insurance companics work to climiratc risks arld pr?ycnt losscs couBcd by dcfccts in thc litlc b€forc the closing, why do you oecd a titlc inrutonce policy? Because cvcn afler thc most carcful sesrch, some titlc flsws may to undetectcd. Ifere src somc of thc morc common flsws to titlB lhat arc not of rccord rnd tberefore mry not be dircovcled aller B thorough ritlc exaE: I forgcd dccd, rclc{scs, or wills; t othcr gpcs of fraud (fot cxamplc, fslse clrims of ourncrship...falsc impcrsoaalion of the uuc owncr of ahe propcrty,..illcgal scls of admitristr&tors or allorncys); t oodisclBcd or missing hcirs; I docuocnB clecutd under an invalid or cxpircd po$'ci of anorDcy; . misi[trrprctatioff of wills; * dc.ds by p€r8ons of unBound mind; r dccds by minors; * dceds by persom suppodcdly siltlc but ir fact mrrried; t licns for urpaid estslc, irficrilrncc, incomc, or gitl lrxc-s; t mistakF in rcgording of lcgal documcnts. Thcsc problens may havc ariscn at any tirrc during the bistory of ovtrrship of lhc pro'Pcrty but may surfacs at any timc ia lhc fumrc. The commitment requirements Onc of thc Dro8t inrportsnt psrts of tbc property scarch and eIAm is to dctcrminc if thcrc arc aay unrcleaacd licns sttlcbcd to thc ProPerty, or ary unsatisficd judgmentd or tsx lieos against thc cuncnt or prcyiouo owncrs. Any dcfccl agrinrt thc FoPcrty i$ rcfcrrcd to rs a "cloEd on the tide' snd must be eliminaled bcforc thc titlc irxurancc policy can be issucd, Thc€c dcfeols, as wcll as othct requiremcnts (like th€ rccording ofs warranty dccd) thsl must be mct prior to issuance of thc policy, arc listcd as "Rcquircmclt8" ulrdct Schedulc B-l of thc title committtleoi. Your land Titls closcr will wort ctoscly with your rcst cst|le profcssioDl ond/or thc scllcr to ttkc carc of thcse itcms prior closinS. The commitment exceptions In additiotr to thc rcquircocots rhrt mtst bc satisficd prior ro cloeing, thcrc nay bc othct documents tecordcd sgaiost a particutat piccc ot propctty thrt arc considcrcd 'Gasonablc burdcns.' Thcsc items might irlglode rcslrictivc covcnanls, cascmcnts, miosrul rcrrvalioas, or oxcs, or olhcr ilcms lbat rcmain as burdcru on the propsrty rcgardlcss of owFshiP. 0wner's title policy Onc. rlc requircncots havc bccn mct End the closing tal(es plscr on $c tan$ctiotr. Il(l Tittc will issu€ an Owncr'8 Titlc Policy to thc ncn, owrcr of the properer. Tbc sBndard rcsidential policy issued in Colorado is thc ALTA Ortcr's Policy. which prorridcs amplc covcrngc to lhc owncr incMing dl rhe hiddcn risl$ mcntioncd earli€r. D?cndiDg upoo whsrc dlc propcrty fu lsatcd and whcthcr ccrlain conditiols 4ist, yout Rcaltor nsy requcst an OwrEr's Eldcndc<t Cweragc (O.E.C.) Policy for you, wbich will providc thc following additiooal benelils in sddition to thc stErdrd rcsidcntial Owncr's Policy; t Tbc policy amount witl Eutomaticdty imreasc Uy l0% on cacb ol thc first fivc rodvcfsarics of $c policy daie; I Mccbanic's lie! prolcctioD; I Survcy protcctiou . 'Gap" covcragc; . Cov€troot Nrd rFtriction protcction; . Plab lsngosgc policy; Erd . IRS r€pofilng compliancc. I! some arcas of thc aac, Owna's Extandcd CwsraSc is rot avaiLablc ard Urcrcfore lhc sbrdard ALTA Owrrcr's Policy will bc issucd. Upon cxamilariol of titlc 8nd provided cedrBin conditions 8te mct, codorscDcnts msy b€ atEchsd to the sBodard OHocr's Policy rhst providc 8dditioosl covc(sg$ simitar to 66 o-E-c. Policy. Your rcal cstrtc profrssiol!,l can hct, you dclcrmins which typc ofpolicy will prwide thc bcs protcctiors fo( youl pdrticulff sirua$or!. lender's title policy In addition to Oc purchaser of thc propcrty, tb? leder to thc transsction will also rcquilc tidc iuuraucc. Thc buycr gcrually purcha66 a'Mortgagee's Policy' of titlc instnarrc tlut insur€s tbc lcrdcr'B iDlctctt in thc prqcrty and lBn pric'rity. Mosl lcrd€f,s rcquirc titlc inflrr&mc for frc loeo thct makc to tbe purcbssqr urd usually corui&r tbc associatcd corts to be lhc bomowcts. Endorsements Somctimcs I lendff will rcquirc Edditioml covcragcs not lncludcd in thc stardard lardgr poli€y strd will ordcr 'sndorscmcnts' thst provide additionat covcragc. The price for rhesc sndors€mcnts is tilcd with ttc Division of l$ursncc and sray b. s tlat fee or a percanrlg€ of the bssic tirlc iosura*c prcmium, dcpcnding upon tbc risk involvcd in igsuin8 thc covcnSc- As with mo6l costs with the loer, this is usually conEidercd s qost for thc borrower. Somc of tic morc common cndorscmcnts you lnsy sce on yow commitmcnt includc: * Form 100 provi<tcs comprtbcnsivc coveragc for tbc lcldcr indrring rgrinst violatioE of colrcornLs, encroschmcnis of thc main dwEllinS, and thc priority ofthc loan bcing slTcctrd by association licns. a Form 100.29 iDsurcs rgaitst danrgc to thc cxisting improverrcnB rGulting ftom a prcvious owncr cxcrcising thcir right to rcmovc mircralc ftom thc surfacc. t FoIm 115.1 iBurrs that rssociEtion licns will not slfcct thc pdority of lbc loar ard as$rlcs cdq]liaEc iD dcdling with thc fiict right of rcfusat. I Form E.l insurB tbat !o €Dvironmcotrl licns havc bcan filcd witb citber tbc couDty Clqt atrd Rccordcr or with thc U.s- Distict Court. t' [and Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTBIBUTIOI Dafe: 0449-2002 hoperty Address: LOT 12, MATTERHOFN VILLAGE Our Oriler Number: V215798 PRI'DENTIAL GORE RANGB PROPERTIES . VAIL PRI'DENTIAL GORE RANGE PROPERTIES - VAIL 5IT LIONSEEAD MALL 5I1 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL.CO 61657 VAIL.CO 81657 AtTn: I.ARRY AGNEBERG Att[: STEPflEN MICI{ONSFI Pbonc: 97G47G2482 P'norlc: nM7GU82 Fax: 9704766{99 Faxi 9704764499 EIUail: agneberg@ail.lct Setrr Via Couriattr s€nt via couricr.** HARRT AND COI.LEEN GRAY 2672 KNNICKINNICKROAD VAIL, CO 81657 Scnl Vir US Postal Scrvicc LEtrIS EDWARD WOODINGS 4Y25 DOFSET AVE- CHEVY CIIASE. MD I)EIS Sclt Via US Porirl Scrvica IIND TITLE GUAFANTEE COMPANY 65 MARKET ST #4. P.O. BOX 4420 EAGLE, CO EI631 Aitr: Arzaoa Ruckcr Phonc: 9?0-328-5065 Fsx: 970-326-5064 Frrn OB.IVIRY I I ll land Title Guarantee Company YOUR COiITACTS Date: 0449-2002 koperty Address: LOT 12, MATTERHORN VT1IAGE Buyer/Borrower: LEWIS EDWARD WOODINGS Sdler/Orvner: HARRY C. GRAY AND COIJJEN G. GRAY Our Order Number: vn5798 If you have any inquiries or rrcquire firrther assistance, please contact onc of tlre numbers below: For Closing Assistanoe: For fitle Assistance: Arzana Rucker VriI Titlc Dcpt 65 MARKET ST #4, P.O. BA)( 4/.20 EAGLE, CO 81631 IO8 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 Phone: 9G328-5065 P.O. BOx 357 Frx: 9/G328-5064 VAIL. CO 81657 EMail: anrckcr@ltgc,con fuorc.: fl041G225l Fax: 9704764534 Need a map or direttioru for you upcoming closing? Check out l,and Title's web site at wrvrv.ltgc.com for directions to anv of our tlO ofrice locstions. ESTIMATE OF IITLE FEES Alta Owncrs Policy lO-I7 -V2 (Reissrc Rate) Detretion of Sudard Exceptions l-3 (Owoer) Deletion of Standard Exception 4 (Ovner) Tax Report R013530 has been ordered from Eagle Cty €924 . Oo 930 . o0 870 .00 $75.00 TOTAT 9979.00 .PorD Cl tmc?THANK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDER! I {" Chicago Title lnsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. Y27579E Cust. Ref.:Schedule A hoperty Address: LOT 12, MATIERHORN VILLAGE l. Effective Dater March 27.2002 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, anil Proposed lrsured: 'ALTA' Owner's Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: LEWIS EDWARD WOODINGS $460,m0.00 3, The eeta:te or interest in the land described or rrferred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to tle estate or inteftst covertd herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: HARRY C, GRAY AND COI T P511 G. GRAY 5. The lanil neferred to in 'his Comrnihrent is ilescribed as follows: LOT 12, MATTERHORN VILLAGE, ACCORDING TO TIIE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. COUNTY OF EAGIJ, STATE OF COLORADO. "l t ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Secdon I (Requlretnents) Our her No, V275798 The following are the requirernents to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the gtentors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) crcadng the esate or interest to be insued must be executed aod duly filed for record, to-wiu IEm (c) Payme$ of all taxes, cbargos or assessments levicd and assesscrl against the subject premises which are tlue and payable. Ircm (d) Additional reguircmcnts, if any disclosed below: 1. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED JULY 30, 1998 FROM }IARRY C. GRAY AND COLLEEN G, GRAY TO TIIE PTJBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI.E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF KLEIN MORTGAGE, INC., DBA TIIE KLBIN GROI'P, A COLORADO CORPORATION TO SECI'RE TI{E snM oF s288,750.00 RECORDED AUGUST 03, 1998, UNDER RECEmON NO. 6&622. SAID DEED OF TN,USTWAS ASSIGNED TOTIIE BANKOF NEWYORKIN ASSIGNM.ENT RBCOR,DED AUGUST 10. 1999 I'NDERRBCBPTION NO. 705D4. 2. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED APRIL 18. 2OOI FROM HARRY C. GRAY AND COLIJEN G. GRAY TO TIIE PUBUC TRUSTBB OF BAGLB COTJNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE TI{E SUM OF $9O,OOO.OO R3CORDED APRIL 24, 2OOI, UNDER RBCEMON NO. 755353. EXTENSION AND MODIFICATION AGREEMBNT IN CONNECTION WTIH SAID DEED OFTRUST WAS RECORDED DECEMBER 03, 2OOI UNDER RBCEPTION NO.777464. 3, WARRA}ffT DEED FROM HARRY C. GRAY AND COLIJEN G. GRAY TO LEWIS EDWARD WOODINGS CONVEYING SIJBJECT PROPBRfi , THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS l-3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HBREBY DELETED- UPON THE APPROVAL OF TI{E COMPANY AND TIIE RBCBIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAITI, ITEM NO. 4 OF TI{E GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOI,LOWS: {' ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements)Our Order No. Vn 5798 Continued: ITEM NO. 4 OFTFIE GENERALH(CEPT]ONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY IJENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT TI{E REQUEST OF HARRY C. GRAYAND COIIEEN G. GRAY. CHICAGOTMLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABIUTY FORANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK ORMATER]AL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF LEWIS EDWARD WOODINGS. