HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT N O GATEWAY COMMON 4mo -r<oruuo{-r -r{ FJ< <o o-g N J IL =tuF CD onuoOC)V<.fOr-cr 96eo o'oUO ZT,F-tF:f-OO *tJU)> .rt :) |l [|zu \ R.Jt q "lL b.\l il$ $I l.{i $o: ar -{ r[ $ I t I I I zl o!rlFI<l>l 5l UJ l-a ul I I I I I I ,,i.. -.h' .l $$t ' [[$i li5 AE$Q frFutF $$ ,r*ltl t,l 'l r'J- rl- . "rlr).(zr'r) "rF ') di'l lultn 76 routhtront go rord vrll, coloradoSltST (3O3) t[7O'2156 dc9|tfirant ot publb workdtrrntpo]trtlon \ lilay 30, 1990 Mr. Iodd Ellgren R.TC Conpany 3450 Penrose Placesuite 160 Boulder, CO 8030L Dear Mr. Ellgren: lthis letter is in response to the Landscape plan showing theproposed crane location at the cateway plaza. This location isacceptable to ne as long as the following conditions are met. 1. Trees to be noved will be transplanted to Town of Vailapproved sl_te.2. Trees will be replaced with ner'r nursery grosrn naterialof the same size and species as those renoved prior toissuance of flnal certificate of occupancy.3. RJC will provide regrular sunmer watering to renaLningplant naterial within the affected bed.4. The rock wall bordering tbe planter to be reconstructedto natch the re:naining wall prior to issuance of finalcertificate of occupancy. If you have any guestions, do not hesitate to call me at 479-2161. Sincerely, VAIL1989 Tn/,)r\L^ | r I v(rtlr VfT*n-- Todd Oppenhbiner, parks Superintendent Town of VaLl Tolpab ccr Kristantgrita Greg HaIl Gary Murrain Town of Vail Connunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorad,o AL657 (303) 479-2138 Plan analysis based onthe L988 Uniforn Building Code Project Number: 102690 Name: UICEAELS AIiERICIN SISTRO REATAURAN! Address: GATEWAY PLAZA BLDG. Date: October 31, 1990Contractor: R.TC Occupancy: A3,B2 Architect: ARNOLD/GWTH!,IAYIPRATT Type of Const: Il-lhr Plans Exarniner: I'fICHAEL miITAKER NOTE:The code iteurs listed in this report are not intended to be a complete,listing of all possible code requirements in the 1985 UBC. ft is a gruide toselected sections of the code. Portions of the uaterial contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniforrn Building Code ( L985 edition) with permission of.fnt€rnational Conference of Building Officials !{ECfiANTCAIJ DRAWINGS NOT APPROVED-REVI88q UECEANICAIJ DRAWTilGS REOUIRED PRIOR TO AITY UECEAITTCAL WORK TNSTIGATED Oil TEIS PRq'ECT. FL NAME OCC MAX FI.R AREA ALLOI{ED RATIO STATUS J. Dining Roon1 Dining Roorn A3 ok 2427 I'n|-erior finish onlyA3 ok 95O Interior finish only1 Kit,chen(Comrnercial) BZ ok 803 fnterior finish only1 Bar Service Area 82 ok 96 fnterior finish onlyI Bath Roorns 82 ok l-35 Interior finish only1 Storage Areas 82 ok 52 fnterior finish only1 Walls/Counters,/etc 82 ok 383 Interior finish only ,; TOTAL FOR FI'OR 4847 OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-AELEI,iENT I'fATERIAL RATfNG NOTESInterior Bearing wall Noncourbustible L hrInterior nonbrg wall Noncombustible L hr See Footnote #4 TOOTNOTES:4) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used within interior non-bearingthr wall assenblies. -- Table L7-A, footnote #2 - -t OCSUPAI{CY SEPA&ATIONSA3-RL 2hrA3-B2 Ohr ADDITTONAL SEPARATIONS FOR A3 or 82 OCCI'PANCY3 A thr occupancy separation is required around roous containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 4OO,OO0 BTU input. -- Sec. 509. EXIT REQUTREMENTS:FL NA}!E OCCUPAI{T Nt,l,lBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES I_,OAD REQUIRED WID(IE [ft.] HDV|R CORRIDOR SWING : 1 Dining Roon L62 2 3r ea. Yes Yes Out #41 Dinlng Roorn 53 2 3r ea. Yes Yes Out #+L Kitchen(Coromercial) 4 L 3r No No N/RL Bar Service Area 0 1 O.O No No N,/RL Bath Rooms 3 I 0.0 No No N/R1 Storage Areas O L 0.0 No No N/Rl- walls/counters/etc 4 L O.0 No No N/RTOTAL 236 2( 2) 3 | ea Yes Yes Out Rated corridors are to have Lhr fire protection on both sides of walls andceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (g) Openings are required to be protected. -- Sec. 330s. (h)In areas rthere 2 exits are reguired, the mininun separation is L/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303. (c)Exit signs are reguired from all areas senring an occupant load of 50 or more.-- Sec. 3314. (a) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted"Exit width is based on sec. 3303. (b). Exit passageray fron deck dinlnlt area (aisles) sbaD be naintainetl at4atr--- 8ec. 3315.(b)38. Bablts ln lnterlor and erterior diling areassball be arranged sucb tha! 4{rr widtb is uaintained from all areas of both dlnlng ar€as to any exit. IaDIes sball not be arrangedl in fron!of doors to erterior diniug area restricting required aisle widtb. Area Ln dining roou adjacent to open area of mall belor at nortbwest cqrner of roo[ shicl Ls designat€d as xenployee yaltwaytr sball not be blocked at any tine by anytbing. Area to renal.n open of energencyexiting. FOOTNOTES:4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. 3318. (a). See exception for A-3 occupancies and churches, - -l WALI,AND CEILTNG FIT{ISH:1) All uall and celllng flaisb naterials to ba approved by Towaof Vall EavLronnental Eealtb Officer.2) lcall and ceiling finish naterials are reguired to comply withSec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.3) Carpeting on walls and ceiling are required to bave a Class Iflaroe spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) INSUI,ATION NOTES:1) All insulation material lncluding facings are reguired to have a flane- spread rating of 25 or less and a naxinum snoke density of 45O.Sec. 1713. (c) 2) Foan plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. L7L2. DECK RAILTNG: Deck rail at balcony dining area to be a nrininum of 42n height with no openings greater than 5rr. -- Sec. L7LL. GI.AZING REQUIREMENTS ;1) All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing naterial. -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For A3 occupancyFloor-lst Occupancy-Dining Roon, The capacity of interior dining room required to be posted at L62, occupants. -- Sec. 3302.(c, Floor-l.st Occupancy-Dining Room The capacity of deck dining area is required to be posted at 63 occupants.-- Sec. 3302. (c) Fire Alarm Design and Fire Sprinkler Design to be subnitted to Townof Vail Building Departnent for review and approval . AII kitchen eguiprnent to be approved by Town of Vail Environmental Health officer. Tlpe I llood required over cooking surfaces in kitchen. Design to be asper Uniforn Mechanical Code Chapter 20. Duct for Tlpe I llood to be enclosed in a 2 hr. shaft for Tlpe II thr. building. tlMC 2OO2 (d) . Exhaust outlets for duct shall extend through roof and terrninate atleast 2 ft. above any part of building within 10 ft. (This nay be reduced to 5 ft. if the discharge is directed away fron such part of building within close proxirlity.) ItltC 2002(i).gub8lt design for !f:pe I Eood ard Ductwork to losa of, Yail BuildlDg Departueut for review. Deslgn r€guired to be conpleteil Dy cololado [icensedl Mechanical Engineer, wlth plans stanp€d and slEEed. o t VeDt for rood burnl,ng pLzza ovel to be eacloged ln a l'hr sbaft shen concealed rLtbla coustructiou or peaatratl,rg roof,. Vent tenlnatiougball be a nl,niuun of, 2 tt-. above any part of, building rithla 10 ft. Supply indl.ract raste 6raLn fot all tood prep sLDts, dl.sbrasher, etc.ln kltcben and bar ge::vice a!€a as per Uul,fom PluDblrg Code cbapter 6. Eee Pp. A-l f,or detail. Supp1y approved grease trap for draln fron pot aud paa yash sill3 as Xr€rUrifo::u Plunbing code 8ec. ?11. Supp1y a water basin at ice crean senrice are for dipper well. Supply fire danpers in ductwork passing through fire rated assenblies.This includes the roof. Fire da'npers to be installed in make-up airduct at Tlpe I hood also. A1l recessed ceiling fight fixtures in fire rated assenblies to be tentedttith fire rated naterial to naintain fire rating of assernbly. Supply draft stops in assenbllies of ceiting as per UBe 2516(f)Aiii,ExceptLon. ltaximum area between draft stops ls gOoo sq. ft. wittr. dinension greater than 100 ft. ||** rNsP'crro*'s .'MPLETED Ihe itens below need to be conplete before glvlng a permit a final C of 0. Please check off ltr the box provided. FINAL PLIMSING I L_l DATE:n FINAI, MECHANICAT DATE:tl IMPROVWENT SURVEY RESID. NA}TE: FINAI ELECTRICA1 FINAJ, BUILDING EAST SIDE:I{EST SIDE: TET'IPORARY C OF O tr L] CERTIFICATE OF OCCIJPA}ICY DATE: LAI.IDSCAPING DI]E DATE: FILE NAI,TE! l[le have the ENERGY --D SnUrUt 1 r \091 March 8, 199L Mr. Steve MeyersDesign Mechanical, fnc. 53OO Sterling DriveBoulder, CO 80301 Re: Vail Gateway plaza Dear Steve: l? ? p"tt of the design build contract for Michael ,s AmericanBrstro, on the VaiI Gateway project, we feel that it isDesign-Mechanical ,s responsiUifity to conptete the piizaoven frue in a workman-like mannel that c-onforms to- arr Townof VaLl reguire4ents- and building codes, as a pait of tniil\te expect _yoyr firm to uake the proposed revisi-ons to therrue lnmedi.atery, to conply with the Town of vail reguirements. lile have forwarded a copy of the revisions to the Town of vailfor their approval This rrork must be completed no later than tlarch Zg, 199].. Respectfully subnitted, RING D-JOHN -CROWLEY CO},TPANY Executive V ident rcc/dj cc: Mike Whittacker - Tolrn of Vail IrnllUU.II EOUtDER DES MOtt{€S OFFTCE: 50 s w mt sr.. sutTe 300 DES MorNES. l^ 50309 51 5t24,{.4500 FAX:515244.7147 SAII DIEGO OFFICE: 7m ALVARAoo FOAD. SUrTE 121 LA MESA CA 92041 6r91697{101 Lrc. I 508277 F Xl 6lS{69ru49r9 EOULIXR OFFICE: ORLANDO OFFICE: 3150 P€\ROSE PLACE, SUITE 160 3O?8 MERCY ORIV€ BOULO€A COsI3Or ORLAt\loo. Fr 328m30x/4,tc420 47t29+7W FAXr Ba!0-{256 FD(i a07r29+7314 I l/ l/\/'/- l2_\vl,/ (PAV.:e?llTlrtt- /2"HWS,d---\----r- TAP I2'' RND SPIRAL DOWN THRU ROOF AND PROVIDE BALANCE DAMPER, TYPICAL OF SEVEN =ro?7v4, / 7a.I * t * f- - -__'f-exrev? 'ro 7'-q''I ,abOWe- RO"F ?t TEKI'1 TNATE ./I r,JlTH eY*AuaIt tioDLL F)'12 t 1 CHII-'lNEYI FAN, I + I t tb'&'tr- FUELri rE r4lLAhaetultrtTl *{) 12x12 UP 4Pn'=Ie^Y') n t?c) 7 r r-r At t-1T 4" <T\J.A Q,r4, (* /\ w /\ .1 ---+ 7 h CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION GATEWAY PLAZA fi depsrtment of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Btrx ffig ffi BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LOT N 91 FtLtNG vArL VTTLLAGE lsr JOB NAME: xrrrrxl{ltEl pIZZA pA'NE rurue DAVID GAMBETA .._ MAILADDRESS UPON REQIIEST CITY pH. FIRM ARNOLN GWATHMEY PRATT MAtLAppREss 1000 s FRoNT. Bn clrY vArL PH. 6_LL47 GENERAL CONTRACTOR pla FIRM TOWN OF VArL REG. NO. 116_A 47 6-7 0L9 LECTRICAL NTRACTOR rrnu BRYANTE ELECRRIC 150_ETOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-4Ls5 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM ALLEN PLUMBING MECHANI CONTRACT rrnru DESIGN MECHANICAL ,o*" o, uo,a ran. *o. ro8-M 449-2091 OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSTTE DATE ocr. 26, 1990 ptotO?Zr-or(60() Q. tzz-''- (c,04664 T.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH IRM DlvtsfoN t22ag4 ri'ilm ?i'fi TEIio I $' il'9fi ^ ue''CATEI^IAY \LzL- YE_(\raERMtr No. z tr 3 BUILDING 69,200 ETECTRICAT 13 ,300 PLUMBING 24,O0o PLAZA MECHANTCAL 27,500 TOTAL 127,000 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A VALUATION PERMIT FEESII lHR B-2 r27 ,0OO EUILDING PERMIT 734 ct(tf 6tfagt e t#f /if/ PLAN CHECK 477 ELECTRICAL 209 NEw( , ALTERATToNF(PLUMBING 240 DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMIUOOATION UNITS .- NO, FIREPLACES THICKNESS R-VALLUE TYPE HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMTTS NEEDED: N x INITIAL INSULATION: FLOOR EXT WALLS ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING DEMO MECHANICAL 330 RECREATION FEF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 500 USE TAX FOOD SERVICE CHE(K75 TOTAL PERMTT FEES.$--ade_i IIJCHAEL-I{HITAXER LIII/gO-oTrc-oFrrcr,u-- - - --bAi;-- --- 4r_ ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE IING & BUILDING NOTES: I here.by acknowledge that l.have read this application, filled out in full the informataon required,compleled an accurate plot plan, and state tnai'att tne information nrovi.ta.t ie "a^,r;,a'{ r. ^^.,^^. icomplelect an accurate plot plan' and state that all the information provided as required is coireci. iagree to comply with the information and plot planscagp111-wit'h all i6*n oroin"n"es and statelaws, and to buitd this structure "ci"rjinb toi;"'t6 d subdivision codes, designreview approved' Uniform Building cocle aid othejgdinenf"r oitrfrJli"-afilicaure thereto. CLEAN UPTO: l++-F{-Ft"Ft t+ ANO THE OWNER. Town of Vail Conrnunity Development75 South Frontage RoadVail-, Colorado 8L657(303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based onthe 1988 Unifonn Building Code Project Number: LO269O Name: PI'ZZA PA|NEAddress: SPACE Ll- Date: October 3l_, l_990 GAIEWAY PI,AZA BUILDING ContTactoT: RJC Occupancy: 82 Architect: ARNOLD/GWTHMAY/PRATT Type of Const: Il-Lhr plans Examiner: MICHAEL WHITAKER NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code reguirements in the 1985 UBC. It is a guide toselected sections of the code. THE PERIIIT ISSUED NOV. 26, 1990, FOR THIS pRO,rECr DOES NOT INCLUDE APPROVED I*IECIIANICAIJ DRAWINGS. AT THE PRESEIII TII'IE THE MECIIANICAT DRAWINGS HAVE NOT BEEN COITPLETEIJY REVIEWAD FOR CODE COI{PI,IAIICE AND DRB APPROVAI,. FL NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 1- Dining Roorn 82 ok 942 Interior finish onlyl- Kitchen(Cornrnercial) 82 ok 635 Interior finish onlyL Office 82 ok 40 Interior finish onlv1- Enployee Locker Rm. 92 ok 25 Interior finish onlyl- Bathrooms 82 ok 87 Interior finish only1 Hot Wtr HtrlStoragre 82 ok 33 Interior finish only1- W1s/Cntrs/Entry/Etc. 82 ok 156 Interior finish only TOTAL FOR FLOOR 19]-8 OTHER BUILDING ELEI4ENTS Table ].7-A EI-,El'IENT MATERTAL RATTNG NOTESInterior Bearing wall Noncombustible 1- brInterior nonbrg wall Noncombustible L hr See Footnote #5 FOOTNOTES:4) Fire-retardant treated wood nay be used within interior non-bearingthr wall assenblies. -- Table I7-A, footnote #25) Nonload-bearing wa11s within a tenant space that are not part of athr corridor may be of:a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materialsb) Fire retardant-treated woodc) One-hour construction (any material) -- Sec. 1705.(b)l-. OCCUPANCV SEPARATIONS None Required ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR 82 OCCUPANCY: . A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 7O8. EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAI4E OCCUPANT NIII'{BER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NoTESLOAD REQUIRED WIDTH [ft. ] HDWR CORRIDOR SWING L Dining Room 46 t 3 | No Yes N/R #+1- Kitchen(Cornrnercial) 3 1- 3 r No No N,/RL office I L 0.0 No No N/R #rrL Enployee Locker Rm. l- L 0.0 No No N/Rl- Bathrooms 2 I 0.0 No No N/Rl- Hot Wtr Htrlstorage 0 L 0.0 No No N,/R1W1s/Cntrs/Entry/Etc. 0 L 0.0 No No N/RTOTAL 53 2( 2) 3r ea. No Yes Out Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of walls andceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (g) Openings are required to be protected. -- Sec. 3305. (h) fn areas where 2 exits are reguired, the minimum separation Ls I/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303.