HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT N O GATEWAY ALPINE BANKvAi\ vl\\4q( G$nq \ (s\r>crr- S g t,ot N \ci\ t c"tetocl S\tlt A\et^s Gc.,lk- li TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-4',79-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEYELOPMENT L-o{- O'-B ss u;\ oitt * ,* c.s-- THIS PERMIT MUST BE PosTED oN J.BSITE AT ALL TIMES .i-1 IJNOTE: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit # BM-0324 Project # PRI06-0480 Job Address: 12 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......r GATEWAY BUILDING-ALPINE BANK Applied .. . : l0ll8l2ffi6 ParcelNo....: 210108264014 Issued...: lLll62ffi Expires.....: 05115?007 OI{NER TIMBERIIINE COMMERCIAI, gOT,Nrr'rrO/T8/2OO6 L2 VAIIJ RD 600 VAIL co 81657 ARCHITECT MORTER ARCHITECTS 10/]-8/2006 PhONC: 475-5105 227T N. FORMTAGE RD. W., SUITE C VAII-, co 815s7 I-,icense: C0000020?d APPLICANT SUMMIT FOREST DEVEIJOPMENr , IL0/LB/2006 phone: 97O-926-2s67P. O. BOX 4382 VAII, co 81558 License: 103 -A coNrRAcToR SUMMIT FOREST DEVETTOPMEMT, I.LO/]-8/2OO6 phone: 970-926-2567P. O. BOX 4382 VAII, co 81558 I-,icense : 103 -A Desciption: ALPIM BANK REMODEL OF TELLER LINE. VAULT AND OFFICE. Occupancy: B Type Construction: IIA Valuation: $33,330.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Add Sq Ft: ,|t+t,liil+*t*t*'F+r*:t:f :c,t:t+:t:ar**,tt*tt'i:t Building-----> $482-15 Restuarant Plan Reyiew-- > S0-00 Total Calculated Fees- > 9?98.55 Plan Check*-> $313.40 Recreation Fee--,----- > $0.00 Additional Fees------ > go.oo lnvestigation-> $0.00 TOTAI FEES----------- > $?98.55 Total Permit Fee-----> 9?98.55 Vfi[ Can----> S3 - 0 0 Paymen$----,----- > S? 98 . 55 BALANCE DUE----- > $o. oo Approvals: ItEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMEN| lo/27 /2006 jplano Action: DN correction letter sent F : \cdev\cnnrs\pERMrT. CoMMENTS\B0 6 - 03 24 \BoG - o 3 24 . Doc LL/O9/20O6 JPIJANO Action: AP IUEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI!'EI{IIT 1o/3L/2O06 bgibson Act,ion: DN applicant must demonstrate compliance with parking reguirements Lt/09/2O06 bgibson Action: Ap IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMTNT tl/OL/2OO6 mvaugh€rn Action: DNregarding vault is required -Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS more information See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to tlrc towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQLIESTS I1OR INSPECIION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIOI{E AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OITICE FROM 8:lX) AM.4PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ***********rl.***:rl******:&***i.*:t *i(*{.*:**{.*********:t*****:f ******:t**+'}*rF***********rt*,**:**:f *:t*:t *{.:},t ***t ******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 8M4324 as of 11-16-2006 Status: ISSUED *:t:f :f ****i.****{<***,1{.**:*:**********:t1.********'}'}*****!F:F!F*,t i***c*******{<***{.*1.'}******:t ***{.*rt **.'t**:f ***'F*,i***t ** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: l0/l&l2ffi Applicanil SUMMIT FOREST DEVELOPMENT, INC. Issued: rut6t2m5 970-926-2567 To Expire: Olllslz007 Job Address: 12 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL Iocation: GATEWAY BIJILDING-ALPINE BANK Parcel No: 2l0lO826/;0L4 Description: ALPINE BANK REMODEL OF TELLER LINE. VATJLT AND OFFICE. **:t* '**'l:*f **********************X.***************COditiOnS. +****tc*{<*******:***,*{.'l.t!t***{.**************'*****:r,r Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQURED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ{IIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ( CONTRACTOR INFORMATION qOMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUTLDfNG: Sf 27oed ELECTRICAL:5fl Z,Q3A OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ 4,,1a o TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact FOR OFFICE USE ONL ri ;,"1i-r,y..,' .r \ii,i! Assessors Office at 970-328-8U0 or visit Job Address: ,16nJEw*1 (LfrZa Legal Description I Lor ll etocr: ll Fiting:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: 1ffi38f:'1",'Le,,u #ti?'Ri , (w$*tE (o Vr+,'non"t 4?6-sros-En9in""'il+pu'r Fav p fP'bza €*etr co Bbzr Phone:926 - 6Fz-l Delailed description of *ofk: {eu-F,a. Lt,'le 4 lnqn 4 a|r<€ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior(rzJ Exteriorl 1 Both3 Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes Vf tto ( t Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-famity ( ) Multi-famity (vf