HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 TRACT B VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB 1995-1996I Fle VflL 6ltz.E BBIAN WAGNEN 2$2 Eact Mendow I)rive Veil, CO SfSSZ s7o470,-?,4s.4 Tuesday, July 13, 1999 Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello Senior Planner 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Athletic Club Un-Landscaped Strip Thank you for the positive phone conversation we had today regarding the VAC Un-Landscaped Strip. Thank you for visiting the sight and agreeing that the appearance of the gravel is terrible. I believe the area looked better with just dirt. I do believe this is not exactly what the Tolrm of Vail had in mind when they required the area to be landscaped. I am glad to hear that your research into the situation confirmed: 1. Vail Athletic Clubwasto have removed the bridge. 2. Vail Athletic Club permit drawings show that area as landscaped. 3. Something should be done to prevent parking in the area, such as a couple of large boulders at the end of the fire lane. I believe that Vail Athletic Club should fulfill its agreement to landscape the area. I believe they put dovrtn the gravel, after I had offered to pay for landscaping the area, to avoid ever having the area landscaped. Sincerely ,----2 -tt'--'t / /" Brian Wagner ,/mh990713 (/' cc: Mr. Tomas Zeisel, Manager, Mountain Haus Town of Vail Council Members Va,l Utllela Le+" BBIAI\I WAGNDR 2OP Erct Merdow llrive Vell, CO 8f657 s7o476-24A4 Tuesday, July 13, 1999 Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello Senior Planner 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Athletic Club Un-Landscaped Strip Thank you for meeting with me today regarding the VAC Un-Landscaped Strip. I related to you that I have been patiently working with VAC and your department to get this area landscaped as required Wten VAC removed the trash shed that uras there. Since March of this year I have offered VAC to share the cost and get it done this spring! Tuesday, July 06, 1999 VAC Manager told me that they were not going to landscape the area. I offered to pay for the landscaping. VAC Manager told me that they don't want the area landscaped. 5:00 PM that night the area is posted with a sign: "B&B Gravel for VAC is here"! Code enforcement inspects the sight and the building department is notified. Thursday, July 7, 1999 Gravel is dumped and spread on the area. The Gravel looks terrible and is not the attractive landscaping that The Town of Vail has been talking about for four years. I believe VAC graved the area so they can continue to park in the area that is supposed to be landscaped and has been confirmed as a No Parking area. I believe Town of Vail should insist that VAC live up to its agreement to landscape the area! I also ask how are we going to prevent VAC from continuing parking in the area? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely ,--'--2,-''-r<' l.r'' // ,r',/// Brian Wagner / mh990713 cc: Mr. Tomas Zeisel, Manager, Mountain Haus Town of Vail Council Members oo 1996: VAC Redevelopment District established which requires VAC to remove trash shed built wilhout permit and landscape the area. June 1996 Contractor preparing ground for cement forms. Mike Mollica contacts VAC and assures me that area is to be landscaped and is not for Parking. May 1997 VAC's request to move trash back to old location denied by TOV. June 1997 Contractor is measuring area for cement. Mike Mollica again assures me that area is to be landscaped and is not for parking. June 1998 VAC places neur sod up to but not on dirt strip. Dominic Mauriello assures me that area will be landscaped after the exterior renovation work of 1999 and the area is not for parking. Sod dies because it is nol waterecl. April 7, 1999 To be neighborly, I discussed landscaping the dirt strip ihis spring with VAC manager. I offered to share the cost. June9, 1999 Met with VAC Manager and discussed landscaping the dirt strip. He informs me thal they are talking with their landscaper and should have plans in a week. June 16, 1999 Called the VAC Manager. He said that they vnere still making plans but should do the landscaping betvreen VAC and MH in two \,veeks. July 5, 1999 Called VAC Managerwtro informs me: VAC doesn't want to landscepe the area! I offered to do the landscaping at my expense and am informed: VAC doesn't want the area landscapedl Unlandscaped Strip is posted for a truckload of gravel to be dumped on the sight tomorrow. Torrun of Vail Code Enforcement Officer Mitch lmber sees the area posted with a sign: 'B&B gravel for VAC is here." Office Mitch lmber is told: lts VAC private property and we will do anYthing we likel TNAII,NRINSTRIP VACYANINSTnIP B&B SIGN IN STBIP BrirnWrgnergTGtiIt2z&4 oo July 6 1999 GRAIDI,DL'}IPED July 7, VAC dumps grave on un{andscaped strip and begins spreading it on area that is supposed to be landscaped. GIB'AVDI-.SPRI'I} ON ARIiA to landscape this area? VAC from parfting in the f]NSAI'T) BRTDG}: "lJ t ^^d,* pL (b',*-- cidyt 6N& l+rkl l^ LANI}SCAPINGIN SIMILAn I-,IGIHTING BrionWrgner s70-476-249.4 Dominic Mauriello will sees what he can do about the situation and confirms that VAC does own the un- landscaped strip 1999 Will the Town of Vail require VAC How will the Town of Vail Prevent area? i'i IRslI IG -U Q#a,ftAT drdl.tt -l. - {r,? {i, 'h "i' a -!| - -? a\v.-rJ ,t ". -f,JPawfaIrlY I I.l ? -Y(J a!l(J AvY ?Artz -iUIT ,I: ,:" BAIAN WAGNER 2e2 Drct Merdow llrlve Yril, CO 8fO$7 97o47B-24e4 Wednesday, July 28, 1999 Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello Senior Planner 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Athletic Club Un-Landscaped Strip Thank you for faxing me the information you found regarding VAC Un-Landscaped Strip. lt's very evident that you spent a considerable amount of time in your search. The records confirm: 1 . Gravel was spread over an area that uras supposed to be landscaped.2. VAC is responsible for removing bridge that is noirr unsafe.3. The area is not to be used for parking. VAC is currently beginning the process of obtaining a building permit to repair the sidewalk in front of their building. This is also u,ork that rrrras supposed to be done as a part of the Vail Athletic Club Expansion and Renovation Plan. I believe that it tlould be appropriate to require the landscaping of the area and removal of the bridge as a part of this naar building permit. A couple of large boulders should also be required to prevent parking in the area. I appreciate all the time you have spent on improving this area and keeping me informed. Sincerely ,-t- | ,/,'' ,a'-., /".t'_:/_:-tza_.//zrU.t-r-u.-., Brian Wagner ,,/ mh990728cc: Mr. Tomas Zeisel, Manager, Mountain Haus Town of Vail Council Members BBIrll\i WAGNEB 2Sl Drst Merdow l)rlve Vrtl, CO 8IO57 s7o47o,-''4A4 Saturday, July 31, 1999 Mr. John Hildreth Vail Athletic Club 352 East Meadour Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear John: It was a pleasure meeting you today! l'm glad you stopped me and introduced yourself. I enjoyed talking with you about what could be done on the un{andscaped area at the southwest comer of you building. lf I can be of any assistance in you planning or implantation of your landscaping plans, please don't hesitate to call. The Mountain Haus and The Vail Athletic Club have many interests in common and should cooperate on improving both of our properties. Sincerely Brian Wagner mh990731 cc: Mr. Tomas Zeisel, Manager, Mountain Haus ,.MrlDominic F. Mauriello, Senior Planner, Town of Vail BBIA]\[ WAGNEN ?eP Eret Meadow l)rlve Yall, CO 81057 s7o470'?,4s,4 Friday, August20, 1999 Mr. Dominic F. Mauriello Senior Planner 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Athletic Club Un-Landscaped Strip After you and I spoke this moming, John Hildreth called to tell me that he was working on removing the bridge and the landscaping. John said that he would have to wait until Monday to work on the bridge because they discovered a hornet's nest under the bridge. He asked if the Athletic Club could keep the dumpster out from a few more days. I told him I hadn't complained about the dumpster but evidently someone else had. He uras going to call the manager of the Mountain Haus and explain why the dumpster would be there a few more days. John also discussed the landscaping of the area. He wanted to bring in some large rocks and some shrubs. I told him I thought that was great if they got ride of the gravel. John agreed that the gravel looked bad and he may move it all under the bridge. Thank you for follorving up on these items and making sure we take care of the safety issue of the bridge and parking in the area to be landscaped before the season ends. Sincerely mh990820cc: Mr. Tomas Zeisel, Manager, Mountain Haus To\^m of Vail Council Members Brian Wagner I I 7- d \f 4)Qih b!t EE .-= ? a) d) !0 Xo, + I -E :)e0-a- d Io(73,J \,dJ t-l-l-F- S (c o cn oo I ot) xID ,{ ,fR va LV Jt -{J\F U,? &, tE js: F' ic ;'E $i '5,t sql Ei 9: €;; ?i ;l si; Fi ;i ts; :! sF s€g g: F: :HT gS ;gjfii;€ ic !fii f: tts3 EEIEY;:{! !fi Fti ;eF-6_Eb: uExif;c; d. 8Htrtr( $*$l *.-.j-"---.-__- o F+IqD 75 Sottth Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 September 6, 1996 John Perkins P.O. Box 2007 Avon Colorado 81620 D e p artrnent of C onmunity D eve Lopment RE: The Vail Athletic Club Dear John: As you are aware. the Town's Design ReView Board (DRB) unanimously approved the Phase I proposal for the Vail Atlrletic Club (VAC) redevelopment. This approval occured 0n August 21.1996. The DRB's approral canied with it the following fiv'e conditions: l. The eisting fencc and storage shed. curently located immediately to the southwest of the VAC building, must be removed. 2. The proposed wall sunoulding the exterior terrace, on the south side of the structure. shall be a stone veneer wall. Not stucco. as originally proposed. 3. One additionai cinder path shall be added to access the public open space area, located to the south of the Vail Athletic Club. This patli shall have a sod border along both sides of it, similar to what was approved for the pathjust t0 the west, 4, Theproposeduseofwoodforthescreenforthespaarea\\?snotapproved. Thescreenshallbea stone-faced wall, the size and extent to be approved by the planning staff. 5. If the Phase II improvements for the Athletic Club are not submined for DRB review by June 15, 1997, then the new windows: which are approved as a part ofPhase I, shall be painted to match the existing windows. Additionally. thc DRB agreed rvith your proposal that the landscaping and associated stone veneer along the south side ofthe Vail Transportation Center, shall be defened until Phase II ofthe redevelopment ofthe Athietic Club. Should you have any q.restions or concems regarding any ofthe above. please feel free to contact me directly at 479-2144. Sincerelv. il.r Y\A"+L:- MikfMotlica Assistant Director of Community Development -----1 ir,, |' li li iuiltlt-i---iiiiil Iij,* ;llr I I L-llll I l--- Llw Orrrce s Dururu, AeplaruaLp & MAURtELLo, P.C. JOH N W, DUNN ARTH UFI A. ABPL,A,NALP, JR. DIANE HERMAN MAU FI IELLO CARRIE A. HENDON sFECrAt COIJNStLi JERRY W. HANNAH WesrSraa BrNx B u rr-orNc roa Sourx FRoNTA,GE Roao Wesr Su trE 3oo Va.rL, CoLoRADo a t6s7 25 May 1999 TELEPHONE:(970) 476-0300 FACSltvllLE: \9701 476-4765 KAREN M. DUNN CERTI'IEO IEGAL ASSISIAIiI Mr. Russell Forest Director Town of Vail Department of Community Development 111 South Frontage Road West Vail CO 81657 Date Feceiver nAy 26 rc99 . | 6- ...;f.., r , Re: Vail Athletic Club Dear Russ: As you know, our Firm represents Mr. Ronald Robertson, one of the condominium owners in the Mountain Haus who is most affected by the plans of the Vail Athletic Club to expand its building. Regrettably, Mr. Robertson has been unable to insure, through Mountain Haus management, that he is advised of plans before the Town of Vail relating to the Vail Athletic club. The most recent proposal for an amendment to the plan, for e:rample, apparently went through Planning and Environmental Commission consideration without his knowledge. We have no doubt that notice was given to the Association, if that was required by the Town's regulations, but the problem could be entirely within the Mountain Haus' management structure. Mr. Robertson was able to become invoived at the Council level only because we observed the item on the Town's agenda and we were aware both of his concern and of the past failure of Mountain Haus to pass Town notifications on to him. Against this baekground, we must ask that the Town attempt to let us know if any further application is received by the Town relating to any revision of or progress in the development of the vail Athletic club sDD, zoning, or design. while we are aware of the fact that the Town is not required to advise individual ovrmers of adjoining condominium projects, we hope thag by adding this note to rhe Vail Athletic club file or some similar step, Mr. Robertson and we will be come aware of any pending activity early enough so that it wi[ not be necessary that he atrempt to become involved at the last moment. Through the approach whidr we propose, we hope that Mr. Robertson's concerns (and perhaps those of other Mountain Haus owners) may be part of the Town's Process at a relatively early date, and that the Vail Athletic Club project may not be cast in stone by the time our client or other concerned individuals become involved in tlte process. Thank you for your consideration of this request, and for the willingness of your Department to consider the concerns of those whom we represent. Enclosure xc: Mr. Ronald Robertson Mr. Dominic Mauriello F'LEftot TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Septemb€r 22, 1998 Brian Wagner 292 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 REr VailAthleticClub-southwestcomerofbuilding *t'ractB, Blor|S,',trilt! rih5e L++ Dear Mr. Wagner: You have inquired about the status of the Lnprovements on the west end of the VAC. The VAC has an approval for a redevelopment of the entire site. The applicant is in the permitting process for this redevelopment and plans to begin the redevelopment of this site in the Spring of 1999. At that timc, a landscape plan addressing the entire site will be implemented which includes ttre area in question. I have visited the site and spoken with Stan Cope about the landscaping, parking, and storage in this area. Vehicles in the area are regularly ticketed and Stan has indicated that these vehicles are not owned by his employees. Stan also indicated that the area was used to stage the delivery of firewood to the site and was immediately removcd. The redevelopment plan will result in an area between the two buildings that will be a substantial improvement over what exists today. You should be encouraged that the VAC has removed the dumpstcr enclosure so early in the process, as, in accordance with their approval, this would not have been required until a Certificate of Occupancy was issued at the completion of the redevelopment. The Town will continue to work with the VAC and the Mountain Haus to insure both properties adhere to Town recuirements. "KMChief of Plannins C: Stan Cope, VAC {,P *""'"uo""" BNI]U\[ WAGNDN 292 East Merdow lldve Vrll, CO 8fS57 s7o47|f,-243'4 Wednesday, September 09, 1998 Mr. George Ruther Senior Planer. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear George: Thank you for talking to me this moming regarding the Vail Athletic Club (VAC) southwest comer that is not landscaped. I have wriften to both Mike Millica aM Dominic Mauriello in the past regarding the area where VAC was required to remo\re its old trash area that is aciually Torvn of Vail property. When they removed the trash area they were required by the Town of Vail to landscape this area. That was two years ago and the area remains a muddy mess. VAC employees continue to park in this area. VAC stores trash and building materials in this area. And on September 8, 1998 VAC dumped numerous cords of firewood in this area. This area is supposed to be an attractively landscaped part of the Town of Vail. The area is directly outside my living room windoru and remains a nuisance area. tandscaping this area as soon as possible would eliminate this nuisance. Please let me know when we can expect this area to be landscaped. Sincerely ?olrr'*,-rr*'P 4v$w*& 6*.',h6r* Brian Wagner ,//bn€80909.doc / I es ProjectName: Vail Athletic Club ign Review Action Form TOWN OF'VAIL Project Description: Extension of 8121196 DRB condition requiring painting of windows in the club to matcb tbose existing on building by Jun,! tS. I9qf . Owner, Address and Phone: JVVT 1987 LLC,352 E. Meadow Drive, Vail, CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: John Perkins Project Street Address: 352 E. Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lot a & b, Blk. I' Vail Village First Parcel Number: BuildingName: Vail Athletic Club Comments: Board i Staff Action Motion by: Action: staffapproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Extension to June 15. 1999 Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 5-15-98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 F :\EVERYONADRB\APPRoVAL\98WAC. 5 I 5 RECEIPT - The Town of Vail DATE RECETVED FROM N9 48792 ADDRESS Permit Numbers Police Receipt Numbers_--..-_--=--'=-6---/Rw fl:How PAlD-cash-che ,u; /O(Lj Qucstions'l Crn I'ir.:'r.:ing Staiiai 4?i-' 123 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigrr rcvicrv nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For specific information, sce thc subrDittal rcquircnrcnti for thc particular approvat that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd intornration is subntittcd. Thc projcct ntay also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc To*n Council and/or thc Planning and Environntcntal Conrnrissiou. Dcsign Rcvierv Board apploval expircs onc ycal'aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. TAl'/iNOFVAIL DESCRTPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. PtfYSICAL ADDRESS: H. D. E. C. PARCEL O, A 4 b (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Offrcc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS: pnbxE: 41A -e>1nt> TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a nerv building. Includcs any adtiition rvhcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. $20 lncludes ntinor changes to buildings and site improvcmcnts' such as. rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, ctc. DRB fees are to be paid at thc tirnc of subrrrittal. Latcr, rvhcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Toun of Vait rvitl adjust thc fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI\{ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTI\{ENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPiVIENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. l#:'. Application ort"r, 5lu(40 DRB Meeting nut., $50tr Addition - 'linor Altcration - f,"irBAIK I ot va'r BENEFICIARY OF VAIL 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 810s7 (970) 47Ss686,LENDER' IRHEVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT : 9 6 8608875 S FroDtage RdVaiI, Co 81657 TETEPHONE T.IO.(...) . ADDRESS CUSTOMER JW:t 1987 Vail Linited Partnership DBA VaiI Athletic ClubThoBas Rousb 325 E Meadow DrVail, CO 81557 TELEPTIO?{E T{O. EXPIFATION DATE This Letter of Credit shall expire upon the earlier ot 1. the close oi business on Februarv 14, 1998 and all drafts and accompanying statements or documents must be presented to Lender on or before that time; or 2. the day that Lender honors a draw under which the full amount of lhis Letter of Credit is drawn. L€nder indicated above ('Lender') hereby establish€s at the requ€st and for the account oi Customer an lrrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of Beneficiary for a sum of Thtentt Five rhous-qnl! !!!l 4e1 lo.o n^ll..c /q 25,000 . O0 \ These funds shall be made available to Beneficiary agarnst Lender's receipt from Beneficiary of drafts drawn at sight on Lender at its address indicaled above (or such other address that Lender may provide Beneficiary with written notice of in the future) during regular business hours and accompanied bythe signed written statements or documents indicated below. WARNING TO EENEFICIARY: PLEASE E)(AMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. lF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITS REOUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER. YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE: LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Lender shall honor the drafts submitted by Beneficiary underthe following terms and conditions: Recei,pt of written aotice frou au authorized iadividual of tbe Town of Vaifstatiag that tbe custorer bas oot completed the firal gradiDg and laadscaPiag of tbe South side oi the vail Athtetic club a6 appioved for pba6e l-of the amerded sDD by the Desig! aad Review Boardof the Town of Vait as per tbe Developer lrnproveBeut Agreement betereeE tbe Tow:1 of Vail and ,fWT 1987 Vail Linited Partaership. Upon Lender's honor ot such drafts hereinafter, Lender, once the full amount of credit available under this Lett€r of Credit has been drawn, shall be fully discharged of hs obtigations under this Letter of Credit and shall not thereafter be obligated to make any further payments under this Letter of credh in respect of such demand Jor payments to Beneficiary or any other person. lf a non-conforming demand is made, Lender shall notify Beneficiary of its dishonor on or belore the time mentioned in Section 5 below. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter ol Credit after Lender honors any draft or other document which complies strictly with thls Letter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwise in order but which is signed, issued, or presented by any party or under the name of any party purporting to act for B€neficiary, purporting to claim through Beneficiary, or posing as Beneficiary. By paying to Beneficiary an amount demanded in accordance with this Letter of Credit, Lender makes no representation as to the correctness of the amount demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Beneficiary or any other person for or in respect to any amount so pard or disbursed for any reason whatso€ver, including, without limhation, any nonapptication or misapplication by Beneficiary of the proceeds of such payment. 8y presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary certifies that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to Lender and confirm any funds received by Beneficiary in excess of the Letter of Credit's maximum drawing amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS All drafts must be marked 'DRAWN UNDER rti rstB,rnlt of vai I IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO.9586088 DATED februarv 14' 1997 ', and the amount of each draft shall be marked on the draft. Only Beneficiary or Beneficiarys Transf€r€€ (only if transferable) may complet€ a draft and accompanying statements or documents requirsd by this Letter of Credh and make a draw under this Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credh must accompany any draft drawn hereunder- Partial draws f-l are permitted @ are not permitted under this Letter of Credit. Lender's honor of a partial draw shall correspondingly reduce the amount of credh available under this Leter ol Credh. Following a partial draw, Lender shall return this original Letter of Credit to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted th€reon; in the alternative, and in its sole discretion, Lender may issue a substitute Letter of Credit to 8eneficiary in the amount shown above less any partial draw(s). 3. PERMITTEDTRANSFEREES ! This Letter of Credh may be transferred by Beneficiary upon providing Lender with prior written notice of the transfer. The Transferee shall be.deemed the new Beneficiary of this Letter of Credit and the documents of the Transferee, including drafts required und6r this Letter of Credit, are to be processed by Lender (or any intermediary) without the original Beneficiarys intervention and witholrt any further responsibility on Lender's part to the original Beneficiary. E The right to draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransferable, except for: A. A transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by direct operation of law to the original Beneficiary's administrator, executor, bankruptcy trustee, ,eceiver, liquidator, successor, or other representatives at law; and B. The first immediate transfer (in its €ntiroty, but not in part) by such legal representative to a third party afi€r express approval of a governmental body {iudicial, administralive, or executive). MASI6@ OFormAlion Technologi€s. lnc. (3/2/94) (8001 937-3789 86/e-le6 kh8) (r8lz/c) .rut ,set6o|our.tref uolvu.r.rol O BZOstSVn \ lunoujv :NA/WUO SITVHO lO IN3!\I3SUOON3 L66T ' lT .f,:enrqeg ;p31p6 'elEo uorlElrdx:l srll sioleq ro uo rapuel eql ol p€lueserd ,! pajouorl Alnp eq 1|mn {paJO ,o ra$al qq} }o stul€] aqt qtrvr acuerldtlor ur pue iepun umplp sU€Jp leql fuEtcususg qU\ s€aJOE lqataq tepual IUE ,o lua^a oql u! NOLtvutdx3 '6 'IpeiC ,o Jegs-l srql repun 6urpeeco:d leOe1 6FE=5T63 ,o alels eqt u! palecol uollorcsrp slr ur Japua"l Iq papalas unoc ,{ue Jo anua^ pue uotlctpsunl aql ol ]uesuoc rtercgeueg pue Jopual 'd3n aql qU\ lua$tsuocut elE s/v\El tl3ns ]uexa eql ol ldacxa 'E3uaulv ]o sepls pauun ' opE:oToc- io etEls aql Jo s//rpl aql ql/v\ ecuEproccE u! ponJFuoc pue Aq pautaaoo eq lpqs lueruaajoyslql 'IpalC lo Ja$€l stql o1 Aldde lPqs puE urereq paprodJocur p se Allry se loalaq yed e peueap eq spedsa.r llE ur llPqs dCn aql NOil-ClCSrUnn/M\a ro 33tOHC '8 '^poq sJa$el eql ulqlM s]Eedde uotstnold qcns alaq/vi ra$Eul ou 'lperC jo Je1el srrll u; suolspold Joqlo lp apulano lpt-ls uorsrirold AlpqEia^as-uousltll 'paJlncco Jeleu pEt{ ltpolC Jo Jslls'l sr(.1} q6noql se olqelrEne s}qOU lp qyr* pardncco eAEq plno ^ qcea uo4rsod aql o} p6:o}sal eq |;eqs fueogaua8 puE lapua'l qloq puE 'oluul qE pro^ puE ltnu pauraap eq lpqs UpelC lo leuel srql lepun luau:a6e6ua elBue s/apual 'uotlctpsunl butneq Ipoq qelueuu.renob :o ynoc,{ue r{q uoseer Iue to} olqeacJo1uaun polslcop JoAa sl IpaJC }o :aua-1 sgqtlo oedse,{ue 11 Al-t'IgVUfAf S.NON '6urpro,ra qcns ;o lenordde psnurluoc puE l€tlul s,/beogauag outlnusuoc sE lueurpuaujp qons lo lcel aq1 uodn burlgar sr rapual lEql (!!) puE lfuercgauag uodn ^1e;os sueLuar Oulp.torut qcns q$ riltcuts 6ut{ldtuoc lo uaprnq aql'luasuoo ua$:/,r' Joud s,rspuol r.luM papuaurE sr llp€Jo lo ra$al srql lo Ourpro,ra lueseld eql llun pue ssalun ]Eq] (t) :sebpaprrouqcE pup spuE]$epun fuercgeqsg 'ueuurv\ sE i{lesrcerd ypajg 10 rells'l s .,l} }o $uauiejlnber aql qry* ecuettdujoc puls butnetqce ur,{lncggrp rsqp Jo Alrqrssodur ,{ue .ro! alqlsuodser pleq eq Jspual lFqs sacuEFurncJlc ou Jopun N:tcuns lSNVtldl toc 'esolc ol parnbaj lou aje Jo pazlroqlnE tou reqle gJE ssalppE s/epua'l lo alels stll ul pe]ecol s{ueq ler3lauruloo uorr,lm uo 'Ieptnleg ldacxa'i(ep,4ue ueau ller.ls lec 6uuueg. 'pouad ^e6-€elql eql ueLll ssel eurl B urLllrM suoseoi s1 Jo uorsr3€p rouoqsrp E ele3runurLlro3 o1 perrnber aq rela Japua-l llELls JoN ';'oala[.{ ol€O uolteJldxf aLll Jalp M€rp E lo uoddns ur slueu.rncop ^uE q1Mlepuel epraord jo lsenbel /y\eJp E 1ll:qns ol pelglua eq lou lpr1s fuetcqaueg puE 'elEO uotlettdx3 eqt aloJeq oO ot s,ieo Ourlueg (g) aalql uetlt ssal qtrM epeul lueuluaseid e alepoull..rocoe o] papuoue eq lou ll€qs eleO uollerdxl eql 'esodtut IELU (.dCn. aqt pallec .rageurataq) aclauuroC lo Jaqureq3 puoltEuralul et$,{q paqsrlqnd I[uacet ]sotl sE '0Og oN uortE3rlqnd CCI 'uorsrneg e66t 'slparC fuEluauJnco6 rol acrpE:d puE srrlolsnC ulloyun alll se quaurerrnba.r 6urur1 :eq1o pue 'y'e;ap noqlM, ',au.,rt glqeuos€er. eql laur eneLl ot pouloap ^le^rsnpuo3 eq lpqs Jepual 'pouad Aeg-earqg aq1 6uunp uentb os uosear qcns lue rol 'Jouoqsrp roJ uoseei ,{ue:o 1;es1 uolslcep rouoqsrp aq} burulecuoc .tepue"l uro! (s)uotlectunuuloc fueututrlerd r(ue 1o poue6 r(e6-eerq1 arll aplsu! 6ulun aLlt (rr) ro 'ageg uol1elrdx3 aql e:oFq epeur ueulusssrd ^ue 1o 6urul1 eq1 (r) :eq11e ol preber FoquM uospal qcns,{ue uodn {1ar ol pel!}u6 sq lpLls rapue'I '(.pouad lteg-aarq1. eql) uaurlueserd s,fueogeueg lo ued 6u!u.uo, waurncop ]sEl €ql pe^ra3e: sEq Japue'l rage sr(e6 Eurlueg (g) ee:ql urrluM sa^laca: raluasard aqt ro fuepgeuag qcrLl/ uorlEcrunuuoc E ur uerrro jouoqsrp Jo] uosEaj ^uE uodn 6uu{;ar uor; pepnlcard eq rapual lpqs saSue}sujncJo ou Jopun uoNoHSro ro 9N[,''ill 'fuerc4auag pur6uo eq1 ro1 AlJoqFE []il/{ lcE o1 ro qbno.lql u.rrelc o},fuloqFe s,.te}uesard aql Moqs r]crqM slueu,ncop eroLu ro suo or'lt lo Adoc pa4ryac e 'g'g Japun Aued p:lrll E ro V'e qderbeled rapun aaJalsuerl pa$u.red e sl :eluasa.rd eql uaqM '€ puE :e qdEJOEJpd ,{q pE$lured re}uese.,d aql lo fuetcgauag putouo eql reqle Iq pencaxa pue,o auiEu eq1 ur eq Ietu sluauncop r.lcns leqt ldecxe 'llpalC lo Ja$el slul u! oJaqivraslo pe:tnbet sueutrcop llv 'V .L :opnlcur lleqs MErp e :o1 parlnba: suauJncop aql 'enoqe g qderEe:ed :epun aerajsuell pa$tuiad e st Jaluesard eqg ueq6 ATlnraxg sr.N3t4n3000lutno3Hs,l3u3isNvur'? .TTB'IJ{( OF VAIL 17 Vait Boad Vail, CO 81657 (970) 47$5686,LENDER" irw:r 19 87 DBA Vail Thomas AOORESS325 E Meadow. DrVaiI. Co 8165 z TELEPHOiIENO. IOE}fNRCATION NO. va_il LiEited pertrershipAthletic CIub Rousb BENEFICIAFY 75 S FroDtaqe RdVail, Co 8155? TELEPHOiIE }IO.(...) . ADDRESS toENTrFlcATtofl No. IHREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO.: geseosg CUSTOMEF EXPIFATION DATE This Letter oi Credit shall expire upon the earlier of 1. the close of business on February 14, 1998 and all drafts and accompanying statements or documents must be presented to Lender on or before that time; or 2. the day that Lender honors a draw under which the full amount oi this Lener of Credrt is d.awn. . Len{er indicated above ('Lendef) hereby €stablishes at th6 request and ior th€ account of custom€r "n lu"uo""bl"Glffifavor of Beneficiary for a sum of lwenty five Ttrgusand'and no/io0 --- -- il*" tu"d. .hril b;@**t l"nu*. ,""",pt r,.o' e"n.fi"iury or 3illili*!1;fiffii** "G;;J;indicated above (or such other address that uenoeimay prouioe a"nefr"i; ffi';il;;,i""'"ti" #?"r:;i;ijr-^;;;ffi;";#:::hours and accompanied bythe signed written statements oi oocuments indicated below. WARNING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EMMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. IF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITSREOUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OB TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMEF IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THELETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE.AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FORFAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Lender shall honor the drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the following terms and conditions:Receipt of writteu uotice from an authorized iadividual of the Towu of vailEtating that tbe custouer has uot J"rpietea tn- iinii-gria:.o9 anat Lardscaping of the soutbEide of the vail Athletic club as app-ronea for Pha6e 1-of the ameuded sDD by the Design andReview Boardof the lown of vair "r !,'ii tue oe,rerof;; ir;;";;neat Agreement betweea the Townof vaiL and JWT 1997 vail Linited pirinership. ^ Upon Lender's honor of such drafts her€inafter, Lender, once the full amount oi credit available under this Letter of Credit has beendrawn, shall be fully discharged of hs obligations. under this Lett€r of Credit and shall not thereafter be obligated to make any fufiherpayments under this Letter of Credit in respect of such demand for payments to Beneficiary or any other person. lf a non-conformingdemand is made, Lender shall notify Beneficiary of its dishonor on or before the time mentioned In Section 5 below. 8eneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter of Credit after Lender honors any draft or otherdocument which complies strictly with this Letter of Credit, and which on its face appears otherwise in order but which is signed, issued, orprssent€d by any party or under the name of any party purporting to acl for Beneficiary, purporting to claim through Beneficiary, or posingas Beneficiary. By paying to Beneficiary an amount demanded in accordance with this Lefter of Credit, Lender makes no representation aslo the correctness of the amount demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Beneficiary or any other person for or in resped to any amountso paid or disbursed for anyreason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Beneflciary of theproceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, deneficiary certifies that Beneficiary has not and wilj notpresent upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to Lender and confirm any fundsreceived by 8eneficiary in excess of the Letter of credit's maximum drawing amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS All drafts must be marked.DRAWN UNDER FirstBank of. vail i:i513ff H-'1Tii"T":['.':lT,l;.;ffi ft **."",,.*?,"1??Transferee (only if transferable) may complete a draft and accompanying statements or documsnts required by this Letter of Credit andmake a draw under this Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credit muJt accompany any draft drawn hereunder- Partial draws I are permitted @ are not permitted under this Letter of Credh. Lender's honor of a partial draw shallcorespondingly reduce the amount of credit avallable under this Letter of Credh. Following a partial draw, Lender shall return thisoriginal Lefter of Credit to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted thereon; in the alternative, and in its sole discretion, Lender mayissu€ a substhute Lefter of Credit to Beneficiary in the amount shown above less any partial draw(s). 3. PERMITTEDTRANSFEREES I This Lefter of Credit may be transferred by Bene{iciary upon providing Lender with prior written notice of the transfer. TheTrans{eree shall be deemed th€ new Beneficiary of this Letter of Credh and the documents of the Transferee, including draftsrequired under this Letter oJ Credit, are to b€ procossed by Lender (or any intermediary) without the original Beneficiary'sint€rvention and without any furth€r rosponsibility on Lender's part to tne original 6eneficiary. @ rne right to draw under this Letter of credh shall be nontransferable, except for: A' A lransfer (in its €ntirety, but not in part) by direct operation of law to the original Beneficiar/s administrator, execlrtor, bankruptrytruslee, receiver, liquidator, successor, or other representatives at law; and I' The first imm€diate transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by such lsgal reprosentative to a third party after express approvat of agovemmental body fiudicial, administrative, or executive). MAST6O2 O FormAtloo lcchnologies, Inc- (3/A,/91) {S0Ol937_3799 4. TRANSFEREE'SREOUIREDDOCUMEO When the presenter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3 above, the documents o required for a draw shall include: A. All documents required elsew,here in this Lettsr of Credh, except that such documents may be in the name of and executed by either the original Beneficiary or the presenter permitted by paragraph 3; and B. When the presenter is a permittad Transferee under paragraph 3.A or a third party u.nder 3'B, a certified coPy of the onE or more documents which show the presente/s authority to claim tfirough or to act with authority lor the original Beneficiary' TIMING OF DISHONOR under no circumstancss snall Lender be precluded irom retying upon any reason tor dishonor given in a communication which Beneficiary or the presenter receives within three (3) Banking days after Lender has received the last document forming paft oi Beneficiary's presentment ltne 'Three-Day Period'). Lender shall be intitled to rely upon any such reason whhout regard to either (i) tha timing of any presentment made befoie the Expiration Date, or (ii) the timing inside the Three-Day Period of any preliminary communication(s) from Lender concerning the dlshonor decision itself or any reason for dishonor. For any such reason so given during the Three-Day period, Lender shall be ionclusively deemed to have met the 'reasonable time', 'without dela)/, and other timing requirements as th€ Uniform Customs and Prac.tice for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication No 500',as most recontly published by the Internattonal Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter called the 'UCP') may impose. The Expiration Date shall not be extended to accommodate a presentment made with less than three (3) Banking Days to.go beiore the Expiration Date, and Beneficiary shall not be entifled to .un.it a draw request or provide Lender with any doluments in support of a draw after the Expiration Date hereof. Nor shall Lender ever be required to communicate a dishonor decision or hs reasons within a time less than the Thre+Day period. .Banking Day' shall mean any day, except Saturday, on which commercial banks tocated in the state of Lende/s address are either not authorized or are not required to close. COMPLIANCE BURDEN Under no circumstanc€s shall Lsnder be held responsible for any impossibility or other difficulty in achieving strict compliance whh the requirements of this Letter oi Credk precisely as wiitten. Beneficiary understands and acknowledges: (i) that unless and until the present ;;i^g of this Letter of Credit is amended with Lendeds prior written @nsent, the burden of complying striclly with such wording remainl solely upon Beneficiary; and (ii) that Lender is relying upon the lack o{ such amendment as constituting Beneficiary's initial and continued approval of such wording. NON-SEVEBABILITY lf any aspect of this Letter of Credit is ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any court or governmental body having iurisdiction' Lender,s entire engagement under this Letter of Credit shall be doemed null and void ab inhio, and both Lender and Beneficiary shall be restored to the position each would have occupied with all rights available as though this Letter of Credit had never occurred' This non-severability provision shall override all other provisions in this Letter of Credit, no matter where such provision appears within the Lette/s body. 8. cHolcE oF LAW/JURISDICTION The UCp shall in all respects be deemed a part hereof as fully as if incorporated herein and shall apply to this L€ttor of Credit' This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordanie whh the laws of the state of cororado , Unhed States of America, except to th" "r,trnt such laws are inconsistefit with the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary consent to th€ iurisdiclion and venue of any court selected by Lender in its discraion located in the State of --C,olqrado in the event of any legal proceeding under this Letter of Cr€dit. 9. EXPIRATION Lender hereby agrees with Beneficiary that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter ol Credit will be duly honored i{ oresented to the Lender on or before the Expiration Dat6. ENDORSEMENT OF DRAFTS DRAWN: Dated: February LAt L997 of vail rll FormAtion Technologies. lnc. (3/'219.