HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT N O GATEWAY UNIT 500U^i\ Vt\\orrre G\t\ t yll'Lr3- Sg Col N Va;\ C.a,\e*^r*l(t\.I1. 6te- Soo .; TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NIry DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit #: 802-0145 Job Address: 12 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Incation.......: l2 VAIL ROAD #500 Applied. . : 0511412002 ParcelNo....: 210108264015 Issued...: 05/3012002 ProjectNo.: PRJ02-0152 Expires...: 0412212003 owNER MOIIiI:TA]N OWNERS IJp o5/t4/2002 phone: c/o STEPI{EN r,EWIS, STOTJTZ MGMT 725 CONSHOHOCKEN STATE RD B,AIA CYNTYD PA 19004 Iricense: cor:rTRAcToR sRE BUIIJDERS, rNC O5/!4/2OO2 phone: PO Box 6375 Vail , Co 81558 License: 703-b APPLICANT SRE BUIIJDERS, INC O5/L4/2002 phonez 970-376-Ls36 PO Box 63?5 Vail , Co 8165I License: Desciption: REMODEL OFFICE SPACE Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $21,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fir€place Infonnation: R€sfiicted: # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 # ofcas l-ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 tl at * ttl* tl ** * 'l tl l *l,l *:!* *t**,4**:t**.1+,1 Building-> 9255. 00 Restusrant Plsn Review-> S0. 0o Tolal Calculated Fees--> 5423.15 Plan Check-> 9155. ?5 DRB Fe€_---> S0. 00 Additional Fees----.-----> $0.00 Inv€stigalion-> $0. 00 Recreation Fee---> 90. 00 Total Permit F€e-> $423 .75 Will Call---> 53 . 00 Clean-up Depnsil--> g0 . 00 Paymcnts--------.._;' #423 .75 TOTAL FEES--> 5423 .75 BAI ANCE DUE----> 9 0 . 0 0 Approvals:Item: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT O5/3O/2OO2 Ic for irRM Action: AP IIEM3 O54OO PLA}INIIIG DEPARTMEIiIIT IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT Item: 05500 PI]BITIC WORKS +++,*ttt +t:t f :t+t+a'l l:t:t:l'ttt,*++ +a+'t+++++++'la+alt1*a+++,'+t +t+ t+a See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thd all the information as required is correct. I agrce to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stnte laws, and to build dris sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI.IESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOLTRS IN ADVAIICE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER OR COI.{TRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 't:|'**'}*'t*:t't'}*****'}*,i|*'|*'t|'t*:t:i*:||*****:t!'t**:}:|.*t:*'}'t:tttil'}*t'i*|,}*****:t********1.**!**:*'B'}'tt|t*****+++++******** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Pemrit#: 802-0145 as of 05-13-2003 Status: FINALl*'}*****{.*l'}+****|,t**'tt'|t't'tlt{!****!t**:t*tt*:t.:+++++*|'}'}**'}*'i,}lt:t!,t:t't*{.*!****:}+'}+*+*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BLJILD PERMT Applied: 05/14/2002 Applicant SRE BUILDERS, INC Issued: 05RO/2002970-376-1536 To Expire: 04/ZZD003 Job Address: 12 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL Iocation: 12 VAIL ROAD #500 ParcelNo: 210108264015 Description: REMODEL OFFICE SPACE Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELDINSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTACEROAD vAtL, co 81657 97&4.79-2138 OW}TER Electrical-*---> DRB F€e---> Inv€sligation-> wi call_.