commerciat 1 I n"rtrrrant ( ) orher ( )+ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: O No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 6 No/Tvpe of Fireplac tiances ( ) qas Logs ( ) wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burnino ( !9/TJpe of Fireplaces Prc pliances ( ) Gas l.ogs ( ) Wood/peilet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (V No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (vJ No ( F:\cda,\FORMS\PermiE\Brilding\buitdin gJermil DOC Page 1 of 16 0?09/2005 Deprtnent of hmmunity Develwnent Building &fetyand Insp&ion *rui@s 75 fuuth Frcnage Road Vail, htondo 81657 97(H7v2138 FAX9704n-2452 www.vailgov,om BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: FAX/Email #: carysusan@hotmail.com 476-O7LO NUMBEROF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERI.IIT #: OWNERS NA}IE: SITE ADDR.ESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUTTIBER OF STORIES: EUILDING AREA: Contractor/Apolicant Summit Forest Dev. Architect Morter 2 John Plano, Building Plans Examiner L012712006 806-0324 Alpine Bank Gateway Plaza B IIA 4 The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 Intemational Fuel Gas Code, 2003 IntemaUonal Plumbing Code, 2003 Intemational Energy Conservation Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail, The fullowitrg @rrrmenE will tM b b addtM prior b isuane of a building ptmit: furprccesing:o Please submit four complete sets of revised consbuction documents containing the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. . Please respond in writing to each comment bv markinq the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet. detail. soecificatjon, or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the olans examiner with the buildino oermit application number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enginee/s or architecfs "wet" stamp, siqnature, reoistration number and date on the cover page of anv stuctural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of the olans must be stamoed. Arclritectural CommenB: 1 Provide an accessible seruice counter. (ANSI A117.1-904) 2 The new walls are interftring with the required maneuvering clearances of "office #2". 60" is reguired for the front approach, pull side of the door. (ANSI A117.1-4M.2.4) 3 Show on the plans how the floor/ceiling assembly is to be maintained at the new can lights. 4 Please show locaUon of the public restrooms and travel disbnce to them. PIoGC rcfer to the cover she€t for infomatlon on resubrnlttlng plan3. In older b ayoid delayr in lssuanoe of a pemit please dtGck ell rcqu€sned informaton b indud€d with ttre resubmitted plans Please submit rcvised plans as a complete s€t Partial plan r$ubmittals will not be revlewed. John Plano I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection SeMces 970.479.2140 jplano@vailgov.com F:\dan\CHRIS\PERIT,IIT,@MMENTS\BO6{324\8(b{324. DOC X '€ * COI,II,IUNICATION RES.JLT REPORT ( OCT.?7.?AA6 12:55FN ) X * * TTI OFTION RDDRESS (GROUP) RESULT P. 1 FILE I'IODE 557 MENORY TX 9476A7t4 OK P. Z./? RERSON FOR ERRORE-1} HRNG UP OR LINE FRILE-3) NO AI.ISI,IER E-E) BUSYE-4) I.O FACSIi4ILE CONI.IECTION PWnnent d Conannlty DcWt at BttiltilrU fiEtyadInffiim tu TStutdtfronaEeRN VilT, HoredogldsT 9m-48-2r38 Fil(970"482452 ,iwulYailgov.@m Summit Fot€st Detr, TO: FAX/Emall #: carysusan@hotnail.com I{UI,IBEROF PAGES: FROl,lr DATE: BUILDI]IG PERI{IT#: OWIIERIi t{Al,lEr $ITE ADDRESS: OCCUPA]ICY GROUF: Architect Morter 476-07L0 2 John Plano, Building Plans Examlner 1012712006 806-0324 Alpine Fank Gateway Plaza B TOWN OF VATL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 12 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: GATEWAY BUILDING-ALPINE BANK Applied . . : nlnA006 Parcel No...: 210108264014. ,- Issued . . : 1210612006 hoject No r ,,,13C6 $\t'u Expires . .: MlO4l2W7 OWNER TIMBERIIINE COMMERCIAL HOI.,DIN11/27/2006 12 VAII, RD 5OO VAIIJ co 816s? APPITICANI ITATIVE ELJECTRIC LT/27/2OO6 phone: 97O-328-L293 P.O. BOX 1807 EAGIJE co 81631 License: 143-E CONIRACTOR NATM EIJECTRIC 1,L/27/2OO6 phone: 97o-328-t293 P.O. BOX 1807' EAGIJE co 81631 License: 143 -E Desciption: ALPINE BANK REMODEL OF TELLER LINE, VAULT AND OFFICE. DEMO AND ADD SWITCHES AND RECEPTACLES Valuation: S1.000.00 Square feet: 0 Electrical----- > DRB Fee-------- > Investigation-- ) Will CalF---- > TOTAL FEE$. > Total Calculated Fe€s-> S60.50 Additionxl Fees---- >s0.00 Approvals: IICM: O6OOO ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEIiTI Permit #: E06-0258 BoG-O34.1 Total Pemit Fee---- > $50 . 