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DEITTED IF LAND TITLE RECORDS TIrB DOCUMENTS REQUIRED UNDER SCIIEDULB B-1. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF AII TA)(ES, TTEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR2OO2 AND SUBSEQTJENTYEARS. MEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B.2 WILL BE DELETED TJPON PROOF TIIAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID IjP TO DATE, L l.' ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions) Our 0rder No. !n57913 The policy or polides to be issued witl contain exceptioru to the following unless the same are ilisposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l Rights or claims of parties in posscssion not shown by ttre public rccords. 2. Eascnents. or claims of easemenls, [ot shosrn by ihc public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage ir area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey atrd impection of the premises would disclose and which arc trot showtr by the public records. 4. Any licn, or right to a lien, for serviccs, labor or materid theretofore or hercafter fornished, imposed by law atr(1 not shownby the public records. 5. Defecs, Iiens, encumbrances, aclvcrse claims or other matters, if any, crcated, first appearing in the Frblic records or attaching subsequent to tbe effecdve alate herBof but prior O the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the esatc or i erest or mortgage thereon coveretl by this Comnioent. 6. Taxes or special ass€ssnents which are not shown as cxisting liens by the public records. 1. Liens for uqlaitl satcr aDd sewer charges, ifany. E. Itr addition the oumer's policy will be srbject to the mortgage, if any, noted ia Section I of Schedule B hcreof. 9. RIG}IT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOI]LD TITE SAMB BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TI{B PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RBCORDED OCTOBER 04, 1918, IN BOOK 93 ATPAGE 301. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCI{ES OR CANAIJ CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TIIE UMTED STATES AS RESERVED IN t'NTIED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04. 1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3OI. 1I, RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE ORREVERTER CLAUSE. BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, ]F ANY, BASBD ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 20, 1963, IN BOOK 178 AT PACE 263. 12. EASEMENT GRANTED TO VAIL VILI.AGE WEST WATER AND SANITATION DIS]RIET FOR A WATERTREATMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTtsM AS CONTAINBD IN ]NSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 22, 1971, IN BOOK 220 AT PAGE 326, 13. TEN FOOT EASEMENT ALONG ALL SIDE LOT LINES NOT ABUTTING ROADWAYS AS RESBRVED ON TI{B RBCORDBD PLAT OF MATTBRHORN VILLAGE. !\' a, ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. Vn5798 The policy or polieles to be issued will contain exceptions to tbe following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 74. RIGFT OF WAY EASEMEM AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., INC., IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEFTEMBER 21 , 1976 IN BOOK 248 AT PAGE 887. 15. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF ORDER OF INCLUSION BY TITE UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANTIATTON DISTR]CT RBCORDBD AUCUST 25. 198I IN BOOK 328 AT PAGE 174. 16. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF ORDER INCLIJDING SUBJECT PROPERTY IN TI{E VAIL VILLAGE WEST WATER AND SANTTATION DISTRICT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 07. 1973 IN BOOK23O AT PAGE 97. 17. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF ORDER INCLUDING SIJBJECT PROPERTY IN THE VAIL VILI.AGE WEST FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT RECORDED SEPfEMBER 19. I'3 IN BOOK23I ATPAGE 143. 18, EASEMENIS, RISERVATIONS AND RESTRICTTONS AS SHOV/N OR SET FORTII ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF MATTERNHORN VIIJ.AGB. 19. ENCROACHMENT OF SHED, FENCE AND RETAINING WAIL INTO EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON MPROVEMENT LOCATION CBRTIFICATE PREPARED NOVEMBER 14, I99T BY JOHNSON, KUNKEL & ASSOCIATES, INC,, JOB NO. 91443. 20. ENCROACHMENT OF STAIRWELL AND RETAINING W'ALL ONTO MATTERHORN CIRCLE AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMEM LOCATION CERTIFICATI PREPARED NO\EMBER 14. 199I BY JOHNSON. KIJNKEL& ASSOCIATES, INC., JOB NO. 91,{43. 21, EXISTING I,EASBS AND TENANCIES. i,',,1 l'i LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAIiI' DISCLOSTIRE STATEMENTS Note: Purstant to CRS I 0-l l -122, notice is hereby given that: A) The sobject real property may be located in a special taxi$ district. B) A Cenificate of Taxes Due listing each nxing jurisdrction may be obtained from ihe County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The informadon regardirrg spccial alisficts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from &e Board of County Comnissioners, the Courty Clerk ald Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Eftective Septembcr I , 199?, CRS 30-10-406 requires tlut all docrmcnrs received for recording or filing in tle clerk anil recortlcr's of6ce shall contain a top nargin of at lcast one irch and a left, rigbt and bortom margin of at least one half of an inch. Tbe clerk and recorder may refitse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the rcquirement for thc top margin shall not apply o documants usiog fonrs on which spacc is provided for recording or filing information at the tcrp margin of th documcnt. Note: Colorado Division of Inzurance Rcgulations 3-5-l, Paragraph C of Anicle VII requires frat 'Every ritle entity sball be resporsible for all matters which appear of rccord prior to tle time of rcmrding whenever the title entity conducts thc closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documenb resulting from the ransaction which was closed". Provided tbat IlDd Title Guareruee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction aod is responsible for recording the legal documents ftom tbe trarsaction, ercq>tion mrober 5 will not appear ou the Owner's Title Poliry and the Lentlers Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lictr protection for the Owler may be available (typically by ddetion of Exception no. 4 of Schedute B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owncr's Policy to be issued) npon compliance with tbe followirg conditions: A) The land described in Sctredule A of rhis conmiment must bc a shgle frmily residence which ircludes a condooinium or @\mhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have becn firmishcd by mccbanics or matcrial-men for puqroses of construcdon on the land described in Sc.hedule A of this Cosmitment within fie past 6 mofths. C) The Company must receive atr appropriatc afEdavit indcmnifying the Company agaiqst uu-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive paymeot of thc appropdale prunium. E) If there has bccn comtrucdon, improveorents or major repairs uodcrtaken on the Fqpcfiy o be purchased within six months prior to ihe Dale of the Commiment, the requirements co ob'ain covenrge for unrecorded liens will imlude : disclosure of cerain construction information: financial idormation as ro the seller, the builder and or the coffractor; paymelt of the appropriatc pr€mium fully executed Indemnity Agrerments satisftctory to thc compant, and, any adrlitional requircments as may be recessary after an exarfnation of the aforesaid inbr-ation by ihe Company. No coverage will be given uder any circumshnces for labor or material for which the insurerJ bas conrracted for or ageed o pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS 1O-1 1-123, notice is hereby given: A) That there is recorded evidence that a nineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surfacc esate and that there is a substantial likelihood ttlat a third party holds some or all htcrest in oil, gas, othcr mincrals, or gcothcmcal cncrgy in the properry; and B) That such mineral estate Ioay include the rigbl to eoter ald use the pmperty without the surface owner's permission, This notice applies to owner's policy commitrnens containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptiors, in Schedule B, Sectiou 2. Nothing herein containcd wrll be deemed to obligatc fte company to provide any of the covemges referred to herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied. Form DI SCLOSURE Flom: To: Dab: SubJecG GG: John, Chrls Delles john.martin @enturytel, net oslzVz0O8 2:09 PM Woodlngs ResHence Bill Gibson; Tom Kassmel I rcch,€d tfie evi*d slte dan and Public Worlls sdll has a @ude bsues, 1. A orrb qit debll at the end of the propce<l dtlvemy may be tsed In plae of a onoete pan. Thls would crcab a sn@$er transltbn b€t$rcen tfie o(isung curb and gutter on elher dde. 2. fubllc Worl(s b r€$esfing U|at tr|e endrc gra,el parldng arca on the north slde of tlp prcgelty be remo,€d dne ad€q5te pa*ing ls bel.lg provlde wlthln prcpety bqfitar|es. Orrb and gutbr b not odsung, and lt wlll need b be Installed as rYell. Rrblh Works b not Apoaed to an impmved entranc b the stalilralr, but lt ls rry befief that the prcpoed pfrEr ar€ wlll enourage paddrp wlthln ttE Tou,n rEht of w6y. Thank you for your cooperatbn, Chrb 12. JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY tridelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July 1, 2fi)l We recognize and resDecr ahe Drivacv exDectations of todav's consumers and &e requirene s of applicable federal and state Driiacv laws. Wb believd frat riakiiu vou awiue of fow we use your non-Dublic personal infofurarion ("Personal Inforinatiori"). and to whom it is discloseil. -will fomr t]re basis for a r-elationshiil of mist beseen us ald the oublic