HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK RESUBDIVISION LOT 9 TIMBERLINE ROOST LODGE REDEVELOPMENT LEGALEtfr*vOU.b4nUl'wt:ina- -' lrhl-l>o The Information Contained in this File Relates to the Development Appl ications for the Redevelopment of the Timberline Roost Lodge DRB05-0550 DRB06-0549 DRB07-0009 PEC05-0079 PEC05-0080 PEC05-0081 PEC05-0105 PEC06-0012 PEC06-0083 o o II o o Timberline Lodge Revised Maj or Exterior Alteration Application Submitted May 22,2006 PEC05-0080 DRB05-0550 o snznoffi ,,I.BERUNE LoDcE&coNDos Light-owlcr- Johnsonf8 Horet untts & 28 condos Associatgs J:t-""Ig---- archit€cts# "nntnttt"LJA Prtri6ci f,oltl5rl rtudlDdr.t.d HOTE- Room TtDls SqrarE Foo@s Per Room LEVEL-2 LEvEL.'LEVEL 'LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL '[ fobl Numbel of Roonl3 Total Squ.n Foolag9 Por Room Typ€ I€Dru 975 I 975 895 I 895 2.BDRX 8r0 I 1 818 I€DRU EOI 2 1,602 t-BIlRil 802 I 802 I.BDRII 855 1 I t-Btxfl 80t I I 801 I€DRX 5S6 ?2,088 If['Rf,573 2 2 6 I€DRf 61:I 1 1 3 1,926 I-BDRlg 726 1 I 1 3 2,174 BDfl[918 I I 018 t€nu 548 I t 548 I€DRN 8{3 I 843 STUDX){s5 1 I 495 STUDtO 396 I 8 3.168 STUDIO 408 21 25 14 60 28.080 697 1 1 3 2,@1 Totrls 0 0 28 38 g2 0 SE 52,5:lt TOTAL BUlLDll{G SQ. FT. (Hotel 75,028 HorEL s2,i21 70.402% coNDo zz,nr zg.gg0aL Nlote: Square Footage includ€s Hot€l Gu€€l Rooms & Condo Units Only o CONDO Room Typas Squar€ Footago Faa Room LEVEL.I LEVEL.2 LEVEL 1 L6/EL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL i[ Total umber ot Units P6r LEvgl Total Squaro Footago Por Rqom Typ. a€Dffi cof'Do m3 z 3 2.409 I€DR|| CONDO e02 2 3 5 4,0,t0 t€DRti coNDo 6{l{1 16 12,818 ?-BDRII CONDO 018 1 3,2712 STUDIO CONDO 4t3 EHU ? EHUS 0 0 Totrls 0 0 0 0 10 28 ur,507 Department of Public lVorl<s & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-21 58 Fat: 970-479-2 166 www.vailgov.com MEMO George Ruther Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment 06l0v06 The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received and reviewed the Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment submittal received 5122/06. The following are comments that should be addressed prior to final approval. General Comments The access points for the loading/unloading area do not meet the 40' centerline tuming radius. The bus shelter should be moved to the southwestem property line and an easement provided. The grading at the Meadow Ridge Rd switch back will need to be flattened to work with the offset guardrail. Provide additional grading/spot elevation detail for the drainage along the backside ofthe building. A final approved haffic study shall be required prior to PEC final approval. A traffrc impact fee of $6500 per net increase peak hour trip shall be assessed to the development. Portions of this fee may be offset by traffic improvements made to the S. Frontage Rd. to specifically include Frontage Rd. roadway widening, Frontage Rd. sidewalk improvements, and the construction of a transit stop. Please clarify the Trash truck tuming movements. The exhibit shows the truck entering the exit and exiting the entrance. This movement conflicts with site traffic. Show sight distance for access points on both the site plan and landscape plan. Provide Art In Public Places contribution, coordinate with AIPP. The pedestrian connection between the bus stop and Meadow Ridge Rd. shall be within a dedicated Public access easement. This can be dedicated in conjunction with the drainage easement in this area, however the l0' proposed drainage casement should be widened to accommodate the walk plus a 2' buffer and also be named as a general utility, drainage, pedestrian access easement. 10. The continuation of the concrete pedestrian walk from the proposed bus stop to Buffehr Creek Rd should be required, the walk shall be a minimum of 10' wide. Conditions of Approval 1. The Town of Vail General Notes shall be added. (Notes can be e-mailed upon request) ^ 2. Please add Utility Signature block and have all utilities sign acknowledging acceptance of utility impacts It and design. All easements proposed to be abandoned shall be noted and approval from appropriate entities shall be gained. To: From; Re: Date: l. 2. -t. 4. 5. .7 8. 9. 6. 3. Final Civil drawings shall fRproved and meet all Town standard$r to submittal of building permit. Detailed comments-will be provided at that time. The approvEi of Civil drawings may take between2to4months. 4. Approvals from all impacted property owners shall be obtained. A written letter of consent to the required easements will be required for Civil approval. Recorded easements will be required prior to construction, 5. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, traffic control, emergency access, parking, loading and delivery, etc... 6. A Rov/rutitty permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. 7. All improvements within CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and landscaping. This approval will be required prior to Civil plan set approval. This includes a CDOT Access Permit and CDOT notice to proceed. 8. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require approval from CDOT. Any shoring within the Vail public ROW will require Town of Vail approval and a revocable ROW permit. 9. A Storm Water Discharge CDPHE Permit and all applicable ACOE permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior to construction. 10. Provide engineered stamped final drainage report, pavement design report, and geotechnical report. 1 1. The S. Frontage Rd. improvements shown shall include necessary lighting/inigation/signage. 12. Building cannot be built over existing easemcnts as shown without those easements being abandoned. This requires approval from all interested utilities and relocation ofany existing utilities. 13. An easernent should be provided at the Northwest comer of the property to provide for the existing encroachment ofthe roadway, drainage and snow storage. This shall include the existing asphalt and ^ shoulder area and a 5'buffer area for snow storage and guardrail. U t+. Details shown shall meet Town standards (i.e. 4,000 psi concrete with fiber mesh, sidewalk detail shall be 6" concrete on 6" base, additional detailed comments to follow during Civil Plan review) MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: June 12.2006 SUBJECT: A request for a work session to discuss a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0080) Applicant: Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: George Ruther I. SUMMARY The purpose of today's work session hearing with the Planning and Environmental Commission is to allow the applicant and staff an opportunity to present the revised major exterior alteration application to allow for the construction of Timberline Lodge and receive feedback from the Commission on the proposed revisions. The presentation will include: c A powerpoint presentation of the applicant's revised major exterior alteration req uest and associated development applications;r An overview of the applicable review criteria to be used by the Commission; and. A comparative summary of the development standards and zoning regulations. The Commission is not being asked to take any formal action on this application at this time. As such, staff is not providing a formal recommendation at this time. The Commission, however, is being asked to provide any additional feedback regarding the proposal in anticipation of a final decision at a future public hearing. II. DESGRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge, L.L:C., represented by Mauriello Planning Group, L.L.C., has submitted a revised major exterior alteration development review application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department to facilitate the redevelopment of the Roost Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road. The development application includes: 1) A revised major exterior alteration to allow for the demolition of the existing Roost Lodge and the construction of the new Iimberline Lodge. ilt. The development site of the Timberline Lodge is located al 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. According to the stamped topographic survey, the development site occupies approximately 1.988 acres or 86,597 square feet. The applicant is proposing to construct a new three to four story tall lodge comprised of 98 accommodation units, 29 dwelling units, 2 employee housing units with above and below grade parking spaces. The applicant anticipates that the new lodge will be operated by Marriott or another national hotel brand as a "limited service" lodge. A comparative summary of the allowed and proposed development standards has been included in Section V of this memorandum. A vicinity map has been attached for reference. (Attachment A) BACKGROUND The Roost Lodge was originally constructed in the early 1970's as a motel project. The existing lodge contains 72 hotel rooms, one dwelling unit, and a paved surface parking lot. According to the Town's files, with the exception of minor applications for repainting, new deck rails, re-roofing, etc., the Roost Lodge has seen no significant modifications since its original construction. On November 14 and 28,2005, the applicant appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request io amend the text of the Public Accommodation zone district to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities, as a conditional use in the district. Upon consideration of the request, the Commission directed staff and the applicant to prepare an amendment which would result in the creation of a new zone district purposefully intended to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities in certain areas of Town. On December 6, 2005, during the PEC/DRB update to the Vail Town Council, staff informed the Town Council of the recent discussions with the Planning & Environmental Commission regarding the text amendment and the creation of a new zone district. The Town Council acknowledged that the intent of the proposed text amendment may have merit, however, encouraged the staff and Commission to evaluate other options. For example, the possibility of creating a new conditional use with use specific criteria addressing the relationship of the use to other neighboring uses and development objectives of the Town or the elimination of the prohibition against kitchen facilities in accommodation units. The Town Council expressed that it may be appropriate to re-evaluate the legislative intent of the current land use policy prohibiting kitchen facilities in accommodation units. On December 20,2OO5, the Community Development Department presenled five possible options for addressing the applicant's desire to construct a lodge containing accommodation units with kitchen facilities. Following discussion of the various options, the Council directed staff to prepare a text amendment to Title 12, Zoning Regulations, proposing the creation of the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) district. tv. On January 9, 2006, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on a text amendment application creating the Public Accommodation-2 district and a request to rezone Lots 9-12, Buffher Creek Resubdivision to the new PA-2 district. Upon consideration of the application, the Commission voted 6-0-0 to forward a recommendation of approval of the text amendment to the Vail Town Council. On January 17,2006, the Vail Town Council held a first reading on Ordinances 2 & 3, Series of 2006, creating the Public Accommodation-2 district and rezoning the Timberline Roost Lodge development site to the new PA-2 district, respectively. Following discussion on each ordinance, the Town Council approved both ordinances on first reading. Second reading of Ordinances 2 & 3 is presently scheduled for Tuesday, February 7'h. On January 18,2006, the Town of Vail Design Review Board held a conceptual review meeting to review the revised major exterior alteration application for the Timberline Roost Lodge. On April 10, 2006, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing to review the proposed Roost Lodge Existing Grades Topographic Map. The purpose of the review was to determine the existing grade conditions that would be used by the Town to verify compliance with the building height regulations. Upon review of the map, the Commission voted unanimously to approve the map as presented. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Vail Land Use Plan According to the Official Land Use Plan for the Town of Vail, the development site has a land use designation of Medium Density Residential. Pursuant to the VailLand Use Plan, "The Medium Density Residential land use designation includes sifes for housing which woutd typically be designed as aftached units with common walls. Densffi'es in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre. Additional types of uses in this category would include private recreation facilities, private parking facilities and institutional/pubfb uses such as churches, fire stations, and parks and open space facilities." Title 12. Zoning Regulations PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION-2 ZONE DISTRIGT (in part) CHAPTER 7 Commercial and Business Districts Article J. PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION -2(PA-2) DISTRICT 12-7J-1: PURPOSE: The public accommodation -2 district is intended to provide sites for lodges, limited service lodges, and residential accommodations on a short term basis, for visitors and guests, together with such public and semipublic facilities and commercial/retail and related visitor oriented uses as may be appropriately located within the same district and compatible with adjacent land uses. This district is intended to provide for lodging sites located outside the periphery of the Town's Vail Village and Lionshead commercial core areas. The public accommodation - 2 district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Additional nonresidential uses are allowed as conditional uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a vacation community, and where permitted uses are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the district. 12-7 J-2: PERMITTED USES: The following uses shall be permitted in the PA-2 district: Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%) of the total gross residential floor area of the main structure or structures on the site; additional accessory dining areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, or terrace. Limited service lodge, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%) of the total gross residential floor area of the main structure or structures on the site; additional accessory dining areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, or terrace.. 12-7 J-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the PA-2 district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Bed and breakfast, as further regulated by section 12-14-18 of this title. Fractional fee club units as further regulated by subsection 12-16-748 of this title. Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and occupying between ten percent (10%) and fifteen percent (15%) of the total gross residential floor area of the buildings, grounds and facilities. Public or commercial parking facilities or structures. Public transportation terminals. Public utility and public service uses. Theaters and convention facilities. Type lll employee housing units as provided in chapter 13 of this title' 1 2-7 J-4: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the PA-2 district: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of section 12-14-12 of this title. Meeting rooms. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreation facilities customarily incidental to permitted uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 12-7J-6: SETBACKS: In the PA-2 district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20')' the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet (20'). At the discretion of the olanninq and environmental commission and/or the desiqn review board, variations to the setback standards outlined above mav be approved during the review of exterior alternations or moclifications (section 12-7A-12 of this article) subiect to the applicant demonsiratinq compliance with the followinq criteria: A.Proposed building setbacks provide necessary separation between buildings and riparian areas, geologically sensitive areas and other environmentally sensitive areas. B.Proposed building setbacks will provide adequate availability of light, air and open space. C.Proposed building setbacks will provide a compatible relationship with buildings and uses on adjacent properties. D.Proposed building setbacks will result in creative design solutions or other public benefits that could not otherwise be achieved by conformance with prescribed setback standards. 12-7J-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty five feet (45,). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty eight feet (48'). 12-7 J-8: DENSITY CONTROL: Up to one hundred fiftv (150) square feet of qross residential floor area (GRFA) mav be permitted for each one hunclred (100) square feet of buibable qite area. Final determination of allowable oross residential floor area shall be made bv the p,lanninq and anvironmental commission in accordance with section 12-7J-12 of this article. Specificallv. in determininq allowable qross residential floor area the pilanninq and tnvironmental commission shall make a finding that proposed Comprehensive Plan. Total density shall not exceed twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. For the purposes of calculating density' employee housing units, limited service lodge units, accommodation units and fractional fee club units shall not be counted towards density (dwelling units per acre). A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one or more attached accommodation units. 1 2-7 J-9: SITE COVERAGE: Site coveraqe shall not exceed sixtv five percent (65%) of the total site area. Final determination of allowable site coveraqe shall be made bv the planninq and environmental commission and/or the desion review board in accordance with section 12-7J-12 of this article. Specificallv. in determininq allowable sile coveraoe the planninq and environmental commission and/or the design review board shall make a findinq that Oroposed site coveraoe is in conformance with applicable elements of the Vail Gomprehensive Plan. 12-7J-11: PARKING AND LOADING: Off street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with chaoter 10 of this title. At least seventy five percent (75oh) oI the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view' No at grade or above grade surface parking or loading area shall be located in any required front setback area. Below grade underground structured parking and short term guest loading and drop off shall be permitted in the required front setback subject to the approval of the planning and environmental commission and/or the design review board. 1 2-7 J-1 2: EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MOD I FICATIONS: A. Review Required: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building shall be reviewed by the design review board in accordance with chapter 11 of this title. However, any project which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units, limited service lodge units' any project which adds more than one thousand (1 ,000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off site impacts (as determined by the administrator) shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission as a major exterior alteration in accordance with this chapter and section 12-3-6 of this title. Complete applications for major exterior alterations shall be submitted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the department of community development for planning and environmental commission and design review board review. The following submittal items are required: 1. Application: An application shall be made by the owner of the building or the building owner's authorized agent or representative on a form provided by the administrator. Any application for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized by the condominium association in conformity with all pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 2. Application; Contents: The administrator shall establish the submittal requirements for an exterior alteration or modification application. A complete list of the submittal requirements shall be maintained by the administrator and filed in the department of community development. Certain submittal requirements may be waived and/or modified by the administrator and/or the reviewing body if it is o demonstrated by the applicant that the information and materials required are not relevant to the proposed development or applicable to the planning documents that comprise the Vail comprehensive plan. The administrator and/or the reviewing body may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. 3. Work Sessions/Conceptual Review: lf requested by either the applicant or the administrator, submittals may proceed to a work session with the planning and environmental commission, a conceptual review with the design review board, or a work session with the town council. 4. Hearing: The public hearing before the planning and environmental commission shall be held in accordance with section 12-3-6 of this title. The planning and environmental commission may approve the application as submitted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the application. The decision of the planning and environmental commission may be appealed to the town council in accordance with section 12-3-3 of this title. 5. Lapse Of Approval: Approval of an exterior alteration as prescribed by this article shall lapse and become void three (3) years following the date of approval by the design review board unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued to completion. Administrative extensions shall be allowed for reasonable and unexpected delays as long as code provisions affecting ihe proposal have not changed. 12-7 J-13: COMPLIANCE BURDEN: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of ihe evidence before the planning and environmental commission and the design review board that the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the public accommodation zone district, and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. 12-7J-14: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS: Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigaiing direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenitv improvements shall be balanced with the qoals of redevelopment and will be determined bv the olanninq and environmental commission in review of development proiects and conditional use permits. Substantial off site impacts may include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, stream tracVbank restoration, loading/delivery, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenUdevelopment projects which produce substantial off site impacts. ZONING ANALYSISvt. o o Address/LegalDescription: 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek SubdivisionZoning: Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) District Land Use Designation: Medium Density Residential Development 2127106 6112106 Standard Allowed/Required PEC Submittal PEG Submiftal Lot Area: 10,000 sq. ft. min. 86,597 sq. ft. N/C Density: 49 Dwelling Units 39 Dwelling Units 28 Dwelling Units AU's Unlimited 124 AU's 98 AU's GRFA.--": 129,896 sq. ft. 100,240 sq. ft. 75'028 sq. ft. Building Height: 48 feet 48 feet N/C Site Coverage***": 56,288.23 sq. ft. (65%) 52,864 sq. ft. 52'545 sq. ft. Landscape Area: 25,979 sq. ft. (30%) 31,960 sq' ft. 39'639 sq. fi. Setbacks"*'*:North: O'-2O' 20' 20' West: 0'-20' 20' 20' East: 0'-20' 20' 20' South: 0'-20' 20' 20' Parking: 156 spaces 196 spaces 190 spaces Loading: l berth l berth 1 berth Employee 3 units (5 beds) 3 units (5 beds) 2 units (4 beds) Housing: *'** Subject to review and approval by the Planning & Environmental Commission. VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninqNorth: Residential Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential South: l-70 ROW N/AEast Residential Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential West: Residential Residential Cluster District VIII. MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION REVIEW CRITERIA Section 12-7A-13, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, outlines the review criteria for major exterior alteration applications proposed within the Public Accommodation (PA) zone district. According to section 12-7H-13, Vail Town Code, a major exterior alteration shall be reviewed for compliance with the following criteria: 1) Compliance with the purposes of the Public Accommodation zone district;2) That the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character ofthe neighborhood; and That the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the major exterior alteration application, staff recommends that the Commission makes the following finding as part of the motion: "Pursuant to Section 12-7H-8, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, the applicant has proven by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning and Environmental commission and the Design Review Board that the proposed major exterior afteration is in compliance with the purposes of the Pubtic Accommodation zone district, that the proposa/ ts for a development site tocated outside of the scope of the Vail Village Master Plan, the VaitViltage Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Streetscape Master Ptan and therefore these planning documents are not applicable to this application; and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposat substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan." lx. prscussloN lssuEs Completeness of Applicationr The Community Development Department has completed a "completeness" review of the revised major exterior alteration application for the construction of the Timberline Lodge. Upon completion of the review it has been determined that the application is largely complete. However, additional revised materials are required to be submitted prior to a final review of the major exterior alteration application. The applicant needs to provide the following: 1. Stamped, addressed envelopes with a list of the property owners adjacent to the subject property. 2. A written statement describing the revised proposal and how the proposal complies with the applicable adopted master plans and planning documents. Special attention shall be given to the review criteria outlined in Sections 12-7J-6' 8' & 9. 3. A revised landscape plan. (please consult the New Construction Application for Design Review for minimum submittal req uirements)4. A roof height plan demonstrating compliance with the prescribed height limitation including roof top elevations for the flat roofed portion of the building'5. Revised architectural elevations. (please consult the New Construction Application for Design Review for minimum submittal requirements)6. Please address the written comments addressed in the letter from Tom Kassmel, dated June 1, 2006. (Attachment B) 7. Revised architectural floor plans of all levels of the proposed building. (please consult the New Construction Application for Design Review for minimum submittal requirements) 3) 8. A revised 8.5" x 11" reduced plan set ls there any additional information required by the Planning & Environmental Commission prior to final review? Mitigation of Development lmpacts. Pursuant to Section 12-7A-14 of the Zoning Regulations, "Property owners/developers shall a/so be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultanfs. The ertent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals of redevelopment and will be determined by the planning and environmental commission in review of development proiects and conditional use permits. Substantial off site impacts may include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian wall<way improvements, sfreetscape improvements, stream tracUbank restoration, loading/delivery, public aft improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of this section is to only reguire mitigation for large scale redevelopmenUdevelopment projects which produce substantial off site impacts." f n keeping with the intent of Section 12-7A-14, Mitigation of Development lmpacts, the applicant is proposing to offset the impacts of the proposed development by providing employee housing for a minimum of four employees, placing approximately 365 linear feet of existing overhead power line underground, and constructing a new public transit stop along the North Frontage in front of the new lodge. With the exception of the providing employee housing, the applicant will be required to work with Holy Cross Energy, the Town of Vail, and the Colorado Department of Transportation to underground the overhead utility line and construct the new public transit stop. Are there any other direct impacts of the proposed development besides employee generation, utility line relocation, and public transit enhancements that the Commission believes the applicant should mitigate? STAFF RECOMMENDATION As this is a worksession meeting only, staff will not be forwarding a recommendation on the major exterior alteration to the Planning & Environmental Commission at this time. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: Written comments addressed in the letter from Tom Kassmel, xt. dated June 1.2006. l0 oo o o o The Roost Lodge - Vicinity Map 1783 North Frontrge RoEd Wcst Plannrng and Environmental Commission - January 23. 2006 - 1l ATTACHMENT B Department of Public Worl<s & Transporkition I 309 Elkhorn Drive Vqil, CO 81657 970-479-2I 58 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: From: Re: Date: George Ruther Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment 06/01/06 The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received and reviewed the Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment submittal received 5/22106. The following are comments tltat should be addressed prior to final approval. General Comments l. The access points for the loading/unloading area do not meet the 40' centerline turning radius. 2. The bus shelter should be moved to the southwestem property line and an easement provided. 3. The grading at the Meadow Ridge Rd switch back will need to be flattened to work with the offset guardrail. 4- Provide additional grading/spot elevation detail for the drainage along the backside of the building. 5. A final approved haffic study shall be required prior to pEC final approval. A traffic impact fee of$6500 par net increase peak hour trip shall be assessed to the development. Portions of this fee may be offset by traffic improvements made to the S. Frontage Rd. to specifically include Frontage Rd. roadway widening, Frontage Rd. sidewalk improvements, and the construction of a transit stop.6. Please clarify the Trash truck turning movements. The exhibit shows the ffuck entering the exit and exiting the entrance. This movement conflicts with site traffic. t2 7. Show sight distance for access points on both the site plan and landscape plan. 8. Provide Art In Public Places contribution, coordinate with AIPP. 9. The pedestrian connection between the bus stop and Meadow Ridge Rd. shall be within a dedicated Public access easement. This can be dedicated in conjunction with the drainage easement in this area, however the 10' proposed drainage easement should be widened to accommodate the walk plus a 2' buffer and also be named as a general utility, drainage, pedestrian access easement. 10. The continuation ofthe concrete pedestrian walk from the proposed bus stop to Buffehr Creek Rd should be required, the walk shall be a minimum of l0' wide. Conditions of Approval l The Town of Vail General Notes shall be added. (Notes can be e-mailed upon request) 2. Please add Utility Signature block and have all utilities sign acknowledging acceptance of utility impacts and design. All easements proposed to be abandoned shall be noted and approval from appropriate entities shall be gained. 3. Final Civil drawings shall be approved and meet all Town standards prior to submittal of building permit. Detailed comments will be provided at that time. The approval of Civil drawings may take between 2 to 4 months. 4. Approvals from all impacted property owners shall be obtained. A written letter of consent to the required easements will be required for Civil approval. Recorded easements will be required prior to construction. 5. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, traffic control, emergency access, parking, loading and delivery, etc... 6. A Rowrutility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. 7. All improvements within CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and landscaping. This approval will be required prior to Civil plan set approval. This includes a CDOT Access Permit and CDOT notice to proceed. 8. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require approval from CDOT. Any shoring within the Vail public ROW will require Town of Vail approval and a revocable ROW permit. 9. A Storm Water Discharge CDPHE Permit and all applicable ACOE permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior to construction. 10. Provide engineered stamped final drainage report, pavement design report, and geotechnical report. 11. The S. Frontage Rd. improvements shown shall include necessary li ghting/irri gation/si gnage. 12. Building cannot be built over existing easements as shown without those easements being abandoned. This requires approval from all interested utilities and relocation of any existing utilities. l3 13. An easement should be provided at the Northwest comer of the property to provide for the existing encroachment of the roadway, drainage and snow storage. This shall include the existing asphalt and shoulder area and a 5' buffer area for snow storage and guardrail. Details shown shall meet Town standards (i.e. 4,000 psi concrete with fiber mesh, sidewalk detail shall be 6" concrete on 6" base. addifional detailed comments to follow durine Civil P t4 5122n008 TIiiBERUNE LODGE & COT{DOS -8 Hotel Unlts & 28 Condcs Uall,Coltrado LIA Prdact fl151 54 Lishtswler JohnsonAsssciates architectsS en0ineers li.dporat d HOTEL Room Typ€g Squdr Fooirge Por Room LR'EL.2 LEVEL.I LEVEL I LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEI'EL 'I folal l{ttmbsl of Roo|ns Total Squllr Foot g! Por Room Typo 2.8DRil 975 1 1 975 2.BDRII t95 '|I 895 2-BDRI Et8 1 1 818 2-EatRil m1 2 1.602 z-BttRtt r02 I I fi2 t.B{tRts ai5 1 l-Bt Rlt &tt1 1 801 I-BDRI'690 3 2,088 I.BDRII 5?11 6 3,438 I.BDRI u:l 1 I 1 3 1,926 1-BDRiI 18 3 2,1m I-BDRI'018 I I 918 r.B9R[5r|3 I I 5,tB z€DRI 843 1 I 843 STUOtO rl95 1 1 495 STUDK)3St I 3.168 ETUDIO i88 21 25 14 60 28,080 STUDIO 60?1 3 2,091 Totale 0 0 28 38 g2 0 98 i2,5nl TOTAL BUILDING SQ. FT. (Hotel 75,028HorEL 52,s2r 70.002%coNDo zz,&t 2g,gg8r Note: Square Foolage includes Hotel Guest Roorns & Condo Units Only George Ruther - Roost Lodge Site o From: To: Date: Subject: George: 'Uohannes Faessler" <jfaessler@sonnenalp.com> <gruther@vailgov.com> 06/08/2006 2:32:56 PM Roost Lodge Site Please forward these comment to PEC: I hereby express my full support for the 'Roost Lodge" redevelopment proposal you are considering today. My understanding of the relevant facts is: 1. The property is zoned PA2 which allows for a hotel and 30% credit for condominiums. 2. The current plan has 99 hotel rooms (Marriott Residence Inn) and 31 two bedroom condominiums. 3. The development plan is a straight zoning request, seeking no variances and is not an SDD. Based on the above and the definite need for mid-price hotel inventory - which is highly unlikely to ever get build within Vail Village -, I encourage the PEC to make this project possible. lt is a good and needed project for Vail. Sincerely, Johannes Faessler 20 Vail Road Vail, Colorado From: . To: Date: Subject: "Mike Spriggs" <jmsalpha@earthlink.net> <gruther@vailgov.com> 06/08/2006 7:39:09 PM Timberline Lodge Project June 8, 2006 Town of Vail Planning Commission Town of Vail Planning Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Proposed Timberline Lodge Condominium Project Dear Planning Commission: I am writing to voice support of the proposed demolition and renovation of the former Roost Lodge, now known as the Timberline Lodge Project. As full-time residents at 1477 Aspen Grove Lane, in the Buffer Creek neighborhood, my wife and I support the renovation of the dilapidated Roost hotel. The redevelopment of the Roost will be a benefit to our neighborhood and to the Town of Vail. I understiand that the developer is proposing a project that is consistent with its existing use as well as within the Town of Vail Zoning guidelines. The proposed project will be a great improvement over the existing aging hotel and should enhance the value of properties in the neighborhood. As residents, we rely on the Roost for affordable accommodations for our visitors. Not all guests can afford to stay at ihe higher priced hotels, such as the Sonnenalp and Four Seasons. We were disappointed to hear that the Planning Comrnission did not support the previous project and that the revised project includes a significant reduction in hotel rooms. The Town needs more mid-priced hotel accommodations and my wife and I encourage you to support this Project at your next Planning Commission Meeting. Thank you, Michael Spriggs FRON :HRHGENDRZS O FRX No. '!s?a4?6sas4 O.,. aa &AgE @s:49F|n P1 June 9, 2006 Town of Vail Ptanning Commission CloMr. George Ruther Town of Vail Planning Department ZS S. frinA'ge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Planning Commission Members: I am writing in support of the proposed demolition and renovation of fie former Roost Lodge project. In operatinq the Haagen-Dazs store in vail since 1994, we are very concemed about the loss of affordable housing and hotel rooms in the Town of Vai[. The loss of atfordable hotel rooms has a direct effect on the sales of smallbusinesses in VailMllage. In recent years, the Town of Vail has replac,ed affordable hotel proiects such as the Chateau at Vail (forrner Holiday lnn) and tre Vail Village Inn wlth high-end hotet and condominium projecb such as the Four Seasons and Vail Plaza. By continuing this trend, you are effeclively eliminating any We of affordable accommodations for families and guests throughout Vail. At this time, the only atfordable hotel ac@mmodations ot any size in the Town are the Roost and the Holiday lnn.. The lack of affordable accommodations has and will continue to have a significant negatirre effect on the retail sales for rostaunnts and shops in the Mllage. As you are aware, this is one of only a couple of sites in the Town zoned lor accommodation units where affordable hotel and condominium unib can be developed. lt vrrould be a shame to waste this opportunity. The Floost hae served the.low to moderate priced tr:aveler for as long as just about any other hotel in Vail. lt was here long before the hillside residential developmenF that have been constructed behind the Frontage Road. The proposed plan is consistent with what has been contemplated by the Town Council in its General Plan. lt also supports the goal of the Town to secure additional hotel rqoms wtthin the Toum boundaries. I would encourage you to support this Project. Sincerely, \OJL KellFurcell June 8, 2006 Town of Vail Planning Commission Tovvn of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Proposed Rooet Con&minium Proiect Dear Plmning Commission: I am writing in support of the proposed Timberline Lodge Prqec't in West Vail. ds a small business ou,ner in Vail, I am in full support of this proied. The proposed proiect will bring additional afiord#le hotel and condominium units to our Torrn. Both are essential to the long range health of our economy. Our firm handles the management and leasing of condominium projeds in East Vail. We often recommend the Rooet as an altemative to those visitors that cannot afford a condominium during the high season. The Roost has ftlled this low to midarice nicfre in the market for a very long time' The proposed Residence Inn will continue to meet this demand. I hope yru will srrpport this project. $incerely, f{Et "' l(arlEdgerton 7\o -z7o-7#Lt Stephen Connolly P.O. Box 3003 Vail, CO 81658 (970) 476-1346 June 9,2006 Tornm of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission C/o Mr. George Ruther, Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Redevelopment of the Roost Lodge Dear George: I write to you today in support of Timberline's pronosed redevelopment of the Roost Lodge and urge you not to take any additional rooms out ofthe project. As a longtime observer of the community, I believe that we need to maintain a mix of lodging options for our guests. As it stands today, the current projects under development cater to the upper end of the market. Not enough is being done in the area of affordable lodging that would help to attract families and "entry level" guests. How many of Vail's current residents started out as "ski bums" doing whatever it took to cut costs in order to come to Vail? As an active participant in the process of soliciting special events, I can think of a number of Town funded projects that need to be able to offer more affordable lodging options. TEVA Mountain Games, Spring Back To Vail, the Farmers' Market and the King of the Motrntain Volleyball Tournament all benefit by having less expensive lodging available for guests. What good does it do for the Town to spend money on events that bring people to Vail only to have those guests not be able to afford to stay in Vail for the night? Thisisnotjustmyopinion. InajointmeetingoftheVLMDACandtheCSE,BethSlifermade the point that the Town needs to be careful as we develop our lodging inventory, She warned that there is a real danger that we could potentially price owselves out of the market if all we do is develop high-end projects. I am concerned that this project has already been reduced by 30 units. If it is reduced any further, the developer may be forced to change direction and create high-end condominiums to make it work financially. I am also concerned that there seems to be a small group of people that are complaining about this project that is important for the good of the greater community. We need to stand up against the vocal minority and do what is right for residents and taxpayers at large. I support the redevelopment ofthe Roost Lodge as proposed and urge you to approve the latest olans without further reduction of hot beds. dawn Ristow P.O. Box 3003 Vail, CO 81658 9701476-6826 phone dawnskSvail@hotmail.com June 9, 2006 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission C/o Mr. George Ruther, Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Roost Redevelopment Dear Commission: The Roost Lodge needs to be redeveloped and I support the plans proposed by Timberline Commercial Real Estate. I know the importance of affordable lodging first hand. As a skating coach, I started brining students to Vail in 1981 . I moved here full time in 1998 and own a home in Town with my husband. He also supports the proposed redevelopment plan. It is very important for Vail to be able to offer reasonably priced accommodations. We need to offer families an affordable alternative to the Sonnenalp, the Cascade and the new hotels that are currently being built in Town. lf we are not careful, we will price ourselves out of the market. Families will go to Summit County instead of coming here. As we redevelop our community, we need to make sure that we offer a range of accommodations. lf we are not careful, the developers will only build high-end properties and Vail will price itself out of the family market that plays an important role in developing future guests. I urge you to approve the plans as currently proposed. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, /4"*,*{ru'----- dawn Ristow SE ;;l?'j;:|il,,,, 970.E4t.8525 970.845.8430 fox peeples@voil.net I2 I June 9. 2006 Town of Vail Planning and Zoning Commission C/O: Mr. George Ruther Hand delivered To whom it may concern, Many thanks for all of your combined efforts and great work as Vail undergoes a tremendous renaissance and dramatic change. I am writing, with respect to that change, in support of the renovation of the Roost Lodge+pecifically to the proposal being submitted by Kevin Deighan. My experience with Mr. Deighan has been as a business owner, and owner of office space in the Gateway Building. Timberline Commercial Properties, Mr. Deighan's investment group, interested me in the property some four years ago. Since that time, they took a vacant, non-functioning building and completely renovated and revitalized what is now a prime office and residential location at the entrance to Vail. My support for the Roost project which they propose, is that they will take the same level of professionalism to a project which brings moderate-range lodging options for guests to our beautiful resort. I heartily endorse both the concept and the plan. Though l, like most, hate to see the disappearance of the Roost-as it has played a legendary role in affordable lodging and great stories throughout Vail's history--change is happening in Vail and a developer with a good plan and solid backing deserves the support of the community. Best of I Si E. Peeples Peeples Ink PR, Ltd. Home Page I ofl 'West Vaii West Vail has not been ieft out of the 2006 drive ro up zone \iail. A redevelopment plan for the Roost Lodge w'ith eight floon was put before the town. Again local r'esidents were appropriately alarmed. Rumor has it, the money behind this Roost remodel is none other that the Crossroads developer. Afthough this first Roost plan was tumed down, yrru know rvill be back on rhe table soon. A maste r planning process has also been initiate d for the West Vail commercial areas. It is very irnportant that the reside nts get intimate ly involved in this important process. The tovm of Vail planning departnenf at the fint rnaster planning meeting, has propose d an up zoning of tlese commercial arcas by 400o/o. Isn t that incredible. The Mall building would go up to 4 floon. feast in Vest Vail the outrageous proposal of a 400% up zoning is on the table for discussion. Ve mrrst get involved and educate the town that we want to preserve our 1ow densiry village community, Before we up zone West Va we should have studies in hand which dernonstrate rnequivocallythe need lor such an increase. We should be assured rhat such increases will not adverselyaffect the propenyvalues in the area. And, rle must be reassured the infrastructure, such as the roundabouls, can handle this increased traffic. The Crossroads vote is rhe firsr step in halting this village vide drive to up zone Vail that so thrcatens our lifesty4e.'Ve musr drarv rhe line there. We musr send a message to our eiected officials that the people mr.r-st be consulted and be the {inal decision malcn in this up zoning drive. Lrrd y'ou thought the Crossroads vore was just about Vail Village. * Web,slc rfejgoed Slhoslcdel Hsnqs.Iead]" http :/istopoverdevelopment.netAMESTVAIL.html 6/7t2006 6t8t06 MHltrHITNErU sPoFbS E glbeFbA:nmEnb Town of Vail Planning Commission Town of Vail 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Town of Vail Planning Commission, I am writing in full support of the proposed Timberline/Roost project cunently under consideration at the West Vail site of The Roost Hotel. This project is "Right" for so many reasons, the least of which is the overall economic benefit to our town. There is a strong and underserved need for affordable hotels in the Valley and more so in Vail proper. Much of the mid to lower end bed base is utilized by the younger generations and families who heavily attend special events, ski and ride, dine and spend with local merchants. We cannot afford to lose this economical bed base which the renovated Roost will continue to serve in a new and improved fashion. This is keeping current and potential customers at Vail's doorstep. This tier of product is truly critical to rounding out the lodging and condo mix in Vail. As a Vail business owner for over ten years, I fully support the proposed Timberline,lRoost and am confident that the TOV Planning Commission will do the same. Do the right thing and get behind this well thought out project. I encourage you to not let the vocal minority control the process and ultimately the much needed benefits the Timberline,lRoost Lodge will deliver to our community! Resards.-->4Jeff BrausclF-V PresidenVCEO Highline Sports & Entertainment, Inc. ,{ uof Ad 9z:al 9 [ 9goryf rylt"j:lqterlineAccess 1 {- Pase1l From: Tom KassmelTo: 'Greg Gastineau'Date: 06/09/2006 3:05:51 PMSubject: Timberline Access Greg I highly suggest you meet with CDOT with your new plan. They may have concerns regarding the design of the accesses and the widening toward l-70. I was in a meeting in which we were discussing development and showed them the Timberline plan for initial reactions. Please remember the Access Permit and Gonstruction design are two different things in the CDOT process. The Town is requiring you to have both the Acces Permit and Notice to Proceed (Civil Construction plan approval) prior to Building Permit submittal. (See Condtion #7) The Access Code requirements area available if needed at http:/Arrrww.dot.state.co.us/AccessPermits/PDF/601_1_AccessCode_May2002_Revl 0052005.pdf#search ='CDOT%2Oaccesso/o2Ocode' Thomas Kassmel, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Vail Public Works Department 1309 Elkhorn Dr. Vail, CO 81657 (970\ 479-2235 CC: George Ruther lffl {cl Mauriello Planning Group I ?e"d Roost Lodge n,,-^- r :-+ "-ilrl* Adiacent Property Owner List @ DAUPHINAIS.MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR VAIL, CO 81657 @ MURPHREE INVESTMENTS LTD 2409 DUBLIN RD PLANO. TX75094 @ FITE, KENNETH DAVID & IRMAKAYSE 6415E PRENTICE PL GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 (0. M.L. HARRIS FAMILY PTNSHP LLC 1O9OO HEFNER POINTE DR STE 2OO OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73120 @ HILLSIDE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O BEMIS, GREGORY PO BOX 3438 VAIL, CO 81658 @ KARP. KAREN L. PO BOX 2174 VAIL. CO 81658 (0. iunNIpsspD, JASoN & coLETTE 185 SOUTH EMERSON DENVER, CO 80201 (0. DUYOS, VIVIAN S. & JORGE R. -JT 1434 SARRIAAVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 @ GUNION, JOHN F., MARGARETM.A., & ANDREW MARK 1819 MEADOW RIDGE RD E vArL, co 81657 -JT @ CARNEY. JOHN M. 1839 MEADOWRIDGE RD B VAIL, CO 81657-3904 @ PICKING, HOWARD M.,III &ADELLE C. lOO LONGVIEW LN JOHNSTOWN, PA 15905 @ ERB, WENDYELAINE ISI9MEADOWRIDGERD G VAIL, CO 81657 @ JAMES J. BIGOS FAMILY TRUST 1834 A GLACIERCT VAIL, CO 81657 @ ROLLAND" JODI T. & ROBERTD. -JT 6802 TERREZA ESCONDIDA SAN CLEMENTE,CA92673 @ CHATEAU TREMONTE OWNERS ASSOC INC 5299DTC BLVD STE 5OO ENGLEWOOD, CO 80I11 @ RALPH W. HAJOSY REVOCABLE TRUST 1725 CARVER RD GRIFFIN, GA 30224-8820 (0. doyvsn, RoBERTJAMES PO BOX l00l VAIL. CO 81658 @ NADLER" JOHN E. C/O VISTAR REAL ESTATE 635 N FRONTAGE RD I VAIL. CO 81657 @ PRAGER, DIANE M. & NELSON A. -JT 22OOE GRAND AVE ENGLEWOOD, CO 8OI13 @ LE VARN, MARIA A. & MARC -JT PO BOX 214 VAIL, CO 81658 @ DICKSON, PHYLLIS 1817 MEADOW RIDGE RD I VAIL. CO 81657 @ MERRIMAN, DANNY C., JANE M. & ADAM G. 1859 MEADOW RIDGE RD A VAIL, CO 81657-3905 @ DEFORD, WILLIAM F. 1859 MEADOWRIDGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ FARQUHAR, JERRY L. & DEBORAH R. 1879 MEADOWRIDGE RD VAIL. CO 81657 @ STEITZ, STEVEN A. & CYNTHIA A. 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ BATCHELOR, ROBERT - FITZGERALD, DIANE .JT PO BOX 5854 VAIL, CO 81658 @ ALEKSANDER & IRIA PIIRMA TRUSTEES 3528 ADELINE DR sTow oH44224 @ WAGENLANDER, JAMES F. - CHIN, MARY LEE -JT 2225 DAHLLA. ST DENVER. CO 80207 @ CORRION, BRIAN 27821S TAMIAMI TR2 BONITA SPRINGS. FL 34134 @ CROCKETT, RUFUS PO BOX 3837 ASPEN, CO 81612 @ MYRON, GORDON D. - WEINBENDER, THOMAS L. 256128TH AVE W SEATTLE, WA 98199 @ MOORE, STEVE & DENNIE L. PO BOX 392 EDWARDS, CO 81632 @ HALEY, MICFIAEL S. & MARLA M. -JT 3037 STIN CREEK RIDGE RD EVERGREEN, CO 80439-8782 @ HERMANN, HENRY K. & MARY C. - HERMANN,KARL .JT 577 W CONESTOGA CIR GRAND JIINCTION, CO 81504 @ VANHEULEN. MISTY M. & JASON J. -JT PO BOX 6343 AVON, CO 81620 @ WOMBOLT, CHRIS & DUANB 2249 CAPE ARBOR DR VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 2345I @ DICORPO, DEENA M., DINO D. & EVE PO BOX 3981 VAIL. CO 81658 @ HINMON, JOHN S. & HARRIET H. -JT 407 MEADOWRD EDWARDS. CO 81632 @ KRICHBAUM, PHILIP F. PO BOX 33 VAIL, CO 81658 @ CROCKETT, RUFUS PO BOX 3837 ASPEN, CO 81612 @ LEGG, RANDY G. & JOELLEN L. .JT 2OOO S MADISON ST DENVER, CO 8O2IO @ TATSUMI, TETSUO - MALCUIT. EMILY .JT PO BOX 2858 EDWARDS, CO 81632 @ MOORE. HALE W. -JT PO BOX 3746 AVON, CO 81620 @ FABER" OTTALIE & GEORGINA P O BOX 838 EAGLE, CO 8163I @ MUSTANG CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O GUERRIERO, RANDALL 1859 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ BUFFER CREEK WEST CONDOMINruM ASSOCIATION. INC. C/OMARKAW. MOSF{ER P O BOX 902 VAIL, CO 81658 @ TOWNOFVAIL CiO FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ MUSSON, PAUL F. & ELISA M. -JT 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT. CO 80203 @ HAGERMAN. PHILIP R. & JOCELYN K. 13I88 LATOURETTE DR FENTON, MI48430 @ COLORADO DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 42OIE ARKANSAS AVE DENVER, CO 80222 DENVER, CO8O222 b**m )1 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on July 24,2006, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' in consideration of: A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H'7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for additions to, and the renovation of, the Lion Square Lodge East; a request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-7H-10, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17' Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for encroachments in the setbacks; and a request for a final review of a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for an amendment to Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to create buildto-lines to allow for encroachments in the setbacks; located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1, Addition 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0041 )Applicant: Lion Square Lodge East; represented by BillAnderson Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-68-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, to allow for a garage addition within the front setback, located at 265 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 40, Block 7, Vail Village Filing 1' and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0040) Applicant: David Cohen, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a variance from Chapter 14-5, Parking Lot and Parking Structure Design Standards For All Uses, pursuant to Chapter 12'17,Variances, to allow for a garage entry opening to be 12 feet (12') wide instead of the required minimum width of twenty feet (20'), located at Vail Cascade ResidencesA/ail Cascade Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0045) Applicant Steve Lindstrom, represented by RKD Architects, lnc. Planner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for tine installation of a sanitary sewer line in the Gore Creek Floodplain, located at3877 Lupine Drive/Lot 6, Block 1, Bighorn 1" Addition, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0046) Applicant Roland and Jeanne KjesboPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3- 7, Amendments, Vail Town Code, for proposed amendments to Chapters 12-21 , Hazard Regulations, 14-7, Geologic/Environmental Hazards, and 1+1O, Design Review Standards and Guidelines, Vail Town Code, to create Wildfire Regulations that add wildfire hazard to the Hazard Regulations and require mitigation in high and extreme wildfire hazard zones, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC064029) Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Rachel Friede A request for a final review of an Exemption Plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a proposed realignment of the common property line between Lots 2 and 3, located at 5087 and 5097 Main Gore Drive, Bighorn Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0048) Applicant: Fred and Janet Streich and Sandy SalmonsPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-8, Density Control, and Section 12-15-2, Gross Residential Floor Area Requirements by Zone District, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for the secondary unit of a primary/secondary development to construct more than 40o/o of the allowable gross residential floor area (GRFA), located at 1989 Circle Drive/Lot 27, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setling forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0049) Applicant: James Garland and John Kirschner, represented by Galen AaslandPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0080) Applicant: Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: George Ruther A request for a final review of floodplain modiflcations, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the stabilization of the Gore Creek streambank and modifications to the Town of Vail White Water Park, in the Gore Creek floodplain, located at Tract l, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, (generally located east of the International Bridge on Willow Bridge Road), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0050) Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Gregg BarriePlanner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the pubtic hearing in the Town of Vait Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published July 7, 2006, in the Vail Daily. o i-*; :y f'q Ol Page 1 of2 Dominic Mauriello From: Roussin, Daniel IDaniel.Roussin@DOT.STATE.CO.US] Sent: Sunday, July 16,2006 1:07 PM To: Dominic Mauriello; Znamenacek, Zane Cc: greg@timberlinere.com Subject: RE: Dominic - Overall your summary is correct. I made some minor changes. Please look at the bold blue wording at you email. Thanks Dan Roussin R3 CDOT Traffic From: Dominic Mauriello Imailto:mauriello@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9:40 AM To: Roussin, Daniel; Znamenacek, Zane Cc: greg@timberlinere.com Subject: tlello Dan and Zane: Thank you Ior tahnq bme to meeL wth Greq Gazlneau and me on the f mberltne Lodqe and Condos VropcL on June 26. Below 6 a sumrnary of the rnform abon Vrowded dvrnq the rneectnq: c ln qeneral you LhouqhL that the plans looked Ine n terms o+ access s?aonq, lrontaqe roadway tmVrovements, ana other tmVrovemenLs on the 5tte. t Yov ndcated Lhat two accesg permfts wovld be requred. Thrs would be a level 2 trattic study would be reqvred but not a full Tl9. c A Vermtt Ior a temTorary constructon access would be requtrcd even fi vstnq one o+ the two ensttnq access ?onts on Lhe sfte. The temporary construcbon access Vermft wovld be aVVlted Ior aL the Eame bme as the Vermanent access Vermfts. r Utrlrty ?ermtt would be reqwred for the sewer and sLorrnwater tm?rovements n the nqht- oI-way. The utrlrty grouder wovld need to be the permfttee. c The VroVosed bvE Ehelter and Lurn-olf wovld need to be requesLed by the buE serwce Vrowder (TOV) and wovld be aVVroved by CDOT'; o?eftton5 deVartment. No actva permtL s reqwred. lt would be letter of approval. 7tr6t2006 Page2 of2 o l-andscaVrnq and the sdewalk are approved wfth a speoal use permft. CDOT'E preference s to not have larqer landscaVe matenals n the nqht-of-way, but fi proposed then the Town would be resVonstble ior nsvnnq thaL ft s matntatned VroVerly. LandscaVnq n the nqht-of-way wrll requre that CDOT be ltsted as addttonal nsured on the owner's lrabrlrty poltcy and a pertormance bond v re4ured. This would be done by a Special Use Permit. o The proVosed I O' wde srdewalk adlacenL to the 6" curb s hne aE deVcted n the ?ro?o5ed ?tan5. r Turnrn6 radus nlo the sfte can be proposed by the aTpltcant based uTon larqest anloVated vehrcle acces^nq the sfte. CDOT usually looks aL a WBSO buL the aVVlcant can ??o?ose somethnq less baEed on natvre of tratlp to the sfte. c The extent of road wdennq to accommodate the VroVosed left turn lane and other roadway rmVrovemenls betnq requested by the Town of the aVVhcant toward l-7O looked lne as lonq as ex?an5on beyond the "F" lne n avotded. o Tlans Vrowded lor accesE Vermft and Nolce Lo Troceed need to be | | x 17. Thanks aqarn lor Lahnq the bme to meet wfth us. Tlease let me know i there s anythnq mslnq thaL you beleve needs to be added to the summary. O g,nceretv. Domtnc F. Maurrello, AICP lvlaurrello Plannnq Grot:p" l-LC POBox | 127 560 lA Widrdqe Road Avon, Colorado 6l GZO (97O) 748-O92O phone (97O) 746-0377 lax (97O) 376-3318 cell m aurello @cor"re?s|.I, L 7tr6t2006 Mauricllo Planning Group Jvly 14, ZOOG ?lannnq and Enur onmenlal Commzaon clo George Ruther, AICP Chref of Tlannnq Town oI Varl 75 South frontaqe Road Val, Colorado O 1657 Re: Tmberlne Lodqe Trolecl Dear Georqe: Thrs leLler e ntended to address the EsueE raoed by your memorandvm to lhe Plannnq tnuronmenlal Commrsgron dated June | 2, 2006. Along wrth th's leLter, the applrcant has prowded reused plans lor the ftmberlne Lodqe lhat address Lhe submtllal requremenls and lhe addtbonal commenLE provded by LheTown Below we have addregsed the comVltance burden and oLher crrtena found n Lhe ?A-2 zone dtELnct. You wrll lnd that the proposed redeveloVment prolect complres wth the relevant crftena. Com?hance 6vrden: fhe proVosed Tmberhne Lodqe e n comVhance wfth the gurposes of the PA-Z zone detncL. The sfte s bernq develoVed aE a lmtted seNtce lod4e and olher resden al accommodabons n the penVhery ol the lown oulade Lhe LtonEhead and Yal Vllaqe core areas. fhe VroVosed facrlrty rs ntended to pnmarly serve vtstlors Lo thelown of Varl. fhe proposed Vrolect s n comVltance wrfh the developmenl Elandards ol the 7A-2 zone dtgtnct whtch have been establrghed to provrde tor adequaLe hqht, ar, o?en s?ace, and other amenfites cornmensurate wf"h \mfted geNce lodqe facltbes. fhe TroTosed Vlans Lheretore Vrowde lor ade4vate ltqht, ar, and oVen sVace. the table below demonstraleE the protecLs conlermance wlh the standards oI Lhe zone drstrol. Develo?ment Standard AllowedlReqvtred ?ro?osed Lot Area: IO,OOO s.f. E5,597 s.t. Denefty: 49 vntlE 26 unls fmVloyee flovan1: 3 beds 3 unrtg flotel RoomE: Unhmfted lOl unrts GRFA: 129,896 s.t. 75,642 s.l. 7O/3O sphL (AU): 7 | ,5GO.3 E.t. 53,097 s.l. Bvtdnqheqht: 48' 48' 3fte Coveraqe: 5e ,288 s.f . (65Vo) 44,376 E.t. (5 | .2To)- landscape Area: 25,979 s.t. (3OVo) 3E,696 s.f . (45.47o) ?arkrnq: 127 sgaces 16? spaces loadtnq: lberth lberth Noles: 'Under4round parAnq ncfuded tn sfte coveraqe calcllabon Addtbonally, the Comphance Dvaen sec on states n Vart that ft E the burden ot the apVlrcant Lo show lhaL "the progosal does not otherwtse have a srqn$eanl neqal:e eI+ect on lhe character of the netqhborhood" femphaas added]. We belteve LhaL Lhe ?rc?o5al has aqnicanl Vosttve ellecLs on Lhe chaftcler of the netqhborhood. We reco4ntze that there wrll be some aclual and ?erceved neqalve mVacts lo ndvdval ?rc?erile5 (Euch as tm?acls to prvate uews and ncreased trafftc on lhe North Fronlaqe Road). Below s a ll.st oI Vosrt:e and neqabve chanqes to lhe area that wrll occvr wfih conslrvcbon of thts prolect. oo o o o ?osrfuve lmpacts ol Prolect Neqat:e lmTact= of ProlecL Comments lmVroved aeslhetrcs due rmproved archtlectvr al qvalLy oI sLructvre Par al chanqe of vtew lo adlacenL nerqhbora Vrew of ht4hway and North Frontaqe Road are the ?nmary uews tmpacled lmproved lne and lle safety ol gtrvcture - Keduced fre Dan4er to Neqhborhood lncreased Traffrc on South frontaqe Road TraIIc mftt1ated by new left turn lane. No access otf ol Meadow Krd4e Road vroposed. ?,educed hqhL pollvilon and aeslhebcs due to aqnhcanl (edvcLon n svrlace Varktnq Addbonal zhadtnq ol Meadow Trdqe Road 95Vo ol parAnq localed underqround Road easement and addfttanal snow slora7e prouded lo lown lmproved aesthebcs due to tncreaSe n landscapn4 Norse Reductron lrom l-7O due to ?resence oI new gtrvcLvre Buildnq p arttally blocks uews lo and nose lrom I 70 and fronlaqe roadg lmVroved Vedestnan access lrom Meadow Ad4e Road wth paved walk for vze by enltre neqhborhood New Br.rs Stoe and Shelter lmproved pedezlrran accesstbtltty dve to new stdewalk on North frontaqe Road lmproved aesLheltcs and redvced no$e tmpacls dve lo relocatron ol trash dvmVster trom a loca on rmmedtately adlacent lo the net qhb onn q con domtnu m p r o 1e cLs to a cavered loca on away trom rmmedtate neqhbors lmproved aeslhebct and reduced notse due to localnq loadnq and delvery dtreclly n lront bvldtnq out of vrew ol neqhborhood lmVroved aesLhebc= dve to the btinq ol overhead power lnes adlacent Lo the VroVerL'y and Lo tmmedtale neqhbors lncrease n addthonal hotel rooms wfihtn lhe Town of Varl Lodynq tax wtll tncrease from thrs proVerty dve to ficreaae n hotel roomg benq prouded lmVroved lraIlrc ctrculatton dve to new lelt turn lane lmproves traffrc flow for netqhbort lraveltnq on Norlh frontaqe Road ln addtbon tp Lhe rmmedraLe netqhborhood, Lhe ?ro?o5ed prolect E consolenl wth the scale and nalve ol develoVment alonq the North Frontaqe Road lrom the marn Varl exrt oI l-7O to the west Vatl extL oI l-7O. From easL to wesL, Ehere are a eeflee ol large scale lodqnq and resdentral bvrldn1s wtlh lrontaqe on the Norlh Frontaqe Road ncludnq: Mtddle Creek: 1un Varl; Varl Run; 9rmba Run; Savoy Yillas; and Tmber Rtdqe lo narne a few. Many ol lhese bwldngs are localed n areae wrlh low denaLy resdenbal develoVment. fhe VroVosed Tmberlne Lodqe Vrolecl B consstent wrth lhe character ol developmenL alonq the North Frontaqe Road. We belteve hst ol posrttve rmTacLs Lo the characLer. ol the netqhborhood versus neqahve mVacle ghown above clearly demonEtrate lhat noL only doeE the Vroject nol have a " aqnttcanL" negal:e eltect on the neghborhood, thal on whole lhere E a nel ?osthve effecl on the character ol the neghborhood. fhe prolecL also comTltes wrth the relevanl elemenLs ol Lhe Val Comprehenave Plan nclvdnq pohaes l. l, 1 .3, l.l 2, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5. The Vat Land Use ?lan recoqflze5 lhe enshnq zontnq on the fo?efty a5 conlrolltnq lhe denaly and land use= . the prolecl s conasLent wfth the T own' s stated qoal ol ncreaanq hoEel beds wrlhrn lhe Town. Setbacks: WtLh resTect Lo sectton | 2-7J-6: SeLbacks, the proposed Vlan comp|es wrlh or exceedE the stated slandard ol 20' except ior a 4' one-ztory encroachmenL on the wesL sde of the butldtnq wfich accommodaLeE a starway exft. fhe proposed prolect demonsLraLeE compltance wrlh the followrng crftena vEed to evaluate devra ons from lhe 20' selback. The crtena are addreEsed below: A. Yropoeed burldtnq EeLbacks provtde nece5sary 3e?arafton between buttdtnqs and npanan areas, qeoloqtcally senal:e areas and olher enuronmenLally sensttve areas. Analysrs: The proposed setback dewahons allow the appropnate a€Faratpn between buldrngs. There are no rtpanan areas or qeoloEcally senshve areas tn close proxmtty to the property. B. Proposed buldnq ieLbacks wll Vrovtde adeqvaLe avatlabltty oI ltqht, ar and o?en 5?ace. Analwts: The proposed encroachments do not detract from the auarlabrhty of lght, arr and open sFace gtven the lmrted encroachment berng sought and the lmrted heqht of the encroachment. C. TroVosed bvrldnq setbackE wtll provde a comVaable relabonsh? wtlh buildrnqs and vEes on adlacent ?ro?eftiel. Ana[vsts: The encroachment of the west srde of the bwldrnq of 4' for one-story prowdes an archrtectural element to the west elevaflon of the buldng and due to landscape cover wl/ be relahvely t to uses on the adlontng parcel. D. ProVosed bvtldtnq getbacks wrll regull rn creatve destqn solutons or other pubhc benetfts that covld noL otherwse be achrcved by conlormance wfth pr es cnb e d 5etb a ck slan d ar ds. Ana/:nrs: The proposed encroachments allow for creahve desqn solutpns to the archttecture of the buldng wthout arbftranly fol/owng a conhnuous setback. Densrtv Control (GRFA): Wfth resVect to secbon | 2-7J-8: Denaty Control, the Trolect e betnq developed well below Lhe sLandard Etated n lh'E secbon whch allows for | 50 square leet ol GRFA for each IOO aquarc leeL of buldable ste area. fhe code allows up to | 29,696 5q. tt. (l5O7o). Of thrs LoLal, only 75,642 sq. IL' or B9% of land area s bernq VroVosed. There E no addftronal dtrechon Iovnd n the Val ComVrehenave ?lan wth reqard io GRFA and the Vrolecl Eherelore comTles wrth the 7A-Z zone and s congtgtent wfth Lhe Val Comprehenave ?lan. o Sfte Coveraqe: Wfth resVect lo sec on | 2-7J-9: 3fte Coverage, the prolect s betn1 develoged at a aLe coveraqe of 5 | .ZVo whrch rs below the stated sLandard ol 65Vo. 3tnce lhe ^te e betnq develoVed below lhe prescrrbed slandard and lhere E no addfttonal drecbon lovnd n the Vat Comprehenave ?lan, the Vrolecl s n compltance wrth PA-2 Zone DtEtnct and the Val Comprehenave 7lan. Landsca?e Area: Wfth resVect lo sec on | 2-7J- l O: LandscaTnq and 1te Development, the prolect e benq developed wfth a toLal landscaTe area of 45.4V" whrch ts tn excee5 of the mrnrmum requtrernenL of 3OVo. Snce the ate e benq developed n complance wrth the prescrrbed standard and lhere e no addfttonal dtrecbon found rn lhe Vatl Comprehenave ?lan, the prolect s n comVlance wfth PA-2 Zone OELncL and the Vatl ComgrehenE:e 7lan. ll yov have any quesbons, please feel lree to call me. George Ruther - PEC05 0080 Timberline From: To: Date: Subject: Mike McGee George Ruther 0712012006 8:53:49 PM PEC05 0080 Timberline Lodge - Denied The application is denied by VFES for due cause as follows: 1. Sheet C 1't shows trash truck driving againts traffic flow noted on Sheet T 1. Serious potential conflict. 2. SheetC4: Slope on driveway access is shown to change from 8% to 1%. Detail to prove fire apparatus will not drag tailboard is not shown. 3. Sheet C 3: The area for fire department staging is not shown on the plans. The location for the Fire Department connections is not shown. The loading zone (also shown as "unloading zone") at the front door cannot also be used a the designated fire department staging area. 4. Sheet L 1: The landscaping plan shows trees in a potentially conflicting area for fire department staging. No staging area is shown as required by Town of Vail Development Standards (9/99), pg.14. 5. Civil drawings do not show water mains or fire hydrants. 6. Sheet C 1: No egress from stair towers at grade is shown. The egress into the parking garage from the stair towers is obstructed by parking. 