50 $50 . s0 s0 .00 Action: DN LOAD CAIJCITIJATIO}I/PANEI-, SCHEDUIJE REQUIRED Acti.on: AP IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, comirleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state [aws, and to build this strucnue according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, IntematioDal Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. $s7.50 $0. oo $0. oo $3.00 $60. s0 Payments---------: > BALANCE DUE__-- > tt/27/2oa6 shahn FOR NEW I,OADS rN COMMBRCIAIJ SPACE, L2/ot/20o5 shahn SIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUNS IN ADVANCE OR AT OllR OFFICE FROM E:00AM - 4 *'!++++atf***:l**'.*****f*i*****'it*******+aal****'ia{'*l'****t*+****l******+**{'1"}*************f,t't* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€menrItti}:l+trt*ft*i3'tl.*+**'l***l+tlt*:f **t!**'tf {tr++*+******tt"}!t***'t!t*******a'*t*+++*tf +******'}'}'}t}******** gtatement lfurnber: R060002060 Amount: gEO.50 t2/06/200601 :4O pM . Pa]4[Errt ethod: Check Init : I-rC' Notation: #5292/NativeElect.ric Petmit, No: 806-0258 Type: EIJECTRICAJT PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-6401-4 Site Mdress: 12 S FROTiTTAGE RD B/AST \IAIIJLocation: GATEV|AY BUILDING-AIJPINE BAlifK Tota1 Feear $50.50fh.ls Pa]/ment: 960.50 Total ALL krta: g60-50 Bala.nce: 90 - OO +*a'**t*'l**++++*'i*i*:a'ti''l.f 'l.r*+*+*+f tt***'tt*t **++++++++***+**t +**** * * ***********+*++i+ft++****** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: : iAccorutt Code Degcription Currents Pnt.B EP OO1,OOOO31111OO EIJECTRICAI' PERMIT FEES' ITC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAI'I' INSPECTTON FEE 57,50 3.00 FROM.:FtrX NO. : APPUAATTOT{ wlLL I{OT EE ACCEPTED IF IIICOiIPI*ETE OR UTISIGII PrcJect*: - hlov,2? MG A?ttffi1 Pl Elcctrical Permit #;-(- v - ) .,, Buflding Pennlt #3 nizi:rc*+t? 9, V+79 -2149 (Inrprcfr om)*m 6qC-o e52 f5 S.FronlrgeRd. VCl, Odfrrdo 8166? coilTRACTOR II|FIOR'{ATIOII coupLETE sQ. FooTAGE FORAREA OF WORK AtrD VALUATTOil OF WORK (tabor & ilrbdab) ELECTRICAT VATU.ffiION : $AMOrritr oF sQ Fr IN STRUCTURE:oo Sz-ft. # ParcGt #t +olf-- Jobrfame: &nw gn,k Vewoet t-cgot Dcrctlpuon I rot I sbdc I riling: I sruoivtson; Eqglneer:Address:Phone: D€bId desqipdon of vuo*: fu* t Atu gq,'a wbrkcls: Nerfr( ) Mdluon( ) Remodeltv Repeh( ) TentpPoifter( ) other( ) WorkTyper InterlorP{ Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU oGt at this locab'on: Yes ( ) r'lo ( ) No. of ExlsunE tlrrrrclllng Un-rE in this buiHing:No. of Atrommodatlon Unlts In thls bullding: Is thls oermlt tur a hot tub: Ys g# luPd i*******+ Ir\ l1' TOWN OF.VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address: 12 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL lncation.....: GATEWAY BI]ILDING-ALPINE BANK ParcelNo...: 210108264014 Project No : ?R"SOC - O\ 8o OWNER TIMBERIJINE 12 VAfIr RD VAIIJ co 81657 APPLIeA$r WESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTIL2/!4/2006 phone: 303-792-0022 7025 SO(IIH TUCSON WAV ENGIJEWOOD co 80i-L2 License: 338-S CoNTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTT]-2/].4/2O06 phone: 303-792-0022 7026 SOIITH TUCSON WAY ENGI,EWOOD co 80112 Lricense: 338-S Descipion: ADD SPRINKLER HEADS RELOCATE 2 HEADS FOR THE ALPINE BANK REMODEL OF TELLER LINE, VAULT AND OFFICE. Valuation: S1.600.00 FEE S1IMMARY F06-0077-Boc'o3?11 ISSUED r2tI4t2W 0ulv2w coMMERCrArr HOLDIN12/L 4 / 2006 600 Mechanicil-- > ' Plan Check--> Investigation- ) Will Call---> S0.00 Resararant Plan Review- > S350.00 DRBFee-----------) s0.00 TOTALFEES-------> s0.00 go. oo Toral Calculated Fees-- > $o. oo Additional Fees------- > S418.00 Total Permit Fee----- > Pa)'rDents----------- > BALANCE DUE---*-. > $41S . 00 $0. 00 $41e . 00 $418 . 00 $0. oo ]t'EM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMEM| TICM: 05600 FIRB DEPARTIUENT OL/O8/2007 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale ttlat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wittr all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-I'OUR FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. AT 479-2135 SIGNATURE OR CONTMCTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 'Ftti+**+*'***'Ft|**+++********t******l'***1.*'t*'h**'l*********!t!'*'t*'t't"t't':i '|f *{.*ir{r**{'d'{'*****t ***l'******* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment ****+**********+**+**:t*'tt|******'*********'t ***'t!'|***t******{!'t!'t't!*'t!