that we sewe. This Privacy Statement provides tbar explanadon. We reserve tld right ro c.hange this Privacy' Starcment ftom dme t<r dnie consistenf wi& applicable^privacy laws ln the course of our business, we may collect Personal Infonnation about you from the following sources: From aoplications or other forms we receive from vou or vour authorized rcotese ative: From ybiu aansactions with, or from the sewices 6eing p6rformed by, us, oru affiliates, or othen;Frm irur iuernet web sites:' From the public records maintained by govermeDtal entities that we eifter obtain directly ftom those entities. oi fton our affrliates or otheisiand From constmer or other reporting agencies. Orr Policies Regarding the Protection of the Contidentiality and Security of Your Personal Infornration We meinrain Dhysical. electronic rnd Drocedlal saftzuards to Droted vour Penonel Infomation from unauthorized acc€ss or inrlsion. We limit acccss d the Pcrsoml Iiformatioi onlv o those emtlovees who need such access in connection with providing producrs or services to you or for other lagitimate busineis purposes. Our Policies and Pradices Regarding the Sharlng of Your Personal Information We may share your Pcrsonal laformation with our affiliates, such as insuance companies, agenls, and other real estatc setdcrneit srrvice providers. We also rnay disclose your Personat Information: to aseob. brokas or rcpresentadves to Drovidc vou witr services vou have reauested: to tfird-pary contracbis or sewice prdriders wbo provide servic* or perfomi markitirg or other functior,is ori our behalf: and to ot\ers witb whom wd entcr into joint markcting agre€meots for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addidon we will disclose your Personal Information when vou dircct or eive us nemission. whetr we are reouired by law to do so. or when we suspect ftauduleDt or criminal acfivities. We also mav tisclose vour Personal lnformation when o{herwise DenilitEd by appiicable orivacy laws zuch as. for exahole. wheir disclosure is needed to enfdce our rights arising our of aay l$e-dnent, uransadion or relationslrip with you- O. ne gf tlg im_ portant responsibilitics of somc of ow effiliated companies is to record docrrments in the public domain Srrch-tlocuments may contain your Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Inforrnation and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Cerain states afford you the right to access your Personal Infomation and. under c€rtaitr circumstances. to 6nd out to whom your Persoial lnforrnation has beeir disclosed. Also. certain states afford vou the dsht to reouest cprrection, amendmerrt or deletiop of your Personal hformatipn. We reserve the ri!,ht, wherE permittad by law, todurge a reasonable fee to cover the criss incurred in resporrling to su(ft reguests. - All.rqquests submittcd-q qre Fidelity_ Na-tional.Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title bsurance Cornpany shail be in writiDg, entl delivered to-the followi4 ad&ess: Privacv Comoliance Offi ccr Fideliw Nati6nal Financial. Inc. 4050 Calle Real. Suire 220 S?nra Barbara. CA 931 l0 Multiple Proilurts or Services [f we prolide you with more than one fiuncial product or servicc, you may receive more rh"n one privacy notieIrom us. we aporogrze tor any tnconveruence dlrs may cause you. Form PRI V. PoL. CN I TILE COPY Departmmt of Community Deuehpment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cohrado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 utwu.uailgoa.com May 1,2008 John Martin, Architect PO Box 4701 Eagle, CO 81631 RE:Wooding Residence (DR80801 26) 1694 Matterhorn Circle/Lot 12, Matterhorn Village Dear John, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the design review application for the proposed additions to the Wooding Residence located 1694 Matterhorn Circle. The following is a summary of the preliminary comments from this review: 1. Submit Utility Company Approvals and Verifications. 2. The exterior parking spaces must be shown with a 9'x19' box, rather than 9'x18'. 3. The proposed driveway must be extended a few feet to accommodate all three parking spaces that are required for this residence within the proper$ boundaries. 4. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit will be required for all existing and proposed improvements within the Geneva Drive and Upper Matterhorn Circle Right-of-Ways. 5. The existing non-conforming gravel parking lot must be removed from the Town of Vail owned Upper Matterhorn Circle Right-of-Way, and the area must then be re-vegetated. Curb/gufter must also be installed to connect the two existing curb/gutter segments located on either side of the existing gravel lot. 6. The new mechanical flue must be painted to blend with the new roof materials. lf you have any questions or comments, feel ftee to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173 or via email at boibson@vailqov.com. Sincerely, 4Z.a--.22. Bill Gibson. AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {glu"or*r*r, Page I of I Bill Gibson - Woodings Renovation (DR8080126) -items completed From: 'John G Martin"To: "'Bill Gibson"' ,Date: 0512712008l2:32PN4Subject: WoodingsRenovation(DRB080126)-iternscompleted CC: "'Ted Woodings"' Attachments: "'TedWoodinss"' HtBiil. With the attachments you will find all the items completed. All items in the following lists have been compleled. Items in red will be at time of permit submittal. Please alert me to the staff approval unless you have anything else that you need completed. Also, please let me know if you need paper copies of any of lhis submittal. John. 328-0592. 1. Submit Utility Company Approvals and Verifications 2. The exterior parking spaces must be shown with a I'x19'box, rather than 9'x18'. 3. The proposed driveway must be extended a few feet to accommodate all three parking spaces that are required for this residence within the property boundaries. 4. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit will be required for all existing and proposed improvements within the Geneva Drive and Upper Matterhorn Circle Righfof-Ways. 5. The existing non-conforming gravel parking lot must be removed from the Town of Vail owned Upper Matterhorn Circle Right-of-Way, and the area must then be re-vegetated. Curb/gutter must also be installed to connect the two existing curb/gutter segments located on either side of the existing gravel lot. 6. The new mechanical flue must be oainted to blend with the new roof materials. (From Chris Delles) 1. A curb cut detail at the end of the proposed driveway may be used in placc of a concrete pan. This would create a smoother transition between the existing curb and gutter on either side. 2. Public Works is requesting that the entire gravel parking area on the north side of the property be removed since adequate parking is being provide within property boundaries. Curb and gutter is not existing, and it will need to be installed as well. Page I of2 Bill Gibson - Wooding Response From: "John G Martin" To: "'Bill Gibson"' Date: 05116120081:16 PM Subject: Wooding Response CC: "'Ted Woodings"' Attachments: "'Ted Woodings"' Hi Bill. I am responding to the items in the preliminary comments dated May1, 2008 (DR8080126). The revised plans are attached as a DWF file. Please let me know if you will be requiring paper copies as well. We plan to submit new colors and materials and light fixtures by Tuesday of next week (one day before the meeling). Please advise if you need this information sooner. 1. Submit Utility Company Approvals and Verifications. Response: I have contacted the utility companies and the responses are starting to trickle in. I hope to have them all by the DRB meeting next week. 2. The exterior parking spaces must be shown with a 9'x19' box, rather than 9'x't8'. Response: The site plan has been revised to show 9x19 boxes for parking spaces. 3. The proposed driveway must be extended a few feet to accommodate all three parking spaces that are required for this residence within the property boundaries. Response: The driveway on the site plan has been revised to accommodate 3 parking spaces within the property boundaries. 4. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit will be required for all existing and proposed improvements within the Geneva Drive and Upper Matterhom Circle Right-of-Ways. Response: We will respond to that item at time of Building Permit application. 5. The existing non-conforming gravel parking lot musl be removed ftom the Town of Vail owned Upper Matterhorn Circle Rightof-Way, and the area must then be re-vegetated. Curb/gutter must also be installed to connect the two existing curb/gutter segments located on either side of the existing gravel lot. Response: The gravel area on the site plan and on the site-demo plan has been revised to demonstrate the removal of the gravel parking lot. The curb and gutter are already continuous at that location and do not need to be replaced (to the best ofour knowledge). 6. The new mechanical flue must be oainted to blend with the new roof materials. Response: The mechanical flue on the drawing 2/A4 West Elevation has been updated to read: New mechanical flue to replace existing angled flue. Paint to blend with roof. Page I ofltr Bill Gibson - DRBOS-0126 (Wooding) From: David Rhoades - F';cc' To: Bill Gibson Date: 0413012008 3:40 PM Subiect: DRB08-0125 (Wooding) Approved. This is the property I Red TaggEd a ferrr years 4o for a remodel that was naner appnwed. Davld Rhoades Fire Inspector Vail Fire and Emergency Serulcs 970-477-34il drhoades@vailgov.com file://C:\Docum€nts and Settings\Administator\Local Settings\TempUGgrpwise\481892... 04'13012008 From: To: Date: Subject: Chris Delles Bill Gibson 0s/27120081:29 PM Woodings Renovation t- Publz- Uoal'r Bill, Everything looks good. PLANNING CHECK SHEET Property Address 1694 Matterhom Circle Parcel #2103123132037 Leqal Description Lot 12, Matterhom Vil lage Development Site Area Ac 0.302 Sq Ft | 13,155 Buildable I nla Zonins,/ SDD #Two-Family Primary/Secondary (P/S) Land Use Designation Low Density Residential Kn own Non-Conformities n/a Previous Approvals nJa HazardZones Sections 12-12. 