HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK RESUBDIVISION LOT 41 MEADOW BROOK CONDO LEGAL - - ���1��� '�l\��� l . 1 ' � � �C'���,� � �„ NaTE: THIS PERMIT N�UST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES �y TOWNOF YAIL ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit # : B9�-0�89 ?S Sauth Fro�iage Road Departmenf of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 Job Addre�s : 1885 BUFFEHR CREEK RD 5tatus . . . : ISSUED 970-479-2138/479-2139 Location. . . : Applied. . : 06�221�995 FAX 970-479-2452 Parcel No. . : 2103-123-05-f3�0 Issued. . . : 06/22/1995 Project No. : Expires . . : 12/].9/1995 APPLTCANT CFP ENTERPRTSES Fhone: 3039262816 P� BQX 6�1 , EDWARDS, CO 81632 CONTRACTOR CFP ENTERPRISES Phone: 30�9262816 PO BOX 661, EDWA�DS, CO 81632 �'WNER BUFFEHR CREEK HOME OWNERS ASSOC Description: RERQOF Occupancy: Rl Mult�-Fami.�.y Type Construction: � 1HR Not �n table! �'ype Occupancy: Va1.ua�iQn: 15, 30U Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Informatian: Restricted: qOf Ges Appliances: llof Gas Logs: q4f 4loodfPallet: iricic*ic�k*�t**ic*iric***lricint**int*irA-k*�ricic*int***�Hrir*icicinticirlcirirkir*ir** FEE SUMMARY *�ticiri:�hk*ir***ic*intlr*�iririck�k**lricirk*ir***�t*�ticirir**irir**1rk*icicir*iric** Building-----> 205.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> .4Q Total Calcutated Fees---> 491_25 Plan Check---> 133.25 DRB fee-----------------> 50.00 Additional Fees---------> .6D Investigation> .OD Recreation Fee----------> .�00 Total Permit Fee--------> 491.25 Will Call°---> 3.00 fLean-Up �eposit--------> 100.00 Payments---------------> 491.25 TOTAL FEES--------------> 449.25 BALANCE DUE-------------> .Q� *!r*�Jric****�k**:k******ir*it**it*�tir*int�ti***itlr*�lr*�rit***it*1r****#*1r**ic*************ir*�t******ic*1r**�t***iria*ir*******1r******:k*�t**irint***�k;F******ir** �tem: 05100 BUILD�NG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 06�22�1995 DAN Actian: APFR - I�.em: 05400 PLANNiNG 1]EPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division: 06�22�I995 DAN Action: APPR G��RGE A�'PROVED 6-21-95 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPAI�TMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 06�22��995 DAN Action: APPR N,/A Item: 05500 PUBLIC W�3RKS Dept : PUB WORK Division: 06�22�1995 DAN Action: A�PR N/A ��***�*********,��x,�,�****�,�***,�******�**��,r*�,t***�***�:*�*******:�*��****************�r*�r*��**,�********* �e� Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARAT30NS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that a�l the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information ar�d plot plan, to comply uith all Town ordinances and state laus, and to build this structure according to the Town's aoning and subdivision codes, design revieN approved, Un9form Buildi�g Code and other ordinances of the Town appticable thereto. REQUESTS FdR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E MADE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAIVCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 0 AT OUR OFfICE fROM 8'00 AN 5.00 PM �F �� Send Clean-Up D�posit To: SIGNATURE OF 41NER OR tON7RAC7 R FOR HIMSELf ANb� 04fNER ���RECY'CLED PAPER ' • ' � � « ******** # ****************,r*****************��*�r*�*****��***,�*�********* TOWN OF YAIL _ 71��`nmtittFr�rtta�9�ac�fdil 8 4 a s o f 0 6�2 2�+'9 5 1?epartment�����tuni���vpment �*''�1'zi�l*��1�41��84f�.5'�***************�*�*,�**,��,��,�************************************ 970-474-2138/479-2139 ,������c�� ADD�ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 06�22�1995 Applicant: CFP ENTERPRISES Issued: 06f22�1995 3�39262816 To Expire : �2/19/1995 Job Address : Location: Parcel No: 2103-123-05-OOb Description: REROOF Conditions : 1 . FTELD II�SPECTIOI�S ARE REQUIRED TD CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ���RECYCLEDPAPER • • • rf ���.��J4���r��1� � � . . ` � ''���� . . .. .. �,, . � - . T4WN OF VAIL C�N�TRUCTIOIJ �'��`��T �� �PARCEL 4�:._:n/L7 �-�!'j_� 'Gj -C�`L t ' PERMIT APPLICATIO�1 FORM � .`� , ,,�f,, DATE• . APPLICATI4N MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT �MAY' 'AT(}'� BE' AC���'TED �********���t�t*������*****�r**** PERMIT INFORMATION **�r***�r********�************� [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ J-Electrical [ ] -Mechanical �/j--Other �e��,�`�'_ . Job Name: Job Address: /�� �C/�'�,Z' �'k���i�. �/'�/� �a. Legal Description: Lot Black Filing SULDIVISION: Ownars Name: f�?/�� ���,�'�� /�-�'�', Address: €L��,�• Ph. Architect: 1' �- Address: Ph. Genera�. Description: �,�2�'�, �� .1� _ �G� � Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Al�e�ation ( ]-Additiona3 [�j-Repair � ]-Other 7 � Number of awel�ing Units: �� Nu�nber of Accommodatian Units: � N mber and Type of Fa,replaces: Gas Appliances � { Gas Logs � Wood/Pellet ,� �� �� ����*�t�******�**�t**�t��*******�*�* VALUATIONS ******�t***�*�*��*��*�*��t*�**�**** BUILDING: # ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: � ��5.