{.'tr*'i'tt'tir'tt't'}{'******************* ' Statenent Nudber 3 R0?0oooo41 Anount,3 $418.00 07/77/2oo1o9:22 Alrt Palnm€nt Method: Check Inlt: DDG Notsaeion3 l{eBtern SEates 105 054 permit No3 F06-0077 Type 3 SPRINKLER PERMIT. Parcel- Nor 2101-082- 5401-4 SiTe Address: 12 S FRONTAGE RD EjAST VAII, . LocaLion: GATEI{AY BUIIJDING-AIJPINE BANK Total" Fees: $418.00Thle Payment: $418.00 Total ALI", pmUs: $418.00Balancer $0.00 '|****t*a**|t t***'*:|**'|'|'|'t'!***'**'*'!*!t'***tt*'t'a*******f ******'l*********l'i't*{rtrlr***{r{r*i't***'}*{.*d.**{.**- ACCOUNTITEMLIST: &ccount Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO SPRINKLER PSRMIT FBES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAIiI CHEEK FEBS 68.00 350.00 -'$Y$0APPLICATIOI{ WTLL IIOT BE A@EPTED IF IT{COTiIPLETE OR UIISIGTIED Proiect #: Building Permit #: Sprinkhr Pennit #: acoepted without this informatbn:n A @brado Rcgis'tsrcd Engine/s stamp or N.I.C.E.T. Level III (min) stanp.! Equipment cut sheets of materialgE ffiraulic calculations. a,n A State of Colorado Plrn Registratbn form.n Plans must be submitted by a Registered Farc prctecton Contractor. COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR AI.ARII PERTTIIT (labor & H&rbb) Fire Sprinkler: E ,/baA'a t--"st -oo77 ire Sprinkhr shop dmwingc are rquird at thne of permit submitbl and must include the following. Permit qpplication will not be acoepted a a7 75 S. Frontagp Rd. Vail, Cobrdo 81657 CONTRACTOR Hre Sprinkler Contractor: NffiilStl+tre FtRe ftAr Tourn ofVail Req, No.:338--s C.ontact and Phone #'s: Vt;W"b'A'ErjLn fras#M E-I{ail Addrece;/n6/8, Ae.44f e.ul.tFP /r l, /qa fwhtel# Parcel # t* rune: /glrtE Vr**e hn *,/ Bry 1& Mdrst ,, vet&o , .%,eFqtaa-. Legal Descridion I Loh I Block I filing:,Subdivision: anrwsNanefrpgltnht /frr,rtrlAddress: /7 VAtu l/dl1p1 "' Engineer:Address:Phone: Debihd Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Detailed desoiption of work:4w n)o a&o4/zElocftL' "2\ro aruS Work€hss: Ne','r() Addition() Rernodd(X Repair() Retro"ft() Other() Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two.family( ) Multi-famllyD{C.onrmercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Acommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves ${ No ( ) I Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exise Yes D{- No ( *.************************ *************FOR OFFICE USE OIILY****r***********r***********t****r*** I I llr/ t.-, I iPublkWayPemit|"^*,R.s,.ffi OdrcrFees:Date R€ceiYEd: Publk Way Permit Fee:Acceofted Bv: Occrrpancy Gloup: fiqt\ '/12/0s/2ms TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 97M79-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: MO6-0371-bc osTl Job Address: 12 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: GATEWAY BUILDING-ALPINE BANK Applied . . : 1112912006 Parcel No...: 210'|,08264014 Issued . . : 12108/2W6 Lrgal Description: .?e-t..^ .,L{*a) Expires, .: 06lMl2O07 ProjectNo ' ?RfoO oLtto owNBR TIMBERIJINE COMMERCIAT, HOI_,DrN11/29/2O05 12 VAIIJ RD 600 VAILco 81657 APPIJICANI R & H MECHANICAIJ IJIrC ]-L/29/2OO6 phone: (970) 328-2599 PO BOX 810 EAGI.E co 81531 License: 184-M COIf,TRACTOR R & H MECIIANICA]T IJIJC LT/29/2OO6 phone: (920) 32A-2699 PO BOX 8L0 EJAGI,E co 8L531 License: L84-M Desciption: ALPINE BANK REMODEL OF TELLER LINE, VAULT AND OFFICE. AIR DISTRIBUTION MODIFICATIONS PER PLAN Valuation: 53.000.00 Fireplacc lnformation: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 *'*rt:1.:l'tr.,.r.**'art*r!rt'*r***.{.***:ht:}rr***,t s+:t:tt:t :t:}:t :t ++:}**************:t*)i**** FEE suMMARy Mechrnical-- > Plan Check--> Investigation- > Will Call---> 960 . OO Restuarant Plan Review-- > 915 . oo TOTAL FEES-------> 90.00 s3-00 so. oo Total Calculated Fees-- > S?8.00 Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fee---- > Paymen6---------- > BALANCE DUE--._-- > s?8.00 $0.00 $78.00 9?8 - 00 90.