12-21. 14-6 &. 14-7 Snow Avalqnche nla Debris Flow nla Rockfall nla Excessive Slopes (Site Disturbance l2-2 1- 14 ) nla Floodplain nla Wetlands YAI n/a Creeks, Streams Section l2-14-17 Setback nla Proposed nJa Sidewalks/ Trails nJa uont rct Information,', l Planner/ Date BG 05/29/08 Owner Contact Info Ted Wooding Primary Contact/ Owner Representative Info John Martin 328-0592 Proiect Description Addition Land Use Application(s) #DRB080l26 Proposed Uses (As defined by Zoning) S ingle-family dwelling Permitted, Conditional, Prohibited? Permitted Date Routed/ DRT Meeting Commercial Floor Area Existing nla Proposed nla Gross Residential Floor Area (Chapter l5) Total Allowed 5,798 -Existing -Proposed 2,433 | +Credits Primary tla -Existing Demo -Proposed nJa | +Credits Secondary 0 -Existing 0 -Proposed 0 | +Credits Total Remaining 3,36s Primary Total Remaining nla Secondary Total Remaining not permitted 250 or Interior Conversion?n/a Setbacks (perimeter) Proiections 14-10-4 Front 20 Prooosed or YA{Y Side l5 &l5 Proposed or YA'{Y Rear l5 Proposed or Y/N Y Minimum Lot Area/Width Required 14,000 Proposed or YA'i nla Site Coverage % Allowed 2,631(20o/o)o/o Proposed 1,528 (12%) Building Heisht Allowed 33/30 Proposed e.psY lto%) Landscaping Sections l4- l0-8 & l4-10-9 % Required 7,893 (60%)o/o Proposed le;667 (S'190 Plant size 6' ,2",5 gal.Proposed Y Fences nla Proposed nla RetainingWalls Sec. 14-6-7 Heieht Allowed 6 Proposed Y Setback 2 Proposed Y Driveway Sections l4-3-l & 14-3:2 Max Curb-cuts 24',Proposed Y Max Slope t2%Proposed Y MinWidth 12'min Proposed Y Heated YAI N Drive Material Pavers Snow Storage o/o 3tr/o Proposed 30o/o+ Parking Sections 12-10 & l4-5 Spaces Required J Proposed 3 Loading nla Proposed nla Lighting Section 14-10-7 Allowed l3 fixtures Proposed l0 Waste Management Section 5-9 Wildlife Proofl Resistant nla Screened nla Screening Sections 14-10-9 & 14-10-10 Required Proposed Y Roof Material Sections lz-ll-30 & 14-10-5 Complies YA{Y Building Separation Section 14-10-6 Complies YA'{Y Adopted View Corridors Complies YA{nla Utilities (Location, easements) Section 14-10-10 Y Grading (Less than 2:1) Section 14-6 Y Development Impact Fees /Employee Housing nla Mitigation Trafic Impact nla Art In Public Places nla Notes { -)C)ll ilt-;- 1O -) i''\ .!*=!-, i;li.l '.1rt; +f .;' tgr,- : t, \- i.,4itr{isrllf #frry . }itrlt i:.i,fHdi rr'l; if,i$l ,, l| * Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970,479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: WOODING RESIDENCE Project DescripUonr ADDITION Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DRB l{umber: DR8060478 OWNER WOODINGS, SAMIRA 4923 DORSET AVE CHEVY CHASE MD 20815 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LL1O/09/2006 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 ARCHmCT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHmCT LL10/09/2006 t0l0912006 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 1594 MATTERHORN CRVAIL Location: 1694 MATTERHORN CR Loh 12 Block: Subdivision: MATTERHORN VILI-AGE RL # 2L03-L23-t203-7 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah LU2I/2006 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (Pl-AN)r DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO Ocs OG O6 OO:O4p RobeFr D.le GorJlrJqrrir: Dccrilfi..atbf.qIr+ faca66ottc lt;-lf.ftc ft, @orGqnrnerc,bl Nl4t Appficadon tor Dec[n Reyiil,TVTiXtrFan7 ,,ffiffiffi.' e, rmrn,a;B b ttl{rlr.rrfl p.2 9?O-9?S-23?6 p.3 f*nr.qtEtr r ttqGqli=f,f:EtFrcr s|IrrE!wF.n!rFrbrrofiune a ldtsE Filr|0c|.rlrlr. aaGa |€r. b- ltst rlbt cqiurrr br r- FaL;diii-dl;;ilr4 ;.n Tr**.q 5. gg*f, R."tI drot bc.qFd.r,| d Errtrt irbron e rrefsi .'f. C-rilE;o ue crru ur sri-rin-ii"E -qlc u,. -rrii6-jtttr | :q F--- -a-"u.*-G:cia _ r_d|l. lrrrit_ r-d r..: 2 ll:?l4l? e3a(@rd €rlE co. b er erorpttr/rl br Frct m.)zcr*v %lllrc,fr,Al rartr(rl otfuje 4prt i -51^r.l ro r. r. r^^n,r\,-, nrfrf erfrr-t Ucw o C o v @ X.-dftbc Hrtnjld*r:e Errd^.ts* Ttt dfdc'.raFlG El 99|G O Cotrclptd&aAr D Xar@.l!|ri!bolI, r|[hl tr flnaAtsratba(rn$ff{I/qtfi.]Gbl) tr li|orfbtbo(irry(rdso B Ong.r o^grcmd fbE E Scortrr---r' f5o lltfr0pcrqnrbo3otF{nna. Io fac $9 tuq|ru|rrt|td. r! h*r9a.rdr!0llrl3qt Fr r ..lbr *rc :qq!- 66e.=i3-tCC o .ny r.dar6{ orcrcal lrftrg (ras 60 rlirr r ler**iit rU.t tii Fi' r.ru {.N:r c afrg,g * m-rrrq,-rfr'I,sll prtrr *rnri .frnq, n,efr; ffiro nbhhs*raEtal fu |tJlrd|!|!:s tD Lrtr'3.qt st! -f.rr+ rrh I'-Tdttg gtng, r':u 1116"+;6[4a;G!t-rr .o 9t*,aE$D I-.rGtslE. b llrc .ftdr.F.rl , nrxrhg Ef a dr DGtgllntrrtoNd.bflcS.Frerfqttr *lt'i't'lf'}*t*'l***fl+l+*t+'t{'t+**********t*****++*ll*{'*++*'}+f+*ftta'+++f+a*************+********** TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Statement 'af**al******raaaa++f****+*f+f't*'}***l****+++**lt{.{.++'}*++*t+++++++++******++++f*fff+*t********* Statenerrt Number: Ro5o0O155? Arnounts ! $300.00 to/09/200603222 PM Payment MeEhod: Check IniC: iIS Notation: 104o/RocKY MT CAD SERVICES Permit No: DF4060478 T!pe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2LO3-f23-]-203-7 SLte Addre8s: 1594 MATTERHORN CR VAIL I,Ocation: 1594 MATTERHORN CR This Palment: $300.00 Total Fees: $300.00Total AIJIr Pmta: $300.00 Balance:$0.00{'*'}*t++*****l******+******l***f+'}+*'t**+****++*******t************'}***********alt**+*+******tt ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription Current Prnts DR OO1OOOO37\22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 ee rr._rr€ Ocs OS ('6 Og:Otp RobcFr Dllc 9?O-9?6-?3?6 rOHJ\I ADOTIIOIS . RESDilIIAT OT. OI'XTETGIAL$,lslT11rBQunn|tr|ls Gndlftmor: P.3 p.a I:.qt:Fn a rq"d br { po#_irdiE tE ui'n dGrfii (grc '"saalril tuo,Ht,H -FEnCirfrG O A|t pTs of Appbrion b @flptsErJ €lElcrbdpd-rd,icEo : =l|.{ToEnpflcs|nc},*!9 Slc and Gfrdrt FhFE unasc pb; Gl ^rEttarJ ffirBi(f stdk:sl dantbrsfo EtErbrobrrorui-ro:rdrFc#fr;_ wltL pFrNb ro MEzfruh H f=!=grg!*' tr'iorcct-6ll*t = ysnc Ea.f adclHtds) b FlFca mncr.J :q- lcft -rlttg ffitAA I bG|troEnrgfi)ad et|r ErB phorc ddr onre-.i:.l.4prctli.ili ir.r" aoAe.1fi}wnctt _+rod furr a oooirrm €o6a|n bn 15{4 .nd roht oiir.r, rr .Poha&O ffidga.t He||dnlDo't,tilDtbt:t-r- -tE ^.Fl|btrir !!!q DT mr rqrie dc efu|-_irn d dlirn t gta|E,f+t<triT+ jFfur!' qcrricrr'ni (Hff'. r{p.{.{) t (bndFrcry b.rEirrE tgq : D.oF.t dt @'!a| jrh Ei, qrudfc" a r oc-rrat t drFoFa B ffr .htr, hiEtE.fiL.r.rrl-rbE @ ^tt'* J* **rdfl -.gr (r,.t'tu lEbr c.i'rlrr|r rft, F_gqntL(G,. t'! eafitrat |lrlr,srEE hclJ& a =."9 of @E rr gwo- lfrtc a ;Er rpF!,€l fiom.ffi''.rm *rin bnfid, id rdr ;t; -;-dtr I t G.rdrdrrirbd th &n hdrldtbl nftn:Gc H CloarCletn hstrd .Db F:@t{}tcrlrrc he.3dl1 rvzr/rbs Buildino Materhls Roof SidirE Other Wall Materiab Fascia Soffits Windows Wirdow Trim Doo|s Door Trim Hand or Deck Raib Flrcs Flashing Chimneys r.lf,rTrash Enclosurcs NA Greenhorces Nll netaining wak Exterior LightirE Other totes: PROFII'SED IIATERIAIS Tvoq d l|abrirl uJ60> - u)oop IIoOD Color NAI1FAL TfiNA oLlwtc v=At 7oS Pftek K=p oLVi.(flL saNit -705 hI\\MftL 4M\ 165 /. l^Jli.\INIJUI) NNO NOoD woo> FL$T T4, AcL NATUFA> PATIN* srucco(coer..zv,zs-ilfg*tJ",o,* wun=_f ilar err/ ilmuat Nz clrr l\rrpu rJrtnRCe. tFod Please specify the rnan'facturel's mnre, the color rame and rumber and attach a color ch,p. $ttu ffirl)6 Coace** f6 MzzTtp1 aoPfc&- - 5f^,|{DtN4 Se 4 F:\odev\FoRl,E\FemttswamiqDRB\db_dcbn_l r_23-2fi E.doc P4teTof 14 rv23n0[5 SILIERTHNT€ |f v Fax:197046t)1401 UTtLl?Y AP?f, OVAL I VERIFICATIOX 6Mtbt 7|tE P.g2 schedulirB installations. A gta daf, in*&rg qradirE plan, f,oor gn, and elenHod, shan ue sutinideo to ire nor:nriiri aifittsfitr approval aM vE ifica0o.L Aufiortsad slo trr Go.ner.nb qAts QWEsT 9rc.sr3.71.89 (tel) 970.384.02s7(Fc() 970.687.0722 (cdD Contacts: $ere lVfhrs sr,r.#{r@Offi.cun EXCET IIIGH PTESS'R,E gIS em26z40x (d) e70.{68.1401 (fad Cmtact Rkh Silneftt' HOIY CFOSS ltGcTRtc 970.947.X25 (rd) 970.94S.4Sr (rd) Codtd: .leff VrE(n ivrod|t@holyt'o'ss,efll ETCELEERCT 970.262..1038 (fax) Contacts: Klt Bogilt 970.262.102{ Xathrine Bogert EAGIC RIYER.UATEI Tsl|rrTtrloil DISTRICt 970.+76.7480 (H) 97O. {76.{089 (fu) Contae fed fl*e fhadceo.r$rsd-gg Cof'fi ST ci8t.C 970.{68.2669 clc rr@ Gd) 97or6a'2672 (td, Contacn &ad Dil'crs /6.6.bb Fradef v dmlaabhroma.cn f,D:ITS: 1. If the utflty apprt'l,al e vE iticadar lbfi has s'gn6uJres fiqn €ach of tE uttfity ciIlpanieg and no cornntr s rE madc dirccttym ttt€ form, tJlc Twr will Fcsrrne $rat trpre are 'p problerm and 6t€ dev€bFn ttt an goqe* 2. tf a Lftllity onpany has qrerns wrth ttE rcf*d corEh.(tlcr, ttrc uttlty .cpresenffiye sh.ll de dlcctty m ttL rjdltgt€tiltcatbi fttm $rt ttEe b . faafem u'trii reds to be rcshrd. itrc fsue sirqro uren te Oetililed h an #d€d la:ttEr b fttTrlvn_ot vall. ibfiErnt, pfras lreep h mind UEt it is ttre respo|r3bility of ttre Lduty ampany and the apCiht to resolveidentified probbmr 3' These ve.ificationl do not rdtsrre tfio contr&br of tt€ respondtilty to obtah . R tlc fty hff*t from tf|c DepaffrEnt oftubfc Wf,Ls at the To'm of \ral.in any pblt rllt-of*tay f eaeementwid:ln $c Toun d \t l. m-iifrr;i.3ruer 1ot_erfly t trt tha prop@d intro,sientg h,i rd irnpact.ny eristrng or gopd dnry servtces. and atso tovcrily scrvice at tibbiliy and bdton fu rs onstrrttcn and shotld'b€ rrsai It o.rlrrnaion't*rr ,regariqg yeur r.ttrv p€n and Th€ Dareloper ls requjrcd ard agrfie5 to grb,rit iny rwiscd drawlrys to the uultues br r*pprual & re-vcrificathn if theelbmttted d-an5 at€ ahercd h any rrw atbr Sre a$orilcd Con*tre date lunls otrcnrrse ipecncdV a&d witfiln the cofimeritffea of thk furm). Dewlopefs Signdre t)rG P4E9d14.F:\cd€r^Fonfi nFermltslpl.rnhgpR8ldb d[6on. tl-23-20tFdoc r'tltu2005 0cr-05-2006 0e:51 Frr{RfSD t70.73t0t9 T-357 P 00r/00r F-3r3 SID 164 '?S,,,^*-r..rYBrFE rlorl 10ril,lf'fi!^Z This brm rcrvcs bwf,y 0af ft popoca ing|um*ts;n na fnpact rry ai*ilg or prFed usty srtit3 and abo !0 v€rw 'cflicr?.&ilttandlocahr lbrpqgrdon ru*uff bcllsthsrindon vathp'Wtrn forrdaty ftnand$lrolirg i&5tErr Ai'E Fn, adrlr0 grdE dnf frrf4 .|n dGdUE, fl brffi !