HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 TRACT B VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB 1996 ASBESTOS REPORTl/*/ lrl/op "i'r/r)of 1! B"t'$ /o;Yr*':1' ,/a,1 d//ffii &'f'ridc' ","iio ArJatul@h,;/ Efd'f ,,rrr ro^, oru"" o, Buildin6 inforrnatic:nr. . T.he .Vait. Athletic Ct.ubAddressr 352 East Meadow Drive q?.lob AtB5€Nr A-nret,lcarrotv rofriv Ci tt',.State, Zip: Va i I , Col qrado &1652_ .)Type of matariols us,ed in ,'Xx' concrete / .l br icl< Total araount of rna.ter.ials Nunbcr of days to compl.ete construction of this /xx / st-eel ixL/ to be dernolishbd, in t he demol i't ion: bu i ld ing,/s t ructurei wood ;]../ot hcr: torrs: 4o to * 14 Ong5 +: 'wEPv&t?lEb- W bervo.ot.ttlsFcd5e3. 5. Datrs of week project is operating:st* 6. d'ts 't uitrdin(/structufe beeu inspected for the presence of asbestos-coiti::riniu6 . materials? Yes address AIA. operatiog hours .each day: _E!€rf{l---tltsS, ff yes to sluestion $6, list pane, . Nane: Jane H. Adams Address: 3535 Silver Plume 'Cburt State, Zipl , Bou'lder, Col-sraio 80303-7212 Phone: ' (303 | 49'9-7022 (303) 499-1844 (FAX) f have inspected the obove uentioned brrilding(s and phone nunber of. inspector: 9itY' f certlfy that 'the best of rny o 'f\i , e s. 't'* r i.,. t !Ii! .1isEP 8. esp- date Have -aL!* asbcstos-contairiing uaterials bee,n rcruove a &tWE -/*r-^^building,/st;utture? No friab'l e ACBM's are present in the BUilding - "-'e'tu VAT and roofing 'dedoLishetl felt need not be reooved fron a building that is to be j t- l,/dcrnoapp/foros Forrrl ability. hive identified all asbestos-co;;d};-,/\ .l:*)./'\tt/lt,Q/ (1Lm;J : ilin' !5pector tristed in'guestiou * ? T$U " CIffi*$$.*ur"i ui,'' i certified es a buildiug inspector? Yes _ TOwn of Vail rr ves, pr.vide certirication nrmrber snd eeiratr"" .0FFICE eOpt/n1t 4nq67q Jrrne B. t nnt ., - Gsrt. number o I t t I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT FOR THE VAIt ATHLETIC CLUB 352 EAST }IEADOI{ DRIVE VAIL, COLOMDO PREPARED FOR: THE VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB 352 EAST I'IEADOI{ DRIVE vAIL, C0L0RAD0 81657 (e70) 476-0700 AEA PROiIECT NO. 96-080 AIR PREPARED BY: ADAIIS EI{VI RON|'IENTAL ARCHITECTURE 3535 SILVER PLUI{E COURT BoULDER, C0L0RAD0 80303-7212 (303) 4ee-7022 DATE OF ISSUE: AUGUST 4, 1996 1.0 I.l t.2 1.3 1.4 I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I t I I THE VAIt ATHLETIC CLUB ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT I I - sEcTIoN 00100 EXECUTIVE SU]i|IIARY The vail Athletic crub Buirding_consists.of. a fo_ur (4) story buirdingwjthan adiacent hearth crub faciriii-cons_i-s_tjng of a io'wer-ano an upperlevel.- The building.was constructdd in rgrl-7g. The guest rooms wereremodeled in 1982 and the sp_a, fluu ana-lonuv-*.r."..,iJjJred in 1987.Reconstruction of the entire'raiititv witt b.si. ;; ,iali"pterner of 1996(Phase I) and Aprir of tggz^ tprrase_-iri. The-totii ...iTi'tn" existingbuiiding is appioximately 68,)dt S1.--'- Al'l suspect asbestos-containing bu.i lding materials (ACBM,s) were inspectedand evaluated durinq ,the _deveiop*.ni oi tnis RsueitoJ'tn'spection Report(AIR). Betow is a. u11"r, ;if'T'.;;t ;i'th;";s;;;;;;-;;i'.i?rs buildinsmaterials contained in the buildin{ unitifor ;}'i;i; study. Arsoincluded in this section is a "sih"edute;f sahti!r-iio-i"ii.g".n.ou. Areas,,for the entire facility. This subject building has. on1y.o.ne (t) homogeneous area which has beenidentified by the inipection anozor ii'ipr ing "to -.-"r,tJ,, ncriN. The^^following Homogeneous Area is identified to contain > L%asDestos: Homogeneous Area VA-09 Black coating over Hl,l Tank Insulation Inspect'i on reports, bulk sampling analysis reports and physical assessmentsare included in each designated-seciion of inis,.poii.'-'--' Lead-based, paint, lead in the drinking water, grycol , pcB contaminationand radon have not been a_ddressed in th".i s'report, but should be taken intoconsideratjon by the Vail Athletic CiuO. 00100- I oI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I Q Q 6 A 6 6 6 O 6 O O O O O A 6 A 6 6 O A O A 6 6 O 6 6 d 6 6O O A O 6 O 6 6 o ct oz, = = z, z, = z = = = = = = = =. z, =, = = = = z, 2 - = - - z, z, z, z, z, =, z, =, z, 2 2 = z = = z,EEI lr- <loEl4llrJ lrJleFl><lF=I 686!r-6e-6E6EEEEEEEqEEE6363636s636s6s-'3s833S33Efl ssFFsBssfi Efi FgESFFSSESFgFgggggFHEHHHHHHHHHsrwc\l(v(!(vGr(vNNry<Yo,l<rrNiicndfrN&frfrolcssJo,,rC\rcv(vcvc{GtciArc.r<lrucv.\r(\.rcvGv '..t #t F F F F q q q F € € F F F g 3 s 3 3 3 3 s 3 3 s I E s 3 I s 3 s r 3 3 s s 3 ig ig 3' E !i = =l +iiiif ++rt+++++++*+*+**+++++++*++++++++++++a =l E=ssssEBBBssSbgBsB=*i=:*=e=:s=ss>===ssRRiN& (\I Ic,cf oo @ € Ol El = = Or O'(t ca El O) .\t c\too-- == s -ato E -ooieicj(J -F.F.Fc!(v.F -F arr aoe_Eqq3Pil i>^ee;=ee]l-EEd,u, ..... P3dEE o C)ocr 9g- == oJ iDEE a dDig.E - - o, ilJ ,! I -- i6.d- E E_!6.r' 16 rr, l! der(g,- (J (J (J (J '--:--=F-e'e,q-q- q q.-.-i j j jii- - ==. e, e, e@,-- o oet S*--*S s,e,55 3 i;;=;;;;=gp;; pp;;E E --'a'a -- ec E'.{l zz, L--.=.:,'1;;{{:::::1::f f EE::,9.9::::::.;.; E E?ep-t q, o F- d) dj * =l H H E ! H H s s E 3 f f 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ;;=_=^: : s s E ; E s s E E E ! !.b 5 : I €o j;l = =€E = E----!pEo'cEed!de *.=.:BB.:.:--Et--o-o qr or'E'E=>6?-_ .1 _E_EE _5d EttEE 3 Siif tttit.:.: 3 3.:.!EE 3 B"E b b pp44.".,' E== =Jl .z.loodd=-=-LLr!< I =l L t- L !. L !- r- !- !- L L ! L ! L ! L t- L ! !- ,- L r- L L ! r- r_ r- r- !- !- l. € g 3.8o,o?.,'-FEI !!8 3 3 83 3 8 8 8 8888 8 8EB EB 8 83 B B B B g 8g gg B=;,jt--e e+Et ^<!!l f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,8f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,8f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f, B f E Boo'-,-Esf Fl 3 =l !z!!-! M ! I I I I I ! I ! 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O.rr o oFFFL) r!<<LTA O O.- E-o(t d) Er< L o c' 'o .d 16 o)'o-oL ! Le,- E COOO - 0rO)+-P+.Fl.F O- O-u).t.rt a LL vt v, l, L a r.,/7 ct1rLroodorr++r(9 0- - 'E G G O6IN === LoloxxP]JlJ } Lo O O O.-- -E-=Jlr(v(v (t cD o) <t d <v cf) rrrrrrl aaQa {lt o cl ru .! '6 ,! ro 0loo()ooaJoHAA O1 A.t V1 FFF==== (o (o (o (o (.) (o (oq, o, oJ ar, o, q, o)o) cn o) or o) aD cD RF.F.F.FTF\Fr rrrrrtl(I CJ CJ (J CJ (I IJ >>>>>>>rrttttl<rfr(oF-@('ro<\l <v (\! c{ (\J a\, (o I I THE 'AIL ATHLETIc cLUBI ASBESTOS INSPECTIO]I REPORT The signatures below certify that this Inspection Report is true andcorrect and that the Owner's (vail Athletic club,s) responsibilities, asstated in Federal Re_gulations 40 cFR 763.94 and c6lorado Regulation'No.08 have been, or wjll be, met. The Vail Athletic Club t I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I sEcTI0N 00200 REGULAT0RY Col'tpLrANcE AND PERS0NNEL QUALIFICATIoN 2.1 STATEI,IENT OF CO}IPLIANCE lle certify that this agency used and will use contractors who have beenaccredited und_er. _section 206 (b) of the AHERA act and by the coloradoDepartment of Public Health and Environment Regulation No. oe. Si gnature Date: 2.2 IIISPECTOR'S STATEI,IE}IT OF CO}IPLIAIICE $-!!g certified Inspector responsible for deve'topment of this InspectionReport' I certify that it has been written and reviewed in a mannpr whichReport, I certify that .it has n written and reviewed in a manner which i: ilt!]],compl,iance with the applicabl_e rutes and regulations as requiredby Federal regulations and Statd qf Cotorioo- R;sui#;, -No."oe. EPA/CDPH&E Inspector S.ignature Colorado Certification No. I/)l 5679Expires June 8, 1997 2.3 LIST OF CONTRIBI'TORS AND QUALI CATIONS oate: ft{?b JANE H. ADAIiIS AIA Bachelor of Architecture University of Colorado 1975 Registered Archjtect 1976 - State of Colorado 81324 "Asbestos Abatement for project Designers" lliygtrity of California at Berketey-- EpA Certificate No. l19 CDPH&E Certificate No. 031-40-5679 - "Asbestos Abatement for Management planners" Tufts University - EPA Certjiicate No. ggOg-OZ-024 CDPH&E Certificate No. 031-40-5679 - State of Colorado "Practices and Procedures for Asbestos Control" (AHERA)National Asbestos Training CenterThe..university of Kansas : EpA certificate No. vII Kv95440-15 CDPH&E Certificate No. 031-40-5679 - State of Colorido 00200- I I t I I "NIOSH 592E" ATC Environmental November 1992 40-Hour 0SHA Trainjng for Hazardous lJaste Sites Hazardous Materials Technology Department Front Range Commuhity College I 2.4 CoNFLICT 0F INTEREST t Adams Environmental Architecture and the Vail Athletic Club have consideredthe possibility of a conflict of interest which might occur betweenI accredited individuals. Upon such consideration, vte find no grounds forI the possibility of conflict of interest between the involved farties. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I T I I 00200-2 srArEoF&lonanot I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Roy Roarcr, Govcmol Pd t*nrrydcr, Actirq Excqriy? Dircdot Ocdaad o pmtcctfrr; rnd hpol*g t tc |rct f ead crubornrcat of tfu pope o/ ebredo {t0G|tcryffi,tlr5. t$c*rynddry D6,!t, Coh.do Ar22Z.rSg0 a2l0 E rih Arl|UG ?