> TOTAL FEES-> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 12 S FRONTACE RD EAST VAIL Localion.....: 12 VAIL ROAD #500 ParcelNo...: 210108264015 ProjectNo : mJ-62,olSA MOTTNTAIN OWNERS LP O6/L:. /2OO2 C/O STEPHBI IJEWIS, STOI,TZ MGMT 725 CONSHOHOCKEN STATE RD BAIrA CYNWYD PA 19004 Permit #: . Status. .. Applied. . Issued . . Expires . Phone: 802-0097 eOX €ql3ol-6({l ftal -otl/_ ISSUED 06/|/2002 06n3t2002 1At0/2002 ir License: COTiTTRACTOR MARMOT ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8L620 L,icense:250-E APPLIEANT II{ARMOT EIJECTRTC P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8162 0 IJicense: 25O-E 06/tL/2o02 Phone : 97o-925-099e 06/LL/2002 Phone: 97O:926-O990 Desciption: ELECTRICALTENANTFINISH-FLORESCENTLIGHTS Valuation: $9,000.00 r++,t,'a t { t'l t:t*4,}at s162.00 90 .00 90 .00 s3 .00 916s. 00 sl55. 00 s0. 00 $155. 00 s165. 0o s0. 0o Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Pses----> Total Permit Fe€-> Pa)'rn€nts..-.-> BALANCEDUE - Approvals:rtCM: OSOOO EIJECTRICTI DEPARTMENT 06/LL/2002 DF ITENI 05600 FIRE DEPARTMTNT Acti.on: AP Cond: 12 (BL,DG. ) : CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot ptan, and state that allthe information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure acconding to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2I38 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 5 PM. SICNATURE OF OWNEVPR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET li rl 75S.F APPLICA EORU ct #: ctrical Permit #: 97 O- 479- 2149 (I nspections) PTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) Town of Vail Reg, No.:C$tact 1ro,."., and Phone #'s: Q26'a?zo AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ qcr:o-cp for ParcelConbctAssessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit t+ Parcel# (Required if no bldg. permit#isprovidedabove) 1\Ot AgLA qO6 Job Name: , ),4rct/t,na (>r"s.tob Addr*str2 y',eru Pc,,#'#{oo Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: ,WE':|fYiowa"&. c) ll Address:Phone: Engineer: ll nddress:Phone: Detailed description of work: Elec7-4rcat T'}'^t,u*i Frw,.rr'/ - [ \oa*-,tg.o-*-L g." ftl: Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (X v aepair ( )remp pot/er () other ( ) Work Type: Interior [) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial pd Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (d Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves $() No ( )ooes a rire Sprinkler System Exist Ves fr/ ) No ( *************rr**********:r****rr**:r******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****'f r.*'!*******tr*****t<****,t******)t** 7|,07 F:/everyone/forms/elecperm Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail.tr o n a 3 D Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electricai distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Gble (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. if this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter oF permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space,-two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. /'to -oz- Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will callyou back. erstand the above. HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Suwey Community D evelopment Department Russell Forresl Director, (970)47e.