}tlr bk*B rdidcgft..f||)rlairrtihin f$rf-a,l||hrnrr cqrrntr Oar QWSr 9m,st3,7tct (!rl) 970.38+0254fcx) 970.fa7,U2,(dl ComcE: Se Vlbbrs r:r.::ri!rs:i. rl. i:tsii r.: i:i;.: ErcCL tg-il Pttl|rtc cts 90J6a{Ir6(d, Cro..t68.r{01 (fd)S.rrltuosiqsc XCYGN6gffTIE rr0s?.'42sod) Eo.9.5.{0u(h)Cmc! .lf t rdr ;l'.'.,.?: :l1l*-,". ;t(#.a J'r.l &ELSHGI 9D,262.,O3t(h0 CcFcts: lot BoDrrt 9i0.52.{02i K.E lrhc Bogtft TreLE;IVET;ATEIIsrf,Irrnol 9lsTEre70.r78.7s(d)En.{'Effi(t''', Cqrc-t ru H-.. i.ir'$e'- .i i."tci:, a:r srctsf cll: 9?|0.{SEJESG.L ltm(ts}er!.{aA6z2(tu) Contrc trt Ib.6 &o+ 1' lf 0x trtilty rppoe & ntfdon bflt tE {tilrrs fur cn ot tr r& Gdrpfia+ lrd tn dw5cnE 311 tnc311 (ffiyon $c lbm. rtrTon il Fcsmc nrmcac-m p*nr oO-U: Caafrig:A Gi!.e --' z' tr a u$rt carFtt trc ootE rE r|!i tIE ,r€ ccsrdbg dE |4 |rFlrlrrabf sl|i rE d||Ecd,t ar 6c uriyvgiftatbnfumcr*dr'risaF[.*u,nirion-rc*1, rrE i-r srg& hn b. dq-b.l hm an ctd tsE? b rheroin of y.t. Hori?, ced tq h dd ltr - t6c-;;;-h; dr. .C;;ffi; rh. ?ph.nt F ,rorrci.lnd|hdC?dcmi. ::j f f .:i"- fiar:..::il. ri:.ri ,r : 'F ::,i.-.iij lcEr *.HHLTg3:5*-kTg5T bddre^.tsHrffilsrrlEDle-in'r?oth.bla vb.s * dr Tqr otrraa.hat Fak ttll#rtorrrearutiitt$ tlrTo[r Ot tfl. thc oewloF. S rrrrntrt nd {|'!es bgr!fi1ry 't AI (tilhs ro 0|c rr*trs k 'Gpprurl t Fyqirca&n if tha1Pry9.4tr |EeEeo n rrvnveuocafosar-rgrr;o:(rrr;-d;tfi;& ,rmd rffrn thc corrn nmadln|shnrr). F:@r&2r_G-&G Errf rl nNt ?txtugt 6 tlome I Customer Service I My Account I Help I View Cart Shop ByBrand Shop ByRoom Shop ByTheme Outdoor Walt Sconces Manufacturer Model: 917 ., r , 4t -Lrgtrpngt xr€ct shop By Type Page I of I I Call Toll Free: (8OO) 3 Site S€a, lsearrh entire s Enter seardt brm Hom€ > Outdoor Lighting > Outdoor Wall Sconc€s > 917 Dolan Designs + zoou rrr r recvinur l|lt $ 0r.., Pictured In Vintage Ircn Image Dtsplayed may dtffer front actual product appearance/ especially in finish E-mlil a fricnd .bout ttk pEdurt Ask ourst fr a qucsdon rbout thisproduct Buy Fast, Feel Secureg Enioy No payments For e o Days ;:-ff5fffi fi$*ii O Improvement Direc! Inc, 2OOO-2006. Att rights reserved. sign up for Speciab! | Help I shipping eu€stions I your account I Affiliate program security & Privacy I speciar offers | 8".o." a vendor I Terms And conditions Rcqucst a catalog I Returns I Affiriates I company Information I conta* Us I Nonstock -" 3i,riiiar mlf | ""t' ll ll I o",". LI o I I Finich: Plcacc 6oocc Gtroscn Finieh: lffi;"tl]E0 Ex o 0 Our Pricel $107.10 Qtvt Jl l* Add to Crrt l R"y-"nr.1Jil[!fil- . Select Bill Me Latelo at checkout CXck h6re b. t€strictbns and detats. KF,;prtce C}|ECTatnrcx Descripttm 19 in H x 8 U4 1n W x t0 3/4Ext. Extemal Wall Sconces, Requires 3'40W(M) bulbs. Seedy Glass. Vintage lron finish. Specifications: . Thernei Craflsnran / Missiono HeighB 19.00 o Width:8.25. Max Wattage Per Bulb: 40 http://www-lightingdirect.com/index.cfin?pagedisplay:product&producflD:917&manufa... l0/6Dw6 _ _vr6u,, .,r o .l] Lrg[f,tnglruect ShopByType ShopByErand Home > DOLAN 9la > 918 Dolan D€signs *too,,r/ -?oo,r(1rr r;ll $*.u5 Plctured In Vintage Iron Imaoe displayed may differ from actual product appearance, expeciallV in f nish. Frt(rAAE A I View Cart Shop ByRoom Shop By Theme Call Toll Post tights Manufacturer modet: 919 Our Price:$98.10 Fl|rirfi! Please Choo6€ si-iil lfL 'Lf#,pftce - giirantc'a 8uy Fast. Feel Secure.@ Pay Later with Bill Me Laterol C[ck here br d€taib. tlo,me I Customer Service I f.ly Account I Hetp ctrocsr Finbh: l'vi.rtaSe it"nltr$$$$ Required Options Pier Mounts (please select one to complete this rtem) lmuq,* BtorEe J Modd #: 9OOl I Mew peoits ] product price: Option price: Total Price: q,Yt h- * A 20 U2inHxS ll4 in W. Requires 3-40W(M) butbs. Seedy Gtass. Vi finbh. Specilications:r Therne: Cnftsrnan / Mbsionr Helht 20.50r Width: 8.25 o Length: O.fl) o Max Wattage Per Bulb: ,() Page I of2 Free: (8OO) 3 Slto Sc.l lsearch entre s EnEr seardt tenn HIPPING ct€crVsrocr Descripdon http://www.lightingdirect.corn/index.cfin?page=display:product&productJDFglg&manufa... 10/6/2006 rsv-r-n unuwAPPnw I&YERIFICATION ltallttt.w I t nlb ffin sery€s bwry fnd tln fwed ktowments wlll rd lmtrd ay oGtrE a troped l,tffiy s€fllc€s, a$ also to vetify serviE av&tily and bdion fur rw sE?lrtin and $auH be 'red in @r r.Etidt w|tfr Feparhg four rfrliQ plan and sdledJlllB hstaltbr|s. A dE plm, indr(trg graf€ Crt, nE pbn, ard ebdbrq shal be gbinfEO O tc dowirg uumies for apfovd rd \€rlficatdr Adrorbed $qn trrr Counrnta Oat. QWE,SI 97).513.n89 (td) 9703e{.02s4fa) 9m.687.sn2(dt Cortacts *t e Uhters swaters@oflest aso l6t{. up}€p- t+Ar'76Ltke-|) clecL€- VAlr- flCfLHIG|I PRETSTJIEGIS 970.262..m76 (d) 970.468.1.101 (fD() Co(td: Ri'| Siesc ]toLY cRo's g.EcIItc 970.947.9{25 (tel) 9ru.945.,mr (fil() Cor*act: .Ef Vrom iw6nr(ofnlvc'os$cdlr EXCELS|ENGY 970.262.,G8 (fa) Cofiads Kit Bognt 9/0262.024 KatherirE Boq€rt EAGIIRIVAWATET SAI{ITA7{'II DISTnICT 970.476,7.t80 (tet) 9m.476.#9(tu' Co.tad: ro HaCe ftaleeOerwsdorg oor&rsTclI,E 921.468.2659 €rc. r1q) (d) 970.458.672 (h) co.td: Brd Dffi bradelv_dffaocable.coflrad-com I{OTES: /i-#Tw, o( M& 1. f tf|e udHty atlp.(Id A v€rlfrffi.r fu.m 1|a6 dgnatu€s trom €dr of the ufity ofipalet I|d no cdnrmnE ae made dircuy on th€ funn, the Town wf tr€rrrE that tls€ ae m prodsns and ttrc rloehgnent can procd. 2' ff a udltY cgflpily lras ccsns fiJl the gpd qsudon, the ufltf r€fr€s€ntd!€ shal noE &ierfly at fie |'tfy veriftatbn bm tfut ttE e b a p.dhm wti$ neEds to be rEsdvd. Ihe irse $odd th€n be 6led h f| &dEd ltter b the Town of vlatr ttc.e|er, Ce lGCp h fift tut f b ttE rcspordbafy d tE rilty cqnparv rn B|e dizt b rEsohre itentified poblerB. 3. These vErificalb.rs do rct rdts!€ lh. ffiabrof the csporrbfty b ffii a hltb Way Femt from th€ Depatnrent of tuHic Vrorks * tE Tun of \rd. ltffr lo-r*'r rrn bc obk:d bcftc dorino h dry trlt- rittd.!ilat or eossner* withn the TqFr of Vdt A-bfrg Fcnnit b ar*e Fr-lh gay err* rlrd mrst be otAfreO 3rocAv- The Oe ,eb|€r is rcqfed atrd agrees b gbnt any rshd tfanips b the uuni:s fu aeaprotd & re{r€.frcdion a the stbttitFd flansre dbfd ln ary Ey tter the a$or{d dgnatn tfr (rnbss dernbe spcclicdty td wit*l th€ @.trner* area of ttls fafi). De\@sggmGre Dat€ F:tF h^@rr-212flt5.(5c p€e8ca 1;| z d alDattxt<xtla2. 'al./za a aa . tal:tl : f I lt@ G |'{p (Daqit LV?3nxl6 r.TIQ rc{.J ffitm D r".f.'& i-'a ' I -- t;;€ li*{ .3F ' Oct 18 OG 03:17a Robant llale s?o-926-23?6 p.1 Fox RC(KY l{GL'lilAiiri il} 5t'?ii !{ts PO Box 4358 Edwords, CO Ph - 970.331.8658 Fox-97O.9262927 Subject tof 12- Moflcrhom Vlllogc, Voil, CO Number of Sheefs: l1 Dofe: Octobcr 18.2[X)6 To: Joe Sulher Commenfs Joe, Frtr,(#.4n zffi. Attached is the Tite work Scfiodubs A & B for lhe DRB Submittal for the Woodings Residence. Included are the rernaining Utility Apprcvals. lf you hove ony questions, pleose coll rne. Thonks, Rob Oct 18 OB tl9: 17a RobeFt De 1e s?o - s26 -23?6 p.2 F-__-r | . E-rhailBack i---?a'-'- ''ci Chicago Title lnwreace Compaay ALTA COMMITMENT Onr Order No. V.lnfl98' Cra(. Rd.:Schcdula A Propcrty Address: LoiT 12. MATIERHORN VILLAGE 1. Eflcc'tlveD*e Mtcb2,:l,20('l rt 5:m P.M. 2- Policry ro be lsilcil, sDd hopc€d Instred: 'ALl'A' Ovmcr's Pofica l$'17-!D Proposcd Imrned: LEWIS EDWARDWOOD]NGS $450,000-oo 3' Aha estrte or inrcmst in thc land dcrrribed or rtFerred to in this ComudtrEld lnd oyemd handn th A Fcc SiDple 4. Title to tbe cstatc or irtercst cwcrtd hcrrin is rt tbe effi*lve daie bereot vastrd in: HARRY C. GRAY AND COLLEEN G. GRAY 5. The laod rdcrrcd 0o in this Commibncnt ls daecrlbcd es folloss: WT 12, MAITERIIORN VILLAOE, ACCOR.DING TO THE N,ECORDED PIJ\T1}TER3OF. COUNTY OF. BAGLE,STATEOFCOLORADO, Oct 18 OB Ot|:l?a Robent Dale 370 -S26 -2376 p.3 .ALTA COMMITMENT scheihrle B - socaior I ' (Requirem.ttls) Out Orilcr No. vnl5.7ge Ttr followirg are the rcquiEnr€ds to be complicd wlth: Itcn (n) .Payocnt lo or frr ll|c rr:qruut tf thc gnutcs or nrcrtgBgors of thc firll co$ideredon for dhe estatc ol intcrcst ao be insuted IEo (b) hop.r instnrnco(s) crcuiDg tbr cstac or idctcst to bc ilsulail lrrr8t bc r*ecuted .od drly filed ftr.rocord, .!o-witl Itcil (c) Payll3rt of ait trfi'es, chrErf, or affils lcviod oilt rssessed tgiailst the subjeci pternises whic.L aI" dse 8!Il Pry8ble. It!f, (d) Artditioul rcquiteEenB, if rny dasctoscd bclo$: 1. RELEASE OFDEED OF TRUST DATED JULY 30. I99E PROM HARRY C. CRAY AND COIJIEN G. GRAY TO TIIE PTJRLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF KLEIN MORTGAGE, INC., DBA THE KLEIN GNOI.TP, A COII)RADO CORPORATION TO SECURE TIIE sIrM oF *288,750.00 RECORD@ .AUGUST 03, 1998, ttNDER RECBPTTON NO. 6645:n. SAID DBBD OF TRUST C'AS ASSIGT{ED TO TTIE BA}.IK OtJ NEW YORX IN ASSIGNMEIqT. RSCON.DED AUGIUST 10, T999 UNDER RE/CAPT|ON NO , 7gWU. 2: REI.EA,SE OF DE.ED OIJ Ta,UST DATED APRIL 18, 2OO1 EROM IIARRY C. GRAY AND COLLEEhI Gi. GNAY TO TTIE.PIJBIJC TRUSTtsB OF EAGLE COTJNTY FOR TI{E USE OF FIN,STBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE TIIE SIJM 08 $90,(xn.M RSCONDED APRIL 24, 2{NI, I'ND3R RECBPT1ON NO. ?55353. EJCIENSION AND MODIFICATIOT\I AOREEMH{T IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED DECEMBHR 03, 2OO1 UNDER RICBPrION NO. 777464.. 3. WARR,ANTY DEED FROM HARRY C. GR,AY AhID COLIJEN G. GRAY TO LEWIS EDWARD WOODINOS CONI{BYING SUB'ECT PROPERTY. THE FOLLO\ryNG DEI.ETTONS/MODIEICAfiONS ARB FOR THE OWNER'S POUCY. NOTB: IrEIvtS l-3 OF TltB GENERAL TIKCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DEETED UPON THE APPROVAL OP TI{g COMPANT AI{D TI{B RECEIPT OF A NOTARI4D FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEP|IONS WTLL BE AMEI{DED AS. FOIJ-OX|S: I Rob?ntOct 18 OB 09:l?a Dale s7(1 - 926 -23?6 P. + ALTA COMMITMENT Schedulc B - Scction I (Rcquinneafr)Our Ordcr No. V2'i15798 Contbued: ITEtrTd NO, ' OF THE GENERAL EXCEFTTONS IS DELETED AS to AnT LIENS OR FIJTURE UENS RESULTING FROM WORtr OR MATERIAL FURNTSI{ED AT THE NEQUEST OF }IAR,RY C. GRAY AIIID COI-LEEN C. CRAY. CHICAGO TTTLE NSURA}.ICE COf,4PAIVY SHAII HAVE NO IIABIUTY FOR AItilT llENS ARISING FROM WCRK OR MATERTAL FURMSHED' AT THE R,EQT'EST OF I.EWIS EDWAITD WOODINGS. NOII: ITEM 5 OF TIIE GENERAL EXCBffiONS WIII BE DELETED tF IAND TTTLE RECORDS THB DOCIJMBI.ITS REQI,JIRED UNDER SCI{EDUI.E 8.1. NOTE: UPON PROO} OF PAYME.I{IT OF ALLTA}(BS. ITEM 5 WILLBE AMENDED TO READ: TATGS AI{D ASSSSSMENTS FOR TIIE YEAR 20(12 A}ID SUDSEQUE}IIIT YEARS. ITBM ? I,JNDER SCHEDULE 8.2 WILL BE DEI.ETED UPON PNOOF T1IAT THE WATER AND SBWER CHAN.GES ARE PAID IIP To DATE. 1A OE O9:18a RoblFt Da 1e p.5 ALTA C OMM ITM ENT - Scbedrle B - ScLtion 2 '(Erceptioos) Oor Ords No' vTl579E Thc pottcA or potldcr to be issucd wlll contrin crccptions to thc tollorvi|t8 unlets the $rme rrre disDoecd of ao rhe satiefadinn of tln Compar4t: I . Fights or driroe of padcs in posscssiron ut drown by 0r prblic rtcods - 2, Eascmc'lls, q clsimt of ersrmaots, lot rbo$tn by the public rcconls. 