{) (3O0) 337'3799 o o DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENJ, ma{e anfl entered into tnis 2l $ Oay ot 1e1:L !v_ g nO amo ngWh e re i n aft e i ca | | e i t h e-" D e vetop and the LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT (hereinafterTOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the,,Town',) and called the "Bank"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition.of approval ot fie frns^,Llv !> fi0 ptans, dated ititxurly , fb, , 191_b...-wishes to enter into a Gvetoper lmprovement Ag reement;'and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completlon of certain improvements set forth below: and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the fotlowing: Developer agrees to establish a letter of credit with a Bank in Eagle county in a dollar amount of $_Z{csu-_C2A (25o/" ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT E*O, 6f*a6;tu,; Azut c4*43c,tf:tud aF -fff? So'r'r= Slf6 otr 1++e- L/*it- firrnn,- C.qt its ftf fu-pury ftt- 4"n L * -Np lal:ta,uat* 'ltfr tf -,tr*- fi=rd-N n*( /tu*-' 6o* c,F ft+c-*7io* * U/'c- NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment aqd material nec-e^ssary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before {4acq=r i , 1177 . The.Developer sirall complete, in a good workmantike manner, atl lmprovements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and lo do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of vail community Development Department and public Works Department. 2-' To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: lrrevoglbje lg;tter of credit #JAL64E __ in the amount ot $]ft_oaa.3a (name of bank in Eagle County) as the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Date of Expiralion: Agreement by Developer. Page 1of3 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnily and hold harmless the Town, and nay of its ofticers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder: and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or detending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvemenls are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set lorth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to veriiy independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's written request. lf the costs ol completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lt the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.'16.250. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year lirst above written. Page 2 of3 Developer STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE t n_l The foreg'Yl^dayof_ Witness my hand and official seal. My comrnissio n expi'res: t l-7'/18 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires; SS. E?flgoil'no'ou"'n'n,.1sJgTef tw.%*nowplj#qeroremethis The foregoing Dgveloper lmprovement Agreement was day of filLnv Ftasr6o*, d{ VttL rr Frr45f4q"t tc:,. /'lhctzile;ic A 1f ezol.J. Planner, Community Development before me this : t'{- The foregoing Deyeloger lmprovement Agreement'-/' ' rfarr n{ /.-p,(1ltr<L? .lS 4?bV f leYeryon e\forms\dsvimpag.ltr f?Y FIL I I Y TOWN OF VAIL D epa rune nt of C ommunity D eve lop m e nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 December 22.1991 Mark R. Ristow Execulivc Vice-Prcsident First Bank of Vail l7 VailRoad Vail, CO 81657 RE: VailAthlctic Club Dcar Mark: This lcttcr shall constitute thc rclease of the inevocable Letter of Credit No. 968608tt that thc Towtr was holding for-JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership (d.b.a. Vail Athlctic Club) in thc amount of $25,000. All improvemcnts associated with thc Phase I construction at thc Vail Athletic Club havc now bccn completed and a final inspection has now becn approved. Attached for your files is thc original irrevocable Lettel ofCredit. Ifyou shoutd have any questions regarding thc Lctter of Credit or the Developer Improvement Agreement, please feel fi'ee to contact me directly al 47g- 2144. Sinccrclv^ W]^ N,u- Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development cc: Stan Cope {p *"""""o 'n'"* Mr. Mike Mollica Asst. Director, Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 March24,1997 Dear Mike, Flease consider this iettef as authonzaticn to adC the following language to our Developer Improvement Agreement dated February 19,1997. The " Improvement" shall include repairs to the stucco and building that were damaged on the south side of the building by the construction should the Vail Athletic Club delay the beginning ofPhase 2 beyond this summer. In this case, the work would be completed at the same time as the landscaping work which is August 1,1997. The original amount ofthe ietter ofcredit anticipated these potential repairs when we first submitted the Developer Improvement Aereement. W Managing Agent Vail Athletic Club IWT 1987 Vail Limited PartnershiD Hotel sfra 352 Ee$ MsADow DRrvE Ver, Coloneoo 81657 e-moil: vac @ vail.net Hsrsr 970t476-0700 $pr,9701476-7960 Frx9701416-il51 800 | 822-47 54 ilsign Review Action F;m TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Zone District 5Lh ProjectstreetAddress: 3-5 2 | , l.'ia---l--.- \rr , Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval \1 StaffApproval 9999999 "' C T ^1't, re . ,n, ,t/+ Uoo o&- ."/* ) * " . n DRB Fee Pre-paid -€)- : ign Review Action rdin' TOWN OF VAIL Category Number: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: C@contact, Address and Phone: Pn t'.,4. 2nt;,-t A"-o* ( A t!6zo Project Street Address: Board / Staff Action Vote:Motion by: Seconded by: $4on..ou"t ! Disapproval n $afiApproval Conditions: &^^.| DRB Fee Pre-paia * 200.* Town Planner il i I I I I Ii! i Itl t II I.l I I John M. Perkins, AIA Vail Athletic Club Materials and Color Specifi cation lnformation April 16, 1997 Stucco - Windows, Doors & Railines - Roofing - "Rheinzink" Wood Columns - (Pine peeler log) Balcony Fascias, Lower Fascias and Beams & Brackets - Exposed Metal @ Roof - Stone Veneer - "Hump and Bump" texture Color #2096 Black Green #RAL 6012 by "Solarhtx" Zinc Standing Seam Natural Zinc color by Semi-transparent stain & wood preservative by "Moorwood" #00880 Painted to match zinc Angular gray granite ^"5+o" coloB. I Questions? atn. Planning Statl at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN R-EVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircmcnts lbr thc particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be acceptcd until all the required infbrnration is submifted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires onc ycar after final approval unless a building pcrmit is issued and construction is started. B. \-- D. PI{YSICAL ADDRESS: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): G. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: WTmrsruction-$2oo - l' E MinorAlteration - $20 1 E Conceptual Review - $0 -'-J MAILINGADDRESS: E. NAME OF APPLICANT: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE: Construction of a new building. Includes any addition where squarc footage is added to any residential or commcrcial building. includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For any application where the applicant wishes to meet with Design Review Board to determine whether or not the project generally complies with the desigr guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conccptual rwicws. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identiff the accuatc valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQTJIREMENTS AND TT{E FEE TO T}IE DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 81657. TOWN OF VAIL DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHONE: Updated 1/97 t? ;'1,_J .:$fl- "#r .lJl .._F*lrial i'!r.{.i'-r.,' . lgnt'i, i t,)if*t}-.ll-il.$I-iilFt'.J rrtf,F"*sl rtLrir . rji rtrn$ _ ;5g1Olrt TfiJFl :llilt.Jj.Iu.Jirti dr^fl . *t:^.cjl{{ ctll4 t,F:.)l-liSIA ,..nO$S .$UJTSi*'tl l=**rruT*gt . il\ -lfrrl:.; ,i*:Jis;rit tl*-Iqgffq .:l,i .11'3* qF{a:Et.tF *rt(T''',#iof'.'' Hbi**-' r .'*t" " . S "I i-utr3+trlt'1 -TE}tEl .!-'tlf l.$i .- sle-.sli,' i ,-s,Ciig . ct..: I 'ji{ t "11'i f .ilJl5j;1; ..^s l+1.d , (-l.Siittl . r}1 .l-lgui\ iill,' .tfe$ -Ti,,\iifr .-f;}fii' BUILDING MATERIALS:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosures Creenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting* * Other tlAlww@Hl $**sl-P*p 6rEeH rhr.- zlt4c;f,Fr zJt{c- EIICI,EHO * Pleasespecify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above gade, lumcns output, luminous are4 and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. (:l.f+l fi..ttfl-r l-ri*sfc3 cf,J<s Frtl:ti i -" iActutA++..lrtlr$,/l ?:;: 3H:X A.,'i i .*flilru rF*r ( ).-fJ.rf? Cftl,il*Il.5 -!Ldrg{) ,3.:; .ig:tr d,?,ri -.sl*S' ({cx)tuj1r.iY . e.:l ,,^{'f fi'lr$' ri-fl{;iJ I r,'ttr$ Atri"i pfsf;t*s l)ft$rtf,l't;+ .f.l;\,i*rlr ;,ri'i.;;.1;,1"1$Jr1 A,j; t{H*Ia'^iJrry?vtt+ r;?cl,r4ut: . Fir_ti,a. Jl.,,lfs ',ed;$tt-li*{-f .-l**ti4}di",i . }#T li,*.,1\ *)f"lJ.I z1T-.fl-,lis :TL*iw :.f{.r,}a:iag*,|tir"i:;t*f i-ll:r JFj. ( iJ|r&-?$ "lll"fi F '{ll } a.i}{.I.l .-:;llf,::cna$u t l,str} PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc Common Namc Quantity Sizc* w Frsrc*4s Vl Et-r-lsohl EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: Type deciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPer conifcrous hees - 6 feet in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarp Footage CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specifl. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within thc front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. *Minimum requiremcnts for landscaping: j l, i"'l i ' '. r ' r) . !. !a '' -t. 1.. i .- * I'V . '.. lt rn- . il if. l: y, f .?: ? ; .:' t'-"; i't t-lr I *i--F ;.*.fF* * t .1.. 'ltItaa .,, - a .-t--'-.- - r -.1 :-it.?-' -rc. e- \,.-_ l"-'{\,. \ ,t.* M"deL ?h"\os I n' t,'i ,', 3. , ...i.-+.r. :! ,'.. i: {.a't' ,lt I;:J l t. trlil;f r. -*r .t j -'.,1 r , '' :i } I a taJ .l Ja I J t ,!it- -S* t lFl If!!u f: l, 1 F F.T- :-- T> ,t+ '' .-\.;- "+. _** fir ;l :,') xt ..-- --:1t - \ H i '*# ,*"-*J t '*;'Sl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commissi0n Community Development Department March 24,1997 A request for a minor amendment to special Development District #30, Vail Athletic Club to allow for modifications to the parking garage' Iestaurant, accommodation and dwelling unit balconies, and common areas within the building, located at 3S2 Eas[Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B, Vail Village 1st Filing. JWT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by John Perkins Mike Mollica/George Ruther Applicant: Planners: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Vail Athletic Club (JWT 1987 Limited Partnership), represented by John Perkins, has submitted a request for a minor amendment to Special Development District (SDD) #30, to allow for modifications to the parking garage, restaurant, common areas, and the accommodation and dwelling unit exterior balconiei.-According to the applicant, the goals of the proposed minor SDD amendment are to reconfigure certain interior spaces of the building in order to improve interior circulation, create improved guest accommodations, and meet certain Building Code requirements. The specific modilications to the interior of the Vail Athletic Club are as follows: Increase ol 135 sq. ft. This includes the relocated "pop-out" from the north elevation to the east elevation (no change to site coverage). The public seating areas decreased in size and the kitchen was exoanded in size. *Restaurant: *AUs: lncrease of 165 sq. ft.*DUs: Decrease ol 187 sq. ft.*EHU's: Decrease ol 88 sq. ft.*Common Areas: Increase of 499 sq. ft. The bulk of this increase is attributed to an expansion to the laundry facility & the ski storage r00m.*Conference: Decrease of 45 sq. ft.*Garage: Decrease of 212 sq. ft. Total Difference: Increase of 267 sq. ft. Please see the attached development statistics chart for a floor by floor analysis of the proposed changes. The proposed changes to the interior of the building will have only minor impacts to the exterior of the building. The exterior changes include the modilication of the size of the balconies on the south elevation, a reduction in the size and a relocation of the "pop-out" for the restaurant, and a slight increase (44 sq. lt.) in the size of the accommodation unit located above the porte cochere, on the north elevation. Overall, the parking requirements for this SDD do nol change as a result of the amendments described above. II. AMENDMENT PFOCEDURE section 18.40.100 (Amendment Procedure) of the Municipat Q9d9 of the Town of Vail stipulates the following for miiror amendments to Special Developmenl Districts: ,,Minor Amendments: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in Section 18.a0.020d-any O" "pprou"d by the Community Development Department' All modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised develoiment plan- Approved cnlnges snatt Ue noteO, signed, dated ana filed by the Deparlment of Community DeveloPment." In addition, the Municipal Code further stipulates that the Community Development Department staff shall inform the Planning and Environmental commission (PEC) of the action taken by the staff on the minor SDD amendment request. III. STAFF ACTION The community Development Department staff . believes that the applicanfs Prgpqqed. . modifications are consiJtent withine criteria outlined in Section 18'40'0208 of the Municipal Code and has approved the applicant's request for a minor amendment to Special Development District #30, vail Athletic club.' The modific'ations have been indicated on a completely revised development plan as requireO. The statf does not believe that the interior and exterior changes pioposeO, inciuding tfre net increase in total square footage, will alter the intent of the SDD' nor iuiil'iinaue any negiative impacts on adjacent property ow-ners or the community as a whole' o c oo o o i5 zul Eozul =aoa IEoz = ct oo FtuJTF a ln ': {r+ F- F- f.- F- |'L :l + c\J (f) C\t C\I sF. F.F.f.- o o E E lr) LL cc It! t (5 orf C! @ co <.J. <t, (J s \ Building Name: Subdivision t]. t/ ,&(o . , t t! Zone Districf 5 b ^,/ Project Street Address : Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: I Approval ! Disapproval ff"tuE"' Eonditions: Daret /0./5"?6 DRBFeeere_pad 12O,- t.e,,d, alLT l'a DESIGlr RE\ITEII BOARD APPIJICATTON . IIOIII{VAUJ, COIJORADO Io/ t4 IoIb o OF o DA,TE RECETVEID: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *t**t**t** I. A. *****ta**t DESCRIPTTON: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nevr construction (9200. 00)Aatdirion (950.00) a.af Minor Alterat,ion Conceptual Review ($2o. oo) ($0) D. ADDRESS: LEGAI, DESCRIsubdivision f! nrgnelry is described bydesc-ription, please providEEo Enrs application. a meets and boundson a separate sheet 1egaJ. and attach E. F. I. ,I. ZONTNG: NAME OF MaiJ.ing G. APPLICAIiIT Address: Phone NAI{E OFttailing APPLICANTI Address: Phone H.NAI.{E OF OWNER(S): uailiog Address: Phone APPrJrcATroNs wrrr' Nor BE pRocEssED mr*ow owtr'R,s sxGilIA''RE Condominiusl ApprovaL if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at Lherime of submirral ot.me-iilnTipir..riorr. rJarer, whenapplying for a b":lg_ilg perrnitl-pieu"" idenrify rhe accurarevaluation of the p-ropoiai. rh; iown or vail wilt adjust rhef:.nli;:tdins to itt"-r.ri" b;i;, - ro ensure the-correcr ree VAIJUATION$ o-$ 1o,ooo$ 10, 001 - I SO, Ooo$ s0, 001 - $ lsg; 000g1so,oo1 - $ soo;ooo $soo, oo1 - $1. ooo;600$ Over Ot, OOO, OOO P_EEq REr'lIErr BoARD AppRo\rArJ ExprRESAPPROVEIJ I'NIJESS A BUrI,DI}Id PSRtfr;' rSIS STARTD. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONB YEAR ATIER FIIIAIJxssIrED A![D CONSrnucTIor{ II. A pre-appLicat,ion meeting with a member of the planning sUaAf irsien€ouraqred to deuq:rrine if any additional abiliicittoh'tntoimation is needed. rt is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submiLtal requirements. Pl-ease note that a CoMPIJETE application will st.reamline ehe review process for your project. siEe tapings.and staking must be compleLed prior Eo the DRB site visit. I The applicant must ensure that staking done during the lcinter is not buried by snow. fiIle f eviqrv, :F F gc es fi . {qg,$fl{..Bpf !P{$CF.-Fo rrra I lv r equi re s "t+iJ iedafaeE'' nieeuinds' dt-'L'tie' oesifur' {eview Board: a 'podeq0id*I, re*lEii ihd a\tinar review. appriariit!' o;fr,i Rir e"i;li'"lT bAI:Li the -Desiqm Review eolrcl on Eheir scheduled meeLing date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their itern be postponed, wiLl have their iterns removed from the DRB agenda unt,i1 such time as the item has been republished. r"" 1t 1.', D. The follotriflq.TGene-s|4yl 'af tfhe discret'ion of the ';.:',i ei . ri''ffiffi13".9il'i'3lsE$'t*tt#Ftls.T ::il:i-il::liL before the DRB may not be required): .'.'; ll\ r'!l;,',h,'';:;' ' '',, l .Rs:, : r i.:*#Tii, ;ff ifttf 'fl't., :#: l?I"T i iil"l "t#n"" B. ' \..r ',i. !ri b. . ' n") . li+\"t t(rrt ii- _r. c. . \rf': ,''t!)l "'1!,suiraidq;Lha*fdird not'*i.sille from anv other lot or pubtic space. At the time such a proposal is r;,:H,$e,:I?k8fBlisrHEHt"ei::"?:"*=:i:':"s?*,o' "'oi*-*"tt.qei oi any adjacent condominir:m association stating the assoiiation approves of Lhe addition' E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard.area (i'e' snow ivalanche, rockfal-l, flood pLain, debris flow, wetland, etc. ) , a hazard study must be submitted and the owner musE sign an affidavit, recogmizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building pernit' appricants are encouraged to check with a Tostn PLanner piior to DRB appLication to determine the relationship of the properEy to al.l. mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inEide face of the exterior structural wa1ls of the building; and b. rndicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the buil-ding wal1s or supporEing columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions or rnodificallons, all conditions of approval rnust be addressed prior to tbe application for a building pe::nit. trr$TC0FY irY,sdf$$$'*i:*im# iqr'3s.$.'#"i''t' inAicate property lines, building l.ines and buildingt cornera. AL1 trees to be rernoved must be taped. AlL AVil.ttE 2r Flf< - ln''T.J'+ Ext6T. q;'c-v. 5t{elTHrxg 6q trt. 6'ruo6 c: 'ATr [i[6r^L3Tr6f enYeR-s W 6t[fr. '6a A-rurrr'r- C-rto..fr March 12,1997 7 @, John M. Perkins, AIA ir..j,'L itec,;r. i'eek Bud. ,1..'rsir) .i-llr Rc:ori Suite C ld ' !. - lrr)x .,'t;!l ,,"1i: I olc',:1tt. ij l5 2il ",it.91?.?3t)it 9/t).?49 .C629 George Hanison Town Planner Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mike and George, The following is my assessment of the squre footage changes on a floor by floor basis for the minor amendment to the SDD zone district. Upper Health Club,/Parking level: , ,, i. 24parking spaces shown with a valet parking system as approved. T lln c€thn* . Ski storage will remain as approved with some mechanical duct space required tn:Yg-"-'* this area. 194 square feet for ski storage and 114 square feet for mechanical . + 244. 95 square feet additional common "t "Ir$r"g l*d.y. _ __*_<_--Fiislflo-or: a a Dining area is proposed to be 16 GRFA larger than approved with the change from north side additional seating area to east side additional seating area. 36.15 square feet of common area is added at vestibule #139. Kitchen is expanded from 816 square feet to 1248 square feet coming out of the dining and library/lobby areas. Balcony reconfiguration results in a net loss of 71 GRFA from the accommodation rooms. Restaurant seating is for 13 I people. Second Floor: 44 GRFA is added to the north side of guest room #218. 77.5 GRFA is lost in guest room #218. 77.5 square feet of common area is added to conidor #236. 37.5 GRFA is added to guest room #216. 37.5 square feet of common area is lost to corridor #236. 47.5 GRfA is added to bedroom/guest#22l. 47.25 sqrnre feet common area is lost to conidor #238. Balcony reconfiguration results in a net loss of 104.5 GRFA from the accommodation rooms. Mollica/Ilarrison YAC3ll2l97 page? Third Floor: . Perimeter wall of the privately owned condominiums is revised and corrected in red. No square footage/GR-FA changes from approved SDD plans. t 52 GRFA is added to guest room #316. . 52 square feet of common space is lost from conidor #336. o 191.25 GRFA is lost from guest room #318. . 191.25 square feet of common space is added to corridor #336 and newly created maids closet. o 47.25 GRFA is added to living room/guest room #323. t 47.25 square feet of common space is lost to corridor #338. . Balcony reconfiguration results in a net loss of 42 GRFA from the accommodation rooms. Fourth Floor: r Perimeter wall ofthe privately owned condominiums is revised and corrected in red. No square footage/GRFA changes from approved SDD plans. Fifth Floor: o 75.25 square feet emergency 2nd floor stair is required and will be added. . 90 square feet ofmechanical space #503 required at west end. 190 square feet of mechanical space as approved is deleted resulting in a net gain of 25 GRFA from mechanical. A floor by floor summation of the above information is as follows: GRFA square feet Common square feet Upper Health Club/Garage First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fourth Floor Fifth Floor Totals Mike and George, please call me and let me go over these numbers and red line plans with you, at your convenience. 0.0 - 55.06 - 53.25 -134.00 0.0 + 25.0 -217.31 + 95.0 laundry + 36.25- 7.25 + 92.0 0.0+ 0.0 +216.0 Thank vou. OL-l/r@L-,&rx [z/"* Pertins]en FIL E CtrPY 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 March 5, 1997 John Perkins John M. Perkins, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 2007 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Vail Athletic Club Minor SDD Arncndment D e partm e nt of C ownunity Deve lopment Dear John, The staffhas completcd a preliminary review of your minor SDD amcndmcnt application for thc Vail Athletic Club (V.A.C.). Upon revicw of your application, the staff has determined that thcrc are outstanding issues which must bc addrcssed, prior to an appcarance beforc thc Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). The purpose of this letter is to inform you of thc outstanding issues and to establish a timelinc for addrcssing the issucs. The following issucs must bc addrcsscd by no latcr than noon, Wedncsday, March 12, 1997, in ordcr to remain on thc agenda for thc Monday, March 24, 1997, PEC mceting: l. Please submit a restaurant scating plan for thc rcconfigurcd restaurant. The scating plan will be used to determine thc parking requircmcnt for the V.A.C. 2. Please submit a writtcn statcmcnt outlining your requcst. The written statcment shall address how and whcre the minor amendment deviates from thc SDD Approvcd Development Plan. 3. The following changes where discovered on your plans, but not indicatcd in your application: Sheet A1.8 An accommodation unit was eliminated. Sheet A1.9 Lock-off unit square footage was eliminated in Unit 309. Thc linc depicting dwelling unit GRFA is incorrect. Sheet Al.l0 Lock-off unit square footage was eliminated and GRFA was rcmoved from the condominiums. An accommodation unit was eliminated. A major change to the floor plan near the central stairwcll has occurred. Sheet A 1 . I I The line depicting dwelling unit GRFA is incorrect. $RECYCLED PAPEN Please indicate the above-notcd changes on your plans, In addition, pleasc rcvicw your plans closely to insure that no other changcs are proposed and not indicatcd on thc plans' Only thosc changes indicated on your plans will be considered for review. All othcr changes will bc considercd unrcviewcd and therefore, not approved' Again, in ordcr to rcmain on the agenda foithe Monday, March 24,1997, PEC meeting, issucs addressed in this letter must be reilved by no later than noon, Wednesday, March 12, 1997 ' lf the issues are not addresscd, I will have no choice but to remove your itcm frorn the PEC agenda' Should you have any qucstions or concems rcgarding the information addr.esscd in this lettcr' please do not hcsitaie io give me a call, You can reach me most casily at 479-2145 ' Sincerely, l1'-"9-Ron^-t George Ruthcr Town Planncr xc: Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Cornmunity Development APPLICATION FOR PI.,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmental Commission. For spccifrc infornration. scc thc submittal requiremcnts for thc particular approval that is requestcd. Thc application can not bc accepted until all requircd information is subnrittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. qu".,iontdl thc Planning Staff at 479-2 I 38 A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tJ Additional CRFA (2s0) tr Bcd and Brcalda.st El Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tl Rez.oning n Sign Variance n Variancc tl Zoning Codc Amcndmcnt B.DESCRTPTTON OF Tm REQUEST: E=&IE\J TOVIN OF VAIL tr Amcndmcnt to an Approved Devclopmcnt Plan tr Employco Housing Unit (Typc: )n Major or D Minor CCI Extcrior Altcration tr tr n cF cjlbprc.E'-3 rc) dlE- Lfilouf D. C.LocATIoN oF PRoPosAL: Lor-F!g!&h€cd|-e FILING VAIL utu/A€#- Flr?sf- w=rL E, rvtflArctil w)tE DUTLDTNCNAME: V4urzArffr*tta cqJB NAME oF owNER(s): ut T lq6.) LJMffees PAl4lt.4easl+rfo MAILINGADDRESS: F. OWNER(SISrcNA C. NAMEOFREPRESENTAT MATLTNGADDRESS: H 2cE'7 A$Ap4t (A g6?.e FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO. THE DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVBLOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. For Office Use Only: ApplicationDate: z'25'?1 PECMeetingDatc:_ ADDRESS: ZONINC: H. PHoNE: ZIZ'fl 41b - o-)oa VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Rcvircd fl96 oon 3-tl ,tt22 RECETVED FROM ADDRESS RECEIPT- llrc Town of Vril t?811 hmlt Mrmbers lnt PAID- cash-Cl.ck /5e H-s) Ifalter Patrick Gramm 695 Prospect Street Winetka IL 60093 Anthony & Constance Rldder 1801 W. 27th Street, Sunset Island Miami Beach FL 33140 Mr. David Smith I Cornice Building 108 S. Frontage Rd, Vail CO 81657 B.A. & Ba.rbara Bridgewater B3OO lfaryland Ave. St. Louis MO 63105 ri1 CO. broo r Robert & MarY Galvin iiXiii"g-oaks- Farm Route 68 Arri-ngton IL 60010 Marion M. T,l ^r/.1 ,2--060 st. M;;i;s RoadrrroerLyville fL 6004g 'Iyr-L,-,-s.a.. ---- % Brandess/Cadmus Real Estate 281 Bridge StreetVail CO 8L657 Vorlaufer Condo Assoc.385 Gore Creek Drive Vail CO 816b2 of Vail. Frontage Ru. co 8165? George Washington Knox IV 291 Bridge Street Vai-I CO 81657 N.J. Nicholas 50 Centra"l park West New York Ny 10023 Mountain Haus Condo Associa.tionAttn: Sandy Gray 292 E. Meadow DriveVail CO 81657 ,r,t .^, MAY AFFE.T youR p'opr^ri PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance witn Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 24, 1997, at 2:00 P-M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a_major exterior alteration in CCl, at the A & D Building, located at 286 Bridge Streeylots A, B, & C, Btock SA, VailVillage .tst Fiting. Applicant: 286 Bridge Street, Inc., represenled by Craig SnowdonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A re-quest for a major exlerior alteration in CC1, at the Creekside Building, located at 229 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 58, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Michael Ditch, represented by Dave CarsonPlanner: Lauren Waterton --f A.request for a minor SDD amendment t0 Special Development District N0. 30 at the Vail Athletic UtuU, located at 352 E. Meadow Driveiparc6ts A & B, VaiiVillage 1st Filing.=-rApplicant: VWT 1987 Limited partnership, represented by John perkinsPlanner: George Ruther 4 request for a residentlal addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 778 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 18, Block 1, Vail Potato patch. - Applicant: Fred Bartlit, represented by Bill AndersonPlanner: Tammie Williamson A request for a major exterior alteration and minor suMivision at Gasthof Gramshammer, located at 231 E. Gore Creek Dr./Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. lRRlicant; Pepi Gramshammer, represented by pierce, segerberg, & AssociatesPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs {or seasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/legally described as: beginning al the Northwast corner of Section g, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of lhe Si)dh Principal Meridian thence S 89'3149" E 2333.84 feet, along rhe North li-ne of said Section 9, to apoint on the nort-herly right-of-way fence line of lnterstate Highway No. 70 thence along the northerly righfof-way fence line of Interstale Highway No. 70 as fbllows: S 67"41'33' W 41 5.82 feet; thence S78'13'02" W 1534.29 feet, to a point of curvature; thence 456.43 feel on a curvs to the right with a radius of 5580.00 fe'et, the chord of whicn bears 580'33'38" W 456.30 feet io a poinl on the Westerly line of said Seclion g: lhence departing the northerly right-of-way fence line of Interstate Highway No. 70 and following the Weslerly line of said Section g N00'i821'E 565.1 1 leet to rhe poi-nr of 6eginning. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and susie HervertPlanner: Dominic Maurieilo The applications and information about the prgpgqals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in theproject planner's office located at the Towd of Vail Community Oeveto'pment Oeiparimenr, zs"soirtr froni"g" Fioid. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 47g-2i 14 voice o r 4Zg-2356TDD for information_ Community Developmenl Department Published March 7, 1997 in the Vail Trait. MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETI January'16, 1996 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Sybill Navas, Mayor Pro-Tem Kevin Foley Rob Ford Mike Jewett Paul Johnston Peggy Osterfoss Bob Armour, Mayor a NG A-regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, January 16, 1996, in the Council Chambersof the Vail Municipal Building. The meeting was called to ordei at approximately 7:35 p.M. TowN oFFlctALS pRESENT: Robert w. Mclaurin, Town Manager R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk First item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. Town of Vail resident and former council member, TomSteinberg, expressed his thanks to former town mayor Peggy Osterfoss for her participation and dedicationover the past six years. He.commended her, saying she had -been the best leader he had worked with duringhis years of serving with all but one of Vail's mayors. Mr. Steinberg was joined by his wife, Flo. The second item on the agenda was the Consent Agenda which consisted of the following items: A. Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance, First Amendment to theo, Town of Vail Police and Fire Employees, pension plan. " B. Resolution No, 2, Series of 1996, i Resolution designating Colorado National Bank, as a depository for the funds of the Town of Vail Pension Plan as permitted by the Charter of the Town, its ordinances, and the statutes of the State of Colorado.C. Resolution No.3, Series of 1996, a Resolution designating Colorado National Bank, as a depository for the funds of the Town of Vail 457 Pension Plan as permitted by the Charter of the Town, its ordinances, and the statutes of the state of cororado. Mayor Pro-tem, Sybill Navas read the consent agenda in full. Peggy moved to approve the consent agenda,with a second from Paul Johnston. A vote was taken and passed unanimously, o-0. Third on the agenda was Ordinancg No 2, Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance amending SpecialDevelopment District No. 30, The Vail Athletic Club, and amending the de-velopment plan in accorda--nce withChapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth detaili in regard thereto. Sybill read the title in full. Mike Mollica then summarized the revised ordinance, reviewing changes since thefirst reading. Town Attorney, Tom Moorhead added that an indemnification section had been removed fromthb ordinance, because the isdue had been resolved and no longer applied. Discussion then continueo ascouncil members questioned the possibility of the Athletic Club heiting inu nrioge in addition to the sidewalks on the north and east sides of the building. Town Planner, Mike Mollica stated the;Athletic Club would heatthe sidewalk up to but not over the bridge. Vail Athletic Club representative, Stan Cbpe address"J th" i**r"and informed Council that the possibility had been discussed, but would require an up sized boiler toaccommodate that request. Stan stated the Athletic Club would cooperate in any way they could, but thatmany issues still remained to be discussed. Tom Moorhead informed Council the intent hld oeen that anyheating beyond the sidewalks along the north and east sides of the building would be an expense af theTown. Paul moved to approve Ordinance 2 on second readlng with a second from Rob Ford. n vote wastaken and passed unanimously, 6-0. The fourth item on the agenda was an appeal to the Town Council, pursuant to Section 1g.54.0g0 of theMunicipal Code, of the Design Review Board decision to deny the olesonA/olinn duplex separati;n requestfor a proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 11, Resubdlvislon of Lot 7, Block .1, Vaitviiiage'rzthFiling/3275 Katsos Ranch Road. George Ruther, TOV planner assigned to the project, presented the item to Council, and provided thefollowing background: On December 20, 1995, the applicant met with the Design Review Board to requesra determination of significant site constraints and the opportunity to separate thi duplex strueturc Brgpgscdfor Lot 11, Bloek 1, VallVlllage 12th Flllng In aeeordanee wtttr Seetion r6.sa.oSo(r) oiiiic Lnuzuereriidiu" t"uuattachment 1). Upon review by the DRB, a molion was made to deny the applicant's request since the DRB VA l^ e.