�G� PLUMBII�G: � MECHANICAL: $ TOTAL: � *************************** CONTRACTOR INFOF2MATION **************************� eneral Contractor: ' r` /L�, , Tawn of Vail Reg. N0. --�' Address: "� Ph4ne Number: '� -- � � ;����r�^�,�-,�-- - Electrical Contractar: ��,� / Town of Uai� Reg. NO._�y� Address: ~� Phone Number: Plumbing Contrac�or: � Town of Vail Reg. i�0._��� Address: Phone Number: Mechanica]. Cvntractor: Town a� Vail Reg. NO.��� Address: Phone Number: ****��r***�***���t***�t**���r�r**�t�** FUR OFFICE USE **�*�******���������t���������** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: �U�LDING PLAN CH£CK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING F7�AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PLP.N CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATION FEE: OTHER TXP� OF FEE: CLEAN-UF DEPOSIT: DRB FE�: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GRpUP SQ.FT. VALUATION BUILDING: �,�,�f�:��'�- / �,�f'-�',�'�� �'�° �-tI� � � S IGNATUR£: ZONING: S I GNATURE: - ��� �� ��f,�f :I Comments: L" � CLEAN UP DEP 05I'� REFOPTD TD: � � - . ' � . � • . MEM4RANDUM T4: AL�. C4NTRAGTORS FR�M: T�WH OF V�IL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DQTE: MAY 9, 1994 RE: WHEN A "FUBLIC WAY PERMIT` IS REQUtREQ Jab Name: � Date: s� Please answer the fo�lawing questionnaire regarding ihe need iar a "Public Way Permit": YES NQ � 1) Is this a new residence� 2j Is demolition work being perfiormed that requires the �se of the rigt�t � � o# way, easements or publie property? � 3) Is any utility work �eeded? ✓ 4) fs ihs d�iveway b�ing r�p�ved? �) !s �ifferent access need�d to s+#e � ot�er than existing driveway? 6) Is any drainage work being dane '� afiecting the right of way, easemer�ts, � or public p�op�rty? 7} Is a "Revocab�e Right � Way Permit" � required? 8) p. Is the r�ght of way, easements or . v'" �ub9ic property #o be used tor staging, pa�cing or fencing? - B. If no to 8A, is a parking, staging �' or fer�cing plan required by Community Developmsr�t? If you a�swered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" mvst be obtain�d. "Public Way Permit" applicatior�s may be obtained at tF�e Public Work's ofiice or at Community Develapment. !f you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town � of Vaif �onstruction Inspector, at 479-2158. I hav� read and answer�d all the above ques 'or�s. ��� � � � � ���•- ,�`. _ Jo ame Contraet s Signaiu Date , � „ . � � � . � - - A�i� �� to�� ot ua� 75 soulh frontage road vail, calorada 8�657 (303) 479,2138 or 479-2134 oitice of community develapment TO: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL FROM: �OWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: MARCH 16, 1988 SUBJ£CT: C�NSTRUCTI�N PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states tha� it is unlawful fvr any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, includi.ng trash dumpsters, portabl.e toi�ets and workmen vehicZes ugon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right�of-way on all Town of Vai1 streets and roac3s i.s approximately 5 ft. aff pavem�nt. This oardinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Pexsons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour writter► notice ta remove said ma�ezial. In the event the person so ndtified does not comply with the notiee within the 24 hour tirne speczfied, the P�blic Works L�epaztment will remove saa.d material at the expense ot' person notified. The pravisians of this ordinance shall not be applicable to constructiQn, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. b in �ull, piease stop by the Town of Va�l Building Department ta obtain a capy. Thank you for your cooperation on thi� matter. Read and acknawl dg�d by: � ��� , -t,� �e.�'�` � �J�Gt��'�i' 1��'`. �L �ositi.on/Re ationship �o Pro 'ect i.e. co 7 ( ntractar, owner) �Date ~ � � r ' ` • • ' � � ' i . � - ��l� �� • ta�� of uai 75 south frontag� road vail, colorado 81857 � (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 offlce oT community development BUILDING PERh1IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAP9E If thi.s permi.t requi.res a Town of Vail Fire �e,�artment Approval , Engineer'�s (.Public Works) review and approval , a P�annir�g Bepartment review or Health Department review, and a rev�ew by the Build�ng Department, tlie estimated time for a total review may take as long as tfiree weeks . All commercial (:large or small } a�d a�l multi-far�ily permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximu� requTrements , R�sidentia� and small pro,aect5 should take a lesser amour�t of t�me. Howewer, if resadQntia� or smal�er projects impact the warious above mentioned departme�ts wit�i. regard ta necessary review, these projects may a�so tai�e ttie ttiree �eek period. Every attempt wi'il be made 6y this department tv expedite this permi:t as. soon as possib�e. � I , t�ie undersigned, understand the plan check p�acedure and time frarne. C��.��� � � c� j�,l���'%• 1�l-': � � � ,,.1�e-� � Agreed to y., � �PrQje ame Date Work Sheet was turned into t e Community Development De�artment.