3. DiscrEarrnes, coafics in boodary lioes, shonagp il [ct. ffiotfuerE, aort auy facts which a sorrect mrvay md irspeetio of tb Fr4ilcs g,oild drclose od wlri* T *l showa by tb Fbfic rE6ords' 4. Ary lico, or right to s tito, for serviccs, lrbor o! oatcdal thcrcoforo or Drrcaftcr frEnistlcd' irpoacd by lrv ad oor $own by thc ErSlic rDcordE- 5. DcGcts, tic6, erorubratccs, rdvcrsc claimr or othcr maltars. if any, crcatcd, 6rst slpcarilg ia rhc I[DIic rcco-tds or anaihiqg cubsrqurlt to &c cncctira darc hGccof bui Fior ro thc drtc tbc proposcd insurcd s.quit€s ot rccord for valuc tbc cstatc or iEtcrrst tr lrortFge {hcreon oovcrtd by this Cmitmenl 6. Tarcs m grccial ..sssssfircnc which erc lot storm as aisdng licns by tbc public rEcords- 7 . Lirat for rmlnid rr$er ard scrxEr drergcs, if oly. 8- Iu alditiou, rhc ovrrcr's poticy witr be subjerct to €rc mortgage, if ely, notod in Scction 1 of Schedulc B hercof. 9. RIGHT oF PROPRIETOR OF A I/EIN ORLODE TO EXTRACT AlilD RBIV{OVE HIS ORE T}IEREFROM STIOULD TIIB SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATB ORINTEN,SBCT TTTE PREMISBS AS RESERVBD IN I'NTTBD STATES PATENT RBCORDE:D OCTOBER (X' 1918. IN BOOK 93 ATPAGE 301. rO. RIGTIT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CAIIALS CONSTRUCTED BY THB AUETORJTY OF THE I,'NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTTBD STATES PATENT RFCORDBD OCTOBBR 04' 1918, IN BOOK93 AT PAGE 3OI, I T. RESTRICTIVB Cd/BN,{I{TS WIICII DO NOT CONTAIN A FORTEITI.'RE OR REVER1ER CLAUSE,. Et'T OMITTTNC RE,SIR,ICTIONS. IF AI'IY, BASED ON RACE' COLOR' RELIGION' OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. AS CONTAINBD.IN INSTRUMENT RECOBDED NOVEMBER 2l], 1963, IN BOOK I?8 /{T PAGE253. 72. SASEMENT GRANTED TO VAIL VILL-aGE WEST WATER AND SAI.IITATIOI'I DtrlTRICT FOR A WATER TREATMETiIT A}iID DII'IRIBUTIOhI SYSTEM AS COI.TTAINED IN INSTRIJMENT RBCOR.DBD APRIL 22. T97T, IN BOOK 220 AT PAGE 326. I?. TEiT FOOT SASBMANT AIONG AIJ SIDE LOT LINES NOT AAIJTTING ROADq'AYS 45 RESBRI'BD ON TIIE RBCORDED PT.AT OF MATTERITORN VIIJAGE, s|7() - Sl26 -2376 Robent DaleOct 18 OG O9:18a s7()-s26-23?6 p.6 ALTA C OM MITM EN T ScXsduLB-Seqfun2 Gxcqtors) Osr OrdGrNo- WL7S79E The potlcy or polidcs to bc irsrEd wllt contein crccptioos to thc followlng unless tbe seme ar€ dsP@d of to the rattsfadion of.lhe Company: t4. RI6I{T OF WAY EA.SEME}.n AS GRANItsD TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC', INC., tN INSTRUMENT R.ECORDED SBPTBMBER 2I, IY'6 IN BOOK 248 AT PAGE 887- 15, TSRMS, CONDITIONS AND PR,O\/ISIONS OF ORDER OF INCLUSION EY TIIE UPPER EAGI-E VALl.E]a SAI.IITATION DISTRICT RECORDED AUGLTST 25. l98l IN BOOK 3ZB AT PAGE 174: 16, TERIT{S, CbXOMOXS TXD PROVISIONS OF ON,DER INCLUDING SIJB'EET PROPERTY IN TIIE VAIL ULI.AGE WEST WATER AND SANITATION D]STRICT RECORDED SSFTEMBER O7,' r9?3 IN Bfi)K23OATPAGE Y', 17. TERMS, CONDITIONS AI{D PROVISIONS OF ORDER INCLI'DING SI'B'ECT PROPERTY IN TIIE VAIL VIIIAGE WEST FIRE PROTBCNON DISTRICT RBCORDED SEPTEMBER, 19, 19?3 IN BOOK 231 AT PA6!6 t43- 18. EASBMENTS, NESERVATIONS AIiIDRESTRICTTONS AS SHOWN OR SET FC}RTII ON THE RECORDED PIIT OF MATTSRNHORN VILLAGE. 19. ENCROACHMENT OF SHBD, FS.ICE AND IETAIMNG WAII IIITO EASEMENT AS SHo\vI{ ON IMPROVEIVIENT LOCATION CERTTPICATE PREPARID NOVEMBBR 14, T99I BYJOHNSON, KUNKEL& ASSOCIATES, INC,,IOB NO. 91443. 20. ENCROACIIMENT OF STAIRWBLL AND RETAINING \ilIAL! ONTO MATTER.HORN CIRCLE AS SHOWN ON IMPROVBMS\N LOCA1ION CERTTFICATE PPEPARSO NOWMBER 14, ,1991 BY JOHNSON..KIJNKEL & ASSOCIATES. INC., JOB NO. 9T443. , 21, EX]SNNG LEASES AI{D TENANCIBI. Robent Dale13 OB O9:18a 970-926-2376 p-? LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY . DISCLOSURESTATEMENTS Notq Putslalt o cRs l0.l l-122, rcticc is lrr::by givco lbm: A) Thc suDject relt propmy rrrey bc lorarcd in a ryccid tariry disttict' Aj n Ccnitcaa of irrcs por Xitt* each taxiug jurisilicti@ 'ory bc dbttimd ftm $c Cm1rt Trca$lltr's aulodzgd 18ct[. C) Tbc inftnatio" rpg.dG sp."iel distric$ aDd Oc Doundrrics of such districts "-y lE obtainal from the Boaril of Coucy Comissioss, tl|e Couott ctctrt .DC Rccddcr, 'or Oe Counry Notr( Eflecriw Scp{cmbcr 1, 1997. CR.S 3G,10405 rcSsirss ibst sll doqrnrois reccived for tcordiug or fling in abc clccl end reorrbr's offcc shall odain r to[r EarSiD of !t lcsst ot|e i!tc.b. rnd ! lcf!, riSb! mal botto[o margin of at lcav onc half of an irch. Ttc ctcrk atd rccorder ray refusc to rc'ord or-flc gDy dGl[nEll &al does-mt confiorm, cxcrTt firt. tbe rcquircarco,t for &c top margin rhelt ost altply to doqtmcocs usiog fo@s gn whic-h spre is prwiderl fnr Gcordiqg dr filing iofometiou at tbc top oargil of thc documcst' Note: Colorado Divisiot of luura.r'e Rcgularions 3-5-1, Faragraph C of Artictc Vtr rcqpircs tlrat 'Encry ti0e ediry dr-rl 6s tBpoosiblc bl zll nattcre which agpcar.of lecord pdor to thc druc of tccording wb€Dsrrcs 61e dtte cotiiy conrfrrcts rhc ctciqg rnd is tetPoDsible fw rtcordilg c 6liog of legal atoo(s!.ots Esulriael from the rraneaction c,tich qrss clog6d'. Eovided that l-rad Titlc GuaranteE . Cqary couducts tbe clcirg of thc imrerl rnrsctiol and is rcspoasiblc for rlcosdiEg tbe fegstlocooears Fg[ 6r EaDsacboo, erccptiomrnbB 5 will DOt lpPeaf on tbe Orner's Title Policy rnd tbr Leotler Policy wbcn issled, NoG; Atfimrtivc mcclunic's lico pro|rc,tbn br tbe Ovm.f msy be svoitobb (tyltically by dclction of Brccptiol no. 4 of &bcdulc B, Sccrioa 2 of tlc Cornoiocor.ftrorn ihc Ocmsr'5 Policy .O bq ismcrf) upoa < npliarc with ttc followirg cooditiom: A) Ttc brd dcscribcd in Scbcilulc A of fis c@Eitrra$ nlst bc I dqglc &nily r,csidwc tryLiclt includcs a condtr i[iun or brytrborsc riL B) No hbor oFneaErials hrvc bcco frrxni.shcrl by oechanics or gntcrial-ncn for prrylloscs of corstr.uctisr on lhc land dcscritcd jn Scbcdolc A of lhis Commiucnt within lb pst 6 rooths. ' C) Thc Cmpasy rrust rerEive an al4nopriec effiilavit indcrnnifing thc Cnmpany a&ir$ rrrr-flcd mcclhrdc's ald lttecrial-mco's licos. D) Thc Company mnsr receive papneat of the approprirta prerniun E) If tbcrc Das *co cosstructior, ingro{,eocors or major repairs ulAerlatco mrbc proPerty to bc pur€hssed witftirr sir( Eodrs Frior to thc Datc of lhe C.ouoiturcn, tc rcquiraucuts lo obi.in covEragc for ureconlelt licrs will fuArde: itisclos[c of enail cownrsrioa inbrmrdon; EDr'Eid inbrrarion aE ao the sallEr, lhr builCcr aod or llp co!&artoti Foymcof of tbc rPFolttialr pialtdua fully Q(lcuteil lrd.odity AgrEeEeds srdsa$ory to 6e oodpimy, Nd, a'I:, sdditioo3l rcquirerucors sE may b rcccssEry afier ao examiution of the afcr.sid inforruation by tbe Company. No covengc will be given under any circnnrsbnces ftr labor or mstcriel for whic.b the insurcd ias cuoaglEd for or a8r€cd to pay. Note: P$'sDanr !o cRb 10-tt-123, noticc is'hereby givan: A) Thas therc is r,ccortleal . ial€oEe th!( a oigcrrl cstsls b8s bccn rcrycrtil, lcascd, or ofterwirc convcrycd fi.oo thc surftcc cst rc eod 6 thsrg is e subsmnlial likelihood that r third 9a y 'hol<ts surrc or al! itcrcst in oil grs,.o,thcr mir&rrls. or gEoIhFBal encrgy in tbc property; and B) That so& mincrrl cstate may includE ab€ rigfu ao cnlcr and use tlc propery withour rhc surhcc owrr's pcrmission- , This ootice applies to orvucr's polict cotrtrnilqrcl$s .nniaining a nricral severalc: iosrumcnt crccpdoa, or crcepdons, il Scbcdla B, Scctio2. Notbiqg Hciu cortrireal will be decEed to obligzre the clopan5l to provi& roy of the.coverages reftned o hereir ur ess &e rbove gdnrlitioDs ltE fully satisEcd- ro||n Dt scLosuRE Oct 13 OEi O3: l8a Robent DaleG7 .1 s70 -s26 -2376 p.a We rccognize ald t€sDcct ibc DrivNcy cxgcstrdoas of today'J coDgumcrs rrd tbc Eqrircmcnts-of 8rpliGaFle &{gril etrl statc DEitacv lav/s" w-c trelievi thaf ftakibn vou xffir! of lios u,e use ysur ffro-Dubllc l({so[el tttt(lDnatou (-Yels(nlel lDfGio.riod:). sEd ro rt^od ir is discloscil -witl fomr lbF brsis for I taatiolibiF of utist letwecn -us lutd the public tbu 1i9e scrve.-This Privacv Slrbocnr Drorides thst er9lurtiotr. We resenrc lhe tigbt !o c}togE rhis Pnvacy St.r.dcrt fiom rime to tinic coosistcot-with applicable-privecy laws- In ttre cou6c of our bu!i!r€c, we rory solled .P€rsonsl Infdrdloh aborA you fiom the followitrg 3ourc6: Frocn roolicrdons of oaher foms ure recaive Aor vou o( ltoor aqftorizcd rcpr€sqrElrive; !fim t-of,n-irus.cdols S,itb; or fton tlc serviceCltdirg Dcrf@cd by, us, <iu affiliales, or othcrs; l:rotrl our ltrEglcl srD srtdi:F'm thc publi,c rccords raiotriaerl by gorermcntal catitics that rp: eitler obtaia drecdy ftsn tbose ertitb3. oi ftom our sftliares or otheisi aad From cinsncc or othcr reportiqg agcocics, JOINT NOTICB OT PRIVACY POLICY Frddity Nrtionat Finenciat Group of Compardes/Chlcago fitle Insurance Company rnd Land Tlth Guaranlee ComPanY JrlY l' 2001 Multhle Prodrcts or Sorvicc I * &rr hlicies Rogzrdf ng th. h€ction of tha ConDHf rlftt and Sa||flty of Your Pcrouel Inforrrntion Wc maintain Dhysical. elcctronic and oroccdural saftsuards 30 ptgtnct ysul Perso[rl lnfonetion ftoro uoauthorized eccess or inridiur" woiil it-rcccss tdos tctsoml ifforoltioi onlv 6 thosc cdplo]'ees rrlo lEGd soch acgs itr comeclior with prwiding prcdusB or scwiccs to y(m or br obc! lc€itiErtc tEsics Poqtoses. Our Potreiee ud hecdcrs Regrrding tbe Shrrlng of Yonr Personol Inforruadol We gray sbalc your Pcrsoal llfooadon wi0r our tmliaars, such as inqulrc co4rairias, agcnr, aorl ottrcr rcal estae r-c4 rn:dt srrvir:e pruviders We elso mry disclose ydur Peronal l!ftrnrdoo: E acenE- bolccs or rcorcscotetives to qovidr aEu wi6 scrviccs vo hnvt rEqctad;o dinl.riertv co ractois or scf,lric€ pdriiks wlo prorddc endcdr or pcrfornn ne*Aag or orber firrriod oriour tebaff: sndo o6lrr wiJh whio wi corr ino joint rtrd.