*J W n"Jh? mr!,to 0t / | 6/q6 t;t)ly/t0.1*1x\'nlh,*l ra^t rrt z osnBcaq panbal s,1uecl1dde aql Jo lelu€p pepuauu.roceJ $elq 'sJau/v\o Ayedo.rd 6u1u1ofpe uo{ pa4lacal uaoqpeq pdul ou q6noqle leql palels reqynl {pueg 'luecrldde eq1 o1 a6elrnud prceds 1o pe.r6 e aq-plnorvr ecuetJe^ 1q6teq palsanbe.r aq1 Ouuuet6 1eq1 Eurpug '0-? lo alo^ e ,iq eJueuen jqoraq pelsanbe: eq1 p"1ulp rt;snourueun c3d aq|slqoreq pelsrulsuos'ourisrxa aq1 1e sa6pu ]ooJ eql ur61al o1 -acueuen lqoreq e 1ue.r6 336aql ieql palsenber luecrldde aLll 'uoqelrulll lqblaq looJ-Ea aql a^oqe saqsut t'g;o ,nrrl*"* B palcnrlsuos €raM C pue 'g 'y saOpu '(311) Eur[arung Ia1ge71 e16e3 {q paprnord saln6rtr lq6req aopu aql pue '(,{anlns clqdelbodol leutbl.to stll uo paseq) 6uuaaur0u3 urelunoulalul r{q paprno.rd iepe.rb burlsrxa pJlelodrelur aq1 o1 Eutp.toccy 's6utanelp uolle^ala pue ueld alts peqeelle eql uo umoqs se 'C pue g .V palaqel aJe uotlsanb ut sa6pt.t elll 'sainlcn4s lelluaplsal lo, uorlcrJlsal lqbraq looy-gg eq1 ourpeacxJ slqOreq'le pelcrulsuoc a:alr seoplr 1oo: egaedas aaJql Jo suorioas leql pelecrpur ;uecrldda aq1"rq peprurqnu (crri alecurpac uolleco-l lueuenoidutl uV 'uolst^lpqng uor(1 uele '02 lol uo acuaprsat e 6ur1cn:gsuoc lo siecotO aql ul q luectldde eq1 :punor6>1ceq 6urarro;;o; eq1 one6 pue 'ueir aql palueserd Japnols ,{pueg ,.riuueld pen Jo u^ of '(f+ CCS) uorsr^rpqns uo^l uale 'ez lol/elcJlC uaAEqlsaM 6eg! lB patecol s 1celord eql 'saJnpruls lerluaplssJ.rol uo;1e11rr; lq6raqloo]-et alll peecxa ol 'uolpn4suo? J€pun {;iualnc 'ecueprsar B JoJ /v\olle ol eouelJe^ lqbraq e .ro; lsanbel e Jo leluep (Cad) s,uolsslultlJo3 leluauuoJr^u3 pue 6uruue16 eq1 1o leadde uB se/v\ aA!, Jaqrlnu uelr epua6y I r(ddeq aq prno^,\ oq parels ec*o^re*r/! pue'rJJl:'1"ffilffi."1,1iffiffi11'lttf:'5fl"il1Jl[J3';Ti 'pesoddo lned pue lllqAs 'Z-| 'passed pue ualel se/$ alo^ V .elly! uto{ puooas e qlru ,BUO aql Jo uorspap eq1 ploqdn ol qou Iq apeu uoqt se/n uoqou y 'uonrsoddo u; Oulidn ,i6-6e4 pue ur^ay 'qou 'a>1ry1 ,1sanba1 eq1 Auap ol uorsrcap s,gUO eql ouru:npeno Jo ro^ej ul lllq^S pue InEd ,V-Z,paltr',l pue uslel sEM alo^ V 'penouleJ aq lt1e1eur1;n plno/v\ ler.ll ueld eq1 uo uA oqs lou aJa/v\ lBql lol eql uo saall lueu e:am oJeql palels Jaqpnt aH 'Jelauletp u! ,,g aJa/v\ ueld patord pesodord eql uo uMoqs seaJl €ql pue Jalawelp:ut ,,9 senn eell luecgtuBts e 'Jrels o1 Eurp.rocce lEql palels e$loag .sae:1 Jo lunoue lseal aql 6utnoual eq plno/v\ luectJdde aql 'oueua3s pasodo.rd aql rapun 1eq1 bupels ,lureJlsuoo alls e alnlllsuoc plp soa4 aql pue ,(qderbodol eq1 palse66ns lrepuorleledes eLll Joj fr\olle plno/v\ leqlpalslxo sluleJlsuoe els JeLlleq^^ aulruJelep ol poeu aqlJo sJaqurau ll3uno3 paputuol {66a6 .1o1 aq1 uo 6uruoz ut e6ueqc e lsenbal oi aq plno/\^ uorloe Jo esrnoc redird aq1 pa1se60ns u"ql "rflyv .;r"n6"r'"q1 ir"p o1 fnquoudo:eqlo ou pEt{ 8uo-aql 'a:oleJaq} 'pue 'suor}Eln0el unnol aql ur paurllno sB lureJ}suoc alrs luecyu6rs eelnlllsuoe plno/v\ r.l3tr,l/v\ 6urq10u se^ aJaLll1eq1 Eurpug s,guo oql paureldxe [auJV lapqclr{ 'ueu.tJteq3 guo 'speduut ars lleJaAo ecnpal ol pue eplslptl aql uo lee[cerd se nnol se a]rs eql uo luau.rdo;anop urelurgt11 olJapjo ul 'ecueue^ Iceqlas 1uotl e lsanbal ol aq plno/lit luectldde aql JoJ €nuane alqrssod JeLlloug pa1sa664pally{ 'uo opl3ap o1 lsanba: aoueuen e lou spn\ aJeql sraquletil lrcunoc pepulual e6:oeg .eierjooroob aJou eq p;nom lsanbeJ eeuelreA aq1 qEnorql 6uro6 1eq1 ilej lllqr{s lllnq aq ol aJn}cnJls la6-6rq qcnru e .ro;Molle plnoa Jlasll lol aql Jo €zls aLtl lBtll lnq 'olecs Jalleus qcnul e uo ourqlau:os aos ol paluB A o1 alods aqiasoql Duqels 'uotlsanb 3ql passeJppe 1[gIg pue 'pefold eql noqe 1p1 sroqqorau €ql /v\or..l o1 se pe.lnbur ulnay'poleplsuoc aq ^;qtssod plnoc saJnleal epeu ueuJ leql alels ol uo luem aH 'suorlenlrs peue1 pue ^ueu erannalaql ples puB 'luleJlsuoc alls luEculu6ts e elnltlsuoc lq6rLu leqM Jo sqdmExa- pelstl apoC aql ut uorioes eqllelll paUuelc uo1 'xeldnp e pllnq ol aneq r{1t:essacau luprp peclldde eq} pue Juecr;dde er11 olelqegrene €Je^^suorldo raq10 Aueu l'ql p€lels pJor qou pue 'uorsrcap s,ggq pl0qdn raqla plno,n aq passardxa ua^r\af arrr{ '{06a6 Lq papuocas se/'A uot}oul aqf 'peou qcueg sosley uo ssguaplsal Oupslxeaq1 o1 Alac;u palnqrrluoc uotle:edes pasodord sLll llsl eq 'asnpceq pue 's1ncleru,"n;ip anrsuelxe pro1e ol ,lol ot,ll jo aas e6re1 eql 01 enp lsanbar uorleledas aql ,{uap ol guo aql lo uorsrsop aL[ uJnua1o o] pe1ou lned 'uospleuo0 IJBIi! 'l9olltlcJB l0e[oJd qltrvr 6uo;e 'litunoC ol lsonbal slr"{ paluosoJd lyedord olll J0 Jau/y\o ,uosalg rueg 'pelue:6 eq o1 uoge:edas e loJ JapJo ur ErJaltJo alerrdordde ag slaar! paford aLll pulJ lsnui ltcunoc leq]puB 19p0C elll,{q ps/ylolls sB 'uo!}Eledss E bunsanbal ,ipeegc seltn 1uec1ldde aql lErll lnunoc peuJo;Ut eor1o6allnJ pue ebloag 'esuelJel e r{;lea: sean lsanber uorle.redes eq} }ou Jo'JeLlleqn o1 se pa:rnbur lpqrtg:peijOoeaq ol papeau lllls eualljc cgtcads eql leql lnq 'lualur ;eraua6 aql ol lool plnoc auo 'eualrc sw butliddeallq/s leql peule;dxe peeluoof! urof 'opoc eql to (l)0g0'tg'gl uopes ur peurllno sB lureJlsuoc a1s luecgru6rse alnlllsuoc lq6tu 1eq1 Eualuo aql papasladns ,,lualul,, uo uotlges aql Jaqisq/v\ peuorgsanb sso;rel.g ,166e3 'epo3 ledntunfrl eqlto (t)oso'rc'gL uorl?as {q perrnba: se }ol eq} uo slurerlsuoc alrs luecgruDrsJo e3ualsrxe €ql p€leJlsuouap lou peq luecrldde aq1 ,uorurdo s,#els ut leql polEls eH .leluep Jo ,9661 '02 laquacoo Jo uotstoep 8UO aql ploqdn lrcunoC u/r^ol eql leql pepuaurutoceJ gels 'lsanbel uoq;eledes s,luectldde aql lo /v\ellel uodn 1eq1 elels ol uo lue^ a6.roag '(g luauqcege aas) eoueJ€]eJ Jo, paptnoJd se/vl €poC ledlclunv\ €t{l utoJJ O tq'tg'B t uorloes ;o l{doc V 'uotstcap gU€ aql buru:npeno to} stseq alqrssod e se (g;6'yg'eL uo[ees) saurleprne ,v\ernau u6rsaq aqllo lua]ur eqlJo acuere;a.r s,luecrldde eq] pue (z luaulqce$E aas) uotstcep BUO €tll Eur;eedde '966l. '62 roqureceq palep luecrldde alll ruo4 rallal e pacuaralar uaql a6toa9 '(g-y) /ilsnoutueun passed uorlour €r.ll 'sluleJlsuoc alls guecglubls Jo aouapt^e pug lou plno3 7;30 P.M: 7:35 P.M. 1. 2. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL EVENTNG MEENNG TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1996 7:30 p.M. tN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Consent Agenda:A. Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1g96, second reading of an ordinance,First Amendment to the Town oi vait Fotice anj Fire emfro*;;;Pension plan. C. B.n:::!ll3lg,2, s9riqs of 1.ee6, a Resotution desisnatins cotorado I:P,T_I a31h as a depository fo, tn" runor-Jiili;"*;fi'i:; :,"^T:":^l'a-1: pgrmitted [,v tnl-cnarteior the rown, its lld]nll9".: and the statutes of tire State of Cotorado. n::,:iTlT^Ig lt9"l". of 1ee6, " n".orriion o'isisnating cotoradoIlPl1 Bank, as a depository tor tne runoi o; ;;;'iffi :f"ff';;;l.*:::^l,l _T e?;Ti1ed .by q,e - d;;;';i ;; i#;,',:,:ordinances, and the siatutes of the State of Cofor"Oo. ";;;;;^Mikg MOlliCa Snccial Dorratnnmax+ n;^r;lMrKe Mouica soeciatDeveropment oistrict r'-r<i. Cd;ih;Uiiifi"jj;;ffiH;arr*.q,nsMichael Barclay amending the d"-d;;;i phn in accordan"" '.iit'6n"prcr 18.40 of the Vail_J ,^ "__ ^^-Y,.lnicipatCode and settingfortn oeairs in regaijiiereto.I 0-.. l- A*ir4"e4 'r- "+4 ^a14(0P* "t/ t AClrw"-- |t / tuIt9NREOUSSJET?OFgO :Approve/modity/denyOrdinanceNo. Kt(rfnl'.L"^ ^ z' series oil66 on secondGffill- r .-O VtV" o W: Please see the attached memorandum fromthe staff to the prann i ndand Envi ron mentai b;ffi ;;;ffi ';""H;;J; 11, 199s and Exhibits A-r attacneJ to in"lri.oi"norr. : Approve Ordinance No. 2, Series of 19g6 as 8:10 P.M. George Ruther fli,:gg^e^flt:JP Toyl.councit, pursuant to Section 18.54.090 of the X,:.:,jffi ,",,::of :^ij_tl^"_p_"^",1n_1il;.#;"d""[H"lo"'Jiiy,n" "ol::?jy_: f l-o ;r {e1 s pa *tffi *q; ;;i i"; ; ft ffi"".i 1, iil ;# L'i: ffi,?'"tfi".;?1""?"ll,.t^,:I":lbdivisioh of rot i, -Bd.k i, ilii'Virrlii.,.lr.iiFiling/3275 Katsos Ranch Road. Uphold/overturn/overturn with ff ,11f illT3e-oesignnffi Boffi eJ"-d;;;;ffi ;ffi #*#,ilduplex separation reqiest. ffi ''3 i"ffff T."J,: h l?ffi "'3; "ffrffi:xl :],?constraints and rhe opportunityto ""ri.r*"in" Jdi;; Jilil;,#::';!HLot 11, Brock 1, vair virtale rzin riting-in-l""oro"n"e with section18'54'050(t) of rhe Municipar iode ti"" "tt"lnrent 1). Upon review by rheDRB, a motion was mad'e to o"ni lne dil;;#" request since the DRBcould not find evidence of significlnt "it"'5o"rii"ints. The motion passedunanimously (4-0). A letter from the apolicant dated December 29, i99S, appealing the DRBdecision, has been'attached (see attachment zf 'tn tn" appricant,s retter, herefers to the intent of the Design n""i"* 6riO7fines lSection 1 g.54.010) asa possible basis for overturning the DRB O""i"io". O ""pV "i S"li,""18'54'010 from the Municipar c"ooe-rras'f'"Jl""n""n"o for rererence (seeattachment 3). 8:30 P.M. S. Ran$rstouder o I Arr htruuMMtsNDAIlQN: Upon review ol the applicant,s separation ::q^r::fF1_recommends that the Town Council uph6ro tne One ieJ.-ionof December 20, tees, of deniat. ln silffb il;;#;il ffii#,;""':"l"Jidemonstrated the existence of significani rii"""onrtr"ints on the rot asrequired in Section 1S.S4.OS0(I) of [he Municipal Code. |1"!pq of thepranning and Environmentarcommission,s (pEC) deniarofI re1egl for a height variance to a'ow for a residen.", dr"#.v u,ilJ,construction, to exceed the33-foot height rimitation tor resdeniiai.l;;"tr;.The project is rocared at 1939 wEsthaven circreaot es, cilIvo"Subdivision (SDD #4). Uphold/modify/overturn the pEC's gtCllGiOUND RATIONAE: .The-apptication is in the process of ::::j::jlg^,"'g:idT"q.-on rot 23,'een Lyon subdivdi;.--1h;lmprovement Locarion certificate trr-cisuumitteo-ilvln"-"ipii""iiiiio,"J"! 11t^!g:1b.5 of lhree separate ioof'ridses *er" "on"tructed ar heiohrs fl :1:,:fl :",HJs*:f ::tneatticneo",-,*p*i"J"i*"iif",i;,ffi ,;:: .- "- ,,.,vr I rlrrgr rr resrncuoe ro!. restqenflal structures. The ridgesare.labeled A, B and C, starting at tG toGst otifre ridoes ancJridges and *::j*g^ j? J_1 T!"_ry:'"red exisri n s s fi d ;;";il; ilil -ffi i: i; F:,'J::"j':?,,10^T?1."JPg,igi"I"ds'$;re"r;ti,ili#.j;ffi ifi i ! gy 199 oloyioed by Eas re y3ir9y suiveyi"it 0 Lc), -;ii6;; ;,"i; "iXZ ;3i;. tne appticantreeuested thatthe pec ffi :"8 jS ?f: :,^l5-.:1.1'l,sj.::.!:t'r.t"q ne i jh ts - r n e FEc- u na il;;; l;denied rhe requested n"ignt u"ri"n.e by ii;ol; oiffidi;; ce would be a grant ofspecial privilege to the appliiant. :r:+rr rHtrt-uMMbND : Staff is recommending denial of theapplicant'S request to overturn the pEC decision. a maximum Town Manager's Report. Adjournment. 9:00 P.M, 9:05 P.M. 6. 7. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING STARTTIMES BELOW:(ALL T ES ABE APPROXTATE AT{O SUBJECT TO CHANGE) --- rHE NExrvnL rowN "J,!rlJ,i- l!or** woRK sESsroNwf LL BE ON TUESDAY,lfrzmi,eecrNNiNc ar z,oo p.tr,r. rN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwrLL BE ON TUESDA',2t6ts6, eectNl,riNc lr z,oo p,r'r. rN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. THE NEXTVAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGWILL BE ON TUESDAY, ,,CISS, ECCiNNINGiT Z,gO P.IT,I. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. lt||ttl fltJjl?gTBr'?:?T.',:Fli:l*:irabre upon requesr with 24 hour notirication. prease cail 47e-2114voice or C:\AGENDA,TCE denial of the variance request. MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING January 2, 1996 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vair rown councir was herd on Tuesday, January z, 1996, in the councilchambers of the Vair Municipar auircin!- irre ,.Lting was cailed to order at 7:30 p.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor pro-Tem Kevin Foley Rob Ford Mike Jewett Paul Johnston Peggy Osterfoss TOWN OFF|CIALS pRESENT: Robert W. Mclaurin, Town Manaoer R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attoinev Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk First item on the agenda was citizen Participation. Resident, Bill wilto complimented communityDevetopment Direitor, sur;; c;;;;ilfi;;i", participation in tne vair Host program, and staredit woa.s fabulous to see someone in a position such as hers out on the street greeting guests in the The second item on lhe agenda was the consent Agenda which consisted of the following items: s A. Approvar of the Minutes for th_e_meetings of December 5 and 1 g, 1gg5." B' Resolution No' 1, series of t-sso, a resolution designating a public place within theto*:,:lu_1|rgr tfe postins of notice ror punric;-"il;;r of the Vair rown councir,Planning and Environmental commission, Design neview Board, and other boards,commissions, and authorities of the fown oi Viii. --" c' ordinance No. 25, Series of.rs!-s, 11co1o ru"oing of an ordinance amendingSection 18.24.050 (B) of the Municipal coae or ilre i-own of Vail, setting forth newnrol!1es for eliminating any existing dwelling unit oi accommodation unit or anyportion thereof above the second flooiin comrierciaic;; | #;;;;;;i;i'c;r"llZone Districts. MayorArmour read the consent Agenda in full. A motion was made by sybill Navas and secondedby Kevin Foley to approve the Conient Rgenoa. A vote was tatenan'o passed unanimously, 6-0. Third on the agenda was-ordinance No. 1, series of 1g96, first reading of an ordinance, FirstAmendment to the Town of Vail Police and Fire Employees' pension plan. Mayor Armou6 read thetitle in full' steve Thompson presented the item, explaining that the change in text was promptedby an IRS review, at the request of the Town in order to obtain a determination letter from the lRS.Sybill moved to approve Ordinance No. 1 on first reading, with a second from Rob Ford. A vote wastaken and passed unanimously, 6_0. i'" ' v' v' ' r u\'(r; Yv The fourth item on the agenda was ordinance No. 2, series of 19g6, first reading of an ordinanceamending Special Development District No. 30, The vail Athletic club, ani amenoing t|redevelopment plan in accordance with chapter 18.40 of the vail Municipal code and setting forthdetails in regard thereto. Mayor Armour iead the tifle in full. Mike Mollica presented the item,explaining that the SDD which was originally approved in 19g3 was now being amended by theapplicant' Mike referenced a mbmorandum 'dated January 2 to council lrom communityDevelopment (attached) which listed seven conditions of approval as recommended by the pEC. Mike reviewed the seven conditions and stated the architect, Michael Barclay, was available toanswer any questions. Michael Jewett asked about trash storage and heited walkway anddriveway areas. Stan.Cope, representing the applicant, along with Michael Barclay, addressedthose issues. Stan indicated the project would probably commence sometime in Aprii, 1gg7. paul Johnston moved to approve ordinance No. 2, series br t gso on first reading with the conditionsas recommended by the_PEC, and Sybill seconded the motion. A vote wa! taken and passedunanimously, 6-0. stan crcpe thqn introduced the owner of the Vail Athletic club, Tom Rousch. x"] x@ C&J W M4 nh",rd 0t /02/96 iu/lul ts Yru *ru iw,"l FwJ @\ rA ('e1e:ncceul eq [euJ lndul cllqnd e^EO or{^ slenplAlpul uleUa. p saureN) 'y\j'd 9p:g r{la1ew1xodde 1e luawuJnohe Jq, penoq,l JnouJV Jafcyl ,s6aul$nq laqpn} CIu,Oulaq aJaql 'ssaccns 619 e servr ue:6old eq1 polels pue uerOod ,,slJed,, aq1 ur paledlcq:ed oqrr asoql JoJ apn11el6 sgq passadxa fa1o3 ulney 'l! olu! lool plno^r\ aq palels qog pue uoou p{ol aq} o} e^lleula}le ue o} se paJlnbu! Ined 'g L fueruqa3 ro1 1as doqs4o14 uoledrcq.red ctlqnd eq]]o puE IeaJC JsAEag ul lleH aOelln le uoou prol otll le /Z fueruqe3 rol palnperlos learlau lteuno3 bululocdn elll ]o s.taquarrt ltcunoopaulolul uunelsu! qog 'la6euel^l u/vlof aql uloJJ uodal F sem epuaoe alll uo xls laqulnu ulall '0-g 'r(lsnourrueun passed pue uelel se^ elo^ V '$eiv\af eM ^q pepuooas se/v\ uotlout aqJ_ .lleH 6alg pue sIJoM ollqnd ruo4 pdut urelqo ol eu[ 6urlro;;e 'Ougaau Euruane Xeu eq] ltlun e .oN ocueulpJo elqel o] lnBd [q epeu se/r^ uollou V 'sieells lecol uo perv\olle 6ureq salcr{crq pue sapelq le;1o.r Ourple6el suorlsenb peq 1;;q^g 'ua11 eq1 ourgel pa1se66ns llsry\ef elrt/\ .uotstoap leqt 6uHeu ol ropd pe:1nbe: sq plnoM llBH6el9 ':aeu16u3 u/v\ol pue sltoM gtlqnd ruo4 1ndu1 leqpnl peiels ulol 'pesler eq p;noqs Iaqllou lo Jaqlaq^ pue ecuEutpio otl] ur paureluoc sllurl paads qdu gL eql punoJE peJaluac uotssnosto 'e3uButpJo at{} Jo uotpes ,,1eadag,, eq} Japun uollplts lcalocur ue pa}ou JaqunJ uof 'seale pulslp ssaulsnq pue le[ueptsal ut sltultl peeds Aleureu 'epoc cujeJl lepor\l aLl} uroJl poJeltp }eLl} sulail pepnput qstr{rv\ uoflsos ,,s}usulpu€utv,, eql lno burlurod 'ecueulplo eql pe/v\el^el uo1 'suorlsenb true lamsue ol pueq uo se/n 'uospJo!\ Oarg trarqg aollod lten jo umol .rilquassy leJouoe atels eql ,iq pelceua s/v\el c[JeJl ele]s oLll lo uol]mljlpoce: ougcegal 'opoC aql ]o uolilpa pasr^er 9661 e paredard peq IOOC leLll pue sspoC cgleJj lepoy\l 216L pue tL6f eqg paldope Ilsnornard pBq llen Jo u^ of aqi 1eq1 paute;dxa eH 'lueuacJolua q1/v\ 6urleap sapoo cg;ell ledrcrunur snouen eql puE s/v\el cu]eJl s.alels eql uaaMiaq ^lur.t.ro1un eprno:d oi popuolul se/v\ opoc agell lopoy! aql leLll Iouno3 paurolut peaqlooy\i utoj .llnt ul all[ eLll pBeJ Jnor.llv lo^eyl .;oa:aq] uollBlot^ ro; setleued Durprnord pue :qltMelaql lotlJuoc ut saeueulpJo 11e 6ur;eede: l,,se1111edp;unyr1 opeloloC rol epoC cuJe.tf lapon' aql lo uotrpa g66L aql €ouareral r{q 6u11dope luo11eu oql pue a}els eq1 lnoq6nolql suotlelnba.r Jepurs ol 6u1u.uoluoc [11e.reue6 pue A el a]els qilrv\ lue]slsuoc suorle;n6a.r cqlell Jo rualsls e burprnord 1o esodlnd eql JoJ 'opeJolo3 'llen lo u/rloI aLll Iq crge.rl 1o uo11e1n6el eql loJ ecueurpro ue ;o burpeel ]stg '966 1. Jo sauas 'e 'oN ocueurpJg servr epus6e eLll uo sA$ Lua]l UalO u^ oI'uoaqcln3cf{':I {loH :]S3I-IV 'JnowJV'M 'pellruqns {11n;padsag 7:30 P.M. 1. 7:35 P.M. 2. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL EVENING MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1996 7:30 P.M.lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Consent Agenda: ,ttt-- ,' r $- 2, Series of 1996 on first reading. ,.1 - 4-#5f L-O W:rref / -- O lrAUKul-luUND HATIONALE: Please see the attached memorandum from v okt 'a n: ilgl':"ll?:l?;lilT F:1fli'i[?rfi:'i;:ffi[;Tlo; 0","0 December Ad 7:40 P.M. 3. Ordinance No. 1 , Series of 1996, {irst reading of an ordinance, FirstSteve Thompson Amendment to the Town of Vail Police and Fire Employees' pension plan. 7:55 P'M. 4. Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1996, first reading ol an ordinance amendingMike Mollica Special Development District No. go, The Va'il Athletic Club, andMichael Barclay amending the development plan in accordance with chapter ig.ao ot tne vait I "-l ,1 pfi.Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. n.,,.!,- \lf*' ' Ot*. ACJION REOUESTED oF OOUNCIL: Approve/modify/deny ordinance No. ( AP ' ',J .rd- 2, Series ot t gsG;nlirst readina - Approval of the Minutes tor the meetings of December 5 and 19, 1 995. Hesolution No. 1, Series of 1996, a resolution designating a public place within the Town of Vail for the posting of notice ior public meetings of the Vail Town Council, planning and Environmental Commission, Design Review Board, and other boards, commissions. and authorities of the Town of Vail. Ordinance No. 25, Series of 1gg5, second reading of an ordinance amending Section 18.24.050 (B) of the Municipal eode of the Townof Vail, setting forth new procedures for eliminating any existing dwelling unit or accommodation unit or any portion thereof aOove the second floor in Commercial Core I and Commercial Core ll Zone Districts. leny ^&"F) Approve Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1996 as Adopt Model Traffic Code as 8:25 P.M. I Tom Moorhead Buck Allen Greg Morrison 8:35 P.M. 8:40 P.M. reading. Town Manager's Report. Adjournment. Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1996, first reading of an ordinance for the regulation o-f traffic by the Town of vail, colorado, for the purpose of providing a sy.stem of traffic regulations consistent with state law and generally conforming to similar regurations throughout the state anc tne nation;adopting by reference the 19g5 edition of the "Model rraffic code foicolorado Municipalities"; repealing all ordinances in conllict therewith; andproviding penalties for violation thereof . w: The Model Traffic code is intended to provide unrtormlty between the state's traffic laws and the various municipal traffic "od"L:. CDOT has prepared a 1995 revised edition of the Code, reflectingrecodification of the vehicre and state traffic raws enacted by the Stat6General Assembly. 6. 7. presented. : Pass Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1996 on first NOTE UPCOMING MEETING STARTTIMES BELOW: (ALL TMES AFE APPROXIIIATE AND SUBJECT TO CHAI{GEI|ilil1 THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 119y'96, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctl GHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WOBK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 1/16/96, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M; tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCTL REGULAR EVENING MEETING wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 1/16/96, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:30 p.M. tN Tov couNctl GHAMBERS. ililil1 Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please cail 47s-21'l4voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. C:!AGENDA.TCE 2:00 P.M. 2:10 P.M. 2:25 P.M. Mike Mollicr 2:55 P.M. Mike Mollica 3:40 P.M. S. 3:50 P.M. 6. 4:00 P.M. 7. 4:10 P.M. B. 4:40 P.M. 1. 2. ? 4. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, I996 2:00 P.M. tN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA DRB Fleview. Employee Housing Discussion by Chuck Ogilby. Site Visit - VailAthletic Club re: Odinance No. Z, Series of 1996. Discussion of Ordinance No. 2, Series of lgg6, an Ordinance amending speciar Deveropment District No. 30, The Vair Athretic crub,and.amending the deveropment pran in accordance with chapter 18.4b ofthe Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: JWT 1 987 Vair Limired Fartnership, (d/b/a Vair ntntetic'cruu;,represented by Stan Cope and Michael Barclay. : Listen to presentation by staff ," propor"o 5odAmendment. pALrKuHuU.ND RATIONALE: please see the attached memorandumIrom the staff to the planning and Environmental Commission datedDecember 11, 199s and Exhibits A-F attached to that memorandum. lnformation Update. Council Reports. Other. Executive Session - Land Negotiation. 9. Adjournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING STARTNMES BELOW: {ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) rHE NExr vArLrowN "J,lriJ,i- llou.o" woRK sEssroNWILL BE ON TUESDAY, 1/9/96, BEGINNING AT 2:OO P.M. IN TOV COUTICIT. CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAILTOWN COUNCTL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, r/16/96, BEGTNNTNG AT 2:00 p.M. rN Tov couNcrl CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAH EVENING MEETINGWILL BE ON TUESDAY, T/TSISE, EEGINIIIII*IC AT Z.gO P.M. IU rOV COUHCIL CHAMBERS.||il1 sisll3lS-l1S:lnterpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please call 479-2114 voiceor 479-2356 TDD lor iniormation. C \AGENDA.WSE - TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REOUEST (Flequest form musl be givEfl'to the Secretary to the Town trrtanageQs:00 a.m. tnursOays.) MEETING DATE: January 2. 1996 (Prepare a separate Agenda Bequest for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) X wort Session X site visir X Evening Meeting WILL THERE BE A PNESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? n No. n YES. Specifics: Michael Barclay WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA trEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EQUIPMENT? X No. tr YES. Specifics: WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOH THIS ITEM? tr No. X YES. lf yes, is lhe materiat atso for pubtic distriburion? X Yes. n No. ITEMffOPIC: Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1996, an Ordinance amending Special Development District No. 30, The Vail Athletic Club, and amending the development plan in accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (dba Vail Athletic club), represented by stan Cope and Michael Barclay ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: 1. Worksession / Site Visit Review site and listen to presentation by staff regarding the background and details relating t0 the proposed SDD Amendment, 2. Evening Meeting Approve / Modify / Deny Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1996 on First Reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Please see the attached memorandum from the staff to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated December 11, 1995 and Exhibits A - F attached to that memorandum. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Worksession / Site Visit None Evening Meetifig Approve Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1996 as presented. TIME NEEDED: 45 minutes TIME NEEDED: 30 minules TIME NEEDED: 30 minUtES 2. Community Development M P Barclay, nrchitect O 235 East Eleventh Street New York, NY 10003 ?'t?-598-O492 December 16, 1995 Mike Mollica, George Ruther Community Development Town of Vail Vail, C0 81657 re: Vail Athletic Club Dear Mike and George, Enclosed are partially rendered elevations of the exterior of the VAC as a predominantly stucco buibing. I'm also enclosing a xerox of two buildings at Cordierra that reflect the character of the exterior that I hope to impart to the VAC. l'll talk with you on Monday and am planning on being in Vail for the January 2nd Town Council and January 3rd DRB meetings Sincerely yours, Michael a TO: FFIOM: DATE; SUBJECT: ilil District Amendment On December 11 , 1995, Ihe Planning and Environmental Commission unanimously recommended approval of The Vail Alhletic Club's proposal for a Major SDD Amendmenl. The vote was 6-0. The Plannilg and Environmental Commission's recommendalion for approval carried with it the 7 conditions as reccimmended by staff. The Planning and Environmenlal Commission did, however, modify condition No.'s 4 and 5 as indicated in the bold type below. 1. That the applicant permanently deed restrict the 55 accommodation units as short-lerm rental units, and that the 55 accommodation unils shall not be subdivided in the future lo allow for individual ownership. The condominium declaralions for the Vail Athlelic Glub shall be amended to include this requirement. These items shall be completed prior 10 the Town's release of any occupancy permits for the building. 2. The applicant shall execute and have recorded at the Eagle Counly Clerk and Recorder's Office, the Town's Type lV Employee Housing Agreement for the four employee housing units proposed in the structure. This shall be required prior to the Town's release of any occupancy permils for the building. 3. Conslruction drawings, for all the site planning/slreelscape improvements included as a part of this project, shall be submitted for the review and approval by the Town Engineer. This shall be required prior to the Town's issuance of a Building permit for the project. 4. That the Planning and Environmental Commission, and the Design Review Board, carefully review the architectural characler of the building and lhe delails and malerials which are proposed for use on the exterior of the building. That the proposed oversized shingles not be used as the exterior siding materials for the building and that the applicant use more traclitional siding materials such as slucco, wood and slone. 5. That all lhe deck rails and the exlerior siding ol the building be consistent with regard to design, material and color, and thal this requirement shall include the two existing condominiums on the third and fourth floors of the building. 6. That this application shall conform to Chapler 18.40.120 (Time Bequiremenls) of the Town's Municipal code, relating to "sunsel" provisions for special Development Districts. 7. That all the provisions stated in Ordinance No, 27, Series of 1993, be met in full and be included as a part ol this amendment lo the SDD. Since the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, the applicant has modified the Major SDD Amendment proposal to comply with the PEC's request to cifrange ine exterior materials of the structure. The applicant is now proposing an exlerior that is predominanlly-stucco. The use of wood and stone is also apparent on the e)derior ol lhe building. The applicanl's revised building elevalions are attached to this memorandum to lhe Town Council. MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Community Development Deparlment January 2, 1996 Vail Alhletic Club - Major Special Development tt ffiil -F- rs *cJtE .9 (E I trJ Jotn ,oEgI :: (J I 1! oi !;rtr: Ei::: !;sii rir =: I9x>,! lRt -J' t:-cCt-.9 k; g lrUJ JI 8 Xiliiiliililtl ,q3E: UP :.1 (JiL F: !ii k i ri; s; Ifl l: t; t: rl! 1r I IFtrlEr:1FIII tFil t-F0 / FgsD F[l q flnn'r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Sentprnher 6 I QQ6 John Perkins P.O. Box 2007 Avon,, Colorado 81620 D ep artment of C onmunity D eve lopment RE: The Vail Athletic Club Dear John: As you are arvare. the Town's Design Review Board (DRB) unanimously approved thc Phase I proposal for the Vail Atliletic Club (VAC) redevclopment. This approval occuned on August 21,1996. The DRB's approral canied with it the folloling five conditions: 1. The existing fencc and storage shed. currently located immediately to the southwcst of the VAC building, must be removed. 2. The proposed wall surrounding the exterior terrace, on the south side ofthe struchue. shall be a stone veneer wall. Not str.rcco. as originally proposed. 3. One additional cinder path shall bc added to access the public open space area, located to the south of the Vail Athletic Club. This path shall have a sod border along both sides of it, similar to what was approved for the path just to the west. 4. The proposed use ofwood for the screen for the spa area was not approved. The scrcen shall be a stone-faced wall, the size and extent to be approved by the planning staff. 5. If the Phase II improvements for the Athletic Club are not subrnitted for DRB review by June I 5, I 997, then the new windolvs. which are approved as a part 0f Phase I, shall be painted to match the existing windows. Additionally. the DRB agreed with your proposal that the landscaping and associated stone veneer along the south side ofthe Vail Traruportation Center, shall be defened until Phase II ofthe redevelopment ofthe Athletic Club. Should you have any questions or concems regarding any ofthe above. please feel free to contact me directly at 479-2144. Sincerely. ,t r ltt Nl' fVLl^ fvrdL{--- MikfMollica Assistant Director of Community Development Com munifrb.n.top ment Plan Routin glrm tr Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Rriutcd To:ieg Hall, Public Wd Return To:Mikc Mollica, Cornmunity Dcvclopmcnt icct Dcscription:FAq. } r lrver .lnt le*k oxly oN t.2t,t\ f:\everyonevlonrvo{iform CommunifDevctopment Plan Routing frm Approved Dcnied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routcd To: ( ,6.Effiii Public works ? $96 Rctum To:Mikc Mollica, Community Dcvclopmcnt Dntc Routcd:s. 6,7b Return By:* L',X -< ./,,-' 4 ** a44 d,r1,e^ 9/. ;^ /41/.^ /^;t ."^ , Projcct Name:Vo;4 A,ut .. aA CZ^; r Proicct Addrcss:352- E nza/@- -bn*< Project Legal: Project Dcscription:l{.'^4 dl/{-//""'-.*-d"t, 4 ryreerytzfr a)se6 ^"{4 /*"2 G/,1, /'* *^ffi tu /)Ur/49F+ O rac €-^ h'.u1 (-? /44 "-^A .t ' / / / " ^' + ,u o* 4 /,,1 ,1 /) r. A/,r/t^*t ./ ^- -, , ; L,J/ o'.n. - 4oalt-^l //.(s/)u^r,//" 4.- /./L.,(-t4o,,). -/-,,) -,L,^ro ,, ',n ^... *- / ' ..', (, ,- l-. o-'J /, ,- ,., ,'.-/- (.)o/.r', f,,, l/vo-.] 3^.^t c-./ /tt^,j- / c/,.'/. - /on- ,; t,L.',^/ l-+""^-- t+.tA/n.,-^--,J.? ./-L ^,1,,+ ./ /T stn r+onm4-c4- \ , '. / --'--v----71JI--,--T-q "l lt- n-t./ r;-^ ,^^-Jt.--ln.u /oun^ z2,r^ .i n,,L/,. 'tr//\-DazL loo-1 tra.-'/ 2 /, Reviewcd bv: ffli"t I I ,/ Printed by Mike Mollica 8/02t t5 2:59pm Froln:Jeff Atencio To: Mike Mol ]- ica srrUj..c: vail Aehaeci.c c1ub Phase 1 ===NoTE=== =-A/02/96=:2.47p'm== Dear Mike'.Ilte vail Fire DepartmenL has no obj ectiong to ttre pla.rts ltou sent Eo our of f ice. Ttlis is ba.sica].llt arr interior remodel that wj-].]. provide- ooorot.un:-ties to imt)rove the exlstsingi alarm and sprink1er slzscem - If we had a suq:giestion to ctre vail" Attllecic club its wou1d be to relocatse Ehe Fire DePartment' connection located ,rn ttte Norttr tas t corner of tstre struccure - tlnf ortsunatseIy it is obsErucced blt clae l-andscape tshac buf f ers the sCructure, and would pro\re to be dif f icultr to access in $ti-ncer monttrs - ot:berwise thl-ngs l-ook gireat - oa/02/96 Page: L { t.vlaEil e/17191 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPIIICASION . TOI{N OF VAIIJ, DATE RECEIVED: O-7 DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** TNCOITPT/,ETE APPI,TTrcNS PRO{IECT TNFORMATION: DESCRIPTION, YAL AI*II^gTtr- CIJ.)E> f+IHEE CME B.TYPE OF _-_y Construction (9200.00) Minor AlLeration ($20.00)I/Addition (950.00) Conceptual neview (g0) C. ADDRESS: i . ,'. J|JL2$189$ it'i I. A. D.LEGAI, DESCRT Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideto this appLication. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1ega1 and aLtach E.ZONING: NA}iTE OF Mailinq APPI,ICANT: Address: G.NAME OF APPLICAI\TT ' S Address: PRESENTATMails NAME OF OIA'NER(S): FEE SCHEDUI-TE: VAI,UATION$ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 _$ 50,000 $ 50, 001 - g 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 9500,001 - 91,000,000g Over 91,000,000 DESIGN REVIEI{ BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ UNIJESS A BUIIJDING PER!{TT ISIS STARTED. Phone Phone CL,^-p FSE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE.AR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AI\ID CONSTRUCTION I. J. APPrrrcATroNs wrLIJ Nor BE PRocEssED wrrilow owNER, s sr6fvAlruRB Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEEI DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at theLime of submittal of the oRn application. Llter, whenapplying for a building permit,, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The gown of vair will adjust thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee1s paid. OWNER (S) SIGT;TA?TIRE : l4a+l+nS Address: \ *$lrfEt nrt t f*r*: :r*"ratf I cllll li-, .)f&:lj/tlri -Jfr{ i' \ .:'$-:!:*-:'l t*Jryl'\SJfl -if;A:t .".i#S d.il.li:{'!,:1; .-.Jl*r ,-* -l}t'f ?' .-*r l-}..r1?i,r.s:i n {.t'l* il i-: :I!*\ \I-ft\l firttl1 tr,,r }fdt4i'r., ."|crilJ:-*bd.i slr;,;i$ttfl[Vo#if.*p':'ifr atff']*,llft 'S#u'F 'i'::!lfil":tct 'l l.f:j,r't lt: E#",f:ll ..-! tllJl": 'Ltj.i.";:f,-#.fi:y{i .'-l'f : ' i"rtf , 1l'' i ji9 .,'l) r,l.lrlvr\ l't\r} .irlFt .\t:].FF -i.l.P *trrltj.S'q t"'.lcli' .r t_jtl-s t tu,r;Jd;-ilJrl 'l;?1r*l 5...-',F^- . . ^''.iili',.r-*:ii!,.-"*-' itl;1,* .;L),-';l+:il .' ilf i.;JS-,&qf l:ltFql ,. f!; t 't?"Ut'. .',fFJ 'i'.t'Jl , -itt .'r*'fi- ::itq jj: t "t ' rrcv *'tf#r't -f€ztis sr.f-.1.,r:* . ...* ,-lrsv NAI{E OF PRO.'ECT: IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a final LfST OF !,IATERIAIJS BLOCK SUBDIVISION aFTterB required for submiLtal to the Design approval can be given: A. BUILDING TihTERIAI.TS: Roof Sidinq Other Wa11 Materials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret,aining Wa11s Exterior Liqhting other LANDSCAPING: Name of TYPE OF MATERIAL COI,OR f.llA Alrurh,tltrlt'^ ct-AE) rtyrntc}} Ed{sF) Nftr N[A HfA tr. lnFtl l..t Designer: Phone: A* AffAc+Eb ppq5lf LFg{atSS \'.1 .q ll t"'u ..' i'$ tli' i ,t{'f :u'1}'!- .'1t,\ 't' }19 ;. F";1[:t i;|$f |j!'.:.--rJrt. ..' i j;. i ' trr f, 'rj, I lA:,[1i .'..,]'i ;i,}|ii. ilbl,r" {li:1*l',','; . :rt .. I e':,l "1ti :.,:'.rl +'{ I t i:":,' .' ..r'f.rr t i-l ^l' ' .r.r.r I I,','1:'.i!fl"' - .rll{l:f,i: !:;1 ',17 l,l;1 tE .r, i I , r, i'i r.1 lr .r "irl : i ':' r . /'r -j" I tl ,. 't ti:1 .," I -' ,b, t ,. 1 :" !.xtii;: . I i.'i .'-.',lt '1 .:.r', :'::1' .''; r :'i'. ^- t,.!ri", rl" '"1 !" ;l .'i'i : ' il 1"":,, '. i ;. - I ;.\"1; i:, 'r :'S' I . \.' F--O-oi tO ' :6If' itlnrLI ur $* 0 2 UI o UIJ F z ( J r. 0, E6z Eo E E0tJ $til!'i- |:l.{l1l fl_l lfa lf*l; I 0l-I r.l IRlv l# lol0-ln tfrl.lt$| .r,^,t\ I lw $s#slE og 'ao 3 tu Blr :r,l ,i 0 r:,,: ::'. .,i,,. ::.:r: :: 5:r:r:r l::: : .:: .; : i! €,.,,, ,', l', i, ,H.3.x , ,E:E8,F , E, i= lHE, $E$E, 'E Fs fFfrFFF# Elt 0,I+ 63o E lt o P n o C''c-Io @ r- (11 6il nl il o| E,r € (D $trllclt;F.F :1...,:'i::! uButft&,EHfih APPI.TCAT]ON - TO$IN OE-VAIL, COLORADO DnrE REcErvep:lAle:\ zz, t??L DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** I. A. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const,ruction ($200, 00)Addition ($50.00) -/'}{fnor Alt,erabionVconeelrE.ual Review ($20 . 00 ) ($0) D. ADDRESS: LEGAL, DESCRIPTION: Lol Subdivision Block If propert,y is describecl bydescript,ion, please provide L.o Lhis application. zoNrNG, Sbb a meeLs and bounds on a seDarat.e sheeL. lega1 and attach F'NAME OF APPLICANT: Mail Address: NAME OF Mailing Phone APPLIEANT,S REPRESENTATIVE I#ffi- )Address: TI.NAME OF OWNER(S): Condominium Approval if applicabte. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are t,o be paid aE Lhe Lirne of submitLal of the DRB applicaLion. Later, brhenapplying for a building permitr, please ident,ify lhe accuraL,evaluation of Ehe proposal. The Town of Vail wilt adjusL thefee accordinq to the table below, to ensure the eorreet feeis paid. T FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o $ 1o,ooo $ 10, 001 $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 - g 150, 000 9150, 00L - $ 500, 0oo $500, 00L - $1, 000, 000g Over 91,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAI, tTiUJEgg A BUIIDING PERMIT T8IS STARTED. -E -D-rr $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ Ig 8UED ANB e0filgtrRUeff6l'i Phone App]lreArroffs rfrr.r ^r0r BE prdcEgsED :y'lmt1ur a/fNER, g sfdlwrufrg Trrr(-4J-r rrcr L a ' J. vJ Ttr.lr(r\ I t\i-Iju.lttrK HNLr1. o PR.O.]ECT REGISTR,Y for the VAIIJ ATHIJETIC CLIIBa remodel and e:cpansion 352 East Meadow Dr.vail, co 8165? oFF# 970.4?5.0700 FAr(# 970.476 .6451 oWNERSHI P/ IVIAIIAGEIIENT 1. TOM ROUSH, IM. - O}INER 232 EAST 51FE ST, OFF# 212.980.5585 NEW Y0RK, Ny 10021 FAX# 212,980.5587 2, TOMMY BRUSCA - OWNERS REP.v-A.c. MoBILE# 9?0.390.5016 PAGER# 9?0.S45.3760 FAX# 970 .479,6Q21 3. STA}I COFE - MNGR.v.A.c. L.T. oFF# 970.476.9530 oFF# 970.476.0700 4 . BOB MORONEY - CIJI]B MNGR.v.A.c. oFF# 970 .476.7960 5. LfSA DeKOSTER - SPA DIRECTORv.A.c. oFF* 970.476.0?00 6, IJAURA K. SMITII - FITNESS DIRECTORv.A.c. oFF# 970 .476.7950 1. DAVE MARI]ORAM - PROPERTY MNGR.v.A.e. oFF# 970.476,0700 8. CIIIDY WAI.,T - CHEF @ TERRA BISTROv.A.c. oFF# 970.4'?6.6836 o Et\n t I'|J-E(J.E)E ra ila\!-r.l . FROJECT REGISTRY FOR v.A.C, p.j.z CONSULTANrS MICHAFL EARCIAY - DESIGN AX.EIIITECT MICIIAEI,, BARCIJAY, ARCHITECTS 235 EAST 1lrh ST. OFF# 21_2-598.0492 NEW YORK, Ny 10003 FAX# 212 .674.6869 .JOHN M. PERKINS - PROJECT ARCHITECT iTMP ARCHITECTS, INC. OO47 EAET BEAVER CREEK BLVD. OFF# 970.949.9322 CIIRISTIE IJODGE RESORT FA:(# 970 .949 .0529 SUITE C-15P.O. BOX 2007, AVON, CO 81620 DA}TIEI, ROMUALDEZ - INTERIOR.S ROMUAIJDEE AREHITECTS 95 sth ST., 8th FLOOR oFF# 212.989.8429 NE$l YORK, Ny 10003 FAX# 21-2 .929.97L8 4. DAVE ITOT'DESHEIJL - STRUCTUR.AL ENGINEER JVA INC. 1319 SFRUCF ST. BOUIJDER, CO 80302 J-- 2, 5. 