HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT E-H RED LION COMMON 4rNsiPEcloru OF F|EEUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED D ornEn MON COMMENTS: '; -ryiE, E pnnlal LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM APP ROV E D I orsaerRovED FOLLOWI NG COR REGTIONS: E nerNsPEcr Euro" r", CORRECTIONS rNsPE"o,S^l* SJluEsr .tKI onre IWZ C J9BNAM TIME REcEtvED A lft)pru..............._ E penrrnl READY FOR INSPECTION G,)r", { o@ IDa.PP RovED E orsapp RovED El uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRFECTToNS: E nerNSPEcr GORHECTIONS /./ .,_\, ./ ,"-/ t oarc i,/ '- .=/lo - ,/{ - "i rNseecfroff . TOWN JOB NAM E -'-'.PM CALLER -' OF CI0T 41s74FIEBUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED I ornrn MON COMM E NTS: TUE f] panrrnl.LOCATI ON READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! nppRovED I uporu rHe CORRECTIONS ! orsnpPRovED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: E nrrNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR T0wr{ 0F ETUILElINGi VA IL PEHMIT DATE OF APPLICATION ALTERATIONI) ADDITION ( I REPAIR { } USE OF BUILDING NO. OF LIVING UNITS BLK 5A FILING 1. rypE oF coNsrBucrroN l rt rr rv @@rn 2. occuPANcY GRouP afG\c o E F G H I J SPECI FIED FIRE SPRINKLEFS L DESCRIPTION OF WOFK TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS UNCOVEBED -"'--------e- o APPLICATION ACCEPTEO J""y"* o?vG eeeun # J ro'7u rset I uerrl EEADTSIS APPI,ICATION ANIt STAAE TEAT AND AGR,EE TO COMPT,Y -1 i,4 orre l-l G:< /"[ Joe TIME RECEIVED 9: tS (A0 pru RL I so $74 il\tsPEtloN i': F|EEUEST; TOWN F VAIL t ti '1" t E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR /"rli AM \----.?'-- PM ![eeeRovED I orsaeenovED D uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr 1N{ q- DEc s 1 BT4rNsipEcOoN JOB NAME WN OF FIEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER I oruen MON COMMENTS: f] pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! nppRovED fl uporu rHe CORRECTIONS ! orsnepRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr -,-.*",r.."i,,.:ln*e-*.! -..,i,^*n.*r*F-**,f DATE INSPECTOR ru JUN ? lg74 ct I ExT iI. A. Ender @nctructlon TEST 80216 TEST DATE BREAK BREAI( i0. EY RC & BFI, pOUR-ED 713 /7t;ii; vm-- i/ri - 6/LA 7'14r. 28*rr 3/1*t ,-L/Z rkr l./2* CaCI ilx DATA 3OOO prl 6 28 daya CEXETT TATER LES GAL LE8 L8S 02. FITE AGG. cotRsE ^00.ADilIX sLuilP rxcilEs I xclrEsXELLY BILL CEIIETT TYPE A IR COIITEIIT TE}IPERATURE 56 I OF 6"Xt2n CYLTXDER 1t0. [E IGHT L8S/CU. FT. TOTAL tOAD STRESS TYPE OF EREAT REIIARXS ElI.l 7 I l1 L42 14L 1.41 70,5O0 69,5OO 86rO0O 250O pst 245O psl 3040 pal cl{ t cl,tr cll r* Frto-Ilr( @acr. 7-day 7-day 14-day BEAH i0.HIOTH DEPTII SPAlI LOAD iloDULUS OF RUPTURE DEFECTS Y}IBOLS ,,.,0*''A'. IIORTAR BREAI( CA.COIICTL AGGREGATE BREAI( Y .SIIEIR SREA( 3- Cllcnt I - ilcrry Rldrtch Chtcf Bldg. officlal lox 1oo, VaLl, Colo. I - lnon LUILI - Ftle cet THESE TESTS WERE MADE ACCORDING M ASTM. PHA, ACI OR OTHIR APPLICABLE AGENCY TIST [\4ETH0D. THIS LAB0RAT0RY CANN0T BE RE- SPONSIBLE FOR AI,IY INTERPRETATION OF THE TEST RESULTS BY OTHER THAN LABORATORY PERSONN EL. Lincoln DeYore Testing Lrb llorris P.E.81557 CO]ICRETE TESTS Llll0OLx DeYORE TESTItG LAE0RATORY COLoRAOO SPRINGS, cOLo. PuEgLo. colo. ROCX SPllXGS.lYO. O Ru JUt'l 't 1s74 ct I Eltr{lro vl i'.Lt!|itsOcrtrg:ln TEST I0.mrI$risr sv - T.,..*OU/Anf ffilll:.P9Y!|DvtuBREAT DATE t/r'ttgltAI# ni DlrA-Tffi Itt I ll 6ryr cEltEiT LBS GAL L83 t8s 02. rITER FIilE AGG. COARSE AGG. ADIIX SLUIIP tlrcHEs 1iorEs llniorrlriE TEilPERATuRE "- T'l I, OF 6"Xt2n CYtiltDER 1t0. WE IGIIT LSS/CU. FT. TOTAL LOAD STRESS TYPE OF SREAI( REIIARKS &1 It LtIttIrr tfrooo ttrooo l,otrooo lUOtlllto pt t?10 D|t c.cl . c.r ?-19 ?dqt ta-att SEtlt ilo.H | 0Tll DEPTH SPAI{LOAD ]toDUtus OF RUPTURE DEFECTS SYllE0LSr CII-CO|IICAI. TORTAR BREAT CT.COXICTI AGGREGATE BREAI( v -sllEtn EREtl( rct t - GllntI - iDttf f1&1.[ Gtt t DLt. otllolrlD* loor Yrll, cDlO. I - trtlt I8l& I-tlb THESE TESTS WERE MADE ACCORDING TO ASTM, P+IA, ACI OR OTHER APPLICABLE AGENCY TEST METI.IOD. THIS LABORATORY CANNOT BE RE. SPONSIBLT FOR ANY INTIRPRETATION OF THE TEST RESULTS BY OTHER THAN TABORATORY PERSONNEL. DeYore Testing LrbL incol nELi? COIICRETE TESTS Llll00lll DeY0RE TESTItG LIE0RIT0RY coLoR^oo sPR {Gsr coLo, PUeBLO. COLO. RO'cK SPltt{Gg, fYo. I Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 864 : . Ticket #11938 RU 0EC'2 ? $n rr r'r - nr -.Concrete Temp.: );5" F A Mo'i s ture : Weather: PartIy cloudy .t c o1d )2)2 le, L5 ol Materials Testing Service 2531 West 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERtALS REpoRT {or Hyder Construetlon Job No or r. D. srr,-"4rdG)Addition\g# Date Tested: 1l-8-/3 Locatjon:1) Foundation wa11s-18' lift SE corne2) supoort col-umns Mix I.D.: 5+ sk Slumpr 5tt p,1y7 2.6/, !Jt/Cu.Ft.:ILl.2l+ yjeld: Water Temp. ; heated water Ai r Tenp. : ln3o Total Yardq: 70+ Total l.Jater:bB at test Max. Agg. Size: )/lr" Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Time Batched: 11:30 Time P'laced: l:O0 Time Tested: 1:15 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 1OOO Tested By: Qon & Lana rEsr cyLrNDERs 914-2 (Set 4) Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1@.l4 Day Cylinder Dia 2@28 Day 6 or9 r9t+2 6 . oo5 2650 6 . 006 )r5 j 6 o0r+ 1981 6 . OO1 ))O9 Average: 196l REMARKS: porto Mix REPORT TO: gy6"r Construction City of Vail Office of Fitzhugh Scott f,t Weather: clear & cold Time Tested: 9:l+0 By: Don & Lana TEST CYLINDERS 9Il+-2 (Set 3) Cy'ljnder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1@14 Day 6 .013 zLOt+ 6.015 2960 6 ooz zr87 Cyl'inder Di a 6.0L0 5.999 2@28 Day )320 )L59 j2)9 1A [5 ll Materials Testing Service Denver, Colo. 80204 2531 West 8th Ave.t B2s -s26r I MATERIALS REPORT {or Hyder Constructi Job No or l. D. 9Il+-2 Date Tested; IL/8/73 l'lix I.D.: 5* sk Slump: Water Temp.; heated water Total Yards z7O+2 at test Max. Agg. Si ze: 3/ l,." Tim Batched: gt3Z Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: Average: REMARKS: 2Lt+5 Porto Mix Hyder Constructlon X0ity of Vail Office of Fitzhush Scott Locati on: )t" Ai r: ) .1/" Air Temp.: )7o Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: T'ime P'laced z 9t2O Truck Ti cket SE eorner, Foundation walls WtlCu.Ft.: 144.81+ Yield: Concrete Temp.: 53o F A Moisture: Tes ted Also: Dillon, Longmont qg0 al$ru Vail, Castle Rock 850 #rL926 l+r lif t Pge Lto^t REPORT TO: .,:6 0 Materia 2531 West 8th Ave. ls Testing e Se rUIGE 0*'l I Denver Colo. 80204 825 -5261 Average: 2I2l+ REMARKS: Iy'" calcium chloride Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Job No or l. O. Date Tested: IO'29-7) 914-1 Locatlon! Footlngs west side Mix I.D. r 5t sk. Slump: 4*" Ai r: Wt/Cu.Ft.: Yield: Water Temp.:Air Temp.: 45o Concrete TemP.: lr2o F A Moisture:Tota'l yards;5$ at test Total !,later: Max. Agg. Size: )/t " Max. Size Load C.Y.: 5* t'Jeather: clear Time Batche6; 8:50 Time PlacedT 9zt+5 Time Tested2 9255 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: 3000 Tested By: Bill' Howdy' Clndy T€ST CYLTNDERS 911+-1 (Set 3 ) Cylinder Dia. 2o 7 Day Cyljnder Dia. 1q 14 Day Cylinder Dla 2q^28 Day 6.011 2186 6.011, 27oL 6.019 32Lr 5.ggg 2062 5.998 ))5) Truck 5I4 Ti cket' #LI7 t+7 RU Hov291973 3.282 REpORT TO: Hyder Construction; Office of Fltzhugh Seotti City of VaiI Mat 2531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 ta erials Testing Service Hyder Construction - ?ed Lion 911+1 Location: Footings west side Ai r: Wt/Cu. Ft.: Yiel d:[-]-" A*'l V Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 514 Ti cket #l-L7l+7 Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for Job No or l. D. Date Tested I IO-29-73 Mix I.D.: 5* sk' SlumP: tlater Terp.: Tota'l Yards:5* at test Max. Agg. Si ze: )/ lr" Tirne Batche6; 8:50 A n]'l 5.999 2l-86 2062 Air Temp.: l+5o Total l,,later: Max. Size Load Time Placed: 1000 ,^oConcrete Temp.: oz F A l'loi s ture : tieather: clear Tj me Tes ted : 9'.55 Bv: 8i11, Howdy, Cindyvr.- C.Y.: 5+ Tes tedSpec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: TEST CYLINDERS 911+-1 (Set 2 ) Cylinder D'ia. 2gr 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 6.01I+ tg 14 Day 270L Cyl i nder Di a 6.or9 5 .998 2a28 Dal 3?LL ))5) Average: REMARKS: 2L2l+ 1# calcium chloride }?B? REPORT TO:Hyder Constructionl Office of Fitzhugh Scott;City of Vail rNsPE.|lot FIEEUEsiT 9a1s 15 t$*r ?3 JoBNAME TIME REcErvEo J:cr: au@b GALLEF TOWN O flornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOB INSPECTION TUE nr 4,'rx-', AM@ APP ROVED I upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS flotsneeRovED E ner NsPEcr DATE HhrE----. rNsr=.toN TOWN OF F|EEUEsiT VAIL t l'\ .1 h'oarc lU'25- -t'3 NAME TIME REGEIVED JOB (9 CALLER U ornen MON COMMENTST TUE fl pnnrrnu LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR APPROVED D upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED f] nerNsPEcr INSPECTOF rNsPEr|lot JOB NAME TOWN OF FIEBUEST vAlLi tt tr,, l{/ru cALLER D orxen COMMENTS: (1 gru ,'tl TUE E penrnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED @)7_ 0 /.-.FRf 0 - "/ /nu )rtlt -__-,\--l ffi arrnoveo I otsaee RovE D ! nerNsPEcr E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS /c -/3-73 rn,st=tlo* FrEouEsr Dort * f- 7/JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER D orxen E pennnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED or@ .WF{aoveo fl uporu rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsRppnovED E nerNsPEcr v I,INCOLN-DEVORE TEST ING SPECIAL INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL o RYI,ABORATO REPORT Proj ect RU JUll 3 tg7+ rnspectorJ.(-*f,FL I ApprovedLocation ' A orrections ft"ten -ll,/ t,"lc ,/ /",1/, DITIOIIAL REI,IARKS: I I.,INCOLN-DEVORE TESTING I,ABORATO SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VAIL o RY fiu Project N MAY 2 81974 Inspector /4c +rrt Location ' APProve!Corrections /Ya,, F./,o, !'/.ii- ,, ,, a,tr F/o o" ! /a tarh F/o " r 5-/a I Cv lt 4rrrtr"./< PRECAST: Application Dafe Hear ing Date _. Aprl1 27, a973 | (,fr{) Mr. Larry Burdick - --Oolorado o APPL ICAT ION TO APPEAR BEFORE THE TOWN COUNC I L AND/OR VA I L PLANN ING COI,4M ISS ION {"/, " ,,. '.,,'i Hea r i DA -#n n F 40"5 '-- Dav -l trtr (Address) Phone 476-a7!0 *(State)(Cir/) do hereby req uest permission to appear be fore thePlanning Commission to reques-f the foilowing:Town Council an d/or Vai I (Zon ing Change f rom Par-kinc Variance Conditional Use Pernrit io al iow Lot H&G *n ln For the f olloyring described orqperty: fflina Number Flrst F111ne Zone R lnak 5A 0rdinance and Sect ion s being appea ledr 0 r'd i n a n ce of (ar.* i nn / c 1t vve Clearly sfa-ie purpose and intent of this application To acquire a parklng varlance whlch would permlt an Ser ies addltlon to the existlnq bul1dlng whlch 1s presently well under the F.A.R. What do you feel is requlrements for the bas is for hardsh ip i parklng would requlne J0 n this case3 Present zonlng car spaces on a Brldge Strreet property whlch is nearly lnexcessable and very undeslreable for the v111age, due to thls zonlng requirement an iNSTRUCT IO}IS:l. Form must be submitted in triolicate, and all coo ies mus t be signed.2. A plat map drawn in triplicare to a scale of not less than 200 feet to.the inch showing the land'in question, its location, the length and d i rect ion of each boundary thereof , the locar ion and existing use oiall buildings on such land and the principal use of all proper.ties wifhin 500 feet of s uch I and. I f the app I icat ion is for a park ing var iance, show parking provided, drawn to scale and n umbered to i nd icate the cl'tia-o< 3. The names and addi-esses of fhe owners of all properfies within 300 of any part of the lanC inc luded in the oroposed var-iance. 4. All information r-e:uired b_v tne Subdi,risicn Regularions ior grelirni plats where apDiicab le. 5, The Town Council and/or the Plannino Cornmissicn will set a hearinc date not more fhan th iriy (30) days f rom the req ues t for zoning change, epplication fcr ca rk ing va r ience ar conCiii:ral u3e Dernit.3. Nct ies3 th3n ij-;een (15) da,s c'ricl iJ ihe oere ;et ior ihe hear-in.g, the hearing authoritv shall cause a copy oi a notice of the tine andplace.of s uch hear ing io be publisheo once in a newspaper of gener-al circulaticn in the County of Eagle. All properfy owners in (3) above shall be not if ied of said application and hearinc. It even though the flnished project wouId be under the F.A.R. permltted. feet na|-_v ad41t u1d be lmposslblet icant o APPL I CAT I ON TO APPE AR BE FORE THE TOWN COUNC I L ANO/OR VA I L PLANN ING COt,1I''IISS ION Application Date Aprll 27. 1973 (Applicant Colorado Larry Burdlck r-- _ Hear i ng 0ate | ({tA ) Mr. Hearing Fee P.O. Box 155 d75- o" of (Address ) Va11 .Phone 476-qT!