7. Previous conceptual approvals reflected a different building approach plan and layout' Building_Division; Fire_lnspectors; John Gulick; Russ Forrest; Tom KassmelCG: o >>> Mike McGee 0/20 10:00 PM >>> George, While going through the plans, I found a "second set" of revisions dated 0il1il06 Two issues: 1. The applicant owes the Town for a couple of rnore hours of wasted time. 2. The 0il17/06 set of plans are Denied as well. The latest set of plans reduces the fire lane to 15 feet. This is not acceptable. The only change I see form the items belwo is the trash truck asppears to be dirving the correct direction this time. I left off one item on the list. The Fire Lane signs should meet the Model Traffic Code standard. It is not up to the "contrator" to choose as indicated on the plans. From: To: Date: Subject: Matt Gennett Dominic Mauriello; George Ruther 07l21|2OOB 8:30:44 AM RE: Re: PEC05 0080 Timberline Lodoe - Denied Hey Dominic, On Wednesday, I discussed with Public Works the necessiiy of having a ten foot wide side walUbike path, and they maintained that since it is part of the bike path, 10' is the absolute minimum width. As you know, we are concerned about the trees planted in the CDOT ROW as there is not much room for growth and their survival may be jeopardized by being confined into such small spaces between concrete & asphalt. Have you explored the possibility of reconfiguring the bike path in a manner which allows you lo get more of your required landscaping on site? Also, we discussed the access for disabled people and the possibility of incorporating it into the main entrance to create a sort of Universal Main Entrance which can serve everyone at one point. Anyrvay, give me a call or email me back with any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks, Mait Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Town of Vail Community Development Department (970) 47$2140 Office (970) 479-2452 Fax >>> "Dominic Mauriello" <mauriello@comcast.net> OT l21 7:58 AM >>> Oh Joy. ---Original Message---- From : George Ruther f mailto:GRuther@vailqov.coml Sent: Friday, July 21,2006 7:48 AM To: mauriello@comcast.net; Matt Gennett Subject: Fwd: Re: PEC05 0080 Timberline Lodge - Denied ...and George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail (97O) 479-2145 office (970) 376-2675 cell (97O) 479-2452fax qruther@vailgov.com >>> Mike McGee 07i20 10:00 PM >>> George, While going through the plans, lfound a "second set" of revisions dated 0Z'17106. T July 20, 2006 P.O, Box 19764, PHoNE: 3tr3-652-3571 FH#O5044 FINAL TMFFIC ANALYSIS BoULDER. COLERAOtr E'T]3OEI.z76El . FAX: 3A3-7'72'2329 0R 3E|3'652'6574 o Mr. Greg Gastineau Timberline Commercial Real Estate 12 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Final Traffic Analysis for the Timberline/Roost Lodge Redevelopment Project Dear Mr. Gastineau: This traffic analysis summarizes the trip generation and adjacent roadway operations with the redevelopment of the existing Roost Lodge in Vail. This final traffic analysis is an update to the prior traffic analyses completed for the project dated January 6, 2006 and July 21, 2005. Since completion of the prior analyses, the proposed site and access plan has modified slightly, comments from Town staff were received, meetings with CDOT / Town have occurred to discuss the project, and an eastbound left-turn lane was added to the site's access driveway along N. Frontage Road. This final analysis addresses traffic related comments received on the prior analyses and reflects the cunently proposed land use plan for redevelopment of the Roost Lodge site. The site is located along the l-70 N. Frontage Road approximately 300 feet east of Buffehr Creek Road. The site's location is shown in the aerial below. Mr. Greg Gastineau Timberline/Roost Lodge Redevelopment Proiect Final Traffic Analysis July 20, 2006 Page 2 The Roost Lodge site is currently occupied by a 72-room hotel and 1 employee housing condominium unit. Two full turn access points serve the existing site. The redevelopment plans for the site include a 101-room hotel, 29 recreation residential multi-family dwelling units, and 3 employees housing condominiums. The proposed site plan is illustrated on Figure 1. Reconfiguration of the two full turn access points are planned to the site. The western access point will be designed as an exit-only access. The eastern access driveway will serve as an entrance-only access with an eastbound left-turn lane added on N. Frontage Road. The following presents the traffic analysis for the Timberline/ Roost Lodge Expansion project. Existing and Future Conditions The existing Roost Lodge site is located along the N. Frontage Road. This roadway has a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour adjacent to the site, then drops to 25 miles per hour just west of the site. A single travel lane in each direction exists along the Frontage Road. Turn lanes are not present at the N. Frontage Road site access intersections. Wide shoulders are present on the north side of this roadway. An area transit stop exists along the Frontage Road on the western edge of the site. Existing peak hour traffic volumes used in this analysis were obtained from the Town's Transpbrtation Master Plan Updatel. The traffic volumes at the Buffehr Creek Road / N. Frontage Road intersection for peak winter weekend were used to determine the through traffic volumes along the N. Frontage Road adjacent to the site. The master plan projects that the N. Frontage Road will experience a 31o/o increase in traffic in the next 20 years (from Year 2000). This equates to an approximale 'l-2o/o annual growth rate. Through traffic volumes at the site access points were estimated by forecasting Year 2007 peak winter weekend traffic on the Frontage Road by applying a 1.1 growth rate to the 2000 volumes. The Year 2007 background volumes at the two site access intersections along N. Frontage Road are illustrated on Figure 2. The volumes shown in Figure 2 assume the reconfiguration of the access points for inbound and outbound only. Trip Generation Comparison The vehicular traffic for the site land uses has been estimated based on trip rates contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (lTE) 7th Edition Trip Generation manual2 and is summarized in Table 1. The existing site uses were compared to the proposed site uses to determine the net site added traffic with the expansion in place. For comparison purposes, the following assumptions were used.to estimate traffic generation of the site development. Transportation Master Plan Update - Traffic Model, Washington Infrastructure Services, July 2002. Trio Generation, 7' Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2003. O . Timberline / Roost property currently operates and will continue to operate private Mr. Greg Gastineau Timberline/Roost Lodge Redevelopment Project Final Traffic Analysls July 20, 2006 Page 3 Existing Land Uses:. 72 hotel roomst l employee housing condominium unit Redevelopment Land Uses:r 101 hotel roomsr J employee housing condominium units. 29 recreation home condominium units Because the site is located along the N. Frontage Road with a regional transit route and the site currently offers and will continue to offer shuttle service to/from the ski area in the winter, the site will experience a reduction in actual vehicular trips to account for transit and shuttle trips. This is a common occurrence experienced in many mountain ski towns. A 1O% reduction in vehicular trips was applied to the hotel, employee housing, and recreation home uses to account for shuttle, ride sharing, transit, and alternative modes of transportation usage. This reduction should be considered a conservative estimate because: shuttle service for its patrons to/from the ski mountain,. a transit stop exists and will be improved in front of the site on N. Frontage Road serving the Vail area,o sidewalks providing pedestrian access to retail and other uses to the west will be improved with this site, and. employee housing is provided on-site where the tenants occupying these units will both work and live on site. Based on the above assumptions, the net site trip generation has been calculated as presented in Table 1. When compared to the existing uses currently on site, it is estimated that the redeveloped site uses will result in a net increase in traffic from the existing uses of approximately 305 daily one-way trips with 30 trips occurring during the winter weekend P.M. peak hour period. lt is important to note that the weekend trip rates for hotel and recreation units are 25-40o/o higher than typical weekday trip rates for these same uses. Not only does this analysis for the winter weekend period look at the highest seasonal traffic volume scenario at the site access points and the Frontage Road, but this analysis reviews the peak weekend hourly trafficwhich only occurs 10-15 times ayeat during the winter. Roadway and Intersection Operations The site access intersections with the N. Frontage Road were reviewed to determine baseline operations and identify any capacity constraints. The Year 2007 background Mr. Greg Gastineau Timberline/Roost Lodge Redevelopment Project Final Traffic Analysis July 20, 2006 Page 4 winter weekend P.M. peak hour volumes were reviewed as this period represents the higher side street and mainline traffic conditions. In determining the operational characteristics of an intersection, "Levels of Service" (LOS) A through F are applied, with LOS A indicating very good operations and LOS F indicating congested operations. The intersection LOS is represented as a delay in seconds per vehicle for the intersection as a whole and for critical turning movements. Criteria contained in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)3 was applied to the study area intersections in order to determine existing levels of service during the weekday evening peak hour period. The background Year 2007 winter weekend P.M. peak hour traffic volumes at the two site access points along the N. Frontage Road were forecast to assist in determining site access operations and any traffic impacts. The net increase in site generated traffic volumes were added to the Year 2007 background volumes and are shown in the attached Figure 2. The west site access point is planned to serve as the primary access to the site. The eastern access driveway serves the condominium parking spaces. All approaches to the site access intersections were reviewed with existing side street stop control and single approach lanes without any turn lanes. The results of the intersection level of service analysis are summarized in Table 2. With the addition of planned site expansion traffic, the two site access points along the N. Frontage Road will continue to operate within acceptable levels of service (LOS A overall and LOS A-C for individual approaches). The traffic associated with the renovations planned on the site will result in only slight increases in traffic at the two access points. Auxiliary Lane Warrant Analysis Although the site vicinity intersections are projected to operate efficiently with the expansion of the existing uses and the redevelopment of the site will result in the same number of access points with greater spacing between them, the N. Frontage Road corridor is within the jurisdiction of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) which requires compliance with CDOT criteria. The State has established auxiliary lane warrant criteria for roadways to enhance safety and access along their corridors. The CDOT criteria becomes effective on an existing use if the use changes its site traffic by 2oo/o o( more. Because the site generated traffic is anticipated to increase by more than 20%, the CDOT access code criteria would apply to the proposed site expansion. The forecast traffic volumes at the two site access intersections were reviewed to determine auxiliary lane requirements based on current CDOT access code criteria4. The Hiqhwav Capacity Manual, Highway Research Board Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, Naiional Research Council, 2001. Synchro v. 6 software utilized. State Hiqhwav Access Code, State of Colorado, August 31 , 1998. Mr. Greg Gastineau Timberline/Roost Lodge Redevelopment Project Final Traffic Analysis July 20, 2006 Page 5 CDOT criteria for assigned category ratings of F-R or Frontage Road require left-turn deceleration lanes with peak hour volumes greater than 25 vehicles when the posted speed limit is less than 40 miles per hour. Right-turn deceleration lane warrants are met when greater than 50 vehicles conduct a right-turn into the access point during a peak 60- minute period. A review of the forecast 2O07-plus-site generated peak hour volumes and the CDOT warrant criteria determined that turn lanes at the entrance-only (east) site access intersection is just below the warrant threshold. However, the developer has agreed to construct an eastbound left-turn deceleration lane at the inbound access. The lane should be designed to CDOT standards. Storage and taper is necessary for Frontage Road category ratings. In addition, tapers need to be included in the design to redirect through traffic away from the new median lane. All widening is occurring on the south side of the Frontage Road. CDOT requires a 16-foot wide median turn lane. The following summarizes the turn lane design standards per the category rating of the roadway and forecast traffic volumes. Eastbound Left-Turn Lane Desiqn ' lane length: 200 feet (includes 160 feet of taper at 10:1 for 16 feet of lane width and 40 feet of storage), redirect tapers on each side of left-turn lane: 320 feet (20:1 taper ratio for 16 feet of widening) CDOT Access Spacing Standards Access spacing of site driveways was reviewed based on comments from the Town and CDOT. In Section 4.4 ol the CDOT Access Code, it is noted that minimum spacing between access points to the Frontage Road is based on the sight distance criteria. The desired sight distance criteria for a roadway with a posted speed of 35 mph is 250 feet with minimum sight distance of 225 feet between access points. The spacing is measured from edges of access points or intersections. The existing two access points to the site are spaced approximately 75 feet apart (edge to edge). There is an existing driveway to the west of the site which is approximately 200 feet from the west edge of the existing site access driveway. With redevelopment of this site, the access points will be improved and spaced at a minimum of 250 feet apart from each other, including the existing access off-site to the west. Therefore, CDOT access spacing requirements per sight distances will be met. Conclusions This final traffic analysis was conducted to summarize the Timberline / Roost Lodge redevelopment project site specific traffic generation and any review operations at the site access points with the development as planned. lt was determined that the site traffic can Mr. Greg Gastineau Timberline/Roost Lodge Redevelopment Project Final Traffic Analysis July 20, 2006 Page 6 be served by the reconfigured access points to the N. Frontage Road. Although not fully warranted, an eastbound left-turn lane at the site's proposed inbound only access will be included in the design. Access spacing will be improved with this redevelopment by gaining greater separation between the two site accesses and any adjacent driveways. The proposed separation of access points from edge to edge of a minimum of 250 feet will meet CDOT's access spacing requirements. This concludes our analysis and summary of the Timberline / Roost Lodge redevelopment project. Sincerely, Attachments: Table 1 - Weekend Trip Generation Estimate Table 2 - Weekend Peak Hour Level of Service Summary Figurel-SitePlan Figure 2 - Year 2007 Scenario Weekend Peak Hour Volumes Intersection Capacity Worksheets Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello Planning GroupCc: Fox Higgins Transportation o o U) 4 Eo Eo q o) o) oo 'bo ** €HspEE €t E)i =*(|'Qalt (! eKe=!us EP Fi*"E: :-csoxg: ^ .F+b€ XEdFEF B8 E6 s8_ :6()\'> b' Bs TEA-=bi =ts -{(DX s+ E< F€' .3e S* {o()Q E t**a .S .,.,: \sd S EE*{ 5bx{.cPpSaQ E\:(! (E o r! E Qut c .9 g o)tr |1)o o L tttro-goo B - .EIlt!F Inil: EI: .9. o F o, E o_ q,,ot J E. <t) o Etr {+Il! s) r{) R crlro ro a)oal iio G o Eq !s G c'rs .g ft sao(} E €a (t, = Ro.\t(') E.-*\t 3--roF\ N 1..- (ot'- lf a.) ooo O) \t a(\\t NEa o) (f) co <D F- F.F(OO@rod oooo) o) o)dcio 9gccp:)lF oo)!JCC(TE;3oo a(E ,o E lu ov, o-J o & F-& ,nlolatl .-,,I blol (EI>lol (I)l ;=c E (,por tl)E, rvl- xo-xtu"9Ebooo,I()E oooeF)(OCqC!N o CL.E F =oI L IEoo. oo C {)lE o (\l (o C\I as oF \o N\F o .Ed. C{ }'- \ *l:oo o CL'trF r!o o t! o o ro(oc{ N l.-(oc! (o(o (9 c\,1 o)(6 GI (E o (9 roro (o(')|{) o (Et O) t-.. qq @ro {o E$ ooo, o,oo f o=cgrbPo=tr6 3o g P # N|: a)s (g IA LU a, .Nq,s- oof ttcJ qil (lJl <l ol .El fil E .a .E oEEoo -Q ru€FO-o oor(.,(.) 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F. ooo Ftl q) oo an 6 '6 o :th q) g u- oo t o o HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 712012006 3: N. Frontage Rd. & W. Site Access ,lF\\J Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR LaneConfigurations + + \ | Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0Yo Volume (veh/h) 0 400 525 0 10 10 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 O.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 435 571 0 11 1'l Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (fUs) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 571 1005 571 vCl , stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 571 1005 571 tC, single (s) 4.'l 6.4 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.3 p0 queuefree % 100 96 98 cM capacity (veh/h) 1002 268 521 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 435 571 11 11 Volume Left Volume Right cSH 0011 00 0 0 11 1700 1700 268 521 Volume to Capacity 0.26 0.34 0.04 0.02 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 3 2 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 19.0 12.1 Lane LOS CB Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 15.5 Approach LOS Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.3 lntersection Capacity Utilization 38.2o/o ICU Level of Service Analysis Period (min) 15 O FH#05044 - TimberlineiRoost Project Traffic Analysis Fox Higgins Transportation Group Year 20O7 Background HCM Unsignalized lntersection Capacity Analysis 7t20t2046 3: N. Frontage Rd. & W. Site Access JI\ Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR LaneConfigurations t + \ ir Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (fUs) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1 , stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Free Free Stop 0o/o 0o/o 0o/o0 410 525 0 15 20 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0 446 571 0 16 22 None 571 571 4.1 2.2 100 1002 EB1 IA/8 1 SB1 SB2 1016 571 1016 571 6.4 6.2 3.5 3.3 94 96 264 521 Lane # Volume Total Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th (ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS Intersection Summary 446 5710000 1700 1700 0.26 0.34000.0 0.0 16 2216 0o22264 521 0.06 0.0453 19.6 12.2CB 15.4 C 0.00.0 Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min) ICU Level of Service 0.6 38.5% 15 FH#05044 - Timberline/Roost Project Traffic Analysis Fox Higgins Transportation Group 2007+Site - PM weekend HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7t20t2006 6: N. Frontage Rd. & E. Site Access j EBL t- WBR L SBL J SBR + EBT WBT Lane Configurations Sign Control Grade Volume (veh/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Wdth (ft) Walking Speed (fUs) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vOu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (veh/h) Direction. Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 15 0.92 16 Free Free 0% Oo/o400 525 0.92 0.92435 571 Stop 0o/o1000 0.92 0.92 0.9211 00 None 1043 576 1043 576 6.4 6.2 582 3.5 3.3100 100250 517 582 4.1 2.2 98 993 Volume Total Volume Left 16 435 160 8.7 0.0 A 0.3 582 0 1',! 1700 0.34 0 0.0 0.0 0.1 38.2o/o lq Volume Right 0 0 cSH 993 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.02 0.26 Queue Length 95th (ft) 1 0 Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS lntersection Summarv Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min) ICU Level of Service A FH#05044 - Timberline/Roost Project Traffic Analysis Fox Higgins Transportation Group Year 2007 Background HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7l2Ol20OO 6: N. Frontage Rd. & E. Site Access \ IJ MOVEMCNT .EBL EBT WBT VVBR SBL SBR , ,... ....:. ': .. ... I LaneConfigurations \ + T+ Sign Control Grade Free Free Stop 0% 0o/o 0o/o None Volume (veh/h) 25 405 525 15 0 0 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 O.92 0.92 O.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 27 440 571 16 0 0 Pedestrians Lane Width (fi) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 587 vCl , stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu. unblocked vol 587 tC, single (s) 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 p0 queue free % 97 cM capacity (veh/h) 988 1073 579 1073 5796.4 6.2 3.5 3.3 100 100237 515 Volume Total 27 44O 587 Volume Left 27 0 0VolumeRight 0 0 16cSH 988 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.03 0.26 0.35 Queue Length 95th (ft) 2 O 0 Control Delay (s) 8.7 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.5 0.0 Approach LOS Average Delay 0.2 f ntersection Capacity Ulilization 38.5% ICU Level of Service Analysis Period (min) '15 A O FH#05044 - Timberline/Roost Project Traffic Analysis Fox Higgins Transportation Group 2007+Site - PM weekend Department of Public Works & Transportation 1i09 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479,21s8 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: From: Matt Gennett Tom Kassmelo Town Engineer Re: Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment Date:07 /26106 The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received and reviewed the Timberline Roost Indge Redevelopment submittal dated and received 7 /17 /06 and the Traffic Impact Analysis dated7 /20/06. The following should be conditions of final PEC approval. Conditions of Approval 1. The Town of Vail General Notes shall be added. 2. The Utility Signature block will only be required on the title page and shall have all utilities signatures. 3, Final Civil drawings shall be approved and meet all Town standards prior to submittal of building permit. Detailed colnments will be provided at that time. The approval of Civil drawings may take between2to4months. 4. Approvals from all impacted property owners shall be obtained, where necessary. Recorded easements will be required prior to constuction, where necessary. 5. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, traffic control, emergenoy access, parking, loading and delivery, etc... 6. A Rowrutility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. 7. All improvements within CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and landscaping. General approval from CDOT will be required prior to Civil plan set approval. This will also include a CDOT Access Permit. 8. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, prohle and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require approval from CDOT. Any shoring within the Vail public ROW will require Town of Vail approval and a revocable ROW permit. 9. Provide engineered stamped final drainage report, pavement design report, and geotechnical report. 10. The S. Frontage Rd. improvements shown shall include necessary lighting/inigation/sigrrage. 11. An easement shall be provided at the Northwest comer of the property to provide for the existing encroachment of the roadway, drainage and snow storage. This shall include the existing asphalt and a shoulder area and a 5'buffer area for snow storage and guardrail. 12. Provide Art ln Public Places contribution. coordinate with AIPP. 13. The pedestrian connectionOween the bus stop and Meadow niagf. shall be within a dedicated Public access easement. This can be dedicated in conjunction with the drainage easement in this area, however the 10' proposed drainage easement should be widened to accommodate the walk plus a 2' buffer and also be named as a general utility, drainage, pedestrian access easement. ) tO. The continuation of the "on"."t. pedestrianwalk from theproposed bus stop to Buffehr Creek Rd should be required, the walk shall be aminimum of l0' wide. 15. Construction details shown shall meet Town standards (i.e. 4,000 psi concrete with fiber mesh, sidewalk detail shall be 6" concrete on 6" base, additional detailed comments to follow during Civil Plan review) 16. As per Town Code the first 30' of each access shall not exceed a grade of 4%, this may be addressed at Civil review. 17 . A 1.5" asphalt overlay will be required for the extents of the S. Frontage Rd. improvernents. 18. The current S. Frontage Rd improvements show a 6' asphalt shoulder on the north side, unless specifically required by CDOT, the Town would like to see that narrowed to 4'. 19. The proposed landscape plan seems very aggressive, the density ofevergreen trees, may be unrealistic and will have to be moved further back from the proposed public walks so they do not become a maintenance issue. 20. The developer shall be assessed a traffic impact fee of$6500 per net increase peak hour vehicular trip. Portions of this fee may be offset by traffic improvements made to the S. Frontage Rd. to specifically include S. Frontage Rd. roadway widening, S. Frontage Rd. sidewalk improvements, and the construction of a Transit stop. The traffic analysis dated 7 /20/06 indicates that the net increase in peak hour vehicular trips is 28, therefore a fee of$182,000 shall be assessed. From: To: Date: Subject: Tom Kassmel Dominic Mauriello 0712712A06 9:33:45 AM RE: Public Works Comments for Timberline I thought I would go with the number in lhe letter instead of the table. THe text portion of the report says 30, the table says 28. Maybe you can get the descrepancy fixed for final PEC. And I know you dont want to add the walk...lts in the hands of PEC. Thomas Kassmel, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Vail Public Works Department 1309 Elkhorn Dr. Vail, CO 81657 (9701479-2235 >>> "Dominic Mauriello" <mauriello@comcast.net> OT l27 9'.28 AM >>> Hi Tom: I think the net increase in PM peak hour trips is 28 and not 30 as your letter indicates. I know you have heard ihis before, but wanted to let you know that we do not belleve the extension of the sidewalk in front of the neighboring properties to Buffehr Creek Road should be the responsibility of the Roost project. ---Original Message--- From : Matt Gennett [mailto:MGennett@vailgov.coml Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 B:52 AM To: mauriello@comcast.net; Greg Denckla Subject Public Works Comments for Timberline Just received, here you 9o... Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Town of Vail Community Development Department (970) 479-2140 Office (970J 479-2452 Fax CC:'Greg Gastineau'; Matt Gennett u)*wr#*0- o I;I MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department flrygNTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ,t'i'n il. August 14,2006 A request for a final review a major exterior alter"ation, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard ihereto. (PEC05-0080) Applicant: Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: Matt Gennett SUMMARY The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge, L.L.C., represented by Mauriello Planning Group, L.L.C., is requesting final review of a major exterior alteration application which, upon approval, would facilitate the redevelopment of the Roost Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of the major exterior alteration subject to the findings and conditions noted in Sections Vlll and lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge, L.L.C., represented by Mauriello Planning Group, L.L.C., has submitted a revised major exterior alteration development review application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department to facilitate the redevelopment of the Roost Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road. The development application is for a major exterior alteration to allow for the demolition of the existing Roost Lodge and the construction of the new Timberline Lodge in the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) zone district. The development site of the Timberline Lodge is located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. According to the stamped topographic survey, the development site occupies approximately 1.988 acres or 86,597 square feet. The applicant is proposing to construct a new four story lodge comprised of 101 accommodation units,28 dwelling units, and 3 Type lll deed restricted employee housing units, in addition to 169 above and below grade parking spaces. The total Gross Residential Square Footage (GRFA)' 1il. including the 101 accommodation units is 75,842 square feet. Of the total, 53,097 square feet (70%) will be hotel rooms, and 22,745 square feet will be condominiums. The applicant anticipates that the new lodge will be operated by Marriott or another national hotel brand as a "limited service" lodge. A comparative summary of the allowed and proposed development standards has been included in Section V of this memorandum. A vicinity map has been attached for reference. (Attachment A) BACKGROUND The Roost Lodge was originally constructed in the early 1970's as a motel project. The existing lodge contains 72 hotel rooms, one dwelling unit, and a paved surface parking lot. According to the Town's files, with the exception of minor applications for repainting, new deck rails, re-roofing, etc., the Roost Lodge has seen no significant modifications since its original construction. On November 14 and 28, 2005, the applicant appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request to amend the text of the Public Accommodation zone district io allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities, as a conditional use in the district. Upon consideration of the request, the Commission directed staff and the applicant to prepare an amendment which would result in the creation of a new zone district purposefully intended to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities in certain areas of Town. On December 6, 2005, during the PEC/DRB update to the Vail Town Council, staff informed the Town Council of the recent discussions with the Planning & Environmental Commission regarding the text amendment and the creation of a new zone district. The Town Council acknowledged that the intent of the proposed text amendment may have merit, however, encouraged the staff and Commission to evaluate other options. For example, the possibility of creating a new conditional use with use-specific criteria addressing the relationship of the use to neighboring uses and development objectives of the Town or the elimination of the prohibition against kitchen facilities in accommodation units. The Town Council expressed that it may be appropriate to re-evaluate the legislative intent of the current land use policy prohibiting kitchen facilities in accommodation units. On December 20,2005, the Community Development Department presented five possible options for addressing the applicant's desire to construct a lodge containing accommodation units with kitchen facilities. Following discussion of the various options, the Council directed slaff to prepare a text amendment to Title 12, Zoning Regulations, proposing the creation of the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) district. On January 9, 2006, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on a text amendment application creating the Public Accommodation-2 district and a request to rezone Lots 9-12, Buffher Creek Resubdivision to the new PA-2 district. Upon consideration of the application, the Commission voted 6-0-0 to forward a recommendation of approval of the text amendment to the Vail Town Council. tv. On January 17, 2006, the Vail Town Council held a first reading on Ordinances 2 & 3, Series of 2006, creating the Public Accommodation-2 district and rezoning the Timberline Roost Lodge development site to the new PA-2 district, respectively. Following discussion on each ordinance, the Town Council approved both ordinances on first reading. Second reading of Ordinances 2 & 3 is presently scheduled for Tuesday, February ln. On January 18, 2006, the Town of Vail Design Review Board held a conceptual review meeting to review the revised major exterior alteration application for the Timberline Roost Lodge. On April 10, 2006, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing to review the proposed Roost Lodge Existing Grades Topographic Map. The purpose of the review was to determine the existing grade conditions that would be used by the Town to verify compliance with the building height regulations. Upon review of the map, the Commission voted unanimously to approve the map as presented. On June 26, 2006, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing to conduct a work session to discuss the proposed major exterior alteration of the Timberline/Roost Lodge redevelopment site. The Commission expressed positive comments related to the changes made since the April 10 hearing, especially the articulation of the roof, reduction of the mass, and improved landscaping plan, which all work toward bringing the project into a higher level of compatibility with the neighborhood. APPLIGABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Vail Land Use Plan According to the Official Land Use Plan for the Town of Vail, the development site has a land use designation of Medium Density Residential. Pursuant to the Vail Land Use Plan. "The Medium Density Residential land use designation includes sifes for housing which would typically be designed as aftached units with common walls. Denslfi'es in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre. Additional fypes of uses in this category would include private recreation facilities, private parking facilities and institutionaUpublic uses such as churches, fire stations, and parks and open spaee facilities." Title 12. Zoninq Requlations PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION-2 ZONE DISTRIGT (in part) CHAPTER 7 Commercial and Business Districts Article J. PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION - 2 (PA-2\ DISTRICT 12-7J-I: PURPOSE: The Public Accommodation-2 district is intended to provide sites for lodges, limited service lodges, and residential accommodations on a short term basis, for visilors and guests, together with such public and semipublic facilities and commercial/retail and related visitor oriented uses as may be appropriately located within the same district and compatible with adjacent land uses. This district is intended to provide for lodging sites located outside the periphery of the Town's Vail Village and Lionshead commercial core areas. The Public Accommodation-2 district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site develooment standards. Additional nonresidential uses are allowed as conditional uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a vacation community, and where permitted uses are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the district. 12-7 J-2: PERMITTED USES: The following uses shall be permitted in the PA-2 district: Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%) of the total gross residential floor area of the main structure or slructures on the site; additional accessory dining areas may be localed on an outdoor deck, porch, or terrace. Limited service lodge, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%) of the total gross residential floor area of the main structure or structures on the site; additional accessory dining areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, or terrace.. 12-7 J-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the PA-2 district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Bed and breakfast, as further regulated by section 12-14-18 of this title. Fractional fee club units as further regulated by subsection 12-16'7A8 ot this title. Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and occupying between ten percent (10%) and fifteen percent (15%) of the total gross residential floor area of the buildings, grounds and facilities. Public or commercial parking facilities or structures. Public transoortation terminals. Public utility and public service uses. Theaters and convention facilities. Type lll employee housing units as provided in chapter 1 3 of this title. 12-7 J4: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the PA-2 district: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of section 12-14-12 of this title. Meeting rooms. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreation facilities cuslomarily incidental to permitted uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 12-7J-6: SETBACKS: In the PA-2 district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet (20'). At the discretion of the planninq and environmental commission and/or the desiqn review board. variations to the setback standards outlined above mav be approved during the review of exterior alternations or modifications (section 12-74-12 of this article) subiect to the applicant demonstratinq compliance with the followinq criteria: A.Proposed building setbacks provide necessary separation between buildings and riparian areas, geologically sensitive areas and other environmentally sensitive areas. B.Proposed building setbacks will provide adequate availability of light, air and open space. C.Proposed building setbacks will provide a compatible relationship with buildings and uses on adjacent properties. D.Proposed building setbacks will result in creative design solutions or other public benefits that could not otherwise be achieved by conformance with prescribed setback standards. 12-7J-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty five feet (45'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty eight feet (48'). 12-7 J-8: DENSITY CONTROL: Up to one hundred fiftv (150) square feet of qross residential floor area (GRFA) mav be permitted for each one hundred {100) square feet of buildable site area. Final determination of allowable qross residential floor area shall be made bv the planninq and environmental commission in accordance with section 12-7J-12 of this article. Specificallv, in determininq allowable qross residential floor area the olanninq and environmental commission shall make a findinq that proposed qross residential floor area is in conformance with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Total density shall not exceed twenty five (25) dwelling o units per acre of buildable site area. For the purposes of calculating density, employee housing units, limited service lodge units, accommodation units and fractional fee club units shall not be counted towards density (dwelling units per acre). A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one or more attached accommodation units. 12-7 J-9: SITE COVERAGE: Site coveraqe shall not exceed sixtv five oercent (65%) of the total site area. Final determination of allowable site coveraqe shall be made bv the planninq and environmental commission and/or the design review board in accordance with section 12-7J-12 of this article. Soecificallv, in determininq allowable site coveraqe the planninq and environmental commission and/or the desiqn review board shall make a findinq that proposed site coveraqe is in conformance with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. 12-7J-11: PARKING AND LOADING: Off street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with chapter ''10 of this title. At least seventy five percent (75%) of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view. No at grade or above grade surface parking or loading area shall be located in any required front setback area. Below grade underground structured parking and short term guest loading and drop off shall be permitted in the required front setback subject to the approval of the planning and environmental commission and/or the design review board. 1 2-7 J-1 2: EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MOD I FICATIONS: A. Review Required: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building shall be reviewed by the design review board in accordance with chapter 11 of this title. However, any project which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units, limited service lodge units, any project which adds more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off site impacts (as determined by the administrator) shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission as a major exterior alteration in accordance with this chapter and section 12-3-6 of this title. Complete applications for major exterior alterations shall be submitted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the department of community development for planning and environmental commission and design review board review. The following submittal items are required: 1. Application: An application shall be made bythe ownerof the building orthe building owner's authorized agent or representative on a form provided by the administrator. Any application for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized by the condominium assoclation in conformity with all pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 2. Application; Contents: The administrator shall establish the submittal requirements for an exterior alteration or modification application. A complete list of the submittal requirements shall be maintained by the administrator and filed in the department of community development. Certain submittal requirements may be waived and/or modified by the administrator and/or the reviewing body if it is demonstrated by the applicant that the information and materials required are not relevant to the proposed development or applicable to the planning documents that comprise the Vail comprehensive plan. The administrator and/or the reviewing body may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. 3. Work Sessions/Conceptual Review: lf requested by either the applicant or the administrator, submittals may proceed to a work session with the planning and environmental commission, a conceptual review with the design review board, or a work session with the town council. 4. Hearing: The public hearing before the planning and environmental commission shall be held in accordance with section 12-3-6 of this title. The planning and environmental commission may approve the application as submitted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the application. The decision of the planning and environmental commission may be appealed to the town council in accordance with section 12-3-3 of this title. 5. Lapse Of Approval: Approval of an exterior alteration as prescribed by this article shall lapse and become void three (3) years following the date of approval by the design review board unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued to completion. Administrative extensions shall be allowed for reasonable and unexpected delays as long as code provisions affecting the proposal have not changed. 12-7 J-13: COMPLIANCE BURDEN: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the planning and environmental commission and the design review board that the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the public accommodation zone district, and that the proposal does not othenrise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. 12-7J-14: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS: Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of mitiqation and public amenitv improvements shall be balanied with the qoals of redevelopment and will be determined bv the olanninq and environmental commission in review of development proiects and conditional use permits. Substantial off site impacts may include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, stream tracVbank restoration, loading/delivery, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenVdevelopment projects which produce substantial off site impacts. vt.ZONING ANALYSIS Address/Legal Description: 1783 North Frontage Roadilots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) District Medium Density Residential 2t27t06 08/07/06 Standard Altowed/Required PEC Submittal PEC Submittal 10,000 sq. ft. min. 49 Dwelling Unib Unlimited 129,896 sq. ft. 86,597 sq. ft.86,597 sq. ft. 39 Dwelling Unib 28 Dwelling Units 48 feet 48 feet 56,288.23 sq. ft. (65%) 52,864 sq. fi. 25,979 sq. ft. (30%) 31,960 sq. fi. (70% = 53,097 sq ft) (30o/o = 22,745 sqft), 48 feet Zoning: Land Use Designation: Development Lot Area: Density: AU'S GRFA--*-: Building Height: Site Coverage"'**: Landscape Area: Setbacks**: North: West: East: South: Parking: Loading: Employee Housing: North: South: East: West: 124 AU's 100,240 sq. ft. 20' 20' 20' 20' 196 spaces 1 berth 3 units 101 AU',s 75,842 sq. ft., 44,376 sq. ft. (51olo) 38,698 sq. ft. (44Vo) 20' 15' (1d floor stairwell) 20' 20' 169 spaces 1 berth 3 units 0'-20' o'-20' 0'-20' 0'-20' 156 spaces 'l berth 3 units *** Subject to review and approval by the Planning & Environmental Commission. VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Residential I-70 ROW N/A Residential Residential Zoninq Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential Residential Cluster District VIII. MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION REVIEW CRITERIA Section 12-7A-13, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, outlines lhe review criteria for major exterior alteration applications proposed within the Public Accommodation (PA) zone district. According to Section 12-7H'13, Vail Town Code, a major exterior alteration shall be reviewed for compliance with the following criteria: 1. Compliance with the purposes of the Public Accommodation zone district; 2. Staff Response: The purposes of the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) zone district are listed verbatim in Section lV of this staff memorandum. The primary purpose of the PA-2 zone district is: "to provide sifes for lodges, limited seruice lodges, and residential accommodations an a short term basis, for visitors and guests, together with such public and semipublic facilities and commerciahretail and related visitor oriented uses as may be appropriately located within the same district and compatible with adjacent land uses." Given the proposal is for a lodge comprised of 70% accommodation units and 30% condominium units, complete with the amenities typically associated with a resort lodge use, the proposal adheres to the basic premise of the PA-2 zone district. The size of the proposed Timberline Lodge has been gradually reduced over the course of the design review process in response to comments from the public and the Planning and Environmental Commission. Likewise, the roof has been articulated in a manner which breaks up the visual bulk and mass of the building; the landscape plan has been revised to provide better screening; and, the architecture of the building has been revised to create more cohesiveness between the subject property and adjacent sites. The purpose statement of the PA-2 zone district further states the following: "The Public Accommodation-2 district is intended to ensure adequate light, ah, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards." The applicant's proposal includes amenities commensurate with lodge uses; such as spas, a fitness room, and meeting facilities; and does maintain the desirable resort qualities of the PA-2 district by adhering to the prescribed site development standards. That the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood; and Staff Response: The changes made to the proposal since its original submission have been substantial and have brought the proposed building into greater conformance with the existing character of the neighborhood. The character of the neighborhood should be viewed in the context of what is currently present on and around the subject site. The Roost Lodge has been in existence since the early 1970s and proven to be compatible with adjacent land uses. Considering the various multi-family buildings in the immediate vicinity of the Roost Lodge, to the west and north, a structure which accommodates multiple family dwelling units and accommodation units is in keeping with the existing, surrounding uses. Also, the development site for the proposed Timberline Lodge is comprised of four individual lots in the subject neighborhood. The size of the proposed building is in direct proportion with the size of the development site, which encompasses approximately two acres. Additionally, considering the physical state of the existing Roost Lodge, lhe proposal will have a significant, positive effect on the character of the neighborhood because it will be a brand new, aesthetically pleasing structure placed on a well landscaped site. The applicant is required to mitigate any potential negative impacts the proposal may have on the community, and through appropriate conditions of approval, this shall be accomplished. The applicant will need to address the subject of public art and agree with the Commission on a reasonable approach to address this issue. Finally, as it relates to this criterion, the character of the neighborhood is also defined by its location on the North Frontage Road and proximity to l-70 and staff has determined this proposal fits into the character of its neighborhood. That the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Staff Response: The Vail Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as part of the Medium Density Residential land use designation, which is fully detailed in Section lV of this memorandum. The Vail Comprehensive Plan defines Medium Density Residential, in part, with the following language: "Densities in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre." The subject property is approximately two acres and the proposal calls for a total of 28 dwelling units. Likewise, the land use plan designation contemplates "sites for housing which would typically be designed as attached units with common walls." fhe proposal is designed with dwelling units sharing common walls, hallways, and amenities. With regard to these pertinent, applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, staff believes the proposal conforms to this criterion. The criteria contained in certain development standards of the PA-2 zone district must also be considered herein. Section 12-7J-6, Setbacks, contains the following pertinent language: "At the discretion of the planning and environmental commission and/or the design review board, vartations to the setback sfandards outlined above may be approved during the review of exterior alternations or modifications (section 12-7A-12 of this article) subject to the applicant demonstrating compliance with the following criteria: A. Proposed building setbacks provide necessary separation between buildings and riparian areas, geologically sensitive areas and other environmentally sensitive areas. l0 B. Proposed building sefbacks will provide adequate availability of Iight, air and open space. C. Proposed building sefbacks will provide a compatible relationship with buildings and uses on adjacent properties. D. Proposed building sefbacks will result in creative design so/ufions or other public benefits that could not otherwise be achieved by conformance with prescibed setback standards." As noted in Section Vl of this memorandum. the setback from the west property line is proposed to be fifteen feet (15:) on the ground level only, due to a stairwell enclosure protruding from the building's exterior on the ground level. Staff believes the applicant's proposal demonstraies compliance with the criteria listed above. Also germane in this context is Section 12-7J-14, Mitigation of Development lmpacts, which states the following: "The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals of redevelopment and will be determined by the planning and environmental commission in review of development projects and conditional use permits." The applicants have agreed to construct the ten foot (10') wide bike path in front of their property as shown on the Site Plan (Attachment D) and are amenable to working with Art in Public Places (AIPP) to develop a plan to provide public art on and around the development site. STAFF REGOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12'7J-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the demolition of the existing Roost Lodge and the development of the proposed Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision and setting forth details in regard thereto. The recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The Town of Vail General Notes shall be added. 2. The Utility Signature block will only be required on the title page and shall have all utilities signatures. 3. Final Civil drawings shall be approved and meet all Town standards prior to submittal of building permit. Detailed comments will be provided at that time. The approval of Civil drawings may take between 2 to 4 months. 4. Approvals from all impacted property owners shall be obtained, where necessary. Recorded easements will be required prior to construction, where neGessary. 5. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior lo construction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, traffic control, emergency access, parking, loading and delivery, etc... ll 6. A Row/Utility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. 7. All improvements within CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and landscaping. General approval from CDOT will be required prior to Civil plan set approval. This will also include a CDOT Access Permit. 8. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require approval from CDOT. Any shoring within the Vail public ROW will require Town of Vail approval and a revocable ROW permit. 9. Provide engineered stamped final drainage report, pavement design report, and geotechnical report. '10. The S. Frontage Rd. improvements shown shall include necessary lig hting/irrigation/sig nage. 11. An easement shall be provided at the Northwest corner of the property to provide for the existing encroachment of the roadway, drainage and snow storage. This shall include the existing asphalt and shoulder area and a 5' buffer area for snow storage and guardrail. 12. Provide Art ln Public Places contribution. coordinate with AIPP. 13. The pedestrian connection between the bus stop and Meadow Ridge Rd. shall be within a dedicated Public access easement. This can be dedicated in conjunction with the drainage easement in this area, however the 10' proposed drainage easement should be widened to accommodate the walk plus a 2' buffer and also be named as a general utility, drainage, pedestrian . -*rccess easement. ffifne continuation of the concrete pedestrian walk from the proposed bus stop.gto Buffehr Creek Rd should be required, the walk shall be a minimum of 10' wide. l5.Construction details shown shall meet Town standards (i.e. 4,000 psi concrete with fiber mesh, sidewalk detail shall be 6" concrete on 6" base, additional detailed comments to follow during Civil Plan review) 16. As per Town Code the first 30' of each access shall not exceed a grade of 4%, this may be addressed at Civil review. 17. A 1.5" asphalt overlay will be required for the extents of the S. Frontage Rd. improvements. 18. The current S. Frontage Rd improvements show a 6' asphalt shoulder on the north side, unless specifically required by CDOT, the Town would like to see that nanowed to 4'. 19.The proposed landscape plan seems very aggressive, the density of . evergreen trees, may be unrealistic and will have to be moved further back from the proposed public walks so they do not become a maintenance issue. 2Q. The developer shall be assessed a traffic impact fee of $6500 per net Tn"t"""" peak hour vehicular trip. Portions of this fee may be offset by traffic improvements made to the S. Frontage Rd. to specifically include S' Frontage Rd. roadway widening, S. Frontage Rd. sidewalk improvements, and the construction of a Translt stop. The traffic analysis date.d 7120106 indicates that the net increase in peak hour vehicular trips"ia${herefore a fee of tfgg€OO shall be assessed. \eg--l developer shall work with town staff and the Design Review Board to the trash dumpster enclosure into the proposal in a manner which /,radc. **H e A, 1 t( rrr,ir.bon fin;jn,> o is not visible on the exterior of the building prior to a final approval from the Design Review Board. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the major exterior alteration application; staff recommends that the Commission makes the following finding as part of the motion: "Pursuant to Section 12-7H-8, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, the applicant has proven by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposed major exteior alteration is in compliance with the purposes of the Public Accommodation-2 zone district, that the proposal is for a development site located outside of the scope of the Vail Village Master Plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Sfreefscape Master Plan and therefore these planning documents are not applicable to this application; and that the proposal does nof otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Fufther, pursuant to Secfinns 12-7J-O though 12-7J' 11, Development Standards, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds the application to be in compliance with the purpose and intent of the Public Accommodation-Z development standards." ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: Letter from Tom Kassmel, dated July 26, 2006 Attachment C: Letter from Applicant's Representative, dated August 8, 2006 Attachment D; Reduced set of Development Plans l-t Attachment: A 994 ;.t; e Dr HEI :FE -6E9;ge .9I rg 69 :t ee 5 g E Oo tl p Attachment; B [rl{ Maurlello Plannlng Group Auquet E, ?OOC ?l anntnq and Enuronmenlal Commsston clo MaLL GenneLt. AICP Senor Tlanner Town of Varl 75 Sovth Fronlaqe Road Varl, Colorado 81657 Re: f mberhne Lodge FropcL Oear MatL: fhe bLLer s nlended to address Lhe esues rased by the staff memorandvm to the Plannng Envrronmental Commrggron daled Jvne 12, 2006. Along wrth lhrs letler, the appltcant has prouded reused Vlans lor theTmberlne Lodqe that addresi the eubmfttal reryurements and lhe addfttonal comments Trovtded by the Town staff. Below we have addresEed the complence bvrden and olher crftena Iound n the 7A-2 zone dstnct. You wrll \nd that the proposed redevelopment grolecl comVhes wfth lhe relevanl cnLena. Com?hance bvrden: the proposedf mberltne Lod4e e n compltance wfth lhe pvrposes of the PA-? zone datlct. the gtte e bernq develoVed as a ltmfted servtce lodqe and olher restden al accommodabonE n the genphery of the fown outsde the lonshead and Val Vtllaqe core areas. The Vroposed laalfty ts nlended to Vlmartly serve usftorg to the Town of Varl. fhe proposed prolecl n n compltance wfth the development standards of the PA-Z zone dslncl whrch have been establahed to Vroude Ior adequale hqhf, atr, o?en s?ace, and other amentres commenEurate wfth ltmtted eervtce lodqe laalftres. Ihe proposed plans therelore Vroude lor adequate ltqht, ar, and oVen sVace. The table below demonstrales the protects conlormance wrth the slandards of the zone dtstncL. Develo?menl Sfandard Allowed/Requred Pro?osed Lol Area: Denaty: tmVloyee llouanq: Hotel Rooms: GRFA: 7Ol3O s?ltr (AU): tsutldtnq heqhL: 3fte Coverage: LandscaVe Area: Tarktnq: LOaAtnq: IO.OOO s.f. 49 unls 3 beds Unlmfted | 29,896 s.t. 7 | ,560.3 s.t. 46' 56,288 s.l. (65Vo) 25,979 s.t. (3OVo) l?7 spaces l berth 66,597 s.t. 26 unts 3 unrls I O I unrtg 75,842 s.t. 4B' 44,376 s.t. (5 | .ZVo)' 30,6?B g.t. (44.67o) 169 spaces l berth Notes: "Undergrovnd parktn4 ncluded n aftE c.overaqe calculabon Addtbonally, the Complance Burden secbon states n part Lhat ft s lhe burden oI Lhe appltcanl Lo zhow that "the ?ro?o9al does not olherwrse have a aqnthcanl neqaltve ellecL on lhe character ol the neqhborhood" lemVhaas addedl. We beheve Lhat Lhe grogosal has aqnilcant gostlve eflecLs on Lhe character of Lhe netqhborhood. We recoqntze lhat there wrll be some aclval and ?ercetved neqabve rmVacLs to ndrudval properhes (such as tmpacts Lo Vnafe vtews and ncreaEed lrafltc on the North frontaqe Road). Delow E a ltsl ol posrLve and neqailve chanqes to lhe area thal wrll occvr wfth con5ttucbon ol ths propct. oo I o o Totrbve lmpact= of Trolecl Neqatrve lmpacts of Prolect Comments lmproved aeglheltcg dve tmgroved archftectural qualfiy ol glructvre P arttal chanqe ol uew to adJacenl neiqhbors Vrew of fiqhway and North Frontaqe Road are the pftmary vtewS tm?actea lmVroved hre and lIe salety ol struclure - Reduced fre Danqer bo Neqhborhoc,d lncreaeed Traf{rc on South Frontaqe Road lraltrc mfttqaled by new lefL turn lane. No accesg o|f ol Meadow Rtdqe Road ?roPoaed. Reduced lt4ht pollvLron and aeethebcs due to srqnltcant reduchon n surlace Varhn1 Addtbonal shadrn4 oI Meadow Rtd4e Road 95Vo ol Varhnq located unaefqrouna Road easemenL and addbonal 5now storaqe pravded to fown lmproved aesthebcs due to tncfea5e tn En65c2?tnq Norse Reductron trom l-7O due to Freaence ol new strvcture tsuldnq parlally blocks vtew5 lo and no5e lrom l- 70 and FronLaqe roads lmproved pedestnan acce=s trom Meadow Rtdqe Koad wfth Vaved walk for uee by enLre netqhborhood New tsus Stop and Shelter I mpr ov ed p e d estn an ac cesstb fiW due lo new adewalk on Norlh frontaqe ?oad lmVroved aesLheLtcs and reduced noEe ffn?acf3 due lo relocabon ol trash dvmVster Irom a locaLton rmmedtately adlacent to the n er qhb onnq c on domntu m V r olects to a covered locahon away lrom tmmedtate netqhbors lmproved aesthebci and redvced norse dve to locatnq loadtnq and dehvery dvecLly n front burldnq out ol vtew oI neqhborhood lmproved aesthebcs due to Lhe buryn4 ol overhead power lnes adlacenl Lo Lhe proVerty and to rmmedtate netqhbors lncrease v addfttonal hotel r<>oms wrthrn the Town of Varl Lodqnq tax wtll ncrease from thrs property due Lo ncrea3e tn notel roomS benq ?rovtded lmVroved trallc ctrculatron dve Lo new lelL lvrn lane lmproves traffrc flow for netqhbor5 travelnq on North Frontaqe Road ln addtion fo Lhe mmedrale nerqhborhood, the groTosed Tralect $ candstenL wrth fhe scale and natvre of developmenL alonq the NorLh Frontage Road trom the matn Vail enL oI l-7O to the weeLVatl enL of l7O. from eaEL to wesf, Lhere are a eefle5 oI larqe scale lod4n4 and resdenLral bvrldn4s wtlh fronta4e on the North FronLaqe Road ncludtnqi Mtddle Creek; jun Varl; Varl Run; 9rmba Run; Savoy Villat; andf mber Rtdqe to narne a Iew. Many of lhese bvildtn4s are localed n areae wrth low denaEy readenhal develoVmenl. The Vroposea fmberlne Lodqe prolecl s congrgtent wfih Lhe character of development alonq the Norfh frontaqe Road. We belteve let ol Vostttve mVacls lo the character ol the netqhborhood vereus negatsve rmpacle shown above clearly demonstraLe thal not only does lhe ?rcJect nol have a " aqnftcanl" neqabve ellect on the neqhborhood, thal on whole lhere e a nel Vosthve eflecL on the characler of Lhe neqhborhood. the VrolecL alio com?lte; wfth Lhe relevanl elemenls of the Vatl ComVrehenave Tlan nclvdnq goltaes I . l, 1 .3, l . | 2, 3. l, 3.3, 3.4, 5. l, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5. fhe Val Land UEe Plan recoqnvee lhe exoltnq zontnq on lhe properly as conLrolhnq the denaLy ana bnd use5. fhe VropcL ts consstent wrth lhe f own's staLed qoal of ncreaanq hoLel beds wthrn the Town. Setbacks: Wfih resVect lo Eechon | 2-7 J-6: Setbacks, Lhe VroVosed ?lan corn?ltee wlh or exceeds Lhe ELaLed slandard ol 20' excegt lor a 4' one-sLory encroachmenL on the wesl lde ol the bvtldtnq wheh accommodatee a staffway extt. fhe progosed prolect demonslrates compltance wth the followrng cnlena used f.o evalvale deua ons lrom the 20' setback. fhe cnlena arc addregged below: A. Propoeed buldtnq setbackg Vroude neceseary ee?arabon between buldtngs and npanan areas, qeoloqtcally senattve areas and olher envronrnentally senaEve ar ea5. Analvsts: The proposecl setback dewattons allow the appropnate separahon between bwldtngs. There are ne nFanan areas or geo/oEcal/y sensthve areas n close proxtmtty to the properS. B. ?roposed butldtnq eelbacks wtll Vrovtde adeqvate avatlablfty of |qht, ar and open 5aace. Analysrs: The proposed encroachmentE do not detract from the avarlahlty of lryht, arr and open s7ace ?ven the hmted encroachment beng sought and the Itmtted heryht of the encroachment. C. ?roposed butldtng seLbacks wll provtde a comValble relabonsh't? wtth buldtnqs and vses on adpcent ?(o?eftiee. AnalvErs: fhe encroachment of the west srde of the buldtnq of 4' for one-story prowdes an archtectura/ element to the west elevahon of the buidng and due to landscape cover wll be relattvely tmpercepflble to uses on the adJotnn? parcel. O. Proposed butdtng ieLbacki wrll regull n creaLve deaqn soluhons or other pvbhc benelfts lhat could not olherwtse be acheved by conlormance wfth Vrescrtbed Eetback El.andar ds. Analvsts: The proposed encroachments allow for creahve desqn soluttons to the archiecture of the buldmq wthout arbtran/y followng a conttnuous setback. Densrtv Control (GRFA); Wfth respect to sec on | 2-7J-6: Denaty Control, lhe Trolect e benq developed well below Lhe slandard stated n thts secLton whrch allows for | 50 equare teel ol GRFA for each l OO square leet of butdable ste area. fhe code allows ug Lo l29,89C sq. tt. (l5OV"). Of thra LoLal, only 75,642 sq. IL. or 8?% ol land area e benq proposed. There E no addftonal dtecbon lound n Ehe Val Comprehens:e Tlan wfth reqard to GRFA and the Vrolecl lherelore comples wfth the 7A-2 zone and E constgtenl wrth the Vat ComVrehensve Plan. Sfte Coveraqe: Wtth resVect lo secbon | 2-7J-9: 1fte Coveraqe, the VrolecL s bernq developed al a stle coveraqe oI 5 | .ZVo whrch rs below Lhe gtated Etandard ol C57o. Snce Lhe ste s benq develoged below the prescrtbed sLandard and Lhere B no addftronal drrecbon lovnd n the Vat Comprehenave ?lan, lhe TrolecL s n comVlance wth 7A-2 Zone DtstncL and Lhe Vatl ComVrehensNe Flan. lzndsca?e Area: Wfth rezgecl to secbon I 2-7 J- | Q: LandscaVnq and 3te Oevelopment, the Vrolect e betnq develoVed wfuh a Lotal landscaVe area oI 44.67o whrch rs rn excese of the mrnrmum requremenL of 3O7o. 3tnce lhe aLe s benq develoVed n comVhance wrth the Vresclbed slandard and there e no addt onal dtrecbon lound n the Vat Comprehenave ?lan, lhe ?royecL s n comp\ance wfih PA-Z Zone Delnct and the Val ComVrehengtve ?lan. ll you have any qves ons,, ?lease teel lree lo call me. Domtnrc f . Prnctpal Attachment: C Department of Public Worl<s & Transportation I 309 Elkhorn Drive Vail,CO81657. 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: From: Re: Date: Matt Gennett Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment 07t26/06 The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received and reviewed the Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment submittal dated and received 7/17106 and the Traffic Impact Analysis daredT/20/06. The following should be conditions of final PEC approval. Conditions of Approval l. The Town of Vail General Notes shall be added. 2. The Utility Signature block will only be required on the title page and shall have all utilities sigtatures. 3. Final Civil drawings shall be approved and meet all Town standards prior to submittal of building permit. Detailed comments will be provided at that time. The approval of Civil drawings may take between2to4months. 4. Approvals from all impacted property owners shall be obtained, where necessary. Recorded easements will be required prior to construction, where necessary. 5. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, traffic control, emergency access, parking, loading and delivery, etc... 6. A Rowrutility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. 1. All improvements within CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and landscaping. General approval from CDOT will be required prior to Civil plan set approval. This will also include a CDOT Access Permit. 8. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require approval from CDOT. Any shoring within the Vail public ROW will require Town of Vail approval and a revocable ROW permit. 9. Provide engineered stamped final drainage report, pavement design report, and geotechnical report. 10. The S. Frontage Rd. improvements shown shall include necessary lighting/irrigation/signage. I l. An easement shall be provided at the Northwest comer of the property to provide for the existing encroachment of the roadway, drainage and snow storage. This shall include the existing asphalt and shoulder area and a 5'buffer area for snow storage and guardrail. 12. Provide Art In Public Places contribution, coordinate with AIPP. 13. The pedestrian connectionleen the bus stop and Meadow niagO. shall be within a dedicated Public access easement. This can be dedicated in conjunction with the drainage easement in this area, however the 10' proposed drainage easement should be widened to accommodate the walk plus a 2' buffer and also be named as a general utility, drainage, pedestrian access easement. 14. The continuation of the concrete pedestrian walk from the proposed bus stop to Buffehr Creek Rd should be required, the walk shall be a minimum of 10' wide. 15. Construction details shown shall meet Town standards (i.e. 4,000 psi concrete with fiber mesh, sidewalk detail shall be 6" concrete on 6" base, additional detailed comments to follow during Civil Plan review) 16. As perTown Code the first 30' ofeach access shall not exceed agraileof4Vo,this maybe addressed at Civil review. 17. A 1.5" asphalt overlay will be required for the extents of the S. Frontage Rd. improvements. 18. The current S. Frontage Rd improvements show a 6' asphalt shoulder on the north side, unless specifically required by CDOT, the Town would like to see that narrowed to 4'. 19. The proposed landscape plan seems very aggressive, the de.nsity of evergreen trees, may be unrealistic and will have to be moved further back from the proposed public walks so they do not become a maintenance issue. 20. The developer shall be assessed a traffic impact fee of 56500 per net increase peak hour vehiculm trip. Portions of this fee may be offset by traffic improvements made to the S. Frontage Rd. to specifically include S. Frontage Rd. roadway widening, S. Frontage Rd. sidewalk improvements, and the construction of a Transit stop. The traffic analysis dated 7 /20/06 indicates that the net increase in peak hour vehicular trips is 30, therefore a fee of$195,000 shall be assessed. Bes*gn tevi*u* Seard ACTTONI FSR$ Oepartment of Community Development 75 Sasth Fro*tage Road. Vail, Colarado 81657 t€t: 970.479.1139 fax: 970..t79.245? s$eb: wrtgw.rr*ilgov,f, om Project Name: TIMBERUNE LODGE NEW HOTEL Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DR8050550 TIMBERLINE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMER ROOST LODGE)-FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE ROOST LODGE owNER TIMBERUNE ROOST LODGE LLC 10/11/2005 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL10/11/2005 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81520 License: C000001697 .