(c) Nunber of seats is not allowed to exceed any combination of fixed and notfixedl seats totalling,lg. ltaximum Oscupant lJoad to be posted at 49 fordining room. UEC Table 33-A and 33X3 (a) . Door swing is based on Sec. 3304.(b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b). FOOTNOTES:4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. 331-8. (a). See exception for A-3 occupancies and churches.11) Corridors within a tenant occupant load less than l-00 may notreguire a rated corridor. -- Sec. 3305. (q) exc. #S WALL AND CEILING FINISH:1) All waIl and ceiling finish to be approved by nnvironmentalHealth Officer from Tonn of VaiI.2) WaIl and ceiling finish rnaterials are reguired to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.3) Carpeting on walls and ceiling are reguired to have a class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b) I ., \ INSULATIONNOTES:l-) A11 insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum snoke density of 450-- sec. l_71_3. (c) 2) Foan plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. I7A2. GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS :L) Atl glazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (ct) ADDITTONAL REQUTREMENTS : For 82 occupancy In all areas customarily occupied by hunans, provide natural orartificial light and ventilation. -- Sec. 705. Floor-l-st Occupancy-Dining Room The capacity of this area is requiretl to be posted at 49 oceupants.-- sec. 3302. (e) Fire elarn Design anll Sire Sprinkler Design to be submittecl to Town ofvail Bulldlng Department for review and approval . Type I Hood required over cooking surfaces in kitchen. Design to be asper Uniform Mechanical Code Chapter 20. Duct for Type I Hood to beenclosed in a 1- hr. shaft for Type II thr. building. Subnit list of all kitchen equipment to Town of VaLl Bullding Departmentfor review by Environmental Health Offieer for approval . Supply indirest lraste drain for all food prep sinlcs, dishwasher, etc.in kitchen and service area as per Uniform Plunbing Codle Clrapter 6. Supply approved grease trap for drain fron pot and pan wash sink asper Uniforn Plunbing Code Sec. ?11. supply fire darnpers in dustwork passing through fire rated assemblies.supply fire dampers in make-up air duct extending to Type I Hood. Tent all r€cessed ceiling light fixtures with approved fire ratednaterial to rnaintain fire rated assenbly of ceiling. 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 \ I To: David canl.itt$V FROM: Susan Scanlaffil,\ DATE: November 1l)tr49b SUBJECT; PLzza & Pa'ne Plan Check otfice of community development I have conpleted the plan check of your restaurant in the Gatesray Plaza and require that the following items be addressed. (L) The ice machine in the kitchen must be equipped withadeguate backflow prevention and must drain indirectly to afloor drain or floor sink. (2) ftem N in the equipnent scheduJ-e, the Medalle crockpots must be cornmercial quality eguipnent. (3) ftem lil, the ice tray at the front counter, must beequipped with a cover or lid and the unit must be selfdraining. (4) Iten U, the vegetable prep sink, should be equipped equipped with an 18 inch drainboard or an adjacent worktable. This sink must also be indirectly drained. (5) The nop sink/handsink courbination must be provided with soap and a paper towel dispenser. (6) fs the three cornpartment sink on the plans or not? Ifso, will the waste line be connected in such a fashion asto drain through the grrease trap? (7) The 18rtx18rr vinyl tile proposed for the floor finishthroughout the restaurant area must be a conmercial guality and be finished with a rubber coved baseboard. (8) llhat is iten G which is indicated in the paper/deter-gent storage area adjacent to the water heater? (9) The dishnachine rnust be equipped with adequate backflowprevention. ln* rNsPEcrro*rs lbe lterns below need to be couplete glvtng a pernlt a ftnal C of O. Please eheck off Ln the box provlded. COMPLETED before DATE: t_-l n FIUAL }IECIANICAI, DATE: Ki taltvll/t I FrNAL BurlprNc EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE! TEMPOMRY C OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAIICY DATE: LAI{DSCAPING DI'E DATE: FILE NA{E: I .lr CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION (--7'?- PLANS IN sl.or__ i)t)_NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE ocr. 26,re90 al6\0trLeq.M -r r."zncrL - 04660 hm department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D D gg BUILDING ELECTRICAL E: ME.HANI.AL tdt\**t.^* \\zq LEGAL pEqc LOT N BLK__ j!_ FILING VAIL VIT ,AGE 1ST JoeNRn,,te , lls cts or r:rr vArL OWNER xair5 KARL & SUSIE CMNS UPON REOUESTMAII ADORESS CITY PH- ARCHITECT FIRM ARNOLD GI^IATH}IEY PRATI MATLADDRESS 1000 s FoRNT RD. crrY vArL PH.6-LL47 GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,*U UC TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO. 116_A trte 440-4220 I 476-7019 ]re.t*'.o. CONTRACTOR rnll BIIANI ELEQEf,IC rowNoF'A'-!EG.No l5o-E nELE 949-4L55 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR rrnu DESIGN 4rCEetqICru, To!/u oF vAtL REG. No. 108-M rcLE 449-2092 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG,NO TELE. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I Il lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM DIVISfON r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : 'ENANT T'TNTqIT :rsC? hqt9 No' - zotr J BUILOING 8, 000 ELECTRICAL 1,900 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 600 TOTAL 10 ' 5oo TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES TI IHR B-2 18,500 BUILDING PERMIT L22 IH efl& cKf t6/3 u6 & PLAN CHECK 79 ELECTRICAL 44 NEW( ) ALTERATTON 6()0 ADDTTTONAL (xX REPATR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAL 15 HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIBEPLACES RECREATION FEE R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 EXT wALLs I l- N.NE -l USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 360 MICIIAEL WHITAKER OCT. 30, 1990 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr cur I lxl JILDING OFFICIAL DATE MIKE UOLLICA OCT. 29, L99O )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING CNING & SUILDING NOTES:il; lloe"o I l^l _ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correci. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinancqs ol the Town applicable thereto. AND THE OWNER, OR FOR HIMSELF |or, rNsPlcrrorrs coMPLEtED lhe ltens belory need to be cooplete before givtag a pemlt a flnal C of O. Pleese eheck off 1o the bor grovlded. FINAI PLI'I{BINC DATE: n n rINAI I,TECSANICAI. DATE:tl m [] I}TPROVEUENT SI'RVEY RESID. NA}IE: DATE: UEST SIDE: DA?E! LANDSCAPINC DUE DATE: FIIE NAME: CONSTRUCTION PERM]T lt|\rrE-lrrJrr \rr DAIE 414190 )to\stz(.aL(@ -r?+Tl1 rr\rrJrrrr-\\\\\>\tN OtAq-PERM|I TO.00t+299 doprtntdrt of community dswlopmont TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT t_iiE! E E E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION r.wPE OF CONSTR|*rni I lt ltl lY Y 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABCH IRT DlVlSlOt'l 122.34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK ; Retail, and Condornlnium Building.321.000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. V LOT N Nc Vail Village lst 9. r 10.00 e(f /f?7 r/7, 1,540.00 MAILADDRESS 27Ol Trr{c, (Ta A ",r" Boulder, C0 pH.449-0951 ALTERATION ADDITIONAL O REPAIR( DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE 4.8r5.00 FIRM Arnnl d Gw-a f hrnay Ptett uo,, -o*ao 1000 S . Frontage ,,*,, Rlngland-Johnson-Crowle: rowN oFvAtL REG. NO. 116_4 440-4220 479-9742 TOTAL PERMIT FEES Joe Norris 4-9-90 JtLDrt{c oFFtctAL DATE Fast Track Per Footins & F|RM Brvant Electric ,o*" o, uor. "an. "o. 150-E ,,ru Al1en Plurnbing & He3at: TOWN OFVATL REG. NO. 127_P 484-484r PLUMBING I hereby acknowledg€ that I have read this application, lilled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as required is corr6ct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stale laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, designlaws, and to bulld tnis structure accorolng to lne I own's zonrng ano suDorvrsron coo€s, oes review approved, Uniform Building Code and otherprdinances of the Town applicable th€reto. CLEANUP DEPOSIT:+++++3++++++++++ RJC 12 Vail Road, Vall Co 81658 owNER. Jeff Madlrig, Vice President FtRu Design Mechanical Towtr oF vltt Rec. No. Pending 449-2092 MECHANICA TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TEI.E. OTHER CONTRACT DATE: LEGAL: ADDRESS: ZONE DISTRICT: SDD MULTI-FAMILY ocT. 26,l99o L,OT: N BIPCK 5D FILING VAIL VILLAGE 1ST. S. FRO NTAGE RD. AT VAIL RD. GATE\YAY PHONE # PHONE # PROPOSED USE: PROPOS D USE: MLJLTI N tt * * t t t. r r *. ir r r... * r.. uNlT t a trt t lr r *tt t at t a a* t t a i t * * t t a t t t ** *r.i..r t t r.r. r *r tr.uNlT 2 a t r arr t t a* t *t* t t aa I r * *.tt r,r.rt.i t trr *rr...uNlT 3 a t aa r al ttil t tt t * ta :t t a* t * i t t t * r t t t... t t. 'r. t r r * r t r a r r a uNlT 4. r.. t. r t. r I l t I *.. r r * *. a r r * r r * r r. * t rl t t t. il . t . a t. *. UNIT 5. r r r *. t.. * t. t *. t *. t I r r * i t t:i t t t * . t. t... t r t. ir t * r. I t. r. uNlT 6. r r r r r r r. t.. I I r r t r r * * Town of Vail Cornnunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, colorado 8L657(303) 47e-2L38 Plan analysis based onthe L988 Uniforn Building Code Project Nunber: LO/9o Name: vAfL, GATEWAY PIAZA Address: SOUTH FRONTAGE RD. AT VAIL RD. Date: October 26, L990 Occupancy: 82 rR1, 8LrA3 Type of Const: II-l-hr Contractor: RINGLAND, JHNSN, CRWLYArchitect: ARNOLD,GIIIATHMAY, PRAT Engineer: JHNSNTVOILND,ARCHLTA Plans Exarniner: MICHAEL WHITAKER NoTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code requirements in the L988 UBc. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniforn Building Code ( 1-988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building Officials Sprinkler systern used for area increase DIRECTION BOI'NDARY NORTH zublic wayEAST Property line SOUTH Property lineWEST Public way Area increased 50.008 FL NAME SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 90.O Feet1.0 Feet l-8,0 Feet 70.0 Feetfor open area on OCC I,TAX FLR FIRE PROTECTION 52.5 Feet1.0 Feet 1-8.0 Feet 45.0 Feet2 sides. AREA ALIOWED RATIO STATUS 4 Apartnent or Condo4 Apartrnent or Condo4 COI',II4ON PUBLfC AREA TOTAL FOR FIOOR3 Mechanical Room3 Apartment or Condo3 Apartnent or Condo3 Apartnent or Condo3 Apartnent or Condo3 COMMON PUBLTC AREA TOTAL FOR FIOOR2 Dining Room2 Apartment or Condo2 Apartnent or Condo2 Apartnent or Condo RL R1 82 82 R1 R1 R1 RL 82 A3 RL R1 Rl_ ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok l-138 707 L51. L996 651 l_3 r_l_ L439 960 2302 L104 77 67 393 0 1038 947 977 60750 0. 02 60750 0. oL 8Loo0 0.00 6L92L 0.03 8l_000 0. o1607s0 0.02 60750 0. 02 60750 0.02 60750 0. 04 8t_ooo 0. ol_ 6438? O.L2 50750 0.06 60750 0.02 60750 0.02 60750 0.02 2 Apartnent or Condo Rl2 CO}IMON PUBLIC AREA B2 TOTAL FOR FISOR1 COMMON PUBLIC AREA 821- Retail Sales Room 82L Retail Sales Room B21- Retail Sales Room 82 TOTAL FOR FIOORB Parking carage BLB COI4MON PUBLIC AREAS 82B Dining Room A3B RETAIL SALES ROOI{S 82 TOTAI, FOR FIOOR BUILDTNG TOTAL ok 1186ok L7L2 9790ok 3672ok 24OOok 8o5ok 7247 L4L24ok l-0032ok 2089ok IL92ok L090 14403 33677 60750 0.02 ok 8L000 0.02 ok 63527 0.15 ok8L000 0.05 ok 81000 0.03 ok 81000 0.01- ok 81000 0.09 ok81000 O.l7 ok 81000 O.L2 olt81000 0.03 o]< 50750 O.02 ok 81000 O. 0l- ok 78825 O.L8 ok 93286 0.36 0k EXTERIOR T{ALL FTRE RATTNGS AND OPENING PROTECTTON Table 17-A & Table 5-A occ 82 R1 81" A3 NORTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROTl-hr Ohr NoneLhr ohr Nonel-hr Ohr NoneLhr Ohr None EAST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALI., PROTLhr thr NOPLhr Lhr NONEl-hr thr NOP2hr 2\r NOP SOUTH WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROTl-hr Lhr None Lhr ohr Nonethr thr None Lhr ohr Nonel-hr Lhr None Lhr ohr Nonel-hr thr None l-hr Ohr None The exterior walls are required to be of NONCOMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.1901-. No openings are perrnitted for the ground level on the EAST WALL where thewa]l is one foot frorn property line. Upper levels are not on property Iine as ground level is. None -- No fire protection reguirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 508 of the area of the wall maximurn. Sec.1903.(b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater tban L2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not pernitted in this wall. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-AELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wall Noncombustible t hrInterior nonbrg wall Noncombustible L flr See Footnote #sStructural Frane Nonconbustible l- hrExterior Struct Frame Nonconbustible t hr See footnote #l-Shaft Enclosure Noncombustible l- hrFloor/Ceiling Assenbly Nonconbustible t hr See Footnote #9Roof/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible t hr See Footnote #8Stairs Nonconbustible None All exterior wood shall be fire retardant treated. NOTE: See Sec. L706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. Draft Etolt all floor ceiling and roof assenbly areas as per UBC 2516(f). l{axLmun area sltbin draft stops is 3000 sq.ft. with no dinensiongreater thau 100 ft. o FOOTNOTES:1) Mininun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall requirements.4) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used within interior non-bearingl-hr wall assenbl-ies. -- Table 17-Ar footnote #25) Nonload-bearing walls within a tenant space that are not part of aLhr corridor may be of:a) Nonconbustible (nonrated) materialsb) Fire retardant-treated woodc) One-hour construction (any rnaterial) -- Sec. 1705.(b)L.8) If roof is greater than 25 feet above floor, see Sec. 1905., L806.9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec. 7O2.(b) & 902.(b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSB2-R1 Lhr Shops and offices less than l-0? of floor area need not be separated. -- Sec. 503.(a) ex #2CBz-BL lhrB2-A3 ohrRl--BL 3hr The separation may be two hours if linited to parking or storageof private or pleasure vehicles. -- Table 5-B footnote #LR1-A3 2hr This separation is to also separate the open mall from Rl-.B1-A3 3hr The separation may be two hours if linited to parking or storageof private or pleasure vehicles. -- Sec. 503.