-Q -(State)(City) do hereby request permission to appear before thePlanning Commission to request the following: ( | Zon i ng Change from , ( x) Parking Variance( ) Conditional Use Permit to allow in For the following described ff t i ng Number Flrst F111ng p rqperty : Lot H&G Town Counci I andlor Val. l Zone. Block 54 _ _ to 0rdinance and Sections being appealed:0rd inance of , Section(s) Clearly state purpose and intent of this application To acqulre a parklng varlance whlch would permlt an Ser ies a.ddltlon to the exlstlng bulldlng whlch 1s presently well under the F.A.R. What do you fee I is the bas is for hardsh ip in th requlrements for parklng would requlre 30 car is casel Present zonlng spaces on a Brldge Street property whlch 1s nearly lnexcessable and very undeslreable for the vl1lage, due to thls zonlng requlrement an INSTRUCT I ONS :IN5IKUIJI I UN):l. Form must be submitted in triolicate, and all copies must be signed.2. A plat maP drau/.n in triplicate to a scale of not less than 200 feet to.the indh showing the land in question, its locafion, the length anddlrection of each boundary thereof, the location and existing use ofall bui ldings on such land and the principal use of all proper'ties wifhin 300 feet oT such land. lf the application is for a parking variance, show parking provided,.drawn to scale and numbered to indicate the spaces.5. The names and addresses of the owners of all properties wlthin 300 feetof any part of the land included in the oroposed variance.4. All informafion resuired by fne Subdivision Regulations ior prelirninaryplats where appi icab le.5. The Town Council and/or the Planning Commission will set a hearingdate not more than thirfy (50) days from the request for zoning change,appllcation for Darkin_o variance cr conditicnal use permit.o. Not'tess than 'ii:teen ( l5) da','s prior to the 'Jete 3et for the heering,the hearlng authority shall cause a copy of a notice of the time andplace.of such hearing to be published once in a newspaper of generalcirculation in the County of Eagle. All property owners in (l) aboveshall be notified,of said application and hearing. * even though the flnlshed proJect would be under the F.A.R. permltted. ad41t u1d be lmposslbfe APPL ICAT ION THE TOl.lN COUNCIL AIiD/OR TO APPEAR BEFORE VA I L PLANI{ ING COMI'I ISS ION App I i cat ion Date Hear ing Date I l{tA) Mr. Larry Burdlck (Applicant _. Colorado , of Hearing Fee P.0. Box 155 /7:, t " (Address) Va11 Ph one \T 6-5A110 Town Council andlor Vail (State) (City) do hereby request permission to appear before thePlanning Comm-i ssion to request the following: ( ) Zon i ng Change from , ( x) Parking Variance( ) Conditional Use Pernrit to allow to ln .For the following described fiting Nuqber ffrst Flllng p rqperty: Lol H&G Zone. B lock 5A 0rdinance and Sections being appealed:0rdinance of , Sect i on ( s ) Clearly state purpose and intent of this applicafion To acgulre a parklng varlance whlch would perrnlt an Ser ies addltlon to the exlsting bu1Ld1ng whlch ls presently well under the F.A.R. What do you fee I is the bas is for hardsh ip in th requlrements for parklng would requlre 30 car is caseT Present zonlng spaces on a Brldge Str:eet pnoperty whlch 1s nearJ-y lnexcessable and very undeslreable for the v11lage, due to thls zonlng :.equlrement an addlt f11 u1d be lmposslbl-e icant INSTRUCT IONS:I NJ I XUI.., I IUI\J: l. Form must be submitted in triolicate, and all copies must be signed.2. A plat map drawn in tripllcate to a scale of not less than 200 feet to.the InCh showing the land in question, its location, the length anddirection of each boundary thereof, the location and existing use ofall buildings on such land and the principal use of all properties within 500 feet of such land. lf the application is for a parklng variance, show parking provided, drawn to scale and numbered to indicate the spaces.5. The names and addresses of the owners of all orocerties within 300 feetof any pa rt of the land inc luded in the o ropose d va r- i ance.4. All in fo rmat ion re3u ired bi- the Subdivisicn Regulations ior prelirninary p lats where app i icab le5. The Town Council and/or the Planning Commission will set a hearingdate not more than thirty (30) days from the request for aoning change,application for garkino variance f,r conditicnal use pernit.5. Nct less th:n i i:ieen ( l5) da,'s pricr fo ihe dale set f or the hearing,the hearing authority shall cause a copy of a notice of the tine andplace.of such hearing to be published once in a newspaper of generalclrculation in the County of Eagle. All property owners in (5) aboveshall be notified of said application and hearing. I even though the flnlshed proJect would be under the F.A.R. permltted. PP ot BOARD OF ZONING, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS MINUTES OF MEETING APRIL 12, 1973 Meeting Called to 0rderA. The meeting was called to order at 9: l0 a.m. in the Town ofVail Municipal Building.B. The following members were present: Messrs. Knox, Viele andNottingham. Also present were: Jerry Aldrich, BritOing0ff icial; Diana Toughill, Zoning Administrato.i t',t .. AllanMacRossi; Mr. Gordon Pierce representing slifei addition and ||. ilt. Red Lion Addition; John Eden representing LionsHead Lodge add it ion. 0ld Bus i nessA- case Z-3-73 - w. Allan MacRossi request for setback varianceon east, west and south sides of sfructure to allow 4r0rr roofoverhang. Mrs. Toughill explained that this structure is notnow in the Town of Vail ( llth Filing), but will be annexed inihe near future and Mr. MacRossi would like for the sfructureto be conforming at the time it is annexed. Larry Robinson,Town Attorney, was of fhe opinion that the variance could begranted and become valid upon annexation.' Mr. MacRossi furtherpointed out that the structure was part ia I ly comp lete whenthe nonconformity came to the aftention of the Town of Vail.A motion was made by Mr. Knox to approve the variance. Themotion was seconded by Mr. Viele and approved unanimously bythe Boa rd . New Bus inessA. Case Z-4-73 - Rodney Slifer representing Slifer & Company -Request for 0r setback in lieu of lOf0tr at fronf and northside of proposed addition located Lot B, Block 5, Vail Vi llageFirst Filing. lf was explained to the Board that the proposed Zon ing 0rd inance contemp I ates 0 r setback in the core area oftfe Village and that the continuity of the building would bedisturbed. Mr. Slifer feels there is a hardship in that hecannot add to the building without the variance. A motion wasmade by Mr. Knox that the variance be granted. The motion wasseconded by Mr. V ie le and approved unan imous ly by the Board.case Z-5-7i - Mr. Lawrence Burdick and Gordon pierce represent-lng the Red Lion : Request for jf0rf setback variance in lieuof l0to'F6ffi;Fot lj i"pos"a uaottion. lt was pointed outto the Board that the present patio already comes within jr ofthe property line and they reguest the variance only to usea glass enclosure for a portion of the patio. The same infor-mation as presented in case z-4-73 was again pointed ouf to theBoard. A motion was made by Mr. Viele that the variance begranted and seconded by Mr. Knox. The motion was unan imous ly app roved .C. Case 7-2-73 - Engelke Architects representing Mr. C. C. Martinof L ionshead Lodge - Request for 6 | setback in I ieu of lO I on east side of proposed building. The east side of thisproject is bordered by Va i I Associates Tract land and willnever be built on. The building must be oriented in this B. I ( \ I Ip i. r"I r FI manner so that the two structures may be connected together. | 42, 1973 ? A motlon was made by Mr.be granted . The mot i onapproved unanimously by Other. Bus iness - None Adjournment - As there was no adJourned at ll:10 a.m. Respectfu I ly submitted, TOtfN OF VA I L Jerry L. Aldrich(Ex-offlcio) : dt the setback va r i ance by Mr. Knox and Viele that was secon dedthe Board. tv. v.other buslness, the meetlng was 0,''" 'ooAB'b l'll,l?N.l' Date Application Fil I, Lorence C. Burdlcf;, f rom the req u i rements Ord inance in order to APPEAR BEFORE THE APPEALS AND EXAI'4 INERS ,.r.epresenting.Red Llon Inn lnc. , r.espectf ully request a variance of Section 4C Eerles l97O of the Vai I Zoni ng encloee the present front patio wlth a permanent roof strueture and movable glass walls lrith necessary structural support. The patl-o will be extended approxlmately elght feet to the north to the present ano/oFhgeefl+Gn space as the prerent ruln'Er eng+nqhBr$fl iqbgmstst+l d$$rgttO. as amended and adopted by the Town of Vail in order to In making a determination on zoning, the Board considers only undue hardship; need for the proposed variance; compatibility of the proposed variance with fhe surrounding area; effect on future develop- ment of the area and; health, safety, and the welfare of the inhabitants of the Town. ln Building Code variances, the Board may consider only suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction and; reasonable in- terpretations of the provisions of the Code. The administrative off icial may challenge any variance granted which goes beyond the scope of the powers of the Board. lt is understood fhat a fee ol $25.00 payable in advance and thaf a ten (lO) day posting period is required prior to a public hearing on the above requests. P \ lease list adjoining property owners so they may be notified gned: Presldent, Recl Llon Inn, lne. '('Craaec,'3 oa .: +.'ts;f, ,,tt':,:'' l'lrrch 25, ,973 llr. Lrtrgncr Eurd I ck Rrd Llon Yel |, Colortdo SubJoct: Dcrlgn Rovlrv of Proposrd Rcd Llon Addltlon Bcrr Lrrryr Thl Torn councl I hnc approvcd your proporrd addltlon rubJ.cito thr folloulng ltomr: 2. Thc Rod Llon rllt cgru to rlgn a coniraet to psrchatcor lcrsc rufflclont.prrkfag In thr Trrnspor?atlon Confrrrhtn parklng lr avcl lablc In the futurt.' A mcrflng rhouldbe rchodulod to rork out tht dotallt for thr agracment. In rtpllcatlon for o t$tS.Sl_lggLSgr-lhoutd bc eonglrtrdfor thr glosr porflon olTt-5JitF[EFurs. A forn te inelotcdrhlCh shauld be eoaptetrd and returncd no lattr thonApfll l,-1975. A hcarlng of thr Botrd of Zonlng, Appealeand Exrnlncrs lr tchedulrd for Aprl I lZ, t9?l ti-prbb a.m. 5' 4.All slgns must be approvrd by thc Stgn Plrrrr contact thc Bulldlng Oogortncnt tort yolr rorl ler? convsnlrncr to ?hat yocr Yourg truly, TOIN OT VAIL Tcrrcl I J. Hl nger Torn llanago r dt Rrvlsr Connl ttre. lchcdulr a nertlng Pr€Jte? may proccrd. PROJ ECT t-'ii:ir.r- Arch itec l o n r l ho c n . i n + i n n Use Zrne d-OZ , Does Use Con fo rm F.A.R. Allowed /,f,:/.o , F.A.R. Actual4 Actua I Sq ua re Footage beTDacK Kequ I remenls: Selback Provided: Parking Required Uncovered Froni /.f sides| | vtt | . \.. , \J I Frnnt Ci des, i v,, , _, r ' Lot s i' ,a '/3. Zd oX %;za credit A llowab le Sq ua re Footage AdtaAta. Ova r lllnrlor\ , v Yv /d , Rear /o Rea r Park ing Provided: Covered , Tota I Prov i ded: 2 AND PARK!NG CALCULAT 8**t-/77A . ?f, J*jft d*d'f"" d3/4'a?- 3,?24'/7 /o/2t5-"76 Check CO|\414ENTS ON REVERSE S IDE I r '?.a RED L ION S ITE EXAMPLE POSS I BLE N4AX IMUM DEVELOPMENT UNDER NE!./ ZON ING ORD INANCE Lot Size - 13,360 square feet. Setbacks - None required - any amount may be required by Design Rev iew Boa rd. Distance between buildings - None req u i red if there are no open i ngs None requi red by Zon ing in wa I ls adjacent to p roperty I ines. Must be a minimum of 5r (Uniform Building Code) if f ire doors and l0r if windows a re u s e d . Height - Maximum J5r to highest point unless clock tower, etc. Gross Residential Floor Area - Maximum .8:1.0 or 10,688 sq. ft. Max imum commercthree stories h Max imum comme rc al space: Assrime max imum building size (1251 x l00f ) gh -- 37,500 - less gross residen-lial = 26,812. al is not possible, however, because of the require- ment for useab le open space be low. Total site coverage allowed is 90f, or 12,024 square feet- Again this is not poss ib le be ca use of the Useable open space requ iremenf . Assume that the l0,688 sq. f+. of gross residential floor area is d i v i ded into 30 lodge un its of 345 sq . ft. each . Each lodge un i t requires 100 sq. ft. of useable open space or 3,000 sq. ft. 0ne- ha I f of th is musf be at ground leve I or | ,500 sq . ft. Therefore: Lot size 13,360 Minus Useable Open Spaci,' l,5OO Which also satisf ies landscaping requirement of l0$ llr860 abso I ufe max i mum size of each floor. At ll,860 sq. ft. per floor the total building would be 35,580 sq. ft. Given fhe odd lot shape, however, this amount will no-f fit on lot. 0nly 34,551 sq. ff. will fit on lot. lf Un iform Building Code setbacks f rom p rope rty line are cons ide red, the site will accommodafe only 21 ,Bl9 sq. ft. This would require a l0t fronf setback to allow a front door and l0t side setbacks to allow w indows other th an wire glass. Maximum accord ing to zon i ng ord inance shown i n red Maximum according to uniform building code in conjunction w ith zon i ng shown in g reen. rya /s_rn (v eEb @ tttgt g,trl ht VU e =e x lrs'/t ffi ' tYx€l /, lLb 'tb jtho/ l42t /-ryffry -/ y'ze'-t, 7 n-7 / n-"tr ^-z* qf+zz*Z ffirl.-'--f{r 4,V t-Y,r o2g'n = ._tryr-?,4@ rY ary 7frF-ry-)77-"-H77'w:z*,, es fl-n-n, rr fi 4-- -*y' tr - -7 rn-:*' {T,ffi-Try -77't"T f" ry.TTT*"#;::#il:: o o-9 o7e a?\r-tv'V,rQnf rE -!r'r'"'7Fru) : za-t-fon'v/",2 77-*??17dD?*r?{.a/}1?-'r, = (1-f --'4.+.',.}?fu+? 1 "4 = ,Z{rz?.n? fr,-WVr/'z' r#"+t\r+tn VLt'h f - , g! ?_'!/ - ot-s ,Jf = y' !"?rt.rr,,b.t4a? VVry?Vla'mfl Vr+znTtmt+gt Ztg /2t = V-"v7a'?72?-v/ - oo-s',OE , ,/r v eta ,o?t d / ry€ / ao/x,-rY/ = ''.7*T ' .zr&/?48 7-/" t ,1, y'-rzt /r>7'v71rt-'r"nl a !-,r-# ,_*V i[.. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Red Lion Inc., a Cotonado conponation, in consideration of the gnanting of a buitding penmit fon an addition to be constnucted on the pnemises commonly known as the Red Lion Inn, Bridge Stneet' Vait, heneby agr€sto compLy with the panking nequinements to be included in :D Sevisions contemptated Fon the zoning ondinance fon the Town of Vait 5 ,fr$'&. and tr d6*any and aLl things necessany and appnopniate to comply with such zoning nequinernents when and at such tirne as they rnay be enacted by the Town Council fon the Town of Vail. DATED tnis /8 t& aayof Apni.t' 1e73. RED LION TNC. FLUMEil|UG!/MECHA|\ilCAL PEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL DArEl,l /d/7J J'BNAME flu.! lra,t/l/ OWNER ADDRES' 4+r/ . ,1/. coNrRAcroR A s pg,l /t//cv /d # ,"'o*. 