|rmc B0i}t dn-20O lrilv.r, Colo..do 6m2o{tn 6 o{Fl6gl-f n Coton&Dqnmart ofhAlicfid6 rndEnirwrmt Signature ' firis documEt is to be used to obtain an Asbestos Abatement lD Card ONLI. ..r6#;ffiil$;;*;;:=. Jane 3535 For questions, please can Larry Dover (692-3158) or Thomas Tayon (692-3185). $$ is!n IE II TR E$$$ $E$$ gEg* s siEi$E $$$$g $$$$ cizTI tr(,gIn(, (agfr I fi H rtl 3rr Ttl U Jtt b g ,tr @ t I I I I trotrTt!Far-E E(, U ||ro oFt!Uar-rha-E{,u sg $E EE #€ EE E$ fiE $31 $t! I 4 I I I I I I T I I I t I I I t t I I I SECTIOII III . NOT APPLICABLE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ot I THE vAIL ATHLETIc cLUB- ASBESTOS INSPECTION REPORT I sEcrro* oo4oo I HTSToRTCAL rNF0RltATroN A]tD TNSPECTI0NS r 4.I PREVI0US INSPECTI0N SUlil'tARY r No information was avail able to the Inspector regarding previous i nspecti ons. I 4.? pREvr'us ABATEMEI{T su}*.ARy I No.information was available to the Inspector regarding previous abatement I acti vi ti es. I 4.3 rNspEcroR's Exclusrot{ sTATEmENT I I I I I The Inspector djd not include any exclusion statements in this asbestosi.nspection report. A1 1 suspect asbestos-containing materials discoveredduri ng the inspection have been addressed in this ieport. I I I I I I END OF SECTION 00400- I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I THE YAIL ATHLETIC CLUB ASBESTOS II{SPECTION REPORT 5.1 ASBESToS 5.1.1 5.r.2 sEcTIoil 00500 INSPECTION SUIII'IARI ES AND PHYSICAL ASSESSI.IEI{TS INSPECTIONS INSPECTION INFORI'IATIOII AND PROCEDURES No construction records such as plans and specifications for the original and subsequent construction were available.Different building areas which contajn like-appearing materials would riquire separate sampling to lvaluat6 asbestos content, Common usage room names and numbers were determined for use in this p'l an. Schematic drawings were made of the subject building whichindicate functjonal spaces/rooms, homogeneous areas, salient and sample locations. These drawings are attached in Section 00600. Each homogeneous area was assigned a cross reference code. Every accessible internal space in the building was toured and observed during inspections. The Inspector attempted todiscover and record any material suspecteil of containingasbestos. A11 suspected materjal discovered was tested-byphysical hand pressure to determjne whether or not thematerial was friable. An assessment of the material ,s condj.tjon and potential for djsturbance or damage was made based upon the Inspectors's experjence and judg6ment. AII observat'ions were recorded on field sheets whiih are attached to this document in their unaltered condition inthe Appendix. Inspection procedures were conducted jn accordance with the requirements of the Federal and State of Colorado asbestosregulations to the best of the contributing Inspector,sabilities. INSPECTION REPORT SU}II{ARIES Inspections and bulk sampling were performed by EpA andState of Colorado Certjfied Inspectors; the woik was notdelegated_i!.!.I way to non-certified personne'|. Copies ofthe actual field inspection reports arb jncluded in Appendixof this Inspection Report. Ali bulk samples were tesibd using polarized 1ight microscopy. 00500- I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T 5.2 PHYSICAT 5.2. t 5.2.2 ASSESSI'IE}IT CRITERIA SUSPECT ASBESTOS-CO}ITA III II{C SURFAC I NO }IATERIALS Poor Gondit'ion (Significantly Damaged) -- ACI'| with one or more of the following characteristics: The surface crumbingor blistered over at least one tenth of the area if the damage is evenly distributed, or at least one quarter if the damage is 1ocalized; large areas of materjal hanging fromthe surface, de'l aminated, or showing adhesive failure; atleast one tenth of the surface water stained or heavily gouged, marred or abraded (or one quarter if the damage islocalized; large accumulatjon of powder, dust, or debiis on surfaces beneath the cei'l ing or wa1 1. Fair Condition (Damaged) -- ACI'I with one or more of the fo1 lowing characteristics; up to one tenth of the surface(!f the danage is evenly distributed) or up to one quarterof the surface (if the damage is localized) blistered, crumbl'i ng, water stained, or gouged, marred or abraded; some accunulation of powder, dust or debrjs on surfaces beneaththe cejling or wa1l. Good Condition -- ACI'I with no visible damage ordeterioration, or showing only very limited damage or deteri orati on . SUSPECT ASBESTOS-COI{TAII{ II{G THER}IAL II{SUUITI ON Poor Cond'ition (Significantly Damaged) -- ACll with one or more of the following characterjstics: mostly m.i ssingjackets; water damaged, crushed or heavily gouged or-punctured insulatjon on at least one tenth of pipe, if the damage is evenly distributed, or at least one huhrier jf the damage is localized; powder, dust, and debris on surfaces beneath pipes, boilers, tanks, etc. Fair Condition (Damaged) -- ACll with one or more of thefollowing characteristics: a few water stains or sectionsof missing jackets; crushed insulatjon or water stajns,gouges, punctures, or mars on up to one tenth of theinsulation if the damage is evenly distrjbuted, or up to onequarter if the damage is localized; some accumulation ofpowder, dust. debris in surfaces beneath pipes, bo.i 'l ers,tanks, etc. Good Condition (Damaged) -- ACI{ with no visible damage ordeterioration, or showing on'ly very limited damage oideteri orati on. 00500-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I 5.2.3 FACTORS USED TO DETERI'IIIIE POTEI{TIAL DISTURBANCE A. Accessibility -- Any ACl'l that is accessjble can bedisturbed. This inc1uded any material that can be reached by building occupants or custodial/maintenance personnel , either directly or with equipment or other objects. Nearness of the ACll to heating, ventilation,lighting, and plumbing systems requiring periodic repair or maintenance is a primary cause of d i sturbance . POTEI{TIAL FOR CONTACT I{ITH THE I'IATERIAL Hi gh:Servjce workers work in the vic'i nity of the material more than once per week, or the materjal is in a public area and accessible to building occupants. lloderate: Services worker work in the vicinity of the material once per month to once per week, or the material is jn a room oroffice and accessible to the occupants. B. Vibration -- High levels of activity such as running and other athletic activities tend to createdvibration which accelerates the fiber release process. Vibration from mechanical equipment, road vehicles, and airplanes or from sound waves (e.g. music or noise) may have a similar effect on the ACM. Low: INFLUENCE OF VIBRATION Hi gh: ]loderate: Low: Service workers work in the vicinity of the material less than once per month, or the material is visible but not within reach of building occupants. C. Air Erosion -- An ajr steam may erode an ACl,l surface causing fibers to be released. Erosion may occur in anair p1 enum, in an air or elevator shaft, br downstream from a vent or register. The likelihood that erosion may occur is related to the speed with which the airstrikes the surface. Loud motors or engines present, or intrusjve noises or easi'ly sensed vi brati ons. Motors or engines present, not obtrusiveor occasional loud sounds. None of the above. 00500-3 I I T t I I I I I I I 5.2.4 POTEIITIAL FOR AIR EROSIOI{ High: High ve'locity air l'loderate: Noticeable movement of air Low: None of the above DETERI'II}IATION OF DISTURBANCE POTENTIAL High Disturbance -- ACI'I which ranks "high: in any one ofpotential for contact, influence of vibration, or potentialfor air erosion. Examples are (l) acoustical plaster on a low ceiling in a high school band room, (2) thermal system insulation on ajr ducts connected to ventilation fans and readily accessjbleto workers conducting majntenance on the ventilation system, and (3) fireproofing on structural members or metal/concrete decks jn a return p1 enum. ]loderate Disturbance -- ACll which ranks "moderate" in any one potential for contact, influence of vibration, orpotential for air erosion, 5.2.5 AHERA CATEGORY DETER}IINATION The following table was used to determine the AHERA category. I l'lateri al T I I I I I I I 2 3 4 5 o 7 8 9 **Requ i res Poor Fair - Fai r Poor Fai r/Poor Any Any Any GoodAny ** an explanation Any Any Any Any Moderate High Any Low/None TSI ACB[{ Yes TSI ACBM Yes Surf. ACBl,l Yes Surf. AGBl'l Yes Mi sc. ACBI'I YesACBI'I E itherACBI'I Ei therACBII YesACBI'I No Non-Asbestos Containing Material by the Inspector 00500-4 I I 2. 3. 4. AHERA Cateqory l. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Definition Damaged or significantly damaged friable thernral system insulation. Damaged friable surfacing ACII. Significantly damaged friable surfacing ACl,l. Damaged or significantly damaged friable miscellaneous ACl'|. ACBI'I with potential for damage. ACBI'I with potential for significant damage. Any remaining friable ACBl'l or frjable suspected ACBll. Non-damaged ACBII with lo/no potential for damage. Non-asbestos containing material . CateqoryI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.3 ACBI'I DESCRIPTIVE LOG AND SUI,II,IARY OF AREAS The areas are organized by homogeneous areas within the building areas. 00500-5 HOl.IOGENEOUS DESGRIPTION: FUNCTIOI{AL SPACES: DATE INSPECTED: INSPECTOR'S T{AIIIE: PRINT LOCATION: Interior Drywall Systems - Drywall Pane'ls ,Throughout the entjre building June 28, 1996 Jane H. Adams N/A N/A N/A N/A I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I PHYSICAL ASSESS}IENT SIZE: ASSUI'IED ACBII: CONFIRI'I ACBII: FRIABLE: I,IATERIAL: EXTEI{T OF DAI.IAGE: AGCESSIBLE: POTENTIAL FOR CO}ITACT: INFLUENCE OF VIBMTION: POTENTIAL FOR AIR EROSIOII: DISTURBANCE POTEI{TIAL: AIR FLO}I IN AREA: }IANNER OF SAIiIPLING: AHEM CATEGORY: > 5,000 sF No No Yes, if disturbed Mi scel I aneous N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Random Sampl ing 9 CONDITION: DAI4AGE TYPE: SEVERITY: SAIIIPLE NUI.IBER: IOCATIOl{: DATE SAIIIPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAMPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI.IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTEI{T: ASBESTOS TYPE: AI{ALYSIS DATE: SAIiIPLE NU}IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAiIPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: 0l -vAc-062896Alst Floor Room 108 0 N l,lall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 02 -vAc -062896Alst Floor Dumbwaiter @ E l,lall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 03-vAc-062896Alst Floor Room 102 E llall June 28, 1996'None Detected Not App'l j cabl e July 2, 1996 00500-6 t I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I SAI'IPLE ilUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS GONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAIiIPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTEI{T: ASBESTOS TYPE: AI{ALYSIS DATE: SAIIPLE }IU}|BER: LOCATION: DATE SA}IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: A1{ALY5I5 DATE: SA}IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATIOI{: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAIIPLE NUIIIBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAI'IPLE NUI.IBER: LOGATION: DATE SA}IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SA}IPLE NU]IIBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI.IPLED: ASBESTOS GONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: AI{ALYSIS DATE: SAIiIPLE NUMBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTEIIT: ASBESTOS TYPE: 04 -vAc -062896Alst Floor Hall Ceiling 0 Room 108 June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 05 -vAc -062896Alst Floor Hall Sales 0ffice Ceiling June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 06-vAc- 062896Alst Floor Food Preparation Area Cei'ling June 28, 1996 None Detected . Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 07 -vAc-062896Alst Floor Art Room Ceiling 0 Nt.l June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 08-vAC -062896Alst Floor Art Room 0 |rl !,lall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 09-vAC-062896Alst Floor Art Room 0 E tlall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appljcable .July 2, 1996 l0 -vAc -062896Alst Floor Art Room @ N t.Jall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not App'l i cabl e July 2, 1996 I I -VAC-0628964 l st Fl oor Di n ing Room Cei l i ng 0 Sl,l June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Applicable ANALYSIS DATE: 00500-7 July 2, 1996 I I I I T T I t I I I I I I t I T I I SA}IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SA}IPLED: ASBESTOS GONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: AI{ALYSIS DATE: SA}IPLE NUI4BER: LOGATION: DATE SAI.IPLED: ASBESTOS GO}ITENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: AI{ALYSIS DATE: SAI'IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI,IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAI'IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAMPTED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAIiIPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SA}IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SA]iIPLE }IUiIBER: LOCATION: DATE SA]IIPLED: ASBESTOS GONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAI.IPLE NUI,IBER: LOCATION: DATE SA}IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAI'IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAIIIPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: l2 -vAc -062896A 2nd Floor Accounting 0ffjce G N t,lall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not App'l i cabl e July 2, 1996 l3-vAc-062896A 2nd Floor Stair Landing Ceiling June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl i cabl e July 2, 1996 l4-vAc- 062896A 2nd Floor Hall Ceiling @ Room 203 June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 15-VAC -062896Alst Floor Mountain Room Ceiling June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 l6-vAc-062896A 3rd Floor Hall Ceiling @ Room 302 June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl i cabl e July 2, 1996 l7-vAc-062896A 3rd Floor Hall Ceiling 0 Room 302 June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 l8-vAc-062896A Ladies Massage Room June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl i cabl e July 2, 1996 r9-vAc-062896A Ladies Spa Janitor's Closet June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl jcable 00500-8 ANALYSIS DATE: Ju'ly 2, 1996 l4 I I I I I I I SAIIPLE NUI,IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABORATORY NA}IE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: GERTIFICATION: 20-vAc -062896A Ladies l'|assage Room June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable'Ju1y 2, 1996 FRS GEOTECH, INC.l44l l,lest 46th Avenue, Suite Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-25se NVLAP Lab Code 2078 t I I T I I I t I I 00500-9 oI I DESCRIPTION: FUI{CTIONAL SPAGES: DATE INSPECTED: INSPECTOR'S NAIIE: PRINT LOCATION: Interjor Drywall Systems - Skim Coat Texture & Paint Guest Room, Dumwaiter, Kitchen June 28, 1996 Jane H. Adams N/A PHYSICAL ASSESSIiIENT < 1,000 sF No No Yes, jf disturbed Surfac ing N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Random Sampl ing 9 SIZEI ASSUI.IED ACBI'I: CONFIR}I ACB}I: FRIABLE: iIATERIAL: EXTENI OF DA}IAGE: ACCESSI BLE: POTENTIAL FOR CONTACT: INFLUENCE OF VIBRATION: POTENTIAL FOR AIR EROSION: DISTURBANCE POTENTIAL: AIR FLO}I III AREA: I,IANNER OF SAI'IPLING: AHERA CATEGORY: CONDITI0N: N/A DAMAGE TYPE: N/A SEVERITY: N/A I t t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I SA}IPLE NUTIIBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SA}IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI.IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTET{T: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAI'IPLE NU}IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'1PLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABORATORY I{AI.IE: AODRESS: TELEPHONE: CERTIFICATIOI{: 0l -vAc-0628968lst Floor Room 108 0 N tlall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl jcable July 2, 1996 02 - vAc- 0628968lst Floor Dumbwaiter 0 E }Jall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icabl e July 2, 1996 03 -vAc -062896Blst Floor Room 102 E t.lall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl jcable July 2, 1996 FRS GEOTECH, INC. l44l ilest 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-2s59 NVLAP Lab Code 2078 00500- t0 II I I I T t I I I I I I I I t I I t t DESCRIPTION: FUNCTIONAT SPACES: DATE INSPECTED: I}ISPEGTOR'S NAI'IE: PRINT LOGATION: Interior Drywal'l Systems Ha1 Iways, Mountain Room, June 28, 1996 Jane H. Adams N/A - Stipple Texture & Paint Ford Room PHYSICAL ASSESSI,IENT SIZE: ASSUI'IED ACB}I: COIIFIR}I ACB}I: FRIABLE: I.IATERIAL: EXTENT OF DAI'IAGE: ACCESSIBLE: POTENTIAL FOR CONTACT: INFLUENCE OF VIBRATION: POTET{TIAL FOR AIR EROSION; DISTURBAI{CE POTENTIAL: AIR FLO}I III AREA: }IANNER OF SA}IPLII{G: AHERA CATEGORY: SA}IPLE NUIIIBER: LOCATION: DATE SA],IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAIiIPLE I{UI'IBER: LOCATIOI{: DATE SAMPLED: ASBESTOS GONTEI{T: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SA}IPLE NUMBER: LOCATION: DATE SA}IPLED: ASBESTOS COilTENT; ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: > 5,000 sFNo G0NDITI0I{:No DAIIAGE TYPE: Yes, if disturbed SEVERITY: N/A Surfac ing N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Random Sampl ing 9 N/A N/A BULK SA 04 -vAc -0628968lst Floor Hall Ceiling @ Room 108 June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl i cabl e July 2, 1996 0s-vAc- 0628968lst Floor Hall Sales 0ffice Ceiling'June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 l3 -vAC -0628968 2nd Floor Stair Landing Ceil ing June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl i cabl e July 2, 1996 00500- l I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I t t I SA}IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: AT{ALYSIS DATE: SA}IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS COI{TE}IT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAIIPTE I{UI'IBER: TOCATION: DATE SA}IPLED: ASBESTOS GONTEI{T: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SA}IPLE NUMBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS GONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABOUITORY NA}IE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: CERTIFICATIOI{: l4 -vAc -0628968 2nd Floor Hall Cejl ing 0 Room 203 June 28, 1996 .None Detected Not Appl icable Ju'ly 2, 1996 l5-vAc-0628968lst Floor Mountain Room Ceiling June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl i cabl e July 2, 1996 l6-vAc-0628968 3rd Floor Hall Ceiling 0 Room 302 June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 17-VAC -0628968 3rd Floor Hall Ceiling 0 Room 302 June 28, 1996 None Detected . Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 FRS GEOTECH, INC.l44l lJest 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-2ss9 NVLAP Lab Code 2078 00500- 12 I I I DESCRI PTION: FUNCTIONAL SPACES: DATE INSPECTED: INSPECTOR'S I{AI'IE: PRIilT LOCATION: SIZE: ASSUI,IED ACBI'I: GONFIRI.I ACBI'I: FRIABLE: }IATERIAL: EXTEI{T OF DAiIAGE: ACCESSIBLE: POTENTIAL FOR GONTACT: INFLUENCE OF VIBRATIOI{: POTENTIAT FOR AIR EROSION: DISTURBANCE POTENTIAL: AIR FLO}I IN AREA: I'IANNER OF SA}IPLIl{G: AHEM CATEGORY: > 5,000 sF No No Yes, if disturbed Surfac ing N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Random Sampl ing 9 C0NDITI0N: N/A DAI'IAGE TYPE: N/A SEVERITY: N/A Interior Drywal 1 Systems - Orange Peel Texture & Paint Guest Rooms,Offices, Dining Room, Kitchen June 28, 1996 Jane H. Adams N/AI I I I I I t PHYSI I I SA}IPLE NUMBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS COI{TENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAMPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAMPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ATIALYSIS DATE: SAI'IPLE I{UMBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS COilTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: 06-vAc-0628968lst Floor Food Preparation Area Ceiling June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl i cabl e.July 2, 1996 07-vAc-0628968lst Floor Art Room Ceiling @ Nt,l June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl jcable July 2, 1996 ll-vAc-0628968lst Floor Dining Room Ceiling 0 Sl.l June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Applicable