(d) ex #l- ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR 82 OCCUPANCY: A Lhr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 40O,0O0 BfU input. -- Sec. 708. FOR Rl OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is reguired around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit serving more than one unit. -- Sec. L2L2.A Lhr occupancy separation is reguired around comrnon storage and laundry rooms. -- Sec. 1202. (b) A thr fire separation is required between dwelling units. -- Sec. 1-202.(a) FOR B1 OCCUPANCY: A Lhr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler orcentral treating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 708. FOR A3 OCCUPANCY: A Lhr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec, 508.Stair enclosure from Bl- (Parking Structure) to occupancies above shall bea 2 hr. rated encLosure. A11 openings reguired to be L L/2 hr. rated. Deck rail at exterior balconies or decks required as per UBC 1711-, Mininum height is 42rr with no opening greater than 6rr. REQUIREMENTS: NAME NIIMBER EXIT REQUIRED WIDTH Tft. ] EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES HDWR CORRIDOR SWING OCCUPANT IOAD FL 4 Apartment or Condo4 Apartment or Condo4 Conmon Public Area TOTAL3 Mechanical Room3 Apartnent or Condo3 Apartnent or Condo3 Apartment or Condo3 Apartnent or Condo3 Common Pub1ic Area TOTAL2 Dining Roorn2 Apartnent or Condo2 Apartnent or Condo2 Apartnent or Condo2 Apartment or Condo2 Common Public Area TOTALL Connon Public Areal- Retail Sales Rooml- Retail Sales RoomL Retail Sales Room TOTALB Parking GarageB CO}!I{ON PUBLIC AREASB Dining RoonB RETAIL SALES ROOMS TOTAL 6 4 5 L4 2 7 7 5 L2 37 69 262 5 5 5 6 57 340 L22 80 27 242 47L 50 70 79 36 236 L l_ L 2( 2) L t- l_ t_ 2 t_2( 2) 2 l_ L L t 22( 2) 2 2 1_ 23( 2) 2 2 2 t3( 2) 0.L No0.L No0.L No0.3( 0.3) No0.0 No 0. l- No0.L No0.1- NoO.2 Noo.7 No1.4( 1.s) No 5.2 Yes 0.L No O. l- No0.l- NoO.1 No1.1 No6.8( 7.6) Yes2.4 No1.6 No0.5 No4.8 No e.4 ( l-3 .2 ) NoL.0 No L.4 NoL.6 YesO.7 No4.7( L3.2) Yes No N/RNo N,/RNo N/RNo N/RNo N/RNo N/RNo N,/RNo N/RYes N,/RYes N/RYes OutYes out #4No N/RNo N,/RNo N/R No N/RYes outYeE OutYes OutYes OutNo N,/RYes OutYes OutYes OutYes OutYes Out #aYes N/RYes Out of the 50 gr lrore. Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of walls andceiling. -- sec. 3305. (g) Openings are required to be protected. -- sec. 3305. (h)In areas where 2 exits are reguired, the minimun separation is L/2 maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303. (c)Exit signs ars reguired fron all areas serving aD occupant load of-- gec. 331a. (a) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304.(b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b). The nunrbers in ( ) include occupant loading frorn floors above this floor. -- Sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: 4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. 3318. (a). See exception for A-3 occupancies and churches. HANDICAPPEDACCESS:1) Handicapped access is reguired to at least one prirnary entranceto this building -- Sec. 3301-. (e) & Table 33-A See table 33-A for exceptions to upper floors. See table 33-A for exceptions for the basenent.2) If a ramp is used for handicapped access, the max slope isLrLz. -- Sec 3307. (c) STAIR NOTES:Within a dwelling unit: A stairsay ln a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the mininum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.f,1- Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is more than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 3O inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximun opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. l7LL. exc l-For cornmon stairways: The naximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum run is 1l- inches.-- sec. 3305. (c) The ninimum sidth of a stairrray is 35 inches, 44 inches if the oceupant loadis greater than 49. -- Sec. 3306.(b) See section 3303.(b) when occupant Loadis greater than 183. Provide handraits on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. (f,Iay be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard raLl where drop off is greater than 3O inches. Minimum height = 42 inches, naxJ-mum opening size = 5 inches. -- Sec. L7LL. The minimum headroon is 6 ft.- I inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as reguiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) Stairways are required to be in exit enclosures. -- Sec. 3309. (a) The walls of the enclosure are required to be t hr fire assenblies. The walle of the enclosure separating 81 from occupancies above shallbe 2 hr. rated with openings protected with L L/2 tl.r. rating. The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be t hr assenblies. A connection to the exterior is reguired with the sarne fire protection as theexit enclosure. -- Sec. 3309. (d) A barrier ls fequired at grade level . -- Sec. 3309. (e) The space under the stairs (enclosed or not) may not be used for any purpose. -- Sec. 3309. (f) At least one stainray is required to extend to the roof unless roof slope isgreater than 4rL2. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Provide a landing within 1 inch (L/2 inch at doors used for handicap access)of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (h) The rninirnum width is same as door width and the minimum length is 44 inches.-- Sec. 3304. (i) The maximum travel distance in this building is 200 feet.-- sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS:1) The roofing on this building is reguired to be Cla6s B or better. -- Table 32-A2) See section 3204. and fCBO research reports for reguirements. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : A class I standpipe is reguired. -- Table 38-A A hose is not reguired. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES:1) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) 2) A standpipe is not required in the basement. -- Table 38-A, footnote L WALL AND CEILING FINISH:L) WalI and ceiting finish materials are reguired to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on walls and ceiling are required to have a Class I flarne spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b, INSULATION NOTES:L) All insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a naximum smoke density of 450. -- Sec. l-713. (c) 2) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. L7L2. GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS :l-) AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing rnaterial . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITTONAL REQUIREMENTS ! For 82 occupancy In all areas customarily occupied by hurnans, provide natural or artificial light and ventilation. -- Sec. 705. For Rl occupancy ALL CHIMNEY ENCIOSURES FOR WOOD BI'RNING FIREPI.ACE FACTORY-BUILT CHII'{NEYS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A ]. I{R. FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. ALL PRO.TECTS I,ARGER THAN FOUR DWELLING UNTTS SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH STAMPED DRAI{INGS FROM A QUALIFIED ARCHITECT AND/OR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. ALL BUILDING WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAII.,, I{ITH 20 T'NITS OR MORE, OR OVER THREE STORIES, AND CONTAINING ANY DWEI.,,LING UNITS SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH ENGINEER FIRE AI.ARI,I AND FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS FOR APPROVAL BY THE TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT. ORD. 3 OF 83. A fire alarm system is be required ln this building. -- sec. 1211. Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used forsleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. Egress not required from fourth level . A window must provj-de a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear heightof 24 inches, and a clear width of 2O inches(nininun). -- Sec. L2O4. AII habitable rooms reguire exterior gl.azed openings egual to l-0? or more of the floor area. (nin 1O sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1-205.(a) A11 habitable rooms require an operabte exterior openings egual to 58or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) Provide a smoke detector in all areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. L21.0. (a) The ninimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches exceptkitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --sec. -- r.207. (a) For 81 occupancy Devices generating a glow or flame are reguired to be 18 inches abovethe floor. -- Sec. 708. The ninimum clear height is required to be 7 feet. -- Sec. 7O9.(b)5. Parking €tarages reguire a ventilation system that exhausts 1.5 cfnper sq.ft. of floor area. -- Sec. 705. TOILET FACILITIES: HANDTCAPPEDL) ALl doorways leading to a toilet room for handicapped are required toprovide 32 inches clear width. -- Sec. 5L1. (a) 2) Provide 44 inches clear on each side of doorways. -- Sec. 5l-1. (a) 1.3) Provide a 50 inch dianeter clear area within the toitet roorn(s). -- Sec.511. (a)2. 4) Provide a clear area 42 inches wide and 48 inches long in front of atleast one water closet. If in a comparturent and door is on the side,provide a clear access width of 34 inches. Door may not encroach intoclear area. -- Sec. 511-.(a)3.5) A 48 inch access width is required to the handicapped compartment. -- Sec. 51.1. (a)3. 6) Grab bars are required behind and on one side or on both sides of handicapped water closet. Side bar is required to be 42 inches J-ong (min) and extend 24 inches in front of water closet. Rear bar is to be 24 incheslong in a room or 36 inches long in a compartment. The top of the bars areto be 33 to 35 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 5L1.(a)5.7) Provide a clear area under at least one lavatory. 30 inches wide X 29 inches high X L7 inches deep minimum. -- Sec. 5LL.(b)r..8) The botton of one nirror, opening of a towel fixture, and disposal fixtureis reguired to be within 40 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 5l-1.(b)2.&3.9) The top of the seat on the water closet is required to be L7 to l-9 inches above the floor and cannot be sprung to return to the lifted position. -- Sec. 5L1-. (a)4. R.l HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS:L) fF there is rnore than 20 units on the site, handicapped units are reguired. -- Sec. L2L3. 21 through 99 units on site : L handicapped unit 1OO & over = 1, plus 1 for each additional 100 units of fracti-on thereof2) All doors in the unit are reguired to provide 32 j-nches clear width.3) Toilet facilities in these units are required to conply with Sec. 51-1. These requirements are per Sec. L2L3. The 60 inch clear area is not required within units. -- Sec. sl-L. (a) l-. Grab bars are not required within a dwelling unit. -- Sec. sl-L. (a) 4. The sink clearance, mirror height, and fixture height are not reguired within a handicapped unit. -- Sec. 5r.1. (b) Town of Vail Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 8L657(303) 47e-2L3A Plan review based onthe L988 Uniforn Building Code Project Number: LO/gO Name: VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA Address: SOIITH FRONTAGE RD. AT VAIL RD. Date: November 5, L990 Occupancy: 82,RL, 81,A3 Tlpe of Conet: Il-lhrSprinkler System throughout building Contractor: RfNGLAND, JHNSN , CRWLYArchitect: ARNOLD,GI{ATHMAY,PRATEngineer: JHNSNTVoILND,ARCHI,TA Plans Examiner: MICHAEL WHITAKER Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform nuilding Code ( 1988 edition) with perrnission of International Conference of Building Officiats SHEET IDENTTFTCATION CORRECTION REQUIRED L LEVEL 2 RESTAITRANT This area requires two exits. Due to configuration of open area (atrium) in center of dining area the distance to the two exits is questionable. The areas around the open area, especially to the north,shall not be blocked at anytime by any object. 2 BSMT PK STR-ENCLSRS The central stair enclosure shall be a 2 hr. rated enclosure due to the occupancy separation to the level above frorn the parking structure. openings are reguired to be L I/2 hr. rated. These doors areindicated as #101- & 201-. 3 GRD LVL RESTRNT 4 ******** 5 **** **** 5 ******** Door to public conmon area is to be a l- hr. rated door. (#sfz1 This door may be automatic self closing. The other door(#308) which opens to the exterior is required to swing out and both sha1l be suppliedwith panic hardware. A11 sheets to be starnped and signed by an Architector Engineer registered in this state. -- sec. 302. (b) This project will require a site improvement survey. This survey shall be subrnitted and staff approvedprior to a frame inspection approval. The design, constructlon, and installation ofelevators. durnbwaiters, escalators and their hoistways shall be as per the requirenents of UBC cH. 5L. Ttris includes fire resistance of enclosure & openings and hoistway ventilation. Page # 2 Required corrections for:Project Id: VAfL GATEWAY PLAZA AddTess: SOITfH FRONTAGE RD. AT VAIL RD.# SHSNT IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 7 P-l GRSE I{ST Subnit a drawing indication location of grease waste for building. Show location of grease trap, all cleanouts, and all lines to tenant spaces. All subsequent tenant perrnits to indicate grease waste within tenant space. 8 MECH. LOCATfON Design Review Board to approve all locations of mechanical eguiprnent, duct terrninations, and chases at exterior of building. 9 A-3.1 DECK RAIL AII exterior deck railing to be as per UBC L7l"L. Minimurn height is 42 inches with no openings greater than 6 inches. 1-0 DRAFT STOPS supply draft stops in aII floor/ceiling and roof assenrblies as per UBc 251-6(f). Maxinurn area withindraft stops is 30oo sg. ft. with no dimensiongreater than 100 ft. trr'0 DEc 1 71 90 December 14, 1990 Mr. I{ike Whitaker Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: MaI1 Millwork Flame Spread Dear Mike: Per our telephone conversation of December 10, the mal-l millwork can be considered to have a flame spread of Classlfication IfI based on Exception 2 of Section 4204 (a) of the Unlform Building Code. Also as discussed, the pine itself has not actually been tested butis assumed to have a flame spread in the range of 120 - 150 whichis below the threshold limlt of 200 for Class fII material. We are proceeding on this understanding. Sincerely yours, /GwATHMEY/PRATT ARcnrrEcrs, P.c. /e4'Robert RLA/ad copy to : Leo Jef f Palmer, Nading, Pa1mer Development Ringland Johnson Crowley Arnold j t7 MEMORANDUM TO ! Gary Murrain FROM: Buff Arnold DATE: March 1, 1990 VaiI Gaterday - Code Assumptions/Permit Schedule The following is a list of code assumptions and permit schedule worked out jointly with you over the course of several meetingsover the last year, most recently on February 19, 1990: 1. Occupancy Types! A3 - Restaurant 81 - Parklng 82 - Retail R1 - Dwe1l1ng Units Type of Construction: II - 1 Hour Area increase of 50E for separation on two sides. The building is a three level mall building, Chapter 56, UBC1988. An exception will be allowed to increase the ratio of accessory occupancies above the 258 specified in Section 5605(a) to allow the current arrangement of residential areas and the restaurant. Additional increases of accessory occupancies wil-l not be allowed. Thus, any additional dining roons must be less than 50 occupants. The bullding will be entirely sprinkled, and the sprinklerswill be used to allow a fifth floor, permitted by Section 5603(a) and Section 507. The parking llarage will be considered a separate building. Removal of gasoline impacted materlal can resume under theexisting excavatlon permlt. 