7Zr 3(2t oF woRK: D rrrew El noorrrorr' E Renaooel I neporn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBTNG: NUMBER lLZ! 1 MEGHANICAL: NUMBER vALuArfoN, C/rla e VALUATION $ REMAHKS:REMARKS: PERM,TFEE {r{l.so Wn PERMIT FEE ilfiqL.trflv// r/-' * rorALFEES: E q2a-8 DArE ll*lL-73 BnO=,. *-rf Onr u T0wll 0F l,Att ETUILEIING! PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOF AREA TOTAL LOT AREA 13,989 s.F. FLOOR AREA RATIO L.06/L UNCOVEFED EASEMENTS VABIANCE APPLICATION ACCEPTED t READ THI6 APPLrcATION AND STATE TTTAT THE ABOVE t9 COREECT AND AGNEE TO COMPI,Y WITH AI,L TOWN OR,DINANCES AND STATE LAWS BAGARDING BUTLDING CONSTR,UCflON. DATE OF APFLICATION NEW() ALTERATION ADDITION+} REPAIR { } T,'SE OF BUILDING MATLADDRESS 4850 ,factson St. NO. OF LIVING UNITS naueOfc. of Fltzhueh Scott 1. TYPE OF CONSTRI,CT|ON I fl* tV V I HR 2. occuPANcy cRouP e if c o E F G H I J DtvtstoN 1 2Z 1 SPECIFI ED FI RE SPRINKLERS DESCBIPTION OF WORX ect. below sLabs & 1n wa1ls {il"1"{* SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTBACTOR Jurisdiction ot 4/L Applicant to numbered spacx only. PBOPERLY VALIDATED IIiI THIS ilt///+ //- (LJ9E! ATTACNEO aREET) Lroil lpts aoLo.(rAt'7 MAIL ADoiES3 Fsor't! IICENEE NO.l*f, cE€Plsrz;( Ep+3go (za-Bz- AFCHI'ECT OR DESICXEi LrcE||5E tr o. EX GIN EEh u5{ oF ButtDl|tc _€--t --- I Crass of work: {rw tr ADD|TI0N tr ALTERATToN U REpAtR tr MovE El REM0VE 9 De$cribe workt R.OC K ? t- Ate-:r5- ro }-ERR4*=-€- l0 Change of use from l1 Valuationof umrk: $ 3 ?O , -PLAN CHECK FEE - SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Sirs ot Bldg. (Totalt Sq. Ft. Flr. Sprlnkl€rs RequireO flyes [F1q OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE BEOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATTNG OR AtR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-TION AUTHOFIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR I/VORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. 9ICNA'URE OF CONTiACTlR 'R AUYHOiIZEO BUIL a DIN G PERIVIIT APPLICATION o il{t PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOB M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION - cK. M.o. cAsH A_J",,J72,oo/ao &/ flrc.oa CANARY _ AUDIT PINK _ APPLICANT GOLOENROD - TEMP. FI LE /y'l0 I BUILDING PERAAIT APPLICATION Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR (LJTEE Att^CHED 9HEEr) MAII AODiE3Ifp*Z Fo-tre<z/z t'- LICENSE NO.u., tzfa.ZtA aRclrtEct oi oESl !ICENSE NO. LtCENSE XO. USE OF II',ILDING 8 Cras ol work: D NEW tr A00rTr0N EretrenAttoil EfnupnrR O MovE tr REM0VE 9 Describework, &utr.-n--f ,4rl,Zu*- eag,'./f ..-- ir11,*-- fio2q4-? - ,a"a'--j I0 Change of use from 11 Vafuation of work: $ JOao4-PLAN cHEcK FEE /a ' n d PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg, (Total) Sq. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PEFMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM8. ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID tF WORK OR CONSTRUG TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. r/y/zt WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUF PERMIT M,O.PERMIT VALIDATION PINK - APPLICANTCANARY - AUDIT GOLDENFOD _ TEMP. F ILE t..-._ 4 q OWN OF VAI tr DAILY BUTLDING INSPECTTON REPORT I aiurains: EeD LtO1., Penmit No: Q1088a Cont:ractor": F[gtOCg LASC{s lssued, p6 1 f zz/2"Cor.-/'f"J 1or- D L, -Ta Bq BUAAaL 747+T =Lgft1|J€-b UP- *r€t,a)&JL-o ll44/{ o Date rssued.: $+f,no, ?o Remanks 0tcorrl u="iFs- *' 1""2 To jIr 6*rnrrr sy €*flaon - J/sre* TO OFEvcitrirt c fQc= e,ur t(tTCtl€*l Poit1 a, ' 2"t/2 L,,/"ftd-oP 6oontga ?Ro,,o,,Clanr'at -nhoitan E,Irinarev aN { m Lioo /ouctt . (osr oF : Jnaitsrz g ho&- -M;ctworty' ^8 Jo& -llooo J ?oi.-rc 88 *r 'lr '- Jn'::f - --- -- --_-_> -;---: --::. ._-:=> *;:=> -'--(_ : --"-- 4., (h*n) - - - - - -'_--_ <- ^ il t flrin*ntt(otr ir ' SRoitEn d 4o?.- -6fl;rl"on ( I }oE'-I los'- 1,6t5.- Hooo *",lFss"q;." I *J Soar .. -l rl: Y :'" 1 --.-{-----t + lrl * c-={ L ;i iI illir if,. soct+ \o $ .N \ REDF]ffiI}HN". o-. EtJ&,atfr1fr, APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill in thie section only) Building address Date of Application Addreee Addrese Addresg Subdivieion t a)a Bo (J tr{ U a0 1..+rtroo BUILDING INF\} RMATION-c New Additioneit"";qf- n"n- Type of occuPancy_,,-.---- (All parte of building) BUILDING DII'{ENSE.IS Total flo"i area ( sg ft).- No of stories..-$t.- No. of rooms- No' baths- No. of water closeta No, of Families ESTIMATED CCST A, 1,o OF CONSTF.uCTTON'Jp.@ - , (Materirle & Labor) (Circle correct ctassification! l. Type of congtruction I.U.6M. Approval by planning permit. Receipt of Plans (2 eets required) Amount of Permit Fee $ 34 ?1 Amount of Clean "p rffi Date permit iseued ffiFinalinepe"tiot - and architectural control committee to Approval of Plang Date Paid: Cash Paid: Gash Tap fee paid Amount q $ Date Check $ Check $ Date BUILDING INSPECTICN Certificate of occupancy & compliancc Gonetruction clean-up Perrnit l70gAA Permission is hereby as OOaJ AjFR- BUILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado IDate \eP I 3o gL De , dF,'eePr t. - ^-t 19? o granted R.E D Lr ou to Ae-ntoa e<d t\J C sto ry on -4 ddre s s Ve q-Coea, In accordance with the C ornmittee, subject to Protective Covenants. provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 -A. rchitectural Control' forth in the Vail Village Uniform Building Code. FtuGroupType of C onstruction C ont ra cto r Heurte LAPFd€ l.pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departmental use Only) INSPECTION jr PPROV,a L COMMENTS DA FOUNDATIONS & SIGN.A TURE FRl MING bo E 'o rl tri FINAL ROUGHC' a) tt FINN L ROUGH uo p,FINT L ROUGH bo 0)H I I I o : FIN/1 L As I FOR BUILDINC PERMIT APPLICATION THE "o*s oF vAlL -t..r ::---' Building acldrees Date of APplication Name Natne ilto. "i'-ffi'"t----------- ffifil=tlt.-€ No of stories---No Ibtttrs...- No. of toofrs- APPlicant No' kl tDt p1 Bo Xri: ;; *ltu'?losets -No' Subtlivieion H\NiT" Tel.No.i';i$*"""ru^zg= ffi;obtain tuililias (0u {) -."ta*tural control APProvaI permit' by Planning Sigoature Date "^' -z/?/4 -r1: " --- *u, g"1l l--:ll*r* ermit F"" $. lf s , Paid: ti"^:r*- gmount--- [F!rmittee I I B Perrnit Pe rrnis s ion i s as Owner UILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Date Aueost 30. 19__-6.9_ hereby granted RED LION INN, INCORPORATED to construct a one sto ry Addition on The Red Lion Inn 1 ddres s Lot e, F G, & H, Block 5A', Subdivision lst Filins In accordance with the C ornmittee, subject to Protective Covenants, Type of C onstruction p r ovis ions s et f o rth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 Group rated .l pproved I' rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Bui.lding Code. C ont ra cto r Claude J. Martin, Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departmental use Only) INSPECTION ,\ PPROVA L FOUNDATIONS MMENTS DATE & SIGN/TURE FRI MING o0c a FINAL ROUGHu c) 14 FINI L ROUGH u! p,FIN]\ L ROUGH bo-* dq, h (,) : FINII L Pe rrnit Pe rrnis sion is hereby as ob)t+{.r BUILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado granted Date k Zo n(c,3 to crt s {a-.f a I stoty aJ{,+r; ". ?hc €c.J A/ 6,.* :r ,, In accordance. with the C ornrnitte e, subject to Protective Covenants. Type of C onstruction provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 Group -1, rchitectural Control forth in the Vail1 Village Uniform Buildifg Code. C ont ra cto r I pproved Vail Euilding Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use OnIy) (o INSPECTION ,\ PPROVS L FOUND;\TIONS COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE F.RA MING d0 .a trl I.INA L ROUGH o) 14 FINA L ROUGH bo F,FIN/\ L ROUCHd{) t) FIN/1 L l ,APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PE rHe fowx oF vArL ) RMIT licant fill in this section ING INFORM.A TION New A ddition Alteration_/* Repairs Type of occupancy TeI. No. c/7657(-a l rea of Lot$ Building address Date of Application arne l ddres e City Narne A ddres s City Tel. No. Narne (rr",,lz fllpffi^: Addre City TeI. No. Lots e,€.&. Block it Subdivision Circle correct cla s s ification l. Type of construction I, l[, ilI, IV, V ?. Occupancy group s NS Total floor area No. of stories Nc. of rooms No. baths No. of water closets No. of Families ESTIMATED COST oF coNsr ev crroNJh!\gP* (Materials & Labor) COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE (sq ft) Ht. u rdh Eo ..(, wq) d b0 lurl '.(., .S ,aI o {)+rd +)kou I tr (lt {U o tro I tsl uld u tr'o o(u & ',c rSc lA c E rd 0) {) 9.. .E E Eo oo a ,r t.o o o)+,da xu tu o {+ (o (\lu I 6n, oo (.) tr u a0 ct{ d h o o)g {) rl {q, s$ 53 H$IJFrtfi EE<9o&;I ZNzi,zte<z,iOpo c, D, E, F, G, J INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) tlJIq $l -l*tl dl A **l5l o -$ ,g U|+t #fl '+r tro,n ot;RE Id P-j +l C' U INSPECTION APPROV}. L FOUNDS.TIONS Ilic.i'6 oa }{vto6 E+,Ca).So ho +lc'F dF td O+ri u'i >O r..ohq) -td.-Souc6 0.9 t{-ldal aE -.1at'6{5"o zI Fru F] tuaz uzl-{a "ll-l l..l q) tr .A E h0 U) (, da 6 d t4 r! tu l.{ i(t h tr kp, }r Fr it) ,xq 6 ru dc q) .dh+) Eo u+rodrd>tro)d=: o€F ru ru (rt rd rsotr .d t'.oo d e, c) th Q t{ FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH FINAL ROUGH FINA L IP'nt 1) I B UILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado c"t. Jane ll w6P Pe rrnit Perrnission is hereby er^nt"a freJ L;n E^ * fvro rc ,4lhr a'.l remo lal 4a w L*rr*r rr.-|, A"l, Erfr c, 4. l/ruK ,fA , d;/ d;tLl", ttf,l;l as Ou2rnl-r I ddres s In accordance with the Cornmittee, subject to Prote ctive Covenants, provisions set forth by the VaiI the rules and regulations as set and in c ornpliance with the I 9 54 Group -4, rchitectural Control forth in the Vail ViIIage Uniforrn Building Code. Type of C onstruction contractor Cloul" /rl^.hi A pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ITOUNDATIONS .JPPROVAL COMMENTS DATE & SIGN"ATURE FRlMING uo Ei dl FINAL ROUGH.'i 0) 14 FINI L ROUGH bo -a, d r.INi L ROUGH bon (o 0) E : FINI\ L l'. rt o ot"!"o "roN FoR BUTLDTNG Ft,tr Fo Building address Date of Soplication TTIE y' ddr City THE TOWN OF VAIL licant fill in this section onl TeI. PERMIT .BU INC INFORMATION New A ddition A lteration Repairs Type of oc cupancy_lk:IIlhfssfll/Atif y' rea of Lot BUILDING DIMENSIONSNarne {r r...*,*C t[ S coff- rd dt) o t1 A ddres s City_Fel. No. Name (-T r,r-l Address City Tel. No. Lot Flock Subdivision ( Circle correct classification)-iype of construction I, I[, IU, IV, V Z. Occupancy grouD c, D, E, r" J Total floor area (sq ft _-358- No. of stories I m' lric. of roorns ?- No, baths O No. of water closets____.Q_ ESTIMATED GOST g, / -- _ao-oF coNST Ru cr roNs[ a,fil(/' (Materials & Labor) 'fra. /fuh ''/244"- . 6/-.4,N/ 4'*-P4't 6"'d.Csh-.-' hl- G,.,(/.'u ) At44 s1,v,fu',.-f4E /4ni"-^- .1{0g$ Ft+us HEFa |!ES HE<,d cdulZAzdzuqa 'lOp9 r! ho 0l(. t rt) H +J rt) c u (0 !{ \ \s ol idSAPI d. o, r! Fl" d olrp. o cd F.r Pp. (,() 0) H.t 5 TJ {rtf} a (,) o o {)+,do k 0) U ;.{ Ic tlto o o o t ul E u +t(, ru& rD E .dc f.t +r'F5 frH d o) o) o. .0 t-. u IElq) tg ,tA oF ,ol i!v' CJ .o tl) .! rtl0,4 {+ c) lu .r-r H tr p. o o tr INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) INSPECTION APPROVr' L T.OUNDATIONS COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE tr"amilies Iud 9i .:.Ed a'l +l tJ*k \., <86 €+'tr0)do b0+lt'FCTEHd o+r:.u'i hO lr.ohq) -1 tr-'tEohJ]t ".Etr -'! !6lEFaat'6<5.o zo F 14n. TDz zl-t t-.1J gl {.)t{ {rltr ho (/) q, +,de o fit Hr d h l{o o d h,r (n H0.5 u? 't =0)lr 6 k k C) .x'o o f;ro;o;t{ .d -9 ..'(.,1 ;ctxl.{ Y o. C:o)'i "{a}d€>go(d=l o tr q) oo (lt |l) c (n (,) +, @ tt \r.|J trl FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH FIN,A L 't \ rt|'ri&d lA9l (Please Print or Type) NAI'{E OF PRO;IECT .i APPLICAT]ON DATE \S /25 Lttnfqt \ecr NAME oF PERsoN suBMrrrrNe\6rn\LEF'JEt-(x* o pHoNe L ADDRES' Ro RsX ?+c, \tr1\ | Zq] \\Ni(o.I Rh,\(u tdd NA'E oF oh^ER@ eHor,rn L$k\]Bg ADDRE'' RoRc> 4)5,vFr1 SIGNATTJRE OF OWIYR. LOCATTON OF pRoJEcr raOOresej Zcr? qnsr50"t Rwtrr R{ DEscRrprroN oF pRorEcr q-'51se\\ SiqEil THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THEAPPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIE9I BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTING, ETC), 5\rs<-r5€D SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL, INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL c- srzE oF oVERALL SrcN, srzE oF LETTERING AND LOGO gfiPqrr"f $ D.HETGHT oF srcN ABovE e^aoe O' DES.RTBE LT.HTTNG r---' ' Kql:srry oR PRoPoSED)s?a\ LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT)( .i \---- CONDOMINIUMASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: $20.00 PLUS g1.OO pER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA.PAID CHECK NO.DATE 'I 3. 4. 5. 6. Site PIan Elevations showing exact Location of sign orawning on the building Photographs showing proposed LocationColored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available Sign Administrator TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the followinginformation is required: 1 2. 3. 4. A completed sign/awning application (attached). A site plan showing the exact Iocation where the signis to be located- A photograph if possible and buiLding elevati-on showingthe Location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign,as fol]ows: (a) Colored exactly as sign will be.(b) A list of naterials to be used in sigm (metal ,. wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to thebuilding and how t,he awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that will be used inconjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing anawning, lighting is not allowed to shine ttrrougn ineentire awning which caLLs undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting nay spotlight. only the actual sigmIettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Cheek sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction maydelay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of businese. APPLICATION FEE V'IILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any loca1,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail.,-theapplication fee shal-]" be increased by 9200.00. Examples of suchreview., may include, but are not limitea to: colorad6 oepartmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, Ltc. The appricant sharl be responsible for paying any publishing feeswhich are in excess of 50t of the applilalioi te3.