-. Project Address: 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: THE ROOST LODGE U Legal Description: Lot: 9, I Block Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2103-123-0200-1 Comments: please see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dunning Fritzlen 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= 0910712006 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008430 That the proposed 10'and 12' trees shown on the landscape plan be upsized to 15' oo and 1B', respectively, by the applicant prior to CO by planning. o Cond: CON0008431 That the applicant complies fully with the TOV development sbandards handbook regarding lighting by the time of Final CO inspection. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 Deeign teview Board ACTTSI'| f$till Depertrn€nt sf {+.nrEllfi ity Development 75 $osth Frsntage Road, Vaitn Colcrado 83.*57 tel: 970.*79.U139 fax: 97o.479.2.t5u web: wwrry.v*ilgav.corn Project Name: TIMBERLINE LODGE NEW HOTEL DRB Number: DRB050550 Project Description: TIMBERLINE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMER ROOST LODGE)-FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE ROOST LODGE Participants: owNER TIMBERLTNE ROOST LODGE LLC 10/11/200s 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL10/11/2005 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 License; C000001697 .-. Project Address: 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Locationr THE ROOST LODGE U Legal Description: Lot: 9, 1 Block: Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2103-123-0200-1 Comments: please see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By! Vote: Conditions: Dunning FriElen 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= 09107120A6 Condr 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consutt with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligentty pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008430 That the proposed 10'and 12'trees shown on the landscape plan be upsized to 15' and 18', respectively, by the applicant prior to CO by Cond: CON0008431 That the applicant complies fully with the TOV dwelopment standards handbook regarding lightirg by the time of Final CO inspection, Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 o planning. Planning and Environmental Commisson ACTIOI{ FORljl Department Gf Community Development 75 South Ftontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fex;970.479.2452 web; www.vallgov,corn Project Name: TIMBERLINE CUP FOR EHU'S Project Description: Participants: OWNER Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: PEC Number: PEC060083 TIMBERLINE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMER ROOST LODGE)-FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CONDMONAL USE TO INCORPORATE TYPE 3 EHU'S INTO THE DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR TIMBERLINE LODGE TTMBERUNE ROOST LODGE LLC 1112112006 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 816s7 APPLICANT TIMBERLINE ROOST LODGE LLC LTI zLI 2006 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 816s7 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: THE ROOST LODGE Lot: 9, 1 Block: Subdivisaon: BUFFER CREEK RESUB 2103-123-0200-1 See memo dated 12111/2006 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Kjesbo Cleveland 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= l2llU2AO6 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $550.00 Conditional Use Permit Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to fie submittal requirements for the particular approval $at is requested. An application for Planning and Environmenbl Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Tom Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Feel tr Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision 91500tr Minor Subdivision 9650O Exemption Plat 9650E Mlnor Amendment to an SDD 91000D New Special Development District $6000tr MajorAmendmenttoanSDD $5000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior ndifiations) Descriptaon of the Request: ( Conditional Use Permit $650tr Floodplain Modification $400tr Minor Exterior Alteration $650tr Major ExteriorAlteration $800tr Development Plan $1500tr Amendment to a Development Plan $250tr Zoning C.ode Amendment $1300E Variance $500tr Sign Variance $200 Location of the Proposaf : Lot: 1-l? Block:- Suuivision: Vr,,,t€q CXW U&+IV PhysicalAddress: tfOa U,h.rlr*cg S8+fi' (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning:?A -L a.) F'o 0 oo @ n,Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:*v O *5 +Vavg Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address:rax C4,1{ 4flrp.t4ob TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Communi$ Development DePartment December 11. 2006 A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7J- 3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Qode, to allow for the construction of three (3), Type lll Employee Housing Units, in association with The Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0083) Applicant: Timberline Roost Lodge Planner: George Ruther o SUMMARY The applicant, The Timberline Roost Lodge, is requesting a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-7J-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, as a part of the proposed redevelopment of The Roost Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road. lf approved, the construction of the Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) would provide three (3) new 474 square foot housing units for a minimum of three employees within the redeveloped building. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of this request subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum' DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The provisions of Section 12-7J-3, Vail Town Code, identify a Type lll EHU as a conditional use within the Public Accommodation - 2 District. This request is being made in conjunction with the proposal for the redevelopment of the Timberline Roost Lodge The proposed EHU's will be 474 square feet in size and will include one bedroom, kitchen/living room, bathroom, and closet space. The EHU has been designed with its own entrance to the main hallway of the building. The applicant has provided 4.2 subsurface parking spaces for the EHU's per the parking requirements for a dwelling unit, which are oirtlined-in Section 12-10 ol the Vail Town Code. The provisions of Section 12- 16-6 and 12-16-7, Conditional Use Permit, Vail Town Code, determine the review criteria and procedure for a conditional use permii. BACKGROUND On August 14, 2006, the Planning and Environmental Commission reviewed the proposal for a major exterior alteration to facilitate the redevelopment of The Timberline Roost Lodge. As a part of the redevelopment request, the applicant is proposing to construct trree 1a; Type lll employee housing units on the site of the new lodge. The redevelopment application was approved by the Commission 7-0-0. l lt. tv.ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental Commission for acceptability of use and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/denial/approval with conditions of Conditional Use Permits. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, dlstribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facililies needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has does not have review authority on a Conditional Use Permit, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a o recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: Chapter 1 2-2: Definitions 12-2-2: Definitions Employee Housing lJnit (EHu): A dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rented for any perlod /ess than thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees of Eagle County. EHUs shall be allowed in certain zone distriets as set forth in this Title (Sectron 12-13). Development' sfandards for EHIJs shatt be as provided in Chapter 13, "Employee Housing" of this Titte. For the purposes of this definition, a 'full-time" employee shall mean a person who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours per week. There shatt be five (5) categories of EHIJs: Type I, Type ll, Type lll, Type lV, and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forth in Chapter 13, "Employee Housing" of this Title. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Address/Legal Description: 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek SubdivisionZoning: Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) District Land Use Designation: Medium Density Residential Development 2127106 08107/06 Standard Allowed/Required PEC Submittal PEC Submittal Lot Area: 10,000 sq. ft. min. 86,597 sq. ft. 86,597 sq. ft. Density: 49 Dwelling Units 39 Dwelling Units 28 Dwelling Units AU',s Unlimited 124 AU's 101 AU's GRFA: 129,896 sq. ft. 100,240 sq. ft. 75'842 sq. ft. (70% = 53,097 sq ft) (30% = 22,745 sqnl Building Height: 48 feet 48 feet 48 feet Site Coverage: 56,288.23 sq. ft. (657o) 52,864 sq. ft. 44,576 sq. ft. (51ol") Landscape Area: 25,979 sq. ft. (30%) 31,960 sq. ft. 38,698 sq. tl. (44o/o) Setbacks North: O'-20' 20' 20' west: o'-20' 20' 15'(1"1 floor stairwell) East: 0'-20' 20' 20' South: 0'-20' 20' 20' Parking::156 spaces 196 sPaces 169 sPaces vil.SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Loading: Employee Housing: North: South: East: West: 1 berth 3 units 1 berth 3 unlts 1 berth 3 units Land Use Residential t-70 Row Residential Residential Zoninq Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential N/A Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential Residential Cluster District VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town Code. The proposed Type lll EHU is located within the Public Accommodation - 2 District. Therefore, this proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq Conditional Use Permits: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the I When the Town Council adopted the Town of Vail Affordable Housing Study on November 20, 1990, it recognized a need lo increase the supply of locals/employee housing units. As recently as October 10, 2006, the Council discussed in length possible options for solving the affordable housing shortage. The Town encourages EHU's, particularly on-site, when possible, as a means of providing quality living conditions and expanding the supply of employee housing for both year-round and seasonal local residents. Staff believes lhat the incorporation of the proposed units into The Timberline Roost Lodge redevelopment project will have a positive impact on the Town's rental housing needs. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that there will be an insignificant impact from the proposed Type lll EHU's on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schools or parks, and other public facilities needs. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, 2- 3. maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. O Three to four additional vehicles are anticipated in association with the EHU's. The applicant is proposing to accommodate this anticipated parking demand within the below-grade structure. Additionally, because the EHU's will be located on the Town's bus route and will be pedestrian friendly for its user' Staff believes that this proposal will have an insignificant impact on the remainder of the referenced criteria. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is_to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff feels that the proposed EHU's will not significantly impact the scale and bulk of this project in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed EHU',will be consislent with the development standards applicable to ihis property' The proposed EHU meets the Town's requirements for- zoning, owneishffiransference, G RFA, garage crediUstorage, and density' a. Zoninq districts permitted bv riqht or bv conditional use A Typelll rHu is a conditional use in the Residential cluster, Low Density Multiple Family, Medium Density Multiple Family, High Density Multiple ramity, Public Accommodation, Public Accommodation -2 commercial core 1, 2, and 3 districts, commercial service center, Arterial Business District, Parking District, General Use District, and the Ski Base/Recreation District. The subject property is Public Accommodation - 2 zoned . b. Ownershipffransference A Type lll El-ltj may be sold or transferred separately from the units with which it is associated. The applicant is proposing to sell or transfer the EHU separately from the proposed dwelling units and fractional fee units to be constructed upon the property. c. AdditionalGRFA Not applicable for a Type lll EHU. d. Garage CrediUStoraqe Requirement Not applicable for a Type lll EHU. e. Parkinq eer ctrapter 12-10, Vail Town code, which regulates the parking requirements for dweliing units (including EHUs), 4.2 parking spaces are required for these units. The-applicant is cuirently proposing to comply with the Chapter 12-10 requirements tor the various proposed uses (including the proposed EHU) upon The Timberline Roost Lodge redevelopment site. f. Minimum/Maximum GRFA of an EHU Type lll El-tus -dre€llowed with a Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) range oi gOO - 1,200 sq.ft. The proposed EHU's will be 474 sq. ft. in size' g. Densitv A Type lll EHU will not count as density in this instance.o B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before grantino a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Public Accommodation - 2 (PA-2) district. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning regulations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with condition(s) of a Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Section 12-7J-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for three (3) Type lll Employee Housing Units, located at'1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and lltestimony presented, subject to the following findings: v 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the condrtional use permit seclion of the zoning code and the purposes of the Public Accommodation - 2 District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit secflon of the zoning regulations. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this conditional use permit request, the Community Development Department recommends the following condition(s): 1. Pior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall execute a Type lll EHU deed restiction with the Town of Vail Department of Community Development to permanently restrict the use of the EHU's for employee housing. s A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-TH-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, and a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Level, and 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor on Street Level, Vail Town Code, to allow for the development of 45 fractional fee club units and one additional residential dwelling unit, located at 728 West Lionshead Circleilot 2, West Day Subdivision, and setting-forth details in regard thereto. (Ritz-Carlton Residences) (PEC06-0081 and PEC06-0082). Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Braun Associates, lnc. Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a condition'al use permit, pursuant to Section 12'7J-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of three (3) Type lll Employee Housing Units, in association with The Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment, locaied at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0083) Applicant: Timberline Roost LodgePlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss text amendments to Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to add commercial linkage requirements and inclusionary zoning requirements to the Zoning Regulations for the purpose of mitigating employee housing impacts resulting from development in the Town of Vail, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0084) Applicant Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Pfease call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published November 24,2006, in the Vail Daily. \N,K -.m THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on December 11,2006, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, for proposed amendments to Chapters 14-2, Definitions, and 14-10, Design Review Standards and Guidelines, Vail Town Code, to create wildfire regulations and require Class A roof covering materials for all struclures within the Town of Vail, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0029) Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Rachel Friede A request for a final review of an Exemption Plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures,. Vail Town Code, to allow for the modification of existing building envelopes to eliminate encroachments into common area parcels, the combination of several common parcels into a single common parcel, and the exchange of equal sized parcels between Ridge at Vail and Cliffside Lot 1, located at 1460A-F Ridge Lane and 1452 Cliffside Drive/Lots A-1, Ridge at Vail Subdivision, and Lot 1, Cliffside Subdivision and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0079) Applicant: Ridge at Vail Homeowners Association and Mike YoungPlanner: Wanen Campbell A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council that the Crossroads Reinvestment Plan is consistent with the Vail Comprehensive Plan. The proposed urban renewal area included in the Crossroads Reinvestment Plan generally includes the Crossroads redevelopment approved by Town of Vail Ordinance No. 5, 2006, and is entirely within Special Development District No. 39, located at 141 and 143 Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicanl VailReinvestmentAuthorityPlanner: Russ Fonest A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6 Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for an addition above an existing garage within the front and side setbacks, located at 315 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 2, Block 1 , VailVillage Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0080) Applicant: Howard and Judy Berkowitz, represented by Mauriello Planning Gr.oup, LLCPlanner: Bill Gibson lftl {c] Mauriello Planning Group Roost Lodge @ DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC I4O4 MORAINE DR VAIL. CO 81657 @ MUR?HREE INVESTMENTS LTD 2409 DUBLIN RD PLANO, TX75O94 @ FITE, KENNETHDAVID & IRMAKAYSE -JT 6415 E PRENTICE PL GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CO 8OIII @ M.L. HARRIS FAMILY PTNSHP LLC 1O9OO HEFNER POINTE DR STE 2OO OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73120 (a filrrsnp coNDoMrNruM ASsocrATroN C/OBEMIS. GREGORY PO BOX 3438 VAIL. CO 81658 @). KARP, KAREN L. PO BOX 2174 vArL, co 81658 @ TI]RNIPSEED. JASON & COLETTE I85 SOUTH EMERSON DENVER, CO 8O2OI @ DUYOS, VIVIAN S. & JORGE R. -JT 1434 SARRIA AVE CORAL GABLES, FL33146 @ GTJNION, JOHN F., MARGARET M.A., & ANDREW MARK I8I9 MEADOWRIDGE RD E VAIL. CO 81657 w CARNEY, JOHN M. 1839 MEADOW RIDGE RD B VAIL, CO 816s7-3904 @ PICKING, HOWARD M., III & ADELLE C. IOO LONGVIEW LN JOIINSTOWN, PA 15905 @ ERB. WENDYELAINE ISl9MEADOWRIDGERD G VAIL, CO 81657 @ JAMES J. BIGOS FAMILY TRUST 1834 A GLACIER CT VAIL, CO 81657 @ ROLLAND, JODI T. & ROBERT D. -JT 6802 TERREZA ESCONDIDA SAN CLEMENTE,CA92673 @ CHATEAU TREMONTE OWNERS ASSOC INC 5299 DTC BLVD STE 5OO ENGLEWOOD, CO 8OI1I @ RALPH W. HAJOSY REVOCABLE TRUST 1725 CARVER RD GRIFFIN, GA3O224-8820 @ BOYMER, ROBERT JAMES POBOX 1001 VAIL, CO 81658 IA. ile-ur.Bn JoHN E. C/O VISTAR REAL ESTATE 635 N FRONTAGE RD 1 VAIL, CO 81657 @ PRAGER, DIANE M. & NELSON A. -JT 22OOE GRAND AVE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80I13 @ LE VARN, MARIA A. & MARC -JT PO BOX 214 VAIL, CO 81658 @ DICKSON, PHYLLIS l8ITMEADOWRIDGERD 1 vArL, co 81657 @ MERRIMAN, DANNY C., JANE M. & ADAM G. 1859 MEADOW RIDGE RD A vArL. co 81657-3905 @ DEFORD, WILLIAM F. 1859 MEADOWRIDGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ FARQUHAR, JERRY L. & DEBORAH R. 1879 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ STEITZ, STEVEN A. & CYNTHIA A. 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ BATCHELO& ROBERT - FITZGERALD, DIANE -JT PO BOX 5854 VAIL. CO 81658 @ ALEKSANDER & ruA PIIRMA TRUSTEES 3528 ADELINE DR sTow, oH44224 @ WAGENLANDER, JAMES F. - CHIN, MARY LEE -JT 2225 DAHLIA ST DENVER. CO 80207 @ CORzuON. BRIAN 27821S TAMIAMI TR 2 BONITA SPRINGS. FL 34134 @ CROCKETT, RUFUS PO BOX 3837 ASPEN, CO 81612 @ MYRON, GORDOND. - WEINBENDE& THOMAS L. 2561 28TH AVE W SEATTLE, WA 98I99 @. MOORE, STEVE &DENNIE L. .JT PO BOX 392 EDWARDS, CO 81632 (u. fr',qr,ev, MTcHAEL s. & MARLA M. -JT 3037 SUN CREEK RIDGE RD EVERGREEN, CO 80439-8782 @ HERMANN, HENRY K. & MARY C. - HERMANN, KARL -JT 577 W CONESTOGA CIR GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81504 @ VANHEULEN, MISTY M. & JASON J. -JT PO BOX 6343 AVON, CO 81620 @ WOMBOLT, CHRIS & DUANB 2249 CAPE ARBOR DR VIRGINIA BEACH, V A 23451 @ DICORPO, DEENAM,, DINO D. & EVE PO BOX 3981 VAIL, CO 81658 @ HINMON, JOHN S. & HARRIET H. -JT 407 MEADOWRD EDWARDS, CO 81632 @ KRICHBAIJM, PHILIP F. PO BOX 33 VAIL, CO 81658 @). dnocrerr, RUFUS PO BOX 3837 ASPEN, CO 81612 (@. ilecc, RANDY G. & JoELLEN L. -JT 2OOO S MADISON ST DENVER, CO 8O2IO @). ietsutvr, TETSUo - MALCUIT, EMILy -JT PO BOX 2858 EDWARDS, CO 81632 @ MOORE.HALEW. PO BOX 3746 AVON, CO 81620 @ FABER, OTTALIE & GEORGINA P O BOX 838 EAGLE, CO 81631 @). MUSTANG CONDOMINIUM AS SOCIATION C/O GUERRIERO, RANDALL 1859 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 (D. E,UFTBN CREEK WEST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION. INC. CiO MARKA W. MOSHER P O BOX 902 VAIL. CO 81658 @ TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ MUSSON, PAUL F. & ELISA M. -JT 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT, CO 80203 @). decnnueN, PHTLIP R. & JOcELYN K. 13188 LATOURETTE DR FENTON, MI48430 @ COLORADO DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 42OIE ARKANSAS AVE DENVER, CO 80222 DENVER" CO80222 Cctlnt Jrill-Y C€'r,ELOqgEh! Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORI| Departrnent of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Rodd, Vaal, Coloradc 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 farl. 97A.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: TIMBERLINE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR PUBLIC ART TO THE TIMBERIINE LODGE PRO]ECT, BUS SHELTER TO REPLACE STANDARD TOV BUS SHELTER. Partacipants: OWNER TIMBERLINE ROOST LODGE LLC L2IO5I2OO6 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT TOWN OFVAIL ARTIN PUBLIC t2l15l2}06 Phone:479-2344 1309 ELKHORN DR. VAIL co B1657 ProjectAddress: 1783 N FRONTAGERDWESTVAIL Location: THE ROOSTLODGE DRB Numb€r: DR8060549 I leeaf Description: Lot:9, l Block Subdivisaon: BUFFERCREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2103-123-0200-1 Comments: No vote requrired Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Date of APProval: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing r,"grlutionrthatever form they are finally adopted; ot"o, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15' 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. O Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 o rutlr Depaflmm! oJ Public l(orks & Transportation I 309 El*horn Drive Yail, CO 81657 970,479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: From: Rei Date: Cc: Greg Gastineau Tom Kassmel, Toram Engineer Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment - Civil Improvemenl PIan Review 12t27t06 Charlie Davis, George Ruther, Mike McGee The Town of Vail Public Works Deparment has received and reviewed the Timberline Roost Lodge Civil knprovement plans zubmittai dated 7 117 106 and received lA7 n6. Prior to submitting for Building Pemit &e following comments shall be addressed, and the conditions foltowing shall be addressed prior to building permit approval or as noted. Please resubmit revised plans along with a response letter addressing each com:nent. Please call.me if youwould like to meet and/or discuss these comments further. COMMENTS Site Plan Comments l. Provide an engineeted stamped drainage report, this leport shall include any eirpected grormdwater (temporary and/or pennanent dewateriug), The final drainage report shall include; Historic and Developed flow analysis, 7yr,25yr and l00yr flow analysis, inlet capacity analysis, Storm sewer profiles including hydraulic grade line, analysis shall include offsite basins (can reference past Town of Vail Dminage reports, provided by the Town of Vail), capture complete 't'{" basins, eomplete hydrology and hydraulic calculations, assumptions, IDF curve, ref,erences for coeffisients. 2. Frovide soilsrepodforsite. 3. Plau comments; C-l Show garage grading and drainage. All garage drains shall be routed thru a sand/oil sepamtor prior to entering the storm sew€r. Show location of Sand/ Oil separator. (At this current time ERWSD is debating as to whether they will accept cove,red garage drains into the sanifary sewer, if they come to the conclusion that they will accept this flow, all garage drairs shall be routed to the sanitary sewer via a sand/oil separator. The Town will keep you updated on their decision.) C:2 The general utility, drainage, and pedestrian easement is dimensioned to the buildiug on sheet C-2. Dimension shall be a minimum 2' beyond walk (total of l2') . C-2 The bicycle sfiping on the Frontzige Rd. should be removed; it is not a designated bike lane. C-2 The north asphalt shoulder shall be a maximum of 4'. C-Z The note on C-2'Tlighway Improvements by Others", shouldread something like, "Frontage Road Improvements (See Frontage Road Improvemant Plnns by Peak land Consultants dated xx-xx-)ooo(, for Timberline Roos-t Lodge, LLC)" Provide updated lilework reference with PLC plansc-2 G3 Add pedestrian tk ,u-o at north end of N-S *At on **r?riOe of property C-3 Maximum slope for first 30' of driveway ftom public road shall be a maximum of 4%; please modify the east drivo enhance C-4 West easement language and dimension needs to be updated. C-4 tMhat is the north invert ofthe existing pipe at ST-3C? C4 Why is the storm sewer run 'D' so deop. I 8- to 3' depth of oover is preferred. A minimum of l% slope should be achieved on all public stortr sewers. C4 A minimum of 0.5% slope should be achieved on all private storm' C4 The inlet and flowline should follow the curb and gutter in the bus stop areai Place inlet in cwb not drive lane arca. C-4 . The flowlines across the crosspans shall be in the center of the pan. A 4' pan can be used as long as the invert is max 1" and provides adequate capacrty which should be shown inthe drainage report, C-4 Eastenr most leg of storm sewer along ftontage road is shown at 1 5", minimum is I 8". . C-4 The electric line is shown relocated into the adjacent private property. Is there an approved' easement there? If not place line in newTimberline Roost property easement. C-4 Note 4 should refer to Xcel not Holy Cross. C-5 This sheet shall be included as apart of the Final Drainage Report' C-5 Siorm sewer labels need to be updated. X'rontage Road Improvement Plan Comments 1. Narrow the shoulder on the north side to 4?. 2. Plans shall be updated and coordinated with Timberline Roost Civil plans. The driveway entoances, bus pull -oul and storm sewer are designed di-fferently. 3. Provide a grading plan. Show that a ditch is able to be maintained between the Frontage Rd. and I-70. ^ Provide a guardrail if wananted by CDOT. ! 4, Provide dr-ainage report or coordinate all drainage in one report with site drainage report submittal. 5. Provide storm sewer rim and inverts ou plan. Provide pipe length and slope on plans. Provide storn sewer profile. Most of this information is provided on the civil plans for the lodge, however they need to be coordinated, 6. Provide sections at 50' intervals and typical pavernent seotion and details. Pavement design shall be approved by CDOT. 7. This set shouldbe rnade a part of the Building Pelmit package. 8. A CDOT access permit shall be reqrrired to be approved prior to Civil PIan approval. Please pmvide a copy. QONDITIONS Otr' APPROVAL (To be comnleted n{ior to Fuildine Permit Annroval or as 4pted) 1. The Utility Signature block is only lequired on the tifle page aud shall have all utility's sipatures. 2. Approvals ftom all impacted properfy owners shall be obtained, whe,re necessary. Recorded easementVpermits/leases will be required prior to conshuction. 3. Al1 construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to consiruction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, traffic control, emergsncy access, parking, loading and delivery, etc.. . 4. A Rowrutility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any conshuction within public Right of Way. 5, All irnprnveixents within CDOT ROW shallbe approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and Iandscap ing. 6. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted iacluding; ficavation phasing, engineered stroring plaus with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and o flans shali include "II rxr?rng conflicts (i.e. utilities). A"V *nori"Sitnio CDOT ROW will require approval from CDOT, Any shoring within the Vail public ROW will require Town of Vail approval and a revocable ROW permil 7. The S. Frontage Rd. improvements shown shall include necessary lighting/inigation/signage. 8. An easement shall be provided at the Northwest corner of the property to provide for the existing encroacbment ofthe roadway, drainage and snow storage. This shall include the existing asphalt and shoulder area and a 5' buffer area for snow storage and guardrail. This easement shall be recorded prior ro TCO 9. The pedestrian connection between the bus stop and Meadow Ridge Rd' shall be within a dedicated Public access e asemert, This can be dedicated in conjunction with the drainage easement in this area, however the 10' proposed drainage easement should be widened to accommodate the walk plus a 2' ' buffer and also be named as d general utility, drainage, pedestrian access easement. .This easement shall be recorded prior to TCO 10. The proposed landscape plan seems very.aggressive, the density ofevergreen trees, may be unrealistic and will have to be moved further back from the proposed public walks so they do not become a maintenance issue. 11. The developer shall be assessed a traffic impact fee of$6500 per net increase peak hour vehicular trip. Portions trf this fee may be offset by trafific irirprovernents made to the S. Frorttage Rd. to specifically include S. Frontage Rd. roadway widening, S. Frontage Rd. sidewalk improvements, and the constuction of a Transit stop. The taffic analysis dated7D0l06 indicates that the net increase in peak hour vehicular trips is 28, therefore a fee of $ 182,000 shall be assessed. 12. Plan Comments: C-l Sheet C-l has a miscellaneous 4' dimeusion that does not apply.C-l Label (2) compact spaces onLevel G2. C-10 Provide additioaal lslsining v.all details/typical section for each mtrlti-tier type walls. Wall designs shall include design assumptions (0 , 7, surcharge pressure where applicable, etc...) and design calculations. C-l0 All public improvementconffete shall be 21000 psi with 1.5 lbs/cy of fiter mesh. C-l 0 All public improvement walks shall be 6" of ooncrete on top of 6" of class 6 base and poured separate from the curb and gufier. C-10 Control joints shalt be ever y 10' and expansion every 150' and at curb rstun$ and at existing . stuctures. C-10 Use CDOT ADA ramp detail with truncated domes. C-12 Provide survey eonfrol bencbnark location in Town of Vail General Note #31. Design Review Board ACTIOH FORI,! Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Yall, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:97O.479,2452 web: www.vailgov,rcrn Project Name: TIMBERLINE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Project Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060549 FINAL APPROVAL FOR PUBLIC ART TO THE TIMBERLINE LODGE PROJECT. BUS SHELTER TO REPLACE STANDARD TOV BUS SHELTER. Pafticipants: OWNER TIMBERLINE ROOST LODGE LLC T210512006 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT TOWN OF VAIL ART IN PUBLIC 1210512006 Phone:479-2344 1309 ELKHORN DR. VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: THE ROOST LODGE I f-eeaf Description: Lot: 9, 1 Block Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB 2103-123-0200-1 No vote requrired Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Date of Approvah Cond; B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing ot""o, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April L5' 2QQ7 'this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications' O Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO o A pplication for Design Review New Constructioe Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 telt 970j792128 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Location of the Proposal: tot: 1 - l&bct suuoiuirion' $u4fzl. c C..--o-K Physical Address: General Information: All projects requiring clesign review must receive apprwal prior to submitting a building permit application' ?lease refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Departfient' The pio:.ct tuy also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' lj"Sign .eiri"*" approval l"pu". nlo! i Uuilding permit is issued and construclion commences within one year of the aPProval. parcetNo.: 4f A3 (a3 OZSO / (@ntactEasleCo. Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): --.1-Name of APPlicant -! :1i:tr Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Review New C.onstruction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-fa mi lylcommercial) Minor Alteration (si ngle-family/duPlex) changes to Approved Plans Separation Request F g[, # o e] .t< --c) tr A n tr D $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' F00 'ror in aodition where square-fobtag:.lt td9+i9 anv residential or commercial building (includes 250 adclitions & interior conversions)' $250 Foi tino, changes-to buildings and site impro'vements' such as' re-roofing, painting, windoiv additions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For min6r changes to buildings and.site improvements' such as' re-roofing, painting, winclow additions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc' $20 loi i"uitiont to plans already approved by Planning staff or the Design Review Boarcl. No Fee Description of the Request: Assessor at 970'328-8640 for parcel no') For Office Use OnlY: Fee Paid: vltl}iueP check No':---.- BY:obort"/ Karl Kruen"tOr"hitect+Artist P.O. Box 8332 Avon Colorado 81620 Ph/Fx (970) 748-1504 Bus Shelter at Timberline Lodge Preliminary Bus Shelter Design December 2,2006 Project Description: The attached drawings and model describe the preliminary design of a unique bus shelter conceived to address the Art in Public Place (AIPP) requirement as well as to address the need for a bus shelter in the redevelopment of the parcel currently occupied by the Roost Lodge. The concept of the bus shelter came literally from the name of the 'Timberline Lodge" and was designed to simply evoke abstracted images of tree and forest- the materials of which the shelter would be constructed. The columns supporting the roof are off-plumb to evoke the natural disposition of trees in both pine and aspen forests where trees in various stages of life do not remain perfectly vertical. The columns exceed the height of the roof to accentuate the reading of the columns as trees whose central trunk pierces the canopy of leaves rather than terminating under the leaves. The three- sided wind screen also employs an infill pattern mimicking simplified branches that function to support and brace plexi-glass panels. The windscreen is suspended from three of the columns and is not visually connected to the roof or slab in order to avoid the reading of shelter as a conventionally constructed house. This "decomposition" of the wall element from the columns, roof and ground plane allows the architectural elements to remain fragmented as an interpretation of the seeming disorder of nature. Bus Shelter Size and Function: The shelter is designed to be roughly the same size as Vail's prototype bus shelter: roughly 9 -0" x 9'-0" inside plan dimensions and 7 -6" to 9'-6" ceiling height. The shelter is designed to protect occupants from prevailing winds from the Northwest with wood framed plexi-glass panels on three sides. The shelter's wind screen also conveniently allows seating facing the arrival direction of the bus and conversely allows the bus driver to see people waiting for the bus from the approach heading west on the north frontage road. The wind screen will be raised off the concrete slab in order to allow rapid cleaning and to keep trash and leaves from collecting in the protected area. The wood columns are elevated off the slab by concrete piers for aesthetic affect and to isolate the wood from the deteriorating effects of rain and snow Preliminary Construction Materials / Methods: This project will require the services of a professional structural engineer. All information below is subject to change based on engineering analysis. The project will also comply with the American with Disabilities Act via conforming to the ANSI A1 17.1-1998 Slab: The slab will likely be 4"-6" reinforced concrete with a turn-down at perimeter and may incorporate an integral color or stain to differentiate it from the adjacent concrete of the sidewalk. There may also be a pattern stamped into the concrete related to the timber theme Retaining wall: The retaining wall originally was designed by the project Architect of the Timberline Lodge and Condominiums to hold up proposed grading nearthe bus shelter using the stacked block type incorporating geo-grid tie back. ln this scheme the wall is depicted as a cast in place concrete wall. As concrete it may also employ an integral color and surface texture to match or complement the bus shelter slab and would allow optional step lights to be cast into the wall. The wall could also conceal a niche for a trash can and/or newspaper box. Base for columns: 10" or 12' O.D round smooth concrete piers will pierce the concrete slab at the particular angle of each column. The concrete piers are envisioned to come above the slab 18"-24" andnaue cafr,in them a steel knife plate designed ,o l,u" the wood columns of the same diameter. The knife plate and bolts would be designed to be visible. Cofumns: 10" or 12" O.D. round smooth columns (tapered as the go up if possible) will be attached to concrete bases via a steel knife plate. The wind screen and roof in turn will be attached to the columns by visible bolted connections. The wood columns, wind screen and roof members will likely be protected with a durable semi-transparent stain. Wind Screen: The wind screen will likely be constructed of a 6x6 wood frame and 6x6 and 4x4 plumb and diagonal inset bracing. The wood frame will likely employ embedded knife plate connections with exposed bolts in keeping the with pier /column connections. The attachment of the plexi-glass panels will be towards the inside surface of the wind screen to allow the "branch like" bracing to show clearly from the outside. For easy installation and replacement the plexi- glass wilf be mounted between 2fl. glazing stops in (4) rectangular panels 6'-0" tall and varying widths rather than be cut to the custom triangles formed by the bracing. The plexi-glass will be Lexan MR-S, the same type and thickness used by the Town of Vail for bus shelters. Roof: The roof will likely be composed of seemingly random layout of 6x8 beams and 6xG purloins as structure. One option may be to employ a corrugated or structural translucent material over the structural "branches" to allow sunllght to penetrate during the day and create an interesting illuminated roof element at night. Visible flashing details in a translucent roof could be difficult to detail at the column penetrations. Another option is to use T&G wood decking over the structural members with conventional asphalt shingle or built up roof roofing. Flashing around the columns using these roofing systems could easily be accomplished by off-the-shelf flashings made for round HVAC vent and flue roof penetrations. The tops of the columns will reouire some sort of flashing or water proofing to preserve the wood. Bench: The bench will likely be a 4x14 beam or be built-up of gapped 2xG materials to finish out to a 5112"x 14" seat. The bench will likely be directly supported by aftachment to the columns and will be ADA accessible Signage/Schedule: There are opportunities for signage on the primary column or along the front edge of the roof or possibly on the retaining wall. Bus schedules and or a bulletin board have not been addressed by this preliminary model but could be incorporated. Lighting: Power will likely be readily available from the adjacent lodge building. With either the translucent roof or the opaque roof a well placed up-light under the roof would create an unobtrusive glow during dark hours. As mentioned previously step lights may also be cast into the retaining wall for safety lighting of the walking surface. Ski Storage: lf required, ski storage may be accomplished by devising broad metal pegs (2" diameter x 6" long ) that can be anchored into the concrete wall 30" above the sidewalk that would serve to keep several pairs of skis upright and out of the way of pedestrian traffic. )fl E Eo! sox t T 1 O -l cr.lct cr) Z _) IL LIJ F a u zt -I L! u 0_ t sEr$ e.: E-e E.Xc TE:t! E E9 .lt i;p\ 3,< ?i i:€qE! -5I t I F z J 0- =E t LL LL o u Q) o- 7r Oc) -j= 5Pa 9o,co'(l)-o ';i ><^ 0) t--<-.= ;i -o =e= - (.)o,: J= ,< () )l o== -'>'i, i1 =s- I E L- -*oth 4 c -= X7 o -n a -99= i9= 9'j-s'=i!E tt_ y -jJ cr -b=-o +a).! (, o ; - ;i cr- <-,l Jt o 9l = :.! 5 m: n <- o 6: --i.t: O I:. CU M Lll F LIJ :tr f co tL z fL a)3;. ! _:= o)LO- r-J-) I I l ..,t= I O I C\-J z ? F UJ) TU I F f _-r I t I--l L o-7,,9-,1 I "l:l L N -:- z ; ul ul I F E o t- l __) I I I I TI -ro I L- ---.1 o/ ,,,,,,\.- 5\, G, _,L :\ s6 o> -c'aa t- .-l- -s, o '7 ?f,"a <: ,.s *$qa '-+ +' t, z-- ot- \) q) LL c) L- tFt OJ $. 6s -;q) q)s . S- -F a -"g €F:*"i sr: l; ^ x -P-oir Ss:T.3I 5 i:.i.1 s 5 s Q s t \) r- q- {,t =s <. a). i5-o o': -=<-r..j,*sq> -"1 6t8t06 MHrcHLINE\U sFoFbs E enbBFEainmgnb Town of Vail Planning Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Town of Vail Planning Commission, I am witing in full support of the proposed Timberline/Roost project currently under consideration at the West Vail site of The Roost Hotel. This project is "Right" for so many reasons, the least of which is the overall economic benefit to our town. There is a strong and underserved need for affordable hotels in the Valley and more so in Vail proper. Much of the mid to lower end bed base is utilized by the younger generations and families who heavily attend special events, ski and ride, dine and spend with local merchants. We cannot afford to lose this economical bed base which the renovated Roost will continue to serve in a new and improved fashion. This is keeping current and potential customers at Vail's doorstep. This tier ofproduct is truly critical to rounding out the lodging and condo mix in Vail. As a Vail business owner for over ten years, I fully support the proposed Timberline/Roost and am conf,tdent that the TOV Planning Commission will do the same. Do the right thing and get behind this well thought out project. I encourage you to not let the vocal minority control the process and ultimately the much needed benefits the Timberline/Roost Lodge will deliver to our community! Regards,=Y4 Jeff BrausclF)/ PresidenVCEO " Highline Sports & Entertainment, Inc. o I,. .:lol a. ., i-.:,.. ri. "tL,sT :.9 ihsrxq**++" 'a"*dt' o oo f q.7: *f o oo o , itir,q* | III it: t'j :f, 1il*tr r o oo o :.r, : . 9:4F L.;*** *a.:: .::,,.. ...... '1.|iffi:i..p,!i:t;| ..,. o '&!r#' w TIUBERLINE .lanuar_y I ti, 200i Frcd I lgslur": liaple R ircr l\rattr (t Sanrtiltxln Dlstnct li,l(r For est Rolrl \ja;1. {lO l{ 165? RFi: Tinrlxrline l-odgr (formcr "Roost Lodge") l?91 N. Frortrrge Roarl l)r:rrr l rctl: 'lhrs lctttr s(r\'*s t(t clarily r f'ew ol'tht' rssucs rt'garding rvdlcr xnrl J(:wcr {ap ltcs tirat lr,e rhJ,uusscd durrng our nreeling rrn Janrrurl. 17, 2tXl?- I ht aholc rcfcrcnced proJ^*rl.-r. has ulryt\..s bcrtt. sr:re its a nerllirrn rnto thc 'lbrrn of \iarl- .ri.rncrl Prrhhr; .\econrm(ldation {"PA"). [! rvu: rclaoned to l\hlrc Acuonrme{r tion , ] ("lA-2") il f r':lrrtnrry uf lf)tXr. I his chancc in roning tfid not atlecr itcrrrs rur.:h ls u.*-'. setbtcks, hcight. (lc:r{rrv. sllc t'dr'{ru*e. or parlinl:. [l thd, lrorvever. aliorrl thc projcct thc rrghl to tncludc iitll sitrlrr:n iirr;rl;lruii t lthin tlre irccotrtrrrorlatron units. ll i, ulr arnd{tJltndtng tbat the inulusion o[ lirlehen i'aaililirs ,,vithrn thc sccommodation rrnits :lrav aih.'r;t ottr tap fees andior lrn.rnthlv rvrlcr and se*er hillings. I wr-ruld ask lhal yrrLr pl,.: rt' ,-lrrrii-v lu nrr:. In $.ntrng. €xtctly ho$ rlr,: wrll hc chaqled til thr'rtj surviccs. r\s ptrttt:isc'd rlurtttr our :rrccliltg. I nill scn<l vuu clt:etronic l'l)F lile'; trl'lhr: proposed hurlding'i ti<xrt plans ::rr:rl rrlr plan I'ru your levrerv. l{ ."-l.11 hlrc any questiotrr, i}r u{Jflc(rns. plralse contact rne .l:rcctll' al ( 97{l) .li-b-1{91. Slnc'err'11-, l inrhcrliirc Rtx'rr Ltxlgt. l.l.( ' (.rr"rrrgt'RUther K ur.in Dr't-qhan ', .,1 *.: rc S|c .,liir l:il ,.r,ir'r'nr. rlr 1i I,I l.'lr Iia..l-l{t ";'. ';ill l;r, li\r' COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT 1-1*l PFffr't r'1i) 307O1g SlrtP Frllrsr.j! Nrtllpi5,!e 07oA i174.076 lL Rqjrrfl r:ir:i::ri:riF?rlrul 3 | 02 I 19'2 s{q"qe o€(lant ri he F L.rnrittrre{s): Applic nti :1':f I'in r u5-'ls8 I irrrl,t'rirnc Rirr.rst Lixhu l rmherlinu Rurst l-tdgc ilrug (iastincarr ( 'tt:1 (iilstrrri-::rtL t.l \ixil ftd, tt \,:ut Rrl. ';,i;1, L(J cY l6-il \"ltil, (.'(.1 tlltJl qt +i6-.16t_1 t10-4iri^46+i liiiEle!t{|iJitcdpenri59ianlnira!e.{nau;s*tDt|..!iatchi{hn|.!.!tte|oci!i.r ;rccnr:hi:*'*rl|llti|5rcrnlt'inc!udin'the:ilH|Pti|qt.fJ:r}AL]':,*t]ocond b! lhe issuir! ruttraril t at ar'y trr'rei .r:';.'or,rtud rLjcr,6,rrd erPlo'+-r.c Lrr{ pefl { Localiorl: Lr't;ttJ an I liLlr rrl lll -.'l)l:, :'ppnrxirmtd-v I li)-li L'irsl ,"rl'rctirrerl!'r l1!tir'lt l ,rJ F.ccesi to Provioe Service to: -ilit - llr:rlel -'.-i rl - lifridential flrrndon:iniu:r,..-'l-,:r* n l:',rt tse .'61,l . llrrreali*ml IhrnrLd otne|te.ms and condition$: ''S .r:: ,:: ( ..r 1i il.i tll ;-ltr tlll! I rillv 5 L)lll.' MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY AFPROVAL Required only ,A'hen lh: aq_pr"prEt" l*1 ="th"1qtt,l]ns issuing authontv , _ or. icnie lrlre {xt i I @a9feestotheterfn$andcondition33ndreferencedettachmenlscontaifled ll{jrein- All construction shall be com0leted in an expeditiaus and safe manner nd shall be finished within 45 days from lnitiation Th{: pennitted 3ccess shall be completed in ;rr,r:ordance with the terms and canditinns of the perlrlil Fnor to lreing ,.rsed. The permittee ehall notify .-_-.-....- --.Fr-ian Killian ',yilh rhe coiofado gepartment of Tran6Portation. lelephone nbr. (97O) Z4A-72g3 at lG6st 48 hours prior to comm€ncing construciion within the State Highway right'of'Ytay. 'ljepclE:]n:i0ninqa6:l'!eFermitleerr.'siiJgi.t.Jcwfrr0r|ego|repre5efnl!ve''J|l..eprc;')1J|ivsErvb!a.repi ll"€ F+irfl d ar)d rlt lcrns An{t :Or,ililarg TDotei !. ?r -cl !,tvlf La'h';-J,uuc l-hrs permit is not valitl until signed by a duly authorileil ri:frres€ntatave Df the Depanment / /enwt-frle -- ffr 3.Staif 'Acii_rj :..|rr :'| tal:e .apirg dn'.'j!.NL;,I r Ir !17, .; ! Prr rr; l r''' \ltlr it:\:l!,,r1 Bnln ltrlh:ncrp? DlerriD0r;on:t nd lnry ndr Dr useo coof aorm *ld{ SlSg COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT rt .' .' 1-. i ,t.t . /, | ' , Ltf,(.ll i!} ir.rlr :,r. 302019 Slntc High!,'et N'riL.llrF,ide 07aA twL23 I \ :adnlJJrsd€irof Vail$300 00 []iitE ai irnfl"in ltfi| rl22l2007 K*Ltrrr irSe{.lrr!Pair :' 3 t A? | $'15te'{e l,€{.1int rfe Permiiteeisl, I irt rhsr I inc lt*,-''st Lrrdge ,. irr:q fir-slaneiu il \'rril RLl. V;r:1,{"{) $lfi-j? 9l!l 4rf' rlhrr.i App|c.:flt: 'l'irrrhrrlinr: ltL{ri[ [-\)dgc ( rrr'g Clrtirelrr ll Vail RJ. \jlil. ('{) }ilh-ij lr'l0.Jl{.} ,169.i I L.i \,:. . 16.759 \ i:Er!!!/ qrdr'tud p'lrt !:Jit4.ssJ:c'3'[tndi*ii.irirvtirnRtt]eticlllxlktdaLccss+|d|t.L''i..leony|io{90 lhtr lrPrflrt LccfltlDn .\c!'r'ir iii !iLrLc,J r":ipfiixiruJld,y -i$(l-ti cir'l .r{ r'rf"'lerrce lilint ; l.l. ll{rLlx sit:{: r)t. l "{}.\ FR. Accesg io Provirta Seruice lc:'r il,-,,i Tii(=tii.I fsii,: ':r I'nir'|Ii rlilrrrr jlu il,rttl 36 l)ilv l-10 Rcriqlerrtrirl (,'rtrttlort,.ittitutr,iTrrwn:rousc i i)l l\' f bi; - Rrrrt;rtionirl llo:tts ': l)t lV Dth6r t,en'ns and c,:nOlions: MUNICIFALITY OR GOUNTY APPROVAL Rsquired only evhen the apprDpdnte locaf authority retains issulng authoiity. iy lxl I lrtle I I Lltlrr Upon tne signing of this permit lhe pcrmiltee .rgfce$ to th€ terrns and conditions and felerenced att'achments contain€d irerein. Ail (;{)nsl.uctiofl shalt be comdeted in an erpeditioirs and sirfe rnarrner;rrrd shall be nni$hed withtn 45 days ftom InitiarlDn The permitied access sh.ill be coBtpleted in accordance with the terms and conditions of tha pcrmit prror !o uclfiQ usga_ Th€ permittee shatt notify Brian Kallia|| .- . - .* with lhe Colorado o€partmonl ol Transpottation, telephone nfrr. ..(970) 24A-7293 at least 48 hours p.ior to commencing conslructaon within the State Highway right-ot-w*y. ||18f*rli-J|13|gtllllqagt|"cpcm1ineein..L<tr€].e0fne.or|cca|leple!iel1ellteo'll]t.|rL'4 r.rpFl Ite i{+1n 1 an:l rl:; tern s ;|td r4irLlilc|1. P6.minco Srgniturc ,/N-lf ', L:irlP iI) !$SS,L'-\ - t'4'ni Fermrtt€e Pnni€d Name: (}rp@tr afi.ft,Nbrkt -l-rvn*,q+$.f\E lstti' Lo1}({15 ILL{ Thrs germit is not valid Lrntil signed by a i[ily iulhof iretl rrtDr6senti][!'e ot lhe Departfilenl. COI.ORAI]O OEPARTfulENT OF TRANSPOR'I'AI IC!N l'#rrrt 4:17--ixl Ll,ikr r:rrn,i :ri 'trrtr rlr(, :tr Pievluur *dillonl 3r'c obs'5lalc and may nlt be u$€dr!iixf r:rltrfi :|:i rtrrtr r1r](, :tr I'n,,r.idr .,ntr trrpp.n] It'.rr, (ill nl Ll Il:l n.'fir l:.i'1. Ltr!':,!,tl ;:.i;h:fAra;i3:;alir. ,t I srrr.D:1.r r.tt COOT For'n fl01 8t9f, Ow0rven Departrnmt of Communiry DnehPment 75 South Frontdge Road Vail, Coloralo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 ututw. uailgot com March 8,2007 Greg Gastineau Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC 12 Vail Road, Suite 600 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Timberline Roost Lodge Building Permit Review Dear Greg, I have completed my review of the buitdingpermit set ofplans (807-0016) on behalf of the Planning Team- Based upon my revi"* ortn" plans, I have denied your request for the issuance of a building per-it at this time. Please address the following issues: o Title sheet - Please identiff the location of the one additional limited service lodgeunit (101 to 102) r A- I . 0 - Area added at east end of parking structure . . .both levels . What is this? r Please identis the location of the three required employee housing units on the building permit set of Plans.o A-4.0 - Provide specifications for all exterior materials and note the specs on the plans. . A-4.0 - Window openings change? changes to exterior plans (DRB application req'd) o A-4.1 - Elimination of windows? Changes to exterior plans (DRB application req'd) t A-4.2- Changes to exterior plans (DRB application req'd) . . T-l - pull all retaining walls back a minimum of 2 feet from the property lines o L-l - per Town of Vail DRB approval all evergreen trees shall be increased to 15'- 18'tall. r Please see notes on redlined building permit set of plans, dated March 8,20Oi - Fftt c0Pr {p rnoctto uto , '"1:l iJli Upon receipt of this letter please contact me so that we can schedule a mutually convenient time to meet andgo over the revisions required on the plans. You can reach me most easily at (970) 479-2145. Sincerelv. fJ,*r-Q,^*t'*, George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail C&,rm,F lY gEt|El-CFl.EtEl Design Review Soand ACTIO]T FORT,T DepartrBent of Cornmunity Development 75 Sauth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado E1657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:9?0.479.2452 web: wwr.vailgnv"csm Project Name: TIMBERUNE LODGE CHANGE Project Description: Participants: OWNER 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT GREG GASTINEAU DRB Number: DRB070009 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO THE TIMBERUNE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMER ROOST LODGE), TO RELOCATE RECREATIONAL AMMENMES INTO THE FRONT SETBACK. THIS APUCANON ALSO INCLUDED CHANGES TO THE I.ANDSCAPE PLAN. TTMBERUNE ROOST LODGE LLC 0rl Lsl2007 o TH Proiect Addr€ss: E ROOST LODGE Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 0Il I5l2O07 Phone: 476-4593 12 VAIL RD STE 600 VAIL co 81657 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: Lot: 9, 1 Blockr Subdivision: BUFFERCREEK RESUB 2103-123-0200-1 See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dunning Dantas 3-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= 031O712007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C.ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this p@ect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced ana is aitigf, pursued toward comptetion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subjectto the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, hourever, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April L5, 2407, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Cond: CON0008739 The applicant shall replace any landscaping removed from the CDOT North Frontage Road right-of-way, used to screen the hot tub area, due to improvements made to the road in the future. The goal of any replacement landscaping shall be to screen the hot tub area from the North Frontage Road. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ilnges To The Approvea0"nt Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.7452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for tre particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenfal Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. .A0?r/tcrkr.lf t5 E@lLtNl2 *fP0€nt(/'t0 E€Lr5CX{tdDescription of the Requestr Location of the Proposal: t-ot: dl-t?ebck:- Subdivision: t) #o .-J c o o 4 Name(s) of owner(s): -T]M@Pu|\tb gro{f \,€D@rt,\l. Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:@+aG Mailing Address:30.rtr^616+d€\t6 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Physical Address: Parcel No.: Zoning: ?-\w- l@ -aL80 - Phone: Fax:E-mail Address: Tvpy'of Review and Fee:'7 d Changes to Approved Plans Submattal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association 110.4-1k. t40? $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. JAN 12 200t I/l{ ilaurlello Planning Group Mav 19.2006 Dear Neighbor: As a neighbor to the current Roost Lodge property and the site of the proposed Timberline Lodge, we wanted to inform you that revised plans for the site will be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department on May 22nd. We will provide the Town with an extra set of plans that will be available for you to review at the Community Development office. We anticipate that the Timberline Lodge will be presented to the Planning and Environmental Commission on Monday, June 12, 2006 as a worksession. The purpose of the worksession is to introduce the PEC to the revised design, and to identifu and discuss any aspects of the project that they feel require further investigation. There will be no final vote on the project at this meeting. We would like to take this opponunity to give you a brief update on what we, and our design team, have been doing over the past several months. We have heard the concems voiced about the project from several ofyou and from the Planning and Environmental Commission members. With those issues in mind, we have worked very hard to modifu the design to respond to as many ofyour concerns as possible. Set forth below is a brief summary of some of the key changes made to the plan: r The proposed development has been reduced from 126 hotel rooms, 37 condominiums, and 3 employee housing units to 98 hotel rooms, 29 condominiums, and 2 employee housing units. o The overall height ofthe building has also been reduced. The building is now three stories tall at both the east and west ends. and four stories tall at the center. . A significant portion of the west half of the building now has a flat roof which further lowers the height of the building and creates additional architectural interest. r The amount of retaining walls on the site has also been reduced, especially in those areas adiacent to Meadow Ridse Road. The project remains in compliance with all aspects of the Town of Vail's PA-2 zonng regulations, including height, density, site coverage, setbacks, and landscape coverage. We believe that these changes respond to the comments we heard at the last public hearing and hope that you will agree. We look forward to an opportunity to discuss the revised plans with you. Please feel free to contact the developers directly via email if you are interested in meeting to review the project in greater detail. Kevin Deighan can be reached at deishanone@aol.com, and Greg Gastineau can be reached at gre g(@timberlinere.com. Sincerelv. ,fi ill t f] ffiLLt"rulx-s* Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Principal MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: April4,2006 SUBJECT: Presentation on Determining Compliance with the Town's Building Height Regulations I. PURPOSE The Vail Town Council requested that staff prepare a presentation demonstrating how building height is calculated pursuant to the Town's building height regulations. This request was made in response to concerns that recent applications for development review were "stretching the intent of the regulationd', and if left unaddressed, buildings could begin to"appeaf'significantly taller than the maximum building heights allowed in the various zone districts. The purpose of this presentation is to: A. Provide the Council with a history of the Town's building height regulations. B. Educate the Council on how compliance with building height is determined. C. Allow Council to direct staff on next steps, if any, for pursuing changes to the Town's building height policy. II. BACKGROUND On June 19, 1973, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No.8, Series of 1973, an ordinance establishing comprehensive zoning regulations for the Town of Vail. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973, in part, "heighf was defined as, "The vertical distance betvveen the averaqe qrade of a structure and the highest point of the structure, orta the coping of a flat roof, to the deck line of a mansard roof, or to the highest ridge of a sloping roof." ln addition, "grade, or average grade" was defined as, "The average of the finished ground level at the midpoint of each of the exterior walls of the structure, excluding walls 20 feet or /ess rn length, provided that distance between the grade and the finished ground elevation at the lowest point adjoining the structure shall not exceed by more than 25 percent the height limit of the district in the structure is located." On November 18, 1980, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 37, Series of 1980, an ordinance amending the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Vail and providing for new definitions of various terms. In part, Ordinance No. 37 provided for new building height standards. According to Ordinance No. 37, the following terms were defined, Grade, Existing - The existing grade shall be the existing or natural topography of a site prior to construction. Grade, Finished - The finished grade shall be the grade proposed upon completion of the project. Height - The distance measured vertically, from the existing or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof. Note - The exceptions to the height limits was repealed and a statement acknovvledging the presence of the ' was added to the Commercial Core | (Vail Village) and Commercial Core ll (Lionshead) zone districts. On December 21 , 1993, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 33, Series of 1993, an ordinance repealing and re-enacting two section of the Vail Town Code. According to Ordinance No. 33, the express purpose of the amendments was, in part, to "ctarify and make more effective the definition of height'. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 33, the definition of height was amended to read as follows, "The distance measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roof or eave or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive) located directly below said point of the roof or eave. Within any building footprint, height shall be measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roof to the existing grade directly below said point on a proposed or existing roof." The text amendments approved pursuant to Ordinance No. 33 were a result of an appeal heard before the Planning and Environmental Commission on April 12' 1993' While the Commission unanimously (6-0-0) upheld the administrative actions of the Community Development Department, a recomrnendation was made that further clarity should be added to the definition of building height through the inclusion of the following statement. "Within any building footprint, height shall be measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roof to the existing grade directly below said point on a proposed or existing roof According to the Town's files and Zoning Regulations, the definition of building height has remained unchanged since 1993. Further, the procedures used by staff for calculating building height to determine compliance with the zoning regulations, have also remained unchanged. The intent of the of Town's building height regulations is to encourage the layout of the building follows the natural topography of the site. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONilr. There are several options the Council could pursue should it be determined that the Town's building height policies needs to change. The purpose of this section of the memorandum is to briefly summarize the options for further consideration. 1) Direct staff to pursue and evaluate new methods for calculating building height. For example, the points at which building height measurements are calculated could be redefined or a standardized methodology for determining existing grade could be established. 2) Direct staff to amend or eliminate the definition of "existing grade". As presently defined, existing grade refers to the existing (ie, prior to construction) topographic conditions of the development site. 3) Direct staff to amend the definition of building height to include a qualitative statement regarding the intent of the Town's adopted building height regulations. This option would be similar to the way building height and the resulting buiHing designs are addressed in Lionshead Architectural Design Guidelines. 4) Take no action at this time Of the four options outlined above, staff recommends a combination of Options 1 and 3. Staff recommends that the Town Council adopts a standardize process for re- estabfishing existing grade, as defined in Section 12-2-2 of the Zoning Regulations and amends the definition of "height' to include a qualitative design standard which shall be met in addition to the already prescribed quantitative standard. A similar provision already exists within the Town's adopted Zoning Regulations. For instance, pursuant to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, a standardize process for re-establishing existing grade (ie, interpolated grade) and a qualitative design standard have been established. In the Lionshead Mixed Use I and ll zone districts, "interpolated qrade" is defined as, "The re-established topographic conditions of a developmenf sife expressed r'n two foot (2') contour intervals and determined by connecting surueyed spot elevations located at ten foot (10') interuals around the perimeter of a property boundary and used in the determination of maximum allowable building heigh," and, a qualitative design standard referring to how a roof on a building shall look regardless of compliance with the quantitative development standard (ie, 82.5 feet max.lTl foot ave.). According to Section 12-7H-11, Height and Bulk, Vail Town Gode and Chapter 8, Architectural Design Guidelines, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, respectively, "Buildings shall have a maximum average building height of seventy one feet (71) with a maximum height of 82.5 feet, as further defined by the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. All development shall comply with the design guidelines and standards found in the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. Flexibility with the standard, as incorporated in the Lionshead redevelopment master plan, shatl be afforded to redevelopment projects which meet the intent of design guidelines, as reviewed and approved by the design review board." and. "ln addition, regardless of final building height, buildings shall avoid monotonous, unbroken ridge lines, and shall provide visual interest through lhe use of varied peak heights, roof forms, gables, and other appropiate architectural techniques;' Staff believes that a similar approach to building design and the arranging of bulk and mass on a development site can be taken to effectively prevent the potential abuses of the Town's current building height policies. Again, as presently adopted, the intent of Town's buibing height regulations is to encourage the layout of buildings to follow the natural topography of the site. In staffs opinion, the present building height regulations are fair and effective when both the quantitative AND qualitative standards are properly applied. ?{". Floor Area: The suro of the gross hori,zcntal areas of all floors of a builciing, i.ncluding habitpJoLe or ltseable penthouses, areas belo'v gror:nd u'hi-ch are habitable, and attj.c spacer but not including uninhabita.ble or r.inuseable areas below ground or in attics, and not j-ncluding areas designed for parking or loading rvlthin the buildine. Floor Area, Gross Residential: The total floor area rviihi-n the enclosing wa1]s of dwe1ling r:nits or acccnnpdations units, including closets, service areas, and interior salls within the units, but excltidj-ng balcot:ies, halhvays, coriclors, stainrells, garages, ald service area^s outsirie the dr,ve1l1ng unit or acccnnrrdation unit enclosures, and uninhabitabl.e heatiug or mecharical equipnent areas. Crracle , or Average at the midpoint of Grade: The average of the flnished grorurd leve1 each of the exterior rra11s of a structure, excludi.ng [-n*r*n., I I ana tne I to. tbe t^t_*' wa11s 2O feet or less in length, provided that distance between the grade and the finished ground elevation at the lorvest poi-nt afioining the structure shall not exceed by nore thax 25 per cent the height limit of the dlstrict in rvhich the structure is located. Ilabitable: Any area designed for sleepitlg, living, cooking, di-ning, neetirlg, or recreation as applied to floo:'area. The verti,r:a1 distanee betvreen the average grade of a structuf'e highest point of the stru.cture, or to tl:e coping of a flat locf' deck line of a ma:rsard. ror:f, or io ti:e highest ridge of a sloping 1-10 rev. I z lztl otw ORDINANCE NO. 37(Series of 1980) ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VAIL MUN]CI PAL DEFINIT]ONS OF THE CHAPTER 18 I'ZONING" CODE; PROVTDING FO AREA, EXISTING GRADE, FINISHED GRADE, AND HETGIT: PBOVIDING FOR NEW BUII,,DING EEIGIT StTSDhnos; pRovrDrNG FoR A *TANGE To rHE SPECIAL RESTR]CTIONS SECTION OE THE HAZARD REGULATIONS,. PROVIDING FOR CHANGES TO THE PERMITTED USES SECT]ON OE THE RESIDENTIAI CLUSTER ZONE DISTRICT, THE PURPOSE AND CONDITIONAL USES SECTION OF THE MEDII,T4 DENSTTY MULTI_FAMILY AND HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAIvliLY ZONE DISTRICTS, AND THE PERMITTED USES SECTION OF TIIE PUBLIC ACCOMMODAT IONS ZONE DISTRICT; PROVTDING EOR CHANGES TO THE PARKING, DESIGN REVIEW, AIID ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE 208 WATER QUALITY CONTROL PLAN; PROVIDING FOR A NEW APPEAL PROCEDURE; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the Town Staff, the Planning and Environrnental Cornmission, and the Town Councj-l of the Town of VaiI have been discussing certain changes to the zoning Code for the last 13 months; and WHEREAS, the purpose of these changes is to improve certain sections of the existinq Zonino Code that are felt to be deficient; WHEREAST the proposed amendnents to the Zoning code have been properly considered by the Planning and Environmental Conmission after notice was given and the recommendations of the PLanning and Environmental Commission forwarded to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that the zoning code should be amended as set forth bel-ow; AN OF I 1,eS NOW, 'I}IEREFORE, BE NAN OF VA I L, COLORADO, I + i, il .l{,r i a<. IT ORDAINED BY TIIAT : TIIE IOWN COUNCIL OF' THE Section l. Sections 18,04.060, 18.04.130, 18.04.140, 18.04.150, and 18.04.170 DEFINITIONS are repealed and reenacted to read as follows: 18.04.140 CREEK OR SIREAM "Creek" or "stream" means a body of flowing water indicated as a "perennial stream" on the most recent U.S.G.S. topo-graphic map of the area. I8.04.130 FLOCR AREA. GROS.S RESIDENTIAL Gross Residential Floor Area is defined as the total Fl oor area w ithi n the enclosing walls of a structure, including all habitable areas, greenhouses, indoor recreational facilities, and storage areas with a ceiling height of greater than six (5) feet six (6) inches, excluding the following: Crawl spaces, attic areas with- out a ceiling height of greater than six (6) feet six (6) inches,solar heating storage areas, mechanical areas, and areas designed for parking and loading. Overlapping stairways shall only be counted at the lowest level. For Single Family and Two Family Residences, a maximum of 300 squarg feet per vehicle space with a maximum of 2 spaces per dwelling unit will be allowed for enclosed garages. Thereshall also be a maximum of 50 square feet given for mechanical areas and 25 square feet given for air locks. Any square footageover the maximum for either the garage, the mechanical areas or air locks willbe counted as Cross Residential Ffoor Area (GRFA). For buildings containing more than 2 dwelling units, an additional GRFA of uo to 20olo of the allowable GRFA on the site shall be allowedfor common corridors, aommon stairways, common hallways, common closets. lobbv areas. and enclosed common recreational facilities. Anything in eicess of thi" 2& will be deducted from the CRFA allowed on the site. GRADE,EXISTING sh al I be the exi sting or natural topography construction. FINISHEDGRADE, shalt be the grade proposed upon completion HEIGHT I from the existingrestrictive), at or mansard roof or grade or any given t o. the existing g radesite prior to finished grade project. -2- roof. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development May 24, 1993 A request to amend Section 18.04.170 of the Zoning Code to clarify the definition of the height ot structures. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Shelly Mello I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST Recently, the procedure for measuring the height of buildings has come into guestion. At the April 12, 1993, appeal regarding this question, the PEC requested that the statf make some minor changes to the definition of height, Section 18.04.170 - Height. This amendment will not change the staff's current height measuring procedure. The existing definition for height states: "The distance measured vertically from, existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive) at any given point to the top of a flat, or manslord roof or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof." In response to the appeal, the staff would like to propose the following wording: Section 18.40.170 - Heiohf 'The distance measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roof or eave to the existing or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive) located directly below said point of the roof or eave." II. STAFF BECOMMENDATION The staff recommends these changes in response to the direction given by the PEC. This amendment will not change the staff's current method of calculating height. r\-! $6eggEl BBuS$ut $]si$= $sl*I- Ft$3' 2$E FH JK a,i ru\ $k9NU J dEo+ #h\ \b s -1, -1 -Jzv F$ trK * ) , - ', 'J ..so iS + -? +g;t -r; f,T!toNJ ii { 2 -L-, ,rl {-d"l + tB$ + ii\Lq i'i- ;. +r ,,\0" * kzo :s- iilI v ilF$-' kM! -l, I\],_,t F{!)t iu s\i $+, ,sg iN- -F: 3-,a i-- -j. \sti l-il-t it\ ,tt *$ =MuN' d -{r =a htL LIt I $ \\ IT {. \-'s \ $:l$ +,sl r-l urH ASil$ x $T o rI N {.o^o {t- zs I ! .C, Y* '.'.'l\ tr Iuol \LF I 6E{, / o $91$ffi s'ol a t.fiNf ,/uto!-x I/\ .,/rl ,t ./,./_ 1 -r{ oo o $sJfl:6' \l\:, R$.#-ffF2*tr lll \-L<-) F $r9 ,il* hS s T $eir $ Pd$F$ ,-.. L> l]-+- n $a$ : il P g$i$P $$ ={q$ r E-: 5l *$ $l ls *l f;E 5l$ $ frl$ r $r- !z, o o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 12, 1993 Appeal of staff interpretation of the calculation of ridge height and staff review of DRB application for the proposed primary unit on Lot 15' Block 1, Vail Potato Patch Filing #11784 Potato Patch Drive. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Appellant: Planner: Loper Development Mr. and Mrs. Andy Daly and Mr. and Mrs. Wiegers Shelly Mello I. INTRODUCTION The staff's interpretations of the calculation of ridge height and sta{f review of a DRB application are being appealed to the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) by two adjacent neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Weiger and Mr. and Mrs. Daly. The Design Review Board (DRB) approved the project on March 17, 1993. The vote was 5-0 with the one condition that the application must meet zoning and two recommendations: 1. The applicant work with the adjacent property owners to amend the landscape plan to include adjacent properties, and 2. Stone be added to the lower level. The DRB decision to approve the project was appealed by the Dalys and the Weigers. The Town Council reviewed the DRB decision on April 6th. They voted 4-1 to overturn the DRB's approvalbased on Section 18.54.050 - (A),(8,1X8,2)(l). (See attached guidelines.) The appellant wishes to pursue the remaining appeals to the PEC for clarity to preserve future rights of appeal. All appeals of stafi interpretations are reviewed by the PEC pursuant to Section 18.66.030(4) Appeal of Administrative Actions of the Town of Vail Zoning Code which states: "Appeal irom any administrative action or determination by the town manager or the zoning administrator pursuant to provisions of this title may be filed with the planning commission by any resident or property owner within twenty days following such action or determination. ln event of appeal, the commission, after receiving a report from the town manager or zoning administrator, may confirm, reverse, or modify the action o{ the town manager or the zoning administrator. A hearing shall not be required. Failure oi the commission to act within thirty days of the filing of an appeal shall be deemed concurrence in the action of the town manager or the zoning administrator." The following are the sections being appealed: Section 18.04.170 - Heiqht "Height" means the distance measured vertically, from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof or mansard roof or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof. Section 18.13.075 - Primarv/Secondary - Heioht For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed 30 feet. For sloping roofs, the height of buildings shall not exceed 33 feet. Section 18.54.040 - Materials to be Submitted Procedures - Staff/DRB Procedures The Department of Community Development shall check materials submitted for Design Review for compliance with the applicable provisions of the zoning codes, subdivision regulations under Section 18.54.040C. The zoning administrator may require any additional items from the applicant as may be necessary. lf the application is found to be in compliance with the applicable provisions of the zoning code, subdivision regulations and Section 18.54.040C, the project shall be placed upon the agenda for the next appropriately scheduled DRB meeting in accordance with the required application submittal deadlines on file in the Community Development Department. lf the application is found not to be in compliance with applicable provisions of the zoning code and Section 18.54.040C, the applications and materials shall be returned to the applicant with an explanation of the zoning administrator's findings. II. APPEALS OF SECTION 18.04.170 AND 18.13.075 The appellant feels that the stalf has been calculating height contrary to the intent of the regulations. lt is the staff's procedure to calculate height be measuring below any given point of the roof to existing or proposed grade, whichever is most restrictive. The appellant feels that the maximum ridge height with the lowest point oi proposed grade should be considered whether or not that ridge is directly above the proposed grade. In the case at hand, the point of the ridge is located in the middle of this building. Because of this, in the staff's opinion, there is no calculation lrom ridge to proposed grade. Staff takes the ridge elevation and measures to the existing grade. However, height is measured from the eave to the proposed and existing grade. It is the intent of height calculations to control the height of buildings as they relate to the specific topography of the site. ln most cases, the most restrictive calculation is lrom the highest point of the ridge to the existing grade. Our method complies with the zoning code's definition of height. The intent of the regulations is to encourage the layout of the building to follow the existing topography of the site. il1.sEcTtoN 18.54.040 The appellant is also appealing the staff's procedure as it relates to applications to the DRB. ln this application, the staff was unable to complete the second GRFA check prior to the second Design Review Board review of this project on March 17, 1993. All otherzoning checks had been completed, but final GRFA had not been calculated again after revisions to the drawings had been made. The staff was attempting to work with the applicant and neighbors in an effort to accommodate changes in the project after initial application, but prior to the second Design Review Board hearing. Drawings were submitted to the Town of Vail the Friday prior to the Design Fleview Board hearing. Subsequent to the Design Review Board hearing, a GRFA check was completed and the application was in fact below the allowable GRFA. lt is Larry Eskwith's finding that since the application was found to be in compliance with the applicable development standards prior to this hearing that this is not an issue. 0..\tuI LI TIJK$d) n 5P s uir* H?hqa dl; L '* -d ,$$r -.f) -J- n/Yg-rJn \-rr*>HkilS 4D tF$a * $h ml $) $ \t L sr \;t- .Y:\ v) tI +- \I4d\-+--. _t$s2qd){JN . l-l ,!\tsL.E .ir dl r$r'o {gt$ Ii; ..9 )'{$r-$\rnq 'il q. sfl' .c,LO,tF.$us2! oitl EAtes. $-+ Y* t*l JSI $s ,qnQ 5$E$ ^-J$ ?oE -)Jw$ss: |.\'lSa*tH$ut \$\Z u\ r JA R*, il 3x$$t -h Ss S5ot**fl sHtHt.1,- r\] ,/ lr- IIJ SF ft ,ttf\SlrD.\-NU _l 2lildo+f$ \$ $Jtr.kst dK * x$i -$ Sl Hry o ,il $$\Ah Rurrt- Od?FtlJF- -F t\l Szb OL tOL$l7tffT r- il \tTr dilt f,,tr In.F+ -l- \f-{tr n $qih $! {sH $;l -' isr \t rr -t2 $s3$?B * \ . ,tf\ ..'ots -s9l$ Af "' o.ol dltc{ ,;-sItl =ti) 44J il *0 $\ 5$H$ $$tr\ f,J6'"fl J#w AJLl* "qE 't'flJ--1 4l { _] d) NL''-. { -lrJ $$ g$t\ p' L- 'L) L- a$' \\ r {. L1\ \\t .fi ar ^l\l-d D I /: (l} t.o $$ t4 /t \ j/:./tIt/f.f tft l 7-f ,0 \0*+ / ilNr X {tI t' /. ./I;L \n 1 r--7- \,/ isffiY fiu 3$ o {rr9r.rl;r t \t Y ill= Fn$ *u'; ctE€ 7/r\ Eg o L\ I * /t dt=il| =tu?ltt=lr\att= /1f,r { / ["/'{u s3'$ b\ o ro+o oo 'Au'r-ovrrnbleV H.1+:. \ Linir o il$fr'giEil' fi""*g ll[3111= UPDATED SEPT 05 Cuaprnn 8 AncgrrECTUAL Dnsrcrq Gunrrnqns s),* !{t ac I $ Ica q)L .!0 F <+ H: ::{ p'iE4 IH F tr 4.4 \ oz VELoPMENT MESTTN PTAN o LtoNsnneo RrnBPageS-22 Cseprpn 8 AncHrrncruAr Desrcx Gurosl-Nss UPDATED SEPT 05 o sFar\o' F( I,arn\Ioa aLs'o:Xo de &otcd -...- 63HI HfiI L'--EE I -'<--l I,____l JA a; DO <c -J- jj I I I I-a I--l/ _--fifi --lf_: b?,* zz s6 df;^v e @ _\i; : :___{i_ j l- 81 iiot; e2 399lv4x f\ \\+-\ \\ LroNssBao RronvrypMENr MesrnR PLAN o o Page 8-23 NV'rd uaJsvI/{ JNllr^tdoTaAaqau qvtrHsNorT vz-g e8ed. ,fl rd rl et5 E .li IN P>t91-t !tHtii zt-ipztt!,oa|'rl A6 ;,r \ .i;IrO F (\ Ca Iq (1s G E. * FI: Oa S. F..1 3n *vt srfhrr3F I I ,/trill?l 9l ol o, I-z b strM'Iaaloc Ncrsao TVm3g.ilHcuvt E0 rdas carvcdn8 Urr,r.rvHc TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 10,2006 A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0012) Applicant Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: George Ruther il. SUMMARY The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge, L.L.C., is requesting a final review of an existing grades topographic map for Lots 9 -12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. The existing grades topographic map will be used by the applicant and staff to determine compliance with building height regulations. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge, L.L.C., is requesting a final review of an existing grades topographic map for Lots 9 -12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. The existing grades topographic map will be used by the applicant and staff to determine compliance with building height regulations. The Planning and Environmental Commission is being asked to approve' approve with modifications, or deny the final review of the existing grades topographic map for Lots 9 -12 Buffehr Creek Resubdivision. BACKGROUND The Roost Lodge was originally constructed in the early 1970's as a motel project. The existing lodge contains 72 hotel rooms, one dwelling unit, and a baved surface parking lot. According to the Town's files, with the exception of minor applications for repainting, new deck rails, reproofing, etc., the Roosl Lodge has seen no significant modifications since its original construction. on November 14 and 28,2OO5, the applicant appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request to amend the text of the Public Accommodation zone district to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities. as a conditional use in the district. Upon consideration of the request, the Commission directed staff and the applicant to prepare an amendment which ilt. would result in the creation of a new zone district purposefully intended to allow a{:commodation units to include kitchen facilities in certain areas of Town. On December 6, 2005, during the PEC/DRB update to the Vail Town Council, staff informed the Town Council of the recent discussions with the Planning & Environmental Commission regarding the text amendment and the creation of a new zone district. The Town Council acknowledged that the intent of the proposed text amendment may have merit, however, encouraged the staff and Commission to evaluate other options. For example, the possibility of creating a new conditional use with use specific criteria addressing the relationship of the use to other neighboring uses and development objectives of the Town or the elimination of the prohibition against kitchen facilities in accommodation units. The Town Council expressed that it may be appropriate to re-evaluate the legislative intent of the current land use policy prohibiting kitchen facilities in accommodation units. On December 20, 2005, the Community Development Department presented five possible options for addressing the applicant's desire to construct a lodge containing accommodation units with kitchen facilities. Following discussion of the various options, the Council directed staff to prepare a text amendment to Titf e 12, Zoning Regulations, proposing the creation of the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) district. Cin January 9, 2006, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on a text amendment application creating the Public Accommodation-2 district and a request to fezone Lots 9-12, Buffher Creek Resubdivision to the new PA-2 district. Upon consideration of the application' the Commission voted 6-0-0 to forward a recommendation of approval of the text amendment to the Vail Town Council. on January 17,2006, the Vail Town Council held a first reading on ordinances 2 & 3, Series of 2006, creating the Public Accommodation-2 district and rezoning the Timberline Roost Lodge development site to the new PA-2 district, respectively. Following diicussion on each ordinance, the Town Council approved both ordinances on first reading. on January 18, 2006, the Town of Vail Design Review Board held a conceptual review meeting to review the revised major exterior alteration application for the Timberline Roost Lodge. On February 7, 2006, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinances 2 & 3' on February 27, 2006, the applicant appeared before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission for a final review of a major exterior alteration application to redevelop the Roost Lodge. Upon review of the application' the iommission voted to table the final review of the application to a later date, at the applicant's request. on April 4, 2006, the community Development Department m9d1a presentation to the Vail Town Council demonitrating how compliance with the Town's building height regulations is determined. Following the presentationby staff, the Town Council directed staff to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Regulations further clarifying the intent of the Town's building height regulations. request changes to the methods used to determine building, The Council did not however. tv. The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves the final review of an existing grades topographic map of Lots 9 -12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. The existing grades topographic map will be used by the applicant and staff to determine cornpliance with building height regulations. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose approve this request, the Department of Community Development recommends the Commission passes the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the final review of an existing grades topographic map for Lofs I -12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request, the Department of Community Development recommends the Town Commission makes the following findings: "Based upon the review of the Roost Lodge Existing Grades Topographic Map dated April 10, 2006, and the evidence and testimony presented, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds: "That the applicant has proven to the satisfaction of the Commission that tfie Roosf Lodge Existing Grades Topographic Map is an accurate interpretation of the topographic conditions of the development site prior to construction. The Map shall be utilized by the Community Development Department to determine compliance with the Town's adopted building height regulations." Apr-IO-OE 09:4lA l{gvlrAnE' M, Ftc(rNe ill loo Lor|cvtEw LrNl JoHxsroqr . Pa t 5905 April l0,?005 Plstrnhg rltd Envirp,ttsrsmsl Corrncil I hrvo just reccivad and rovicwed Goorge Ru&or's recry thorougb rnalysb urd dcfinitian of "lteig[" according to various hislorical codcs aad "clrrificatipns-" Excop for tho cityplonncro, for othscrlt hrs obviously bcco a mrrky rlsjocl. Some obserurtiol r Ordnrnce 3?: rhis is pcrfcctly clerr to mc. "l3mdc, orbtiog- TSs a.irdng gnds sh$ll bo the *itring 91 aorurol oopognphy of r rite prior to coosarctiou." Explanarion: If tho rwits'drrrfborities a: tha tinc desilcd p est blbb l pouuacat (ed hfinitun) vonlcal loightcrs€Dsqr ftr e propcrty tluyvorrld heve *rilreo: "Crmdc, ExiedDg - The exisdng grada shdl bo the oalurd lotFogrphy of r ritc boforc m prior , !o any conchtctim beginting wi$ tle ftrsr projoat urd cxtqding hto ttc futurs for 4l1y grojoctu thereafler. Forthcroor€. if tho Ordnqnco 3? wanied existing !o trHn Dalural tto wor& would hayp beeo ". , "oristint {Od oanral rqpognphy. ,.." . Th€ rllowarue of E perm nc[t wrticsl heigtrt crscrrort widr r]ro origiml rojogrghy ng rlro bass hes bem rnd will bo c "nightuare" for fuauc pruaba$ers of rcal estate.pgl rerl e!!*e proftssiorrals," In ordcr for lry purc,hasor to ovskn s rmmpddely hb ptoporty (and rcrl cstalo rupok 4Id sppr.is€rs as w:ll), tre buycr rnus! obtlliF c civil ongbeer "rtrmpcd" &rsnuiocrioo of lls '(estjmitt" oflbo "originrrl" topographv of EDy adjoinhg lots tha.havo bwrr Oistrlte4by conslructioo to deiennine wher his spaeo ead view migbt look lfts b thc fgU*e siae€ lhp esscmcot forhsiElrt goos on@9, (TIis h a poEilial "pld minc" for ettomeydlsyi{suits). Rcomlmendetior Uss f$G rlqing height rulc one tinre onlv- for ths filsr proloct ad rftcr ]bat "eryfutiag' Edo is Web'sFr'v dcfinitlor. Fqrrtro "ElI" iostrad sf "crl'riruation, ryccifroallyfoftld *fi[t" qnrlntrrrrl topogephy wltbout PtsC aad adJacenr pro;pcry oqmet apgrovrl. BFgrrd& {'*tw.(Qfr" Georgo Ruthei, Clicf ofPlanning VtilCouocil P -(J2 H. M, Picking,III lf?l {cl Mauriello Planning Group Roost Lodge Adiacent Propertv Owner List @ DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC I4O4 MORAINE DR VAIL, CO 8I657 @ MURPHREE INVESTMENTS LTD 2409 DUBLIN RD PLANO. TX75094 @ FITE. KENNETH DAVID & IRMAK AYSE -JT 6415 E PRENTICE PL GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CO 8OI1I @ M.L. HARRIS FAMILY PTNSHP LLC IO9OO HEFNER POINTE DR STE 2OO OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73120 @ HILLSIDE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O BEMIS, GREGORY PO BOX 3438 VAIL" CO 81658 @ KARP, KAREN L. PO BOX 2174 VAIL, CO 8I658 @ TURNIPSEED, JASON & COLETTE 185 SOUTH EMERSON DENVER, CO 8O2OI @ DUYOS, VIVIAN S. & JORGE R. -JT 1434 SARRLA, AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 @ GLTNION, JOHN F., MARGARET M.A., & ANDREW MARK 1819 MEADOW RIDGE RD E VAIL. CO 81657 @ CARNEY, JOHN M. 1839 MEADOW RIDGE RD B vArL, co 81657-3904 @ PICKING, HOWARD M.,III & ADELLE C. IOO LONGVIEW LN JOHNSTOWN, PA 15905 @ ERB, WENDYELAINE I8I9MEADOWRIDGERD G VAIL, CO 81657 @ JAMES J. BIGOS FAMILY TRUST 1834 A GLACIER CT VAIL. CO 81657 @ ROLLAND. JODI T. & ROBERT D. -JT 6802 TERREZAESCONDIDA SAN CLEMENTE,CA92673 @ CHATEAU TREMONTE OWNERS ASSOC INC 5299 DTC BLVD STE 5OO ENGLEWOOD, CO 80I11 @ RALPH W. HAJOSY REVOCABLE TRUST 1725 CARVER RD GRIFFIN. GA 30224-8820 @ BOYMER, ROBERT JAMES PO BOX l00l VAIL. CO 81658 @ NADLER, JOHN E. CiO VISTAR REAL ESTATE 635 N FRONTAGE RD 1 VAIL, CO 81657 @ PRAGER. DIANE M. & NELSON A. -JT 22OOE GRAND AVE ENGLEWOOD, CO 8OI13 @) LE VARN, MARIA A. & MARC -JT PO BOX 214 VAIL, CO 81658 @. DICKSON. PHYLLIS 1817 MEADOW RIDGE RD 1 VAIL, CO 8I657 @ MERRIMAN, DANNY C., JANE M. & ADAM G. 1859 MEADOW RIDGE RD A VAIL, CO 81657-3905 @ DEFORD, WILLIAM F. 1859 MEADOWRIDGE RD VAIL. CO 8I657 @ FARQUHAR, JERRY L. & DEBORAH R. 1879 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ STEITZ, STEVEN A. & CYNTHIA A. 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ BATCHELOR, ROBERT - FITZGERALD, DIANE -JT PO BOX 5854 VAIL, CO 81658 @ ALEKSANDER & IRIA PIIRMA TRUSTEES 3528 ADELINE DR sTow, oH44224 @ WAGENLANDER, JAMES F. - CHIN, MARY LEE -JT 2225 DAHLIA ST DENVER, CO 80207 @ CORRION, BRIAN 278215 TAMIAMI TR2 BONITA SPRINGS, FL 34134 @ CROCKETT, RUFUS PO BOX 3837 ASPEN, CO 81612 @ MYRON, GORDON D. - WEINBENDER, THOMAS L. 256128TH AVE W SEATTLE, WA 98199 @ MOORE, STEVE & DENNIE L. -JT PO BOX 392 EDWARDS, CO 81632 @ HALEY, MICTIAEL S. & MARLA M. -JT 3037 SUN CREEK RIDGE RD EVERGREEN, CO 80439-8782 @ HERMANIN, HENRY K. & MARY C. - HERMANN, KARL -JT 577 W CONESTOGA CIR GRAND JUNCTION. CO 81504 @ VANHEULEN, MISTY M. & JASON J. -JT PO BOX 6343 AVON, CO 81620 @ WOMBOLT. CHRIS & DUANE 2249 CAPE ARBOR DR VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23451 @ DICORPO, DEENA M,, DINO D. & EVE PO BOX 3981 VAIL, CO 81658 @ HINMON, JOHN S. & HARRIETH, -JT 407 MEADOW RD EDWARDS, CO 81632 @ KRICHBAUM" PHILIP F. PO BOX 33 VAIL, CO 8I658 @ CROCKETT, RUFUS PO BOX 3837 ASPEN. CO 81612 n). ipcc, RANDY G. & JoELLEN L. -JT 2OOO S MADISON ST DENVER, CO 8O2IO @ TATSUMI, TETSUO - MALCUIT, EMILY -JT PO BOX 2858 EDWARDS, CO 81632 @. O MooRE, HALE w. PO BOX 3746 AVON, CO 81620 @ FABER, OTTALIE & GEORGINA P O BOX 838 EAGLE, CO 8163I ta. MusrnNc coNDoMrNruM ASSocrATroN C/O GUERzuERO, RANDALL 1859 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL, CO 8I657 @ BUFFER CREEK WEST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. C/O MARKA W. MOSHER P O BOX 902 VAIL, CO 81658 @ TOWN OF VAIL CiO FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 @ MUSSON, PAUL F. & ELISA M. .JT 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT, CO 80203 @ HAGERMAN, PHILIP R. & JOCELYN K. 13I88 LATOURETTE DR FENTON, MI48430 @ COLORADO DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 42OIE ARKANSAS AVE DENVER, CO 80222 DENVER, CO 80222 ,t ?ec zlrtlob Y\orioJ:MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: slts February 27,2006 A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0012) Applicant Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: George Ruther SUMMARY The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge, L.L.C. is requesting a final review of a major exterior alteration application to facilitate the redevelopment of the Roost Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road. The key elements of the application include: . Demolition of the existing Roost Lodge and the construction of the new Timberline Lodge,. 126 new limited service lodge units, andr 39 dwelling units. The key issues for consideration with regards to the major exterior alteration include: r Compliance with the prescribed development standards,. Compliahce with the criteria for consideration of a major exterior alteration.r Effect upon the character ofthe neighborhood, and. Compliance with the Vail Comprehensive Plan. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge, L.L.C., representing by Mauriello Planning Group, L.L.C., has submitted a revised major exterior alteration development review application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department to facilitate the redevelopment of the Roost Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road. The development site of the Timberline Lodge is located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. According to the stamped \.i' ,' : l$ographic survey, the development site occupies approximately 1.988 acres or 86,597 square feet. The applicant is proposing to construct a new four to six story tall "limited service lodge" comprised of 126 accpmmodation units, 37 dwelling units,3 employee housing units and 197 above and below grade parking spaces. The applicant anticipates that the new lodge will be operated by Marriott or another national hotel brand as a'limited service" lodge. As proposed, the accommodation units vary from 463 to 731 square feet while the dwelling units are approximately 850 square feet in size each. The three employee housing units are roughly 460 square feet in size each and configured to provide housing for a total of five employees. As designed, the exterior matedals on the lodge are proposed to be a mixture of stone and wood siding with asphalt shingle roofing. Exterior decks and balconies have been added to the building's fagade along with a roof ridgeline of varying heights to improve both the vertical and horizontal articulation of the building. According to Section 127J-13, of the VailTown Code, "lt shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the planning and environmental commission and the desrgn review board that the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the public accommodation zone distict, and that the proposal does nof otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elernents of the Vail comprehensive plan." A vicinity map identifying the location of the development site has been attached for reference (Attachment A). A reduced set of plans have been attached for reference (Attachment B). III. BAGKGROUND The Roost Lodge was originally constructed in the early 1970's as a motel project. The dxisting lodge contains 72 hotel rooms, one dwelling unit, and a paved surface parking lot. According lo the Town's files, with the exception of minor applications for repainting, new deck rails, reproofing, etc., the Roost Lodge has seen no significant modifications since its original construction. On November 14 and 28,2005, the applicant appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request to amend the text of the Public Accommodation zone district to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities, as a conditional use in the district. Upon consideration of the request, the Commission directed staff and the applicant to prepare an amendment which would result in the creation of a new zone district purposefully intended to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities in certain areas of Town. On December 6, 2005, during the PEC/DRB update to the Vail Town Council, staff informed the Town Council of the recent discussions with the Planninq & a tv. Environmental Commission regarding the text amendment and the creation of a new zone district. The Town Council acknowledged that the intent of the proposed text amendment may have merit, however, encouraged the staff and Commission to evaluate other options. For example, the possibility of creating a new conditional use with use specific criteria addressing the relationship of the use to other neighboring uses and development objectives of the Town or the elimination of the prohibition against kitchen facilities in accommodation units. The Town Council expressed that it may be appropriate to re-evaluate the legislative intent of the current land use policy prohibiting kitchen facilities in accommodation units. On December 20,2005, the Community Development Department presented five possible options for addressing the applicant's desire to construct a lodge containing accommodation units with kitchen facilities. Following discussion of the various options, the Council directed staff to prepare a text amendmenl to Title 12, Zoning Regulations, proposing the creation of the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) district. On January 9, 2006, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on a text amendment application creating the Public Accommodation-2 district and a request to rezone Lots 9-12, Buffher Creek Resubdivision to the new PA-2 district. Upon consideration of the application' the Commission voted 6-0-0 to forward a recommendation of approval of the text amendment to the Vail Town Council. On January 17,2006, the Vail Town Council held a first reading on Ordinances 2 & 3, Series of 2006, creating the Public Accommodation-2 district and rezoning the Timberline Roost Lodge development site to the new PA-2 district' respectively. Following discussion on each ordinance, the Town Council approved both ordinances on first reading. On January 18, 2006, the Town of Vail Design Review Board held a conceptual review meeting to review the revised major exterior alteration application for the Timberline Roost Lodge. On February 7,2006, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinances 2 & 3. ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS The purpose of this section of the memorandum is to clarify the responsibilities of the Design Review Board, Planning and Environmental Commission, Town Council, and Staff on the various applications submitted on behalf of Vail Resorts Development Company. A- Exterior Alteration/Modification in the Public Accommodation'2 zone district Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental Commission for impacts of useldevelopment and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. V. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/denial of a Major/Minor Exterior Alteration. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the proposal for compliance with the adopted criteria. The Planning and Environmental Commission's approval "shall constitute approval of the basic form and location of improvements including siting, building setbacks, height, building bulk and mass, site improvements and landscaping." Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority on a Major or Minor Exterior Alteration, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Vail Land Use Plan According to the Official Land Use Plan for the Town of Vail, the development site has a land use designation of Medium Density Residential. Pursuant to the Vail Land Use Plan, "The Medium Density Residential land use designation includes slfes for housing which would typically be designed as attached units with common walls. Densrties in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre. Additionaltypes of uses in this category would include private recreation facilities, pivate parking facilities and institutionaHpublrb uses suci as churches, fire stations, and parks and open space facilities." Title 12, Zoninq Requlations PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION-2 ZONE DISTRIGT (in part) CHAPTER 7 Commercial and Business Districts Article J. PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION - 2 (PA-z) DISTRICT 12-7J-1: PURPOSE: The public accommodation -2 district is intended to provide sites for lodges, limited service lodges, and residential accommodations on a short term basis, for visitors and guests, together with such public and semipublic facilities and commercial/retail and related visitor oriented uses as may be appropriately located within the same district and compatible with adjacent land uses. This district is intended to provide for lodging sites located outside the periphery of the Town's Vail Village and Lionshead commercial core areas. The public accommodaiion - 2 district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Additional nonresidential uses are allowed as conditional uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a vacation community, and where permitted uses are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the district. 1 2-7 J-2: PERMITTED USES: The following uses shall be permitted in the PA-2 district: Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%) of the total gross residential floor area of the main structure or slructures on the site; additional accessory dining areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, or terrace. Limited service lodge, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%) of the total gross residential floor area of the main structure or structures on the site; additional accessory dining areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, or terrace.. 1 2-7 J-3: COND ITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the PA-2 district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter l6 of this title: Bed and breakfast, as further regulated by section 1 2-14-18 of this title' Fractional fee club units as further regulated by subsection 12-16-7 A8 of this title. Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and occupying between ten percent (10%) and fifteen percent (15%) of the total gross residential floor area of the buildings, grounds and facilities. Public or commercial parking facilities or structures. Public transportation terminals. Public utility and public service uses. Theaters and convention facilities. Type lll employee housing units as provided in chaoter 13 of this title. 1 2-7 J-4: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shall be permifted in the PA-2 district: Home occupations, subjecl to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of section 12-14-12 oI this title. Meeting rooms. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreation facilities customarily incidental to permitted uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 12-7J-6: SETBACKS: In the PA-Z district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet (20'). At the discretion of the planninq and environmental commission and/or the design review board. variations to the setback standards outlined above may be approved durino the review of exterior alternations or modifications (section 12-74-12 of this article) subiect to the applicant demonstratinq compliance with the followinq criteria: A.Proposed building setbacks provide necessary separation between buildings and riparian areas, geologically sensitive areas and other environmentally sensitive areas. B.Proposed building setbacks will provide adequate availability of light, air and open space. C.Proposed building setbacks will provide a compatible relationship with buildings and uses on adjacent properties. D.Proposed building setbacks will result in creative design solutions or other public benefits that could not othenrrrise be achieved by conformance with prescribed setback standards. 12-7J-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty five feet (45'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty eight feet (48'). 12-7 J-8: DENSIry CONTROL: Up to one hundred fiftv {150) square feet of qross residential floor area (GRFA) mav be oermitted for each one hundred (100) square:feet of buildable site area. Final determination of allowable gross residential floor area shall be made bv the planning and environmental commission in accordance with section 12-7J-12 of this article. Specificallv. in determininq allowable qross residential floor area the planninq and environmental commission shall make a findinq that proposed qross residential floor area is in conformance with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Total density shall not exceed twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. For the purposes of calculating density, employee housing units, limited service lodge units, accommodation units and fractional fee club units shall not be counted towards density (dwelling units per acre). A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one or more attached accommodation units. 1 2-7 J -9: SITE COVERAGE: Site coveraqe shall not exceed sixtv five percent (65%) of the total site area. Final determination of allowable site coverage shall be made bv the planninq and environmental commission and/or the desion review board in accordance with section 12-7J-12 of this article. Specifically. in determining allowable site coveraqe the olanninq and environmental commission and/or the desiqn review board shall make a finding that proposed site coverage is in conformance with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. 12-7J-11: PARKING AND LOADING: Off street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with chaoter 10 of this title. At least seventy five percent (75To) of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view. No at grade or above grade surface parking or loading area shall be located in any required front setback area. Below grade underground structured parking and short term guest loading and drop off shall be permitted in the required front setback subject to the approval of the planning and environmental commission and/or the design review board. 1 2-7 J-1 2: EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MOD I FICATIONS: A. Review Required: The construciion of a new building or the alteration of an existing building shall be reviewed by the design review board in accordance with chaptei 11 of this title. However, any project which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units, limited service lodge units, any project which adds more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off site impacts (as determined by the administrator) shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission as a major exterior alteration in accordance with this chapter and section 12-3-6 of this title. Complete applications for major exterior alterations shall be submitted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the department of community development for planning and environmental commission and design review board review. The following submittal items are required: 1. Application: An application shall be made by the owner of the building or the building owner's authorized agent or representative on a form provided by the administrator. Any application for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized by the condominium association in conformity with all pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 2. Application; Contents: The administrator shall establish the submittal requirements for an exterior alteration or modification application. A complete list of the submittal requirements shall be maintained by the administrator and filed in the department of community development. Certain submittal requirements may be waived and/or modified by the administrator and/or the reviewing body if it is demonstrated by the applicant that the information and materials required are not relevant to the proposed development or applicable to the planning documents that comprise the Vail comprehensive plan. The administrator and/or the reviewing body may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. 3. Work Sessions/Conceptual Review: lf requested by either the applicant or the administrator, submittals may proceed to a work session with the planning and environmental commission, a conceptual review with the design review board, or a work session with the town council. 4. Hearing: The public hearing before the planning and environmental commission shall be held in accordance with section 12-3-6 of this title. The planning and environmental commission may approve the application as submitted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the application. The decision of the planning and environmental commission may be appealed to the lown council in accordance with section 12-3-3 of this title. 5. Lapse Of Approval: Approval of an exterior alteration as prescribed by this article shall laps'e and become void three (3) years following the date of approval by the design review board unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued to completion. Administrative extensions shall be allowed for reasonable and unexpected delays as long as code provisions affecting the proposal have not changed. 12-7 J-13: COMPLIANCE BURDEN: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the planning and environmental commission and the design review board that the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the public accommodation zone district, and that the proposal does not othenryise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan. vt. 12-7J-14: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS: Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of mitiqation and public amenitv improvements shall be balanced with the qoals of redevelopment and will be determined bv the planninq and environmental commission in review of development proiects and conditional use oermits. Substantial off site impacts may include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, stream tracUbank restoration, loading/delivery, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenUdevelopment projects which produce substantial off site impacts. ZONING ANALYSIS Address/LegalDescription: 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek SubdivisionZoning: Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) District Land Use Designation: Medium Density Residential DevelopmentStandard Allowed/Required Proposed Lot Area: Density: AU's GRFA****: Building Height: Site Coverage"**": Landscape Area: Setbacks****: North: West: East: South: Parking: Loading: Employee Housing: 10,000 sq. ft. min. 49 Dwelling Units Unlimited 129,896 sq. ft. 48 feet 56,288.23 sq. ft. (65%) 25,979 sq. ft. (30%) 0'-20' o'-20' 0'-20' 0'-20' 167 spaces 1 berth 3 units (5 beds) 86,597 sq. ft. 37 Dwelling Units 126 AU's 100,240 sq. ft. 48 feet 55,243 sq. ft. (64%) 39,998 sq. ft. (46%) 20' 20' 20' 20' 197 spaces 1 berth 3 units (5 beds) o *'*t Subject to review and approval by the Planning & Environmental Commission, pursuant to Chapter 7, Commercial and Business Districts, Article J. Public Accommodation -2 (PA-2) District, Vail Town Code VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: South: Easl: West: Land Use Residential l-70 Row Residential Residential Zonino Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential N/A Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential Residential Cluster District VIII. MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION REVIEW CRITERIA Section 12-7J-13, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, outlines the review criteria for major exterior alteration applications proposed within the Public Accommodation - 2 (PA-2) District. According to Section 12-7J-13, Vail Town Code, a major exterior alteration shall be reviewed for compliance with the following criteria: 1) Compliance with the purposes of the Public Accommodation zone district;2) That the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood; and3) That the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. The applicant has provided a written response to each of the above described criteria. A copy of the applicant's written response has been attached for reference (Aftachment C). 1) Compliance with the purposes of the Public Accommodation - 2 zone district. Staff Response: The purposes of the Public Accommodation - 2 zone district are stated in Section 12-7J-1 , Purpose, Vail Town Code and reiterated in Section V of this memorandum. As stated, the Public Accommodation - 2 zone district is intended to provide sites within the community outside of the periphery of the commercial core areas of the Town of Vail for lodges, limited service lodges, and residential accommodations on a short{erm basis, for visitors and guests, together with such public and semipublic facilities and commercial/retail and related visitor oriented uses as may be appropriately located within the same district and compatible with adjacent land uses. Additional nonresidential uses are allowed as conditional uses in the Districi which enhance the nature of Vail as a vacation community, and where permitted uses are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the District. The development standards prescribed for the District were most recently established by Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2006, and iniended to provide incentives for development in accordance with the goals and development objectives of the Town of 10 Vail. In reviewing the proposed Timberline Roost Lodge project for compliance with the expressed purposes of the Public Accommodation - 2 zone district, staff finds that the major exterior alteration application complies with the intent of the zone district and adheres to the development standards prescribed for development with the District. The applicant shall be required, however, to submit a revised set of plans addressing the building height overage of six inches on ridge "U", as depicted on Sheet C-10, Building Height Plan. Staff believes that the proposed major exterior alteration is in compliance with the purposes of the Public Accommodation - 2 zone district as demonstrated by the discussion above. 2) That the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood. Staff Response: Staff has reviewed the proposed Timberline Roost Lodge project in an attempt to identify any significant negative effects that may be created on the character of the neighborhood as a result of the construction of the hotel project. Staff has identified several significant negative effects that the proposal will have (ie, sun/shade, impacts to views, increased vehicular traffic, loss of landscaping, grading & drainage, etc.) on the character of the neighborhood. For example, staff believes that the applicant has done a good job of designing a building which complies with the development standards prescribed for development in the Public Accommodation-2 zone district, however, the resulting design has created the need for a significant amount of retaining walls to be constructed on the site. The net result is a building which, unlike other buildings and structures in the neighborhood, requires a significant number of retaining walls to accommodate lhe new structure. The applicant has prepared a list of "positive/negative impacts of the project' for the Commission's consideration. A copy of the list is contained in Attachment C. Staff believes that the proposed major exterior alteration will not result in any significant negative effects on the character of the neighborhood which outweigh'the positive impacts of the project. Additionally, staff believes that the resulting negative impacts of the project have been mitigated by the applicant through various design changes. For example, staff suggests that the applicant should further increase the amount and sizes of the evergreen trees proposed on Sheet L-1 of the plan set to visually buffer the presence of the retaining walls and the new building from the existing adjacent uses. Further, staff suggests that the Planning & Environmental Commission forwards a recommendation to the Design Review Board requesting that special consideration be given to the roof design of the building with special attention given to the amount and location of the rooftop mechanical equipment. 3) That the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. 11 Staff Response: Staff has completed a review of the Vail Comprehensive Plan to determine which elements of the plans are most applicable to this major exterior alteration application. The following paragraphs summarize stiaffs review. Vail Land Use Plan According to the Vail Land Use Plan Map, the subject development site has a land use designation of 'Medium Density Residential". Pursuant to the Plan, the Medium Density Residential land use designation includes sites for housing which would typically be designed as attached units with common walls. Densities in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre. Additional types of uses in this category would include private recreation facilities, private parking facilities and institutional/public uses such as churches, fire stations, and parks and open space facilities. Furthermore, staff believes that the following Land Use Plan Goals/Policies, as articulated in Chapter ll of the Vail Land Use Plan are applicable to this application 1.1, 1.3, 1.12,2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2,3.3, 3.4, 5.3, & 5.5. A copy of the Land Use Plan Goals/Policies has been attached for reference (Attachment D). 4) Other Staff Response: Pursuant to Section 12-7J-14 of the Zoning Regulations, "Property owners/developers shall a/so be responslb/e for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in a// cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with th9 goals of redevelopment and will be determined by the planning and environmental commission in review of development projects and conditional use permits. Substanfia/ off site impacts may include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted employee housing, roadway impravements, pedestrian walkuay improvements, streetscape improvements, stream tracUbank restoration, loading/delivery, public aft improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenUdevelopment projects which produce substantial off site impacts." fn keeping with the intent of Section 12-7A-14, Mitigation of Development lmpacts, the applicant is proposing to offset the impacts of the proposed development by providing employee housing for a minimum of five employees, placing approximately 365 linear feet of existing overhead power line underground, and constructing a new public transit stop along t2 the North Frontage in front of the new lodge. With the exception of the providing employee housing, the applicant will be required to work with Holy Cross Energy, the Town of Vail, and the Colorado Department of Transportation to underground the overhead utility line and construct the new public transit stop. Staff recommends that the applicant prepares a plan for the incorporation of public art into the proposed development plans for the Timberline Roost Lodge project. Said improvements shall be proposed by the applicant and reviewed for comment and recommendation by the Town of Vail Art in Public Places Board. The recommendation of the Board shall be forwarded to the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission for consideration of incorporating public art into the major exterior alteration application. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with conditions, this major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-13, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria described in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose approve, with conditions, this major exterior alteration, the Department of Community Development recommends the Commission passes the following motion: *The Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with conditions, this major exterior alteration, pursuant to Secfion 12-7J-13, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto., subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of this maior exteriar alteration shatl be contingent upon Town of Vail approval of the related design review application. 2. That the applicant submits a development application to the Town of Vait Community Devetopment Department for review and approval of a minor subdivision vacating the common lot lines between Lots 9, 10' 11 & 12, Resubdivision of Buffher Creek Subdivision; vacating and relocating the existing utility easements (reception no. 98077 & book 265, page 353); creating a new 20 foot wide public pedestrian access,' creating a drainage easement atong the westerly property line of existlng Lot 9; creating a new public right of way easement for Meadow Road at the northern comer of the existing Lot 12, and creating an easement for the Town of Vail bus sfop on the North Frontage Road . The applicant shall record the amended final ptat with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of the proiect. l3 4, B. That the applicant subrnits fhree sefs of civil engineer drawings for review by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Sard plans shall be approved by the Town of Vail Public Works Department prior to the applicant submitting an application for a building permit for the construction of the project. The applicant shall submit documentation to the Town of Vail Community Development Department demonstrating compliance with the employee housing obligation of a minimum of three deed resticted employee housing unils as indicated on the approved development plan, dated February 8,2006. The applicant shall submit a Design Review application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval of the proposed bus sfop desrgn. Said application shall be approved pior to fhe lssuance of a building permit for the construction of the project. The applicant shall be required to submit a revised set of plans addressing the building height overage of six inches on ridge "U", as depicted on Sheet C-10, Building Height Plan, to the Town of Vail Community Development Department veifying compliance with the Secfion 12-7J-7, Height, of the Vail Town Code, pior to final review of the project by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. That the applicant shall amend Sheet L-l of the plan set to further increase the amount and sizes of the evergreen trees proposed on the site to visually buffer the presence of the retaining walls and the new building from the existing adjacent uses. Ihe total lineal footage of evergreen trees sha// be equal to or greater than 1,200 feef. Sald amendment shall be addressed by the applicant prior to final review of the project by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. That the applicant prepares a plan for the incorporation of public art into the proposed development plans for the Timberline Roosl Lodge proiect. Said improvements shall be proposed by the applicant and reviewed for comment and recommendation by the Town of Vail Aft in Public Places Board. The recommendation of the Board shalt be foruarded to the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Cammission for consideration of incorporating public art into the major exterior afteration application. The requirements for public aft shall be met prior to fhe issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy of the project. Thatthe applicant addresses each ofthe conditions of approval ofthe major exteior alteration application as identified in the lefter to George Ruther, from Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer, dated February 22, 2006. (Aftachment E) Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this major exterior alteration, the Department of Community Development recommends the Town Commission makes the following findings: 4. o 9. t4 "Based upon the review of the criteria outlined rn Secfion Vlll this Staff memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated February 27, 2006, and the evidence and testimony prcsented, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds: "That the applicant has proven to the satisfaction of the Commission that the that the proposed exterior alteration is in compliance with the purposes of the Public Accommodation-2 Distict, that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan." XI. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: Reduced Plan Set Attachment C: Applicant's written response Attachment D: Vail Land Use Plan Goals/Policies Attachment E: Letter to George Ruther from Tom Kassmel, dated February 22, 2006 15 oo a o o l6 Februory 17,2006 llilauriello Planning Group Plonning ond Environmentol Commission c/o George Ruther, AICP Chief of Plonning Town of Voil 75 South Frontoge Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re: Timberline Lodge Project Deor George: This letler is infended to oddress lhe issues roised by your memorondum to the Plonning Environmentol Commission dofed Jonuory 23,2006. Along with this letler, the oppliconl hos provided revised plons for lhe Timberline Lodge lhot oddress the submiltolrequiremenls ond the oddilionol comments provided by the Town sloff. Pleose note thol the mossing model hos not been revised os it is generolly consistenf with the revised projecl. Below we hove oddressed the complionce burden ond other criterio found in the PA-2 zone districi. You willfind thol the proposed redevelopmenl projeci complies wiih the relevont criterio. Complionce Burden: The proposed Timberline Lodge is in complionce with the purposes of the PA-2zone diskict. The site is being developed os o limited service lodge ond other residentiol occommodotions in the periphery of the Town outside the Lionsheod ond Voil Villoge core oreos. The proposed focilily is intended to primorily serve visitors to fhe Town of Voil. The proposed projecl is in complionce wiih the development stondords of lhe PA-2 zone district which hove been estoblished to provide for odequote lighl, oir. open spoce, ond other omenities commensurole wilh limifed service lodge focililies. The proposed plons therefore provide for odequote light, oir, ond open spoce. The toble below demonslrofes the projects conformonce wilh the sfondords of lhe zone dislrict. Developmenl Slondord Allowed/Required ProposedDensiiy: 49 units 37 unils Employee Housing: 5 beds 5 beds Holel Rooms: Unlimited 125 unilsGRFA: 129.896 s.f. 102,22? s.t. 70130 split {AU): 71,560.3 s.f. 71,560 s.f. Building height: 48' 48' Site Coveroge: 56,288 s.f. (65%) 55,243 s.t. (63.7%)* Londscope Areo: 25,979 s.t. 41,640 si. VB%)Porking: 167 spoces 197 spocesLooding: lberth lberth Notes: *Underground porking included in site coveroge colculotion Additionolly. the Complionce Burden seclion sfotes in port thot it is the burden of the oppliconl to show thot "the proposol does nof otherwise hove o siqnificonl negotive effecl on fhe chorocter of the neighborhood" [emphosis odded]. We believe thot the proposol hos significonf positive effects on the chorocter of lhe neighborhood. We recognize thot fhere will be some octuol ond perceived negolive impocts to individuol properties (such os impocts to privote views ond increosed troffic on the Norlh Fronloge Rood). Below is o list of posilive ond negolive chonges to the oreo thoi willoccurwith construction of this project. o o o oo Posilive lmpocls of Projecl Negolive lmpocls of Project Commenls lmproved oesihetics due improved orchiieciurol quolity of structure Porliol chonge of view lo odjocent neighbors View of highwoy ond North Frontoge Rood ore the primory views impocted lmproved fire ond life sofety of struciure - Reduced Fire Donger lo Neighborhood Increosed Troffic on South Frontoge Rood Troffic miligoted by new left turn lone. No occess off of Meodow Ridge Rood oroposed. Reduced light pollution ond oeslhetics due to significont reduclion in surfoce porking Additionolshoding of Meodow Ridge Rood 97%ot porking locoied underground Rood eosement ond qddilionol snow sforoge provided to Town lmproved oesthetics due to increose in londscoping Noise Reduction from l-70 due to oresence of new slructure Building portiolly blocks views lo ond noise from l-20 ond Frontoge roods lmproved pedestrion occess from Meodow Ridge Rood with poved wolk for use by entire neiohborhood New Bus Stop ond Shelter lmproved pedestrion occessibility due to new sidewolk on North Frontoge Rood I moroved oesthetics ond reduced noise imoocts due to relocotion of trosh dumpster from o locotion immediotely odjocent to the neighboring condominium projects to o covered locolion owov from immediote neiqhbors lmproved oesthelics ond reduced noise due to locoting looding ond delivery directly in front building out of view of neighbofhood lmproved oesthetics due lo the burying of overheod power lines odjocenl lo the properiy ond to immediote neighbors Increose in oddilionol holel rooms within the Town of Voil Lodging tox will increose from this properly due io increose in hoiel rooms beino provided lmoroved froffic circulotion due to new left turn lone lmproves troffic flow for neighbors lroveling on 3 North Frontoge Rood In oddition to fhe immediote neighborhood, lhe proposed project is consislenl with the scole ond noture of developmenl olong the North Frontoge Rood from fhe moin Voil exil of 170 to the west Voil exit of l-70. From eost to wesl, there ore o series of lorge scole lodging ond residentiol buildings wilh frontoge on the North Fronloge Rood including: Middle Creek; Sun Voil; Voil Run; Simbo Run; Sovoy Villos; ond Timber Ridge to nome o few. Mony of these buildings ore locoted in oreos with low density residentiol developmenl. The proposed Timberline Lodge project is consistent with the chorocter of developmenl olong the North Fronloge Rood. We believe list of positive impocts io the chorocler of the neighborhood versus negotive impocts shown obove cleorly demonstrote thol not only does the project nol hove o "significont" negotive effect on fhe neighborhood, thot on whole there is o net posifive effecl on the chorocter of the neighborhood. The project olso complies with the relevont elements of lhe Voil Comprehensive Plon including policies l.l, I .3, I .12, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1. 5.3, 5.4,5.5. The Voil Lond Use Plon recognizes ihe exisling zoning on the property os controlling the densily ond lond uses. The project is consistent wilh the Town's stoted gool of increosing hotel beds within the Town. Selbocks: Wilh respect to section 12-7 J-6: Sefbocks, fhe proposed plon complies wilh or exceeds lhe stoted stondord of 20' excepl in two minor locotions. On the wesl end of the building there is o one story exit to the building thof encrooches 4' into the 20' setbock. On the south eost corner of the building there is o smollone story corner encroochmenf of 2' for the entry feoture fo the porking goroge. Neither of these encroochmenls requires o vorionce to ollow them io occur. The proposed projecf demonstrotes complionce with lhe following criterio used to evoluole deviolions from the 20' setbock. The criterio ore oddressed below: A. Proposed building setbocks provide necessory seporotion belween buildings ond riporion oreos, geologicolly sensitive oreos ond other environmentolly sensitive oreqs. Ano/ysis: o Ihe proposed sefbock deviolions still allow the oppropriote seporotion befween buildings. There are no ripoion oreos or geologicolly sensifive oreos in close proximity to lhe property. B. Proposed building setbocks will provide odequole ovoilobilily of light. oir ond open spoce. Anolysls; Ihe proposed encroochmenls do nol detract from lhe ovailobility of light, oir ond open spoce given fhe limited encroochment being soughf. C. Proposed building setbocks will provide o compotible relolionship with buildings ond uses on odjocent properlies. Anolysis: One of fhe encroochmenfs is locoled in an areo fronting fhe Norfh Fronloge Rood ond therefore hos no impoct upon buildings or uses on odjocenl properfies. Ihe encroochmenf of the wesf side of the building of 4' for one sfory provrdes on orchilecturol element to the wesf elevofion of the building ond due fo londscope cover will be relotively imperceptib/e lo uses on fhe adjoining porcel. D. Proposed building selbocks willresult in creotive design solulions or other public benefits thot could not otherwise be ochieved by conformonce with prescribed setbock stondords. Anolysis: Ihe proposed encroochments allow for creofive destgn solulions fo the orchitecture of the building without arbitrorily following o conlinuous sefbock. Densily Conirol (GRFA): With respecf to seclion 12-7J-B: Density Control, the projecl is being developed well below the stondord stoted in this section which ollows for 150 squore feef of GRFA for eoch 100 squore feet of buildoble site oreo. The code ollows up lo 1 29,896 sq. ft. (150%). Of lhis totol, only 102,229 sq. ft. is being proposed. Therej is no odditionoldireclion found in the Voil Comprehensive Plon wilh regord to GRFA ond the project therefore complies with the PA-2 zone ond is consisleni with the Voil Comprehensive Plon. Sile Coverqoe: With respect to section 12-7-9: Sile Coveroge, the project is being developed ol o sife coveroge of 63.7%which is below the sloted stondord of 65%. Since lhe sile is being developed below the prescribed stondord ond there is no odditionol direciion found in fhe Voil Comprehensive Plon, the project is in complionce with PA-2 Zone Districf ond the Voil Comprehensive Plon. lf you hove ony quesfions, pleose feel free to coll me. Sincerely, P*tt -^t* Dominic F. Mouriello, AICP Principol . CHAPTER II . LAND USE PLAN GOALS/POLICIES o The goals articulatec here refrect the desires of the citizenry asexpressed through the series of pubi ic meetings that werl herd tt;;;;ho;;the project. A set^of initial foals were developed which were then sub_stantially revised after. aiffereit types of opinrtons were uioulni-ori-inthe second meetinq. The goal staiements were deve.l oped to reflect ageneral consensus'-once.the -public had trao ttre opporiuniiy to refrect onthe-concepts and ideas initidlly presented. The diir itailrents were thenrevised through the r.eview proiess with the rasr-Force,:tr.,.,iiunn:in-g";;;Environmntal conrnission and'Town councir ano now'";;;;;;r;a policy guide-l'ine for the Land use. p]an. These goars are to be'used as adopted po1 icy ..,r::lguidelines in the review process for-new developmint p.rp.*f --"---ri-g;;j _:i':statements should oe used in conjunction with"'in;;a;;;;; Land use prannap, in the eva'l uation of any deveiopnent proposui. ,---,..',irr.5e"s lrJs rlqrr ,,,: Thegoalstatementswhichareref]ectedinthedesignoftheproposedPlan are as follows. r! -rv'sY ' 'g'' 1. General Grorth/Developrent -' '. ' ::-.:,,,: ) 1'1 Vail 'should continue to grow in a controlied environmEnt, naintaininq:,,.i,-:iii,..rla balance between. residlntial, cornmercial and recreat;;r;i";;:;";; .r' , serve both the visitor and the permanent resident, 1.2 The quality of the environment incruding air, water and other naturalresources should be protected as the Tow-n grows. 1.3 The quality of deveroprnent shouid be maintained and upgraded wheneverpossibl e 1.4 The original theme of the old vil:l age core should be carried into newdevelopment in the.village core thiough continued imprementation ofthe Urban Design Guide p'lin. 1.5 commerciar strip deveropment of the vailey shourd be avoided. 1-5 Development proposars. on the hir'r sides shoui<r be evaluated on a caseby case basis'._ L_rT-iJ.d-,development may De perrnitted for sorne ro,*intensitv uses in areas that are n-or -nilnty friiol6- *oi"''tn."'i,.rilvf] oor. New projects shourd be carefulry ioniroli.a .no deveroped witnsensitivity to the environment 1.7 New subdivisions should not be permitted in high geo.logic haz:rdareas. 1'8 Recreational and puolic fac-ility developm.ent on National Forest landsmay be permitted where no high hazards exist if: I 1 I t t I:. o t; i' I I a) Connrunity objectives are Pl an. net as articulated in the Comprehensive b) The parcel is adjacent to the Town boundaries, with good access.c) The affected neighborhood can b;;;"orr; in'tn"'i.lirion_r.ringproc e ss . aIo. t. I TJ, I o 1'9 National Forest landJ,l:.n-^l-r...:.1_un999, sold or otherwise iail s intlil;ll! o?J."rl'il'jrr1;*io'"#rTir" op.n space and not be zoned ro 1'10 Development of Town owned lands by^fi1^* Io*.n. o.f .Vail (other than parks::t.iffiJl'ii tr5'""rir",ljtF";here no hish hazards exist, i r' sucn 1'11 Town owned land-s-sha, -not be sold to a private entity, long te.*leased to a or]11te entiiy-*-.iiu.rt"d to a private use without apublic hearing process. flI,l. i' 1.12 Vai'l should accornm6.l:ia -^-+ ^adeveloped .""".'t,olln|.'9'*"._T:t^l oi' the additionat giowth indeveloped .r.u, iin,Jill areas). . exi sti ng I weil as iis poteniial f;;;;1rt use. a desi rabl rt-e 2. Skier/TouristConcerns 2'L ]::##:iilil;S'J'1,.'iIlr':ize its rore as a destinaiion resort whiie 2'2 The ski area owner,.the business colTuniv qrq the Town.! eaders rnorroii5l rt"t:""t1;it.t.tt"t;ti. to tate-Jxitting iacilities and the Town,"unc- 2.3 The ski area owner_ tha hrrciworr toeetn;"-;i'i;ollil'i;:iii;.,::Hlrjl""ll,:H. Town readcrs shourd t.t. J".ii ::.?::t:::^ll;_;qeam rr.act as beins a de 2.4 The.conmunity should improvetuni ti es to encourage surnmer 2.5 The community shou.l d improveyear-round tourism. I and feature surme r recreati onaltourism. and cultural oppor- no.n-skier recreational options to improve preserved and used miore efficiently. i , IIt' III.: ,. I II I lili:ilil:1"..'xlrlit:::!'"r.t'oJ"""",0"T'. .t1*"'-I-own shourd work with theother sporis faciliries ro r."u"'ifr.l"flo'tc aol.f course as well aifacilities. gronar demand for recreationii 2.7 The Town of Vaj.t should improve the existing park and rwhile continuing to purctraie-oiui"rpu.". rpen space lands 2.8 Day skier needs for parking and ac,crdative solutions such as- --cess should be accomrnodated through a) Increase busing from out of town.t] 5li:'ff:tiiJnti ot 'i"'i',i".n. rnountain by addins additionarql Continuing_to provide temporardj noJititon'Jr srrucrured pa.rtnof surface parking. 2.6 3. Conmercial 3.1 The hotel bed base should be , i:..i r ll 3'2 Jr -vi],tage and Lionshead areas are the best location for hotels toserve the future needs of the dest]riati;; ;i;;; 3'3 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of vai.r ,therefore conversion to-.onoorlniims snoutd be discouraged. 3'o 9:T:lciar.growth shourd be concentrated iri existing cormerciar areasto accormodate both local and ,iiito" needs. I-.tt' It. !,t, til ; I_. t.L I I tI it a , It_ 3.5 4. 4.1 Yillage Core./Lionshead I; t 4.2 4.3 4.4 I ncreased exi sti ng the Urban density in character of Design Guide the each Pl an Core area and . areas i s acceptabl e*so I ong asrs preserved through implementationthe Vai I Vi i I age Master pl an. The ambiance of the Village is shoul d. be preserved. (Scile,mountains, natural setting, environrnental qual ity, ) important to the identity of al pi ne character, smal I iownintimate size, cosmopoi itan Yai I and ., fee I i ng, ."eel ing, be The connection between the enhanced throuoh: Vi11age Core and Lionshead shoul d a) Installation. of a new type of people mover.b) Improving the _ pedest"ian -iyitein with a creativery designedconnection, oriented toward i nat,ure watr, aiptne garden, and/or., sculptur-e plaza.c) New deveropment shourd be controted to rimit conrnerciar uses. 5. Residential 5'1 Additionar resilgnt-la,r growth shourd continue io occur primariry inf;llilly;, Xr.T...r1 sareas "no u, "ippropri ate i n ne* -i"eas where hi sh 5'2 ::llltlo:tte share units shouid be accormodated to herp keep occupancy 5.3 Affordabre emproye.e ho.us.ing shouid_ be made a.vairable through privaieefforts, assisted by rimite-rt inclni.ives, p"o"r.deo'ij'tnu Town of vai.r,with appropriate restrictions. 5.4 Residentiat oror,.rl..:.1,r_o!tL I..p pace yrith the market place demands fora full range-of housing uypesl r---' r'r Lrr Lrrc rrrdr-KeE pl l 5'5 The existing emp'l oyee housing base should be preserved and upgraded.Additionar emoroyee housing'ne-e-o-s- shourd be accorrnodated at variedsi tes throughdut the co-rnity.-"' f; i. I it 6. Conrnunity Services 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. 