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII4ENI lL/30/2006 dIPITAI{IO Action: AP ITEM: O55OO FTRE DEPARTMn(T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-'DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARS REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Entry: tL/30/2006 By: ,JPIJANO Action: AP FIRE DAI'IPERS REQUIRED ON At'Ir DUCT AND TRANSFER OPENINGS IN TI{E CEIIJTNG Corrd: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR Is REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF Ttm 2003 IMc AND SECTION 304 OF TI{E 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO I,IANUFACTIJRER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI-'DG.): GAS APPTIANCES SIIAIJIJ BE VEIfIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF fHE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BIJDCI.): ACCESS TO MECHAI.IICAI EQUIPMEIVT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 2OO3 IMC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SI{AIJIJ BE MOTNIED ON FI,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. ITNITESS I.ISTED FOR MOIJNT]NG ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DC.): PERIIIIT,PLA]IS AND CODE A]fAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAJ., ROOM PRIOR TO AI'I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : BOIL,ER ROOMS SHATIJ BE EQUIPPPBD WITI{ A FI-,OOR DRAIN OR OTITER APPROVED MEA}IS FOR DTSPOSING OF LIOUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6,Entry: L!/3O/2OO6 By: ,JpLANO Action: Ap FIRE DAMPERS REOUfRED ON AIL DUCT AND TRJA}ISFER OPENINGS IN TIIE CEIIJING***$ut*+t*+++*t DECLARATIONS I hereby aclnowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the hformation and ptot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOTJRS IN ADV PM. 2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ++***fff**,t+,i+******+++++******+**++i***+**++++************r*************++*++++************ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*****+****'i***i***********'i**********++*****+*****i**************+*+****************'i******* Statement Number: R060002079 Amount: Payment Method: Check Mechanical 184 57 $?8.00 L2/08/200602:!6 Pt4 fnit: DDG Notation: R & H Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment: ACCOIJNTITEIII LIST: Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 *+*'lr***{'*************++++***********************************+***+**'t***,t **tr***************** M06-0371 1\4re: !4ECHANICAL PERMIT 2L0r_- 082 - 5401-4 12 S FRONTAGE F.D EAST VAIL GATEWAY BUIIJDING-A]'PI}IE BANK Totaf Fees: $78 .00 Total Al,L Pmts : Balance: Descript.ion MECHANICAI. PERIT,ITT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WIIJL CAIL INSPECTION FEE 978.00 $78.00 $0.00 Currents Pmta 60.00 15.001 nn ff,o'Frcflfu- (S uv(ftf q31,g.- G, r.O'^e-t&*+^ri- l APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Project #:\ 4- oYSo Building permit'fr Mechanical permit #:-()5" I970-479-2L49 il,i#H5,T$f;,, llob- c)s1\ @n!rcRr{ArroN Permit *itt not 3-1t"""1i""*:itlTll":,Ulyout drawn to scate to indude:I Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustion Air DuctSl=e and tocationo IJu", vent and cas UneEze;il;;;""o Heat Loss Cdlcs,o EguipmentCut/Specsheets COMPTFTE VALUATION FOR PERMIT & Materials AsessrcOffieatg '328-864ti orvisit furPatel# ********* JobAddress:, r \?' (/14^Frq44 AA- Subdivision: *t,"rt-r-t"rr t Does an EHU exist at thi, n u@ Type of Bldg: Single-family ( )Duplex( ) Multi-famfly( )Commercial $Q Restaurant f I OU.,., nNo. of Existing Owetting Unirs ilthGTm No. of AcommoOation unic-inEiJli@ io an EpA ptrasert?ffi-E \\VAiIUAIA\CdW\FORMS\PERMITSUV1ECHPERM. DOC ', McBoyd Construction Solutions LLC Owner Reprgentatlon Mechanlcal Englneerln8 Memorandum Mr. JimBuckner Mofter Architects From: SteveH.Boy4 x.Yn lt$W Date: October 5,2006 RE Alpine Bank @ Vuil Gateway Building HVAC SYstems Review McBoyd constroction sohrtions LLC hasrcviewedtte existing conditions in suite 2fi) at th€ VaiI Gateway Building. Bred on the existing floor plan and the new floor plaa we donot see nn"uCfon any irajormdification orupgades t0 the IIVAC syst€ms s€rving this spe. Howwer, we would recommed the following items be address by a qualified mechanical'contactor. l- The existing supply ad rcnrn griues in the ceilings & not appea to bave fire dampers. nu*i "i O" fire rding of the building we recomrerd ftat each grille ha* i "Ruskin' CFD radicion dampa insalld per manufrctrrer's recomrnenddions 2. l:IEexi*ing l0x6 sidcwall grile in thp watl of Office #1 should lrave all ductwork removcd asd be cappd" This &!cf b not roperly installed and has no heating or cooling contlols. 3. The exi*iag $ryply grilles ae a *motsized' s4ply grry that TnGs tbe airflow based on tni tellrperature of tlre air. These gill€s should be cheked for p'roper operation a. According to the HVAC Corymy tht provides tb planed nalEteniltce ugr".**t for the building, tniy imhrOe tUe servicing of the fm powered box for Space 200. Enclosue: ;,*ot'itD PO Box 238 Eagle, CO 8163 | (970)328-3N7 (P) (970) 32M527 (F) shmcboyd@c€nturytel'net F fitTSTfJN' 30q)Dr.Gt€av6Rd'KarEasCily, MO640EtO (B161761-7476 FA)( (816) 765€S56 Cro(RP CFD(FF dxl CFD(B) 35 CElurG FIR€ DATPERS tI-CHbdlffinheeg APFIJCANO1'| tt- 5tE Ralo.t Hodrool|g f[rrdl6.rl tudlc€l|g &se|l] ttl* qiG sp€E bsed arl ohssiled C6-q Oer"6.s.