July 2, 1996 I I I I t I I 00500-13 t4 I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I SAI'IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI,IPLED: ASBESTOS GONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SA}IPLE I{UIIBER: LOCATION: DATE SAMPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAI.IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAMPLED: ASBESTOS COI{TENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAI'IPLE NUI4BER: LOCATIOI{: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS GOilTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABORATORY NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: GERTIFICATION: 12 -VAC-052896B Znd Floor Accounting Office June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 l8-vAC -0628968 Ladies Massage Room June 28, 1996 None Detected Not App'l i cabl e July 2, 1996 l9 -vAc-0628968 Ladjes Spa Janitor's Closet June 28, 1995 None Detected Not Appl i cabl e July 2, 1996 20-vAc- 062896B Ladies Massage Room June 28, 1996 None Detected Not App l i cabl e July 2, 1996 FRS GEOTECH, INC.l44l West 46th Avenue, Suite Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-2s59 NVLAP Lab Code 2078 @ N Wall 00500-14 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I H0I'IOGENEOUS AREA ID: VA-05 DESCRIPTI0N: Interior Drywall systems - Stucco-Like Texture & paint FUNCTIONAL SPACES: lst Floor Art Room DATE IIISPEGTED: June 28, 1996 II{SPEGT0R'S NAl,lE: Jane H. Adams PRII{T LOCATI0N: N/A SIZE: > 5,000 SF ASSUIIED ACBII: No C0NFIRi'| ACB}I: NoFRIABLE: yes, if disturbedI'IATERIAL: Surf ac i ng EXTENT 0F DAI'IAGE: N/AACCESSIBLE: N/A POTENTIAL FOR C0NTACT: N/A INFLUENCE 0F YIBRATI0N: N/A POTENTIAL FOR AIR EROSION: N/A DISTURBAI{CE P0TENTIAL: N/A AIR FL0U Ill AREA: N/A llAl{l{ER 0F SA}IPLING: Random Sampling AHERII CATEG0RY: 9 C0NDITI0il: N/A DAMAGE TYPE: N/ASEVERITY: N/A SAI{PLE }IUI'IBER: [OCATION: DATE SA]IIPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAI,IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS COI{TENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAlilPtE NUI,IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAMPIED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABOMTORY NAI.IE: ADDRESS: TEIEPHONE: CERTIFICATION: BULK SA}IPLE 08-vAc-0628968lst F'loor Art Room @ lt l.lall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 07-vAc-0628968lst Floor Art Room 0 E tlall'June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl i cabl e July 2, 1996 08-vAc-0628968lst Floor Art Room @ N tlall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 FRS G€OTECH, INC.l44l lr|est 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-25s9 NVLAP Lab Code 2078 I t I 00500- 15 I I t I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I a DESCRIPTI0N: Vinyl Floor Covering (Black) FUI{CTI0NAL SPAGES: Upper Levet Health CtuU - Dly Care DATE INSPECTED: June 28, 1996 INSPECTOR'S llAllE: Jane H. Adams PRINT t0GATIOll: N/A SIZE: ASSU},IED ACBI'I: GONFIRIII ACBI'I: FRIABLE: iIATERIAL: AHEM CATEGORY: > 5,000 sF No No No Mi scel I aneous C0NDITI0N: N/A DAI'IAGE TYPE: N/ASEVERITY: N/A EXTEI{T 0F DAItiAGE: N/AACCESSIBLE: N/A POTENTIAL FOR CONTACT: N/A II{FLUENCE 0F VIBRATI0N: N/A P0TEI{TIAL FOR AIR ER0SI0N: N/A DISTURBANCE P0TENTIAL: N/A AIR FL0lf IN AREA: N/A l'lANllER 0F SAllPLIt{c: Randorn Sampling SAI'IPLE NUIiIBER: LOCATION: DATE SA}IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABORATORY NA}IE: ADDRESS: TELEPHOI{E: CERTIFICATIOil: 2l -vAc-062896 DayCareGSilall June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 FRS GEOTECH, INC.l44l West 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-25s9 NVLAP Lab Code 2078 00500- 16 H0I'I0GENE0US AREA ID: YA-07 DESCRIPTION: FUNCTIONAL SPACES: DATE INSPECTED: IIISPEGTOR'S I{AI'IE: PRIIIT LOCATION: Exterior C1 adding Panels - "Dryvit" Exterior of Building (Typical) June 28, 1996 Jane H. Adams N/A I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I SIZE: ASSU]'|ED ACBl,l: CONFIRI,I ACB}I: FRIABLE: }IATERIAL: EXTENT OF DAIiIAGE: ACCESS IBLE: POTENTIAL FOR COI{TACT: INFLUENCE OF VIBRATIOil: POTENTIAL FOR AIR EROSIOI{: DISTURBANCE POTENTIAT: AIR FLOI{ IN AREA: }IANNER OF SAMPLING: AHERA CATEGORY: > 5,000 sF No No No Mi scel I aneous N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Random Sampl ing 9 CONDITION: DAI4AGE TYPE: SEVERITY: N/A N/A N/A SAI'IPLE NU}IBER: LOGATION: DATE SA}IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABOMTORY NAI.IE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: CERTI FICATION: 22-UAC-062896 Lower Exterior S llal'l 0 Pool Area June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 FRS GEOTECH, INC. l44I West 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-255s NVLAP Lab Code 2078 00500- l7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H0]|OGENE0US AREA ID: YA-08 PHYSICAL ASSESS}IENT DESCRI PTION: FUNCTIONAL SPACES: DATE INSPECTED: INSPEGTOR'S NA},IE: PRINT LOCATION: SIZE: ASSUI.IED ACBII: COIIFIRI'I ACBI{: FRIABLE: I.IATERIAL: EXTEI{T OF DA}IAGE: ACCESSIBLE: POTENTIAL FOR CONTACT: INFLUEIICE OF VIEMTION: POTENTIAL FOR AIR EROSION: DISTURBANCE POTENTIAL: AIR FLO}I IN AREA: }IANNER OF SA}IPLING: AHERA CATEGORY: Fiberg'lass Duct Lining Insulation Interior of Sheet Metal Ducts June 28, 1995 Jane H. Adams N/A < 1,000 sF No No Yes Mi scel I aneous N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Random Sampl ing 9 G0NDITI0N: N/A DAI{AGE TYPE: N/ASEVERITY: N/A SAI,IPLE NU}IBER: LOGATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABORATORY NA}IE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: CERTI FICATION: 23 -VAC-062896 Return Air Duct in N Mechanical Room June 28, 1996 None Detected Not Applicable July 2, 1995 FRS GEOTECH, INC.l44l West 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-2sse NVLAP Lab Code 2078 00500- l8 I I HO}|OGENEOUS AREA ID: VA-09 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DESCRIPTION: FUNCTIONAL SPACES: DATE INSPECTED: INSPECTOR'S }IA}IE: PRINT LOCATION: Black Coating on Hot Water Storage Tanks Mechanical Room July 9, 1996 Jane H. Adams N/R PHYSICAL ASSESS}IEI{T SIZE: ASSUI'IED ACBI'I: CONFIRI.I ACBI'I: FRIABLE: 1'IATERIAL: EXTENT OF DA]IIAGE: ACCESSIBLE: POTENTIAL FOR CONTACT: II{FLUENCE OF VIBRATION: POTEI{TIAL FOR AIR EROSION: DISTURBANCE POTENTIAL: ATR FLO}I IN AREA: }IANNER OF SA}IPLING: AHEM CATEGORY; 3 ea 0 4' Dja x 8' HighNo G0NDITI0N: DamageYes DAI'IAGE TYPE: Phys, Det'nNo SEVERITY: Evenly Dist'd Surfaci ng > 0y. < l0% Yes Moderate Low Low Moderate Yes Random Sampl ing 5 SAI'IPLE I{UI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTEI{T: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: SAI'IPLE NUMEER: LOCATION: DATE SAiIPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: 541'IPLE NUI'IBER: LOCATION: DATE SAMPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: 24-VAC-070996 Tank No. 0l - July 9, 1996 None Detected Not Appl icable July 15, 1996 2s-vAc-070996 Tank No. 02 - July 9, 1996 23% Chrysot i I e July 15, 1996 26-VAC-070996 Tank No. 03 - July 9, 1996 08% Chrysoti 1e July 15, 1996 Lower Level Mechanical Room (Black Coating not included) Lower Level Mechanical Room Lower Level Mechanical Room I I I 00500- l9 I LAB0RAT0Ry NAnE: FRs cEoTEcH, INc.r ADDRESS: l44l West 46th Avenue, Suite 14 I TELEpH0NE: ?:31;'art:l3i3o' 80211-2338 I CERTIFICATION: NVLAP Lab Code 2078 I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I 00500-20 H0I,|OGENE0US AREA ID: VA-10 DESGRIPTIOI{: FUIICTIONAL SPACES: DATE INSPECTED: INSPEGTOR'S NAI'IE: PRI]IT LOCATION: Gasketing Material 0 AirCo Boiler Lower Level Mechanical Roon July 9, 1996 Jane H. Adams N/A PHYSICAL ASSESSI'IENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t SIZE: ASSU}IEO ACBI'I: GONFIRI'I ACBI'I: FRIABLE: I'IATERIAL: EXTENT OF DAI,IAGE: ACCESSIBLE: POTENTIAL FOR CONTACT: INFLUE]ICE OF VIBRATION: POTENTIAL FOR AIR EROSIOI{: DISTURBANCE POTENTIAL : AIR FLOI{ 11{ AREA: I'IANNER OF SAMPLII{G: AHERA CATEGORY: One Unit No No No Mi scel I aneous N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Random Sampl ing 9 GONDITION: DAI'IAGE TYPE: SEVERITY: N/A N/A N/A SA}IPLE NUMBER: LOCATION: DATE SAII1PLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABORATORY NA}IE: ADDRESS: TELEPHOI{E: GERTIFIGATION: 2 7 -VAC -070996 Lower Level Mechanical Room July 9, 1996 Non Detected Not Appl icable . July 2, 1996 FRS GEOTECH, INC. 1441 lJest 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-25se NVLAP Lab Code 2078 00500-21 I t I I I I I I H0}I0GENE0US AREA ID: VA-II PHYSICAL ASSESSIiIENT DESGRIPTION: FUilCTIONAT SPACES: DATE INSPECTED: II{SPECTOR'S I{AME: PRINT LOCATION: SIZE: ASSU}IED ACBI'I: CONFIR}I ACB}I: FRIABLE: }IATERIAL: EXTENT OF DAI'IAGE: ACGESSIBLE: POTE}ITIAL FOR CONTACT: INFLUENCE OF YIBRATION: POTENTIAL FOR AIR EROSION: DISTURBANCE POTE}ITIAL: AIR FLOI{ IN AREA: I'IANNER OF SAI,IPLING: AHERA CATEGORY: Fire Door Filler Lower Level Mechanica'l Room July 9, 1996 Jane H. Adams N/A One Unit No No Yes l'li scel I aneous N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Random Sampl ing 9 CONDITI0N: N/A DAIfAGE TYPE: N/ASEVERITY: N/A I I I I I I I I I I I SAI{PLE NUIiIBER: LOCATION: DATE SAI'IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABORATORY NA]IIE: ADDRESs: TELEPHONE: CERTIFICATION: 28-VAC-070996 Lower Level Mechanical Room July 9, 1996 Non Detected Not Appl icable . July 2, 1996 FRS GEOTECH, INC. l44l blest 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-2ss9 NVLAP Lab Code 2078 00500-22 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I DESCRIPTI0NT 2' x 2' Suspended Acoustical Ceiling Tile (Glacier) FUNCTI0NAL SPACES: 3rd Floor Ford Room DATE INSPECTED: Ju'ly 9, 1995 IilSPECT0R'S NAIIE: Jane H. Adams PRII{T L0CATI0N: N/A EXTENT 