- rf, aL €heapplicant's requestr atry.matter is ibstponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-pubrished, thenl thl entire fee for-such re--publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the community Development Department tohave significant design, rand use. oi other issues wiricn may havea significant impact on the conrnunity may reguire review b|consurtants other that town staff. snouta a-determination bemade by the town st,aff that an outside consurtant is needed toreview any application, comnunity Developnent may hire an outsideconsultant,, it shaLl_ estima.te the anount of mone!, necessary topay him or her and this amount shall be forwardei to the T6wn bythe applicant at the tine he fires his appJ.icaLion with theconmunity Development Department. upon i6mpletion of the review 9f tfe application by the consurtantl any oi the funds forwardedby the applicant for payment of the consiltant which have notbeen paid.to the consurlant shall be returned to Lhe applicant.Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount lorwardedbY !f" lpplicant _shall be paid to rhe Town by rhe applicanrwithin 30 days of notifiealion by the Town. 5. +\t \ $\\s\ \\\ \t4 \ \ s\ :. \F,c\ sN ,{ '{ruN{-L$ \ .,,{ \\{-+ R-; i, qrs{3L \\\s\\Fd 9.o ff \$ N Su-q\ :ig I : F( tr /"/ /';-*4- deparlment of lrrnsporlatlon/public works75 soulh fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 25, 1983 Last summer, the access problem to the "Red Lion" transformer was discussed and alternative locations were reviewed. The Mil] Creek and Gore Creek Drive location was tentatively approved with some'landscaping requirements. The subject was basically dropped until the above-referenced agreement was presented to the Town in November 1982. Thisletter shal 1 attempt to clarify the Town's position in respect to the proposed agreement between the Town of Vail' Ho'ly Cross E'l ectric and the Red Lion Condominiums. The proposed agreement states that the Town is to "furnish all necessary equ'ipment, personnel and parts to pick up the trans- former and to bring in a replacement transfonner in the event the transformer cannot be replaced in place." Sjnce the To'ln has entered into a franchise agreement with Holy Cross Electrjc to supply electrica'l pouler and to main- tain its facilities, the Town has no obligat'ion to enter into the afore- mentioned agreement. The Town has always assisted the utjlity companies in cases of emergency and will continue to do so in the future when necessary. l'le cannot formaliy commit to such an agreement, given the possibility that we m'ight not be able to resoond. If you have any questions, please contact rne directly Sj ncerel y, /"'.''L/ ( Bi I I Andrer,rs Town Engineer cc: Rich Caplan Larry Eskwith Dick Ryan Ted Huskey Ho]y P.0. ati on lorado 81658 : Red Lion Transformer Agreement I B UILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado c"t. Jane ll w6P Pe rrnit Perrnission is hereby er^nt"a freJ L;n E^ * fvro rc ,4lhr a'.l remo lal 4a w L*rr*r rr.-|, A"l, Erfr c, 4. l/ruK ,fA , d;/ d;tLl", ttf,l;l as Ou2rnl-r I ddres s In accordance with the Cornmittee, subject to Prote ctive Covenants, provisions set forth by the VaiI the rules and regulations as set and in c ornpliance with the I 9 54 Group -4, rchitectural Control forth in the Vail ViIIage Uniforrn Building Code. Type of C onstruction contractor Cloul" /rl^.hi A pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ITOUNDATIONS .JPPROVAL COMMENTS DATE & SIGN"ATURE FRlMING uo Ei dl FINAL ROUGH.'i 0) 14 FINI L ROUGH bo -a, d r.INi L ROUGH bon (o 0) E : FINI\ L ti r: l'. rt o ot"!"o "roN FoR BUTLDTNG Ft,tr Fo Building address Date of Soplication TTIE y' ddr City THE TOWN OF VAIL licant fill in this section onl TeI. PERMIT .BU INC INFORMATION New A ddition A lteration Repairs Type of oc cupancy_lk:IIlhfssfll/Atif y' rea of Lot BUILDING DIMENSIONSNarne {r r...*,*C t[ S coff- rd dt) o t1 A ddres s City_Fel. No. Name (-T r,r-l Address City Tel. No. Lot Flock Subdivision ( Circle correct classification)-iype of construction I, I[, IU, IV, V Z. Occupancy grouD c, D, E, r" J Total floor area (sq ft _-358- No. of stories I m' lric. of roorns ?- No, baths O No. of water closets____.Q_ ESTIMATED GOST g, / -- _ao-oF coNST Ru cr roNs[ a,fil(/' (Materials & Labor) 'fra. /fuh ''/244"- . 6/-.4,N/ 4'*-P4't 6"'d.Csh-.-' hl- G,.,(/.'u ) At44 s1,v,fu',.-f4E /4ni"-^- .1{0g$ Ft+us HEFa |!ES HE<,d cdulZAzdzuqa 'lOp9 r! ho 0l(. t rt) H +J rt) c u (0 !{ \ \s ol idSAPI d. o, r! Fl" d olrp. o cd F.r Pp. (,() 0) H.t 5 TJ {rtf} a (,) o o {)+,do k 0) U ;.{ Ic tlto o o o t ul E u +t(, ru& rD E .dc f.t +r'F5 frH d o) o) o. .0 t-. u IElq) tg ,tA oF ,ol i!v' CJ .o tl) .! rtl0,4 {+ c) lu .r-r H tr p. o o tr INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) INSPECTION APPROVr' L T.OUNDATIONS COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE tr"amilies Iud 9i .:.Ed a'l +l tJ*k \., <86 €+'tr0)do b0+lt'FCTEHd o+r:.u'i hO lr.ohq) -1 tr-'tEohJ]t ".Etr -'! !6lEFaat'6<5.o zo F 14n. TDz zl-t t-.1J gl {.)t{ {rltr ho (/) q, +,de o fit Hr d h l{o o d h,r (n H0.5 u? 't =0)lr 6 k k C) .x'o o f;ro;o;t{ .d -9 ..'(.,1 ;ctxl.{ Y o. C:o)'i "{a}d€>go(d=l o tr q) oo (lt |l) c (n (,) +, @ tt \r.|J trl FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH FIN,A L J - fl">q- ..: ffi't 43-sr_i{r 't \ rt|'ri&d lA9l (Please Print or Type) NAI'{E OF PRO;IECT .i APPLICAT]ON DATE \S /25 Lttnfqt \ecr NAME oF PERsoN suBMrrrrNe\6rn\LEF'JEt-(x* o pHoNe L ADDRES' Ro RsX ?+c, \tr1\ | Zq] \\Ni(o.I Rh,\(u tdd NA'E oF oh^ER@ eHor,rn L$k\]Bg ADDRE'' RoRc> 4)5,vFr1 SIGNATTJRE OF OWIYR. LOCATTON OF pRoJEcr raOOresej Zcr? qnsr50"t Rwtrr R{ DEscRrprroN oF pRorEcr q-'51se\\ SiqEil THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THEAPPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIE9I BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTING, ETC), 5\rs<-r5€D SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL, INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL c- srzE oF oVERALL SrcN, srzE oF LETTERING AND LOGO gfiPqrr"f $ D.HETGHT oF srcN ABovE e^aoe O' DES.RTBE LT.HTTNG r---' ' Kql:srry oR PRoPoSED)s?a\ LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT)( .i \---- CONDOMINIUMASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: $20.00 PLUS g1.OO pER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA.PAID CHECK NO.DATE 'I 3. 4. 5. 6. Site PIan Elevations showing exact Location of sign orawning on the building Photographs showing proposed LocationColored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available Sign Administrator TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the followinginformation is required: 1 2. 3. 4. A completed sign/awning application (attached). A site plan showing the exact Iocation where the signis to be located- A photograph if possible and buiLding elevati-on showingthe Location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign,as fol]ows: (a) Colored exactly as sign will be.(b) A list of naterials to be used in sigm (metal ,. wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to thebuilding and how t,he awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that will be used inconjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing anawning, lighting is not allowed to shine ttrrougn ineentire awning which caLLs undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting nay spotlight. only the actual sigmIettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Cheek sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction maydelay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of businese. APPLICATION FEE V'IILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any loca1,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail.,-theapplication fee shal-]" be increased by 9200.00. Examples of suchreview., may include, but are not limitea to: colorad6 oepartmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, Ltc. The appricant sharl be responsible for paying any publishing feeswhich are in excess of 50t of the applilalioi te3.- rf, aL €heapplicant's requestr atry.matter is ibstponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-pubrished, thenl thl entire fee for-such re--publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the community Development Department tohave significant design, rand use. oi other issues wiricn may havea significant impact on the conrnunity may reguire review b|consurtants other that town staff. snouta a-determination bemade by the town st,aff that an outside consurtant is needed toreview any application, comnunity Developnent may hire an outsideconsultant,, it shaLl_ estima.te the anount of mone!, necessary topay him or her and this amount shall be forwardei to the T6wn bythe applicant at the tine he fires his appJ.icaLion with theconmunity Development Department. upon i6mpletion of the review 9f tfe application by the consurtantl any oi the funds forwardedby the applicant for payment of the consiltant which have notbeen paid.to the consurlant shall be returned to Lhe applicant.Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount lorwardedbY !f" lpplicant _shall be paid to rhe Town by rhe applicanrwithin 30 days of notifiealion by the Town. 5. +\t \ $\\s\ \\\ \t4 \ \ s\ :. \F,c\ sN ,{ '{ruN{-L$ \ .,,{ \\{-+ R-; i, qrs{3L \\\s\\Fd 9.o ff \$ N Su-q\ :ig I : F( tr /"/ /';-*4- deparlment of lrrnsporlatlon/public works75 soulh fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 25, 1983 Last summer, the access problem to the "Red Lion" transformer was discussed and alternative locations were reviewed. The Mil] Creek and Gore Creek Drive location was tentatively approved with some'landscaping requirements. The subject was basically dropped until the above-referenced agreement was presented to the Town in November 1982. Thisletter shal 1 attempt to clarify the Town's position in respect to the proposed agreement between the Town of Vail' Ho'ly Cross E'l ectric and the Red Lion Condominiums. The proposed agreement states that the Town is to "furnish all necessary equ'ipment, personnel and parts to pick up the trans- former and to bring in a replacement transfonner in the event the transformer cannot be replaced in place." Sjnce the To'ln has entered into a franchise agreement with Holy Cross Electrjc to supply electrica'l pouler and to main- tain its facilities, the Town has no obligat'ion to enter into the afore- mentioned agreement. The Town has always assisted the utjlity companies in cases of emergency and will continue to do so in the future when necessary. l'le cannot formaliy commit to such an agreement, given the possibility that we m'ight not be able to resoond. If you have any questions, please contact rne directly Sj ncerel y, /"'.''L/ ( Bi I I Andrer,rs Town Engineer cc: Rich Caplan Larry Eskwith Dick Ryan Ted Huskey Ho]y P.0. ati on lorado 81658 : Red Lion Transformer Agreement t Project Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Comments: x',''.."1i . /,r. :-. . 'e,.r..i.;4.. ..1:V:::.,,,,,:f:..,. "i1', ,.1 . ,,:- - ! .ial,-i{ .!, ,','...'I;i ,.' : ,r ',Date ,r;;i I APPROVAL .. DISAPPROVAL-t . . -) Summary: Date; Town Planner E statt Approval a t., ilr ll',l,l li fF r&1 EB* F 3 B II 8 6) r + t?l o * 9' {oL fllr s o, IIv frpl'tz"' *l'* o G/e,on'6J, o Development proposals in ccl and cclI are reviewed by the Design Review Boardwith respect to Design considerations as outlined in the uiban-Design euiae. - l1:1.:.__Ih"t9,Dg:i gt considerations address various archi tecturat and rinaiiapereatures. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate whethertheir. proposal is complying with these considerations. itre-oesign conirtaerationsfor.the Village and Lionshead are available upon ""qu"st.'-pi ease feel free tocontact rom Braun or Kristan pritz with any qirestioris you may have. Vail Village 1. Roofs COLORADC INS IGHT F.ED L ICN BUI LDING T0: Design Review Board Applicants for projects in ccl and ccII FR0M: Department of Community Development 7. Service Lionshead 2. Facades The white stucco of the Red Lion Building wi ll remain as it is. The Coloredo Insight space wi ll be set apart by painting the trim arrd 3. Balconiesylsod portions of the store front t,urgundy. This will add visual interest and set it apart as a separate entity f rorn the br-rilding es 4. DeckS and Patios a whole. The ;rcicji t ion of bav wirrdcws wi ll add cheracter to the stoiefront and continue the thene used on the west elevation 5' Accent Elements bay window. 1'he glass door riri I I dress up the ent!'ance and prc,vide better visual appeal f rcrn the street. 6. Landscape Elements The accent elements r.r i I I cons i st of two th ings ; First, two brass coach lights wi ll be mor-rnted on each side of the door. Second, an i ron sign bracket wi ll extend cver the front door with the Cl sign hang ir'g from it. l. Heights and mdssing 2, Roofs 3. Facades walls/structure 4. Facades - Transparency (over) .i,. . -, o 5. Decks and Patios 6. Accent El ements 7 . Landscape Elements o DATE: TO; FROM: REVISED DRB PROCIDURES AND INSTRUCTIONS January, 1984 Architects working in the Town of Vajt Department of Community Development, Town of Vail The Design Review Board meets_the lst,3rd, and 5th Wednesdaysof each month at 2:00p. M.. Below are the dates of themeetings and .the deadline dates for submittjng appttiiiions torthose meetings. Materials must be subm.itted fio iitei-inin-4:00PM on the deadline date. Read the submittal requirements with utmost care. N0 SUBMTTTALS r.lrLL BE ACCEqTED UNLESS THEY ARE C0MPLET-you have any questions, piease ca om Braun orat 476-7000- MEETINGS DEADL I NES If Pri tz January 4, l9B4 January 18, 1984 February I , l9B4 February 15,1984 December 16th ,198,3January 2nd,1984 January 16th ,.