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing Admin Plannino DRB PEC Was your initial contact wiih our staf immediate no one avaiiable ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your project reviewed on a timeiy basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was tttis your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ IVA Please rate $e performance of fre stafiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knourledgq responsiveness, availability) Ovemil effectiveness of fte Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use fte Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. L 8. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTACE ROAD VAIL, CO 8t657 97U479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES HANT.AL'ERMTT permit #: t:?Tir,,- Job Address: 12 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 12 VAIL ROAD #500 Applied . , : 06111/2002 Parcel No...: 210108264015 Issued. . : 0612512002 ProjectNo ' ?RJ O2-OS 2 Expires . .: 12/22/2002 ovirNER MolrlrrArN owNERs Lp oe /tt/zooz phone: c/o STEPH$I I,EwIs, sToI,Tz MGMT 725 CONSHOHOCI(EN STATE RD BALA CnIWYD PA 19004 Lricense: CoNIRACTOR ENCOMPASS MECHANTCAL SERVTCE0S/LL/ 2002 phone: 91O-949-L747 5541 CENIRAIJ A\/$IUE BOttr-,DER, CO 803 01 License: L47 -YI APPLTCAIfT ENCOMPASS MECHANTCATJ SERVICE06/LL|2002 phone: 970-949-1-747 5541 CENTRAIJ AVENT'E BOIIIJDER, CO 803 01 License: ]-47 -Yl Desciption: RELOCATE AND ADD GRILLES TO NEW TENNANT FINISH SPACE Valuation: $2.800.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas t ogs: 0 # of wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical--> Plan Check-> I nvestigation-> wi[ c8[-> $50.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $15 . oo DRB Fee----------> $o , oo TOTAL FEES------> 93.0o $0.00 Total Calculat€d Foes--> go. oo Additional F€€s-----> S?8 . 00 'l otal Permit Fee'--.--> Palments---------> BALANCE DUF_-.-> 9?8.00 $0.00 $78.00 9?8.00 $0. 00 Item: 051-00 BUILDII,IG DEPARTMEI\IT 06/18/2002 cDAvrs Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT * *t +a+ta,t* * a* Lrltl laai lttt 't '* 11'l,l + +,1| +t:i. 'l + t* *** * *,1:**** +:t* *ai *:a**'l*a 'ltt ta:lt t:i+ l*****t **'t I ++:l:*:l ACtiOn: AP SI'B.]ECT TO FTELD TNSPECTIONS CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPME}fT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AT.ID SEC.]-017 OF THE ]-997 TJMC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. *ltllaltlltlitiillil*t+'ta*:l***a*l{ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV T OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. TURE OF O FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF TWfi$AfiL APruCA wilr rroT EE AGCEPTED rF ltrcoMPtET:_gr uilS coHpLETE VALI ATTON FOF. ilBCHANtOtL PERIiIIT (LaBor & Hlterials) ot. (o..1,ylme,*')a;Wfu Woft Class:I'leri, ( )nepair( ) ottrer( ) 1l1o. of ba-sting Dwelling Units in this building:lb. of Acommodation UnlS in thls building: - NffiFfFireptacesppposeaiGmepgiances( )qasLogs.