*tqg urtcc[rr for trotlucls or scoriccs that *c bclicw yot ray frd of ianrtst. In dditioa" wa will dieclosc yEur Pcssorl tlfonrtio! whca eoE dircca or give u5 Dcrissio!. utcn trt erc rc$dtEd by lrw to do so. or whro wc -tusDccl frndulcot or cdniual rdvitics- S/c albo may -dbclrc yrrr Pcrsonal Intfornutiou wlrn othcrwis oedired by rmticede rivacv laurs $ch as, for GtttnFh, q'hea.disclosrrc is rceded to enf,dec our rigbts arisiag 6[t.of drlr {Eteneor, trbcacdoa or rtlarionship wi& you. of thc inOorrant rtrpoosibilirics of soq: of om lfrliatcd _copmics is to rttntd docuncDrs in tbc public ain- $rh-i!orl"-nri ney cooreia yotr Persooal InfotDrdorr Right to Acccss Your Perronal lnfornra6on ard Abiliry io Corrccl Ermrs Or RcquEd Changes Or Nctloa Ccrtsil sEtps afford voo the rieht b aooccr vour Pcrsoorl labmtioo ald. uder ccrtab citcunstamts, to fiul out to lr,b6 you Persofrl lo.fo"";tirm hu bcci discloscd. Also. ccrgin stltcs afrrd yotl tbc riEbt !o rEqust c&rcctiori, amdrdmrnl c ileletioo of yotrr Persooel llfonortim- We rgl:rve tle rilght, where ne.naittld by lew,.to ctrge I rers@tle ft. ro covcr fre cdsts irrtlred in rcsponai"g to suc[ requcalr, All.r-qqucsrs nrbiued to qe Fiqdiry-N{io,nal Fim4lal 6roup of Corymics/Cbicego Tide Insrranoe Comprny shall t,b in writing, anil deliver€d b-drc followiaB eddress: Privacv Coroliaoce Of, Eccr Ftdcllt'v Nrdald Finr.ncial. Ioc. 4050 CaUc RcaI. Suitc 220- Santr Berbara, CA gll10 ll Onedmr - rc prot'irlc yo_u qrttr s-rorc then one firuncial- product or .n:rvice, you ney rcceive oge tbtn one pdvrcy nodce rroE us- wc slxrurgxzc tot 8,!y rtrcorltreluellce ula nay causc you, Forn FRI!.POL-C!|I -:rl Oct 18 OG O9:lSa Robert De 1e s70-926-2374 @ urrlrrvappRoyAlrvERrFrcATrolr llfrl!CEVlhtziiiE briii-*ruec to varift tfi.t the Dmp-d lnprorsnsnts will no! imP.a rny Gubthg or progoed utiliv 5rn/k15, drd !tso to v('iry senics avalLt ility ajd bodon frr r|ew €orsBtarbn and shesld be usd h Con'licdon with prePdng }!sr uUlY glan and 36edding antbllationi ,l sib Dlan, includng gr.diry ptr'r, fld ptan, and Cev.tlorc, Crall be slbnrhlad to tfE folowing uult€s for appaqrtl and t/erlccaion, Aulhofrort Slotrrlule Comrncnts Oate QwlsT 970.513,?109 (rd) 970.:t84.02|''(tu) 970.607.0221 (cel) contactsi sle\rewalcns s!,nlsIs@qvv€sLcom EXCTEL tmH PFSCSUR! 6 r5 p.s 9m.2fri2,,4fJ76 c-onlati; Ri{r HOLYCNOSBEfiruC 9m,t47,5125 (Et) 9ro.r5.{$l (lax) Contac letr Vroom j!4oom@holy0o$.cnn SICEL CIIETGY 9 70,262.40.19 (lb) Contorts Kit Soort 970.26e{02'l Kathedrc Boget EACLE RIVET, WAIER, AlatctTAtD Dlslllcr 970.{76.7480 (td) 9 70.4?6..1089 (Er) cont.ct: l+Ed H6le thagecoe6AFd.org colc,tsTcN[^E 9m.{68.2669 dt. rr00 (lED 17O,4fi,?f.72rfax)codd: Br.d Dorr t 6/, ?/a b oTti: l, tf 01C utlllty EFprovll a wfifu.tbn tbm has lgnaturEs from sch ot ure wliv clno!|lca, .nd no comnt€nb ar€ made dlrecllyq| the lbrm, the Town w[ prls.tnr tilt there.Me no pn blcms and the afarehFE cln procsed, a tt t uUfV omi|any h.i co|retris wlt! the pmpos€d gonstsuctbn, Oe uOiV ,€pr€*nta$rrc sh.ll rpte drectly m fp lrlfy rrslllceuon fom thlt OprE ls a problerfl whldr necds ta be rEofv€d. The is[E $er'ld 0ren be detalled h an EttEdred lcEar to drc Jgtitl-of vlflj . However, Ccssc l€cp in mlrd h* lt ls ttre rcspmlullty of h utffry cornpsny rnd dre Tplkan8 b rssolre idenjficd prpbhms, 3, Tlr* verldons (b not r€raarl! thr contscbr of the cspmsbilitt b ohtlh a tubli Way Permlt fom thc OrgerEncnt of Pubic Worl(s al the TownlfvaL l,rll|tr locrtbm mrrt ba obblnad balb|.. dDldlla h iny Dublic dght{Fr,vay or earenrcnt WUh !l€ Tolvll of V{1, A lrrildlar rtrnrtt ir ln r h5l:c ftt F i|a and mu{ be obtrrnad r!o.r.ldt, The Derrebp€r b rsquEd and agre€s b Jbmk 'ry rwircd *awirys b the udlnbs tur rFapprD\rdl & rFvErtB@Uon It the sobmitrcd plrns ar: alE|ed ln aw wey aft:r ttrc ruthonad ggndu;. .hts (untesc oheryvbo ioecifically noted wlttrin dtc cofinflert arE of thB tfii). Deuebp€r's S9nrEre D& e\sei^F0Rlrs\Fcflrls\Flan9lmgq65_pt1o3ltr-2t200idG pq€rottt lv]g ,/0E Oct l8 06 O9: l Sla Robent Da I e uul. y. lu|,,t /: )brM HULY uK9tl tltltl{sY Autlro'iri8bmfun 9105r:t.7489 (Er) 97OJ8+.0a5 1ldog7OltrtmA(d' Contads! $ve lllfdtrs $det3odt\,:d^dn EEELIIG|I ?REST'RIGIs 9ro.26e..$76(d) 970..rfl.1401 (Ca$ Contaal! Rth S.mrc HO|-YCnOSE ErCtllC 9709*7-54:5(U) 970-*1s..{081(h)@:.Etr,Irm rcLilEn61' 9roJ53/G8(tu)CorG Klr Eogd gt0.l62..lIl24 l6tlElfE l€tt Et3ttttYr.wITEiI 5A 'IA'DTrcTR!67en{'6.ns(q) 9to.{t6..tot (bo Conffi hrd ll#b|!ts.erdffe cotEsTcll.Egm.#o:f,,'d;.lrmc{) 9D.i58.262 (4.) 6rff: H hrE6 hra&lr-&ratidb+onrced rr.m 970 - s26 -2376flu,yl() r, I SI9EIEIIE EL P. 10 . " ffi nnLnYTFPRD\rALevERtFrctnoN fl#ffiKK* t wdv ttn ttE F.lpdd rngw.rE tE wll not ltnFd v grilatg or.Fo?q-d usv scnlees' ild rbo b ffi-+,|@*.ihdird'aroutbini-,Ewdn6hdtonrr.t*fi-l'b.-u;i';4ntFqgT*CfiffiIH#T.ffi,gffig rdritrfttr' atEtab'6"ai A dd et$;inct 4r9 gndng 9L.tt tbo" pbn, ard dev&tg, sh{ b etE hr.pp|u,'l d vrtfidtitr|. /D-7& f,glE$ r, rgrr rrry rp|Erar r v.r calEr lb h- cgfil|nSfiorr ocfi dol ufi onpxrtea, d nod lrElG are rncle dldy on th lbrnt ire-io.rn ",i[ prcorne t'|t ts:rr rt- m p|obbm3 drd Sl clGtrbgmft oo 9r@. 3, TIE rGrifadotB do mt nhrE tl|. ontElDro' tlr. ?ufrWb.ts* UETwr ofVL wd{rlraTflrnofv:ll. 2" tr. uEV comFry 19 6 corsnr udt|r hc pllpert 6retdbr, Ur uEiV nptcsentsnE -5haf fiC dldt m ttp tftllU vg'mUm ftrm Ui* dtere t a Fotpm wrtn niedr O DE rE!!rrd. rtrc fnr OroutO Utlt be Eabd ln rr eld rc b ttf, Til;_g6ii[ 1trnpi;, ri;rl dcp fr *t $r t b t|r ltpnJbllw or$r sdilr caflDrnt ard ttc aDelicrtr b G3olre U.dXEp|!blrr- b chair.PuDl-w' R.mtr 0omrt* rlp-tnd|t ol d HoE dodE h ry D|,bk tbht'dqrry or cate'|clt The DcYElopcr lr rqdr€d and agrcs E *ffi ant |g|rt.l, *awftgE b ttG u0ict fr3 lFTPrerol t.rcr'rerf,aEon f rnc sqUmtird irr" .t IU.a i" .ril ury abt h ritl1trnt slgrra$rt &E (unbs dr€tttse @rdV notsd wfthln tie omntt .|! of tfls fodtr), DaeloPe/s Sgret l€ F:\Crr\Art5Fr,ilB\tftrtitE[DRt\Ot JmltE *rrFBnmi..t0c DAE P{rldl:]TV?3/?,OO' Oct 18 O6 O9:19a RobeFt Dale s70 -926 -2378 P. I I Auth4lpd S|lnrlurr Comm€nt3 awEsf 970.58.71Sr (U) 9m3gt.0257fir0 9n .6sl.0722 ((dl) ConEcs: SErre wrtss *rOf.Prs@src*cnm ,if I llaG-\r';,r UTIIITYAPPROVAL & \rlRlFlCAtlOt SfffrH+K"r t vs{ry 61st ttp tropsed htrore6nts w not Lnpad €ny €!.isung or propced udliy s€tlrlccs, and .bo to verlfy serricc avallaHltty-ad b@U;n ior nerrr cbnshJctbn and shqrld be te.t h @nluncuon wlth ptrPqu€ !,otll gullty plan.and scfreiutlng hsbllatbns. A slb pla, indudhg gradng plan. floor dan, and €|etato.6. *taf be r.lbmttcd to the ftfiowirE utiltlcs tor app.oral and va lcaum. D3ls l6t+ uP@ fvtATTec-+l€ep Ct Q'ct€ - VAlr- EXCCL HI€II 'REs5['RE GAS 970.252./rc76 (rd) 970.168.1{01 (far) Conlad: Ri(l| SirsG HOLY CROST IIICTruC 970.947.5425 (td) 97{I 9.t5..1O81 (tbx) carbct: Jcff \rrcom jvrmrnOfbUErG.com EXGEL SIERGY 97(t262.{138 (frx) Contads: Klt Bog*t 970J6ai0:14 l(.usim Bogert EAArtRtV4,WArn& SANI'ATIOT DISInICT 97(r476.7t80 (t€r) 970r176.208!t (far) Cartact: Fr€d lbdce fhadpeapnr<rt c! goirc^5rGAlrI 970.{60.2669 €xt. lrm (H) 9m.#,z'672(fax) Contactt Erd Dorc6 bradely-dorc-deble rt'rncad-com trglllr /?-#@ 0( M/!r 1. lf thc utility approEl & verficdion fdm hE Cgnatur€r hom cgdt of the utlity @rrpai€5, ard no csnments are made dlrtdyq| ltE turL ttre Town w|| prronts t|.t (trcrc ars no p'ougtls end ore dardopmem can Focaed. t. It a ufllly @r$F.ry has cdEenE $ltr th€ F.Fosed cor|suudq|, the uulity rcpreserEtire *rd notc dinertly on thc ut$ty vsncadoo brm thlt fhrc b a pioble'n which needs b be rsotvd. The lflf st|qid $en bg deta €d h an attrcft|xt lettt- b the Tolvn of Val. lloh,lr,E , Ceae keep h rird th* it b ttc rcaDoniully of ttE udfty compory ad ihc amllcant b ]eolve ldEntifled problenE, 3, fhes! vetncaddE do lDt rdlarE thE Garffir of th€ Eaponsibflty b oot h a PuHlc Wly Pennit liom the Dc9artneflt of Publlc Wotks * tlrc Torm of Va|. lldlfuJocatbns murt hc obhimd belbe dooing in any pb[c right-of-wqf or easqnent wlthh tlre Town of Vdt Th€ o€vdoF is t€qui€C ard agr€cs b $bmlt any .sird drawiqs b thc utilfics fu rc-rplo'.l & rFr€rffkabn if the sub.nred pbns r,e dt€r€d |n any uray atter the autioriz€d 5En-r€ d.ts (utE drgrf.sespaifically notsd within the comm€ntd€ of thb fdm). Dernrlqr€r's ggnat|lru Fr\sh,\F(nt.slPr'r 4F irrsi\DRAdt_|ntrs_dL11-ZF2midc araooErra. .