2. 3. 4. E 6. ,a .,' 8. We want to commence foundation construction on or beforeApril 1, 1990, in order to complete backflll and all majorsteel erecLion by midsummer and conplete occupancy (substantial completion) by November 16, 1990. This is the schedule that has been incorporated into the general contract; and will assure that the project is not only closed in, but completed(wlth the exception of final landscape planting) by the openingof next ski season. 9. You indicated to me that you may have some difficulty issuing afull building permit by April 1 because of the work load withthe parking structures for the Town and the hospitali but that we could probably expect a foundation permit by April 1 with afull permit by mid April. /ad o March 2, 1990 Mr. Gary Murrain Mr. Mike Mollica Department of Community Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, CO 81657 RE: Vail Gateway Dear Gary and Mike: Retai I Restaurant Dining Room Residential Unit 1 Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6 Development West The following tabulation of use, floor area, and resultant parking requirements is submitted for your use in reviewing the plans andspecificatj-ons submitted for issuance of a building permit for VaitGateway. I have also included the gross area for each floor level,including both the inhabited areas and Lhe structured parking. USE FLOOR AREA PARKING 13,580 3, 0oo 200 993 1r81 4 2 ,523 937 3 ,399 1 ,890 s.f. / 300 =s.f. / 15 s.f./seat seats / 8 s.f. GRFA s.f. GRFA s. f. GRFA s.f. GRFA s.f. GRFA s.f. GRFA 45.27 spaces 25 spaces 2 spaces2 spaces2.5 spaces2 spaces2.5 spaces2 spaces 83.27 spaces 84 spaces 63 spaces 21 spaces 67 spaces 26 spaces 93 spaces TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED Full size spaces required ( 75t ) Conpact spaces allowed (25t) FulI size spaces provided Compact spaces provided TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED ,.,t o -2-March 2, 1990 With the current anticipated uses, we have nine more parking spacesthan reguired. This should allow for some flexibility in leasingportions of the retail area to more intensj.ve uses in the future. Gross building areas by floor are as follows: Mr, Gary Muraj.nMr. Mike Mollica Retail Level 95Retail Level 102/105Restaurant/Residentlal Level 1 18 Residential Level I28Resi-dential Level 'l 37 Total lnhabited Area: Parking l-,eve1 73 Parking Level 84 Parking Level 95 Total Parking Area 4, 14, 10, 7, 218 474 058 985 542 s.f.s.f.s.f.s.f.s.f.2 39,281 s.f. 4, 15, 100 s68 540 s.f.s.f.s.f.10 30,208 s.f. In calculating the recreation fee for the project, I had guestionedIast spring whether or not sinilar SDDIs such as the Vait V11lageInn and Cascade Village had been charged a similar rate (one dollarper sguare foot) on the requj.red parking structures. CCI is charged one dollar per sguare foot, but they dontt have to provideparking. I would like written confirmation that those districts were charged on their parking, and at what rate. If any more information is needed for permitting, please contact me. Slncerely yours, D/GwA ARCHITECTS, P.C. RLA/ad May 23, 1990 Mr. Gary MurrainBuilding Official, Town of Vaif 75 South Frontaqe RoadVai1, CO 81657 RE: Vail Gateway Dear Gary: Enclosed find two copies of marked up prints showing individualfire protection of the horizontal members including UL assembliesfor Vail Gateway. Specific column and beam fire proofing details are shown on Detail 7 Sheet A5.1. This should be all the material necessary for the issuance of the final building permit. rf you have any guestions, please call me. Si.ncerely, ARNOLD,/GWAT TT ARCHTTECTS, P.C. Robert L. Arnold, AIA RLA/ad Enclosures l*,Y,J August B, 1990 Mr. Gary MurrainBuilding Offlclal 75 South FrontageVail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Gateway - Town of Vail Road West Dear Gary: Per your request, please find enclosed aLl observation reports and field corrections by our structural engineer (JVA) as well as al1 test and observation reports to date from Chen/Northern on compacti-on, concrete, relnforcing, and structural steel . My understanding is that we have a full buildinq permit for all work except fire spri-nklers and alarm systerns. Shop drawings for those areas of work have been submitted to the Fire Department for their review. At this point, I am assuming that all major code areas have been addressed as work is proceeding at a rapid pace. Sincerely yours, ARCHTTECTS, P.C. RLA/ad Enclosure Arnold, 75 routh ftonlage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) {19,2139 olllce ol community deuelopment TO: I'IEMORJANDI]M 4-Way Stop File, Gateway Fi1e, Town of Vail Right-of-Way File Andy Knudtsen December L9, 1990 Vail Road sidewalk and median plan FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The plan for a sidewalk on the east side of Vail Road between the 4-way stop and Meadow Drive is located in the 4-way stop file. Leo Palmer and Buff Arnold were the applicants for this proposal, and it was rnade in conjunction with the Gateway Development. During the review process, Tohrn staff developed a plan for this section of road. Because locating the median at this point prinarily affects the 4-way stop, all the infornation that is a part of this application is in the 4-way stop file. I community Development O-75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado AL657(303) 47e-2L38 Plan review based onthe L988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: LA/gO Name: VAIL GATEWAY PL,AZA Address: SOUrH rRONTAGE RD. AT VAIL RD. Date: October 26, L990 Contractor: RINGLAND, JHNSN , CRWLY Occupancy: B2rR1 ,BLrA3 Architect: ARNOLDTGWATHMAY,PRAT Type of Const: Il-Lhr Engineer: JHNSN,VOILND,ARCHLTASprinkler Systen throughout building Plans Examiner: MICHAEL VTHITAKER Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from theUniforn Building code ( 1988 edition) with pernisslon of International conference of Building officials # SHEET IDEIfTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 1 LEVEI-, 2 RESTAURANT This area requires two exits. Due to configuration of open area (atrium) in center of dining area the distance to the two exits is guestionable. The areas around the open area, especially to the north, shall not be blocked at anytime by any object. 2 BSMT PK STR-ENCLSRS The central stair enclosure shall be a 2 hr. rated enclosure due to the occupancy separation to thelevel above from the parking structure. openings are required to be L I/2 hr. rated. These doors are indicated as #1O1 & 2Ol-. 3 GRD LVL RESTRNT Door to public conmon area is to be a l- hr. rated 4 **** **** door. (#lrzl This door may be automatic self closing. The other door(#3o8) which opens to the exterior is required to swing out and both shal-l be suppliedwith panic hardware. AII sheets to be stanped and signed by an Architector Engineer registered in this state. -- Sec. 302. (b) This project will require a site irnprovement survey. This survey shall be subrnitted and staff approvedprior to a frame inspection approval . The design, construction, anct installation of elevators, dunbwaiters, escalators and their hoJ.stways shatl be as per the requirements of UBc cH. 51. This includes fire resistance of enclosure & openings and hoistway ventilation. 5 **** **** 6 **** **** luun 75.outh lront g..ord vrll, colondo 81C57 (303147$2153 d.p.rtm.nt ot publlc worlcy'tr.nrpondlor May 30, 1990 Mr. Todd Ellgren RfC conpany 3450 Penrose PlaceSuite 160 Boulder, CO 80301 Dear !tr. Ellgren: VAIL1989 This letter is in response to the Landscape pLan showing theproposed crane location at the Gateway plaza. This location isacceptable to ne as long as the following conditions are met. 1. Trees to be noved will be transplanted to Town of VaiIapproved site.2. Trees wil} be replaced with nes nursery grown naterialof the same size and species as those removed prior toissuance of final certificate of occupancy.3. RJC will provide regular summer watering to renainingplant naterial within the affected bed.4. The rock wall bordering the planter to be reconstructedto natch the renaining wall prior to issuance of finalcertificate of occupancy. rf you have any questions, do not hesitate to calr me at 479-2L6L. Sincerely, -.-l)0r<t I *l(u l+fa-LL, Todd Oppenhbiner, parks Superintendent Town of Vail Tolpab cc: Kdstan|-Prit-zt creg Hall Gary Murrain nBP l0 '9a t4tzg FRD o 196€0 EaSt Mr$€,FEgr FAnxER. COLOhAm 80134 ftKt€41-9523 FAX SOg€41 €e6 I L^WOFF|CE,S JA]VTES T. AI.IEST ATTORNEYATI-AW PNGE A2 ADMITTEO IF| coLoFFOo e VYirEMn€ ApriI 10, 1990 Kristan Pritz Susan Scanlan ToFn of Va'll 75 S. Frontag€ Rd tVestVail, C0 81620 Re: Euilding periai'e-.'- Veil ea.?eway pl e:aBy Fax & Federa'l Express Dear Kristan and Susan, ilm enclosing various documents from the consultant for Amoco oi'lcorporation as we] I as our advisor and consultant Rocky !4ountainconsu'l tants. r hope that the enclosed inr-ormation will ansrer thequestions t'hat you had for me this morn'ing regarding the soilsissue at the Vail Gateway piaza. r'm sure that you are wel? awareof the s'ignificant amount of work that has been performed et theproject and it is my understanding that Amoco has spent in excessof one nil iion dollars on this site, During the process, Amoco Oi'l Company has taken full responsibi'lity for thjs site. As part ofthis responsibility, Amoco Oil Company has entered into anindemnity agreement to benefit Mr. palmer and United Bank of0en.rer, ! believe that the indemn.ity agreement speaks as to thecommitrnent that Amoco Oil Company has to this site and theirconcerns on environmenLal issues. The ccrrespondence frorn Don Deers and from Jery strlck'land wills6rve as a general narrative of the €tetus of t,his project. Based on the information received by United Bank of Denver andtheir independent review of the report, United Bank of Denver hasagreed to lend the neceseary funds to build the project. you w.il'lsee that the corrniiment provides for a loan in the sum of$ 6,400,000-00- f'm guite sure that United Eank of Denver wouldnot have committea to this type of loan without be.ing entire't ycomfortabje with the site especial'ly in l ight of today'senvironment of special concern wlth these types of properties,Also, I can tell you that ltr. Heseman with Rocky Mountain Consu'l tants and Jery Strickland with Enecotech arE probably thebest at taking care of underground tank issues in Colorado. Therefore, f as€ume that the enc'losed informat'ion ri 1'l besufficient to allow for oommencemenu of the construction. Thecement had apparently been ordered by our contractor, Ringland, Johnson-Crovvley and the de1ay is expensive. nFR 10 '99 l4!31 FR 0r _ The foilowing documents are encloe€d: 1J RlrlC correspondence to CDH, dated 2-ZI-S9.2) cDll letter of 3-.t3-90.3) Rl,|C nEmo of 3-26-90.4) Indennity Agr€em€nt of B-25-gO.5) RMc correspondence, 4-10-gO.6) Enecotech L€tter, 4-lO,gO. Thank you for your antieipated coop€ration on thie. T. Anest JTA/e1 Enc'losureE --.::..-."' ' t , 90 l4:3 t FROfi aPR ta 'sa l4-E :_.!i=ir+-: _ :;:i-F:a{F::F-r-f ENECOTECH DENUER :' FHUE U'I . PeGE,gz ,ro nEfg EElI I 1 I I i : I a 't I I I Apdl 10, 1990 rgsol3 Palmer De'relopslent AfflNl Mr. .Ilaa Anest 27$5 Irla Arrc. Borddcs, Colonado 8OgO2 ;o;;y"d Bt"';;-;i the excavatr*, ana for:nifiiil-ard l6',tt - of ItqPaci4 8E$Iffipy tyAfi,rfl.E suQecil Gatcmay Ftqza/Anoco stadon No. 24s9. rz sorrth ltontage RoEd va& Colorado, Dear IvIr. Ancst Ae requested' thts le$er sumglartffi the eurrent siahrs gf &e prqect tncludlng regulatory agcirclss, rcmedtal acflvltlea anC potentlal ,rDpactg to itte congElreilon. 1i7e undcatand thlg letter ts requested to addLess mncems apnesscd by M5. Susn Scantan $'lth the Tesnr of VaIl. {mmo CorpoTEoB end fic coneultant$ }rav.e worked ctoeely wtth the Color:adoDeFrtment of Health (Cnril on tntg proJect TIre CDH bas 6e€n reI tnfomcd of tbe iryllttgaUons and recnedial acdvttlcs at the $tie. Durttrg s€secaf nrc€dngs Elth the CDH, they have cancurred ]yl0r th€ recuedtaton ptans -for t.hc Eftc. Tbc CDII las not formally apgnorrcd the cor:ectJve'gctlon pt84 for tbe dts at presenl, howewtr, as hdtcat€d I! ldr. pteratfs tetter of l,tarch lg, lgg0, thry ]eet tAe rcnedtal se?sures betng takeri are approprlatc Tbe Tmn of Vail ano oti:rr agenctes have a}so been lnformed of s$e acflvltes as regucsted. Aftcf closurq of the .6moco s*aum, s€tEs€t rcraedlal n€ggrltEg have been nufleneeted at the eite, eom€ of vhtch are on goltrg As part of dtc dcmoltflm,, tbe urderg[or.rnd storage rqnka we3s rtrnovcd and dtspoeed of ofi-Ette. Durrrg +nE rgnoml contamlnated sofls wtthtn th€ ta"k errcarraflon ?€rc rcooy€d and dtspoccd of at qn approved landffU. D€talla of the tank reanovaf are yreeented tn Chen, Northem's rcport of Apr[ 26, 1989e. To consEuct the below gfadc parktng ga${re fon the Gatnray PlaaA tbe !3ajslty of the propcrty was srcavatcd to ae dcep.ae 25 fccl Apprdmatcly t4,0OO crrbtc yard of Eoils lspacted by petroleurs bydroca*ons were exst eted and rcmorcd to an ofr-srte hctltty for use as aspbalt ag$Egatc, Chen-Nortbcrs f9€Ob. Based on Clrcrr-Northem'e cstlnrat€ of 2,800 cublc-yarde of soile ryith a bead epce aborie, 50 parts p€r mllllon (ppml rcmatntng In thc amrraflon. thc sd[ rsoonl reEulted |rl s SS ire"seot redic'flon of tbe 6urce ln t!€ excara,uon- nq963yt.ET9f I -. .^ - ..art. Ea-asft . D.rrrvar. Oatlet'd?L- fnnnf FIEGE Sults 7Oq ' laol Eroadwry ' Donver' t''"'-,.; [l- ;pi", o ENECOTECH DENUER FRDI'1'su ,lJU Aprll 10, lgEO Pagc 2 Eotls to be sigrd$eantly reduced. Ttrle rcduqton wa3 angctpat€d End trs felt to bc t}re result of*tncreased voladlpaton. blodegmdaflm and flushfng of the 6O0s by snow melt. EnecoTech 1990b. Ar presented ln the Addendum to the CorrecUve Acflon Plan for tlu slte, Chen- No*hern 1989b. the r€lrredial E€rului*r at tlc stte were to be conductecl ln tlree pbasee. Fhaee t waa the Sdl €!66ayatan and relnsyal' d,rscl:Stcd abort. lte i.coiC ptUirc r*t gounOflrat€" rgco"sy and treatuent. AftCt co-apl*on of the encaraHbn. two recmrcry wells were trtalled rlong tbe west slde of tbc exca€tlqtl These we0a were destEned to have crruiapflng cones of tn{uence, resulttng 8r a i; l downgradlent barrter ro goundurater florr Fbm-thc tmpected asea.