6'? IliJ"'I,[ !:.Jilt.,1l",rLr""i::1. a rore in ruture deveropment throush 6'3 services shourd be adjusted to keep pace with the needs of peakperiods. A number of additionar goals were developed as a resurt of the publicmeeting input. These goirs were retaiea to other.r"r.nii of the compre-nensive Ptan such as Fa.r<i ano' i"iie.tion, i;;;r;;;;;iion uno Economicuevetopment' These _are incruded -onlv io"'iiiJ#ri-ro".r purposes. inRppendix B. These qoalt .". noi.o-nrice""a as a fa"t oi-it,. goais adoptedln this Land Use plin. ." )-:!l llL ri o i.l' i,I!' ,. I I I I t 8A o Department of Public Worl<s & Transportation I309 Elkhom Drive Vail,COBl657 970-479-2 r s8 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: From: Re: Date; George Ruther Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment PEC Drawing Review 02122/06 The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received and reviewed the Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment PEC revised submittal received 2108/06. The following are comments that should be addressed prior to final approval. General Comments l. The tuming movements shown for the trash vehicle does not use standard centerline radii. Unless otherwise confirmed a Single Unit vehicle should be used. Please revise plan. 2. The most recent traffic repofi dated 116105 indicates that left tum lanes are not warranted for this development, Town staff believe that it is in the Town's and developments best interest to have the developer add an auxiliary left tum lane. The current plans reflect that condition however the Traffic Report has not been updated therefore an official traffic impact fee has not been generated. The traffic study suggests a25Vo reduction for vehicle trips. This reduction is not supported. A reduction of that magnitude is not offset by the existing intermittent transit service, which has an approximate frequency of 30 minutes. The skier shuttle service should not be considered since it may be eliminated at any time. Because of its location it can be expected that the primary mode of transportation will be vehicular trips. In the past we have used reductions of 30% for those developments that are in the village core area, due to their proximity to a full transit center, a pedestrian village (restaurants, retail, ski area, activities, etc...)o public transit with 5 to 10 minute frequency, and access to a 1300 vehicle parking gatage. A reduction of trips on tfte order of | \Vo would be more appropri ate. An updated trffic study should be submitted. PEC Conditions of Apnroval l7 1. The Town of Vail General Notes shall be added. (Notes can be e-mailed upon request) 2. Please add Utility Signature block and have all utilities sign acknowledging acceptance of utility impacts and design. All easements proposed to be abandoned shall be noted and approval from appropriate entities shall be gained. 3. Final Civil drawings shall be approved and meet all Town standards prior to submittal of building permit. Detailed comments will be provided at that time. The approval of Civil drawings may take between 2 to 4 months. 4. Approvals from all impacted property owners shall be obtained. A written letter of consent to the required easements will be required for Civil approval. Recorded easements will be required prior to construction. 5. All construction staging issues shall be resolved priorto construction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, traffic control, emergency access, parking, loading and delivery, etc. . . 6. A Rowrutilitypermit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. 7. All improvements within CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and landscaping. This approval will be required prior to Civil plan set approval. This includes a CDOT Access Permit and CDOT notice to proceed. 8. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, prohle and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require approval from CDOT. Any shoring within the Vail public ROW will require Town of Vail approval and a revocable ROW permit. 9. A Storm Water Discharge CDPHE Permit and all applicable ACOE permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior to construction. 10. Provide engineered stamped final drainage report, pavement design report, geotechnical report, and a finalized traffic study, 11. The developer will be assessed a fee per peak hour additional trip generated. This fee may be offset by specific traffic improvements (i.e. Frontage Rd. traffic improvements). Based on the Town's review of the traffic study it is estimated that the net increase in PM peak hour genertated trips will be -49 trips. An updated traffrc study will be required in order to confirm this. Portions of this fee may be offset by_traffic improvements made to the S. Frontage Rd. to specifically include Frontage Rd. roadway widening, Frontage Rd. sidewalk improvements, and the construction of a transit stop. 12. Provide Art ln Public Places contribution, coordinate with AIPP. 13. The S. Forntage Rd. improvements shown shall include necessary li ghtin g/irri gation/s i grrage. 14. The proposed Bus Shelter should be moved to the Southwest comer of the property and an easement provided. 15. The pedestrian connection between the bus stop and Meadow Ridge Rd. shall be within a dedicated Public access easement. This can be dedicated in conjunction with the drainage easement in this area" however the l0' proposed drainage 18 easement should be widened to accommodate the walk plus a 2' buffer and also be named as a general utility, drainage, pedestrian access easement. 16. The continuation of the concrete pedestrian walk from the proposed bus stop to Buffehr Creek Rd should be required, the walk shall be a minimum of l0' wide. 17. Benched walls must comply with the Town of Vail Development Handbook standards and have a minimum bench width of 4', one benched wall at the east end of the property is shown at -3.5', t}is should be modified. 18. Parking structure will require a sand/oil structure. 19. Show snow storage area should not conflict with landscape vegetation. 20. The Cross slope ofall parking spaces shall not exceed 8olo. 21. The proposed concrete walk shall include a 2' shoulder. The area just west of the east entrance will require some slight modification to accomplish this. 22. Guardrail and/or safety rail as required will be necessary on all three sides ofthe parking structure entrance. 23. Building cannot be built over existing easements as shown without those easements being abandoned. This requires approval from all interested utilities and relocation ofany existing utilities. 24. An easement should be provided at the Northwest comer of the property to provide for the exisfing encroachment of the roadway, drainage and snow storage. This shall include the existing asphalt and shoulder area and a 5' buffer area for snow storage and guardrail. 25. The site plan indicates two way traffic within a 16' drive lane. Minimum with for two-way kaffic is 22'. Please modify site circulation plan. t9 gE flH gE - !l -r- l$id,fu tt#f$ru' lltT N ?r$l N #?^# = *= {+ffi 3 ,=j*u ,$ jl U-'t F Rf^.ar {i +€ lJ-$Jg'l7frEI:ulq :l,J El$ =_r . J uct \-J $,i {.qH$noJ€>n n \t n sl 'l L' i .$:; rr$ * q$ €'' i Tt f.'Y\r $rstul algl \[ rll 0 [J '-1 |>l I s' ,,i d 1 -o\J Y F frfE s!t'! \El IKl ,".; I ' I \ r.-.$l + gi ilil 'n$Eh u;\''Fl L i-'aF\ r'\f'L ; tr]J ((5 -rf ;S ;l : Ha-N al r{;fJ sls;Fi-t, .. : (f):;"1US E/=\ S ^9tlEl M -.tt lr Iralt--/l'8 \</ trlE \/ ZF-{fiJ$Nc isi iH::. v * q-1 d 3r5=i rg'-. ff--i I E |-1 ;i'sl$ { f *:!i t H I"{lj -5 cg ,fjl _-r o'- 1 ,-- ii 'q E _g ,1IJ t ,9t i.t t q {rlEI \.J' t' g i -0 ^f, .$ittaF-q*... .e --l] I il* f lt*jtii$t* slff ftj e .i-t' $ .3,. : J,,,r* siii n, ri'l $sl rijF $ flJ.l J \tt, l ,? rI t frjj$ \ E x;o itlt o r!rriitl'ipt$ { $r til: -.I n|lu {f ; f t sl sjf r0 .f \r'a (r:-6 n tllt \ ..:ft){st I J$ 6 tte(r'uH..F< j .3\r- ,4p /10 !,'s9$iJJ9s<J.T-J{a7 B4 .I ...r d ,! drl$EItlc fi\H5 f {'' . 3 g iS 1 :tJ _$ ;$ s.l d U tl\J IF IIa l-l-(t 4, |)@(J -,Hl)s!Ev,t,x 6t i.t 0cvu010)'TYA $oou aNlata{$u o t -l,FE u o o 2^Ei eii6-t E7 I 'lf 13,t i3 .E =ie^ ^!tflui i[ l 53 tg \\ '3$Y{i\ \l QZ \ P "X =* | \\ \\ -1 ? 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P9 glE tH LE1 Zl i8r |:lE;E iJI : -'i (,l E'F ElE?t iilEIF *l:?; EI EEE EIEF: "Ir:? ilr ie !21_ E:€e EIE sEFES,rhg- - \1,' ei 3Arr E la g i'Er zl *g;E =l!ll; Fl E E:B -L E qEi llt g 6tl Cil EE]T 5 5--^ -l F-*33 =FH EEE =I!sF EEE /6s- ^a- fy 11"I{*1'E. :1 'i .3 f;aga -l-l EI:l EI -l =E{6; I Jl [| al LrlS $!, a :t--l E1 1 !21? -lt @ F;.EIare&I e" E qEI ecE-, I E:l E €EE-Ere l:iE : E;E 8""38 H F3H ; 2 g3 E: at : I d; =2gr iE =EHEE FIaz &a E.E eF* ge-:E E€T:tl F3 Ei !1r Hal 1zl tEl e!l ra El5()1 -zR C (-1i i *lz1 >lUI =l ,.6 I .li ) E d E E sEEe c I E a EI F ; tII I E: Ei"EEI EEilEtE !EAi;HB E;!!FEI rligiir "EEd SEEl Er.4.a ll el!: Ei: E : 1 E"EC t t g"E EbEE 6Etr BiEe I lEe I I o o o @l ed [ --'*#iffi# ffid frE ffi [3qJ EJ o o \iil *iig',(r: I 'il"L' ,)' t/i, 'r]1, | 1'3 TII s,',ii;';ii[liEfir iiilillilltltl+r{tr q-.*"ffr+rg!,,"a I $ I Hl Icl ;iiiiiii!l;:ui*i l- o I s:s^is tt'u{ra 'l "*" '''*^*g1ffi?l']i"* lu:--..-=_'' {!3 F:-:=:::::F:::lrlr I lil 'il. -_---- tt ,ty,- | lffiffiffi ll *U[ "-'iltuffie-]ffi{!;"^n | ffiEiJg mffimF[3j3ll; !I E 6 .: !\ 5 €? 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E"rqE Rr :p ll iFtt BE EEEF FI =sf;E E -'al E EFe *e 1l c I ai 93 Fqr! s* ik ti EXIE 3 E, - E- Ft -l H $:Ei d ai; t cFp eztide6 E .F : I E:6:frf r El* r 8 ^dFE E Ei:;::E;l : E EE3rg EEE 9 H XEE E . FEEsFg i EsEEEEl eE;5EEF i*EEEsi iEi3;:s EHHJfi:6 Ff;CEFi 5i-Eii3C o o o I ,i\ 1\r,i il!i ii!lrli!ilrt il 'lr! ri Ill :l,lri 'i zl<lFI Yl. =r l? lt , rqt'-)t; \ o o o o |l*ffilml &d ['"-****i'trffi''ffi ffiE]*l [# tl._j 8] zlnl -l6l ::ll'? ''r Ix )t; \ o l. -*trr+, ll"$u,^ ll oqyxsroo'rv^ ;;;^;=-r !!![---fftg. tll- - | lsq.*ff'r$f;jl'u[ --rt***lrur* ffiffiBflEffitiljtU_j o o 1.1 o [gffiel ed | "- **d*ffillln ffidl i ffi LJ tgl o o o 'l- )4H'w ',.\q',' '. \'tt \rti illill o [:ffi+ J hd [ **'d{#il,ffi ffi *E ffi tllj ttj o o o t:'EqfuJ [3d [ ****'$iHl*T'ffi ffi@jEi ffi [!{_j [:! z<t =!l'il /.\ | at. Er t-Lro l-it" Ft- \ o o i -#ffi- ll'kb,. ll oo*oror'rv^ l;;:;;==-r llgffils - |l1, * [ [:Urlffi'ffi l[ *di **##Hr# **iffi LEUtrJ o o o zl<l =l6l dt.?\l- ); \ I -*=iffi, tl-4c", ll ocwor'rrv,* __ tt'ffii[E,l ilh+ i [:qrrffi-m I LbJ [ *'#ffi*rcmr u*rffiE{Ei fu r: : _J r_J o o zl{l Yt. Fi l? rrl l'-)t; \- JIH \ o zl <tn>f- .,, ! !rt! 5 : ti I ll rii rs ;il O\l+l z,l Pl't <tT>t'-Fqt .tdt* z,l/1t. Fti<f trJ 14 5a z, a_r F rlrll z -\(,zE "t st5zlE <l< >tc-1r.l I zl l=lotr l.j.<t+>l:rB l '.r=t= *l z.l =1f;>t'-r4l q r4l H zl ktf>lL tl? c.l 2.1 <tf>t'- I !i :i &! ii *il tl t!; tl ;ii J: i Eti E! IHo o o t Februar oy5 , 2JC6 Vall- Town Councll "Proposedlstructure to replace the Roost Dear Councll members, On January 25r 2C06 we were surprleed to learn of theproposed structure to replace the Roost. It was klnd of Warren Campbell to meet wlth us on short notlce to explaln Tlnberllnergproposed proJect. Because we are dlrectly behlnd the Roost on l/ieadow Rigge RoadH1llslde Condos Unlt IC'r we rea]lze how the proposed strucfrlre w111affect not only us but the entlre nelghborhood. The proqoeedstructure w111 affect both the North Frontage Ro'ad and dlrectlyacross the South Frontage Road because 1t w111 be very v1elb1efron the South Frontage Road as we1l. The proposed bulldlng 1s courpletely out of character wlththe archltectural style whtch dlstlngulehes Va11 fron other sklresorts, and other towne--even close-by down va11ey to the westof Va1I. Take a look at the Donovan Park Comnrunlty Bu1ld1nglocated on South Frontage Road across fron the Roost. Th1 sbulldlng has been thoughtfully deslgned to reflect an alplnearehltectural etyle, uslng real- wood tlmber, vaulted ce11lngIn harnony ulth the character of a [gk1 lodgeil approprlate to thecharacter and deslgn theme whlch epbtomlzes ValL. Thls ls a taste-ful1y deslgned structure whlch flts lnto the l-andscape and wlthother structures surroundlng lt. Take a look at the Clty Market,a commerclal bulldlng, to see how well 1t flts lnto the area ofboth conmerclal and resldentlal bu11d1ngs. 1t wae deslgned toreflect a roof-llne and bulldlng helgiit which flts lnto theexlstlng landscape to enhance the nelghbortrood and reflect thecharacter of a Mountaln Vl11age. Take a look at the lovelyhdupBeres above the Roost whlch have been conetructed more recently and add "Valuett to the nelghborhood and enhance the entlre sk1 area. These structures flt ln archltecturally. On both sldes of the I70(both North and South Frontage Road, wlth the exceptlon of VAIL RUN (whlch 1s NOT pretty) the attenpt has bden made to enhance the appearance of Vall to the West. The proposed Tlmberllne structure(whether Marrlot or anyone eLse owns lt) w111 stlck out l1ke a "SORE THUMB'| and be an unattractlve, depresslng, cheaper, low-rentdlstrlct part of Val1 and not somethlng whlch rnost people wouldeonslder to represent Vall or the kind of a place Pete Selbert and Earl" Eaton had 1n nlnd--and I doubt 1f Adam Aron would approveof the structure elther. I understand the lntent of the town councll 1s to provlde rooms fon sklers at a nore affordable price than some of the rmng 1n Golden Peak, the Vlllage or Llonshead. There ls no reason whythls cannot be achleved ln a structure r^rhich wl1l- f1t 1n wlth theexhlstlng contours of the land and the other archltectural etructures more conslstent wlth Vallre characterlstlc deslgn standards. Astructure whlch would be possibly J storles from the ground level(meanlng one more story hlgh than the exlsting Roost) wlthoutcuttlng lnto.the h111s1de, wlthout pushlng the bulldlng back, wlth-out "fudglng" on helght measurement, wlthout coverlng the entlreexlstlng 1ot, but wlth dlgglng down for underground parklng. I o tlThere has to-be a solutlon for provralCroona for sklers conpatable wlth tkre archltectural style that enhances Valf and doe-s not trrn Vall lnto Just any other netropolltan area (wh1ch 1s where these cookle-cutter Marrlot or any other hlgh-rlse cheaper places to stay abound). As propoeed a roon wlth kltbhen fac111t1es wltl not be brlnglng the eklerg back.to the vllIage for dlnner, or breakfaet, oi Linch. Tfrey w111 rr cook-lnrr and notileat-out". But that w111 nake 1t more affordable for a skler to stay overnlght. The proposed structure would conpletely change the present character of the resldentlal nelghborhood as we know 1t on Meadow Rldge Road. The hones whlch were bul1t 0n the '70's, and Hl11s1de Condos, uhlch were bul1t 1n 1977 eave all of the sklerg--honeownerst condo owners, the beneflt of a beautlful vlew of the raountaln, wlth mornlng, nldday and afternoon sun. The proposed structure would completely block out any chance to eee any part of the entlre Cascade ffft ffhe or anythlng but the very 'r tlppy-topfl of the nountaln. The street w0uld be completely dark and blocked fron any natural eunllght. And now lnetead of seelng etars and the moon, the nelghborhood w1ll- eee wlndows wlth some llghtsr other man-made electrle,l l1ghtlng whlch penetnates thennatural qulet. evenln8 atnosphere, vents fron bulLdlngsr snoke, exhaust and all of the other unpleasant necessltleg whlch go wlth congested over- bullt dwe111ng. As the Roost presently stands, the etructure lends ltsetf to a nelghborhood. feel because lt flts lnto the space as lt was orlglnally bullt. The 'BC'e addltlon was done ln a way whlch was not destructlve to the character of the nelghborhood. The Roost 1e frlendly. Meadow Rldge Road ls a place l'rhere people take ualks wlth thelr dogs and klds now--but wlth the proposed structure the pleasant walks w111 no longer be posslble--lt would be nore llke walklng behlnd a wall through a long dark tunnel. Respect for people who came and settled 1n Va1I ln the lat,e '63ts, '8Ors and tSCrs should be lmportant to the town councll and a part of the hlstory of the town of Vall. These people were lnvolved ln the growth and are part of the foundatlon of the town. These people are the loyal eyery day sk1 ers, tax payers, perroanent reeldents, salt of thre earth of Va1l. T'hese people attend the churches, own and work ln the shops, work on the mountaln and are a valuabl-e part of the glue of the communlty of Va1}. TThe STATE 0F THE TOWN REIOR?, prepared for Annual Connunlty Meetlng, hosted by Vall Town Council and Staff, rlanuary 12r 2OC6 shows a maJorlty of factore ln favor of some structure at the Roost other than the present proposal. 1. In a nessage frorn Mayor Rodney S1lfer he stateg 'ras leaders we are contlnulng to do our part to make sure these developments are ln keeplng wlth Vallrs character and charm--the key qualltles tbat contlrbute to Vall-ts success as a destlnatlon resort." The proposed structure 1s hardly ln keeplng wlth Va1lrs character and charn. 2. Natlonal and Reelonal Trends do not support an acceptance of the proposed structure: thl s 1s not what aglng baby boomers would llke; travelers v111 be staJlne 1n thelr own reglons--not at- thls structure; women over 40 wlll not be sk11ng as much,..they also w1ll not be lnterested 1n kltchen facl11t1es; the return of tlre lnternatlonal vlsltor. ..w111 not be staylng at the proposed structure; lncreased competltlon resultlng 1n vlsltors staylng 1n thelr own reglon precludes they w111 not be staylng 1n thls proposed l oaee 1 structure; ev:.oenE of I-?C congestlor. "t"u"f shows that thls structure 1s not helplng to al-]evlate ttrls problem but 1s actually contrlbutlng to 1t; the changlng dynanlcs of second homeownere ghows that they w111 not be candldatee for th1 s proposed structure--they w111 not retlre to an 850 sq. ft resldence; other lnpllcatlons reported wl11 have no affect posltlve or neSatlve on the proposed structure. 3. The communlty of Va11 deroographlc shlfts' populatlon proJectlons, employment have l1ttle bearlng on the proposed structure. However when only 4O/" of Vallts houslng unlts are occupled fult t1ue, when new reeldentlal growth 1e occurlng down valley and condo prlces are lncreaslng thls does not substantlate expected eale of J9 resldentlal unlts. (The unl ts w111 be too snalL for ful1 tlne sesldences anil too hlgh prlced.) 4. In terns of the economlc factors--when salee tax ls the townrs largest s1ngle revenue aource the proJected structure does llttle to help. Nelther does reta11 sal-es. The people who wouldposslbly be attracted to the proposed structure wlIl not be out " shopplng" . 5. The long term f1nanc1al health of Va1I looks good and w111 not be slgnlflcantly affected elther good or bad by the proposed structure--tLlerefore there 1s no good reason to a.cprove lt Ln ltts present proposal . 6. In the ma.rketlng and tourlsm, research shows the lnportance of shopplng and dlnlng to the flnanclal well-beIng of the town. The propoeed structure w111 not posltlvely contrlbute to thls. The people who would stay ln thls structure w111 be conlng wlth grocerles and gear "ln-tow". liopefully they w111 be bulnlng a l1ft tlcket---but 1t w111 probably not be at ilfuLl prlce" 7.The Issues and Opportunltles Report emphaslzes that a sense of connunlty 1s lmportant. The proposed structure wll1 very deflnately negatlvely affect the sense of co&nunlty. Thls need for respect for people and comraunlty has been mentloned on page 2. BJn terms of lnfrastructure the proposed structure w111 only add to the I*70 problem. 9.In the Town of Va11 Areas of Focue for 23n6--Leadershlp and Partnershlps--a Partner Outreach Goal to Explore opportunltlesto lnvolve part-t1ne resldents ln bu11d1ng Vallre Sense of Corumunlty. 1s 1dent1fled. Th1 e sense of comnunlty can be otrengthened by reepectln, the 'ro1d tlme'r reeldente and not a1lowlng an archltecturally 'rm1sfl t'r eeected whlch would completely doxnlnate the landscape, block out the sun, block out the vlew of the nountaln, and generalS-y look l-1ke 1t does not belong ln Va11. In the 2OO5 Year-End Revlew p.6 p1ann1n8 lnltlatlves 1t 1s mentloned "that the Roogt Lodge fras fl1ed a redeveLopnent appllcatlon for a new hotel and dondonlnlun proJect. Vlhen completed, the new eub-area plan w111 recommend ways to address ap,oroprlate connunlty and conmerclaL uees, 1nc1udlng pub11c lmprovements, archltectural character and deslgn themes assbclated wlth lanclscaplng and slgnage.'l The questlon st111 remalns to be answered--WHAT IS THE ARCIIITECTURAL CIiARACTER OF I'TIE PROPOSED STRUCTURE SUBIVIITTED TO REPLACE lHE ROOST? paSe + In our oplnlon the anchltectural character of the proposedstructure to replace the Roost ls as has been nentloned--tnat ofa cookle-cutter, hlgh-rl ser.Just off the lnteretate overnlghtaccoslnodatlon found 1n any 'rrun of the n11]'r area across thenatlon. The archltectural character doee not reflect the Val] stanof excellence as exhlblted 1n the "record constructlon" bulldlngproJects the town councll hag been proud to approve and fac1l1tate,The proposed structure w111 not add to Vallrs appeal as a greatplace to l1ve, work and p1ay. Respectfully and slncerely, Adelle C. o dard ;,",'-n'''/ <-'ril. f/k k -;:JLM. Plcklne IIl Howard "sk1p" & Ade11e plcklng HlIl-slde Condos Un1 t C Meadow Rldge RoadVal1, AO 81657 970-476-42C8 l0O Longvlew LaRd Johnstown, PA 15905 814-255-4256 o H111e1de Condo Unlt C Meadow Rldge Road Val.1, CO 81657 970-476-4208 Slneerely, ,, n M"-atrl /(@ Howard !1. Plcklng lII /') \ a*zag. {"cA' Adel-le c. Prcirrn) February 5, 2JC6 Va11 Town Councll t'Proposed'r Structure to replace the Roost Dear Councll members, Thle letter 1g meant to accornpany my wffe's letter of February!r2006, whlch I futly dndorse.. In addltlon to the lnapproprlateness of archltectural deslgnto enhance the character of the communlty that Adelle addresses, I have a couple of matters that trouble ne. Not1f1cat1on. I eee that notlf$lng the Presldent of a CondoAssoclatlon 1s deemed sufflclent 1n the code for code changes. Ibelleve 1t would be more equltable (I don't know the 1ega1 1mpl1cat1ons)to notlfy adJacent property owriers, not Just assoclatlon heads. Unlese dlrected to do so, assoclatlon preeldent does not speak forne. In thls case we are "laterrwlth our observatlons due to a less than rlgorous condo assoclatlon notificatlon eyeten. Thls questlonable notlflcatlon systen may also apply to the code changes 1n the nldt9C's for the Rooet property alluded to 1n the pub1lc ire&os. Bu1ld1ng HdAght. It aeens to me the helght questlon 1s legltlmate slnce the lntent, as I understand 1t, was to prevent'rv1ew blockage", not to enable lt. It appears the "proposedrr bulldlng was deslgned from a Ph11ade1phla lawyer's perspectlve, rather than an archltecttrylng to accomniodate an enterprlse lnto lts surroundlngs. Buslness called me home ln late January. We w1]l- return on February 24, 2Q06. Please advlse us at the ]lsted addresg (phone 81 4-255-42i6) as to our rlglrts, standlng, and tlrnlng to addrese thls lssue ln person wlth councll and or othere. l0O Longvlew Lane Johnstownr PA 15905 814-255-4256 Vail Town Council February I7,2006 RE: Roost lodge redevelopment o Dear Council members: r am opposed to certain aspects ofthe proposed pran for the Roost redevelopment. I understand that the ailowabre total height is 4g feet. That is what you tord me at thecouncil meeting last week. Thatheight-rto"r torn to conform to the surrouniting buildingheights' The Eastern section of the fi'uilding; i "- tora by Kevin Degan is prcposed to bebetween 69 - 70 feet tail. This I do "rr ""a?.rt*d and neither ao trr", otl-o. pponents of ;Tt3jtr' ofwhich there are marv. How cau thar be approved if i"JJ;e l,:ight limit is I have been told rhat in ,.?lJ_r!1r1** a change in how height measuremenis werecalculated. 70 feet is MUCI ro HIGH. It oJo not con brm to the neighbc.hood and isnot in keeping with the spirit ofthe,uoounAing ** In your state of the Town Report Mr- . slifer predged on Lie behalf of the Town councir ::qr9]lc d"ydgn*g projeas in the Town oif,ail o*rot" will be to ensure theseprojects are designed in a responsibre manner that tl"i *i" r,*"pi"g"*iii'v"lr,,character and charm. I hope you will consider how this project does not appear to be in keeping witii yourpledge to the citizens in the Town of Vail ----'."- Sincerely, ?t*rtl; xp.*4^r-"^ Phyllis Dickson ll:t{* Capsrone Townhouse Association 1817 Meadow Ridge Rd. Vail, Co. 81657 " ChateauTremonteD-12 , 1890 Lions Ridge LooP " Vail,C081657 ' Phone: 970479-7891 . Fax970-479-7891 BillKassW@aol.com 2-18-2006 TheTown Council Toum ofVail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, @ 81657 Re: Ihe Roost Redorelopment Genflemen; My wife and I recently had the oppoftunity to hear a presentation by the dorclopen, Timberline, of their plans for rederrelopment of the aforementioned property' lam amazedthatthe PEC and DRB have allowed them t0 procced with a sixstorysecrtion of this property when height restrictions are 48 feet. By their ovrn admission, the building proposed will be in excess of 70 feet. lfthis variance goes thru, I can assure you thatthe owners ofthe adjacent propertyto the Eastwill move to build additional 70 feet structures to the Post 0ffic-e. Ihis will create a density and that will create congestion on the North Frontage Road and increased noise to the South as a result of the Sound Board created bythese structures, Additionally, there has been little if any consideration to landscaping on the back or North side of the structures.Ihiswill be the view of otisting residential buildings afterthe new structures have eliminated some of theviento Donovan and Mattethorn areas. I assume thatthe Gentlemen of the VailTown Councilwill not be deceived by the explanations of how a 70 feet structure falls within 48 feet height resUictions. Six stodes' is not Four. SincerelyYourc, -'// , ,/ - i2a4-.-vYt-4) BillAnd KassWeiss '/ CC; Vail Daily George Ruher DRB KayFeny o ?Eczlrtlob PEC zlztlob Vail Town Council February 17,2006 RE: Roos Lodge redevelopment Dear Council members: I am opposed to certain aspects ofthe proposed plan for the Roost redevelopment. I understand that the n!y*I" tol{ hgisht is 48 feer. That is whar you tord rne at the;:frJ ffi'H*[H!.- *:l.nJ'rt',"dol.";' to conform to tr," r,rrroun.iing bu'ding **H*,#i+jfui1HTJ.#,*H,T"X*ami;i:n*t:; 48 feet? -"-'3 are ma ry' How can that be approved iii"aJrir" r :ight rimit is I have been told that h :?ll_tg" was a change in how height mearuremenis werecarcutated. 70 f@t is MUGH ro riidg. "ffi* not in keeping witt trre spirtt-"r;" ,-*oiff"l$.con brm to the neig;hbc-hood and is In your state of the Tovm |epo1t Mr. slifer pledged on lue bebalf of the Town councilregarding deneropment p-j.a" i" th" i;;Tffir1 o* rore wilr be to enzure theselffi:ffijfiH in a responsibbr;;'thr they are in keeping with vail,s Itope you will consider how this project does nolpledge to the citizensln trre Town of vail : appear to be in keeping wit,; your Sincerely, U4 /9"-.d"t--, Phyllis Diclaon T:r:{"_* Capstone Toumhouse Association lHi'Si#RidgeRd HowARD M. PICKING III IOO LONGVIEW LANE JOHNSTOWN, PA I 5905 February 23,2006 Fax-970479-2452 Doug Cahill, Chairman and all members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail Margaret Rodgers, Chairman and all members of the Design and Review Board of the Town of Vail Dear Members, Regarding the proposed structure to replace the Roost, we have several concerns: The proposed structure does not fit the character of the neighborhood - ARCHITECTURALLY. Architecturally the proposed style - "high-rise", "cookie.cuttef , "off-the-interstate" or "beside the airport overnight accommodition" found in any "run oithe mill" area across the nation{oes not reflect the Vail standard of excellence in building design. Consider the buildings in the neighborhood. The Donovan Park Community Building located on South Frontage Road across 170 from the Roost has been thoughtfully designed to reflect an alpine architectural style' Here real wood timber, vaulted ceiling and other features are in harmony with the character of a "ski lodge" appropriate to the character and design theme which epitomizes Vail. The Donovan Park Building is a tastefully designed structure, which fits into the landscape and fits with other structures surrounding it. The proposed structure for the Roost in comparison will stick out like a'SORE THUMB". Another building just to the West on the North Frontage Road, the City Market, a commercial building in a residential neighbornood, fits into the area of both commercial and residential buildings. lt was designed to reftect a rooflineLnd building height, which fits into the existing landscape to enhance the neighborhood and reflect the character of a mountain village. Take a look at the lovely duplexes built on the ridge above the Roost. These residences have been constructed in a typical upscale-mountain residence style, which adds value to the neighborhood and enhances the entire ski area. The proposed structure does not fit the character of the neighborhood-S|TE WISE' The proposed building is pushed back to the limit of the property line, covers too much of the property' proposes to cut into the hillsid-e to change the contours of the land which "Mother Nature" intended. There are several problems associated with this. Cutting into the hillside changes the flow of the ground water (undergiound and on top of the ground). Cutting into the hillside tends to make the land and adjoining land less stable.- Cutting into the 'hillside creates a need for a large retaining wall, which can be dangerous and is by nature @t1gfu. How can such a wall be landscaped or be incorporated into the existing neighborhood. The proposed structure looks like someone trying to fit a piece of a puzzle into a place where it does not logically fit. ihe design for the proposed structure do6s not make sense and does not look right or feel right-for tn! neilnOorhood. (Awell-resp'ected lawyer once told me how to know if something was right.or wrong - lf it looks right, feels right, makes sense and is logical - it is probably right. lf it does not look right, feel right' does not maie sense and is not logical - it is probtbv not right.) In this case, the proposed structure does not look right, does not feel right, doei not make sense and is n-ot logical - and it is not right for this neighborhood lt is a '&ntrived" structure,lrying to fit too many bodies into too small a space. The structure does not impact the site in a positive sense. lt ii too nigh, too striight, pushed too far back, and uses too much of the space available on the lbt. lt has too much bulk and too muctr mass to fit into the neighborhood/mountain community. The proposed structure needs to be redesigned in a manner, which calls for stepping a building back gradually fitting into the existing contours of the land and the surrounding buildings. The proposed structure does not fit the character of the neighborhood - RESIDENTIALLY. Although it has been stated that the proposed structure meets "Zoning Requirements" for a spot zoned public use parcel of land, which is located in a completely residential neighborhood, meeting that claimed zoning requirement does not make it "right" - morally or ethically. lt meets the technical height requirement because it has been pushed back on the parcel, designed in such a way that the eaves are stepped back so that the measurement will fall in a certain way and the building height measurement begins on a level not consistent with the level of the Roost but already starts a measurement from a higher level because of a zoning "clause" allowing for some CONTRIVED elevation which is "projected" and not verifiable in fact as the land sits there today - and has been sitting there for many, many years. The effect of the height allowance does not fit into the residential neighborhood. The proposed structure will be higher than any building in the area. lt will block the view of the mountain for at least ten residences behind it and will impact on many more residences on Meadow Ridge Road and the surrounding area. lt will block out the sun and the stars. lt will pollute the neighborhood with electrical light, vents, smoke, exhaust and all of the other unpleasant necessities, which go with congested over-built dwellings. Meadow Ridge Road is a place where people take walks with their dogs and kids now - but with the proposed structure the pleasant walks will no longer be possible - it would be more like walking behind a tall wall through a long dark tunnel with a precipitous retaining wall just waiting for someone to fall over. In the present proposed plan there is no room for proper landscaping befitting an upscale mountain ski town like Vail. Realistically, there has been no aftempt on the developer's part to make this proposed development lit architecturally, site-wise, residentially, or landscape-wise. We understand that the intent of the town council is to increase the number of hotel rooms for skiers and there is no reason why that cannot be achieved in a structure which will fit into the neighborhood with the use of natural materials, i.e. real wood and real stone, stepping a building back to fit the existing contours of the land/site and a roof line in harmony with the neighborhood which will not negatively impact the residential area. A building which will show respect for people who came and settled in Vail and are a part of Vail's history - people who were involved in the growth of Vail, loyal every day skiers, tax payers, and permanent residents; people who attend the churches, own and work in the shops, work on the mountain and are a valuable part of the immediate residential neighborhood surrounding this small parcel zoned "non-residential" by an accident of history rather than by an appropriate land-use plan. A structure which is proportionate in its bulk and mass to the character of the neighborhood and which will contribute to beautifying the area and add to Vail's appeal as a great place to live and work and play - that's the structure that should replace the Roost. Sincerely, Caua,f,?,-/^*T Adelle C. Picking n/)N"eW /,',Ug; Howard M. Picking, lll U Howard & Adelle Picking Hillside condos Unit C Meadow Ridge Road Vail, CO 81657 9704764208 Picking 100 Longview Lane Johnstown, PA 15905 814-2554256 814-241-0090 (cell) g \5\{ --\J t\) /) o .3 rf r-t'-( tL .= :f ql se IL ir! 'lli t|l ri- T0l/rflV lFlfAILT $6s0 $400 $650 $800 $r500 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 ro Fotr Bt*** Fs Description of the Requesti Vaiance from Desion Guidelines. Section 3. minimum centerline tuminq radius of 40' Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: 9-12 Blockt - Subdivision: Buffer Creek Resub Physical Address: 1783 North Frontage Road Parce! No.: 210312302001 ( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Public Accommodation -2 (PA-2) Name(s) of owner(s): ttmgpga.rrsa 94ffif $UeO,U^, Phone: 476-1464 0wner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Represented bv Mauriello Plannino Grouo, LLC Mailing Address: PO Box 1127. Avon. CO 81640 Phone: 748-0920 E-mailAddressimAudgllolocomeastngl-Faxz 748-0377 EGEIVE WN OF VAIL Application for Review by the Planning and Envinonmental Comm Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Iel: 970.479.2139 fay.r. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.m.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submiBing a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmenbl @mmission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by tfl€ Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cruncil and/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplication and Fee: Rezoning $1300 Major Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 Exemption Plat $650 Minor Amendrnent to an SDD $1000 New Special Development District $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior modifrcations) Conditional Use Permit Floodplain Modif ication Minor Exterior Alteration Major Exterior Alteration DeveloDment Plan Amendment to a DeveloDment Plan Zoning Code AmendmentX Variance Sign Variance Mailing Address: 12 Vail Road. Suite 600. Vail. CO 81657 [T,HT-$t'?fP.n** January 3l , ZOOG Tlannnq and Enuronmental Commeston clo Georqe RuLher, AICF Cfief ot Planntnq Town of Varl 75 SouLh frontaqe P<>ad Vail, Colorado 6l G57 Re: Vatance AVV\cahon for Trmbeflrne Lodqe - Turnrng Radrus Dear CommgEtone(5: After addbonal analysts al thef mberhne Roosl Lodqe ft hag been delermtned that we are vnable lo comply wrth lho Town's dea4n standard whtch reqvffes a Lurnnq radus ol 40' Ior the exft lane oI our ?arhnq ram? ae ft aVVroaches the gvrface. We have worked lor several weeks lo try to comTly wtth the slandard and have tound that q:en Lhe narrowhess ol lhe sfte and Lhe need lo growde gtructured parktnq on the stte we arQ unable Lo make meel lhre sLandard. We beleve we have Vrouded an adequate means ol extlnq lhe aLe thal wrll remarn sale and etlctenl and have apvlted lar a vanance lo allow the use ol a 30' radug. Backqround The Town ol Val Developmenl Slandbrds fiandbook, 3ecilon 3, ncludes Lvrnnq radvg sLandards tor anqle-tamiy and two-Iamtly readenltal ?roJect5, mvllple Iamrly VrolecLs wtth 4 Lo | | dwellnq unts, and mvlttVle Iamrly Vrolects wrth more than I I dwelln1 unftg. fhe mrnrmum cenlerltne lvrnnq radl are 20' , 30' , and 40' resVecltvely. I beheve the Lheory behnd the dtltenn4 radvs gtandards are not. based upon the ablty of vehcles lo make a cerLan lvrnnq radtvg bvt baged vpon lhe 9?eed or volume of trallw (r.e., wrth qreater number of vehcleg ft e more comtortable Lo have a mare qenLle radue). lmberhne Lodqe Aw|cahon oI Standard The proposed ste Vlan and trallc ctrcvla on dtaqrams show lhat delwery vendee can eacly accees Lhe Vroperty and extt vlltztnq the 40' radug. De\ ery trvcks are nol acceslnq lhe parknq structure; only cars. Cars exitnq the Tarhnq ramg are able to ext lhe VroVerty alonq a 30' cenlerltne radtvs but cannol accommodaLe a 40' cenlerltne raduE wrthout severely com?romtrnq lhe bvldtng and lhe sfte Vlannnq. A Vassenqer vehrcle can easly rnaneuver a lurn on a 30' centerlne radus and Lherelore the stle wrll functron etltctently and sately. V anance Reqvest fhe OeveloVmenL 1tandardE llandbook Etates'vanances lo the DeveloTmenl Standards may be allowed when ?racical dfiItcvltres and vnnecessary ?hyscal hardshrps nconastent wrth he ?w?ooe and nLent ol the Develo?ment Standarde enst." fhe aVpltcalton of the 40' radus VresenLs a Vracttcal dtfhcvlty and a Vhyacal hardshtV as apVled to the prolect. The 5fte B very narrow and wth Lhe need lo Vrovtde strvclured Varhnq on lhe ate and Vrovtde ?ro?er acceal lo Ehe Varhnq there s not enovqh (oom on the VroVerLy to Vrovde a 40' radus movement.Ihe lown'z develapmenL sLandards allow a 30' radus when acceslnq I I dwellnq vntts. 3o tt $ nol a maller oI whether a veficle e caTable ol ma\nq a 30' radls, rL B a matler of conventence and VerhaVs e?eed (t.e., tl E eager tor a dr:er to maV< a wder Lurn raLher lhan a more narrow Lurn). Addhonally, vehcleE are able Lo aVVroach the North frontaqe Road rn a Verpendrcular postlon belore advananq nLo the roadway. 3o thts varnnce reayuesL doeg nol drmrnrsh the saleLy of the ate or the overall tuncbonaltly ol the stte bvl may redvce Lhe speed al whtch one can comlortably exl the Vroperty. lt should be noted LhaL the trallc areas a(e heated. makrna lhe ctrcvlalon lhal mvch more sale and efloenl. The cvrrenlRoosLLodqe property tg nonconformnq n many asVects that the VroVosed Vlan remedtes or [n?rove5. r The 7A-2 zone detncl reqvvee lhat alleaELT5Vo ol the reqwred Varknq be localed wrthrn a sErucfu(e and ddden lrom pvbltc vrew. All of the extsltn7 Varhnq E localed on the svrface and n full vrew by the pvbfic. Ihe proVosed ?rcJect Vrovtdee mare lhan 75Vo ol the reqvtred Tarktnq tn a slructure ouL ol Vubhc wew. c Ihe ?A-2 zone dglrcl Vrohtbts Varktnq 9?ace5 localed rn the front setback. fhe extsilnq svrtace Varktnq e located wrthrn the front gefback. fhe VroVosed Vlan removes all Varhnq lrom the lront setback. The condtbons thal are bernq remedred have added lo Lhe need tor lhe va(tance due to lhe need to gLrvcture the VarAnq belaw qrade accegged by a ramV - V anance Reuew Cnterta | . fhe relatronEhp of the reqvested vanance to olher ensbnq or TolenLtal vgeg and gLrvctureg n Ehe vtctnLv . 2. Our Analvsrs: The VroVosed vanance wrll have httle, rf any, mTacl on the on other ensltnq or potenilal usee n lhe netqhborhood. The furntng radtus only allects the cars extnq lrom the ?rc?efty and ft anythtnq the reduced radNs wrll slow lhe advance of cars lo the Frontaqe Road thus reduanq Votenbal conlltcts wrlh tratlrc rn the vrcrntty. fhe deqree to whrch rehef from Lhe slfict or \feral nterpreLabon and enlorcemenl ol a sVectied reqvlaion E nece55ary to acheve comTaltbtltty and unrformrty of treatmenl amonq ales n the venfty, or to atLatn lhe oblecltves of lhrg trtle wrthoul qranl ol speaal Vrvtleqe. Our Analvsrs: Ihe VroVosed vanance wrll allow lhtg sfte lo meel the obpchves oI the Tonnq Code and development sLandards wrthout a qrant ol s7eoal Vw eqe. The Vracltcal dtffrculles and Vhyacal hardshry ol the Etncl and ltleral nlerVretaLton oI lhe Elandard wovld cause aqnlcanL mqacls Lo Lhe develoVmenl of Lhr. sEe. fhe narrownegs ol lhe Efte and Lhe need lo Vrowde underqround Varktnqhas creaLed the hardehps relaled lo thts slandard. Snce lhe lralIo areas are healed lhere s a redvced need Eo Vrowde wtder cvrves. None of Lhe other ?roPerleg tn lhe area are zoned Ior lodqrnq lactlftteg and lherelare ?ro?e*te5 n lhe area are already treaLed dttlerently due ta zontnq. 3. the eltect ol lhe requested varance on ltqht and ar, dtstlbvbon ol poVvlalton, Lrans?oftaLton and tralltc facrltueg, Tublc laaltiles and ullfties, and publtc salety. Our Analvsrs: fhe VroVoted vaflance wrll have lrttle, rf any, ffi?acl on thege $gves. Ihe only mpacL e lo the sVeed al whrch a vehtcle can exl the TroVerty, whrch wtll be redvced by the proVosed vaflance. lf you have any ques ons, Tlease leel Iree Lo call me. Sncerely, Domrnrc F. Maurrello Prnopal Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Informationr All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submifral requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: --t.,-l II ^-/II'rll tl In o4o \su FL n ! ! ! n tr Rezoning $1300 Major Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 Exemption Plat $650 Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 New Special Development District $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no extenbr modifications) tr Conditional Use Permit $650tr Floodplain Modification $400tr Minor Exterior Alteration $650tr Major Exterior Alteration $800tr DeveloDment Plan $1500tr Amendment to a Development Plan $250tr Zoning C.ode Amendment $1300E Variance $500tr Sign Variance $200 Description of the Request= Rezoning of Roost nroryrty to new zone district PA-2 Location of the Prcposal: Lot: 9-12 Block: SuMivision: Buffer Creek Resub Physical Address: 1783 North Frontage Road Parcel No.: 210312302001 ( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoningr Public Accommodation (PA)/Prooosed zonino Public Accommodation - 2 Name(s) of Owner(s): Timberline Roost Lodge. LLC Mailing Address: 12 Vail Road. Suite 500. Vail. CO 81657 Phone: 476-L464 Owner(s) Signature(s):,(JL Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: PO Box 1127. Avon, CO 81640 Phone: 748-0920 E-mail Address:mauriello@comcst.ffi Farc 748-0377 12D1/05 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 9, 2006 A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant to Section 12'3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to rezone Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision, Roost Lodge, from Public Accommodation (PA) district to Public Accommodation -2 (PA-2) district, located at 1783 North Frontage Road, Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Timberline Roost Lodge L.L.C. Planner: George Ruther [. SUMMARY The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge, L.L.C., has submitted a development review application to the Community Development Department to allow for the rezoning of Lots 9-12, Buffher Creek Resubdivision, from Public Accommodation (PA) District to Public Acommodation-2 (PA-2) District. The applicant has submitted the application in anticipation of the redevelopment of the Roost Lodge. Staff is recommending that the Planning & Environmental Commission forwards a recommendation of approval of the applicant's development review application. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge L.L.C., has submitted a development review application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department. The purpose of the application is to amend the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail whereby Lots 9 -12 Buffher Creek Resubdivision are rezoned to Public Accommodation - 2 zone district. According to the applicant, the rezoning is intended to facilitate the redevelopment of the Roost Lodge. A vicinity map of the development site and surrounding area has been attached for reference. (Attachment A) BACKGROUND A review of the Town's files and records clearly identifies the intent of the existing regulations regarding accommbdation units and the prohibition against allowing actommodation units to contain "kitchen facilitied'. The files show that the legislative intent behind the current regulation is to: 1) discourage long-term I |il. occupancy of what are intended to be short-term rental units; 2) prevent the likelihood of the sale of accommodation units as dwelling units; 3) encourage visitors and guests to frequent the many eating and drinking establishments in the town during their stay in Vail; and 4) ensure compatibility amongst surrounding land uses. A further review of the Town's files shows that the existing language pertaining to definitions of accommodation units, dwelling units, kitchen facilities and kitchenettes has remained unchanged since their adoption in 1973. The only recent and notable amendment to the regulation of accommodation units came in the late 1990's when the development standards for density were amended and accommodation units were no longer counted towards density. Finally, a review of the other resort communities' regulations pertaining to kitchen facilities within hotel rooms reveals a wide range of approaches. For example, the City of Aspen Land Development Regulations, by definition, permits kitchens within individual hotel rooms in a hotel or lodge while the Town of Breckenridge Land Development Code states that "no kitchens of any kind are permifted within the units" of hotel, lodges or inns. On November 14 and 28, 2005, the applicant appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request to amend the text of the Public ,$commodation (PA) zone district to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities, as a conditional use in the district. Upon consideration of the request, the Commission directed staff and the applicant to prepare an amendment which would result in the creation of a new zone district purposefully intended to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities in certain areas of Town. On December 6, 2005, during the PEC/DRB update to the Vail Town Council, staff informed the Town Council of the recent discussions with the Planning & Environmental Commission regarding the text amendment and the creation of a new zone district. The Town Council acknowledged that the intent of the proposed text amendmenl may have merit, however, encouraged the staff and Commission to evaluate other options. For example, the possibility of creating a conditional use with use-specific criteria addressing the relationship of the use to other neighboring uses and development objectives of the Town or the elimination of the prohibition against kitchen facilities in accommodation units. The Town Council expressed that it may be appropriate to re-evaluate the legislative intent of the cunent land use policy prohibiting kitchen facilities in accommodation units. On December 12, 2005, the applicant appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission to discuss the merits of creating the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) district. Following discussion on the topic, the Commission directed staff to prepare a proposed text amendment for the Commission's cbnsideration and recommendation. On December 20,2005, Community Development Department held a worksession meeting with the Vail Town Council to present the options for addressing the desire to allow kitchen facilities in accommodation units. o tv.ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BODIES Rezoninq/Zone District Boundarv Amendment Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is advisory to the Town Council. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the proposal and make a recommendation to the Town Council on the compatibility of the proposed zoning with surrounding uses, consistency with the Vail Comprehensive Plans, and impact on the general welfare of the community. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority on zoning/rezonings. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submiftal requirements are provided. The staff advises the applicant as to compliance with the Zoning Regulations. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Gouncil: The Town Council is responsible for final approval/denial of a zoning/rezoning. The Town Council shall review and approve the proposal based on the compatibility of the proposed zoning with surrounding uses, consistency with the Vail Comprehensive Plans, and impact on the general welfare of the community. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Zoninq Reoulations 12-3-7: AMENDMENT:A. Prescription: The regulations prescnbed in this title and the boundaries of the districts shown on the official zoning map may be amended, or repealed by the town council in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this chapter.B. lnitiation: 1. An amendment of the regulations of this title or a change in district boundaries may be initiated by the town council on its own motion, by the planning and environmental commission on its own motion, by petition of any resident or property owner in the town, or by the administrator. 2. A petition for amendment of the regulations or a change in district boundaries shalt be fited on a form to be prescribed by the administrator. The petition shatl include a summary of the proposed revision of the regulations, or a complete description of proposed changes in district boundaries and a map indicating the existing and proposed district boundaries. lf the petition is far a change in district boundaries, the petition shall include a list of the owners of alt properties within the boundaries of the area to be rezoned or changed, and V. the property adjacent thereto. The owners' list shall include the names of all owners, their mailing and street addresses, and the legal description of the property owned by each. Accompanying the list shall be stamped, addressed envelopes to each owner to be used for the mailing of the notice of hearing. The petition a/so sha// include such additional information as prescribed by the administrator. Town of Vail Land Use Plan Medium Density Residential - The medium density residential category includes housing which would typically be designed as aftached units with common walls. DenstTies in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre. Additional types of uses ln this category would include private recreation facilities, private parking facilities and institutionallpublic uses such as parks and open space, churches. and fire sfafions. Resorl Accommodations and Service - This area includes activities aimed at a'ccommodating the overnight and short term visitor to the area. Primary uses include hotels, lodges, seruice sfafions, and parking structures (with densities up fo 25 dwelling units or accommodation units per buildable acre). These areas are oriented toward vehicular access from l-70, with other support commercial and business seryrces included. AIso allowed in this category, would be institutional uses and various municipal uses. Chapter ll - Land Use Plan Goals/Policies 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The qualrty of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 3.1 The hotet bed base should be presetrved and used more efficientty. 3.2 The Village and Lionshead areas are the best location for hotels to serve the future needs of the destination skiers. 3.3 Hofels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore conversion to condominiums shou/d be discouraged. o VI. ZONING ANALYSIS The following zoning analysis provides a comparison of the development potenlial currently allowed under the Public Accommodation (PA) District to that of the proposed Public Accommodation - 2 (PA-2) District. Legal Description: Lots 9-12, Buffher Creek Resubdivision Land Use Designation: Medium Density Residential Lot Size: 86,597 sq. ft./1.988 acres Development Standard PA PA-2 Lot Area: 10,000 sq.ft. min. 10,000 sq.ft. min. Setbacks: 20'all sides* 20'all sides* Height: 48 feet 48 feet GRFA: 129,895 sq f1."" 129,895 sq.ft.** Density Control: 49 du's 49 du's Site Coverage: 650/o or 56,288*** 650/o or 56,288 *** Landscaping: 25,g7g sq. ft. min. 25,g7g sq. ft. min. Parking Per Chapter 10 of Per Chapter 10 of the Zoning the Zoning Regulations Regulations * See Secllons 12-7J-6 and 12-7A-6 for further details At the discretion of the PEC per Sections 12-7A-8 and12-7J-B At the discretion of the PEC per Sections 12-74-9 and 12-7J-9 VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninqNorth: Residential Two Family Primary/Secondary South: l-70 ROW N/AEast: Residential Two Family Primary/Secondary West Residential Residential Cluster VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Amendment to the Official Zoninq Mao of the Town of Vail (rezonina) Chapter 3, Administration and Enforcement, Title 12, Zoning Title, of the Vail Town Code authorizes amendments to the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail. Pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendments, in part, o "an application to amend the district boundaries of the Zoning Map may be initiated by petition of any resident or property owner in the Town." Furthermore, Section 12-3-7 C prescribes the criteria and findings the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council shall consider with respect to a request to amend the Zoning Map. The applicant is seeking a recommendation of approval to rezone Lots 9-12 Buffher Creek Resubdivision from Public Accommodation (PA) district to the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) d istrict. According to Section 12-3-7 C, of the VailTown Gode, Before acting on an application for a zone district boundary amendment, the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested zane district boundary amendment: 1. The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Gomprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and Section V of this memorandum outlines the goals and policies that are relevant to the proposed rezoning of Lots 9-12, Buffher Creek Resubdivision. According to Section 12-7J-1: Purpose; Public Accommodation-2 (PA'2) district, "The pubtic accommodation -2 district is intended to provide slfes for lodges, limited service lodges, and residential accommodations on a short term basr's, for visfiors and guesfg together with such public and semipublic facilities and commercial/retail and related visitor oriented uses as may be appropriately located within the same district and compatible with adjacent /and uses. This district is intended to provide for todging sifes /ocafed outside the periphery of the Town's Vail Village and Lionshead commercial core areas. The public accommodation - 2 district is intended to ensure adequate light' aE, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge useg and to maintain the desirabte resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site d evelopm ent standard s. Add itional nonresidential uses are allowed as conditional useswhich enhance the nature of Vail as a vacation community, and where permifted uses are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the district." This Zone District was specifically developed to provide incentives for properties to redevelop as limited service lodges. The ultimate goal of these incentives is create variety and diversity amongst resort lodging unit 2. types. Any future redevelopment of the property will be required to comply with the standards outlined for development in the district. The proposed rezoning is consistent and compatible with the Vail Comprehensive Plan and the Town's development objectives. The extent to which the zone district amendment is suitable with the existing and potential land uses on the site and existing and potential surrounding land uses as set out in the Town's adopted planning documents; and The Public Accommodation-2 district establishes zoning that is consistent with both existing and proposed uses on the parcel. The proposed use of the property will remain as a lodge thus providing short-term accommodations for guests and visitors to the Town. The zone district amendment is consistent with existing and potential uses on surrounding properties. According to the Vail Land Use Plan, the adjoining land use designations include Medium Density Residential. Pursuant to the Plan, the existing land use designation is Medium Density Residential and is not proposed to change with this application. Given that the existing use is a lodge in the medium density residential land use designated area and that the new use is not a substantial change, staff believes that the amendment is suitable with the existing and potential land uses sunounding the site. The extent to which the zone district amendment presents a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistEnt with municipal development objectives; and The Public Accommodation-2 district is consistent with the existing and proposed use of the property. The proposed zone district implements specific goals of the Vail Land Use Plan. Staff believes that the proposed re-zoning presents a harmonious, convenient, and workable relationship with land uses in the area consistent with the existing and proposed use of the property. For example, while the overall density of development on the Roost Lodge development site will increase as a result of the zone district boundary amendment and subsequent redevelopment the development standards of the Public Accommodation-2 district ensures a workable relationship among land uses. The only real distinction on future development under the Public Accommodation district versus the Public Accommodation -2 district is the presence of limited service lodge units that contain kitchen facitilies. The extent to which the zone district amendment provides for the grorvth of an orderly viable community and does not constitute spot zoning as the amendment serves the best interests of the community as a whole; and The proposed re-zoning establishes consistent zoning for the property. This re-zoning will create a zone district consistent with the existing and 4. lx. proposed use of the property. The proposed re-zoning and development plan provide for the development of an orderly viable community consistent with the Town's development interests as expressed in the Vail Land Use Plan. For instance, the purpose of the Public Accommodation-2 district is, in part, "to provide sifes for lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, lodge dwelling units, and limited seruice lodge units". Staff believes that this amendment furthers the development objectives of the Town and serves the best interest of the community as a whole. The extent to which the zone district amendment results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including but not limited to water quality, air quali$r, noise, vegetation, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; and The proposed re-zoning will not significantly alter the existing character or uses allowed on the site. As such, staff does not for see any adverse impacts on the natural environment to include water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, etc. The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with the purpose statement of the proposed zone district. The Public Accommodation-2 district is proposed for the subject property. The proposed zone district is consistent with the intended purpose of that zone district. The extent to which the zone district amendment demonstrates horrr conditions have changed since the zoning designation of the subject property was adopted and is no longer appropriate. Since the original adoption of zoning on the property, the Town of Vail has undergone an extensive growth and change. As such, the Town has adopted clearly identifiable goals and objectives for development in this general area of Town. In order to ensure that these goals and objectives for development are carried out, the Town adopted the Public Accommodation-2 district. lf approved, the applicant will be afforded the opportunity to redevelop the site with the Town's goals in mind. Such other factors and criteria as the Gommission and/or Council deem applicable to the proposed rezoning. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission forwards a recommendation of approval of an amendment to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, pursuant to Chapter 3, Title 12' Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to rezone Lots 9-12, Buffher Creek Resubdivision to the Vail Town Council, subject to the following condition: 7. 8. o 1. That the rezoning shall only become effective upon the adoption of an ordinance duly establishing the Public Accommodation-2 district, as presently contemplated by the Vail Town Council. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: "Before recommending and/or granting an approval of an application for a zone district boundary amendment the Planning & Environmental ' Commission and the Town Council shall make the following findings with respecf to the requested amendment: 1. That the amendmenf rs congsfent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and 2. That the amendment is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas; and 3. That the amendment promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality." X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map I (oooC\ ot t-(I':tc.PsarOl =8.9o6Eoo'Fctr =atrFOpo ll -o b9zeoF€YN.= c UJ Ec(tr o)c'- co (L ct! = =tr I-(, 5 I og' EoJ #oooc oCF (oooc{ (f) N o tfi 6'o' 3 -cE.SoaE.AOFo=6trFO6Orr6 b92tr('F(ol,|\.=F> IU E (! l-. Co tr q G E fl.E .T(, 5 I 0o!oJ floo oE 0s F (oq (! t! og lrl U) z Ltl z zo E. ProjectName: TIMBERLINE ROOSTVARIANCE Project Description: TIMBERUNE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMER ROOST LODGE)-FINAL APPROVAL FOR A VARIANCE FROM DESIGN GUIDEUNES SECNON 3, MINIMUM CENTERUNE TURNING MDIUS OF,IO'. Participants: OWNER TIMBERLINE ROOST LODGE LLC 04$12006 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LLOZI 0312006 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81520 License: C000001697 ProjectAddress: 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: ROOST LODGE Legal Descriptionr Lot: 9, I Block: Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2103-123-0200-1 Comments: Fees Refunded PEC Number: PEC060012 o THE Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: WITHDRWN Date ofApproval: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, O Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 CdI,*Ur{W IE\ELOFT'EqT t P lanning and Environmental Commisson ACTTOI{ FORlrl Departmert of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tar: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Project Descriptionr PEC Number: PEC050081 PECTYPe: TIMBERLINE LODGE CUP TIMBERLINE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMER ROOST LODGE) Project Address: - THE ROOST LODGE - Legal Description: Paftacipants: Commentsi Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: OWNER TIMBERLINE ROOST LODGE LLC 10/11/2005 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL10/11/2005 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 License: C000001697 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: Lot: 9, 1 Block Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2103-123-0200-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ ACtiON: WITHDRWN Date of APProval: Meeting Date: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Condr 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $650,00 tr*ffi Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail,co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be acceptd until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: ts/ c-onditional Use Permittr FloodplainModificationtr Minor Exterior Alterauon! Major Exterior Alteration! Develooment Plantr Amendment to a Development Plan tr Zoning Code AmendmentE Variance! Sign Variance Description of the Requestz Major Exterior Alteration of the eristina Rood Lodae orooerU includingr a text amendment and andiilonal use oermit location ofthe Proposal: Lot: 9-12 Block:_ Subdivision: Buffer Creek Resub Physical Address: 1783 North Frontaoe Road Parcel No.: 210312302001 ( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Public Accommodation (PA) Name(s) of Owner(s): ttrnnquXg f *gst t.oocrg 'u,CMailing Address:12 Vail Road. Suite 600. Vail. CO 81657 Phone: 476-L46+- Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: Reoresented bv Mauriello Planninq Group, LLC Mailing Address: PO Box 1127. Avon. CO 81640 Phone: 748-0920 E-mail Address:mauriello@comcast,d Fax= 748-0377 -0A.rl,-tl It-, --rrl['?G h DDq \ n n tr tr tr ! ! ! Rezoning $1300 Major Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 Exemption Plat $650 Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 New Special Development District $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterio r mod ift ca tio ns) $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 flFnrn ^ ^ -rrEUU UUt 1.0 2005 o o *o THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NorlcE ls HEREB' GrvFry that the pranning and Environmentar commission of theTown of Vair wit hord a pubrr" n""riri'i" "".'.rio"*" with section 12-z-6,Vair rown :;*",i:[li"""Tf ber28,i-'b;:il:d'ffi ffi ;ffi ffi V,:iTlil,",LBuirdins,in A request for a finar rgvigw of a minor amendment to_speciar Deveropment District No.36, (Four seasons Hoter), pursuari'i"'siii,i,i 12-9A1oA , vair rown.code, to arow fora new mixed-use h9r.9l p''oju.t, to."iJ'ii ]f v-a' n.i"o-""i'i8 south FronrageRoad/Lots A and c' t:l,y[':q;ilinsf:;i;"ttins rorth derairs in resard thereto.Applicant: Vail De_velopment, LL6, r."pr"r"nt"O by Thomas J. BrinkPlanner: Matt Genneft A request for a finar review of a conditionar use permit, pursuant to section 12_TA-3,conditionat Uses, Vair.To*n coc"lio-"i'ri#for the construction of 124 accommodationunits with kitchen facirities, t"."t"b'.irzsi"ruortn Frontage Road/Lots 9_12, BuffehrCreek Resubdivision. andsetting iortn O"i"if-s-in regard thereto.Applicant: Timberrine n"i,"irfidi, ir-?, *pr"""nted by Mauriero pranning Group,Planner: George Ruther A request for a final ,"_u]:y,:f.lu.".nance, from _Section 12-6D_6, Setbacks, Vail Towncode, pursuant to chapler tz-ll,i.rii.i;;, v{ town code, to ailow for a deck within:l?::'ifiJ,"ff:8fl.i:i:;:#j:,,"T"'baib-'i"Ji-.ii6l viiiviitse west iiri"g z, Appucant Kevin Roley and lGte SkaqosPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel '-'- -lrsvrrv The appliiations and information -about the proposals are available for public inspectionduring office hours at the Town "rv"lr-c'"rilJrity oeu"topment Department, 7b southFrontage Road' The oublic. is inuit"J b-"#ni prop"t orientation and the site visits thatprecede the pubric neldng itfi; i;;;ilild"mmunity Deveropmenr Department.Ptea se cal e z0-479_z r aai; ;ad iii"""i i"rJ*i"". sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. pleaseo,l970-479'23s0, tetepnone ror ttre il"ing ilp"ir"d, for information. Published November 11, 2005, in the Vail Daily. $$r Project Name: TIMBERLINE ROOST REZONING PEC Number: PEC050103 Project Description: TIMBERLINE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMER ROOST LODGE)-FINAL APPROVAL FOR REZONING TO A NEW ZONE DISTRICT PA-2 Pafticipants: owNER IMBERUNE ROOST LODGE LLC 1212212005 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LLLZI 221 2005 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 License: C000001697 Location:Or l[oJ8f.tBtE*' 1783 N FR.NTAGE RD wEsrvAIL Legal Description: Lot: 9, 1 Block: Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2103-123-0200-1 Comments: See Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2006 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Viele Vote: 6-0 DateofApproval: 01/09/2006 Conditions: C,ond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $1'300.00 From: To: Date: Subject: George <RMGVAIL@aol.com> <gruther@vailgov. com > O2l1012006 8:20:33 AM Roost re-develooment I wanted to give you some of myfeelingsasa nearby, long term resident of the lower east Buffer Creek neighborhood, on the new Roost project. First of all the massive nature of this project does not seem to fit the area and seems to only be a benefit for the developers. After viewing the concept disc I became aware of how extensive and tall this project is as planned. lf allowed to be built as planned all the properties to the North would have their views and sun severely compromised. I do understand the developers desire to maximize there development potential but to do it at the expense of the neighbors and with little regard for aesthetics. I feel the property should at least be developed to the stiandards of the near by Vail Commons and possibly to a higher level. As many of us know Vail is trying to change for the better and any new projects should be designed to meet the design criteria that will be needed for the next fifty to one hundred years. This projects design drops back to the eighties or even the seventies and having lived in the neighborhood since 1972 | do know what that looks like. I do hope we as a group can help this project meet the needs of our community without ruining the neighborhood and upsetting the long term residents of the area. Thank you forryour work on this, Sincerely, Randall Guerriero 1859 Meadow Ridge Road Vail Co. "Dominic Mauriello" <mauriello@comcast.net> "'Tom Kassmel"' <TKassmel@vailgov.com>, "'Hudson, Skip"' <Skip.Hudson@DOT.STATE.CO.US> From: To: Date: Subject: Hi Tom: 01/30/2006 3:54:48 PM Meeting with CDOT on Roost Greg and I had a very productive meeting with Skip Hudson at CDOT on Friday. Skip in generally fine with our plans but there are lots of details to work out. lt appears the project can be developed without changes to the current site planning for the project. Here is a summary of the meeting: - While TOV has indicated generous lane widths, CDOT might allow something more narrow (i.e., 'l 1'travel lanes); * Skip is generally fine with the widening project being located north of lhe fence between l-70 and Frontage Road which we are assuming represents the "P" or "B" line. We need to address impacts to drainage and other potential "work" beyond the fence line. - Skip was flne with the design with only one left turn lane to the main entrance and none to the east access, as currently programmed. * Skip thought the design waiver for the access spacing would not be a problem based on the circumstances and how closely lhe project comes to meeiing the requirement. A design waiver would still be required in application process. * The sidewalk is fine and will need to be included in a special use application. Utility changes would need to be addressed in a George Ruther - Meeting with CDOT on special use application. * The transit stop would need to be requested by the "transit authority''to CDOT (Charles Myer). The improvements (i.e., shelter) would be included in the special use permit application. - Soil nailing. CDOT is awaiting the conclusions reached by the FHA on the Four Seasons project and will follow whatever direction given by FHA for future projects. Dan Lowder is the contact at CDOT for this tssue. * All landscaping will be included in a landscape permiVspecial use application. Will require bonding to remove improvements if ever necessary. Any inigation system will also need to be detailed in the permit application. * We need to understand how the Town will permit its portion of the work. The permit process could be easier and more streamlined if the Town where to contract and construct the entire R/VV improvements as a roadway improvement project. Skip needs to understand this project will be approached and permitted. Skip, let me and Tom know if you have any additional comments. Thanks, Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Mauriello Planning Group, LLC PO Box 1127 5601A Wildridge Road Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 748-0920 phone (970)7484377 fax (970) 376-3318 cell mauriello@comcast. net CG: "'George Ruther'" <GRuther@vailgov.com>, "'Greg Gastineau"' <greg@timberlinere.com> o tlzslot TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 23,2006 A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0080) Applicant Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: George Ruther ll. SUMMARY The purpose of today's work session hearing with the Planning and Environmental Commission is to allow the applicant and staff an opportunity to present the revised major exterior alteration application to allow for the construction of Timberline Lodge. The presentation will include: . A powerpoint presentation of the applicant's revised major exterior alteration request and associated development applications; . A summary of the staff and DRB comments on the revised major exterior r, alteration request;! . A summary of the Commission's roles in the development review process; . An overview of the applicable review criteria to be used by the Commission; and. A summary of the development standards and zoning regulations. The Commission is not being asked to take any formal action on this application at this time. As such, staff iJ not providing a formal recommendation at this time' The Commission, however, is being asked to provide any additional feedback regarding the proposal in anticipation of a final decision at a future public hearing. t DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge, L.L.c., representing by Mauriello Planning Group, L.L.C., has submitted a revised major exterior alteration development review application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department to facilitate ihe redevelopment of the Roost Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road. The development application includes: . '. 