|984January 3lst,1984 March 7,1984March 28,1984 Apri 1 4,I984 Apri l 18,.l 984 February March March Apri I Apri 1 April May May ilune June July July Ju'ly Augus t August Sept. 20th ,I 984 13th ,1984 19th ,l984 Znd,I984 13th ,1984 30th ,1984 14th ,I 984 21s t,1984 4th , 1984 19th ,1984 Znd,.l984 16th ,1984 30th ,.l984 13th ,I 984 20th,1984 4th,1984 May May May JuneJune 20,.|984 July 5,1994 3 ,.| 984 l7,t9B4 July 18,'1984 August I,.l984August 15,.|984August 29,,l984 Sept. 5,1984Sept. 19,1984 0ct. Oct. 18th,1984 lst,'1984 2,1984 16 ,1 984 30 ,I984 6,l9B4 Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. 7 ,1984 21 ,l9B4 ,, 5,.|984 19 ,1 984 23rd ,l 984 6th ,1984 19th ,1984 4th ,I 984 0ct. Nov. Nov. Dec. DATE: TO; FROM: January, 1984 Architects working in the Town of Vajl Department of Community Development, Town bf Vail The Design Review-Board meets the 1st, 3rd, and Sth Wednesdaysof each month at 2:00P. M.. Below are the dates of themeetings and.:.169 deadline dates for. submittinq apollcations forthose meetings. Materials must be submitted io iater than 4:00PM on the deadline date. REVISED DRB PROCEDU&ES AND INSTRUCTIONS Read the submittal SUBMITTALS t,lILL BE requirements with utmost care. N0 ACCEPTED UNLESS THEY ARE COMPLETE:you have any quest ons, please ca om Braun or .Kristanat 476-7000. I'IEETINGS DEADLINES If Pri tz January January February re_b1arv March March Apri I Apri I May May May June June ,luly Ju'ly August August August Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. 4, l9B4 1.8, I984 I , l9B4 15 ,.| 984 7,t 984 28,.|984 4 ,1 984 18,.|984 2,1984 16 ,1984 30,l984 6,.|984 20,l984 5,1984 18,1984 I,.|984 15 ,1 984 29 ,1 984 5,1984 19 ,'t 984 3 ,1 984 _17 ,I 984 February March March Apri 1 Apri I Apri I May May June June July July July August August Sept. Sept. Oct. 20th,l984 13th,1984 19th,1984 Znd,'1984 13th ,'l 984 30th,1984 14th ,1984 21st,1984 4th ,1984 19th ,1984 2nd,I984 16th,.|984 30th ,I 984 13th ,1 984 20th ,'t 984 4th,'1984 18th ,1984'lst,1984 "t December 16th,198€ January 2nd,1984 January 16th,.|984 January 31st,1984 Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. 7,1984 2I,1984 5 ,I 984 19,1984 0ct. Nov. Nov. Dec. 23rd ,I 984 6th,1984 19th ,'1984 4th ,I 984 I. NEW CONSTRUCTION 5. 6, 7. A. MATERIAL TO BE SUBNIITTED - (2 copies) : 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2, Contour intervals of not nore than 2r unless the parcel consists ofacres or more, in which case, Sr contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with dianeters of 4,rnore one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppi-ngs and other significant natural features (large boulders,. intermittent streams, etc. ) . or Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or nore, if applicable. Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS landnark or sewer invert. Locations of the fol lowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type ofculverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines frorn sources to the structure. Utilities toinclude:cable TV t eI ephone sewer wat er gas el ectric c., Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. A11 easenents 8. 9. Existing and finished grades A11 existing and proposed inprovements including structures, landscapeil areas, service areasr storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas,retaining wa1 ls (with spot elevat'i ons), and other sile improve-- ments.10. El.evations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to deternine height of building. B.A statenent fTolr each utili.ty verif location of service and availabilit To be subrnitted with site plan. C. Prelininary title report to acconpany all submittals, to insure property ownersnlp and aII easements on property. D. Landscape Pl.an (1t, = 20t o.r larger) . 2copies 1. Show the location of 4tt dianeter trees, other shrubs and native plants : thatareonthesiteandthe1ocationanddesignofproposed1andscape area with the varieties and approxinate sizes of plant naterials to be planted. 2, Conplete landscape naterials list. 3. Designat.e trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As nuch of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so thatthe inter-relation of the various conponents is clear. The landscape plan should be separ-ate. Ihe existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may-be a separate map. contain in Must include floor plans andcompletion. Elevations must Exterior surfacing materjalsfor review on the materials .Devel opment. F. The Design-Review Board may require the submission of additional plans, drawings,specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if'deemed necessary to determine whether a project wil'l comply with design guidelines. 1. 2. 2 copies all elevat'ions as they will appear on show both ex'isting and finished grades. and colors shall be specified and submittedlist avai'l able from the Department of Cormunity II. MIIIOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that cl early indicate what is proposed and the'l ocation (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the'more formal requirementsgiven a-love, as long as they provide a1 I 'important spec'ifications for theproposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIoNS - RESIDENTIAL 0R CoMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies D. E'levations of addition E. Photos of ex'isting structure F. Specifications for all materia'l s and color samples on materjals list available at Department of Community Development. At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submi t: G. Statement from each utility verify'ing location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site 'improvement survey, stamped by reg'istered professional surveyoq I. Preliminary t'itle report, verifying ownership of property and lists of' easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN 4f!9" q bui'lding permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the , following-will be required before any building receives a framing inspeclion from ,t,.*the Bui I di ng Department: ., .i A certified improvement survey showing: . A. Building'locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. ,,i C. AII utilityservice lines as-builts showing size of lines, type ofmaterial used, and exact locations. 2 cop'ies D. Drainage as-builts - 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. l. Al 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on nap.G. All easementsH. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. O Lr.s7_ _qf Frcr€Rrni.s olili!i: .ot: i't{O.rLc.t' Thc fol lorr,i n lloard bcfore A. BUILNIN(i {dw",**,, a fj.nal approva I MA'TERiALS carr be givcn: -+ze-ut' \4/441- Mlr'W@.Ccquilcd for"subm i. t tfl o by thc app Type of Matc]]lal crnt to thc Dcsign Rcv Color Roof Siding 0ther lfall lvtaterials Fasc ia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashj.ngs Chirinreys Trash Enclosures Gteenhous es l,^,t ftil,rrl l1tt4i,, {*^--,,9 Botanical Name Cornmon Name Quanti ty Si ze o'nT,[* f,ah+ B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES SHRUBS GROUND covERs o SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGESOD SEED TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. Other Landscape Features (retaining wa] 1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. .o SUBDIVISION UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION JOB NAT,IE LOT BLOCK FILING . ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be rnain trunk lines or proposedlines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities foi the accotrpanying site plan. Authorized Signature Date Mountain Bell 1- -244-F157 Western Slope Gas Harry Moves 1-468-2528 Public Service Company Gary Ha1'l * Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. .leff_ H.ug hes' i949- 5530 Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek * For new const please fill out attached sheet. NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit froro the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tovnr of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit rnust be obtained separately. This fonn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your util.ity plan and scheduling installations. UIITITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BTOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether theylines, mrst be approved and verified by accompanying site plan. be rnain trunk lines or proposed the following utilities for the Authorized Siqnature Date Mountai n Bel'l 1_ -244-+t57 Western Slope Gas rlit?-i[o/r" Public Service Company Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V.@ff H.sghps ,i949-5530 Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek * For new const please fill out attached sheet. N0TE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Toun of Vail , Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail . A buiLding pernit is not a street cut pernit,. A street cut pernit rnust be obtained separately. This fonn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. -- ;ili ZS south trontage roadyail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 T0: AIJ Interested parties FR0M: Cornmunity Developmeirt Department RE: Gas Fireplaces DATE: May 15, 1984 offlce of communlty devetopmenl ..wishes. to further expla.inVail, Cblorado Mun.ic.iial code. to burn solid depth (see In order_to avo.id.confusion, Section 8.28.030 (B) Gas FireThe section reads'ai ffi the department laces of the 991 fifgplgces: -.The-restrictions of this Chapter shallnot. appty to a fireplace fueled by natural Sui, propin.,or any simitar tiouid.fuel so ton'g ai-said fir;pi;;5-i;'designed and constructed so that iaid iireptace cannotbe used or modified to burn ,oiia-ir"fi. Gas fireplacesshall be permitted in any unit. In order that the firep)ace cannot be used or modifiedfuels, the fuet tox shill. ;oi-;;;;J-.ii-[ei'iffi;;';;Section 3707 (n) of the Uniio"r"suiiaing Coa"l. ri coLoRADC il{SKt-{T AugLrst 30, 1984 To the Meobers of the Design Review Boercj: The intent of the changes y,e ere propos ing is to upgrade the appearance of the store front of the Celorado Insight space in the Red Licn Buildlng. Presently we feel the store front is non-descript, unidentifiable as a separate store, and lacks any visual appeal. 0ur intentionis to enhance the store front, prcvide some continuity betweenthe interior and exterior of the store, make ttre store froni looklike a separata store, and imprcve the over all appearance of thisentlre section of comrnerclal space. To achieve these goals, we are proposing the following changes. The front door will be replaced hy a solid glass cloor with brasstrlrn. lwo brass coach type lights will be mounted on each side of the front door'. A rvrought iron fashicned sign support wlll be mounted over the front door to holcj the Colorado Insiqht sign. The store fronL consisting cf the frcnt coor, adjacent windows, and upper windou,s are presently palnted brown. This area would bepainted a deeF f'urgundy to cc'ntinue the color scheme of the interiorof the spec.e. The trlm on the bay windor^' on the rtest side of the space h,ould also be painted burgundy. The front windows adjacent tc the door are presently two pert casement windours. These we wilt replace witf€ither dlsplay windows of fixed glass rnrith no partitions (Plan A), or shal low' bqy windows extending lC-12 Inches (Plan B) . This wculd increase visitility to ttre interior of the store and elso help create the iniage of this as a separate store. For the lowerhalf of the store frcnt, werre proposing ralsed panels of mahogany palnted a gold,/brass color to fol low the scheme of the interlor, and contlnue the brass accent look or the exterlor. See thre attaciieC cirawing"/ These are the changes wetre propos lng, which shor.: lo upgrade nct only the Colorado Insight space t'ut the entire corner at the tcp of Brldge St. 4q2 e uofibr-kAD cffiE. w, cdonADo Eoy FIVE loctroNs \A|L2lFot47'lc!o LANDMARh4b-4875 LoocE4Tb-4B65 lqA|\loft\Al.4b-?tqfir"D LtoN 4b-ib24 dT\ luwn August 20, 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 1984 otflce ot communlly deyelopmcnt l'lr. Ken Haag, Senior Loss Control Representative U.S. Insurance Group Denver Branch 0fficeP.0. Box 5090 Terminal Annex Denver, Co]orado 802.|7 bear Mr. Haag, Red Lion Inn Ilin| {o,u.for_your 'l.etter_of August 2 regarding the insurance problem withthe Red Lion Inn. while I appr6ciate ani can ivrpittriie witt' Nr. Kelemen,sconcerns over the lack of security in the seasoiraily enclosed area of hisrestaurant, I think you may be sqiewhat misinformed-aUout-ifre reasons behindthe-present situatioir. ThL owner of the nto r_ion-uuiiaiiq-came to the Townin 1980 requestino a mainr namniot-""""i"+I".