0F DAIIAGE: N/AACCESSIBLE: N/A POTENTIAL FOR COIITACT: N/A IIIFLUEI{CE 0F YIBMTION: N/A POTEilTIAL FOR AIR EROSION: N/A DISTURBANCE POTENTIAL: . N/A AIR FL0t{ IN AREA: N/A I,IANNER 0F SAI'IPLING: Random Sampling SIZE: ASSUI'IED ACBI,I: GONFIRI'I ACBI'I: FRIABLE: I'IATERIAL: SAI'IPLE NUMBER: LOCATION: DATE SA}IPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABOMTORY NAME: ADDRESS; TELEPHONE: CERTIFICATION: < 1,000 sF No No Yes Mi scel I aneous 29 -VAC - 070996 3rd Floor Ford Conference Room July 9, 1996 Non Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 FRS GEOTTCH, INC. 1441 lJest 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-2ss9 NVLAP Lab Code 2078 C0NDITI0N: N/A DAMAGE TYPE: N/ASEVERITY: N/A AHEM CATEGORY: BULK S 00500-23 I I I t DESCRIPTION: FUNCTIONAL SPACES: DATE INSPECTED: INSPEGTOR'S NA}IE: PRINT IOCATIOI{: 2' x 2' Suspended Acoustical Ceiling Tile (Fissured) Aerobi cs July 9, 1996 -Jane H. Adams N/A N/A N/A N/A I I I I I I SIZE: ASSUIIED ACBt'l: CONFIRl'I ACBI'I: FRIABLE: }IATERIAL: EXTENT OF DA}IAGE: ACGESSI BLE: POTENTIAL FOR CONTACT: IilFLUENCE OF VIBMTION: POTENTIAL FOR AIR EROSION: DISTURBANCE POTENTIAL: AIR FLO}I II{ AREA: t'tAl$tER 0F SAt'tPLIt{G ; AHEM CATEGORY: > 5,000 sF No No Yes M isce'l 'l aneous N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Random Sampl ing 9 GONDITION: DAI'IAGE TYPE: SEVERITY: I I t I I t t I I SAMPLE NUiIBER: LOCATION: DATE SAMPLED: ASBESTOS CONTENT: ASBESTOS TYPE: ANALYSIS DATE: LABOMTORY NA}IE: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: CERTIFICATION: 30 -vAc - 070995 Stored Material in Maintenance Office July 9, 1996 Non Detected Not Appl icable July 2, 1996 FRS GEOTECH, INC. 1441 llest 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, Colorado 80211-2338 (303) 477-2ss9 NVLAP Lab Code 2078 EI{D OF SECTION 00500-24 sEcTtoN 00600 The Drawings TIT TTT rll l: < ol= .\l _-Fl : ::lJl - i:ul = ::\l :\.J | _ _rJ :g=ci\l -cfl:"/l - | -- :!nl' ! =;!Fl -:- :::\+r-tJ:-:: e1l *-- -:\j | -! ;::-dl:i $;u'l=! :::\l;: :;i o o o o IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .{q c$\_ \^ltl_ln*lEI l: < !01 =xt - sl :-{--l -Nl: i=ul*sl:*Jl : ;: rpl : il- cKl : \t rl _ _i r{ *: =i:sl -: ::!*-+ =: -.-::\5:; =;-{I| --. -::ibl:: :::\ll: ='i:t o o o o II\IIITIIIIIIITIIIII T ---l -T- __t - -L':l'l 'iirtt {r -t i(, (, ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I , nliYl; < r\ l=\l-. r\. I\t= \J IJvl* i:\t:\., l:\| :: -sis\t ( t-ri\t- t<., r r't -- ;:- :{ -: :- -i--lH:i !!i(/\l -. -:; Nl=' =:--!Jl=: :i;u)l-i :ri 1=: ::: o o o ll- q ! S r,.(lp s\ll ; ,orl1- - --stt: '*lslt\ltl a\t.' .t\'l\)l\l NI ..1strllqt --+or 'ao.o .Q r: \slsl FI m T il -1 ttr- .h tl "rlf,. Isln\l-r$RI \lxlsl {:l\Iisl\l ,rll Xl= s-'Rl: <-t-. I- ,\ t:vt-Sl= i'| :- _at; ,:w FI:lal(xl= " I I't- Klj' *:--'ts-l u: -i: ao | -: :-:i \)l- j ::i+l:: E: rl=: r;i t o o o r)\ "\ \ \\ n\\2 \!, cr \ \ |'-\ \.)q \\\ a\ I J I.J-t.}d:l +st J \*l $tdl ^-\"r_l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITI l-..'H;<.N; \t:\ lt o i -\Jt - :: sl ;i:t;..-!l -::sFI . d'l- "11: $l:: :;:t+-l -i ::: Nl-:: $:_dt:: :::nl : -=:N rt -: :::xl=:::: TTTTT II I o ---------n9 ------€) IIITIIIITIIIIIIIIII JJJ I I I I I ---1----t-- I -t(-)\,// = -J- -va:: :-: u: v:: -.: -:: -i i:;. :::r: _:--: ::: >: =:a TIIITTTIIIIITT rrrrl ao sEcTtoN 00700 PLM Bulk Sample LaboratoryAnalysls Report rtt TTI IIT I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I FRS Geotech, Inc. 1441" w. 45th Ave., Suite 14 Denver, CO 802Ll--2338 Phone: 303/ 4'7'7-2559 800/386-3136 FAx: 303/4?7-2580 ,July 3, 19 9 6 Ms. Jane Adams Adams EnvirotrmentaL Architecture 3535 SiLver P lume Court Bou1der, CO 80303-7212 Re: L,ab Nunber L0l-540 project: vail Athletic Club, 352 E. Meadow Drive Dear Ms . ,Jane Adams : The bul-k samples submitted to FRs Geotech, Inc. have been analyzed by polarized fight microscopy (PI-,M), the EPA-recommended method for determination of fibrousconstituents in building, flurteriats. The percent of asbestos conlained in the samples is a visual estimation based upon comparisons with pubfished charts. The results of these analyses are summarized in the enc.l-osed tabfe. This reportrelates only to the items received and tested by our laboratory. Accordingi to requirements set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology/NvlAP, this report must not be used to claim endorsement by NVL,AP or any agency of the US Government. Also, I.IVLAP guidelines specify that this report should not be reproduced. except in fu1l, $rithout the written approval of FRS. A copy of your Chain of custody is attached for your convenience. This report I is considered highly confid.entiat. Results will not be discussed with any I person not associated with vou. Please call if you have any questions about this work, David A. Schroeder, Ph -D. Data ControLler Enc losures NVLAP Accredited Lab *102078-0 ArHA Accredited Lab #L0794 S incere Iy, I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FRS GEOTECII, INC. 1441 W- 46th Avenue, Suite 14Denver, CO 802IL-2339 TOTAI.. ASBESTOS I{D** Other Fibrous Materials: Phone: 303/411-2559 800/386-3136 Faxt 303/477-2580 Lab No.:1015110 Page: 1 of L2 Cl-ient : Adans EnviroD@rtal Architecture Project ID:VaiI Athletic CIub, 352 E. !!ead.or DrLve Sample Numbe r Percent Sample Asbestoa Date Description Anthophyl l- ite Chrysot i1e Crocido lite Tremol ite-Actinof ite 0I--VAC-062896* ND** / ,/ Uisc/surfacing naterial-__interior drywall systems--Dw pane.l, skim coat & paint__Lst 01-vAc-052896 IAI IID** / / twtrite anC tan a.vwattt 01-vAc-062896 rBr NDtt / / twhite texture and paint--inseparabre.r 02-vAc-062896 lrD** / / Misc/surf mat--int Dw systems--Dw panel. skim 03-vAC-062896 ND** / / Misc/suii-matlliil-ow svstems--pw oaner-, skim iuralyses (percents determined by visual estimation) sample Number: 01-:vAc-0529 o1-vAc-0628 01-vAc-0G28 02-vAc-0628 03-vAc-0Gzg96* 96 fAt 96 rBt 96 95 Lalrer peacent: 100 95 5 100 100 Asbestos Minerals : Amos ite Fibrous G1ass Cellu1ose qrtfl+ h6f .i ^o Nonfibrous Material * Composite analysis** ND means 88 (multilayered sample, see ed. l{D** !{D** Trace <1t Trace (18 15 7q aA J-ayer anatyses). 10 llD* * 2 l[D** Trace (1t 99 individual Analyst:L..'DaLe. 07 102 / 96 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FRS GEOIECII, ilC, 144L w. 45th Avenue, Suite l_4 Denver, CO 80211-2338 04-vAc-062895 IBI Rtsltl.![s oF BltrJ( rsEEs,Fos srupr.E lNrr.vsrs Ry POTARTZEn Lr(3nr rircRoseopv (E'L ) EE'A-600/R-q3/1 1 5 fwhite an.l tan drwwal I I tHhite texture with inseoarable Daint-I Phone: 303/477-2559 800/386-3136 Fax:303/477-2580 Lab No.:1015f10 Page: 2 of L2 Client : Adama Esrviron&nta]. Architecture Pro ject fD: Vail Athlet.l-c C].ub, 352 E. t{eador Drive Sample Numbe r 04-vAc-062896* 04-VAC-062895 tAl l[D** / / l{D** / / Perceat Sample Asbestos Date Description ldD** / / Misc/surf mat--int DW svstems--DW panel. stioole & Daint--lst flr hall ceilino G rrn 108 0 5-VAC-0 62I9 6* 05-vAC-062895 rAl AEra1yaeg (percents dete rmined by Sample Nunber: 0 4-VAC-0 62 8 96* IJaf/eE Percent : 10 0 Asbestos Minerals : Amos ite Anthophyl I ite Chrysot i le Crocidolite T remo L ite-Act inolite TOEAI. ASBESTOS ![D** Other Fibrous Material-s: Eibrous Glass ND** / / Misc/surf mat--int Dw svstems--Dw paneL. stipple & paint--1st flr sales office ceil-ing lvD** / / fWhite and tan drvwalll visual estirnation) 04-VAC-0628 04-VAC-0528 96 tAt 95 rBl 95 0s-vAc-0628 05-vAc-062896* 96 tAl 100 8s CeIIuIose Synthetics Other; Nonfibrous Material * Conposite analysis** ND means 81 80 (multilayered sanpl-e, ^l 13 15 a1 0 q. layer analyses). 10 l[D* * 20 Trace (1? 99 see individual- llD**![D** llD** Analyst:/4 r.1.-,DaLe:. O7 /02/95 I I FR.s GEOTECII, IlfC. 1441 w, 45th Avenue, Suite 1"4 Denver, CO 8 0 2l- 1--2 338 I I I I t t I I I t I I t I I I I RESTII4IS OF BIrIJ( ASBNS'FOS SATD'.E AT{AI,VS TS BY poT-re"qFrr Lrctl]r Mrerroseopv' (prrd! Epa-600/R-qq / 116 Phone: 303 / 477-2559 8 0 0 /38 6-313 5 Fax:303/477-2580 L,ab No. :L01540 Page: 3 of 1,2 Client : AdaDa Environnental Alchitecture Project ID;Vail Athletic CIub, 352 E. lteadow Drive Samole Numbe r 0s-vAC-052896 tBl IJayer Perceat : Asbestos l{ineral-s: Amos ite Anthophyl l ite Chrysot iIe Croc idolite T remo l ite-Act inolite Ce l lulose Synthet ics Other: Percent Sample Aabestos Date llD'r't / / Desc riot ion lwhit.e texture with inseparable oaintl o6-vAc-0 628 9 6*DIDrt* / / Misc/surf mat--int Dw systems--Dw paneL. oranqe Deel & paint--lst flr food prep clo 06-vAc-052896 tAl llD'trt / /twhite and tan drvwalll 06-vAc-062996 IBI l{D*rt / ,/ Iof f-whi-te texture with inseoarable oaint l 07-lrae-062895*![D** / / Misc/surfacinq mat.erial--interior drvwal]- svstems--Dw panel. oranqe Deel- & Daint--1st flr art room clq G Nw Aaa].yses (percents determined by Sample Number: 05-VAC-0 628 96 rBt visual- estimation) 06-vAc-0628 06-vAc-062895* 96 tAt r.0 0 06-vAc-0628 07-vAC-0628 96 tBt 95'r 5 100 TOTAT ASBESTOS I[D** Other Fibrous Material-s: Fibrous Glass Trace <1% IqD** Trace <1* 19 Nonfibrous Material 99 B0 * Composite analysis (multilayered sampJ.e, see l{D** Trace <L? 20 ![D** ltD** Trace (1? 20 79 indj-vidual- l-ayer anal-yses) .x* ND neans Nore Detected. Analyst:Date: 07 /02/96 I I I FRS GEOTECE, INC. l-441- TI- 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 Phone: 303/477-2559 800/386-3136 Eax' 303 / 4'77 -258Q Lab No. :101540 Page: 4 of L2 RESI'LITS OF EIT?,T( ASEITSIOS SIYDT.E AI{AT.YSIS BY Bor.t\Rrzrh r.TGllT urcRoscoPY (errt) EPA-6oo/R-q?