- Water coilected ::" yy ril*eUs would tc u&ted usiltg an ait se$ptng ryEteE and dscharged to &c : . iitft":-rl senrer. T!:ls Ercten wal tmtalled 3t thc 6tte and bcgn operaUn$ 1n ilcsnb€f lg8g. Cher:-Nbrthera 1990a. Ae I rerult of rcccrlt cltc cofrgtrucflott" the slrstenl bas been shut down unfll it l"?n bG rclocatcd outgtde of tbe cone!ructlon #ea Detatls on tlrte systerg 8re fesented In Chen'Northern'E rePorts fgEgb and 1990& Ilre ttUrd ptrase of rcEedla6on would bc trnplemented bcs€d oD the leillte of the grtt t*o pir.ges, Based 0n the F"sent rtcults, the Pbasc q tPr! wtll tnclude tle tnstattaU6o of a eotl ventln$ syuien orr tbe Prcp€fty, EncesTegh 1990a' The vttrt srrgttrn *fU Uu tnstaiied tito the so{s along tha weat and nort! eldes of the &-.iGuo" A"rinO tbe temporary Ebodng eystem. An aqduonsi h!ilzontal Sp€ .yrgg;-*ttt be tEtalicd f*o td" mpacied area ln the base of the ercaratlorL d"icot "i, lgggb. llrc systerr wlll be ccnrtected to a btowcr wbtch wtll efiact glr roln tu" snoundtng sorls to promote hydrocarbon vEpor fi$rotal. porflons of thte sl6tca3l were installcd tn late lvlareh f 9gO. -Durlng tbe lrt3tsilaU6l-oi-Utr "*t-eof"iJ'behtttd tbe temporary thrytn+ *n fitaFau9o was conducted ;G Ecfl gi, measurerr€nts to -eyaiGte tlrc hrorlzontal tdcq { ft otryt ffi"t"U-*oG-n-trlqd ttr" sbortng qFt"g- The oraluaton tndtcated the hortamtal ercient of tlre tmpacted eoG v-ai atout 1O to 12 feet behtnd the sboctng. 11-.lq ed;a;tgngi *trr ure ggundwarEr eflrac'corl E_y.,EEF rr1u F .qptal"d and opesated q'"li a s"nu!t* locauofr for ths equtprn€nt can be fcund outsld'e of the co'n-"trucfiorr are:L The cdtts'ta for sotl clean-up at the stte ll3 a S0 ppm head ogaee seadlng' Solle bavtDg head space readrngs'bdnrw t}lle 1,alue ete aot anflctpated tO haTe stalrru{i. .oarfi Or""errftUle odor or-contar[tlrant gonc$ttaUons gencrally gteat€r t]an about ifiil;p* ut tn. "oU Cfte".Nortbern 1989. Solls above thte value would reqrlre some reracdia6oo to reduJ pot"ngsf tmpacta' Tbe Colorado DcpAfiment of ltcalth ;Gld; -soilE to be ;tmpa.'[d Uy pqgole]:B Sthocarborsl !f tbcy elrhlbtt head "p"* "*ar"go above ;lckg;;a'llor tbe sG. For tbts ste tbe rralue of ;fi,}o;d-il" f,een "utat Sppm- Tbese.'lrupacred'9oF 9o 1tt rc(lr:tre t€rloval' hower"er, tf tlrey ** oi*ottd. 'th€y nugt bc disPo"td of as a Epectat solld waste' PRGE . 03 Ffcsslm APR ta ,99 t4"i3 FRon. lrPR ta ,3€ lsil Ttre clean up cnterta for the gound'*ater dacflon and teatgent systesa !s eltlrer reduclng concentrattons to the e:dstlng or proposed tvtardmrta Contamln$t lfit€ls MCL), for the cor:sHhrents, benacnc, ethytbcnzenc, toiuene and xylcnea ar r:ntI tbe conc€ntrauon of the conEuhlentE steblllze, C:ben-Northcrn 1989. lbc MCL'8 are drtddng *ater gtendards cstabu8hcd or prupo8ed by tlle EPA, Stablllzaflon of tbe concenhaflong ov€r Ume lndlcates tbat tbe €rdractloo l; no l,ongcr dectlng a reducflon lrr conta,mlnant levels and tbcrcfore, cotttiilled operatlon of the Byetem ts notjusUfed, Drcconunufrg tbe grorutdrats *tracfron and tJcaEcnt would not po$sa tn$nent tfueat to publtc healtb or tlrc enttronnfnt as EousdrnEtcr l,s not utllQed by thc Town of VaIl for drfnldng waten, ChEr 1988. The,criterla for operatlon of the sof, rrcntlng systcm to bc trrstallcd Et thc alte bag not been establlshed yet, The l,arcls uged for deanup rrtlll be bEaed xt part on tbc reeults of stte erraluatlonE to be condusted durrsg tnatallatlon. It !c antJclpat€d th8l t$e Cean-up cfrt€rta will tnclude the stabluzEt an of aotl rapor readlngs tn the c#acted ait, As with the goundwater clean-up, stabtllzaflon of conccotattone ln the sotl napor tndlcates ths systetu ts no lctger efcctlrc ln remedi,atlon Dr summary, the sources of the hydrocarbon contanjlraton at the stte' tar*s end Unes. bew-been removed. The -uaJortfy, en esUnatd 85 perccnt of resldual cor$aEtnauon ln tbe soils at the stte have been excarated and reooved og.stta Two rcrgedtal roeasrires rtljl be crnflJrulng at the elt,e to reduce bfdrocarbon concenbBtlolu rn the rematntng Eotl and gf,oundnater. A Eoll wnung E:/st€a-will be tnstalled tn rjre base of the erccarragon and lrto the north md vest stdes of tho C$a\radon. T\vo gfoundnrater erbacuon welle bavt b€ar hstaled on the dovmgradtent side of ilre property and tbe €sdracted uraters afe beated and Af*rirged to tbe sanltary se\r,er. Tbese meriodg of resedlrrBon baw l*en uflllzetl on nt.dcrOus petroleum-hydrocarbOn and hanrdeus waste $ttcs AId hgrre becfl .ffucfl're fn reaucfng conAdtnant levels. Tile clean-up- crltcrla cstabnBbed m to be estaltfsbeO for tbe-rygtens will result tn reducilon of contamlnants at tbc Elte. Ttre r€nedta,bon aysteds trave been dedgred to operate. dutl$g and aflcr .tbc UdHrng l$ constrqitsd. Tbe CDH ls awEre of the plopogcd_ bElldlng co-nstruc'69n ina Uri lntEstded op€ratron of renedlal systo afrEf butldl1.€ coopletlon In rdOfton, thc effEcWi operaflorr of tbe soti tesUtg syetem fe$$eE the conaphtlon of tlre butldtng. ENECOTECFT DENUER; Agflr 10, l99g psgs s 'e 'e0 nbt'tle 'rd-fgf,? EHEcorEcH DEN'ER . PF6E PAGE . 85 67 esfil 10, r99o Pad'e 4 if you bave any qugsiloris or lf you reqrrlr€ aiUfUo*f hfotmatlon, please feel fee to contact our olnce. Slncercly, EIIIECCnECH. tNC, 4,s'roJ Jcre A Strckland. P.E. c8lGr, cc: Stan Refi/es Paul Fatrbanks NPR IO ,99 !4.J4 FR 0t'l RPR .IA 'Sq !CF]2 ENECOTECH DENUE R Apflr 10. 19$ Pago E REFERENCES Anroco Corporation, Fger-on ii"noco Sevlce Statlcn #7489. i2 South l'rontase.. Vall, Colorado. rlune 29, 1989, cMS 8S-905. Chcn ard Associates. I-etter on Mgr{toiln€ Well lnstallauon. Vell.V.Sage.jlieoco Servtcr Statton. South,Frontage Road and Vail Road. V_a!-Colotado, Au6prt 3. 1987. Job No. 6 038 87. Chen.and Assodates. l.ettgf-oF Monttorlng V/ell Sai:'rpl.e-Analvs€8. Arnoco GasoUne S€fflce Stat{grt: Vatl Coiorado, Noveober 21, i988, Job No, 6 035 6S. Chen-Northem. lnc., Irtter on ObserraUon of Tani Re$rgltrl and Soll S?rgo{!g, Amoco Servlce Statio,fr, 1v.9.7439 13 $outh F:ontaee Road. Vaii. CcloraCo, April 26, 1989a. Job No. 6 038 E7, Chen-Northern. lnc.. Addendum io C-orrqetiyq +{c'.icn Plan. VaiI VlllaEe Amoco Sen4.ce -E.tq,tion. 12 South Frontage Road. Vail. -Qglgradq, Scptcnber 27, 1989b, Job No. 6 038 E7. Chen-Northern. Inc., #i+39. 12 South. Froilta{e Road: V€1}. Colorado. January 6 098 87. Cben-NorUrem. Irc.. Letter. on Evalu.a$.0-n.a4d Rernorzl of Cpntarntrra.t-ed $1F, =V=g$V'Jlag.eJln.oco. 1? S.g:utF FrontaEe Road' VELI* 9.clorado' Ja4uary 12, 1990b' Job No. 6 038 87' Eneco?ech, l#tqef .to Paui Fatrbanks' Febi-uary 23, l'990a. lln-^^Taah Colondo. Marci 27, 1990b. rusE APR 10',9S 14r35 FRor'l ^' IFR as| ':g 1E;3,' t'rruLu t-'.O .L Pn6E 99 P.4 rxDElq{rrY }CEESIEtrI l1lrgrNDE}[rIrte6RllilElrl('rndeu$ltyAgrcitl'ntr), dated lta:rch t5, 1990' 13 beficen AI'IOCO OltJ COuFrffY l;iiur"nftori) , a ttai.ffahd _corltoalt{gn, and-UNIftED-.BAilR oF ismren risoyii. rssliiit:otf (ri;nlttd') and lEa PtLlgEl. alb/e pAIl'xsR Dg'YElofl'tslfl eoEPAlfY ('Pal:n.ft) ' RBCTETL'g A. gnlt*t lc tattng a logn (the 'Ioanr1. ln tbe arcun+- oi apprc*:rateiy.S6,{00,000 tc Palarr lor tttc_pu9919_ sf fl::arctni- u:e acE:iiltlon of land tor and, -'.:rG. ccnst=Je?icn ii i-".{aiilcondoalifuu project Jao"rn ae TaiI cltew?y 91aza i""atea at 12 South rroniaq! Roed, veilr colorsdc (the tProJectt). S.Inceatritor,orolleeftteafllllateFlhegotled and,/or opcrated a teeollia,lr:nricr rtatlon on tbr lr$d 6n wiiicrt-uti-iioje"t iirr-Ei lo€rtrd (thr.'14nf:l {. slrch $and lr fiiil aoia-io-paUir inC 1r d'ertied la lxltlbtt A ettrdrGd hgrato. c. Ac a cottdttion grecedant to PElaet'a acqrlattton of th* land and to United uahlnE tbr Lan.and lo.pretrctpaUcer end Un::eC, Fslnar and U;ltad require tbat lndrnnltor entsr into thie tndmtrtty A€?e€r€nt asElEEg In ccnalderat'Lon of tb. lanEolng tnd ctb'f Eoqd.rld vElueblr conetderatton; thr tlCrlpt and sutliclancry sf chLcb arr heraby ecl*:evledEcd, rtld€onttor, Unl,tad 8ng Prtrlgr aglas ae feliocg: 1. lndlrlnlto! hezaby aqfrBar to lndaurrl!:r' dafend and hoid hamlrcs Palner end Unitrd snC thrlr agllltt, .iitiiaitJ,-e:::"*t*; cl:ectcrr end t1g:.oytc3 (all of tuch ."iftita end persona'brlnE rcfcrred to-helgia indivldualry-at ; ;#;*"tiria- iri{f -.iii E"ii "etlvetry a? - t+f rlndaanif l'ed iir,irc') srcu ana-iiafiit: (ii any ani ai1 litbj'llty, clalll, a"dffi ,' rnirurctiv+'-iiilre, ioits,--s*ps?iP, lciJt3ie ene clua€{t 6g aitlon-nriaiao"vei ifncrirAlng rltlrout llnttation lrsat roes and aiia,uiiaucaii, and eoris ani.?Tp€ltpr Lncurrrd !i i"r"riig"El"E-oi-a.tcnaini egainst any Utligtlon or clai,u' a&ion,-i"ii, -pioceedinE ot 6eainC 9f an-y.tdnd.or character) ;;-;tlic"\-;ny'rieennlltei eaStY nav b* rltbl..t.-11:?f"r ae tlrev grtree out oi or r3ltta to (t) any ectuat o!.rllfgod tontanfnatton ce -ifr"-:snA dr'adJicrnt or nelEporlnE land by. nPe ts ,9a t4136.'rfi,i !3 ,.,:o i8:3?FEDI..I ''ir'l()cs col PngE 10 or.th. prea€nce-or r.l.ar€ on or lnto thr tand cr adJEcent arncighborlnE land of, any harardous oF tcxic crr.bltenci, orprt=olr'.n, gaaollne or dicael luctr ineludlnE rithou?linltation crude olL or any fractlon theresf,- (collectlvelyrefernd ?o hereln ag tHazardouE gi:batancetr) t (tl) Etryallegc€ tnJuqy or.thrcat cf lnjur1 to healeh, Ealrty or thriovitoffBgnt, or (111.) any actuai cr allrgod noneoaFllancs ulthany feCeralr rtatE and LocEl uwlrer:nEntil euatutra,regulatlons, ordtnancas sr atry p€EElts, apprcvele or JuAicialor adsinletrativc ord.erg ieeuid th.trundcrl flvfng rile tollabl}lty un€tt tny federEl, Etate or local, invir6rnentaleiatuteg or oFJlnancsE, lncludlnE ylthout lj.a{tatlon the Csnptrhrnrlve Enviconarnlal Raoponaa, Corapensatlon Bndtlabllity tst of 1980, the llarasdour tilat.rlalr lransgortatlonAct, the dieEn ?late: Act End tlrr Rcgourcs, cons€rratlon andRacoverl'Act, l1l ag enanded frou tLae to tlea, or undgt any coEEcn lav claiu, :ncl,udLnE ptthoui liaLtatlon clellls tor tnjunctive rellelr pcraonal injury or daaagc to proprrty ornaturel relcErcrc ct gor or Bny clg1a by any Eover:raental orpriv{tr Fstty for rsasdlrl or raoovll coetr, natural rssourc€ deneEco, property {angfra, daangae for pertenal lnJur3,.Er orotbe! cgsts, BrFcnrgtt cr dauagea or any c1tiB for inJunctlverelief ariei,nE lroa any allegrd lnJury or threeE of lnjurlr tohealth, eafrty or the envlrornr.t ielatlng to the Land ol adJacciri or neighborlng landl enC (bl sny and rI1 c9ftt, ffiFrilte3 and logacr ltrcurr3d by Bny Indrnnlfled larty tn ortlerto tllul,neie, J.rcJ,atr og oLrrcrylr cgntrol or rgoor/€ any contaainatlon of the lend by a Harardoug Subrtancs, lhe forcgolng lndcrq::lty shal:, br blndlng r:.pon fndeunltor trhethar or not any contaolnatton by or prssrnc. or reloara at l{aaaldous ii;rtancac vaa crutad by fndeunitor, tdretlrsr or not indeonitor hal ltnowledgo cf lucb contaliiatlen, presence orrelratr, vhsthEr oa not ruch eontaalnatlon, ptssenca o! releaea rae ior*gceeble os unlortlccrhl,e or vbether or not euch eontaaination, lrrsancg sr relaam lg dtscloa€d ln or acknowlecigcd by ary raport, doeubsnt, atudy or tnfornEt{onobtainrd by or subalttrd o:r prov!,ded to Fallar st Unitcd,grceetjh+ euch l,nCeEnity ehall tlct b€ blnding uponIndesitc: te tho extsnt that (a) any ccntalination by or prsgenca or rai€aaa of ilazsrdouf Suratancac ltlster eoleii to tha ac?s of talner, unlted or sny other p+rt€n or entltyr. oth6r tban fnd€Ettt'-cr, it.c aff,lll.etcs or any of, thclr ag.ntEor contrrctore, StitLng eubeeguent to the data that Paluer acgulrcr tltlc tp the Land cr (b) the eourcr of any euch +cntaiination by or prs66hce or rrlceee of any Halaldous Subrtsncrc on or lnto land tdjr€snt to or nri.ghbotlnE tJ:e Iand naa or i-c entirel,y outfld€ tba Land and not related to anyactivity nev or prrviouely conductrd on the rrnd. -2- *.',*# Jr" ti'. rli n *#':O PnSE 1l 94, 2. thoae coetr, daalE|', lt$lttgler, lort|l|;clal^ug, Expenses (lncludhg ultf,out ll,nltation icagonablelegal tees and dlsbulse!€ntg) tor rhich Ure lnCenrlftedPartlm are lndeE llf led bercundrr rboll be reluburua.bla aglncurred rrlitrout any rrqul;asant of waltlng fer the ult{aata our-eonc cf any litiEation, claln or olblt lrocrcdlnE, sfidInd€Enl,tor shal:. pey such coatE! alFcnrcs, drlagBs,llabtllttee, IoeEes, clalu, expensie (includlng withoutllaltation-hEal f€es and dlsbulEesentr) a3 lnanrred byPElncr, Uilltad or other Indcanl!{.d Pa!.ty vithln 19 daye afterfiotlca itenlzlng thr anounts lnsulred to the date of euchnotlse, In addltlcn to any rarlad) aval,lrblr for tal,lure tepr=lodJ.eally pay such anouatr, such a[ountr rhetrl ttrtrratt.tboar in;ca.o! at thg reiE of tlvr lxrcfntrgr pointr ab6rrIlnlted'r Fqbllciy announced or publlth.d Filn- rate. Fayuer:by Pa]!rr, UnitBd or any othcr IndannLfisd pt8ty shall not bea cendltion preeadent to tltf cbl!.gationr of fndear:itog ,rnder thle lndean{ty Agrr.u.nt. 3. Any nctlcc to b€ given to rny party puraqant tot.!1e AEreenrnt ehall be in writln{ Enc rhiil br handdellvenAr actrt by overnlEht aor:ri.rr, otr lant by regJ.etrg€d srcertLfled nEll, rrturn raeclgt requestad, posteic prepgld, addreEs6d at lollgvci (at rE to Atloco! L{OCo gIL CouPemf 600 S. 6erry gt::cB, gultr 911 Deflver, Colora{c 84222Attnl D. R.lur 8roryn (b) It to Unitod Bankr Unlttd Eant sf DenverNationel tssoclatlon 1700 BrorCvry D.nvG. Colorudo 8037{-0043Attention: Rral Egtate Banking Groutt (c) If to Pcleer; llr, I.ro Falucs ??01 lris'Avenue, Suite A Bouldar, Colorado 8010{ IIly notlcs ebel1 be d6ned effe€tlvE shen handdellv$cC, etr ons day alter tllely drllvsry (aa evidenced byreceipt fron the ovrrnight courier) to en ovaralght cgurler-fcf, h€ltt day delivery to anotber psrtyr or thrgc d€,y€ afterlhe eane is depoallad rith tha U,S. Postal Senrlce, An!'party -3- nPR 1s 'eE 14t1.7 __ . "FJ"_0r[9lEF I .) H{rll"il3l"*i":: hlc addrrsa lor 'he si'rlnE or r:ottce by 't . InCeanLlor acxnorledEss. cua: - (f ) thla I:H€F*.li:yAgraeaent' has bean nrgotlaieE-ani c"ri"ered in tle gtate a!:lTr*i? end agrros .{at utfe i;ie&rty Asreerent Elrall baEovcrfied by and conatrued tn-aecoraancl ,iia trr.'r.ry" of trrearate cf cciorada. mig rniianiii" *gf.".eat Eball lnure rcurc bcneflr or rhe p"ifu.i'[Fjij; ;ii-n&;"fii:e rartles and3ii sugh pa*,ree, riipJiti"i-iiJJ.r"ors a:ri asgtsns,rndeuniicr walvu .a!y acceptanJ" -oc-fi lr:;;;ily eqr""r.r,tby thr Indeulfi"a pirties:'..'-- s. r:t:,:u_il:I?_of any indcanj,fi3d pa$y t,o €hforeBaey r:ght or reaedy hcreunder, 3e-t3 prcupiiy enfcrce any 'uer.::.s.it_-?: r:T€dy, ehair naC .oicilrur_e a va:v€r thgraof nc:E:ve ris€ tc any,€atoppgi again'i eucir psie"rl iJi'e:(cus€ th'indoar:ites 3:rco- r*.s. oBirfaiioi"-i,.=runder. Aay raiver cf Eucrrigirt cr reeedv aurt br $ il$G; and signed ty the Fcsr-y tobe bound. rtti rnee*,+ri-egr;;"ir,r rr eub;*i tc enfcrcenent::-lll_*dlcr e+:ity, rnirr:iGE uitrrout-iiiititiJ"' actione rorctaaagee andr/or epcclric perfot{ance. 6, rn1.:_ini:l"1ty-Agreeuent ehr,il be deausd to bEcortinui:rE irr narurr ana grrirl'"."Jin-ii-riir-irila ena effec.iand shall curxrivt arry "x*"cle" oi-gny rcnedy by unlt.at und*thr cccrircncr cove=niry, --"ialnliaE cr rrcr*i.::g the rcan,lnctudins ritniui tini-Eitiii*ioiiliro."=a of ure rcan (or tieedll 11'u thereor),^:i:l ii;-I"-;i# or euch-ror."Ioi,rr. or ccldL't rlcu of foraerosure, thc roin-iaaunt ts iitiiiiJa in futl. trl{DEililffORs tiloco oii, CltFilrY, E u8*?lan4corToration DrvtlaFlB.nt Cotrpany UTITED BAI{X Or ASSOCTIT:otr D&YVER NASIOI{AL By:re DLs::icE lianager -4- FPR 10 '90 ': IFR ag L4t3B '90 10:39 FRDN F.8 EICIIStrE A (tEtachld ?c and foraing a ParE of -"ha incetnitv lEse€Een--, dated ilarcB 3!, 199e' ;;t r"e""'oi:. corianY, .uni+,rd 3a:h ef uenvir llaticnatr psicliiton and r€o Pllser, d/b/ a grlne: Dev.loFlacnt Co'4ttny) A par- of, lote l{ ead o, blocl( -3-D' Vell vfifiec, Slrrt tgltngr'favn of, TalI, County ct i;;i;;-itii" of coloiido, rote Pa*tcuLErlv deicribed al follonEl coaarnclng st the Nctt,b'?aeag corntl ot scctlotl e, -iomsbip I soutb' Eanqte 80 Hest ot th€ 6!tl pi'i""ilii-ierrdian,'thEnia-E 0 Degrs€' 2l .idn$i-o0 geccnds'E and alonE ths t{cet llno ;i--din iectlon 8, 35.e8 Fe€ti ul€$cs s 79 niEiu"r ei-ulnutei 00 secorrds-E.25'r{ te€t to the l{ortnrnls coriri-ol rslA IFt Hr thlch lE irto- Lii- i:rre gcint of Eaglnning; tlrencr iinri"lif"e-i-c-D"grest 46 ltl,nutee oo g€condd E ;;e-;t;g-ths uosih trlne of eeid.-Lot lr, atrd' aronq uli tnger|*tr ef :Ilgb{sy No' 70, 175'00 i;a;i rl.ence s 10 D€Fgeg 1{ l|lnutes 00 iEconae $ W,{3 Feti, tlrance ll 79 D€gts9". {! !t!aut6 oO S€eot:d3 lt L4i.35 Fcrt !? I PclnF-9n{ng'llegturly llna af rald }9t r thrch ls a16o fi; ;;;i;"ri niittt ot wav llnE-of.vall Roadt llr"nlt x o-brgrier i5 *ii,utrr 00 srcondr tc and al-cnc eaid vleitsrly llna and alang. Ertts=ly ii;ili ot w"y Line iso.oo Feat ts iire i$l.;e Pcint of Beginning' 'CJDEI A-1 gPP, ltr .' L4ri9 ,,,".."i: : ,';i-ir*i:..' 'i:1,iii PgEE 1+ aa2 ' .pq '*0" c ''\velr r'l.rr L}i_.tFflry I. FC@ ' .:.; ' A.:'..i' :LrtL L../ COTORADO DEF,IRTMINT OF }IEATTH 4i 10 !q:t l lth ,{venrre Der:r,er, Colorado SO?:0.til 6 Phone (30]) I ZO.al i l of ? -__:___ !r l< !'4 -:', !4r.+g r.KUn -__ o RocKy l{ouilTl\$t coNsuLTff{Ts, INc. -.^.-: -\( i)* /\aJ ]--- : '|+ A\ PALI'IER. LTR\5. 5 Don lJ.;Deere, P.E., P,G. Princ ilal : Rocky Mountain Consullants, Inc. 19€O lrrrjuslr,ial Girjle. Suite A, Longrnont, Colorado 8O5O 1 303.78.5282 Otficw atsr.r in D8nv€r und Estes Park.00 Metro llnc:665€2€8 Fax No.663{9O5 :tMC cfi€rrl€€ts . plonnn?r . survgyors AgrJl 10, 1990 l llr. Leo Pa'lmer Palmer Oevelopment Company 2701 lris Avcnuo Sulte A Eouider, C0 80304 i RE: Renediel Action at Yall tltanay ProJeci, Gcrner of Yai'l Road and S. Frontagt [frd' Yell, Colorado Dear llr. Palmer: This'l etter is to provide you with documentatlon of our acceptance of the general remedial action at the above rgferenced tite. lle have revlewed the rernedia'l aci,ion plans prepared by Anpco and find that they are appropriate for thls site. The groundwater recovery tnd soll vapor recovery systems appear to be adequately designed to hand'l e the conditions at the rlte. 0n February ?3, 1990, ilerry Stricklaid of Enecotech (Amoco's consultant), ,Jin Anest (counsel for Leo Palmer) and I rnet rlth Scott Pleratt.of the Colorado Oepartment of Hea)th, Underground Storage Tanlt Oivision, to obtain comments and acceptance of the remedla'l actlons at the Yaii Getexay. Durlng that, meeting, lt{r, Pieratt to'ld us thet thc reccvery rclls aod soil vapor sysLems Here appropr'l ate for the site and he fufn'l sied us tvith a lelter {dated l,larch 13, 1990) which confinaEd our discusslons. In light of the Colorado.Department of tlea'l th's concurrence thet appropriate'actions are being takbn, r€ believe that constructlon of the gateray project should proceed normal 1y. Sincerbly, rHuE l5 nPR r9 '99 L4t4L FROI1 PF,!E 16 --.- COTORADO DEPARTivIENT OF HEAI?H .|1lO Eajr '1]th ,trenur f)enver, Colorado 80::0' I716 Phone (l0l) 11,0.81I3 Liarch 13 .l oorl This the tha s The Bsste has !s af d the plan A number of lDeetings and cDH uc dlscuss the . . .i-'' ..: questions I pIe+se gg feel frec to,€ont$ct Ee a€tIoRs have Laken pl*ce to this Besed upcn rhe d,iscussions an,d, sui review to this !.o'f,irt, re feel thBt, lapproprlato Efepg sre belng Llrhea to iuvc,etl8ats and renediatE thls site, ho*e.ver, ii*e are unable to:::fo-rng11y approve rlre coi-rectrve actsion pfanl ' li.: . -..pfanrat tbi.s point, j. ..,: ;trfl( ingiffinrs I pltnncrs r lurveYors TO: Fl0lf : DA]E: RE: APR L6 ',9q l4t 42 FR0r.1 Jiil Ans3t Tod llessenn ;;;;;;'aihsav RCIcKY t'4ouNTnlil culqNrs i,q,PC6E t 7 rEt0Rlil0ut tarch 26, 1990 off-Stt. ltlgratlon of l{ydrocarbonc fron latl Ylllrg€ tliloco H$*tfi Hfiil$}tT*fi1$l{$fififi ff,;;l,tififfi ***tn*ffffit*****r ' H:tt' fiii i $*l'*it':l rik?{ /io * remedlal Plan t $ff*ffirurufi$mx*mgw of'horizontal 'l ateral s benei'. a pump whicn : Jl'1"i.'lil't"l'ii l;;fiii;i" to'.":^:::,'.:l::.,;,ve they rre reri. , :"!iii=!llf ]n,iiifi iil:r:"::"fu i'liii:ii.$,iiffiii''l$;"t"llli,* iil"li; *;j r ;Fifuii t*[i ;;ii,'lr3ii;; ii::%i i,:;i si'n' ih "' r'le the so.il vaP( ffi H:il1ilf,;n13*is1'L-1"'.n:E-"""$'"r,""9il'ix'j'n'**'o' nPR 19 '90 l4:4:FRD14 POGE 18t ryffi€ engineers . plann€rc' sufveyors FebruarY 27, L99o K. Scott Pieratt Colorado DePartmenl of Health 4210 East llth Avenue Denver, Co'lorado 80020 Re; Yaji 6ater+ay - Vail Amoco Site - Vail, Colorado Dear Scott: This will summarize our meetlng of Fliday, February 23, 1990,-at your office' our conferencg was a'utended by james T. Anestr atiOrney for-ralmer t"veioo*.nt, Jerry SiiiliianO"represent'ing Am6co, and myse1f' I believe we discusieA and agreed upon the following: 1)Thatyoucurrentlyagreewiththeapprcach,andstepsthathaveil; i;kr;-in itre"pait, as welt as the proposed future remedial action bY Amoco 0i1 ComPanY. z) That during the first pTt 9f this week,you t{jll forward a letter to my atteit'ion indicating that,. general l.y the Co1orado Department of Hla1th ii in asr..ment-with ihe method, plan, and approach iaken at the prioF Amoco Gasoline Service Statjon site for purposes of rimedfation of the contaminateC site. Th1s letter witi furttrer indicate thit as to thjs siie, you approve the method and program developed by Amccc 0il Company.for the proper rn*.iiaiion of this sjtE anci that it ccii:plies with requiremeris established by Colorado Department of Health' 3) That Amoco will pursue soil venting on 'uhe north and west-portions oi-ii.'. UuiiOing is we'll as underneith the slab of the building. i believe that this generally sumnarized our discusslons and I will be looking iorwarA to receiving your letter next week. Flockv Mountain Consultants, Inc. 19€O l;dustrial Circie, Srrite A, LongmoFt' Ottices also in Denver and Estes Park' CO Colorado Metro 80501 w3-772.5282 line: 66$6283 Fax No. 66}6559 \ Mr, Scott Pieratt February 25, 1990 , ?age Two I if you have any questions, please car.l tne .rs soon as possrble. Slncerely, R0CKY M0UNTAIN CINSUITANTS, INC..44*fu' Tom Hesemann, R.G., C.E.G.Sr. ProJect HYdrogeologist Tllrsp cc: Jerry Strickland James T. Anest Joe French 0EPT9/i t/VAiL. LTR I rfit ftrgitlcf.l I Flanners T0t FROII: DATEI RE: IETORITDUT J{n Ans3t lqn Hgsewrn larch ?6, 1990 0ff-S'lta ltlgratton of HyClccarbons ?ron Yatl Ylllage finec0 PA6E A1BPR 19 '98 FROII t Rorr<v nouNrctr.f,P,"fr over rhe p.1t ::::r:,,Hllliloog!l.n?;,['ffi:"ioi!fiil[]i]"H' Hi,:!?i!ls, ;;;,it-;i irvdrocarbon *ei1s indicate thar;ffi;i;;;=i1bl:-l.t-?bout I to e feet tll,"".r,lt-i llll'glv6e excavation. m* ii:iriiliiy qf lf. vater table to the bel ovr the bottom or bottom 0r the u"t""uiiln'inlititil that^til-;i;t hal'ortty-of' the lrqrcted ssi'rs have been 'emoie;: 'i;ii-'ir:r':'!iifli;li:t,il',fr1f;1"'3;l?tl. "-t' ulii:l:iiiiir*AriHiF J[ii,llr,xi:,iii:'ilili,;:' tll;li:il]:r: bal anca of the excar rema I n i ng nyoroc arooi'iiii.rni.iti on s "re' iei.iivir 1 I oY'. T1 remedl att cn thou I o f !" liil,e i i,* '., r o -'Ulitl ii1# il;,:li*-ili:, i ll" f li i1"ill'lfiol[e!""" remedia'l P'lan' the Pg:el:tll,l:i-'l-rI--- -"' ilili;i iiin'tt out'lined brlerlv b€r0r' $;:, :i : :;:", ;i:l i:i"l,i rf fiilii: llili.ii:i}.';l;::T* ""illl;Ift iitt ! J" " Hti'i' i' :t?' ;l? 4:' il:ll'll, iliiiii;Ht,ilnl :i" illl lll ;iTil ; .n'l! - :*!nlii:l,t:ii"lll ;{iii'{ii:diTi:";"dE;;-i;;"" -r *"tion'' Ttri at r stripping un'it i' litli"iiy"ioiated'on.in*'iiit" llow€ver'-the atr strlpper will'be moved acros;'i;ii'ho"a to *re eiiiting-rmoco statl0n after ."iitiu.i,i"n of the huilding' In adcir"i'Jn to groundHater remedlltill: Aincco flll remediate the renalning impacted 'oi1, '''ti";';;;i vipor-extra:tt:|.;*:tn ,.ii:''iiii:lli:!liil'1" o'i'ii.i.ont.1 l91lh3oll5,.t?ffi llir-il;';;-.na raterals-wiiI be connected to I ateral s beneath t aDUiirDrhichisu'!iii--uirolittcttii';'i";;;ll1t1:1"::ossvallRoad'As in'the clsg-9r.tn"-g'ouna*atcr rec0vefi":+#t.i:i'lill;:Por rec0verv svsten ,iri'[.-n"ilt into itre uuitctng for us I have reviewe,J the design 9.f t!9::':Ystems' rnd belleve-theJ rre rell ' desiqned.no,nouJl;;ili;iheconditiililiinesttt'Thsinpactontne orouidwater tt tntl'iit n"' u"en r"taii;"i; i;; (the'l is no free product)' ind rr anythine-thl iri""iilt.' "e9-I+ii,':i::ll.Xrii:tr*:lttf;l',,1,0""""i'rri iiii ""por'extraition systen ls ri ffi [:il'J:kr"xrolitt:xE""'ru*'":rury"f;'i"re0o' APR t9 '90 t4?46 FR0ns:3,27/w) l5-*'|<!.^?A I l. lLr:rl tr lr 1 wr conditions.ThesesystemshaY?beenrevlelrdbyCDt|and'recentlyfulth?".-..- r""i.r"O at a tmetin'g at thelr offlce on February 43t l:gq'..The systens have been used in the pori inO-.i.L"C'gen""ol1y eccepied rnethods.in hrndllng.these ,iii iiriiiioni. 'These systemi are approlrtate'for thls. site rnd shou'ld ;;;;";l ih; irr-site-migiiiion of the"r'ernbin'ing.lrldrocarbons' I rould 'llke to acd that I betieve th;';;;;'i;signed nalure.of'thise systems ls tndlcatlvc of Amoco's corm'itnent to clean-up this site' The {ssue 0f off-site n.igration prior to retned'latlofl has.been lals9g by coll iiJ it-U"ing aaCressed*U! moiJ.' It oYI opinlqn, r" believe thet the contamtnatlon that ntii [1"" tigrated off'site 1s'nost llltely lifilted t0 ;;;;;iil giro'line coirstituenti ano grsotlne vapors thrt one their origtn to ;piii; iilO"o"irrrtrE. These conclusTons are suirported by the fglloH1n9: q llo vis'ible stalns ln gasol lne contan{nrted sollst o tlo indicationr of free product, md o No leaks vere observed ln tanks durtng remova'l operatlons' Given these sbservations and conc'r usron$, r rlso berieve_that the ext€nt 0f contaminaiion ts proui[i]-ii'nii;d:--on otner sltes that I have rorked 0n H'ith' slnllar c0ndit.ions, the extent of contaminatlon was linjied.to 50 to 100 feet or rhe ranks and oitiliuuti"il-rinei. In re'latlon ro thls slte' 91v!l.the-fact that the grgunduater-ii-iii*ing i" tF t{€$t-touthrest, the contanlnatlon t0 i'ri"'"ii:ii,'ii-li"uiury'irirrii-i6 io ao feet of the excavatton - under the trontage Road. rt ri uniifity ttrat the contaninetlon ln this area Hil'l ever be encountered by,.n Jue io ir,e presence of the Frontage Road gnd I-70. The extent of migraiion of the gascline constituents tc the nest is probably on the order of roo ieet. ttris'Oist"nce piices the adge,of_the plun be0eath. and qr south of tn. "iiiirng nipine Standird-Statlon. -lnterstatb 70 ls to the .ii.r,, ir.'J-frif"g* Inn ts ts ttri easi and south, and the Al.plne Standard ts tocated acr'ss yaif ioaa-to tni-rcst, it ts oui underttandlng.that these iiiirrir-0"-not trur*"iubsuifnce structures that rould lntersect the hydrocarbons. A ca:e ln po,lnt ls thls s..ts' If tt had not been necessar)r.t9-d19 the^.lerge excavatlsn, ttre rrneiiition-touiO have sonslsted of the Insta'llatlon of a vaDor recovery and giir"a.itii treaiment system. such a systen would haYe iiii on ine oiter oi 75,000 co 1001000 do]lars' Iri.llprepareInoredetlijedreportconcerningcondltlonsatthlssitelrter this week- sul{r'lAFl lllD co!f,Lusloxs Approxirnately14,000cubicyardsofhydrocarbonlnpacted-sotlshayebeen renoveci from the ,ii.l--n.""urenents if orglttic vabols xlthln one Inch of the so{'l 'lndlcat. "on"cii".t'lons bet*cen I and ?5 p9r'. goncentratlons are typtcally betiveen ti-;;-i0 alo"i the.11est and hbrttr lalls of the gxcavatlgn' Remedial p'lans have ueen-enactei to reii ienaintng llglttlPon lmPacts' .The plans incluOe grounOiiilr-r"iit".y rretfi, rrter tr[atlrent.systens, and soi'l yapor recovery $yst;;;.-'lire"i piins travir been rccepted by the cBH. A more a"[.ir.O-iupoit iOO."ising conditions at thls site ril] be subnitted Irter this Heek. {a-( €(tt7Stp1*E ozu C/ct tt tp skr trt 4 /a 1ar€arrrltA! *yha+u/ ttni Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Lesar Descriptio n: tot 4 , etocx 5D , ,u,^n yhi/ y'r//(qo /{ , zone - Com ments: Design Review Board 7'a,4/y'/a ut aiJ s/r,/r,, M Morion by: .tneil Dtruarc/ ./ seconded oy, Canntg A'tt'r/t' o"r*orof trr€ 3-o o^," /t/or/, DISAPPROVAL *;rhrnr/ ar Summary: Town Planner El statt Approval o TO : Mike Moll-ica Town of Vail FROl,l: Buff Arnold DATE: November 15, RE : VaiI Gateway MEMORANDUM Comnunity Development 1990 Shop 11 Please flnd enclosed the elevatj-ons showing the screening of the rnechanical equiprnent on the dumpster enclosure roof and the exit ducts for emergrency smoke exhaust units. Thls information was requested by the Department of Community Development for j-ssuance of a building permit for Shop 11 at Vail Gateway. With the minor nature of these changes,/additions, we reguest astaff approval . /ad I I Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone | ./r /2 Owner, Address and Phone: I' Z-r /'a-L+.-t.- Architect, Address and Phone: out" 7'/.5'7o Legal Description: t-ot N , Btock 5 --D , p11;ng Comments: , Zone - Design Review Board D^" F'/5'7c. Motion by: Seconded by: @ j-o-l Summary: Town Planner E statt Approval -_.Xrrt .:-r.i.€ 'i,: rr'.r r.'r?TrlN na-- mt 'r 3 0 1990 - "'*sl4 : '' APPLI.ATI'NoATE: ' i "!t tg'"'*'" 'ric' Slrc\to r"sJj r DATE oF DRB I'IEETIIIG:.. :-:::r?t . . : '.1:i,,;'.=r a DRBAPPLICATIoN ' - ..:.r.'.:'' r.iai {: [e iesotvea befo.re'a building permit.is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Modiftcations to VaiI Windows 2 and'C4 el-iminated from =""th =td" "f Sh"P 1 - See e]ev. *TTTTTHIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATIOII IS SUSIIITTED*F'} . : ':' - :,4:..tttI.PRE-APPLIcATI0N.1'1EETING:.,.:j.",'....:..] A pre-applicatlon meeting with-a planning staff member'is strongly suggested to :'!'i . determ'ine if any additional into"tuii'Ji"it"nl"aul'-.-11 asolication'uill be accented "ig; unless it is compl'ete (must f1c!g{e'iit tiems required.