(.) wma/pett*( ) wood8umlng(N0TAttowED) ) Nq( ) Z.gM. COIITRACTOR INFOBNATION E{q-/7?V t;F*** * :lt:*+ t :tt rF tt:F :fi t * ****{.*{(:f *rr*+***d.*:}***:t+++**++* F: /o*ryonc/fu nr/medrpcm rcr urcr 9E lD ralul DFFlrg r{€o(s4 nt. aE, r€ifr qlsn|.o v v &r mr i6JSa ElSrrC qrclFF< tn .a la4 lE trEFrGr !. l^l I Bdfi,'# |I Cd6r, C I| lElr.r|c I I u:r';'* || (970)9.9-616 |I ao.h70)9+9-!114 I | *.r o".- *, "r II Gddd. c0 Eo()t II lJor2n-J820 | I lc(lo3t 7r-16.r I tltltt GENERAL NOTES: r, oo r{or sc&! oi^hNcs, t(filfY 00ror90rs n fE! PFd To co.lar{a€vErl 0F rofK. REFIR ro AHcrlrlEclvM! 0a^uNc6 Foe a[ 2 |||ASTiJOI AS 0€9Gn mR iEIOO€L Llo R @rAAUt^nO,l iaouriEi !8^r c€RTAfr ssuuPnd{3 Ea r^o[ nEc.fiolNc €r6n|ic co0nors, $r0 Dac usE 941/E f ll{€s€ AssjrlFlloNs clNHoT 3€ lAiF@ rIX(Ui EllROtl{G OIHER|.SI rEqlAlE 6 3ER\.G^Af P6lrqlrs Oa fia al|.d q ir€ g|olEER c tuot rssuRE IlrE ol'rai oi lta coxti^crcn l|^r rHE Pn6Es9ar|^t colltltllr{c s€RY(ts xli8r trcoi/F^ss a.l col{fti{€lJoEl nE-o cooio1|t^lloN olflNc ccrsltt ctxt{ ls trt€R^nvE. xrx€ i€ls.lu8{! eo|Y xcEs aoi ur.6ao1 @tdlrors J. 6t F[SPqtg8tE TO FIEID Vllft AnSnlG EqlFvg{r oi ot crvfi( ig/allNc lo a€ cdlNEclEo lo flEli oF $oslttc SYsErs PiouoE tuclffx. Ptatq cdilR&s. dFFll!8s. €rc. rs trdJrRED rc f,asroha cotllr{JrrY 6 sYsDr (s), tr ro rac r€x lfl( rEEl ExEn{a cofofltct{s F€rHER fitr llD oR noT . Fio*oE rao0irc^L odroJllot REoullo. REFEi m rlclllEcruR^! Erolllld{ oR^s.(;s FoR rrc^ncrl ll{0 €xlElll d ooroJnon fiE(rrifD, vst glE Px|o ro 60 to DalEirllr€ €xIExT6 Vrcft( N"*!€0, EdlllNo nxr\lREs, vacS&llca Eoua/E{r. ETL, BEIN6 REIO\€o SHAI! 3E iENRNeo m Ttlt O*ltER. 01sP05€ oF ^!!f,ErovEo FFri|G. ooCrloi( €TC. uitlss NorED olHERus€. t oaFga PrPrxG, oJcfircF(, E l, as n€cEss^Rr l0 rcconrl@^rE 3litJcT\riE, gEArs coLuMNs. ao exsrxc aouPMorl tr lrr- Edsltto stFoir Roos rrlo SlRals rlo* SJPpoirno arcTs FFES. ln iJ&rG. A.€CTECA arfiatrt, Elc IHAr ^ntr icnoleD to ttlow iooi Foi t{stru tol oF fGV EidJrPr€lr 9{/\t! a€ RELocrIEo at{o iEl{srAuto, oR REFlAao lF DAvAc&. 7. tT 6 rXE COirRLlOtrS iE9Olr96UlY TO F€|foiv llsy'{€Rffi( rN ctriRn|ll|{cE nfi A(l rPcuc.al! coGs. Gunrnc€s xlo UIE S^FEN fEA11N'S AS R€OJIRED !Y LOC& SIAIE OR N^NONA! rurHbnlEs. ltf, corrR^cre $|/{! \GRIFY Lfi lr€ lhcHlrEct llsdar^nofl F Hs^rER ffiK rs @lrRED foR @aFJtl{cE 6. PAY FG llto {C1JRE r!! i8OUAED PE|.lls IS NSF€CiOiE. Pitcn to fli{rf PAt|/otL llJir{ ors to ^FcSllEci alr cEFllFlc,AlEs e. oJ^naEa 'l€ sl uJnor ^G$st 0E Ecnl N rarEft^rs xo L 30R |lirol MAY ocoJi uNoEn roir^l lJsAcE, lH€ ctlliAl.rft snau. eE loR ^ PEir@ d oNE lfrn rflEfi ofr,rER s ^c€Prace oEFEclS 9r^r* pRorPrLy fEr€[|o rllrcrJl @st lo n€ o$cn to. FiovroE iEcmo lR t r{Gs ro rRc{lEct oRAsNcs glar ltcruoE ^[ rDoEtlorrlr IlEMs, orsc€ oRoEi]i. AlEnarq{s, fl. syslEr3 $rr|.! €€ cq.F€lE GEhrall, !$ iEAOY fm c0 nruous oPti^nc{ Piloi lo accEFufict aY ltr€ ormEi- r2 aYsE|rS 9r^r! E lEsl€o t.ln FRtFd Ct€RAnC . F€it6r Ar ^! rur Al! cooa iEo|.