(Sg CLfn hs Ofltpers a R&tu| Dafi?GtE) b FUb fB ard hd Etffidon *rere f|vfC mponst patffis |'t ceihg nw*rdE ffiit lrh -td 3 1I. Fl|'-t Otr drFdt lxt loTr,!|$lhlF3sttF dtt Rrl(h cfrxFlz d GFD(R)3 arE tL frrsiH lo pYb @' Uoo O W,fC psr*aim d W ro 344 8q. il ({tXD mqitrrn offiriE!rq|[tt tL kBrdEsgnbl6r, *€ !E*'EEB riorrrs-C s ls|E tr lsss. P€nersrbns btger csl 344 s+ in- tiOdl gro up !o 576 sq. itr. (s716) tB$ire modd CFI).0- TIE irndy A iqgq d Flttbsde HVAG cz-tg psttGrerc dm rbic'betl ir tr t L Fire R#B Diedory- wqro Tnlrss cElLl]lG APpuGAtxil RrEEl Cm(m d Cm(RF C€*tg Ftts DaflF€rs 89 U! muv€.f br lEo h oelhg 63hn L556. Lslli b cdrsltlEEo fidn z r i nooo rnrss€s end e rfifar o c*tg dcbna 1t2f' l5al' t53+ 1516, 1550, €h llt CFD(EP s CfD(nF t|rEr Ds--lslDo in frieori e|ed'drct drq h riaatrpa rft lhe mflrffi|'c6 i#n ffiucfot6 Prouit€d tih tF (bnpga- tt-cLAssm u.556c lirhg Ffllso SiTAIDARD O(I|SInI'CIIISI mtE 20 gqe (.9) gdE|aod sbcl F?stt (bdE as a rfEn h loldtgcrst 2l} gqe {3} gdrstEd 6lF€1, tt fit uL cbrdned h8uhtuo s rwfre4 FIS.Er.rr( 1s6f ftlr"cl b $endril 21?F flq'"C) d|(| FF (1'l1"Cl b av&alnoffimloo6t I]JrlEO-rFrSbl CfUercFDi - 5'w x 4'h flf, x 1@)- Cf,[H2- 1? {qE} (tsr|€br- CFDEU3s- 5' (tz4darFbr. f|AnnflStrE (orqt Stra) CFDS- ru 8q. h (452) maxknum cFDz - 324 sq- In. (2O9{l) uith height or width dime'|- CdErdgrdsrt|'r24'(ilry CFDE -af (EB) ddr€bt Cmff3ES-rA es4)(fg|Eler. opnorxl . VA VofnrF Adjst b b&tEo aifour. Dtrqlcdrssfttrlh pa,€*e( )hdcs mmnob|l 1f (tst |f--_l*.iL-rl:'--s-_*rr EJ.bnded F ame ffidFlt|tE SaldErd F rr|F r-lI I lr*' ": I . lFsrIL . J.|._-__-------.1'1-B -frEnd# F .|ne CFIIR orFm rilE srtl.E BreItOqIETCR rtErPlrl CFEI cfi|gcfi'ls $stnl |l 6lF6 g trD ffixb.l fb r {t(Pb254} 11' b lf e?It lo 8861 15 !o za' (381 b qrz, 6at' t1€2'efu' (2m)11t' (28a) cHngt CFTIRB cE)(Fps ffid Al(a.s srf (8st E.EIH 5. b 1r flCf lo 254) 1 1' b lf {2?$ !o S6} 15f b 2tf €8'r b 5(E1 6riL' (1?5) 6rn ( r75)l'r'a' tzsl qtE SxGfWF r }t0$rXfrs6 CfDIFF ! 3'7G all gnt@ot6cmarurtfiEsut Fcttp crr txFrmflrf ,f,,.rftoioltErtptl. offdd| aIF GFD(TP, CFD(R)3 ald GF{R)3.5 cEluNG FIRE DAilPER? tt|.JEtrrd.rdo|} Ordor 'acn al stsg' slh firhr! trano. tlamp€r ins[a$e orct dit- tFEnds HOWTOORD€F *Cfftcflff[o|| onbr 'de(td t/.'(6rwfi|* d-U lrdE Ddl|p€r frdals ixi(b drl- Flstluctlnddon Ofiter 'actd {*B' Y|ffi ffi tranre. Oa||Pet inslalls ov€r dil- ftsr neck kr duct hsta[E o8t€r ddnp€r. lL LH r{!*b YolrI|E l4utfiFn[ OFfroo Tfp Errdnl tFt|e h( catl b3 rsplacsd rdfi a simpb nEcfta- risrt UEl pe.mfs aalrlfsf d daflF &d€s lo Wr aitff' Asffiilrd (Olrq( lsl uadl b t6d br e4,stnd|L ln t.€ onfiq|s, til Ornper re r€gadles d tdt ne sd€t Ttds tahre ErFt bo aAA t tc Orpe dffi|L 165"F o' 21TF fi1rc ot lfiFCD (sp€dly tomperatutE) fusibb rclum8 d$frfrtr oilq|g ate arafabb. Crtlm: votr|E l4|.t lulol t1lor a adngtdt (trnIt rrf,'(29I rrd|rtn ACtd ltsngB b.lorrtq'|ddrlit'(lo} CFD(EP, S, a5 r,lft R|.&le Yoftrma A4rgtmti P|Eidrrr Drop - Dampor oPon (Siz€ as notod) t7 17_78 . 05 127 mndls clr.4 Air Vebdty in FEET dtd f,EIERS pcr tDkflrl'e fitoogft FACE AREA' Tested per AtrlCA Std- 50O, Flg. 5.2. fictt ,ofl( tipsfeam. m or.G.rde Fd-Krr-q,FO{II olo 78+7116Frx€16)t6e5rrr,ndar.!q! 03 7.e 02 5.(n o.lLg frf t.78 IF 127 ll3 15 .&.5t o1u1@2m3U lgarn ag8{ Sa.S dD.6O 0'l'L{, //I / /// ltrxltr GfDz I // / /// /// /I t-- 6' DlA. cFm/ /// - A DIA CFDR I // ffi' .4. ilirli i!.:t rc,1:: i ::iiifj)( ,.i:;l.i:,:l i.i?j:ir. "' ...1. .. .. i, '1*tl, il{: *t i}: I 9lC,' 4irj j' iiii fAX iJTirt 473. ir? I i.r 14Ai+) L4crrii,rf*..i.f: iiei i:,r oiirr MonrEnArqcu !?il:{:T* John Plano Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services l.C.C. Plans Examiner November 6, 2006 RE: Alpine Bank 806-0324 Mr. Plano: This lefter is in response to your plan review letter regarding the building permit for the Alpine Bank tenant finish in Suite 200 of the Gateway Plaza Building. Architectural Comment #1 asked to provide an accessible service counter. Per a phone conversalion with you on November 3, you agreed that the desk could be used at the front of the office space providing that it was a permanent element in the space. A note has been included on M.01 stating that this permanent desk is to meet the requirements of ANSI Al 1 7.1 -904. Architectural Comment #2 addresses the accessibility of the door to office lt2. The new walls had been moved to provide the required clearance at this door. This clearance and the wall revisions are shown on A2.01 . Architectural Comment #3 discusses the flooriceiling assembly at the new recessed cans. Per our conversation on November 3, cut sheets have been attached to this resubmiftal on the proposed can to be used to achieve this fire rating. Architectural Comment#4 asks for the location of the oublic restrooms and travel distance to them. Sheets ,A1 .01 and Al .02 have been included in this resubmittal. 