-bi'itre iontnE adrninistrdtor)' '''*i;il It is the applicint,s responsibilitv-ii '.ii-.n dppointnlnt with the staff to find ..,:.. out about additional submittal t.qui".i.iit-. -nf.ii"-note that a C0MPLETE applica- :"':'i+:il tion w'ill streamline the approval pioitii-ior.your-project bv !991easi19 !!9 number of conditions of approval .that tr,e oii'iiv'iiiiriitt. -A[i iinaitions oi approval must.':* Exhibit E)ndrel glass "t Shop 4 floot chatge t' sidin - see west e1ev. (Exhibit D)Guardrails added at trIev' 128'-1"-see Elevations (Exhibit D OF PROPOSAL:B. LOCATION VaiI Road, VaiI ColoradoAddressSouth Frontage Road at Legal Zoning Des cri pti on LOt N Fil ing 1st C. NAI4E OF APPLICANT:Leo Palmer t Palmer DeveloPment ComPanY Address 2701 Iris Avenue, Suite A, Boulder, CO 80304 telephone.449-0951 B'lock 5D 0. NAHE 0F AppLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Arnold/Gwathrnev/Pratt Architects', P'c' Address 1'000 South Frontage Road West' Vail 81 657 telePhone 47 6-11 47 E: NAIIE OF OI,.INERS:Leo Palmer Signature Address 2701 Iris Avenue' Suite At Botl9"t'co 80304 telePhone449-095t F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested' rLE $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 50t000 $:.50,001 - $ 1,50'000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000'000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $100.00. $200.00'$300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAROING ALL SUBMISS1ONS TO.THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements. the-applicant must stake the site to indicate propliiy"ir;;;"';;';riilinq .o"n"rs'- Trees that will be removed should atso be ,nliiia."'itil"io-r['ruil'u.-.ompleted before the DRB vis'its the . site. : 2. The review process for'NEll BuILDINGS will norrnally involve two separate meetings of the oesign Review 8oard, so plan-on at least tiro meetings for their'approval' 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meering and who 1i;t;"ili'u;k;'ior'a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. .i -d{ :s itu i .F Dale 1r ,-.-v Project Applicalion 4. 4' 7o Prolect Name: Proioct Description:, { Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: * Legat Description: Lot4--dl--O- atock 5 D , riting , zone l-DD- Cemments: Design Review Board o^r. 4'1'7o !i Seconded by: Fr7*,'{- -!-fi'-llv DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner E Statt Approval o APPLICATION OATE: DATE 0F DRB l4EETIl,lG: ,AG\L +*\ \qo\P DRB APPLICATION *****THIs AppLIcATIoN wILL NoT BE AccEpTED uNTIL ALL INF0RI'|ATION Is SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting wJth-a planning staff member ls strongly suggested to aelermihb ti any'aJJiiionat information is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it ts compirii-(riiit inciuJ" all ltems required uy ttre zoning administrator). fI'ii-tt'i uppii.Snl;i ieiponsiUility to make an appointnrbnt with the staff to find out about ahititionat submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE gPPllca- tion will streamiine the approval process for your proigg! b! decreasing the number of ionOitions oi'ipprovit ilrat the'DRB may sti-pulatb. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit ls issued A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address TAFT13 OF Legal Description Lota tt to Block 5> Zon i ng 6D> Filing V^," V.tlae Itr C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Fp+,r.,a Drrc.roelaalf Co.+er.^1 Address D. E. NAME OF OI,JNERS: S i gnature tel ephone 4\- pt61 I NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIyE; Errrr Aerrou>/lJeu 4wmrvt'/ Address looO gourri FpoqrAa.E- Fa^b WE=r , VAru telephone 41t"'ll+1 Address F.. DRB FEE: tel ephone The fee will be paid at the tlme a building permit is requested' FEE $ 10,ooo$ 50,000$ 15o,ooo $,5oo,ooo $ 1 ,000 ,000 $1,000,000 VALUATION 0- 10,001 - 50,001 - 150,001 - 500,001 ' 0ver $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. in addition to meeting sutrnrittal requiretnents, the applicant must stake the slte io inAicate properiy itnes anO building corners. Trees that will be rentoved should also be marfiO. This work must-be cornpleted before the DRB visits the site. 2, The revlew process for NEl,l BUILDINGS wlll nornrally involve two separate meetings oi-ttre Oeiibn neview-goari,-io ptan on at least tiro meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting anA who hau.'hot asked for a postfonement will be required to be republ I shed. I March 19, 1990 Mr. Mike Mollica Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81 657 RE: Gateway P1aza Dear Mike: Please find enclosed the front sheet of our DRB application. Also enclosed are two copies of the revised east elevation, showingthe fenestration changes as requested in the DRB hearing of January 31 , 1990. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, P. C. nl /E gI. U'tw lotrWalter Popp wP/ad Enclosures 'F.*,* (r] l. Project Application Date t'-.:i'7o Projecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Phone Architect, Address and Phone: PBtl 'J+ r-esar oesc{ipii;n: Lot',-- '{--} O-, Btock 5-b ,zone 5\ir Comments: Design Review Board Date /,'2, | , 70 Motion by: S€conded by: J)o>i' ,-z '.- Summary: Date: E statt Approval oa;., f. i'l EMORANDUM TO Mike Mollica PROM: Henry Pratt DATE: January 15, 1990 RE : Gateway DRB Resubmittal .a (,i'ry^^$^ J. As requested, I am submitting his list to document the changes e approved by the Designmade to the Gateway Plaza b ding sinc Review Board last year. Due to the change in dse on the upper leve1s from hotel rooms to private condominiums, \./e have revised the fenestration on these floors. In general , the amount of glass and the general locations of glass have not changed, only the window types. We have changed the color of the windows from one that matched the metal building gables to a standagd darkeq green. We felt that the contrast was an asset. (fe{l* ) Vle have deleted several balcony pairsi one pair on the north gable at the northeast corner of the building, all balconj-es on the west building gable at the southwest corner of the building, the deck balconies for what ls now Unit 6, one balcony pair at what is nott Unit 2, and we have reconfigured the balcony pairs at what is now Unit 3. We have added a gable building element at the southeast corner of the building - what is now Unit 3. This gable is a repetition of the (approved) gable element directly west on the south elevation. We have added a gable element to the south elevation roof above the south entry. Again, this is a repetj.tion of another (approved) building gable from the front side. The number of fireplaces and chimneys has been reduced wlth the change in upper floor usage. The Location of chimneys will likely continue to change as or^lners come in and revise their interior floor plans. I don't see this as a problem as the number of major fireplaces is fixed. '!,ffi No +'' oK- I think the above li.st covers afl the changes made since the last time at DRB. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. o(- 4' ok s' 611' e ' t Project Application Date 4,/o,7o Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal oescription, lot< Vi0 ,atocr 5-}\ ,lring Comments: , Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL 4#u,,#4 -Staff Approval TO }1 EMORANDUM Mike Mollica FROM: Henry Pratt DATE: January 15, 1990 RE : Gateway DRB Resubmittal As reguested, I am submitting this list to document the changes made to the Gateway Plaza building since approved by the Design Review Board last year. 1. Due to the change in use on the upper levels from hotel rooms to private condominiums, we have revised the fenestration on these floors. In general, the amount of glass and the general locations of glass have not changed, only the window types. 2. We have changed the color of the windows from one that matched the metal building gables to a standard darker green. We felt that the contrast r,\ras an asset. We have deleted several balcony pairs; one palr on the north gable at the northeast corner of the buildlng, all- balconies on the west building gable at the southwest corner of the building, the deck balconies for what is now Unit 6, one balcony palr at what is now Unlt 2, and we have reconfi-gured the balcony pairs at what is now Unit 3. We have added a gable building element at the southeast corner of the building - what is now Unit 3. This gable is a repetltion of the (approved) gable element directly west on the south elevation. 5. We have added a gable element to the south elevation roof above the south entry. Again, this is a repetition of another (approved) building gable from the front sj-de. 6. The number of fireplaces and chlmneys has been reduced with the change in upper floor usage. The location of chimneys will likely continue to change as owners come in and revise their interior floor plans. r dontt see this as a problem as the number of major fireplaces is fixed. I think the above list covers all the changes made since the last time at DRB. If you have any questi.ons, please don't hesitate to call me. J. 4. ?e-APPLICATION DATE:E,nqo DATE 0F DRB I4EETII{G: Ja^r 31. l11o DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION IIILL NOT BE ACCEPIED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION IIEETING: A pre-application meeting with,a planning staff member is strongly suggested to delermihL if any addltional informatlon is needed. No application will be-accepted unless it ls complete (must include all ltems required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirenents. Please note that a C0MPLETE lPPlica- tion will streamline the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the nuntber of conditions of approval that the DRB may stifulate. ALL condltions of approval must be resolved before a building permit ls lssued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Ga.re-,va"v E\L B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address BErs oF Filing Ve,,u Vr-r-aae lsr-Legal Description Lota N to Bl ock 5> Zoning 6D> C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: TZlram. Dveuoerqoff CopreeruV telephone r'Aq- qsl APPL I CANT' S REPRES ENTAT t Vf : grFF AeNoLb,/^/sb 4*TATAMEY/']er.IE ?eArr telephone 41to- ll41 E. MfiE OF O}JNERS: Address D. NAME OF Address F. Slgnature Address tel ephone be paid at the time a bullding permit is requested. FEE - $ lo,ooo- $ 50,ooo- $ 150,000- $ ,5oo,ooo- $l,ooo,ooo $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Treeq that will be removed should also be inartla. This work must-be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEll BUILDINGS will nornrally involve two separate meetings of the Desiln Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have'irdt asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. DRB FEE: The fee wi'll VALUATION $o $ 10,ool $ 50,001 $ 150 ,001 $500,001$ over 10.00 25 .00 50.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 '..'- r NAI'IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P OF I'IAIERIALS "^.-*,^ul*IN 5>l8 oLYMPIC-+'lt Bilgg€€'f ,l " B'/eEEt€€rA{ SOLID Mldt-r+ 6TIJN- \A' I h{Dt d- I€h4P€IZES cL. 6LA9SJ - -.-- - qocr-o eq The following lnformation is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before-a final approval can be flven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Stding Q an.o,s Other llall Materials Fascia ' Soffi ts lli ndows l'{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails alW C,,rf an{,qEgs NA+/EA-- ,,.AF.tt tr H€;4L6CJ{- AE€Eal - e;ro * lO?,o =,rpue vEltEEra CHrFJse,E ?ulr€ {.LJI1€?-$€\^/@b €dJr ,6,Alt'/ '',.,,,,,.r,ru * Oeo-aq - lt g* 4PgoAL. l- TfeAFl9 Flues/crrruueP Fl ashi ngs Chimneyt -rcre Trash Enclosures PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES MATSH',lg'.t,lcJ< aEE€*"9-rr. MTL. v#STEIEI- 0ther B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: Botanical Name 6TbreE cAJ^|o* N/!XG;1{'l54goq( /:1 rt€ 6'l PeA^rbtrD FfrL - B,.,Nrr€D <rno * 10106I(Dn;.C-6,g1t€ / in)LLA 6/tr'xri' 6y'ztP'1" l1,r,r-w,qf gf'luatf \ /l{lTE ,lb CtTrr^J ,\^-r--^-. r-\-..,,a 4..'----. I Mirix "np.alotr dpf€'l" Quani ty 3 .> -" -' FEA*INIJs E,l.{s(LVeNrc-At ffi- TEgvluLo|DFS Common Nante t4le.grrnrl'5SEbL€9F+€@.Ahlj- Size* 3tt g)uPEz a,3 C-ar.rPLK- 5 calu 6rgq{-tPQ Atf,a{ crsmATl9 EXISTING TREES TO NONE BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduclous trees. Indicate height for conifers' (over) a (l .' -.i '..'. ' -.. '.'f. 't"r'l =:DRBAPPLICATION ' ' ':"-i": *r'r t(. crtarlrrrgnt#rr ' ":'r'i:* *****THIs APPLICATIoN l.liLl NoT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFoRMATIoN IS SUBIIITTEDT* -'':-"'" . ::.if I. PRE-APPLICATI0N.MEETING:' - ;, ", , . :'. ,,;';:; A pre-applicati.on meeting with-a planning staff member'is strongly suggested to 'j:'it . determrne rr arry'-adaitioial into*ui'i'Ji"i.'niuoJl.:_n luoii;llll*til-be-accented ";fi: unless it is compl'ete (must ilSllg:'iii iitm' requil!--uv the zoning adnrinistrdior)' '":::*;i1 Ir is the appri.Sni;I ieiponsiuiiiiv-ii riiJ-un dppointnrlnt with the staff t0 find .,.'J,: out about aaaitionir-submittat ".quir.rffi -iteii"-note that a C0MPLETE applica- ;"''fiiLq tion witt streamiiii it! .pp"ouuf'pro".ii-ior.yogr.proiect by decreasing the nwber "'- - of conditions of approval .that tr," bis'iiv'Itii,uiutb. -A[i cirnaitJons of approval nust jsfi ;; ;;;;i;;d before'i uuitains permit.is issued' - .,=:.;e:'tication to VaiI GatewaA. PR0JECT DESCRIPTi0N: I{rnor moqrl-Ir,lechanical' .'iit# and. emerqency' smoke duct exit locatj-ons'equipment screen B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address South Fronta Road at Vail Road, Vail, Colorado B'lock 1st Legal Zoning Oes cri pti on Lot C. NAI,IE OF APPLICANT: Address P.O. Box 15g7, Boulderr CO 80306 tel ePhone. 449 -09 51 5D Filing E. Address 1 00 South\e Road West, Vail co 81657 te'lePhone 476-1M7 NAI'IE 0F Si gnatur Address tel ePhone 4 49 -09 51 F.DRB FEE: The fee will be Paid at the time a building perm'it is requested' VALUATION tt ts $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 .$200.00'$300.00 $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ i5o'ooo tlso,ool - $ .500'ooo $500,001 - $1,000'000$ Over $1'000'000 II'lPORTANT 1. In addition to indicate should a.lso. site. NOTIEE REGARDITIG ALL SUBMISSIONS TO.THE DRB: to meet'i ng submittal requirements'-the'aDFlicant must stake the site property lines and ouiiiine.corners:-^]";"t that will be'removed be marked. Thrs worl'muit-u" completed before the DRB visits the ,ss tor NEl,l BUIL0INGS wi.