[iED rEsrs ff sYsrEls |F rEJs c trK rnE D€rECnl€, COTTiACIOR 9144 x^xE CffiClldts NEa€5S|RY ^l Mt aDDrIOrAr COSI lO OVriER. 1r r4 r^lEnrrls rflO/OR aqiFl.xl Srilll E Hlri&s) lrro flstau.ED ^5 FER gX{FACtlri€R S SPECTEAIIdS r||D RE@lrl/ENOAllCt{S. rr, REDIF ^-r raoog{ta d lMErrfln4 oa^Ga To lrrcH Ersr!6 cc{slllrrclld{ ;|H no norcErad q|'qFsrc€ n co n|U|lY. APPllnANCE OR tui{Cno[ tt COd{AlE lnO{lECllrRA- l/aOi^r'lcll. Aao E!€ClftC.rl-ffAt 1106 P6m lo rstlll/\ll0ll. t6, AtL ROUrro Orctlroi( D0ralso{s ^f€ o\rEr IN [rsoE ct.EaR. 17. fiOJm O(lclFi|( irAI EE fiSl[rlo ilt{ f dJCr *rP- El aaArsl a^r dicllD l! PL€t{lr. ET,6A D(sN€ OUCIff( *IEFEaos*r iaac^lE !tun-a rs ildriaD llYrtructe! cGE nF. l]: j :::'::]\1 E z5 .Z :di-i t. /:r,7*ol)- J-o n lueA-y dftrJlEi *fi 6r. rrrcfi c.sr*c-i6il. at5 c qlFus€isrlo{ FoasaE ltP. " !l.'1it p\ 4Q -.fl P 1E : ;li= id L.l)7 I I l6 lo z.' =LJ € EE: F z J JL! =2 .. {r-J I I,J = (Jt/ _ ulIi >v, EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE : | : : conrnuoss oPsAroN r^nrcs fi€r-r cqlrNc , 30 d2 . o.r5 4 : t2OA ,ono?iir_a, , - qliur lcF sErvcE orico.|lr€d FINNED TUBE SCHEDULE STUH 'Tffifff'r*rrl MANUFACI1J R€R & UODEL NO,'Rg..lARKS $:r JO l.n(o E:l L l2o nl-4 \- ,,/ --"-'*Ftig6:- B$?.O14t lyie A-i::'ilMM ii,,:'t:t:pAi.,ty ttloUN i'l,lt'r' *WNfRS r..F' SRE BUlLi.4RS. l$C sRE zuiLCER{$. !$.i FEMOIII€L CFngf "iF,iC[ S b T.$E, ACCTM 1lg'. Phorie: $7$i?t-!5i6 StsIU5: ISSUED lnsF .{rca: JFIM PertlllqE l t$ f"Crtfir-! * Ur.}nled o|r r;lriCi c+niliti+n trm$jar$e 15 fiet witn firs Spdnilsr raiulforfler]ts. - MTIC€EH l.lO {lre ntrirri.bt F€rrtq i! !f, pl€(€. ErbtkN syErem do+* rvJd m64i :.-r',1g |[{VdLf-it-AN ROUTETI T3 JfIM,{IVf' FIRE F+F RE'VEV,'APFfIOVAI.S . EtrL,f{5i Resuerbd lntoeaflel{Fl ttam: 90 Bi-irc-Frna: sRg Edli-nEF$ ii{ci$Tr\/E w'LL C{r t- FOt! FCCE$S C$AVrS lh$qlf0on htlrbry t0 BLOCr..hAIEc. BLDG-Finsl o7/31$t Co{Dm€fili t0 BlD&Fnotrn{sl$t€el lO BlDG-Foqndiitilnisleatt0 BLDGFramlncBLDGFramlncG.F smlnA '- Ac.ur c'rp.{ "tb 14A? -ln$De(t-"; GR6'nrftentr $ulTs f4) LlFT,q.l-:;l'uit-\hMti$3 Rr.oussted flp-'e: 0l:00 PU' Pt,:,fie: t7tr37&1m$ Fnt*ro{:! W I-CAITTPEELL X USED FR t.S I AI{P€D WOOD htrE So n.|rr: 60 Lr|t: ftsn: llr|n:hmi lgm: bm: Itam: nafis Itm: Itsn: hrn: hnr: lurr ?Olhm: S "Cdt{rEntr fr}) !drT,q'l- 31'uit-\ F FOR *s.4{lF.l} J(i 3. Olq BLFlnsutsii&n _ 08'19/S? !nsF'stt91 GflG Co{t|t?Fnls. lr}riidurn i.rsrrerrisn rttt raLDCTSh*git,:**Null'*,lorr,:,;erJ-,lprEI-OFSh*git,:{.* Null 0&19/(t? li1sD5(tcr. Gl?G C_!4rt-r"enli; Lrsrd air f'$ | i:t},il' s: i),h:. 0{Vz€trr; insp€{iof : '3R'& ncri:n: r,i{) NC'f lFi[l.'Commeflts' NO{lCed Juirclicrr t'ar wllL rnics !g clvEr plgl* abotrs c€ilinq qriii iri h8ityfa't r}€er f€ar isa$}enifafi.:€, {trcp*ctH " ,.,F.M Aa'fion DN OE]ilEI] fjOOR HAFflltrARE hllT lli- DfSt{ NOT ttl,BACK f}iDGF tnllii }-rALL'lijA H$T WATHF NtC TfiE T€FT.{FPROVF.IS !3O 3l|){9-l'6nu]. C/6 53il PtlV-TEkF C.rO 5il3 Fi-AI+TEMF. r.'0 637 FLA$IF|MI.d,io 638 nRE-Fti'rAL DiolHl PlltfflllAl C;ii 540 8lH-Firrzl OO 21 PLAr.l-|L,l F,lirdattrorr Pronl? Ptll+ltc Siri Flan 932