/116 Cl-ient : Adams En?ilon&nta]. Architecture Pxoject ID:Vai]. Athletic CIub, 352 E- t{eador DriveI I I I I I t t I I I I I Sample Number 07-vAC-o62896 rAl 07-vAc-062896 tBl 0 8-vAC-0 628 96* 08-vAc-062895 rAt 08-vAc-052896 tBl Nonfibrous Material- * Composite analysis** ND means NoDe De Analyst : Percent Sample Asbegtoa Date ND** / / De sc ript ion lWhite and tan drwwa1l l llD** / / fGray to off-white texture with inseparable pai-nt I !lD** / / Misc/surfacino naterial--interior drvwal_l l{Dtt / / t:ID{.l, / / systems--Dw panef. stucco finish & paint--1st f l-r art rm G w wall fWhite and tan drvwalll lfD*!r fWhite texture with inseoarable oaint l Ana].yses (percents determined by visual estimation) sampl-e Number: 07-vAC-0628 07-vAc-0628 08-vAc-0628 08-vAC-0528 08-vAc-062896 fAr 96 IBl 96* 96 tAt 96 tBl Layer Percent : Asbestos Minerals : Amos ite Anthophyl l ite Chrysot i 1e Croc idof ite 80 20 100 90 10 T remo l- i t e -Act ino I it e IOTAI. ASBESI',OS lfD** Other Fibrous Materials: Fibrous Glass CelluLose Synthet ics Other : l[D** Trace <12 ![D** llD** Trace (18 Trace <1t 15 Trace <lt25Trace (L% ?q oo (muJ-tilayered sample, see 85 84 individual Layer analyses) . I I I E Zc'.-DaLe. 07 /02/96 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I ERS GEOIECH, rNC. 1441 w. 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO I0211--2 33I 0g-vAc-052896 rBr EESTILIFS dTT BTII.K ASBESTOS SJAI|PI,E AIIALYSIS BYpor,aRrzEp I-rcH![ ulcRosaopy (p?rf] rpA-600./R-!13 /116 Phone: 303/417-2559 I0 0 /38 6-313 6 Eax:' 303/ 4'77-2580 ],ab No.:101540 Paqe: 5 of t2 C1ient : Adane EnvironrentaJ. Architecture Project rD:Vail Athletic C].ub, 352 E. Heador Drive Sampl-e Nufiber 0 g-vAc-0 62 8 9 6,t 09-vAc-052896 tAr llDrtrt / / !{D** / / Perceat SampJ-e Aabestos Date Description !lD** / / Misc/surfacing material--interior drywall systems--Dw panelr stucco finish & paint--Lst flr art rm G E wall 10-vAc:062896*NDt r. / / Misc/surfacing material--interior drlrwa tI systems--Dw panel, stucco finish & paint--lst flr art rm G N wall 10-vAc-062896 rAr ND** / /fWhite and tan drwwalll itrral.yses (percents determined by Sample Nurnber: 0 g-VAC- 0 62 8 96* L,aye! Perceat : 10 0 Asbestos Minerals : Amos ite Anthophyl l it.e ahrrre.\{-i I6 Croc idolite T remo L ite-Act inol-ite TOTAI, ASBESTOS !{D** Other Fibrous Material"s: llD* *ND** 10 Trace <1t Nonfibrous Material 99 90 99 95 -tg * composi-te analysis (murtilayered. sample, see individual layer anaryses).** ND means Nonq Detected. Iwhite and tan drvwalll Iwhite texture with inseparable paintl visual esLimation) 09-vAc-0628 09-vAc-0628 10-vAc-0628 10-vAc-0628 96 tAl 96 IBI 95* 96 rAt 10 90 100 20 Fibrous class CeL.LuLose Synthet ics Other : ND** !lD** Trace <1? Trace (1? Analyst:'4t*<-,--DaLe. 0'7 /42/96 I I I I ER,S GEOTECII, INC. L44l- W. 46th Avenue, Suite L4 Denver, CO 8021-1-2338 Analyses (percents determined by Sample Number: 10-vAC-0 62 8 96 rBl llEsIIt !s oF llITI-tt IG|rESBTOS SArrpr.n aNrr.vsrs Ery BOI'A|TZFJ! r.rGH'F rr"eRoseopY' (p r! EprI-600 /R-!l? /116 Phone: 303 / 477 -2559 800/386-3136 Fax:303/477-2580 Lab No.:101540 Page: 6 of t2 I I I I I I I I I I I t Cfient : Adams Enviroomental Architecture Project ID:Vai]- Athletic C]'ub, 352 E. Headow Drive Sampl-e Numbe r 10-vAc-062896 tBl 11-vAC-062896* Percent Sample Asbestoa Date Description llDrtrt / / twhite texture lrith inseparable paint I l[D** / / Misc/surfacincr materia]---interior d r:rwal-l svstems--Dw panel, oranoe pee.L & oaint--lst f J.r dininq rm cLo G SW 1L-vAc-o62896 IAt ND** / /twhite and tan drvwalll 11-vAC-062896 fBt ND*r. / / lWhite and gray texture with inseparable 12-VAC-062896*NDt t / / Misc/surfacingr materlal--interior drywall svstems--Dw panel. orange peel & paint--znd fl-r acct tgr office N wallvisual estimation) r.1-vAc-0628 11-VAC-o62896* 96 fAt 100 50 1I-VAC-0628 12-vAC-0528 96 tBt 96* s0 100Layer PeEcerrt : Asbestos Minerals : Amos ite Anthophyll ite Chrysot i 1e Crocidol ite Tremol ite-Act inol ite TOTAI, ASBESI'OS t|Drt* Other Fibrous Materials: Fibrous Glass 80 Trace <L? l{D** Trace (13 5 ND** Trace (l-t !fD** l{D** Trace <1? Trace <1? Trace <1t 10CeI Iulose Synthet ics Other: Nonfibrous Mat.erial 99 q4 Aq * Composite analysis (multilayered sample, see individuaf** ND means N . Det.e.qted. 99 89 layer analyses). I I I Analyst:%.i_Date:' 07 /02/96 I T I I I I FRS GEOTECII, INC. 144L W- 45th Avenue, Suite 1-4 Denver, CO I0211-2 33 8 Phone: 303/477-2559 800/386-3136 Fax:303/477-2580 Lab No. :1015t10 Page: 7 of L2 RESIT.TS OF BIII^R ASETSTOS SAI'PI* AIIAI-YSTS gY DOT.ARTZED I,IGHE T'ICROS(IODY {DI. } FPT-6OO/E-q1/'I 16 Client : Adams EnviroDcntal Architecture Project ID:Vail Athletic C]-ub, 352 E. Ueados Drive Sample Nundf,er 12-vAC-o62896 fAt Perceat Sample Aabestos Date t{D** / / Descript ion IWhite and tan dnzwall l 12-vAc-o62896 tBl llD** / / Iwhite texture with inseparable paint l I[Drtlt / / Misc/surfacinq rnaterial--interior drvwall ltD** I / NDtct / / svstems--Dw panel-. stipple & paint--znd flr stair landing clo f White and tan drwwal1l 95 I I I T I t I I I I I I I 13-vAc-0 628 96t 13-vAC-062896 fAr 13-vAC-062896 rBi lWhite texture wi-th inseoarable Daintl A,nalyses (percents determined by visual estimation) sample Nuaber: 12-vAC-0628 l-2-vAc-o528 13-vAc-0628 13-vAc-0628 13-vAc-062895 rAt 96 rBt 96* 96 fAt 96 IBt L,ayea Percent : Asbestos Minerals : Amos ite Anthophyllite chrysot i fe Crocidolite Tremo l ite-Act inol ite EOTAI ASBESTOS ND** Other Fibrous Material-s: s 100 90 10 Fibrous G]-ass CeIl-ulose Synthet ics Other : Analyst : Trace <1 * 10 l[Drt rt Trace (1% "f rer.a <1 2 Nonf ibrous l"laterial_ 8 9 94 94 10 0 * composite anarysis (multilayered sample, see individual layer anaryses).** ND means Dete€ted. l{D** !lD** llD** Trace <1% Trace (1* 55 E Ra ines h:._.__Date: 07 /02/96 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I rRs GEOTECI|, rNC. 1441 w. 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 802L1-2338 14-VAC-062896 tBl RESTTLIIS OF BIIIJ( ASEESTOS SAT'PI.E AIIALISIS BYpoI,laIzED LTGITF MTCROSCOPY (pr,rr) EpA-600 /R-93 /116 Phone: 303/477-2559 800/386-3136 Eax: 303/ 477-2580 Lab No. : 1015{0 Page: 8 of 12 Client : Adems Environmental Alchitecture Project ID: Va:Ll Athletic CIub. 352 E. lteador Drive SamDIe Number 14-VAC-0 628 9 6* 14-vAC-062895 IAl Percent Sample Agbegtos Date Description !{D** / / Misc/surfacing material--interior drvwa.Il svstems--Dw panel-. stipple & paint--2nd flr hall cla G rm 203 llD** / / twhite and tan drywa.l.l l lfir.r. / /fwhite texture with inseparable paintl llD** / / Misc/surfacinq nateria.l--interior drvwall svsLems--Dw panel-. stipple & Daint--1st flr n-ountrain rn- clg !lD** / / fwhiLe and tan drvwafL l L5-vAc-062896* 15-VAC-062896 rAl Analyaes (percents determined by Sample Number: 14-VAC-0 62I 95* Layer Percent: 100 Asbestos Mineral-s: Amo s ite Anthophyl- lite a-hrrrcn+ i Ia Crocidol ite Tremol ite-Act ino l ite TOTAIJ ASBESTOS !TD** Other Fibrous Materials: Fibroua Gl-ass Ce L lulose Synthet ics Other: Trace <1t visual estimation) 1-4-vAC-0628 14-vAC-0628 96 tAt 96 rBl 298 ND**lfD** 5 15-VAC-0528 15-vAC-052896* 96 tAt 100 95 Nonf i-brous Material 99 95 * Composite analysis (multilayered sample, see** ND means N DeLacted. l{D** IID** Trace (18 Trace (1t 19 100 79 individual layer analyses) . Analysts:t/?--z DaLe. 07 /02/96 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FRS GEOTECIT, rNC. 1,4 4 1" W . 4 6th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 Phone: 303 / 4'77-2559 800/386-3r.36 Eax:303/477-2580 Lab No.:101540 Page: 9 of 12 R.ESIILIIS OF BTIIJ( ASBNS|FOS STTDT.E INIT.VSTS BY pol'ARrzrdn LTGT tl riTcRdsedpY (p ) EPA-600/R-EE/'116 CLient : Adara Enwiro@ata]. Architecture Project ID:Vail Athletic elub, 352 E. tdeadox Dri?e Sanpl-e Nunbe r 15-vAC-062895 tBl 16-vAC-052895* r-5-vAc-062896 IAt 16-vAC-062896 rBi ,r. * litrD means Det Percent SampJ-e Agbestoa Date l{D*rt / / Descript ion f9lhite texture with inseoarable oaint l llD** / / Misc/surfacing material--interior drywall systems--Dw panel stipple & paint--3rd f1r hall ceilinq G 302 l{D*rt / / DID** / / f White and tan drvwalll IWhite texture with inseoaratrle oaint l 17-VAC-062896* Analyses (percents determined by Sample Nunber: L 5-VAC-0 52I 96 rBt IJayer Pelceat: 5 Asbestos Mineral-s: Anos ite Anthophyll-ite ahrrrcn{-i 1a Crocidolite Tremolite-Act inolite TOTAL ASB,ESTOS I[D** Other Fibrous MateriaLs: Fibrous Glass Ce l fufose qunl-ha{- i,^c Other : Nonfibrous Material- * Composite anal-ysis Trace <1? ![D** / / Misc/surfacing material--interior dr]rwall systems--DW panel. stipple & paint--3rd fl,r ford rm c1a visual estination) 16-vAC-0628 16-VAC-052896* 96 tAt 100 l-6-vAc-0628 17-vAc-0628 96 tBl 96* 25 L00 l{D** lfD** Trace (18 llD** Tr.:..a <1* 1R ND** Trace <1? qq aq (multilayered sample, see r Trace <1% 84 99 89 individual layer analyses) . Anal-yst:'/,Date: 0L!!2t195. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ERS GEOEECH, INC. 1441 W. 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 8 0211-2 33 8 Phone: 303 / 4"1'l -2559 800/385-3136 Fax:303/477-2580 Lab No. :1015{0 Page r 10 of 1,2 R.ESfit.FS Olr Brrf,R aSBESEOS gIUfttLE IIIIIIIYSIR RY I'OIARIZED T-TGFT T{IEROSEOPY (PLTi) EPA-6OO/R-93/116 Cl-ient : A.dams Ewironrental Architecture Project rD:vail Athletic Cfub, 352 E. ueadorr Drive Sample Nu:nber PerceDt Sample Asbestos Date Description I-7-VAC-062896 IAI l[D** / / twhite and tan drywalll 17-VAC-062896 tBl l{Dt t / /fwhif e textrlre with inseoarable oaini] 18 -vAC-0 52 8 9 6 NDt* / / Misc/surf mat--int DW svsLems--Dw panel-. orancre Deel & oaint--ladies massaoe rm #2 IDink & tan Dw w/inseoarab.le Daint laversl 19-VAC-052896*!{D** ./ / Misc/surfacing material---interior drywall r.g-vAc-062896 tAl !tD** / / systems--Dw panel. oranqe oeel & oaint--ladies spa janitor lPink and tan drvwa]-l-l Alralyres (percents determined by visual estimation) SampJ-e Number: L7-VAC-0628 l_7-VAC-0628 18-VAC-0628 96 rBi 96 LaIte! Percent: Asbestos Minerals: Amo s ite Anthophyllite Chrysot i le Crocidolite Tremolite-Act inolite TOTAL ASBESIOS !fD** Other Fibrous Materials: YJ 5 r.00 19-vAC-0528 i_9-vAc-062896* 96 IAt 100 80 llD** llD** 16 I I I I I I Fibrous GIass Cel1ulose Synthet ics Other : Trace <19 10 !