41 .01 shows the 2 public restrooms on the first level of the building adjacent to the elevator. 41 .02 shows the distance from the enhy to Suite 200 to the elevator. I have also included a letter to Bill Gibson who raised concem over the parking requirements for this space. The space under review, Suite 200 in the Gateway Plaza Building, is 1101 square feet. At 3.7 spaces per 1000 square feet, this space requires 4 parking spots. The bank has 4 allotted parking spots in the Gateway Building parking garage. There are also 13 guest parking spaces available in the parking garage in the building. Please let us know if you have any further questions about the project. Thank you, rAl/\ Julie Spinnato, AIA ispinnato@morterarchitects.com l!ii::'iit:;ri:l;;:nj i,,i ,. --; A prrlr.r$3!trfl :}l ljcrlcrilll*r ?2I1 N r::}ft;lr.. 11,.!!,\,rJ. ':, ;: Vail, CS e i0i? 97C,',4?S.5 t !)ti rAX $?*;,l?S"i:?1(i MA@l!4oi1f.A.4lr ii$01$.c*rr MonruRARilHITtcrS Bill Gibson Town of Vail Planning Department November 6, 2006 CC: John Plano RE: Alpine Bank Parking Mr. Gibson: This letter is in response to an issue that you discussed in a phone call with Bob Borschardt of Summit Forest Development regarding the building permit for the Alpine Bank tenant finish in Suite 200 of the Gateway Plaza Building. You were concerned about the parking requirements for the bank space of 3.7 spaces for every 1000 square feet. The space under review, Suite 200 in the Gateway Plaza Building, is 1101 square feet. At 3.7 spaces per 1000 square feet, this space requires 4 parking spots. The bank has 4 allotted parking spots in the Gateway Building parking garage. There are also 13 guest parking spaces available in the parking garage in the building. Please let us know if you have any further questions about the project. /AtA Julie Spinnato, AIA ispinnato@morterarchitects.com Thank you, fu!caiol.irii;ilijei:i:;. {'()r'r' +-s," ,'--f*'-' {. i4i '-.--.i,, I-* i,r, Iiq'- ^}.t ,.rt :r.t'- 1- I j I i l;'t t"l::p'lfi'" e' ##r. *Jg*l-fi!'i#iglF d. h ^,rx:{{,. \ ., S!4x1n fof.4 i -. - - - - -€4ql-lntematlfinal Bulfrlng Gode/lntcnratlonal Resid:ni:cti Cod€ validitl ct pe'0ll The- lssuanc6 or granting of a permit :i:;,ll not be csirstrued to bila permit for, or an approval of, any vicl:i;r ot d|y of tl r 6:cvicicns {{his code or of any other ordinancs cl thc fuiisdidr:. '- : :nlts prdfuminE to give authority to violate or cancel thc - AFPHOTIED Coilnunily lrw€bgmrt &FtfrFnt Builfing SSty and Inspectioh S€wicos ! xlit$6 ,4- -frovisici-, c; :.r.: ccd6 or fllher-orOinances of mri iurisdiction shall not be vblid. T:: :j:uincc ot a hFrmit based on construction documents and dlet Cl:i :.:::: n:t prevqm the building official lrom requiring the $nectic;i c r c;;cis i;r thel$rsrucrion doctments and dtfrer-data. The h,flding oiiic.J i.; a!:c qfiorized to prevent occupancy or uso of a rfr.rctufu whe rc ir vi1ff6nof.$iGo'du.er ol any btfieiordinanceg of, - {ciudsdiaion. \di\ ), ) pfrNsEGMrNER, I )&A<fr--*t* (t-4- ri.t'l* r I Town of Vail (}FPs** ryQPY EXIgTING ACCE59IBLE PUBLIC TOILETS L r ;r.i{ q}F .1"t fi,;in &*it6.\;'r' \ &g!lii1!rl ' f,r r*i:*\{ii* ' l0'-0n i ELEVATOR I TO TOILET:r- - --ilI NOV TOWN EOVtrR oe 2006 lu OF VAIL GATEWAY BUILDING-FIR (, a HogsrIt ia ig Iin $$iis FS .$8, iiili: {t llr x ^$;.k*" ,s hry :'- lrI n. :' L.* .t I lI ir, ]\xtila .. S -; ,'..|." : .; ,.3 il.f di!a ",r.--o oc'-'llvn 002 sJns \rz\nd AVM=l-vg )NV8 ]NIdIV AYJI 9lr!lJl olzlol HI 3lzl olJl 5l tl *l LIJ I^ *l;,I 'tl:<+,/ lc{\/ to\ \ t<./ l *). : . *-t-"---".s| loi 95 sfrlu -*. : t-@f@ - -:! , 'tr, : &+ :!{'3i ii- -d. +-.-. rt. iF* _ - -*4*",** !}. is"-*8vt\r <sdlFur =z(')E I otu(t) Poeo- u P 6Fi-o'^-<-,* L)$r 'u* : ,'ut,. i ,ot,' l* 1,1 !4'd..F4+gr SJJilJlrAVlBDlOt{ oc'lMn OOZ ]IINS \fZV1d AVMfIVO XNVE SNIdIV hvz JI o-l zlol trl JI ot=>l: [rJl]' ol.s ,,'-T-\/ I8\t -lc.i i\19 v 9R 5s UJF(')r') $Elrl u_go \\ \\ \\ \\ ^/ HHF-ffEO<? rU$ F il*6c 5?; e = oz (EXrsTrNG) GLA99 ENTRY TO RENAIN (EXt9TtNG) 5LATE TILE TO REMAIN COL'NTER TELLER COUNTER BACK COUNTER N/ CABINETs + NEh RECEPTACLE > NEt^l DATA/CAELE OUTLET CODE INFORI1ATION OCCUPANCY TYPE, B-BU9|NE9S GRO59, lt08 SF FIRE SUPPRES9ION, AUTOIIAT|C FIRE SPRINKLER SY9TEM EXI5TING TO REHAIN NUI1BER OF OCCUPANTS. 