-;;-'.,;;i;;:"i,I*. '.'n^ ar +rr^requesting a major remode'l consisting of various parii. -One of theses the enc'losufe of the existino outdior dininn dpnte nff nf Rr,.i rtnoparts was the enc'losure of the existing outd6or dininq-;el[ off of BridStreet. This part of the propoial-wil"ni"tri"-.o"ii;""-E".iJi a,," rn rhp Llre e^r5Ltfig ouEooor qtnrng qecK oTT ot 6r]ogeproposal was highly controversial due to the h.igh-"- " ' Jy:1$,?11::d upon-the varibus' outdoor oinlng aecls in-vaii'viilag". Atieimuch^debate, arguing and-uncertainty on ihe-part or'lne-pianriing"commiiiiinand council' the proposal was approved with iome strict conditi6ns placed upon it. The P'lanning staff decision to place restrictions upon the proposal regardingthe open nature-of the deck betireen June lSth and september'tsth was pirt oi" ,l-tligf compromise in our decision to recormend apprbval as opposed tb aeniat.l{e.felt quite strongly that the only way the deck'bnclosure cbirla be a success-rur one wou.td be requiring the deck to be open on three sides during thesummer months when our weather is the most ileasant. This conditioi of llplgYa] proved. to be the decid'ing factor ih ttre eventual final approvalof the proiect by !hg. Planni.ng commission and rown council, thus,'all partieswere quite aware of the conditions surrounding enclosing the Red Lion dbckbefore.any construction or lease staited. Ii-ii quiie inioitunate that-ih-econditions.of-approval were somehow not cormunicaded to l'lr. Kelemen upon trisagreement to lease the space. ?5 routh front gp .od . vrtt,loorilt uocr' gxy/a7G7oo. .xt. 107 A. Peler Patten' Jr. Aallstlrl Olr€6lgr ot Plrnning Depattmonl of Commuttlty O€vslopment o up I You state.in y9g!" letter that it is due to our policy that there is a lackor-securltyandthe contents of the area are in jeopardy because of ourpglicy. This is where I think you are misinformed. Our policy ex'isted beforethere was any enclosure of the lpace and any pennanent or'semi--permanent-- - - improvements made to the_space. These were-mide by the eventuai lessee andnow the problem is a.reality because our initial c6nditions ot approval hivenot been related to the more pennanent nature of the existing imiliovements.- wedonot feel this is the Town of vail's problem. |.le do not feel that theTown of vail should change this extreme'ly important policy regarding th.is andother outdoor decks because of the unforiunate seriei of iircumstanies whichhas.taken. p'lace^regardingthis particular situation. Indeed, many of the de,clsron makers of that time have since stated publicly that they regret allowingany enclosure of that major outdoor dining detk. Following al6ng [hose 1ines,the Town council has subsequently denied ill subsequent pr6posali to enc'loie'gylggor dining decks in vail village. with this in mind, I feel there islrttle to no chance that permanent enclosure of the Red Lion on a year-roundbasis is a practical or politica't'ly feasible alternative at this pbint intime. U.S. Insurance Gro 8/20/84 Page 2 I sincerely hope that theproperty can be itiga Very our3, A.'JRCommuActing Director APP: bpr insurance problem with regard to this piece ofto yours and your client's satisfaction. Devei opment D6nY9(Branch Otflc. P.O. Fol 5090 Termrnal Annex Denfer,tCO 8021 7 (30ft 77\-2000 fslchestdr Faro Insurance Company F U.S.InsuranceGroup V , crur!| and Forder org.rliration August 2, L984 Town of Vail P.O. Box IOO Vail. CO 81657 Re: Reil Lion, Inc., Open Window Patio Sumner Policy 500 340083 Dear Mr. Patten: on July 24, L984, a loss control survey was conclucteil of the Retl tion Inn. This is in accordance with our insurance policy for the Red Lion written through the Intermountain Insurance Agency of Vail . At this time, Mr. iloseph KeLemen of the Red tion Inlr was contacted. The topic that dominated our discussions on this par- ticular dlay.was the apparent requirement of the Toytn of Vail to have an open patio policy from June 15, to septernber 15. Peter, this situation greatly Lncreases the potential for loss and our prime con- cerns are fire as a result of malicious mischief, theft or burglary' anil also damage as a result of wind driven rain or hail. Due to tlg.sglg andtheIackofsecu@heU.s.InsuranceGrouprequests ffisiness known as th"iEEEi- rnn be qvjrc.-cg-Lbr s particular policy. Your written response woulcl certainly be "ppi6I"t.d. In ordler to speedt your reply, please feel free to use the postage paid self-addressed envelope incl-uded. Sincerely, /*-a /4 ou Ken Haag, Senior Loss Control Representative cc: Intermountain Insurance of vai1, Attns Debbie Mailden Insurance Agency of Colorado, Attn: Bill Adans Kent Kuwitzky, Underwriter Jim Tomlinson, Claims Manager Loss Control Department Intcmetional In$urance Cornpany . th6 Norlh Rive, In6urance Comoany . Unllgd Stales Fire Insurance Company lnwn 75 louth frontage ro.d Yail, colorldo 91657 (303) 476_7000 August 13, 1984 otflce of comtnunlty dcuelopmenl Brian E. 0'Reillv x:;] Hlrisal sa-nk Buirdins Vai'1, Colorado B'165g Re: Szechwan Lion patio Dear Brian, I am sending you the,,forms-and regurations jou_requested concerningan amendment to the Urban DeJign-duiaeiin".. The procedure invorvesreview.of your proposar ov Fiifiiiind'd6nmitsion with officiar actionto.be taken_by the'Town c-ouncii"ov"""ioi'utron. The review andaction sha' take "t3g: yt{l!" tfii"iv'iivi ioiro"ing'ini-iuiri.hearing. you may ipply anytir". ---' --. If you have further questions, please give nn a call. Sincerel v. frirf,n{*h- KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner KP: br Encl. luwn 75 south trontage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 20, .|984 Mr. Peter Tan Szechwan Lion 304 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: DICK RYAN Corrnun'ity Devel opment Director DR: br offlce of communlty deyelopmenl Re: Szechwan Lion rgll9^ilq_:ur-conversation yesterday, I would recorrnend that you write al:::." fequ9strlg an amendment to the Vait Viilage Urban Design Guiderran. l understand yo!!" proposal is to use the outside mini fark for 9lli',9_lllils ]yn:l'.- The'ambnomeni-*dura-ue-l; ;h;;;;-rub_u""u concepttz. "r-uture mid-block.connection to further tie Mili creek court to torearea. ^Entry reinforced by pocket park created on Br.idge 5lreet." Aspart of the redevelopment plan for the Red Lion, the pdif."i park was con_ill::t.l I:r t1s9,bv,the public. Havins this as-a priiiie-aiiring areaqur]ng parr of the day would change the oliginal pirrpose for deielopingthis space. Therefore, the amendient would"be-n.i..ii"v.'- I would recommend that you submit a'l I the reasons and beckground materialyou can come-up with to request the plan amendment. Ifyoi have any.guestions, please contact me. Sincere'ly, 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 9" ]984 Mr. Mark Garri son Se1 by and Associates.|09 South Frontage Road West Suite 307 Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Dear Mark, Yesterday, Stan Berryman and I reviewed Red Lion roof overhang at the southeast considered that a planter or rocks that fere with snow removal. offlce ol communlly developmenl Red Ljon Roof Overhang your proposal corner of the come out six to protect the buidi ng. l,le feet wou'l d inter- a three foot planter. the plan and submit next winter, the Our recommendation on a trial basis would be to haveIf you agree, please make the necessary revisjons to them to me. If there is a prob'l em with snow removal p1 anter may have to be removed. Sj ncerely,'Zl-' DICK RYAN Cormunity Development Director DR: bpr pJruftc -3- !ig"q. requested to tab'le the request until the.February 27 meeting. EdwardstloYgd gnd..Raps-on_leconded to tabie p.r ti" uipii.uri;l'"".qr"iil-'it. uiiffii+infavorwith@ a 4.Exteri or al teration west wa the Edwards moved and Rapson onded to the request becauseh the VilTase-enA-wou stca unentorceable. The vo rtabl e I exi lass windows for thee Stree canl: out of character was Dick (yan presen because the chan unenforceabl e. rnFTeguesf*-trrKl stated that the staff recommended denialwould be out of character with the vittage ana routo-6e-basicarly Bill Post, representing the applicant, stated that in the evenings the deck wasdark and cold and very-noisy ib ttre neishbors. H" ""qr.itia to tuoie the proposalfor two weeks for morl stuay. He feli ihut tt'. sotution "orrj-u"-["it"""r5""""'Bridge street. Piper suggeiteo a soriening oi-il'. rii"";ii-on the back wall tosolve the accoustic proUT6m. Discussion followed concerning the fact that the tenant wasn,t told by the ownersof the need to remove. the-winiows auiing the summer rJntiiil'.no the fact thatthere would probablv be litigation uetwien the ienant-iria-ir," owners concerningthis point. Kelemen, applicant, stated that during rain, the water brew in. Edwards statedthat he was on the PEC when the encioiu"e wis approvea originatty. He felt thatany problems resulting from-the first approval sirould be b|tween the tenant andthe owners. More discussion contineal' st to in TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Conrmission Community Development Department February 8, 1984 ..I. SUBJECT: Request for an exterior alteration tothe west wall of the Red Lion deck II. BACKGROUND: install plexiglass windows forApplicant: Joseph Keleman 0n February-8, 1982 there was approval by the Planning and Environmental Cormissionfor the enclosure of 922 square ieet of 6utside patio"spiie at the Red Lion.]F ry1ry:"_Il:, to permit dining thrnughout the year initeio or-onrv-auring-lne summer months. There was one condition of approval noted belowi Due to the enhancement of Bridge street which would result from theenclosure during the winter moiths, we feel-ittat ttr" proposat is a-positive one. However, we feel that the enclosure wolla'not be appro_llilF dul'ing the. summer months and would detrait from int excitih!relationship_of the open patio and the street. Therefore, we recommendEnat the enclosure be approved from September 15 to rlune 15 and thatduring the remainder of'the year, the-iiaii atong e"idg. itreet mustbe removed and the patio be 6pen-to th6 street. -Nothiig within theapproval'.however, should prevent the applicant from refioving tne glasspanels prior to .lune-ls or' re-installing' them later than sep[ember-15.Failure upon the applicant's part to ioriply with ahis iondition wouldDe grounds for not.allowing food.or beveiages to be served upon thepatio until such time as t[e condition is iompiiea-wiit.- 9!."f!tg through the motion approved by the planning and EnvironmentalLommlsslon, there was an additional condition added that stated thatthe addition was to also require removii of the south end panels aur.ing thesame time period. III. REQUEST The applicant is instal led alongfor dining. requesting relief by permitting a plexiglass window to bethe west part of the deck during evenings when it is too cool coMplIANCE l.lrTH puRpolr 5gg116N 18.24.010IV. The corrnercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintainthe unique character of the vail village cornmei^ciat area,-with its mixture o -2- Red Lion - ,llo of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. Ii:.::''ffi1'iil.i:ff"i, ll ::"$ffi "l :l:'l8o,H ;:;#ff,31.1h!: Ji;li;;:i;: ffi- "a and uses. The distri.ct regulations in accordance with tn6'Va.it Viirug" ,"landes'ign gu'ide plan and desi!n considerations prescriue devJtopment standardsthat are intended to ensure the maintenance ind p""ie"vation'ot g," iigf,tivclustered amangements of buildingl iio;lins-ol bedeit"iin*ivs ana puuiii'!"eenways,and to ensure continuation of the-building icate'ana arctriieiturar iluiriiiEs--that distinguish the vil'lage. The staff considers that intent was. to permit year round use of the deck byallowing the enclosure and.having the street riontage-open-auring irre-iunrnir.lJe do not feel that prex'iglass s[ould be p'laced ovei-tnb-window i""a any timeIfl !y1..15 to september-r5. First, ilre'pieiisi"ti ii-prouab'ry a maieiii'i - Enar snoutct not be introduced into Vail Vil1age. Second, enforiement of when !19 nlpxislg:s is put in woutd be next to imfi6isiuie-io-"eg;rate. who derermineswnen tne pat'to is too cool for dining? V. COMPLIANCE WITH UBq4N DESIGN GUIDE PLAN The urban Des'ign Guide plan states that dining decks contribute toor.a Dusy street, making a richer pedestrian experience. The usepatio area for dining throughout the yearwill bnhance theritreetBridge Street and wiit Oe tn conforma'nce with the plan. the livel inessof the existinq l ife atong IV. The staff considers that during the June'l5th through september lSth period,. there should be no obstructioni, even-i plexiglass ,iinaoi-itong eridgi-sireet.The richer pedestrian experienci is enhanced 5y the public vieiing directly--'the people in the Red Libn and other restaurants in vai't virlage. RECOMMENDATION: I .11:,9,":tyj!I_D:Yg]optent Department reconmends denial of the request for plexiglasswlnqows durlng cool evenings. The change would be out of character with tireYIua9e and would be basical'ly unenforceable. The applicant needs to be reminded of the additional condition placed on theoriginal proposal that the souttr glass-must also be rsnoved in 19g4. :r! .. i.. ; o a '11 :30 am l:00 pm 1., t, 2. P'l anning and Environmental Conmission February 13, 1984 Site Visits Public Hearing Request-for-a side setback variance of 13.5 feet in order to build a garageon Lot 6' Block I, vail village 8th Filing. Appricant: Michaet HalpEit "- Request for a side setback variance in order to remodel a 'legal non-confor-ming.bui'lding g! L9t 8, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing.Applicant: Velda B. llyche .Llr.il I , ,t r, ,,.;'| , ,, t i t, 3- Request to convert_the crest Hotel, on Lot l, vai] Lionshead 2nd Filing,to condominiums following Section 17.26 of the Subdivision Regulations]- Appl icant: Sun Vai 1 , Ini. 4. Exterior alteration request to 'insta'l'l portable plexiglass windows forthe west wall of the Red Lion deck along eridge btreei. Applicant:iloseph Kel emen Exterior alteration request for a seasonal greenhouse enclosure overCyrano's south deck. Applicant: Bud parks- Exterior alteration request for a greenhouse enclosure over a part ofthe west deck for Valentino's at the plaza Building. Applicant:Bridge Street Restaurant Association 9. 