{D** Trace (1t llD** 1 l-5 Nonfibrous Material- 89 94 * Composite analysis (muJ-tilayered sample, see** ND means N 83 79 individual layer analyses) . Analyst : Rainds Detgcted. DaLe: O7 /O2/96 I T I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I FRS GEOTECII, rlfc. 1441 W- 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 8 0211-2 33I Phone: 303/477-2559 800/386-3136 Fax:303,/477-2580 Lab No. : 101540 Page: rJ. o! lt eEsTr?.Fs oF BIrr.R iISEESIOS SjAtfplt _ttDI-ySIS BY eor,rRrzEp rrclrlr rrrcRoscopy (p rl Ep-a.-6oo/n-93/116 Client : Adans Enwirotenta]. Architectur€ Project lD:vail Athletic elub, 352 E. ueadou Drive Sample Numbe r 19-VAC-052895 tBr Percent Samp.le Aabestos Date ltD** / / Desc riot ion twhite texture with inseoarable Daintl 20-vAc-052896*llD** / / Misc/surfacina material--interior drvwall svstems--Dw oanel- orancle Deel & oaint--oool area G Sw corner 20-vAc-062896 tAl trD** / /twhite and tan drvwalll 20-VAC-052896 tBl ![D** / / twhite texture with inseparab]-e paintl 2 r--vAc-o 62 8 9 6 l[D** / / Misc materiat--]-inol-eum (b] & wh) --dav care center tblack .qheet vinvl wit-h whit-e foam--i nsaoarable l Aoalyses (percents determined by Sampl-e Number: 19-VAC-0 62 8 95 tBt IJay'er Percent : Asbeslos Minerals: Amosite Anthophyll ite Chrysot ile CrocidoJ-ite Tremolite-Act ino lite loxAl, ASBESTOS t{D** Other Fibrous Materia.l-s : Fibrous Glass Ce 1l-ulose Synthet ics Other: Nonfibrous Material * Composite analysis visual estimation) 20-vAc-0628 2o-vAc-0628 96* 96 tAt 100 95 20-vAc-0628 21-vAc-0528 95 tBt 95 5 r.00 IID** tfD** Trace (18 Trace (1t oo l-ayer anaLyses). l{D** Trace <12 llD** Trace <1t 20 80 79 (multilayered sarLpl-e, see individual** ND means N Analyst:Date:. 0"1 /02/96 I I I FRS GEqIECH, rNC. 1441 w. 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO I021" L-2 338 Phone: 303 / 47'7-2559 e 0 0 /38 5-313 6 Fax: 30 3 / 477-2 58 0 L.,ab No. :101540 Page: L2 of 12 Rtsttl-lIs oF Btrr.|t rsaEsllos srrp?.l; rNAr.vsrs EY T,OT-ARTZEN LIGET I|ICROSEOPY (P I} ET'A-6OO /R-03/116 Client : Adams EnvironGntal Architectule P ro ject ID : Vail Atbletic C].ub, 352 E . titeadow Drj.ve SamDIe Numbe r 22-vAc-0 6289 6* 22-vAc-062896 rA] 22-vAC-062896 tBr 23-vAc-062996 Percent Sanple Asbestos Date Description llD** ,/ ,/ Misc rnaterial--exterior claddinq material---"drv vit" {foam & Dlaster)--S wall G pool- area llD** / / lWhite foam with aloael NDt t / /fOff-white to crav Dlaster with inseparable Daint l llDrt* / / Thermal svstem insulat ion--fibrous black duct insulat- ion--R/A duct in N M/E ro6m I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I Analyses (percents determined by Samp1e Number: 22-VAC-O628 96* IJayer Percent: 100 Asbestos Minerals : Amo s ite Anthophyllit.e Chrysot i 1e Croc ido.l- ite T remo l- ite -Act i no.I it e To:rlr, AsBESlros tfD** Other Fibrous Material-s: E ibrous GLass Ce I lulose Synthet ic s Other: Nonf ibrous Uateria.l- * Composite analysis visual estimation) 22-vAc-0628 22-vAC-0628 23-vAC-o528 96 fAt 96 IBI 80 20 r_00 l{D**![D** l{D** 'l '7 3 91 90 (multilayered sample, 9s see individual 5 Iayer analyses)** ND means None 7:Anal-yst r DaEe. 07 / 02196 ote1IfRS Geotech, Inc 1441 nest 46tb Ave., suiDenver CO 80211-2338 1-303-4??-2559 1-800-386-3136 1-303-11?7-2580 FA:( I This report is concerned only with results of tests performed on samplessubmitted to and tested by FRS Geotech, Inc. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I . Bul-k. sampLes o, "on"a cording to the Method fortlre Determination of Asbest06 in Bulk BuiLding aateriil.s (EpA/ 600/{-931116 } which theEPA recolunends as the "preferred substitute" to the old Interln Method. In areaswhere the "nesr" luetiod is silent, FRs fo.Llows the "oi-d" rnterj,m Method and/orspecific rulings issued by the various regulatory agencles.Each separable layer or portion of the sampte- is indivj-dually analyzed andreported, along with each l-ayer's volume percent as a part of the €otal 6anp1e.Additiona-l-1y, an arithmetic -omposite for-the total sairpte, as received Uy t.fre lab, isrePorted for layered sampl-es. Information on the natur; and quantity of fraterials atthe sampl-ing site, which is unavailable to FRS, must be used b-y the ;lient todetermine whether or not this arithmet ic composite of the s.*pie is representative ofthe materials, as they exist in place. This same information- must be used by thecLient to determine srhether or not any layered material-, as it exists in plale, ihoutAbe treated as several different mater-ials or as a compoiite naterial. . _Fa9h sample J-ayer is prepared and analyzed in rbfractive index oil-s that arecertified by the manufacturer, cargitle Laboiatorj-es. Refractive indices are measuredby the Dispersion Staining, eecke iine, or oblique Illumination methods, according tohthich method is nost applicable to the sample niterial . Asbestos content is repoitedas a percent of the sample, and is a visual estimation based upon gross sampreexamj-nation and comparisons with published ca.libration charts bur:-nq pI,M anilysis, . Ashing is a preparatory procedurE-carried o-ut to eliminate rnany interferents andasbestos "-l-ook-aLikes. r' e poriion of the sample is pJ.aced in a furnice at 500 degreesCeLsius for between L and 4 hours,' the actual time vlries according to sanple typ6-The amount of asbestos present in the origj-nal- sampl,e is cal-culate6, based' ,.,pon- ine$reight l-oss due to ashing. rf the sample had a 50i weight loss, and the visualestimation of asbestos present was 20?, the amount of aibestos reported would be l-0?.A11 ashed samples are so noted on the Final Report. Non-Agb€stiform .emghibo]-e tf,inerals - Particfes of NON-ASBESIIIFORU anthophyllite, tremol-ite, and actinol-ite withl-ength to width ratios equal to o. e*ceedirig 3: L and overali lengths greater than 5microns are occasionally detected in sorne brilk samptes. while sich pirticles do meetthe "old". legal definition of fibers, they do not eet the classicaf- definition ofasbestos because they do not occur as bun&l-es of parallel fibers (often exiriUiiing 9pfayed ends) , matted masses of individua..t f iLrerc nr 'r nnrr f Iexibfe, and/or cor.r6dindividual- riiers. rhe majority "i ^i".i.r-iG;;: i; ;';:;pi; must dispr-ay thesecharacteristics as weLl" as exhibit a l-ength to width ratio of at l-east 20:L for themineraL !9_ 99 ^ 99"ign ated "asbestos. " Th6se guidetines are specified in ttre ,,New"Method: EPA/600/R-93/!+6- our.Final Report iefers to non-asteirif;m-;naii;pnyiiite,tremoLi-te, and actinoLite as either "Non-asbest. trem. /actin. ,i , or "Non-asbest.anthophyl .,', whichever is appropriate. " . $f. labor-atory tests idelines, andanalytical- results are traceabLe to known referenCe standardJ ana frocedures. rnaddition to the J-egal requj-rement that 10% of all- samples received'Ue -i.:inaiy"u!, rnsGeotech. re-anatyzes all samples for which a trace to 3% asbestos is reported.'The New uethod (E-PA/600/R-93/rr6t contains the following suggestid AcceptableError Tabl-e for PLM ana]yses with quantification by visual estiimat"d over Loo iiefas otview: Areal- Percent Asbestos Acceptable Range of Asbestos Reported 1?>0% to 3t 5?1A 9% 10?5% to L5? 20? (or more)plus or ninus 10? I I I I I FRS Geotech, Inc. , tzl41 W. 46th Ave., Suite 14 i Denver, CO E02ll-233 3031477 -2559 or 800686-3 136 ...:\ FRS Lab N". l0l5Ll0 IPagelot;2 FAX: 3031477-2580 P.O. #; Telephorto (if diffcrent from above) Tumaround Requested:'Rush- l-day- 3-day-J-day X Return Samples z^I I I I I I t I t I I I I !l /l 5 /,i Ld,i t/ c:la 47 attr'; I e|} Send White & Yellow copies with sanples (Yollow copy to be returncd witn neportl. rint copy for Client's Records. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I €tM Chain of Custfi FRS Lab No FRS Geotechr, Inc. l44l W. 46th Ave., Suite 14 , Job Denver, CO 80211-233 Ul, I 3031477-2559 or 800/386-3136 " Zf t FAX: 303/477-2580 P.O. #: City State Person to Contact: Telephone (if different from above) Tumaround Requested:Rush_ l-day_ 3-day 5-day Return Samples X Send I I I returned with Report). Pink copy for Client,s Records. Yase$ oL& with samples. (Yellow copy to be I FRS Geotech, Inc. phone: 303/ 4't7-2559 I 1441 w. 46rh Ave., suire 14 800/386-3136 I Denver. co 80211-2338 FAx: 303/47?-2580I T I July 16, 1996 I Ms. Jane Adamsr Adams Environmental Architecture 3535 Silver P1ume Court I Boulder, CO 80303-?21-2 I I Re: Lab Numbe r 101560 project: Vait Athtetic ClubI r Dear Ms. ,Jarre Adams: T The bul-k samples submitted to FRS Geotech/ Inc. have been analyzed by polarizedlight microscopy (PLl4), the EPA-recommend.ed. method for determination of fibrous I consuituents in building material-s. The percent of asbestos contained. in lhe I samples is a visual estimation based upon comparisons vrith published charts. The resul-ts of these analyses are summarized. in the enc}osed table. This report I rel-ates only to the items received and tested by our l-aboratory. According to I requirenents set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology/NwAp,I this report must not be used to c.l-aim end.orsement by NVLAP or any agency of the US Government. AIso, IWLAP guidelines specify that this report shou]d. not be I reproduced, except in full, without the writt.en approval of FRS. I- A copy of your Chain of Custody is attached for your convenience. This report.is considered highly confidential-. Results will not be d.iscussed with any t person not associated with you.r Please call if you have any questions about this work. I Sincerely,: e*"falzdL t David^A. Schroeder, ph. D. DaCa Cont ro.Ll-er I Encrosures I I I NVLAP Accredited Lab +l-02028-0 I AIHA Accredited tab +10794 I I I I t I t I I I I T I I I I I t t FRS GEOTECH, Ir\rC. 1441 W. 46t.h Avenue, Suite L4 Denver, CO 802LL-2338 Client : AdaEs Environrental Architecture Project ID: vai]. AthJ_etic Club Samp1e Number 24-vAC-070996* 24-vAC-070996 rAl !ID** / / tfD** / / 2s-vAC-0709951 Phone : 303 / 47'7 -2559 800/386-3r.36 sax: 303/477-2580 RESII?.TS OF Fffr.K IISBESTOS StUftrLE iU[!1YS TS BYpor.aRTrnn y.reE'r xTeRoseoFv (pIIr) Epa- 600/R.