12 lBc TABLE t004.1.2 (100 GRO95 SF/OCCUPANT) NUI1BER OF EXITg. I IBC TAtsLE IOI4.I f'1AXlf1Ul1 DISTANCE TO EXIT, 100 FT IBC TABLE IOI3.3 EXCEPTION I ACCE55IBLE PUtstIC TOILET LOCATED IN BUILDING COHfiONS (ExtstlNc) ELECTRTC PANEL TO REI1AIN NEh hALL TO CLEAR ELECTRIC PANEL. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DIilENSION IN FIELD. NEI4 6II HETAL STUD I4ALLg I^I/ I LAYER %'I YP. BD. ON EACI{ gIDE. NO rloDtF|CAT|ON9 BEYOND THIS LINE (EXrsTrNG) FIRE 5TROBE (RELOCATED) BATTERY PACK E(IT LIGIIT I f (EXrsTrNG) THERTOSTAT SELF STORAGE UNITg 'r]Z \ , \,'ry\r\ _t_ 2) NEh 6'|-8" D@Rg. NEI4 D@R (3t-ot'x6t-an ) TRIN TO I1ATCH EXI5TING ADJACENT hINDOI45. CONTRACT EXI5TING ADJACENT 14rNDOh9. DATA R@I1 6t-6" nAX.NAXINUN EGREgg DI9TANCE' 74'-0'r PER ANgI AII7.I (Exl5iflNc) i oFFtlE *2 -to 7'{sr*-fga'tg pt:* €r rsrnr:(r FLOOR PLAN 114" = 1'-0"o UJF Yf =KstJJ<J =d=ie.-= tuF (, oc'llv OOZ SIINS \rZV-]d AVMSIVE )NVE SNIdIV d.!d,c p/'r-r'! t srfilJtfltvurlxoll z IL (,z F -o J oz -J uJ O a $ $ 10\ iifrrI lll\)4 ---rtrnZy>2 =5'sI arZ=3Fodt"\- rzr-Jr.DOt-=< |llj"uA =flhH"'gJ - uSEp*6U- )- g1 o'XEF.IL Y,fi2 t z>. ur ul 5\ erF$: g9FB; QSpsi0lL^F-EqE?;StEEpY"-z:r (\A .n\T=\)O (54F M lrlv lt L'z f) E ArrlJI F(t)4 u.|o oF (r)z. () l'|-l(f) (t) Itluulw ItlZ -l ul M.tt -r z. (L vvl) lrl F.rr"t Ov. L)9 9 :a;; - irzir, ;rr !2 St: xult -'r\t l= rtzl r)(ZzoOFUbl U ^ --.i(ft ul Ll0(',Fr!utll lll U) r hUAU)u-t uJ \_(yur\J)\,/ tu n:-* 6 M E--tE-ll.,(ftF(') 2e* e_ 2t-Ft-Fin io in u) =t >< =lr-! ul bl ur Ff\} Jz () otrl(f) (J) ut() UIu. t*. Lr.|z oluttr MF]z+-:)xoi;E-FfI-l r!ioriIEl U) t!zo oo8"x zoK :;\ \e l</c/30 o o c).K-.,4Ln t- =50-oa+-g?=-R rsra$ "ailot=sEh-€.*P9Gt rad;F3E o2-19-2007 Inspection [e_quest Requested lnspect Date: lnspection Area: Slte Address: A/P/D lnformation ^ Adivity: 806-0324 - Type: A-COMMuon$ rype: uccuoancv: OWrier: TIMBERLINE COMMERCIAL HOLDTNGS LLC Architect: MORTERARCHITECTS Phone: 476-5105Applicant: SUMMIT FOREST DEVELOPMENT, tNC. Phone: 970-926-2567 Contractor: SUMMIT FOREST DEVELOPMENT, tNC. Phone: 970-926-2567 DescTiption: ALPINE BANK REMODEL OF TELLER LINE. VAULT AND OFFICE.qominent: ROUTED TO JR, PLANNING, FIRE AND PUELIC WORKS - JSUTHERComment: bin # D-2 - JPLANOqomment: sprinkler and alarm upqrades required - MVAUGHANComment: CORRECTIONS SUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO JOHN PLANO AND FIRE - JSUTHER Requested Insoection(s) Item: 540 BLDG-Final C/O Requestor: SUMMIT FOREST DEVELOPMENT, lNC. Page 40 Tuesday, F ebruary 20, 2007 JP 12 S FRONTAGE RD EASTVAIL GATEWAY BUILDING-ALPINE BANK SubTgoe: ffioM tatus: ISSUEDArea: JP Requested Tlme: 02:30 PM- Phone: 970-926-2567 Entered By: JMONDMGON Action: APCR APPROVED/CORRECTION REQD s Insp Comments: WiC 2 HRS AHEAD 926-2567AssiqnedTo: JMONDRAGON- Action: Time Exo: Comment: NOACCESSFANK CLOSED lnsoection Hlstorv Item: SQI _PlV;Tgmp.access/drainageItem: 30 BLDG-Frainino 12111106 'lnsoector: C Comment: Item: 60 1 Comment: 12nOn6 Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: 532 533 539 537 538 540 "[*!wl /litr {,) \-.u;i JRM SS BANK CLOSED DN I ri \I lrt\ I{^\ \\\/ REQUIRED ASSEMBLY. ATL I rrH 5/8" TYPF x GYP. iiIr \i 1 REPT131 Run Id! 5399 4:15 om Vail_ GO'. Cittr Oi - Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, January 11, 2007' '*8fi$!fioli:3: ifs rnoHmce *o rorru . GATEWAY BUILDING-ALPINE BANK A/P/D lnformation ^ Activity: E06-0258 _ Type: B-ELEC "on%J/'f"?i r M BE RL I N E c o ut,r &Tif,f ft%L o r r.r c s r- lc ADolicant: Cohlractor: Description: Reouested lnspection(s) Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requestor: NATIVE ELECTRIC , Comme0ls: Will call 904-6509, Alpine Bank at Gatewayo*'s1f8ol8: SHAHN rime Exp: 7 b Requested Time: 08:00 AM- Phone: 970-328-1293 -or- 970-904- 6509 i" 'I -., . ., /', NV'. '.' .r[ , ,,b, /no 4t€ -.2 ,i-, I/- , .l "-i/ ,/ ? ,i !,,.', l b L,,t SubTgne: ACOM Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG 1293 1293 AND ADD SWITCHES ANDOF TELLER LINE. VAULT '.,: t. lnspection Historv Item: 1 10 ElEC€erviceItem: 120 ELEC-Rouoh 12107106 lnsoector: Comment:Item: 130 ELEC-ConduitItem: 140 ELEC-Misc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final ** Approved ** eg Action: AP s:J ': n,,LL . tt.) -t a ,-/ I'De- REPT131 , T,L"t Run Idr 624L