6. \/ I. A.NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESs 3 a NAME OF ADDRESS 5oo Uonsh,ol rlblt B. c.NAME OF OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION E. FEE $100.00 PAI D F.LOCATIONIIT,IPROVEMENT SURVEY OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY OF BUILDING AtlD ANY IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAND. o"t. olpplicario ^NaU Z\rWaO APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR AI,TERATIONS OR IIIIODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) This procedure is required for alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or repJ-acement of an existing building shal-l be subject to review by the Planning and Environmental Commi-ssion. The application will not be /acsepted until all infoFlion is submitted. eL€ 4 € ^-/ AJ*" €P t-l L. PH.NE 4za .76 T6 APPL ICANT I S REPRESENTAT]VE YoNn4?6,767 647b.{-gJf, ?o"// / o P 't"t st lt^'r' 2w-,' TINES A}ID on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at d scale the sheet size or scale may be apProved Department if justified; G. A I,IST OF THE NAME OF OI,VNERS OF AIIJ PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT pROpERTy q{|d their mailinq addresses.1B,,^;"_-w:"w/ rI. Four (4) copies of a site plari containing the folfowing information: A. The site plan shall be drawnof 1" = 20'; a variation ofby the Community Development I '-. Apprication rofterior Alteration or Modf. ccr plse 2 B. The date, North arrow, scale and name of the proposed development shall be shovrn on the site Plan i C. The existing topographic character of the site including exisbing and proposed contours. This condition will onl! be regured for .r, "*p-rr"ion area where there is a change of tvro feet of grade; D. The location and size of all existing and proposecl buildings, struc- tures and imProvements; E. The existing and proposed landscaping; F. The location of all existing and proposed buildings' structures and patios or decks- III. The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form, a.preponderance of evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposal is in conformance with the purposes of- the CCI District and that the proposal subsl-antia]ly complies with the vail Viilage Urban Design Guide P1an. A. If the applicant is proposing a major change in the vail Vitlage Urban o""igt Guid.e pianl the procedures for ihange are notecl in Section ]-8.24.220 (B). IV. The applicant'must also submit written and graphic-supporting materials that t.he proposal substantially conplies with the fol-lorving Urban Oesign Co-nsirlerations section -ot ttte Vail Vil.l.age Design Consiileration. A. PedestriilnizationB. V€hicle Penetration C. StreetscaPe Framework D. Street Enclosure E. Street EdgeF. Building Height G. ViewsH. Sun Shade Considerati-on Many of the above items .should'be addressed in some g'raphic means using such tools as sketches. simulations, models (including neighboring buildings), photos, etc V. The Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCI also describes other zoning issues that the applicant must respond to in written or graphic form. VI . Applicat.ions for exterior alterations or moclifications in CCI catr are only reviewed semi-aonual.ly. They need. to be submitted before the foru:th Monday of May or November. For more specifics on the review sched.uler se€ Section L8.24.065 A-5. o RED LION INNADJACENT PROPER.TY OV/NERS TO lvlill Creek Courl Condonrinium Ascociotion c/o Arthvr G. Bishop & Compony 302 Honron Ronch Rood Voi|, Colorodo 81657 . Porks Building I c/o Ellon Bud Porks 303 C.'ore Creek Drive Voil, Colorodo 8'1657 Golden Peok House Condominium Associotion 278 Honson Ronch Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 T,I.IE l 301 Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo 81657 :r'::: The Rucksock Condominium c7'o Rendezvsu5 Vy'est P.O. Box 397 Voif, Colorodo 81657 Hill Buildins Mrs. Corlloncit Hill 3ll Brid-oe Street Voi l, Colorodo 81657 Associo t i on t The Rwtf Fartrcrship Architects r".'?nbE:iir##ii IAA November 28, 1983 Red Lion Inn - Patio Enclosure Portable Windows The patio at the Red Lion Inn is presently enclosed by thermal glass windows to allow for use of the space during tlrc winter. The Town of Vail requires that the windows on the west side be rernoved during the summer months for maximum transparency between the dining terrace and Bridge Street. During this past summer the res- taurant found that often in the wenings the patio was unusable be- cause of low temperatures. Therefore the applicant proposes that during those evenings when the open patio is too cool for dining, portable plexiglas windows be used in the west wall so the space may be heated and used for its intended purpose. One alternate is sbwn in the accompanying drawings. The applicant will be willing to work with the Town of Vail Planning Staff if the staff wishes to look at other alternatives. William J. Fluott A.l.A. Sidney Schultz A.l.A- Allen F Tatoya A.l.A. Boger T. Landing A.l.A- .:DKI6K WALL /\.|--TrR$.la1g eN= o Project uur" B'i. rr Lr@ r,! ?.rlq"TerzAurq I Appll'o tl | | | tllnspector K. H1\aa'd , SPEC IAL TNSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL nu nAysoET4 T IONS R CONCRETE: Lo,^ro.v."{ top o4 fa 4oo t*. S I rr u, tg e. a-wl s-l'?-1+ . S-?o-i rt'Na.,"c. 6-7t-7 4 Non e, . S-A4a r$av*(1Ta,y.raec. Gr B* a'..,-. av{_h l-'c"vr aaC outcd Tevraec [o €o j*r*Q t -OTHEB; SPeglfY.:, ,- - ' - SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Rrt ilAY 2 01974 Project Na -\ Red Llon Inn Addlt lnspect en Bars 1n two beams t end bent 5/r2/74 5/t2/7 4 Relnforclng 5/t0/7 4 Poured First floor Slab Trench Floo 1st Floor Slab REMARK MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT KNC I/ ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS' that the Red Lion Inc., a colonado corporation, tn considenation of the gnanting of a building penmit fon an addition to be constructed on the pnemises comrnonty known as the Red Lion Inn, Bridge stneet, Vailr heneby agresto comply with the panking nequinements to be included in neviglons conternplated fon the zoning ondinance fon the Town of Vail and tr do any and alt things necessany and appnopniate to comply wttj. such zoning nequinements when and at such time as they rnay be erracted by the Town Councit fon the Town of Vait. ll IIii il II tl o DATED *is /8 te aayof Apnit, 197g. RED LION INC. : '' t 1-- I i.l ., r--' ll -.1, -t, I -t- -.l I 'r i 'i-- li---+- r-il I I I'f- I - I December 4, 7973 Mr. Jerry Aldrichchief s"i-rdini-oiri"i"r Town of VailP. 0. Box 100Vail-, Colorado 8l-657 Frrcier & Erhgcry, lnc. CO N S U LTI IV G EIV G I Al E E F S 2810 SOUTH VALLEJO STRE€T ENoLEWOOD, COLORADO 801 TO TELEPHOtvE 303 761-4860 STATEMENT fn, st t\\s Job No, 452.15 - Plan Chec Fixed Fee TOTAT AIvIOUNT DUE THIS STATEMENT AsoA.ll.tqu$T ,NeL{esb -96.?o 4"l. afpro Leuer_ . ?etrn,a l)4r)w Fia b*r"y $$LLl" Accounts not paid within 30 days from date of statement will be charged INTEREST at the rate ot l7o per month of the unpaid balance, 17 4.20 i-. r.. ' - ll-'' .'16,.46 ; ts tls T+ hff+. : l- , , l I 1i_ i .t :L I I I I I-r" r ; t--' ' i ;-il-1 il t;l- F.' { I 'r' i .-'t - 'tirl :rtl1::l: | 1 I i - i . 'r '1 t' Rtt, tov t6$n 4850 Jackson Street Denver, Colorado Bo2t6 303/ 399-l41s llovenber 15, 1973 t'latarfals Testlng Servlce 2531 ltect 8th Avenue Denver, Golorado 80204 Gcntlamcn: llc ane !n recelpt of trvo concr=te telt r€ports, ldentfflcat{on #914-2 (Set I and Set 2). These {ndlcrte 14 day and 28 day tests on concrete for the Rad Llon Lodge. The test dates r€re October 14 and 0ctober 24, 1973, and shffed very lor str.engths. There has becn an erFor on these reports as the tro pouru rhlch you tested for us on thls Job rnrc made on 0cfnber 29 rnd Novanber 8. Please rcvlew your record3 and gend us corrcctcd coples for testg on thcte pours. Vet? tnrly youtlB, J06:Jcl cc: Clty of Uall t-,/Bulldlng Depa'rtment .lohn 0. Gavln FFICE OF F|?ZHUGX ACOII-AnCHITECTS/pLAl$tEpS, lXC. yAtL. COLORAOO E 65? 303 / 478-3033 November ]-5, 1973 i. 1g{.r,,, .,r49,.. Kent Rose SOwn of Va1lVa1l, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rose: f am wrltlng thls letter to conflrm our conversatlon of November14, 197 fees to the Va11 Water & Sanltatlon Dlstrlctfon t dltlon. As T understand no fees have to be pal s requested by the owner, archltect, orcontractor. However, if thls request 1s not applied for by Nov- erlbgr L5, L973, we cannot have a eervlce tap done untll Aprll 15, \974, at whlch tlme the orlglnal b1111ng of October 3I, 1973, . w111 be used and thls bL11 must then be pald before commenclngwlth the tap. N. Snowdon Burdlck Cavln Frrcier & Eingcry, lnc. coAtSuLTt tG E teilvEEPS 2840 SOUTH YATLEJO STREET ETVGLEWOOD, COLORA DO 801 1 O TELEPHONE 303 76T.4860 roTowN ar vArr.-- ?e. bax too eAtee DLpb, CIFftettu RLt t{ov 5 rgB ATTN JOB NO.+52. l5 We ore sending the following: lHerewith /Pri"tt o Trocings o 6i.ur"nts o Under seporote cover o Shop Drowings II-Z-'7V NO. OF coPrEs ITEM LATEST ITEM DATEO REMARKS I PRec, PLnrvt Af t ttgrvvrreD MAKK€P AJ PEF-. traL Ft-an eA €cK oUR pReudrrNAFy 5et STRI cT. CALCJ R.gV r eN D ATE O )t-i--7v" lf moter io I received Tron sm itted by: X F irst closs moil'o Regislered mo il tr Air express n Air mo il o Roilwoy expre ss tr Motor tronsport tr Me ssenger o Porce I post o P ic kup is not listed obove, kindly notify us ot once. fRe-teer 4t44. a Frreicr & Ginguy, lnc. CONSULTING EIVGITVEETS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET Rrr, n0Y S l$B ETVELEWOOq COTORADO 8OT TO fELEPHON€ 303 /61-4860 November 7, 1,973 Mr. Jerry Al<lrich Chief Buil<ling Official Town of VailP. 0. Box 100Vai1, C0 8L657 Plan Check for Conpliance orln Suitding Code Job No.452.15 Dear Mr. Aldrich: The pr_elinlUafrr drawings for the Red Lion Inn have been re- viewffi.ianceii.tt,tt'"UnifornBui1dingCode.0urprelininary findings and reconmendations are presented herein. The required corrections are marked on the p1ans. We will make our final plan check as soon as we receive the corrected p1ans. If you have any questions regarding the referenced subj.ect' please contact us at any tine. Yery truly yours, FRASIER E GINGERY, INC. Re KOR;np enclosure fufi&.-.*.- Knud 0. Rasrnrfssen, P. E, raND sutvEYtNG t STONAI DRATNAGE / STRUCIURAT / TRANSPORTATION / WATER & SANIIATION BED LION INN ouR JoB N0. 4s2.Xs Novenber 7, J.973 PROJECT DATA SHEET GENERAL Electr,ical Bngineer: SoiLs Engineer: BIJILDING DATA Atl<lition to the Red Lion Inn, Vail Colorado Architectl Fitzhugh Scott Architects,/Planners, Inc.Structural Engineer: KKBNA, Consul.ting Engineers Mechanical Engineer: -- Use i 0ccupancy: Construction: No. of StoriesFire Zone:Floor Area: Restaurant and Ownerrs Quarters8.3 Type III-J.2, pLus basement 3 7,,210 S. F. - Addition 7r850 S.F. * Existing Occupant Load (Entire Blclg.): Dining and Bar Areas: 228 persons Balance of Building: 58 persons VALUATION Basement fType I) 2 ,640 S. F. e $20 $ sZ ,.AOO . OO Balance (Type III.1) 4,570 S.F. C $57 L69,999.00 $zz|,B9o. oo Permit Fee: $ :+S.+O Plan Check Feei $ 174.20 No plans have been subrnitted for the Terrace and Entranceareas; hence, fees for these areas are not includ6d in above amount. RED LION INN ouR JOB N0. 4s2.15 Novenber L, t973 PART A REV]EW FOR OCCUPANCY, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXIT REQUIREMENTS Items found to be fully or partially in violation of the Code are as follows: l-. Slte Drainage The Site Plan does not indicate the rnethod of disposal of water from the site. Elevations given indicate water nay flow to ad' jacent streets. Per Sec. 3207(e), roof drainage water sha1l not be perrnitted to flovr over public property. 2. Access to Public Way As shown on the Site P1an, we cannot deternine if constructionat the property line between Bridge Street and Hanson Ranch Road is to be a walI or combination sidewalk and curb. If construc- tion shown is a wa11, insufficient opening is provided between the wall and the apparent planter box wall at the terrace. Opening is shown at approxirnately 16-foot width. Sec. 703 pro- vides that access to the publ-ic street shall be a rninirnun 20- foot wide right-of-way, unobstructed, and naintained only as access to the public street. 3. Main Entrance Main entrance doors are not shown on the drawings hardware should be in compliance with Secs. 3303 4. Doors - Protected Area . Doors and and 33L6. Sec. 2003(b) provides that openings within 20 feet of tbe pr-op' erty line sha1l have 3/4*houi fire protection rating. -Door^Nos.24'and 25, and window openings at second floor are within 20 feet of the west property 1ine. However, we note that this, property line is roughly-par-a11el to Mi1l Creek, which nay be designated as public space. Subject to review by Building Official. Part A Job No. 452.t5 November t, L973 Page 2. 5. Exit Lights No layout of exit signs has been shown. Exit lights shal1 be provided in accordance with Sec. 5512. 6. Stair No. 1 Stair No, 1, serving the Second Floor, has not been detailed nor are rises and runs dimensioned. Construction shal1 be in ac- cordance with Sec. 3305. 7. Stair No. 2 Detailed section of Stair No. 2 has been nislabeled as section of Stair No. 1. 8. Corridor Width Basenent corridor at the Ski Racks is dinensioned as 5ro6'r wide. Under Sec. 3304(b), corridors shall have 44 inches nininum wiclth. 9. Shafts Shafts have not been fully detailed. Dunbwaiter shafts, vent shafts and other vertical openi,ngg. and openings to s\aft encl-o' sures shall have one.hour piotection per Secs. 706 and 1706 and Table 17-C. 10. Dropped Ceilings Certain ceilings are shown to be dropped in areas of the existing buil<ling. Unless other provisions for naintaining one'hour pror tection-are existent, the ceilings should have a one*hour rating. 1L. Colunn Protection The two freestanding steel colunns [between upper and lower bar areas) should have one-hour protection per Sec. 200L. 12. Sprinkler Systen The basenent is required to have a fu11y autonatic fire extint' guishing systen under requirenents of Secs. 3802(a) and 3802 tb-1). Part A Job No. 452.15 November t, 1973 Page 3. 13. Slclliehts Skylight construction has not been detailed nor materials speci. 