-tal-o ta .ttta.Fr.ar .t@- -! IEE(ol|t ta<t P4cErf I 1u2v200s Llsrt agl P age2 of2 . David Rhoades Town of Vail Code Enforcement fficer 970477-3417 970479-2452Fax drhoades@vailoov.com >>> 'Ted Wmdings" <ted.woodings@idoq.rments.com> 0612512005 4:2I:,47 AM >>> David, Hello, I wrote you an email on Wednesday and have not heard back from you. I was curious if you got it? Please let me know. Ted Woodings 1694 Matterhorn Circle file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00002.HTM 10/26/2005 Page 1 of2 David Rhoades - RE: Hello from Matterhorn Circle From: "TedWoodings" <ted.woodings@idocuments.com> To: 'David Rhoades" <DRhoades@vailgov.com> Date: 07105/2005 5:43 AM Subject: RE: Hello from Matterhorn Circle David, ljust want to let you know I am contacling Joe today was out of town most of last week on business. I will move swiftly to complete this application process. Please let me know if you need anything in the mean time. Ted Frcm: David Rhoades [mailto:DRhoades@vailgov.com] Sent: Monday,)une27,2005 2:07 PM To: Ted Woodings Subject RE: Hello from Matterhorn Circle The person b talk to regarding the application and process will be Joe Suther, our Development Review Coordinator. His direct phone line is97O-479-2128 and his e.mail is j5ulher(0vailgay.cam. He accepb all applications for planning and building depts. and routes them accordingly. Thank for your response. It is appreciated. David Rhoades Town of Vail Code Enforcement O,fficer 970-477-3417 970-479-2452Fax drhoades@vailgov.com >>> Ted Woodings" <ted.woodings@idocuments.com> O6127P0A5 11:56:33 AM >>> Great, I hope you had a good vacation. lf for some reason it did not come through, please let me know. I was hoping to get the abplication you requested for me to complete regarding design review, so I could lill out the request and meet your concerns and time table. I also stated, if you could not help with this, could you please direct me to someone that could. Thankyou foryour help, and sorryforthe inconvenience Ted From: David Rhoades [mailto:DRhoades@vailgov,com] Sent: Monday,JuneZ7,2005 8:45 AM To: Ted Woodings Subject: Re: Hello from Matterhorn Circle I was out of town last week on vacation so I am going to take a day or two to get caught up. I am trying to get through my e-mail this morning, fi1e://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00002.HTM 10126/2005 Page I ofl David Rhoades - Hello Joe Frorn: "TedWoodings"<ted.woodings@idocuments.com>To: <jsuther@vailgov.com> Date: 0710512005 5:59 AM Subject: Hello JoeCC: uDavid Rhoades" <DRhoades@vailgov.com> Joe. Hello, I hope you and the town had a wonderful July 4th. I hope to spend it there next year with my family. lhave been contacted by David Rhoades regarding my property at 1694 Matterhorn Circle. lhave been requested to complete a design review application to meet compliance for a tool shed, driveway, window replacement, front door replacement and patio expansion as well as miscellaneous interior work to up date the house. The details are: 1. There are two sheds that where on the property when I purchased the property 3 years ago. I added some doors to secure the sheds this past winter. I would like to tear down both sheds and put up new one. 2. I have a truck parked on the side ofthe house, where trucks have parked since I owned the property. I would like to install a driveway there. This would require a curb cut. 3. I would like to replace all the old windows with new ones to get better energy use. 4. I would like to replace the front door. 5. I would like to extend the patio area of the yard. 6. I would like to replace all light {ixtures, inside and outside the house. 7. I would like to replace cabinets, trim, flooring and removal of paneling, replaced with sheetrock in several rooms. I understood that I would need a permit for the driveway and window replacement, as for these other items I am unsure what I need. lf you could please let me know what I applications I should complete and the process I should schedule to insure Vail compliance I would appreciate it. My family and I are excited to be part of the Vail community and want to comply with the regulations set forth. Thank you Ted Woodings fi1e://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Ternp\GW)00001.HTM 10/26/2005 Page I ofl David Rhoades - RE: Timeline for compliance From: "Ted Woodings" <ted.woodings@idocuments.com> To: "David Rhoades" <DRhoades@vailgov.com> Date: 09128120054:31 AM Subject: RE: Timeline for compliance David, Thank you for the follow up. I apologize I have nol moved fasler on this, these past few months have been extremely busy, now with the Katerina disaster, even busier. My company specializes in supporting emergency disaster responses, and we have been working around the clock to support the needs in the South, thus I have fallen well behind in many other commitments, thank you for your patience, I will get this resolved. Status ) I received the forms to complete immediately after week talked, read them and started to move forward with collecting the data I needed. D I requested a topographic survey and just received it from an Architect I engaged a few years ago, last week. > | will submit an application by the end of next week for review, if for some reason I am called back to Mississippi, I will let you know, either way I will work to get this done. Again thank you, Ted Woodings Frcm: David Rhoades [mailto:DRhoades@vailgov.com] Sent: Monday, September 26,2OOS 9:,14 AM' To: Ted Woodings Cc: Joseph Suther Subiect Timeline for compliance Mr. Woodings, it has come to my attention that you have failed to submit the required documentauon as of this date. Do you have a timeline for submitting all required items to the Town of Vail? I need to know this as I will be responsible for issuing the summons if an agreeable timeline cannot be reached. Please call me or reply to the email as soon as possible to avoid further enforcement action. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. David Rhoades Town of Vail C,ode Enforcement Officer 970-477-34L7 970-479-2452Fax drhoades@vailgov.com file:i/C:\Documents and Settings\Administator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 10/26/2005 Page 1 of 1 David Rhoades - Update From: "Ted Woodings" <ted.woodings@idocuments.com> To: 'David Rhoades" <DRhoades@vailgov.com> Date: 10/20120057:23 AM Subject: Update David, I have nearly completed my applications. I am waiting for a cut sheet on the window selection from a supplier. I have been promised I will have it by Monday. I will have this application to you no later than the end of next week. By having it there next week, will it make the November schedule for review? Again thank you for all your help and patience. Ted Woodings Matterhorn Circle. file://C:\Documents and Seftings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Gw)00001.HTM 10/2612005 FILE COPY Mr/L"'n'-'ftu+-' loflr I IOBG lml L!h,COtl6tl Memo To€ TedWoodings Fronr John G. Martin Daie 'lngn0OF, Rer 1694 Matterhom Cir., Lot 12 Mafierhom Vllage 94F Zoning Summary Zoning: Primary / Secondary Lot size urder 14,000 s.f. rnnonbrmirg Secondary Unit not allorved, Type I EHU allowed Site Area = .302 acres x 43,560 s.f. = t3.lSti s.f. Sib Cwerage (20%) = Z.6gf ".t E(ist = 1,315 s.f. w/ EHU bonus (25%) = 3288 s.f. Frist = 1,315 s.f. Remaininq = 1.316s.f. Rerminino = 1.973s.f. 4,600 s.f.GRFA:.467o lot area < ,|0,000 s.f. = 38% lotarea < 15.000 s.f. (3.155) = 1.198 s.f. Total = ExFting GRFA (esUmae; = 2.000 ".f. 5,798 s.f. Reminino GRFA = 3.708 s.f. Garage GRFA erclusion = 6flt s.f. Basement GRFA exclusion = ratio of o<posedluneposed Height = 3il ftet (as measured ftom o<istirg grade direc{y b ridge aborc) SetDachs: Front = 2O Skl,e = 15 Rear = 15' Landscapo Arca with EHU = 55% (5% rcduction) = lglggf, must be 10 ft. wide or nrore b count fuiverrry Are = 20% of site are = 2660 s.f. Driveway rcquirements: 4'flat pan at edge of road 8% grade first 10 feet 107o grade to garage (12% if heabd) Slw Stolaga 30% of ddrrenry area (notwihin R.O.W.) 10% if heated ffic: Not b el<ceed 7.5 ft. oraer setback line. Decks: Alowed 48' setback encroachment Roof &erhangs: anylhing orer 4'wkJe shall be counbd as Sib Corerage, 18' setback encro€chment Retainlng lfValls: 3 max rralls in ftront setbadq o\cept 6' !t alls atlorcd along driveuay/ganage edge. 6" malc uralb albved elselvhere. Parking: 2.5 spaces perdrrvelling unil= 3 spaces (2 inside, 1 ouBide) /,u**/ )t:;;ny l-N-i i'-O -) VAL POSI OFFICE 1 r3oo FL! r7€ l -ING 3 rery'3 r\\ t ,/.p9?' '1"\\"{',r\."CI {.'r.---: l. 2f1a!!l \eJ , r%P 1?\rr \9\ 'Y);"": . rlle \'*'l tlSo DONOVAN PARK UNPLATTED 26\" oar/i6 4Ni '{s 1'l t469 12 1390 a0 BUILDTNG DIV|S|ON OF- EAGTE COUNTY; P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGLET CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT APPLrcaNr \A/alter A- Moritz oor. August 26 ," 74 "=-",, *o. 0215-- AODRESS I NO.){STREETI (CONTi'S LICE NSE 'NUMBER OF OWELLING UI.IITSPERM'|r ro ='lt;rtorf'?*?*:*!AS',?$-"r, ) sroRy (PRoPosED rt9E) Z ON ING AT (LocAT tot{)D ISTR ICT BETWEEN AND (CROSS STREET (CR03S STREET): o oo oz E lr suBDlvrs roN r-or -L!- euocx - 5i'ze AUILOING IS TO BE -FT. WIOE BY- FT. LONG BY FT. III HEI6HT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUI{DAT ION REMARKS: AREA ORVOLUME Esr TMATED cosr $ 15 oo0 FEE"'' g oz. s+ (CUBIC/SOUARE FEETI Waltor A ltrlari lz rooness 1595 Matterhorn Circle Ey (Affidoyif or irvrrrc rido of opplicanior to bc compleled by oulhodzed ogent of owrcr) I hereby cerlify thot the proposed work is outhorized by ond I hove been outhorized by the owner to moke this outhorized ogent. the owner of record opplicotion os his SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS. (NUMBER)(STRE ET) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE l9 oz F =E UJo- s at IJJul LLt = UJc h!ff^ll'*n \'or I e.l I M z ts an z gJ tru-o zo UJ o E F FIz o zz o IJJF z zo! ao .5 o =za) tl"J uJo = l! zH 4 H tsH U) z Fi ct EoE c)o6 .9 * s e g oo 5.s (l) o (g oEoo o) =fdl E o =l do (! ; .9 E oc 8.91-rEEEc-(!(,,^ q) fi5-o(!- .=opEo.l] -tIt€.o*Io\o; €o't.E >Eo.NEoO-tro;ooaF Ee €o Eo -,.siP COgH 9o 96.==oE5.s 'iu :.= o-.oEoo+.ooocfG !)-Ot ah;: go'-E E8 -Oo_EEx.:Frx9;c)cL oo€oc) =pE>c9'- o. d.E rt(c eo CC E(l) .!l -o(5 ,n(!---c Eg-rEE6op q)Oie-c (g -E60 og :, !!6=E3o(E .Y; 6!>9-oo9aEEl-o -o r'\ @ e\@ = = UJ o. z J Y UJ I z ) trF |rl uJ z =-) J 2 LIJ = UJ UJ z tr llJ (J Iu (o =g z 6u, F llJ z uJJ C) x F uJo F-l F1Fl B q, uJ UJ Lt- L = UJo-J F F oz 5o o IJJ IJJ (9z ao = o- z I tu. NOttvn]v^ XE =:z t!- io oE4=E = trc- n-, E< uJf -a zh (JF N (\t : >tr i u.r zI CY .tg =>.d:rt< v= i-o;aFO zHts HX z El IL o- UJo- F + E (r z tr 6 z UJF 3 uJz tltttitla trztrzOaE trl<oo< =FRcdo<z trz, 94 dt:3trOI ll,ll = (t,a{llzY =f- uJ z F J az --l Fl i Jl<l trl zl zl .. >lol!oltl uJz @F: IJJ J z Eoo z f- 6 =lr c.) rltltltlloll1lt(9lI uJllllt<ll>lI ttlloltzl Eil I Iol =.1olull 5l <l>l u-lol 5l rOl uJFI F ol =.1ol uJlcl Jl <l>l 6l zl =lolFI c.lrnrnrn I @\o\o tll-llJlI c.r IlFllll *elHslq:l cf >l 3bllzl =l ;lflPl =.1ol uJl 5l <l>l t!lol zl =l9lFI 'r c( c( E lttltl|ll-{N1l>{H3tl NA g5 fr. & & NFH ui =z --') r'l I <lHI F-4 |Frl'lzl&l trlHIHIgl oz .J u- E i\ uJ !tfo2 E 9P =sfF-JZrr.o -rO<FE(JuJ<ZEUJF-oo F Fz J (J EF() uJ ul E (t>oo? zo F0- uJY uJo oF t- =x(E6tllJ '-.ro- bxlixlQEIu9l I rrlt(Jl H o!" OEz6 NDtr ts llJ o- ujoz oL F ao- )tuJ-h=iarduJ>o-O|!9o \ llJxcx>EF J J uJdl oF gI cloo ett 'E 3 E EoC' :.o =I .. f=6>Ff=E =8.:o:! z o=4e(Do>z dP J..i6 =i== - ?\ -r- -t-ul6il> E =Elrl o-zIFofEFazo(J drn