't. 5 " DEI{NIS BEI,UDITI . MECHA}IICAL/ EIJECTRICAL BEAUDTN, GAI{ZE CONSULTING EIIGTNEERS, rNC,P.O. BOX 39 oFF# 970.949.5108VAIL, CO 81558 FAX# 970.949.6159 BOB HERBST . CIVIL ENGINEER AIJPINE ENGINEERING, INC. EDWARDS BUSINESS CTR.P.O. BOX 97 EDWAXDS, CO 81632 oFF# 303 .444,L95r FAX# 303.444.a957 oFF# 970.926.33?3 FAJ(# 970 - 925.3390 DAVE CORBTN - V.D./ CM./ ET"REE1SCAFEVAII. ASSOCIATES P.O. BOX 959 oFE# 9?0.845.2530 .avoN, co 8r-620 FAX# 970 . 845 .2555 ECOTT SONES - IJAITDSCAPE ARCHITECT LAI{D DESIGNS BY ELIJISON, INC.P.O. BOX 2877 oF'F* 970 ,g4g.L'.t}O VA.IL, CO 81658 FAX# 970.949.3288 o nTf\ EJ lffo l.r'l.1 I I'{J-E UEtr.]{ Hr(LN. 9 - BILL JO1INSON - KITCI{EN SBFCO/ SYSCO CO. 1101 WEST 48rh AVE. DEMIER, CO 80221 10. JON CARRICK, ENGII{EER - CA,RRICK E ASSOC.P.O. BOX 322 S?R.a,SSBURG, CO 80136 TOWN OF ?5 SOUIII FRONTAGE RD.VAIL, eO 91657 PRoitECT RBGISTRY FOR V.A.C, pg.3 DESIGI,IER oFF# 303.480.326? F$(+i 303.480.3376 ADT, LIFT EONSUIJTANT OFF# 303 .522.9607 8e'.\# 303 ,622.9689 VAII, oFF# 970 .479.2L38 FAJ(# 970 ,479.2452 2. 1 4. MIKE MOITIJICA - ASSISTANT DIRECTOR oF coMMttNITY DEV. COlrlMttNITY DEV. OFF# 970 .4'19.?,:-44 GREG HAIJI' - TO![N ENGINEER PUBIJIC WORKS OFF# 970 ,479,2L6O F.eX# 970 .479.2j-66 DAN STANEK - BUII..DING IJIASON OFFICER COMMUNITY DEV. CHUCK FIEIJDMAN . BUII',DING COMMUNITY DEV. oFF# 970 .479.232L I}ISFECTOB./ PI,ANS EXAMINER oFF# 970 .479.2325 TOTRL F.E4 a I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 11, 1995 A request for a Major Special Development District the Vail Athletic Club, 352 East Meadow Drive, and follows: RLEMPY TLECOPY (SDD) Amendment, tocated at more specifically described as A parcel of land in Tracr B, vair viflage, Firsl Filing, Town or Vail, Eagre county, colorado, more panicularly described as follows: commencing al lhe Northeast corner of said rract B: thence N 79.46'00' w alono the Northerly line ol Vail Village, First Filing, and along the Northerly line of said Tract-B 622.g6 feet: thence S 06"26'52" W a dislarice of 348.83 feet to the Southwest comer of thal parcel ot land described in Book 191 al Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and liled in Reception No' 102978 in the Eagle County Records, said corner atso being the True point of Beginnrng; thence S 79'04'08" E and along the Southerly line of said parcel 200.00 feet to the Sourhealt corner thereof; thence N 62'52'00" E and along rhe Nonherly line of that parcel of land described in Book 222 at page 513 as recorded in rgTl in the Eagle counry Records. a' ctistance of 66'78 feet to lhe Nonheasterly corner ol said parcel ol land; said corner berng onrhe wesrerly right-of-way line o1 Gore creek Road, as planed in vait village. Fifth Filing; thence N 27'13'37" w a distance ot 77.37 leer along said weslerly righr-dl-way line of Gore Creek Road; thence N 89'29'22" W a distance of 1r.80 Jeel lo the Ndrtnea.terty corner ol thalparcel of land described in Book 191, page tgg as recorded January 10, 1966 ind filed inHeceplion No. 102979 in the Eagle Couniy Records; thence Northw;sterly 26.s1 feer aonglhe arc ot a 37.50 feet radius curve to the lefi having a central angle of 40;90'00" whose chordbears N s3.40'00,' W a distance of 25.96 feet to a pioint ol tangeniy; thence N 73.55,00" Wand along said rangenr 1 66.44 feer; thence N 95" 10'21" w a distance ol s0.40 ieel to theNonhwesterly corner of the Mountain Haus parcel: thence s 02"1g,oo" w and along theeaslerly line of said Mountain Haus Parcel a distance 01 100.00leelto the Southeaifeny corner thereol: thence s 45'i3'53" E a distance of 3g.70 teer ro lhe True point of Beginning,containing 30,486 square feet, more or less. Applicant: JWT 1987 vait Limited partnership, (dba vaitAthtetic ctub),. represented by Stan Cope and Michael BarclayPlanner: Mike Mollica on November 2, 1999, the v.air rown council approved the estabrishment of specialpevgl-oqmeg District (SDD)No. 30 { the VailAtirietic Club) and tn" o"raiteo devetopmenr ptan forthe SDD. The Town Council approval of Ordinance No. 2?, Series of 19g3 passed by a vote of5-2' The Town Council approvai occurred following approximately six-months of review, by thePlanning and Environmental c_ommission (pEc) ano tne Design ieview Board (DRB), duringwhich four joint PEC/DRB public hearings were held. An ove-rview of the 1993 boo ipprouit is I listed in outline form-as Exhibit B, attached to this memorandum. On July 24, 1995, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a worksession to discuss amendments to the 1993 approved development plan. A copy of the meeting minutes memorandum, as Exhibit D. Subsequent to this July PEC meeting' the that the Major SDD Amendment request be tabled, in order to allow them to to the application. At this time, the applicant is prepared to move fonrard and Ls requesting a Maior Amendment to the 1993 approved SDD, to allow for the redevelopment of the vail Athlelic Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive. The proposed amendments to the 1993 approved SDD include the following: . The creation of three additional accommodation units (AU's) - for a total of 55 AU's for the SDD. The creation of one additional dwelling unit (DU) - for a total of four DU's for the SDD. . The expansion of the spa lounge to the south, over an existing skylight, (190 square feet of floor area). This expansion does not count as additional site coverage since there is existing floor area beneath this space. This is the only proposed change to the "general footprint" of the 1993 approved structure. . The reconfiguration of the north facing, upper{evel dormers. Nine gable dormers are now proposed in this area, and are similar in architectural design to the previously approved-south{acing dormers. The 1993 approval included nine "articulated" north{acing dormers. . Th€ addition of a north-facing 5th floor clerestory (as suggested by the PEC in July). . The south-facing dormers have been slightly modified. Additionally, the south-facing inverted dormers ("roof cutouts"), originally approved in the center-most area of the roof have been eliminated. . Although the overall mass and bulk of the proposed structure has not changed to any significant degree, an internal reconfiguration of the spaces has occurred. The details of this reconfiguration (area calculations) are included as Exhibit A. ln summary, the applicant is proposing an additional 1,769 square feet of gross floor area, to be located within the building envelope of the 1993 approved plans. Relating to building height, all the proposed dormers (north and south facing) will meet the 1993 approved maximum ridge height elevations. . The reconfiguration ol the interior spaces has resulted in a decrease in the required number of parking spaces. The 1993 approval required that nine additional parking spaces be added to the existing 19-20 space garage. This SDD amendment request requires lour additional parking spaces, which are proposed to be provided within the existing parking structure. . All ol fre proposed site and building improvements (including streetscape improvements, landscaping, etc.) associated with the 1993 SDD approval remain intact. A detailed J listing of these improvernents is attached as Exhibit C. II. CRITEFIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPGSAL The proposed amendments described in Section I are considered to be Major Amendments tothe 1993 approved sDD. As stated in the Zoning code, a major amendment is defined asfollows: "Major amendment means any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dwelling or accomm-odation units; rnooity, enrarge or expand any approved Special Development District (other than minor amendments is defined insubsection 1 8.40.0208)." Since the applicant's proposed amendments to the SDD involve changes to gross residentialfloor area, as well as density LnlTb"r of units), the proposal is requirei to foiiow the Major SDDAmendment procedure. The PEC shall provide a recommendation to the Town Council regarding the proposal. The Town Council shall approve the proposal via two readings of an ordinaice. ilt. As provided for in Chapter 18.40 of the Town's Municipal Code, there are nine SDD reviewcriteria which are to be used to evaluate the merits of a proposed Major SDD Amendment. ltshould be noted that the staff analysis of the proiect's iomptian6e with the SDD reviewcriteria has only focused on the proposed amendments to tite SDD, and not on the balanceof the 1993 approvat. The review criieria, and the staff's analysis ot the proposal's compliancewith the review criteria, are as follows: A' Design compatibilityand sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhoodand-adjacent properties relative to brchitectural design, scale, bulk, Uui-lOing height,buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and-orientation. Due to the nature. of the SDD review process, the PEC has the authority to review andcritique much ol the architectural detailing for the project. The staff will be presenting colored renderings of the exterior elevations of the structure, of both the l dgg approieddrawings as well as the current l gg5 SDD amendment proposal. Although there have been a variety of architectural changes made to the design of thebuilding, the overall scale, and mass and bulk of the prodosed structure will g6nerally remain as it was apPIoYid-I 1993. The primary rooi totins (and buitding neignt) witt atsoremain as approved.in 1993. .The following outlines the areas where the-re aL jroposeo changes to the architectural design of the itructure: . Upper level dormers and clerestory (fourth and fifth floors);. lnird level "porches', (north etevatibn);. Gable roof added to east stair tower/iestaurant entry;. Restaurant fenestration (north elevation); and. Architectural character of the building (eiirnination of srucco & the use of wood siding/shingtes). B. The 1993 approval included a series of "articulated" dormers on both the north and south elevations of the structure. Statf believes that the 1993 architectural approach was very successful in that it not only broke up the large expanses of roof area, but it also allowed for a very attractive interior room layout. Additionally, the design kept the shading on East Meadow Drive to a minimum. Although the project architect is now proposing a more traditional gable-style dormer, the statf continues to be comfortable wim the design approach, and we believe this change will improve the overall "alpine character" and quality of the building. Staff does, however, have some concerns with the proposed cha4ges to the overall architectural character of the building. The project architect is proposing to eliminate the previously approved stucco on the exterior of the building, and is now proposing to side the building with a mixture of oversized wood shingles, board and batten siding, redwood trim and a new stone base. A new shake shingle roof is also proposed.'According to the project architect, the proposed "rustic mountain lodge" design is intended to mimic the architectural style(s) used for buildings such as the Clubhouse at Cordillera, the Old Faithful Inn (Yellowstone National Park) and the Boathouse at Saranac Lake (New York). Please see exhibit E for reproduced photos of these properties. The staff's concern is that this design style has not historically been utilized in tre Vail Village area, and although we are not opposed to a "new" design approach, we are concerned with the precedent setting nature of the issue. We encourage the PEC, and subsequenfly the DRB, to carefully review the proposal with regard to the overall character of the building, and specifically, to review ilre proposed exterior materials.. One additional detail relates to the two existing condorniniums in the project (third and fourth floor locations). These two condominium owners do not wish to modity their exterior deck rails to conform with the new deck rails proposed for the balance of the building. Staff believes that a!! the deck rails on the building need to be consistent and we will recommend this as a condition of approval. Uses, aetivity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The general uses within the redeveloped Vail Athletic Club (VAC) are not proposed to change. Given that the applicant is generally working within the confines of the 1993 approved building envelope, the statf views the addition of three accommodation units to be a positive element of the proposal. Short-term accommodation units are strongly recommended in the Vail Village Master Plan, as discussed later in this memorandum. lt should be noted that one additionaldwelling unit is also proposed at this time. While the statf would prefer that this unit be an accommodation unit, we also recognize that the existing VAC has a total of nine dwelling units, and that the SDD proposal calls for the elimination of five of those units. When viewed as a whole, this is a positive step' in staff's opinion. Statf recognizes that approximately 1,769 square feet of gross additional floor area is proposed to be added as a part of this amendment application. We leel that the proiect architect has been very creative in the overall design and layout of the interior spaces, and has now maximized the full floor area potential within the 1993 established building c. envelope. wv are comfortable with the reguest for the additional square fooage. compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in chapter 1g.52. statf believes that the proposed amendments to the sDD are in compliance with this criteria. As detailed in Exhibit A, the proposed Major sDD Amendrnenl reguires an additional four parking spaces. This is a reduction from the 1gg3 approval. which required an additional nine parking spaces. To satisfy the Town's requirement for the four additional parking spaces, the applicant has proposed a valet parking program, and will add four parking spaces within the existing parking structure. tne vaiet parring program was approved in 1993, and the statt continues to support the valet parking concept. As approved in 1993, the applicant is continuing to propose a loading area (a pull-out) off of East Meadow Drive. This area is intended to accommodate the short-term parking needs of the project, as well as the loading and delivery functions for the hotel andrestaurant' In addition, the applicant is proposing to remove the existing trash facility currently loceted on the west side of the building, and to construct a train room (with a trash compactor) within the enclosed paking garage. conformity_with aplllcable elements ot the vail comprehensive plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plans. VAIL LAND USE PLAN The goals contained in the vail Land Use plan are to be used as the Town's policy guidelines during the review process for new or amended development proposats. The staff considered the following Land Use Plan Goals/Policies during the i;iti;l review of the1993 SDD establishment for the Vail Athletic Club, and further, st;ff believes that thesegoals and policies continue to be applicable with regard to the current Major sDD Amendment proposal: 1.1 vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses lo serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. l=3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded wheneverpossible. A2 The Village and Lionshead areas are the best location for hotels to serve the future needs of the destination skiers. 33 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of vail. therefore conversion to condominiums should be discouraged. 42 lncreased density in the core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is preserved through implementation of the urba; Design Guide plan and the Vail Village lvtister i'tan. D. 4;l *'The ambiance of the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. (Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental quality.) 53 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private etforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restrictions. 5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. Overall, the staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment application meets the goals and policies of the Land Use Plan as described above. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PL/AN The staft believes that the 1993 approval for the redevelopment of the vail Athletic club carried out many of the goals and objectives contained in the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionally, the staff believes that the current Major SDD Amendment proposal also furthers the following Master Plan's goals and objectives: Goal #1 -Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of cornmunity and identity. Objective 1.2 - Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Goal #2 - To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. Objective 2.1 - Recognize the variety ol land uses found in the '10 sub-areas throughout the Village and allow for development that is compatible with these established land use patterns. Objective 2.3 - Increase the number of residential units available for short term overnight accommodations. Policy 2.3.1 - The development of short term accommodation units is strongly encouraged. Residential units that are developed above existing density levels are required to be designed or managed in a manner thal makes them available for short term overnight renlal. Objective 2.5 - Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance ot existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. Policy 2.5.1 - Recreation amenities, common areas, meeting facilities and other amenities shall be preserved and enhanced as a part of any redevglopment of E. F. G. lodgirrg properties. Obiective 2.6 - Encourage the development of affordable housing units through the efforts of the private sector. Obiective 2.6.1 - Employee housing units may be required as part of any new or redevelopment project requesting density over that allowed by existing zoning. Goal #3 - To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking expenence throughout the village. Objective 3.4 - Develop additional sidewalks, pedestrian-only walkways and accessible green space areas, including pocket parks and stream access. Goal #5 - Increase and improve the capacity, efficiency, and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the Village. Policy 5.'1.1 - For new development that is located outside of the Commercial Core I Zone District, on-site parking shall be provided (rather than paying into the parking fund) to meet any additional parking demand as required by the zoning code. Policy 5.1.5 - Redevelopment projects shall be strongly encouraged to provide underground or visually concealed parking. The staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment application meets, and furthers, the Vail Village Master Plan goals, objectives, and poticies as described above. ldentification and mitigataon of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. Although this project is located adjacent to Gore Creek, no portion of the proposal encroaches into the fifty-foot stream setback. nor into the 1oo-year floodplain. There are no other natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality ot the community. Although this criteria was discussed extensively during the 1993 review, staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment will have no negative impacts on this criteria. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traff ic circulation. The staff believes that the proposed Major sDD Amendment will have no impacts on this criteria. The stafl would encourage the PEC to review me september 30, 19g3 statf memorandum to the PEC (attached as Exhibit F) for background information regarding this issue. H. Functional anrl aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. Again, the staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment will have no impacts on this criteria. L Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and eflicient relationship throughout the devetopmsnt of the special development district. The applicant has not proposed that the construction of this project be phased. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation is for approval of the applicant's request for a Major SDD Amendment, to allow for the redevelopment of the vail Athletic club. we believe that the proposal meets the review criteria for Major SDD Amendment applications, as detailed in Section lll of this memorandum. We also believe that the Major SDD Amendment request is in compliance with the goals and objectives ot the Vail Comprehensive Plan, as well as the purpose section of the SDD Zone District. The staff recommendation for approval carries with it the lollowing conditions: 1. That fie applicant permanently deed restrict the 55 accommodation units as short-term rental units, and that the 55 accommodation units shall not be subdivided in the future to allow for individual ownership. The condominium declarations for the Vail Athletic Club shall be amended to include this requirement. These items shall be completed prior to the Town's release of any occupancy permits for the building. 2. Tie applicant shall execute and have recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office, the Town's Type lV Employee Housing Agreement for the four employee housing units proposed in the structure. This shall be required prior to the Town's release of any occupancy permits for the building. 3. Construclion drawings, for allthe site planning/streetscape improvements included as a part ol this project, shall be submitted for the review and approval by the Town Engineer. This shall be required prior to the Town's issuance ol a Building Permit for the project. 4. That the Planning and Environmental Commission, and the Design Review Board, carefully review the architectural character of the building and the details and materiels which are proposed for use on the exterior of the building. 5. That all the deck rails on the exterior of the building be consistent with regard to design, material and color, and that this requirement shall include the two existing condominiums on the third and fourth floors of the building. 6. That this application shall conform to Chapter 18.40.1 20 (Time Requirements) of t I o the Tov'in's Municipal Code, relating to .sunset" provisions for Special Development Districts. 7 - That all the provisions stated in Ordinance No. 27, Series of 1gg3, be met in full and be included as a part of this amendment to the SDD. F loveryonE\p.cvn.nosvac.msnd.Dl I I EXHIBIT A :'l1(lto E9 ai3Ft '= ,-rl ..t I I o! $ 1r) +l e'l*l in lt.l ,a *t Y?l *>l X -rg:Els !l<l - Hfg g3 O! ..| r-'l <f,| OF{ ( lr.) >,8'E C).,E5:. G EEE ..iE* ei b6 - Ye<+.X, E odFrE'E E.- E!d6 tn EEifrl-Kolx sEs'^:no u?er r r r IE'Ec.i r,x!?H T F E5;*nE 6-;\ E sg#? E?E in<tr.B * I i:+t:lt rtt F * * * t (l) {) q;EfrFE li)(€ ;;g .="nr aa(, fil d. 'F* z?.41 b jtl J F{ ql Yl - !:l c.r Ql c'lEVd q q r., g g I ; q R$E< o: tr.ll .+ \A o.t o o o 6 q r.i od..iAcn&l v I dt Fl "|" I I r,r # j d; r' i +j -; J *.; h lL lr. ll.l tr.r-n_+ci++dctA.X9-.X-(14naaa'av)q,tlBl r=EgKs:$l etrl c.r:: Fi-ii< -.:l \5l , +; + + ll ; d><l n * .Fp*l i d l L i tr tr il #i;l fl s r fl r E i H ;*5r r€K 5EilfiFl il9d : X 'o = R ; : & K E*l il ,i ,r tr ,; ,i tr ,f fi EHI E a E a s I I d .x&N4 I A8I fl H : B E r K fr Fldl -' $ ; = F + ,-i -1 s €6.. 9 6) .. ..rr ,H L-\ ^a Y ,qfr i 4; i F Y? 6 5€ E * g B u = x xt E i fr" s E Efr ? d5 s - ,B E S F EXHIBIT B Highlishts ol tre1993 JOo *ororn, 1. Decrease fie amount of GRFA allocated to/vards dv,,elling units and increase he amount of GRFA for accommodation units. 2- Decrease the number ol dnvelling units and increase the number of accommodaton units. 3. Eocroach further into the tront setback with entry and second-sbry accommodalion unit as wdl as an addition to lhe restaurant to the east of he entry. 4. lrseass common area while decreasing the area allocaled towards accessory uses and athlEtic club use. 5. Ad dormers to the buiEing on the north and south side which do not exceed the existing ridge height of he building. lnsert decks into the roof structure on the south elanation. 6. lncrease the arnount of site coverage as a result of the nerv entry and restaurant addition (554 square feet). 7. Add terrace and expand dining deck on south elwation. 8. Removal of deck on the soutfr elevaton which c-urrently encroaches onto public land. 9. The applicant is proposing to meet $e incremental increase in parking requirements. There is an existing deficit of 58.44 spaces on the site. The net'tr parking is located in the following rEnner: .2 spaces built underground bdev the entry .2 spaces added by relocating an existing ski storage area .2 spaces added by relocating the laundry room .1 space added along the south side of the parking structure .2 spaces in central area of oarkino structure I btal 10. Change exterior materids of building. This includes stuccc,, wood trim,'deck railings and a wood shake roof. '11. Add streetscape improvements. These include: a 6 foot heated concrete paner walk along West Meadorv Drive, an 8 foot heated concrele paver walk along Vail Valley Drive extending over the Gore Creek bridge and street lamps. The pavers on the bridge will not be healed. 12. Relocation of existing trash area and removal of the existing fash facility which is encroaching onto adjacent properties. 13. The applicant proposes to provide one two-bedroom employee housing unit within he Tovn of Vail which will be restricted acmrding to the Toan of Vail employee housing requirements. 14- Additional landscaping on the north a4d south sides of he building. O vArL ATHLE c .LUB O EXHIBIT C (4 pages) September 11, 1993 November 11, 1995 revisions in "italics" SDD - STATEMENT OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The Vail Athletic Club (VAC) agrees as part of the implementation of our SDD proposal to make the following improvements: Landscaoe - East Meadow Drive / Vail Vallev Drive The VAC will extend the curb and sidewalk 6'-0" along East Meadow Drive and 8'-0" along Vail Valley Drive to create a continuous, heated, rectangular concrete paver sidewalk extending from west end of the VAC service/parking. drive on East Meadow Drive to the Gore Creek Bridge on Vail Valley Drive. This will be coordinated with the town engineer. We will revise the curb line at intersection of East Meadow Drive and Vail Valley Drive in accordance with the "entry feature" concepts put forward in the Vail Village Master Plan and as sfiown on the site plan. Atthe "entry feature" and partially along- Vail Valley Drive, we will eliminate the existing retainingj wail to bring the landscape down to the level of the sidewalk. We will reface the existing landscape retaining walls along the garage and Vail Valley Drive with stone. We will incorporate signage to inform vehicles that East Meadow Drive is a "pedestrian area" open only tovehicles on "official business" with the VAC and the Mountain House. we will work with the Design Review Board and Alpp to supplement the existing streetlamps along the VAC side of Vail Valley and East Meadow Drives. We will create a new car pull-off guest dropoff area directly in front of the new hotel/health club entry.This area will be paved with granite pavers and heated. we fritt need consent from the town's authoritiejthat short-term parking in the opposite direction will be permitted here. The creation of the new hotel/health club entry and car pull-off along East Meadow Drive should resultminimal disruption to the existing vegetation in the land#aped area a-bove the existing garagre. Allnecessary steps will be taken throughout the course of construction to protect the exiiting vigetation. New drainage grates will be introduced to handle melting runoff at East Meadow Drive. This will becoordinated with the town engineer. we will replace the existing wood transformer grate with a new steel grate. t Landscaoe - Gore Creek / South Side We will work with the town to formalize an informal maintenance agreernent regarding the town's property between the VAC and tl.e pedestrian path along Gore Creek. We will prune the dead brush in the area between the VAC and Gore Creek. We will remove the existing wood sundeck that is partially on town property, as well as the existing wood utility shed by the hot tubs and the existing wood trash shed at the service/garage drive. We will create a landscaped path from the end of the existing service drive/fire lane through to the town property on the south side of the VAC. We will construct a new stone terrace at the existing upper health club/swimming pool level along the south skle of the building as shown on the site plan. - Buildino Exterior We will reside the entire outside of the building. The new siding will be a combination of oversized shingles at npst of the existing stucco areas, board and batten at the new dormers and redwood trim. There will be a stone base by the new entry. We will be installing a new wood shingle roof throughout. We will be building onto and residing the existing porches, balconies and decks with new wood trim to create the more traditional porches shown on the elevations. We will be extending the existing dining deck along the south side of the restaurant to connect with the new hotel lounge. We will be constructing a new on-grade hotel/health club entry on East Meadow Drive. We will be extending the north wall of the restaurant 6'-0" to the north and filling in an existing 28' x 9' "indentation" alorg the south side of the dining tenace. We will be installing new clad wood windows and doors throughout. We will be adding new donners at the fourth floor level along both the north and south sides of the existing structure. We will be adding new chimneys throughout for the new gas fireplaces. o Interior lmorovements - Health Club The improvements to the health club will not be extensive, they will focus on increasing the spa and cardiovascular capacitybf the club and adding new doors and windows along the south ilall of the upper level in order to introduce more natural light into the club. Most areas of ihe club stay as they are. We will be adding a new floor at the upper health club level above the existing racquetball court. we wiff be creating a new staff locker/lounge area at the upper health club level. Interior lmorovements - Garaoe we will create a total of 4 additionel on-site parking spaces for a totat of 24. Interior Imorovements - Hotel Wc will be. creating a new.double-high hotel lobby which will connect to the new hotel/health club entry.There will be a new open stair to a balcony aboveihe lobby at the second floor. we will be renovating and revising the existing conference room on the first floor. We will.be relocating two employee units from the fourth floor to the first floor. The other two employeeunits will be relocated to the third floor. These units will be maintained on-site, as per a preuious agreement, for the life of the structure. We. will be eliminating 5 existing DU's and adding 2Z new AU's to create a new room mix of 4 DU's and 55AU's. All of the existing hotel roorns will be totally renovated. Atl of the bathrooms will be renovated and madelarger. Other lmorovements Most of the existing npchanical systems will renovated and relocated to en attic above the fourth floor or to new mechanical roofus at the lower health club level. , We will be installing a new, 6-story, hydraulic, passenger elevator within the existing shaft to serve the hotel and health club. We will be installing a re;w Z-story, hydraulic, passenger elevator between the restaurant aN the upper Ievel of the health club to faciltete deliveries and trash removal. We will be installing a trash compactor and roll away trash containers to handle the hotel/health club trash. The restaurant grease and trash will be handled in a similar way. Trash storage will be at the west ervdof garrye. We will be adding a sprinkler system to the hotel portion of the building. The entire building will be brought up to the current handicap requirements. Schedule We hope to start construction in the spring of | 996 and open the renovated VAC in by the start of the 1996-7 ski season. .'' :. i' { i : I o EXHIBIT D (3 PAGES) Greg Amsden sairi tha* you a.nd that this meeting was for directional purposes for the applicant. 3. A request for a worksession for a major SDD ameDdmeng located at the Vail Athletic ClubB52 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as foilows: A parcel of land in Tract B. Vait Mlhga First Filing. Torn ol Vail, Eagle Counry, Cotoradd, comrnenc'ing a the. Nrlheast oomer ol said Tract B; thence N 79'4600' W along rhe Norlherly line of Vait Vilage, First Filing, and alog the Northedy line of said Traa B 62286 '€a: thence S 06o2652' W a didanc€ of 348.83 te€t to the Southwesl comff ol rha parcel ot land described in Bogk 1 91 at Pag. 1 39 as reeorded January 1 0, 1 966 and fled in Feception No. 102978 in lhe Eagle County Raxrds, said oomer also being the True Poinr ot B€ginning; then6 S 79'O4DS' E and along the Southedy fme ot said parcel 200.00 teet lo rhE Soulhessl conrer lhereof; thence N 62"52'00' E and aJong the Nonherly lhe of tta parcel of land described in Book ,t at Page 513 as recorded in 1971 in the Eagle County Records, a distance of 66.78 feet to the Northea3lerly comer of said parcel of land; said coN7|er being on lhe Weslerly right-ot-wey fine ot Gore Creek Roa4 es platted in Vatr Wage, Fiflh Filing; fienca N Z'139f W a disl an4 otTt.s7 leet elong said Westerly right-ot-way line ot Gor€ Cr€€k Road; thanca N - 8(P29'22' W a drstanc€ of I 280 le€l to the Northeasterly comer of that parcat of tand described in Book 1 91 ,- Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and fled h Heceplion No- 102978 in the Eagle County Reoords; lhenoe Northweslerly 25.51 teel atong the arc ot a 37.50 leel radius ctrrye lo lhe bn heving e cemrel engls of 40'30t10' rryhose chord bears N 53'40O0'W a distance ot 25.96 feet ro a poinl of langency; thence N 73'55'00'W and . alang said langenl 166.44 teel; lhenc€ N 85''lO?1'Wa dislance of 50.40 teel tolhe Northw6tedy corner of the Mounlain Haus Paroel; thence S 02'181}0' W and slong lhe €esterly line of seid Mountain Haus Parcel e dslanc€ ot 1{D.00 fe€t to lhe Southeaserly comer thereof; thence S 45'1353' E a d'slance of 38.70 feel to thc True Point of Bgginning. containing 30,a86 square feel, morc or less.. Applicaut Planner: fim 1987 Vail Limited Partnersbip, (dlblaYailAthletic CIub), rqrresented by Stan Cope and Michael Barclay MfteMollica . I a : t : Mike Mollica asked the PEC to look at the drawings with the proposed chaDges. Mike revierved the zouing analysis with the PEC and discussed the staffs idestified issues. Michael Barclay, represeDtiDg the Vail Athletic Club, spoke about the architectural qualities of the building and stated that the tlree shed domrers were only one solution to resolve'the snow problems on the roof. Mike Mollica said rhe shade and shadow was an issue. He explained that December 2l st was the u'Orst SceDario- Bob Amrour said that the 1993 approval was for 1600 sq.ft. of additional floor area and now it's 1800 sq.ft. Dalton williams stated that he had no pioblems with &e square footage ploposed. Bob Armor:r asked if everyone was comfortable with tbe addition of hvo accommodation units for this building. The project also includes additional square footage (from the parking garage) for a stafflocker area. Bob Armour stated that they were not changing the building envelope, just adding square footage intemally. Mi'chael Barclay said they were bettcr offleaving the roof otr aDd using the exha qpace to house mechanical sysFms. Henry Prztt said building over the skylight technically changes the building envetope. Planning and Environmernd Commission trinues Daltm Williarns said modifuing tbe domrers chenges the roof beight. Dalton said he likes this. archit€cture better, however, he u'ants to feel secr:re that the height is not changed from the 1993 i approval I Mike Mollica suggested lowering the dormer beigbt to ihe approved 1993 approved plan. i : Henryr Pratt asked for the history of the East Village Hmreoumers Association's issues. i Dalim Williams explained why Jim Lamontopposedfhe originalplan. a : Bob Armour wanted to touch on the parking issues. :g Mike Mdliea summarized that in 1993 therc were 9 parking spaces reErired. This new proposal * reduGes that number to 2 spaces. ":: i JeffBowen has a problem with the lack of parking. He stated, "a hotel of this zubstance can't4.' reduce tbe number ofparking spaccs." ='::.