'fied. a. If skylight is constructed of g1ass, construction linitationsof Sec. 3401- apply. b. If skyl-ight is constructed of plastics, provisions of Sec. 5205 appLy. Requirements for curb height, separation ofunits, minirnurn pitch and allowable area do not appear to bein compliance. 14, Shower Doors Shower doors in basernent employees! dressing rooms are shown swinging inward and materials are not specified. Doors should be in compliance with provisions of Secs. L771'(c) an<l 1711(d). L5. VentiLation a. Mechanical plans have not been submitted for review. Com. pliance with requirernents of Secs. 605r 705 and 7711 cannot be checked. b. Ventilation intake for basernent storage roon is through grade level grating, as detailed in "Wall Section at Fresh Air Intake Grille." As detailed, this intake appears sub'ject to blockage by snow and ice. 16. Conbustion Air Mechanical plans were not subrnitted for revien; hence, require- ments for rnbchanical equiprnent rooms could not be checked. If a boiler is to be installed, provisions for conbustion air sha1l conforn to Chapter 6, Volune II and Sec. 708. t BED IION INN ouR JoB NO. 452.15 Noyenber L, L973 REyIEW FOR cOMPLIAl,lcE WITH ENGINEERING REGULATIONS No itens were found to be fully or partially in violation of the Code. Plans, as subnitted, were incomplete. We note the foL- lowlng provisions should be incLuded on cornpLeted drawings: 1. Conventional construction provisions of Sec. 2518 should be adhered to in detaiLing. 2. The 8'r x 14rr roof beans shouLd be sonnected to supporting nenbers in accordance with Sec. 2007(d. 3. The lintel table on Sheet S.5 should be expanded to pro-ri vide lintel for opening at Garage Door 22. 4. No provisions are shown for curved lintels required at curved windows at the Lower Bar. PART B t The Rwtf Fartrcrship Architects r".'?nbE:iir##ii IAA November 28, 1983 Red Lion Inn - Patio Enclosure Portable Windows The patio at the Red Lion Inn is presently enclosed by thermal glass windows to allow for use of the space during tlrc winter. The Town of Vail requires that the windows on the west side be rernoved during the summer months for maximum transparency between the dining terrace and Bridge Street. During this past summer the res- taurant found that often in the wenings the patio was unusable be- cause of low temperatures. Therefore the applicant proposes that during those evenings when the open patio is too cool for dining, portable plexiglas windows be used in the west wall so the space may be heated and used for its intended purpose. One alternate is sbwn in the accompanying drawings. The applicant will be willing to work with the Town of Vail Planning Staff if the staff wishes to look at other alternatives. William J. Fluott A.l.A. Sidney Schultz A.l.A- Allen F Tatoya A.l.A. Boger T. Landing A.l.A- .:DKI6K WALL /\.|--TrR$.la1g eN= o Project uur" B'i. rr Lr@ r,! ?.rlq"TerzAurq I Appll'o tl | | | tllnspector K. H1\aa'd , SPEC IAL TNSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL nu nAysoET4 T IONS R CONCRETE: Lo,^ro.v."{ top o4 fa 4oo t*. S I rr u, tg e. a-wl s-l'?-1+ . S-?o-i rt'Na.,"c. 6-7t-7 4 Non e, . S-A4a r$av*(1Ta,y.raec. Gr B* a'..,-. av{_h l-'c"vr aaC outcd Tevraec [o €o j*r*Q t -OTHEB; SPeglfY.:, ,- - ' - SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Rrt ilAY 2 01974 Project Na -\ Red Llon Inn Addlt lnspect en Bars 1n two beams t end bent 5/r2/74 5/t2/7 4 Relnforclng 5/t0/7 4 Poured First floor Slab Trench Floo 1st Floor Slab REMARK MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT KNC I/ ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS' that the Red Lion Inc., a colonado corporation, tn considenation of the gnanting of a building penmit fon an addition to be constructed on the pnemises comrnonty known as the Red Lion Inn, Bridge stneet, Vailr heneby agresto comply with the panking nequinements to be included in neviglons conternplated fon the zoning ondinance fon the Town of Vail and tr do any and alt things necessany and appnopniate to comply wttj. such zoning nequinements when and at such time as they rnay be erracted by the Town Councit fon the Town of Vait. ll IIii il II tl o DATED *is /8 te aayof Apnit, 197g. RED LION INC. : '' t 1-- I i.l ., r--' ll -.1, -t, I -t- -.l I 'r i 'i-- li---+- r-il I I I'f- I - I December 4, 7973 Mr. Jerry Aldrichchief s"i-rdini-oiri"i"r Town of VailP. 0. Box 100Vail-, Colorado 8l-657 Frrcier & Erhgcry, lnc. CO N S U LTI IV G EIV G I Al E E F S 2810 SOUTH VALLEJO STRE€T ENoLEWOOD, COLORADO 801 TO TELEPHOtvE 303 761-4860 STATEMENT fn, st t\\s Job No, 452.15 - Plan Chec Fixed Fee TOTAT AIvIOUNT DUE THIS STATEMENT AsoA.ll.tqu$T ,NeL{esb -96.?o 4"l. afpro Leuer_ . ?etrn,a l)4r)w Fia b*r"y $$LLl" Accounts not paid within 30 days from date of statement will be charged INTEREST at the rate ot l7o per month of the unpaid balance, 17 4.20 i-. r.. ' - ll-'' .'16,.46 ; ts tls T+ hff+. : l- , , l I 1i_ i .t :L I I I I I-r" r ; t--' ' i ;-il-1 il t;l- F.' { I 'r' i .-'t - 'tirl :rtl1::l: | 1 I i - i . 'r '1 t' Rtt, tov t6$n 4850 Jackson Street Denver, Colorado Bo2t6 303/ 399-l41s llovenber 15, 1973 t'latarfals Testlng Servlce 2531 ltect 8th Avenue Denver, Golorado 80204 Gcntlamcn: llc ane !n recelpt of trvo concr=te telt r€ports, ldentfflcat{on #914-2 (Set I and Set 2). These {ndlcrte 14 day and 28 day tests on concrete for the Rad Llon Lodge. The test dates r€re October 14 and 0ctober 24, 1973, and shffed very lor str.engths. There has becn an erFor on these reports as the tro pouru rhlch you tested for us on thls Job rnrc made on 0cfnber 29 rnd Novanber 8. Please rcvlew your record3 and gend us corrcctcd coples for testg on thcte pours. Vet? tnrly youtlB, J06:Jcl cc: Clty of Uall t-,/Bulldlng Depa'rtment .lohn 0. Gavln FFICE OF F|?ZHUGX ACOII-AnCHITECTS/pLAl$tEpS, lXC. yAtL. COLORAOO E 65? 303 / 478-3033 November ]-5, 1973 i. 1g{.r,,, .,r49,.. Kent Rose SOwn of Va1lVa1l, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rose: f am wrltlng thls letter to conflrm our conversatlon of November14, 197 fees to the Va11 Water & Sanltatlon Dlstrlctfon t dltlon. As T understand no fees have to be pal s requested by the owner, archltect, orcontractor. However, if thls request 1s not applied for by Nov- erlbgr L5, L973, we cannot have a eervlce tap done untll Aprll 15, \974, at whlch tlme the orlglnal b1111ng of October 3I, 1973, . w111 be used and thls bL11 must then be pald before commenclngwlth the tap. N. Snowdon Burdlck Cavln Frrcier & Eingcry, lnc. coAtSuLTt tG E teilvEEPS 2840 SOUTH YATLEJO STREET ETVGLEWOOD, COLORA DO 801 1 O TELEPHONE 303 76T.4860 roTowN ar vArr.-- ?e. bax too eAtee DLpb, CIFftettu RLt t{ov 5 rgB ATTN JOB NO.+52. l5 We ore sending the following: lHerewith /Pri"tt o Trocings o 6i.ur"nts o Under seporote cover o Shop Drowings II-Z-'7V NO. OF coPrEs ITEM LATEST ITEM DATEO REMARKS I PRec, PLnrvt Af t ttgrvvrreD MAKK€P AJ PEF-. traL Ft-an eA €cK oUR pReudrrNAFy 5et STRI cT. CALCJ R.gV r eN D ATE O )t-i--7v" lf moter io I received Tron sm itted by: X F irst closs moil'o Regislered mo il tr Air express n Air mo il o Roilwoy expre ss tr Motor tronsport tr Me ssenger o Porce I post o P ic kup is not listed obove, kindly notify us ot once. fRe-teer 4t44. a Frreicr & Ginguy, lnc. CONSULTING EIVGITVEETS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET Rrr, n0Y S l$B ETVELEWOOq COTORADO 8OT TO fELEPHON€ 303 /61-4860 November 7, 1,973 Mr. Jerry Al<lrich Chief Buil<ling Official Town of VailP. 0. Box 100Vai1, C0 8L657 Plan Check for Conpliance orln Suitding Code Job No.452.15 Dear Mr. Aldrich: The pr_elinlUafrr drawings for the Red Lion Inn have been re- viewffi.ianceii.tt,tt'"UnifornBui1dingCode.0urprelininary findings and reconmendations are presented herein. The required corrections are marked on the p1ans. We will make our final plan check as soon as we receive the corrected p1ans. If you have any questions regarding the referenced subj.ect' please contact us at any tine. Yery truly yours, FRASIER E GINGERY, INC. Re KOR;np enclosure fufi&.-.*.- Knud 0. Rasrnrfssen, P. E, raND sutvEYtNG t STONAI DRATNAGE / STRUCIURAT / TRANSPORTATION / WATER & SANIIATION BED LION INN ouR JoB N0. 4s2.Xs Novenber 7, J.973 PROJECT DATA SHEET GENERAL Electr,ical Bngineer: SoiLs Engineer: BIJILDING DATA Atl<lition to the Red Lion Inn, Vail Colorado Architectl Fitzhugh Scott Architects,/Planners, Inc.Structural Engineer: KKBNA, Consul.ting Engineers Mechanical Engineer: -- Use i 0ccupancy: Construction: No. of StoriesFire Zone:Floor Area: Restaurant and Ownerrs Quarters8.3 Type III-J.2, pLus basement 3 7,,210 S. F. - Addition 7r850 S.F. * Existing Occupant Load (Entire Blclg.): Dining and Bar Areas: 228 persons Balance of Building: 58 persons VALUATION Basement fType I) 2 ,640 S. F. e $20 $ sZ ,.AOO . OO Balance (Type III.1) 4,570 S.F. C $57 L69,999.00 $zz|,B9o. oo Permit Fee: $ :+S.+O Plan Check Feei $ 174.20 No plans have been subrnitted for the Terrace and Entranceareas; hence, fees for these areas are not includ6d in above amount. RED LION INN ouR JOB N0. 4s2.15 Novenber L, t973 PART A REV]EW FOR OCCUPANCY, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXIT REQUIREMENTS Items found to be fully or partially in violation of the Code are as follows: l-. Slte Drainage The Site Plan does not indicate the rnethod of disposal of water from the site. Elevations given indicate water nay flow to ad' jacent streets. Per Sec. 3207(e), roof drainage water sha1l not be perrnitted to flovr over public property. 2. Access to Public Way As shown on the Site P1an, we cannot deternine if constructionat the property line between Bridge Street and Hanson Ranch Road is to be a walI or combination sidewalk and curb. If construc- tion shown is a wa11, insufficient opening is provided between the wall and the apparent planter box wall at the terrace. Opening is shown at approxirnately 16-foot width. Sec. 703 pro- vides that access to the publ-ic street shall be a rninirnun 20- foot wide right-of-way, unobstructed, and naintained only as access to the public street. 3. Main Entrance Main entrance doors are not shown on the drawings hardware should be in compliance with Secs. 3303 4. Doors - Protected Area . Doors and and 33L6. Sec. 2003(b) provides that openings within 20 feet of tbe pr-op' erty line sha1l have 3/4*houi fire protection rating. -Door^Nos.24'and 25, and window openings at second floor are within 20 feet of the west property 1ine. However, we note that this, property line is roughly-par-a11el to Mi1l Creek, which nay be designated as public space. Subject to review by Building Official. Part A Job No. 452.t5 November t, L973 Page 2. 5. Exit Lights No layout of exit signs has been shown. Exit lights shal1 be provided in accordance with Sec. 5512. 6. Stair No. 1 Stair No, 1, serving the Second Floor, has not been detailed nor are rises and runs dimensioned. Construction shal1 be in ac- cordance with Sec. 3305. 7. Stair No. 2 Detailed section of Stair No. 2 has been nislabeled as section of Stair No. 1. 8. Corridor Width Basenent corridor at the Ski Racks is dinensioned as 5ro6'r wide. Under Sec. 3304(b), corridors shall have 44 inches nininum wiclth. 9. Shafts Shafts have not been fully detailed. Dunbwaiter shafts, vent shafts and other vertical openi,ngg. and openings to s\aft encl-o' sures shall have one.hour piotection per Secs. 706 and 1706 and Table 17-C. 10. Dropped Ceilings Certain ceilings are shown to be dropped in areas of the existing buil<ling. Unless other provisions for naintaining one'hour pror tection-are existent, the ceilings should have a one*hour rating. 1L. Colunn Protection The two freestanding steel colunns [between upper and lower bar areas) should have one-hour protection per Sec. 200L. 12. Sprinkler Systen The basenent is required to have a fu11y autonatic fire extint' guishing systen under requirenents of Secs. 3802(a) and 3802 tb-1). Part A Job No. 452.15 November t, 1973 Page 3. 13. Slclliehts Skylight construction has not been detailed nor materials speci. 'fied. a. If skylight is constructed of g1ass, construction linitationsof Sec. 3401- apply. b. If skyl-ight is constructed of plastics, provisions of Sec. 5205 appLy. Requirements for curb height, separation ofunits, minirnurn pitch and allowable area do not appear to bein compliance. 14, Shower Doors Shower doors in basernent employees! dressing rooms are shown swinging inward and materials are not specified. Doors should be in compliance with provisions of Secs. L771'(c) an<l 1711(d). L5. VentiLation a. Mechanical plans have not been submitted for review. Com. pliance with requirernents of Secs. 605r 705 and 7711 cannot be checked. b. Ventilation intake for basernent storage roon is through grade level grating, as detailed in "Wall Section at Fresh Air Intake Grille." As detailed, this intake appears sub'ject to blockage by snow and ice. 16. Conbustion Air Mechanical plans were not subrnitted for revien; hence, require- ments for rnbchanical equiprnent rooms could not be checked. If a boiler is to be installed, provisions for conbustion air sha1l conforn to Chapter 6, Volune II and Sec. 708. t BED IION INN ouR JoB NO. 452.15 Noyenber L, L973 REyIEW FOR cOMPLIAl,lcE WITH ENGINEERING REGULATIONS No itens were found to be fully or partially in violation of the Code. Plans, as subnitted, were incomplete. We note the foL- lowlng provisions should be incLuded on cornpLeted drawings: 1. Conventional construction provisions of Sec. 2518 should be adhered to in detaiLing. 2. The 8'r x 14rr roof beans shouLd be sonnected to supporting nenbers in accordance with Sec. 2007(d. 3. The lintel table on Sheet S.5 should be expanded to pro-ri vide lintel for opening at Garage Door 22. 4. No provisions are shown for curved lintels required at curved windows at the Lower Bar. PART B