- 93/ 115 Lab No. :101550 Page: 1 of 4 Perceat Sampfe Asbestos Date Description l{D** / / Thermal system insufation--hot water storage tank--lower level mechtl room lwith wraol r^---- .:----r -!l ^-1Itjl:d\,I||:.l Llru 24-vAc-070996 tBl Fibrous Glass Ce I Iulose Synthet ics Other: Nonfibrous Material- * Composite analysis** ND means None lGrav wowen wrao l 23 / / ThelmaL system insuLation--hot water storage tank--.Iower Level mechrl room lblack and ar:rl'l 2s-vAC-!70996 fAt 30//IBlack insulationl Arra]-ysea (percents determined by Sample Number: 24-VAC-0? 0 9 95* Layer Percent: 100 Asbestos Minerals: Amos ite Anthophyl l ite Chrysoti 1e CrocidoLite Tremol-ite-Act ino L ite XOTAT ASBESTOS ND** Other Fibrous Materials: visual estimation) 24-vAc-0709 24-VAC-0709 95 tAt 96 f Bt 50 !{D** 1 JU 2s-VAC-0709 25-vAC-070995* 96 fAl r-00 75 23 t{D** 23 30 9s8 5 6l individual Iayer analyses) . 15 48 37 59 (mul-tiLayered sample, see I I I Ana Lyst : David A. Schroeder Date: 07,/15/96 I I I t FR]S GEOTECC, INC. 1441- W. 46th Avenue. Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211--2338 Client : AdEas Enviro,nrental Alchitecture Project ID: VaiJ. Athletic Ch:b RESIIT-IIS OF EIIItr( ILCETSTrIS SIr|DT-E ATiIIT.YS TS EY POLAnIZEp r.rGHT ureROSCOE'y (er,rd) EE'a- 6001'R- q3/116 Phone : 303 / 417 -2559 800/386-3136 Fax: 303/477-2580 Lab No. : 101560 Page: 2 of 4 T I I T I I I t I I I I T I t Sample Nurnber zt-vac-o70996 tBl Pelcent Sample Asbegtos Date Descriotion !fD** / / lGrav insulationl 26-vAc-070996*I / / Thermal system insu]-at ion--hot water storage tank--_Iower l-evel- mech I I room f with wrap and black material l 26-vAC-070996 fAl ND** / /IGrav insu]-ationl 26-vAc-070996 tBl ND** / / lGray woven wrapl 26-vAc-070996 tct 40//IBlack materia]-l Analyses (percents determined. by visual estimation) sample Number: 25-vAc-0?09 26-vAc-0?09 26-vAC-0?09 26-vAc-0?09 26-vAc-070996 IBt 96* 96 IAt 95 rBt 96 fCI I,alter Percent : Asbestos Minerals: Amos ite Anlhophyl l- ite Chrysot i1e Crocidolite T remo l- ite-Act ino L ite Fibrous Glass Cel-l-ulose Synthet ics Other : Nonfibrous Material * Composite analysis** ND neans None Det 69 51 (multilayered sampl"e, see individual 40 95 5 layer analyses) . za 30 Trace <1? 100 I e 24 l[D** 'lrz^a <1* 55 IJ 20 TOTAI, ASBESTOS !ID*'I Other Fibrous l"laterials : Analyst:Dare: 07/15/96 I I I I I I I I I I t t I T I I I I I FRS GEOTEeIT, rlIC. 14 41 W. 4 6th Averrue, Suite l- 4 Denver, CO 8 02 L L-2 33I Client : AdEEs Environmental Arehitecture Project ID: VaiJ. Athlet:Lc Club Samgle Number 27-vAC-070996* 27 -vAC-0'l09 96 fAl 29-vAe:070996 Phone : 303 / 477 -2559 800/386-3r-36 Fax: 303/477-258 0 RESITL4IS OF EITI.K ISETSTOS SAITPLE ANALYS TS BY POr.ARrrEn T,TGHT l|TeROSCOp]. (BItt) EEIA-6nO/R-q3/1 1 6 2'l-vAC-070996 IBt ldD** / / [Meta].1-ic-qrav surf ace material_ I 28-vAC-07 0 996 Lab No. :101550 Page: 3 of 4 Petcent Sampl-e .Aabestos Date Descriotion ND** / / Misc materiaf --l-or*er gasket @ AirCo boiler--lower 1evel mech'1 room [nith surface mate ri a 1l llD** / / loff-white €rasket with inseparable green stainl ND*',. / / Misc material--fire door core material--lower l-eve1 mechtl room lgravl ND* * / / Misc rnateria.l---2 t x2 ' susptd acoust tl clo tile(gl-acier) w/tegular edgre--ford room Iarav,white & Lan (foi1 not anal-vzedl IAnalyses (percents determined. by Saln;>le Number: 27-VAC-07 0 9 96* Layer Percent: 100 Asbestos Mineral-s: Amos iee Anthophyl-fit e Chrys ot ile Croc idolite T remo I ite-Act ino l ite TOrAI, ASBESTOS lfD** Other Fibrous Materials: Fibrous Glass Ce l Iulose Synthet ics Other: visual estimation) 27-vAc-0709 27-VAC-070996fAt 96fBt 99 28-vAC-0709 2g-vAC-070996 96 100 100 1 llD* *ND**llD** llD** 2 'rl.^FA <1* Non-asbest . trem. /actin.oa ?1 layer analyses ) . Nonfibrous Material 59 qq * Composite analysis (multilayered sample,** ND means None AnaLyst: 100 see individual" David A. Schroeder Date i 07 /15/96 I T I I I I I FRS GEOTECH, INC. L441 W. 46th Avenue. Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 Cf ient: ldams Environrerrta]. Architecture Project ID: vail Athletic CLnb Rtsttl-lls oF EITIJ( lseEsiros sI|Irpr^E ]$[rr.vsrs EY'poI-a.RIzED LrGI|T rfTeROSeOpv (pr.rr) EpA- 600/R- E?/116 Phone:303/477-2559 800/386-3135 Fax; 303/47?-2580 Lab No. : 101560 Pagfe: 4 of 4 SampLe Numbe r Percent Sample Asbeatos Date Description 30-vAc-070996 l{D** / / Misc rnaterial--2 t x2 ' susptd. acoust'l- c-l-g tile T I I I I I I I I I I I Analyses (percents determined by Sample Number: 30-vAC-070 9 IJayet percent: L00 Asbestos Mineral"s: Ano s ite Anf h.\l.\hrr'l l i l-a Chrysot i Ie Crocido l ite T remo.I- it e -Act ino I it e TOTAIJ JASBESIOS ND** Other Fibrous Material_s: visual estimation) Fibrous Gl"as s CeL Lulose Synthet ics Other: 30 Nonfibrous Material 40 * composite analysis (murtilayered sample, see individual rayer analyses)** ND means None ,Detecled. Analyst : David A. Schroeder Date: 07/15/96 o te1IFRS Geotech, Inc1{{1 lfest {6tb Ave,, suiDenver CO 80211-2338 1-303-{77-2559 1-800-386-3X36 1-303-a7?-2580 I'N( I This report is concerned only with results of tests performed on samplessubmitted to and tested by FRS Geolech, Inc. l+_f-f. fafgr.a.tory tesrs at idelines, andrcal- resurts are traceabl-e to known reference standards and procedures. rnanalytical resuLts are traceabl_6 to knonn ;;fe;e#e st and procedures, In . BuLk samples o, "or,"a cording to the Method forthe Determination of Asbestos in BuLk Buildinq aateriSl"s (EpA/ 600/i-9sZ ri6 t *ir-ich tneEPA reconunends as the "preferred substitute" io the old Interim Method, In areaswhere the "new" Metiod is si.l"ent, FRS fo110ws the "ol_d' rntelim Method and/orspecific rulings issued by the various regulatory agencies.Each separable layer- or portion of lhe sa:n!le- is individually analyzed and f9q9r!ed, _aLong with each.layer's vol-ume percent as a part of the €otat danpte.Addj-tionally' an arit.hmetic composite for- the total sainple, as received Uy ine 1ab, isreported_ for layered samples. rnformatj-on on the naturL and quantity or fratei:-ifi atthe sanpling site, which is unavailabl-e to FRs, must be used 5y the al_ient todetermine whether or not this arithmetj-c compoiite of the sanpie is rep.eseniative oftlre materials, as they exist in place. This same information must be irsed by theclient to determin" yhqllgt or not any layered material, as it exists in plaie, shouldbe treated as severa] different materiaLs or as a compos:.te materiat. . -Fagh. sanple layer is prepared and analyzed in r-efractive index oils that arecertified by the manufacturer, Cargille Laboiatories. Refractive indices are measuredby the DisPersion Staining, Becke ij-ne, or obl-j-que lllumination methodsr according towhich nethod is most applicable to the sanpLe.niterial . Asbestos content is repoitedas a percent of the sample, and is a visuaf estimation based upon gross sanple ' examinatj-on and comparisons with pubJ-i.shed calibration charts buriig ptM anilysis. ..-'1|h.i."g'as-aprep.aratoryo'o""o.ffi,,ttoeliminatemanyinterferentsandasDesEos "-Look-alikes ' rr A Portion of the sample is ptaced in a furnice a! 500 degreesCelsius for between l- and 4 hours,. the actual tirne viries according to sampfe tyf6.The amount of asbestos present in the orig.inar- sanple is carcurated, bu;;d-;po;'[h.weight Loss due to ashing. rf the sa:nple - had a 50i weight 1oss, and the visiralestj-mation of asbestos present was 20?, the amount of aibestos reported would be 108.AIl ashed sarnples are so noted on the i'inal Report. - Particl,es of OOO-.*oo and actinoLite withlength to width ratios-equa1 to oi e"ceeiiig 3:1'and o;e;"ii iengtlrs greater rhan 5mlcrons are occasionally detected in sorne bulk samples. while srlch pirticles do meetthe "old". legar definition of fibers, they do not ineet the classicaL definition of ::?:.:::"^!::?"":-:l:y do not occur as bun&Les of pararlel'riters (ofren exhibirins ifiiifi:":l"il;.13i'"$n3";:::,:i"':?.;ii::],'iff::l ii l.lkoil.fii3l.e,3li1;'.;:*ocharacteristics as wel-l as exhibit a length to L,j-dth ratio of at Least 20:t- for themineral- !9- !9 - gg"iglated I'asbestos. " Th6se guidelines are specified in the ',Ne$r'iMethod: EPA/600,/R-93/++9. our.Finaf.Report iefers to r,or,-.st.irii;rm i"inopnyiiit.,tremolite, and actinol-ite as either "uon-asbest, trem. /actin.,', or ,'Non-asbest, anthophyl .", rchichever is appropriate. I I I I t I t I I I t I I I I t T addition to the legal-requiremenr that ioc of ar_r samples ,...I"Ja'iJ";;:;;;iy"il,Geotech - re-analyzes all sarnpres for which a trace to 3? asbestos is reported.'The New Method (EPA/600/R-93/1L6) contains the rorrowing suggested Acceptabl-eError rabl-e for PLM anaryses with quantification by visuai ."fi*ut'J-o-.i.i ibo -iiJiJJ "rview: Areal Percent Asbestos Acceptable Range of Asbest.os Reported 1%>0? to 3t 5?!z EO 9Z 10%5t to 15t 20? (or more)plus or nj-nus 10t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I T Client: Address: City State Telephone: FAX: Person to Telephone (if different from above) PLM Chain of Custfi FRS Geotech, Inc. 1441 W. 46th Ave., Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-233 3031477 -2559 or 800/386-3 136 FAX: 303/477-2580 P.O. #: Tumaround Requesred:fy(} Rush -l-"ilL l-day- 3-day_ j-day Y Return Samples_ll Page 7 returned with Report). Pink copy for Client's Records.