- Mike Mollica said the zoning code is what sets the requirement for the number ofparking spaces and that &e applicant uas meetiug, and exceeding, tle required parkilg. JeffBowen said with an SDD, 9 spaces should still be required. Mfte Mollica said the parking requirement in the zoning code u,as tied to the uses. JeffBow'en saidthe zoning code was used as an index. Parking sphces were computed for a reason asd he feels the 9 spaces must remain for the hotel. - "ob,,ATno* raid he would like to sbc morc spaces. I Michael Barclay stated that he is providiug 4 spaces rvben tle Zoning Code only requires tno. Greg Amsden agrees with Staffregarding the parking. Creg Moffet had no problem with the parking proposal. KevinDeighan agreed u'ith S1aff. Heurlr Pratt also agrees with the parking uumbers that Staff has come up with. Dalton \f,Iilliams also agrees with the parking numbers tbat Staffhas come up with. Bob Annour asked the Commissioners if they were comfortable with the 1995 architecture. Kevin Deigban was more comfortable with the 1993 architecture, btrt doesn't have a probleqr with iherevised 1995 plan. Grcg Moffet said tbe arcbitectural decisious \r'ere more appropriate for DRB revierp. Plannhg and Environmemd Cgrnmission M;nrnae o Greg Arnsden likes the new architectural design aud said that DRB will fiae turc iL Mfte Mollica stated that the clerestory wai recently added to the plan. Michacl Barclay said the clerestory world not bc covercd with snow most of thc timg as skylights would- Henry Pratt likes the donners, but prefers the 1993 fenestztion. The dormers arc too close together and he feels will present 6 teaking problem. He thinks tle shed domrers detact from the dasign Dalton'Williarns said the clerestory on the roof adds architectural interest on the roof. The 1993 cutouts iu the roof dida't work very well. Dalton reminded everyoue that tle Town mles for a SDD rcquired PEC to revjew tle architectural details. JeffBowen, notrvithstanding the fact that he liked the 1993 version, felt the new design was quite nice. EIe has a problem with tbe second story restaurant expansion in that it doesn't seem to fit the rest of the building. It seems too massive. lr{ichael Barclay stated that the vegetation rvas thick and rvould cover it. Bob Armour &ought the restaurant area was a little too high. Henry Pratt pointed out that in the 1993 design there were punched windows and now there is a wiudow rwall. He felt it *'asn,t consistent. Daltonwilliams asked if the pavers on rhe Gore creek bridge would be heated. Mike Mollica said the rvalkrvay to the edge of the bridge rvould be heated, but not the bridge itself- FIe also said there u'ould be brick pavers that would match the Town's Steetscape Flan. Bob Arrnour asked if there u'as anyttring else to give direction to rhe applicant to look at. Michael tsarclay had oDe comment about the restaurant windows . Most of the facade is window or u'ood trim- This mirrors utat is on the south side. They waoted to introduce more wood to break up the stucco. Bob Ansrror:r thought the DRB would bav. e some problims with the restaurant design aad h6 directed the applicaut to explore more options. 4, A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Officehilding located at 1000 s. FrontageRd JAreaD,cascade village sDD #4. ,d,pplicant Gordon pierce for Glen Lyon partnership Ptanner: RandyStouder JeffBowea made a motion to table this rmtil August l4th. Planning and EnvhonrnenEl Commission i !. M P Barclay, nrcnitectO Dear Mike, 235 East Eleventh Street New York, NY 10003 ?'t?-598-O492 December 2, 1995 Mike Mollica Community Development Town of Vail Vail, CO 816s7 re: Vail Athletic Club EXHIBIT E (6 pages) Enclosed are "in progress" 1/4" elevations of the south, east and north elevations of the VAC. Hopefully these will provide sufficient detail for you and the staff to clearly understand my proposal for the outside of the VAC. My proposal calls for replacing all of the stucco at from the first floor up with either wood shingles, wood trim (or metal trim detailed and painted to appear to be wood) or board and batten. Most of the east, north and west elevations of the VAC as it exists today would become sheathed with oversize (approximately 9" exposure) wood shingles. The new dormers will be sheathed with a rough-faced board and batten. The south side of the building, as a consequence of its almost continuous porch or windows, will be a combination of wood trim ard steel painted to read as wood. The handrails on the south side of the building will be steel with |" square ballusters and 5" spaces. On the north side of the building, the handrails will either be steel or wood slats 5 1/2" widewith 1/?" spaces. These will be painted or stained to appear to be the same shade of redwood. I've also enclosed photographs of some of the buildings that are similar to certain aspects of my proposal for the outside of the VAc. Old Faithful Inn, Yellowstone National Park (color and black and white) - for the the massing, trim and use of oversize wood shingles Boathouse at Saranac Lake. NY - for the trim details and the variety of different exterior woods The Clubhouse at Cordierra - as an example of a mostly wood exterior and for the combination of board ard batten and wood shingle I hope this is helpful. l'll call Monday. Michael Wyoming. ldaho. Montana u o iatL|Tul Inil ls iocaleo In a qeothermal area w[hOllthful geyser nearby. Co-nstruction of the inn wasstqtrn 1903. Design changes and additions were made until shortly before Worid War . Small fli*"lh#rr$ nT:#: T*ir:r:hd:: " congestton from the service and front desk areas .{ {:'I :iI i'j):ra- Io)E(r9!roc =Qr6o2,^- -o!rtr I €.9-go t.-iEFit EE5 Est>co 1l ' I a:lil .,. J 'ci a ll .t ; I a i 'ttg 6C H;E'9cg;fi ;TEtr.. o-=o- !Es ;$5 TO: FROM: DATE: SUtsJECT: EXHIBIT F MEMORANDUM VailTown Council Community Development Department September30, 1993 Rgquest for the establishment of a special Development District to allow the expansion of the Vail Athletic Club located at gS2 East Meadow Drive. Applicant: Planner: Vail Athletic Club Shelly Mello on september 27, .1993,lhe Planning and Environmental commission (pEC) reviewed a request from the owners of the Vail Athletic Club for the establishment of a Special Development District. This meeting was the final hearing after a series of three worksessions with the PEC and Design Review Board (DRB) beginning in June of this year. Attached please tind a copy of staff's memorandum dated Septemb e( 27 , lggg regarding the details of the applicant's request. The PEC voted unanimously to approve the project with Jeff Bowen making the motion and Dalton Williams seconding the motion. In addition to the statf's conditions which required thefollowing: 1- The applicant permanently restrict the proposed 52 AUs as short-term rental unils and that the 52 AUs shall not be subdivided in the future to allow for individual ownership. The Condominium Declarations shall be amended to include this point before an occupancy permit will be released for the project. 2. The appricant provide one 1 bedroom and one 2 bedroom employee nousing unit and restrict them per the Town of Vail Employee Housing Ordinance. T-he employee housing restriction agreement shall be signed and submitted to the staff for approval betore a building permit will be released for the project. Theproposed employee units shall provide housing for a total of 6 employees. The units shall meet the minimum standards specified in the Town of Vail;s Employee Housing Ordinance. Further, the PEC recommended the following conditions: 1' That three of the parking spaces currently being proposed on the site for the incremental increase in required parking inat oL' reiroved and the applicant shall pay into the parking fund for these three spaces ($g,o0o per space =$24,000). With ttris provision, the applicant slrall rernove the two exteriorparking spaces adjacent to the structure entry and this area shall be designated 4. for loading and delivery. An additional space within the interior of tre parking sfucture shall also be removed from the proposal. This condition was due to tre PEC's concem with the ability of the parking structure to function with ' twenty-seVen interior valet parking spaces. That ttre applicant work with the DRB to develop a landscape plan on the south side of the building between the building and the streamwalk with the goal of returning this area to a more natural condition. This work includes improving and allowing public access through the property via the existing bridge and path on the southwest corner of the building and removing fte.existing sod and reseeding the area with a natural grass seed mix and possibly adding additional planting. The area to be returned to a natural condition begins just south of the willows adjacent to the VAC and extends south to the sbeamwalk. That the DFIB review the architectural details of the building further to insure that there is adequate architeclural relief in the window mullions, trim, etc. That the applicant work with the DRB to improve the signage, landscaping and general of East Meadow Drive as it intersects with Blue Cow Chute particularly the north side of East Meadow Drive. The objective of ftis effort is to not only to improve the pedestrian character of this area, but to also deter unnecessary vehicular traffic from entering East Meadow Drive. c:\shellylrnemosWac.930 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 27, 1993 (Gonectlons made September 27,1993 are in bold.) A requesl for the establishmenl of a Special Development District to allow the expansion of the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive, and niore specifically described as follows: A parcel ol land in Tract B, Vail Village, First Filing, Town of Vait, Eagle Counly, Cobrado, more panicularly described as follows: Commencing at the Norlheast comer of said Tract B: thenc€ N 79'46'00'W along the Northerly line of Vail Village, First Filing, and along the Northerly line of said Tract B 622.86 reel; thence S 06"26'52' W a distance of 348.83 feet lo lhe Southwest corner of that parcel of land described in Book 191 at Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in Receplion No. 102978 in the Eagle Counly Records. said corner also being the True Point of Beginning; thence S 79'04'08' E and along the Southerly line ol said parcel 200.00 feel to the Soulhdast corner thereol; thence N 62"52'00" E and along lhe Nonherly line of lhat parcel of land described in Book 222 at Page 513 as recorded in 1971 in lhe Eagle County Records, a distance of 66.78 feet 10 the Nonheaslerly cornet of said parcel of land; said corner being on the Weslerly righttf-way line of Gore Greek Road, as platted in vail Village, Flfth Filing: thence N 27'13'37" W a dislance of 2.37 teel along said Weslerly righl-ot-way line of Gore Creek Road; thence N 89"29'2t W a distance of 12.80 teet to the Nonheaslerly corner of that parcel ol land described in Book 191, Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in Receplion No. 102979 in the Eagle Cou y Records; thence Northweslerly 26.51 feet along the arc of a 37.50 teel radius curve 10 the left havinq a ce ral angle of 40'30'00" whose chord bears N 53%0'00" W a distance of 25.96 teel to a poinl of langency; thence N 73"55'00'W and along sajd tangent 166.44 te€t: thence N 85"10'21'W a dislance ot 50.40 feel to lhe Nonhweslerly corner ol the Mounlain Haus Parcel; lhence S 02"18'00'W and along the easlerly line of said Mountajn Haus Parcel a distance of 100.00 feel to lhe Sdrlheaslerly corner thereof; lhence S 45"13'53' E a distance of 38.70 feet to the True Point of Beginning, containing 30,486 square feet, more or less. Applicant: VailAthleticClub Planner: Shelly Mello I. PFOJECT OVERVIEW The applicant is requesting a review of the proposed establishmenl of a Special Development District (SDD) for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club located at 352 East Meadow Drive. The Vail Athletic Club is located on the southwest corner of Vail Valley Drive and East Meadow Drive at the bottom of Blue Cow Chute. The property is currently zoned Public Accommodation and is considered to be nonconforming with regard to development standards. The applicant has indicated that the purpose ot requesting a SDD for his property is to improve the appearance of the building and site as well as make it a more viable hotel. The proposal includes the deletion of six dwelling units, the addition of twenty{our t accommoda:bn units, a decrease to ihe Club Area, a decrease in total restaurant area, modifications to the elevations, a decrease in common area and the addition of nine underground parking spaces. The four existing employee units will remain on-site and will be permanently deed restricted. The deviations from the Public Accommodation development standards include: 1. Densitv. The proposed densig for the project willbe 30.33 dwelling units (DU), which will include 52 AUs, 3 DUs and 4 employee housing units. The existing density for the proiect is 24.33 DU and the allowed density for the project 17.5 DUs. The total density increase is 6 DUs over the existing development and 12.83 DUs over the allowable' density. 2. GRFA. The applicant is proposing a total of 32,282 square feet of GRFA. In addition to this, there is an overage on common area of 8,456 square feet. When this is added to GRFA, the total GRFA for the project will be 40,738 square feet. The allowed GRFA/Common Area for the projeclis 32,924 square feet. Cunently, there is 33,902 square feet of GRFA in the project which includes overages on common area. This results in a total increase of GRFA/Common Area ol 6,836 square feet above th6 existing development and 7,814 square feet over the allowable GRFA/Common Area. 3. Common Area. The applicant is proposing to reduce common area, however, the existing project is in excess of the allowed common area by 13,541 square feet which is added to the GRFA. The proposalwould exceed the allowable common area by I,tl56 square feet. 4. Heiqht. The existing building is 67 feet in height on the south elevation and 59 feet on fie north elevation. The allowable height is 45 feet. The applicant does not propose to increase the ridge height, however, dormers will be added to both the north and south of the building where the ridge heights exceed the 45 foot height allowance. 5. Site Coveraoe. Currently, the site coverage for the project is 20,796 square feet. The application will increase this to 21,350 square feet. Which includes the underground parking and service areas. The allowed site coverage for the site is 16,767 square feet. 6. . Accessorv Use. The accessory use allowance is 1O% of existlno GRFA. lf built as proposed, this project would have an accessory use allowance of 3,228 square feet. As proposed, the allowable accessory use will be 3,426 square feet. This is a reduclion from the existing 4,066 square feet. However, there is still an overage of 198 square feet. 7. Setbacks. The applicant proposes to add building along the north side of the project. This will be in the area of the entry and the restaurant. The addition of fie entry will result in a 1 foot seback from the property line. The existing parking structure has a o f00t setback. On the south side of the project, fte applicant is proposing an at grade lenace which will have a minimum seback of 2 feet. The required setback in this area would be 10 feet. ln addition, other areas ol the building which are currently in the sehacks niti U" innf.O. This includes an area on he northwesi comer as well as decks along the rear of the building. The dormers will also be increasing the amount of building in the sebacks. The applicant has proposed to do the following with the applibation:. 1. Decrease the amount of GRFA allocated towards dwelling units and increase. the amount of GRFA for accommodation units. 2- Decrease the number of dwelling units and increase the number of accommodation unib. 3. Encroach further into the front setback with entry and second-story accommodation unit as well as an addition to the restaurant to the east of the entry. 4- lncrease common area while decreasing the area allocated towards accessory uses and athletic club use. 5. Add dormers to the building on the north and south side which do not exceed the existing ridge height of the building. Insert decks into the roof struclure on the south elevation. 6. lncrease the amount of site coverage as a result of the new entry and restaurant addition (5S4 square feet). 7. Add tenace and expand dining deck on south elevation. 8. Removal of deck on the south elevation which currently encroaches onto public land. . 9. The applicant is proposing to meet lhe incremental increase in parking requirements. There is an exisling deficit of 58.44 spaces on the site. The nevrr parking is located in the following manner: .2 spaces built underground below the entry.2 spaces added by relocating an existing ski storage area.2 spaces added by relocating the laundry room.1 space added along the south side of the parking structure.2 soaces in central area of oarkino structure 9 total 10. change exterior materials of building. This includes stucco, wood trim, deck railings and a wood shake roof. Add-streetscape improvements. These include: a 6 foot heated concrete paver walk along West Meadow Drive, an 8 foot healed concrete paver walk along Vail Valley Drive extending over the Gore Creek bridge and street lamps. The pavers on the bridge will not be heated. Relocation of existing Fash area and removal of the existing tash facility which is encroaching onto adjacent properties. 13. The applicant proposes to provide one two-bedroom employee housing unit within the Town of Vail which will be restricted according to the Town of Vail employee housing requirements 14- Additional landscaping on the north and soufr sides of the building. 'For further details on the deviations please see Section lll, Zoning Analysis, of this memorandum, whiih specity he changes in development standards tor ine project. Atso, please see applicant's description of proposal for specific details. II. BACKGROUND A. ProJect History The Vail Athletic Club was originally developed in 1977 and included " ri*"0 use building" with condominiurns and accommodation units as well as the health club facility and offices. Twenty on-sile parking spaces were provided for the project and a variance was received for the remaining required spaces. Per the file records, it appears that the variance was granted in order to facilitate the construction of hotel rooms which were needed in the community at the time. ln 1977, it was felt that it would be reasonable to grant a parking variance for the sixteen parking spaces {or this property due to the proximity of the Town parking struclure. Parking variances for four additional spaces have been granted for the project since that time. In addition, while variances were not granted for height or density, the project was allowed to deviate from th'ese standards. Seback variances were granted in 1977 for the development of the project. The property has been the subject of numerous redevelopments over a number of yeais and subsequent parking variances. At the time of the project approval in 1977, it was discussed that possibly a portion of the property which the Vail Athletic Club had acquired would not be counled towards their developable site area. Research has been conducted regarding this issue to determine whether or not lhat was actually done. The staff has found no definitive information which would indicate that this was completed. B. Previous PEC reviews On June 28, 1993, a joint worksession was held with the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) and the Design Review Board (DRB) lo discuss tre establishment of an SDD for this site. At this time, the applicant was directed to work with the existing volume of he building. ll was also indicated that it might be acceptable to expand the building adjacent to the Mountain Haus. lt was stated that some expansion would be acceptable on the 11. 12. southwest corner and that no additional development should be proposed on the north side ofhe building. In addition, there was a concern with the additional shade/shadow being cast on Meadow Drive. ln regard to parking, the PEC indicated that the applicant shoutd strive to accommodate parking on-site. On-Tuesday July 13, 1993, a worksession was held with the Town Council regarding the parking for this project. During tris discussion, three of the Town Council members were gpen t9 discussing turther the possibitity of pay-in{ieu parking for tris site. Three of the Town Gouncil members felt that the applicant should accommodate parking on-site due to the already significant overage of pirking which is not provided oi ttre site. As a result of this discussion, tre applicant has provided an additional nine parking spaces on the site which will accommodate all of the increases in parking generated by the renovation of the builcling. On July 26, 1993, an additionalworksession was held with the PEC. Please see the attached minutes which detail fte discussion il. zoNtNG AiiALYStS Usl€d b€tow is lhe zoning ar€lylis tor ne Val ftpUc 6lub SDD propossl. Sil6 Ar€a: Satbicksr Hclghl: Slte Coverago: Landscaping: Unlts: Acc6sory Use: Restauranl: Club Reteil: Toral: Common Area: Hells^,lech: Conlerance: Tota, common: Club Area: Parldng Gar.g!: Total Building squerc Footegef* ALLOWED DEV. STANDARDS 30,486 sq. lt. An f€et $"", 16,757 sq. lu EX|SNNG DEVELOPMEI.IT $,a86 sq. ft. norlh: {- 6olnh: ? - 26' 0' (&ck!) ssst: 12-20 wgsl: 1? 6-t south; 59 norfl ' fl),795 sq. fl. .. 9,071 sq. ft. 28 AU + 9 DU - 23 DU(2 Lo)"" + 4 emp units" - 24.33 DU(2 LOf 10,927 AU + 8,122 DU - 19,M9 sq. tl. + 1,312 emp units - 20.361 + 13,541 commm - 33,902 2,036 sq. tr. (Allowedl 3,506 sq. tt 460 so. lt. 4,086 sq. lt. 19,235 sq. tt. 2.842 sq. ft. 22,OTI sq. n. (13,541 sq. tt. oronge) .22,251 aq. lt. 4.131 Eo. tt. n,892 q.rt. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT $,486 sq. nonh: {- south: 2'- 26' .{l-(deoks) €a$: 12-2(I we!l: 12'. 6'l roulh; 59 norlh 18,300 sg. n. + 5,050 sq. tl. - 21,350 sq. ft. includee garagB and belou/ grad€ sorvioe areg on €asl sidg. 9,nt0 sq, ft. (lncluding al-grrde dcck) 52AU+3DU. 29 DU (2 LO) + 4 ernp units - 30.33 DU (2 Lo) 24,U7 AU + 8,252 'DU - 30,899 sq. ft. + 1.383 emp units - 32,282 + 8,456 @mrnon overag€ - 40,738 3,228 sq. tl. (Allowed), 3,285 sq. fl. 141 sq. fi. 3,425 sq. tl. 14,265 sq. n. 2,727 sq. n. 16,992 sq. fi. 8,456 sq. tl. ovetage) 20,881 sq. tl. 5.512 so. fl. n,ostf4.tt" GRFA: 9,1'15 sq. tl. ai unils per acre 17.5 units 24,388 sq. tl. (8tri6) 10% ol exisling GRFA I,S6 sq. tl. (35o/t Pa*ing:- 20 on-site dre to m approved variances. Hs,lsr{ech: CNub Area: R€rail: CqfErence Area: Restaurant: AU: DU: Emp Units: Totsj Perking: 4- .|.84 parking spaoes . 11.8 perking spaces 22.5 Farting speoes 21.8 pa*ing spaces 16.5 parking spaces .l pa*ino Eoac€s 78.44 parking spaces B (z42L@trT,ef,ll + o- .47 parking spaces 1 129 parfting spaces 2t).3 parling spacas 44.75 parting spaces 6.5 parling spaces4 parkino soaces 87.31 parking spaces (8.87 or I epaca increase| A lockotl is an acoommdalion unit which is attachad lo a dr,velling unit and is no largnr than one-lhird of lhs totat froor area ol lh€ fiielling unit. Required by lhe Vail Town Council in 197/. Units are to remain on-site for fre lile of tho building. Ea*r employee unil couflls as .333 unhs tolvads density. lodudes GRFA,/Accessory Relail/RestauranVClub/Conmon/Parking. There is a tolal increase of building area ol 6,201 sq. tt. The memorandums on lhe Vajl Alhletic Glub condominium conversion proc€ss indioals lhat 24 AU and S DU were rcnlal reslricled and 2 DU were approved with no roslriotions. There are no file records which indcate the approval olhe 4 additional AU's and 2 DU,s cunently on-site. tv. As stated in lhe Zoning Code, the purpose of Special Development Districts is as follows: The purpose of the special developmenl district is lo encourage ftexibility and . creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate ese: to improve the design character and quality of new Oevetopmint within the Town; lo facilitate the adequate and economical provision of stieets and utilities; to provide the natural and scenic features oi open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan lor a special development Oisirict, in conjunction with the property's underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements guiding development and uses of property included in a special development district." The staff finds that the application meets the purpose ot the Special Development District. Specifically, staff linds that this application furthers the overall goals of the community as stated in d'te vail comprehensive plan. The project proposes to improve the design character, function and quality of the developme;t and provide additional short-term units within the Village which is a specific goal of .many elements of the Comprehensive plan. The staff as well as the PEC have identified in past rwiews that this site is ippropriate tor increased densities as well as a variety of uses due to the location and iioxiinity to the Village core area. In addition, employee housing and streetscape improvements are proposed whiciprovide overall community benefit, Staff recognizes thaathe existing building exceeds the underlying zoning requirements, but believes that due to the site an-d location it is suitable to allow for such deviations as proposed in. the application given the goals and policies in the .T^*9+,Ul"tta1, VailVillage Master Ptan and Sjgtrgpgllg!. ptease see Secrion Vttor turther detaits on thesEFlEfrE.- 7 V. SPECIAL E'EVELOPMENT DISTRICT CRITERIA The following nine criteria should be used to review the project. A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adJacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer'zones, identity, character, visual Integrity and orientation. Massino The staff feels that this criterion is especially important to the review of this project. While this application does not propose to increase the maximum ridge height, the proposal includes adding dormers to the existing roof. The amount of building area is increased with building infills and the introduction of a series of dormers. On the south side, roof cut outs are being used for the three central lop units. Othenrise, dormers have been added to both sides of the roof form in order to utilize existing "dead" space. The applicant has also modified the roof form on both the east and west elevations of the building. The east elevation tenaces back from Vail Valley Drive and additional windows have been added to this elevation. Terracing has also been accomplished on the west elevalion adjacent to the Mountain. Haus. The low eave line which is maintained with this proposal and the landscaping of the site bring the scale of the building down to a pedestrian level. The staff feels that maintaining the pedestrian character of this area is important as it is . seen as a major coridor to Golden Peak and the Village from the parking structure and is also used by pedestrians to access Ford Park. The Vail Village Master Plan calls for this building to have a maximum of four stories. From the original application, the applicant has lowered the building to the existing ridge line in all locations and decreased the scale of he dormers in order to decrease the shadow on East Meadow Drive. Sun/Shade The proposed building increases the amount of shade on East Meadow Drive by 5 feet 6 inches in the area of the entry, 24 teet 6 inches on the west wing and 5 feet on the east wing on December 21st (See attached sun/shade analysis). The impacts on shade on September 21st will be an increase of 1 foot 6 inches in the cenler of the building, 11 feet on the west wing and 2 feet 6 inches on the easl wing. The amount of shade is determined by both the angle of the sun and the height of the ridge or eavs line. While fre December 21sl . date creates the most impact, the September 21sl date is what is specified in the code lor sun/shade analysis in the CCI zone district. Although this property is not in CCl, the shade impact is important to address for this pedestrian area. The greatest impact in shade is seen on the west wing of tre building. on December 2tst, the proposed buitding wilt cast shadow onto thelidewalk. On September 21st, the increase in shade in his area witl be 11 leet and does not cast shadow onto the sidewatk. lt should be noted that the existing' building casts shadow beyond the sidewalk into the street in tire center of the building and east wing. In the center and east wing, the additional shade cast will be 5 feet 5 inches and 8 feet accordingly as-a result of the dormers. The applicant proposes to heat the paver sidewalk which will make this area safer for the pedestrian. The staff feels that tre increases in shade have been minimized to a point that is acceptable. Entrv on the north side of the building, the applicant proposes to add a two and a half story entry area to the building. The entry has been lowered by two floors for the original proposal. The design of fre entry minimizes the massing impacts of the element and does not add any more shade to the street. ' Buildino Footorint The applicant proposes to increase the building footprint by 450 square feet to allow for the restaurant addition and entry. stafl does not have a problem with !h" reslaurant addition as no landscaping is removed. The entry will remove two to four trees which the applicant has agreed to relocate or ieplace. Streetscaoe The applicant has proposed to install required streetscape improvements discussed in section Vlll of this memo. This includes a heated paver walk along Vail valley Drive as well as a heated paver walk along the south side of East Meadow Drive. The driveway to the garage will also be heated. In general, the project is sensitive to adjacent properties through the use of appropriale architectural design and massing as well as landscaping. B. uses, activity and density which provlde a compatibre, efficient andworkable relationship with surrounding uses ancl activity. Densitv The applicant proposes to increase the totaldensity of the project by six dwelling units. This inctuges the removiGisix ow-eiling unjts'as wellas the addition of twenty-four accommodation unhs. of the nine dwelling units on-site, six are cunently restricted per the.Gondominium Conversion requirements. There are t*o existinf units which are free market and the applicant wishes to retain one additional u-nrestrictedunit. The staff feels that because thiS unit is already restricted that it should remain available for short-term rental according to Section 17.26 of the subdivision Regulations, condominium conveision, or an employee housing unit should be provided in place of the restricted unit as *'as ittoweO with thl Vail Village tnn Goodes space. The staff would prefer to see an additional s empioyee housing unit versus the restricted DU provided as we believe the emptoyee housiig unit.atso provides an lmpdrtant community benefit. The staff feels that tre applicant's desire to increase the short term hotel units is very positive. The GRFA attributable to dnelling units has been decreased Uy t,tiZb square feet. 13,270 square leet of GRFA will be added to increase tlie amount of floor area for aclommodation units. The additional GBFA has been gained by using existing dead space within the building, using common area ;ore efficienny, and the- addition of dormers and infilling portions of decks on the south side: An additional 6,201 square feet of total building area will be added with this proposal. In order to insure that the AU's remain as short' term rentals, ttre itatt requests that the owner agree to not subdivide the unlts in the future per thd Condominium Conversion section of the Subdivision Regulations. Emolovee Housinq Currently, four employee housing units are required on-site per the 197/ parking variance. 'Th-e applicaniproposes that these units remain on'sile and iras agleeO to restrict these units on a permanent basis. Due to the requesled increales in density, the applicant has indicated that there may be an increase of two to four employees on the site. Utilizing the Employee Housing Guidelines, based on the net increase in development over ihe existing building, two to four additional employees would be generated by the expansion. The staff would require that one_two-bedroom or two one-bedioom units be provided to address the increase. The summary is as follows: a) Bar/Restaurant b) Retail/Service Commercial c) Dwelling Units dl Accommodation Units ' e)Total = 321 sQ. ft. (@6.5/1,000 sq. ft.) = 2.08 employees (decrease) = 310 sQ. ft. (@6.5/1,000 sq. ft.) = 2.0t5 employees (decrease) = 6 units (@.4/room) = 2-4 employees (decrease) 115 or 12 emPloyees .12 employees x.15 housing multiplier = 1.8 or 2 employees .12 employees x .30 housing multiplier = 3.6 or 4 employees .Assumino two emplovees.oerbedroom. the proposed one two'bedroom unit ration formula' The statf has used the higher multiplier due to the overlge{in density. The Employee Housing Report does not ditferentiate between thJ provision of on-site or off-site housing. As .7slroom) = 18 emolovee fi 10 ')"' ,, o *., \ \:il stated above, the staff would llke to see one more employee unit provided in order to lifi he use restriction on fie proposed dwelling unit. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 1852. Parkino Parking has been a long standing issue on this site. In researching the history of this project, the staff found that there were a number of variances gnnted to this project. In December of 1977, twenty underground parking spaces were approved for this site. At mat fime, it was recognized that surface parking was not appropriate for his site and that these spaces would be the maximum number that could be placed on the site. Different arangements have been made over the years for parking on Town of Vail land as well as other properties for this project to address the deficit. Variances have been granted lor a total of twenty spaces over the life of the project. Using today's standards, there is an existing deficit of 58.4 parking spaces for the project. There would be a nine space parking requirement increase as a result of this expansion. This is based on the difierence between the required parking for the proposed project and the existing development. The applicant is proposing an additional nine on-site parking spaces which would bring the total on-site spaces to twenty-nine. All of the parking spaces would be valet. Currently, the applicant valet parks eighteen parking spaces in the existing structure. The parking structure will be expanded which will accommodate the nine additional spaces. Due to the type of use of this facility, valet parking is appropriate and has been approved for other projects of this nature. With the full-time concierge and valet, this type of parking solution is feasible. In addition, after reviewing the function of the existing facility, it appears that the proposed plan is reasonable and, the additional nine parking spaces can be accommodated. The two existing exterior spaces will remain adjacent to the entrance to the parking structure on the west side. No additional square footage has been added to the health club and therefore the staff does not feel that it is appropriate to assess a parking requirement for this facility. Parking for a health club is determined by the PEC. There is no parking standard for this type of use. No parking requirement has been assessed in the past and the staff is not assessing any additional parking nor do we recommend to the PEC that a parkjng requirement be set as no club square footage is being proposed. 11 D. Loadilq and Deliverv The applicant is providing a loading facility with a pull-out from East Meadow Drive. This will accommodate tre short-term parking needs of the proiect. Loading and Delivery will also be accommodated in this pull-off arg-a.. Th9 applicant will no longer be allowed to unload deliveries along Vail Valley Drive adjacent to the restaurant entrance. This is a very ungfe practice which the Town does not encourage and will not allow to continue. In addition, the applicant proposes lo remove tre existing trash facility on the west side of the pioject. This enclosure encroaches bo$r onto Town of Vail land as well as Mountain Haus property. The applicant would propose to include the trash facility inside the building in this same area. Conformity with appticable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town poticies and Urban Design Plans. There are three other elements of the Comprehensive Plan which apply to this application: The Vail Village Master Plan, the Streetscape Master Plan and the tahO Use plan. please see Sections Vl, Vll, and Vlllol this memo for turther descriptions of these plans. Many elements of the Town's Compreiensive Plan encouiage the development and preservation of hotel-type units. The applicant proposei to add an additional twenty-four AU's and delete six DU's for a total ot fitVltwo AU's and three DU's. This is in keeping with the Comprehensive Plin's objective to increase the hotel bed base. Please see Sections Vl' Vll and Vlll that identify the applicable goals and objectives of the plans. ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposecl. This site is located adjacent to Gore Creek. No portion of this proposal encroaches.into the 5i) foot stream setback or the one hundred year floodplain' SitE ptan, building design and location and open space provisions desilned to produce a iunctional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. Buildino Desion While the changes to he site plan through tris proposal are limited, the building design changeJ Significantly. ln respect to the south or Gore Creek side of the building, the appficlnt is proposing to change the character of the elevation wilh frq enilosure ana reCesifn of balconies and to change the window design' Dormers will be added to the east and west wings and decks will cut into the roof form in the center area. The applicant has adjusted the south elevation to brdak up the lacade per PEC and statf comments. Initially the applicant proposed to increase the height of the westem section of the building. F. 12 currently, the applicant proposes to maintain all of the existing ridge lines and not increase the ridge in any area ol the building. The staff t6er tnat tiris is very positlve. ln addition, the applicant is proposing to add a terrace at the lower level on the south side of the project. This will encroach into the 20 foot seback and result in a 2 foot setback a the tightest point from the south property line. on the north elevation, the applicant proposes to infill an area on the east wing adjacent to the restaurant and add an entry. In addition, balconies will be added to units on the east wing. Dormers will be added in all three areas onhis elevation. This will allow lor the additionaj accommodation units on the upper level. These additions will cast additional shade onto East Meadow Drive. Landscaping has been proposed arong the retraining wail adjacent to the sidewalk on the north side of the building. This wiliincrease tire landscape buffer between ttre building and the public area. The staff feels that this additional landscaping is very important to the project as it will screen the building and mitigate both the existing and proposed impacts of the building. The _application impacts the existing tanoscaping on the north side or thebuilding- Approximately two to four large evergreen trees will be lost as aresult of this proposal. The applicant is proposing to landscape along the new stone retaining wall adjacent lo the west wing in order to better screei thebuilding in areas where landscaping does noi cunently exist. The staff feels that while it is unfortunate that these evergreen trees will possibly be lost, theaddition of landscaping which includes evergreen and aspen trees along thesidewalk, will mitigate the impact of the losJof these two to four trees. Theapplicant will attempt to save these trees. However, in the event that theycannot be saved as a result of this construction, the applicant does agree toreplace the trees. The applicant has also added a 3 foot planting ste[ to theeast of the existing at- grade parking on the west end of tire builiing in order tohelp screen the parking. The step will also reduce the height of thiwall in thisarea. on the south side of the buirding, the appricant wiil be removing an existing deck which is cunenfly located on Town'of vait land. The appiicant profoses to add additional landscaping in this area which includes strrubs ano'aspentrees. This will buffer the buitding from the pubtic area. Due to the amount of land and landscaping between the streamwalk and thebuilding, adequate butfer areas are providdd. The proposed landscaping adjacent to the building will be positive and will not hinder the use of 'thij open space area on the south side of the building. The applicant has also agreed toprovide a maintenance agreement to the Town tor ttiii open spaCe. -" 13 G.A ciruutation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addresslng on and otf-slte traffic circulation. The applicant proposes to add nine underground parking spaces. By adding additional on-site parking, the vehicular traffic on East Meadow Drive will be increased. While it is an objective of the Streetscape Plan to make this area more pedestrianized, it is also an objective of the Vajl Village Master Plan to have properties in this area provide on-site parking' The staff leels that the provision of on-site parking to meet the additional requirement is important given tre constraints on parking our community must deal with. The applicant does propose to install an entry and pull-off in order to facilitate he drop-off of guests and loading and delivery. The installation of a dropotf area will be a benefit to the area as currently there is no off-street drop-off area for this building and the existing situation creaies congestion along East Meadow Drive as guests and trucks park in the bus lane on Meadow Drive- The Town Engineer has signed otf on this solution. Wth this application, the statf recognizes that it would be ditficutt 10 completely restrict East Meadow Drive from vehicular traffic, but would strive to limit the number of vehicles which must access East Meadow Drive. We also believe trat by providing safe well designed sidewalks, pedestrian circulation can also be accommodated. The applicant's proposal improves both pedestrian ancl- vehicular circulation in an area that currently must provide for both uses. Functional and aesthetic landscaping artd oPen space in order to optimlze and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. Due to the installation of the pull-otf and entry and relocation of the retaining wall in this area, two to four evergreen trees could possibly be lost. The applicant has agreed to attempt to save these trees, however, it would appear that this may not be possible. The applicant does agree to replace these trees in addition to increasing the landscaping along East Meadow Drive between the building and the roadway adjacent to the sidewalk. Trees in the 30 foot range will be required to replaie the trees that may not be able to be relocated. The new tantlicaping in tront of the building includes evergreens that range in slze from 10 to 15 feet and aspens having a minimum of a 3 inch caliper. io the east of the main entry to the building, the applicant is proposing to redesign the sidewalk as well as the landscape area. This will involve cutting back the existing utility grate and bringing the landscape down to the same grade as the sidewalk. This is accomplished by moving the sidewalk and curlcline to the south from the existing location. Landscaping will also be added on the south elevation in the area where the existing deck is being removed. Aspen trees and shrubs will be added to this area and the grades will be redone to match the existing topographic conditions. H. 14 The landscaping on-site wlll be lncreased as a result of the removal of an above gracte deik. With thii application, the prolect will be In compliance with the landscaping requirement for the sile. l. phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient retationship throughout the development ot the special development district. , The applicanf has not proposed that the construction of tiris project be phased. VI. VAIL LAND USE PLAN The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as adopted policy gu'rdelines in the riview process for new development proposals. The Land Use Plans Goals/Policies applicable to the Vail Athletic Club redevelopment are as follows: i.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a ' balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 3.2 The Village and Lionshead areas are the best location for hotels to serve the future needs ol the destination skiers. 3.3 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore conversion to condominiums should be discouraged 4.2 lncreased density in the core areas is acceptable so long as lhe existing character of each area is preserved through implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan and the VailVillage Master Plan' 4.3 The ambiance ol the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserued. (Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling' environmental quality.) 5.3 Atfordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restrictions. 15 55". The existing employee housing base should be preserved and. upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be. accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. The application meets the goals and policies in the Land Use Plan. The addilion of short-term holel rooms is a very positive addition to this area. ltem 4.2 specifies that increased densities in fte core are acceptable if tre character of the area is preserved. The applicant proposes to change the character of the building by changing the maierials anct design'details of the building. While the proposal increases the size of the building, the staff believes that the applicant has attempted to utilize the unused interior spaces ot me UunAing to minimize the expansion on the exterior of the building. The scale and Oesign of the buil-Oing with the addition of new materials and landscaping maintain the alpine character of trddevelopment. VII. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN T.h.e Proposed redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club canies out many ot the goals and objectives contained in the Vail Village Master Plan. Applicable goals and objectives are as follows: Go?l #'l -Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale 0f the village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. Obiective 1.2 - Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Goal #2 - To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic heatth and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. Obiective 2.1 - Recognize the variety of land uses found in the 10 sub-areas throughout the Village and allow for development that is compatible with these established land use patterns. obiective 2.3 - Increase the number of residential units available for short term overnight accommodations. Policv 2.3.1 - The development of short term accommodation units is strongly encouraged. Residential units that are developed above existing density levels are required to be designed or managed in a manner that makes them available for short term ovemight rental. Obiective 2.5 - Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and . mainlenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. Policv 2.5.1 - Recreation amenities, common areas, meeting facilities and other amenities shall be preserved and enhanced as a part of any redevelopment of lodging properties. 16 I gbi6!.!ive Z.F - Encourage the development of atfordable housing units throughfie efforts of the private sector. obieqtive 2.6.1 - Employee housing units may be required as part of any new or redevelopment project requesting density over thai allowed by existinly zoning. 9oaf f3 'To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience hroughout the village. ObiectiYe 3.4 - Develop additional sidewalks, pedestrian-only walkways and accessible green space areas, including pocket parkg and stream access. Goal #5 - lncrease and.improve fre capacity, efficiency, and aesthetics of the transportationand circulation system throughout the Viliag6. Policv 5'1.1 - For new development that is located outside of the Commercial Core I Zone_Dis-trict, on-site parking shall be provided (rather than paying into the parking fund) to meet any additional parking demand as requirect by-the zoning code. Policv 5-1.5 - Redevelopment projects shall be strongly encouraged to provide underground or visually concealed parking. Obiective 5.2 - Encourage the use of public transportation to minimize the use of private automobiles throughout Vail. Although this location is not addressed in any sub-area concept of the Vail Village MasterPlan, it is discussed with regard to the heighi of buildings. The Vail Village Master plan specilies that buildings adjacent to Gore Cieek should have a height of f6ur stories. Theexisting building is four stories along East Meadow Drive. The pr6posal builds into theexisting roof to form a fifth floor. This is being accomplished Uy ad'ding dormers, infillingportions of decks on the.s.outh side, and usinfi existing co*ron area inddead space ii theroof form' None of the ridge lines will be incr-eased anO att of the existing eave lines will bemdntained. This application addresses. the four Vail Village Master Plan goals which are applicable to thesite. lt also meets the twerve poricies and ob]ectives which a-re applicable. VIII. STBEETSCAPE MASTER PLAN The streetscape Master plan points out that traffic on vail Valtey Drive is very heavy P:g,h:-"]lost of ,rhe year. it is. especiaily heavy in the momirig ana rate atiemoons duringme sKl season' and evenings and weekends during the summer months. pedestrian traffichas increased because of the expansion of the Village Parking Structure and he creation of anew eastem exit portal frgm fris facility at Vail Valley Drive. Specific improvements for VaitValley Drive in the area ot the Vail Athletic Club include the addition of an I to 10 foot wideheated concrele unit paver walk on the west side of Vail Valley Drive exiending over the 17 o bridge at Gore Cree!.- and a 6 foot wide concrete unit paver walk on the south side of East Mea?ow Drfue. The applicant has included these improvements in tris application with the exception that only a 6 foot walk is being proposed along Vail Valley Drive due to site constrainF and I feet along Meadow Drive. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends approval of the application. We find that the proposaf has developed into one which is in compiiance with the objectives and purBose section of the SDD zone district as well as the other Comprehensive Plan elements as described in the memo. The approval includes the following understiandings: fhe tottowing 'drawings. That the owner will permanently restrict the 52 Aus as short-term rental.Units and that the 52 Aus shall not be subdivided in the future to allow for individual ownership. The condominium declarations shatl be amended to include this point belore any occupancy permits will be released- In addition to the one two-bedroom permanently deed restricted employee housing unit, the owner shall provide one-bedroom employee housing.unit to allow fir the use restriction to be lifted from the restricted dwelling unit' The employee housing unit restriction agreements shall be signed and submitted for sAif approval bef-ore a building permit will be released for the project' items will need to be addressed furtfrer as he project develops into working 1. Engineered drawings will need to be submitted which address the streetscape improvements for review by the Town Engineer before a building permit is released for the Project. The statf feels that the application is a positive one and does meet the goals and objectives of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. These include the Land Use, the Village Masler Plan' Zoning Code ani SDD Criteria. We recognize that the proposal deviates from the existing zonin[. We recognize that it is important to increase accommodation unils as well as maintain and impiove existing builiings in town in order lo maintain lhe area. We feel that this is a site which can handle increaied density and deviations from the site development standards which include height, density and site coverage while maintaining the existing scale and character of the neighborhood. c:tsec\memos$ac.927 a { 18 ? IIrl :r ..J 1lgix ,1 i tr 6 .ci rt> a'.g ..:H i;. .i !t {n{ 4.l & li 2$ lirit qll 4rdrl Ht lil qi fii ,=l lli -:-*.i (i , ii:i g !;T.._s.-i f; Iri I oli:tldlll 5lfil; t! I I 2 \ ';:i 1 It.l .t I : .l I zI( J.l t ) lttr. =F::li: r!' f.'l: i .I{ rJt Ifit I I I 1 !l it o I I ( tlil_ cii lf[niLF ..'i rF.it lL lffidt\l[T'trItir; --jn -_- [__T|i=Li,llli r r ll lll{1*ll ir II LllltHit a - | iI.! ol t: 't":_= il_*- ("i-"1 t-* 4 l:; t-.--"-a l\i' I i -y L_._! ._r_ +--,.- ..---------F:. l--,.l.\ . t '..-_. I-.I .tQ !\t '\. I tilT: F;I ll-lr-o:r----'l-.+f r'-*tnr uilq' .lltE hltr il ._-l u,,Itl tll ]I\ nrt tl il tl lJ tl lt ilr': llt tll-i* = lll ilp:,1 ilt :'; rl rta\i! r':1 \.'l*i..-:' Jr:. I ril \ lrl ll tE \ ll I lE:[/- ;''lHll ll-,wp<aL lLl_ ll;s t I I I I I I I I I I I I I --l I I I I I I I I I trl v" tiIit!i {: !itll ,l lF'lri li ,i4'il'L__t_. .I i'-.=J I f --Irti=;t i' ': -:-rJ I rL ..li I-jt l,;lil]"--t t--il 'lil'lil, r 1irri 1:_ii'I.ii.t'tl ! -; I rl il a t I ' !..::.a .lt :i8 i:E :f ad lll''' !tl t! fifl't"--^ I tiI irih iilli i! ll. - 'il:. . t j rl;;ili tiiili 'iiC r J lii rf il;ilti .lii *iif,i:; l:9 niil El: lirilil I t.ii;': r]i:. t.:l iiiirlII t. Itti arl 1 .:. l' . lrll:li! i;i. liiii iti l----'-------\\i i't i't- i::----'iL-_.:---l fls t- a j8 iT::l .E a 9 !; i 6& tl : H' iii Ei iil iiiii lli ili[ I"'il: :' ili ;; tl! t, iiii :' tl:lljll !{ilr F,rl rf sg I ; I I ri llJirti;, E:-;-:_- tLl ild lE [: ttaii ri !- rg I I -..r t,:,iir ll o l'l I r! tra l: r. tii I fI aI €?g HI =tTI il r 5.1-Iil I'i Jri III' ,t j..l i iti irl i iji vArL ATrrr^ETrc cLUa eptember 11, 1993 Snn - STArF?vffit{T OF pROpOSFn TkrpRO\ftrMFl\fTS The Vail At}Ietic CIub (VAC) agrees as part of the implementation of or:r SDD proposal to make the follorving improrements: I-ndscane - F^st Meai The VAC rt'ill erctend the curb and sidewalk 6'{" along East Meadorv Drive and 8'- O" along Vail Valley Drive to create a continuous, heated, rectangular concrete pa\rer sidelvaltrt extending from west end of the VAC service./parking drive ou East Meadorv Drive to the Gore Creek Bridge onVail Valley Drirrc. This will be coordinated with tJ:e town engineer. We nill revise the curb-line at intersection of East Meadow Drive and Vail Valley Drive in accordance with the "enuy feattrre" concepts put forward in the Vail ViIIage lvfaster Plan and as shorvn on *re site plan. At the "entr;y' feature" and paftialiy along Vail Valley Drive, rve will eliminate the existing retaining wall to bring the landscape down to the level of the sidewalk We rtill reface the existing landscape retaining rvalls along the garage and Vail Valley Driv'e with stone. \Ve rvill incorporate signage to inform vehicles that East Meadow Drive is a "pedesEian area" open only to vehicles on "official business" with the VAC and tle It{ountain House. We tr,ill nork with the Design Review Board and AIPP to supplement the existing streetlarnps along the vACiide of vail Valley and East lr{eabbw Drives. lVe rvill create a new car pull-off guest drop-off area directly in front of the new hoteVhealth club enuy. Tl'is area rvill be paved rvith granite pavers and heated. We will need consent from the ton'n's authorities that short-term parking in the opposite direction h,ill be permitted here. The creation of the new hoteVhealth club enty and car pulloff along East Meadorv Drive shoutd result minimal disruption to the existiag veietation in the landscaped area above the existing garage. All necessa4l steps will be taken throughout the course of consurrction to protect the existing vegetatioL New drainage grates rt{Il be introduced to handle melting runoffat East Meadow Drive. This rvill be coordinated rvith the torm engineer. we will replace the existing wood tansformer grate with a new steel grate. l; ilii '[ :l i: iF Ir !Ft tFr rl :..h iiig i;irr. -"h i$iirlF rt g - Jli 5;l 3€i q .F We will work with the town to formalize a.a informal meintenance agreement regard.ing the town's properry benreen the VAC and the pedestian patb along Core Creels We will pnrne the dead bnsh io the area benpeen the VAC and Core Creek We will remove the existing wood srrndeck that is partially on town properry, uls well as the dxisting wood utility shed by ttre hot nrbs andthe o<isting w-ood-trash shed at tie service/gatage drive. We will create a lqrdscaped path from the end of the odsting service drive./firelane through to the town property on the south side of the VAC. We will constnrct a new stone terrace at the existing upper health club,/swimming pool level along the south side of the buitding as shownbn the site plan. Ruilding-F*'terior We will restucco the entire outside of tle building. The stucco color will be light,natural color. There will be a stotre base by the new erbry. We will be installing arewwood 5hingle roof throughout we will be i:rroducing new wood tri:n and roof overhangs as shown on the elevations. We wiil be revising the existing porches, balconies and declcs with new wood trimto.create tie more traditional porches shown on the elevations. We will be extendi:rg the existing clining deck along.the south side of the restaurant to connect wittr the new hotel lounge. We will be constructing a new on-grade hoteVhealth club entry on East Meadow Drive. We will be extendisg the norrh wall of the restaurant 6'-Ou to tl.e norrh and fillingin an e"xisting 28' x 9' "indentation" along the south side of &s dining terrace. -. we will be installing new wood windows and doors throughout We ryiII !e addPS new dormers at rtre fourth floor level along both the north and . south sides of the existing stucture. we will be adding ssl+, chimneys throughout for the new gas frreplaces. o The lmprovements to the health dub will not be oftensive, they will focus on increasing the spa and cardiovascular capacity of the dub and adding new doors and windows along the southwall of the upperlevel in order to introduce more natural light into the dub. Most areas of the dub stay as they are We will be adding new floors at the upper health club level above the weigfit room and tbe existing racquetball courL We wiII be creating a new staff locker/tsrrng€ aren at the lower health club level. Tnterlor Trnnrovements - Garage . Our SDD proposal will create the need for an aaardonalficars to be parked on site. We will be relocating a portion of the existing laundry facility to create room for 3 additional cars and eliminating two storage rooms to create room for an additional 4 cars. The remaining 3 cars will be accomodated within the existing garage through a valet parking arrangemenr Tnterior Imnrovenrents - Hcrtel We will be creating a new double-high hotel lobby and lounge areawhich will connect to the new hoteVhealth club entry. There will be a new opetr stair to a' balcony above the lobby at the second floor. We will be renovating ard revising the existing conference room on the first floor, adrling a new boardroom at tbe second floor and creating a new meedng room aloag the south side the first floor of the building. We will be relocating two employee rrnits frorn the fourth floor to the first floor. Tbe otler two employee rrni6 will be relocated to the tb.ird floor. These rrnils 14,rill be maintained on-site, as per a previors agreement, for tle life of the sEucture. We will be eliminating 6 existing DU's and addiqg 24 new AU's to create a rew room mix of 3 DU's and 52 AU's. The average size of our new hotel room (AU)'will be increase by 54 square feet to 478 square feet from 424 sqnare feer All of the existing hotel rooms will be totally renovated. All of tbe bathrooms will be renovated and made larger. The improvemenB tothe health club will not be erctensive, they will focus onincr.easrn8 the spa-and card.iovascular capacity of the cr;b and adrting new d.oorsand windows along the south wall of the-upper level in oia.r to introduce rrorenatural light into rbe club. Most areas of tii ctuu stav as tl.y *..- we will be adding ":* log.tt at the upper health club tevel above the weight roomand the e-xisting racquetball courl We will be creating a new stafflocker/Iounge area at the lower health club level. our sDD proposal wiII create the need for an aauttonaficars to be parked on site. we will be relocating a portion of the oristing laundry facility to create room for 3additional cars and eliminating n"o rtoi"ge rooms to create room for an additional4 cars. The remaining 3 cars tu ueaico-modated *itni" tn" u,dstirg garagetbrough a valet parking arrangemenf - we wiII be creating a new doubre-high hotel lobby aad rounge area which wiIIconnect to tle new- loteuheaith cluS -enuy. There will be a Bew open stair to abalcony above the tobby at tlei"iooA floor. we will be renovating_Td l:yiti"g the. existing conference room on the first floor,adding a new boardroom at the seiond nooiiia.r."u"g a new meedng roomalong the south side the nrst nooiLl tne building. We will be relocating two employee rrnits from the fourth floor to the first floor.The other two emoloyee 'nits wiu ue retocated to tn. tnira floor. These units wilIbe meintained onlsit6, * F" piu;i"; agreemenr, for the life of the stnrcture. we will be eliminatug.6-$l-trg DU's and adding 24 new AU,s to creare a newroom mix of 3 DU's and 52 AU,s] The average size of our new hotel room (AU)'wilt be increase by 54 square feet to478 square fggt from 424 square fa;t - \' -Y' lrs L"L 'rrLrEcr"s L'J J-t Dqudrs ler #:i*:-gttiag hotel rooms will be totally renovared. AII of tbe bathroorns wiIIoe renovated and made larger. o @ Most of the e<isting mechanical systens will renovated and relocated to a plenum above the existing double-high space at the restaurant or to a new mechanical room at the lower health dub IeVe[ We will be installing a new S-story, hydraulic, passenger elevator $drhin &s existing shaft to serve the hotel and health dub. We will be installing a new S-story, hydraulic freight elevator for "back of the house" services. The existing dumbwaiter at tbe west end of tbe building will remain. We will be isstatling a trash conpactor and roll away trash containers to handle the hoteVhealth dub trash. The restaurant grease and trash will be handled in a 5imilxl way. Trash storage wiil be at the west end of the builrring and at new trash sEorage closet at the garage. We will bs aflrting a sprinkler s),stem to the hotel portion of the building. The entire build.ing will be brought up to ttre current hand.icap requirements. Schedule We hope to start consruction in the spring of l994and open ttre renovated VAC in by the start of tbe 1994-5 ski season. a request. -_ The PEC asked staff to piss on to Council that they supported the Councit's efforts topermanenUy restrid the_six existing employee housing units. 4. A request for a worksession for the establishment of a Special Development District to allow the expansion of the Vail Athletc Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive, and more specifically described as follows: A parcel of lard in Tract B, Vait Mllage, Fira Filhg, Town of Vail Eagle County, Colorado, mor6 particubrry descnb€d as follows: Commercing at tho North€ast com6r of said Tracl B; ihlnce N 79.46'00' W along rhe Northerf lhe of Vait Vilhge, First Filing, and along lhe Northerly line of saH Tract B 622.86 te€q thencg S 06"26'52' W e distance of 348.83 feet to tho Sotlthwest com€r of thal parcel of hnd descrbed h Book 191 at Pag€ 139 as recorded January 10..1966 and titod in Reception No, 102978 in the Eagle County Recods, said @mer also being rhe True Point of Beginning; thence S 79oO4'08'E and along tl€ SorJ$erv'lino ol said parcol 2OO.Oo feEt to trre Souheast comer thereot; lherce N 6252'00'E and along the North€ri line of that parc€l ot lard dsscribed h BoE,k 222 al Page 513 as rEcorded h 197.| h the Eagle County Records, a distance ot 66.7S feel to lh6 Northeasterly cornor ot said parcel ot land; said comer b€hg on tho W€sterv dght-of.way lhe of Gore Creek Road, as pbned in Vail Village, Flfth Filing; thence N 27.13'37'W a distance ot Z.3T leei along sald Westerly tighlotway line of Gor€ Creek Soad; thence N 892922'W a distanc€ o{ 12.80leet to the Northeasterly comer ot that parcel of land desffibed in Book 191, Page 139 as recorded January lq 1965 and liled in Reception. No. '102978 in ths Eagle County Records; thEnbe Northwest eN 26.51teel along the arc of a 37.50 feel radius curv€ lo th€ left having a cenlral angl€ of 4OC3O'OO' nhose chord bear N 53c40'OO'W a distrance of 25.96 feet to a Point of tang€ncy; thence N 73055'OO' W and along sald tangent 166.44 fa€t: lhenc€ N 85.1021' W a' distancB o{ 50.40 leet lo the Nonhweslerly comer of thE Mountain Haus Parcel; lhence S 02ol 8'00' W and along the easlerly line of said Mountain Haus Paicel a distance ot 1OO.OO teel to th6 Southeasterly comer thereof; thence S 45013'53'E a distance ol 38.70 leel to the True Point of Beginning, containing 30,486 square leet, mor€ or less. Applicant: Planner: VailAthletic Club Shelly Mello shelly Mello made a brief presentation per the staff memo and stated that her presentation would focus on the changes that had been made to the proposed vail Alhletic Club expansion since the worksession with the PEC and DRB on June 28, 1993. Stan Cope stated that they were trying to create a hotel. He said that the proposed fifth floor would consist of loft bedrooms. He stated that he would like to see this property become a small hotel concentrating on suites. He said frat they have decreased the dwelling units in order to increase the combination accommodation units. He stated that their goal was to have forly-nine accommodation units. He stated that the modifications . thal they had made were an attempt to address the concems that the PEC members had from the June 28, 1993 worksession. Kathy Langenwalter stated to the PEC members that she would tike them to comment on whether tre SDD process was appropriate for the project. Phnning and Envionmental Commlssion Juy26, 1993 4 ae :4 bnll- :-l IlJ6 G IU o .J U Ur FIlrFI. <a.lJt?l>,t g$ rii ;iigrt rl t ssi \ ,t) ./ o / \t \./ t:t" "'/"\ 1. ,4 ririt lil '#,m I l I I I I I I I I i \ {l.IIitsl Iol <tJl{irll:l / I II I I I t \ {t ,t i t-/l tl ll rt ir za II Iil,.rl riitu II lr J:rl I I I I I ii! i I lr,titlr L y/4r 'li x ' l';: ' f,I.\t^- ffisit- Jr*il .. l{ \'.:, 'i b b it e li# i o d!! Hr tii Ei fli 3! INi D t{ Y I$ Il i{ ;iI ..\ i;1\i il; {l,l ISt n \) qf,,\tl tl tt I I JI it!ll't i d !f fili o ) o I A (rJ \.y '! lj f* , rr .01 ' ;:'A",1'Kg -l'lvl ij il Ji Xi5 liil it | :l .l tl :l{ ,#ioft,,,,r/or.ror tn,. ot (l oitrj illi ,rt ;rI f()I r-r I l{{ iit I EE t<! t 3i I.: :l:l| -j l' tl | | | .9 (! lljl! 3 ao,ul I I I c0 dlel Eg E{(r =-'' I-! t .l !. t tl at 5.: ge .9 o,,o:tJi 6: -itJlui Lt! i'r!<t ll 3i ii 1 1- t I ( ! I o t.oo 6 !u(!--arIl {)t..olJJI 5idrr,..t ='rll i;ii i: il ii E{t EI u ,o,o !!t TJ v(!ll, {, CL C\ { tofJ.ulult-,{t =.,Fd<t JT*i li {I I I { t{ .I ! n IJ E l t.f !. g ( lIa q i , ["r-tr--1 -l I----/ |. is I'ii ll :i'- - '-':l It\ ..J ;ll'il ittl.r.__(_ rll-*--- / , i I' i/{' _J -Jr I f-- i ---'i rlI s li I *-- -,------ -lj- -' - i i---i . 11 tl-----il ' ! i iI ----1 .ll i--- -li i i "------ii 'll5i ----r-t r iilrr-rrrl :r_ '_-1 |< Ji ;r--rli .ii l.Itlr. r\| !l il .ll .irI t.lt-l IJ t tr a \"r - ii '\\L -.J i\\ t'--ul II'{ ll ts !:o--9 I!r- a. iii t)iE-rtr I :J>. tItF5 l<!i =, I:\r +>,t I t I aII t a il l'I l..lt.l titlti tlil\l I I FC=:::-ffi"1l---1 ' ' ll tql r11 rltt I t J IriI r..u..- !!3 hr itl: It--{ t ii Ir ,lt tl bra-9:tr !,! C 3i|n* 'E g3r;el "! 5r ii ri li 3i i* {, { I T t t I ? nU l' 'l c G oolr tr F Ft FrrrI l/ tit I 3dlgi t-r{! E{<; -rl Fi I c icii1ttt!I TIril: I co dlgt E{i ri i ti r I'Jl {ItJt,trtlTIiI HE rl rl 'l rl Dalton Williams said trash hoppers are a good idea and if the applicant agrees to put trash receptacles in the counter, he could change his vote. Randy Stouder said you would have to eliminate the planter box to put in a large enough trash receptacle. Julie lverson asked who maintained the existing trash cans in the area. Randy Stouder suggested contacting VA and reguesting a new trash can. He offered to follow up with VA. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the request in accordance with the staff memo, including the conditions on page 4 and 5 of the memo. Dalton Williams asked to add to the motion to have the applicant and DRB consider adding a trash hopper under the counler. Jeff Bowen agreed to add Dalton's request to the motion. Dalton Williams seconded the motion. The motion passed with 5 in favor and Jeff Bowen opposed. Jeff Bowen said he goes by the area everyday and will call staff if there is a problem. 4. A request for a major SDD amendment, located at the Vail Athletic Clubd 352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A patcel of land in Trad A Vail Village Firsl Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, commencing al rhe Nonheasl comer of said Tracl B: thence N 79"46'00" W atong the Northerly line of Vail Village, First Filing, and along lhe Nonherly line ot said Tracl B 622.86 fe€l;thence S 06"26'52" W a distance of 348.83 feel to th; Soulhwest comer of lhal parc€l of land deEcribed in Book 191 at Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in_the.Eagle county Records, said corner ilso being the True Point oi Beginning; thence S ry:01.q: E and along lhe soulherly line of said parcel 200.00 feel to lhe Sor.iheasl comer lhereof;lhencl N 62'52'00" E_and atong the Northerly line of thal parcel ol land described in Book 222 at Page 513 as recorded in'1971 in the Eagle Counly Records. a dislance ot 66.78 feer ro lhe Northeaslerly comer of Jaid parcel ot land: said comerbeang on the Weslerly righl-of-way line of Gore Creek Fload, as platted iir VaitVillage, Fifth Filing; thence N27"1337" W a distance olTl.3T leet along said Wesledy right-of-way line of Gore Greek -Road; thence N 89.2922' W a dislance of 12.80 feel to lhe Nonheasledy comer ofthat parcel of land described in Book t'9t . page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle County Records; ihence Njnhwesterly 26.51 feel along the arc of a 37.50 leet radius curve to the left having a &ntal an-gle ol 40"i0'00" whose chord bears N 53"40 00" W a disrance of 2536 feel to a point ol tangencylfience N 73;5s00" W and along sald tangenl168'44 feet lhence N 85"10'21' W a dislance ol5d.40 le€t tolhe Northwestedy comer of lhe Mountiin Haus - Parcel;thence S 02"18'0o'W and along the easterly line of said Mountain Haui parcel a distence of 1o0.oo feel tothe Soulheaslerly comer lhereot:lhence S 45'135i" E a disrance of 38.70 leel lo the True point of Beginning, containing 30,486 squar€ feel, more or less. Applicant: JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (d/b/a Vail Athletic club), represented by Stan Cope and Michael BarclayPlanner: Mike Mollica Plrnnin g and Environmental Commission Mirtutes December I l. 1995 George Ruther gave iite overview for Mike Mollica. The memo indicated the applicant was glgPgsing to add three AU's and one DU to the building. An additional requirement was for two EHU's off-site, The parking requirement has been affeited and four additbnal parking spaces have been required. Through a valet parking program the applicant is able to proviOeinb Jsquired 4. new parking spaces. Staff is concerned with the applicant using oversize shingles on lhe entire building. Staff leels the inclusion of 3AU's and 'tDU, without going outside the previously approved building envelope, adds to the Town's short-terrn OeOOise and is in the applicant's favor. Michael Barclay offered to answer any questions about the project. Henry Pratt was concerned about density adding DU's, but was happy with the tradeoft with the three AU's. He was advised that two condo owners do not want to itiange the exterior skin and feels the exterior should be consistent throughout the project. This latest-scheme is a downfall from what we saw in July and he feels it is not compatiotd with the neighborhood. Dalton Williams said he agreed with Henry. A hotel in town is much needed and he has no problem with the density increase. He cairnot approve a project that does not have consistent architectural skin on the outside. Larry Eskwith, an altorney for one of the unit owners, spoke on behalf ol the owner that wants to keep the exterior the way it is. Michael .Barclay feels the same as Dalton Williams and Henry Pratt and suggested meeting with the condo owners to convince them it is not an unreasonable request and that the new extlerior will not diminish their view. Lany Eskwith said he believes in keeping the architectural integrity on the outside. Dalton Williams said he has a problem with shingles on the outside because it "feels US western rather than alpine." Michael Barclay said it is a great building with shingles. He agreed it would work in a pine tree environment, but not in Town. He did want to try something new in Town. He will reintroduce the stucco to reach the same aesthetic level as he had with the shingles. Greg Moffet said to take the shingles off to keep the character of the village. Jelf Bowen h_ad nothing to add. He said there is a different philosophy back east with a shingleexterior. Jeff said the 1993 building was what a lot of time was spent'on. Aesthetically, heprefers the 1993 building. Greg Amsden agreed with Jelf Bowen. Kevin Deighan disagreed and is fine with a shingle exterior. He feels it mixes well with Vail,sinterpretation of alpine. He does however, tnint tne'g3 plan is more attractive. Lynn Fritzlen, a local architect, is glad to see the VAC upgrade. Shingles are associated withunusual aethestics and plasticity of form and she is notin favor of them. Planning and Envirotrmefial Commission Minutes December 11, 1995 i 't Greg Moffet said shirrgles are not consistent with the Village. Stan Cope, with the VAC, gave additional clarification to the style. He didn't want to be the same and wanted more American architecture with the introduction of wood. He wanted American styling incorporated into a Village that had a western heritage. Dalton Williams said a western look is nol appropriate when Vail has promoted the European alpine feel all along. He has no problem with the current building;just take off the shingles and use a stucco exterior. Greg Moffet asked George Ruther if the request would go before the DRB. George Ruther said yes. George Ruther reminded the Commission to look at the conditions, especially No. 5 which addresses the decks and railings and that they be consistent. Henry Pratt said to also include that the skin of the building be consistent in condition No. 5. Jeff Bowen made a motion to recommend to Council that it be approved subject to the conditions in the staff memo and that an additional condition be that the shingles be removed and the exterior be returned to stucco and that condition No. 5 include not only the deck rails, but lhe exterior skin. Dalton Williams seconded the motion. George Ruther said the DRB will make the color decisions. Jeff Bowen said as an amendrnent to the motion that condition No. 4 be that the PEC is instructing the DRB in accordance with the changes the PEC has made that condition No. 4 is to remove shingles and to consider the stucco paint color. Dalton Williams seconded the amendment to the motion. Stan Cope asked if the whole building was to.be all stucco, or with wood accents. Jeff Bowen clarified that no shingles and primarily stucco, similar to the 1993 approval. Dalton Williams had a problem with wood shingles on the side of the building. He doesn't want shingles under lhe eaves. He had no problem with board and batten and shingles on the roof. The motion as amended passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 5. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area to construct a residential addition at the Cook Residence located at 1012 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 2, Block A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Sam CookPlanner: Georoe Ruther llaming and Environmental Commission Minutes December 11, 1995 MP Barclay, Architect 235 East l lth Street New York, NY 10003 Novembsr 11, 1995 Mike Mollica Community Development Town of Vail Vail, CO re:VailAthletic Club Dear Mike, This is it. This is what we'd like to build. Viele Construction is giving us their preliminary bid early \hisweek. lf their estimate is within range of our budget, we're shooting for a spring 1996 start. Enclosed are: 'l full size ?4 x 36 set of drawings I set of plans only with area take-offs 1 colored rendering of the north, west and east exterior elevations 1 complete set of I 1 x 17 xerox reductions 1 zoning analysis and accomodation unit arealparking calculations 1 revised SDD Staternent Michael Balclay a/ -_ a,^/ fif- o4jz o November l t, l 9sl5liP BdcW, Architect 235 East 1 1th Street New York. NY 1OOO3 VAIL ATHLET]C CLUB - ZONII{G ANALYSIS GRFA: AU's DU.S Employee Common overage +* TOtaI GRFA Halls/Mec hanical Club Area Garage Restaurant (incl krtchen,/bar) Conference Club Retail Total Building Area PARKING ANALYS$ Ha lls/ Mec han ical Club Retail Conference (sf,/240) Restaurant (sf less kitch.rl 50) AU'S DU'S Employee Total Requir€d * based on Mike** based on halls, Existing 10,927 sf 8,1 22 sf 1,31? sf 1 7,607 sf 37,968 sf 10 ??( cf 22,257 sf 4,i 31 sf 3,606 sf 2,842 sf 460 sf 72,892 sf o | .6.f 114 22.5 Z I.'1 14 q 4 78.44 Mollica's calculations mechanical, restaurant, conference 0 0 6.36 1 5.13 * 46.74 8.50 4.00 80.73 3 add'l sp€ces Approved 24,647 sf A ?E? Cf 1,383 sf 1 1,882 sf +4,164 sf 14,265 sf 40,881 sf 5,51 2 sf 3,285 sf ? 727 <f 14i sf 79,093 sf Proposed 24,943 sf 8,081 sf 1,312 sf '1 o,964 sf 45,3OO sf 1 4,738 sf 20,773 sf 4 4,2 4 ..f ? ??\ cf 1,527 sf Osf 7Q 4?? cf 0 U o.47 | | -aJ ao.3 44.75 6.5 6/ -5 | and retail less 8536 sf of allowable overaoe tt(L GRFA Calculations - Accomodation Units and New Pwellinq Units - 1 I /2/95 Lavout Rm No Area Parkino Rm No Area Parking First Floor 101 508 102 508 r03 434 144 431 105 428 106 434 107 508 108 508 Third Floor 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 5tz 313 5 t+ 5t) 316 317 318 319 3e0 3?1 S Demi FP 0.91 N Stan FP 0.78 S Demi FP 0.91 N Stan FP 0.76 5 Stan 0.83 N Stan FP 4.76 lock-off 0.00 N Stan FP 0.76 Vasquez 2.O0 N Stan 0.78 Angelo 2.50 N Stan 0.81 lock-off 0.00 N SIAN FP 0,83 S Stan 0.83 N Stan O.73 S Stan 0.76 N Stan 0.78 S 1BR FP 1.OO N Stan FP 0.80 N Stan FP 0.BO S Derni FP 0.86 N Demi FP 0.83 S Demi FP 0.90 N Stan FP 0.83 2 BR DU FP 2.OO N Stan FP 0.83 N Demi FP 0.85 N Demi FP 0.83 N Demi FP 0.86 NlBR FP 1.'I 3 3 BR DU FP 2.OO S Demi FP S Demi FP S Stan S Stan S Stan S Stan S Demi FP S Stan FP vs. 3238 app'd 0.91 0.91 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.91 0.91 s08 376 508 360 434 360 434 360 1507 Ji/ O 2207 415 s06 430 433 325 364 378 701 400 400 Second Floor 201 202 203 204 205 206 2Q7 208 ?09 210 211 212 213 ?14 215 ?16 lt I 218 219 ttu 221 B AU's 3759 508 460 508 467 434 467 431 467 454 5/b 454 4?5 508 430 508 326 490 s0B 433 364 701 S Demi FP 0.91 N Demi FP 0.86 S Demi FP 0.91 N Demi FP O.BT S Stan 0.83 N Demi FP 0.BZ S Stan O.B3 N Demi FP 0.87 S Stan 0.85 N Stan 0.78 S Stan 0.85 N Stan 0.82 S Demi FP 0.91 N Stan FP 0.83 S Demi FP 0.9i N Stan 0.73 S Demi FP 0.89 N Stan 0.91 s stan 0.83 S Stan 0.76 S 1BR FP 1.OO vs.9292 24.98 17 AU': 7128 vs. 6863 app'd 21 AU': 9719 AU parking requirement DU parking requirement Total Accomodation Unit Area Total Dwelling Unit Area Total Number of Accomodation vs. ?4,647 approved vs. 6252 approved Average Size of Accomodation Unit 9 AU's 4337 vs.5447 30.26 vs. 10,927 existing vs. 8122 existing 46.74 t'. JU 24,943 8081 55 S Standards S Demi-suites S l BR's Fourth Floor 401 461 402 435 403 498 404 435 405 1486 406 435 407 446 408 432 409 464 410 731 411 1941 N Demi-suites N Standards N Standards w./ FP N lBR 454 sf 10 8 1 IJ 13 ) AU Breakdown 55 I Vail Athletic Club Adjacent Property Owners Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Mountain Haus Condo Assoc. Sandy Gray 292 B. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Robert & lfary Galvin Rolling Oaks Farrr Route 68 Walter Patrick Gramm 695 Prospect Street Winetka,Il 60093 Anthony & Constance Ridder 1801 West 27th Street Suset Island Miami Beach, FL 33140 Mr. David Smith c/o Comice Building 108 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 B.A. & Barbara Bridgewater 8300 Maryland Avenue St. Louis, MO 63105 George Washington Knox fV 291 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 N.J. Nicholas 50 Central Park West New York NY 10023 Hotel sfra 152 EAsr M! Dov DRIrit VAn, CoLoRADo 8165? Hors.97014?64?00 Spe 970/476.7960 F.rx 970/476-6451 w182247s4 $@rington,Il 60010 Marion M. Lloyd 25060 St. Mary's Road Libertyville, IL 60048 Tyrolean Condo Assoc. c/o Brandess/Cadmus Real Estate 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Vorlaufer Condo Assoc. 385 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 -*. .: THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE IOJ€F |s HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmentat commission of rhe Town ofVail will-hcid a Brbtic hearing in accordance ,rvitn section 18.6b.6d0 ;i the Municipat code ot theTown of vail on December il, t995, "ia,oo F.nr. in the Town of vait Municipal Buitding. Inconsideralion of: A- reqrJest for a major sDD amendment, located at the vail Athletic club/ 352 EastMeadow Drive andmore specificaily OelclGO as foilows: A parcet of land in Tracr. B, Vail Vilhge First Fiting, Tovi,n of Vail, Eagle Gounry, Colorado, commencing at theNortheast comer of .said rraa B; thjncE l.t zs'46'b; w along^rire^ l.tionheay fi; oiVJvitt"g", Fir5t Filing, andabng the l'lonherly line ot said Trad B 622.86 feer; thence S 06.26b? W a dislanc€ ot 348.83 teet to thasqrthwesl conrer of lhat patc€l of tana o""oiu"a iti gook 1 91 at Pag€ 1 99 6 recorded January i o, 1 966 and filedin Recef{ft]n No. 1 02978 in he Eagle.. comty necoros, _sjld_corn€r atso being th6 True poinl of Beginning; rhence S7g"(xttr E and atolg1lre flor4tr,4l.line oI s;id p;;t 200.00 feer ro rhe Sorineasr comer rtrereot; lhenc€ N6?52'of E atld along thel'lorfrerly line ot lhat parcel ot land described in eox zze a eage 513 as recorded in1gl1 in rle Eagle County Records. a oislance o't ee.ia-teet to the Norae;erry --o or ""io parcel oi hnd; said.corner being on the weslerly tighl-ot-way line ol Gore creek Boad, as ptanJ ii, V.,ivirr"gu, nffi ming; lhence Nz/"1 3'9r w a dislaSg o! zz s7 teet alo'ng said wesierty dgt'r-ot;t rile oJ eot" cr*x n*o; rhence N 89.29,22.w a dslirpe of 1z8q feel to the NortheaJtedy comer ofit ir parcer 6r rana o;;-b.d;; Book 191, page 199 asremrded Jarua.7 10' 1966 an_d fled in Receition t'to. t oazei in rt " grgl" C"r"tR;rds; fience Northwesrerly26'51 t€€r arong rh€ arc of a 37.9) teet .aous curve io rtre lefr having a Lnral -ir" "i io;ai6'ii;-J il;' "bears N 53'i(t'0o'Y."^11]:1": glzs.gs t*r ro " pointof tangency:rhen". r.t zCGoo'w and aJong said langenl168'44 feeq ftence N -85'1021 ' w a disrance ot ib.+o feet ro in" riit*n"""r.,litr"-r rn. r'1*nain HausPatcd; lhence s 02'18'00- w and.ajong rne ea"rsrly line of said Mountain Haus parcet a distance of loo.0o feet torhe soutrresrerly comer thereof; lhend s +s'r Csd' 'i a dislance of 38.m r*r ro Ge iru" point of Beginning,conlaining g).496 square fe€1, more or less. Applicant: JwT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (d/b/a VailAthletic club), representedh,__- F)t_Stfl 9ope and Michaet Barctay-rnnner: Mike Mollica A request for a an additio-nal 250 square feet to allow for an addition to the Tuchmanressence locared at gt l o Booth creek Drive[or g, ebck i VatiVirad" 1 1th Fiting. Applicant: Mr. TuchmanPlanner: Jim Curnutte I request for an additioral 25_0 square teet of GRFA for an addition to a residencelocated at 31ro Boorh creek orivblioi s, 6rock 3, vair Viilage .r 1th Firing. Applicant: Diane H_ugtres, King Hughes and Kendail Burney, represented by Bi1 piercePhnner: Jim Curnutte ' - I reouest for a side yard setback variance to allow for an addition to the wimer residencelocEted at 2860w nipen I-anen or iz,l-C"JuEiiri.ion or ilci e, Vlii'virrrg" 1 1 rh Filing. Arclicant: Frank WmerPkrner: George Ruther 2. 3. 4. I,l I -','Jr- 5. A request for a Minor Exterior Alteration-in ccl and a condition-al use Permit to allow for a new ourdoor dinffi;eai;;Ga"roig rh;a;Gide of one vail Place located at 244 Wall SireeVn part of Block 5C, Vail Village 1st Filing' Aoolicant Kiendra Hoover and Julie lverson Pidnner: RandY Stouder sign language iot€rpretation available upon requEst with 24 hout notification' Please call 47*2114 roice or 479'2356 TDD for information. ,r. ,,. o !.. tr ,Fi!_ t fl q'!F'f TO: FROM: DATE: Planning Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 24, 1995 SUBJECT: A reguest for.a worksession to discuss a major speciat Development District(sDD) amendment, located ar rhe vail atnrerii-Cru6, iil E"rt Meadow Drive, andmore specifically described as follows: A parcer of rand in Trad B. vair viflage, First Firing, Town of Vair, Eagre counry, cororado, morepartidrlarly described as follows: commencing ar the Nonheasl corner of said rracr B; thence N 79.46,00" w arong the Northedy rine ofvail village, Firsr Firing, and arolg the Nonherry rine oi."io1r".r B 622.g6 re€r;rhenc€ s 06.26,52,,wa distance ol 348'83 leel to the^southwest cor;e; oi th"tlaror or r"nd described tn aoot< isr at eagre139 as recorded Januarv ro. t966 and titeJ in n""iiii-iil]o2978 in rhe Eagre counry Records,said corner atso being rlie True poinr.or aeginning;l[""#t zg. o+.0-8,, E and along the Sourherty tineof said parcer 200.00 feer lo rhe sourtreastbmer"ih"r"o]]ri"n." rv 62.52,00" E and arong theNorlhedy line ot that parcel ot tano describeJ;; B""kEi'#"g" sr3 as recorded in isii in t" e"gr"county Records, a disrance or ee.rc teer io ihe N;;;;y "orer ol said parcer o, rand; said cornerbeing on the wesrerry right{tway riT_o] q*" c*"ri""J,L g.n.o in vair vitage, Fifth Firing;tnence N 27" 13'37" w a disrance of 7z.sz teer arorfi saiu-fresredy right-of_way rine or Gore creekRoad; thence N 89'29'22' w a disrance ot rz^eO -t"&io ;h.'illnn""rr"rty "orner of that parcer of randdescribed in Book 191' paoe i39 "" r"";;J;;;",yiii,ibtr and fired in Rec€prion No. 102s7s inthe,Eaglecounty Recordsithence. Norrtwestery essi i""i "rlng ft" arc of a g7.so teer radius curveto the lett havins a cenrrar anore of 40.s0'00";6";hili;;s N sg.40,00,, w a distance or 2s.96ll"jj:,:.fgiT "lrangency; rhince N 73,ss'oo" W ana Jong ,aio tangent 166.44 feet; rhenc€ N85'10?l " W a distance of S0.40_feet to rh" 1,f.rtt**""Ay,iirer ol rhe Mountain Haus parcel; thences 02"18'00" w and alonq the easterly line ol saio lrrorn#n ri*r parcel a distanc€ of l0o.o0leel to thesoutheaslerry corner thereof: thence s 45'135s" e " air;n"" ot 3g.70 feet to the True point ofBeginning, conlaining 30,4g6 sguare teet, more or le$. Applicant: JWT 1987_vair Limited partnership, (dibla vairAthretic crub),represented by Stan Gope and Michael BarclayPlanner: Mike Mollica on November 2, 1gg3, the Vair r.own councir approved the estabrishment of speciarDevelopment Disrrict No, 30 (vair atnr*, Ci"6"Jry rc detaled deveropmenr pran for the sDD.The Town Council approval of OrOinance No]1zl Srri"" of 1g93 passed by a vote of 5_2, wittrl9:!:lg andtapin opposed. This rown councirapprovaroccuired forowing an approximaresrx-rnonth review period, by the pranning ano invironhentar commission leecy and DesignReview Board (DRB)' ouririg whicrt foutioint-#dlonB pubric hearings were herd. An overviewof this 1993 sDD approval is tisteo in oririnf ioiri'", Exhibit B, attached to this memorandum. . ,t,ar.. - Iylicr"irr ( tr-( 4a .:I t &-Pt _--_- .a a, ll. i At this time, ths applicant is requesting a maior amendment to the 1993 approled SDD' for, ir,e,eoevel6pment'ot the vailxtrteuc ctun, bcateo at 352 East Meadow Drive. The proposed amendments to the 1993 approved SDD include the following: . The creation of two additional accommodation units - for a totral of 54 AU's for the sDD' .Theexpansionofthespaloungetothesouth,overanexistingskylight,(apptol'111"1Y.^ 190 square leet of floor area). This area does not count as additional site coverage' due to the fact mat frereli "ii$ii1g floor area Oeneiin this space. This is the only propbsed change to the general "fooFrint" of the structure' . The reconfiguration and simplification of the north facing, upper-level dormers' Three shed dormers "r" no* propiseo in this area. The 1993 approval included nine "articulated" dormers. . The south facing dormers have been slightly modified. Additionally' the south facing inverted dormers ('cutouts"), originally apprbveO in the center-most area of the roof have been eliminated. . Although the overall mass and bulk of the proposed structure ha11ot changed to any significant <legre., "n ini"tnal reconfiguration'of the spaces.has occurred' The details of this reconliguration are included as eifriUit A, which ii attached to this memorandum' ln summary, tne aplticant is proposing an additlonal 1,536 square feet of floor area, to be located witnin tfrd general 'envelope of the 1 993 approved plans' . The above-described reconfiguration Of the interior spaces has resulted in a decrease in the required nut|.t-ofiixin-g spic"t. The 1993 approvat required nine additional parking spaces. This 1b95 SdD'amendment request involves.the addition of only two additional parking spaces. These two spaces can be provided on-site' within the existing . parking structure. . All of the proposed improvements (including streetscape' j1P!91f"' etc') associated wittl the 1993 SDD apt;;iiemain intict. n OdtaiteO listing of these improvements is attached to this memorandum, as Exhibit C' The above-described modifications are considered to be a major amendment to the previously approveO SOD. As stated in ine Zoning Code, a major amendrnent is defined as follows: "Major amendment means any proposal to change.uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dwelling o, "ccot.-odation units; modity, enlarge or expand any approved Speciafbeuelopment-Districl (other than minor amendments as defined in subsection 1 8.40.0208).' Due to the fact that the applicants proposed modifications to the sDD involve changesto gross residentiat 1oor area, asif,ii"r o"irsiir (number of accommodation units), the proposal is required to follow the major SDD amendment procedure' RITEilAIqEE ED IN EVAI.UATI PECIAL DEVELOP There are nine sDD review criteria which are used to evaluate the merits of an sDD amendment.Because this is a PEC worksession, the st"tr *irr not address eicrr oitnl criteria individualty atthis time' we have provided the criierira oiio* io aid the pEG in iheir;;;uation of the projecrduring the worksession. The criteria are as follows: A' Design compafibllity and sensitivity to the immediate environment,neighborhood.an!-adiacent properiles retatlve to archltectural design, scale,bulk' building height, buffer iones, identity, ctraraciei, visual integri-ty "no -' orlsntatlon. B. uses, activity and density which provide a compatrbre, efficient andworkable relationship with surrounding uses ""J""ilrity.c' Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter18.52. D' Gonformitywith applicable elements ot the vail Gomprehensive plan, Townpolicies and Urban Design plans. E' ldentilacation andmitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that dfectthe property on which the speciar deveropmeni aisir]ci is proposed. - ---- F. site pran, buildingdesign and rocation and open space provrsions designedto produce a functional development responiive ahd sensitive to naturalfeatures, vegetation and overair aesthefi; quarity oiitre community. G' A circulation.sv:te-f designed for both vehicles and pedqstrians addressingon and off-site traffic circulation. H. Functionar and aesthetic randscaping and open space in order to optimizeand preserve naturar features,recreation, views and functions. l' Phaslry Pl:." or subdivision plan that witt maintain a workabts, functionaland efficient rerationship thrdughout the deveropment of the specialdevelopment distrlct. IV. VAIL LAND USE PLAN The goals contained in the-vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town,s policy guidelinesduring the review process for new or amenceo ievetopment proposals. The staff consideredm?ny..ol the following Land use Plan Goals/PolicLs during the initiat review of the 199g SDDestablishment for the vail Athletic cruo, ano turtrrer, staff Serieves martnese goats and policiesare also applicabre with regard to the current sdo ma;or amenoment pioposar, Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. The quality of the environment including air, water and other natural resouroes should be protected as the Town grows. L!! The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible' ge The Village and Lionshead areas are the best location for hotels to serve the future needs of the destination skiers. gg Hotels are irnportant to the continued success of the Town of Vail' thereloreconversiontocondominiumsshou|dbediscouraged' 4A lncreased density in the core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character of eacti area is preserved through implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan and the VailVillage Master Plan' 4B The ambiance of the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. (scale, alpine chaiacter, smalltown feeling, mountains,.. natural setting, intimate iize, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental quality.) EJ Affordabte employee housing should be made available through privatg etforts, assisted by limited inientives, provided by the Town of Vail' with aPProPriate restrictions. 5STheexistingemp|oyeehousingbaseshouldbepreservedandupgraded. Additional impfdye-e housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. Overall, the staff believes that the proposed SDD major amendment application meets the goals and policies of the Land Use Plan as described above. V. VAILVILLAGE MASTER PLAN The staff believes that the 1993 approval for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic club carried out many of the goats and objectivis contained in the VaiiVillage Master Plan. Additionally' the Staff believes ftral tne current SDD major amendment proposal also carries out the Master Plan's goals and obiectives, as follows: Goal #1 -Encourage high quality redevelopment while preseMng the unique architectural scale -f the Village in order to sustiain its sense of community and identity' objective 1.2 - Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. IJ 1.2 Goal #2 - To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health andviabitity for the Viilage and lor ttre commuriitias a wnote. obiective ?,J - Recognize the variety of land uses found in the 10 sub-areasthroughout.the Village and allow tor leveropme-n-t-trriiis-compatiole with theseestablished land use patterns. obiective 2'3 - lncrease the number of residential units available for short termovernight accommodations. Policy ?'3J - The development ol short term accommodation units is stronglyencouraged' Residential units that are developed auove existing oensity telilrare required to be designed or managed ln a riranner init malres them availablefor short term overnighi rental. obiective ?'5.- Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenanceof existing lodging and commercial facitities to befter serve the needs of ourguests. Policy 2'5'1 - Recreation amenities, common areas, meeting facilities and otheramenities shail.be preserved and enhanced "i a pirt or "ny redeveropment oftodging properties. obiective 2'6 - Encourage the developrnent of affordable housing units throughthe efforts of the private sector. objective e.6.1 - Emproyee housing units may be required as part of any new orredeveropment project requesting density ou.ir mat iro*"0 by existing zoning. ft!*flnn.]" recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the watking experience throughour objective 3-4 - Deverop additionalsid_ewarks, pedestrian-onry warkways andaccessibre green space areas, incruding po"i.bip"ikiini'rtr"", access. Goal #5 - lncrease "nd 'Igt9Y9 the. capacity, efficiency, and aesthetics of the transportation andcirculation system throughout the Villaje. Policv S"tJ - For.new development that is located outside of the commercialcore rZone_D.isrri*, on-ste p'ifiing.shar.o;t;;idil (r;iirer man paying inre rhe #::t rund) ro meer anv adoitionirparkini irr"nJir-*quired by rhe zoning ee*#; l:g_evgloemenr pojects.sha' be strongty encouraged to provideunderground or visually conceitei partCng. The staff berieves that,n: p_10*:?o sDD major amendment apprication meets, and furthers, thevail village Master ean gdars, ooiectives, anl-pii.i., as described above. - vr. prscussloN lssuEs The sraff has identified the following issues and concerns which we would like to discuss with both the PEC and the applicant: 1. Deslon Gompatibllity/Shade & Shadow. The stafi believes fiat the most significant proposed modification to the approved SDD,involves architectural changes to the upper-level ot ihe'building's north elevation'. Specifically' the froposat calls lor iirree shed dd,rrers to be added to the structure. The length of the dormers would be as follows: . Western dormer = 59 feet . Center dormer = 78 feet. Eastern dormer = 49 feet The 1993 approved SDD included a total of nine "articulated" dormers on this same area of the structure. Straff believes that the 1g93 architectural approach was- very surcessful in that it not onfy nrofe up the large "ipinies of roof area, but it dlio allowed for a very attractive interior iooin f"Vour. nOOmonany,ine Oesign kept the shade and shadow on East Meadow Drive to a minimum and also improved the ovirall alpine character and general quality of the building' The staft continues to recognize that the project architect is very sensitiv..e to the shade and shadow pafterns cast tr;;ihtbuilding ontoEast Meadow Driv6' ln addition to the fact that the proposed shed clormers would cast stlghtly more shade and shadow on East Meadow Drive then the 1993 design, tn. tnf U"fLuei tnaitn6 original design solution.for the.dormers is more in keeping with the g.n"r"i'"lpin" ttyf" of the Uu-nOing, and of Vail Village.,lt should be noted that the pedestrian walkways immeOiaiety adjacent to t-he building are proposed to include an integral snowmelt system. Staff would recommend, as an opiion, that perhaps the more traditional gable-type dormer be considered on the north elevation; such as is proposed for fie south elevation of the building' In g"dr"l, ttr" ,t"tt would recommend that me proiict architect explore other types of dormer ion't-igri"tionJ*itn *ni"ft-to break up the large etpanse of roof area on the north elevation' The staff has calculated the shade/shadow impacts (on a square footage basis) on the north side of the building, along East Mea<low Drive. We have utilized the'Worst case" scenario (December 21sr): 1993 Approved Plan 1995 Amendment West Area: Center Area: East Area: Totalsr 1,251 sq. ft. 159 sq. ft. . 246 sq. ft. 1,656 sq. ft. 1,305 sq. ft. 229 sq. ft. 293 sq. ft. 1,827 sq. ft. 2. Zonino Shtistics. Given that the applicant is.working within the conlines of the 'lgg3 approved building envelope,the staff feels that the addition ot ivo accom-mooation unitslo L"-.i,iiiti"r etement 0f theproposal' we also recognize that approxim"tety r,see square feet of adctjtional floor area isproposed to be added -as a part of thii amendm6nt appticition. we teei inat the project architecthas been very crearive in th'e overati aeiid iillay"ri oiin" i"t"iiiilprr"r, and has nowmaximized rhe tuil froor area potenriar with-in rhe rs'gs eira6iLh"o t"iroLil unverope. Q - ls the PEc comfortable with the applicant's proposal to add two additionataccommodationunits to the project? Q - ls the PEC comfortable with the additional square footiage, as specified in Exhibit A? 3. ArchitecturalDetailing. Due to the nature of tne ppo review process, ttre PEC has the purview to review and critiquemuch of the architectural detailing torme project. rne^stitr wilrbe pr"r"nting colored renderingsof the eriterior erevations of the siructur";'oort-in" tsgs approved &;;i"g; as we1 as thecurrent sDD amendment proposal. with the exception ot'tiie uppei-storyiorr"r, as previouslydiscussed, there have been a variety ot minorchanges to the ai.initectuiaioetailing. Thesechanges include fenesgation changes, *rtoi"i.tr"nges and color changes to the project. Q - ls the PEc comfortable with the proposed architecturalchanges? would the pEC suggest orrecommend modifications to the proposal? would the PEc prefer to defer these issues to theDesign Review Board? FlorreryonsFec\n€mG\racrDed.724 - ,v2 'F -{i9-- .- ':HE !AB .HE[e, eS-so tE -it9co 6)o\Et> iEE EE.t-flc, .Etrl .n t st Ho.l ,n6 ri(\,l cilrllll zoI .Eta9tra ra l- A I E?E E ?ltlt+ * a o GT !) EGiaA tt-.i5Eab.s bi3c'E'Ea '*N ' {}tltrr-{ f-\o a s+|o; q fl+J-A A A ".; F-] dH'Y_iYr\rl ofl FHH ? $ € rlrrfififiddfit.dtrq : * .i .:. .i. ..' -q E{ ciEl Ff f ?rIA d27JIF-cEOar:r.r^iffibiil E€Fq$Htr{jold,+++*r+'l + 'n d dEEEds arqa frtr'i Eg N EEd -. $ AIt-r ,! . \r, c ,, EEXn).=EgE6G)r:o&z ?-, ErE frr\,O ED rl] ts H H X "$l I l L I 'i E tr H d H3 # g ri ,r i E I .d # EA H B" A R E" A f, N s ?dl N \o E R ,.i .*i .{ p Ir{ tr.8 88(>?"r\ F-dg.t i;$ -l.-a ,-3\'/ (\ .ra Tt AErt E :.: 9.8 E;,)o5OL)(J EXHIBIT ts Highlighb of the't993 SDD approvat: Decrease he amount of GRFA allocated towards d,velling units and increase the amount ofGRFA for accommodation units. Decrease the number ol drelling units and increase the number ot accommodation units. Encroach further into the front setback with entry and second-sbry accommodation un1 aswell as an addition to the restaurant to the east of the entry. Increase common area while decreasing the area allocated brvards accessory uses andathletic club use. Add dormers to the building on the north and south side which do not exceed the existingridge height of the building. lnsert decks into the roof structure on the south elevation. Increase the amount of site coverage as a result of the na^, entry and restaurant addition(554 square feet). Add terrace and expand dining deck on south elsvation. Removal of deck on the south elevation which currenily encroaches onb public land. The applicant is proposing to meet the incremental increase in parking requirements. Thereis an existing deficit of 58.44 spaces on the site. The new parking is t6catld in the followingmanner; .2 spaces built underground belovu the entry.2 spaces added by relocating an existing ski sbrage area.2 spaces added by relocating the laund{r room.1 space added along the south side of the parking structure02 spaces in central area of parkino structure I total change exterior materials of building. This includes stucco, wood trim, deck railings anct awood shake roof. Add streetscape improvemenF. These include: a 6 foot heated concrete paver walk alongWest Meadol Drive, an 8 toot heated concrete paver walk along Vail Vallby Drive extendingover the Gore creek bridge and street lamps. The pavers on th; brHge witt not be heated. Relocation of existing trash area and removar of the exisfing trash facirity which isencroaching onto adjacent properties. ]jt". ryn1i9a,.t proposes to provide one twobedroom emptoyee housing unit within the Townor vall whlch will be restricted according b the To^rn of Vait employee housing reguirements. Additional landscaping on the north a4d south sides of tfre building. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. L 9. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. o VAIL ATHLETIC CIUP EXHIBITC-4PAGES Septcmber 11, 1993 Iune 2?,1995 revisiaas ln 't&arlcs" The Vall Athletic Club {VAC) agrees as pflrt of the implemmtation of our SDD proposal to make t}te following irnprovements: tandrcap$-------East Meadow Drtve / Va$-l/allev Drive The VAC will ertend the curb and sideraralk 6'{n along East Meadow Drive and 8'- O" along Vatl Valley Drive to cr€ate a continuous, heated, rectangular conclete -- paver s-idewalk extendtng from west end of the VAC servlce/parkfng {{ve on East Meadoru Drive to the Core Cneef Bfidge onVail Valley Drive. Thts will be coordinatd with the town engineer. We will revlse the curb line at inter$ectlon of East Meadov* Drive and Vail VaUey Drive in acCOrrlance with the "g|1t4r featufe" concepts put forward in the Vail Village Master Plau and as shown on the slte plan. At the "entry feature" and partialty along Vail Valley Drtve, we will eliminate the existrng re€.ining wall to bring the landscape down to the level of the sldewalk. We will reface th€ eldstlng landsrape retatning walls along the garage and Vail Valley Drive with stone. We wlll lncorporate stgnage to lnform vehicles that Fast Meadow Drive ls a "pedestrian arra." open only to vehicles on "offlclal business" wtth the VAC and the Mountaln House. We wlll work wlth the Deslgn Revlew Board and AIPP ta $upplerilent the eristing streetlamps along the VAC side of Vatl Valley and hst Meadow Drives. We will create a new car pull-off guest dropoff area directly in front of the new hoteVhealth club entry. This area will be paved wrth granite pavers and heated. We wlll need consent from the town's authorlties that short-term parklng ln the opposlte dinection will he permitted here, The creation of the new hotel,/healtlr club entry and car pull-off along h.st Meadow Dri're should result minimal disruption to tlre edsting vegetation in the landscaped area above the existing garage. All necessary steps will be taken thrcugbout the course of construction to protect the exlsttng vegetatlon. New drainage grates wlll be introduced to handle melting runoff at East Meadorry Drlve. This will be coordinated with the tolrrn engineer. We will replace the ecisting wood transformer grate with a new steel grate. we wiil work wlth the town to formallze an informal malnrenanee agreementrEgarding rhe rown's properry berween the vAC ana the peaotii* iltt-u[ng GoroCreelc we will prune the ctead brush in the area behueen the vAC and Gore creek. we will remove the o<isting yood sundec$ rhat is partiaily on rown properry, aswell as the elristing,Y-"d uii3tv snec uy tle hot t.ins *oirre existing wood trashshed at the senrlce,/garage drive. we will create a landrcaped path from the encl of the existing service drive/firelane through to the torvn pnoperty on trr* ro"tttiia*lr fr" vec. we will construct a new stone terrace ut,t1" odsting upper health club./swlrrurtngpml level along the south side of theluildlng * ,rr6*fr1" ilre srte plan. Buildlne Exterlor we wlll restucco the entife outside of the puil$ins. The stucco cotor will be ltght,natural color. There will be a stone base Uv ifr* f,e*;;,ri; We will be installing a new wood shtngle roof throughout. we will be inroducing new wood trfun and roof overhangs as shown on theelevations. we will be revisingj_!:.s$riF porches, barconies and decks with new,rood trlrnto create rhe more tradrrtonal il*'olrro*"ilil;**il6rr. we wilt be ertending the existing dining deck along the south stde of the restauranrto connect with the new trotet to"unge. ##u be construcdng a new on-grade hoteuhearth club entry on Easr Meadow we wrlt be extendturg. the norrh wall of the restaurant 6,-o" to t!9 north and fillingtn an extstrng 2f 'x i "inc"totioiiu?ig tlr*,o,rih-iia* Jrti* dtnrng ref;race. We will be installtng new wood windows and doors throughout. ffirH'IH--SrTg #Ir,ft'il:hffhe rourth noor rever arong both the north and we wllt be adding nerv rhimneys thfoughout for ttre new gas ilrepraces. H The lmprorremenh; to the healrlr club wlll not be extensive, they wtll focus orr lncreasing the spa and cardlovascufar capacfry !f thg5lub:19 adding new doors ana *indonrs alirng rtr* io"irr walt of thouppir lnef tn o-ry:l-t lntroduce more niturar [ght tnto fue club. Most a-reas of the club stay as they arc' We will be adding a new floor at the upper health Club level above the existing racquetball court- We wtlt be creating a new staff locker/Iounge area at the upper health club level' Interlor lqp,rpvements - Garase Our SDD proposal will create the need for an addltronal 4 cars to be pafked on site- Nl af tlnse addttunal ptHngqpeces lirtil be rccrlmodanrd on site Interlor Imorovemerrts - Hotel We wtll be creettng a new double-hlgh hotel lobby which rvlll connect to the new hotel,/health club entry. Therewil6e anew open stair to a balcony above the lobby at the second floor. We will be renorrating and revlsing the edsdng conference room or the first floor and adding a new boardiuom at the second flmr. Wew|llberelocatingtwoemplo}'eeunltsfrornthefourthfloortotheffrstfloor. The other two empl6yee uniti wiU be retocated to the thtrd floor. These units will be rnaintatnecl on-slte, a.$ per a previous agreelnent, for the life of the structure. We will be etiminasng 6 existing DU'S and addlng 26 netar AU's to create a new room mixof 3 DU'sand 54 AU's. The average size of our new hotel room (AU) will be increase by 32 square feet to 456 square feet frorn 424 square feet. All of the odsting hotel rooms wlll be totatly renovated. AII of the bathrooms will be rmovated and made larger. oo ' We will be addlng 73,720 sf of new AU's (ex'g - 10,927 sf vs. propb sed. 24,647 sf)- We wlll be adcling sf of new employee houslng (ex'g l3lZ sf vs. prop. 1383 sfj. We will be eliminating 1771 sf of DU,s (ex'g - 8122 sf vs. proposed 63j-l s0. we will be eliminatlng 53r o sf of common,/mechanical space lex'E zz,0TZ sf vs. proposed 76,767 d)_ We will be elimlnattng IOSI sf of conference/meetlng space (ex'g 2842 sf vs. prop,I75I sf). The total GRFA increase will be g39Z square feeL Other Imuroveuents Most ofthe_erdsting rnehanical systeurcwlll renwated and rclocated to aa atdcanove tke tourth floor or to a new mechanical room at the lornrer health club level we will be irrstalltng a rrew, 6-story, hjrdrautic, passenger elevatorwithin theedsdng shaft to serve the hotel and treatttr ctuU. we will be installtng a nery z-story, hydraulic,passenger elevatot benreen ffterasrauranf and tfte upper level of the ltealtlr rtub to fictttate deliyerr'es and nasfiremoyaL we will be instauing a-tr1qh conrpactor and roll away trash containers to handle thehotel./health club trash. The resiaurant grease and trash wllt be handled in a. similar way- Trash storage will be at thdwest end of garag;. we will be addrng a sprlnkler systern to the hotel portion of the buildtng" The entire building wtll be brought np to rtre current handicap rquirements. Schedule we hope to start *Hglc-tb} tn the sprlng of 1gg6 and open the renoyated vAc tnby the sart of the 19g6-7 sfci season.*- tbr :{ tt oa q, v, I di! Hr fii:: rirr" iil ;iiii \ I .t I t I J r!rt t I \ tlt;il '1 i \ L l,\trltll;lcll =i{ I ;.1 /'I' 3i :l.II I !ii I I a Iirlr; i: ;:i ; I ! I I I I t I l" t ''lt ': .i l! I iri.::J i:!';il!:t tjlo..lia A { T { ii ii dit Hr rii =i iii<i t:r 3i iii b €t :.! It.:f !l:. t! :lt'I it 3t iii,i: TI it -l i.:J'iDl i rl 3tl;t 3 {ed HI E iii r3 ! {I I bvr!E.OL r!slrr, I o att t drtsl -t 5i iiEi ri 3_! i: I .lil::t :g |.i 3 Srv, r5 ss:dr tl si ri;ii tiiri t:l I L- a--/au,t= i;- tF= lr-JtiTl i- l#F ITF t-Jl'l i_ilEtrtiltr l-i Ili I ;! 7u..rrlt/'r -z5!dlist -lEr i{+, it-t _.!?: 5c;t r:-, !!j! ii o I .4 Y I 'i1 rl tl <l '*l <l !l 'l sl ;l t I( *! I r.i i5f i!5 !:dr tl Ei rii ;iiii :cl ql o. l2l S!dr!ul t E; il!i ii =i i:Itt"sIi I IIl I tl It tlT C i t g. .__{r l',;-,tl:JJltl .. xl '\\l\r--.\ 5,i' llr: .g r-l! llj 3!idr !iul i'E; !r:+i l!:!i ril r-! i:i ?.2 IalJItl!trlil\l I I --J ii II I I I I.le I ir i!tt t" I ac I I I I \ |il iit ri I tit. i! { I !io3 :cv, tt s9:dl ri si ri;!i iii 3i lir ;t If.!: tr i?i i3iii !-E :i rF ig€ r! +c;3lq*F bioLtri =.s li ss!dr r.! ii rl; :iiii ai. (i: , I I II F THIS ]TEM MAY EFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a prblic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vailon September 25, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of VailMunicipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a Maior SDD Amendment, to SDD No. 7, to allow for the conversion of 17 dwelling units to accommodation units at the Marriott located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Marriott Mountain ResorVLots 4,7,C & D, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant Mary French for Marriott Mountain ResortPlanner: George Ruther 2. A request lor a wall height variance to allow for the construction of an elevated parking deck at the Kreiselmeier Residence located at 2686 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block C, Vail Ridge Stbdivision.Applicant Michael Smith for Chrishine KreiselmeierPlanner: George Ruther A request for a Major SDD Amendment, to SDD No. 30, located at the Vail Athletic Club/ 352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A trarcel ol land in Tract g, Vail Village First Filing, Town ol Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, commencing al lhe Nqthesst c.mer ot said Tract B; thence N 79'46'00" W along lhe Northerly line of Vail Village, Firsl Filing, and atong the Northedy line ol said Tract B 622.86 leel; thence S 06"26'52' W a distance of 348.83 feel to lhe Soulhwest corner ol thal parcel of land described in Book 191 at Page 139 as recorded Januery 1 0, 1 966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle Counly Records, sejd comer also being the True Poinl of Beginning; thence S 79P04'08" E and aiong lhe Sodherly line of said pareel 200.00 feel lo the Southeasl comer thereol; lhence N 6252m' E and along lhe Norlherty line of thal parcel of land described in Book 222 at Page 513 as recorded in 19!.'1 in the Eagle Counly Records, a distance ot 66.78 feel to the Norlheaslerly corner of said parcel of land; said ener being on the Wesledy righlot-way line of Gore Creek Road, as phned in Vail Village. Fitttt Filing; thence N 2f13'37' W a dislance of 77.37 feel along sajd Weslerly rightol-way line of Gore Creek Road; thence N 89"29'22' W e distance ol 1 2.80 feel lo the Northeasler4y comer of thal parcel of land described in Book 191 , Page 139 as recoded January 1 0, t 966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle Counly Recods; thence Norhweslerly 26-51 feel along the arc ot a 37.50 feet redius curve lo the left having a central agle ol 40'30'00" whose chord bears N 53'40'00" W a distance of 25.96 leel lo e point ot tangency; lhenc€ N 73'55'00' W and along said langent 166.44 feetllhence N 85"10'21'W a distance ot 50.40 feel lo lhe Northwestedy comer oflhe Moudain Hzus Parcel; lhence S 02"18'00' W and along the easlerly lhe ol said Mounlain Haus Parcel a dblance of 100.00 feel lo lhe Southeaslerly corner lhereof: lhence S 45'13'53' E a dislance of 38.70 leet lo th6 True Poinl of Beginning, corilaining 30,t186 square feel, more or less. Applicant: Planner: JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (d/b/a VailAthletic Club), represented by Stan Cope and Michael Barclay Mike Mollica 4. 5. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for an expnsion to the Scott Residence located at 1150 Vail View Drive/Lot 5, Block C. Applicant RussellScottPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request lor a wall height variance to allow for the reconstruction of a driveway al the Redpath Residence located aI2692 Cortina Lane/Lot 10, Block B, Vail Ridge. Ap$icant Bob RedpathPlanner: George Ruther F:\everyon€\p€6trsotice\099595 FIL E COPY TH]S ITEM MAY EFFECTYOUR PROPEHTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN trtat the Planning'and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance wifi Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 28, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. Faessler Healty Company - Conditional Use Permit. 501 North Frontage Road WesVPart ot Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant Larry Storms of SASI, representing Faessler Realty Company Planner:Randy Stouder 2. A request for a major sDD amendment, located at the vail Athletic club/ 352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A parcel ol land in. Tract B, VailVlllage Firsl Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, commencing al the. Norlheasl comer of said Tracl B; thence N ?9'a6O0' W along the Norlherly line ol Vail Village, Firsl Filing, and . along the Norlherly line of said Tract B 622.86 feet; lhence S 06'2652' W a dislance of 348.83 feel to the Southwesl comer ot thal parcel of land descdbed in Book 191 ai Page 139 as recorded January 10, t 966 and filed in Feceplion No. 102978 in rhe Eagle County Records, said comer also being the True Poinl ol Beginning; lhencs S 79'0408' E and along the Southedy tine cf said parcel 2C0.00 leet to the Soulheast comerthereof; thence N 62"52'00' E and along the Northerly line ot rhal parcel of land dessibed in Book 222 at Page 513 as recorded in 1971 in the Eagle Coumy Flecords, a distance ol 66.79 leei to ihe Northeasterly comer of said parcel of land; said comer being on the Weslerly right-of-way line ol Gore Creek Road, as platted in Vail Village, Filth Filing;thence N 27'1337'W a dislance ol'17,37 leet along said Weslerly right-of-way line of Gore Creek Road; thenca N 89'2922' W a distance ot 12.80 teet to lhe Northeasledy oomer ot thal parcel of land descdbed in Book 191, Page 139 ss recorded Januari 0, 1966 and filed in Receplion No. 102978 in lhe Eagle County Reoords; lhenco Norlhweslerly 26.51 {eel along the arc of a 37.50 teel radius cuwe lo lhe lett having a cenlra, angle of 40'30'00" whose chord be6rs N 53'40'00" W a dislance ol 25.96 feet lo a poinl of tangency; lhence N 73'55'00' W and along said langenl 166.44 leetilhance N 85'10'21" W a dislance of 50.40 teel lo the Northweslerly comer of lhe Mounlain Haus Parcel: lhence S 02'18'00" W and along lhe easlerly line ol said Mounlain Haus Parcel a dislanco of 100,00leel to lhe Southeasterly comer lhsreof; thence S 45"1353" E a disrance of 38.70 feel lo lhe True Poinl of Beginning, conlaining 30.486 square teet, more or less. Applicant: JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (d/r/a VailAthletic Club), represented by Stan Cope and Michael BarclayPlanner: Mike Mollica 3. A request for a minor SDD Amendment to Special Development District #21 lo allow for an interior remodel to Gateway Condominium Unit #5, 12 Vail Roadilot N, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: KarlKehrmanPlanner: George Ruther FlBverlone\pec\notices\o8 I 495 q\ $' a 1. THIS ITEM MAY EFFECTYOUR PROPEBTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a pLblic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 14, 199s, at z:00 p.M. in the Town of Vait Municipat Building. In consideration of: A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Town ol Vail Public works Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 VailValley Driveion an unplatted tract, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knutdsen A request for a site coverage variance to allow for additions to the existing residence located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, Vail Village West Filing #1. Applicant: John and BobbiAnn HoutsmaPlanner: George Ruther A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition ot the existing residence located at 5119 Black Bear Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant Ron and Chris YarosPlanner: George Ruther A request for a major sDD amendment, located at the vail Athletic club/ 3s2 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A paroel ol land in Tracl Q Vail Viltage Firsl Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle Counly, Colorado, commendng at the Nodheasl cotner of said Tracl B; lhence N 79'46'00" W along rhe Norrherty li;e of Vail Village, First Filing, and' slong the Notlherly line of said Tracl B 622.86 teer; lhence S 06'26'02' W a distance of 348.83 feel lo lhe Soulhwesl comer ot lhal parc€l ot land described in Book 191 al Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 snd filed in Beception No. 102978 in lhe Eagle County Records, said comer also being the True Point oi Beginning; thence S 79'04O8' E and along lhe Soulherly line of said parcel 200.00 teet 10 lhe Sbutheast comerlhereof: thence N 6?"52 0O' E and along the Norlhedy line ot thar parcelof land described in %oR 222 at Page 5t3 as recorded in 197'l in lhe Eagle County Becords, a distance of 66.78 teet to the Nonheasterly comer of iaid parcel of land; said comer being on lh€ Weslerly righrof-wey line ot Gore Cre€k Road, as platted in Vail Village, Fitth Filing; thence N 27"1337'Wa dislance of 2.37 leet along said Weslerly righl-ot-way lino of Gore Creek Road;lhenc€ N 89"29'22' W a dislance of 1 2.80 feel to lhe Nonheasterly corner of that parcel of land described in Book 191 , Pag€ 1 39 as recorded Jan uary 1 0. 1 965 and filed in Reception No. r 02itZ8 in ttre Eagle County Records; thenoa Nonhweslerly 26-5'l feel along the arc ol a 37.50 feet radius curve to the lett having Jcentrat angle of 40.30'OO" whose chord bears N 53'40O0'W a dislance ot 25.96 feet to a point ol tangency; iirence N 23.5s'00' W and along said tangenr 166.44 feel; lhence N 85'1021" W a distance of s0.40 tiel l; the Northwesterly comer of lhe Mounlsin Haus Parcel; thence S 02"1800" W and along the easledy line ol seid Mounrain Haus Paroel a distance of 100.00 leel to rh€ Soulh€asledy comer thereot lhence S cs'ts'sg" E a dislance of 38.20 teet to th€ True Point of Beginning. containing 30,4g9 square feel, more or less. Applicant: JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (d/b/a Vail Athtetic Club), represented by Stan Cope and Michael BarclayPlanner: Mike Moilica 2. 3. F1*sr),gn€\pscvtotic€sv'8 I 495 5. A request lor a conditional use permit to allow the Medical Center to park a mobile catheter lab/trailer at the Meadow Drive loading area, located at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, VailVillage 2nd Filing' Applicant:VailValleyMedicalCenler,representedbyDanFeeneyPlapner: HandY Stoude( . 6. A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for the expansion ol the Glen Lyon Office Buitding, tocated ai tOOO S. Frontage Rd./Area D, Gascade Village SDD #4. Applicant Gordon Pierce for Glen Lyon Partnership Pianner: RandYStouder F:\evsryono\pednolic6\08 | 495 Easr Yruen Honruowrunns A TION,Ixc. Officers: Presider,t - Bob Galvin Secretary - Greha Parls Treasurer - Patick Gmmm Drectors - Judfh Berkoqria - Dolph Brifuewater Ellie Caullins - Ron Langley - BiIl \{,-'rtcn - Cornie PJdder 'l'o: Plarning and Lnviroffriental Commission From: Jirn Lamont Administrator Date: July 24, lgg5 RE: \[ork Session Major SDD Amendmen! \'ail Athletic Club A cursory rerierv of ttre proposed amendruent to the Vail Attrletic Club SDD indicates that the modiiication to the tburth tloor architectural eleratioq due to increasing accommrrdation units and square footage in the building, increases raflrer dran decreases dre apparent nrass and bulk of dre building. The peaked dormers on Se north facade in the 1993 proposal, aside tlom their ofter in- herent problerns, oeated a stong since ofarchitectural style for *:e building. The proposed 1995 cxlcrior changcs diminishcs ralhcr than cnhancc d:c 1993 proposel. Thc push to cvcr incrcasc drc size of the building, at dre axpense of quali[. architectural design for the building's facade, is ob- jectionable ro lhe Homeouners Associatiot. Given the rapacious degree ofspecial privileges already granted io this building, the As- sociation doubts the sinceritl'of ttre building on'ner's commitnent to a qualitS' devehcpnrent. Prst Oflice Box 2i8 Telephone: (S70) 827-56f, 0 ! aii, Colorado S 1658 \,fessage/FAX: (9?0) 827-5855 Oi/24/1995 11:51:55 Al-t P.2 Officers: Presi<ient - Bob Galvin Se')retary - Grefis Pads Treasruer - Pahicl: Gramm Directors-iudrthBerkovdtz-DolphBridgewater-Elhecaulkjns-Ronlangley-Bill\I,-.dcn-CorrieRidder 'l'o: Planning and L,nrironmental L:omnrission From: Jim Lamont Administrator Date: July 24,199i RE: Work Session Major SDD Amendmen! \'ail Athletic Ctub A cursory re\ien' of the proposed amendmeut to the Vail Athletic Club SDD indicates lhat flle moditication to fte tburth floor a.rchitectural eleratioq due to increasing acccrmmodation units and squme footage in dre building, increases rather thur decreases the apparent mass and bulk of fre building. The peaked dormers on the nordr facade in dr: 1993 proposal, aside fram their odrer in- herenl problerns, created a stong since ofarchitectural style for d:e building. The proposed 1995 c:frcrior changcs diminishcs ralhu than cnhancc dre 1993 proposal. Thc push to oicr incrcasc thc size of the building, at dre expense of qualiq'architectural design for the building's facade, is ob- jectionable to the Homeo\.mers Association. . . Gven the rapacious degree of special privileges already grantetl to this buildirrg, the As- sociation doubts flre sinceritr of dre building c'lr,'ner'fconmitnent to a qualill'derelopment. Pcst Office Box 238 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Val. Colorado 81658 \4ersacelFAX: (970) 827-58-{6 ol / 2,1/ !9Y 5I To: EVHA FAX TRANSMISSION 2 pages including cover. Planning and Environmental Commission Susan Connelly Mike lvfollica Jim Lamont, Administrator Ivfondav, July 24, 1995 Ify'ou do not receire all pages, please contact: East Viilage Hotneowters Association Post Office Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658 Phone Number: 303-827-5680 Fax Number: 303 -827-5856 Subject: Amendment Vail Athletic Club SDD Special Instruction: Please review and respond as appropriate. Please present to the Planning and Environmental Commission at this aftemoon work session. From: Date: .^ , !J.yrr-.<.5-?f r?-;4q J v Mi+hael Barclay, Architect 235 Ea$t Eleventh gtreet l'{sr York, NY 10003 phone - 212 598 O{92 fax - ?l? 674 6869 F. E?(q)V June ?2, 1995 Surftnarv-of[le npd;fications to the aooroyed olar6 jol$e Vail AthlFlle ebb SDD weVe added a addifi;mal AU's for a totEl of 54 AU$ Ttn AU GRFA stnl€ tlre si rE as *as app'rored in 1993- This resdts from a mme efflcient iilt€.br hyout and our deci$ion not to bose an AU in order to crcate a douHe-heigltt lounge on dE soufi $ide of tfte hdHing. The spa ldurue ha$ been extend€d oter an exbting Srylight, The nonh-facing dornrers harre been simplifiexi and pulled back. The south-facfrg cfornrers on the ea$t section of ttre braldtg harre been simplified. The south-{acing "cutottts" above the fourth ffoor of th+ senter section have been eliminated. the mmirg of the hrilding has been decreased which has decre.esed tlre shadour inpact Of otr popmed i'ennration Tte required addnional parking generated by tte proposed renovation has ben ruduced by 5 cers resulting in the need to acco.nodate anfy an additional 4 cats, all of which can be houssd on+ite. This is the resutt of elimindting aH the retail urhtrin the trealth c'lub ancredrhB the siee of the restaurant aod conference epace. h{P Earclay, Archltect 235 East l lth Strcet l,lew York, NY lO0O3 ZOIIIilG AHALYSIS. q,FFA: sllowed AU's D{J'* EmFloyee Cornrngn overage Totat GRFA Z4,3BB sl Accessory U$€: R€sta $raftt Chb Retail Conrmon Area: Halls/Mechanical Conferense Total Conrnon alkrwed oven*ge (3S%) Club Area $argqe" Tstsl Bu{$lioq-Are-a PARKING Al,trLLyStS_ Halls,/Mecharucel ch.s Retril Conference l RBsteurBnt I AU's DUK Erployee Tstal Re+Itred {lncrease} Exlstlng 1O,927 sf SlZA $f I3lZ sf 13,541 sf 33,50? sf 3606 sf 460 sf 19,235 $f Z8+2 sr 27,O77 st 8536 sf 21,257 sf 4t3l sf 72,49? sf ADpla\req 24,647 sf 6?52 sf 1383 sf 8456 rf 40,738 sf 3285 sf 141 +f 14,265 sf 2727 sf 1s,99?;f 8535 sf 20,881 sf S5l2 sf 79,093 sf space/2ag sf rpseel'l 20 $f ff u t.B4 I t.8 77.5 u l.8 16.5 4 78.4 spsces o .47 | 1.e9 zo.3 44.75 8.5 4 ?-ld( ./t\ . "f ) VAIL,,ATHLEIE gtIJB Fropmd e4,642 sf 6351 sf I 318 sf 99S2 sf 42,299 sf 3203 sf O$f 16,767 rf 175'l Bf 1B-5lB *f 8s36 # 19,O16 $f +556 sf 77,S50 sf o o o 7.3 18.3 {2198 sf) 46"3 6.5 4 87-31 sFaceg (+ 8.87) SZ.4 spsc€s {+ 4} I..lUFt-Eif-t7A Ft< I'F- BS ,.'7h L'1-/ vAc 6RFA CN|+ulpli$,.r'lF,-- AU Flrst Floor Rm iio 10r !ou r03 r04 105 106 107 108 Area 438 5 Demi FP 49f $ Demi FP 419 5 Stan 419 S St3n 42r S Sten 421 5 Stan 497 S Oemi FP 45/ 5 Dsml FP 3669 's. 3238 app'd Third Floor 62Q 8K 2 KIQ w. 24,S47 approved 1 0 5 Demi-suites 4 lrl Demi-suites 301 5ft1 5 Demi FP 302 355 N Stfln FP 303 $00 5 Dtmi FF 304 355 N Stan FF 305 428 S Stan 306 355 N Stan FP 3$7 lock-off 3OB 355 hl Stan FP 31O 376 N Stan f 3tI Du 31e 398 !,1 Stan K 313 lock-off 314 436 N5tan FF 2A 315 428 S$tan K 316 s63 H 1 BR FP K/Q 317 4O8 5 Stan aO 3lB 373 NSta* FP ZQ 319 616 5.18R FP K/q I7A 373 Nstan FP K 6S15 v=. 6863 app'd ,f0t 5u5 5 tBR FP IVQ 401 40O Nstan FP K 403 se5 s lBR FP K/Q 40+ 400 N Stan FP K 405 703 S IBft FP KIQ 4ffi 400 H $tan FP K 407 532 N lBR FP K/Q 408 569 N 1ER FP K/Q 409 662 518R FP K/Q 4lO 375 N$tan FP K 5091 vs. 544/ app'd Rm No ?t'l h. za K Zq K .u za za za K K ZQ 2Q 5zQ ZK Second Floor Z0l SO0 S Dffni Fp ?O" 46$ HDetni FF 13 eQ eo3 s00 S Demi Fp 5 K ZM 454 NDefli Fp Z KJQ ZOS 4eB ,S Stan ZOG 4ZO f,t Demi Fp eOZ 4ZB S St3n 208 {Se NDemi Fp209 448 S Stan 210 376 Hsran 211 {49 s st3n21? 398 N Stan 713 SOO S Demi Fp 714 436 lr{ Sran Fpet5 SO0 S Defii FF215 354 Nstan Fp217 485 S StanZlg Boardrm FpAtg 4AB $ SrafiZZA +OS S Stsn 271 61G S lBR FP eQ 2a 2A 2A 2A ea 2A 2A K K K K Fourth Floor 2A 2Q S K/Q & 4K K/0 .2Q K aa K/Q 9O68 vs.9ZSZ app'd Tdtal Accomodation Unit Area Z+,6+t Total Rt-[hber of Accomodation 54 Average SzE #f Accornodation 4SS sf AU Breakdo*n 14 5 St*ndards 17 N Stildtrds 6 S IBR's 3 N lBfl's Bed <onfigrrations 25 tfls, I 9 K,s, t 0 K/e,s o Vail Athletic Club Adjacent Property Owners Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Mountain Haus Condo Assoc. Sandy Gray 292 E. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Robert & Mary Galvin Rolling Oaks Farm Route 68 Walter Patrick Gramm 695 Prospect Street Winetka,Il 60093 Anthony & Constance Ridder 1801 West 27th Street Sunset Island Miami Beach, FL 33140 Mr. David Smith c/o Comice Building 108 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 B.A. & Barbara Bridgewater 8300 Maryland Avenue St. Louis, MO 63105 George Washington Knox IV 291 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 N.J. Nicholas 50 Central Park West New York, NY 10023 Hotel 352 Ersr }lr,mv Dmvr V,cn, CoroRAm 8165'l Hom9?0/4?64700 SPA9Mi6.7960 Fu97014764451 8ffi1822.4754 +.lr'?f sfra b't t"'X $@rington,Il 60010 Marion M. Lloyd 25060 St. Mary's Road Libertyville, IL 60048 Tyrolean Condo Assoc. c/o Brandess/Cadmus Real Estate 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Vorlaufer Condo Assoc. 385 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 - --N r(t$,ww THIS lTEl'll lvlAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 24,1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vait Municipal Buitding. In consideration of: 1. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for lhe remodel ol lhe Golf Course Mainlenance Facility,located atlzTSVailValley DriveiParcel E, VailVillage 7th Filing, Applicant: VailRecreation District, represented by Ernie BenderPlanner: Russell Forrest 2. A request for a major SDD amendment, located at the Vail Athletic Club/352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A patcel of land in Tracl B, Vail Vlllage Fi6t Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle Gounly, Colorado, commencing at the Nodheast comer of said Tract B; thence N 79'46'00'W along the Northedy line of Vail VillaEe, Fiat Filing, and ajong the Nonherly line of said Tract B 622.86 leet: thence S 06'2652' W a distance ot 348.83 le€t lo the Soulhwesl comet ot thal parcelof land descnbed in Book 191 at Pa-oe 139 as recorded Januery tO, 1966 and nbd in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle Cou y Flecords, said comer also being lhe True Point of Beginning; thence S 79'04O8'E and along lhe Sodher{y line ol said parcel 200 0O feel 10 the Southeast comer lhereof; lhence N 62'52'00' E and eJong th€ Norlherly tine of lhat parcel ol land described in Book 222 al Page 513 as recorded in 1971 in lhe Eagle County Becords, a dislance of 66.78 leet lo lhe Nonheasterly corner of said parcel of tand; said comer being ofl the \4reslerly righl-otway line of Gore Creek Road, as plafled in Vail Vitlage, Fitth Filing;thence N 27'13'37' W a dislance ol 77.37 feel along sald Weslerly righl-olway line of Gore Creek Road; thence N 89'29'22' V" a dislance of 12.80 leel 10 lhe Nonheaslerly comer ol that parcel ol land described in Bcok 191, Page 139 as recorded January 10, t 966 and filed in Receplion No. 102978 in lhe Eagle County Rec€fds; thence Nonhwestedy 26.51 teet along the arc ol a 37.50 leel radius curve lo the len having a cenlral angle ol40.30'00' rvhose chord beals N 53'40 00' W a distanc€ of 25.96 leel to a point of tangency; rhence N 73.55'00' W and along said tangenl 166.44 leet: lhence N 85'10'21' W a distance of 50.40 l;et t; lhe Norlhweslerly comer ol the Mounlain Haus Parcel; lhence S 02"18O0'W and along lh€ easledy line of said Mountain Haus Parcel a dislance of 100.00 feet lo the Soulh€eslerly corner lhereol; thence S 45'13'53' E a dislance ol 38.70 leel lo the True Poinl of Beginning, containing 30,a86 square feet, more or less. Applicant: ANT 1987 Limited partnership, represented by Stan CopePlanner: Mike Mollica A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Of{ice Building, located at 1000 S. Frontage Rd./Area D, Cascade Village SDD #4. Applicant: Gordon Pierce for Glen Lyon partnership Planner: Randy Slouder A request lor a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion to an existing residence located at 1 81 6 Sunburst Dr./Lot 1 , Vait Vailey Third Fiting. Applicant: John StanleyPlanner: Randy Stouder .t. 4. FleverpnegecMorices\o724 95 o 5. A request for a parking variance and a conditional use permit to allow the Medical Center lo pa;k a mobild catheler lab/trailer at the Meadow Drive loading area, localed at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, VailVillage 2nd Filing. Applicanr: VailValley Medical Center, represenled by Dan Feeney Pfanner: Randy Stoudet 6. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings locate=d at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplatted tract, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Apillicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knutdsen FilYerlone\pec\nolioes$T?495 f '-. '?"t^ I JUN E3',95 ge:sgp]'l R0rJ5H/z1z-BB-558?fl..tOtE/593-1515 rsvfs€d tO/S/g? (l t1-'.\') DtrTS APPI/ICB,TION * ,, r - rhis proeedure. rs requrred ror any prolecr. .rJi'J;lyldiVl, DEll DEPIthroush rhe sp6qt*I o'rveropmcnt' uiairrii pd;;;u;;. fhe apFllcation nill not be accepted unEll all tnformationis suhrhitted. lplease print or rypel ApPLrcAr{r yAtL AlilLf ll&.4tJ&% HArr.,rNG lolwss qqb %thJ flddw VfiuL , r{t'ir J, AsPrrtrc$,rlst ratrx DISTN,IG! A. ET APPI,]QPq1I S REPRESBNTTTTVE ADoREss ?46 0, llr"' 1a1 PROFERTY O?VHEft{SJ owlrBR($) src$rtroRr(sl I'{AILING ADDRES$ T,6a ,{a^ tOn EPECI.*Ir DEIrlIroPHEST trl frr ,r c .,D3lnmn*nr pi.*ii_r_ __ _ .rurr z u ]gg5 # t6t 5+, 14a f?h -t n 3iffi"il"ffil31?'o*, t,l*h(LOT-BLOCK--$UBDTVTSI f ,.$TAI.IFED, EDDRES-5EDAr,L pRopERrr an-rxnnsfln*p::I g.r.-T! HAMSS oF ot{lMERs*,','$F"fff i"*i$gi-ili",,ig,;g_ffi;"iH3f"ff[,T..f Ri oF . F. A TIITT T(I;PORT TO VGRIFY OICNER$HIP TND EASEI,IENTS.I:. F.our ({} copisubmitceu. . _es of the follorlng lnformatlon nust be oerail€d wrirten/grrphlc descrlption of proposal,. lil-':;;i!}':ffii;r*t1cr reporr sharl be subni.red ro i:;i j"iii:";Tit:::'ilii.i"oi"3:lfit;;;Hifr tmf:i"^0, l-trrr (Jpen space andth e.derna nd; -;d;;. fi;T;.if;:"l.fj ilJl5.r t c+ Frr t c mee r,pur{Ien on ava i labre or i*6p_""Ii .;ilff:"F.;iil;i:":ffi;,, trfltr,'i'#i''.T ,';$f, tff {-Iiidi :* ry;* -. ; : ) F{ .' f-1rc D. .l"t Un l5-.,: o/slez P. O9 or.vi'rd. 10 DATE APPLICATION RECEI1IED IPPITICEIIOI* FORIII PO8, SPECIAI, DEVEI.oPT&Nj! DTSfRICT DIYEI4}PXEBI FIAIE not be acc€pted until all information I. This procedure is required for any project bhat rould gothrough the $p€cial Development nlslrict procedufe " The app.] icat ion nillis submitted. (Please pxi-nt or type) PrArrrNG npDREss 141t 0 frtt6': -. _ pnawa_AL_:l.joo_- B-AP PLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE ADORESS IIONE C. PROPERTY O!iI{ER(SI ofltrEB (s) SICHAII0RE (St UAILI}IG ADDRtsS$ HONE I,OC&TIOH OF PROPO5AL:srREf,T ADDREss: qqL LOT_BLoCft_$ uBD rlrt s r oN E. STAMpED, ADDEE$$ED ENVELOPES OF ?HE Ne.irES OF OITNERS OrALL FROPT:RT{ AD.JACENT TO I.HE SUBJECT PRQFEFTY AND ALIST QF THEIR NAI{E$ .\ND ]4AILING ADDR],SSES. - F. A IITTE REPORT TO VERTFY OWIIERSHIP A$T} SASEMEHTS. rr. Fo.Dr. (4) capies of the following i(rformation must besubnitted: A- Delailed wr itlen,/qraphi c descriprion of prcpcGali a. A-r environrqentnl . iftpact report shalt be subrnitt€d tothe u qning adminiscrator ii, accordance &ith Chapteril;li"iil-* unress uaived uv-i""ii"" rels6.o:jii-Jr,**,nr C, an open space and recreational plan sufficienL Lo meetlhe demands crn"io.. "J"*."::i::?!.d bv the deveropnent withodL uqduer LaDte or proposed public tacilitiesj D. Existing conLorrrs having co tour inLerqa]s of not morethan f arTq 1-gp1c,"ns" pn,**.: ;l i::":":;"fli.;,:ffrl:..i:r:i::r:";; - nqL $lo_re than t€n feet'ii-tle-a"JI"i" ufoo" of t_he -cii.Fls gleat.€r than Enenty percent, E- l- prol:)osed "il:-tr:lr at a scale n()t smarrer tha,., onernch equals rirty. reit, "["* i"g-t irJ-"ppro]r:mar erocarions and dimension" "i iii iuira.ng* uncst ructure.s, u se-s . therei n, -lrI^_'r ilil"clpal si b.edevelopnenr f-il!\rT:"r *ui*, - i" iulallup.a *r*u",recrearionat facirities. p_;;"4;i;;";lazas andralkways, servtc€ entries-, dri;;;;;"; and off_sLreetparkrng and roading a.*.s'niih pr"ioi*o ccnrours aftergrading ancl sire oi"nr"p^"rfr.. .-!eHv. P- 16 F. ?o.*rr*n.ry landscdp€ Ftan,. aE " ,t* nor. Ematrerthan one illch eguaL$ fifty feee, shoring exieLingland$cape .features tO be c€tained or removedf andsholring proposed landscapilg and landscaped sitedew4L6p6gn1 featuresr such a.s sutdoor recrea!.lonaLfacilit.ies, blcycle paths. trails, pede6trian plazasarid walkrays, fiarer feaLures and other elenencs; c- Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floorplans, at a scale not .Fmat-ler than one-eighth equalsone foot, in su,fficient detail to deterruiie flodr area,grass residentlal fldor area, iflterior circulation, 'locarions of uses e,ithin buiidings. and t"he generaiscale and app€arallce of the prop6sed developient. IIT. TIHE RBQUTR.EHENTS NOTE: ApplicaLlon Fees! are as fc,llor"s: a. E$tdbli.sfutenl of SDF ; b. tri*Jos leta(hsnt,g; c. Minor A&endrnents r Application fee pard: s A. Trle Flanning' and Environnental Coffnission neeEs on theZnd end 4th Mojrdays of each f{ronttl, a:r ippfication ftithth6 flecessary accir,npany:.ng matrrial $rus t t]e subrnittedfour $eeks prior to the d;te of t.he meeiinq. B- The developer must begin initial constr ction of the$peeiat development dist"i"t "iii J"--ifliJ" years tro&the Liiue cf its fiflal approval, i"J "o"ii"r* dillqenrly:::lf 9_ !h.. cgnprer i on. o'r' c rre pi-o Jecr . "-'; f t;. -;;;;;;i -' developneni" dist.rlcr is to be- d€;etoped i$ th_;;;;-il*developer must begln canaLruction oi' iubu*q.r*r,t. prru"a"wr.thin one year oi the conpletiort of ite'pr:eviouspnase. ll__i f,Ig! ""**flded rhar nefore a Specraluevelopnent District aDFlication is subrditred, apre-application meetln; should he *"i ;p-;;i; "member of the Deparrfte;t of communiiv riE"*io'o*".,". Dat€ 91/s00.00 $1,S09.{0 $ 200.00 Check # a_ i:":li"-i!i:';:';::-;:?"1:::-t ::p"-"re,review-by anrr i:: i ; riil qri[r;Fn.6:g4jl":i jrl:i:il":i "", "1.. ;: :-i ill'i:-l';"iij'lioi";llgif ;; - :i" ii;f, ;;, o*."" = [i[+iiii:i]*":'iii.l".;:=T:":i:j:"':F g;{,:F lf;l;5ii::"i*";"liion.iti.l', the. appricd;;' J'.ei.,esr, any oe. re-pult'rsir";I"at.;]t-learinq. causJnq the matEer Lopubr ic !r i," -"i,Ii r -ffi ,';, :l-r;':iJ""iii, Ili. luch re_ APpLications deemed bv ff na: ;ff jil: ""[1ff ";ii"ii:::iii:ii i':' I:l;oT:t' ", iiff :i;i;T;";: lru r: "l:r$i, *. i:l utl; j ff F;" 1*i" ;ri. ls: : ::ilr, jr:*l$ffi , ijfiu=r"j:i *: :"i:"; """ snall pstimaLe Che d$ouni of ZXIIIBI?.A. co\m,t: r il-tl DtcLAFAIlor F'JF i'AlL cl-"D :.rttlillii3i3 L!GAr i,!SC P .l i r tr)'i ,f 7 LA\a ..7r.h.-gD FI D;l LA FIR? ;.'lrn?nclni' a: tr." :;1rth"ti: c'r1er o! trlil tr'ct li t!r':13' N t9'{5'00' h' r!..nq :'. rort\erly ilra of vai! Yilllg!, ?lrtt filrnq' !r.d rl.!:- r-'-.F No!th.rl)* i |rc c{ r'rid trl':! E all.f6 !att, th'anc" S :6't6'!.' i r dis:r... .l lla.3! f"at :') ?ht sout!}ra3t c'rnct ct ttr: prr:., I tf jarl jesrri:':C ,-. F.r,:t tiI rt tata 139 'r r'coldad .'a-,.r.riv i . 19166 en'! frlai !r. t e"ptlon flo. l02t?8 ln tha E'91! .-rJ.r7 l^ :rr.1r, lat,! i.)ln?( rlr:, b?ln9 the Trua Polnt of lagtndtr'ti tr.,,,-.' .3 -c'r|08' E rad ei,ong th? go'rth.?lt llnr ol r!l{_ Pf-r_c.!lf 0.O,' f",:i '.o th" soutlc.e' co(tet ther?oft thQnc! ta 6?'tl'f0' e ^n4 ri.rnc :h? Northr:iv trna o( tt!! garscl o! lrnd dalcflH in t1',. ",. 2Ji Ar- 919" 3 i ! '!3 r.c?r'ta.-t rn- l9?l tn tha Eigl{ Couaty trA\- .: !c. ,r Cirtinca n! 66,''!t !a!t to tba fortD{.tlr. lI cc3ntE ot r.rd i,rrc-: of lan.lt rrtd corn.r bf i'tg On tha ftatlrty rlqht'ot-t.t l:,rr " (' .t ;r.!l F.t{. ta 91..-t..'t ifi Vrll Ytllaga, ?lllb tlllngt rirr'\ '. ll .1 :'lltlt' r r dlrtric. of '!i.!1 taat llong arld-|..t?arly !tgrt-1f-rlI !ln. r'f Gorr C(?.t lo.dt lit cl I lt',trll',l '.trire"cr .'f il.Co tr.r, to th.:lorthr.rtrrlt.otnar of th.t El-lcal -9!lx?r.r {.r.rih..l in !.'<.t lglr Prga l!9 rr ?l€ordfa Janurry 10, Itl6 rr,4 | I1.4 ln F.eapr i.n tlo. l02t?t tn tha Srtll countl l|c€r-ll' I thf"c? Hrr'.ht"r:crly 16.t! tlet .long tha lre of a t-t.!o a€t ladlu' .urvq tr ",. tff! -h.rrn! | c*'r:t.1 anglc of a0't9'00' rhora "ho.df.rrrs li 1t'lc'00't a rlrilrncr of i!-f6-(eat to r gotat o! ttogGlett thrnc, !t ?J'55'00' r rfl6 rlo{rg rrrd tatrfirnt l0a.aa lrrtt lhrnaa ll 85'10'21'H r dir:!.,i! of 50.10 t.rr to dbe lortlr.artrslt ror*.r ot thr iounlrli ll..Jr P.rcalr th!nc. ! 0l'ltr0or I aad rlon! tht frrt.rly t lnc .I i.rd tortntrtn Hrur P.rctl, a dlt:ancr of 100.00 fat! to th" 3.rurhrJ3:rrIy corn.r tha??o[r thr|lcc ! at'Llrt]' ? a dlrta[€ilo! 18.70 l.q'. !o -tlc tt.rc PoinB o! J*91oalnt i ' .cdrt|tnlni lorall lqufr" f e?|-, [o!t ol l"tl. -,.: :.-;:Sub)e.t t, th! f ol lortng 3 I i,: ;,,,:",,";:. l. Arrht of ptoprlator ot r r.ln ot lod. to .rtr.ct arld rene.re hir or" th"r"tror chould thr rrlr br tdcnd to panltrata o; inter3ecL th" Pr?ntsfr rr rcrrrv(d Ln Bnllrd ltalaa tltlnt trco?dll July 12, llt9' rr iDot 2t rt t.9. lt5. :_ :. ii!!': ,f rrl lor .l rtchrr or crn|lt c\rltructrd bt tta Authc..tty .)f th" !-rr.r "rd s!.t"3 tl rcrerrld ln gnttai ltattt Prtatl? r.co!'l-d J.:i 1 12, 18q9, t^ Booh ll r' ?r9r 171' rftffi A o.rs": .,1 ilnd in Trrct B. i'rr! V. i!rgc, Frlrt ?llln9, Tov:r ol ','.ril, E.r9l" Ccun::', c'ri.'rt3o, ,rDrt Partlcrlrrly drrctlD'd 'ri .-.: : .rvt : l. R.d!rl.'.tonr rt,tch d" not con'-:ln r forlaltiJrf tr ravftt?t ('l )stn, i.rJt ,tnlttla9 r!tt? lfttonl' tt rnyr Dalad On th'r, c)Ior, tGl 19lon, or .r!lonrl art{ln, la cort.lnd 1|r lrr'tr!r.1t t.cordcd AurtJrt te, lt6l, l,n B.r) t I ia .t t|{a l?l;:-.^ -- .i:; a. Utll t'.i atl-n.n..1 rr :trntrd :4 Holy Cr'1.s [:.ctri,cAsia'"'lrtl.'r. lic. r"cord"4 Ju!7 19, It-?, lr b.rok 25i rt P.9? 187 rn.l B.Et li' r. P.t. 5EB .n,t .,'rly t9, :l:tr lr Bock 2,'i .t tri" all fnd rf i' .^ .?. ri. C,)r:4:nlalur t.g p?".-,r-? | by E ta'i " la', lc'l l.^1in?.rr'': I Srrr'?7in.r, l^-,4.:r4 Apttl lq, '9c1. 5. f,5cr^ra^l-a'!: ',f b,Jila!r!g onr,' !ai:: lerl . a-r7e !si..).1 o- -.- l.nt-:.lr ria.y zrz-stred 4 Zag." tt.|.! r-. l!1e-.'i:'. 1 I 5;rv..'yl:r-r. 1,1(. d,!:.4 A;'!: lr. t98a. tLl '.-.a A,jra.ta^: tn Co'.!.rac:i rr yl:i ari I o..t,,ach'n.n'. ta :. r"Ct: l+-t ta th. Er?'r? Cj,rn:; ,.Ir!( acrl pf :l?f t-r " ':!ic"., 4. Er:.ro-' rnd nilri ^{ 'da.i 1:: i;,.r" Cr"ft.: r'- .::e:tf.ubJ.".- lr(-pnr.'t rr jh,rr. ;-, -n? r..-r. J"d Pirt .tl ;t.l ,tl:rlr. ll:i. 7r I ri:. rfis; A-e . .:MP Barclgy, Architect' 235 East 1 l th Street New York, NY 10003 June 3, 1995 George Ruther Comrnunity Development Town of Vail Vail, C0 rer VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Dear George, Enclosed are the revised plans for the proposed modification to the VAC's SDD approval. we are back to 54 AU's with a boardroom at the second fbor above the new entry. These plans show my area take-offs, which I have summarized and attached. My parking calculations show us requiring an additional 4 spaces which l've shown within our garage. l'll call Monday to go through all of this with you. Sincerely yours, [^.,t ,{lh,tl,-1 Michael Barclay -* / - I ..,'I\ tt,,'l'-r,^ / ,.J -h^, -- ,{J// .0/ D "- - ' ,-r, --a o-^-.-. -J, ?*r-.t l. ,/ --rn -ue-*.,-^ *t."-.- ./ / . -ilL -L"., .,-" _-t__,,..r .,, _jl-<_^La-..r- o * . _ *y'/ .. ' , -'^''-.'. ',-/ / o--"- .-- :*^ ar-'// / 11' ,,, -zt-<-.aLt tt. t--<-c , t --, , , , ,->h"---.--r-.,"-, _-:? zfl z ,./8 MP Barclay, Architect 235 East I I th Street New York, NY 10003 ZONING ANALYSIS GRFA: AU's DU's Employee Cornmon overa ge Total GRFA Accessory Use: Restaurant Club Retail Common Area: Halls,/Mechanical Conference Total Common allowed overage (35%) Club Area Garage Total Building Area PARKING AN,ALYSIS Halls,/Mechanical Club Retail Conference Restaurant Allowed 24,388 sf 1 space/240 sf 1 space/'l 20 sf a Existing 10,927 sf 8'l?2 st 1312 sf 13,541 sf 33,902 sf 3606 sf 460 sf 19,235 sf 284? sf 22,O77 sf 8536 sf 22,257 st 4131 sf 72,89? st Approved 24,647 sf 6252 st 1383 sf 8456 sf 40,738 sf 3285 sf 141 sf 14,265 sf 2727 sf 16,992 sf 8536 sf 20,881 sf 5512 sf 79,093 sf 16,767 sf n 1751 sf V 18,518 sf 4 8536 sf 19,01 6 sf V 4596 sf I 77,65O sf { V,AIL ATHLETIC CLUB Prooosed 6/2/95 24,558 sf ,i\ 6351 sf + 1318 sf f 9982 sf + 4?,299 st t 3203 sf 0 osf t AU's DU's Employee Total Reguired (lncrease) 0 1.84 1 1.8 22.5 21.8 16.5 4 78.4 spaces 00 00 .470u 11 .2s 7.3 v 20.3 18.3 Y(21e8 sf) 44.7s 46.3 + 6.s 6.5 44 B7.31 spaces (+ 8.87) 82.4 spaces (+ 4) VAC GRFA Calculations - AtJ Fim Floor Second Floor Total Accomodation Unit Area Total number of Accomodation Units Average size of Aceomodation Unit 9481 vs. 9?92 app'd ?5,O78 55 456 Room Number 't 01 102 103 104 105 106 ioz 108 Total zo1 zo? e03 204 205 206 zo7 208 209 21A 211 ?1? ?13 214 zt5 216 2't7 2r8 219 220 ?21 Total Area s00 500 419 419 421 478 500 500 3687 vs.3238 app'd Third Floor Fourth Floor floom Number Tot al Total proved Area 500 5JJ 500 3s5 428 3s5 lock-off 355 DU 376 DU 398 lock-off 436 478 JbJ 408 3/5 6r5 373 6819 vs.6B63 app'd 525 400 525 400 703 400 532 5bv 66? 375 301 302 303 304 30s 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 3i5 316 317 318 ?10 320 401 442 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 500 469 500 454 428 470 428 452 448 376 448 398 500 436 500 354 4qq 413 428 408 516 5091 vs.5447 app'd 431 additional sf additioral I TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorada 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 June 8. 1995 MP Barclay, Architect 235 East I lth St. New York NY 10003 Department of Community Development rILE COPY RE: The Vail Athletic Club Major SDD Amendurcnt. Dear Michael: Thank you for taking the titne to rrreet with nre on Thursday. June I , 1995 to discuss the proposed amendments to the existing Vail Athletic Club Spccial Developurcnt District. I hope our discussion was helpful to both yourself and Stan. As promiscd' I briefly discusscd the proposed changes to thc Vail Athletic Club Special Developnrent District with other metnbers of the planning staff. Upon review of your proposcd plans. Staff has determined that you will necd to proceed through the review process with a Major Speciai Development Disfict Anrendment rcquest as per the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Revicw of a Major Special Development District Anrcndurent requcst is heard by both thc plamring and Environmental Commission (PEC) and the Town Council. Your requcst will first go to thc plalning and Environnrental Commission. at which point the PEC will make a recommendation to the Town Council on your request. At that point. the proposed changes to the Special Dcvcloprncnt Distict rvill be drafted into otdinance fornr and presented to the Torr,rl Council. The Town Couucil will review the proposed ordiualce. Approval ofthe ordinance by thc Town Council will require two readings at cvcning meetings. For your refoence' I have enclosed a copy ofChapter 18.40 (Special Developrnent Districa) ofthe Town ofVail Municipal Code. Additionally, please find enclosed a schcdule of the Planning and Environrlental Commission meeting dates for 1995. Pleasc pay special attention to the submittal dates. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the infomration addressed in this letter, as always,qlTt: do not hesitate in giving rne a call. I can be reached ruost easily during rcgular office hours at (970)479-2t38. Sincerelv. -fJ-,^-rr*?*na George Ruther Town Planncr f:\everyone\george\lercr\barcloy.608 {S r""r"uo r** Miehael Barclay, Architect 235 Esst Eleventh Sveet Nerv Yo*, NY 10003 ffrrur* - Ur? Sgg 0{9e. fal., - 2'12 674 6869 June I, 1995 Cornmunity Developnnm Town of Vail Vail, CO Merno re: Modificetions to t}le approved phns for tlre Vail Athletb club renovation From: MichaetBarclay 1' 3 addltional AU's (431 edditional sf AU GRFA) - this is the product of a rnore efficient interiorlayout, th€ massing of the buildirq tus actuallv decreased ' 2. the north donners have been sirnprified, decreasing the srudorr impact 3. the south-facirE Sth fbor/loft "cutouts', have been etiminated 4, drc spa lourg€ has been extended owr an exi.st*ry skylffi du*