|l normally involve t},0 separate meetings of rhe Design n"ii.n"bolid,-;;1il;-on at least ti'ro meetings for their.apPr.val ' 3. People who fail to appear before the oesign Review Board at their scheduled .meering and who iirl'ili'uir.ii ror i iostpJnet"nt will be required to be republ i shed. 80306 -il-a- nFv z '9a '*o81 52 19800 E^sr F^FKIF. COLOnAoO aol s4 S6.84r 'e5izlt FA(5Oe.Bf l €€€1 April 23' 199O IAWOFFIGES JA]VIES T. AI\IEST AT"OENEYAII.Avt' Pn6E 62 AOf,,IITIED lN . oolERroor l rt€ri$E t{ike l,lol'l ica ToHn of vail 75 S. Frontage Rct. - t{est vai 1, co s162O Re: Vai I Gateway Dear l.li ke: ThiE will follow up our Dhone conversation of Thursday, April 19, 1990 regarding the responsibi'lity for the watering af ihe p'lanter located-immediate'ly in front of the vail Gateway project. -As Ijnc!icated to you, I will contact both Dale Adatns, the local repres€ntat'ive for the contractor, as well as Jeff Nading' at thejr Bou'l der office to coordinate some type of system regarcting tle watering of this p'lanter, I will also inquire of them if it ie poEsiUte in '5omt way to reconnegt the wErt€r'line for thc previously existing sprinkler system that was ]ocated in the plant€r area. If you have any quest'ions on this, pleasc feel free to call me on this. JTA/sks cc: Dale AdamcJeff Nading 't 4 PRGE A3 LAwOFt|cEs JAI\{ES T. AIVEST ATTOFNEIT'ATLAwle6eo EAsr M^[|strPEEr taFxE|r, qaq*rEio 801343c]€41€5A6 FAX SG'-S41€6S, April 23, 1990 Jeff Neding R i ngl and-Johnson-C row 1 ey3450 Penrose pl ., Suite 160-tsosldetr €O sOS+l Re: Vail Gatewey plaza -- p.l anter aorvttttEo tN coLoBAOO & VWorri|G Dear Jeff: Please find encrosed a copy of the correspondence which r forwardt'o Mr. Mor'tica. you-wiri ii6re trrai ttre coriversition dears with theissue of the rack of warer ava.iiaufe-rc-iir* il;;;;" area and rheneed for it to be watered during the surnmer. I would l.ike to visitwith vou and wourd ask that 6aie Adams contact Mr. Molrica tocoordinate our efforts to make sure that the pranier area ispreserved. If you have any g0estions, p.lease give me a cal l. JrAl_:5: Enc'losure cc: Mike Mol l ica fnX /7?. dtgz a., $lr .i0 lm Uft.lnLcc Cddrdc 1026 &il ao B llull CrEd /tri. Coeflb lFiqf. Co|ds fmt i.i ?ot*" Roberts & Ot Attorncf rt kw Dcqrtr ltchologjed C!|rE! tuiEmg{D '||t Prnie€ A,! r PaSamoa, Cdon& tltrl d!9!s. 006) t*fiO'tusgbr D6.0a20 AprI] 12, 1990 l{r. l,llkr t{ol1Ica Plannlng D€partn€nt 75 So. Frontage Road Tovn of Vallvail, colorado 81657 Ret Unlted Bank of Denver Loan to Palner D€v€lopnent Coupany for vait Gatauay Plaza Dear MIke: [hia letter will confl:m our understandinE wlth respect to reaf property locatad at 12 South Frontaga Road,VaII celorado, norc parttcularly dcscribed ln Exhlblt A attached hereto (the 'Rea1 Propertyt) , to be developed as aretall and conConj.niun project to be knoltn aE Vail cateway Plaaa: 1. The Real Property is incl.udcd $lthln a speclal Developnent Dlstrict ae descrlbcd by Tltle 18, Zonlng Proviclona tc cire Charter of the lown of Vall, Colorado. condoninlun unitE with a total of approxlnsE,e{H)square 2. The approved Developnent Flan for the speclal Developnent Dlstrlct for the Rsal Property pennlts conetructlon ef, a ulxed-uEe bul1ding of (a) three Etorieg abova grcund including 15 retall 6hoF spaceg with a total o! apFroxhstely 13,580 squere feet, oni ristaurant wlth a total of, approxiaately {1156 squar€ fcet and alx reaidg4$al f,eet, and (b) tflo Levels belou ground houslng @nacaparkins saras€. (- ?3 sftce ll,b5'l f 3tl-]f,H '-rj : ET ifim 5 ha ral! ltns hlr |.|l. Ctt lhl t.l+. Sil|10 Lol hil lr!!a lo&b. Cdr|rl GG I 'l:i,N:0 N-:140 E :-ilH:SrrU Er,. ET'lcU ,a l,lr. l{lJcr ilollLca-lpr!,l 12= ieeol PaEC lTo r Pleare lndlcate your agssanent wi.Lh the foregolng by l-ignf1e thir lrttar ln tni rpaci provlded belos ana rEturilnithc rlgned lrtter to ay att€ntion at the addrcsa llst€d abovi. VerT Tnrly IouEs, Hd*rtP fuJfHKathlf. Drobnak naralrgal ACNSED TO AIID EXECIIIID $TTS/?ta DAv otr Agrurr, 1990 By: M /1iLffi I.|Llrcrt tra'J '03 .u3AN30 N3l.rO 3 S1U:808 3.110H 2z:8tr 6E. g:'EiU Io EXHIEI! A (Attached to and fornlng a part ofletter dated Aprll 12, 1990to l{ike l{ollica of thevall Plannlng Departnent) ITEGiL DESCnIgPIOil OF THE REAL pROpERTy A part of Lotg N and o, Bloch 5-D, vail vl1lage, FirstFiling, Torttn of Vall , 8ag1c county, colorado, -norc partlcularly deacribad ai follows: Coauencing at thc Northweet corner of Sectlon 8, Townshlp5 South, Range 80 w€st of tha 6th prineipal ileridian;thence S 00"23'00r E along the t{eEt llne of eald gsctlong, 36.98 feet; tbence S 79'46100' E 25.44 f,eet to theNorthvest cornBr of caid, L,.ot H, which ie the trrue point of BeElnninE; thence conttnulng S ?9.46,00' E along the forthIine of Eald IFt N, and along thE southerly right-of-uayllne of fntarstate Highway No. ?O 1?5.00 feeti thenceS 10'14'00' w 147.43 feett thence l{ ?9'46r00, }r 14?.36feet to a polnt on the Westarly line of sald Lot il whlchle also the eaeterly right-of-lray llne of Vail Roadi thenca N 00'23.00, l{ and along sald Fes-,erty llne an6 alonE eald Eagtcrly riEht-of-way line 150.00 feEt to theTmc Polnt of Baginnlng. ICDD/rtdl FE'd '03 .df.\Nf{ N3l'rc, s iilElE,.'H 3l^rl0H F::El ra6. sT'udu 6) coNsrRucnoN PERMIT*Hil 1,-.,"- dcprgncnr of cornmunity denslopmom To BE FTLLEo ourcoupLETELy FnroB To rssuANceor penuti TYPE OF PERMIT ! eurLotnc n EF eLecrRrcll D! MECHANICAL tr PLUMBING FOUNDATION p;1g1116 VAIL VILLAGE IST JOBNAME: SATEWAy , TEMp. pOWER GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM RINGLAN-JOHNSON CoNST. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. FIRT BRYANI ELECSAXC ,o** o, u^,a ^=u. "o. 150-E 949-4155 PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 1. TYPE OF COI{STRUCTTOT{ | ll lll lV V A OOCUPAIICY GROUP ABE h I R t' Dlvtstol{ t2%34 ffiitrth8tTsflft$tttry??fh BUILOING PERMIT Cti 27t7 /% NEW( ) ALTERATION ( *v*DDITIONAL ( ) REP IR( ) DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIFEPLACES TOTAT PERMIT FEES ERNST GLATZLE NOV. 8, 1989 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all the intormation provided as requlred is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subaivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicpble thereto. t lown 75 soulh frontage road yall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479-2139 September 6, l-989 otfice of community development Jim Anest Palmer Development Company 2735 Iris Avenue, Suite ABoulder, Colorado 80302 Re: Vail Gateway Plaza project sign Dear ilirn, I am sorry to inforrn you tbat we cannot allow the Vail Gateway Plazaproject sign to be erected. As we have stated in the past, temporarysite developnent signs are allowed only for projects underconstruction. our understanding is that the work being performed onthe site relates solely to the removal of contaminated soiLs. The soil rernoval process is a separate and distinct one froro the construction ofthe building. Thus, ue cannot rnake an interpretation that the catewayproject is under construction (which would a1low the sign). The sign will be allowed upon the issuance of a building perrnit for the cateway Plaza projgct. Although I understand this is not the answer you !'tere looking.'for, I hope this clarifies the issue. Sincerely, Director of Cornrnunity Developrnent PP:1r ' 6) coNsrRucrtoN PERMITn"ffifl tffi dcprrtnmt ol oommunity danlopmlnt TO BE FILLEO OUT COIIPLETELY PRTOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT WPE OF PERMIT ! gun-orr{c I pLuuetxc n elecrRrcal I FoUNDATToN f] MECHANTcAL fi] ExcAvArroN LEGAL I DESC. LOT BLI(- FILING lJoBNAME, cATEwAy EXcAvATToN oNLy OWNER lmme LOE PALMER/PALMER DEVE mer-rooness Zql I3IE 4IE-14 BoULDER, CO 449-095LCITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM ARNOLD/GI"IATHMEY AIA TAILADDEEss 100! J IIBONTAGE R clrY VAIL en.6-LI47 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM RINGLAND_JOHNSON-CROWL TorYN oF vArL REG. No. 116-A 440-4220 )Etecrnrcer- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOT'VN OF VAIL 8EG. NO PLUMBING FIRM U(JNIT(AUIUK MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG- NO OTHER corlrnlcroli FIRM B&BEXCAVATION 110-s TOTIYNIIE ]{AIL REG. NQ. 949-s889 AUG' 30' lese ablo?z(ogoDo NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE olovz0 iri'u,, No oo4c5'1 l. wPE oF coNsrRucnoN I lll lv v 2. OCCUPATICY GROUP ABE H I R tl DIYISION r22r31 SfbfftS'ffi S*i$lffvI8tbiim'f, -ffi -rNc- .rrcC'uzlnrn -o F lJ BUIIDING ELECTRICAL PLUUEII{G TEcHA TCAI 20 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERIIT 238 Crfif '/y?7/ atr &82 7//, M PLAN CHECK 45 ELECTRICAL NEW( } ALIERATIOIOOO AOOITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO, FIFEPLACES UECHANICAL RECREATIOI{ FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CTEAN.UP DEFOSITExr.wALLsl IN0NE- |USE TAX TYPE OF HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 283.00 JoE NoRRTS SEPT. 6, 1989 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL "t. crt I I xl lno-fic orrtc-nu- - - - -oATE INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES:ry I hereby acknowledg€ that I have read this application, till€d out in full the inlormalion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corroct. I aor6e to comoly with the information and Dlot olan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat€agr6e to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ord and state laws, and to build this structure according to the T and subilivision codes, design the Town applicable thereto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and other CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF Inwn 75 soulh frontags road vdl, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479,2139 August 24, 1999 oflice ol community development John F. Roscoe The Customer CompanyP.O. Box 886Benicia, Catifornia 94510 Dear llr. Roscoe, The fence at the corner of the South Frontage Road and vail Road thatwas recently erected is a construction fence required to protect botlrthe.public and the construction workers for the proposed batewayproject. The fence was reviewed. and approved by the rown of vair andwill.!g i" place until the compretea ririrainq i3 issued a temporarycertificate of occupancy. we lssume this wiil occur some time inNovember of 1990. The fence is on the property rine for the parcer onthe north, east, and rnrest sides, ana with Lne iermission of Lireadjacent property owner, encroaches on to the i/ai-l Inn propertv on thesouth side. r understand the fence may somelrhat diminiin Lne ii"r "ryour property from-the 4-way stop, however, this is a required visual_and safety buffer for this construction site. while we iealize theconstruction of this buirding nay inconvenience adjacent prolerties, wefeer the resulting product wirt ue a fine addition to the Town of Vai1.rf You have any further questions, please feer free to contact me at479-2L38. Sincerely, Rick Torrtn ?o R'-'^"*t PyInan Planner RP:1r ,OSEPH C, FRENCH ROAERT W. STONE CARY 3. MALI.O DAVID M. I{AYNES IiIARI( M, ETAYNES FRENCH 8 STONE.P. C. ATTORNES AT tArJT ZAO PEARL STREET BOULDER, COLORT'\DO 8O3O2 TELEPHONE (3O3) !4s -3a91 August 18, 1989 iEBAU0 2 1 f989 TELEFd( 13031a49-cge Lawrence Eskwith, Esg.Vail Town Attorney 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: vail Gatelrav Dear Larry: Attached Ls a copy of a letter from our contractor which is aguotation on what it would take to reflll the excavation. Uay lrechat about this matter? (PleaEe aEk for Gary Uallo lf you can't reach me. I wilL be on vacation.) Very truly yours, \Fnnucn & .sroNE, P.c. \*-\T---, ,foseph C. French JCF: J Ia cc: ilinr Anest Attachnent Flle: 2o3-L9z August 18, 1989 n[ Ou$Iomtn G0tnPnnu Mr. Peter Patten Director of Community Development City of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai I , Col orado 81657 Dear Mr. Patten: t,Je operate the Food & Deli store in the Vail Village Inn. During my visit to Vail last Saturday I noticed that there is a fence surrounding a large area at the corner of South Frontage Road and Vail Road. This structure blocks the view of our business. I've enclosed a copy of a picture that I took from the four way stop area. I'd I i ke to know: 1. Was this fence approved by Vail? the Planning Commission of the C'ity of 2. How long will this fence be in place? 3. Is the fence on the property line for the parcel? In addition to adverse'ly affecting our business because the view, this fence is an eyesore. it gives visitors of the dimin'ishment of a terrible irnpression to let it remain in place?are you going tru ly, F. Roscoe /cc Encl osure of Vai{. Did you approve the fence, Pl ease iadv'i se. \". THE CUSTOMER COMPANY, P.O, BOX 886, BENICIA, CALTFORNTA 94510, TEL. (707) 745-6691 , FAX (707) 746-0130 Oo 't' Gene W. Schmidt Diaqctot-G.oundwrter Mangg gmont Augusc 15, 1989 l{r. Scocc Perioc Colorado Departnenc of Heal-ch 4210 Easc llrb Avenue Denver, Colorado 80220 Amoco Gorporation 7201 E6st 38th Street {Spaca 7253) Post Offic€ Box 3385 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102 Environmental and En6rgy Conservation Environmental Aftairs and Satety Depsrtm€flt 918 -060-4424 cus 89-1190 Subjecc:Asroco Service SEacion #7439, 12 Souch FronEage Road, Vail Colorado; Final Invescigarion Reporu and Remedial AcEion PLan The Anoco Groundwacer [anagenenE SecEioa (GMS) is pleased Eo presenB thisfinal invescigacion reporE and reoedial accion pLan concerning subsurface hydrocarbons locaEed aE the subject sife. Hydrocarbons are derived frorn gasoLine, previously dispensed aE Ehe subject service stacion faciLity.fhis hydrocarbon tlas dececced in trace levels (l) dissolved within che groundwacer, and (2) pichin Ehe subsurface soils noscty in the area of the previously eriscing uank field. the purpose of this reporc is ro (l) provide the Srare of Colorado Deparr- menE of Healch (C0U) wittr necessary invescigacive infornaEion concerning Ehe Lateral and vercical exEent of hydrocarbons, and (2) subnit our planfor nitigacion/ clean-up. Ttri s report has been prepared Eo neeE or exceed the niniouro requirernenE of the Code of Federal Regularions (CFR) ParE 280,Tirle 40, Technical Sc.andards and Correccion Accion Requirements for Osners and OperaEors of Undergrouud Storage Tanks. The report will proceed with the folloning sectioos: Eackground and Sir,e Description, Field fnvescigation, InvesEigdEive ResuLEs, Conclusions and Reorediacioo Action Plac. BACKGBOITIID AIID STTE DESCRIPTIOII The gite is located otr lhe oorthensr coaer of Vail Road and Soutb Fron- tage Road. IE eas pre.riously utilized as an auconoEive service slacion, and is currently vacant (see Figure 1). Primarily, Elro cypes of gasoline uere dispensed at che subject sice. Physical , cheoical , and toxological data coocerning gasoline are discussed in Ehe acEached (Appendir A) ttace-rial Safery DaEa Sheer,s. Properties locaced to lhe north and east are cooprised of residential boeels, apartDenEs and specilty shops, to Ehe soulb is situeted the Alpine Standard eutoootive service staEion, and Eo lhe rest is che freeway. Accordiog !o our records, cbere have beeo no previous spills or release3 of petrol€rro hydrocerboar rc tbc rubjcct siEe. Groundwrtar invectigationr eere perforned in August, 19E7, es part of internal coopeny policy. q l.t.:i oi CL,: -:flr>"i -1 \^JiJdl{lhr qt E tnlqryl i J I I A.g. F ;-F!-s q, ..9 { dL -+- -g_t t. r-^ ,t ,-g a ft JrJ6*+- .: :trJa -.t {-o u"'r i-! d-' jt st a:_ii i- O- <.r t- It,lnomi-h I I I I I-t I f I i a i :t r1 tl rl t a ;J- |_-.-_ Y _J