1 o 1) A revised major exterior alteration to ailow for the demorition ofthe existing Roost Lodge and the construction of the new Timberline Lodge. The development site of the Timberline Lodge is located at 17g3 North FrontageRoad/Lots 9-12, Buffehr creek subdivision. According to the stampec lolgglaphic survey, the development site occupies approximately 1.9g9 acres or86,597 square feet. The applicant is proposing to construct a new four to sixstory tall lodge comprised of 126 accommodation units, 39 dwelling units, 3 employee housing units and 1g8 above and below grade parking spaies. The applicant anticipates that the new lodge will be opeiated by Mar-riott or another national hotel brand as a "limited service" lodge. As proposed, the accommodation units vary from 463 to 731 square feet while t|te dwelling units are approximately 850 square feet in size each. The three employee housing units are roughly 460 square feet in size each and configured to provide housing for a total of five employees. As designed, the exterior materials on the lodge are proposed to be a mixture of stone and wood siding with asphalt shingle roofing. Exterior decks and balconies have been added to the building's fagade along with a roof ridgeline of varying heights to improve both the vertical and horizontal articulation ot ine ouitding. A vicinity map identifying the location of the development site has been attached for reference (Attachment A). III. BACKGROUND The Roost Lodge was originally constructed in the early 1970's as a motelprojecj rhe existing lodge contains 72 hotel rooms, one dwelling unit, and apaved surface parking lot. According to the Town's files, with the exception of minor applications for repainting, new deck rails, reproofing, etc., the Roost Lodge has seen no significani modifications since its original c6nstruction. on November 14 and 28,200s, the applicant appeared before the planning & Epvironmental commission with a request to amend the text of the public Abcommodation zone district to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities, as a conditional use in the district. Upon consideration of the request, the commission directed staff and the applicant to prepare an amenoment which would result in the creation of a new zone district purposefully intended to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities in certain areas of rown. on December 6, 2005, during the pEc/DRB update to the Vail rown council, staff informed the Town council of the recent discussions with the planning & Environmental commission regarding the text amendment and the creation of anew zone district. The Town council acknowledged that the intent of the proposed text amendment may have merit, however, encouraged the staff and dommission to evaluate other options. For example, the possiSility of creating a new conditional use with use specific criteria addressing the relationship of the use.to other neighboring uses and development ob.jectives of the Town or the elimination of the prohibition against kitchen facilities in accommodation units. The Town council expressed that it may be appropriate to re-evaluate the legislative intent of the current land use policy prohibiting kitchen facilities in accommodation units. On December 20, 2005, the Community Development Department presented five pbssible options for addressing the applicant's desire to construct a lodge containing accommodation units with kitchen facilities. Following discussion of the various options, the Council directed staff to prepare a text amendment to Title 12, Zoning Regulations, proposing the creation of the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) district. On January 9, 2006, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on a text amendment application creating the Public Accommodation-2 district and a request to rezone Lots 9-12, Buffher Creek Resubdivision to the new PA-2 district. Upon consideration of the application, the Commission voted 6-0-0 to forward a recommendation of approval of the text amendment to the Vail Town Council. on January 17,2006, the Vail Town Council held a first reading on ordinances 2 & 3, Series of 2006, creating the Public Accommodation-Z district and rezoning the Timberline Roost Lodge development site to the new PA-2 district, respectively. Following discussion on each ordinance, the Town Council approved both ordinances on first reading. Second reading of Ordinances 2 & 3 is presently scheduled for Tuesday, February 7'. On January 18, 2006, the Town of Vail Design Review Board held a conceptual rQview meeting to review the revised major exterior alteration application for the Timberline Roost Lodge. A summary of the Board's comments can be found in the letter to Greg Gastineau, dated January 19, 2006, and attached for reference (Attachment B) IV. ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS The purpose of this section of the memorandum is to clarify the responsibilit'tes of the Design Review Board, Planning and Environmental commission, Town Council, and Staff on the various applications submitted on behalf of Vail Resorts Qevelopment Company. A Exterior Alteration/Modification in the Public Accommodation'2 zone district Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental commission for impacts of use/development and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: ihe planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/denial of a Major/Minor Exterior Alteration. The Planning and Environmental commission shall review the proposal for compliance with the adopted criteria. The Planning and Environmental commission's approval "shall constitute approval of the basic form and location of improvements including siting, building setbacks, height, building bulk and mass, site improvements and landscaping.' Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority on a Major or Minor Exterior Arteration, but must review any accomfanying D-esign Review Board application. Staff; ,. The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements areI provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance witfithe design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendaiion on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or planning and Environmental ; Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town. Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board ened with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overtum the board's decision. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Vail Land Use Plan According to the ffidal Land Use plan for the Town of Vail, the development site has a land use designation of Medium Density Residential. Pursuant to the Vail Land Use plan, "The Medium Density Residential land use designation includes srtes for housing which would typically be designed as attached units with common walls. Densffles in this category would range ftom 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre. Additional types of uses in this category would include private recreation facilities, private parking facilities and institutionaUpublrb uses such as churches, fire stations, and parks and open space facilities." : Title 12. Zoninq Requlations PUBLIC ACCOMMODATTON-Z ZONE D|STR|CT (in part) CHAPTER 7 Commercial and Business Districts Article J. PUBLIC ACCOMMODATTON - 2 (pA-2) D|STR|CT 12-7J-1: PURPOSE: Tfe public accommodation -2 district is intended to provide sites for lodges, lirnited service lodges, and residential accommodations on a short term basis, for o visitors and guests, together with such public and semipublic facilities and commercial/retail and related visitor oriented uses as may be appropriately located within the same district and compatible with adjacent land uses. This district is intended to provide for lodging sites located outside the periphery of the Town's Vail Village and Lionshead commercial core areas. The public accommodation - 2 district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Additional nonresidential uses are allowed as conditional uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a vacation community, and where permitted uses are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the district. 1 2-7 J-2: PERMITTED USES: The following uses shall be permitted in the PA-2 district: Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, or retiail establishments located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%) of the total gross residential floor area of the main structure or structures on the site; additional accessory dining areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, or tenace. Limited service lodge, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%) of the total gross residential floor area of the main structure or stiuctures on the site; additional accessory dini4g areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, or terrace.. 12-7 J-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the PA-2 district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter l6 of this title: Bed and breaKast, as further regulated by section 1 2-14-18 of this title. Fractional fee club units as further regulated by subsection 12-16'7A8 ol this title' Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principll use and occupying between ten percent (107o) and fifteen percent (15o/o) of the total gross residential floor area of the buildings' grounds and facilities. Public or commercial parking facilities or structures. Public transportation terminals. Pyblic utility and public service uses. Theaters and convention facilities. Type lll employee housing units as provided in chapter 13 of this title' 12-7 J-4: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the pA-2 district: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of section 12-1+12 of this tifle. Meeting rooms. swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreation facilities customarily incidental to permitted uses. other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditionar uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 12-7J-6: SETBACKS: In the PA-2 district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum reai setback shall be twenty feet (20'). At the discretion of the olanninq and environmental commission and/or the design review board. variations to the setback standards outli.ned above mav be approved durinq the review of exterior altemations or Todifications (section 12-74-12 of this article) subiect to the aopliCint dgmonstratinq comoliance with the followino criteria: - AlProposed building setbacks provide necessary separation between buildings and riparian areas, geologically sensitive areas and other environmentally sensitive areas. B.Proposed building setbacks will provide adequate availability of light, air and open space. c.Proposed building setbacks will provide a compatible relationship with buildings and uses on adjacent properties. D,Proposed building setbacks will result in creative design solutions or otherpublic benefits that could not otherwise be achieved by conformance with prescribed setback standards. 12-7J-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty five leet (+fl For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shalt not exceed forty eight feet (48'). 1 2-7 J-8: DENSITY CONTROL: mav be oermitted for e rea. Final determination of allowable oross residential floor area shall be made 6v tfre o plennino and environmental commission in accordance with section 12-7J-12 of this article. Specificallv. in determinino allowable oross residential floor area theplannino .and rnuironrental cormis"ion "h"ll r"k" a findinq trat oroposed qross residential floor area is in conformance with aoolicable elemenls of the Vail Cqmorehensive Plan. Total density shall not exceed twenty fnre (zs)dweilr,g units per acre of buildable site area. For the purposes of calculating density, employee housing units, limited service lodge units, accommodation units and o fractional fee club units shall not be counted towards density (dwelling units per acre). A dwelling unit in a multiple-family buihing may include one or more attached accommodation units. 12-T J-9: SITE COVERAGE: Site coveraoe shall not exceed sixtv five percent (65%) of the total site area. Final determination of allowable site coveraoe shall be made bv the planninq and environmental commission and/or the,desiqn r-eview board in accordance with section 12-7J-12 of this article. Specificallv, in determininq allowable site coveraqe the planninq and environmental commission and/or the desion review board shall make a finding that oroposed site coveraoe is in conformance with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. 12-7J-11: PARKING AND LOADING: il Cff street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with chapter 10 of this title. At least seventy five percent (75V,) of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view. No at grade or above grade surface parking or loading area shall be located in any required front setback area. Below grade underground structured parking and short term guest loading and drop off shall be permitted in the required front setback subject to the approval of the planning and environmental commission and/or the design review board. 12-7 J-12: EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS OR MODIFICATIONS: t Ai Review Required: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building shall be reviewed by the design review board in accordance with chapter 11 of this title. However, any project which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units, limited service lodge units, any project which adds more than one thousand (1,000) squafe feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off site impacts (as determined by the administrator) shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission as a major exterior alteration in accordance with this chapter and section 12-3-6 of this title. Complete applications for major exterior alterations shall be submitted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the department of community development for planning and eAvironmental commission and design review board review. The following submittal items are required: 1. Application: An application shall be made by the owner of the building or the building owner's authorized agent or representative on a form provided by the administrator. Any application for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized by the condominium association in conformity with all pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 2. Application; contents: The administrator shall establish the submittal reouirements for an exterior alteration or modification application. A complete list of ihe suOmittal reouirements shall be maintaihed by the administrator and filed in thg department of community development. certain submittal requirements may be waived and/or modifieC Oy tne administrator and/or the reviewing body if it is t demonstrated by the applicant that the information and materials required are notrelevant to the proposed development or applicable to the plannini documentsthat comprise the Vail comprehensive plin. The administrator and/or therwiewing body may require the submission of additionar prans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary'to propeity evaluate the proposal. 3. work sessions/conceptual Review: lf requested by either the applicant or theadministrator, submittals may proceed to a work session with the planning andenvironmental commission, a conceptual review with the design review board, or a work session with the town council. 4. Hearing: The public hearing before the planning and environmental commission shall be held in accordance with section ll-s-a of this tifle. Theplanning . and environmental commission may approve tne application assubmitted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the application. The decision of the planning and enMronmental commission may be appealed to the town council in accordance with section 12-3-3 of this tifle. 5. Lapse of Approval: Approval of an exterior alteration as prescribed by this article shall lapse and become void three (3) years following the date of approval by the design review board unless, prior to the expirationl a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diligenfly pursued to Jompletion. Administrative extensions shall be allowed for reasbnable and unexpected delays as long as code provisions affecting the proposal have not changed. 1 2-7 J-13: COMPLTANCE BURDEN: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the planning and environmental commission and the design review board that the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the public accommodation zone cistiict, and thatthe proposal does nol otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substintially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan. 12-7J-14: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT tMpACTS: Property ownersidevelopers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mltigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts miy Oe determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of ,"d"u9lo?*"!t "nO *ill O" O"t"-in"O "oTryitlio!", iJl ,"ui"* of d"u"loo."nt proi""t. "nd "ond''tionul u"" p"r*itr- Substrantiai off. site impacts may deed restricted employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian walkwayirqprovements, streetscape improvemenis, stream tracubank restoration, lrrhding/delivery, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intentof this section is to only require mitigation for large scale reclevelopment/development projects which produce iubstantial off sitJimpacts. vt,ZONING ANALYSIS a Address/LegalDescription: 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek SubdivisionZoning: Public Accommodation (PA) District Land Use Designation: Medium Density Residential DevelopmentStandard Allorred/Required Proposed Lot Area: 10,000 sq. fi. min. 86,597 sq. ft. Density: 49 Dwelling Units 39 Dwelling Units AU's Unlimited 124 AU's GRFA****: 129,896 sq. ft. 100,240 sq. ft. Building Height 48 feet 48 feet Site Coverage****: 56,288.23 sq. ft. (65%) 32,864 sq. ft. Landscape Area: 25,979 sq. ft. (30%) 31,960 sq. ft' Sptbacks****:' North: 0'-20' 20' West 0'-20' 20' East 0'-20' 20' South: 0'-20' 20' Parking: 191 spaces 196 spaces 1 berth 3 units (5 beds) Loading: Qmployee 3 units (5 beds) Housing: **** Subject to review and approval by the Planning & Environmental Commission. ' VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninoNorth: nesiOential Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential South: l-70 ROW N/AEast Residential Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential West Residential Residential Cluster District VIII. MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION REVIEW CRITERIA 1 berth section 12-7A-13, Compliance Burden, Vail Town code, outlines the review criteria for major exter'tor alteration applications proposed within the Public Accommodation 1nn; zone district. According to section 12-7H-13, Vail Town Code, a maior exteiior alteration shall be reviewed for compliance with the following criteria: i9 1) compliance with the purposes of the pubric Accommodation zone district;2) That the proposar is consistent with the Vair Viilage Master pran, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan and the Vail Village Streetscape Master plan; 3) That the proposar does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character ofthe neighborhood; and, 4) That the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive plan. should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to approve themajor exterior alteration application, staff recommends that the commission makes the following finding as part of the motion: "Pursuant to Section 12-7H-8, Compliance Burden, Vait Town Code, the applicant has proven by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board that the proposed major erterior alteration is in compliance with the purposes of the Public Accommodation zone district, that the proposal is for a development site located outside of the rcope of the Vaii Village Master Plan, the vail village lJrban Design Guide ptan and the vaitviilage sfreefscape Master Ptan and therefore these planning documents are iot applicable to this application; and that the proposal does not othenvise have .a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantiaily complies with other appticabie elements of the Vail Comprehensive plan." tx.qrscusstoN tssuEs Completeness of Applicationr T-he Community Development Department has completed a"completenes! review of the revised major exterior alteration application for the construction of the Timberline Lodge. upon completion of the review it has been determined that the application is largely complete. However, additional revised materials are required to be submitted prior to a final review of the major exterior alteration application. The applicant needs to provide the following: 1. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of the property owners adjacent to the subject property.2. A written statement describing the revised proposal and how the proposal complies with the applicable adopted master plans and planning documents. Special attention shall be given to the review criteria ouflined in Sections 12-7J-6, 8, & g.3. A revised landscape plan. (please consult the New Construction Application for Design Review for minimum submittal req uirements)4. A roof height plan demonstrating compliance with the prescribed height limitation 10 5. Revised architectural elevations. (please consult the New Construction Application for Design Review for minimum submittal requirements)6. Please address the written comments addressed in the letter from Tom Kassmel, dated January 17,2006.7. Revised architectural floor plans of all levels of the proposed building. (please consult the New Construction Application for Design Review for minimum submittal requirements)8. A revised digital massing and site plan modelL A revised 8.5" x 11" reduced plan set ls there any additional information required by the Planning & Environmental Gommission prior to final review? Site Planningr The Gommunity Development Department has reviewed the revised site , plan submitted for the Timberline Lodge. Upon completion of the review,I several questions still remain regarding the proposed site design. The staff believes that the applicant has done a good job of designing a building which complies with the development standards prescribed for development in the Public Accommodation-2 zone district. For example, since the last meeting with the Planning & Environmental Commission, the appficant has moved to the south in an effort to reduce the site grading and retaining around the lodge. Staff does believe, however, that additional design work and thought should be given to the site design and layout of the new lodge. As 1 proposed, the resulting site plan creates several undesirable consequences. For instance, a twenty-three foot tall retaining wall design with three-foot wide benches between the walls located at the rear of the new lodge, a loading and delivery berth located at the guest drop off to the lodge, a potentially difficult to access trash enclosure, a landscape design and planting plan which will be severely impacted as a result of the required left-turn lane on the North Frontage Road, a grading plan which potentially requires easements or a similar form of agreement with adjoining property owners to grade off of the property, a traffic circulation plan whiih does not meet minimum standards, the need for minimum , emergency egress of the occupants of the lodge, etc. While none of these I issues prevent the construction of a new lodge, they do pose potentially undesirable consequences and conflicts which bear further study prior to final review. What additional input or feedback, if any, does the Commission have for the applicant with regard to the proposed application? Traffic Circulationr In accordance with the prescribed submittal requirements, the applicant has submitted a revised Traffic Analysis for the Roost Lodge Expansion 1 Project, dated January 6, 2006. ln summary, the Town Engineer has ' concluded that the new lodge will warrant the need for enhancements to the existing traffic control and geometry along the frontage road corridor in the form of a relocated public transit stop and a new left-turn lane. l1 Additional revisions to the site plan shall be required to address minimum vehicle turning radii. One option the applicant is exploring to comply with the minimum standards is to construct a one-way traffic flow pattern. Prior to taking final action on this application the Community Development Department recommends that the applicant's consulting traffic engineers and the Town Engineer present their final findings and conclusions to the Commission for review and consideration. Mitigation of Development lmpactsr Pursuant to Section 12-7A-14 of the Zoning Regulations, "Property owners/developers shall a/so be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reporfs prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals of redevelopment and will be determined by the planning and environmental commission in review of development projects and conditional use permits. Substanfaa/ off site impacts may include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian wall<uay improvements, sfreefscape improvements, stream tract/bank restoration, Ioadingldelivery, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenVdevelopment projects which produce substantial off site impacts." fn keeping with the intent of Section 12-7A-14, Mitigation of Development lmpacts, the applicant is proposing to offset the impacts of the proposed development by providing employee housing for a minimum of five employees, placing approximately 365 linear feet of existing overhead power line underground, and constructing a new public transit stop along the North Frontage in front of the new lodge. With the exception of the providing employee housing, the applicant will be required to work with Holy Cross Energy, the Town of Vail, and the Colorado Department of Transportation to underground the overhead utility line and construct the new public transit stop. Are there any other direct impacts of the proposed development besides employee generation, utility line relocation, and public transit enhancements that the Commission believes the applicant should mitigate? DRB Comments; On January 18, 2006, the applicant again appeared before the Town of Vail Design Review Board for a conceptual review of the major exterior alteration application. To date, the Board has been very complimentary of the applicant's effort in addressing the Board's comments and concerns. The Board, however, did request the applicant further explores options and solutions to the design to ensure compliance with the Town's adopted design guidelines. A copy of the Board's comments and t2 o a r questions are contained in a letter to Greg Gastineau, dated January 19, 2006 (Attachment B). X. STAFF REGOMMENDATION As this is a worksession meeting only, staff will not be fonvarding a recommendation on the major exterior alteration to the Planning & Environmential Commission at this time. X. ATTACHMENTS ; Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: Lefterto Greg Gastineau, dated January 19, 2006. IJ oo o o o 14 t Department of Public l(orlcs & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Itail, CO 81657 970-479-2 t 58 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: From: Re: Date: George Ruther Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment PEC Drawing Review 01tr7t6 The Town of Vail Public Works Departrnent has received and reviewed the Timberline Roost Iodge Redevelopment PEC revised submittal set dated 12122105. The following are comments that should be addressed prior to approval. General Comments 1. Building cannot be built over existing easements as shown without those easements being abandoned. This requires approval from all interested utilities and relocation ofany existing utilities. 2. An easement should be provided at the Northwest comer of the property to provide for the existing encroachment of the roadway, drainage and snow storage. This shall include the existing asphalt and shoulder area and a 5'buffer area for snow storage and guardrail. The proposed guardrail shall be set back at least 5' clear from the existing edge ofasphalt. The current plans show rernoval ofa portion of this existing asphalt and gravel shoulder from Meadow Drive in order to accommodate the proposed retaining walls. The existing asphalt road width should be maintained to maintain hafiic safety. 3. All end parking spaces on all parking levels must have adequate area to turn arounil. Please modifu plan, those areas designated pedestrian will need to be modified to accommodate this. 4. Cross-over aisle on level 2 shall be a minimum of 24' wide (non-striped) 5. Show turning movements for all loading and delivery, including passenger vehicle interaction. Port cochere must still function with loading delivery bay occupied. 6. The traffic report dated 1/6/05 indicates that left turn lanes are not warranted for this development, Town staffbelieve that it is in the Town's and developments best interest to have the developer add an auxiliary left turn lane, please see Traffic Report memo attached. 7. The traffic study suggests u25Yo reduction for vehicle trips. This reduction is not supported. A reduction of that magnitude is not offset by the existing intermittent transit service, which has an approximate frequency of 30 minutes. The skier shuttle service should not be considered since it miy be eliminated at any time. Because of its location it can be expected that the primary mode of hansportation will be vehicular trips. In the past we have used reductions of 30Yo for those developments that are in the village core areas due to their proximity to a fulI transit center, a pedeshian village (restaurants, retail, ski area, activities, etc. . .), public transit with 5 to 10 minute ". {- *nHH#i:fr6f*lr00 vehicle parking sarase. e reduin of trips on the order or r0.o/o h . 8. The improvements to the S. Frontage Rd. shall include a section as follows starting from the north side: a. l0' concretepedestrian walk b. 2.5' Curb and gutter c. 4' paved shoulder (or as req'd by CDOT)d. 12' westbound lane e. 16' left turn lane/accel lane/medianf. 12' eastbound lane g. 4' asphalt shoulder (or as req'd by CDOT) h. 2'gravel shoulder Improvernents shall also include lighting/inigation/sipage and a location for a bus shelter.9. In order to accommodate this section the bus stop should be moved west straddling the westem Roost property line.10. Provide a pedestrian connection between Meadow Ridge Rd. and the new bus stop along the S. Frontage Rd. to encourage transit use in this neighborhood. This will require a pedestrian easernent that can be granted in conjunction with the drainage easement il this area. ,-.11. A continuation of the concrete pedeskian walk from Buffehr Creek Rd to the dast end of the propsrty will be required, the walk shall be a minimum of 10' wide.12. Benched walls must comply with the Town of Vail Development Handbook standards and have a minimum bench width of 4'.13. Parking stircture will require a sand/oil stmcture.14. The storm sewer along the Frontage Rd.shall extend further to the east property line to catch the existing ditch. 15. Adequate drainage should be provided betwesn the north east retaining walls and the proposed building. Show grading in this area.16. Show snow storage area. PEC Conditions of Approval l. The Town of Vail General Notes shall be added. (Notes can be e-mailed upon request) 2. Please aaA Utitity Signature block and have all utilities sign acknowledging accepiance of utility impacts and design. All eassments proposed to be abandoned shall be noted and approval from appropriate entities shall be gained. 3. Final Civil drawings shall be approved and meet all Town standards prior to submittal of building permit. Detailed comments will be provided at that time. 4. Approvals from all impacted property owners shall be obtained. A written letter of consent to the required easements will be required for Civil approval. Recorded easements will be required prior to construction. 5' All consfruction staglng issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, trhffic control, emergency access, parking, loading and delivery, etc... 6. A RoWrutilityperrnit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. 7. Alt improvernents within CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and landscaping, This approval will be required prior to Civil plan set approval. 8. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall includJatt oisting conflicti (i.e. utilifies). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require a approval from CDOT and FHWA. Any shoring within the Vail public ROW will require Town of Vail - approval an{ a revocable ROW permit. 1." 9. A Storm Water Discharg$nun Permit and all applicable ecof,rrnits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior to construction. 10. Provide engineered stamped final drainage report, pavement design report, and geotechnical report, and a finalized traffic study. I l. The developer will be assessed $5000 per peak hour additional trip generated. This fee may be offset by specific hafffc improvements (i,e. Frontage Rd. traffic improvements). Based on the review ofthe haffic study it is estimated that the net increase in PM peak hour genertated trips will be 49 trips. This will require a traffic impact fee of $245,000. Portions of this fee may be offseiby traffrc improvements made to the S. Frontage Rd. to specifically include Frontage Rd. roadway widening, Frontage Rd. sidewalk improvements, and the construction of a hansit stop. The rernaining impact fee shill be,^ submitted to the Town of Vail for additional traffic improvernents as deemed appropriate. 12. Provide Art In Public Places contribution, coordinate with AIpp. 13. The access points do not meet the sight distance separation requirements of 250'. An engineered analysis should be submitted for this variance. Also this variance will be required to be approved bycDoT. I Department of Public Worlc & Transportation I 309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2 158 Fax: 970-479-2 166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: From: Re: Date: George Ruther Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment PEC Drawing Review 12107/05 The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received and reviewed the Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment PEC revised submittal set dated 9127105, received lll30l05- The majority of the initial courments generated ot 10/27105 have not been addressed. The following are additional comments as well as the previous cornments that should be addressed prior to approval. It should be noted that at this point a revised traffic study matching the most recent submittal has not yet been submitted, General Comments O-t **annot be built over existing easements as shown without those easements being abandoned. This requires approval from all interested utilities and relocation of any existing utilities. 2. A l5' drainage easement should be provided for the existing drainage system along the west propeny line. An easement should be provided at the Northwest comer of the property to provide for the existing encroachment ofthe roadway, drainage and snow storage. CDOT access permit, landscape permit, special use permits and notice to proceed will be required for all improvements and access changes within the ROW. Limits of disturbance fence must not encroach into any private property without approvaVtemporary easement. All end parking spaces on all parking levels must have adequate area to turn around. Please modify plan, those areas designated pedestrian will need to be modified to accommodate this. Cross-over aisle on level 2 shall be a minimum of 24' wide (non-striped) Dimension main structure level entrance width. Show tuming movements for all loading and delivery, including passenger vehicle interaction. Port cochere must still function with loading delivery bay occupied. Show location of the trash dumpster and tuming movements for trash removal. The access points do not meet the sight distance separation requirements of 250'. An engineered analysis should be submitted for this variance. Also this variance will be required to be approved by CDOT. 12. Please submit an updated traffic study. 13. The previous traflic study suggests a 307o reduction for hoteVcondo vehicle trips and a 50% reduction for employee unit trips. This reduction is not supported. A reduction ofthat magnitude is 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. 10. ll. not offset by the existilrtermittent transit service, which has Opp**i-ut" frequency of 30 minutes. The skier shuftle service should not be considered since it may be eliminated at any time. Because of its location it can be expected that the primary mode of transportation will be vehicular trips. In the past we have used reductions of 30% for those developments that are in the village core area, due to their proximity to a fulI hansit canter, a pedestrian village (restarnants, retail, ski area, activities, etc...), public transit with 5 to 10 minute frequency, and access to a 1300 vehicle parking garage. 14. The previous traffic study suggests left tum lanes are not warranted because each access does not generate CDOT's minimum left tum criteria of 25 lefts per peak hour for a posted speed of less than 40mph. Based on the new access configuration I would assume that this CDOT minimum left turn criteria is now met. For a development this size the Town will require left tum lanes. 15. The improvements to the S. Frontage Rd. should include a section as follows starting from the north side: a. l0' concrete pedestrian walk b. 2.5' Curb and gutter c. 4'paved shoulder d. l2' westbound lane e. 16' left tum lane/accel lane/median f. 12'eastbound lane g. 6' asphalt shoulder (or as req'd by CDOT) h. 2'gavel shoulder Improvements shall also include lighting/irrigation/signage and a location for a bus shelter. 16. A continuation of the concrete pedestrian walk from Buffehr Creek Rd to the east end of the property will be required, the walk shall be a minimum of 10' wide. 17. Entrance pans shall be 8' wide. 18. Provide snowplow protection above walls at the northwest corner along Meadow Ridge Lane. 19. Retaining walls must be a minimum 2' from property line.| 20. Benched walls must comply with the Town of Vail Development Handbook standards and have a minimum bench width of 4'. 21. Provide additional spot elevations at Front and back ofpans, at 10' behind back ofpans, at all grade breaks, high point and low points. 22. Provide a Drainage Repod 23. Parking structure will require a sand/oil structure. 24. All utility services and relocations will require utility approval. 25. Show all utilityconnections including gas, telephone, cable and electric. 26. The overhead power lines should be buried as a part ofthis project. 27. The storm sewer along the Frontage Rd.shall extend further to the east property line to catch the existing ditch. 28. An adequate ditch should be constructed behind the building along the toe of the slope from Meadow Ridge Lane. This property has flooded in the past and adequate protection should be added. 29. Adequate drainage should be provided between the north east retaining walls and the proposed building. Show grading in this area. 30. Show snow storage area. 3 I . The current plans show removal of a portion of the existing asphalt and gravel shoulder from Meadow Drive at the switchback in order to accommodate the proposed retaining walls. The existing asphalt road width should be maintained to maintain traffic safety. A roadway easement should be provided along with some room for snow storage. 1. The Town of Vail General Notes shall be added. (Notes can be e-mailed upon request) 2. Please add Utility SiSnatuflock and have all utilities sign acknorfging acceptance of utility impacts and design. 3. Final Civil drawings shall be approved and meet all Town standards prior to submittal of building permit. Detailed comments will be provided at that time. 4. Approvals from all impacted property owners shall be obtained. A written letter of consent to the required easements wilt bs required for Civil approval. Recorded easements will be required prior construction, 5. A1l construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staglng, phasing, access, schedules, traffic control, emergency access, etc... 6. A Rowrutility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. 7. All improvements witJrin CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and landscaping. This approval will be required prior to Civil plan set approval. 8. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require approval from CDOT and FHWA. 9. A Storm Water Discharge CDPHE Permit and all applicable ACOE permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior to construction. 10. Provide engineered stamped final drainage report, pavement design report, and geotechnical report, and a finalized traffic study. I l. The developer will be assessed $5000 per peak hour additional trip generated. This fee may be offset by specific traffic improvements (i.e. Frontage Rd. traflic improvements). 12. Provide Art In Public Places contribution, coordinate with AIPP. t.t TRANSPTRTATIgN CiRl}UP July 21, 2005 FHIIOsO44 TMFFIC ANALYSIS Mr. Greg Gastineau Timberline Commercial Real Estate 12 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Traffic Analysis for the Roost Lodge Expansion Project Dear Mr. Gastineau: This traffic analysis summarizes the trip generation and adjacent roadway operations with the redevelopment of the existing Roost Lodge in Vail. The site is located along the l-70 N. Frontage Road approximately 300 feet east of Buffehr Creek Road. The site's location is shown in the aerial below. The Roost Lodge site is currently occupied by a 72-room hotel and 1 employee housing condominium unit. Two full pol the existing site. The redevelopment plans for tfg site include on residential multi-family dwelling units, an{l{employees condomini Two access points are planned to the site with the weAtern access nt to the F Road limited to % turn movements (no left- turn outbolnd). The ng presents iraffic analysis for the Roost Lodge Expansion project. Hir 3tr9-654-A6'/4 3a P.El. gax I 9?6El' PHCINEI .SCI3-65U -3S? 1 : BtrULDFIt' ECILdRADE E FAXi 3tr3*7?Z:3.3Ag E|[r3[}El"g7a€l Mr. Greg Gastineau Roost Lodge Expansion Project Traffic Analysis July 21 ,2005 Page2 Existing Conditions The existing Roost Lodge site is located along the N. Frontage Road. This roadway has a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour adjacent to the site, then drops to 25 miles per hour wesl of the site. A single travel lane in each direction exists along the Frontage Road. Turn lanes are not present at the N. Frontage Road site access intersections. Existing peak hour traffic volumes used in this analysis were obtained from the Town's Transportation Master Plan Updatel. The traffic volumes at the Buffehr Creek Road / N. Frontage Road intersection for peak winter weekend were used to determine the through traffic volumes along the N. Frontage Road adjacent to the site. The master plan projects that the N. Frontage Road will experience a 31o/o increase in traffic in the next 20 years (from Year 2000). This equates to an approximate 1% annual growth rate. Traffic volumes at the site access points were estimated by forecasting Year 2006 peak winter weekend traffic on the Frontage Road by applying a 1.06 growth rate to the 2000 volumes. The site access intersections with the N. Frontage Road were reviewed to determine baseline or existing operations and identify any capacity constraints. The existing winter weekend P.M. peak hour volumes were reviewed as this period represents the higher side street and mainline traffic conditions. In determining the operational characteristics of an intersection, "Levels of Service" (LOS) A through F are applied, with LOS A indicating very good operations and LOS F indicating congested operations. The intersection LOS is represented as a delay in seconds per vehicle for the intersection as a whole and for critical turning movem6nts. Criteria contained in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)z was applied to the study area intersections in order to determine existing levels of service during the weekday evening peak hour period. The results of the LOS calculations are summarized in Table 1. The intersection level of service worksheets show the trafflc volumes and are attached for reference. The data in Table 1 illustrates that the intersections are currently functioning at acceptable levels during the peak hour periods (LOS A range overall) with the all of the individual approaches also operating acceptably (LOS A-B). Transportation Master Plan Update - Traffic Model, Washington Infrasfuchjre Services, July 2OO2. Hiohwav Caoacitv Manual, Highway Research Board Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 2001. Synchro v. 6 sottware utilized. Mr. Greg Gastineau Roost Lodge Expansion Project Traffic Analysis July 21, 2005 Page 3 Trip Generation Comparison The vehicular traffic for the site land uses has been estimated based on trip rates contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (lTE) 7th Edition Trip Generation manual3 and is summarized in table 2. The 6xisting iite'uses were conipared to the proposed site uses to determine the net site added traffic with the expansion in place. For comparison purposes, the following assumptions were used to estimate traffic generation of the site development, Existinq Land Uses:. 72 hotelroomsr 1 employee housing condominium unit Redevelopment Land Uses:. 761,.Botelrooms tZ.l. lffiployee housing condominium units jt (4l tkcreation home condominium units 3q Because the site is located along the N. Frontage Road with a regional transit route and the site will offer shuttle service to the ski area in the winter, the site will experience a reduction in actual vehicular trips to account for transit and shuttle trips. This is a common occurrence experienced in many mountain ski towns. A 30% reduction in vehicular trios was applied to the hotel and- recreation home uses to account for transit usaqe. ln addition. a reduction on-site as the un n Based on the above assumptions, the net site trip generation has been calculated as presented in Table 2. When compared to the existing uses cunently on site, it is estimated that the proposed land uses will result in a.net increase in traffic from the existing uses of gpproxiqately 430 daily one-way trips with 40 trips occurring during the winter weekendffi Trio Generation, 7'n Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2003. o Mr. Greg Gastineau Roost Lodge Expansion Project Traffic Analysis July 21 ,2005 Page 4 Roadway and Intersection Operations The background Year 2006 winter weekend P.M. peak hour traffic volumes at the two site access points along the N. Frontage Road were forecast to assist in determining site traffic impacts, if any. The net increase in site traffic volumes were added to the Year 2006 background volumes and are shown in the attached LOS worksheets for reference. 'lhe- Wggl_gtg_ggggggpoint is planned to be limited to_Zlgm_nov€nnCN. Thus, all outbound I site trafflc destined to the east would conduct this movement from the site's east access driveway. All approaches to the site access intersections were reviewed with existing side street stop control and single approach lanes without any tum lanes. The results of the intersection level of service analysis are summarized in Table 1. Wth lhe addition of planned site expansion traffic, the two site access points along the N. Frontage Road will continue to operate within acceptable levels of service (LOS A overall and LOS A-C for individual approaches). The traffic associated with the renovations planned on the site will result in only slight increases in traffic at the two access points. Auxiliary Lane Warrant Analysis Although the site vicinity intersections are projected to operate efficiently with the expansion of the existing uses, the N. Frontage Road conidor is within the jurisdiction of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and needs to comply with CDOT criteria. The State has established auxiliary lane warrant criteria for roadways to enhance safety and access along their corridors. The CDOT criteria becomes effective on an existing use if the use changes its site traffic by 20o/o or more. Because the site generated traffic is anticipated to increase by more lhan 20o/o, the CDOT access code criteria would apply to the proposed site expansion. The forecast traffic volumes at the two site access intersections were reviewed to determine auxiliary lane requirements based on current CDOT access code criteria4. The CDOT criteria for assigned category ratings of F-R or Frontage Road require left-tum deceleration lanes with peak hour volumes above 25 vehicles when the posted speed limit is less than 40 miles per hour. Right-turn deceleration lane warrants are met when greater than 50 vehicles conduct a right-turn into the access point during a peak 60-minute period. A review of the forecast 2006-plus-site generated peak hour volumes and the CDOT warrant criteria determined that turn lanes at the either of the site access intersections are not warranted.a6n-4. Do rarE A1eff,-1 Slate Hiqhwav Access Code, State of Colorado, August 31 , 1998. Mr. Greg Gastineau Roost Lodge Expansion Project Traffc Analysis July 21, 2005 Page 5 Conclusions This traffic analysis was conducted to summarize the Roost Lodge Expansion Project site specific traffic generation and any roadway impacts associated with the development as planned. lt was determined that the site traffic can be served by the N. Frontage Road and qqeg_ngltqeqq$ enhancements to !!1e This concludes our analysis and summary of the Roost Lodge project. Sincerely, site development 'fhea Attachments:Table 1 - Peak Hour Level of Service Summary Table 2 - Intersection Capacity Worksheets Cc: Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello Planning Group Fox Higgins Transportation o o or! <{c0 qqo G|o Noqr..i ..i (r)qo C')oqejejS <<c0 <<a (! 0 e{oqcic'3 cto !oo9eici: JoE zo() zo th o.o U' .Daoo o =o =EE oo)(U ?- etl-I E.9 3-.cg =-Pi 3- qtrr --E o xl) EO-- =tt)=fi=d a Qoo C) o=U' d Etr ot')(E e LL 2 EE .9' g =-Pt 6+e=c)-9trj EEE -a 9,5,fri3 0)oE c) L 0)o- o.lt oo oto (l,o) E 0) o .g E(t, (l)o Eo. E -gc,E E goo (U .9, ao6o ii oz (rt o .9Iov, o o, o) q o I{, 9.o c J(! (u o- o .or!F 6 (, E EF (1,'q o-o EEoJ tx a AY I *o$ Ro.'{.(') N\ (o-t-(o N NF-(o\qa? H-+Nc{ R..rS(.J (Dc\\f F.'g rf) 6 o l.- f^-..qq 6ro(r) ooot- tO t-^-{; &pcc = q) cD5.E.srl-(Do;;oo $ .o !! 0) a -l o o o oav NO c. =cl 6 o415c6a tl)C(Y:- F o oI r(O(OF) C\ C{ l- tr 1r aFl T llo <- 2x coo- Eo oIIt oo '$Io aL vlrfo r I T N. ld ot $ .1 6 € Eo o 'Eo !iG obGEc,igpBlaEXEXE9e: Q€ES 3o:EEIE\ogE ;tn8est€EFS's 9?t.a(!ass AE\;.th FTRe86rooSg IDQ -oFEE ?9oo =E€EcI8b d.aR*pE'F* -QffslF.sEE!E6€:o;' lsEBdoo co Eo =o(, F 15trot(o 11, 3 N -glt G'F IoNa(\I N 6 !E EF op (to J oo € s!+ u, $ (.,1 .'t T tg g o & ! G PE .4 ,i s€ oto -ota oz HCM Unsignalized Int 7t20t2005 o ersectior: Capacity Analysis 3: N. Frontage Rd. & W. Site Access JI\j Grade i /o 0% 0%*##l$ffwffili r35offiiffi#ll$iil#,i irliiliHg$ffiltrsrllsl lrli|ill$l@1ai1i]lffiffiffii*ffiffi Peak Hour Factor 0.92 A.iz 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Volume Left 1036 1 4]1]i]];ll;l;l*llitl.:l1]].]l..:.'.i1iii]]i1i]i;lr..:.l'li.:r:i,l:l]1l|]]lilll]1tio 417 .slfai'0ig#;::.i:].]1]l.]:j:'..i]i.]1'...]:ii'l,i.]:l]].;]i]i..;i:..iiij;:l:l1].].].]il11Lll:]li]i;02 i0i'f#haiqa'Bl1]ii|llllllll]i;lll.l,l.r:l;.l1'l..il.l,lllll|i:.:l]l1!l1.il1.tillr.i;iiilii1.llil]il'll|$f Approach LOS B ffi1w11 cSH .2 ;/d 0 6, 1 i /o 0o/o Pedestrians Walking Speed (ftls)ffifffi s€]liltll1t!]|Iilll;:**6 Right turn flare (veh) |'{ffitffi{t*Fi' grllll i @,'r :r 111 nl|l Median storage veh) Fffiffiilfrsm6hffilffiils**ffiL pX, platoon unblocked $'ffiffi$*ffitrh,** #Hliilll||11qg# vC1 , stage 1 confvol ruryllw$ffi$ffi ti rillrjrir|1l|Xl$$H vCu, unblocked vol 532 Queue Lane LOS esth (fi) 0 A FH#05044 - Roost Lodge Project ), rffic Analysis Fox Higgins Transportation Group Year 2006 Background HCM Unsignalized I 7t20t2005 Capacity Analysis o ntersection 6: N. Frontage Rd. & E. Site Access .r ts\ll 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.925 "' --':r '*#lW vC1, vCu tC, 2 stage (s lree o/o I conf vol Volume Left cSH Queue Length 95th Lane LOS 03 :r,..{E11;*119l11,,1,,1'31,,,,,,11111111ri[,s;igf]fi;iffi,,:,,,iti$Sfilllr|llfi14*.,,:t**700 41 I1041 1 0 A 2 B B r#llil#. Approach LOS FH#05044 - Roost Lodge Project Tr i: , iic Analysis Fox Higgins Transportation Group Year 2006 Background HCM Unsignalizedl 7n02aa5 Capacity Analysis o ntersection 3: N. Frontage Rd. & W. Site Access Peak Hour Factor \ tt Lane Configurations -T T. f , ffi il* il{L#q $|ilrllliil!1ffi llflfte$}lEffirirlstop .,;;#ll11li:li1fil1ffiiftl$liffi. ffiGrade 0";'i, :% 0o/o $ffii|iff*hffi#lieillii;rffi#ffi${izr ,.,,1gq.ffiffiEhlllliijrriii:i:0::ir'i:*5griifil@Urili|ltlHlfl,&${i$1i|lrl{1]:]iffiilffi,f#ffii#ffi$fizi: ,.,,,,sa.ffi#gEBiltli,,,'iii:;::U::i:ii*t#rli,itrybiti|lt]gllflry$gill]|}l1}iaffirffiffiififfi 0.92 0.!:- (r.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 :,', r *.;$;ir r,tl *$[hijfi ]fl $#*:illi€i!5:llili}$Wiffiffi$$ffiffi$,* Lane LOS A *#iFigg*taf i{#iiiH i.P,nr,''i. " Approach LOS Pedestrians 982 547 100 98 Volume Left 1019 17r Analysis Period (min) \l! ; :--& ilii-;t;, , FH#05044 - Roost Lodge Project 1,. Fox Higgins Transportation Group ,ltSlS year 2006 + Site HCM Unsignalized I 7t20t2005 ':acity Analysis o ntersectioit 6: N. Frontage Rd. & E. Site Access O.92 0.r Lane LOS A ffifdacftoday F) : ;,:dlp.3, Approach LOS FH#05044 - Roost Lodge Projec: Fox Higgins Transportation Grorr . \ \J ,..,,,$$i,f,;,' ,:,:,..1::11:t:rit :..;5414i1fi.r$*tlilll]l|llltlgl,f,1il1t1il1iltiiitliitlllli ltiiff{$$f . = li.irl:lrl ,'r i:l:::,.....':.,,.,.1:,',' ,ti,:ff,{|,W& .l#'itilllllljrlqnq;;r;,,:',,:rl'',,rrr;r;:r,ririliF;;:i,riiit'rritiii*frii i#ffiIffiffi ,ti::l:li.il$lrll;lFl:::r,:..',i,i,,.,,r,',',,,:ilr,,lliillfliffilirliillillrliiffiffiljWl l,;;#$ifr,ilil|, ,,'rr;r'r , i,, '.i'i'.,,.,,:,..,,ui,t],,.,;,,:il;,#1llill:lll{S$iiliiiffi#ffifIfff , :ffi;ilrl,',rrirliiirltlili.itiltillllli:trI;:l:;,ir!.€il$#.ill|l1,lllillHlffi }S#ffiffiffffiffiffiffi ,;{*,ffi$lll|lltr:,ltl,ti,litfllt:;':.:;.i;i;i"jijllll|ffilffift|ir;?S$l$ffiffiffiffitffi ffi j Average Delayf;Hit#ffi| *i$F hff8ria' Analysis Period (min) ltE*€iE; ils#llWw#Hli| irl,,,,, Grade ..-,2 0.92 0.92 0.92Peak Hour Factor Pedestrians vcu, unblocked vol Volume Left JIS Year 2006 + site r= I0t4/N0r l/Altw Tfpe of Appllcafon and Fee! E Rsonirlg $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500tr MinorSubdivb*rn $650n Eysnpton Plat $650tr Minor Amerdrcnt to an SDD $1000B NewspecirlDe$dopnrc*Disfdd $6000tr M4orAmendrErttoansm $6000n Major Amendment to an sDD $1250 (no e;rturiu tdr:lbatiorc) Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Departnent of Cofltmunity Delrebfrnent 75 South Fronhge Road, Vail, Cobrado 816V bl: 970.479.2139 fax 970.479.2452 weh: www.ci,vail.o.us Gen€ral Infornaton: Ail prsj€cts requidng Planniqg and Enyironm€ntal Comr6ion revie!f, rR!$ readw apptoval pr*rr b srbmltEqg a hriHFE permt applkatim. Plea€e I€ftr b tl|e oftrtEd rcquir€rnents for tfe pa*icub approal that k tqud. An applkatton for Phnning and Environrmntal Cdrmission rc\riew @nnot be aepted undl all rquircd infonnation is receired by the Community DerclotEnent Deparunent. Tfre prdject mav also need b be reviemd by the Torn Courrcil and/or the D€sign Rerbrv Board. tr Corditional t se Fermt $650u Floodplain Modificaticn $4fi)tl lrliru E<brior Alwation $650 X, l.lajor FrderiorAlEraton $800E Derdopment Plan *150t1tr Ancrdrs* to a De\,€lop||Efit Plan S250tr Zonblg Code Arnerdflst $13str Varhn@ $500n Sign varianae $200 -l ,t 7lovlIso D€ccrfpdon of t|re Reque6* lh*y furiff Alaatlon 6 tE eflm Ros5t L&e My-rttdtdltw a Wammdrwtt aM ntdtignl tre wrnA Location of the Prqoeah tot $12 Elock!_ Subdivision: Buffer C,reek Rsrb Pfrys*cal Addrees:1783 Nordt F?onttre Road Pard ilo.:210312302{F1 ( E4le Co. Assessor at 970-328-8em for parcel no.} Zoning: Puilic Amnmodadon (PA) llame(s) of owner(slr trrrrernrixu ruiml Lsoe6 , u,c ilailing Addrss: 12 Vaal Road. tuite_fl)o, Ygil, @ 816V Phone: q6-L4@ (}rYns{s) Signature(e}: Name of tpplicant:Renreserfred h Mauridlo Plannino &oug. LLC l{ailing Addreac:PO Box 1127- Armn- CO 8164t1 Pfroner 7454920 E-mail . J484W RECD ocr 10 2005 Trmberlrne Lodqe Red eveloVment Pro..; ect Desrqn Revrew and Ma.1or Extenor Alter ab on AF FltcatronE October 2OO5 Aopreese' vn*joa exrea,iaQ A lhie,ra-io.r Ca; f-.ai a Qe Stkn frt+.- Re4o) llt l{cl Mauriello Planning Group (Former Roost Lodqe) o Dackqround and Summary ol Request The aVp|cant E ?ro?olnq Lo redeveloV the extstnq Roost Lodqe proVerty as the Tmberlne Lodqe. The develoVment Vlan for thrE new hoLeVcondomrnrum Vrolect wll exTand the enstrnq vse of the Vroperty. fhe development plan calls ior the demolftton of the extsttnq hotel and Lhe development oI | ?4 new hotel roomE (7 2 roorns extstnq Loday), 39 dwelhnq unrts ( | dwellnq un* extsttnq Loday), 3 on-sfte employee houanq unttE wtth 5 Vrllows and svrlace and slrvctvred Varknq. The VroVosed prolect wrll focus on proudnq a ?roe sensftwe accommodailon opbon whle subslanbally vpqradnq the aesLhelcs ol the taclfty and proudtnq addftronal amenftres to lodqnq quesls. The Vroposed condomntums (39 unfts) are ?ro?o5ed Lo be aVVroxtmately B5O sqvare feet. Thts redevelo?menL grolect wtll ncreaEe both the accommodabon and dwelltnq lodqtnq base tor the Town of Yal. The Roogt Lodqe was onqtnally constructed n the early l97O's as a molel Vrolect. Ihe extstrnq sfte conlarns 72 hotel rooms wfth small krtchens, ncludrnq relnqerators, stoves and mrcrowave oven5, one dwellnq vnft, a pool Iaalfty, and Vaved surlace Varhnq. The proVerty s zonedPvb|c AccommodaAon. The Troposed prolect s bernq develoVed under exotrnq zonnq (.e., no SDD). The proVosed prolect wll be desrqned lo rellect a "lodqe style" archttecture that wrll contatn 124 hotel rooms ranqnq n ize lrom 463 square IeeL to 731 sqvare leet nclvdrn4 small krtchens, 39 condomtntvms ot approxtmately E5O sq. It. each and three on-sft.e emVloyee houstnq vnfts contatnnq ptllows lor 5 emVloyees. The Vrolect wrll also have 173 enclosed structved parAnq 5?ace5, 23 svrtace parAnq 5?ace5 and relaLed hoLel and condomnurn faclftteE. lt rs anttaVated that Lhe hotel wrll be operated a5 a Mafftott Resrdence lnn or as another nattonal brand "select. servce" hotel. A larqe Vercentaqe ol the hotels currently benq develoVed throuqhout the Unted 3tates are benq deaqned aE "selecL servrce" hotels. Thrs rs a qrownq trend n lhe hosptalfty ndvstry lo resVond to conEumer demand. A "select serwce" hotel ollen nclvdes one or Lwo bedrooms, a qreat room, bathroom and a small ktLchen. All of the nailonal hotel companes are aqqresavely exVandnq lhrs concept throuqhovt the Unfted 3tates. An examVle ol amilar "select servtce" hotelE are Towne Place SwLes by MarnotL, Amerr3urtes by ftyatt, ftawLhc>rne SuLes by t1yatt., SVtnqhrll 3ules by Marrrott, ltomewood Sutes by lttlton, flilLon Garden Inn, Comfort Sutes by Comforf Inn and Extended Stay Ametca. Even the very popular MarnoLt Covrtyard wrll Eoon nclude Eome ktLchen laclthes n Lhe newer hotelg. Guests are tlockrnq nattonally to hotel roorne wfth amenbeg thal nclvde ktchens, qyms and bvEtneEs centerg. Whrle lhe Eelect 5ervtce seclor e raptdly qrownq, the malor hotelters are scaltnq back on "Iull seruce" hoLelg lo resgond to market trendz. Marrtott alone cvrrenLly oTeraLes over GOO Ttmberltne Lodqe Maurref lo Plannnq Group, LLC "select servtce" hotels (total ol apVroxmately 53,OOO* rooms) n the Unfted StaLeE wfth a com?arable amovnt under develoTment Hrlton, theraton, Comlort lnn and llyatt all have rnaJor ex?anston plans ol thetr respectle "select servtce" hoLel brands that wrll more than double nattonal count ol select serwce hotels. The conEumer exVectatronslor a hotel n Loday's marketVlace have exvanded to nclvde kLchen Iacrlfttes aE well as a ltvtnq room, busrnesg servtce5 and famiy amenftreE. The deaqn and archttectvre ol the proTosed burldrnqs wll be a vast tmprovement when comTared wtth the cvrrent deaqn of the Roost or most oLher structures localed on the north stde ol the hqhway or ovtstde ol Lhe vllaqe core. The provosed buldrnqs nclude stone, stucco and stmvlated wood \acades (smrlar to the Ltonshead Ivll-servrce Marrott) wrth the addftton ol heavy ttmber accents to create the "lodqe" leel. fhe Vroposed Tmberltne Lodqe taclfty s anLrctValed to serve a certatn nrche wfthtn Lhe lodEnq market by Trowdrnq a ?nce genEftwe "selecL 5ervce" hotel tacrltLy that meetE tne current underEerved demand lor altordable hotel rooms wrfhrn the Town of Varl. ln addthon' the Tropct wll proude nce, well appotnted two bedroom condomtntum unfts wfth easy access to Lhe Vllaqe Core. Ttmberhne Lodqe Maurrello Plannnq Grotp, LLC o ll. Zonnq Analysrs Zonnq: ?ub|c Accommodabon (7A) LoL Srze: 8C,597.26 sq. ft. or | .9E6 acres Standard AllowedlRequtred Pro?osed DenaLy: 43 Dwglltnq-Unts 39 Dwelltnq UnLsttutlsl *CaZ AU's Unlmfted | 24 AU's GRFA: | 29.895.92 sauare leeL \OO,24O sqvare leet tMolso% Dvrldrnq flerqhL: 46 teet 4B feet Sfte Coveraqe: 5G,288.23 iqDare teet (65To) 32,664 eqvare teet Landscape Area: 25,979 oquare teet (3OVo) Setbacks: North: O'- ZO'West: O' -ZO,East: O' - 2q,South: O'- ZA ?arktnq: - l9l spaces' rd futt'l (,s'*7aer Loadnq: I berth f.mployee 5 ptllowsftousnq: S crgdls 3 | ,gGO square leet 20' 20' 20' 1 a\J 'f l9G sVaces I berth 5 ptlows 3 ul-li*s Ttmberltne Lodqe Maurrello Plannnq Group, LLC ilt.Mf;lqailon oI D eveloV ment. lmV acts The Roost Lodqe strll ogerates a5 a lmfted seNtce hotellmotel on the VroVerEy. Becavse ol fts currenl use as an accommodailon vnft oVerabon, the oft-gfte mVacts oI Lhe proposed develoVment to the commvnty are neqltqtble. 1et lorth below $ a detated analystz ol both the emVloyee houanq and tralhc mpacts lor the proposed proECt. A. Employee flovanq The Town of Varl haE hsloncally requred the ownerE ol new and redeveloped Vrolects lo Vroude emVloyee hovanq when develo?nq n the Town. fltstoncally tns has been based on the ncremental ncrease n the number ol emVloyees qeneraLed by a new prolecL. The Town, Lo-date, has never codted lhrs reqvtremenL or the formula used by stall to delermne the employee houanq reqvvement. Under these crrcvmstances, Lhe apVltcant haE aVplted Lhe lormula that has been tradftonally used by the Town sfa+L ln addftton, the Town has hrstoncally aVp|ed a credft to apV|cantE ior the enshnq vses located on the VroVerty. Utlvrnq ths htEloncal formula, the prolect s lorecaEt lo qenerate the need lor 5 employee Vllows. Accordtnqly, the apphcant wil proude 5 emVloyee prllows that wrll be ncluded on-sfte wrthrn lhe VroVerty. Set torbh below rE the calculabon as ft relates to the prolect: Employee Housing Galculation Existing Roost Development Sq. Ft.o1 Units Formula Gross Employees Hotel Rooms 72 0.2500 18 Multiple-Family Units I 0.4000 0.4 Total 18.4 Proposed Roost Development Sq. Ft.or Units Formula Gross Employees Hotel Rooms 124 0.2500 ?,1 Multiple-Family Units ?o 0.4000 ''t5.6 Total 46.6 Increase in Gross Employees 28 15% Factor/Total Beds Required f tmberlne lodqe Maurrello Tlannnq Group, LLC An o D. Traffrc Generailon Accordnq to lhe uVdated trallc report lor the Vrolect a5 ?rcvtded herern and based uVon conversabons wrlh CDOT, no accelerabon lanes or turn lanes otl oI the North Frontaqe Koad wil be requred. The attached tralhc study ndcateg that lhere s a rntnor net ncrease of 40 PM geak hour vehrcvlar lnVs Vrodvced by the redevelopment ol ths sfte. lV. Text Amendment to Allow Krtchens In Accommodahon Unfts The proposed hotel s anbaVated to operate a5 a Marnotl Readence lnn or another nabonal brand "selecf Eerwce" hotel. A Resrdence Inn or srmrlar tyVe hotel offers a certatn class ol amenfttes to Eerve an ever-qrownq market nrche and to resVond Lo consumer demand lor addftronal amenfttes. The hotel amenfttes exVecLed by quests who stay n "selecL servtce" hotels nclude btchen laahileg wrthrn the hoLel rooms, buEtneEs servces and Iamtly amenftreE. T.he VroVosed hotel has been rnrtrally deaqned to meet lho demand and to Vrowde a Vroduct under reVresented n the Town of Varl. Ihe Vroposed text amendment wrll allow accommodalor unrts wfth a fulchen, to be nclvded as part oI accommodabon vnLs svblect to a condftronal use permft. )et Iorth below ts the progosed lanqvaqe to the amendmenl: Add to the ltst oI condftronal useE n the PA Zone dstnct: o Accommodatron unts wtthn a lodqe or hotel Iaalfty wrlh krtchen laalfttes. The VroTosed texL amendment wrll allow the Tlannnq Commtsgton to aVVrove thts tyVe ol hotel prodvct wrthrn the Tvbltc Accommodalton zone dstrrcL subpct to the enstnq condfttonal uge crftena. fhs allowE each ndtvrdval dte lo be rewewed n the contexL ot Lhe Town's qoals and oblectves when aVVrounq hoLels conlanrnq accommodabon untts wtth krLchens. It shovld be noted that even thovqh the hotel rooms have Atchens, the develoVmenL plan approval and the Town Code would prevent these rooms Irom ever betnq condomtnvmtzed and sold as dwellna unLs. Aog1ae=e {,er.r r[,,,na^, ',rt't*L,,- epileaia ( see :<rbrJ ]*r' ?ee'+\ Imberlne Lodqe Maurrello Plannng Grorp, LLC V. Condtttonal Use Peffitb/6rltsr+ire1-1'6-1 t,j-,' '!*r--3':<:r;r'J ti "*$r;'r1Q'ry;t-' |,'I As the ?rc?osed "select servtce" hotel has Atchei tlJ,i]t,"3t*,ef,i,i'ffie ii'bfei ,03#l'n '' condftonal use permft wtll be requred to allow these hlchen tacilheE. the Town oI Vail condftonal vEe crftena are addregT4;Vep1v,t. rre. ;r..r>dr,rao.,,.:-,- ' ":It-i1.,.,".''1 - " '.'ii'":: a' A. Relatronshrp and rmvact oI the use on devetopment ovsieaciuls& in%t**41".; ,1.',s ;i:', !,f r ' . .3.' {t' } :t ' ' ; v B.The ellect laalftres, ol the utrlrtres, vse on lqht and av, schools, parks and ol populabon, Iacilfires, and ..fi-':'.1 '; ', transportailon other pubhc . Lg.i I'r1-ya'ii.-qn.i.to*'rqr.'; r. rl'i' ;i', 'i'i';;':'*'t"i i ''" '' ,'-J;t'I\; conformancb of the development standards of the FA zone dotnct. The condrhonal use permrt o only requred to allow the hotel rooms to have htchen factltres tn conformance wth the "select serwce" dest7naton. The addrtpn of ktchen facrhtes wll have no addtonal tmpact upon the Eeues raeed by thts cntertc>n. C. ElIect vpon traffrc wrth parhcular reterenre to conqestrcn, automotve and Tedestnan salety and conventence, lratfc flow and conttol, accees, manewerabifty, and removal of snow trom the street and Tarkrnq areas' Our Ana/vsts: The proposed condtpnal use w// have httle, i any, neqahve mpact on the above referenced Esuee. The proposed propct o betng developed wthtn the strtct Tmberlne Lodqe Maurrello Plannn1 Grovp, LLC taalftreE needs. DArrlo.--- Chns Coue.gr i gtudrry.nsor,rorrlD p*o6.l5k\ otr otoft*q ?ry D ceike;a, o DgB t: .1oi-l1 to ba olffi,cult. frg?Ct-4rc- {r Cotssrct-us e,€r:r+tuirrj vratts "A to^,q, 1o.,1 \rrA.{ {u 1o ." 3 alea L\t,-, &. De.ive c,oxtxtczrio.J +o l$ tclAte+1 PAJ \ enz cI?E 4t Co*-epry \.4r- moo.-J ,+aa Dperi Ib Llr+eqe *to state5:E 7lr4rr'l ' . . . p,, ll b.,ri lcl i,rj ftew+rc., Reo,.t,-\uo_c ,#, 1n $ oe €np. v# o o Drrrq . -fon k**mer___-._\_rr___. + fu^rn\e H__ t*aJ*,ar/ Ra]U ?a. le+rnrT elop tlu> Tuau lttztc ee. lfrAtqtlA[ oe Q6),, - e A4e palarrs. Available I '-".1 l:-l':' .':* .:,t:..'i;-; tr'::'li '..*;.r.':l ":..r.r ; :' ''t-:,'i ';t ' .sr: 'i '.*' ,' ' .-? t '' \ I i-; -\i, r::."1 .j I ii I ,..-'l..-i..-l" -.Lai'-. rv dt*nct;t ;Th&i.. to have kttchen n . at .''........ : '! r+'L ia I |EJ!:Z ;{!;";tr;:;":,i:::::* fac hhes w // have 13,1dd':3{ri'sr:1' .'ir;i. ' -i. .:-r .fnb'/lbposie2'tbn)rtronal use w// haue httle, rf any, 1e4atue tmFact on.tltb ahovE referenced Esues. The prqpabddiprop&tr,b Er;n1j i"r"6pli! wrihn the stnct conformance to the development standarfi,_pf glp Pfuaone'fis't@^,and therefore rs deemed to be conststent wth a4acent.preFertes and 3u(roundtnq uses. The property has been used as a notit.ta&ty-6'nore th)n iiO yehlZ wtth ltmrted . , ,,i,,tru!r,tagrt17.e1r|9suee q{oaqFalbtgli#e fuUa iiEtd,iY'{ii} ieryhbortng uses ' hive'not been denhfied as'a concern. The condttpnal use permtt ts only requred Best copy -l '.:' ! t .ti;;\' ' 'il? '.r l, t ar'! : .{ i ":{'r '.-1f - ;- ;;li;'r Itld vJo@ssuJ a Tim LY'""-a'r > c?l sg T?*rGz ker + Nlo fA*srw- fir4d aft Kezoue io Auorte -Dts;;.r€ VfhrZl,-r e4r-r-crut3 " 1g jlzltCtl Ftc,.u =---- I&vi.r D. ?t*r V. Bitt Se.r,ri rr 'iLttie &*qt ltee.o Ner.o &ao Neee> NF€ tr- B- Amerro. l*z;ft{cE. A€zh. ?po;. Cotd Rd. ClipVo hip. t-o,viu, R6 P;l^+f*r€ Clip Ar-r- HtF- b'il@- w*u- he4WR@ ... nlar .r:*,.o horar_. \r+erery 6 clrltcfs .1 lo1" u*. Ki{Lh€^tOcrTor+re.o Cde- Lnrqur,.tj€ fepr fueu l-nue- O &tp*te Ceay_ RJ.Foc 4 o€ e-p. beo>. Foe {}+il \rJo€lr- trc.*.rtk-lv, p*1-1 i Pene. €lev*do*s +D be gt eec'7e,. - Co..H^.r.r,'fy oF ilecU.Sfu6 u,.rbeok-e..1 Rrdq€ ' Co.rsre.rc-r!4.b' I ily ? fllopet- i> kq,J . Co,no-rrec ,a,del ,t! Co,a.x:= ur/E- the eo*ffr.beJ^'i*o' horat c;c-i4.Ji iul\e*teo iulo hitrc,ic=.uAJbRot/E{ Rtdq€i 3 €.l^Irs lu yrtuch; fe* Anre^rome..rlYlAlba cire,'r-r.r t{-. ffiodEl ge g'eq'Ji d)lv rlrudal; fi*uoe cor.rc-6,p7. To.*#rL ,Y= oV., ptrtzt 5e.*+ lo *. Focrto .;''+r,e a;teFt loNq wA\ b 1o" eunti\ rB Auet.akfe Rev:e..r ihrns I-.J. "ch6c.r+c-y61g oe ualhbaehao" b.,fta ftro fitr{ca., pRB F€viawl fftep. to fioeJ; 5i{G *zstotr= R€q.J 1 pu€:p:r.a, 6f ?A- > N€€D lz ?e*rrse. Au,t lffl {cl Mauriello Planning Group Roost Lodge Major Exterior Alteration Adiacent Propertv Owner List DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR VAIL" CO 81657 MURPHREE INVESTMENTS LTD 2409 DUBLIN RD PLANO, TX75094 FITE, KENNETH DAVID & IRMAK AYSE -JT 6415 E PRENTICE PL GREENWOOD VILLAGE" CO 80111 M.L. HARRIS FAMILY PTNSHP LLC 1O9OO HEFNER POINTE DR STE 2OO OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73120 HILLSIDE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O BEMIS, GREGORY PO BOX 3438 VAIL. CO 81658 MUSTANG CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O GUERRIERO, RANDALL 1859 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 BUFFER CREEK WEST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. C/O MARKA W. MOSHER P O BOX 902 VAIL. CO 8I658 TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 8I657 MUSSON, PAUL F. & ELISA M. -JT 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT, CO 80203 HAGERMAN, PHILIP R. & JOCELYN K. 13188 LATOURETTE DR FENTON, MI48430 Ju I 'O7 os'1O:5le ROBUEVIN DEIGHRN s"o-41]3436 p.? COMMITMENT for TITLE INSURANCE issucd by Coonitueut Number: 47 Ol 623 -C2 Inquiries should bc directed to: Fichard Evans the Title Company of thc Rockies - Srlmmit Nolth P.O, Box 568E 610 Main Sbeet Friscq CO 80443 -tt..llfi Trrle Coupavv oF rHE Rocrtes, Iuc. ^3.llll.rs ageot fcrr Fnsr .da<rnrcelt Tnls INsuR ilcr Coronrv Rdereuce: Prepar€d for: Larry Agneberg The Prudential Gore Range Properties, Inc. 5I I Lio$head Mall Vail" CO 8165? L ScmrwE.A Effective Date: January 3l' 2005' 7:00 an Policy (or Policies) to be issued: ALTA Ourncr's Policy (10/l7l9z) Issue Date: February 17 '2005 Policy Amount: Proposed Insured:Timbe rllne ComEercial Real Bstate The estate or inlerest iD the land described or refered to iu tbis Cornmioed aad cowred herein isl Fee Simple and title therero is at the efflective date hersofvested iD: Lester W. Warpecha, Eva A. lVarpecha, Zbigniew warpccha and Rogeann warPecha' as te[ants i.n coEBoD The laud refered to i! this CoErnitorent is located in the Couty of Eagle, State of Colorado, and is descn"bed as follows: FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE SCTIEDI]LE A CONTII{UED ON }IE)M PAGE Jul ,O? OS 1O:5la ROB KEVIN I]EIGHRN s?o-453436 Conmitnent No. 47 0 16?3 42 Schcdule A (co ioucd) LEGAL DESCRIPTION The land referred to in herein is located in the Cormty of Eagle, State of Colomdo, and described as fo llows: Lors 9, 10, I I and 12, RESUBDfVISION OF B1JFFER CREEI( according to the Plat tbereof 6led October 8, 1963, at Receptiou No, 98077, EXCEPT those ponions hcluded in the ri.gbt-of-way ofDeparrnent ofl{ighways, Srate of Colorado, for Intqstate 70: AND EXCEPT that portiotr conveyed to the Board of County Commissionen ofEagle Counry and the Departnent of Highways, State of Colorado, by insbument recorded AugEt 26, i969, in Book 215 at Page t5t. INo p.3 Aha Contntt rEnl - Sche&.le A - cq tinued Jul ,O7 O5' lO:5la ROB KEVIN DEIGHRN s70-4b3436 ComnimEat No. 47 0l 52J12 Schcdule B- [ Rcquirenenls Co nrrirarnr roR TrrLf, [.lslTANcE ScurlulrB-SecrrouI Rleuqrlmlrs TTIE FOLLOWING ARE THE REQUREMENTS TO BE COMPLIED WITH: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or imerest to be insued, Iten (b) hoper instrumen(s) creating the estate or bterest to be insured must be executed ad duly filed for rccor4 to wir I. Release by the Public Trustee of Eagle County of the Deed of Tnrst from Joha Watson Hazen, II and Kaye A. McKeuie a/k/a Kay McKenzie for the use of Alpine Bauk aud Trust, to secure $2,323,000.00, dated November 5, 1997, and recorded November 12, 1997 at Receptiou No. 639109. IiOTE: Assignrnent of Rents recorded Novernber 12, 1997 at Reception No. 639110, giveu in oonnection with the above Deed of TnEt. 2. Release by tbe Publc Trustee of Eagle County of the Deed of Trust &om Lester W. Warpech4 Eva ,d Warpecha., Zbipiew Warpecha and Roseann Warpecha for the use of Alpine BaElq to secue S1,010,598,55, dated March 20, 2003, and recorded Aprii 15, 2003 at Reception No. E29946. ). Deed from Lestir W. Warpech4 Eva A. Warpecha, Zbigniew Warpecha and Roseann warPecbt to Timberline Coumercial Reai Estate. NOTE: Duly executed real propeny transfer declaratiou, executed by either the Grantor or Grdtee, to accompany the Deed mentioned above, Pusuant to Article 14 of House Bill No. 1288-CRA 39-r4-r02. Certificat€ ofltrcorporation, Certificate ofAuthority or Limited Parbership Agreerrent, as certifed by tbe Colorado Sesetary of State, or Tradc Name AfEdavit or Parbership Agreesreut whichever is appropriate for Tinberline Commercial Real Estate. NOTE: This requireDiedt is necessary due to the fact that the Company has not been advised as to the nature ofbusiness organization of rhe Timberline Commercial Real Estate. Evidoce satisfactory to the Company or its duly authorized agent that all dues ad/or assesslDents levied by the Homeowners Association have beea paid tho',gh the date of closing' 6. EvideDce satisactory to the Company or its duly authorized agent tbat tbe "real estate transfer tax" imposed by Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1979, ofthe Tovrn ofVail, Colorado has been paid, and that the tien inposed by Section I I thereofhas been fully satisfied. The Owaer's Poficy, wben issue4 will not coutab Exceprions No. l, 2, 3 and 4, provided that: (A) The enclosed form of indemnity agreement or final affidavit and agreernent is propaly executed and acloowledged by the party(ies) Indicated and retumed to the INo p.4 J. P.ss70-403436 Scheduie B-I Requirements (coatinued) Ju I ,.o7 O5 1O: 52a ROB IJ{ KEV I N DE I GHRN v CommitDcnt No. 47 A 1 623 -C2 Company or its duly arrthorized agent, (B) The Company or its duly aulhorized €etrt receives and @proves ao ALTA survey properly certified by a registered surveyor or engineer, and (C) Applicable scheduled &arges in the a.mount of $75.00 are paid to the CompdDy or ils duly authorized agent. Pege 4 of7 JuI,O7 O5 1O:52a R0BIN KEVIN DEIGHRNo s7o-153/+36 Corrsriurent No. 470 1623-C2 Schedule B-II Exceptions Comrrmelrr FoR Trrr* }+sune,vcr ScmnurrB-SpsnorvII Excrplnolls Schedule B oftbe policy or policies to be issued will conrain exceptions to fhe following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfrction of the Company. Ary loss or damag% including attomey fees, by reason of the matters showu below: I . A,ry facts, rigbts, htercs8, or olaims which are not shordD by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection ofsaid land or by making inquiry ofpenons in possession thereof. 2. Eas€aents or claims of easements, not shown by the public records, 3. Discrepancies, cotficB in bor:ndary lines, shortage in area, ocmacbments, and aoy ot}ter facts whicb a conect srtrl/ey would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by law and not sho*n by the public records. 5. Defe*s, lieng encumbrances, adv€rse cleims or other DatArs, ifany created, first appearing in the public reconds or attaphing subsequent ro the effective date hereoq but prior to tle date oftbe proposed insured acquires ofrecord for value the estate or interest or mbrtgage theFon covercd by this CommiEent. 6. Ta:ces due aad payable; and ay tax, special assessments, charge or lien imposed for watff or sewer service, or for ay other special taxing distict. 7. Right of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to e:fiact and reEove his ore therefom, should tbe same be fou[d to penetrate or intersect the pre-ises hereby ganted, as reserved in United States Patent recorded October 4, 1918, in Book 93 at Page 301. 8. Rigtrr ofway for ditches or cauals coDstucted by the authority ofthe United States, as reserved in Udted States Patent recorded October 4, 1918, in Book 93 al Page 301. 9. Any and all water and water rights, reservoir and resewoir rights, ditches and ditch rights, and the enlagements snd exteosions therco{ and all laterals, flumes and beadgates used h conr.effion therewi&. 10. Resrictioas, whicb do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contabed in instumenr recordcd October E, 1963, in Book 178 at Page 75, as amended by instrument recorded April l, 1966, itr Book L92 atPqe343 and May 25, 1966, in Book I97 at Page 1, I 1. Easements, riglts of way aod all other matters as shown on the Plat of Resubdivision of Buffer Creek filed October E, 1963, at Reception No. 98077. 12. Holy Cross Electsic Association Iac., Riglrt of Way EaserDstrt as gralted by Blue Skys Uulimited, IDc. recorded June 14, 1977 in Book 256 at Page 353. i3. Hotel Broadband Service ageement aDd Grant ofEasemeot recorded April 24,2QQ3 at Reosption No.83ll1l. p.6 Atts Commitaent - Schedtle B-II Etceotiortc Pagp 5 oJ7 Js],.O? OS 10:52a ROBIN KEVIN trEIcHRN - CodrnitDcrt No. 47 0 | 623 -C2 s?o-453436 Schedule B-tr Exccptions (continucd) p.'t JUI O? OS 1O:52a ROBIN KEVIN DEIGHRNo s7o-453436 Conrnitment No, 47 01623 -Cz Disctosrne Statcocnts DISCLOSTJRE STATEMENTS Note l: Colorado Divisioa of Inaurarce Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of A.rticte VII, requfues that "Every title etrtity shall be responsible for all matters which appear ofrecord prior to &e time ofrecording whenever the title entity conducts the closing aBd is responsible for recording or filiog of legal documents resulting from the rarsaction which was closed." (Gap hoteaion) Note 2: Excsption No. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of this Cominitment may b€ deleted from the orimer's Policy to be issued bereunder upou coupliance with the following condidons: A. The land descnled in Schedule A of this commiheat must be a single-family residence, which includes a condomidum or townhouse unit. B. No labor or materials may have been firnished by mechanics or snterialmen for puryose of constlrction on the land described in Schedule A of this CommitmeDt within the past 13 months. C. Thc Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifing the Compary against unfiled mechanic's and materialnen's liem. D. Any deviation ftom conditions A though C above is srrbject to such additional requiremenB or Infororation as &e Company may deem lecessary, or, at its optio& th€ Company may refu,se to dele0e the exceptiol. E. Paymeot ofthe premium for said coverlge. Note 3: The following disclosuras are hereby made pursuant to $ l0- l l - 122, C.R S.:(i) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing distict; (ii) A certificate of laxes due lisring each taxing jrrisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the Comty Treaswe/s authorized agent; and (iii) Inforrutiou regarding special disticts and the bomd.arics of such disricts may be obtained from the County Cornnissioners, &e County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Notc 4: If the sales price of the subject property exceeds $100,000.00, the seller shall be required to comply with the disclosure or witlholding provisions of C.R.S. 539-22-604.5 fNon-resident witbholdiug). Note 5: Pllrsuart ro C,R.S, $10-11-123 Notice is hereby given: (a) [f there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate ha< been severe4 leased or otherwise cotrveyed ftom the surface estate then rhere is a subsantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all inlerest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geotheroral etrergy itr the propefty, and (b) That such nineral estate may include the right to enter aud use thc property withow the surfacc oramefs permission, Note 6: Effective September l, 1997, C.R.S. $30-10406 rcquires that ali docrmeots received for recording or 6liug in the clerk 8nd r€corder'$ office sball contaitr a top margin ofat least ons inch and a left, rigbt and bottom margil of at lcsst one-balf itrch tbe clerk and recorder raay refuse to record or file any document that does not confonn. Note 7: Our hivaqy Policy: We will not reveal noopublic personal customer informatiou to aDy extemal Don-amliated organization u.nless we have beeu authorized by the cusmmer, or are required by law- p.8 Ako Commitment - Disclosaes Page 7 of7 lftl {cl Mauriello Planning Group Roost Lodge Adiacent Pronerfv Owner List DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR VAIL, CO 8I657 MURPHREE INVESTMENTS LTD 2409 DUBLIN RD PLANO" TX 75094 FITE, KENNETH DAVID & IRMAK AYSE -JT 64158 PRENTICE PL GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CO 8OI I I M.L. HARRIS FAMILY PTNSHP LLC 1O9OO HEFNER POINTE DR STE 2OO OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73120 HILLSIDE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O BEMIS, GREGORY PO BOX 3438 VAIL, CO 81658 MUSTANG CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O GUERzuERO, RANDALL 1859 MEADOW zuDGE RD vAlL. co 81657 BUFFER CREEK WEST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION. INC. C/O MARKA W. MOSHER P O BOX 902 VAIL, CO 81658 TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 -JTMUSSON, PAUL F. & ELISA M. 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT, CO 80203 TIAGERMAN. PHILIP R. & JOCELYN K. 13I88 LATOURETTE DR FENTON, MI48430 COLORADO DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 42OIE ARKANSAS AVE DENVER CO8O222 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 14, 2005 A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7A-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0080 & 0081) Applicant: Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: George Ruther SUMMARY The purpose of today's work session hearing with the Planning and Environmental Commission is to allow the applicant and staff an opportunity to present the major exterior alteration application to allow for the construction of Timberline Lodge. The presentaiion will include: o A description of the applicant's major exterior alteration request and associated development applications;. A summary of the Commission's roles in the process;. An overview of the applicable review criteria Commission: andr A summary of the development standards and zoning regulations. The Commission is not being asked to take any formal action on this application at this time. As such, staff is not providing a formal recommendation at this time. The Commission, however, is being asked to provide initial feedback regarding the proposal in anticipation of a final decision on November 28,2005. Staff and the applicant request that the Planning and Environmental Commission tables this application to the November 28,2005, public hearing DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Timbedine Roost Lodge, L.L.C', representing by Mauriello Planning Group, L.L.C., has submitted three development review applications to the Town of Vail Community Development Department to facilitate the redevelopment of the Roost Lorige, located at 1783 North Frontage Road. The three development applications include: development review to be used by the il. o A major exterior alteration to allow for the demolition of the existing Roost Lodge and the construction of the new Timberline Lodge; and A text amendment to amend Section 12-74-3 Conditional Uses, adding "accommodation units with kitchen facilitief' as a new conditional use in the Public Accommodation (PA) zone district, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the procedures outlined in Chapter 12-16, Conditional Use Permit, Vail Town Code; and A conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a lodge with 124 " accommodation u nits with kitchen facilitied' . The development site of the Timberline Lodge is located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. According to the stamped tqpographic survey, the development site occupies approximately 1.988 acres or 86,597 square feet. The applicant is proposing to construct a new for to six story taff lodge comprised oI ffi ax,ommodation units, 39 dwelling units, 3 employee housing units and 1p6 abfve and below grade parking spaces. The applicant anticipates that the frew lpdge will be operated by Marriott or another national hotel brand as a "sgl6ct sepice" hotql.t6./ \ te6 As proposdd, the accommodation units vary from 463 to 731 square feet while the dwelling units are approximalely 850 square feet in size each. The three employee housing units are roughly 460 square feet in size each and configured to provide housing for a total of five employees. A vicinity map identifying the location of the development site has been attached for reference (Attachment A). A description of the project provided by the applicant is attached for reference (Attachment B). A reduced set of plans dated September 7,2OO5, are attached for reference (Attachment C). BACKGROUND The Roost Lodge was originally constructed in the early 1970's as a motel project. The existing lodge contains 72 hotel rooms, one dwelling unit, and a paved surface parking lot. According to the Town's files, with the exception of nfinor applications for repainting, new deck rails, reproofing, etc., the Roost Lodge has seen no significant modifications since its original construction. ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS The purpose of this seclion of the memorandum is to clarify the responsibilities of tne beiign Review Board, Planning and Environmental Commission, Town Council, and Staff on the various applications submitted on behalf of Vail Resorts Development Company. A. Exterior AltEration/Modification in the Public Accommodation zone district Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental Commission for impacts of use/development 1) 2',) 3) ilt. tv. and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/denial of a Major/Minor Exterior Alteration. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the proposal for compliance with the adopted criteria. The Planning and Environmential Commission's approval "shall constitute approval of the basic form and location of improvements including siting, building setbacks, height, building bulk and mass, site improvements and landscaping." Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority on a Major or Minor Exterior Alteration, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Sfaff; The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo contiaining background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board ened with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. B. Conditional Use Permit (GUP) Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental Commission for acceptability of use and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/denial of CUP. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the request for compliance with the adopted conditional use permit criteria and make findings of fact with regard to the project's compliance. Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority on a CUP, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. c. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a slaff memo containing background on the properg and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board ened with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Text Amendment Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for fonararding a reoommendation of approval/approval with conditions/denial to the Town Council of a text amendment' The Planning & Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested text amendment: 1. The extent to which the text amendment furlhers the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and 2. The extenl to which the text amendment would better implement and better achieve the applicable elements of the adopted goals' objectives, and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and 3. The extent to which the text amendment demonstrates how conditions have substantially changed since the adoption of the subject regulation and how the existing regulation is no longer appropriale or is inapplicable; and 4. The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land use regulations consislent with municipal development objectives. 5. Such other factors and criteria the Gommission deems applicable to the proposed text amendment. Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority of a text amendment but must review any accompanying Design Review application. Town Council: v. The Town Council is responsible for final approval/approval with conditions/denial of a text amendment. The Town Council shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested text amendment: 1. The extent to which the text amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and 2. The extent to which the text amendment would better implement and better achieve the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives, and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and 3. The extent lo which the text amendment demonstrates how conditions have substantially changed since the adoption of the subject regulation and how the existing regulation is no longer appropriate or is inapplicable; and 4. The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land use regulations consistent with municipal development objectives. 5. Such other factors and criteria the Commission and/or Council deem applicable to the proposed text amendment. Sfaff; The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS VailLand Use Plan According to the Official Land Use Plan for the Town of Vail, the development site has a land use designation of Medium Density Residential. Pursuant to the Vail Land Use Plan, "The Medium Density Residential land use designation includes sdes for housing which would typicatty be designed as attached units with common walls. Densfties in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwetling units per buitdable acre. Additionalfypes of uses in this category would inctude private recreation facilities, private parking facilities and institutional/publrc uses such as churches, fire stations, and parks and open space facilities." Zoninq Requlations o PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION ZONE DISTRICT (in part) 12-7A-1: PURPOSE; The public accommodation district is intended to provide sttes for lodges and residential accommodations for visffors, together with such public and semipublic facilities and limited professional offices, medical facilities, private recreation, commercial/retail and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located within the same district and compatible with adiacent land uses. The public accommodation district is intended to ensure adequate light, air' open space, and other amenities commensurate with /odge useg and to maintain the desirabte resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriafe sife development dandards. Additionat nonresidentia/ uses are permitted as conditionat uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a vacation community, and where permitted uses are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the district. 1 2-7 A- 1 2 : EXT E R t O R AL IERA I/ONS O R Mo D t F I CAIIONS: A, Review Required: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing buitding shalt be reviewed by the design review board in accordance with chapter 11 of this title. However, any project which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee ctub units, any project which adds more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantiat off site impacts (as determined by the administrator) shatl be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission as a major exterior alteration in accordance with this chapter and section 12-3-6 of this tftle. Comptete apptications for maior erterior alterations shall be submifted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the department of cOmmunity development for planning and environmental commission and design review board review. The following submiftal items are required: 1. Application: An apptication shatt be made by the owner of the building or the buitding owne/s authorized agent or representative on a form provided by the administrator. Any apptication for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized by the condominium association in conformity with all pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 2. Apptication; Contents: The administrator shall establish the submittal requirements for an exterior alteration or modification application' A complete list of the submittal requirements shalt be maintained by the administrator and filed in the department of community development. Ceftain submiftal requirements may be waived and/or modffied 6y the administrator and/or the reviewing body if it is demonstrated by the applicant that the information and materials required are not relevant to the proposed devetopment or applicable to the planning documents that comprise the Vait comprehensive ptan. The administrator and/or the reviewing body may require the submrbslon of additional plans, drawings, speciftcitions,-samp/es and other materials if deemed necessa(y to properly evaluate the proposal. 3. Work SessrbnVConceptual Review: lf requested by either the applicant or the administrator, submiftals may proceed to a work session with the planning and environmental commission, a conceptual review with the design review board, or a work session with the town council. 4. Hearing: The public hearing before the planning and environmental commission shall be held in accordance with section 12-3-6 of this title. The planning and environmental commission may approve the application as submifted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the application. The decision of the planning and environmental commission may be appealed to the town council in accordance with section 12-3'3 of this title. 5. Lapse Of Approval: Approval of an erterior alteration as prescribed by this articte shall |ap.se and become void three (3) years following the date of approval by the design review board unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued to completion. Administrative exfensions shall be allowed for reasonable and unexpected delays as long as code provisions affecting the proposal have not changed. 1 2-7A-1 3: COMPLIANCE BURDEN: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the planning and environmental commission and the deslgn review board thatt the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the public accommodation zone district, that the proposal is consisfenf with applicable elements of the Vail village master plan, the Vait village urban deslgn guide plan and the Vail streetscape master plan, and that the proposal dres not otheruise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan. 12-7A-14: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS: Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be d6termined based on reports prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals of redevelopment and will be determined by the planning and environmental commission in review of development projects and conditional use permits. Substantial off site impacts may include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, Stream tracUbank restoration' loading/delivery, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of tnis section is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenUdevelopment projects which produce substantial off site impacts. . ZONING ANALYSIS Address/Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Designation: 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision Public Accommodation (PA) District Medium Density Residential ,7 vt. DevelopmentStandard Allowed/Reouired Proposed Lot Area: 10,000 sq. ft. min. 86,597 sq. ft. Density: 49 Dwelling Units 39 Dwelling Units AU's Unlim1ed 24 AU's GRFA: 129,896 sq. ft. 100,240 sq. ft. Building Height 48 feet 48 feet Site Coverage: 56,288.23 sq. ft. (650/o) 32,864 sq. ft. Landscape Area: 25,979 sq. ft. (30%) 31,960 sq. ft. Setbacks**"*:North: O'-20' 20' West: 0'-20' 20' East 0'-20' 20' South: 0'-20' 20' Parking: 191 spaces 196 sPaces Loading: lberth lberth Employee 3 units (5 beds) 3 units (5 beds) Housing: *** Subject to review and approval by the Planning & Environmental Commission. VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninqNorth: Residential Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential South: l-70 ROW N/AEast Residential Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential West: Residential Residential Cluster District VIII. MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION REVIEW GRITERIA section 12-7A-13, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, outlines the review criteria for major exterior alteration applications proposed within the Public Accommodation (pn) zone district. According to Section 12-7H-13, Vail Town Code, a maior exteiior alteration shall be reviewed for compliance with the following criteria: i f ) Compliance with the purposes of the Public Accommodation zone district: tx. 2) That the proposal is consistent with the Vail Village Master Plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Streetscape Master Plan;3) That the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood; and4\ That the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the major exterior alteration application, staff recommends that the Commission makes the following finding as part of the motion: "Pursuant fo Secfibn 12-TH-8, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, the appticant has proven by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board that the proposed major exterior altention is in compliance with the purposes bf the Pubtic Accommodation zone district, that the proposal is for a development site located outside of the scope of the Vail Village Master Ptan, the VailViltage lJrban Design Guide Plan and the VailVillage Sfreefscape Master Plan and therefore these planning documents are not' appticable to this application; and that the proposal does not othenaise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantiatly complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comgehensive Plan." CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW CRITERIA As previously discussed in Seciion ll of this memorandum' the applicant, if possible, will be requesting approval of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7A-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to construct 124 "dccommodation units with kitchen facitities" in accordance with the provisions outlined in Chapter 16, Conditional Use Permits, Vail Town Code. In order to make this request, however, the Vail Town Council must first adopt an amending ordinance adding "accommodation units with kitchen facilitied' as a new conditional use in the Public Accommodation zone district. Section 12-16-6, Criteria; Findings, Vail Town Code, outlines the review criteria for conditional uses permit requests proposed within the Public Accommodation zone district. According to Section 12-16-6, Vail Town Code, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, scnoob, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed lse is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to ' surrounding uses. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the application, staff recommends that the Commission make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the Zoning Regulations and the purposes of the Public Accommodalion zone district. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Regulations. 1. 2. x.DrscussroN tssuEs Completeness of Application e The Community Development Department has completed a "complefeness" review of the major exterior alteration application for the construction of the Timberline Lodge. Upon completion of the review it has been determined that the applicalion is largely complete. With the exception of additional building height information, updated traffic study information, and increased scaled drawings, ihe application is complete. The applicant, however, requested at a pre-application meeting that the requirement for an architectural or massing model by waived pending input from the Planning & Environmental Commission. Does the Planning & Environmental commission bslieve that an architectural or massing model is required to complete a thorough review of the major exierior alteration application? lf 1 model is required, which type is preferred, digital or physical? Per the submittal requirements, is there any additional submittal materials that the Gommission wishes to review (additional plans, draurings, specifications, samples, etc.) prior to taking final action on this application on November 28,2005? Site Planningr The Ctmmunity Development Department has reviewed the proposed site plan submitteo for tne Timberline Lodge. upon completion of the. review, several questions arose regarding the proposed site design' While the Planning & Environmental commission is not being requested. to take final action on this application at this time, we believe that it is v.aluable to provide the applicarit with any feedback and input the Commission and staff maY have at this time. 10 That said, the staff believes that the applicant has done a good job of designing a building which complies with the development stiandards prescribed for development in the Public Accommodation zone district. For example, through the creation of an underground parking structure the applicant has successfully complied with the minimum parking requirements. Slaff does believe, however, that additional design work and thought should be given to the site design and layout of the new lodge. As proposed, the resulting site plan creates several undesirable consequences. For instance, a twenty-four foot tall retaining wall design with two-foot wide benches between the walls located at the rear of the new lodge, a loading and delivery berth located at the guest drop to the lodge, a landscape design and planting plan which does very little to compliment a four to six-story tall building, a grading plan which potentially requires easements or a similar form of agreement with adjoining property owners to grade off of the property, etc. While none of these issues prevent the construction of a new lodge, they do pose potentially undesirable consequences which bear further study and review. What additional input or feedback, if any, does the Gommission have for the applicant with regard to the proposed application? Traffic Circulationr ln accordance with the prescribed submittal requirements, the applicant has submitted a preliminary Traffic Analysis for the Roost Lodge Expansion Project, dated July 21, 2005. In summary, the traffic engineers conclude that the average daily trips to and from the development site will increase by 429 trips. This is up from an estimated 416 trips under current conditions. As a result however, the consulting traffic engineers do not believe that the new lodge will warrant the need for enhancements to the existing traffic control or geometry along the frontage road corridor. A copy of the Analysis has been attached for reference (Attachment D). Prior to taking final action on this application the Community Development Department recommends that the applicant's consulting traffic engineers and the Town Engineer present their findings and conclusions to the Commission for review and consideration. Mitigation of Development lmpactso Pursuant to Section 12-7A-14 of the Zoning Regulations, "Property owners/developers shatt a/so be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infristructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared by gualified consuftants. The ertent of mitigation and pubtic amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goats of redevelopment and will be determined by the planning and environmental commission in review of development proiects and conditional use permits. Subdantial off site impacts may include, but are not timited to, the following: deed restricted ll employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian wall<ttay improvements, sfreefscape improvements, stream tracUbank restoration, loading/delivery, public aft improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenUdevelopment projects which produce su b stanti a I off site i m pacts. " ln keeping with the intent of Section 12-7A'14, Mitigation of Development lmpacts, the applicant is proposing to offset the impacts of the proposed development by providing employee housing for a minimum of five employees, placing approximately 365 linear feet of existing overhead power line underground, and constructing a new public transit stop along the North Frontage in front of the new lodge. With the exception of the providing employee housing, the applicant will be required to work with i{oly Cross Energy, the Town of Vail, and the Colorado Department of Transportation to underground the overhead utility line and construct the new public transit stop. Are there any other direct impacts of the proposed development besides employee generation, utility line relocation, and public transit enhancemenG tnat the Commission believes the applicant should mitigate? Public Works Comments. On October 27,2O05, the Town Engineer generated a written list of comments in response to his review of the proposed major exterior alteration application. A copy of the memorandum has been attached for reference. Prior to taking finil action on this application, the applicant will need to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commission and Town staff that the issues identified in the memorandum have been either address or are no longer applicable. ln addition to the comments outlined in the memorandum of October Z7h, are there any additional issues that the Commission has at this time with regard to public works issues? NEXT STEPS The following is a tentative schedule of hearings dates at which the Planning and Environmenial Commission (PEC) and the Design Review Board (DRB) will be asked to review, comment, and take action on the proposed Timberline Lodge: r Town Council November 15, 2005: Worksession meeting to discuss allowing "accommodation units with kitchen facilitied' as a conditional use in the Public Accommodation zone district' r DRB November 16, 2005: Introduction to the project by the 'app|icantandStaff.TheDRBwil|beaskedtoprovideinitia| comments. No formal action requested. PEC November 28, 2005: Request for final review of the project by the applicant and Staff if all comments and concerns have t2 been addressed. This review will be conditioned upon Town Council action on December 6, 2005. r December 6, 2005: First reading of an amending ordinance to allow for "accommodation units with kitchen facilitied' as a conditional use in the Public Accommodation zone district. XII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department and the applicant request that the Planning and Environmental Commission tables the final review major e)fterior afteration, pursuant to Section 12-7N12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, to the November 28, 2005, public hearing. XIII. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: Applicant's Written Description of the Request Attachment G: Reduced Drawings Attachment D: Traffic Analysis l3 The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received and reviewed the Timberline Roost Lodge Redwelopment PEC submittal set dated 9/29/05,received l0ll2l05. The following are comments that should be addressed prior to approval. General Comments; Department of Public Worl<s & Trunsportation 1309 Elkhom Drtve Yail. CO 81657 970-479-2158 Fm:970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: From: Re: Date: l. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. George Ruther Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment PEC Drawing Review 10/27/05 Building cannot be built over existing easements as shown without those easements being abandoned. This requires approval from all interested utilities and relocation of any existing utilities. A 15' drainage easement should be provided for the existing drainage system along the west property line. An easement should be provided at the Northwest comer of the property to provide for the existing encroachment of the roadway, drainage and snow storage. CDOT access permit, landscape permit, special use permits and notice to proceed will be required for all improvements and access changes within the ROW. Limits of disturbance fence must not encroach into any private property without approval/temporary easement. All end pmking spaces on all parking levels must have adequate area to turn around. Please modifu plan, those areas designated pedestrian will need to be modified to accommodate this. Cross-over aisle on level 2 shall be a minimum of 24' wide (non-striped) What are the'"turrets" that appear on the parking level plans? All surface fuIl size perpendicular parking shall have minimum dimensions of 9'xl9'. Dimension main structure level enhance width. Show turning movements for all loading and delivery, including passenger vehicle interaction. Port cochere must still firnction with loading delivery bay occupied. Show turning movernents for hash removal, including passenger vehicle interaction. Parking lot must frrnction typically while hash removal operations are occurring. Three access points atbng the S. Frontage Rd. is unacceptable. The current design forces a sigrificant amount of site specific circulation onto the S. Frontage Rd., none of the access points meet sight distance separation requirements (250'). The westem access is approximately 75' from the acciss of the property to the west, please show this access on the plans. The Town is currently 2. 4. ). 14. 15. completing an Access OOof Phn in conjunction with CDOT, fi* * attempt to minimize accesses to the S. Frontage Rd. where possible. The current haffic study-does not match the submitted plan, please revise The trafiic study suggests a 30% reduction for hotel/condo vehicle trips and a 50% reduction for employee unit trips. This reduction is not supported. A reduction of that magrritude is not offset by the existing intermittent tansit service, which has an approximate frequency of 30 minutes. The skier shuftle service should not be considered since it may be eliminated at any time. Because of its location it can be expected that the primary mode of transportation will be vehicular trips. In the past we have used reductions of 30o/o for those developments that are in the village core area, due to their proximity to a full transit center,, a pedestrian village (restaurants, retail, ski area, activities, etc...), public transit with 5 to 10 minute frequency, and access to a 1300 vehicle parking garage. The haffic study also suggests left turn lanes are not waranted because each access does not seern to ganerate CDOT's minimum left tum criteria of 25 lefts per peak hour for a posted speed of less than 40mph. This is merely a function of having multiple accesses to one site. The multiple accesses to this one site should be considered as one due to their close proximity. For a development this size the Town will require left tum lanes. The improvernents to the S. Frontage Rd. should include a section as follows starting from the north side: l0' concrote pedeskian walk 2.5' Curb and gutter 4' paved shoulder 12'westbound lane e. 16' left turn lane/accel lane/median f. 12'eastbound lane g. 6' asphalt shoulder h. 2'gravel shoulder Improvehents shall also include lightinginigation/signage and a location for a bus shelter. Traffic study should address additional trip goreration due to site circulation being forced out onto the S. Frontage Rd. A continuation of the concrete pedestrian walk from Buffehr Creek Rd to the east end of the property will be required, the walk shall be a minimum of 10' wide. Entrance pans shall be 8' wide. Provide snowplow protection above walls at the northwest corner along Meadow Ridge Lane. Retaining walls must be a minimum 2' from property line. Benched walls must comply with the Town of Vail Development Handbook standards and have a minimum bench width of 4'. Provide additional spot elevations at Front and back ofpans, at 10' behind back ofpaps, at all grade breaks, high point and low points. Show grades ofsteep slopes as 2:1,3:1,4:1 etc... CDOTrequiresthegrade attheedgeof roadbeaminimumof 6'at6:l andthennomorethan3:1. This will require extending the pipe between the East and Middle entrance and adding curb and gutter. Provide a Drainage Report Parking skucture will require a sand/oil structure. All utility services and relocations will require utility approval. Show all utility connections including gas, telephone, cable and electric- The overhead power lines should be buried as a part ofthis project. The storm sewer along the Frontage Rd.shall extend from the west property line to the east property line. The alignment should be moved to beneath the curb and gutter with type l3C inlets prior to the entrances. Connect the existing pipes on the west property line with a manhole and add an inlet behind a proposed walk on the western property line to catch the swale drainage. 16. t7. a, b. c, d. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 25. 26. 33. An adequate ditch shole conskucted behind the building alofhe toe of the slope from Meadow Ridge Lane. This property has flooded in the past and adequate protection should be added. Adequate drainage should be provided between the north east retaining walls and the proposed building. Show grading in this area. Show snow storage area. PEC Conditions of Approval 1. The Town of Vail General Notes shall be added. (Notes can be e-mailed upon request) 2. Please add Utility Signature block and have all utilities sign acknowledging acceptance of utility impacts and design. 3. Final Civil drawings shall be approved and meet all Town standards prior to submittal of building permit. Detailed c,omments will be provided at that time. 4. Approvals from all impacted property owners shall be obtained. A written lettEr of consent to the required easements will be required for Civil approval. Recorded eassments will be required prior conskucfion. 5. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, taffic control, smergency access, etc... 6. A RoWrutility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. 7. All improvements within CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and landscaping. This approval will be required prior to Civil plan set approval. 8. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require approval from CDOT and FHWA. 9. A Storm Water Discharge CDPHE Permit and all applicable ACOE permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior to construction. 10. Provide engineered stamped final drainage report, pavernant design report, and geotechnical report' and a finalized traffic study. I l. The developer will be assessed $5000 per peak hour additional trip generated. This fee may be offset by specific haffic improvements (i.e. Frontage Rd. trafEc improvements). 12. Provide Art In Public Places contribution. coordinate with AIPP. 34. 35. 5. proposed use of lhe property. The proposed re-zoning and development plan provide for the development of an orderly viable community consistent with the Town's development interests as expressed in the Vail Land Use Plan. For instance, the purpose of the Public Accommodation-2 district is, in part, "to provide slfes for /odgeq hotels, fractional fee clubs, lodge dwelting units, and timited service todge units". Staff believes that this amendment furthers the development objectives of the Town and serves the best interest of the community as a whole. The extent to which the zone district amendment results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including but not limited to water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, riparian corridors, hillsides and othEr desirable natural features; and The proposed re-zoning will not significantly alter the existing character or uses allowed on the site. As such, staff does not for see any adverse impacts on the natural environment to include water quality, air quality' noise, vegetation, etc. The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with the purpose statement of the proposed zone district. The Public Accommodation-2 district is proposed for the subject property. The proposed zone district is consistent with the intended purpose of that zone district. The extent to which the zone district amendment demonstrates hour conditions have changed since the zoning designation of the subject property was adopted and is no longer appropriate. Since the original adoption of zoning on the property, the Town of Vail has undergone an extensive growth and change. As such, the Town has adopted clearly identifiable goals and objectives for development in this general area of Town. ln order to ensure that these goals and objectives for development are carried out, the Town adopted the Public Accommodation-2 district. lf approved, the applicant will be afforded the opportunity to redevelop the site with the Town's goals in mind. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission andlor Council deem applicable to the proposed rezoning. o 7. 8. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission forwards a recommendation of approval of an amendment to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, pursuant to Chapter 3, Title 12' Zoning Regulations, Vail Town code, to rezone Lots 9-12, Buffher creek Resubdivision to the Vail Town Council, subject to the following condition: 2. types. Any future redevelopment of the property will be required to comply with the standards outlined for development in the district. The proposed rezoning is consistent and compatible with the Vail Comprehensive Plan and the Town's development objectives. The extent to which the zone district amendment is suitable with the existing and potential land uses on the site and existing and potential surrounding land uses as set out in the Town's adopted planning documents; and The Public Accommodation-2 district establishes zoning that is consistent with both existing and proposed uses on the parcel. The proposed use ofthe property will remain as a lodge thus providing short-term accommodations for guests and visitors to the Town. The zone district amendment is consistent with existing and potential uses on surrounding properties. According to the Vail Land Use Plan, the adjoining land use designations include Medium Density Residential. Pursuant to the Plan, the existing land use designation is Medium Density Residential and is not proposed to change with this application. Given that the existing use is a lodge in the medlum density residential land use designated area and that the new use is not a substantial change, staff believes that the amendment is suitable with the existing and potential land uses surrounding the site. The extent to which the zone district amendment presents a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives; and The Public Accommodation-2 district is consistent with the existing and proposed use of the property. The proposed zone district implements specific goals of the Vail Land Use Plan. Staff believes that the proposed re-zoning presents a harmonious, convenient, and workable relationship with land uses in the area consistent with the existing and proposed use of the property. For example, while the overall density of development on the Roost Lodge development site will increase as a result of the zone district boundary amendment and subsequent redevelopment the development standards of the Public Accommodation-2 district ensures a workable relationship among land uses. The only real distinction on future development under the Public Accommodation district versus the Public Accommodation -2 diskict is the presence of limited seMce lodge unils that contain kitchen facitilies. The extent to which the zone district amendment provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and does not constitute spot zoning as the amendment serves the best interests of the community as a whole; and The proposed re-zoning establishes consistent zoning for the property. This re-zoning will create a zone district consistent with the existing and 3. 4. .: "an application to.amend the district boundaries of the Zoning Map may be initiated by petition of any resident or poperty owner in the Town." Furthermore, Section 12-3-7 C prescribes the criteria and findings the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council shall consider with respect to a request to amend the Zoning Map. The applicant is seeking a recommendation of approval to rezone Lots 9-12 Buffher Creek Resubdivision from Public Accommodation (PA) district to the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) district. According to Section 12-3-7 C, of the Vail Town Code, Before acting on an application for a zone district boundary amendment, the Ptanning and Environmental Commission and Town Council shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested zone district boundary amendment: 1. The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, obiectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and Section V of this memorandum outlines the goals and policies that are relevant to the proposed rezoning of Lots 9-12, Buffher Greek Resubdivision.o According to Section 12-7J-1: Purpose; Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) district, "The public accommodation -2 district is intended to provide sltes for /odges, limited seruice lodges, and residential accommodations on a short term basr's, for vtsitors and guests, together with such public and semipublic facitities and commercial/retail and related visitor oriented uses as may be appropriately located within the same district and compatible with adjacent /and uses. This district is intended to provide for lodging sifes /ocafed outside the periphery of the Town's Vail Village and Lionshead commercial core areas. The public accommodation - 2 district is intended to ensure adequate light, ah, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site d evelop ment standard s. Add itional nonresidential uses are allowed as conditional uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a vacation community, and where permifted uses are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the district." This Zone District was specifically developed to provide incentives for properties to redevelop as limited service lodges' The ultimate goal of ihese incentives is create variety and diversity amongst resort lodging unit VI. ZONING ANALYSIS The following zoning analysis provides a comparison of the development potential currently allowed under the Public Accommodation (PA) District to that of the proposed Public Accomm od ation - Z (p A-2) District. Legal Description: Lots $12, Buffher Creek Resubdivision Land Use Designation: Medium Density Residential Lot Size: 96,597 sq. ft./1.989 acres Develooment Standard pA pA-2 Lot Area: 10,000 sq.ft. min. 10,000 sq.ft. min. Setbacks: 20,all sides* 20'all sides* Height 4t! feet 48 feet GRFA: 129,895 sq ft.*" 129,89s sq.ft.* Density Control: 49 du's 49 du's Site Coverage: 65% or 56,288** 65% or 56,288 *** Landscaping: 25,979 sq. ft. min. 2S,gTg sq. ft. min. Parking per Chapter 10 of per Chapter 10 of the Zoning the ZoningRegulations Regulations See Seclrbns 12-7J-6 and 12-7AS for furthet detaits At the di*rction of the PEC per Sections 12-7A-9 and 12-7J-9 VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninqNorth: Residential Two Family primary/Secondary South: l-70 ROW N/AEast Residential Two Family Primary/SecondaryWest: Residential Residential Cluster VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Amendment to the fficial Zonino Mao of the Town of Vail (rezonino\ Chapter 3, Administration and Enforcement, Title 12, Zoning Title, of the Vail Town code authorizes amendments to the fficial Zoning Map of the Town of Vail. Pursuant to Section 12-T7, Amendments, in part, the property adjacent thereto. The owners'/isf sha// include the names of all owners, their mailing and street addresses, and the legal description of the property owned by each. Accompanying the list shall be stamped, addressed envelopes to each owner to be used for the mailing of the notice of hearing. The petition also shall include such additional information as prescribed by the administrator. Town of Vail Land Use Plan Medium Density Residential - The medium denstty residential category includes housing which would Wically be designed as attached units with common walls. Densrtles in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre. Additional types of uses rn this category would include private recreation facilities, private parking facilities and institutionahpublic uses such as parks and open space, churches, and fue sfa&bns. Resorf Accommodations and Service - Ihrs area include.s acfivlfles aimed at abcommodating the overnight and short term visitor to the area. Primary uses include hotels, lodges, service sfaflons, and parking sfrucfures (with densities up fo 25 dwelling units or accommodation units per buildable acre). These areas are oriented toward vehicular access ftom l-70, with other support commercial and busrness seryices included. Also allowed in this category, would be institutional uses and various municipal uses. Chapter II - Land Use Plan Goal{Policies 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a ) balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses fo serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The qualtty of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional grovtth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 3.1 The hotel bed base should be preserved and used more efficiently. i' 3.2 The Village and Lionshead areas are the best location for hotels to serue the future needs of the destination skiers. 3.3 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore conversion to condominiums should be discouraged. o tv.ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BODIES Rezoninq/Zone District Boundarv Amendment Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental commission is advisory to the Town council. The Planning and Environmental commission shall review the proposal and make a recommendation to the Town council on the compatibility of the proposed zoning with sunounding uses, consistency with the Vail comprehensive Plans, and impact on the general welfare of the community. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority on zoning/rezonings. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided. The staff advises the applicant as to compliance with the Zoning Regulations. staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review proc€ss. Town Council: The Town Council is responsible for final approval/denial of a zoning/rezoning. The Town Council shall review and approve the proposal based on the mmpatibilityof the proposed zoning with sunounding uses, consistency with the Vail Comprehensive Plans, and impact on the general welfare of the community. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Zoninq Requlations 12-3-7: AMENDMENT:A. Prescription: The regulations prescrlbed in this title and the boundaries of the districts shown on the official zoning map may be amended, or repealed by the town council in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this chapter-B. lnitiation: 1. An amendment of the regulations of this title or a change in district boundaries may be initiated by the town council on its own motion, by the planning and environmental commission on its own motion, by petition of any resident or propefty owner in the town, or by the administrator. 2. A petition for amendment of the regulations or a change in district boundaries shall be filed on a form to be prescribed by the administrator. The petition shall include a summary of the proposed revision of the regulations, or a complete desaiption of proposed changes in district boundaries and a map indicating the existing and proposed district boundaries. lf the petition is for a change in district boundaries, the petition shall include a tist of the owners of all properties within the boundaries of the area to be rezoned or changed, and V. -\o of what are intended to be short-term rental units; 2) prevent the the sale of accommodation units as dwelling units; 3) encourage visitors , and guests to frequent the many eating and drinking establishments in the towni :.}:''rl.i-3(kfFgiheir stay in Vail; and 4) ensure compatibility amongst sunounding land uses. A further review of the Town's files shows that the existing language pertaining to definitions of accommodation units, dwelling units, kitchen facilities and kitchenettes has remained unchanged since their adoption in 1973. The only recent and notable amendment to the regulation of accommodation units came in the late 1990's when the development standards for density were amended and accommodation units were no longer counted towards density. Finally, a review of the other resort communities' regulations pertaining to kitchen facilities within hotel rooms reveals a wide range of approaches. For example, the City of Aspen Land Development Regulations, by definition, permits kitchens within individual hotel rooms in a hotel or lodge while the Town of Breckenridge Land Development Code states that 'no kitchens of any kind are permifted within the units" of hotel, lodges or inns. On November 14 and 28, 2005, the applicant appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request to amend the text of the Public Apcommodation (PA) zone district to allow accommodation units to include kitchen fdcilities, as a conditional use in the district. Upon consideration of the request, the Commission directed staff and the applicant to prepare an amendment which,would result in the creation of a new zone district purposefully intended to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities in certain areas of Town. On December 6, 2005, during the PEC/DRB update to ihe Vail Town Council, staff informed the Town Council of the recent discussions with the Planning & Environmental Commission regarding the text amendment and the creation of a new zone district. The Town Council acknowledged that the intent of the proposed lext amendment may have merit, however, encouraged the staff and Commission to evaluate other options. For example, the possibility of creating a conditional use with use-specific criteria addressing the relationship of the use to other neighboring uses and development objectives of the Town or the elimination of the prohibition against kitchen facilities in accommodation units. The Town Council expressed that it may be appropriate to re-evaluate the legislative intent of the current land use policy prohibiting kitchen facilities in accommodation units. On December 12, 2005, the applicant appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission to discuss the merits of creating the Public Accommodation-2 (PA-2) district. Following discussion on the topic, the Commission directed staff to prepare a proposed text amendment for the Commission's cbnsideration and recommendation. On December 20,2005, Community Development Department held a worksession meeting with the Vail Town Council to present the options for addressing the desire to allow kitchen facilities in accommodation units. o ' 6-, MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department ?ottte(h*= AppCo.reo TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: January 9, 2006 A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to rezone Lots $12, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision, Roost Lodge, from Public Accommodation (PA) district to Public Accommodation -2 (pA-2) district, located at 1783' North Frontage Road, Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Timberline Roost Lodge L.L.C.Planner: George Ruther SUMMARY The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge, L.L.c., has submitted a development review application to the community Development Department to allow for the rezoning of Lots 9-12, Buffher creek Resubdivision, from Public Accommodation (pA) DistriCt to Public Acommodation-2 (PA-2) District. The applicant has submitted the application in anticipation of the redevelopment of the Roost Lodge. Staff is recommending that the Planning & Environmental commission forwards a recommendation of approval of the applicant's development review application. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Timberline Roost Lodge L.L.c., has submitted a development review application to the Town of Vail community Development Department. The purpose of the application is to amend the ofiicial Zoning Map of the Town of Vail whereby Lots 9 -12 Buffher creek Resubdivision are rezbned to public Accommodation - 2 zone dislrict. According to the applicant, the rezoning is intended to facilitate the redevelopment of the Roost Lodge. A vicinity map of the development site and surrounding area has been attached for reference. (Attachment A) BACKGROUND A review of the Town's files and records clearly identifies the intent of the existing regulations regarding accommbdation units and the prohibition against allowing accommodation units to contain "kitchen facilities". The files show that the legislative intent behind lhe cunent regulation is to: 1) discourage long-term I I lt. o A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, OMajor Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the expansion of retail and restaurant space (Sweet Basil and Emata) and the modification of an existing outdoor dining deck, located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 58, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1 (Gore Creek Plaza Building)and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PECO5-0097) Applicant: Gore Creek Plaza Condominium Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for final review of a text amendment to Chapter 4, Districts Established, Section 12-4-1, Designated, Vail Town Code, to allow for the establishment of the Public Accommodation - 2 (PA-2) district, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05- 0103) Applicant Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a zone district boundary . n amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to rezone Lots 9- *rpW 12, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision, Roost Lodge, from Public Accommodation (PA) district f"i^t{ to Public Accommodation -2 (PA-2) district, located at 1783 North Frontage Road, Lots V:i 9-12, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05- 't/" 0104) Applicant: Timberline Roost Lodge, LLCPlanner George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published December 23,2005, in the Vail Daily. -.ffi THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail rown Code, on January 9, 2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance from section 12-6D-6, setbacks, Vail rown Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a deck and patio within the side and rear setback, located at 324 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 19, Block 7, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (pEC05-0092)Applicant Peter KalkusPlanner: Bill Gibson An appeal of an administrative interpretation, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, for clarifications to the provisions of Chapter 12-15, Gross Residential Floor Area, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council on a proposal to establish Special Development District No. 39, pursuant to Article 12-9(A), Special Development District, Vail Town Code, to allow for the redevelopment of Crossroads, a mixed use development; located at 141 and 143 Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0093)Applicant Crossroads East One, LLC and Crossroads West One, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: Wanen Campbell A request for conditional use permits, pursuant to Section 12-7E-4, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code to allow for, a major arcade; a theater, meeting rooms, and convention facilities; multiple-family dwellings and lodges; a private club (parking club); a bowling alley; and the outdoor operation of an accessory uses (ice skating rink) located at 141 and 143 Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, VailVillage Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEc05-0094) Applican!: Crossroads East One, LLC and Crossroads West One, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: Wanen Campbell A request for text amendments, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code to Section 12-2-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code, to define a bowling alley and a request for a text amendment to Section 12-7E4, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a bowling alley as a conditional use in the Commercial Service Center zone district; located at 141 and 143 Meadow Drive/Lot p, Block 5D, vailVillage Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC0S-009S)Applicant Crossroads East One, LLC and Crossroads West One, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Wanen CampbellPlanner: A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for additional dwelling units and office uses in SDD No. 4, located at 1310 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Cascade Village Theatres, Inc., represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-4, Permitted and Conditional Uses, Second Floor and Above, Vail Town Code, to allow for the operation of a catering kitchen, located at 710 Lionshead Circle, Units A and B (Vail Spa/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicanl Kyle and Lorraine WebbPlanner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published October 28,2005, in the Vail Daily.-*'u,,O THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on November 14, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to rezone Lot 2, Block 3, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing, Evergreen Lodge at Vail, from High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) zone district to Lionshead Mixed Use 1 (LMU1) zone district, located at 250 South Frontage Road WesULot 2, Block 3, Vail Lionshead znd Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: Evergreen Lodge at Vail, Ltd., H.B. Developmen! Co., represented by Thomas J. BdnkPlanner: George Ruther A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7A-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1 783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: , George Ruther A request for final review of a text amendment to Section 12-7A-3, Conditional Uses, pursuant to Section 12-T7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to add"accommodation units with kitchen facilitie{ as a new conditional use in the Public Accommodation zone district, and sefting forth detaib in regard thereto.Applicant Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: George Ruther A request for a final review of an amendment to an Approved Development Plan, to allow for modifications to the existing platted building envelope (Lot 1), site access (Lot 1 ), an increase in Gross Residential Floor Area (Lots 1-6); and a request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to amend the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area, within the Eleni Zniemer Subdivision located at 1701A-F Buffehr Creek Road/Lots 1-6. Eleni Zniemer Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant Buffehr Creek Partners, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Wanen Campbell nH,l-r0-,ofttff id The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection O during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published January 27,2006, in the VailDai!. o o -ffi +o THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accoidance with section 12-36, Vail rown code,.on February 13, 2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to chapter 12-16, Conditional Uses, to allow for the temporary use of tire tennis facility for conferences and conventions, located at special Development District No. 4, cascade Village, Area A, 1300 westhaven Drive, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (pEc06-0002)Applicant: Vail Cascade Resort and Spa, represented by Don MaclachlanPlanner: Matt Genneft A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail rown code, appealing the staff determination of an incomplete development application, 1146 sandstone Drive/Lot A7, Block Ag, casolar Vail, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (pEC05-0096)Applicant Eric Beringause, represented by FriElen pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a variance from section 12-6D-6, setbacks, Vail rown code, pursuant to chapter 12-17,variances, Vail rown code, to allow for a residential garage addition, within the side setback, located at 1673 Matterhorn Circle/Lot 20, Matterhom Mllage, and setting forth details in regard therelo. (PECO6-0006)Applicant Daniel Kondos, represented by Stuart Brummett Design StudioPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the vail rown council of an amendment to the Lionsheab Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant lo Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan, to amend the Lionshead study Area Boundaries and chapter s, Detailed Plan Recommendations, to incfude the study "\rVest Lionshead" area, generally located at 646, 862, 890, 923,934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Frontage Road West/Lot 54 and Tract K of Glen Lyon Subdivision, Tracts c and D, Vail Mllage Filing 2, and several unplatted parcels (a more complete area description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (pEC06-0009) Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, Town of Vail, and Glen Lyon Office Building General Partnership Planner: , Wanen Campbell A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, ' h,* Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction nAO){'- of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek '.1 g1\w- Subdivision, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC0S-0080) 'V - vrApplicant Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: George Ruther 1'. That the rezoning shall only become effective upon the adoption of an ordinance duly establishing the Public Accommodation-2 district, as presently contemplated by the Vail Town Council. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: "Before recommending and/or granting an approval of an application far a zone district boundary amendment the Planning & Environmental'; Commission and the Town Council shatt make the following ftndings with respect to the requested amendment: 1. That the amendment is conslsfenf with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and 2. That the amendment is compatible with and suitable to adiacent uses and appropriate for the sunounding areas; and 3. That the amendment promotes the health, s;afety, morals, and general' welfare of the Town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its esfab/shed character as a resrt and residential community of the highest quality." ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map i IE 9t !E es 'T 3F F:E' s-s ;:tt F B € s ! l! oO tl 3r $ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Ptanning and Environm"ffi Community Development Department December 12,2005 A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a text amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code; to amend Title 12 of the Zoning Regufations, as necessary, to allow accommodation units to include "kitchen facilities'', and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0079) Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther il. SUMMARY The applicant appeared before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on November 14 and 28, 2005, to discuss the aforementioned text amendment. As a result of the two previous worksession meetings, the Commission directed staff to prepare a text amendment lo the Zoning Regulations creating a new zone district which would allow for the development of a "lodge" containing "accommodation units with kitchen facilities". The purpose of this public hearing is to present the proposed text amendment creating the new zone district for the Commission's consideration and feedback. Should the Commission wish to pursue the new zone district further, the next step in the review process shall be to provide adequate public notice of the text amendment, in accordance with Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, and return to the Planning & Environmental Commission for final review and recommendation. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST On November 28, 2005, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission directed staff to prepare a text amendment to the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Vail creating a new zone district which would allow for the development of a "lodge" that contains "accommodation units with kitchen facilities". In response to the Commission's requesl, the applicant and the staff have prepared a series of text amendments to the Zoning Regulations which would achieve the goal of the Commission. The proposed amendments are as follows: CHAPTER 7 Gommercial and Business Districts Article J. PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION - 2 (P A-21 DISTRIGT 12-7J-1:. PURPOSE: The public accommodation -2 district is intended to provide sites for lodges, limited service lodges, and residential accommodations on a short term basis, for visitors and guests, together with such public and semipublic facilities and commercial/retail and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located within the same district and compatible with adjacent land uses. This district is intended to provide for lodging sites located outside the periphery of the Town's Vail Village and Lionshead commercial core areas. The public accommodation - 2 district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Additional nonresidential uses are allowed as conditional uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a vacation community, and where permitted uses are intended to function compatibly with the high density lodging character of the district. 12-7 J-2: PERMITTED USES : The following uses shall be permitted in the PA district: Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishments located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%) of the total gross residential floor area of the main structure or structures on the site; additional accessory dining areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, or terrace. Limited service lodge. 12-7 J-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the PA district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this tiile: Bed and breakfast, as further regulated by section 12-14-18 of this title. Fractional fee club units as further regulated by subsection 12-16-7 A8 of this title. Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, or retail establishmenls located within the priniipal use and occupying between ten percent (10%) and fifteen percent (15%) of the total gross residential floor area of the buildings, grounds and facilities. Public or commercial parking facilities or structures. Public transportation terminals. Public utility and public service uses. Theaters and ennvention facilities. Type lll employqB housing units as provided in chapter 13 of this title. 12-7 J-4:' ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the PA district: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of section 12-14-12 of this title. Meeting rooms. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreation facilities customarily incidental to permitted lodge uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 12-7J-5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet of buildable area and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area eighty feet (80') on each side within its boundaries. 12-7J-6: SETBACKS: In the PA district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet (20'1.;4t the discretion of the planning and environmental commission and/or the design review board, variations to the setback standards outlined above may be approved during the review of exterior alternations or modifications (section 12-7A-12 of this article) subject to the applicant demonstrating compliance with the following criteria: A.Proposed building setbacks provide necessary separation between buildings and riparian areas, geologically sensitive areas and other environmentally sensitive areas. B.Proposed building setbacks will provide adequate availability of light, air and open space. ! C.Proposed building setbacks will provide a compatible relationship with buildings and uses on adjacent properties. D.Proposed building setbacks will result in creative design solutions or other public benefits that could not otherwise be achieved by conformance with prescribed setback standards. 12-TJ-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty five feet (45'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty eight feet (48'). 12-7 J-8: DENSITY GONTROL: Up to one hundred fifty (150) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) may be permifted for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area. Final determination of allowable gross residential floor area shall be made by the planning and environmental commission in accordance with section 12-7A-12 of this article. Specifically, in determining allowable gross residential floor area the planning and environmental commission shall make a finding that proposed gross residential floor area is in conformance with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Total density shall not exceed twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. For the purposes of calculating density, employee housing units, limited service lodge units, accommodation units and fractional fee club units shall not be counted towards density (dwelling units per acre). A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one or more attached accommodation units. 12.7 J.9.. SITE GOVERAGE : Site coverage shall not exceed sixty five percent (65%) of the total site area. Final deterlnination of allowable site coverage shall be made by the planning and environmental commission and/or the design review board in accordance with section 12-7A-12 of this article. Specifically, in determining allowable site coverage the planning and environmental commission and/or the design review board shall make a finding that proposed site coverage is in conformance with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. 12-7J-1Oz LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: At least thirty percent (30%) of the total site area shall be landscaped. The minimum width,iand length of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be fifteen feet (15') with a minimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet. 12-7J-11: PARKING AND LOADING: Off street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with chaoter 10 of this title. At least seventy five percent (75%) of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view. No at grade or above grade surface parking or loading area shall be located in any required front setback area. Below grade underground structured parking and short term guest loading and drop off shall be permitted in the required front setback subject to the approval of the planning and environmental commission and/or the design review board. 12-7 J-12: EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODtFtCATIONS : A. Review Required: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building shall be reviewed by the design review board in accordance with chapter 11 of this title. However, any project which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units, limited service lodge units, any project which adds more than pne thousand (1,000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off site impacts (as determined by the administrator) shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission as a major exterior alteration in accordance with this chapter and section 12-3-6 of this title. Complete applications for major exterior alterations shall be submitted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the department of community development for planning and environmental commission and design review board review. The following submittal items are required: 1. Application: An application shall be made by the owner of the building or the building owner's authorized agent or representative on a form provided by the administrator. Any application for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized by the condominium association in conformity with all pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 2. Application; Contents: The administrator shall establish the submittal requirements for an exterior alteration or modification application. A complete list of the submittal requirements shall be maintained by the administrator and filed in the department of community development. Certain submittal requirements may be waived and/or modified by the administrator and/or the reviewing body if it is demonstrated by the applicant that the information and materials required are not relevant to the proposed development or appliqable to the planning documents that comprise the Vail comprehensive plan. The administrator and/or the reviewing body may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. 3. Work Sessions/Conceptual Review: lf requested by either the applicant or the administrator, submittals may proceed to a work session with the planning and environmental commission, a conceptual review with the design review board, or a work session with the town council. 4. Hearing: The public hearing before the planning and environmental commission shall be hdld in accordance with section 12-3-6 of this title. The planning and environmental commission may approve the application as submitted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the application. The decision of the planning and environmental commission may be appealed to the town council in accordance with section 12-3-3 of this title. 5. Lapse Of Approval: Approval of an exterior alteration as prescribed by this article shall lapse and become void three (3) years following the date of approval by the design review board unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued to completion. Administrative extensions shall be allowpd for reasonable and unexpected delays as long as code provisions affecting the propcisal have not changed. 12-7 J-13: COMPLIANCE BURDEN : It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the planning and environmental commission and the design review board that the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the public accommodation zone district, and that the proposal does not othenvise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan. 12-7J-14: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS: Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals of redevelopment and will be determined by the planning and environmental commission in review of development projects and conditional use permits. Substantial off site impacts may include, but are not limited to, the following: deed restricted employee housing, roadway improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, stream tracUbank restoration, loading/delivery, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenVdevelopment projects which produce substantial off site impacts. 12-7J-15: ADDITION OF GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA TO EXISTING PA PROPERTIES: For any gross residential floor area added to a public accommodation zoned property following the effective date hereof, a minimum of seventy percent (700/o) of the added gross residential floor area shall be devoted to accommodation units, or fractional fee club units subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. This limitation shall not apply.to gross residential floor area being added in accordance with sections 12-15-4 and 12-15-5 of this title. The following new definitions are proposed: SECTION 12.2.2, DEFINITIONS : Lodge Unit, Limited Service: Any room or group of rooms with kitchen facilities in a limited service lodge which are designed for temporary occupancy by visitors, guests, individuals, or families on a short term rental basis, and accessible from common corridors, walks, or balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, limited service lodge unit, fractional fee club unit or dwelling unit. A limited service lodge unit is not intended for permanent residency and shall not be subdivided into an individual condominium unit, pursuant to Chapter 13, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code. Lodge, Limited Service: A building or group of associated buildings designed for occupancy primarily as the temporary lodging place of visitors, guests, individuals, or families. on a short term rental basis. either in accommodation units, limited service lodge units, fractional fee club units, or dwelling units in which the gross residential floor area devoted to accommodation units, limited service lodge units, and fractional fee ilt. club units is equal to or less than seventy percent (700/o) of the total gross residential floor area on the site, and in which all such units are operated under a single man?gement providing the occupants thereof customary lodge services and facilities. BACKGROUND A review of the Town's files and records clearly identifies the intent of the existing regulations regarding accommodation units and the prohibition against allowing accommodation units to contain "kitchen facilitied'. The files show that the legislative intent behind the current regulation is to: 1) discourage long-term occupancy-of what are intended to be short-term rental units; 2) prevent the likelihood of the sale of accommodation units as dwelling units; 3) encourage visitors and guests to frequent the many eating and drinking establishments in the town during their stay in Vail; and 4) ensure compatibility amongst surrounding land uses. A further review of the Town's files shows that the existing language pertaining to definitions of accommodation units, dwelling units, kitchen facilities and kitchenettes has remained unchanged since their adoption in 1973. The only recent and notable amendment to the regulation of accommodation units came in the late 1990's when the development standards for density were amended and accommodation units were no longer counted towards density. Finally, a review of the other resort communities' regulations pertaining to kitchen facilities within hotel rooms reveals a wide range of approaches. For example, the City of Aspen Land Development Regulations, by definition, permits kitchens within individual hotel rooms in a hotel or lodge while the Town of Breckenridge Land Development Code states that "no kitchens of any kind are permitted within the unl8' of hotel, lodges or inns. On November 14 and 28, 2005, the applicant appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission with a request to amend the text of the Public Accommodation zone district to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities, as a conditional use in the dishict. Upon consideration of the request, the Commission directed staff and the applicant to prepare an amendment which would result in the creation of a new zone district purposefully intended to allow accommodation units to include kitchen facilities in certain areas of Town. On December 6, 2005, during the PEC/DRB update to the Vail Town Council, staff informed the Town Council of the recent discussions with the Planning & Environmental Commission regarding the text amendment and the creation of a new zone district. The Town Council acknowledged that the intent of the proposed text amendment may have merit, however, encouraged the staff and Commission to evaluate other options. For example, the possibility of creating a conditional use with use specific criteria addressing the relationship of the use to other neighboring uses and development objectives of the Town or the elimination of the prohibition against kitchen facilities in accommodation unitsj The Town Gouncil expressed thai it may be appropriate to re-evaluate the legislative intent of the current land use policy prohibiting kitchen facilities in accommodation units. tv.ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, text amendment applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Commission will forward a recommendation to the Town Council. The Town Council will then review the text amendment application. Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for the review of a text amendment application, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, and forwarding of a recommendation to the Town Council. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a text amendment to the Vail Town Code. Town Gouncil: The Town Council is responsible for final approval, approval with modificalions, or denial of a text amendment application, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code. The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted applipation materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requlrements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. REVIEW CRITERIA The review criteria and factors for consideration for a text amendment application are estabfished by the provisions of Section 12-3-7, Amendments, Vail Town Code. :i, fne extent to which the text amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and, 2. The extent to which the text amendment would better implement and better achieve the applicable elements of the adopted goals, obiectives, and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and, The extent to which the text amendment demonstrates how conditions have substantially changed since the adoption of the subject regulation and how the existing regulation is no longer appropriate or is inapplicable; and, The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, 8 v. 3. vt. o I convenient, workable relationship among land use regulations consistent with municipal development objectives; and, 5. Such other factors and criteria the Commission and/or Council deems applicable to the proposed text amendment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning & Environmental Commission evaluates the merits of this policy change request and, if appropriate, directs staff to continue in the preparation of the text amendment creating a new zone district. Given the complexity of this issue, Stafi further recommends that the Planning & Environmental Commission encourages the Town Council to schedule a worksession meeting with the Staff and applicant to discuss the merits of this text amendment, or any others, in an attempt to provide policy direction on the matter to the Commission. A possible worksession meeting with the Town Council could be held on December 20,2005. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 28,2005 A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a text amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code; to amend Title 12 of the Zoning Regulations, as necessary, to allow accommodation units to include "kitchen facilities'', and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0079) Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther t.SUMMARY The applicant, Timberline Lodge, L.L.C., is proposing a text amendment to certain sections of the Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to allow accommodation units to include "kitchen facilities", and setting forth details in regard thereto. The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning & Environmental Commission evaluates the merits of this policy change request and, if deemed appropriate, forwards a recommendation of approval of one of the proposed options to the Vail Town Council for further review and consideration. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Timberline Lodge, L.L.C., is proposing a text amendment to certain sections of the Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to allow accommodation units to include "kitchen facilities'', and setting forth details in regard thereto. The Zoning Regulations cunently define an "accommodation unit" as, "Any room or group of rooms without kitchen facilities designed for or adapted to occupancy by guesfs and accessibte from common conidors, walks, or balconies ., without passing through another accommodation unit or dwelling unit"' According to the applicant, the goal of this text amendment is to allow Vail to remain competitive in the destination resort market by ensuring a wide range of short-term lodging opportunities to meet the needs of our guests and visitors. For zoning purposes, the Zoning Regulations deline " kitche n facil ities" as, "Fixtures and equipment for food sforage and preparation of meals, including a sink, stove, and refrigeration and food storage facilities"' The ;applicant is proposing to amend Section 12-7A-3, Conditional Uses; Public Accommodation zone district Vail Town Code to allow "accommodation units with kitchen facilitief'as a new conditional use, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. At the November 14, 2005 public hearing of the Planning & Environmental I il. I lt. Commission, the Commission tabled the applicant's request and directed Staff to provide a list of additional options for achieving the goals of the requested text amendment. In response to the Commission's direction, Staff has assembled a list of six options for achieving the goals of the requested text amendment and includes a list of potential pros and cons for each option. The list of options is outlined in Section Vl of this memorandum. BACKGROUND A review of the Town's files and records clearly identifies the intent of the existing regulations regarding accommodation units and the prohibition against allowing accommodalion units to contain "kitchen facilities". The files show that the legislative intent behind the current regulation is to: 1) discourage long-term occupancy of what are intended to be short-term rental units; 2) prevent the likelihood of the sale of accommodation units as dwelling units; 3) encourage visitors and guests to frequent the many eating and drinking establishments in the town during their stay in Vail; and 4) ensure compatibility amongst surrounding land uses. A further review of the Town's files shows that the existing language pertaining to definitions of accommodation units, dwelling units, kitchen facilities and kitchenettes has remained unchanged since their adoption in 1973. The only recent and notable amendment to the regulation of accommodation units came in the late 1990's when the development standards for density were amended and accommodation units were no longer counted towards density. Finally, a review of the other resort communities' regulations pertaining to kitchen facilities within hotel rooms reveals a wide range of approaches. For example, the City of Aspen Land Development Regulations, by definition, permits kitchens within individual hotel rooms in a hotel or lodge while the Town of Breckenridge Land Development Code states that "no kitchens of any kind are permifted within the units'' of hotel, lodges or inns.. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, text amendment applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Commission will forward a recommendation to the Town Council. The Town Council will then review the text amendment application. Planning and Environmental Gommission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for the review of a text amertdment application, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, and forwarding of a recommendation to the Town Council. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a text amendment to the Vail Town Code. Town Council: The Town Council is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a text amendment application, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code. 2 lilt. V. The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. REVtrEW CRITERIA The review criteria and factors for consideration for a texl amendment application are established by the provisions of Section 12-3-7, Amendments, Vail Town Code. L The extent to which the text amendment furthers the general and specific purposes ofthe Zoning Regulations; and, 2. The extent to which the text amendment would beftEr implement and better achieve the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectivEs, and , policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with ' the development objectives of the Torn; and, 3. The extent to which the text amendment demonstrates how conditions have substantially changed since the adoption of the subiect regulation and how the existing regulation is no longer appropriate or is inapplicable; and, 4. The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land use regulations consistent with municipal development objectives; and, Si Suctr other factors and criteria the Commission and/or Gouncil deems applicable to the proposed text amendment. OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION The Community Development Department has generated a list of six possible options for allowing accommodation units to contain kitchen facilities with the goal of allowing Vail to remain competitive in the destination resort market by ensuring a wide range of short{erm lodging opportunities to meet the needs of our guests and visitors. The list of options includes: 1. Greate a new zone district (ie Public Accommodation-l & 2zone districts) vt. This option would essentially create a second zone district in the Town with the primary goal being the provision of accommodation units. An exception to the second district, however, would be the ability to construct accommodation units containing kitchen facilities. This zone district could be useful in better regulating developmLnt on those properties presently zoned Public Accommodation (PA) J 2. district, but located well away from the Town's commercial core areas. Pros: Preserves integrity of accommodation units located near the commercial core areas of town; Cons: Adds another zone district to the Town's already long list of zone districts; Other less confusing and more implementable options exist; Add "accommodation units with kitchen facilities" to the list of allowable conditional uses This option is what has been proposed by the applicant. As contemplated, the zoning regulations in the Public Accommodation zone district would be amended to add "accommodation units with kitchen facilities" as a conditional use to Section 12-7A-3 of the Zoning Regulations. Development projects within the Public Accommodation zone district could then apply for a conditional use permit to allow for "accommodation units with kitchen facilities", subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Zoning Regulations. Pros: Ease of implementaiion; Procedure for review already exists; Cons: Doesn't address the real problem or issue; Can not truly be enforced as a conditional use; Redefine "accommodation units" and "dwelling units" This option would entail amending the definitions oI "accommodation units" and "dwelling unifs". As presently defined, the only real readily identifiable distinction between an accommodation unit and a dwelling unit is the presence of "kitchen facilities", as defined in Section 12-2-2of the Zoning Regulations. By way of reference, an"accommodation unit' is defined as, "Any room or group of rooms without kitchen facilities designed for or adapted to occupancy by guests and accessible from common conidors, walks, or balconies without passrng through another accommodation unit or dwelling unit." and a "dwelling unit" is defined as, "Any room or group of rooms in a two-family or multiple-family building with kitchen facilities designed for or used by one family as an i nd epe nde nt housekeePing unit ;' An opportunity exists to further refine the definitions of these two terms to more cleariy state the meanings of these terms which in turn may more clearly articuiate the purposes of these two land uses. For example, regardless of the presence of a stove, an accommodation unit for the Town's land use purposes is clearly intended for short-term occupancy of guest and visitors on a nightly or weekl-y rental basis. However, the current definition makes no reference to the length of occupancy, the inability to subdivide the units into individual con-dominium units, the difference in density calculations, or the availability for short-term rental. 4 3- Pros: Addresses a real problem in the Zoning Regulations; Results in a clearer understanding of the two differing land uses; Maintains the integrity of accommodation units; Furthers the purpose of the PA zone district; Cons: More difficult to implement; Results in additional time Redefi ne " kitchen facilities" and/or " kitchenefte" Similar to the option above, this option would essentially amend the definitions of "kitchen facilities" and'kitchenette". As presently defined, "kitchen facilities'' means, "Firtures and equipment for food storage and preparation of meals, including a sink, stove, and refrigeration and food storage facilities", and " kitchenetfe" means, "A room containing nof /ess than the following firtures and appliances: a microwave oven and/or cooking surtace, sink, and refrigerator." Arguably, the definitions are very similar in meaning with only minor differences. As interpreted and implemented today, an "accommodation unit' may be a "kitchenette" but may not contain "kitchen facilities". An opportunity exists to better define and implement the meaning and intent of these two terms. Today, it is uncfear whether a"stove" is a'cooking surface". ln refining the definitions of these two terms, further amendments to other relevant sections of the Zoning Regulations may be needed. Pros: Addresses a real problem in the Zoning Regulations; Results in a clearer understanding of the two differing land uses; Maintains the integrity of accommodation units Cons: More difficult to implement; Results in additional time Create a new land use (ie, extended stay hotel/lodge, select service hotel/lod ge, residential hotel,) This option would create a new land use in the Zoning Regulations which could be added to the list of permitted or conditional uses in the Public Accommodation or other zone districts. The terms listed above have been used by other communities to describe a type of land use which permits short-term rental of hotel rooms on a nightly, weekly, or longer basis to meet the special needs of their guests and visitors and to fill a void within the lodging market. Regardless of the term used however, each of these land uses permits kitchen facilities, cooking facilities, or kitchenettes. Pros: Gets to the root of the issue; ease of implementation; More thorough than other options; Maintains integrity of accommodation units; Furthers the purposes of the PA zone district; Cons: More difficult to implement; Results in additional time vil. 6. Add "lodge dwelling unit'lo the list of permifted or conditional uses in the Public Accommodation zone district This option would add a land use and term already defined in the Zoning Regulations to the list of permissible uses in the Public Accommodation zone district. According to Section 12-2-2of the Zoning Regulations, a"lodge dwelling unit' is defined as, "A small dwelling unit with limited kitchen and floor area and which contains six hundred fW @50) square feet or /ess of floor area and is intended to be rented on a short term basis." Lodge dwelling units are currenlly allowed in the Lionshead Mixed Use -1 & 2 zone districts. In both zone districts, lodge dwelling units are conditional uses allowed on the ground floor or first level of the building and permitted uses on the floors above the first level. One important distinction of "lodge dwelling unifs" is that while they are intended to provide short-term rental opportunities for guests and visitors, they are first and foremost dwelling units which can be subdivided into individual condominium units and sold as free market dwelling units. Pros: Definition already exists; Review process already exists Cons: May not maintain the integrity of the PA zone district; STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning & Environmental Commission evaluates the merits of this policy change request and, if appropriate, forwards a recommendation of approval of one of the proposed options to the Vail Town Council for further review and consideration. More specifically, Staff recommends that the Commission directs Staff to prepare a text amendment which incorporates Options #3, #4, & #5, as generally described in Section Vl of this memorandum, for Town Council review and consideration. While the crux of the text amendment would be the creation of a new land use as contemplated in Option #5, Staff befieves that the revisions contemplated in Options #3 & #4 are also needed to fully implement Option #5 to the greatest extent possible. In the end, this hybrid of the various options achieves the goal of the applicant and would further the development objectives of the Town of Vail. MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Departmeni of Community Development DATE: November 14,2005 SUBJECT: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a text amendment' pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code; to amend Title 12 of the Zoning ilegulations, as necessary, to allow accommodation units to include "kitchen facilities', and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0079) Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther a r. SUMAEY The applicant, Timberline Lodge, L.L.C., is proposing a text amendment to certain sections of the Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to allow accommodation units to include "kitchenfacilities', and setting forth details in regard thereto. The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning & Environmental iommissioir tables this application to the November 28, 2005 public hearing of the Planning & Environmental Commission and directs the staff to conduct further research into thl pros and cons of allowing accommodation units with "kitchen facilitied'. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Timberline Lodge, L.L.C., is proposing a text amendment to certain sections of the Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to allow accommodation units to include "kitchen facilitief', and setting forth details in regard thereto' The Zoning Regulations currently define an "accommodation unit" as, "Any room or group of rooms without kitchen facilities designed for or adapted.to occupancy bfguesfs and accesslb/e from common corridors, walks, or balconies without p6ssing througn another accommodation unit or dwelling unit." According to the applicant, the goal of this text amendment is to allow Vail to remain competitiie in the destination resort market by ensuring a wide range of short-term lodging opportunities to meet the needs of our guests and visitors' For zoning purposes, the Zoning Regulations define "krfchen facilities" as, ,'Fixtures and equipment for food sforage and preparation of meals, including a sln& sfove, and refrigeration and food storage facilities'" The applicant is proposing to amend Section 12'7A'3, Conditional Uses; Public Accommodation zone'district: Vail Town Code to allow "accornmodation units with il1. kitchen facilitied'as a new conditional use, subjecl to the issuance of a conditional use permit. The purpose of this public hearing is to determine whether the Planning & Environmental Commission believes that the Community Development Department should pursue a text amendment to the Zoning Regulations which would allow an accommodation unit to include "kitchen facilities''. lf the Commission believes that this text amendment is worthy of further discussion and deliberation, staff recommends that the Commission tables this application to the November 28, 2005 public hearing of the Planning & Environmental Commission and directs the staff and the applicant to return with more information regarding the proposed text amendment and how it might be best implemented. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, text amendment applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Commission will fonrard a recomm-endation to the Town Council. The Town Council will then review the text amendment application. Ptanning and Environmental Gommission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for the review of a text amendmentlpplication, pursuantto Section 12-3-7, Amendment, VailTown Code, and forwarding of a recommendation to the Town Council. Design Review Board: The besign Review Board has no review authority over a text amendment to the Vail TowlCode. Tourn Council: The Town Council is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a text amendment application, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code. The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for compliieness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also firovides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regaid to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. REVIEW CRITERIA The review criteria and factors for consideration for a text amendment application are estabf ished by the provisions of Section 12-3-7, Amendments, Vail Town Code' tv. v. i. fn" extent to which the text amendment furthers the general aird specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and, 2. The extent to which the text amendment would befter implement and better achieve the applicable elements of the adopted goals, obiectives, a1! policies outlined in the Vail Gomprehensive Plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and' 3. The extent to which the text amendment demonstrates how conditions have substantially changed since the adoption of the subject regulation and how the existing regulation is no longer appropriate or is inapplicable; and, 4. The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land use regulations consistent with municipal development objectives; and' 5. Such other factors and criteria the Gommission and/or Council deems applicable to the proposed text amendment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Flanning & Environmental Commission tables this application to the November 28, 2005 public hearing of the Planning & Environmental Commission and directs staff to conduct further resear;h into the proslnd cons of allowing accommodation units with "kitchen facilitied' in the Town of V'ait. Staff believes thaithere maybe merit in amending the Zoning Regulalions as proposed and believes that if it were deemed beneficial to allow acclommodation units to have "Ktchen facilitieC', there may be a better way to implement the new policy. Are there any specific questions that the Gommission would like the staff or applicant to iniwer with regard to the proposed text amendment? o tr*# Bv\o Application for Review by the Planning and Envilonmental Commission Dqarfi|ent of Communlty Delrebprnst 75 South ftonbg€ Road, Vail, Cobrado 8165/ td: 970.479.2139 fax;, 970.479.2457 rer*: www,ci.vail.co.lrs Gsreral lnformatftrn: Al pmjecb r€quirlng Planning ard Ewks[nentat Comnision Bdevr must rcceire amrqnl prior b submiHng a buitding pemit apptbuon. Please refs to the sffil rquirenrerts for *re pamrnr apprfriUnt ;,€q,"*--....,1}tl ln apptiiaUon for'Planning afld Environmenbl Commission rsrierv @nnot be accepted until all required information-! , ts receired by the Community De\rebpment Deparunent The projd nuy abo need to be rs/i$,ed bry the Tovn Vffilffiffiff* tNIT n R€aonlng $1300 tr Condiuonal use Fermit f6-:9 t\E Major subdivisbn $lsoo tr Flooddain l4odificauon flq Itr Mirnr SuMlvlsion $650 O Minor Exbrior Atterauon $650 \tr EKemption Plat $650 t] Maior bGedffAtteradon try- |A.fl MinorArnendr€nttoansDD $1000 tr DadoprnentP{an $1500 t Itr t\tewspecialDarelopnrentDistict $60m tr-Amerdme*baDevdognentPlan $250 Vtr Majornmendmer*toansD $6000 ( z.snrgcodeAnedrnent tllry a --.U Major Att€ndment to an SDD $1250 tr Variance tsq Ltl(tp*nornoAfuWns) E Signvariance $?00 v I D€cfiption of fr'c l*f{Iugf- Maior Etuior AlMiu, at frE Mrra RM Lee pw'tv hddirn a Ext anwdnwrL atd W.f,iWal tre wtit Location of tlre Proposal: tot $12 Blod<;- Subdivision:-Bglfg!]leeLB$llb PhysicelAddress: _. 1783 North Frontaoe Road Parad I{o.;210312302001 ( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86't0 for patrel no.) Zoning: fuilic Ammnndation {PA} I{ame(s) of Orner(s}: ttu*anr-r,nrg f *gtf \fiDe6 ,u,C - Itiailing Address: f? Vail Road. Stib ffX). Vail. @ 81657 Phone: 47FUU -. Ownds) Signaturc(s): tlane of ApplicanB Reorese$ed by Maufld.lo Planninq Group. LLC llaiting Addrc$: FO Box 1127. Awn, CO 81640 Phone: 748-0920 - E-maif Addres;maulefl mcast.net Fart' 74&A377 oeftz'sD€t,os-oooz RECD ocT 10 200s - ri " 'lffl {ci Mauriello Planning GrouP Roost Lodge Rezoning and Text Amendment Adiacent Property Owner List DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR VAIL, CO 81657 MURPHREE INVESTMENTS LTD 2409 DUBLIN RD PLANO, TX75094 FITE, KENNETH DAVID & IRMAK AYSE .JT 6415E PRENTICE PL GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 8011I M.L. HARRIS FAMILY PTNSHP LLC IO9OO HEFNER POINTE DR STE 2OO OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73120 HILLSIDE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O BEMIS, GREGORY PO BOX 3438 VAIL, CO 81658 MUSTANG CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O GUERzuERO, RANDALL 1859 MEADOW RIDGE RD vAtL, co 81657 BUFFER CREEK WEST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC' C/O MARKA W. MOSHER P O BOX 902 VAIL, CO 81658 TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 MUSSON, PAUL F. & ELISA M. -JT 9402 CRYSTAL LN LONGMONT, CO 80203 HAGERMAN, PHILIP R, & JOCELYN K. 13I88 LATOURETTE DR FENTON, MI48430 COLORADO DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 42018 ARKANSAS AVE DENVER, CO 80222 Application for Design Review Department of Community Do/elopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Crlorado 81657 t€;li 97A.479.2139 r?-xi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projecb requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular appro/al that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Tovvn Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approva! lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Requestr Redevelooment of Roost Lodoe Location of the Propooal: Lot:_LllBlock!_ Subdivision :_EUreLlkeKB.eSUb Physical Address: 1783 North Frontage Road Parcel No.: @01- ( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Public Accommodation (PA) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: 12 Vail Road. Suite 600. Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 476-1464 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Represented bv Mauriello Plannino Grouo, LLC MailingAddress: PO Box 1127, Avon. CO 81620 Phone: 970-748-0920 E-maif Address: mauriello@comcast.net Fax:. 97O-748-0377 Type of Raniew and Feei 0 rlr.tfo tn o vl vt otr Signs tr Conceptual Review p tlew Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alberation (mul ti-fam ily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/dupled ! Changes to Appro'/ed Plans tr Separauon Request $s0 No ree $5s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For cmstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage i5 added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 adclitions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenF, such as, rerooling, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and sitre improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desion Review Board. P&Jos RtcD ocT 10 20s5 Timberline Lodge Design Review Checklist tt/16105 o o Site Planning Roof Forrns/Overhangs/S offi t/Fascia Roof Materials Landscaping/Plant Materials Exterior Building Materials Architectural Details Building Forms and Massing Scale/Character Grading/Retaining Walls Exterior Doors and Windows Colors Exterior Liehting Roof Top Mechanical o o Department of Community Deuelnprnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cohrad.o 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 ututw. aailgou. corn October 17,2008 Greg Gastineau Timberline Roost Lodge LLC 12 Vail Road Suite 600 Vail, Colorado Re: Plan review extension Dear Greg, This letter is a follow-up to our meeting of a few weeks ago in regards to the time limitations for the Timberline plan review. The permit application may remain active as long as the application is pursued in good faith. Once the plans have been approved and a lapse of activity of 180 days the application will expire. I am allowed to grant an eitension ofup to 90 days periods from the date oflast activity ofthe project. This extension requires a written request by the applicant indicatingjustifiable cause for the extension, This request needs to be submitted prior to expiration ofthe application. Greg, I would recommend the following to insure that the application is kept active for the time periods requested: 1. The plans are required to be updated to the 2008 NEC as recently adopted by the State of Colorado and Town of Vail. Pursuing the revising of the plans for this purpose will extend the application and show activity of the permit application.' Please be condensate of the 180 days of inactivity by submitting the revision prior to the lapse of 180 days. 2. After completion of the review, with the revised electrical plans, submit a request for extension within 180 days ofthe plans approval date indicating reasons for inability to pull permit ie economic conditions, weather, contractor negotiations, ' etc.. 3. Please be aware we are proposing to submit to the Town Council in late 2009 the latest edition of the Building codes for approval. Upon approval we will request that all applications be updated to the new codes and a new plan check fee would be required. I would recommend pulling the building permit prior to this action. tp on*o "*"* 4. Once the building permit has been pulled you have an additional 180 days to show activity of the project. If activity is not shown within the 180 days a 180 day extension may be applied for. This request must be made prior to the permit expiration. Please be aware that the DRB approvals and any conditional approvals by the planning team may expire outside the building permit application process' I would suggest that you contact Warren Campbell, Chief of Planning, to insure these approvals will not expire. Sincerelv. .A/fr4+ Martin A Haeberle Chief Building Official Town of Vail cc: Warren Campbell, Chief of Planning Chris Gunion, Plans Examiner George Ruther, Director of Community Development George Ruther Warren Campbell 040512008 8:21AM Re: Shifting of EHUs in llmberline Lodge L"-ls' io, ll,"rl ) B*#.h,- G""LS*t From: To: Date: Subject: Warren- Can you please put a copy of this correspondence in the property file? Thanks, George Ruther, AICP Director of Community Development Town of Vail (970) 479-2145 office (970) 376-2675 cell (970) 479-2452fax gruther@vailgov.com >>> Warren Campbell 02/0412008 5:51 PM >>> Greg, In reviewing your proposal and the original intent of the EHUs in the llmberline Lodge, Nina and I agree that the proposed relocation will maintain the original intent and does not need to go back to the PEC. If you wish to move forward with this change please depict it on a set of revised Building Permit plans, clearly identified as an EHU. You do not need to submit a DRB application. Regards, Warren l2- lt-ob CUP ft{, o[- rris3$-s_(5!r> \\s ?'ru* TPWN OF \fAIL' DESIGN FE\'IEIfl STAFF APPRO/AL5o j4uls ;;'tlo ?"r'o ENLAR6 =(-,r'rrLtr.: l/O =l-{J sALJARE FOOTAOEI *F I+V +8b il wiwiww,,vt ffiiilffilffilffi TIMBERLINE LODOE qt\' [\'' lffiNOF\fAIL\. DESTGN REI/IEIf, \ .,/ STAFF APPROI/AL \o-<^o8 \ anc-. 6 !-L.- 8T.t !:F.Nc ENLARGEP 6ONDO FLAN SC,ALEz ?/1b"=1'-O" .-, I ONE BEDROOM - A I sauARE root eoe;124' tp1, ffiffiffil#H"- lF=:l#ffi lFFt4 TIMBERLINE LODOE 60tfi iS-BdlY ffilmLCF.&$17 Deeign Review Board ACTIOH FONH Department of Community Development 75 South FrontaEe Road" Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97t1.479.?13$ fax: 97{1.479.2452 web: rrwvr.vai[gov"com Project Name: Project Description: Project Address: THE ROOST LODGE Legal Description: Parcel Number: TIMBERUNE ROOST CHANGES DRB Number: DRB070687 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI-ANS FOR THE TIMBERLINE LODGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMER ROOST LODGE) TO THE EfiERIOR OF THE BUILDING; ADDMONAL SIDEWALKS; CHANGE IN ROOFTOP CHIMNEY SIZES; ADDTTTONAL SUPPORTS FORTHE BALCONIESAND Participants: OWNER TIMBERLINE ROOST LODGE LLC IU28I2OO7 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT TIMBERLINE ROOST LODGE LLC TII 281 2OO7 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: Lot 9-12 Blockr Subdivisionr BUFFER CREEK RESUB 2103-123-0200-1 Commentsi See Conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condationsi BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of APProval: 01/16/2008 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEA6. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oi hnal approval, untess a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April L5,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Warren Camobell DRB Fee Paid: $2O,OO I ?Changes To The Approved Plans ---.\lfr APPlication for Design Review f*Sf,/^,i Deparfrnentof Community Developmentrcm{Fit ^Ti:i["lB:!,1","a,Y1!,?"1"i3:,"*,1'*' web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design radew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for tie partiorlar approral that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Devetopment Deparbnent. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction @mmences within one year of the approval. Description of the Subdivision : tdFFb?- C&6611- 3JDDIV' Physical Address: parcet No.: ?,\Oaa -lLh . fftAO - | (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: P*'" fi q o%Fo\l Name(s) of owner(s): tlm?-tf ' . ^rE ?Sfrf, Wb{te I t-4,0 Mailing Address: owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: tlttmE: rlfa *tav'16 Phone:rax: (,r10)+1b. l4ot,E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: ,{ ct'ung.t to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to Plans alreadY Design Rwiew Board. Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association r= a \ r= n nt r= nEtr{hsSErSrUe L4 TOWN OF VAIL Flcdev\FoRMSi\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approvedilans-1iage-05-11-2006'doc r ----lE- rr - rr r r ------------ r-Tr rr-,i -r::r:i- ll ll naft'Nn1n,l5lv^ m^Frqtr. l#lr -!l- _-':5 _' || ll lffili c- !l i-sd;fhftff'F4F||||snH]iTsl,|NIl8z.l.,{1INIW0cNm:sl|N1m|.,lat0HE;;;;E;.l|ffi|qFHdi":l|\l.|.|o..3Yl||||N|llNINocNoJ39cm3NTU:l8l^llIfNNl3J|[l0Is3u|ixi,i'irriiiril[||#tr'.'-4, l:qtT53 L_J ['-"'-""-"""'"*' *'***''**'-"-*- Lr. rlji]I_l!!!! ] @ t___, l -;; ll ll oottolor"lv{- *;;-i&lf --::l' -'l-''.'i!,:;i$i'!;|,'.|lls'nH]iTsl|Nnsz'rL1l*'o*..,,*,,1Llii5....".l':ffi|r.ffi+c1gg1;;;| [-14!igj I lIwonmo0No.)rccorrMnrsr{r-rrNNpNscts]tlSlrtirgjliil?l-] lffit____-_-] rg -r Jir 7.Vf'{ L' + /-p)zs 1 (:) IH.t NPl i(fl{49EF ZJilt)dlq*sl 3 /.r{(J fi- 6 g -.+a =A- rkx EJ, 5 l( E. -?-- .s E { */.' a VAil. MElil' TOVAL TOVI'N OF\fAil DESIGN REI'IBT STAFF APPRO/AL pnre, lt'&o' o \jt(Iu9- tJq 7-7e 1{ IB I &,TAFF:c-, r -.:--- rr -ar r.tr=r- ,t| --;fl. ll ll 0c!'x0l0r'rv^ ,"#il:;tlJl ll --f-TT--Tl ll .r " C,.t q |"''..'l:;6.'".',;j||s''urtls'urvrtz.mNy{ooN0f,'s!N.:lal..lriou1..'..'.;-*1.l|ffi|gcifr'1 Eqry|. llwnrMwocr,]o:rccoraNrrxrsnururqrNqcnubllriiriii!'i'' lflllffi|]__ ' jl A g d 6 X>(I eL r9 ffi''l fil!+[ i I OFvFff FE1/IEW APPRO/AL o. ---. -,*,..rrTr! nL .',":- | ll ooydotoJ ltv^ .,. #,'Jf,i.gl lF---=f- -:l l€ *r . .,l !l l1,,,.1"Ltjt:i8l:r.,,u,,: ll I I s,nHr c r suM 8z' n0lNlflocNm:slll\1,'l z0l -'13roH I r. : ,;. :, t .: |Et llf- l t1------ffi== i-t4 15 Ei Fi I ["..lt$g-tgjI ll h{nr{r.'{o0No]roaol3Nlrxa8NlrrNNJa)Nrarsr8Llilllrri\rirlfjllffi(__]J (P7 FYxo IL H z -+av ,,lli !ii$i !F- 11 I !uti^;ti:ii* u"fffiii, f;ii'ffi il l-T.l-/lt g reffi Hr 1"}+if'tl f,ilw ai,k#|+F+ 6].:+# I i I I i" s! 4' iiri Illll $r hsd' Il^d9 I q? ffi w Jq qi €1 J $r 3i @ s H 8r s @ Jr| fl d EI EI 661 sl rtil TI oel ol 6r ' i6e J E Hq rtr @ l.l !I|Iil 8f dt rtli Eiliii, ffiH $ il d, i6ll TH6 l il" SE +' Ill Iir i. i,trfi{4+ L I+" .i!$6 !)!6+' I $i 6 I I *i 6 I I .t,- s!4' l rtl! sr l Lg{ +' I €!i g $i I : I!t g ,------=r;=:- , ,l '--: ll ll _rurm"l llml. L --:-,:_* ll ll ooruo]oJ.flv^ ,,,-s,ffil l#ld _e fl|\,'{',iiiidl-l.'.''i.'Cl|||s'[Hrt'sIMsz.',{r1NIr'{odN0J:tl]Mz0l..l1toH|;.Jj-*.''-".rE'l|#|E!5!=ili[".{i1uffi**!ltltWflNIt,{o(No]]m(yl3Nl'Iu]8}.uI'NN:1]N30mru|r.xiiiiiiiiliii|lJ||ffi|l"ti| EJ $ rs?d.ft+ F3 J lfiI l'-3l ]( $bs 'o Eo d5 z d_z {r4 -(7Y A. 9 r-ii @ 0-- - -. o-- o o o-'-. o +-- I j o o *kt'J+ 7 5*t+ V^r!ogF rOFP tOu>Jt t\:1 S 3S 4 $ * a E. *Pt6- d |b' l|lnl il <lcl $E .O LJc-ST4FF: Plannins Department Comments for Round 1 Buildinq Permit Submittals November 12.2007 o The approved plans include 101 accommodation units. The plans submifted for building permit review contains 102 accommodation units. Please provide detail on where this additional unit is and how it was achieved'in the approved bulk, mass, and height.r The limits of disturbance fence needs to include the three sidewalks which lead to the sidewalk along the Frontage Road. r Two of the three sidewalks connecting the project to the sidewalk along the Frontage Road are not depicted on the approved DRB set. A change to approved plans application will need to be submitted. o On Sheet A-1.0, Garage Level 1 and Garage Level 2, there appears to be a loss of one parking space on each floor and the western end of the level. A parking analysis will need to be submitted to ensure the loss of these spaces does not negatively impact the required parking. o The plans submifted for buiHing permits shows a different configuration for providing condo owner storage within the garage levels. Additionally why are ihere 3Astorage lockers on each of the Garage Level 1 and Garage Level 2 floor plans for 28 condos in the building? This change will need to be submitted, reviewed and approved. --r. The plans submitted for building permit show the differing types of units that were approved being moved around and relocated. Please provide information on whether or not there are the same number of studio units, one- bedrooms, and two-bedrooms within the project. o On Sheet A-1.1 Level 1, Unit 130 was a two-bedroom in the approved plans. This change and any others will need to be submitted, reviewed, and approved.. On Sheet A-1,2, Level 3, Unit 367 is shown to be the location of the EHU on the approved plans. Unit 365 is now shown as the EHU. Please provide information on whether or not there was a change in square footage of the EHU. lt appears it may be smaller. lf there is a reduction this change will need to be submitted, reviewed, and approved. o On Sheet A-1.2, Level 4, Units 455 and 464 are shown to be EHUs. On the approved plans Units 465 and 476 are shown to be the EHUs' In there relocation was square footage affected. lt appears they may be smaller. lf there is a reduction this change will need to be submitted, reviewed, and approved.o On Sheet A-4.0 the chimney on the east elevation appears to have been reduced in size from what was approved. Additionally, chimney caps have been added to several of the chimneys. Please provide details on the chimney cap. The chimney and chimney caps will require a change to approved plans. r On Sheet A-4.0 there is a sign shown on the south elevation. A separate design review sign application will need to be submitted, reviewed, and approved. Approval of the building permit will not include approval of any signage.. There were several chimneys added on the eastem half of the south elevation. Please submit a change to approved plans application. Several of these comments may create the need for a Change to Approved Plans Design Review application, depending on how they are addressed. '12 Vail Road Suite 600 Vail, CO 81657 PH (970) 476-1464 FAX (970) 47&1986 Memo To: From: GB: Dater Rer Wanen Campbell; George Ruther Greg Gastineau November 19,2007 Timberfine Lodge - Building Permit Commenb dated Noyember 19,2007 Please accept the following as Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC's written response to the Planning Department commenk we received from Safebuilt on November 19,2007. 1. The additional accommodation unit was created on Level 3 within the space previously occupied by a stairway and elevator that serviced the fourth floor (rooftop) spa deck. The creation of this additional unit did not affect the bulk, mass, height or exterior appearance of the building. 2. We will adjust the location of the fence in this area accordingly. It is unclear which sidewalks you are refening to, but I believe we added sidewalk connections of our that was approved on March 7 ,2007 . Per George Ruthe/s staff memo dated December 1 1 , 2006, the project requires a total of 156 parking spaces. I will assume that due to the fact that an additional AU was created, that requirement is now 152 The project is cunently designed with a total of 166 parking spaces. The condo storage unit configuration was changed as a result of input from our structJral engineer and precast concrete designer. This change occurs below grade and does not impact the GRFA, bulk, mass, or height of the building. As for the number of units, I dont believe there is a limit on the number of storage closets we are allowed to provide within the project. The project was approved on December 11, 2006 with a configuration of 101 AU's, 28 DU's, and 3 EHU's. This configuration remains the same with the exception of an additional AU per item #1 above. I don't believe the approval specified a requirement for different room types (studios, 1BR, or 2BR units), as this mix does not impact bulk, mass, height, or exterior appearance. Same answer as above. The EHU's that were approved on December 1 1, 2006 were approximatdy 474 square feet in size. The cunent EHU's are 486 square feet in size. The cfrange in location and size does not afiect the bulk, mass, height, or exterior appearance of the building. 5. Gtrft? rUo ffid' L.L€ 7. 8. , t,. I 9. The EHU's that were approved on December 1 1, 2006 were approximately 474 square feet in size. The cunent EHU's are 486 square feet in size. The change in location and size does not afiect the bulk, mass, height, or exterior appearance of the building. 10. Per my recent conversations with George Ruther, I have been led to believe that these minor changes could and would be approved at staff level. 11. We understand that a separate application will be required for any project signage. 12. Per my recent conversations with George Ruther, I have been led to believe that these minor changes could and would be approved at staff level. o Page 2 Lots lor ut+t} ., B**klr, &ck S^b.-/i^bth* L"ay (f' From: To: Date: Subject: George: "Greg Gastineau" <greg@timberlinere.com> "'George Ruthe/" <GRuther@vailgov.com> 0813112007 4:27 PM Timberline Lodge FILT COPT This email serves to confirm the issues that were discussed at this afternoon's meeting, and the direction that you've asked me to take. As discussed, there have been suggestions made by various peer review, and/or subcontractor consultants to improve the "constructability" of the Timberline Lodge project. ln some cases these suggestions involve minor adjustments to the exterior design that has been approved by the Town of Vail's Planning Commission and Design Review Board. So far, these suggestions include the following: 1. Adjustments to the roof pitch (5:12 at the small gables and main ridge line,4.25:12 at the main entry gable) 2. Addition of a "chimney like" feature at the mid point of the east wing of the building's roof to accommodate fresh air intake for the garage exhaust system. You have stated that these changes can be approved at staff level, but you would prefer to review and approve them all at once rather than one at a time as they arise. With that in mind, please accept this email as a record of our proposed changes to date. As always, I appreciate your time, cooperation, and willingness to allow the fine tuning of our project to proceed in this manner. Most sincerely, Greg Gastineau Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC ffitn b{tY oelEt.oFtGnt E*6n.ar.e Deeign Reuiew Board /a+s 7-/- ACTION FONM Department of Coramunity Development 75 South Frsntage Road, Vail. colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 far: 970.479.?r+52 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name; TIMBERUNE ROOST CHANGE Project Description: DRB Number: DR8070192 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO CHANGE THE BUILDING EXTERIOR DUE TO BUILDING CODE COMPUANCE ISSUES Partacipants: owNER TIMBERUNE ROOST LODGE LLC O5lt4l2OO7 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT TIMBERUNE ROOST LODGE LLC O5I T4I2OO7 12 VAIL RD VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddressr 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL THE ROOST LODGE Location: Legal Descriptions Lot:9-12 Block Subdivision: BUFFERCREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2tr03-123-0200-1 Comments: See C.ondition BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byi Mike Dantas Second By: Tom DuBois vote: 4-01 (Dunning abstained Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P1AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oi final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenHy pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2o.oo Action: APPROVED Date of ApprovaF A610612007 Changes To The Approved PlansffiDepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479'2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring dbsign review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicaUon. Please refer to the submittal rfequirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. beiign review approval tapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenees within one year of the apprcval. Application for Design Review Description the Requesk clle(^lcdrK +D t^llti.r^rb @191Jry- DJIF 10 ts"\vDu\R" Location of the Lot;1-tL abct: Physical Address: Name(s) of owner(s)r trwruafr,tasta Vpe<f wocdt wC-, Owner(s) Signature(s)l Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: fu\6 * 14llI,{9 E-mail Address: 4tc4 0*ltabarhne re..(r'h^ Fax: \, TJ Type of Review and Fee: E Chanoes to Aoproved Plans Submittal Requirements: vP c) 3 D a\ -o tJ 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoning: $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Mailing Address: Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approvedilans-l-lcage-05-1 1-2006 doc WEST ELEVATION 0f?PoItrb SCALE' lo=16'4' PARKNGGAIIAGE EXHAUST - ORIGINAT tr71 R lslq\r LE\ML I . WEST END - FLOOR PLA}T WEST ELEVATION 56ALEr l"=16''0"?noPggsb L-EVEL 1 - \4/EST END - FL00R PLAI'I %NE lo=lb''A' a G-a1 PARKING GARAGEEXHAUST - OPTION I 7l Ql E] rullli IU.Y *lb dlE.ftli. ff$\J-t/ {l 6\F t1 B+ :-iF i';:1 s ir: nI d 1! oir*i rJ.{| >lllll. rl9 tul_"p* Ull.i{1 u|| ir -+- \, iy 31 + iZ ++? /1,ke D.&'5 (oit: \-0 - o 6'G.o-7 r \FUJ \- L' L'c l g;C 6a-o-t Ln)c' '-., I''- ,l I lrIO'U)'V I t \/'L^J(- I TON'Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxt 97 0.47 9.2452 web: wwwci,vail.co.us ProjectName: TheRoost DRBNumber: DR8030184 Project Description: Common Element - Repair deck with new rails and spindles and redwood decking PaRicipants! OWNER JOHN & RENEE LLC 05/2912003 Phone: K A MCKENZIE FIRST FAMILY LP PO BOX 2141 GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81602 License; APPUCANT Lester Warpecha 05129/2003 Phone: 476-9158 1783 N Frontage Rd W Vail, CO 81557 License: Project Address: 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: Roost Lodge, LLC Legal Description: Lot: 9, 1 Block: Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 210312302001 Comments! BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Viele Vote: 4-0 DateofApproval: 06/18/2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond;0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005940 Entire railing must be completd to match. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit as issued and construction commencs within one year of the approva!. Location of the Proposal: Loil 9 -/l elock:- Subdivision: Brrppen Creer R€suts Physical Addressr Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:lE STtr E A)AE ct-l ^Mailing Address:5'+ilE As *Eode Parcel No.: llO3ll3Diloot (ContactEagleCo.Assessorat9T0-328-8640forparcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Phone: Fax: X Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallt etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the No F"" D.tign Review Board. R Ei ; l\l E U Type of Review and Fee: ! Signs fl Conceptual Review n New Construction! Addition $6so $300 $2s0 $20 T^.ol*' %,-61un fI t'1,$ o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.tr Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II, REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: tr Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of t2102107102 Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Winclows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERIAI.S Tvoe of lrlaterial C,olor Tc rt Pase 6 of I2|OZ|O7l0z v t \ N N h R B $ { s I $ \ Fa( qi pi I sl FI NI $$i o ,' r\ I /r'tt'/l o $$ $$/' ,' ,'/t/ /,,s N$ N '\ $r\ffil Nlil {l i L- ---r Il__l \ dtd tLT t/ ,'///,'/r/ /,, ,'/ /,',/ / \ t-.. t.. \ \--.t'.. \ \'.. \"\\ \ I I .?'.*gl i i I i i a! urJ lF t I'iit: i.f I 1t. I ; 1I Il '; 1 '! 'ffffi, i: