HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 LOT 3 ANTLERS COMMON (2)I I Pago 1 Re.Ju€st*.1 Insprcr l{tlr: Tussdny, FeOtuary t2, i00; Insp€itlon Area: GG srte Addrass : 33lj tl8ll8liEtr Slud!*ot *o*Do's. AIP,D Intoqrnaiqon Acthfiv: EiOG0{r58 TvD€r MF BUlt.D Srr$ i'/r.'€ iqFAM Stflm: lSguED Cmst Tyyr6: Occupancv: o0ol O'se ' fnsp fuw: GG Parcel: 2101O72t'6mO AD,olhont: CAS$ONBUIIDIIiGCoRP'ORATION Phoce. 3O3€9S150O Reb?€E€ni: PAUL Phone- (3ol) 359-9580 Coirta6r: CASSOIIBUILD|NGCOnPORATPI.,I Plione: 3O$691'15Ot) O*ner: A{TLERSCONDOASSOC Fhone: 94$5366 Dsctlpdon: 14 COllFo.9,? EHUS: LEvEt. GAIIAGEAD[4ltJiCOMiJOfi ARE Cominant Plannlrru wllt sion olt on the TCO uron Buildino E€o€ftpenl spprovats le/12,?1 - GRUTHER Comfipnt Ttrc oarfrlno aldo cc.lnflaurdrori of tlie prooosedmrftftrq sfuctr.ite hav€ b€en te$ilYed. - CDAVIS COMTTNT: Ah!TLER$TCASSON BULD{NG HAS FfuLED'TO REPAVE THE 6KE PAIH TI{AT WAS DAIbiAGED IN SFRh'G OF ?qN. IJPEAK WAS TO REPAIIR FATTI tsIJT \ftJEATI"IER I.{A:i PUT A DAIiPER Of'I Ti€ PLAN$. - LSAI,IDOVAL Comment zutlDll.lc PERMIT FEss AND FLAN CXFCK FEES I{AVE BEEN AMU€ND€D P€R 6AFY GOODELL TIE B.O. BP FEES HAVE BEEN CREDITED $2568.00 PC FEES HAVE BEEN CREDITED 5223620 CREOITB t{AvE COilE FROin PREV|OTJSLY rSSt'ECr PERMTT$ OO(LOOOS & B.X}OO27, - CIiARLIE Comment: lhave comDldrd n Fr€tlmin€rv tevi*r.v. Tlt€ folb|inq tt$r.6s must b,s sddre3sed. M|nor altarrflon$ to lhe ortedor buildnc rnderials iE r6rouirc<l to comolv w[6 the l)RB approved sdt c.f drns. Ar$n|onal nolas rtd bbsltno of the ilrfts ts rpqutred'to to vErlF., Ctr-{B/PEC con lFlon! ot apDrove l. Laslly, t3 toru€d b utl|h tlle ,S',il*l;kl ffi&ffrriOe taVntn ol spar os {nusl b,c amcnded io f ully compty wilh $€ mh}mum zonhg code Reque3bd _lfi Ersc0jr{.si Flequested Time: 08;00 AII- Phone: 3O$690-150t) €nhredBy: DFLORES K F.€ouested Tlrnel 08:00 AIS' Fhona: 303-6-9O.15(x1 Emsred8y: OFLORES K lhmi 90 BLDS.Flnal CA$$ON BUILD{I{G SORPORA TloNRcqugbr: Commerd3: A$rlgr€d To: Actlon: {oQ e.l "ttP.fffcrtj /t(S ffa,4 In$ftr:tlon i{lstoay It m. 5Cr2 Pw-Rotroh or'de '' Aoorowd '- 09/25Jhl- |nslcciol; Ls " Acton. APApPRovED Comm€fi$: SOUTtl SlbE OF DRIVEWAY ENTRAT'JCE lcl UNffRGRO{-ID GARAGE. C0}.|CRE'IE PA I. A$JD CURB A}.ID GUTTER TO BIKE PATH. CNLY.08 €V01 lnspactor': L.$ Actlon: APAPPROVED Cofixt|er{r: AFFROVFD FROM AIXE PATH TO I''ILFT AAST, ONLY )tern: 5O3 Plty.Flnal drlv€!'vq/ gtad. " AFpto\'td " Run Id.: 1334 1 ?mtb,,ua --/'?' Acf,on:-lCo bril ru Apff-,v-o #I r /NJsnaLLr\r'l.Vtn*, tftc -'-.Frrf wfl. 02-12-2002 lnspecfion Regue*t Reooftlng :7:19_am _ -., _yatl-,co-_T0t{l{H-cE- REPTl31 ,ijr Ti:t6ra0T 7:12 am lnspec$onloguest Rsporths ------TrdT* ,uAtL, co " rQt{UlLoE_*j_ Rcgue$led lnrp€ct O!te: Tu_esdtti ltovember 20, 20Ol|lrsficti$n Areai GlGSIb AddrEsS; 680 TJONSHEAD PL VAL 060 uoilsHFAo pL AilTLERSCOf,|DO.S. ArPnl|nlbnmflon Acttvtv: Cocd Tlpc: Prird: Amllcenl: R6ne!on: Cdtactor:frnat: D6crb0ori: Comineil Conmqnt ConEnnt Comnaril: HXI0068 lype: MF-BU[_o SubT)pe: MFAI Strtur: |SS|JEDlt'i'??.*(m Occrrpoity: 0d0i -- -"- ffso. kFpArE, Cd--- ffiOnaUUnOCORFORAjnOFI Phon€: 3o6.-sgo.,t56pffio"o* mi ffii#:i^?-Ug),srl EHtt6J LEVEL cARApE"lornvcorrmci'iAFE - '- ----ffiffiffi "Fl.tlrtls.-tS fi[)OtAL zuE.DII'G PERilIT F-ESS A^E PL1N C'iE9K FEES I{AVE BEEry-4UE-tqq PER GARY WOEtt T}G9-9.1r?!e.Es_EA\/E eeeN cneonr6 l?_rsi-mH} Fi-E-s!!4!E EqEN CRED|TED E2236.20 CREOrrsIt3g ggF_IBg! pp:r/torrsry F$NED ptCrins Doo-o0da-dirii::df,ftits a.a CORFORATION Rcquerrd Tlme: 0f :00 ffiPtnne: 3{}3.6fl1't500 Ertur.d q^ DFLORES t( ectfflfugTv ]onntLtTL (.*{nlsr o?rerqftlvlrc codtPtE-TE un[tET UNrrs Ltbrtp fttutr 3 t-7 lrrt: 5ft! CLl ,10nNrtr'* frfP0a;v+L ifuqrrW LwWA'e.E tanPnrt riq'- ftLL 6qe n-t} 0-l*1* A-.- - mzMl hrpq@l Lg -- -'-'-rsfron-r" fp-|irpp6r6g_q9!!$rrte: rFPrRovED FRfl B|KE PATH To'tm_eT E&i., ouilv.--ign: 5o3 Frvfi1g_dtrrwsvqrEd. -;-Aii;{dl';'- - ruruuiot n|D.ctor; h '- ,l$rft: Ap ApPROVEDcorrnrrns: Fhit .ftn wilrr cason arum remci,i?A 6 19 din iAA oa grlrq|ry |lo|.dd br hca u|tt t 3i.t ffi wlul t CtI|t ad at r[a. CrrE$ tlo*-orEtebfu;iEiil-ei b.r I rffar tmk rta.r. r.r.--wwfnl Icrdwdatrb. crcssdopep.!taSty.xa.6 aX Unf rn6nf |ook-rtfF. rn& ro *ogrqglldffio F tld'qmi:lEY ontv' - s(ioilw lrrlp€ff _9q_ . Acdon. PAPARTIALAPPROVA!.co{nfrr.rst. F,AF lAt APPRWAI o7to7r'o0 tnffcsr: co Ad{on: cocERTffFloirEoFocclJpAlrlc REHT131 Run ) o .za*_.*__*-_ - o l\I $g4vernurt t kf/pr.+ ltrnte -- kre'aoy Flrquifbd Inrg|ct Drb:Arilcn d To: lruD.c.idnTyD.: fndrccdon Arir:Slbldrccs: Effiffi*n tt|€fr 07,2(xrl ELDG GGtrGauu'&I,n/tf,kt.2lt5t "/P U O4, P4 ln/rL-N m{Xl6B T}pe: UFA,ILD Ooflrponly (xD1 2t0107206{m CASSON BT'f, DS.IG CORPORATION PAI.'L 6&} UOT{SHEAD PLVAIL 6gt uoflsHEAD R' AIIITLERSCOilIX}S. SUUtt: filpArE: sslrEo GG Fhone: 303€{X}15fi} Ptpne: (fl}3)359$89Ptun: XF€9$15fi) Phona: g4trXFB Et.f.Ofi,|G FERST FESS AID PU{V CrEcK FEES HAVE BEEN AlttrltDED PER C'ARY GOODELT T}C B.O. BP FEES HAVE BEEf.I CREDITEO $2568.00 PC FEES HAI/E BEEN CRED{TED 12236'0 CREDITS I'tA\rE COilE FROil FRErnOt Sry lsST ED FERtilTS D(xHr(xlE & B0t!0m7. - CF|AR[,E B.O. BP FEES HA\G BEEf.I CREDITED $2568.00 PC FEES HAI/E BEEN CRED{TED I'IA\G COilE FROil FREVTOI STy tSSrrED FERM|TS D(xHr(xlE & B0t!0m7. - CFIAI I |Ivr comD|.btl r D0alr*sry rn lew. Tho lb{ot|ktg hal! m'd bc add|fl.t|. lffnorI |rwcoml|bdr Do.ftturv.mrbqfqEmfrrbbb|ib deuhad lo comDtv rvifi- lhc DRB aDfilovrd |1ll of Dfir. Ad.ffifid |r* tld ub.d'to to vEdfy ffi&PEC con<fuoni of ap'p|oit|l. Lrdy,r| al[d b $l0l trff b}urrt otqft;.3 mtrt bc amcnttod b fufry oomplyvtilt th. nthf,nrn aonfn rrvtew. The lb{o*ftio ha.n! m'd bc add|fl.t|. ftftor albfdona bt| ruhd lo comDly rvil1-lhc DRB aDrilovrd rd of Dfir. A.l(ftnal |r* '|ditotovEffv ffi&PEC conduoni of ap'p|oit|l. Lrdy,r| ai|td b $l0l tr iluut of sDirc.s mrrt b. rrn$dod b lbhy cofirofy YUilt rha mhsrrltl Soo|no cofi t|acessoil SPRSEItrAXN.A/PEA(Ptlfls.-Ls $rocnrt|. f!||rhg for -2 Intl flrlh|frco oltlca 2 lbr.ilc cloc.t8 d -1 ||rBt1r|(lda|lto.da.la-l hd ffirffi gl!(l wilr condtbn b crfighhfy t ctm atd HJr .| mcid &IdB oo bdl r5c d ffi S'r*rr rr*r*uRE Ar rl* -2 ArrD € LEvE's -FR$JMI FOR EXTERIOR SOFFTTS COifi^S!*'lG Fltr PROTECTIO}{ tf,.lES FROil l.EW STRTJCTIfiE TC' OLI} MAf.lTEt€E OFFrcE € LEI/EL-Str"vgLsTonffie .3 LE\JEL CRANE EI.ICLOSI'IE Tmuoory ollcs h pdflng grfrg..Prrl*r e p*e hvil,'mdlion'3od lrilrtltg. ffiWdmft hvot,or$t itc.r mttsil b. iln ndod b rttiltsnd{r-'-OE F€auc.re{rn.o.coodc} n /?novna t1'//7H fl/pd+ Frt arur r bnna €/ap8f445t(2 Ta Tour 6Uan --r*K45t /?4y,2.a,. fEor: t0 BLoo-Frfiilnq R€au€t dTlm.: 0E:00 Aff / ---tL(- !l.!in|qr: gnSSOilBlJ[.DnEcoRPoRATtolt|,Plul Phonc: Ili]-j6&96DCooitu|r Bcrpur u[ Ardorr.lTo: CDAt/tS €nl,.d* LcAilPaELL K- Acdoo: Tlme Exo:hmcoiln tili: nfrnS[EigtEEL FR rdilG'l,"EgEI-2EEm{DilAINIE}.lcE OFFEE hbq|htg of ih. Fbtr b rlqub.d'lo to lgnfy LEVEL -3 lECllll$lL ROOi'tbtl CoilIt'dii: PARTNL FRATMF : APPR UP'PER PAITKIT.IG CR^NE AREA OiT.Y. APPR FRAIflI,tO F(Xl $TONIAO€ I-I S/W CORI.IER LOI'VER PARKNC} AREA APPR FRA'NCI L(III'ER ELEC METER ET.ICLOST'RE. APPR FR^lfiNG II.ITO I'VATER VALVE ROCIM. APPR FRAM|G LC'I\IER PARKNG STORAGE € AREAS). APPN LOU,ER PAIIKSIG EAST STORAGE AREA. {NEED'TO FRAIT.E 4X6AREAATXACENT. APPR FRATil|G ON ELECTRICAL SERI'ICE METER RY. tamCoorttr|rlc; knCofit|tn|*r: n rD Conxm|ir: btrConI|Enb: IcmCocments; bmConmenb: Intlacdon Flktorv lldn:hm: fr.m: 6.\2 Pw-Roughgr.d. .Optbrj) 5(x} Pw-Fhaldn8f,rror..h fffiordtl0 BtDeFodEE/$*f (Od$ndl ftAoprancd " O7ioilifi- higlsbr: CD - Acflon: PA PARTIAL APPROT/AL Comm€rilr: PARTUT APPRCTV L sr6tH: tfAlrAailt ll,: CofiCTynE; PaiGal: ADDfcent RdD.c6nl: Cd5lcioc O|'|c|: DGcrb0on:l$[cr: Co|rxrlent Cottnnr|rt Corrnr€fit , GARACE"ADilhUCOII||I,|OT'I ARE ot tlr umbcd ocrldno l8uctrrc lurre b*n r6.fvd. - GRUTTGR G HAS FAI-ED TO REPAVE TIE 8[(E PATH T}TAT WAs DAT'ACED IN \S TO REPAIR PATH BUT WEATFGR HAS ruT A DAFER OIII T}G REgr131 ,1" Run Id: 442 ADDTL COrnF - | E D.d orld C6r4 U t 6s .och ttEY 3 D Do(b flu fffltgffifor uill dgtld 2.5 rF E G Concclbns: b rih ax rc o7liz{vq}Ccnm.|ll: o?i?fJwCffin nb: 072400 Commfiti: hlD.doc cD Arfoo: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCTPAI.|CY IDDTL COitlS - todlo Da.t lt l D D.d[t il tEo tlft {l t C trd al nm. Fooffio }4.7 fr X O Gaconrdon: !(ltgr||-rdDff nideti mrfrtbh o mhBnrrn of3dffirnce fiofli SIEGR^tr.Alo m|.t nDtcat4 bbr rvtr t6 bsn {f, oohtrrlrds bodm 3bp b thd boatl.fr'lo.ctr CD ACThO; PAPARTnL,\PPROT,A- PA?TUIL APPROVALhrorcbc cD Acio't: cocERTFtcATEOf OCCUP I€Y ADTL COI$IS - on slb d I l:,{Ft?$5 crllod ifi. wlH cdl t twho no afffi hb On on db b dflcr tla hrpaclor h6l b raquFad lo bc lnsD.dhdfiEf'm ltrD.cbr: CD Adon: DNDET{ED Conxns$: EMED lrD*bfi ADDTLO o?8e,00Coilnl|b: 07r?6/00Coilns$:{40#mCorrndr:al}rym Comrantr:(pcvm Co||ut rtr: m€o/m ComnanEl 0tr3$mComru8: 801/OO Conrnrdr; {lg/()t/OO Comflr||l3:09{3tx} Cgnfitanlr:{9t3,fl}Commrl3:t(}[li,m Co,tutritb:t{v1$m Cdnnt.|ltr;{ot{vm Co0msrE: OTlOTfn hrDecb; CD A.don: COCERTIFIC'ATEOFOCCIP I.ICYComililr: ADDTLCofff,lB- lstfliloleletrabrsh.dtrtids l columnoillCSx4c4tyt cofinm2cDlul,E crtl b8 r 5,6 C5 t Dc cdufins Thsc b aconcafn h tha olStlbr llrdt rusf iifiidt t|rt coftcf* doYsur wltlt f dttcun |o ohln du. b tfn .[no{.[|t of 3tsol h de$lsr and charanoc bdwst lhr drd rdd thc c|.rr*rccs bdr€gl th3 ?onns }/t b +acod l|oyil/er ul.|e h not.nough d.rnnca. Thr bdno aogtcv txord$hn sfiotdcl be hvoi,€d fo h.b Yril| |hb Fqre Oil/lolm trordr:- dD - - Acdon: CoCERTIFICATEOFOCCIPAI.ICY con r|.nt3l ADTL COtfitS' E ST WALL GRE Ut* .1.7 X eH C4 COLUUN GRE) LnC C.5 X a WALL AM) COLUIihI GRID F.G: X 2 O7l100O hprcb|; CD Acdon: PAPARTIiALAFPRO{',AL ltr *br: CD Acdott: PAPARTIALAPPRCVAL PARTIAAPFROVALlrordor: CO Adlut: COCERIFrcATE OFOCCIJPAI{CY ADDTL Col|fi|rs - foodm lrq.ftl FD x 2*{|rptcbr: GRC} Acdo{u PA PARTIAL IFPROIIA AT}IORT}EAST CCIRI.IER h|Facbc CD Ac$on: PA PARTIAL A'PRCVAL noiurJ.hbyrdhllu hcDecloc -CD - Ardon: COCERTFICATEOFOCCUPA!.ICY ADDTT COrflS - 3tootn6 qltb3x 83.4 x A.6.2 r C8lrodc CD Arfon: CO CERTFEATE OF OCCI PAI{CY hs$t: CD PARTIALA'PROVAL Acilon: PA PARTIAL ATtPROVAL h|Docb.: CD Acfiofl: COCERnFEATE OFOCCIJPAIICY ADDTL COIMF . FCIOThIG AT GR[) F 2 X 7.2 LlI# FOOTING AT GRID DS X 2.IADUIL COmF . FOOTh|G AT GR[) F 2 X 7 -2 Lll# FOOTING AT CRID D.8 I 2-J !+E i FOOrilG PIDS AT 9RF e X 2 Ln\|E. F2 X 2 Lll.|E AhD E X 2 Att FOOTe.rc PADS ARE L$83 cof€TRtJcTEDAE C2 PADS 16 X 16 18$ -2ndillftrt dmflfkl 6r \l\ JRM J3,Jilc.f4 FOOTE JRH t+r*r'\!-L:ffi PART1ALAPPROI/A Acdon: PAPARTI LAPPROVAL PA \ril,\$\< \S,u$ Lt\S\ llrm: 2OBLD&Fom(lt[orVSlrll loltbn$ "ADDrolr€d-Cftl0?,fr trDgtlor: CD Acdon: PAPARTIr{-AFPROI/AL cornm.r$r: PAIITIILAPFRoVAL IIISTALLED {2o) f6S EACH WAY AtL OT}IER COLlJMtlS APPI RES|SPECTb.| DtE TO l3T SET OF COLUMI.IS t6\rE BEEN\\rt\ * {,i -;}vq!Fr"-h $ffifiEfdffiHffni3iF^"F#ft ttl*S'" r\ \IQA.\r ffiffi,€**Co0mrilr: udf ll0.so-b o7l1000 ltrilcbf; cD Acdon: PAPARTnLAFPf i'\)"', r \rt,, ,''lWlilSififfi*E5ovAt Adbn: cocERrFrcAreeY \ \'. ;1.1 \\ta{comirrl* ffihF"ffi, -rRf#.ffiPrl.Jlfu.5f;.Effi,[b$ flfi/ld0n h*ordoc CD Alilon: @CERTIFIC.AIEOFOCC{PAT.ICY Comnerss; ADbTL @tlHS - rho ln$D€cbd (21C2 colunnrs O7l21m h$.dhr: CD "Acuon. COCERTIFICATEOFOCCTPAT'ICY Co||ilr.nt}; ADDTL COilIS - ? COLUId{S ORID F.2 x 4 & G x 4 WALL SECTKIN G x 4.7 iIJST COMPLEIE ASSEIfLY EYADOhfil cOtlT. TOP BARS Al,lO FORUS. APPR0\,ED PTAZA LEVEL LIhES I' E THRU F LI}E$ (PIAIiITER)COAVIS .ACilON: APAFIFRO\GD ffiO: PAPARTIALAPFROVAL Acjon: PAPARTTALAPPRO/AL .4e|dErD620f66reiert|S.mhfmmd3 REPT13J. a Rrn Id: 442 o 07ff/00 TRHU D.6 ltt/W WALL PARKII.F LEVEL Request A.don: COCERTFICAIE OF CX EVATOR"AFPROI/ED €LEC CAH :VELGARAGE Arilon: PAPARTIALAPPRO/A Acflon: PAPARTUL APPROVAL Acfon' PA PARTIA| A:PROVAL APPROVAL Pagp 5 fi.. Colrmcnt!: l'. r t'..1, t. t :;. tL: | .0?31100 ..i0f3l/o0 'fiEo.cbr JRU A.don: COCERTFICAIEOFOCCIJPAI.ICY CO|rm'N!': ADbTL COM$S - STARS AID ELEVATORAFPROI/ED €LEC CAHNET BASE APPR I.OIE 5 APPRCh/AL y'! ,;'t, 'i 5t.t.07/31/00 h|DccbG JRM . CfiflrNlT. APPRC'I/ED 2 LFT ON t Cslrn*rtt:rftiliwfl0glB0O-lmF.cbfrCoiln nti: WALGfi ---tEiifit 'dil*T;.--qt ccinnftb:'|ftiliwfloglFm-hr.!.rlofi CDCoiln nti: WALLGRf,'I-2XD.-F I/ERTSARE'SS ADDTLCOIATS - ALSO D€SCI'SEDPOSIT TENSbNS hISPECTOR. A REPORT AT.D PI-A}S WN-L FOIIfl\,hrodor: CD Acilon: PAPARTIALW18O0 hndor CD At{on: PA Co|tmorils: lo'cofrmnr G/2iy00 Conntrnb; (n/:?gm Comneilr: sa8rm Co0mrnbi G}E?M Co0m.nb:tottym Coflrnailti: Acdon: FAPARTI LA,FR(VAL G/16/m hlDdbr: CO ,nmdilr: ADDTLCOnfiII xlor: CO A.ilon: COCERTFFATEOFOCCITP I'ICY ,TL COiTMS - ltFRltl STAn W^LL 12X12 t 5S IVU'EST WALL DOIB-E ilAT tZXl2 tE18/00 ln$*br: CD Acdoo: COCERTIFIC TEOFOCCUPAIiICY CONrMrdr: ADDTL CqfiS - ALI'O D€SCI.ISED POSIT TENSbN SYSTEM WM{ fiE SPE coiln3|il3: t2lo#m Co|ilnflilr: l2m6,mOoflnilE: 12lW00 Cofi rr.fib: WM{fiESPECIAL (n,:l3rm lrDcdor: cD Coarman|s carlm|B 5r 4 & 5 6 msnd colunn$ (2 ct d.tsl 3 cA fihlD Acilon: PAPARTULAPPROIT L (n24m lmp.clo.: CD Commsrt3; 3 Cl CL}|}IS 6CA CLMttlS Acfron' PAPARTIAI AIPROVAI lroodor: cD Aclbn: CO CERTFICAIE OF OCCT PAT{CY ADbTL ccnlMs - lbo r.Lclod rE[ it qld f2 x72 DHr b c.nm |or ! tloubb tmr ild m]t |Iloh r|ttt trillH Frciild€ prodcr *m s m*rs .pp(.'i.l br cftlrEp AtL CORIIER EARS llt ST EE hFTALLEDrM*bC CD AfION: PA PARTIAI. APPRCh,AL H*#giffi* Acron'A'PRAcPRovED --Rfffi{rfit$rAu'51{EcoRf{R ,'7l.r '? :,'r.r t' ' 1- , t / "!,^ ' '.1'. ii." :'/.,..h.o*ror: . CDA\rls Af{oo:. PAPARIIALAPERO/A ZI\DUEYTELGRtrBEAilfiLINE j' : - rr',",i/i... UYALL STEEL f.IORTH OF COURT LNE 1l0igm b.cbr: cdilrb Ac{ofl: PAPARIiTLAPFRoVALComrflE: So|Ilh€drsftilnoFI --.,2'lulgq, h|9s.: c.Cvb- A.fon: PAPAFTUI AIIPROVAL ./-; f '. /ConmrnF: *dh n[ nrr exbflm botLlho ,' ,, /,1.' r'l0E4m M.cbr: JRti Acrbn: PIP RTIALf\fSP€Cflof.f "- 'V; j COMMslils: APFROI/ED PTTNTER WALLS ON PITAZT LEVEL 4.7 TTfrU 6: A}.ID C'-€ ARCH WAY ' 7 FEDEgTALSllnlroo [s.cbr: CDAVIS Acfotr: PIPARTIALI}{iF€CTION Coorn€il{r: FLlA.q LEVEL FRAIIE AREA SL.AB AltlD GRADE BEAII. N$TALI DO{I'ELS BETUVEEN STIBAND BEAhIACCORDilC TO FIIN 'lml{'0 [ED'.clor: COAVIS f"{on: PIPARTIALhEPECTIOII CoOTTE|ST: BE}ItrST.ABAT PT,ZALEVEL GRD C.D X 7 6tlo Pl.Al+I.CSLPhn (R.quhd]tt 8LDGFililno {mion l)l1/3(Vm-hlo.cbfi axrnlb Actbn: PAPARTIALATPROVAL CoilrrEnB: fr*rtrc iof -z lerd mHnce olllcr ? ttodcN clo..b d -l l$il| .lt r6noe cbc€t d.1 lsdpdlh| rpeionl grttd urltrcon<ldon o coqletrty $cut€ tndlbfrn d md ltxb on bodt d.loAb6.h'ffldbEDfficfinllfi hro.clofi cDA\ltS Acilon: PAPARThtAFmo\r L Cottmdilt: LIG*ITCAIJGE STEEL FRATIf\IG LEVEL.2 BEH}.ID MANTE}TCE OFFIC€ LEVET €}€Cll I{CAL ROOII lilmcbr: CD Ardon: COCERTIFEATEOFOCCIFAIIICY ADDTL Cot'lits - 2 coluwl3 grld c.q r.4 & 5!-rg{glqtqltl?Jl-fibl 3 cl dd nstr: lbm: t- ccle GRCI w.-.rrd g!0rgf,, $ael rtud Daro0on t!il.lmoecd f,RM Adlon:lmoec* f,RM Adlon: pl PARTIAI fr{SPEcTXt}l PARTIAL FRATf,HG :APPR I,PPER PAII(INGCRAI.I€ AREAONLY, AFPR fRAllhlc FOR STORAGE ht SntrCORl.ER LCXI/ER PARKNO AREA APPR F:R ilnF LOVI,ER EI.EC i/ETER EI{CLOSIFE. A}PR FRAIIbJG INTO U/ATER VALI/E ROOT'. APPR F:R ilnF LOVI,ER EI.EC i/ETER EI{CLOSIFE. AFPR FR Tih|G INTO U/ATER VALI/E ROOT'. APPR FRAlfitlG LovlrER PARKIt\lCt STOR GE e AREAsi. TOWER PARKhIG EAI}T STORAGE AREA TNEED IAPPR IOJYER PARKIIO EAI}T STORAG€ AREJq" INEED'TO FRATG 4)G ARE\ ATI'ICENT . APPR FRAI|NGA{.| ELECTREAL SERVPE ilETER Ril. lBD.do.r cdn b Acihn: PA PARTIAL APP{IOI/AL FRIT||NG FOR EXTERUC,II WALL OF EXIT EhICLOSINE AT TTG .2 AhID € LEI/ET.S +RAlrNG FOR EXTERIOR SOFFITS COl.tTAhSltlG FIRE FROTECTIO|'I LiltlES FROil iE1/y STRTJCTURE TOOLO REPTl31 Rln Id: 442 .3 LEVEL STORAAE€ IEI/EL CRANE ET'ICLOSURC hspecilon uest .2 LEI/EL PagPT Cot$nfl{r: IAugfi hIDICbf: GRG AEilOft: PAPARTIALAPPRO/ALCofinila$ TomDofuv.ltlc€s in Fr*tm rr.o3. TB/@,OI lltidOf,- GRG - ACdON: PAPARTI,ALAPPROI/A Qqflnfi.nt|: Pti.p.ir a p||Er lafil, t .l hqf .fel fr.mlng.lSru 50 BlDc.fiflhtloo @oiomf]l2;Odfi) froccbc cdarrb A.ilon' PAPARTIAf,APPROVALCoilntI*r: EXTERK'R WATLS AT -3 LEVEL MECI{ANCAL ROOII taoufrcorms: lZ0.gm Coflnails: 12r00!m Co.rmdrlr: 'r ' i r':, ATffi ALSO Acllon: PA PARTIAL ATPROVAL E}{CLOS{RE , u)' N COI.IPLETED AT{D APPRC{/ED IYIT}I N T}G Ac{oN: PA PARTIAL APFRO/AL Acloo: PAPARTTAL AFFROVAL Ardon: C0 CERIIFIC'ATE OF OCCI PAI.ICY ,''.1! 1.,,' ' ' ' ltylgoo@rfa lglEtp Cd|Inenb: Itnxyoo Commanbi hm: m ELOGSffiDc*Na[ |o!donr0 1tt2!il00 lffigecbr: cdttib Acilofl: PAPARTIALAPPRO/A Co|ltNdilr: PAIiTIAI APPORVAf AT T}G EX]T EI'ICIOSE AT'JD MAINTE}'ICE OFF|GE lST UIYER OF 2 I.A!€R ASSEftfi.gtYlilmcbr: CDAlllS Actton: PA PARTIAL APPROI/AgEbOIiIDIAYER AT TTE.2 LflEL EX]T E}.ICLOSI'RE tflTSTCOUP|'-ETE ALL hITERIOR ASSEI|BLIES OJ(. To I.rSTALL BASE Ar\DSEOO|'D T.AIGR APPRO1GD UPPER BARACE STORAAE AR€AS COilIPLETEOi2fi)Em [uordor: c{hlilr ftilm: PAPARTIALAPPRC^/A cd|fnnl0$: -Z LE\rEt AT THE CR|NE LOCATION(BTSE LAYER) 1207100 Coilm€nb: 12t08t{IJ Cofitmenb: oqioa/ol Cofimerfl3: 70 BLDGrftc. o?fi3ooCoilnrrilr: o7l13p0Cffircnb: tHl1/00 Cmrnerilr:ogttimcofirnillb: hlmdr: J.tW Acflon: COCERnflC'ATEOFOCCIFAIICY ADUfL COTfiS - A}D DRANq6E BOARD COIIPLETED, SOIJTTI, WEST, AM) I*'RTT{ WALLSltry.er: C_D Actott: PA PARTUL APPROI/AL D(nhrl3bnrhbh.Dedor: CD ADDTLCOMI'S'ADDTL COMITS ' erovl(|r hlbr fnom SPEclAt IncD.ctor h L0rds b Do|t ffifl c|b|c md nretrodr. Prov{da dpprovUtton SlfUCT. otg o{ftGotd kt ngqdb ctbrgc $tl|hhtl.meno(h F urfi{a appftn d fiom sTFlucI. 6 ! coortucilon ol r.!or cxl darnlion cha!r96 d ' nfirdbctLnf trtl0thfirr co,nrtucilon o(rrbd-uld dcnton ch€noc of,FodlnEbn csbLthD*TOI; GRG ArildN: NR 1.IOT READY FOR NSPECTIO}.I CO}ITRACTOR RE SCTED{.T-I}.IGfirp..lor: CD cof*t'aL bamh.p.dor: cD Acthn: COCERTFICATE OFOcct PAt{cY ADDIL mi,ilts - zrxl Lsl grid.l-6xg{ tnFtt*t dcclrnoG trom FORiIS rrld.t d (Eb.t,hE cbr: ORG - AErfoo: AttmAtPROVED EE|S&SrlBS...ltlDeclon GRG Aclhn: COCERTIHCAIEOFOCCI.IPAI{CY ADDTL COTNTS . BEAI' AT N. END RUNNIT.IG VI'EST FROiI ELEVATOSUSTAF Tqi'ER AIID 2 SMAII TR!$reULAR SECTK)NS OF SLAB, I{II' CORTGRlfirD.dor: cdnb Aplhnr PApAnTnLAFPRovAt FI.AZA TEVET POST TENSPN SI-AB Ali|I) STEEL PROVIDE TETTER FROII SFECIAI. INSFTCTOR APPROVII.IG SI.AB, PROVfl)E IETTER FROI' STRT',C €}TG OFALL CI{AtifriES TO STEEL AAID TEI.OOI.IS In D.cbr; cdr\,ls Acllori: PA PARTIqL APPRCwAL Cd$rdl bqnno{thCdehoDecu: CDAI4S tdon: APAPPRO\rED EAST SITE WALTS AT FT.iTZA LEVEL EI.AB STEEL AT TOVYER CRA}G O.2 TEVEL WEATFIER PROTECTIOfI| REOUIHED REEry131 Run Id: 442 03-07-2001 lnspectlon Requgpt Pago I a Itom: gi bm: 53t] Contm€nts:GRID CELhIG IN HSKEEPING.LAJNDRY,A}.ID MAil.{T OFFICE,APPFIOVED METAL FRAiI${S IN CEfi-ING ORYER ROOMlatl4ifr lffip€ctor: CDAVIS Acdon: APAPPROVED CoIWII€nE: SI.ICFT ENCLOSURE 2 HR ASSEiIBLY FOR EXFI,AUST H,rcT N STAIR ET.ICLOSURE BLDGRnd 12t19tffi lrspp{o-r CRG lpmgff eqrorgEncy [gh{ng st €Esi sflt b€slde tld siorag€. ELOC'-T€mp. C/O '(Optbnal) 12t151fi lnrDaclor: GRG A,Son: CR CORRECIIO{\I REOUIRED Co|tvr*r{r: Prifral for pa*lng gcrago. }.lot qutG recdy. Wlll r€check ofl ftlofi(h,t, 12118. Rre dopf, tho comlng aRa($|h€d)'(Optbnal) Comrfi€rG: Pr{aJ jor paddng gpraga.t tnct tof oan bccir tlonday.hspeaor 'Gne Acdon: CR CORRECTIC$I REOUfrED For TCO, garage only, innratt hlng€d hant r to pre,vent axfi fro{n uppcr pcddtll hrklm o'rado al rxrdh ltrh enclosurr. lDrlEll ooor bilra€n €f'as & lvttel ICommc s: For TCO, garage onty, imratt hlng€d hant r to prevsnt axfi frofi uppcr parHqg garsst lorrtnl lq}tt Darklno qtraqo al mlth tbh enclosurr, ln$Ell ooor bdra€n g6|Dga & \rEtel heas8gFuD!ry ataa, irmpt&E'emErg€ncy [gh{ng st €Esi silt b€slde rld sioragp. dbbh TCO approral fron tlta drpd" lbn: 531 ncm: 532 A&dnvlsa OK.-l?IzIIW Insoactol: 6RG AcOoN. PAPARTIALAFPROVAL Comfilen$: Fof Derxlno oarao€, lauardry. bmDorarv oltkcs In aroq6 & firalntsnatlco ofilc{ o ly. Al m€onr of eord* hcllt&s. 5o{h temriiarv .1 porfrunerrt. sr€-lo rdrnrln c}e.r rnd unobctrucl*l d iil tlmeE and rdh*rad ltrc*mO doors *e toieftfuin in olace and sef-clodns and hlchng, ln e&llthn, fke rprlnlder spbrn & tl'| sbrm s!6iem ar€ {o be fully llrncucntl dt all ilm€s unl€|s odrsrvls€ .Pptst d Orr the nre tlsoortmnt FIRE-TEilIP. C/O ' toDdonal)12i21im lm!€ctor: GRG Ac{on' pAPARTIALATPROVAL Coom6nB: Pei Mtkc Varqhan lor p.rking gorrgo, bundry, timpffrrf ofilrs ln gnrtgp and molnbmncr ofllce ofln - PW.TEMP. C/O ' {Op{lona[} .' Appro.ed "12l{6/00 lnsocctor: Tt( ' Acdon: COND APpROVED/COilD{TIOI.|S Cofimcr|ts: Thb TCO ts ior ttmporar/ |cco€s tnb lovilor pa*hg gsr6g€ only. Full TCO lnsp.clhn nil be rcquhcd. PLAI{-TEMP. CrO rodonat) PLAIT.flNAL CJO (OritonaliFrRE-FIMLC/O {orldon l} Ptlr-Fll,lAl C/O {Cli'donsttBtDC*Fh€lC/O iRlfufr.it Item: 533 nem: 537ilrrn: 538bn: 539 llem: 510 REPTl31 Run fd: 442 /r { 12-17-20{il lfi $Foctiofi fileque*t Reporting V,A!L, f;Q..TOIJUF{,ftF R*iu+riaFri {asFfct Ddte. fg.n.lny, l:€camber ': /. 2Uclt rpetti.n Area: (;$ Slte.flddre5s: 68C iJiifigriEAr: PL VAit. 6gc r-r$l..tshEno PL At'ir,-EF:i CCLDo.S. Page 1 7:34 um AlP.gil&Juc!g! Acllvtiy f-'ons! | ype Parcal Applhenl: ReDresEnl: C oirlraitor.Jt'ngl . fJ6$x ictio$ {:fi*irent: C\]lnnigrrt- Commor*. Trrre; MF Bllllft r.kcrrpairry: OOD1 BltJ,0(t58 ;t1010?2(.$000 CASS'9N Bt,I.ftlfllG COPFt)eAT$i't Pp.( it-cAslioll BU{-DrNc coRFoRATpr'J AJ'JTLEHS CO}JOO ASSOC CTJRPORATIO}I Timr Erp; Phr'r*: 3"1"i€gl1Sriq Phono: i3o:i 3€s 3580 Phoru: 3O3'ESF150O Flrcn6: 945€3EB $tatu$: lDsp Ard: ISSUED Gt3 ?4 COllDOg.7 E H[,$.4 |,.E',JE t" GI\RAGf.,Al]lrilil { .OMMON ARE F4a,r\r're lrdll SBrr, Of ofl if'e ICO rtp'rtr BuHcitnc .iipartrl.4ni Eppr4,f'Jls l?, l;:,tll . GPi-ITHEF Tlrt D€fittu arfr cafillguratlon +f tt'rs r.rrp,xddt'arkir4 :r'-rclrile hEv€ k€€n l$solved - CDAVIS AIJTLERS; C4$Sii}fiI BULSING HAS FAILED i O F€PAVE Ti"{g I}IKE PATH IHAT $,;f{S OAMAGED IN spRtilis oF 20s$. Fr/pEAl( lqA$ Ta REPAIR p.ATfi uuT weA IHER i.t/\s, !;L'T A DAMPFR Olrl THE PLAN$". LSANNOVAL Conrm€nt zutl$li+$ PERtt|T FES3 A]Jn PLA|'J Ci{FCK FEES HA'\rE SEE}; AidMENDtP PtR 6AfiY rJ@DELL THE B O BP FEES |l/{\G BTF-IJ CRFDfiED T,?668.'?{} PC FEEg I.IAVE B€qN CREHTEO 5?236.20 CRED{TS l"iArr€ flOME FROiI pRf t/''OLl6LY !9SUEF PEFMITS DOtrmOB 6 8OS0027 " CHARLIE C{Jrnrnsnl I hfiv€ c{imDtetffd 6 or€llrninary rB./lew. Ti€ fDllDwlnq 4}$res muil tj€ adof Bssee Mlnor Enerations !o tha ert€fi,)i hufirtlna rnalsriol." k r6ct led t.' t.ornoru',.,.itf tJro tl$l8 aDnrlrv€cr $si.{ giefls Adon|onal hcrlG and l€betinq of t1€;hllf b rarrurlrrt'b !o ysfi D'Fl.PEI carvllttoni 4f aFprorol i ortly, 6€ a{t'€9ri to lvlth Fl. apphcit-nt. $e parklrlg Eara6nr '€fy)(n of sfEc€s n iJst be itrl€ndgtl t'" lully compiv trviiF, lh€ mhknum zonhg co'('E rris,,rr;ernorxl.'. GEctREc - I 1sDI"t(V ..IBssircik"tiJilci!-io,rui 4tFd,L 6$cv1 Itemr *30 8lot3-Tcrnp. CrO Ftr,Jresalo Tlrrle; 0S:00 AH Rsqu€stor" tAsSOilBL{LDlttOcOFpOR\llrltrl Piror16.3oJ^6go-i5tlo AsslEnsd To: Ct)AVl$ - Cnter€d t)!': ADfiit'l '(- Acrica.- _._ ^ . 4, r'A ftmErp. __,#e,ffi Paih ry" do arftrr"ttr,{,,r,?,0:,^, r*uifrSi a&{cffitftififfidtl.j.ltpcnrror,, n/ , '**"'"'*bii#I, 3ri]6.stL1soo c?nrmants Jo€ r"{ru'tfAsso tlW NA Efisrorr f,+r: ALrifrN f(*'s$olfi, ":..t"n _ rrme Elp:\ /) - rim€'Erp: r-----'' -L*uN1ilJ6 lfi+fp*'rs /lrfm: 532 PUlr.TEt4P. CrO u€stor. cASSCnl FUll-D0.lG H3. :'iYC-- Raq'-;qsted Time; i)8:0$ Ald' Phrre; 303-ti90-1bfl0 Entered lit' ADMll.! ls -Uur I .rsuxl. __ !/ \ _ r rtfGe*ancs fYtubr Ft Cc^uererEMT Nil 8" fPlt"'to sub lrffi' riFAM F€qrrsstx' C LtSttD -oLl TlnS Sftzrrtt€m: f;f)? Ffd-R$Ugh grEoc '' Agprcrred ,' REF|T].3J.Run Id: 'LL37 t 7:52am ArPrD InfEf|o.ruon Rcqu€Etrd Inrp€ctDrh: hrFecfion Areas Slb Addrrs3: TU||:qqcrFlncF RN'FRA ELECTRIC, IhIC.' AIITLERSCOi€OASSCC ELECTRIC L FOR AI\|TLERS NEW ADDfTlOftl $ceOaf, July 03, ?00t 680 UONSHEAD PI-VAIL 6S0UOiISHEADPL &EL8C SINhlB: hop Ara.: ReuuorEd lnsorcfor{s t lhm: 100 ELEC#lnrl cdilifi:ii6'166*reno-tn-rru oaffiJot Inroocrbr: -tPV ilm.|&: BANQUET ROOHOf!I.Y- Requoobd Tlme: 00:004il' Phonc: 97S94€l-6(E Enhmdh DFrLORE$ r Z.*'t{,uJ,;" '.i i,' t'f i .Itlzilm ['3Dector: ir A.ilofi: ApmAFFROVED Coomc|6: lpuc*aooho-lfnlrmhbflancar.a oil'GilOl lrlDrcbd 50 Acilon: APAPFROVEDCcnnortrl r*lrbrgp.ol&(n(Pol lmo.d:'Lfo Adon: APPRAFPfiChGp@: UMTS417,{1_8,d20,421 {liiifivol) _Aclhfl: APPRAPFROVED - Cormor&: E|NQ|,JET FOOti Ofr[.Y.:- @J'}$TJl h|o.cror eo Arrion' AIPR APpRCI\IED commedr: urltno3co 3fl 316 tBtzBDl lnrD.cbr xr Acilon: APPR APpROI/ED Comm|r{.: unt 316.nd f,18 fiV 314 afdL:il7bbr rcrylred Mll7lol hatador: oE Ac{o{l' APPR APFflCII/ED CoEqE!_b: !ra[-c.[hg rqugn h nrs lo,boy 0&lAO1 fpeoctor:- Jgfintafil3: unfiBtrl 31? -&ilo{I: APPF APPRf,t/ED !hm: 1$l lt m: l{0 m/S#fi hcprdoc LF/ Acflon: APAPPflO\rED COEMTd|!: ADD SUPPORTS SPLICE EOX t',T{T 4I4 ROUBH FOR TI.ESE TJMTS 41&II7. 0&'2S(H fr&.cbr: cda,b A.flon: l,lRt.|clTREADyFORftlSFEGTlOhl Coflm.trb: drnlan crne{ed lnpec{on 829 utfl rEcMuL lnlp€cUoo " EtEC4ondfrELEc..l.hg. '" A9grovod'- (B,17/OO INrD€cbT: E6'. ACUoTI: AFPfiAPFFOiED conmen|!: corifunundsoruond , 824(n qlpfEefi _Ets , :. Ar0oo' AIIPRAFPRC'\GOCoflnt.|*i: flqPRO\,'EDl(y{Ofi} In p.dor: rg Ac{on: ApPRAPpROI/ED ( r/,;7 ",17/t/a Lt,V**-/ troatd ,o // lmmctorll{|!eqv Sam; { lO ELEc-Ta.rE. Fro.mr * AeD.ot r.l "tlfif$oo hrcroc tr Antron: APPRAPPFo\rED Cornnelfs: $fuigtwct-.bm: t2O EtEC-Rouoh - "Ao!{svld* _ 0&ll,{,U kr.plqbr EG ' A.don: AFPRAFPnOVED I83tJ€D E6stbrffi' l|coil PlFnc: 970.9'l$140{,5' Phdrr: 916€3S RtsHr.l31 tRrn Id: ,7.45 I?FDIF1 ?1 I?rrn Tr|. ?Ee 9*'*'to" Reques{ed Inspect Date: krsperjlftin Atea: 9lte Address: EEesdaV, January 30, af01 580 LIONSHEAO PL VAIL 680 LIOI{SHEAD PL lvPlD lnformation Aultvttv_ Et .Fu t.to Slstus. Insp nrea: tits(J e,L, AI'Flicint: R Contractor: R OrVnet: A Sub Typ€. tlcoM Phon6: 97$9496095 Phone: 970-9496095 Phone: 94$5366 Dcscriprion: - Flaafl ractad l.!cnoalln'rrcl a. Reouested Tlme: 0l;00 Pl$' Phone: 418-31:4 -or- 477-1O72 ailel nale rrJ. Entered By: LCAMPBELL K. lNC./Darien F";^/ Item: 1 10 ELEC-TemD. Power ' (Orlional) * ADoroved " 11rO9rO0 lnsooctor: eo Ac'tlon. APPR APPROVED commems: s-witchocar ct - Item: 120 ELEC-Rouoh - ior,tional) " ADDroved * 0e/11lCD lnsoector: EC Aciion: APPR^PPROVEO Commeds: no 180 I'tnd In entfingn,o lnsoector: co Action: APPR APPROVEO Comments: housekocping and maint.nance areaoli.tirijl lnsoector: -eo r Aclion: AP APPROVED Corrrr-rerrt:: ski storatre arei ! llah. ,t?n El Er^ r^ari'ril - /n^}i^^al\ Item: 140 ELtrGMisc. (Oolional) * Aooroved *t 0A17nO Insoector: EG ' ' Action: APPR APPROVED. Commcnrts: conciuit underoruond'rL o8l24uo Insoector: Ec Action: APPR APFRoVED Cotr-rrrient:. APFRCVED 1Cl10/!cC lnsoector: eo Action; APPR APPROVED Comments: 3 rd lloof conlf'it in slah1020/t0 lnsooctor: co Action: Ap APPROVED Commcnts: coduit 3rd {hoi l'2ubiun lnso€clor: eo Actron APPR APPROVED Comrr'reirti. hrliseheE'uino ieitinoUn?lA1 lnsoector: 1o ' Astion: APPR APPROVEO Commentsr cDndo 'Jnits31 { throuqh 318 conduit in floor Item: 190 ELEC-Final (Reoulred)- * ADDroved'*1?15rc0 lnsocctor: co Action; APPR APPROVED Comments: parkrng garage--excpt staircas€ \_ +r r..- 3r o 11-21..?001 inspectlon Rquest Repcrtlng -__uAtL_co - Tay{t{ QF_ . Rerflesbd lncpect Date; Vkednesday, Novernbcr 2{ , iu01 lnlp€ctlofi Ar€o: GFiGgltF AdrtrEss: 6f0 UOf{SHEAD pL VAIL 680 UONSHEAD PL Page i7 7:09 am ArPrD tnioftlauoI Acfivtv: Consl 'fvne: Fcicet: Oiln€c Contrador: Appllranl: Oeschpti,on : C{rfim€nt: C,ornmsnt: rfi)1-003? Tvbo: SHECH oclupai*y: 11010720&m AI'f TLE RS COf\rDO &Ssr OC ROD IIALL COiltPANY ROTI HALL CON'PAffY Phon€: 94S5366 Fl'anc: 3O$777-71r0OPh}nc: 30&777.?70C ToH h|m rrot dgned o,f. " LCAIiFBELL Sr,rb T I I MFAM : yFs JB€ SHrrs. lSgtJED lmpArea: GFIG Lirted qs ffep'|ac6c fo. ?G condon aod iobbr. ConlreEfor cadr by to p|ck up psmit rr.ras otd I w"e r€dy loutad to Gary Goodell 4 16,fl1 p.m. - TCAIIPBELL Rrouested Inso€e$onl si Item: 300 UECH+lnsl Roques&rr: ROD l.lAll CO{4P${\' Confilenfs: 3rd/4lttlloor unlis Arsigned.To: GGOOB€LL Attron Aequnetect Time: 08:00 AIf Phon6 30$777-7700 Entered By: DFLOfiES K Tlme Exp: UNrf 9t4 liPPPalW Ur-r,(f Q$ ,u rr qt7 u,\rr( L{aDt qal uilt{ Itl 30*o trPnn.- [em. :0O uj,r 310 3ts AF APPROVEU tbm: 32O llcm: 33t! tlam: 34tllhm: 3-O REBT131 Run Id: 1071 ArPtDlilbm|flon A.th,fttt tfiD'0162 Corut Tn5:P*c.t 21ol07a)flm Rrq|€stod Insgcct Drtr:' lnspedqrArcl:SlbAddrr$: o...ryIffii ilon(lry, Decembor zil, 2t!01 6&) LIQf'ISHEAD PLVAIL I'EO UON5FIEAD PL Sldur: ISSUEDInlpArla: €G O*NU: A}IILERS Phone: Phon : ASSOC LOF(I'YS L COOFGUI'T' Appncrttt CLhIATE\ Ccit cloc CLII'ATEhctlp{lon: AI.ITLERS lrulccton Hlsbft ||.m: AD MEcl"l-Routl1286'txt I t[40NsTRrJCltON 9t$,94$me89769.623:A R€qucrbd Tlme: 0E:00 All' Pl1on6: 970-94$2316 Emrudqfi DFTORES K ryffn laE6,txt Inipccbr: JRH codmtgtlr: PARTWePpnC €OC.ER TR'ST I{OT@ERATE t,l.lT[. lTE STATE BOfl.ER h}SPECTOR }IAS PRd/ APPRO/AL A}IDAl" BIGT'IT TERMII'IATION FOTTTS ARE AM$Sft,IiIOF? ABOVE AllYTFilMlWlTHhl tO UMC SECS6.4 h&$TAtt FfiE STOP AT SI.IAFT WAIL APPR PARTIAL FA}I AREA. Tfr'STPRO\MEIllOecbr: CDAVIS AcIIon: AFCR APPRCn/EDrcORRECTIOI{ REOD B \rEhtT At€ COinrcN VENT COI\SIECTORS AT BOILER ROOII FOR Bl AtlD &2 6O{.ERS -FNOUDE RE\'I8ED DRAflIIhIGS FOR C|' T.IGES TO EOI-ER FLI'E A''ID \/ENT Cofrtl€CTORS €OC.ER TR'STI{OT@ERATE t,l.lT[. lTE STATE BOfl.ER h}SPECTOR}IAS PRd'ID€D BllEt'lTtouMc 'AT gFU A 2 F{OTN FTRE RESIST'\IE SEPARATPN BETII/EEN B IGNT AI.JD EXIT AcdOnI AFCR APPROI,ED/CORRECTK,N READ GARAGE HAS BEEN INSTALLED rcCORDhlG TO Ptllrlltp o\ wte|oilq [)o+e i ,,f',+ ]nwit;rlt Acllon: Fl PARTIAL ll.lSPECTK,il I.O{JSEKEEPIIIIG IAISIDRY DRYER DI.,CT. ,l ImUSEXEEPSiS.STARAOE.FTOUSEI(EEPEi OFFICE f1?1300 Conunad3: talr3'o0 Comrmnb: Eubrlg: MFAU PtFri.: s4$il66 REPTl31 m/06/01 htpadlor: cflYls Ac{on: PI PARTIAT II*gPECTPN Run Id: 1168 "-** ',s.f! AND RETI.RNi 3 SI,IOI(E/FIRE DAT'PERS ANP 1 F^l.I OOI- ROO|I IlOfrl Y AIID RETTJRI.{I otJCTS OiltY iLS O.K. FOR CXJCTVUORK LOCATEDIIJITFf,}J PLENLNI 1F AFPAUIS A TYFE I HCIOO AND DUCT SYSTEM IS REQTJIRED F€'YV PLANS C,ALL FOR A'T VENT TO B€ |.JSED TO EXAIJGT TIE $YSTE AIIOUi ED UNDER 97 t.iltlc SEC 507. TIIERE F tlOT EIIOIJGH hFO hNSTALI-ATT]N PRIOR TO A}TY FURTITR II,ISPECTIOI.I )N TYP€ OF IIOOO SYSTEII, IffTCFEN EQUP. ETC-. FRTN TO I$TCFEN HOOD hISFECTIOiI{WPE 1"? OR TYPE 2?7} IT D DTJCT SY8TEM IS REOTJIRED F€UI'EVER FELD 1PPPorygP TO B€ |.JSED TO EXAIJET TT€ $YSTEM WTIICH fs 'IIOT:c 507. THERE F NOT Ei'lOlJGH hFO REGARDIIIG ltIS hNSTALI-ATT]N PRIOR TO A}TY FURTITR II,ISPECTIOI.I UrtD.cba cthvt3 Adlon: APCR APPRO\IEDCORRECTIO|II RE@ m*hlnhrf rorfEhfor unilr 1222a,i1431e,316317,318,3?0,P2,416,416,417,418,4im,121, Oonsclons, Dricr dud* cncc.d 14 vrth morc lhon 2 cill3.0l. lilttst be comochd or p{ovlda $or typs of €ft.ndn whlclr dcmorfatss €qud complbnc. to $€ gzulic 6ald micl|anlc€l tldc|l.n !o rll lLr ducb conricdng b ftH ducb. Rclneoecfion r€quhrd.hocctol: c&ii3 A&tt: PAPARTITTLAPPRO\/AI d.Et lonotr ftr r.Edb 522 rnd 622 aoo'rovrd'' r - unilB 521.5eO, l|rrt 4!cI vofit runi off 14 mrEl r.dFy tstu€s rnd prolrlda aDgqn snal rcmldy ffofir cngh€cr fs/?zt01 Codfler$s: odt17tol Corwn€rri3: 04t17n1 Coflrrr€nb: 06/2301 Comm6{s: fi|t1&t1 eomtncns: 08f31,01 CoflmtrrtB:wD7fi1 ComnenE: 1lll6107 Corflnenb: hp*lor: -c{yis .. _ - Aclkn: PA PARTIAL APPRT}VAL ducl tor'|o tor lin€ls r@m md lobbv rDt ro,y€d .. ,\. t - -rrpraor:- eac Ac6on' APCR APPfi9XEDCOflRECStr}AIREOD \/|rll.d. de.nqrrr .fid rccs,r h.tsh6 ln$dled lo{ drltt\ail drF h t nns3l4 3tS318. Cotnd no{ find cl€enout or accss tor 315, wllkh h t€qu*eq -Calbdru\$it€'lflct}qq & hbiled hln. l. l3m: 31o (H30rOl Conmonrb: 05/1610t 07t't7tol Cmunsrb:o?/lgol Co.nmoflb: oo17ro1 Cornmersr: 0923,01 Cofirmcnti:ta31/ot Commorfs: Comm€nb: tp/19fi}1 Cornrna0li: E!21tO1 ComrDntr:t0/tt1fi Conrnonb: l(}ro.UO1 Coont.r*$: tcv3{vo1 41F'417 118 ARTEST hTgFbI: GRG ACThO: PAPANNALAPPRq,AL WdIb122&222 EHt slonly. 10Op6lblb" KrDirciOT: GRG -AC{on: PA PARTITL APPROVAL Unfi 3E12 {EHl, ooly, h6l lln.3, lm pd hcr,frrclor: GRG Atflott: PA PARTIAL A2PROVAL utt42O. lm pd. lspretor: GRG Aclbn' PA PAttflAL APPROI/AL Lhn 4at onlv. 10O Dcl t d-hcD.ctofi GRG . Actlon: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL lJnlb 517 E 520 Golv, 100 pol tertr on tlot n€t.I lEat hldronh coppal t blng. KEDECbN GRG ACflOn: PA FARTTAL APPRO{IALrhb 60t & 5a2 (rfir).518 {65il & 5a1 (r0or). hsDccbr CDAUS A.tho: PAPART1ALAPPROVA T.}IIT 519 }EAT LhJES TESTEDwlTH AF 9gT IT|oD.CIoC GRG AdoN: PAPARIIALAPPfiOVAL ttr|ir 601,6?2, 701 E ?22 onty, hd ll$.n. tm F| Fsi. frrc}lohr: GftG - Action: PA p651gf'L APPROVAI Unn 6At ot*v, lm pel. ' h8D€cbr: 6RG' Actim: PAPARTULAFPRO\IA- t nl 515, 5or llofl confcr.ncc room E ,fih 6aor accoursru o{llce, hct lh.3, lm pel. h.p.ctof: cdd,?r Acdonl PA PARTht APPRO,VA \ REPT131 Rtrn Id: 1168 12-24-2001 hn: 315 Pl,lrB-G.sPlDhE O7n7n1 lmledr: GRG Acilon: NOi€T|F1EDOqffidits: Nhad b rtd bflnch lno In ldbhon celllno lor a.rbEftutoft h confuncd,ofl with hood srrdom. q( b ute mhn slrra s0l rdnatn €cc.rJble rEove suspcrx|od c.iltngiulG. l.leu bo.ncfi dtud b€ Drfisurlhdd ll lntDechd. 0ilt77i07 hrprc-tor: GRG Ac{on' PAPARTIqLAPFROVAIrhnmentD: l.rnnD 1?? & ?2? tElil.rs) onlv. 56 D,rl hrils. 07/{9/01 hlp€cbr: GRG ' Ac{on' PAFARfq14ppp6141 Coorn€r*B: Un[ 3?2 GH|l) onv, 50 ptl l.3t.trrm: 3?O frffiCFl-E$ault l.boft * ApDrro\rbd " CE'/D7O1 lnrolclor: gRG Acllon: FAPARfi,qLAPFfiOI/AL Commonb: Unfr 6t9 onlv e$uult & drv.r ducb. ^ OgO7n1 l_ttspedor: -GRG Acllon: Pl pARTIAL INSPFCTQI{ Conmcnts: flrfu clrc.uLr gfaa!6 duci trorn rbov€ kilchcn h@d llrouffr floors &5 to ncar unddtlde of roof dtck. UYlll sffi naed lo lnup*f cannecUon b gt€6€ hood &-Lmirffion .t bp. P€n t|ilonitlrolidl roch froor rrs b !b the caultd. - 0ei{1iol-.htgiQt: ffi{ - !dan: cR coRRECTIoN REot IREP _.-Gli{lioi ln p.ctfi GRCr Ac&n: CRCORRECTIONREOTIREDCooFrtISl'Wtfttfi'affi/etd. Connoction lo TVDB I hood aftl srbnrbn thrqrah ,od. o|( oxc@f 2 hoLs h w.ld ofr i5$/rldr d duct neu @rq![h trom llctr]lgub b round dilq sboE hootl- Abo, rcr,bec €frofrLs€o...*mtnod. r d rtud noar tra|lcHrin trorn r.ctaruub b round ducl slow hood. Abo, r.rrb.d fsr|l b€ $fifinsd for revlur ar|d requhed locatlons lor croanoub na€d b ba..;;Hffi$.*-"***"T 09r18/Sl hrF.dr: GIRG : lcfon: AP AIEFROVED : i , Ii'commenlr; 't&dll€dtt.t hole .h udh glb.et duct hd b.en flFfrrd. l.lad drysrlle] remove ouH e lrnef d 'iS8pj!-9[,rfEgfl'fr&*a,.{hFlp!:fbti i r .f li.i "'09a5/01 niiioctt:l'FRb.' u ''- - Acdon: PAPARTTALAPFRCVAL i :.Co|' ncnt3: utflE 620l6et. 7O1 & 722 bdF|. ldtckn & drwr vrrd duclr. i 'l(yloal hrpoch:' efiG / acdon: PAPARTIALIAPPRoAIaL ' ,i I tsm, t9QffEtrff'rYl,l5t60rilvJqErqt'fffT*' l.rJ' ', r,t i1icm:34OMECl'|-ltl6c.- -flgermH*/ ".1. .__]___.-_,t v :.;l _ t19,2&01 hspe€br: pRG / Ao{on: APAPPROVEE' - I ffiEfiff^r '-'l^-*frtv\ l'"".i ,.,':'rtt . .tll t19,2&01 hsee€br: 6RG' / Ao{on: APAPPROVED I ' I Comm€nb: sd)$tno[ ur6lno, s. 18, gprasn €ntftf|c. dlfoe, 100 pol r'd. . .'-, r 'j lojtlz/Oi h.orctor: GFB Actlon: AF APPROVEE I /.' i - .- t r Co{nrnont$: $ilrmaitublm 10/06nm hrpccb,r: *oe nanot."nreotTe*,'iFiffiEfry*'ft/@''t*,4- 'i Ii: ",comntrftt3; Snon?'nclt t blng, N. h6lf ot.nttlncc drfrn b prrHnobiragF; foopelt stl ; i , - 1ff26/01 lrcpcc{or: Gf;tt Acton: F{fAFTnL-rp46y1t t Comtn€nt!: gno\ymdl tublnn hr dh,'c to teBh cofirDsclor, lfl) ocl test., , I : / I i1lrue,Ol kr*prctDf: GHIi Ar$on; .CP,CPPFOGd ! f I [, ,Cofi ncnb: Sncr.vm.lf fuHng E. of N. on0cnca .lrh,! oo €rtler ddc ot tsaeh ctrnrpsbr ahr6 fro,It bril on Qg Pel. 11116/tt1 l|l!n€cb: GRc Actlon: PAPARTIALAPpROVAT "iiffii il"HHIHf"e and aFon rn nonl *""#Biffiffim$p tm * Cofin|€ !: l|ldrmellqb'llg(@s. p€ql3lbnrflrmceblhkuprylthFthtocreottral, toopcl. Aslcdto r$rm hler br N. srourmslt @ hffrdkappcd ntry.hm: 390 friECl'l-Flnal 1?,1:i'im lrpoctot: CRG Ac0on: PA PARTI,AL AFPROVALCorns{s: Otcafvod lct d crrDofl l|Fffrrid| ddctioo & romo!'al iydom in parHng g!|Ege. O7lOSliOi hsp.cbr: CD \r*S Aclbfl: pA PARThL AFPIROVAL Cdrrt|r€nt3: FOR BAI.IOUET ROOil Al|D FUBLC, BATIfrOOiIS ONLY CoryFl_rF-: Sndtvtno[ U4lry! S. 1/2, g.ragn €ntnnc. dtu-q!10itl2/Oi h.prctor: GHE Gyt,7O1 lr!p!cQ! GRG Acdonr PIPARTIALAppROVAL Conrar-dr_: lr$by/.ilc. !!t€.glty. No rF corduonlng rt !t!b_[mg1U29D1 lrcpecbl: CDAVE- Actoi: PAPffiThLAPPROVAL commenls: uNlTs 31 4.31 5.31 9.31 E.4t 5.41 8 .11 7 .418 FTTIAL FOR TR[l'. BASEBOARD HEA?, s 314,3r L FOR T1 415,419,417,418gOAfitDHEAT. AIFTTIAL FOR TR[l'. BASEBOARD HEAT, AND KITCHEN I.K)OD ONLY EXCLUOES FIREPT.ACES, DRYEF COihECT|OMS AND COOKTOPS.1llc€i01 lnepocbr: cf?G Acilon; l.lo tlOTlFlED Commsnb: Proucm ufrh ttlckim chth3o atrv$$ " too b|o Sd w$heddner clo€€ts. Gas dhconn ct w{[ ba re.dlly rcc€a.lbh. fold cuFcorifmbrc ttrefilrprs ryruet tE mmoveable, lncxdlng grs & Ent coftnd$ofir, u,fric{rt- cuill.ng hnls In_qnts|ld wdlh. OK tf opprorr€d ecc.rc penrdfiod antl/or medcloe csblrd 8Dl€ to be remor9d for eccor6. 11/16/01 lmlrcbr: BRG Artlon: PAPARTTATAPPROI/A Cofiiln€ftb: 1,rnilr.314,315,316&317oily. Lt{t318no{r.dy-smrllb.droofirbsr.bo..clunl&kftststorno rilllfli21n1 kroo€ctor: COAVIS Arilon: Pl PIRTAL IISPECTION Comnonts: ul.Iffs 414116,416,417,318 IIR,ST RELOCATE OR REPIPE GAS LINES AT DfiYERS FOR ACCESS TO GAS VAI\IES REPTl31 'lnryOl lmmctcr; GRG Actlon. PAPARTTALAppROVALComm*ts: Unil 418 only. Run Id.: 1168 oo o 11-21-2001 Intpecdon Request7.8Lc!L --v.auj:oi--rou R€qu€rt€d lflsp,act D.b: tkn€cday, F{ovember 21, 2001 lnsocctloil Ar€r] GrJ SticArttkocsl 680 LIONSHEAD PLVAL 5tO UOiISHEADPI. ArPrD l0"lbrqlauon ,r,'ii 'T$iili-1,.;,r,ii.l I Acthrty: ConG{ Typo: Fr!ffiel:grmor: ADolh€nl: Cciribactor: Desqipllon: M0S0152 Ttps: B.t ECH CtcupEnc),: 210107206{no ANIIER$ COf{DOASSOC CLII,|ATE CONTFOLOTGWS CLIMATE COI.ITROL CO OF GWS Fub TVpa: tlFAlt Lbs: Fhori€: 94$5366 Ptrcvre: 9?$.94S2326 Phane: 970-94$3326 SbtrB: hrpA's6' ISSUED GG Redresbd l,Eoeptlodgl ibm: A)O AIITLERS REI'|O\,'ATIO|J-PHASE lrcONSlRUCTlOil Rcqussbd Tlme: 08;@ AIf,' Plpne: 97$94+23?6 FUtRid ' Arlbn: Pl PARIIAL ll.lSPECTlON A!,F,TIOVAT. AFPI?OVED HOTJSTKEEPSIG LAUNDRY DR\ FEPORT FOR F'AHS A,W NOT COT'FLETE AT THIS TIISE. I'UST BE COiIPLETED UJC.T EFICLOSIJRE iS REOURED AT T}E ENTRAI.|CE OF llEcl'l-Rouoh \ I 12/0'd0O- InED.croh C$nm€ntb: PARnAL,T * bI itzt13tcr) Cofirnr.nB; PARTNL A!,F,ROVAI-: AFPROVED HOIJSTKEEPf.IG LAUNDRY DRYER DT,CT. APPN PARTIAL FAI.I COI-DIJCT IN HOUSEKEEPIT.IG.STORAGE,HOTJSEXEEPER OFFICE €O[.ER MUST NOT OPERATE tJf'tI"IL TTtr STATE BOfi"ER INSPECTOR HAS PROVIDED APPf,OVAL A}ID ALL B I,TNT TEEMIhI'ATIO$I POI'.I?S ARE A IiThIIMUIiI OF 2' ABOVE ANYrHtMlWlTHht l(t Ur/rC SECB06-4 ]N'$TALL RRE STOP,CT S}TqFT\i/ALL.i'U$T COfISTRIJCT A 2 HOUR FIRE FE$ISTIVE SEPATIATIfN BE'TWEEN B VENT AND EXIT ENCTOUREIfiTptrior CDAVIS A"cton: AFCR APPROUED/CORRECTK]il READ FQh EXTIAUST UJCTB AT OARAGE HAS BEEH IN8TALLED ACCOFDI}|CI TO PI.AIYT.IO APPRAVAS ffiTAll.ED BY T.O,V. €E,{T AT FNE STOFS WIfi APPFO\ED FRE RESISTI\G ITATERIALS -TERilf.IIITIOhI OF EX. D{JCT IItJST BE FRE€ ANC' CLEAR PRIOF TO NT|E OF OCCIJPATiICY 12/13'00 Conm"r*s: Run Id: 1071 -$.ITA<E AR BY 1[',E OF .PRO\,TD,E PI PARTTAL fi.JSPECTftCft, o l-a1- -2..0-9*e-nu--*Ccnrtnenl3: w22tD1 Cocrncnlr: O.g17lU1 Commsnb: (lyr701 Comm€r{s: lffipccilori Requert -BAANUETR@T' VENTI.ATIO}I {SIJPPLY AhID RETURN} OL'CIS OI{LY hISULATION MATERIALS O,K. FOF Dt}C'NruORK LOCATEDIA/ITHIN PLENUM r FAN CO{- UNIT ClrlLY(FC./l} - Tff,'I9T I.IAVE IlIOffE II'IFO Oil TYPE OF HOOO SYSTEM, KMCF{EN EOUIP. ETC,. PRPR TO AtfY hISPEcTnNS FOR TFIE KrTCtfN IKIOD lNSPECTlOhlfrvPE t ?? OR TYPE ???) lT AFPEARS A TYPE 1 FMOD AND DIJCT gYSTEM IS REOLfrRED HOWE\IER FIETD APPROI/ED FI.ANS CALL FOR A "8" VENT TO BE USEO T$ EXALT$T THe 9YSTEM WHICH 15 f'nT AIIoIITTED UNDEP 97 UMC SEC 5C7. THERE !S h|oT ETDIJGH INFO REGARDhIG I}B hFTALI.ATION PRI6R TO ANY FURI}IER INSPECTIONgtocclor: c€lovts Acflon: APC.R APPRCh,EIyCoRRECT|ON REOD mrltantcll loush for unrb 121'?2i,314,31$,316317,318,31o.32e,419116,417,118,4?o,&, goer.q{9ry, oriu tluc8 rrcerd 14 r4fri mots tun 2 ofic.t. Uurt-bc coreclrtl or pw'kh romr trrH of tlffi$tii€ whkh dcmo8ffts .ouri comdhm6 lo th€ g7uttc ddd m.chank€l foElrncri lo dl ll'' owle connctrg to r{rd ducb. Rdnsprclon mquhed.lnapdor: - cffr, - 9,udi r"s tlnE q23ji{93^2:ffi* rjnttt-Szi-.Oati, triw J{[r rnnt nr|8 ovcr 14' murt r€cw ilsucs efll prorl(|e agpovrt ' fio.n ongirEer ,ARTIAL APPROV'AL : APCR APPROVEEYCORRECTfr)NREODl'fi.d ror dry9r wnt-duct* tn UnlB 3'1,{,9tq3_ra. qqqu Ji :iti -liTY: ITtt* " r"''rnod hxn PAFARTIAL only. naff top. AAID RETUFM 3 SMOXEIFIRE OAMPER$ AND'I FAN COtr Actbn: PAPART!{I APPROVAL ftrrr Qnrr.?ltrl\F F.t l--r nrrr- r\Q fin q- tl ?ftrtffif{nu*ffi$&t TIONS Cofirflrcr s: Unll318 ontv, 60 paltsrd ofi h€rt lln$.0e'140t h8Dectot: 'GRG' Action: PA Commonti: Unff {14 ontv. hsrl lnes. 10O osi. ffi$tr Ur"bscnur Commonti: Unil {14 onty, hsrl lhes, 10O p€I. 06,'14101 lnrnsc{or; GRG Actio,n: PAPARTIATAPPROVAL Cofimant*: Ur*b41H17 only, he.l |trles,65 e 10O p$1. 0O'16,01 h.podof: GOAV}$ Acdon: APAPPRo'dED Connmnb. t hlTil18 TESIEDAT 100*AIRTEST ADO ltlolrtTof?S Wl.EflE MISSNCi O7t17iO1 In$cclor: GRg AXionr PAFAII'f!4LAPpROVAL Commenti: ljrrnD 122 & 222 {EHtJBt 6rts. lm 9d|€d3.07i1g0l krlD.cffi GRG 'Artm: PAPARTI{ApPROVAI Comnrf,rts: uil 3a? tEHt ) onv, h.tt floc, tm pd bd.0&17,0{ lft$odor: GRG - Act rrn: pA PARTIAL APPROVAI Cofimontr. Unl &0, lU) Del 08i231(11 tmsastor: CRG klion: PA PAFnqL npPnOVAL Cofirmenb: thh 42r oflV, 1tl0 pcl 16s1. 0931/01 tnrg.ctor: rSRG' Aciion: FAPIARTITLAPPROVAL Cornrffin0o: Untls Cl7 ,t 5AO onlv. too Fsl t"rtr on hot wlier hld hwhnic coopcr tubhg.09.04fi ltwrdor: 6FG Actlon: FAPART{AIAPPFOVAI Commontr: LlnhB 5O1 & 5?2 {10(}t} 518 (66*) & 5?1 {rff}t).0g'1901 InlD.ctor: CDAVIS Ac|lon: p{PARTIAL|FFROVAL Comm.| $: UMT S19 |IEAT INES TE$TED w'Tl-l AIK 95lI 0S'21/01 hep€clo{l GRG Ac0on- FAPARTULAPPROVAL Cofin|ont$; Unlb 601, 62?. 7O1 & 722 onlv, h€t linr*, lm pel iesi. 1O'Oti01 Ble0octor: CRG Actlon. PA'PARTIALApFROVAL Coilun dx3: unlt 6:ll onlv. l00DC. 1&0+]01 Ft3g€GIoc GRg ' AcIion: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Corfimcnb: Unl616, Sfi fbor conflrulc€ room I 4th lloor rcflxmftg of,|il. h€rl lnes, lm pel.' 1O3O/01 tnlp€cbi: cdavls Acflont PA PARTIAE APPRCf\/AL Run Id: 10?1REPT131 -LQ9-$o ------, ----Cofirng{si Gomnrentri 11tr6/01 Commontr: t ,o ft|m: 316 rumBcs6Plofn-' -wnliot ffictr: GRG 4@tr. NqTqTFFP LOCA Ttl 11/16Jot tsrilec$r:. GRG fr' . U-Ac[dtt- PAPARt14g,ryrpp61141 ln*mcton R ncst R ENTRY STAJRS.WNSBOB ?|rtunc. drtv., 10O Dal.{IAPPROVAL @ e. pr{g$arirr_dronco tc lftlk W \rdh pdl to crs,ek Ulll. 10O pct. Ae166 5 r.frm hbltor N.ilro*mtt{o harxthappcd mmp. Comrnenb: tit ll b rdd btqEh tnc h incmn crlha br grMlublt ln conluncilon urltr hood tyrfttt. O( b uoa mlon rhc€ ril rarilaln looerllHr dow euopemlro csilitg l$es. i,torv bnnch ittlC Da Dr6sur}Eled & nspecbd. O7/I?/I}I h.p..!of: GRG Acl,ou PAPARTBLAPFROVAL Cofif,nnts: t nl| 122 & 222 lEilu'i orrly. 56 psl tail3.07/1gut h.D.clor: GRG - Ar*ion: PAPARTIALAPPRSTA Cornmor*s: Unf 3e2 (EHU) or{y, 60 F'el H,lbtn: 3?OilEcfhErnar,fllh0.h -'Asfio\tcrl" 0907/01 lnrocdor GRe tulon' PAPARTI|'LAPFROVAT commsntr: Un[ 6tS onlv €rhruEt & dycr dudr. Gr(}7/O1 hmrdon -BRG - Arilon' F PARTI1L INSPECTIOiI Comnrste: UUddrd chcubr qrers€ 4rctfDom $o|n iltchsn hood throndt 0oots 35 tb ncr un<ht3tt.| of toof d|ck Vylll rfrll nird to lnrpect cooncclhn b grio!. hood &-icfirfi€fion al top. p.n ffifir ililouoh rch tloor aru lo bp lte cafied.0911/0t ltco*or: G86 Ac{o: CRCORRECTfff,NREOUIRED Coffin nts. Wdlted s$/drst Coonrcdon b TvDc I lFrj md erc.n$on through toof. Ol( oxc?t2 hoLa h rnld m iltrnil$dr d duct rilr tffiitkh trom roct nouhr F lound duct tbov. hood. Aho, ttt had 3rlgl|l..ttd pbns mu8t ba Submlt d ror r|vlc$' ond requfi.d iocrilons hr dmnoub na6d b, b. .ldhrranod. {918/01 lilD.d.: GRG Actbn: AP APPROVEDw ffiffififfilsrrn}:ffiffiffiffid APPROVED ;ffidHi{rY{ffi'^qffiffiffiffiffiq{/ffi/$pffiffi;ffi#trJn UiE eao. 62lil1t$ {I ?&,bs& ftf'l*n& dilr yail d|lc|r.!*Dacbf, GR6' A*bn: PA PARTIAL APPRO!',AL i,fllffroTffii:+P'+s *?h P rr":if- r- t - (H2&ty.hrrdor: GRG' Aclim: APAPPRCAIEDf ' M ftt- Ur\-gqh',{f/ tril1pft qns. r2,snnsn€ntr6nccd'tglgplg, Y,Hr:;!1{iffir,ffififfis rat'- ' ,\.- r- "fr''Jri I trlFn{ t[I!{d' cfi* & A *itmn ffi ffi"n,&ffi'ff mffi"' ffiffi?m p.r'smsmffi|tr!3.dsr: I Snilrrrnelt'ffi Conmrn{c: LrtdTE} 31 4,31 5,3t 6,31 8.41 5,.11 6,41 7.41 4 FlllAt FOfi TRhr. BASEBOAFD HEAT, At'lD K|TCHFN FPOD ONLY EXCLUDE$ FIREPI,.ACES, DRYER COt-lt\ECflOl.lS AND COOKTOPS.. {1/o€I/01 Inrpocior: GFG AEton: f-lOf.IOTfFlED cffirmcntl: PfrioLm lYllh rbcxho cbih6 gnEfr - too blq lor nrshlrrdry3r clorst3. eai dbcoffret will ba16& acri$$blr. fc'ld rulcorfoacfore Unf,Ornre mu* t* nmovGrDlc, Inchfiilng glGr I rt i conn*Som, ''r#tottt crfifi{t hoho ln finbh€d wilb. cN( lf tpPfsrrtd ,ctcts pqneb-G€d aft.lof mdhtrl|c|!{nst rbloto bdtotnovd lof acc&r$.\ 11/ift01 ImD.dDr: CfiG Fc[oN: PAPARTIALAPFROVAL J Cofi rFftE: Unlb314,316,3refr317oily, Un[318nolredy-imrll b€droombo$bo.fttonn&Htsh.no$.n sildbaonmbhd. Itdil: 3{to llEcF}nnot ''3* 1?/tsi0o krn'podor: cfiG Aeilon: PAPAFTIALAPFRoVAL Commenb: Obberwrl t.ct ot crlbon monorldc cFbrffori & renbtrd gv$.rn In D€rHng gffEdp. \ O7l{I3i01 h.o.ft.: CDAvNi tulbn: PAPARlLALnppnOVRt \ Cornrn t{r: FOR BA!.|(II,ET ROOil AI.{D PtJBtlC BATHROOITS Otff.Y q i 09/0701 hqegq GRG .-A{ilon: PAPARTI,{LAPPROIAL Comm.nb: Loloy/oilcr cre oniv. tlo rlr cordfri$lrro al thir ilrnc.lo/:lgot |rr.D!i:br: CDAVf6' Ar$od: PAP FTHLAFPROVAT Conrnrntc : LrtdTs 3t 4,31 5,3{ 6, 31 8.41 5,.11 5.41 ?.,11 I REPlrl31 RlJn l:;-1T_;rnr-1 7:08 em Inca€cfiom Recuest Reporting --yan,c$i lo.vltt{ oE- .- Fage 25 Requeeted Inspect Dltel insoecUon Aresi SitoA{hlr$s: Tuesday, Oec{lrnbet 'f I,1001 680 LtCtN$hEe$ PL VAiL d8O LIONSf{EAT, PL subrilpe: MFAM lilalus. Insp tusr. tssuE$ ArPrO lnbl4atloq Adth/tv: M0(iC152 Carst Typi: Paic€t: ?'!010??060(P Ittm: Requsslor: CanirYrifits: ,qss|orrd To:- Ari+.'rr; Typrr: occupincy: 'Ovnofl Atl'fLgRS COIID0AS$0C Appilcrnt CLIMATE COtiTROt- Of. SYVS Cortrccbr CLIMATE CONTfIOL cO CF GWG Dscrlfition. AIJTLI:RS REIJOVATNCfJ-EI'{ASE QCCNSTRi nT|ol{ &irrcH 06:00 Aif 97{F,94$.2*6 Thn€ Exp. 945.5:{t6 '9?n-94&:',J2{i 97S945-2326 , nA l\w*rl lm$r ona: a\ C..rnm€nt&: PAR7IAL APPRO';AL:'APPROUED,'F{OUSE|{EEPII{G IAUIIOFY DRYEEiDUCT.-/l . l4u^ )i, irPPR FARTIAI FAIJ CQIL.C,UCT iN I{OUSE|(EEF$|G,STORA€E,''IOUSEKEEPERItlqfrt lfrtYXL i1Fl!4L,slffq*oc,rccEssrftfilcgrL*.t14F r2 l fflvl L AREA. MLtsr PHoi/toE lccEss rcl FAr''r .:ott.,'.- li' - lli 13100 lr6o{rclpr. iDAVIS tuilc'n: APCR'.qPpROIfEI'iC{}RRECTIOIIREODI DllL6 ta . ^ t/ rCornmelrrs. BIJENTAt'tDcotrfttdoNvEti?coi,lt'IgcTcnsATSOILEFRO0MFofiB-1 ANDB.2Boil-ERs,- , I IqdJ-' E L] UJOT .PRoVIDE RE\/IsEo DRAwiT,$s FQR CI-IAAIGES T.} BOILER FLUE AI,ID \,ENTq_ ^ conrJEcTot?s 1 D 9ffr,tt cE F6x;t P. Sghfil*JJRi?pffiffi#i5u*I$F,?ffiJf,r,fi,il?[rffisft*o Wafi fte.Fo!- ru$ffiii----":"=-^-^- .,o.,.^,-., itnorB(rqaft#;8ffi$[hg#.*l*[#f; Jffiiffi*F*#"" ot:FrLE-- nem: fin MEC|.! :, -SEAL AT FRE STCF? Wtflr AFF-ROVEB FIRE RESISTIVE M,\TERIA!.9. ,.TERMI}.IATI{}N OF E{,TAJC.T MI.'ST 8g FREE AND CLEAR PRIOR TO TIUE OF OCCUPA},]CY'i' "FFdi,trE'Hxililbfiid ELocirr-ndioorir-ron F*Ns esnp 't / -lltTAiff AlR cRrLLs AHs oPEt*lrG HoT c.ofi,pl-ETE Ar T!-{ls TIME. M!-rsT BE CC,iAFLETED+ , Jvt{sE ffiffi#frloroPPlnrG r.roT ccrripr-ErE AI r!{rs T|ME. Mr-rsr BE cc,rAFLErEl T - AIT?D'J.ICUF flRfEE5tSf,:\,E Et,tT €I'ISLOSiJRE IS REAUIRED AT THE EIJTRAT'ICE OFI T TH(ETffENCLOSURE ,/ ]rl / \f'. I it l Ili , i,?'.$lcliy'*Rcct+r f4"*l/,\l {cuon:aoen*f,lhtsF€crtorufi {r A,i,Yll)-b1-^ "T , AY TIME OF OCCUPAJ{:/ I ntrrrl.:t \:.,/ " Run ril: 1116 Ir, -r 1:.11-:001 ilern: 31C Inspection Request Repofting vAil,.. co - TowN oF -SKI STORAGE GFOT'ND t EVEL '/EtlTlL/rrTlON DUCTS (SI.'FPLY Atlf, RETI..|FF0 3 SMOKF/FIFE UNIT Page ?6 i:OB am Commenls. DAMPERS AND 1 FAN Co|L ,BANOUETRCOM VENTTLAT|OI.J (SUPPLY Af.iD liETUFlN, DUCTS CNLY INSULATION TiIAT E NIAL S C. K. J.CR DU; I Y'/ORK L CSATE DIiJ|'I|-III.I PLE NUM 1 FAN CClt Ul.llT ONLY(FC'4|''' MU5T r-rA.'Je MoRE rNFo orr ryFE oF Ho{i; si srEM. Kircl itl.i EQUitr. ETc.. PtlloR To Al-lv. ll{SFECilONS l:OR Tr|E i(.lI.CHEN HOOD ii.lSFHCTlONt r\ FE 1?; OR TYPE 2??) lr APPEARS A.I-YPE I hOOD AND DI,{JT SYS.TEM IS REQUIRELj HOWEVER FIELD APPROVED PLANS CALL FOR A'8" VENT lO BE USED rO EIAUST THE SYSTEM WHICH lS l'lOT ALLOWED UNDER 97 UMC SEC 5O7. lHERE IS NOT ENOUGH INFO REGARDIMi TH]S INSIALLATION PRKJR TO ANY FUR'THER INSPEC |oN Acllan: APCR APPROVED/CORRECTION REOD Commenls: In€chanlcal 0{/1?/01 Comnrents: 03'!?2n1 lnsD*)clor: crlsvB Acllon: APcli APF-liovhD(-:oKl{hc ll{JN tlE(Ju mments; methanfcaf rornh tor untts 1??.2??,3'i4,315.31e.317 318.32$,3?2 .415,416,417 A1A.4m.4?2, Correctlons DrVer rlucts erreed 14'$'lth mcr€ lhan 2 otts€is. MtEl be conectetl or provlcle sorne tvDe ot anernalli,+ lyhlch demo3lmtes eerral comDliance lo th€ 97t,MC Adrl firec har: lqal lasleners lir all fler ri,.lh ccnncllng tG rlgld dttcls R€insp€cliofr requhed. Inspecto{. cdevis ducr rouoh lor unib 52i sncl 62? apprDvsde ' q i i,ir,hs 52 | .510. have dryer vent run! ovet 14' must reclfy lssJes and pro$d€ oPProval arKl (rrn€dy trorii 6nginc€t 041?,Ol insp€ctot. ctlsvn r+.tron. PA FAft TiAt APPliCiv'AL romrnenls: ducl rouho lor litne:is rrx)m and lobbv l'pDrovedl)t23/Ol inspector'l CjRG Actron: APCR At'PROvtli,LoHRL,C i K)N REOD Coflrm€nt3: VeiiteO, clcanorns and accosr hatche3 lmiallecl io. dr\rer v€nt duc.ts in Unlt! 314, 31S318. Coukl nol tlnd ctFano ! or access for 315. which is requrred. (lall€d Paul. sup€rintetdent, & Infomed hlm- Will rscheck |rter 09115/01 lnsDsclor GRCi Atticn: pA pARTlAl. APPROVAT Comments: Unhs 014. 515, 51 /, 518 bath fan .l rlryer rlucts and 4th lavet trcr)untlng duci,voft only. O8r,3'tltll Insrer:lor: GRG A,iion: PA PARTIAI- APPFOVAI CDmm€nts: Unh 519 otlly, venr fans dr,(ls 89,07i01 lnsr€clcr: CFe A.tian: PA PAfiTLAL APPROVAL Commenb: trihhr botlars'.qaicr heat€r fluss ti ne3r lerminatjoh. Need to add addilicnal braclng nsar top. 1li 15,'Oi lnspector: GnG Aciion: PA IIARTIAL ApFIRCVAI. Ccrnm€nts. Make-up nit ienlperrnq un.t and Jrict;'.ark lc{ kitchon Ei€as€ hood onry. idi.;t-i ! leutur,n iwr;tvvgJ " O:ir:JO/ol frrsc,ccior. CuAvli A..trun; FA FAR f[AL AFf ROVAL comments: HEAT LINES FOR tJNtTS 320,3? l. 314 ALL TEST.EL IA 1OO # AIRTEST CORRECTION:'PATCH ALL lHROUGH PENE FA IONS lmpectof : GRG Ufrii '118 only, 6{J p6t test on heal lihes UNIT 418 TESTED AT lOGf; AIRTEST Inspectof ' GRG Unh 414 onlv. h6at lines, IOD psr lniD€ctor: GRG ,{clion: Unhs 415-417 .ri!y rleal l:r',es, 85 & 1m Psllnso€ctor: Cf,A'.'lS 4:ticn.:Insp€ctor: Cf.A UNIT 418 TESTE .4,ction: PA FARTIAL APFROVPT Acttan: PA PAR f IAL APPROVAL A{ion: F4 PARTIAL APPROVAL PAPAPTIAL APPRC\VA}., AF' AFFROVED 06/16,O1 comrYlenls: 0G/1 -4101Comments: 0G/14i01 C{rmmanfs. c6i26/01 Comments: AC.D ISOLCTOFS I'JHERE tTtISSING D,- t17t0l Inspectar. GRC A:tion; PA PARTLqL APPROVAL Comm€nts: Units i22 & i2i iEtltjsr oirli. lfi) psir€sls. 07i l9O1 Insp€ctor- GRG Aclion: PA lrAlt TIAL AF'PROL'AL Cornnl€nis: Uniti22 (EHU, of i/, hc,rt iifles, li}] tsi test OBrlT;Ot lnse€clof . GRG A,-tiorr. FA PARI iAL AFFr-iOVAL L(}|rm€rus Unil 420. lix, psi 08r2:y01 tnspoclor, GRG Adion: PA pAR IIAL APPFOVAL Commonts: Unlt 421 onv. 100 psi tsst OEI31/O1 lfi€peciof : GRG ACIIOfl: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Cofirments: Unh!,517 & :?O onlv. lC{r nsr lesls or, hal woiel h€''1 hvdronir roFp€r ltlbino. cf9i04,o1 tnsDeclir cRo 4.thn FA pARTtAt AFPRovAt. Commonts. Units 501 ,S 5?2 (10Or: ilg 16s#I & 521 (1Cfj#). O9/19/O1 lnsroctor: CDAVTS Actlon PA FAR rLAI. APPROVAL. Comrnenls UMT 519 HEA.T Llr.lES TESTED WlTl i AlR !t5# 0€.'21101 Ins&'ectc{. GRC Ac[on. PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comiirsnls: Unitl 6f,'1, e?2.7Ci 6.722 3nlj, heat linee, 1C€ rBi tesl. l0ro1rol lnsp€ctor: cRG Actlon. PA'FARTIAL AFPROVAL l,:ommeni6: Ui'tit e21 crrly. l OCi psi. 1010*0,| lrrstsctor. GliG Acbon. lA trAliTlAL AJ]FROVAL C(,{nrrrgrrts Urlii 516, {rtir t^,r r-,Jtrlctcrlce ruoiflii 4ili fl.x,| acLou'llllr{ ufrlut, letl hli€s. 100 F'st.1t}.{r01 brspecid. urlaqs Ar:irtrr'r. PA Pi-fi IIAL APPfaOvAL REPT131 Run Id: 1116 , 12-11-2001 7:fl8 am Inspecdon Request Reporting Page27 vAtt,. co - TowN oF 1O$' AIRTEST PERFOR'ilED FOR SN'OWMEI.T AT FFQIN ENTRY STAIRS.WIRSFO IS L(X:ATED BETIEITI.I PAVE:?S 11/21i01 Insp€.lor: CD.r\l"/l:' fu'1ir'n. P! PAPTlhl, ll{-ePECTlOt't Commsnts: PARTIAI StjCft'MEL'l OF EttTRY FCUR OF.UGE3.cLL iCe# pJRlEeT Itenr. 3 15 PLME G;rs Pipino 07t17,01 lnsiector: 6RG Aclion: NO NOTIFIEO Comrn€nts. f.teil(l to aort orancn lln€ In kitch€n c€ilrng fo{ alneshutol! ||t coojunctron 'vtth hood system. OK to rr3€ unron sirrcs wrll rarnArn accessrble ab<,rvc susFrnd€d o.ihng trl€s. Nl€w blanch must b€ pt eisu{e.lesl€d & inspecled. OTil t'i0l Insoeclor: GrtG Acli,on PA PARTIAL AFPROVAI Commenls: Units 1?2 & ??2 {EHLtst onfv. 55 p6i lssis tl7/19101 Inso€rtc'r: GFG ActlDn: pA PAiiTIAL APPROVAI Comments: Unn 32? (EHU) onlv, 50 flrlteslItem: 32O MECH-Erharrsl Hoods " Approved " O9/07/O1 InsF€ctor: GRG Action: PA PAFTI.AL APPROVAL Comlnaflts Unlt 519 onfu exhatst & clruer ducts. 09.'071t)! Inspector GRG ' A.:lior| Pl PARllAt INSPEC.TICN Comments Welderj clrr ulnr oreas4 rl,il..t fram sh+'re f :tctlFrr rt.r:d lhr.'Uqh ll'c'r:; ^*5 tlo near ttnd€rslde of roof dack. Will 5illl n;Edtr inltn.it i,:nnei!ir'r, ti grue:e !,;.:d 8,-!-:,rnlnru(:n atloF. Pen€lratlons lh!c.uah each Roor afe lrj be frre r:.lulke,.j. 09/i 1101 lnspsitor: cRG Aotron: CR COFRECTION REQUIRED Comments: Weilded grease ducl. Conn€clion to Type I ho€d and €xt€nsion lhrough roof. OX €xcept 2 hol€s in ryeld on €nh€t side of duct n€ar ka[silion from feclanqulal to rou j ducl atpve hood. Also, ]€vls€d engtneeted plans must b€ subnr ted for revi€w €nd requir€d l(xatiorrs for cl€anouts n€ed tD b€ delernrrried ' 09/ lfi/Ul InsDoclor: GR(; Acton. AP APPROVEO Comm€nts: Veiified tha{ }*..b ln rield in greas€ duct had b€en rep€irecl. Had clr}*r,8lbr .€n}ov€ orrlff & Inn€l lryers of gr€as€ ducl enc|o3ijre In lh|s locEtlon. O9I2SO1 hSpeaor; GRG AJhn. PA PARTIAL APPPOVAI. Comrnents. Unhs 62O, 621 .701 & 722 bath. kilcherr & dryer t€nl dircls. 10110/Oj InsDeclor: GRG ArJion: PA PARTIA[ APpROL/AL Comments' tjnh 516 ontv balh kllchan & drver vpnt d ':tl.Itenr: 330 MECH.S(rf.nty' Aitllem. 1dn MECH-Mkc. " AFF.rova,t " 0g:3 Ol Inspr-clc': iPG Aution AP APPRO*ED Ccmntents: 9rro{rrlqlt lubrnn. 5. l,l. ua[ac.: err!inLc dtiv€. 10C c:i lest.10i0z01 ln$pectar: cFl'G Actlon: AP APPROVED Commenls: Snowm€n lublng @ f'6ndlcapp€d ramp. E . srde, adiacent to palh 10 brk€ pslh, 10O psl. 1OO5/o1 Inso€cto{. GFG- ' Aiton. AP AFPROVED !tem: 390 Comm€nls' 'l 1116/01 Commenlg: 11i16/01 Conlmenls: MECI-l'Fkral Comfir€nls: Snourrnelt fubrnq. N. halt of entatrce drive to E€rktrrl qaraoe. too Dsi t€st. 10i25ro I lftsD€ctor: GRG Afiior'r. FA P,.FT|AL*AFPRCjVALloiz5rol lftspector: dnve ttJ E€tl$trtl qalaqe, I Lxj Dsl L A,-IiOt I PA P..FT|AL}FPRdVAL Comrn€rlts. Snolrrn€ll tubrng for dnv€ to trash compactor l0O psa t{rslmm€rlls. sno itti€n ruDtnQ I 11/06101 lnspector: GFIG ,mDactot I (xJ osr l{rsl A,:lton: AP APP|IOITED Comff|€nls: Sno'wmelt trblng E cl N anrance d.ir/6 on elther si4e of tlash dumFtttar Ec€3s pad, alr te3t on @9? !Bl. lnsDeclor: GRCi Actlon PA PARTIAL APPROVFI N. hondicaDDcrj ramD and anron in tont ot I'1. 'rehlcular entmnc€ drive. 10o rlsi InsDectot ' 'GRG Aftron PA PAFTIAI APpROVA!- sn(;',tmen tublrlE O F ped€slrtan entrtncE to linl. uf, ,r/fh f-,alh t., .re€k lrall, 1OO tr'sl Ast(eal to r€'hi'rt ialer for . ino.,nirnett @ h;!nd'':ailFc(l t..^1p 12/15r'UO In3pectcr. GRG A;tucn: PAPARftdJ-APPROVAL Comments: Obs€rved tesl of carton lnonoxlde deleclion 6 retnowl slstem in parking garage. OT1OTO1 Insp€clor: CDAVIS Action: FA I,ARTIqL APPROV,t - ' CONTNTenIS: FOR BANOUET ROOM AND PUTiLIC BATHROOMS ONLY O9O;IO1 krsp*:lor: GRG Actrcn: pA PAFTIAL APFRO\I'AL Cornrnents Lotrbvroilice arsa onlv. l.lo ttf con.Jati(rllnu at tir|! tinre 1O29r01 lnsoeclor: CDAVIS' Aclofi: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL comm€nls uNlrs :J14.315.315, J18.415.416 .4f i .41I FINAL FOR l RIM BASEEOART) HEA] , ANLT KITTJHEN HO(}D ONLY E X.CLUDE S FIREPL AfJ E S, DR YF R C]OIINECTIONS AND COOKTOPS. 11lO8/O1 Insp€clcr: GRC, Actlon: NO NOTIFIED Comments: Problem with xtacking clolh€s dryers - loo liq tor '&asher/dryer clo*els. Gas dlsconnecl will b€ readitv accessJble T-cld suh-cmiractors thcf'drvers musl hi remnv€able lnchrdino rias & venl Cottttlicllons, w'ilv'{tt { rtntng holAs In fllllsird-d arjlts n( lf ir[ Fre,,Ved acce6s panedu-sed andlot mediirne iabinel ttrle to t,i rrnr,".ved f.J. .t,.:s:--(,. l1i 16/01 Intl'*clc't: tRG Artron. PA PAf?llAL AFPROVAL Cunatents: Unhs 314,315,31€'& 317 only. Unit318 nct ready :,small tedroonr basebc{fd unit & kibh€n oven sllll digass€mbied. 1'li21i01 Insp€clor; CDAVI$ Aclion: pl PARTTAL ltlSPECTlON Cunments. UNITS 414 419,416.41 7.318 &IUST RELOCA1E OR REPTFE GAS LINES AT bRYER.S FOR ACCESS TO GAS VALVESlii2&Ol fuisorrcior GRG c.omme ntB: Unit 4 te onlv REPT131 Acliar. FA PARTIAL APFROVAL Run Id: 1116 11-21-2u01 lnspecton Reque$t Reporting 4:57 pm _ __ . _ UA|L. Co iIAWHI}F___- ____ . _ _ _"__ Requesb{ Irrspect Date. Inspecflofr Area; Slte Addrccs: AlPlp ltrlumrtron Adlv[y f,fX]O152 Tvn*: FMECH Conrt 'Ivr*: OccrrDailc|:Pric€t: 21O107Al6flJO Own€r: ANTLERS CONDO ASSOC Appllcant: Coribrctcr: Daecrlplion: Wedrtesdry, No\.cmbct :6. 2001 GG 680 UON$HE.AD [4 VrrL 680 LTONSHEAO PL orGwscc oF{31n 9 $ub Tvoe; lvlFAM Its€. Phcno: 94$r-'366 Phoil€: 970'S4$?326 Phonc: 970-945"2336 Slalu:: I$SUED lffiF.tuaa: GG trtiFccfron History |ttm: t00 Meptt$glet l|t.coNsTR,J(-Tft)ri ,I{OUSEKEEPER OFFICE TION REODSt AI{D&2 BOILERS AIID IJGNT coNl€cToRs €Od-ER UUST FIOT OPERATE UNNL THE S'TATE BOILER INSPEC-TOR HAS PROVID€D AI'FROVAL AND ALL B VENTTERMIfi!{T|oN POIN S ARE A i,iINIMUM OF ? ABC}VE A$fYTH|F$ WlTHll'l I (f lJttG SEC8fJ6.4 NSTAT.L FNE STOP AT SF{TFT WAt[.MI.'ST CONSTRIFT A ? TIOTF FIFE RESISTI\'E SEPARATIOI.I BETWEEN B VENT AIO EXIT EISLO{JRE 12t13i0a tlotoctor: cDAVls Acibn: AFGFAPPRCfr/ED/CORRECT|ONREOD Cornmerds: FOR EXH,TTUST OUCTS AT{}ARAOE FtA$ BEEH I'"ISTALLEDACCOFICTI'IG TO PLAN/NO APFRo\/AL$ OBTAIN€N EY T.C.V. -SEAL AT RRE STOPS'xvlTll APPROVED FIRE RES!$TftG TTATERIALS .TEBIII$IATff3N OF EX. DUCT UUST BE FREE AT.ID CLEAR FRIOR TO TIME OF OCCUPA,\EY "PROVIDE AALANCIT.IGIVELOCITY RTPORT FOft FA}'S ASAP +{TAKE AR GRILTS A}P OPENbIG I'IO1 COffTPLETE AT THIS TIME. [iUgT BE COilFLETED BY NME OF OCCUPAT..EY. ATWO HOIJR HRE REgiSTfuE DI'CT ENCLOSURE IS REOUIREDAT THE ENTRAI.ICE OF TI-IE EXITETSLOSIJRE REPTl31 0f/0F.-t01 frr*poctor: cd$vb Acilon; Pl PnfiThL |I{SPECTION PI-AT.I$ CAI.L FOR A'ts'\1ENT TO BE USED TO EXAUST THE SYSTEM W}IICH IS }.IC'T AlIOtllED UISER 97 UilC SEC 607. TIIERE lS ltlO'I' El{Ct{JOtl INFO REGARD{I{G TFIts S.ISTALLATION PRIOR TOANY FUFTHER h}SPECTIONhlDrcbfi cdgvb Adlon: APCRAPPROVEIyCORRECnONREOD nci$anlcal rouoh fDr untb 14"?2t.3{4,316,316,317.318,320,3?2.4{5,418,41?,418,4?p,e2. Cmrctlona. Driet afucb orc.d 14 wur rno ttun 2 ollbrts. ilhd b. cofi.d.d ot p|ot/ld. |otrr tvDo d .[.rnau!o wllkn d$mard.3 eqnl cocrp{once to the g7tArc ddtl mcdunlcrf brlef|€f3 b tT il.r a&'b corncling b ngH d$clB. RrlFrtl|o|rruq$cd.trtD..jbf: cd'il8 Ac{oO: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL4l.| roudt $or unltr 522 ord 6ir? rDDrwocl ' | ' - un|b 641.5aO, hrva onrrr wnt runs owr 14' mrsr ractfy ilrlrg3 lnd Ptovkh spprud rxt nilrG(tyfrom .rrghcel htpoctor: cdlvt! Actlon: PA PARTIAL APPROVAT duct roohp fo. f,Ei6 room ard lobbv rpptovedrrpeaof eRe Acdon: APCR APPRot/€DcoRREcTlON RE@ V|f[iid, ct enouts ilH aoescs hrbfte3 imh[*d |o,r dr]$ v€nr duct3 In thil3 314,316318. coltd notnrdblmnort o{ accers lo{ 315, whb,h h teqult€d. 'ca$sd Ped, sup€dntdtdinl, & hfom.d 1*n. Will rcchscttshr. $t/16i01 hro€e$f: GRG Actlon: PAPARTIALAPPRoVAL Comm.nb: Lrnls gl4, 3f 3,517. 518 br8r tm & dryer ducb ond 4th l€V9l tq.roultlttg dudlrrott only. O&3I,OI }'|rDfitOI; GFIG AdbN: PAPARTUALAPPROVA Comnlcnb: thil 619 ofilv. ycnt tanr *rcb.@l$?tol lDrp.ctDr: -C'RG Ac!,on: FA PARIIAL APPROVAL Comm€nb: ildn bo|Lrt/uder tr€alff fluer b necr tormlndbn. hM tD add 8ddfihnal brachg naat tDP. I l/tgot In6p.cbi: GRG .{rlico: PA PAR fiiq|- APPROVAL Cofimefib: Mdory ah ienpcrng urlt rM dud ilDfi hr ldbhon gforEe hood oily. il.m: 310 MEc|'l-Flcrilns '^ ADsfxrd -(}3€ffm Frcoecoc COAVIS Actbn: P PAFTIIL A9PROVAL Comnnntr: HEAT LfitES FOR UNITG 34t321,314 ALt TESTED dt 1OO * 'AJRTESTCOfiRECTIO}T: PATCH ALL TTIROL'GH FENETRATIo}I9O&tgO{ lmpcdx; GftG Acthn: PA PAFIT|,{L APPf{OVALcflrnrmE: unn 318 onlv. 60 Dal i|1il on h.ct llfiai- 06/13O1 trnoocbr: bFG' Acrbn' p.AFARTtiAtAI'PtKlvAL Commonb: unl4t4or{v. h.6t 8n€i. l(D D3l.o$ti#Ol lttlD€cbfi 'C*G Aclbn. PAPARTIALAPFROVAL ComrftonB; UnIr 41$'417 ony, honl lhrs, 86 & 10O Fal.092661 fnr&cbr: CDA\7}S Aceft; AP APFROVED g3tnn1 Comftonb: 04nTnl Cofltmofltr: 04117/01 Conrtt€rils: 06€301 Conrm|nB: l|sftlon ftequest |YL' LEICL {suPPLy Afs RETIJRTO 3 SMOI(E/RRE DAMpERS A}D t FA}l COt g{JCTS ONLY TWORK LOCA TEDUYITT-IIT.J PLEM,I{ ADD ITIOTATOftS WH€FE IIIISShIG 0926/01 fnaoicbr: CDA\7}S '. Ac&it: AP APFROVED CqnMarrlr: L,MT /IIS TESTED AT {fl}! ARIEST O7!17tO1 hrpec$,tit GRG Acuon: PAPARTI,qL^PPROVAL Comrmils: l,rn,b 122 &222 (EldJ3) onty. lmodbrtB. 07/1901 lrtso.clofi, gRG - 'Af,{oc: PA PARTIAI AFPROVAL Co.r$rf,nE: Urdt 3,ilt {EHUI ooly, h.ot B16, loopqllosi._Ogtrlor had.dosi- dRd ' -' - & on: PAPARTIAI"^PFR0/ L Cmnnents: Lrn[ 4fit lm oel.0g23|/ol kno.elo{: GRG Acdon: PAPARTIALIPPf,OVAL Commentr: Unl4?t ont/, l(D ncl bac. OA.,314r1 lmD.ctor: GFIG' -Acuorr: PAPARTU\LAPPROVAL Commenb: Unls 5t 7 & 52O r,nlv. 100 pel teta on hcil urdst hEst hwrcnh cooDer tuung. 0tv0.u01 lmpcdor GRG Actlon: PA PAFITIAI APPROVAT Cornmenls: Unfta 5Ol A 522 (100*). 5l8 t65t) & 521 tloor).091901 l|aD.clor: CDA'r'16 tufm: PAFARTIcLAPPROVAL ComrEen|s: LIMT 5IS HEAT LS-ES TFSTED w'TH AIR 95I 09i21/01 h|gpa$f' GRG flrrxrnlr. Unlt €01.S22.701 ActbIu PA PARTIAL APf,ROVAL co!Flre4r.. unlr. Bo1, s2?r201 & 7?2 only, h.dlo/Oliol rlcDcctor GRG CorrF|lonti: 'l,fnlt621 mh. 100 , h.d l[|€3, 100 pel ht. AcIIan" PA PARTIAT APPROVALAcllon: PA onh. 100 DBI-: -GRG'10/04/01 Insoecfot: -GRO ' Acton: PAPARTIALAPpROVAL comn!€nb: lJnh 516,sfi flm. conbrdlce ?oom i| 4ft fbot lqqgqd!4g dqc_, !q4 |i 4th lbo. accouriilno o|rlcc. h€ot lln6, 100 D€|. AcTbfi : PA PARTIAL APPROV.AI. REPTl31 l0i30,rDi |rnf.dor: cdn/lr Run Id: 1078 o fnrpe+tm Requ*st 'sTAlRS.WlrSBO lS 11t21lgi lr|orclor: CDAlllS As{on: Pl PARTIAL IN9PECTION COfi N€NIE: PARTUL SNCNi'T€LTOF ENTRYFOT.R GAI,J{}ES ALL lAX AIRTEST llrm; 315 Plf,l&G€3PlDlno O7,17tO1 ht'rcbr: GRti Ac[o*: ],lOtlO'IlFlED Comm€I*3: tha{t to ldd b.rnch {ne lo ldtstrcn c€'fkro Sor aub-€tlutolt h conf$fiion wlth hood syriam, OK |o rra r,nhn rlnce *,lf rsnreln accarCHc rbove suepenood caUlnfi $es. Nil branch ri{rel be Dnrililft.,hrliBd & lrEoeel€d. O7!17to1 hrocdor: €RC Adht'! PAPARTI,AL APPROVAL Commonb: Unlr { ?2 & XTe lEl4.hr af,,lv. 56 pol tctti.07/t90l kt0D.clbr: GRC ' Actlon: PAP FTIALAPPROVaT Comrn nB: t il 3a2 GHU| ooty, S prl teri.lbn: 32O ilEcl"l-Erh€nd Hoods, - Apprw..i - d9/o7lth h|9oc$r; ORG " A.flon: PAPARTIII i\PPROVAL Commoflt3: Unf 519€nly orhsr{ & drvar duct3. O9O7O1 Utr&ochr.';''GRG ' AIilon: PIPARTIAI-r'ISPECT|o''I cornffing: wCo* crlc{-1ry ireo*e thrct trorn oow htlchen hood lhrouqfi tloorB }5 tto noot uilbsldo of ldd$I. Wlfl Sl nfulo Inlp€cl conn ctlon lo grffce t|aod lt-Hrdndtof\ Nf rop. P.netdront fro{tcfi sc{r lloor lfc b !a fr€ cstdkd.oelr/Ol hsodtor: GtlG Ac{on: (}TCORRECTPNREOUIREO Commerit: WdftLd orcr3e dlct Conn cton to ] vD€ | lrood ond Brl€ruCon t'trough toot OX er6igl 2 hohr h hld on althar slda of .lucl n$r trar}s|tfun ltorn t damular b rctFd cloct tbot c tlood. Abo, tsrh.tl qnghrair€rl plms rflJst Do rui{ilnsd for rwhiy cnd rsqulrett locdonc h{ chono|,|s n€€d tD Do deftrmhrd. 09/t&01 htp*tor: €RG Acdon: APAPFflOVED Commorils: Vorrta{t tnt hola in $Btd in gfraa€ drct hd boen ra?€lroo. hC dryianit t3mov. q.ficr & |nml lnvol! d ol6id duct om.l06uri ln thE loctllcn.(BI2SO1 INTCCbTI GRG AdhN: PAPARTIALAPPRO{/AL ComnrentB: t ffi 820. 6al , ?vl & zza bdr. l(tchcn & dryrl veflt ducts. 1ry10/01 hto.dof: GRG Actlon' FAFARTIALAPPRCVAI Cdnmenb: t.krlt 516 only, bdr, ldthbn & &y.r \,ont d$ds.hn: iXlO llEct+SlptIyArIorn: 340 ilECFFt*Lc. Apprsnd - Gy2&01 Ineocctor: Gf,G' Acdon'AITAFPR€/ED Commtrrl.: $*'r'rEf t,b|Irg, S. l/2, sarsse cnblfica drnc, tmFdi|fl lOlV2tOl h.D.cbr: GfG Acfion: rqP /FPROVEDoTffifl# *M|l t"%@ handr@pad '"Tm,olB m8l#d"* to bns pah' 1oo p6r. Coftxneots: gfffiBlt b$eE. N. haf of mtrance crflvg to md(trto oarro, lmDclt6t- 10?w01 kr|D.cbc GrG Ac{onl PA PfRTIAL-AISPRdVAL Comm€rdr: Snartim* helno hr 6rhrr lo Iraih camDsctr. t 0o Dor taEi- 11,OF01 h.D.ctor: Grc kton: f,pgrppgypp Commcnb: Snoriln l tnblr0 E , ot N. crfl|Enc| ddro on afrrar rldo ot t!.h dumFqlr acas p..t, alr i|J on e Et Dcl.1l/1wot lrilboclor: gRG Acilon: PAP/{RIIALAPPRO/A Ccnmrsru: N. ho(ftaDpcd nrrp ard aDron h Foni of ll. vsltaculor eflfrncr ('hje. l{D pcl. 1tl{6/Ot lFsD€ctor: -'GRG Aclbn: pApAFThI.APPRO\JAL Commdtt3: rnd,nrmn tr.6#rtt el r. p€dc$r]an.ntrarK, b llnk $p wlth polh to craok ltell, 10O Psl. AC(€d to rdurn hhr to{ N. -nor^m€f I hsrxncrppcd ranqr. li.m: 390 irECl&Fintl""iit\i'tai tllo.ctor: cRG A.eoril P#ipAiidfi['6ppqo/ALCoilnsflt3; Otifild t rt of cabofi tilorlod. deFaiol I romolrtl syr .tn i! F€tFrE gpraoo. 07r03/ol hro.dof: COAVIS Acdo{r PAPARTIALAPPROVA -- Comm€nti; POfi BAr\ffAUET ROOII Ahff} PUBLIC BATHROOfl$ ONLY Os07i01 !tt|0.trr: GRO Artlon' pApARTIILAPPROVAL Commenlr: Lobbv'oficr |'s onlv. hrD tf, anffffion|m rt lh|* iltna. 10n9/01 Inrsffo.: cDAvlS' Attiofi, PAPARTALAFPROVAL Commmt5 : Ut-IlTs 31 4,31 5,3{6,31 6,41 5.if 1 tt,41 7,{ 1 I FhIAL FOR TRhil. BASEBOIRD F{EAT. ANn KfICHEN I'OOD OilILY EXCLT DES RREPLJCCES, DRYER CONiECTFNS AND COOtfiOFS. 11/0801 |rtrocht: eRG Aclircnr l,lol.loflFlEb Comm€fiE: Prtjl{em rfih s{rcklm cblhas dn €{r - tlo biq for tsslr€f,'dty.f clo6et$. G€r dbconnaCt,t{l bO- t hady rcc€.rtHa. frfd e|tscorfbacto{s thdrtryers muct t,.| rctnoro€bh, iricludlng gss & wil conn*:ilo{E, nfio|rt crlfirto hols h ttrhftrd wl6lF. o|( It spforrorl accrls Fn lr ui.d rnoot madlchi c.banai able !0 be l€|||otd tor Ecce6.ll/t8/01 hADiCION GRG AdOON; PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Comm€r*s: thlh3t4,3t5,3t6&317ody. Unft318ftotrredy-smdlbrdborflbqrcto6rdur*&ldtcltnonnrillrlkr$H. 11l21tm ln$edor CDAV{g Arlbn: PIPAFTIAI$IEPEDT|oI{ Commants: IJl\fTE 414,416.416,if1 7,318,, TIIJST NELOCA1E Off REPIPE OA$ LINES AT ONYERS FON ACCESS TO GAS VALVES REPT131 Rrm Id: 10?8 07-0&2001 lmpccflom Request Reporttng"z5e-ar!L-_ __..-__ .-__vatL*co.irolilitQF-_ - FleqrrcEted Inrpoc{ Drte: In$D€cuon ArGrlglt|Addrrss: aaD.he@$o! Acfhrt!,: ltxxllb" TyDo: &MECHgonst Tw|6: Occunei*w:qfien ANTTERS cot\Do ASS0C Coffiocbil CUil TECONIROIeOOFeW$ Tu6Ed!y, July 03, 2001 6gI UONS}IEAD FI.VAIL 680 UONSHEAD PL $ubrlff: itrAn Pfione: 9/fiF6366 Ptro{l6: 9n}'94$2346 Ststr'; Inrp61*, t8gtED€c hcrfpton: ANTLERS REtlCru TtrtilPtiASE IS{,ONSTRIJCT|oN oFGl,vs Tlme Errp: Kt+Frl Reeueeh<t Tlme: S1!g#sr6 E7T.|1d BV: DFLORES K \ tl '*El/.l.zCy.rq Paa4 5ilryr .' t rtfun: P{ PAFTIAL s{SFECItO}l .: APf,ROVED HOUSEI(EEPI}.ICi LAUNNRY DRYER DIJCT. COIL,OTJCT f,.I I'IOI.,SEI(EEPIiIG.STOfrAEE,FFI'SEKEEPER OFFICE DE ACCESS TO FAI.ICOIL.Frton' ApcR AITF IOVE0TORRECTION REOD coNr€cToR$ A7 BOILER ROOrt FOR St AIF F2 BOTil ERS. }B FOff CI-IA}'IGES TO BO{.ER FLUE AAN VENT M,'ST iIOT @ERATE t'NT[- TIG STATE BO{.ER SISFSCTOR I{AS PROVPED ApFRST,IL Atlo ALL B VEHT TERMIMTIOII P0{-jTS ARt A tt{}lllAJM OF ? AAnE A|tYTlilftF WITHN lO Ui,lC SECI06.4 FATALL FIRE S?OF AT sffAFT WALT.IITJgT CCI,{6}INUCT A 2 T{OUR FIRE RESISTTVE SEPAFATIOT.I BETWEEN B vEhIT AIt) EXIT EiICLOTJREh.D.ctoc COAVIS Actloo: APCR APPRCIVESCOffIRECTION REODF* E'(}IAIJ$T DI}CTS AT GARI(3E I'IAS BEEN hTSTAIJ-ED ACCORDfrrc TO PI,.AT.&TO AFPRO{/ALS OsrAf{Ep 8Y T.O.V..SEAL AT FNE STOPS WITtsI APFROVEO FIRE RE,EBTIVE TTATER}ALS .IERIilT.IATIOI.I OF EI, DIJCT ilTJST B€ FREE Ah$ CTEAR PRIOR TO TTIE OFOCC{JPAiICY .PFIOVf,}E BAI.A'.IChIGWELOCTY REP TT FOR FA}I$ ASAP .IIITFOG AF GRLLS AI'.IOOPEMI.TG T.IOT COT'FLETE AT TIfiS Tn|E,IflJST BF COIIPLETED BYTNTE OFOCCL'PA}.ICY - A TYYo i+olfi nRE RESISTIVE D{.CT EitCtOSURE I$ ITECRXRED AT TP{E ENTR^T{CE OP T!'IE EXTT EiNLOSUIRE Aclbn: Ft PARTFT| h$iFECTSSN ftl1,vo td{2 fg"-"eo'"'- Ofsf,Yccts In*ocof_Ep Hl*torv rbm: 2m *i%€frflt1 Conmaltg: tutw Co|tmr|d3: 12y13i00 Commoilr: fi2/06'o1 hof.do{: cdruh Run lcL; 745 +{s REPTl31 I1i'*t i , ll(rd.y, Oeacmber ?4, 2001 6T0 LK'I{SHEADPLVAIL G8O USISH€AD PL ANTI€RS LODGE Plrofia: Phonoi Phon€: $ub Tlpe: iIAPT ultg: TIIG, GAI} tIhEE U TIC FEES TO PERNT FEE..IqTHY SiS.r: ISS{JED h6pArsa: GG Fmfi69 Cornmd*r: 07i2(lJm Coffinor$ti oTnUw Coiln.|rt3: oTEnNOcstrr|.nt: 08fix1/m Codw|ab:B3{ym ConrnE|rb: €/o6rtx! Comrnntr: - ADoFnrd - CD AFPRSVAL CD CD APPROVAL lNc. lNc. 30+322-E144 il}}342"8144*s6386 Requs*bd Tlme: 0t;00 Ail' Ffrlr: 3&3i12-Bla4 Entarul S: DFLORES K tL/Lrfdr - w6br cotumn l.6t nnirofinH ft{ DrVV I LhlE RED{JCED TO 6 STORI/| DRA,tl ) ALSO epFROVEO:lrluST TE9? TISS SYSTEi I AT POI.IT WHEN lT Rl,rlfi] Ite.dhr: CD Acdon: C.OCERTIFGATEOFOCCUPAiICY AODTL COiruS - rffi c-h,'nn lFt on d$n & D.rlr.l dotm dt h llnc I'lPeChr: CD ArIbN: PA PARTIAL IJ'PROVAL finitrnlcd room AalElr|tD.cb.: CD Actlon: COCERTIFICATE OFOCCIJPAI{CY ADDIL COMIF . 10 l|tlt cotnttfl Ld dotm dill|t! at rm. locatbn t0 tlliff colunn t dI|!9&r: JRH Acdcn: PAPARTI,'TAFPROVAL PAIITIAL A'PR TAUIDRY AcfloN: .PA PARTUL PPRO{/AL AciloTT: CO CERTIFEATE OF OCCI,PAI'ICY Afilon: PA PARTTAL APPRO/AL A/Pn)lnlbrmdoil F{tqucg$d tnlpcctDrb: lnrperjton Area:S|bAddf3$r TYPC: B.'PLIIB OcctDaifu REPT131 Run Id: 1168 Itar 220 coir;lffirr i'frrr siouo-frii -a . I Lts1&y{Swphrr€l-zI mo9 rh&sa.fibly btnl -3ffil colwn tcri p€rtbrmod 11/trH01 h.p.ch.: GR6*'-"* Acihn: ilfi tDTREADYFoRfNsPEcTToil Commonb: t il3a1 nol rady, mk6fils rmbr clomt.PtM&RouSlyD.W.V. h A6d'nr;ixl "t(I040O hrDcclor: JRll - Ac{on PAPA'?TUTLAPFROVAL Cotrtnrnti; PARTIAL APPf,OVE ZND TEVEL KfTCHEN IAID PL,BLIC BATFNOOII|S SOTJTFI4VEST .Ac{on: APPRAPPROVED ftr Bamurt.oom tllfoomc t$o\rn". r TT{^f*rt/ALAFPFovAL NIF}.A WATERCJ$' UIUN EST I )I{\PATCFFAIDiIHROIJ$11 p65111ATlOtlS AUS \ A{flnn PAPARTI,AL APPROVAL I.hI LOBBY AREA \ 9ffiI"o"*TTALAPPR.VAL *ffi*^pnrrligAepRc,vAL {wncnbi Lornfft hrt$ !.rldfrg Eraoc, srt6r column,11io2iw hs3.r!d: ichnlc- - - A.sofi' PA P.ARTtll;ppfigy41 l|rBpoclor:tfilt 318 ( lnrD.cbf:unlt,ll4t NTESTItt TI-|,AT A REltvlSPECTlOlJ MAY BE REOUFED E REFOUTED o hnN€oilPll,lt.lcE FoR Am s]ffomR STALL DhENSIOiIS Acflon: PAPARTIAL APFROVAL CORT{ER 1O FT I{AED1lEgm hto.cbn CD \tff' Ac{on: PAPART&ILAPPRC}VAL COfit'TIflI!: DYSVWATER COLUT,|N TEST IOCAT|ON AT.2 LEI/EL OF PARKhIO SARAGE PUBLIC liEETROOltt PATCH AtL PE}JETRANANS THROUGH rtOORS Iz|Ol/IX} Ir|sgdof: CDAVIS AdUOfl: PAFAFITIALAFPRSVAL Comm.'ilB: DI,W TS'PECTED AT -3 LEVEL MECFIANICAI ROOIrI I',OP ShII( TESTEDD WTTH 1(/ WATER colr"rilitTEST .TTUST ITIOLATE CAST \IENT FROM STEEL STUD OA'13,O1 h|9*b'': CDA\I}S AcTbN: PAPARTTALAPFROVAL Cqflilent$: Uf.bER FLOOR DWV TESTED WITH A 1O WATER COLI,TIN AFEAS I.|SEPCTEDARE -IGNT RlJil FOR OfiEASE "rRAF,FLooR $lt\fi( Ar.lDALl KITCHEN SnC(s St EAI{OUET ROOT S (Erio€Ytll Cofirmont3: 03l3OOt Commcrds: tlul&,ot Commeni*: wldo1 Coflrflanl!: og13V0t Corrmor*s: (F/14tO1 rALt t l.lDER FLOOR Dtnry SER\nilG Lri{TS 3{4,315.&3t6lnr*i*or; At Ac{o*r: APPRAPPROVED r.8{T3r AI'PFCVED TE8TEDWN'HWATErNsr$wERcEnJ}{i TlclNs-' Actlon: PA PAFTIAL APFROVAT Q7t17 Co rmmts: 07/19l0l Cofiment$:a7rutol cofiTn€fit3: mlv. WN!.r c{{urn t.3{.- Ac{oO: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL , wdrr co{umn ioiL: CDAVS ACTION: PAPARTTAL APPROVAL 4TA 6TP16YSP UND€R WA1ER COLUMN TESThnp.dor: c{hvtr Acfton: PA PAF1qL APPROT/AL lvrtrr column bd tor unils 514 & 515 i\ctlon: AF APf,lio\lED ACTOf!1 PA PARTIFL APPRWAL Aclion: PA PARTIAL APPROI/Ahr9odor: GRG UnIb 517 & 540 cUnlt! 517 & !4r-oof/, wsbr column bd.hlDlc,oil C'RG Aciloil: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL t nllD 601, 5?_?-.!18 & 521 o{rly, wdor column !Q19. _Ineprdor: GRGtm519 nol mcdt ' Artbo: NR itOT READI'FOfi INSPEOflON 0*ury01 Commorrb: @t17tgl Cofimonts: 08l/2301 Commcr{s: 08n1/01 Cofimonir: 090401 Comm€l{c: €/17i01 Cornmer{!: 09/19/Ol Comrn€r$s: 0g?t/01 Commenb: 0ry26d}'r CommcnlB: hsDactof: oRG Unf 4?O or{y, wdof cohlmn b6t lffiD.efofi GRG Unlt 421 only. I.ody for lnrD€cdDri.;DAIJIS Adbn: PA PARTI,4L APFIffOVId- {TY EIiA'V TESTED WITH WATER COL|'Ji'hI TSSTORG AdON: PAPARTIALAPPROVA! |n3D.cior: CDAVIS Adbn: PA PARTIAL l,rlt$T 619 ONLY Dttvv TESTED UIffTH WATER COtuirhl hoPiCbf: GRG AdON: PAPARThL Un[r 601, 622, 701 & 722 only. r,rdor cokmn te6f, AcflonI PAPARTIALAPPfiOVAL 122& REPT13T. lffiD€cbr: gRG thlt 620 only, $rat€t cdumn lod- Run Id: 1168 llrm: 230 C{rmmrnb: Flhes a6m or$y, trbr calumn bit"lI lllll El^r r-L,|lr-l.' tr rrx.r^.r-l'a'rPLllBfiotrlB-Rouqlvwd(llnBlffi hroecior:Appro^ed "$n8ft6 lntpcctor: I Comm.ntr: {r? WATER ln*pectlon Requert Comtn€nts: lU01/0{ lrupocilor; GRG $fnentE: LJil Gat onlY. re!{631 only,w*rr cdorm hct.CoilnentE: Co{rtrr€nb: o AcTIOTU PA FAff TIAL APPROVAI. AcIbn: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Ac{orr: PAPARTI{L APPROVAL PARTI,\L APPROVAT 16TA$IDCOLDWATER LhES PENETRATIONS PAPARlru APPROVAL {BO*AIFTEST t(yo4ot lrrtpecbr: -GRG Comnanar: thil 616 onhr, rvd.r col|.trrn bst. 1W1AO1 hepeclor: -ART ln$cdor: CDAVI6-' A.don: pA PARTI,\I ArTPROVAL{,? WATER SUPPLY LI}.IE8 TO EAfiROOM CROUP AT.? LEVEL IN PAfrKING GARAGE TESTED AT 60' AffiEST r\SSTALI h}5IJ{.AION TO FOLATE COPFER LINES FROM GATVII.IEED I-IAI.IGERShlSu{-AlOn TO FOLATE COPFER LINES FROM crAtVtlEED h}INGERSCDAV}$ Acflon: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL12/tt1/00 trrip€cb: CDAVIS Acflon: PAPARTIALAPPROVALmrn.[|b: ROtJofI WATER STJFPLUY TO TilCF, SINK IN.3I.E\IEI IffiCI"{ANICAL ROOM AIRTESTED ATComnrnb: TOWAILr2ll300Ac{on: PA PARTIAI APPROVA TWO LAT''.IORY $ERVNE LN,ES BOTH 'TESTED AT 60T ANTE$T Cofr$tronb: hl€AItnU€T ROONII A{D SERvlnK, UMTS 314,3{5,1!316 TFIR(IJGH ALL WATER LF.IES lnOil USSII ALER riATERlAt"S rFyrl!il0{Acflon: APPRAFPRO\/ED rrs0ootn itrLr rcr.loc:l6t + .ADOHN -h89TALL tlt/l901 Comtn€nti: 0ry1d01 Comm€n$: os1301 Cflnrncnl$: 06t1401(bmmonts: 06f215&t Comm,Bnb: o7loryth Commcntr: 31 07t17to1 Oommonb: o7119/01 Cornrnoffi: 07/31/o1 comfi|en!9: ffv09/01 Cor'lrnenfu: o€vl7/ol Comrnenb; 0e/r30r Comnrci{r: 08/:xy0t commcnts: G)/0401 Coffinar{ii 0919101 Comnenb:wztD1 Comrn*nF: og/ta/ol Comncnts: 09€7/01 Convrranie; lOOl/O1 lncpodor: Un[ 318 c hrpectoT CDAVIS Act|on: PA FARTUAL APPRO/AL FOR FITT\ESS ROOiI IJND€R ST}# AIRTEET REhlSFECTlof{ IrrAY E REOUIRED DUe TO R€IOCATIO}I OF I.NES Dt E TO hlohScoiFLlAl.lcE oF sHomR STALL DstENstor.ls FoR ADAAccegs lnrD.{rDr: GRG Acllon' PA PARTIA,I- APPROVATlhnr 12a & 22? onfo. looDclt !b.hlsP€CbI: 6RG Ac{on. PAPARTIALAFPROVAL. Un[3aZ (EHt )ont, toop3llFl.hoD.cbr: CDAr/fS Ac{on' PAPAIIT!{TAPPROVALIAfT {?2 lM ' ARTESTl|lt$.chr: cd6,k Aclloo: PA PARThLAPPROVAL unlb 514 & 615 und.r { 0O t alftnt lnsp€cb,r: GR6 Arllon: PAPAFnALnFpnmt Unn4e0only, 10OpC.Insp€ctr: C'RG ' Ardoi: PA PARTI'AL APPROA/AL Unn.l?t onlv, 80 prl. IMPctoT: -GR€. Aciion, PAPARTIALAFPROVAL Untb 517 A 52O o{W, 10O prri alr bds. ||IEPOCtT: GRG . A.Too: PA P,d?TU\L APFROVAL Ufllls 601 I S?2 (1 tl$), 618 { 100') {1 5?1 ll lOD onlt.ItrsDECh: CSVIS'ACdon:.PAPARTIALAPFRCUAL UIfrT 519 OIILY lOO # AIRTEST.REWORK ALL tsOLAlERS AT COPPER AT.ID SIEEL STT"E6Irgpdor: GRG Ac0on: FA PARTIAL APFROVAL Unfrl €O1,522.701 &722 o{ilv. 100 Frl b6f,,h.Ddo': GRG - Acdon: PA PARTlqf, APPROVA Ud6a0o.lty, {tDpclH.fiBgtsb|: GRG ACdOI: NR NOT READY FOR hISPECTION Ur$t 8:lt nol rcdv. In D.clor: GRd Adlon: PA PARTIAL ApPROVAL I I i IIS Ac'tlo{r: PAFARTIALAPPROVAL LII'IES TESTED $'NH AR AT 5{T Run fd: 1168REPT131 Ij o I I i 2& rtv(wor CommonB: lA1enr Cornmar$: oan70t CdnrncrtB: 04trv01 Comrnnl3: 06i31/Ol Connnrnlr: G)O40t Con{Daads:cg1g/fi Cofimeflb: PLUB-f,lbc. 0901fioComfiffil]t 0fl01/00 Commar$e: BRAINH AFTEST Page 20 PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Adon: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Actlonr R PARTIAL fr.JSP€CTlOt{ FQR t0t SEtrrlAl0.l FROil $ETER TIR(IJGH PARKhIG GARA€E OiLY FORFFTEENMilf,JTEB Ir UA$IFTC}MMETER TOB'.82 AND WATER HEATER uNfTS 314,315 &316 50 t, saf &.EI A.thn: APPRAI'PROVED alr le*t O 1151 hr loom 321Actim: PAPARTTAI.APPRO/A I5O'AFTEST ;IflITEST fbn: v2llxtol Commods: $I,09,01 Cofinnontt: m|3{v0t Coflmrnltl o.Vl8O1 CommrnE: 0{tlgat @Dm€fiti:(F/1GA1 Gommant9: 091301 Csnrnrnb: 06/2gol comn9nb: a7/31tO1 Commenb: ososvof Comm€ob: fEocclgr: Aoblo|tdrEocbr; L'hfTs 32 4ry .t :, Ail0.!I rttfT t.*\ffT 314lmrcff: CDAVIS lctotr: PAPARThLAPPROVA titf,T 3tE TESTED AT 4?tdrhdtltfiT 316 TES1ED AT 4Zfdrhcl lhilT 3t6 TESTED AT 23I AfiITEST LhnT grT TESTED AT 3tr AfrTEqT hil'crfDn* cdrrrls,tlln6il6fl forrcmft6fe60arm.rl : .PA PARTIAL APPROVAL @ I alrtril fof f/o .nd dri/€r & Sa rl.b.t sor-dnlrr €6 .ld.d for 7D Acdon: PAPARTIAL APPROVAL t rlb 5{H & 524{5$), 518 t42 & 3{ri & sal {28 & Sfft.fiilP*hr: CDAVlg Ar{on: PAPARTIIIAFFRO\'AL UMT519 OrtX-Y Actlon: PAFARTI,AL APFROVAL Acl,on: PA PASTIALFFROVAL Acdon: PAPAFTIALAFPf,OVAL Aclhn: PA PAffTTAL /qPPROVAL CO CERTIFIC.ATE OF OCCUPANEY oF Br.,tto|t.t6 sEwER 10 [xJcTLE tRoN EEtMi I GAOETS THIS LINE IS PIT}ICED AT IA PER F@T l€ RtJl.lrdc AT {/16 PER FOOT SOR 36 CAl.l }.|c}T .:{rl "ii .h!$Tru RI8ER CIAUPS AT FLOOR LN,ELS ATTIO COIIFIETE PENETRAIP$iI PATC}S{G@21/Ol h$.cloc GRG A.!on' PAPARTUtappnOVftCo{ilnfitB: t nlb 601. Itlz, mi A 72A onrv, 32 prl l.|t. {lfy2&Oi hcOrdor: ORG - 'Acdon: PAPARTTALIPPROVA Cornrnanb: t,nn deo ontt, 50 Da| ba{. Gy?901 lilpsctfl GRG- Aclin: l,lR ],lOT READY FO,R |I€PECTIoNCoil|nr|rb: Unt 62t not rBdhr. 1UOl/OI In$cGTo': CTRGS Acdon: FAPART}ALAPPROVALCofim.nb: lJilel on|y, soDni.l$04O1 lmprctoc -dRG- Actor: PAPARTIALAPPROIAL _SqqUEnEi .Udl5l6 ody. im pti FLil&Pool/llol Tubngil: tso nem: 260 , ;60*"o: LilE AT 12 l|rlDocbl ADDTL C REPT131 TH8 TNiE Rtrn Id: 1168 lbn: 29O Coirllanb: O'l/1801 Commcrls: {}v19101 Conrmrl B: 0l|/19401 Coilmaitr: PLilBFInd 1zit8100 Co|tun tst: o7lt'3u01 Cfl{fionti: o7flryo1 Comno|tl:(p31('t Comm€0b:(pl7/O1 Coftmettb:' 1A17n'l ht9|cbc CDAVIS icdoo: P,{PAFITIALAPPROVAL ROOF DRAhI LNE$ N LOBFY AREA {/{'LhES TESTED Wttl{ WAIERffii: cdrrb AcJon: PAPARTIALAPPROVA R(bF DRAhI L'}IES RUI.IhU{C TI{RU tsITT 317 TO BASEMENT OTJTLET TE$TED T'tfiTH WATER COLUll,tl TESTlnrs.cbr: cfiv8 &fron: PA PARTIAL APPROVAT C#PER HEAT LhIES TESTED AT 100, ARTEST AI{DALL I'U,I'IGERS ftAVE BEEN ISOLATED FROi' COFPEF LTGS VYITH TAFE Adon: : PAPARTIAL AFPROVAL h€l tl91 E. si.[ & mth*unco oltlc.. Aho t$.ln domclk tlh $rypfy tn *H;* I p1 p511y11 pp66qr,41 b.I BANOI.,ET AREA OM-Y --{ i.'', ! ll nr .! I SINK TRAPS FOR ilNNET BAR AruO KITFF€N ENETS t'|OT RENOY AT THF I(;ormfl|ll: 1Cr3(yot Cofimenbl nnwol Coilm€nb: 1AzUo1 Commonts; It6nv hed In btqr bdr ottktit315.: AFCR APPRO\TEDVCORRECTIO|.I REOD 11tg8to1 Coff|menlr: 11t1401 Cofimjrb:11mn1 Co{rlntard3:ruffin1 Comm€nb:, 1A12n1 Comnrsrb: I .Sr ir,o WTTHhI TTG N€XT 4 UI'EEKS I'USIT GET PA PARTIAI APPROVAL REPT131 Rtxn lcl: 1168 Poge 13 Rcqu€|t d lnsp€{jt Datai lv8dnrsday. Decemficr 1?. 200t' inspei$onArer: GG $ite Aridress: 6$0 Ucl{diftEAD Pl- \tAtL d8O LICNSHEAD PL. AHTLERS LOOGE AiPe Intufms0on Adh/ilv: p0$oc€9 TvFe sPLMg strb rYori' I'IAPT cornr Typir: Ocrufra'nc,y Use Ferc6l' ?1010;,?O60Oft .Applhrnt XIMMEL MECrlANlCAL, lt'S Phon€: 3t}]-322-9144Cffiador: KIMMELMECHAN|CAI.,$IC. Phaoe: 3OS-33t-8144 orvner: AITJTLERS Co,t{DO ASSoc p:texs; 91$f366 D€scrlp{on: U}if.€RGRnE.W&V.DO&IF.STiC, HEAnr-lG. GAS Lit'lES Cominefit: ASDED PLUMBIf{I3 AND MECHA}II$AL LN FEE$ TO PERMTT FEE. 'KATftY Strt|r: ISSUED fiso Aret: GG sffihSeayeced lnso€c$on(sj Vpf1\ lbm: ?91, PLHB-Ftnd t'i\,f Reoueclor: Kth,lMEL MEC,I{ANiCAL, l}J+. n\Comfinnls: 3$19O1-(F6P *r 32O ait(i & | Assl$€d To: JIvIONFTRAGONU(tf 3&O -nctkn: rlnreExp; 4ra 66p l" Prcp,ew Etruti tt 1 st+Nre Trcrs*r'-a t gTtr44t4 6u,rYztz -Rr"r,Nu,r P(c(nw,<_ Tp*p fra4n psf--ru' ,/uo*ttud/t r4ffi,wrfuSt',tlo/r1S t ^r6r P"r,A/ Itsm: ?1 07i2O/00 c(xrnlsntg: 07i?O/ffi C$irnants: O7l't$0f) Cofnmcnt$; o7/2BjOO Coflmaritf: 0&30rQ0 c0rnm€ 3t!'4ilv00 Commenls: 09/06/00 Cor,1m€n&: osr05/00 Cornrtlsnb: Ogi?!{t i:ornrnonls. t]gi?7100 Comm€nts: 10106100 Cor,tlftsni*; 10.:30i0i) CD .. APp|OVEd * ACtiON: FA FARTTAL APPROV*I-. APPFOVAL lrltsedorr C0 ,{rrion; CfriIERTiRCATFOFDCCUFAIIC'i ADDTT COfrMS - wdtu (.:olurfifi tiit p€rtunnod fsrr UWV 8 i-lNE nEDdJCED fO 6 STOftM DRAIN UNDERGRO(JNO ALSO APPROVEO:MUS.I' TE$T THI$ S /STEIN AT PCINT WHEN TT RUNS V€RTEALfi8p€clor: CD PARTIAL APPFCVAItruprtrlor CS ,q(lfonr C0 CERTTF|CIITE OF OCCUPANCY ADbn, COMMS - r,rrrrt r calurnn tegt En tu! ,!t Dor{al *tst.n dtgin llns{r hrDoctof : r.lD A{tfon: PA PAftTllU- APPROVAT nrehhanb.t room t,tEin kllmactor: CD Actlofl: CO CERTIFCATE OF OCCUpANCY ADbTL COMMS . {1, ktar column to* rlsnn droir13 rrt tome to,r.ruid! 10 Yrtter co|r|mn teli Inso€dofi JRH A,:ljcrr: FA PARnAL AFPR$\JAL PI.dITIAT AFPR LAUNDRY lnspecbr: JRlil P'rikfi. c0 CEf{TIFICATE Cf OL'CL|PANCY ADDTI. COMMS - STACK, STORM &RAIN ItJ }IVATER METER fIfuI A}JD FTOCR ffiAN WA/ IN SAME,AFPR EXTENSION 03 STORM FftCIM FOILER RM ALL 1OFT HEAI) lmpecio{: Clt PARTI,AL APPROVAL AcTroc. PA PAh TIAL APFROVAL lr|tD€ctor: CD ,,kfioflr {:C CERiIFICATE CF ':SCUPANCVADDTL CSn MS bsthroorn group lo{516d $n k}i/ut tev€! south 5Kl€ ali s)Jttems t€sted \lldn 10 rvlrfier cd mn trsl - tniire$or; CRo Artton: AF API}Ro"VED ADDEO LII.IES TO & FFOiII ISRFJ-IE TRAF KITf,H;,I'I lmDor:k|ri gR(3 lcrJon; AF AFFfiOVED ,{c{lon: FA FAFIYIAL AFPROVAT Run Id: LL19 {l|'' '*=-,***4, ' "i:. :,1 trlii. T:iTmm-- *- il$pgqit,JnT'e;|ue!|tR€-iiortang t ! : Page 32 liVcdrrcrday, Novefnber ?1 , 20Jl GG 6EO LISN$HEAD PL VAIL 68f.} LIONSHEAS PL ANTLEA$ LSOGE AtPrO lnformrttron Ariivfty: Consl. T)nl6: Patcel: Appliesr*: Ccnlraclo{: Ownar: Deccrldion: Commrni: Fffi'OO6S Tlpe: S.FLinA - Cr€.up6ncy: 210107?O60fn XIMMEL MECI.!ilNICAL. IM;. t{rMMEL r{ECl-iANnAL. :t'C ANTLERS COI'IOOASSOC Suh f,vji+: tl.\F T lrs'€: Plu}|1e: 3)3-322-AJ 44 Phorcl 303-:3!?-8144 Pho'.rg- 945.53€S gtrlus_ lffip Area: ISSUEDs UNDEIIGRIJD,W&V,DOTJIESTN. HEAN}JG, GA,$ LI$IES ADDED PLIJI'BIT.IG AFID MECTIAI.IK:AI. IjC FEES TO FEI?TIIT.FEE. - KATI|/ Fl€{lu6steo finre: 0E;00 Aftl' Phone: 3o:},::22-81.td Enl€redBy. DFLORES K .{ERTCAL OTit*oO lflssa$o.: Ctr Ac$on: PAPARTU{L.APPRCT,'AL Comm€nls, PAFITIAL APFR<)UAL 0?/l&0O Incpectos: Ct] Ac$on: COCERIFXJATEOFOCCUpATCY Coftmaftt$: AOnTL COfrMS. notctr cciunrn iost orr thrv & ped{al riorm d|Edn lln€s 09v30/0C Inrp€dfi: CR Ac{IoTI PA PARTIAI. IPPROVAL Comrnents: melhrfiicll n)om dr.ring O8/30;rJO ln$rclof: CO AcUr/n' CO CERTIFICATE OF O*CUPAI'ICY CorflmGnts: ADI,TL CCMM-q . '10 wgttr colHmn hJ6t sicffn drotns at gdme locrttc'n 10 r',||r column te3l 09./O5;0O InsD€clor; JFIM ,ktJon: PA FAFTIAL APPftCvAL Commanls: PARTIqL AFm LAUNDRY 0gvll$lf'o ln$D€ctor: JRM Ai:ton; CCCf;FTIFICATfOFOCCilP.ANCY CONIrNENI3. ADbTL COMMT; ", iiTACK. STORM i}F(At.I IN WATEH METER RM AhID FLOOR DRAtr{ WA/ IN SATtr.API'R EXTENSiSN OS STORM FROM BOILER RM AtL 1OFT HEAD 0,912?i0O lrnpectu: CDComrl$lti; FAFTIAL AFPPOUAI uurr s-7 mpguF$[1r. 3',S 'liFpeorad- ,rusrvtaL €+p or.r6lrcr^/€@ &nl6q hspecton fllsjoff nrm: Sl0PLMFund€rot'sund *Appfr\aC* OTECU0O 'lnspe<;br; 0$ '' Actlon: PAFAfiTIAii-APPROV L COthMgT'T5. PARTIAT- AFFROVAL O7l70itn liltoeclof: CD rcton. CO CERTTRfiTE OF OCCUPAI.ICY C$nnrenli; ADb'fL COMMS - \rorer colunin tret rarfornietj fur fifiiv g LhlE REI]-CED TO € gTORtul DffAIN UNDERCROUNO ALSQ APPRC,VEI}:MU$T TEST THIS SYSTEM AT POINT WHEN IT'RI,IIS 0s/27l00 Comm€ms: r0i0fl00 Commats: 10i30i0fl ArJo{t. PA PAftTlFt- AFPROVAI trsr'{dor CO ,rqjon: C$ CERTIFCATE C}F OCCUPANC'r ACDTL COIIIMS - brtnffrom group hco|e{t en lo{,ar kfinll souttr ekh all $ys|srni t€sted wlth tO wrvlar column l€*rhsirortor: GRG Acrbn; AF,TPPROVED ADDEDLINESTO& FROM GREASE TRAP, t(ffCHEN , REPT131 InlF€clor': JSRS Actfon ,&P APPROIIED Run Id: 1071 *!$tn' 07-03*An1 h*pecton Request Reportlng.25?eL-_ ___-* - --.valL-co-:-rQtill{-oE ArP,DlnJomttlan Reeo€stGd lrcpectDate: Tucsdry, July 03, ?oot' lnro'Gdflon Ar|a: €G SIE Ad&rrsr 680 UOf,ISHEAO PL vAlL 680 UOf'ISHEAD PL A}'|TLERS LoDG€ Foo{(l€o TyF: BPLHa SubT}?c. IIAPT KilfrELmect{Ancffliffi@' prffii ro^urqraa Ar,tTLERs COIIDO ASSOC Phono: 9{65366 LTNDER@nND.W&V.OOftI8STIC. HEATlhrCt. GAs urlEs ADDED PLt tEF.lCt iCl|) tffiCHAl,lCAL Ln FEES TO PER[,llT FEE. - ]fiTHY Stafrli 198{tD In pArf,: GG R.Ssqitn |nfnfgl$gt$l tbtn; 200 fl-fla+|ncl Rsquc.hdTlm.: 0f300ffi ft€carolbr: Kn[6ELlffiC+{r$.llC L, lltlcJDov*t Fhonc: S}}9O1-{ISP CodmorG: q$ilc rdofii8, |VH.L CALL@Hn: bGootrLL rrnreErp: fr Enn"*dqr L.A,TIPBELL K ^ - N ;- ^:Tu*'- , Yhg11lqtL ffi'vr0<'V.lgr-rc. Ye:4Poarvrs ouc.l '" r"r' - PzrusPrcn",.l Zaq'D Foa koaQ' €tila fr*LO t+l4rll0 9tYvtz ppaoaonxfrory J nt>t1;'.-l Dpfr\J f& {<e $*CFIZ n fbm: 2lO PLtrBund.rdround "'ADDro$ad * 07nU00 }|caeaor: CD " Acfto; PAPAftTULAFPffn#\L Comm$ilr: PARTI t APPROA/ALCoftmffilr: PARTI LAPPROVAL t r-r.lv- 078(}'00 fFFocbn CD Actlon: COCERflFICATEOFoCG{PffiCYCilm$rtr: ADDTL coGllit$ - \!u!rr c.tumn t c narhfln d ior Dlfil'8 LU{E REU,TCED TO 6 STORil OFAtr{ tJi[)€RGilIOIJTf,T ALSO AFFROVEOTilT,ST TEST THIS SYSTEM AT FOINT WfEN IT Rt.[t|8 VERTICAtheg.cbr: CD Aclbo: PAPAfiThLAFFROA/AL PARTIALAPPR0\/AT. FISD€Ch{: CD ACIbN: COCERTIFI'CATEOFOCCIJFA$CY ADDTT COfffS - hi*etr cotumn icet oo d{vv it md$ stofin drdn [nc hspecfr: CO Ac{on PAPAR?!iL.rdrPROVA[ mcchrnlc|l mom dralns(H3Om Ftroecbc CO A.ilon: COC€,RTIFICATEOFOCCUPAI{CY Cofiilnirds: ADbf L CCi{fi,S - '10 *dtr coluwr trc ib{m dr*B d silt$ lordfi 10 hder cdum l.|t c[y0tr00 lrED.ohf: .nM Arlion: PAPARTIALAppROVAL CoFlm.tlts: PARNAL A'FR truNOFY CEr,06EO hffi.clor: JRtl A.don: COCERflFTATEOFOCCUPAI.ICY commsilc AnbTt coMr'tg. sTAct(,8ToRu DR fi.t ht lrvATER METER RH Aifn FLOOR DRAilIUW r.f SAt E.APffi EXIEMIKII-I OS STORM FROfl BO0.ER RI|AL l0FT }{EAD {X/z?,uO hrro.cior: CD Ardon: PAPiRTIALAPPRoVAL Cor ndrir: PARTIAT AFPf,OVAL {Xn?rm hsDrcbr cD Acfm: cOcERTFKAIEoFoccUPAttlcY Comrntnb: ADbl1. COiltiS - bothror,{fi g{up locdod on lorer hvd muth slde 0{l tptemr fedrd wdfi l0 arhf cdurnrl bstl0t0gm hdlsclor: 6RA Ac{on: APAPFRCRED Comm|r I: TODED LI'.IES TO & FROH GREASE TRAP, K]TCHEN l0tiX}lm hlpcdoc GRG Acton: APTdFPROVED Co.ilnor|r: Lo{Ha hwl osrtdm c€rooe, wat r colunn.lll@N) lnrp.clofl a(|.vb-- - AEdoft' PAFARTTALAFFRoVA Comns.|E3: I bgth orouo kvol -?t hardru oiqrs lowl +I fl?op rfnli asien$ly hwl *i r9lrra cdtffm lfil Fiffofircl[.In: 220 PLHB.Ror4lrtD.W.V, " rpprond " 07x?8m Comnrnti: 07&ann Conilnrilr: {nf;xv0o C,ol|ufl.N{r: REPT13tr.t\ I ... i -.1 i -rl Run 745 of" -.n Tgs Ora f a 5{" R.ryGsledffi#"?.*i Frldly,trffch0s,2oot f(f 3Zr f#f ',HffiIffi: &* 3 rt aaar o't'4 )' srb Ado'ts': 3S ffiHEiB H#hn"t tffii.': {1t ^rf ,ov Lrrrf r_...rr, r un ant t t*.w w1( ;7 3 ZO l rSr-Z 7AJP,Dtrfonnrton z2+tt{t;,?Z 2D, ^.trft FCIISEg TtD€: &P$ia sriTVpc: MPT -'S:tru!: EIBUEDcoodTYta: Crccurdiy usc: ir.D^rt: GFPridd: 210102ilrdm l?n*r?hr aaft.tF,londTnti: occup.itf (fsc: rr.pArr: GG "trH illlffi**Al,r.rc. ,' prron: s&302-8144 &%e{fft Cotrrclor: KlfrhrEtlIECMNCfL.hlC. j Plrom: 3{B-32281,14 1''e"" 6e 'oiln$: 4q&ERs_9Qlpgf€qgg^_^;.-._..- Ptpn: 946.txF6 l,{or €53 tOvner: AI.ITLERSCO0OOASSOC i Ptpr'r.: 94&{iiEl6 lhrc|Filon: i[BEBAF,ip.w&y,qql#qT|ci HEAT|I'F, 64s Lll€q__ _ __ffii XtrfiFtiXditr ffiEciflftffii:'fr HEs'iffo Rilr FEE. - KAnrv 2 U' q - 6-ea " :' a u,tfr6sfatuag"-Pe;fuo v4r/48R.6rFtd r|lo.citon(tl lbn: 2CO PLBill$c. Roe(|3ctd_Tlnu' 9lioggqPhom: 30$gX.@ -Cqttimdr Wl-LC l.!ppor.th rubllctdrocrArdgnldTor Rl tllQrrturz Ettu dq,: LCffFBAn |(Atd$IilS *' fr/nore r&noEn: Ennlr'dry LcarEElr K bm coflflilr3 l[Elrctfrm: p RTI|L [,ts*cfENcFwttDs'tc sEmR 10 n crLE noN EEhF IJSED ffTH FACTOFY EA|FPRESST'N GACETS T}NS LNE !S HTrcED AT 1A PER F(X'T ASC} hlConrn$;forCoilnaob: qlrEaton HlerYr hr: ?to LOOIGDAT 12 STORII DRA$I LhG Rt'{'re AT 1/18 PER FOOT SDR 35Tt[sTt]rE 8[N.DNG SEYUER t$E WRSBO !,|onw|tt, E. F lfig gf,tlg|e.ntt'|ce, dI b.t aOdomD -Approttd -: CD- '. A.Ton: PAPARTNLAPPRq/A ypz*** o7/:a{}m Commeob: 0?/4v00Coilmffi: PARTIAT APFROI'ALlff: -CO -'- , Acrbn: COCERTIFIC IEff ADDTL Coffl|€i - wfir cofiimn H pdlbm.d ior DUyv I UnE RE UiFERGROUITD ALSO APPROVEOilII ST TE3T T}SS SYSTEU VERTICALtlfrlgffi h.p.ch: CD Corwn |ili: PAtTltlf, ATPROVAL {xy2?o0 Colr[|rqlr: Cotnanar#: Ac0on: FAPAftIIALTPPROTAI wtilgcn Comn nts:(n t{}00 Co.nilFdr: Gf,TYOOCoormil*(l9/05/m Coriln nF:000s,sColwilr: G,'lTlfJf) lrEe.cbr: cD Ac[oft: COCERTIFICTITEOFOCCIPAI.|CY ConcrEdr: ADDTL COilMS -_bdhroom group tocs!.d on loilgt l6rC tqfii rldo .t tld.rn| ffi wfir fOr[yucofrrnOF{|(yoflm hrOr*r:#md{3: ADDEDL lO{XXn [rcp€doft TT: GRG Acl{oo: AFAPPRO/ED D LIT€S TO & FROI' GREASE TRAF, KITCFENIot: GRG A.ilotl: APAPPRO/ED F!|rcblr; CB AEUo$: COCERnnCATEOFOCCUPANGY AODTL @mfS - dlf colr.sffi bl on dsv & gcrthl $onn (r!h lh|shrPeobn CD AGdoN.PAPARTIALAPPROVA trr.*:lEdcd rmm drEhEItrc.cbfi CD Adhn: COCERTIFTCAIEOFOCCIJPAI{CYADTI COmfaS - louf,ili cotrnnhddomdr*E dram locdoo loud.tcottttnH,hrg*br: .filt Arilon: PAPARIULIPPROI/AL PAFTIAL AI'PR I ATJ}IDIRYlm9.cb.: -RM Ar{on: COCERTFICAI€OFOCeI PAI{CY ADDTL COin S - gTrcK. STOTRX OR StI t'l WAIER IGTER Ril Al'D FtOOR DRAII WA, hl 9AIIEAI9PR EXTEMHON OA STORM FROII8C}ILER RM ALL {OFT TEADhrDacbf: CD Acuoft' PApAllTlALAPpRot/AL PAilTi[A'PROVAL colrEllqlj L(l** LFa Flrlt|g gefqf,, ffi cgrrm.||fi,'?itn f||po# aeurComnads I bh0rI l,ithsorDlord-?i bmdiv niouo LwfrYftouoLrd-2 cfiF rir$lv k lrm: 20 I mop rhf rdottty lod €rffit cofifiin|.|lfrfltomrdPLUS.RougNvD.w.V. (OFdor.o Arilon: PA PARThLAPPRCN,A REPT131 tdrn rd: 450 ? TO FT tiAED tao|/m CommrttD: a,ltuol Codrrttilt: RESTROOil PArcH ALL PEhETRATTONS TIIROI.EH FLOORShrD-br: cDAlns Actlon: PAPARTI LAPPRo/A II'gV hISPECTED AT A LEVEI MEC}{AI{CIL ROOT' }IOP SIM( TESTEDO WIIH IO TVATER @LUT'NTEST.IfrJST ISO|.ATE CASTIGNTFRC'il STEEL STI'D [EDecIof: CDA\,[S ftdoN: PAPARITALAPPROVAI. tJiI]ER FLOOR DUI'VTESTEDWITTI A 1O WATER COLtn'hI AREAS NSEPCTED ARE -I/ENTRt[.] FOR OFEASE TRAP,FLOOR SSIK ANDALL KTTCfGN SIIKS f.l EAtflrET ROOITS -AtL trMxR FLOOF Dlrul' SEFUTIIC LNmt 314315,&3{6 ,ttt ,Lilon: PAP RTIALAFPRO/ t FOR TtIt,I} LAIJiDRY SERI/ICE LII.GS BOfi TE8IED AT Ed ARTEST,iS Ac{on: PAPARTIAL APPRO\/A WTITIAIRAT6{T ROOI, AlrlD SER\,[\|G [rMTg 314,315 &316 TFhOLKltl ALL WATER LINES FROil DISSSIAI.ER ITATERTALS hm: 23O PL]FRous[ulUrH (Orfir.rcli 11net0lJ filDacbc CDAvtS A.{on: PAPARTIALAPPFO/A corfln rtr: 12| WATER ST FPLY Lff\ES TO EATHR0OI| GROUP AT -2 TEVEL hl PARXIIIG G RreE TESTEOAT flT ARTEST hFTAlt hlst ttTxrf.t To tsou'IE coPPER Llt€s FRoil GALUI€ED lUl.lClERS lU0ilOo h*cctoc CDAI/IS Ardo* PAPARTIALAITPROVAL CofitnHIti: R€IUGH WATER SIIPLI,Y TO IiIOP S${( $.T € TEVEL MECTIAITIICAL ROOII ARTESTED AT LhESTOU'ALL ffi*, c6?W"D Mhn: prpARnAlibREcnon',pAhr L A'mOvAr FoR tprrsEg46l FRSU METERftJEQ{ff pAfltlrtc GARAGE Ot{.y6O'AITTESTFORFIFTEENIIITIUTE$ '\\\ \\. LOOIGD AT T ilA'.I FROII TIETER TO FI ,&2 A}D WATER}III'ER \ \ A tCI|.ftlE ilAD'f TO 6' }PIJSE MttlN TO 4' TFUSE MAff.l OiILY \ ', \ #RE CAT'LK AT ENTRY TO TIEC|'I^I{CAL ROOil+ROIIE ALtVAtvES VUTTH ACCESS AI.ID IDE}fNFCATF}IQY'3Vfi\h.DicbI:, CDAVIE AdIbN, PAPARTIALAPPRCVALCO||vnrnO\*HNF.5IC TO KIT}{CEN EOIXPMENT 5OI ARTEST ERffiCH r"r{ES FOR RREP|-ACES AnD RAr-rcES FOR UiSTs Sl.l,3t6 &316 tO t. 62t & Eil AffiTESTFOR EACH ilem: 250 PltlBPool/ttslTub tffior|tDbm: 2€O FLlls'Hkc. (ffidrd! *ADprund- (Pol/tD h.D.clo.: 'cD Acfrori: PAPARTIALAPPRoVAConurfl{.: Btillil\F SEVITER LhEffi ffisSvwnum Adhni cocERrFrcATEoFoceudfm*F tr'r\r"'' 15tr Co[monTB: ADDIL COTfir|S. PARTIAT hTBPECTON OF BI,T.DII.IG SEWER IqEI|:FEB.ffiEEDI(| .. ^*. r tftiED uutTn FAcToRy corrppREsstor.t cAGETg Tr{S thrE ts PTD|SED A\tfJlpf,N$f,Qg;*r-'': ALgq l@l(EDlrT 12 sToRM DRAIN LhlE RUMrllo AT t/t6 pER FooT SDSSCANSII r t TESTIJi'EATTH{i It|EtE3?t6EAfn{lis'?*ei'-'-'- '--"r'1:-----!':--- s lo/zBm iEpjdi: ehe Ad"'n' APA'Pf,ovED Q"-\rs t R-* \ ,$ mi wRselutwmcf.E.F.t.tggnlagccntanco'6ofheL gq1gltr \*r-'iri..r t?t8ll00 haD€ftr: Offrl A"don PAPARTIALATPROVAL coo nedr: lEffiE rdnbnanceofiC *\S-mffi:. \rr 3ss\\S\ lars00 Co.trn.|ir:mtl3/ol Cofimcrils: lbm: 24O PLilB"Gae ta1a00 Coiluffiib: r*-'\\*./ \$r' 3 ,,r \tr s.rq \' 1 \\ \ \- \(rt f,:f,r \r._s \- \\? \\rrr \r I ef.SECI,'REWA REPT131 i *-. Rrn Id: 450 \(/"t/-' Lt^l{t.aa ilrr:fr 4$-eg',ffit"#\woMfHH*ffi #: *fi;ila,Affi ir -;ilr',*.'i tt\# Otfice of Building Offlclol, TOWN OF VAIL COLORADO .\&rron TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us January 15,2003 Mr. Rob Levine Antlers at Vail 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 Re: Completion Bond No. 184 71 25 Dear Rob: Thank you for meeting with me Wednesday morning, January 15, 2003 to discuss the status of the exterior improvements relating to the Antlers at Vail redevelopment project. The purpose of rny letter is to inform you of the Town's acceptance of the exterior improvements which have now been completed and release your financial obligations pursuant to the terms of the completion bond. As you are aware, Casson Building Corporation posted a completion bond (No. 184 7l 25) thrcugh Insurance Company of the West to bond the incomplete exterior improvements at the time the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued for the Antlers at Vail. I have inspected the site and determined that each of the items outlined in your letter to the Town of Vail dated December 27,200lhave been completed to the satisfaction of the Town ofVail. The only exception that shall apply are those improvemen6 to the underside of the chimney caps and gtease duct chimney. I trust that you rrill ensure that these improvements will be completed in a timely manner. Please accept this letter as written notice from the Town ofVail as a release from the performance bond and its associated requirements. I want to personally congratulate you for a project well done and thank you for your continued commitment to the success of our community. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Sincerelv. rL.yR-s-*, George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail {p o"no"o roro / '#SA T \NL 680 W. Llonshead Place Vail, CO 81657 97&47+2471 9704741012 tax wrrr!\r.antlefaval.oofn NTL€R January'3,2002 George Ruther Town of Vail Senior Planner 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 George: I just wanted to write you a quick note to reconfirm our discussion earlier today ... We understand that even as the list of exterior items covered by the performance bond are completed, that bond will remain in place to cover the cost of street repairs previously agreed upon (estimated to be $35,000), and all landscaping. Naturally, those two items wont be completed untilthis spring. I As always, thanks for your help and understanding, Robert LeVine General Manager e{q$ INSURANGE GOMPANY OF THE WEST Gompletion Bond Bond No. {84 71 25 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PHESENTS: THAT WE, CASSON BUILDING CORPORATION, as PRINCIPAL, and INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, P.O. Box 85563, San Diego, CA, 92186-5563, a California stock corporation duly licensed and authodzed to do business in the state of Colorado, as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the Town of Vail, Colorado, a municipal corporation, as Obligee, in the sum of One Hundred Thousand & No/100 Dollars, ($100,000.00) lawful money of the United States of America, for payment ol which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and successors, jointly and severally, lirmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OFTHE OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT: WHEREAS, the PRINCIPAL, as a condition of obtaining a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the project known as Antlers Condominiums,6S0 West Lionshead Place, Vail, Colorado, from Obligee, has consented to complete certain exterior improvements, including exterior masonry, stone, stucco, wood siding and steel railings to building's structure, together with Plaza Level brick pavers . WHEREAS, said consent from PRINCIPAL shall guarantee completion of improvements and replacement and/or repair of improvements as specitied herein for a period of twelve (12) months commencing the 30'' day ot November, 2001, and ending on the 30h day of November, 2002, following accepiance of improvements by the Obligee. NOW THEREFOB, if the PRINCIPAL shall indemnify the Obligee lor all loss that Obligee may sustain by reason of any failure of PBINCIPAL to complete improvements after acceptance of improvements by the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and Sealed the 30m day of November, 2001. COMPANY OF THE WEST No.0004771 ICWGROUP Power of Attorney Insurance Comprny of the West The Erplorer Insurence Comprny Independence Crsualty and Surety Company KNowALLMENByrrIEsEpREsENrs, nr,roruran"c?ffi"t{?ivct}a8Atr3.loffiorr**-oothehwsofthestacofcalifomia,rhe Explorer lnsunrrcc Company, a Corporation duly organized rnder thc hws of lhe State of Arizonr, rnd Independcncc Casualty rod Surety Company, a Corporrtion duly organized urder the laws ofthe Stte of Texas, (collcctively rcfened to as the "Corrpanies), do herc! appoint CREG IIETTINGER thcir true aad lawfirl Attomq(s)-b-Fsct with authority to d8te, cxocut , sig!, s€81, rad delirer on bchalfofthc Cornpanics, fdclity urd surcty boods, uodcrnkings, rnd othcr similar cmtracts of sur"tyship, srld rny rehtld docustnts, IN WTINESS WI{EREOF, the Conpanics havB caused these preser& !o b€ ox€cutod by its duly authonzcd officcrs this 16th day of January,200l. .!I'\' INSTJRANCE COMPANT' OF TI{E WEST TIIE D(PLORER INSI,JRAI\CE COMPANY INDEFEIIDEI\CT, CASUALTY A}{D SURETY COMPAIIY John H. Craig, Assistant Secretary ,o1ut 1. llsrurt'm, E)coutive Vic€ President Statc of Cslifomi! 'l County of San Dego J ss On January 16, 2001, bcforc rnc, Norm! Poncr, Not8ry Public, personally appoared John L, Hannum and John H. Craig, po-'sonally kaown to mc to b. the persons whosc mmes are subscribod !o lhe within instrunenl rnd acknowlcdgod to me tblt they cxeoutd rhe game in tbeir authcizrd capacities, and that by their signatures on tbc instnrment, tlrc entity upon behalf of which lbc penons acted cxoouted thc instrunent. Witrss ny lund and official seal. fet*flrr* Norma Porter, Notary Public RESOLUT1ONS This Powcr of Atomey is grantcd and is signod sellcd md notmzed with facsimilc rigortres and seab rmder auhority of tbc followrng resolutioru rdoptcd by the respective Borrds ofDirectors of cach ofthe Companics: "RESOLVED: Thrt the President, an Executive or Scnior Vice Presidcm of the Comprrry, iogeth€r \ ith the Sccretary or any Assistad Seoretary, are hereby ruthorized to e:recutc Powcrs of Attomey aFFpinring thc i,crson(s) named as Atomey(s>in-F8ct io datc, oxecrne, sign, seal, and delilcr on bchrlfofthe Corryany, fidclity and sursty bonds, undcrukings, and other similar contrrcts of suretlshrp, and any relatd documcnts. RESOLYED FLJRTIIER: Thst OF sigr|lhrce of dr officers naking thc rppointunt, and trc signatfc of rny offrcer oertifyi:rg thc validity and cur€nt stairs of the rppointnent, may be facsimilc represcntrtions of thosc signatres; and the sig tlrc and s€al of sny notrry, and thc seal of the Corryany, may be facsimile represenhtions of thos€ sigmtw€s rnd seals, and such facsimilc reprcsenta,tions sball havc thc sanrc force and effea rs if manually affixed. The frcsimile rcpresentstions ref.rrod to herein mry bc afrxod by obrnping, prinmg, typing; or pbotocopytng.' CERTIFICATE I, the undenigncd Assistsrtr Secfet!ry of Insursnoe Company ofihc Wcst, The Explorer hsurance Cornpany, and Indcpondencc Casualty and Sureg Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attomey is in flrll forcc ard effect, 8nd has not be€n revokd and that thc abort resolutionr worc duly adopcd by the resD€cti1€ Boards of Direstorl of the ComDanies. and rre now itr firll forco. IN WTINESS WI{EREOF, I barrc sel my hand this 3 Oth day of Now.-mtrer 20C1 To reri$ the authenticity of this Power ofAtomey you mry call I€00-877-l l l l rnd ask for the Surety Division. Plcasc rcfcr to thc Pourer of Atmnoy Number, thc above named individual(s) and dctails of th€ bond to which thc pow€r is athch€d. For information or filing claims, pleasc contaat Sureg Claurs, ICW Group, 11455 El Camim Rcal, San Diego, CA 92130-2045 or call (858) 350-2400. () 1U'(, Jolur L. Harurrm, E)coutive Vic€ President John H. Craig Assistant Secretary 4NTL(R ,# SA T \NIL wwwantlersvail.com (mosl expected to be completed by January 31, 2002) rCourtyard pavers & snowmelt 4opper balcony trim - east facing units 4inish stonework patching - misc "finish stucco patching - misc .Redwood siding on 620 balcony {imber wrap on east pedestrian entry columns -4-ouvers on air intake - east side of dumpster enclosure .Streetlights .fxterior lights .finish roof tiles - misc rRepair broken roof tiles 6 Finish underside of some chimney caps g Finish copper trim on grease duct chimney I Access panel / work platform on grease duct chimney .,Faint walkway ceil ings rfinish downspouts and heat tape eStone caps 'Eumpster enclosure rAntlers sign r,Fireplace exhaust shrouds lfinish the landscaping $83,165 (= CuaPrcre ALv atB*\ ts * tlrcloZ 6.9. 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-2471 FAX (970) 476-4146 info@antlersvail.com $10,750 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 $800 $800 $600 $3,600 $500 $2,875 $1,650 $1,850 $500 $2,450 $2,890 $1,850 $8,000 $4,350 $800 $2,400 $30,000 Conf a rmat i on RePort - MemorY Send Page oate & L inB I E-na | | Machins Job nurber Date To 182 Jan-16 08: l4an 4s4764146 005 Jan-16 08: l4am Jan-|6 08:l6am 005 OK Nunber of pages 001 Jan-15-03 08:l6ant s701792452 T()TII{ OF VAIL COilruI||ITY DEVELOPIEI{T Tlne: Start t Ine End t ine Pa8es sent S ta tus Job nurber : 182 *+'F SEND SUCCESSFUL *** *uta..et.w S ttt/'\ jo rr/roJlutudqd Jo J.fqc'.da[v "atFtrE cgroog| 'e&+"3 ',<l.tottlSr .Irto at f,rsrl'-t{ l.tE at' "ttld tr'oF 'nL 'G' .''\q tro'c Prtrcqt '&Is[EEoo.qroto tloosnt -qr al !E9u|tE@I'n|rlrqooJtlo/trq'(ro^{EqPE.-rre!'||.^.'..'o'c]'qJ!rro^.|tli.|4uoor<[.t|o.,..I(4r!a6I 'trEol=a.tqtnbs Partoot''']! l'sa Fq6q .rEs6.qtt€.t eB Eo{r rrltr'tlG - 3. rr'r,\ to uaor ctF qoJgr otFot- scuFb ltt tq"l trql r&cs' clr'fd 'r.Es.E ^rttsF t ttt Portlds6 'q nra aE @/ro1!5 ntsqr +rqr ru m^ .tor ltqr l'lur r _4'twst e-td ""t Fn tdE .{oEBFT{' tqr Jro -P!r'E re .i{r or Fuq.^or<rE| crolq| srf_^rr&Ir ttrrr. rtqr salrccrr<o rlso oqa _gra'o uol 'qr Jio EolrsrgtF - oEo or rEr.rceoo oo.q .^rtr I ooz 'az t <rE-c<t PorrP rqrrl' 1119i- .rrr oo r6tf trro^ Er Porrrrr'ro tE+! qrto {.-' r.qr rEut.are.p pEt rryr gqr-rrorirarer-ri 1i :Ite4 ru ccp-rv Lqr :qr ponrrr t.^- 'Gt=dP3olFo -'all rtt'2 ^r.roar@J_ sqr .-rr .rn r- rli.,i- orirer r6FoiJcort rrd_o-orri rd pnii'a or rrcztr eqr Jo rrtdr=oc t-usntql qtrtorq (tiz r 4 t:I 'ol.{) Pqoq uote.t<tEtso u prvrros'iir''ii;-;'s'irbr;;' a6i't3' 'dt/"l3 'r' t'or 3v -P@ct rr6ll-t.t.soo rrFJp tsrcr cqr q r|'scfrrd .Eoll"trqo Trt5ttsttE rno^-otrttlP:-'J:?-I:1Eot ut'q /bqs c/\rq rrsFl.t\ -tE3E ^or<rur rogois :qrlo oosq,a.o- t.*o-r--..O-,ro rrof srcirqf-oO rf r5.Eol '<EJo 'rod'dt<l 'qI .'oorbrc,E urdo_r*gE H#:HATLE,:' jH:H :e?#ffiroGrarI. .|IrJo :atrlaa aiqt trtta3llt or €(m- 't I ]fitn:E f 'lEFl: :clalt r.oq ,z I L ?a t -oN Ptog vol1ctC6o3 :' rt 4591a Of 'lFr!.o!rd.er.q'sor,?s1r*9 ot4 t-I.roil 'rr{ €ooz 'tI ^tlnr.f,2' o-2' 7' 2.r'' o'"r'll'* csrz-61''oz6 f'7'{Salz-62Hrz6 Zsg rat oFroroo 2'tztt ttzol' .E>auca'' t|t"es gz tutudat sred' r(iuxutao2 ]b ttz'ut'Edta' 'A Constutdion Tradition since 7912" GBG cAssoN BurLDrNc coRPoRAtoN 15630 East Hinsdale Drive - EnglwoodrCO 80112 phone 303-690-1500 - fax 3O&680-8269 E-mail - kevin@cassonbuilding.com Friday, November 02, 200L MEMO TO: Leonard Sandoval Town of Vail Public WorK Construction Inspector HAND DELTVERED RE: ANTLERS IT{ VAIL- Town of Vail Red Tao ltlov 1, 20Ol Dear Leonard: As stated in our meeting this morning, Casson Building Corporation hereby commits to befter monitor the usage and access on Lionshead Place as discussed and as shown on the attached preliminary staging plan. CBC will erect a chain-link and green fabrlc fence north of the Antlers, leaving a 20' drive lane on the north side. This is designated as a dashed green line just north of the hatched pink area. The west end will be left as semi-movable until street work at the walk is complete. This will allow movement of the fence in order to accommodate various traffic patterns. Once roadwork is complete the fence will be somewhat permanently in line with the fence to the east. The east end of this fence will have closeable gates constructed of the chain link and green fabric. The west end will get similar gates as soon as the west end is permanently located. CBC will maintain the fence as well as do all snow removal directly adjacent to the fence. The pink area will be used as both a staging area and equipment work area. CBC will erect chain-link and green fabric fencing along the nor$ property lines at both the west side of the main entrance and west of the bike path to the south east of the construction site. Temporarify, the dumpster will be located in the south half of the parking garage entrance. CBC will maintain 35' drive lane between the east end and the planter in the middle of the turn around. Once snorkels are no longer needed on the pink area nofth of the site, the dumpster will be relocated to that location. All portable toilets will be located within the confines of construction areas as designated by chain link fencing. ,*;, a daytime work area, and unloading and temporary staging area. A 20'drive lane will be maintained at all times by manned traffic control. The blue area to the extreme east edge of the tumaround will be used as temporary daytime storage of the snorkels until the area is needed for snow removal storage. A 35'drive lane will be maintained at alltimes. The yellow area represents the remainder of area affected by this construction project. At all times during work hours, competent, manned faffic control will be utilized. When necessary, proper traffic control signage will be put in place. There will no staging of material at any time, other than unloading of trucks and placing temporarily, on the right of way of Lionshead Place. All material loads will require 24 hr. notification to CBC or will be tumed away. CBC will attempt to keep all proper authorities notified at all times of any action that may have an impact on operations of any entity outside Ure construction project. As the consffuction pmject progresses, any changes in the above mentioned plans will be presented to the Town of Vail for approval. We have designated Jim Mewaldt - Site Superintendent cell- 303-359-9576, as wholly in charge of controlling the use of the street. He will be your contact on all street usage and staging areae Kevin Duncan- Project Director Paul Waltman- Project Superintendent Steve Napier- Interior Superintendent Jim Mewaldt- Site Superintendent C. Joe Y Constttction Tradition since 7972; GBG 15630 East llinsdale Drive - Englewood,CO 80112 phone 3O&690-150O - fax 303-680-8269 E-mail - kevin@cassonbuilding.com Friday, November 02, 2007 FA,\ MEMO TO: Douglass Roofing- Rob Sievert Kimmel Mechanical- Mike Gravee Riviera Electric- Pete Palmgren Vogelman West- John Readle Showcase Drywall- John Burke and Mike Gifford Merit Carpet and Tile- Tom Delyser Thad Walker Construction- Thad Jeff Schiros Painting- Jeff Schiros Jays Construction- Jay Climate ConUol- Louis Cozalter Colorado Comfort Products- Richard Hall Direct Design Cabinetry- Chris Ely Ken Caryl Glass- Bruce Linder Otis Elevator- Tim Thompson Ridge Erection- Charlie Elson 2 PAGES FAXED INCLUDING THIS SHEET RE: AI{TLERS IN VAIL. Town of Vail Red Tao Nov 1,2O01 Gentlemen: As stated in our memo to you yesterday afternoon, the Town of Vail shut down the pdect yesterday due to ongoing complaints about our collective use of Lionshead Place. Delivery trucks, employee parking, staging of materials, location of snorkel lifts, and maintenance of an un-encumbered 20' roadway has gotten out of hand. Each and everyone of us and/or our employees have been abusing this and it simply must stop. We met with the Town this morning and reached an agreement with them assuring them that the 20' roadway will be maintained at all times. Fufther, NO more materials or equipment may be staged in the culdesac. All materials, pavers, stone, tile, etc. must be immediately moved to the parking structure. There are no o<ceptions. No parking whatsoever may occur in the culdesac nor may the 20'roadway be even slightly blocked. All material deliveries must be coordinated 24 hours in advance with our jobsite staff. A delivery fruck may be stopped on the east side of the building only long enough for the product to be unloaded and moved to the basement. CBC will provide the flagmen to allow this, IF scheduled in advance. A copy of the taffic control and access plan that we all must live by is available for you review in our jobsite office. WE MUST HAVE YOUR COOPERATION OR THE TOWN WILL REDTAG THE PROJECT AGAIN AND THIS TIME fiE WORK WILL BE CESATED FOR UP TO ONE WEEK! We have designated Jim 359-9576, as wholly in charge of controlling the on all street usage and deliveries. Mewaldt - Site Superintendent cell- 303- use of the street. He is to be your contact We will be cleanino up the oroiect oerimeter this afternoon and exoect the Town to remove the red tag bv the close of the day todav such tb3tt vou mav teqin workinq tomorrow mominq. Saturday. NoveJnber 4, 2001. In that all of you share in the resoonsibiliW for the oroiect shutdown, we exoect all of vou to work both Saturdav and Sundav to make up for the lost time. The weather is supposed to be good this weekend so it is mandatory that we make up this time. Please contact any of our jobsite staff regarding this issue pnd or the details of the street useage to be allowed from here on. Your cooperation in the matter is and appreciated! Sincerely: di-' Kevin C. Duncan Vice President Cc: Joe Casson- Site Project Manager Paul Waltman- Project Superintendent Steve Napier- Interior Superintendent Jim Mewaldt- Site Superintendent Leonard Sandoval- Public Works Inspector- Town of Vail Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 58 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.ci.vail.co.us ll/02/2001 Antlers At Vail Construction Project Agreement. Casson Building Corporation Antlers at Vail Condominium A(ACE CeP.-? Boo- ooSB In order for the Town of Vail Public Works Department to lift the Ret Tag from the Antlers Construction Project, the General Contractor, Casson Building Corporation and the Antlers at Vail Management have agreed to resolve, restore, and maintain all issues discussed today. New Staging i Site Plan Traffic Control Fire Department access and staging requirements Maintain a clean. safe construction site. Provide schedule and constmction time ftame. Fencing / Concrete Barriers Pedesnian and traffic safety Snow Removal issues Other Town of Vail Department issues. (Police, Fire, and Building Departrnents) The General Contractor is responsible for the construction site and all of the subcontractors. The General Contractor is also to provide and maintain a high level ofsafety to the general pedestrian public, maintain two way vehicle access, including commercial vehicles and non-commercial traffrc. The General Contractor must realize how other General Public are affected bY the consffuction project and go above and Casson Building Corporation: Antlers At Vail Management: Town of Vail Building Deparfinent: Town of Vail Public Works Department: {g *rr"uorn"u" Department of C ommunity D evel opment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Building Safety & Inspection Services Team September 6, 2001 Mr. Daniel J. Havekost, FAIA, President, Havekost + Associates I 12l Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 Re: Use of wood on the €xterior of The Antlers Project: Dear Dan: As you know, the Antlers project has a rather tortuous history in terms of the use of wood on the exterior of the building. Numerous appeanmces before the Town of Vail Desigr Review Board resulted in planning and zoning related conditions ttrat mandate the use of natural wood on the exterior. This has, in some cases, been contrary to the requirements of the I 997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) that limit the use of exterior wood for Type II-FR and T1.pe II l-Hour Noncombustible Construction. Primarily in Sections 601.5.4 - 601.5.6, the UBC does permit the use of wood on the exterior of Type II buildings under certain circumstances. Although the material that you submitted regarding the lesser flame spread characteristics of redwood compared to other woods is very interesting and somewhat convincing, the fact remains that the UBC does not grant redwood any special consideration in terms of being less combustible or moro fire-resistive than other types of wood. Although the use of a limited amount of redwood will be permitted, it will, in most cases, be required to be treated with an approved flame retardant. Due to the practical difficulties involved during the design review board approval process, a practical, performance-based approach will be used in responding to your letter to me dated July 9, 2001 (copy attached). The letter designations below refer to the conesponding letter designations in your letter. A. Roof Soffits: All cedar roof soffrt material must be treated with an approved exterior flame retardant treatment to obtain a Class "A" flame spread rating. Any wood used undemeath the cedar soffit material, such as furring strips or backing, must be approved, factory (as opposed to treated on site) fire- retardant-treated wood. Heavy timber brackets/beams must be of heavy timber sizes, that is, at least 6 X 6 in cross-sectional dimension (see Sec. 605.6,'97 UBC), and must also be treated with an approved flame- retardant treatment on site. B. Balcony/Floor Soffits: All l" nominal tongue and groove pre-stained cedar siding used under balconies must be treated with an approved exterior flame retardant treatment to obtain a Class "A" flame spread rating. Any wood used undemeath the cedar siding for furring or backing must be approved (factory) hre-retardant-treated wood. {pr"n*r^o* Havekost,916/01,p.2 C. Exterior Balcony Guardrails: These are acceptable as proposed, except that all redwood siding is also to be treated with an approved exterior flame retardant treatment so as to achieve a Class "A" flame spread rating. EXCEPTION: Redwood siding that faces a street or yard (including the interior courtyard) 40 feet in width and is installed no more than 15 feet above the adjacent grade will not be required to be treated with flame retardant (see Sec. 601.5.4). D. Exterior Wall Finish: All redwood siding must be teated with an approved flame retardant treatment to achieve a Class "A" flame spread rating. The other materials described, which are either noncombustible or fire-retardant-treated, are acceptable. EXCEPTION: Redwood siding that faces a street or yard 40 feet in width (including the interior courtyard) and is installed no more than 15 feet above the adjacent grade will not be required to be treated with flame retardant (see Sec. 601.5.4). E. Corridor Balcony Guardrails: It is understood that many of the guardrails in the interior courtyard that were originally proposed to be covered with redwood siding will now be noncombustible steel instead. Any remaining redwood siding that is used for the guardrails in the interior court must bs treated with an approved flame retardant treatment to achieve a Class "A" flame spread rating. Any other materials used in the guardrail assembly must be noncombustible, i.e., steel or cement board, or factory fire-retardant-treated wood that is contained within the assembly. EXCEPTION: Redwood siding that faces a sheet or yard 40 feet in width (including the interior courtyard) and is installed no more than 15 feet above the adjacent grade will not be required to be treated with flame retardant (see Sec. 601.5.4). Product Approval: The "Fire Kote 100" exterior flame-retardant treatment from Universal Fire Shield that has been submitted for my review and approval via a letter and attached materials from Kevin Duncan of Casson Building Corporation dated 8i28i0l is approved for use as an exterior flame-retardant treatment that, when properly applied in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and its various listiag approvals, will achieve a Class "A" flame spread rating (equivalent to a Class I rating in Chapter 8, 1997 UBC). It is hoped that this will serve to answer your inquiry and clarify the requirements for exterior finishes for the completion of the Antlers project. If you should have questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2321. Chief Building Official GRG:grg Enc. cc: Rob Levine, General Manager, Antlers Condominiums Joe Casson, Casson Building Corporation Kevin Duncan, Casson Building Corporation Mike McGee, Deputy Chief/Tire Marshal, Town of Vail Fire Department Mike Vaughan, Fire Prevention Offrcer, Town of Vail Fire Department HAVEKOST + ASSOCIATIS P.C. 11 21 G RANT STFIEET ctENVEFT,CO E}OeOS 3f:J3,/ 8 61- 112. 1 FAX 343/A 63-O661 July 9, 2001 Town ofVail Department of Public Works 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Gary Goodell - Chief Building Inspector RE: Antlers Condominium Addition/Renovation; Permit #800-00.58 Dear Mr. Goodell: This is to follow up on our letter dated December 21,2000 relative to building permit 'Conditions" dated 7105/00 and more specifically to our proposed utilization of pre.stained 1" nominal cedar tongue and groove soffit finish, pre-stained 1" nominal redwood bevel siding at some exteriorbalcony guardrails and pre-stained l" nominal redwood channel lap and bevel siding at a few exterior wall surfaces as indicated on plans dated 4/6100. As you know, we worked for many months with the Town of Vail Design Review Board and staff to achieve final approval of an exterior desigr which included the use ofwood finish on the above referenced areas. As the Antlers project bas now moved to the final eKerior finish stage, we feel it necessary to clarifi our understanding ofacceptable criteria for the installation of exterior wood finishes. As you are aware, our research into the natural characteristics ofredwood indicates it possesses superior fire retardant qualities allowing l" nominal un-treated redwood lumber to meet a Class II flame spread ratrng (per UBC table 42-A), a 70 flame spread, 60 fuel contributed and 75-115 smoke development rating. Here follows proposed construction assemblies for eKerior building wood finish according to various locations as identified by your departments "Conditions" of 7/05/00. A. Roof Soffits: (refer "Conditions" item #4) "Any wood proposed to be located 5 feet or less from the west property line must be approved fire-retardant-treated wood"..., including l" nominal cedar soffit materials. Portions of roof soffits of condominiumunits 514, 515, 516, 5I7 ,5 I 8 and Conference Room 502 which intrude into a 5' setback distance from west property line shall be constructed of structural steel, metal deck, fire retardant treated 2x wood fascias covered with 20 oz. copper, 5/8"exterior grade plywood sheathing*, 30# felt * 5/8" exterior grade plywood sheathing at roofdecks will not be fire retardant treated. AFIC PL UFIB HIT AN AN E.CT U FI E NING DESIGN I over 40 mil. bituthene, fire retardant 2x sleepers and lx battens, concrete tile roofing with soffts of 5/8" gypsum sheathing supported on l-l/2" rnetal funing channels at 16" on center maximum and finished with fir€ retardant treated pre-stained 1" nominaltongue and groove cedar siding supported on another layer offire retardant 1 x 4 furring strips spaced @24 o.c. (refer l/A9; 6/A9). A continuous soffit vent shall be located beyond the 5' setback adjacent to exterior wall line. Pre-stained heavy timber (6x10) bracketVbeams as shown on elevations (Sheets Al4, Al5) and constructed according to 9lM7 shall not be fire retardant treated. Roof soffits elsewhere shall have the same assembly except the wood will not be fire retardant treated as allowed by UBC 1997 Edition. B. Balcony/Tloor Soffits: Under 8" precast corrcrete plank structure shall be l" nominal tongue and groove pre- stained cedar siding on lx4 funing at 24" on center at all exterior condominium balconies (refer Detail 3/AJ,6; 41A27\. Sofrts under 8" precast concrete plank floor structure shall be l" nominal tongue and gtoove pre- stained cedar siding on 3x f,rring with polystyrene insulation or suspended on metal channels at 16" on center with 5/8" gypsum sheathing backing, (refer Sections 2/A29;311J9). C. Exterior Balcony Guardrails: Condominium balcony guardrails located around the outside perimeter ofthe building which are planned to receive 1" nominal pre- stained redwood bevel siding finish shall be backed with 5/8" fire retardant treated exterior plywood covered with 15# felt and supported on steel tube structure and metal funing channels with inside face of guardrail of 5/8" fiberglas reinforced cement board, (refer Detail4/A27). D. Exterior Wall Finish: l" nominal pre-stained redwood charmel lap (vertical) and bevel (horizontal) siding located on outside perimeter of the building is typically funed over 7" precast structural walls with 3" metal funing channels, 3" poiystyrene board, 5/8" fire retardant treated exterior plywood and 15# felt under the redwood siding finish, (refer North Elevation Al4 fitness, office conference 502 and rmits 420 thru 620). Alternate redwood siding frced walls will utilize 6" metal studs at 24" on center, 5/8" glpsum sheathing, l" polystyrene board, 5/8" fire retardant treated plywood, 15# felt and l" nominal pre-finished redwood siding (refer East and West Elevations sheets Al4. Al5 and Section 7iA27). No exterior (outside perimeter) redwood faced walls are within a 5' setback to any property line. E. Corridor Balcony Guardrails: Corridors serving existing and new condominium units (facing entry courtyard) are to have l" nominal pre-stained redwood bevel siding over 15# felt, 5/8" exterior plywood supported ofmetal funing channels or studs aI24" on center on steel tube q1 engle fiame with inside finish of 5/8" fiberglas reinforced cement board on metal furring, (refer Detafu 41A27, 5/ M7 and 2/ Al5, | / A16, 2l A16 and 1/A1 7). We understand that the general contragtor, Casson Building Corporation will submit information relative to fire-retardant treatment selected for your review and approval prior to application as required by Building Permit "Conditions" dated 7/5100, including guarantee time period, method ofapplication, etc. of Public Works CC: Casson Building Corporation - Attn: Dan Casson J. T. Berga & Associates - Attn: Jack Berga Antlers Condominium Assoc. - Attn. Rob LeVine Sincerely, Havekost + Associates P.C. lr. tvJT u! L. ctrd c0Nm000?3 Ai At{y nME IHAI IHI []fiiuus BUITDINF Is EEIN6 occuunD, rllg ArPBgv[D E]lill MIIST BE Pn0vmED l's0M AIt [}ICUP$D A[[A$. II{ ADDITII]N. [A$T & WISI $TAHDHPES AAI TO AE FUI,IY OPEIANONAT AND ACCESSIEI,E. FI$E DEPAITMINT C0]II{E[n0il$]wnH c0l{l{xcilo}rs T0 B01H $Ttl'IDPImS ABE I0 BE PS0qID[D.ItEAlt cOOBDIITATT wIIHIHE rrgg urrbhrffirT[ESANDING COIII}IilOF$ FOB OCCUPAHCY.PHASING,TXITIHS. 5IANDPrPE S. FIRIDEPT. Tt]HI{E CIION$. [TT. CONTAIT }{IK[ M[G[E I}R I'{IK[ YAUGHAI{ AI 4?9'2IS. Cond C0N000ffi?6 PTXASE C{}OUDII{AIE WITH TIE FIRI D[PT. [[CARDII{6 SUBMITIAL IEVIIW & APPBI]VAI OF $HOP DSAWI}TFSFON aurouanc FaE AIAIM & aIIT0MATTC flRE $FIIUKLEA SYSTEM$ & $USl[q{lEilI aEQUIRED nr$P[Ent}Ns 0F Tg[ IHSTAIIATIOlI$. Cn'fr C0!1m000?? FINAI. [K[ PATE DE $IEI{ DBAWruE$ EOWTETID AI{D $UBMITTED BT JUIT IL EOOO. Csrd:C0N0S00?$ GBG "o""o* "r,.o,"o "o*ro*t,o*nA Construction Tradition since 7972" 15630 East Hinsdale Drive - Englewood,CO 80112 EH:i1o*Tl,'?;::go;Jiiio',ff :;'fl -"u' Tuesday, August 28, 2001 Gary Goodell- Chief Building Inspector Town Of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Antlers Condominium Addition Cedar Soffit Fire retardant treatment Dear Gary: As stated in Dan Havekosfs letter to you of July 9, 2001, we are submitting for your approval the proposed product for fire retardant treatment of the roof soffits. The soffits are 1" nominal cedar tongue and groove. We propose to use Fire-Kote 100 from Universal Fire Shield. It is a clear coating, field apptieO'in 2-3 coats. I am enclosing a copy of the product data and a sample of the cedar siding material that we have applied the fire retardant coating to. Please let us know as soon as possible if this product will be acceptable as we have begun insbllation of the soffits. In addition, I know that both Dan Havekost and Rob Levine have been tying to get a confirmation from you that the conditions of Dan's letter of July 9, 2001 are acceptable. As we draw into the final stages of the project, we would appreciate approval of Dan's July 9, 2001 letter as well as this sample fire retardant product. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions. Sincgrely, (",-'-l Kevin Duncan Vice President Dan Havekost- Havekost and Associate Rob Levine- Antlers Joe C.asson- Casson Building CorP Cc: 'A Consvuction Tndition since 7912" 15630 East Hinsdale Drive - Englewood,CO 80112 phone 303-690-1500 - fax 303-680-8269 E-mail- kevin@ossonbuildino'com Tndition Since 7972" Friday, August 77,200I MEMO TO: RE: ANTLERS IN VAIL APPROVAL SUBMffTAL ENCLOSED FIND THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED REFERENCED PROJECT: FOR APPROVAL ON THE ABOVE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL DAN: As I sbw tu you earlier, we prefer to fietd appty a fire retardant cuting to those soffiB ii ,t dhetd by the building deprtment, rather than factory insgllation, dy1.p time 7L^-r*iiri'L-."tiiipirrrA dir is iainea aha in roue to the site to be detiverd 8/21, rhe .t ^^ -L- L -. .^ ening Uoaua iia iipte are applid to the approvd cdar siding ample- 2 cn6 have'Wi-ioriiOiti appfieA. It is i'no-shen product, however due b the 2 heavy c@E we -- - ^-t-:^- ^-^;;iad;1 ir; nttty-oiw the wood and there is an ever so aiof..s!e2' ,:'-!:f:p::t::^?::;;;t;;;;;;; tiiiin"orr" in ptace ptus when we spray or rott it on, it will not tu a1!9aw' AnHers Project Director Cc: Jre Casnn- Site Projrct Manager-1 COPIES FOR Paul Waltman-Project Superintendent c : \wIN DOWS\DesKop\Projects\9870 antlers in vail\APPROVAL TMNSMITTAL.doc 6,*fu#i* rv;+b *D f FRdM : UEbNET-EXCHANGE OAX No. | 946-3zr-za6r *Oo 2aa7 @st+?An Pl tMr NFFAO Nadmal Fllo Pretronton Asoodaton Momber FK ,8 OOUFS . A superior Class A fire retardant. Fire Kote Resins and penetrants automatically react to fire and heat, making a chemical change. Nitrogen is produced as a by product displacing oxygen. Universal Fire-ShieldrM exclusive formulas give double protection out performing all other products on the market. UNIVERSAL 700 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MILITARY AND RESIDENTIAL USE IEuv- -(l. d,& FTRE-'(OTE WHEN ONLY THE BEST RECOMMENDED FOR: IS GOOD ENOUGHI All wood surfaces.,, Exterior 5 YearWarranty lnterior 20 year Indefinite l"EW.!.-'*'..-'. --::1Li.;,r*--,-- i UNIVERSAL PROTECTIVE TECHNOLOGI ES Meets or exceeds: NFPA 30, NFPA 255, UL723, ASTM.E84 Flame Spread=Z5 Smoke DeveloP=g0 (See tech. Infomation) Resist Mold, mildew, fungi. Plywood, Lumber, Timbers, l-Beams, Ship lap, back of Paneling, Thatched roofs, Decking and rnany more. sl@@@ wwwfirechemioals.com - 1 800 523-8732 @ ,t 900 FRON i UEBI.ET-EXCHANGE o FAX N0. : e4o-321-2461 O. to zaor w:43ev Pz UNIVERSAL rHoru#'wu [J NIVER.S,A.L FIRE-KOTE l OO FIRE.KOTE IOO FSP-FK IOO APPLI CATION S : COMMERCIAL. INDUSTzuAL AND RES IDENTIAL Al exclusive fonnula inhibiting chemical. A SUPERIOR GRADE. Fire Rated Class "A". Spccifically forrnulated for maximum protection. EXTERIOR AllD INTENOR Woods, Lumbcr, f,,eaves, SEaw, Rope, Fiberboard. Paperboard. Comrgated box board, fabric marcriols such as canvas and other materials. Meets Military and NFPA 30 standards forpackaging. Fire-Kote 100 int. and xt. formula has met thc test by Underwritcrs laboratory, Southwest Research and other testing agcncies. Universal Fire-Kote 100 meets and excecds the UL 723, ASTM E-84, and NFPA 255 for surface buming charapterlstics for applied coatings. Can be applied to porous and non-porous surfaces. For other uses contact your distibutor or home office, I.JNWERSAL PROTECTIVE IECHNOLOCIES, TII.ITVERSAL FIRE-SHIELD AND FLAME SAFE CHEMICALS arc leaders dedioated to setting standards for Fire Prevention Chemicals through our on goiog rescarch and development. It is ourresolve to educate and infonn tbe indusuial, manufacturcr and the public and its providers on the siglificance and use of environmentally safe fire retardant chemicals. .UNIVERSAL FIRE-KOTE IOO This aqueous based resin liquid coatingpcoetant. Total Solids -49, l9/o, weight per gallon I L I lbs., specific gravity = 1.33, PH fwtor *2.2-2.8, Flash Point Non-flammable, Color -clear at 78 degrees F. Slcight haze at 50 degrees F. and lower, Volatitity: no petroleum or lead, Fungus= anti-fungus, Bacteria-mildty rosistarrt" Linear shrinkage=None, Moisture absorption=Nonc, Corrosion-Mildly, Preservativc:excellent, Pest resistant excellent. These chemicals comply with alt United States Federal Regulations, Meels are exceeds city, cotmty and state oodes. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Can be applied by brush, roll coatcr, paint roller. A prcssure spray at 125-150 psi. is recommended for rooftops. For best results apply Firc-Kote 100 2 to 3 coats. Allow to dry slightly bctwcen coetings. Applicator of chemical mutt wear protective clothing, eye ware, neopreno gloves and a Niosk Mask or any good respirator type mask the same rul for paint, AIIow to dry between coatings. Clean up any ove r spray as soon as possible, clean up equipment as soon as possible with water and detcrgent soap or bleach. Mildly toxic during application phasc only. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN, DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. lf chemical gets into eyes wash out immediately flood with watBr. SAIvIE PRECAUTIONS AS FOR PAINT AND STAIN. Classificd: FIRE RETARDAIIT COATINC SUR}-ACE BURNING CHARACTERJSTICS OF APPLIED COATING TESTING:FIRE-KOTE 100 Superior Gradc. Fire Rated Class "A" UNDERWRI:I'I:RS LABORATORIES - CLASSIFIED 19P5 Douglas Fir, Yellow Pine, Redwood, Plywood, Cedar manufactured Board. Flame Spread - 25, Smoke developed =90, Number of coats = 2, Rate per coat (ft2lgal) 360, Flash point-- 0, liquid coating , no flash. Mcets or excceds ASTM-E 84, Ir.L. 723, NFPA 255, Univorsal Firc-shicld Chemicalr me€t or cxceed existing and currout foderal, st8tc, industriol and local fire codes. O I99O T'NIVERSAL fIRE-SHIELD mm@@ APPROVALS & TESTING UNIVERSAL FIRE.KOTE I(lO FIRE RETARDANT For treated wood and wood products. Meets or exceeds the guidelines for testing of construction materials as set forth and/or established by the: o ASTM ES.20 o ASTM E-84 r American Wood Preservers Association (CZA, C27 Type A) r Building Officials and Code Administrators Intf., Inc. (BOCA) r Insurance Rating Bureaus o International Conference of Building Oflicials (ICBO) o Military Specifications (MlL-L-l 9140E) o National Fire Protection Association (255) o National Forest ProdUcts Associations "Policy on Design Values for Fire Retardant Treated Lumber." r Undenrriters Laboratories, Inc. 723 r New York City Building Code (MEA Numbers 406-87 and 407-87) r AllOther Mayor Building Codes o Southern Building Code Conference lntl.. (SBGC) r U.S. Bureau of Ships (OPL)m@@@ STRENGTH FIRE KOTE 100 Formula an aqueous ba6ed coating and penetnnt for wood surfaces has been tested by Southwest Research Laboratories in accordance with industry standards to develop the best poseible fl ame resistant coatings. HYGROSCOPICITY Wood treated with Fire Kota 100 is a Scientific fonirulation and solves many of the problems encouniered with many other fire retardant formulas, notably hygroscopicity Treated wood remainsnon-hygroscopic even under conditions of up io 96% relative humidity' FRO'I :UEENET-EXCHRNGE BuO4 zaBL Bet44Ff1. P3ax }{0. : 944-32r-2s,61 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SIIEET EmcrgencY TcloPhon. rtlo-: (600) 42+$m CHEMTRIC lnlonulion TolcDhone No: (940) 321- 2861 (877) 26o-3e88 P.oduct illt* rnd Smowyrns: FIRE KOTE 100 C@ting FioPoly OSHA PEL 3 ppm TWA (E hr,) 5 ppm ceiling '10 ppm peak l ppmTWA EcTroN il -?wslcrl ?froP$llE8 $ohculrrWrighl; NrA Vltor Pr|-$utrj Inm ol il.rtrtyl llol Dcicrmincd S9rc'il'r GnvilY: (vrateFl) 1.270 PH:25-2.6 Pcrccnt Vobul. (by wcEhtl: .taE% - 9ECTION il,.' FJRE:AND EXPLGloll OATA Fhsh goini (Dc9rrcs Frhrrnhrit; PenrLy{rrdhs Clorcd SuFl:Non6 to Boiling fumes. Fhr Eili,n$frhlrp lilcdb: Not combudiHa, Use ryalsr spray, dry chemictl, {lcohol foam, ca6on dioxide or other agentB lilppropia" Oriubiabh sunounding ttre. Watcf spnry ccn UJ usoa no aUolb gaccoua fiormat<lehvde and reduce initatng Fhrnm|DL Limib (Percfit btvotcE): Formeld€htsc (gas) LEL-7 UELr73 Ip3GII Flt Ftgl{inl ftoccdrru ild E$rhilE|lt Uso €olf conEind br.tdiF ?pp.rrtus atd prote stbn lor sldn' [Jse welcr sirayro rcep *orage .ontannerg-oo.l andto-"luoro anolvrd grseous forrnaldehyde. uss sslety€qulpment and clothing which ii sunrds tor ptrosphoilc acd ard matsriab in umounding firc, Unururt Fbt rnd Erplorion thzrdc: May libcoie nammtuc t4ldroggn gED uPon conlact wltft |r|rny mst|h' PtctDct teronnct agehi mEt ilap.t]-.r epfastr*- trfung gasousformeH6hlda b evolwd by hot matetiat- H.tardcur Comburilion Productss Combrdon products cs^ include cttbott (b$de' catbon monorHe. $!rogen, anrmonh, hyrlrogen methanc, and orifus of PhosPhorug- Conditirns lo Awid: Stable al normal slorage condilions. Corftminelion wi0r stong oxitlizerE, sfono alka[s' frong ecitls, urs! or phenol tlzlrft uf lttcotnp6ilion Produclsi vrpors are ral.GBd bu hot solutons. t/lrnuttsturat'3 ilamc : Universal Prllective Technologies 201 N. Shedy Shorss Rd. Box 96 l.6ke O6llai. TX 75065 USA Componenl (Gas ReOisay NoJ msx 1 ppmTWA (E hr) 2ppmSTEL max200PPmMethgnol (67 - 5€ - 'l) Appcrnncc rndodon cber colodess liquit wnh B pungenl odot Boilirg Pobrf l (Dogto6s Fahrenhei0 208 nd eccurate'; nrhlur€ of componcnb llrlting Poit* @egreee Fahrenhen) NrA Vrpor Daltly: (airrl) Noi delemined Evepcrrtot Rrt : (Brfitl Acrtdt2-l; Not dstsrmhsd, (tl) Slabuty: St bL Inconprtibility (trterhlr to Avoad): S-trcng qitizcrs' allcfrs, or ecbs. Sbwfy teacis vdtt some common meblt casCng highly tlrmmabl€ Wmgon Os b be cmitbd. Fotmcldehyd.lleardcur PohnrcrLrtion: Wlll NOT occrrr FROI'I :IIEENET-EXCHANGE RcrplElory Ptot|ction (SFclfy TyF.): use NlOSlt/MSltA epprorryt rarDlrrbr sultable fot oae $tur Inorgrnlc ftLtt .n t Fue4 2os1 89t45qn P4 V.illhion: Local Erluusl - lf requircd b msinbin TLVs fle c{rrnlcal (g€nonl) - fNrE SPsdd - Notapplicskts E'ap6u|r Frdrr Rgrdim Usc: Formaldehyde vaponr may cEuse id[ton and infiammttion od eyes and mucoua membraner of lhe uppsr roEireiort fact. Repeated rkin contacl may causc skin inilalion, dermalitio or other allerplc teactions. There il considorable indiyiduil vrrhlion in sonslivity lo tormebohydc eitclr of Ornr.ttroeuo: Sevorc erpcrurr mgy cauae mug8a. FuhoDaty ifiilafon end l6s of coflscioubnecs. Msy be hta il sy.uormd. Prdoqgcd oo.|trct wl0r slin may cas8o roddrning of gfioclod rrea. Oirscl conlrct wilh tho eyes caus€s redners ph, conjtndi& and wilh sovero srpqsur€ porslble cornerl do5truc{ion. VagoF moy osuse pulmoncty iriEtion and rcdnest ofthe eyes. Frobrblc Routro st Erportrro: Inhala6on, elln. rry€s, ingsttlion. Slin Con|lct Redorro contaminated clothing. Ptompll) wash skin thoroughly with large quanliliee of soap and water for et leasi 5 minules. lf irfuton penisb, consult a phytlsl€n Launder contamlnstcd clofiing belbre use. Ineodin: Induce wmitng immediaGly by otvirn a t6blespoon of sslt in a glats of ursrm walcr and repcal uniil fluil ts clear. Call a physicien. Never giv€ enything by mouth to an unconGcioue p€tlon. :, Ord: Nol drblbhed. Erpeciod to be torb. Acde Onl Toririfp LD60 (ral)<500{l mg/lq Donnat Nof €tablsh3d. Mry be lrltu0ng ritr cordinuous conbcl. Fotn*tehydo. lDslt (Ebbi0 -27O mglkg Inhrblion: Nol edrblbhed. FotmaHcffo. TQLO (human) 8 ppm- Cerclnogcnicily: lhc numerous epilcminloghal :ludicc hanc hilad to domons{rrts a .eletionship belrvaen fodnaldchyde e:gorurc and nasd curccr, or pulmondy dlsltirG ruch lg emphys.trrs or lung cancer. Human opedence has not indlcslod shoil.term elbclr oher tlpl ipihncy, el mean lerofc of eporgre of I pprn or bclow. (Fotber, Godbetg, and Munro, R€poil of a Prncl. R.nbd of AvElsble Information ot the Hat[h Efrctr ol Occ4n6onal Eoqrure to Fotmaldehyde. Ontado Mtnisry ol l-abr, lr85). Rab crped to 15 ppm of fornraHetrydo ior 24 mo,rUis in r hboratoly strdy dwelofed nassl cancer. Erposorg of 5 #n dH nat rEult h stdfutaaltt Sffrarf lelreb d ntsal cnncer rnd none oocumd st 2 ppm. Mics and hamst€F in chronic siudloe havo not developed nasal tumos. IARC and NTP lid formaldohyde ss nn animal cerdnogen. othrrPrrtincnlOdr: Not Eyc Pmtoction:Pmtdc{ivo glesees o? googbs. I oBanic wpots if pmpcr wnlilaton can not br Fovftled. *F to b. t.[ao in GrsG Fr|brLl L nLracd o? rpmd: Confine rpilled mslotlal snd abeorb on sand. saudusl, esrlh or ohir avrflsHe solttr, Sr,reep and pleoe in a sulbblc codainer. tloufelize with gdde ash and fluslt with wgter, Call the National Responrc Ccnter (00G424-S3{O) if sdll b repoilrble quanttty. Rinse minor spil}s ittlo sewet if psrmllcd by Fdetal. Shte and local rogul'flol!. W.3tc Oirpoarl Llhods: Formddcttde arrd mslhanol arc lbbd rrrls undel the fedral hazrrdous wade regulauone. Etrergcncy rnrl First Airl ProgcduF$: Eye Conitt. Ri$e immedFbly$h wabt. Remov€ corttrc,l lensos, ihen llush eyes immcdidely with runnirg watcr bt at l€6t l5 minutes. Eremineton by a PhYsician is imperative. lnhrhlonr RcmffE io frslr alr immodatcly. Ghn orygen or artificial respirgtion if nsc€ss{ry. Ssek medical dention if nece€s8ry, Use rdequrtc venlilaton. Prot ctivo Cloves: Wg€/ impewiotE glovG ar nacasssly to awit conbcq rubber or nsopronc, Oth.r Prot ctiv. Equipm.trt Adequdto cltrrlno b nhlmtse chanoo8 of codbot wih slin. D'Epos. o{ urdlc in cornpliance wilh all Federel, Sbrb and local FRO}4 .. : " UEBI.IET-EXCHANGE RX N0. : 94@-327-2867 nufa zaoL wi46qn Ps - Avoki breatring mist ot vapor . Wash skin hsl contocled mttetial wih sosp and wdef- - Do NOT usr ol slo;s noar i93t 0r open rme cL.o Wrt r A.t Rrquht|rrnts: Fonnsld€hfito b ltsilsd undel Scdim 31 1 a6 a hsardour substance requiring lhe eubni:sior of $e Ngtoml Potubril Cbdtsrge Elimhalion (NPDES) permll apdlcalion to EPA. Formaldehyde is Hed in Table I ot terdnl requhemeirls es a hazadous suHsncc required lo !e tdontifie.t by e$ling disoharges, it etP€dsd ro bo ptesent, Sec 311 ot thc clean weler ac{ lisb phosphororrc as a hazardous subslrnce wlriclr, if discheryod inlo or upon water, will ptos€nl an lmmln€n antl substantial danget to public health orwrlfarg. Sdlls of 50fl) pounds ot mor€ mu6t bB lepoded lo ths Natonsl Rosponst Center 1-80042{€802. hrsourco Conscwrtirn rnd Rocolrry Art (RCMI Re+rircnnnt3: FormaHchydo (U122) is considered a ha2atdoub wast( il .nd lNhon li b discrrargd by ibelf. As r corrsdu.d of tht6 produci th€ roquiremenlF o{ tho fudersl hazsrdous .egul6liorF do no apply unless the vasie fails to pa:e rny of EPA s four tesb for delermlning hazardous wsstes- SECTpNX - TSG|\: No Applicable inlbrrnaion ?ound i,lo Applioablo inlormalion lound Frogcr Shippang lf.to.; N/A lLr.rdcE$: trl/A !.l.lF.qulrod: N/A Olhrr Pcrtincrt lalonnrtion I N/A PFc.utionr b bc Trkon in tlrndling and Sloring: - Keeg away flom eyes -Avold contad$dth :ldn orclohlng - Use only wiih odequstc venflalion o'Urcr Pocaullons: Personncl handlhg normaldchydo musl ba treinad in hs use rnd fol 6m6rgonc1, sltuations. Ptovile sefety showen and eyetvash eteliong in sreas of folm6ldehyde u3.. Rcgbl?|tioDCc.rtificrlions: Noapplicableinlormetonfuuttd. E LciiY. Orlr: Augu*t 21. 1986 Supertadcs: Allhevtous fnpotL||t: The informttion rnd dets herein rre b1{iarcd b be eccurate and havr beon compliod from sourccs bclierod to be rclbUe. tt b oltaed to your consideralion, iilveaftgEton and vetificalion. Buyer rrrumcc sll &t of use, siolaQs' slxl hrndlng of the product in complhncs with applicablo fadcrat, cate , atd loctl laua .nd regulltona. Universal Proteclive Technologiee and Universel Fire Shield mekei no waffanly of any kind, expressod or implie{ conccrning the accuaracy or completeness of the hformalion and data hgrein. This Information is provided by Flarne Saf' Cnemical Corporation and Universal Fire Shield for Material Safety Data Information only. FDA: ilo Applkable lntormedon toond USOA- No Appllcablc lnfoflraton found CPSC: Labe requhed - Danger: ]iley be Falrl if $rallowed. Cause+ Scryere 8urns. LiquH and V.por ldbtng to Ey65, Noss, Moutr rnd Throet Mey Clae Atalplc Rerdons. Conlsins 6,7% FormaUehyde. (See 9010.125 of Harardoue Sultctance Lrbeling Gulde6). HAVEKOST + ASSOCIATES P.C. 11 21 G RANT STFEET DENVEFI,CO E}OzOg 303./ E}61 -1121 FA)< 3 O 3,/46 3-O661 AFICHITECTUFIE P LA NN IN G UFIBAN DESIGN July 9, 2001 Town ofVail Department of Fublic Works 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Gary Goodell- Chief Building Inspector RE: Antlers Condominium Addition/Renovation; Permit #800-00.58 Dear Mr. Goodell: This is to follow up on our letter dated December 21,2000 relative to building permit "Conditions" dated 7105100 and more specifically to our proposed utilization of pre'staiired l" nominal cedar tongue and groove soffit finish, pre-stained l" nominal redwood bevel siding at some exterior balcony guardrails and pre-stained l" nominal redwood channel lap and bevel siding at a few exterior wall surfaces as indicated on plans dated 4/6/00. As you know, we worked for many months withthe Town of Vail Design Review Board and staff to achieve final approval ofan exterior design which included the use ofwood finish on the above referenced areas. As the Antlers project has now moved to the final ercterior finish stage, we feel it necessary to clari$ our understanding ofacceptable criteria for the installation of exterior wood finishes. As you are aware, our research into the natural characteristics ofredwood indicates it possesses superior fire retardant qualities allowing l" nominal un-treated redwood lumber to meet a Class II flame spread rating (per UBC table 42-A), a 70 flame spread, 60 fuel contributed and 75-l 15 smoke development rating. Here follows proposed construction assemblies for exterior building wood finish according to various locations as identified by your departments "Conditions" of 7105/00. A. Roof Soffits: (refer"Conditions" itemt4) "Anywood proposed to be located 5 feet or less from the west property line must be approved fire-retardant-treated wood"..., including 1" nominal cedar soffit materials. Portions of roof soffits of condominium units 514, 515, 516,517,518 and Conference Room 502 which intrude into a 5' setback distance from west property line shall be constructed ofstructural steel, metaldeck, fire retardant treated 2x wood fascias covered with 20 oz. copper, 5/8"exterior grade plywood sheathing*, 30# feh * 5/8" exterior grade plywood sheathing at roof decks will not be fire retardant treated. over 40 mil. bituthene, fire retardant 2x sleepers and lx battens, concrete tile roofing with soffits of 5/8" gypsum sheathing supported onl-112" metat funing channels at 16" on center maximum and finished with fire retardant treated pre-stained 1" nominal tongue and groove cedar siding supported on another layer offire retardant I x 4 funing strips spaced @24 o.c. (refer l/A9;6/A9). A continuous soffit vent shall be located beyond the 5' setback adjacent to exterior wall line. Pre-stained heavy timber (6x10) bracketVbeams as shown on elevations (Sheets Al4, Al5) and constructed according to 91427 shall not be fire retardant treated. Roof soffits elsewhere shall have the same assembly except the wood will not be fire retardant treated as allowed by LiBC 1997 Edition B. Balcony/Floor Soffits: Under 8" precast concrete plank structure shall be l" nominal tongue and groove pre- stained cedar siding on 1x4 funing at24' oncenter at all exterior condominium balconies (refer Detail 3/M6; 41A27). Soffits under 8" precast concrete plank floor structure shall be l" nominal tongue and groove pre- stained cedar siding on 3x fruring with polysfyrene insulation or suspended on metal channels at 16" on center with 5/8" gypsum sheathing backing, (refer Sections 2/ A29l' 3 / A29). C. Exterior Balcony Guardrails: Condominium balcony guardrails located around the outside perimeter of the building which are planned to receive l" nominal pre- stained redwood bevel siding finish shall be backed with 5/8" fire retardant treated exterior plywood covered with 15# felt and supported on steel tube structure and metal furring channels with inside face of guardrail of 5/8" fiberglas reinforced cement board, (refer Detai4l9T). D. Exterior Wall Finish: 1" nominal pre-stained redwood channel lap (vertical) and bevel (horizontal) siding located on outside perimeter of the building is typically furred over 7" precast structural walls with 3" metal funing channels, 3" polystyrene board, 5/8" fire retardant treated exterior plywood and 15# felt under the redwood siding finish, (refer North Elevation A14 fitness, office conference 502 and units 420 thru 620). Alternate redwood siding faced walls will utilize 6" metal studs at 24" on center, 5/8" g;tpsum sheathing, l" polystyrene board, 5/8" fire retardant treated plywood, l5# felt and l" nominal pre-finished redwood siding (refer East and West Elevations strcets Al4, Al5 and Section 7/427). No exterior (outside perimeter) redwood faced walls are within a 5' setback to any property line. E. Conidor Balcony Guardrails: Conidors serving existing and new condominium units (facing entry courtyard) are to have l" nominal pre-stained redwood bevel siding over 15# felt, 5/8" exterior plywood supported of metal funing charurels or studs at 24" on center on steel tube or angle frame with inside finish of 5/8" fiberglas reinforced cement board on metal furring, (refer Details 41A27, 5 l M7 and 2l Al5, l / A16, 2l A16 and l l AlT). We understand that the general contractor, Casson Building Corporation will submit inforrnation relative to fire-retardant treatment selected for your review and approval prior to application as required by Building Permit "Conditions" dated 715100, including guarantee time period, method of applicatio4 etc. Sincerely, Havekost + Associates P.C. Approved ofPublic Works President CC: Casson Building Corporation - Attn: Dan Casson J. T. Berga & Associates - Attn: Jack Berga Antlers CondominiumAssoc. -Attn. Rob kVine April26, 2001 Anilers Condominiums Addition/Renovariqn I Proposed Loft (Mezzanine) Addition #514, #515,#516 U.B.C. 1997 Edition tuialysis U.B.C. Section 507.1 Con*ruction shall be consistient l. Building #2 = 24New Residential Condominium Units, OK Type II One Hour Allows 54, 000 S.R Area Actual Building #2 Area 34,334 S.F. ) J Lofts at 514/515 375 S.F. X 2 = Loft at 516 412 S.F. = Total Building #2 Area R-l Occupancy allow height 5 stories O.K 2. UBC Section 507.3 Mezzanine not to exceed 1/3 floor area ofunit (room) 750 S.F. 412 S.F. 35,496 S.F. < 54,000. O.K 1,190S.F.+3 = 396 375 S.F. < 396, O.K, 1,100 S.F. ..'3 = 366 412 S.F- > 366 1.87 occup4nts <10 O.IC 2.06 occupants < l0 O.IC #514/#515 Floor Area Proposed Loft Area #516 Floor Area * Proposed Loft Area 200 SF/occupant Table l0A #514/#515 375 S.F. + 200 =#516 412 S.F. '= 200 : 4. UBC Section 507.6 Possible revision can reduce loft area to 366 S.F. 3. UBC Section 507.4 'Mezzanine shall be open"; except: 1.2 the occupant load ofthe enclosed space does not exceed lp. occupant load-, "If any required exit enters room below, the occupant load of the mezzanine shall be added to the occupant load ofthe room unit in which it is located. Table l0 A requires 2 means ofegress ifoccupant load exceeds 10. # 515/ # 515 Occupant Load 1,190 S. F. + 200 = 5.95 occupants Loft Occupant Load TOTAL 1.87 7.82soy8< l0O.IC Occupant Load 1,100 S.F. - 200 = 5.5 occupants' Loft Occupant Load ' 2;06 TOTAL 7.56saY8< l0O.K. #516 l. ..it\ |'tt], ( .l I *Purchaser requests additional storage area (Ceiling Ht. < 7') Sunrmary: IJBC Section 507 Mezzanines a- Constnrction ofproposed mezzanines Tpe tr I br. conforms with r Building #2 ConstructionTlpe, O.IC Clearheight above and belownot less than 7'; t'O.K Total occupad load of units with loft is 8 < l0 O.K Total loft arEa does not exceed l/3 area ofUnit (room) beloq O.K Not more than filtg wzafu,levels, one level, O.K Mezanfumayb enclosed if occupant load is less tban 10, O.K l( !o ruAlo fqrliff .q-sMet"M."" 7Kf'be A oSlury" A1 U, 5 rds .fFt .:,1 i .r l.Jr'''$,. i,! I ' ::" 1' ;'l'' ti\.rl\li vft s Itr/Wrr0I-vArlly Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ffcLt-fztcTte 7/4C-, Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ETECTRTCALVALUATTON: $ /fOO oe Llob7zobo( JobNanYo , r1LryzF,a4-- a'tu)D;s Detailed description of workr t U/R.Z- .<Jatt L(JA c-LS tq,.tb (AAD WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodel([ Repair() TempPower() Other() Work Type: Interior $qJ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Sngle-family ( ) Dudo< ( ) Multi-familV (,lQ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accomrpdation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this it for a hot tub: Yes Does a Fire Alarm Existr Yes ( ) No ( ) ;1a1a1 ,y.Does a Fire Sprinkler Systern Existl COMPLETE FEET FOR NEw BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS Labor & Materials Assgsors '328-86t10 or l*t*****t**i!***t*t***i*rr*r**********'tiFOR OFFICE USE OilLY"n!r:r*rrrr*!t*r:t:rrr*rt**tr**tr*ii****'r*****i* F:/evEryone/fo rms/decperm | .u\O\ \cx I o rf+itaf+t *********fttttttt+ta ff++***a+att*ttftattta++*+** ***+** aft*f*++**ll{' t++altatfllat+ft TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO - Statement + ft ft*a I f**+** a +* a***t**lraf+ ft I ll *+*+*+* a l+ a*l f+alta* . ,Statement lihrmber: R000001.797 Anount 3 $53.00 L2/O3/2OO]-O3 :59 Pttl Palment, Method: Check nit: cD Notation: *4548 PerniE No: . 801-0213 T14re: ELECrRICAL PERITIIT Parcel No: 210107205013 Site Addresa: 680 LIONSHEAD PIr VAIL IJocation: ilfTIJERS ITNIT # 201 Total Fees: S53.00 lhls Payment,: $53. OO Total. ALIJ PmtE: $53 .00 Balance: $0.00 t *f lt *{r f* * f* *+**fl | *++** * *lt'l+ '} * **+t*ra+{ra*ll*{rt+al+ +lla++*a* f*af t** { a**** + * *{'*t****** *+l.aaa * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: .Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP 00100003111400 TEMPoMRY P0|JER PERMITS |''lC OO1OOOO31128OO I,IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 TOVVN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENTO 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2735 ]ob Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OWNER ANTIJERS VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES F01-0004 IASUED 03/07/2001 03/19/200r 0e/15/2007 s2, 203 . 00 $2, 203 . 00 s2,203.00 $0. 00 SPRINKLERPERMIT 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL 680UONSHEADPL 2707072060W ?r-lY<r -ooj1 Permit #: Status. . . : Applied..: Issued. .: Expires. .: 945-5356coNDo Assoc 03/O7/20OL Phone: 03 / 07 / 2ool Ptrone :303-373-4744 License: COMTRACTOR A3C FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 2O1OO EAST 32ND PARKWAY surTE 195 AITRORA, CO 80011 License: 188 -S APPI,ICAI\IT ABC FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 2O1.OO EAST 32}TD PARKV{AY surTE 195 AttRoRA, CO 800L1 I-,i.cense: 188-S Desciption: sprinkler system, upper level garage Valuation: $87,9M.00 03/o7/2ooL Phone:303-373-4748 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> willcall-> 91, ?60. oo Restuarant Plar Review-> S440.00 DRBFee----------------> so. oo roTAL FEES-------> $3.00 s0.00 $0.00 s2,203 - 00 Total Calculated Fees-> Add'tional Fees----> Total Permit Fee----> Payments--_.-> BALANCE DUE-> Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'I!{EN:I O3/L6/2OOL mvaughan Action: AP this plan is approved based on agreed upon modifications between ABC and Vail Fire and Emergency Services. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS TOR INSPECTION SITALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN 4?9-2135 FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. **t++++*++*tt****+******r****f *"****+***+*******,|****************f ** * * * **** ***** ****+ TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement ,l * ++ * * + * * * * ** ** * * * + * f,* * * * +* * * * + * + * ******++****+** ****t* * * *t*t* *** * * **+*'i*t+* * **********+***+ Statement Number: R000000513 Amount: 52,2O3.OO 03/L9/200111:29 AM Palment, Metshod: Check Init: LC Notation: #8150/ABc Fire Protection PermiE No: F01-0004 114)e: SPRINKL,ER PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOIO72O6OOO Site Address: 680 L,IONSHE"AD PL VAfL Location: 580 LIONSHEAD PL Total Fees: $2,203 .00 Thia Pal.ment.: $2,2o3.oo Tota1 Ar,r., Pmts: $2,203.00 Balance: $0.00 *++****+*+**+****{.f,*************i****************f* *'t**++f,*+**++**+++****+********++******** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PIRMIT FEES 1./60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 440.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO hJ]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO t>il I @TED rlilcool?l'lrl Or P'gie(t Eoll.lhg#;EHil_iGEITiffiivncsgtlr@ - Fot -oooY Tilil *Dmltlrl rnd*op dnufngl ?'. r?$__--,1r-- --'r -r5 r- s-rarrrrtt $ftrnnr1til Cdordo l/flt'fs7 ffi il;trar6xc.don wtu mt bc aepd witfiorG$is lttlbttndoil ^- u r. ,- -.? | --r ??t";"itfrrdd;=d;tddd En9H3 *anp or I{JGET. lctrd lu (tnln) sbmP.- E{tiffuort qlt dt.els ot lnElak'I lhidraulkahlHots. . I'sae or Cobr.do Pbn Rcaffion lbnn : Ptarrs ttt tlt ue suUnicl ur e n:O*nO f,rr prohdlon conEacbr' coNlPlJlE YALUATTOI|S ron runn pglfrr I nlesPa'toe': t /71:!.:l_:-J l--.-_- Ailrl5s;rt:so , * ffiatnlt*,udE.r workcb: ftcloo Addtuott( ) Rrmodel( ) Rcprir( ) Rctrc'tt( ) o6cr( rVpeCeUg': Sngtc'lhnflv( ) ltrc'faraV( )ffiTxJ R€uurant( ) otl*r( ) Gffi;unns n ttils buildq: tlo. otEdritqt D,udll€ Urns hub boung: (frloraH.E hb) Bleor a'fetr aL rhn l,+", G">\ izt^(7./{ ,rrrr*rt'.t.*r.ar".rl*r*rlr*.*rlrll.**.FQR OffiCE USE OlllYtrt""t"""lttt"t'tl't"'fttttttr rVaefnltbmn*fwm - : I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 or*frrr*r oF coMMr.JNrr" orurrorrt NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0037 Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 680 LIONSHEAD PL Applied . . : 04116/2001 Parcel No...: 210107206000 Issued . . : 05/11/2001 ProjectNo: Expires..: 12/08/2003 owNER ANTLERS COTIDO ASSOC 04/L6/20O1 Phone: 945-5356 I-,icense: APPLICaNT ROD HALI-, COMPAIIY O4/L6/2OOL Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WYAITDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M CoNTRACTOR ROD HAr,r-, COMPANY O4/A5/2OOL Phone: 303-777-770O 255 WYA}IDOT STREET DEITVER, CO 4o223 License: 150-M Desciption: Listed gas fireplaces for 26 condos and lobby. Valuation: $42,000.00 Fireplace Information; Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 27 # ofcas Loss: 27 # of Wood Pellet: 0 t t!tt **.tt * t,t trt* t*a t *ii * a* tt't t* tt *a l Mechanical--> S840. 00 Restuarant Plsn Review-> Plan Check--> 5210. 00 DRB Fee-> So. oo TotalcalculatEd Fe€s--> 91,053.00 SO . OO Additional Fees->$0. 00 Investigation-> WiU Call---->$3.00 BAIANCE DUE-__>$0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o4/27/2oot eRe Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAME. Cond: CON0OO4672 (BLDG.) : INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO II{ANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A}lD TO CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 ITMC OR CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1998 IMC. Cond: 25 (BIiDe. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEIIIED ACCORDING TO C1IAPTER 8 AND SHAIJL TERMTITATE AS SPECTFIED IN SEC.806 OE Tr{E 1997 IrMe, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TI{E 1997 rMq. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PITANS AI.ID CODE AIiIAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAIIICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AIiT INSPECTION REQITEST. .:r*a)t*laltl*taaaa go . oo TOTAL FEES-_-> 91, 053 . 00 Total Permit Feo--> Sl , 053 . 0o Pqments-_----------> $1, 053 . 00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY+OTJR HOURS IN ADVA}.ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI,JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 04/ L8/OL W5?"u Ro{n!Tl:: \& APPUCATION IflIlI ilOT BE ACCEPTED IF II{COI.IPLETE OR Project #: 9, O- 47 9- 2tgB ( InsPectf ona) NVNWUTL 75 S. Ftontagc Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted rvithutt the follovvlngl Provlde Medranlcal Room Layout dr.wn to scalo to Includ€!o lledronlcal Room Dlmendonso Combuttlon Alr Duct 9z{ and tocatlon o Gombustlon Alr Duct S[rc and locauono Ftuer Vent rnd Gar llne $Ea and locadono Hcat LoE3ctlc!. I o EqulpmentCut/Sp.cShs€b I )+)l+l \\-*.t\ ,\l vlj K 14._ Bq(OO!'IPLETE vAtUATIotl FoR ttlEcHAtllCAL PERIIIIT (labor & llaErlals) @ooz a, ParcrN # (Requlred) Job NarreL*t A^+ t€,rs robAddrfsD u], (l6v?5hgar{ PL, legal D€scrlptlon I Lob fl Bhck: I Flling:Srbdivldonr Engtn€€rl Addressi Phone: ffiffi#rosi FlHbif#p""e.r workoass: NewDo Addluon( ) Alteratbn( ) Repalr( ) Other( ) Botl€rLo€atton! Intelor( ) Exterbr( ) Oher( )Does an EHU exbt at this locatlon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of BHg: Shrgle-family ( I tlo. of Exbdng Dwelllrg UnlE In thb bulHlng:No. of Accommodauon Unlts ln thls bulldlngl l,lo/Tvne of Flrebhes Exlstlno: Gas-Apolbnces ( ) Gas toos ( ) Wood/Pe!le!,( ) Wood 8umh0 ( ) Burn{ng (NOT ALLOWED)Nofrype of Flreplaces Propo{ Gas App[aryfifif,,as gl r4EGfANrcAL: r Lla,Ooo, o OOT{TRACTOR I]{FORI,IATIOII - 7?oo 'L3o?11-7- 7?oo - Atn44 **rl lt* ttr*.rla.rl* r*t.ar.t*r*** *r*l **l*FOR OFFICE USE OllLYr***.*r*r*r * *l *t *r. ***** t t* * * * * *** * ** u4/ ro/ tt I UN | | :03 lrA,{ul003 (D,n "og fire'Iftnt Sets n^tot nfi fromiEaery otfru ftrep{ace MeMota engideea, using mmputer imaging have cteaH the flame pattem '' and color ol a wood fire at ib paak b€euty, To thb pertect firc MeMota adds. logs artistically hand molded trom real logs and a bed of coals. The lo&r by themselves are a hue work of aT?nd a . point of interest in the fireplace. Sooclflcrlicrr flllll:-.-*.-.-.-.Ji 60,000 Lo 12,000 Eff clcfrt: ............tr.red! mt stds. €.t Sr0glt .....-...........t1abre1 or U Pilot Strhn:............-.--.Heo Spstt Srhty ccds: ....-.....-AGrt Certifrd $lO hthd:........,...11am0c1 Hersol r AG /ll{sl std.lml[ ShippirE lbut .............,...,2i5 [s. f rifrun fnni|tr DirFrsiotE , ll'[ r 4fr'{ r A'0 , ftt fwi[ lruat And when the lirc staG, at the touch of a button, the : logs come allve In a b€d of glowint embes wilh gentle flam6 roachinB through lh€ partially bumed logs. The result is a romantlc, award wirining log fire that fills the fireplace. lt's so authentic you'd swear lou were buming logs {rom the wood pile. Sl|ndd [lulrm t Urilq iem mfilt, colr, 3-lad bum Eowet rih rheoslrt finLkk mo.-onm dass, frnrstt 0dhnt: 8led, Wrot$t lr , 8r8t, or 24( edd fionts, fi! sdtatt, nmtr c0flttol, lbEi|rat sFhnr t-t}ar. harhr.t ||r.l hdBilld& Li.L nd*,r n-lbcfrl ir L lll ndlab, Taffiad, ra Ii-ldbctrrio.rrd. ) OttEU. Co|,',bwtilxr Air tn Mmdonseafttr Combustiotr, Dirut ilent Tufrrchgy Hc.a.d F.n M Alt Va6ihGa, Odidl atitft VgfSiheat - Dd 60 foret Air tteat 'Tratsfer Sysutn (opttnaQ Mendota s€aled combustion draws air for combustion from outside the hom€ into a sealed flrebox. Exhaust is expelled through a separate vent. Rmm air is heated and recirculated. The system keeps warm air in and cold air oul. This assures high air quality, maximum efficienry, and trcuble-free opemtion in today's tight homes. Icrv'fuaf moves heal from pur ffreplace to other areas in your home. The Chateau 60 has connec- tions lor two Veniheat kits to allow the hansler of heat to two other areas. Heat is moved through ducts with their own blowers and thermo- stats. This optional system let{lQ - Mendota Chateau 60 orovide heat lo more than one room in your home and to move unwanted heat away from the lireplace. HeaH floq'' Ah -etun rF cml + R@,n Al( ++.. t,' t/€aaed hn Forccd Ait +i Ctatea$ ffi Oire* ilatt Qas fireptrce Spetifcatiot s : trtdu*n hnn H: 56r/l t.lb 21'[ r {01 g4/L6/0L f,ON l1:04 I]AX OfrA Vurr noCl SqxtXUt C!,re l/Lr Con|.a Vh, , Top vbnt Dhrct vtot uodd EmxLT corn vbr o NDIVlDUAL G ool MOoEL FEATURES 164tt fl ,tl173{all fo.'l Vl9,gbovLrf, Top viov MODEL oOOOXLS. llr Ttht corrlburtloo chlrnber . 14,0m - 35,m 8flrvtr lt{xlt. Htd ltrmal Elllchnq (75*+) o il"tU.E. Rrllng of Bi (Nc) (Amnl fud Ullzailon Emcienct). BEd-zrne optl(Il! Ardl$k. sour lrs sds b clrc froft hgtcerp Glfldanl), rnlrsdir, Ior.6Ft 6 lls"5qn . r uuhitu& ol Qdonal FDnB .rd/or dl Frorn Vhdr lb Chre - o/rrd Rarotscdol n:rma (snst-srat) ltooE|- 60(x)xLT .,itulitht cqtrirrtlm ftxtbn. 2{,m-3t.fmmuM|r Iryn r ltgh llrmd Edideq OJI+). A-EU.S. Rrxng of 69t (Nc) (anud tucl Utillatlor E0}cbry) " . Hed-ZmE qtiqu rtr|llsble. fb*{llt oplion Avrllrbh . Iour t g S€b bcllm fmmrtrgecaltT (sttrtrd, I4spltl tap6norrry-doo r . A lr{ul$tde of 0$lotd Iru !s /or Merh' Fmrn Vhich Ib CluceNl . qFiord ldmb Cond ftEflntd (Sflrtt-Slc) MO9EL OOOOTR' . zl,tm - 31,0m 8ruMtr hput (ltrt(ll ltsrttrg). l9,m - ?,m EruVhr lrpur (lhror drb&E). 7 ccnmkrt r lolr lrddtd dlh CEts o {rllglrt Goohlkr Ghnts. .lR lumolo$r ofr: lruftple ltnut o?dorr . lli8hTtrmrd Efricirrf. 0pomrl sdiloil Loss (t p40o) . l Multule d oFod ftmE r/or lltlll hmll,hth IO Clrc MogEL GOOOARC H. Cudte IrF . lir ll$t Cqnhltlm Orrmba. 27,0m EIUb/tu Lrput ' Uld ftmal Efidory r Ghn Frd br 0pthnrl flnlshing MODEL oOOOTVFL. 7 C€nrnic fib€r lr8! lGldkd slb Grd! . 1},0(I) - 29,m muvtu Inp{t . foew Encknt (5015+) . Qrional split o* lotp 0qr6c{0). f &ttnt r A ultin& of Q*krul konE adlor lledl tm Vhlfi Ib Ghoc q$ffi'%ft. EtECln|o& ^pcE!!t Ronl Vlrw $a Vlm . EE TNEAL ToF Vba #,ffil.fnft*r Olrcl Ybnl odrl @lr0TB Coflldvh' Com6r \ror 3-'- Iop VLw lg l,a l489nraLval42ht$ t9l/. t! r^l 6 rrl r.l9$l inl rl5lfo Top lrenl Dlrtct Venl Hodol 30O0ffiCH colls VL*' ac !s rlrl<un le !r |4|caalrrutld. | ff Yrtr F@nl Vl6, It!,1 6000 SERIES MoDEL FEATURES . L{rlrckr Dod^n (31'r 22') !. hrmln8 C!$c$ {d Ydkn FhrE . f|rd* hlr b ltr fllrr l|4h rd tlcrt 0uSrl (not flril$h oD rhu 6m Rol). Oan htmla8,. tudhdjudm Bu h. Bloirrrrnd/or Re3rt ooobol . IGI hdp &nfred .rd CQl fppmd b( Ike dlh lhnl or LP Gn nUc IIL lttcd . olsoml Blmr (nDt |r'llCJe hrre&l 6frnno0. oprlon2l RSIIE Cmld (RC-$wt) . Ih PrF tEdngsdnksStel Pm &m{. &tt Pr|trn m 0E ndrubt Hczft Io Qlonrl nbe r &kk nftay br Flnlu Slp od Srt. ln C8e ?t I Fosr Friluq lhrt ll.Gb Gas F!{o *th St,t|dhg Ptbt WlllCo lDu! b 0pmb Slib \rldr I . s#f IiSh lknDcflntc &nlt Sf,lth r ller Urc rd &s $nl ffi A - 12" Ii iioot ol tt$d klt 4.,16 lri" iuhrld[mtd ldl tddffibir|lbntrfidr.rq ld.r tn hrlJh l.ruJ Irdadhl d0.rlb!artd.[l.Bfi!Fdd HBf.r{lJl EGft ndl |o 'fde ||b!.rldklt Tlt. th4E ri .drr {frn||r! m.! t rt h.sl r. 0r fir dftd Lmd rtd ft Ernr.d}rrin !!d- fltAT.lf-Gn, r divlsloo dHerlh Terlnohglclr. 6{65 V. tlq tt, trliuapols, Mll 5t37E (612) 890{367 tr (612) EW52t InCl ur ec lnfo@hearglo.om Yblt orr ?cb slh rt rrr.tczlulo.snBa_ @ llEfl'.tdo f,o rI hlld. r Ldar lh! I r+=rsnEro!.r Crx 3019lanr,ll lr04lrr. tf, lt26 s P E C I F I C.A r I o il S IOOEL xEF|ar Fmmt$Dm ltEl( wrD'n{DEPTH FNO T ou8a oPg{tt{of.ad fana tult l4.l hno l|m sit t !t/t]ta l/l al It ia [a 4 al tt2 a2 a.trirz [o(tr rrdl 'n 76 tt S/l a7 5,1 ?''ltz 21 112 zl '4IA'a,I/. o TON 11:02 FAX @ oo1 Rod Holf (omponu 255U'Y NDOTSt, DENVER, GOLO.80A3h: 3otlttl-r?oo Et2 to3n77-tt69 trar rran''nLttal hi ( i I hgebyaclcrrorvlcdfe_trat f gvetag $is aeplicdo& f,lcC our intuUtheirfrrrrxionreqrirea cor,phed anacrnb plot ph4 arrd *a.te tftat all the irdoraratiion es rcqrircC ic maect I agree to courply wiEr the Aifouradur rrd Plqt PIan' b c@PIy with all Town cdinances and shte laws, utd b bgrlld. this strucurre acccnaing o Oie br,ytg zoninl and eqbdivld.m codes, desigrr rrn'icw qrproved, Uniforur Building C#and"gth€r ordinances of tre f&m appfratte' :ther€rlD- | 06/L4/oI XoN 12:09 FAtr \r!r_uEv-l,EH l, - @oog iPAGE 3/S FQIJESISIoREISEECilONETT:.rgU,\DETWENTY-fOuBHOIIIq'IN ADVANCElryIEElFtS'[EAT!rr9.a!6On ^TOI'ROnT *rnOUt{rA{-s G- r D = 9?O4"s DECL\R.A.TIONS SIGT{ATUNE OF OWNER O8, CONI?ACTOR FR HIIIllsd'.F ENP ONN-P C-. 12-0&2003 7:52am Inrpecdqr Request Reportlng_._ vAtL. co :JoIIl{_0E_._ Rcquelbd |nspcct DrE: Insp€cdon Arer:Sit Add..ss: A,P/D lnlbrm.[,on Aclhrtv: Lt t'O097 TYDr: &MECH Cons TvrE: occuoaircv: olrtiiec AiITLEFS CONOO ASSOC SRyr, Dccembcr oE, 2003 68O UOf{SHEAD FI.VAL 680 LtOltlsHEAD Pl- sullg, mrex Phone: 94ffi gbtl3: lggtEDlnepAlr: GRG -^t - "-4./t!,-'t3/'/ -4Ur:-- _,^-ffRequesbd Tlme: 0l:00 Pill- Pfrone: 4762471 Enhr€dBy: oGOLD€N KTlrmoErp: )-< i - rll{.]|4. < l) , )re.j' \J l <l'l rtr, ltq 4t'->. r?/) -. ' ,'r.-.->[.; ,2' I t-/ /-- f .--' .''t' '.-- ' '2^ ( il\lu ezl , h7DI rtn ;. /l.i' lt f*orc{ontl*,'ry -:/4tmJ/ lhm: 2O0 lE-c]tBqtgn _:l*pro',rd * 06/21'01- TED.&I: ERG.' Adhn: PAPAFTIAL APPROVA "ffijFi ffi, .L%tt16 m4'. stis "osil$fi|tr#ffiw* dcanrs e' t'il818. Cmnnrds: Unb321.4l4-f16&421. Willn€6dgGplpl|gp|caflre|3sl$onilflttpatc€sb&r.dryilEf. Item: 310 ilECH-Fleatmlhm: 315 PtlBGasPFlns '*Apgroved* 0ryi6,01 hsFeoc ' 'GRG Actbn: AP APPROVED Cofi n n$: thl 318 orily. S) pol |et| tor gps fr.ploe€.tb|n: 3?o MEc}}tu'|aust Ftoo{tslbm: 3ixl MECtI-SuoolvAh]hm: 34O tlECl.t-Mtid.'Itgn: 3S ltlEc}}'Fln€l 1181101 hrD.cbf: cdarrls Acton' Pl PARTIAL f.fSP€CTlOtlco menls: utsr8 3t 4,31 5.31 q.31 7,31 8320,93 11 4,415 A16,41 7,'ll E'42o, 421 *- 1+ Lt^rtg 1').rr.J |,r ,,n sp.-.-cl \Q Lc''n'lsd'Lot't, Page E Appficrnt RODI'ULTCOMPA}.JY Ptffii ffi.?77.7700 Cmrment Contracbr cdn€ bV ro dck up D€finI $os told lt vrss r€.dy. Tdd lil|n fi{ slgffrd oft. - LCAIpBEIL Coilfit€nt rout d to Grry Godrhll'416i01 p.m. - LCAIIFBELL Rearlested lnsr€cdon{sl tbm: f,aquedor: 300 trEcH+lnd ROD FIALL COIIPA}.IY Comm€lts: alqi ofrrepfcEAcs|qil[n: cDAvls REPT131 Run Id: 1463 TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L557 970 -479 -2L38 APPLICAIiIT CONTRACTOR OWNER .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiL #: A00-0025AI,ARM PERMIT Job Address: 680 TIONSHEAD PLLocat.ion...: 680 LIONSHEAD PI-, Parcel No. . : 2L01--072-06-000Project No. : PRiI00-0039 DEPARIIvIENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMEI{:I NOTE:T1IIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SEatus. . Applied. Issued. - Erqpires. ISSUED 08 / 04 /2000 08/ 07 /2ooo 02 / 03 /20oL COMMEREIAI SPECIALISTS WESTERN COLORADO, LLC, COMMERCIAI SPECIALISTS WESTERN COLORADO, LLC, AI{:TLERS CONDO ASSOC 580 Lionshead P1 , Vail, uKIt lee Inveatigaeion> Will Call----> TOTAI, FEBS- - -> OF P.O. BOX OF P.O. BOX Co 81557 L572, L572, Phone: 970-513-7100 SILVERTIIORNE, CO 80498 Phone: 970-513-7100 STLVERTHORNE, CO 80498 Phone z 945-5366 Deseript,ion: FIRE AIARM SYSTEM FOR Blect'rical- - - >L,2'-3 .OO NEW AND EXISTING VAIUATiON:58, 000 . 00 FEB SI'UMARY Total Calculated F6e€- - - > Additional I'eeg-------- -> Total PerDit Fee-_-_----> L,245 . OO .oo 1,216.OO. o0 3 .00 !,2L6.OO IECM: OSOOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTI4ENT DCPT: BUII,DING DiViSiON:08/0412000 JRM Action: APPR N/AITbM:. O55OO FIRE DEPARTI'IEIVT DEPI: FIR.E DiViSiON:08/04/2000 MIKE_V Acrion: APPR APPR AS NOTED ON PLAN Pa)anents----- -- _ BALANCE DUE---- -oo CONDITTON OF APPROVAI tir * t i t * Jrt t * t * i DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowl-edge gha! I hav€ lead tshiE applicacion, filled ouf in full the infontratsion requj.red, cortplaEed an accuraco pLol plan, and BtaEE tshac a1l the infornacion provided ae required i6 correct. I agree to conply rith the infomation ard Ploc plan, to conply with all Tovn ordinanc6s and Etsac6 lawe. and to build lhis sgructure according uo thc lown'6 zoning and BubdiwiEion codes, dc€ign rcvier approwcd, Unifor[ Building code and othor ordinanced of, the Town applicable hharcco. REQnESAS rOR TNSPECTTONS SHAIL BE UADE TgfEl+T{-FOItR HOT RS rN AD\IB.IICE By TETTEPIiONE AT 479-213S OR AT OUR OFFTCE PROII SrO0 AU 5:00 PU CTOR FOR HIMIIELF AND OIdNER mwv0pvfiL 75 S. Frontage ttd. Colorado 81657 AppucArroN wfror BE AccEprED rF INcoMptp1lf*tt"* Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of . application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, 2no page of this form. Application will not be accepted without this information. Conbct Ofile at 970-328-8640 or visit FireAlarm: g (o8,@0, oo olzoboot- o1z-Parcel #if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) )ob Addres: 6fu LlonSHeto PLRCqJob Name: $$.rTlej?s @Nry4,n,u^ floor, unit #, Ngur ADrrlorr Lzvets Ftec- ALarzu 3esar-r^ fre. New,Es<tgrtstr'- BLff-, WorkClass: Newp{ Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Retro-ffi( ) Other( ) Restaurant( ) fther( )Typeof Bldg.: Single-fiamily( ) Two-family( ) Mutti-family( ) Commercial No. of Accommodation Units in thb building:No. of bdsting Dwelling Units in this buiHing: Does a Fire Sprinkler Systern Exisil YesDoes a Fire Alarm ExisH Yes MABWEtf9';"^usB 6F Town of Vail Reg. No.:l6r-s contactand Phone #t: ha^Jl^ b taul(qru\ 5tz-11oo Contractor Signature: ****ni***.t.r*i***.t.rn**r***i*t*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*r**t*r*********i*r*n.*****ti*r**.**:l F:/e\reryone/fu rms/alrmp€rm lleurruDArlc o 4 W, v\ \ J\ \T-.\ )v .\\ {r \ 3 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL EIREALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: A Colorado Registercd Enginee/s stamp. Device locaUons on reflected ceiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculaUons. A list of specific device model numberc. Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The number of each tyPe of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conducbrs. The source of AC Power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box locaUon. Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring agency. r;formatien regarding property managens and contact numberc. .!( Olvneds primary residence location and contact numberc. rnstru-ctiolt forfire alarm system operations and any pertinent code numEtrs for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensurc that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Prcject name: l\*)l(.tlzj LonBfnlN tprn AD()m tms Contractor Signature: AppucATroN *ilho, BE AccEprED rF TNcoMpLETE 75 S, Frontage Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 Separate Permits are rcquired for electrical, plumbing' FOI,JNDATIONS ONLY PER}117 38 Building Permit s7 o- 47 9 W(Inspections) mechanical, etc.l Conhct Asresnrc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit Parcel # See Legal Descrlptlon lob Name: Antlers at Vail Addltion Job Address: 680 Lionshead Place Legal Description ll Lot: 3 ll Block: I $ Fiting: 3rd Subdivision: Vail-,/Lionshead Owners Name: 6rrg1"rs at Vail Address: 680 Lionshead Place Phone: O7O) 476-2471 Architect/Desiqls1; Havekost &'Assoclates Address: $lfrl.F:'eb 85t88'Phone: (303) 86I-r121 Engineer: Redwine-Rezian, rnc. ll Address: iitr,, co BL62o 'll Phone: O7o) 748-o7tl Detailed description of work: eaaf ti.on of 24 Condorniniurn unlts, 7 Enployee housing unlts '2 Level- park garage, Admln. offices, Cornmon area space WorkClass: New( ) Addition(X) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both(X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( x) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( )0 Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 72 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 0 No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Cut nootfii*o f xiias Loqs f ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning L) No/TvpeofFireD|aces,,oooffiasLoqs()Wood/Pe||et()WoodBUrning(NoTALtoWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( X) for Parcel # COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) Bil?ffirt't:i"" 320,ooo ELECTRICAL:9 O OTHER: $ 0 PLUMBING: $ O MECHANICAL: $ O 'IOTAL: $ 320'000 REFUNDCLEANUP DEPOSITTO: Antlers at Vail Condo Association CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: Dan L. Casson (303) 690-1s00 Dan L. casson *************************rk*********rr***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****,r****tr*****r.*rt******.*********-rtr** F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm tlAR t 4 2000 sToilwoRk . GENERAL CONSTRUCTION . PLUMBING . MASONRY . WARM AIR FURNACE . ELECTRIC WIRING . NO BUILDING PERMIT . GAS FITTING AND VENTING . ZONING WcEP meavEO67Et4 : OTHER: 'ffi:w D0 1{07 ffi, -.rvr.yrrs\ Inspector b REMOUE THIS I{OTICE! sToilwoRk . GENERAL CONSTRUCTION . PLUMBING . MASONRY . WARM AIR FURNACE . ELECTRIC WIRING . NO BUILDING PERMIT . GAS FITTING AND VENTING . ZONING WcEP meavEO67Et4 : OTHER: 'ffi:w D0 1{07 ffi, -.rvr.yrrs\ Inspector b REMOUE THIS I{OTICE! TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICA]!:T CASSON BUILDING CORPORAT]ON 15630 E. HINSDALE DRIVE, ENGLEWOOD, COI TRACTOR EASSON BUU-,DING CORPORATION 15530 E. HINSDALE DRIVE, ENGTEWOOD,OI,'INER AIITLERS CONDO ASSOC 580 Lionshead PL, Vail, Co 81657 DEPARTMEIiIT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIVT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT AIL TIMES Permit #: 800-0058NEW Mi]LTf -FAIVI BUILD PBRM 7tl-eo-dosf 'JOb AddrCSS: 580 I-,IONSHEAD PL SIATI-1S...: ISSI'ED Location. . . : 680 LIONSHEAD PL, AMLERSApplied. . : 04/07 /2000Parcel No..: 2tot-072-06-000 rssued...: 06/29/2000 ExSrires - - z L2/26 /2000 Phone: 303-690-1500 co 80112 Phone: 303-690-1500 co 80112 Phone: 945-5366 LEVEL GARAGE, ADMIN/COMMON ARE Descript,ion: 24 CONDO',S,7 EHU'S,2 Occupancy ABartmenu Houses Public GaragesPublic Buildings Warehouses WarehousesOffices Fact,or Sq. Feet valuat,ion r-FR & rr-FR 133 .l-t- 37 ,323 4 ,968, 064 .53 r-FR & rr-FR 72 .08 3L,040 2 ,23',7 ,353 .20 r-FR & rr-FR L82.'75 2,140 391-,085.00 r-FR & II-FR 73.r-0 910 65,521 .00 rr-llrR & v-LHR 43 .35 L1-0 4,'768.50 r-FR & rr-FR 158.10 9,L4O 3.,445,034.00Subt.oLal: 80, 663 9 ,LL2 ,836 .23 Tot,al Valuation: 15,49L,82]- .59Table Date: 05/L7/L996 Fircplace Infordation: Restriceed: YBs PIan check---> 40,5s9 . 00 r:rye Zone 3 ZoIle 3 Zone 3 Zone 3 Zone 3 Zone 3 *!r**r*r*,.r***rrrr.r**rf**rr*rrr*r*i*rr*rr*****r*r******trtrr FEB suuMASy ***i**t**r*r*t**t{*****.tt*!ri*irtr*t**l*r**tt Building-----> 4O,5B9.OO RestuaranE Plan Revl.6w--> .00 Total Calculated Fe66---> 113,o49.00 USER VALUaTION: L7,Oe2,O45 {lof cas Applianccs: 2s #of ca6 Logs:ifof wood/P6116ts: DRB Fee-------- Recrealion Fee----------> 30.36e.0o Total Petdit Fe6--------> 113,o49.0o ctean-Up Deposit--------> l..ooo.0o Paymenba----------------> 113,o'r9.0o InveBtigacion> t{i1L Call----> . oo 3. OO TOTAT FEES----- 113,049,00 BATANCE DUE---- .00 * i *ti***i** r**; ITCM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARIII4EMT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: O4/L9/2OOO KATI{Y ACtiON: NOTE ROUTED TO GARY06'/23'/2000 KATTTY Acrion: NOTE REV C5.1-C6.5 TO GARY06./23./2000 KATHY ACTiON: NOTE POOL,BIKE PATH TO GARY06/29'/2000 GGOODELL Action: APPR SEE CONDITIONS ON PERMITIEbM:'O54OO PIIAIiTNING DEPARfl4NfrT DEPT: PI,ANNING DiViSiON: O4/L9/2OOO KATITY ACIiON: NOTE ROUTED TO GEORGE05'/23'/2000 KATIIY Act,ion: NOTE REv C6.1-C6.5 TO GEORGE06'/23/2000 KATIIY Act,ion: NOTE POOL,BIKE PATH SITE TOGR 06'/29'/2000 GEORGE AcEion: APPRrcbm:'05500 Fin-t pepenrMelYi Depts: .FrRE Division: O4/I9/2OOO KATIIY Action: NOTE ROUTED TO MCGEE/VAUGHN06'/23'/2000 KATITY Acrion: NOTE RBV C6.1-C6.5 TO FrRE06/23/2000 KATIIY Action: NOTE POOL DECK,BIKE PATII TOFD 06./29./2000 GGOODEI-,L ACtiON: APPR OK PER MCGEE, PHONErtbm:'05500 PuBLrc woRKs Depts: PttB woRK Diwision: O4/L9/2OOO KATIrY Action: NOTE ROUTED TO LEONARD 05./22./2OOO LSATiTDOVA ACTiON: APPR APPROVED WITH CONDITIONSribm:'05700 StwIROMvEN'rAr-, AEALTH Dept: HEALTH Division: O4/L9/2OOO KATIIY Action: APPR N/ArTbM:. 05550 ENGINEERING DEPtr: EIiIGINEER DiViSiON: O4/L9/2OOO KATIIY AcLion: NCrIE ROUTED TO TOFI KASMEL 9q/.4/.2aaQ lqury lrorr, NorE REV c6.1-C5.u 'ebotQ6/.?3/.2OOO KATlry AcEion: NOTE POOL DECK,BIKE pl,TH rOtX05/.29/.2OOO GGOODELL Accion: AppR pER E-MAIL FROM TOM K.06/29/2000 KATIIY ACLION: APPR BIKE PATII DESIGN BY 7/LL ;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; DECIARATIONS I hereby acknor.ledge Ehat I have r€ad thi6 applicacion, fi.Lled ouf in full tsbe infoination required, coEpl€ted an Plan, and scate thaE all che inforiabion prowided aB required i6 correct- I agree to couply eith t'he inforEat.ion codeE, degigrr revielr aplrroved, Itniforh Buildi.ng cod6 and other ordinances of Lheret o. accuratse pIot, and plot' plan, Eu-bdivi s ion REQUESTS POR INSPECTIONS SI{AII. BE MA.DE TWENTY-FOT'R SOURS IN AD\,ANCE BY Send Clcan-Up Dcpo6it To: AIIILARE IOD('E AT OtR OEFICE FROM g:00 Alit 5100 PM HIMI'BI.F AND OWNER STATUS: ISSI]ED Applied: 04/07/2O0OIssued: 06/29/2000 To E:cpire: L2/26/2OOO ******************************************************************************** Permit #: 800-0058 CONDITIONS as of 07/05/00******************************************************************************** Permit. \4pe:Applicant: Job Address: Locatsion: Parcel No: NEW MI]IJTI-FAI'{ BUILD PERM EASSON BUILDING CORPORATION 303 -690 -1s00 680 LIONSHEAD PL, AMTLERS CONDO'S. 2L0a-072 -05-000 Descriptj-on: 24 CONDO'S,7 BHU'S,2 LEVEr., GARAGE,ADI4TN/COMMON ARE Conditions:1. PRIOR TO BUITDING PERMIT THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET. 1.ALL STAMPED DETAILS FOR RD. IMPROVEMENTS MUST BE STJBMI1TED 2.RETAINING WALL MUST BE DESIGNED, APPROVED AIiTD STAMPED 3. PROPOSED STEP SIIAI,I. BE PROVIDED WITII DETAII, DESIGN 4.COST ESTIMATE AI{D COST BREAK DOWN SHALI, BE ESTABLISIIED BETWEEN AIiITLERS AND TIIE TOWN OF VAIL. s.EASMEMT AGREEMENT ESTABLISH BETWEEN TIIE TOWN OF VAIL AND MONTANEROS. 2. ALIJ WORK TO BE AS PER TIIE APPROVED ARCHITEET- AND ENGINEER- STAMPED PLANS, THE APPLICABLE PROVTSIONS OF TTIE 1997 I]BC. 1999 NEC, r-998 rMC OR 1997 I,MC & TIIE 1994 UPC OR 7-997 rPC, ALL AS ADOPTED BY TI{E TOltlN OF VAIL,- & OTIIER APPLICABLE ORDIIiIANCES 6. REGII,ATIONS OF THE TO$IN, INCLI]DING CONDITIONS 3. 4. 5. OF APPROVAI, FROM TIIE PEC AND THE DRB. THE OlrlNER SIALL RETATN QUALTFIED SPECTAL TNSPECTORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIIE REQUIREMEI{IS OF CHAPTER r_7, 1_997 tBC. AI{Y WOOD PROPOSED TO BE LOCATED 5 FEET OR LESS FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE MUST BE APPROVED FIRE-RETARDAI{:T-TREATED WOOD. PROPOSED 1II NOMINAL TONGT]E-A}TD-GROOVE CEDAR SOFFIT MATERIALS LOCATED 5' OR LESS FROM W. PROPERTY LINE MUST BE FLAME-RETARDA}IT-TREATED IN A}T APPROVED MANNER. PLEASE SUBMIT SPECIFICATIONS, GUARANTEE PERIOD, METHOD OF APPLI- CATION, ETC., FOR REVIEW & APPROVAI PRIOR TO APPLTCATION. CEDAR SIDING PROPOSED FOR EXTERIOR OF GIJARDRAILS AND AT OTHER LOCATIONS ON TIIE EXTERTOR OF THE BUITDING MUST BE BACKED BY FIRE-RETARDAI{'T-TREATED PLYV|IOOD OR ANOTHER APPROVED NONCOMBUSTIBLE OR FIRE-RETARDA.}IT-TREATED MATERIAL. AI.,,L CEDAR SIDING MUST BE FI,AME-RETARDAMT-TREATED IN AN APPROVED MANNER. PI,EASE SUBMTT SPBCTFICATTONS, GUARAT{IEE TTME PERIOD, METIIOD OF APPLICATION, ETC., FOR REVIEW & APPROVAIJ PRIOR TO APPLICATION. AT A.I{Y TTME THAT THE EXISTING BUILDING IS BEING OCfi'PIED, TWO APPROVED EXITS MUST BE PROVIDED FROM AII.. OCCUPIED AREAS. IN ADDITION, EAST & WEST STANDPIPES ARE TO BE I'ULLY OPERATIONAL AND ACCESSIBLE. FIRE DEPARTI'IEI{:T CONNECTION (S) WITH CONNECTIONS TO BOTH STANDP]PES ARE TO BE PROVIDED. PLEASE COORDINATE WITH THE FIRE DEPARTMENT REGARDING CONDITIONS FOR OCCI]PANCY, PHASING, EXITTNG, STAIiTDPIPES, FTRE DEPT. CONNECTTONS, ETC. CO}TTACT MIKE MCGEE OR MIKE VAUGIAN AT 479-2135. PLEASE COORD]NATE WITH THE FIRE DEPT. REGARDING SUBMITTA'L, REVIEW & APPROVAI., OF SHOP DRAWINGS FOR AUTOMATIC FIRE AI,ARM & AI}TOMATIC FIRE SPRTNKLER SYSTEMS & SUBSEQUENT R.EQUIRED INSPES TONS OF THE TNSTALI,ATIONS. FINAL BIKE PATH DESTGN DRAWINGS COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED BY ,fItLY 11, 2000. 9. AIVY OPHVINGS (W]NDOWS OR DOORS, ETC.) THAT FACE ONE ANOTTIER BETWEEN THE EXISTING BUILDING l AND THE NEW BUILDING 2 THAT ARE LESS THAN 25 FEET APART MUST BE PROTECTED AT AN APPROVED 3/4-HOUR RATING, ELIMINATED OR MOVED TO A DISTANCE OF 25 FT. OR GREATER (SEE TABLE 5-A, UBC, FOR R1 OCCUPANCIES OF TYPE II-F.R. AI{D TYPE II l_HR CONSTRUETION, RESPECTIVEI,Y. 5. 7. AppLIcATroN *rlo, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLE , olr.,* Building Permit #: Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! FULL BUILDING PEPJIIT ED MlaFvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O- 47 9- W(I nspecti ons) ConEct Assessorc Office at g70-328-8ffiO or visit for Parcel # Parcel # See Legal Descriprion Job Name: Antlers at Vail Addition Job Address: 680 Lionshead Place Legal Description ll Lot: 3 ll Block: 1 ll Filing: 3rd ll Subdivision: Vait/Lionshead Owners Name:4rrg1"rs at Vail ll Address: 680 Lionshead place ll Phone: (97O) 476-247L ArchitecvDesigner: qavekgst & A q qaln 1 2 rac Address: I-t2l Grant StreetDenver. C0 80203 Phone: (303) 86i-1121 tnglneer: Redwine-Rezian. Inc.Adrlre<<. I5U !l. Beaver L;reek tsI .Avon. C0 81620 Phone: O7O) 748-07IL Detailed description of work: Addition of 24 Condominium uni-ts, 7 Employee housing units, 2 Level garage, Adrnin. offi-ces, Common area space WorkClass: New( ) Addition(x) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both(X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( X ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily (1) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1r No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 0 l2 No/Type of FireDlaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances (x ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Type of FireDlaces ProDosed: Cas npofr$ce, (x ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( 1) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMTT (Labor & Materials) BUILDiNG: $ r0.569.92r ELECTRICAL: $ I,I49,26L OTHER: $ 415,347 PLUMBING: $ t.:SS.SgS MECHANICAL: $ 2BZ,9Zt TOTAL: $ 13'082'045 REFUND CLEANUp DEpOSIT 16. Antlers at Vail Condo Association CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Casson Building Corporati Tovyrrpf Vgil'RQ. No.:lryf ,/Contact and Phone #'s: Dan L. Casson (303) 690-1500 contractor Signature: IMA ,,L ' VZ?44L-'- sson *************:f ****:t***************rr****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****r(*********!r********'t****:r******* F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTACE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. PCTMiI #: DOO.OOOS Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.......: 680 LIONSHEAD PL, ANTLERS Applied. . : 03/13/2000 ParcelNo....: 210107206000 Issued...: 04/2012000 ProjectNo. : 2? Expires . . .: 10/17/2000 APPLrerlfr CASSON BUTTJDING CORPORATTON 03/L6/2000 Phone: 303-590-1500 1-5530 E. HINSDAIJE DRI\18 ENGIJEWOOD, CO 80112 L,icense: 150-A AIso is COIITRACTOR owNER ANTIJERS CONDO ASSOC $/L6/2OOO Phone: 945-5355 License: CoNTRACTOR CASSON BUTTJDTNG CORPORATTON 03/L6/2OOO Phone: 303-590-1500 1.5630 E. HINSDAI,B DRIVE ETIGIJEWOOD, CO 80112 License: 150-A Also is Applicant Desciption: FOR DEMOLITON OF BUILDING ONLY Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Building-> S948 . OO Restusnnt Plan Review-> Phn Check--> 9616.20 DRB Fce-_-> Add Sq Ft 0 # of Gas [ogs: 0 # of wood P€llet: 0 FEE SUMMARY aa'ria:}'r*lt'rt'ta'tr.*'la:r*ara'rarratta'r.lta:lat*r*'|aa..t.*.*..'r**. $0. oo Total Calculated Fees-> 12 ,067 .2o S0.00 Additionsl Fe€s->$0.00 lnvestigalion-> Will Call---..> S0 . 00 Recrcation Fe€->S0 . 00 Total pennit Fee_-_> 92 ,067 .2O TorAL FEES-> 12 , 067 .2o BAI AllcE DUE->s0.00 l:l l*l**'ia**a*rt tl* Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{EI{I 03/L6/2OOO KATHY Action: NOTE ROUTED TO GARY 03/28/2000 GGOODELIJ Action: APPR ASBESTOS,PLNG,PUB WORKS Item: 05400 PLAIINING DEPARTMENI ,3/L5/2OOO KATTTY Action: NOTE ROIITED TO GEORGE 04/05/2OOO CEORGE Action: APPR IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT 03/16/2000 KATTTY Action: NOTE ROUTED TO MCGEE Valuation: $151,112.00 Fircplace lnfomation:ResEicted: # of Gas Appliances: 0 $3 . oo Clean-up Deposil-> $5oo . oo Payments----> 52 , 067 .2o 04/L9/2000 TI(AssMEIr Action: AppR AppR wirh conditions IIEM: O57OO ENVIRONMEI{TA! HE,ATTH It,em: 05500 PUBL,IC WORKS 03/L6/2OOO r(ATHY 03/]-6/2000 KATHY Item: 059O0 LIQUOR 03/16/2OOO KATTTY Action: NOTE ROUTED TO Action: APPR N/A Actj.on: APPR N/A o IJEONARD |||l.l+|il||l'|l.|t+.'l+||'t*'.**'}*|t||||l||l|ili|.'t|.||'t*.|*'|.||.* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2:F***t**t*t*****'i**:i*:t{':t*t!***'|l.{.ti,|*'t*:|*'t!t*****'|***'|'t*'t,|'}*'t**l'******'|*'|{.*'|'}**,t****,t*'}***+{.**'|*'|********* CONDITIONS. OF APPROVAL Permit #: D00-0008 as of 06-24-2004 Status: FINAL **'t'i,l:t'*'|{t'l't*'l**,l****.f***+*'}:i,|t*'|.****'t'}**+*'}**+**'|:*'l*'}*'t'}*'|t,|t**'t,}:t'f+*******'ll!|t|*** Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLJDG. Applied: 03113/2000 Applicant: CASSON BUILDING CORPORATION Issued: 04/2012000 303-690-1500 To Expire: 10/1712000 Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: 680 LIONSHEAD PL, ANTLERS ParcelNo: 210107206000 Description: FOR DEMOLITON OF BUILDING ONLY Conditions: Cond: CON0002785 FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED IF TI{ERE IS A FIRE ALARM OR SPRINKIER SYSTEM EXIST- NC IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION. THIS WILL PREVENT FALSE ALARMS. Cond: CON0002786 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. SOILS & FOI.JNDATION INVESTIGATION JOB NO. 98-I62 DATED 8I2O/98. DEMOLITION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED INTHE SOILS & FOTJNDATION IWESTIGATION REFERENCED ABOVE. Cond: CON0002787 THIS IS A PARTIAL PERMIT AUTHORZING DEMOLITION ONLY. SEE PERMIT #800-0026 FOR EXCAVATION & ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS. Cond: CON0002788 Foundation Permit shall not be issued for 4-6 weeks to allow the civil engineering plans for the street improvements to be approved by Public Works. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0002789 DURING CONSTRUCTION. SAFE MEANS OF EGRESS IS TO BE MAIN. TAINED FROM EXISTING STRUCTURES AT ALL TIMES THEY ARE OCCUPIED. TEMPORARY MEANS OF EGRESS ARE SUBJECTTO INSPECTION & APPROVAL BY THE FIREDEPARTMENT. TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROTCTAGE ROADvArL, CO 81657970-479-2L38 Elcctricrl---> DRB Fc6 Invc.tigrtion> will c.ll----> TcrXAI! FESS---> N0IE: THIS PERMTT MUST DEPARIl,lEllr OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EIJEeTRICAI., BE POSTED ON iTOBSTTE AT ALI. TIMES PERMIT permit, #: 800_0030 iIOb AddrESg: 680 LIONSHEAD PLLocatsion...: GgO LToNSIIEAD pL., Parce1 No. . : 2LOt-072-06-000ProjecE No. : PRJOO-0024 Status...: ISSITED ANTLBRApplled. . : 04/06/2OoOIssued...: 04/L3/2OOO E)q)ires . .: L0/L0/2000 Phone: 970-949-6095APPI,IEAIIT RIVTERA ELE TRIC, INC.2LO7 W. COLLEGE AVENUE, BNGLEWOOD,CONTRAqTOR RIVTERA ELECTRIC, iN'.2TO7 W. COLIJEGE AVENUE, EI{GLEI{OOD,OI{NER ANTLERS COITDO ASSOC G80 Lionshead pl, Vail, Co g165? co 80110 Phone l 970-949-6098co 80110 Phone: 945-5365 Description : ELEC To RBLoCATE TRANFoRMER,ADD NBW/REFt/aruation:130, 000 . 00 irtttr'tttt'rtttttttttttttt*rtt,,ttt*tr.ririrlr rEE guailA3y trtrrrrrrtti,rrrrirr.rrrt*.rr,,rrt.,*.,trrr?rrirrrlrrrar.rirria 2,267.OO .o0 .o0 3.O0 2,210.OO 2,27 0 . O0 .00 2,210 .00 2,27O.OO .o0 Total crlculatBd Ecss---> .nddlt,loml Pe..---- - - - --> ?olrl P.rElt Fc.--------> Pa)t[anga- ---- --- BAIANCE DT'E-.. - - i.,ri* i *f r r *t r,artl, fr r. rrrr,, r r r!'t'i,lg\'dil-flffiffi ffi dsm.ffi mil::::esisnFF-i,J;ili:i:t, ,,ttrt*!ltttt'tt**tttttt**ttt**t'ttttttttttttr*r*rtr.trrattati.rtrrttrrirtrtrrrr.ratr.,!r*r''ttrrra.irr*ttrttr*rar!, rttarrir COI{DITION OF APPROVAIJ 1. FIELD INSPB TTONS ARE FSQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECTTARATTONS r h'r'by acknotl'dga tsh't r hrve road th16 appricatlon, flll.d out in full the inforoacl,on raquircd, cooE lst.d rn rccurrt. plotplen' and 'trt6 !hr! rll tsh' iaforo.tlott pro"iaia ra r.q*rrr.a lE corracb. t rgr.. eo cooply vlrh gh. infomatsion rnd p1ots prrn,to cooPly rlth Ell Tortl oldinrtlc.. end acltc lave, and to bulrd tblr acructur. rccording co tshc toun,r zonl,ng rnd subdlviploncodee' dcrlEn rcvl'cl rpprovrd, lrnl for6 Buildlng coa. arra olhor ordln.lrcr. of th. Totn .!4rlicabl. thcr.to, aEQrJlgSs FoR rNsPBc'rtoNs smLtJ aE laDB Tl{Bt\tTY-FooR HouR€ rN.[DlaNcE 8v TETJEPHoNE AT {?9-2130 oR At, ouR oFprca FRott 8!oo ltr| 5:oo p I,'' i,ncor,a""a f ar 4z4,- I pnncel / V Eag I 328-B:elb Offlce TOWN OF PERMIT PtTo-osz{ too - o03D PERIIIT iTVAIL CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATION FORMomn:lffulpo_. . APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLBD OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************'r'r pERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******** ** *n [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing 0(J-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Narne, A^tLt Job Acldress, /o&D tM Architect: l\o"",lo\ S.-htauc,ho.f Address: l12'l G.o^\ Sr 0uoer,CDgaao:"n9;iLXel General Description: work class: [X]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of DwelLing Units:Number of Accornrnodation Units: ljpnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances-_ Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_V Ft 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATfONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'t _-^ -:\BUILDING: PLUMBING: $ Address: Dlectrical ractor:. Address: nlumbing Contractor: Address: Legal nescription: Lot BIock Owners Name: Filing SUBDIVISION: Address:Ph. ELEcTRICAT,: $ l3D. DDD.dD OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ INFORMATfON * * *.r. * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * t * rt ** * MECTIANICAL: $ ric Town of VaiI Recr. NO. Phone Numuer :pgl-4gg!=ita I4L-E Mechanical Contractor : Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECIIANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE BUTLDING Town of vail Reg. N-o.{&€&_ Phone Number: 94?-6ag-F-- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ******************************* PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK fEE: I.IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTATJ PERMIT FEES: CLEAN UP DEP.OSIT REN'ND VALUATION --'= (,.11 ii \\ i*'BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: connents: 75 3oulh tronlage road Ytll. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlco ot communlty dovolopmetrl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this permit. lequires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval rEngineer''s (Public t,lorks) reyiew and approval ,'a planning'Departrnent review or Health Department review, ani'a review by the duitllngDepartment, the estirnated time for a total review iray take as l6ngas three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and a'l I mu] ti-family permits willhave to follow the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnts. Res.identialand.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments. with regard. to necessary review, these proje.i, rnuyalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermit as s.oon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. X Communi ty Develooment Department. TOltlN .rF VAIL 75 S. FROTiITAGB ROAI)vAIt, co 815s7 970-479-2L38 APPT-,1EANT CON"IRAETOR OI'INER Blcctrlcrl-- -> DRB F.. Invoatigrgl,on> wi l:, c.ll----> TCTIAL FB!!'- - - > iTOb AddrESS: 580 LIONSHEAD PL I,,OCAEiON... : 680 LIONHB,AD PL,Parcel No.. : 2L0L-072-06-000 ProJect No. : PRiIoo-0038 RIVIERA ELECfRIC, INC. 2LO7 W. COLTEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, CO RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. 2LO7 W. COLLEGE AVENUE, ENGIEWOOD, CO A}TTLERS CONDO ASSOC 580 Lionshead Pl , VaiI, Co 8L657 Stsatus..-: ISS'.]AD AIIILERS App1ied..: A5r Ji"it,Issued...: 06 .rOi., E{gires..: L:. rl00 Ptrone z 970-94' 90110 Phone z 970-:' 80110 Phone: 945-5366 Valuation;4, 900 .00 DEPARTIT{EIiIT OF CoI4MTJNITT DEVBI.,OPMETiIT NCITE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AII-, TIMES ELE TRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 800-0087 Descript,ion: powER FoR TOWER CR.,ANE FEB SUT4UARY 90.oo .o0 . o0 3.OO 93.O0 9t. oo .00 93 .00 93 .00 .00 ToEal calculaEed fe6s---> Additionel. F.c.- - - - - -- - -> TotsaI Pcrr1ts Fce--------> Pay06ng.-------- BAt A.}ICE DlrE----- i!rr r* * * * *r r*r rt i J a !r t * a t * t e ,r t i a i * * r * atrt *r* r *!r**tr a r r ***|}**rr r IECM! ,06000 ELEETRICAT DEPARIT"IENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiC':06/05/2000 KATIIY Action: AppR APPROVED pER-Iff Iqeqri.Q56q0_FIBE DEPARITIENT Depr: FIRE Divis:06/06/2000 KATIIY Actsion: AppR N/A rr+r**rrri'r r'rifrJt tr*t ***** r *+ tr i rrit CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIEIJD INSPBCTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. tal|a**..r+t**.tttalrattttttt**t r '} t * * r r r r r a i * * * il r*rr***ritrrratrrr*+.r***t**arrtrrr*tt*rrl*r**attt**rt|l* DECI,ARATTONS I hereby acknorl.dgr chab t hrvc r.rd lhir application, fill.d ouE in full she lnformacion roquired, conpl.Eed an .ccur.tsc plocplan' and 6t.8. thrt .11 tha Lnfonatlon provldsd a6 laqulred iE correc!. I agr6c Eo conply elth ih. lnformatlon and plot plrn, Lo compl-y rrith rll To|n ordln.nca6 and 6!.c. Lavd, dnd to buil,d thi€ Ftructur6codss, dcBigm raviar rpprovod, Unlforfl Building cod6 and oEhlr oldinanceg of to thr Tovn' rpplic&b1e and subalvision FROU a:oo All a :0O PM ,-'. REQUBSTS FOR INSPACIIONa gHALtr BE titADE TWENTT-FOITR HOURS IN ADVANCE By -213I OR POR HIIi,SELF ApprrcATroN *rlto, BE AccEprED rF TNcoMpLETE rcw0Fvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 GNED Building Permit #: ContaLt Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) JobName: A trff rYtle-r:.lobAddress: uae<! Lia..,sLeA plo< Leqal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name:ft; La \)i,.p ll o9-..Qffit',o r :^--1,^\ fk..r. ,r=^.'l ll enone: 47L -24, EnoineerXga (c*.\ e?"\*ell ll o99Et+. A^.*,i.,. p.y.-, Dr,o".ll PhonT.o=) L^7-LatD Detailed description of work: E-rtnr-r-v 5e -.ri r r Qc Ta^tec (,r*ne 5". ..Llonha\ \co.'$^.--, Work Class: New ( )Addition ( )Remodel ( )Repair ( )Temp Power (2Q Other ( j J Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior (41 Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciatx Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (No (X) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves $4) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ffi No ( ) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ INFORMATION ********rt**iFOR OFFICE USE ONLY** *** *** **** **+ *****^J -J************************* *L********** Contact and Phone #'s: L,l\&.\8rl F:/everyondforms/elecperm D tr o o a Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the e{erior wall of the structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verifi/ that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. oIf is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. and u nd the above. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hourc of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. Date Signed z:\lit..\'r.-ARV.J rwNFvffiV HOW DID WE RATE WTH YOU? Town of Vail Suruey Gommunity Development Department Russell Fomd Director, (970)47e.213s Check allthat applies- 1. Which Oepartnent(s) did you conhcl? Building _ Environmenhl _ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact witr our staff immediate_ slow or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ N/A j 6. Please rate fie performance of tre stafiperson who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efieclivenessofilre FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best lime of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which rrnould ailow us to beter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our seMce. JUN. 5.38@ 8r29Ai1 RBs CONSIJTRNT6o N0.954 P.?/? TO CRANE - gINELE POINT 6Ot{l.lECTiON COORDINATE hIITH CRANE SJPPLIER 214-2i0, *3,6.,2"C1 Cv 2cio(vA 2ObV PRIMARY 4bOV 5E('NPARY TRANgFORMER AY cRAtlE 9JPP|-|ER @AE.P [.4ETER. C,T. PER HOLY CROg,.S u# sboA aJ96MAN "DIJRALA6" FU9E5 OFE SIMILAR frp-vgaqcM, *t6, 3"c) cv *2/O A) ERAJNID ROD 600A BUs9HAN.DURALA€" flJ' g/ffi OR gIMILAR r-t rJlPL-t _i-- --r_ CRAT{E EI^ECTIIC$ SENWCE RE: llA Drtof s/6/6 SI{EE? ESK-1 g!rla: NIT' A}fTI,ER.S CONDOUNilN|S ADDMON YAI!, qO EF cll Jab l{o; u000-020 $ T 7= i:- aD rl rl.ar--, =i!=;:-;," t 3,;v;r;r,,ir+l!,txP5-J& 3trg E<=Y=vCaFFa!?sa-zEN=i-b--.rL:l<Y5.n>>! llnl .E b n- : I ,i b6t acH q$ s.,', .E dF I Ei' \J b5J g .gi ct 4-qi cEl .FgS.Eg' E9r E €*lptEi o)9 € oS H +='-; *>g I Et* sE 9E'P=Fr h E tY-,o- hi F'--El s5ia* a;* j x c5t >=E- S.e i+gEE6' + + 5f F+eE 6[ GlNrf)NGtN I U')_r_g :=g iig sqr= N gtd .; deIt :; ?! lE €tF gE lE'$€H 5El*i dEB i lEIi€- t958b I{ J t? ) Jo. otrFzoootr lJ- {EF i:s l1r$ltEi li'{ .l ,iil za =ttI F:th F.F -E /,/ s@ a qit l,l .i3 Ei'! *" s':.,Ft !'..-i Jt g.i; i:3, :dH1Tx>l{q n-h.l tJ.lhA:FA AA, 9r ,J)tJ :(+ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L3A APPIJIEA}TT CO}TTRACTOR OWNER rlob Address: 680 IIoNSHEAD PL L,ocat,ion...: 680 LIONSHEAD PL Parcel No.. : 2LOL-072-06-000 Projects No. : PRiI00-0039 DEPARTIT{EI'IT OF COMMT'NITY DBVBLOPMENT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES EI-,E TRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E00-0138 SEaEus.. Applied. Issued.. E:<pires. ISSI'ED 07 /1"7 /2OOO oe/07 /2ooo 02/03/2OOL RMERA EI-,EC[RIC, INC. 2LO7 W. COLLEGE AVENUE, RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INE. 2LO7 W. COLLEGE AVEN['E, ANTLERS CONDO ASSOC 680 Lionshead Pl , Vail, DRB Fee Invcscig.tion> wiIl call----> TOTAL FEES. - - > Total calculated Eeee- - - > Additional FeeE- -- -- - -- -> ENGLEWOOD, CO ENGLEWOOD, CO Co 81657 NBW ADDITION Phone: 80110 Phone: I01r.0 Phone: Valuation: 970-949-6095 970-949-6095 945-s366 500, 000 . 00 rrrtrrr*r**.rrlr'r**irrrt.+tt*t FEE slntlIARY Description: ELECIRICAL FOR Ar{TLER', g B1€ctrical--->8, 557 . O0 9,560.O0 4,544 .OO . o0 3.OO g, 550 . OO TotalPerEitFea--------> 13,204.o0 Pavo6nt6------- BALAT{CE DUE---- .oo 13, 2O4 . O0 itt**t****a**t}******rtt'r*at*f*i**t*t*+****** ** t**t{ r**r*ir r IECM: O6OOO ELECTRICAI., DEPARTMEI{'T DEPT: BUII.DING DiViSiON:07/17/2000 'JRM Action: NOTE FOR ERNEST FOR REVIEW 08./04./2OOO .]RM ACTiON: APPR APPR PER EG.VTIfiI CORREqTraema'.05600 1'rns DEPARII',IENT Dept: FrRE Division:07/L7/2000 JRM Action: APPR N/A atatrr*rrarrrlar**aar*arrrarrattrttttt+tttaat* at*ttttt+tt*t*a a'at+atrirrrrrl+ EONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPBETIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. '*itrl*it*a*tti* trt!}trrr*r*rara DECI,ARATIONS I hsraby acknowledge tshat I havc ra.d this application, fillrd out in fu1l the informatsi.on requirrd, completed an accuratsc ploC plen, and Etatse thats all tshe inforoation pr.ovided ae required ig correet.. I agree Co couply with !h. infomaCion and PloE plan, go comply nitsh all Torn ordLnance6 and .!atc les6, and bo buitd ghis Btslucbule according to tho code6, dcdign rerr-L6i. approved, Uniforo Building code and olhor oldinenccB of the app I icable ald su.bdlvision FROM 8:00 Al4 5!0o PUREQI'E9TS FOR INSPECTIONg SHAI,I, BB MADE TilEIITY.FOT'R ITOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY 2138 0R FOR I{IMAELF AND OIINER ApptrcATIoN *rlo, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLE* oOrrrunro Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: mwN0FVnt 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, ColoraEo 81657 g7$-4lg-Jdlnspections) Conbct Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Requircd if no bldg. permit # is provided above) gl Ol- O12- D(^- D a D rob Name: A^tl"q5 Job Address2ro Lrlr.sheo^I Pr-. Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners NttliA^ilr., rnJ' n*ll Addt"lrl*., L:\".rLr.^\ gt- ll Phone: 4zt - 24 7l Engineer:4Bs co,..,-\l^^t llff$9*a-^.-..- A.k-ro., I)e,,,r,rrr ll Phonel3oi) 6e3-lo2do DetailedFesfiptionofworf: ,&r,.1 Arh^, ,{yr.c\^ce ,.IJ;+ln c.o'dos c,loo.rg. --ailu/rE ntirlok | - WorkClass: NewQ$.. Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both 9Q Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial 9Q Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes (No 6<) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No 0d Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: ves 0q) No ( ) coMPtETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUTIDS and VALUATTONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE, f\0 ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ Contact 1nd Phone #'s: jlQ- b6?f, *************tr*************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********:!r!************************** L 1? 2000 F :/everyone/forms/elecperm NE lwr Jlrc Y^iNt v ,,ttds il* ftrr/ ,b,/P, t) , T*ks s Jnys'7, tL/-,f elrcK TOhIN OF VA]L 75 S. FROI TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8]-657 970 -479 -2L38 Job Address...: LocaEion. . - -:Parcel No.....: Project Number: SPRfNKLER PERMIT 680 LIONSHEAD PL 680 LIONSHEAD PL 21,OL-072 -05 -000 PRJo0-0039 ABC FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 201-OO EAST 32ND PARKWAY, SUITE 195, ABC FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 2O1OO EAST 32ND PARKWAY, SUITE ].95, ANTLERS CONDO ASSOC 580 Lionshead PI , Vai1. Co 81657 JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TTMES Permit, #: F00-0012 ISSI]ED o7 /06/2000 oe/07/2000 02/03/2001 Phone: 303 -373-4748co 8001_r_ Phone: 303 -373-4748co 80011 Phone: 945-5366 DEPARTT'{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEMf NOTE:TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Status. . AppIied. Issued.. E>cpires. APPLICANT COMTRACTOR OlrlNER AURORA, AURORA, Description: FIRE SPRINKLER RETRO FOR EXISTING BLDG Fireplace Informatj.on: Restrictedl #Of eas Appl iances: Valuation: *of cas Log6: 73 ,643 .00 *of wood/Pel1ets: FEE SU}II4ARY Mechanical---> Plan check- -- > InweeEiqation> will call----> RestuaranE PIan Review- - > DRB Fee-------- TOTAI, FEES-- --- ToEal calcuJ.ated Fees- - - > Additional Fees----- ----> Toral Permit. Fee -------> Paymentss------- 1, 480. O0 370. O0 - o0 3.O0 .00 . o0 1, 453 . OO 1, 853 .00 .00 1, S53 . O0 1 . 353 .00.."."";;'.;;;;;';;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;';l;;:;,""'.'"07/L3/2000 KATIIY Actj-on: APPR N/A ITEJn:'-O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPT: FIRE DiViSiON:07/06/2000.fRM ACt.1ON: NOTE PI..ANS TO FIRE O7/L2./2OOO MIKE V ACTiON: APPR APPR AS NOTED CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-.IANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS the informaLlon :, conpLeted anr hereby acknorLcdg€ lhat I have iead tt]is applicacion, filled out in ful1 plan, and st.acE EhaE all the r.nfonnaLlon prowid€d as required ig corrects.Ehe informacion accurate plot and plob plan, 6ubdiwisionCo cornply with all Toi.n ordinanceo and state 1ano, and Lo bui.l{-hhiB codes, deeign revic!' approved, Uniform Building Code and ottrer oiaiq according'to Town' s zonj.ng ahd le ehereco. REOUESTS FOR INSPBCTICNS SIIAL', BE I{ADE TWENTY. FOIJR HOI'RS IN SIGI{ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER of Eh6 Town altpl OR A! OIJR OFFICE 9ROM S:00 A.til S:00 AppucArron nrfr.or BE AccEprED rr rNcoMpLFtE.5!}Jrt€$T*- nnao Buifding Permit #z_ Sprinkler Permit #: K f 97 O- 47 I - 2135 (I nspections) Rd. 81657 Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are rcquired at Ume of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado *:t"lHilt'St3ffiHlr* Ensinee/s stamp or N.r.c.E.r. Levet ur (nipf ? . lfif,il;*tcutsheersormateriars /^1; o Dg t - . Hydrauficcafculations. Vf)V. A State of Colorado Plan Registration fo{. -. Plans must be submitted by a Registeredlire Protection Contractor. Aswrs Otfie at 970-328-8640 or Parcel #no bldg. Permit # is provided above) Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, WorkClass: NewlQ Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-hmily( ) Two-family( ) Multi-famiV(K) Cornmercial(X Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thb building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler Systern Exist Yes ( ) No COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR AIARJiI PERMIT (Labor & MateriAIS) n3.b43s Pbast:I- - CONTRACTORIMORMATION ****r**r*rrr********i*r*ri*rrrrr**r*r**FOR OFFICE USE Ol{LYr*ir*r*rir**r**ii***tin****.**.tr:rttrt Town of Vail Reg. No,: F: /e\reryoneff orms/sprk TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGB ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Plrn chcck- -- > Invcrctgalion> ltill c.ll----> 1,3{0.0o 335.00 DEPARI1IETiIT OF COMMT'NITY DBVBLOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERI,IIT MUST BE POSTED SPRINIGER PERI,IIT ON iIOBSITB AT Permit #: ALL TIMES F00-0017 Job Addrega...: 680 IJfONSHEAD PLLocaEion......: 580 LIONSHEAD PL, Parcel No.. ... : 2101-072-06-000 ProjecE Number: PRiIoo-0039 APPLIEAI|T COI{TRAqTOR OV{NER OWNER Descriptsion: fl,rcpl.c.RcsErl,ct.d: Status...: ISSIIBD AI|TLERS LODGApplied. . :G08/24 / 2000 Issued. ... 09/LL/2OOO E:qlires . .: O3/L0/2OOL ABC FIRE PROTBqUON, INC. 2O1OO EAST 32ND PARKTIAY, SUITE 195, ABC FIRE PROTE TION, INC. 2O1OO EAST 32I{D PARKIiIAY, SUITE 195, AI.ITLERS CONDO ASSOC 680 Lionshead Pl , Vai1, Co 81657 AIITLBRS NEW PKG GARJAGE NBW FIRE SPRINICLBR SYSTEM FOR PARKING GARAGE llof o.s Appllancc.: Phone:303-373-4748 AI'RORA, CO 80011 Plrone:303-3'13-4744 ATJRORA, CO 80011 Phone:945-5366 Valuation:65,234.0O *of wood/P.ll.t: trririr*.ri.lri.rrrl|tr.tt..ttrrr rar.rrrtrtrtrt FBB aIrlluARy rrtttttt..atrtrttrttt..t.ttlr.lt pl.n, lnd eht. th.t rll th. lnfolorlion plovidad as r.qulr.d ia corr.cc. to coDply rlth rll Toryn ordLn|nc.. rnd st.cr laxE, qnd to build thls qod.s, d.rigt! rcvirr rpprovcd, Itnlfon Euilding cod. rnd REQITEST9 FOR INEPBCIIONS SInI,L EB IADB TtfBltTv-lot R llot Rg IN l+of oea Logr6: co couply xlch ch. inforurtlon rccordlng Torr!' a zonl,nE rnd a tsharato. Raecuarang PLan RavLar- - > DRB !6c-- --- -- - .00 .00 1,678.00 1,673.O0 .o0 1,678.O0 1.679.O0 .o0 .00 TdtAr, FEBS-- -- - 3.OO Addillonal PccB-- - -- -- - -> Tots.l PcrBlb 8..--------> Payucnt6- - -_ --- BAIANCB DI'E- -.. BUIL!ING_DEP.AR114ENI1' Dept: BUITDING Division:KATTTY ACEiON: APPR N,/AFrpg ospi\RTtiEnri DeFt: FrRE Division:KATEY AcEion: NOTE ROIITED TO VAIIGHAI{MIKE v Actsion: APPR approved see notes .r'rrrarr*aaaattattrtr.}r.lrraar,raaar.lrr*taraaa*rrra*a.raraj,ratrttaatr*r.rraaaarrattttttt*at*attt.lJtt|rltttirrattt Itsem: 05100o8/27 /2000IEem: 0560008/27 /2000o9'/LL'/2000 COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJ) INSPB TIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. ****************************!t********!t************it**************tl************** DBCIJARiATIONS t hlr.by .cknorl.dg. thrt I h.vc rard thlr .pplicrcLon, fill.d out ln full th. inforu.tslon r.qulr.d, couplltcd ln rccur.ts. ploL .nd plog pl.n, gubdi,vislon 8!00 Al| 5:0o P SISMTURB Or O NER oR CPNTRACTOR FOR HIUSEIJF AND OI{NER of lhr Tovn OR AT OI'R OEPICE FR,OII AUG-21-ee 75 3 FrortegnRd. vall, colofrdo E1657 Oet l9 FROII .lOu-COll-DEu-DEPl.tD.9764742462 PAGE 2/3 wiu|qtt thb lnllornnuon;. A Golorado ncgi*rcC Enghe./3 it mp or ||.LC.ET. hld m (mh) stamP.. Equ$trort<rrtdtcG[sof maHels.. llydnulkcafohtlon+ . A Starh of Color.do Plan Rcgtrtntion lbnn . Pltns mctt D€ suhried Dl' e R€gi*rcd fim Pruhcfion contacbr- /t?PlJc/[noil wn]r !c /lccEryED rF n{corrPr* tuiHing Pennit#: Sprinkler Fermitt: im Sginfder slpp dnwlngp arc rcquircd dt tftre of p€nnft cubmftlnl md mu$ indudc tlre fiollowlng. Psrnlt apd|ca6oo wi0 not be aepeC 97w7lt-2r35 Gnspectoos) {vM#fi Partel # (Requhcd if m Hdgr FGilnit # is provided.above) Job iluDe: z/lprtzts e t/ a,, lr+orru)a G,+a nr.r JoD Address:'7rti)12',ouortr,zn /)r., y'an.co fr/6s-7 L€gal Dcscrlpton I tor, fi Block I Futng:Subdlvidon: ***'Aur' ^ e r/ar- lffi Aro,.zrEat) p". t/rilt- r,,n'.fiettwr'. ))o 'dYotno. o'bt^,- lWy; =zp /l,r*,nt,t 5rzb [*?E-ri ,?t vz.// Detalled Loc$ofi ol ulodc (i.a, floor, uDlt *, b|dg. f) €ntf t ttZ PArz/zt ,- 4 ct€t- ffua.ok {cor( D.trlfGd dcscrtpdon of wprk: ,Jf t FTza 5/a///kLEz 5,/t- WorkChss: lcurff AddHon( ) nernoctel( ) Rcpair( ) R€{ro.frt( ) Odter( ) TypeofBldg.;single-famity( ) T\.o.FemlV( ) tilutu+bmdy( ) Cocnmerdal Ps) Rcs6urant( ) Ot|cr( ) llo. of Existing D'vdflng Lhlts h thb buiding:No. of Accorrnodatbn UnlB in tfiis buildirry: Doc. a FG Alarm Edse Ves ( ) llo (,r )Docs a Fha $dnldcr SysEm Edst Yes ( ) l{o 9\) COflPtElE vAtUATIOilS FOR ALrnr PAn|IT Grbor & ilatefilr) r*rtrr:'rrr*..**.*.rlr***l**.r*.+.**!r***F0R OFFICE llSE OtlY.....r.tm.i..rfir..r...r.r.rri*rr.rt* ECEIVET) AiJG 2 4 2n00 'rov-coM.DEv. nrq,ryq|.,Yu1G/Srlo.nn o TME NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M00-0152 Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location.....: 680 LIONSHEAD PL ParcelNo...: 210107206000 Project No : ANTLERS CONDO ASSOC APPLICAITT CIJIMATE COIITROL OF GWS P-O. BOX 1042 Gr-,Et{wooD SPRTNGS, CO. 816 02 License: CONTRACTOR CLIMATE CONTROI, CO OF GWS P O BOX 1042 GLET{WOOD SPRINGS' CO e1602 License:129-M Cond: 12 (BI,DG. ) : Cond: 22 (BI-,DG. ) : COMBUSTIOII ?01 0F THE 1-997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): IIISTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MAIIUFACTI'RES L0 OF TIIE 199? I'MC, SIIAPTER 1.0 oF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIAIICES SHAL,L BE VESITED ACCORDING TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENPTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER DEPAR L]-/tL/2000 Phone: 1-L/2L/2000 Ptrone: Stah:s...: ISSUED Applied. . : ll/1412000 Issued. . : O2l0ll200l Expires. .: 12/1512000 94s-5366 970-945-2326 Desciption: ANTLERS RENOVATION-PHASE III-CONSTRUCTION Valuation: $128,285.00 Fir€placc lnfonnation: Restricted: # ofGas Appliancec: o # ofGas Logs: 0 . - --,,,1o-f--Wood Psllel 0 ||.|.'|*l|*..*i.'''l*:}.|.|t*|r'}''''....l'.'!.|t....|.....l.......l..'t.'t|FEEsUMMARY Mechrnicsl_>s2,58o.ooR€shlrradPluRevi€w->so.ooToratCalcrrlatedFees->s3'228.00 Plan Ch€ck-> 954s.oo DRB FeF--> 50'00 Additional Fees--> S0'00 InvcsigdioF> 9o.oo TOTAL FEES--> s3,228.00 Toral P€rmit re€---> 93',228'00 Will Call-> F3 , oo Payrnenls_._---'-> 93 ' 228 ' 00 BAt AI{CE DUrE----> 90.00 ait$rllllrtttii**I!em: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI tt/L4/2OO0 KIVARREN !2/2L/200o GRG Itsem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIII lL/2L/2OOO Phoner 970-945-2326 Actsion: NO Routed to Gary ot:t' Ll/!4 Action: AP AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIEL,,D INSPEqIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CoMPLIANCE. INSTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CMPTER TO CIIAPTER I AIID SHAL'IJ OR CTIAPTER S OF Tffi 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI,DG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING TIIE 199? I,MC AND CHAPTER 3 Cond: 31 EQUIPMEIT MUST COMpLY WITH CIIAPTER OF THE 1997 IMC, o 3 AIID (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIAIL BE MOIIMED I-,ISTED F'OR MOI]NTING OI{ COMBUSTIBI.,E Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPEqTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRjAINAGE BOILERS SHAI-,I, BE sEcTroN 1004.6 0F Cond: CON0004521 A11 mechanical work is to be drawings dated Jr:ne 15, 2000 International Mechanical Code boEh as adopted bY the Town of vail . ***t:t:tit|*|iaalaat DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all rown ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to'the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved' Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REeuEsTs FoR INspEcrIoN SHALL BE MADE TwENTy-ForJ,R HouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479'213E oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRoM E:00 AM - 5 PM' ON FLOORS OF }TONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I'NLESS FIJOORING. POSTED IN MECHA}IIC3I ROOM PRIOR oFMECIIA}IICAI,RooMsCoNTAI}TINGHEATINGoRHoT-WATERSI'PPLY EQuIPPEDWITHAFI.ooRDRjAINPERsEc.Lo22oFTHEL99TIJMC,oR TIIE 1997 IMC. in accordance with the approved, engineer-seamped e the applicable requirements of the 1998 (IMC) or the 199? Uniform Mechanical g64s (IIMC) ' sEc.1017 0F OT OM.iPN ON CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELP RNN OWNE 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 81657 APPucATToN wrOror BE AccEpTED rF rNcoupLErr f,x"lc16p-" il;;.'.t #: -hiJi50-AqA \ auiiding Pimnil@ - I Mechanical Permit #: fI)C Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:c Mechanicaf Room Dimeniions -feC y'lerl /1,,,a-t Vr*.(Ja Combustion Air Duct Size and Location , : | . ^r Flue, vent and Gas Line Size and Location I Cdntfa{ot ) , /c Heat Loss calcs' - rFL^^&- c/wN O/dre;o EquipmentCut/SpecSheets 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be acceoted without the followino: Contact Assessrc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) p I a (-OZZ - A6 -6A0 Job Name: hnfrH oltoos robAddress: 6&a /;on"/eJ /hC e Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:{ffikn, ? tol 'ozt- a6- 0o 0 owners Nu**Ant/q' Ar,rlo fulaadress: 1' p6 /,*rA*J //o t e ll enone: qqJ--r36 6 Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work://YA, /-/ech l,u"ark /arKino Oarea e !6" 2? (artdaJ/ TEHu!/ / d th/h.r1 n fP /.a.J 4 /eue / work Class: New pQ Addition ff) Atteration ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Boiler Location: Interior ffi Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes bcl No ( ) Typeof Bldg: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-famif{ Commercial V) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( ) No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) cas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase U device? Yes ( ) No 0 COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ lL$i|lffi Mechanical Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s:afl044-O ** ** * * ** * * * * ***x * * * ** r ** FoR oFFICE USE ONLY* * * ** * * * * * ** * *'************ b\Irt 4 2000F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 97 0 -479-2L38 APPLIEAI\TT COIVTRAETOR OIINER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT KIMMEL MECHANICAI., INC. 37OO EAST 4].ST AVENTJE, DENVER, CO KIMMEIJ MECHANICAIJ, INC. 37OO EAST 4]-ST AVENUE, DENVER, CO AI\]fLERS CONDO ASSOC 680 Lionshead Pl , Vail, Co 81657 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLI]MBING PERMIT Job Address: 580 LIONSHEAD PL I-.,ocation.. .: 680 LIONSHEAD PL, Parcel No. . : 2L0t-072-06-000 Project, No. : PRrf00-0039 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P00-0059 SLaLus...: ISSITED ANTtERSApplied. . : 07 /L3/2000Issued..-: 07/L8/2000Expires..: 0L/L4/200L Phone: 303-322-87-44 Plrone : 3 03 -322 -81,44 Phoner 945-5366 I02L5 802A5 DescripLion: IINDERGRND,w&v,DoMEsrrc, HEATTNG, GValuation: 488,000.00 rr****rrtrJttrt FEE sII4uaRy Plunbing-----> Plan ch6ck- - - > Inve6!igation> vriIl caLl----> ResEualant PIan Revielr- - >Total CaLculatsed FeoE- - - > Additional Fee6----- ----> TotaL Pernits Fee--------> Fal/llents------- 7,320.00 1, A3O . O0 ' .00 3.00 .00 9, 153 .00 150 .00 9, 303 ,0O 9,303.00 foTAL FEES----- 9, 153 .00 EAT,ANCE DUE- - -- ItsEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEMT O7/L4/2OOO KATIIY ACTiON: NOTE ROUTED TO O7'/L7 /2000 C'GOODELL Action: APPRIICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT07/t4/2000 KATHy Action: APPR N/A Depts: BUILDING Divj,sion: GARY Dept : FIRE Divisi.on: CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. AI,L V{ORK IS TO BE AS PER-THE APPROVED, ENGINEER-STAMPED PI,AIiIS & TIIE APPLTCABLE RBOUIREMENTS OF TIIE 1994 I]NIFORM PLI]MBING CODE (UPC) OR THE 1997 INTERNATTONAL PI.,UMBING CODE (IPC) AS ADOPTED BY TIIE TOWN OF VAII.3. NONCOIqBUSTIBLE PIPE MUST BE USED THROUGHOUT THE EXISTING(TYPE II-F.R. CONSTRUCTION) AND TIIE NEW (TYPE II I-HOI'R CONSTRUCTION) STRUCTI]RES, AS THEY ARE CI,ASSIFIED AS NONCOMBUSTIBI.,E TYPES OF CONSTRUETION.4. ALL PENETRATIONS OF ASSEMBTIES THAT ARE REOUIRED TO BE FIRE-RESISTIVE ARE TO BE SEATED IN AN APPROVED MANNER. DECI,ARATIONS I her€by acknowledge Chat I hav€ read lhis application, fitLed our in fu1l. the infoluation rcquired, coEplct.d an -ccuratc plot plan, and Btate that alL t'he i.nformalion provided aa required is corrects. I agree !o conply ltiLh thc inforEagion and PIoC pl|n, to qomply nitsh alL Tow! oldinancee and 6ta!e lawo, and to buitd thid gcructure according to the Tor.n'E zoning and gubdiviaion codes, deeigm rarrj-ar aplrroved, Unifolu Bui.lding code and oth.r ordinances of the Tosn aPplicable lhereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPESTIONS SHALL BE r|ADE TWEMTY-FOUR ttOURS IN AIIVANCE By TBLEPHoNE AT 479-213a OR AT oIJR oFF:cE FRO!.1 8:oo At't 5:OO PM o AICNATI]RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTMSEIJF END OWNER AppucATro* *rlo, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMprET, oln Proiect #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2L49 (lnspections) 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Aswrs Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) r* \*.v s lobAddress: L?ro L,bou L" 1 t d(* Zunt of work:.IWJ"t, WorkClass: New(yf Addition(-,) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single.family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial (..'.) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase iI device? Yes ( ) No ( ) GoMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $t{ 82,.(h, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION TN Plumbing Contractor: K i ," tMr.[ li./.,L,.,J[,;'-"";il)ry'Contact and flone #'s: , 3o-3 - 3 ZZ- lUe- l. (-i."-"wr^<r I tr'VY Contractor Signature: -4,U.;/, t J4--cE// 3a3 - 90/* /3/5 ***********'t*****rr******************"**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********************r(************* F/everyone/forms/plmbperm fficDJUL 132000 2. Wasyourinitialconhctwithoursffimmedide dow or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were o ,(s.\'n)F$,/*) nnt6unlY HOW DID WE RATE I,UFH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Deparhent Russell Fone{ Director, (970)47e-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfient(s) did you contac? Building EnvironmenEl_Housing_Admin Planning DRB _ PEC helped? 4. Was your project revieuted on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof-- 5. Was ttris yourfirsttime b fle a DRB +p- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ ltl/A 6. Please rate fte performance of tre shfiperson who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of he Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you b use the Front Seruice Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for hking the lime to complete ftis survey. We are commitbd b improving our seMce. o 'l ,o. HOLY CROSS ENERGY ACCESS EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, rhat the undersigned, TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, A COLORADO.MUNICIPAL CORPORATION (hereinafter called "Grantor'), for a good and valuable conslderatlon, the recelpt whereof ls hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto Holy Cross Energy, a Colorado corporatlon whose post offlce address ls P. O, Drawer 2l 50,-Clenwood Springs, Colorado (herelnafter called 'Grantee') and to its successors and asslgns, the right of ingress and egress across lands of Crantors, situate ln the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as follows: Tract A, Vall,/Llonshead Thlrd Flllng, Town of Vall, accordlng to the map thereof recorded as reception No. I I 7682 in the office ofthe Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, Eagle, Colorado. Said Tract A is iocated in Section 7, Townshlp 5 South, Range 80 west of the 6'" P.M. And access across the above mentloned lands shall be upon an easement described as follows: An easement as shown on Exhibit A anached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. In areas where vegetatlon ls disturbed by the above descrlbed use of the easement, the ground surface shall be reclaimed by others than Grantee. Grantor agrees that landscaplng or other surface improvementiadded on said easement after the date of executlon hereof will be minimlzed and that Crantee will not be responslble for damage to said addttlonal landscaping or surface improvements caused by exercise of lts rights granted by thls easement. Grantor covenants that lt ls the owner of the above described lands and that the sald lands are free and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatsoever character, except those held by the following: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, sald right-of-way and easement, together with all and slngular, the rights and prlvileges appertalnlng thereto, unto Grantee, lts successors and assigns, forever.qth lN WTNESSWI{EREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be duly executed on thls _Jl__day of&canaa. ',20_-ee_. STATE OF TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO A COLORADO MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Revised 9-19-00 couNTY or gcrvtn- lltt' ----v-- The foregoing instrurqent- was acknowledged bqfore me this20:=a-, by TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, A COLOMDO MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. WITNESS my hand and offlclal seal. My commission expires: :llzabs$ M. Saller, Notary Public State of Colorado ly Commlselon Expires 211 4l?lfJE, WO#-00-l 6998:52-42:Antlers Remodel:l l -30-00 vcd.\Hq3hyuuther ru!ry[H|lltl{ll1l rlf! urfr rllr{rl ilrl lilr t of 2 R IO.OO O O.OO N O.0O E;st.-60''- ffilTiko al - i.. Pu eurori' l, lr, E' .t. rtt1".....'l v|651 fl]til] tl uD'O ert l]tlilllftltfililliltl 0o .1613J.q3lJ rJrs N OO'g 0 00.0t uu9830t qmzlgr/zl ztol l6e9tl r.{u!\ rIrnH$p.A 00-0 8- I I :lapoulau sralruv: zt-z 5 :8669 t-00-#o/r^ ilLt il||| tltiltl 00-6 t-6 pasl^au i L97lA t1 O) :ssarPPV :allll tooBtttfa m4dr€ nopepruog Ig opBropcpel3|s oilqru /'qoN 'rE138'n g.qEry: :saJ!dxa uogss;utuor Ayrl 'Fas lPl)U[o pup puEr.l Au SSjNIt A 'NOIVUOdUOf lvdlftNnn oovuoto] v 'oovuolof ']lv Jo N Aol- :AB NOIVUOdUOf 'tvdtftNnl{ oovuolof v '.oovuolof ,]tv Jo l.l 40t ,pau6qsrapun aql lpql ,slNlsjud tstHr Ag Nlut ltv i oN)l rNtrltstrJ sstffv A5U]N3 SSOUf, A]OH ryK- sP Aq ,---:;OZ Jo ^Ep U+L slql out oloJoq paopal/vroul)E se^ ludtunllsul 6u1o6alo1 aq1 .rrl-& ro^rNnor AFlpAgrT J8 sTVJS NOU_VUOdUOf lvdDtNnn oovuolof voovuolof ''ltv^ Jo N/v\ot Jo IEp-7-1r* '-Foz sp1l uo palnlaxa Agnp aq ol sluaserd aseql pasne) setl Joluerg ,fOf&HfnSSfnf-tfr rur sa6a'n1,d pue srq6r.r aqr ,,e;n6u1s p," rF;,1f;i""r,r,:H3l'ii3,i:,:J3'ofi13'^11;1?i11?31t1;",]11utiil!'i#;ti :6u1,$olloj aqr Aq pleq asoql ldarxa 'rellplpr.lr ra aoslEr.lM Jo suall pup saf,uErqujn)ua Jo rpalf, puE aa4 are spuel ptEs aqr lEql pue spupl paqtr)sap a^oqE aql Jo Jaumo ar{l s! ll lpql'slueua^or jolue.rg rEuonrpp. p,",., "'3ifrffi'J,if'1fiH:,'"'i;f i"n'i$,Eili:fi#"?";::iJ,t-#:fii,11t31:ft'"i,?fil3:'J3$?aqt rarJE lu?uasEa pFi u0- !?qFJtuoryaryJdul BtEJJns J.r{10 r0 ouldr)spurl lr$ rrrJoE JolutJt 'ealuE/g uet{l rriqto iilpauFpoJ aq lpqs alEJJns punoJ6 aql 'lueuiasua aqlJo asn pequtsep anoqe'aqt'Aq paqjnNlp sl uolturaEai araqm seale ui 'e)uaralar Aq loeraq upd E apEul puE olaJeq paqlEuE V llqlqxl uo ul oqs sE luauasEo uV :s/'Aolloj sP paqrtrsi{} }uautaspl rre uodn 3q llptls spupl pauolluau a^oqe aqt ssoJ)p sso)tp priv uor)as ur pareror srv r)Err prps 'operorof,.'ar6'r 'rapjtora, orJ\i1# P$Jl'F3^4r33.tij:ir;Tliir:.i'rt;rT"",i;i 289/LL 'oN uoltda)ai se Paplolal joaraql dEur aql ol 6ulprorrp 'llEAJo uA\ol '6u1191 pr;q1 peaqsuonTlpf,-.V lf,Erl sso,re ssa,6a pue ssa.r6u1r"'ubif3l.!it","u1'"'Xtiil3#lJig;3fi Sl?:,;i:3:l,filiT.fflil$Fjl1,i "'i:H;3 +,'u',0,,X1 poo^ ualD-'0S t Z raMErO 'O 'd sl ssarppe o)UJo lsod asoqm uorlerod.ror oplloloj i",rtOieu3 ssbr j llo[i oiun ririro ,tqdrailsaop 'pabpalmoulle lqelaq sl JoaJaqM ldlarar aqt ,uoglelap;suor agqen;Ln pue poo6 e.ro] ,1.roluer|j" pil1er raueularaq) o'1. PROPERW OESCRI T|ON: A 25,00 foot wide strip of lond lying within Troct A Voil/Lionsh€od Third Filing-._Town. of-.Voit, oicording to'thi mop thereof iecorded os ReceptionNo.117682 in the officc of the Eogls County. Colorodo. Clerk ond Rccorder, soid strip lying 12.50 feet on eoih side of the following described cenlerllnc: Bcainning ol o point on thc wesi propcrty linc of soid Troct A whence lhenorthwest corner of sold Troct A beors N 0JO8'17' E 64.69 fcet; thcnce deporting soid property line N 6851'45- E 55.20 feet: thencethcncethence depgrting soid property line N 685i'45- E 55.20 feet; thenceN 11'02'14- W 70.43 feel to the point of terminus on the north tr'triiri{fiifiifr&l;:"t A whence tha soid northwesr comer beorc I |||ill lllll lllllll lllll llil lllll lllll lll lllll llll llll 74639? L2/18/2OOO l0:3Ee 173 Sera Flshcr 2 ol 2 R 10.09 g O.OO N 0.00 Eeglc C0 l,=54'17'5O' R-60.fi) L=56.86 T=,3O.77 LC=54.75 90'60'30'0' CB=S 34'07'04' E ANTLERS COMDOMINIUMS (u,l l. E 691 11 t.tqt rc. dJt"Dfrc qr|trt TRACT E LIoNSHFAD PI-ACE (40') lt *ur'rr- " .r) I : N6Z01'24-E-60.00 TRACT B J 8 ICVUI 00'09-3.tz.tol.8N ,//tRrllgS -+ d.c!.ag{t- (.ol) rcnd clEHsNon 3 l3VUl 'c, oe t'l(r ,or 't. rsll snntNrnoonoc. su3-uNv iflrrx, orII fifi, rDt- 3 -iO.ZO.lC S-8C9flS-C'l Zl,'oc=l 99'99-'l(D'O9-U .09.21.?9=l oc .tll3 oo'o t{ go'o o oo'or u z F zJ.rf.tl r.|ts eal u8e:0l ooozlSllzl t6E9tt .3ueql :l$, oz'gs 3 eql 33u.qa v l3orl qyou .ql uo snulruJ.l ,o lutod eql ol leel C;.OZ ff -t!-ZO.t ! N'ql :13e, oz'gs 3 .s'.ls.gg ]i1 cu1 {yedod plos 6ulpodap aucr11reql :l$, oz'gs 3 .st.tg.g8 ]i1 cu1 lyedod pps6u11r6dair--e5dcrii :lee, 69'tg 3 .z l.go.co N 8:toeg v lJorl ptos Jo rauJoc lssfquou{a v l3orl plD6 ,o .u!l ^p.dod lser 3ql uo lupd o p 6u;uu;6eg |||t ilr lllll lll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllllll lllll llllll I 6upro11o1 eql ,o epF qooe uo E , o€.2! *,n i,llll"fl33 nl',ff:$ - Puo {roL, 'oporoloo 'lunoc elDo3 cql Jo sruro en q zggztt.oNuolld.cag so papro3ot ,oereql dout 1{}-ol 6qplocco .lto4 ,o ur*o1 ;6u;gg prlql poaqsuoll/1o1 V loo4 ulqllr 6u;{ puq p dlr1s egn 1oo1 OO.Sa'V ,*iyii:l|fu3f.(F ..." " "..;:.tiL',- ."gi''6i1ffiffi :No{ldtucs3o AruSdoud HAVEKOST + ASSOCIATES P.C. 1 1 21 G RANT STFI E ET DENVEFI,CO E} OEOS eo3/E]61-1121 FA>< 3 03,/B 63-O661 AFICHITECTUFIE P LA NN IN G URBAN DESIGN December 21,2000 Town of Vail Department of Public Works 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Golorado 81657 Attn: Gary Goodell - Chief Building Inspector Rtc'DDtc262000 RE: Antlers Gondominium Addition/Renovation Permit #800-00.58 Dear Mr. Goodell: In the aftermath of the November 18 Vail Marriott Fire, we have been re-examining the fire retardant characteristics of our Antlers project with specific concentration on the planned use of redwood siding on a few exterior areas and some balcony guard rail assemblies. We understand that "conditions", (dated 715100\, attached to the building permit for the project lists criteria for the application of 1" nominal tongue-andgroove cedar siding as finish soffit within 5' of properly line as well as siding detailed as outside finish on selected wallareas and balcony guardrails. Plans and specifications actually call for the use of 1" nominal redwood siding wherever indicated at wall and rail surfaces, (not cedar as noted under item 5 of the above referenced "conditions"). We believe the use of redwood at these selected exterior surfaces provide superior fire retardant qualities compared with other wood materials, even as untreated with fire retardant chemicals. In fact our research reveals that l" nominal (untreated) redwood lumber has a flame-spread classification of Glass ll (per UBC Table 42-A), has test results of 70 flame spread, 60 fuel contributed and 75-115 smoke development (refer attached CRA Data Sheet 202-7L). As you may recall, all exterior redwood siding is detailed to be applied over precast concrete furred with fire retardant treated plywood or metal framing covered with 5/8" gypsum sheathing and 5/8" fire retardant treated plylood. All guardrails utilize steelstructural members furred with 5/8" fire retardant treated plywood under 1" nominal redwood siding on outside face and fiberglas reinforced cement board on inside face. Of course all exterior exit balconies are supported on precast concrete floor systems constructed to comply with UBC Section 1006.3.2.3 and openness to comply with 1006.3.2.4. We have carefully designed the Antlers applied wood elements to comply with the directions of T.O.V. Design Review Board and believe the detailing and fire retardant classification of untreated 1" nominal siding and fire retardant treated 1" nominal cedar soffits will meet and exceed requirements of applicable codes and industry standards. We would appreciate you review of the Antlers plans, details, specifications and the aftached "Fire Hazard Classifications" data for conformation that proposed wood soffit and siding applications can proceed with the qualifications established by building permit "conditions" dated 7/5/00. As usual we will appreciate a timely response to this issue in order that the contractor can order the necessary material. Sincerely, Havekost + Associates P.C. CC: Antlers Condominiums - Aftn: Rob LeVine CC: Casson Building Corporation - Attn: Dan Casson CG: Jack Berga & Company - Aftn: Jack Berga Aftachment Redwood Lumber Fire Hazard Classification (CRA Data Sheet 202.71 (2 pages) l2lg4/29,90 15:22 21433a4565 REDI.,OOD SIJPPLV PAGE AI CRA DATA S}tEgT 2D2.71 REDWOOD LUMBER' FIRE HAZARD CLASSIFICATION For.many yeats redw@d has been rccognized as a rela_tiv€ly tire resigtant wood. Atter rhe San Francisio Fiie in1906. P. H. Shar;ghncsry. C.hier engtneer ot t o-Scn iin_ ctsco_t-rtE ugpaftmenl, wrote; .'ln the recenr grcat fire ofSan Francisco, that began Aprii tgth. rS06. *elucte;el fn ilnatfy sloDpino il in nea v iI .tirertio^s whe.e rhe unourneat bujldrngs wete almost enlirely ot trame cgnstruc_r|on, and if the exterior fin,sh of lheie buitdlngs f3t no,been of redwood lumter, la,n satistieO rnar rn"iian o: irr"oufnect dlslrcr would havs bgen greatty erlended.,, There are numcrous sirnitar instancei ovef lhe years Inwnich rcdwood'o life resistance has aiJeO in-il;;;i;;nres, or In wnch redwooct has been specilied oecau# oji:s tire'resisrive propeny. Fir€ wals 6t "i;6 "oiJiilir,o]inave grv€n €Xc€llgnt 9ervice in watghouses and Commer. :la! blldlnoq .curtain walts ano rire siopioi ;;e"oo;navg sropp€d fires in many sl.uctur6s, including waae_houses and brictoes, ^-l:jyT9 Lq"r not rgnrte aasily and ir bums stowry bs_causc rt conlains no volalile rerins o, oits ro aid ln iom-brrsuon. once ftame has covere{, the currace i rJ6i'orchrr is uevetuped whlcn aon€res to tne unUurneO,woo?!*:! lt* phoro, pase zt. rnij-'aaros';;;ilr; ;;:oustron, and an..n9ny fires, lhis layar of charfed "ooO ni,Ptcvenlsd the lirs fte111 dotng more fnan suped;cfii da;] :99 !9 th" strucrur€. rne Stire Fire Ma,s[;i;i-C;rd;t;nrs long .rgcognieed redwood,s riror.sirti* qr"liii;'iioomptralive rat rU6 ut bullOlng nraten8ls.. FIRE lllzlFD clasStFteATro . .Fire hazsrO classificatlon ,ares three burning chsracfer-islic_s. of .rnareriats-tteme spread, luet conitiini-L'"ai mo^e deve,o pme h t_on in a 16rtra rislit; ;; ;h,;il; asbeslos camenl board ig ratcd 0 and nomlnat f .inch un- ...ttealed red oak lumber is raied 100. The losrer thc nlino. .thc msre an)e rBylstanl ls tne matel|a. Propeny damags and toss ot tif6 6y tire are clos€lvr€laled ro how fasl the llams rpreads. hor much tuel ia . .addod to lhe tire by tltc vartous mareriats Ot wn,Ch a build:Ing rs con$ructed, 8n6 lhe qurntity of smoke and fumes.:oroduced . Flrrne sproert Of the rhrce latings, t,arDe spread is the .most rmpoftant and the mosl Commonlv us'ed, Alf tour .. moder btntoing cod€s, the Unitorm Buitding CoOe {UeCj, . 8a_src Buitdrng Codc (EOGA) warional Eu||dini'ffi;(NBC). anct Sourhsm Sranaaid Buildinq Code iSstidr.rrrquire conah mintmum amt_spread ntings rot'lr|rld[itiniah materrals. The Unitom Burtding Codc tists three flame-spreadcldsses:'''' rlslr r. tLlrrE-tDnEAO Cr.assrFrc Ttotf (uDc rtDre az-rr. AAME-SPFEAO CLASS]FIC,{TIONCTASS ffUNNEL ?EEII I ll {l o-25 26-75 76-225 rnJ'1i.33,1""1tf':.T 33i:?" "'e simrts/to fhose ot sDread groups: o-7s and ?B-2f}-d: have only ttflo tl'me- Lt0tr'lrwie. tirc ht art at.sE ior ot, ,c.t. fr,ar,ar r.'a ptrpl 10.',,6 hnaaf} c-cllta'j trrme i".pttlt d zr lrr cnd. Sroirar fad tuanal moetues n&ro'xi}], lfr,,'|e ,Ncad, twlcoot but.d, .n.t amot. dcvetspp66l l; in{";;;;;r;;;, 12/64126A9 L5122 2L43384505 RA?II{GS OF REDWOOO LUTSEB ., _t:l lpril 1971, Unde.wrlters,._Laborurode< conducr.dttretr -sran(h]d trre h!.erd classilication ,osts oir-;l;;;; ,l:ly-_6:iTrl and nom,nat lt_ by 6_inch rnrleajud'rirj"il.j||JmDsr,. inctualing both haarfwDoc, end sapwood.I rro hazard classficalion I fi*rtritar,r-$i'igfri*t*-ir$ftsurtorng Maleriels.'' _ _?hr. nrorslu_te contenr ol lhe lumber samples tegtedfl_g:d lr.gm S.9 ro B.? po..inr_r,or _irrrin i-nJlii.i[Imgnls ot th€ strndard. --Il:.r*_r,lq of the tire ,rczHrd ctassrncalion t6sts areJl9*n il rabte u rhe rrame.cpread rarino oi irj riiilr#iIffi,# rumber qualrfres rhi3 mareriat "i-cr.-s"l l.iiri TAtLt , 'lE9wooo Luxlln F'RE raz^iD Cr ssFtCAnoI, FLAMESA'VIPLE SPP€AO ix:*?i,:#:* y.e:yl! leg ld ctoccl,p ot ctor|l|$uon(tiet U i,,wt ar.s hov'iii,i i'iii;;Th;r:;;::r;E rHurrD4trroC ,'coc. 6t.r.Iog lunnct Combqlion. - RED|.,0OD SLPPI-Y PAGE 82 FUEL CONTRIEUTEO SMOKE DEVETOPMENT .'l'nominal rodwood tumlrg, - It" nominrl red{ood lumb€r 60 7$_115 iilili:fi!,!ri'.;,5:i1"i!i,!^!:#;,:"rii:;,:i"#",s':l:-tc:*".!,uoct'r, jiri,ipiti'i;;;&:;;r,#"";i,i?r# ,auEd tem thc noflrinat t _inch ;nd nominat X .tnct j"ii|j.Liis-. flrti,",::^!^gt::lll-"q1'c-g is siven ro ratinss o, fuel MATEAIAL Siil$li'31,1:o ;mgd::td'E'ii i;'6"'lilH'J? -t_"::g .u*n tesr resulls, att widrhs. panoms, surlaces.andlexturrs in th€sc rhicknesseG auarirfi*;;;"-",.'.*ror comparative purDoFes rorner nareriat are givon in f"Offll?. tt"*-3pt€rd tatq5-of TABLE I''. FLAflE.IPREAO NAIES OF O?|GR TA?tA,Ar' 05*r oo {t-ine6 4q11nog FLAME SPRSAD l'1,#?"ift qj:."r,i1ff,,a-!F:[*:3"|-{#[;br,llT_l1lo.g _arc iicluaerj' in raUe rrI[";::'# ":,tls*i"iti-icri'it}'' r,se or redv,ooo in lX"":: jiXg,-""11191,9qgre;p'iilil'id;;,;;5triL8 ::.,TIj::,t:: j,,3"1.rn"u,f J,lli?oii;ljill,"i,iif ,i,li1?.1iJ'=H"_ti.eqe*rinsioi;il.,f, "Hruiffi jfl.;:; ;#;?"r" restrictiong orhenrvise rJle orl ,"r,#ijj "#i Fire Dtardant trcrted lumbe,( nprCgnatedl ncd osk turnbe, CyFtrFi lurnbci PondetosE pinc lumbe, to--m t00 t 45--150 1t5-230 appli6s116n3 prooucts, li 1,."1:::,jl.l**"1:l-lt_".1 ,edwood rumh€r can rre FF.i*,j:I;t{"!!'f m:n";**ili*xe*lypes ol buitdhgs brritt rlndei any p|rc€ in ar Ili'1j.S:ly*.^319-.9r"*..,ir;#'rfi i_".,,rJ,"T.1i%1 ff#?LTtr-1f ar,i,p_J,idc,iii;riEdffi "s$"6:",Xil fl,"tff "y*gJTr:r-rn"ti.ii^,iii'i;.#id"T:,#:lror rnrenor wB[s and Cdling ,inigh an],where. ".Hoi*ij":::._u.._crasslncarion-'dr';t.i,i.t,r€dr4,ood;;ffi ,;:T:::lirl,,o]lql_i",i#;:1:-[,lfrH,li lory for producls ot rrrt tnl"iiel. iIFEREIII9ES CNTED 't"{!{:,.sj:,:x.J:f#:Tigi*rorf iccorsrareFi,e ' !{' {;{;,:;,,3;{E n?ffi ,Ifl;,J,ffi.,11,%tr"",,,." 'Repott ot1 Fire Hezatd Class ic ti6g*pi#i"ffi ;#i,+r#;:'trigffiil;m' _,j-tTj.:t ure magni,;Jrr'nic$$rry to inctude atl Do8-$oe pallems is nor onty imprcti"j-OuT';ffi;il.'?* !!"t*;i::,H,azan chsstticetta/t card Dar. se.v-ice, Underwrlt€rs. L.l"rtoi:iil, rnc., r97t l,tr4{E 6 srAFgtr1Y9** lr#pry 1';^" 1v. o.eirloeuas, ,Exi3"talr sat.ass; "rO rsl-4sot -:.. I cAurOnNIA REDwooD AssoclalroN . 61 7 Monroomery srr€e,. san Franciooo, crri,orn,. o4r r r Koe{ein Consulting EnJteers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Plrwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 Cll\/trATHnElt\|tr (970) 468-6933 (303) 9e9-0204 FAX (970)949-9223 FAX (970)46e-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon,CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: 3'd Level Walkrvay Walls. Sample Retween I iqes G.4-G.o/5.2-6.1 & G.1'G.7/5.2 Total Cubic Yards: f0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.0 inches Ticket No: 3q69 Air Content: 1.3% Mix Design No: 5894-8 Wet Unit Weight: 149.8 pcf 4? oF+ | '44 nrn Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: ConcreteTemperature: 62"F Test Date: I i/3/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Cylinder Compressive Sbength (psi) 3560 ) I 2828 l cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Da!! Havekost' Havekost + Assoc. Sheet I of I ' Age (Days) [::'ff l[il'"Hl"iltHilJ:',: Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6i78 '12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS AVON (970) e4e-6009 SiLVERTHOFNE (970) 468-6933 Project: The Antlers at Vaii Location: 3'0 I evel Walkway Walls. Sample Retrveen t jnes G.4-G.o/5.2-6.1 & G.1-G.7/5.2 Total Cubic Yards: j-0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.0 inches Ticket No: 3969 Air Content: 13% llix Design No: 580.1-8 Wet Unit Weight: 149.8 pcf lt{-F-l- 1:44 prn Air Temperatwe: Time Test Taken: ConcreteTemperature: 62"F Test Date: ll/3100 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) ) 28 28 3560 4910 T: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duucan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havckost- Havekost + Sheet I of i Assoc. .. ,: ,.:... Age (Days) Koecilein Consulting Enfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949.9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vaii Location: 3'a L.vel Wulktuut Wnilt, So*Ol" B"ttu."n t in.t G.4-G.9/5.2-6. I & G. t -G.7i 5.2 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWCOD (303)989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: lO Supplier: B&B Frc. Slump: 3.0 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 3969 l.3e'i) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: 58q4-8 Wet Unit Weight 149.8 pcf 4',]0F+ 1:44 pm ConcreteTemperature: 62oF Test Date: I 1/3/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: Age (Days) J 5 28 ?R cc: Rob LeVine-Antlersr Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. Koeclein Consulting Enfneers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228'2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 (303) e89-0204 FAX (970) s4e-e223 FAX (970) 468-693e FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail t Location: Level 3 \\:alls- Staircase Walls. Sample h(I ines C.25-F.2 /6.2-6.5. C.25-E.2/6+-17', c.25 -E.2/ 6.25. Ct 5.2- t3', 7" itt lfr \ 1.5% MixDesignNo: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight: 149.4 pcf Air Temperature: 35'Ft I lme I est I aKen; 4:)) pm Age (Days) J ta aoLO cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. KOECHLEII\-CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Report of Consffuction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vaii Job No. 00-060 Report #: 72 Date: ll/21/00 Sheet: I of 1 Weather Conditions and Temperature: Sunny, 20oF+ to 47oFt Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct rebar inspections for the plaza ievel fillin deck between Lines E.2-8.714.7-5.2 and F.l-F.2/4.7-5.2. Inspection results indicate that rebar placement has met project soecifications. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Cassou Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-HavckosttAssociates Don Sneed a WilliamlH. Koechlein. P,E. --- Reviewed BvField Observer 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 98s-0204 FAX Total Cubic Yards: ll Supplier: I afarge Slump: 4.0 inches Ticket No: 1009898 Air Content: 4.8% Mix DesignNo: wetunitweight: 540F+ 9:24 am 4020 144.8 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 67"F Test Date: 1014/00 Desiga Strength: 4000 psi @.28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3475 4090 3930 Icc: Rlb LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost' Havekost + Assoc. 28 28 Sheet I of2 : 's&w'*t'n'' KoeCfein Consulting Eniteers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) s49-600e (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Boiler Room Slab on Grade. Sample Taken on East Half SILVEFTHORNE (970) 468-693s ProjectNo: 00-060 Koe{lein Consulting EnJneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303)98s-0204 FAX (e70)949-9223 FAX (970)468-6e39 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) e89.1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6i78 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Planter Footing. Sample at Lines E-F/0 Total Cubic Yards: I Suppiier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.25 inches TicketNo: ?222 Air Content: 1.4% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 640F+ 2:29 pm 5894-9 150.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 6aoF Test Date: l0l4l00 Design Strength; 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 1 28 28 Air Temperatue: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3690 6800 7740 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 oS Assoc. {,t, r+-..,t,'.':i' . Koechfin Consulting EnSiSters' Inc' Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy ' Suite tLS'Lakewood' CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON (e70) 94e-6ooe (970) 949-9223 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Pro-ject: The Antlers at Vail Location: Planter Footing, Sample at Lines E-F/O Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.25 inches Ticket No: 29n Air Content: l.4o/o Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 6.lcF+ 2:29 pm {RA4-q 150.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 6qoF Test Date: l0l4l00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: cc: Rob LcVine-Antlen, $vin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc, Koech$n Consulting EnSi5t"t"' Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers '12g64W. Atameda Pkwy ' Suite 115'Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6e3s FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Projecl The Antiers at Vail Location: Boiler Room Slab on Grade. Samlle Taken on East Half Age (Days) 3475 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Keviu C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Have{lst- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc. Cyiinder Compressive Strength (psi) LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 (303) e8e-0204 FAX AVON (e70) 94s-6009 (970)949-e223 FAX Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: lt Supplier: Lafar&e Slump: 4,0 inches Ticket No: 100q898 Air Content: 43% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: s40F+ Q,1,1, arn !n)n 144 R nr.f ConcreteTernperature: 67oF Test Date: l0l4lO0 Design Strength: 4000 psi (D 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 28 28 ENGINEE Reoort of Construction Activities Jack Berga JT Berga and ComPanY P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Job No. 00-060 Report #: 67 Date: l0l4l00 Sheet: I of 1 The Antiers at Vail ffitFffi;ailions and TemPerature:eloudy,60"Ft ffi?#:":i:ili"u:"'::.9*trebarinSpectionsfortheplanterfootingsonLinesE.F/0' 0_0.s/F, anrl 0-0.5/8. il"";;;;; ,i-"rura aiaooi;;;;;;id.qions for the rebar' The contractor (Paul' with casson) referred the rreid Jrreiry"l:"th:.ttll:1ffti-t:#1{''::::*'ents' whichwete3 #5 rebar along the uasson/ rsrerrv\r '"- --.- ;-d @ #5 verticals with bend @ 12" o'c' length with #5 @ 12" o'c Vffi;tetmmunication: ffiiesTo: Roble William H. Koechlein, P'E' Koeflein Consulting Enfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949.6009 (970) 949-s223 FAX (970)468.6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Banquet Room Interior Slab on Grade. Sample Between Lines C-D.5/6.3-7 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) s89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: U Supplier: T.afarge Slump: 3.0 inches Ticket No: 100993 1 Air Content: 5.2% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: {50F+ 9:51 am 4020 144.2 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 67oF Test Date: 10/5/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3170 3950 4260 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: { cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Bu4lding Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. Koechfin Consulting Englryers' Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12g64W. Alameda Plrwy ' Suite tt5' Lakewood' CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Banqget Room Interior Slab on Grade. Sample Between Lines C-D.5/6.3-7 Total Cubic Yards: l-t Supplier: Lafarge Slump: 3.0 inches Ticket No: 1009931 Air Content: 5.2% Mix Desigr No: Wet Unit Weight: 9:51 am 40?o 144.2 pcl ConcreteTemperature: 67"F Test Date: 10/5/oo Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3),70 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc, ,| 28 28 Koecfein Consulting Enqleers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (e70) 949.9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-600s SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Girder. Sample at T ines H/3-4 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches Ticket No: 309q Air Content: 1.4% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: l'l? nrn ;RS4-q 149.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 66oF Test Date: 1 0/ 10/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: n 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5405 6480 6620 I cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Hatkost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 'l'1. -: ' . Koe{lein Consulting ErUneers. Ine Consulting Geotechnical Eng!neers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 .r.von. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza I evel Girder. Sample at Lines H/3-4 (303) 989-0204 FAX (e70) 949-e223 FAX (970) 468_6s39 FAX AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 3099 t,.4% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: il 1-Ff 1:12 pm 58q4-9 149.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 66oF Test Date: 10/10i00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days) 5405 cc: Rob Levine-Artlen, Kevin C. Door-Jc*ron Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) n 28 28 KOECHLEIICONSULTTNG ENGTNEEUI, rNC. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 68 Date: 10/10/00 Sheet: l of 1 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy, 63oFt Verbal Communication; Construction ActivitiesiObservations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduied to conduct a rebar inspection for the planter foundation walls and the plaza level girder. The planter walls between Lines 0-1/E-F required #5 @ 12" o.c. each way with 2#5 @the top. The girder on Line H/3-4 required 3 #11 F.L. on top, 6 #9 F.L. on the bottom rvith #4 stimrps @ 12" o.c. There rvere 7 #9 F.L. on the bottom instead of 6 #9. Inspection results indicate that the rebar piacement has met project specifi cations. Copies To: Ro LeVine-Antlcrs, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost+Associates Don Sneed William H, Koechlein. P.E. Field Observer Reviewed By KoE CHLEIC O\-SUL Tilic E :icri'lEE|ii. iNC. REport of Construction Activities Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 The Antlers at Vail Report #:69 u.lLa, Sheet:1of1 Project: Verbal Communication: Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 36"F+ Construction ActivitieslObservations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct concrete tests. Paul, the foreman with Casson, informed field engineer that the 7:00 am deck concrete pour would occur tomorrow,10/12/00. The office was informed of the schedule change. No concrete tests were conducted at this time. After consulting with Kerry, rvith Koechlein Consulting Engineers Inc., it was confirmed that the scheduled date was Thursday, October 12,2000, and not Wednesday, October 11, 2000. Concrete cylinders were picked up, stripped. logged, and stored. Copies To: Rob LeVine'Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Ha William H, Koechlein, P.E. Koecfein Consulting Entireers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (970)949.600e (e70)468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level freck,Sample Between Lines 8.7-F.2/7-8. Bottom Lift Total Cubic Yards: l-0 Suppiier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches Ticket No: Air Content: Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: 1'4O ern ?rgl r.6% 5R94-R 140.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 58oF Test Date: 10112100 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: 3B 5B 7B 288 28B H Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4390 5205 6r20 7120 7290 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Sheet I of6 : Age (Days) cc: Rob LeVine-Aftlen, Kevin C, Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havckost- Havekost + Koecfein Consulting Enlireers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Phlry . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) s89-1223 AVON (970) e49-600e SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6i78 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck, Sample Between Lines F.2-Hl6.2-6.5. Bottom Lift Total Cubic Yards: n Suppiier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 63oF Test Date: 10/12100 Ticket No: 3 147 Air Content: 1.5% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: 8:44 wn 58q4-9 ldR R nnf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B- Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 28W 28B 5160 5490 6t70 6235 5745 7490 7020 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlersr Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 2 of6 : Age (Days) Koecfein Consulting Enqfeers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. LakEwood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) e8e-1223 (970) e49-600e (s70) 468-6e33 (303) 98e-0204 FAX (e70)e4e-e223 FAX (e70)468.6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck- Sample Between Lines F-Gi6.7-8Jop Lift Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 12 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 62"F Test Date: 10112100 Age (Days)_--16'- 5B Ticket No: 3205 Air Content 1.5% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: l0:07 am 5RS4-R 148.6 pcf Air Temperarure: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4430 5035 5640 5885 5545 7290 6800 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; fi H"u.kost- Havekost + Sheet 3 of 6 Assoc. 7B 7B 7W 28W 288 Koecfein Consulting Enqfeers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-e223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6i78 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Between Lines F.2-G.3/5.2-5.-l SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)989-1223 (303) 98e.0204 FAX Total Cubic Yards: NA Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 53.F Test Date: 10112100 Ticket No: 321'7 Air Content: 1.5% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 58q4-8 148.6 pcf Design Shength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Air Temperature: 50"Ft Time Test Taken: I I :18 am Cylinder Compressive Srength (psi) 4510 4880 f) /) 5730 5465 6970 7090 Age (Days) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 28W 28B cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 4 of6 . [o".Uein Consulting Enqineers, Inc. Con.' ulti n g Geotech n ical- Engi neers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON SILVERTHORNE (970) 949-6009 (970)468-6933 (970) 94e-e223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O, Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Between Lines D.2-E.2/5.1-5.5 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 250 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 64oF Test Date: 10/12100 Ticket No: 3225 Air Content: 1.5o,/o Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: iR94-R 149.6 pci Air Temperature: 57oFt Time Test Taken: 12:21 pm Design Strength: 6q0optt@i&+rt Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) Jtt 5B 7B 7B 7W 28W 28B 4200 4780 5485 s585 )nJ 6900 7870 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlen, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 5 of 6 Assoc. I KoeclJein *lonsuliing Enqipeers. Inc. Co n sI lti n g Geotech n icafEn g i neers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Samole Betrveen Lines C-D.6i6-6.3 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) e8e.0204 FAX AVON (970) 94e-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 300 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 67oF Test Date: 10112100 Ticket No: 3231 Air Content: 1.6% Mix Design No: Wet UnitWeight: 6toF+ l:28 pm .\ xq4-x 149.4 pcf Design Strength: 6000 psi @28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Inilial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 28W 288 4320 5005 5840 5580 5495 7100 6950 Sheet 6 of6 Age (Days) cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Cor*; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Koeclein Consulting Enfreers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVC|'J SILVERTHORNE (303)989-1223 (970)949-6009 (970)468-6e33 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) s49-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULIS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Betrveen Lines E.7-F.2/7-8. Bottom Lift Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches Ticket No: Air Content: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: '17"F+ 7'.40 am 1.6% 5894-8 14q.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 58oF Test Date: 10112/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 3B 5B 7B 288 288 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4390 5205 6.120 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Koeolein Consulting Enfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303)s89.1223 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Between Lines F.2-Hi6.2-6.5. Bottom Lift (303)989-0204 FAX (970) s4e-9223 FAX (e70)468-6939 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 AVON (970) 949-6009 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Total Cubic Yards: 12 Suppiier: B&B Exc. Slurnp: 6.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 63"F Test Date: 10112100 Ticket No: 3197 Air Content: 15% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: lqoFr 8:44 am 5894-9 148.8 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days) -38--5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B 28W Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5160 5490 6170 623s 5745 cc: Rob LeVine-.r.f tiers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost - Sheet 2 of 6 Assoc. Koecfein Consulting En$eers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (970)949-600s (e70) 468-6e33 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6i78 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Between Lines F-G/6.7-8Jop Lift Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: ln Supplier: B&B Exc. Slurnp: 4.75 inches ConcreteTemperarure: 62"F Test Date: l0ll2l00 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W Ticket No: 3205 Air Content: 1.5% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: at 1- F -1- i0:07 am i.Rq4-R I JR 6 nr.f Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 4430 5035 5640 5885 5545 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 3 of6 Age (Days) KoeClein Consulting Enlneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 8i620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Samole Between Lines F.2-G.3/5.2-5.4 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 AVON (970) 949-600s Total Cubic Yards: iQl Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 63oF Test Date: l0/12/00 Ticket No: 3217 Air Content: 1S% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: l1:18 am 5Rq4-R 148.6 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= initial 24 hour cwe in ooen box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B 28W cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Have6st + Sheet 4 of 6 Assoc. 4510 4880 5575 5730 5465 Age (Days) Koeclein Consulting Entneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON SILVERTHORNE (970) 949-6009 (970) 468-6933 (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUIVIMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Betrveen Lines D.2-E.2/5.1-5.5 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 250 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 64eF Test Date: 10/12100 Ticket No: 3225 Air Content: 15% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: (R0.1-R 1.19.6 pcf Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Air Temperature: 57oF= Time Test Taken: 12:21 pm Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4200 4780 5485 ))6) ) I t) Age lDays).--- 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B 28W cc: Rob LcVine-Antlers, Kevin ClDuncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 5 of 6 Assoc. Koeclein Consulting Enfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-600e (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Cornpany P, O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck, Sample Between Lines C-D.6/6-6.3 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989.0204 FAX Total Cubic Yards: 300 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 67.F Test Date: 10112100 Ticket No: 3231 Air Content: 1.6% llix Design No: WetUnitWeight: 6loF+ l:28 pm 58q4_8 14q.4 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 dairs Rernarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4320 5005 5840 5580 5495 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 6 of 6 Assoc, Koe$lein Consulting Eryineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnicat Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite AIS. Lakewood, CO g022g-2g45 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6s39 FAX Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck, Sample Between Lines E.7-F.2/7-8- Bottom Lift Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4,75 inches Ticket No: 3 1q I Air Content: 1.6% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 7:40 am 5804-8 14q.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 58oF Test Date: 10112100 Design Shength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 3B 5B 7B 28B 288 H Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4390 5205 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kcvin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of6 Assoc. Koe{lein Consulting E[ineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO gO22g-294S AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-693e FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6i78 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 STIMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antiers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck^ Sampie Betrveen Lines F.2-Hi6.2-6.5. Bottom Lift 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) s89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: n Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 63oF Test Date: I0ll2l00 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W Ticket No: 3197 Air Content: 1.5% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: 5894-9 148.8 pcf Air Temperature: 39"F+ Time Test Taken: 8:44 am Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 da:zs Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5160 5490 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlen, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 2 o16 Koe$lein Gonsulting EnOneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 94e-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck, Sample Betrveen Lines F-G/6.7-8. Top Lift 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303)e89-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Totai Cubic Yards: Jn Supplier: B&B Exc, Slump: 4.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 62'F Test Date: I0llzl00 Ticket No: 3205 Air Content: 1.5% Mix DesigaNo: Wet UnitWeight: s894-8 148.6 pcf Air Temperature: 43'F+ Time Test Taken: l0:07 am Design Strength: 6000 psi @.28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3B 443058 5035 7B 7B 7W 288 28B28W Icc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Buildift Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 3 of 6 Assoc. Age (Days) Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite AlS. Lakewood, CO 80229-2945 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 94s-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck, Sample Betrveen Lines F.2-G.3/5.2-5.4 Koeqf lein Consulting EUineers, lnc. 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303)989-0204 FAX SILVERTHOFNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: ?&A Suppiier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 63oF Test Date: l0ll2l00 Ticket No: 3217 Air Content: 1.5% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: 500F+ i1:18 am 58q4-8 148.6 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 dag; Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days).----- 5B Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 7B 7B 7W 288 288 . 28WIcc: RotfleVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 4 of 6 Assoc. 4510 4880 Koeqflein Consulting EUf neers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkv'ry . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2945 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Between Lines D.2-E.2/5.1-5.5 (303) 989-0204 F$< (e70)s49-9223 FAX (970) 468-6s39 FAX 5894-8 149.6 pcf AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: ?Jp Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 64oF Test Date: 10112100 Ticket No: 3225 Air Content: 1.5% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 12:21pm Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W 4200 4780 cc: Rob Levine-Antlcrs, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Buitding Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 5 of 6 Assoc, Koeqflein Consulting EAineers, Inc, Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite ttS. Lakewood, CO 80229-2945 AVON (970)949-600s Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 -A.von. CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Between Lines C-D.6/6-6.3 (970)949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) s89-1223 (303)98s-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: 3!0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 67"F Test Date: l0ll2l00 Ticket No: 3231 Air Content: 1.6% Mix Design No: Wet UnitWeight: 610F1 1:28 pm s894-8 149.4 pcf Air Temperature: Tirne Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Sfength (psi) 3B 5B,]B 7B 7W 288 28B28W )cc: Rob LcVine-Antlers, Kcvin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dar*Iavekost- Havekost + Sheet 6 of 6 Assoc, 4320 5005 Age (Days) ' ,i : , l: AVON (970) 94e-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 I l' Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antiers at Vail Location: Wall at Lines 4.2/7.5 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches 3476 4.9% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 'I '4O nm Ticket No: Air Content: "t|)1 A{?n'i 145 I ncf ConcreteTemperafure: 68"F Test Date: l0/18/00 Design Strength: 4500 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 3560 4690 4860 cc: Rob LeYine-Anrlers, Ker.in C. Duncan- Casson Building 3orp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 1 foecilein Consulting enf,neers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 LAKEWOOD (303) e8s-1223 (303)989.0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6e3e FAX Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETETEST RESULTS KOECHLE ONSULTING ENGINEE Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Report of Construction Activities Job No. 00-060 Report #: 70 Date: l0/18/00 Sheet: l of I The rebar was placed and tied Project:The Antlers at Vail Coustructiorr Activities/Observations: Field engineer anived on site as requested to perform a rebar inspection. according to proj ect specifications Locations: Southeast Retaining wall, and wail at gridlines A-D/j.s Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson. of the inspection results. Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 60oF+ Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building eorporation, Dan William Hl Koechlein. P.E. KoeOlein Consulting enlneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 90229-2g45 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468_6s39 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SILVERTHOBNE (970) 468-6933 Project No; 00-060 AVON (970) 949-6009 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Wall at Lines A.2/7.5 Total Cubic Yards: 8 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content; 3476 49% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: t1 /-Ff 1:40 pm 3016s201 145.2 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: i0/18/00 Design Strength: 4500 psi @. 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3560 I cci Rob LeVine-Antlen' Kevin C. punJln- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. KoeOlein Consulting Enflneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 w. Aiameda Pkwy . suite 115. Lakewood, co g022g-2g45 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 94e-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6i78 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESUI-TS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Samf,le at Beam Pocket. Lines E.2i4.5-5. E.l-F.2i4.5. and F.2/4.5-5.l AVON (970)94e-600e SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6s39 FAX Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Ecx. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 65oF Test Date: l0l2ll00 Ticket No: 3599 Air Content: l.5o1o ivlix )esign No: 5894-8 Wet Unit Weight: 14q.4 ncf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B: Initial 24 hour cure in open box, w= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cyiinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W 3560 5060 cc: Rob Levine-Antlers' Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 5 Assoc. Age (Days) KoeOlein Consulting Entneers, Inc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 90229-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Between Lines D.8-E.2/3.4-;l SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Total Cubic Yards: 62 Supplier: B&B Exc. Siump: 1.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 70oF Test Date: 10121100 Ticket No: 3606 Air Content: 1.2% Ivlix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 160F+ 8:26 am 58a4-8 i4c).4 pcf Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, w= Initiai 24 hour cure in rvater tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W cc; Rob Levine-Antlers, Kevin c. Duncan- casson Building corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. 3540 5010 i Sheet0 of 5 Age (Days) 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) s8e-0204 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESL;LTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza I evel Deck. Samfrle at F-Gi3.5-4 KoeOlein Consulting erQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite An 5. Lakewood, CO g022g-2g45 AVON SILVERTHORNE (s70) 94e-600e (s70) 468-6933 (970) 949-9223FAX (s70)468_6939 FAX Project No:00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 106 Supplier: R&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 63.F Test Date: 10121100 Ticket No: 3612 Air Conrent: 1.4% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: .tt'F- Q'1i rrn 58q4-8 149.8 [cf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initiai 24 hour cure in open box, w= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank 5B f,) /u 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28V/ cc: Rob Levine-Antlers, rruio c. Duncan- casson Juilding corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 3 of5 Age (Days) I ritebrv-i -,{3.- . r' KoeOlein Consulting Enflneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO g022g-2g45 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)e8e-1223 (303) 98e-0204 FAX AVON (970) 949-600e (970) 949-9223 FAX SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 (970) 468-693s FAX Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Prqect: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza I evel Deck. Sample at Beam pocket Betrveen Lines Hi2-3 Total Cubic Yards: 156 Supplier; B&B Exc. Slump: 5.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 66oF Test Date: I0l2ll00 Ticket No: Air Content: i619 t.5% Mix Design No: 5894-8 Wet Unit Weight: 148.8 pcf Air Temperature: 50oFt Time Test Taken; 10:21 am Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, w= Initial 24hotr cure in water tank Age (Days)__-E-- 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W &: noU LeVine-Antlen, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havckost + Sheet 4 of 5 Assoc. 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVEBTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B: Initial 24 hour cure in open box, w= Initiar 24 hour cure in water tank Total Cubic Yards: 219 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.5 inches Ticket No: 3625 Air Content: 1.2% Mix Design No: 5894-8 Wet Unit Weight: 150.0 pcf I l:12 am Sheet 5 of5 ConcreteTemperature: 67"F Test Date: 10121100 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin c. Duncan- casson Building corp,; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. 4630 rcoeolein Consulting erQneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 90229-2g45 AVON (970)s49-600e (s70) s49-9223 FAX (s7o)468_6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Prqect No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza I evel l\eck. SamFle Between Lines F-F.5i2-2.5 and Suspended Beam at I ines F A/)-7 Age (Days) 12364 W. Alameda LANtr.UV\,,IJI.J ts03) 9s3-122S (303) 989-0204 rAX SilVERTHORNE fir70) 468-69:3 Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Ecx. Slump: 4.0 inches Ticket No: 3599 Air Content: 1.5% VIix Design No: 5894-8 We: Urut Weight: UgAeeJ' Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in:rvater tank Age (Days)Cyiinder Compressive Strength (psi) ConcreteTemperature: 65'F Test Date: I0l2Il00 Air Temperature: 35oi= Time Test Taken: 7:30 am 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 28B '' 288' row' I I'(, Y cc: Rob LeVine-Anders, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Har-.ekost + Assoc. 3560 5060 62706680, ) 6550 ., ':. " : "i.: -,: ri ' :"'t: :;. ''t'-, Sheet I of5 KoecOein Consulting Enfneers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, r)O 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-600e (970) 949-9223 FAX (97:r) 468-6e39 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Prqect No:00-060 ST]MMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RFSI]T TS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample at Beam Pocket. Lines E.2/4.5-5. 8.2-F.2/4.5. and F.2/4.5-5.1 KoeClein Consulting Entneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 90228-2g45 (303) e89-0204 FAX (970) 949-e223 FAX (970)468-693e FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 AVON (970) 94e-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESUi,TS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Betrveen Lines D.8-E.2/3.4-.1 Total Cubic Yards: Q, Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 1.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 70oF Test Date: l0l2l/00 Ticket No: 3606 Air Content: l.2o/o Mix Design No; Wet Unit Weight; {rr-;.1_ 8:26 am 5894-8 149.4 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 28B 28B 28W cc: Rob LeVine-Anders, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 5 Assoc. 3540 5010 6450' 6520 62t0 Age (Days) KoeClein Consulting entneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 8022g-2g45 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUM]VIARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESUT,TS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck,_Sampie at F-Gi3.5-4 SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 (e70) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 AVON (970)949-6009 Total Cubic Yards: l_06 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 63oF Test Date: 10/21/00 Ticket No: 3612 Air Content: 1.1% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 4loFt 9:25 am iRq4-R i a9.8 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B- initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B28W r cc: Rob LcVine-Antlcn, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havelost + Sheet 3 of 5 Assoc. 3570 5570 6820 6450 6510 Age (Days) Koeelein Consulting Enfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (e70) e4s-e223 FAX (970) 468_6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) e49-600s SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6s33 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Prqect: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level fteck. Sample at Beam Pocket Betrveen Lines Hi2-3 Total Cubic Yards: -156 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 66.F Test Date: l0l2l/00 Ticket No: 3619 Air Content: 1.5% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: \ | I' l,+. l0:21 am 5894-8 148.8 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W- Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 38 359058 48907B 610078 65907W 6650 28B 288 28W cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. p,r[.*- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havckost + Sheet 4 of 5 Assoc. Age (Days) KoeClein Consulting Enfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Phrtry . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970)949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (303)e8s-0204 FAX (970)949-s223 FAX (e70) 468_6e39 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Betrveen I ines F-F.5/2-2.5 and Sustended Ream at Lines F Al?-? Total Cubic Yards: 210 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slurnp: 5.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 67"F Test Date: 10121100 Ticket No: 3625 Air Content: 1.2% lv{ix Design No: 5894-8 Wet Unit Weight: 150.0 pe:' t'll-Ff 11:12 am Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W 3130 4630 s590 6010 6350 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 5 of 5 Assoc. ,'".n 1 l roe$tein Consutting en$n"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 94e-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6i78 Project No: 00-050 SUMIVIARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sampie at Beam Pocket. Lines E.2/4.5-5J.2-F.2/4.5jmd F.2/4.5-5.1 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: l_0 Suppiier: B&B Fcx. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 65oF Test Date: 10121100 Ticket No: 35aq Air Content: 1.5% Mix Desigl No: 58q4-8 Wet Unit Weight: 14q.4 pcf ? {oF+Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B: Initial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3560 5060 6270 6680 6550 7320 712028W I 7ls0 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Bdilding Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sh€et I of 5 Assoc, Age (Days) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B xoeclltein Consulting enfin=€r r, inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2945 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza T evel Deck. Sample Befween Lines D.8-8.2/3.4-4 SILVEBTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-'t223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Total Cubic Yards: 62 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 70oF Test Date: l0l2l/00 Ticket No: 3606 Air Contenl 1.2% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 8:26 am 58q4-8 149.4 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days)--s- 5B 7B 1B 7W 28B 288 28W Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3540 5010 6450 6520 62t0 7240 7390 7490 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlersr Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 5 Assoc. roec*lein Consulting enfineers, Inc. ConsultinE Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6s39 FAX LAKEWOOD (s03) e89-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location; Plaza Level Deck, Sample at F-G/3.5-4 Total Cubic Yards: 1-06 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 63oF Test Date: 10121100 Ticket No: 3612 Air Content: 1.4% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 4l oF+ 9:25 am 5894-8 149.8 pcf Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Sfteneth (psi) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 3570 5570 6820 6450 6510 7520 77t0 7550 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W Sheet 3 off . Age @ays) roecfiein Consulting enlfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 94e-e223 FAX (970)468-6e39 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949.6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Levei Deck, Samole at Beam Pocket Between Lines H/2-3 Total Cubic Yards: $6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 66oF Test Date: 10121/00 Ticket No: 3619 Air Content: 1.5% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: snoF+ l0:21 am 5844-8 148.8 pci Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ ?8 days Remarks; B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days)---- 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3590 4890 6100 6590 6650 7r20 707028W J460 cc; Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.;ban Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 4 of 5 Assoc. roec?tein Consulting enlfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotech,:lcal Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) e4e-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-050 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Deck. Sample Between Lines F-F.5i2-2.5 and Suspended Beam at Lines E.qt2-3 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: 2l-0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 67oF Test Date: l0l2ll00 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 28B . 28B! zew Ticket No: 3625 Air Content: l.2o/o Mix Design No: 5894-8 Wet Unit Weight: 150.0 pcf K'OF+ I l:12 am Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @.28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3 130 4630 5590 6010 6350 6950 6750 7850 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 5 of 5 Assoc. Age (Days) roecfiein Consulting enlfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303)e89-1223 AVON (970) 94s.600s SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (303)989.0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (e70)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 ProjectNo: 00-050 TAILINGTEST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Southwest Planter Walls Total Cubic Yards: & Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump; 5.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 70oF Test Date: 10/24/00 Ticket No: 3701 Air Content: 4.9% NIix Design No: Wet UnitWeight: 570F+ l:30 pm 30165201 146.6 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications at 28 days. Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 2820 3780 3880 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp,; Dan Havekost- Havekost * Sheet I of I Assoc. 7 28 )9. Koe{lein Gonsulting Enlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite A!5. Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 (303) 98e-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (e70)468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 98s-1223 AVON (970) 94e-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No; 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6i78 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMIvIARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Southwest Planter Wails Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&R Exc. Slump: 5.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 370r 49% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix DesignNo: werunitweight: 570F+ lj3!-pn 30165201 146.6 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 70oF Test Date: 10124100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) IcC RoU LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C, Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 1 of I Assoc. KoeClein Consulting Enfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80229-2945 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (e70) e4e-600e SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Pour Strip at Line C Total Cubic Yards: I_0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 3't6l 1.4% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mi.x )esign No: Wei Unit Weight: 1;30 pm 301 80250 1 S? ' ncf' ConcreteTemperature: 6ooF Test Date: 10/26/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 4 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5020 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duucan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havefst + Sheet I of 2 i',.,1''rI'.A- Koe$lein Consulting Enjneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite ttS. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6i78 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989.1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (e70)468-6s3e FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SILVEBTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 AVON (970) 949-6009 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location; Plaza Wall. East of Line C Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 3763 4.7% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 540F+ 2:35 pm 30165201 146.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 10126100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 2800 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. KOECHLE Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620.6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 7l Date: 10126100 Sheet: I of I vyearner Lonortrons and I emperature:Sunny,6ioF+ F;tift:li:l ff tJf :x3iJ:::ilTll.." *,,"*, *.* * "to project specifications. Locations: l. Planter Wails & Walkway Walls 2. Pour Strip at Line C 3. Pour Strip North of Lines G.5i3 (over the meciranical room) Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson, of the inspection results. Field Observer Uoples l'o: Kob Levme-Antlers, Kevln C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havckost-Havekost+Associares I ouue Kane William H. Koechlein, P.E.ffi Koeclpin Consulting EnqiSeers. Inc. Gonsulti ng Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) e4e-9223 FAX (970)468-6e3e FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SILVEFTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Proiect No: 00-060 AVON (s7o) 949-6oos Project: Location: The Antlers at Vail Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches 2054 3.0% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: llix Design No: Wet UnitWeight: R4OF+ 12:49 pm Ticket No: Air Content: 30165201 146.2 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: alll00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @.28 daYs Remarks: Age (Days)CylinderCo@ 3520 4t70 4',120 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C, Duncaj- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost * Sheet I of I Assoc. ! 28 28 KoeOlein Consulting Erf,ineers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 'Lakewood, CO 80229-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 AVON (970) 949.6009 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (e70)949-9223 FAX (e7O) 468_693e FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P, O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Unit 122 Retaining Wall at T ines G.5-IV5, Sample at lst Lift. Top Half Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Frc. Slump: 5.0 inches Ticket No: 2054 Air Content: 3.0% Mix Design No: 30165201 Wet Unit Weight: 146.2 pcf R4OF+ 12:4q pm ConcreteTemperature: 68"F Test Date: 9/1/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3520 cc: Rob Levine-,flntlers, Kevin c, Duncan- casson Building corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 28 28 \{ i! is \ q) CJo v F (E r'1 v).l- U \q)$ $r: N t\ ETE TT6'9 c o.tB FS H;E E ; i€E: A;;gsc{ E: €E.ftII EXE H.s: ].i E.r';hgf9f €lq;tc E;E5Ej F; HEEg EiFs€; Ei :::qT &i f9E!e ui ;EErEhr=E9*ilt E-8-3 1 It-,9E ".9E! =Szt.E...tLF{-e' E =t :l9F n? .: !!:-:El E.gEb'6, L3ai :e ;2i 5 EFEEp:EEd;<: =!EiE: EE-(r;: =:_aE-!tvFn an U) (/ 2 c) !'lt- >r o ll) P U + a it q)t U :lt t U c) e U t) (J ft q) P U l-r 6 -.: !1 E ^eE U o\ + oo ++oo .EESc 0v \c -r"l r-€c\ .i a.l a. '; * -:e o,00 ..t ocv h Es-:; E^.E.E E S: c ovcev oq oo oq oa oq q. ca .q cc € oo oo o<t =>r; >..; 6.=L=UFaie: ae a.l o9 cil oc c! oc at oq c! aq a.l 09 E €liE S,F E c\R + U z ac o144- +.E z cc O!z -a l- z c\ uv7s €.= a- iig ca.=Ni (.) il z N al.7s G U:4>3 ... .i b r'- o}4 i- .ENJ :z c..a\F-t-c\r-@ 9a F. Q o0 rl v.:43.jj <vo<>r:-v .\> c<t .9* r) A +l,* ; :. a Q V) tr .= =4.. E.Ez I F .U=-c =v'!r>c e€., ivaz.= at= = ^c=z =JE =t-e g5 ar--Eo.E:? tr ZZ oc t- ,."6 ::.ot/1 ;G .\= !=' rr> 2.4= CG ;li!r- =f .32 5: 9: t .>rAF .z -t 9'L;E 4'o'E! vE; eIF i.'ee =; E g: >c .5E'i; t s:-E i- 4 = !.9 E.E E.=.E: . gE .Erq e xt €oCA- b0 cJ o 'Ei!-:.qr<Drl (€{ a€ F! oi Gl=a ,,, x :iH # dd-uz >,.!€=€';46 ?s ?E c, lC9tr 50- kt .9rnE.i€:o) =:qd ovU!D :=E tat 1.cvu C t--cg-3Y =1i_Y C\(J oc \c -r-.?=v*tI xQ 3 r'i s*do F =t- . a+\a< a P iv :3 \ rr'l q.) v U) r) q) oo l: *\) *. s@rt {.)F .'i@:tt {,)F (l)l AE 36>E o0tr o.!cq) =+!^:i'irl o :t 0) tl.: o aP,96 t I L.9EE.9E- =Fztsq)ttt 6 t-A >r a)Etr !el.)F .g: iM l,KJ E€r!lEbItap Er. 2= Ei:d':I€il ": E:iiE,E =;;=:-*,:-r =di,vlrE trtr I rA 2 C,} th :lt o- O =oI (J E (J Ir (! o.:E;9=!,, : ^eE U oc c- 9- =-\o.: El e\a--cc \o rBeo8e n a\; c.l J E P-?; E-..E.E : S:0 0vc-v oq i oa ca =>r; >, '; a -=L=q)Ic!e 5 oc ..i a.l ac 5 €qSE S.F -l Jvt: vl v \cr I ./ 4., avB6 v.- ij r- !:z7s v.- = o}<B6 h.E t,z (\.,l oc €@ o0 'lJ Lt Q 6:??: <t >r..i! a)7r! a>.9* f \ A .1-l l.:. a) L) x a ; t ; v) .=,,z>c 28s?a F.< 3E C, --zz U z q) F cc 91 i-a c E 'lJE K;J :-: ^ t= :- !? c\ .g l= Fo 2.e, Cc =L-a..a .925E'g r.Av)F .9i :)?3A 9'-az ia etEeEie;g iE a EsiE r.E . EE'a7z Ee b 3: -e : 6.: E s.s Hr€ lit ;.sE 6.5 e - c E {oO\ al cJ q,'5 = et c-l: E ,c4;@t_l ai ag st !2i !, rq= ^ X o0 d, 'X 5i3Er! axiz >.,g_€=€'1)6 9,a . (')?zoco.)= H.9 rt" E:-r.= c,E.979.a r't := Sq.aE:_o >, octrl-l?_|^ .^ =Y=Aurs - Eic*-.o"lxO c! hp-ii; F'i-lr:, =,- . ?+;c-< ,i p :s \ rr1 C) €q) v tta ra .F r) a)\) a: { !J iE.9= 36Q.oE .?r:E6l!-.6o() 9E !;"d#6Ea) -- ; >;'..:; 3i== '=q 'wr;iio9F >t4 E 'x"- xb F; .: >= aa, ,?r (g c.);39 l- ii co --i kEE 9t-E6.') (r ;:- 2 F.noj .= t)hE ?d E.J al <-6 G L,:E=.:tr-=szc -4,83,aa .ElE '5 ?=.,F 6l ::.2e :E - tYl6 (-J =..:.: J.YL;9 96J .t- :? :.i 5:;iEp4'E ', ::z!F'--A "= b;;=EE.AEEi:-4--: =:-o5a.!vE ri7 T-1LJ IA I_J a a) 2 q) 0 * t O ft C) Q ll) E O ot U 0) a I It o P O U ftl G cl -.:tr :.'igE 3E (J +++ 9- .EESc 0v .rl c- oo.I r\c{ F- 6l @ .'E q-ac cc \N 09 ..t F,. t\ ct '] E t,! ==tr.E.E E S:ccv a o€ oq -oc oc oq oc oq€ . => = >" '; 6.=: = !F-:e 2. oq a\ oc ..i oc(\oc c.i oc c.l € 6i 09 a$ =Ca = 5=aE t,! H Y v? F o z I z ti z == O z N ::Z= z C.l fE=.-z= U (! .=F x-YZ= \c (r Z ti= o| o i) 'r- c = .- oc !0 iz oo €t-0c a€oo or c (! U a\ (J .*?.v <3d< >9, ,'l)7(nc<-i..;-o6 ut> I.:. r+ ^ F U) E O x t/) o\ nh '.< trF€(/) F3 95L'i 2-'=:.>;- i.;29, j.: i t/t a) :--;- qJ .9, = =t>e a i3SAE -61 !6cr< 3E =EE:iE; '=c..:: ==F= R>CFc=->yd=E --Ec.a =-v:,-t- Ebb .9zz !!:= ':'i a, G,644A(,FF .2i z'. !4, gr6.Er -h,cE E T.EE?E E=; 5*E . EE.a= 9 3:-: :E:Epii 6.; € i.z !p.9 E +F8 56 4 a c 3+ *oct\ .n o q, 'El E .E ,8I-rqDFl tli sg FEfl Ei 5iH f! z >..!+=€.:a6 uut Etr ?trcr lc9tr ar- !i' .9 == =c) =-?=riovi,J b! := Eth 1-?;\, >, ooE t-- ?\c-A (roo\o f\- - Er:*;.-., " -, A:'€ Y ca iiH*do E =t- . a-;-,a.< 6 KOECELEIN coNSI]LTING ENcINEEFS, nvC. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 t IReport#: 59 Date: 9/8/A0 Shee0 4of 4 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy,69oF+ Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as requested to inspect rebar placement at Lines N4-4.7 and at B.8/3-3.6. Specifications indicate that #5's be placed 12" on-center. Inspection ofplacement conesponds with the drawings. Some spacing was off by an inch or two, but given the general consistency of the placernen! this area passed inspection. Verbal Communication; Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost*. Aisociates Chris Gosling William H. Koechlein, P.E.wField Observer il:! v =s\ \ s R o0 hJ *qJ :r tll (.) C)() v v) C) !r- {oi e/ I 9.9i : sl €Et E '.= i s!i i FiE.:Pi z giEHE '. i4 F\ (O E oi -> ilelHi : ,Eit;Ei g F{E>Pi € EirEsi ; Ais*ii : i.e;Fi F t:'rE{ .= = ;= 4 oi E; l;:€.ir E i l; ! $ iE 9I iEgEiEsE dipsE iAEl" E Fi+r€igE!i!llg: 3EE! g if U,iE iFFE.EFi!.E.=E:- - ca v - .x' E: 9;X! trnii s E Fi--.,,----"----,-"-.-"1------,-,,-,---,---,-- ti ,- --ig r:;i tai 9 =;v1E ::;g .z -i , i- *a.. E! '3 a c;--> iz 'r !.e-9 a I =:::;g:;: i ! i&ezIi:;.E P !'6E >E:i::= :: .- = 9 iE E s ii*:=€;z a a E:i=+ I ,E= E i ;:EeE:i a s :i.iE!9 ,-= ?.2 iE.r€ j ::? 9;;_- F A; :e.vzi:fEgI '- !- .9. = =vj>a 2a! u.Ei€ !,- ?= -:i==zz '! t:. o .,:/ i- a! '=4 trEr- 7e zE =A--G(il-l U t- t- zz F- F. at) :lt e (J It P U XP a r.Ic:t; ^98(J €o\ + EESc cv n F- lEQ*a5 € ,.i s -i$ ts -1 Es,- .=.EES =ocv =>r; >.'= c .=L:()Srie 6 m od =5 €eib r,p l&' il).9 q) '-J ;z a- o\q o0 1, {) '51 =q)al: € ,a,i;1 ra ri E, Gl (,) e €lbs €h;:E*e ^Il€ Ho;{; vt -,tz jl:=i,friF!, 5 rrr F{ \ !,- z >, ,!€€E':=A 2v, ?t(,bt rl- .-\ U rrC:=.=u =6)ZE ev Jb0 'i= ==Eh :,Q'Z ') = t-- Ya{OP.c -avibl xO a! b*; '-, a^ A !.i-\J:J ++r.< '; Koechfin Consulting engtffers' Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy ' Suite tl5' Lakewood' CO 80228'2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) s89-0204 FAX AVON (970) 949-6ooe (970) 949-9223 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMiV{ARY OF CONCR.ETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antiers at Vail Location: Upper Parking I evel .A,pron Footin&Sample at Lines J.5;4. 1't Lift Total Cubic Yards: 8 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: r? S3 5.4% Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: TgcF+ )'l) ntn ?n165?nl 147 q tcf ConcreteTemperature: 7.1'F Test Date: 9/13100 Design Strength: 4500 psi @ 28 days Remarks; Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4015 5430 5350 tcbi"ito{ LeVine-.+nilen, Kevin C. ouncan-tciid6n buildinf Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost t c:Eheet 1 of I ' : Assoc, " / -l Air Temp erature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days) 28 28 :4, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga i n nerga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 6l Date: 9113/00 Sheet: 1of I Weather Conditions and Temperature: Sunny, 56o- 70oF+ Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct rebar inspections for the upper parking level apron footings and the plaza level girders over the banquet area. The upper parking level footings on Lines J/3 and J.5/4 required 20 #6 x 8'6" each way on the bottom. 2 #5 cont. with 12" o.c. on Lines G.7-J13, G.'7-J.5/4, and J.514-5, The plaza level girders were missing the 5 #11 top in addition to 7 #8 F.L. on top on Line D-E.213. Inspection results indicate that the upper parking level apron footings have met project specifications. The plaza level girder area has failed project specifications and will need to be reinspected prior to concrete placement. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates Don Sneed William H. Koechlein. P.E. Field Observer Reviewed By Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Parking I evel Atron F'ooting. Samlle at Lines J.5/4. l st T ift (303) s89.0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX i,i't:,.,i -, ror?nlein Consulting ---: rdi:-'' "--. ' ii ' -o. rEngtneers, Inc. AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches Ticket No: 2353 Air Content: 5.4% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: ? qoF+ 1.41 nrn 30165201 147.8 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 74oF Test Date: 9ll3l00 Design Strength: 4500 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Da-vs) 7 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 4015 cc: Rob Le\/ine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 1 of I Assoc. ro"?nlein consutting erllineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Sulte 1 35 . Lakewood , CO 80228-2845 lnrewoool (303) e89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON (970) 949-600s (970) 949-9223 FAX SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX ProjectNo: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza T.evel Girders. Sample at Lines B-C/6. Fottom Half Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 8.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 9ll4l00 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: | | - l''1- 8:15 am Ticket No: Air Content: )715 2.3% 5749 Unkno*n Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initiai 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days) 58 8910 7B 7\\; 28B 288 28W cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 8910 Sheet 1 of4 Koec[in Consulting EngCeers' Inc' Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Pkwy . Suite tt 5' Lakewood' CO 80228'2845 SILVERTHOHNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 AVON (970) s4e-600e (970) 949-e223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Girders, Sample at Lines B-C/6. Bottom Half Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 8.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 9114100 Ticket No: 2379 Air Content: 2.3% NIix Design No: Wet UnitWeight: 5'799 Unknown Air Tanperature: 7loF* TimeTestTaken: 8:15 am Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cwe in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 8910 9820 28W 11630288 1089028B 10950 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of4 Assoc. Age (Days) Koechfin Consulting Eng tl""tt' lnc,' Consu-lting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Pkwy . Suite 115' Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 SILVERTHORNE (e7o)468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 94e-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Girders. Sample at Lines B-C/6, Top Half Total Cubic Yards: 13 Supplier: B&B Fxc. Slump: 5.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 69oF Test Date: 9ll4l00 Ticket No: 2-?83 Air Content: 1.4% Mix DesigrNo: Wet Unit Weight: O.? ? qtn s894-9 14q.0 pcf Air Tenp erature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B-- Initial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Stength (psi)Age (Days) 5B 7W 28W 288 288 5490 7095 8180 7150 7090 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Qorp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 4 Assoc. - | ' Koechljn Consulting EnSi5ters, Inc' Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Pkwy . Suite 115' Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 SILVERTHOBNE (970) 468-6933 (e7o) 468-6e39 FAX Project No: 00-060 AVON (970) e49-6ooe (970) e49-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMNIARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Girders. Samole at Lines A/5-6 Total Cubic Yards: l2A Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.5 inches Concrete Temperature: 7 4cF Test Date: 9/14100 Age (Days) --7W 28W 288 288 Ticket No: 2412 Air Content: 1.5% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: Rl OF+ 1:28 pm 58q4-9 | 48.8 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5940 7060 8890 7410 7520 cc: Rob l4Vine-Antlen, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc, Sheet 3 of4 Koec$in Consulting Eng11""t"' Inc' Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 (303) e89-0204 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza I evel Girders. Sample at Lines C.7/2-3 and C.7-Di2 Pkwy . Suite 115' Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 SILVEBTHOFNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX Total Cubic Yards: 84 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 78oF Test Date: 9/14100 5B 7W 28W 288 28B Ticket No: 2418 Air Content: 1.2% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 5894-9 14q.4 pcf Air Temperature: 83oFi Time Test Taken: 2:24 gm Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in rvater tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 6300 6790 9r80 7230 7690 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 4 of 4 Assoc. xoetlein consutting eflin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Sulte 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 Srr-vEntxonrue (e70)468-6933 Project No: 00-060 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 98e.0204 FAX AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The -A.ntlers at Vail Location: Plaza Girders. Sample at Lines B-C/6, Top Half Total Cubic Yards: 13 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 69oF Test Date: 9114100 5B IE 7W 288 288 28W Ticket No: 2383 Air Content: 1.4% Mix DesignNo: Wet UnitWeight: ?loF+ 5894-9 149.0 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in ooen box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5490 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 4 Assoc. Age (Da1's) Ko o ech lein Consulting Engineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) e8e-1223 (e70) e49-6009 (970)468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970)949-9223 FAX (s70)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Girders. Sample at Lines A"i5-6 Proiect No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: f20 Suppiier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.5 inches ConcreteTemperarure: 74"F Test Date: 9/14/00 Age (Days) 5B tb 7W 288 288 28W Ticket No: 2412 Air Content: 1.5o/o Mix Design No: 5894-9 Wet Unit Weight: 148.8 pcf R?OF+ I .1R nrn Air Ternperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= initial 24 hour cure in ooen box. W- Initial24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5940 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost - Sheet 3 of 4 Assoc. ro"lrrein Consulting enlin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12964 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood; CO 80228-2845 i! LAKEWOOD (303) 98s-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 94e-e223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX ProjectNo: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P, O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Girders. Sample at Lines C.7/2-3 and C.7-Dl2 Total Cubic Yards: 84 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump; 6.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 78oF Test Date: 9/14100 Age (Days) 5B IE 7W 288 288 28W AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Ticket No: 2418 Air Content: 1.2% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: R? OF+ 2:29 pm 5894-q 14o.4 pcf Air Temperarure: Time Test Taken: Desigr Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 dai's Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box. W- Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 6300 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekosl- Havekost + Sheet 4 of 4 Assoc. CoNSULTING ENGTNEERS, rNC. To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Report of Construction Activities Job No. 00-060 I R6port #: 62 Date: 9ll4l00 Sheet: I of I Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, T0oFt Copies To I Rob Le\:ine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates Field Observer William H. Koechlein. P.E. Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as requested to conduct rebar reinspections for the plaza level girders over the banquet area on Lines D-8.2/3. The missing 5 #11 rebar at the top were placed below the top 7 #8 rebar. Inspection results indicate that the plaza level girders have met project specifications. Yerbal Communication: xoelhein Consutting rn? Consulting Geotech nical ineers, Inc. Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 AVON (e70) e4e-6009 (303) 98e-0204 FAX (e7o) s49-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Girders, Sample at Lines B-C/6, Bottom Half Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 8.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: oll4l00 5B 7W 288 288 28W Ticket No: 237q Air Content: 23% SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 (e70) 468-6939 FAX ProjectNo: 00-060 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 7l oF+ R'l i nm 57qq Unknown Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in warer tanli Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 891 0 9820 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekosr + Sheet I of 4 Assoc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pktry. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (e70) 949-6009 (e70) s49-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Piaza Girders. Sample ar Lines B-C/6. Top Half 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) s89-1223 (303) 98e-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (e70)468-6e33 ProjectNo: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 13 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 69oF Test Date: ol14/00 Age (Days)--s-- 7\r 288 288 28W Ticket No: ?33j Air Content: 1.4% Mix Design No: Wet UnitWeight: 7l oF+ Q'? 1 arn 5894-q 149.0 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W: Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5490 '7094 cc: Rob LeVine-Antiers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 4 Assoc. ro"tlein Consulting efiin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEW..D AroN 'TLVERTH.RNE(303) s8s-1223 (s70) e49-6009 (970) 468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (e70) e49-s223 FAX (s7O) 468-693e FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Girders, Sample at Lines 415-6 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: J29 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: s894-9 148.8 pcf aAla13J-& 1.5% ConcreteTemperature: 74"F Test Date: 9114100 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Air Temperature: 83oF: Time Test Taken: 1:28 pm Remarks: B-- Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initral 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days)Cr'linder Compressive Strength (psi) 5B 7Ut 288 288 28W cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.: Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 3 of 4 Assoc. 5940 7060 xoeilrein Consulting efiin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80229-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (e70) e4e-9223 FAX (s70) 468-693s FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location; Plaza T evel Girders. Samnle at Lines C.7/2-3 and C.7-I'r/2 I 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) s89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 84 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 78oF Test Date: ol14l00 Ticket No: 2418 Air Content: 1.2% Mix Design No: 58q4-9 Wet Unit Weight: 149.4pcf Air Temperature: 83'Ft Time Tesi Taken: 2:29 pm Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= lnitial 24 hour cure in open box, w- Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5B 7W 288 28B 28W cci Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 4 of 4 Assoc. 6300 6790 KOECHLE'CONSULTING EI{GINEM, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Job No. 00-060 Date: 9/21/00 Report #: 63 Revised: 10/l l/00 Sheet: I of I Proiect: The Antlers at Vail Verbal Communication: Paul, with Casson, was informed of the discrepancies, A copy of the report was left in the office #302. Coples To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson B Wi[iam H. Koechlein, P.E. Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy rvith Rain, 54oF+ Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct rebar inspections for the upper level parking apron foundation walls. The walls required #5 @ 12" o.c. each rvay with 2 #5 @ top on Lines G.3-L3/4 and J.5/4-5. 2 #5 cont. @ top with #5 @ 12* each way on Lines G.3-J.3/3. 2 #5 top and boiioiri ri'ith #5 @ 12" vertical and #5 @28" horizontal on Lines J/3-5. The 2 #5 cont. @ bottom were missing in the wall on Line J/3-5. Inspection results indicate that at Line Ji3-5 the wall has failed to meet project specifications, The remaining walls meet project specifications. KOECHLUNCON Repofi of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga if nerga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report#: 63 Date: 9/21/00 Sheet: I of I Weather Conditions and Temperature: Cloudy wi6nain, S+.ft Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct rebar inspections for the upper level parking apron foundationwalls. Thewallsrequired#5@12- o.c. eachwaywith 2#5@toponLines G.3-J.3l4andJ.5/4-5. 2 #5 cont. @ top and bottom with #5 @ 72" eacn way on Lines G.3-J.3 /3. 2 #5 top and bottom with #5 @ 12" vertical and #5 @ 28" horizontal on Lines J/3-5. The 2 #5 cont. @ bottom were missing in the walls on Lines J/3-5 and G'3-J/3. Inspection results indicate that these two walls have failed to meet project specifications, Verbal Communication: Paul, with Casson, was informed of the discrepancies. A copy of the report was left in the office #302. Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers,Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost*Associates Don Sneed Field Observer \\rilliam H. Koechlein, P.E. Reviewed By KoeOlein Consulting enlneers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 1L5. Lakewood, CO g0229-2945 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (e7c) 468-6s3e FAX Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TESTRESUI.TS AVQN (970) 949-600s SI:VERTHORNE (;170) 4rj8-6933 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upfer Parkin&Level A$on Foundation Walls. Sample at T ines J.514-5 and J-J.5i4 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.25 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 2601 35% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: 5794-FA Wet Unit Weight: 145.2 pcf 6RoF-r- 1l:58 am ConcreteTemperature: 63oF Test Date: q/22100 Design Strength: 4500 psi r@ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 3590 5040 4490 ' '. :.- :: cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Ha.,ekost + Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 28 28 S'tieet I of I Assoc, 'i.':i KOECHLE CONSULTING ENGINE ,INC. Report of Construction Activities Job No. 00-060 Report #: 64 Date: 9/22/00 Revised: l0/11/00 Sheefi l of I Project: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 The Antlers at Vail Verbal Communication: Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy, 65oF* Construction Acrivities/O bservations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct a rebar inspection for the upper parking level apron foundation wall. Field engineer inspected the wall to confirm that the 2 #5 cont. rvere intact on the bottom. Inspection results indicate that the rebar has met project specifications on Lines Ji3-5. Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson ii Field Observer William H. Koechlein. P.E. KoE c HLEII( c o NsuL, rtt'l c@ Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 IReport#: 64 Date: 9/22/00 Sheet: I of I Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy, 65oF+ Construction Activities/Observitions. Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct a rebar iaspection for the upper parking level apron foundation walls. Field engineer inspected the walls to confirm that the 2 #5 cont. were intact on the bottom. Inspection results indicate that the rebar has met project specifications on Lines J/3-5, but not Lines G.3-Jl3 and J.5/4-5 as renorted on9/21100. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Rob Le\/ine-Antlers, Kevin C. D Don Sneed $tilliam H. Koechlein, P.E. Reviewed ByField Observer Koecl[ein Consulti^: E^Sters !nc. ConsUlting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy o Suite 115' Lakewood' CO 80228'2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SIL\/ERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (970) 94e-600s (970) 468-6e33 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-61i8 Proiect No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Prqect: Location: The Antlers at Vail Total Cubic Yards: E Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.25 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 2601 35% llix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 6RoF-r 11:58 am {7q4-F'A 145.2 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 63oF Test Date: 9122100 Design Strength: 4500 psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)CylinderCo@ 3590 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost' Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 28 28 @ULTrNcrNcrNnrI,INc. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Projecl The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 65 Date: 9127100 Sheeil | of 2 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny,68oFt Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as requested to conduct a rebar inspection for the corbel addition and the plaza level girders. The corbel that was added to the column on Line C.5/5 is on an addition to the structural specifications. Field engineer also inspected the girders on Gridlines G-G.3/3, Gl3-4, G-G.514, G.3/4-5, and G.3-G.5i5. There was additional rebar required at the intersection of Lines Gi3. Inspection results indicate that the rebar placement has met project specifications. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-HavekostfAssoclates Don Sneed Field Observer William H. Koechlein, P.E. Reviewed Bv I .'i \ ;e =. q) bo i ;r ltl o I{) a I E i !: > :'lzi?-c O9 u= :=i.: XD L z ei).: r..:-3 .!.ii .=l- .:'t F. :iY.2i a;= 2=t !?= .9 .9 I K'l T-Lal u g-€3 t= et2'i aa -9 )->'J =- ^- ci 8.9,t== c!=r: a t U 9- () - (f € 9.: :'! e?:')= U t'- P- .EE;i € co @ ?'z t C.t - FJ tr i:2=d^.E.EES =ocvce- o9 oo oq @ e :>. E >r '-_ r-t: ! ,-e € c.l oq c.l @ ai aa C^ ; L: {,do;,y lrl +l 'rl .'l c- J \o J * Fl I EE \o F-o\ O 50 Q () O qv ^94a36.sl =o<8 15<g+ >R\lz =l!e,l o6r-. l4roah>rD Cl 90 .2i l-E 'a9.b grE =; 991n:3,; s g.EEzZ.^1 : .9 E i! E= it .EBii :€E.l= g S-s I 8E.t -o'.I'TF EEE 5Et -F !9 .c:a 2.2 H:{ ESE; s.E .EEE 3€ g i: 3 2 I 3J E"i =t^> ''J 9.:l E.= (tl' a c-q = ;Y (,n p H€>o SPAE{i !,- i9EEz> ,2'.:.= =)c'is= ;'i.= F1.EH=+.E-Ai -II\J9,-,- Fbb v,Etau=.9ZZ Gt:=€ii,- q, {l tuhe(,)FF +i co F v) O a |9 3..r =i= !x^: t 'J 251 E!!.ag it :O qJr = fl{ s I CJI Y GI=a- -r, x = .l =l ^t- ^r- 'Jiz:i *t= =:I)<> irEz >. ,g5=€- =EA ?s, ai)2.='J tO2a :!- rn Ei ==.= (.):g-o-t Q) = ri u30 ':'i ;;=+2:-a ^: r,, qFcl r-. 6XOK9 E-;,. E\o-&l xO.J oo : !,/ CQ 6*;rro I*Lp.< 6t- foeerlein Gonsulting EQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 90229-2g45 LAKEWOOD (303) s8e-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970)468-693s FAX(303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949_9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Plaza Level Girders. Sample at Lines G.3-G.5i5- G.3/4-5. and G-G.3/4 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches Ticket No: 2735 Air Content: 1.6% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 16"Ft 5894-9 149.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 66oF Test Date: a/28100 Design Strength: 6000 osi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4850 7010 7280 Icc: Rob Lcvine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost ! Sheet I of I Assoc, rOEcttlEIlcoNsuLTING ENGINEnIF, INc. Reoort of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report#: 66 Date: 9/28/00 Sheet: l of I Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, T6oFt Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct a rebar inspection for the plaza level girder on Line D.3- E.6/2. The girder required 3 #l I F.L. on top and 4 #9 F.L. on the bottoiri, #4 ties @ 12"o.c. between Lines D.6 &8,#4 ties @ 6" o.c. benveen Lines E & E.3, and #4 ties @24" o.c. between Lines E.3 & E.6. Inspection results indicate that the rebar has met project specifications. Verbal Communication: .Duncan-CassonBuildingCorporation,Dan[Iavekost.Havekost+Associates Don Sneed William H. Koechlein, P.E. Reviewed ByField Observer xoec?rein consulting rn!|neers' lnc' Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy ' Suite 115' Lakewood' CO 80228'2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX SIT.VEBTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (sos) geg'ozo+ rRx Jack Berga JT Berga and ComPanY P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SI-:M.\..I ARY OF C ONCRETE TE SILEI--U LTS ProJect: Location: Total Cubic Yards: & SupPlier: B&R Exc'Ticket No: Air Content: )175 1,6% Air TemPerature: Time Test Taken: Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: 76'Ft l'.22Pm 58q4-9 149.0 Pcf Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemPerature: 66oF Test Date: 9128100 Design Strength: 6000 Psi @ ?8 daYs Remarks: Aee (DaYs) ,in C. prnc--fasson Building Corp'; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I 28 28 The Antlers at Vaii Cylinder CogP*ot"n" Stttngth (pd) KoeOlein Consulting erQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 12364W. Alameda I-AKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHOBNE (e70) 468-6e33 Proiect No: 00-060 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: West Retaining Wall Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches 1152 5.0% Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: 74"Ft 1:30 pm 30165201 143.3 pcf Air Temperature: Time TestTaken: ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 8/l/00 Design Strength: 4000 Psi @ 28 da:rs Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building CorP.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet t $ t Assoc. 3020 r..? ;e :: { o a lat_'-l: il=al=.1lzif-'2lrals5tiAI'l-i 2l=.=li,l-l.s E a l4rl J -l,ii I,=Ll,Ei I € ':t+ |.gEE Iri'Jq-l'g E g 3l?-:i:;l:liaglE-;<;1:::lil- -:/a::l;iF:,':.?lEtr ADI l(-| !o ro=I F;| =,t- cvt= I -l!q=t==;l'J '-la? =ls ! F t? = =lt5 g tr- i,.=l= I x l9-:t; ? 1 .: J "€=j 'r .3.FET 5E F :! = ,9:.i ?; -jg X.24i':l.F6 !l 3 o':?:-3'a'z ?" n'a- tr=il i5 n*:'5 s dsE€ 'J) a O + ..) c O r.l 'J=!: --j Q 5 cc .EESa ov \ ilE? -:v- t-- .\l (\l (\t -==E^.i.E E s =9Cvczt' cc ao € .d ao oo :>r = >.-.: e :a.i-e oo c.i 0c (\T oq e.l E OaErEEto;.9 a \ GI r:. a) r.- FJ (\ ,.1 Ee \o litx IEtx (.) ri {)Y F o q Fot) O qc- q) U) O cn !! -'Z 'ro :t.o': .. oQO =aJ a- ,? EE>o: UHAEi:E;i:E€ E2 z t9 F x l. 2 z qt €) F l.c le t>l-lu) I< t;t U) oo z{ U rl o I:EE IE;E t3 E;le{ I l5:E lE si IE E E lH e-g-': -*;t.'E c g:E EIE U€ts :its E;EB ;.E e g €Te;;'iE!c+!r ; E€3:- o 'E{E E EE!I E E.E 9 d9 ..! Hi€{ FgF:EF{S <c 9 u'5 =e?l-{ € .-Jtru)-: ill!c> _.:t =J):l -c xgi€ i:x .,: = i: ./ vii:l;oJ=3 -=l t'=-ic r- q.l (4F2 ic4-uz >,.!IE€'4 a'i ')s ?E iJ o!'), c 30- 31 .g ^ai=..- rJ =€JE:4A- r!ovug0 ;= =0?-o;v qFGtr3eFoirQ:=6$Iio,J 'O; \Jc! b* lrrog-;\a< eiF Xoefilein Consulting enlneers, Inc, Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Afameda Pkwy. Suite 13S. Lakewood,CO AO22g-Zg4S LAKEWOOD (303) e8e-1223 (303) s8e-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6i78 SUMMARY OF CCN'Ci<fi E..iES'i RE-:''U L I'S SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-050 AVON (970) 949.6009 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: West Retaining Wall Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches tr52 5.0o/o Ticket No: Air Content: Mix Desigl No: Wet Unit Weight: 74aF+ l:30 pm 30165201 143.3 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 8/1100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) ,, 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3020 3900 4020 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevil C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. v :: ':+i q) .J q) 8,4 3> -J 9: i]L .- 4., r :i: =aJ=o .: ;i 3e at= .JO ?dl<: t.ri ':r 5c. .9:o3 Q? ?? =; i = -:? 1)3:= lalx t- =I :I t!:,t 3a c !!=3 =5r!rz?r<)l'.'' i^ -32?:=i)- i!I.: :r =-IMl t ta.) 2 : .,1,=-r-!':'i > :.,ea: F:i:2; E =EEEei'z i;x<r1-r!::E: !;-a='_ =:_o =D An CA 3,' 2 e,3 v) at t (-) 2 =U r.: 9:v: ^c' E co .EESc ov \f, i'E I t:{- n E!; .:.E E S: a cvc-v cc oo n€ E", = >..; c:ai.3 oo c.i oq C\ =E 3^= =::f 5 s.g c.l C.l ,l cl v 9 c: c!v 5 -oAi,z F.€ ti ti IF ldtl0 lo I o ri .0tX ?, t) o F0qJ r\ -l'l o.' F- o .A EF Iii c) EE>o E!isAE -6t !9.< vo d{t-o =riE!a2; I ol I J F C.l !! 2 z a! a,lE tc\t.a t>I- IU)l<ItxlzI?Itrla ta t.:lo\t0cto\ E{ a Q 5 t: €) ,') ls ;: IE iJ l9s; l5::- lE s.:le; I li c€ t* ;3| .;o t3:*lgE 3l4e-el--E >.I=5!t : H g€ .E d -- ,c:, I -= iii$;51! €: e; Eiit ; EEEi- o t E{E S fEis :3 EE 33c -€ta 9.2 E r€€ ,AE SE sifi =- !c- ", (J5l =tajIa,ul ..1rl --. Ol = - .q:l q- =i= sl!> -E;i ;:J -t4 - '' d ;;=l i! ^'- \r -;vl -=-- -.-=o7= =EEliii z >,.,3.:=i';:i '!p ^q)2.=i, 3D.2tr i0- tt .g?!=== =E-o2Q) U3D == =4,!a1-aJe FI3eFo5eo$ -I--- EG-l-n'e-AfsAx,J IO: \J!l bH;urnAIElv y +-to.< 5h 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P, O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Total Cubic Yards: I Suppiier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches Ticket No: 1175 Air Content: 5.0% lvlix Design No: wet unir weight: 7 50F+ 1:40 pm 30165201 143.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 72"F Test Date: 8/2/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Stength (psi) 3040 cc: Rob LeVine'Antlers, Kevin c. Duncan- casson nui-ldhg corp'; Dan Havekost- Havckost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 28 28 Xoeillein Consulting Enlneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Phrvy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON SILVERTHORNE (e7o) 94e-6oos (970) 468-6933 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Next to F.risting Wall. Relow Gear Roxes- Lines D/7- Garage I evel Rii,'rrr. Koecllein Consulting EnSireers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) e4s-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 F.ULDIG TSST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Next to Existing Wall, Relow Gear Boxes- Lines D/7- Garage Level Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 72oF Test Date: 8/2100 Age (Days) 7 28 28 56 Ticket No: i 175 Air Content: 5.0% llix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: l:40 pm 301 65201 143.4 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: compressive strength failed to meet project specifications at 28 days. Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3040 37 55 3645 4440 Cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp,; Dan l?vekost- Havekost + Assoc, Sheet I of I . :il . i -.. ''-{-.'::-r,'-. foeclftein Consulting enfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO g022g-2g45 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 98e-0204 FAX (e70) 94e-9223 FAX (e7o) 46S-6e39 FAX Project No: 00-060 ANLING 15ST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project: The Antiers at Vail Location: Next to Existing Wall, Below Gear Boxes- Lines D/7- Garage Level Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&F Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperafure: 72"F Test Date: 8/2100 Age (Days) 28 28 H Ticket No: ll'75 Air Content: 5.0% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: l:40 En Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications at 28 days. Air Ternperature: Time Test Taken: ?016s?ol 143.4 pcf eet I ofl Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3040 3755 3645 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. \l $ t + +. ::Y =Q23 i?5lo 'E .>,= :li zr, ...l } =!.::= =A5e>= -.2:za .d= €; .JO€oA< l1) t: t> z E crl 9 :0 L.2=7.3 =!rza -9l, .l' - -e..l= =.=9-.sE =-:MrV) ? EJ.= r. 'i! o. f-55 r3;;i; 24 Z j:xa-r-- "=::IEE.=,--l---a--._ :==?= E€\'<f-] |vl r--')L-J IAJ L_I o .., 2 2 'tt P (.) = (J t U 2 r.l e= :J: AE U oo 9J .EESo ov t-cl q r.E €^-X--o\ a.l og .it .r; EP- ==i.^.E.E E S = o 3v5EU € od 00 oo @ cd =>r; >.;ci 4.i.3 e6|e c1 € oi 4 .9c-r5E-E 'Il (.)9c Y{Nl v.) .1 s sF- ,1 ...l ..1 E,I €,2 s g I.ll5 lL IQ l:ot5 l€tq I ri q)va?HT <2c!< >2.lr H tula)7(rl&.i ^al-;4r!) ai (t _!: €90 +i "1. ooc F 'U) U a *:QEZ>4-c =it5"ij 'i brri.:oc'EzE;iz ,rfsF 6t= -i';fr'EgE)Enoa])a'i .5j-2.. E 15= F€r.rl-Fco2! !uH"H = == EE = lati3 EEEEF F# E E l.cl5IY l> t?tit- tr! Itl^t- lrc l' E s O t: {) v) IE;E t€:5 I:IE l* -'* : l*5fr lE; €lit ",. lE!fle |;;EE l;.E I I €T?E;iE€: t€i; Ets.Ei- o ! E{E: !EIi :E E.E 1 f,I ':o= 2.9 t i€{ ffiii .. . '..:: €; ?o- 50 9 cr.5 ,:: = ,-aii 3a c.l '1 r€=s- g> EIJ- Colrd=A oX =.:=t hviz:t=E =EE<> iaE ! a5;a6 2t ^q)?tr 9l!2e 3D- tsl .9qt= == =!trE2C)E rl3v9go 3E2to(Jtr:-c\: lJ trc\Clt r39F6_v 6lu99\o - Eto-*T xQO 50; \J QQ bH;rro Isqd< .6 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989.1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970)468.6933 JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Test #l at R&B Excavating Plant, Truck No. 1 Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 2.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 77oF Test Date: 813/00 Age (Days) J ) ta Ticket No: Not Provided Air Content: 1.4% Mix Desiga No: Not Provided Wet Unit Weighr 148.8 pcf 80"F= Approx.4pm Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: No Plasticiser added; I't 24 hrs. cured in box, no access provided to water tank Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength lpsi) 4690 4810 5295 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of3Assoc. I roeihein Consulting efiineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Plcwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (e70) 949-600e (e70) 949-9223 FAX (s70) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 ,i,.,irli.r,., ,i,.. ,,. ." ;i. ir$ry'tr:";,1 ' roettein Consulting enlineers, Inc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers Phrvy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (e70) 949-600e (970) 949-e223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Test #2 at B&B Excavatin&Plant. Truck No. 2 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches ConcreteTunperarure: 78oF Test Date: 8/3/00 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Not Provided Wet Unit Weight: 148.4 pcf RNOF+ Approx.4pm Ticket No: Air Content: Not Provided t.6% Desiga Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Sampled prior to adding plasticiser; l't 24 hrs. cured in box, no access provided to water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Sfrength (psi) J ) 28 3410 3850 4080 I cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 3 Assoc, 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303)989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 78oF Test Date: 8/3100 Age (Days) ) 1 28 Ticket No: Not Provided Air Content: 1.3% Mix Design No: Not Provided Wet Unit Weight: 144.4 pcf Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Sampled after adding plasticiser, l" 24 hrs. cured in box, no access provided to water tank Air Temperature: 80"Ft Time Test Taken: Approx. 4ptn Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3970 4470 4440 cc: Rob Levine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 3 of 3 Assoc. roetlein Consulting erlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) e49-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O, Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Test #3 at B&B Excavating Plant- Truck No. 2 Koeclein Consultinq Enlneers. Inc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (s70)949-e223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 AVON (s70) 949-600s SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Test #l at B&B Excavating PlantJruck No. I Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 2.75 inches ConcreteTemperature:'17"F Test Date: 8/3/00 Ticket No: Not Provided Air Content: 1A% Mix Design No: Not Provided Wet Unit Weight: 148.8 pcf ROOF+ Approx.4pm Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: No Plasticiser added: l" 24 hrs. cured in box. no access provided to water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5 7 28 4690 4810 s295 6335 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havckost- Havekost + Sheet I of 3 Assoc.I 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) e89-0204 FAX Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 78'F Test Date: 813100 Design Strength: 6000 psi @.28 days Ticket No: Not Provided Air Content: 1.6% Mix Design No: Not Provided wet unir weight: 148.4 pcf Air Temperature: 80oFt Time Test Taken: Approx. 4pm Remarks: Sampled prior to adding plasticiser; 1" 24 hrs. cured in box, no access provided to water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Stength (psi) 3410 38s0 4080 5480 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlen, Kevin C, Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 3 Assoc. f, 7 )R roeclftein Consulting enfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (s70) 468-693e FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Test #2 at B&B Excavating Plant, Truck No. 2 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Koeclein Consulting enlfneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Test #3 at B&B Excavating Plant. Truck No. 2 (303) e89-0204 FAX (970) 949-e223 FAX (e70) 468-6939 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 AVON (970) 949-6009 Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: R&B Exc. Slump: 6.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 78oF Test Date: 8/3/00 Age (Days) J ) 7 28 Ticket No: Not Provided Air Content: 1.3% Mix Design No: Not Provided Wet Unit Weight: 144.4 pcf 800Ft Approx.4pm Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Sampled after adding plasticiser, l't 24 hrs. cured in box, no access provided to water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3970 4470 4440 5805 Icc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C, Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost -'5 Sheet 3 of 3 Assoc. i.F..t;:.:. ,: .:: .'. roefitein Consulting enlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 90229-2945 AVON (970) 94e-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Elevator Core. Sample Taken Before Placement SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Project No: 00-060 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 98e.0204 FAX Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 0.5 inches Ticket No: I2l0 Air Content: 4.0% Mix Design No: wet unit weight; 76"FX 9:15 am 5894 148..1pcf ConcreteTemperature: 75oF Test Date: 8/3/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Tanperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sleet t of 2 Assoc. 4950 6320 6250 7 28 28 KoeQlein Consulting EnJneers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2945 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) e89.1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6e33 Prqect No: 00-060 AVON (970) 94s-6009 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Flevator Core, Line Fi2.5 Total Cubic Yards: l0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 2.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 1210 3.9o/o Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 760F+ Q:45 am 58q4 148.2 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 74oF Test Date: 813/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 4920 5895 5765 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corn.; Dan Havelost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. Koeclein Consulting Enfireers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 8022g-2g45 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 STA4MARY OF CONCRETE TBST RF,SULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: trlevator Core. Sample Taken Before Placement LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468.6e33 (e70)468-693e FAX Project No: 00-060 Totai Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 0.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: l2l0 4.0% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: '76"F! 9:15 am 5894 148.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 75oF Test Date: 8/3100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken; Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4950 6320 6250 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. 28 28 - Sheet I of2 Koeclein Consulting Enfneers, Inc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood , CO BO221-ZB4S (303) e89-0204 FAX (970) e49-9223 FAX (970) 468_6s39 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 98s-1223 AVON (s70) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUM]VIARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Projecl The Antlers at Vaii Location: F.levator Core. Line Fi2.5 Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Fxc. Slump: 2.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: 5894 148.2 pcf l2t0 3S% ConcreteTemperature: 74"F Test Date: 813100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) ', 28 28 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: l AOF+ Q:45 am 4920 5895 5765 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havlkost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. XoeCtein Consulting Efineers, Inc. Consulting Ge rtechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 (303) 989.0204 FAX (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) s89-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVEFTHORNE (970) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Flevator Core. Sample Taken Refore placement Total Cubic Yards: ll) Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 0.5 inches TicketNo: LzLg Air Content: 4.0% Mix Design No: 5894 WetUnitWeighr: l48.4pcf ConcreteTemperature: 75oF Test Date: 813100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 Air Temperature: 76aF= Time Test Taken: q:15 am 4950 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kwin C. Duncan- Casson Building Cord Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 1 of 2 Assoc. ':.1: i roeCtein Consultlnl Er$neers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Ph,vy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) e89-1223 (s70) e49.6009 (970)468-6933 (303) s8e-0204 FAX (s70) e4s-e223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-61;3 ProjectNo: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Elevator Core. I ine F/2.5 Total Cubic Yards: l0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 2.5 inches I2t9 3.9% Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: 76oFt 9:45 am 5Rq4 148.2 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: ConcreteTemperature: 74oF Test Date: 8/3/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 4920 cc: Rob leVine-Antlcrs, Kevin c. Duncan- casson Building corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. 7 28 28 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468.6933 JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Test #l at B&B Excavating Plant. Truck No. I Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 2.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 77"F Test Date: 813100 Ticket No: Not Provided Air Content: 1.4% Mix DesignNo: Not Provided Wet Unit Weighr 148.8 pcf 800Ft Approx.4pm Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @28 days Remarks: No Plasticiser added; l't 24 hrs. cured in box, no access provided to water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3 ) 7 28 4690 4810 5295 cc: Rob Levine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 3 Assoc. I xoefilein Consulting efiineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Plary. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-e223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 1",4,i{i,riri; xoetlein Consutting gnlineers, Inc. Gonsulting Geoteehnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood,CO 80228-2945 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) e49-600e SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Test #2 at B&B Excavating PlantJruck No. 2 Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 78oF Test Date: 813100 Age (Days) 3 1 28 Design Shength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Sampled prior to adding plasticiser; I't 24 hrs. cured in box, no access provided to water tank Ticket No: Not Provided Mix Design No: Not Provideci Air Content: 1.6% Wet Unit Weight: 148.4 pcf Air Temperature: 80"Ft Time Test Taken: Approx. 4pm Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3410 3850 4080 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet2 of3 Assoc. roefilein Consulting erQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135'Lai<ewoodtCO 80228.2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETETEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Test #3 at B&B Excavatin&Plant. Truck No. 2 Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&R Exc. Slump: 6,5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 78oF Test Date: 8/3/09 Age (DayO J 5 7 28 Ticket No: Not Provided Air Content: 1.3% Mix Design No: Not Provideci Wet Unit Weighr 144.4 pcf RnoF+ Approx.4pm Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Sampled after adding plasticiser, l" 24 hrs. cured in box, no access provided to water tank Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3970 4470 4440 I cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 3 of 3 Assoc. 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 98s-1223 (303) s89.0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468.6s39 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TESTRESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Flevator Co'e. Samfle Taken Refore placement Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 0.5 inches Ticket No: l2l0 Air Content: 4.0% Mix Design No: 58q4 Wet Unit Weight: 148.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 75oF Test Date: 813/00 Design Shength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: 76oFt Time Test Taken: 9: l5 am Age (Days)Cylindqr Compressive Strength (psi) 4950 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc. 1 28 28 I rcoelitein Consulting enfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 94s-6009 SILVERTHORNE (s70)468-6933 Project No: 00-060 tti&drd|filrcti*L.: Koee lein Consulting Erfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO g922g-2845 (303) e8s.0204 FAX (970) 94e-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footings at F.2-G.7/1.8-3. (Strip Footings Only) LAKEWOOD (303)989.1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6s33 (s70) 468-6e39 FAX Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: l0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 2.75 inches Ticket No: 1240 Air Content: 3.1% Mix DesiglNo: WetUnitWeight: 88.Ft 2:28pm 57a4FA 145.8 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 814/00 Desiga Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3940 3895 4775 cc: Rob Le\ine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp,; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. e 7 28 28 p iv :s\ o0 { r& c) v :: ;: >!== E 42, iJI_>gt>,giF -oi.Doit!{oF d g a.=i:53.5 '3;-g)?i'; E.e Eie .a: c ! ='=?=lJnts 3E E =ntrs.!R -l o= d;>,tt - O9-::*=z ii:;ijaj; i a =?= 424A :.5 ,? -= xtr z c,3 =?.:L =9..) t9il 'a: .i:o '7E uro..J E-u) t-t I (t) q, 2 e 'J) I O - Q =a!:!,, : ^-c ll 9r .EESo ov cl $.i r.?eoA-* h Ei;^.E.E E S = o ovo-v € c\ € t-. =>= >.;c-=r-=9FAiE = ec! 09 (\l 5 €e3= t,y lrl = o.= ,colj.E: 9o6.Ern= {)rl o ,1 I oq o -l o .1 pe (\lv t d U {) M d' .cn(!i'6 <nd<c+>A \Jr-a 0) =€..=o6 -t6>.E* =c-:€ +l I& cr:i F > a O a (9 (9 o =z<:: :\1z1 , .r=.-E5qr- .t=h_62.ir-AS+5)i .- a).XEF .l: .. :lta -l.Eg:E )cd9p:EiEF -iu; F .si.( r h.Er-v>Orri-Fc€z€ iE EgE 3:c.ia -.6!,_rt il?: €E FSIE.* *4 E EFFdAG oo Fl-v) o v) s@o\ aq O E lu ta ,2a !"-;E *3 t9 oe--89 eEi'EsG E Y'E e.t; ."EBgG >, l: :EE.3=r Eo!r 8:r -oI{E E d-9t a.; 5sE I .{:2 9.9 H€{ = 9; :p€e's:'Eii EE A .a i E l! 2 s 6 00- aJc,= --a4la=.qlri itD -l iS:J E€>| ',' h lti (d= ll a.\x,!=t !:v-;\-l :J =1=l E E5:|Ii o I -,.tz >, ,!,6=!-SA; ?p ?eo0!9E 50- 3t .9rnE Ei= =3-cz7)E f .o\,Ut! a3+2 P-ave x€Cr- €F.A\oEd,v (\aKg E=m-{ = \.,SI xQo ?o; \J FQ b* irro Is=d< ii F. KOE Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6l?8 Avon, CO 81620-6178 The Antlers at Vail COI\SULTING ENGINE INC. Renort of Constnrction Activities Job No. 00-060 Report #: 44 Jim Houlette Date: 8/4100 Sheefi 2ofT Assoclates William H. Koechlein, P.E. Project: Copies To: Field Observer Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy, 74oF+ Construction Activities/O bservations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to observe the placernent ofrebar. The area observed was located at Line F.2 -G.7/1.8-3 for the strip footings only. The required rebar was in piace at the time of the observation. Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul and Joe, with Casson, of the inspection results. Joe also showed the plans for the rebar to the field engineer. i":i, I , Reviewed By roec?iein Consulting enfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Phary. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) e4s.9223FAX (970)468-6e39FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footings at F.2-G.7/1.8-3JStrip Footings Only) SILVEFTHORNE (970) 468.6933 Project No: 00-060 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 9e9-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Total Cubic Yards: -10 Supplier: B&B Fxc. Slump: 2.75 inches Ticket No: Air Content: Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: RROF+ 2:28pm 1240 3.t% 57a4FA 145.8 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 8/4/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Ternperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3940 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevia C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 7 28 28 I KoeClein Consulting enftneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12964 W. Alameda Pt<wy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO gO22g-284S (303) 98s-0204 FAX (970)94s-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6i78 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footiqgs at F.2-G.7/1.8-3, (Strip Footings Only) LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 94e.600s SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468.6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 2.75 inches Ticket No: 1240 Air Content: 3.1% Mix Design No: WerUnirWeight: RROE'+ 2:28pm 5794FA 145.8 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 8/4/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @.28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 1 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3940 389s 4775 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Icc: Rob LeVine-Antler!, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. roectltein Consulting enfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) e89-0204 FAX (s70) e4e-9223 FAX (970)468-693e FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footings at F.2-G.7/1.8-3. (Strip Footings Only) Total Cubic Yards: f0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 2.75 inches Ticket No: 1240 Air Contenl 3.1% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: R ROF+ 2:28pm 5794FA 145.8 pcf ConcreteTernperature: 80"F Test Date: 8/4/00 Design Shength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Rernarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3940 cc: Rob LeVinc-Aatlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havckost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 7 28 28 :s \ sa-\ 1) '.r. rtl {.) I v # 4) C) 3 {.:? 6 -""- 9t.9.E =x>() ,: h 3 n4 =*e I:,-!at) a ,.6..^i,-9i ee e" z.E I ==JCJ: -:€ E ire'e =? I rl== ;i - >r: .= | ^..1:o:! >; J=Ad -tlcj_ 'lFtbr- fi 3=...4 .2 - iiJ EE5: u!ct, -= J il E.u-El-:iC1i; Hi: 3-gE :9r..;.5:;i.re933.- -l 2?.=ar- .i: : =iT5 ", 4 lal T; iL.9c ==39aa'Aari6&::ncza i;qQ>;94=;xiD < .at-'AEF!!?..n H.i.-Si'-;.u i=;:!r-:.ixt\rrM |VIT'Ilz-.J z-lt L-J u) a F U) {,> U t U iL a -.:t=9: 9t oo .EESo ov $ },E €.oae e.l ,t !i:^.=.2 E s:oovozv 00 @ oq 00 => = >.;6'*A!,8 oo c.i € C'.1 1 .9a F5E.ga 3c :.,A 6.= E: =E or! Cl^ 0 '.? {) J na J 9a;z !s g I @ () o (,) (u ^s?t^yn({ ='6 65< >2Yrzr-. O.i> =.dd.t..;o6l- Jl!o.6>a) a! _r: 6UO +l c- F 'v) al (J x o q) =:z 2;ju,i-ebu)€?e a.r rJJ (J l !, .J,|+. ia, a!tF5 XaJ =tttE .9 Ii F.E\r>ot-FOGh a9fYIDE2 - A'EE=---x.i;;z?:J !=v€ 5+EEsi; E ,; an (\l l0 2 z tu F. ooo\ a U) @ €r 2{ U .) tA .9i ;3 9-6 == 99 i8c e E';'Et€ i* F"D.t,E8ltt >, at :EA€er5r! 8E3 s^9 |igE EsE E'F-F Xg .€. g ._c H€{-e B3:rg gI E g .E t I Ror \coo- b! o 9'5!:,q-rhn -leg r€- s >E H-^.!E F:9€t;5Eild<> oltz >, .g-€€€';r6 ?p ^()?tro Et)oE c!- rc .9.nE.fE;EagE rtrovUEo :=E. q,E'ER-eEU h€cc\(B -rA\OEd!rE. EG- E I xQo Fo; v Q dH;*cao FEHii 5F I :\ *\ t) 50 r: ;{|{ c) oq) o C) = Ei! .,:d ;:€.ozt€+43ngaoo.;trh9azii 2= a -'i. F, -*, f - -; !,c ?^- j =5iir.aJ ='::2i.8:E=--,- e! H x 99 :.r il 7 .:=q2- ?..?3.i:|:: - ii EE ia; ); 91 : :': =i +€.8 ,; 3.t a I L.:E =-=5zi e1)3Eir a,\ <.! 9!-ii .::;J Xl ,t= =a '!s=€39abAE E.s . .E6+€=z= .v =qQ>-?4EZ:cA 4 tri--AEi5!7r-3'5._tLir ;q:=,=\o-,=-v \, -a 8n a 2 I (,1 a t U o- Q IL r.: -:ll ^sE U .F .E:So cv n .t >.; q'-ao R F .1 € Y- ===^.=.E E S: c ovoa- aa ad ?€ =>,; >. .= 6,=ua2i-A5 oq e.l € oi E .9a-a-l.E9do;,y (.)o a! o Fl i * r() s* ,q) q) ql 3e \os t.-v F (,) ol) O q )46fid.E?otro<e a5<tr+>2q.vr-a (l) =c! o6L- ,l(ra.) ai Gt _9F :?:z &c ao!?.=o-8n XE > {)a EI iE cl .E :(u=vr,E.9rN F.E\J>o o21'. !i H3tf!7-r.I ooE ! E.EL-5FE:qtE:l a j i i eF. EJ N z 6) z a, F ooo\ rs t<v) o .A coo\ (u 2 € U o .2 7i a3E F-6Ei q.6 9g:t38a EIEfici'6.qd E 9'5 E+ F '! g .Er$€ rl| :EE'E=-gaIi 8Er oJ ]tErliaEf,ic*;g .ca3 9.5 H€{ -E }E!rtl't t<.Ebtg{ $ c ; I a I 'ilr ca; I- ; a >l a I ' ?or \o00 (\l o0 i, {r '= !:,31 9.:I E€-9t >eTJ -Cq)t (!= ^ a 6x;.i=l hv;i:rJl :-ia4=, E eSEEI iiaEz >, .9_al!4' =EA 2lo aC)?eooogs o!- rd .9anE:i5.- (.1:sa8E rrtovug0r.i :=42l_q trF-(l-O\o5*:r:,. E,o-5bl xOb 'ioS UQ b* irro ISqo:< 5F roe*lein Consutting efiineers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (s70)949-600e (970)468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-693e FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6i78 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Projecl The Antlers at Vail Location: Footings at Lines F-F.2/1-1 .8. and F.3/2. G.l i2, Sarnnle at F.2/1.8 Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.25 inches Ticket No: 1292 Air Content: 3.3% Mix DesigrNo: Wet Unit Weight: 84"Ft 2:15 pm 57q4FA 145..1 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 8/q/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Air Ternperature: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength fusi) 3075 l cc: Rob LeVine-Antlenr Kcvin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Hav&ost- Havekost + Sheet I of 1 Assoc. A-'ix $\ 0o t: tst rL C) o a) v (,) o q ikxlXxi-n O Y= >,6 t))?o)vo . .!t oO::R -\: .J t- !: c,a c:'^'o 2=9 =ii,.:a .e.9 355:d:!to 3 3E ll)l-t9 tv 0) t\.1 9l I !, a L.iEE'5rszc -C,q)€ li /a -eE:=4,)F 6t :!.9::-t t\7,lA i-9.=L'0! e.e -:€r .:2Y Ei?83 eL'E ai;<: "! 5; FE !E-e- -J2 Z '_ =: o 5rrl\r-T] |vl T-'rr-J t4}t t_t q) I U) a, (, I o Q r.I - itl ^1 E U 9- =r\c.: Et o\oov>U \ >.; q-a-...) - Fl EP-r:; E,-..E.EES = a ovozv oq oo =>E >.;6':4.6 g 2 oq N E '9a do t.y €x.E; Fl I ir o .,i z;flz €rt | (\l too cl IJ O ev 4t ru {o o ,oox p F(, c) EoU ljr c- ()F 'V) O x a -!=q;z !'l XecYEaEo'=t&ot16:bEa;=9i31,**Ft; luu'Es!q?5 s.!tri4.9:E..f F sgA 6 !.Er- r- baooz! ! HHE E f 3€!voF F E:oo-aEs s ;s loolo\ ti ||-. IFIFltA l< t!J latp G|6 ooo\ 0) 2q U .{ r- o (t) l- Esl€=j lE !c 18 E rle{ I l5:g lEc i lE riIEEO l#;3.'e c E;€ 3i3 :Ifrg Ei;? ;.E I I €T€; ?.iE€CF!I ;5€3irt i €g;sF6e: .g E3;Fr',€ IEEI F;ii Pcq Qooo- o4 9 cr '51 E:.31tir/)Fl 9g E€-9 >! -91 .6 =7l .t' ,\.; .: =l !.i \''' -;vl s-irA= E=!: 1r;-l ; {" E * -\,/- qicaEZ >..'!€€€';ca 2sn ^c)?eao09q o0- rd .9 ?!E=; =ga8E ricvugo :zEv,9E 3.q trtr 99Fod*S. EG-FT xQ3 g0 d ,.r- i ,fr,r FEH;i .5 rcoefilein Consulting EGneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2945 (303) 98e.0204 FAX (e70)949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 AVON (e70) 949.6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Elevator Core. I ine F/2.5 Total Cubic Yards: l_0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 2.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: t210 3.9% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: ?60F+ 9:45 am 5894 148.2 tcf ConcreteTemperature: 74"F Test Date: 8/3/00 Design Strength; 4000 psi @. 28 days Remarks: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4920 cc: Rob Levine-Antlers, Kevin c. Duncan- casson Building cof; oan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. 7 28 28 KOECIILEITTCONSULTING ENGINEEKS. INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report#: 46 Date: 8/9100 Sheet: I of I Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, T9oFt Construction Activities/Observations: FieldengineerarrivedonsiteasrequestedtoobserverebarforthefooterofLinesE-F/l-1.8. Allrebarinthis area for the footing is placed according to struchral drawings. Also, rebar in the footing atF .3/2, G.l/z, Elz, and the strip footings of lines D.7/I-2, andD.7-F.2/1.8 were inspected and all rebar observed was placed properly, Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Joe and Paul, with Casson, of the observation results. Copies To: Rob LeVine-Aatlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost- William H. Koechlein, P.E, Field Observer roe$tein Consulting enlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkvtry. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970)949-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRBTE TRST },ES}S,5$ Projec[ The Antlers at Vail Location: Footings at T ines F-F.2/1-l.8, and F.3/?. G.1/?. Samfrle at F.?/1 .8 Total Cubic Yards: -l-0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.25 inches 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) s89.1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX ProjectNo: 00-060 Ticket No: 1292 Air Content: 3.3% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: R4OF+ ?'l 5 nrn 5794FA 145.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 819100 Desiga Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3075 381 0 4200 cCi Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 1 of 1 Assoc. 7 28 )R KOECHLEIrc ONSULTING ENGINE*3, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Proiect: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 46 Date: 819/00 Sheet: I of I Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 79oF- Construction ActivitieVObservations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to observe rebar for the footer of Lines E-F/l- 1.8. All rebar in this area for the footing is placed according to structural drawings. Also, rebar in the footing atF.3/2, G,1/2,8/2, and the strip footings of lines D.7/l-2, andD.7-F.2/1.8 were inspected and all rebar observed was placed properly. Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Joe and Paul, with Casson, of the observation results. Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevir C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-HavekosFAssociates Jim Houlette William H. Koechlein, P.E.wField Observer C) o C) o t2-x €e0>.; o.,!x 00t -x\= Ot-.=2 tr-a € 5i9tr93-riI ci>\ 8 HE I8E a,- 4., 9i clcl eb.: €€ti!zi -95tAa)!LA -ig !;=9F r! 1i.ci :r. tYl.tt u-J ='a:': {':\'6i 3. ^9'a: (9-FX)2i E 'FiEe 4.'2 ,i;<Ae! h--{E: :F€EE-tD: _ =E.5Er€v- r(2 T--lI-J IAI LJ 0 I a, i, a IL F-x 'U) U a 6_q=E;Z xeL=Eago'-t!oi1i-bbEa;=9i3E,*iF -i; -:.. oe..6'=rt1 JC:!alft.EcX>oi-z€ + sg,s i F.EY>c)l.rbFco2I sE! 4 ?9I : F!2 E iI a 4 !-6r.!XEr. r. E5F F 2; l€lo\ IYIAl.< ta l< In lor l(! trlol\o l€o\ I q 6t (J d IA 19 E Et: -.d tE :; lE E t t8 E; l.e€ E l; eg lE*i lE sli;5 E3 !E:€gE 3s"'.t S Eig$ €T?E E€ETe*rr ; E€Ti- o tI{E s fH!Ei E..g g dt .': f;E€ { ri $i E E{ i e' Is \r \) a) rS & lF| .= t!q IA lQ l<t o ov p q) o o & F OoaoU ?a- o0 "EE7 2,st Gtllls.9l E€'9t >gLi JC9lt (i= ^ id a,\ Ei3 *i ; +i: ).5 ?z ra?eocois 90_ rd.9 i€ EEUoo gE Ec)uA1-eii !, trF O\OEd_v 6teF: . EG-FlxQo 90; v CQ b*;r30I -;\9r< 6F roelilein Consulting efiineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) s89-1223 (e70) 949-600s (970) 468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAx (e70) 949.9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O, Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-050 STIMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: FootinEs at I ines F-F.2/1-1.8, and F.3/2. G,1/2. Samnle at F.2/1.8 Total Cubic Yards: f0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.25 inches Ticket No: 1292 Air Content: 3.3o/o Mix DesigrNo: wetunitweight: R40F+ 2:15 pm 57q4F.A. 145.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 8/a/00 Design Srength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days) 3075 Icc: Rob LeVine-Antlcrs, Kevin C. Duncan,lCasson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc, 7 28 28 KoeOlein Consulting EQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Phry. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6e33 (970) 468-6939 FAX l;,1u"i lio; C0-;6n AVON (970) 949-6009 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Wall at Line G/2 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches 14)4 5.0% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: wet unit weight: ?ooF+ 2:30 pm Ticket No: Air Content: NA 141.6 pcf ConcreteTemperature: TgoF Test Date: 8114/A0 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 1 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3205 3850 4405 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Danpavekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. KoeOlein Consulting Ei{ineers, !nc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) s8s-1223 (e70) s49-6009 (s70) 468-6s33 (303) 989.0204 FAX (e70) e49-s223 FAX (e70) 468-6e39 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMM,ARY OF CONCRITE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: G/2 Wall Total Cubic Yards; I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches 14)4 5.00/o Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: TqoF+ 2:30 pm M 141.6 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: ConcreteTemperature: TgoF Test Date: 8114100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) cci nob LeVine-Antlen, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Asioc. 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6s33 Total Cubic Yards: l0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.25 inches ConcreteTemperature: 77"F Test Date: 8/15/00 Ticket No: 1462 Air Content: 2.2% Mix Design No: 301q0250 Wet Unit Weight: 148.5 pcf 670F1 8:il am Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B: Initial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days) 5B 7B 7B 7W Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5242 5620 )o)) 6630 66t5 6495 7635 288 I 28B " 28W cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet I of 4 KoeOlein Consulting Erf,ineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical f ngineers Pkwy. Suite 135'Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970) 468-6e39 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 8i620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Level Parking SIab on Wooden Deck- Sample Betrveen Lines C.5-D.5/2.3-3.5 KoeOtein Consulting Ellineers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pl<vyy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) e89-1223 (s70)94s-6009 (970)468-6e33 (303) e8e-0204 FAX (e70) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMIVIAi] -,' OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper level parking-Slab on Wooden Deck-Retween lines C-E, 4.7-5.2 Total Cubic Yards: U5 Supplier: B & B Slump: 5 l/4 inches ConcreteTemperature: 73"F Test Date: 8/15i00 3B 5B 288 288 28W Ticket No: 1471 Air Content: 1.4% Mix Design No: Wet UnitWeight: ?ol ao?so 150.0 pcf Air Temperature: 67"Ft Time Test Taken: 9;25 am Design Strength: j000*t@.Tj* Remarks: B= Initiai 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 7B 7B 7W 4625 5525 5420 ))J) 6170 6765 7000 7970 Age (Days) cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost - Assoc. Sheet 2 of 4 KoeOlein Consulting EQ!neers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pk\ ry. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303)989-1223 AVON (970) 949-600e SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (e70)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESIJLTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Levei Parking Slab on Wooden Deck. Sample Between Lines E.8-F.2/5.2-6.2 Total Cubic Yards: 11-6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 78oF Test Date: 8/15100 Ticket No: 1482 Air Content: 1.4% Ivlix Desigt No: 301q0250 Wet Unit Weight: I4q.6 pcf Air Temperature: 73oFt Time Test Taken: 1l:55 am Design Strength: @0fu$O23JC* Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W: Initial 24 hour cure in water tark Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 7B 7B 7W 28B 288 28W I 52t0 5280 5455 6155 388s 6400 7545 Age (Days) cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 3 of 4 KoeOlein Consulting Erfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pl$vy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970)949-9223 FAX JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper level parking-Slab on Wooden Deck-Betrveen lines G-G.5, Beam pocket @ line G. 4.7-5.2 and 5. G.3-G.5 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-693e FAX Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 255 Supplier: B & B Slump: 3 3/4 inches Ticket No: Air Content: r4qi r.4% Mix Desiga No: 301q0250 wet unit weighu 150.3 pcf Remarks: B- Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressivc Strength (psi) ConcreteTemperature: 78oF Test Date: 8/15/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days 3B 5B 288 Air Temperature: 80oFt Time Test Taken: 12:50 pm 7B 7B 7W 4190 5395 s505 5520 6750 687028B 6925 r 28W 8020I cc: JRob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 4 of 4 Age (Days) XoeCltein Consulting erQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2A45 AVON (970) 949-600s (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Projecl The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Level Parking Slab on Wooden Deck, Sample Between Lines C.5-D.5i2.3-3.5 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 46e-6933 Total Cubic Yards: l_0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.25 inches ConcreteTemperaflre: 77"F Test Date: 8/15i00 Ticket No: 1462 Air Content: 2.2% Mix Desiga No: 30190250 Wet Unit Weight: 148.5 pcf 670F+ 8:11am Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= lnitial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days) 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 28W cc: Rob LcVine-Antlen, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 1 of 4 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5242 5620 )o)) 6630 . . ,. i:;5;;;.;i;;1. .. KoeOlein Consutting Enfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnica! Fng!:eers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 AVON (970) e49-6009 (e70) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 ProjectNo: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCP.ETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upoer level parkinFSlab on Wooden Deck-Between lines C-E. 4.7-5.2 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: 25) Supplier: B & B Slump: 5 1/4 inches ConcreteTemperature: 73oF Test Date: 8/15100 Age (Days) 3B 5B 288 288 28W Ticket No: l47l Air Content: 1.4% Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: 3 0l q0250 l(AAnnf Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Air Temperature: 67"Ft Time Test Taken: 9:25 am Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4625 5525 5420 i)J) 6t70 7B 7B 7W I cc:Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson B[ilding; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 2 of 4 . ati[.*S$r:idr!i*...r"' KoeOlein Consutting erflneers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Afameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 (303) 989.0204 FAX (970)949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Level Parking Slab on Wooden Deck. Sample Retween I ines 8.8-F.2/5.2-6.2 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 46e-6933 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 how cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Total Cubic Yards: 11-6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches ConcteteTemperature; 78oF Test Date: 8/15/00 Age (Days) 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B 28W Ticket No: 1482 Air Content: 1A% Mix Design No: 30190250 Wet Unit Weight: 149.6 pcf Air Temperature: 73"Fi Time Test Taken: 1 1:55 am Cylinder Compressive Srength (psi) 5210 5? RO 5455 6155 J cc:Rob LeVine-Anders, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 3 of 4 t<oe0lrtein Consulting erlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Sulte 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 AVON (970)949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-5178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper level oarking-Slab on Wooden Deck-Between lines G-G.5. Beam pocket @ line G.4.7-5.2 and 5. G.3-G.5 Total Cubic Yards: 262 Supplier: B & B Slump: 3 3/4 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 14q3 t.4% Mix Design No: 301q0250 wet unit weight: 150.3 pcf Desiga Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days REmarks: B= Initiai 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) ConcreteTemperature: 78"F Test Date: 8/15/00 28B 28B 28W cc: Rob Levine-Antlcrs, Kcvitr C. Duncan- Air Temperature: 80oFt Time Test Taken: 12:50 pm 4190 5395 5505 5520 6750 Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 4 of4 Age (Days) 3B 5B ,IB 7B 7W 4rt. KOECHLEIN C ONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antiers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 47 Date: 8/15/00 Sheetr l of 1 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy,78"Ft Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct rebar inspections for the retaining wail footing for Unit 122 on lines G.5-K/5 and IV5-6. Inspection results indicate that the footing has met project specifrcations as per shop plans, figures for wall UL26 to UL30, and footing D diagranl. Field engineer also inspected the foundation walls on lines E/0-1.9, 0/E-F, F/0-1, D.6/F,11.9, and D.8/1-l,9. Reinforcing placed as per shop plan diagrams for Wall-UL I 5 to UL I 8. The forurdation walls have m6t project specifications. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havckost-Havekost+ Field Observer KOECHLEfn C ONSULTING ENGTNEERS, INC. Renort of Constnrction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job ){o. 00-060 Report#: 47 Date: 8/15/00 Sheet I of I Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy, TSoFt Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct rebar inspections for the retaining wall footing for Unit 122 on lines G.5-K/5 and IU5-6. Inspection results indicate that the footing has met project specifications as per shop plans, figures for wall UL26 to UL30, and footing D diagram. Field engineer also inspected the foundation walls on lines Ei0-1.9, O/E-F, F/0-1, D.6lE/1.9, and D.8/l-1.9. Reinforcing placed as per shop plan diagrams for Wall-UL l5 to ULl8. The foundation walls have met project specifications. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlcrs, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates Don Sneeil William H. Koechlein, P.E.WField Observer foe0rlein Consulting efrineers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Afameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989.0204 FAX (970) e49-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Projecl The Antlers at Vail Location: UpFer level parking-Slab on Wooden fieck-Retween iines C-F, 4.7-5.2 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6s3e FAX Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: z6s Supplier: B & B Slump: 5 l/4 inches Ticket No: 1471 Air Content: 1.4% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: 301q0250 150.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 73oF Test Date: 8/15/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: ) a 28 28 Air Temperature: 67"Ft Time Test Taken: 9:25 atrr Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4625 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 4 Assoc. Age (Day$ tft'rft nHg*&,ti*ie.,t-.., - 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Unper level Jrarking-Slah on Wooden Deck-Retween lines G-G.5. Beam pocket @ line G. 4.7-5.2 and 5, G.3-G.5 Total Cubic Yards: 265 Supplier: B & B Slump: 3 3/4 inches Ticket No: 1403 Air Content: 1A% Mix DesignNo: 301q0250 Wet Unit Weight: 150.3 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 78oF Test Date: 8i 15/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Tanperature: 80oFt Time Test Taken: 12:50 pm Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 4190 ) 7 28 28 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 4 of 4 Assoc. roettein Gonsulting efiineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (e70) 949-600e (970) 94e-9223 FAX SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 (970)468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 Age (Days) il?-.#,{aiitff #*iidra:,,* xoettein consutting Efrineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989.0204 FAX (970)949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 ProjectNo: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Ilpper level narking-Slah on Wooden I'teck-Retween iines C-F, 4.7-5.2 AVON (970) e49.6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: ?Si Supplier: B & R Slump: 5 1/4 inches Ticket No: l47l Air Content: 1.4% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 301q0250 150.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 73oF Test Date: 8/15/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: 67'Ft Time Test Taken: 9:25 am Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) ) 28 28 I cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp,; Dan Havekost- Havckost + Sheet 2 of 4 Assoc. Age (Days) 4625 l(oelrtein Consulting Eftineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pftwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (e70)e49-600s SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 (970)949-9223 FAX (e70) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upfer level narkin&Slah on Wooden Deck-Retween lines G-G.5. Beam focket @ line G, 4.7-5.2 and 5. G.3-G.5 Total Cubic Yards: 265 Supplier: B & B Slump: 3 3/4 inches Ticket No: 1493 Air Content: 1.4% Mix Design No: 30190250 Wet Unit Weight: 150.3 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 78.F Test Date: 8/15/00 Design Shength: 6000 psi @.28 days Remarks: Age (Days)...._- ) I 28 28 AirTernperature: 80"Ft Time Test Taken: 12:50 pm Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4190 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlen, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp. j Dan Havekosr- Havekost + Sheet 4 of 4 Assoc, KOECHLEIFCONSULTING ENGINEdRS, INC. Report of Construction Activities To; Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6i78 Avon, CO 81620-61'78 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 48 Date: 8/17/00 Sheet: I of I Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, T4oF+ Construction ActivitiesiObservations : Field engineer arrived on site as requested to inspect ihe rebar in columns. Columns Cl/A, CllF , C lAi, C l/P, & CliR were inspected. Rebar size and configuration match the drawing specifications. Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with Joe, with Casson, and informed him of the inspection results. Copies To: Rob LcVine-Andcrs, Kevin C, Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates JeffJones William H. Koechlein, P.E.WField Observer :r r-) o ,J t) F a.J z; =,- 9q)-E o-.-€ ,.2 tc :): 3> .J1 E 1=:! -=?4 L.9= =.?=-=?za e9 ., .J|o3ir .r >r1,..= 'r .=gi e= =-txl 2 ;3.: r.r-o.:.> 99 'JaF.x; 3EE;!p4 E i:x<= _<!vifC:.rE: E;-t-_'_ =:o5r€vr rcl r-llJ ta L__l U) ,2, ,a (J z a a 2 2 r.I;:9:PX 3rE (, .EESo 3v oc.;t\ ?.E : -:5 € h J E 9-::;^.=.E=S:ocvozv .i =>E >.;c'ii^i-e E co = 5:35 r.yt e3 o I og F. q J € r.i t\o ee o\!f c) {I j J a) c! d U O A ri {,X v,o $o o F u,c) QoU x .J) I A x t. 3 ,J) O 'i? U .gtl-o>o E:iHAE -(! !-<!t 6rt-oE€ -(lz> : :-\ 27r '= ta -2o!= >o s.J EE?=no ql 9 zz 6SqJo ti t- 00 Fa o € a { U .9A ji 'a-{z *t'Esrri =?c9 st., s g.E ;IE'iets c 9'a Ef * .E8lGl rE :EEA=t3-:'[3r E€3 -oi{E s Esg6 s.: -F kl cr- 2.9 H€{ E}E:sg7't -^ EE ! l: IE ; = t 2 I o 2 9 x 2x 5 I I a- 9I5l .:" 5 ,rl rel 95 'Eir:gr\3v .-\ a ^.<:,:xl hr/ =: \-! = --?-;=i it z >. ,!:=i4^5 =? ^6)?49C02= :0- /-l cJ .n3 =E.=o:g-oat c)E art u10 i:=E't ?-aJe >r cOtrc*(q-*eFoci-$ -r-- E6- F, ll xQo 90; l/ CQ 6-;rro g -;'-P.< 6F Koaflein Consulting EOineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Boiler Room Foundation Walls. Line 7iE.8-G (303) 98e-0204 FAX (970)949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6s39 FAX AVON (970) 94e-6009 gIWEEIHABNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 FAILING TSST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULT-S Total Cubic Yards: l0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 74"F Test Date: 8/18/00 Age (Days) 7 28 28 56 Ticket No: 1668 Air Content: 6.9% lvlix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 7rloF+ l:45 pm N/A 140.8 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications at 28 days. Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 1r 75 3930 3590 4360 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc, 'tnf", t J t xoe?rrlein consutting e!!in"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Boiler Room Foundation Walls. Line 7/E.8-G (303) e8s-0204 FAX (e70) e4e-e223 FAX (e70) 468-6939 FAX AVON (970) 949-600e .SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-060 &ULING IEST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Total Cubic Yards: l-0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 74oF Test Date; 8/18/00 Ticket No: 1668 Air Content: 6.9% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: ?00F+ 1:45 pm NiA 140.8 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications at 28 days. Age (Days) 5IZ) 3930 3590 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 1 of I Assoc. 1 .!.6 z6 :- *\ .:i *, 7 a .ec :)t.L al 3; -! c. i.): ,J '3? 9 2 PI :o tr. -::=-:!za -iJA2 i-A -2'! :!aJ- .:n i;1 t t4t 2 ;3 .: rr'-t 'a: 9-f! :,1 )2i EE?iti 2:.'E ii;<: "=::EEEE -a='_ =:ot f-'1 l9 T"1t-J rz_:,1 t-J (t) - vt Q I O 9- Q O 2 -':a=9X;)= c-c\t--6 oo 9- :=s3 €v>v nr-r,-\a oo c- r,'E 6'-:€ al (\l €€A =-- ==e,-...'.tr.E E S:9 3vc-v co oo oc oc rc Q e€oo E-: >,.; c': a.i -3 oq e.l oq C.l oq ol oo c.i € <.i E g^ = 5:a5 s-5 (.)ll +l c.) ]t n Fl <G rt 't: a.E ;;lI. au) 2orii c.=6i (\ t\l (& z rc) I -icl->E ;=E! 6a Cc A,E ;;:()-c fd 9o,i\ -c "xhz id3t"B; EY .^6.g> .xe o.=>z 1u) 7; F} N ao 7 .{) ee al !t' tr lo <J O )4 I rt) FJ h U'q) EL li F 'U) U o 9Y 5J'ac 2A ?jt .llE !!F p?tr=zz5 :or[ .85'c h.EvlOEE! HH = f !z :;ltYOi iE c0 - t) z I C]q .> loclo\t: t;IFla l< to ? o\ a{ Q li a,(J IA .26 ;; 9-6 e3 !; ,! e ifra E H'E'is€ E+ F'i 9.Esg :EE€a:4xi 8?-g o-l lIEE HiE69:ct; I .qa 2,2 E.E ESE;P€7',; t.EbI ll|,EZ A t; I 3 z u r I g. !.c a- -- :9€crE==€ = '-t ht (1r -= _crt -= z:-l F =t - A :i SF €;; ;2 i: sit 6 .J7 *lJ 5 t-:=.: xt 0) iv =:'Jl 2::1L=lA-.taEEi:t=<> irEz >, .! =E5- =EA ')p ?=e302a :O- t-l .9rnE.:a =s-oo, c) = rtcvOu ===t9q:-q Xoog f-'C6:9eEo 9rEgFE:f d Axo 30; rJ CQ UH;rrc g -i'-rF.< dF KoeOlein Consulting eQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Ph,vy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO g0228-2845 LAKEWCCD (303) e8s-1223 (303) s89-0204 FAX AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Boiler Room Foundation Walls. T ine 7/8.8-G (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970)468.6s39FAX Project No: 00-060 SUMVIARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Total Cubic Yards: l_0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: | '4S nm 1668 6.9% NiA 140.8 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 74"F Test Date: 8/18/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @. 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3125 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlcn, Kevin C. Duncan-passon Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 7R ?R r :,,i t ^-i * * i:' lrl a) 7 a) ,J) () i) i- >.; -'5 ':i ;: €a ?2==,rt,J aa t7 YE € :) :t 6 L.?=-- .==-=!:ZC J9tta i- :=.gt=rt- :3E xl ? ;3.=r =?!toct a:r= €t ;c-:E: z:t>212 ,x:<=-A == :: .E:E;:-i/t: _:E:-c= --rrr! a! v, I 2 .l)U * - Q ? =-.:a :.1 -a!')=rE U sr- ;:sc 3v t.- ao i'E 5 "ae ..i oo N F ,.1 Ei:^.=.E E S: c ovozv oo oc oq€ =>E >. ,; a.=! E ?a':s E € N e C'.1 a,4 €^= '=:.+5 s.! rl:-.i v) o U) €oie 0cGl(tz (,) : 5> B c.t oo N c\ (J iJ 8Z \o c- Ir) () I Q v 7' !) so q t- .A€) o Q a-4; .i;1.di= (.) :. >) J3E ^3Y-!-go *=!tX-6:ta,,-1 -C:l*Fi.z,- -- trr3a (9 .9 I FtE SPAEfx!,-ieZAEtt2; ,=t a->c =a)EA:tr drO zz loo IYl^ l>fr(n o IA € 6l 2q U .J o t: -€ lE ; i lJ :.a =lr { i l: i !- tg q'; le7 zli p j ir ;: E;€ 3::.Eif,,i ;gi€ € E::!jiif ;.E | ! €Ta:;ia€e 53 r ; E;E EEI i :HgE :E EE itl'.€ EF€3 sEii IL 2 N:-- b "E€3! -:,q I;tlnE g.id ;3;F€ >1 F. XH;;=EJsiE.E: ="'iEi;z;=zz >,.! -5=!' =:; 2" a3?=9otr9= 3!- rc .g.aE.{6.3=o1,? i'J P 'E= 5.. t.c >r oOtr C..c!-3eFo_v 6l:r:-;G*i.-a te ^- Af d AYo 30 -x \Jo b* -:vmA iE-Y Y*L0.< cF KoeOlein Consulting eilIineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Afameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 8022g-2g45 (303) s89-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns atI inesn.616.2-F.216.2, F.816.2-F.216.2,F.qrc.2- G.416.2- C.5/6 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (e70) 94s-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 5 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 84oF Test Date: 8123/00 Ticket No: 1744 Air Content., L.4% Mix DesigrNo: WetUnitWeight: TROF+ 4:04 pm 30190250 148.4 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: I Design Shength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Rernarks: Age (Day0 28 28 6630 cc: Rob Levine-Antlcrs, Kevin C, Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havckost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. roelllein Consulting efiin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 I nvoru (970) 949-6009 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Col]umns atLinesD.616.2.E.2l6.2.E.8l6.2.F.2l6.2.F.o16-2, G'416.2- C.516 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6e33 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 5 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches Ticket No: 1744 Air Content: 1.4% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: TROF-L 4:04 pm 30190250 148.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 84oF Test Date: 8123100 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature; Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cyiinder Compressive Strength (psi) OOJ U 8070 8370 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost - Sheet I of 1 Assoc. 7 28 28 KOECHLETCONSULTING ENGINEKS, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P, O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report#: 52 Date: 8/23/00 Sheefi I of 2 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Surury,58oF+ Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct a rebar inspection for the upper parking level columns. The columns on Lines C.5/4 & C.5/5 required inspection. Inspection results indicate that the rebar has met project specifi cations. Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson, of the inspection results. Copies To: ;v $\ .: i\ a) i) C) o o X a ?: >:.€;<: o <,)(JE tq ;- t.= IlsJ LJ z n.i.: ri.r-O .e.ii --t)..Er5 3aia:ou):-- 'a16E 8t>l.e =r= .7t ,e a an -2 :.1 -ix€=: =t{e5.E =+g:59j==2tz ,rai9ra 'i>a r€-()A 4ts 'rli :'a:) ,? lq:€ i'=- c sJi?=5€g"i .!- == 'i!=,j.rc ;1 lE.t;\i ti4.3- ,a .! I 547 = =ir !;x$lri:to J =;.r -) G E e v) t O ;t I (.)U c,) a (J r* (J :.!53!r: .e= U ol !)- .3 =o\I Cv oo \c-(-- c:€c- lE3 "ae .q c.l(\c-(\l rli C-.1 + 11 !!:^.=.EES = c ovczv co€e oo € oc o0 ca o9 oo :>, = >.; c-za=9e-:e: e (\.1 oo (\l .q e.l co(\oo.i eE O^E =:F5 t.y +lq GI +{ N n c.i '1-l N +l 6l o 6 ol oq .b € it .o q) :t ,()F l. vt n\(\ @ vg =1 'n (ltri) {s EE 6 \0 \o GI\o O 50 .o O o q !Z ?, ,1 Fa €) o o F u) o B .l J !. E z .E-g?.H;.=>o3E.a?i * fiE ''ir<tPE E!E )a ..:{2o- o? tEg 'J) :-r f-] -a l ! -t; '= '4 10p >c s(J 4aL-CrqO o9 zz 6t!61 c)9qr FTF ao A .A o u) \o Aq L) (] tt) .2; gi 'a9i g6 =4 ;42;giE:€:49E= F E;EE xE:EEa=-eErt 8E!x€ I9ao EsE a e,'7 I ..: = 9.2 *.9 B.i E; i.r€.crE E6 a t: = ? t 2 d ;a o <N i: to h:o 6t z - s>O 251 -'! -: .q.ti 'JD -l r< EdC', fi3; F€XE >i 01 .Y E.!;.,{lEE *5 =:\Jl =l:J =!=lEEisd.tEz >, ,i)+=€':=A !s ?eog09cE r-l 3O- 3J .g ?p=-= :i qJ =:46 = rt Uoo := E ttt l_a CF(!t-*v?E*I:F: .r=vdb) xOo 60 -: v:l bH irPo Isqd< 53 Koeflein Consulting EnJneers, Inc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303)989-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX . (970)949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6e39 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-050 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: ITpper I evel Parking Slab on Wooden Deck. Sample Retrveen I ines F.2-E.5, ?-3'3 Total Cubic Yards: N Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 6qoF Test Date: 8125/00 Ticket No: 1812 Air Content: 1.2% Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight: 14q.4 pcf 4{oF+ 6:52 am Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Desigrr Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288. 28BJ zsw 4635 5280 Age (Days) cc: Rob LeVinc-Antlcrs, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet I of 3 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: n Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 67"F Test Date: 8125100 TicketNo: l8l8 Air Content: 1.3% Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight: 150.2 pcf 450F+ 7:50 am Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks; B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B 28W cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building: Dan Havekost- Havekost - Assoc. Sheet 2 of 3 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4325 4960 KoeClein Consulting Entneers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) s49-6ooe (970)94e-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMIvIARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper I evel Parking Slab on Wooden Deck. Sample Between Lines F-F.4. | .9-3.2 Xoettein Consulting Entneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (e70) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6s3e FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper T evel Parking Slab on Wooden Deck. Sample Betrveen Lines F-F.4- 1.Q-3.2 AVON (970) s49-6009 SILVERTHORNE tY / u, '+o6-oYJJ Total Cubic Yards: Jjz Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 73oF Test Date: 8/25/00 Ticket No: 1827 Air Content: 1.0% Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight: 150.2 pcf ''tzt- Ff 9:07 am Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B-- Initial 24 hour cure in ooen box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 4135 4830 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B 28W 1i:! cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 3 of 3 Age (Days) :-'.:.;i'l,l' ' ,."rf r, roef,rein Consutting enlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVoN i suvenrnonrue (970) s49-6009 (e70) 468-6e33 (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SLIJ',4I,LARYAEW Project; The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns atLines G.315.D.615.2. E.215.2,E.8/5.2,F.215.2-Gl5.2.D.6/4.7,D.614-D.613 Total Cubic Yards: 5l Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature; 83oF Test Date: 8/24100 7B 7\ r' 28B 28B 28W 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Ticket No: 1797 Air Content: ]r5% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix DesignNo: 30190250 WetUnitWeight: l50.0pcf TqoF+ 4:24 pm Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W: Initial 24 hour cure in water tank A-ee (Days) 6245 '7060 8375 8l l0 8535 cc: Rob Le\rine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. KoeClein Consulting Enfneers, !nc. Gonsulting Geotechnicai Engineers Pkwy ' Sr.rite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (e70) 949-s223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUIvIIVIARY OF COI{CRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Cofumns atLines G.315,D.615.2. E.215.2-8.815.2.F.2/5.2. Gl5.2"n.6/4.7.D.614. D.6/3 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: 5l Supplier: B&R Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 83oF Test Date: sl24l00 Ticket No: 1797 Air Content: 1.5% Mix Design No: 301q0250 Wet Unit Weight: 150.0 pcf Desigrr Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Air Temperature: 79'F+ Time Test Taken: 4:24 pm Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 6245 7060 Age (Days) 7B 7W 288 288 28W cg: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I I Assoc. x \q) jv :s\ q) g0 ri *: & rtl ,J q) ()() a c !r..!at] 0 l:-r3zi eqJ "?l- t9 .= 9F a!: =-txl = '-.-:': ;.: rr'iie! "Ai o<Fxi.i aE:i=z=ai 'tt 4 :, a'l2-. = ix:<=ii--A --r.vT: c a;3EF.--L-Fla:: =:-6=t-t |V| r-lt__J tz_)t t--J th a, !r 9"; ::- -?22 ei = --^ L zz.-* ? =iE.:tr=.= E 'J?=- '. -'= =."- ;;?-j ) - - .l >r '=3-;X --O c *I=JE a i4 4 E ^ -=!.= = -=3)^';": .= icr*-o,c q q =l i F;iEz3r€ 3i:I;t;al 5;1 : :t.-a9E i 9:a'J ,= =,n).,-c.1 _?, 2 ?i=.4-^il339 F a ;tf9Eco > 4=;t: !rc +* >; > € -.:e=9:q)= + lr -! Q)^.E:S oo c1 r- i"; I-xe cl f-F- - E E:--=i-' .E.E E S = o ov Ozv oq ca 0a€a, ac :>lE >, '; c':a.Q-a aq a{ oq ol og c.l E c,a. = 5!:+5 s.! K :\J +lq)'1'lo r.t I $ I -l \o :tts Q F J I ;,r&z \o \o Q GI O cl )4 ^t?pg q).: =n<z6<tr+>Aq.v =cl&,.i.. =o6liJrt)6>ai nt _eH90 flllior,- x o U) (J U) (u q, 3.J ='- =..-9 ?.:l 5'= all ' @ F a .FF EY'ii )' a9 q I H;>o ?i *gE d:!,- .rE E!a2; '= vt15'E'i:!t :'t5FO':L E*--tr,9 -.! ,e;t-v:rrt- F!! EE .9Zz F:= tE sl !t'i,!Gro64A.a./)FF .2a *P ;E t5 rpB sB.,. s g.E tgE'Es€ ir E E? EE >.tr 3EE.i= cI,!?t3r 9= !. -o33EE 6-9 E a.:6c: -F !I .ara 9.9 Hf{ -B s3lg€!'l r€bES!oEE i E 9 . J a oa1 {, cr'5-E:.qE- ,tt n4 6,r n g*E€-' I c ) Et{Cr Aq,I .!-! € =KZ...".': -,r =i = !.i vx: wl c,g _-i:a=l :;EtsEtrIi<> ;ERz >,.!aE4' =E; 2p ^q)?trc] 5.03s l!- 3l .grnE.1e:E70?()E frrovQ10 9EE U,OE1-ovv riF 396Ror9 .4'^- d=\.epol xOo :o; \,/C0 b*;*cao F =l- . -*il-A< :jF AVON (e7o) e49-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (303) s8e-0204 FAX (970) 94e-s223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No; 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Level Parking Slab on Wooden Deck. Sample Bet'ween Lines 8.2-8.5, 2-3.3 Total Cubic Yards: ?A Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 69oF Test Date: 8125/00 Ticket No: 1812 Air Content: 1.2% Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight: 149.4 pcf 450F+ 6:52 am Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= lnitial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days) 3B 5B /E IE 7W 288 288 28W Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4635 5280 5655 5870 6245 7r25 6925 7715 roefilein Consulting enfineers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 I-AKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 1 of 3 Xoe?rlein Consulting efiineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 TtAKEreAA (303) s89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-e223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 ProjectNo: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Level ParkingSlab on Wooden Deck, Sample Between Lines F-F.4, 1.9-3.2 Total Cubic Yards: 12 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches ConcreteTernperature: 67"F Test Date: 8125100 5B 7B 7B 7W ./.6tr 28B 28W Ticket No: I 8l 8 Air Content: 1.3% AVON (970) 949-6009 Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight: 150.2 pcf 450F+ 7:50 am SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Air Tanperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= initial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4325 4960 ))J) 5520 5750 7010 7400 7870 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 2 of 3 roetlein consulting efiineers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite'135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON I SILVERTHORNE (970) e49-6009 (s70) 468-6e33 (970) e49-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 ProjectNo: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Level Parkinq Slab on Wooden Deck, Sample Between Lines F-F.4. l.a-3.2 Total Cubic Yards: B2 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches l] i.i:. 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Ticket No: 182'7 Air Content; l.0o/o Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight: 150.2 pcf 540F+ v.t | ,t r!"h ConcreteTemperature: 73oF Test Date: 8125100 5B 'IB ,IB 7W 28B 288 28W Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 dal,s Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Irritial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4135 4830 1970 5040 5485 7035 ou 6) 7505 Age (Days) cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 3 of 3 \ ig :S \ \ \ !\ v o o <.= t= ! i..i' 1) .- = '- -i 'J>x '.-,.2 =:9'i 5- : .-e' =€.9 g |:X!.1 ilnvcl t:r ctt=? /rt .= o596:o:f=?l= aiI Q€ L.cr=5c =--a!+tr - c,, .. /..\ >rt ?;:!rF - txl t! == ':,:: ;I,:L a4a: irrF:?i2i :2?zii1E;xx<5)--A --tv?: O:J TEEE-a z'- =:-c=r6!vr r-t a-tLl tlL_l a 2 l-. F v) q) U + c)I Q -.:tr :.'1e=!rx f.i U .EES l-- € -'; q ':€ oi \o c\ a.l ts rl Ee-::6^.E.E E S:covo-v 09 @ oq€oc aa =>tr >'r '= (-'r: E 3i-As @ a.l @.i oq c.l E O^ = 5:?F:9.! +lq)'T'lq, !! {) e I a rl.1 ..1 R a.lr'i (u F-\o:lt q)F tu ee F-oo\o U d! O ri !) M-t?thyn6 oi< 9.n ^>=(ge+..=o6 ral,r>iu((| o:f r a +i c i. U 6 q) I i., i4t ^i:i1 ic ,.. ;YciE lJrl -i.Acx .d t, < .= o,4q--<)J j; u =!?-ttr!.i'?E>osE,i E g F.ao€zh h uqpE i !€2 2 ;:€!:oF F EET sEE oo FU} a :'J a c) q (J IA .2a s .i'ri 9jj set -= 9g sil , H I€ as€ E.! F .EnglE xE ;EE'i€clrrg -t8Er rt a Esq N;Aat60 I . ri: a,-9 H€€ ESE:!€a'i *.Eba 5€ s 6 r ; 3 I I a- Qlo00r = 1.',, :'t . !1 -t = lr rl i: -A = .q{ ('r = oFl -_ r9?=c-' I F > Et-Jx-oae \.c =:3fri!5tiz >, .9-6=!'EA; 2p ^c)?1o 0.0:so!- El ,g!ntre+;E?o4AEl r,tovug0 :lEt, :-q 00c* o6l€\Oc\-G* XQxL/ -i:\-,/ >A:< C' (,) ^r=i-a 'e obo HC) JCQo.dF oF KoeJlein Consulting ErtJneers, Inc. AVON (970) e49-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper T evel Parking Slab on Wooden Deck- Sample Betrveen Lines E.2-E.5.2-3.3 Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 9022g.2845 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: ?& Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperafure: 6qoF Test Date: 8/25/00 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 (303)98s-0204 FAX Ticket No: 1812 Air Content: 1.2% Mix Design No: 301802-50 wet unit weight: 149.4 pcf 4 50F+ 6:52 am Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Shength: 6000 osi @ 28 days Rernarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B 28W 4635 5280 )o)) 5870 6245 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havckost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet I of3 Age (Days) ._ *-.-*5,;- _ . -. ., -,, .:.- 5";:;-:---:---:':' ., . - 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989.1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (s70) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: n Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 67"F Test Date: 8/25/00 TicketNo: l8l8 Air Content: 13% Desigr Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= tnitial 24 hour cure in water tank Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4325 4960 5535 5520 5750 I KoeOlein Consulting ErQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 'Lakewood, CO 80229-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970) 468.6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Level Parking Slab on Wooden Deck. Sample Betrveen Lines F-F.4. 1.9-3.2 Age (Days) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 28B 288 28W Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight: 150.2 pcf 45:E! 7:50 am cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 2 of 3 Koeelein Consulting ElQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO gO22g-294S AVON SILVERTHORNE(s70)s4s-600e (970)468_6933 (970) 949-s223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Level ParkinlSlab on Wooden Deck. Sample Between Lines F-F.4. I .a-3.2 Total Cubic Yards: 132 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 73oF Test Date: 8/25100 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)989-1223 (303) 989.0204 FAX Ticket No: 1827 Air Content: 1.0% Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weighl 150.2 pcf 540F'+ Q:07 am Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4135 4830 4970 5040 5485 2$B 28W cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Buitding; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 3 of 3 Age (Days) Koeelein Consulting EnIneers, !nc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO AO22g-2945 AVON (970) 949-600s (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Level Parking Slah on Wooden laeck, Sample Retween I ines E.2-F.5- 2-3.3 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)989.1223 (303) 989.0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: n Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 6aoF Test Date: 8125/00 Ticket No: l gl2 Air Content: 1.2% Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight: 149.4 pcf 450F+ 6'.52 am Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Suength (psi) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 4635 5280 5655 5870 6245 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 28B 28W Age (Days) cc: Rob LeVine-Antlen, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet I of 3 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989.1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: n Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 67oF Test Date: 8/25/OO Air Ternperature: Time Test Taken: 4960 f)J ) 5520 5750 Ticket No: Air Content: l8l8 r.3% Desigrr Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank I KoeOlein Consulting Errllneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80229-2945 AVON (970) 949.6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (e70)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: UFper Level Parking Slab on Wooden Deck. Sample Retween Lines F-F.4' l.q-3.2 Age (Days) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 28B 288 28W Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weighc 150.2 pcf 45.Fi 7:50 am cc: Rob Levine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 2 of 3 KoeClein Consulting EnIneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper T evel Parking Slab on Wooden lreck. Sample Betrveen T ines F-F.4. l.o'3.2 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 94s-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468.6s33 (s70) 468-6939 FAX Proiect No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: In Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 73"F Test Date: 8125100 Ticket No: 1827 Air Content: 1.0% Mix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight 150.2 pcf 540F+ 9:07 am Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days) 3B 5B 7B 7B 7W 288 288 | 28W Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 4830 4970 5040 5485 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 3 of 3 KOE CHLEI!7 C ONSULTING ENGINEURS, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 55 Date: 8/28/00 Sheet: l of 2 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy,77'F+ Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct rebar inspections for columns, laundry stair transition wall, and the Unit 122 retaining wall. The columns at Lines F.3/2 & G.l/2 required 6 #6 verticals and #3 spiral with 3" pitch ties. 6 #8 verticals and #3 spiral with 3" pitch ties were required on Lines El2-3,F.314, and G.li4. The transition wall required 2 #5 verticals at the top with #5 at 12" each way. Inspection results indicate that the columns, laundry stair transition wall, and the nit 122 retaining wall have met proj ect speci fications. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Assoiiates Don Sneed William H. Koechlein. P.E.wField Observer q) p $ q) U bo q) E] c,) o t4 i.: C) (A I-] o9 I 1!l .t c! '2.t1 |)q o.-:l; q.)- Q9]H.= F; q).4 c) =t ! :r E'€ :.l F: att=hx xc, = ::.li i:tr |.,-:E=.:=-t!!za J :,,.^ 'tl i- 2=rc '=3F ,: :r ;E 2 :.1:'i I.:L =9!t:. "ea:-:€" ;2,i 5 ;;;;q*.;xx<J--<=!v-= i 3E- E,=.--Lii:-(a = -=E_6=-€vr rcl T-ltJ IAI LJ a 2 I '4 (, O ?, (j E (-) € =9.: qr:!a9a ft @ @ @ .E;Sccvzv \c-('. -;9-;= c.l - tr;: = = E^,=,E;S:oovczv € od oo oo oq oo :>Eh.;c-=LZ(JI.!e a oo c.i oo c'i € c{ r O^ = 5:??b g.yt -9 <i q)c) !q .,? oo q) -l "i o\ J a e.| o9 Q o '-l Ed;z \o r\c\ o0 d o o q)v.9??xq).:EO <ac)<q+>29.V .r> =6x,l l! -vt90L.J\o 6>at6.- r.i OFr) A -rl F- (J v) ' U) .^ ':E;z o al) a:a,= .) _o ':l EF !2? E25I:oE' ga E! $rErs! =AEi BgEE F.J) 5 Eo at€ooo E'sJl-99 g oh- .o;o\x€: 'i :0 FOa5€=EE ;ri :c \,E .92 ;!.iCE6l'g& f ->rChF .2 1 .r! ,.iin C'r 8l g'3 =; oh:9i ;!E'EsE E!6 E* *6l! .E3lE tiE ;€G.i= g 8?rrr.t liEE ssg -F !g _,:a 9-t E€{-a F3lp!;tiq'ii n'E 3.5 b e -g 7 9 E I d Q.l c oo (\ :o Ii,3 ..i ! ,4 -t c0 ol :dl YFt .Y _ ^nfl!sE 6t E;;A0aX:.lXl= hv-:vt t:..-ra aA91 -n'A? !: ;:'l .'i ; ieEr-i!/\- .,C(Ez >,.!€E€': ^,i ?e, ^q)?eou)9c CD- kJ .9anq-'5.= CJ =s-o24)E fA Qoo ==3 'a, g,ave trFt €F. Ed6rQ P=md ="9iri xQo oO; \J@ b-;rrd I;Ia"< 6 Er Koeclfein Gonsulting EnSiteers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (970) 949-6009 (e70) 468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Proiect No: 00-060 SUiVIMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Location: The Antlers at Vail Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: t952 4.6% Mix Design No: 30165201 werunitweight: 144.2pcf ConcreteTemperature:'l6F Test Date: 8129100 Design Strength: 4000 Psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Air Temperature: 78oFi Time Test Taken: 2:18 pm 3460 4580 4645 CC: Rob LeVine-An$ers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost' Havekost + Sheet 1 Of 2 Assoc. Koeclpin Gonsulting Enqiteers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O, Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 AVON (s7o) s49-6009 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.25 inches I o(? I Q0/^ Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: 4:24 pm Ticket No: Air Content: 301 802s0 148.6 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 76oF Test Date: 8/29/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 'tB 7W 288 288 28W Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 6265 6275 7355 7590 7860 cc: Rob LcVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 Of 2 Assoc. }f. KoeOlein Consulting E{ineers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135'Lakewood, CO 80229-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O, Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Foundation Wall Doonvay at Line G.7-G.8/7 and Transition Laundry Stair Wall AVON (970) 94e-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.5 inches Ticket No: lq52 Air Content: 4.6% ivlix Design No: 30165201 Wet Unit Weight: 144.2 pc'r TROF+ ?'l R nrn Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: ConcreteTemperature: 76.F Test Date: 8l2e/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 3460 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc. 7 28 28 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) e8e-0204 FAX xoetlein Consulting enlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Plffy. Sulte 135. Lakewood, CO 80228'2845 AVON swenrsonrue I (970) 949-6009 (970) 468-6933 (970) 94e-e223 FAX (e70)468-6e39 FAX ProjectNo: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O, Box 6178 Avon CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.25 inches lq57 1.9% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 660F+ 4:24 pm Ticket No: Air Content: 30180250 148.6 pcf ConcreteTemperature:'76"F Test Date: 8129100 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7B 7W 288 288 28W Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 6265 6275 cc: Rob LeviDe-Antlen, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. KoEcHLErFlssNsuLTrW Report of Construction Activities Tor Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P, O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job ),Io. 00-060 Report#: 56 Date: 8/29100 Sheet: I of I Weather Conditions and Temperaturel Cloudy, 67oF+ Construction ActivitiesiObservations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conducr rebar inspections for the foundation wall entrance, pour strip slab, and columns. The foundation wall entrance on Line G.7-G.817 required #5 at 12" o.c. each way. The wall had a double face, as did the rest of the foundation wall, instead of that specified section. The 3' pour strip betrveen Lines C-C.l/5-6.3 required 3 #4 cont. top and bottom along the length and #5 at 12" o.c. top and bottom' The area had #3 and #5 rebar along the length and 21" to 25" gaps along the 12" o.c. rebar due to holes for the post tension cables. The contractor informed the freld engineer that drilling and exposing the rebar would rveaken the strength of the post tension holes. The columns required 6 #8 verticais, #3 spiral with 3" pitch on Lines E.2/4,E.7 /1,F.2/4, andE.3/4. The columns on Lines E.2/4.i, E.8/4.7, F.z/4.7, G.l/4.7, and G.314.7 required 6 #6 verticals, #3 spiral with 3" pitch. There rvere derriations in the foundation rvall entrance and the 3' pour strip slab. Inspection results indicate that the columns have met project specifications. Verbal Communication: Field engineerinformed Joe, with Casson, of the inspection results. CopiesTo:RobLeVine.Antlers,KevinC.Duncan.CassonBtes Don Sneed William H. Koechlein, P.E. Reviewed ByField Obserrrer Koecl)ein Consulting Enliteers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVEHTHORNE(303)989-1223 (970)s4s-6009 (s70)468-6933 (303)s89-0204 FAX (970) e4e-9223 FAX (970)46e-6s39 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: U Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 8/30/00 Age (Days) 7B 7W 288 28B 28W Ticket No: Air Content: t964 1.2o,/o \lix Design No: 30180250 Wet Unit Weight: 150.8 Pcf Air Temperature: 53oFt Time Test Taken: l0:06 am Design Strength: 6000 Psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Slt.lgtllpti) 6t20 5955 7320 7270 7500 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- casson Building corp.; Dan Havekost- Ifvekost + Assoc, Sheet I of2 : loeclfein Consulting Enqileers. lnc. ConsUlti n g Geotech n ica lE n gi neers Pkwy. Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6s39 FAX SUMT/ARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SILVEFTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No:00-060 AVON (970) e49-6009 Proiect: The Antlers at Vail Location: Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature:'12"F Test Date: 8/30/00 Age (Days) tb 7W 288 288 28W Ticket No: 1978 Air Content: 0.8o/o Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 5?c F- 30180750 148.2 pcf Design Strength: 6000 psi @.28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 4900 5260 6315 6720 7045 CC: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin Q. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. ! Sheet 2 of2 ; , - :,',-,'.,j,r -,,,.., -l 'l,r:'i,r;^, :.-. -,:.";i;,'.,r'"gz.r.;iili*;j--.,,', , , --,1-.-*:.r!il*]ll -t.' , '1. '' KoeOlein Consulting ElQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Phry. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 31620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Level Pour Strip, Sample Between Lines C-C.l/5-6.4 (303) 98s-0204 FAX (e70) 949-s223 FAX (970) 468-6e3e FAX AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6e33 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 8/30/00 Age (Days) 7B 7W 288 28B 28W Ticket No: 1q64 Air Content: 1.2% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: 610F+ l0:06 am 30180250 150.8 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 6t20 595s cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; D;rn Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc. KoeOlein Consulting erf,ineers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O, Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESIJLTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footing at Line G.4i6.1. Columns at Lines 8.2/4.7. 8.6/4.7, F.2/4.7, Gi4.7. and G.3/4.7 Unit I n2 Retaining Wall at Lines G.5-Jl5. I sI Lift Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)s8e-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Ticket No: 1q78 Air Content: 0.8% Mix Desig:t No: 30180750 Wet Unit Weight: 148.2 pcf DesignStrength: 600[ttt@+d* Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) ConcreteTemperature: 72"F Test Date: 8/30/00 7B 7W 28B 28B 28W Air Temperature: 52oF+ Time Test Taken: l:55 pm 4900 5260 cc: Rob LeVine-.fntlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet2of2 Assoc, ') KoEcHLEIftoNSU Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vaii Job No. 00-060 Report #: 57 Date: 8/30100 Sheet: l of I Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy,64"F+ Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct rebar inspections for the new footing/column on the foundation level on Lines G.4/6.1. The column required 4 #6 eachway horizontal with 6 #6 verticals. Inspection results indicate that the rebar has met project specifications. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan HavekosFHavekosrrAssociates Don Sneed William H. Koechlein, P.E.ffiField Observer KOECHLEI?CONSULTING ENGINES*S, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 58 Date: 8/31/00 Sheet: I of 2 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy,64oF+ C onstruction ActivitieslObservations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct rebar inspections for the east pour strip. The pour srip between Lines G.3-G.4/5.1-6 required 3 #4 cont. top and bottom along the length and #5 at L2" D.C. top and bottom. #5 rebar was added and tied to decrease the gap at the post tension cable areas. #5 rebar rvas drilled, doweled, and epoxied on Lines G.3 and G.4 to tie into the upper level parking deck. Inspection results indicate that the rebar has met project specifications. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Rob LcVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates Don Sneed William H. Koechlein, P.E. Reviewed BvField Observer :s + ;\ v CJ a -2,EA :69: a =) ==A=,= t) c"= ^L:= ot :iE !t,a4 Z.=d,iz 3 ?7,!,i ii.= .: r- ==.,- =t-5tr-:.:9E!==lFp 'J :: -- ::, s .= t c-7't 42..2 ?"'ai; 51 6 -r6 'rlV-=E^'= O 2,l :i o F L Xl::r:f 5 * d88E Ir.?=0e-l1!ZC -4, ir .=a)!- €i - lYlvta a I .:!.:hr-3 o<e:a2i 5EEEi24'zi.::<5lrt - - A --!v:: o e,;:E=:i:cr1-,--Li--0='- =t F z r-'l |v1f-'1L-J tzll t-J u) a F t- v) ,=7>= t) ! lllal 2-a !=E O r.! 9Z:r :iot U +t\ !r- oov>O i'E ?r3e C--€@ oo Fl E i;^ .E.E E S: o o- oav €qt oo o.i o9 @ =>,E r"EI.-^-c:i-A-- 2 € (\l oo N oo c.i € €a?5 s.Va 93!-l o F !9 {) }4 o J (\ f-rt q)t. O X ,t) J -n6;z (\l F F r- G U o0 a\ '5 lt ^g!e;{) .: <Bd<q+>2q-n el o6L.)lro ai dt -qH +{t:. x F O x Ch 6l !x€tr a. ao €Fq(|Gl Ol-t- Fa -tt;=?ar_2:5E.=.:.*-r{ I l-lrel U .9 I2-o>o ii PAE{l!,-YO #g =E2>, ,= '4 !!P >o a;4Cl'!r tr dC qJl) zz 6l a!otD FF Fv) - U) 6| 2 .U U c! {) (h .9A ;6 EE 9; grB'Ec == tgla53; sgEscd'E-.: E i.Qrg *e2i .E8iE is:EE.E=.g 9-:'ttr8t3 EI;gsg E'F -F ! A i.e HE{ EBE:'Eat:.Ena T i R I E T 6 Qor oo c! c4 ":51=q,ttI=.('}l?a-l (!I nEl r5! 9il < c;7L'/)t-:,;,.: ^l {)kv =: vt ::-t:4=l FEEtsEiEl E<> lezz >. ,!€=€124 2p ^q)?a cJ o,9€ 3!- rd .g.ai.i€ =EAE = rrtoYUgD :5Eac)E:.egv trc-((trrA\o5R:r:- Ero--ab) xOb ri: Uco 6a;rro9s=d< 5F KoEcHLET'coNsULT Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report#: 58 Date: 8/31/00 Sheefi I of 2 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy,64oFt Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as scheduled to conduct rebar inspections for the east pour strip. The pour strip between Lines G.3-G.4/5,1-6 required 3 #4 cont. top and bottom along the length and #5 at 12" D.C. top and bottom. #5 rebar was added and tied to decrease the gap at the post tension cable areas. #5 rebar was drilled. doweled, and epoxied on Lines G.3 and G,4 to tie into the upper level parking deck, Inspection results indicate that the rebar has met project specifications. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Ilavekost+Associaeg Don Sneed William H. Koechlein, P.E.WField Observer $\ -: r{. I i) C) B {)t) U) '=^ :,: =^=--a - e 5E -r: .,jx; ').'=5-z= -, |' :j2.=.,2?- ,= .: ;. ==3" x- > a=^ l=!,!.-6t^).^ ! a.= 2 = 23 6;iiCi t]tu:6-el 7;5 =l =E;..=at r-, !-i =iP:'4 i .Ll 3c:.ii l)ot: c Ir.9=z.! 3!lza-..- ,a 5= !;:3Fal:.2= =-txl ? :3.:|.E9 L9 9qF.:;2i 3E:;;i:. E i;x<5tt- =€!vgE; :.ii;ei:5ca: -E:-3 =ra!r'rn |vr'lL-l lz-l'l L---.,i U) It9 2 a) F- 'J) €! -c;-==>; q, U - .='7aa 0.) U - r.! a=!r:a)= c- srr .E;So cvzv r.?e "Ee \€,,? oo occ! F-' tr E: ==6^.=.EES: o ovoav oo @ oq co oc ao =>; >,.; c!a!.3 e c-l 09 N oo N E g^ sE s.9 lt)ll)o ,1 !4 ,-1 6lF-fts \ 14 !) J !QaFz NT\f..rt c-- () CI(.) O qv^np! a.= <e6<tr+>2q-v rio =cle).. =o6l- .Y\- o ai(tl.=F +i'& s .; tr .q)F ' U) O (n 4' q It dq =6>(u 9li.2 d' -l IE.gGltr:H?5'tea € E EEI'l I ;'5t-r-F€oar. rr :,i o, € € *€==ufz z r;!.a:o; F EE* * E5t- F Zz 2q o EI O a.r ., aa) ."i 9=nt g-r:E 9_6 pB =; 98"' PEF c E'i'Er€ E+ * E? El= xq:EE.:= !r B3E 8Er =3 itE5giE 5s; I .': ;BA:.Et = t':F6a ;BC EEiUE I : 3 .9 P - I i! !| z .-..-._.+|,---''' < c.l co a{ 54 q, cl :i 72,a1,, v) -l €l nErsi Ll rr- O 9I < SE .i t .n alx -r=l oHvx:v::-i:a-i=eSEiit E<> deiz >,.9- 6=!'EA; 2p ?e{)00 ES O!- a-! (J rnE:!.=oE.9.o12 c)E rti ulC :3 Ettae P_eve trF-cl Fr 6Xor: E<s- Eio--J:I xOb !b: U CQ U*;rro g4qa;< 5F KoeOlein Consulting erfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Afameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood,CO 90228-2945 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949.9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 98s-1223 AVON (970) 949-600s SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TESTRESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Parking Level Pour Strip. Lines G.3-G.4i5.1-6 Total Cubic Yards: 5 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 8/31/00 Age (Days) 7B 7W 28B 288 28W Ticket No: 2000 Air Content: l.l% llix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 690Ft 10:4Q am 5894-8 149.4 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: DesigaStrength: 6m0*iO28j* Remarks: B= Initial 24 hour cure in open box. W= Initial 24 hour cure in water tank Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5430 6060 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of2 Assoc. KoeOlein Consulting ErQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949.6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUIVIMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Crawi Space Footings- Sample at R/4. C/3. and D/2 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 98s-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: I Suppiier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 2010 4.2% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: s 60F+ I 1:32 am 5794-FA I 4{ 1 ncf' ConcreteTemperature: 67"F Test Date: 8i31100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days) 28 28 Cyiinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4070 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dau Havekost-$Iavckost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. Koeclpin Gonsulting EnSSeers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Pkwy . Suite tLS. Lakewood, CO 80228'2845 AVON SILVERTHORNE (970) s49-600e (970)468-6s33 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Project No:00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUIVIMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Upper Parkiqg T evel Pour Strip. Lines G.3-G.4/5.1-6 Total Cubic Yards: 5 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 8/31/00 Age (Days) 7B 7W 288 28B 28W Ticket No: 2000 Air Content: L.l% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 600F+ l0:49 am 5894-8 149.4 pcf Design Strength: 6000 Psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: B: Initial 24 hour cure in open box, W= Initial 24 hour cure in rvater tank Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 5430 6060 6770 6440 6710 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc, Koeclfein Consu lting EnSireers. Inc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949.6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Crawl Space Footings. Sample at Fl/4. C/3. and D/t Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 2010 4.2% ltix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: I l:32 am q7q4-F A 145.2 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 67"F Test Date: 8/31/00 Design Strength: 4000 Psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Co.pt"ttt1g thqgllt_(ptil_ 4070 4420 4670 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: CC: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc. $eet 2 of 2 KoeOlein Consulting elQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO g0229-2945 AVON SILVERTHORNE(970)949-6009 (970)468-6933 (970)949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX 12364 W. Alameda I.AKEWOOD (303)9e9-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No; 00-060 SUiVi,ViAR) Ui COI;CIGIE IEST RESULTS Project: Location: The Antlers at Vail Total Cubic Yards: l_0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.25 inches Ticket No: 5j0 Air Content: 1.6% Mix DesigaNo: 5794FlA Wet Unit Weight: 147.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 58oF Test Date: 7/l/00 Design Snength: 4500 osi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: 70oFl Time Test Taken: 8:40 am Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4330 5020 4830 cc: Rob LeVine'Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 7 28 28 roelhrein consutting eflin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 123AnW. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood,Co 80228-2845 I.AKEWOOD (303) e8e,1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNF (e70) 468-6933 (s70) 46&6939 FAX(303) s89-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 ProjectNo: 00-050 SLIMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Placement of Footings fiom T ine C-F."/3.Q-2.2 and T ine A-F.8/'3.2. Samfrle at C/3.8 Total Cubic Yards: 1-0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.25 inches Ticket No: 530 Air Content: 1.6% Mix DesignNo: 51q4FlA Wet Unit Weight: 147 .4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 58cF Test Date: 7ll/00 Design Strength: 4500 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: 70oFt Time Test Taken: 8:40 am Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) +JJV cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevrn C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost * Sheet I of I Assoc. ,7 28 28 KoECHLEIN coNsuLTINc nnclNEnnsJrrlC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 7/I/00 Antlers Condominjum 680 West Lionshe6d Place Report #: 25 Sheet I of I Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Werther Conditions and Temperature:Smny, T0oFi Construction Activities/Obserrations: Field engi theAntlersatVailsite. ForLineC-8.213.9-2.2fromblueprintsof6/15/00,andforLineA-B.8/5-3.2from blueprints of 6/ I 5/00. The areas obseirred are footings and contained the required rebar placane,nt and size. Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson, of the inspection results. Copies To: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates, Jack Berga Jim Houlefte William H. Koechlein, P.E. Reviewed ByField Observer KOECHLEIIVCONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 716/00 Antlers Condominium I 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 26 | Sheet I of 3 Vail, CO.81567 Projech The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 90oFi Construction ActivitieVObservations :Field engineer arrived on site as requested at l0:00 am. The concrete was poured at 9:25 am and was finished before l0:00 am. Only the second truck was able to be tested. Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with a representative and informed him of the above. Copies To: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates, Jack Berga Gustavo Botelho William H. Koechlein, P.E.WField Observer KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGII\EERS, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 7/6/00 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 26 Sheefi 2 of 3 Vail, CO 81567 Projecf The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 82oFt Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to observe rebar placement. The rebar for the footings located at lines D.6/3 and D.9/3 was placed conectly. However, the rebar for the footings located atC.5l4 was placed incorrectly. The column dowels used were a size l0 when size 12 were required, Field engineer consulted blueprints dated for June 9. Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson, of the inspection results. Copies To: Kevrn C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekosr'Associates, Jack Jim Houletteffi William H. Koechlein, P.E. Reviewed By :lx :tt' \ a)q) q0 iq) \ f r'l () oq) v o = ..is*.5E;E €€#:! E EiTEHEeEE;.tE 6 E U9 o F P€ €$:i EgE!Ii EE EiE E. gEEgEE€ iE;EEf; HgEts€eg:=€Ei: A;E;:3€&q,::i@$agEEEEtsE a L.;EE5 =FzCrC) "2,- l.rB? ?:lCJF .q::-tl ;!EEE'&s It>g E 'ETJE21 'E ', A;<A EEis-(e:_FE,qFr6v-tr atr l5 (9 ah q) z F a * il) P (J +l ir IJ 6 tr: ;aaLA ^eEU 9r --\c.= trc\0 0v:U v1 o9 ..) c- c- lEfrEe .') v + E9- ===-^,.E.EES: G Ov oq @ €€aq€ E >.'i c.=,!E!F-:€6i og at cc FI : €e 'E s.y ri \o l& J oi :z c-€ J(.) U U I v - v,c, + LL oc IF 'ah O a 3 'iE -c.,9FE|iGE --::=gElga9l,* ifUtrl! + .,; EP-Gr-=:Elft'!=2;;2F::: e 2Erd u i'EbrFcca € i I€,z z :i!t!vcE F E:& 3 E€F f zz toc IYIA t>Itl< E a \c 2 € U o I Et ET ottl;b9 Z= =9 :i E6pFE.! .€ :jE.)??a6., 9 iEKDEi ) .E I E ; ' e f- .a l.,E€i-_ a) .a)-.s E,.4 aro)r1 I11 ,qEd>to.9 :9NE ;FH .E.Ee;€ :38EE FS d&-"z >,!€Ef';AA 2p ?EooD c'5 f:l .9 q0E E; =s?o2?)E r.tovUoc 2EEa ?-a o -- :?!:3=F.! .i -!:J@'."'*?j 6;o. !4<G> ro.stein Consulting e,r!in.ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . LakEwood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989.1223 AVON (s70) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970) 468-6e39 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Proiect No: 00-060 !:IIILING1SST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Placernent of Columns at Lines C.5/5. B.8/5. and 8.8/6; Sample at R'8/5 Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4,75 inches Ticket No: 5L6 Air Content: 3.6% Mix Design No: wetunitweight: BP8000 147.4 pcf ConcreteTernperature: 68oF Test Date: 117100 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Air Temperature: 75oFt Time Test Taken: 12:20 pm Rernarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications at 28 days. Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 1I 28 28 rHI cc: Rob Llvine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 1 of I Assoc. 4070 5025 5010 roelhlein consutting e!|f, in"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkury. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) s89-0204 FAX (97O) 949-9223 FAX (970) 46&6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 ProjectNo: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Placement of Columns at I ines C.5i5. B.8/5. and R.8/6: Sampie at 8.8/5 AVON (970) 949-600e "f]F!.n1,:!+rf.Iqi''..'| "J ::?tE*:WHffF{:Fqiitr-at r'i:E !-- {rf, ' SILVERTHORNE (s70) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches Ticket No: Air Content: <14 ? 60/^ Air Ternperature: Time Test Taken: Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: 12:20 W 8P8000 l4'1.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 58oF Test Date: 717100 Design Strength: 8000 psi @.28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 1 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4070 gc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp,; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 1 of 1 Assoc. CoNSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 717/00 Antlers Condominium i 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 27 Sheef 1 of I Vail, CO 81567 Projecfi The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy,75"Fi Construction Activities/Obsen'ations: Field engineer arrived on site aslequeited to observe the placement of rebar. The rebar was placed and tied correctly for the following locations: Columns at Lines B.8/5, 8.8/6, and C.5/5 Wall at Lines C-E.3/2-4 Elevator Core at Lines E.3-F/1.8-3, lo Lift Footings F.3/3 and G.1i3, Strip Footings F-G.t12.1-3 It was also observed that the footing pad located at lines D.6/4had been covered and will need to be inspected at a later date. One concrete test was made. althoueh additional trucks were a different mix. Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson, olthe inspection rezults" Copies To: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates, Jack Berga William H. Koechlein, P.E. Field Observer Reviewed By Koeclpin Gonsulting Engiteers, Inc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. nlameda Pkwy . Suite 115. Lakewooo, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVON S|L/ERTHOBNE (303) 983-122:l (970) 949-6009 i37ij) 468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970)e49-9223 FA)t is70)468'6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project No; 00-060 EAILINGTEST SUIvIMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antiers at Vail Location: Placement of Columns at Lines C.5/5. B.8/5. and B.8/6: Sample at B.8/5 Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 717100 Ticket No: 516 Air Content: 3.6% llix Design No: Wet Llnit Weight: 8P8000 147.4 pcf Air Temperature: 75"Ft Time Test Taken: 12:20 pm Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications. Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) n 28 28 H .i:. 5430 ,' .i;.': cc: Rob LeVine-Antiers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + - Sheet I of I Assoc. 4070 5025 s0l0 roecitein consulting Enllneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Afameda Ph,vy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 94e-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Proiect No: 00-060 EAILINGTEST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Placement of Columns at Lines C.5/5. B.8/5. and 8.8/6: Sample at B.8i5 Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches Ticket No: 515 Air Content: 3.6% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: BP8000 147.4 pct ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 7/7/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Air Temperature: 75oFt Time Test Taken: 12:20 pm Remarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications at 28 days. Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi)Age (Days) 28 28 H 4070 5025 5010 cc: Rob kVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havckost + Sheet I of I Assoc, Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkvvy . Suite 135 ' Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-e223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAx SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS xoe"?iein Consulting enfin"ers,lnc. AVON (e70) e49-600e SILVEBTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Elevator and Stairs Wall Total Cubic Yards: N/A Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.0 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 595 4.0% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: llix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 700Ft Q'?O etn 5794? 143.8 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 76oF Test Date: 'll8l00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 daYs Rernarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Sqgqgthlry)_ 3970 5r25 4750 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C, Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. .;'rffi-ff;, roentein Consulting etlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 98s-0204 FAX (e70) s4e-s223 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS LAKEWOOD (303) e8S.1223 AVON (970) 949.6009 SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6s33 (970) 468-693s F$( Project No: 00-050 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon,CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Elevator and Stairs Wall Total Cubic Yards: N/A Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.0 inches 595 4.0% Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesigaNo: WetUnitWeight: 700F'+ q:20 am 57942 143.8 pcf Air Tanperature: Time Test Taken: ConcreteTemperature: 76oF Test Date: 718100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3970 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 1 of 1 Assoc. '7 28 KOECHLEIN CONSI]LTING ENGINEERS, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 718100 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 28 Sheet: I of I Vail, CO 81567 Proiecfi The Antlers at Vail Weather Condltlons rnd Temperature:Sunny, T3oF+ Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with Paul with Casion, ana informeA nlm of thE inspection results, Construction Aetivities/Observations:Field engineer arri on site as requested to inspect rebar for wall I l. Rebar in the wall meets project specifi.cations. Copies To: Kevin C.Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates. Jack Gusuvo Botelho William H. Koechlein. P.E. Field Observer Reviewed Bv CONSULTING EN Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 7/ll/00 Antlers Condomininm 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 29 Sheef I of 1 Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 75oFt Field engineer arived on site as requested to inspect rebar at the following locations: Lines F.2-G.514.7, G.5/4.7-5.8, G.5-G.9/5.8, and G.9/5.5-5.8. Rebar at these locations was placed and tied according to project specifications. A corner bar running along G.9/5.5-6.0 had not been placed at the time ofthe inspection due to a design change. A structural engineer is scheduled to arrive on site to help figure out what to do. Columns were also inspected at this time. These were located at lines 8.8/4,7, E.2/4.7,D.6/4,7,C.5i4.0,D.6/3.0,D.9/3.0,F.713.O,andG,1-3.0. Thesecolumnshavepassedinspection. Verbal Communication: Copies To: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Buildrng Conrad Hammond William H. Koechlein, P.E. ro0rtein Consulting efrineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkury. Suite 135 . Lakewood,CO 80228-2845 uqxEwooo i leos; se*.rees AVON (e70) e4e-6009 (303) 989-02Or FAX (970) 949-e223 FAx SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SILVERTHORNE (s70) 468-6e33 (970) 46&6939 FAX Project No: 00-050 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Wall at I ines 2.4/F.2 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&F Exc. Slump: 3.5 inches 6)6 1 <0/^ Air Temperature: Time Test Taken; Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: RO'F+ I ?'10 nm Ticket No: Air Content: 5794F/A 148.6 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 75cF Test Date: 1/11 /00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 z6 Cylinder Compressive Stren,eth (psi) 3900 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc. rofrrlein Consutting eflgineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Afameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood,CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970)94s-9223 FAx (970) 468-6s3s FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 I.AKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SlLVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-050 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Column at I ines D.6/3.9 Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B F.xc. Slump: 4.5 inches N/A 4.0% Ticket No: Air Content: MixDesignNo: WetUnitWeight: ROOF+ 4:10 pm BP Bullet Front 8000 148^2pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: ConcreteTemperarure: 80oF Test Date: 7ll1l00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: A-ee (Days)Cyiinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4020 cc: Rob Levine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havckost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc, 'l za 28 xoetlein Consulting rrQineers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkory. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 I-AKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970)94e-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX 57q4F/A 148.6 pcf AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHOBNE (e70) 468-6s33 Proiect No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6i78 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUlliv{ARY OF CONCRETE TEST R.ESU;TS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Wall at Lines F.2/2.4 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.5 inches 6?A 2s% Air Tempaature: Time TestTaken: ivlix Design No: WetUnitWeight: 80"Ft 12:20pm Ticket No: Air Content: ConcreteTemperature: 75oF Test Date: 'l llll00 Design Strength: 4000 Psi @ 28 daYs Rernarks: Age (Days) 1 28 28 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp,; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc. 3900 4560 4485 ffi*r1.:r:.r*..._ xoe0llein Consulting erQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (e70) s4e-e223 FAX Project No: 00-060 NAILINGTSST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS AVON (e7o) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6e33 (970)468-693e FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6i78 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Coiumn at Lines D.6/3.9 Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 7l1ll00 TicketNo: N/A Air Content: 4.0% Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: ROOF+ 4:10 pm RP Bullet Proof 8000 148.2 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 daYs Rernarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications at 28 days. Age (Days) 4020 4985 4695 I cc: Rob LeVine-Antlen, Kcvin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havckost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc, Cylinder Compressive Streng!(pqj) 1 28 28 ',;,.,i;;. Koellein Consulting erfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 I-AKEWOOD (303) 9e9-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON (s70) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Wall at I ines F."-G.8/4.7-5.8, Sample Taken at I ines G'5/5'0 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Fxc. Slump: 3.0 inches Ticket No: 650 Air Content: 3.5% Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: l:25 pm 5',794 149.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 76oF Test Date: 'lll2/00 Design Strength: 4000 Psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days) 3780 4430 4415 CC: Rob LeVinc-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Buitding Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I Of I Assoc. 28 28 ,Ttutt$i: .;1{jji!.qnr;. . roelhlein Consulting eflineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 46&6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 suv*rHonrue (e70) 468-6e33 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Wall at I ines F.2-G.8/4.7-5.8, Sample Taken at Lines G.5i5.0 Total Cubic Yards: 8 Supplier: B&B Fxc. Slump: 3.0 inches TicketNo: 650 Air Content: 3S% Mix Desigr No: WetUnitWeight: l'?5 nnr 5794 149.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 16"F Test Date: 1/12100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarirs: Age (Days) 7 28 28 3780 cci Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havckost + Sheet I of I Assoc. Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: KOE C HLEI C ONSULTING ENGINEilSJ.{C. Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 3l Date: 7/17/00 Sheet: l of I Weather Conditions and Temperature:Rain,70oF+ Construction Activities/Observations : and rebar inspections. The location ofthe rebar inspected is the uppa parking level plan-footings C5l6.2+8' andC5+516.2+8'. The rebar in these footings lvere cut, redrilled, and offset 4" from the original placement. The column rebar was cut and holes rvere drilled to put the new rebar in the correct place to match the beam location. Another footing inspected was located atE.8/4. The soil under the footing was wet due to rain. It must be given time to dry and then re-inspected. Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, KevinC William H. Koechlein. P.E. Verbal Communication:Fieid engineer discussed the offset pffi KOEC CONSULTING ENGINE INC. Report of Construction Activities Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Job No.00-060 Date: Sheet: 7t18/00 IOI IReport #: 32 Project:The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 95oFt Construcdon Activities/Observations :Field engineer arrived on site as requested to inspect rebar and compaction for footings. The rebar was inspected in the following columns: E.2/6.2,E.8/6.2,F.2/6.2, G-4'/6.2, G+16/6.2,F.2/5.2, and G+315.2, as weil as the footing atE.g/4. All rebar passes inspection to on-site drawings. The field engineer also inspected the following footings: Footings: F .2/ 4.0 and G/4 Stnp Footings: from G-r5'l3 to G+16'i4 Backfill: 2/between F.2 & G, 10' Deep and 9' Deep fiom the Street We are not sure which rebar drawings are correct, the project drawings that KCE. Inc. has been provided do nor match site drawinss. Verbal Communication: Field engineer spok rebar. Field engineer also informed him of the inspection results. Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlcrs, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson William H. Koechlein, P.E. Xoelitein Consulting ErQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80226-2845 AVON (e70) 949-600s (e70) 94e-e223 FAX (e70) 468-6e39 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns F.2/6.2 and E.8/6.2, Crane Pad Levei 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 98s-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No:00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 3 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6,75 inches Ticket No: 800 Air Content: 2.8% lvlix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: qsoF+ l:35 pm 5894 144.5 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 85'F Test Date: 7ll8l00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 1 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) )))J 6950 6654 Air Tanperature: Time Test Taken: cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan HavckosdHavekost + Sheet I of 1 Assoc. roettein Consulting enlin"ers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Sulte 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (e70) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-060 I (303) s89-0204 FAX (970) 94s-e22S FAX (970) 468.6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns F.2/6.2 and E.8/6.2, Crane pad Level Total Cubic Yards: 3 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.75 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 840 2.8% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 58q4 144.5 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 85oF Test Date: 7118/00 Design Strength; 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 )R 28 Cyiinder Compressive Strength (psi) cc: Rob Le\rine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.;Dan Havekosr- Havexost - Sheet 1 of I Assoc, roefrlein Consulting Efineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-e223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns F.2/6.2 and E.8/6.2- Crane Pad Level 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6e33 Project No:00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 3 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.75 inches Ticket No: 800 Air Content: 23% Mix DesignNo: wet unit weight: l:35 pm 5894 144.5 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 85"F Test Date: 7ll8l00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) J))f, 6950 6654 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C, Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc, #r'+r, ' roefi lein Consulting enlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkny . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 90229-2945 AVON (970) 949-600e (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footing 3 Line to G.8. South to 4.7 Line 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)e89.1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches Ticket No: 8Az Air Content: 1.0% Mix Design No: wetunitweight: 1)oF+ l:45 pm 57q4 146.4 ycf ConcreteTemperature; 70oF Test Date: 7/19100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3465 49t0 5045 Air Ternperature: Time Test Taken: cc: Rob LeVine-Aatlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp,; $an Huurkort- Havekost + Sheet 1 of I :. I * t{I -: r-l o +. .3 ::. 2.?;= '5i'J 75 a*.i >\:, =^..J 7'= t = t- =ta = it-'==. -::= .rt = .7 = cv ;t=.=, -l=' J ,t' .= .^ a);i=3 -.5 ,J ? :, .2 1..!= =€=!zz ri) -t .a -A t= !:l9:r:l ::.c::-:f!4,V) : i.l::-,: r- =?<)ti, al-ai -=>i i i?E=:i1'2|":x<:t--A =!!vlE i. z.3-: I i-!a:'_ =:c=-iv'-n ar .J2 I 2 ?- I an ' = -a, c.r 9 O <)t ' =a () 'Q? .i= =+ c)' () a :;ia=vx ^') =- .= =c\o ovav aa F.\o \o r.E E-Eo c\ r'- co !t h ==3^.E.E E S: o 3v Oav \c e =>E >.; c.=LZ9e-:5 oo od I E!;!iac;.y ti €oo 00 I Q F z N € hi !) .l !) ..1 J (\ J tlt o F.l z;.:z 6l N 6lGI l.lt5l=t(! la t,? ti\ cl (,v o o o Fo() U F- 3 x Q U) 3-tZ gl ?a cir ifr.2 F C! .3 ..'=t -i.?? s>oEEn F aiS T E.E\J>o l- l-oc2! ! !,.!E = EEZ 2",-:-Ao= E ISiE lx lY| ,-rlFl l)t;t<t; IEIEl ! t€ IZ t9 lh .. q) € = O t= o lr =€ IE ;I16 u, El-8€: L= aili E.3te E i li s€ l*; I Ir l# lH: €l€r s IEEE;l€'E: E iii$;5 fl ! €Te; ?'iarc +e r ; E€Eir:3 ] TT E E : E!.E 3 EE 3 al 9 - 'ir-- r.9 E HE{ ffiii -.,,.,Irpr,..,'i;i!li$ii.::r..:ldl+4r:rr, .. . a- E?= Eij z*E 'J 1'5= = .) .r, :.E4.ta 1.= t ai.= O Gl -:.'t 6t ,a ePr cJ !:Fls ::a?t tr.1tr i-i.E <Y sEEii EFS z >, ,!:=€';)a ?'l a4)?tr 9!|!:s :D- :a .9:4 --.=E_=g-o-a a) = r\ ulo 3E2u,,Je3.i trf*CEa? e,Fo!rE.. E6-*I xQ fr 3'd:r309sEd< 6F xoec?tein consutting enfineers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Plcwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970)94e-9223 FAX ' (970) 468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989.1223 AVON (e70) 949'6009 . SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon,CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footin&3 Line to G.8, South to 4.7 Line Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 842 1.0%'---- Air Ternperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: 57a4 WetUnitWeight: 145.4pcf 1)oF+ l:45 pm ConcreteTemperature: 70oF Test Date: 7l]ql00 Design Strength; 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks; Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3465 cOi Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 7 )R roe$tein Consulting en$neers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pt<wy. Sulte 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (e70) 94e-e223 FAX (970) 468-6e39 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 AVON (970) e4s-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footing 3 Line to G.8. South to 4.7 Line Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: R&R Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches Ticket No: 8A Air Content: 1.0% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 170F+ l:45 pm 5744 | 46.4 pcf Concrete Temperature : Z0oF Test Date: 7ll9l00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekosr- Havekost + Sheet I of t Assoc. 1 28 ,u -, -.!1, - ! A I fvvv. ..'... -;.:SUlting enlineer ical EngiConsulting Geotechn s, Inc. neers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (s70) 949-e223 FAX (970) 468-693s FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footing 3 Line to G.8. South to 4.7 Line 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 (303) 98s-0204 FAX AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches TicketNo: &A Air Content: 1I% Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: 1)oF+ l:45 pm 5',7q4 146.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 70oF Test Date: 7llqrc} Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 3465 4910 5045 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, K.lio C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 28 28 xo.f,lein Consulting en?neers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-e223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) s8e-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (e70)468-6e33 ProjectNo: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMIVIARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: . The Antlers at Vail Location: Gridlines R/4. Basement Walls Total Cubic Yards: 3 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.0 inches Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: 890 6.1% 5'te4FtA 140.3 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 76oF Test Date: 1/20100 Design Shength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Stength (psi) 3125 4000 4010 Air Tonperature: Time Test Taken: R 5OF+ l:50 pm Icc: Rob LeVine.l\ntlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc. ro.Slein Consulting efin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 NAILINGTEST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHOFNE (970) 468-6933 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Column at Gridlines D.6/4- Foundation Level Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Fxc. Slump: 9,5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 7120/00 Ticket No: 906 Air Content: 1.2% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: R? OF+ 5:10 pm 58q4 147.6 pcf Air Teinperature: Time Test Taken: Desiga Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications at 28 days. Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Sftength (psi) 4465 5940 5820 cc: Rob LcVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. 28 28 KOECHLE Report of Construction Activities To: Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 34 Date: 7/20100 Sheefi I of I \veather Conditions and Temperature Sunny,85oFt Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as requested to inspect the columns at gridlines E.8/4,E.2/4, andD.6/4. All were inspected and the rebar has conformed to on site drawines. Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with Paul, with casson, regarding the inspection resurts. CopiesTo:RobLeVine-Antlen,KevinC.Duncan.CassonBuitdingCorporation,ffig3 Gustavo Botelho William H. Koechlein, P.E.ffiField Observer *o"i,ein Consutting enlin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. SuitE 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) e49-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) s8s-1223 AVON (970) 949-600e SILVERTHORNE (970) 468.6933 Project No: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: . The Antlers at Vail Location: Gridlines B/4, Basement Walls Total Cubic Yards: 3 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.0 inches Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesigrNo: WetUnitWeight: RSOF+ l:50 pm 890 6.1% 5794FtA 140.3 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 76oF Test Date: 7/20/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Ternperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Sbength (psi) 3125 4000 4010 ccl Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc. 7 28 28 88&trill1".*r!css$'.. 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989.0204 FAX roe$lein Consulting en$neers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 94s-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 AAIIJNGTEST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS AVON (970) 94s-6009 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Column at Gridlines D.6/4-Foundation Level Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Fxc. Slump: 9.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 7120100 7 28 28 11 Ticket No: 906 Air Content: l.2o/o Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: R? OF+ 5:10 pm 5894 147.6 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications. Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4465 5940 5820 5825 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Cory.;Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. Ko 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)989-1223 (303) e89-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Column at Gridlines fi.6/4. Foundation Level Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 9.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 7120100 Ticket No: 906 Air Content: 1.2% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: R? OF+ 5:10 pm 5894 147.6 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet project specifications at 28 days. Age @ays)Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) Icci Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.;Dan Havekost- Eivekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. 4465 5940 5820 28 28 aecn i.;in Consulting efiin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pltwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (e70) e49-600e (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 EAILINGTEFil SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS roectlein Consulting .. .i. \ 1!,o,Englneers, lnc. I AVoN (970) 949-6009 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Gridlines B14. Basement Walls Total Cubic Yards: 3 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 6.0 inches Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: Xt-F+ 1:50 pm 890 6.lo/o 57q4FlA 140.3 pcf ConcreteTemperature:'l6oF Test Date: T7UOO Design Strength: 4000 psi (E 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days) 3r25 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc. Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) '7 28 28 Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Afameda Pkwy . Suite 1 35 . Lakewood , CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) e8e-1223 (303) s89-0204 FAX (e70) s4s-s223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6e33 ProjectNo: 00-050 roetlein consulting enlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Plffy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) e89-0204 FAX (s70) e4e-e223 FAX (e70)468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 AVON (970) s49.6009 SILVERTHORNE (s70) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Column at Gridlines D.6/4. Foundation Level Totai Cubic Yards: 4 Suppiier: B&B Exc. Slump: 9.5 inches Ticket No: 906 Air Contenl 1.2% Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: R? OF+ 5:10 pm 5894 147.6 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 7120100 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 da]'s Remarks: Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4465 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc, 28 28 KOECHLE CONSIJI-TII{G ENGINE INC. Report of Construction Activities Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Job No.00-060 Date: 7/21/00 Sheet: t of 2Report #: 35 Project:The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Panly Cloudy, 70"Ft C onstruction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as requested to inspect rebar. The rebar for the columns at gridlines F.214 and Gl4 passed inspection. The basement walk at gridlines L.8, L.9, L. l0 and the north end of L. I I are still missing then top two S-inch bars. These walls still need work and must be reinspected after completion. Verbal Communication: Informed Paul w/ Cassson of inspection results. Copies To: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Gustavo Botelhoi Josh Venters ' .,. ,.4. jv + ,J i) O-:: ;^r c> a ./.: Jl..r ;: _i F 1-= - ': ,;E :^- --., ig 5" *-c t= 2 :, ?.z€ =atz? -9aat-9.c B2 '5 .=9- ni,:) ;!r:lv,l'. V:) 2 =.4:: .:(.:- =3t)tL2in: t: it-t5 acc::Ez,- t tq:E;:x<: "= b:.E:3;-UD: _:=Z_?= EiTJ'rl |v1-]f-J u) l_J a) U) z z a, .t) 'z: U 'f-l ?*= -3 P :r :-.=a-^ -!l e= '.) &!o c) .EESc ov2 \-' F- ac ilE?(1 F E!= .=.E E S: c ovc-v €€ =>: >, .; 6.i:=?i-l-- a, \c) =I .:3E-L:9d3 t,y e o o E z T J ci .J U) z vJ o Z:&z F,l T(\ t:l.= l6l+ lEl:ol=l€ | .'i lq av {, o J oF a,q) U c\ ;i F ] v) O o a o 4:€ ::.li: r.l) (- i7|,-=9:i=E€X)'=F.lEk o .9tb-a>o Eii sAE{E!r EEE€-4,E> '=, Ea=E. >o E9 4g?tno,'l U (9o zz 6t 6l 9C) t00 t;lA t> t? t.:I'J li. t?l^t: t00ld\ E € O IE .J o le i g l: --l lz .e -- lE ir l;*r l5 3g leE; It {-B t*;E H;€i!: !i9; € atE TEi} €f;3 ii5t ; E.;E iet I *EcE E3E it,. ,€ f; i€€ -EE FE $iii < c..l qc c* (\ .E€!!.d ;1n.3i E€'' si > g ii-C A ..,\ = .: =l !.! \Ji!.! v, -:YJ11=: Z = = 1j l:! ;{- 5* \,- igEz >, ,E*?-4'4.5 ?z ?eo ct):s cO- e.9*E.=6:9e9iricv,ugo EEAq,(,|tr:-ovl, >|€trFtlr9eEois9. EG'O;ol xO.J 50 -: U@ bH;r3q I-i\c.< :iF roettein Consulting efiineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Sulte 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 lrrbru (e70) 94e-6009 (970) 949-s223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SILVERTHORNE (s70) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00-060 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns F.2 and G/4 Total Cubic Yards: 2,5, Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches 15 t9% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: 6ROF+ 4:40 pm Ticket No: Air Content: 5894 147.8 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date; 7l2ll00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Snength (psi) 4690 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. KoChlein Consulting EQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Plrwy. Suite 135. Lakewood,CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949.9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX AVON (970) e4e-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project No: 00-060 FIUIJNG TEST 5 L:} {I,.{ T.R :..' iE CONCR gIE TEST RT.C IJTJIS. Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns F.2 and G/4 Total Cubic Yards: 2i Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.75 inches t'\ |.9o/o Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: 680F+ 4:40 pm 5894 147.8 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: ConcreteTemperature: 80oF Test Date: 7l2l/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 H Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4690 5650 5575 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Buildin{ Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. Koilrlein Consulting EQineers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2945 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Wall at I .8 and Walt at T .10- Foundation I evel Total Cubic Yards: 4 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches LAKEWOOD (303)989.1223 AVON (970) 94s-600s SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (s70) 468.6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 Ticket No: Air Content: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 5744F/A 146.6 pcf qi5 2.6% ConcreteTemperature: 7a"F Test Date: 7/24/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Rernarks: AirTemperature: 8loFi Time Test Taken: 2.20 pm Cylinder Compre$ive Sfrength (psi) cc: Rob Levine-Antlers, Kevin c. Duncan- casson Building corp.; Dan Havekosti{avekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 3460 28 28 KOE Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P, O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project:The Antlers at Vail CONSULTING ENG , II\c. Repon of Construction Acdvities Job No. 00-060 Report#: 36 Date: ii21i00 Sheet: I of 2 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Surny, S2oFi Construction Activities/ObservationE Field engineer arrived on site as requested to inspect rebar. The wall at L.8 and L. l0 has the top two bars placed according to on site drawings. The wall at L.9 has a different configuration, the top two bars are spaced 4"apart,vertically. ThesmallwallsatGl4toG/4.7andF.2/4toF.2/4.TwerebuiltaccordingtotheG55.0i TYP S'O.G. due to no blueprints, specifically, for those rvalls. The top two bars run diagonally due to the ramp above it. Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with James, the steelworker, who explained what was done. Copies To: Rob Le William H. Koechlein, P.E.pustavo Botelho ',:!: ' KOECHLE CONSULTING ENGINE INC. Report of Construction Activities Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project:The Antlers at Vail Job No. 00-060 Report #: 36 Date: 7/24/00 Shee* 2of 2 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 82oFt Construction Activities/Observations : Fieid engineer arrived on site as requested to inspect the backfill along the wall at gridlines Cl4-D.6/2 + 7'. The backfill has 98% compaction in three tests taken inthat area. The area was at final grade. Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with Paul, with Casson, regarding the test results. Copies To: Rob LeVine' Field Observer William H, Koechlein, P.E. Kolhlein Consulting ilgineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Phrvy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) s8s-1223 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Wall at L.8 and Wall at L.10- Foundation Levei (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS AVON (e70) 949-600e SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Total Cubic Yards: 4 Suppiier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches Ticket No: 955 Air Content: 2.6% Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: RIAF+ 2.20pm 57S4F/A 146.6 pcf ConcreteTemperature: TooF Test Date: 7l24l10 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Sfength (psi) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 3460 4005 4190 cq Rob LeVine-Antlen, Kcvin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. ;! t C) lat;t: =l==l=irl= tlr,t,liit'l-? 2l=:i19-:t :-.?i :r:a 2 E9 .=tJE;.?.1e =q'::i=.:9rrr'J-t---;i2i 5?'i3:Fz e1.. tza;<: "!= 5:i'iEEE--:ia:_ =:=:_€5tr! aD E Q^ E- =;.li-= = F - =r5 > 5= ^ i-: : 5 :.i"2 ', '-^- '!z 25 ='- i't -,5 5 >=i74 a .3 3.; r -=-- 4- 6.:!!c':; '- ;i ^= =li^==!'' at: ni.; ? 7E ==\./'J a'!4= z*r:-=-! 4 -:! tsr'.i 8 x i.=i2E a'r !:i,r'r&;z!2 3!iA'€g3fEi !- .a c)- (J =a) U - O L ,:- -.=a'!l5.i= U o\v .EESo cv +c.) rf .q ilEA -:5 -i (\l at 7iz^.E.EES: o cvoav € od cc&ao oo =>l = >,.; cta!.3 €.i oq c{ oc cl 4E .:5-s:E.9 i-l €a € 6t I o,l -] v'] v J q.,) ,l Eg G,l a.l t\(\t O O d Q X I F q, c) U +l o cox taF 'U' U o z 3E ='=! 2?.!2 -J,ei'=li'.EF ?a{uQ.EgE )=dT=E'i .E;:izX:rf 3 s5.* R F.EE\J>O l- l-ocariL;C0z _: 9,.=E E .38z 2 ;:t=F F E:.r€)=Eg * E!F F ZZ lao l9 t) lu) t1ti la .A 0\ 2{ Q t: a) u) -€.2 i; F_Jitn ;i 95 *6 =?r9 e3., H gE Et€ii f _odt :€EE=r9-:F.8 T8:r -ot{T: EEg -F !g '':a 8.9 rE{-a.9€ lrE .g'E r EU e t: .9 , I 2 I z, I E a'1 =-6Ao) -r. - O.i 6= r-hi ; c': oY:>tri (\tC F\r c0 'J aJ5 --a)di.- = .q a\ ,= .J =i:i iaa i aa*;a5 2" 2.='J :o z .3,ro- e1 .9$E== =E-o 2,?, ulo ':'1 =;= -t,'JCl.cg\J Cr-C! '-.q\oFd5rQ - E.o-3tI xQo :o: 1/o bH.lrro gsId< 53 Koehlein Consulting ilgineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pl$/y . Suite 185 . Lakewood, CO gO22B-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) s8e-1223 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Northwest Middle Diagonal. 83-C (303) 989-0204 FAX (e70) e4e-9223 FAX (970) 468-6e3e FAX AVON (970)%9-600s SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6e33 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TESTRESUI,TS Total Cubic Yards: 20! Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.0 inches Ticket No: 1000 Air Content: 23% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: 3:00 pm N/A 144.5 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 77"F Test Date: 7l25l$0 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperarure: Time Test Taken: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 3400 4450 4685 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin C, Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. 7 28 28 rcoet lein consu ltin g enOgin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON SILVEHTHORNE(970)s4s-6009 (970) 468-6933 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX 12364 W. Alameda I-AKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon. CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Northwest Middle Diagonal. B3-C SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS ProjectNo: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 200 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.0 inches Ticket No: 1000 Air Content: 2.3% Mix DesignNo: werunitweight: 3:00 pm N/A 144.5 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 77"F Test Date: 7125100 Design Shength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 1 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: I cc: Rob LeVine-Antlcrs, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; fan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. \I ..9 s\ \ c) r: .: & {.) ra 9- -;'=Y zi a)^ =;:r< h6=-|:?9;0:;f ?g> aiz €ag;'= : 3oozigF;€ ; l? iE =v u ai€; ta =E,, .i3 dE.u';-!lE .=ieEz=: cJbQ'*F: H.E.9 - a^r!is'€ 6 gE.E O 9lJr F t- t-t- ti) q = 9 lj. :l :'$ ?lvl* 9rr.el-45 =!za -9.^ ,t, -4B: €t=g-.t t-.9F =-tYi 2 E.gE5a, 3. ^v <J- =E aao:=.:zF.Z=e: E 1d;<:.a! ! -gE; :.iJ; E - ", t) 7 '- =: o ta aD a 9., 2 q)t- v) (ut O E t l&Ir !r: flE U + .;gsc cvEQ v i'E 6-a=rf ol c! - rl Ep-: i E^.=.EES: o ovoev o9 oo oo oa @€ =>,; >.;c E A,F.-E oo co.i oo c.i E O^ = =:'?R5 S,T 0a oo oo I v? c.I o Fl v] { g. q) "l + l) ..1 ura A&z o.l \o(\FN IF IFlo 'lt O* O {lv ? C) o d oF 6c) A +l l.L oo;i q) './) (, IA z e..3e:"i&,-?a9: F1.4,d'=rr-9F ?Nuu.EEii )tr63!3:.EEX>oii:2=..-:o? F g5a c ,Zr{ u ;.5t- r- Froe2! ! gH = E .3E2 2 ;fE F T:ocl'eEaoE:{ FFA2 tco Y a U) o\ E{ ls E:lx'.Ulx .2 ilg b P t8 i; l-r€ E |! r'qt€ r.;ls7 E li rlF;tI.Ec s:43'. Uge "- EiBE i€ig if;g3'ia!P I.t E I E€EIif e *EsE 'EE-fi 3&c'.€ IE€I siii xx;; o. !QO E >'&;j ", =.H g" .E!uag rA6fld &, €l -FrdFEgi q.r ) s gi €€yY r i: HE€€t:9?-i:8gE>FS adiZ >. ,!:=€';)6 ?v ?a C)co:so0- t-l ,9rnE.f5 = ..9a8- rliovUoo :lEqtt3 trl*lg F.*eFo5rE E_;- Ero- LAT xQO OO .: \J cQ bH r*oo 0EHui 5F \.-i P $\ (.) h ,+. c) = =:.:€a.!e . xY "1.;9=;o: =.9 zat - .!r iE- p =,4 e 2coa ;i ^= =i = -.= ': ? ;,Y =vooi€ "- &,:;-c (, -2-A.3{ts.q.-FI9' .="! ? EE F': E3.5 E'*iE Ei.Y - =^|.- !! =€?:? hsxv-9 5 33'.3'J OILF 0) ! a) q) iJ IL I ca b.: =,=ziei,a, v,er52A.e: !.=gF l! i-.9; za - lxl 2 E.g.:LE9-JS q. €" ;2i 5 E?EE 2 +.'z H:xd€l-l | - A "a€!v5E; I.E:EEF(/):: =:c=-€Yr rltt r-l21t tat Ll (a q) 2 I I (n q)t U It t O 'r. !.L f;. I g.I !ix ^1 E U q\ + .EESc cv !f r,l $ .q ?i €' "a-*N - j Efl:! = 6^.E.E E S = o 0voa- oo oo og oc o9 00 i>E >.E c.Fa!-a oq(\oo ..i aa e.i 4 .9a;-L: a,do;'9r.i .= \,;'l oa oo € j an -l .,?s .,? q Fl tt o J 3;8Z ol \o6|c\(\ ti CI() q,v ol lu ql F O rU EL Q +l iJ. 0ax 0) > CA O a z gr ='i&,r a?P: F ,:' dt '= €F (\,1 ov, ta ,f'l qg (!lE> :61F .g!_c 2 7au ;'5 o2b ?t Ea z.ae,tF = -€€)tt1Z ,-.* = 6!: €Pe E=F 2; too lY t:l5 l@. ts t(Jt9 [E E v) a € Q c) .A -d.2i 3F 4i:s :: ET *3.Fo gE €iEii $ .EFgE \E :EEi;+E.|q8:r =3l{E6 E;HFsicg iI . 'rlll !.9 HE{ ;ii tb IFt; t- t; t 3 s ra 2 a 9 I E 6 F B x;; o. :S: F -'&;..=H$ .iE;gs p EF=cl o) E gi E€ :Ytv, )s Cl .c b 69€==3;fl?*: = gEiSFS i&;z >. .!+=e'4 ),5 2e ^q)?Aeoo3E !0- ;4.9 34=E r:l =ga8 = alovQol 3EEU,aAt.q >\€qct Gl-g9ER9R:- E6*li,ii xQc) do: L./ca 6a Itf q e-i-A< 5t- \ \ + .: -: \ frl ,J C) v CJ o i4 -! = !.i a:: ='7 z3 .J3 :? ?; ?z ,J = -r>- rg a--:),- =:3Up 't !€ =5ui-.C:9--i>r5: t J,!t'J^= 9 2 !! L..?a43 ='==irZC -9l', '-A >e-==r=3-a!:,=-aE e'r,:,. ':''i > 'h: aJv -A-.,; =ilzi?J E 'x:<=---!hvaa i 2_:42 rE?J, ='_ =:c3 f-'l vl T-1I-J V) \-J 'o a !- v> - (-) =t O 9.: t=5.' X r-! i. lr 9- .z=s3€v cl ilE? -:9 c- c-F- F r: i=p- =;a-..E.EES: o cvc-v e oo cq€ ==>.E >..E c'i -. = ?i-le 2 co € a- 3^ = 5;35 S,I =3^a =ai I o v) (\ oq I J .(! () .A q) F F- r") .l I Ez oocl o\N l\r () O ov vt $ F IA ru t) 'rl o 00 A t- ] u) U x (A ; 3 ,J ,f 2Z I a'= eg, x'L E Fgf-o o .:? =: =z'ib E€ " g E-.9 I.cP=Z,.J !i ilEl-<.4o5' elr9;6!9= ai E1't)Q= :.=H<ifE:Ff!:^=e=E.; E qi= i i 'Ii o0 2 z F loo IY la l'6 tf o o\ l) 2 € Q q (t) '2A i; ;: 21 !'3 -= a:;$E .EsiE!E E* *'l s.ErflE x=:EE.l= 9 B.I I 3ET..,,' EgoE;EE a.: -F XI _qt 9-9 T€€ E*Elr€ .EFE EZ: t:- to 'j 9 st -9 , F L ,ii*+ Qct\< ",| i' :i -E 2 .tl iq(gci > co .?i =!>r a:!!l!)l9l == = -: =l .1 \J1i"l J;3-=l rc -iJ = L:ll -a z >,.!€=i';2,5 ?p ?.2'J !.0:-i 3!- 3r .3.nE .16 =3-o'l c) u30 .i= 5 - ttteE?-?; f,/ trt-lE-39E=:r:- Ero-cbi xO.J :O: LJ|3 b*;rrog .{,-P.{ 5F xoecitein Consutting enfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 I-AKEWOOD AVON SILVEHTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (e70)949-600e (e70) 468-6933 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Proiect No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: placement of F'ootings at Line C.5-Ir.6i l.a-3. Sample at T ine C.7/2.5 Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.25 inches 5794FlA 144.8 pcf Ticket No: 1056 Air Content: 2.0% Mix DesigrrNo: Wet Unit Weight: R 5OF+ 3:30 pm Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Concrete Temperafure: 8l oF Test Date: 7126/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 39ls cc: Rob Levin&Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost * Sheet I of I Assoc. Koellein Consutting erf,ineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkury . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2A45 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon- CO 81620-6178 12364 W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 (303) 989.0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 . AVON (970) 949-600e SILVERTHORNE (e70)468-6933 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Placement of Footings at Line C.5-D.6/1.9-3, Sample at Line C.7/2.5 Total Cubic Yards: 6 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.25 inches Ticket No: 1056 Air Content: 2.0% Mix DesignNo: wetunitweight: 3:30 pm 51a4FlA 144.8 ocf Concrete Temperature: 8l oF Test Date: '7126/00 Design SEength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3915 4540 4760 Air Ternp erature: Time Test Taken: cc: Rob Levine-Antlcrs, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building dorp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of I Assoc. i?i" ' :: ': i:. r,i v -=': Fg !-* 6E g€ :x ': co l'! t= .!t;r> &=)a o= =i; c:i a3.?3 :a 'E 3g t; I t.i l<) I 2 I tl:! 3 L.?=-=€ =irza J-Jttt i- -,-?2 =, r=.J- 3:.9: =-:M , l4i'l ?;i.=L =!tt4.3o. g: €" ; 3-:E; z:lt>g:: ;i;<:r=5:.E:E;-J2 =._=:_3 5n atr '4 a a + 7 U !.: <):5JX :', =U N P- .EESc cv 6lt- r:e-a= a ol oo N - I ='r-==a^.:.E:S =ocvo>\, oo d c9€ :> = >.; c-=\=9FAiE: c! f.t oq = 5:?3E S.y GI (1 o o €ri q,, iT Ico 00ri aa fz O I (J ov eo $o !i F 4'€) Eo +1,L € ,9 .J) o v) E ,x 7Z ;:d =Xi.2 PF -i. t)4' .tt 4 {9 d .i =or,E .93I F.Ev>€r- lroa! fil.E ;.'= =ttE= E9 = E; = E!::!9E E€p 2E ? x c! 2 td z i) '> tcoto\t9 l= l1 lslo t; t? 2{ U IA le E g l! --Jli .s a lE!pl3 i tlc { E l3:g l.e g -l le; i |l i_B l-,: - l* ;: ls: e315 U i€ "^ EiEaetEi E:3 Eaez'i ;-E r S €TEE ?.iE€c 13 !i I E€E EET q !Hg.F ,E E.9 I8g'.€ EE€ ! i;3{ EE{E a- c.l c I q:i !;,5i '1 EE:Fi;i > i:Ll - o ^ A ,.,\ =;^i hv,-; \-i i -laa===trE{; actaz >,.!AE€4..5 2r ?4oa!.2= '&= ti .9.ai.:6E3-o2C) Uoo :32ta :,e gfr€*3eFo:r9 t - Eto-iPiI xQct ?o; l., CQ 6H;rro gSqr: < iiF * \ 9 o v 'J el x> ==3i =:r -J.C -t :a .U i.). i'=il .9 x3 =^ E ^- .{ c., 1) 9 = c! _L?=-2E5 =ilzC €ili'' , :r^.?? !:=3F.!: a r4J 2 =i::JE5'4, ZE .J" : aa::;a|6ti+'E i:xd5!a--A == ! v.a i =.3:i--a='- =!_iE-sv-r-'t M f-lI-J IZJ I.J a z U) = (J U - e,= 9:9: ^.) =U 9- .= =c\c cv (\ .A 6 i'E ? "83 n co Ft =ft-E;€s: o 3v O-\J oq cc oqa =>! >..E c'-: =:e -:5 2 ao N € c.i = €eE5 S.T v s J X v !4 ee tu Q + xo J() O v no \ F u,c) t|.oU +l (\!: a)F ) U c^ n I ")-Y:l .jz= '= .. c!= >o =9EA?=6t€ zz t! 6! (9a, lcol5 IY l>Itl:l: IA € 2q U r= I o {) .9r2Z>o ssa1J!ri !,- _3EE€-.,22 -€.2i 2=5t EE ltt gr3 -= t9 Ei€ t+ F,..9 5?lE xE ;EEEFT9-:*tE 8ErsJ| |tE5g;E ifi -F !I .'= =t.9 {€{ E$E -: 9l!!=Eaa39E E€ S l; E E 9 e z ' t I 2 sP r\- -ai! t-li2,3i 'irarl F e €i E^=.S- flq: E;tt !6 E:9,";i dz6z >,.!l:E€';36 2t ?aooo9tr cD- 31 .3rni5=,- cJ;s?o?l c)E fl UgD iilEq, :-c;U trr-Gld3eEo 9BEgFE: tr. ca AXI io ,x \J!Q b-;rro9+,.l0.< 6 !.. '+at,.,.. -....,r.,-., l .r . =rir*riiiid;*iigeiEiiidLarr..t... - The Antlers at Vail Construction Activities/Observations : Field engineer arrived on site as requested to perform a rebar inspection. on site drawings. Location: Retaining Wall- West Wall- C-D6 Core at 3-Z|E.S-F Support wall existing gear boxes according to Redwine 5x46 drawing Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Job No. 00-060 Report #: 40 KOEC CONSULTING ENG Report of Construction Activities INC. Date: 7/31100 Sheefi 2 of 2 Rebar is tied and placed accordins to Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, T5oFt Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with casson. that the rebar passed insoection. Copies To: Rob LeVine- Willian H. Koechlein. P.E. KOECHLEIIONSULTING ENGTNEEI, rNC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6/5/00 Antlers Condominrum 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 12 Sheet I of I Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, Construction Activitiesiobservations: 1" visit: Field engineer amved on site as requested to inspected the footing excavation. The footing subgrade along the wall (Gridline 7) from E.8-F.2+121 was approved. The footing along Gridline C from 5-4.3 was approved. Gabion rock has been placed to refusal stabilizing this area. The areas that were not ready for testing at this time will be ready in the afternoon. 2nd visit: Field engineer arrived on site as requested. Field engineer observed the footing grade from Gridline C to Gridline 3.9-5.0. Gridline 7 is approved to the intersection of Gridline 6.0. Observations indicate that project specifications are being met. Verbal Communication: Fieid engineer spoke with the representative. Field engineer informed the contractor ofthe inspection results., Copies To: Kevin C, Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates, Jack Berga Gustavo Botelho I wittiam H. Koechlein, P.E. Field Observer Reviewed Bv KOECHLEII?FONSTIt Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 616/00 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 13 Sheet: I of I Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to pick up the concrete test cast on June 5. Field engineer was informed that Gridline 7 to the comer bend and Gridline 6 was l' above the correct grade. Once this material is removed, another inspection will need to be schedule with the office before concrete is placed. Verbal Communication: Fieid engineer spoke with Greg, who informed the fieid engineer about the above information. Copies To: Kevin C. Duncan-Cassos Sullding Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates, Jack Berga Gustavo Botelho William H. Koechlein, P.E. Reviewed ByField Observer Koe{ein Consulting Eng}eers, [nc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228'2845 SILVERTHOITNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-69311FAX Project No:0&06! SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989.0204 FAX AVON (s7o) 949-600e Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footing Along Gridline F Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: R&RF'<cavating Slump: 2.7 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 57745 t3% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: q0oFt l?:40 pm 5744-) 145.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 85oF Test Date: 6/6/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 dayr Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) cc: Kcvin C. Duncan Casson- Building Corp., Dan Havckost- Havckost+Associatcs, Jack Shect I of I Bcrga AVON (970) 94e-600e Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail. CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footing Alon&Gndline B Total Cubic Yards: I Supplier: B&BFxcavating Slumn; 2.7 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 67745 t3% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weight: onoF+ 12:40 pm ConcreteTemperature:, 85oF Test Date: 616100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 /6 CylinderCo@ 4060 s370 5200 roe$tein Consulting enflneers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy ' Suite 135 ' Lakewood,CO 8o?2'8'28d6 I-AKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970)94s-9223 FAx SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project No:00-060 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970)468-6939 FAX 57e4-2 146.0 pcf cc: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson- Building Corp., Dan Havekost- Havekost'rAssociates, Jack Berga Sheet 1 of I roe$lein consulting enflneers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pltwy ' Suite 135'Lakewood, CO 80228'2845 LAKEWoop i evoru SILVERTHoRNE (303)989-1223 - (970)949-600s (s70)468-6e33 (303) 989-0204 FAx (s70) 94e-e223 FAX (e70) 468-6939 FAX Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Crane Pad Total Cubic Yards: l0 Supplier: B&B Exc, Slump: 3,8 inches ConcreteTemperature: 70oF Test Date: 617/00 61781 rS% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: ROOF+ 1?.?o nm Ticket No: Air Content: 5194-2 144.0 pcf Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) '7 28 28 3930 5710 5380 cc: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havckost-Havckost + Assoc., Jack Berga Sheet I of 2 'rilE:{r(ii. roefrtein consulting enfineers' lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pltwy ' Suite 135 ' Lakewood' CO 80228'2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX Supplier: B&B Fxc. Ticket No: Slump: 4,1 inches Air Content: ConcreteTemperature: 79oF Test Date: 611/00' Design Strength: 4000 Psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: Age (Days) 1 28 )9. AirTernperature: 95"Ft Time Test Taken: 2:30 Pm 4130 5510 5770 AVON (e70) 949-6009 (970) e49-9223 FAX sruvenrnof,rue (970) 46&6933 (e70) 468-693e FAX Proiect No: 00-050 Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETETEST RESULTS Project The Antlers at Vail Location: Crane Pad and Footing along Line C Total Cubic Yards: M 67781 tA% MixDesigrNo: Wet Unit Weight: 57a4-2 144.0 pcf CC: Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost-Havekost + Assoc, Jack Berga Sheet 2 Of 2 Koeolein Gonsulting Enfteero, inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suita 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) e49-600e SILVERTHORNE (970) 46e-6933 Project No: 00-060 Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Crane Pad and Footing along T ine C Total Cubic Yards: E4 Supplier: B&R Ftc. Slump: 4.1 inches Ticket No: Air Content: Mix Design No: werunitweight: 67787 t.4% 57q4-2 144.0 pcf ConcreteTernperature: TqoF Test Date: 6/7/00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 Air Temperature: qsoFt Time Test Taken: 2:30 pm Cylinder Compressive SEength (psi) 4130 cc: Kevin C. Duncan, Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost, Havekost + Assoc. Sheet 2 of 2 Jack Berga Koeilein Consulting Enfneers, tnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 94s-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-600e SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-050 Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TESTRESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Crane Pad Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&E_EK" Slump: 3.8 inches ConcreteTemperature: 70oF Test Date: 617lO0 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: wetunitweight: RNOF+ 12:30 pm Ticket No: Air Content: 61781 t9% 57e4-z 144.0 pcf Desigrr Shength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3930 cc: Kevin C. puncan, Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekosl Havekost + Assoc. Shect I of 2 Jack Berga 28 28 .1, .j. .:a: .: :., i.---r.i!\:G,,r :ri:t, ...-.--. L\'':;. .., :. , l AVON (s70) 94s-600s SILVERTHORNE (970) 46&6933 Project No: 00-060 Rob Lwine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 Projece The Antlers at Vait Location: Stem Wall-Sample at C/6.8 Total Cubic Yards: E Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 57828 1.6% Air Ternperature: Time Test Taken: Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: 1)oF+ 3:05 pm s194 148.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 5/8i00 Design Strength: 4000psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 3510 5600 5250 xoefrlein Consulting enfineers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy ' Suite 135 ' Lakewood' CO 8022&2845 LAKEWOOD (303) s89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAx (s7o) 94e-e223 FAX (e70) 468{93e FAX ST'MMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS cc: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost-Havekost + Assoc. Jack Bcrga Sheet I of I t<oe0lein Consulting en$neers, !:ic. Consulting Geotechnical Engin,eers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 r Lakewood, CO 8O2it8-284S LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303)989-0204 FAX (970) 949.9223 FAX (970)468.6939 FAX ProjectNo: C0-050 AVON (970) e49-600s SILVERTHT]RNE (970) 468.6s33 Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail. CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Stem Wall. Sample at C/5.8 Total Cubic Yards; I Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 4.0 inches Ticket No: Air Content: MixDesignNo: WetUnitWeight: lroF+ 3:05 pm 61939. 1.6% 5744 148.4 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 58oF Test Date: 6/8/06 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarksr Age (Days) 7 28 28 Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3510 cc: Kevin C. Duncan, Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost, Havekost + Assoc. Sheet I of I Jack Berga KOECHLEII!'CONSULTING ENGINEEM. INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6/8/00 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 14 Sheet: I of 3 Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, T2oF+ Construction Activities/Obs e:"etions :Field engineer arrived on site as requested to pertbrm a footer excavation inspection. The contractor had overexcavated the footer area and installed Gabion rock. In our opinion, the rock is tight and weil compacted. Location: Footers at Line 6.AE.8, F.2, F.8, G.3 Strip Footer at Line G.'l/E.8-G,7 Strip Footer at Line G.716.0-7.0 Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson, of the inspection results. Copies To: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Willian H. Koechlein. P.E. KOECIILE ONSULTIIYG ENGINEE ,INC. Report of Construction Activities Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81567 Job No. 00-060 Report#: 14 Date: 618/00 Sheet: 2 of 3 Proiect:The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny,72oFi Construction Activities/Observations:Fieid engineer arrived on site as requested. The tield engineer observed the contractor installing burrito-type drains on site. The drain lines are installed on the north side of the crane pad. The drain lines are directed toward the Gabion rock and site dewatering systan. Location: Three lines on the north side of the crane pad, &aining south. Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson, that the drain lines are acceptable according to KCE, Inc. Project Engineer Bill Houlette. Copies To: Kevin C. Duucan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan William H. Koechlein, P.E. KoeOlein Consulting Elfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 STLVERI}TORNE (szo) +decggg (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Retaining Wall. Sample at 5.2- West Retaining Wall Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: j-0 Supplier: R&R Exc. Slump: 4.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 68oF Test Date: 6lal00 TicketNo: 61846 Air Content; 53% Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: 7l op+ 1:25 pm 5794-2 146.0 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 1 )?. )9, Cylinder Compressive Suength (psi) 4220 4530 4490 cc: Kcvin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havckost-Havekosr + Assoc., Jack Berga Sheet I of I Koeillein Consulting Enfiheers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engiro€rs Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 802i18-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Retaining Wall. Sample at 6.2- West RetainingWall 12364W. Alameda LAKEWOOD (303)989.1223 (303) 98s-0204 FAX SILVERTHTfRNE (970) 468.6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: 1-0 Supplier: B&R Exc. Slump; 4.5 inches ConcreteTernperahre: 68oF' Test Date: 6lql0O Ticket No: 57846 Air Content: 53% Mix Design No: Wet Unit Weigitt: 7l oFt 1'?{ nrn 57e4-2 145.0 pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Saength (psi) 4220 cc: Kevin C. Duncan, Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekgst, Havekost + Assoc., Sheet I of I Jack Berga 28 28 " ,.t, t n itx xtt \ q) q) :a -: A C) I c;) v i; v() .| t|)(, o0 J q) O ari (J.Y ?Qn =o 1:'-rp9 eA F! ()9 o o o II tu L all -l o, e L..tEE'.= =!szi -c,83,ar.eE E' :Tq,F .g: :E t!.1ald ? ;-vE5'-rt,e.a-rige ;.i 6 EFEF Ei,E E5;<:IEE:iEE,:Fai=FEsFrEvED Etr cl .t a) v) =t U I -.9:r; ^oE U l--o\o\@o\ E ;;sa c.'EQ oo 0c F* rA€ =Ee N e.l F G EI:2=E',-'.E.EES: c cv E€€cc =>i = >.; c.:: E:r-19 E oq Cal qc c.l oq c\ s €eeE S,-u E : J a:{a| J :z € Ja) F U (! Qo Fb ,<*r-r Fri h -!? >Glv6 .o< a2 =t,Y 6t ?l F. - B o O >l u) a Jr\ c- -! ()!,T.EqJF HsA-(!e t! i*F-' = Fr U) ,9=2-r,>c :i9.EE-c!Er< L-_35 E!.z> '=a Eo ;) >c s9 EA?Ehariu zz Gd o(l q a e 2{ U a r€ .2 -u 9:i! I'rEtti 9!E :a,E3;Pgl; g'*'E=E E+ F .E3!E \E:EE'iee Eeb E E.E -oI 5E; E 8.9 9 .|;- 2.2 H€i EE;;cE ,EE9EE;EZ: 'az z t x(.l Qo\o ?.) 04 c 6'.E! -E .8;rtr2FlEl =€j rg<= >+.9tE =- =1 rI tY !9 (.) at)as b cist:sgEtEF d*zz >. .9. €€!*ie6 ?p -q)?p 9AC9tr ot- rc .gq!E E; !i 6) ?oq,a Q)E riovlJ ol := =0:_c;e o ':_E* J =l.'Y.E-9:J€.: ,: -6 o-oXr bt-- o tr; €c<G> KOE CHLEIIVC ONSTJLTING ENGINEERS. INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6112100 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionsheari Place Report #: i5 Sheec I of I Vail. CO 81567 Proiect: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, TloFt Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to perform excavation and compaction testing. The contractor had finished installing vertical, perforated C.M.P. as part of the dewatering system. The depth was approximately 15' to 20'. Location: Approximately 80' North of the crane pad at the center ofthe crane pad No excavation inspection was necessary at this time. Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with Ben, with Casson, to make sure the tests are up-to- date. William H. Koechlein, P.E. KOE CIILEIFTC ONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6/13/00 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 16 Sheet: I of I Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with Paul and Greg. Weather Conditions and Temperature: C onstruction Activities/Observations : tests w€re needed at this time. Copies To: engineer arrived on site as requested. No compaction Gustavo Botelho William H. Koechlein. P.E. Field Observer Reviewed By KOECHLEIIIFCONSULTING ENGINEERI, INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6116100 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 17 Sheet: I of I Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 55oF= Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to perform an excavation inspection and compaction testing. The subgrade ofthe footer excavations are oversaturated and should be overexcavated. Locations: l. G15.2- Oversaturated 2. 8.8/ 2.3 - Oversaturated 3. 5.2/F.2- Compaction Test taken (12.0o/o moisture- Oversaturated) Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson, that the footer excavations are oversaturated and need to be overexcavated. Areas should be overexcavated 2' below the footer grade. Areas should then be brought to grade with gabion rock in 1' lifts. Lifts should be compacted with a trackhoe bucket. We will return at a later date to re-inspect this above stated footer area- V/illiam H. Koechlein, P.E. foilrtein Consulting erQineers, Inc. Gonsulting Geotechnicat Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood,CO 8A228-2845 (303) s89-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (e70) 468€s3e FA)( LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 AVON (s70) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6s33 ProjectNo: 00-060 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 SUIvIMARY OF C ONCREYE TEiSI' PG'J UL?3 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: First Footing (West), Along Gridline 5.2 Total Cubic Yards: l-0 Supplier: 'B&B-Exc. Slump: 3.1 inches ConcreteTanperature: 65oF Test Date: illqlOO TicketNo: U9 Air content: 2.50/o Mix Design No: wet unit weight: A{OF+ l2:00 pm <104-) 148.1pcf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 5030 6000 5400 cc: Rob LeVinc-Anrlcrs, Kcvin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havckost + Sheet I of I Assoc. Koeclein Consulting Eng]teers' lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy ' Suite 135 ' Lakewood, CO 80228'2845 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6e3e FAX Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail. CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: First Footing (West), Alon&Gridline 6.2 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) e89-0204 FAX AVON (970) 949-600s SILVERTHORNE (s70) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Total Cubic Yards: l-0 Supplier: B&B Fxc. Slump: 3.1 inches ConcreteTemperature: 65oF Test Date: 5[9/99 Ticket No: L79 Air Content: 25% Mix Desigl No: Wet Unit Weight: 6 50tr+ 12:00 pm 57q4-2 148.1 psf Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 5030 cc: Kevin c. Duncan, casson Building corp,; Dan Havekos! Havekost + Assoc.; I Sheet I of I Jack Berga \,, -:dd1- 12381W. Alameda T-AKEWOOD (303) s8s-1223 (303) s89-0204 FAX (970) e4e-e223 FAX (e70) 468-6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P, O. Box 6178 Avon,CO 81620-6178 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antiers at \/ail Location: Wall- Gridlines C/6.r. I srFoot Depth Total Cubic Yards: l-0 Supplier: B&R Exc. Slump: 3.25 inches Ticket No: zez Air Content: 45% Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: 6noF+ a:10 am 5794-2 146.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 69oF Test Date: 6120t00 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 1 28 z6 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: 4060 5060 5160 cc: Rob LeVine-Anrlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost - Sheet 1 of I Assoc. XoeGrlein Consulting erQineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood,CO 8On8-2845 I AVON' (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 foetlein Consulting enlneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 (303) 989-0204 FAX (s70) e4e-9223 FAX (e70)468-6939 FAX LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 AVON (970) 94e-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail. CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Wall- Gridlines C/6.?, I si Foot Defrth Total Cubic Yards: t-0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.25 inches Ticket No: ?&2 Air Content: 4.5% Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: 60qF+ Q:10 am fl44-2 146.0 pcf ConcreteTemperature: 69oF Test Date: 6120100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: I rn3 I est I aKen: Age (Days)Cylinder Compressive Saeneth (psi) cc: Kevin C. Duncaq Casson Briilding Corp.; Dan Havekos! Havekost + Assoc.; Sheet I of I Jack Baga 7 28 28 'jd,i!ni!5:tr;r, s j|{rjls KOECHLENrcONSULTING ENGINI Report of Construction Activities INC. To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6/20/00 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 18 Sheet: I of I Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to observe the elevator and stairs footings. The excavator installed Gabion rock to refusal. A drain pipe was also installed, but water was still present. Water level was equal with the cobble level at this time. Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with Paul, with Casson and informed him of observations. Copies To: Kcvin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Daa Havekost-Havekost+Associates, Jack Bcrga Gustavo Botelho William H. Koechlein, P.E.wField Observer KoEcHLEifr oNSULTING ENGIMEI, INc. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6122'/00 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 19 Sheet: I of 2 Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 70oFt Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to perform a rebar inspection. The rebar was placed and tied according to project specifications. Location: Half Wall- Lines 5-7lA Line Wall- Lines 7-6lG.8 Line Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Cassoq that the rebar placed and tied according to specifications. Copies To: Kcvin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havckost+Associates, Jack Berga Dave Kane Willian H. Koechlein, P.E.WField Observer KOE Rob Levine Antiers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81567 Project:The Antlers at Vail ONST]LTING ENGINE ,INC. Report of Construction Activities Job No. 00-060 Report #: 19 Date: 6/22/00 Sheet: 2 of 2 Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, TOoFt Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on sit-asiequbsted to perform a footer excavation inspection. The material at the footer grade is oversaturated. The contractor will overexcavate the footer 2'below grade. The contractor wiil install Gabion rock in I'lifts in the overexcavated area. Lifts will be compacted with a trackhoe bucket. Location: F.2-G.414.7 Verbal Communication: FieldengineerinformedPaul, overexcavated and Gabion rock should be used. Copies To: Kevin C, Duncan-Casson William H. Koechlei{, P.E. KOECTILEIFTCONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6123100 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 20 Sheet: I of 1 Vail. CO 81567 Proiect: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 64oFt Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to perform a rebar inspection. The rebarwas placed and tied according to project specifications. Location: Wall- Lines E.8-G.8/7 Plus: Exposed bars into wall (existing wall) at 8.8/7 Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson, that the rebar passed inspection. Copies To: Kevin Dave $.ane William H. Koechlein, P.E. rco"Slein Consulting enIn.ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Sulte 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P, O. Box 6i78 Avon, CO 81620-6178 (303) e89-0204 FAX (970) 94s-e223 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Placernent of Footin&for Elevator Core and 2 Footings at T ines F.2-Gl5.2, Samnle at F.7/2. I't Lift Total Cubic Yards: l_0 Supplier: B&R Fxc. Slump: 3.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 62oF Test Date: 6126/00 Ticket No: 390 Air Content: 2.8% Mix Design No: fla4FlA Wet Unit Weight: 144.6pcf Design Strength: 4500 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 28 )R AirTemperature: 65oF-t Time Test Taken: I I :10 am Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3940 4420 4700 cc: Rob LeVine-Antlers, Kevin c. Duncan- casson Building corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 2 Assoc. AVON (970) s4e-6009 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O, Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Placement of Footing for Flevato./Stairway Core and ? Footings at I ine F.^-G/5.2. Sample at E.q/2.2.3ro Lift Total Cubic Yards: 64 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.24 inches ConcreteTemperature: 63cF Test Date: 6126100 Design Strength: 4500 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Dal,s) 7 )R 28 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesignNo: 57q4FlA, Wet Unit Weight: 148.2 pcf 650F+ l2:30 pm 395 1.4% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 4700 4800 cc: Rob Levine-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havckost- Havekost + Sheet 2 of 2 Assoc. roefilein Consulting en$n.ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Sulte 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) e89-0204 FAX (970) 949-e223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 xoettein Consulting gn$neers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkrvy ' Suite 135'Lakewood' CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOpp (303) 989-1223 (303) s89-0204 FAX AVON (970)949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Proiect No: 00-050 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 Project: Location: The Antlers at Vail F ?/? tsr.ifi Total Cubic Yards: l-0 Supplier: B&B Fxc. Siump: 3.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 62oF Test Date: 6125/00 390 2.8% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix Design No: WetUnitWeight: 6(oF+ 11:10 am Ticket No: Air Content: 57a4FlA 144.5 pcf Design Strength: 4500 psi @ 28 dal's Remarks: Age (Days) 1 28 28 Cvlinder Compressive Suength (psi) 3940 Sheet I of2 roefilein Gonsulting enlneers' lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Afameda Pkwy ' Suite 135'Lakewood,CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 (303) 98e-0204 FAX AVON (970) e49-6009 (970) s4e-9223 FAX (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00'060 Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Location: The Antlers at Vail 395 |.4o/o Mix Design No: 5194FlA Wet Unit Weight: 148.2PcfSlumn: 5.24 inches ConcreteTemperature: 63oF Test Date: 6125100 Design Strength: 4500 Psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 28 Air Temperature: 653! Time Test Taken: -l2*!-pm Cyiinder Compressive Sqqqgqlpti) 3220 Placement of Footin&for Flevator/Stairway Core and 2 Footings at T ine F.2'Gl5'n' Samnle at E.q/2.?- 34I ift Total Cubic Yards: 64 Supplier: B&B Exc.Ticket No: Air Content: cc: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc.; Jack Berga Sheet 2 of 2 KOECHLEIFCONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6/26100 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 2l Sheefi I of I Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Cloudy,63"Ft Construction ActivitiesiObservations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to observe the rebar at the Antlers at Vail site. The rebar was placed conectly in the footings atline 5.2/F.2-G. Also, rebar was observed in the elevator/stairway footing. Horizontal rebar is placed correctly; however, there were no details or blueprints to show the vertical rebar. Vertical rebar was placed according to what was discussed. Also, field engineer observed the placement of drainage along the walls located at lines C16.4-4 and line A. Along the wail at line A, a 12" drain pipe was placed and along the wall at line C, a 6" drain pipe was placed. Rebar observed at the wall on line 6.9/8.8-G.6 was detennined to be placed correctlv. Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with James, who was in charge of the rebar, and Charlie, from the Town of Vail. Copies To: Kcvin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associates, Jack Berga Jim Houlette William H. Koechlein, P.E.WField ObserYer x Y ;v s\ \ $ !p s \ I €3il9= .3.!U=: ^ z z=,.j:3E i: =f;8Ej<*"Zg ?;EL=zz;3!; ii i !; e!::: i ; ;: i;:=3 irl:Sgi4E 2a p 3'l€ 3 e 5 E;i e:; g :Y'i ., 1 ,a .:*-iif n Is: =u 3 !I U = ^ cJEflEg:F6 iE iaig $+;se iii 3 gi; 5 I -3= ='zti!z?a".c,5'-A -32 !)=q,- €:J,9i SF2- tJ€ E.sd:'-r .*4 -=€Y :a; 6EF;! s 4'E i,::<5q!5Y FEEEFha'- =E.5Erl!,vEr-'l s2 T-'rt_t iAJ L_I a) h 2 F ? F U2 al P O al ot (.) (\l q,t Q (\l o P t3 a :.igitr4P= (,) t: E€so o\-EU oqv e rBeoEe ,.i aq?oc.i c\t h Fl Ei€s: o 0v5>o tt oi t-F-c: o\ =>.s e'E 6F-A--al \c) cl c.l 6l a C^ *5E.$ ti o t! () o qt ,l 6l o FI f. ?€ C) Fl F- oo; o t] (\| cl ee FI T xo O qo (l9s F0) Er{,e*FTE ri - -!e >(!lo'::v5..L.9< ooa9 --G -rl f.:- c! ^ ' c/) O v) z Fl o?EE c- .9 EFo '= !s EE;ca<.E :6r =6\E .PErY3.?'l>oi-e2LE!:.EE!t E '!t!i !E @o\:\o:AS =U6q Ei Ai.u rt:F€Y 55.n ,- N O\U EE Pto'tE>S{li.c .EI.E;O|r E.F C EE: b,ip €VEE .9gz!i:5-E!a; Es Lado.>CAO\F - .il,96 9F*l c 'i' t"rE: BSE-^ ;r'tH !!at .!9:F H g€ rif Etr ETT o 6t!€=! FiIr{ i siEESieF; r .qiL !,!l*E 9.5€ ! €$t iHi B{ ! t = 2 t 2 t : r te <N ..1 QGor o t 'ElE:.qlVrrl?=q€trl >-.9 =6t :lvg!-'l a)H?=o .!t=!€r9:t O r- I{gi F dtr E. Ega 2p ^q)?E H5!o- 'i .9qrE.=?;sa8F frtovQx0 9E4oeElts ()I -; '= gt.E9tr*F .E XH c X5;'I d ;,^ir a {) )'iJ !i>v .D = ,-' =€€ES b'tr xoe$tein Consutting enllneers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Plwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 I nvor.t (970) s4e-6009 (303) s89-0204 FAX (e70) 94e-9223 FAX (970) 468.6939 FAX Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 LAKEWOOD (303) 98e-1223 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 Project No: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TESTRESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Retaining Wall- 3 Feet ahove the Footing- Gridlines G.2-G.0/37 Total Cubic Yards: 30 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 5.0 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 4n 4.7o/o Mix DesignNo: Wet Unit Weight: 700F+ 10:40 am 57q4 145.6 pcf ConcreteTemperature; 70oF Test Date: 6127100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 id Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3930 4330 4235 cc; Rob LeVinc-Antlers, Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Sheet I of 1 Assoc. xoef,lein Consulting enlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (970) 949-6009 (970) 468-6933 (303) s89-0204 FAX (970) 94e-9223 FAX (970)468-6s39 FAX Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 ProjectNo: 00-060 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Footings and Basement Wall- Wall at Line 7/B-C- 3 Footings at Line C.5/5 and Line 4.7tD.6-E.2 Total Cubic Yards: l0 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 3.75 inches Ticket No: Air Content: 510 1.6% Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Mix DesigaNo: 5794FlA Wet Unit Weight: . pcf ?50F+ I l:20 am ConcreteTemperature: 63oF Test Date: 6/30100 Design Strength: 4000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Age (Days) 7 I2 28 Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3650 4040 4830 cc; Kevin C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havekost + Assoc.; Jack Berga Sheet 2 of 2 roefrlein Consulting en$neers, lnc. AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468€933 Proiect No: 00'050 Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 Project: Location: Total Cubic Yards: 30 Supplier: B&B Exc.Ticket No: Air Content: Mix DesignNo: WetUnitWeight: TncF'+ 10:40 am 42& 4.t% 5794 145.6 pcfSlump: 5.0 inches ConcreteTemperature: 70oF Test Date: 6127100 Design Strength: 4000 Psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: Age (Days) 7 28 ?R Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Cylinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3930 Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkury. Suite 135 ' Lakewood' CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) s8e-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (s7o) 949-s223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAx SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS ,; ",1 Sheet I of 1 KOECHLEITCONSULTII{G ENGINEERI. INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6127100 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 22 Sheet: I of 2 Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, TSoF-r Construction ActivitiesiObservations :Field engineer arrived on site as requested to inspect the rebar located at gridlines 5.2/E.2, 5.2/D.6, and C.5/6. I . In the around gridlines 7 /C.5, there are three footings. These were inspected as well. All rebar inspected has been placed according to project specifications. Verbal Communication: Field engineer spoke with Paul, with Casson, and informed him that the rebar has Copies To: Kevin C' Duncan-Casson Building Willian H. Koechlein, P.E. i..:1 ,, KO E C IILE IFC ONs UL TING EW Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6/27/00 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 22 Sheet: 2 of 2 Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 75oF= Construction Activities/Observations: Field ensineer arrived on site as reouested. There appear to be several problems occurring on site. 1. The footing located at gridlines C.5/6.1had previously been inspected; however, the top swface soil was observed as soft due to heavy rain. The concrete was to be poured on that wet surface. 2. The backfill behind the retaining wall that runs from north to south along gridline C is saturated and must be removed and replaced. 3. The sandy silt material located on the northeast side of the crane pad was not ready for testing at this time. The representative indicated that they would be working on that area. 4. Footing inspections have been made and approved, some final elevations for footings have been change anci excavated after our inspections. We must re-inspect all footing grades that have been changed, before placernent of concrete. Verbal Communication: The report was written in the office, therefore iiopy was noileft-n-rte. Copies To: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havckoit-Havckost+Associatcs, Jack Berga Gustavo Botelho Field Observer William H. Koechlein, P.E.W KOE CHL ErN C ON S ULTTNG ENGTNE E R-S ; IwF Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6129100 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 23 Sheet: I of 2 Vail, CO 81567 Project The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny, 80oFt Construction Activities/Observations :Field engineer arrived on site as requested to obserrre the retaining wall backfill. The backfill for the retaining wall is well compacted. The location of the wall is from gridline 4.7 to the south end. lt is 18' deep from the top of the wall, The area below the strip footing from 4.7 lB has met project specifications. VerbalCommunicationlFieldEngineerspokewithPaul,with@ observation. Copies To: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Co Gustavo Botelho William H. Koechlein, P.E. Reviewed BvField Observer KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Report of Constnrction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6129100 Antlers Condominium i 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 23 Sheefi 2 of 2 Vail, CO 81567 Project: The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions and Temperature:Sunny,80oFt Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested to inspect rebar. The five columns from gridline E.2 to C+ 20' along gridline 6.2 were inspected and the rebar is placed according to project specifications. The footing located at gridline 4.71D.6 is well compacted and ready for the next step. The footing located at gridiine 4/D.6 still needs to be excavated and filled with cobble. Verbal Communication: Field engineer informed Paul, with Casson, of the inspection results. Copies To: Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corporation, Dan Havekost-Havekost+Associarcs, Jack Berga Gustavo Botelho William H. Koechlein, P.E.WField Observer \ p *\ $ 60 l: i: qJ c)q) v d F () 4) Ed EE:".Y (- .O) .- : o:l, EEe i e::-!4gJ;r € [e *: aEsi? $.E.r - s ffiiEt;:; g# €igE; >.!XE.!'FlE,a iF;g'It ' E gEfie g E5€EEi E*gEg;grEE R E -6 Eii r€: : &l iF:=Eol .Y.r d'l cgE 5EY; B,I F.E g: T r:i I E ED g I l-.?r 0E5 =Fza {,1h 9, 'rr^-38 =:=9F r!?.9; :wlt, IAJ ;.sEE-E' c] c,l9a crr>g Er;!E 24'Ei",i;<fsl bYE:EE-ut -_ ._ =!_5Er6vrD Atr h 6) a v) N* () P lt P U tr :.: ;a! .eE O € Sr- .E;So ov og ,rf i'E 6rae s(\I .') c! F rl E!; .E.E E S: e ov cq cp =>E >.-: c -:L=9Fcie c{ oo N ! Oa =.EEac i,9 tr.4 3- ecl I ol(\l o'- cl n Uo J Z:&z .l(a + Jo 6 ! fl v F 9)() U +iE q_- tq O a t'38zJ =.-,FcE++{ot';o;v) Qoc ==t;i -:: e.*3Fa=|. F .9, =,z>3 aiiP?,4E: !,-vo EE 2; '=6 >o ..; =q'!: E (lC!.1 U €')(J zz .!Pcer=6) .>i,> C a oc a) a. € a -i;.2i HE 9!ta '=3 :!!i;! e E'i i;: nEs .EF!E xc ;EE*=: F-e ! 3:-e -o] E H.! a 4.e*.i 1 _> !i -9 FFTt .BE.EHi 3 YN U: "E€i! -E .8iHl/ T.1 El =€i .!H>q.Y :Nia ::>{gbl sKI EFrq f -:r. F dE(Ei€i;r6 ?z ^q)?=ebD:s0t- H.9rrE E; =s.o?e)- aAovUac E;Ea 3-qve o =E.= 9tr*F! FX=.=-?:Joo'<UEai r-eXaar-- .1 <6> F KOECHLEIFTCONSULTING ENGINEEK. INC. Report of Construction Activities To: Rob Levine Job No. 00-060 Date: 6/30/00 Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Report #: 24 Sheet: 2 of 2 Vail, CO 81567 Project The Antlers at Vail Weather Conditions rnd Temperature: Construction Activities/Observations: Field engineer arrived on site as requested and inspected the following structures: 6 Columns on6.21D.6, E.2, E.8, F.2,F.5, &G.4. Line 6.2iF.2 and G Wall on LineT/B-C- Verticle *s@tz": Horizontal #5@12"+: Above door #6 (6) Horizontal (No specs found for this line) Footpads on 4.7 lD.6, E.2, C.5, 5 Column Steei 6. l/C.S, E.8l 4.1, E.8/ 5.2 Column Steel D.6/5.2, 8.215.2 Footing on 4.7/F.2- G.5, then South to 5.2 -were lacking I of 4 lengthwise bars: linked to accommodate for missing bar and satisff specs (recommended to add a full length bar and respace, but option was overly troublesome) Overall: All rebar inspected has been placed and tied according to prcject specifications. Verbal Communication: Field eneineer informed Paul. with Casson. of the inspection results. Copies To: Kevin C. Jim Houlette/Seth Busetti William H. Koechlein. P.E. Revierved By 1 :.*: Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail. CO 81657 (970) e+9-e223 F$( (s70)468-6s39 FAX ProjectNo: 00-050 rotrrlein Consulting e?gin"ers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 123il W. Alameda Pkury. Suite 135 . Lakewood,Co 80228-2845 uxewood (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON (e70)949€009 SILVERTHORNE (s7o) 468-6933 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns at Line 5.2/D.5. 8.2, E.8, F.?. F.8, and G.4, Also Line 5.2/ G. F.2. Sample at 1ine6.21E.2 Total Cubic Yards: 5 Supplier: B&B Fxc. Slump: 7.5 inches Ticket No: 506 Air Content: 2.4% Mix Design No: BP8000 Wet Unit Weight: 146.8 pcf I t-t{tAir Temperature: Time Test Taken: ConcreteTemperature: 62oF Test Date: 6/30/00 Design Strength: 6000 psi @ 28 days R.eroarks: Age (Days) 7 1) 28 H Cyiinder Compressive Strength (psi) 3700 3910 cci Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havckost + Assoc.; Jack Bcrga Sheet I of 2 roecfiein Consulting enfineers, Inc. Consulting Geotech nical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Plarvy ' Suite 135'Lakewood' CO 80228-2845 SILVERTHSNE (e7o) 468-6933 (s7o) 46&6939 FAX Project No: 00'060 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON (s70) s49-6009 (970) 94e-s223 FAX Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail. CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESUI TS Project: Location: Total Cubic Yards: 10 Supplier: B&B Exc.Ticket No: 5l-0 Air Content: 1.6% Mix Design No: 57a4FlA WetUnitWeight: -,Pd The Antlers at Vail Slump: 3.75 inches ConcreteTemPerature: 53oF Test Date: 5130t00 Design Strength: 4500 Psi @ 28 days Remarks: AirTemperature:'lsoFX Time Test Taken: l1:20 am Age (Day$ 36507 28 28 4.1D.6-8.2 CC: Kevin C, Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Havckost + Assoc.; Jack Bcrga Sheet 2 of2 xoef,lein Gonsulting enlineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD I (303) 98$1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (e70) 94e-e223 FAX (s70) 468-6939 FAX AVON (e70) e4e-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 ProjectNo: 00'060 Rob Levine Antlers Condominium 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: Location: The Antlers at Vail T.ine 6.21E.2 Total cubic Yards: 5 Supplier: R&B Exc. Slump: 7.5 inches TicketNo: 506 Air Content: 2.4% Mix Design No: 8P8000 Wet Unit Weight: .*pcf ConcreteTemperature: 62"F Test Date: 6130100 Design Strength: 6000 Psi @ 28 days Remarks: Air Temperature: 7'l oFt Time Test Taken: 10:15 am Age (Days) ,7 28 28 J /UU CC: Ko,in C. Duncan- Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havckost- Havekost + Assoc.; Jack Berga Sheet I of2 KoeClein Consuiling Eneneers, lnc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) e89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6939 FAX Project No: 00-060 NAIIJNG TEST SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Project: The Antlers at Vail Location: Columns at I ine 6.2/D.6. 8.2. 8.8. F.2, F.8, and G.4. Also I ine 5.2i G, F.2- Sample at Line 6.2/E.2 AVON (970) 949-6009 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 Jack Berga JT Berga and Company P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 Total Cubic Yards: 5 Supplier: B&B Exc. Slump: 7.5 inches ConcreteTemperature: 62"F Test Date: 6130/00 Age (Days) 7 t2 24 H Ticket No: 506 Air Content: 2.4% Mix Design No: BP8000 Wet Unit Weight 146.8 pcf ?10F+ 10:15 am Air Temperature: Time Test Taken: Design Shength: 6000 psi @ 28 days Remarks: Compressive Strength failed to meet proiect specilications. Cylinder Compressive Shength (psi) 3700 3910 4560 5085 cc: Rob LeVine-Aatlers Condominium Kevin C. Duncin-Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost- Sheet 1 of 2 Havekost + Assoc. roeGlein Consulting gltineers, Inc. Jack Berga JT Berga and ComPanY P. O. Box 6178 Avon, CO 81620-6178 (970) 94e-s223 FAX (970)468-6e39 FAX SUMMARY OF CONCRETE TEST RESUj{! Project: Location: The Antlers at Vail Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12354 W. Alameda Pkwy ' Suite 135 ' Lakewood, CO 80228'2845 LAKEWOOD (303) s89-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON (e70) s49-6009 SILVERTHORNE (e70)468-6e33 ProjectNo: 00'060 Line6.2lF.2 Total Cubic Yards: 5 Supplier: B&R Exc.Ticket No: 506 Air Content: 2.4% Mix Design No: 8P8000 Wet Unit Weight: 146.8 PcfSlump: 7.5 inches ConcreteTemPerature: 62oF Test Date: 6130t00 Design Strength: 6000 Psi @ 28 daYs Remarks: Age (Days) 7 1) aA H Air Temperature: 7l"F+ Time Test Taken: l0:15 am 3700 391 0 4560 cC: Rob LeVine-Antlers Condominium Kevin C. Duncan-Casson Building Corp.; Dan Havekost' Sheet 1 Of 2 Havckost * Assoc. IIIDEPE}IDEI'IT TESTI}IG & II{SPECTIOII SER'/ICES IIIC. t20E4 V SEEil Ct. COI{IFER, COLOR m 80/83 (303) 67/0-7560 OBSERVATIOil RErcRT Pag€1of l1-6-00, 11-7-00 Date: & ll-9-00Cl ient: Project:Antl er' s Remode] /Addition Location: Vail, Co'lorado Insp€ctor:George Schwandt Thls report package contaJns infonnatlon concernlng specifjc tests andinspections of structural steel Heldlng, structural bolting, structural spraysdfireprooflng, and/or nondsstructive testlng. Only the fonm approprlate to thE typesof inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The speclfic criteria uti'lized in Judgtng the degree of conformance for each arsaof inspectlon ls contained on sach indivldual .lnspec{ion form. Also inc'luded in this lnspectlon package may be ITIS' "Llst of QutstandingDiscrepanc'les (O.0. Llst)". The O.O. Llst rill be tonsecutlvely nrnbered througlhoutthe durat'lon of the project for each page lssued, as rill b€ the deflctent itenscontain€d ln the ltsts. If there are any guestlons regardlng the content of thls reporti please feel freeyour conyenloncc. David L. Sturgeon President ICEO Certtfied Level III Ars Qc-l DI STRI BUTIOIIS:Ant'lbrs Condoniniun Association ,J.T." Berga & Co., Inc. - Attn: llr. Casson Buildlng Corp. - Attn: llr. Havekost & Associates P.C. RedwJ ne,/Rez i an ilack Berga Joe Casson ,rOepeNDENT resnnc? INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT coNrFER, COLORADO 80433 (303) 674-7560 FIELD INSPECTIOI{ REPORT FORH IIIiTIAL VISUAL IIISPECTIOII OF I{ELDIIIG Field l.lade lields: X Shop Hade [elds:Type of ttelds Inspffirooie --- -Oiher- TyPg0fComponentContai.ningtheIiffitedl{eldTiErc-olumn@ r'e]d, embed, cold formed, mital stuoi, etc. ): ' precast connectionsApplicable Code or Standard; AHS Dl.l an Level or Elevation: PJaza Level Ledqe qngle to concrete embed plate Grid_ l_f ne t gcation( s) Page 2of4 11-6-00, l1-7-00 082100 Date: & 11-9-00Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job No. AREAS OF INSPECTIOII priate, assigned nF" prefixed 0.D. referenced 0.0. List. Thp lpr{ ons ot nonconformance.s0 lnciten number and 0.0. page number. e rne appro- Attach the the too si 0r ine 5. Level Grid 4 Elevation: plaza Level ast wall oanel to c t I I oca ti on ( s)Ti?6fr[EGTi!s, 0f rnspection 0r tests:area6 and 7 lines from A - D.6 lines and on C,5 and D.6 lines from 3 -.-l.]-t-!-Pnovloe a critique ons of noncon rmance.so lncpriat€r assigned oFn neferenced 0.0. List. prefixed 0.0. llone item number and noted 0.0. page number. Attach appro- the E'levation: Plaza Level precast panel to orecast oanel l ocatton ( sand4-Tllnes rrov]se a cr1 frque of noted cprlate, assigned ,F,' prefixed rcferenced 0.D. List. ons ot n 0.0, item number Hone noted ornance.so lnc and 0.0. page nunber. apprc- Attach the Rdnaining conditions not listed ascrl terl r.0.D. items rere found conformlng to the stated IIOEPENDENT TESTTNGO INSPECTION SERVICES INC. I2084 VASEEN COUFT coNtFER, COLORADO 90133 (303) 674-7560 FIELD IT'ISPECTIOI{ REPORT FOR'{ INITIAL VISUAL IIISPECTIOlI OF IIELDIIIG Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job l{0. 0g2t00 line Paqe 3 of 4 1l-5-00, ll-7-00Date: & 11-9-00 Fiel d l{ade l{el ds :rlelo itaoe Hel6s: X , ShOp flade l,leldS:Tpe of Helds Inspffiroove 0thejJpe or retos rnspected: f'l llets x Groove 0therrype of Component Containing the Ii3FAted t{eldTTE columcolumn, beam,weld, embed, cold formed, mital stuai, etc.): col umn, beam, girder, .moment Precast connectibnsApplicable Code or Standard: AttS Dl.l aria AREAS OF INSPECTIOI{ or Eleyation:Level Gri d levation: Plaza Level Hair oins to orecast emhed olates l_ocation(s) A to 0.6 and 4 - 7 lines novrde a crltique o ons 0f nonconfonnance. Also inc appr0- Attach thepriate, assigned,,F,, prefixed referenced 0.0. List. 0.0. item number and 0.D. page nunber. l{one noted Level or Grid line E'l evati on : I ocati on ( s)-Eiffi[E33Ti!area(s, 0 nspectron 0r -i--i.=_.r.--rrovr0e a crltiquepriate, assigned "Fn prefixed 0.D.referenced 0.0. List. ons 0f nonc ornance. Al so inc appro- item number and 0.D. page number.Attach the Level or Grid line E'levatlon: l ocati on ( s a cr't ti que noted c ons of nonconfomance. A'lso inc appro-prefired 0.0. item number and 0.D, page number. Attach the I priate, assigned rFt' referenced 0.D. Llst. R€fnalnlng condltlons not listed as 0.D. items rlere found confonning to the stated cri teria. IIIUEPtrNDENT TESTING 6 J|r*THy":EsrNc.a @iltFER, COUnAOOO.$! (o3lC'+75c0 Page 4 sf 4 IIIITIAL YERIFICATIOIIS OF SI{P/FIEtD T'ELDII{6 OPERATIOIS Verificat{ons performed in:Verlfication of conformance x proposed rald Joint rith proposed reld Joints rithout adequate docunntation of AHS Dl.I The following itens concerning wetding operations have been verified by physical rnspectlon or review of prepared docunentation. 'X Current we'tder qualiflcations and certification as applicableto the employed processes. --- Certi fi catlons attached," Certificationson file rith General Contractor -Certificatlons on flle rith Fabrlcator X Veriflcation of nelding consumables to be uilllzed lnrelding operations Yerlfication of relding pr-ocedures VerJfication of nelding sequence _ Attached -Verffication of distorilon contrcl - Attached Verification of conformance of prcqual lfied status Yerlfication of confonnance ofpre-quallfied status but rith qua I i fi cati on - l{.P.S. and P.Q.R.attached for Englneering review 0ther {nspectlons orlconcerns: Infon.lation oertains to lbhring l{elrting t Erection iompany HEPI,VORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL DAILY DIARY PROJECT: Antlcn Condo Addition- Parking Stmcture Independent Tcsting & Inspection Senrices 120t4 Veseen Court Conifcr, CO tlX33 JOB NO. 4N24E 2,fll Annh Roed P.O. Dwcr 1887 Siharthomc, CO EO{9t Ptonc: (970) {5&19t9 Fu: (970)45&589r DATE: 0t/13 - 0tll9l0o Attn: Dave Sturgeon SllTlOO - H-P Geotech visited the Antles Condo. Addition site located in Vail, Co. to obtain placement and elongation drawings supplied by KLG Corp. for the post tension parking structure decks, pour 1 andZ. We met with Joe Casson and requested the ram and guage calibration data for the ram and guage to be used for tendon stressing. We reviewed the drawings and specifications during our site visit. EllEl00 - H-P Geotech visited the Antlers Condo. Addition site to observe post tension stressing of tendons placed in the paxking structure deck pour no. L We received the guage and ram calibration data and noted calibration qrcpeded the 30 day calibration limit. We observed the tendon stressing for thc unifonq beam and band cabtes. The stressing sequense was 100p/o uniform then 100/o band urd beam tendons. Elongations of tendons were mearurcd ard recorded. See anached pages I tkough 9 for results. In summary 1?Z oftheuniform tendons Exceeded ttrc7% + deviation ofthe calculued elongation and 33o/o of the band and beam tendons orceeded the 7o/o + deviation ofthe calculated elongation. We found 10 ofthe Z3band tendons at grid G.5 had not been placed in the declg and two uniform tendons at grid 4 were not stressed. See No, 3l and 32 note. Reviewed 87: Eepworth - Pavrlak Gco'echnical . : '--;:-r;1-::.l?.-F--. " -" Or*o*r" - pewlex GeorBcrnvr0,. r*.. 240 Annie Road - P.O. Drawcr i887 Silvenhomc, CO 80498 970-468-1989 POST TENSION FIELD REPORT CLIENT:Independent Testing & Inspection Service DATE/DAILY RPT.08/18/00 '100 248 O'Hara.-__-.-- Constn-rction Services Manager 60 PROJECT:Antlers Condominiums Addirion - Vail. CO HPG JOB: LOCATION:Eagle County Vail, CO OBSERVER: CONTRACTOR:Casson Building Corp. King TITLE: WEATHER:Cloudv TEMP: FLOOR: l" level parking deck POUR: No. I JACK S/N: PTPM 397 DRAWING and DATE: KLG 7/28/00 Tendon No. Location Uniform Strand Jacking Force Gauge R eading Calc. EIong. Measured Elongation 94 DeviarionEnd I End 2 Total Grid 2+4'3 -r.0 Kio -i400 2 t /.." 2 Grid 2+4'33.0 Kip 5400 2'/2" J Grid 2+8'33 0 Kip 5400 2'7/8" 4 Grid 2=8'33.0 Kip 5400 2 7t8" )Grid 2*8'33.0 Kip 5400 2 7/8" 6 Grid 2+12'33.0 Kip 5400 3 t/4" 7 Grid 2+12'rJ.U t(lp 5400 3 t/4" 6 Grid 2+16'33.0 Kip 5400 3%" t Grid 2+ I 6'33.0 Kip 5400 3%" l0 Grid 2+16'33.0 Kip 5400 )/2 il Grid 3 33.0 kips 5400 2"2.0 2.0 U t2 ./Crid 3 33.0 kips 5400 2"r 5/8"l 5/8 -t9 t3 ,/Crid 3+3'33.0 kips 5400 23/8 2.0"2.0 -16 t4,/Crid 3-3'33.0 kips 5400 23/8"| 7t8"1 7/8 -!tts/UflO J +J 33.0 kips 5400 23/8 )n"2.0 -t6 COMMEI No. denotr iTS: l-10 to be stressed in pour 2. 7o deviation from calculated etongations shall not- exceed + |oh. / by tendons excessive deviation of elongations. {EEDED OR ITEMS OF CONCERN, jACTION PACEIOF9I,AOIS Shawn O'Hara ,#^"5:*1i;:ll#i,,9"*"",,llf"Tillf i,"ili,;, POST TENSION FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Antlers Condo Addition Vail. CO DATE/DAILY RPT: 8/I 8/00 HPG JOB: 400248 Tendon No. Location Uniform Strand Jacking Force Gauge Reading Caic. Elone. Measured Elongation % Deviation End I End 2 Total i6 U rlo r-b'-: -1 .0 Kips 5400 : iiS": 1.! 17,/Crid 3-6'i3.0 Kips 5100 2 5/8"2 U1")l/4 -15 i8 Crid i=9'33.0 Kios 5400 I 7,'8"41t1tr J )t+ ts,/Grid 3-r9'3 i.0 Kips 5400 27t8"2I/2"2 t/t -t3 l0 Grid 3+9'33.0 Kips 5400 2 7i8"2 3/4 -) Grid i+12'3i.0 Kips 5400 J lt+? 7/8"2'7/8 Grid -:+12'i3.0 Kips 5400 3 1/4"2 7/8"2 7/8 la Urlo Jr I )33.0 Kips 5400 3 Yz"i.0"3.0 -15 '14 Grid 3+15'33.0 Kips 5400 J/2 3 t/4") lt1 25 Grid 3+15'33.0 Kips 5400 3h"3 t/1"J 1t+-7 26./Grid -r+18'33.0 Kips 5400 3 7/8"3 t/r") -/a -10 Grid 3+18'33.0 Kips 5400 3 7/8"3%")t7 -t0 28 Grid 3=21'33.0 Kips i400 J )l+3 3i4 -7 29 Crid 3-21'-r3.0 Kips 5400 J -11+-1 Grid i+2 I 3i.0 Kips 5400 3 5/8"3 5/8 -10 .31*Crid 4 33.0 Kips i400 32*Grid '{33.0 Kips 5400 JJ Crid 4++'i3.0 Kips 5400 3 i/8")12 I".-4 J+Crid 4+4'33.0 Kips 5400 3 5/8"1 t/2"3 t/t 35 Grid 4+4'33.0 Kips 5400 3 5/8")/2 3%A 36 | Crid q+8'33.0 Kips 5400 3 5/8'3%3v, 37,/ I Crid q+8'33.0 Kips 5400 3 5/8'4.0"4.0 +10 38,/ | crid ++8'33.0 Kips 5400 i 5/8"4.0,'4.0 +10 i9 | Crid 4+12'33.0 Kips 5400 3 5/8")'/2 3/,t 40 | Crid 4+12'33.0 Kips 5400 3 5/8"3 Vz")'/2 / 41./ I Grid++I2'33.0 Kips 5400 3 5/8"3 l/4"3 l/4 II 42 | Grid q+7 33"0 Kips 5400 4h"4 5/8"I 5/8 rz 43 | Grid 4+7 33.0 Kips 5400 4%"4%"4%n | #32 no anchor head #3 I not stressed 08i i8/00 PAGE2OF9 PACT3 vv r{EpwoRTH - Plwtrx GrorrcnmcAl. rNc. 240 Annic Road - P.O. Drawcr I887 Sitvcnhomc. CO 80498 970-468.t989 POST TENSION FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Antlers Condo Addition. Vail. CO DATE/DAILY RPT: 08/I8/00 HPG JOB: 400 248 Tendon No. Location Uniform Strand Jacking I Gauge Force I Reading Calc. Elong. Measured Eloneation % DeviationEnd I End 2 Total 44 Grid 4.7+3'33 Kips 5400 17i8"5.0"5.0 ti Grid 4.7+3'J-)Kips | 54oo 4 7/8"5.0"5.0 +o Grid 4.7+3'33 Kips 5400 4 7/8"4 7,',8 0 ^1 Grid 4.7+6'33 Kips -i400 4 7/8"5.0'5.0 48 Grid 4.7+6'3i Kips 5400 4 7/8"5.0"5.0 49 Grid 4.7+9'33 Kips 5400 4 7/8"5.0"_s.0 50 Grid 4.7+9'33 Kips 5400 4 7/8"5.0"5.0 .?J 5l Grid 5 33 Kips 5400 4 7/8"5.0"5.0 +2 52 Grid 5 33 Kips 5400 4 7/8"5.0'5.0 53 Grid 5.1 33 Kips 5400 4 7/8"4 3/4'4 3il i4 Grid ,<.1 33 Kips i400 4 i/8"4 314 -J Lrrlo ).1 33 Kips 5400 4 7/8"4 3/4"4 3/4 .J ,i5 \JnO ).1 33 Kips 5400 10 t/4"I0 t/4"t0 t/4 0 57 Grid 5.2 33 Kips 5400 to t/4"10.0"10.0 -J 58 Crid 5.2+3'-6"33 Kips 5400 lo t/4"l0 t/8"l0 l/d )v Grid 5.2+3 -6"33 Kips 5400 to lt4"10.0"r0.0 | -3 60 Crid 5.2+3'-6"33 Kips 5400 10 r/4"10.0"r 0.0 -J 6l Grid 5.2+7'33 Kips 5400 t0 U4"10.0'I0.0 .J 62 Grid 5.2+7'33 Kips 5400 t0 l/4"10.0"10.0 -J OJ Grid 5.2+10'-6'33 Kips 5400 t0 t/4"t0.0"| 0.0 -) 64 Grid 5.2+10 -6"33 Kips 5400 t0 t/4"t0 %"t0% b)Crid 5.2+10'-5"33 Kips 5400 to l/4"l0 l/8"l0 t/8 a 66 Grid 5.2+14'33 Kips 5400 l0 l/4"| 1.0"I 1.0 +7 ol Crid 5.2+14'33 Kips 5400 t0 t/4 t0 3/4"t0 3/4 68 Grid 5.2+17'-6"33 Kips 5400 l0 7/8"l0 7/8"t0 7/8 0 Grid 5.2+17'-6"33 Kips 5400 t0 7/8"| 1.0"I 1.0 't- I 70 Grid 5.2+17 -6"33 Kips 5400 t07/8 t0 7/8"l0 7/8 0 Grid 6+2'33 Kips 5400 r I 3/8"t0 %"l0 t/z -8 t!uno o+l'33 Kips 5400 il 3/8'I0 3t4"l0 314:i::.::-: - --'--- PACE]OF9 PACES O HEpwoRTH - P,twtAr GBotBcuxIcAL. INc. 240 Annic Road - P.O. Drarvcr l88Z Silvenhome, CO 80198 970-468-1989 POST TENSION FIELD REPORT PROJECT: .{nrlers Condo Addifion. Vail. CO DATE/DAILY RPT: 8/l l/00 HPG JOB: .100 l{8 Grid 6+5'-6"11, t,/4 Crid 6+j'-6' Grid 6+5'-6" Crid 6.1+j'Il t/4 UrlO O.Ji-J Grid 6.2rj'lt t/4 Crid 6.2+9' Grid 6.2+9' Grid 6.2+12' Grid 6.2+12' PAGE l OF 9 PACES POST TENSION FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Antlers Condo Addition, Vail. CO ATE/DAILY RPT: 08/18/00 HPG JOB: 400 218 Measured Elongation Note: Grid C.5 lThru l4 Not Stressed R/lR/nn Ort rENSi-,r F,ELD REpoRT O PROJECT: Antlers Condo Addition, Vail, CO DATE/DAILY RPT: 8/18i00 HPG JOB: 400 248 Tendon No. Location Band Strands Jacking Force Gauge Reading Calc. Elong. Measured Elonsation % DeviarionEnd I End 2 Toral t Add Grid 8.2 33 Kios 5400 3 i/8"J J/O i 3/8 0 ')3 l/4"3 t/4 )3 l/4") lI4 3 3/8"3 3/8 0 )3V2 ) lt:-J I Grid E.8 33 Kips 5{00 ) lI!3 t/4"3l/4 -7 ')3 t/4"3 1i4 J 3 t/4"3 t/4 -7 .+3 t/4"3 l/4 J J LI+3 I/4 6/5000 Gauge Lift off 3.0"3 1!4"1.0.3 l/4" 5000 Cauge Lift off 3.0"3 t/4"i.0.3 t/4" 8,/4800 Gauee Lift off i.0'3 ll4"3.0.3 ti4"- l.+. -/ 9,/5000 Gauee Lift off 3 t/8 3 3/8"i l,/8, j i,/8--11. -+ 10/4600 Gause Lift ofr i.0"3 3/8"3.0.3 3/8"- 14. -l II 3 l/4"3 t/4"1 t2 3 t/2"3 3/8" | -q 3 l/4"3 t/4" l4 3 t/2"3 I/2"0 ti{4800 Cauge Lift off i.0"3 3/8"3.0, 3 3/8'-14.4 t6 3 tn"3 t/2 0 l7 3 t/2"3U2 0 t8 3 t/2 J ttz 0 t9 3l/2 3U2 0 20 3 1/4"3 t/4 2l 3l/2"J UI 0 22 3tn 3tn 0 J I t')r 3 lf2 0 t Grid F.2 33 Kips 5400 3 3t8"3 l/8"3 l/8 3ll8"3 l/8 l 3 t/4 -4 I l/8"3 l/8 )3 t/2 3v2 't- Hnpwontn - P.lwrer GBorBcrnrcAL, INc. 240 Annie Road -P.O. Drawcr 1887 Sitvcrrhornc, CO 80498 9?0{68-i989 POST TENSION FIELD REPORT PROJECI-: Antlcrs Cordo Addition \rail. co DATEi DAILY RPT: 08/18/00 HPG JOa: J00 118 Tendon No. LOCaflOn Band Strand Jacking Force Gauge Reading Calc. Elong,Mcasured Elonsation % Dcvratron End I End l Total 1./Add - Crid F.2 i 3 Kips 5400 4500 I t/2"-1 I /.1. I l,1l lr.-5 1 Gauee Lift off 5.0"-s .0 5.0"5.0 4 13/4"4 0 )J 5 1/4"5 1,"4 -10 6 + )t+0 l 5 r/8"5 t,'8 )I i8"5 li8 9 4 ',7/8"17,',9 +3 I Grid F.8 33 Kips 5400 4 3/4',-r 34"r+)i1 0 ')50"-i.0 ': J 5.0"5.0 if 4 5.0"5.0 ?5 5.0'5.0 -) 5.0"5.0 7 5.0"5.0 i) 8 4 3t4"13/4 0 o '1 5/8"4 5i8 .J I Add Grid F.8 33 Kips 5400 43/4"5.0'i.0 +5 )5.0"5.0 +5 13/1 0 I PTB-3 Grid 4.7 33 Kips 5400 2 3/4"2 3/4"2 3/4 0 )2 3/4"23/4 0 3 1Jl.+0 t7{PTB-2 Grid 5 cont.33 Kips 5400 4000 I l/8"7/8"1.0"7t8, t"-')', -t I 18,/Cauge Lift off 4000 7/8"1.0"7/8, t"-22, -t I l9 4000 I l/4"I I /8"I v4,I U8 +11, 0 20/4000 r.0" I I t/8"L0. I t/8 I t, 0 2r./4000 I.0"I v4"1.0. I I/4 ll,+ll 22,/4000 1.0"I l/8"1.0, I r /8"-1t,0 73,/4000 1.0.'I l/8"t.0, I l/8"I t,0 &tlxfr. -lffiEwL:,., r'.\utt\\]rYr\r.o PO ST TENSION FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Antlcr Condo .{ddition Vail. CO DATSDAILY RPT:08/t8/00 prgc t of9 l0 Tendons not placed PTB-S Grid E.2 Wesr t/4" T TENSION FIELD REPORT PROJECT: -{ntlcrs Cordo .A,dditioD DATE/DAILY RPT: 08/l 8/00 HPC JOB: 400 148 H EPIVORI}I.PIUILAK GEOIECH NICAL 2{{rA.nrirRmd P.O. Ilwcr 18817 S|harntane, CO flX98 Phooc (970)46&19t!, Frr: (970) rlSt-s8lrf DAILY DHRY PROJECT: Antlen Condo Addition- Prrking Structure Independent Testing & Inspection Serrices DATE: 08/20 -08126t0O Attn: Dave Sturgeon 120t4 Vsseen Court Conifer, CO E04'3 JOBNO.40024t OEI?31OO - HP Geotech visited the Antlers at Vail site once today to observe placernent of post tension tendons l'level deck, pour tr of the parking struchre. We measured CGS high and low pornts from deck and found the high point CGS through columns to be low and a few low CGS to be high. The beam on 4 line was incomplete and three tendons between 2 and3lines, F to G.3 had not been placed. Placement of mild reinforcement was also found to be incomplete. We notified Paul Waltrnaq CBC, of our observations and deficiencies noted. Bob Redwine was also onsite to obsenre deck l, pour 2 tendon and mild steel placement. A list of 6 general items of deficiencies was generated by Redwine - Reizian and forwarded to IIP Geotech and CBC. 0tl24l00 - HP Geotech visited the site to observe deficiencies on th P.T declg level 1, pour 2 and corrective action tak€n. At the time of our arrival (noon) numerous items were incomplete or renrained dcficient. HP Geotech worked closely with Pul Waltma4 of Cassen Building Corporuion, ond thc foreman with King Concrete to identiS the deficiencies in the tendon profiles and mild steel. At the close of the work day, the items identified as deficient by IIP Geotech and Redwine - Reizian on 0E/23l00 had been corrected. In additioq expansionkterial had been placed at mnfined areas ofthe stair core - slab interface to reduce potential deck ri, , I i,:;..:-" lti_,- t:", _. crackr at keys and imolo*. The P.T. tendon placenrent .oa lnq as welt as mild reinforcing placcmcnt is in general conformance with plans, general notes and KLG drawings. Isolation bond breaker has been placed at top ofwall to deck interface. iltnin0 - At the request of Casson Building Corp., HP Geotech was onsite to obse,rve the concrete placement for l" level P.T. dect second pour and to witness stressing and re-stressing ofthe lr level P.T. deck pour one. During our observation ofconcrete placcrnent, we did not see any disturbance oftendons or mild steel and believe that the original tendon placement remains. We observed stressing ofband tendons deck pour I at Grid C.5 and measured elongation of tlirteen of the fourteen tendons. The % deviation was 7olo or less in this group. One tendon',vgs breken at the stressing head during the $ressing op€ration. Se€ sheet I of I attached. Band tendons stressed on 08/18/00 that orcecded the -7o/o deviation from calculated elongation, were re-stressed. See sheets 6,7 md 9 of 9 for lift-offgauge readings, new elongation meastuements and new % deviations. Casson Building CorP. was given a copy ofour stressing logs prior to our departure from the site. Reviewed By: Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical Epwonrn - pa,wr,aii Gnorncmn0,, ^..2rO Annic Rord - P.O. Dnwcr I 8t7 Silvcrrbornc. CO t0498 go46t-1989 POST TENSION FIELD REPORT CLIENT:ms DATE.TDNLYRPT.08/2st00 PROJECT:Antlers Addition ?arting Sfucnre HPGJOB:400 248 I;OCATION:Vail, CO OBSERVEK O'I{an CONTRACTOR King Concrcte - Casson Building Corp.TITLE:Constuction Serr.ices Mer. WEA]EER Sunny TEMP:70 POUR NolFLOO& 1r Ievel perking deck GAUGE SA{: 020AA:t1369 JACKVI{: YrPNl397 DRAWING rnd DATB: KLeTt2stilO ACTIONNEEDED ORITEMS OF CONCERN: PAGEI OF I PAGES Shrwn O'tLn Obscrver HENTORIH.PAWUIK GEOTECHNICAL 2{llAntdcRord P.O. Dwcr 1887 Sihnrthom"" CO 80498 Pbooc: (970) 45&1989 Frr (97o) 45&58!tl DAILY DIARY PROJECT: Antler: Condo Addition- Perking Structurc Indepcndcnt Tcsting & Inspection Serricer DATE: 0E127 - 09102100 Attn: Drvc Sturgeon 120E4 Vrscen Court Conifer, CO 8{X33 JOB NO. 4/m24E 0E/29i00 - At the request of Casson Building Corp., HP Geotech visited the site to obsenre tendon stressing and measure elongations. Upon anival Paul Waltmaq with Casson Building Corp. informed us that stressing was post-poned until 08/30/00. 0SB0/00 - At the request of Casson Building Corp., HP Geotech visited the site to observe stressing ofP.T. tendons on l'level parking declg pour 2 and measure tendon elongations. Eight tendons Enceeded the -T/o deviation ofthe thirteen benveen grid 2+2 and grid 2+14'from grid D to E.5 after re'stressing. Also, one tendon in this group broke during stressing. See sheet I of 6. Uniform tendons at gid 4 and PT B-l grid 4 from D.6 to E8 were not stressed this date. Stressed tendons that did not meet the -Tlo deviation were re-stressed. Gurge lift offpreszures were recorded and new tendon elongationswerelogged. Seeattached sheets I through6 attached. CassonBuilding Corp. was provided with a copy of our stressing report prior to our site deparrure. 0861/00 - At the request of Casson Building Corp., HP Geotech visited the site to observe sressing ofPTB-l at grid 4, D.6 to E.E. See attached sheet 3 of 6 for elongation and deviation results. Uniform tendons (2) on grid 4 renrain unstressed. Casson Building Corp. was provided with a mpy of our stressing logs prior to our site deparnrre. I Reviewed By: Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnicaf C**o*r" - pewr,er GBorncum0. r*.. 240 Annie Road - P.O. Dratlcr 1887 Silvcnhornc, CO 80498 97046g-1999 POST TENSION FIELD REPORT CLIENT:ITIS DATE/DAILY RPT.08/30/00 PROJECT:.A.nrlers Condo Addition HPG JOB:400 248 LOCATION:Vail. CO OBSERVER:O'Hara CONTRACTOR:Casson Building Corp. - King Concrete TITLE:Construction Sen ices Mqr WEATHER:TEMP: FLOOR: l" Level Parking Deck POUR: No.2 GAUCE S/N: 0203 AA 21369 JACK S/N: PTPM 397 DRAWINC and DATE: KLG 7i28/0O - Tendon No. Location Uniform Strands Jacking Force Gauge Reading Lift off 2''d puil\ Calc. EIong- L{easured Elongation ori Deviation End I End 2 3- pull Toml I*Crjd 2+2'33 Kins i400 15000)2 I/2"2 tt9 D to E.5 33 Kips 4900 1.0 a 1tA -20. - r0 J 2 3i8 Grid 2+6'33 Kips 5400 (5000)27/8 212 2 t/2. 2 t/z 13. .13, ,rl 5*D to E.5 33 Kips 5000, 4800 (2.87s)) 1/)z 3/8,2 3/8 li tl l1 6*i000. 5000 2 3/8.2 %-t3., -t3 7*4800 3 t/4"3.0 2 7/8 -8, -12 8*Grid 2+10'33 Kips 5400, 5000 3 t/4"2 7/8 7't/8 2 7/8" 9+D to E.5 33 Kips 5000 23t4 ! )t4 2 3/4" l0 5100 3.0 3 1/8 3ll8"-8, -4 I I *i Crid 2+14'33 Kips 5400,4900 3tn 3ll8 cable snapped 0"- , 100 l2 D to E.5 33 Kips 3 l14 3 l/4"-1 ll 3 l/2 3 t/2"0 Crid 2+2'i3 Kips 2'1t8'2 7t8') 1t9-0 2 FtoG 33 Kips l-0 +4 3 2 7t8 27/8"0 COI{MEN*TS: " Docs not mcct thc -7% dcviaaion. " Cablc brokc during strcssing. Tcndons with grcarcr than -?% dcviation wcrc rc-pullcd and lift otf pressurcs rccordld and elongations rc-mcasurcd. .{CTION rr'EEDED OR lTEl\{S OF CONCERn-: PAGEIOF6PAGES Shawn O'Hara Observer TENSION FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Antlers Condo Addition Vail. CO JOB: 400 248D.rG/DAtLY RPT: 08/30/00 Tendon No. Location Uniform Stands Jacking Force Gauge Reading Calc. Elong. Measured Elongation % Deviarion End I End 2 Total l Crid 2+6'33 Kips 5400 2 7i8",'| )FtoG 2 7t8"2 7/8"0 6 3.0 )+4 1 -4 I Crid l-10'33 Kips 5400 1 7,',8"2 7/8"2 7/8"0 9 FroG 2 7/8"2 i/8"0 t0 2 7/8"2'7 /8"0 lt Crid 2+ l4'.33 Kips 5400 2 7/8"2 7/8"I 7i8"0 i2 F:o G 27/8"2 i/8"0 I.)3.0 J Crid.3 33 Kips 5400 7 3/4"7 5/8"7 5/8" )7 t/4"-60/o I Crid 3 +3'33 Kips 5400 7 3/4"7 7/8"7'7!8"+l )8.0"8',-J )7 i/8 7 7/8":I Crid 3-6'33 Kips 5400 7 3i4"7 t/4"-A ")7 t/8"7 t./8"-8 I Grid i+9'33 Kips 5400 7 5/8"3.0'3"-) )8.0"8'-1-) .)7 7/8"7 7t8"-r_J I Grid 3+ I2'33 Kips | 5400 7 5/8"8l/8"8 t/8" 1 8 I/8"8 t/8" I Grid 3+15'33 Kips 5400 7tn 7 3t4"7 3/4"+3 )7 3/4"7 3/4"+3 )7 3/4"7 3/4"-t-J I Crid 3+18'33 Kips 5400 7 ltz"7 5/8"7 5t8".?z 7 5/8"7 5t8"71 I Grid 3+21'33 Kips 5400 7ln 7 t/4"7 t/4"-J 2 7 5t8"7 5/8"'rt +J PACE 2 OF6 PACES -:'=!.l1F-:-'---' 1os i iENs.oN FTELD REPORT PROJECT:,\rrr,'-c 1.r.li-ion ffiu,,u U HPGJOB: 400248 page3of6 Tendon No. Location Uniform Stands Jacking Force Cauge Reading Caic. Elong. Measured Elongation % DeviationEnd I End 2 Total I Grid 4 33 Kips 5400 l0 3/8"0 100 ')Croup of 2 not stressed 08/30/00 n r00 Grid 4 thru 4.5 33 Kips 5400 6 7/8" )6 3/4"6 3/4" J 6"7/8"6 7/8" 4 7 t/4"7 t/4"-) )7.0" 6 7l/4"+5 7 7 t/2"7 t/2" 8 7 U4"+5 9 t )t+I )t+':-lr I Grid 4.7 33 Kips 5400 6"6.0"6"0 )6 V8"6l18"'1'! I PTB- | Grid 4 3i Kips 5400 2 7i8"3.0 )-A )D.6 to E.3 27/8"2'7/8"0 J 2 7/8"27/8 0 3.0 J )2 3/4 2 3/4"/l 6 This group not Stessed 3.0 3"!A stressed 08/30/00 08/31/00 27/8 27/8"0 8 | due to forms in olace 2 3/4 2 3/4" | -4 9 5000 Lift off 2ltz ,! )t+! )/+-13. -4 l0 3.0 +4 tl 3.0 J +4 l2 27t8 27t8 0 IJ z )t1 2 3/4" l4 4900 lift off 2tn 2 stl 2 5t8"-l i -o l5 2 3/4 23/4"4 I PTB-l Grid 4 33 Kips 5400 | 3/4"| 3/4"| 3/4"0 E.2 to E.8 | 3/4"| 3/4"0 | 7t8"| 7t8" 4 | 7/8"| 7/8" )I '2.0 +14 6 | 7/8 | 7/8"+7 7,| 7/8 | 7/8" 8 l7t8"t't/8 +7 ATE/DAILY RPT: 08/30/00 5100 Lift off 5 r 00 Lift off POST TENSION FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Antlers Addition HPG JOB: 400 248 PACE4OF6 P.,l(J::., POST TENSION FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Antlers Addition ATE/DAILY RPT:0880/00 HPG JOB: 400 2{8 Cl!: , j );asured Elongation Grid G Adds PACE 5OF 6 P^CES ,.f|[,],.1:ii;:,1":T*lt,^G":,""J:.."lilf l.1T"1, PROJECT: Anrlers Additior DATE/DAILY RPT: 08/30/00 HPG JOB: 400 148 POST TENSION FIELD REPORT PACE6 OF5 PACES PCST TE):SION FIELD REPOR PnO.IECT, nnrt.r, OUa i,ionffi ! HPG JOB: 400 248 Page I of I Tendon I LocarionNo. I Uniform Stands Jacking Force Gauge Reading Calc. Elong. Measured Elongation 9/o Deviario::End I End 2 Toral I Grid 4 33 Kips 5400 r0 i/8"0 t00)Group of 2 not stressed 08/30/00 or 08i31/00 0 r00 Crid J thru 1.5 33 Kips 5100 6 7t8"7''t' 6 3t4',6 3/4"-'l 6 7r8'6't/8"0 l 7 1t4"7 ti4"ij l 1 .0"7" o i lt4'i lt{" 7 lD"i lt2" I 7 U4" I 1 3/4"+13 Grid 4 7 33 Kips i400 6"6.0'6'0 1 6l/8"61i8" I PTB-l Grid 4 -13 Kips 5400 2 7t8"3.0 3' D.6 to E.8 (2.87j)27/8"27t8"0 2 1t8"2it8"0 3.0 ) 2 3t4"-+ 'l'hrs eroup nor I Stcssec 3.0 7 stressed 08/30/00 | 081: UOO 2 7/8 2 t- /8"0 duc to forms in placc 2 3/4 2 3t4" l-r 5000 Lrft off 2 U2 | 2.3t4"- i-1. -.1 t0 3.0 3"+4 3.0 J +4 l2 I - l5 strcsscd 08/31/00 2 7t8 2?t8" lo 2 3t4 2 3/4" l4 4900 lift off 2tD 2 5t8'7 5t8"-l? .o IJ 2 3/4" I PTB-i Grid 4 33 Kips 5400 | 3t4"| 3/4"| 3t4"0 )ts.1 to t_a | 314 | 3t4 0 l | 7t8"| 't t8. | 7/8"| 7t8 +'lIjv 2.0 2"+14 6 | 7t8 | 7t8" 7 l 1t8 I7E" I | 7t8'| 7t8"+7 HEn|rcMH.PAU'LAK GEOIECHNICAL Zlf Alric no.d P.O. Ilnrcr ltST $lvcrrhomc CO 80498 Phoue (970) 46&1989 Frr: (fi0)46&$9f DAILYDIARY PRO.trECT: Anden Condo Addition- Perking Stnrcture DATE: 09/f0 - 09116100 Independent Testing & Inspection Scrvices Attn: Deve Sturgeon 120E4 Veseen Court Conifer, CO t0,lit3 JOBNO. &O24t 09112100 - IiP Geotech visited the site at thc request of Casson Building Corp. to observe stressing ofthe two remaining uniform tendons on deck I ofthe pa*ing structure at grid 4. The elongation of the two tendons were within theTo/o deviation of calculated elongation. Our report was fr..xed to Redwine-Reiziaq Inc. for rwiew and a photo copy was provided to Casson Building Corp. Reviewed By: Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical G**oo*o - P.a.wr,.lr crorrcm'ilO, ncc. 2,() Amic Rord - P.O. Drewcr 188? Silvcrthqnc CO 8(X98 970-458-19t9 POST TENSION FIELD REPORT POUR- No2 JACK S/t{: PTPM 397 DRAWING and DATE: KLG 7 l28l$ COMMENTS: Intermediatc stressing was not done, as strcssing heads wcrc not placed in pour No' l' ACTION NEEDED OR ITEIIS OF CONCERN: Etongation results were faxed to Bob Rcdrvinc. I I OF r PAcl CI.IENT:Independent Testing and Inspection Services DATEN'AILYRPT.9naoo 400 248 O'Ilara Constuctioc Smriccs Mgr. 70 PROJECT:Antlers Condominium Acldition HPGJOB: LOCATION:Vail, CO OBSER\/ER CONTRACTOR Casson Building Corp. - King Concrerc TITLE: WEATMR Surmy TEMP: FLOOR 1'LevelPerkiagDeck GAUGE S/l{: 0203AA 21369 Fug. 11 'Ru g OO 12: 12p lO O0 08:22p Hevekosti.Rssoc i ates r P. C. aoo ]urine 303 863-0661 r -s?o-Oo?ea p.1 p,1 Redwins-Roizlan Inc Struclu.ol €nglneors August 10' 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: Dan l{avekost/Havckost + Assocratcs FBOM: Bob Redrvine SUBJECT: AndcrsCondominiums Post-tensioned strand and nrild stecl placemenl on1'ucsdaymornrng,August8^,Imadeasitevislttoobservcprogress.l)uringttratsitc visit,severalquestronswcteraiscdconcerningpost-tensioningstrandplacementatdrebeatns around tlre crane oPerrrng and the ramp Sinci Tuesday' I have been concentrating on helpingtheBe[eralcoDtracorwitirtheseissues.Unlbrtunately,tlrisfocusotr(hebeamshas noiallowtd me to review basic tcndon layout tssues' orr Thursday afternoon, August l0d', I visited rhe site.about 4:00 p.m. and walked the upper parking tloor slab for atloui"t trour. 't noted many deficiencies which are cnumerated in my iield oiservation of that date. I rccommend that a spccial inspector bc conhctcd. immcdiarely to peribrm daifi special inspections of the p.r srrands for the remaindcr of $e pours. I do noihaue enough time to stay up yith th: steel placers' and it is not.my iesponslu'ityrodoso. mhyt.rt.rroyou'ofJunc5,2000, lsratedthatthebuildingcocle requires speiial inspection ofmild reiniorcing and posr-rensioning reintbrcing prior to pouringofconcrcte.fotytno*f"Og","un-"ofthishasoccurredtodateThereisalotof rework to do on rhe first pour p-T auJ mild steet placement rhat would not have occurrcd if a special inspector had been on-site ibr the last 3 days' Latetoday,IreceivedacajlfrornPaulWaltrnanrequestrngaslabinspectionlbrFriday r"iffii"stst 1l'l', 2000. This inspcctio' needs to be madc by a speciai inspector; my ol**.irn oi tocuy sarisfies our resp;nsibilities regarding this pour. Our otlce will not approve the p;1. slab pours witbout i spwiat inspcction repofr lhat verifies the post- tcnsioning strand profiles and rnild steel placenrent' End of memorandum. Joe Casson 99109 1515 Arapahoe Stre6t, Surtc 1300 Oenvor, Colorodo 80202 t3031 575.9510 Phone (3O31 575'9515 far CBC hlttl'** FAe a$rY TA Ko& LFVrr,i, f vnr{ Forq FEvGvr Aprp F/hn aory ttF JA+F, #Kqerh LAqd{) FFf* Acftaa,qry') fx.flar) 0150 East gtsve. C.sek glvd , Unir 204A P.o.8ox 8009, Avon, C0 91620 {970} 748{71 1 Phone (9701 748-0722 lax Aug 11 OO 12:12P Fug 10 O0 08;23P Hevekostl.Rssoc l ates, P. C. aoufa,,,t, . 863-0661 P.? | =-:: ^ ') 303 Rsdwrns-Reirian inc' Sfuctural Engrl\€srr JOBSITE OBSERVATION Antlers ar Vail Coudominium Addition Havekost + Associales ll 80'[i*.cloudY Projcct #: Daic: 4:00 P.m. 99109 I 8/ 10/2000 lleport #: Temperature: PRESENT AT SITE: Rcdwine-Rerzian - Bob Redwtne WORK ]N PROGRESS: Forming for the uppel parking slab at thc north half' - Reworking post{ensioning at beams cast of ratnp. Formlng north-foundation walls east of stair/elevator cote' OBSERVATTONS: All of the items observed appeared to be in substantial compliance witb the suuctural documcnts with the foilowtng excePttons: 1. The bandecl strand's are not being pluced rccording to the drawings: .1 KLG sheet PTl General nore 3 requiles a certain scqueoce of placement - this does not appear to bc adhered to' Detail 3 ,.;;;; rwo strands of the uniform srranris ro be placct beneath the bandedstrands.andtlteotheruniforrnstrandstobeabovethebandedstrands. In several plt;;;;;;;;tign drawings and the KLG drawings' thc bande<l strands arc iiven Priority of placement ovcr the uniform strands ' Dctail2 t*,?;;;;i;;;tio b-ttto direction to be placed I the same plane as the banded rendons; this rcbar must be horizontal' not draped with the tendons' Detail I requires that the banded srantls bc placcd in groups according to tbe symbols ,nl*o oo this sheet aud the plans' The groups are to be placed with 4inchesclearance,Thesamerulesapplyatthesfiessingendandthedead eud' .2 The banded strands are not atlequately supPorted over the t**: The chair bar sags r io z io.no; I mendoned rhirto a rebar placer on Tuesrlay the 86. .3 KLG sheet PTIA ThedeadeudancboristobenailedtoformboardperdetailT.Wtereform board does Dot occur' re dead end anchor needs to be in the same location ;ilrFrr* ;; ,r,..ig. of the slab. ln no case should rhe flat surface of the 't 515 Ataprhoe Street, sui(e l3o0 Osnvc., CO 80202 {3o31575-9510 Phon€ (303)575-951 5 fox O150 E.st A..vet Ctcek Blvd ' A204 P. O.9ox 8009 Avon, Cotorodo 8t 620 (97O)748-07l 1 Phooo t970)748-0722 far Fug 11 'Rug 12: 13p O0 Oa:22p 00 10 Havekostl.Rssoc i ates ' P. C. so$arir," 303 863-0661 ,. -rro-f -orP p.3 p.2 RE: R€dwlna-Rsizian Inc. Struqlu,gl EnginestE June 5, ?000 Dan Havekost Flavckost + Associatcs I l2l Crant Street Denver, CO 80203 Antlers Condominiunrs Structural Inspections l)car Dan: As construction begins on this project, it is important to diScuss quality assurance proceciures Iclating, to Structural lnspecrions ard Sguctural Observations. Structurai Inspections are contracted by the ora,rror and supplicd by a firm qualified in thc type of construction used ott the project. Special tnspectrons aic rcquired by section 1?01 ofthe 1997 Uniform Building Code for ccrLain lvpes of construction- A generai list of required inspectious for this prolect is as follows: l. Taking of concrete cylindor tests 2. lnspection of reintbrcing prior to closing lbrms 3. lnspection ofprestressing tendons prior to concrctc placement 4. Visual inspectiol of shop welds prior to shipmeut rutless pcrformed irt an approveci fabricator's shop (per l70l .7) 5. Visual inspection of all field welds 6. tospection of higlt-strengtb bolting of structural steel It is good p(actice tbr rhe structural engineer of record to perform "structural Obscn'ations" as delirred in scctron 220 ofthe 1997 Uniform Building Code duling constnrction to ensure that the sorslruction is in substantial contbnnance with the construction documeots. Structural Observations are mandatory by code for certain building typcs in seismic zones 3 artd 4, ald are somctimcs rnandated by local building deparbnents; to our undcrstanding Structural Observations ate not required by the Vail building department. In any event, our firm has budgeted l2 site visits for this purpose on this projecl. ln gcncral reptcscntativcs fi.om our frrm will decidc rvhcn to makc Structural Observations' '[he general contractor needs to kecp us informed ofthe construction schedule so we can dcci<ic when to schedulc a Stnrcturai Obsewation. Stnrchrral Observations are not mcant to replace Sbuctural Inspections or inspections nomrally performed by the building department. Please pass this information along to the general contractor and owncr, so tftey can make provisions for the code-required special inspections. Sincercly, lm ltttttnne Bob Redwine ,515 Arspahoe Sttegt, Suite 13O0 Denvor, Colorado 80202 t303) 575-9510 803) 575-9515 fa.r seocdwina-r€izie com 0150 East Boaver Crcok glvd.. Untt 2044 P.O. 8ox ()09, Avon, CO 81620 (970)748-0711 (970) 748-0722 hx seordwin€-@iian clm Fug 11 .' FluE OO 12:13p 1(} OO 08: 23P JOBSITE OBSERVATION #l1: Antlers Condominiums 08/10/oo page 2 p.4 p.4 HavekostttFlssoc i ates, P. C. 303 863-0661 aot !,rine l-s?o-?Oo?ez back oi the anchol' be further than 3 inches from $e edge of slab' The bursring t*' '"t''"il ut pi"J -ut*t"t 2-ll2 ard 3-112 inches hehind the anchor as 'n"*" "t i"tJii 7' The dcad end anchors shoulti form a straight line Parallel to the slab edge' 2. The mild stiel is not being ptaced according to^the drawings: .l Thc top bars in tn; oanoeo direction are to he placed with tltcit centcriine at thesame"t;ti*;;;h"bandedstrandsovertiecolumn'orl-li2''tlown from the ,"p .i 1r, ,iru. This would result in approxiruately 1-1/8" cover tbr top steel t * it"iJoirecrton Ail mrid steel is to bc level' .2 The top t't"1"int uniform rlirection are t<r be ptaccd directly below the top bars in the banded direction' .3 AII bars nd;;d"' ;o tnt tdgt of slab should be placed rvithin i-l/2" clear of the edge of slub' 3. The unitbrm .tr.rd; .:; ;;; iturays .t uir.a properly as they tntersect the.banded strands; the unitorm "*"it 'ft""iO in general be above the banded srands The one noticeable exceptron is the pair of uniforms required ro p'ass under the banded suands at the cenrerline of the column' 4. Our detaii D/s5 12 ;;;J' ilngitutiinul bars in the closttre pours - these bars are 5. i'r:ffiir}Ji,il'lt; be stressed riom the east end as opposed ur usi'g a slab 6. lHfJffi:n:n*iits*,lr does n.t have proper strand profile at the interscction of thc PTB-2 runnirrg elst/west' l.ThePTB-5atthewestedgerlfthecraoeopeoingis24iucheswide.Thecolullut capitol at ,h' '"'thv;;l"tt";o;';.e'i-+'r it 48i widc' The banded P-r stran<ls do not pass over this toft"* *pit"t as requrred by rhe drawings' The forming needs to be reworked in this area by exrending the.low soffit out beneah fte srands and addingbonom'n'i'i*ft'todropcapitotsltel'Pleaseprovideasketchshowingthc relationship ot me column an<t PI-g-5 so we can detail this rcpair' 8/r0/2000 Written bY: Copy to: Bob Redwine, Rcdwine-Reuiau' lnc' Dan Havekost, llavckost + Assoclites Paul Waltmao, CBC SiG Supcrtntendent JTb ffi0Jjul 13 2000 J.T. Brnon & CoueeuY, tttc. CoNsrnucrtott Seavtces wHrrE RtvER CENTER BU|LD|NG 90 BENCHMARK Ro^D, SurrE 2Ol P.O. Box 6I 78 AvoN, CoLoRADo 81620 Re: July I l, 2000 Mr. Gary Goodell, Chief Building Offical Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Wesr Vail, CO 81657 Dear Gary, During tttis weeks construction coordination meeting, it became apparent the cast-in-place concrete reinforcing steel placement was being inspected by two parties. Koechlein Consulting Engrneers and the Town Vail Building Departrnent are rnspecting. I was confused why this was happening. I was told by Casson Building Corporation that this "redundancy" was a request from the town. It seerrs only one party should inspect the rebar, either the town or Koechlein. If Koechlein does complete the inspections, I'm sure the owner would want a rebate on the building permit if Koechlein will be inspecting the rebar placement for the town. We do anticipate the structural steel testing, such as welding or bolting torques, which may be out of your inspectors' expertise, to be done by an outside agency. Please clarify exactly which inspections are required to be done by outside consuitants, in order for us to write scope of work contracts for the engineering companies. Thank you for your time to clear up this matter. A prompt response will be appreciated. Owner Representative for the Antlers at Vail PHoNE: 97O-845-84OO Fex:970-845-7993 JBERGASSOS@AoL.coM Town of Building Safety 75 South Vai1,(970) 479-2321 VCI-LI, \- \J -L IJI Ct \,4\J t, i n qne r-t inn SerwiCgS Frnn f r rro Pnrrl co 81657 FAX (970) 479-2452 Pl an an:lvsi s the 1997 Uniform based on Drri lrlinr.r anrlausr f srrlY vvsv Project Number: 800-0058 Project Name: Antl-er's Condomlnium Address: Lionshead Circle Occupancy: R1-, B, S3,A3, S2 Constructi-on: II-1hr June 30, 2000 Casson Const ruct ion Havekost & Associate R.J. Bravo Gary GoodeII intended to be a in the 1997 UBC. a. (719) 599-5622 are reproduced of the Date: Addltion Contractor: Architect: I'n rr 'i noan Report By: NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not complete listing of al-l- possibl-e code requirements It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Report created using PIan Analyst software by b w e Portions of the material contained in this program from the Uniform Building Code with the permission fnternational Conference of Buildinq Official-s. NFPA 13 sprinkler system throughout the building Sprinkler system used for al-lowabLe story increase -- Sec. 506 SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE TIRE PROTECTION NORTH Public way 45.0 Feet 25.0 Feet EAST Public way 57.0 Feet 33.5 Feet SOUTH Separation waLl 0 - 0 Feet 0.0 Feet WEST Property line 3.5 Feet 3.5 Feet Allowable area increased 3L.252 for open area on 2 sides. -- Sec. 505. 1 Code review for: P ra!'t oarr I a1 Address: NAME occ MAX FLR Page tLa ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 5 Unlt 620 (Floor 2) 5 Unit 621 (Floor 2) TOTAL FOR FLOOR 4 Unit 518 (Floor 2) 4 Unit 519 (Floor 2) 4 N.Stair,/E1ev/Vestibu 4 UniL 620 (Floor 1)4 Unit 62I (Fl-oor 1)4 Exit Balconies TOTAL FOR FLOOR 3 Unit 514 3 Unit 515 J Unl-t 51b J Unr- t 5_L / 3 Unit 518 (Floor 1) 3 Unit 519 (Floor 1) 3 Unit 520 3 Unit 5213 5O2 Conference Room 3 NStair,/Efev,/Vestibul ? qn? q+. .\r.a.16 3 Exit BaLconies TOTAL FOR FLOOR2 unit 474 z unat 4l.5 I Un]-t' 4t_b z unrL 4). I 2 Unit 418 2 403-5 Sales,/Acountng 2 NStair/E1ev,/Vestibul 2 401 Business Center 2 Unit 420 2 Un:-t 427 2 Exi-t Bafconies TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Unit 314 I UNII, J.L5 1 Uni-t 316 1 Uni-t 317 1 Unit 318 1 311 Fitness Room 1 NStair/Lobby/Vest/EL I 316 Stcrage 1 317 Yard Storage I 318 Mechanical Rm1 Unit 320 l- Unit 321 B B R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 B B B A3 r(I 11-L R1 R1 R1 r\l. R1 R1 R1 t(,L r(I R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 tll- R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok OK ok ok ok n n? 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.06 0.06 o .02 0.23 0. 06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0. 06 0. 06 0.06 0 .02 0 .02 0.0 0. 06 0.58 0.06 0.06 0.06 0. 06 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.06 0.09 0. s6 0.06 0.06 0. 06 0.06 0.06 0.03 0 .02 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.06 0.06 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 16L '7 6L L522 173 '713 1,94 1009 1009 340 4098 1101 1101 1015 1015 10 60 10 60 ]-002 1-002 563 357 63 1096 104 35 110I 110 8 7002 10 02 1055 563 z4z 251 10 02 10 02 r648 998 9 1]-L2 7IT2 1000 7002 1014 540 269 36 80 108 1002 7402 23625 23625 23625 L I | )-Y 17'rL9 L77t9 L7719 L1'7 L9 L'7 7 L9 L7'719 L'7119 t7119 L]1t9 L71L9 I'7 71_9 I'7 7 t9 117L9 71'7 L9 23625 23625 23625 L77T9 1814 6 I71).9 L7'7 )_9 L1'7]-9 r I I LY 1,7'7 L9 I'7'7 L9 L1119 L'r'71,9 I7119 t'|'719 L7-t19 I't719 L'71L9 T17 L9 71119 I1119 11'tt9 I'11L9 I'7'7 t9 I7119 I11L9 I11L9 I I IIY 17'7 L9 1- Exit Co::ridors TOTAL FOR FLOOR OK 1489 9156 i4t 0.08 c.55 ok ok o23 ok ok OK ok643;t 0.0 0.0 Code review for: Drai ant' TA Address: 82 East Stairs 53 82 Lower Parking 53 TOTAL FOR FLOOR BU]LDTNG TOTAL -- Sec. 504 and TabLe 5-B The actual height of The maximum heiqht of Page *A 1,46 23625 0. 01 14533 23625 0.62 15806 Unl-imited 3581"0 35068 o. 99 ok ok OK ok Parapet Required No No No No No D.1 rthaf Required No No No No No in this report. Pe r.anai Q arrr li rad No No No No No ok ok this building is 58. feet. the building is 65. feet. -- TabLe 5-B EXTERTOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 5-A NORTH For Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction Occupancy Wal-1 Wall Protection MaterialR1 t hour t hour None Non-Comb B t hour t hour None Non-Comb 53 t hour t hour None Non-Comb A3 l- hour t hour None Non-Comb 32 t hour t hour None Non-Comb EAST For Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction Occupancy Wall Wa11 Protection Material R1 L hour L hour None Non-CombB t hour t hour None Non-Comb S3 t hour t hour None Non-CombA3 t hour t hour None Non-Comb52 t hour t hour None Non-Comb SOUTH AREA SEPARArION WALL - See requirements listed later WEST For Bearing Non-Bearing Opening ConstructionOccupancy Wall WalI Protect j-on Material R1 t hour t hour Not ALlowedNon-Comb B t hour t hour Not AllowedNon-Comb 53 t hour t hour Not AllowedNon-Comb A3 2 hour 2 hour Not AllowedNon-Comb 32 t hour t hour Not AllowedNon-Comb Page # 5 Cocie review for: p r /.1'r a/-f- | .1 eddiess: None -- No fire protection requj-rements for openings. 3,/4 hour -- Openi-ngs are to be protected w:.th 3/4 hr fire ass6mblies- 5Ot of the area of the wafl maximum- -- Tabl-e 5-A, Footnote 5 & sec. 503.2.2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft. with no dimension qreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 713.8 Not Allowed -- Openings are not permitted in this waII. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Tab1e 6-A ELEMENT MA?ERIAI-, RATING NOTES Interlor Bearing wal-1 Noncombustibl-e t hr lnterlor nonbrg walJ- Noncombustible t hr See Footnote #7 Structural- Frame Noncombustible L hr Exterior Struct Frame Noncombustibie l- hr See footnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Noncombustible t hr Floor,/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible t hr Roof,/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible t hr See Footnote #8 Stairs Noncombustible None NOTE: See Section 711 for shaft encl-osure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 1) El-ements in an exterior wal-I located where openings are not permitted or where protection of openings is required, shall be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walIs or the structural frame, whichever is greater. -- Table 6-A, footnote 1 4) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used wj-thin interior non-bearing t hr. wall assemblies. -- TabJ-e 6-A, footnote 2 5) Nonload-bea ri-ng walls wj-thin a tenant space that are not part of a t hr. corridor may be of: a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materia 1s b) Fire retardant-treated wood c) One-hour constructj-on (any material) -- Sec. 601.5.2.1 7) Nonload-bearing wall-s wlthin a dwel.l-ing unit that are not part of a corridor may be of: a) Noncombusti-ble (nonrated) materials b) Fire retardant-treated wood c) Combustible framing with noncombustible covering j-n Type III and V construction -- Sec. 60I .5.2-2 B) If the entire roof structure is 25 feet or more above any floor, the fire rating may be aLlowed to be eliminated. See limitations and recrrli rrmcnf s -- Sec. 603.5 & 502.5 Page # 6 Code review for: Project Id.: Address: PENETRATIONS OF FIRERESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES WALLS ASSEMBLIES -- Sec. 109.6 Through penetrations:T\ Danarrari^ns shalL be instal-Led as tested in the rated assemblv.(,L r) o grr -- sec. 709.6.2 2) Penetrations shafl be protected by an approved penetration firestop system and shall- have an F rating of not less than therequired ratj-ng of the wall penetrated. -- Sec. ?09.6.3 Exception: When penetrating items are steel, ferrous or copperpipes or steel conduits and the waLl- is concrete or masonry, the annular space shal-l be permitted to begrout or mortar. The mi-nimum thickness is the thickness required to maintain the fj-re rating. The maximum size of the penetrating items is equivalentto a 6-inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of 144 square inches. -- Sec. 709.6.1 Membrane penetrations: The requirements are the same as for through penetrations. Exceptions: 1- Steel electrical outlet boxes that do not exceed L6 square inches. provided that the area of such openings does not exceed 100 square inches for any 1-00 square feet of waLL area. Boxes on opposite sides of the assembly shall be separated by a horizontal distance of not less than 24 inches. 2. Sprinklers with metal escutcheon plates. Noncombustible penetrating items shall- not be. connected to combustlble materials on both sides of the membrane unless it canbe confirmed that the fj-re-resistive integrity of wall ismaintained. -- Sec. 109.1 Page # 7 Code review for: Project fd.: Address: FLOOR/CEIIING AND ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBL]ES -- SEC. 170.2 Through pentrations: Through penetrations of fire-resj-stive horizontal assemblles shall be enclosed in fire-resistive shaft enclosures. -- Sec. 710.2.1' Excepti-ons: 1. When penetrating ltems are steel, ferrous or copper conduits, pj-pes, tubes and vent.s through a single concrete floor, the annular space shal-l- be permicced co be grout or mortar' The minimum thickness is the thickness required to maintain the fire rating. The maximum size of the penetrating j-tems is equivalent to a 6-inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of 744 square inches. 2. El-ectrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use in fire-assemblies . The system shaLl- have an F rating and a T rating of not fess than one hour but not less than the required rating of the fl-oor system. -- Sec. '7I0.2.3 Exception: Floor penetrations contained and located within the cavity of a waII do not require a T rati-ng. Membrane penetrations : The requirements are the same as for through penetrations - -- Sec. 710.3 Exceptions: 1. When penetrating items are steel, ferrous or copper conduits, electrj-cal- outl-et boxes, pipes, tubes and vents through concrete or masonry and the annular space is protected by an approved penetration firestop assembJ-y or protected to prevent the free passage of flame and products of combusti-on, Such penetrations sha.l-1 not exceed an aggregate area of 100 square inches in any 100 square feet of ceiling area in assemblies without penetrations. 2. Electricaf outlet boxes that have been tested for use in f i-re-assembLies. 3. SprinkJ.ers with metal escutcheon plates. Fire-resj-stive roofs may have unprotected openings. -- Sec. 1L0,4 Page # B Code review for:Project Id.: Address: SMOKE and FIRE DAMPERS -- Sec. 1L3.10 and 713.11n--^^*^ ^L^'1 be accessibfe for insnrction :ndudrnpers snal.l- oe accessr-Dle IC* , *..* servlclng: 1. Penetrations through area separation walls. Penetratlons through occupancy separations.2- Penetrations of the fire-resistive construction of horizontalexit walls or corrj-dors serving as a means of egress. Exception: Openings for steel_ ducts penetrating the requiredfire-resistive construction of corri_dors are notrequired to have smoke dampers when such ductsare of not less than 0.019-inch thickness(26 gaqe) and have no openings serving the corridor -3. Penetrations of shaft encLosures. Except ions : 1. Duct penetrations by steel exhaust air subducts extending vertical_l_y upward at least 22 inches abovethe cop of the opening in a vented shaft where theairflow i-s upward. 2- Penetratj-ons of a fi-re-resistive floor forming the base of a shaft enclosure may be protected by fire dampers listed for i_nstaL.l_ation in the horizontalposition. 3. Smoke dampers are not required when shaft j_s exhaust on1y, and is used for continuously operating fans.4. Penetrations of the ceiling of fi-re-resistive fl_oor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assemblies. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required, 5.. Penetrations of an atrium enclosure element. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required. 6. Penetrations of exterior wa11s where protection of oneni-nosis required. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required.1- Penetrations of areas of refuge- Exception: Ventilafion system designed to supply outside arr durrng an emergency. 8. Smoke dampers are required in smoke .barrj-ers and elevator Iobbies. Page # 9 Code review for: Project Id.: Address: OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 3-B K_L -u -LnrR1-S3 3hr The separation may be two hours 1f l-imited to parking or sEorage of private or pleasure vehicl-es. -- Sec. 302.4 exc. 2 R1-A3 thr R1-S2 thr B-S3 thr A customer waiting room not exceeding 450 sq-ft- with an exit to the exterior is not required to besenrr:ted. -- Sec . 302. L exc.2.5B-A3 Ohr B-S2 Ohr S3-A3 3hr b 5->.2 .Lnr AJ-52 UNT HEATING EQUIPMENT SEPARATION: FOR R1 OCCUPANCY: A t hr. occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unit serving more than one unit. -- Sec. 302-5 exc. 2 FOR B OCCUPANCY: A t hr. occupancy separati-on is required around rooms containing a boiLer or central heatlng unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 302 . 5 FOR 53 OCCUPANCY: A l- hr. occupancy separation is requlred around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input, -- Sec. 302.5 FOR A3 OCCUPANCY: 7\ 1 l^-. \J\-L- Lr1,crr rrJ y separation is required around rooms containing a boil-er or central heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 302 . 5 FOR 52 OCCUPANCY: A t hr. occupancy separaLion is required around rooms contaj-ning a boil-er or central heating unit greater than 400.000 BTU input. -- Sec. 302-5 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS : A refrigeration machinery room shalJ- be separated from the remainder of the building as required for an H7 occupancy regardless of area. A horizontal occupancy separation may be limited to the actual fl-oor area of the machinery room. Sr.ructural supporting elements shalL be nrnf pr.ter| fnr J- he f rrne of c1.1nqJ- rtt/-+i an ^-:" -- eAC . 2802urrvu)'tJvv!ra]'. A 4 hour separation is required from an R1 occupancy. -- Table 3-B Page # 10 Code review for: Prniar-f Trl . Address: FOR R1 OCCUPANCY: A L hr. occupancy separatj-on j-s required around .common storage andlaundry rooms. -- Sec. 310.2.2 A t hr. fire separation is required between dwelling units. -- Sec. 3I0.2.2 EXIT REQUIREMENTS: FL NAME NUMB MIN MIN PANIC HALLWAY/ DOOR NOTES OCC EXITS WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SUIING 5 Unit 620 (Floor 5 Unit 621 (Floor r \.., t l-lrl 4 Unit 518 (Floor 2) 4 4 Unit 519 (Floor 2) 4 4 N.Stair/Elev/VestibuACl 4 Unit 620 (Fl-oor 1) 5 4 Unj-t 62L (FLoor 1) 5 4 Exi-t Balconies ACz TOTAI 18 Unit 514 6 Unit 515 5Unit 516 5 Uni-t 517 5 Unit 518 (Floor 1) 5Unit 519 (Floor l- ) 5 UN.IE 52 U 5 Unit. 521 5 502 Conference Room 38 NSt a i r / E l- evlVe s t ibul-AC2 4 2)82)8 16 -L 1 z l-.o 4.8 0.8 0.8 0.2 1.01n 0.4 5.4 1.> 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.6 4.8 0.8 14 .6 ?n ? No No No N/A N/A N/A N/R N/R N/R 3 3 5 J 3 3 3 3 3 3 TOT 503 Storage Exit Balconies AL nn?? 101 1 1 1 1 1 1 z 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 z No N/A No N/A No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Corri-dor No Hallway No Hallway No HalJ-way No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No Hallway No HaJ-J-way No HallwayNo Hallway Vo< f-nrri dnr Yes Corridor N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R L'I N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N,/R Out 4 18 Out 1'7 Code review for: t, f /.\ -.r a/-.t- | t1 . Address: Page # 11 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No l\to No No No No No No Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R HaIJ-way N/R Hal-lway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Corridor N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R N/A N/R N/A N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Hallway N/R Corridor N/R 1'7 .) 2 z) a ..' 2 z .-t TOTAL 77 I 1 1 t- 1 1 1 1I l_ 1 1- 1 1 TOTAL Unit 4l-4 6Unit 415 6Unlt 416 5Unit 417 5Unit 418 5 403-5 Sal-es/Acountng 3 NStair/Elev/VestibulACl 407 Business Center 1 5 5 AC8 4! 1) L.2 1.0 1.0 r.. 0 0.6 0.2 U.Z 1.01n 1.6 30. 3 1 '.\L.Z )_.2 t--u1n 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 i.) 1.0 1.0 1.4 20.2 1 t_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 2 1 1 1 t 1 1 Unit 420Unit 421Exit Balconies Unit 314 6Unit 315 6Unit 316 5Unit 3l-7 5Unit 3l-8 5 311 Fitness Room AC3 NStair,/Lobby/Ve s t / ELACI 316 Storaqe AC 317 Yard Storage AC 318 Mechanical Rm AC1 Unit 320Unit 321Exit Corridors 5 q fL\- / 37 1 1 1 1 2 P: rra JL 1'lt LZ- Code review for: Prniaz-l- Tri . Address: B1 U01- Emp Ski Stor AC81 U02 Storage Room AC2 81 UO3 Ramp AC2D1 r-n,,| r^7---i -- ROOm 2r, \J: vrcr!ILrIIrg 81 U05 Ski Storage 4 81 U06 Mechanical AC1 81 U07 N. Stair,/Vest/EIAC5 81 UOB Boiler Room ACB 81 U09 Storage AC1 81 U10 Storage AC 81 U11 Storage AC 81 U12 Comm. Kitchen 4 81 U13 Ramp AC2 81 U14 Banquet Room 22 Rl ll'l 5 Si- nraap AC2 81 U16 Bar 2 81 U17 Restrm Corridor ACL81 U18 Banquet CorridorAc2 81 Ul-9 Mez Stairs AC1 81 U20 Men's Restroom AC2 81 U21 Women's RestroomAC2 81 U2 3 Vesti-bule AC1 81 U22 Lobby AC1 81 U24 Garage Storage AC1 BL U26 Housekpng Office 181 U2'7 ElecLrical AC1 81 U2B Hall/Stairs AC1 81 U29 Housekeeping 681 U30 Storage AC BL U31 Storage AC1 81 U32 Employee Bath AC 81 U33 Exit Hal1 AC81 U34 Ha1l AC1 81 U35 Maint. Office 2Bl U36 East Stairs AC1 81 Unit 122 EHU 581 Bdrm Addn Unit 101 2 R'l [innar T arra l Parlri nrr 11O 81 M01 Dressing Room ACz81 M02 Bath AC 81 M03 Sauna AC2 81 M04 Mech,/Storage ACs TOTAL 220 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l_ 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 z 0.0 0-4 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.2 1.0 L.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.4 4.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4 u.z ia 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.4 0.2 1.0 0.4 34.0 0.4 0.0 0-4 1.0 66. 0 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No N/A HaJ-lway N/A N/A Hallway N/A Hallway Hallway N/A N/A N/A Hallway Hallway Hallway N/A Hallway Hallway Hallway HaIlway Hallway Hallway Hallway Hallway N/A Hallway Hallway Hallway Hallway N/A N/A Hallway Hallway Hallway Hallway HaIlway Hallway Hallway N/A Hallway HaIlway HaJ.lway Hallway N/A N/nN/R 11 N/R N/R N/R 11 N/R N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R N/R N/R N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 1-1 N/R 11 N/R N/R 11 N,/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R N/R N/R 11 N/R 11 N,/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 11 N,/R 11 N/R 11 Out N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 11 N/R 11 uut' Page t 1? Code review for: p r f\'1 ar-f I al Address: 82 L01 Maint Shop AC2 82 L02 Storage AC 82 L03 Vesti-bu/ElevatorACl 82 L04 ElevEquip/StairsAC2 R? T,O5 St- orarro AC 82 L06 Storage AC B2 L07 Storage AC B2 East Stairs AC1 82 Lower Parkj-ng 13 TOTAL '13 0-0 0.2 0-4 0.0 0.0 0.0 U.Z _1z+. O 66. 0 No No No No No No No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Out Out 1 .) NOTE: Areas with 'AC' before the number of occupants area is being treated as an accessory for occupant loads, -- Sec. 1003., Exception Hallways shall be considered as intervening rooms for exit-access design purposes. -- Sec. 1004.3.3.1 Wall-s and cej-1j-ngs of hallways are not required to be fire-resistive unless they are required to be fire-resistive based consLruction type. -- Sec. 1004.3.3.3 There is no restriction as to the amount and type of openings unlessprotection of openings is required by some other code provision. -- Sec. 1004 . 3 . 3. 4 Elevator l-obbies are not required. -- Sec. 1004.3,3.5 In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is 1/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or f1oor. -- Sec. 7004.2.4 When 2 exits are required, exits must be arranged so that it is possible to go in either direction from any point j-n a corridor or hallway to a separate exit, except for dead ends not exceeding 20 feet in length. -- Sec. L004.2.6 Page # i-4 Code review for: Project Id.: Address: Exi t Si ons a1p lpnrrr ro-l f rnm e|l afeas Whef e 2 Of exi 1.S are reorli red.I vYqr! \ -- Sec. 1003.2.8.2, Exception 2 No point to be more than 100 feet from an exit sign. Main exterior exlt doors which obviously and clearly are identifiable as exj-ts need not be signed when approved. -- Sec. 1003.2.8.2, Exceptlcn l_ Door swing is based on Sec. 1003.3.1.5 except as noted. Occupant load factor is based on TabLe L0-A. Number of exits is based on Table 10-A except as noted. Exit width is in inches and based on Sec. 1003.2.3 and Table 10-BExit width is to be di-vided approxi-mately equally amonq exits. -- Sec. 1003 .2.3 -2 Width shown for all areas is based on other egress components. Width shown for 1st floor is based on other egress components. Width shown for other fl-oors & basements is based on stalrwavs. -- Table 10-B NOTE: When the occupant Ioad on an upper floor is greater than thefloor(s) below, minimum exiting requirements are maintained. -- Sec. 1003 .2.3.3 For the mini-mum width of doors, see Sec. 1003.3.1.3 For the minimum width of hallways, see Sec. 1004.3.3.2 For the minj-mum width of corridors, see Sec. 1004.3.4.2 For the minimum width of stalrwavs, see Sec. 1003.3.3.2 FOOTNOTES: 2) Basements and floors above the 2nd floor are reguired to have 2exits. -- Sec. 1004.2.3.2 See Exceptions 4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. 1007.2-5 See exception for main exit in A-3 occupanci-es and churches.1I\ fnrrinnrc r.,i+hin :n aFFira cnace with an occupant load of l_00 or less are not required to be rated. -- Sec. l-, Exception 5 L] ) The requirement for thj-s hallway,/corridor to be a corridor is based on the hallway in a portion of this area being an intervening room. -- Sec. 1004.2.2 & 1004.3.3.1 18) The requirement for this hallway/corridor to be a corridor is based on this area requiring more than one exit. -- Sec.IOO4.2-2, Exception ! NOTE: One exj-t may be through an adjoining or intervening room, which 1n turn provides direct access to an exit or to a corridor. -- Sec . 1044.2.2, Exception 4. Page # 15 Code review for: Project Id.: Address: FLUSH AND SURFACE BOLTS: M:nu^ I I rr onerat. ecl eclcre- or srrrf 6gg-mounted f lush bof ts and surface hnl ts ^r an\/ rrj- hA- l-rrnc nf r.larli r-c th.:rl mav be rrsed IO CIOSe OI-ul'yvvlulrgur!Lq] restrain the the door other than by operation of the l-ocking device shall not be used. When automatic flush bolts are used, the door Ieaf having the automatic flush bol-t shall not have a door knob or surface-mounted hardware- The unlatching of any leaf shall- not reorri re mnrc t-h:n onc one-:f i nn. -- SeC. 1003. 3 . 1 . B LOCKS AND LATCHBS: Reo,a rdl csc nf the nr-r-rrnanf I ned scrlred - exi f cloors qh: I I )'r c nnen,1[]g9v! v vg, from the inside wit.hout the use of a key or any special- knowledge or effort. -- Sec. 1003. 3.1. I STAIR NOTES: Private stairs: Dr.irr:-a c,1-:i rr.r:r,s and stai-rs servi no an or:crrnant load less than 10:v!r w rrrY 1) A private stairway must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.2 2) The maximum rise of a step is B inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.3, Excepti-on 13) Provide a handrai.I on one sj-de of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosj-ng if there is more than 3 risers. -- Sec. 1003.3.3-6, Exceptj-ons Public stairways: 1) The rise of steps shall not be less than 4 inches or greater than 7 inches, The mi-nimum run is 11 inches. The maximum variation is 3/B inch in a flight of stairs. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.3 2) The minimum width of a stai-rway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the /.\,^,.-,,-\:n+ t^..t is .r*tr.atar f L:r 49. __ Sec. 1003.3.3.2Y4vquv!AIso see exi-t table above to see if mi-nimum width is greater than 44 inches. 3) Provide a handrail on both sides of stairway 34 to 38 j-nches above the nosino- Marz he on One side of st:i rw:rrs Iess than 44 inches wide. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.6, Exception 1 4\ D.ovidc a .n1^rd r:ir r^rha-o drnn off is orearer than 30 incheS.s!vu v!! rJ Y!esLv!-- Sec. 509. 1 5) The minimum height is 12 inches. -- Sec. 509.2 6) Open guardrails shall have intermedj-ate rails or ornamental pattern such chat a sphere 4 inches in diamecer cannot pass t.hrough. -- Sec. 509.3 The triangular opening formed at the riser, tread andguardrail may be 6 inches. -- 509.3, Exception 2 1) The minimum headroom is 6 ft-- 8 inches. Sucn clearance shal-] be measureci vertically from a pLane parallel and tangent ro the scairway tread nosing to the soafit above at aII points. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.4 8) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is requi-red to be procected as required for t hr. fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.9 Page # 16 Code review for: Project Id.: Arlri ra e e - Stairways are required to be in exit encl-osures. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.11) The wal-Is of the enclosure are required to be 2 hr fire assembl-ies. -- Sec. l- 2) The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be 1 1,/2 hour assemblies. Note: Openings into enclosure are limited to those necessary for egress normally occupied spaces. Doors shall- be maintainec. self-cl-osing or shall be automatic closing by actuationof a smoke detector. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.5 3) A connection to the exteri-or is required with the same firenroter-tion :s the exit enclosure. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.34) The space under the stairs (enclosed or not) may not be used for anypurpose. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.6 5) Approved staj-rway identification signs shall be Iocated at each floorlevel- i-n all enclosed stairways in buildings four or more stories inhelqht. -- Sec. 10033.3.13 6) At l-east one stairway is required to extend to the roof unLess the roof slope is greater than 4:12. -- Sec- 1003.3.3.11 7) A barrier is required at grade leve1. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.4 ELEVATOR REQUIREMENTS : 1) When the el-evator vertical travel is 25 feet or more, each associated el-evator lobby or entrance area and associated machine rooms shal-l beprovided with an approved l-isted smoke detector for elevator recal1 nrrrnnseq nnl rr -- Sec. 3003.22) In building three or more stories in height, at least one elevator car.rri nn =l I f I oors shall acc6nim6date a wheel_cha.i r Scc f he r-omqlglgurrs uvrrrPlist of requi-rements in code book. -- Sec. 3003.4.1 3) fn aII structures four or more stories in height, at l-east one elevatorshall be provided that can accommodate an ambulance-type stretcher 76 inches by 24 inches i-n the horizontal position. -- Sec. 3003.54) Shafts (hoistways) housing efevators extending through more than twofl,oor levels shaLl- be vented to the outside. The area of the ventshall not be less than 3I/2 percent of the area of the elevator shaft., provided a minimum of 3 square feeE per elevator is provided. -- Sec. 3004. Vents shall be capable of manual operation only. Paqe # 17 Code review for: Ad.diess: RAMP REQUTREMENTS: l-) The mlnimum width is 44 inches. If a ramp serves an occupant l-oad of 49 or less, it may be 36 inches wide. If the ramp is serving a high occupant load, check exit table above for required width. -- Sec . L003.4 .2 2) If the ramp is part of the accessible route, the maximum slope is 1212. Al-1 other ramps may have a slope of 1:8 or l-ess. -- Sec. 1003.3-4.3 3) When the slope is greater than 1:20, landings shal-I be provided at the top, bottom and for each 5 feet of rise. Top landings and intermediate landings shall be at least 5 feet rn the direction of travel. Landings at the bottom of ramps shafL be at Least 6 feet in the direction of travel. -- Sec. 1003.3.4.4 4) Hanclrei ls sh:ll he ner steir rcarri rcmenf s -- Sec. 1003.3.4.5 5) The surface shall be roughened or shall be of slip-resistant materiaLs. -- Sec. l- LANDINGS AT DOORS: 1) A fl-oor or landing shal1 be provided on each side of doors. When access for persons with disabilities is required. the floor or landing shall not be more than 1/2 indn lower than the threshold. When access is not requlred, the maximum is 1i-nch. -- Sec. 1003.3.1.6 2) Landings shal1 have a width not less than the width of the stairway or width of the doorway, whichever is the greater. !{here a landing serves an occupant load of 50 or more, doors in any position shall not reduce the landing dimensj-on to less than one half it required wldth. The minj-mum length in the direction of exit travel i-s 44 inches. -- Sec. 1003.3. 1.7 TRAVEL DISTANCE: (dj-stance to an exit) The maximum travel distance i-n this building is 250 feet. -- Sec. 1-004.2.5.i' TraveL distance shal-l not be l-imited within an exit enclosure or exit n:ss:rrowA\/ -- SeC . 1005.2.2 BUILDING ACCESSlB]LITY : When there is more than 20 dwelling units, at least 2 percent, but not less than one unit shall be accessible. -- Sec. 1103.1.9.3 See Exceptions in code Page # 18 Code review for: 9fn '1 ar'ii- | /1 address: 1) Th:s burlding including each tenant shall be provided with at least one entrance which complies wj-th the accessible route provisions of CABO/ANSI A117.1. At l-east 50 percent of all entrances shall beaccessible. -- Sec. 1103.2.3 2) When more that one exit is required from any accessible space, each accessibLe portion of the space shal-l- be served by not l-ess than two accessibLe means of egress. -- Sec. 1104.1.13) When an exit stairway is part of an accessible means of egress, the stairway shall have a clear width of not less than 48 inches betweenthe hancirails. The stairway shall either incorporate an area of refugewithin an enlarged story-Ievel Landing or shalL be accessed from an area of refuge. -- Sec. LL04.L.2 The area of refuge sha1l have direct access to the stairway that servesit. -- Sec. 7].04.2.74) Each area of refuge shall be sized to accornmodate one wheel-chair spacenot less than 30 inches by 48 inches for each 200 occupants, orportion thereof. -- Sec. l-L04.2.3 5) If the area of refuge is not within the stairway, it shall be separated from the rest of the story by a smoke barrier having at least a one-hour fire-resistance rating. Smoke barriers shafl extend to the roof or f l-oor deck above. Doors shall be smoke and draft control- assemblieswith a rating not l-ess than 20 minutes. -- Sec. 1104.2.46) Two-way communications are required. -- Sec. 11,04.2.5 7) Each area must be identified by a sign stating AREA OF REFUGE and theinternational symbol- of accessibility. -- Sec. 1-I04.2.78) NOTE: Exit stairways in buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system are NOT requj-red to incorporate an area ofrefuge. -- Sec. 1L04.I.2, Exception 2 ROOF]NG REQUIREMENTS: 1) The roofing on this bui-Lding is required to be Class B or better. -- Table 15-A ?\ Strp cp.tinn 1l!{ anCi ICBO feSearr-h rennrfq fnr reorri remenf s.reYqrrsr'rsrrLr. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: If there are 100 or more sprinklers, afl val-ves controlling the r^rrt- 6r crrnn'tr' .hrl water-f1Ow switCheS Shall_ be eleCrr.i r::llw moniforqd.rvq4rj Valve monitoring and water-flow alarm and trouble signals shall bedistinctly different and shall be automatically transmitted to an approved centraf statj-on, remote station or proprietary monitoring station. -- Sec. 904 . 3 . 1 Page # 19 Code review for: Project Id.: Address: STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : A cLass f standpipe i-s required. -- Tabfe 9-A A hose is not required. -- Table 9-A FOOTNOTES: 1) The location is to be per Section 904.5.3. 2) A standpipe is not required in the basement. -- Table 9-A, footnote 1 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM: An approved manual and automatic fire alarm system is required in this building. -- Sec. 310 . 10 A scnar:te f i re al ^,# ^r,^.F^* n^^; nrrf Jre nrovi clecl .i n hrri I di nns f hal. haVefa QEl',,q,!cLL9 -LrJ-s dla!lLt DyDLEItt llt:t:\,l' rr\,rL r.Js Pr\Jv rrLrr.l-utrrYo LrraL a supervised sprinkler system having a local alarm to notify aII occupants- -- Sec.310.10 exc- 2 The alarm system is to be as set forth in the Fire Code. LIGHT AND VENTILATION 1) A11 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 1/10 or more of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec.I2Q3.2 Excepti-on: Kitchens may be provided with artificial 1ight. 2) A11 habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal- to I/20 or more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1203.3 The minj-mum area in bath rooms is 1, I/2 sq.ft. Exc: Laundry Rooms In Iieu of required exterior openi-ngs for ventilation, a mechanicaL -,^-{-.: 1 -r.l ^- ^.,vsrrLr.!aLrvrr oy'st€fiI may be provj-ded. Such system shal1 be capable of providing two air changes per hour 3) In bathrooms containi-ng a bathtub or shower and laundry rooms' the ventilation system shal1 be connected directly to the outside and ha nanrl.rl a rrf rrrnrli d i nn f i rzo .r'i r nhrnrrac r-rar hnrtr Tho nni nt afvv vs}/qlrv v! t/rv v rqlrrY vrrqrryve l/v! rrvsr discharge shal-l be at least 3 feet from any openings which aflows air entry lnto the building. Rooms whi-ch only contaln a water closet and/or lavatory may be vented using a mechanical recirculating fan designed to remove odors from the air. -- Sec. 1203.3 page # 20 Code review for: Pr.'i a,'-i- T.l . Addiess: WALL AND CEILING FTNISH: 1) Wa-LI and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec. 804-1 and Table 8-B- 2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 804.2 3) Textile waff coverings shal-l- have Class I flame spread rating. and shall be protected by automatic sprinkJ_ers or meet the acceptance criteria of U.B.C- Standard No. B-2 -- Sec. 8054) Toi]et room floors sha1l have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surfacethat extends upward onto the walls at least 5 inches. -- Sec. 807.1.1 5) Wal-l-s within 2 feet of the front and sides of urinal-s and water cl-osets shall- have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface. -- \A'l' Hll I | / INSULAT]ON NOTES: 1) All insul-ation material- including facings are required to have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450. -- Sec. 101 .3 2) Foam plasti-c insul-ations are required to be protected. -- Sec. 2602 ADD]TIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R1 occupancy 1) Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used forsleeping- -- Sec. 310.4. The window must provide a clear open areaof 5.7 sq.ft-, a clear height of 24 inches(minimum), and a clear widthof 20 inches(minimum) . :- Sec. 310.4 2) Al-1 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 1/10or more of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1203.23) At1 habi-table rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 7/20 or more of the ffoor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1203.34) Apartments - Provide a smoke detector in all- sleeping rooms and areas h:rri ncr :.-.-cqq tn sreenincr rn6ms. -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 5) Hotel,/Motel - Provide a smoke detector in the main room or eachsleeping room. -- Sec. 310.9.1.5 6) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except ki1- r-henq harr^ --r r^-!1-- -^\/ h:rrc : r-ai Iinrr hci rrhl- nf 1 f aal-r .-*_LI5t CtllLr rJct Lll- rtlclj rrq rr!, .---:r--- ---- Sec- 310-6.1 Page # 21 Code revi-ew for: Project Id.: Address: For B occupancy For 53 occupancy 1) In parki-ng garages where any parking is focateci more than 5 feet above*he aci-i a.cnt rrr:cle - rrehi r-- c l-rarri ers shalI he nrorzicied. -- Sec. 311.2.3.5Y:qgv,?\ The mi nimrrm r-lear heiohf .i s reoli rort in he 7 feql. -- SeC. 311-2.3.3 3) Parking garages require a ventilation system that exhausts 1.5 cfm per sq. ft . of f loor area. -- Sec . 1,202 .2 .1 For A3 occupancy PLATFORM: 1) Permanent platforms shal-1 be constructed of materials as required for the building type of construction. -- Sec. 405.2 2) If the area under the platform is used for any purpose (including storage) other than equi-pment wiring or plumbing, then the floor construction shall- be not less than t hour fire resistive. -- Sec. 405-2 For 52 occuDancv Floor-3rd Occupancy-Exit Balconi-es When seats are not fixed, the capacity of this area is required to be posred at 73 occupants in a conspicuous pl-ace on an approved sisn near the main exit. -- Sec. 1,001 .2.6 ACCESSIBLE FACIL]T]ES : NOTE: Except as noted, section numbers listed below are from CABO/ANSr 4117.7 - 7992 o Page # 22 Code revi-ew for: Project Id.: Address: WATER FOUNTAINS AND WATER COOLERS: At least 50 percent of drinking fountains, but not less than one, provided on every fl-oor shall- be accessible. -- UBC Sec. 1105.4.1 Accessibl-e units must compty with the following: 1) Spout is to be within 36 inches of the f1oor. -- Sec. 4.L5.2.L 2) Spout arranged for parallel approach shall- be ]ocated 3 inches maximum from the front edge. Spouts of cantilevered units with knee and toe cfearances shall- be located 15 inches minimum from the vertical support and 5 inches maximum from the front edqe. -- Sec . 4 .I5 .2 .2 3) Spouts shal-l provide a flow of water 4 inches helght minimum. -- Sec. 4.L5.2.3 Operable parts shall be l-ocated at or near the front edge of the unit and shall comply with 4.25.4 -- Sec. 4.15.3 A canti-levered unit is required to extend l-7 inches minimum from the vertical support. CLear knee space must provide a clear areaof 8 inches j-n depth at 27 i-nches high and 11 inches at 9 inches mlni-mum above the fIoor. -- Sec. 4.L5.4.1 6) Forward approach units shall comply with 4.2. Units in alcoves shal-l comply with Units not having the necessary knee and toe clearance or clear space under them shal-l comply with4.2.4 and have a clear floor space that aflows a person in a wheelchai-r to make a parallel approach. -- Sec. 4.L5.4.2 4) s) Page # 23 Code revi-ew for: AdCiess: TOILET FACILITIES: 1) A 60 inch diameLer unobstructed turning space is required in the toileL room. -- Sec . 4.1,6 -3, 4.2.3 & Fig . 84.2.3 2) Water closet shall be mounted adjacent to a side wall or partition. The distance from the side waII or partition to the centerline of the water cfoset shalf be 18 in. Sec. 4.7"1 .L 3) When the accessible water cl-oset is not in a stall: The clear floor space shail be 48 j-n minimum in front of the water closet and 42 in from the center line of the water closet on the side not adjacent to the waff, -- Sec. 4.I'7.2 & Frq. 84.7'1 .2 4) When the accessible water closet is in a stal-l: The stall shall be 60 i-n wide minimum and 56 in deep minimum for wal-l hung water closets and 59 in deep minimum for floor mounted water cl-osets. -- Sec. If the door swings into the stal-f, the required depth shall be increased by 36 inches minimum. -- Sec. & Fig. 84 . 18. 3. 1 5) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the fl-oor and shall kre nrorri ded on the rear wa1l and on the side wal-l- cl-osest to the water cfoset- -- Sec. & Figs. 84.I1 .3, 84.71 .4 and a) Side grab bar is required to start within 12 inches of the back wa11 and extend to 54 inches from the back wa1l. (The minj-mum length of the bar is 42 :-n) -- Sec.4.!1 .4.1 & Fiqs. B4-71 .3 and b) The rear bar shall be 24 in long minimum, centered on the water closet. Where space permits, the bar sha11 be 36 in long minimum, with the additional length provided on the transf er side. -- Sec . 4 .1,1 .4 -2 & Figs. B4 .71 .3, B4 -77 .4 and 84 - 18.3.1 6) The top of the seat on the water closet is required to be 17 to 19 lnches above the floor- -- Sec.4.I1 .3 & Fig. 84-L1 -37) AccessibLe urinals shall be of the stal-l type or wall hung with the rim at 17 inches maximum above the floor. -- Sec. 4.I9.2 8) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches mi-nimum is required in front of the urinal. Privacy shields shall noc extend beyond the frnnt cdoo gf the ufinal fjm. rrnless fhev arc ?O inr-hes ,an:rtL r lrL, minimun. -- Sec. 4.19.39) Accessible lavatories shall be mounted with the rim 34 inches maximum above the floor and a cl-earance of 29 inches minimum from the floor to the botton'. of the front eCge of the apron. -- Sec . 4.20.2. 1 e Fig. 84.20.3 -710) Tt shall extend 17 i-nches n.lnimum from the wall. The clear knee snar:e sh: I f be 8 inches in denf h mi nimr:m at 21 inches minimum, .. ""-yabove the floor and 11 inches in depth minimum at 9 in minimum above the floor. The Cip of the overflow shafl be ignored when checkinq the clearances. -- Sec . 4 .20. 3 . 1 & Fig. 84 .20. 3. 1 11) A clear floor space of 30 X 48 inches minimum s:rall be provl-ded iloil'll"'i.t'5:'::'r"::o,:16iI. ;";"lt',;:;3::.T.*'*"* Paqe # 24 Code review for: Project Id.: Address: T?\ r,rtrl- ar crrnnl., ^^.-r -i--i - ^i^es under Iavatories shaff beLa- J vYCrL-Cr -UPPry qrrLr Lr!qrJ.r Prwinsulaced or otherwise treated to protect against contact. -- Sec. 4.20.4 13) The bottom of mirror is required to be wrthin 38 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.76.6 & Fiq. B4.20.3.1 GLAZING REQUTREMENTS AlI glazing in hazardous locaLions is required to be of safety glazing materiaf. -- Sec- 2406-3 & 2406.4 Locati-ons: 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2\ G1 azi nrr in f i warl :nr-l ql idinrr nrncl q of qlicl inn donr assemhl i e---^ ' -Lr\g\l cl l IL.a o+-L\.(-l.rr\i lJqr-\-r.r \./ ! rf 4vrrlV \,r\-,/\J l. cL !) t) 9rltIJ I I s J -^t ^^*^r^ .lo.rr* pc.irsro rrt swioging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4 ) GJ-azing in al-L unf ramed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and encl-osures for hot tubs, whj-rlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bachtubs and showers. Glazing in any porclon of a building wa1l enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of che glazing is l-ess than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nFarFsi- exnnqod odrrc n5 f ha -- --i -- I ^ "i -L t.., a 2|-inch arc Ofu L.1yvDY\.r e\rus \-,/ - L-Ilv 9Lc,.L LrL9 -!D w-.L Lll,I IJ either vertical- edge of the door in a cfosed posi-tion and where the hnf-nm evnrrqed edoc nf thp olazin,l is Iess 1-han 60 inches above the walking surface. '1 ) Glazing in an individual fj-xed or operable panel, other than t.hose locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets al-l- of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B, Exposed bottom edge J-ess than 18 inches above the f l-oor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the ffoor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. B) Glazing j-n railings regardLess of height above a walk-Lng surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructuraf in-fill- panels . 9) Glazing in walls and fences useC as the barrier for indoor and outdcor swimming pools and spas when the bottom edges i-s less than 60 inches above the pool side ar:d the glazing is within 5 feet of che pool or spa water's edge. 10) Glazing in walls enclosing stainvay landings or wj-thln 5 feet of then bottom and top of stairways where the bottom edge is less than 60 j-nches above -.he wal-kinq surface. Page # 25 Code review for: Project Id. : Address: CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior waLls. Opening shall provide a net area of not l-ess than1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl- space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sj-des and be located as close to corners as practical. -- Sec- 2306.'7 Note: Vent openlngs may be.reduced to 108 of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the buildrng official approves. 2) Provide L8-lnch by 24-ineh access openj-ng to the crawl space area. Note: Opening may be required to be larger if mechani,cal equipmentis located rn the crawl space. -- Sec. 2306.3 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural- resistance to decay or treated wood, the mlnirnum cl-earance between exposed earth and fl-oor joist is L8 inches. The minimum cl-earance to beams andgirders is 12 i-nches. -- Sec. 2306.3 ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: l-) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 1505.1 2) Provide ventilation in al1 attic areas. The net free vent area isto be not less than L square foot for each 150 sguare feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50? of the required ..^-+.i I ^.-.:-- ^-vsri.Lr.!aLrrrg o..r- €d. is provided by ventj-lators located in the upper nnrr- i ^h ^f f ha :f + i r' .Fha rrrrrrar ventil_ators must be at least 3 f eet above the eave or cornice vents. -- Sec. 1505.3, Exception 1 The vent area may be 1/300 provided a vapor retarder having a transmission rate not exceeding l perm is installed on the warm side of the attic insulation. -- Sec. 1505.3, Exception 2 3) Where eave or cornice vents are installed, insulation sha1l not block the fee fLow of air. A minimum of L inch of air space shafl- beprovided between the insulation and roof sheathinq. -- Sec- 1505-3 CORRECTIONS. ANTLERS RENOVATIONiADDITION, PERMIT #BOO.OO58, 6127 /OO: All section references are to the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). 1. Location and Materials Used for Residential Construction at West Property Line. Triangular comer areas of residential terraces and balconies at west property line encroach as much as 1.5 ft. into the area where openings are not permitted by Table 5-A (5 ft. from the property line). Areas between columns or structue are considered openings in an exterior wall. Due to the relatively minor nature of the encroachrnents of the tenaces and balconies, the fact that the exterior walls of the residential units themselves and openings in those walls are at least 9 ft. from the property line, and tle fact that the tenaces, balconies and exterior walls are almost exclusively constructed of noncombustible materials, the encroachments will be permitted, subject to the following condltlolls: 2. 2. Encroachment of Projections rt W€st property Line. Triangular corner areas of roof eave overhangs encroach by as much as 2'4" into area where projections are not permitted by Sections 503.2.1 and 705. Utilizing the most lenient provisions of Section 503.2.1 would permit the roof eave overhang to project by 20" (l/3 of the distance) into the into the area within 5 ft. (60') ofthe property line where openings are not permitted. The proposed plans show these triangular projections extending as close as 14" to the property line where normally they could not extend any closer than 40 inches. Since the encroachments occur only in four (4) isolated locations, their extent ls not great, and the terraces and balconles provlde a noncombustible buffer area between the property line and the exterior walls ofthe units, the encroachments will be permitted, subject to the conditions noted in bold tlpe under item number 1 immediately above. 3. Materials Within Roof Structure. Buildings of Types I and II construction (Types II-F.R. and II l- hour in this instance) are required to be constructed almost entirely of noncombustible materials, with a few minor exceptions. Refer to Table 6-A and Section 603. The roof assembly is proposed to be constructed of primarily noncombustible materials, but the concrete roof tiles are proposed to be attached to wood battens and 5/8" plywood sheathing and "cold roofportions" include 2 X 2 wooden sleepers at 24" o.c. to provide for ventilation of the cold roof. This is felt to be acceptable on a performance basis, as the required l-hour fire resistance rating can be met by either the 8" precast concrete roof members in some locations or the steel framing, insulation, steel decking and drywall proposed in the remaining locations. It is highly unlikely that an interior fire could spread through the lower portions ofthe roof assemblies and have any effect on the plywood, sleepers and battens lying between the concrete tiles and the concrete, steel and drywall stnrcture below. In a similar fashion, it is highly unlikely that an exterior fire exposure would penetrate through the overlapping concrete tiles and impinge upon the wood elements. 4. Redwood Siding at Some Guardrails and Fitness/Sales/Conference. Redwood siding is proposed as a 2..-7 , /v,€ 4 [1,0 fltn tbtrc(.':* fet'le'' drlel an/ tartdif-iat,r: /r;4/r/ ortc/z/ao l35u€1 huiriir,T r*,Ljffiffi-s- HAVTKOST + ASSOCIATES P.C. ,I 1 21 GRANT STREET DENVEFI. CO AOEOS 3O3,/ E|61-1121 FAX 3O3/A6 3-O 6 81 trCHITECTUFI LA NN IN RBAN DESIG June 27. 2000 Town of Vail Department of Public Works 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 ATTN: Gary Goodell - Chief Building Official RE: Antlers Condominium Addition/Renovation Dear Mr. Goodell: This is to confirm conditions of approval for issuance of building permit for the above referenced project. 1. Fire retardant treated lumber shall be utilized at all roof overhangs which encroach on the 5' setback per Table 5-A (R-1; Type llOne Hour). 2. Fire retardant treated plywood sheathing shall be utilized at all walls and balcony corridor rails behind redwood siding finish. 3. Door F3/4 (Fitness to Vestibule) shall be 'l 112 hr fire rated assembly. 4. A second exit door shall be utilized at each banquet area separated by movable partitions so as not to exceed an occupancy of 50. I trust this accurately reflects our recent conversations and agreement. Sincerely, CC: Casson Building Corp. CC: Rob Le Vine, Antlers A P U E N 4NTL(R ,ry SA T \NIL www.antlersvail.com MEMORANDUM To: Town of Vail From: Rob LeVine, General Manager Dale:612212000 Subject: Building permit plan set clarification Friends, Some points of clarification on the building permit plans dated April 6, 2000: Sheet Al - The sidewalk referred to as concrete is actually heated pavers, as defined on the revised civil drawings C6.1, C6.2, C6.3, C6.4 and C6.5. The finish on the retaining walls by units 122 on the will be stone The west retaining wall by the conference area will not be visible from the west, the grade 5hg,up comes right to the top of the wall, leaving only the precast cap visible Sheet A2, A3, A4 - To be submitted as revised parking plan if necessary. Sheet A7 - The roof rake overhang shall be 3'as depicted on the detail referred to 2/A9. The roof rake overhang next to unit 519 shall also be 3'. The roof rake overhang next to unit 620 is 1'. lt was legUecd at the request of the DRB so that the west end of the roof overhang didn't "die into nothing". Sheet A8 - The roof rake overhang next to unit 621 is 1'6". lt was EdlsCd at the request of the DRB so that the west end of the roof overhang didn't 'die into nothing" Sheet 414 - The retaining wall by the conference area will not be visible from the west, the grade comes right to the top of the wall, leaving only the precast cap visible. The fireplace vents will all be painted to blend with the field on which they sit, the intent being to make them as unnoticeable as possible. Sheet A15 - The air intake louvers will be painted to make them as unnoticeable as possible. Sheet A16 - There are a number of arches in the "interiof' of the project, facing the courtyard. These match the arches in the oromenade I mezzanine. Pursuant to the DRB's directions, there are no arches on the "outside" of the property, facing any public right of way. The chimney caps shall all be like those shown on sheet 414 and detailed in 6/A28 N t //rrlW 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-2471 FAX (970) 476-4146 info@antlersvail.com Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 IO}I'N OT Project Name: Department of Community Development Antlers at ValL Addltton d d { { { { { d { { d { d g d d Project Address:680 Llonshead Place r' This checklt'st must be completed before a Buitdino permit apotication is accepted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obfained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form gill provide prior to condominium Associauon letter of approvar attached if project is a Multi-raaniilsyu."$fiit- Complete site plan submitted Public way Permit application included if applicable (refer to public works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring w111 provide prior to issuanceArchitect stamp and signature (Ail Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) (foundation only) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans will show on final plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant,s Signature: Date of submittal:APRIL 7, 2000 F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: IVWNOF ' ':1 'l BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. . However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to o<pedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: ProjecL Name: Signature Anrlers at ValL Addition Date: npn rr 7 rooo F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 How it relates to BuildingPermits: Fill out the attached check list with '_ire Building permit Apolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "public way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Communify Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifo (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controfstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, itc.;. rnis plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Skgtch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Workt Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "public way permit" with a "Building Permit". NorE: The above proaess is for work in a public way oNLy. public way Permits are valid only until November 15th, A new public way permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November lSth does not mean an automatic renewal. the above. APRlL.7, 2000 Signature Dan L. Casson F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED ,l-.O" READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": d Is this a new residence? yES x NO Multi-Family Addltlon { { { d c Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-way, easements or public property? YES_ NO X Is any utility work needed? YES______I_ NO A11 wlthin property l-lne Is the driveway being repaved?YES---x_ NO Under serparate permlt Is a different access needed to the site other than the o<isting drlveway? yEs X NO Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-way, easements, or public property?YES NO X d { Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES NOx Is the Right-of-way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO__X_ If answer is NO, is a parking, YES X NO staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? Under separate permit If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in public Works at 479-2198. ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Casson Building Corporation Job or Project Name: Antlers at vail Addition Date Signed:APRTL 7. 2000 F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name o CASSON BUILDING CORPORATION CtsC 15630 E. Hinsdale Drive . Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 690-1500 o Fax (303) 680-8269 April6,2000 Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: GASSON BUILDING CORPORATION TOWN OF VAIL REGISTRATION #150.A Gentlemen: \A/ith regard to submitting and signing for Town of Vail Building Permit applications, please be advised that Charles J. (Joe) Casson has corporate authorization to sign as the contractor for Casson Building Corporation on said permit applications. Sincerely yours, cASf\ BUrf ! y'cBPoRAroN ilJ/e*lk** Dan L. Casson President DLC/cf Equsl Opponunity Employer HAVEKOST + ASSOCIATES NC. 11P1 G RANT STR E ET DENVEFI.CO AOEOS 3cf3 ,/ El 61 - 1 1?1 FA)< 3 03,/B 63-O66',l ARCHITECTUFIE P LA NN IN G URBAN DESIGN February 22,2OOO Town of Vail Department of Public Works 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 ATTN: Gary Goodell - Chief Building lnspector RE: Antlers Condominium Addition/Renovation Dear Mr. Goodell: This is to follow up on your recent telephone response to our December 22, 1999,letter outlining the results of our Building Code Analysis for the above refinanced project. I understand that you concur with our interpretations of the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Building Code as stated in our December letter except that area separation walls between the existing condominium building with employee/O1 bedroom additions (Buifding #1) and the24 new condominium units (Building #2) should be a 4 hour area separation instead of 2 hour separation indicated. This modification is necessitated by Section 601.2 (exception) which requires that area separation walls meet the "most restrictive prescription of adjacent construction types" which will be 4 hour for the existing building Type ll F.R., Table 78 "Material 7 Solid Concrete" indicates that T" thick siliceous aggregate concrete results in the required 4 hour rating. Our plans call for 7" thick siliceous aggregate concrete party walls with the addition of one layer of 1l2" Type X drywall on each side mounted on metal studs for finished unit walls. No openings are planned betvveen the overlapping portions of condominium area separation walls. Of course, unprotected door and window openings occur beyond the required common separation wall areas. The following is to summarize our agreement on Vail Building Code Provisions as applicable to the Antlers Addition/Renovation: 1. Occupancy: Group R-l with A-3 accessory and S-3 closed parking garage. 2. Construction Type: Bfdg. # 1 (existing 72 unit condominium with addition of 7 employee units and 7-01 bedrooms) Type ll F.R. 60,685 S.F. 7 stories + mezzanine Bldg. # 2 (New 24 unit condominium with A-3 banquet & acoessory uses) Type ll one hour 38,534 S.F., 5 stories Bldg. #3 Basement (2 Level) enclosed parking garage Type 1 F.R. 32,900 S.F. 2 basement levels. 3. Fire Protection: Automatic fire sprinkler system throughout. Standpipe/hose cabinets at each floor of enclosed stairs. 4. Protection of exterior openings: Not required greater than 5' to property lines. 5. Fire Rated Construction: Four hour area separation between Building #1 and Building #2 Three hour occupancy separation between S-3 and R-l Occupancy Two hour occupancy separation between S-3 and A-3 Occupancy One hour (minimum) rated assemblies at exterior bearing walls, interior bearing walls, exterior non-bearing walls, structural frame, floors and floor ceilings, roots and roof ceilings and shaft enclosures. We trust this confirmation of our agreement on building code provisions applicable to the Antlers project meets with your approval. lf you have any questions or require any further revision please contact me immediately. lf you concur with this confirmation and our 12122199 analysis please sign one copy of this letter and retum for our files. Sincerely, Havekost + Associates P.C. Approved: Town of Vail Chief Building Inspector Encfosure: Antlers Code Analysis 12129199 (Revised 212212000) CC: Rob LeVine, Antlers Manager CC: Dan Casson. Gen'eral Contractor ANTLERS CODE ANALYSIS 12t22t99 (REVTSED 2t22t2oo0\ Criteria: Occupancy R-1 (residential) S-3 (Closed Parking Garage) Analysis: Try Type ll one - hour = openings not permitted less than 5'to propefi line, one hour construction throughout Then Table 5 -B allows 13, 500 S.F. 4 stories for R -1 occ. Analyze as separate buildings w/occupancy separations. Sec. 31 Allow separate building area/height for basement and first story if 3 hr separation, Group S-3 (closed parking garage) from Group A- 3, B, M or R-1 Occupancies. Garage Type I F.R. Separate Building. Sec. 302.4 Fire ratings for Occupancy Separations: Exceptions allov'rs a t$/o hour separation between A-3 and S-3 Occupancies. Table $B Maximum height limited by Table 5-B (4 stories). Sec. 504.2 Areas over one story maybe twice the Table 5-B area. Sec. 504.6.2 Area separation walls shall be 2 hour at Type ll t hr openings not to exceed 25o/o ol separation wall protectedby 1 112 hr rating in 2 hr. rated walls. Sec. 504.6.3 Extension beyond exterior walls exception: Need not extend beyond exterior wall when projecting elements do not contain concealed spaoes or extend to cover concealed spaces. Sec. 505.3 Automatic sprinkler system areas maybe doubled in buildings more than one story (compounded with Sec. 505.1'1, 505.1.2 or 505.1.3) Table 5-B Height limited to 4 stories Type ll One Hour, R-1 Occupancy Sec. 506 Height increase one story for automatic fire sprinkler total 5 stories Area lncreases: Sec. 505.1.2 Separation on 3 Sides: May increase allowable area by 2.5o/o tor each foot setback from centerline of public ways or yards exceed 20' (1o0o/o increase maximum) North East Lions head Circle 27'min. setback to center line. 7'X2.5o/o = 17.5Yo East OPen SPace 50'to center line 30'X2.5o/o = 75 oA South OPen SPace 60'to center line 4O'X2.5o/o = 1OO o/o 192.5o/o 100% Maximum Limit Conclusion: Basic allowable area per 5-B Type ll One Hour 13,500 S.F. Increase 100% multi-story 13.500 S.F' TOTAL 27,000 s.F. Area Increase lOO% (separation 3 sides) X2 Alldwable Area Bldg. #2 54,000 S.F. Basic allowable Type ll F.R. 29,000 S.F. Increase 100% mulit story 29.000 S.F Sub Total 59,800 S.F. Area increase 100o/o (separation 3 sides) X2 Allowable Area Bldg. #1 119,600 S-F. FinalAnalvsis: Use afternate area increases under Sec. 505.1 .2 (1O0Vo) and height increase for automatic fire sprinkler under Sec. 506 of one story to total 5 stories above parking garage. Building #1: Existing building with additions; Type ll F.R. (Table 5-B) (01 BR/B and Employee Units) AllowableArea 119,600Actual Total Area 60,685 S.F. Allowable Height 12 Stories Height 7 Stories + Mezzanine Building f2: 24 New ResidentialCondominium Unib;Type ll One Hour Allowable Maximum Area 54, 000 S.F. Actual 34,334 S.F. Allowable Height 5 Stories* Actual 5 Stories Building #3: Basement and First Floor Enclosed Garage; Type I F.R. Requires 3 hour separation to residential & banquet Allowable tuea Unlimited Actual 32, 900 S.F. Accessory to R-t Occupancy with One Hour Separation Banquet, Kitchen, Public Restrooms, Bar & Storage: Type ll One Hour Allowable Area 54,000 S. F. Actual 4,200 S.F. THEREFORE: Buifding #2 (24 New Residential Condominium Units) Can have exterior bearing walls, interior bearing walls, exterior non-bearing walls, structural frame, floors and floor ceilings, roob and roof ceilings and shaft enclosures of one hour construction. Also no protection of exterior door and window openings is required. Three hour occupancy separation between R-l and S-3 Two hour occupancy separation between A-3 and S-3"* Four hour area separation between separate R-1 buildings** * One story increase for fire sprinkler system* Sec. 302.4 Exception allows two hour separation A-3 to S-3** Revised 212212000 as requested to conform with Sec. 601.2 FLOOR AREA TABULATION ANTLERS CONDOMINIUM 12t22t99 UNITS 314,315 316,317 318 Fitness/Stair/Lobby Mech.f/ard Stor./Stor 414,415 416,417 418 Sales/Accou ntg/ Stai r/Lobby Lounge/Library 514,515 516,517 s18, s19 Confer/Stai r/Lobby/Stor. 518, 519 (Fk 2l StairA/est. TOTAL 320.321 420,421 520,521 620,621 620,621( Flr2) TOTAL Grand Total New Residential Condos. 122, 222, 322, 422, 522, 622, 722 01 Bed/Bath Add (7 @230 s. F. ) TOTAL Existing Antlers Condos Grand Total Existing dAddition Garage, Ski Storage, Housekeeping, Offices, Maintenance, Storage, Etc. Lower Level Upper Level Total Garage/Storage AREAS 2,380 S.F. 2,300 s.F. 1,100 s.F. 1,000 s.F. 230 S.F. 2,380 S.F. 2,200 s.F. 1,100 s.F. 1,000 s.F. 286 S.F. 2,380 S.F. 2,200 s.F. 2,304 S.F. 1,072 S.F. 1,664 S.F. 338 S.F. 23,934 S.F. 2,200 s.F. 2,200 s.F. 2,200 s.F. 2,200 s.F. 1.600 s.F. 10,400 s.F. 3,395 S.F. 1.610 S.F. 5,005 s.F. 55,680 S.F. 60,685 S.F. 23,934 S.F. 10.400 s.F. 34,334 S.F. 14,500 S.F. 18.400 S.F. 32,900 S.F. o \. RE Qtsvste.u-El.-21 rclL o 4e.f:-?-'!-ur.z6---A.t=l=-4!4€-gE- NE\-L. Q {*ltx,tt-t( (-k o-e6, A tr-a> ADprr r-l,t (T0l.?Ot_l_OEBc=€S, L. F-az tg&2.,<cox S*tS=a,g-- &. ?ca-t. /k--ft.,vr.' sYfqor{-- - -- C, C *p-oea tI 4.*Au{ I Dt{-g<zctY SvsSc-rv D. Loc-o--ou cF Lr-*9a4_06tS+V pnyr,t €. L+C t( 'ile rl( tr Orn{'€z Atw-v@'-<l*ce z o Z. Peo-,r."= .Q-.eO,-^nZrr€\,zf -!\A - \Je-u ot{.{-o'*-l' R. :tr:-jt.t*vartoJ. \-O trt.6 ATlag f\nUocr-,re-esr V4, A, lUup'rl6?- oF R* N<r*Aen- oF C. Lrg^,-Nge- 4P D . Loo*.,].S*er- E- . \ttteva>Ft-us*zc 3.O<-rrr€r.r-Er-f f4V P eLu-LTS Pr-t.t-t aeus SDec4F($cLui (or< :f€(q< S@J D. Sawc-tul.tc Et*6 LITEEPIM> ? - We C*/vL*ttr{ 2&ccs I F. r 1421rvvuL &t-Lg ). Cl,tl< A. fl-t-r"g€Q-..o y'st*ewc o U E{.fr uoL-q, Tt+,-e A" $e u ovvavov't: R. trxcrtvLT-Lot-r L. Vouttt) A-LLutl ID. Lou; lcwat' ?FV . t,t+-;gLt&tLh'*quw< S. Q*zvuE.,", St-E€ e€6uJt4t.ta4ls A. -Vg*aqogr.L-r F-er, eLe4L B ' PsoEs-r*'^t' w*r,*vS L. D aE g-rfrr&r^{ Aass' D- (ouL-c-z*ru-D PeStl-tc-arru-l' e - A,uzgg ot1 {)uRr-cc 0--olz-(nuugpc.) F. Lv*r.e(-*..) o P+e'e 3 6r. Up';1o7"4 tu,G A@ k=p.,o,t r- -t OttveEuAv;t< / P e04-.-L I t@sL. l-146r^-,-sE o o Av<r-aq.< 0aa e 4 1 - 1r^SDEc.z,-o,'-,, k OglAfu A. Co'*<tzce VecwWvL------ ----- R, 0.r.- Tlsa-sc ou -Ve @Dz+.s L. (DwdEt T>TctnL D. Q u€a--cr Lr- (0 g-c-oy! F. Roor-,'- 6 A- DLYL.^',(- /-ro. A - lt-t-A Cu ,urrr-K A. VllL,l,,t-fgrt'.zc C. lun* ke| D, llvtrc(ourr+-oaD I tz Lw@tat J . E t.Ey|a.ov o Nvrc,^en-,A*teso o n8 . V+-vua* ?cLe Pfuo@cq4y Weua- EorL L)\tsurr"o(Buccn LrJ6. tcrv Sutg6ourt bA@( A . ?Ue.t be,*o. VJo?,r- --E1--o tl. bt*ez L<<uE< N ^ I .-.L. Ntrr',-r-t> | ZVcavL-cov - @ttftrtr€ x l.u*tz*< ' A.8tu/.- C, {t*vT PsruA/'a-Du-\t(1 Pn tL7 AF l+nq . . \o. &x++ Wrz<zx.aaaa2*5 O6-t u<E otr Wtu) -.- E (E v xT oV &L' Lc,P-c6t- afLAtt S p ovTz-&orr rfDl^t cAssoN Br,lrLDrNc coRpoRAlroN \./fr\,': C. Joe Casson ProjectManager Office: (303) 690-1500 Fax: (303) 680-8269 Cell: (303) 931-6163 CtsC CtsC Paul R, Walhnan Gcnerel S uperintcndcut CASSON BUILDING CORPORAfiON 156'30 E. Hanrddc Dr. . fagc,+ooo, bo fof i- Office: (303) 690.1500 Fax: (303) 680-8269 CcU: (303) 888-6062 CASSON BUILDING CORPORATION 15630 E. Hioldalc Dr. . EnSlcwood. Cb 80[2 Oflice: (303) 690-1500 Fax: (303) 6E0.8269 Cellr (303) 359-9580 -) CtsC ANTL€RS /T \AIL 680 Wesi Uonshead Placo Vail. Colorado 81657 (970) 476-2471 smail: rob @ an0eBvail.com Rob Levlne General Manager T$SENUNE I H Fax (970) 47641'16 Den\€r (303) 825€,145 (800) e4+82,15 Dan L. Casson hesident 15630 E. tfinrdate Dr. . Englcwood, CO 80112 Office: (303) 690-1500 Fax: (303) 680-8269 Cell: (303) 931-5980 ^d^tABC F|RE PROTEGTION, lNC. lnstallation - gerulce - InsP€ctlons Phon€ (303) 373-4748 E|75 P6oda St. Unlt L.Bldg. 1 Denver, Co 80239Fax (9031 373-0220 9c7 3&3-&ts-4771 BRAD HRABIK Superlnl€ndent CONSULTAI{ car|- Fl.iwl|-|. ELEC'FICAL EN6INEERING A LIGHTINO CONAULTANT I t23 AURARTA PAFIKWAY. '4OOOENVEF, COLOFAOO AO2O4 303-423-6?OO FAX 623'a433 G,unare 1;.ONTnOLl-onpanv olOlenwod Sprlngs CHRIS HARRISON Englne€r HEAIING . VENTILAING ' AtR CONDITION|NG ' DES|QN BUILO'-iodinors . lnc,"ltEcfuRAL MEIAL ' oucT ?LEANING RESIDENTIAL . COMMEBCAL . 21 HOUR SERVEE 1537-130 Foad . P.O. Box 1042 . Glotlwood Spdngs, Colorado 81602 Itf*LEctnc W lt.m O. Ma'shetl Prcjecl Developnent A,rccA, Condltioning Comncbrs ol Tel. (970) 94s.2324 Fax i970) 9454128 vArL ieToi 479'6s9o UIx2 EgU' 'L =r,5tE,fi8 =.cfieE ir q{ s. EgatE d8 Hg oI @ffiH @ H o t--ul =urc, - =FC'ul-lorEzIt-( o,;,2vr Cl =o =ulo ltl G,oo_l v,rul -lF- o t TRANSMITTAL To: We Are Sending You A Drawings\ tr submiuab X tr Attacfied Prir s tr tr tr Under SeparaE Cover via Phr|s tr charEe ordet Gondominium Additions Gopies Date No.Desoiptjq4 2 8//|/00 Fire Alarm Shop Drawings _ THE$E ARE TRANSMIfiED as checked below fi ForApproval tr Approved as submitted tr For Your Use tr APPrwed as Noted tr AsReques*ed tr RetumforGoneclion tr For Rwie,w and Comment tr For Bids Due 19 Remarks : For Final Review and Permit Commerciat Specialists BY : 28,1 Annie Rd. Silverhorne, CO. 8049E Voice: (9701513-7100 Fax: (970) 513-7200 GSWG Dean A. Doiron July 13, €|l8 AFlGI @TqIJHT"FR AFP-4OO Arolog Firc Fonel Sslbn: tntaltgpnt Ffu! ALm Conbol Pan€b oExErlL The AFP-4{D b a cdnpaci, costtrclivB, inlolliFnt fi'6 alam drbd with a capedty of sdl pdnts and an €!6.lsilrg list ol porvorfrrl ieahrss. Tho AFP{Oo itsgralee conr€n- tirnal ouun citcuits, sJctl as ndificalion, telepftme, and speakers, wi0r fte int€lliFnt toattros d two t{Faling lin€ circuits (SLG) and 396 inbllbilUaddressaHe pcinb. ;EIIUNE3 . The Fit€ VlEVt n Syswn: ol Rew//jia'€ry t€w qpof ,eser &leditn ./ Actysre,d AWACSI etgorfimsdltflbteafialeDeftEcrt szrofte ard aolsilrofrt sbaels. et ,ddr8E€5ib,e qpet€dm pinFirrts the frn ,M{Prr. / No @ gr b ftil orfillets b dnlrge- aa Eaily waniq pado/''',enct co,ryaratle to lia Desf aqpiraliira syst8flis d e lhacltoa of fie tflblime cust . Low pcssr]g co, spport ./ Expan hd wk li'nar - o to 9999 seconds. / uawal das detay (lo *6'd!, tyPe tD. a/ 'W shof rrptitorn &ietylqE- lD. ot tuip/n<n*ld nffiiln ctrrriltyqe lD. . Combo zme- CdmdtatnFr trl mbrfdr d€tociors to a oamrnon tnmib modulo. . liodified Cditomb cod6' pdsed m lime- . T€l€phd|e cu|tsol module type lD- . Stmdifed UDACT pdnt r€porling and programming. . VdiFir€u 4OO r€poat option. Sort Maint€nenco R€polts by drty debctor, poak wlu6, or dam l€iv€|. . Two inHlilq|t SiSnatnS Un€ Orc|rits (SLC) Styl€ '1, 6 d 7. . 396 intolligsrt <tan:ce capatity (198 intdlitottt d€t€cEs and 198 rrFnibrrsrfol modules). . Up b 68 inbmal drcuiFJbalays, dus 99 po$ammabl€ zono orrn ]€|ays for a baal capedty of sdl pdnts. . Peer-{cpeer n€tti,ork-t€ady (re{er b llOTl'Flhl'IET aN Mttl-29i2 caf8,,og snoc(s fitr rindEr intu/,l8diot ).. lnbllil€nt baums: / Marud sansiMy adjustrnent - Lercls. ./ Po.olarn AWACST I bvals- ,/ Day{rlEti,t artufirdic sensmn9 aa}nstnea. .a *nsiffiy vtttuws. ION - o.sb 2-s61fupf ooscurslba. P,{oTO - o.sb zsiriltut obsdrratbr IASER - 0.03 b 1.Or5/M &st.8, iut- Inn-7I-SENSOR - O.71 b 4mGtW oDscurdicr. ./ Dtfr @n,E/nsf,tion (U.5. Psi.e'l/t PqfiW). Califomia Stat6 Fir€ Marshal Chicago CI-ASS 1: 1291E GLF€S 2: 1729E ./ tltlMdedralgotfitn rttdt BstleatDy d€lbdats h Mn decistut (@,il pf'fittg)- t/ Attlo (1€feffir W (n&E NFPA n4. .a Mainb,nz?6 €bd (lDo ,8t€rsr. / s€,fr@fiizirg N>atg7'rt 'di.tsis pte-€/€m level b envito r$rrt a.taotttdidY. ./ Acliyale br;al sot tderDase ofl f,c'alam. ./ LED Dr'tnk cffttro, fict sroeping ataas. / Atumd*; devicptYr.^ dl€G* . Vsificalim Trouue counbr. Trcubb indietion all€r a d€teclor sifis 20 lima. . Rbl€aittg bature: / Ten indtr,nt€f'/t rrazatds. / $ilACicat€d ctoss-zup (lDtEe drmsr. ./ tbtay titngr and txsct atge timets (,dius/,able)- t/ A}p't (b,tr @io'ts). @ s6:5 ^^. F(ulu/ w\-/ E:l cs 118rinB MEA 17-SE of 717G{D28:182 716iln28:'181.a> \./ OBlAOAY na d@rtE i! rEt i s|d€d lo bo uld lbr ilsldldoo purp6. lra t!' b laop qlr p|odrlilb.ndbn rp,ffir|detda fre c.|ma covs dl !p* +elctaG d atfche.I rqr t d1 Al +achcdd!.8 rllld b ctnlle rn|qn ndi:a For rE! hh dbG oodE IO|rE Prur: (z13).184-116l FAX (aB) 46{-7'118 tso€ool EngiEdu fld fbrffirilE Qurfy Sy|F[ Cdfrd b hffib|rl$!d.dFOcDl E shuruslI(oTltllR' 12 oirErtile Ro.4l5t!|tu d, Carndicrn tF4Zl U{Sadl - P{.1 oa 10 FEIIURE, ullsrd . Voice and Uophm€ featr]gs: r/ Solil sila{b arassaga gettetati}? ta Haldiwiled w*n Cpr.ttr, tttodab qp{ims (S}4dern s{x)O crass mod&d€s). / Dis,ibt,tf€,d voic€ qtbns txp Aansporfdts)- / Fircfrgl,ter teleprlo't€ $ion./ 30- to 1n{afr ,,4g/',<ff;ietry ,''',dltur. .a 8€lc/'/.ry tuE get ',",b' atf, ati/piif'g ofliot?. ./ Dud c//F,nndgfdi.n. . Oplimal unive.sd 3gG channd DACT, with AC feil de' lay. . UL-.list€d mod€.n int€tfaG allows ]€ritot€roff-site sys- bm hb$albn- . LGDa0 snota 80drafiaot€r displays (up b 32). . AGS annundabrs (ElA485), induling IDM c sbn. . Print€r inbrfacs (80€lumn and 4(Humn pdrilts). . 6.0 A usable regulated outsut pos€r, plus 6.0 A ex- pand€B- . andraractar tCO disday, beddit (2 fn€s x 40 charac- t€]s). . History fil€ with 8(X)€y€[tt capacity in non-Yolatil€ m€rno.y, plus s€parab 2(xhtstt a|at||-odyffo. . VGAS graphic rnmibr sysfie.n $ppotts up b 8 AFP- 400's. . Watarflow or grp*visory seleciion por pdnt . Alarm Verification sd€dbn p€r pornq wi|h tally. . Aubprogramhg and Wak T€st regorts 2 deviFs sot b sams addr€st. . Positiw Alarm Ssqu€nae (PAS) PE$gnal per NFPA 72.. Silance inhibit and Ano Siil€nce lim€r oplidts- . Manir lime/iempaal,Cdibrniartyro€{3p code fur belldr- cuits. . Fr€ldflogtrarmab|o m penel or dr FC, uith VGriFileil program cfi€dq compe]€, smulate. . Full QWERW keypad belind friedoum dc. . MtrlX-2 treryi]€ debtrr inbr&ce provid€s snpaliuF ity with many noGf.lOTlFlER debdors fur reffit 4dF calims. . Dual rat6 drarg€r for up io 90 hours of standby pouer. . Tornado Waming activabs difis{€nt tlolificalion Circuit cod6- . Non€lam poants fur low€r p.idity tundbns. . Remote AC|(Silence/Rceultill yia MMX modules. . futomath line motd fuictitns, with hdktay €mP lions. . RapH pdl algprihm ior manual slalions. R€sponds in < 3s€dr&. . Op€rat€s with untwist€d, unsfibld€d wire (up b 1,Om feet) tor rfft apf*caliitts (U.S. lzatBnt 5, 210, 523)- . Suface ilont Tectncogry (sMD Elecfonics. . High-sp€ed RISC l$bit Mictoplocs$sor. . E)ffiini€, built-in HN$€tlt pfobdion. P{€2d10 - Dr+5462 o'l lo o lo lo o lo ll a Eo E o $*I IE =l.(o E3qC to Bg $*3 I*E i qOi+5 I arI+6 ;* 8 t E E! E 3 ll.. llorl r ! iE i rie; € t? | q f16 ll g E ! I tD Po.FI I r€ +E;AE'tEt ' =trog o Y(JoJo =uJl-.n o EF r oEE ;g; e Dtl€2[2 - Pqr3d rO o withqrt lh€FEATUREg . 24-vdt stobo model6: 15, 15|/5,75and 11O candda. l2-vdt 6tobe n|odds: 15 and 15r'S candela.. Hom mod€ls op6rat6 d| 12 and 24 \rolts.. Low drrent dreu r€ductid|s es high as 4591.. Two fiekfselectabb/mwrcible hom bnes: - 3(x)0 Hz inhrupbd - electomecfianhal. FielGseleclable/r€versibl€ high-low dBA outsut d| hom (low ouFut on 24-volt tnodels only): - 101 peak dA g 10 fi- high orrqn.' - 96 peak dBA @ 10 ft. lil ouBrt'. Fiddadeclable/rcvershle b]Ip 3 patEn or mrFbnp 3 corF tinudts pethm dl hom.. Horn/strobe can be wired eith€r in tand€m o. indep€ndenny.. Weatherprcot stob€, homs, and hom/sbobes avaibble-. Homs for use wilh cod€d porr€r supdy avaihbl€.. UniveGal rnoundng phte induded wlth eacir ur t.. One€crw rnounling of stob€ and hom/strobo to rnow||it€ plafio. . SpecfrAe.t stobe and ho.n/strobe ttks up m mo.n h tho ba&o:<. CURRETfi DTAWTABLES SlroDe Only Sing|€{€ng mounting (t|om mod€l onv). use of a mountng pltte . Self-contain€d scr3w corE|s.. eesn*caUv pteasing d€sbn.. Synctrrmize ]|dn end stobe ui|h Sync€bodtn module (nDt). . silence hom on hom/stobe owra single pef of wit€s udng a Sync-Ciuit module (MDt). 'sattnd ouFnt ttaries vit tone and oxrtr{tt opetts s€hb4'sot,nd J€yErls bssed upon a/.radtob twn tn€adrrBm€rls. sPECrFrclrloilt lnput termin.b: 12 b 18 AWG (325 nYrf b 0.51 rm1. Dimenrio|B: s€o dirgrams pags 3. WeighL tdn onyi 7.2o2- (N g). Weigh! shoDe ead hornffi: 8.8 c (250 g). [ountlng: soo diaglarns paga 4. Op€raling bmperatu.t: :l?F !o 120'F (O'C b 49C). Operaring voltage lango:o 12V:10.5- 17Y. 24V:2o'gJ v, - ttrsce prod.r.ds sho.rtd be qerded vibin tnet t ld mfrago rfig€. UL doea, howe|F,r, 'Flel t tnclio'l'/l int€g/ry to -2UX 8rd +lnt d n,€,/x ts,cfrr,er's st*bd tE rgEs. .) o Honr Only Cr|is AYENAOE G I4Iflrfll tr lT'v -l*l - l*l al* nnExT(-Atc-kilrwla.vltr |r"l a lml-lr* PE^r 9|'tiu-Elrrryl rJ I rrt -t*t - t-t -t* 1€l|Il' lryq!vltartJv - l*l - l*l * l*r x f,J9r cr IITI.EI|ro.tl l? | f'v - r*t * t*t Et* rffGu6*1tfl-hfrrlrJlrv -lml alnl alr lrC ,- T-lbbbfr. rJanEctflldlt r05, I tlY I Iwr inl alnlelr aaqrl tt iat E.INll|.vlry Er.tu ltohrdr _ rol tl rd tal t.l a blr@lE rtnl.iqn _ Hom/Strobe - 75 cd Hlg]Jlfl IiiP AVEEE.|r4.r!rr I ro.6v I rz|I I rrY I-r-l --t*l clrl nr4T(.rlI rteIrlr.YIrovl-lryrl * lrrl -ltSdD Htsh -@-rS'L l{o. Ifi Tcrraltl xlsE!I l{rl l{a I-!!rDrt Hlh llfrlL ||A u t{a Hornl$trobc - ll0 cd I|gJl.a L.|t ^YEnrE CUmgI (-A) t X.r4 | ?v...d|.lo.ry | r2Y I r?Y I t I ta I w - l*l - l*l -lJ Elhl -lnl rl+ Sdo l.lUhd|. ial rulE HEhr.r+. - Ld |.l al!tq ll u t Pq€2d6 - Dtl-tgl EltctlrEEtlilO SPEClllGlnOil3 General - Sp€ctrAl€rt horrc, strobes and homlstrobes shall be capaH€ of morntlp to a standatd 4' x 4' x 1-1/? (10.16 x 10.16 x 3.81 on) beckbox or a shgle{ang 2! x 4' x 1-1P (5.(A x 10.16 r 3-81 ctn) badGox using lhe universd mounting plaE induded with eactt SpectrAle.t p.oduct Al8o, SpecbAbrf pmduc'ts, when used h conjunc'tbn wilh the ec- cessory Sync-Grcuit Module, shall be poweEd trom a non- coded porver supply a|d shall op€rate on 12 or 24 \tolts. 12- volt rabd devices shal hane an operafng wltage rarqe d 10.5 - 17 vdts. z4-volt rabd devicas shall haw an opsatng voltage range of 20 - 30 vdts. SpecbAlert products shall hav€ an operating temperahrre of 32'F b 120"F (0'C b 49'C) and operate fi(m a legulebd DC 6 full{aw rcclified, unfiltercd por€r Brrypty. Hott| - ltcm shall b€ a Syst€m S€nsor Sp€cfAbrl mod€l cap€bl€ of opsraling at 12 and 24 vdts. |bm shal b€ tisted to l,rL 4Al ior firs p]obciive signalhg syster|s. Th€ hom 6halt haw two tone oplions, two audiHlity opfsts (af 24 volts) and lhe oplion b swiHr bet*€€n a tetnporal 3 palbm and a nsr-E nporal mnlinuous pali6(rr. The hom{nly modd shall NOT operata on a coded porver supdy €xcepf thoEo rnodels (model nrnnbers contain 'HC') d€signod b do so. Strobe - Stob€ shat b6 a Syslem Sensor SpecbAldt model tstad b LJL .|971 end be appro\red fior fir€ protective service. The stob€ shsll be wircd as a primary signaling not'ficaton applbnce and @mdy with the Ar€thans with Disabililbs A.t EquitementB for vidbb signaling appli- ancss, |lashing al 'l lk oyer lh€ sltobe's enlits operating volt- agts rangg. The stFbg nght shall co.tsist of a xenon nash trbe and assodated lcns/rGflecbr systom- DttEilSrollt oartER s{ra (142a75 mr) ICR: $5ll6i (131.S75 rm) HornlSt!obe Gombinaton - l|o.n srob€ sttall be a Sysgn 5d|60r SpecfA€.t rnodel - listod b lt- 1971 and UL 4e4 and shall be apprc\,€d ior fir€ prct€clit/€ ssrvice. Har stsob€ shall bo wir€d as a pdmary signaling notificatpn apdbnce and cotnply with lhe Am€ticarF wit| Diseblilies Ad Fquircmenls lor visble signali€ apdbnc€s, adtlng at I Hz over its enlir€ operaling voltag€ rangg. The sbob€ tght shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associabd lens/ref,ector system. Tho hom shall ha\re two lone optons, iwo audiblity optbns (at 24 volts) and the option b swidr b€tw€€n a tem- poml 3 patletn and a noo-bmptralcontrudis petbm. S:tob€s shan be poneted independenty of tha sounder with lhe t€- moval of fac-toty-install€d jumper wit€s. The hom on ho.t strobe rnodds shall operat€ dl a coded or nord€d poYter supcy. todule - irodul€ shall b€ a Sysgn Sensor Sync€rcuil rnodel- lisbd to UL 484 and shall be apprc\,€d lor tire protective s6rvice. The module shall synchronize SpecbAlort strob€s at 1 Hz and homs at brpord 3. Abo' t|e module stral silerEo the hocts dl horn/Stobe modCs' while opeEting the strobes, ovEr a sirgl€ pal ofwi€8' Th€ rnodule shall be capable of .nounling b a 4-11116' (119.0625 mm) square x 2-1,8 (53.975 mm) deep backbox and shall conbd t$o Sryb Y (dass B) or one SV€ Z (dass A) ciurit llodub shall be capabb of muliiple zone syndrcnbalim by daisy- cfrainir|g multifle nodules togeth€r and Gsynch.onizing eedl olher along the chain. The Module shall NOT op€f,ate on e coded pow€r supply. l.- z-isn€r --d I O4f 15 nm) | h UPPER LEFT: Hom/SEob€ wih Sma[ Footsdnt Uounf'|g Ptab (samd di/'//ensiotts for sttobo orrty). LoYVER LEFT: Hom/Slobe wifi Universal Mounling Ptab (same dinensbns W siro6e drtY). UPPER RfGHT: Hom drly ftnaybo nflrngdfrhdaErs'?p, F@lpttt t or llniveoat ,lounfiltg Prete). LOWER RIGHT: Sync.Circrrit Modub (MDL). DX-5CS - Palo 3 of6 MOUffiTTO DIAGNATS 4' r 4' r l-lllf bacl6o<Hoflr Surface tornt wil|| accessay Backbox Skir{ A St obe or Hornlstrobe with accessortf $rnall Footprint Itounting Platr ffi"X<l&Vllount Honr with Universal f,ounting Plate (included with each produc't) V ?x.. x r-zttrbad.or 9MP Strobe or HonrlStrobe uri{r Universal tounting Plate (included with each produc-t) 4' r 4' 1-1f2' bdod +11116' x +11116r x 2-lltr (119.0625 x 119.0625 x 53.975 mm) Sync.Gircuit todule Dircct ilount sOUlrD OUTPUI OUIDE ldBAl V backbot( 4' x 4'x 1-l/? bed(bol( Slrobe or HornlStrobe Surf,ace with accessory Backbox Skirt UL fu|sberadRoom dBA@tblls DC Anechoh Room Pe*<BAe l0fr.ME flt5 12 1f m A 30 10.5 12 l7 n 2A 30 Temponl LOUT TONE Electomectsicd l.tA llA 1\|A 75 75 79 htA htA 1\|A 94 96 s 30ff) fh hbmpbd TA ].|A 1{A 75 79 79 tlA ].|A 1.|A 94 96 (B HGH TONE Electorectsfcd 75 75 79 a2 a2 &2 Itt 95 98 1(X)101 't02 3{Xn t[ hbrrupbd 75 75 79 n 85 85 gtf 95 98 1m 101 102 Hpotar LOW TOlG Electomedsicd t.A 1.lA ilA 79 a2 85 tlA ftA NA 94 96 9B 3m lL hbrupbd itA NA ilA e 82 85 1{A itA l\|A 94 96 s HIGH TONE Ebcfunedsid 79 79 85 85 88 88 94 95 98 1m 101 1U2 gm Fh hbmlpbd 79 82 85 88 88 g)s3 95 98 100 101 1U2 P{./r dO - ON-'SD wrn|]|o DrAoRAmS M)TE: Do NOT l@pw es tndar temi//Bl screws. Tandem Operation ]ront sIRo€E ooF mnan ( aEvEE {mEor t Erclwll|.rSt/UlE.|*HA Zil mflEAcp"Lrfitot4..Efrt{ffi* Two{ije sFtsfli, gny ntx ot rFdsbr Iiled br TAND€M OPERA'nON. Y Homs s:lenced oyer turo{irs circuit. . A'ry mix of horn/strob€s a srrob€{nly dflic€s is accoptabl€. . Hom control @nnecE to irit€rruptible pow€r D'AGRAT,'O'ES: l) Any mix of SpectrAert hdn/strobo, stobGonly, or horn- only dsviFs b dlowH€ b. Zone 1- 2) No d€vio6 or hom<nly are alored m Zme 2 lf m de vkEs al€ Ins€lled m Zon€ 2, bnr{nab EOL r€sbtor at hom co.|!ol lannhal. tn cloora. dr 4r tca l-t ,--.S arf, 3-- lq t..l l tflt lEEtI qrt l-t ,--.S gl... 3*8Jt r""'-r * ro rEllS.rteIEI'ECanEd- Independent Opetation HONN A D STROEElcrutlrcrattlDIPR|rTESiEI(n@ I9 t€cr trroR l, oREor. t PtGxT 1srRoEE {tr @r. t ffrrE tuoir'rioaF|r !d la.Ddn oF !tDr- S'NGB (+l FfO'FACP,IKNILER PRET/KIIA DEIIICE,(ttE ArE* riq 6s rior.t bsrte^dsb, d@rttclbt DO rlof *rt'*t,€,.tut/G t'€ds,oaffiD€',dd',M, ndEiEr DO aJOtroA *!a FoJr-wF€ s)/scm, combo models, wired br INDEPENDENT OPERATION. (t'bn an b trrrdofrdAp pzn, nfifi€ s{ro0os d|lin@ lo qps,r"Ib.) V Temp 3 coding of, Multi-Atert and PA4OO soundcni. lrorE StroD€s mus De po$ctsd ,?ottl not {o*d suFly. :)*- = DEr i!,*, l*. ,--.$ !|r;*{$ D €Ang - P.gp 5 do -oI E =EoE -Iu -IJ ht,3oo4I NEII .trrrE YolT.c fi ro nA'@ tun. v[E ro mf €I[|rFR Horn/Strobes P1215 P121flV 12 t5 1U 18 HA5'5 Pr215til 12 1C75 15A 1El l?n5 P211il a 15 78 $ P2ft5r5 P2'llsiflV A lSrlt 91 111 vt4t5 P24,'fl A 75 ?t8 161 t?1fl0 F24i1fl u It0 r66 AB P?l15l5K lF E Drm0 x tvrs 91 iit P2475K $E*eDm0 A ?5 148 167 Pzlllfilw*cotoUl x 110 166 AB Ganadbn lodeLrllordSltob.. I?fl54 n41fl\A A r5 n $ PZtl5l5A P?r15,5YUA u t5115 gt 1fl HEISA P247$YA A ?5 148 r67 r?rlioA P24i10m u t10 165 m P2415|5KA (FdEaoo0 a 19'I5 91 lfl PZl7sI(AIE*ED|@0 21 E trlS 1A lzlltfiAfic*EDmo0 A ii0 166 AB Spenlsh L.b€ll|g, Hrt P2l15r5F (RF6O.I A 1Cts 9t tlt Strobes sla5 st21flv 12 15 t?t 1g s1215t5 s12tsflY 12 r5/75 142 tn v415 sa41flv u 15 s a s24ts5 s241sdv u t5ItS 66 $ sa|?5 s247flV 24 75 1A 1/P s2ittflt szfi1(lY A i10 1{l t94 S2415/5X (F*EDroo0 a 1yt5 66 s s2/05( (redErp|ool)a 75 18 1S S21rfl( (|p ED(oo0 21 110 1r(l 191 Grnrdlan Iodeh,Strobar s21t5A s241fln A 15 53 a) s24t5r5A s24lsISVA 21 1t?tt 6 s s2{75 Sz,l7ClA 2r t5 18 1€ s2'111(A s24rl(l\A A t't0 1{l 191 Sa15/5tG (rtEDrml)A 1Ct5 t8 s Sz/V5l(A 0re*ED|od a ?5 18 tiP S2f11ffA(E*Ep|Ddt u 110 1{!191 Spanbh l..bellng, Atob.r s241r5F {REGOJ A IttS OE s Horns Accessories v Hlzi|?,.H12i,?!NT 1TA l{A 12tB 12t21 HlnlKlE*Erroll 1t21 t.|A ntn 12tA tC1Z24 lcodd DoFri tcl2t24w (coded oored 1ta l,l fl.tn fltn IG1Z21K (r{c|Dr6( br coded jro*r)ltz{M NIB 12tA Jnml ln2t t0 WA 1{A 12tB fltn Hznal(A{FtEDDo0 1ta 1{A 12tB 12tn lclzf2ltA lcoded po*ri tf,1z|z4rtA (coded po*1ZU ]tn 12tB fltn Sync.Gbcuft lodulr t/Ex,MIIJY lita M 16 u t/{I-A MIIIYA 1ta t\|A t6 u Snrai Footp,rlrt ourt{ng Platc for AhgN.a'',r|{ OItEf s*9I'PVY 1$t{A ]u l.|A Surt co{ount B.cfibq SkH BBS BBTIYV ttA t{A ttA NA UrdvCrssl ldrntho Plab(r€phccrrntrf,Df D PTV lq 1{A l'|A ]{A WeallretptDat B.doq u,E8 |.A in l'|A l{A M)'ES: t) Canadian modol numb€6 €nd h'4. 2) tath tun€rhan model numbers end h'F. 3l Al w€ath€rFEf rnod€ls otrrsf use w€6therpr6f badGox modd \irBB. a) AI SpeclrAblt prcducts at€ d€signod furwal-finint dly. O hstelaton of l€ss B|an 75 can(bb sbob€8 rmy b€ p€]missbb und€r lhe equivebnt fucl elion dajso of the ADAAG (Ss. 22). HoU€ r*, n b |he Gsporrialr-ty of the p€rson a enlily d€dgnhg t|€ fts ahm sFtsn to (bt€rmin€ lh€ acceptsttlaty d ls t|'r 75 cand€h sfobc. 6) Al l5A5 candeb stob€s a hony'stob€s ara rednm€nd€d t m' x af mdns c l€ss. 'For a conDblg ,l{t?g of $ectrAfed arnnf reqtr*€- ntp'nF,, pbase rctor b the Cun9frt Df5'v b/btes on Wo 2 of lhb doarnent, o,.dtF ttlEtruclim kn l'/l. ,bm and tbn{ffi c'nlent dram assurne lhe ,lorn b set d lezrp 3, e|g,ctrof./1/g[,76/nic'l |oJre, aN high atrtft,ry. Pago 6 of6 - DN\tg'g &ne 16. tggo J-l06 @xo^Tr,FrEll" PA4OO tini-Alerf" Sounder wilh Oplionol Strobc Seciton: Ardo^risud Aptt[alEc CEilEnlf Syst€m S€nsods modd PA400 MinFAl€rt Sounder is cotn- paoi and rclide. Sound€||r lrod€l PA4fi), U|e Mini-Al€tt ft€zo horn, has a 90 dBA puls€d sou.d orrqrut ard op€ralG at 12 a.d 24 vDC and full rvays rcciified unfiltered. This snpact deyice is ltEal ior hotel, motd, or r€sid€ntial fir€ systctn apdicalions, wher€ a€sth€lics d€mend e small indicaling devi€. Sttobel Th€ UL 1638 compliant PS S€ri€s signal sfobe is an d€r.- tonic visu€ mming dgnal hatfash6 approximatelyoc. every 1 .5 seconds. Availabb in a 1 -S cd light inbru$y, th€ sbob€ lighf uses an extr€mdy .sliablo xendt fla$ n$o with lff trnr€nt rcqdramenls. The €l€ctronic circuit b €it' dos€d wilhin th€ dure& polycarbonab l€ns. All circuils ar€ polariz€d b be compatibl€ with DC alarm $p€rvid.n and salisfy th€ latest cod€ t€quit€m€nts for p.imaty visiuo signaling. PSLO add$ stsobes fidd install !o the PA4OO Serios sound€rs. but are listed fur secordary visitie signaling only. FEATUNEE . Atfadire stylins (id€l for r€si.t€ntial or hoftd apdba- tions).. Pobdzed fur DC supewidon.. Inbmrpted bn6.. 90 dBA ouqdd at 10 tu€t(3 metors).. 1.5 candela add{r| sbob6 (sscondary signaling). . Op€ratas frorn lO b 32 VDC. . Low qlns drain.. Easy fi€lGu,iirg wilh SEMS sd€F. . Ar.ailde in l€d, b€(p a nthib. . Mounts h stardad $ngl€{ang bacf6u. . Thr*year warflty. coilsilnucrrofl rilD oPErarlox Th€ sound€r opeftrtes elec'fonically and uses the ft€zo €fiect Th€ soundd is munt€d on e wall dab whktt i8 availablo in rcd, whit€ a b€ip. Oplional sfob€6 (mod€18 PS12LO and PS24LO) arc ea:ily rDunt€d to sound€rs in the fi61d. The rcdodor€d sound€r is inbnd€d for us€ in the alarm indicaltuB ctucrit d a UL listed 12 or 24 VDC fre alarm conEol pen€|. Opfional sbobe addilins d0|o PMtn (mod€b PS12LO and PS24LO) rcqdre a 12q24VDC pand respec{fudy- Th€se {t€vi6s are a\railablo h dusl vollag€s. r€d or beig€ (PA4m is availabl€ in white), and mount in s€\r€ral differont configurations. (M4A5.AY (Psro) TIrePA'$n with Optional S:tob The PAtl(Xl lPPUGltlox3 Piezo sounder b desilned fur fie darm and s€trrily hez- ard rvaming. Optottal stobe is twflnended b p.o0ect the h€arilS impaircd and anyone omtplritlg ndsy atoas- Th€ Nationat Fir€ P'ot€ction Associalion pblisfies cods' standards, and r€comm€nded prac{i€s ior lhe installalim ard us6 of soundsrs and stob€s. Tl (bof||si b rFl itr€d b bo uld tu -!!a.L0i'| FrD6. Ubtyble(llr FdJdirbrfri tpb{-sd E rb. Utbc-rEacararFdic{gHirEq .'|ftiprb.l rqns'tsh AlgffqE r|E $!idb dtstqp ranf |xtfrr. Rr rE ffirnr*rr cdHxottt Ptsr: (zt3).$a-7161 Frx. @3) at4-71r8 tso{01 EnglHiU srd t{anftctutitr Ofly SyrF C€rmd bhlrrlirrl Sb h FGqDIX(oflFf ER' 12 clantmyib Rod. rdft.rt connrtcd 0ofi2 llll?4lIi - ftgerd2 SPECtFtAtTtOllS tini-Alertn Sounderl8trcbe lfechanicaf: Al'fG: 12(325 mmz) to 18 (o.75 mrn')- DF rnerrsions wit'|oul stobe 4€/16" (115.89 mm) high x 2- 13/16'01-44 mm) wid€ x 1-118'(28.58 mm) d€€p; ditt€n- sbas wit, stoDe: 4-9n6'(115-89 mm) high r 2-13116- O'l.,rt4 mm) wide x ? (50-8 mm) d€€p. t/yeight wittorrt saotp: 2-4 oz. (68 g.): weight with sffi.- 5-6 oz (159 g-). noun ing: 2-1lz (63-5 mm) singlegang bad<box. OperatirNg temperatuc 6ngc: 1rt"F to 140'F G1O"C to 6orc)- Operating voltago: 12 and 24 VDC and full{a\r€ r€c{i- fi€d unfilter€d. Achlal 12 vcrt operaling vdtage cannot b€ less lhan 9.6 VErc (r grealsr than 1 5.4 VDG; actual 24 rclt op€raliqg voltage cannot b€ l€ss than 18 VE C or gtBat€r t|ar3:lVDC. NOIE: AI mode/A can be powerBd usitlg fdfurave t&i- fred unfrftered supplies. Un&r no circumsramss can MA 1221, 5s12121, or PA/nO senes devioes inp.rt voftagp erc€ed 33 YDC or D€ ,ess than 9.6 WtC- CURRENT DRAW' S(ruND OI'TPUT Orlretil(mA)Rasterat (tf Rdnr) Aned|olc e r0r F0l8m)12V 21V PA|IIIO 12 l5 82 dBA 90 dBA PA4lXl wttlPS LO 1.5 cd d2 lm 75 dBA 83 dBA wlRilro lxsilatt ttox Installalion instuc{ions ar€ packaged with €ach unlt Th€ PA4tn is int€nd€d ftr mo|inting to a standard 2-1r? d€€p singlegang bo< wtriclr atlo*s sufficient dealance for on- duit €ntranco. Th€ PA400 is cornpalible wih DC lins su- p€wiskn. The pi€zo soundor b poladzod atd has bmi- nals mark€d with polarity. Apdy po{ili\r€ $pply wltag€ to (+) terminal and negative supply vollage to lhe G) teminal [S* wiring di€lgn nJ. Mount the appliancs !o lh€ d€cficat out€t box using tho trc mounling sct€ws supplied. Wdng must be in complianc€ with all cod€s and must not be d sucfi lerBlh or wir€ size whidt wqld cause the apdbnca to operat€ outside of its Wblish€d sp€cificalims. The National Fir€ Prot€ciion Association has trlHish€d md€s, standards, and resmmend€d pradic€s for the tn- statlation and use of sounders and sfobos. lt is tscofli- mended that lhe inslallor b€ familiar with those r€quit} ments, with local codes, and any spsiel rcquircngts of th€ local Aufiotity Having Jutisdkiion. ARCHIIECTURTl/ EIIGINEERTIIO SPECIFTGTTIOilS Sounder shall be e SysHn S€nsd lt od€l -' ca- gable of operaling at 12 and 24 VDC. Sourd€r stall b€ listed b Und€rwriteis laboratories Standard 454 fur fir€ proteclion signaling syst€ms. Sound€r shall hsv€ an op- eraling t€mp€raturs belween 14'F and 1€"F (-10rc b &)"C). Sornder shall have eight tcne oplims, ssl€ct€d by means of c{p(s). For sou nderlsttobe combinatioo: Soundsr/sbobo shall bo a Syst€m Sansor Sounder/St'obe Modd -, capablo d op€rating at 12 r 24 VDC. Soundsr/srob€ shall bo list€d to Unddwribrs' Labotat} ri€s Standard 4eU1638 for fits p.otec-lid| sEnaling sys- tems. Sound€r/stmbo shall haY€ an oporalir€ tomp€raturs b€tweon 14"F and 14(FF (-10"C to 6O"C). St'obo shall hav€ a minimum light ouu.lt of 1.5 a '15 candob atd she[ be UL listed as a secondary s-tgna[ng device. DrnEr|s|ollS mfl Contol Panel or p.evir|s device. ID EOIR or rErt d€uhe. H --. IVOIE' Sholg/r wilh @r*tol panol in dtem. M poluity nvets€d in superviso'y ca,,dlttx'- PRODUCf, ]TilE ilIFIOTTATIOT L_ zrzs I| (n./|1'|Id I ffi| (44.45 rm) | H hffil RED wHm BEIGE DESCRIPTPN VOLTAGE CURRENT CAI{DEI.A PMINR PA4fi}W PA4(NB 90 dBA Souder 1224VDC 12mA PS1zLO AdddrStobe 12VDC SOrA 1.5 PS24LO PSz/tLOB Add-d Stobo 24.VOC 25mA 1.5 P{1a2d2 - Ol$?(}5 N(DTIFIECF'RE frSTE*ISa tfrrrlY GrottlLv Jenuary 21, 1Sg MR Series C.ontrol Reloys S€diIr: Miscdlasrs K-1ql GE||EnlT The Air Roducts & Controls UR Series llu llivoltage Con- bol Ralays otrer SPDT or DPDT lG.amp contac'ls whidl may bo operat€d by on6 of four input conuol vollag€s. A singls rday may be €nergizod from a voltage sdrce of 24 vDC, 24 VAC, 1 1 5 vAC, or 230 VAC by widng lo apgoprl' ate input tsrninals- Eacfi r6lay contains a rsd light-€mitting diod€ (LED) whicrl indicat€s lhe r€lay coal is en€rgized. Relays may b€ 'snapp€d apart ftom a standard fuur-and(ile assombly and us€d indepEndonty. Thes€ devicss are ideal fur applications wher€ local corF tacts a.€ requimd for syst€m stabB, r€rnol€ contacts fur mnEd of elecEical loads and general purpose switcft- ing. Ihey al€ suitabh tur use wilh HVAG, Tempemture Conuol, Fir€ Alam, Seordty, En€rgy Manag€rn€nt, and Ughling Contol qFtoms. The Air Producls & Confob mR-199 HeaW Duty Pomr R€latr8 ar€ d€signed for conEol applicatims sth€t€ 30 amp DPDT contacts ar€ rcquir€d. The 24 VDC and 120 VAC r€lays ars mounted in a rugged sb6l endosur€. nlS-RIESFEITUNES lkcludlng nR-rt9 Scrtc{ . Each relay podtim may bo on€rgizod tofll ono of fuur input contrd voltag€s. . Each r€lay position contains a tsd LED whidt illumF nal€s wh€n the coil is en€tgiz6d. This provides a line saving conveniencs whon cheddng en installed sy$. tdfi, m mebdng is mquir€d. . Singl€, drd, o. tipl€ r€lay modul€s may b€ 'snapp€d aparf fiom a standatd fuur+adtion tmstsr- . SPOT a DPDT rdays flailatle. . Available in dust-proof metal €ndcsui€s (wih gray ds- tic @ver on MR-lOl,C and MR-2O1,C) with l-ED yi€w- ing po.t . Red endosure available on som€ rnod€]s. . Track mounting hadvuaro b fucilitat€ installalion in stan- dard caunets. . UL rccognized telays rat€d at 10,0(x),fi)o ,nechanicd optrations. ,ta Itlrr I\.2 Sgilo3 (MR-l0lrC cCR, MR-1o4rC rCR, MR-2O1,C a CR. MR-2o'UCcCR) tl t /tN \7 csll8, cs7:t3 (MR-i(X and TR-A)4 Sed€s OIYLn MEA 73€2-E I ZS€Z-S, tlot. tlt (MR-101/G ffCR, | (t\tR-a)1rc orCR, MR-l(xrCor GR)l MR-rcryC or CR) Califomia stat€ Fire Marshal 73oGl00il:l0l (MR-l01/c, i,R-lo.lrc, trlR-z01rc, MR-AX,rC) TTEUR4Urc TrreNR-llrttlc Thb doofis b nol infendd lo ba u$d b hslalbtin [r|tFG. lrb ty lo k34 qlr Fodd lrb.ttdin Wffi |r|d @r|h. $r. c.r|'Ea cDF d lpoft aptli.lixE a ry|ftip€b 8l 'o(||irsr|.flE, A! lp#ir|s ar slaiod lo ctttup ri!|qr ne Fq rsE inhmslo.L cq|H IOnFER PhqE (zB) il84-7161 FA)C (aB) 444-?118 @ rorlrrER' one rip+ne pbca. ib|oft.d. connocicri 06+72 tso€ollt E Er:sitr 8nd [snfrctuilAdt Sysbtn C..frrd b tun tiorEl Strrhd Flgpt E l-.bintrU-SL DN3{77 - P|oBrd2 PRODUGT SPECI}IGIITOIIS FOTmulrlwlt oE colfttol REt tYS Powcr rcquircmcnts: nR-7O1 Positun is rated at O.Oi 5 amps (1 5 milliamps) @ 24 VAC, 24VDC, ils VAC, 23OVAC. UR-mt tusiliot -rs rat€d at O.{XL5 arnps (35 milliamps) @ 24 VAC, 24 VDC, 1'r 5 VAC, 230 VAC. Refays: Af rdays xe UL t€cqniz?dcdnpo.rsrts. rVOlE' Only models with encbsures (t'strllix,f ar€ Ul- tisted es- sembrbs (excludx MR-199X-13C aN MR-1WX-14C). Enclosul€: 1 8 gaug€ CRS, plabd with 1 /? conduit knod(- outs (top and bottom)- The UR-1O1IC and nR-mtlc indud€ a m€tal badoox wilh durabl€ daslic cov€r- Contact rating: 1O.O A @ 115VAC resistive- Ambient temp€ratur€: -g)"C to +85"C (-sO"F b +185"F). DimensiorEa MR-701n and UR-m7fi are 3-0i. (82 mm) H x 2.125' (31 mm) W x 1.5'(38-1 mm) D. HR-704f end HR-2OtUf ar€ 3.(r (82 mm) H x 8.5r (215 mmlWx 1.5F (38-1 mm) D. HR-1ollC and HR-2011C ar€ 6.125' (1il).2 mm) H x 3.25' (82 mm)W x 2.5'(63.5 mm) D. nR-lotllc and flR-fr4E. aro 6-125'(1912 mm) H x 9.5' (241-3 mm) W x 2.5i (63.5 mm) D. PRODUCT SPECIFIGTTIOIIS FOR HEAW-DUTY POWER REI.A'T13 Contact arrangerncnh DPDT standard, Contact rating: 30 tunps @ 24O VAC: m NroF @ 2n vAC;2HP@250VAC. Goil powen fR-t99x-t3 is rat€d at 24 VDC @ 85 mA R-t99X-t4 is rabd at 120 VAC @ 8:i mA Tempcraturs range -30'C b +50"C (-22"F o +122'D. For tR-lgtr-'3: -frs'C to +80"C (6fF b +176"F). For tR-199X-t* -55"C b +45"C (67"F b +113"F)- Dimensions: HR-199X-73 and tR-tggx-ta is 3.13'Ct9.4 mm) high x 2.5' (63.5 mm) wid€ x 2.31' (58-7 mm) d€€p. nR-199X-l3C and nR-1ggx-taC is 5.31' ('134.9 mm) high x 3.38' (85.9 mm) wide x 3.13'(36.8 mm) deep. TRSERIES IEIT'N3 FnoDuct ullE lxFonntnol| M Descfipldorl, rR.t0lrT ttR.l0trc HR-l01rCR ilR-104rT tR-il)ilrc TR-lll.lrcR rR-20lrT irR-201rc trR-20lrcR rR-204rr rR-zt 4rG tR-z0ucR uR-l99X-13 tR-l99X-l3C l|R-l99X-lrl HR-l99X-l4C Slngle SPDT Relay with LED and fack- mounting hardwar€ (UL r€cogniad). Singte SPDT Relay with LED, mounbd in m€tal backbox with plastic covor (UL list€d). Sngle SPDT Relay wilh LED, mounted in m€tal baddox wih r€d daslic covs (UL list€d). Four-Pcilim SPDT Relay witr LEDS a.ld track-rnounling hardwar€ (UL Ecognized). Four-Positon SPDT Relay with LEDS, mount€d in m€tal endo€ur€ (UL list€d)- Four-Position SPDT Relay with LEDs, mount€d in a m€tal backbox with a red cow (UL listBd)- Single DPDT R6lay with LED and track- mounting herdwars (UL Ecognized). Single DPDT Relay with LED, mounbd in m€tal backbox with plastic coy€r (UL list€d). Single DPDT R6lay witt LED, mounlsd in m€tal baddox witt tod flaslh covu (UL list€d).. Four-Pciliqr DPDT Rdey wit| LEDS and back-rnounting hardwat€ (UL Fcognizod). Four-Position DPOT R€lay with LEDS, mounted in a metal €ndosut€ (UL tist€d). Four-Position DPDT Relay with LEDS, mount€d in m€tal backbo)( wih a t€dco\,er (UL lisbd). H€avyduty DPDT R€lay only, 24 VDC @il input (UL tecognizod). Heavy{uty DPDT Relay. 24 VDC ctil inpul mount€d in enderre (UL tBcognizod). Heavydrny DPDT R6lay only, l2o vAC 6il input (UL recognized )i l-leavyduty DPDT Relay, 1z) vAC cdl in- put, mounted in endcwo (UL rcmgnized)- * rcOEL NUMBER C('LVOLTAGE cotitTAcTs ffixrNnilG usnNGs REII GOI'ER lAdd'R'$ffk) A VIE A vrc 120 vtc m vtc SPI'T (10 1 DFOT (104 DPDT pnrt Tract Spc Endqn u. csFt & IET u-c MR-1OI'T x x X x I x MR-l01/C x x x x 1 x x x iiR-1(X/T x x x x 4 x x lrR-lO4rC x x x x 4 x x x x MR-201/T x X x x 1 x MR-201/C x x x x 1 x x x MR-AWT x x x x 4 x x MR-a)rUC x x x x 4 x x x x MR-l99X-13 x 1 x MR-19$(-13C x I x MR-1S)(-14 x 1 MR-199X-14C x I x Pq.2o.2 - Dt+3/177 The CPU'400 Eta232 Prinbr Polt EIA-232 En-€S Torflfid Tqnftd Fod Mo&. Fo.t SLC Ldp #l(s-srts,az) ElA4as Poft SLC|-oope (svl4,6, q 7) SIde+ Labd EPROTI FqftC Ab|m, To$t!, Suparvfryy, '|d Scrity dr$. (3 arps @ sO vDc) 0,lo!s: g.p€rviDry etd S&dty drbds can bo confrbd b*m dtacb,) glcharacF (2 x t|{)) Bad(.{-f LCD frispby $8tl3 LEDS C.rf||ol S/ibh€s Progrefimlng l(6yDad |ww|Dd (coss lh€ p|ogrrnming l€ypd) l{AG or RCG*B dutts 1 & 2. Cle Acqass B, 2a vDc @ 25 snps sch.' t{AC or Reb6h9 hlE3&4. Cbss A or B. 24 VDC @ 25 amps edr.' $ehls/Tlor.|bb lEDs Wtd Trds|ltbr flduh (ifXTM conn€cbr). Main Power Supply The MPS400 Betary (12€0 AH.) UZC Ooer hput P{ead lO - Di}5462 2mn{dbbb ztM)c dlqrib tebd 125 aff sdr' R6ataU€ 2.lvDc@ 125'lF' FN II F ll rrrr tiu I o o g o o tr ol . i l-^l l.-.1 lsnl hr lt-l l-rt IdL rr4!! lE, l.t: t - | (!Id LlE J l!!= ffin tE-n trm tFl t !r__-____u____I_____-_lf_ 'ThelPSrOoba6g|p pow€r gipply. Tobl por€r, irddiE irbfl|el rnodrb, c-lnoiq€€d6arF. D@r TfliFr S\ribh (9f9200) r|6br Mod.rb odbn OpM-2) AWACSTT Advanced Warning Addressable Gombustion Sensing AWACSil is a set d softivare algorihrns that provile the AFP4@ wittr industpleading vnoke debctkn capabil- ity. Th€ devdopnrent of tpse -sophbtirzbd algorihms arc rnade possible by t|e d@ coo9etatkn bemeen tt-otifer anO Sysiem Sensor, t|e urofb bade's h fre deuaion and ahm technobgy. Th€se comd€x abpriu[rrs requie many calcuhirns on each l€adiru d each d€bctor, and are made possibb by the very high sp€ed micrommubr us€d by h€ AFP400 (lsbit RISC REduced lnstuditn S€t Cofmubr). O Drifr Compensation and Smoo0ting. Th€se algoriutrns (U.S. p€bnt pending) klent'ty and compensde for long-Hrn dtattgtss h the analog rcadLqs tom eadt srmke sensor. Long-bfii changes are usualy caused by dust acanmuladon hskle the snoke dtan- Au16g b€r. Dlift oonrpensatftm alous the debcfor b tetah its original Reding ability b detect actual smke, and Fsist fabe a}anrs, ewn as dit ac.|.rrrrlabs. lt redies mairten oe equirements by allowing the sysbtn b aubmalicalv perform tte pedodb sensitivity flreaglr€- ments rcquircd by NFPA Standard 72. Srroothing filbrs are abo prwiJed by softrare b r€|firw tsansient nobe signals, usually carrsed by elecfiical hbrbr€nce. Difiercnt smooefng algorih.ns are used, dep€nditg on the sensfivity seleciion d each debctor. @ f,alntenance Wamlnga. wtren tre ddft otpensatixt pemorneo fura deEcbr reacrEs a certah levd, the pefdmance dt|e detecbr may be conprcmised, ard specbl wamings are giiren. There are thr€e rvamr€ leveb: (1) Low Chamber vabe, usualy itdi:ative of a hardtnare probl€rn h the debctor: (2) Mahtenance Al€rt hdbalive of dust acor mulatbn that is n€ar but bebr the allofled linc (3) MahEnane l,Jrgent indk:ative d drst am.rmulatim abone tte afiored linft. The llainF nance Alert lend ailovrs r€inbnance beftre f|e perfunrnnce of the device ls conprombed- i.i% @ Sensltivity AdJuct Nine sensitiyity lo\t€ls are provkted brabfm detection. These b\reb 6l beset rnnualy, or can change aubrnathally betvrean day and nbht Nh€ l€vds of peabrm sensitivity can abo be sdected, based qr Fedeteflnied l€rds d alam. Pre-alarm operaton c n be latcttig or selF resbring, and can be us€d b activab special contol func'lirns that a|e a subset of the abm conbol @gram. Tine (days) + Uaf-|t|rca l.lDtrt """"". l|dnl€nam AL.t - Iil6 A|!m sele.bo I -OttAEmSffi.|S - 0-79a Af r S€Ldbo 7 -o5*AEms€bfrio - O.StPrE.ll'|ng - O.ai P|FAlqm 8 -O-s*Atra Sdos - (lllt Fell rtl7 + 02.f Abn S.b.fdta - (r:if Befbm 6 +- 0.1'f, Alam S.|ofro 3 F O.lX Ro-Al.|ns - o$f Ab|tn S.b.lon 2 - olx}ltAh.|n Sffio I IirE (&ys) + F(J e Eulo.a z.o 3 oaoo 1.0t6 03't 0at6 o.7t6 o.6t5 o5l5 0.404 03r 0.216 o1% SAMPTE SEI{SITMTY wr{DOYi' (LPX-75r) O Self{l$imizlng PreAlarm. Eacfi detecbrmay besettu'sdf- minHng'pre-alam. In this sp€cbl mode, the debcbr leams' lts nonnal erwironment, moasuring tre peak anabg l€adings otrs a lmg p€rird of tine, and setip the prFahm lercl irst abom Otese nomal peaks. Thb atils exbemely sensitive p|eahm capablily with rca- ssrable proteaim against nqFfr€ signals. O Gooperating lrulti-Itetector Sensing. A unkpe faature d AWACS is the abtly d a gmke s€nsd to cutskler l€ditgs frotn nearby sensora h rraking abrm d Fe-ahrm decisims. UsiE logic abodthms, eacfi sensor can indude up to two other sensas h its decbidr. Wthoutstatbtcal sacrifice h he abilityb t€sistfabe ahrns, italore a sensab inqease its sensitiyity to dld sf||oke by a facbr of aknct 2 to 1. lthrlHebctor sensip *o allors the @mbhatbn of krnization witr phobehcric bchnology h rcaching an alarm decision. P|!.,Abrn/a Ptlr^tsft3Hlr|rt2 o.os Aarm Tim€ (minutes) DN-s:fdl - P.go 5 d 10 I FIELD PROGRAM]TING OPTIONS AUTOPROGRAf, Aubp|ogrsn b a ti.nesavlng batre ca fio AFP4{n. lt lu a sp€cbl8oftml€ nnirE that elo|is the AFP-{d) b lesn' vrM dovlces ar€ physbally connocbd and aulamlically bd |h€mh |he p.ogramw h ffe.dtyelFs ftr al pffarF 6lB.s. Roqtddng 1636 than 30 s€con& b run, thb rouli.€ allows tre user b haw aknost immediab f rc pmtedirn In a new in8bllaton, 6y€n if mly e porton of |ho d€l€cb.s aro Inslaled. Th€ |urtin€ wll Ind dl inbligdrt dgbcb.t and modul€3, ard p|€sent th€n b lho installe ftr €dit of tF d€iault optiim 8el€clions, lf d€Cl€d, lf a devlco b ftond lhst et€.dy erd8lB h fn€|tlory, aubprogram sHp6 olter lhet devlca (ody n6w devt6 or nisdng rlevirs er€ F€smtad b lhe hstaldt O[an E|e itsfa|€rwlll p€rfio.rn afiptogtam es affisi€p in e new instBlaton, th€n upload th€ prcgrfn lnb VerlFhe b add al atsbn bbob at|d ot|€r ffio.matoo, t|qt dounlod fufl| V€riFir€ b tr6 AFP-(n. KEIPAD PR(rcRAT EDIT The AFP{n, tk€ aI NO'nFIER lnblf,gont pan€b, has t|e ddudve fahrr€ of full Fogrsm cr€don and edlt capeDe ity fsn [re fiont pand keyp€d, rt|c corlhtthv b p,> vtre lilt probc{ba The antibctr? of !|e AFP.(n Boftiaro is sudr that eacft pdnt ontsy canirs 'rtB own p|D gnem, inclrdiQ cond+!,.€{t'rrt InkB to olher pohts. Thb alows are p|og]an lo be onter€d wlh independent per- poht sogm€rils, rhll€ t|€ AFP-4m dnultanady rnd - trs oth{ (alrEady imtdl€d) polntB br darm condilio.B. In addroo.r b avddng sysbrn sfiu$ou,n, program edlt fiorn |he pen6l l€lDd h6 the adranbgE d not t€(l|lring 8n dtsdb FC. Thb can seve sigr*ncant Instelbtat lime for mtrc. program drang€s. TtF AFP.fin db-epedlb program is pastrod prote.bd, ard al Horflldon is sbr€d in no.Fvobd.r mfibfy. ll€nu 'ba€6' ar6 p.ovidod b l€ad tre b.in€d hstalof trrcugh the prcgrm sbF wfirout fu neceeelty b rglsr b tho prograIring flrt|tal. VeriFireil V€riFiG b en olt{i|E gogramhg md bst ullty lhd dl gr€aty r€duce i]|stdblirn gogramnhg time, and lH€aso confidence in h€ she€podfic sonr6o, lt is Wrdorflso b6sad end por^lee teamobghaly advan€d c+strlt lies b dd th€ hstalbr. The inslall€f tnay cr€eb lh6 e ire gognm fc lh€ AFP-4m in fie @.nlbrt of th€ of- fbe, bst [. sto|a a bod(up lb, A|dr b.hg lt to t|e db 6nd dot rnloed toan a lapbp inb tle pild. The p.ogram indrd€s eria ctled(a fur omlmar Fogaarn- ning flrbtalcs, qrdt as an iryut Fiot ftat d€3 not d veb my qrBrb, a an ou$tt pofrt lrat is nd Inlcd b any hputB. lt abo indud€8 a sir htlon toutn€ lhat u,n lbt a[ of lhe ouFn pdnlB lhat e!€ acthreled by a pclior- lar hpr t point (ahmatudy, it wif fd af th€ hguf FintB th€t ar€ lhked b a 9rtcubr orFut). AtlFqSh thb doc r|ot olinineb o.r-sib b8thg, ii grety increasoe coarft dffce h t|e tnd lnstdblon. Fo. exa.rTb, a 2Ix)lngut and t lxlortput poht q'sbm, uihod tEf|g V6lFl€, dld Fquir€ zo,fllo bsl ob66n ab.rs b v6dry all poGsbl€ lro tnks. V€riFlr€ hdudes a corirpd€ |urf|e, dcxrd at dght, that can abo gtEaty frdp lhe instrller. l/Yh6n a n* piogrd|r b cr€abd, t rmy be dnpersd wflh a p.€rridrs ueGBbn ard dif!8iBnces al€ tdgllitrbd. fflh. Fogrem is modif€d fidr fi€ pen€l key@, lt may bo uplo€d€d lnto VedFi]e, and conpercd wltr t|6 p.€rrlous ve'3lon stoGd o.r disk The itentficatd| dp.ogrdn dfrurrc.sgr€aty it€lps tt€ hstaler h bseE |h6 Insian€ ion. NFPA 72 lequir€s lhat rcacc€ptmce b6t of a fir€ dem sysHn be po{tun€d on 1U)96 of dl pointB ihal el€ troyun' b be modified. V€.lFl]€ alows tre insleler b dotenrino te €mci pdnts trat a|B .fiaEed. Psgp6dl0 - DiFszEt BT3rc ECUIPNEf,T PAGf,TOEI The]€ are t*o packages a\railabb to cfifigute an AFP- 400 sysbrn. The standard model BE 4m, is d€signed b rnount in a NOTIFIER tulFsized cabiret in the CAB )€ Series. Tho BEr4mAA b a miniature package d+ stSn€d fur a srnaler cabhet, the CAB-4fi)/U\" Od€r one of lhe folowitg: BE4n: &se Equipm8,* indudes the CPU modub , (CPl'un), u, 8(}{,,€[",ffir di$ry, p,oge|nf'ring kelpad, frPS4{X, n|E/in poet r slt$y, instaflalion instructiot s, crrassts atd tegu,ilEd hetdvan. Otd€,r CA,&X3cgD'to'sqpelafu,,ll. BE{OAA: Ease Eqraipnent br use nifi CA&M nini caDrffi. rf is sr?nifer to E4n b,n tt use ,in Gll& M. 'krc{tfus I,PS4DRB urcl banSotmers, SUV rf;,ttsd?€ ouFnnqi?/' ,',od,tle. On er CABAXhA cabinet *'antdy. 5r51En noDUfE The AFP400 indrdes the ablity b coflir nicate with up b 8 cmv€ntbnal modubs each wlh up b 8 ciEuits. Any mix d notificatidl, rcray, sp€ak€r, or bl€phone may be used. Choolo any combln.tbn of up to eight output modulec: lGtnCE, CRilGRE, tlGI4 or VCI TCE' ,CT+ Modula, p/o,vides,b.t Stlde Y or sfY/6 z atarnt ^lffircdil:rn Appliance Cinlrfrs ,lextfiu/m, stignafi'lg arrsnt i' 3.O arrps prcimitt6.0 anry'Eftttu/F, subjed b gnr sudy /Fnit8tit ls (rncftrdts auiliety po$er rrerness, ELf,ls ard stdt-li| ,aoersr. 117r',16 o'.ttlOFF contmts ard OI{OFF LEDS. rcE-.,.' iro0ificatibn APf/l€,7Etr... Cit"lfit Ex- pancter, exlflils lCU{- to Pt"]Yide aM d oW G) SIWY t Stytea alam l'lofiTrca' ttorr Arytliat @ Cict Is. Cittd rd;ngs ete sanfe 8s ,Cll{, (rt'exiaan d qP Fr lar/-,.-) May als bo used lo dd bu Nohftcdior, Aqpli€t7d€ Cnt'cuflS to yCl,H. cFfl1: M Reteyrffittb,btt(1) Folm' C ,Bhy dfttc*s, /?/ted dt 5.O A, l2O VAC q 28 VDC (tuxis{itt,) pt cinniL ,tldrrdes nwwal OTOOFF oodmrs and t Ells. CRH: Contal Relay Ex,€nder, ex9€/f,s CRtrl-4 to ptovt1€ a ffil d ebht (8) Fot n- C ,E,ay cEnffi. (rhxinum d otp Pr CRI'4) Mayalfi b@,NtE('edto &t tau,r Blays b ICUI, TCI*Z TCltl, t vcH. VCXI: Vdc€ @,tbol ,tlottl,le ,/ovid€6 tdtr Styte Y u SlyI€. Z qpeator atcurlq o{rrtt ,narua, sarect sndcDas aill indi.rtors, dide,in raDels, a[rd d.tg:in tentir7F,l ffi. tulo}D jtnnper b cflwett fo tbreprlone aicurts rflD ramob tuA sig',d aNtd carr{h ,tasrr. llay ba exp€,ndecl to 8 c u{i/E with VCE.4., tCE.4, or CRE l. IFI fffiffFlL-rl El HH t-n EBEtrIEEEE llCE4 Voi.n MA ExPanff,ddsb|, ah61rits to VCtll. (llotl: voriHlVCH mfir,i//rat*n m$t be I qpea*er or I Pt|one cicuflS.) OTHET DCfl.{f Dua! Channel Mdule '/ro/viCes torr Sq/io Y ot Si/re Z S6aker citD|rls dus fuur &uup| AlB *ba rehys. lttol erparxlade- oPilox noDulrt Ail* Auxi@ RetaY tulodule, tuut (l Fom4 rctays @t trdled bY a rclaY ntDdt/i€ GRiLa rCtra). N.O. @,0'8,(fs /',ted 20 ettps, trr-C. 6!t ads taf€d tO zrtpt d 125 VAC and NVDC. (Meximum of sP tur eedtCRlt.' orCRE.'-) w/&!r: Vcb@ntat Cen{er. Ptovt&s a valdy d u*r s€,acraDre tbaes u a shry/€- c,l7€,ntd- Up ID ttvo difutent /or?Fls or messages ttlay Do sflad€<l on a sirrg'3 cfianncr- Atsm pov;As $imal @nftr, voi:€ mess€rga @p&W arrt orr.sit? pro$ilrr'r,file w*n messeges. ttrdtffi Au.lb lrassagp @t?F, ",tor(A*rg--I) n;r'/Wlr'E', caAres, dtoss panere etd nnsilrucfiot s. vCC2: Voic. @tM @nter. SrirgtF * dua, c,ren El A,tdip To,?p fur/1€lor (ATG'2). ffi I *w wh(4, HiI-o or #dy tona on the prinary d,uvnl and br dual channst apprbalbns' ptot'ites a chime 8 m pulg-rf,r+nitt tb fuP @ tn s@f,ary chanttd- lrdudas caDteg mic'optrdtp.' dtEss pa'€t' and ins''tfri,'?,s. WCa-l: Voi(dTebpt otp Wol Ccnter- Pnov*tts a' that t E VCC-I ptDvires ptus lli/o-{,,6,y Fit€ Filrhlofs Teled,ffi|€ (FFT-7) ceFAmY. vtroc-2: that the VCG2 prwiths ptus tfrvay Fitc Fig'lla'/s T*phol.e (rTT-n @ilry. TA}l: Tebprrone @rtuat cetrler- Ms a s'.ano-" atme tw--uay Fin Frgrlter"s leJepioae FFf-75)' ,nc*rdas caDres, dtDss pare, ard instirdiras' Are.fj Audb lressegs @rctalor (wl'wt nit'ofiorc). OtdEr in ffihntoVCGl UWCG! iJ ,r}o{r|a tD€t qartttl is t€qdt€d- FFI-7,FFr-75: Fi/€ Fighaer's Ierepnone cotlrtol rih tnas{ar tardsof. !,il': AA-fu Auttb An'#.rF,r - 30 ratts. StriHtflo# polver' tdudes atz4,ifrer qd autlb inptl supni:snn, Df,dGUP inInn, and sutotrrstic stiddor/or, 'r/u€r smtY, caDres. O €28a - P{3 7 of 10 r..- ElEt AA-1Zt0lAA-rO0: A/r'db @ifier plo/files up b 1m ffi d 25 Vrus atdio po*rr for tho AFP4). 7be anpflier conlalrs ar, t {Egra, .tass*s br nw)///ing to a CAB3,4| or -D3 baffix (stsumes dte tor). SrrilcrF nlode power. ,ndLM a,tdb hp,n eN anpfi'€d o,np,n su's, isiu\ bac*,tp inpd, and a.rtor7/tr,t/c $rififiwer to tgcretp tor?f,,. Or*,r tt'€ AA-1n br 7O.7 yRrc sJrsttn s erd 1(n wafls d 'ov€r.llRog{ri): Facbryf'og/.e'?m'l€rl messag|a ,br rhstarafion in Altc.l - Ptovt tB up to 21 s€€p/tdsot evaf/,)d/io'r message on rlo,n.vddfu rwtoty chb- CtJ@se d|€ d rrlf,ny strndard messages at/€,ib, o. Up to tm d t Efi messeges rnay De iFreiled nn orc ANG- ,rrrudts yRO[t, irshrdiras fui/rffialin et.t Wf€'i'',, ax, fiilDn lslt of rtessegp. VRN-I: Fie/datqraruned menty b be ins',d/€d in ArlG-1. Provit'€s up tb 24 secorfds of ffi+ro4/'g,mn'6Dy'e evaarditn messegp on r'pt -vo&,ffi fi|g'ldy c,iD'. UossagB is pru gL,anmad frwn nic'wl'ol€ or aessefr€ tqpp.. Upb trro of lta$ ,lwr-mr8tile men dy c'ipa mey M inslehd in ot?€ AtlG. hrdudas VR,,M af, ir,str|tc- lrors ,br ias{arHirn df, aryatim. AP{;{R: Autilw W Strpp/4, (ettpelnden. Proudes Wto 6-0 c''r'p€tib,9 Notitutkx| sp4,Aulf8 aircuils. ,ncftdes bdf6'y irydad bansfur raray, aN ottarT,''r'rt pdealm- Mannb on om ottour posifions oa , Clr${- u CltS-' cfiassis. FCP!}-2.'f TltF FtCP$ll E a lE/noib eenp (4-enp @rltndrs, npF€,t tWEr srDply. povddas pasilito no?+Dtotbting srccessir€ zot e dW. Miryotrsrjprfiffil8d, f/p,lct{!'gra,m,r|E- bb fioa, IBrl.d n ,',tfrF- PCs ('€'qui,€/s qtio'l,al Nq'E'rv'frtg W- (* lEO2 c.Eq sffi) LCD4)ILGD&TI: UHt€,ac'eL baf#/fr LCD.tisday. Mannb up b 6,(m fr- ftoar paneL lh to 32 N AFF" 4U. (*c LCD-m, LCD.STn c.''/rq srreetsJ ACti.' Annarrctator M Modu/r,s ACrl-1647, AEM- 16AT, ACU-g2A, aN AE t-32A. (Sra ACIS c.rrbt 3Dc.f,) AFU: Ann}afur Fixed H&i6 AFtir-l|',., AFU- 1MT, ilrt AF h32A. (Sae Afl c.rrrog sDeet, PIoSdr0 - Df$5482 Gl(S-{: Cfiassis for nomth?g up to ,burAPS6R. CHS4-: L@* bur-pasffitt Chassas. tto&t|lsfvo,!4.-sO anl,k'fut; 6 oJre Attre-Eur.lone,,|,- 30. Lofl': Lamp tuiyw Modtrlas LDM-32, AUE Z ffi LDU-R32. (S.. [Df cttrrog srtece, AGFSR: Reflrd,a R6ley rffirno unh eifit foma @rdacfs. Can b lof,,/furl q b 6,(m fr- tmt ,€rrd on far ri49s. RPI-{[6: Repeaas E A-185 oYw ffi fdr u cott- ve s to frber{/ptic medium- (Sc€ RPf c'l!r09 sfteet) .P: 7De )(P Serbs Trat6potdtr ptoudes @tlleldional manltoraxt c'in'ol poi6. fsec P c.uog srL.c, .taaa. .aaa GttS<tL- ErOa dm CDessis. ,t otttts tQbbrt mcd|i/os. ,nctudes CHS-', ,tF1 Qleh ftrcs Parcl), antl Expader Ri},fun Ceble. DP-': Blank DlF,ss pnel. Prlolvzdesdee,ctfurnnator unusgd lbs or to covet AA- 30, AA-120, * AHGE. CA8'Xi Scrts: tDe O{&X3S€rbs caDiads ate taDtir€H tu/,, legattge sloe, nrtflr unhuefuilM LE(Ai'|q rpvelse srlft scroened tor .t tra,billty. ?De cabinet assembly masists of lro Dasb p6rts: t BackDor {S8&)(3r, atd a l-of,<W t}ot (n)e) that n'EY htu ge dEn u m. CaDinels a,t' arangcd It totr (1) sizes, A thtor{/h O. A tin ,it g gflioit is avacirble br s€ni.i'u$ natnlhg. AAmAA: P/ovfdes s''|ef caDinol ft CPaJ4n aN MPS-f(xlRa Usa wlt E4nAA ont qpoce tot dp (drry) d@f ci/tr/,fit ndth dusexp8r'tdcr. (F84N: Poww Sup{y nrduie. Ttte MP$'{/n ,iacrrrdes l l,ohEce/lion MfranLe Ci'arifs (NAC) ilrat can @tnec/. tour Cr€ss A (S{/dt Z) or Chss B (S$/e Y, drarils 7ho wAC arso can De used lb Reba.$qg effinDt s. brrJtldcs {o.fr bttiltln qls{ottl ntb}ls (atam, tottu, sed"at ant s@- ruBE- 4n rD&,ac,rretil orty. TI'p NfttAn E h&xred tn fie BE &ilL UP8.400RB: MPS4D PC b@td orly. Less tmns' brmers aN mounilhg c$assit. fExAilOis a rogirbfd fadd|la k ot GE Pladics, a stft*fay of Clemral Electic Cottpcty. AOEilGT HSilTC,s AIID APPROYAE S€€ th€furu€of lhis cafabg sfied frr lislim agsrcbs and fih numb€6. Th€s€ listings and apgovals apdy b the basic AFP-4q) contol panel. In som6 cas6s, cortain modul€s may mt be listad by cortain appmd eg6cias, or listl€ may bo in p.occs. Oon$lt ficEy for labs[ listing stabs. Th€ AFP-4{D b UL lisbd, p€r Standads 8O4 (Fir€) ard 1076 (B|rrSlary). lt m6ts NFPA 72 l-@1, Audliary, R6mde Sbtbn, Propi€tary, and Emergsncy VdcerAlrm Fk€ q|s- tgrr Regtign€nfis- SPEC|FIclttolt3 . Primary input pomr, 12O VAC, sllrrm Ha 3.O Amps. . Toral odput 24 V pour€r - 6.0 A* . Standad B€ll drcuits (4) p€r MP$4m - 2.5 A each. . Four-ryire debcior po\r€r - 125 A . Two noftfes€t t€gulabd porver outsuts - l25Aeadr. . Batt€ry drarysr rar€€: 12 AH - 60 AH. (Uso separat€ BBn55 cat*Ft for m AH baterbs.) . Charg€ hi!$ rab: 29-1 V. Fbat Ra!a: 27.6 V. ' trc3: 7tr9 IPS-/f(p ras a lb('f ot 6.0 Amps d awilsD& po*.er. TDis is sfiaEd Dy sfl iDbr Cmodubs and eadr llPS-l{D ciud0. srcilEn GIFAGITY . lnt€lligfft Signdng . Inlellir€nt Detscbrs Un€ Circrrits 2 198 . Addressaue mo*b/conffi rnodtl€s.-.................. 198 . ProgrammaH€ internal hardwae and dr$n ciGtils (4 standard). Progranmabl€ softmro zonc. Spedal Programming zorB. PmgranmaH€ rcrntr mlay/arvurciabr pdnts .......99. LCD80 anruncaabrs p€r systsn (obs€.rro porr€r) ..32. ACS annunfurs ps rys{dn...l0 Arldrass x Bl pcints COilTROLS Af,D ITDIGITONS Prcgram Kay'pd: OI'YERTY type (k@ard layout). E LED indic.nori: AC Pcir€c FiB Aarm: Pt€dlam; Secu,ity Aam; SupoMsory Signal; Syst€rn Trouble, Dis- abl€d pdnts, Aarm SilsEd. X.mbrane Suilch Conlnob: AdsEfll€dgotstsp; Siilenca; Evaoriatq Sysbn R€$t lrmp T6t LCD DlBphy: 80 draracbrs (2 x /t0) wih lorlg{ib LED bad(-light COilPATIBIE DEYICES' ElAe2St H 'frGAS Vd,aocraptic Anrundabr qdilt {se spanate cararog srf6f). htr.' 'ffd UL 8il ligod (arcilW.levi@ only)- COTPATIBII IIIIEIUCH|I DEYTGES nd W, CPX€51 lo.*zalilm stno*e ftt€cbr. SDX€51 Phob€l€cfic smd(e d€bcbr. SDX€5iTH Phob€l€ctric wih th€rmal d€m€nl FDX651 Fix€d ltrotmd (hea0 smsor- FDX€siR Fixed and teM{is6 th€mral s€nsor. Bx{lll Standad U.S. d€bcnor bas6. BslllBH Sounder bes€. BsiLRB Rday bas€. Bs:LAl bolato. base. D]fr{Ol Duct hour$ng wih drrn r€lay. DHX€0:I Dud housang witntt thrn r€lay. ilIx-l llonibmoddo. xU-2 Two{il€ dotetrr rnmibr modde. tIX-tOl Minbtu'3lr,lotilorlibdd€. CIX-2 Cotbol Module. AGX-|O!L Manual Firs Aatm Staim, dt€ssau3. lS(>X bdabr llodub- XP Sefu! Transpon<b. GONDTTIBII .LOW PNOHIF DEYICE3 CPX-751 L*gofle imizalim detEtr SDX-751 Lon-pofibphobd€ctricd€l3&r. LPX-751 Lo*pdb las€r photo dotector- lPx-751 loratdleMvancsdltuni-S€n$rdebcbr. B;ZLRB Lo*gofi|€ mlay bas. B,2:248I lsolabf base fur lowLprdb debcbrs. BTIOLP Low Mh base. Standard U-S. Styb. GOilPATIBIE DEYICES, n3.tfag Fcrf nd Descripfro (sGo c.rrlog str..6, AGS S.ri.. R€mote S€rial Anrxmciatorrcontd sys- tqns. LGII'.8O Rernols LCD disCay. LDX S.rb. Reme cusEn graCic dtiYs modd€s. Afl{R Remob rBl'ey mod|J6. 8 FonnC relays. t{lB€6 t{etwork Int€rfa€ Boad. RPT-a85 Scder R€pebr, isolabr and/a fiber optic rm- ddn- UDACT UnlvoFal Digital Aam Cor|fnunicabr TrarEmittEr. UzC-256 Zono Coder. up b 256 pmgrammaHe codc. 68 99 14 Iodcl PRl{4 vs{ttgsrs:l cRrn ilAn-23zt }IAFZPF D.rcripaaon 80 column prinbr. Print€r,40 6lurm, 24 V. Moltntod in dtor- naf bad6or( (Otd€r tton t{oltan, ,t?c.). Vrdo disglay bminal- Wir€ p€€i-tcp€er OTI.FIRC.XET nstrf,ork interiaae modul€ (see separalt cafarog srre€{r. Fiber peer-tofeer XOll. FlBE.faCf nelro.k inbrfaas module (see sparale cafta@ sDeef). DN562 - P$gof rO FRODUCT flllE lilFoRtltlox n*t Defc,?'lo,' BE-loo Basic Equipment pe*eg€ br an AFP-{U) in a CAB-3 catinet Indud6: CPU-4(n wih k€ypad, 8o{*|aracigr display, MPS-4{D porr€r stpply, ard aI n€cossary cables and doc|rmd Elin. BE{|!OAA Badc E$ipnent ped€ge foran AFP-I{D when rulnbd ;n . Can AA (cabinet adet€d s€pantety). lndod€s CPU- 4U) and an MP$4mRB pofl€r sqCY. GAB-X3 Sorier Th€ AFP{D uflizes M)TIHER CAB.)€ Se.ies catinsts (see separale calbrog srleet). CAEI{0OA/I' Mini cat ind ftr AFP-|(n. Supports mo opton card. 4XIil Aug-in Transmitt€r ito&l€- Pnoridss mlnidpal bot( & rB- rnots statidr omn€dim. P$lzl2o Bafrery. 12 wlt, 12.0 AH (two mquircd). PS-iZ25O Bat6ry, 12 dq 25.0 AH (txo E$ir€d). PS-l2Gm Babry 12 volt, 60 AH (use 2 wi0t 88.55). BB{5 Batbry Bot (mqui€d ftr@AH} YrrlFile{Oll Progremming kit for FC. Indudos did€U3, cabb, and instn dions- OOt* ofiiotrs !s ,l8bd fii prldorc sec{dotrs. P.oc lo d 10 - Dl+5462 Ocdot 24. 1917 UDACT Universol Digilol Alorm Communicotor lrqnsmitler S€dbn: Anruncbta Co.ttol Sy6bfls I)-t6{t @xorrE1FR oEilERtf Th€ Uni\r€rsal Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (UDACT) is d€sign€d ftr usq m tn i,lOTlFlER AM2020, AFPi010, AFP-4OO, AFP-3(X), AFP-2{D, Syst€m sU)Oand Sysbrn 5m Fir€ Aarm conbol pands In addilion, it is also dosign€d br us. on th€ Intdlbont l{etwDrft Annuncia- tor 0NA), softral€ r€lee$ 2.8 or high€r- Wh€n us€d in conjunciion with lhe lN\ dr€ UDACT can report lhe staus of alldrrd pan€ls on l|OTI.FlRE.llElu. Th€ UDACT bansr|*ts sysb.n stabs b UL lisled C€nfal Stalirn Re €ivss via lh€ puuic suitdrod bl€phd|€ nst,ork The UDACT b ccnpeci in dzs and rnay be rn'|led €rdsr- nally in a s€parab cat inet ElA485 annunciabf cdnmu- nicalions bus and rcguhbd 24 volt conne<iions are r+ quiEd. The UDACT is capablo of fansEiting th€ statls of sofr- wara zon€s (Aterm and Trouble), Syst€m Trcuble, Pan€l Ofi-Normal, SupaMsory, B€ll Tmubl€, Lff Batt .y, and AC Fail. Wh€n us€d wi|h th€ AFP-Zn, |h€ UDACT t|ans- mib up to 89 zon€s; with t|€ Systm flD, ell 16 zon€s; and with th6 Systam emo, all 12O zon€s. \lYhen used wilh il|g AFP{00, tr€ UDACT is capatle d rcporlirp up b 567 points; wi0r the AFP€m. up b 375 pcrants. R€porling may b€ in the fonn of sonrmre zones (Sg dus 16 spodal). pand cirt|db 'l{, pand ouFn rnodubs 1€4, and 192 pdnts per SLG loop (th€ frst 96 dobcbr and 96 rnoduls aG drs€s). l rh€n lh€ UDACT 'rs us€d with ths Alr202O c AFP1O1O, it is capabb of leporling W b 2,(XO pdnls. R€porling may be in the fuim of softrao zones (up b 240) or 60 zon€s plus up to 'l 9&) int€lligont pdnts. The f rst 568 points hans mitt€d may b€ programmod bra variety dtyp€s, induding fir€, watofifl, sup€rvisory, 6!c. R€maining pdnts bans- mittod aro for fir€ alam mly. ',OtE' Ooscrlotin s 1€g,etdir7€ g*n carcltn,rrstedaDoE, are ,brrEaeiv€rs |rfibrr r@iyt in Adcrr'fg. co,n8,ct il, br- m.t See ciarlry| Ne 2bra npfiibre rB€nre's. FEAIUIE3 . Dual phane lines.. Dual tdaphmo ILr€ vdteg€ d€bct. Surfa€ frount Tedrnoaogy.. Comp€ct in saze: 6.75'x425'.. Builtir programmff.. Built-in 4draracner r€d 7-s€gmsnf LED display.. Manual Test R€port frnclion.. Manual TransmiaEioo Cl€er funciion.. lrilounts in e s€pamta €ndo$rn (ABS-8R or UBS-I ).. Cornmunicat€s vital systom statls indudng: - Ind€p€nd€nt zm€ fie abrn. - Irxtop€nd€nt zdl€ nor}fire dam. A - lndop€rd€nt zone louuo. - Ind€p€nd€nt zmo $Dsrrisory. ItrrAct - AC (mains) Porsr Loss (programmaHe). - Low Battery and Eatth Faull - SysHft Ofr-t{omal. - 12 or 24 hour bst signal. - Abrsmal T€st Signal p€r new UL ]€(llil€ n€nts. - ElA485 Communlrlion Bus Fdlul€.. Arnuncialftrr of UDACT TuSles indditg: lGs cf phon€ lin€s, cornmr.nbalion failut€ uith oith€rc€nbal Stetion, btal snmmicalions faihlr€.. Tmuble*rmt Modedrvdts lcypad b DTMF hrchpd.. lndivilud LEDs fu' Porffi, EIA-485 Lc, Manual Tosl, Kissd, Comn Fdl, Pdmary Une Seize. S€cmdary Line Seize and Mod€.n Coanmunicatds.. Opsn Coil€dor r€aaydriyrforToad Co.nlru1*:atil|s Fa+' u.s tr UDACT uouble.. Real-.lims dodt.. E (bnsiw bani€nt p]ot€dim. . Simde EIA-485 inbrface to ho€* pan€|. aoEl|cY ustillos AllD aPPnoYArS Sesabo|efufigtEegp'ritsadtfr ,rttte,a hssrreoaseg ed*l flt&k nal rrt}€ Hd by E'.f*n WotdqE tcps, rrisitgrney Dehpro@ss Cdls{,bcbtyfuedlsfpdeta @@s635 CS100 FCC vor.vrl M'GI'SA- z)723dL€ MEA 328€4€ \Z 170|A4AY [$h Ademco 685 mly) ^^,i.^-i- INDUSTRY Sfiil"FiE cAilADA Ma.shal 2i326030A 73flHD28:tZl i*nm ffim O!.- E-o' l@f-iF]fim€l tlltr1trltilElEltdEltrlElEEttrltrltrlEtrltrltrlEl Thb dcrtst b nd hFdod b b3 !r$d ftr illaEabain Frpa. lY3 ty b l€.p qr Fddirfurdin rp.berd Er.b. UrB c.rd ffi st lp€Gft |lplcalixrs a r ripraa rl rqimriis. Al {&lI|3 rD srbid b cnrfp |l'uf nofi:. FormG oflidon, co.|u Xortt Plup: (lXl) 484-7161 FAX (&) a€+7'l1E .4\ Gr) IioflFf IR- tz oitlontile Ro.d, No rtu. conndiod ffi/rz2 rso{xl4 ErgiFdi! ad l|anuffirif, A|aftSlEErCirub|fmelinalsffi EO.gPl Dt{{$?-F.ge1.a6 txtilr]urlox when usod wilh t|€ AFP-an, O|€ UDACT mounts in lh€ AB9.8R or UBS-I bad6ox- lM|€n used with the SystEfil 5m, |h€ UDACT can mornt in tn CAB€m far bad( (not- maly NIB€6) poc*tin. \tvh€n us€d yrith th€ Systsrn 5(m, |h€ UOACT can mount in any far bad( (fiont module with er@nder allolv€d) pGi- tiol| of th€ CHS-4 ofiGds. lYhen used wit| the AM2020, AFPlOlo, AFP{(x), or AFP- 3(x), t|e UDACT mounts an a CFIS-{ or CtlS-4L tnodul€ position. In all ces€s, lh€ UDACT can tnqr|t t€|rDtEly (up b 6,qX) ft-) in an AB98R or UBS-I bad(bo( fOlE: Due {b 5@poctttd, b t{OT rldrrnp,d^ cottuilrGlnox Fortrt3 . 3+1 Standard . 4+1 Sterddd . 4+2 Standard . 4+1 end 4+2 Ad€mco Exp.G . Ad€mco Contact lD N)lE Adano co'drct D m,E b d bt ardeea,f*'rt zup rwo/.nry. REQUIRED SOFIWATE AFP-ZD Engli$ EPROr/f = 75{19(ahit|e) AFP-an Spanhft EPROilf = 7!1618 (or higlrar) AFP-An F]€ndr EPROil'= 73617 (or high€r) AFP-|{n EPROII' = *AFP4R2O (or Hgh€r) Sn 5{n EPROif = 7i511 (or highe) Systa.n 5(m EPROM'=7:t610-!qhqh) , FonEtfAMZ)zlyAFPlolO' = Release 6.6 (or hightr) A|=P€(XYAFP-C0O = ALL ?lt*nlfy, rrte UO{,CT E td N dAC. Fal My (pr l',git rrFPA ffi) |'|gl used n r lt o /lA Se.bc A/'',,ff€', AW tu*er Stdy, o'ttl€XPnryfd.r. TTDE NODE ]GIilUNE (Adon7fp mt D tunt'f or't'fl Us Type Mode b i&nlify r€pdts to C€nfal Stelbn as: oRDERTXS rl|rornlflot UDACT uni\rwselDigitdAbmcommut*:abrTrans- mitbr. hdud€s op€raliq insfuclidts' pro- gramming insEudidls ild mounting hatd- wan€- ICBL-? DACT photl€ @d, s€\r€tl fod lmg (tto tF quired). ABS{R M€tal anclosur€ for extemally mounting UDACT up to 6,000 ft. ftom host FACP- UB$'t iletal €ndosur€. Indudes vi€witlg windffY and oplional tday m nling capattility. IR-lOlrG SPDT Fomtc day. @.itacts rebd for lOA @ 115 VAC. Cottrl€cis b opotr cdl€obr re ley ddv€r. tR-2olrc DPDT Tm Fcm€ days. Cmtacts rabd ior lOA @ '115 V C. Com€cts b op€n cof l€cior |€lay diYs. FBIt-l F€rrib boad kil Uso ftr temote nx[nting ot'ft. E]ECITIGIf SPECIEGTTIOI|3 Standbt cutrut 40 mA Currcnl rhlh conmunlcr0tE: 75 mA Xarimm cu]trnt x||lL comm|rricdt|e .td rifft oFl collectorilFil acifuahd: 1m mA- Yo|laOC: Reguhted 2tl vdts. Rrnge: 212 b 282 \mlts. ri r ip) BT'g (q b15r ILtloo bItr lficlr E r-o crn [th3(q I rrUrT . Fi.€ Alam. Supewisory. Pull Statil:n. Fbat tlobcF. Wabrnort. Duci Dstffilr. Flame Sonsc. Smoke Zme . Burglary. 24 hour l,lon€urglary. High Ternp€f,drt€. l-ow Tsnprafur€. Lorfl Wat€r Pressrl€. Lowwabr Le\d. Ptm Falum ttwT srotrltr in UAgt fl,(4 (s) (f) (c (6) f4(r, pf W GAH Lhe Gtd ulth R?r.1.{d soirtrt!. vvr0r gxt2 Lho Cad Rw gX}5 solhuae orgxtrl Lim Csd rilh g16A sdrm'3. Rev- 4.0 sofrwac. FBI CP,AOFB R€c-li Um Gsd wllfi Rev 2.6 3oftH€ and e mo|nqy crd wffl R.v 3.8 softrm|e. llodd 65m ui0r R3t dn EoftmR Mdd6mo u h RGv a}l sofim|!. With Rav B contol cad d Rov l,rt afirrare and RsY C lrF card at R.v 1.5 sdr€|€. tld 2 only. vdEin l.dl softisr!. PnrzofS-DN.l67 Whrf b-Confncl l.D.P Most digital r€c€ivirfg fomats Uansmit simde ifibnr|alion about th€ s{atns of th€ sitB, i.e., alarm. tottle, $p€ryFory, batt€ry fail, eb. Contact l.D. is a hansnisi{rn fonnat enabling bansmission of alam and houble cordilittts dl a t i-ldnt bads- Th1e6 grurpe of information ar€ transrnitled b the c€nual statbn: a four{igit accorrnt code, a gluD nrrmb€r (0O to S). and th€ d€vhs or zone number (0fi)€9). Edt of |hce ftraa infumalft:n gorps b gogfarmabb. B€cause of lh€ virtrdly unlimated rnl|nbr d cdnttnalirns, th€ nurrber d q|stems, pdnts andror zon6 fansdtbd is boundl€ss. LOGTI. ANEI TEIUOR|( APPfIGTTTOX The iIOTIFIER UDACT (thi\r€rsal Digital Aarm Communicabr Transrnitbr) provkles th€ rn€em b crsate a pomrful, lorfl co6t local arca netrodr solulion fur rry appticalim inwlving munid€ facilitos spr€ad ovu a srnall g€ogrephh at€a, sudrsaodlogocampu& CompatiHe NOTIFIER fi]a Gonr,ol pands (Sysl6rn 50O, Slst€m 5m0, AFP-AX), nfp-gn, eFP<o, AFP1O10, AM2(nO), NOTIFIER UDACTS, standad puuic ilid|€d Hophan notuork, and I lovFco€t diital ,€6iver corltrino b solv€ uhat has in lh€ past b€€n impoesible b do wilhout incuning hbh costs. Ih€ UDACT, r,uf|6 r us6d in lh€ cd ad LD. furmat bansmib d€raibd system status yia th€ standad p.iHic siwid|ad tel€phon€ nohflqft to e digital r€c.iv€r. The td€phmo n€hmrk becomes tp 'netvyork gataraf torn h€ FACP b ft€ digilal rocdv€r and b an oglidlal Unill|€l anooibr. h lho exand6 showr on the attached page. s€parab phcre lin6 withh €ach fadlity ti€ ind€pe.|dd|tly b t|e TDACT ad modgn. For errple:Auadhg Xo.FACP TYD.aob[Acctco|b G|o|DIo.Itorlo.&.r.RnI. A Ale(no oml oo (I)001 bms9 o(I)1 ol or omb 01 s9 0(x)1 02 (!lomb(x|(xo B AFPTUO 002 03 (B 00t b(E s G AFP-AN 0m3 04 04 001 b 04 089 D stEbm 5lD0 (xn4 05 (E (x)l b 05 120 E SFbmgl0 (xn5 06 06 00t b(E ()16 |n ffs rype of drfiguratm, the maximum number of zones4xints b b€ r€pdted is 10O,mO. Applicalirs indude hoqttah cdlogo crnprrsG. shopfing malb, prisons, aiQods, gruiped gorr€tiln€ntfrffi€s, pourf dants, lalg€ coflrmddd facfili€s and mudt rnds- h addilirr, the drd pands may be n€tworl€d udng IOfl.FlRE.f,ETrr (see D rca4r. In lhl3 ccfrguralion, a singb UDACT can b6 us€d b r€port tx|p b 20tl0 s€parab pdnls end pan€l siatts€s. WIDE AREA ]IEIWONT ADP]IGITIOf, lmagin€ an applbalirn whicfi requir€s lhe sf,afus of a fir€ systam b bo d€ady vitibl€ lbr e$rcprists r€sponseracibn, yet th6 monibr€d facifity is locat€d ttntsnds of nfl?6 cw.y rmfi, fic tnq/rtfe,ring cenhr. Th€s€ 4Cbalions hare in ItF past b66n out of r€acfi usirg €xisting t€cilnology, but loday rr! possnbb wdltt fln NOTIF/ER WAN. Th€ NOTFIER UDACT prwfut€s the meam to crEb a unhuo, fl€role, low cosl. wilte ate notwqk solulion fur any apflir:atii:n involving mulliple facililies distance by a lars€ geographic ars, $dr as facilaliG locabd in vaddts stebs spr€ad acrG lhe conlindrtal ljrftad Silabs. NOnFIER WANS a'3 crBabd by using corpaliu€ NOTIFIER tre srtd pan€ls (Systen 5(x), Wn smo, AFP-Zn, AFP-3d), AFP-{{n, AFPIOIO end Aileozo), a NOTIFIER UDACT, the srandad public switded H€phd|€ trdrf,dft and a lou€stdigital.€€iy€r- R€porling lh€ gd|cd sysHn s0ahls a the spm'fic status of any monib€d poitt in try fuiW to on€ central localiq| i8 mad€ simdo. Confdfing t|e sFi3rm h thb coflfgiralbn b ds mede imdo by uflizi4 Ul6 NOTIFER Unil,let, wlich b n€rrrdt snpaliuo. separab phm€ lin€s wi0in eacfi fedlity ti€ indepenOanty b the UDACT and rpdem. ForIn th€ oxamde sfiowr, e)€mde:Brddhe Io.FACP TYF.aolgl Acct co&qolD1|o.t .!ic.Uon. Ranea A a,lz(no o(n'l 00 (I) 001 b(x) s0 qDl 01 or (xDb0l s9 fiD1 02 (nomb02 040 B AFPIOO un2 03 (B 001 bGl 36 c AFP-AN (xu!04 04 q)t b04 Gs D ssbmSmo (xIX 05 05 001 b 0s 120 E sFbmflI)qxls (E 06 001 b06 016 In lhis typ€ d srfiguration, he mxinu,rn nunser of zmestpcints b bo r€pdtod is lm,mo atd th6 numbe d rnonF torsd facililios is 99. Bofi lhe nunt€r d pdlts and the number d fiacilitbs b be msribred incrme vrh€n a fuu.{agit account nurs€r Lr applied (es wi0r conwnlional Centrd Statiar facility *ignrn€nts) as $€ll b €reatd the nehFld Multpl€ Fsponse oenters at€ po€riu€, ono mry be t|€ local monibring cilhal stalion fadliv Equi€d by local cod€s/ ordinanc€s. The o0rr monibrir€ station, as an optbn, may be locetsd wher€t€r compaliblo bl€pt|ono nohiotks exist. Irl{.t61 - Prgs 3dB ARET ilETWORK o lOGAI Ec Eg CL5o E oooc d BssEFF* gEs P{e /t dG - ON{857 ilETWORK USTilO NOTI..JlEfn o FIRE o ANEA I I I l(l I ts rErE:oI I I I I .tt rJ:oI E =oo.o og I =@ I I I Ir< lE .E =lo I I I F() of anul =J ulzoIo- eq+nsE :FEf;E EFE€E Dt{.167 - Plcrsd8 ,St.ltlo - 9F9e&doo o o o @xo^Tr,FrER' July 11, 1S8 E-'l3Xl FCPs-24(q 24Yoh,6 Amp Remote Fower SuPPh Soctitn: Pd€r $?P$GrAffibs @@@ Califomia State Fire Marshal 731${X}28:178 ,/fiorc-2{orily) EEilETAf The NOTIFIER FCPS{tl (120 VAC mod€l) and FCP924E (220/2iO VAC mod€l) ar€ comp*'L cost-€fiactiv€, 6'€mp r€rnot€ porcr suppli€s with builtin battory cha,g€r. Th€ FCPS-24(E) may b€ conn€cied b any 12- or 24-volt Fir€ Abrm Confd Pan€l (FACP) o. rnay siend ald|€. Rimary apdicalbrE indud€ ].lotficalio1 Appliane (b€ll) Cirurit (NnC) erpamim (to support ADA requir€m€nts) or a,IiF hry power to support 24{rdt syEHn accossori€s. The FCPS prwid€srEgr/ra{bda.d,trBted2/tVDC pow€rbfot l,lolificafidr Apdien€ Cirrib (ts dass A lstyls 4 dtd two Class B tstyl€ Yl a tour CIG B mly). Atanady, the four outsuts rmy be mnfigurcd as any contination d re- settablornoGr€settabl€ potrcr outsuts (oplind fur poffi- ing 4+im smd(€ d€bciors). Th€ FCPS-z4(E) also co*. tains a battsy cfiaE€r capdle of charging up b 7.0 A'np Hour batbries. FEIilUNES . R€quir€s input uiggor rcltags of 9.0 - 32 vlrc.. Contair tso, fullyisolat€d inpuycontol circuits {ti!i g€r€d tom FACP Notificalidr Appliance C}rcrdt [rV C ex,€ndF'r npdal or jump€t€d pennatsr0y on [stend- abnemo&l).. Tm Class A (Stylo Z) n Class B (Stlie Y) t'lotificatiotl Afdiance Ciorits (dttfts I A3)- . Two addilimal l,lAGs that rnry b€ individually configurcd tur Cl$ B (Style l') op*efim ordy (circuits 2 & 4).. 6 Amp tull lo€d orjqil (3 amps maJd(L) in lilAc €x- peilh mod6 (UL 8A{}. 4Arnp mnlinucxrs ilQutin stand-alone mode (UL 1t181).. In stand-aldro mode, oufd pow€r drc ib may ba con- figurEd as ros€ttable (Fsot line from FACP toquirsd) or noaH€s€tlaDle-. Fully regtrtaled and ,trfat€d poursr ouqtut (oplimal for poredng four{ire srnol(e d€bcbrs, annunciebts and othar systdn pe,iphorals Equiring r€gubtodfilbr€d po|for). . Fusdess,pour€r{iribdbdrndogyrn€obn€w ULpof,€r- limiling l€quit€fisrts, eftdiw ilay 1,1S5. . l.lomalv dced trortle d eot. Fully supervissd polflsr supply, batbry and ilolificalbn Apflianco Circuits.. S€leciablo €arft fadt debctbn.. AC borrbb r€portsoleciablefor immedaate,8-r 16'hor delay.. Optio.tal amrfi€i3rrvEatnet3r.. Worl(s wih yirtually any UL 864 fire alarm contsol whicrl ublizos an industry€tandad rcrerse@arity mtificafoal circuit s6:t5 cs869 (FCPSflmI!) - - \./ OY3AOAY (F@s-24E)) MEA 387€4-E Fcft-zlmty) . Soff€nrain€d in co.npsct, lod(au€ catinot (1$ [381 ntrnl hEh x l/1.5' [368 ttml wido r 2.75' tto ffnl d€€p). - lndude integrd banary cftetg€r capdle of [,|atgitlg tp to 7.O AH batHbs.. FD(€d, damtr{ypo bnnkrd blod6 aocdnmodab upb 12 AWG(325mmlwit€. SililDAnD3 snd CODE The FCP$24 corndies wih the lolorirg standards: . ilFPA Zl-tgOG Nstional Fil€ Aem Cod€.. uL E6/r$andard furconrol units for Fir€ Aarfli syst€ms (NAC expnder mode).. UL l4El Porsr Supplies for Fire Alarm Systems (gda,d-dorE n e). Ttit dGrEt b rd hErdql b bo u$d k iddEix| F|!G. $f ty b l6e q|' Dmdd hfrndbr |+bC rd er*. irro c.rd ffi a lfffi TFElls 6 f|f+.b rl ilqrilgt:fl Al +eli-c|s rs lubid b dlrrF rlEf ldir h. rur atffiixr cst.d llOlFEn nm: (zxl) /|a1-7161 FA,C (2oll),1E4-711E ?=\(00I|oflFf ER- 12 o-b'virl Ro.4 ofitud. conn dbt 06.72 tso€00t EngiHhg and l&nrtr|]if Arrry Sfcfr Orild bh||cird$radEOqtrt tt{-slg! - hg. r d3 sPECtF|Grttoltt Primery (Acl Porr. FCPS-24: 120 VAC 50160 Fk, 2.O A max.. FCP924E: 220124() VAC 5060 Ffa 1.0 A max.. Wir€ saz€: minimrm #14 AWG w h 6mV insulation. Co.|trol lnp||t Circ|rlt. Trigger Input Voltag€: 9.O b 32 VDC.. TdggorCun€nt 2.0 mA (16 - 32 V). (p6 input)1.0 mA (9 - 16 V). Troubb Cotec,t Rding .5arpset24VIrc- Ar|rllh.y Pour? Odpul. Sp€dnc Appt[calion Pow - /t5 mA Short CInuit OnFrtCilcuilr. +24 VDC (19.1 - 26.4) filH€d, r€gulabd.. 3.O amps madmm for any m6 cirsliL. 4.0 amps maximrn lotal cs inuous cl|ns for all out- puts (Stand-alone mod€).. G.Oflnps maximwn btal sfiat+rn crl]tstfurdlo|rqrts (tlAC E)eandtr mode). Secondary Power (Bftry) Chetging Circuit . Supports l€ed-acil batbri€s mly.. Float Chrg€ Voltagp: 27.6V.. Maximum Chargs Q'Ient 250 mA. Maximum BatFy Gapecity: 7.O AH. tERttN l DESlOtrnoxS tD tR xsrcreRp ORDEHilE IilFORnlTIOX FCPS-2a Remoto d€rg€r porFf supply (120 VAC). Indtrd6 meh Finfsd carcuat bosd, banshnmls, $,fa@-mqrnt bad(bo(, dd installaliofi instruciiqE. FCPS.2IE Rdnffi cfiaq€r pom. $pply (241'240 VAC). lndudes rmin prinbd ciroilit board, hansbrmers, surtace{nount bad6ox, and anstdblim irshdions. PIc2oag - DN.ltl3a flobs: I ) Cut JPI to us€ a UL listed €xt€rflal battery cfiarg€r. 2l Cut R13/f b d€lay AC loss r€poft- ing tur8 hours (2,f+orr sdby), ff cut R134 ar|d R76 b ddey AC lc r€poflilrg 16 hours (6(}hqir dafitby). 3) OIt R175 to meke ou$n #2 non- r€settaue in stand-€lon€ mod€. rq Cut R178to make qiqft#4 ndF rcsettabb h stand'alme nrod€. fi 'tconou rr, rr [D'D reCA OUT+rTuEffi OUT. Tlu.tt!Cd|E f;'rco,*atat,p,D'rrrret Ardlry (l&|r f+24 VDq, lOdA ,'r[') Oqrt|gt ,EH 124 vDC €nffi-line r€*ay fio. mmibring fuuHir€ srnd(€ d€l€cior powsr. Banory, 12 vdt 7.O f$ (m reqird). Optii:nal anmeferAmltneter. lilqmls in FCPS bacldox. oo fi I F Fsao a r3 dl F=!l!tt IfEEEEE IEFsgF 1fi o 477-7168 PS-t2f0 TPH t' s g :g 2 s E6 i E 3 KIt-g ; E 'o a' (a D6 5 $ t6 6' e E6 s + 5 E' sg I B6 9'rl.!#; 5 - Rl75 ,H# TBII Frtt +++ scs €F=€ B.Lfy ftJ.. 10,4 3 G dor., Udr APPUGTflOX EXTTPITS Example 1.0: Expand notificatbn appliance porer an additional 6.0 amps. Use up to 4 Class B (Styb Y) ou$uta or 2 Gbss A (Styfs Z) and 2 Class B (Slty|e Y) outsuts- Slertcede HdrE lbrslncaat* Sffis ln this exampl€, th6 FACP notificaton applianae d.orib will aciivab lh€ FCPS when r€v€rsa pdatity ac'tivation occ|trs. Trodcl€ conditims o.t the FCPS ar€ sensod by lh€ FACP hlqrgh Nolificalidl Appliem€ Orcilit#1- Example 2.0: Use the FCPS b expand auxiliary regulated 24-volt system power up to 4 amps. Both non- resettable and rcsettable polrer optbns are a\railable. ER ao4pdsna$rl-d+xtth htrr2 Clnt{EstdfnhFll HOST FACP /|dcrss# FCFS a) Example3'o:Use add.essable contol rrodules to aciivate the FCPS nersus tho FACP Nfficalion Appliance C)rcuits. This typically allovs for mounting the FCPS at gr€abr distances auay fom ne feCp vnib expanding system archileclure in various applications' rDb4x/|csrll||Ged2fusfrdfrrurO'st outilt 1 OiFr2 oJltrn3 OtBr4 HOSTFACP Addassatte - FCFS In lhis €xamd€, an addr€ssdb|e conbd rnodul€ is t Esd to adivafe t|€ FCPS and an addressable rnfiih tnodule is us€d b sense FGPS touue conditidts- Local auxiliary porrer orBrt fi,otn |he FCPS ptuvides porte b trs addrEsSle conbd trpdul€. HOST FACP ou$rl-mdE Otllut2- ililfft"t "t On$il3-mMr Odtrill- fiffisEnAaE R€setau€ ou$lts are cr€atod by sm€ciing the r€ssttable ouFuttro.n the FACP b d|€ (r bolhdthe FCPS inputs. l,lor}rese'ttatt€ ou$fis are createO Smpty b}V cuUlrg on boatd re.dsbs. For addles*le panel applicaftms' uso a rnonibr module to sensa t|€ trouble status ot th€ FCPS via $€ fouuo rday contacts. Dil5t32 - l,.se 3 d3 fihy 1/f, 1S8 PS Series Botteries Socflon: Pq|€r Sup0f,6 E-Zn @xorrFrFR OEl|ENAT Pover-Sonic PS Sedes batt€riss pro\rid€ s€condary pomr br the whole safi€s of NOTIFIER fire ala.m con[ol pan€ls. FETIUIE3 . Provido socondary pow€r for sl[d pands. . Ge$€d €l€cfolyts. . S€elod and mintenanoedse- . o\r€nfiarge prfrdod. . Extendsd *df lih. . Easy handling with l€d(pr@f constudim. . Rugg€dy consfuciod, hilh-impad ABS plaslic cas6. . l-ong seriae lib- ; Compaci de*ln. GIPACl T Batt€ry capao'ty, €)ergssed in amp6rFhou6 (AH), is th€ ptoducf of e dis{fiarge drnent and th€ length of time that lh€ cr.ur€nt is drs cfia€€d. Betteries aro ret€d according b ihel p€rfunmnce dudttg 2() hours d disctE go at a constant c rant The rat€d capacity of a batt€ry is d€termin€d by $tioc'ling it b a constant dischaeo cur€nt for 20 hours at 68'F (20'C). Affsr 20 hours lh€ vdtago acrc lhe tsminals is r€asr€d. Tho disd|agg cun€nt whk$ causes a r€ding of 1.72 volts per cell (5-16 V sr a 6 V batt€ry and 10.32 V ar a 12 v batt6ry) is call€d the ral6d oun€nl This cun€nt mullidiod by 20 is th€ ralad capacity of |h€ betf€ry- tppuorno1|3 Us€ th6 PS S€ri€s b€tt€riss to prwid€ bad(up power fur cdrtd panels. Sd€cr ban€d€s bas€d on olnsr Equir€m€r s fur your systffi ad U|e capadty of its cfterge. These batt€?i€s can be us€d ow a t€rnp€rahlrc mrBe of -76"F b +140"F (fl'C b +60"C). GOXSInUCTTOX The seal€d srsbuclidr of the Powsr-So.*c battory alows tsouue ftoe, safu op€ralim in any pcilidr. Thd€ is no n€€d b add d€G Uolyto, as gas€s g€n€rated dudng o\r€nha|g6 a]€ r€comun€d in a unique 'O<ygen C)de.' Th€ bau€ry is s€aled, leakgmf, and min tsnanco*ee. Th€ cass is mad€ of ARS, a hishimpact plastic r€sil (acrtonifilo butadidr€ stfn€ copolt m€.) with high rssistanco b cfiemicds and f,dnm*ility. tlttt fttttox Al pan€ls hav6 spa@ .€scved fo. batte.bs. S€€ the apgopdab pan€l installalion manual for battry riz€ lgstidbns. Tyfical int€r- connectkm diagrars a€ shown in lh€ [bratu]s acmrnpanyhg €actl 6nbd pan€|. MH14ir28 G) Ioa.l ?3-!i! a Volt t.! Atl Pcrar-8onlc corPoaalioi .l' ttePS-,6358e;ftty nis rb.|flEi b Dol i rdsd lo be uld h. iddlbo p.rps. It ! ty b kle (rr' proddhbmdiq| rD.&brd -crr|b. lt o crd@E J lpcilb T0Eix! q flfdp€b d rqit :13. Atr spffiaE ac srbirt b dtrtgp $trtotr rdice Fo. lmE irftttfl.liro, cqlu IOTFER PfuD: (Zl3) 48a-7 t61 F li: @3) .184-71 18 XOTIFIaR' 12 ctirgryir. Ro.d, No rft.d, connsction o6/Y2 lso€001 E4indq ati fhnhrfi{ Arry Stsbr C!frrd b lnu||diolElSdsd FO{ql| [x{-1109 - Flgs 1d3 nere-1212hw1 TOPVIEW MODEL PS.I27O 12 \ro(T 7.0 an l€t.R l€tct{T I BELOII 3.ru r 0.(n irdrc. tgt 12 rm) IC|GHT 2 EELOW aS i O.lP hchlE($r2tnrD S'DE VIEW Tl. ll BB-17: Optunal BaIbry tuCkbx L' 1$18?Wx8-l4'Hr+3r4'D (mm: 368.3 w x 2G).55 H x 120.65 D) For ]€rnol€ mo.Inting of two l2-volt P9l2l80 batb.bs. -) + g a096 !a e mr6 !C\ ,5 10x t o.o g'-' 5uot .., 't(x)% l|r 2f f ,lf flr Td"eratre (D6g.GC.) f-%,-,l?ffi'--t ffi B&$: @timalBatbryAacftDox \ S6e CHe12O catabg sft€6r fo. d€tals. Z ETGTTEERIilE SPEGTFICAilOX3 The filg contol paml shall b€ €quippod wi0r s€condary potfl€r p.ovid€d by gpll€d-€l€ctolyte betEiar. Tho bafreti€s shall bo maint€nance-froe and shafl be capabl€ d pdfl€ring th6 systorn in a mannr and fu. a lenglh of titn€ d€tsrmin€d by the gon€rning r€gulalions and lhe aulhority hsving ludsdkiion. 12IIt6 8* SDEL lloc*nl Voltrg.v dr|i|l Ceeeclfc 20 hc lab AJ{. Dlrdnrgc Grnnto 20 h. rrl |rn ffiNSrtls W5ilr DeDm H.tm Heiglttffit nrid w.ight -L IITL h rnl h.mfl fr.ll|l b.hg" PS{05 6 9.5 475 4^108 2.75 rc 5.t{14',1 554 141 4.9 22 Pls-tz2 12 4.0 zx)3.54 c)276 70 3.S 101 4.13 105 3A 1.7 PS.l270 12 7.O 3At 594 151 2s6 65 3.m 9.1 3.S s 5.7 26 PS-t2120 12 12 cn 59'l 151 346 $3.70 9.1 3.S $&8 4.0 PS-l21||l 12 18 875 7.13 181 2.99 76 6.57 16-t 6s7 167 124 58 PS-l2t50 12 25 1im 6.89 175 6.!f 166 4n 1%19 1E 18.7 8.5 PS-12Gm 12 60 g)m 1025 260 aGo 168 8.20 2(n 9.45 24 39.7 18.0 PIS-i2 m 12 100 5om 12Il0 :I15 6.60 168 6-at af,9.45 24)65.7 29.8 Characterisfrc Dbclnrge Gunns \\ \\!-s.c- o f,aa-rc t 3C -r-n tc r 2 3 5 r0 20gl @ 2 3 5 10 20 gl tnn----*l Efrec{ d Tenpaftrrc on CapcJty 05co.1c o25Co5ctc 2C , 7 + 2 --E =r. K h€2q43 - Ol+tl(D Oid|dlclrnc e 2rC GfF) 095 {lr -t(r (r o 90% g fl 80% c -c T0olo o oE 60%a(t I50%6o 40% I g 12.0v 6 9 t.ov EEE lo.ovE P 9.0v P3- I 2 I OOO RECIIAIOEABLE lllTEIlIr lPPUGrrtorE lxD cHAnolllc GYCLE APPUCAnO S: Umit inilial airrant to 20A Chargo unlil battery voilag€ (undsr cfiatg'6) r€adl€s 14-40 b 14.70 \olts at 6S"F (20"C). l-lold at 14.,40 b 14.70 volts untl crin€nt drops lo app.oxitnarory 1(x)O mA Babry is tu[y chatg€d und€r th€ss condilions, and clrarg€r should sith€r bo disconn€cbd d sriu€d b 'noaf vcrtag€. "FLOAT" OR'STAilDAY'SER[,|CE: Hold ban€ry acrc cmstant voltag€ sou]lo (r 13-50 b 13.80 wlts oonlinu' oudy. Wh€n h€ld at this volbg€, tho batt€ry will seak its own dJr€nt 1€lr€l and maintain itedf in a fully cfiaqpd pqilidt. NOTE: Dn to the ssrfdischarge ciaraderisfics of this type of baftery, it 'ts inpentive that t E baftory be clrdrged afler sir lb ni4e ,nonlDs of sforagp, othe/,uisF ,f,,tmartant toss of cqpaciry might /E,s///t ftdn sulbtbn. 1m% o246810 12 14 16 1824 Stardlr€ Pedod (Months) P$r21Un Shelf-Life 0% 14.0V 13.0v 8.0v and Stor?ge P&l21Un 12 L1 6 12 24 36481 2 | 6 8.|0 20 1l) N\I \ il Cr,argir,grNOf I neessary &lcss I r(x)X of capodty I bmCuied.\\ \\ 5"C 61"F) t \ I O,arghg b"torc I rJsabncsery I to hdp rccover y tux caeedty.\ \I \ Cftarge may Eilb'rS.€ fui capa.ity. DO NOT k[ barbd5 |€adr t|b staie. 4b"C (194"F) io'c (q6"F) zd"c (68"F) ttttttrl AmbientTemperdrre 20 | | | | I I tl I "c (68"F) I \\ \k.-"b^ t t/504 Find \bttage V DOA liniilllT 2 Discharge Gharacterisfics DischaryeTirre Dtt-l log - PrOo3 d3 H-113 sDx-75rNOTIFIEffF'RE SYSTE*ISA DITIIVAY GCIrIHN'II low-Prorft le Intelll genr Plug-in Smoke Derecfor: Sectbn: Int€IgpnuAddl6abb Daric6 OEilErl] The l,lOTlFlER SDX-751 (pheland CPx-751 (im) ae aF log, addrcesaH€, lo*pdkr (height measurcs orily 1.667 42.164 mm) smok€ d€t€cioG d€s'rgn€d for t|€ AfJi2@O, AFPIOIO, AFP{00, AFF3(I), AFF2(D, ard qfsnm smO (wtrm equipp€d with an AllU-2m nodule)- Because th€ SDX-751 end CPX-751 ar€ addrossaHe, the confd pan€l can povid€ fir€ fight€rs wiur a finpcint d€scriP- tion of wh€rc t|€ fir€ is locabd. The SDX-751 and CPX-751 ar6 dso analog d€vic6. Th6 contrd penel is capado d nd ofly kniling th6 detgdds lGtim but e)€cfy lEw rr|dl snd(e is h lhE charbt of lhe detedr. Th€ d€nedr may be sd for difis€||l ssrsitiyity sdings app.opri# to lh€ et vio('nd|t of ils locatir. Anabg d€vic€s cmlinualy s€nd ds.rtalim vaht€s b tha cdrfd pand. Th€so vdu€s rtay b€ gEths€d so 6 b alou, lh6 conft pan€l to d€t€rr$ne if a d€tedor has mxnubbd an e)(oessive anxxlnt of dirt a dust A 'rlaintomnco' tF quir€d indicatim allorys lh€ anstall* b d€n lhe ffidc b t€ctor b€foG an unmnt€d fab6 slarm occurs. Ihs CPX-751 Int€llig€nt lonizalidl Sensor insporate a unhue drElesol'ce chamb* d€dgn b re+ond quildy dnd d€p€ndauy b a b.od rat€e of fi6. Th€ SDX-751 InHlig€nt Phobdectric S€nsds unhtF odF cal s€ndng cfiant€r is d€dgnod wi|h sug€fis dgnal ro rxrile rato. Th€ odical drambar is engire€r€d b s€nse lhe p|€g ence of srnd<e p|odrcod by a wirB rarge cf cotttbuslim s{x|lD6- FEIilUNEg . Sleeh lourgofil€ d6dgn (h€bht ody 1.66'142.'l E{ mm). . Cdffnon basefor bot| phob and ion d€b&fs. . Corpalibb with o.|r|€nt SDx-551 and CPX€51. . Add€ssau€-amlog srrruricalim. . StaHe commuricalim b.hrique with ndse itrrilrity. . Lc||, sriloycrrrg|t . Rotuydde o1 b$addrcs *iktpc . Odional rsnote, single4ang LED accGstry (RA{@). . Dual LED (hign pmvi&s 360" yiili€ atd€. . Vrdble tEDs t*ink €vsry tirn€ lh€ debcbr is addtssod, a.d illuminab st€ady on alaim (LED blink is optid|d dl t|€ AM2020, AFP1010, AFF4{n, AFP-3{D and AP-m). . Built-an fundional test switch edi\rat€d by sxbmal ]mgF n€t . Oplifialtdry, isdabr, a sdlrdtr bas€s. . Usiod b UL 268. SPECIDIGATIOTI $c 1.66. (42.104 rm) high x4.1'(1{X-1l10 rm) da. Shipping ueight 3.6 e- (104 g). @@sltls cs:m (sDx-751A,CPX-751A) - 3jm,{t1.E (cPr(751,MEA sDx-751, & B71uP)I ' r $27Js1.E (8il1, BwH! Califonia Stab Fir€ Marshal 72f2{''i:E:,171 (ct G75t) Ttn,{'o,nfl2 (st x-751) aASHt separady isltd, Contadfadory- qfiotdSltOJ(EGUArob UL lisilsd wiot fto SDX-751. SDX-751 wilhB7l0l-Ptu SDX-751 wi|/lBln1 be Opeding tetrpcra rrr: 0"c b 49C €fF b 120"F). UL lili.d yelociv rangc: Dfl: O-15mlFn- PHOnO: O- 4mOtsm. Relativc humidity: 1$,6 -9316 ndrcordfiing. EIEdTRIC4I SPEC'FrcA7PM. Voltago rangp: 15 - 32 volts DC Pek Standby ornont-,OJf: 2(n FA@24VDC (wihot t cdtr- mudcaliq|l 3{n $ @ 24 VDC (me orrnr*:alftrn every 5 sdrG wih LED €mtt€d). Slanoy culrsrt - PrAfU 230 lA @ 24 VDC (witEd cdrmrmi:alin); 33o tA (} 24 vDC (d|e cdrmt'li:alitl €Y€ry 5 sdrds uitt LED eiabld). LED crrcnt (mu,): 6.5 mA @ 2a VDC COfq. @ o)(5A5.AY s I F o I I Thb d@.md b ml ilbndd io be u$d to. hCdHiI| F pE lre ty b l(asp qr trodud inbnrElbn upffi r|d @rsb- we @rEl c.is dl lFdfic apljcdixE q .nlii*rde s[ r€quiltff|anat All sp€.S.llirE a|r $tid lo d|8ng3 ri0Et ftfica For mq€ inioflrElbr, wrH IOIFE T PhqE (rll3) 481-7161 FArt (Zrl) /r84-7llE I lofl Ff E lt' on€ FilLile PtD, Noftft.d, connecrioi 06/t72 lso€(nl EngiFoling .rd I'bnohdtiE ArsW Sfllin Ccfrd b hFfldinEl Sl8ntu 6GCnl DtH762-hgEld2 aAsEtsAv nA4-e' B7'IOLR 6-f (157.,18 trm) dbtrFF. B50l: i{-0' (101.6 rm) dbmetr. Bflll BH: Sourxbr bc6 ass€rbly. lrdud€s Bttlll base. $2:l4RB Rclay Be.e: Screw &nninale.' up b 14 AI/VG @.O nm1. Rarryll'pcr Fann4. RrrnrtgE 2.OA@l 30vt)c r€sistivo; 0.3 A @ 11O VDC indudtu€t 1.0 A @ il VI)c il} ducliv6. Drlnrersbnss 6.r (157.i18 rm) x 12' (g).€ mm). B5:l4Bl lsolaid 8s.r Ofmcnsirm: 62 (157.14 rm) x 1-? (30.4E rnm). n,d,itn,f': 25 deyicos betwr isdabr bes6. I]|gtttl flot Th€ CPX-751 and SDX-751 Cug-in debctas lF€ a s€pa rato bass to simdit installalim, s€n ioe, and nEintfiancs. A spsial bd allouus mdnbnence p€rsonnd b dug in ild rsnow d€isdds witnd usirg a laddc. i/bunt bas6 on a bo( wtfdr is at |est 1.5- (38.1 nrn) deep. Suit$l€ mounliu bas bores incfuds: . 4' (101.6 rm) squa€ boc . 3-1tT (88.9 rrn) or 4' (1Ol-O mm) G'tagond bo( . Single{ang bor (excep( rahy trAroffirbaso). SNOIG OUAND Cou€r: 16 gaug@ psfonat€d st€€l (3116'14.7625 rrrril dia perforalims m 1/4't6.3S nml stagger€d stters). 51% opGn. SDG7rc is r Cr62 rmld€€p by 7 (12.8 mm)wide- Frarm: U4'x 3ll'(19.(5r l9.05rm) angl€, l4ga,EE sdi, sl€d. Afl guards are suf,fu4 $th tt?c follovitrg: 1l Guads fasidr b ru.nung tanE wi0r tlo 10/24 x 31f, (9.525 .rm) ldrg Alon-lt€d g€1f6- ((nl qparmr+eed sctBws ard bo, eoorf d oxtn oo6t). 2l Sianddd firirft: 'C@l Ten' bd(€d enarnel- OP''ONAL SIrG'773 Smofe G.r.td onDE[lro rllFortlillox M DcactF|nDn cPx.7sl' sDx-751. Lorflofif€ intdlirfit tdrri',tun silnr. lfusn bo mqrnt€d b on€ of fi€ bas€s listed bdoir. Lor*gone intellgmt prpberc{mdc ss|sa. ltust b€ rnqmt€d bq|eof th€ b€s lisbd bc bf,. EASES: Bztq-p s-ramao u.s. L*prrqiirerce. EBSOI Slandanl Eutopsan ffslg€les bes6:! Bf )lBH Sounder bs€, indudes 4501 bese abolre. B2:llRB ffidfgiltt€hyb6e. WEAI8I Int€l[gfft isdab bsa. lsdatc SLC lhom l@p $orts. AGGESSdEi: SItG.?73 slnr*e Debdr Aranl. Foruso rih SDX-751 ota. FllO Reuofit r€dacemilt flat€e for D(€01 ba3€. RAIOoZ! Rem& LED drrutEidr- 3-32VDC. Fits U.s. singlo{sng d€cti(:al bq. ilOIX|nR Dei€cbr s€nsilivity tectbd. Uee with most an- alog adiital rrullin€Hs. SatisfiG t€qdlgndtt d NFPA 72 tur s€tdlivity bding. StKfm s|rrhoe marnliq kit p.o,id€6 fur dlty d su- fa€ witing cd|d.tit ftr use witrt B50l base oill. tol4a{l T€st rnagnd. t02{B{t0 Tsst magn€t with bl€scop€ slid( XR.il. Hfftsnovdbd. Alows itstdlalion and/ a t€rDYel cf m Ssbs d*cbh€ds fom b6e in high ceflitlg instdhlid|s. xP4 Ext$don po|€b.XR-Z Corns in ttreefvs fuds6clidls- W stltu'A- for Wt (lJt-C) qtd dettir'n"- -SnF/d W BTtdPsdAflX Osses ony OP'?O'I!AL RE'TR'V L@P +. iE .^.wlllxo Dl omn ldondsd hsl ^a nouxtlxo DlAetln| (tDo-r7t, P4.2o,2 - DN47ta .llt?rlrtlr FDX-55ISeries Inrelllgenl Thermol Detectors Catabg S€clbn: lnb0gct, AddlEbl€ Darlc6 Aprf 12, 1995 @xqFJHtER CEilERrl. The FDX-551 Series intelligent thermal detector b used with the AMZ|2O. AFP10i0, AFP-ZD, and Alttl.200 a& rranced mulliplex systems b mea$re lheflnal leveb causd by a fire and report the analog let sl of the theirnal moa- surement to the control panel.The use of analog inbrma- tion prwlJes signlficant benefits to the end user, install€r and sen iceman in ways wtrici are not possiUe with a con- Entionartype syslem. Since this detector is abo addrs6. sablq it will help firemen to more quiJ<ly locale a fire dur- ing its early stagps. FEATURE. Dual Thermbtors. . Rateof-Rbe model (FDX-551R), l5"F (9.4"C) p€r mirub . Faclory presot et 135" F (58'C). . Addressable by devkr. . Dir€ct DECADE 01-99 enty of addr€as. . 2-Wire loop conneciion. . VisiHe LEDs'blinkf every lime ths unit is addtess€d: -Optional with AM2020 softrare rwision 5 or higher. - Optional wilh AFP10i0. - Optional with AFP-Zn. . 360" field viewing angle of the visual ahrm indicabrs (Trvo LEtls). LEDs illuminate steady during alann . Integral Communications and Builtin Device Type lden- tificatirn. . Compaci, Stylish Desbn. . Remote test baturc from the panel. . Built-in functional test srvitch aclivated by strnd mag: net. . Low standby qrnent . Lbt€dtoUL62l. . Builtin tanrper-r€sistant betui€. . Designed br Direct Surface or Elecbical Bu Mornting. . Seeled against bad( pGssure. . Plugs inb separate base br ease of ins{allation ard main- tenance. cs6(n FDX-5614 MEA 46G92€ 1(X-98-E 29G91+ us coast Guad :Iffi.%ffi^FLY$1.@?fin FACTORY. 161.U)i!r23{0 . Sep€rate base allcrrs intercfiange of Photoelectriq lon- izatbn and Therrnal sensors. . SEMS screws br wiriq of the soparate base. . 94-5V plastic flarnnabili$ rating. . Remote LED outsut connectifi to optonal R 4{XrZ rs- mob LED annunciabr. . Optional sounder, reley and isolator base6. . Optional rccessed base mornting kit(RMK400). |so-nlElieutotdMdcuia @litySys@C.r@b httraatinal Sudrd FtG{Xll E l oa2 E GCfoda,/EA\ $rb FheimH) Medtc Filq 7270\028.150 - (FDX€51) 727O4i28:.167 cDx€51R) rl-.x- -L-931001.11 \v s717ffi ffI4AOAY (FDx-551) 0Q,lA7-AY (FDX-65!R) o1 $(D Thb doqrst a noa hbri.d b bo rEd to. -ddb|irr p|rpc. tlb bt b f-P qr p|Ddrd irffiin [p b dCB fd .cor*. we cannd coyor Cl !9adfc .pplbtioo! a .rli€irlao sl .slirliErls' At lgodfcalim r€ suti€cl b dEtgs ritn ndca. For |tsl it ndon, cq*rl OTFR. PtsE (2(B) aA+7161 F )c eoq 4E+7118 Ilo|.IFIER' t2 Clitrbnrrfl. Ro.4 NoftH, Cqrrdbrl 06,+22 TPP|.|GIIIOXS Use thermal detec{ors frr protection of propedy. For further inbrmation call Notifier bn manual 156'',407- (x), Applicatons Manual br System Smoke Detectors', nfiich Fwides detailed infumation on detedor spacing, placement, zoning, widng, and special applications. collsttucrrox These detectors are consFud€d d LoGrp in an otr-white color. The FDX-551 Series plugin intellbent themal delecior is designed to commercial standarG and oftrs an at- bactive appearanca lltsitAfltttox The FDX-551 Series plugrin intelligent thermal detecior uses a separate base to simplifu installation, servbe and maintenanoe lnstallation insbuctions are shipped with each detecior. A specially designed tool allows fiEintenance personnel to plugan and remore the sensors without using a lad. d€r. Mount base (all base types) on box sfiicfi is at least 1.5' deep. Suilable b@6 indude: . 4' square box . $l/2'or 4'octagon bq. . Single gang elecfiical bq (except relay isolator . Use a 4" square with B501BH bese. . Use a TlE or 4' ociagon or 4" square bo( for the Bli24RB or B524Bl base. NOTE: Because of the inherent supervision provkJed hy the SLC loop, endd-line resisbs are not rcquired.Wir- ing Ttaps'or branches are permilted br S$e 4 (Class ts)wiring. OPENAT|oX Each FDX-551 Series uses one of 99 pcsiHe addrcsses on a ontml panel SLG loop lt responds to regular polb from the contol panel and it reports its type and status, including lhe anabg levd of its heat sensing elements. lf 'rt receives a test command fiom the p€nel (or a local magnet test), it stimulates its elecbonics and rcpdts an alarm analog lewl. lt blinks its LEDs when polled and tums the LEDs on uften commarided by the pand (de tecbr blink is optional on the Altl2020, AFP1010, and AFP-200).The FDX-551 Series ofrrs fraturcs and per- brmanca that reprBs€nt the latest in thermal delector technobgy. Pqb2 d2 SPEGtHGrflOllt OperatingTsmperature ... 32"-120"F Operatiqg Voltage/ Cunent Range . 1$'28 V {Peak DC), 5 mA arrent tor vidble LEDS latcfied on. Detsctor Standby Cunent: '150 pA maximum. B524RB or 8524 Bl: ... < 70O uA @ 24 VDC (indudes detector) Sensor ............ Electronic, DualThetmbtors. Fixed temperahrre ahrm.. 57' C. (135" F.) Rate of Rise Option ......... 15'F (9.4"C) per minute. RelativeHumklity 10% b 93%. Wsight 6 oz (170 gm.) BX-501 Base Dia- ............ 6.2 inches (15.8 cm). 8501 Base Dia..............--.4.0 anches (10.3 cm). B524RB Relay Base: ....... Screw terminals: Up b 14 AWG Relry type: ForrrC Rating:2 A @ 30 VI)C Fsbtive .3A@ll0VDCinduciive 1.0A@ 30VDC inductive B524Bl lsolator base: .--.. Dimenskrns:62 in. (157 mm)x 1.4 in. (36 mm). Maximum: 25 dwices between isolator bases. PRODUGT todel FDX651 FDX-551R FDX-551A IntelligentThermal Sersor. ULCVersion FDX-551RA IntelligentThe.malSenscwith Rateof RGe. ULG Version n:Trt""* """ffmls. Bsse. +8501 Base, flangeless (Europedn style). B501BH Flangeless bae (Hfi) vtith 24 VDC, 85 dBA internal han. B524RB Rehybase. B524Bl lsolator bse. lsolales SLC l-oop agairFt Loopshqt Other Accessoriee XRs RemovalTol. XP-{ Eldensict Pob for Removal Tool. RMKtlOo Recessed mounting kit fior 500 series detec- tors (requires 8501 base). SMKirco Surfiace ltlouiling Kit br 5(x) series det* tors. Provides tor enby of surfiace wiring conduit A 8501 b€se b rcquired. RA{(X)Z Remte LED. Mounts to single gang box. 'Supported by BXdtl and 8501 bases only. Ardrllcrilrrrrl / lnglnccrlng Spcclflcdlcnr Specifications are availaHe ftom l,lot'fi€r br the AM2020, AFP1 01 0, AFP-200, or System SfiD Allil-2il) module on an IBM compatiHe 3.5" dbk in Udordperbcf 5.1 and ASCII br- mat$ Lr]tE tilFonilAtlox Ilescriodon Intelligent Thermal Senec IntelligentThennal Sensor. with Rateof-Rise featJrc. zo July 28, 1999 H-i20 N()TIFIEC F'R.E XSTENISa Pttttu Y cota$NY DHx-solll- Intelligenl Dust Deteclor Housing Ssclisr: IntaEBnuAdd]rssabb Devies OETENAl Ths DHX-S|IO Serbs Intelllgent Duct Detector Houslng is desigred to sande al din€nts p6dng through a duct and allows the early debctor d dei,€lofirE firo. The DHX€OI, 502 Duct HoudrE will accorrnodete eilh€r t|e CFX€51 l]} telligent bnizalid Sensd or lhe SOX-551 hbfitent PhdG electic Ser|s, eitlFr of u,hidt p.ovides cd|$uous r|dog monitding of tha units sensnivily r|d abnn verificatircn fronr the penel. Wh€n suffd€nt smoke is s€ns€d, an abm t*]- .€l is i.itaEd at the conb panol nurfb€ tE debcbr, sd approp.ists actim c b€ tak€f| b shut cfffens st Urrf,. ffs, cha€e o!€r air handling sysHns, €b, Tli6 crt prF v€nt the r4td disfribulbn or isoblkn d brdc snd(a ad fro g8ses lhrouglrout lhe 106 seflsd by trr6 fud E/shn. Ihe DHX-501/5O2 dtEt det€6r sysfiem fuatrres the sups fur capabilili€s d '| intslliFrt sq|sa h e urit ttEt is esy b imtal and rnaintein, makhg tlts ducf srnd(e d€ledor the new indusfy stdxlard. The DHX{OI rnodel indudes tro alam relsys; t}E Dl.lX- 502 do€6 nd indwe dafm rehys. Tho DHX€0O Seri€s b cornpalible wih the NOTIFIER AM202O, AFPI O'lO, AFP-{{X), AFP..i{X). AFP-2fl}, AFP-100, dtd Systern 5{m AIM-2{X) (SDx-5st No ady). FEATURES . Debctor A€retes liun ho cmtd pdEl orilruI*:atdl lirF.. Tu/o butl-in FqmC alarm rdryB (Dlfr-ttot d* rcqtir€E sspa/ets 24 WC IAC u 1M2O VAC).. Remofie LED optbn (DtOGgn .rrd DHX-AD4 InX*701 rsgd?€s sqpar€0e 21 W)C,r'AC t l2OtH) YAC: I)flX- 502 t€quf€s sopard? 21 VDC).. Alarm sound€r (PArloO) oplim (Drlr-slrl orillE tquires $,parete 21 VDC|\|AC u t2UZm UAC)-. Optionaf rerYDle t€st station (RTS45i | (DHx-.ltlrt ar|dIrr -n| DIX-50! r€guiros sqsralb 2I VDCA/AC or tml 20 VAC: Irr{X4n rDq|rLss separaft, 21 VDC).. AcconrEdabs inblilent kmizalim or phobelectric h€ads.. Gq inrnus sensiliviv rnonito.ing end derm v€dhcdon trom t|e prd. . siimple cfisr€e.od d d€tecbr heeds: twbtin, twistdrt. Easy a|d qtid( rEunling b rourd a recHtgdar drcls.. Two Fcn-C audliily ctr|tacb (D[OGSOI). . Air velociv rating from 500 b it,q)0 ftet (152.4 b 1219.2 .ne{ors) per.drub. . uL268AIsbd.. Oeer @ycaftonab cover ioa conv€ri€nl visual inspeo lbn of sanCirg tLbe fllHs.. Ruggpd Norylo l|qdng (rnounling por0on). . Thr€e,ysar lilffrd wranty. MEA 12741E sllis cs3og or3AsAY ML13t FI Califomia (nffisDrtt(- 1A 7HK StsleFit€' antlDuX&zA) ((f€E)i"11' _ ffi'szeoooza:tse coltstrtucrroil AilD llltilAultrox The twistin, lwiskut det€cbr end base ellolfl tlE t€moval dd€b6|s eadlysdquiddylbrdefiirgand mahbnsrce. In addllbn, detecid heaG can bs changEd b m tlF apflica- tmwitho|Jt rcrnoving the dud housilgt TheDHX{)1conFs wilh bultin erfiaust Ube. Sarr$irg trb€6 a|E a,ailaue bftt ducts frorn I b 12 bet (0-3018 to 3.6576 rEbrs) wHe. SPECIHGITIOE Itlmenslon: 14.S (36.8 ctn) t ,He, 5.(r (12.7 crn) tigh, 35- (8.9 crn) de€p. wehht lrrfr-sot.'.1 b6. (1.81(g). Wt[m Anfr.5o2'2lbs-, I oz (1-'l kg). Addr€osable loop voltagE rengD: 145 b 28.0 VIrc p€6k. Iretector (see arrr. pD'wt tt,qut qrrettls fot a6e$ottss, standby current (nomln ll: Anl!A@24vt)c. Operedng bmperat|lo rargc: O"c b4gFC (3fF b I20"F). Operaling humldlv rertgD: 1006 b 93'6 l€bliy€ httfidty. Alr ductyeHiy: 5{X} b.l,(x)O tuet (152./f b 12192 rEb|s) por nirub. UL lbbd to 2684 lnfe/lligutt Dttd Smo&e llatbc{or Tlis dGrrsi b nof idooded lo bs u$d br insadbtin p| pGc. 9htyb lA q|r frodtEl inb don uFb"ddr dd @r8b. Wo ca]nd cgl,s d !D* aFDl.3lFtE ra kipqae el irqi|gnsir. Al spEfl*,glqE a]l stiod b drup ritu.t rfr. For ruE intur|gtq\ qrt d l{OIF-n Phqrs Cllx|).18a-7lol FA)C (2lx'),|8a-7i rS/-\ CJ)IOflFf ER- ote nlg+re Ptc, Nofiao.d, comodtrd tptzl rso-gml E EiBliE 8nd l|hndrctui! OraHy SFbn Ccfild b hEflrlixEl $aodrd Foqnl F tbhthu-s.A t)N-1514 - hoald2 POWER SUPPLY RATT]IGS FOR DIIX.sOI o EIEGTR|Gr] o.+ + Dl{I.5Ol REl Y COlltACt SPEGtFlGtrlox SEPARA1E POWER 'S REQU'RED. . Minimum contad c n€r m|Ft be greabr then lOO . 4 amF maximun at 28 VEIC- . 7.5 erp6 mextnrn at I 15 VAC. . 1rB Hp (3.8 Atrp6) et 11O to lrc VAC. . 116 Hp (22 Anps) at 220 b 240VAC. AUXILIARY REI.IY COilIACTS . Mininr.rn oontacf ctm€nl musl be g.eebr than 50O mA at 24 VDC. . 10 ArrF6 mexinim at 30 vt)c. . 10 ArrT6 maxinrn dtn vAC. .lf;IHpat240VAC. . 3e0 vA at 240 VAC. PRODUCT tlXE llFioRnAtrcil nodd Doc,crlpfdar, DtlX-sOl- Intelligent Dtrcl Housing with alerm r€lays- NOTE: lnb'llpe|'..Ixrcf fro4si?g| nt pdced rlitr|- out tn et Tt De ot Setet Head- Odor dE lrfld T,he et$ one Sot|sot Heed fw u* t'ith e€ch tn/€'ilEent tttct lft,u'i'ry. DtfX6|fP hbffig€nt Dud Hcusitw,- N'IE: httffigent [rtct Hol/A''irlg *t N*d wir2ottt hrw Tub or Setsot He€d'. Ord€/r ona tl'&/t T,h€ e,'d orlf, *trsp,r Head br us wirr eadr lftel,owt Dttc, ,"tous' //rs. CPx€51- hrdlgsnt ldllzslix| Sensd l-bd. ,lrotE: rF tettigent D.rcI Housing is pticed vitho.tt lnlet Trr0e or Sst sor H€ed. TDts sst grtead, dretr ins'af€'d h a DllX-501, in td s'.rP,orted by ttte A'M-24n. 'NOTE: Iflet tuf€ is I€,qu d and nnts{ De p{nct4sed sqp&' rady. Mr ane h/f/.fi/Defut a8(,| .tuct &tectw r|d{.,sv]g you at*r. SDX€51* htef igent Photod€ctrmic S€nstr l-led- itolE ,nt€rrigEnt Oucf Fbtashg is picsd witto,,t rilat T,,,eo's8'!so,rl,€6d. ST-1.5 Metal Samplitg Tub6, dud widths l'- Z- ST-3 Metd SamdiE Tube, duct wklths 2' ' i1'. ST€ Metd Semdiu Tube, drct wit0|s { - A. ST-10 Mdd Sampling Tube, dud widft$ 8' - 12'. RA4lXtZ RemG LED rnmts to dngbgang box. PAa0 Pbzo Abrt Sqndor. F36{15{10 RepbcernentFi[ers' XCI{rl Test Msgr€t Prt&21{0 End Cep fur Seilndi@ T6e. A2650{0 lm{allalist Kit (p*ts bag). RSz{ Phob€bcfodc Repbment Sdaerr Rslrf |dizalidt Repbem€itt Screen. tOtNmR S€nsilivity T6st Kit CRT4OO lorizatkh Cot €r Rernotrd Tol. 136-100/t-{loApplicatirm Marual, Outl Datecbrs. RTStlSt Remota Tesi station. "Ordor s,rlfrx A'lor Canmliar, (ltLC) llfr.i€vic€s'- Power Requiements lm vAc (102-132) mA ns maximum 2,||t VAC (20'f-264) mA ns maximum 24VAG (20.646.4) mAnsmaximum 24VDC (20€lt) mA DG maximum Devbe Standby Alrml Standby Atrilr Sfandby AEt|r Stildby ALrm DHX€Ol 4 52 25 30 65 1U2 m 87 PA4{N'3 t5 29 15 R (t00tr 1.5 1 17.3 7 RTgt51'15 I 17.3 7 RT9t51*115 13 5.5 65 14 1gl 71 7A Iho crrnsnts srfoyr br 0B DHX401 aB maximum vdues rtth tm ac€ssorbs..elt amory curerfs are addilional b DFO(€OI. Tle]B at€ m addiliorBl or'€nls fu amsssolic in sfardby -RT91"51 when tE magnd is lpkl in pbc€ b iriliab an abm. NOTE: 24 V ouhut ndximun load E 80 mA; 12 V atam oryt maximum toad k 20 mA- mtlr TUBE SElrCilOll Outskle Duc't VtlHth InletTube Requircd' upb2bet (0-6096 m)sT-l.5 2b4b€r (o.m96b 12192m)sT-3 ilb8bet (121'J12b2-4184nl ST€ 8b12bot (2.438/rb 3-6576 m)sT-l0 P{s2 of 2 - Dltl-151,1 July 29, l9S NBO-I0 Series Non-Goded llonuol Fire Alorm Sfofion Si)n: Cdtr€ntimal IniBaling DsYi(- 1.120 N(}TIFIERF'R,E SYSTEIVIS H TWAY €OflFADIY OE]IERAL Th€ NOnFIER BG-'IO Seri€s at€ non-ood€d, dual€e tion, manual alarm stBliitrs" FEtilUIE. Wihin ADA 5 b. pnll furcc wh€n us€d wittout br€ak- tube (mod€ls manufactur€d afrr 1G1€6, identifi€d by an E und€. stalim sFing).. Highly yisiH€ (rsd colo. wifi wtrit8 letbdng).. Easily optrat€d.. Athadiy€ strape and letr||ed finis*r.. Serni{ush mounling m a stardard singlFgang €loctF cal bo|(. Op€ratss with or wi0|od a bl€ak h&e.. Handl€ latcfies in dom position to deady indicatB lhat th6 statftn has b€€n op€raH.. Oplimal lod( with k€y.. Optb|al N.O- contaci lor auriliary funclims.. Optional presigrd cimrit rnay be used for p.e-signal or InslituUmal Apdi{:alirrs.. Spanistr (FlrEGO, v€rsdt.. Meets UL 38, Standad for Manuelly Activ2r6d Siignaling Bo(€s, aFPUGtiltOll3 Use b provfuto a oon\r€ni€nt fiEans b manualy iniliab a firc dam (mod€l t{Bc-llruP tor ouboor use). coilsrRuctlox. Sh6ll, door, and handl€ aro mold€d of r€d color€d LEXAT{O (s polycarbonai€ equivalent) with a terftrod finisfi and whito bttsing.. Bad( date made d 16 gaugo stEsl.. Switch confacb ar€ normalv op€ar- tilSf ll ttox For s€mFfush mounling, attach diracty to a standard singlegang €lecticd bo(. T€tminal block with screws al- lows quid( installaton. oPEt ttox Rrlling Ela hande down caus€s it to latdr in the do$t pc dliq| and b dos6 lh€ no.tnallfop€n swibfi. Th€ handb is r€stor€d manudly by unscrewirB th€ Alleni€ad scr€w so th€ bp of th€ cas€ can d\rot fonrard, allowing th€ sptirg- load€d handl€ to r€tum b ib normal positim. Tho ca36 can lh€n be pivoted bad( to ils normal posilim and se' crrred with lh6 all6t*r€d sct€u. The 1€G10L utlizes a mecfianbal key insbad of tn der hed scr€w. Th€ NBG10 P/T has a rrcfinany{p€n aLxiliary s{itfi whidl is dos€d by rctating a ksy dod$riso (th€ key is non-ra movau€ in thb po6ilim). Elec-lrical: turenf Capacity 3 Atnps @ 125 V C. LEXA O b a lEgist€rd fademafi of GE Plaslbs, a subddbry of Gensd E|€cib Coflpany. @r#:,*,a,ffi ADA Physical:StzlIf l ,:r, I NBG1O sB-l0 wP-10 HeigM 55(ninds (139.700 rm) Ss{nirdE (139.700 t|m) 6-(mard€s (152.400 rm) Wrdtl 4.125 incfFs (1U.775 mm) 4.125 irctFs (lO4-775nm) 4-690 irEiEc (119.126 mm) Depdr 1.375 indE (34.92s.|m) 1375 inctEs (34s25 rm) 2.0m irrrEs (5O-8mtrm) Thb d@[!l. bma hffi bb. utd ftr iruldHin F.rFc. try€tyblqqt tfodd irbrt|din tpb{* and E &. lV€ ctrtd covq dlsdac 4gacrlqF a tip€ao af rqirwEtr A| spcifiztdE rtD i.rbird b daEe dhf ldir. Fo. rEE infrrtt ldr, cd||td XOIfER Ptroc (ZB)a8{-7161 FAJ( (lB) 444-71rE @ rorlrren or|. FrE-Lle Pls, Nolttbd, cono.dbn (F/l72 tso€001 Ergir6|ng ad l|enuhctnhe Arsfy S!€alor Grfr.d b hbmslixEl $ndd Flo{(nl F rehUrU.gl" Dfl-166E - Prga r d2 o FORTATIOX|/'RING OF STANDARD UNTT: NBG.IO TC' COhITROL PANEL DETECTOR Lq)POUTruT Additional Slwidr Includd ltlith tldels: NBG-IOA NBG-1OT TERMIMLB!Oc|( FOR N.O.@NTACT FOB AJXIUABY RJNCNONS Additional Swfrcft (l<ey-Operafed) hrclufu Ylilh |/ode/,: NBG-IOP TO TERINNALB!Oc|( FOfiTEST, ORTO PRESIGNAL CIRCU]T (KEYOPERATED) PRODUGT TTTIE I1I U& AescriDfioa Standard unit Dual action. Worl(s wi0l, or wihout a crusi hlbg- Indird€s a brminal blod( with sct€c for fast ald €asy wiring. Standard unit dus an auxilby N-o- swihh b prc vid,g annunciab cmtacts. Standard unil (NBC-10) wilh k€y t€6t foatrr€s. Slanderd unit plus N.O. saitdr br p.€€ignal op€ra' lim. Standard unit plus k€doddng ftaturo- Standard unit with a w€alh€r gasket (NBGIOW). Indudes apgopriat€ $rfac6 bad(bor( (WP-f 0) fur ordoor apptcatftns. Spani*r version of stardard unil Drd adbn. Wo*s with a without ctush trbe. lndud€s t€tminel Uock wP-lO Surfacebackbo:<furoutdoorapdbalions(usedwi|h/ indud€d witt NBGI(IWP). SA.IO Surface bad6o)( ior all NBG1O rEd€ls. BG-IR optimel bim ring. AtcliltEGtunrv EltGD|EEn|ile SPEClFlGAtlOllS Manual Fir€ Ala]m Stabons sftall b€ non€do, bt€aktbe (or non- irush hbe) type, with a kryop€rated t€st{€set lod( in ord€r t|at lh€y may be test€d, and so d€signed lhet afret acil|al Ent€E€ttcy Op€ralion, th€y cannot be rsstored b normal exc€pt by uss ofa ksy. fui operat€d station Slall automalically condition itse*f so as to be visually detect€d. as oporated, at a minimum distance of lOO foet (30.48 met€rs), ftor tr sirt6. Manual stations sfiall b€ cdlstrucled d rad colored t"EXAhfD wi|h d€etfy visitt€ op€?alilg insEudiqrs provil€d on lh€ con€r. The u,otd FIRE €ftall app€ar on the fto.rtof th€ staliorE in rais€d white ldss, 1-75 inch€s (44.45 mm) or larger. Stations shall b€ suitabb fioa suttaco mounting on madring bad6ox, or serni-flush mounlittg m I standad single gang bo)( and shall be insta[€d within the limits dofin€d by the Am€ricans uilh Disauliti€s Act (ADA) dep€nd€nt on manual sta- tion aoc€ssiulity or p€r local r€quirem€nts. Manual Stalions shall b€ Urdorw'iters Lebaatori€s lisbd. Vt*Itont TOP NBG.IO ltBG-l0A NBG.lOT NBCr-lOP t{BG-toL NBG-IOWP NBG-IOSP >1rz (1S.7 rrn)VlcUtrclm S'DE t .E P{e2 of 2 - Ot$1668 Argust 27, 1997 r,u,rx-l tonilor todule S€clbn: Intdl*FnvAddGssabb D€vi:.6 t-r-l40 @xorlF"_*FR OEIIERAL Th€ NOTIFIER MMX-1 Mo.titor lirodub is usod with lhe AM2020, AFP1O10, AFP400, AFP€@, AFP-2(X) or Sys- tem 50OO (€quipp€d with an AIM-zoO modul€) to monito. a single Initating De\rice Grcltit (lDC) d normally-open corF taci dorbos. FETTUIE . Builtin type identification autdnali:ally idonffi€s lhis d€- vics as an MMX-1 b ho conud pan€|. . Pow€t€d di]€c[y by 2{it€ AMm20, AFP1O1O, or All- 200 SLC loop- No addtimal porrer rcquimd. . Hi'| ndso (EMFTRFI) inmunity. . SEMS screws with damping plates fur €s€ d wiritlg. . Dimct dial 6nty of DECN)E ddrsss (01€0)- . Builtin magnetic alalm lssl sribtt. . LED f,ashes dudng no.fird operalim (this is oplional dl tte AM202O, AFP1010, AFP4fl), AFP-flrc, and AFP- zx)). . LED latcfi€s st€ady b indi:ate alam ql Gommand froflr conbol pansl. APPUGfTIOTS Use to rndfbr a za|e d 4-{ir€ srnolG d€t€cto.s, milurd fir€ alarm Ail stalims, waMff devi:as, or other ronnally op€n dry-drtaci alarm aciivalbn devices. May also be us€d to monibr normally op€n sup€rvisory dsvi€s witl sred sttry't isplty irdica{im atlhe canfd pand- ltki- tofgd dmrit may be wiFd asan NFPA S& B (Oass B)or Style D (Class D) lnilialim Dwice C;irqit A 4? K olm Endd-Lino Resistor (proykt€d) tsrminates lh€ Styl€ B dr- cuit No r€sisbr is required for sup€rvit*on of ths SV€ D ci]u it Maximum IDC loop l€ngth is 2,5d) bd (2O ohms maximrn). coilstruGrlox Conrob induds tm rotary $flitchss fd di?€ct dial €ntsy of DECADE addmss (O1€9). A hb€l is p.ovid€d to mark th€ loop number, addr6s, end deyic€ typ€. oPEttTrox Each MMX-I uses one d 99 a\railaH€ modul€ addrcssas m an SLC loop. lt rssponds b r€guhr polls from OE co.l- d pand and rcports its tlrp€ and lh€ status (openlnormaU shod) of its ktitialing Dsyb6 Cimriit (lDC). A t sttng LED indicatgs that the modub's in cornmunicalian with the qr' tsc|| par€|. Th€ LED latd€s stedy dt ddm ($ti€ct b cuficrrt ttt fulior'E m th€ loop). MEA 290-9r€, vd. 5 (s-smo) 104€3€ (AFP-zn) 17€eE (AFP-.{n) cs6mruMx-l4) Califumia State Fit€ Marshd 716s"{I128:l4l (AM2(2UAFP101O) 716sm2E:1.14 (StEtstn 5(x)0) 717tXxP8:153 {A 202UAFP1O0 High Rb€) 71?GOO28:1$ (q|sbm 50(xl t{gh Rbe) 7tHn28:181 (AFP4{n) 7165;m28:1e{ (AFP-an) @ s6!5 -'-^- \./ OV2A3AY OQlASAY It t--*Jl llt ln\llxf,s t\\jF!Mlsl[et & 93/00lil{) (Af,t202o. AfPl010) BSA 578{1€A (AilA2O, AFPiOl0) ML 160 TheFae Plde flffirl*Jo T1|. dEf|st b nd int6rdod b bo uad fo. iE Hir| PrrpE fr ty b k4 ct Fodrd hfrnrdo.r t+b-d* d E ab- lir. ctfla covq d lp.cft rPpIcdirB d ar ctsaa d !€qirqEir Al lpciicarrE a|r qJt d ro ahtf,p rthor no|ic3. For ruB arffiix\ coflH l.oTtEn PfsE (2Gl) 4A+716l FAX (2lx|) 4E4-7118 tso€ull ElgirFdiE etd il.nttrd! Ouany Sysh Crfr.d b lnhmtilrlSltdtd Foqnl @rorrrr=n' r2oi qwile Rod, o rftd, conlEcliqn oet72 O {|m - Pag€1d2 tlt3tAftrfloil Th€ MMX-I mounts b a standard /f squats,2-1,8 de€p, junction boc In addilion, tho MMX-I may bo tnounbd b the SMB-sfi) surfiae flrount box. iibunling hadtf,et€ end inslallatil| inshrclions al€ p|wid€d with €adl modulo. sLC LmpC) SLC Lmp (+) Stylo D (-) Styl6 D (+) Sryh B (+) Styl€ B (-) FieklWW@nnerliuts fi|ountilrytlrcMttD(-I ba 1'ql/€,€.,2-1n'(tuP jutfutDoL w @ronnrl fN)Gl llo.rilor llodd€ operating yolteoE: 15 - 28 vDC (peak). --l nd Descrtpdot Sran&yr cumnt an FA maximun prus suoewiQ rrx-r Msribr lrilodule- cunant 7 IU-'A l'o.nbr ilodub, ULC lisbd. Terrperahrre rangc: 0"C io +49C (+32'F b +l2(rF). SPEClFlQttlOil3 Humidity rangr: 10ri to 95%, t€latit e. Welght 150 grams (5 ottnces). PRODUCT lillE llFottAtlot ATCHltECTU RAf/ElICT lIEERI IIC SPECTHGIrtOl|S Contact l{OrlHER. Pe6 2o{2 - Dl+,21F @xorlF"..1FR .lurs g, ts$f H-160 fl,lfl x-r ol lionilortodule S€c,fbn: IntelEenuAddl€ssablo D$rlaos @ @ @lffi*,,,*' 716$0028:144s635 cs118 717(XD28:153cs733 7170$28:154(Mirx-lolA) - ?165-{X}28:164 BSA <F OEilETTf, The NOnFIERMMX-1o1 (or Canadian MMx-1014) MonF tor l odul€ provid€s an int€rface b€tw€€n the AM2o20' AFPIOIO. AFP-4{n, AFP-3m, AFP-an, c Sftem SXX) (equipped with an Alt$2m modil€) ald nqmelly{p€n contact alarm iniliating d€\ri6. Though lh€ MMX-101 can b€ us€d b monitor an €r ir€ S[yl€ B (Oass B) initaling circriil, it is idoally suited fur md|ibing singl€ derric€s. The MMX-101 is small €nougLh to fit inside a singlo{ang irnc- tion box b€hind lh€ dovios b€ing monibred. Th€ small size and light w€ight allow it io be insl,a €d withdlt lh€ ne€d lo b€ rigidly rnoun!€d. FEATURE . Builtin typo identificatim aubrnalically kt€t ifi€s lhis d€vic€ as a monitor module b the mnfd pan€|. . Powered dir€Gily by hrotxl€ FACP- Noaddilbnal pomr mquired. . High nds€ (EMFTRFI) inmunity. . Tinned, stipped leds ease d widno. . Dir€ct dial €ntry of DECADE addtess (01-99). lPPUC,ltlollS Us6 to monitor a singl€ d€vice or a zone of /t-uirs snrol€ d€t€ctds, manual fre alarm pull stations, waterflorv de' vio€s, a other noimally op€n dry€ntact devioes. May also b6 ussd to tnonibr normaly opon supewisory devi(E with special supervisory indicalion at tho conbd pan€|. ilbritored cituiud€vico b wir€d as an NFPA SV€ B (Class B) Initialing Doyi|:e Citcuit A 47 K ohm Endd-Lin€ Rsde' tor (p|o\,id€d) tarminals the circriL GON$TUCTloT Controls indud€ tvuo rotary slit fies fur dimd dial entsy of DECADE addrcss (01-99). oPEnallox Each MMx-'lo'l uses m€ of $ *aibbl6 moduls addr€ss6 on an SLC loe- lt r€spdds b r€gular polls fro.n the con- trol panel and rcporG its typo and t|6 status (open/no.rnau short) of its lnifnling D€vico Cimit (lDC). oYoA6AY, OV4A5 AY (AFP-?@) ow6A2AY (AMXT?UAF P 1 O 1 O) ntnx-tu (sDom .c{uJ tsttc} 578€1€A Tolniliating Devi*ToULLisFd ContrdPand and&. ttcxld'''tit* fStCLoop, @*ffi"@ Tttu dG|ms{ b nol intqdd lo be usad b. in*alblirl pi|rpGB" lire ty lo kq qlr p|odtd hfr dix| t .&ietdE.b f're calnol cts Cl sFcinc aPplctlil|s a intiip* .l ].qui.s q6. Al lprdncdir|s srl srrbid lo da||go wltdd rEf!c.. F. mq€ frfidirr cq|E xolrER Pfs|; (zB) /|E4-7161 FAx: (aB) 48+7rrE @ r on n e n' 12 Oittoorire Roqd, t{orlhfrfd. comq.liqn 08fl2 rso{txx Engif,.ri{ end anrfuni! Alalily Sy€lin Ccm.d b lntcnd rl grndad F0{Dl F Hde in t,l U.SJ! Dt{-Zlls - P.qP r d2 SPECIFTGITIOIIS Operating vo[rge: 15 - 28 VDC (p€ak). Standby curnnt 230 UA max. plus supsrvisory crin€nt Tempealurc rango: 3?F - 120"F (O"C - 49'C). HumidiQr rangc: 10% - 95%, r€laliv€. Weight 90 grams (3 q'lcss). ProDuGt LmE lltFoRtAtloll nodC D?Ecrfpfro'. Htx-lol ilonibr lilodule tHX-1014 Monibr llodule, ULC Ustsd StB-sllO Suface llount Bor iltstal.l.ttlox The MMX-101 Mmitor lrodul€ rnounts inside a dngle gang junction bo( b€hind th6 d€vice b€i€ monibr€d. Th€ small siz€ and light w€i{tht a ow it b bo install€d withdlt f|e n€€d b b€ .igidy mounbd- Atemably, lh€ MMX-101 ilonitor Modul€ may be mount€d in the SME 6rm surfaos nnrnt bo(. Mounling hardwar€ and installalixr insfucitu ns atg provid€d wi0r €a.fi moful€. 2.75" ff crn) ARCIITIECIURII/ ETOITIEERTilO SPEGIFTGITTOIIS Monibr modul€s sfiall be podded b corneci mo s.p6r- vis€d lnitialing Device Orcuit 0DC) zone of cor|v€r ional alarm inilialirB devr:ces (any N.O. drysilact dflbe, it}' duding 4-ry;6 s.o1" d€bcb.s), b one d lhe Fir€ Abrl Control Pan€l SignaltoE Lin6 Orc it (SLC) l-oops. Th€ monitor modulo shall be srnall enough b fit inside a dngle' gang junction box b€hhd t|€ devics b€itlg rDnibt€d tr diFcdy inb lh€ Fire Alam Contol Pan€l- Tho monitor module shall be small €nough in saz€ and light €ndgh in wsight b allow it b bo install€d wihout th€ no€d b b€ rigktly mount6d. Tho IDC zdte tnay bo wl€d tor Styb B operalim. Tho mfiibr rnodul€ st|allptorrftte addt6st- ling m€ans using rctary d€cirnal sridlG and shall ebo stor€ an intemal id€ntifying cod€ wilich the Fit€ Atrm @rF uol Pan€l shall us6 b kt€nlify ths type of dwic6. 0.50' (1.26 crn) 1.30" (3.3 cm) Minimum wire length 6.0 inches (15 cm) Pa€2o,2 - Dl+2315 @xg#HIFR [)ecorloq.i6, iS$ }l-112 millx-2 llonilor todule - Two-rflire Gonvenlionol Smoke Deteclor Innerfoce S€ctin: IntdlgprdAddFssabb Devi:es GEIIERTL Th€ NOTIFIER MMX-2 Mmibr iiloduls is us€d with t|€ AM204, AFP1010, AFP4{X}, AFP-z(X), or Syst€m s(Do (€quipped with an AIM-2OO rnodul€) to monibr a singlo lni- tiating E)€vice Circuit (lDC). FEITURES . Supports compatibls two-{it€ srnok€ datectofs. . Sup€Nises IDC wiring and conn€c{im d€xt€mal po\fl€r soutGa- . High noise (EMURFI) immunity. . SEMS scr€ws wih darndng plates for €as€ of witing. . Trro rotary sritches for direct dbl €ntsy of DECADE a& dr€ss (01S)- . Builtin magn€tic darm lest svidr. . LED fashes durirE ndrnal opdatbn (this is opliond d| or€ AM202o, AFPlolq AFP{n and AFP-2(n). . LED lad|€s steady lo irrlicate alarm d| dnmand fiom drbd pen€|. APPl.lGrlIOII' Use lhe MMX-2 b .rulibr a ione of 2-wire smoke dsc- lors. The monitored ci]crit may be wired 6 an NFPA Sty,le B (Chss B) d Styi€ D (Class A) Inilialing Devica Giuril A 3.9 K ohm End-oftine Resisbr (p|o\rit€d) b.rninatG lhe end of the Style B or D (dass B d A) drcdt (maxirnqn ffrc loop resistan€ is 25 ohms). Install ELR across Hrninds I ard I tu Styls D applicalim. oPEnAtlox Each MMX-2 uses one of gg availaHe module addr€ss€s m an SLC lo$. lt responds b €gular polls ftorn lhe con- fol pan€l and reports its type and th€ status (op€n/nomal, short) of its Inifnling D€yics Grcuit (lDC). A flashing LED indicat€s lhat th€ moduls is in cofinnunica|is'r with lh€ con- fol pand. The LED latches sbady on alarm (suti€ct to dJnsnt limitalidrs m lhe loop)- GOtp flBllttr Refer b NOTIFIER dodm€nt number 1*!78, 'UL Usl€d Compaliu€ Two-Wire Srnoke D€bcbrs br NOTIFIER Con- H Pan€ls.' @@,w, strts cs100 Calitumia Stab Firs Marsfral 73(x1-fl)28:168 IVEA 4dF92-E TheFaePItu flffisl***9o nis dcrrst b r|oa ir g||dd lo bo u$d b insfd|||in !| f. lve ty b lq qr pradl,rcl ifr.nElin rp-|o&btdEr'*. lvo drd cove d lpscft.pditio!! q anlicb€le .l rq.irgrEG, A| sFo'ffins !s s(.id b cfE Ei r ql| ndir. Fo. |t|q€ ifr.m-drt cqd.d XOnm. PnqE: (Zx|),€l-716r F li: (aB) aEa-7rt8 @ronrrEF rz qinr-ti|a Roi, rro.oftfd. cd|n€ctir|| 06ftil tso€o01 Btgirnchg '|d larturli{ aualv s6br crffd bhffi$rd.dFO{IX EIFEr- ShdrUSJL t l{-4&P - Fles r d2 Itsil ltrttoil The MMX-2 firqrnts b a slandatd 4' squar€, 2-1rS d€€p junction box. Atemably, lh€ MMX-2 tnay b€ mdmtad b the SMB-sfi) surfacemornt box. lUounling hardwete and installalidr instrudbns ars ptwid€d with ech module. SLC Loop (-) SLC Loop (+) Stylo D (-) sV€ D (+) SVe B (+) Style B C) E I R€sot$bA VDCfomli#, mgulabd, and bailory{ad(ad power sQply. c) (+)Mowttirgtl|f Mttx-z to a tt, sq[ra,i',,2-1n@jud*nbox Fi€idlffirturycomec,iu?^s SPEGIFIGATTOil3 OperatingVoltage:'422-25.6vrc- {, SErdbt Gr|'tenf (cdtmunicatim line) (SLC): z(npA m/ Temperdure Rango: (rC b +49C (+3trF b +12fF). RelatY! Humadity Rangc 10% to 85%. Weigm: O.5 pounds (0225 l€). lniti.ling Ereyl'tc€ C:irc.tit (lN) - Te''''/inets 6,7, I & g Vottagc: 16 - 28 VI)c (dpple '|fi) mV RMS maxinrn). Cunrnt 90 r|A marimum. IDC Loop lmpcdanc.: 6 ohms maxinxJm. Supervlsoqr Qfifit 7.O tttA tnaimum. Iletector Current h Stanfty: Up b 24 mA Alarm qrrrtnt 20 mA minintn. Stylo: Styl6 B (Class 8), SUe D (Oass A). EOL Re3ist nc.3 3.9K ohm nsninal. Oet€ctor lmp qrnsnt b suficbtt b stsfi€ operalion of one alann€d d€bclor p€r za|e. Fd compatibl€ delacilors rsfur lo the cmbct panol dGrmentalbn. PRODUCI UNE TXFOTNAIIOX U& O€Fr't,''o,t fIXt Mmibrl/lodule. SIBdn Suriace lUottnt Bor ll02-ll4.oo T€st Magnet Pry2o'z - Di|{Arl @xo^T!,#FR A4ust 27, 1997 ||-lil6 cftlx-2 Control Module S6ctbn: IntelEpriuAddt€ssaH€ O!vi6 /6^tlrt I\-7 s635 MEA 427-91+ GEXENAT Th€ NOTIFIER CMX-2 Confol Modul€ is us€d with lh€ AM202O, AFPIO1 O, AFP-4(n, AFP-3{n, AFP-2(n, ad S}$ tem SXD (equipped wilh an Allil-2fi) Modul€) to provido a single Notification Applianc€ Cimfit (NAC) c Form4 re lay. FErtURES . Builtin typo idonlification aubnalicaly idsnlifi€s lhis d] vics as a CiiD(-2 b the co.rbol pand. . Inbmal circuify and rday po,y€r€d dir€cily by trvo{ir€ SLC bop. NAC configuration us€s s€drd loop fur 1.1G. lifi calim apdbnce poursr. . Integral LED'bnnks' €adr lime a coflrnrrnicaliofl is r€- cdved ftrorn lh€ confol pan€|. CThis oplional hahrr€ is availabl€ on the AFP1O1 UAM2O2UAFP-An equipped wilh Revisbn 5 or high€r softffars.) . LED bfink may be dasd€cbd globally (aftds an devi€s) d| tho AFP1O1O and AM202O €quipp€d with Revbion 5 a ligher soflnam. Standatd oo lh€ AFP.4(X) and AFP- 300. . High mis€ immuity (EMF/[fru. . lulay b6 us€d to swilch 24 yolt l,lAC potf,er, AJdio (up to 70.7 VRr6) or td€phd|€. . Wd€ Yi€wirg angle of LED. . SEMS screws with damdng dabs for widng €as6-. Dirsci dial d|ry of DECADE addrsss (01€9). . Builtin mag.relic bst $ibh. . Speaker, audibletvisual, and tBl€phono apdicalims may use wir€ Styl€ Y or Z APPUGrttOf,3 The CMX-z is us€d b switcfi 24 VDC audibl€/visual porEr, high l€vel atxlio (sp€k€rs), or td€phd|€ ddi(E. n mry b€ programrn€d b optrate dry contacts fur ds hddds. Air Handling Unit shutdown, €ta, and to r€s€t four{i]e smok€ dst€ctor porvor. coilstRucttox . The fae dab is mad€ d LEXAT{@ in off-ryhib. . Contofts indude twrc rotary switches for dir€c-t dial €nby of DECADE addr€ss (01-S). . As shipped, onfigumd fof a single Styb Y (dass B) or SV€ Z (Oass A) |.lolificdio(r Apdian€ Cir.ilit . May b6 modified in th€ fiold b provita a dngle Fcm€ (SPOT) dry contact LErA O b e r€gblersd ba(bmart of GE Plastrs, a subsilbry of G€n€ral El€ctlc Cdnpeny. *#ilff- <a/> @ o)*,.' California State Fir€ Marsfial 73flXX128:166 ool ls$ frffi"|m"o Ttis &.rrmqi ie rEt hle||dd b bo ussd ft. hddllin p|r|pc, lrb ty 5 lq qr prodod inbfl|afn rDffiae rd acor*. lifr carl|d covsal3petbapC(dirlq anfipqb af rgquilr|rrqG, Al sgdcalqtE ars srtid b chrfgp ri[sf note, For ru€ iibfirlioc Gdra.cl XOI;:R. P'E|e: (ax|).lE,|-716r FA,C (axt) ilE4-?'tl8 xoTlFlER' 12 Ointonvilb Road, Norrhfr|d, snn€dicur 06472 rso€orlt EngiEedB 8nd fk||tu|li[ Arany Sy€bm C;trrd b hbrnstbml $adrd 6'0fl}| F l'ad. in UF U-SI. DF455l - P.g. r dz TlloFacr Phte E I OPERAIIOf, Each CMX-2 us6s dl€ of 99 possible modde addr€sses on a SLC loop. lt respords b r€gular pols ftom th6 ad- dress€s on a conbol pan€l and Gpo.ts its tlrpe and sl,at s, induding th€ op€nlnormalrshort stahrs of its Nolificalim Applianco Ciruit (l,lAC)- The LED blinks wi0r 6adr pdl received. On oommand, the CMX-2 activabs its inldnal relay- The CMX-z sup€Ms6 Style'r (Cbss B), or Styl€ 'Z (Class A), l'lolificalim or contsol circuits. Upon code command tom trt€ pand, lhe CMX-2 wil ds- conn€ct the sup€rvisim and connec{ lh€ extemal porf,€r supply in th6 pmper polarity adoss the load device. The disconnec{bn of lh€ supeMsion provid* a pcfi\re indi- cation to lhe pand that th€ conm r€lay actually turn€d ON. The exterml powsr supply is ahrays reley isolabd ftom lh€ cornmunicalim loop so that a toubl€ ddili on lh€ €xt€mal pow€r supdy will n€y€r int€rf€E with lhe r€sl of th€ sysHfi. Rday contol with Form C contacls is obtained by b.€ak- ing dJ1ru2 tab. Rolary switches s€t a uniqu€ addr€ss for eacfi module. Th€ addr€ss may be s€t befu.s or af,er mounling. The built-in TYPE COOE (rnt settatto) will i{t6nw fh€ mod{tle to ths control pan€|, so es !o difieGntat€ b6twa6n a mod- ul€ and a s€nsor addr€ss. A built-in magnelic t€st sridr is pmvil€d lo dmubb a short cirf, it on ths NAC b t€sl lhe CMX-2. Pqp2dz - Ol+.(551 gPECIF!GTTIOlI8 Opcraring Yoltagc: 1$28 VDC (Peak). Cunent range: 5 mA fur LED latched in Aam- Stan&y cunGnt 3fi) pA ruximum plus sup€rvisim. Putsing qrttot 30 mA for 15 mS. Supervilion currunt 0 1lA OPEN. lfl] uA NORMAL 2(X) PASHORT. Conlac:t ratng! 2.0 Atnp @ 30 VDC (rsiistiv€). 1.0 Amp & 30 VDC (indt clive, 0.6 PF). 0.s Arnp @ 11O VAC. 0.6 Atnp @ 30 VIrc (pilot duty, 0.35 PF). Temperatue nangc: O"C b +49PC (+32'F b +12O"F). Humidity rangc: 1096 b 95% dativs. weight 150 gnams (5 oz). REIIY COilTTGI NAITilOS Resbuv.: 2 Afltp @ 30 VDC. Induc'liYr: I Amp @ 30 VDC (0.6 PF). Pilot Duty: 0-6 Atnp @ 30 VI)C (0.35 PF). 0.3 Atnp @ 110 Vt)c (0.35 PF). 0.3 A'np @ 120 vAC (0.35 PR. PRODUC' LI}IE IIIFORflAIIOX CIX-2! ft€@, Intoilig€nt Contol llodula. A2l4:l-20 Capadh. Required for Style Z operaton of sxB500 cB 500 .rrto7E. davioes. sp€aksrs (check with facby fof listing status). Oplimal Surfaoe Mornt Badoo)i Confd Module Batrier - t€quir€d by UL for separaling pow€r{imibd and nm+ow€a lim- ibd wiring in the sam€ jlI|clid| bo( as CMX-2. Or.tu sttfrx :A'for Canadian (ULC) apqwed @tP Break off Tabs Jl and J2 to conven ftom a supervised ind'r=tiry ciranit b a FomC dry contad odbn. @xo^Tr,FrER" ilay 1, 199S D120 LCD-80 lJquid @ysrol DlsPktY Section: Anruncbbr Ca|trol sJst!|fls oEtERtL Th€ LCI}80 is an SGdrara&r, baddit LCD display annu.ria- !6 for th€ NOTIFIER AM20n, AFP101O, AFP4m, AFP-3(n, AFP-Zn, Sysbrn 5(m, and S)sHn 5(x) fre abrm confol pan€b. Up b:12 LCD{18 my be conn€cbd d|b tho tuo- lvee En-485 po.t The LCD{O hes rwo badc modeE of oF eradon, Tenrdnaf and'AG$ tnode. cotnoil FElruRE. 8(H|aredor Uquid Gystal Display (20 cfiaracbt€ x 4 fn€s), beckfghbd.. Contol swidres tor qrsEn A*nod€dge, Signd Sfenca dtdsyEnR€66t. Time and dsb dispby field.. Enabb t(€y swidr and phone ja.r( optons.. Cen b6 remotdy locabd up b 6,000 faet fiom |h€ d|td perd.. Local piezo soundor uith alern/Uoubb t€6ound.. Flushrsurfecerperd rnunt opho.. oplional RPT-185 t€peaerfumtE&tanceend rIfF bsr of. Oplional transmission over fiber oplil:B (se RPI-485 cet$' ,og st odr. AG3 NODE Wh€n op€ret€d in 'ACS' mod€, he LCD{o prcvH€a a 1B- rmte or local digitel dbday 8nd p.inbr inbrlaoe fo. th€ SF tem smo and Systsrn 500. For lh€ At#1020, AFPI 01 0, AFP- 400, AFP€d), and AFP-2(n, tha LCD{0 ptovides a waorcd annunciatio.l capaHl'ty. Individual dev'rcas/zon€€ can be iI} stall€rdsfin€d b only disday and prht at sPecfic locafio|E (B(A'ilPLE: A meint€nan@ ome reeiv€s or y no.Fal m polnt eclivatlo.r6. Theec InputB drH be sump punp m, high wat€r, bedop AHU fi, kdn Enp€ratule h fre€zer, dc.). . Ahmllo$b amt. Cusbn .nolfmf m€ssag€.. €uropean optFn: frst abnn/list alarfl alatm comt. Frd+ptograrnabb messag€s fiom CRT or FCompalibb c{'put€r (n({CDa) Ptogramr.|g Xh rcquircd).. ElA.485 Intefaco: up b &l p€r systsm.. Prinbr ouq|t port RS-232, cdnpetbb with PRN Soti€8 p.inEs.. FsH{rograrunable nrssag€s h nonvohtlc tndmty h lwo optons: 128 pcfnb, 40 cfiarecbr labds; or 256 poirts, 20 cr|aracnsr bbofs.. lnbnral nonrrdatle dd( ftr fme and dab.. AM2020, AFP1OiO, AFP.I(X), and AFP-3OO '\recbr€d prlnbr capaHfv.. Can be mornbd h e q/sEr s(xn cat*r€t modub pe*lon. tEnfiil L moDE (AH2O2O, AFPI Ot O, AFP{OO, AFP-3OO, andAFP2(X} Orfln In TemimlMode, t|e LcD{o fi$mhs t|g AM2oal, AFPlolo, AFP.|oO, AFP€(n and AFP-An disCays. Up b 32 LCD{0S q9*xt? @ffifl.* LcJ>g) (shwnwith Atr-1 flusfi bacl6ox) can annunclab end pmM.re r€mob t€sot, ackn(ixl64g, and sil€nco of the conttol pan€l fio.tl l€mots locatoaB. Th€ DlA" 1 01 0 end DIA-2020 (Disdey Inbfiece) induds a brminal rno& driv€r port br LCD{O8 in brminal mode- TheTctilSal mode po.l is standard on a|€ AFP-|oO, AFP€{n, Itd AFP-2m main FC,CPU boards. . DrsdeF devbe rype ld€nttom.. Devbe ard ane c|lstom dphe bbd$. Iime/data and Devi€ addt€sg.. May opetab h addllion b cRlT'. No prcgramming nocossaty. LCt!80 disphys lilF, dab' end d.rstom messages teeiv€d torn Allzlilo, AFPIOIO' AFP-4(X), AFP-:XX), o. AFP-aX). Ihb dGrrEr b rd ilsad b bo it$d b i|sldHi'| F !G6. fb ry b IEP o|r qodd inftnndo.r rpb-dra. tld Etd. Uh cand covr dl sFdh @lcll'lrE a artEip.ir dl r€qui.qrsl3 All rpFinGrtq! .|€ s.rtid b .hangp ri[si ndca. tur nuE itbirtdr cmEd XOT|FCn Pts|c fAB) {8+7161 FAX (2O:l) /${-71rE @ronrrER' rz cr,u,r b Ro.4 rr rbnt, comdqn .84?2 tso€ool E gh6€.Lf ard lnul$riE O|EW Ststsn C..tird bhffi||lSrnddlsoqll F lbhurU-Sr. DrB198 - P.gEld2 o tcd.lltc LCD-8O In AG3 St8tamSmo$th osnslmounbd LDC-80 6,000 ftsl mximum ffi ui|B lsuth. EtA-185 (2 wies) 24 VDC(2wiE) . LCD4O is 8-1/r' (20.96 c.n) ltagh, 4-3/8' (r 1 .11 on) wite, and 1-3,l|' (4..{5 cm) d€ep.. Up b 32 LCD&s tmy be usod m one EIA- rt85dufit. llofE: Mus'tl€w stfrte',frcg|/,,xd 21 vil Si]nal Sfe/re, ard Fl€s€a slrda$es.. LCt>80 mounts wilh eny CH94 cfiassb sbt. The LcO€o may display all Sysbm 5o00 cir- cuiti Abrnatdy, it may display up b 192 Al}T2fi) pcirts and lrc rcws d modulee. El r{85 (2 wi€s) 24 VDC(2Ylilc) TO PRN LCDSO Eta485 (2 ui€s) 24 \rDC(2wir6) TO PRN PRNTER LCD80 LCDSO TO PR'{ PRINTER PRIttITEE 6,(m iBot merlrum wlrs l$qth befw€en esdr LC[}80 Up b 32 LCD{OS may be used in a oo.rlinrrus + wite loop (v€dfy suffident 24 VDC avaibHe). Eacfi may haE ACIVSTEP, SIG}{AL SILENCE, and SYSTEM RESET switcfi€s. Dtudays all amlog, addressable pcints. l{o gograrnning fequled br LCI}8|}s. ABF.I D _ Th€ ABF-1D is a semi-f, usbnnunt backbo( ior f|g NOTIFIER LCD{I S€.i€s Annunciator. The ABF-ID .rbunls one LCD-80. lt ln- dud6s en ethBcliv€ smok€d- glaas door with NOTIFIER lcy{odc Wnc/ntnorc,etxotfi: $15116. (25.24 cr|l) high, 4{A' (11.75 c'n) wir€, 2-1F (6.35 crn) d€€p. DrreosiorF, IXX,R oory: 10.713. {27 21 crn) hlgh, 6' (15r4 crn) wid€, 0.75' (1.9 crn) de6p. 1 RETATED PK{CD{tt cGx-l opfloN3 Ofi+ine Progratrming Kil fc LCD€{!. Allorvs PC prograrnming messagee when tte LCDSO b used In tte ACS rnoda, Cont €rbr Module. RequiGd br bmind rnods operation oar oHer AM202OS orAFPlolOs lhat do not indude lhe DIA-2O20 or DlA1010 Display Inbrfaces. Also required ior Air2oz) and AFP1010 sysbms wtrich rcquire a ffiT wi|h keybord. t ses one lCA.{ d|assis slot or lm C}H d|assb slolB. Sernl-{ush box witr alhmative smokedgbss doc, any koy{oclc AnnrtKiabr Dr€ss Plab. Aloyrs p€nd mountng d up b four LCD8O .nodul€s in a CAB-X3 Sd'r€s cabhet Annunciabr Flush Box, $15fl6'(25.2i1 crn) high, +5,8' (11.75 cm) wide, and 24frf (6.:|5 crn) do6p. fr€r AK$1 k€y-swibh and AP.J-I phone jad( if desired. Cen aleo be mounbd in ABF-2 or ABF4 annurciab. badooxes. Deep Surface Backbor (mdints m€ LCD{}). Keysuibh to enable/dissH€ @nt€le when mortnbd in ABF o. ABS-1 T. Annundabr Phon€ Jsclc lrounb b ABF flush bor or A8$.1T. S(}colun|.| S€rial P|lnbr. ELAi{8{t Wbe Repoabr. Increasee wirc dlstance belri€€n ICD{G. ElAjlSS Fib€r€ptcs Repealer. Incr€as€€ distance and @nrrsrts ElA.4&5 wire b fib€rcpliG. .*ml ABF.1 ABS.IT AIG.I APJ.I PRNSed€ RPT.a8(il RPT{85F EIA-?32, 4 uhs $fretImxirflnfi EE EEE]E t:] EE EEtrlE l-l t-----'l trt r-----'l Etf---'l Er-1 E:Et-----'l Et SysEn som, S!,sBn 500, AM2(}20, AFP1010, AFP-{n, q AFP-3{X) tltc LCD-8O ln lcnlncl fodt Tern*rd fro& Eta4€5(2*€.) EtA{32 AM2(M, AFP1(l.|O,Prhtsr AFP.4{I!, AFP\an, or AFP-200 PRN Plhbr LCDqI LCDS! LCD8(} Teminal Mde E|AF486 rdrfn (2 ui€) Pq.zdZ - DN-31S8 NOTIFIECF,RE SYSTEAIISA '|TTUAI GOT'I' T Septdnb.r 16, 1SB J-8s SpecfrAlerl" Series Horns, Stlobes, ond HornAfrobes S€dbn: Audbrvbual D€t ic6s cEltERtt St|slem Sensor specEAled Seri€3 stobes, homs, and combine- ton horn/suob€s are UL lsted br pimary signaling in me saftty systenE and rrieet ADA trtlc mode visibb signalirq rcqd]€mdlts. SpecfA€rt products Gan be came<led io the alem indbathg dr- cuit of a fir€ abrm conbol pand and ale cornpalibb with DG Ine supervidon. Th€ Spec{rAlert ptoduci line mounts lo standard backboxes ushg a rniversal mqlnling date indud€d with ea<fi udt An optbnal small toohtinl rnounling plab fits to a singl*gang box. An accessory backbox skin giws a co6rnelic finish to a 4' x 'l' x 1-'llt ot a t x + r 1-76' $rrfrcmounbd bac*bol At stobe ard hdn/sbobe fibuntng optiirns ]€qul€ dtt one scterY ata{i- rnent of ptodud b PlaE. These prudtc,s al€ design€d for 1 2 atd 24 VDC and ful-*avc mc- lified unfiltered power. Ful}{alr€ rcdfi€d operaton rcquiEs llse c rrent lhan DC operatiitn. For detailed dtrent draw intonr|atid|, consuft the Cunent Draw TableE (page 2). The horvstobe com- binatio.r prcducts ar€ tacb.y-assen$led with iumper wires lor in- tandem operaton. For indep€nd€nt witing of hom and stob€, ts rbve jumper wir€s. When wired br indep€nd€nl Seralibn, fie strob€ will conlinu€ b run wtrilo lhe hom can b€ sil€ncad. l'loF elr€G tfte sbob€ must be runnir€ ba hoan b opefiab. HomS - Th€ Sp€cbAet Serbs homs 4d hom/sffi8 p|o vide trrc different f eH-s€l6ciable/I€\rersibl€ ton€s, a high'lolf fu(F s€leciabldBversble sound outsut s€tling (|ox seltng on 2+volt rnodds only) and a fieH-s€lec{abletteversible Erp 3 pabttl or non-temporal conlinuous patHn. Thes€ fibk*selectable feafut€s are accomplish€d using dns and jump€rs locat€d on the beck of eech SpectrAlert hom and hom/sbobe. An acc€ssory modub is nd needed b nd(s thes€ field seleclia|€. The horn dt hom/stob€ modefs wiff openat€ on a ood€d povter supdy. Trro* hort -o.*t mo&lswith "llC'in th*rlrrt mmtfuswill also gryerafo on. coded porver suppt Th€ hom atrd hornrsbo,be sGtbs ind)d€s Yv€etherproot rnod€b. Strobes - Th€ ADA"compliant SpecbAl€rt sEob€s ara €14- bonic vhible wamhg signab lhet flasfi al 1 tE orer their opefialing rroltage range. These prcdnans ale avaibble in 2+\rolt modolB at 15, 15f5, 75 and 110 candeh inbnlilies and in 12-volt tnodds at 1 5 and 'l 5|f5 candda inHrsi0€s- Th€ stob€ seti$ indudes ursattF erproof modeb. SpecfA€rf products feat0re dramelic teducbls h cungnt Equirqner s. Sync.Gircuit ilo'dule (llDL) -The sync€irc it Module is available for syrchronizallto ot strobos and homa and can ByF' cfironize tuE SVf6 Y (dass B) drurils or one Style Z (dss A) d'tlril The modul€ can also generat€ a syncfiro,fzed rernp 3 tone tor Sy6t€m Senso/s Multi.AlertD and PA4fl) hom product3.' The syndrronlzaton module allorvs the SpecttAlert homs on cornbin*' lid| hom/stobes to be lilenc€d fi fwu*ire sFbn|s. SpeclrAhrfs Syncicirqrit Module c'| be daisfciahed for,runide zd|e syl} cfuonizatren. The module doe6 not op€,ale cn I God€d por,'er $P dv. 'Fot lluuA&'/l arrd PA,'0O.' StruD€s must b witsd b I a alhtr,,s $,t@ of p*or (rrqrffi po'/ers,Jpiy). < Sroll & s5512 (P1215, P1215t5, Prl415' n41575,Vt475,H21110). S*tt2 (s1215, S1215?5, S2,t15, S2'115r5, S2it75, S24ll0). s{olt (}trtnit). - 95549 {p2,115A P2415754 P,lt75A H}lll0A s2t15A 94l5t5A S2475A S24l llA). cs5.8(lr1221AHC2m l. oRSA4.AY (P1215, P1215r5, > n115. Ht+1 fl ' Pi\f A H211 10, s1215, S,|215t5, S:litl1 s2415t5, S2/t75, 52,[110, H12l). oD{AZAY (}81?n4). .m. < t@)tr --t Calilo.nie Steb Fk€ Marslral 7135-121t0:173 (Platr PlA575, P2't1E P:ltt15|s, Hll75, P241 10). 7125-t 20O:l?r (SlA 5, S12.|575, s2{15, S2415f5, S2'[?5, 5241 10). 7f 35-l2ft9:f t3 (H 12l24,arc'2t?,l. < 3t9€6{ (PlBs, P121575, Prl415, Pz,f 1575. EI/175, Pilrf l 10, s1215, s121575, 3415, 52415?5. S2/t75, S2/t110, Ht224, 1{c12,2/t). Spec{rAh r, S!|f|c€bcutr, and IUU{lrtr af€ tede- nt€r*s d qFt€tn Sslsor, a dt lsbn of Pintilay CrorPdalin. MEA Thb (hrrtst b noa alsd€d b bo usad ft. inslalbfin pr|]pG. uae tylo l(..9 €r Fodrcl irrbrnafc| rFffiad etah. l'lb cand oov€r Cl lpscft applctlitE s a airqb al rEad|gtEis. A, spEificatqE a.e srti€d b .nat[o riou.a tdi(t For t||d€ inlbmdix|, cq|H XO|TCR Pfut: (ZXl) aa+7161 FA)C (203)'|a4-7llE I C)fl Fl ER' One FrF{-{. PlD, t{ororb{, Connodiot 0e{72 lso-$nl E EirE titE and l'l'rut ttlitr Arany Slsbm Crtrd b lnbnraliold Sbrdad [Kl.gtrt E lld. in t|l U-St- tt{-5&}9 - Pr0oId6 "\lFFnl:\lnF\l? TFrrrT\r^ 1 rtlUEiCNLCd r iC0l i.ltu a IIISPECTIO}I SERI/ICES IIIC, 12084 VASEET{ CT. coirFER, GoLmAm 80433 (303) 674-7560 Paga I of 3 OBSERVATIOI{ REFORT Client: _-,!.T. Belqa & Company ITIS Job Location: No. 082100 oate:10- 10-00 Project:Antlers Condominium Remodel Vai'l Col orado Inspector:George Schwandt This 'report package contalns lnformat'lon concernlng speclfic tests and lnspectlons of structural steel reldlng, structural boltlng, structural sprayedfireproofing, andlor nondsstruct'lve testing. Only the forns approprllte to the typesof tnspectlons and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The speclflc crJteria utllized in judging the degree of confonnance for each areaof inspection 'ls contained on each lndlvldua'l lnspectlon forn. Also included ln this inspactlon package nay be ITIS' 'Llst of 0utstanding Discrepancles (O.0. Llst)'. The 0.D. Llst Hlll be consccutlvcly nunbcrcd throughoutthe duratlon of ths proJect for each page lssu6d, as rl1l be the dsflclent ltms contalned ln tha ltsts. If there areto contact ITIS 8t tny questions regarding th€ content of thls ngpor"t, please feel free your conven'lence. //; David L. Sturgeon President IGID Certtfled Lgvel III Alls QC-l DISTRIBUTIONS: Antlers Condominium Association J.T. Berqa & Co:, Inc. - Attn: Hr. Casson Euilding Corp. - Attn: ttr. Havekost & Associates, PC Redwlne/Rezian Jack Berga Joe Casson Inspector: Fi el d l{ade I'Je i ds :rrsru r16ge elos: tr thnn TJDe of ttetcs lnspffiioii I5)EF:NDENT 7/ESTINGO INSPECTION SERV]CES INC. 12084 VASEEU COi,;, coN tFER. COLORADO 80433 (3031 674-7560 page Z of 3 FIELD II{SPECTIOI{ REPORT FORH INITIAL VISUAL II{SPECTIOII OF I{ELDII{G ITIS Job No. 082100 Date:t0- 10-00 l4ade l,le'lds : ro0ve 0therIlr"I-!:lpo::Tj9lIll'itg.ttreti3!E?t.a-t"iari*JJi''i'mweld, embed, cold formed, retat-siuAi,Appiicabie Code or Standard: Level or E'levation: Grid line'location(s)encomPass P'l aza Ie to concrete embed - 6 lines nspection or tests: From Grid line from G - G.2 lines ---:--- !Provi de ril:::^r:rlsned, "Fu prerixe^d o.o. iiem-numuer inJ o:ii:-;.e; number. Attach thereferenced 0.0. List.' Qn e.e rine irom c--'s-i:riJi,'ui"'iii'rlli *irali"ii Level or Elevation: p'laza Level tcii i' r ii.-iiiliieli i' PpJll!1-ll.lsned, "Fu prefixeo=0.0. iiem-nunrer ana 0.D.-page numuer. Attach the Georqe Schwandt AREAS OF INSPECTIOI{ referenced o.o. t-rst.' _ rhe reaqe insie"hi'sln"i'i-".i'firi;;-dffi;botton side. ten F-2, Level or Grid line E'l evati on : 1 ocati on ( s encompas s i ng nspecEt0n or priate' assioned nFn prefixed 0.0. iienr-numuei ;il b:d:-;age numoer. Attach thefgfgfgnCgd 0]0. tiSt. The ledoa rnrrla tc nni r{lta* .-r,r^r ^- .r-- L^^r-- ^,J-rc u.u. Lrst. The ledge angle is not filIetyilied on the bottom srde.Thi. h.t b""n " -5 From !911ininS condi'r.ions not listed as 0.0. itenrs yere found conforming to the statedcri teri a . IIIOEPilDilI TESNilG I IilSPEgil0t SnllIC$ ilC. 12084 V SEET fi. cflIFER, CO 8(Xit3 (303) 071-7560 Page 3 of 3 LIST OF OUTSTA'IDIIIG DISCREPATCIES L0CATI0N Antlers Condominium IIISPECTOR Georqe Schwandt JoB !r0. 082100 DATE 10-10-00 0.0. LIST PAGE I 0F On-going DATE REPORTED ITEII lto. OUTSTAI{DING DISCREPANCY DATE ACCEPTED PI.AA LEYEL 10- 10-00 F-1 0n G.2 line from 4 - 5lines - the ledoe anole to the concrete enbed plate, f illet rclds are under length on the botton side 10- 10-00 F-2 0n 4]ine from G - G.2 lines - the]edqe anqle to concrete embed plate connection is not fillet rclded at the botton 10- 10-00 F-3 From G.2 to G.8 and 5 - 6lines - the ledge angle is not fillet welded at the bottom slde to the anchor bolted olates I}IDEPENDEI{T TESTI}IG & it{sPEcTi0l{ $ER'llcE$ INC, 1208/t YASEBI gI. ootIFER, ooLOR m 80433 (303) 074-7500 Page I of 4 OBSERVATIONI REPORT Cl ient:,1.T. Berqa & ComDany, Inc._ITIS JOb Location: r{o. __@!L Date:l1-14-00 ProJect:Ant'l ers Condomi ni un/Remodel Inspector:George Schwandt Thls report package contalns 'informatlon concsrning speciftc tests and lnspectlons of structural steel 16ldln9, structural boltlng' structural sprayed fireproof,lng, andlor nondestructive testlng. on'ly the fonns approprlate to tho typ€s of lnspections and tssts conducted have been Orspared and are enc'losed. Tho speciflc criteria util ized 'ln Judging the dsgree of confonnancg for aach arsa of lnspectlon ls contained on Each lndlvldual lnspectlon fonn. A'lso included in this lnspectlon package nay be ITIS' "List of Outstandlng oiscrepancies (0.0. List)'. Ths O.D. Llst nill be consecutlv€]y nnbered throughout the duratlon of the proJ€ct for erch page lssued, 8s tlll be the defJclent ttens contllnsd tn the 'l 1sts. If there are any gu€stions regardlng the content of thls report, please fsc'l free your conv€nlonce. ICBO Certtfied Level III AIS QC-1 DISTRIBUTIONS: Drvid L. Sturgoon Presldent J.T. Berqa & Company' Inc. - Attn: Antlers Condominium Association Casson Building Corp. - Attn: Hr. Havekost & Associates P.C. Redwi ne,/Rezl an Mr. Jack Berga Joe Casson IT.EPENDENT TESTING '12084 VASEEN COUBT coNrFER. COLORADO 80433 (303) 674-7560 Page z of FIELD II{SPECTION REPORT FORI{ INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTI0N 0F IIELDING Inspector: Georqe Schwandt ITIS Job No. 082100 Date: 11-14-00 Field l.lade l{elds: X Shop Hade Type of tte]ds InspffirooveT1peofComponentContainingtheIiliEEted'Je1d_1jEcoIumnffi weld' embed, co'ld formed, meta'l studs, etc.): Precast welded connections (PC Appiicable Code or Standard:AllS D1.1 and AREAS OF INSPECTIOI{ Level or Elevationl Plaza Level PC wall oanel to concrete embed olates Grfd line location(s) 3 line from D - E,8 lines Provlde a cr:tique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro-priate, assigned nF" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Attach the referenced 0.0. List. 0n 3line at aooroximate'l v D.5 line the connection is -- nqt completed due to E'levation: Plaza Level Ledoe anqle to concrcte embeds and PC (completel l ocati on ( s from A - C lines Prov o-priate' assigned "Fo prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Attach the referenced 0.D. List. llone noted Level or Elevation: Plaza Level PC rall oanel to colunn Grid line location!s 5 - 7 lines at 7'-04" west of A 'line Provrde a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also include the appro-priate, asslgned "Fn prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Attach the INSPECTION SERVICES INC. l.Jel ds: 0ther Level or Grid line rcfercnced 0.0. List.llone noted Rdmalnlng conditions not listed as 0.0. items rere found conforming to the stated crlterla. IIIEPENDENT TESflNG o INSPECTION SERVICES INC. r2084 VAS€EN COURT coNrFER. coLoRAoo 80433 (3031 674-7560 Page 3 of 4 FIELD I'TSPECTIOT{ REPORT FORII INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIOII OF XELDING inspector: George Schwandt ITIS Job No. 082100 Date: l1-14-00 Fi el d l.lade l{el ds : X Shop l'lade llelds: Type of l{elds Inspffiroove 0ther Tlpe of Component Containing the IiTFE?ted t{eldTiE weld, enbed, cold fonned, metal studs, etc. ): lfr column, beam,l-rdEi, moment App'licable Code or Standard: Al{S Dl.1 andTF6 AREAS OF INSPECTION Leve] or Elevation: Plaza Level PC wall oanel to PC wall panel Grid line location(s) 7'-04" west of A line from 5 --7 lines, and on 3line from D - E.8 liiEF Provi -priate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number. Attach the referenced 0.0. List. None noted Level or E'levation: Plaza Level PC columns to PC Grid line location(sA-Dand3-5lines Provide priate, assigned "F" preflxed 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number. Attach the referenced 0.0. List. None noted cast velded connections (PC Level Grid or Elevation: line location(s Pr- prlate' assigned oF" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page nurnber. Attach the referrnced 0.D..List.I Rdnaining conditions not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated crlterla. IIIOEPS{OilI TESTIilO E iltsPtcTl0t smvlc$ illc, 12084 V SEEil Cr. OoI|IFER, @ 804it3 (303) E74-7500 LIST OF oINSTAI{DIIIG DISCREPAI{CIES Antlers Condominium Page 4 of 4 LOCATION JOB rO. 0821n0 DATE ll-14-00 O.D. LIST PAGE OF 0n-goingINSPECToR George Schwandt OUTSTAIIDI}IG DISCREPANCY 0n 3 line at aoproximately D.6 line - the PC11- 14-00 wall oanel to PC wall panel is not attached to the embed olate. 06/28/2000 08:0J FAtr 9704788 616 o PEAT LAND CONSTJL @or PEAK I-AND CONSULTANTS, INC. PEAK I.AND SURVEYING, INC PEAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC 9|0{764.r FAX m4re-6r6 rm UoN's Rloce LooP vAlL. co 0167 FA)( TRANSMITTAL IO: Colorado CooErer Aidcd DesiP DATE:612&00 FIOM: Tin Grgon toB No.sn Pagcs to,Follow 0 lITlV; Olco l.{iles F'A-Y: po3)94*2229_ nE: AnucrsCo Joc Casson (303) 58G8269 i Per yoru request wc have rwiery€d tbe prOposed design for &e elorator pit srntp. We Wi acSgn€d the foundAion drain arourd &e pit wftictr slrculd bc "clean' efluem ard can safetiUe joiocd with thc stormwster syst€o- But the denrtor pit discharge shottld bc joined with the sanitsr)' scwer. Therdore it is our understrnding that this is e plurnbing iszue wirbin the brxfding. We generdly ooly design the ss/er otrc€ it leaves the building. If tbe plan remainr as is we bave cooc,efns thrt the l8-x24' fibcrglass basin will require ongoing msht€nsnce, compared with a zump that has an outlet. Ptcsse fEel fiee to contsct us if wc can be offiuther assiststrc€. Thank yotl Tim Cc: Rob Levim, Antlers 47fl146 NeEl Kim;L KimelEngineering (303) 322'8633 , , \.";' 07103/2000 00:55 FAI 970{7EEE10 70: nPn E:roenting ,{llllY: Chris? F,{X: 92fi23tt1 PEAtr IJND CONST'L I 091 e' PEAK I.AND CONSUUTAT.ITS, INC. PEAK I.AND SURVF'ING, INC PEAI( CIVIL ENGINEERING. INC 970{r8€aa FAxg70a7l€lt l@Ll00l€ RlocE tooP vxl- cct 8167 FAX TRANSNilITTAL DllE:lIJl& EROfe linG.lrut JODNO-W9 PqumFollov:O RE: Antlgs Condomiuinur Wc reccntly zupplied you with a CAD f,lc for prr ube h biddlng the road constnrction improrrcmcrns oflions Squarc Loop in coaluncioawith the Afil€r's Condominium i4rovrocnts. We waated to reitcrarc the ecl &d by stppl$Dg ]rou witb rbcse drcs'ing! wc do not $rartnlcc thcir acoracy for earthwort crlculuions or oth€r qu8ntity tsl<coft. Ifpu chosc to do so louwill bc doing it c yolr om tislc Please call us if we can bc offirrdrer assistancc. thapk you" T"rm Robl.eline l&t]rrs47ill46 Joe Caseon (303) 680-8269 Cc: PEAf, LAND CONSUL @01o7/O3/2000 09:.40 FAX 9704708 616o IO: Aolcrs lllllV: Roblrrrir FilC 4764146 PEAK ]-AND CONSULJTANTS, INC. PEAI( IJND SURVF/ING, INC PEAI( CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC ,*n6.g,r FAX 9?D{7681S lm UO 'S RIDGE LooP vAlL CO 8l5t FA)( TRANSMITTAL DATE:1|1|(fr .EROM: Ti4Cagnon JOBNO.|W' Pq.s to'Follow: I RE: AnleaCondmddtn I have nrpplicd thc Tovm of Vail with th 8tt&b€d drawing - a detail for the wood fetafuing ;aI and concrEte watk for the north side of Lionshead Place. In order to appsas€-thehrblic Worts Dcpartnmtwe beve done,tbis dcsign omewhat hastily' We would appreci4e it ifyou could have so6eone with more of a smrctunl ocpcrtisc fi.e. Rcd\piocnalzian) revicw our &sig. We would like their rsyiew and commeors ia *riting. Pleasc lA rs lnow if we carr contact R& R for their reryiew. Thank yog Tino 0?/0t/2000 00:40 FAI 970{768610 PEAf, I.AI{D CONSUL @oz J =ulrJ(D F >- (, Y.4 =aUJea tdF u.Juozo C) ?-\- o IJF UJE C'zoo o LrJ e& ffie{2.*E tr.lEE =ffOF 6- EFE= I I I i+ ir =x * = ix 3o ll-'z-N= : I (T .u)---, H z/LJl aEZ.a =v)yZ. H9 =F2 oo_ LrJ Lo?5 =HtrYF>*FoE; io> fiS *o H. F<$<o9+*@ J l-t-Y(J tD \t()oE. ord a = cll I N I EfiE gEE -$':$ lllD lo Ir l! E A iac tt 09/2L/2000 L0tg5 FAtr III{D CONSUL i PEAK IAND CONSULTANTS, PEAK LAND SURVFNNG, INC PEAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC gnornE{€4a F x crHfo{61e lo0 uoN's RIDGE LOOP VAIL CO i FN( TRANSMITTAL I I DATE:9fi2lJffi FROM: Tim Gagnor JOBNO:8o9 Pages to'Follovt:0 970476E616 o kg ol lNc. IO: Aillers 17fi: Rob Levirc FAX4164l& RE: Antlers C.ondominiun Tom Kassmel has recently contacted us to fpr scatus of the road imProvemeots to Lionshead Place. It is our understanding tha thc Town ofVail will allow street constnrction only until October I5'. Ilave you received the oosts you were waiting on? Do we plu to still comptetc the full road constnrctioF fitis fdl? Tfnot, whc is our proposed temporary design Gfthe existing pavernent is not lowcred itwill create a steep grade tlat the TOV may not accept)? Please comact Itm or me 8t your coil'eni€nc€. Thenks, Tim .tii l : nLrg 22 OO 1O:31a Fug ?2 OO 10:lla HavekostlrFlssoc i ates, P' C' Bob !uine 303 863-O661 r -s?o-zOo?22 p.1 p.l R€dwins-Reizian Inc Structur!l Engnoors MEMORANDUM August 22,2OOO TO: Dan Havekost FROM: Bob Redwine SUBJECT: AntlersCondominiums On Augusr 18, 2000, the post-tensioning crews discovered that l0 out of 23 strands rvere mis.sing in the north/south banded sftands at colunn line G.3. This is a very serious omission. I havc rcpcatedly askcd for a special inspector to be on site as rcquircd by the buiftJing code: I am not aware of any spocial inspection having been pelformcd on rhc posl- rensioning stmnds. I Ulked to KLG and HP Geotech on Mooday morning - neither firm pcrformcci special inspection of the stfaDds. oul ftrm lus already spent 34 timcs our budgeteO amoutrt tbr itrucrural observations try ing to observe as much as possiblc lor this tirst P-T pour It is most probable that a sectron of the slab near the missing strands will havc to be demolished and recast correctly. Our office is exptoring solutions at this time. No post-tensioning strand$ are tO be cut without our approvai. No fufure concrete pours are ro otcur without full special iDspection repofts in the hands of the suuctural engineer. We rcquest that CBC submit tbeir proposd plan tbr special inspection for the remaiuder of the project as sgon as pgssible tbr our review and approval. As a minimum, the special inspccrion plan shall include the following for each item requiring special rnspection Per our letter ofJune 5, 2000 (anached). 1. Nameofspecial inspcctioncompany 2. Suuctural components the sPecial inspection company is responsible for 3. Detailcd list of what the special inspection firm will inspect In my memo of August to, 2m0 (attached), I recornrnended that a special inspector be cont;actcd inuncdiatcly to perfonu daily special iospectiofl of nc P-T standS, and shted thal our office will not approve the P-T pours without a specid inspcc'rion report' lf we need a meetiDg to make sure tbis information is pcrtbctly clear, let me know. End of memorandum. encl. Lener of06/05/2000; Memo of08/10i2000 cc: Joe Casson CBC/site ! (zqe) 01 50 Eost Bclvs. Croek Blvd.. Unit 204A P.0. Bor 8009. Avon. CO 81620 (9701 748-071 1 phon€ $7Ol7aA-D722 tat glzzloo fx*Wy fe Jtqr.ffiFqh txv &ob SGVt*e 15'15 A.apaho. Stroct, Suit€ l3O0 Dcnver, Colorado 80202 13031 575-9510 phone 13031 575-9515 tt: l Rug 22 Flug OO 1O: 3l a 22 O0 1O: l2a Havekost*Rssoc i at,es, P. C.303 863-0661 p.2 P,3L-s7oe)-o722 August 10, 2000 Bofaurine Redwine'Rsr2ran Lnc. Strtlctornl EnOrneorg MEMORANDUM FROM: Bob Redwine SUBJECT: AntlersCondominiums Post-tensioued strand and mild steel placemeut on Tuesday morning, August E'h, I nntle a site visit to observe progress. During that site visit, scveral qucslions rvere raised concerning post-tensioning sEand placement at the beams around tirc crane openng and the ramp. Since Tuesday, I havc been concentratillg og helping the general couractor with thesc issues. Unfortunately, this focus on the beauls lras not allowed me to review basic tendon layout issues. On'l'hursday afternoon, August 10'h, I visited the site about 4:00 p.m. and waiked tltc upper parking tloor slab for about I hour. I noted maly deficiencies which ale enumerated in lny tield observation of that date. I recommend that a special inspector bc contacted immcdiately to perform daily special inspections of the P-T strands for thc remainder of the pours. I do uot havc enough time to stay up with the steel placers, aud it is not my iesponsibilitytodoso. InmylettertoyouofJune5,2000,Istacedthatthebuildingcode requires special inspection of mild reinforcing aod post-teh-iorLing rcinforcing prior to pouring ,ri con t"t". To my knowterlge, none crf t.his has occurted ur date. There is a lot of icwork to rlo on the first pour P-T and mild steet placement that would not lrave occurred if a special inspector had been on-site tbr the last 3 days. Late today, I received a call from Paul Waltman requesting a slab inspection for Friday morning, August llh, 2000. This inspection needs to be made by a special inspector; my observalion of today satisfies our responsibilities regarding this pour. Our ofhce will not approve the P-T slab pours without a special inspcction rcPort that verifies dre post- tensioning strand profiles and mild steel placement. End of menrorandunt. TO: Dan Havekost/Havekost t- Associates cc: Joe Casson 99109 CBC 15'l 5 Ar6pahoe Str€et, Suite 1300 O.nvo., Colorado gO2O2 t303) 575 9510 phon€ (3031 575-951 5 f.r Ol50 East Beavs. CroEk Blvd., Unir 204A P.O. Box 8009, Avon, CO 81620 1970) 748-0711 phon€ 19701 748-0722 trx PET\I( I.AND CONSULTANTS, INC. PEAK LAND SUBVF/ING, INC. PEAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. 970476.8644. FAX 970476-8616 . 1@ L|oN'S RTOGE Lmp . VA|L. CO 81657 Letter of Transmittal: ro, Qo[ofado fltar*Lmn, $Pate: 1 Ioh #' aAq I We are sending you: Delivered overnight l\/{ail Trvo Day Mail Fax pick-up Modem other We are sending the following itens: Reprodrtions Spec'ifications Copy of Letter Cbage Order Samplet piskc Other Copies Description Date These are ,, ..-l transmitted: ::, For Approval As Requested Reniewed ---For Your Use \ ./ \rfrilIEwul Commcnt For Your Rccotd t'tJ ctr-^ D r i Lhg--q_t-,rl?-sloD Remarls: Signed: PEAK I-AND CONSULTANTS, INC. PEAK LCND SURVEYING, INC. PEAK CIVIL ENGINEERING. INC, 97a-47 6-8644 ' FAx970-+76-8616 . 1000 LION's RIDGE LOOP. VAIL CO Bl6s7 July 28, 2000 Colorado Deoartment of Health Water Quality Control Division WQCD-P-82 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 Attention: Permits Unit Dear Sir or Madam: The following report is for the permitee, Continental West Constructors, permit number COG071105, at Antlers Condominiums in Vail, CO. Enclosed is the completed Discharge Monitoring Report for July 2000. Sampling and analyses for the required parameters were conducted in accordance with the permit conditions. Flow measurements were determined by calculating volume of water discharged during a finite time interval. AquaGhekil tests strips were used to measure pH. Visual inspedion for oil and grease was performed on site for presence of visual sheen. Analyses for total dissolved solids fl-DS) and total suspended solids ffSS) were performed by Caroline Byus and Tom Thompson ftom Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. The testing methods applied for water samples were 2540 C for TDS and 2540 D for TSS. These methods are found in Standard Methodsforthe Examination of Water ardWastewater, 19th Edition. Recent field observations indicate that two additional discharge sampling points are cunently in service. These additional discharges were needed due to interim construction methods. They include a 12-inch comrgated metal pipe, located at southwest end of the site, and an 8-incl'r PVC pipe that is located at the south end of the site. Permit violations of total suspended solids have been recorded at both of the sampling points (refer to the follcnuing page for a summary of violdions). Also described on the following page are causes of the noncompliance and conective actions taken to remediate the condition. I The previously specified samplirg and monitoring point at the southeast end of the site is expected to be in permanent service folloring completion of the Antlers project. A table shovrring water sample information is provided herein. Violations of permit requirements are summarized on the following page. Romeo Baylosis E.t.T. Cc: Rob Levine, Antlers Joe Casson Continental West Constructors oR=€ 11 ge D'r"t"Ia g,_ EgE H*8 .cry 3 D;x.k"'Xu /^ /1 A I T-)UALL SUMMARYOFVIOIATIONS A violation of maximum TSS ocdned for Sample 2 taken fom the South discharge point on 7l12lOO- The cause of excessive TSS was attributed to the partially buried discharge pipe. During pump openation, the pipe discharges water which causes particulates b be resuspended in he sampling area. The contador provided corective ac*ion by exposing the outlet of the pipe and installing additional filtration media dcnmsfuearn of the sampling point. A violatim of maximurn TSS ocored fur Sample 3 taken ftorn the South discharge point on 7l19lffi. The cause of excessive TSS was undetermined. Test results for Sample 3 taken from he S discfnrge point on 7l25l01 were within the permit requirements. uJ F aI q, o (, E co bq) .o (D olcl(' lrl .E o ct G) E oL o-lll :rl iJ I .( ',J J' 6' o E o o €6 o 5 z t'|.oze zs x uJ z .9 cl) o _tr :o-o o "o 6_0, .u, F z >x9;' o- <z ==|.Eo 3 uJq Lo< v=YX <Gzu =rctDz )x cE;o i=HO6>Eul2At<EE< =oOU| z tr z .' tl .{ ,--t . -': .< f <.-9R "..-}Y s- :-d !9,. * -.t ; --,5 ,r - 3 '':-S--:: -.a-,\-a o-.. ;i<* <.:-',.z.)'-. q.l :-t '.: '.9J - (/'-u> EEHo-z < oo Eulr(, =Go E2o = o = ul -. Ir fi = t! E 0cq olololqololq q:qqr:q: Cl (o@ (l,@(('(o@(C'F. F-t\t\FFt\Ft\ (oooo'rf co6 N@o(c'ocoo$,r-*(O€C'O{ OIOOFOO€OOF F FFTO I-rat F|lt O Ct O*Fral n rr B€€A€€€ rBEA€€€€ri ii QPPRFRR QQSSggRRF (o(o (odd6dd6 FFFFFFFF oo ooooooo oooooooo- aa aaaauraa aaa@aoaad == 33333B3 B33333=3trtr. tt Etttrt v.E.trttrtrEx.ut uJ uJ uJ tu r! ul ut uJ uJuJ t!uJ utuultJ ,qqqqqq Nu)UtOOIO -e(\I(\lc) orato rDo,^o r.lo o|lrtrroou'q! q!: Y? IiiI r 9!: r {1:9 Y? -ttrl!@^iO NNCt(vtOFClTNIF FIFFF -F FF IF!FIF!F!FF ut E H E€ S€€€€Q€ 888€EE€€3 g- BSSss.eS SRSSSSSS o att(u lrJ rJJ u ut uJ uJ ut lLt lrJ u ul trJ uJ llJ uJ u uJ9 ZZ Z Z ZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZo oo ooooooo oooooooo= zz zzzzzzz zzzzzzzz o ::', ":.:l*br-a-h.j9 ,:: : ,':.: lFo. oorogogo 9o9o9999 tE-* lridF9"i3"t P"tR"iP*PP E H at 7,;ea6 ot9r* ".i 3 .i uto:9 F!f o :. ':,:..,:i,'aaorbb.tior-s;F,ocro FFvFF(\F ';.',,. oJoocl ot rt (\lF E€@ :1, o{x<o P B*a ,.:, ! E^ EEs' GL>Eto- lt .F(!6 c Eoo-o t utJo. Ur Fo.iq< aoqtr ?g c)iFNc){Nc)F(\l FFOlF(\|drt PEAK I.AND CONSULTANTS, INC. PEAK LANO SUFIVEYING. INC. PEAK CIVIL ENGINEERING. INC. S70-476€644 . FAX 970-476.8616 . 1Ooo LION'S FIDGE LOOP. VAIL. C0 81657 August 25. 2000 VIr. Rob Levine General Manager. Antlers 608 West Lionshead Place Vail. CO 81657 Antlers Condominium Addition - Frank Pierotti Issues Dear Rob: In the past few weeks we have had several phone conversations regarding the concerns of one of your homeowners Mr. Frank Pierotti. You have also generated several letters in response to Mr. Pierotti. I believe Mr. Pierotti has some valid concems and previously I recommended that the structural engineer and geotechnical engineer review the issues. On Friday August 18, 2000, I was contacted by Bill Houlette with Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. (KCE) reguding the *Pierotti" issues. I was very surprised to hear KCE, the project geotechnical engineer, only first lecned about these issues on Tuesday August 15, 2000. I believe that it is critical that KCE review this matt€r. Last week I recommended that a meeting be called with the key consultants (strucrural, geotechnical, architect, md Peak Civil) ad the contractor. I believe this meeting is needed to ensure that everyone understands the issues. Please call me with any questions. Sincerely, /-lhh Jim Ellerbroe( PE Presideng Peak Civil Engineering Inc. PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. PEAK LAND SURVEYING, INC. PEAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. 970476-A644. FAX 97o47ffi616 . 1m LION'S RIOGE LOOP . VAIL. CO 81657 September 6. 2000 l\,tr. Rob Levine General lvlanager. .{ntlers 608 West Lionshead Place Vail. CO 81657 RE: Antlers Condominium Addition - Storm and Sewer Drain Svstem Dear Rob: This letter is in response to the concerns raised over the sanitary atrd storm sewer exiting the new addition. We have reviewed the iszues and have the following comments: l There is no other feasible location for these pipes other than those shown on the plans. Every attempt was made to keep these pipes out of the "bearing zone" of the fourdation above. 2. With proper installation. pipe bedding, and cornpaciion. wc beiieve there is little possibilit-v of these pipes breaking or leaking. The pipes will operate under negligible pressure (ifany) md ifa leak or break should occur I do not expect a cavern or soil piping to dwelop. 3. Peak Civil Engineering Inc. defers to the project structural and geotechnical engineers for matters regarding settlement potential or other sEuchral issues. Please call me with any questions.'7iltuL Jim Ellerbrosk PE President Peak Civil Engineering Inc. Jun 02 OO 05:18p Hsve t)tRssoc i ates, P. C.303 863-0661 Koeehlein Consultir 12t6llW. ALam€d LAK6,',@D (3031989.1223 (303) 9890?04 FA"\ kos o p.1 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468.6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX June 2, 2000 Joe Casson Casson Building Croup 15630 East Hinsdale Drive Englcwood, CO 801l2 Subject: Underslab Drainl Systatn Gravcl Rcquircmcnt Thc Antlcn at Vail 680 Wcst Lronshcad Placc Vail, CO Job No, 00-060 'Ac.requesred by Danicl J.- Havekost, we have studicd the plans for the floorslab underdrain sys(cm as wcll as visitcd,thc rubject site on several occasions. Wc hsvc bcen askcd to pro vidc an opinion about thc requireinant'of providing a 4-inch laycr of gravel below lbc slab. Thq water app€ars to be entcring the excavation at multiple lcvcls. This is likely due to l<,cations of finc-gnined soils allowiltg thc water to 'pcrch' at varying elwations. The volumc of 'ratcr is significant on this sire.. P'urnping is requircd to lower watcr lcvcls io accomrnodatc cxcavation for footing constnrcdon. Wc. have rlso discwscd thc dnin systcur wirh Peak Land Consultants, Inc. The site has been cxcavrtcd significantly. Bascd on our current knowledge ofrhe site rnd thc . dcsign.assumptionr'for the diain systanr, it is our opinion that gravel should bc providal bclow the slcb. Thc gravel will providc e path for lhe wrtc cntcring thc subgrade soils to migrrtc toward thc drain systcrn- .It is our un&rstanding that.thc systsm wrs dcsigned to draiq lhe underslab soils by colhcting wrtr flowing through soils immediately bclow thc slab. Wc do not . b"li"r. thc wator witl adcquafcly flow tlrough thc natural on sitc roils. Wc also do not bcliwe thn thc foundation dnins \yill intcrctpt rll of thc groundwatcr that may bc cncountutd long tcilr tt this sitc. Cobblcs and bouldcrs encoirntcred during crcavrtion at lhis site will rosult in rough strbgrade . surficc for flab-on.gndc construction. The gnvcl laycr will be rscful in crcating a snooth const$ction surface. AVON (970) 9'19-600{, (970) s4e-9223 FAX Post lf Fax Nole 7671 ol" L/2_. ld!Bt*> 2- " f{ob l<Ui, e ^^ &a ,4aue/e.,sf tuJDspt. Phanc *Phone , Fat I Far I Jun O2 OO O5:18p t,:tHcsociat.s' P. C. 3O3 8 63-0661 o roBCrfiEN AONS! Lttlto Sttt6ruE/r'ls, In C oat tltis i G t ol c c h alcal Bagist ott 'Thg4.inchSravclla'Gr*ouldbcpfovid{r'rgco$|mcndpdbytbourrdcrslabdrrinsyrten . we apFeciste thc oppo4rrniry'to por/idc thic wrvicc. lf wc cra bc of f,rrther scnricq pl3atc Havc kos o ?.? 'foc.Cr*oo lunc 2, 2000 Pagc 2 ... @ntict us. Sincerdy, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS' INC. Willisn N. Houl€ttc, P'8.#i.i,ild; -' - (3 copies scot) cq Drnicl Havckos! Hrvaloit:+ Atsocislcs P'C' cc Tim Gagnon, Pcalc t*nd Corsultans, lnc' (l copy each) IlA.i.;-rzr,i*4ii{li.ir'.,, :<q""iein Consulting en{f,heers, Inc. Con5u$ing Geotechnical Engineers LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX 12364 W. AlamedatPlcwy . Suite 1 35' Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 SILVERTHORNE (s70) 468-6933 (970) 468-693e FAX May 3,2000 Robert LeVine Antlers At Vail 680 W. Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 Subject: Shoring System Excavation Adjacent to Marriott Antlers Hotel, Vail, Colorado Job No. 00-078 As requested I reviewed the plans and calculations prepared by Coggins & Sons, Inc- The pians and caiculations uri for the shoring system to be installed in the excavation adjacent to the Marriott for the Antlers Hotel. In my opinion, the soil nailing system as designed is an appropriate system for shoring the side of the excavation. I appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 4J William H. Koechlein, P.E. President :3-o:...r$t xoecilhin Consulting en{t\eers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkrlry. Suite 115. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) e49-9223 FAX October I l, 2000 Jack Berga J.T. Berga and Company P.O. Box 6178 Eagle, CO 81620-6178 Subject: Sewer Location in Relation to Footings The Antlers at Vail 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, CO Job No. 00-060 As requested '.ve attended the project meeting on September 5, 2000 to discuss the location of sel'er utility pipes belorv the building foundations, The purpose of this ietter is to present our understanding of the site conditions and to provide our opinions as to the long term performance of the building foundations. We understand that three server pipes of up to l2 inches in diameter hat'e been located belorv the building foundations. The pipes are located up to l1 feet below the bottom of footings at column line 5 from column line G,5 to H. The pipes run directly under the footing for up to l0 feet and iheri roughly parailei to ilie foodng until they cross the exterior wall footing, generaily, p:ryendicuiar, The excavation backfill was well compacted with pipe bedding placed at the bottom and the on-site granular soils placed for the remainder of the fill, The excavation was approximately l0 feet wide at the base with the sides laid back. Heavy equipment was used to piace and compact the fill. Our compaction test resuits performed during fill placement confirm that the fill was well compacted. It is not our standard practice to allow,placement of utility linesbelow-&6ting io#iui_rn" e-xcept at localized points of crossin'f fiom inside to outside of a struch.re. "-the foundatioi is then designed to span the trench backfill area to avoid the influence of backfill settlement, Placement ofpipes below foundations is also avoided to protect the foundations in the event ofa pipe failure. LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX a Jack Berga October I l, 2000 Page 2 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGTAIEERS, INC. o KOECHLEIN CONS ALTING ENGINEERS, //|fC. Cotrs u ltlng Gco tach niccl E nglnc c rs It is our opinion that the.compacted {ill will support the stnrcture satisfactorily. The anticipatedsettlement should be within the original design tolerances used for design by the structuralengineer. We appreciate the opportunity to prcvide this service. If we can be of further assistance, pleasecontact our office. ,.-s$g William N. Houlette, p.E. Project Engineer (2 copies sent) cc: Rob LeVine, Antlers at Vail cc: Daniel Havekost, Havekost + Associates p.C. cc: Jim Ellerbrook, Peak Land Consultants, Inc. cc: Joe Casson, Casson Building Corp. }IEPITORTE-PAI!':LAIi GEOTEO{\:IC.{L. FiC. 24{l Annic Rqad P. O. Dra*,er lE67 Sihcrtiornc, CO 8049S Phoae (970) 46S1939 Fa:: (S;Cj 451-5::a ,'t 1\aDF"rF COIVIPACTIdN'_ PRE{.ENG. .{ssoc- E:iG. ST.{ITENG. l'fiLEAGE o'/ata. Yl :-l l,rl-5a.: ' Fn'f t"-jJ:r,r=r\:'rr ^ t -. -: i.;-i-:. a .ural n;fi 7* lrf/c^c Coala. .4//,'l/; h;{. a l" "ltLin € /o.aa re tca a.a a/ F etTrl frb ^nl -t a,'r* e Fa l.&- ft. 4| -A.'.seao4rle eut JQtsr-. | 4oo-z+g ff-PAll],AK c Eo.iEGthlCAI,' NC. Roed . arrcr 1887 .Oorac, CO t0198 Phore (970) 46&1989 Fe= (970) 16S5E r CONCREIE colfPAc'TIoN PR,IN. ENC. ASSOC. ENG. STAITENG. MILEAGE gQurna:rr AT TflE SITE: BSERITD ACTII'ITIES: CONSTRUCTION A & COI${ENTST tt f Cutnot ,;';f""t Z" *Au' A"A- eU;/";' t;/t * e ho of z7a ;* tZl,nc*u; le/ eol/,-fr;. etcQaa/d 7de 3o/1Y eo/' /"aqaftins of tun/or"aned arrg/ re e orJed 2r rQtu/8. Zt --l! "./rnonlrir-^o/ g=Z ,{ TZtJruinf,Z^.f c"./ea/aft /nrs of €E;/-e.f See .rYo:a 3/-e2/ 3 ?r*n*rn - PA*LAK Gr.nr.."*r.,r?'. POST TENSION FTELD REPORT fa,qz / nf f FLO(}R: 1A2au2t 'fu.I,hs* CLIINT:ZtAp<^4o^t #;g I I,*4ccy'ti. to"it DATE/DAII,Y RI'I.tht/oo PROJECI:22 f/ots Co/o r,h, * tc /t lJY'i - t4 ;/t O EPGJOB:+oo.e(F LOCATIQN:lorf C./o, €ag/c C'o'f OBSERVEIT oit^,- COr*TRACtOR:TITLI]:c ..a- traota S{ ar- \t,EAiEER:Clo aaty, .I'ET{P:'pt i'OU?,: lio. J COYMDI'TS: Z U";.lh^// an cqe!q!-! y' ttler4t i/0, lca.ttt ercer,tie /cc'bt& {e/" ACTIO]i N}:EDED OR ITT:MS OF CONC.9RN: I J.lctist! ?7fmq.A.!rt-;E S;sr oZo3 AA 2/3€ DRA\I'INC anC D.t'i'l: tZG 7. 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I .- i:1LL. ..i.: r(-'i.. t . i- .. -.--.- -=2-lzi---t!-l -' .?r*--'-ZL--.': /l-7;rtl / r-l- o.tt tt?^t- 7/? IGP\VORT'I.?.{l!!.gi GEOGGI};CAL, L\C. 2JO .{anic Road P. O. Dr;r.r'cr l.lS7 5ilyer'.borue, CO 6019E Ihonc: {9:0) $1rS9!a-r: (3:lr:'1-1-r-ai* /rn\aFrTc col\f?Acf io)- PnIi. EliG. ASSOC. ENG. ST.\IT L\G. ]'ILEACE 3 - 23'0t I co:*s-::..: lL;i'; i.i--F'l?irs .i: irlttMLNfs: I-'--"-l,,, dp @-fun-Ve,l*:24"u_,j ifu"l"t- /o.. Jtc-ue. f,/n"".-,nf of f*/ rto'ia *'/eo-t-./ g h:-J' W p_r: @ J*-"1. -" -. te- n. " ste a-) be-S-zAtttl ./oo- * :ol-&)Ard a " / Jra 4 AJrtI+tt{ig!L|--ll'-/ co./u*r' -t /-eJ,- . '44 -e fi*-/,e--e.fJ-14 |t fu&e--4?es. r-Ees ,l"/ zo//ee?--tAcea1.--l_?ed_z/_eii/ &o eapzt- a,a i o/' o ft-'/ CSe or'--o4.t-o!-!e izz./.-dct2ifuc s/c! ^/4. l_ i_ I I $Pn'gq]iJ-r,r1[.9; GEOTECiI\:C.{1, L\C. !.1{l .1,u uic R,:ad P. O- Dra.r er l3S7 SihcnSoruc, CO SOigS /- a\'aF FTr rxL\. t.\G'. .Phon c: frr: ..{t3-i959(9i0\5T.{FIENG. }{I!E,TGE trEs DAT?JDAILYiEI,T I o.,I g.24 .ao .Jn:/b_ .l__t "./ 1 EPG Jo3 r:l4ao. e4? .l -J I ac.*e1 (nqa),ao'pp*oas )/e*c btrl-*;l r*/- t^r* s=r-r/.r" c.^f,^"7"4,!frS #rez--dZ .+,!€- ?ea"*e/2._tt4,**_- r', '*f';;Z'rL lr; fl" ,+r/', pnoffi in7D-;/r/., . =41 49-c/*-"/-fue+ lrz-2, ,rt.,, ,y-*f,rz "., t!/c/riit+-tJl-zt? 6.eei/se/ ."d-E&t e -?etztLa o. p/23./tt .(-tj'.rQtlet.'_r J,v ./{f 6ee]'tel aZ4_,?o{a:ire -tgtry_t .._}/_aSy'? lUtt , r e c- *-.r.dp b fu,r^@ f,orr.u J- ee O)4_sfe:!_M! gzii rone - rAd itS^zflrc- t.*jrero rl#.n:/:/*/ eraqlt--o/ .9tr o./ ti,/*rQdpar. - _ 'l 7z --ff_ _?./o.;t ,p/"cqoa./-., y'aat A/.io /n-a( l.bq'(+ th.r lec. >A.el o/ /.e o/,@ 3t ./g_s t.*// z_/.4_.<.: fu , c L__._ I ) .tt'l_.. tSt&.f . &cn" .Ca;//,;q O,?. r. Hf_-G_e"fra/, ., l*3:*c=+&IituE?l #-/{ zt*/_z, , /c'.1 , tego,s(. paz-. za-X-afu.-&g)ps. o+4 r-4r-tql-,l"g A" t!.r"ijVr.lrat,-"-,- o-.. "u __Ii D--,'A ora"-"hr"r"l,A .l Ct trt.*._lrU i'taz-t---ss-t-4?/ e^J .s1"4*=1 |4ql:cg_rt./ flc a,ia,ra/ rlalo. o/.ot-rof__re*a)nt-_ i:,:-.w"@- r.._z:u7r".-L& l-C-.S.--n-d,neac4qe4lc,te.g2),i.ot.fl *ft ,^-_rlt/"fr -:tlr-/b,eA !4"--Z /"fu. Z-z ,*-Jest-h fu-g^.-p--2Ll- r.-&a-,dt-lfltur ot de r/ret tq Jr- ,"r@qe^ Y.et rd t_e_fre_A"l _ .o*e--r.4{*4, . se .ge4t-Ebdrlf-t-n' L--_-* , .--i..-ij ji&E;.i*idr;a r* il .-' -: :-':i.*wE:T:-" CLIE\.T:.T7ZS DTTE;D-4JI,'I' RPT.8/ar/oo PROJECT:fiat'/ex l//'/ia ,hrAiq trnd,F.PG.IOB:400- e+g LO(:aTlON:^;/. a.OTiSEX\[,R:Ory'a^o c(,.r'r'tl.{.cT|lR.:&.9,"911 Caly &;,?iV CtZ.i tt=aEt .. - l ', r't^-r,- btsT'oltia Sct"t?q 70' [[ E;".vc KTt I - ft-is i,Li' rJEcrsclt x t c.l. i POST TENSION FIELO REPOR.T t'"- i d:....:!:r'-i ij{: OZOg 22 4J€?I I I:.;!(_i!:::;(; :-a. .t:.li.t RLe 7.2P, AO tJ!)_- i-'.ri: I illa:r-cj ijlt:t:t:ttrrr i "; a*ng. ffi;-):rraionf.-rJ I I s"l: 1(1IQ}I -\I]EDED OK ITE]TS OF CONCERY: Cli.s:ltat --.;il- '..;-r-u=14 Aug-31-OO O7:l5P o ll '':,,'. .. . -."-.- - ::...i-,.: .:.' P -17 ? 4 f ', z ltt-.- .et-a;z_. ..__3Ye o ..._:?7'-=-. _iV. r;y=:=j=_W*tw-ffi,ffiSodo ! :5.a" :3.k'' iSn3,";-:;-:T i6b | -'^--" 4- 4 ' '-:A:6'' -;l'--;;' -l;:-_1.-:, Aug-31-Oo OTatsP P. la fqqe 7 *t g i :-,;-t r;c:, I J'Ji!.i,iEnr,. :, * r,, * * t, I r., - ., . -] *,,*.,-.;-_ 4.z-: -'_elZ-it:! - i i gc fE _r2 +a ,Ulq ,+to'')?.,i a -.-E-:?---:I./y t17 :l i::t i,-D4rit F.-I-!AF, .-rt"' , W. ETy-.: ' f ? tJeTE'2.c.,75c,';t_s_?-!,'et.i-..5_4d.-d piJ/?.._:!!_t-.'.a--i ..! rrLt-24.^// |i--li i .il._WE=E q"'7:--W:!t."'- VEE 74: --l--: iL l*; rili " :2%-tl:'ll$..iii I i /|34-i --j----i--.- r- -- -J', i /'re .' .--i''o- ' '*-' u ,.-n tt--a, :-:-:-:i-- --_i--iT,:'78::tTjT',-a-r .:i'.--.....'_|-- rill ltir..l_*_t . e i ; : j " tLY+" , .27rQ io:_g_ i - _i- - ,__ i '. ..-. -' z.!..rn ' .--_:z .Vi- :o i ',?o.y' H^nJ i '" ; "-'-"': I "' ": j :--;; t'_)l-_:a***:;.*F_,_a].:{_yi_*r4"a-7Ji'*:_:--,{_r{. ll I AaJg-51-(J(J |t' a l5,-|- . LY f^te 91 ? '!...'-,;y .. .: -=r.1,.:,.r--,.. Q ,,_:. ,!a! 2 :iry{-e_.. -i_3.dr.r . ttl!_ _, / ,E: ,,tyt:z '-E'f .t 7 .?aaco !,i4 ,g -+. 42-oo i : t iz4 J;_-/q_---l i . 31oo I ti lz i _._._.._ . -_-i 4doo i___ ___l t;-9 __ i.. .. _iJ4.__i-Z_--- iW:: " -: i :-' :ru-i--- i4-q -::i l:ii:ii ,t-J!...-i ---.-J-..-.. L.- .....--.-.-.1- -- .-LLPJJi /4 i ! ,: i 4ooD | | /.0 .l'-e "- :-e-.-..... ii tt i -_'. r i 4ooo_t__ _U--q__r_X!.__._i!._L__i-//.rJ..,-:ET- -- -L ---i - ---__-:-' :. :JT- - - :!:! :I*Z::- - i27.ZI- --.r- --f ::*: .:: -.:.::JL"- --t - -|!zt:.. .. ! 2.a/- oa !trit:: :;r_!' {t:s ?'t|- :ti ? Aug-31-OO 07:l6P P -20 IIEPWORII{.P.{1TL..TX GEO TECII\]CT,L. AiC. 130 Aauie Rccd l. O. &a."er 1&S7 Sih'enlo.De, CO 60{98 Fhon* i9?0)-{6+1959 la* tj-r;: :.-i!:i'.r-, t .77f,5 ,-n\-aPFT L' co]fi'.{c:rro}-- PREi E}iG. -A,SSoc- EJo- SI.{FFENG. TIE'ACE I lrrI.I,D-{IT,Y R.EFT I IIPti Jf.l3 #;l4ao.z | (j35:ERv:R.:i o)y'o*o I,.-: II \4;.{.Iifi:i:ts^ory--... .... I CO -';-iL- : ",L- :'l-' : i .: --.-!'f ]i!.i 3. C rf i !\{INIS: /aa I F I I -"' it" I AUg-31-oO 07 ? l6P P.?l o HEPIf ORTH.PA\14.{F GEOTEGL\]CTL. NC. l1{l Amic Rqrd P. O. Dre''r'er 1SS7 Siherrhoraa, CO 60195 ?hoac (9'o) 16,919S9 fa* {j;i).;:.'+:5:';t /'l'1\:a(rBT'S coluP.{grlor PRE.I. ENG. .{ssoc. ENc. STAIT ENG. ]fILXACE l fRi);5-1-: L4tl/cnc ld?4i,t illl'GJoi;:,,i; i JJI,GJOi;: | 4oo. Z+g I I_?.@__l .LQz/' e o' , I CO:'l1:l:l: I'ii-'l'-i -i''li-, rlliS .. .l;i}utlE\fS: IL--.... I i - -. 4 -116 r r.tg-e "t-4,Aa " 8- i t&?-e*p---11 P 6-e- o& e $'-, i7 t!!- nt 9J Et, t J"e.-r-e-st'n,rhL:!-tT.E:a.t o^. /. Ct!"r/..Fa1.,:g i, l- "-Z;/3-^-&, e/.,'.t af, Cnil l.-d_ZT€:L6,^i'/ 4 /','. Ll-o, c t €1! an . a-r-f- tLerteot flt' #.' i' - --,t e t*1-tt Jt+ t - -dct-dZ -e.!- z c c1'-tr -- 7k -{:'it /"' *"'s) i * o tfa$.d[-. Cu n8 e h& o r? ro,. o rq.+et u., e -, ec.t] I d-^. I . c /.g o /,;.fu" n e hgtd,J.rs-.?fu&{.-&c4.. / rr,* e&_ &-e-ery.. wa rcyd--FL;:+ t I I IIl_.- Aug-31 -OO 07 2l7P P -22 It[-s:fi:() ;.TH P^'il'i-,r-i{ 1i uolr'c'tH ic-'' l" : POST TENS]ON FIELD REPORT I I i ii'8.l,'iRE;{: r l:r;.n-,.:: 'J -'._::::, xt? 7: e89 *r 3?7 r& $ 4* *r * f tr DAIE|O.{ILI' RI'T.WooZrJcc../../ 7?,4/! 4 tt'feo/'it Se-i< ,etll- Ldc a h tLs- n o/ry!/.- cI.rE-{T: I(PG JOB:400'248 ?RO.IECT:O/ana --.-r-?- ?r.attt te?tot fa-v;.q ,h,.I toc.ttlr)s' i c(ls rR^-,-Tc,t., i--- - I Y-;/. Co.ffit_&43!-li29ft-.- - r* t lel'il Il-'l::::ir.rn I iu*r:n5. l..a gt*adti w_ _-rf ACrIo:{ N EEt, t:D oR rrEMs ol!o)El'nr*'e/o. g-f,i-qt.....1, AUg-Jt - t)at (r/:t7P ;::-;c:' A'y'/o,.s ;.,q :.:i:f illl: i':-::O' - P.23 ffiTT;:.-*i-,..ff1-T" i,..*---_1;.."--.;-=:'.,;.'.,,.'. I ,," ir 'i., : I '--r--- i l-:.,j:{ ! li::r,,f . "i----] i'i^,'-..i^- ! " ---iai{r"t-*,:1:i*.---=.-,i--:-:-'. -':- : .*i"-.: tr --i- ::,-i---jj:::1.-i-:-- - -l . .\ -,. , l-i :i.-.; , ..-'..,..J::i i -.,.,"r. ! ..lt I ,r:: : | :,::i l-.,'_-,t--*-i&i{lrt-*:4:|-*--- ....'.--:.---- i ' ::' i -J ---ic.,! .l-t.S:--. .?3*:E-.,.-s--:*t.,d:-Z-. -- - :E-ig - -: :- t-,1--. a.-n:-:--. -. '- ---..-.__- : -Z'-:e"s-'- -_:EJ*c. --'t i t3 i , I i is.o" i i 3" :+4 !li-Iliilll ....i .._l"i -iV;T-i. ._ -:r __j i4 oo t-z2lat:rZV---, 7T', -t lzi 'tz 'f + :7h * --r--_l J..,,r.:.. r.a',t, - :j'r: ri.l t .t-':i,'.:':ic i r {:Ii l.' i :.,' O, :1 A./ i:r - -;ffiET-T__- i q.rr.;;ei 44t 24? ) ./, L-e-- -_ -f- --a:-.---]:--i-- - i-6 n'. .-t €ZtJ 'z i\:';i:: I ri i'ff-jr: -.1-- -f::, :-E{-a -ry-:f:- Iiiilti---l--l-l-w;;1-''..- :_-r,wfi -Li-----::l:iffi;-: !-iI[t::-::- - - --r----]---r; :--:----:'-z:=,'-, t!--:i6 | r r --r-:iL)-*. tT:)77-) Aug-31-OO O7. LAP P.Z5 ;Or:r,.: :: -- :,: - i: /:';t' i.r, ".'. ? :: ;.'i':,::: r,-.,," O F,:.i.T,-=:.:gic ii ::ii:Li: 3;:"5;'; i li-CjlC!:Ait*t 40&24?-J ! | i&it g i7?*.P- : {1 oo :? | j:T --.;-.--.-)-f-n".-:-+r i.\iZ r le' t,La I t3--'-- -t--i i --iq4 i iln- l"{----lr-r--' --: "- i . --, - :L-:Jz:r:-t1TV,---l ', ,---r_*-".- i - |-_:-!:{t--i i 4v1" i+i I- -L- --l-----i -- i --t-'-i---i-.-r-*--r , - ! :@A l=) it{ I s@ -T:;1#=,:-ET ,-3; El:::-L--;---:---i--3t3--l i3v4'i-'t I t-?*+_.-6d'4zLi4_!c+.f req-:tr::+F"i!t-W#Fl ffir " c ^+*r elpj:Eg=--_ - i-;* itve -lwa#4if,_ffi.-l---:,::-'. .. -afr--s-e-|:r--- r---,--- - -,: j:-t------ ------ ! --' -i-i... -_-i_:r-"_-- i I f-.r#nz6r#, Arrg-31-Or., O7: I9P P.26 :-='-".J:?, tt-r,* s/97a0 -;--" -*- --- ]'_,1-i --i-s!s-:-t sh' ittt ir',?--i--::-a -i--"--r-r-u--: "wg-lttl 1f- i ,t: i +tl ll -t- -:-a -; - - - I _.-. -; q v? t- t-4--?.- i. ttl,_*! -- -r:__---.f ., ,, i-=-==---t-i -----! _,, -,r-.I i i ! i .. | | --iisT:i.:ETG-%---is." *i --- Lr: -i+-e-;,_4 iO.;a e lgjjFr_i I I tt II lal' . -J-?i .....-/ ArJg--JI - aJrct P.27 Q=r'. .==.-,.'- i:- ::.': .,;'.: :;*:':'if:'t::.ta ' t ia-.2 e.g I ".:^ i i ----..- : f r,.i:rr. | :'.-.,., i---- i ! a - -i i i i I | ; I ,ilii,ili I t I i | ' ; l_r __l;...--.-i-,r;'liilll :r;iril i !;l rlilt: iirl lrlf ;i:, - AugF3l-oo O, ..2oP P -24 o }IE?}YORIIT-?.,\\IT,.IX GEOTECII\]CIL. L\t. 310 .,\auie Rcad I. O. Dra.r.cr 1857 Silrcrtlorne. CO 80{tS Phooe i9?0) 165-1959 IL\: t......tJ..:r-!,..:_ iFE.ri' /^r-\\:-FF'T co;uP^cTror PR.LY- ENG. .{SSOC, E:\G. ST.{TT E:iG, }IILEAGE i DAr:./i'l[.t REPT | ? -Sl: oo | +oo- ..'.......-'._.. i PR,;-: - iLi--':::-'-.--tfut?e* .,U/,'6i, I FPGJoF #: j Ltl'...:. ';;-.': !/ai | , Co, I (.r3:i:-R\Tl: I'- . l I t Fat..-..., ..-_-1.-.: - = ---:= ii,--- - I I I | ,U dtteeqt't' t? C.tt t B-;Z'," €:- ierll-.J. B. 'i/. y'o o/re^ue s>1,e'r)\-e/ P78.! -/ 0;/ =Cr-," tst,//rq e p. *t-f^'-lo'd 4 cf+-"f "'" l I sfr-at'ha ,/o*t -ryi- t -oo,- tE" /qarf-u*e. - - - -l -t- |li Co "ern &r/o/;"a C*p. ar r,pei/e/-*;-t -4-92-"f-t_Ct"ecz_e@a C:*p. a-:-f@--u,iz-t. -ry--or oa" .. - . 'r ,Irl IIIt. I Aug-31 -OO 07 2ZOp 't., ::nl_.{,_\ ^= =Z&7. __. P -29 Iv,.: . fi.+:, :-; - """-'lt4 ; i ! '51 oo t)At4''.D i Joo , _l; _. i ?rq-i_?!.l: 1, 1 | Sqoo l6' | :6.0" r?" i6 !i ------i.rLLJt r++_ i+z i ?tq- I r_!_)Ez4_1t(...._ l33hizt .t S4oo l_6:..*_L ______i__6.o" t 1_ lrts;i HAVEKOST + ASSOCIATES P.C. 11 E1 GRANT STREET DENVER,CO Ec)2O3 3cJ3,/ El61 - 11e. 1 FA)< 3 O3/A 6 3-06 61 Date Receive, December 22,1999 [)EC 2? 1999 Town of Vail Department of Public Works 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Gary Goodell - Chief Building Official RE: Antlers Condominium Addition/Renovation Dear Mr. Goodell: This is to foffow up on our meeting of September 27, 1999, al Antlers, at which time we reviewed preliminary plans for the above referenced expansion project, confirmed that 1997 Edition of Uniform Building Code will apply to the design and viewed some existing site and condominium unit conditions about which some questions had been raised. The building is classified as Group R-1 Occupancy with a Group S-3 closed parking garage in 2 basement levels. The entire building will be furnished with an automatic fire sprinkler system as approved by T.O.V. authorities. lt was determined that the building, with proposed additions, was not required to comply as a "high rise" structure under Section 403 since floors used for human occupancy are located less than 75 feet above of the lowest level of fire department vehicle ac@ss. We bef ieve, after careful study of the 1997 UBC, that the new 24 condominium units can be considered a separate building (with appropriate area separations) of Type ll one hour construction. The parking garage could be classified as Type I F.R. construction with three hour separation to residential occupancies. Finally, the proposed seven bedroom/bath additions to the existing 01 condominium units and the addition of seven employee units together with the existing seventy-two unit structure should be allowed to maintain the existing Type ll F.R. construction. A copy of our'Antlers Code Analysis" with "Floor Area Tabulation" dated 12122199 is attached for your reference. We are also enclosing copies of site plan and elevations indicating setbacks and locations of proposed occupancy separation walls. We understand that the new 24 unit building would be permifted to have unprotected windoddoor openings in the exterior when ARCH P LA UFIBA ITECTUFIE NN IN G N DESIGN Criteria: Analysis: Sec. 311.2.2.1 ANTLERS CODE ANALYSIS 12t22t99 Occupancy R-1 (residential) S-3 (Closed Parking Garage) Try Type ll one - hour = openings not permitted less than 5'to properg line, one hour construction throughout Then Table 5 -B allows 13, 500 S.F. 4 stories for R -1 occ. Analyze as separate buildings w/occupancy separations. Allow separate building area/height for basement and first story if 3 hr separation, Group S-3 (closed parking garage) from Group A- 3, B, M or R-1 Occupancies. Garage Type I F.R. Separate Building. Sec. 302.4 Fire ratings for Occupancy Separations: Exceptions allows a two hour separation between A-3 and S-3 Occupancies. Maximum height limited by Table 5-B (4 stories). Areas over one story maybe twice the Table $B area. Area separation walls shall be 2 hour at Type ll t hr openings not to exceed 25o/o ol separation wall protected by 1 112 hr rating in 2 hr. rated walls. Extension beyond exterior walls exception: Need not extend beyond exterior wall when projecting elements do not contain concealed spaces or extend to cover concealed spaces. Automatic sprinkler system areas maybe doubled in buildings more than one story (compounded with Sec. 505. L 1 , 505.1 .2 or 505' 1 .3) Heiqht Hour. R-l_-Y*--.-- eight increase one story for automatic fire sprinkler total 5 sto nof if Separation on 3 Sides:q(b,,ot//e rl/e?/ centerline of public ways or yards exceed 20' (100% increase maximum) North East Lions head Circle 27'min. setback to center line' 7',X2.5%= 17.5o/o East Open Space 50' to center line 30'X2.5o/o = 75 o/o South Open Space 60'to center line 40'x2.50/o =1ry'192.5o/o 100% Maximum Limit vTTable 5-B V7Sec.504.2 i Sec. 504.6.2 r/ Sec. 504.6.3 Jsec. sos.g '/r"0," u-, l\io //' i Area lncreases: Sec.505.1.2 Conclusion: Basic allowable area per 5-B Type ll One Hour 13,500 S.F' Increase 100% multi-story 13.500 S'F. TOTAL 27,OOO S.F. Area Increase 1O0o/o (separation 3 sides) ,Q Allowable Area Bldg. #2 54,000 S.F. Basic allowable Type ll F.R. Increase 100% mulit story Sub Total Area increase 100o/o (separation 3 sides) Allowable Area Bldg. #1 29,000 s.F. 29.000 s.F 59,800 S.F. x2 119.600 S.F. FinalAnalysis: Use afternate area increases under Sec. 505.1 .2 (100o/o) and height increase for automatic fire sprinkler under Sec. 506 of one story to total 5 stories above parking garage. Building #l: Existing building with additions; Type ll F.R. (Table 5-B) (01 BRYB and Employee Units) Allowable Area 119,600 Actual Total Area 60,685 S.F. Allowable Height 12 Stories Height 7 Stories + Mezzanine Building #2: 24 New Residential Condominium Units;Type ll One Hour Allowable Maximum Area 54, 000 S.F. Allowable Height 5 Stories* Actual34.334 S.F. Actual 5 Stories Building #3: Basement and First Floor Enclosed Garage; Type I F.R. Requires 3 hour separation to residential & banquet Allowable Area Unlimited Actual 32, 900 S.F. Accessory to R-l Occupancy with One Hour Separation Banquet, Kitchen, Public Restrooms, Bar & Storage: Type ll One Hour Allowable Area 54,000 S. F. THEREFORE: Actual4.200 S.F. Buifding #2 (24 New Residential Condominium Units) Can have exterior bearing walls, intgpigr bearing walls, exterior non-bearing walls, structuralframe, floors and floor ceilings, rooft and roof ceilings and shaft enclosures of one hour construction. Also no protection of exterior door and window openings is required. Three hour occupancy separation between R-l and S-3 , ,f 0/u g/' +'nout, l,-tt/i,'e/ 4V_rcL,,irrffit"vIus9ouqo*up"n"y *p.t"tion bt .ry and S-3* TwohourareEEeF-aration-beffieenseparateR:l-E-uf fdin$s * One story increase for fire sprinkler system ** Sec. 302.4 Exception allouls two hour separation A-3 to S-3.1eo' - FLOOR AREA TABULATION ANTLERS CONDOMINIUM 12t22t99 UNITS 314, 315 316,317 318 Fitness/Stair/Lobby Mech.fYard Stor./Stor 414,415 416,417 418 Sales/Accounf g/ Stair/Lobby Lounge/Library 514,515 516,517 518, 519 Confer/Sta i r/Lobby/Stor. s18, 519 (Flr 2) StairA/est. TOTAL 320,321 420,421 520,521 620,621 620,621( Flr 2) TOTAL Grand Total New Residential Condos. 't22, 222, 322, 422, 522, 622, 722 01 Bed/Bath Add (7 @230 S. F. ) TOTAL Existing Antlers Condos Grand Total Existing w/Addition Garage, Ski Storage, Housekeeping, Offices, Maintenance, Storage, Etc. Lower Level Upper Level Total Garage/Storage AREAS 2,380 S.F. 2,300 s.F. 1,100 s.F. 1,000 s.F. 230 S.F. 2,380 S.F. 2,200 s.F. 1,100 s.F. 1,000 s.F. 286 S.F. 2,380 S.F. 2,200 s.F. 2,304 S.F. 1,072 S.F. 1,664 S.F. 33E S.F. 23,934 S.F. 2,200 s.F. 2,200 s.F. 2,200 s.F. 2,200 s.F. 1,600 s.F. 10,400 s.F. 3,395 S.F. 1.610 S.F. 5,005 s.F. 55,680 S.F. 60,685 S.F. 23.934 S.F. 10.400 s.F. 34.334 S.F. 14,500 S.F. 18,400 S.F. 32,900 S.F. o -ir'-.'ir if 1"'hil' : -' ,t\,a f.', /;. ..- 11 : I,. rtr'' '\1 : r ANTLERS CONDOMINIUM [^\ nL.lADDITION/RENOVATION FEBRUARY 21, 2OOO C i 2,.' HAVIKoST + ASSOCIAIIS P.C. 11 2I GFANT STEEE'T oENVER,CO eO203 'a \*___-r I ---Tollrn of Vail FFIOE CCPY r OYVI{ER: Antlels Condominium Association 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657I I srRucruRAl: Redwin€/Reizian I ARCHITEGT:Havekost + Associates P.C. 1121 Grant Street Denver. Colorado 80203 Phone: 303-861-1 121 FAX: 303-863-0661 EMAIL: HAVEPC@aol.com 1515 Arapahoe Suite l3OO D6nver, CO 80202 Phone: 3O3-575-9510 FAX: 303-575-951 5 P. O. Box 8OO9 0150 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Unit 2O4A Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone: 970 748-071'l FAX: 97O 744-0722 EMAIL: rbr@redwine-reizian.com t MEcHAt{tcAt: KimmetMechenical I I I I I I I 37OO E. 41st Ave. Denver. Colorado 80216 Phone: 303-322-8144 FAX 303-322-8633 Email: kmi@usw€st.net Climate Control Company 1537-130 Road P. O. Box 1042 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81602 Phone: 970-945-2326 FAX: 970-945-8128 EMAIL: climate@sopris.net I ETICTRTCAL: Rivera ElectricI 2107 W. College Avenue. Englewood. Colorado 8O1 1O I Phone:303 937-9300 t FAX:303-922-1421 EMAIL: glawrenz@riviera-electric.com I I I o ctvtL IIIITERIOR DESIGI{ERS FEBRUARY 21,2000 Peakland Consultants. Inc. lOOO Lion's Ridge Loop Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone: 97O-476-8644 FAX:97G47G8616 EMAIL: peakland@ctive.com The lang Design Group, lnc. P. O. Box 1747 Vail, Colorado 81658 Phone: 97G845-8583 FAX:97G845-8592 I I I I I I I T I t I I I T IITDEX . PRO''ECT 00810 DNrISION 1 - MNWEL SUPPLN|ENTIRI GENENTI. COITDIIIONS GnIERAI'. REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ALTERNATES MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COORDINATION CUTTING AND PATCHING COORDINATION REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REQUTREMENTS DEFINITIONS AND CONVENTIONS SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES PROJECT MEETINGS PROGRESS SCHEDULES SURVEY DATA SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES SCHEDULE OF VALUES QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION QUALITY CONTROL TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES TEMPORARY UTILITIES TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES SECURITY PROTECTION OF PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION CLEANING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION AND STGNS FIELD OFFICES STORAGE AND PROTECTTON PROTECTTON OF gIORK & PROPERTY PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS PROPRIETORSHIP OF SALVAGEABLE MATERIALS CONTRACT CLOSEOUT CLEAN-UP PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA WARRANTIES AND BONDS - SIIETIORK 0103 0 oLo42 0r_045 0104 9 01060 010 65 01078 0110 0 01200 01310 01330 0r.340 01370 01390 014 00 01410 01510 0152 0 UI,5JU 0154 0 0r.54 5 015 6l" 01580 0t 590 0162 0 0L625 01630 01690 017 00 01710 0]-720 0t_730 01740 Drvlslotl 2 ex(D:r \q . II UIt[iTL ' llf,YT.lUJ I N ' rffi9 I I I I I 02 000 02110 0207 0 02200 02220 02370 02430 SITEVTORK, SITE CLEARING AND DEMOLTTION SITE CLEARING SELECTIVE DEMOLITION . EARTHWORK EXCAVATING, BACKFILL SLOPE PROTECTION AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, AND COMPACTION EROSION CONTROL PIPES and FITTINGS ANTLERS CONDOMTNIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO INDEX 1 DTVISION 2 . 02500 02510 02511 02530 025'7 0 02732 o27 4), 0275I 02810 02820 02900 02 930 Drvlslolt 3 SIIEI|C'RX(Coat. ) PAVING AND SURFACING WATER SYSTEMS CONCRETE PAVING SANDITARY SEWER SYSTEM TELEPHONE, CABLE TELEVISION AND ELECTR]CAL SYSTEMS ROADWAY BASE ASPHALT PAVING CONCRETE PAVING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS (FUTURE) FOUNTAIN LANDSCAPING (FUTURE) LAWNS AND GRASSES (FUTURE) - coNcRrtl 031_ 00 032 00 03300 034 00 DIVTSIOIT { CONCRETE FORMWORK CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PRECAST CONCRETE - MtsotsRt 04100 04210 04220 DrvrsroN 5 MORTAR STONE MASONRY CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY - llEIlLS 05500 DIVISIOTT 5 METAL FABRICATIONS - I|OOD lltD PrAttlrrcs 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY06200 FTNISH CARPENTRY05201 COUNTERTOPS DI\ESION 7 - TBIAMAL IND INOISTI'RI PRO|IECIION INSULATION ROOFING FLASHING AND SHEET METAL ROOF SPECIALTIES AND ACCESSORIES .SEALANTS AND CAULKING 072 00 07 500 07 600 07700 0'1920 I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE ADDITION/RENOVATION couNTY, coLoRADO t INDEX 2 t I I Drvtsrot{ 8 - DooRtt, ERtrrEs AtfD tfrNDorrs OEOOO GLASS AND GLAZINGO81OO METAL DOORS AND FRA},IESI 08210 wooD DooRs T O83OO SPECIAL DOORSO85OO AUTOMATIC DOORS I 08610 CLAD WOOD wINDowS AND PATIO DOORS I 08?00 HARDWARE DI\nISIOI| 9 . FNIISEES TI 09110 METAL STUD FRAMING SYSTEMS O92OO LATH AND PLASTER AND SIMULATED STUCCO I 09260 GYPSUM WALLBOARD SYSTEMS t 09300 TrLE WORKO95OO ACOUSTIC SUSPENDED AND GLUE ON CEILING SYSTEM I 09650 RESTLTENT FLOORTNG AND BASEI 09680 CARPETO99OO PAINTING I 09950 wALLcovERrNG (FUTURE) I DrvrsroN 10 - sPEclar.rlls I I l_0100 MTSCELLANEOUS SPECTALTTES10155 TOILET PARTITIONS1O5OO METAL LOCKERS I 10426 TDENTTFvTNG DEvrcES (FUTURE) I 1O8OO TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES T DrvIsIoN 11 - EQUTPMETE II452 RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES I Drvrsrotr 12 - FrrRnrsanres I 12300 MANUFACTURED CASEWORK T I Dnnsrott 13 - sPEcrel coNsaRucTrot{ DIVISIOI| 1'l - COrnElIltC SISTEIS I L42OO ELEVATORS ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TNDEX 3 TOWN OF VATL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I DI TSION 15 15 010 15250 15400 1s600 15800 15 900 - uEcEtl[IcN. GENERAL PROVISIONS PTPING AND EQUIPMENT WATER PIPING HEAT AND REFRIGERATION MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION Dr\'Isrolt 16 - 16050 16400 16500 E:LECTnTCIL BASTC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION LIGHTING I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE ADDITION/RENOVATION COUNTY, COLORADO INDEX 4 t I t I I I I T I I I T I I I I ''PPLEMENTARY GENERA,i.*'' rto*. sEcTroN 00810 Comnon Reference Standards: Reference in the Contract Documents codes, standard specifications' etc' ptomulgated by Professional or Technical Associations' Institutes, and Societies mean the latest edition of each such standard adopted and publlshed as of the date of the contract. The following standards are hereby made a part of this specifi-cation where applicabte to trades, manufacturers and installation criteria for the Work of this Project. except where otherwise specifically indicated. The following is representative of such standards tog-ther with the abbreviation by which each is identified: AAMA Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Association AA AASHTO ACI AIEE AISC ANSI API ASME ASTM AWSC AWWA cRsl LJ FGMA NAAMM Alurninurn As sociation Ameri-can Assoc. Of State Highway & Transportation OfficiaLs American Concrete Institute Amerj-can Institute of Electrical Engineers American Institute of Steel Construction funeri-can National Standards Institute America Petrol-eum Institute American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society for Testing Materials American Weldi.ng SocietY Code . funerican water Works Association Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Commercial Standard of National Bureau of Standards F1at. Glass Marketing Associatlon NationalAssoc.ofArchltecturalMetalManufacturers I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION I TowN oF vAlL, EAGLE couNTY, coLoRADo I 0o810 -1 NEMA NFPA > L'I ssPc TCA UL FHA n"tiort Electrical Manufactut.t"Q"o"iation National Fire Protection Association Steel Deck Institute Steel Structures Painting Council Tile Council of America, Inc. Underwriterst Laboratories' Inc. Fair Housing Act established by U. S. DePt. H.U.D.; in particular Fair Housj-ng Accessibility Guidelines published March 6' 1991. palties connected with the Project designated by the Owner. T I I t t I I FED SPECS AND FED STANDARDS: Specification Sales (3FRI), Building L97, Washington Navy Yard' General Services Administration, Washington D. C- 20407. MIL-SPECS:Military Specifications, Superintendent of Documents' U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402 rlRa. Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the Town of Vail L99'l Edition, International Conference of Building Officials. 5360 South Workman Mj.lI Road, Whittier' California 90501. SIGNS: No signs will be pernitted on this Project except a primary project sign, identifying captions over offices' certain directional and warning signs required for safety and protection. Contractor shafl take all necessary steps to prevent installation or any unauthorized signs and, should any appear, cause them to be removed innediately, and repair and repaint any damage caused thereby without additional cost to owner- RESTRICTED ACCESS: A. Contractor sha11 use, and maintain in clean conditions site access routes as necessary. No other access shall be used for vehicles or men. B. Contractor and al1 other shall use onIY Parking areas SCOPE OF WORK: Each contractor shall provide all items, alticles, materials' operations, methods listed or scheduled on the Drawings, or hlrein, including all 1abor, rnaterials, equipment and incidentals I I t I I I t I I I T I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO oo810 -2 r necessary and requirQ for the completion ,o. ?. complete and satisfactorv instaLl-ation of his Work in accordance with the true t intent of the Drawings and specifications. He shal1 provide I without extra charge at1 incidental items required as part of this work, even though not particularly specified or indicated. T I t I I I I t I I T I ADDENDA: Any addendum j-ssued durj-ng the acknowledged in the proposal and conEracc. time of biddinq shalL be shalL become part of the EXTRA WORK: No extra work shaLl be done unless such extra work and costs therefore have been previously aPPloved in writing or verbal by the Owner. No claims for extras will be acknowledged unless accompanied by such written approval (CHANGE ORDERS) . In the event of verbal approvals, the contractor shal1 confirm such approval back to the Owner in writing or by facsimile transmission. SUBMITTALS: A. Conform to all requirements of the General Conditions and Dj-vision 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA' AND SAMPLES. B. Wherever possible throughout the Contract Documents, the rninimally acceptable quality of workmanship and materials has been defined by manufacturer's name and catal'og number, reference to recogni.zed industry and government standards, or descriptive or required attributes and performance. C. To ensure that specified products are furnj.shed and instal-led in accordance with design intent, procedules have been established for advance submittal of design data and for their review by the Architect. D. Consecutively nwnlcer all submittals. Accompany each wi-th a letter of transmittal containing all pertj.nent information requlred for identification, E. Shop Drawings: Make all Shop Drawings accurately and to scale sufficient in size to show aII pertinent aspects of the item and its method of connection to the Work. r 1. Submit all Shop Drawings i-n Ehe form of one sepia I transparency of each sheet plus one blue line or black line printr of each sheet- BJ.ueprints will not be acceptable. I 2. printing and distribution of Shop Drawings for Architect's t use wilt be by the Architect. All Architect's review comments will be shown on the sepia transparency when it j-s returned toII ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATIONI rowN oF vArL, EAGLE couNw, coLoRADor T 00810 -3 the Contracto.?rn" contractor shall ."3 "no distribute all copies required for his own purposes F. SAMPLES: Unless otherwise specified, submit all samples in the quantj.ty which is required to be returned plus one which wilL be retained bv the Architect. G. MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE: Where contents of submitted literature from manufactulers includes data not pertinent of the subnittal, clearly indicate which portion of the contents is being submitted for review. Subnit the nurnber of copies which are reguired to be returned plus two copies whj.ch will be retained by the Architects. H. CERTIFICATION: Where certificates of compliance are specified' show on each certification the name and location of the vfork, name and address of Contractor, quantity and date or dates of shipment or delivery to which the certification applies' and name of the manufacturer. Certification shall be in the form of letter or company standard forms. Certificates shall be signed by an officer of the manufacturer. In addition' alL laboratory test reports submitted with certificates shall show date of testing' specified requi-rements for which testing was performed, and results of the tests. TESTING- TEST AGENCY: The contractor wilI retaj-n and pay the expenses of a Testing Agency, except as specified otherwise in the Specifications, to perform the test and inspections mentioned in the Contract Documents or as otherwise deemed necessary and appropriate. TESTING LABORATORY: A. Select a testing laboratory qualified in accordance wi-th ASTM E 329 - "Recommended Practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete and Steel Use in Construction", and as approved by the Engi.neer. B. Testing when required, sha1l be in accordance with aI1 pertinent codes and regulations and with the specified standards, I C. Provide all testing laboratory facilities required to satj-sfactorily perform the testing required under pertj-nent other Sections of these Specifications and within the increments of time essential to timely completion of the $lork. ANTLEBS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I oo810 -4 I I I I T I I I I I I t I TEST: A. The Contractor wi.}1 pay for all tests and inspection. other than those by Public Authorities, called for in Specifj-cations Sections unfess otherwise specified. The Contractor shall' at his expense, furnish samples for such tests and deliver them to the Testing Agency when and where directed by the Archj-tect. B. Distribution of Test, Inspection and M111 Reports: The Testing Agency shall distribute copies of all reports to the offices of the parties concerned as follows: 1 copy to the Architect 1 copy to the Owner - copy - (ies) to the Contractor - copy - (ies) to the Supplier bei-ng tested Copies indicated "-" above will- be determined on commencement of the Contract. CUTTING AND PATCHING In addition to the requirements of the General Conditions and Division 01045 CUITING AND PATCHING' perform all cutting and patching required to remove and replace Work not conforming to the requirements of the Contract Documents, to uncover ill-timed Work for inspection, to replace defectj-ve Work, to make parts fit' properly, etc. Patch aIl surfaces with materj-als to match adjacent where cutting or removal of exj-sting material is requj.red. A. Perform all cutting and patching j-n strj'ct accordance with pertinent requirements of these Specifications and in the event no such requirements are determi-ned, 1n conformance wj-th the structural engrineer's wrj-tten direction. B. Prior to cutting which effects structural safely, submit written request to the Structural Engineer for permission to proceed with cutting. C. Submit written notice to the Architect designating time the Work will be uncovered, to provide for the Architect's observation. I D. perform all cutting and patching needed to comply with the Contract Documents at no addiiional cost to the Owner- RECORD DRAWINGS In accordance with the requirements of the General Condltions and Divislon ot72o PRo,JECT RECORD DOCUMEN?S, the owner will provide the contractor with a set of prints of the original bidding documents, as required and at Contractort s expense' as follows: I t I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION I rowN oF vArL. EAGLE couNw, coLoRADo I oo810 -5 A. rf the aonaQaot elects to vary ,to* t contract Documents, and secures prior approval of the Architect, for any phase of the Work other than those listed below, he shall record in a neat readable manner all such variances on the reproducibJ-e drawings furnished. B. For plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditioning' electrj.cali and fire protectj-on Work. Record drawings shall be maintained by the Contractor as the Work Progresses and as follows: 1. AII deviations frorn sizes, location and from all other features of all installati.ons shown i.n the Contract Documents shall be recorded. 2. In addition it shall be possibLe, using these drawings' to correctly and easily locate, identify and establish sizes of aIl piping, directions and the Iike, as welI as all other features of Work whlch will be concealed underground and/or 1n the finished building. a. Location of underground work sha1l be establj"shed by dlmensions to column lines or walls' locating all turns' etc., and by properly referenced centerline or invert el-evations an rates of fa1l b. For work concealed in the building, sufficient informatj.on shall be given so it can be Iocated with reasonable accuracy and ease. In some cases this may be by dimension. In others it may be sufficient to illustrate the lrlork on the drawings in re].ation to the sPaces in the buildj.ng near which it was actually installed. Architect's decision shall be final . C. The following requirements apply to all Record Drawings: 1. They shall be maintained at the Contractor's expense. 2. AII such drawings shall be done carefully and neatly by a competent draftsman and in form approved by the Architect. 3. Additional drawj-ngs shaIl be provided as necessary for clarification. 4. They shall be kept up-to-date during the entlre course of the Work and shal1 be available on request for examination by the Architect and, when necessary, to establish clearance for other parts of the Work. 5. The Record Drawings shal1 be returned to the Owner on completion of the Work and are subject to the approval of the Archi.tect. OPERATION & MAINTENANCE I4ANUALS: (RCfCT SCCIiON 01?30) - SUbMit three copies of Operation Malntenance Manuals to the Architect prior to indoctrinatj-on of operation and maintenance personnel. Include at least the following: ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I t t 00810 -6 I I I t I I t I A. Neatly typewrltten index near the front of the manual giving immediate information as to location within the manuaf of all emergency data regarding the installation. D. Complete nomenclature and palt number of aII replaceable parts, name and address of nearest vendor, and all other pertinent data regarding procurement procedure. E. Electrostatic copy of all guarantees and warranties j-ssued. F. Manufacturerts bulletins, cuts, and descriptive data, where pertinent, clea!1y indicating the precise items included in this installation and deleting, or otherwise clearly indlcatingr all manufacturer's data with which this installation is not concerned. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCIION AND SERVfCE: The Contractor shafl provide' I the . following specific items of temporary constructj.on and I Servr-ces: I A. Temporary Telephone Service: Job telephone and fax machine j-n I field office bv Owner. r B. Temporary Water: Water required in the performance of the I Contract shall be provided and paid for by the Owner. C. Temporary Electric Power: Electric Power required in the performance of the Contract shall be furnished and pai-d for by the Owner. Coordinate electric needs with Owners representatives on the Site. D. Temporary Closures: Contractor sha1l erect temporary closures over openings when weathex conditions render such action necessary for proper installation and/or protection of any portion of the Work. E. Protection of Work in Place: Work in place that is subject to injury because of operation carri-ed on shall be encLosed with adequate protection. Permanent openings used as thoroughfares for the introduct'ion of work and materials to the structure shall have heads, jambs and sills, well blocked and boarded- All forms of protection shall be constructed j-n such manner that on I I I I t B. Complete instructions all equipment i.nvolved, reassetnble. C. Complete nomenclature regarding operation and maintenance of includlng lubrication, disassembly' and of all parts of all equiPment. I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION I rowN oF vArL, EAGLE couNfi, coLoRADo I 00810 -7 complet j.on, unblemished the entire condition. work will be delivered to Owner in T I I I t I I I I I I I t I I F. Temporary Fire Protection: Contractor shalI provide and maj.ntain fire extinguishers, flre hoses and other eguipment necessary for fire protection during construction. Such equipment shall be used for fj-re protection only. Maintain exi.sting standpipes, hose cabinets and fire sprinkler systems as reguired by Vail authorities. G. Temporary Barricades required to separate work areas within the existing structure shaLl be dustproof. They shall be constructed of 2 X 4's and plywood, adequately provide a neoprenegasket or use strips of fiberglas insulation of fe1t. Temporary doors shall not be used by workmen. The barricade shall bepainted on the "public side" and emergency exit labeled. H. Project Sign: The project sign shall be constructed according to Section 01580. Exact design, text and color as shalI be provided by the Archj.tect, which wilL include the name of the building and of the Ownerr Eny emblem selected by the Owner, the Architect's name and the names of the firms executing theprincipal parts of the lilork. The sign shall be placed in l-ocation as shown or approved'by Owner. I. Scaffolds and Runways: contractor or his subcontractors shall furnish, erect and maintain for duration of the lilork as reguired, all scaffolds, run!{ays, guard rails, platforms and similar temporary construction as may be necessary for the performance of the construction. Such facilities shall be of type and arrangement as required for their specifi-c usei shall be substantially constructed throughout, strongly supported, well secured, and shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations of applicable State and local codes. The several levels of the structure shaLl be connected by means of suitable }adders, ramps and temporary stairsi provided, however, that permanent stairways may be used for such purposes if adequately protected against damage. Open we11s and shafts shall be enclosed as required by O.S.H.A. J. Temporary Elevators and Hoists: If required for the work' Contractor shall provider insta1l, operate and maintain materials hoist and one-man hoist in strict accordance with all applicable Iaws and regulations. K. Temporary Buitdings: The following minimurn facilities shal1 be providld: Refer section 01590 I 1. Office facilities for the fuII time ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Proj ect Representative. I I I 00810 -8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Office facilities and all structures necessary for the storage of tools, materials, and equipment for Contractor and Subcontractors, shall be erected and maintained. 3. Temporary chemical toilet structures with urinaLs shall be provided in numbers as required, adequately sized, Iocated and maintaj-ned in a clean and sanitary cond.ition acceptable to Iegally constituted authorities. 4. Should government' State or local authorities require constructj-on of tempotary barricades or covered passageways they shall be built by the Contractor at no additional cost to Owner and shal1 be painted and maintained in an orderly neat appearance. L. Removal of Temporary Construction: Temporary office facilitiesr toilets, storage sheds, and other construction of temporary nature shall be removed from the si-te as soon as the progress of the work will permit; and the portions of the site occupied by same shall be properly restored. M. Pumping and Drainage: Surface or subsurface water or other flulds shall not be pernitted to accumulate in excavations or in and about the premises. Should such conditions be encountered or develop, the fluid shalt be controlled and suitably disposed of by means of temporary pumps, pi.ping drainage 1ines, trough' ditches, dams or other methods. SURROUNDTNG SITE CONDITIONS AND PROTECTION: A. Prior to starting demolition of parking, garalJe, building elements, drives, curbs, wa1ks, etc. Contractor sha11 establish benchrnarks in the streets adjacent to the construction site. Provide as many benchmarks as may be needed. Coordinate with survey information prepared by engineer. B. Elevations of benchmarks shall be taken prior to commencement of the work and checked, if a change is noted or suspected during excavation and constructi.on. The daturn used to establi-sh the elevations shal1 be sufficiently distant from the site so as not to be affected by any settlement resulting from constructl-on. c. contractor shall clean up general site areas after each week's work in order that premises will be safe and presentable. Maintain barriers to prevent publlc access to constructaon. D. Protect trees' shrubs walls' fences, walks, etc., saved for reuse. I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION I rowN oF vArL, EAGLE couNw, coLoRADo I 00810 -9 o OWNE o I I t I t t I I I t I I t I I t t I OCCUPANCY BY R OF CERTAIN AREAS DURING NSTRUCTION: A. The Owner wiIl require certain existing and/or completed portions of the Work to be occupied during the period when other Work is i.n progress and requests that such areas of the building recej.ve concentrated work to complete them for scheduled occupancy by the Owner. This shal1 be done with considerati,on of the scheduling of the Work by the Contractor. Occupancy of building areas and/or moving in of equipment by the Owner sha1l not be construed to be acceptance of the Work performed under this Contract nor shall it be deemed to be the equivalent of the filling of the Notj-ce of Completion of any of the Work under this Contract. B. Contractor shall be held harmless for any damage done to the work by the early occupancy of the Owne!. CLEAN UP In addition to the provision of Section 0L7l-0 Final Cleaning and The General Conditions the following shall be required: A. Besides the "removal of waste materials" the following special I cleaning shall be required: 1. Remove stains, wash and polish glass and plexiglas inside and outslde. Thj.s work shaLl- be done by persons skilled and equipped for such work. 2. Remove foreign matter' marks staj.ns, forei.gn patina, fingerprints, soil and dirt form (and have in a polished condition where applicable. ) B. In addition to clean-up provisi.ons of the Specificatj-on' Contractor shall take appropriate steps to prevent airborne dust due to the Work of the Contract. Water shall be applied wherever practical to settle and hold dust to a minimum, particularly during excavation and movi.ng of materials. END OF SECTION OO810 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO oo810 -10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEMOLITION SECTION O1O1O - S PART I - GENERAL OF THE WORK WORK COVERED BY DEMOLITION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION Work for this project is intended to result in the addition to and renovation of the building and site including demoli-tlon, materials, Iabor transportation, security, temporary construction and other items identified in, or reasonably inferable from Construction Drawings and Project Manual . RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: SECTION 01310 - Prosress Schedules WORK SEQUENCE Coordinate demolition activity and sequencing in advance with the Owner. Submit a complete schedule of intended activities in each area of the buildlng and obtain approval from the Owner prior to commencj-ng work on the project. Areas in the vicinity of the building will be designated by the Owner for the purpose of Contractor staging, stockpiling, and vehicl.e acces s No porti.on of the site may be used by Contractor without prior approval of the Owner. However, it is intended that a maiority of the landscaped site will be availabfe to the Contractor. Toilet facilities in the buildj.ngs are not to be used by the Contractor, Subcontractors or their personnel. Building plumbing, drains or facilities shall not be used for cleaning tools, or for disposing of construction waste materials. Irrigation system renovation sha11 be carefully scheduled and executed to maintain irrigation of all new lawn areas in good growing condition until acceptance by Owner. WORK UNDER OTHER CONTRACTS Certain elements, materials, and tasks for the project have been identified as being "Not j-n Contract" (N.I.c.), irBy others", or "By Owners'r. Such materials and labor will be provided by others in a manner and schedule which i-s not i-ntended to impute the progress of the work i-n this contract. The Contractor shall coordinate the construction schedule with the owner and Architect and shall give adequate notice as to when other work shbuld be undertaken. ?he Contractor shall review with the Owner's Representative and Architect the time required for various work requlring coordinatj-on. o UMMARY I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDtrtoN/RENovATtoN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I t 01010 -1 Bid Packages shal1 been designed to minimize overlapping requirements and,/or coordination between separate Contractors. Should separate Contractors be awarded for varj.ous portj.ons of a single project, the affected Contractors shall meet with the Owner's representative and Architect prior to construction in order to develop a coordj.nated schedule agreeable to all parties. OCCUPANCY The existi-ng condominium building will be occupied during construction. However, during the time period from 4/12/99 to LI/22/99, a significant number of existing units will be available for constructj.on crews at a daily date to be negotiated between Owner and Contractor. Entrance/Exits, walkways and other areas in the vicinity of the construction subject to Pedestrian traffic shall be protected from falling objects or approPriately barricaded according to governj-ng regulations. Smoke, dust, and dirt shall be limited to the areas of construction. The Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning other areas affected by noncompliance wiEh this requlrement. Work areas shall be cleaned of debri-s and 'broom cleanedn on a regular basis. Remove or contain all debris from exterior site areas which coul.d be wind blown no less frequently than at the end of each work day. Containerized debris shall be removed from the project site whenever container reaches its caPacity. SCHEDULE OF WORK BY "OTHERS" Hazardous materj.aLs Conttactor sha1l remove materj.als containing asbestos, pipe insulation, etc., prior to work scheduled in areas where such materials exists. If General Contractor becomes aware of any hazardous material in areas to receive work under this contract he shall immediately contact the Architect and Owner's representative arrange for proper removal, encapsulate and/or abatement. END OF SECTION 0101O ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I 01010 -2 I I I I I I I t I I I sECTroN 01030 AI,TERNATES PART ]. - GENERAL WORK INCLUDEDwork in this section incrudes material, rabor, and incidentarsidentified and irnplied as "Alternates,',,,A1ternatives,r or,,UnitPricesr to the baslc Construction. ATTERNATESlvork identified as 'Alternates' sha1l be subject to the reviewand evaLuation of the owner and may be selected for addition toor deletion from the Contract for Construction. The contractor sha1l submi-t proposars for art ailternates.Alternate _proposal-s sharl be those costs which may be added to ordeducted from the base bid should the described work be deletedfrom the contract for construction. The Base eio -shaii ffiall work including described deductive alternates and excludingdescribed additive alternates. Failure to submi-t proposars forall alternates may result in rejection of bi.d. Refer to the Drawings and specifications for additi-onalinformation regarding each Alternate. hlhere Drawings and/orspecificat,ions are inconsJ-stent, the bid shall be cal_culated forthe greater quantity and superi.or guality of work. Each Bidder shall submit proposal (s) for Alternate (s) in Eheappropriate spaces on bi_d forms. Proposars for Alternate work shall reflect the difference inprice for arl trades impacted by a1l additions, deletions,substitutions, changes, or nodifications. Alternate pricessubmitted shal1 be good for ninety (90) days from bid date. The following alternative proposals Formt. END OF SECTTON 01O3O I I I I I T I I ANTLEBS CONDOMINIUMS ADDTTION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO sha.LL be i-temized on the ,'Bi.d 01030 -1 I I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I T I SECTTON OLO42 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COORDINATION PART 1 - GENERAL EOUIPMENT FURNISH/CONNECT l:l_". . .t."- . .Equipment schedule (s ) f or def in j.tion (s ) ofresponslbilities pertaining to assembly, setti;;, and connectj.onof eguipment i-tems. unless otherwise noted i., "c'tLoure or herein,final setting and connection of equipment items sha11 beperformed by the Trade contractor supprying ctrl eluipment item. unless otherwi-se specified, ar1 line and disconnect swi.tches,safety_ cut outs' control paners, fuse boxes, or other electricalcontrols, fi-ttings, and connections not a part of the fixture asfurnished standard by the manufacturer shar-l be furnished rooseby Equipment Manufaclures (other than special fabrj_cated items)and shal1 be mounted and wired comprete by the Erectrrcar. TradeContractor. Any sleeves or conduit requ.i-red for refrigeration rines furnishedand installed under the mechanical contralt shal1 be furni-shed bythe Mechanical contractor and installed by other TradeContractors in thej.r portions of the work. Necessary flues and/or vents and fans of si-zed and capacityrequired to operate fixtures specj.fied, together with finalconnection between rough-in vent -openings and fixtures, will bef urni-shed and instalred by the Mechani-car contractor un.r_essspecifically indicated otherwise. A11- plumbing, hot waterr 9ds piping, electrical, and ventirationwork, both materiar. and labor reguired to connect equipment shall ?:^_f-illi*ed^ ,by .th" SuppJ-ying contracror untess- specificaltyrdentlfied otherwise. The work shall include roughing-ir, "r,ifinal connecting. from rough-in point to variouJ pieces ofeguipment requiring such connections and the supprying of allnecessary materiaLs and Labor for this work, excepE ashereinafter noted. A11 trapsr 9r€as€.traps, sand traps, tail pieces, valves, stops,shutoffs' and fittings necessary are to be furnished inainstalled by the Trade contractor, unress speci.fi-cal1y identifiedotherwise. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLOR.ADO 01042 -1 All traps, valves, shutoffs, punp:l and fittings necessary are to ::-ot"""tX1t"1"" and instalred -ov---tt. Trade co-ntractor supplying rf' because of jurisdictional _ trade agreements or otherconditionsr dnV worli. specifieo p&formea ,-,nJJ;-;il; conrract mustbe done by oth6rs, the contractbi sharr suorei "u"i, ,uorr to thosewho are quarified to do such work or make other arrangements athis own expense as approved by the Owner. PART 2 - COORDINATION SCHEDULE (REFER SECTIONS 15010 and 16170) PURNISH/SET/CONNECT Except as otherwise indicated in the Drawings, Mechanical andElectrical trades sha1l provide, set and wire aLL motors andother i-ndicated devices ai set forth in the schedule below: I I t I I I IITEMFURNISHED BY SET POWER CONTROLBY WIRING ITIRING Equipment Motors Motor Control Center Motor Starters & OverloadHeaters Fused & Unfused Disconnect Switches, Manual Operating &Multispped Switches(carring load currents )(See Section 16170 Part3.02-8Notes3e4) Control Relay; & Transformers (See section 16L70Part 3.02-B Note 2 Thermos tats,(fine Voltage) Time Clocks Thermostats(low voltage) Temperatures control panels ANTTERS CONDOM]NIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATTON TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO t t I I I I t I I I I I M M E M M M E E E M M M M M M M M M 01042 -2 I T I T I T T I I t I t T T I t I I t ITEM Motor & Solenoi-dValves, Damper Motors,PE & Ep Switches Push-button Stationse Pilot Lights Temporary Heating Duct Smoke Detectors Fire Protection Controls(including flow swiLches) All- other itemsspecified inDivision l_5 FURNTSHED BY M M M E M POWER WTRING CONTROL WTRTNG M M M M M SET BY M M M I1 M M MMM All other itemsspecified j.n Division 16 M = Mechanical (Division 15)E = Electri.cal (Division 16) END OF SECTION OLO42 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO o1M2 -3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T DEMOLITTON sEcTroN 01045 CUTTING AND PATCHTNG PART ]. -GENERAL RETATED WORKSection 02070 - Selective Demoliti.on GENERAL Penetrations and,/or serective demori.tion reguired for compretlonof the work (not shown on the Jiawinqsl "n.ii-U"-provided by thetrades reguiring the penetration. c"ttlng -oi-"*L-"ting reinforci.ngbals is strictlv prohibited, without "p6r"".r-- oi tn" structurar.engineer. Before cutting, check drawings, shop drawings and the work ofother trades to coordinate- penetration iocations. utirizeexisting holes cast into precast wa]I and froor sr.abs to maxi-murnextent possible. Sleeves or other. bullt-in components shal1 be provided by thetrade contractor(s). reguirj_ng the sleeve (or tuil-t_in item) .Trade contractor . (s) reguiring sleeves or imbedded items shallprovide coordi.nation of the pr6per location and arignment of suchsleeves, etc. Embedded itemi sharl be provided to tradesresponsible for the construction of areas feceiving sleeves orembedded items. A11 penetrations in weather-exposed surfaces, flre warrs, sight-exposed surfaces, and sinilai conditions shall have pipe- orsleeves fit tight to surrounding construction. rnteriorpenetrations for piping shal1 be caurked with "Fire-safing" asrequired. refer Mechanical . Any additional concrete penetration necessary shalr be coredrilled or saw cut.. Any new openi-ngs in floors n-ot shown on pransor schedur-ed which are desired- or considered necessa.ry bycontractors shall avoid reinforcing steel . x-ray, magnecr-c orother.techniques shall be employed to determine exact location ofexisting reinforcing steel i; order to provi-de informationnecessary to avoid steel rei.nforcing by dri11ing. coordinatefloor cutting. layout with structurlr plans und rei.nforcinglayout, Any 'costs associated with lociting reinforcing .rdreceiving approvar from engineer for cuttlng not shown or ANTLERS CONDOMTNIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATTON TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01045 -1 schedu-Led on pLans shall be paid for by contradditional cutling .i-"p."i"'J. "o'- tor Dy contractor requiring No penetration sh-aII be created by. jackhammer or other impact_#: t : :;t S; "i;;.'JnTr";."f; :'""r'r.. ; r i n " e n! i.,".-i. "u t i r i z e ar :. i i i n q EXISTING CONSTRUCTION To the greatest ex.tent possible, existing constructlon, finishes,and mechanicaL a.nd el.eciri."ii sv"tems wn-icn -"r" loa scheduled tobe removed shal1 u. pioi""i"-a'i.o*. damage du;ng the course of;:I ";::;: : "3;. "0""s"# t"T".n?,ni,t t *f ' kepr r; tnl-'*'i,, i*"' ;;;;';; Demolition and disrnantling shal-r- be performed in segments judgedby the contractor to be c-omprete at the end oi-eacn work day soas not to leave any unstable or unsafe conaitions overnj-ght. Repair all unintentional and accidental damage incurred in thecourse of construction to match existing coi"truction wi.th nonoticeable differences in conti.nuity, - i;'n"ti;i]- o. appearance.Repai-rs shalr be perforrned by trades L*peii-"nEi :-n working withthe material being repaired. Repair aII cutting and demolition of walks, curbs, paving, etc.requi-red for connections to public utirities. -i"p"ir" of wa1ks,curbs, paving, gtc. on public r.ignts-of ;ay "n'.rf be made inaccordance with Town of Vail requrrements. Notify the Architect and structurar engineer immediatelyregarding damage having potential structuiii imprications andupon encountering any unexpected existlng conditions that couldaffect execution of the work as reguir6d by the constructionDocuments. rnterruption of mechanical or elec^tricar services, if necessary,shall be coordinated with the owner's n"pr!"Ltative and/orproper authority. A11- original components to be reused in the finished constructionshal1_ Jce . appropriatery marked and catarogued -io' .""r,re properassembly in finished construction. NOTIFTCATIONS Except as otherwi.se detaired or indicated, the contractor shal]notlfy the structural Engineer and acquire his ipprovat beforecutting any of the following: I I I t t I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNry, COLORADO I I t I I I I I I I t I olo45 -2 I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I Penetration of structurar. concrete frame components i.ncrudinqcorumns, beams, spandrel beams,-ii;;, "i;;",;Ifi war_ls, erc. Planned core drill penetration of fl_oor slabs. Planned penetration of structurar floor _slabs by rectangurar (sawcut) openings not specificalry strown and scheduied on prans. Penetration of work provided by Owner of ,,Others,,. Penetrati-on affecting the operationar rife, maintenance or safetyof operational elements. Penetration affecting the visual qualities of site_exposed elements. Any element where the existence of a penetration or the processof, cutting may render the elemeni unsuitable Eo receivesubsequent work. I{ORK BY OTHERS hlhere cutting and/or patching is identified as being "By OWNERT'.or "BY orHERs', the contractor shaLl coordinate and schedule hiswork wlth work by others to provide a smooth interface of variouscomponents. SEQUENCING/SCHEDULI NGgxcept as specifically indicated otherwise in the contractDocuments, interruption of mechanical and erectrical servicessha1l be prohibited without the prior approval of the ownerrsrepresentative. A minimum of three days (72 hours) prior to anyutility shutdown. PART2-NOTUSED PART 3 . EXECUTION FIELD MEASUREMENTS:verify locations and dimensions prior to saw cutting or drilling.Notlfy the Architect immediately if exi.sting condition dimensioisare at substantial vari_ance with indicated dimensions. PROTECTION (SURROUNDTNG AREAS OR SURFACES)Protect adjacent areas from water staining or other damage due tocutting operation. SCHEDULES ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITTON/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 01045 -3 cutting and patching operations affecting the weather_tightness;:.;:':T:;,";lJ? ff";:?:o'nated to -p.o"ia!- ro. " -;i;iil; PATCHING Patch all areas to serve as finished materi.ars or suitabresubstrate with materiars and rnethods t" ."i"i-l-xisting adjacentconstruction and/or as regulred to rn"irrtair, iir!"..t.o assembly.Fi]1 floor penetratiott" *itn rirl-saring or -o-ttr-er concrete slabin fill areas to maintain structurar- integriiy and/or fireseparation requirements. patch "lr "*i"tr"g -3iii.."" which areinrended ro rlmain as p"it - oi ln. rin:.srrei l-,r-i.iai.,9 incrudingconcrete surfaces such as stairs, stair tordels, cor.umns f100rslabs and elevator shaft wal1s. PROTECTION OF SPECIAL SURFACES Protect. existing exit stai.rs schedured for reuse uri_thout additionof special finish materials. END OF SECTION 01045 I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I I I t ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01045 -4 I I sEcTroN 01049 COORDINATION PART I - GENERAL I As identified in other Sections of these speclfications, the t Demolition Contractor is required to notify the Owner's representative in advance of certain stages of work. The Contractor shall bear full responsibility for delays caused by improper compliance with this Section. Failure to provide prior notification shalI be grounds for rejection of identified work, reguirlng removal and reconstruction at the Contractor's expense. All work required to be reviewed or tested by Town of VaiI authorities shall not be covered until such reviews/tests are completed. The Contractor shall uncover any enclosed work which has not had required reviews/ testing and restore areas at his own cosE. I t I t I I I T I T I I t SPECIAL NOTIFICATIONS The Contractor sha11 notifyprior to interruption of anyincluding fire alarm. the Ownerr s representative '72 hours utility service to existing buildings SUBMITTAL COORDINATIONThe Contractor shall be responsible for understanding requirements of this Contract and for the coordination of workers involvement so as to have no adverse impact upon the schedule for the work. Minimurn coordination requirements include the following: SECTION 01049 - Coordination SECTION 0L340 - Shop Drawings Product Data,/Samples SECTION 0L410 - Testing & Laboratory Services SECTION 01730 - Operation and Maintenance Data SECTION 0l-740 - warranty and Bonds RESPONSIBILITY OF SUBCONTRACTORS A11 requirements of the General Requirements shall have the same effect on all subcontractors on the project, and whenever Lhe word "contracter' is used, it shall carry the same meaning and responsibility as if the word "subcontractor" was used in its place. Refer to other sections of these Division l- and specific requirements of individual technicaL specifications Di-vision 2 through 16 for more detailed requirements. END OF SECTION 01049 I ANTLER' coNDoMrNruMs ADDrtoN/RENovATroN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I t 01049 -1 I I I T I I I I I I I I t I t I t t t SECTION O1O6O REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL Work in this project shall conform standards: (In case of conflict to the following codes and the most restrictive shaIl aPPlY. ) Uniform Building Code (l-997 edj-tion) . Uniform Mechanical Code (current edition) . Uniform Plurnbing Code (current edition) . National Electrical Code Related Uniform Codes Standards Life Safety Code (NFPA l-01, current edition) Environmental Protection Agency Regulation (EPA) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Fair Housing Act Design Manual for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Contract *15903, dated August L995' Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards, FED. STD' -l 95, April 1988, Department of Housing and urban Development ADA Accessibiity Guidelines for Buildings and Facilit j-es as published ny reaeral Register/vol . 56 No. 144lFriday' July 26, 1991/Rules and Regulations. Americans National Standards Institute ANSI A117.1 Specifications for making buitdings and facititles accessible to and usable by physically handicaPPed PeoPIe. Amerj-cans with Disabilities Act, Title IIl Technical Assistance Manual, U.S. Department of Justlce, Civil Rights Division' See i.ndividual specification sections for other codes applicable to this project. If the Contractor discovers possible conflicts or discrepancies between requirements of these Contract Documents and indicated Codes and Standards, he shall notify the architect and await sDecific direction on corrective action. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 01060 -1 BUILDING PERMITS AND FEES: A construction permit is required from the Town of VaiI. The Contractor shall pay all permitting fees, charges and . fees associated with the work such as license fees and/or certi'ficate fees. The Contractor shall alrange for required.inspections and ;;t-""t special inspection fees. associated with the work' such as i:t - t uuit, inspectio-n charges, etc . to the extent required ' TAXESine Contractor shall be responsible for and pay the Town of Vaj.l Safes Tax on aff miierials purchased for the project' I STATE PLUMBING AND BOILER PERMIT permits and agency inspection of plunbing and boiler installations are required by the state of colorado Plurnbj,ng Board and the e.if.t tnipecti-on Section. The Contractor shall arrange and pay for such p6rmits and inspectj-on (if required) ' PART 2 - MEANS AND METHODS The Demolition Contractor is reguLatory agency insPections L. Foundation insPectj-ons 2. General structural inspections 3. Mechanical insPections 4. Electlical insPections 5. Certificate of Occupancy inspection (or Certificate of ComPliance) 6. Notification when deficiencies have been corrected' 7. Public R.O.W. improvements including curb cuts' walksr etc. The contractor has exclusive responsibility . for construction means and tectrniquls including compl.iance with. all regulations q"";i"inq safety'TnJ healttr oi employees and-the public in the vici.nity of the pio:..t. The contractor shall assess proposed conditions and rnike -aI1 necessary preparations and precautlons such as shoringf Lt..itg, scaffotaing' de-wate-ring and. o!h9l temporary construction necessary to ac-omplish the work in full ;;6ii;"ae with the requirements of this section' Itshallbetheexclusiveresponsibilityofthecontractorto arrange and procui" -i"v permits, licenses, inspections, and all 0"""*6"t"tion of compriance reguired by governing Federal, State' cou.tty, Municipal and special laws and regulations' END OF SECTION 01060 I I I responsible for coordinating aII including but not limited to: I I I t I I I I I I I I t I t ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDTTION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO 01060 -2 I I T I sEcTroN 01065 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED WORK Secti-on 0L010 Section 01100 Section 02070 Summary of Work Special Project Procedures Selective Demolition I Asbestos Removal: t Where asbestos materials exist in locatj.ons affected by thisproject, abatement measules shall be accomplished by the Owner. Asbestos containing materials may exj-st within the general project alea where such materials are not exPected to be disturbed during the work. If required by regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project, the Owner wiII provide necessary reports, including clearance reports, in a manner and time that will not inhibit the work and schedule of the contractor. SUBMITTALS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) : Copies of all material safety data sheets for aIl applicable products, including but not limj.ted to: paint adhesives, mastics' solvents, and finishes, etc. shal-l- be retained on site by the General Contractor for aIl applicable products used during the construction and/or remodeling activlties. Copies of all MSDSTS shall be supplled to the Owner's Representative upon request and shall be included when the final as-built construction prints are delivered as per applicable contract speciflcati-ons. PROJECT/SITE CONDTTIONS HAZARD COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS : All contractors are responsible for compliance with mandatory federal rules and regulations concerni-ng Hazard Communication' speclfj-cally those regulations contaj-ned in 29 cFR 1910.1200 Hazard Communications. Al-1 Contractors working at site shall make availabl-e to the General Contractor and the Owner's Representative, upon request, copies of the Hazard Communication Program used by their firm- In addition to this requirement, all regulatj-ons related to MulEi- employer workplaces shall be adhered to. These regulations are found in 29 cFR 1910.1200. (e) (2)(i) through (e) (4) specifically. I I I I I I I I t I I I ANTLER. coNDoMrNruMs ADDrtoN/RENovATtoN - TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO t I 01065 -1 Empi-oyers who foduce, use, ol_:!ore nufaou, chemicars ar aworkplace in skh a way that emproyees of otherbe exposed (for ,exalnp{!, "rproy"""_ 9r " .";;l;;.;l5i.r"::l:!"Ulworking on-site) strltt aabiiLonar:.y ".,"ui-"-- inut rhe ,hazard ;:f$:i::lolni'roon,1J*r1fl"too"o'no impr"*"'led under p".;;;;;; (e) (2) (i) The methods the empl0yer wirl use to provide theother empr-oyer(s) with " cgpy 6r trr" m.t!.i.r safety darasheet, or ro make ir avairiuil..i .';#;rr .o"".ron in rheworkplace, for each hazardous. chemicaiiir. o-tir.. empl0yer(s) ,employees may be exposed to wniie--w..ii.gl ". (e) (2) (ii') The nethods the empl0yer wirl use to lnform theother empJ_oyer(s.) of any- precautiorr".y *".J,r-res that need tobe taken to p,rotect empl0yees during_ the workplace r s normaloperating conditions anO in foreseeafl. .*"il.rr.ies,. and (e) (2) (iii) The methods the e-mproyer wirr. use in inform the;::;;r.:3:1over (s) or the l;beiins "1*."i used in rhe (e) (3) The empl0yer. may rely on a,n existing hazard conmunicationprogram to comoly with these requirements, irovidecl that it meetsrhe crireria ehiutisneJ in-t[iJ'paragrapn (e) . (e) (4) The employer shalr make the written hazard communicationprogram avairable,. upon request,^ to ernptoyeesf-in.i, designatedrepresentati-ves, the Assisiant .tj"_lgaqlv-'"-rii' tr,. Director, inaccordance with requj.rement" oi zg crn-lgio.-iit.i.. The referenced regulations were excerpted from 29 cFR 1910.1200.This excerpt sharr not ue--ie:-iea -opor, --ror.-iornpriance withmandatory federar, state ana tocat t"iri.tiJis. tne contractorshalt comprv wirh arr-- sucrti-egu-rltior,"-il;-;;ir be solery riabre::: #.":rins thar all resuir6menrs unaei .-pJii*r" resurarions PART 3 - EXECUTTON I NSTALLAT TON/APPL I CAT ION /ERECT ION ASBESTOS DTSCOVERYThe contractor is cautioned to be arert to the possibility thathis work may uncover asbestos containl"s ;,1t";;.il. rf suspectedmaterlals are found, the conrracror s-nal1 -;;ai;y the owner,srepresenrarive and srop arl work in thg "-; ;;;ii"t"ry. rf rhesuspected materi-a1s prove ro contain "";;;1";;*';;" owner shal.r.arranqe ro have rhe materials abatea in iii;;I; ,n"r,r,"r. END OF SECTION 01065 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01065 -2 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I sEcrroN 0107I DEFINITIONS AND CONVENTIONS PART I - GENERAL This sectiOn defines certain works, phrases, and conventions used in the Construction Documents. Definitions and conventions specified in this section shall apply unless specifically i.ndicated otherwise elsewhere in the construction Documents. DEFINITIONS DAYS Unless otherwiSe stated, the term "days" shall refer to "calendar Daystt. DEMOLISH AIso DEMO Dismantle a defined component. of existing construction, remove 1t from the site' and disPose of it. ENGINEER Design professional acting as consultant to the Architect and/or' Owner. INDICATED Information communi-cated in any portion of the construction Documents. cros s-re ferencing between porti.ons of the construction Documents i_s normally requi-red for complete communication. INSTALL Contractor operations at interchangeably with PROVIDE. the project site. Also used PROJECT All work associated with the project as Documents. PROVIDE Supply and instalI, complete systems ready use. See INSTALL. RElNSTALL Install a comPonent of existing removed from its initial location manner indicated. indicated in the Contract for their intended construction (which has been ) into new construction in thet I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VA|L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01078 -1 REMOVE Dismantle dispose, indicated. WORK AIso THE WORK All work associated with the project as indicated in the Contract Documents. CONVERSIONS IMPERATIVE LANGUAGE Where imperatj-ve language is used in the Construction Documents it is directed at the Contractor. EXISTING VS. NEW CONSTRUCTION ]n these Construction Documents new Construction is not specifically noted as "new'. Existing construction is qualified with the word "exj-stingn (also "(E)' and nexist.r) END OF SECTION 01078 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO a defined component of the existing construction andrei-nstalI, or deliver it to a specific entity as t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t 01078 -2 I I I I T I t I I I I t I I I t I I I sEcTroN 01100 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES PART ], - GENERAL WORK INCLUDEDolork specified in this section incruded speciar requrrements,scheduling, sesuencing, "t".-- *ni"h --u;; ,5iiii"a for orderlycompletion of the prolect. WORK BY OTHERS Il:^^O_t"ll may .provide work on !h" project lnvolving in_houserorces- The contractor sha1l coordinatl nis activilres with thoseof the Owner so. that the scope and ""qrr.rr"" ot the projectproceeds in a loglcaL and uninterrupted man-ner. SEQUENCING/ SCHEDULINGConstruction Schedules Coordination :certain portions of the project may be accessed for constructionbefore stated dares. ceitain porrions of aiii; pioiect musr becompleted before stated dates.- The contractor inarr coordinatehis activities to assure compli-ance with the construction datesestablished by the contract. The contractor will be allowed access to criticar- areas forinformati-on' measurements, and minor work in preparation for thestart of construction. Access prior to the "starl" dates must bearranged with the Owner. END OF SECTION O11OO ACTIVTTY CONSTRUCTION START GARAGE, SKT STORAGE, LOBBY,/OFFICE,01 BEDROOM/BATH ADDITION BALANCE OF COMPLETION ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO MUST BE COMPLETE APRrL 1, 2000 NOVEMBER 24, 2000 JULY 1, 2OOt 01 100 -1 t T I I t I I I T I I I I I SECTION O12OO PROJECT MEETTNGS PART I - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS MEETINGSThe contractor and. primary sub-contractors sha.r.1 meet at theproject sire wirh rhe ArchiteJ ana/or o;;;;'"-rJfr"."rrative forregularly scheduled progress *..tirrg". For this- prolect, thesemeetings will be hLId- twi_ce each month J,riir.g periods ofdemolition activity. The contractor sharl not ,r.ri.l-"tera1ry cancelor reschedule progress meetings without prior .roiiricatio.r. MEETING REPORTS The contractor i-s responsible for conducting and keepi_ng minutesof meetings- The contiactor shal1 transmit mlnutes of meetings tothe Architect, owner's representative ana ot-neilartres affectedby the issues raised and/or resolved at each *""-ting. Di-stributeminutes as soon as possibre after meetr-ng. Meeting minutes shalr-i nal "^^ .rrr\,J. tl \I (: _1. General. progress and status of the project;a. revlew and discussion of progress Report as defined i-nSection 01310;b. comparison of progress with the demolition prolecE.schedule.2. Construction Schedule statusia. portions of the work ahead of schedule;b. portions of the work behind of schedule;c. critical materials delivery problems.3. Change Order statusia. items pending pricing;b. items pending approval .4. Submittals Stauus:a. critical items pending submittal;b. critical items pending review;c. spread sheet log of submittal status.5. Construction problems; a. discussion of construction problems arising from:(1) unknown conditions discovered12) sequencing probJ-emsb. resolution of undefined construction detail_s and/orprocedures.5. Review of unresolved problems from prevj_ous meeti-ngs. I 7. Observation of construction to ideniify and resolveI construction issues. .8. R.F.I. (reguest for information) status spread sheet 1og. I 9. P.R. (proposal reguest) status spreadsheet toq I END oF sEcrroN o12oo t I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNry, COLORADO 01200 -1 I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I SUBMITTALS The Contractor (s) shall submit a complete, written schedule to the Owner's representative and Architect covering a1I portions of the work in tnis contract. Iilork shal1 not commence until such schedules have been approved. No pay applications will be processed until ..t ".c"ptible construction schedule is on file' The schedule shal1 corrunence wi-th the issue of "NoTIcE TO pRocEED", and shatl terminate with the completlon of the project and/or certificate of occuPancy issued by the Town of vai1. Submitthree(3)copiesofconstructionScheduletotheArchitect and owner's represe-ntative for review. one copy wil]- be returned to the Contractor. Construction schedule sha11 be "Critical Path", using bar chart or network diagram, and/or other format accePtable to Owner and Architect. WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORTS At each construction Progress Meeting, the contractor shal1 present a thlee week scheduie of current construction activities ' The schedule shal1 contain planned and actual activities and dates for the previous week, the current week and the next week. MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORTS The contractor shal1 submit monthly progress reports to. the owner,s Representative and Architect- indicating the ac'tual progress of the work. The format for the monthl.y Progress reports shall be the same as that of the approved Construction Schedule' A11 applications for payment must be accompanied by the monthly progreis report. Ho appr:.cations for payment will be processed if current progress reports have not been submitted' COORDINATIONThe contractor shaIl carefully coordinate demolition and new construction to prevenE excessive exposure of unprotected building components. The owner reserves the right to request reasonable modificatlons to construction schedules to acconmodate special circumstances. SECTION 01310 PROGRESS SCHEDULES PART I - GENERAL ARCHITECT NOTIFICATION Withi.n 2L cal-endar days of the Notice to Proceed, shall identify in writi-ng to the Architect ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO the Contractor all specified 01310 -1 omat,errals, products, installed within theand/or schedule will- which are beyond the and components which cannot be delivered and Contract Schedule. Formal changes for itemsbe considered to accommodate those itemscontrol of the Contractor. T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Material, Product and Component delays not previously identified according to this Section of the Specifications shal1 be the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor and subject to thepenalties defined 1n the Supplemental General Conditions. In the interest of Project Scheduling, within 28 calendar days after the Notice to Proceed, the General Contractor shal1 submit all Division 08700 Hardware and Division 08100 Metal Doors and Frames. END OF SECTION 01310 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01310 -2 T t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01330 SURVEY DATA PART 1 - GENERAL CONTROL LTNES AND POINTSThe Contracto. _:li-ll employ. the services of a registeredProfessional Engj_neer to establish the Uase lines, gradeerevations, €tc- provide arr stirls. temprates, platforms, rangesand Labor requi-red in the setcing of' contror- fornts and theraying out of the work. rnl--contractor shari preserve andmaintain arr contror rines and points until tn" project isaccepted. The_*Topographic._Sur.ve_V], prepared by Eagle Valley Surveying fnc.#2372 dated 2/4/9'7 stratt ier.re as the basis of su'rvey i_nformationand reference data. (Reproduced in contract documents.) LAYOUT Iilorking from lines and revers established by the property survey,as indicated in relation to the work, eltauriin and maintainbench marks, batter boards and other dependable markers to setthe lines and levels for the work at each story of constructionand elsewhere on the site as needed to prope-rly locate everyelement of the work for the entire project. cal-culate and measure required dimensions as shown withinrecognized.or specified tolerances. Do not scale the Drawings. rfany dimension cannot be determined by written dimensions tr bythe carcuration of dimensioned components, contact the Architecland/or Engineer for additional j_nstructj.ons. COORDTNATION coordinate all trades and provide additionar benchmarks, levels,etc. as may be needed for proper execution of the work. END OF SECTTON 01330 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 01330 -1 t I I t I I I I T I I I I t I I sEcTroN 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS,PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES PART 1 - GENERAL SUBMITTALSShop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and other submittals required by other sections of these specifications shall be processed in fulI complj.ance wi.th this section. Coordinate and sequence submittals to avoid delays in the work. Provide a status spreadsheet log surnmarizing all submittals for review at constructi-on meetings. Submittals requiring review or selection by the Archj-tect and/or Engineers will be acted upon wi-th reasonable promptness, Label each submittal clearly to identify the project' date' General Contractor, submittal name, and Specification Section number. Do not proceed with purchase, fabrication, or installation of submittal related work until marked either "No Exception Taken" or "Make Correctj-ons Noted" by the Architect and,/or Engineer. work out required prior review shal'l be. subject to rejection. Removal and reconstruction of rejected work sha}l be at the Contractorrs expense. Submittals marked "submit Specified ltem" are so identified to indicate that the item submitted for revi.ew is not a product or material approved for use in the project. Submittal of one of the approved products or materials is required. Submittals marked 'Revised & Resubmit" shall be changed according to notes attached to the submittal and shall be resubmitted. If "Revise & Resubmit' is marked in conjunctlon with "Make Correct,i-ons Noted" the submittal shal1 be corrected to reflect needed changes and resubmitted as a record of installed products and/or materials; however, submittals so marked may proceed with manufacture, fabrication, and installation wj-thout further ArchitecturaL revi-ew. CONTRACTOR RESPONS IBILITY Under no circumstances shall un-reviewed submittals be perrnitted to be used in conjuncti.on with the work. Submj.ssion of Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples sha1l constitute a representation by the Contractor and his subcontractors that he/she has reviewed the submittal and that all measuremdnts, conditj_ons, and relevant criteria of the I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMS ADDtrtoN/RENovATtoNr TowN oF vAtL, EAGLE couNw, coLoRADo I I 01340 -1 o Doc uments have been che ocke .l . werifica. and t st !v!!!:vs,Construction coordi-nated. QUALITY ASSURANCE The Archj.tectrs and/or Engineer's revj.ew of submittals is for overalL design conformance' color, texture' pattern' etc. The Contractor shaLl assume ful1 responsibility for dimensionaL accuracy. quantlty, compliance with Drawings and Specifications' perforrnance, errors, and omissions of Submittals. Any and alL discrepancies between submittals and Contract requirements shall be specifically identified i.n writing at the time of submission. Such discrepancies shalt be considered non-conforming work unless specifically waived in writing by the Architect and/or Engineer. Subrnittals processed by the Architect and/or Engineer are not Change Orders. The purPose of submittals is to demonstrate that the Contractor understands the design concept' and that such understanding is demonstrated by indicating and detailing the fabricaLion and install-ation methods intended to be used. Refer to Specification Section 01049 - Architect Coordination for requirements and outline of required submittals. REVIEW BY THE ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM FULL COMPLIANCE I{ITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. If deviations, discrepancies, or conflicts between Shop Drawi-ng Submittals and the design drawings/specifications are discovered either prior to or after Shop Drawing Submittals are processed' the design drawlngs/specifications shal-I control and shall be followed unless specifically approved/authorized otherwise. SCHEDULING The Contractor sha1l prepare a schedule of anti.cipated submittal dates which shaLl include the date of del.j.very to the Architect and the date the submittal is to be returned to the Contractor. The schedule shalI be approved by the Owner, Architect, and Contractor. No adjustments for project delays due to rejection of submittals will be considered. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COLOR SELECTION No color, Pattern or samples for all such Archi-tect. textule selections will be made until selections have been received by the DELlVERYunless otherwise noted in wrj-ting upon submission to the Architect, submittals shall constitute an implied statement by the contractor that submitted items can be fabricated and ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 01340 -2 I T I I I t I t I I I I I t I I delivered to the Schedule. ject site within the o !,!v posed Proj ect QUANTITY OF SUBMITTALS REQUIRED ine Architect requires a minimum of two (2) copies of each submittal for his files. submittals requiring action by any of the Architectrs consultants will require one (1) addi-tional copy for each consuftant involved. For submittals larger than l-1' x !7", submit one reproducible copy to the Architect, in addition to the minimum quantities specified above. SUBMITTALS SubmittaLs shall Drocedures: conform to the following requirements and o l1! v SHOP DRAWINGS (SD) (Refer Section 00810) Shop Drawings shall be clear and accurate graphic representations drawn at an appropriate sca1e, with complete information details' and dimensions necessary for proper fabri-cation' construction, assembly, and installation. ROUGH-IN DRAWINGS (RD) For atl equipment requiring mechanical and,/or electrical connecEl-ons, rough-in drawings shall be provided which show size and location reqriired for aII utilities. Where flexible or quick- connects are to be provided, submittaLs shall clearly show the size, type, and Iocaiion of rough-in piping/electrical etc' PRODUCT DATA (PD) Product Data, including manufacturerts literature, specl-mens, guarantees,/warrantj.es, and test data shall be for information and iecord only. Unless otherwj-se noted, the Architect and/or Engineer wiil not return reviewed Product Data submittals to the Contractor. SAMPLES (SA) Provide samples identical to conditions and materials proposed in the work. Where the Architect's selection is required, provide a complete set of optional samples. where required, plepare samples to conform to the Architect's specifications. Adequately labeI each sample for distinguishing future duplication in the work. and precise REGULATORY SUBMITTALS submi-ttals to regulatory agencies shall- be provided in the quantities and foimats a! specified by the regulatory agencies ' S-ubmit two copies of all such submittals to the Architect' Submit the required- number of documents directly to the regulatory agency. I ANTLER' coNDoMtNtuMs ADDtrtoN/RENovATtoN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I t 01340 -3 MANUFA.T'*'* ot r rrcATroN/.ERTr FrcAT roN Subrnit 3 copies of required manufacturer o cert APPLICATOR QUALI FICATION/ CERTl FICATIONApplicator Qualification,/Certification shall consist of acerti.ficate, Ietter, or other appropriate document issued by aproduct manufacturer or regulatory agency which states that the company or individual who i.s applylng or installing the product has been trained and/or certified by the certificate j.ssuer andthat product guarantees/warranties will be honored. Submit 3copies of each qualification/certification document. TEST REPORTS The results of test reports prepared by the Contractor's testingconsultants will be forwarded to Ohrner I s Representative,Architect, Eng:ineer and Contractor by the testing company as soonas results are available. OTHER SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall provide additional data as requested where such information is needed to verify compliance of materials, processes or workmanship with Contract Documents. END OF SECTION 01340 trla-ar1/1ne I t I t t I t t I I T I t I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01340 -4 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I SECTION 01370 SCHEDULE OF VALUES PART 1 . GENERAL upon teceipt of "Notice to Proceedr' and before the first eilplication for Payment, contractor will, !n coordination with iiritiaf submittals, submit three (3) copies of a schedule of values according to C.S.I. format for approval . Schedule of values will provide a breakdown of the conEract sum showing the amount of work that is required by each line item. Arrange schedule of values with columns providing information for each work category, subcontract and./or trade accordj.ng to standard practlce. Refer Book L schedule of Price and Quantities' Except as otherwise required, major cost items,.which are not directly cost of work-in-place, such as distj.nct temporary facilities, may be either lhown as line items in schedule of values or distributed as general overhead expense, at Contractorrs option. END OF SECTION 01370 I ANTLER' coNDoMtNluMs ADDlrtoN/RENovATtoN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I 01370 -1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01390 QUALI FICATION CERTI FICATION PART ] - GENERAL TRADE QUALIFICATIONAs identj_fied in other section(s) of these specifications, thecontractor.proposed to perroim t".t.in portions of the work sharlprovide written certifitation of experilnce i"J q""rirications. subnit to the owner' Representative and Architect a writtenstatement of ,the pro-posed Contractorts gualificatj.ons,experience, and/or manufacturerrs certification to performidenti-fied portions of Ehe work.- Except as specificalry notedotherwise, reguired manufacturer's quiriri""iio., certifi-cationshaIl have been issued and in effect no less than six (G) monthsprl-or to the Bid_.opening. Refer to individual specificationsections for detai.ling requj.rements. Do.not proceed with rerated work until- such certification isreviewed and accepted by the Architect. work which is executedwithout required pri.or gualification review by the Architectshall be subject to rejecCj_on. CERTTFICATION REQUIREMENTSFailure to submit required certification data within thedesignated period or failure to satlsfy the specified minimurnstandards for qualification review by the Architect shalL besubject to rejection. work which is executed without required euarification cert-ification sha1l be subject to unconditional rejection andcomplete replacement according to the specificatibns at theexpense of the Contractor. SUBMITTALS submit 3 copies for certifj.cation, 1 of which will be acted uoonand returned to the Contractor. I END oF sEcrroN 01390 I t I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01390 -1 I T I I I I t I t I t I t I I I SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL WORK INCLUDED The Contractor is responsible for coordination of guality control of the Constructj.on. All acquisition of materials. sequence of construction (except as otherwise j.ndicated) , and means and methods of construction shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Provide "Special Inspections" as required by Uniform Building Code 1997 Edition Section 1701.. The Contractor shall be responsible for assuring compliance with the qualj-ty standards as indicated in the contlact Documents. In addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for: 1. Review of submittals prior to thelr being forwarded to the Architect for review. The Contractor sha1l mark submittals with comments and shall indicate the date and party conductinq the Contractor's revi-ew of each submittal . 2. Spccial Inrpcctioa!: The General Contractor and/or appropriate subcontractor shall employ a special inspector to inspect the following work: WeldingFireproofing of all structural steel members. The special inspector shall submit a copy of all reports to the GeneraL Contractor, the Owner and Town of Vail Building Inspection Division, and submit a fj-nal report indicating conformance wj-th plans and specification and all appli.cable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Buildinq Code (1997 Edition) . 3. Final j-nspection of the project prior to calling for the Architect and Owner's Representative to conduct a final inspection. The Contractor shall provide his inspection cornments to the Architect and Owner's reDresentative prior to the scheduLe final inspection. 4. Verification of completion of punch-Iist items prior to calling for verification inspection by the Architect and Owner's Representative. I ANTLERs coNDoMrNruMs ADDrroN/RENovATroNr TowN oF vArL, EAGLE couNw, coLoRADo I I 01400 -1 STANDARDS Generally accepted Construction Industry standards for matqrials, products, quali-ty, and workmanship shall supplement the Specifications. The Contractor shal-1 provide materials andproducts which conform to industry standards of quality. Construction tasks shall be performed by craftsmen skilled and experienced in the trades required. Work shaLl be subject to review by the Architect and/or Engineer. Work and,/or materials which fail to meet accepted industry standards of perfornance, quality, and,/or appearance will be rejected and shall be brought into compliance or replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP UnLess otherwise specified' or indj.cated on the drawings, material shall be new, of best quality, and without flaws, and delivered upon completion in an undamaged condition. Workmanship shaII comply with provisions of Uniform Building Code (1997 Editj.on) . Workmanship shal.l be the best of its respective kind. Labor shall be performed in a thorough workmanlike manner by quallfied, efficient, and skilled mechanics' acceptable to the owner's Representative, Architect and other trades involved on the job reguiring acceptable substrate for the performance of their work. MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION The contractor shal1 supply necessary backup construction' miscellaneous screws, bolts, fasteners, trim, and other accessories required for the compJ.etion of all parts of the work. Miscellaneous and accessory items shall be of a size, type' and finish appropriate to the task and compatible wj.th the finishes of materials with which thev are used. DRAWINGS AND FIELD MEASUREMENTSThe Contractor shall verify dimensions which may effect the assembly of various parts of the project. Discrepancies between actual and designed dimensions which rnaterially affect the function or appearance of an area shall be reported to the Architect. INSPECTION REPORT The special inspector shal-I submit a final signed whether the work was, to the best of hj-s knowledge. with the approved plans and specifications and report stat j-ng in conformancethe applicableCode. ( 199'7workmanship provislons Edition) END OF SECTION O14OO of the Uniform Building I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO 01.tOO -2 I I I I I t I I I I t t t I I I T I I sEcrroN 01410 TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PART 1 - GENERAL QUALTTY ASSURANCE The contractor is responsible for complying with the requirementsof the contract Documents. Testing- pertirmed br tn6-=o*".r;"Agents sharl not be relied upon by ini contii.toi as suffi-cientto a_ssure compliance with the contract Documents. The contractorshal1 procure and pay for testing necessary to assure that theconstruction is in compliance with the contract Documents.contractor shall. procure and pay for "special rnspections" asitemized in section 01400 and in -conformance with u.B.c. chapterL7. TESTINGTesting Laboratory and/or Engineering services are required forquality control in portions of the work identified in othersections of these specifications. The contractor sha1l provideai.l materials required for testing at no additional cost. Tests required by these Speciflcations sha11 be performed instrict accordance with referenced testing methods, procedures,and condi-tions. Pertinent data shall be included in clear,comprehensive written forms according to the Architect's orEngineer' s requirements. COST OF TESTINGUnless indicated otherwise, testing shall be performed by theappropriate authorized agents, at the contractors expense. Costs for retesting of non-complying work shal1 be borne by theContractor. According to the judgment of the Architect and/or Engineer, ANyportion of the work in this contract may be tested at any tih6for any reason. Costs for such testing shall be borne by theContractor only if such tests indicate that work does not meetContract Document requirements. EQUIPMENT TESTING Equipment testing shal1 be as determined appropriate by the Ownerr s Representative to assure proper performance according tothe manufacturer's specifications for each egulpment item. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDTTION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01410 -1 After all utility connections to equipment are completed, thecontractor shal1 conduct final tests _of .eguipment in presence ofArchitect, Ownerrs Representative, nnginlei ".rAZo. their dulyauthorized representative (s) . Unless waived in.writing by th.e -Owner,s Representatj-ve, therequirement of this seition shalr appiy t-o- arr instalredequipment items having utj_lity connections. ARCHITECT NOTIFICATIONThe contractor shalr be responsibr-e for notifying the Architectat least three (3).working diys prior to commencing work which isidentified as requiring testing. COORDINATIONRefer to secti-on 01,049 - Architect coordination for relatedrequirements and outline of required testi.ng and raboratoryservLces. SUBMITTALS TEST REPORTS Test reports, whether performed for the owner or the contractor,shall be submitted to the AlchiEect, orrnerrs Representative andcontractor as soon as results are available. Reports sha11 beclear, concise, comprehensive wrj.tten forms contalnj.ng requiredtest results. SOIL COMPACTION:1 test per 200 sq. ft. area for each footing/foundation, trenchbackfill, each pit backfi1l, and utirity trenches under froorslabs, walks, terraces and concrete and asphalt paving. ASPHALT PAVING:1 test per 200 sq. ft. area at base course. CONCRETE TESTING:1test for each days placement minimum and,/or each LO cu. yd.,whichever i-s greater. Provide strength tests at ? and 2g days,slump and air entrainment tests. (Refer Section 03300) END OF SECTION 01410 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADOITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I I I I I I II I T I I I t I T t t I 01410 -2 I I I I I I T I T I I T T I I I I I t sEcTroN 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL The Contractor sha1l arrange for aII temPorary util-ities needed by him durJ-ng the proiect and shall pay all fees and changes related to such utilities. The following utilities j.n the existing building will be made avaj-1able for the Contractor's use in the perforrnance of work in thi"s Contract: WATER/POWERThe Contractor may use indicated utilities, provided the contractor supplies aII materials, equipment, and labor required to extend the utility to the work area' and provided the Contractor removes such extensions at the end of each work day (unless otherhtise arranged. ) Plotect utilities from damage and freezing durJ.ng the duration of demoLition activities ' The Contractor shalI take precautions to protect any and all existing utilities which may be utili.zed by him in the performance of his work. No utility shall be overloaded or subjected to usage in excess of the normal usage expected for. such utility. The contractor shall perform such tests as are necessary to determine existing loads and spale capacities so the construction usage can be appropriately sized. Protect water service mains, house mains and fire protection mains from freezing. USE OF EXISTING TOILETS FORBIDDEN lhe use of new and,/or existing sinks, toilets, l-avatories, floor drains etc. by construction personnel is strictly prohibited. The Contractor shlll provide temporary toilets as requi.red for health and sanitation. TEMPORARY HEAT The Contractor shall provide temporary heat during construction as required by the various sections of the specificatj.ons or as needed to assure that work is performed under environmental conditions which are appropriate. Protect the work and water Iines/facilities from damage during cold weather by the judicious application of acceptable temporary heating methods. USE OF PERMANENT HEATING EQUIPMENT Permanent heating units may be used for temporary heating purposed provided: 1. The Contractor makes request and receives approval from the'Architect and Owner's RepresentatLve. 2. Heating unit is safe to operafe. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COTORADO 01510 -1 Contractor shall provide temporary filters for all air handling units. Filter shall be tight-fitting and shall be replaced with permanent filters after finai cJ-eaning of the project. Units and ductwork used for temporary heat are cleaned and placed in first-class working order prior to fi-nal acceptance of the project. 5. Use of the units for ternporary heat shall not reduce the mandatory warranty period of one year from the date of final acceptance. DRINKING WATER The contractor shall be responsibLe for providing clean, fresh, safe drinking water during constluction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Tempolaly heating units sha11 be in good repair and shal1 be maintained in good operating condj.tion during their use..A11 temporary heating units must be tested and labeled by U.L., F.M.,F.I.A. or other recognized organization related to the fuel bej-ng. consumed. Salamander or open burning temporary heating units shall not beused, unless approved by the architect and the owne! I s representative. PART 3 - EXECUTION MAINTENANCEMaintain all temporaly heating equipment for safe and efficientoperation. Provi-de adequate ventilation to prevent condensation and to provide adequate combustion ai.r. T I I T I I I I I T I I I I I I I T I Comply with j urisdj.ction. Maintain all all requj.rements of governmental agencies having temporary utilities in safe condition. END OF SECTION 01510 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADOITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01510 -2 T t I I I I I I I I I I t I t I SECTION 01520 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION WORK INCLUDED Temporary construction required for general prosecutlon of the work. RELATED WORK Section 01100 Section 01530 Special Project Procedures Barriers and Enclosures CONSTRUCTION FENCING The General Contractor shall erect a security fence around the constructj-on site aS necessary to provide access for construction operations and maintain seculity protection throughout the construction period. The security fence shaIl encLose an area sufficient to completely enclose all of the construction site includi-ng Contractbr's work area, sPace for staging, stockpiling of materiaLs, field offices, storage trailers and sheds. The Construction Fence chain-link fence of 6r -0' height (minimum) . The Construction Fence shall be removed by the Contractor at the cornpletion of construction. Damaged or disturbed soils sha1l be regraded and compacted as specified. TEMPORARY GATES AND CLOSURES Where new construction or demolition operations require' gates or temporary enclosure shal1 be installed at each connecting opening. Secure constructj-on site at completion of each days work. SHORING AND BRACINGl{here construction requires temporary shoring, underpinning or bracing of excavations, beams. columns, etc. during excavationt erection, demolition, cutting, etc., the Contractor sha11 provide such temporary construction of tlpe and configuratj-on appropriate for the task. Should engineering be required for temporary shoring or bracing, the Contractor shall acquire and pay for such engineering. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS All temporary construction shalf be installed and maintalned in compliance wittr the regulations of appropriate governmental agencies. END OF SECTION 0].520 I ANTLERs coNDoMrNruMS ADotrtoN/RENovATtoNr TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I 01520 -1 t I I I t I I t I I I I SECTION 01530 BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES TRAFFIC ROUTING Pedestrj-an and/or vehicular traffic shall not be impeded by operations conducted in the execution of this Contract' except as permitted in writing by Town of Vail authorlties prior to constructi.on. Closures and alternate routing of traffic shall be performed in full compliance with the laws, regulations, and procedures of governing authorities, applicable codes, and regulations. PROTECTIVE BARRIERS The Contracto! shal-l erect suitable barriers for the protection of workers and the general public from demoliti,on construction hazards. Barriers shall be accompanied by appropriate signs and/or rnarkings for the identification of hazards. Barriers within public R.O.W. sha11 comply with Town of Vail requirements. ROOF ACCESS BARRIERS Roof access ladders and scaffolding sha}l have barriers provj.ded to prevent access by unauthorized persons or removed at the end of each work day. In lieu of constructing alternate means of egress and circulation, the General Contractor may permj.t coordinatj.on of construction into phases to permit partj.al use of construction areas at all times. ENVIRONMENTAL I{AZARD CONTAINMENT The Demolition Contractor shall erect barriers suitable for the containrnent of environmental hazards, if necessary. Environmental hazard contai-nment barriers shall be constructed and maintained in compliance with the requirements and regulations of local, state and federal regulatory agencies. PERMITS I Contractor shall acquire all perrnits reguired for erection of I barriers in public way. PART 2 - MATERIALS (NOT USED)I PART3-INSTALLATIONr I NSTALLAT I ON /APPL I CAT I ON /ERECT I ON contractor shall erect and maintain barriers to provide continuous effective hazard protection. Minimum standards of governing agencj-es shall be foll"owed. END OF SECTION 01530 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VA,IL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I I I 01530 -1 I I I I t I I T t I I I I I t I I t I sEcTroN 01540 SECURTTY PART 1 - GENERAL SECURITY work areas shar-l be secured at the end of each working day and atother times when. construction areas are not manned. Thecontracror shalr^ ,.l+ri-l;;;;;".y doors, rencins, sares, orother closures ?s needed to pr-rr"rrt the entry of unauthorized:i:::H:i. provlde adesuate -iocrins mechaniims for securiry The existing security provisions may be used provided those|:::ili:ls are adesuite't"-p.."""t ttre eniiv- or unaurhorized The security of connecting or adjacent existing strucrures shalr.not be compromised by tle conslruction. rhe- contractor sharlprovide adequate fenci-ng, u.rii.i", barricades, "t. necessary tomaintain building s"c',rrity "ra ".p".ation from existing areas to.be occupied duririg construction. END OF SECTION 01540 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01540 -1 I I I t I SECTION 01545 PROTECTION OF PROPERTY PART 1 - GENERAL PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS The Contractor shal1 identify existing substandard conditions in writing prior to beginning the work, or assume responsibility for the correction of such conditions under the terms of this section. COORDINATION f The Contractor shall comply with verbaL and written instruction I of Loss Control Agents of the Owner's Insurer to minimj.ze potentially hazardous procedures and conditions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NO REQUIREMENTS) PART 3 - EXECUTION PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTYDemolition, construction, and other operations performed in the' course of the work shall not cause deterioration or damage to other adjacent property or utilities, public or private' directly or indirectly. Construction operations shalI be performed so as to minimize and control dust, dirt, and noise wj.thin reasonable l-imits. Dustproof barriers shall be erected between construction areas and occupied areas of the building. Construction not specifically required to be modified or removed for work under this contract and construction labeled 'to remain" shall- remain undisturbed throughout the execution of the work. The Contractor shal-I provide all appropriate means of protection necessary for accomplishment of this objective. Provide protectj.on from natural elements as required. The Conttactor shall provide, i.nstall, and maintain all shoring' backi-ng, bracing, and other temporary construction necessary for the protectj.on of existing construction to remain undisturbed and as required for the safety of personnel and publlc. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the replacement' restoration, repair, or cleaning of any damage or loss incurred as a result of faulty compli-ance with tbe requirements of this section. At the discretion of the Owner, an equitable settlement value may be established in lieu of correction of damage or loss. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I I I I I t I I I I I t 01545 -1 This amount shall be deducted from the Contract Amount by.Change Order. LANDSCAPE PROTECTION Exj.sting sod, trees, plants bushes, ground cover, and landscaping(not scheduled for removal) shall be protected or fully restoredor replaced upon completion of demol,ition operations. This workshall be included in the landscape allowance. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PROTECTION Mechanical and electrical equj-pment required to be removed andreinstalled to accommodate work in the Contract shall be handledwith the greatest of care and restored to ful1 operation andfunction. PAVEMENT PROTECTION The Contractor shall take precautj-ons to protect existing Town ofVail concrete and asphalt pavement to remain free from damage dueto vehicle loads, delivery trucks/cranes, and storage. Any pavement damaged during demolition/construction periods shal1 bereplaced to the satisfaction of Town authorities at no cost tothe Owner. Schedule loading to take advantage of pavement materialconsoLidation during cooler temperatures. Minimize loading pavedareas during hot weather. Employ plywood to distribute wheelloads to the greatest extent possible. The Contractor shall give written notice to the Owner'sRepresentative prlor to dj.smantling of existing undergroundsprinkler systems. At the Ownerrs option, inspections and/ortests of existing systems shall be conducted in order toestablj-sh performance criteria for any reinstalled systems.Except as waived in writing by the Owner, the performance of anyrej.nstalled systems shall be equal to the existing, withinreasonable limits. This work shall be included in the Lawnirrigation allowance. END OF SECTION 01545 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01545 -2 - sEcrroN 01561 I coNsrRucrroN cLEANTNGI PART 1 - GENERAL I WORK INCLUDED I Work. in.this section includes all materials, labor and eguipmentrequired for the cleaning and waste disposal of constructj-onsite. I RELATED woRK Section 01510 - Temporary Utilities I Section 01?10 - Final Cleaning t REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS r Pollution Control I Conduct all disposal operations in compliance with governingr authority regulati.ons. Comply with all loca1 ordinances, State and Federal Laws and statutes. Prohibitions include, but are not I necessarily limired ro: I L. Burning or burylng of waste materials on the project site.2. Disposal of flammable liquids, acids, caustics or other I hazardous materials by dumping on site or into sanitary I sewels, storm sewers, streets or gutters. PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS I Temporary site storage of construction waste shall be in suitableI containers. All waste storaqe shall be housed wlthin theconstruction fencinq. I PAR'2-pRoDucrs MATERTALS r Materials used to clean manufactured products sha11 be acceptable I to and recommended by the product manufacturer, EQUIPMENT I Equlpment used to clean surfaces sha1l be appropriate to the t surface being cLeaned. I PART3-EXECUTION I PROTECTION (SURROUNDING AREAS OR SURFACES)Protect all surroundj.ng surfaces which could be damaged by cleaning operations. Remove all protective covering when cfeaning I rs compiece.I CLEANING I Clean all construction areas of waste materials on a regular t basis. Completed areas shall be broom cleaned immediatefy after completj.on ( while awaiting final cleaning) . . ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION 01 561 .1 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I END oF sEcrroN or,scr. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I sEcTroN 01580 PROJECT TDENTTFTCATION AND SIGNS PART 1 - GENERAL As part of this contract, the contractor shalr fabricate andinstall one temporary construction sign as follows: SrZE: 48" X 96" The construction siqncolors (max.) ColorJ shal1 be professionally palnted in threeand type style and size to be selected bvthe Architect. Information to Project Title be contained shall be as follows: Owner References including Antlerrs LOGOReal Estate Sales InformaiionArchitect Names of 3 Prlme EngineersGeneral Contractor Names of 3 Prirne SubcontractorsAfter hours/emergency telephone number and name ofperson. Sj-gn format shall be as supplied by Owner or desi-gned bythe Archi-tect. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MaterialsSign panel: 3/4,,plywood Sign posts: 4 X 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION contact X 4r-0n X 8'-0" exterior qlue A-D X 12' - 0" wood posts I NSTALLAT I ON/APPL ICAT ION /ERECT I ONInstall sign(s) in locations as aqreedOwner's Representatives. protect andof project. END OF SECTION O]-580 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO by Contractor, Architect &maintain sign for duration o1580 -1 I t I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t t I sEcTroN 01590 FIELD OFFICES PART 1 - GENERAL GENERAL Temporary Contractor office facilities at the site are a requirement of thi-s Contract. The Contractorrs Fj-eld Office will be permitted to occupy space within existing structure as designated by the Owner. The Contractor shall provide a field office conforming to the requirements of this section. CONTRACTORI S OFFICE FACILITIES The Contractor's field office sha1l be suitable for the conduct of the Contractor's business. The Contractor's office shall be equipped with a telephone, fax and such other amenities as are necessary for the conduct of the Contractor's business. ARCHITECT'S,/OWNER I S OPTICE The Contractor shall provide, at his expense' an office area or facility at the site within the existing structure for the use of the Architect and Owner's Representative, equipped with plan rackwith a complete set of plans and specifications, file drawer with copies of shop drawings, change orders, project meeting minutes' etc. and counter space for plan reference. END OF SECTION 01590 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/FENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01590 -1 t t T I I I t I T T I I t T I I I I I RELATED WORKSection 01625 - protection of Work and property WORK BY OTHERS The owner may provide materi-a1s or equipment to the project siteas indicated in the contract Documents. The contractor sharlrecei-ve such materials and shalr provide for the proper sEorageof the material prior to its being- incorporai"a in the work. Thecontractor shal1 inspect arl such deriverles irunediatery afterreceipt and shall notify the owner's Representative of anydefects which are apparent. PART 2 - PRODUCTS PART 3 - EXECUTION SECTION OL62O STORAGE AND PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAL WORK INCLUDED Work specified 1n this section includesequipment necessary for the recai.r;.,.,all materi_aLs u"ed in associ--a-t-:_t*n - *i'tr,work. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATTON TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO al1 materials, labor andstorage and handling ofand/or built into the PROTECTIONThe contractor shalr provide for the proper storage of arrproducts and materi-als whether on the proieci site or at a remotelocatlon. The contractor shalL obtain- frbm materials suppliers,product data specifying the envj-ronmentar conditions suitable fortlrg storage of the partJ.cular product. proper storage includesal-l temporary heat, weather protlction, sunlight protection, etc.as ne_c-essary to pres.erve the properties of the product prj_or toinstall.ation or application. END OF SECTION 01620 01620 -1 I I I I I I I I I I T T I I I t T I sEcTroN 07625 PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY PART 1 - GENERAL WORK INCLUDED The Contractor shall provide all materials, equipment and labor necessary to protect the Owners property from damage due to Construction activities. NewIy constructed work, un-incorporated products and material.s, and existing structures shalI be afforded suitable protection. PROTECTION All portions of the existing structures or landscaping are i-ntended to remain undisturbed unless otherwise indicated. The Contractor shall protect all curbs and guEters and streets adjacent to the property. The Contractor shall locate all underground utilitj-es and malntain sultable markings to identify their location. All buried utiLities shall be preserved during the progress of the work unl-ess otherwise indicated I PARr 2 - PRoDUcrs (Nor usED) PART 3 - EXECUTION INSPECTION The contractor shall identify exlstlng substandard conditi-ons in writing prior to beginning the work, or assume responsibility for the correction of such conditions under the terms of this section. PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTYDemolition, constluction and other operations performed in the course of the work shall not cause deterioration or damage to other adjacent property or utilities, public or private, directly or indj-rectly. Construction operations sha1l be performed so as to mj-nimize and control dust, dirt, and noise within reasonable 1i-mits. Existi.ng sod, trees, and landscaping (not scheduled for removal) shall be protected or fu1ly restored or replaced upon completj-on of construction operations. work included j.n the landscape allowance. Construction irot specifically required to be modified or removed for work under this contract and construction labeled "to remain' shall remaj.n undisturbed throughout the execution of the work. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 01625 -1 The Contractor shall provide all appropriate means of protection necessary for accomplishment of this objective. Provj.deprotection from natural elements as required. The Contractor shaLl- provide, j-nsta1L, and maj.ntai-n aIl shoring, underpinning, bracing, and other temporary construction necessaryfor the protection of the existing construction to remain undisturbed and as required for the safety of personnel andpublic. The Contractor shall- be fu11y responsible for the replacement, restoration, repair, or cleaning of any damage or loss incurredas a result of faulty compliance with the requirernents of thissection. At the discretion of the Oy,rner, an equitable settlement value may be established in lieu of correction of damage or loss.This amount shall be deducted from the Contract Amount by Change Order. Mechanical and electrical eguipment required removed andreinstalLed to accommodate work in the Contract shall be handledwith the greatest of care and restored to ful1 operation andfunction. The Contractor shall comply with verbal and written instructionsof Loss Control Agents of the Ownerrs fnsurer to minimj.ze.potentially hazardous procedures and conditions. The Contractor shall take precautions to protect existing concrete and asphalt pavement from damage due to vehicle loads,parking, and storage. END OF SECTION 0L625 I I I I I I t I t T T I I t I t I T I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01625 -2 T I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I SECTION 01630 PRODUCT OPTIONS PART 1 - GENERAL AND SUBSTITUT]ONS The words 'or equal" are applicable to aLI Specifications andDrawings relating to materials, products or equj-pment specified.Any material, product, or equipment which will fully perform theduties specified will be considered for approval as "equa1,,,provided the Contractor submits proof that such material, productor equipment is of equivalent substance and function and isaccepted by the Architect and/or Engj.neer in writing. $lhenever a material or article is specifj-ed or described by usingthe name of a proprietary product or the name of a particularmanufacturer or vendor, the specific item mentioned shal1 beunderstood as establishing type, function, dimension, appearance,and quality desired. Other manufacturer's products will beaccepted provi-ded sufficient informatj.on is submitted to theArchitect to determine that products proposed are equj-valent tothose named. Requests for substi.tutions must clearly state what is offered andbe complete with full data, including illustrations,.specifleations, capacities, and operationaL data. Request for Architect's acceptance of substitute products in atimely manner . 1. Reguests in writing sha11 be received by the Architectin atimely manner. 2. Detailed, complete j-nformation for a specific product must beprovided with each reguest in order to permit accurateevaluation. Submissions consisting only of general catalogues orvague, incomplete data will not be considered. 3. Samples shall be provided for substitution requests of:a. Cabinetworkb. Roofingc. Windowsd. Light Fixtures Samples may be reguested for any other items if in the judgmentof the Architect and/or Owner, such samples are needed toadequately judge "equality". Any differences in utility requj-rements, hook up, fabrication, orconstruction between specified item and proposed substitutionsshall be clearly identified in writing by the party making therequest for approval of equaLs. I ANTLER' coNDoMrNruMS ADDrroN/RENovATroN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I 01630 -1 When the Architect and/or Engineer accepts a product proposed bya supplier as being "equal' to a product specified in the Contract Documents and such proposed product requires a differentguantity and/or arrangement of any other part of the work fromthat specified, detaiLed, stated in the Approval, or indicated onthe Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide the same athis own cost and expense. The Contractor shall identify each individual specified item andproposed "equal". The burden of proof of "equalitytr rests with the Contractor. Requests for approval of substitute items shall be categoricatlyrejected if received after specifj.ed deadlines or if non- compliant with any conditions of this section. Acceptance of substitutions sha]I in no way be interpreted as awaiver from full compliance with other specificationrequirements, unless requests for approval of subst.itute itemsspecifically leguest relief from speclfied reguirements. NOTIFICATIONS Materials and equipment accepted as 'equal" to specified productswill be listed in Addenda and distributed to all- Construction Document holders. No other notification of the Architectrs approvals will be issued. The Architect will not list products which are not accepted as "equals.' END OF SECTION 01630 t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 01630 -2 SECTION 01690 PROPRIETORSHIP OF PART 1 - GENERAL SALVAGEABLE MATERIALS RELATIVE WORK Sectlon 01055 - Hazardous Material Requirements Section 02070 - Selective Demolition SALVAGEABLE MATERIALS Salvageable materials, products, components' Telephone system, panels, etc. maintain in operation. I Garage light fixtures and area pole lights I Fire Alarm panel t I I I I t I t I I T I I t I miscellaneous items removed from exiting construction and not intended for reuse sha1l become the property of the Contractor who has the excLusive responsi.bility for removal and appropriat,e salvage or disposal . The following items are excepted from the requirements of this section, and sha1l remain the property of the Owner and operational during the construction period. The following equipment components shall be salvaged and delivered to the Owner. The location to deliver the salvaged equipment shall be determined at the time of eguipnent removal . and other Cable TV system, panel, etc. Pad mounted transformer Save and reinstall existing Antlers logo (from tower) and ground sign (near existing entry ramp). Provide temporary power as required. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Salvaged rnaterials sha1l be handLed wi.th care and deposited in identified storage areae in an undamaged condition. Documentation of materials damaged prior to construction shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. END OF SECTION 01590 I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDrroN/RENovATroNr TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I 01690 -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION O17OO CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - GENERAL Flnal review and cl0seout procedures for this project shar_I be asf ol-lows : l-' when the contractor berieves that ar.1 work is comprete, thecontractor shal1 personally inspect the work to .er,.i 11,compretion of alr contract -requirements. The contrJJtor"-;;;iithen notify the Architect' rN wRrrrNG, of project compJ-etion, and1i": outstanding 9r_ incomplete items requir6O Uy the contract.such written notification shall constitute the contractor, scertification of .inspection, acceptance, and suitabili-ty of thework for the Architect's review. B-ef ore requesting an ins-pecti"on,the Contractor shall have submitted to the -erchit6ct: A. All shop drawings, submittals and product data asrequired by the Contact Documents. B. All reports and test results as requlred by the ContractDocuments (1 . e . air balance reports, concrete testreports, etc. ) C. fnspection reports and certificates of agencies havingj urisdiction. D. Price quotations for anybulletins, or claims. outstanding change orders, 2. The contractor shalr notify all applicable regulatory agencj-esthat the project is complete and ready for final inspection, etc.Notifications shall include: A. Town of Vail Building Department(1) Certificate of Occupancy (new construction)(2) Certificate of Compliance (remodeled buildings)B. Town of Vail Fire DepartmentC. State of Colorado plumbing BoardD. State of Colorado Electrical BoardE. Any other agencies having jurisdiction. 3. Within five (5) days of receipt of a request for inspection(and all reguired submittals and report(s), the Architect willscheduLe a final i-nspection. The inspection wj-11 be attended bythe Architect, the Architectrs Engineering Consultants, Owner'sRepresentati-ves, the General Contractor and major Sub- ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 01700 -1 Contractors. A punch-list of work in L.^acceptance of the project *i11 llt!-^t-o be.accompl.ished beforedist;iburea -to "rr -.".1.ii.;';'..:i.Srepared bv the a..irll.cJ-lni At the time of f j.nal. j.nspection, the Contractor shal_l turn overall mechanical systems ani utilicy responsibilitir r t he bui I di nq r: " ;;;' "."-'pi "a p.r; -r;-r-i;J'i":;.:fi.ll"if ;Contractor wili turn ove! "V"t-.-." at that time. KEYING TNSPECTIONunress otherwise arranged, at the time of finar inspection theconrracror sharr- -p.o.rii"-'ari- tl-y- s _ at t!: pro j ect site . A f urlinspection of "11 rocis ."O i.lyi."g yill. ..Ue ,conAucted by thecontractor and ownerr at iii"t "ii.". at the .o*pr"tio. of thefi:J::3."tJ""fi...:"", all tevs 'iri. be tu.r,"J--o.,-.i' ro rhe owner,s 4 ' within 30 carendar days of the issuance of the final punchrist' the contractor sha'i have c.ompreted arr- puncn li.st i-tems.At rhar time' rhe conrracror- "h;ii-;;;i:; i;" Archirecr inwriting that the work has been thororrgiriy'i""p""i"a and is readyf or f inal acceprance. Before a ri-na-t' ;;;'";;;""e review isconducted, the foJ.rowing shalr be submj.tted to the Architect: A. A set of -drawings marked to reflect variations betweenoriginal drawings and as_buift conaitionl-. B. A log of alL subcontractors, and a 1og of all materialsand product suppl'ers. rncrude aaaiesses and phonenumbers of each party. 5'- within ten (-101-.6.t" of receipt of above noti.fication andsubmi-ttals, the Architect will schedule an ."..pi.rr." revi_ew. 6'. . r-f 111 punch-list items have been completed to thesatisfaction of the Architect and O"""i, tiJ'ercnitect willrecommend acceptance of the project. rf the owner elects to accept the project without compreti_on ofall punch-list i-tems, an amount equar to three times theestimated var-ue o_f .incomplete work wiit ue rrerJ- irom subsequentpay requests until_ items have been completed. 7. The contractor sha11 then submlt to the Architect: A. All Guarantees and warranties required by the contractDocuments. A11 Guarantees and warranties shall bear theeffecti-ve date of the recommended date of acceptance asestabl_i.shed by the Architect. t t I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01700 -2 T I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Final Application for paymencNo Add'tional payment i'irr be made if certificate of 3::;13::: (or certificaie of compri-anJe) has noi- u".i C. Consent of surety to final palment. D' Certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance E' operating and maintenance manuals for arl equipment andproducts as required by the Contract Documents. 8 ' when all above croseout papers have been received by Theowner, acceptance of thg p."j"it wi'l be placed on the BoardAgenda. closeout paperwork musl ue recej-ved by the owner no raterthan two car-endar - weeks pri-or to regularry scheduled boardmeeElng to be included on the Agenda ?. Following Board acceptance, the Antlers CondominiumAssociation will issue a l,iotice of Final settr-ement to thecontractor, setting the date for Final settlement. This date witlbe at least three weeks following Board Approval. 10' upon. -recei-pt of the preceding items, the Architect willrecommend final palrment including relainages. 11. All closeout related documents, submittals, and requiredpaperwork shall be delivered to the Architect AT oNE TrME foreach phase of closeout. END OF SECTION O1?OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01700 -3 I I I I I I I I T I I t t I I I I I t SECTION 01710 CLEAN-UP PART 1 - GENEML WORK TNCLUDED Work specified in this section includes all labor, materj-al"s andegur-pment necessary for the finar creanlng -Ji--.."." and roomswhich are i-nvolved in ..""'titi-o", remodering and installation ofnew equj.pment. RELATED I{ORK Secti-on 015G1 - Construction Cleaninq SEQUENCING/ SCHE DULTNG l:::l^-:1_"1ni1q shalt occur prior ro final and acceprance:'nspectr-ons. The contractor shal1 maintai-n cleaned areas i_n aspotless condition until final acceptance. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS All materials used in final cleaning shall be manufactured forthe specific purpose for which they are used or sharr berecommended by the manufacturer of the product or material beingcleaned. PART 3 - EXECUTTON ADJUSTING AND CLEANTNGAt the completion of the work, the contractor shaLl remove aIl_sp9!9, dust, llrease, fingerprints and films from floors, walls,cej-1ings, windows, doors, glass, cabinetry, hardware, fi_xturesand eguipment which were involved with construction and/orremodeling activi-ty under this concracc. clean all plumbi-ng fixtures to sanitary conditions. Remove arLwater stains from fixture surfaces. vacuum carpets. shampoo carpeEs if necessary to remove stains. clean surfaces i-n non-occupied areas. Broom crean concretefloors. wipe down and remove spots from unpainted wal1s andcei-11ngs. Power scrub and buff all hard surface flooring. Clean new eLevator cab. fixtures and appliances. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 01710 -1 Clean al.l. gLass, windows, mj.rrors, fixt,ures, etc. RESTORATION OF DAI.{AGED MATERTALSRemove and replace arr- itl*s'w:iricn _cannot -be compretery cleaned.Replace alr' bioken, scratched or tracked glass ani prasti.cs. END OF SECTION 01710 I I I I I I t I I I t I I I t I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITTON/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO o1710 -2 I T I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I SECTION 0,L-720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHEREsection 01730 - operatins-""J-i{lirrenance Manuals PRO.'ECT RECORD DOCUMENTSThe contractor sha11 maintain at the job site one record copy ofContract Drawings, Specj.fications, Addenda, approved ShopDrawings, Chanqe- Orderi, ot-nlr--^odificatio6i'to rhe Contract,f ield test records. ano tne- -aff.o.r.a documents ",.,orn:-tt.a uy thecontractor i-n co:npriance witii -speci.f ication requirements . TheseDocuments shall be accurately maiked with all "irl'g." made durlngconstructj.on. As-built notes shatl Ue marfea *iftr--pencif (or ink)of contrasting coJ,or Project record documents shar.1 be stored apart from documentsused for construction. Do Nor use recbrd documents forconstruction purposes. uarira-ri- ao." .r,i" - -i" clean, regibiecondition- Project record documents sharr be avair.able at ar-1tlmes for review of the Architect or Owner. RECORDINGLabel each document "pRoJEcr REcoRD COpy" i-n 2,. hlgh printedletters ' Keep record documents current. Do not permanentlyconcear any work until required j-nformation has been recorded. Contract Drawings: legibly record the following: 1. Field changes of dimension and detaiL made duringconstruction process. 2. Change made by Change Order or Fj_el_d Order. 3. Detaj.ls not on original Contract Drawings. 4. Horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities andappurtenances referenced to permanent suriace improvements. 5. Location of i.nternal utili-ties and appurtenances conceaLed inconstructi-on, referenced to visible lnd accessible features ofstructure. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01720 -1 a. pi:il"r:f"I:.r"rs elemenrs of foundarion in retarion ro firsr 7. Location of all valves and cleanouts. shop Drawings: maintain as record -o..3r-rng":.regibre annotate shopqratvi.ngs to record changes ;;;; afrer ie*rier]-ai comp.l.etion oi:l:, r;; j ff:,^iff, ;""._li, i,J ;o;:;= " et o r at"u^.,, t "_ " n" r r be ru rne d Refer to Division 15 _ Mechanical, and 16 _ Electrical forsupprementar requirements ;;;'il;;".r Record Documencs. SUBMITTALS upon compl-etion "i !1. project, s-ubmit 1 copy of project RecordDocuments to the Architect-?oi-1""r.*r. END OF SECTION OI'720 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 01720 -2 I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I t I t SECTION 01730 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART 1 - GENERAL WORK INCLUDEDAt the completi-on of the project, the Contractor sha1l submit to the Architect information Ij.terature on the proper operation, maintenance, manufacturer's adjustment and repair of all equipment installed under this Contract which may xeguire routine adjustment and/or maintenance. Literature for each equlpment item shaII be identj.fied withproduct manufacturer, j.tem name, item number, serial number,general location, electrical circuit number (if applicabLe) , and name, address, and telephone number of the nearest manufacturer's representative for product service. ROOFING MAINTENANCE INSURANCE AND REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS.At the completion of the project, submit coPies of manufacturer's standard literature describing the care, maintenance' and repaj.r of the installed roofi.ng system. Included quidelines to assure validity of warranty coverage. IncLude names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the Contractor, Manufacturerr Regional Distributor, and Manufacturer "hotline". Refer to Division 15 - Mechanical and Divi-sion 16 - Electrical for supplemental requirements for Operation and Maintenance Data. SUBMITTALS Provide three complete sets of printed operations and maintenance instructions for all j.dentified components to the Work. Instruction manuals shall be delivered to the Architect at one time for his review and approval. Format for Operation and Maintenance Data shall inches or proportional increment. Materials shall ful1 length of the left edge. Include coversidentification data. Refer to individual specification sections requirements. END OF SECTION 01730 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW. COLORADO begL/2x11 be bound at the and backs with for additional 01730 -1 I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I I I I I SECTION }I't 40 WARRANTTES AND BONDS PART 1 - GENERAL RELA?ED WORK SPECIFTED ELSEIfHERE Bid Bond, Payment Bond, performance Bond GENERAL CONTRACTOR ONE YEAR GUARANTEEWORKMANSHIP ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO The contractor sharl guarantee i.n wri-ting to the owner that a1rwork performed and ar-r- materials and equipment furnished underthis contract are in accordance with the contract Documents, arefree from defects and workmanshi.p performed by the contractor orany of his subcontractors or suppliers at any tier. Suchguarantee shalr continue for a period of one year from the dateof final acceptance of the wtrk. Under this guarantee, theContractor shall agree to remedy, at his .*"'-;;;;;;;; ;;;inferior or defecti-ve materiars, workmanship, or design thatshourd develop during the guarantee period, or in restoring anyother work damaged in fulfilling the terms of the guarantee. I'IANUFACTURER GUARANTEE AND WARRANTYAs identified in other Sections of these specif icati_ons, thecontractor shal1 obtarn and provide written manufacturer, sguarantees and/or warranti-es for specific material-s, product, andequipment furni-shed and instarred under this contract. suchguarantees/warrantles sha11 be valid for the stated extendedperiod beyond one year from the date of final acceptance of thework. EXCLUSIONS hlarranty requirements contai-ned in these specifications takeprecedence- Exclusion crauses shalr be supeiseded by warrantycoverage requirements of the Specifications. The contractor sha11 noti-fy the Architect of design condi_tionswhich cannot be fully warranted. such notice sharl be i-n writingprior to purchase of the affected product and system.. Failure to provide such notice sha1l Nor be grounds for waiver ofwarranty requirements contai-ned in the Specifications. uponreceipt of such notice, the Architect will consider modifi-cations OF MATERIALS AND o't740 -1 necessary to assure that final construction is warrantable to thefuII extent of specifications retur..em.nts. SUBMITTALS Guarantee and warranty certificates sharr be bounct into theoperation and maintenance Manuals as specified in section 01730. GENERAL CONTRACTOR GUARANTEEsubmit three original executed copJ-es to the Architect withProject Closeout materials. MANU FACTURER GUARANTEE /WARRANTYsubmit two sample copies to the Architect prior to orderingcovered products . t I I I I T I I I t I I t I t I I I I Submit three original executed copres to the Architect withProject Closeout materials. EXTENDED WARRANTTESSubmit tr"ro sample copj.es tocovered products. submit three originar executed copies to the Architect withProject Closeout materials. COORDTNATION Refer to specifi-cati-on section ol049 - Architect coordination fora coordination reguirements. BOND END OF SECTTON OT740 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO the Architect prior to orderj.no 01740 -2 I I T I I I I I I I T I I I I I SECTION O2OOO SITEWORK, SITE CLEARING AND STTE DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL DESIGN 1. SITE GRADING OF SITE AREAS WHERE CONSTRUCTION IS SCHEDULED. POSITIVE DRAINAGE - Finish grades deslgned to provi-de positive drai-nage away from building at a minimum of 2t. Maximum Slooe 2:1 SURFACE DRAfNAGE - run off to drain into existing drainage systems, storm sewer, curb/gutter, etc. MINIMUM SLOPES From Building to 10r -- 2Z (min.) Parking - 1t (min) to 8* (max) or as shown on plans Concrete Walks L/4" per 1 foot minimumi Cross Slope t/4" per L foot maximum 2. VEHICLE PARKING - MATERIALS Q l- r 'i nn 'i n,.r a. Include in contract, white rubberized paint, 5rr wide' as shown.b. Sta11 size - width and depth as shown on garage plans. c. AisLes per Town of Vail minimum' see garaqe pfans. d. HandJ.capped sta1l size - refer to plans install fixed sign includj.ng "International Symbol of Accessibility" symbol of accessibility at each handicapped stall according to Town of Vail and A.D.A. specifications. 3. PERMANENT SITE WALLS Permanent stone on CMU or concrete according to plans and details. Install as shown on site plan. 4. SITE CLEARING AND DEMOLITION a. Site demolition as required to remove mj-scellaneous waIls' slabs, concrete walks, prestressed concrete parking structure, footings and foundations, timber retaining walls, handrails employee addition at EL 1-09.4' as well as shrubs and trees not designated to remain, irrigation 1ines, concrete terrace, Paving, existing curb cut and access ramps. Al1 materials removed under this contract sha11 become the property of the contractor and be promptly removed 'from the site at contractor's expense, except soil required for backfill. Cut in Town of VaiL street right-of- wav sha1l be accomplished in strict accordance wi-th city r ANTLERS coNDoMtNtuMs ADDtloN/RENovATtoN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO T t 02000 -1 T I I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I T l^ permits, Qunou.ds and requirement"Qni"apply for necessary permits and coordinateapproprj-ate Town of Vail- Authorities. . Remove conference/banquet/kitchen,/restroomsIevel. contractor shalllnspection with at lower garage c. Remove entire flat roof addition as ground level (Floor109.4) including waI1s, roof, foundations, etc. d. Remove existing concrete paving, base course material_,curb,/gutter, equi.pment pads, concrete terraces, walks anddrainage pans, etc. e. Remove building entry, reception lobby, off!_ces,housekeeping rooms, including doors, wj.ndows, etc. 5. IfORK IN ADJACENT PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, (ROW) : (Refer "CiviJ.,'Plans ) contractor shaIl meet with appropriate representative of theTown of Vail Traffic Engineering Department to reviewcondition of existing facilities in R.O.W. to be saved andreused as well as confirm work scheduled to be removed and,/orreplaced. The Contractor shalL document agreement on.condition of pavJ.ng to remain which is to be reused, withcopy to Town of Vail Authoritles, Owner and Architect. Any damage caused by construction activities shall be repaired orreplace at contractorrs expense. A1l new work in pubic ROWsuch as neh, concrete curbs cuts, street patching and/orreplacing shall be in accordance with standards andrequirements of Town of VaiI. 6. PERIMETER DRAIN: (Refer 'Civil" Plans) ShaII consist of 6" perforated pipe encased in gravel(installed around the perimeter of the new addition parking lJarage, banguet, storage and unj.ts). Refer to Page 11, 12 andFig 6, 7 of Soils and Foundation Investigation. Terminate thedraj-n by sloping at I/8" per foot and discharged to anacceptable outfall at exist grade. Perimeter drain outfallsshall terminate at an offsite location approved by the Townof Vail, (instalL culverts under existing bike path as necessary) . END OF SECTION 02OOO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 02000 -2 I I t I I I T I t I I T t t t t sEcTroN 02010 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART I GENERAL WORK INCLUDED: Denofffin= required to accomplish remodel projects including, but not limited to removal of wood components of building guard railing and balcony railings indicated to be remodeled and north windows of 01 units to be replaced with new bedroom doors. Remove projecting fins of precast concrete stair towers. Remove sauna and shower at Lst level to be replaced with new employees restroom and storaqe rooms. RELATED WORK: Sffi-TT0;15 - cutting and Patching Sectj-on 01065 - Hazardous Materials Requirements Section 01690 - Proprietorship of Salvageable Materials Section 02000 - Site Demolition and Clearing CONDITIONS AT SITE:ffiasurfaces, structures condi-tions which will carefully examine the existing building and facilities relative to character and effect demolition work. PROTECTION:ffiETf demolition work in an orderly and careful manner with due consideration for all finishes and structures which are to remain. Barricade and cover as'necessary to protect pedestrians and workmen. Repair any damage to adjoining finishes and improvements caused by demolition operation. Special care shall be exercised in demolition of selected concrete structures' to protect life safety and property' comply with applicable OSHA Standards and Town of Vail requirements. EXECUTION:eo#4fr;te selective demoli-tion under this contract with installation of replacement efements such as guardrails and balcony railing and/or provide temporary protection. AlI materials known to contain potentially hazardous materials must be removed prior to conmencement of demolition work. If othet materials suspected of containing asbestos are uncovered or otherwise contacted, the contractor sha1l immediately notify the Owner's representative and stop work in the affected area until appropriate testsing can be accomplished and appropriate steps taken, Transformer: Remove existing pad mounted transformer and slab located in east service area. Removal must be carefully coordinated with installation of neht transformer in order to maintain electrical power to existing facilities at al-l times. END OF SECTION O2O7O I ANTLER' coNDoMrNruMs ADDtrtoN/RENovAnoN TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLOBADO I t 02070 -1 B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T Antlers Condominium addf Additiotrs end Renovetions Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. SECTION 02IIO SITE CLEARJNG PARTI GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Work Included: Removal and satisfactory disposal ofbuildiDgs, foundatrons, fences, signs, structures, pavcments, trafhc conuol devices, utilities, and other obstructions not desrgnated or permittcd to rcmam. B. Related Work: L Grading: Section 022002. Slopc Protection and Erosion Control Section 2370. I.O2 PERMITS A. Stormwater Discharge Permit (NPDES) I,O3 JOB CONDITIONS Protection: Protect all vcgetation, utilitics, sructures, and other facilities to remain, from damage in a manner acceptable to Engineer. Maintain designated temporary roadways, walkways, and detours. PART2 PRODUCTS None. PART3 EXECUTION 2.01 TOPSOI Topsoil is defined as friable clay loam surface soil found in a depth ofnot less than 4" Satrsfactory topsoil is reasonably free ofsubsoil, clay lumps, stones, and other objects over 2" in diameter, and without weeds, roots and other objectionable material. Strip topsoil from areas ofbuilding construction and paving to whatever depths encountered in a manner to prevent htetmingling with the underlying subsoil or other objectionable milterial. Finely shred all vegetation down to ground line and leave on surface. Remove heavy growtbs of grass from areas before sripping. Where trees are indicated to be left standing, stop topsoil stipping a sufficient distance to Prevent darnage to the marn root system. SITE CLEARING. (l2ll() Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Anrters Lonoomrf ^oo,uooAdditions end Renovations Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I T C. Stockpilc topsoil in storage piles in areas indicated or directed. Consruct storage piles to freely drain surface water. Cover storagc piles, if required, to pr€vent windblown dust. The quantity of loose stockpiled topsoil will be measured by the Engineer after stockpiling work ConEactor will bc required to replace any mrssing amount of stockpilcd topsoil witb specified topsoil. 3.02 CLEARING AND GRI.JBBTNG A. Clear required arcas ofthe sitc oftrees, shrubs, and other vegctation, except for that indicated to be left standing. Complctcly rcmove stumps, and roos. Remove debris proh.rding through the ground surfacc. Use only hand methods for gnrbbing inside the drip line of rees indicated to be left standing. B. Fill depressions caused by clearing and gnrbbing operations with satisfactory soil matcrial, unless further cxcavation or earthwork is indicated. For matenals, placement, cornpaction, and testing comply with rcquirements of Section 02200. 3.03 STRUCTURES A. Refer to structural engineer's specifications for rernoval of any stnrctual items. 3.04 UTILITIES A. Remove designated utility lines witbin project limits, propcrly capping or pluggilg cxisting lincs to remain. Coordinatc all work with the respcctive utility company. B. Rernovc septic tanks and cap wcll heads if required. 3.05 DISPOSAL A. Deposit all removed matcrial in designated waste eas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and resccding of site if required. Where disposal sites are not designated, rcmove and dispose of all waste ruterials offsite in a legal manner. 3.06 RESTORATION A. After removal of obstnrction, fill and compact to finished grade rn accordance with these specifications. END OF SECTION 2T1O SITE CLEARING - O2IlO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I fi lifi.:"J"T H:',H,ii: t.., Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. t I SECTION 022OO EARTHWORK PART I GEI\TERAL 1.OI SIJMMARY A. Work hcludcd: 1. Extent of carthwork as indicated on Drawings.2. Removal, stockpiling, and placement of topsoil.3. Preparatron of subgrade for building slabs, walks, and pavements.4. Disposal of materials removed. 5. Struchrral fills for building slabs. B. Related Work: l. Slopc Protection and Erosion Contol Section 23702. Site Clearing: Sitc Clearing 021 l0 I.O2 OUALIry ASSURANCE A. Prior to constructiorl meet with a representative of the Soils Engiaeer and the Conractor to discuss site preparation, grading specifications, equipment to be use( and any unusual soil conditrons or special requirements. B. Permits: Stormwater Discharge Permit (NPDES) C. Testing and Inspection: A testing laboratory to perform soil tesung and inspectron services for quality control during earthwork operation shall be employed by the Conbactor. I.O3 JOB CONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Locate line and grade of existing underground utilities in areas of work. If utilities are to rernain in place, provide adequatc means sf support and protection dunng earthwork opcrations. Noti$ engineer if conllicts exist with the proposed work and exrting utility lines. B. Protechon of Persons and Property: Barricade open excavations occurring as a part of this work and post with waming lights and signage. Protect strucftues, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, freezil,g, undermtning, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. EARTI{WORK. (l22OO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I Antlers Condomiof noonroo Additions and Renovations Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. PART 2 DEFIMTIONS A. Suitablc Matcrial: Earth fill material consist'"g of on-sitc or similar uon-organic sands, gravels, clays, silr and mixturcs thereof with maximum sizc of 6". Bcdrock that breaks down to spccificd soil types aad sizes during excavauon, hauling, and placement may be considered as suitablc matenal. Rock ftll matenal which consists predominantly of cobbles or boulder-sued pieccs of blasted or broken rock with maximum sizc of 2'. B. Unsuitablc Matcrial: Any marcrial contaidtrg vcgetable or organic mattcr, muck, pcat, organic silt, topsoil, frozen matcrials, Eccs, stumpsr ccrtain manrnadc deposis, or indusrial waste, sludge or landfill matcrials. or other undcsirable rnarcrials. C. Unclassifred Excavatiou: Any and all materials, including surfacc boulders, encountered during construction. Rock fomrations that can be removed by ripping with D-9 tractor in good r€pair with single tooth hydraulic ripper arc considcrcd unclassified cxcavation. D. Rock Excavation: Rock fomrations which cannot be excavatcd without blastine. lncludes removal and disposal of all rock. E. Backfill aud Embankmcnt: Embanbnens, including preparation of area upon which they are to be placed. Placing and conpacting approvcd material wiihiri areas where rhsuitable materials have been rcrnoved. Placing and comprcting of material in holes, pits, and other dcpressions to lines and grades shown on drawings. Use only suitable marcrials in constuction of embankments and backfrlls. F. Borrow: Backlill or cnbankmeut matcrial which must be acquircd from designarcd borrow areas to make up deficiencies which cannot be complctcd from excavation within q/61ft lffits. Bsnsu,, material must be approvcd by thc Engincer. G. Proof Rolling: Applying test loads over subgradc surface by means ofbeavy pneumatic-tired roller of specified desig!, to locate weat rrcas in subgrade. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 ToPSOI Topsoil shall bc rcmoved and stockpiled for use after grading has been complctcd. Thc stockpilc areas shall bc designated by the Owner. Excess topsoil shall be disposed ofon site in an area designaled by the Owner. Topsoil shall be placcd to a dcpth of 6 inches in all areas designated to be rcvcgctated. EARTITWORK. O22(l(, Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. B. c. I I t I I I I I t I I t I I I t I I I B. c. D. E. F, G. H. I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I T Anllers Condominium Add( Additions and Renovations Flroject Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.02 EXCAVATION Excavatioo is unclassified, and includes excavation to subgrade elevations rndicated on thc drawings, regardless of the character of materials and obstructions cncountered. Unauthorized excavation consists of removal of materials beyond indicated subgrade elevatrons or dimensions witbout specific direction of the Soils Engineer. Unauthorized excavation shall be at the Contractor's expense. Additional Excavation: If unsuitable bearing materials are encountered at required subgradc elcvations, carry excavauons deeper and replace material as dirccted by the Soils Engineer. Removal of unsuitable matenal and is' replacement as directed will be paid on basis ofcontract conditrons relative to changes in work. Stability of Excavations: Slope sides of excavations to comply with local codes and rules and regulations. Shore and brace where sloping is not possible because of space restictrons or stability of material excavated. Marntain sides and slopes ofexcavations in a safe condition until completion of backfilling Dewatering: Prevcnt surface water and subsurface or groundwater from flowing into excavations and from flooding project site. l. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavattons. Remove water to prevent softcning of foundation bearings, undercutting footings, and soil chrnges dctrimental to stability ofsubgrades and foundations. Providc and maintain pumps, well poina, sumps, and discharge lines as necessary remove water from excavations. 2. Establish and rnaintain tcmporary drarnage facilities outside excavarron lunits to prevent runoff from entenng excavadons. 3. Notify Engineer and Owuer immediately if groundwater is encountered. Contractor is responsible for obtaining construchon dewatenng permis. Material Storage: Stockpile excavated materials until required for backfill. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles for proper drainage. Excavation for sructural fill shall be within the project limits or in approved borrow areas. All excavations shall comply with OSHA rules and reguiations. EARTHWORK. O22()(l Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers CondomioO^oouroo Additions end Renovetions Project Perk Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.03 COMPACTION General: Counol soil compaction during construction providing minimum percentage of density specified for each classification lisrcd below Percentage of Maximum Dcnsity Requirernents: Compact soils to not less than the following pcrceDtages of maximum deasrty in accordance with ASTM D- 698. l. Paved Areas: Compact top 12 inches of subgrade and each lift of bacldill marcrial to a miaimum of 95% maximum dcusity. 2. Landscapcd or Rcvcgetatcd Areas: Compact top 6 inchcs of subgrade and each lift of backfill rnarcrial to a minimum of 90% maximum densrty. 3. Walkways and sidewalks: Compact top 6 inches of subgrade and each lift of backfill material to a minimum of 95% maximum density. 4. Building floorslabs; 95%, Compact top 6 inches of subgrade and each tift of backfrll material to a minimum of 95% maximum density. 5. Sguctural Fill: Compact top 12 inches of subgrade and each lifl of backfill rntcnal to a minimum of 100% maximum density Moisture Control: Soils shall bc placcd with moisture content of 2% plus or minus l/2% of optimum moisnre. Where subgrade or a layer of soil matenal must b€ conditioucd bcfore compaction, unifonnly apply water to surface of rnaterial to prevent frcc watcr from appcaring on surfacc during or subsequent to compaction. 1. Removc and rcplacc, or scari$ and air dry, material that is too wet to pcrmit corrpaction o specified density. 2. Soil matcrial that has been removed because the moisrure content is too high may bc stocbilcd or spread and allowed to dry. 3,04 EMBANKMENTANDFILLCONSTRUCTION A. Place earthfill materials for backfill or embanhnent in thin horizontal layers and compact as spccified bcfore next layer is placed. Use effective spreading equipment on each lift to obain uniform thickncss prior to compacting. As compaction of each layer progresses, continuously level and manipulate to assure uniform density. When directed by Engincer, remove exccss moisture in bridging across streams, ponds, and swampy gound. Place embanlgnent in layers not greater than 18" which have been demonstrated to meet compaction standards. Occasional cobble and boulder-sized pieces of excavated rocks with sizes from 6" to 2', may be placed in . earth fill as approved by Soils Engineer. Space large rocks so corpaction of earth fill will meer compaction requtements. EARTHWORK. O22OO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc, I I I T I I t t t I I I I I I I I I t B. c. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I Atruers aonoomrnrum Aooa Additions and Renovrtions Ploject Pegk Civil Engineering, Inc. g. y;[ga srnlenlcment is to be placed and compacted on hillsides, or when new gmbankrnent is to be compacted agarnst existing embankmcnts, or when embanlcmcnt is built one-half width at a time, slopes which are steeper than 4:l shall be continuously benched over as work is brought up in layers. gsa6hing shall be kcyed in to existing slopes and material removed for the benching shall be excavated and recompacted along with thc agv, srnlankment rnatenal at the Contractor's expense. C. Remove all sod and vegetable rnatter from surface upon which embankment is to be placcd. Completely break up cleared surface by plowing, scarifiying, or stepping a minimum of 6" to ensure a bond between embankrnent and original ground. Rccompact to specifi cations D. Frozen materials shall not bc used in constuction of embankment. E. During constuction maintain work area in such condition that it will be well-drained at all times, including at the end of the coDstructiou day. 3.05 GRADING A. General: Uniformly grade areas within limits of grading under this section, rnclurling adjacent tsansition areas. Smooth finished surface within specified tolerances, compact with uniform slope between points where elevatrons are indicate4 or betwcen such points and existing grades. B. Grading Adjacent to Stsucucs: Gradc areas adjacent to buildings and other structures to drain away from structures and to prevent ponding. C. Compaction: After grading, compact sutfaces to the depth and percentage of maximum densiw for each classification. 3,06 OUALITY CONTROL A. Tcsting During Constructiou: Allow Soils Engineer to inspect subgrades and fill laycn as requued. l. Perform field density tests in accordance with ASTM D 1556, ASTM D 2167, or ASTM D 2922, u apptcable. When ASTM D 2922 is used, the calibration curvcs shall be checked and adjusted usitrg only ASTM D 1556. Soils Engtneer to detcrmine testing procedure and interval. 2. Paved Areas and Building Slab Subgrade: Make at least one field density test of subgrade for every 2000 sq. ft. ofpaved area or building slab. In each layer of compacted fill, make one field density test for every 2000 sq. ft. ofpaved area or building slab. B. If in the opinion ofthe Soils Engineer, Engineer, or Owner, based on test results and' inspections, subgrade or fills are placed below specifred density, the Contactor shall providc additional corrpaction, replacemeng and testing as requLed to meet minimum densitics. 3.07 MAINTENANCE EARTHWORK. O22OO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antters Condom,f noon,oo Additions end Renovrtions Project Perk Civil Engineering, Inc, I Protcct graded areas from traffic and erosion. Repair and re-esublish grades in scttlcd erodc4 and nrttcd arcas. Wherc completcd compactcd areas arc disnubed by subsequcnt construcdon operations or adversc wcathcr, scsriry surface, reshapc, ald cornpact to required deDsity prior to furtber constructioo. Whcrc settling is measurablc or observcd at embankmcnts or excavations during the warranty period, add backfrll matcrial aDd coEpact. Rcstorc appearance, quality and appcarance of surfacc to mrtch adjacent work. Revegctatc and repair any disnrbed pavcmcnt or irrigation systcms. 3.08 BORROW Provide test pit if required by Soils Engineer to cvaluate acccptability and limits of borrow source at Contractor's exp€trsc. If more borrow is placed than required, amount of ovemrn will be dcducted from thc borrow volume. Contractor shall notiS Owncr and Fngineer at lcast l0 workiag days in advance of need before opcning borrow arca. Srip all borrow arcas of sod, topsoil, and unsuitablc matcrials. Provi& adcquate erosion control during bonow area use. Restore borrow arca, gradc, reshape, and revegetate following use. 3.09 DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS Deposit all surplus or unsuitable oarcrials in such places designated on drawiags or as approved by Owner. Gradc and sbapc disposal site. Place opsoil and revegetatc as required. Whcre disposal sitcs arc not dcsignate4 remove and dispose of wastc material offsite. END OF SECTION O22OO EARTHWORK- O22(}O Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I T I I t I I I t I I T I I t t I I t I t I I I I I t I I I I I T T T SECTION 02220 EXCAVATING, BACKFILL, AND COMPACTION PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCWENTS: Soils and Foundation Investigation prepared by Koechlein consulting Engineers, Inc. Job. NO. 98-1,62 dated August 20, 1998; a copy of which is available for review at architect's office. TESTING The Ownet will retain the services of a for observation, testing, and guality Section. (Refer Section 01410). the geotechnical engineer control of work in this SUBMITTALS Vlork involving any new structural borrow fill material shall not conmence until the geotechnical engineer has issued wrj.tten acceptance of ProPosed material . The Contractor shall submit samples of proposed new structural borrow filf material to the geotechnical engj.neer as required by the engineer. Submittal shall include relevant data such as exact location and depth of source for such materials SITE CONDITIONSContractor shal] be responsible for safety of excavations, protection of existing foundation footings and retaining walls to te saved and incorporlted into the project and for protection of all existing buried utilities. Division 1 covers general requirements.- confirm and accomrnodate site conditions for exCavation as required, locate and protect underglround utilities' etc. Refer to Sbits and Foundation Investigation prepared by Koechlej-n Engineers for testing lesults of subsurface conditions. Free ground water was located at elevation 8L04 (refer Page 2, 5, 7,8 and 9) . UTILITY LOCATIONSContractor shal1 be responsible for acquiring location of alL public buried utilities as well as underground electricaf line between main building and emergency glenerator, etc' SEQUENC ING / SCHEDULING lhe Contractor shal1 notify the Geotechnical Engineer at least five (5) working days prior to the following occurrences: conunencement of excavation import of borrow-fill material contmencement of backfilling commencerirent of comPaction completion of comPaction ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 02220 -1 STOP EXCAVATION Upon encountering any unexpected subsurface utilities during excavation, all work shall cease and the Architect and Owner I s Representative noti.fied immediately. Work shalL not resume until the Architect has issued a directive. GENERAL BACKFILL MATERIAL QUALITYA. free of vegetable matter and other deleterj-ous substances. B. shall not contain tocks or lumps having a diameter of more than two inches (2"1 c. free of brush, sod or frozen material . PART 3 - EXECUTION: The use of explosives is not pernitted. CLEARING: Stockpile toPsoil and excavated soil to be reused f or backfill in areas approved by or.tner or of f site as necessary. EXCAVATION: Provide excavation for new garage structure, for aI1 new footings' for building extensionsr walls and columns, etc. RemovaL of materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations shall constitute unauthorized excavation. Unauthorized excavation and remedial work to be at the Contractorrs expense. Remove existing asphalt paving and base course. Slope sides of excavation to angle of repose of material excavated or shore and brace. EXCAVATION TOLERANCES: Tolerance for excavations shall be 0.10 feet frorn specified dimensj.ons. TRENCHING: Install a signal ribbon at a depth of 12" below grade when backfilling over all utilities. BACKFILL: Backfill only with materials excavated from construction area or other rnaterial tested and accepted in writing by the geotechnical engineer, and only after the Engineerrs acceptance of below grade construction. COMPACTIoN: Incorporate requirements as derived from geotechnical engineer's investigation and as provided under Division 02500 "Pavj-ng and Surfacing." Subgrade preparation shall include scarification, noisture treatment to -L Eo +2 percent of optimum moisture content and comPaction to at least 95 percent maximum standard plocto! dry density, (ASTM D 598, AASHTO T99). Compaction for backfill at new wall foundations and utility main replacement trenches as follows: BackfiII at paved asphalt or concrete areas placed in lifts of 8 inches loose thickness and compacted to 95* relative compaction. Backfill. at landsiaped and sodded aleas placed in lifts of L2 inches loose thickness and compactj-on to 90t relative compaction. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW. COLORADO 02220 -2 I I I I I I I I t t T I I I I I I I I SHORING: As required to retain improvements to be saved along linesof support j-ncluding exi-sting concrete retaining, wal.1,concrete wall- between unit access corridor and parking garage/housekeeping and building foundations, as shown onthe drawings. Support of existing footings of buildingelements and retaining walls sha11 be accomplished andmaintained at the contractorr s sole expense andresponsibility. Shoring design, construction and maintenancetogether with j-nsurance and/or bondi.ng for the shoringactivity to protect property, existing structures andliability for workman, equipment and materials shall be thesole responsibility of the Contractor. PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY:Barricade all open excavations and post with warning lightsfor safety of persons. Comply wlth all O.S.H.A., Town ofVail, and State of Colorado requirements for protection.Install alL necessary temporary fences, guardrails, barricades and protected walkways to protect the public,property owners and workers. TEST AND INSPECTIONS: Compaction test by owner shal-l be taken at backfill forwhere new footings, concrete walk pavement and asphalt pavement will be placed above. Refer Section 01410 for testreports. END OF SECTION 02220 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 02220 -3 I I fi lffi ,:""""Tft I'H,ili:t*, Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. iBffioNrRoL t PARr r .Er\TERAL r2" 18" 24" I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I.OI DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Excavation, Crading, and installation of riprap, filter material, jute nettrng, straw bale sediment barriers, and all necessary appurtenances. B. Related Work; l. Sirc Clearing: Section 02110 2. Earthwork: Section 02200 3. Drainage Structures, Pipes, and Fittings: Section 02430 I.O2 SI.IBMITTALS A. Test Reports: If requested, fumish copies of lests from certrfied and acceptable testutg laboratory l. Gradation and Soundness of Riprap. 2. Gradation of Filter Material. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI RIPRAP Hard, dense, sound" rough fractured stone meeting AASHTO T 85. Excavated shot rock may be uscd if agreed to by the Owner's representative and the Engineer. Neither breadth nor thickness of single stone to be less than one-third its length. Nominal Size Min. Volume Min. Weight 0.25 CFS 30 lbs. 0.5 cFS r.8 cFS 4 CFS 75 lbs. 250 lbs. 600 lbs. Size of stone and total thickness of riprap as shown on drawings. Stone well graded so voids can be filled, and at lcast 50olo of mass equal to or larger than size called for on drawings. SLOPE PROTECTION A}{D EROSION CONTROL-2370 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Artlers condomiof noontoo Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 2.02 FILTER MATERIAL Aggrcgatc Filtcr: Conform o following gradation: Sieve Size J t/ rr No.4 No.200 2.03 FILTER FABRIC Pcrccntage by Weight Passing Square Mcsh Sicves 100 20-90 0-20 0-3 I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I T Manufactured especially for stability of crosion conrol constnrction. Made from polyethylene and polypropylcuc yamlr, in accordance with following: Weight Thickness Grab Saength Elongation Brcak Bulst Strengtb Trapezoid Tear Srcngth Water Permcability Water Flow Rate Equivalent Opcoing Size 2.04 ruTE NETTING 4.0 ozlyd l5 mils 130 lbs. 620/o 125 psi. 70 lbs. 0.02 sm/scc. .80 gaUmin/ft 70-1ff)U.S. Sicve ASTM DI9IO ASTM DI777 ASTM DI682 ASTM DI682 ASTM D7742 ASTM 2263 CFMC CFMC ASTM D422 Heavy-woven jutc mesh of a rugged constnrction. Made of undyed and rurbleached twisted jute fibcrs, having smolder resistant tcatmcnt. Provide in rolls 225'by4'widc goalsining 100 square yar& weighing approximately 90 pounds. 2.05 SILT FENCE A. Silt Fencc Fabric: The fabric shall mcet the following spccifications: Fabric ProDcrtics Minimum Acceptablc Value Test Mcthod Grab Tcnsile Streng0r (lbs) 90 Elongation at Failure (%) 50 Mullcn Burst Suength (PSI) 190 Puncture Stength (lbs) 40 Slurry Flow Rate (gaVmin/sf) 0.3 Equivalent Opcoing Size 40-80 Ultraviolet RadiatioD Stability (%) 90 SLOPE PROTECTION AI{D EROSION CONTROL-2370 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. ASTM DI682 ASTM DI682 ASTM D3786 ASTM D75l (modified) US Sieve Cw-02215 ASTM-G-26 B. Fcnce Posts (for fabricarcd units): The length shall be a minimum of 36 inches long. Wood poss will bc of sound quality hardwood with a mininum cross sectional area of 3.0 square inchcs. Steel posts will be standard T ad U section weighing not less than 1.00 pcr lincar foot. C. Wirc Fcnce (for fabricarcd units): Wire fcncing shall be a minimum l4-ll4 gage with a modmum 6" mesh opening , or ali approved. I T T I I I I I t T T T T I I I t I I Antlers Condominium Addif Additions and Renovrtions Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. D. Prefabricated Units: Envirofence or approved equal may be used rn lieu of the above method providing the unit is insallcd per manufacturer's instructions. PART 3 . DGCUTION 3.OI FILTER FABRIC Place fabric over shaped swface loosely whcre, when large stones are placed, they will not cause stetching of fabric beyond elastic limits. Overlap joining sectrons 2' at cdges. Secure overlapped edges to subgrade with cinch pins. If riprap is dropped, place aggregate beddrng 2" thick over fabric. Place riprap in a nunner that fabric will no be damaged by sretching, punching, or nppitrg. 3.02 RIPRAP A. Reasonably well-graded from smallest to maximum size specified. Stones smaller than l0% of smallest size not permined. Conrol gradation of riprap by visual inspechon to assure thickness of riprap conforms with d,rawings. B. Hand Placed: Rectangular to facilitate butt placement. Fill openings with loose, well- graded road aggregate base material. 3.03 FILTER MAIT,RIAL Wet subgrade, reasonably shape, and compact prior to plachg filter material. Filter matenal may be backdraggcd with loader bucket to a reasonably smooth surface for placement to lines and grades of drawings. 3.04 WATERBARS/INTERCEPTORTRENCHES Construct ditch rn accordance with drawings. Flow line of water bar not steeper than 1%. Discharge on existing vegetated slope altemately to avoid erosion. 3.05 STRAW BALE SEDMENT BARRIER Use sfraw bale barriers at stonn drain inlets, across minor swales and ditches, and other applicatious where barrier is of temporary nature. Bind sraw bales with nylon or bailing wire, not twine. Anchor bales to ground with two posts per bale. 3.06 ruTE NETTING Start jute roll at top of slope or charurel and unroll down grade. Lay second su-rp parallel to first and allow 2" overlap. Bury top end of roll in rcnch, minrmum 4" deep. Anchor jute roll to earth surface with sakes of8 gauge steel,8" long, approximately 12" apart. Staple outside edges 4' to l0' apart and along overlap edges. Overlap end rolls by 4" and anchor securely. 3.07 CHECK DAMS Install bottom of check dam at least 6" bclow depth of newly graded channel. Extend to 6" above maximum design water depth. Install rnaterials in accordancc with drawings. SLOPE PROTECTION AI{D EROSION CONTROL-2370 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. rur.ers conoo,,uof ^oorrrooAdditions end Renov-etions Proj ect Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.08 FILTER BERMS/SEDMENT POND Field construct berms as directed by Engincer. Place washed l" to l-l/2" aggregate with 2' top and 3:1 sidc slopes cxtending to bottom of channel. Berm to retai[ sediments by retarding and filtcring runoff. Placc sand on face of berm for futurc replacement of filter material. Construct in accordancc with drawings. 3.09 SILT FENCE Insall silt fcoce in accordancc with drawings. END SECTION SLOPE PROTECTION AI\D EROSION CONTROL-2370 Peak Civil f,,ngineering, lnc. I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Antlers Condominium lddif Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. PART I GEIIERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION A. Work included: Excavatioo, backfrll, bedding, and insallation of pipe, manholes, catch basins, inlets, outlets, undcrdrains, irrigation ditches, chaanelization, detcntion storage, siphons and all nccessary appurtcnanccs. B. Relarcd Work: l. Clearinc: Section 02110 C. Definition: l. Trcnch Excavation: Excavation of all material encouatered along trench other than rock excavation. 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a backhoe with % cubic yard bucket curling force and strck crowd force of 35,000 lbs. eac\ and rcquiring dnlling and blasting. Boulders, large rocks, and chunks of concretc threc cubic yards or larger, considercd rock excavation. I,O2 SUBMITIAL A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing spccific dimensions aad construction matcrials for: ]. Precast Manholcs 2. Precast Catch Basins 3. Frames, Grate s, Covers B. Test Rcpors: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and tench stabilization materials, concrete rnix dcsign, and compression test. C. Permits: l. Constuction Dewatering (NPDES) DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. PIPES. AIYD FITTINGS . 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. ilLH":";',"Til:t#:.;ilj*, Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. I.O3 JOB CONDITIONS I I I I I I I T I I I I t T Environmental Requirements: Exccpt by spccific written authorization, cease concretng when dcscending air rcrrycrature in shade away from artificial hcat falls bclow 35 degrees F. and there is frosr in subgradc. Whcn concreting is perrritted during cold weather, temperatue of mix shall not be less than f[ dsgrggs F. at time ofplacing. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Non-Reinforccd Coucretc Pipc: ASTM Cl4 B. Reinforccd C,oncretc Pipc: ASTM C76, circular; ASTM 506, arch; ASTM 507, vertical or horizontal elliptical. Class pipe as showr otr drawhgs. C. High Density Polyethylenc Pipe - smooth interior, ADS -N 12 or approved equal, AASHTO M-252 and M294 D. Comrgated Stcel Pipe and Archcs: AASHTO M36, gauges as shown on drawrngs. Bands shall conform to the following: Pipe Sizc Inches G3036-60 t2"66-t20 24" Comrgations 2-213" x%" 3"x1" 14" 20" Number Bolts 2ea 3ea 5ea Thickncss of band one gaugc lcss than pipc but not less than l6 gauge. E. Comtgated Steel Pipe End Section: Sizes and dimensions shown on drawings. Materials samc as cotrugatcd stcel pipc. F. Bituminous Coating: Wbcrc rcquircd otr corugatd stecl pipe and fittings, AASHTO M190, Type A, with minimum thickncss of 0.03". Coupling bands fully coated' 2.02 Underdrain Pioc Rigid PVC Schcdule SDR35. Holes 3/8" double row cach side of pipe for 6"-10" stze pipe. Triplc row cach side for 12"-21" pipe. Install hole row each side of pipe for 6'-10" pipe; triple row each side of pipc for 12"-21" pipe. Flexible polypropylene or polyethylene/hancor Fittings-provide all standard fittings required as well as transitions from different pipe diameters. D. Cleanous: Cleanout pipe & fittings-cast iron soil pipc. Provide each cleanout w/a brass I femrle and cast brass screw jointcd pl4 with socket for wrench. Provide floor cleanouts r br wall cleanous as indicarcd. Unpaved areas- set in l2"xl2" concrete blocks. I 2.03 PREFABRICATED INLETS AND OUTLETS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. PIPES, AI\ID FITTINGS . 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. B. c. t I I t t I I I I iil1'fi ,:?Tff"l'J"T,f, l:il*, Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. I I A. Comrgated Steel Unie: Conform to &awing dimensions, AASHTO M36. Bituminous coating when specificd, AASHTO M190, Type A. Steps fabricated into untts' B. Precast Concrete Units: In accordance with drawings, ASTM C47E and C789, wall "B", wall thiclncss l/12 internal diamcter. Steps precast tnto 'nits. 2.04 MANHOLE A. Manholc Bases: Precast concrcte. Manhole base and fust barrier section cast monolithic pcr ASTM - C478. B. Manholc Scctions: ASTM C478. Precast conqete with minimum wall thrckness 1/12 of intenrd diamercr, Coues ccccntric. C. Manhotc Ring and Cover: Cast iron, ASTM A48. Ring and cover combined weight greater than 400 lbs., machrncd to lit securely. Non-rocking cover. Hot dipped tn asphalt. D. Manhole Steps: Two non-skid grooves in the surface and capable of carrying load of 1000 lbs. 6" from face of manholc. E. Manholc Joint Scalaat: RubberNck. 2.05 SLOTTED DRAIN AASHTO M36 with gnte assembly, ASTM A123. Joint and couplers of nng compressron t)?e. Where required, expanded wire mesh attached across top of drain opening. Fittings provided wrth annular ends for hugger-type bands. 2.06 FRAMES. GRATES. COVERS. AND STEP Metal unis conform to drain dimensions and to following for designarcd material' A. Gray kon Castings: AASHTO M105. B. Carbon-Steel Castings: AASHTO M103. C. Ductilelron Castings: AASHTO A536. D. Stnrctural Stecl: AASHTO Ml83 and ASTM A283, Grade B. Galvanizing, where specified, AASHTO Mll l. 2.07 BEDDING A. Pipe and culvert - Class 6 Aggregate Base Course' B. Underdrain - washed gravel: pcrcent by weigbt passing square mesh sieves: 1", 100%; %", 95 -lO0%: No. 4, 0-5%. 2.08 CONCRETEMATERIALS A. Gcncral: All matcrials firmished ftom sources approved by Engineer. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. PIPES. AI{D FITTINGS - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. t I I I I I t I t I t Atrtlers coodomif noorooo Additions rnd Renovations Project Perk Civil Engineering, Inc. B. Cement: ASTM C150 for Portland Cement, Type tr. Cement which has'become partially sel or contain lumps, cakcd cement and have bccn exposed to imlcment wcather sball be rejecred. C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. D. Watcr: Water uscd in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oils, acrds, salt, alkali, or organic rnaterials hamrful to concrete. 2.09 CONCRETE MD( A. Design Mix: l. Proponions: Cement 5-l/2 sacks pcr cubic yard Coarse aggrcgarc 437o Water 5.5 Gallons pcr sack Maximum size aqpgale %" 2. Slump:4" maximum 3. Srength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 2E days 4. Air Contetl: 5o/o-7o/o B. Job Mixcd Concretc: Mixed in drum mixcr conforming to Concrete plving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturcrs Bureau of Associatcd Gcneral Connacors of America. Mixcr shall be capable of corrbining aggregates, cemeng and water rnto dlqlsrrghly mixed and uniform mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continuc mixing of cach batch for not less l0 minutes after all matenals are in &um" C. Rcady Mixcd Concrete: Proportioned, mixed, atrd transportcd in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete no plastic and workable whcn it rcaches project shall bc rejected. PART 3 EXECIJTION 3.OI TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: Excavate o deptbs rcquircd. Confine excavation to work limits. B. Rock Excavation: Prior to rcmoval, notif Engincer of arcas requiring rock excavation. C. Blasting: ln general blasting will be allowed in order to expedite dte work if a permit by thc local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosivcs aod appurtenances shall $g 6rnsported, handlcd, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state, and federal govemmcnts, as applicable. All blasting shall bc contolled as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the pe$on or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, PIPES, AITID FITTINCS - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc, I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I t I t I I I T t t I I t I I I I I Antlers Condominium Addf Additions and Renovations Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. accordance with the permit of the local authonty. Prior to blastrng , provrde mrnimum 24 hour noufication to Engineer. 3.02 UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM. EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of thc excavatior at subgradc is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces of fragments of urorganic material that cznnot satisfactorily support tbe pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall funher excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or sructure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the Engineer. 3.03 BEDDING OTHER THAN UNDERDRAINS A. Pipe: Install in conformance with drawings. Place form minrmum of 4" below bottom of ptpe to ceoterline of pipe for entire width of fench. B. Culvert: lnsall in conformance with drawings. Place from minrmum of 6" below bottom ofpipe to centerline ofpipe for entire width of tench. ].04 PIPE INSTALLATION A. General: For new embanknents, place fill so width each side of pipe is at least five (5) times pipe diameter. Aftcr embankment is place4 proceed with tenching. Bcgin all pipc installation at dowurtream cnd. Bell or groove ends of rigid conduit and outside circumfcrential laps of flexible conduit facing upsE€am. Place flexible condurls with longitudinal laps or scams at sides. B. Comrgated Steel Pipe : Remove all loose excavated matcrials from bottom of trench and install bedding to required thickness. lnsall pipe true 1o line and grade. Install 1s63ining bedding material along sides of pipe to avoid any voids. Repair bitumrnous coating damage usrng similar coating material. Lubncate coupler bands. Verncal elongation causcd by bacldill operation shall not exceed 3/o of pipe diameter. Compact backfill to 85% AASHTO T99 and continue to I ' over top of pipe. C. Concrete Pipc: Extend bcdding around bell where bell and spigot pipe is used. Place pipc on beddiag as shown on drawings. Place remaining bcdding along pipe sides with no voids. Compact backfill to 85% AASHTO T99 and continue to I' over pipe. D. Underdrain Pipe: l. General: Install to lines and grades shown on drawings. Extend underdrain material a minimum of 6" over top of pipe, Cover underdrain material for entlre width of tench with filter fabric. If shown on &awings, hne tench with fabric before installing pipe and underdrain material. 2. Concrete Pipe: Insall with bell resting on trench boftom facing up grade, with under&ain material supporting pipe. 3. Comrgated Steel or PVC Pipe: Holes or perforations placed down with maximum l" underdrain material under pipe. Joinl according to manufacturer's recommendations. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. PIPES. AIID FITTINGS - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomif noOi,,oo Additions end Renovrdons Project Perk Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.05 SLOTTED DRAIN INSTALLATION InstaU in accordance with drawings. Trench as narow ari possible and backfill to create uniform foundabon side support. Install true to line and grade. 3.06 MANHOLECONSTRUCTION Manhole: Constuct in accordance with drawings. Extend concrete manhole base at least 8" bclow pipc bancl. Slopc floor of manhole from centerhne of pipe to maxtmum 2" abovc top of pipc at f3s6 qf mrnholg. Shape invert after manhole is set. Construct side branchcs with as largc radius of curvaturc as possible to conncct to marn inven. lnverts shall be smooth and clcan with no obstuction , allowing insertion of expan&ble plug in pipc. Place conpletc and continuous roll of joint sealant on basc rmg in suflicient quantity, so thcre will bc no spaccs allowing infilEation. Join each succeeding manhole section in similar manner. Tnm away all cxcess material and repair all lifting holes. Turn eccentric cone and stsps away from roadway ditch. Manhole Ring and Covcr: lnstall at gradc of finished surface. Where surface will be completed after marhole construction, set top of cone so maximum of six - two Lnch thick reinforced concrcte rings will adjust ring and cover to final grade. 3.07 CONNECTION TO EXISTING MANHOLE Make connections to cxisting manholcs, whcre no pipe is stubbcd out, in similar mamer as new manhole. Break small opening in edsting manhole as ncccssary to insert new pipe and attain watertight seal. Chip existing concretc bcnch inside manhole to provide enough thickness for mortar bed to make ncw smooth continuous invcrt, Place expandablc wate$top around portion of scwer pipe inscrtcd into existing manhole. Usc expandable grout to completely fill hole in manhole to create watcrtight repair. 3,08 CONCRETE WORK c. Placcment: Place to rcquired dcpth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniforrrly as possible to minimizc amount of additional spreading. Placc and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honcycomb, or pockcts. Well vibrated and ampcd against forms. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing with or without additional cemetr1 aggregatc, or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use. Curing: Protect agarnst loss of moisnue, rapid temperature change, rain, or flowing water, for not less than two days from placement of concrete. Immediately after finishrng, cover concretc surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Engincer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs by removutg forms immediatcly to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treaunent. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. PIPES. A}tD FITTINGS - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I t I I I T I I I I t I I t I I B. B. B. B. B. c. D, I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I t Antlers Coodominium Addf Additions and Renovations Project Perk Civil Engineering, lnc. 3.09 BACKFILL 3.IO COMPACTION One Foot Over Pipc: Use %" road base for cover material and backfill by approved mechanical methods. Cover rnatenal shall be clean, free from organic matenals, chunks of soil, frozen material. debris or other unsuitable materials. Place ald compact startDg at top of pipe bedding extending upwards to I' above top of pipe. Place in lifts to a density of 90% A,{SHTO T99, at a point 6" above top ofpipe. Remainder of Trench: Backfill witb same materials excavated from work limits unless rrnsgi6bls. No bouldcrs over 6" in diameter in top 12" of aench. No backfill material with boulders larger than 18" in diameter. Carefully lower boulders larger than 12" ut diamercr into ncnch until backfill is 4' over top of pipe. Demonstate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demons8ation section for uniform density tbroughout depth of each lift. Alter construction methods until providing one acceptrable to Engrneer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or requued compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method. Compaction requirements for all trenches within limits of pavement, shoulders, or back ofcurbs: l. Predominately of cohcsive soils where AASHTO T99 Procues are applicable: Compact uniformly tbroughout each lift to 95% AASHTO T99. 2. Predominatcly of rock, to 18" in diameter: Place in loose lift up to average rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of szes larger than maxrmum layer thichess may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones well distributed with voids cornpletely filled with smallest stones, earth, sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and frner fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional lifts. 3.11 CONCRETESTRUCTI.]RES General: Cast-in place concrete conforming to dimensions shown on the drawurgs and accurate to toleranccs of%" . Install forms so all finished lines will be true and snaight. Install reinforcing steel with the spacing between the forms and between bars as shown on drawings. Keep excavation dry during consEuction. compactron requirements same as above. lnlets and Outlets: Either cast-in place or precast units, rn accordance with drawings. When requued, set cashngs accurately to grade with adjustnent courses of brick in full mortar beds. Construct pipe inverts or smooth concrete invens same size as pipe up to ccntedine ofpipe, with bench to stand on. Frames, Grates, Covers, and Steps: lnstall accuately according to &awings. Anchor castings in place and set in adjusunent mortal to assure firm foundation. Trash Guards: Install in accordance with drawings and manufacturer's recommendations. DRAINAGE STRUCTIJTRXS. PIPES. A}{D FITTINGS - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomirl .noonroo Additions and Renovations Project Pcek Civil Engineering, lnc. 3.12 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Scorc existing surfacc with cutting whecl to create cleaa break line. Rcmovc and disposc of existing surface aod aggregarc base course. Lcave 6" of undisirbcd subgradc lip on each sidc of uench. After rench has bcen backfilled and propcrly compactcd, place aggregate basc course in accordance u/ith psrmlt requirements or minimum thickness in tbese specifications. Compact aggregatc base coursc to 95% AASHTO T180. Rcplace pavement in accordancc with permit requiremcnts or minimum thiclness in thesc spccifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D 1559; consolidarc with vibrators. 3.I3 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL Noti$ Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe bciag laid in any tench. Cover no pipes until observed by Enginccr. 3.I4 CLEANUPANDRESTORATION Restore all pavemcnts, curbs, gutters, utilitics, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lavms, and other stuctures or surfaccs to condition equal !o or bcttcr than beforc work bcga4 and to satisfaction of Engincer. Deposit all w:xrtc matcrials in dcsignatcd waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complcte topsoil and lssgsding of sitc if rcquired. Where disposal silcs are not designated, remove and dispose of all waste materials offsite. END OF SECTION 02430 DRAINACE STRUCTURES, PIPES, AND FITTINGS - 02430 Peak Civil Engineering Inc. t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I SECTION O25OO PAVING AND SURFACING PART I GENERAL: RELATED WORK Refer to Soils and Foundatlon InvestJ_gation prepared by KoechleinConsulting Engineers, Inc. Job No. 98,162 dated August 20, L99Bfor subsurface soi.l conditi-on inforrnation.Section 02220 - Excavating Backfill and Compaction 1. PARKING AREAS MATERIALS -a. SEE SPEC SECTION 02511 - CONCRETE PAVINGb. New and replacement concrete parking garage and dri-ves.(Refer Plans).c. Asphalt for street patching according to Town of Vailspecification and installation requirements. WALK, CURBS AND GUTTERS: (Refer'Civil'Plans) a. ON CITY PROPERTY - construct new curb cuts, wa1ks, curbs,gutters according to Town of Vail Traffic EngineerinErequirements and standards.b. ON ANTLERS PROPERTY1. Walks (Concrete and Precast Concrete Pavers)(a) 4" thick with 6X5 W1 .4 X W1 .4 welded wj.re fabri-cor fiber rei-nforcing as approved by structural- engj-neer(b) See 03300 for concrete2. Curb Gutter(a) 4" thick, 6" curb height typical.3. Drives(a) 5" thick slab on grade 6 X 6 X Vl 1.4 X l{ 1.4.or fiber reinforcing Welded wire fabric(b) See 03300 for Concretec. EXPANSION JOINTS Provide expansion joints at the following ]ocati-ons1. Between bui.lding and wal-ks2. Whenever concrete paving is confined (i.e. betweenbuilding and curb or in building courtyard) .3. At 20' maxj-mum spacing in straight runs.d. CONCRETE PAVING BLOCKS:Precast, integral color 6000 PSI concrete interlockingpavers. 3" thi-ck, Colonial Cobble or pattern asselected. InstalLation over 60 mil "Bi-tuthene" membranewaterproofJ-ng system 4000 and "Hydroduct HSF" manufactured by W. R. Grace. Utilize 2" sand bed and 3"pavers at parking/drive court above garage, etc. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 02500 -1 E. SPECIAL CONDITIONS1. Afl waLks or drive which may cross irrigationor electric lines:Provide oversized PVC sleeves under walks, drives,etc. where buried utilities (sprinkler systems, gas lines, etc.) run under these features so that removaland replacement of the lines can be accomplished wj-thout damage to walks, etc. Extend sleeve 1r (min.) beyond edge of walk, etc. Larger extensions may be needed if utility is buried at greater depth. Show sLeeve locations on Drawings. 2. Install public R.O.W. concrete curb & gutter and walksas required by Town of Vaj.L Authorities. Review curbcut areas, wheel chair ramp, parking garage, drive/curb cut areas and front entry drive areas withTown of Vail Inspector and secure approval forslopes, detaifs, finish and guality control prior toplacing new concrete and/or concrete pavers. Contractor shall install aII paving, walks, curb andgutter as shown on the drawings in public R.O.W.accordi-ng to Town of Vail requirements withoutaddi-tional cost to the Owner.3. Provide control joi-nts in all new concrete paving as shown on plans or if not shown to align with all column corners, building corners, wall corners and at20' each wav minimum. SOILS COMPACTION: tn"fe. Section O222Ol Compaction shall conform with recommendatj-ons of geotechnical investigation and be compacted to 95t relative compact,ion, mi-nimum or according to geotechnical report, whichever is mostrestrictive. Compaction may be according to 90t relative compaction at landscaped and sodded areas. COMPACTION TESTING: (Refer Section 014L0)Provj-de one test per 2OO sq. ft. area and/or eachfoundation/footing, each trench backfiJ-I, each pit backfill andbelow all concrete fLoor slabs, galage slabs, curb/gutters,terraces, walks and drives. END OF SECTION O25OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, E.AGLE COUNTY, COLORADO t I I I I I T I I T I I I I I I I I I 02500 -2 B. D. I I I I t I t I I I I I T I I I I I t iil','fi ":".""Til1'"""T,#:*,*,Peek Civil Engineering, lnc. SECTION 025IO WATER SYSTEM PART I GEI\ERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION A. Work lncluded; l. Excavation, backfill, bedding, and insallation of prpe, valves, fittings, fue hy&ants, vaults, scwice lincs, curb stops, valve boxes, pressure reducrng valves, meters, and all Decessary appurtances. B. Relatcd Work: I . Site Clearins 021 10 C. Definitions: I . Trench Excavation: Excavation of all material encountered along Eench other than rock excavation. 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formation which can not be reasonably broken by a backhoe with % cubic yard bucket with bucket curling force and stick crowd force of 35,000 lbs. Each, and requiring drilling and blasting. Boulders and large rocks of one cubic yard or larger are considered rock excavation. D. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District: All work shall conform to the standard specifications for water hnes as adopted ia the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Distnct specificanons. Complete installation must be acceptable to the Eagle Rrver Water and Sanitation District. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District inspections are required. I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction materials for i . v"lr., and Valve Boxes2. Fittings 3. Fhe Hy&anu 4. Vaults 5. Sewice Lincs 6. Meters Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for gradation for bedding and Eench stabilization materials, concretc mix design, hydrostatic testing, and disinfection tests Certificates: Submit copics ofacceptance from Health Deparrnent pnor to placing water system in servicc. Permits: Submit copies of all permis issued for project WATER SYSTEM. O25lO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. i::"'ff,,::1Tff"t#:H;* Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I B. D. I.O3 JOB CONDMONS Environmental Rcquircments: Except by specific writtcn authorization, cease concreting when descending air tcmperature in shade and away from artificial heat falls below 35 degrees F and/or there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperanue of mix shall not be lsss than 60 dcgrees F at time of placing. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI PTPE AND FITTINGS All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall meer the latest AWWA Spccifications. Pipe: Ductile Iron Pipe: AWWA Cl5l, working pressure 350 psi, minimum thickness class 52, with cement-morlar lining, AWWA C104. Bituminous outside coating one mil thrck. Pipe joints, push-on q?e utilizing rubber ring gasket, AWWA Cl I l. Fittings: Fittings shall bc ductile iron and in accordance with the r€quiremetrts of AWWA C153, pressure rating 350 psi. Mechanical joints shall conform to AWWA Cl I L Bolts and nuts shall low-alloy stcel. All frnings shall bc cement-mortar lined AWWA ClO4. Binrminous outside coating one mil thick. 2.02 VALVES The valves shall bc the same size as the rDain. Gate Valves: Mueller A-2370. Cast iron body with pressure rating 200 psi, bronze-mounred, AWWA C509. Rcsilient scat gate valve. Valves, flanged or mechanical joint as required. Valves with ring stcm seal, two inch (2) square operating nut, opqn left. Use gate valves on all pipe stzes up to twelve inches (12"). Butterlly Valves: Mucller Class 200 B. Conforming to AWA C504. Tight ctosing with rubber seals fastencd to valve body. Open left. Use buttcrlly valves on all installations larger than 12 inches (12"). Valve Boxes: All buried valves shall bc provided with a six inch (6") cast Lon valve box, screw type. The valve box shall bc of a dcsign which will not transmit shock or stress to the valve and will have enough cxteusion capability to be raised to final stect grade. The valve box shall be cast iron, adjusable screw qpe, with minimum five inch (5") diamerer shaft provided with cover marked "WATER". Pressurc Reducing Valvcs: All pressure reducing valves shall be Golden-Anderson cushioned, single globe, pilot pattero, hydraulically operated with flanged ends. The valve body shall be of cast iron ASTM-I26 with flanges conforming to the latest ANSI sandards. The valve body shall be exta heavy constnrction throughout. The valve interior rim shall be bronze B-62 as well as the main opcration. The valve seals shall bc easily renewable while no diaphragm shall be permitted within the main valve body. All contols and piping shall be of non-corrosive construction. All service stubouB are required to have pressure reducing valves located within the building. CLA-VAL and Watts pressure reducing valves may be considered as an acccptable altemanve. WATER SYSTEM - O25IO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. E. F, I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I Anuers aonoorunrum Aooa Additions end Renovatiotrs Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. Air ReleaseA/acuum Valves: APCO series l40C as manufactured by Valve and Primer Corp. The valve shall have a cast lron body, cover and baffle with a stainless steel float. The seat shall be fastencd into the valve cover. without distortion, and shall be installed on all main line ext€nsions at the high points in the system. Check Valves: Golden-Anderson Silent Check Valve (Figure 280). Bronze mounted, AWWA C508. High srength cast iron gate with bronze gate ring. Bronze, back-faced seat ring. Solid Y- shaped hinge. 2,03 FIRE T{YDRANTS A. Fire Hydrants: Mueller "Centurion" or "Watcrous" conforrning to AWWA Stadard C502. Working pressure 200 psi. Six inch (6") mechanical joint inlet, minimum 5-l/4" compression- type main valve which closes with pressure, two 2-l/2" hose nozzle, and one 4-1i2" pump nozzle. Nozzle threads ANSI 826. Nozzles easily replaced in field with standard tools. Operating and cap nuts l-1/2" No. l7 National Sandard hex rnain valve opening left. Direction of opentng indicated be arrow cast on top ofhydrant. Breakable section which permits clean break at or near ground level, preventing water loss in case of breakage . Working parts removable for maintenance or repair without excavation. Operating mcchanism non-wetting, oil rescrvoir lubricated, with O-ring seals. Barrel &ain bronze mounted with at least two outlets, and operate automatically with main valvc. Fire hydrants must be installed at the end of all main lines. B. Fire Hydrant Extensions: Same manufacturer as fue hydrant or approved equal, complete with barrel, opcratrng ro4 and all appurtances. C. All hydrants shall be installed with a guard valve to isolate hydrant for repair while maintaining service to main. No service line taps will be allowed between guard valve and hydrant. Guard valves shall be insralled a maximum of three (3') form 0re ceoter of the fre hydrant. 2.04 SERVICE LINES A. Copper Tubing: Type "K", ASTM 888-62. Connectrons to be compressed or silver soldered. B. Corporauon Stops: Mueller 300 Ball Valve No. 8-25008 or b25028, AWWA C800. All brass construction with compression connection. McDonald No. 4701 BT or 4704 BT, AWWA C800. C. Curb Stops: Muellcr 300 Ball Curve Valve No. 25209 witb compression connection, AWWA C- 800. Mc Donald Ball Curb Valve - 6100 T AWWA C800. D. Curb Boxes: Mueller H-10316. 2-1l2" shaft with extension, Tyler l01F with extension or equal. Shaft extcnsions ovcr nine feet (9') will not be permrned. E. Saddles: Mueller H-10500 or approved equal. Double flat strap design with ductile iron body Conform to AWWA C800. 2.0s METERq A. All meters shall be purchased from the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Distict and shall conform to the specifications in the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District specificauons. B. lnsrallation must bc in freeze-proo( accessible area. WATER SYSTEM. O25lO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Artlers Condomif maitioo Additions end Renovetions Project Peak Civil Engineering Inc. C. A telcphone jack must be i$talled within flrve feet (5') of the meter to provide for funre automated rcading. D. Installation will be in approved vault as specified in the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Disrrct manual. E. Master Mercr Vaults: All master meter vaults will be rcquircd to have a six inch (6") Rockwell turbrne meter with a two inch (2") positive displaccrncnt low flow meter. Thc Conractor shall submit a piping schcrnatic to thc Eaglc River Water and Saniation Distict and the Engineer pnor to any rnstallation. Rcfer to thc Eaglc Rivcr Water and Sanitatiou District manual, 2.06 BEDDING A. Granular matenal - /, " screcned rock. Tbc bedding material shall be frce of conosive propenles and shall conform to the following gradation limits whcn tested by means of laboratory sieves: %" Screencd Rock I I I I t I t I I I t t I I I I t I I Sieve Size %" 3/8" No.4 No. 8 Total Percent Passinq bv Wciqht 100 90-100 40-70 0- l5 0-5 B. Onsite l-l/2" minus well grade screencd material, free from organic materials, chunks ofsoil, frozen matcrial, debris, or other suitable materials may be considered for bedding. Use of onsite materials must bc approved by Fngiaeer and the Eaglc River Water and Saniation District. 2.07 TRENCH BACKFILL Backfill with samc matcrials excavatcd from work limits unless unsuitablc. No boulders over sx inches (6") in top twelve inches (12") of ucncb- No backfill material with boulders larger than eighteen inches (18") in diamctcr shall bc backftllcd in the rench. 2,08 POLYETHELENEENCASEMENT When required, a polyethylenc cncasement material shall be manufacored in accordance with AWWA C105, with thc following additional requiremene. The raw material used to manufacture polyethylene film shall be T1rye l, Class A, Grade E-1, in accordance with ASTM D-1248. 2.09 THRUSTBLOCKSANDANCHORS Concrete thrust blocks and anchors shall be sized for thc internal pipe pressure and soil bearing capaclty. Standard sizes and shapes of thrust blocks and anchors are shown on the details. No thrust block shall be stnaller rhan that sizc required for an eight inch (8") main. Thrust reaction blocking shall bc concrete of a mix not leaner than I part cement to 2 l/2 pans sand and 5 parts stonc, and having a conpressive strength ofnot lcss than 3000 P.S.l. after 28 days, Megatug ttrrust resniints may be substituted for concrete thrust blocking provided prior approval has been givcn by thc Disricr and the Engineer. WATER SYSTEM. O2STO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc, t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Antlers Condominium Add Additions and Renovations PFoject Perk Civil Engineering, Inc. PART3 E)GCUTION 3.01 TRENCHING A, Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavanon to work limits. B. Rock Trench ExcavatioD: Prior to removal, notiff Engineer ofareas requrnng rock excavation. C. Trcnch Support: The rench shall be adequately supported and the safery of workers providcd for by the Bost recent standards adopted by the occupatronal Safety and Health Adminisration (OSHA) Standards Board. Shceting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the trench which may be deeimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtances being installed, to the existing utilities, to existing structures, or to anv other facilitv or item. 3.02 UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AN'D EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If thc bottorn of the excavation at subgradc is found to bc soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organis material, or large pieccs or fragnens of inorganic material that camot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, the Contractor shall further excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structue is rnstalled, the subgrade shall bc acceptcd by the Engrncer and the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Departnent. 3.03 BEDDING lnsall in confonnance with drawiags. Place from minimum of 4" below bottom of pipe to centerline for entire width. Scc drawings for exact bedding details. 3.04 PIPE INSTALLATION A. General: Deliver, handle, store, and install in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations and the applicable paragraphs of AWWA C600, AWWA C603, and ASTM D2321. . Carefully examine all pipe and fittings for cracks and other defects. Groove rn bells of ductile iron pipe to be full and continuous or be rejected. Remove all foreign rratter form interior and ends of pipe and appurtances before lowering ul to trench. Carefully lowcr all pipe, fittings, valves, and hydranu into rench piece by piece to prevent damage to pipe materials, protective coatings, and linings. Do not dump into- trench. During plp€ laying, place no debns, tools, clothing or other materials in pipe. Kcep trenches frec from watcr during pipe laying and jointrng. Dewatering of trench is considered as incidental to constnrction and all costs are considered as included in contact prices. Wheo pipe laying is not rn progress, close open ends of pipe by watcrtight plug, or other means approved by Engineer. WATER SYSTEM - O25IO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomiof ^OO,,,ooAdditions and Renovrtions Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I t T t I I I I I t I T I I t l. 4. B. Deflection of pipe: Pipe deflections are discouraged. Do not exceed 50% olthe deflection limiS for each typc ofpipe as recommended by pipe manufacturer. C. Pipe Jointing General: Cut pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces in a neat and workrnanlike manner with no damagc to pipc or lining. Leave smooth end at right angles to axis ofpipe. Mcchanical Joints: Thorougbly clean last 8" of spigot and inside bell to remove oil, grit, tar, and o&er forcign natter. Coat spigot and gasket with solution fumishcd by pipe maaufacturer. Slip cast iron gland oo spigot end of pipe with lip extension of gland toward spigot end. Coat gasket with joint lubricant and place otr spigot cud ofpipc to be lai4 with thick edge toward gland. Push entire scction forward to scat spigot in bell of pipe in place. Press gaskct rnto place within be ll, even arormd entire joint. Move ductile iron gland along pipe into position for bolting all nuts with suitablc torque wrench. Alternately tighten nuts 180 degrees apart to produce cqual pressure on all parts ofgland. Pipe Sizc J 4"-24" Bolt Size 5/8" Range of Torque 45-601 ft-lb 75-90 ft-lb Push-on Joints: Thorougbly clean extcrior 4" of spigot and inside bell to rcmove oil, grit, ar, and othcr foreip matter. Placc gasket in bell with large round sidc of gasket pointing imide prpc bell. Apply thin fi1rn ofjoint lubricant ovcr gasket's entirc exposcd surface. Wipe spigot end ofpipe clean and insert into bell to contact gaskct. Force pipe into bell to manufacturer's joinnng mark. Flanged Joints: ltoro',glrly clean faccs of flanges of all gease, oil, and other material. Thoroughly clcan rubbcr gaskes and check for proper fit. Assure proper scating of flangcd gasket. Tigbten bolt so pressure on gasket is uniform. Usc torquc wrenches o insure uniform bearing. Ifjoints leak when hydrostatic test is applic4 rcmove and replacc gaskcts and retighten bolts. D. Thrust Restraint: Concrcte thrust blocks are required. 3.05 SAMTARYSEWERCROSSING WATER SYSTEM - 02510 Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. A. Normal Conditions: Whenever possible lay water mains over sanitary sewers to provide vertical separation ofat lcast 18" between invert of water main and crown of sewer. B. Unusual Conditions: If above sepantion cannot be met, use the following. l. Sewer passing over or less than 18' under water main. a. Replace sewer pipe with one continuous length of watertight presswe C900 PVC 20' long centered on water main. b. Scwer pipe encased in 6" concrete around pipe, and extend 10" either side of main. T I T I T I I I I I T t t I I I t I T Antlers Condominium Addif Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 2. Water marns passing under sewers: If vertical separanon is less than 18", provide stntctural support for sewer. 3.06 TAPPING PIPE Use experienced workmen with tools in good repair and proper adapters for size of pipe being tapped. Drilling and tapping machines proposed for tapping directly into pipe agreed to by Eugineer. If tap is improperly installed with leakage around threads or, rn the opinion of the Engineer the conncction is substandard, provide tap saddle at Contractor's expcnse. If damage to pipe can not be repaied by saddle, install approved repaired sleeve over damaged portron of main and retap at Contractor's expense. lnstall corporation stop and couplings, clangcd coupling adapters, and service saddles to provide clean seat. Wipe gaskes clean before rnstallation. Flexible couphngs and flanged coupling adapter gaskets may be lubricated for installation on pipe ends. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Tighten bols progressively from opposite sides until all bolts have uniform fightness. Use torque wrenches or other approved equipment. 3.07 SERVICE LINE Place tnre to line and grade in accordance with drawings, from main line to curb stop or meter, in shonest direct route by continuous section of pipe with no splices. Locate a minimum of l0' horizontallv from all sewer lines or services. Terminate as shown on drawings. 3.08 VALVES AND HYDRANTS Carefully inspect valve and hydrant before rnstallation. Clean interior. OPerate valve and hydrant to determhe if pans are in proper working order, with valves seating and &ain valve operating properly. Set plumb and securely brace in place. Set hydrant with bury line at fnished grade, with hose nozzles parallel to and pumper nozzle facing pavement, at least 6" behind curb or sidewalk. Provide drarnage pit having 9 sq. fl. of surface area aod 2 ft. of depth below seep hole. Backfill pit with 1-l/2"washed rock to 6" above banel drain hole. Providc tbrust blocking at bowl end ofeach hydrant as shown on drawrngs. Do not obstruct barrel hole. Backfill hydrants and valves with l-1/2" aggregate road base to subgrade. Valve boxes centered and plumb over the operating nut. Valve boxes supported by bricks or other means to prevent any shock or stress Fansmitted to pipe or valve. Set valve box cove$ to just below subgrade level to prevent damage during construction of surfacing, if applicable. Adjust to grade of surfacing. 3.09 PLUGGING DEAD EN'DS Install standard plugs or caps at dead ends of all fittings and pipe in accordance with dra*'ings. If dead end is not to be extended, place water service line as near to end as possible. Provide thrust blockrng as required. 3.10 VAULTS Consuuct vaults on line and grade as shown on drawings. WATER SYSTEM - 02510 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomiof ^ooroooAdditions end Renovetions Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.I I CONCRETE WORK 3.I2 BACKFILL A. 3.I3 COMPACTION A, WATER SYSTEM - 02510 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. A. Placemcnt: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place cotrcrcte as unifomily as possible in ordcr to m.rnimize the amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitablc tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb or pockets. Vibrate and amp against forms. B. Retcmpering: Do not reternper concrcte or mortar which has partial hardened by rcmixing with or nrithout addinonal cemcnt, aggrcgate, or water. Provide concrete m such quantity as is requircd for imrnediate usc. E, Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperaturc change, from rain, and flowing water for not lcss than wo days from placement of concrete. lmmediately after finishing covel concrcte with curiag medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Enginccr. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs by rcmovirg forms immediatcly to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treaEneot. One foot over pipc: Use %" screcned rock for cover matcrial and backfill by approved mcchanical methods. Cover material shall be clean soil, free from organic matcrials, frozcn material, chunks ofsoil dcbris or other unsuitable materials. Place and conpact starting at top of pip€ bedding cxtcnding upwards to I' above top of pipc. Place in liffs to a density of 90%, ASSHTO T99. Rcmainder of Trcnch: Backfill with samc materials excavated from work limrts unlcss unsuitable. No boulders over 6" in diameter in top 12" ofnench. No backfill nratcrial with boulders largcr than 18" in diamctcr. Carcfully lower boulders larger than tl" in diamctcr into rench until backfill is 4' over top ofpipe. I T I T t I I I I I I B. Demonstratc method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted dcrnonstration scction for uuiform density throughout dcpth of each lift. Alter construction me6ods until acceptable to Engineer. Continuc samc procedure until significant changc ia soils occurs, or compactiou is not being achieved, then dcmonsrate ncw method. Compaction requirements for all trenches: l. Predominantly cohesive soils whcre AASHTO T99 procedures are applicable: Compact top 12 inches of subgrade and each lift ofbackfill material to a minimum of 95% AASlffO T99., L0Oo/o near roadways for top 2'oftench. 2. Predominantly rock to 18" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average mck dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum laycr thickness may be approved by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones are well distributed with voids completcly filled with smaller stones, earth, sand, or gravel' I I T t t I I T I t I T I I I I I I I I I I t T T I I Antlers Condominium lAaif Additions and Renovrtions Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.14 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT All steet cuts must conform to Eagle County specifications. 3.I5 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL A. Noti$ Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid ur any trench. Cover no pipes until obsewcd by Engrneer and/or Eagle County Water and Sanitadon District represeutative. Notify Engineer at least 48 hours before prpe is to be tested' B. Hydrosatic Tcsting l. General: Perform pressurc and leakage tests on all newly laid pipes. Test two or more valved sections not to exceed 1000 fcet. Test first section of pipe laid to verifi if watertight. Lay no additional pipe until fust test sechon has passed tests. Fumish following equipment and materials for tests, unless otherwise directed by Engineer: 2 graduated containers 2 pressure gauges I suiable hose and suction pipe as required 2. Testing Procedure: Test each 1000 fect of line installcd while tench is partially backfillcd and joints are left exposed for examination for leaks. Do not conduct prcssue tcsts until 48 hours after placement of concrete thrust blocks. After prpc has bcen partially backfilled, slowly let water into line. Vent to allow air in tine to be released. Flush line as necessary for cleaning. Leave water in line for 24 hours prior to pressure test. Test at l-1/2 times working pressure, calcuiated for low point of tcst section, or 150 psi, whichever is greater. Valve offpump and hold pressure in line for test. Test for two hours or as agreed to by Engineer. At end of test operate putrp until test pressure is again attained. Calibratc containcr of water for pump suction to determure amount of water to replacc leakage. 3. Leakage Allowance: Lcakage is quantity of water necessary to refill line at end of test period. No installatron will be accepted unul leakage is less than: ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE PER 1000' oF PIPE (in GPH) Avg. Test Pressure (gsi) 200 175 150 r25 100 0.@ 0.85 0.59 0.80 0.55 0;14 0.50 0.67 0.45 0.60 1.06 1.28 l.9l 0.99 l.l9 t.79 0.92 l.l0 1.66 0.84 1.01 1.51 0.75 0.90 1.35 Nominal Pipe Diameter (inches) 6E10!2 l8 For pipe with l8' nominal lengths. To obtain allowable leakage for pipe with 20' nominal lengths, multipty the leakage values in the table by 0.9. If pipeline under test contains sections of various diameters, allowable leakage will be the sum of cornputed leakage for each size. Reducc allowable leakage proportionately for sections less than 1000 ft. WA,TER SYSTEM - 02510 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomiof ^oo,oooAdditions rnd Renovrtions Project Peek Civil Engineerin& Inc. 3.I6 FLUSHING AND DISINFECTING Pipc Diamctcr (inchcs) WATER SYSTEM - ()25IO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. A. General: In accordance with AWWA C601. Accepable chlorine disinfcctants are calcium . hypochlorirc granules, sodium hypochloritc solutions, and calcium hypochloritc tablcts. B. Chlorine watcr solution mcthod: Chlorinc Rcquired to Produce 25 mg/l Concenration in 100 fect of Pipe (by diametcr) Pipc 100 % lo/o Diamctq (inch) Chlorinc (lb) Chlorine Solution (eal) I I T I I I t T T I I I I I T I I t t 4 6 8 l0 t2 l6 0.013 0.030 0.054 0.085 0.120 0.217 0. r6 0.36 0.65 r.02 1.44 2.60 Induce chlorine solution into pipc at a continuous feed rate to attain a concenration of 25 mgA frce chlorinc. Tablet Method: May not bc used on solvcnt wclded plastic pipe. May be used only when all foreign rnaterials have been kcpt out of pipc. If groundwatcr has entcrcd pipe during installation and tablets have been installed, flush main and use chlorine-water solution method. Do not use if tempcrature is below 5 dcgrees C. Place tablets with non-toxic adhesive il cach pipc lengtb in op of pipc in accordancc with following table: Number of 5-g Hlpochlorite Tables Required for Dose of 25 mg/F Length of Pipc Section (ft.)13 rg 4. 30 49 4 6 8 l0 t2 l6 2 3 4 llll ll22 2234 2245 44676710 13 +Bascd on 3.25 g available chlorine per tablet, any portion oftablet rounded to next higher numbcr. l0 T t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t AnUers Conoomrntum AodtO Additions rnd Renovetions P6ject Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. D. Chlorination Test: Assure valves are closed on exiting system to prevent chlonne solution flowing into existing system. Retain 25 mgll chlorinated water in pipe for a mrnimum of 24 hours. During retcntion period operate all new valves and hydrants to disinfect. At end of 24 hour pcriod, chlorine in system to be no less than l0 mgA tbroughout length tested. When scction tested meets l0 mgn cilorine after 24 hours, flush main. Water samples aken shall show no coliform organisms. If watcr in pipe does not meet the govemrng health agency requirements, repeat disirfection procedure at Contsactor's expense, until requirements are mct. Flrmisb acccptance forms fiom governing agency to Engineer. 3.17 CLEANUPANDRESTORATION Restore all pavcmcnts, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of Engincer and Owuer. Deposit all waste rnatcrial to desiglated waste areas. Complete topsoil and reseeding of disturbed areas if required. Where disposal site is not designated, remove and dispose of all waste off site. END OF SECTION ()25IO WATER SYSTEM - O25IO Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. ll I s'crroN 02s11 I coNcRETE PAVTNGI PART 1 - GENERAL t woRK TNCLUDEDConcrete paving for curb cuts, stairs, terraces, topping, r pedestrian walks, curb and gutter, garage slabs and ramps as I indicated on the drawings. RELATED WORK I Section 02220 - Excavating, Backfilling and Compacting t Section 02500 - Paving and Surfacing Sectlon 03300 - Cast-In-PLace Concrete I TESTINGr An independent testlng laboratory sha11 be retained by the Contractor to perform tests and distribute results. See Section I 03300 - Cast-In-Place concrete for more informatlon.I SUBMITTALS I Submj-t mix designs for approval. I Submit color samples FTNTSHES I Concrete finishes including 'broomed finishes", and/or "groovedr surface", etc. as approved by Owner for "non slip" paving surface at auto ramps and sloping wa1ks. Provide "Tactife" detectable t warning raised strips in finished concrete at ramps to parking I and driveway per ANSI A 117.1 and/or ADA. I PART2-PRODUCTS II APPRoVED MANuFACTURERS I cURING AND SEALING coMPoUNDI Curing and sealing compound shall be white liquid membrane applied at the rate of 1ga11on per 150 square feet. I L&MSuperSeal 35 I Sonneborn Deepguard MATERlALS II Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type II See SECTION 03300 for concrete strength requirements I CoLor Additive: At concrete wal-ks stairs at east entry and curb & I gutter and ramps at parking/drive court allow minimum 20 1bs/yard color as selected bv Architect. I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADoITION/RENOVATION 02511 .1 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO t I REINFORCING tfelded Wire Fabric (WwF): ASTM A 285 (6 x 6 w1 -4 C t{1.4) minimum for exterior sIabs. See SECTION 03300 - CONCRETE for additional informati-on. MISCELLANEOUS Expansion Joint Filler: Provide premolded joint filler for joints abutting building structure, curbs, etc. PART 3 - EXECUTION lap welded wire fabric one fuII mesh in each dj.rection. Offset lafs in adjacent coursee of fabric. Set welded wire fabric 2n below finished slab surfaces. Install expansion joints as identified on the drawi"ngs and at building aira column foundation edges. Score terrace and picnic patio slabs as indicated. SITE CONCRETE FINISHING Screed surfaces !o approximate true lines. Steel trowel concrete before brooming. UatCh adjacent existing concrete finish as close as possible where apPropriate. InstaII 'non sIip" surface ?!r.*ps according to Aba and ANSI A117.1 reguirements. Install grobved surface- at auto ramps of garage and garage entry drive. CONTROL JOINTS . Tool control joints shall be 1n (minimum) deep and 20'-0' (maximurn) on center unless otherwise indicated or to match existing pattern and/or coordj.nate with colunn bays, etc. as directed by Architect. Retool all joints after brooming. slab edges shall be tooled to a smootb t/2" (minlmum) radius. CURING AND SEALING COMPOUNDS Apply Curing and sealing compound unifornly to all new concrete silU3 and witks, where the concrete is designated to be exposed to view and wear in the finished construction. Apply curing and Sealing compound as soon as surface ltater has disappeared. FINTSHESunless otherwise noted, exposed concrete walks shafl be fu11 floated, steel troweled, and broomed to medium texture. Brooming shall be at 90 degrees to the dlrectj.on of traffic. The Architect or appropriate toin inspector shall apptove. the dePth (roughness) of Ufooniinq. Concrete walks to be covered by precast concrete pavers shall be ful1 floated to profile necessary for slope to lrain criterib (1/4" Per 1' min.) ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO I I l. Il I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I 02511 -2 I TOLERANCES I Speclficatj.on Section 03300 - Cast-In-Place concrete tolprances I apply to work j-n this section. SLAB THICKNESS Curb cut apron slabs shalL be in conformance with Town of VailTraffic Engineering requirements of minimum 5' thick concrete.All other concrete walks shall be 4' thi-ck. New concrete entranceramps shall be 5" minlmum thickness with rise as shown on plans.AII exterior concrete service drives shall be 5" thick concrete.Parking garage slab on grade shal.l be 5" thick. ENTRY WALKS/SLABS New finish waLks/balconies shall be constructed to within I/2" offloor slab elevation at entrance,/exit doors and patio doors.Detai-l slab condition at doors shafl conform with UBC Section3304 i for access for persons with disabilities i.e. "not morethan 7/2" Iower than threshold of the doorway" and "exteriorlandings may have a slope not to exceed L/2" per foot". END OF SECTION 02511 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I t t I I I I I t I I I I I t I I 02511 -3 t I I I T I I I I I I I I t t I I I I Anuers aooooouilum AddO Additions aDd Renovrtions Project t."u a,*t "otto...tor,to.. ,aarron orrro SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM PART I GEI{ERAL r.or oedcnrp'nou A. Work Included: Excavation, bacKill, bedding, and installation of pipe, manholes, sewice wyes, service lines, force mains and all necessary appurtenances. B. Related Work: l. Clcaring: Section 02110 2. Topsoil: Section 02489 C. Definitions: l. Trench Excavation: Excavation ofall materiai encountered along trench other than rock excavation. 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a backhoe with % cubic yard bucket curling force and stick crowd force of 35,000 lbs. eac\ and requinng drilling and blasting. Boulders, large rocks, and chunks of concrete three cubic yards or larger, considered rock excavation. D. Eagle fuver Water and Sanitation District Specification: All work shall conform to the standard specifications for sewer lines as approved by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District specification. Complete installation must be acceptable to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. Eagle River Water and Sanitation Disrict inspections required. I.O2 SIJBMITTALS A. Submrt shop &awings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction matcrials for pipe, fittings, and manholes; or certifications that products conform with spccifications. B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization matenals, concrete mix design, and compression test. C. Permits: Submit copies of all permis issued for project. I.O3 JOB CONDITIONS Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written authorizahon, cease concreting when descending air tempcranue in shade away from artificial heat falls belo*'35 degrees F. and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be les.s than 60 degrees F. at time of placing. SANITARY SEWER - 02530 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomifnoon,oo Additions and Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. PART2 PRODUCTS 2,OI PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Polyvinyl Cbloride (PVC): 4"-15", ASTM D3034, Type PSM, SDR 35; l8'-27', ASTM F679. Push-on joints and molded rubber gaskets. Maximum pipe length l3'. B. Ductilc Iron: AWWA Cl5l, Class 52. Push-on joints. Cement-mortar lined AW1VA c104. C. Yelomine: Restraincd joint PVC pressure pipe and fittings. Conform to ASTM D2241 'Standard Spccifications for PVC, pressure rated pipc (SDR Series)." D. Polyvinyl Chloridc Pipe and Couplings: AWWA C900, working pressue 200 psi, with push-on joints ASTM DI869. 2.02 MANHOLES A. Manhole bascs: Precast concrete ASTM C478 B. Manhole Sections: ASTM C478. Precast concrete with minimum wall thickness l/12 of intcmal diamcter. Cones eccentric. C. Manhole Rings and Covers: Cast iron, ASTM A48. Ring and cover combined weight greater thaa 255 lbs., machined to fit secure ly. Non-rocking cover, Hot drppcd rn asphalt. HS20 traffrc loading. D&L A-1043 or equal. D. N[rnh6lg Steps: Two non-skid grooves in surface of step and capable of carrying load of 1000 lbs 6' from facc of manhole. E. Manholc Joint Sealanc Rubbcrneck. One inch (1") on 48" diameter manholes. l-l/2" on all larger numbers. 2.03 BEDDING A. Granular matcrial - %" screened rock. The bcdding matcrial shall be free of corrosrve propcrties and shall conform to the following gra.dation limits when tested by means of laboratory sieves: %" Scrcened Rock I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t Sieve Sizc t/;, 72 3/8" No.4 No.8 SANITARY SEWER. O253O Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Total Percent Passing by Weight t00 90- 100 40-70 0-15 0-5 B. On-site 1-l/2" minus well-gradcd screened material, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozcn material, debris, or other unsuitable materials. Use of on-site bedding material must have prior written approval of dre Eagle River Water and Sanitation Distict. I I I I t I I I I I I I t t t I I t I Anrrers aonoomrnlum Adda Additions end Renovrtions Pioject Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. 2.M CONCRETEMATERIAL A. General: All materials fumished from sources approved by Engincer. B. Ccmcnt ASTM Cl50 for Portland Cement, Type tr. Cernent which has become partially set or contain lumps, caked cement and have been exposed to rnclement weather shall be rcjected. C. Aggcgate: ASTM C33. D. Watcr: Water uscd ia mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and ftee ftom oils, acids, salt, alkali, or org.nic mater"ials harmful to concrete. 2.05 CONCRETE MIX A. Design Mix: L Proportions: Cement 5-1/2 sacks per cubic yard Coarse aggregate 43% Water 5.5 Gallons per sack Maximum size aggre$ te t/." 2. Slunp: 4" rnaxinum 3. Saength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days 4. Air Content: 5%-7% B. Job Mixed CoDcrete: Mixed in drum mrxer conformrng to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixet Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of Amcrica. Mixer shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixcd and rmiform mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less l0 minutes after all rnaterials are indrurl C. Ready Mixed Cotrcrete: Proportione4 mixe4 atrd hansported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete no plastic and workable when it reaches project shall be rqected. 2.06 TRACER WIRE Tracer wire shall be ten (10) gauge r:ninsulated copper wire. Tracer wue shall be lnstalled on all Yelominc pipe where changes in alignmcnt may take place and/or where curviltnear pipe installations occur. SAI\ITARY SEWER - 02530 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antters Condomif ^oo,,,ooAdditions and Renovations Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to work limrts. B. Rock Excavation: Prior to rcmoval, noti$ Engineer of areas requiring rock cxcavation. C. Blasting: ln gencral blasting will bc allowed in ordcr to expedite the work if a perrnit by the local authority having jurisdiction is grantcd. All explosives and appurtenances shall be aansporte{ handlc4 storcd and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state, and fedcral govcmments, as applicable. All blasting shall bc contolled as not to injurc any cxisting smrctrue or facility. The protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the pcrson or penions conducting the blasting operation. The hours ofblasting shall be in accordance with the pemit of thc local authority. Prior o blasting , provide minrmum 24 hour notification to Engineer. D. Trencb Support: Thc trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided for as requred by the most recent standards adoptcd by the Occupational Safety and Health Admiaistatiotr (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring of shall be utilizcd wherc required to prevent any exccsrive widening or sloughing of the trench, which may be dctrimcntal to human safety, to thc prpe and appurtenances berng installed, to exrsting utilities, to existiag stuctues, or to any existing facility or item. 3.02 IJNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AND EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of the excavation at subgradc is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, crnders, refuse, vegetable or other organic rnaterial, or large pieces of fragments of rnorganrc tnaterial rhet catEot satisfactorily support thc pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall further excavate and rcmovc such uDsuitablc matcrial. Bcfore the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall bc acceptcd by the Eaglc Rivs Watq and Saniation Disrict. 3.03 BEDDING Install in conformancc with drawings. Placc from minimum of 4" bclow bonom of pipe to centerlinc for cntire width of rench. 3.04 UNDER.DRAIN A. Watcr secping from tench banks, but not flowing in trench bottom: Install gravel underdrain in accordancc with drawings. B. Water flowing in trench bottom: Install underdrain pipe in addition to gravel where water volume will frll a 4" pipe % full. Cleanouts at each manhole in conformance with drawings. C. Daylight all undcrdrains as shown on drawrngs as directed by Engineer. SA-F{ITARY SEWER - 02530 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I t I I t I I t I I I I I I I I surface will be six - wo inch I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T Antlers Condominium Add(-. Additions and Renovations Foject Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.05 PIPE INSTALLATION A. Constuct pipe accurately to line and gtade shown on drawrngs. Pipe insullatron may be larrped daily by Engineer or Distict. Remove and replace pipe not conforming to line and grade at contractor's expense. B. Install to manufacturer's recommcndations, continuously upgrade. Bell ends face upgradc. Prior to making jornts, clean and dry all surfaces. Use lubricants tn conformance with manufacturer's recommendations for insertron of pipe in joint. Set pipe in position and check line and grade. Keep dirt from entering all exposed pipe ends. Joints watertight. C. Wyes and Risers for Servicc Connections: Angle upward so l/8 bend connccted to fitting will makc sewice line invert equal to inside crown of sewer marn and crown of sewer. 3.06 WATER LINE CROSSING A. Normal Conditions: Whenever possible, lay water mains over samtary sewers to provide vertical separation of at least l8' bctween invert of water main and crown of sewer. B. Unusual Conditions: Ifabove separation caDnot be met, use the following: l. Sewer passing over or less than 18" under water matn: a. One continuous length of watertrght pressure pipe C900 PVC 20 feet long centered on water matn. Jornts between different pipes encased in concrete 6" thick and extending 6" eilher side ofjoint; or b. Sewer pipe encased in 6" concrete around pipe, and extend l0' either side of water main. 2. Water mains passing under sewers: Ifvertical separation less than 18", provide structural support for sewer. 3.07 MANHOLECONSTRUCTION A. Manholc: Construct in accordance with drawings. Extend concrete manhole base at least 8" below pipe banel. Slope floor of manholc from centerline of pipe to maximum 2" above top of pipe at face of manhole. Shape invert after manhole is set. Construct side branches with as large radius of curvature as possible to connect to main invert. Invens shall be smooth and clean with no obstruction , allowing rnsertion of expandable plug tn pipc. Place complete and continuous roll of joint sealant on base ring in sufficrent quantity, so there will be no spaces allowing infiltration. Join each succeeding manhole section in srmtlar manner. Trim away all excess material and repair all lifting holes. Tum eccentric cone and steps away from roadway ditch. B. Manhole Ring and Cover: lnstall at grade of frnished surface. Where completed aftsv rnanh6lg construction, set top of cone so maximum of thick reinforced concrete rings will adjust ring and cover to fural grade. SANITARY SEWER- 02530 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomif noo,rroo Additions end Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.08 CONNECTION TO EXISTING MANHOLE Make connections to existing manholes, where no pipc is stubbed out, in similar manner as new rnanholc. Break small openiag in existing manhole as necessary to insert new pipe and attarn watertight seal. Chip exislmg concrete bench insidc manhole to provide enough thickaess for mortar bed to make new smooth continuous invert. Place expatrdable waterstop around portion of sewer pipe inscrted into existing manhole. Use expandable grout to completely f,ill hole in manhole to crcatc watertight rcpair 3.09 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LINES Placc truc to linc and grade in accordance with drawings, from main line to house scrvice, rn shortest direct routc. Locatclo' from all water lines. Tenninate 5' from lowest comer of lot or as shown on drawings. Wherc wycs have oot been installed rn main scwcr, tap by machrne drilling hole in main, sizcd to 6t saddlc for sewicc line. Each wye or drilled tap and saddle shall be rnspected prior to backfilling. Service linc minimum gradc of '/i' per foot. If service lhe is to be stopped at Foperty line, place 6-foot steel fence post at end, extenditrg 2' above finished ground. Place watertight plug in end ofservice line. 3,IO CONCRETE WORK A. Placemcnt: Placc to rcquired dcptb and widtb conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniformly as possible to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honcycomb, or pockets. Well vibrated atrd tamp€d against forms. B. Retempering: Do Dot rctemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water. Frovide concrete tn such quantity as is required for immediate use. C, Curing: Protect agai$t loss of moisture, rapid lemperature change, rain' or flowing watcr, for not lcss than two days from placcmcnt of concretc. Immediatcly after frnishing, cover concrctc surfacc with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approvcd by Enginccr. Frotect exposed edge of concrete slabs by removing forms immcdiately to providc these surfaces with continuous curing treatnent. 3,I I BACKFILL A. one Foot over Pipe: use %" road base for covcr material and backfrll by approved mechanical mcthods. Cover matcrial shall bc clean, free from organic matenals, chunks of soil, frozea material, debris or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact stanlng at top of pipe bedding extetrditg upwards ro I' above top of pipe. Place in lifts to a density of90% AASHTO T99, at a point 6" above top of pipe' B. Rernainder of Trench: Backfrll with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable. No boulden over 6" tn diameter rn top 12" of tench. No backfill material with boulders larger than 18" in diameter. Carefully lower boulders larget than 12" in diameter into rench until backfill is 4' over top ofpipe. SANITARY SEWER - 02530 Peak Civil Engineering' Inc. I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t Antlers Condominiurn lOOf Additions end Renovations Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.12 COMPACTION A. Dcmonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstratron sectron for uniform density throughout depth of each lift. Altcr construction methods until providing one acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or required compaction is not berng achieved, then demoostate new method. B. Compaction requirements for all trcnches: l. Predomrnately of cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procues are applicable: Compact unifomrly throughout each lift to 95% AASHTO T99. 2. kedominatcly of rock 18" in diamctcr: Place rn loose lifu up to average rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizcs larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones well distributed with voids completely filled with smallest stones, earth, sand or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to disribute soils and finer fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to faciliute compaction prior to placing additional lifts. 3. Trcnchcs outside paved areas: Compact to 90% AASHTO T99. 3.I3 PAVEMENTREMOVALANDREPLACEMENT Score existing surface with cutting wheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of exrsting surface and aggregate base course. Leave 6" of undisturbed subgade lip on cach side of trench. After trench has bcen backfilled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course tn accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course to 95% AASHTO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permrt requtremenb or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidatc with vibrators. Saeet cuts must confomr to Eagle County and Town of Vail specifications. 3.13 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL A. Notifr Engineer at least 24 hours in advance ofpipe being laid in any trcnch. Covet no pipes until observed by Engineer. Noti$ Enginecr at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested. B. Testrng: l. Gcneral: Conduct ffileation or exfiltration test for each section between manholcs. Test frst section of pipe laid to veriry if watertight. Testrng may be required dunng course of work where infileation aPpears to be greater than maximum allowable, or quality of work is questionable. No sewer line will be accepted where water tightness tests show leakage exceeding 200 gallons per inch diameter per mile per day. Flush and clean sewer line prior to testtng, . wetting pipe, and cleaning our debris. Plug all pipe outlets to test Pressure. 2. lnfiltation Test In high ground watcr table installation only. Plug upper manhole to deternine leakage in section of line between consecutive manholes. Rccord quantity of water collected in time period to calculate infilration rate. SA}{ITARY SEWER - 02530 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Anrers L oooonuof ^ooroooAdditions and ReDovrtions Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I T I I I t I t II I I I T I I I 3. Exfrluation test: Test cach section of pipe between consecutive manholes to determine test duation for scction by cornputation from Air Test Tables. Pressurc-bolding time is based on an average holding pressure of sewer line is raiscd to approximately 4.0 psi gaugc. After intcmal pressure of approxirnately 4.0 psi is obained, allow time for air pressure to stabilize. Pressure will normally show some drop until temperahtre of ar in test section subilizes. When pressure has stabilizcd and is at or above staning pressure of 3.5 psi gauge, cotnmcncc test. Bcfore sarting test, prcssuc may be allowed to drop ro 3.5 pi. Rccord &op in prcssure for test pcnod. If pressure has dropped more tba" 1.0 psi gauge during tcst linc has failed. Tcst may be discontinued when prescribed test time has bcen completed even though 1.0 psi drop has not occurred. ASTM C828 "Low Pressurc Air Test for Sanitarv Sewcrs." Pipc Sizc (inchcs) 4 6 8 l0 12 1< l8 2l 24 3.I5 CLEANI.JP AND RESTORATION Time (minutes) 2-t/2 4 5 6-t/2 7-U2 9-l12 r2 l4 t5-1/2 Restore all pavemcnts, curbs, gutters, utilities, fenccs, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other strucnues or surfaccs to condition cqual to or better than befiore work began, and to satisfaction of Enginecr. Deposit all waste materials il dcsignated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. Completc topsoil and rcsceding of site if required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and disposc of all wastc matcrisls offsite. 3.16 POST.TELEVISING OF COMPLETED SECTIONS The Contractor will provide thc Eaglc Rivct Water & Sanitation District a color video showing the completed work including the condition of the restored service connections prior to requesttng payment. Telcvision inspcction, tapcs and reports shall be in accordance with relevant item. Upon completion of the installation work and testing, the Contractor shall restorc/clear the project area affected by his operations pcr the provision of thc relevant item. END OF SECTION 02530 SAIYITARY SEWER - 02530 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. t I I I I I T t I t I I I I T I t T I illffi ":""'"Tffi 'J#,ili:t*, Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. PART1 GENERAL I,OI DESCRIPTION A. Work lncluded: Excavation, rock excavation, blasting, rock disposal, dewatenng, backfill, bcdding, compaction, rnstallation of conduits, vaults, pads and all necessary appurtcnances and coordination with the telephone, cable television, electic companres. B. Related Work: l. Site Clearine: Scction 02 I l0 C. Defmitions: l. Trench Excavation: Excavation of all material encountered along trench other than rock excavation. 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a backhoe with % cubic yard bucket curhng force and strck crowd force 35,000 lbs cach, and requiring drilling and blasting. Boulders and large rocks one cubic yard or larger, are co$idercd rock excavation. D. Utility Company Specifications: All work shall conform to the standard specificatrons of the telephone company, the cable television company, and the electric company. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction naterials for prpe, finings, and vauls; or certifications that products conform with specifications. B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation lgsts fq1 bedding and trench stabihzation rnaterials, concrete mix desip, and compression test. C. Permits: Submit copies of all permis issued for project. 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS Environmental requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when descending air tempcrature in shade and away ftom artificial heat, falls below 35 degrees F, and there is ftost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mrx shall not be less than 60 degrees F at time of placing. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Polyvinyl chloride (Pvc): 2"-8", schedule 40 PVC. Conduit for electnc lines must be supplied by Holy Cross Energy. Telephone, Cable Television, and f,lectric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomiollnoon,oo Additions rnd Renovations Project Perk Civil Engineering, lnc. 2.02 VAULTS All electical switchgear, transformer, splice vaults, pads, and bascs to be supplied by Holy Cross Energy. 2.03 BEDDING A. Granular rrarcrial - %" scrcsncd rock. B. On-site l-1i2" minus wcll gra&d screened maErial, frce from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozcn material, dcbris, or other suitablc matcrials. Usc of on-sitc bedding rnatcrial must havc prior writtcn approval of thc utility company and Engineer. 2.04 CONCRETE MATERIAL A. General: All matcnals fumishcd from sourccs agreed to by the District. B. Cement: ASTM C-150 for Portland Cemcnt, Tlpc tr. Cement which has become partially sct or conains hrmps of cakcd cement shall be rcjccrcd C. Aggrcgate: ASTMC33. D. Watcr: Watcr uscd in mixing or curing concretc shall bc clcan and frec from oil, acids, salt, alkali, or organic mrtcrials hamtfiil to concrctc. 2.05 CONCRETE MIX A. Desigp Mix l. Proportions: Cement 5-ll2 sacks pcr cubic yard Coarsc aggregate - 43% Water - 5.5 gallons pcr sack Maximum size aggIegztc - t/." 2. Slump: 4" maximum 3. Sftngih: Minimum3,000psiat28days 4. Air Content: 5-7% Telephone, Cable Television, end Electric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I T I t I I I t I I T il:',"fi ":""xTr"T"""T,fi i:tn", Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. B. Job-Mixed Concrete Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of Amenca. Mixer shall be capable of combining aggegates, cemetr! and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass. Dischargc entire contents of drum before recharging. Contrnue mixing of each batch for not less rhan l0 minutes after all materials are in drum. C. Ready Mixed Concrete Proportiond mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected. PART3 EXECUTION 3.01 TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavatron to work limits. B. Rock Excavation: Pnor to removal, notiff Engineer of areas requinng rock excavation. C. Blasting: [n general, blasting wilt be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appuertances shall be ransported, handled, stored, and used in accordance wrth the laws ofthe locai, state and federal govemments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance with the permit of the local authonty. Prior to blasting, provide minimum 24 hour notification to Owner, Engineer, and Fire Departrnent. D. Treuch Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided for as required by the most recent standards adopted by the Occupauonal Safery and Health Administation Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prevent,rny excessive widening or sloughing of the tench, which may be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtenanes berng installed, to existtng utilities, to existing structures, or to any other existing facility or item. 3.02 UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AND EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of the excavation at sub$ade is found to be soft or unstable or to rnclude ashes, cindcrs, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic rnaterial tbat cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, then the Connactor shall further excavate and remove such suitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the Engineer. 3.03 BEDDING Install iD conformdrce with drawings. Place from mmimum of 3" bclow bottom of pipe to centerlinc for entire width of rench. Telephone, Cable Television, and Electric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomiof loaition Additions and Renovations Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.M TINDERDRAIN A. Water seeping forn hench barks, but not llowing in tench bonom: lnstall gravel underdrain in accordance with drawings. B. Water flowing in rench bottom: Insall in addition to gravcl where water volume will fill a 4" plp€ % firll. Cleanouts at cach manhole in conformance with drawings. C. Daylight all undcrdrains as shown on drawings as direcrcd by Engincer. 3.05 PIPE INSTALLATION A. Coostuct pipe accuratcly to linc and gradc showu on drawings. Remove and replace pipc not conforming to linc and grade at contactor cxpcrurc. B. lnstall to manufacturer's recommcndations, continuously upgrade. Bell ends face upgradc. Pnor to making jornts, clean aud dry all surfaces. Use lubricants in conformance with manufacturer's rccornnren&tions for insertion of pipe in joint. Set pipc in position and chcck line and gradc. Kccp dirt form entcring all exposed pipe ends. Joints watertight. 3.06 PADS AND VAIJLTS Install pads and vaults to line and grade shown on drawings. 3.07 PULL STRING Pull sting shall bc placed in all condrit to faciliate placing cable. 3.08 CONCRETE WORK A. Placemcnt: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniformly as possiblc in order to minimizp amount of additionrl spreading. Place and consolidate with suitablc tools to avoid formations ofvoids, honeycombs, or pockets. Well vibratcd and tampcd against forms. B. Retempcring: Do not rctcmpcr concrctc or mortar wbich has partially hardened by remixing with or without additional ccmcnt, aggrcgate, or water. Provide concrete in such qusDtity as is requircd for immediate usc. C. Curing: Prorcct agai$t loss of moisture, rapid tcmperan[e change, rain, and flowtng watcr, for not less than two days from placcmcnt of concrete. lmmediately after finishiag, covcr concrete surfacc with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approvcd by the Engineer, Protcct exposed edge of concrete slabs exposed by removing forms immediatcly to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treaEnent. 3.09 BACK-FILL A. One Foot Over Pipc: Use %" screened rock or on-site screened material (if approved by Enginccr) for covcr material and backfrll by ap,proved mechanical methods' Cover matcrial shall be clean soil, free from organic materials, churks ofsoil, frozen material, debris or other unsuitablc materials. Place and compact starting at toP of pipe bedding exrcnding upwards to above top ofpipe for entire trench width. Place in lifts to a density of907o AASHTO T99. Telephone, Cable Television, and Electric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I t I I t I t I T I I I T I I I T I I t I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Antlers Condominium Add Additions end Renovrtions Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. B. Rerrainder of Trench: Backfill with same materials excavated from work limirs unless unsuitable. No boulders over 6" in diameter in top 12" of uench. No backfill material with boulders largcr rhan 18" in diameter. Carefully lower boulders larger than 12" in diameter into trench until backfill is 4' over top ofpipe. 3.IO COMPACTION A. Demonstrate method of cornpaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstauotr section for uniform density tbrougbout depth of each lift. Alter constructlon methods until providing one acceptable to Engineer. Continue samc procedures until signifrcant change in soils occurs, or compaction is not being achievcd, then demonstrate new method. B. Compaction requirements for all trenches: l. Predominantly ofcohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procedures are applicable: Compacted uniformly throughout each lift to 95% AASHTO T99. 2. Predominantly ofrock 18" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of slzes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided matenal is carefully placed and large stones well distributed with voids completely filled with smaller stoncs, cartb, sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compacion prior to placirg additional lifts. 3. Trenchcs outside road right-of-way: Compact to 90ol" AASHTO T99. 3.1 1 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Score existing surface with cutting wheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing surfacc and aggregate base course leave 6" undisturbcd subgrade lip on each side of trench. After trench has been backfilled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance with permit requirements, or minimum thickness in these spccifications. Compact aggregate base course to 95% AASHTO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minrmum thickness in thcse specifications, Compact asphalt to 95olo ASTM D15591 consolidate concrcte with vibrators. Street cuts must conform to Town of Vail & Eagle County specifications. 3.I2 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL A. Noti$ Engineer at least 24 hous in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes until obsewcd by Engineer. Notif Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested. B. Testing I . General: Coaduct testing in accordance with procedures approved by the appropriate utility company. Telephone, Cable Television, and Electric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Aatlers Condomiol noon,oo Additions and Renovrtions Project Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. 3.13 CLEANUPANDRESTORATION Restorc all pavemeds, subs, gutters, utilitics, fenccs, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and othcr struchres or surfaces !o condition equal 1s 61 b€tte1 thrn b€fore work began, and to satisfaction of Engineer. Deposit all wastc material in dcsignated wastc areas. Grade and shape disposal sire. Complete topsoil atrd rcseedhg of sight, is rcquired. Whcre disposal sites are not designatcd, remove and disposc of all wastc matenal offsite. END OF SECTION 02570 Telephone, Cable Television, end Electric Systems - 02570 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Anuers aonoomrnrum Adel Additions and Renovations Pioject t."Uatt, "o,o...tor, to.. ,"arr.n Orr' ROADWAY BASE PART I GEI\TERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION A. Work included: Preparing surface of subgrade after utility contractors have completed installation of all utilities and fumished and placing one or more courses of aggregate in conformance with lincs, grades, and typical sections shown on drawings. B. Relarcd Work: l. Earthwork: Scction 02200 1.02 SUBMITIALS A. Tcst Repons: If requested, fumish proposed source of matenals and copies of tests from certified and acc€ptable testing laboratory: L Sieve analysis - ASTM Cl36 2. Wear Abrasion - ASTM C13l 3. Liquid Limit - AASHTO T89, T90 4. Moisture Density Cuwes - AASHTO T99 PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI AGGREGATE A. Aggregate shall confoml to following gradation: Sieve PerceDtage by Weight Passing square Mesh Sieves Size Class I Class 2 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 L-1t2" - 90-100 l" loo '/;'-50-90-100No.4 30-65 - 30-50 30-70 30-65 No. 8 - 25-55 No.200 3-15 3-15 3-12 3-15 3-12 Liquid Limit not greater thaa 35 for Class 2; 30 for Class 4, 5, or 6. Plasticity Index not excecding 6. B. Rcquirements for this Project: Furnish Class 6 aggregate for this Project. ROADWAY BASE. 02732 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomirrf ndorooo Additions rnd Renovetions Project Perk Civil Engineering, Inc. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Subgradc Prcparation: Shapc and compact to crown, line, grades, and typical cross scction shown on &awings bcforc placing base matcrial. Compact to 95% ASTM-698 3.02 MIXINC Tbe Contractor sh.ll mix the aggregarc by methods that insure a thorough and homogenous mixture. 3.03 PLACEMENT If requircd compacted dcpth of aggrcgatc basc course exceeds 6", constnrct in two or more layers of approximately equal thickness. Maximum compacted thickness of any one layer shall not exceed 6". When vibratory or othcr approved tlpes of special compacting equipment are used, compactcd dcpth of single layer may bc incrcased to 8" upon approval of Engineer. 3.04 SHAPING AND COMPACTION Compact each layer to 95% ASTM-698. Mainaia surface of eacb layer during compactron so that uniform texture is produccd and aggrcgates arc firmly keycd. Apply water uniformly during compaction so moisore content is within 2% of optimum. END OF SECTION 02732 ROA.D}VAY BASE - 02732 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I t I I illffi ":""1Till'"""*:llQ*,Peek Civil Engineering, Inc. SECTION 0274I ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PART T GEIYERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION A. Work lncluded: Fumishing, laying, and corrpssting hot-mixed asphaltic concrete pavement in conformance with lines, grades, and tlryical cross-sections shown on the drawings. B. Related Work: l. RoadwayBase: Section 2732 I.O2 OUALIryASSURANCE A. Source: Engincer shall have access to batching plant at all times work is rn progress. B. Record of Work: Contractor shall kccp record of time and date of placement' tempcraturc, and weather conditions. Reain uatil corpletion and fumish copy to Engineer. C. Owner will arrange and pay for all field tests to dctermine compliance of base course and pavemcnt materials and corpaction with the spccification and the approved destgn mrx formula. I,03 SIIBMITTALS A. Samples: If Requestcd, provide samples of proposcd materials. B. Test Reports: If requested furnish copies of tests from certified and acceptable testing laboratory: 1. Aggrcgate - AASHTO T96 2. Tar - AASIITO M52 Grade RTC B-5, Ml 18. 3. Liquid Asphalt - AASHTO M8l, M82; ASTM D2026 4. Emulsified Asphalt- AASHTO M140 5. Compaction - AASHTO T230 6. Stability and Flow - AASHTO T245 C. Job Mix Formula: Provide Enginecr proposed mix design based upon aggregates to be used. l. Submit design mix to Enginecr for approval along with Marshall series performed by an indepcndcnt laboratory. 2. SabilityperASTMDl559: 1500lb.minimum ASPHALT PAVING. 02?41 Perk Civil Engineering, Inc. Anrers L onoomrof ^oorrrooAdditions and Renovations Project Peck Civil Engineering, Inc. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 100 3. Flow pcr ASTM D1559: .08 to .16 rnch 4. Air Voids pcrcentage pcr ASTM D1559: 3 to 5 percent 5. Use an anti-sripping additive form the approved list of additrves in Chapter 400 of thc Colorado DeparEneut of Highways Field Materials Manual 6. Minimum Asphalt contcnt: I.M DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLING A. Transport mixtures form mixing plant in trucks having tight, clcan, non-sticking compartrnents. Whcn transporting, provide covcrs to protect from weather and prevent loss of heat when temperature is bclow 50 degrees F. During tempcratules below 50 degrecs F on long dist nce deliveries, provide insulation around entire truck bed surfaces, I.O5 JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Rcquircnents: Do not place asphaltic cotrcrete on wet surfaces, or when tempcrature is below 40 degrccs F, unless agreed to by Engineer. B. Protectiou: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on asphaltic concrete pavement until cooled and hardened. Provide bamcades, flagmen, and warning devices as required to protcct pavemetrt. Maintain pedestian and vehicular traffic as requued. Cover openings of stnrctues in paving until penrunent coverings are placed. D. Confirm in writing, aggegate base course constnlcted by others has been compacted to requirements of thcse specificatioas, Use any merns nccessary to proofroll or test to confm aggregatc basc is satisfactory to receive asphaltic concrcte. NouS in writing to Owuer any dcficicnt arcas so they may be brought into conformance with specifications prior to placement of asphaltic concrete. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI AGGREGATE Clean, hard, durablc particles of crushcd stonc, crushed gravcl, natural gravel, or crushed slag with not more than 45o/o of wea4 AASHTO T96. Sizes #8 and largcr, tolcrances + 8%; #30 + 3%; where 100% passing, no tolerance. Sieve Perccntagc by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves Grading G 100 90-100 63-8s 4G78 22-54 1347 4-26 )- I Grading c 100 90-100 70-89 60-88 44-72 30-62 12-38 3-7 100 90-100 74-89 50-78 32-& 12-38 3-7 45-85 t-tJ Grading GradingcxF 3/8" #8 #30 #200 ASPHALT PAVINC. O274I Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. T I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I Antlers Condominium n ddf Additions end Renovetions Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Use Gradrng CX for this project. 2.02 ASPHALTIC CEMENT AASHTO M226, Penctation Grade 85-100. Use AC-10 for all paving. 2.03 TACK COAT One of the following, grade and qpe as recommended by supplier: A. Emulsified asphalt, AASHTO Ml40 B. Cationic ernulsified asohalt, AASHrO M208 2.04 MIX DESIGN A. Determine design mix based upon aggregates to be used. l. Submit design mix to engineer for approval along with Marshall series performed by an indepeudent laboratory. 2. Stability per ASTM D1559: 1500 lb. minimum 3. Flow per ASTM D1559: .08 to .16 in. 4. Air voids percentage per ASTM D1559: 3 to 5% 5. Use an anti-stipping additive form thc approved lists of additives in Chapter 400 of the Colorado Departnent of Highways Field Materials Manual. 6. Minimum Asphalt content: 5.8% B. Fumish aggregate gradation. C. Accepted design mix shall mcet compaction requiremetrts of these specifications. 2.06 MIXING A. General: Comply with ASTM D995 for material storage, control, mixrng, and plant equipmcnt and operation. B. Aggregatcs: Keep each component of various-sized combined aggregates in separate stockpiles. Marntain so separate aggregate sizes will not be intermixed and to prevent segregation. Heat-dry aggregates to reduce moistue content to not more than 27o. Deliver dry aggregate mixer at recommended tempcrature to suit penetarion, grade, and viscosity characteristics of asphaltic cement, ambient temperanre, and workability of mixture. C. Asphaltic Cement: Heat bitumen to viscosity at which it can be uniformly disributed tbroughout mixture. Select temperanre nnge of275 degrees F to 350 degrees F to suit temperature - viscosity characteristics of asphalt. Do not exceed 350 degrees F. E. Mixing: Accurately weigh or measlue dry aggregates and weigh or meter asphaltic cement to comply with job-mix formula requirements. Mix aggegate and asphaltic ASPHALT PAVING - 02741 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antters Condomiof laattioo Additions rnd Renovations Project Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. cement to achieve 90-95o/o coated particles for surface mixtures when tested in accordance with ASTM D2489. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATIONOFSURFACES A. Base Course: Blade, shape, and smooth aggregate base course to rrnifqml 5gsti6a. Remove loose materials. Clcan the surface to bc paved by mechanical swcepers, blowen, or hand brooms, uatil surface is frec from dust. . If time lapsc from final shaping to placcmcnt is lotrger than 24 hours, reshape, wet and compact surfacc, or apply prime coat. When prime coat is used apply at rate of 0.3 gallons pcr square yard as soon as practicable after surface has been prepared and is suffrciently dry. Calibratc distributor and firmish calibration to Engineer. Adjust spray nozzles and spray bar to provide uniform distribution of prime coat. Cease rmmediately upon clogging or interference ofany nozzle and conect bcfore distribution is resumed. Protect adjacent surfaces from primc coat matcrial. Rernove prime coat from adjacent surfaces. Rcnm to samc condition prior to work beginning. Maintain prime coat and/or base course surface until covered by asphaltic concretc. Where pnme coat has been applied for 48 hours, and has not dricd suffrciently, materials may be bloned with aggregate in mannet agreed to by Engineer. Clean any damaged area of all loose matenal, and repair base coursc to satisfaction of Engineer. Reapply pnme coat. B. Existing Surfaces: Clcan of all foreign materials. Fill holes and low places wirh leveling courses and compact prior to surface placcment. Tack coat existing surface at 0.1 gallon per square yard. Apply only to arcas on which surfacing is to be placed immediately. Do not extend morc than 2000' ahead ofpaving equipment. Prcvcnt traffrc from tavelling on tack coat. 3.02 FRAME ADruSTMENTS Set frames of structures to final grade. Placc compacted asphaltic concrete to top of frame. If penrunent covers are not in place, providc tcmporary covers ovcl openings until compaction is complete. Where frames and covers arc paved over, mark so crews can find on an emergency basis until cut out and adjusted to final surfacing. 3.03 PLACEMENT A. Place at tempcratures ofnot lcss than 280 degrees F, or more than 350 degrees F. lf tempenrtue is bclow 50 degrces F and falliag, asphaltic concrete mix shall not be less than 300 degrces F, while on truclcs just prior to laydown. Mechanical, self-powered pavers shall be capable of spreading mix within specifred tolerances, true to line, grade, and crown as indicated on drawings. Road grader equipped with automatrc blade control may be used for lcveling courses. Pavers shall be equipped with hoppers and disribution screws which place mix evenly in front of adjustable screeds. Screeds shall be adjustable for height and crow4 equipped with coneolled beating device for use as required- Screed shall stike offmix without tearhg, shaving or gouging surface, to dePth and cross-section spccified, without aid of manual adjuslnent during operation. Pavers shall be capable of placing courses in thickness' from V"" to 4" and from widths of 8' to 15'. Extensions and cut-off shall permit changes in widths by increments of 6". B. Stike fnish surfacc smooth; mrc to cross section; uniform in density and texture; free form hollows, transverse comrgations, and other irregularities. Paint contact surfaces ASPHALT PAVING - 0274I Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. I I T I I I I I I I I T t t I I t I I B. c. I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Anuers Conoor ntum AoaO Additions and Renovrtions Pioject Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. between gutters, manhole rings, catch basins, and other sirnilar structures with thin, uniform coating of tack coat. Final surface shall be %" above all structures and guners sloping away from paving, flush with guners sloping towards paving. C. Hand Placcmcnt: Wtere certain arcas bcause of irregularity, inaccessibility, or unavoidable obstacles, do not lend themselves to machrne placement, Engrneer may aglee to hand placement. Spread and compact lo same fnrsh and compactton tolerances of these specifications. D. Joints: make joints between old and new pavemeot, or betweeD successive day's work, to insure thorough bond between old and new surfaces. Clean surfaces ftee of sand, dirt, dusg or other materials, and apply tack coat. Constuction joints must have same texture, density, and smoothness tolerances as other surfacing. |. Constuct traosverse joints to existrng material by cutting material back to expose full depth edge. paml thin pnifsrm tack coat on joint and place new asphaltic concrete. 2. Prcpare longiodinal joints overlapping screed l" on existing surface. Deposit suffrcient material to complete joint. Push excess by hand rake l/2" on new mat leaving vertical uncompacted face approxrmately I " high. Compact agatnst jotnt by rolting equipment. No depression allowed exceeding li8" for widdt of6", after final compaction. E. Finish Tolerance: Place levcling courses within %" of design grade. Fimshed surfaces will be tested with 10' staight edge, parallel to center line at location ofwheel paths for each lane. Staight edge will be advaoced 5' and space under staight edge shall not exceed %". Correct areas deficient in smoothness by completely removing surface rnaterial and replacing. Overlay corrections rray be rnade only if approved by Owner. F. Thickness Tolerance: Compacted thickness shall be no less than that shown on drawings. Any surfacing which does not meet minimum thickness shall be removed and replaced. 3.04 COMPACTION A. General: Provide one pneumatrc-tired and one steel-wheel roller to obtain required density, surface texnre, and ridcability. Begin rolling operations immediately following placement of asphaltic coDcretc. Do not permit heavy equipment, rollers, etc. to stand on finished surface wherc dcformation may occur. End each pass of roller in different place. Rollers l. Steel-wheel rollers self-propelled, developrng contact pressue under compression wheels of 250to 350 psi per inch of width of roller wheel. Rollers equipped with adjustable scrapers and means for keeprng wheel wet to prevent mix from sticking. 2. Pneumatic-tired rollers self-propelled, developing contact pressure under each tire of 85 to I l0 psi. Wheels so spaced that one pass will accomplish on e' complete coverage equal to rolling width of machine. Wheels oscillate but not wobble. Remove and replace immediately any trres picking up fines. Compaction Procedurcs l. Compact longitudinal joints aod edges first, starting at outside edge and gradually progress towards center ofpavement. Begin superelevated curves ASPHALT PAVING - 0274I Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Antlers Condomio,fnoouroo Additions and Renovetions Project Peek Civil Engineering, lnc. rolling on low side on previously transversely compacted matenal. SucQessive passes should overlap by one half width of roller. Mat temperatures must not be below 150 degrees F. 2. tmmediately follow rolling of longitudinal joint and edges with breakdown' rolling. Place &ive wheel ncarest paver atrd pull roller towards paver. Retum roller to cxisting surface aud rnakc gradual shift to overlap previous pass by half rollcr width. Operatc pncurnatic-tted rollcrs as close to paver as oecessary to obain dcnsity requircd. Makc enough passcs for reasonably smooth surface. 3. Fiaal rolling by combination ofsteel and pncumatic rollers to obtain density, surface tcxtue, and surface tolerances required. D. Corryact to minimum of 95% Marshall Desigp method daa submittc4 or from field samplcs akcn by thc Enginecr, and prcpared in accordancc with ASTM D1550. Re- compact asphaltic colcrete not confonning to density standards to these specificatrons. Cut out compaction test plugs as directed by Engincer. Contactor shall cut test plugs, fill, and rcpair test holes at his expensc. 3.05 PATCHING Cut out and frll with frcsb, hot asphaltic concrerc. Remove deficicnt areas for full depth of surface and base coursc. Cut sides pcrpendicular and parallcl, and perpendicular to direction of traflic to extent of failurc. Apply tack coat to cxposcd surfaccs before placing new pavemcnt. Compact and finish to spccification. 3.06 CLEAN UP After completing opcrations, clean surfaccs, pick up exccss paving matcrials, and clean work area. END OF SECTION 02747 ASPHAIT PAVING - 02741 Peak Civil Engineering' Inc. I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 02820 I FOUNTAIN I PART IGENERAL I Scope: Supply and install all fountain equipment as shown on the drawings and as I specified herein. I Shop Drawings: Per Section 01340, submit shop drawing showing general I arrangem€nts, descriptions, layout and design, including complete filtration r operation. I Samples: Per Section 01340, submit samples of all pool finish materials, such asr tile, coping, membrane waterproofing, etc. Make sample show shape, texture, I colors and finish. I Guarantee: Per Section O1740, submit to Owner Representative a one-year factory I guarantee for all parts of the equipment and a one-year service-labor guarantee for I all equipment. I Measurements: Verify all dimensions shown on drawings by taking field I measurements; proper fit and attachment of all parts is required. Pool shall be approximately 3' deep, 12' diameter. r Coordination: Coordinate with all other trades whose work relates to swimming pool installation to insure proper locations. Ir Inspection: Inspect conditions prior to installation and notify General Contractor in I writing, with a copy to Architect, of any condition which would prevent I satisfactory installation. Failure to do so holds Pool Contractor responsible for any corrections Architect may require. I Delivery and Storage: Deliver and store materials in dry, protected areas. Keep free of corrosion or other damage. Replace any damaged units at no cost to Owner. I GENERAL REOUIREMENTS: I A. Install recirculating system which is the product of a manufacturer regularlyr engaged in the fabrication of water filtration and recirculation equipment with at least five years of experience. I I ANTLERS coNDoMtNluMs ADDlrtoN/RENovATloN o2a2o "lI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I B. Make all work conform with all applicable requirements of the National pool Institute Standards. INSTALLATION: A. Procure all required permits and perform all operation in strict conformance with all local codes and regulations having jurisdiction over the work, including atl applicable Town of Vail regulations. B. Install all work, plumb, true and as indicated on drawings. Be responsible for all anchorage requirements and provide galvanized anchors, plates, angles, channels, fastenings and any other supporting items or members necessary to fully support the work without damaging or staining surfaces to which work is fastened. Any surfaces structurally weakened or otherwise damaged by work of this section shall be fully repaired or replaced at no cost to Owner. Testing and Maintenance Instructions: Supply the services of a competent field engineer to test and inspect the completed installation, place it in operation and provide printed op€rating and maintenance instructions. Clean-up: Per Section 01710 Materials: A. All materials shall be new and of the brand and quality specified, or as approved by Architect. 1-1 12" thick "Gunite" concrete structural pool utilizing 50OO PSI strength concrete over structural concrete pool base and 60 mil waterproof membrane, W. R. Grace System 4000. Extend membrane up inside pool perimeter wall and terminate under coping. B. Plaster: Waterproof cement plaster conforming to requirements of Section 09200 Towel smooth to l 12 thickness over entire concrete pool surface below the waterline. C.Native Boulder Arrangement: Place seven large granite boulders as selected to form fountain base elements. D. Coping: 6" Precast concret€, circular radius, pool coping as selected by Architect. Set in cement mortar setting bed in accordance with all applicable ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDMON/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T T t 02820 -2 I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I requirements of Section 0930o Tile work. Use epoxy joint material in color to match coping as closely as possible. Coping color shall be as selected by Architect. E. Underwater lights: Swimquip, Inc. or as approved 4-200-Watt lights with blue lens and copper lens. Entire installation shall comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Code and Underwriter's Laboratories. Arrange lights under water around boulders on bottom of pool. F. Skimmer: Swimquip or as approved #U-3 commercial automatic surface skimmer. G. Fifter: Swimquip or as approved diatomaceous earth filter with 112H. P. bronze XL-1 type pump and motor. H. Fountain: Install recirculation fountain supply with 1 112 H. P. pump to distribute water over natural boulder arrangement. l. Cleaning Equipment: Provide manufacturer's standard vacuum cleaner, vacuum hose and brushes for complete bottom cleaning, J. Drain: lnstall 4" cast iron pipe from pool drain to storm sewer. Drain shall be installed wath gate valve in garage to facilitate draining pool for cleaning and winter periods. Maintain a slope of 114" per foot minimum. K. Disinfecting System: lnstall automatic chlorination system according to Local Health Departm€nt Standards and Town of Vail Authorities. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 02820 -3 I I I I I t I I I T T I T I I I sEcrroN 03100 CONCRETE FORMWORK PART 1. - GENERAL !{ORK INCTUDED - formwork installation and removal. QUALITY ASSURANCEAII formwork shal1 comply with applicable provisions and standards of American Concrete Institute (ACI) specifications. SEQUENC ING/ SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION The Contractor shall notify Structural Engineer at least 3 three working days in advance of compLetion of work in this section in order to permit observation of formwork and reinforcing steel prior to placement of concrete. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I4ATERIALS: FORMWORK PANELS Either steel or plywood as appropriate for finish required. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION Forms shall be braced and tied to provide strength and rigidi-ty sufficient to prevent deformation under load. Forms to be engineered to withstand wind loads as specified in Uniform Building Code. Form oil is prohibited where stucco' plaster or paint is to be applied to formed concrete surface. Three days minimum curing tj.me required before form removal is allowed. Formwork for new structural slabs shall remain in place until the slab has attained 80t of its strength and/or post tensioning is complete. TOLERANCES Formwork shall be installed to produce finished concrete within the toLerances as specified in Section 03300. END OF SECTION 03].OO I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDrloN/RENovATtoNT TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I T 03100 -1 I t I I T I I I I I T I t I t t I I I SECTION O32OO CONCRETE REINFORCING PART 1 - GENERAL hIORK INCLUDEDconcrete reinforcing, structural and non-structura.r.; incrudinqbut not limited to rebar, ti;;;- welded wire iaUric, dowels andreinforcing accessortes. RELATED VIORKsEcrroN 01340 sHoP DRAwrNcs' pRoDucr DATA AND sAMpLEssEcTroN 01400 QUALTTY coN?R6LSECTION 02511 CONCRETE PAVINGSECTTON 031OO CONCRETE FORMWORKSECTION 033OO CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE QUALITY ASSURANCE Reference standards: conform with alr applicable requirements ofConcrete Reinforci-ng Steel fnstitute (CRSI) ,,ManuaL of StandardPractice. and American concrete rnstitute,s ACr 31g. werdi;t-;;reinforcing bars is prohibited without the prior written consent.of the structurar-engineer. Approved weldj.ng of rei.nforcing steelwith qualified wel-ders in welding in confoimance with det5ils onDrawi-ngs and with the American welding societyrs Recommendationsfor- Welding Reinforcing Steel (A.W.-S.DDL2.i). The Contractorshal1 9mploy the servj-ces of a 'special- rnspector" if welding isaccomplished (Refer Section O14OO) . SUBMITTALS SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATAsubmit shop drawings of concrete reinforcing to Architect priorto fabrication. subrni t shop drawings indical,ing size, sp..^irrg",locations ,and quantities of reiriforcing st.-"1, bending inocutting schedules, spli-cing, stirrup spacing, supportin! andspacing devices. Provide post tension- ten-don ]-Jyouts and detailsfor parki.ng garage/auto court structural sLabs. SEQUENC ING/ SCHEDULINGNotify the Architect and/or structural Engineer at reast three(3). working days in advance of any concrete pracement, structuraland non-structural . PART 2 - PRODUC?SReinforcing Bars: ASTM A-615, Gradestructural plans and notes. Use Gradeat concrete 'footings curbs, eE.c..reinforcing bars at slab hole patches, ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 50 or as indicated on40 for #3 and smaller andMatch existing adjacent(infills), as reguired. 03200 -'l Steel g{ire: ASTM A_82.WeLded Wire Fabric: ASTM A_1g5. Supports for Reinforcement: Bolsters,li:i:"" for spacj_ns, ";;;;.;;i"anapJ.ace. chairs, spacers, and otherrastening reinforcement in Fabrication: Fabricate reinforcing bars to conform to requiredshapes and dimensions, witrr iilri"iti."i.i:r;;;'J" comprvi_ng wirhCRSI Manual . In_ case of fabricatins ..i"i"]..;; nor rebend oril:"igi::l.r_.:trror.emenr in a minner thar wirr-iniure or weaken ACCESSORIES Provj.de and install -a11 seats, chaj.rsr. ties, dove tail anchors,reglets' anchor bo]ts and oth,er reinforcing accessories as3:;:;::# ;:,"ffi.'." *11-tlto."tns in resuired po"ltion ano-piov:.J! CONDITION OF MATERIALS:All materials shall be free of rust, scale, oil, dj.rt orother material affecting bonding ability. FABRICATIONDo not weld or ^ -r-e-bend any reinforcj_ng with a yield pointgreater than 40r000 psi. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATTONcoordination: coordi-nate work with other Trades so as not tointerfere. Material Handring: Der.iver reinforcing steel to the site bundled,tagged and marked, with metal tags.in-Oicating b; sizes, lengthsand other information corresponding with" *..h-"g "ir"""--onplacement diagrams. store reinforcement off the ground and so asto prevent damage, excessive rust, dirt and the 1ike. rnstalration (Generar): conform with stated standards, and asspecified herei-n, for detailing and placement methods andsupports. clean reinforcement of loose rust, mirl scare, ."rii.,and any material which courd reduce or aestroy concrete bond.Posi_tion, support and secure reinforcement against displacementby formwork, construction or concrete placing- operations. Locateand support reinf orcing with metal lhairs,- r'r'rrrrr.t", spacers,bolster, hangers as reguired. place reinforcement to obtai.nminimum coverage fgt. concrete protection. Arrange, space andsecurely tie bar and bar supports together wlth 16 g"rrg. wire fo t I t I I I T T t I I I I I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINTUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNry, COLORADO o320o -2 I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I hold reinforcement accurately in position during concreEe operations. Set wire ties so twisted ends are directed away from exposed concrete surfaces. Install- welded wire fabric in flat sheets and as long lengths as practicable. Lap joining pieces at least one full mesh. Refer Sheet S0.01 Genera.L Notes for criteria. TOLERANCESIf not indicated on the drawings, reinforcing shall be placed to meet the requirements of the current ACI Detailing Manual, or asindicated below which ever is most restricti.ve. PLACING REINFORCING STEEL: Bars shall be lapped as noted on the structural drawi-ngs or if not noted 1ap 40 diameters minimum. Splices in adjoining horizontal bars shal-l be staggered at least 6 feet. Where this is not feasible, submit suggestions for the Englneer's consideration. Horizontal bars shalf be hooked around corners not less than 24 diameters, with a mj-nimum of 12 inches as per typical details, unless detailed otherwise on drawings. Concrete protection of reinforcing sha11 be not less than the following:3 inches where concrete is poured agaj-nst ground. I 2 inches where concrete is poured against forms but may be in - contact with oround. 1,-1,/2 inches minimum in exterior face of exterior waLls (exposed to weather but not in contact with ground) .3/4 inch minimum in interior walls and interior face of exterior wal-ls. l-l/2 inches in beams, girders, and columns. Clear distance between bars shal1 be not less than L L/2 inches, L L/2 bar diameters, nor less than 1-1-13 times the maximum size of coarse aggregate. See details. Reinforcing steel in beams and slabs shall not be placed until after concrete in walls and columns have been poured. Wherever conduits, piping' inserts, sleeves I etc., interfere with the placing of reinforcing steel as shown or called for, the Contractor must consult with Engineer and secure from him the method of procedure before pouring any concrete. The bending or field cutting of bars around openings or sleeves will not be permitted. Minimum concrete wa11 reinforcing:vertical,' 2 #5 bars top and bottom. END OF SECTION O32OO *4 bars at 2' -0" o. c. I ANTLERs coNDoMrNruMs ADDrroN/RENovATroNI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO I I 03200 -3 1) 2) I I I I T I I I I I I SECTION 033OO CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART - ]- GENERAL: "Specifications for Structural Concrete for BuildJ-ngs" ACI 301, current edition, shall be the specrfication for all concrete construction on this project, as if attached hereto. ACI and CRSI Standards recommendations sha1l likewise become the minimum constructi-on standards for these specifications. WORK INCLUDEDThis section governs concrete work, structural and non- structural . Refer 'General Notes' Sheet Sheet S0.0L for criteria. RELATED WORK SECTION 01400 - Quality Control SECTION 014L0 - Testing Laboratory Services SECTION 0251L - Concrete Paving SECTION 03100 - Concrete Formwork SECTION 03200 - Concrete Reinforcing SECTION 03345 - Concrete Finishinq TESTINGAn independent testing laboratory will be employed by the Contractor to perform tests and submit results to the Architect' Ownerts Representative and structural Engineer for the following: (One test for each days pour and/or 10 CU. YD. minimum per test, whichever, is greater.) test at poj.nt of discharge forSlump: per ASTM C-143, one each load. Compressive strength: perper test. Two tests at reserve. I 3) Air Entrai-nrnent: one test for each set of ASTM C 39, one? days, two at set of 6 cylinders28 days, .two in cylinders. I I I I Averaging of individual tests is not an acceptable method of determining strength. Submit test results to the Architect, Structural Engineer and Owner's Representative withln 72 hours of concrete placement. concrete which fails to meet specifi-ed requi-rements shal1 be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Testing of replacement concrete shall be at the Contractor's expense. CONTRACTORIS TESTING AND INSPECTION The Contractor shalf perform, at his own expense, additional quality contr6l testing and "special i-nspection' as may be needed to assure that the constructj.on is in compliance with the Contract Documents. Special Inspectors test results and reports I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I 03300 -1 MIX DESIGNS Submit mix design(s) including evidence satisfactory to assure that all materials to be used and proportions seLected will conclusively and uniforrnly meet design specifications. Mix design nurnbers shal1 appear on all delivery truck tickets. SEQUENC ING / SCHEDULINGNotify the Engineer at least three (3) working days in advance of placement of any reinforced concrete. PART 2 - PRODUCTS CONCRETE MATERIALS MIX STANDARDS Specify the following as a minimum: l-) Addition of water is prohJ.bj.ted unless authorized by the Engineer.Mixing, delivery and discharge time shall not exceed I hour. L5 minuEes or 300 revolutions of the drum when air temperature is between 85 degrees F and 90 degrees F. Mixing and delivery time shall not exceed L hour or 300 revolution of the drum when air temperature exceeds 90 degrees F. Mixing, dellvery and discharge tj.me shalL not exceed t hour and 30 minutes when air temperature is less than 85 degrees shall be forwarded to the Architect their records, as well as the Owner Department Inspection Divisj.on (Refer SUBMITTALS z) 3) 4) ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO ",.o t"tural Engineer for and Town of Vail- Building Section 01400) . I t t I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I CONCRETE MIX FOR COLUMNS, STRUCTURAL SLABS, FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATIONS: Values listed are minimum acceptable. Use these values or as noted on structural drawings which ever is more stringent. Cement Type: Utilize Type I or Modified Type II (sulfate resistant) Cement for alL concrete i-n contact wlth ground. Utifize Type I elsewhere, conform to ASTM C-150-64. concrete Strength Footings and Foundations: 4000 1bs/sq.-ln minj.mum compressive strength at 28 days. Water: Potabfe Air Entrainment: ASTM C260 (08 - 2t) Calcium chloride: not permj-tted 03300 -2 I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I slump: 4" Maximum I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I CONCRETE MIX (SLABS ON GRADE, EXTERIOR FLATWORK, WALKS AND,PAVING) Cement Type: I or II Modj.fied Concrete Strength: 4000 psi minimum compressive strength at 28 daysMix: 6 sack/C.Y. minimumi although this may result in greater strength than minimum specified. Water: potableAir Entraj-ning admixture: (6E plus or minus 1t) ASTM C-260. Water reducing admixture: None Slump: 2" - 4" (4' maximurn) Color Additj.ve as selected by Owner and/or Architect. (l-0 lbs/yard minimum) Prepare at least 4 individual samples on site of color range directed by Architect. See Division 02511 Concrete Pavers for extent of colored concrete. Concrete Mix: Post Tensioned Structural Slab and Concrete Columns Cement: Type I Concrete Strength: 6000 psi G 28 days.Water: PotableAlr entrainment: O-2*Slump:4" MAX. STONE AGGREGATEz 3/4" maxj-mum crushed granite or rock concrete.(Flyash i.s not permitted as any part of the concrete PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION CONCRETE PLACEMENT -- GENERAL No concrete sha}l be olaced which has reached a temperature of 90 degrees F. COLD WEATHER PLACEMENTPer AcI 305 - Under no circumstances shall concrete mix ingredients be frozen, contain j-ce or snow, or be placed on earth which is frozen or contains frozen particles. The use of calcium chloride and,/or other chemical antifreeze or accelerate agents in the concrete mix shall be strictly prohibited. HOT WEATHER PLACEMENT Per ACI 305 - No exterior concrete flatwork shall be placed when the outside wind veJ.ocity exceeds 30 miles per hour unless temporary barriers or windbreaks are provided. When ambient 'air temperature exceeds 90 degrees F. ' exterior flatwork shall be kept moist with a fog spray or other acceptable at exterior mlx. ) I 03300 -3 aIset and excessivE drvinq of concrete I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I means to prevent flash surfaces. TOLERANCES FOR FORMED SURFACES PER ACI 301..72 PUbliCAtiOi SP.15 (75 )1. Variation from plunb. A. In lj-nes and surfaces of columns' piers. walLs' and in arisesz L/4" in any 10t of length; 1n maximurn for the entj.re length.B. For exposed corner columns, control joint grooves' and other conspicuous linesz L/4" in any 20t length; L/2" maximum for the entire length. 2. Variation from level or from grades indicated in the Contract Docurnents: A. In slabs, soffits' ceilings, beam soffits and in areas, measured before removal of supporting shores: I/4" in any 10' of length; 3/8" in any 20' length; 3/4" maximum for the entire length. B. In exposed lintels' sills' parapets' horizontal grooves' and other conspicuous linesz !/4" in any bay or in 20' length; 1/2" maximum for the entire length. 3. Varj.ation of lj-near building lines from established position in plan and related position of columns, walls, anq partltions: A. L/2" in any bay; L/2" in any 20' Iength; 1" maximun for the entire length. 4. Vari.atlon in the sj-zes and location of sleeves, floor Iopenings, and wall openingsz L/4'. I 5. Variation i.n cross-sectional dimensions of columns and beams and in the thickness of sLabs and walls. A. 1./4' minus; 1/2" plus 6. Footings:A. Variatlons in dimensions in planz t/2" minusi 2' p1us. B. Misplacement or eccentricity: 2t of the footing width in the direction of misplacement but not more than 2". C. Thickness: 5t decrease or increase in specified thickness for new sEructural slabs; no linit increase in specified thickness for slabs placed on grade. '7 . Variation in stePs: A. In a f light of stairs: 1/8" rise,' 1/4" tread. B. In consecutive steps: L/L6" rise; 1/8" tread. *Tolerances apply to concrete dimensions of vertical reinforcing steel, dowels' or END OF SECTION O33OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO only, not to positloning embedded items. 03300 4 I I I I I I t I I I I I t I t I SECTION O34OO PRECAST CONCRETE PART ],GENERAL SUMMARY: Section Includes: Precast Structural concrete work as shown onthe structural drawings. Plain architectural units, arch head "Quoin' uni.ts, sill units, walI coping and colonnade base units, as indicated on plans. Generally the color of archi.tectural unj.ts should match the color range of stone as selected. Texture to be heavy acid etch to light sandblast as selected. SUBMITTALS: Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawi.ngs showing complete informatj.on for thefabrication and installation of precast concrete elements.lnclude special reinforcement and lifting devices necessary for handling and erection. Provide layout, dimensions, and identification of each precastelements. Detail inserts, connections, blockouts, jointsr. accessories and openings. Samples: Submit three sets of architectural precast concrete finish samples 12" X !2n X 2" Eo show quality, coLo!, texture over fuIl range ofcolor and texture variations anticipated in tbe finish work. Provide additional sampJ-es as reguested to arrive at acceptableresult. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Codes and Standards: Employ a firm speciali-zing j-n precast concrete which has had a minimum of 5 years successful experience in the fabri-cation ofprecast concrete units similar to the units required for this proj ect . Erection shall be by fabricator or simj-larly experienced installer. Comply with the provisions of ACI Concrete Institute, MNL-116 and MNL-117 Fabricator/Installer Qualifications : 301, ACI 318, Prestressed as applicable. ! ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO r I 03400 -1 Fabricator's Design precast units to support live and dead loads as requi.red byappricabJ.e codes and in accordance with ACr 318. connecti-ons shallbe designed to accomrnodate 115t of the forces calculated from thedesign J.oading. Precast quoin arch units shall extend fuLlthickness of stone and concrete wall to provide finish conditionunder arch. DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING: Deliver precasts concrete elements to the project site in suchquantities and at such times to assure the continulty of theinstallation. Store architectural units at Che project site toensure against crackj-ng, distortion, staining, or other physical damage, and so that markings are visible. Lift and support units atthe designated lift points. PART 2 - PRODUCTS oasto Des i gn: (Coordinate wj-th prec MATERIAL: Manufacturers: Manufacturer as approved for bidding as follows:Stresscon Corporati.on, Denver Colorado, DenverPrecast, Inc., Winfrey Precast or approved equals. Architectural Precast Units: Reinforcement: Reinforcing Bars: ASTM Welded Wire Mesh: ASTM FABRICATION: A615, Grade 60. A185. concrete wal1 units. ) I Architectural I I I I I I I I t I I I t Precast si1ls, base, wall coping, and arch head units shalL befabricated according to profiles indicated on drawings. Fabricate precast concrete units complyj.ng with manufacturing andtesting procedures, quality control recommendations, and other requirements of PCI MNLL16, and as specified for types of units reouired. Conform to tolerance reconunended by PCI . Include reinforcement,Iifting and anchorage devices and other items cast into themembers. I COLOR: Provide color additive as selected (20 lbs/yard. min. ) ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I t I I 03400 -2 I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I FINISHES: Special Finishes: Architectural Finish: Acid etching and cleaning as may be required to produce texture and color matching approved sample- Apply sealer to exposed surfaces of archj.tecturaf precast units upon completion of Suxface finish. Submit manufacturer's data for approval . Suburban, weatherseal siloxane' two wet on wet applications. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS : Grout: Non-Metatlic Shrinkage-Resistant Grout: Complying with corps of Engineers CRD-CS88, Type A, 6000 psi minimum compressive strength. Accessories: Provide all clips, hangers and other accessories required for installation of precast units and for support of subsequent construction or finishes. Anchor Bolts, Nuts, and $lashers: Fabricate from AISI Type 302/304 stainless steel if in contact with stone; otherwise, provide regular low carbon steel bolts and nuts (ASTM A3O?) hot-dip galvanized, compJ-ying with ASTM A153. Lead or plastic buttons of the thickness requj.red for the joint size lndicated, and of the si-ze required to maintain uniform joint width. Coping: According to profiles detailed. Sills, Base and Arch Head: PART 3 EXECUTION Installation: Lift, place, and secure units in acCordance with manufacturer's instructions and final shop drawings, keeping units tight and perpendicular to bearing supports. Do not install units until supporting members are in pJ-ace, secured and adequately braced. Lift only at lifting points provided and install temporary shoring and bracing as necessary. Level unj-ts accurately. - ANTLERS coNDoMtNtuMs ADDlrloN/RENovATloN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO T I 03400 -3 Use bearing pads as required, andbearings, with bearing surface nocfinal shop drawings. set slabs on solid, levelless than that shown on I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 1n by Repair damaged exposed surfaces as required. Level unitsacceptable condition to receive subsequent work. Seal_ant worksealant (separate) contractor. DAMAGE AND REPAIR: Minor cracking, chips, and spalls on structural elements whichoccur during delivery, handling, and storage, will be permittedif not detrimental. to the final appearance of the structure. Nomajor or unsightly j.mperfections or structural defects will bepermitted unless satisfactorily repaired. Architectural unitsmust be furnished and maintained in perfect condition. Fabricator will make such repairs with materials and methodsacceptable to the ownerrs representative, structural engineer andarchitect. Replace unj.ts that are not repairable. clean all archltectural units with detergents after installationand before sealing. END OF SECTION O34OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO O3/IOO -4 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 04100 MORTAR PART 1 - GENERAL WORK INCLUDED 9lork in this section includes mortar andplans and elevati_ons i"o "iice.r"r"r criteria) . RELATED WORKSECTION 01400 eualiry ConrrotSECTION O42lO Stone ienner Mu"orr.ySECTION 04220 Concrete Unit Masonrv QUALITY ASSURANCEMortar and grout milgs shall be proportioned in strict compliancewith this specificatron. work in this section shall be subject to testi.ng to verifycompli.ance. STANDARDS: comply with recommendations of Brick rnstitute of America (BrA)and National Concrete Masonry Associ_ation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERTALS PortLand cement sha11 meet the requirementsII cement with alkali content not to exceed Color additive as required for stone veneerthe architect. masonry grout, (refer toNotesr for structural of ASTM C-150, Type0.6*. mortar as selected by Hydrated lime shall meet the requj_rements of ASTM C_ZO? Use admixture ,rDry Block System,' h,ater repellent in aI1 mortarexposed to weather Admixtures such as. .ai-r-entraining and antifreeze compoundsare strictly prohlbited. MIXES Mortar to be used with all masonry shall be ASTM C-2.70 type ,,S,,consistiag (by volume) of 1 part portrand cement prus r/a'.o r/Zpart hydrated 1ime, and sand aggregate not less than 2_L/4 andnot more than 3 times the sum oi-tne vorumes of cement and rime. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO o4100 -1 Minlmum 28 dav compressive strength. shal_L be 1g00 psi (minimurn) .f:::i"i:]or a-nd te*ture ;; -";;;;="ea sampre;offi as crosely as SAI''PLE *ALL PANELS: Prepare 4' x 4, sample wa'ls of stone masonrymateriar for approvll ei:,or to frocee_diirg wiih-ioisrruction. showsrze' shape, joints, to10r r"rrq". of stlne -"r,J-'.o.t... prepareadditional sample walr.s i i -- i'"it:..:. - -rairs-"-"u.p."" are notacceptable to o,wnerrs Representative oi--a."ilitect. provideseparate arch wal.l sample panel for approval. TESTING Contractor shall. provide strength and quality controltesting at Contractor's expense. PART 3 - EXECUTION MIXING Measurements for .site. batching of mortar sharr. be taken withcaribrated measuring instrumenis. "srroveii J"ifio"" wilr not beaccepted. , Mortar shall be rnixed for 3 minutes minimurn, 5 minutes maxj.mum ina mechanical batch mixer with the maxirnum ".oont of water toproduce a workable consistency. Retempering is permitted for a period not to exceed r-L/2 hoursafter initi.al mixi.ng PLACEMENTAll mortar sharr be praced within 2 hours of batchino. COLD WEATHER CONSTRUCTIONThe use of mortar material that has been stored unprotected attemperatures below- 40" F for a period of more than 4 hours shallnot be used until material.s have been dried and tenperatui-sraj-sed to acceptable limits. Mixing of mortars in cold weather (below 4Oo F) shall comply withthe recommendations of the concrete Masonry rnstitute 'arid theBrick rnstitute of America and these spe6ifications. l,tortar,after mixlng shalr have a temperature of not less than zo aegre-sF. I I I I I I t t I I I I t I I I I I I Maintai-n mortar temperature between 40" F and 120"masonry erection and for not less than 4g hours after F. during placement. END OF SECTTON 041OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO o4100 -2 t I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I SECTION O42LO STONE MASONRY PART 1 - GENERAL WORK INCLUDEDProvide all materials, Iabor, and equipment as required tocomplete all stone masonry work as specified herein and asindicated on the Drawj-ngs. Stone work shalL include veneer appli-cation over concrete.Foundations with support ledge, venee! over precast walls withsteel angle lintels, veneer on metal stud wal1s and veneer on c.M. U. RELATED WORK SECTTON 01400 - Quality Control SECTION 04L00 - Mortar SECTION 0415L - Masonry WalL Ties SEC?ION 04220 - Concrete Unit Masonry(Refer to nGeneral Notes', for structural criterj-a. ) QUALIIY ASSURANCECoordi-nate stone veneer requirements. SUBMITTALS and substrate consErucE:-on SAMPLES Submit samples of stone to the Architect. Stone shall be 6" red, nomj-naI thickness of local granite, generally in the rose, buff,greyr black and purple color range. Samples shall show extreme variatj-ons in color and texture. Submit samples from dlfferent sources in order to offer wi.de choi.ce. SAMPLE PANELS Prepare sample panels of stone walls (minimum 4'size, texture, coursing, joint color, and ful1co1or. Prepare additional number of sample panels and/or owners approval if necessary. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Stone shall be stored off the ground and coveredfrom precipitation. SEQUENC ING/ SCHEDULING ARCHITECT NOTI FICATION X 4'I showingrange of stonefor archi-tects for protection 3 daysThe Architect shal1 be notifled by the Contractor at leastin advance of the commencement of work in this section. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 04210 -1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS Local natural granite stone cobbles' thickness. Color range rose, purple, sliced to produce 6" nominal buff, etc. L' f +Yr.u Provide MORTAR AND GROUT: Mortar ASTM C 2'10, Type rSl with Portland Cement. Use "Dry BJ-ock System: mortar admix at all mortar exposed to weather. Refer Section 04100. Glout ASTM C4?6 3000 PSI mix i.n accordance with ASTM C94. LINTELS - provide steel angJ.e lintels as may be required at aL} new openings. one at each wythe of masonry 5 L/2" X 3 I/2" X 3/8" minimum or as indicated on plans. 6'minimum bearing each side of opening. For lintels of 6' in length and over use 5 L/2 X 5l/2 X 3/8". Unless noted otherwise on drawings. Use 5 l/2 x 3 I/2 x 1,/4 steel ledge angle where fastened to concrete walls. I I t I I I I I I I t I t I I I I T T CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY: a. Hollow Load Bearing Units: ASTM 690, Grade N, Type weight f'c = L500 PSI . b. Masonry Units: 4 x 8 x 16 inch' o! as required. speci.al units for corners, bond beams, Iintels and caps. c. Exposed masonry shall match approved samples and sample waLl panel. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION COURSING/BONDThe mason shall plan coursJ-ng and bond patterns so that the veneer stone gives the general aPpearance of structural' walls with larger rocks near bottom l/3 of wall and progressing to somewhat smaller near the toP. Provide galvanized ties keyed to dove tail anchors at the minimum rate of one per two square feet of stone veneer over concrete surfaces such as foundation, columns, wa11s, arch elements. etc. Lay units with futl mortar beds on head and bed faces. THRU WALL FLASHINGInstall 3O mil . self-adhering rubberized asphalt thru wall flashing per 0?600-2; install weeps at 24" o.c. or as detailed. Install flashing at all lintels, structural eLements and above qrade at bottom of all walls. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 04210 -2 I T I T T I I I I I I I t I t I I I I JOINTS Exposed stone joints shal1 be tooled concave finish to match sample panel Provide maximum stone face exposure and to a smooth, recessed, as closely as possible. minimum mortar showlng . CONTROL JOINTS Install control joints as shown, and/or as necessary' 3/8" wide, fi-L1 w/foam backer and sealant. Masonry to receive vertical reinforcing shall be aligned to form an unobstructed continuous series of vertical spaces free of weeping mortar. spaces to contain reinforcement shall be no less than 2" in any dimension. fnstall horizontal reinforcing as shown. COLD WEATHER MASONRY The use of masonry which has been stored unprotected at temperatures below 40 degrees F for a period of more than 4 hours shall not be used until units have been dried and temperatures raised to acceptable limits. Construction of masonry in cold weather (below 40 degrees F) shall comply with the recornmendations of the Concrete Masonry. Institute ind the Brick Institute of America and these specifj-cations. Maintain mortar temPerature between 40 degrees F. and 120 degrees F. Provj.de wj.nd shelters as needed and temporary heat as required to assure proper morta! curing and to maintain wall temperatures within stated limits for a period of not less than 48 hours. Cover unfinished work during inclement or freezing weather. Cover masonry walls at the end of each work day. Protecting coverings shall be of materj-al to prevent the penetration of raj-n or snow into the masonry. Cover the top and both sides of wa1ls exposed to weather. Coverings shall be held securely in place. No masonry shall be placed on concrete nor on previously erected masonry which has ice or moisture on its surface. No masonly shall be ptaced on substrates which are below 40 degrees F. TEMPORARY SUPPORT: Temporary support of arch masonry openings with precast quoins is required. This contractor shaII install steel angle support t:.ntets/tedges, stone anchors, etc. to supPort masonry above top of arches according to details and as necessary. END OF SECTION 04210 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADOITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 04210 -3 I T I I t I I SECTION 04220 CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY, PART I - GENERAL IIORK INCLUDED Work in this section includes new concrete unit masonrv workindicated on the Drawinqs. RETATED WORK SECTION 01400 - Quality Control SECTION 04100 - Mortar SECTION 042f0 - Stone Masonry,Refer to 'General Notes' for structural criteria. QUALITY ASSURANCEWork, workmanshi-p, materials, and procedures in this sectj-onshall be performed according to the recommendations of theNational Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) . TESTING I The Contractor shall conduct at his own expense, all testing necessary to assuxe compliance with the Contract Documents. T SUBMITTALSI SAMPLES Submit samples of concrete masonry units. Submit 3 block units of each type or fj.nish for approval . DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLINGStore materials above ground covered for protection fromprecipitation. ARCHITECT NOTI FTCATIONNotify the Architect three days prior to beginning work in this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS Hollow load-bearing light weight concrete block, Grade N' Type I or II per ASTM C-90 with ASTM C331 aggregate. CMU as manufactured by VaIIey Block Co. or Best Block. Utilize Forrer Industries "Dry Block" water repellent system for all light weight concrete block exposed to weather, including integral concrete block Admix and Integral Mortar Admix in strict accordance with manufacturer's spec5-fications. Below grade foundation wa11s, surfaces to be ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COTORADO I I T T t I I I t t 04220 -1 dampproofed, Refer to Section 07100, CMU covered by veneer andinterior patching shall utilize smooth faced standard CMU. FIRE RATED MASONRY: Provide concrete masonry units 8' x 8' x 16' for 2 hour ratedwalls as scheduled or noted and for 2 hour rated shafts, garage infitl, walls, etc. as necessary and/or as required Code. SPECIAL SHAPES Provide special manufactured shaPes of concrete masonry units as I necessary. MORTAR AND GROUT: ASTM C 270, Type S, with Portland Cement and Icolor additive. Use mortar Admix "Dry Block System" water repellent. ACCESSORIES as necessary and/or recommended by manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION Masonry units shall be dry when laid. The mason shaIl plan his coursing so that bond paEtetns will. remain consistent over masonry openj.ngs. Lay unj-ts with full mortar coverage on horizontal- and vertical face shells. For units requiring grouting; apply mortar to webs also. Expose-to-view mortar joints shall be raked to a smooth, dense' concave finish to match groove. Other mortar joi.nts shall be cut flush with masonry. Strike joj.nts flush at surfaces scheduled to receive plaster or furred drywall finj.sh, or to receive coating I As work progresses, clean all excess and weeping mortar from face and cell side of all joints. CMU planter walls to receive stone veneer shall be constructed in running bond, joints filled flush utilizing 4" thick units- Provide 3/4" dia. copPer weep pipes at 5r o.c. or as shown along planters for drainage. REINFORCEMENT:Horj-zontal masonry joint reinforcement, truss design 9 gauge wire, galvani-2ed, 'Dur - o - wa1l' or equal shal1 be placed so that longitudinal wires are located over face-shell mortar beds' and are fully embedded in mortar. Minimum mortar coveragez 5/8" I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW. COLORADO I I T I I I I I I T I I I 04220 -2 I I I I to exterior face ; wall; !/2n aII oth.tOrocations. Lapreinforcement 6' rninimum. Use factory-fabricated corner andintersection sections. UnIess otherwise indicated, installhorj.zontal reinforcement at 16" o.c. beginning with first course(8' above base of masonry) . Provide galvanized corrugated ties for stone veneer. Penetrate sheathing for direct connection to steel stud framing, I' o.c.vertically, 16" o.c. horizontally. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Concrete masonry work shall be plurnb, true to li-ne, with level I courses accurately spaced. Rack coursing at end of work day I (toothing is not acceptable). TOLERANCE FOR CONCRETE UNIT MASONRYL. Maximun variation from plumb in vertical lines and surfacesof columns, wa1ls and arises:a) L/4 i-n. (6.4 mm) in 10 ft. (3 rn) .b) 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) in a story height not to exceed 20 ft. (5m) .c) L/2 Ln.12.7 run) in 40 ft. (12 n) or more. 2. Maximum variation from plunb for external corners, expansion joints and other conspicuous lines:a) l/4 Ln. (6.4 mm) in any bay or 20 ft. (6 m) .b) t/2 in. (12.7 mm) in 40 ft. (l-2 m) or more. 3. Maximun variation from level of grades for exposed lintels, si11s, parapets, horizontal grooves and other conspicuouslines:a) L/4 in. (6.4) in any bay or 20 fE. (6 m)b) L/2 in. (12.6 run) 1n 40 ft. (12 m) or more. Maximum variation from plan location of related portions of columns, walls and partitions: a) L/2 in. (L2.7 nun) in any by or 20 f:'. (5 n).b) 3/4 in (19 mm) in 40 ft. (12 m) or more. 5. Maximum variation in cross-sectional dimensions of columns and thicknesses of walls from dimenslons shown on drawings: a) Minus t/4 Ln. (6.4 mn).b) Plus 1/2 in. (12.7 mm). ADJUSTING AND CLEANINGThoroughly remove all surplus mortarr drippings' and other undesirable substances from exposed masonry and adjacent surfaces. Initial cleaning with water and detergent. Use mj-ld muratic acid .(5*) cleaning by brushing and water rinse only if other cleaning solution fails. NO hiqh pressure water blasting or strono muratic acid. I I I I I I I I I I I T ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO r I 04220 -3 MASONRY OPENTN Provide lintel support at all new openings for ductwork, etc. Use3 L/zn X 3 L/2' X 3/8" angle for each 4n thickness of wall, minimum, up to 5' opening width or as otherwise noted on plans.Provide temporary support of masonry openings and/or installlintels into masonry joints prj.or to removal of waII area below. Provj.de 6" minimum bearing each side. COATING CMU: Nevr masonty waLls at planter areas coats dampproofing. END OF SECTION O422O shalL be painted with two ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I t I I I t I t I I I I T I I I I I 04220 -4 I I I I I I t I t I t I I I t I I I I sEcrroN 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 GENERAL ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO VIORK INCLUDED iffisectionsha11inc1udeal11abor,materials'andinci.dentals for metal fabrications not included in other sections of these specifications, including, gates' handrails' g"iidiiir", miscelllneous beams, angles, columns' Iintels' iiii"", etc. rauiicate guardrai-l sections of solid steel bar -siocf< 'as detailed. Fabricate exterior handrails and interior stairwell rails of L L/4" diameter pipe as shown. Fabricate steelstairSystemsaccordj.ngtostructuraldetails. Prefabricatea steLt-siairs may be used at contractor's option' Provide"specia}inspections'perUBCSectionlT0llelativeto structural welding ana/or structural General Conditions APPLICATOR QUALI FICATION/CERTI FICATION Al1 welders to Ue Lmpf"Ved in the work shall have certification "i having satisfaJ6tiiy passed appropriate Aws qualification tests within the previous 12 months ' QUALITY ASSURANCEMaterials ana w&k in this section sha1l comply with current recommendations oi tn. American Insti-tute of Steel Construction Inc. (AISC) . The AISC Specifications for the Design' Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings and Bridges, fatest edition, are hereby made part of these specification to the same extent as ii they were incorporated herein (except as amended or superseded .-by- the Contract Documents. Refer structural "Generil Notes". The contractor shall provide "special inspections" according to Structural GeneraL Conditions. (refer Section 0L400)' SUBMITTALS SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA Submit shop drawings to the Architect for all work in this section. shop ari"inqs shall clearly indicate member sizes' spacings, locations, and connections' CERTlFICATES submit copies of welder certification to the structural engj-neer' INSPECTION REPORTS provide repoits to ownerrs Representative structural Engineer and Town of Vail Building Inspection Division, refer Section 01400' oSsoo -1 . .-.I PART 2 - PRODIJSfS MATERIALS Materials shalt be provided with a shop-applied single coat of zinc chromate or red oxide paint, except: L. steel to be encased in concrete, and 2. surfaces to be field welded' 3. surfaces to receive fire proofing FABRICATION iffitructuralsteeltomeetAIScspecifications.Markfor field assembly. Form curved angle framj-ng to radius required. structural steel: ASTM A 36 unless otherwise indicated- Pipe ASTM A 53' TYPE E or S' Grade B or ASTM A 501, tubes ASTM A 501. Concrete Inserts: Malleable iron, ASTM A 47, hot dipped galvanized inserts, steel bolts, nuts' washers, etc' shop Painting: Paint structural steel and fabricated metal and miscellaneous metal with shop primer, except items to be embedded in concrete or masonry which shatl receive galvanizi-ng. provide for bolt or weld anchoring of framing nembers as iequiiea for loading according to code or as indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION PREPAR,,,ATION Provide temporary shoring and bracing as requj.red to maintain the work in-a safe and stlble conditi.on during erection. provide templates and other devices as required for accurately piesetting bolts and other anchors' lNSTALLATIONMeettherequ].rementsofAlscspecificationsandCodeof Standard praciice and these specifications, as well as wind and snow loads as required Per code. FIELD QUALITY CgNTROL Stee1 members snl.LITe free from twists, kinks' bucklesr or open j;i;4": riera correction of fabricated items by gas cutting shallnotbepermittedunlessauthorizedbyEngineer.Provide inspections according to structural General Conditions. I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I t I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 05500 -2 I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I t t I I ADJUSTING AND CLEANIO @rectj-on' clean mortar, and other forej-gn rnaterials. or previously unpainted surfaces with STRUCTURAL STEEL: StECl alL steel of mud, dirt' Touch-up scuffed, chipPed' zinc-chromate Paint. Fabricate to dimensions shown teel bar stock of sizes and tYPe detailed. Fabricate stair handrails of t L/4" steel pipe with supports, brackets returns, extensions, etc' according to Unitorm Building Code, ANSI A lL7.L specifications and as reguired. Fabriclte steel balcony railing. of steel tube stock acdording to detaits and/or code requirement-s for height' support -and spacing. Fabricate exterior ramp handrails of 1 L/7i' steel pipe, install complete with concrete walk piPe inserts, and/ or wall brackets, etc. as necessary' STAIR HANDRAILS: Provide new 1 t/4" diameter pipe handrails at ffils per ANsr A L17.1- and u.B.c. STEET STAIR SYSTEMS: Prefabricated steel stairs with steel Pan ffirirr on steel stringers with open rise19. Utilize steel grate treads where shown, galvanized steel bax ! I/2" height X 3/L6n thick, 4' cross bar centers fabricated with cast abrisive nosing, manuiactured by Mc Nichols Co. or approved equal . roof framing system, cross bracing' structural plans and details.lintels, etc., END OF SECTION as shown on 05500 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO STEEL RAILING AND GUARDRAILS: 05500 -3 I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I t T sEcrroN 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL WORK ]NCLUDED AII rough carpentry work as shown on drawings or as required to complete the work includj-ng cold roof construction, wood stairs' wood railings, furring, grounds, shims' back-up bloeking, framing nailers, flashing, sub-framing and miscellaneous. RELATED WORK SECTION 06200 - Finish Carpentry QUALITY ASSURANCE Lumber shall meet the requirements of U.S. Department of Conmerce voluntary product Standard PS20-?0 'American Softwood Lumber standardl . and plywood shall meet the requirements of Product standard 1-74 NAsI-199.L and bear proper identification of such. In the absence of other information, the Standards the following organizations apply: American Plywood Associati-on (APA) Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) National Forest Products Association (NFPA) Western Wood Products Association (lfvfPA) PART 2 - PRODUCTS A11 lumber shall be kiln dried to moisture content 18t maximum. Specles: Douglas-Fir, Southern Pine, Hem-Fir AII roof related Iumber, including fascias, perimeter flashing sub-frarning, sleepers, blocking. shall be pressure treated with "Penta Chloride" or equal . Plywood for each use shalt cornply with requirements of "softwood p1!'wood/construction and industrial' PS 1 by U. S' Dept' of Commerce. Use exterior glued plywood for cold loof assembly and substrate for redwood siding, etc. PART 3 _ EXECUTION INSTALLATION Provide fire retardant treated lumber blocking at all mounting locations of handrails, specialties, door stops, grab bars' plumbing fixtures, lurninaries, casework, miscellaneous eguipment' lnd all other surface mounted j-tems as required for proper anchorage. Blocking shal1 be 2 x 6, continuous between studs, etc. C6ordinate hlignts with requirements of ANSI A 117 .l- ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 06100 -1 Standards. f n"ti. blocking for grab U.t" J"11 condominium unit baths for future adaptable handicapped accessibility as indicated on unj.t plans PRESSURE TREATED MATERIAI Brush apply specified preservative solution liberal1y to all fietd cuts in pressure treated material . SOFFIT VENTING Install soffit vents according to Code reguirements at all steel framed roof soffits. UNDERTAYMENTrnstall 15# felt or approved building nraP over sheathing as required by code at all wallsr balcony, corridor rails' etc. and under all board siding. NAILING Minimum requirements Per "Recommended Nailing Schedule" published in the curient NFPA "l'tanual for Housing Framing". END OF SECTION 06100 t I t I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I I I o6'too -2 t T I I I I I I I I t t I I I t t I I TYPES OF ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK: Include but are not limited to SECTION O6200 FINISH CARPENTRY PART I - GENERAL WORK ]NCLUDED: supprv ana=nstall conplete Finish carpentry wor.k as shown on the Oriwings as specifiid herein and as reguired to install access5ries, counters, window sills, appliances' valences, base' trim, casing and cabinets. supply and install redwood siding as shown on plans, elevation and details RELATED WORK: SffiroF-O6T6O - Rough carpentry SECTION 06201- - CountertoPs SECTION 09900 - Painting SECTION 12300 - Manufactured Casework SHOP DRAWINGS: Subm-iE--Sh-op Drawings of cabinet,ry, railing and rnillwork large scale showing si-zes, materials, grain run, methods of construction, - fillers, connection to adjacent members and installation. Indicate all backing.members for installation and all hardware. Conform to Section 01340 Shop Drawinqs, Product Data and sarnples. confirm field measurements pri-or to fabrication. COORDINATION:e66ffiETilork with work to satisfaction DELIVERY AND STORAGE:ffis enclosed area. all other Trades as required to complete Owner and Architect. under protective cover and store within dry ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK : ffi (in addition to iterns so designated on the drawings) all miscellaneous exposed wood members comrnonly known as finish carpentry or millwor[, unless such items are specified under another Section of these specifications ' Standard and Cabinetry Miscellaneous Wood Railings Wood Base Shelving Countertops refer Section 06201 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW. COLORADO Running Trim Patching, Relocations and Installati-on 06200 -1 -I QUALITY STANDAR!5: Except as otherwise shown or specified, comply with Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) "Quality Standardsr. Comply with AlfI 300, 600, 700 and 800 series standards as applicable. MEASUREMENTS:trfrore proceeding with woodwork required to be fitted to other construction, obtain measurements and field verify dimensions and comply with any shop drawing details as required for accurate fit. OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT: I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I t I I t KiIn dry ranges, standards woodwork to an average moisture content withinor as otherwise recommended by applicablefor regional climatic conditj-ons involved. 9t to 12tquality SAMPLES FOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK:Architect for appearance and finish only. Compliance with aII other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. JOB CONDITIONS:EEfrhffiSFrate and installat,ion conditions. The installer must exarnine the substrate and the conditions under which theglork under this Section is to be performed, and notify the contractor in writing of any unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed wlth Work under this Section until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS: WOOD RAILINGS (HANDRAILS): 5/4 C Grade pine' KD, S4S, finger groove and eased edges. Stain finish refer Section 09900. HALF WALL CAP RAIL: 3/4" C Grade pine' kiln dried' S4S. STANDING AND RUNNING TRIM' rniscellaneous trim, door frames, base, etc. Select knotty pine, S4S, rnarked by WCLIB or WWPA for stained finish, kiln dried, shapes as detailed Utilize 3/4" X 3 1/2' for door and window casing/trim (add 3/4" x 3/4" on top of door, typical). Utilize 3/4" N 5 I/2" sliqhtly eased chamfered edge for base. Use for trim around windows, sliding,/hinged glass doors' eEc. CABINETRY: Refer Secti-on 12300 Manufactured Casework. WINDOW SfLLS,' JAMBS AND HEAD EXTENSIONS: Shall be select plne, 54S, kiln dried 3/4" thick, for stain finish as selected by Architect. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 06200 -2 I T I I I I I I I CEDAR SIDING: A cand pre-srained mf.:l*il:;#;. TffI; ii.lliYi.:ffi::':"fli:g over 5/8' gyp. sheathing REDWOOD SIDING: Clear, aIl heart, kiln dried, resawn texture' factory flood stain {semi-transparent) HorizontaL rail walLs 5n bevel pattern siding. Vertical 8n channel lap siding pattern. Apply redwood siding over 5/8" exterior plywood sheathing and underlayment. SHELVING: Exposed shelving at open fixed shelves and audio/TV cabinet shall be 3/4" AA fir plywood edged with select pine S4S, K.D. for stain finish, reinforce shelving as required. CLOSET SHELVES: Support preflnished particle board shelves with 1" X 4" cleat support on 3 sides and KV-2 closet rod. A11 shelves over 58" length to be installed with a Kv 1194 center support. Shelves shall be, Iocated 5'-0" max. above fj-nished fLoor or as noted. Rod shal1 be located 2" bel-ow shelves. Manufacturer's K and V, Solar Hardware, Hoover, or Franklin WOOD STAIRS: Prefabricated with 2 X !2 fir stringers, 5/4 particle board treads, 3/4" pine risers for carpet finish. WALL CAPSz t 1-/2" x 5 l/2" Select knotty pine. I UNIT STAIR HANDRAILS: L I/2" X 5 t/2" select pine for stainr finish with fj-nger groove according to Code. ADHESMS: Adhesive used to join gyPsum wallboard to wood shall be "construction adhesive" or "gypsum drywall adhesive' by Franklin Glue Company, Hybond Pane1 Adhesive by Plerce and Stevens or equivalent CAULKING: Shall not crack, flow or harden between temperatures of 10 degrees F. below and 150 degrees F above zexo, suitable under stain or paint finish. CASEIN GLUE: shall meet or exceed Federal Specification MMM-A- I 125-Type B l- and 11 or Borden Phenol-Resorcinol Lt-68D Casophen I with Catalist FM-125 D. PART 3 - EXECUTION FINISH CARPENTRY INSTALLATION: PoeJer drive screws at exterior; finish or casing nails at j-nterior. Set nails for putty stopping in surfaced members. Haruner marks not acceptable on any exposed finished surlace and will be cause for rejection of Work by Archltect. I I I I I I I ANTLERS coNDoMlNruMs ADDrrtoN/RENovATroN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO T I 06200 -3 Make all "r,o "p?"es, exposed in finisnea rillers, bever spricest and not square butted. Install members in as long lengths aspossible Install Work to details shown, plumb' Ievel and to line and securely anchored. Make scrj-bes' where required, accurate. Miter all corners of trim. Provide and install other miscellaneous millwork items and related Work required to conplete Work of this Section. Prepare all woodwork installed here under by cleaning and sanding as required to receive finishes specified in Section 09900 Painting. Repair damaged or defective work as directed. Adjust and lubricate hardware for Proper installation. Clean exposed interior and exterlor surfaces. Clean and touch up shop finished woodwork as required and remove and refinish damaged or soiled areas of finish. END OF SECTION 06200 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDMON/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I I I T T t I I I I T I t I I I I 06200 -4 I sEcrroN 06201 I COUNTERTOPS I PART l_ _ GENERAL T QUALITY ASSURANCE I FieLd verify conditions and dimensions to receive counterE.ops,prior to work in this section. I SUBMITTALS I sHoP DRAWTNGS AND PRODUCT DATA I Submit shop drawings of countertops.. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I MATERIALS I plyrlooD FoR couNTERTopsI 3/4" thick C D exterior grade plywood countertops to receiveceramic til-e' stone tile or selected finish. Moisture content not I to exceed 8 percent. Thickness 3/4 inches unless indicatedI otherwise. Panel sj-ze: as requi-red to minimize field joints. Edgered oak' or tile nosing as selected. Plastic Laminated finish at I reception front desk, banquet bar counters, kitchenettes, etc. as I indicated. T PLASTIC LAMTNATE I Standard Plastic Laminate sha1l be .042 inch thick general purpose high pressure lamj.nate plastic surfacing material-. Color I and pattern selected by the Architect. Finish: matte textured. I Plastic laminate shall meet or exceed Federal Specification LP-r 508-F, Style D, Tlrpe 1, Class L, as well as NEMA Standard LD-3- 1957 and LD-3-1964. It shall withstand heat to 250 degrees F. I CUTOUTS Provide cutouts for equipment and utilities indicated on the I drawings. Inside corners of cutouts shall have L/8 inch minimumt radius, to avoid stress cracking. T PART3-EXECUTION I INSTALLATION I fnstall countertops at bath vanity cabinets and unit kitchens as- shown or required. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION 06201 .1 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO T T rnstaLl custom counter at reception front desk, banquet and barcounters' kitchenettes, etc. as shown ana oernonstration bar passthrough to banquet room with sguare oak edge on L !/4- plywood,no backsplash, refer details. scribe countertops aa required to provide tight joints withadjacent construction. rnstalL sear-ant at joints between countertop and adjacentmaterials' and at penetrations in countertops, as specified inSection 07920 - Sealants and Caulking. END OF SECTION O62OL I I I I I I I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I 06201-2 I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I sEcTroN 07100 WATERPROOFING AND PART I - GENERAL DA}IPPROOFING gfork included: Deck waterproofing of parking/drive court deck above garage. waterproofing of all below grade concrete foundations. enclosing garagef living units, boiler room' kitchen, storage, mechinical and maintenance areas. Dampproofing for all planteis, retaining walls at planters, etc. Slope finish deck surface I/4"/1' min. PART TI - MATERIALS Specifications based on W. R. Grace construction Products required at alL wall and deck surfaces enclosing usable space and all terrace planters. Waterproofing: Deck waterproofing (parking/drive court deck above garage) i --lnstalL system 40b0 as rnanufactured by W. R. Grace utilizj-ng 60 mil "Bithutene" membrane, 2" sand setting bed for 3n precast concrete pavers, etc. Use "Hydroduct HSF" prefabricated drainage composite at all paved areas, under walks, plantersr etc. Installed according to manufacturerrs instruction. Wall waterproofing (Alf foundation walls of garage, mechanical-' boiler, stbrage, stairs, elevator Pit, kitchen, etc. ) : Install 'Bituthene 4OOO" waterproofing membrane to all foundation walls according to manufactures directions over System 4000 surface conditioier/primer. install L/2"'Hydroduct" drainage composite over waterpioofing membrane. Integrate drainage composite with perimeter drain. Dampproofing and Moisture Barriers: Required at. all free standing retaining walls, terrace foundation waLls' stair wa11s, etc' Hot asphalt dampproofing: Prime concrete with asphalt primer ASTM D 41 lnd apply hot asphalt ASTM D 449' Type A in two coats totaling 5 ga1. (35 lbs.) per 100 sq. ft. Adhere foundation and planter membrane with adhesive compatible with waterproofing where indicated on detaifs, (Refer Section 07200) . Flashj-ng: Provide 30 ni1 elastic flashing sheet at all window heads, door heads, sliding door thresholds and entry door thresholds, etc. Use 30 rnil self-adhering. rubberized asphalt flashing at stone masonly, above steel lintels' at cavity bottomsr etc.' I ANTLERs coNDoMrNtuMs ADDtrtoN/RENovATtoNr TowN oF vAtL, EAGTE couNw, coLoRADo I T 07100 -1 o EXECUTION Do not apply hot bitunen under conditions that would cause foaming (due to moisture). Optional cold single component rubberized bitumen: Manufactured I by QSC Products or equal. Apply by spray or roller to uniform 20 Imil thickness according to manufacturer's recorunendations. I Install "Hydroduct' at bottom of aII tenace planters. Integratedwith 3,/4" copper neeps through walls. Refer to detaj-Is on plans. I END OF SECTION O?1OO I PART 3 - InstalI waterproofing systems in manufactures instructions utilizing membrane, drainage composi.te, etc. expansion joint flashing as required. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO strict accordance with pr5-mer, t,ermination strips,Provide drain flashing and I I T T I I I I I I I I I t 07100 -2 I t t I I I I I I t I sEcrroN 07200 INSULATION PART 1 - GENERAL $IORK INCLUDED Roof insulation (tapered), wa11 insulation (rigid and batt) ceiling/soffit insulation (rigid and batt) as indicated. Sound attenuation batt at party walls, corridor wa1ls and,/or as scheduled. SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA Subnj-t shop drawings of TAPERED ROOF INSULATfON system for flat roof areas (minj-num slope t/4"/t' to drains). SEQUENC ING / SCHEDULING ARCHITECT NOTIFICATIONNotify Architect three (3) days prior to covering any portion of roof insulation. Notify Architect three (3) days prior to conmencing cavity wa11 insulati-on installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS ROOF INSULATION shal1 be resistant to the absorption of moisture.(No fiberglass or wood fiber products except as roof cover board. ) Provide tapered lL/4"/Lt\ extruded polystyrene insulation board of 1 1/2" minlmum thickness at drains sloping to 9 t/2" maximum at perimeter, installed under L/2" wood fiberboard to provide R- 20 minimurn average assembly value according to ASHRA Standard 90' single ply built-up roofing application. (Refer to roof p1an.) Glass Fiber Insulation Blanket: FS HH I521, Type L, l-.5 lb. min. density K value 0.27, foil faced. Use 10" thi.ckness at all roof rafters and/or attics and at all ceilings below usable space exposed to outside air. Mineral Fiber Insulation: FSHH-1-52]-, lype !, 3 Ib. min. density' to be utilized for party wa1l sound insulation. (Refer to Plans.) Use 6" thickness at exteri-or stud walI. Use 3 L/2" thickness to thickness at inside furred concrete walIs. Use I L/2" thickness minimum elsewhere in furring, etc. I T I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 07200 -1 Foundation ,n"!|ution: L Llz"'styrofol' rigid polystyrene square edge board meeting ASTM C 578 Tlpe absorption 0.1$ by volume (ASTM C272). Extend down finished grade. extrudedIV, water42" below Urethane Foam Insulation: Polyurethane foam to meet non- combustible and smoke emission standards aceording to UL, HUD' and FM Class A. Install 3' thickness at outside face of exterior precast concrete wdl1s under synthetic stucco to provide R-11 value according to ASHRA Standard 90. 6" thickness at precast plank roof, Fiber Board Roof Insulation: Carlisle H.P. Recovery Board, 7/2" thick, ASTM C208, Class E, F.M. Class 1. MANUFACTURES Foamular, AFlt Corporation, Al,tOCO Foam Products Company, Dyplast, GAF, Dow "Styrofoam", John Manviller Celotex, Fiberglas. Roof insulation as approved by roofing manufacturer for Class B Roof Assembly. PART 3 - EXECUTIONWall insulation board shall be 3' thick rigid urethane board for installation at all existing exterior concrete furred walls. 5" R-19 fiberglas batt insulation at new exterior metal stud walls. 3" Sound Batt insulation at aII party walls between reception and offices, banquet and lobby/hall, 01 bedroom additions and 7 employee units, beEween offices, between public halls and units' between four lock-off bedroons and condominiurn units and/or as indicated on plans. I NSTALLAT ION /APPLICAT ION /ERECT ION Fasten rigid insulation w,/adhesive approved by manufacturer. Fasten batt insulation by compression fit and/or according to manuf acturers recommendations . TOLERANCESUtilize tapered roof insulation slopes to achieve I/4 inch per 1 foot average toward roof drains refer roof pIans. t I/2" thick insulation minimum at roof drains. Instalfation in strict accordance with rnanufacturers specifications and according to reguirements of Town of Vail roofing inspector. Review tapered insulation layout with Roofing Inspector to secure approval prior to beginning roof insulation- Fi11 all spaces between stud waLls and slabs, window panning heads, jambs and sills, exterior hollow metal door frames to wall material and above window wall store front, etc. with insulation. END OF SECTION O72OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVANON TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I I o720o -2 I t I I t T T I T I T I I I I t SECTION 075OO ROOFING PART ]- . GENERAL WORK INCLUDED: Roofing of all new building roof areas. Membrane roofing at flat lobbyToffice area. concrete tile "co1d Roof" at all new construction sloping roof areas. (Refer roof plan and elevations. ) SYSTEM PARAMETERS The installed roof assembly shall satisfy the minirnum criteria for Town of vail roofing inspector and as follows: Meet with Roofing Inspector on-site to receiye app-roval qf gntire rogfing insulatj-on' slope, -4rainsr .overflgw'cold roof ventilation, etc. prior to proceedrng wrcn roorrng -rrk. - a. Wind: FM I-90 wind uplift. All roofing systems j-ncluding coping, flashing and membrane attachment must comply with I-90 criteria. b. Fire: UBC Class B rated noncombustible decks. Comply with UL Standards, U B. C. and Town of VaiI Roofing Inspector's approval . QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturer QuaLifications : a. Minimum L0 consecuti-ve year history in the manufacture of roofing materials. b. Applicalor certification program rnust be available from the manufacturer - c. Minirnum two (21 years guarantee on membrane and concrete tile roofing systems, agreeing to repair or replace roofing' flashing lnd concrete til.es which 1eak or deteriorate excessively or otherwise fails due to failure in materials or workmanship. PRODUCT OUALI FICATIONS : Product support: The product shall be represented by a full time individual- or firm based in Colorado. Products supported by part time or regional rePresentative will not qualify. I ANTLERs coNDoMrNruMS ADDrloN/RENovATtoNI rowN oF vArL, EAGLE couNTy, coLoRADo I I 07500 -1 APPLICAToR QuN,*CATIoNS :I T I Certified by roofing manufacturer to install and service ppoposed warranted roof system. Such certification shall have been issued and in effect NoT LESS THAN two years PRIOR TO THE BID OPENING DATE. Supervisor Qualifications: Certified by roofj-ng manufacturer for the proposed roofing system. Provide names of Trainee, Trainer, System(s), and Date of Training for each certified supervising Iroofer proposed to participate in the project. SUBMITTALSa. Comprehensive product information b. Technical specifications CONCRETE TILE ROOF (COLD ROOF SYSTEI{): Install cold roof system according to details, Install 40 mil "Bituthene lce and Water Shield" on 5/8n ext. plywood over metal decking or rigid insulation, (mechanically secured). Install 2 X 2 sleepers over ice and water shietd and 30* felt with concrete tile manufactured by "Westile" Beaver Creek Blend' (or as selected) , over 1 X 4 battens. Provide and install ridge and rake tile. EPDM SHEET SYSTEM: Carlisle Ti're and Rubber Co.'Sure Seal'; Design A. Adhered system. EPDM synthetic rubber' (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer), in 60 nil thick sheet, longest widths (up to 40') suited to application, 50 to 70 Shore A hardness' 1400 PSI strength, ]-25 lbs. per inch tear strength, 300t elongation, t75 degrees F. brittleness temperature' as produced and recommended specifically by manufacturer for use in adhered roofing system. A1l attachment' curb, expansion joint and flashing detaj-ls according to manufacture!'s standards. Equivalent manufacturers only as specifically approved by owner and Architect. Provide manufacturerrs 10 year membrane system warranty. INSTALLATION: Comply with manufacturer's instructions for membrane system, roof deck. conditions' insulation' etc. as approved by Carlisle Syn Tec Systems. WARRANTY: Completed roof systems shall be inspected by manufactures technical representatives and shall issue a two year guarantee /warranty. EXECUTIONInstaII concrete tile cold roof and tapered membrane roof system according to manufaCturer's reCommendations. Accommodate any necessary equlpment, conduit' vents, ducts, expansion joints and curbs as regui-red to insure water tight roofing installation. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I I I T T T I I I I t I T 07500 -2 I I I I t I T I I I I I I I T RemodeL andlouvers.'t.-in"lll existing or nest air- intake,/exhaust CONCRETE TILE ROOE: Install according to cold roof system toprovide outside air circulation over all heated roof areas via fascia blocking, ridge/hip vent assemblies' (including dormer ridges) . Install 40 mil "fce and water Shield" manufactured by W. R. Grace over entire sloping roof area' (including dormers). Install 2 X 2 pressure treated battens at 16" o.c. over 30* roofing felt. Install concrete tile mfg. by 'Westil-e, Beaver Creek Bfend color mixture, (or as selected), over 1' X 4"pressure treated sleepers. Wrap pressure treated Douglas fir fascia with "Ice and water Shield" and cover with copperflashing. Install copper gutters over pedestrian walks/corrj.dors and automobile drives protected by snow/ice guards and heated by snow/ice melt system, (refer roof p1an, elevations and detail-s). A11 exposed flashing, fascia covers, rake covers, valley flashing, etc. shall be 20 oz. copper (refer Section 07600). I PRoTECTToN: Protect the building, site, adjacent property' and I people from harm due to work in this section. INSTALLATION: In strict compliance with rnanufacturers specj-fication for EPDM adhered membrane roofing system and to comply with Town of Vail roofing inspectorfs requj.rements ROOF DRAINS: Refer to Mechanical Drawings and Specificati-ons. END OF SECTION O75OO I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDrtoN/RENovATloNr TowN oF vArL, EAGLE couNw, coLoRADo I I 07500 -3 I t I I I sEcTroN 07600 F1ASHING AND SHEET METAL PART 1 - GENERAL WORK INCLUDEDFlashing 'and reglets, counte?flashing, scuppers, fascia/rake cover, coping, parapet, valley flashi-ng and cap flashing shall be 20 oz. copper. Miscell-aneous flashing, balcony raiL caP, drip edge, etc. shall be 20 oz. copper. A11 Gutters' Downspouts to be shall be 15 oz. copper. RELATED WORK SECTION 05500 - MetaLs Fabrications SECTION 06100 - Rough Carpentry SECTION 07500 - Roofing SECTION 0'7920 - Sealants and Caulk SECTION 09900 - Painting QUALITY ASSURANCE The Architectural Sheet Metal Manual of t,he Sheet Metal and Air Conditioni-ng Contractors National Association Inc. (SMACNA) shall establish the basis for quality of afL materials and workmanship in this section. Pri-or to forming or installation of any flashing confer with roofing contractor and secure approval of design and instal-lation and to conform with manufacturer I s recommended details. Review flashinq systems with Town of--va.i] Roofinq. Inspector Section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS SHEET MATERIAL20 Ounce Copper: Provide the type solder and fasteners recomrnended by the producer of the copper sheet for fabrication and installation. AII exposed sheet copper (coping, fascia/rake' cap flashing, and valley flashing) shal1 be fabricated according to details and SMACNA. MEMBRANE FLASHING 6O mit "Sure Seal" pressure-sensitive flashing of cured EPDM manufactured by Carlisle, adhered with "Sure-Seal" 90-8-30A bonding adhesive according to manufacturers details and instructions. Concealed thru wall flashing 30 mj,I sheet membrane waterproofing "Seal Pruf HD" manufactured by Nervastral or "Nuflex" mfg. by Sandell or approved equivalent. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I t I I t I I I I I I I 07600 -1 COUNTERFLASHING 20 ounce copper counterflashing prefabricated according to,reglet manufacturer for installation with reglet. Counterflashing shall be formed to hold tight against vertical surface. All visible cap flashing, coping, scupper flashing, etc. shall be fabricated from20 oz. cooper sheet. Minimum height of counterflashi.ng above finished roof surface shalL be !2". Utilize 20 oz copper for chimney caps, exposed window sill flashing, balcony rail cap and edge. Fabricate cleats and starter strips of interlockabl-e with sheet. Form pieces in longest practical lengths Fabricate vertical faces with bottom edge formed outward 1/4 inch Iand hemmed to form drip. I GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS 16 ounce copper profile as detailed and/or as selected. Provide 4" X 4" plain gutters and 3'X 4tt open face downsPouts to allow drain during freezing ternperature as shown. Connect downspouts to interior storm drain system provided by others. Install anchor straps at each downspout, spaced 4r-0" o.c. A11 gutters shall be protected by snow/ice guards and fitted with ice melt system. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALTATION Lap adjoining pieces of copper sheet a mj-nimum of six inches- Set Iaps in sealant. DO NOT FASTEN ADJOINING PIECES OF COPPER SHEET TOGETHER. DO NOT FASTEN COPPER SHEETS TOGETHER. DO NOT FASTEN FLASHING SHEET TO WALLS OR STRUCTURE IN SUCH AS WAY AS TO RESTRAIN NORMAL EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION. Individual pieces of sheet copper cap flashing and drip edges shall be joined with the use of splice plates or cover plates with full sealant beads between plates and copper sheet flashing. Provide all necessary sub-blocking under rough carpentry or bent copper attachment angles required at fascia/rake cover to comply with I 90 Wind Criteria. FoId and return counterflashing at exposed ends, to provide fully closed, neatly finished ends. Counterflashing shall be adjusted as required to create a uniform pressure against both reglet and membrane base flashing. END OF SECTION 07600 I I I I t ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO same material as sheet, to ninimize joints. I I I I I I t I I I I I I 07600 -2 I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION O77OO ROOF SPECIAITIES PART 1 - GENERAL AND ACCESSORIES RELATED I{ORK SECTION 05500 - Metal Fabrications SECTION 06100 - Rough Carpentry SECTION 07600 - Flashing and Sheet Metal SECTION 0792O - Caulkj.ng and Sealants SECTIoN 09900 - Painting SUBMITTAI,S SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA Subnit Product Data for all manufactured roofing Specialties specified in this section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS ROOF JACKSRoof Jacks for flat/tapered membrane roofing shall be manufactured with PVC boot secured to 5" diameter (min. ) spun aluminum base flange with adjustable stainless steel clamps. Size: manufacturer's stock size appropriate for each penetration: Roof vents at sloping chj.mney elements shall be PVC with PVC boot flashing. All plurnbing vents, etc. shall be collected in attic spaces and penetrate only at chimney elements. Pipe flashing by "Porta Plus" or equi-valent retrofit pipe seals of sizes necessary to accornmodate vent, conduit and pitch pocket leg penetrations. Expansion joint cover "Expand-O-F1ash" manufacEured by Manville or equivalent for expansion joints as necessary. Roof Drains: Shall be interior, cast iron draj.n lines and drains. See Mechanical Plans and Specifications for details. Connect gutters to interior drain system as indicatedi protect from freezing. Gutters, downspouts, scuppersr etc.: Refer to plans for miscellaneous roof/balcony/planter drainage elements. Fabricate of 20 ounce copper. PART 3 - EXECUTION Instafl in strict accordance with manufacturers specifications. I ANTLER. coNDoMrNruMs ADDrtoN/RENovATtoNI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO I I 07700 -1 ^coordinate all ?", penetrations thru "roflrg concrete tileroofs to terminate in chinney like enclosure elements as shown on roof plan and elevaLions. Where plumbing ve$tg cannot reach chimney enclosure for termination, consult witharchitect and ownerr s representative for approval ofalternative termination location and utilize copper vent pipewith lead seal and brace up hill with 16 oz. copper wedgeflashing to prevent damage from snow/ice slide. No roofpenetrations shall be visibLe from any public view as required by Town of Vail . END OF SECTION O77OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. I o77@ -2 I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I sEcTroN 07920 SEALANTS AND CAULKING PART 1 - GENERAL WORK INCLUDEDProvide and tn"ajtt_^:lutfinq 1nd joinr seatant ar at_t workingconstruction and control loints and as indlcated on theDrawings. 95h:: reguired applications inctude:Lt !'rasnlng joints2l Door Frame perimeters 3) Thresholds (set in fuLl bed of compound)4) Mechanical and electrical penetrations through concrete slaband wall_s :l 3! all qypsum wallboard corners which are not taped.6) At all junctures of dissimilar materials. RELATED WORK SECTION 03300 - Cast-In-place ConcreEeSECTION 03400 - precast Concrete SECTION 05500 - Metal Fabrications SECTION 06L00 - Rough Carpentry SECTfON 07600 - Fl_ashing and Sheet MetaL SECTION 08L00 - Metal Doors and Frames SECTION 09260 - cypsum Board DEFINITIONS {ol . !h" purposes of this SectJ.on, the following materialdefinitions shall_ apply: static (non- in dynamicto water or SUBMITTALS SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATAsubmit comprete manufacturer's product data for sealantmaterials. SAMPLESsubmit to the Axchitect a complete range of manufacturerrsstandard color samples for serection of exposed materials inthis Section. 1) Caulk: oil base fi11er material for use inmoving) interigr joints2) sealEi:ET-lnthetic rubber compound for use(noving) interi-or joints, interior joints exposedchemicals and for all exterior construction ioints, ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITTON/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNry, COLORADO 07920 -1 WARRANTY sealants used in the work shalr be quaranteed in writing for aminimum of two (2) years, agreeing to- repair or reprace sealerswhich fair ro periorm airlignt -.ana "ii"itigni; of fail inadhesion, cohesion or abrasion resistance. No wirranty excrusion I:il.be allowed excepr as clearty specifiea in suUrnittar ;;A;;; PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS Caulkingone component acryric latex bas.e materiar.. Type r for gunapplication. Color to be selected by Archit,ect. SEALANT FOR JOINTS IN VERTTCAL SURFACES1.- _Typ. II Non-sag CLass A one or two part Lp liquidpolysulfide . polymer base joint sealant; coia appficaii-nchemica] curing synthetic rubber base compoundior2- _ HJ-gh performance, multi-component expoxidized polyuret.hanesealant may be substituted for the above ExcEpr where subiect tonear continuous presence of water or moistEil Sealant Color: As selected by Archit,ect or to match color ofadjacent material . Clear if no match can be made. SEALANT FOR JOINTS IN HORTZONTAL SURFACES Same as above, except: Type I, self-leveling Class A. ACCESSORIES Provide primer, bond breaker, and backup material as specifiedherein, as indicated on the drawings or required and recommendedby the manufacturer for each proposed application. PRIMERAs recommended by Sealant Manufacturer for each substratematerial . PART 3 - EXECUTION TNSPECTION Examine the joint surfaces and backing, anchorage to thestructure, and the conditions under which the joint sealer workis to be performed. Do not proceed with the joj.nt sealer workuntil unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. ,ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I 07920 -2 I I t SURFACE PREPARATIONJoints to receive caurk and sealant sharl be dry and free ofoil, dust,_ rust, moi-sture in any form, or other materialsaffecting bond- commencement of work in thi.s section sharlconstitute irnplied acceptance of substrate conditions. Prepare substrates to recei-ve sealant/caurk as folrows:t I t I I I I I I I I I I T T t Masonry: surfaces shalr be crean and dry. Brush to remove rooseparticles of masonry and mortar. Etch as recommendedby sealant manufacturer. concrete: surfaces shall- be fulry cured, dry and free from formrelease agents and all loose particles. Etch asrecommended by sealant manufacturer. Metals: wire brush surfaces to removeremove oi1, grease, and other scale. Solvent clean tocontaminants. GIass: Wood: ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNry, COLORADO clean surfaces with a water slurry of pumice. $lipe drywith a clean cloth. Roughen as reconmended by sealantmanufacturer. sand to create fresh surface. Painted or prined surfaces: wipe with naphtha. Plastics: remove mold release by light abrasion and a solvent wash. Rubber: verify with sealant manufacturer. APPLICATIONJoints sha1l be constructed to a depth not exceedj-ng width forjoints between 1/4" and 1/2" unless otherwise noted. Joj-nts overL/2" in width shall have sealant depth equal to l/2 of jointwidth. InstaLl backer rod where joint depth exceeds L/2". All sealant joints shall be constructed such that contact withsubstrate materials occurs at two points only. Where more than 2contact points are anticipated, backer rod or bond breaker sha1lbe install-ed accordj-ng to the sealant manufacturer's recommendations . Prime cl-eaned surfaces according to recommendations of the Seal-ant Manufacturer. Apply primer uniforrnly. Remove excess andallow to drv. 07920 -3 Except as otherwise indicated, fill sealant or cauLk rabbet to aslightly concave surface, "iightrv below adjoining surfaces.where horizontal joints are uEcrr"_"n a horizontat surface andvertical surface, -fill joint to .form " "-fighi-"or., so thatjoint wilt.not trap moist-ure and airll- - ---:r"s T T I I I t I t I I I t I I I I I I I Apply seaLant or caulk and curewri-tten instructions. TooI aI1 exposed..j.oints,. (except self-leveling) to a smooth,concave finish within 5 minutes of application-.--'' FIELD QUALITY CONTROLvlork i-n this secti_on - sharl proceed onry i-n temperatures between50 degrees F and 80 degrees F. procure written inst.uctions fromthe Architect for noncomplying environmentar -"on-aition". END OF SECTTON 07920 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO according to the manufacturerrs 07920 -4 T I SECTION OSOOO GLASS AND GLAZING T PARTI-GENERAL I I T t T T I I I T T I I woRK TN.LUDED: provide arl Glass and G.'l_a.zing, complete in place,as shown on the Drawings ana as specified ri.r"irr. rnstarr door1ites, side lites, fixed griss,-iirio.-qi""",'-.ri"--r-"n". gr.ass, etc.throughout. STANDARDS: comoly with recommendations of ,,Grazing Manuar,, byFlat Glass uartiti-ng assoc:-alion -except as otherwise indicated orrecorunended by product manufacturer. cornpty with .ppii".ui"state glass safety- standards providing "ateif ftass tor arr. fixeddoor Lites and si-derites. comiry with standards of American FlatGlass distributors and glass manufacturer I s reconmendations . General Glass Standard: FS DD q 45!, type, class, guality,sty]-e' kind and form are speci.fied in reiere-nte'to this standard. SAFETY GLASS: Comply with Colorado State Statues, UBC5406, UBC Standard 54-2 and ANSI Z g.l .1 with l.abel on each Section piece. byfor type FIRE REsrsrANT GLAss: Tested and listed by uL for "fireReslstance" . HEAT STRENGTHENED GLAss: provide where recomrnendedmanufacturer based on applicabre *Theram stress Anarysisrlmountai-n location, shadow pattern and frame color and(thermal break) . INSULATED GLASS: Seal Standard ANSI/ASTM EG-P3, Test MeIhod P1and P2 provide uni-ts manufactured by srGMA member and bearingrccc certificate. Fabricated double fane grass at vail altitud6or install breather tubes as necessary for gooo' altitude. REQUTRED PERFORMANCE: Each piece of exterior glass must be aj_rand -water tight, and without glass breakage, through normalweather /temperature cycles, and through norma] door/windowoperations. set glass so waves run horizontally. rnstall glassin permanent elastic cushion at all edges to piotect glass fromdeflection, binding and movernent. provide manufacturers guaranteethat grass materials and assemblies meet appropriate standardsand are suitable for use i_ntended under site Conditions. MATERTALS HANDLTNG: Provide all means necessary to protect thematerials of this section before, during and after instalration.fn the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION r TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I 08000 -1 ::3iii:ff1.:""1";:"iilro,llr.approvar of Archirecr and ar no TNSPECTT.N: Examine arl surfaces to_ receive the work and reportin writing ro Archirecr "n1^ o-"_";;l;'-.'"i=r.".nt.tirr" anydetrimentar. condition".----r.iL"r. to observe--this injunctionconstitutes a waiver to "ny "rr".quent claims to the contrary andholds contractor responsi6r-e for -any correctlons Architect mayIionllff ;"""lr"rrt.n of w"ir - *i r i ue' con-s-t-r-u-J-as acceprance or PART 2 . PRODUCTS MATERIALS: Illtr-u-ffirers: Ford Glass Div. ,. Libbey owens Ford Co. , ppcIndustries, Inc. or approved egual. 9?r?t o-f glazi-ng rnateriars: Arr interior glazing materials areto be Low E #3 grass. Arr exterior gr.iiig- ilterial sharr beclear, Low E, U Vjlue 0.35, shading coefficient 0.39. Tempered Glass:. Clear plate, Class !, t/4" thick, glazingguarity- use for interior window warr.-'bltween robby andvestibure. provide double tempered insutat:.nt 1" thick units atext'erior sidelites.,and grazed door lites, 6rear plate outsidepane, clear Low E *3 interior pane. Clear Float Glass: Type I, euality 3, clear, L/4" or asotherwise indicated or requj.red. rnsulated Glass: Factory assembled and seared unit wj_th 1,/2" airspace' manufactured by L.o.F., General Glass, 1,, total thickness. wlre glass: Mississipp-i r/4" porish plate nBaroque' sguare wirepattern or Pilkington 'Georgian". To be used at all exit staj_ru.L. Label door lites, and garage u.L. Laber fixed glass. providelabel for fire ra^teq assemSly in hortow metaf rrime as reguiredby Town of Vail. Optional ASG "Neweld' or C-p "girogue.. M.1Tr9r GLass. Type I, Class 1, euatity q2 (mirror glazing) , L/4"thick, sil-ver coating plus copper coatin6, CS Zl . lAirrori'at allvanity counters and lavatories, fulr counter width. riit:."gframed mirrors at wheeLchair accessibre baths and restroomi(refer Section 10800). valence Glassz L/4" froat glass Type !, quarity 3, obscure(white ) Glazing Materials: (for installing glass) I I I T I I I T I I I t T I t I I T I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 08000 -2 I I I I I I T I I I I I I t I I t I I SiLicone Sealant: FS TT S 001543, Class A; non_acid type, exceptacid tlpe if channel surface" ii. porous. GE L2OO, Tremco,,pro_Glaze' Dow chemicar No. 732 0r ei "s:-rqr.".; er."irrg sear_ant. Butyl Rubber Gtazj_ng Tape: Vulcanized, self_adhesive, non_staining, elastomeri6 auiyl Rubber Tape, 9gE solid, 35tcompression. setting B10cks: Neoprene, 7o-g0 shore A hardness. compatiblewith sealant used. Spacers: Neoprene, 40-50 shore A hardness. Filler Rod: Non-absorptive, closed cerl plastic or rubber whichis.compatibre with o!!6r grazing materiari in the channel, 3 to 5psi compression for 25t a6ttectlon. Mirror Mastic: spot apprication type, for 25$ maximum coverage,1/ 8 " to 1 /2 ', thicines s .- - PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION OF GLASS: cl-ean channel surfaces and prirne as recommended by sealantmanufacturer. cut glass to size reguired for measured opening; provide adequateedge crearance and grass bite a1l around. cut-prior to temperingor strengthening (if any) and prior to fabrication intolnsulating glass units (if any) . Do not install sheets whi-ch have significant edge darnaqe, orother defects. Install setting blocks at quarter points. Set in a bed ofsealant if heel bead is used. rnstall spacers inside and out, all around wherever liquid orprastic masti.c compounds are used, except on glass sizes smal-l-erthan 50 united i.nches. Provide f1l]er rod where sealants are used in head and janrlcchannels, for glass which is more than L/2" thick, and forcolored, tinted, heat absorbing, coated or laminated glass over15 united inches i-n si-ze, and for other glass over lZS unitedinches in size. ANTLERS CONDOMlNIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW. COLORADO 08000 -3 H"ff: leave voids in rhe glazing channel except as specificarly TNSTALLATTON oF MTRROR GLASS: set mirror glass in mastic spotsas recornrnended by mirror manufacturer but ,itn- not less than 75tof back surface ventirated and free of mastic. support rnirrorsat lower edge. GLEANTNG: rn additior to provi-sions of spECrAr, coNDrrroNs, andprior to acceptance of the-work, thoroughi;;i;" aIr glass andremove all labelsr. paj.nt ,spots, putty and all defacements.Reprace any scratche-d, defettiv-e_ br 6roren g1."" caused byinstallation at no cost to the Owner. CLEAN-UP: Per GENERAL CONDITIONS- END OF SECIION OEOOO T t I I I t t I I I I I I I T I t I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVANON TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO o8@o -4 I I I I I t I T I t I sEcTroN 08100 METAL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL WORK INCLUDEDwork in this section includes horr-ow metar doors, frames, andrelated holrow metal i-tems io.niiti"o on ti,1 oi"-ri-r,g". Refer todoor schedur-e for rire raieo-;;;; assembries, etc. Existing metalframes, (at new,/repracement o"oist, to remain onty if indicatedon schedule, otherwise al_l metal doors are to Ue -n"r. QUALTTY AssuRANcE STANDARDS: conform with NAAMM standard cHM-1except where more _. strlngent requi.rements are specifled orrequired. Provide fire rJt"a assembries with uL Laber whererequired- A1l doors from corridor/robuy t" ;;il si.airs, doors togarage' mechanicar room, electrical ioom and maintenance roomshall be i. L/2 hr .8, Label . SUBMITTALS SHOP DRAWTNGS AND PRODUCT DATAsubmit complete and detailed shop Drawings to the Architect forwork in this section. Do not proceed wifh work in this secti-onuntil such submittals have been reviewed in writi.ng by theArchitect. SEQUENCING/ SCHEDULING ARCHITECT NOTIFICATIONThe contractor shall notify the Architect of any hollow metalassembly which cannot gualify for designated fire protectionrating labels. such notificltion shali be given -prior tofabri-cati-on or purchase of any components or the affectedopening. PART 2 - PRODUCTS ACCEPTANCE MANUFACTURERS (HOLLOW METAL DOORS)Curries Cornpany CECOWestern Hollow Metal Overlv I I I I t I I I AmweId Steelcraft MATERIALS HOLLOW METAL DOORSsteel used i-n the construction of hollow metal shall be of thebest quality furl, cold ro1led furniture stock free from sca1e, ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO HOL-O-MET, INC. American Steel Products 08100 -1 buckres and pits. g"."r: requiring _fire rating sharr be furnishedwith uL tab-ers. Fabricaribn "h'.tl_ ;"ili-,'"riari standards andRecommendations of SDI , (Steel Ooor fnstitute) latest Edition. HOLLOII METAI FRAMESExterior frames shalr be fabricated from 14 gauge cord rolledsteet wirh furr - length hinge p"q. -r"r;.i;r "?]".." sharr befabricated frorn 16 garige cold-ioliea stJef-.---- Frames are to be continuously eLectric_welded at jointsr mitersl#";;:o"' Mirer and werd corirers ruri-reng-tililoints and srind The J-ock side of jamb of interior frames which are noE scheduledto receive weather-strip of smoke seaJ-s shar.l - Le prepared forrubber silencers. Glazing stops shall be Located on the occupied (Room) side offrames unress otherwise indicated. provide liinaaro "t"p olpinfor rnaximurn glazing engagement at entrance doors. shall .be properly cut, mortised, reinforced, drilled andfor hinges, strikes, horders and crosers where ..q"ir"o.drilr and tap for surface mounted closers and brackets. Prefabricated metal frames utitized for wood doors withinapartment units shall be knock-down, custom color, selected byarchitect, prefinished netal framesi Timely, Overly, oiequivalent. REINFORCING Relnforcing of specified thickness is required at hardwarelocations as follows: T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t T I T Frames tapped DO NOT Hinge reinforcement: METAL FRAMES Thickness: Length: widrh:No. of spot welds above and below each cutout: METAL FRAMES METAL DOORSWFull lengthFull width wooD DoORS -3n6"-t2" 18' I and all surface mountedStrike, flush bolt, hold open,hardware: 12 g'auge Closer and brackets: 3,/16' ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 08100 -2 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I For door openings wider than 4gr_ and for multiple openings, headmembers shalr' be reinforced furl _ Gsrri- ;il;'i;' gauge angre orchannel stiffeners. provide steer cn-annei- rliln?orcement insideverticar framing members continuous to stlucture for doors;fl:l:t:Sr$tTo.ot*"r automatic openine oevices-!na per drawinss Reinforcing plates shall be one-piece integral units, bent forflush mounting of hinges. Provide cover boxes in back of all hardware cutouts. Provide metal adjustable.lip angles spot-welded to bottom ofeach door jamb member; provide noie" i"-;;gie;-fo ,.."rve frooranchorage. Before shipment, instalr a temporary spreader at bottom of doorframes. Do not remove spreader untir- frimes are secured in place. After fabrication, frames sharr be. cleaned and given a shop coatof red. oxide primer, baked on or bonderizea ana- given a coat ofgray zinc chrornate rust inhibitive flow-coat primer baked on. FRAME ANCHORS Frame anchors shalt be as follows: Masonry openings: countersunk drirled u.L. type masonry anchor,length as appropriate for permanence. Provide 3_ masonry anchors for frames up to 7 t -6n in height and 4anchors for frarnes up to g'-0, in heilht. For masonry ind frameopenj-ngs over 8r-0" in height add one anchor for each 2t-otlheight or fraction. FILLING FRAMESArl borted frame anchors shall be countersunk and sharr haveflat-head countersunk screw heads firled and ground smooth priorto painting. GLAZING STOPS FOR HOLLOW METAL FRAMES FOR F]XED GLASSunress otherwise indicated, glazing stops shalr be 3/4,' X 5/g" or3/4" x FLUSH, 20 gauge. standird grazinj beads, continuous singlepiece for each length, and bulted 5t corner joints. seciregrazing beads to frame with countersunk cadmium or zinc-platedscrews. stops to be fabricated for instal.Lation on the inside(occupied side) of frames. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS AODITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 08100 -3 HOLLOW METAL DOORScold rolled sreer ANsr/AsrM A 3q6J_ ANsr/AsrM A52s, ANsr/sDr_1ooGRADE rr rvpical, ANsr/sDr-roo enioe ri o"i"liJ-ooo.". c90 zinccoat face sheet for exterior. paneJ.s. H.rrL* ir11-.1 doors shall beunits manufactured from pririe comme-rciar quariEy cold rolledsteel' with 18 gauge face- sheets, 16 g.og"-,ii-rrrr.f at top andbottom, 16 gauge internar stiffeners at 6 i-ncnes-on center, and ggauge continuou: g.dge_ strip, offser. ar hi;;;": t 3/4 inchesoverarl- finished thicknessr- unless indicatid- otrrerrise on thedrawings. provide manufacturers standard s rb minerar or glasswool sound-deadening insulation for arl doors. ANsr/AsrM E_90. Glazed doors, ANSI/SDI-10O Grade III, shall be unitsmanufactured from prime commerciat quatity "oio rolled steelyith 16 gauge face sheets, 16 gauge chaniel at rop edge andbottom. Door stiles sha1l be beveled 1/9" in 2'. Door rails and stiles shall be continuous welded and groundsmooth with no visible seams on vertical edges. Door bottomrecessed or concave channel configuration. Exterior doors shall be insurated with inorganic insulation,maximum U-factor 0.24 BTU/hr. (Sq. Ft.) degree F.- Doors shal-l be properly fabricated and reinforced to receive al]hardware as scheduled. Prefinish doors with zinc-chromate or bonderized synthetic prj-mer. Doors shalL be free of defects affecting appearance, operation,fit or functj-oning of hardware items. Glazing for entrance doors and sidelites refer to section 0g000Glass and GLazing. PART 3 - EXECUTION rNsPEcrroN - Pri-or to installation, hollow metal frames shall bechecked. Repair all rack, twist, and out of square defects. rNsrALLATroN - FRAMES - Field verify dimensions of existingopenings to receive new hollow metal frames. Set frames carefully to exact dimensions, plumb, leveL, square,and true. secrire to adjacent construction. secure each jamb baseto floor with clip angle(s). coordinate frame elevations withfinish flooring thicknesses to assure proper clearances. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 08100 -4 T I I I I I T t I I I I I I t I I I T Expansion and/or sreeve anchors with heads exposed on the frarnesurface sharl have bolt head depressi.ons riiilo ana sanded sothat fasteners are not visible. Prepare hollow metal work to receive finish hardware.Frames instarled in masonry warrs shall ue -sirisnea furr withgrout or mortar. U.L. BOLTED FRAMESrnstall frames to concrete or masonry openings with u.L. bortsand sLeeves. countersink bort heads, firr depressions and grindsmooth. TOLERANCES For doors to receive weather-stripping, crearances to frame andthreshold of floor shall be accor-ding to t"r.r""".s estabrishedby the weather-stripping manufacturei for proper functioning ofthe installed assembly. Maximum cLearances for alr other doors sharl be 1,/g" cLearance atjanb, mutlion and head; 1/8" clearance at meeting stiles; jlg; iidoor bottom to floor (!/4" at pairs) i and L/6" to threshold.Note: undercut apartment entry doors 3/4" for mechanicalventilation system. Fire-rated doors shall- be fit according to the specification of NFPA Bulletin 80 Standard. Hardware installed according to A.D.A., and U.B.C. refer toSection 08700. END OF SECTION O8].OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATTON TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 08100 -5 I t I I I I T I I t I I I I I I t I I sEcrroN 08210 WOOD DOORS RELATED WORK SECTION 08100 - Metal Doors and Frames SECTION 08700 - Hardware SECTION 09900 - Paj-nting QUAI-.ITY ASSURANCE Doors shall conform to AWI Quality Standards, Type I glue for exterior and interior doors. Doors shall conform to ANSI/NWMA Industry standard I.s. 1 "wood Flush Doors" of the National Wood Manufacturerrs Association and AWI Standards 1300. Doors scheduled for fire rating labels shall be supplied- with proper labe]s attached, according to requirements_of Town of Vail buifa:-ng Department. AII apartment entry and ground floor corridoi doors shall have 2O minute label or as scheduled. Provide 60 minute label door at Laundry Room. Preparation of labeled fire door assemblies for locks, latches, hinges, concealed closures, glass lights, vision panels, louvers, astiagals, and ]aminated - overlays shall be performed in conformance with NFPA Standards. SUBMITTALS SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA submit schedule of doors showing location, sLze, thickness, openings, and type of construction. submit complete specifications of door construction and manufacturef's literiture for each type of door proposed for use on this project. WARRANTY Submit to the Architect copies of the Vlood Door Manufacturer's standard warranty which guJrantees material and labor (hanging, hardware, and fi-nishing) - or replacement of doors which exhibit any of the following defects: -Delimitation in anY degree -Warp or twist of 3/32" or more. -tellgraphing of any part of core unj.t through face to cause surface-variation of 1/100 inch or more j.n any 3" span. -Any defect whlch [aY, in any w€lY, lmpair or affect performance of door in purpose for which it is int6nded. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 08210 -1 PART 2 - PRODUC MANUFACTURERS Ampco Products fnc. Irleyerhauser Co. Eggers Industrj.es South Wood Door Company Pinecrest Door Craft of Indiana National tfood Window & Door Assoc. Georgia Pacific Corp.Lifetime Door Inc. Therma-Tru Corp. MATERIALSParticle board core TIT)e I density. Doors shall be flush veneer, solid particleboard core doors of sizes and design indicated. Cores of doors shaJ.L be particleboard conformi-ng to Type 1, Density C (28-30 pounds per cubic foot), Class t, Commercial Standard 236-66. Stile edges shall be ninimum L 3/4" thick, made up of doubLe hardwood edge bands. Outer edge band shall- natch the face veneer for conpatibility of color and grain. One rail edge bands shall be minimum L-L/8" thick made uP of nill option hardwood or softwood. Edge bands shall be laminated to core with highJ-y water resistant resin adhesive. Crossbands shall be thoroughly dried hardwood extending full width of doors withgrain at right angles to face veneer. Crossbands and face veneer shall be laminated to cores with appropriate adhesive by hot plate process. FABRICATIONFabricate fire-rated doors to comply with current NFPA and U.L. Standards. Factory machine wood doors conpletely mortisedr rabbeted, and drilled to receive scheduled hardware. Size Lo suit scheduled sizes, altowing clearances indicated in Part 3 of this specification. Bevel both edges at the rate of L/8" in 2". Pre- machine shall not be performed for surface-mounted hardware. Apartment entry doors: Shall be L 3/4" thick, Therma-Tru Classic Craft Style 60 (CC-60), veneer for light oak stain finish' flush' 1" diameter peep lens, and shall be furnished with 20 minute U.L. Label . One year warranty. Apartment doors including closet sliding Pocket: shall be L 3/4" six panel, solid wood. t L/2'U.S. 10-B Bronze recessed pull. Sliding pocket door assembly by Walled Lake Door Co., Bellwood Co., or Baker Door Co. U.S. 10-B Bronze recessed pul1 to comply with ANSI A 117.1., access. Pocket door frarnes shaLl consist of header section and two uprights at door jamb made of wood with metal stiffeners. Metal track door guide and nylon wheel hangers' with rubber stop manufactured by L.E. Johnson Products, LTD. or Acme General Corp. or KnaPp and Vogt. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I I T I T t I t I I I T I I I I I I 08210 -2 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Bi-ford croser ooo.p"n"tt be L L/4'pine ro?.t.a doors for stain finish, manufactured by Pinecrest, Wood Louvered Industries or equivalent. Each door to receive 3 hinges and U.S. 10-B,Bronze tiniih door pul1. B1.-folding, metal track, nylon wheel hangers and plastic floor guldes by L.E. Johnson Products or Acme General Corp. or Knapp and Vogt. slidinq glass and swing french doors refer to section 08510 Windows and Patio Doors PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATIONStrictly comply with manufacturerrs pr!.nted instructions for each proposed installation condition. Align doors to frame for uniform clearances as follows: Head and Jamb: 1/8 inch Bottom: 3/8" (max.) inch to finish floor' 1/8" inch to threshold Meeting Stile: l./8 inch Fire rited assemblies: per NFPA Bulletin 80 Under cut apartment entiy doors from lobbies minimum 3,/4'f (Refer mechlnical ventilation system/flxe pressurization Plans) . coordinate closet door openings with door assenbly as necessary. Provide adequate space at gi-totaing door openings for door pivot, evenly spaced at each janlc. KICK PLATES: Instalt plastic laminate kick ptates at each side of public restrooms, banquet,/corri.dor, banquet/kitchen, kitchen/ corridor and bar/iobby doors. Provide wood grain plastic laminate oak pattern to match loor skin as closely as possible as selected by Architect. PEEP LENS: Install Bellwith 2330 Jumbo Door viewer at each condominium entry door. END OF SECTION 08210 I ANTLER. coNDoMtNtuMs ADDtrtoN/RENovATtoN TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I 08210 -3 T T I I t I I I t I T t T I I I sEcTroN 08300 SPECIAL DOORS PART I GENERAL WORK INCIUDED: Appurtenances as Including rolling gate. RELATED !{ORK: SECTION 01340 sEcTroN 01630 sEcrroN 01730 sEcTroN 01?40 Supply and install al] Special Doors and shown on Plans and as specified herein. counter doors and automatic rolling security SHOP DRAWINGS PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS OPER,ATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA WARRANTIES AND BONDS SUBMITTALS: sHoP DRAWINGS: Submit shop drawings of all speci.fled items showing sizes, methods of construction, connection to adjacent members and installation. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Provide fire rated assemblies with uL Labei where required. Conform to NAAM' ASTM, ANSI Standards. MEASUREMENTS: Verify all dimensions by taking field measurementsi proper fit and attachment to adjoining Work is required- COORDINATION: Coordinate and schedule the Work of the Section with other Trades for coordinati.on of size of reveals, location of anchorage, card access system, etc. DELMRY AND STORAGE: Carefully handle doors during shipment. Store materials in dry and protected area. RePlace any damaged or defective items at no cost to Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS ROLL-UP COUNTER DOOR at bar to banquet as manufactured by Overhead Door Corp. or equivalent as apProved, Model FCB4 between jamb mounted, push up, completely assembled with integral frame and torsion spring counterbalance, slide bolts locking. Frame, jambs, head, hood and fascia 16 GA. steel gal-phosphated finish. Sill 14 GA. stainless steel . I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDrtoN/RENovATtoN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGT"E COUNW, COLORADO I I 08300 -1 cuRTArN 'LATS,Q.r roll-up counter aoor O Kitchen. Galvanized primed steel slats and bottom bar. Hood: 24 gauge primed steel min. Finish: galvanized per ASTM A525 and baked on prime qoat of paint. Operation: manual push up and pull down- Locking by slide bolt from inside. Fabricate and install according to manufacturers specifications. RolI mechanism mounted inside kitchen and bar. GARAGE .DOOR: Steel, 24 gaulte, Model *958-24 as manufactured by Overhead Door Co. complete with tracks, motor, control modules and fuII therrnal insulation. (Provide lowest operation sound rated components, db level, for motor, operating mechanism' etc. ) Resilently mount tracks and motor to provide maxj-mum sound/vibration isolati-on for condominium residence above. Test door operation and adjust and/or provide sound isolation measurers for noise level acceptable to Ownerts representative. Door open control pad by condominium door key cards at garage drive entry from Lionshead Place. Auto close by electric eye by Mj.crowave Sensors (1-888-464-27691 or egual GDllS Industrial Door Beam install according to manufacturers specifications. END OF SECTION O83OO I I t I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORAOO 08300 -2 I I T I I T I T I I T T I T t T sEcTroN 08500 AUTOMATIC DOORS PART I GENERAL WORK INCLUDED New aluminum entrance doors, aluminum sliding glass door. AII exposed surfaces of alurninum shall be factory finished, (prefinished) , custom color as selected by architect. RELATED WORK 01340 - SHOP DRAWINGS OSOOO - GLASS AND GLAZING DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOW SCHEDULE OUALITY ASSURANCE Sliding bi-parting, entrance doors must meet or exceed applicable AAMA' NAAMA, and/or performance criteria and standards in the sizes required to certify fenestration products. All sections shall be factory finished with "Kynar 500" paint with 5 year warrant,y, custom color as selected by Architect. shop drawings and product submittal per section 01340. Field measure all openings prior to fabrication. Fabricate sub frames and,/or custom panning to accommodate field conditions. PART II MATERIALS ENTRANCE DOOR: Provide bi parting automatic sliding door system at ski return entrance doors 6'wj-de X 8'-0" high opening' Type O1O, PXXP, surface mounted, commercial duty. Comply with requirements of ANSI A156.1 (BHMA 1601) power operated pedestrian door standard. cornply with uL 325 for powered door operators. Provide unit which complies with requirements for doors as emergency exits, fire ratings and ADA access. Series 2003 Mfq. by Horton Automatics a Division of Overhead Door Company with C2 150 concealed operator and Apex Door Sensor System Kynar 500" or Microwave sensors D14-1 with door holding beams DBll-/DBl15. "custom color as selected. Operation according to ANSI regulations and Town of vail Authorities. Provide push plates' according to ANSI A 117.L. Ful1 two year manufacturer's standard warranty. Glazed with Ln insulated tempered glass to match wi-ndows, at exterior locations. Automatic K Band microwave opening Sensors on each sj-de to provide presence detection zone close to the door for safety and door activation. I ANTLER' coNooMrNruMS ADDrtoN/RENovATloN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I 08500 -1 AccEssoRrEs: ,r?ro" metal, vinyl glazingQ"a" ." required for framing, door systems. Provlde manufacturers standard replaceable stripping of molded neoprene or PVC. Provide sealants and gaskets in the fabrication assembly and/or installation of the work which are recommended by the manufacturer and will remain permanently elastic, non-shrinking, and weatherproof. Fasteners shalI be aluminumr. non-rnagnetic stainless steel or other non-corrosive metal fasteners compatible with j-tems being fastened. Do not use exposed fasteners except where unavoidable for the assembly of units. Provide conceafed screws in glazj-ng stops. Expansion anchor devices shall be lead shiel-d or toothed steel' drilled in expansion bolt anchor. Electrical wiring for operator shall be L20 vac' 60 cycle, 1 phase 15 ampere service. PART III EXECUTION INSPECTION Assure that all frame condj.ti.ons corresPond to dimensions and material-s as indicated or required for Proper installation. postpone installatj-on until ProPer conditions exist and/oi unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. INSTALLATION InstaII, plumbr level, true to line, and rigidly secure in openings. Install all necessary ext,ruded aluminum panning in atcordince with details, manufactuler's recommendations and shop drawings. ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING Remove dirt and excess sealant5 or glazing compound from exposed surfaces. Carefully coordinate and integrate automatic door functions, control devices, key switches and intercom door release systems. END OF SECTION O85OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO T t T I I I t I I T t I I I I t I I T 08500 -2 I I T I I t I I t I t I I I I SECTION 08610 ATI'MINUM-CLAD HINGED DOORS: PART I GENERAL !{OOD WINDOI{S, SLIDING FRENCH GLASS DOORS AND.FRENCH WORK INCLUDED: The extent of each tlpe (operation) of wood window unit' hereby defined to .include wood units clad with other materials (if any)'j-s shown on the drawings. Standard color aluminum cladding. The applicati-on soft wood windows and doors on the projectj-nclude the following: Units set in metal stud frame construction. Units set in concrete with furring Fixed Frame Aluminum Clad Windows: Awning Aluminum clad wood Windows: Sliding Aluminum Clad Wj-ndows: Casement Wood Windows: Swing Aluminum Clad French Doors: Swing aluminum Clad French Doors and Fixed Sidelites Standards: Comply with Industry Standard for Wood Wlndows I.S.-2 and I.S.-4 by National Wood Window and Door Associatj-on (NWWDA), except to the extent more stringent requirements are indicated. Comply with ASTM CL036, E283; E330 and 854?. Manufacturer: Provide wood window units produced by a single fabricator, capable of showing prior successful production of units simj.l-ar to those required. The plans and details are based on Marvi.n units however manufacturers offering products to comply with the basic requirements are invited to submit aLternative bids based on their units, according to the following: Pella Corporation Anderson Corporation Marvin Windows Sierra Paci-fic Windows Submit shop drawings for the fabrication and installation of wood window units and associated components of the work. Incl-ude wall elevations at 1/4' scale, unit elevatj.ons at l-r' scale, and half- size sectlon details of every typical composite member including glazing. Coordinate all rough opening requirements with precast concrete manufacturer for required shop drawing/fabrication. General: Except as otherwise indicated, windows shalL comply with I rating DP 40 in accordance with NWWDA I.S.-2.I I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMS ADDrroN/RENovATroN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I t 08610 -1 to Fasteners: Comply with NWMA requirements for fabrication; andwith manufacturer's recommendations and standard industrypractices for type and size of installation fasteners. Forfabrication of wood menbers, use zinc coated or nonferrous nails and screws. Factory Finish: Manufacturer's Endura Clad Plus Exterior Finish System including baked on acrylic primer and fluorocarbon, Kynar 500, enamel standard color as selected by architect. Compression weather-stripping: Manufacturerrs standard nonferrous spring metal or vinyl gasket, designed for permanently resilientsealing under bumper or wiper action, completely concealed when window sash 1s cl-osed. Wire Fabric (Insect) t 18/16 mesh of fiberglass, 'Rollscreen ' or I fixed frame screens where necessary for awning units. Insect Screens: Manufacturer's standard screens. Black vinyl coated 18/16 mesh fiber glass scleen cloth with FSL-5-1258 and ANSI-SMA-1004. Cover shall be unfinished clear pine on extruded alurninum, utilize fixed screens at awning sash. Hardware: Manufacturert s standard design for the operation indicated. Provide solid bronze hardware, with hardened steel worm gear and steel operation bars and rods. Finj-sh baked enamel, champagne. All Manufactured Windows: (fixed and operat,ing) are to be preglazed at factory with 1" insulating glass. Use two sheets of quality float glass conplying with ASTM C 1035, hernetically sealed with fused glass edges or metal band. Glass coated multi- layered Low E clear "InsulshieId" or equivalent silj.con-glazed units. outside glass shal1 be c1ear, inside clear. ALl glazLng shalt comply with requirements for operation at 8000' altitude. No operating hardware or eguipment, other than accessory items' is required for fixed window units. Units containing either swing out' projected or top hinged sash, requiring two balance support a!ms' pivots with friction shoes' cam latch or other standard latching hardware with level handle or pull, or if located more than 6'0" above floor provide latch with eye for pole operation. For projected units located less than 6'0" above floor, provide manufacturer's standard under screen rototype bar-type or geared level operator and latch mechanism. t I t I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I T I I I I t I I I I T T 08610 -2 o unitI Provide clad "brick mold" trim at all window I specifically omitted by installation details. I Casement Hardware: Steel extension hinges, zlnc I enarnel finish. Roto-release operator, steel arm, I case an handle. Manufacturer's Standard Class: following designation complying data for that class or unit. ALUMINUM CLAD SLIDING AND HINGED FRENCH DOORS: General: Cornply with NWWDA I.S. 3 lndustry Standard for Wood Sliding Patio Doors, except as otherwise indicated. comply with NWWDA I.S.-4 Industry Standard for lilater Repellent Preservation Treatment for Millwork. Sj-zes and Profiles: conform to size and profile limitations as shown which may be based on one or more manufacturer's publj.shed details. Similar details by other manufacturers are acceptable if in close conformance with sizes and profiles shown, as determj-ned by the architect Components: Frame (5" depth), select soft wood, water repellent preservative treated, all exposed surfaces sha1l be clear pj-ne for site stai.n finish. Sash shall have corners morti-sed and tendoned, glued and secured with metal fasteners. Performance Reguirements: Door units shall meet DPl5, DP30r DP40 specifications in accordance with NWWDA I.S.-3 air leakage tested in accordance with ASTM E283 1.57 Psf (25 mPh) must be 0-10 cfm/ft 2 of frame or less. Components: Select softwood, preservative treated' with clear pine at all exposed surface. Extruded aluminurn siIl with cLad finish, custom color. Aluminum Cladding: Endura clad plus exterior finish system with baked-on fluorocarbon (Kynar 500) thermoplastic enamel, standard color. Glazing: fully tempered float glass complying with ASTM C 1048- clear, "Insulshield" multi-layer Low E coated DuaI-SeaI insulating 91ass. silicone glazed. Weather-strippinq dual extruded bulb-wj_th slip coatj.ng. AIJ- glazing for 8000i altitude. I t I I I t I I I I I t T s except where plated, baked zinc die-cast Provide window units of the with manufacturer's published I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDrtoN/BENovATtoN TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I 08610 -3 Provide *.rrrt.Orer,s standardsliding doors and swinging doors. clad "Utl mold' trim at all Insect Screen: Pine 3/4" thick bonded to aluminum frame with!8/15 vinyl coated fiberglass mesh. Hardware: Interior handle and thurnb lock and security foot bol.t, baked enamel finish (standard color as selected) . Spring closerwith self 1atch. fnstallation: Comply with manufacturerr s instructions and recommendations for the inst,allation of wood window units, hardware, accessories and other components of the work. Set unit plurnb, level- and true to line, without warp or rack of frames or sash. Provide proper support and anchor securely in Iplace. Refer to Section 07920 for joint fil-Lers and sealants Irequired for installation. Adjust operating sash doors and hardware to provide a smooth operation with tight, weatherproof closure. Lubricate hardware and moving parts. Glazing: Comply with window manufacturerts instructions anq recommendati.ons for the installation of glass (which has not been preglazed) except as otherwise indicated. Refer to Section 09900 Painting for reguired finish to be applied on wood window units at the project site. Finish interj.or wood surfaces with one coat stain, (wiped), and two coats polyurethane varnish. Windor Schcdub - See Plans End of Section 08610 I I I T T ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDTTION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I t I I I T I I I I I I 08610 -4 t I I t I I I I I T I I t I I I sEcTroN o87oo HARDWARE PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED IfORK SECTfON 08100 - Metal Doors & FramesSECTION 09210 - Wood Ooors- COORDINATION coordinate owne!'s keying requi.rements with the supplier. Becauseof existing conaorfrini-u* ';;i1 hardware arrangements, nosubstitutions *+ . be -acc-ptJ--tor "p".iri.o vi"s card system.coordination shalr be facirii;t i with owner's Representative. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS opening designated to be fire-rated shar.r be provided with Finish1::3T:1: _jo{elv-inq with NFPA srandard 6o ana 101. rhlsregurrement shalr take precedence over all other requirements forsuch hardware. provide. only listed, test,ed and approved FinishHardware compatib.le with -proposed' sLzer- - tyd, function, andIocation of such doors SUBMITTALS SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATAsubnit- final hardware schedule. based on attached Hardwareschedul-e to @tive and nrctritect. rndicatecomplete designation of every item reguired for each door oropening, arranged into hardwarl sets. Submit complete product data for each hardware item. MAINTENANCE MANUALSProvide three copies of maintenance manuals containing furlfinish hardware information for this job. The maintenanceinformation sharl be included in the projecl Record Documents andshall include:1. Name, address & phone number2. Maintenance instruction andof operating hardware.3. Warranties SEQUENCING/SCHEDULING I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDrrroN/RENovATroN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I of hardware supplier.parts list for each type Hardware-rerated submittals sha11 be submitted to owner'sRepresentative and Architect within 20 calendar days of theNotice to Proceed. Hardware items shalr be ordered from themanufacturer roithin 10 days of submittaL review. 08700 -1 o FlCA I I I I I I I t I I I I t I t I t I I ARCHITECT NOTI TION The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the Architect of any Finish Hardware item which is inappropriate for designated fire protection rating. Such notification shall be given prior to purchase of any component of the affected opening. EXTENDED !{ARRANTY Submit to the Owner's Representative copies of Finish Hardware manufacturer's standard guarantees as follows: A1l hardware items: 2 year guarantee (all parts) closers: 5 year guarantee against mechanical failure PART 2 - PRODUCTS ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS Acceptable manufacturerrs of products shall be as indicated in the Hardi,rare Schedule. MATERIAL,S (Refer to Attached Hardware Schedule and FINISH Lockset, Deadbolts, Latchsets: Door Schedule) cylinder or lock. l-ockers. 10-BUnless otherwise noted, all Finish Hardware item shal-l be US oil rubbed bronze. As approval by Architect. CLOSER SHELLS:Finish of cfoser she1ls shall be lacquer or enamel finish to match other hardware. KEYING Keying shall be per Ownerrs instructj.ons. Use Ving Card System for aII condorninium units, garage entry' ski return ramp' lobby, business center, fitness, sauna. For general purposes, keying shall be as follows: KEYSAtl keys provided shall be nickel silver alIoy. Deliver keys to Owner't Representative (only) in individual envelopes marked with door number and room number. Keys shal'I be stamped with appropriate identification number. The following shall be furnished: 1. Four (4) keys shall be furnished with each 2. Six (5) master keYs. 3. Four (4) keys for ski lockers and fitness ANTLERS CONDOM]NIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 08700 -2 t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I T I I Exterior doors shal1 be 4_l/2 x 4_l/Z minimurn. rnterior door hinges sharr be 3-r/2 x 3-L/z mini_mum. Provide l-L/2 pair of butts for each door leaf up to andlncluding z'i-0n ,in- heighil--pti"ioe t/2 pai-r butrs for eachadditiona.L Z'-0" in heigiit ". port:."n theredi- LOCKSET FUNCTTONS: General:1. 3/4" minimum latch throw2' Public access rocksets to be motise type w/ rever handr-e.3' utirity area access rocksets to be cylindricar type w/knobs. Restroom Function (public restrooms from corridor withhandicapped fixtures) :1. Push/pul-l w/ automatic closer Passage Function:1. Latch bolt by lever handl_e either side. Storeroom Function (interior storerooms) :1. Latchbolt by lever handle insj_de or key outside.2. Outside always rigid.3. Dead locking latch. Deadbolt Function (rnterior mechanical rooms, electrical closets,etc. ) :l-. Deadbolt by key outsj.de.2. Thumbturn inside retracts deadbolt but wirl not project it.3. Dead locking latch. PANIC EXIT FUNCTIONS:1. Exteri.or Exit Door HINGES: a. Surface mounted rim deviceb. cylinder and pull on one leaf only' c. pu11 only at aLl other leaves withind. all leaves doggablee. Electric panic devices at automatj.c2. Exit Only Function:a. surface mounted rim deviceb. no exterior cylinder or pu1ls STRIKES All stri.kes shall have a strike box. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO an openLng group bi-parting entry doors 08700 -3 ESCUTCHEONS 355T:""TrTto"loXL. shatr be 2-L/2n (ninimun) diamerer, minimum KICKPLATES 1. Plastic laminater_wood grain.pattern, as seLected by^ Archi.tect, installed ea6fr siAL ?. \2" high unless otherwise indicated3. door width less 2'4. mounted t/2" above botton of door DOOR pEEp: At arl condomi-nium entrance doors. Bellwith 2330,Jurnbo Door Viewer or approved equal THRESHOLDS: 1. extruded bronze2. full width of openj_n9 (no splices in width)3. utilize pemko "Modulir Ramp Systemr t" .Jrifywith ADA, wheelchair accesl, at all outsidl ' entrance doors. CLOSERS 1. As Scheduled2. Parallel mounting where possible sroPs: (as schedule. rf not on Hardware schedule or scheduled stopis,not appropriate for buildlng condition provide stops as forrowsj1. Wall Stops - fnterior: At all locations possible-Glynn-Johnson Tri-mco Master Manufacturing I T I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I I 2. Wa1I Stops - Exterior (cast bronze) US-1OB3. floor Stops - Exterior/Interior (brass): Usestop is not functional .a. Glynn-Johnson Bp-1 (with 6' riser whereb. Quality 301c. Bal-dwin 44824. No hinge stops permitted. WEATHER-STRIPPING: reguired) Vinyl Smoke SeaI (at aII fire rat,ed doors)Adhesive backed performed copoJ-ymer weather-strip for metalframes; Pemkoflex PFL14 PS (head + jamb). Silicone Smoke Seal (where applicable) Pemko 588D204 silicone snoke gasket. only when watr I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 08700 -4 I I I I I I t T I I I I I I I Exterior Door Weather_strippinc:1' Head and Jambs - p.t"i;-;ds en (extruded bronze wlth closed, cell EpDM sponge insert).2. Sill - pemk-o S6g CN iexiruaea bronze w/ neoprene insert)3. Meering Stile trateai; ----- No preference provide appropriate product. MISCELLANEOUS Silencers:Tlpical, 3 ea- at latch jantb of ar-I doors (except weather-stripped. ) PART 3 . EXECUTION PREPARATION No manufacturing orders sharl be placed untir a detaired schedulehas been submltfed to the Architect and written review returned. Furnish hardware templates to each fabricator of doors, frames,and other work to b; factory-prepared for the instaliation oihardware. upon request, ctrec-r -tne shop drawings of such othenwork to confirm that adeguate provisi6ns will be made for theproper install-ation of hardware. FIELD MEASUREMENTSFieLd verify alr dimensions of existing doors to receive newhardware. INSTALLATION MOUNTING: wooD DooRs: unless otherwise indicated, mount door closers towood doors with sex bolts. other hardware with standard screws. HoLLow METAL DooRs: unless otherwise indicated, mount hardwarewith machine screws. Silencers:rnstall 3 rubber door si.lencers to latch side of each metal doorframe unless where frame is to receive weather-stripping or smokeseal-s. Closers: Mount to wood doors with sec boIts. Mount to hollow metal doors with machine screws. Masonry and Concrete: I Mount hardware to concrete and CMU/stone masonry with drilledt expansion anchors. I A,NTLER' coNDoMrNruMs ADDrnoN/RENovATroN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORAOO I I 08700 -5 o Mount hardware to hoLlow masonry Mount hardware to glpboard andlood screers through- to solidbehind al_l surface door stops. MOUNTING HETGHTS: Hardware shall be mounted at the following heights (centerline) unless indicated otherwise ITEM: Door Knob 36"Push Plates 46"Pulls 39"Exit Devices 36" Peep Holes 56" - TOLERANCES Door undercuts shall not exceed L/2" (3/g" at thresholds) unLessotherwise noted. Janb to door style - - 1/8" maximum Head to door head - - I/8" maximum END OF SECTION O87OO with toggle bolts plaster framed partitions withblocking. provide plastei-,i;;; I t I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 08700 -6 t t I I I t t I T I I I I I I I I I t METAL STUD FRAMTNG SYSTEMS PART I - GENERAI. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and the _generar provisions of the contract, includingthe General and.suppl.ment'"ry conditions, .ppiv- to the work ofthis section. A11 wb-rk accoraing to Denver clbe'as acceptable tobuilding inspector. SECTION 09260 - GYPSUM DRYWALL SECTION O92OO - LATH AND PLASTER DESCRIPTION OF WORKThe work under this section sha1l incJ-ude all materials, rabor,equi-pment and services necessary and reasonably incidentaL toprovide interior light gage non-load bearing met'al and exteriornon-'l oad bearring .stud , frami-ng systems incluling framed integraiopenings and bracing shown on-the drawing and spicified herein. REFERENCES AsrM c645 - Non-Loadbearing steel studs, Runners, and RigidFurri-ng Channel_s. ASTM c754 - rnstallati-on of steer Framing Members to ReceiveScrew-Attached cypsum glallboard, Backing Board, or water-resistant Backing Board. GA 203 - rnstallation of screw-Type steel Framing Members toRecej-ve Gypsum Board. Fire-Rated Assemblies A11 metal studs are components of assembries required for a fire-resistance rating, including those required foi compliance withgoverning regulations, provide studs i-denticar with units whichhave been tested and shown in the applicable UL design of the"Fire Resistance Index". QUALITY ASSURANCE Perform the work in accordance with GA 203 and ASTM CiS4.Maintain one copy of each document on site. SUBMITTALS Submit UL design assembly data sheets for each fire ratedassembly applicable to the project. sEcTroN 09110 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 09110 -1 ::lli:' '"."rfi" caralos dara showinspecifications. o I I I I I T T I I I I I t I T I subnit shop drawlne f9r special components and instarlations notfully dimensioned 6r aetafrlJln manufacturerrs product data. PRODUCT DELIVERY AND STORAGE Protect metal framing from rusting and damage. PART 2 - PRODUCTS TtlATERTAT.S Studs: Non-Load bearing rolled steel^r_ galvanized, C shaped, L S/g.and 3- s/8" wide; or- as noted, -es -e.s"l--p-u-ricnea ;-.;'uliiitvaccess. Use 20 gage at jambs of all operiings'. Use 6, 20 g.g.-"iheavier at exterior warl rocations ani oth6r "ila" as detailed.Refer to notes for specific stud gauge and structurar propertiesrequired. Runners: of same material and finish as studs unless detaileddifferently, with I L/4" Iegs or as detailed. Bracing Members: of same materi-al and finish as studs, thicknessto suit purpose. Furring Channels: Roll formed l/Bn X 2unless detailed di.fferently. -Zt Furring Channels: Minimurn 24 gage.furring or as detailed. Resilient Channels: Minimum 25 9a9e,rated party walls as indicated. compl j_ance with the 9/L6" hot shaped, 25 gage 1" to 3" wide for interior t/2" X 2 1/2", for sound Ceiling Runner Channel: Cold rolled, 16 gage, t7/32. x 1L/2".Galvanized coated or black asphart painted-. use galvanized coatedin high rnoisture areas. rnstall !1' deep chann6ls at apartmentunit bath ceilings for maximum clearance. ceiling Hanger wire: Galvanized 8 gage annealed steel wire. wood Blocking: construction grade soft wood, non-combustible persection 06100 PART 3 - EXECUTION GENERAL comply with ANSr/AsrM c754, manufacturerrs instructions and/or as Idetailed. coordinate with mechanicar and electri.cal work. Do not I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I 09110 -2 I T t t I I I I I I I I I I I I attach or support me| framing to ducts' piPes'Qnouta. Provlde framing anO/or furring to conceal atl pipes, ducts, condui.ts, racetais not indicate-d as exposed. Furnish concrete j.nserts, steel deck hanger c1i-ps, and sirnilar devices to other trades for installation welL in idvance of time needed for coordination with other work. Do not bridge building expansion joints wj-th support system, frame both sideJ of joints with furring and other support a-s j-ndicated. Isolate stud system from transfer of structural loading to system, both horizoitally and vertically. Pro-vide slip ot cuinionea- type joi-nts to attain lateral supPort free from axj.al loading. Ho115w metal jambs must be set in place prior to frami-ng around j ambs . WALI FRAMING secure top and bottom runners at 24 inches o.c. A1i9n to configuration required. At partitions extending to structural framiig or substrite above provide top slip joint to acconmodate vertj.cal movement as detailed or approved. Install studs vertically at 24 inches o.c. and not more than 2 inches from abutting Lonstruction and at corners. Install full height double 20 gage studs at openings and hollow metal frames, including UorrlwiO lights. Fia runners under and above highest adjacent ceilings, eicept where indicated to be extended to structural suppori 'or sibstrate above. Install supplementary framing' toi-t-tters, furring, blocking and biacing at opening and termination in the work ana at loCations requj.ted to support fixtures' equipment, services, heavy trim, furnishingr olld similar work which cannot be adequatel-y supported directly on gypsum -boardalone. Provide load 6earing exiended wa1l areas above roof line coordinated with parapet fiaming. Provide conEinuous bent metal angle at parapeis to facilitate fastening coping and cap flashing. CEILING FRAMING Secure hangers to structural support by connecting directly to structure where possible, otherwGe connect to inserts clips or other anchorage devices or fasteners as indicated. Space ceiling suspension miin runner 4t - On o.c. and space hangers as indicated or if not otherwise indicated, at 4' - 0n o.c. along runners; coordinate with structuxe. Level main runners Eo a tolerance of .),25" in 12r - On, measured both Iengthwise on each runner and transversely between parallel runners. space Celling furring members 24" o.6., except is otherwise indicated. Wire-tie or cfii furring members to main ceiling runners and to other structural supports as indicated. END OF SECTION 09110 r ANTLERS coNDoMlNluMS ADDlrloN/RENovATloN TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I 09110 -3 I I I t I I t T I I I T T t I I sEcTroN 09200 LATH AND PLASTER AND SIMULATED STUCCO PART 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings anct the general provisions of the contractt including the Genetal and Supplementary Condi-tions, apply to the Work of this section. All E.I.F.S. shall meet Town of Vaj1 requirements, ICBO Uniform Building Code Standards and Installation Guidelines' SECTION O72OO INSULATION SECTION 09110 METAL STUD FRAMING SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work under this secti-on shal1 include all materials' labor, equipment and services necessary and reasonabl-y incidental to piotriOe exterior "simulated stucco" system (E.I.F.S.). Exterior insulation and finj.sh system complete with accessories as reguired and specified herein. work includes finish wall suifaces, colonnide elemenEs, and exterior stud walls as well as covering of new precast concrete wall panels and install new synthetic stucco tinisn over all existing building wood siding (Texture 1-11) wal1 areas. SUBMITTALS Submit manufacturert s product specifications and installati-on instructions for each material and include other data as may be required to show compliance with these specifications ' STANDARDS Comply with the applicable requi-rements of ASTM C841' C84'l ' and C842 Lxcept wherJ hore detailed or more stringent requirements are indiiated including those of the plaster manufacturer. E.I.F.S. shall comply with all LC.B.O. specifications and test standards for wealhLrability as required by Denver Building Department. comply with all applicable requirements of Mountain states Bureau for litnj-ng and Pllstering for certj-fication. Provide inspections as ..""""Jry for all plaster, stucco and E.I.F.S. (simul-ated stucco). This contractor shall notify the Mountain States Bureau for lath, plaster and drywall before starting work on any phase of the prbject requirj-ng certification. Furnish a certified Craftsmanlhip.Certiiicate as issued by the bureau. No final settlement sha11 be made until certi-ficate i-s recei.ved. I ANTLERs coNDoMtNtuMs ADDtrtoN/RENovATloNr TowN oF vAtL, EAGLE couNw, coLoRADo I T 09200 -1 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Except for sand and water, deliver materials to the site in sealed containers or bags fully identified with manufacturert s name, brand, type and grade. Store and protect materials in accordance with reference standards. PART 2 PRODUCTS MATERIALS Provide ready-mixed plaster at installer's option conplying with ASTM C842. Sheathing: Sheathing shall be gyP exterior grade sheathing manufactured by U.S. Gypsum or equal . For one hour rated assembly over metal stud walLs and colonnade enclosure walLs. Lathing Screns: Comply with ASTM C646. TRIM: Base Screed: No. 3 expansion flange type. Casing Bead: NO. 66 expansion flange type. Corner Bead: No. 10 exPansion flange type. Control Joints: No. 15 expansion flange. Exterior E.I.F.S.: "simulated Stucco" System: As manufactured by "Thorowall H" High Impact' "Drivit outsulation" or approved equivalent. Install over new gypsum sheathj-ng board sheathing wall areas supported on metal studs as noted. Apply non- cementitous 100t acrylic copolymer fiber-reinforced ernuLsion based adhesive and leveling coat 'Genesis" to provide completely vraterproof barrier. Install E.P.S. board 1" mi-nimum thickness or up to 3" as indicated. Install ground coat, fiberglas fabric rnesh and final finish coat according to rnanufacturers instructions. Use L2 oz. per sguare foot, 'Intermediatetr mesh with 250 lbs/in tensile strength for relative impact resistance of 2.5. Use 20 oz. per Sq. Ft., "Panzer 20" mesh with 550 lbs/in tensile strength for 25 relative impact resistance at all exterior walk/corridor walls, banquet terrace wall, ground (3rd) floor walk and colonnade E.I.F.S. Utilize 'Corner Mesh" 7.2 oz in addition to mesh specified above at aII corners of waIl, colonnade, edgeS, entranCes, windOwS and dOOrs. Texturer Cu5tom colors and aggregate size as approved by Architect. Prepare 24" X 24- sample panels for each color - 7 days prj-or to scheduled ..Simulated stucco,, apptication for archi-tects approval. (Provide additional sample panels with variation on custom colors and textures as necessary until color/texture is approved. ) AI.ITLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO t I t I I t I T t t T I I I I I I I I 09200 -2 I PARr 3 - ExEcurroN O I GENERAT I Sequence E.I.F.S. inst.allation properly with the installation and protection of other work so that neither will be damaged by the r installation of the other. I Inform Architect of any surface or proposed assembly which will r not except adequate finish prior to starting work.r Start of this work constitutes acceptance of substrates as suitable for satisfactory performance of work of this Section. II Clean concrete base and substrates to be receive "SyntheticStucco', removing loose materials, coatings and other substances I which might irnpair the work.I Instafl new E.I.F.S. finish over al1 existing texture l--L1 I plywood siding wall-s. I INSTATLATION I Install E.I. F.S. in strict compliance with manufacturers I recommendations, standard detail-s and according to recommendations of representative of the Mountain State Bureau I for tath and Plaster, from which certification is required. I Install base; casing bead, expansion joint, and control joint r accessories, anchored to substrate 8u o.c. along each flange. I Miter corners and spline joints to forrn tight accurate jointsr without offsets. InstaII access doors where indicated and/or where reguired by mechanical and electrical trades. Install I casing bead around all penetrations for vents, grj-lles, etc.I Install corner beads at external corners. Reinforce internal I corners with cornerite. I Install- casing beads at openj-ngs and exposed termination all I synthetic stucco work. I Refer to elevations for control joint layout. t Install control joints at minimum 20' o.c. and,/or separate E.I. F. S. into 4OO S. F. areas maximum- Align joints wi-th door/window lines and/or as shovln. T- PLASTER: Complv with ASTM Cg42 and with manufacturer's instructions which I "."'.6t. detailed or more stringent.I I ANTLER' coNDoMrNruMs ADDrtoN/RENovATtoN TOWN OF VA!1, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I t 09200 -3 O plaster t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I Apply thickness and number of coats of referenced standards. as required by ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES: For flat surfaces, do not exceed O.25" in 8'- 0" for bow, yrarp, plumb or level, including surfaces to receive applied thick bodied finishes. CUTTING AND PATCHING: Cut, patch, point-up and repair nsynthetic stucco' as necessary to accommodate other work and to restore cracks, dents and irnperfections. Repair or replace work to eliminate blisters, buckles, excessive crazi-ng and check crackingr dry-outsr efflorescence, sweat-outs, and simil-ar defects, including areas to the work which do not cornply with specified tolerances and where bond to the substrate has failed.... CLE.ANING AND PROTECTION: Remove temporary protection and enclosure of ot.her work. Promptly remove 'synthetJ-c stuccon from surfaces which are not be covered. Repair floors, walls and other surfaces which have been stainedr rnarred or otherwise danaged during the E.I.F.S. work. When "synthetic stuccotr work is completedr remove unused materials, containers and equipment and clean floors, stone walls, walks, etc. Installer shall advise contractor of requirements for the protection of "synthetic stucco' from deterioration and damage during the remainder of the construction period. END OF SECTION O92OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 09200 -4 I I I I t T I I I I t I I I I I sEcTroN 09260 GYPSUM WALLBOARD SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and the General Provisions of the contract including General and Supplementary Condltions, apply to the work of this section. All work rnust conform to Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition, as interpreted by building officials and,/or inspectors. SECTION 09110 - METAL STUD FRAMING SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The extent of the gypsum wallboard work isgenerally shown on the drawings and in schedules, and is hereby defined to include glpsum board work with a taPe-and-compoundjoint treatment system known as trdrywall finishing' work, as well as dash texture finishing and sprayed on simulated acoustj-c ceiling treatment. It it tbo iatrot of tbis ncr coaltruetion rortt tcolta to cov.r al'l' pipiag, ductl , eoaduit, ctc. ritb furrcd cciliagr, aoffita, .tc., unlcrs otbcrricc aotcd or apecificrlly approvcd io rrlting. The type of work required include the followingl Gypsum wallboard including screw-type metal support system for walls or ceilings. Glpsum wallboard finishing (joint tape-and- compound treatment). Incidental drywall furring and patching to cover work of others although not specifically shown. OUALITY ASSURANCE: Fire-Resistance Rating: Where work is indicated for fire- resistance ratings, including those required to comply with governing regulations, provide materials and installations identical with applj-cable assemblies which have been tested and Iisted by recognized authorj.tj-es including UL and ANSI A 9'7.L. Generally one hour rated wall assembly throughout except two hour rated wall assenblies required at shafts and exit stairs and,/or as indicated on plans and required by 1997 UBC as interpreted by Town of VaiI authorities. 1. Industry Standard: Comply with applicable requJ-rements of GA- 216 "Applicatj-on and Finishing of Gypsum Board" by the Gypsum Associ.ation, except where more detailed or more stringent requirements are indicated including the recommendation of the manufacturer (i.e.) U.S. Gypsum SA 922, SA 923, SA 927- 2. Allowable Tolerances: L/L6" offsets between planes of board faces, and'1/4" in 8'-0" for plumb' 1eve1, warp and bow. I ANTLERs coNDoMrNruMs ADDrroN/RENovATroNI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I t 09260 -1 3. Manufa"t,rr"r9 obtain gypsum uoural trim accessories,adhesives, and joint treatment products from a single manufacturer, or from manufacturers reconunended by the prime manufacturer of gypsum boards. PRODUCT IIANDLING: Deliver gypsum wallboard materials in sealed containers and bundles, fully identified with manufacturerts namer brand type and grade; store in dry, well ventilated space' protected from the weather, under cover and off the ground. JOB CONDITIONS:Maintain ambient temperatures at not less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit, tox the period of 24 hours before wa1l board finishing, during installation and until compounds are dry. PART 2 PRODUCTS METAT SUPPORT MATERIALS: GENERAL: To the extent not otherwise indicated' conply with ASTM c'154, "Installation of Steel Framing Members to Recej.ve Screw- Attached Gypsun Wallboard' (as specified and recommended) for metal system supporting glpsum wallboard work. CEILING SUSPENSION MAIN RUNNERSz L-t/2" steel channels, 0.475 Ib: per ft. cold-rolled. Use 3/4" steeL channels only where clearance to piping and ducting will not permit I l/2 depth channels. Hanger Wire: ASTM A641' soft, Class 1 galvanized' Iprestretched; sized in accordance with ASTM C754. I Hanger Anchorage Devices: Size for 3 x calculated loads' except size direct-pull concrete inserts for 5 x calculated loads I STUDS: ASTM C645; 25 gauge, unless otherwise noted. Sizes as Iindicated on drawings. Utilize galvanized studs at all exterior I wa1ls. Runners: Match studs; type recommended by stud manufacturer for floor and ceiling support of studs, and for vertical abutment of wallboard work at other work. Stud system Accessories: Provide stud manufacturer's standard clips, shoes, ties, reinforcernents' fasteners and other accessories as needed for a complete stud system. FURRING MEMBERS: ASTM C645; gauge' hat-shaped. Provide galvanized hat channels for exterior locations. I I t t I T I I I ANTLERS CONDOM!NIUMS ADDIIION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I I I T I 09260 -2 I I I FASTENERS: Type una O. recommended by furringQr,lrtuttrrer for the substrate and application indicated. BOARD MATERIALS: EXPOSED GYPSUM BOARD: ASTM C36, tapered edge, 5./8' thick' Type X, 4 tE. width by maximum lengths to minimize edge joints, typical throughout for one hour rated partitions. Use Tlpe 'Xr throughout for one hour.rated assembly. EXPoSED GYPSUM BOARD FURRING: ASTM C36 tapered edge L/2 thick' I use for furring at. concrete waLls and ceilings not required forI fire rated assembly. I WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD: (Green board) I restroom tile wainscot. GYPSUM BACKING BOARD: ASTM C442 5/8" thick' otherwj.se indicated, 4 fX width, at public TYPE 'Xr unless SOFFIT BOARD AND SHOWER/TUB TILE BACKER BOARD: ShAll bC L/2" thick fj-berglas reinforced cement board, "Durock" manufactured by U.S. Gypsum, "Dens-Glas Mfg. by Georgia Pacific or "Wonder Board". use 5/8" thick fiberglas reinforced cement board behind aII ceramic tile wall finish at condominlum unit showers and tubs and at tile at fitness shower. TRIM ACCESSORTES: No. 104A or No. 800 for external corners. No. 200A for termination exposed to view. No. 093 for expansi-on control ioints. I t I I t t I I I t I JOINT TREATMENT,coats and vinyl r-rwt/HJ.rrY. JOINT TREATMENT, type. INTERIOR: Chemical setting type, for first 2 type top coat specially formulated for finish EXTERIOR: Moisture resistant chemical setting MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS : GENERAL: Provide auxili-ary materials for gypsum wallboard work of the type and grade recommended by the manufacturer of the gypsum board. GYPSUM BOARD FASTENERS: Comply with GA-216. CONCEALED ACOUSTICAL SEALANT: Mastic type; non-shrinking' non- dryj-ng, non-mi-grating and non-staining. SOUND ATTENUATION BLANKETS: Thermafiber (Rock Wool) batts, without membrdne, Class 25 flame spread. Provide 3" thick mineral fiber 3.0 lb. density in new partitions as indicated on wal1 type I ANTLERs coNDoMrNruMs ADDrroN/RENovATroNI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I t 09260 -3 detail-s forinsulation."lo reduction refer s""tt oizoo-z for sound ACCESS PANELS: Milcor or approved eguaL, Style M 16 or li gaugesteel frame and panel respectively, concealed spring hinges,rnetal cam, prime. Size as required, UL Label consistent with firerating of wall- location. PART 3 EXECUTION ':. INSTALTATION OE' METAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS: GENERAL: To the extent not otherwise indicated, comply with ASTM C754, and manufacturerrs instructions. Coordinate with mechanica] and electrical work. Do not attach or support metaJ- frarning toducts, pipes, conduit. Space ceiling suspension nain runners 4'-0" o.c. and space hangers as indicated or if not otherwise indicated, at 4t o.c.along runners; coordinate with structure. Space furring membersat 2t -0" o.c. unless otherwise indicated. Install runner tracks at floors, ceiling and structural wa1ls and columns where gypsum wallboard stud system abuts other work. I Extend partition stud system through suspended acousticalceilings and elsewhere as indicated to the structural support or Isubstrate above the ceiling for corridors and between units. I Space studs 24n o.c., except as otherwise indicated. DOOR FRAMES:Install 20 gauge janb studs at door frames as indicated. Spacejack studs over door frames at same space as partitlon studs. FoIIow recommendations set forth in National Gypsum Co. Technical Bulletin 9-2171. lilire-tie or clip furring members to main ceiling runners and to other structural supports as j-ndicated. Space waIl furring members 24n o.c. except as otherwise indicated. Fj.t tight to conduits, other work concealed by furring. Install boards just prior to wallboard application. GENERAL GYPSUM BOARD INSTALLATION RE9UIREMENTS: GENERAL:Install sound'attenuation blankets as indicated' at stud party waIIs, prior to gypsum board unless readily installed after board ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION 09260.4 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t has been instatted.Qarrr"" Rc-L resilient "t."rr with oneadditional layer of 5/8" drywall at one side of all stud partywalls. (Refer plans.) InstaLl metal trim and accessories wi-th screws. GENERAL STANDARDS: In addition to compliance with GA-216, complywith manufactulerrs instructions and reguirements for fire-resistance ratings (if any) whichever is most strj-ngent. INSTALLATION: Install ceiling boards in the direction and mannerwhich will minirnize the number of end-butt joints, and which willavoid end joints in the central area of each ceiling. Stagger endjoints at least L'-0n. Install wall/partition boards whether for vertical (parallel), orhorizontal (perpendicular) application at Contractorrs option;except where fire or sound rating requires a particulardirection, comply with the method stated in GA-600 for t,he tested assembly. AII metal studs must be covered by at least one layerof drywall on each side, fu1l height, for fire rating. Form control joints and expansion joints with space between edgesof boards, prepared to receive trim accessorles. Locate at 30'-0" maximum on center at interior spaces and 20r-0rr maximum on centerat exterior spaces. Installing Contractor shal1 provide proposedlocation drawings for Architect/Owner approval . At rated walls cover both faces of studs with gypsum board in concealed spaces. Space fasteners j-n gypsum boards in accordance with GA-2L6 andmanufacturer's recommendations, except as otherwise j.ndlcated. SPECIAT GYPSUM BOARD APPLICATIONS:At showers, tubs and similar 'wet' areas, install fiberglasreinforced cement board behind ceramic tile, etc. Apply with un-cut long edge at bottom of work, and space I/4" above fixturelips. A11 partitions at tubs and showers must receive fu11 heightdrywall for complete fire rating as required. INSTALLATION OF WALI,BOARD FINISHING: GENERAL: Apply treatment at gypsum board joints (both directions), flanges of trim accessories, penetratj-ons, fastener heads, surface defects and elsewhere as required to prepare work for decoration. Prefill open joints and rounded or beveled edges, using type compound reconmended by manufacturer. I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDlroN/RENovATroNI TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I 09260 -5 Apply joint a"l "a joints between n"o"utoards, except wheretrim accessory is indicated. Tape in corner beads and terminationmetal (except exposed type) Apply joint compound in 3 coats (not including prefill ofopenings in base), and sand between last 2 coats and after lastcoat. Review and coordinate with Finish Schedules and painting 09900Sectj-ons to assure proper conditions to receive finishes asrequired and specified. DrywaII texture coat shall be medium hawk & trowel texture asapproved by Architect and Ownerrs Representative at aLl new condounits and reception/gallery. Provide three sample panels ofalternative textures at least 24" X 24" for inspection andapproval at least 7 days prior to beginning texture finishoperation. Provide smooth finish where vinyl wallcovering isspecifj-ed. Provide orange peel texture at all public areasincluding banquet room, public restrooms, halls, vestibules,conference, fitness, banquet kitchen, offices, ski return lobby,ski lockers, ramp, housekeeping, etc. Simulated acoustic sprayed-on finish for aII interior concreteslab and/or drywall ceiling surfaces to serve as finishedceilings as scheduled. Simulated acoustic plaster coating shallbe 'rPlaster Tex' or "Imperial QT' texture finish by U.S.G.aggregated powder ingredient to produce acoustical finish appearance with spray application medium heavy texture, one coatoff-white color throughout. Provide three 24n X 24' sarnple panels of alternative simulated acoustic ceiling finish for approval ofArchj.tect and Owner Representatj.ve ? days prior to beginning simulated acoustic ceiling work. END OF SECTION 09260 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADOITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I t I T I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I 09260 -6 t sEcroN oe3oo I rLE woRK PART I GENERAL I Standards: Material and installation standards of the Tile Council of America (TCA) r and ANSI 137.1 apply to the work, except as otherwise indicated. I Submittals: With manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for tile I work, submit 3 samples minimum of each type, class, color, and texture of tile I mounted on 12" square backing with joints grouted. I Glazed Wall and Vanity Counter Top Tile: "Standard Grade", cushion edge, use forI bath floors, shower enclosures to ceiling, steam shower ceiling, tub walls to ceilinqs. Size 6" X 6" and 12' X 12". - Stone Floor and Kitchen Counter Top Tile: 12'X 12" X 1", colors and patterns. r Use as unit entries, kitchen counters/splash and fireplace hearths and fronts. I Tile Floor: 12" X 12" ceramic tile flooring at kitchens. t Trim Shapes: Same material, size, color, and texture as field tile. Use bullnose for exposed top edge, cove baso, etc. I Cement Mortar and Grout: ANSI A 108 Series, materials and installation for floor tile. r Organic Tile Adhesive: ANSI A 136.1 with recommended primer-sealer for bathroom wall tile and countertop tile. I- Precast Tenazzo Shower Basin: Sizes as shown on plans and included in fixture I list. Install with ceramic tile walls and 3/8" thick glass partitions/doors as required. I Latex Grout: Factory blend of Portland cement and latex additives for restroom I tile. Flexible Grout Additive: L & M Surco Company. I Exterior Grout: Type S mortar with "Latacrete" additive. Color to match flagstone I as selected.I I I ANTLERS coNDoMtNtuMS ADDlrtoN/RENovATloN o93oo-1 I TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I Installation: Cornoli*i,h TCA "Handbook to, c"r..itile Instattation" and ANSI A 1O8.1 through A 108.7 as applicable for type of tile and method of instatlation. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for application of proprietary matbrials. Joint Pattern: Use grid pattern with 1/16" wide joints, unless otherwise indicated. Expansion and Control Joints: As shown, and per TCA "Handbook". See Section O792O Sealants and Caulking. Cleaning and Protection: Clean tile per TCA recommendations and manufacturer's instructions. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I STANDARD FINISHES Master Bathrooms: Floor: Base: Wall: Accent Tile : Floor: Base Design materials, Vetrinato 12 X 12 tile #31AC3 Color Bruno 314' X5112' knotty pine, slightly eased chamfered edge Daltile #X735 Matte Almond 6 X 6 Decorative Materials: "Country Cabin" pinecone 2 X 2, random pattern color as selected. Countertop and Backsplash: Daltile #X735 Matte Almond 6 X 6 Secondary Baths: Design materials, V€trinato 12X 12 tile #31AC3 Color Bruno 3/4' X 5 112' Knotty Pine, Slightly eased Chamfered edga Wall Daltile #X735 6 X 6 matte Color Matte Almond Accent Tile Decorate Materials: "Oak Leaf + Acorn" 1ya X 6 color as selected Counter and Backsplash: Daltile tX735 Matte Almond 6 X 6 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITON/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 0930G2 I I I I I I Kitchen Floor Countertop - Backsplash IMG polished granite 12 X 1 2 and 6 X 12 Juperana Columbo, butt joints. Entry/Fireplace Hearth & Surround: Sandstona 12X 12 color Colorado Buff. Utilize colored grout as selected to match sandstone. Contractor submit alternate pricing for the following upgrades to be selection by I Purchaser. I UPGRADES I Bathroomr #17 Floot: Design Materials Slate, ungauged 12 X t2 Aspen #18 Walls: IMG Limestone 12 X 12 Gascogne Bleu #19 Countertop: IMG Limestone slab #20 Backsplash: IMG Limestone 6 X 6 Gascogne Bleu #21 Floor, Walls, Countertop, Backsplash: IMG Marble polished Creama Marfif 12 X 12 o Dalti o fe "Cuftura", color Leather #C633 12X 12 I *'t"n"?r, ,,oorr rMG srate, gauged Jak 12 x 12 #23 Flootz IMG Slate, ungauged Lilac 12 X 12 | #24 Countertop: IMG Granite, polished slab Manola Brown #25 Countertop: toilC Cranite, polished slab Giallo Veneziana I r End of Section 09300 I t I T I I ANTLERs coNDoMrNruMs ADDrroN/RENovATtoNI TowN oF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I 09300-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 09500 ACOUSTIC SUSPENDED PART I - GENERAL AND GLUE.ON CEILING SYSTEMS Standards: Comply with the following: ASTM C 635 - performance requirements for suspension systemi AIMA Bulletin - Acoustic Unit Performance Data as published by Acoustsical and Insulating Materials Association. SUBMITTALS: Provide two samples of each ceiling tile and runners for each system. Comply with Section 01340' provide manufacturers product data and installation recommendations. PART II - PRODUCIS ExPosed Grid Suspension Systems: Intermediate duty. Standard DX Grid for normal use environments with white painted finish on exposed runners. Armstrong, GoId Bond' U.S.G. or equal . U.S.G- "Fineline. grid color to match U.S.G. 'Interline" Panels. Moldings: angle type finished to match exposed runners. I Provide direct or indirect hung system' at the ContractortsI option. Provide components as requi.red to support ceiling loads and tile used in the work and for scoPe of access indicated. Access: Provide 24" x 24" sLze access areas fabricated from acoustic tile and speci-a1 cross members. Locate where reguired or as shown. Acoustic Panels: Flame spread of 25 or less. Other performance data as published by AIMA. Provide UsG "Interline" recess edge panels, 24" X 24" slze, for exposed slotted grid areas not less than 3/4" thick, equivalent recess edge panels by Armstrong, color as selected by Architect. Provide square edge panels 24" X 49" size for exposed DX grid, white, 5/8" thick. "Fine Fissured" by USG or equal, as approved by Architect. Non-rated suspended ceiling assenbly throughout. Drywall Lay-in Panels: Utilize 1/2" gypsum board panels at garage ceiling areas under new condominium unit floors to serve as finish ceiling while furnishing access to utility lines serving condominium residence. Acoustic TiLe: (Glue-on) 'F' Fissured Acoustone Firecode by USG or Equivalent, 24 X 24 X 3/4', CAC Range 40-45, NRC -65 - .'75, J-ight reflectanc. .?5, white. (Refer Room Finish Schedule) I ANTLERS CONDOMTNTUMS ADDTTTON/RENOVATION I TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I 09500-1 Piberglas neitcea cement Pane1s, u0i"" t/2n f iberglas reinforced cement panels for lay-in at exterior suspended soffit/ceiling areas under terraces' above garage r.rmp', above north automobile entry portal, etc. as indlcated on plans. PART III - EXECUTION Installation: Balance borders using fuLl size acoustic unitsr or where cutting is required use not less Ehan L/2 unit width wherever possible. Job conditions: Comply with reconunendations of AIIIA Bulletin and acoustic unit manufacturer's recommendations. Suspension systems: Exposed grid installed in accordance with manufacturerr s instructions and recommendations of Art. 2 "InstalLation of Components' of ASTM C 636. Provide moldings where ceiling meet walls, partitions and other vertical elements to match suspension grid, ('Fine1ine' or Standard "DX'). Provide suspension system adequate to support drywall panels at gatage. Utilize "Interline" recessed edge panel system by USG 24" X 24n X 3/4" at Banquet, Managers Office' Lobby, Housekeeping and as scheduled. Color white as selected by Architect. Utilize acoustic tile, (glue-on) , 24" x 24" X 3/4" at raj.sed ceiling areas of lobbies, banquet room and as scheduled and detailed. Color l{hite. (Refer Room Finj.sh Schedule.) END OF SECTION O93OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I T I I I 09500-2 I T T t sEcTroN 09650 RESTLIENT FLOORING AND BASE PART I GENERAT WORK INCLUDEDSupply and install all Resilj-ent Flooring as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. AIl finish flooring shall be "s1i-p-resistantw. I Submit two samples of each material- specified herein, together I wj-th manufacturers recommended installation inforrnation. RELATED WORK: SECTION 09580 - CARPET INSPECTION: Examine all subsurfaces to receive Work and report in writlng to General Contractor, with a copy to Architectr anY conditions detrimental. Failure to observe this injunction constitutes a waiver to any subsequent claims to the contrary and holds Resilient Flooring Contractor responsible for any corrections which may be required. Commencement of Work will be construed as acceptance of all subsurfaces. PART II - PRODUCTS SHEET VINYL: Colors and patterns to be selected by Architect and complying with Federal Specifications SS-T-312b (1) Type IV comp. 7, asbestos free and ASTM F1066-8?. Tarkett, Expressions *2067 Adobe, SheI1, Sienna. RESILIENT BASE:4' and 5" high, coved toe, 1/8" gauge, standard rubber walI base as manufactured by Johnsonite. Architect shall select colors from the following: Johnsonite "Wa11 Base", Armstrong "Rubber WB", equivalent Burke "Top Set Base'. Utilize 6" base at banquet kj.tchen and public restrooms. 4" elsewhere. UNDERLAYMENT: Install trowel-on cementitious underlayment,("f1oor Stone" or equivalent) where required transition to adjacent finish materj.al. Install skim coat underlayment of thickness as required to member finish sheet vinyl flooring flush with adjacent finish floor covering at, public restroomsr banquet kitchen, etc. t t I T I I I I I I T I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMS ADDlroN/RENovATroNI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGT€ COUNTY, COLORADO I I 09650 -1 '-IDELIVERY AND S1UAGE:Deliver materials to job site unopened packaging and adequatelystored in dry location at the site. in manufacturerr s original,protect against damagq while PART III - EXECUTION PREPAR,ATlON: Subsurfaces shall be thoroughly dry (verify by rnoisture metertests), free of unevenness, foreign rnaterial (oil, grease, paint, etc. ) and broom-clean. Maintain temperature recommended bymanufacturer in spaces where Work is being done and wherematerial is stored for periods of time. Install underlayment withadhesive at all, banquet kitchen, Iaundry and public restrooms ofthickness necessary to flush with adjacent floor finish. INSTALLATION: Comply with manufacturerr s written instructions and useContractor approved by rnanufacturer. Apply primer per recom- mendations of manufacturer. Lay sheet flooring with minimum number of seans, tight, straight and smooth. Seal all units firmly into adhesivesi make joints tight, straight,and inconspicuous. Any door opening between spaces havingdifferent types of flooring at which no threshold occurs, shaIl have change of rnaterial rnade under door in cl-osed position. Make finish lilork free of buckles, cracks, breaks, waves, andprojecting edges, neatly fitted into projections. Apply edgingstrips at exposed edges of material not otherwise protected so topof strip is at same level as flooring. Install vinyl base at all resilient sheet flooring. Use "FLoor Stone" as necessary to create a smooth substrate forsheet vinyl flooring where necessary to patch chips, hol-es, etc.in concrete slabs and to feather transitions at thresholds andtransition to adjacent flooring material . CLEANING, PROTECTION AND FINISHING:After installation, s$reep floors of particles and other foreignmaterials harmful to flooring. Neatly apply non-staining buildingpaper, firmly fastened down, to floor surfaces. Near completion of the project and when approved by Architect, remove paper, clean and buff flooring per manufacturerrs printed instructions. .Use no acids or caustic solutions. END OF SECTION 09550 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I I I I t I T T T T I I t t I I I I 09650 -2 t t I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 09680 CARPET PART 1 - GENER,AL WORK INCLUDED Carpeting RETATED WORK SECTION 09650 - Resil-ient Flooring and Base SECTION 01630 - Product Options and Substitutions QUALITY ASSURANCE The carpet installer shall comply with the standards establj.shed by the American Carpet Institute. Installation of carpet shall be by a carpet shop with at least four years experience with the proposed application and shall be performed by skilled mechanics in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer of the materiaLs. carpet rnateriaLs shall be from a single dye lot. Visible differences in color or texture shall be grounds for rejection and replacement wlth new material at the Contractor's expense. Colors as selected bv Architilct (maximum of ten different colors). I Submit carpet name, manufacturer, and complete specificationr data. Submit name of adhesive and seam cement proposed for installation. SAMPLES: Two samples for each carpet selected. WARRANTYProvide manufacturer's ten year warranty against flaws i-n materials or manufacture. Warranty sha1l provide for carpet replacement of excessive wear occurs within the warranty period. PART 2 - PRODUCTS ACCE PTABLE MANUFACTURERS t I I T t SUBMITTALS SHOP DRAI{INGS AND PRODUCT DATA Submit shop drawing (s) of carpet Architect I s review. searning layout for the I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDrroN/RENovATroNI TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I 09680 -1 Condomi.nium: Shaw Carpets: n uda" color - Meridi.an 00 o 130 with rebond pad Carpet at public areas: A11 floor corridors, hall, Iobby, , accounting, sales, lounge/library, ' managers office' asst. mqr. office, lobby/ga]1ery, reception, reservations - Designweave, Caravan *9848t3-Mirage, with enhancer laminate w/ moisture barrier backS-ng. Banquet and conference/meeting - Shaw Industries' Hos_pi.tality Designs, Navax pointe #50L38 Color - Cardigan Bay *38391 with enhancer laminated with moisture barrier backing. ADHESIVE Adhesive for use in carpeting work shall be non-toxic' non- flammable waterProof release tyPe cement as recommended by the carpet manufacturer for the intended application. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSPECTION Inspect all floor surfaces to receive carpeting, existing tile' maslic, etc. shatl remain as necessary. Conunencement of calpet installation shall be taken as acceptance of surface and responsibility for finished product. PREPARATION Repair and/or modify existing floor surface as required. with "Fioorstone' o! skim coat to provide level, even floor suitable for carpet installation. Speciat. care shall be taken at doorhlays where a-djacent room floor coverings will member with new carpet installation. INSTALLATIONcarpet shall be installed, wall to wall, using continuous lengths and broadest widths possible to mininize the Placement of seams in traffic lanes. Cut edges shall be trued and appropriately treated to form invisible and -non-raveling joj.nts where exposed. Recommend procedures for installation furnished by the manufacturer shall be followed exactly. No pieces of less than 4t in width shall be installed in cbrridorl or traffic Patterns. Pieces of less than 2t in width shall not be used except where such a width is required to complete flooring in excess of ful-I ro11 widths. DIRECT GLUED DOWN APPLICATION Exterj-or corridor/walk, carpetj.ng shall be applied by direct glue- down methods. The substrate shall be inspected and prepared for the instatlation of carpet. Remove all oil, wax, dirtr or any other material which may affect adhesion' ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO o SaI I I I I t I I I I I T T I I I I I I I 09680 -2 I I t I I I I I I I t t T I I FIELD QUAIITY CONTROL Inetalied carpet shall be free of spots, dirt or soil and shall be without tears and frayed or pu11ed tufts and shalL be free of obvj-ous color variations at seams. Carpet shal1 be smooth and free of humps or air bubbles between carPet and substrate. Any such defecti which cannot be remedied to the satisfaction of the Architect shall require removal of carpet affected and replacement with new materials. AD.'USTING AND CLEANING After installation is complete, clean up atl dirt and debris and remove all soiled spots from carpet with cleaning agents recommended by the manufacturer. Remove all loose threads. Remove excess adhesive from carpet and adjacent areas. Thoroughly clean carPet. EXTRA STOCK Carpet scraps larger than 5r-0" in minimum dimension shall be delivered to tne d*nner. Provide a minimum of 20 square yards of each color carpet for Owner's stock. END OF SECTION 09680 t I ANTLERs coNDoMrNtuMs ADDtrtoN/RENovATtoNr TowN oF vAtL, EAGLE couNw, coLoRADo I I 09680 -3 I I I I T t I t I I I I t t t I SECTION O99OO PAINTING PART 1 GENER,AL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and the general provisions of the contract including the general and supplementary conditions apply to the work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF V|ORK: The extent of painting work is shown on the drawings and schedules, and as herein specified. It is the intent of thii work that all exposed surfaces be finished or painted. The work includes painting and finishing of newly installed'- remodeled, or replaced interior and exterior exposet''. i-tems and surfaces throughout the project, except as otherwise indicated on the drawings. Also include new mechanical grilles, exposed ductwork, registerst louvers (except prefinished aluminum), access panel doors and frames and panei covers and frames for electrical work and systems "Paint" as used herein means all coating systems materials' includlng primers, emulsions, enamels, stains, sealers and fi1lers, - and other applied materials whether used as prime' intermediate or fi-nish coats. Paint work required shalf include new hollow metal doors and frames, (painL reused exlsting frames(including elevator door frames) and panels to match new hollow metal work), new drywall' patched plaster wa1ls and ceiling, new grillesr etc. Paint interior of existing stairwells. Restore and paint alI exterior concrete as indicated on drawings. PAINTING NOT INCLUDED: The following categories of work are not included as part of the field-applied finish work, or are included in other sections of Ehese specifications. shop Priming: unless otherwise specified, shop priming of ferrous metll items is included under the various sections for structural steel, miscellaneous metal, hollow metal work, and similar items. A1so, for fabricated components such as shop-fabrj.cated or factory-built mechanical and electrical equipment or accessories. Pre-Pinished Items: Unless otherwise indicated, do not require painting when prefinishing, factory-finishing or installer i:.trisniiq is 'spetified for such items as (but not limited to) metal toilet enclosures, prefinished partition systems, acoustic I ANTLERS coNDoMtNtuMs ADDtrtoN/RENovATtoNr TowN oF vAtL. EAGLE couNw, coLoRADo I t 09900 -1 materials, ru.t, finished casework, ri*nea mechanical and electrical equipnent including light fixtures, maj-n switchgear and distribulion cabinets, copper flashing integral , color E.I.F.S., doors and equipment, pre finished clad window and door frames' and other prefinished metals. Untouched Existing Surfaces: Unless otherwise indicated' Painting is not required on surfaces of natural stone' synthetic stucco or mechanicai and storage areas which are not scheduled for renovatj-on and generally inaccessible areas, fan rooms' elevator equipment room, pipe spaces, duct shafts and elevator shafts. Finished Metat Surfaces: Metal surfaces of prefinished' factory coated or anodized aluminum, stainless steel' chromium Plate, baked enamel, copper, bronze, and similar finished materials will not require finish painting, unless othervrise indicated' operating Parts and Labels: Moving parts of operating units' michanicil and electrical parts, such as valve and damper operators, Iinkages, sinkages, sensing devices, motorr and fan sirafts will nol require finish painting unless otherwise indicated. Do not paint over any code-required labels, such as Underwritersr Laborat-ories and Faclory Mutual, or any equipment identification; performance rating' name or nomenclature plates ' unfinished Areas: Do not paint floors, walls or ceili.ngs of rooms or spaces scheduled as unfinisbed' QUALITY ASSURANCE: Mere not othelwise specified' foll-ow iecommendations of "Paj.nting and Decorating Contractors of America, TyPe 1, Recomrnended Jobs'' SUBMITTALS SAMPLES: Submit samples for Owner's Representative and Architects review of color and texture selected from full line of colors avaiLable. contractor to submit sample books for this purpose. On actual surfaces to receive paint and other exterior and interior bullding comPonents, dupticate painted- finishes of the pieparea samples.- On it least 10 sq. ft. of.surface as directed, itoiiO. fulllcoat finish samples untit reguired sheen, color and iexture is obtainedi simulale finished lighting conditions for review of in-place work. Prepare sample concrete iestoration/textured finish area 4t X 4r for Architects and O;;;;;s iepre6entative approval: Also concrete block finish. ANTLERS CONDOM]NIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I 09900 -2 I I I I I I I I I I Submit 3 samples torQ"n of the fotlowing: pairQa gypsum board 15" X 15" sample stained or natural finish wood door L2" x L2" sample DELIVERY AND STORAGE: Deliver aII materials to the jobsite in origS-naI, new and unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label, and name of materj.alr FS number if applicable, stock nunlcer, date of manufacture' contents by volume for major constituents, thinning and application instructions, color number and name . Assign room or space for Installer use and storage' adeguately I illuminated and venti.lated. Follow applicable safety laws and I regulations. JOB CONDITIONS: Apply paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and the surrounding air temperatures axe between 45 degrees Fahrenheit and 95 degrees Fahrenheit unless otherwise permitted by the paint manufacturerrs printed instructi-ons. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog or mist; or when the relative hurnidity exceeds 85t; or to damp or wet surfacesi unless otherwise permitted by the paint manufacturer's printed instructions. Paint,ing may be continued duri.ng inclement weather only if the areas and surfaces to be painted are enclosed and heated within the temperature limits specified by the paint manufacture during application and drying peri-ods. PART 2 PRODUCTS COLORS AND FINISHES: I Color Pigment: Pure, non-fading applicable types to suit the I substrates and services indicated. Limit lead content as required by law. Paint Coordination: Provj-de finish coats whlch are compatible wj.th prime paints used. Review other sections of these specifications in which prime paints are to be provided to insure compatibility of total coating system for various substrates. Upon request from other trades, furnish informatlon on characteristics of finish materials proposed for use, to insure compatible prime coats are used. MANUFACTURES r A11 paint for'interior surfaces shall be washable. I I I t I ANTLERs coNDoMrNruMs ADDrroN/RENovATroNI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO T I 09900 -3 Provide paint rnQe.iur" manufactured by onlo, the following: Masonry, Concrete and fiberglas reinforced cement boardcoating: Thoro System Products, Thorite, Thorocoat PAINT: Pittsburgh KWAL Glidden Komac Benjamin Moore Polyurethane finish: "Varathane" or "Marvathane" or equal. Provide glazed coatings by: Lurninal 'Ceram' Glidden Tnemec GLOSS Provide finish coats with gloss rating on 60 degrees gloss meter as shown on paint schedule and as follows! Low = 11 to 39; Semi =40 to 59; Gloss = 60 or more. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and reprime as required. Notify the Architect in writing of any anticipated problems using specified coating systems with substrates primed by others. WOOD STAINPainter to submit samples of stain and polyurethane- coating on prepared hardwood, doors, etc. to match materials used at site. Additional samples until approved by owner and architect. MATERIAL QUALITY: Provide the best quality grade of the various types of coatings as regularly manufactured by acceptable paint materials manufacturers. Materials not displaying the manufacturer's identification as a standard' best-grade product will not be acceptable. Paint Schedute: Schedule of surfaces and system at the end of thi-s Section covering materials to be used. PART 3 EXECUTION INSPECTION: Starting of painting work will be construed as the Applicator's acceptance of the surfaces and conditions within any particular area. Do not paint over dirtr rustr scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions otherwise detri-mental to the formation of a durable paint film. SURFACE PREPARATION: I I t I I I I t t I t I I I T I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 09900 -4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I SURFACE PREPARATION, O General: Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in,strict accordance with the paint manufacturer's instructions and as herej.n specified, for each partj-cular substrate condition. Mask off or remove all hardware, hardware accessories, machined surfaces, plates, lighting fixtures, and similar items in place and not to be finished painted. Following completion of painting of each space or area, remove maskj-ng. Reinstall all removed items by workmen skill.ed in the trades involved. Clean surfaces to be painted before applying paint or surface treatments. Remove oil and grease prior to mechanical cleaning. Program the cleaning and painting so that contarninants from the cleaning process wil,L not fall onto wet, newly-painted surfaces. Prime, stain, or seaf wood required to be job-painted imnediately upon deli,very to job. Prime edges, ends, faces, undersj-des' and backsides .of such wood, including cabinets' counters' cases. paneling, etc. Seal tops, bottoms, and cut-outs of unprirned wood doors wj-th a heavy coat of varni-sh or eguivalent sealer imnediately upon delivery to job. MATERIAL PREPARATION: Store, mix and prePare painting materials in accordance with manufacturerts directions. Stir materials before application to produce a mixture of uniform density, and stir as required during the application of the materials. Do not stir film into the material-. Remove the filn and if necessary, strain the material before using. APPLICATION: General: Apply paint j-n accordance with the manufacturer's directions. Use applicators and technigues best suited for the substrate and type of materials being applied. r Apply additional coats when undercoats, stains or other I conditions show through the final coat of paint, until the paintr film is of uniform finish, color and appearance. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Paj-nt surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or. furniture with prime coat only before final installation of equipment. I I I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDrroN/RENovATroNI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO T I 09900 -5 Scheduling pairl.ng, Allow sufficient til between successive coatings to permit proper drying. Do not recoat until paint has dried to where the application of another coat of paint dges not cause Iifting or loss of adhesion of the undercoat. Prime Coats: Apply a prime coat of material which is required to be painted. or finished, and which has not been prime coated by others Provide satin finish for finaL coats, un.l-ess otherwise indicated. Conpleted Work: Match approved samples for color, texture and coverage. Renove, refinish or repaj-nt work not j.n complJ-ance with specified required. CLEAN-UP AND PROTECTION: Clean-up: During the progress of the work, remove from the site aLl- discarded paint rnaterials, rubbish, cans and rags at the end of each work day. Upon completion of painting work, clean adjacent surface materials. Remove spattered paint by proper methods of washing and scraping, using care not to scratch or otherwise damage finished surfaces. Protection: Protect vtork of other trades, whether to be pai.nted or not, agaj-nst damage by painting and finishing work. Correct any damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing. and repainting, as acceptable to the Architect. Provide "Wet Paint' signs as required to Protect newly-painted finishes. Remove temporary protective wrapping provided by others for protection of their work, after completion of painting operations. At the completion of work of other trades, touch-up and restore all damaged or defaced painted surfaces. SCAEDULE OF Pt,n|TINe: ExlIt8IOR I METAL: Including galvanized flashing, grilles, steel guardrails' steel handrails, steel gate, etc.: one coat galvanized metal primer, Two coats satin oil alkYd. METAL FRAMES AND DOORS: One coat primer, Two coats sati-n enamel EXTERIOR HOLLOW METAL DOORS: One coat primer, Two coats satin enamel I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I t I EXTERIOR SOFFITS AND BALCONY RAILWALLS, fiberglas reihforced cement board), one acrylic Iaytex coating. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO ETC.: (Concrete and coat primer, one coat 099@ -6 I I I CONCRETE TERRACE, transparent, concret o BALC est paneJ-s. EXTERIOR SOFFITS AND BALCONY RAILWALLS' ETC.: (Concrete and fibergtas reinforced cement board) ' one coat Thoro primer, one coat Thorocoat coating. I :TI?.35? pREcAsr coNcREtE coprNc, euorNs, cAP, Erc.: No paintins EXTERIOR REDWOOD SIDING: One flood coat semi-transparent stain. (factory finished). EXTERIOR CEDAR SOFFIT: One flood coat seml-transparent stain, (factory finished) . SCEDI'I.A OF PAIIIIINTG: IIf,IBERIOR GYPSUM BOARD SOFFITS AND CONCRETE CEILINGS: SiMUIATCd ACOUSI1C plaster finj-sh throughout. PUBLIC RESTROOMS AND BANQUET KITCHEN: One coat primer, one coat catalyzed coating, satin finiqh. Coating shall meet minimurn health departrnent requirements relative to thicknessi washability, etc. WOOD DOORS, (INCLUDING PINE AND LOUVERED BI-FOLD) WOOD WINDOWS, HANDRAILS, UNFINISHED MILLWORK, WOOD TRIM' BASE. CASING' ETC.: One coat wiped stain, two coats polyurethane, satin finish or potyurethane varnish. Rub with fine steel wool between coats. METAL DOOR FRAMES, GRILLES, HANDRAILS, EXPOSED STEEL: ONE COAI primer, two coats satin alkyd enamel . Refini-sh existing door irames to be re-used at stairwells and elevator - sand, fill, coat primer, two coats satin alkyd enamel CONCRETE: (AlI exposed surfaces' walls, ceiling, etc. ) : Inside new public elevator vestibules rubbed architectural finish. CABINETS AND SHELVING: Prefinished according to manufactuler's standard finish as selected by Architect. GYPSUM BOARD WALLS: One coat heavy texture sealer, two coats enamel, satin finish, KWAL PMC 585, Pratt 6' Lambert "Vaprex' flat wa1l latex, U.S. Paint and Lacquer Laytex FIat WaIl Finish. CONCRETE CEILINGS: One coat simulated acoustic plaster coating. As shown on drawings. I I I t I I I I t T I I ONIES (at aLl- new condo units): 1 coat ain apptied to walking surface of precast I ANTLERS coNDoMtNtuMs ADDlrtoN/RENovATtoNr TowN oF vAtL, EAGLE couNw, coLoRADo t I 09900 -7 CLOSET Al{D STORAGE SHELVfNG: One coat prirner, one coat,enaurel satin finish. Factory finished does not require above finish. PREFINISHED DOORS: (Optiona1) according to manufacturer's standard finish as selected by Architect. INTERIOR WOOD: One coat wiped stain, two coats polyurethane satin finish or polyurethane varnish. Rub with fine steel wool between coats. Repaint surfaces: One coat of satin latex or alkyd enamel . END OF SECTION O99OO ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I 09900 -8 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 1O1OO MISCELI,ANEOUS PART 1 GENERAL SPECIALTIES RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of the contract including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Reguirements, apply to the work specified in this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK; The work under this section shal-l equiprnent and services necessary provide thj-s accessories as shortn herein. include alf materials, Iabor, and reasonably incidental to on the drawings and sPecified SUBMITTALS Submit manufacturer, s technical- data and installation instruction for each accessory. Provide setting drawings, templates, instruction and directions for installation if applicable. Installation sha11 conply witft appllcable ANSI A LL?. L Standards. PART II PRODUCT FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: ShalL be 5 pound carbon dioxide' instafled in Banquet kitchen, boiler room, maintenance room' and trash room complete with wall mounting brackets. ACCESS DOORS: Milcor, Style DW and K as applicable for drywall and plaster, !4- X !4", ex sizes sho!'rn were necessary. Fire rated units for fire rated walls and/or ceilinqs with UL Labe1 as requJ-red. BIKE RACK: Three (3) 8', I I/2" galvanized schedule 40 pipe, bent to serve secure bike storage, for bolted surface mounting' factory fj.nish black powder coat paint, "Bike Rib" Series II as manufactured by Function First Security, Tucson AZ Mode} BR6. Install in new concrete walk slab at north east as indicated- GAS APPLIANCE VENTED WALL FURNACE: ShAlI bE SCT1ES TOOO manufactured by Heat-N-Glo with TR Technology direct vent allowing either top vent or side vent option wj-th the same unit. Sealed combustj-on unit with DF7000 Front (or as selected). Al-1 units furnished with uLlcUL Label, hand held remote control, fan I ANTLERS coNDoMtNtuMs ADDtloN/RENovATloN I rowN oF vArL, EAGLE couNw, coLoRADo I t 10100 -1 kit for neat cilulation with air filters t H."t-out and Heat - zone feature. width 42" height 38" depth 22" (glass size 36" x 24"1 . Install in strict accordance with manufacturers diregtions, maintaining all clearances, vent termination approvals and Iocations. Refer to plans and elevations for flue routing and termination. TOWER CLOCK: 72n diameter, Outdoor Style 1000 for surface mounting on existing 6" precast concrete wall of stair/elevator tower, (in place of 'antlers" and deer logo). "Silhouette" as manufactured by Electric Tine Company' Inc. or equal. Conventional surface mounted with electric clock movement with remote set control , installed on back side of wall for rear access. Clock Face'C'hands rVSr of aluminurn for factory paint finj-sh (color as selected by Architect) . Electric Time, 45 West Street, Medfield' MA 02052, Tel: 1-800-531-2562. Install complete according to manufacturer's instructions. Utilize existing spot liqht for illumination. InstaII power and control wiring as necessary. SAUNA: Provide and install complete redwood panel sauna with benches, heater, glass door, redwood floor and ceiling of size indicated on plans. Utilize 1' x 6" vertical grain redwood wall and ceiling boards, 2n X ztt bench boards and 2q X 4' floor boards. ceiting ? ' -On provide 10" foil backed fibergla! insulation surrounding sauna at walls and ceiling with metal stud framing and furring. Install 'Finlandia't FV-KV 80, 8000 watts, 240v, wall mounted heater with progralnmable control unity with 60 minute timer. Install "Finlandia" etched glass door FGD-R (2r-0r x 6'-8"), heater fence, fresh air,/exhaust air vents, 2 lights, InstaII according to Code and manufacturers instructions. BOOT DRYER RACK: (36 Boot Capacity) Commerclal oak rack system, single sided, Model #5SR5 (73tr w' 17'D' 95"H) as manufactured by Ai.r Dry Systems, Glpsum, CO (tel: 97O-724-O'l 50) . Construction of abc plastic housing, solid natural oak sides with satin lacquer finish, epoxy coated steel shelving, flexible corrugated poyethelene tubing. 115 V. AC, timer w programmable on/off, 6r pohrer cord. GAS BAR-B-QUE: Sha11 be a Pacific Gas specialties Model K40, Ii-ndividual burners at 40 MBH input each, 80 MBH Total , two 12) Iknob control . t I I t I I I I I I I T T ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I I I I r0100 -2 I rNsrALLATroN I Strictly comply with manufacturer's printed instructions for each proposed installation condition. I END OF SECTTON 10100 I PAR' 3 EXEcurroN T I I I I I I T I I I t t I ANTLERs coNDoMrNruMS ADDrroN/RENovATroNI TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I 10100 -3 I I T I SECTION 10155 TOILET PARTITIONS RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and the General Provisions of the Contract, i-ncluding the General and Supplementary Conditions' apply to the Work of this Section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Supply and j-nstall all toilet partition work I as shown on drawings and is speci-fied herein. Toilet partj.ti-ons t required at men's, women's, (public restrooms) and dressing rooms for sauna. SHOP DRAWINGS: Per General Conditions, submit two (2) samples of manufacturer I s standard colors and hardware for selection and approval by Architect. GUARANTEE: Per General Conditions. MEASUREMENTS: Verify all dimensions shown on drawings by taking fj-eld measurements; proper fit and attachment of all parts is required. COORDINATION: Coordinate with all other trades whose Work relates to toilet partitions for placlng of all required backing and furring. to insure proper locati,ons. DELIVERY AND STORAGE: Deliver and store materials i.n dry,protected areas. Keep free of corros j,on or other damage. Replace any damaged parts at no cost to Owner. MANUFACTURER: Provide metal toilet partitions by one of the following: American Sanitary Partition Corp., General Partitions Manufacturing Co., Flush-Meta1 Partitions, Global Steel Products Corp., Knickerbocker Partition Corp., Mills Metal Compartment Co. Sanynetal Products Co., SHEET METAL: ASTM A 591, glavanized-bonderized of the following thickness:Pilaster (overhead braced) : PaneIs: 20 gauge Doors: 22 gauge 20 gauge Concealed Reinforcement for Anchorage: 12 gauge Concealed Reinforcement for Tapping: 14 gauge CORE MATERIAL: Manufacture's standard sound deadening, core. I I I I I I I I t I I I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDrtoN/RENovATroN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO T T 10155 -1 I PILASTER SHOES: AISI Type 302l304' 20 gauge stainl-ess stee1, 3.' high finish to match hardware. Furnish shoes at each pilaster. I STIRRUP BRACKETS: Standard, heavy duty, operating hardware and accessories non-ferrous cast alloy with satin chrome finish. ANCHORAGE AND FASTENERS: Standard theft-proof exposed fasteners, fini-shed to match hardware. FABRICATIoN: Pressure lamlnate face sheets to core' edges seafed with continuous locking strip or lapping and formed edges. Miter and weld corners with welds ground smooth, or cap with stainless steel fittings. Provj.de concealed reinforcement for installati.on of hardware, fittings, brackets and required accessories. Reinforce partition panels for attachment of grab bars as reguired. FLOOR SUPPORTED PILASTERSz t-t/4" thick units with galvanized steel anchorage devices complete with threaded rods. Iock washers and leveling nuts. Doors 1' thick minimum, size as shown. HARDWARE AND ACCESSORIES: Provide for each door as follows: Hinges: Adjustable to hold door open at any angle Latch and Keeper: Recessed with combination rubber faced door strike and keeper. BAKED ENAMEL FINISH: Colors as selected from manufacturer's standard colors selected by Architect. I INSTALLATIoN: rnstall partitions rigid, straight' plumb and level in accordance with manufacturerts printed j-nstructions. Set units Iwith t/2" maximum between pilasters and panels and L" maximum Iclearance between panels and walls. CLEANING AND ADJUSTMENT: Perform final adjustments to leveling devices, door hardwarer etc. Clean exposed surfaces and touch-up minor finish imperfections. END OF SECTION 10155 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I t I I I t I I I I I I T I I 10155 -2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T sEcTroN 10500 METAL LOCKERS PART 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and generaL provisions of the contract, including the General Requirement of Supplementary General Conditions, apply to the work in this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Furnish and install new steel lockers' accessories and finish metal trim as shown or indicated on approved drawlngs. SUBMITTALS: Shop Drawings: Submit drawings showing locker types, sizes and quantities, including all necessary details relating to anchoring, trlm installation and relationship to adjacent surfaces. Numbering: the locker numbering sequence will be provided by the owner's Representative noted on the approved drawings returned to the locker contractor. Color Charts: Provide color charts showing manufacturer's available colors. L'och Cobination LiaUinga end Mestcr X.y!: Itse only rbcn coobinatiou l.ockc a!. specifird Dc1ivercd dircetly to Ort,orrs R.Irrorentrtivc. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Uniformity: Provide each type of metal Iocker as produced by a single manufacturer, including necessary accessories, fittings and fasteners. Job Conditions: Do not deliver metal lockers until building is enclosed and ready for locker installation. Protect from damage during delivery, handling, storage and installation. MANUFACTURER: Republic Storage Systems Company, Inc. Products by other rnanufactures may be approved provided they meet the detailed ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I t I I 10500 -1 specification wlitten beLow. Approval procedure shall .be as specified int he General Conditions of these speci.fications. LOCKERS: I I I I I I I I T t I t t I T t I I I Style: Single Tier Size: with 12" or 15", depth 15" or Color: from manufacturer's standard No. of Locker Openings: Refer Plans (Sheet A-4) ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO L8", height must be 84"color selections (Sheet A-3) SKI STORAGE FITNESS CENTER FABRICATIONS - GENERAL: MATERIAL: Al1 major steel parts shall be made of m1ld col"or rolled steel , free from imperfections and capable of taking a high-grade enamel finish. CONSTRUCTION: Lockers shall be buj.lt on the unit principle, each locker having an individual door and frame, an individual top, bottom, back and shelves with conrmon intermediate uprights separating units. (Double face lockers may have conmon backs.) Assembly fasteners shall be zinc plated, low round head slotlessr' fin neck machine screws wi.th hex nuts. Bolt or rivet heads shall not be exposed on faces of doors or frames. DOOR FRAMES: Shall be 18 gauge formed into 1" face channel shapes with a continuous vertical door strike integral with the frame on both sides of the door openj-ng. Cross frames members of 16 gauge channel shapes to be securely welded to vertical framing members to ensure a square and rigid assembly. Intermediate cross frame members not required on box lockers. DOORS: Shall be 16 gauge or 18 gauge steel for short or narrow doors as required by manufactuler's design, formed with full. channel shape on the lock side to fully conceal the lock bar, channel formation on the hinge side and right angle formation across the top and bottom, Locker doors have louvers in the face of each door and shall be punched to accept built-in locks and key locks. LOCKING DEVICE - A11 "tiered' lockers, except lockers with a turn handle, shall be equipped with a positive automatic per-Iocking device whereby the locker may be locked while door is open and then closed without unlocking and without damaging Iocking mechanism. 10500 -2 I I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I LATCHING- Tiered Lockers: Sha1l be a one-pj-ece, pre-lubricated spring steel latch, completely contained within the Iock bar under tension to provide rattle-free operations. The lock bar shall be of pre-painted, double-channe] steel construction held Iaterally in the door channel by means of non-removable self- formed pierced from the door. There sha1l be three latchingpoints. HANDLES - Tiered Lockers: All handle parts shalL be make from sturdy zinc die cast material. The fixed case 1s attached to the door with two hex head screws and a shock absorbing stud. Thecase must truly shield the lifting trigger from below. The lifting trigger to have two right angle lugs that insert into the lock bar without the use of a fastening device. The lifting trigger to be equipped with rubber silencers at top and bottom to prevent metal-to metal contact. The padlock attachment with 3,/8" diameter hole is positioned so that the fixed handle caseprovides a padlock strike. The handle design must be free of openings or surfaces that permit leverage to be applied. FRAME HOOKS AND DOOR SILENCES: Frame hooks to latching sha1I beof heavy gauge steel, set close in and welded to the door frame.' Continuous vertical door strj-ke shalI protect frame hooks from door slam damage. The lmpact caused by the door cLosing shall be absorbed by a soft rubber silencer, which is to be securely installed on each framed hook. HINGES - Hinges to be 2"style, securely we.Lded todoor flange. Hinges are have three hinqes. high, 5-knuckLe, fulI Ioop, tight pin frame and ri"veted to the inside of the attached with two rivets. Doors shall BODY - The body of the locker consists of 24 gauge upright sheets, backs, tops, and shelves. Bottoms shall be 16 llauge diamond punched so as to allow drainage. Tops, bottoms shal-I be 16 gauge diamond punched so as to allow drainage. Tops, bottoms and shelves are flanged on all four sides; backs are flanged on two sides. Uprights shall be offset at the front and flanged at the rear to provide a double lapped rear corner. AII bolts and nuts shaLl, be zinc plated. LATCHING - BOX LOCKERS: Doors for box lockers shall be equipped with a padlock hasp and a staj.nless steel strike plate with an integral handle pull . Box locker doors may also be equipped with built-in locks. I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I I 10500 -3 INTERIOR EQUIPMENT - Single tier lockers shall have o{re hatshelve. SheJ.f shall be full width but only one half locker depth. Locker bottoms shall be equipped with a slip stop flange so as toprevent skis from sliding out of locker. All lockers sha11 have one double prong back hook, and two single prong waLl hooks. AII hooks to be made of steel, formed with ball points, zinc-pJ.ated and attached wlth two bolts or rivets. NUMBER PLATES: ShaII be polished aluminum with black numerals notless than t/2" high. Plates shall be attached to the door face Iwith two rivets. I FINISH: Surfaces of the steel sha11 be thoroughly cleaned andphosphatized in a seven-stage process. All parts shall then befinished with heavy coat of enamel baked on at 300 degrees for 30 minutes, COLOR: Door and exposed body parts to be finished in colorsselected from Republic's collection of twenty-five colors. Non- exposed body parts are finished in #83 Decorator Tan. End of SECTION 10500 I I I I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO I I I I I t I I I I I I t I 10500 -4 I I T I I I I I I I I I I t t SECTION 1O8OO TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and the general provisions of the contract' including the General and Supplementary Conditi.ons' apply to the work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work under thj.s sectj.on shall include all materials' Iabor. equipment and services necessary and reasonably incidental to provide toilet and bath accessorj.es as shown on the drawlngs and specified herein. Grab bars are to be I public restrooms.T QUALITY ASSURANCE Conform to requi.rements accessories for test oerformance. installed at wheeL chair accessible stal1s ln of ASTM F446 for grab bars and methods, anchorage and functional instructj.ons for each accessory. Provide setting drawings, templates' instructions for installation of anchorage devices. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Provide products of the same manufacturer for each type of accessory unit and for units exposed in he same areas, unless otherwise acceptable to the Owner. SUBMITTALS Submit manufacturer's technical data and instal- lation and directions MANUFACTURERS: Bobrick Washroom Equi-pment' Inc. reference. ) Watrous, Inc. Accessory Specialties, Inc. Bradley Charles Parker Co. (mode] numbers used for I ANTLERS coNDoMrNtuMS ADDtrtoN/RENovATtoNI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I t 10800 -1 Include anchorage devices, trim and accessories as requj.red forcomplete installation. STAINLESS STEEL: AISI TYPE 302/304 with polished No. 4 finish, 22 gage minimurn. SHEET STEEL Cold-rol1ed, comrnercial quality ANSI/ASTM A366, 20 gage minimum.Surface preparation and metal pretreatment as required forapplied finish. GALVANIZED STEEL MOUNTING DEVICES: ANSI/ASTM A525, hot dip. Galvanized after fabricatj.on. FASTENERS: Concealed mounting devices and.fasteners to be fabricated of samematerial as the accessory or of galvanized steel as recommendedby the manufacturer. Exposed mounting devices and fasteners to be finished to matchthe accessory. AI1 fasteners are to be theft resistant. I I t I T I I ACCESSORIES: PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER AND WASTE recessed or pre approved equal each publ j.c restroom) . TOILET PAPER HOLDERS: Bobrick 8-273 - one at each public restroom water closet. MIRRORS AND SHELVES: (one for each new public restroom lavatory Bobrick B-290 24" X 36". Bobrick B-296 stainless steel shelves. Slheel-chair accessible public restrooms shall receive 24" X 36"mirror mounted on wall directly above backsplash at 38" abovefloor (top '1 4" A.F.F.). Mirror shall have tilting capability, Meek, 24" X 36" adjustable 18 GA frame, stainless stee1. PURSE SHELF: (one for women's handicapped restroom) Bobrick :H--28'7 GRAB BAR: Vfater Closets 42" and 24u X t L/2' grab bar, stainless steel by Geneial Access Manufacturing with concealed flanges or ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO RECEPTACLE: Bobrick 8-38032 seml- 12 required for installation in I I I I t I I t I I I I 10800 -2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I apploved equal . Other acceptable manufacturers: Elcoma andFranklin Brass MEDICINE CABINETS: (Condominium baths) Recessed and surface tomatch lavatory cabinet. (Refer to Section 06200 - Finish Carpentry. ) MIRRORS: AL] condominium lavatories shafl be fi-xed on wall abovevanity full height and wal1 width (refer Section 08000). TOILET PAPER HOLDER: (AI1 condominium bath waterclosets) recessed chrome paper roll holder as selected. TOWEL BARS:. (A11 condominium baths) 2 - 24" chrome, 1 - 36" chrome as selected. SHOWER ROD: Shall be Chrome Manufactured by Franklin Brass, Mi-ami Carey or Hallmark, 1" dia. X 5' or 6' as reguired. One at eachtub and shower. One at each of 3 dressing areass MO-1. Showerrods shall be fastened with mo1ly anchors only (no compression/friction or screw mounting permitted) . SHOViER NICHE/SHELF: one 12" X 3" tile shelf (12" high niche) at each shower, bu1lt as recess in tile wa1l, as shown on drawingsor located by Architect. PART 3- EXECUTION ]NSTALLATION:Secure accessori.es 1n accordance with theinstructions for each item and each type manufacturer's of substrate constructi,on. Locate as shown on the drawings or as directed by Owner's Representatlve. Conform to Uniform Building Code, and ANSI A117.1for positions and mounting heights for access by the handicapped. Coordinate locations with other work to avoid interference and to assure proper operation and servicing of units. Set at mounting heights as shown on drawings. Provide anchors,bolts and other anchorages and attach accessories secureLy towalls and partitions j-n locations as shown or directed. Usetoggle bolts at hoLlow cel1 masonry, wood screws at gypsum board into wood blocking, expansion anchors at concrete or solid masonry, "molly" anchors at gypsum board.. Plastic inserts areprohibited. Mount grab bars into sofid blocking anchored to studs. ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW. COLORADO 10800 -3 CLEANING AND ADJUSTMENTS: Clean and polish all- exposed surfaces after installation and after removing labels and protective coatings or coverings. Test and adjust accessories for proper operation and to assure that anchorage is sufficient. Replace damaged or defective devices. END OF SECTION 1O8OO I I I I I I I I T I I t I I I I I t I ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 10800 -4 I SECTION II452 I RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES T PART I GENERAL I RELATED DoCUMENTS:I The general provisions of the Contract including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Reguirements, apply to the I work specified in this section. I- DEscRrprroN oF woRK: r Provide and install residential appli.ances as specified below. I fncl-ude all incidental materials, labor and accessories asI necessary and/or requj-red by Code. I SUBMITTALS I Submit manufacturers technlcal data and installation instructions. I PART 2 PRODUCTS. I NEr CONDOMMIUx ttNItS General Electric "Piofile" appliances Color Bisque I Standard throughout (unless -otherwise noted) with acrylicpanel,/trim kit. I As an optional extra to be selected by Purchaser. I- REER.feERAIoR: TF x 25 ppB side by side, 25.2 c.E. j-ce maker/waterDispenser Model, 36 1,/8"W X 68 3/4"H X 30 1/4"D II RtFRrcERAtoR 518. 519, 620, 62L: TAx4DNywH GE 3.i cu. Ft. Spacemaker. 18.88"W X 34.50"H X 20.75"D I BUILA-nI CooEIOP (GAll) : JGP 336 CEV, 30"W X zL"D, 4 sealed burners I DrsElIAtiEER: GSp 5950 Dcc, 24,, Buirt-in Dj-shwasher, 34"H xr 24 3/4"D- I ovER-TEE-RtttcE t{rcRortr\tE o\rEN: JVM 16GocB, 1.6 c. F., ro00 watts, I 15.5 amp., two speed high capacity exhaust fan 300 CFM to 3l/4" X 10'ducted outside vent 29 7/8"W X L6 L5/32"H x 15 L/'J.6"D. I BUIL!-nt SINGII OVEN: JK 910 CA, 27'I Convention/Self Clean El-ectric Oven, 26 5/8"W X 29 t/8"H X 23 5/8"D, 3.4 Kw G 240v., 20 amps. T I ANTLERS CONDOMTNTUMS ADDTTTON/RENOVATTON I TOWN OF VA|L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLOBADO T I 11452 -1 rnol|I IJorDINc rngEER/DrER: W5XH208V 2.'t c.E. washer and DSXH 43 GV 6 C.F. gas dyer, instaLled as stacking, Color White T I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I I I I BIPIPIIE TN|IT IPPI.!INCIS : REIRIGERIIIOR: GE TBX 18 JAB, 18.2 C.F., Maker, 29 3/8"W X 54 3/4"H x 29 L3/L6'D Rllf€tr: GE JGBP3O I{EA, 30" Free Standing RlltC !OOD: GE W347 X 30" Three Speed vent Color White, Auto lce Gas Range, Color Fan,3L/4"X10' DISEWIEIA,: GE GSD2130 $lW, 24"W X 34"H X 25 L/8"D, Color PT'BLIC IREIS: BIR: Dishwasher GSD 4330Zlitw, White -Ice Maker -ICE-O-MATIC EUC 150 HAP Refreigerator - TGM 14R Turbo air NIT G['IS! IATTNDR!: Reuse existing coin operated yrasher and dryers LOBBT/GEIIA!: Microwave JE 1390 GA, Black toutrct/LrBRilRt: RIFRIffi,IAOR: TAX4DNYWH GE 3.7 Cu. Ft. Spacemaker. 18.88"I{ X 34 .50nH X 20.75"D PART 3 EXECUTION TNSTALLATION: Installation, clearances, heights, etc. according to ANSI A117.L. Locate as indicated on plans for apartment kitchens. Clean andpolish a1I exposed surfaces, assure that appliances operateproperly, doors function smoothly and units are leveled according to manufacturers instructions. CLEANING AND AD.]USTMENTS : Clean and polish all exposed surfaces after instal.lation and after removing labels and protective coatj-ngs or coverings. White duct to Whi.te ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 11452 -2 I Test and adjust "no?"n""" for proper op"t"t:.? u.o to assurethat anchorage is sufficient. Replace damaged or defective I ievices END OF SECTION IL452 T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANTLERS coNDoMrNruMs ADDrloN/RENovATroNI TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE coUNTY, coLoRADo t I 11452 -3 I I t I t I I T t I I I t I t t T sEcTroN 12300 MANUFACTURED CASEWORK PART 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: General Provisions of the Contract Documents including p1ans, Kitchen and Bath Elevations. SECTION 0]-340 - SHOP DRAWINGS. PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES SECTION 01630 - PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUB-SITUATIONS SECTION 06200 - FINISH CARPENTRY SECTION 06201 - COUNTERTOPS DESCRIPTION OF I{ORK: Provide and install wood cabinets at aLl newvanities. Include all incidental materials, labor as necessary and reguJ-red. SUBMITTALS: Submit product data, shop drawings and finlsh according to Section 01340. Field measure prior to ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PART 2 PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED UNITS: Prefabricated cabinetry according to drawings, details and field conditions. All cabinets conform to ANSI 161.1 Standard. Cabi-nets sha11 be Merit, Prarie School, Pine manufactured by Kitchen Connection, color Butternut. Wheelchair accessibility cabinetry sha1l conform to ANSI A 117.1 Standard. Contractors are encouraged to submit proposed substj.tution for manufactured casework utilizing solid hardwood doors and drawer fronts, refer Section 01630. Upper cabinet.s shall be 30" high or as shown. Provide drawer units as requj-red. Vanity cabinets 34" high, 2!" deep, width as shown to match ki.tchen cabinetry manufacturer, finish, etc. kitchens, bath and accessories color samples fabrication. T I 12300 -'l o I I I t T I I I T I I I I I T I I I t Vanity medicine cabinets Lsu X 36'' 3 t/2' deep as selected to match vanity cabinets, fj.nish' manufacturer, etc. Wheelchair accessible base cabinets according to ADA and HUD 504 (ANSI A117.1) with 8 3/4" xoe spacer 32 3/4" hLgl:, 24" deeP. Factory finish of all exposed surfaces shalL be factory stain, sealer, tno coats varnish as selected by Architect on pine. All doors and drawers to bave handle pulls as selected by Architect. INTERIOR FINISH: Neutral color, sealer. PART 3 EXECUTION INSTALLATION: Locate as indicated on plans' adjust doors, drawers' and hardware for proper operation. Level units as necessary. Coordinate installation with other trades for sinks, outlets' base, front mounted switches, appliances and countettops. Provide and install filler strips of material to match cabinet front. Clean all surfaces after installation. END OF SECTION 12300 ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 12300 -2 I I I I t I I I t I T I t I I I t I T sEcTroN 14200 HYDRAULIC PASSENGER ELEVATOR PART 1 - GENERAL SCOPE: Provide all hydraulic elevator equipment as shown on the drawings, as specified herein, and as required for the completed work. One elevator is required. SHOP DMWINGS: Submit per Section 01340, showing construction, layout and design, including location of cab, entranco construc{ion, equipment, loads, metal types and gauges, methods of installation and finishes. etc. SAMPLES: Per Section 01340, submit two (2) samples of all finish materials showing pattem, tenur€, colors and finish. GUARANTEE: Submit to Owner a on€-year factory guarantee for all parts of equipment and one-year service/labor guarantee for all equipment, as per Section 01740. MEASUREMENTS: Verify all dimensions shown on drawings by taking field measurements; proper fit and attachment of all parts is required. COORDINATION: Coordinate with all other trades whose work relates to elevator installation for placing all required blocking, subframing, backing, funing, etc. to insure proper locations. INSPECTION: Inspect hoistway, shaft, pit, machine room, rough openings and all conditions prior to installation and notify General Contractor in writinq of any conditions which would prevent satisfactory installation. TESTS: Conduct tests on all cars an presence of Architeci and/or Owne/s Representative prior to completion. DELMERY AND STOMGE: Deliver and store materials in dry, protected areas. Keep free of conosion, dust or other damages. Replace any damaged equipment or parts at no cost to Owner. INSTALLATION: Install all woft per codes and regulations and as indicated on drawings. Be responsible for all anchorage and requirements and provide galvanized anchors, plates, angles, channels, fastenings and any other supporting items or members necessary to complete the work. Any surfaces struc{urally weakened or otherwise damaged by work of this section shall be fully repaired or replaced at no cost to Owner. MAINTENANCE: In addition to required maintenance and protection during construction, provide maintenance on the entire work of this section for a period of (90) days commencing on the day the work has been approved. GENEML: Standards, (code), American Standard Safe$ Code for Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving Walks, ANSA A17.1 by ASME ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 14200 -1 o ELEVATOR TT ANUFACTURER: Dover Pre-Engineered Elevator is th€ basis of these specifications. However, equivalent Montgomery, CIis, Westinghouse, Continental or U.S. Westem are acceptable upon prior approval by the Architeci. PERMITS AND MANUALS: Fumish certificates/operation permits to owner as required by goveming authorities and fumish two bound copies of maintenance manual wih operating instructions. Instruc{ owne/s personnel in proper operation and maintenance. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT: Elevator I I I t I I I I t I T I T I I I t t I CONTROL: CAPAClTY: SPEED: Hydraulic 2,000 pounds 150 F.P.M. OPERATION : Selective Collective CAR SIZE: TRAVEL: ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS ADDITION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNW, COLORADO 5'€" X 4'-3" insftle or as lequircd for wheelchair aoqess. Provide removable ceiling to allow full height of cab for freight use in elevator. Refer plans. Apprcximately 48.€' POWER SUPPLY: 208 Volt, 3 Phase, 60 He'tr MACHINE LOCATION: Adjacant lowest landingSTOPS: Six (6), (6 Openings) rcferto plans OPENINGS:Six (6), in line HOISTWAY DOORS: 3'{)'X 7'{)", single slide etainle$ steelfinish. DOOR OPEMTION: D. C. Power CAR ENCLOSURE: DAP-1 with pads and hooks, slainless steel door and front wall panelsr side/back, walls plastic laminat€ as selected, floor rubber tile, (efer Section 09650), ceiling white metal eggcrate with fluorpscsnt lighting. Exhaust fan, dual photo eyes, stainl$s sto€l handrails on three sides. Telephone cabinet per ADA wiUt fite fightee phone jadc. HALL LANTERNS: lndicating direc'tion of travel when car anives at floor. SlGl,lALS: llluminated car and hall push buttons, Nell handicapped provisions, car position indicator, audible signal voice enunciator for passing or stopping at any landing. SPECIAL FEATURES: Emergency Fila Service in accordance with National Elevator Code ASME Al 7.1 CAN/CSA-B44 and/or Town of Vail authodties. NOTE: Overhead is restdcied to 12'{" maximum END OF SECTION 14200 14200 -2 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T t I I I Bar Sink: Lavatory: Watercloset ANTLERS PLUMBING FIXTURE LIST ALL FIXTURES KOHLER (Equivalent as approved by Architect, refer Section 01630) NEW CONDOMINIUM UNITS: (tnctuding Ol Bedrooms) All fixtures biscuit or as otherwise noted Allf-auceb Delta mixing value brushed chrome Kitchen sink: Lakefield K5924 33" x 22" Delta faucet brushed chrome Cast lron, DisposalWaste King 112 H.P. Baflad K-3260 12" X 12" with Triton faucet (K-7761-lVK-16012-S) Farmington 16" X 11" l(2905 Cast lron Delta faucet brushed chrome Fleur K-2167 Wall-mount Delta faucet brushed chrome Folio - pedestal - f\2O17-8 with Delta faucet brushed chrome Shower Basin: Terrazo rectangle 34 X 60, 34 X 48, 36 X 36 Tubs: 3/8" glass enclosure/door (sealed/gasketed at steam unit) Delta shourcr mixing valve brushed chrome gpical Whirlpool Repartee K-1392 60 X 36" X 21 Whirlpool Portrait K 1459 60 X 32 X 21 Acrylic Front Whirlpool Rapport K 14/.2 H 72 X 35 314 X24Tile Front Acrylic Whirlpool Infinity K 1482H 59 X42 X 21 Tile FrontAcrytic Whirlpool Portrait K 1460 H 72X36 X 23 Acrytic Front Whirlpool Portrait K 1461 H 60 X 32 X 21 Acrylic Front Whirlpool Hourglass K 1401 H 60 X 32 X 16 Acrylic Front Standard Dynametric K 519 60 X 32 X 16 Cast lron (Drain to Wall) San Raphael K 3384 28718 X 20 3/8 X22'll4 elongated Seat and Cover color to match NEW EMPLOYEE UNITS: Allfixtures white Kitchen Sink: Mayfield K 5964 25" X22" Cast lron, Delta Faucet DisposalWaste King 1/2 H.P., HushLavatory: Farmington K 2905 16" X 11" Cast lron Watercloset Delta Faucet Rosario K 3434 26 518 X 1 I 5/8 X 25 718 Round Front Seat and Cover to match Shower Basin Terrazo 36" X 36'Delta Shower Mixing Value Brushed Chrome, 3/8" Glass Door PUBLIC RESTROOM: All Fixture WHITEWatercloset: Wellworth elongated K 3422 split seat (no cover) ADA Highline elongated KU27 split seat (no cover) Lavatory:Jamestown KzOil 20" X 18" ADA compliant 1 each restroom (install with K13885 ofbet drain and ADA faucets)Urinal: Freshman K 4989 T mount 1 ADA compliant 17" A.F.F. Drinking Fountain: Dual Fountain Halsey Taylor OVL-EST ADA accessible clearances. BANQUET KITCHEN: Reuse existing tiple stainless steel sink, garbage disposal and dishrrrasher Ravina K3222-3 431n X 22 Triple 18 gauge stainless steel self dmming, Corala is K 15178P faucet. SAUNAFITNESS TAVATORIES: Color WhiteWatercfoset Highline elongated,KU2T split seat, ADA Lavatory: Jamestown K 2054 20'X 18" ADA LOUNGE/LIBMRY:Sink Mayfield K 5964 25" X22'Cast lron, Delta Faucet DispoealWaste King 1/2 H.P., Hush WARMING ROOM:Sink: Mayfield K 5964 2Y Xzz'Cast lron, Defta Faucet Disposal Wasb King 12 H.P., Hush LOBBY/GALLERY:Sink: Mayfield K 5964 25" X22" Cast lron, Delta Faucet DisposalWasb King 1/2 H.P., Hush I I I t I I I l- I t I I I I I I I I t I I DTvISIoN ISMEcHAMcAL I Copynght 1999 - Rader Engineering, Inc. T SECTION 15010-GENERAL PROVISIONS I PART l.oo-cEIYERALI r 1.01 SCOPEOFWORK I Work shall consist of fumishing all labor and materials necessary for the I installation of complete and operating mechanical systems. The information I provided describing the mechanical systems is based on Desigr Development I :"--"T':ff- dsteaetz4/ee and is subjectto change' A combined fire/domestic wat€r entry is acceptable. There is an existingI 4" water enty, however the condition has not been verified and aI ffi*;#rlffit"IHhr:#"1#f#itr:: line is required. Provide a 4" stub to accommodate the fire flow I ffi'ffiff;ffJlx.H.shall be located near the existing water I Install a new I /2" underground water line for filling of the existing pool and hot tub. Cunentlv there is no filI line. II B. Sanitary sewer: I The new addition sanitary sewer load is 776 fixture units. This load will I require a new 8" sanitary sewer line. I c, Storm sewer:r The undergror.rnd parking garage will require a sand and oil Eap. The trap I will be located in the lower level parking garage and piped to the storrn sewer. I #ff"{]HT,::::" accept drainage from roorgutters as indicated on I I llll/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15010-l I I D. o Gas senrice: A new meter shall be instdld to accommodate the new gas loads for the cental heating syst€m" comncnsial kitchen and for all gas appliances located in the individual condominium units. llhe anticipated load is 12,000 MBH. The gas appliances located in each condominium rmit include a fireplace, cooltop and dryer. The e'mployee rmits will also have gas ranges. The gas may bc distnbuted at medium pressure with a pressur€ regulaton as requircd. Cental boiler heating plant: A central boiler heating syst€m shall provide heating water for space heating and domestic water heating. Two forced draft boilers shall be providcd with m input of approximately 3000 MBH cach. Each boiler shall have two stages of fting. Weil-Mclain 1288 or equivalent. The boilers shall bc conbollcd by a Tekmr 254 four stage boiler conhol. The supply wat€r t€mp€raturc shall bc determined by outside temp€rature or domestic waterheating demmd. Two heating syst€m pumps piped in parallel shall bc installed. Each pump shall have a capacity of 286 GPM at 50 feet of head- Estimate for the main heating loop to be nm tbrough the parking garage level with vertical pipes nrn up in chases for each condominium unit. Include circuit saters for all major picces of heating equipment, branch take-offs, etc. fuiticipate 3-way modulating valves for all air handling equipment with great€r rhan l5% outside air. Include an automatic glycol fecder syste'm. The heating system shall be filled u,ith a 30% inhibited propylene glycol solution. Includc all appurtenances for a complete and operable heating system. Snowmelting system: The entire entry/courtyar{ garage €ntry ramp and front wallovays shall be snowmelted. This encompasscs approximately 18,000 square feet. Provide a copper tube boiler with an input of approximately 4000 MBH. Teledyne Laan IIH4050 or equivalent. I I I I I t I t T I I I I I I I I t I F. rvu99 Antlen Condominium Addition' PRELII{INARY 15010-2 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I The snowmelting systan shall be automatically controlled with snoVice and ternperature sensors (Tehnar 662). The snowmelt pump shall have a capacity of 310 gpm at 50 feet of head. Fill the system with a 50% irihibited glycol solution. G. Domestic water heating: Domestic water heating will be ganerated by two brazed plate heat exchangers with 500 MBH heating capacity. The heat exchangers shall be piped in parallel and supplied by the central boiler plant. Include five 250 gallon storage tanks. This systern shall supply the new condominium units, employee rurits, conference facilities, commercial kitchen, commercial laundry and guest laundry facilities. lnclude a recirculation system for each domestic hot water riser to the condominium units. H. Condominiumheating: Condominiums shall be heated by hydronic baseboard. Two bedroom units shall have two zones. Four bedroom rmits shall have four zones. Employee units shall have a single zone. The bedroom additions to the existing 0l units shall also be heated by hydronic baseboard supplied by the central boiler system. I. Garage heating: Provide four hydronic unit heaters for each garage level. J. Common / Hospitality areas - heating: Maintenance shop - 300 CFM fan coil with 50 CFM of outside air' Ski storage - 400 CFM air-to-air heat exchanger with a hydronic heating coil and 3-way valve. Housekeeping / Lunchroom / Office - 800 CFM fan coil with 150 CFM of outside air. Maintenance shop - 300 CFM fan coil with 50 CFM of outside air' I t/llgg Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15010-3 I N. o. Common / Hospitality areas - heating and cooling: Banquet facility- Two 2500 CFM fan coils with 500 CFM of outside air for each fan coil. A 3-way valve will bc required for the heating coil to maintain discharge temperature. Include a 5 ton condensing unit for each fan coil. lnclude a gravity pressure reliefsystem for the space. Include Fire/Smoke dampcr allowances. Lobby / Waiting / rcception - 23fi) CFM fan coil with 250 CFM of ourside air. A 5 ton conde,nsing unit is required. Managers / Reserrration - 1000 CFM fan coil with 150 CFM of outside ur. A2 ton condensing unit is required. Conference meeting / Breakout room - 1000 CFM fan coil with 400 CFM of outside air. A 3-way valve will be required. A 2 ton condensing unit will be required. Include FirdSmoke damper allowances. lorrnge / Library - a 450 CFM fan coil with a I ton condensing unit. Sales / Accounting - 1000 CFM Fan coil with 150 CFM of outside air. Includc a 2 ton condcnsing unit. Include Fire/Smoke damper allowances. Fitness - 1000 CFM Fan coil with 150 CFM of oucide air. lnclude a 2 ton condensing unit. Commercial Kitchen - Anticipate a 3000 CFM grease exhauster for the kitchen hood along with a 3000 CFM make up air rmit. A side wall exhaust fan is anticipated. Include Fire/Smoke damper allowances. The existing kitchen hood is to be reused- The make up air unit will be supplied from the cental boiler system. A grease trap will be required for the kitchen Elevator Vestibule for the garage levels - A 300 CFM fan coil with 100% outside air to provide space pressurization is required. Fire/Smoke dampers will be required. Elevator Vestibules on all other levels - Provide a hydronic cabinet heater for each level with a capacity of 35 MBH. Commercial larmdry exhaust - Provide a watertight clothesdryer exhaust duct from the laundry facility to the roof. A 2000 CFM booster fan will be required. I I I I I t I t t I I I I I I I I I I LLlt/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIIdINARY 15010-4 I I I P. Elevator equipment exhaust - Provide a 500 CFM exhaust fan controlled by a cooling thermostat. The fan shall exhaust into the garage. Fire/Smoke dampers will be required on the exhaust and intake louvers. a. Elevator hoistway - a six square foot louver with motor operated damper will be required by code for the elevator hoistway. R. Garage exhaust - Provide a24,000 CFM exhaust fan for each level of the parking garage. The exhaust system shall be controlled by a carbon monoxide sensor svstem. S. Condominium "; - provide a fiur/light combination for each bathroom. The fan shall have a capacity of 75 CFM. The fan shall be vented to the exterior. The kitchen range, dryer and gas fireplace shall also be exhausted to the exterior thm a louver or approved vent cap. T. Common bathrooms - provide an inline exhaust fan for each bathroom area. The fan shall be sized to exhaust 2 CFM per square foot. An exhaust register shall be located above each water closet. PART l.Ol4ENERAL 1.01 EXAMINATION OF PPJMISES Visit the premises before submitting bid as no extas will be allowed for lack of knowledge of existing conditions. I,O2 CODES A}tD STAITDARDS Comply with all applicable codes, laws, industry standards and utility company regulations. 1.03 EQTJIPMENT FUR]\IISHED BY OWTYER Rough-in to locations as required. Provide valves on all pipes except waste and vent pipes, plug or cap these. Final connections will be made by the mechanical contractor. 1.04 PERMITS, FEES AIID NOTICES Pay for all pe,r:nits, fees, licenses and inspections for this Division. Do not include the cost of the "Plant Inveshrent Fee" for sewer and water or Gas I I I I I I t I t I t t I I I I rvU99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELII\{INARY 15010-5 Application Fee charged by the Utility Company. 1.05 SHOP DRAWINGS Equipment specified by nane and model number does not require shop drawings. Submit shop drawings on all specified mechanical equipment and for Tanperanue Controls and Fire Protection. Provide shop drawings to the Architect and Engineer showing locations of all access panels. 1.06 DRAWINGS Mechanical drawings are diagrammatic in nature and are not intended to be scaled for dimensions. Install the systems complete in the space provided without extra charges to the Owner. r.O7 SUBSTITUTIONS AND APPROVALS A. Some materials are specified by manufacture/s name. Materials of equivalent quality may be used if accepted by the Engineer. B. Bidde/s Choice: Materials or equipment listed by several manufacturer's names are intend€d to be biddet's choicg and any of the listed manufacturers may be bid without soliciting prior approval. C. Performance Specification: When any item is specified by requirernent to meet a performance, industy or regulating body standard or is specified by a generic spec, (no manufactuets nanre listed) no prior approval by the Consulting Mechanical Engineer is needed unless specifically called for in these specifications. D. Contractor to be responsible for any changes and costs to accommodate any equipment exce,pt the fint named in the specification. E. Substitutions for Material Equipment and materials not listed as equivalents may be proposed as deductive altemates to specified items by submitting it as a separate line item to the base bid on the Bidde/s letterhead. Such alternate proposals shall not be substituted for the base bid and must be accompanied by full descriptive data on the proposed equipment, together with a statem€nt of the cost to be deducted for each itern. If any such alternates arp considered, the Contractor shall submit a list ofthe T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I tvU99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIwIINARY 15010-6 I I I I proposed alternate substitution items within 14 days of award of contract. The request for proposed substitutions shall not be accepted by the Engineer due to scheduling or delivery concems. - 1.08 ROOF CURBS Roof curbs and roof flashings shall be furnished under the Architectural Division (except for any curbs specified herein). Fumish and install all counter flashings of the same material as the flashing. 1.09 FOTJ}IDATIONS AND SUPPORTS I Fumish and install all foundations, bases, hangers, anchors, guides and supports for mechanical equipment, piping and ducts. I 1.10 INSTALLATION A}tD ARRANGEMENT I Install all work to permit removal of coils, shafts and wheels, filters, and all otherr parts which might require periodic replacernent or maintenance. I t.ll VTBRATTONTSOLATTON r A. Support each air handling unit with spring tlpe vibration equipment by I y#l[1*tes or equivalant sized in accordance with manufacturer's I B. All air handling equipment with ductwork connections shall have flexible duct connections. I I.I2 PROTECTION OF WORK AIYD PROPERTY I Be responsible for the protection of existing facilities whether or not such facilityr is to be rernoved or relocated. Move or remove any facility so as not to cause intemrption ofthe work or Owne/s operation. I I.13 EXCAVATION AIYD BACKFILL I Do all excavating and backfilling required by the work in this division. r 1.14 CONCRETE I All poured in place concrete shall be fumished under the Architectural Divisions I ofthese Specifications. I lt/llgg Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15010-7I I 1.15 MOTORS Squinel cage qpq open drip proof, nomral starting torque, with thermal overload protection and ball bearings. Where commercially available, motors rated greater than 1000 watts shall have a power factor of at 85% under rated load. Where not commercially available, power factors shall be capacitor corrected by equipment manufacture to at lcast 90% under rated load. I.16 STARTERSI All 3 phase start€rs to have overcurrent protection on all three legs. On 3 phase starters 7-ll2HP and larget furnish a phase monitor control relay, Time MarkB258b, 258b, or A258B Monitor control relay or equivalent. Phase monitor relay shall be mounted and wired into the starter enclosure by this Contractor. Starters which are fumished with contol circuits shall have integral transformer and 120 volt contol circuit. All starters to have thermal overload relays sized for approximately I l5% of full load motor currexrt. t.r1 AccEss DooRsi Fumish access doors of t1rye suitable to Architect and provide to General Contractor to constuct into the building. Access doors should be provided in all locations where access is requircd. 1.18 IDENTIFICATION Label alt piping and equipmeirt. Provide color coded full band or stip type markers and flow amows on piping. Provide engraved plastic valve tags with valve number and attach with standard chain or s-hook. Provide angraved plastic sign on or near specified equipment. r.19 ELECTRICAL EQIIIPMENT AND WIRING FORMECITAIIICAL DTVISION A. Unless otherwise indicate4 all motors and controls shall be furnished, set place and wired in accordance with the following schedule. (MD is Mechanical Division - ED is Electrical Division). B. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I B. rt/t/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15010-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Item Furnished Set in Wired and Under place or Connected MTD Under Under l, Equipment motors and MD MD ED thermal overload, r€sistance heaters. 2. MotorController, magnetic ED (l) ED (1) ED startsrs, reduced voltage staters, and overload relays. 3. Disconnect switches, fused ED (l) ED (l) ED or unfirsed, H.P. rated switches, thermal overload switches and fuses, manual operating switches. 4. Pushbutton stations, pilot MD l"D (2) ND (2) lights, multi-speed switches, fl oat switches, thermostats, contol relays, control transformers, conEol panels, motors, solenoid valves, EP and PE switches and interlocks. 5. Contractors,I20Vcontrol ED ED ED circuit outlets for control panels and for boiler controls and for fire protection contols and smoke detectors. 6. Fire and smoke detecton MD MD ED (3) 7. Site sprinklering control MD MD MD panels, solenoid valves, switches, etc. and all wiring ' starting at teh distribution panel circuit breaker. (See site sprinklering section). I ll/llgg Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIIvIINARY 15010-9 I (1) If fumished as part of factory wired equipment, wiring and . connections only by ED (2) If float sqritches, line thennostats, P.E. switches, time switches, etc, carry the FULL LOAD CIIRRENT to any moror, they shall be fumished by the Mechanical Divisiorq but shall be set in place and connected under the Electical division" except that where such ite,ms are no integral part of the mechanical equipment, or directly attached to ducts, piping, etc., they shall be set in place under the Mechanical Division and connected by the Electrical Division. If they do not carry the FLILL LOAD CURRENT to any motor they shall be furnished, set in place and wired under the Mechanical Division. Contol devices carrying full load current fumished Mechanical and wired by Electical shall be located at the device being controlled, urless shown on drawings or mutual agreement is made between the contactors with no change in the contract price. (3) Wiring from alarm contacts to alarm systern by ED; all control function wiring by MD. B. Connections to all controls-directly attached to ducts, piping and mechanical equipment shall be made with flexible connecton. I.2O FLUSHING, CLEA}IING AND STERILIZING A. After flushing, sterilize the domestic water systerr. B. Before final connectiorr are made in the piping syst€ms, all piping shall be blown out with air and then washed out wittl cleaning compounds. Clean the boiler by the same procedure. I.2I TESTING Test all drain and waste lines with standing water test of twelve feet of head, held long enough to inspect eachjoint. Test all water piping, before connecting to units, at 150 psig hydrostatic pressure. C. Test all air and gas piping under 60 psig air pressue. D. All tests required by code must be done, to the satisfaction of the local B. I I I t I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I rr/r/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15010-10 I t I authorities having jurisdiction, before covering. E. Test refrigeration piping with oil punped, dry nitrogen at 150 psig and then evacuate, fill with refrigerant and test with Halide Torch or electronic leak detector. Evacuate and dry the system with dry ninogen. F. All hydrostatic tests to be held for a minimum of six hours. Air tests to be held for a minimum of two hours. I.22 BALANCING A. The balancing of the systern shall be part of this contract, include in bid the cost of balancing and adjusting. B. At the completion of the installation , the mechanical systems shall be adjusted and balanced by an independent balancing firm specializing in this work, approved by the Engineer before bidding. C. Furnish and install such items as thermometer wells, pressure test cocks, access doors, etc., as required to allow tests and adjustnents to be made. D. Adjust and balance all air imd water systems. Check, adjust and balance all systems to meet the design conditions and tabulate all information on acceptable forms. All systerns shall be checked for proper performance during design conditions, both heating and cooling. 1.23 OPERATING AND MAINTENAI\CE INSTRUCTIONS Deliver operating and maintenance instruction to the Owner on completion of the work and instnrct Owner in their use. 1.24 WARRAI\TY A. All materials and equipment shall be new unless other-wise specified. Guarantee all workmanship, material and equipment and replace any found defective without cost to the Owner, for one year after final acceptance, as defined in General Conditions. B. Each warranty for longer than the one year described above (that comes with equipment used on the job) shall be passed onto the Owner with dates ofstart and end ofwarrantv. t I T t T I t I I T I T I T I I rr/t/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15010-11 o 1.25 PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS Provide the Architect with one clean set ofplans and specifications corrected up- to-date as job progresses. END OF SECTION ll/1199 Antlen Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15010-12 B. c. D. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION ls2so-INSIJLATION 1.01 PTPING AI\D EQUIPMENT Domestic Cold Water Pipe, Valves and Fittings. 1. Insulate with U.L. approved, flame resistant, white vapor barrier jacketed, glass fiber Snap-On Lrsulation l/2" thick. Insulate valves and fiftings with glass fiber blanket insulation and premolded PVC covers (covers to be UL 25150 rated). Where the use of PVC covers in plenums, etc. is resticted by various codes (such as Denver) valves and fittings shall be insulted by wrapping with blanket insulation. Cover blankets to same depth as the pipe insulation with insulating cemqrt, howeled smooth. It is the contracto/s and manufachue/s responsibility to assure thernselves that the code authority will apprcve any product to be installed on the project. Provide deduct alternate for "Arrraflex" tlpe closed cell foam insulation. 2. All buried pipe and fittings (except water service from street to buildings) qpiral wrapped with "Protecto Wrap" No. 200 coating or equivalent, 50% ovedap. No insulation is required. Domestic Hot Water Pipe and Fittings l. All hot water supply lines and circulating water lines insulated with U.L.. approved, flame resistant, white all service jacketed glass fiber Snap-On Pipe Insulation l/2" thick. I:nsulate fittings with glass fiber blanket insulation and pranolded PVC covers. Provide deduct alternate for "Armaflex" tlpe closed cell foam insulation. 2. All buried pipe and fittings shall be insulated in the same manner, wrrh +ll2lb./cu.ft. insulatiorU spiral wrapped with "Protecto Wrap" No. 200 coating or equivalent, 50% overlap. Roof Drain Leaders. lnsulate all lines and fittings, which are not buried, same as domestic cold water piping. No insulation required on buried lines. Heating Piping; Heating Water, and Antifreeze Piping; Pipe, Valves and Fittings. l. lnsulate with U.L. approved, flame resistant, white, all service jackete4 glass fiber Snap-On Insulation 1" thick. Insulate valves and fittings with glass fiber blanket insulation and prernolded PVC covers (covers to be UL 25150 rated). Where the use of PVC covers in tr/r/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15250-l plenums, etc. is restricted by various codes valves and fittings shall be insulated by wrapping with blanket insulation. Cover blankets to same depth as the pipe insulation with insulating cement, boweled smooth- It is the Contracto/s and manufactureds responsibility to assure themselves that the code authority will approve any product to be installed on the project. Provide deduct alternate for "Amlaflex" closed cell tlpc insulation. 2. All buried plp€ and fittings shall be insulated in the sarne manner with *l/2[b./cu.ft. insulation, then spiral wrapped with "Protecto Wrap" No. 200 coating or equivdent 50% overlap. E. Refrigeration piping: Insulate suction pipe below the roof and all buried pipe with "Amaflex" or equivalent nrbular closed cell foarn insulation l/2" thick. Slip insulation over pipe before assembly so that there are no length wide seams. Where lengths of insulation are butted together, use factory recommended adhesive. Where the use of "Armaflex" or equivalent tubular closed cell foam insulation in plenums, etc. is restricted by various codes (such as Deirver) piping and fittings shall be insulated the same as domestic cold water piping. It is the contracto/s and manufacture/s responsibility to assure theurselves that the code authorities will approve any product to be installed on the project. F. Insulation for all t1ryes of piping shall be canied full size through the hangers. I.O2 DUCT INSIJLATION Inside Duct Liner - See Section 15800 - Ductwork END OF SECTION I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I tt/t/99 Antlen Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15250-2 I I sEcrroN rs4oo-PLTTMBINcI 1.OI WATERPIPINGIr A. Water Service I I I I I t I I I I I I l. Provide meter in accordance with the goveming body's regulations. 2. Nl pipe outside the building: 4" and large4 Class 250, cement lined, cast iron or ductile iron or manufacturers recommended thickness class mechanical joint or push-on joinl 3" and smaller Tlpe "K" copper with wrought copper fittings and hard solder with a minimum melting point of I100 degree F. 3. Piping outside the building shall have not less than eight feet ofcover from finished grade. B. PiPing (Inside Building) l. Piping inside building; buried lines, tlpe "K" copper water tube, wrought copper finings and I100 degree F solder. Non-buried lines, tlpe "L" copper water tube, wrought copper fittings and no lead 95-5 solder. 2. All buried pipe within the building insulated per Insulation Section and zurrounded by 4" clean sand. All buried pipe outside the building surounded by 4" clean sand. 3. Valves and Specialties Gate Valves: Bronze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. Globe Valves: Bronze, Class 125, 200Ib. W.O.G. Swing Check Valves: Brotze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. Dielectric Unions: Fumish and install a dielectric union at all connections where non-fenous material Strainers: 250 lb. semi-steel or cast iron "Y" !4)e with monel or brass screen. Presswe Temp. Taps: Universal Controls Corporation #45-PT-N. Sisco BNO-500 l/2 NPT, Nordel Core. I L02 soIL, wAsrE AltD 'ENT AI\.D sroRM prpING t Materials; Soil, Waste and Vent Piping (Inside Building) I tt/tlgg Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIIIINARY 15400-1 I l. Lines buried below gormd; standard weight, C.I. soil pipe and . fittings. Class 50 ductile iron pipe and fittings or hubless C.I. with C,I. couplings for bclow grade. 2. Waste lines abovc ground; standard weight, C.I. soil pipe and fittings or hubless, C.I. soil pipe and fittings. Up tbrough 2-l/2" maybe standard weight, galvanized steel pipe with blaclq C.I. drainage fittings. 3. Veirt lines above ground; standard weight, C.I. soil pipe and fittings or, standard weight, galvanized steel pipe with 150 lb., galvanized mall iron fittings for lines 2" and ov€tr, for lines 1-l/2' and less, black, C.L l25lb. SWP fittings. 4. All waste and vent piping above grade may be DWV copper pipe and fittings using 50-50 solder. B. Materials; storm piping (Inside Building) Drainage pipe and fittings above grorurd; standad weigh! galvanized steel pipe with black C.I. drainage fittings, DWV copper drainage pipe and fittings with 50-50 solder or standard weight, C.I. soil pipe and fittings. All dnins within thc buildings, wh€Nr und€rground" shall be standard weight C.I. soil pipe and fittings, Class 50 ductile iron pipe and fittings or hubless C.I. with C.I. couplings for below grade. C. Materials; Sanitary and Storm Sewer (from 5' outside of building) l. Use standard strength clay pipe up to a maximum depth of 12 feet. When cov€r exceeds 12 ft., use exta steirgth clay pipe. When pipe runs under concrete at€as, use standard weight, C.I. pipe and fittings, or Class 50 ductile iron prpe and finings. When cover is not at least 3 feet use standard weigbt, C.I.prpe and fining or ductile iron of manufacturet's recommended thicloress class. 2. Constnrct manholes of poured-in place concrete or pre-cast concrete rings with cast iron franes and covsrs' 1.03 GAS PIPING A. General l. Sunound all bruied pipe with 4' clean sand before backfilling. I I I t I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I rr/r/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY r5400-2 I r ' ffn"ffi#ffil::,fi1"T,ffi;1nHf*Tffi-nrmished ! 3. Gas piping fiom the meter through the building will be done under this division and connected to all equipment required. I B. Piping: Schedule 40 black steel pipe, 150 lb. malleable iron screwed fittings on above ground pipe, welded fittings with dl piping coated and I wrapped on buried pipe. C. Valves: Lubricated Plug Valve 175 lb. W.O.G. iron screwed or flanged. I 1.04 FLASHINGS I A. Flash each vent and stack through roofwith 24" square, 4 pound sheet I lead or by method recommended by roof manufacturer and approved by Architect. I Fhsh roof drains with 36" square,4lb./s.f. pound sheet lead or manufactued chlorinated polyethylene laminated to 25 lb. felt. I I.O5 CLEAI\OUTS r Install full size brass cleanout plugs wherever pipes change direction or otherwise required. Brass plugs with chrome plated cover plates for walls, I scoriated brass cover for floor, flush with floor or wall. When outside, heavy t duty cast iron tractor cover set in two foot square by 6" deep concrete pad or in concrete or asphalt surface. nY' in the line and vertical riser of C.L pipe. I r.06 FD(T'RE' AI\D E.TTIPMENT I A. Fixtures L lnstall fixtures and/or rough-in according to the Architect's fixture I schedule. t :?H:ffiJ;"H:T*ru:ffiHilH#,ffiX"ffi'#H. . installation. I 3. All pipes at the fixtures which may be exposed to view shall be brass chrome finish, finished with cbrome escutcheons where they project t from walls and floors. I I ll/1199 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15400-3 4. 5. Stop valves shall be furnished and installed at all fixnres, for all equipme,nt and at rough-in locations. Vacuum breakers shall be provided at all outlets with hose connections. All exposed domestic hot water and wastc at handicapped fixtures shall bc insulated. Rcfer!o scction 15250. END OF SECTION tuv99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15400-4 1. B. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 15600-HEAT AIYD REFRIGERATION 1.01 PIPEWORK Piping Grade and valve all heating water piping with 3/4" hose end valves to permit complete draiaage of the system. Vent all high points in equipment roorns as n€cessary with automatic air vents piped to convenient drain. All high points in system outside of equipment rooms with combination automatic/manual air vents as required to relieve air in the system. All buried pipe to be insulated as per Insulation Section 15250. All buried pipe shall be sunounded by 4" clean sand. Heating piping: Schedule 40 black steel with preformed steel fittings. Branch lines on welded installation use welding tees, thread-o-lets and weld-o-lets. All fittings to be long radius pattern. All fittings for antifreeze systqns shall be butt weld or socket weld. or 4. Copper Pipework: (Contractor's Option). Piping may be Type "K" copper for all buried lines using wrought copper fittings and I100 degree solder. For non-buried piping; T1rye "M" copper, wrought copper fittings and 95-5 solder. All buried pipe shall be surrounded with 4" of clean sand. 5. Drain Pan Piping: Not buried; T1rye "M" copp€r, wrought copper fittings and 95-5 solder. Buried; Type "L" coppetr, wrought copper finings and 95-5 solder. All buried pipe shall be sunounded with 4" ofclean sand. 6. Refrigeration Piping: Type "L", ACR grade copper, cleaned, dehydrated and capped at the factory. Use wrought copper fittings and hard solder having a minimum melting point of 1100 degrees for buried lines, 95-5 solder for non-buried lines. Valves and specialties shall be standard brass or bronze valves for refrigeration senrice. Bruied pipe shall be surrounded by 4" clean sand. Valves and Specialities 1. Globe valves or plug valves may be used as balancing valves. tt/t/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15600-l Dielectric unions are to be used at all connections where ferous. mat€rial is connected to buried non-ferrous material and where non- ferrous material is connected to domestic waterpiping. Gate Valves: Bronze screwd Class 125 or ircn body, bronze mounted, flanged, Class 125. Plug Valves: 175 lb. W.O.G. for 250 degrees F @ 150 psi W.P. Eccentric, tight shut-offwith permane,lr0y lubricated stem bearing surfaces in upper and lowerjournals. DeZruik figrre 435 or Homestead Series 1500. Flo-Contol Valves: Bell & Gossett Flo Control, Taco Flo-Chek or Hoffuian Flo Contol Vdve. Balancing Valves: 125 psi W.P. for 250 degrees F service, tight shutoff, Illinois Dual Purpose Balancing/Shutoff Valve, Hoffinan, Sarco, or equivalent. Unions: 300 psi W.O.G. malleable iron screwed or 125 lb. cast iron flanged unions. Strainers: 250 lb. semi-steel or cast iron "Y" tSpe screwed monel screen, 125 lb. semi-steel uYu typc flangd brass screen. Pressure Temperature Taps: Universal Controls Corporation #45PT- N. Sisco ENO-500 1/2" NPT, Nordel Core. or l. Copper Pipe Vdves and Specialties. Gate Valves: Bronze, Class 125,200Ib. W.O.G. Globe Valves: Bronze, Class 125,200 lb. W.O.G. Check Valves: Bronzc, Class 125, 200tb. W.O.G. Balancing Valves: 125 psi W.P. for 250 degrees F serrrice, tight shutoff, Illinois Dual Purpose Balancing/Shutoff Valve, Hoffrnan, Sarco or equivalent. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I rt/t/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15600-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I r.O2 SNOWMELT PIPING A. Gen€ral l. Piping to be crosslinked polyethylene with an oxygen diffirsion barier as manufactured by Wirsbo, Rotb, Rahau, Stadler, Heat Link or Unicore. 2. Piping shall be installed in continuous loops, no splices allowed. The maximum loop length allowable for snowmelt shall be 300' for 5/8" tubing or larger. Longer lengths or different diameters oftubing are not allowable unless reviewed by the Engineer for each specific installation. 3. The Contactor shall install the tubing as recommended by the manufacturer and spaced to provide the required heat output. Tubing loops offeach manifold shall be instdled in equivalent lengtbs (t5%). 4. The Contractor shall install manifolds as provided by the tubing manufacture. The manifolds shall consist of a supply header (including: balancing valve for each loop, compression fitting to receive tubes, ternperahire gauge and air vent) and return header (including: manual shutoffvalve for each loop, compression fitting to receive tubes and temperature gauge). 5. Tube shall carry a twenty-five (25) year non-prorated warranty againsl failue due to defects in material and workmanship. The tubing manufacturer shall carry a liability policy of an arnount groat enough to cover replacernent cost of material, labor, shipping and incidental damages incurred due to a tubing failure due to defects in material and wor*manship. 6. Snowmelt tubing which is not located in the snowmelt zone shall be insulated. END OF SECTION tUt/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRJLIMINARY 15600-3 I sEcrroN Is8m-NRDTsTRTBUTIoNI 1.01 MATERIALS AlrD EQIIIPMENT I A.' G€neral I l. Sizes shown on the drawings are outside (sheet metal) duct dimslrsisns. Ductwork shall be sheetraetal furnished and installed in accordance with SMACNA Low Velocity Duct Manual AIA File No. l| 30-Dt. 2. Ductwork Materials I a All ductwort to be galvanized steel except as otherwise called for.I b. All laundry hood exhaust ducts and dishwasher hood exhaustr triJlH:l$,*::HTfi':hl'lHPductsrouted r " :*lH',fff#?,ffi1fffl",i1s::f,J"Ji#:" ductwork; 14 gauge black steel with angle joints, welded, I watertight constnrction up to the roof. Ducts above the roof; t8 gauge galvnnized steel, watertight constnrction. t B. Acceptable Manufacturer l. Low velocity flexible ducts. I Insulated flexible duc! consisting of inner core of one ply comrgated duct, l" thick, 3/4 lb. insulation vapor barrier core. Duct must beI approved by code authority for the specific application. I Clevaflex, Clevaform tpe SFV or equivalent. or. Acoustically insulated flexible duct, consisting of inner core of' perforated one ply comrgated duct, l" thick insulation and vapor barier cover. The flexible duct must be approved by code authority for the specific application. Duct must have the following minimum insertion loss in dB/ft. I tt/tlgg Antler Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15800-l T I I I 3. 4. Octaveband 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 lnsertion loss 2,7 2.1 2.3 2.8 3.2 2.5 CASCO Acoustical Flot Sileirt Flex II or equivalent. Round duct connectors: Factory fabricated galvanized for insulated ducts. Butterlly datrper and quadrant op€rator on all applications. Flexible connections. 24 oz. per yan( U.L. approved material, Turning Vanes (All rectangular elbows). Opposed Blade Darpers (for duct split and where shown). a. Steel or aluminum constnrction with work driver operator. Screwdriver slotted shaft, factory assenrbled. b. Sizes up througb 36" x 12": Barber Colman AOOG, T & B 7s, Tinrs AG-35B, Krueger OBD-DM, Anernostat OB4, Carnes 800, Agitair OB, J & J OBD-DM, or equivalent. c. Sizes above 36n x 12": Multidarrper with external handle and quadrant type locking devicc Quadrant Regulator. Blades not to cxceed 6'in width. Volune Extactors (Where shown at rectangular takeoffs). a. Steel or aluminum constnrction with vanes on 2" centers, gauge operated. Manual op€rator attached to branch duct. Cames 1250, Titus AG-ss5, T & B VLR, Anernostat DT2M, I(rueger EX-88A Agitair, Branchtrol S-2, J & J EX 9, Millaire Ex-l or equivale,nt. Fire Dampers. U.L. Label. a l-112fu. fire rating or as required to protect rating shown on Architectural floor plan, with sleeve where construction fire rating requires. To meet NFPA 90 A requirements. Shutter curtain tlpe blades and replaceable fusible link. Use t5pe "B" dampers at all locations whete space pemits or type "C" darrpers for round or oval ducts. Use tlpe "A"dampers only where space will not allow tlpe "B". I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I t I I I 5. 6. 7. tt/v99 Antler Condominium Addition - PRELIII{INARY 15800-2 8.Duct Liner (Inside the Duct). a Insulate all supply ducts, retum ducts and outside air intake ducts and any other ducts called for on the plans with l" thick, 2 LB. density, monolithic, long glass fiber duct liner. "Ultalite" Number 200, Pittsburg Plate Glass "Testafine" or Oweos Coming "A€.roflex". Fire/Smoke Dampers U,L. Label a Fire/smoke dampers shall confonn to UBC Standards Nos. 43- 7 and 43-121ry[ft 3 minimum leakage classification of ltr. Dampers shall incorporate otr€ UL classified safety mode operator with direct detector signal. Install in accordance with the manufactureds UL installation insEuctions. Furnish damper with dual indication (end switch to indicate full open or full closed). Coordinate operation with fire alarm system as required. EI\D OF SECTION 9. rr/U99 Antler Condominium Addition - PRELII{INARY 15800-3 c. D. I I I I T t t I t I t I I I I t I t I SECTION 15900-CONTROLS AIID INSTRTJMENTATION I.O1 DESCRIPTION The Temperature Conrol System: Electic and elechonic to comprise a complete system, furnished and supenrised by the Temperature Conrol Manufacturer. Wiring - General l. Comply with the National Electric Code, and the Electical Division of these specifications. 2. Run wiring in metallic conduit, tubing or raceways. Exceptions: a. NEC class 2 low voltage wiring where not exposed to view such as above suspanded ceiling in shafts, etc., may be ntn in cable. (Not allowable above ceilings used as retum air pleirums). b. Wiring enclosed in Ternperature Control panels. Wiring - Supervised: All wiring and installation in connection with the automatic control system to be the responsibility of the Mechanical Division, supervised by the Control Manufacturer or his representative. Upon completion of the installation the contol manufacturer or his representative shall link all valves and dampers and check out the wiring and calibrate controls furnished under this section. Drawings: Submit shop drawings of equipment, control panels and wiring diagrans to the Consulting Mechanical Engineer forreview. Control Settings: All control settings are tentative, equipment shall have adjustable settings. I.O2 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTIJRERS This specification is based on Tekmar equipmelrt. Acceptable manufacturers are: Johnson Confiol Company, Honeywell or Barber Colman. Others must be approved by the Consulting Mechanical Engineer before bidding. It is recogrized that packaged equipment comes with other names on controls and that some functions are accomplished with other named components. This specification does not intend to prohibit this practice. rr/t/99 Antlers Condominiurn Addition - PRELIIVIINARY 15900-l r.03 MATERTALS AlrD EQUPMENT A. Low Voltage Power: Control devices and panels containing low voltage power sources shall comply with NEC Class 2 requirements (current limiting), or supplied with branch circuit ftsing to limit control circuit curent to NEC Class 2. Control tansfomrers; of the curent lirniting qpq or installed with primary disconnect and overload protection. B. Thermostats l. Duct thermostats shall have liquid filled capillary averaging bulbs. 2. Nl thermostats shall have a t€mp€rature range suitable for the application and have adjustable set points. Provide visible scale thermometer on thermostats in apartnents, condos, and residences. 3. Provide guards on any electric thcrmostats in the following areas: C. Dampers: Pacific Series 210, Johnson "Proportion-Air", Honeywell "Moduflow Low Leakage", Ruskin"CD250 Low Leakage Penn Air Contol DamperPBD or OBD or equivalent. D. Valves l. Valves in water and antifreeze systern shall be sized for not more than 2 psi drop. E. Freeze Detection Thermostats. Each supply system with water coils taking outside air shall have a freeze detection thermostat located on the downsteam side of the coil. Thermostats shall be of adjustable electic contact type, silver plate4 manual reset with 20' flexible sensing bulb of increment type with any section capable of actuating mechanism on ternperatur€ drop below set point, thermostat shall stop fan(s) and closed outside air damper. They shall have an isolated set ofcontacts for alarm system. F. Smoke Dectectors O,IFPA Requirements) l. No smoke detector devices required on systems 1999 cfrn and less. 2. Each supply system shall be equipped with a manual emergency stop conuol located at a convenient and accessible point for shutting down the fan in case offire. Forthepurposes ofthis specification, the disconncct switch will serve this purpose. I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t rUt/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15900-2 J. 4. ). 6. I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ln systems over 2,000 cfin capacity approved smoke detectors shall be installed in the main supply duct and main retum duct. The controls shall be arranged to close the refum air damper, exhaust damper and fresh air damper automatically when the fan is off, The respective fan systern shall shut down automatically when the smoke detecting apparatus is in alarm or by the manual emergcncy fan stop. Under all other conditions the retum air damper shall be open when the exhaust air damper and the fresh air damper are closed. Provide a 0-3 minute adjustable electric time delay to allow the darnpers to open to normal position before the fan starts and allow the fan to coast down before the danpers close. The return air detector shall be located upsteam from any exhaust outlet and the supply air detector shall be located on the downsteam side ofthe filters. Smoke detectors shall be on ionization type duct detector for detection of combustion gases, fire and smoke in air conditioning and ventilation system ducts in compliance with the National Fire Protection Association, Recommended hactices Parnphlet No. 90A. The assenrbly shall consist of a casting to accommodate sampling tubes which exteind across the duct of the ventilation system. While the fans are operating, a continuous cross sectional sampling of air from the duct will flow through the ionization detector after which time sampled air shall be returned to the duct. Detections shall be capable of detecting the products of combustion of .01 grams per cubic foot ofair at the detector and shall operate on the ionization principle. The detector shall not contain hot filarnent tubes or moving parts and shall plug into the base having a neon indicating lamp. The detector shall not require replacanent or readjustnent after a fue alarm has been given. The detector sensitivity shall be individually adjustable and set by a factory trained technician at installation and shall thereafter be fixed. It shall be possible to accurately measure the detectofs sensitivity with an appropriate instnrment. The unit shall provide the following function: a. Fumish necessary power for operation of the detector. b. Supervise the detector circuit and all relay coils. c. Provide power to the neon alamr indicator. d. Provide one set of normally opened and one set of single-pole double throw alarm operated relay contacts. rr/r/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15900-3 e. Provide one set of single pole double throw, trouble operated relay contacts. G. ' Dirty Filtcr Gauge: Furnish and install diff€rentid pressure air filter gauges of suitable range with sensing tips located on the inlet side of all supply fan filters. H. Thermometers: Fumish and install a3-112" dial, remotc built th€rmometer adjacent to each rernote built thermostat which is not otherwise pmvided with t€mperature indication. Provide thermometer sensing outside air in each equipment room. I. Local Contol Panels: Fumish and install local conhol panels at each HVAC, H & V, AC, Make-up Air System and Domestic Water System. Group these together inlo one panel whe,n equipmant is located in one equipment room. The panels shall be totally enclosed with hinged door and latch and shall house all associatcd thermometers, relays, switches, gauges, etc. l.(H SEQUENCE OF CONTROL END OF SECTION END OF DIVISION T I I I I T I T I I I T I I I I I I I tvl/99 Antlers Condominium Addition - PRELIMINARY 15900-4 I OUTLINE SPECIFICATION - DESIGN DOCTIMENT -- DIVISION I6 I. DEMOLITION: A) ELECTRICAL SERVICE DEMOLITION Remove existing service entrance conductors and switchgear Coordinate with utility for removal of existing transformer. Retain feeders to existing meter stacks and generally all downstream items to the extent that they are safe, serviceable and practicable. B) SIGNAL DEMOLITION: Remove and relocate existing punchdowns and splitters per owner. Coordinate all actions and intentions with utilities. C) MISCELLANEOUS DEMOLITIONiRENOVATION: Refer to architectural for areas involved. Old devices and wiring will be removed. New will be installed. Existing panels and panel feeders will remain D) PHASING OF WORK: Continuous occupancy of existing building by owners is anticipated. Seamless conversion of services (electric, CATV, Phone) is critical. Every effort shall be taken to avoid extended outages by constructing as much of the new services as possible before disconnecting the old. Coordinate schedule with design team before implernentation. At no time will the existing building be without a fi.rnctioning fire alarm system - coordinate with local Fire Department. 2. SITE WORK: Trenching for new primary line to new transformer and service laterals from new transformer to new main electrical room (located at the site of the existing transfonner). Trenching for re-routed CATV and phone services from existing pedestals to new telephorre closet in new building - coordinate with utilities. 3. SERVICES: A) RENOVATION OF EXISTING SERVICE: 208Y120V Liebert Interceptor TVSS. One 4000 arnp lateral to one new Siemens 4000 amp rnain fused switch in new main electrical roorn l'eeding new switchgear in new secondary electrical roorn (site ofexisting guest laundry). Intercept existing meter stack feeders and splice necessary lengths of new rvire from new'gear New wire and overcurrent devices to malch existin,q (all 3Ph): lxl600, lxl200, 5x600. 3x400, 1x200, 1x30. Provide additional label on 40004 switch stating " Disconnect I of I for Original Building, I of 5 Overall". B) SERVICE FOR NEW BUILDING: 208Y l20V Liebert Interceptor TVSS. One 2000 amp lateral to two new sections of Siemens 2000 amp switchgear (located in new main electrical roorn) containing four l?00 amp, 3 phase HCP fused switches Each sr.r,itch feeds a groupin-u of 1200 amp. i phase meter stacks (residential = iPh iillPh out, cornmercial = iPh in/out). Meterstackswill be located in the upper garage in two locations - two stacks serving the west half, two stacks forthe east All sockets will be 200 amp continuous rated, single LaVcnturc I ingirrucrirrg Associ:rtcs. Ilr f -i06 Antlen CondorniniLrnrs Addition No!€mber l. 1999 I phase residential, three phase all else. all with circuit breakers. Provide additional label for each 1200A switch stating "Disconnect (1,2,3, or 4) of 4 for New Building, ( 1,2,3 or 4) of 5 Overall" 4. WTRING METHODS: Service laterals will be copper in concrete-encased PVC conduit. EMT conduit and wire will be used whenever a circuit is exposed. Concealed and protected feeders and branch circuits may be either MC cable or EMT and wire. In all cases, where wiring is exposed to possible damage, GRC shall be used. Feeders to other than motor loads and mechanical rooms may be aluminum,, Branch circuits will be copper exclusively. Conduits will not be used for grounding, full conductors will be required throughout this project. 5. DEVICES/FACEPLATES: Leviton Decora. nylon, color per architect. Residential grade inside condos, commercial specification grade all else. 6. LIGHTING FIXTLIRES/SYSTEMS: Per schedule. All spaces, interior and exterior. Current fixture budget is $-500 per condo. Residential grade inside condos, commercial specification grade all else Standard switching methods except for a possibly complex dimrning system in banqr.ret area (1, 2. or 3 spaces in any combination). Emergency/Exit lighting by individual NiCd batteries. Exterior lighting fed from separate panel, controlled via timeclock/photocell combination. 7 GUTTER ICE MELT: Located on roof and in gutters (configuration per manufacturer) in places over automobile or pedestrian ways Automatically controlled via moisture and ternperature sensors. Also in drains and downspouts. 8. PANELS: Siemens. 200MCB/l Ph/3W loadcenters inside condos. 200MCB/3Ph/4W Panelboards all else. Recessed in finished spaces. surface in unfinished spaces. 9 FIRE-RATED ASSEI\,|BLlES No conrpronrise of such assentblies will be allowed. All installat ionVtechniques must meet the requirements of all code ofllcials. 10. ADDITION TO EXISTING *-01" UNITS Loading on existing unit panels has been calculated by NEC nlethods, and is not considered to be available for additional loads Contractor will determine and provide source of power acceptable to Code officials tbr new devices shown Also, local Code officials will require additional work in the existing unit in order to brin*q obsolete and/or unsafe existing conditions up to current Code - final scope to be deterrrined I l. SIGNAL WIRING/SYSTEMS: Each unique space willbe homerun from local splitter and punch-down in that space to a telephone closet on that floor. Wire CATV with RG-6. each jack hornerun to local splitter. Wire phone with 6-pair CAT V throughout. Residential phonejacks ntav be daisy-chained after local punch-down. Each condo will be pre-wired for local stereo distribtrtion - extent of system and quality of components per architect. Phone jacks in ofTice spaces will be individually homerun in %" EMT to a local, recessed distribution panel (MSDE by Superior l.aVcntrrrc I)tr.ttrccn:tg ^ssoLtllcs. lrtr 9i06 Artlcrs Condonurriuuts Atldition Novcrnircr | . 1999 1 I I I I I I T t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Modular Products 970-535-4Q44, configured per owner) Splicelextend as necessary, all existing conductors and conduit to new main telephone closet in new building. New conduit will be EMT. System configuration and requirements per owner. Contractor is solely responsible for coordinating with owner to ensure compatibility with existing systems. I2. FIRE ALARM SYSTEI\,IS: A) RESIDENTIAL: l20V smoke detectors in all rooms and adjoining internal spaces. Local,unisonalarmonly. Provide/install warninglabel "l20volts-do not open". B) COMMON: Addressable, complete coverage per NFPA recommendation, industry standards and local codes. Specifically: Heat detectors in entryways of condos and rate-anticipation heat detectors in outdoor walkways and lobbies. lnterthce with new cornnrercial kitchen hood systern. Each non-ADA unit will have at least one conlnlon-svslenr notification appliance. ADA units (qty per architect) will require appropriate additional devices to satisfy local interpretations Relocate existing fire alarm panel, extend wiring as necessary. Seanrlessly integrate existing svstem into new system such that new system will become single point of contact for firefighter information for new and existing buildings. Interconnect with kitchen system. Coordinate and program any special sequence ofoperations required for sprinkler systems, 13. PUBLIC ADDRESS: In banquet hall only. capable of operating in one, two, or three zones, with remote voice inputs and cerrtral radio/music inputs, arrd fire alarm override. l4 LABELING: Engraved phenolic e\cept panel schedules. All distribution equipment (panels, switchgear. etc.) shall bear their overall narnes All overcurrent devices shall bear the name ofthe downstream load or circuit description, either on the overcurrent device or in a typed panel schedule as appropriate. All Motor disconnects and switches shall bear the names of the load served as well as the feeder/branch circuit description. Comnrercial branch circr.rit devices (receptacles, telephone jacks) shall bear clear self-adhesive tape (as Kroy type) describing tlre upstrearn panel and circuit number. 15. WORKING SYSTEMS Provide all ancillary equiprrrent and devices as necessary for proper installation and tirnction of all svstenrs. 16. This document is prelirninary and subject to change. Failure to mention items herein is not meant to inrply exchrsion tiom the project. On-going cooperation among all parties is expected. LaVcnturc lirsrnccn rrg nssoeiillcs. Inc 9-l0(r Autlcrs CorrdorniniLrnrs Additton Novcrlhcr l. 1999 I I I I sEcrloN 16050 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART I . GENEML I.I DESCRIPTTON I A. Relatod work speciEed elsewhere:t l. Sce Division 15 Soecifications. I B. Work lncluded: l. This Section describes those materials and methods common to the Wo* in Division 16. 1.2 QUALITYASSURANCE I A. Acceptable Manufacturcls:I l. Connectors - Fittings: I O.2., Tomic, Appleton, Srcel City, T&B or approvcd equal. 2. Surface Raceway: I Wiremold Corporation, Walkerduct Corporation or approved equal. 3 . colnductors 'I Okonitg Anaconda, General Cable, Rome, Phelps-Dodgg Simplex, Rockbestos or approved. I 4. Boxes: Appleton, Raco Steel City, National or approved equal. I 5. Disconnect Switches: General Elecric, Square D, lTE, Westinghouse, Cutler-Hammer or approved equal. I 6. Thermal Overload Switches: I General Elcctric. Allen Bradley, Square D, or approved. 7. Switches and Receptacles: I Ganeral Electric, Hubbell, Leviton, Pass and Seymor or approved equal. I Basic Electrical Materials and Methods 16050-l Antler Condominium Addition I I 8. Device Plarcs: Hubbcll, Sierra or approved equal. PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.1 RACEWAYS I I I I I I I T I I I I I I T I I I I 'l 3. Provide the following typcs of raccways for thc spccific application or location indicated. l.Rigid Galvanizcd Stcel: Whcrc required by code or utility company. Hazardous areas. Whete rcquircd for mechanical protcction or wherc specifically indicated on the Drawings. 90 elbows from PVC conduit under slab stub ups to panclboards or switches. Type III, Rigid, Schedule 40 PVC: For all wiring runs in or mdcr the floor slab which is in contact with the ground. For all wiring runs buried undaground, unless othcr.n ise indicated. Providc cxpansion joints in accordance wilh manufacture/s recommendations. Flexiblc Conduit: For final conncctions to all molors, ransformers, and othcr equipmcnt ofthis nature. For final connections !o rccessed fixtures and where specifically indicated. Flexiblc Watedight Conduit: For final connections to motors and othcr cquipment whcre exposed to weathc or to moisture. 5. Elcctrical Mcullic Tubing @MT), Galvanized: For all othcr locations not specificd above, such as above gradc slabs, walls, ceiling, etc. 6. Surfacc Raccways: Catalog numbers and locations as indicated on ihe Drawings. WIRE AND CABLES A. General: 1. All conductors shall bc UL approved copper with 600 volt rated insulation. 2. Wires sizes #10 AWG and smaller shall be solid, #8 and larger shall be stranded. Basic Electncal Matenals and Methods 16050-2 Antler Condominium Addition t Ir 3 $:"il1#;;;ffT:i[ilii#3 il:T:i?1;T[,1:ilil*fi::"$L:J."I"f panel to first outlet is 75 ft. or grcater for 120 volt circuis. ! B. Type Conductors: l. Provide conductors complying with the following insulation standards for the indicated I application. 2. All feeder and seryice conduclor T)?c THW or Tlpe RHW I Hanging cord drops and cord connections Tryc SO cord Exterior undetground Type USE Other conductors as required by NEC Article 3 l0 I 3. Low Voltage Conductors: f Jacketed, approved tpe, with low smoke producing characteristics. 2.3 BOXES I A. Outla Boxes: I Provide galvanized or zinc coated, prcssed steel outlet boxes for all locations except where otherwise t indicated or where cast metal hxes are rcquircd by the NEC. Boxes arc to be minimum 4" square or octagonal, and of depth as required. Provide plaster or tile rings for all flush outlets installed where I wood, drywall, tile, plasta, etc., tnes of finish arc applied. All outlets for extetior application shall I be cast, weatherproof type, brick walls constitule the finished wall surface. In any event, provide outlet boxes of proper type and design for particular fixture or devicc to be installed. I B. Pull Boxes: I Provide pull boxes in raceway runs as required by NEC andjob conditions in accessible locations. I 2.4 DISCONNECTS I A. General: All disconnects shall be heavy duty, horsepower rated, quick-make, quick-break, approvedr ::ffi1JilftE:T:;:::ifixir,:f'ffi'#il:il'finlHTn::ii:1"":il.*"J'i#l installed. I B. Disconnect Switches: General Electric Type TH or equal of other acceptable manufacturer. I C. Thetmal Overload Switches: General Elecric Type CR l0l orequal ofother acceptable manufaclurer. 2.5 WIRING DEVICES A. Lighting - Control Switches:I I I Basic Electrical Materials and Methods 16050-3 I Antler Condominium Addition I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 2. 3. 4. ). B. 2.7 Lighting Switches - Specification grade with ivory colored toggles. Wiring connechon ro device shalf be via screw terminals. Ratcd for 1201277 volt operation with conao ratings suitable for the load controlled. Minimum amperage rating - 20 ampercs. B.Receptacles: l.Duplcx Rcccptacles - Spccification grade with ivory color. Wiring connections to device shall be via scrcw terminals. Voltage and contact rating shall be as rcquired by NEC for load served. Special Purposc Receptaclcs - Provide wherc sho*n on the Drawings. Rccepacles shall be spccification gnde, standard color, and of the appropriatc code and NEMA configuration to match thc supply circuit and load involved. Proper grounding shall bc provided through receptaclc for equipment. Applicafion: The following list indicates the D?cs of devices to be used for the application described. Catalog numbers indicated are Hubbcll cxcept as noted. See Article 1.02 of this Section for other acceptable manufacorcrs. Switches:Lighting - 20 ampcre Scries l22ll Recepucles: 20A-3W goundcd duplex l25V Model 5352-l 20A-3W groundcd singlc l20V Modcl 5361-l Ground fault intcmrptcr GF-5362-l W.P. lift lid duplex WDL Opcn Floor Recepracles - Provide flush floor outlets in location as indicated on the Drawings as manufacturcd by Srcel City or approved cqual. Device Cover Plates - Covct plate shall be .040" thick white finish, unless specifically noted on Drawings. Surface outlets shall bc beveled edges. 2.6 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS Provide supports and hangers as nsccsary and as required for a good and substantial installation. Support raceways, fixtures, cabinets, bores, ac., on approved types of trapeze hangers or wall brackes as manufactur€d by Unistut, Kindorf, or Binkley. Provide stel hanger rods securely fastened to or thmugh the building struchre for all trapezes, etc. Do not suspend from mechanical piping or ductwork or from ceilings suspcnsion wires. Pedorated plumber's straps or wire will not be permitted. Obain the Architect'VEnginee/s approval for the usc ofpowder actuated fasteners and use only in locations as directed. A. Provide sizes, classes, and tlpes of fuscs as indicated for all fused safery- switches. Veriff actual load current of all motors prior to ordering fuscs and provide fuses of sizes as recommended by the manufacturer. Gancrally, motor fuscs shall bc ofthe dual elanent type and shall be set at 100% of full Antler Condominium Addition I I Basic Electrical Materials and Methods r60504 B. c. 3.2 J.J I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I t load arnps, ot l25Yo where required for heavy duty usage or high ambient temperaores.' Fuses shall be of the prop€r voltage rating to match the circuit characteristics. Fuse types indicated on the Drawings are those ofBussman Company. PART3. EXECLTNON 3.I EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL Be responsible for all trcnching and backfilling in connection with the electrical work. Backfill and cornpact earth in accordance with the requircrnants ofSection 022 l9 - Excavation, Grading and Backfi ll. Burial depths shall be as follows (all references arc to final finished grade): Secondary conductors - 30" Lay all raceways on solid earth. Remove all rocks and stones from bonom of trench and from backfill material. D. When trenching is done through spccially reated arcas, such as paving, blacktop, etc., tre responsible for restoring lhe surface to is original condition, and in a manner approved by the Architect/Engineer. Repair any trenches where settlernenl occurs, and reslore the surface for the period ofone year after the date of Notice ofAcceptance. E. Do not place backfill over any raceway until observed by Architect/Engineer. F. Verifo locations of all existing and/or new underground utilities prior to trenching and, if damaged by this Contractor, rcplace immediately in a manner acceptable to the Architect/Engineer at no increase to the Contract Sum. CUTTING AND PATCHING A. The Contrrctor shall be responsible for all cutting and patching necessary for the completion ofthe work under this Division. The Division l6 Contractor shall coordinale and supervise all the cutting and patching requircd. Do not cut without the approval of the Architec/Engineer as to location, method and exient ofthe cutting. B. Patching in wery instance consists of completing the work to match and blend in with adjoining existing work insofar as methods, materials, colors and workmanship arc concemed. Patches which are clearly obvious on completion will be rcjected and shall be redone at no increase to the Contract sum. C. Execute patching in full compliance with the provision of the Specifications relating to the t)?e of work involved by crafumen qualified and skilled in the particular type of work involved. D. All costs of cutting and/or patching caused by improper coordination by the Division I 6 Connactor shall be paid for by him. SLEEVES A. Wlere raceways pass through concrete construction, install sleeves accurately set in place. Basic Electrical Materials and Methods 16050-5 Antler Condominium Addition t I I I I I I I I T I I I I I T t I 3.4 3.5 B. Have a man present during the placing of concrete to ensurc the location of sleeves are not disturffi during concrete placemert. C. All sleeves through conoete floors shall be pipc sleeves with the top of sleeves a minimum of l/2" above finished floor surface. No sleeve shall be utilized for more than one pipe. Blockouts for multiple pipes or individual pipes will be allowed. MCEWAY PENETRATIONS A. Where horizontal racewap pass through walls and vertical raceways pass through floors, seal off void between opening and mceway with flame seal putty. RACEWAY INSTALLATION Raceways l. Provide completc nrceway systems for all conductors. Whcre sizes are not specifically indicated, provide sizes rcquired by function and NEC. Raceways systems shall be required for all low voltage wiring including telephonc. 2. Install all conduit runs concealcd except at surface cabinets, in mechanical equipment rooms, or except whete specifically indicated or authorized by thc Architect/Engineer. 3. Route all conduits eithcr parallel or pcrpendicular to walls and stnrctural mernbcrs, always avoiding proximity to soutces of heat such as flues, hot waterlines, etc. Runs which are buried in the floor slab or undergtound may be nm indirect (angular) to fullest practical extent. L(rcate racelvays so ari not to endanger the strsngth of any structural members. All runs pertine-nt to the building stntctural s)Et€m shall be installcd only when and in a manner as approved by Architect/Engineer. 4. Actual conduit runs arc not necessarily indicatcd, bul are to be installed in the most feasible manner compatible wirh building construction and work of thc other trades. Outlets shown connected togethet shall be wired on the same circuit. 5. Maximum sizc conduit allowed in floor slabs abovc gradc shall be l" unless permission is obtained from the Architcct/Engineet. 6. Minimum conduit sizc in floor slabs on grade is 3/4". 7. Make all bands using an approved bcnding tool. Cut all conduir square and ream all cuts to rernove buns. Exercisc all necessary precaution during the construction period to prevent enlry or accumulation of moisture, dust, concrele, and all forcign matter into the raceway system. Clean and dry all raceways prior to pulling conductors. 8. Flash and counterflash all raceways which penetrate thereof. Insure that penetration is . completely waterproof. All raceway systems exposed lo the weather shall be waterproof. 9. Provide and sparc 3/4" conduit for each four unused poles in all flush mounted panelboards; extend from panelboard to an accessible point beyond the arca of finish wall or ceiling construction and cap. Basic Electrical Materials and Methods 16050-6 Antler Condominium Addition 10. B. A, B. 5- t I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I T t tl Secure all raceway systems to building structure in a rigid and secure manner ushg approved type fastenen such as Caddy Clips or similar type by olher manufacturen. The use of wrre, plumber's strap, etc., will not be permitted. Locations and spacing of fasteners shall be as required by the NEC. Do not secure raceways to ceiling suspension wircs. Rigid galvanized conduits in or under slab on grade shall be PVC coated or protected with asphaltum. Fittings: l. Use approved type couplings and connectors in all conduit runs, and make all joints tight. Provide insulated bushings for all terminations in pipe sizes l-1/4" and larger. Provide all steel cornpression gland couplings for all EMT conduits. Provide expansion fittings and bonding conduclors for all runs which cross building expansion joints. Provide waterproof fittings for all runs in wet locations, such as exposed to wealher, buried in slabs, etc. 2. Provide seal-off fittings where conduits enter or leave a hazardous wiring arca or areas of widely diflerent temperature and./or humidity. 3.6 WIRE AND CABLE INSTALLATION Provide a complete system of conductors for all raceway systems unless otherwise indicated. Conductors shall be of sizes and types indicated and required by NEC. For specific uses where' quantities of conductors are not specifically indicated for a raceway, provide number required to mainrain control, function and number of circuits indicated. Color code all conductors on a uniform basis throughout the Project. Conductors shall be continuous fiom outlet to outlet orjunction boxes. Hold splices to aminimum. Where necessary, splice in readily accessible pull box, junction box, or outlet box. The insulation value of the joint shall equal that of the conductor. Make splices and connection in an approved manner. D. Make connections for conductors #8 AWG and smaller with wirc nuts. Make connections for conductors larger than #8 AWG with correctly sized solderless connectors or lugs. E. Install wiring in the raceway systems only after the conduit run has been completed and after such time as the conduits have beea thoroughly cleaned and dried. BOX INSTALLATION General: l. Install all outlets in a secure and substantial manner and locate to be compatible with space construction and equipment requirernents, and with the work of other trades. Verifo final outlet locations with Architect/Enginea prior to installation. Install all outlets plumb and in' accessible locations. Install flush outlets with front of box or ring flush with the finished surrounding surface. Install all outlets flush unless used in conjunction with exposed conduit systan or unless otherwise indicated. If outlets are not installed plumb, flush or approvcd locations, rclocate or reset and refinish at no increase to the Contract Sum. Locate tile boxes in masonry to match brick or block coursing. All dimensions for mounting heighs Basic Electrical Materials and Methods 16050-7 Antler Condominium Addition I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I T I B. c. D. E. B. c. D. 3.8 ofoutles are given to certer line ofbox unless otherwisc noted. Lighting Outles: l. Install flush wall or ceiling outlets to accommodarc br?c of fixturc to be installed. Provide 3/8" no-bolr srud in outlets as rcquired. Switch Outlets: I . Install 48" above floor on latch sidc of door. Vcrifo door swing prior to installation. Use gang boxcs for multiple device installation as required. Recepaclc Ortlets: I . Install +l2" above floor in all ganeral locations; insall. at switch height where shown to be combination. Rough-in ourlc6 for clectric water coolers so as to be concealed behind unit. accessiblc, and in accordmcc with recommendations of equipment suppliers. Other mounting heights to be as indicated on the Drawings. Back-to-Back: l. Outlets shown on Drawings "back-to-back" are to bc installed with a minimum of 12" lateral separation between outlets and shall bc offsct one stud space for minimum sound fansmissions. Through-the-wall type boxes arc not permitted. F. Abovc Countefl l. Install 6" to ccnter line above lop of countcr or backsplash (whichever is higher) as shown on the Drawings. Orienr plaster rings io allow receptacl* to be installcd horizonally. DISCONNECT INSTALLATION General: l. Insall whcre shown on and rcburicd by NEC. Install within sight of motor. Do not install thermal overload switches on roof or where exposcd to srm. Disconnect Swirchcs - Non-Fused: l. Providc all motors other than | 20 volt which are not protected by time delay fuscs installed in a panelboard or switchboard. Provide for othcr iterns ofequipment per NEC. Disconnect Switches - Fused: | . Provide for alt motors other than 120 volt which arc protected by circuit breakers installed in a panelboard. Thermal Overload: l. Provide forall l20V rated motors. Provide wirh suirable cnclosurc. Providc all appropriate size and rating for the rnotor current, complete with overload elemens sized per manufacturcr. Antler Condominium Addition I I Basic Electrical Materials and Methods r 6050-8 3.9 3.l0 3.1I I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I t I I I WIRING DEVICE INSTALLATION A. Switches: l. Install switches square and true to building surfaces. Install in locations shown on the Drawings. Mounting height shall be 48" above floor unless noted othenvise. B. Receptacles: L lnstall rccepaclcs square and true to building surfaces. Install in locations shown on the Drawings. Mount devices horizontally + 12" above floor unless otherwise indicated hetein or on the Drawings. Receptacles shown above counter shall be mounted horizonally +6" above countfi or backsplash. U.O.N. receptacles installed in brick or masonry wall shall be horizontal. Weatherproof receptacles shall be installed horizontally. C. Special Purpose Receptacles: I . Mount rcceptacles used to feed special items of equipment such as ranges, dq,ers, etc., at heighs suitable for equipmant connection. D. Floor Recepacles: l. Install floor rcceptacles so cover plates are flush with top of finished floor. Use appropriate finish rings for type of floor covering involved. Provide carpa flanges where requircd. E. Device Covcr Plates: I . Install device cover plates fot all devices. Install oversized or mistake plates for any outlet where standard sized platc will not covcr rough-in opening. Use ganged plates for combination devices, multiple device installation as rcquired. Install bushed plates with hole sized to accommodate cablc to bc installed for all telephone outlets or olher intercom devices. F. Blank Cover Plates: l. Provide blank cover plarc.s for all unused outlets. EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS A. Provide rough-in and connections for the various and miscellaneous items ofequipmant. Confirm with suppliers all rough-in data such as elecrical characteristics, dimensions, locations. etc., prior to installation. MECHANICAL WIRING AND CONNECTIONS A. Work by Division 15 Contracton l. Provide all motors and heating equipment included under Division 15. Fumish all control devices which directly handle the full load cunent ofthe motor or heating equipment. 2. Provide all conEol wiring which does not directly control the full load motor or heating Basic Electrical Materials and Methods 16050-9 Antler Condominium Addition equrpment cunslt. 3. Fumish idcntification signs for electrical componerB of mechanical system. Fan shutdown wiring rcquired by smoke detection system. Work by Dvision l6 Contracton l. Provide all powct fccders and final conncct to all motors and electric heating equipme-nt fumishcd undcr Division 15. 2. Insall and wire through all connol dcviccs which dircctly handlc full load motor or electric equipnrcnt cunen! such as magnetic surtcrs, line voltagc thermostats, P.E. switches, etc., which arc fumishcd by thc Division 16 Contractor. Locate whcre shown on the Electrical Drawings. 3. Insall identification signs fumishcd undcr Division 15. Provide l20V outlet and dedicated circuit for conrol voltage; locatc in cach mcchanical equipmenl room or area. 4. Provide disconnccts for all mechanical equipmcat. 5. Provide all power and conrrol wiring which directly handlcs full load cunent of motors or electric hcating cquipmcnt. END OF SECTION I I T I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I t Basic Electrical Materials and Methods 16050- r 0 Antlcr Condominium Addition t I tr ffi,." I I I Sewice and Distribution T SECTION 16400 SERVICE AND DISTRIBLTTION I A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: l. Basic Electrical Matetials and Methods: Section 16050 Shop Drawings and Product Data: Section 0l3fi). r B. Work Included: I I . This Section describes those items related and requircd for the electrical serice and I distribution system. I t.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE r A. Dstribution Equipment I . General Electric 2. SquarcD 3. ITE 4. Cutler Hammer I I PART 2. PRODUCTS I 2.1 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION APPARATUSI I t I T A. Ptovide circuit enclosurc lo acconrmodate circuits. Dsconnect switches are to be NEMA 3, heavy duty, sized as indicated on Drawings. B. Branch Circuit Panelboards - Ganeral: l. Provide branch circuit - distribution panelboards for all ganeral lighting and power circuits where indicated. Panels shall be flush or surface mounte4 as indicarcd. Top ofpanel shall be 6-0" above floor, or as dirccted by the Architect/Engineer. 2. Provide panels with main lugs only or with main breakers as indicated. 3. Where main breakers arc indicated they shall be factory mounted to the bus and shall be located at top canter of panel. Back connected branch circuit breakers are not acceptable as _ main breakers. 16400-l Antler Condominium Addition Panels shall be of voltage, phase, number of wires, and with size of plated iluminum or copper bus as indicated. Provide number and size of full-width, thermal-magnetic, bolted breaker as indicated. All brcaken shall be quick-make, quick-brcak and shall have an internal ripfree mechanism; two and three pole brcakcrs shall be internally "common trip" and shall have a common operating handle. Provide flush, hinged, steel doors equipped wirh master kepd locks. All panels shall havc a minimum width of 17". All panels shall have ground busses. Panelboards shall be G.E. Typc NLAB or equal of other approved murufacturer with circuit brcakes having a minimum l.C. rating of 10,000 arnps symmetrical Lt l20l208 and | 4,0fi) amps symrnetrical at 2771480 vola. PART 3 . HGCUTION 3.I SERVICE A. Secondary Scrvice: l. Secondary service shall be 120/208 volt, 3 phase,4 wire underground. Provide secondary conduits, wirc, and all connections to switch gear and secondary sernice. Conduits shall be galvanized ri gid stccl. 3.2 DISTRIBUTIONEQUIPMENT A. Switchboards - Panelboards: I. lnsall cquipment in accessiblc locations. Veriry that field dimensions provide clearances around equipment in accordancc with NEC. B. Balancing: I . Thc entire clectrical s)lstem shall be load balanced to within l0olo per phase. 3.3 GROTJNDING A. Ground the entirc electrical distribution sysiern, including all raceways, outlets, fixturcs, equipment, etc., in full accord with the NEC. Bond neutral conductors and raceway s)6tems at the main servicc; therr extcnd and connoct to continuous, metallic underground cold water piping supply system at the point where it enters the building. Makc extcnsion with copper conductor housed in rigid steel conduit both sized pcr NEC. B. Make connection to thc water pipe with an approved clamp which will bond both the conduit and the conductor to the water pipe, Provide copper groundingjumper around the water meter of same size as main sewice ground. Also, provide driven ground rod or mds to properly ground the system per NEC. C. Pmvide separate grounding conductor, insulated greor, in all raceways or sections ofraceways which contain non-metallic conduir. D. Provide separate gmunding jumper, insulated grean, from the grounding screw of all rcceptacle devices to the metallic box in which mountd. Jumper may attach to box with a separarc grounding screw or clip device. I I T T I I I I I T I I I t I I T I t Service and Distribution 16400-2 Antler Condominium Addition I T E. Provide separate bonding conduc'tor, barc copper, for runs offlexible conduit where required by NEC. I F. Provide scTararc grounding conductor, insulated green, in all nms to exlcrior lighting fixturcs.I t I I I I I I T I ENDOFSECTION I I T I T Service and Dstribution |640O3 Antler Condominium AdditionI I I I I PART I.CENERAL I l.r DESCRTPTTON - A. Basic Matcrials and Merhods: Section 16050.rr B. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Section 01300. I C. Wor& Included: This Section describes the equipmcnt and procedurcs rcquired for the exit, emergercy I and normal lighting system. t r.2 QUALITYASST RANCE r A. Acccptablc Manufacturers: sEcTtoN 16500 LIGHTING l. Lighting fixtures as shown on Drawings or approved equal. 2. Ballasts - General Electric, Universal, Advance or approved equal. 3. Lamps - General Electric, Westinghouse, Sylvania or approved equal. B. Rcquirernents of Regulatory Agancies: I . Exit and emergancy lighting system - Comply with Article 700 of NEC as well as UBC, OSHA and NFPA l0l Strndardg 2. Fixtures - All fixtur€s shall bear UL label for particular application. I PART2-PRODUCTSI 2.1 FIXTI,JRES.LUMINAIRES I A. Gcneral: I t I I I Lighting t I t I T l. All fixtures exposed to weather or cold lemperatures shall be weatherproof and suitable for efficient opention at the temperaturc and conditions concemed. Slimline fixtures shall be430 ma. or as indicated; 40 watt fluorcscents shall be rapid start; 20 watt shall be trigger start. Provide plaster frames or similar type devices compatible with ceiling constnrction for all recessed fixtures. Connect recessed fixtures from a junction box above fte ceiling with flexible conduit. The supply conductor to recessd fixtures shall be in accordance with the' manufactureds labcl or as specified whichever is more stringent. 2. Fixtures shall be as shown and specified on the drawings. All fixtures to be provided prc-wired. 16500- l Antler Condominium Addition B. Ballasts: l. All ballasts shall be ETL-CBM certified Premium CIass P, UL approved, high power facror, equipped with built-in auto-resctting overload and overhcat protective deviccs. Ballasts shall be GE bonus line or approved equal. C. Lamps: l. Veriry larnp colors with Archilcct/Enginccr prior to ordering. All incandescent larnps shall bc rarcd 125 volts. VeriS that specified larnps will coordinate wiih indicated firturcs. D. Exterior Luminaires: l. Provide cxterior wall and ground mountcd luminaires in locations as shown on the Drawings. 2. Provide scparate copper grounding conductors in all wiring runs to exterior fixtures. All ballass for exterior luminaires shall be high power faaor, constart wattage ty?e. 3. Fixture lens shall be l00o/o virgin acrylic, minimum thickness . 125", lens shall have positive latching and rerainct chain. Lcns shall be rcrnovablc wirhout disturbing fixture assembly. 2.2 EXIT LICHTINC SYSTEM A. Provide complete systcrn as indicated on the Drawings. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.I FIXTURE TNSTALLATION A. No field modification of fixtures will be allowcd. Install fixtures only after such time as all adjacent T-bars have bcen insttlled and supported from thc supsrstructure at each corner of the fixturc. Provide bar hangers supportd from and sccured to adjaccnt T-bars to support incandescent fixturcs. Fixtures shall not be supported from ceiling pancls. B. Install all cquipmant in a sccurc and substantial mrmer, and in full accord with manufacture/s recommerdations, Provide all such miscellaneous installation equipment such as supports, hangcr, yokes, flanges, etc., as is necessary. C. Provide l-l/2" spaccr, finishe4 factory-approvcd t),?€, bctwccn tops of fluorescent fixtures and combustible ceiling matcrials as rcquired by code. Provide foraiming of all adjustable lighting fixtures as directed by the Architect/Engineer. Extcrior fixtur€s shall be adjusted at night. D. All fixtures shall bc secured as indicated on the drawings and per OSHA rcquirernants. E. lnstall surface or pardant mounled luminaires tnre and straight. F. Securc all rccessed lighting cquipment to suspended ceiling tces with fastening devices as approved by inspection authority. Provide all deuils. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Antler Condominium Addition I I Lighting l6500-2 o I 32 ExrrlrcHrrNc sysrEM A. Locarc all exit lighs for maximum visibility.t I ENDoFsEcrroN I I I I I I I I I I I I I LichtinsI I 1650G3 Antler Condominium Addition _' II I a | ),i. l,i Ii.{ FOLLOWING ORDER: ,'.,.MES 4OOO SS BACKFLOW I{ISERMANIFOLD IJPRINKLERIIEADS I'IPE I;ITTINGS FI,ANGERS 680 W. LIONSHEAD VAIL, CO.81657 H.:frt Ames Silver Bullet: The Right Choice tor Today, Tomorrow, and the'Zlst Cefiitury It! i:r:,?.r,.ri0{i ' r./r rrr i1r ' , '/vc i{J/) series s tainless steel (lead free) construction.''t:ltr:th: tienirUt. ' Iitllt .r' , ,'.1!,;c inline, no specialtools. ' l1 / r, ,,,/ /()ls , t': r)lt::;1,: i t::tr iritile check assembly for long term reliabilily,,,t't, :t.. i' .r),ll)lllly. ''r'rr1;r 1'', . :l l,t tspection port lor easy servicing..,\' ;,[ | i' ;.t,ti:i i'ted assembly. , | )rttttrt.,, ..tt (t.rr ttain. ' il.,i.irrLi. ,.,'ii .,i,, applications. ' Ii|lttt:t i! '\,. '. :;1€f, ", ..1.i,i,,,,,;: !, ",1 i king pressure. . l,r,,r,,', .,!. .,)}W_Way, si,i rll.'lli:r,:;. i !ippfOVAlS* 'a hatlon uused by a crcss clnt), t hl gh ha2ard appl icalion fir,l lnstallation : ., ne $O0ss sl'ould be in:;tai,: minimum clearance ol li' ttt t ilil."/owest point ol lie assetrt/r/r 1*": tloor or gnde. The 4000s.. rt t i;l'i., stailed hoizontally or verlir:,rlly i Refer to local codes lor s1', t r ' -.. tion requiremgr?ls. Ihe assniri" . ,, . be installed so the disch;rrr' tively drained away. 0ll ' ,t t ,r Application The furcs 4000ss provides t,r"' Potabla water suPPlY li,,ii -T ,t l, ta lc t)l FLUIO CONTROI- SYSIEMS , i t', r n I approval agencies. ' s 4000ss - Weighls & Dimensions (inchx) !..: r o l/q; B n 0 E F H l{el Wt. (lb.) fltsallVdlds NelW.lb.l. r'o Ballthlvbs t5'5 1/2.3 5/8.2 314',5',4"5.75#4* 10 3/4't6'51/2.3 5/8'2311'51t4'1Vt 6.75#{# -ri," t0 314.16 ttT 51/2.3 5/8'23t1'5112',4A+8#1# r0 3/4-17 ttz 51/2 3y8"2 314 51lz'444 10.50#1#. 15 25 7"4'2 3t1'51t7 6llz 25.75#113fi# "1: I ll 4000ss Wr :' !l 15 20tutndcrcpn) I Physical Characteilstics gzes-3/4', t', 1 l/4', I W',2' Ralad working pressure - 175 psi lenperature range - 37F - lltf' CottstructlonS00seriesslainles'.t'e' Assenbly shall be ASSE 101.1 q,.t ,v, . lorvcfllcal instellelions .i',, t.? '' ,:i '!rIt Ettnrf itz ut0tr tBl r,z " ?|| i-..:I I lll I_:i F IG i,:l ;r' l'i I:,itt l;r | ..- . -fr Ia t ".,i 25 30 CPM S i'f-rp1'1,;r,.r,:o,i ! t,ttL ch gg1a',lltt (nciadl,tg shut.olt mtycs) 60 75 90 cPil nor nCr(Apil) | ^' ir.,.r;, f i .lrf ..t ,loV Chtt'f,;lmbthi f,tclu(ring shul.oll yalws) 90 GPM 60 00 .t 00 120 cPtlnoaf,icrcPn fha t. backtlow preventdr shall conci .t ol sprlng lwded caflrldge checA , r ,th a . Specltlcatiolts : pendently cally opented tl !t l de ,tli lllt tn,.ls !s ul II lt "o,: ,rb N .'ll r P r I:. ll; tr, I t 14 | i] 'r I',i: r rr l- I 0utl6t nslllent seal ball typa shul olt valws. ffis4 1:.'r r ' . I tl bolh checls an opef i,tid lhc pnssun |n lhe are a b| t,', i 1 t I called tho mns, ls ef l'est 2 PS,l lower lhen lhe Int c | 1 : r t r u, fennttal pnssure nWintw ts closed durlng nonn,ti rr,' ''r S'ii. ll cassatton ol noririllliy, oce ws, the dltlerenti;tr t,,, ., t wlll automllcally.dbefl,and dlschargo to nnlntatn t! t, , u' Pg I ow$ than thl Uilil P:nssun. Thl s act I on wi I I p, r ., t u l, back slphonlge"tilfrilnOn. Atler the r0quircd tt,tt,'t-ti tl ilshcd, the dilfefthllAlpnssun reltel valtn again r t,' .. celly 0pentdd dlltorcntlel prcssure rellel valve Ior:,tc, bet below the caflrldge bhdiks, Equlred lest cocks ant ',1, r'.t113 fha cartrldge checks lnclucle e sla/rrass stdel st)ti, ,: ,tnd , pet, rubbarlaceddlsclhda replecoebtd scat. fh{, t\,,,1\ shat ' tectured trcm 3(nslalilriss slael, leadheethrcu|h t 't. vate a single acccss covet No speclal toots shatl be 15,1t, , r,t t61 The rellef valw shall be_ Conpact with a rolling dial:ii'ti:m a, lng seals. lhd relldl nlw shall dlscharge in a 360 ,,,, 'Conlecl thg lrclory fof li6cltlc approvals Dlmenslons arc gublecl to namlacLtrcls loleran, n , d change wlthout noil&,'Wc eagume no rcsponsibit,tt l ol wpterdcd itr virld d.ta, 'tp tu it, tg td r. t8P,O. Box 1387 Dllynonlild H0!!!$ l0tbtbs ftctudtns shut.oil ntws)f 'locunmtcd ''.. )4 .. ti: :)It;.tl40l 14gS Tanforan Av€nue Woodland, CA95776 HX 916.666.3!tt I Riser Mahifold o Gommgrcial . NrPA 13 sysremso Fioor GOntrOl . Htsh Rtses. Residential ' NFpA 13D/13R Man'rlact rre t by: Csntral Sgrinklor Comoanv451 IJorllr C.rnrron Avenus, Lansdale, pehnsytvanla 19446 [3illll,''l,,, irr..r ,'r)lral Riser Manifold provides all r.,f the accessory equipment for a ri.1-.1 111 s single assembly. The ,' ,, r; rirility of lhe Riser Manilold in ,, ;i, ., nt configurations allows cost_ 'e riser installation in commer-lA l3) systems, high rises. ,' :lr or control assemblies. and. ., i rr vstems (NFpA 13R/13D). ,.nds ol the 1" and 1 %" ' grooved ends of the 2" r',,s allow for an easy r i :,rr check or conlrol I ir- ': '{.l'rsr,.e itf ',.1 (ledicaled flow r)rlrlr'lt rk:t;rr r ':,,1 lor lhe manilolds has llr:r'tt lrrstorl .irr(l l.isted lOr uSe in this ::[)or if i{; 1;or rl ir rr lyal jg1.1 by Underuriters | ;1lr11r;1f 11y11r 'llri' 1..1;rrriiu i ir .'r i,c:; are painled fire lrr,'1,,, 1r,\r.f, ' ' i, ring Cleafly ir j:'r'iilrr'.r lb :i , ri rn aS well aS the r,.,.1 iir: -l , rrii t .rti..i. thUS pfOViding :1,r, ,.'i ', ,i,.li: r,t. I rt i",1, , l,.t i :.r I i , l)eclors' lest valve,,. r|l,. I i.,,r-,t i i ri trim Valve afe rr..ri, i i i i_i..ic, i .rr.r,t make the beSt', , ( i ..r,,ic, r' ,1 combinalions..r,','" .'r,,r,.,.,:.,,,f pipenipplesand ii ,r rt:..;ili t(i t)r.'i(tirii;:l fOf leakage, l|..l.rii'rir, n , ,:lirrl'tifidd With One t;r)t1,rc|]io|ll l:ri1,, rr,11 fOf thg thfgadgd v..-fcron:j (te ,,..11 f q one lake_out for all rJr(rr)!.,11 t;i;.: , ,r'' tlrroUgh 6,'. The Riser Manilold ls approt'6d Inslallation ln elther the the vertical posltion. The optional relief valve available for the requlred such as NFPA 13 Section 3-1.2 requires relief valves on syslems. Biser Manifolds for use in Canada are provided with a Waterflow that has a Tamper Switch inside for cover removal l.P.S. Cutctoove Specs.: nWfrulG-hi Take-oul Dimensions: See Flgures Shipping Weight: See Figures Mfgr. Source: Domestlc Optional Accessorles: PrEssure,. Relief Valve Kil, see page S:? i' Modefs: 13 (mmmerclal) 13O (resldentiel) or 13D/tsB (rest&gttl| styles: rhreade{ gl EggJFSizes: 1", 1Y2u, 2", 2y2', 3^, 4' & rh'" , , Approvals: U.L., U.L.C,, FM,i'.! 'M.E.A. (142-94 ' l" Version is Not MEA, Maximum Working Pressure: .li Pressure tested al: 200 psl Standard Finlsh: Flre wlth ',',.Fi til$; l, j Flgure 5 2"r21/2"r 3"r 4" & 6" Grooved CommerclalTrlm - Model 13 (For optional pressure rcllel valva, se€ Hgure 6) {) Rlsr', 'd Manllor' ' Approximals lhread snoaoomanl.' 1 3" ls ths lake-out lor all sizas 2" through 6.. I I ri i'4r1le 17 & 18 used on Manifolds for use in' ..'., Unly. r-rri ble" llr-l'tti,4 : t.,' '.;.:"i i' ; ;1 " r:.;, , i,,,,iIt.,... I '. r.; ril of Malerlal' 'r'ri ,.;ommerclal Rlser Manlfold i )i !t:rlpllon :, ' i,l Il()(Jy Groove x Groove replacement []1 i-1 ' ti, t1 \21 i lt I rlr tl 2l Li ,rrr(,rkl {lody Groove x Groov€ J r rrril.,l;t n(xry GiOOV€ X GIOOVo 4"'t 1nil,:l,t l-rody Groove X Groove ,i- l r.r,rlold U()dy Groovg x Groovo 2" .I | ,ilcL j l_lody Male X GTOOVojr()' Wirtt:rllow Swllch fVSC I " I r: ll \,'.lvo (2' body) Fl01 r' , IJ ,it V;rlve (2%" & 3" tlody) F10'l .-',,tt \,.rrve (4" & 6"body) Fl0i r" lrr. 1v,nlry5 -[ss[ Q Drain (2" body) F202,, I iI ,lors Tesl & Draln I Lndy) F202 ''r .tors Tesl & Drain ' body) F202 , , r Gl;,r;s (2" bordy) tlrl ass (2'16" & 3" body) 'rI a -s (4" & 6i body) rl 2n,'2W"!" It! & Dlmgnllons of I r ir n Grooved Commerclal Rlr ,ffi1 Tta'c D 5t/2" 61/i 6%" 834" Y /r (tb 14 2A ZJ 3,, t 2{ 2%" 3" 4',. 6' eh, th, 7/r' 4tA', 5%" 13V2" 143/i', 151/2" 1gth" 20% Grooved Commerclal Trlm -Model 13 Optlonal Valve Acceseory Abovs klt can b€ Installed on all slzes of grooved bodies. Valve ls lactory'sat at i75 psl (non-adjustable). Note: lf opllonal preseure rellef ls desired f61 fi1l11;, r ' 1n1i 3, outl€l on rlser muel be provided. Detall No. No. Req'd rPa Number 1 2 3 4 Fltttng Reliel Valve (u.1., F.M.)rli h" TuHng t:Bushlnq 2 1 1 1 I g8-068-02 198-066-00 198- 143-0(, 6l l-8oo-,1 Above k[ cdn [b n"tlil]a on "tt aterflow Switch Typlcal Electrlct!,Connecilons;;;i';ffi; oo.iiiiGi'7 c.oseoH -Q-lJ n*"u SIGNALING DEVICE TYP|cAL SWITCH ACTION opEr{ or,t \<r-- tcrose otALARM f . ALARM LOCAL BEI,L TFANSFOFMER OF BATIENY POWEFED END OF LINE FESISTOR TO ADDI DEVEES OR RETURN lo cot'trRo[ FROI,I coNrRot PANEL , oPENCI,I.ALANM ''0to0E oN "AunM ror supervised circuils, ses ,Switch Termlnal Connocliors. anO cauton nole ijov4.lused to.operats a conhalstalion, Fopdstary or rsfllor'o slgnallng untt, wHle 0i6 othell;rnnrrrrcialot. ' q lr,n ,requency ol tos ng lor the Model VSR-SF and lG esrodafrO orotocWe nNf.t'A Slandards and/or the Aulhority Havlng Judsdlc on, but urdsr no drcUr odol \4SR-SF hEr two onitcher;. r b Used b operate a local atr(r h" t ShdJd bc In eccordance wirr' rl than Unbnlhly. r ' ',!. !- :r.p.O.T. (Form C) '.r']ti' r{'1 nA NG: SA@t2SVAC 2.5A @ 3oV OC Flgure 9 . Potter Tamper Swltch Typlcal Electrlcal'Gonnecilon :koco' INSTALLATION FOR MODEtTS VSF.F, VgR.CF. AND V8F€F Flemovs the one rolard ass6mbly mound.ro tcrcw. plsca'lha rwltch rurmbly ovaf tha rslard a88€mbly moun ng_tgb. Raplaca lho lcra1f,, _,$r @NTACTS SHOWN WITH , I @VER IN PLACE. (ENo OF Lr.r€ hE$sron) cKr. (8EE NOlq OPEN ON V CLOSE O'{ ffi,& n nsta,,ation H fif,1ilri,,;flffi#q,*ffi :^ The Biser Manirord is approved ror when pracins an order, indicare the 9_Tti1L9_ryl"fPl..:1".:.:.lldl11!:. { | | il,,'i'l' ,,).ll ' ,\,uthotily HAVing ,'11r,1:,1i, i ,.;11'171 , ,vg additiOnal, )rtrlritlr ,r,: ;t,li .,tUifements fof t I t i I I t t I r r t r ; t I r . , -. . l, .lirrg, and inSpeCtiOn llt;r I trtrt:,1 i,t,'ri ied For pressure reliel accessory klt use part number 4063. EENTRAL - Central Sprlnkler Company 451 North Cannon Avsnuo, Lansdalo, PA .|944{l PHONE (215) 382_0700 FAX (215) 362_5A85 - a installalion in either the horizonlal or lull product name. please speclfy the tlon centers. You may write dlrectlv rhe verricar poslion. quanrity, modet, sryte, and stze. 99?*1 tg:'lf!t^99lt"nvl^o, "inMechanicar-qroovedcouorinos -,*..(2i9)362-0T00forlhedistrlbutor Installation seqllellce musl be oro"rlo'."rp'Jrit"rii]"'"" .'ffi.fd1liest you. I'' Guaranlee: Central Sprinkler Step1.|nstal|tlremanifo|dbodywithGompanywi||repait.and/o|I!P$ce Slze Model Part Numbel 1" 1" 11/z^ t/2 1%" 1%" 1Yz" 11/2" 11/;', 11/2" 2" 2" 2" 2Vz" 2t/2" 3" 4" 4" 6' 6" 13D,FxF(UL,FM) 13D,FxF(ULC) 13,MxF(UL,FM) 13,MxF(ULC) 13,MxM(UL,FM) 13,MxM(ULC) 13D/13RMxF(UL,FM) l3D/13RMxF(ULC) 13D/13R,MxM(UL,FM) 13D/l3R,MxM(ULC) l3D/13R,cxc(UL,FM) 13D/13R,cxG(ULC) 13,GxG(UL,FM) 13,GxG(ULC) 13D/13R,Mxc(UL,FM) 13D/13R,Mxc(ULC) 'l3,GxG(UL,FM) l 13,cxG(ULC) i:.. 13,GxG(UL,FM) 13,GxG(ULC) 13,GxG(UL,FM) 13,GxG(ULC) 13,GxG(UL,FM) 13,cxG(ULC) 4067 w 4085 . 4055 ii 4086 40561' 4087 i . 4057 i| 4088 &581.+ 4089 4059 4093 4060 4090,,,. 4o8f:t; 40e4'fr 4061'4! ti. 409.| 4062 4092 4065 4095 loo6 l' 4oqg il, :' l;;"ll#ffiilI;l;il,'' lffi'l'l[:i:f:,'nr, Jrt'l)J rracetlresysteminservice lt':'' | 13D/l3R'MxM(UL'FM) | aoss$l$tpound=0'4536kg the irov, ;rrrow porrrtins in rhe ' I stze I r,tooet I Nirilder | 1v.fl:9::f]3-r:1j:j:_d.:l?!ty" l" downs|r,aml)osilionisingthreadedmatet|a|orworkmanship.with|ni conne(t,,,1sanrJ rr Listedmechanical | .,,, I ;;;':-:);;^,'" | ,:". I perioOof oneyearlromthedateof q,n,,.,'r .ur,'irr; l;,," ljI".,'..;'',,'Iili, l::::,l.sh,tp19n!.Pleasereferlothecurrenl| 1y{ | 13, M x F (UL,FM) I 40SS}i l.prlce ltst lorfurtherdetaits ol the sr.l, )r',re lredrainline. ltv1-^ | 13'MxF(ULC) | loae lwarran$'i i rr atveisintnlctosed Itv; | 13,MxM(uL,FM) | +oset'l Palents: Patentsarependlng. I vhnre 6pprspriate, the 1 tv; I 13, M x M (ULC) | aoaz 1.... ,sf Valve is in lhe ,drain,, |,,n" I jjD/i3n'"prr rr rl,. | ,n",..-..1. Converslon lable: . . ..?ailsupptyvatvesopen. llvf | 13D/13R,MxM(ULC) 1408e llfoolpou_nd_=_l .356Nm lz" I tsortsn,cxc(uL,FM) I 4ose | 1p's.|.=6.895Kpa i'r()tl:\'r'treninstallngthreaded lz" lrsolrsn,GxG(uLC) l+osg | =0.0689bar r,.-rilir-.ir;seanon-hardenlngplpe lr" Its.c"caUL.FMl Ian.n | ..^ =0.0703k9/crrr''l U.S. gallon = 3.785 rlrrr = 3'7BI lit.'t ' '.i.i;t .l | ;t, r, I accessories ,, .. ,, I ,, i , oLrtlined in :;;tble and tr$ff f-ffi#'ance lirl]igifiif"t'* |' llli[l c'nvers'ns a e a, rr.l,lr1,.,, ,.,1,.11 l, ).,' r '' , i '( , |1rr1' ,rr,lgi, , . r r I I r | | | : ) I I . r r. , t,' The owner is : riir r 'er Operaling ' ')ction devices i,^ NFPA' ,tspection,' ,: ,tce of Waler- ' i 'S/slemslro rrrd minimum j: | 'arnenls. \ I 'rli Mode! LF 3.5 K-Factor - Fast Response Horizontal Sldewall & Horlzontal Recessed Sldewall Glass Bulb Automatlc Sprlnkler Conlral Srtr inkler Comoanv 4 ', 1 Nt' rlt r;annon Avdnu6- Lorn'FIow Residential GENTRAL Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446r,-l: (215) 362-0700 / Fax:l5! 362-5385 / www.Ir- nP!/ Product ffiW'*''n'w',- ii h$fDescription W I rr Central Model LF,3.5 K-Factor '' . /r' .rliat Ilorizontal Sidewall g { I e es: ed I lorizontal Sirjewall Sp.inkl€rs; ' r,e( orat .,e glass bub sprinklers. rrv'd f' use in residenlial omnan- such ;r , lromes, aparlm€nts,' ritories. and hotels. , are to t)e used in wel plpe resklenfal ,klc" sy:.tcms lor ono- ard t$,cfamily ;rn, s : rrr I mobile homes per NFpA .t I Ln residential sprinklert ' ' rsidential ocdjpancies try to r tour stories in height per' ,', wet pip€ sprinkler systems ' , rs, , .r)tial porlions ol any ocd.t-'rerllPA13. ir, t I ntt;r' tr4odel LF Residential , I r:,:,. tai ,: r' .. ,l| .o, tlec€ssed Horizon- 1, ' r,l,wir 'i rrrl.lers have a 3.5 K-fac,lor. ,'lr,r,). .,'.. l, rW design flOW ralesrl ' rt, 'yJ , :rlual prcssures, enabfirg' ,t, t'il i.:':s arrrJ waler supply I I 1r.s s5 . !or,,ion ol the Mod€l LFIi ;!jo,lli,' I.i7'rrlal Si(furyvallSpdnkler b,l,i ,ritr, ll,. ,,rrli;ir.!l tlte Modd LF r t,.r,-.rf r tt r,.w;lrl Sprinkler in @mbina- rr .r , \'"rl r il , r,1 , 1 '1 rltl HeS/QR R€. teconlrlndadons ol NFPA 1glSD,orNFPABnhdEMd andlflon conault tlp '/utlfrr/fr! The otmrr ls rtsiaornlble foe rM Th€ lilodel t.F Hodzontar : .1. rll an Recocs€d Horizontal Sidp , i a r I pdnk t ato Ul- GUL t"bt€d 6ni tulf :r'' ,ppnr furt,8ohaccodanoewilttl r,, lt I\",: fOrtrSg On wr,l 1,i;v, r,riri I 8!Ftoms, Thesa spdrrklsrr, lr;'.' 5 Invesdgaled lor use unr Jer s,r ' "rlh ri haizorilal ceilings willt sk rt 'r::. r 'p lr Indtes p€r tool, at spar:inr1,r r,1 . lo , rl by 18 feet, using lh€ desiqn rlr lyir . n, rt5 I. : lcrnd h TaHe 1. These sprir,! rer-. ra abo be€n Inv€sfgaled lor rs', r rxj r *mfi fral sloping oeilrltrs w' lr sls .' t, lo 8 hdes per foot, El <pa,:iv,,; ; st b€ilby 15bot ushg llx' rr,'c r r togttl€rnenb toutd h I al'l,.' rs wr i fnd@celllrg'$pn':ill A1 , licali DedgrtOltsda'fril6lirr I,rr" 1. "rtt!F'Flt-- -F $Driz. Sid.l't,.'- !. Recess.'"' i; oriz. Sideural t f,rinklersL^^-!--- BE$ICWY N1q:rgf -sy6_EirE -JUflIen;l # '," rr,,,ssembly. The ', 'rr r;f llre Central Model LF r :q r . -s./tf,Fl Recessed rr)\, ( i(.)s rrp lo gA indt (9.s ir, r:. !',.i rd frcm lhg flUSh'.. ', rsilion.: ; bulb contalns a fuid' ,,'.",' exposed lo hsal. ', i i, ,,tralure is readtd,| 1i'ciently to shan€r ther' :, . r allows the spdnkler. ../at€r, lng thelr f,n pffion tr!/06,'', '',ddev/[.€6lnWproqdngdffi$. fhe tns|crillng @tffiw q tprrtil&r manulachtnq ttlottE b cpttffi rclatlwto anyqtatlo'[', Technjcal Data Sprlnkler ldenilfica0on l{rnbot ', stN cr396 1 75 psi (12.1 bar) .{* , I Plpe Thread Connoc{ort 1l2 indr NPT Dlscharga Coefficlent K = 3.5 GPirlFsltz (50.4 LPiJtbart2) Temoerafuie Railnor ' r'T€mperaturr Retlng! 155"F68"Cor175'F179"C .,. ;. Flnlshes Sprinkler: Whlt€ Pob€ster, Plated, or Natural Biass Recessed Esorkfpon: Whlte Coated, *;Risidential r,.i ._ (r! | -. r,:t i i..1r I rll( I ti;('' iti lr )i I r r r:'r, lal ','. . lr' rl). lr lr' : o.. ii.r\ilNflVGS !t::. i i !t. ....t ,il Hqlzonhl Sld€/wsilt _,tl i rl.lr.r'-s ,,.s,t tlled lweln mu9d be ir r':,','i'-,J '. :,i ,t!:intelned ln @mptlAne witlt tltis rt.:,.rir.rrcnt, ag vyell as utlfn the;tl,t,tic; itlt' , t;trtrl';16" 4 * NaAo/lE,li;t,' :', tt',.::,,,t Assoclauon,ln addfun tD llv' tar-i:4nls ol any ollret aulffi Irt,". lri,,,itr,, ;ttrisdlcdon. Fallut? to do * Design Griteria (Gonr.) Thrr Reces ,ed Horizontal Sldertall Spr inklet s r r re only lbted wih f€ S€ri€s GB Res./Ol I llecessed Esaldreon lr s.,'mbty. I ' ' nhrirnun I required skule ard rrulthle snl |,kkrr llow rates lor systems designed rr. r ri r_\ l,)tr orNFPA 13R o6.Dard€s i,"r Uir'r n ir' I able 1. The sirqle sglnlder llL .', r.rlg r... ',t rninimUm reqUlred,',' rrarge ftr)rn lhe nnsl hydraullcaly alrnanding :;ingls spinkler and, tn ,le sprinkler flow rat€ ls ths mlnlmum ' r ed disr fiarge from eadr of the btal vrr of 'l tesign spdnklers" as specified. '1 l3r)orNFPA13R. ' (T r rtative Intedm Arnrnerdm€nt).. . . r .ffr ,,ve date of May 22, 2O00 I r,. .. tital tt ,r minimum reqUir€d , ii:,cr:,rr.le lft 'F eachof the "deslgn -r',,t,t r^,ci r, ' ^,/stems d€slgfted lo NFPA I l:' 'r Iixr lrialed bas€d On delfuerhg :, f r,in',,,lin, . r. 11rr rJlrrsity ol0.t SFrVsq.rt t,Y ,., ,cir, lrxl lict.rt covefagg afeas ''tj, \','r ) 1 rc l. Corrsull lhe aUtMty ' ,rtr:t ti' lrr\tl d.t.rrding the ,t i ,ri, ;t:,, 'r, lti i I i,,\ lO thg CUn€nUy :ri,lJr\iiJi \13 I'r ;i'l I I.i i/\)rlial l lOrizontralSld6 nll,: iil,,:, i!!,,,i.,,,rrlalSiderrnall':i ,iirl. r'j ' tl.r, irrstalled USirE tft€ . ! '|lr, r, ,'r ria fe,r extended @v€tagg 1 ,.! , i , I, rrnent editin Ol tti, jJ r.^rES lir:.:ftint1ti : .^..!,,'trtfurSyg/F'n, lirri:f rl./ f r,'l |l,. 1'1,:i-a7pgf 67pf Ingblled I'i' riia. ::( . n;,nt.t,t and @nfleb,y ,.-.,'),j , ir tic spttnlder .rv..r.,,,..J.. , ., i,t.tn AflOn p''oo6durlq. t.: r( t j,. .||tr, ,,d.. i ".. I 1'r.'rr' r iD,'st r€SeCUtEdrn tt<tsiliort lt' ,;tnlt lastenlng flE !i't itIkl,.t !.) l','n t)iplng tO tE .:l .!(.tut\t. t, ,lu' <t;dnklef lg flOl lti t\a't tt !:.t |ned itt WStdOn, tffig4 t,,,.t,s ^c,,i,irq (tom spllnl&r t-'i L't itl,'tt, ;,' id attq lE Orlenb/dpn ArM il: litk t rt, tilnrllon pltem. fllF s/)r irrlir'r r . !iche{,n @nnot DO utad t,lrttd itt' ti'inklqln po6,lflon. litrctal ar: t ia may applyr to lln futslail;tliot, trirt usage Ol &It sflnt/i 'r. t 'rrsequenf4r, lt lS tt'!:t,\ry Et t' i,,d utal the grrlnl&t <r.::trrn clc iqner rcvlew a'lddev@a ri {:/ /(ir(r: ri 'etstan'iing of 0tc r. rr,:r.!..... , 'or. .:ta4drr"fu,b it,,ittif iq ti . , dt,,,, , , of he grylnlder ln aonc httrra, iln thls dolc;ulr,nelrd rrry conaaln sryrllc5/font irtrtdr st mqe sbhryantandwhldtafo 13D, |dFPA Bn, q E Ap aiffity'. The Cenffal lilodel LF l"lo&onhlSHewal : Sprinklers must be instal€d ln aocodarno wih lhe follo'*irg InsmJcforB: ,,YOtEt. .. :: '-----rd{ {\ r, ..iri. tumthciaililyArt}pa*,htut0xb.tubqffitfs6&ahsiof hqn he A.tu. Wilt ilE sptlder ffi lpttzothffi, a ffiall alr hffie wh st W,ortMb&n&(dUONl bfi;ffif futtg c€ilrpAml insialatbn aifi6tdrrhg apdbadon ol tre flnlsh coatru of h€ collingArrall. Place th" s,a mcilvsCepbaldaH€ I b pf€\renl damage lo Ule /cldqersiln notective {-a1' r,' W; tE sYst€ttt is cci t,sir /r''r, i ' .,r lS,l.'',uf S&lftr' 5. Affer tp ceilingAp:tll lr l r '' , ', I l€lrlo\r€ and diso;r' i ' r , Cq. lf tn SPrintrlP' i'35 t6i' , t€daco he €ntire lrtnir{, t Do hot aflempl lo rnodifl rr :. Pldechte C+or/erhe Recessed StlFPoilqf andPUSh it sidewar'. r, ,t I bo@ out agdnst lhe sprinkler r krllo l, rr. NOrE rdamqsd spdnkler. ,tPrstr tr arter dng ,rt tte insbn$inkleir. lilglrr w Recessed Eeqjt*|€on over lhe lle St/ppod Ct.P. ll thp rlece;-" Imaydbtortilleqflerr/r{frb Wmtl€€/('IgBorhp€hnwttdt!€Esott*pon cannol be sngaged vril I Alaaf.Ugltt12}ndlNFfldnMbMt+fua ftrc.p.5bt9.01*n).Am fr"M. (2u.5Nm)d rrquab Inslalled In trle slderffal Fddod u,ltt centedine of tre sprl*|ir $i$.q qfiilder. Step 1. Tho spt|ndor ftd grly tr,.,, 9ppott Cup or tn Reces,,,xJ Eg:r , , r camd be ongag|od sjtficie,rllv lo'' $al, tr Spdnkhr Fittintl trtt,:t BESIcwl A\JATTTEind Racttred llorlzonlr'r' ceilng and peryordorb b td lial: top of the def,ecior ts to be podfonq, towads he celllng Table I - LF Sldctdll ' Therc florr rnd pn trl|da lfl + Thc.c flou. and pr.t ura. do '12'x 12' 7mx3,7m) 11CPil^8.o fol (63.t Fn/ r.l '14' x t4' (1.gnx1,3mt 1,1OPlriUl6.0 psl (53.rWtt.l '16 r 16'13 dPi,uts.s p3l +16'x 16' tl6'x 18' Kemxt.6mt Sldewall Located it the Peak . Locate sidewalle at the peak with theh defleclors parallpl.to the slope. | , . Number ol heads lo be calculated shall conlorm to thi I -------l-r- rrFl1ll -r--r--r L D = MAXIMUM SLOPE 8:12 (33.70) tvl/ XIMUM B'-0" OPENING AI I OWED IN PERIMETER WALLS ?:l \lA*' D = MAXIMUM SLOPE 8:12 (33.70) ,rA {tMr tt,,l L1 I O\V; D B'-O'OPENING IN PERIMETER WALLS ' r,,,l,rl l.F Receseed Sldewalll:il'rt1r )(bottom view)3""-:.UoOel LF Sldewa | | t--.-rr-----...rrl||| .. \ \I I IEE| .--l-\ l: ,E --L Hi lsg&uI5titl| | \-----=-/ ll II-l_l I r-'-r ll'..\ffi--t..--- |_.t loP or n, i/t6' {tt,l rnml MAXE-|N Z-lr? (83.6 mtn) ELEVAnOa.I V|EW t'lotd: Centtd'l llodd 66 or4Ol alc{lchsons Inav t),. . When Uriit ConHt tlodol 65 cslllns " . ' ' t ' . laoa $Sf bd!'ihc iionptkE rhould bo '/, ir ? L1h$l uu'iY A\JAII.ABLE , r:T( ,l I i n ltrrf, s,i'r'".r l[ lI ltrcup lt l, l' , I r.-l.Zl6'l3l.tim) I L- l ' I lrt t' (.c.otnd) ui - -'.-2.t/2. raa.Snmt- '''lri i"') trffi:;:f I never be painted, plat€d, coat€d, or i Warranty: The manulacturer war.antsCare & Maintenance T're C.rnlral Model LF must b€ main- l;rirred anrl serviced in accordance with ll re lollowing instruclions: ,vorEs t t pipe sprinkler systems musl be' ,rtt tin -d at a mlnlmum tempen-iti o c[ 4tt F/4"C to prevent heezlng ,:t' i ltur{;titrg of the plpe and/or.i"i inhlers. /lLttotrretic sprlnklers are not to be !, ..ted with e heal source. open on ct tlrc heat responslve element (bulb)r:rn fesull- 4.')-serfce of an Esculcheon ptate may,..!ny the tinte to sprlnkler opentlon' . ,, lite:,iluallon, 't.,!'): i clt.eing a llre protectlon : t ,rlanr n)i,'if f COntfOl ValVe lOr' 'r,r..,-. .,...,rk on lhe flre' ' . t-t: .. -'-!n whlch lt conarots, otherwise altersd attor leavlng ths for a perlod ot ons y€ar from the iaie ol factory. Modilied sprinklers must bs sale (warranly perlod) lhat lhe I replaced. Sprinklerc that have b€en f,,produci(s) sold h€rounder are freb lrom exposed to corrosive produc'ts of , defecls ln materlal and workmanihlo. combustion, but have not operated,,^*ffiqu_r obllga on undsr thts wananti ii should be completely cleaned by '/'ilfH;1r;;1i60 ,o repalr or replacement, di, at ) wiping the sprinkler wllh a cloth or by our opllon, w€ will repay the brushing it with a sofl bdstle brush. jitsHilgr.tfg product(s), ptus any Ir. lrrtrt o,Irvtl rrrtJU<r vtusttr Care must be exercised to arrold ; - damage - both before and after ffi case of replacement, we wlll pay lhe inslallation. Sprinklers damaged byi. dropping, slriking, wrench.lwlsV : ,.. slippage, or the like, must b€ ro- , 'l placed. Also, replace arry that has a ctacked bulb or that has ... li,t losl liquid from lts buh (Ref. Instalh- I I tion Section). lt ls recommended ttrai ' l aulomatic sprinkler syslems bedutu tar|(j sPI|]tK|gr syslems o€ inspecled quarterly by a qualified ,i, our opllon, we will repay the prlce pald for the product(s), plus any lransporta- tlon 6harge pald by the purchasei. In the The Central Model LF must only be replac€d w-ilh sidewatl spdnKerc . !. Inspection SeMce. which are listed lor resldential fire '. proteclion service and whlch have lhe sam€ nominal K-fac-tor, lhe same {1, I THERE ARE NO OTHER WN l - , I ( )Ii ORAL WARRANTIES. ALL I^,II'I 'I:I . WAERANTIES OF ME nct | 4 t, t | ) tlt t I rY AND FITNESS FOR t\ t-'\lt i" t rtt' PURPOSE ARE LlMtI rt I li' i i |'' TION TO THE DUHA r tr ''"r ' LIMITEOWARRAN]\ : ! ABOVE. :'t ..,. I , .j :. rilir'| iI't"., r"r r;i, i, j:. .. i ), t down the atlected. tent musl be ' lroper aulhorltles. r: ntlro mAy be "on must be When remodellng, such as by addlng false beams or light fbdur€s of or the sprlnkler syslem to eult he , requiremenls 6f hls docriment. I , ,:ji,.:d\ 0rdeiing product name. Please spedty thq quantity, model, style, orlflce slzel- coverag€ area, and lhe same or flow ratings (as Indlcaled under.;i,'f The manufacluror does rrr-,1 0,. ny "Design Criterla")olher obllgalion In conner lir " rl of the producl(s) by ;ru, , r sl Jhls warranly shall not ay'1'1,1y lh in ni ed. rli ed, changing the locatlon of product(s), whlch have b"r:r' walls, fkst verily lhal the new con-' vlolallon of wrltten Inslrur:l r., struction will not violata the .by lhe manufactursr, rep:rir 'l ., , ,,,-." .nrittklers wlthln , ! valances. ' J !! ! : , .,: .r;;i i;ing trom ttt€ t t, i t( : r , ,n",' tlte Sprlnklerc Wlth/:/l!rt,f ]il(, ..tlllt. derergentg, emmo- ittit .|l(,at't rrt trirls, Of Othef Cheml-,;itrc I,'r'r.. n tl,tsl,llnt, CObWebS, .;r'l {)( 4.s. t\ccls, and larVae by tJt'!tt!\ br,t :lting witlr e bather duster rtr 11tyr:t11: t ,t'tnrtrrittg wlth a Boft!,t :llt tt ,'r' :i,uq) brUSh attt6h_ nt,',t1. li ii)il, tl). , ,. .. ,.. , .. . . ,.i ahdt autome c. t\' ')t. ,.. ,: he lnspected and. , ,'l .i'r, , ,,t it :r.ordance wlth the : , r' ,,./ r' : , , tr;jt:SllOnS glVen ln f,. I rr riir r illers musl nev€r bg . r'r' I c , ..d whore lts temp€raturg. i,"(.'(' r rr.F/39"C and they must '(,lt:r! I ...c,,,,r,or fconrrolI I gprlnkl.r requirem€nls slated under WARN-mlsused or damaged, or r,,; INGS. Altsr lh€ new construcllon damages In conneclio|' wi'lr rr' producl(s). Informati slates do nol allor, liI long an lmplied war rar)l . I Orderlng Informatlon: When excluglon or limitation (rf irlri I placing an order, Indlcale the lull c-ronsoqu€ntlal damages, s(] rl,' 't, . I JO|J ')pr., to. i ;, t, !. s afety precau ons .,;t i tnrage of hlghly ,., ri,.r lars. The rapld rdte .t.t: te t and spread ol t . ,..,ttsed by such i , . ,:uce lhe ablllty of / ..r .r.m toaldlnlhe : t , (. lt I whlch they arc t€mperature rallng, type of flnlsh or,.THISWARRANIy GIVE:, \ O,I' coaling, and sprinkler wrench.LEGAL nrcHTS, ^t.ti) | to price lisl lor compl€lo llstlng of ;:.r ALSO HAVE OTHEB F.I,.:II r Part Numbers.RY FROM STATE T(1 ,:! ^ Avallablllty end Scrvlcc: Central tr. - sq. ft. =lgpm= I psl - 1 gpm/tt, = Table: 0.304r,', 0.0gtr !, 3.785 lr"r 0'06no' t' 40.74 rtrrrt ly I X] sprinklers, valves, acc€ssorles, and other products are avallable lhroughout th€ U.S. and Canada, and internationally, lhrough a network of Central Sprlnkler distribution csnlors. You may wrile dir€ctly lo Central Sprlnkler Com- pany, or call (215) 362-0700 for th€ distribulor nearest you. Tellon ls a tradametk ol tlt,, I ' Prinlo,' i' ti 1,,'I SprinklerA [Jnrigr11 or Pendent ,, \i.. [or. ratic Sprinkler ' ', trl1r J by: Cenkal Sprinkler Comoanv' : . r llr C;lnnon Av€nue, Lansdale, penniylvania 19446 $s il [[lll,'J,,on n HtX''' 1 t1rr. :'l i ''.' '! J ,l;rt' i:ii- -' )r il- ;,lr rr,'t ' .l! ,,.1,ri1r, \,t$; tral Model A Uprighl or , rrnalic Sprinklers are ,,, ,, .Prinklgrs wlth a |'.r! l hey incorporate a r slrui rjesign, ^ , tD, inklefs afe r, rslirllittron in accordance il r)A 13 Standards. i,r[rlc irr a wide variely of tr'nrDeralure ra ngs, I ron osion resistant , n trrsible alloy is i ''. ''4 cenler strut by a ir: ri ll/fts1 the alloy ,ii ,i r''nperature, the ball' , ,' '.r the cenler strul, : tclors and, , i ler. Unlike most 1ns, the alloy is ' , rspheric ';rl i:,.rrrl I affeCl itS prOper 'i r,; .1.;o less susceplible rl r.,.rmag€ since there li Lt clements, ',,onrl llre sprinkler frame. Model: A ' Style: Uprlght or l"nd?[l*,*, Orifice Slze K Faclonmerrc)'' ! lle' 1e.snm1 ' Z1 {i;1+ ;t1; ir;, 71rc" 1rr.t,rm1 42ta.el tl{ tilfr' tlz" 1tz.z rm1 5.6 fo.a, ,, th' ii6',1'le" fta.snvn) 7.8 ftt2.6r']jilllzi hhttln" 6e.srm1. 8.1 pnel::;1Al lp ' 2n N (t7.s bl /s/hu,. St6€,t €,el pressrrres berbfl " 4; '! ' ' , Q; ] a Temp. Rating and Frame Arm 165'Fn4oC Uncolored 212'Fl100"C White (375-75-SA), V.D.S., LPCB (sdii , tabular lnlormdtlon on Page 3.) , ;,,i,: Plnlle: on defl,'' t' r/16i,6n11 ' 'r r/a"N.P I Length: 2elra" c. ,' , plntle Width: 1112" (1"' . , Wefght: 4.2 or ,' ,.', or (9.5mm, 1l () r,', l3.5mm) I al " ,7lru" , I 17lsz" ,Orificr.'' 'Autoni,I c ''l r., ri' 250 pcl 1rrste4. U.lJl 1 75 psl 0 2. I bar) - 611 .1 agencies Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psl (s1,s beo Standard Finishes: brass, plated, painled lirrr, (chroma is not V.D.S, Appro:VE and painted ls U.L. only.) iI Coatlngs: wax, lead, or wax-ovei.lbad No l.ro , dquiremont3 soe lh! lpproprlrtr, ' ,,,. , tin thls brochur€. 'I Cross Section Model "A" U hrs kler Cross Secllon --_l Crnss 5g"11on t,4ori.,l "A" Upright Sprlnkler(lir ''r!l orifice wlth Plntle) I i I *rlt it.\lrl ir UnlversalWrench (Part standard ar€e cov€rages and standard flow arr, I r,'.. requiremenli'a$ dpeclfled In cunent NFPA 13 ' ' ' ", .,?a:"...-.'':'l; Model "A" Pendent l+| 314" (19.1mm) on Sprlnkler Wr er, tlll (19.1mm) u.L., ru.L.c. and **MEA (N.y.C.) Cal. o No. Orifice Size and Style l/q"r, s'nm) ,tp' qht and pendent ,/r r rnr , 1, 'right and pendent lt rnnt ul,rrglrl and pendent ' I ,r sn,{r ' r/r"1rsrnn1 NPT upright and pendent i'. i'/i r rovals I q' ''".,n) uprighl " , ,., . ,,m) upright ' ,r' .'.:n,rnr Uprighl,' ;, ',y upright and pendenl,, , ) uprighl and pendent , , u1,right and pendenl , 1 r '/a"1rsmnr1 NpT upright and pendent. , .. .,. ,, NpT upright and pendent 375-75-5A Llstlngs protecled lrom freezlng. Refer tg Central Bulletins on the Model AIJ-$I Dry Pendent SpdnklSr6 tor use iri'O;t pipe sprinkter installhflons.fi' liffi j Upon completion ol thci" installalion, the system must b€q Installatlon Sequence rii ti il:: Step 1. The unlt musl be installed in the upright position for upright style sprinklers, and in the pendent .1.i; position for pendent style sprinklers. Step 2. Use only a non-hardenlng pipe ioint compound or Teflonr tape; Apply only to the maie thleads..;[p1 ' . 'T€llon is a lradsmerk ol tho DuPont Colp. ,3 lead, wax, wax-ovdr{ead l€ad, wax, wax-ovgr-lead lead, wax, wax-ovqr-lead lead, wax, wax-oveir-lead ; l, lead,wax-ovgr-lead lead wax-over-lea(l wax lead wax-ov{,f wax lead wax-ov{'l wax lead wax-over lP;rl l wax Kfiffi' , NPT uprlght and pendenl . I'lPT upright and pendent f JPT upright and pendenl I IPT upright and pendenl . and Style I lrendent NPT upright and pendent 'r.il.l I r:;i.,r,1,.-'- :',.). c ,\ t), .lr. \l .'. , y,{jl,r ,11 Ipendent ' .i ). .r : .,,,..nt NPT uprighl and pendent ffii $nstallation Wet pipe syslems must be ,: Corroslon-Ft.,s i Corroslon-tl^ " i It Coatir ; , ;,;;, i.i 'r, irl ,it,'rl A Sprinklers ,l,r..r r ,., ,lt. , ir ,, i ;rc:cofding to cuffenlllr i'r\ t', i: ;,rr1t.,,,1.i. DevialiOnS from rl.,', : .,, trr '.i/,,,rs and standards orr' sprinkler itself ,, ,ry made by ,rnpany. In' must also meet ,''rri I ;,._rvisions, codes . . r. .rr 'trlicable. r :,,r.;: ,l mUSt be ' ' r,:.rrre lhe minimum l, :rr tlte sprinkler. , 'r,,!rer model, style, I t,,r r,l)erature fating r rti',,r lrrstall sprinklers r, i is rn place lo avoid !, ' !1:-r{-1.; replace any Step 3. Hancl lirll,t, , llrinr , Into lhe fltting. For ugrriu rr y:rrnkleir US€ a Central Sprinkl^r 'r rrbinrlior .. Wrench, and for perr, 1, i ',pri, rkl -rrs . i.use e Central Sprirrkl,' r'1|v ;i,l' Wrench, to lighterr lt'' i llr. llttlng. A leak-ti11hl ' ',' tr i , 7 to 14 ft.{bs.1s.s r, ), a tangentlal lorce , i ,s to t24.5 N) deliver et l rl mm) handle will rlel, , I torque. Torque lev,'tl il. lbs.1ee.o Hm; mav , l ! 'ir , 9€al, resulting irr i,' ,i Folexposed I'rr'ir, :;, llr sPrinkler should be ,,',. , . 'l , lllr frame arms are parall,,l ..,,ith tlre branch line pipe. Cautlon: Special ':a, , when lnslalling witlr ; , , system. Sprinkkrr , r" after lhe CPVC rrrirrrr,' rgcommended sell, { Pdmer and ce[].r)r 1, 'rrsr a lal, i ( 'i) .l[ i; r llr rlri. rai , i' r' | , i., t' i)i rti;,, i ,:, i'r\r ,,1!,i l,'/'r f , ': I l!.\ r t,, l: I,rl:t ,,tllt | 'jr .r ;,1 ,, L,r r iS1 :,1!r,r ilrr, 1rt1 rf., lr.lllt{til rlrrlrr'yrr l1 Temperature Ratlng ('F) 1 65 sztcl 21 2o a,rl--iii28f{ t tttt 0c(71l-t z I z(t(n {.t165o.t) 212(ttr,f.) 1 65 ot<:t 21 2nuc1*-*.1*,28d1t t rr,1 1 65 pr; zt zaoorr;t*.t*,l.28oit rt;ttoo(71"1-) 4, | 4(tau) ..260fi1t!) 165?.t) 212ougr**!288nurt the sprinkler. St-recial care must be taken when installing with a copper syslem. The sprinkler should be inslallr', ,rnl , I'ller the inside of the sprinklc drol;s and associated fittings [3Yr' | , 11 v,ir, brttshed lO remov€ ' r. il, ;i r ral flux can cause, ,, , an.J , ;ln impair proper I Ltr) | l. 0are & Maintenance :. !'r' I Llers lrrust be handled :1, ltri v Ihey nrUSl nOt be lr,: !:ri.riii ,lor SlOred where ambienl l,'r,t,, i rrrirrI nrav exceed 100.F/38"C. lrrr..:l r'.srlll .:tr, ^ lhemin adry, r,y ,l ' ,;rl;1 ;1 lrill r",ii l l '.:l rt,',ti i)rsthathave l,r.,,r,ijr, 1,1..'(l ,, r,r:,rlrlv damag€d.' " I :,.r I 1,,)painled, .,rr,.i , ,, I in any other ' ,. i' ,,, r! ,t- , ,1,;,,rlCondition Of'r: "1;;,, r rr ,rt,Opgfly. finy i,;.r ' .:f- ' , lt manngf mUSt 'Llr" : , .. ,, ri . ,sible forlhei i. , , 1, ,,,r,lton ol all fire'' . ' accessories. I l, iii I ,\ i r r; ,i .:ir entitled,t: !.,i,,t: i ,,,d Maintenance/,,fi.,,,r,1 ./ . .'|Oleqtion 1, Because the discharge pattern is Guarantee: Cenlral Sprinlller critical to proteclion of life and Company will repair and/or r€plac€ property, nolhing should be hung or .. any products lound to be defeflive ln attached to the sprinkler unit that ,'ri€*material or workmanship withlh a would disrupt the pattem. Such , period ol one year from the dqte of obstruclions musl b6 rsmoved. In the_1jn shlpment. Please refer to lhe quirsnt event thal construction has altered the' Prlce Llsl for further detalls of the . I x'al Aulhority ,r r rr tay have lt( 'nq and l llntlenance, testing, ',,;rl rnust be obeyed. l,' have sprinkler '', I regularly b! a , seruice. Length of , r, inspeclions can ' .,ibiiity, ambienl , srrpply, and site lo re-assemble or ;prinkler that has , ' any sprinkler , r' I Or Oamage; original conf iguration, apditional sprinklers should b€ installed to PHONE (215) 362{700 FAX (2r5) 382-5385 Converslons are at rr , , -ss *W:tln:lil;epracl spnnrre.iirp' Ff 0 d e r i n g i:Hfi:iJJ$:1,,1;':ill",ll;::;fi"., Id lnf ormat i I r . fti 1:'i ll,"i::lh'"[xll3'',li'iti"j,ll;"'o I l@flg Inrorn,a,i,r i,, atfeited during system snuioown. A ..,.i !11"-,1.19.11order, inrrir;;rt. rr"rtl ln:*n"Hlliftt:tf,ff;;;'"ffif itlXtii,Tffi,'gi ,; : i To remove rhe system rrom seni.ltBff, 11TP:l"yi9 ratins' r1't't' ' ; :lt 'tr' mode, first refer to t-he system 'iid. coatlng' and sprinklcr r^' r' ' ' t' 3?:,f'#j,.1|i?:fJil?J::llijli:ilm ___fl:lbyv an,, s,,, c,tra, pipes. Remove rhe exisitng u;ii;a' 4,T;:lJinkle_rs,.v-alves, acc"'- ;' ' rd S1liilHl;?',T"ffi:'#.Jl'.:t'J,fl#iil""JJiili'Hil:':5j;' d; 1, march moder, sryre, orifice, a - -';; i# i,i[:"#$'3li1lti,ji5:flii I : ,ltemperature rating. A rire prorection system thar has ff; IgYIg:rite directlv r" ' ri i: ?HH;;';"$il ffi,H::ij;rylf, - ;#ii"J,ff Tr3ilill;,31 " ; Inspect the enlire system tor Oaririgd.l'r' and replace or repair as n"r"r.""l; li', converslon- Table: sprinkiers that did not op"t"r" Lri ' ..i, 1 lnch = ^25'400 rr' rr were subjected ro conoilve Jements i'; ] :?:l:0:4s36 kt, of combuslion or excesslve - ---'-.;,1i 1lootpouttd= 1 :r{1 rll temperatures snoub be Inspecteo, , iffi.z 1 psl = 6'895 kpa and reptaced if need be. rh!-rll}tLg,ti.Sj = 0'068e bar Having Jurisdicfion will detail mtntmuritr .. ,, ^- -';703 k:]" , ii jr lrl,r ir"l It lt ir i |l . rt t , rt r !l ', ,.t j r. {., r J' -" ""' --':-l' 1 U.S. oallon = lt "replacement requirements arru .: iregulations. 1'Jtlt;i' t ii ;tr ' ,\,/,ir)r i li.l)i li[ ]i t I r,lr\'.,.' r I ill'lo r, ,i " ,i'i , i , ir , t t 'i, t'{' .|irrl. ,, ', ,\, r , , r. , irrklers of lhe same i! rr' ..r ;rr.rl .1.,,e fating aS 't,i l,i i.lr I i,,rrlpany EENTRAE .-F Central Sprlnkler Company 451 Norlh Cannon Avenuo. Lansdale. PA l9it48 ' tiirdi' fn"li {ll' :' "'trti r''lrit onse Standard Goveragg t r.r,. ,Ir . I endent & Recessed pendent Glass Bulb Automatlc Sollnkli TRAL 4 2, 5.6, 8.O K-Factor - euick ,rl Sprinkler Company ,)rth Cannon Avenue.Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 115) 362-5385 / www.csntralso with this docummL ds wF,ll as wlth th6 a@icable stadards ot the Nafional Fire Prctectlo,l Assrdafut h addtdpnilS Producr kffiil Description to lhe slandards of any dpr au//?orlt&6l having iutiscilction. Fal'luta to do & nlay inpair the integdty ot il:risr devles.i, .i i:,'!, , ' ll'riIl,'1.-|. '1 " -l ! | )lr-,illi(,r): 1l |,r,?.4rirlr, ' i1 ,:, ii g; ;l15) 1]62-0700 / Fax: -IF ;' ,, t)oi,i,.r riodel GB-QB 4.2 K-Faclorii,It; ir)1 ll r,',ri'.(\'\, 'i (i K-FaCtOf (1/2Ir l',.lil .e. I rlrr l( Factor (l Tli?ln$h.r'tr, ..t , ,,t,, . ir,,spolse Uprighl, ' , ,. ; ., , t. , .. ...t nendenl Sprin- l'' .,' ;' ,rairc slrrinklers of lher, ,, .t.1, rrr r,,.,n I rcy afe qUiCk, ! ,s 1,,,r,,'ificeSpray .itr,' I nr,. I , ' jirrl i,jt USe in fife ' 1'rit l;,'i .;; I .['.: (]r,.itqned In aCCOf-,r,'r ',.\.. ll, ; ,, ,trrri,jiltCl installation 'll' ,"1 . ' /\i' . . .:: 'r,,.rnCy (e.9., UL ! ,' 'r{) i ' , ,!, pA 13 requke_,. ,.,r1 i i' , .,,r(ronl. Recessed, r ,.r ., i , ,| r i t ,rinklgrs all "',ioal wal€rI : r ',r('low lhe dslleclor. ot the Modsl ,tained by utllizingI .; . rdent Sprinkler In rrrr . .. .4odel GB Res/QR..;,. rAssembly. The r t, : ,. lr/lodel GBLOOR. ,,i, .,.r hy utilizlng the ,t i t ,eldenl Sorlnkler ln itlr tlre Model ELO I'1, lr^on Assembly. Th€ r. t(_llcot)s hav€ a ' i.,i'JLr-) tjesign Whlch.ti,rn ()[ tlle sprinklers and r11 r'r lhe lhe protection r. , .,. iling constructlon . rl '.rrr trl a finish coat to the ':so t,onnil relinlshing of a t,,llltr.rrl having lO firSl, i,re nrolection system, . sl't inklets. , rrl;r'rs bulb Contains a,, ,'r.i'r \r/lten g)(pos€d lO .'rc{t temp€ratur€ b ', , ^'.r rnds sufficlentV to , which then allows-. '' lte and tlow waler. !'i'.,rrlfflAlGS |,tt&cBLO-eR ''&RecessedPetdent ^ribed herein must In ; ,lnlained in compllance. SIN C3201 - GBAR pend SIN C3101 . GB-QR UP SIN C4201 . GBLO.QR MEA (a6&92-E Vol.lll) 1G8.0 - UL & GUL tiutird FM (Refer lo the Deelgn Grlteda ?4 inch NpT - GBLO-C|R (K=B.b) , i "; ,.. .$tandard 1r! Qpright, Prir &?hec. Porie Sprinklersr Technical , Data Sprlnkler ldenllflcatlon l'lumbcr SIN C22ol - cB{R pend fi=4el srN c2101 - GB{IR up (K;4.21 .'C SIN C4101 - GBLO-OR UP (K=8.0) j Approvals .'l' , i K=4.2 - UL and ULC Usted. Maxlmum Worklng Prcicute * . 175 psl (12..| bar) 250 psl (17.3 bar) UL & ULC (t(* Plpe Thread Connectlon ' iii 1/2 Inch NPT - GBAR (K=4.2 & fG Temperature Ratlngr i,. 1 35.F/57.C, I 55.F/68.C. 2o0.Fl93.C. t250.F1121"C i Flnlshes Sprinkler: Whlte Polyester, Chrome Plaled, or Natural Biass Recessed Esculch€on: Whlts Coated. Chrom€ Platod, or Brass Plat€d Corroelon Realetant Cocilmr : i Sprinkler: Whlte Polyester (Uf onf) li |$ $$' o Figure 1 - GBLO-QH, 8.0 K-Factor Recessed Pendent 'J t I 2-7n', 'Support crrp for Model GB aR w|h FM Appfoml has slols ir 'irr,' I ' the standad U.L.Serelon does not, fiN; I Nnit?t, Tlre Modr,l GB-OR, 4.2 K-Facto. eulck Flesponse Uprlghl, p€ndent & He( ;rr:rJ M[:A Approved for use In accordance with current-NFpA etandards.] rwitlr the l;eries GB Res/eR Flecessed Esculcheon Assemblleg t *f"A oi I !r. Model cB-eR, 5.6 K-Factor eulck Response Uprlght, pendent & arrr i MI A Approved lor use in accordance with curent-NFpA slandan are UL, ULC Lleled Sprlnklers are only llsled up to 2oo.F/ellp. tSpflnklors are UL, ULC Llsted Pendent Sprlnklers are only listed ill I ",i1, thc Series GB ReVeR Recessed Escutcheon Assembllee (veirled lemp€raluros up to 200'F/99"C. i r,e Model GB-QR, 5.6 K-Factor eulck Flesponse Upright, pendenl & Recessed ,Sprlnklers are FM Approve,l ;::::,'::.:?:'99:r yil,f9 FM Loss prevenrion D_ari s-heers. t" up,rg-hr sp,tnruJii *l'aipiJrJo *rfi ;';;;5';;;, ,sr"r''rh, while the Pend€nt and R€cess€d Pendent Sprinklers are appr6vJd In i Brase, Chrome, or whlte pr,ty,,sl, | ,i , lll''' tlecessed Pendenl Sprlnklers are only approved with the Seiles GB Fes/eR necesgeA Esculcheon Assenrl,r . .'. ''rd), for lemperalures up to 200.F/93.C. ' ' 'Jodel GBLo-QR, 8.0 K-Factor Quick Response Uprlght, Pendent & Recessed pendent Sprinklers ar^ ' rrL 'i{.'d lor use in accordance wilh current NFPA 13 standaids. The Recessed pendenl Sprlnklers are ontr li r,. , tl1,,,::' . rr ' T' , essed Escutcheon Assemblies, for tompsratures up lo 2OO"F/ggoC.- ' ) oR,8.0 K-Factor Quick Response Upright, Pendent & Recessed Pendent Sorinklers arn r r.1 , , ,v,r,|r' ''1i 'rt'Le with lhe FM Loss Prevenlion Data Sheels. the Recessed_Pendent Sprlnklers are ontv ti:,, , ,,..illr the- .,rd Esculcheon Assemblies, lor temperatur$ up to AOO"Flggfgf $ uuhnical [}Ata lcontinuedl i,,i/i rl rr , . : '.,atlon Wrench (part #1106)' Faclor Upright & pend€nt Sprinklers) I ' ,.' ;:sLO Comblnailon (part #1079) , ,, 1 tclor l lnrinhl I Pandanf Qnrtnlzla.-\ .',r ELO/ESLO Offeot (Pert ttt,!, (For 8.0 K-Factor Fecessed Penden' rglolUpriOht & Pendent Sprlnklers) Installation lro h'lor .l GB.QR & GBLO-OR ''in l, :ndent & Recessod Pendent t rr irkkr rnusl be inslalled in accor- .l.',(:r w, r lhe following instruclions. NOTES I ,'' t rt itstall any bulb type spdnkler if ltte bulb is cracked or there is a loss ol ! ,;ttid lrotn tle bulb. With lhe sprinkler tr:ld horizonlal, a small air bubble :.itould be presenl. The diameler of the ,tir lubble is approximalely 1/16 inch , , ,. mm), Tlte bubble, in some cases, ' ' , '.,e barely perceptibla lor the loweri' :t).ratur c ratings. ,r / ,7i1 i',r'1 | ,' '.tt NPT spinklar joint1 ,,'rl',, i,i.., I with alorque ol 7toi i t?Nm). A maximum'I ) 'j '! r' t) of torque is lo be ' ) 'tt ,tt,,,rt\lers. A leak lighl. , tpt joint sllould be . r.irr', \ ;::t;ii, .;rre Ol l0 tO 20fl.1b5., : ,. t\ tnaXimUm Ol ', t t ol torque is to be''':; . ,... t tt,klers. Higher levets : ' ,t.,, ,' : t.,tt lhe spinkler inlet 'i r/r,i1I . ".'U'^r;l f :*age Ot lmpahment ',t 111, 91 , 'tt1lr.y t ,', tt,'i , 11, inrrt to tnake Up lor lnsufti_ | , itl . t) .i upt)l it lhe esc/.ltchgon i l/ ,t, r,!, ; - .. , ,,t oveftighlenlng tha , , 'itttt.'. ;. ,,iinst lhe posilion of the . 'tn! ,, ti,:,q ht,:uit. :ll{,tt 1. ,,ii',l r "l'rinklerS mUSt be. .l;titt..i '. , r, ll ' lllll uprighl position and r\ , r J )r ir 'i: ' mUSt be inslalled i,iV r'' r: rr ., ! ..r position. The ,r',;r,' :, I rrallel to the ceiling, :ii, r 'r ing lhe proper!" , "' Cup (or other'' nlicable) over lhe' '''' I j ,, 'ds and with pipe' , I ' ,r , ,lied to the plps r, ' j, I , ,., ":lr,ten the sprinkler into 'i i !.' |i , lii, ! rri,'i' i. I .. :'.iltten the Sprinkler ',, ,,. ), i' . ,rches specilisd onj. ,,r, ' , ,. l t clrnical Data Sh€€t.'\'ir,rr ,! i,,c ro l)e applied to the . l r rri i,, , .,i trr.l r llats only. !;tl'l) ,r. | , , .,lrl)licalions using a 4.2 or '. / t, u, r (,t.t-ell Recessed r']lr111rj slt , 'i,1kler,a Proteclive Cap ls .r,;ri :,trl' . ,,r lr helps lo prev€nl .r ,:,r;r r, ' ,,r'r sprinkler during C€iling I!t1f .tt t',..;,.lot f c.aant I Srrr{nkro, ol the finish coating of the ceillng. have not operaled, should be replaced ll Place the Protectivs Cap ovsr lho they cannol be compl€l€ly clean€d by Recessed Support Cup and push lt , ".\,, wlplng the sprlnklor with a cloth or by upwards until lt bottoms out agalnst brushlng h wlth a soll bdstle brush. the sprinkler dellector' , , care musr b€ exgrdsed lo avord damag€NOTE i i'r - : b€lor6, durlng, and after Installatlon. As long as the Protecttve Cap ,*,... Sprlnlers.damaged by dropplng' slrlklng' remdi;s tn ptacf,, the systei ts " sfi\wtench Msvslippage, or the llke, must be ansidered to be'Out of Servlce, -.:,, tedac6d. Also, replace any sprinkler llra' '+6W' has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquiri Step 5. Atter th€ ceiling has been ' ' 'Yj'n lrom lts bulb (ref. Installalion Sectio, complsted , remove and dlscard lhe Proteclive Cap. ll the Sprinkler has lt ls recommended thal auton)ali' been damaged, replace lhe entke .. spdnld€r systems be insla( l' " 'i I' Sprinkler assembly. Do not attempt to ,.1 by a qualilled Inspectiorr So'r r' ' mnrfihr az rcaair a Aamaaanl anrlnlzlarmodify or repair a damaged sprlnkler. .i. step6.pushlh6ourerdnsortrre .'li tl 0ftltff'ri,l ; iiiii:fljjtrfr",i: #JL Y#* hI intu*,i, i i r i rl o installation and/or durlng applicatlon conosive products ol combustlon, bui sprinkler wrench. Refer I e li:, )l Escutcheonsuch fhat lt lifts a ceillno ,,, - panel oul of lts normal posltion. il t[eff ordarlng.lntormallon: vi'r'r ' lrlecirrg ilecessed Esculcheon cannot be ' ff. an order, Indicate the f"lr ' 'il engaged with tho Support Cup or ttreiiffi name' Please specify tt'n ' 1 '1 111t Receised Esculcheon cannoi be . ! model, styl€, orilice siz )erat ,e engaged sutficiently lo conlact the 1'.i;$:' rallng' lype of finish or I r) rr' I' arr Avallablllty and Servl, .: sprlnklers, valves, acc. 9rs. )nl16 !lroolhgr producls ars ava i ,l the U.S. and Canad, , 'ally, through a netwr,rf I Sprinkler dislributior' ,,, r . ) ,t '! 'wril€ dlreclly lo Cen', ''t ':r Company, or call (2 l"r '' lhe distrlbutor neare, I r r ,11 r! cl or used lo cover a c,leanncp llrrle, dalay the metoorytr,tlonlnafl'€.;1t,. For lurlher detalls r,,, . , situation. , ,.d,.t44[r price Llst. Before closing a flte protecttut '.-$!!f Convorelon Table: syslem main control valve for 'r' -::"' 1 1. E 0.lr 1 r , mainlenance wofu on the lhe .. i sq. ft. = 0.(r r , ,rr prolection system lt cont ols, peml$ I' I oom - 3., l sion to shut down the atrected f,rc ,lt "' 1 6sl = 0.() i ,', prolection systems must b obtalned : i oom/fl?= 40;r , from lhe prop authoitles. All personnel who may be atrecled by 't,it, I Tellon ts d lrademarn this action must be notlfred. ,): The Model G&QR & GBLO-QR. Uprighl, Pendent & Recessed ti Pendent Sprinklers must be maln-, tained and serviced ln accordance with ths following Inslructions. , t$$$l '' F '(-Factor - euick ResponsG ;1,1t,r dard Goverage Mo'del GB-QR ! !.r ,alr n,al Sldewall Glass Bulb Automatlc Sprlnklers i),:i rtral Sprinkler Company'':1 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, psnnsylvania 19446:i!: (2.|5) 362-0700 / Fax: (215) SOZ-SS8S I riww.cantralsprlnkler.com '-rP' tl------ ','W..EENTRAL *i'f,: , ', ::C'.ri. Product Description rlr.r r )..'rt, 1! Li,,,tot GB_QR,5.6 ri I r:.. lot : ir: lr t,,ilice), Horlzontal-,;1- 4;1ll '.'Ir1iIrlr1',I are automalic '-: r'nl'i'1r, ,.i ri1,. lrl'rgible bUlb type.rlj,,. :r,,. rlri,r.k 1r,.rJ11;J159 _ Slandard ', ' :,!r. , ,rt .ll tiprinklersrni,..,,j,,i: , .ir fire sprinklefr'.:.l,lr,-i .i -,rrr,,.,1 in aCCOfdance.',itrrll,. i,'r r i rstallation rules r rIL,r,rrI.',:I ,: i i ,r' t rr': applicoblai :rtilq , j. r i : . ,' agency (e.9., UL . , r,tFpA 1g r€quire- , rrrl ,;i,rsg bulb contalns a. , '. , ,, : . when expossd to d lemperalure ls' ' rpands sufficien y ;. '-. lrulb. rvhlch lheni ' rr' , lo activate & flow ii'i"IV"VGS tt:,, \i, ..r, t' | \t I Hoiz^ntal SideWatl.:r.;rr,', r ', ;, ,ti,ed herein mUs! be ' . t.',it ! ,\. .t,.intained In Co,t]tr/llatr8't,llt ,; ,i t,ittf nL aS well aS Wlth lhe a111 '!i,:iti rir ;tl \ tards Ol lhe NallOltpll.i!' l':jtt ,,vt Associatlon, In a&ftlon Itt t!,o :la \t.,:tt:; ol any o af autllc|tiffe9 Sprlnkler ldentlflcallon Number stN c3301 Standard -$pra ' Approvalr UL and ULC Llsied, FM Approved MEA (446-92-E) Horizontal Sidewalf tt (Refer to the Deslgn Cdteria 'Recesse rl Maxlmum Worklng Prgllura 'Sidewall 175 psl (12.1 bar) Plpe Thread Connectlon 1/2 inch NPT Sprlnkler: Whlte Polyeeter (UL, t MEA); Chroms Plated or Nalural Brass (UL, ULC, FM & Recessed Escutcheon: Chrome Plat6d, or Brass Corrorlon Reslltant Sprinkler: Whit6 Polyoster (UL & ULC only) Phy3lcal Characteddcr outsldo sdg99 u,ih a Tenonlf. compresslon scr€w b bonz6, deflec.lor ls bmes. Sprinklerr, Tt|€ luodsl GB{IR Flortonhl Sldeiml ,' Spdnklers utilizes a dedndfrcaton , resistant (DZR) brorze frame and a 3 mm Seal) conds&q ofa beryltm r sprlng that fii eealed on to0i'lts Dlscharge Coelllclent , : K = 5.6 GPffipslt,t (80.6 LPM/berr,z) 4 '-,__.. ,.;ir"i -,. Tempeaaturo Rallnot ,i . .i ,,':,,;l I 33: F1?1i9"' *' F/81'9' ?qo;FfP;5ffi til-:$l Desi,i, r Gril,' r celllng when m€ast'' , ' rot i the spdnkler dellec; ,i Horlzonlal Sldewall ' .r ' only llsled wlth the 'i, ' rl Recessed Esculchc,,r ' The lvfodel GB{IR }1,. j ' ,,, Sgftdersare FM apl'r, ' I ei rhi luzad m.rpandes in r, ., ,, v pn FM l-oos Preventi( r' r | ,r ,.'l:. i,r. 'rsprt fus at€ nol ap1'r^,. 't ' .er .' appllcauons. ,...5 The Model GB-QF | , SPdnklerc are UL I | 1r occupancl€g In acc,,,,' , ir cun€nl NFPA 13 sl,, , ', 'r'' epdnklers ar6 llsls(t r, r , . i(r I to6'(100mm - 15(r '' r' ,rl o Flgure 1 Model GB-QR Horlzontal Sldewall ! ACE OF SPNNKI.ERrmo Ift IOP OF OCFLECIOf, l^t ' lll.l |nr) l.Lla'l!|.t 6rt EtEvAIlOll VIEW ffiffhrsrattarion ,.t,,.t;'i t),j.. ,.^^.,r i,rc diameter of the'',, r .,i',!' i. v.t,i,tlqtately l/16 lnch Gare &1,,#t Flgure 3 - GB Sprlnkl.'r /7sr1s6 (Part X 1P""'-. i The Model GB-QR Sprinklers must be malntaliied'Artl serviced in accordanct w,lth lhbi*,,. ,\TOIES rr:li Absence of an esn,vfrdtalon whldt 16 used lo cover a cleala,ncr tlole, delay the time to qera,tlat ln a frrc,L; Betore closing a frra !'otadon b, faclory. Mqdifled.spdnklers musi be{ff-i*, ild U5. iiibi..,, ,jreplaced.. Sprlnklers that have b.eq1 li ally, lhtough a nstw(, 1;b;'"d6d':i,.;il9.d$i!fi :l;l$i3fi i.il8,'3,1fi ff ff I :ii?ie'',i',lfl ffi [il,iil'i"Jfrilr'ff:ffi ffi lrfJ,'f]:li,:,'l{'fi itr*, r,: .; ' Also, replace any sprlnkler that has a i , cracked bulb or that has lost llquld from Convorrlon Table: ils bulb (ref. Installatlon Secllon), 1 fl. - o ' It is r€comm€ndod that automallc i oii,i'= a , sprinkler syst€ms be Inspec{ed i ;5i:- 0quarterly by a qualllled fnspec,ilon ,. , i [i"nr_ at,S:?f;:il by a quailned n9o."irol" ,, ;,, , i 6iinrn, -4(, , ' ,.' ,..1'.|^ te{bt h etndennd<.,t | , L.. ' .r +r;, '.ii f,i, r. !..) ,.'!t 1'' r. r.,: , | \,\ |).\t i,,'tr t|tr ltttlb type Sprinklef ift':. i r;'l i , ., "\i or there is a loss of , , ' ,r('l .it/ tttt .tt itake up tor ln'uffr- t::.'nt t iit' t,t , n! in llrc escutcheon /.. r',' i'r lr;, i ,r ,,vettightanlng the ;t'tttthiL', 't.::,ittt:;t llp pOSitlOn Ol the ::!,!tnkitt I lt;ii,j k, .liit. combusrion, but have'not opep$J-,1ffii il#rll'jiiiiii'iotln,, ,, ,. should be replaced. lf thel g.gn{I.be li-ifti Company, .ir catt (z,, , completsly..cleaned by w|phg titg . ...,;j;i: ttre dtsirt6irtor neau,, , HfltrH",ffieffi,' }tfl Infnr rI',' slll controls, parmiislon to sktf down 0rdft .r,,r^.r-- r-.^---.i.Wfr:viffi;Wffi 3s?l'tn,lil,1ffiill ; o.blained fmy tB Fwr di{utiles*,iiif il,nl,l"l;rliJsffie,,r,, , All petsonnel wtn may.tn'!fr*,ov u/ rr,.. i Flod€;. sMe. orifice , Ithis adton must be nottf,ed. , ,, i , ifiii,'rvii-ir n'"tr, , , cj Automatlc sorlnklers rurst never b€ i:i-\',:' Epdnkler wrench. RP' " ;l shipped or itored where thelr lemperallifi complele llsllng of l) tur6i will exceed lOOpFlSSgC and'thor:, i must never b€ palnted, det€d, qj€ibifTll or olhenvlse eltered allir leavln0 the llfl laclory. Modifled spdnklers musl be-Sffi-fl{ lureD yrt|r IrArrE E'u I ua, rrdro-r, .{ru y,lyl4tlltAytlhbllltv and so, I a,musr never be..oatn!e{, ptlt"o, eS{ffi;'fiffi;:'di,;"., ,, ,,or olhen'rrlse eltefed alter leavlr" rlra r'1 r" 1' r^^r^-, rr^-r!lt^r --.r-r.r-h -..jYi'1"*tl$i{,'oth0r produc{s ar€ ;rr | | i !k I ;ffiT'::ill]x,$#3lxsrbvhwhr'sl ffi ;;;;,;; qFEI C0PI e"tfi?;:,:1ffj#lf,liHj:s"Jf,,, :' ri,iti{gi#i#1f,i: ; Tt-l$}$E lnslalEnon..tipnnKoF Oamaged Dy debcb In material a, ql oropplng, slnKng, wlencn |wlsU . . For fudher delails or o qlippage,.or the like, must be replaced.., i'rt6"-Liji. --*- Also, replace any sprlnkler that has a . : :r (.)n Ilorizontal sidewall rirsi lrr installed in accor- iIre lultowing instructions. NOIES f. tlt:t t ,. ' ,,, ,,,r f c.nt.t I gp.InLt r 'Jtrl,. Iu"o ,qit g | 7; $ 7. .. 0E0R0E 0.2{0 0,07c .g.tlI: a.a4) 0.717 0.872 i,t2? !12 1. !j2l 2 t?l ;..1?l . i?t . .i.oal 4 t,Zl .. :i l2l . ,i '21 ,. il0 rr .,.t0 9 i (TUE goldra Jolnt ptlllnor ,(For Coppcr 0rrlnrgjuter Flillng €nd Lrngth Wrol e c"r, Dtalnrgo" Soldet t rl D!f: t& .15 .00.,' .2s t/0 114 Ji8 6al 56 .62 BE .6? .G9 .0r 1.00 t,3 | t,t2 2,12 n I ' Une 'p 'lhlI r.t;r'\ t t,2', ,t l 2' r, 1,,',r ' /." !' rl .tl n $atlt' '. ..C0tlll,)!, " iy l.iiibl5|:di6ill;;,,,,'.;, ufdbomode '; .trrq, lfq PrdlcUler nl;:'il, , ri611 7,. dTF 'F030 Ih.Lr.d lb, (gl es.t rr.Anllmqny (C, !ryrH,coPPER fnch glzE9 (tlrcHEst Srlr!r ila(l I i",,, tGt70r 5o a0 l!0 I5(r t{(l r l0 (. tro tc0 rl f!O'F, Whlh rold' . . . . umd. ffLlut ruo'r' !n0 lltlrnr ol rnf rotdfl r r;rns 1 t$$$t \.llr FIG.20 STANDARD PIPE I --LI I i I : i,., . it2 ? 1i2.'3 r: :r- l rt tV4 i:i+ i .V&.1-V4 '' 'I o .i(,f rlf ,F lllz'- r ',tar,it I ?r' ir .$r it 410 610 3-r/r6 725 \$-s' -l t I lr it l ti ffif,*ngquirementb \ltR\ ,,dil, ifi ; , lv;rrrIitges '' I r . r I.r lluslr willr base nlalerial. . nnrbethrrerrt delrllr krr lrlgh perfonnance.rllrrl-'3i r:i lrroassenrbled lor losl, easy Inslallalloh. .. ir;,,r /A1r1rr.ovals ,,'riler Lirboraltrries Corrhol No 767G : ,, y rvlulual serial No 22205',,...' .,,j,,,,,L1_.Conlererrce ol Builtllng Olllclals' ','r ,,,, I r,to 2[!9bt-,. :l I : I ]1",:1.,u;".{cling code consress lnternailonat l ' r. r ,." t l.lo Bg l3 ;i I i, I]'; ,' : ',1 .'r 1nu1r"1 Renorl l.to 23709 ,,,,,:l:, l:::lLlrly:,::, r:e<leratspeclftcailonr.ili, $1oup Vlll, lVtre i i rt1 r.:rlg " -ll , 't;crrr Steel rrrateriat rneels lhe'' , l'9ll::, or SAE f I tOM or SAE t0t0 tor ' , l/rl,^9,.,"d. t/2, I tDt,s and AtSl-t'z-Lt-i tor;rrrtj 3/4" l.lDl's.ilrrd 3/4i l.lDl's. J" I st f"+ t,: &l Fi si. ;i tii I;i ti I ii! I ..,, . ,i,llll tl lue so n chul i ." rl.r:,Jr .t i.? t.,,.,-. IIlr..rr \!, t lltc Insc It lctlnl 2. ll nrlol.drlll lhr lDlr. !**!:*!'.lw!l!tiiiFq|l'*.' ^-. -v rt=zll l#. . rltr lzlIUIU o 1t.?4: 750'r 510 ll30 r8l0 27rO 3770 ;4rr l0 io i610 24t-L 3360 5 :,' '- r.l l: i ri .': l/4 ttuu 1-l/2 inch rod in lO{-. ',' i . ilarbon Steeli emDerahrre- 75t)"F ii , ''.r, EectreGalvanized, and Stainless i . Figure numhr, rod diameter, and t!! | - .iti ' MAx BEc. LoAr1r ti+L i : f,OD ( F(,n SEnVTCE Trll"lI*##i 510 9j 18f0 1^ir' '111..( | t'vt 80@ 'ilrr a1; ALL THREAD ROD CUT O:IjNGTH Size Bcnge - 3/8 thru 7/8 inch rod in I inch lncr€ments. |{at--ial - Carbon Steel'Vor":um Temperature - 7Se"F f i:r;.i; - Plain, Electro-Galvanized, and Stainless {.r'rr ' ",-. r,, - Figure number, rod diameter, rod' .-:.. ':.:sh. ; hffiru I t(;. Size Ronge - f2 thru 5 inch pipe. M qt,zrial - Carbon Steel, Mil. Galr"anized to G-90 :; ec ii.:ation- ! ,n,'t on - For general piping purposes. Knurled,.!rvi . ' .;gtr permits hanger adjustment after :;, ;ta iioring tension on swivel nut holds it... ,: .- : . i:i.irger before installation. Swivel nut,' ti: I/ 'r' .. ,.. ;rderwriters'Laboratories listed and ,. ..,1 Er:gineering approved. Conlorms . : , ?i . Standardization Society Sp.69, ',... i 'mperorure - 550.F' ' ,:r. Galvanized and Stainless Steel.. ';ure number and pipe size. ? i.,BE$T A\lN ---l I I I .i l. 9fPrrjfua Z. hlaoa glt'- Co11ne*. hlnatrrP O /hovc, 9f:^n5rtCf-T ,ffrrtnf 3rs,a ? fpfr6 CAt4*il€ N hrcr 6*67. 3, Euwepe pral Rcnlre, .ifg,Xrp o,twr+. (z"f;,{. hatagz f,l r,,lru Kerrrag rrvr4r+uF '- 5. Cl4s, I slr.^ )n - -.-t'l' C. t4*t r:n" Ar^''Y 9"t",1 '^ e*l sh,'" ; rfl'ff [l^'"' *'*1',^i"''n^,€', 11 4i] 6w ,a z' tL^oto b*k Ltn\to, . la- h" ; ",n'ts Lzo\eE sh" 02u*- wrni,r \- b=A*t*. C\, RAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Name :ANTLERS CONDOMINIT MSLocatj.on:680 W LIONSHEAD PLACE VAIL, CO. 81657Building:3RD FLR FITNESS ROOMContractor:ABC FIRE PROTECTION INC.Calculated By:tvlATT HALLConstruction: [ ]-Cornbustible [X]-Non-CombustibleOccupancy : LIGHT HAZARD HYD U - SYSTEM DESIGN [X].NFPA 13: [X].TT. HAz. T ]-oRDINARY IIAZARD GRoUP: [ ]-EX.HAZARD.I ]-{!l1 291 [ ]-NFPA 23LC: - rreuns: cuRVE:[ ]-OTHER (Specify): [ ].SPECIFIC RULING: MADE BY: DATE: Area of Sprinkler Operation:400Density: .1 Area Per Sprinkler:VARIOUS Ilose Allowance GpM: Inside:Hose ALlowance GpM: Outside:100Rack Sprinkler Allowance: .-. CALCULATION ST'MMARY GPM ReguiredztTT.7O pSI Required:L01.99rrCrr Factor Used: Overhead: 150 Underground: 14O WATER SUPPLY o--- Date:31 JAN. 0L System No. 3 REMOTE 1Contract No. C0010 Drawing No. Fpz o, bCeiling Height:8-0 Ft. * SYstem TlPe 'tlxl-wET [ ]-DRy [ ]-DELUGE [ ]-PRE-ACTTON :t SPRINKLER OR NozzLE * Make:CENTRAI Model:cB-eRSizezt/2 K-Factor:5.6 Temperature Rating: L55 * I{ATER FLOW TEST * Date & Time:Static PSI:118 Residual PSI:94 GPM Flowingz92OO Elevation: -6 tocation: Source Information: * PTIMP DATA * Rated Capaci.ty:At PSI: Elevation: * TANK OR RESERVOIR * Capacity: Elevation: * WELL * Proof Flow: 414,"yo.- "THE" Sprinkler program by FpE Software, Inc.oo HYDRAULIC SUMMARY File: ANTLR3FT 02/os/0L ITIATER SUPPLY INFORMATIONStatic (psi) Residual (psi) e (gpn) Hose (gpn) System req. (Spn) @ (psi) r.18.00 94. 00 9200.00 r.00. 00 L77.70 101.99 Supply available: tt7.98 psi Safety Margin: 15.99 psi Maximum velocity in the system is: 13.61 ft,/sec Continuity at all nodes satisfied to 0.01 gpm Pipe Tlpe Legend Fitting Tlpe Legend cM = copper Tlpe M 1 = (Table z) Tee or cross (Flow Turned 90o )PI = l*.rican Dlma-Frow g = (table z) go" standard stuoo,DL = Ductile rron class 51 B = (Table 1i go" standard ErbowB - (Tab1e 1) Butterfly Valve1 = (Table 1) Tee or Cross (F1ow Turned 9O")6 = (Table 1) Gate Valve Notes: .File: ANTIR3FT rrTHErr SnrJfer progran by FpE Softwaf rnc. Page: 1 Pressure Frow Elevation K-Factor Area Densityy::----__--_-1!:t ) (spn) ( reet) ( rt:; (spn/rt2 ) 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 31-2 313 3L4 315 316 317 318 319 320 327 322 19 20 2t 22 7.03 7.92 7.87 9.93 9.25 8.51 10. 86 8.18 7.6L 7.00 16.15 L9.74 28.6L 36.80 45.O2 50.76 55. 75 60.32 82.47 9L.70 94.34 95.35 95.41 95.44 99.36 10r..99 14 .85 0.00 1.5.70 0.00 0.00 16.33 0.00 16.01 0.00 14.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 L77.70 7.50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 7.50 7.L7 7. s0 7.77 7. 50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 5.60 5. 60 5.60 5.60 5.60 o.tL2 0. 119 t32 L32 34 0.480 7L 0.226 31 0.478 -6. OO souRcE " Sprinklo lype FittingsSegil tode ''THETIFiIe: ANTLR3FT End Flor lliareterllode (gpr) (inc[es] er Progr€rm by FPE softwaT, Inc. lengtl Eqv Leagth tot leogth Frictiol C-value pe(feet) (feet) (feet) (psi/fr) (psi) Page: Pf tlelocity (psi) (ft/sec) 302 301 14.85 0,811 C[ I 0.58 4.53 5.11302 303 15.?0 0,811 Cu 0,25 0.00 0.25304 302 30.s5 i.055 clt T 1.42 ?,56 10.98304 305 16.33 1.055 Cr E 8.?5 3,02 11.71305 306 16,33 0.811 Cil E 0.58 3.02 3.6030? 30{ {6.88 t.527 Cil T 1.83 12.09 13.92307 308 30.83 1.055 Cr.{ T ?.58 7.56 15.1{300 309 14.81 1.055 Cil I 6.00 3.02 g.02309 310 1{.81 0.811 cu {.33 0.00 4.33311 307 77,10 1.527 Ctr I 2s.00 6,04 31.04312 311 71.70 t.521 Ct{ I 15.00 6.0{ 21.0{313 312 71.10 1.527 C!{ 28 40,00 12.09 52.09311 313 71.70 1.527 CU 2E 36,00 12.09 48,09315 314 71.70 1.52? Ct{ 3ET 18.00 30.22 18.22316 315 17.70 11527 Cr [ 8.60 6.0{ t{.6{317 316 11.70 1.52? Cil E 23.25 6.0{ 2g.2g318 317 71.70 1.5t7 Clt E 20.75 6.0{ 26.7s319 318 71.10 1.521 C[ E 12{,00 6.04 130,04320 319 71.70 1.752 DF E 6{,00 6.03 ?0,03321 320 11.70 1.?52 DF E 14.00 6.03 20.03322 321 77,70 2.221 Dr 86 ?.50 11.23 24.73i9 322 77.70 4.328 Dt r 4,50 28,40 32.9020 19 77.70 4.328 Dt E 6.00 l{,20 2(-.2021 20 11.70 4.328 Dt I 6.00 1{.20 20.20t I()TE: lhe flor l]epeldelt pressure Loss Device in the preceedilg pipe accoults for22 21 11.10 6.340 Dl ?c33 1d0.00 9i.3{ 19s.34 0.174 150 0.00 0.89 9,22 0.193 150 0.00 0.05 9.?5 0.183 i50 0.00 ?,01 11.21 0.058 150 0.00 0.68 5,99 0.20? 150 0.00 0.75 10.1{ 0.067 150 0.00 0.93 8.21 0.186 150 -0.1t 2.82 11.31 0.018 150 0.1{ 0.43 5.4{ 0.173 150 -0.14 0,?s 9.20 0.1?0 150 0.00 5.29 13,61 0.170 150 0.00 3.58 13.61 0.1?0 150 0.00 8.87 13.61 0.170 150 0.00 8.19 13.61 0.170 150 0.00 8.21 13.61 0.1?0 150 3.25 2.19 13.61 0.170 150 0.00 {.99 13.6r 0.170 150 0.00 {.56 13.61 0,1?0 150 0.00 22.15 13.61 0.132 120 0,00 9.23 10.34 0.132 120 0.00 2.64 10.34 0.041 120 0.00 1.01 6.40 0.002 120 0.00 0.05 i.69 0.002 t20 0.00 0,03 i.69 0.002 120 0.00 3.92r i.69 3.89 psi 0f the total friction loss npf' 0,000 1{0 2.60 0.04 0.79 I,11e: ANTLR3FT yt L J. !r rJv! LWaf g7 J.nC. ' Nozzre ,rg: O lao" Fittins rip" ?i"tion Pase: 1 Type & in Size & Eqiv. f.oi, Req.::::::l::__:::::::_. spn in. Devices r.!Ig* psi/rt psi Notes 301 to 302 303 to 302 302 to 304 305 to 304 306 to 305 304 to 307 308 to 307 309 to 308 310 to 309 307 to 311 311 EO 31,2 3L2 to 313 313 to 314 5.60 q a 5.60 q a 14.85 14.85 15. 70 15.70 q 0.00Q 30. ss q 0.00 Q 16.33 0.811 150 0.811 150 1.055 150 1.055 150 0.811 150 L.JII 150 1 .0s5 150 I. . UJJ 150 0 .811 r50 L .527 150 1 cr7 150 r.527 150 1.527 150 lgthT ftg tot lgth I'-c, Pt0.t74 Pf pe Pt 0.193 Pf Pe Pt 0.183 Pf Pe Pt 0.058 Pf pe Pt 0.207 Pf pe Pt 0.067 Pf pe 5.60 q Y 16.33 l6 ?1 q 0.00Q 46.88 r6.01 30.83 q 0.00 Q 14.81 Igth 3.42T ftg 7.56tot 10.98 lgth 8.75E ftg 3.02tot Ll .77 .580 3.02 3.60 lgth i.83T ftg 12.09tot 13.92 lgth 7.58T ftg 7.s6tot 15.14 lgthE ftg tot lgth ftg tot Pt 8. 180.186 Pf 2.82Pe -0.14 Pt 0.048 Pf Pe 7.6L 0.43 0.14 Pt 7.000.173 Pf 0.75Pe -0. 14 Pr 10.860.170 Pf 5.29Pe 0.00 Pt 16. 150.170 Pf 3.58Pe 0.00 Pt 19.74 0.170 Pf 8.87Pe 0.00 Pt 28.610.170 Pf 8.19Pe 0.00 lgthE ftg tot .580 4.53 .250 0. 00 0. 25 7 .03 0 .89 0.00 7 .87 0 .05 0. 00 7 .92 2.0r 0.00 9.25 0.68 0.00 8.51 0. 7s 0.00 9.93 0. 93 0 .00 s.60 q a 5.60 q a 6.00 1 n, 9.02 4.33 0.00 4.33 14.81 14.81 q 0.00Q 77.70 q 0.00Q 77 .70 q 0.00Q 77 .70 q 0.00Q 77 .70 Igth 25.00E ftg 6.04tot 31.04 lgth ls.00E ftg 6.04tot 2t.04 lgth 40.002E ftg 12.09tot 52.09 lgth 36.002E ftg L2.09tor 48.09 "THE" Spr er Progran by FPE Software, Inc.inkl o Flow in gpE Pipe Size in. Fitting & Devices File,: ANTIR3FT Nozz 1e Type & Reference Location Pipe FrictionEqiv. LossLength psi/ft Page: Req.psi Notes 3L4 to 315 Jl5 to 316 316 to 3L7 317 to 318 318 to 319 319 to 320 320 to 32r 32t to 322 322 to 19 19 to 20 20 to 2L 2L to 22 0 .00 77 .70 0.00 0.00 77 .70 0 .00 0.00 77 .70 0.00 77 .70 77 .70 0. 00 77 7n 0.00 0.00 I .527 150 3ET q q a q a q a Y a q Y Y Y q nY q a q a q v | .527 150 E | .527150 E L .527150 E L .527 150 E l-752 120 E L.752LzO E L. LlI120 86 4.328 I 'ln 'nI'.rJ I 4.328120 E 4 .328 120 E FDPLD 6 .340 140 lgth 18.00ftg 30.22rot 48.22 lgth 8,6ftg 6.04tot 14.64 lgth 23.25ftg 6.04ror 29.29 Igth 20.75ftg 6.04tot 26.79 't ^*L 1ar. d6rSLr| r,4...r . UVftg 6.04tot 130.04 lgth 64.00ftg 6.03tot 70.03 lgth 14 .00ftg 6.03tot 20.03 lgth 7.5ftg L7.23tot 24.73 lgth 4.5ftg 28.40tot 32.90 lgth 6.00ftg L4.20tot 20.20 lgth 6.00ftg L4.20tot 20.20 lgth 100.00ftg 95.34tot 195.34 Pt 0.170 Pf pe Pt 0. 170 Pf pe Pt 0. 170 Pf Pe Pt 0.170 Ff Pe rL 0.170 Pf Pe Pt 0.132 Pf pe Pt 0.132 Pf Pe Pt 0.041 Pf Pe Pt 0.002 Pf Pe Pt 0.002 Pf pe Pt 0.002 Pf pe Pt 0.000 Pf pe 36.80 L2L 0. 00 h5.02 a , q> 3.25 50.76 4.99 ,i.56 0.00 60.32 22.15 0.00 82 .47 9.23 0.00 91.70 2 .64 0 .00 94 .31 J.. UI 95 .3s 0 .05 vJ.4l 0.03 0.00 95.44 FDPLD = 3 .92 3 .89 0. 00 99.36 0.04 2.60SOURCE TG33 il srf ilil tlllil Iul I i:! irllIrr iliii H lfl itil iiil tlj x Ytoos ? rtoo I t Nrln x - sos *cr!. r- ''g *l.r F lrirrls1-\ it & RAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET o--- Nane : ANTLERS CONDOMINIIJMS Date:31 JAN. 01Location:680 W. LIONSHEAD PLACE VAIL, CO. 81557 Building:NEw ADDITION 3RD FtR LOBBY & OFFICES System No. 3 REMoTE 1 Contractor:ABC FIRE PROTECTION INC. Contract No. C0010Calculated By:l{,ATT IIALL Drawing No. Fpzo,6Construction: [ ]-Conbustible [X]-Non-Combustible Ceiling Height:VARIOS Ft. Occupancy : LIGHT HAZARD - SYSTEM DESIGN I{YD 1' lxl-NFPA 13: [x]-LT. HAz. [ ]-ORDINARY HAZARD GRoUp: [ ]-NFPA 231 [ ]-NFPA 23LC: FIGURE: CURVE:[ ]-OTHER (Specify): [ ]-SPECIFIC RULING: MADE BY: Area of Sprinkler Operation:900Density: . L Area Per Sprinkler:VARIOUS Hose Allovrance GPM: Inside: Hose Allowance GPI{: Outside:100 Rack Sprinkler Allowance: * WATER FLOW TEST 'tDate & Time:Static PSI:118 Residual PSI:94 GPM Flowing:9200 Elevation: -6 Location: Source Information: --- CALCULATION ST'MMARY Required:306.29 PSI Required:L03.72Factor Used: Overhead:150 Underground:140 WATER SUPPLY * System Tlpe * [x]-wET [ ]-DRY [ ]-DELUGE [ ]-pRE-ACrrON * SPRINKLER OR NOZZLE * Make:CENTRAL Model:GB-QRSize:1/16 K-Factor:4.2 Temperature Rating: L55 [ ]-EX.HAZARD. DATE: * TANK OR RESERVOIR * Capacity: Elevation: * WELL * Proof Flow: GPM ucu * PUMP DATA * Rated Capacity:At PSI: Elevation: ar-t1 nUq- rltc€t fu e-4402- 02/05/ot "THE" Sprinkler Program by FPE Software, Inc.aoIIYDRAULIC SUMMARY Fi}e: ANTLR3LB WATER SUPPLY INFORMATIONStatic (psi) Residual (psi) @ (spn) Hose (gpn) System req. (g-pn) @ (psi) Notes: r.18.00 94.00 9200.00 100.00 306.29 LO3.72 Supply availablez tL7.96 psi Safety Margin: 14.24 psi Maxirmrm velocity in the system i.s: 30.06 ft,/sec Continuity at all nodes satisfied to 0.01 gpm Pipe Tlpe Legend Fitting Tlpe Legend CM = Copper Type M DF = American Dlma-Flow D1 = Ductile Iron C1ass 51 6 = (Table 2) 90" Standard Elbow1 = (Table 2) Tee or Cross (Flow Turned 90.)g = (Table 1) 90' Standard Elbow B = (Table 1) Butterfly Valve1 = (Table L) Tee or Cross (Flow Turned 9O')6 = (Table L) Gate Valve File: ANTLR3LB Node nTHE'r Snrfler Program by FPE Softwal Inc. Page: L Pressure Flow Elevation K-Factor Area Density(psi) (Spn) (feet) (ft") (srpn/ftz) 101 LO2 103 104 105 106 to7 108 109 110 111 !12 113 114 115 116 'J_t7 118 119 L2A L2t L22 t23 L24 t25 L26 L27 t28 L29 L30 131 L32 133 L34 L35 136 20 2L 22 7.45 11.46 10.00 4.20 65.00 0.1?67.50 0.00 11.008.7L 0.00 11.009.18 12.72 8.00 4.20 65.00 0.1968.76 0.00 1L. 0010.60 13.67 8.00 4.20 65.00 0.2108.69 t2.38 10.00 4.20 65.00 0.190 9 .64 0.00 11.007.00 11. 11 8.00 4.20 65.00 0. L716.77 0.00 11.007.65 1.1.61. 8.00 4.20 65.00 0.17910.63 0.00 1_1 .0010.42 13.56 10.00 4.20 65.00 0.20911.44 0.00 11.0010.80 13.80 10.00 4.20 65.00 0.2L272.06 0.00 11.008.2L LZ.O4 8.00 4.20 65.00 0.l_85 8. 16 0.00 L1 .008.9s L2.56 8.00 4.20 6s.00 0.193't2.68 0.00 t1.001.5.59 1 6. 58 I . 00 4 .20 65. 00 0. 255 16. 68 0 .00 L1" .0072.86 0.00 11.00L3.e2 15.61 8.00 4.20 65.00 0.24011.89 14.48 10.00 4.20 65.00 0.22322.02 0.oo 11. o016.57 0.00 11 .00L7.47 17.55 8.00 4.20 65.00 0.27016.68 17.t5 8.00 4.20 65.00 0.2643t.!7 0.00 1.1 .0034.24 0.00 11 .0044.34 0.0051.73 0.0085.02 0.0090.9L 0.0097.08 0.00 97 .26 0.00r_00.89 0.00LO3.72 306.29 -6.00 SOURCE FilE: AI{TLR3LB ''THErl !lor Diareter (gpu) (irches) Segil Eld ilode ilode " Sprink o lype littings ler Program by FPE Software, Inc. Lergth Eqv Lergth Tot Lergth Friction C-Value(feet) (feet) (feet) (psi/It) page: Pe Pf Velocity(psi) (psi) (ft/sec) 102 101 11.{6 0.8i1 Clt I 1.50 3.02 4.52 0.108 150 -0.43 0.{9 1.12103 10? 11.{6 0.811 Clt T 6.6? {.53 11.20 0.108 1s0 0.00 1.21 1.12105 104 12.72 0.811 CU I 2.25 {,53 6.?8 0.131 150 -1.30 0.89 ?.90108 107 12.38 0.811 CU T 6.61 {,53 11.20 0.124 150 -0.{3 1,39 1.69110 109 11.11 0.811 CU T 6.00 {.53 10.53 0.102 150 -1.30 1.0? 6.90110 111 11.61 0.811 CU 3.83 0.00 3.83 0.110 150 -1.30 0.11, 7.2rt12 110 22.73 0.811 Ctr I 5.58 t,53 10.i1 0.302 150 0.00 3.06 11,i111{ 113 13.56 0.811 Clt I 5.33 4,53 9.86 0.1t7 150 -0.43 1.45 8.t2116 115 i3.80 0.811 Clt I 6.6? {.53 1i.20 0.152 150 -0.43 1.?0 8.57118 117 12.04 0.811 Cl{ I 6.00 1.53 10.5t 0.118 150 -1.30 1.2{ ?.{8i18 119 i2.56 0.811 Ctr 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.128 150 -1.30 0.51 ?.80120 118 21.60 0.811 C[ T 5.70 t,53 10.23 0.412 150 0.00 1.52 15.28122 121 16.58 0.811 Cil I 6.6? {,53 11.20 0.213 150 -1.30 2,39 i0,30LzX 123 30.09 0.811 cu I r.tz {,53 5.95 0.6{2 150 0.00 3.82 18,69123 t24 15.61 0.811 Clr t.?5 0.00 1.75 0.191 150 -1.30 0.33 9.?0r23 125 1{.{8 0.811 Clr E 5.12 3.02 8.4{ 0.166 150 -0.4t 1.{0 8.99126 127 3{.70 0.811 Cl,t r 2.00 4,53 6.53 0.836 150 0.00 5,t6 21.55121 128 17.55 0.811 CU t.61 0,00 1.67 0.237 150 -1.30 0.r0 10.90127 t29 1?.15 0.811 Cil 5.25 0.00 5.25 0.221 150 -1.30 i.19 10.6510s 103 11.{6 1.291 CU 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.011 150 0.00 0.06 2.81106 105 2{.18 1.291 Cr,t I 3.08 9.0? 1?.15 0.0{5 150 1.30 0.54 5.93108 106 37.86 1.291 Cil 3.33 0,00 3.33 0.102 150 -1.30 0.34 9.28112 108 s0.23 1.291 CU 5.7s 0.00 5.?5 0.1?2 i50 0.00 0.99 1?,31114 112 12,96 1.527 Cil 5.33 0.00 5.33 0.152 150 0.00 0.81 t2.18116 114 86.52 1.527 Cn 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.208 150 0.00 0.62 15.16120 116 100.32 1.527 Ctr 2.25 0,00 2.25 0.211 150 0.00 0.61 1?.5?122 120 12{,91 1.527 CU 9.?5 0,00 9.?5 0.410 150 0.00 t.00 21.88126 122 171.59 1.52? CU 1.25 0.00 1.25 0.?38 150 0.00 5.35 30.06130 126 206.29 2.009 Cll E 26.00 ?.56 33.56 0.2?3 150 0.00 9.15 20.08131 130 206.29 2.009 Clt E 3.6? ?,56 11.23 0.211 150 0.00 3.06 20.88132 131 206.29 2.009 Cu E 12.00 7.56 19.56 0.213 150 4.71 5.33 20,08133 132 206.29 2.009 CU r 12.00 15.11 27.11 0,213 150 0.00 7.19 20.88134 133 206.29 2.009 Cll I 10?.00 15.11 122.11 0.273 150 0.00 33.30 20.88135 134 206.29 2.227 Dt E 16.42 ?.18 ?3.60 0.219 120 0.00 5.89 16.99136 135 206.29 2.221 DF 86 ?.50 1?.23 24.?3 0.2{9 i20 0.00 6,1? 16,9920 136 206.29 4.328 DF E {.00 1{,20 18.20 0.010 120 0.00 0,18 1.5021 20 206.29 {.328 Dr E 6.00 1{.20 20.20 0.010 120 0.00 3.64r {,50* ll0ll: Ihe FIor Deperdert Pressure l,,oss Derice ir the preceeditg pipe accounts for 3.11 psi of the total friction loss nPfn 22 21 206.29 6.3{0 Dl 1033 100.00 95.3{ 195.34 0.001 1{0 2.60 0.22 2.10 File: AI.ITLR3LB NozzIe Type & Reference Location Pipe FittingSize &in. Devi.ces "THE" Spr ink o ler Program by FPE Software, Inc.o P j.pe Friction Eqiv. Length Losspsi/ft Page: Req.psi Notes Flow in gpn 101 to L02 102 to 103 104 to 105 L07 108 IU) to 110 111 to 110 110 to LL2 113 to LL.l II5 to 116 TL7 to 118 119 to 118 118 to I20 121 to t22 4.20 4.20 4.20 h.20 4.20 4 .20 L ni 4.20 4.20 11.46 11.46 0. 00 11.46 12.72 12.72 r2.38 12.38 11.11 11.11 11.61 11.61 0 .00 22.73 13.56 13 .56 13.80 13. 80 12,04 1t nr t2 .56 12.56 0.00 24.60 16.58 16.58 0.811 150 0.811 150 0.811 150 0.8i1 150 0.8r1 1s0 0.811 150 0.811 150 0.811 150 0.811 1 qn 0.811 150 0.811 150 0.811 150 0.811 150 q a q a q a q n q nY q a q a Y Y Y q a q a q a lgth 1.50ftg 3 .02tot 4.52 lgth 6.67ftg 4.53 tot 11.20 lgth 2.25ftg 4.53 tot 6,78 lgth 6.67ftg 4.53tot 11.20 lgth 6.00ftg 4.53tot 10.53 lgth 3 .83ftg 0.00tot 3.83 lgth 5.58ftg 4.53tot 10.11 lgth 5.33ftg 4.53tot 9.86 lgth 6.67ftg 4.53 tot 11.20 Igth 6.00ftg 4.53 tot 10.53 lgth 4.00ftg 0.00tot 4.00 lgth 5.70ftg 4.53 tot 10.23 tgth 6.67ftg 4.53tot 11.20 Pt 7.45 0. 108 Pf 0.49Pe -0.43 Pt 7.50 0.108 Pf 1.21Pe 0.00 Pt 9.18 0.131 Pf 0.89Pe -1.30 Pt 8.69 0.L24 Pf 1.39Pe -0.43 Pt 7.00 0. 102 Pf 1.07Pe -1.30 Pt 7.65 0.110 Pf 0.42Pe -1.30 Pt 6.77 0.382 Pf 3.86Pe 0.00 Pt L0.42 0.L47 Pf 1.45Pe -0.43 0.1s2 0.118 Pt 8.95 0. 128 Pf 0.51Pe -1.30 Pt 8.16 0.442 Pf 4.52Pe 0.00 Pt 15,59 0. 213 Pf 2.39Pe -1.30 Pt 10 .80Pf 1.70Pe -0.43 Pt 8.21Pf L.24Pe -1.30 4.20 File: ANTLR3LB NozzIe Type & Reference Location "THE" Spr ler Program by FPE Softlvare, Inc.ink o Flow in gpn Pipe Fitting Si.ze &in. Devices Eqiv. Length o Pipe Friction Page: Req.psi Notes Losspsi/ft 123 to 122 124 to 123 125 to L23 127 r26 128 to L27 t29 to 127 103 to 105 I05 EO 106 106 to 108 108 LT2 LL2 to 114 I14 to 116 116 to 120 4 ,20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 0 .00 30 .09 1s.61 l). ol 14 .48 14.48 0.00at,'tn' 17.55 17.55 17. 15 17,15 0 .00 11 .46 0.00 24.18 L3 .67 37.86 0. 00 50.23 0.00 72.96 0.00 86.52 0.00 100.32 0.811 150 0.811 1s0 0.811 is0 0.811 150 0.811 150 0.811 I.JU 1.291 1 <n 1.29r 1 (n 1.29t 150 1.29i 150 | .527 1s0 r,s27 150 | .527 150 Igth ftE tot lgth rL6 tot lgth ftg tot lgth ftg tot lgth ftg tot L.42 4.53 5.95 1. 75 0 .00 5 .42 3,02 8.44 t nn 4.53 6 .53 L .67 0.00 L .67 q a q Y q a q a q a Y v q Y q a q v q v q a q Y lgth 5.25ftg 0.00tot 5.25 lgth 5.00ftg 0.00tot 5.00 lgth 3.08ftg 9.07tot 12. 15 lgth 3.33ftg 0.00tot 3.33 lgth s. 75ftg 0 .00tot 5.75 lgth 5.33ftg 0.00tot 5 .33 lgth 3.00ftg 0.00tot 3.00 lgth 2.25ftg 0.00tot 2.25 Pt 12.86 0.642 Pf 3.82Pe 0.00 Pt 13.82 0. 191 Pf 0.33Pe -1.30 Pt 1L.89 0.166 Pf 1.40Pe -0.43 Pt 16.57 0.836 Pf 5,46Pe 0 .00 Pr L7.47 0.237 Pf 0.40Pe -1 .30 Pt 16.68 0.227 Pf 1.19Pe -1.30 Pt 8.71 0.011 Pf 0.06Pe 0.00 Pt 8.76 0 .045 Pf 0.54Pe i.30 Pt 10.60 0.102 Pf 0.34Pe -1.30 Dr- O Al, 0.t72 Pf 0.99Pe 0.00 Pt 10.63 0. 1s2 Pf 0.81Pe 0.00 Pt LI,44 0. 208 Pf 0 .62Pe 0.00 Pt 12.06 0 .273 Pf 0.61Pe 0.00 q a File: ANTLR3LB NozzIe Type & Reference Location "THE" Spr Flow in gpn 0 .00 t24.9L 0.00 171 . 59 0.00 206.29 0.00 206.29 0.00 206.29 0. 00 206.29 0 .00 206.29 0 .00 206.29 0.00 206.29 0.00 206.29 0 ,00 206.29 0.00 206.29 Page: Req. psi Notes Losspsi/ft Pt 0.410 Pf Pe Pt 0.738 Pf Pe Pt 0.273 Pf Pe Pt 0.273 Pf Pe Pt 0,273 Pf Pe Pt 0.273 Pf Pe Pt 0.273 Pf Pe Pt 0.249 Pf Pe Pt 0.249 Pf pe inkl o er Program by FPE Software, Inc. Pipe FittingSize &in. Devices Pipe Friction Length 120 to 122 L22 to L26 126 to 130 130 to 131 131 to L32 L32 to 133 133 to 134 134 to 135 13s to 136 136 to 20 20 2L 2L to 22 q a q a Y a q a q v q v \t v q v q v q a Y v q a L .527 150 I .527 r50 2.009 150 2 .009 150 2.009 150 2.009 150 2 .009 150 2.227 t on 2.227 120 4.328 I20 4.328 r20 FDPLD 6.340 140 lgth ftg tot lgth ftg tot lgth F f l- o tot lgthE ftg tot lgth F fto tot IgthT ftg tot lgthT ftg tot lgth E ftg tot lgth86 ftg tot lgth ftg tot t.t3 0.00 9.75 7.25 0.00 7.25 26.00 7.56 33. s6 J.Ot 7 .56 11.23 1t nn /.)b 19.56 1 t nn 15.11 27 .Ll 107.00 15.11 r22.tl L6.42 7.18 23 ,60 7q 17 .23 24.73 4.0 L4.20 18.20 12.68 4.00 0.00 16.68 5.35 0.00 22.02 9. 15 0 .00 31.17 3.06 0 .00 34.24 s.33 44.34 7 .39 0.00 51.73 33.30 0 .00 8s.02 s .89 0.00 90.91 o.r/ 0.00 lgth 100.00Tc33 ftg 95 .34tot 195.34 Pt 97.08 0.010 Pf 0.18Pe 0.00 Pt 97,26 FDPLD =0.010 Pf 3.64 3.44Pe 0.00 Pt 100.89 0.001 Pf 0.22Pe 2.60 lgth 6.0ftg L4.20tot 20.20 SOURCE or 'ltI vlImrl*-l 'Tl I 'r on c tro r) roc { 6 6 & il n I t { .1 q ^-v:. I r-tl ,. .1 ll:l,l'l iiil ilil iti iilirlllrlr I iiil:||l iiii;tti iiii illl llil ilil liiili'll.ll lrli liii i;itl'rrll.'.!l !li rl iiI ilii ill llil liiii lil llli lllr llti' ilili illii iliil iilir'lt' itii iilii :.lii :illi iiil iili o s0Q- r, qttN u oa0u .E sotr a sooa, I I rll llt lil itl tililt I I : I HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Name ;ANTLERS CONDOMINIT !,tS Location:58o trt. LIONSHEAD PLACE VAIL, CO. 8165?Building:NE!, ADDITION ?TH FtR UNIT #620Contractor:ABC FIRE PROTECTION INc.Calculated By:MATT HALLConstruction: [ ]-Combustible [X]-Non-CornbustibleOccupancy : TIGHT HAZARD ----u--- Date:29 JAN. 01 Systen No. 6 REMOTE 1Contract No. C0010 Drawing No. FPt/oFoCeiling Height:VARIOS Ft. SYSEE},T DESIGN [X]-NFPA 13: [x]-LT. HAz. [ ]-ORDINARY HAZARD GROUp:[ ]-NFPA 231 [ ]-NFPA 231C: FIGURE: CURVE:[ ]-OTHER (Specify): [ ]-SPECTFIC RULTNG: Area of Sprinkler Operation:ENTIRE ROOM rrDensity:.1 [x]-wET t l-DRy * PUMP DATA 'tRated Capacity:At PSI: Elevation: [ ]-EX.HAZARD. DATE: System Tlpe * [ ]-DELUGE [ ]-PRE-ACTTON 't TANK OR RESERVOIR !t Capacity: Elevation: * WELL * Proof Flow: MADE BY: CALCULATION ST'MMARY GPM Required:L57.86 pSI Required:104.62 'rCrr Factor Used: Overhead:150 Underground:l4O '-- IIATER SUPPLY Area Per Sprinkler:VARIOUS Ilose Allowance GPM: Inside: Hose Allowance GPM: Outside:100 Rack Sprinkler Allowance: * WATER FLOW TEST * Date 6. Time:Static PSI:118 Residual PSI:94 GPM Flowing:9200 Elevation: -6 Location: Source Information: * SPRINKLER OR NOZZLE ?t MaKe:CENTRAL Model:GB-LF SIDESizezt/Z K-Factor:3.5 Temperature Rating : 155 &1a-tD-z' "THE" Sprinkler Program by FpE Software, Inc.ooHYDRAULIC SUMMARY FilE: A$TLRTFL o2/os/oL !'TATER SUPPLY INFORMATIONStatic (psi) Residual (psi) e (gpm) Hose (grpm) System req. (Spn) @ (psi ) Notes: g = (Tab1e 2) 90" Standard Elbow1 = (Table 2) Tee or Cross (FIow Turned 90.)g = (Table l.) 90' Standard E1bow3 = (Table 1) Butterfly ValveT = (Table L) Tee or Cross (FIow Turned 90.)6 = (Table L) Gate Valve 1L8 . OO 94.00 9200.00 100. 00 157.86 LO4.67 Supply available: LL7.99 psi Safety Margin: 13.32 psi Maximum velocity in the system is: 35.94 ft,/sec Continuity at all nodes satisfied to 0.01 gpm Pipe Tl4)e Legend Fitting Tlpe Legend CM = Copper Tlpe M DF = American Dlma-FlowDl = Ductile Iron Class 5i. FiIe: ANTIRTFL Node "THE" snrJrer progran by FpE Softwaf rnc. Pressure (psi ) Flow (spn) Elevation ( feet) K-Factor Page: 1 Area Density(tt' 1 (gpn/fta ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 1L LZ 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 27 22 3. s0 3.50 3.50 3.50 13.80 L5.77 L4.67 19.80 20. s8 20.66 33.99 42.67 50.98 56.43 61.1.9 62.50 67.62 72.48 92.75 94.36 96.90 98.52 99.11 99. 13 LOz.04 1o4.67 13. 00 0. 00 13.40 L5.57 0.00 15.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 157 .86 s6.42 57.00 54.42 56.42 57 .00 56.42 57.00 57.00 42.50 42.50 42.50 42.50 34. 00 34.00 -6.00 SOURCE ''THE "File: ANTLRTFL Sprinkler Prograrn by FPE Software,oollfl Diateter lype Fittings lelgth Eqr lelgth Tot leagth triction C-'Jalue(gpr) (irches) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psi/ft) Inc. page: Pe Pf Velocity(psi) (psi) (ft/sec) Segin tndlloile lfode 9 10 11 n IJ 1a.lt 15 ID 1? 18 19 20 2t| tr0tE: 77 9.38 5,00 0,88 0.88 7 71 11.50 1{.50 19,00 2{ ,00 7,25 8.50 25.00 50. 00 10. 29 11 11 l5 .25 ?.50 6.00 6.00 0 ,00 6 .28 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,68 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0,00 0.00 8.68 2.03 5. {6 {.76 1.31 i.{4 {. 86 5.53 1.61 lqt 1 a2 0,59 0. 02 2.91* 8.0? 8.33 16. {0 9.61 9.87 35.94 21.24 10.1{ 10.14 10.14 10. 14 10.1{ 10.14 10.1{ 10.14 7,70 7.10 r.26 1.2 6nlf" 11 (0 i 3 I i3.00 0.81113.r0 0.811 26. {0 0. 811 15.57 0,011 15.90 0.811 57.86 0.811 57.86 1.055 5?.86 t.527 5?. 86 I .52? 10.58 16. {16.04 15.424.53 9.534.54 5.410.01 0.883.02 6,233.02 14.526.04 20.54 36.2t 55.2? 24.18 {8.186.04 13.296.04 1{.54 2{. 18 49 . 186.04 56.046.0{ 16.336.03 33.246.03 21.28 17.23 24.73 1{.20 20.20if.20 20.20 0.136 150 .0.25 0.14{ 150 -1.12 0.50{ 150 0.00 0.190 150 -0.25 0.197 150 -0.25 c!l crl cl{ cI cu cu c!t fI ctl cu cx c!l cu cll crl DF DF DF 117 2.22 4.80 1.03 0. 17 2ET 2E T T l0 5?.86 1,52?11 57.86 t.527t2 5r.86 1.52?13 57.86 r.5271{ 57.86 t.527l5 57.06 1.52116 57.86 1.t5217 57.86 r,7521E 57.86 2.22719 57.86 4.328 Dt E20 57,06 {.328 Df E I E 6E 281 I I {E I E E B6 2.152 150 0. 590 150 0.099 150 0.099 150 0. 099 150 0.099 150 0.099 150 0.099 150 0. 00 13.41 0.099 150 14.73 0 .099 150 0.076 120 0.076 120 0.024 120 0.001 120 0,001 120lle llor Dependeat Pressrre Loss Delice in the preceeding pipe acconnts for 2.89 psi of the total friction loss2L 57.86 6.340 Dl ?c33 100,00 8i.8{ 181.8{ 0.000 120 2.60 0.03 FilE: ANTLRTFL Nozz 1e Type & Reference Location trTHE" Spr inko ler Progran by FPE Software, Inc. Pipe FittingSize &in. Devices o Pipe FrictionEqiv. LossLength psi/ft Page: Req.psi Notes Flow in gpm to 2 to 2 2 5 al 3.50 3. s0 ? RA 3.50 13.00 13.00 13 .40 13. 40 0.00 26.40 15.57 15.5/ 15.90 15.90 0 .00 57.86 0.00 37 .85 0.00 57 .86 0.00 57.86 0 .00 57. B6 U. UU 57.86 0.00 57.86 0.00 57.86 0.811 150 0.811 150 0.811 i50 0.811 150 0.811 150 n al l r50 1.055 150 L .527 150 L .527 150 t.527 150 1.527 150 1 ( t'7 1s0 1 qr? 150 13.80 2.23 -0.2s t4.67 2.22 1 14 2E q q v q a q a v v Y v q Y q a q v q v q v q v lgthzET ftg tot lgth tL6 tot lgth ftg tot lgth ffd--otot lgth ftB tot lgth F fto tot 'I ofh E ftg tot lgth6E ftg L(JL IBth2ET ftg tot lgth F fts tot lgthE ftg +^+ lgth4E ftg 5.830 10.58 16.41 lgth 9.375ftg 6.04tot 15.42 0.136 0. 144 Pr 19 .80 190 Pf 1.03Pe -0.25 Pt 20.66 197 Pf 0.17Pe -0.25 Pr ?n <a Lsz Pf 13.41Pe 0.00 Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe 5 .00 4.53 9.53 .875 .875 0.01 0.88 3.21 3.02 6 .23 11.50 3.02 14 .52 14.5 6.04 20.54 19 .0 2.4 77 JJ.II 24.00 24.t8 48. 18 7 .25 6.04 13.29 8. s0 6,04 14.54 2s .0 24.18 49.18 Pt 0.598 Pf Pe Pt 0.099 Pf Pe Pt 0.099 Pf Pe Pt 0.099 Pf pe Pt 0,099 Pf Pe Pt 0.099 Pf pe Pt 0.099 Pf pe 33.99 8.68 0.00 42 .67 2.03 6.28 50.98 0.00 56.43 4.76 0 .00 61.19 1.31 0.00 62.50 L.44 3.68 ol.oL 4.86 Pt t5.77 0. s04 Pf 4 .80Pe 0.00 to to 5 6 to 5 5 to 8 8 to 9 9 to IU 10 to 11 11 to T2 t2 to 13 13 to l{ "THE'| SprinkleroFlou Pipein Sizegpn in. Program by FPE Software,Inc.Fil'e: AilTLRTFL Nozzle Type & Reference Location Fitting & Devices Pipe FrictionEqiv. LossLength psi/ft Page: Req.psi Notes I4 to t5 t5 to 16 16 to L7 t7 Lu 18 18 to 19 19 to 20 20 to 2l 2l to 22 0.00 57.86 0.00 57.86 0.00 s7.86 0.00 57.86 0.00 57.66 0 .00 57.86 0 .00 57.86 0 .00 57. E6 TG33 0 .099 0.099 0.076 0.076 0.024 0 .001 0 .001 0.000 72.48 J. )J L4.73 92.7 5 1.61 0.00 94.36 2.54 0.00 96.90 1.63 0 .00 98.52 0.59 0.00 99.11 0.02 0.00 99.13 2.9t 0.00 102.04 0.03 2.60SOURCE PtrI Pe Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe q a q a q a q v q q q v q a q a L.527 150 E L .527 150 E L.7 52120 E L.752LzO E 1. 11t120 86 4.328 120 E 4 .328120 E FDPLD 6 .340 120 lgth 50.00ftg 6.04tot 56.04 lgth L0.29ftg 6.04tot 16.33 lgth 27.21 ftg 6.03tot 33.24 lgth 15.25 ftg 6.03tot 2L.28 lgth 7.5ftg L7.23 tot 24.73 lgth 6.00ftg 14.20tot 20,20 lgth 6.00ftg L4.20tot 20,20 lgth 100ftg 81.84tot 181.84 FDPLD = 2.89 llr itl ill iiii li .:!'l' ' tlrl iiil llil itilllll illi lilii liil I ll tl ll tl u 'lrl ti tr /iit Hit iilt l:il iiil lill:l ttr iil rlll llil iiii iiii iil rl ii IJ ti :: lii t!l i\ I o i F at. o 9o F JfuJ IJ u3f, rco I arotl. FlLlu,rvl IC aco E 3 I II Nane :ANTLER CONDOMINIUMS tocationl6S0 W. LIONSHEAD PLACE VAIL, CO. 81652Building :ANTIFREEZE SYS. HYDRAULiC DESiGN INFORI.IATIOI{ v [X] -ORDINARY HAZARD GROUP: iFIGURE: CURVE: i{ADE BY: Si{EET f---Date:29 .jAN. 0L System No. 4 REMOTE 1 Contractor:ABC FIRE PROTECTION INC. Contract No. C0010Calculated ByIMATT HALL Drawing No. i:P3e/6construction: [ ]-combustible [x]-Non-combustibre ceiling Height:8-0 Ft. Occupancy:ORDINARY ITAZARD GROUP 1 .- SYSTE}iI DESIGN Area of Sprinkler Operation:ENTiRE AREA * System Tylpe * la^- -.: !--. .t Euensi'Ey:.i5 [X]-'dET [ ]-DRy [ ]-DELUGE [ ]-PRE-ACTIONArea Per Sprinkler:1-00 SQFT Hose Allowance GPt!: Inside: Hose A1Lo$rance GFM: Outside:250 Rack Sprinkler Allowance: [X]-NFPA 13: [ ]-LT. EAz. [ ]-NFPA 231 [ ]-NFPA 231C: [ ]-OTHER (Specify): [ ]-SPECIFIC RULiNG: * WATER FLOW TEST * Date & Time: Static PSI: l-18 Residual PSI:94 GPM Flowing:9200 Elevation: -6 Location: Source Information: * SPRINKLER CR I{OZZLE * i{ake: CENTRAL i-iodeL : GB-QRSize:1r'2 K-Factor:5.6 Temperature Rating: 155 [ ]-EX.HAZARD. DATE: * TANK OR RESERVOIR * Capacity: Elevation: * WELL * Proof Flow: CALCULATION SM,IMARY GPM Required:405.C0 pSI Required:tlT.2L "C" Factor Used: Ov-erhead:150 Underground:l4O -- WATER SUPPLY .t PUMP DATA * Rated Capacity:At PSi: Elevation: 02/06/oL rrTHErr Sprinkler Prograrn by FPE Software, Inc.oo HYDRAULIC SUMMARY File: ANTLRANT WATER SUPPLY INFORMATIONStatic (psi) Residual (psi) @ (gpm) Hose (gpn) System req. (gprn) G (psi) Notes: L18 .00 94. 00 9200.00 250.00 405.00 toz.2L Supply available: LL7.93 psi Safety Margin: L5.71 psi Maximum velocity in the system is: 27.15 ftlsec Continuity at all nodes satisfied to 0.01 gpm Pipe T1rye Legend Fitting Tlpe Legend CM = Copper Tlrlle M DF = American Dlma-Flow D1 = DuctiLe Iron Class 5L 5 = (Tab1e 2) 90' Standard Elbow1 = (Table 2) Tee or Cross (Flow Turned 90")3 = (Table 1) Butterfly Valveg = (Table 1) 90" Standard ElbowT = (Table L) Tee or Cross (F1ow Turned 90') G = (Table 1) Gate Valve File: ANTLRANT ', THE " Flor Dialeter (gpr) (inches) Eegin 8ldfiode llode " Sprink o lype Fitiirgs 402 {01 15.00 1.055 C}r E 10.00 3.02 i3.02 0.0{9 150 0.00 0.64 5.50{03 402 30.65 1.055 CU r t.25 ?.56 10.81 0.185 150 -0.11 1.99 11.25{03 {04 16.75 1.055 ct T 6.?5 ?.56 1{;31 0.060 150 -0.11 0.86 6.15{06 405 16.16 1.055 Cil E 10.00 3.02 13.02 0.056 150 0.00 0.?{ 5.93{07 {06 33.0t 1.055 Cl.t I 3.25 ?.56 10.11 0.212 150 -0.11 2.29 12.12{07 408 18.03 1.055 Clr I 6.15 ?.56 1{.31 0.069 150 .0.11 0.99 6.624i0 {09 11.76 1.055 Cil T 10.00 ?.56 1?.56 0.06? 1s0 0.00 1.18 6.52411 {10 36.5? 1.055 Cr{ T 3.25 ?.56 10.81 0.255 150 .0.11 2.76 13,{0411 112 20.03 1.055 Ct{ r 6.?5 ?.56 14.31 0.08{ 150 -0.11 1,20 7,35{07 103 {?.40 1.291 CU 10.00 0.00 10.00 0.155 150 0.00 1.55 11.62411 t0? 98.{5 t.521 Clt 10.0c 0.00 10.00 0.261 15c 0.00 2.6q 11.25fl3 {11 155.00 1.527 Cil B 2.50 6.0{ 8,54 0.611 150 0.00 5.22 27.15{l{ 413 155.00 1.527 CH E 1.00 6.04 ?,04 0.611 150 0.{3 4.30 27.t5{15 {1{ 155,00 1.527 Cr{ [ 1.50 6.0{ ?,54 0.611 150 0.00 {.61 27.15{16 {15 155,00 2.009 Ct{ E 12.83 7.56 20.39 0.161 150 0.00 3.2& 15.69'{17 {i6 155.00 2.009 c}t E 6.50 ?.56 14.06 0.i61 150 0.00 2,X6 15.69{18 4r7 155.00 2.009 Cil 2E 10,50 15.11 25.61 0.161 150 0.00 {.11 15.69{19 {18 i55.00 2.c09 ctr E 2.50 7.56 10.06 0.161 150 0.00 12.35* 15.69* ll0?E: lhe Flor Dependent Pressute Loss Derica in tbe preceeding pipe accorints for 1C.73 psi 0f the total fric'uion Lcss 'pf'{20 {19 155.00 t.009 c}l E 23.00 ?.56 30.56 0.161 150 12.57 {.91 15.69tzl 120 155.00 2.009 Ct{ 3E 73,00 22.61 95.6? 0.161 150 0.00 15.37 15.69122 421 155.00 2.009 cll 2[ 35;42 15.11 50.53 0.i61 1s0 0.00 t.lz 1s.69423 422 155.00 2.22t Df 86 7.50 17.23 21.13 0.1{7 120 C.00 3.6{ 12.1120 423 155.00 {.3t8 I}F I 9.00 1{.20 23.20 0.006 120 0.00 0.13 3,3821 2A 155.C0 4.328 I}F E 6.00 i{.20 2C.2C 0.006 120 0.00 4.29* 3.38i il0TE: lle Flor Depenilen'u Pressute L,oss Device in the preceeding pipe accounts for 4.10 psi of i.he to.ra] friction loss ipfi 22 21 155.00 6.340 Di Ic33 i00.00 95.34 195.3t 0,001 1{0 2.60 0.i3 1;58 ler Progran bir FPE Software, Inc. Leng'.h 8qv l,enEih Tot lelgth lriciion C-t'alue(feet) (feet) (feet) (psi/ft) page: le Pf. VelocitJ(psi) (psi) (ft/sec) "THE' Sfrfler Progran by FPE Softwaf Inc. Pressure t--.i \lPer, File: ANTI.RANT Page: 1 Area Density(ft" ) (gpm/ftz ) Flow \ },Pru,f Elevation ( feet ) K-Factor Node 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 ,11.*l-r 413 4t4 415 416 4L7 418 419 42C i -r .l Ann Ana a.l 22 29.75 29.75 30.00 29.75 29.75 29.75 30.00 29.V5 29.75 29.75 30. 00 29.75 3C.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29 .00 29.00 29.O0 -6.00 5.60E Car E <^ E an c ctr E 'A E Cl\ 5.60 E af\ ,1 1.En n 1E? i 1cn 0. 162 0. 178 0. 188 at oa 9.7C 8.95 8.33 9.C7 11.25 10.37 10.06 'tl -lA 13.89 19.11 23.84 28.45 31.73 33.99 38. r.C 50.45 67.93 83.3C 9L.42 95.06 95. r.9 99.48 ta2.2L 1 E at,1 .I E 4EI'J.I'J 0.00 1C arcIl(, . r' J 16. r.6 1E O1 18.03 L7 .76 I8.77 0.00 0..00 0 .00 o. o0 0.00 0.00 SOURCE File: ANTLRANT Nozzle Type & Reference Location "THE" Spr er Progran by FPE Software, Inc.inkl o P s FIov in gpn Fitting & Devices Eqiv. Length Losspsi/ft 1pe ize:-rlt. o Pipe Friction Page: Req.psi Notes {u.|- 402 to 403 404 to 403 405 to 406 406 to 408 LU 409 to 410 410 to 411 4L2 to 411 403 to 407 407 LtJ 411 411 to 413 413 to 4L4 5.50 s.60 s.60 s.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 s.60 5.50 15 .00 1s.00 15.65 30.5s IO. /J 15.75 16.16 16. 15 16.86 33.02 18.03 18.03 17.76 17.76 18.77 36.52 20 .03 20 .03 0 .00 47.40 0.00 98 .45 155 .00 0.00 155. 00 1.055 150 1.055 150 1.055 150 1.055 150 1 .055 150 1 AEE 150 150 1.055 150 1.055 150 L.lAL r50 |.527 150 L.527 1s0 r .527 150 q a q Y q a q a q nY q n.< q v q v q a q v Y v q v Y v T lgth 10.00ftg 3 .02 tot 13.02 lgth 3.25ftg 7.56 tot 10.81 lgth 6 .7 5ftg 7.56tot 14 .31 lgth 10.00 ftg 3.02tot 13.02 lgth 3.25 ftg 7.56 rot 10.81 lgth 6.75ftg 7.56tot 14 .31 lgth 10.00ftg 7.56tot 17.56 lgth 3.25ftg 7.56tot 10.81 lgth 6.75ftg 7.56tot 14.31 Igth 10.00 .c!- n ,tnr' LB U. UUtot 10.00 lgth 10.00 ftg 0.00 r n 'tnL(JL IU.VU lgth 2.50 ftg 6.04tot 8.54 lgth 1.00 f tg 6.0t1tot 7.04 Pt 7 .L7 0 .049 Pf 0.64Pe 0.00 Pt 7 .82 0 . 18s Pf 1.99Pe -0.11 Pt 8.95 0.060 Pf 0.85Pe -0.11 Pt 8.33 0.0s6 Pf 0.74Pe 0.00 Pt 9.070.2t2 Pf 2.29Pe -0.11 Pt 10.37 0.069 Pf 0.99Pe -0.11 Pt 10.06 0.067 Pf 1.18Pe 0.00 Pt tI.24 0. 255 Pf 2.76Pe -0.11 Pt L2.79 0.084 Pf 1.20Pe -0.11 Pt 9 .70 0.155 Pf 1 .55Pe 0.00 Pt 1I.25 0.264 Pf 2.64Pe 0.00 Pr 13.89 0.6rr Pf 5.22Pe 0.00 Pt 19.11 0.511 Pf 4.30Pe 0.43 FilL: ANTLRANT Nozzle Type & Reference Location "THE" Spr Flow in gpn ipe Fittinglze &in. Devices Pipe FrictionEqiv. tossLength psi/ft inkl o P S er Program by FPE Software,Inc. Req' psi Page: Notes 4L4 to 4lJ 415 to 4t6 416 co t+Lt 4t7 LU 418 418 to 4L9 419 io 420 .+ 1V to laL 1ZL to 122 422 to 423 423 Lt, av 20 to 2l 2l to 22 0 .00 r55.00 0.00 155.00 155 . 00 155.00 155.00 0.00 r55 .00 0 .00 155.00 155 .00 0.00 155.00 0.00 r55.00 0.00 155.00 155 .00 r.527 150 2 .009 150 2.009 150 z,uva 150 q a q v q Y q v q v q a l.UtJa150 E FDPTD 150 E 2 .009150 3E 2 .009 150 2E 2.227120 86 4.328120 E 4.328 120 E FDPTD 6 .340 lgth 1.50 ftg 6.04 tor 7.54 lgth 12.83ftg 7.56tot 20.39 lgth 6.50ftg 7.56tot 14.06 lgth 10.50ftg 15.11 tot 25 .61 lgth 2.50ftg 7.56tot 10.06 lgth n.Aftg 7.56tot 30.56 Igth 73.0ftg 22.67tot 95.67 lgth 35.!+2ftg 15.11tot 50 .53 Igth 7.50ftg L7.23 tot 24.73 lgth 9 .0ftg 14.20 tot 23.20 l8th 6.00ftg 14.24 tot 20.20 lgth 100.00ftg 95.34tot 195.34 Pt 0.5r1 Pf Pe Pt 0.161 Pf le Pt 0.161 pf pe rL 0.161 Pf pe rL 0.161 Pf Pe n!rL 0.161 Pf Pe n!rL 0.151 Pf Pe 0.161 0.147 0.006 0.006 23.84 4.61 0.00 28.45 3.28 0. 00 31.73 2.26 33.99 .t. rl- 38.10 FDPLD =12.35 10.73 50.45 4.)L t2 .57 67.93 15.37 0 .00 83.30 8.12 9r .42 3 .54 9s .06 0. 13 0.00 95.19 FDPLD -4.29 4.18 0.00 99. L8 0. 13 2.60 ZL q Y q v q a Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe Pt Pf Pe q v q v q v SOURCE TG33 0.001 il iil irll ilii ilil llil iil !iii 1 tto0 t i40SO n i{ltn t -sos ill i:! |!ii:il iii :Ji: ::l.l I I !Io a t o 9.IF Jf,o J (J o =:) CCo I trou- hu,r 1 !. E IJ Fh eo- o E 3 I FI RAUTIC DESIGN INFORMATION Na.me : ANTLERS CONDOMINIT'MS Location:680 W LIONSHEAD PLACE VAIL, CO. 81657 Building:NEtl ADDITION 4TlI FLR SALES OFFICES Contractor:ABC FIRE PROTECTION INC.Calculated By:I'IATT ITALL Construction: [ ]-Combustible [X]-Non-Conbustible Occupancy : LIGHT IIAZARD I{YDIt SYSTEM DESIGN [X]-NFPA 13: [x]-tT. HAz. [ ]-ORDINARY IIAZARD GROUP: [ ]-NFPA 231 [ ]-NFPA 23LC: FIGURE: CURVE: [ ]-OTHER (Specify): [ ]-sPECrFrC RUITNG: Area of Sprinkler Operation:540 Density: . L Area Per Sprinkler:110 SQFT Hose Allowance GPM: Inside: Hose Allowance GPM: Outside:L00 Rack Sprinkler Allowance: * WATER FLOW TEST * Date & Time: Static PSI:118 Residual PSI:94 GPM Flowing:9200 Elevation: -6 Location: Source Information: --- CALCULATION SI,'MMARY GPM Requiredzt6?.42 'rCrr Factor Used: Overhead:150 PSI Required:96.20 Underground:140 WATER SUPPLY SHEET o---Date:3o JAN. 01 System No. 4 REMOTE 2 Contract No. C0010 Drawing No. l:P Jor 6 Ceiling Height:8-0 Ft. MADE BY: [ ]-EX.HAZARD. DATE: * TANK OR RESERVOIR * Capacity: Elevation: * WELL * Proof Flow: * Systen Tlpe Ir [x]-wET [ ]-DRY [ ]-DELUGE [ ]-PRE-ACrrON * SPRINKLER OR NOZZLE TT MaKe:CENTRAL Model:GB.QR SLze:t/2 K-Factor:4.2 Temperature Rating: 155 * PT'MP DATA ?t Rated Capacity:At PSI: Elevation: *zq-tpz__- 02/o5/oL 'rTHErr Sprinkler Program by FPE Software, Inc.ooHYDRAUTIC SUMMARY FilE: ANTLR4FL WATER SUPPLY INFORMATIONStatic (psi): 118.00 Residual (psi): 94.00 @ (SrBn): 9200.00 Hose (gpn): 100.00 System req. (Spm) z 162.42 @ (psi): 96.2O Supply available: 1,17.99 psi Safety Margin: 21.78 psi Maximun velocity in the system is: 22.9! ftlsec Continuity at alI nodes satisfied to 0.01 gpm Pipe Type Legend Fitting TIpe Legend CM - Copper Tl4)e M DF = American Dlma-FlowDl = Ductile Iron Class 51 E = (Table 2) 90" Standard Elbow T = (Table 2) Tee or Cross (Flow Turned 90')E = (Table 1) 90" Standard Elbo!,, B = (Table 1) Butterfly ValveT = (Table 1) Tee or Cross (Flow Turned 90')6 = (Table 1) Gate Valve Notes: ,File: ANTLR4FL "THE', Snrfler Prograrn by FPE SoftwaS rnc' Node Page: 1 Pressure Flow Elevation K-Factor Area Density(psi) (Spn) (feet)(ftz) (gpm/ft2) 20L 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 2t0 2Lt 2L2 zr3 2L4 2L5 2L6 217 2L8 279 220 22L 222 223 19 zo 2L 22 7 .18 11.2s 36.00 4.20 110.00 0.1028.81 0.00 35.677.00 11.1L 36.00 4.20 110.00 0.101 8. 87 0 .00 35. 6710.24 13.44 36.00 4.20 110.00 0.L2211.90 0 .00 35.679.49 L2.93 36.00 4.20 110.00 0.11812.27 0.00 35.6710.64 13.69 36.00 4.20 110.00 0.L24L3.L2 0.00 35.67r.7.55 0.00 35.672L.49 0.00 35.6725.86 0. 00 3s.6731.89 0.00 35.67 37. s8 0.00 35.6741.59 0.00 3s.67 61 .03 0.0064.43 0.0067.47 0.0082.13 0 .00 88. 13 0.0089.70 0.0090.38 0.0090.41 0.0090.43 0.00 93 . s7 0.0096.20 762.42 -6.00 souRcE FiIe,: ANTLR4FL "THE" llor Diareter (qpr) (iaches) Begin Edtode llode " Sprink o lype Fittirgs 202 201 11.25 0,811 Cil 2E 8.29 6.0{ 14.33 0.104 150 0.1{ 1,{9 6,9920{ 203 11.11 0.811 Cil El 9.42 ?.56 16.98 0.102 150 0.1{ 1,?3 6,90206 205 13.4{ 0.811 CU I 5.92 4.53 10.{5 0.144 i50 0.1{ 1.51 0.3{208 201 12.93 0.811 CU Et 12.00 ?.55 19.56 0.135 150 0.11 2.63 8.03210 209 13.69 0.811 CU I 11.08 t.s3 15.61 0.150 i50 0.14 2,34 8.s1201 202 11.25 0.811 Ct 0.58 0.00 0.58 0.104 150 0.00 0.06 6.99206 204 22.36 0.811 U 8.1? 0.00 8.1? 0.3?1 i50 0.00 3.03 13.89208 206 35.79 0.811 CU 0.t2 0.00 0.{2 0.885 150 0.00 0.3? 22.23210 208 48.?3 1.055 Ct{ 1.96 0.00 i.96 0.{35 150 0.00 0.85 17.88211 210 62.t2 1.055 Clt [ 3.42 3.02 6.{{ 0.688 150 0.00 4.{3 22.91212 211 62.t2 1.055 Cil E 2,11 3,02 5.13 0,688 150 0.00 3.9{ 22.91213 212 62,42 1.521 CU E 32.31 6.0{ 38.42 0,11{ 150 0.00 4,31 10.9{214 213 62.t2 1.327 Cil 2E 41.00 12.09 53.09 0.11{ 150 0.00 6.03 10.94215 2u 62.t2 1.527 Cil 28 38.00 12.09 50.09 0.11{ 150 0.00 5.69 10.9{216 215 62.42 1.527 Ct{ Bt 17.2t 18.13 35.3{ 0.11{ 150 0.00 4.t2 10.94217 2i6 62.42 r.521 Cil E 29.00 6.0{ 35.04 0.114 150 15.46 3.98 10.9{218 2t1 62.42 1.52? Cil E 23.83 6.0{ 29.81 0.11{ 150 0.00 3.39 10.9{219 zfi 62.42 1.527 CU E 20.?5 6.0{ 26,19 0.11{ 150 0.00 3.0{ 10.91220 219 62.42 1.521 Ct E 123.00 6.0{ 129.04 0.11{ 150 0.00 14.66 10.9{221 220 62.42 t.752 DF E 62.21 6.03 68.24 0.088 120 0,00 6.00 8.31222 221 62.t2 1.152 Dr E 11.83 6.03 1?,86 0.088 120 0.00 1.5? 8.31223 222 62.t2 2.227 Dt 86 ?.50 t7.23 24.13 0.02? 120 0.00 0.68 5.1{19 223 62.t2 4.328 Dr I 2.00 28.{0 30.40 0.001 120 0.00 0.03 1.3620 19 52.t2 4.328 Dr [ 6.00 1{.20 20.20 0.001 120 0.00 0.02 1.3621 20 62.42 {.328 Dr E 6.00 1t.20 20.20 0.001 120 0.00 3.141 1.36t t0TB: lhe llor Dependett Pressure [08s Device in the preceeding pipe accoults for 3.12 psi of the total friction loss 'Pf'22 21 62.42 6,340 Dl TG33 100.00 81.8{ 181.84 0.000 1?0 2.60 0,03 0.63 ler Prograrn by FPE Software, Inc. o length 8qv Lergth tot length lriction C-Value Pe(feet) (feet) (feet) (psi/ft) (psi) Page: lf Velocity (psi) (ft/eec) File': ANTIR4FL Nozzle Type & Reference tocation ,,THE', Spr inklo er Progran by FPE Software, Inc.o Pipe FrictionEqiv. LossLength psi/ft Page: Req'psi Notes Flow in gpn Pipe Size in. Fitting & Devices 201 to 202 203 to 204 205 to 206 207 to 208 209 to 2L0 202 EO 204 204 to 206 206 to 208 208 to 210 210 to 2LL 21i to 2t2 2L2 to 213 2L3 to 2L4 1,LV 4 .20 4.20 4.20 11.25 11.25 11.11 11 1r 13.44 13.44 12.93 12.93 13.69 13. 69 0.00 11.25 0 .00 22.36 0.00 35.79 0. 00 48.73 0.00 62 .42 0 .00 62.42 0.00 62.42 0.00 62.42 0.811 150 0.811 150 0. E11 150 0.81i 150 0.811 150 0.811 150 0.811 150 0.811 1.055 150 1.055 150 I nqq 150 L.527 i50 1.527 150 lgth rL5 tot lgth ftg tot lgth ftg tot lgth ftg f.rt lgth ftg tot lgth ftg tot lgth ^ L6 tot lgth ftg tot lgth ftg 8.29 6 .04 14.33 9. 42 / . JO 16.9E 5.92 4 .53 10.45 12.00 7 .56 19.56 11.08 4.53 15.61 .5E 0. s8 8.17 0 .00 E.17 .42 0.00 0.42 1.96 1.96 q Y q a q a q v q a q q a 2E ET Pr 7.18 0. 104 Pf 1.49Pe 0.14 Pt 7.00 0.102 Pf 1.73?e 0. 14 Pt L0.24 0. 144 Pf 1.51 Pe 0.14 Pt 9.49 0. 135 Pf 2.63Pe 0.14 Pt 10.64 0.150 Pf 2.34Pe 0.14 ET Pt 0.104 Pf Pe 8.81 0.06 0. 00 q a tt v lgth 3.42ftg 3-o2 tot 6.44 lgth 2.71ftg 3.02tot 5.73 lgth 32.375ftg 6.04 tot 38.42 lgth 41.0ftg L2.09tot 53.09 Pt E.87 0.371 Pf 3.03Pe 0.00 Pt 11.90 0.88s Pf 0.37Pe 0.00 Pt L2.27 0 . 43s Pf 0.85 Pe 0.00 Pt 13.12 0 .688 Pf 4 .43 Pe 0.00 Pt 17.55 0.688 Pf 3.94Pe 0.00 Pr 21.49 0 . 114 Pf 4.37 Pe 0.00 Pt 25. E6 0.114 Pf 6.03Pe 0.00 2E File,: ANTLR4FL NozzIe Type & Reference Location "THE" Sprinkler oFlow Pipe in Sizegpn in. Program by FPE Software, Inc. oPipe Friction Eqiv. Loss Length psi/ft Fitting & Devi. ces Page: Req.psi Notes 2L4 to 215 21s to 2L6 2L6 to 2t7 2L7 to 2L8 218 to zLv 219 fottA 220 to 22L 22r f,o 222 222 co 223 223 to 19 19 to 20 tn 2L 2t 22 q a q v q a 0 .00 62.42 0.00 62.42 0 ,00 62.42 0. 00 62.42 0.00 62.42 0.00 62.42 0 .00 62.42 0.00 62 .42 0.00 62.42 0 .00 62.42 62.42 0.00 62.42 0.00 62.42 L .527150 2E r.527150 ET L .527 150 E L527150 E L.527150 E | .527 150 E |.752I2O E 1 7 \'.) 120 E 2.227120 86 4.328120 T 4.328 t20 E 4.328120 E rDPtD lgth 38.0ftg 12.09 tot 50.09 lgth L7.2Lftg 18.13 tot 35.34 lgth 29.00 ftg 6.04 tot 35.04 lgth 23.83 ftg 6.04 tot 29.87 lgth 20.75 f tg 6.0t+tot 26.79 lgth 123.0ftg 6.04tot 129 .04 lgth 62.21ftg 6.03tot 68.24 lgth 11.83 ftg 6.03tot 17.86 l8th 7.5 ftg 17.23 tot 24.73 lgth 2.00ftg 28.40tot 30.40 lgth 6.00ftg Ih.20tot 20.20 lgth 6.00ftg 14.20 tot 20.20 lsth 100.00ftg 81.84tot 18f.84 Pt 0.114 Pf Pe Pt 0. 114 Pf Pe Pt 0.114 Pf pe Pt 0.114 Pf Pe Pt 0.114 Pf Pe Pt 0.114 Pf pe Pt 0.088 Pf pe Pt 0.088 Pf pe Pt 0.027 Pf Pe Pt 0 .001 Pf Pe Pt 0.001 Pf pe Pt 0.001 Pf Pe Pt 0.000 Pf Pe 31.89 5.69 0.00 37.58 4.02 0 .00 41.59 3.98 15.46 6i.03 3 .39 0.00 64 .43 3 .04 0.00 67 .47 L4 .66 0.00 82. 13 6.00 0.00 88. 13 L .57 0.00 89.70 0 .68 0.00 90.38 0. 03 0.00 90.41 0.02 0.00 90 .43 FDPLD =3.14 3.L2 0 .00 93.57 0.03 2.60 q a 6.340 120 SOURCE TG33 il iiii!rirtl r{i rii l:l; t:r! lll: hr iilii iilli iiili iili liii ili'ill: iiii iiii riill liii L'lll|| . liti, Iii iliitlt' rlti illl iIil oAod x ,nboo li tl ii :.att iiill liii ll -rt llrll lilii Fa eo- o ! 3 I 9IF JfuJ (J Uff, Eo I GoIL hll,rvl II( E t9 SHEET o--- Date:3o JAN. 01 System No. 5 REMOTE 1 Contract No. C0010 Drawing No. FP'! *'6 Ceiling Height:12-0 Ft. MADE BY: [ ]-EX.HAZARD. DATE: * TANK OR RESERVOIR ?t Capacity:Elevation: * WELL rt Proof Flow: GPM ncrt --- CALCULATION SI'MMARY Required: L66.17 pSI Required:1.09.66Factor Used: Overhead:150 Underground:140 WATER SUPPLY * WATER FLOW TEST * Date & Time:Static PSI: L18 Residual PSI:94 GPM Flowing:9200 Elevation: -6 Location: Source Information: * PT'MP DATA * Rated Capacity:At PSI: Elevation: IC DESIGN INFORMATION Name :ANTLERS CONDOMINIT MSLocation:680 W LIONSHEAD PLACE VAIL, CO. 81652Building:NEW ADDITION sTH FLR CONFERENCE RM.Contractor:ABc FIRE PROTECTIoN INc.Calculated By:MATT IIALLConstruction: [ ]-Conbustible [X]-Non-CombustibleOccupancy: LIGHT HAZARD IIYDRAULt--- SYSTEM DESIGN [X]-NFPA 13: [x]-tT. HAz. [ ]-oRDrNAny HAZARD GROUp:[ ]-NFPA 231 [ ]-NFPA 237C: FTGURE: CURVE:[ ]-OTHER (Specify): [ ]-sPECrFrC RULTNG: Area of Sprinkler Operation:558Density: .1 Area Per Sprinkler:105 SQFT Hose Allolvance GPM: Inside: Hose Allowance GPM: Outside:100 Rack Sprinkler Allowance: * System TlPg * [x]-wET [ ]-DRy [ ]-DELUGE [ ]-PRE-ACTTON * SPRINKLER OR NOZZLE * MaKe:CENTRAI Model:ASize:3/8 K-Factor:2.7 Temperature Rating : 155 hq+o-- 02/05/oL "THE" Sprinkler Program by FPE Software, Inc.ooHYDRAULIC SUMMARY File: ANTLRSFI WATER SUPPLY INFORMATIONStatic (psi) Residual (psi) @ (spn) Hose (gpn) System req. (gpm) @ (psi) 118.00 94.00 9200.00 100.00 166.17 109. 66 Supply availablez !17.99 psi Safety Margin: 8.33 psi Maximum velocity in the system is: 11..59 ft,/sec Continuity at all nodes satisfied to 0.01 gpn Pipe Tlpe tegend Fitting Tlpe Legend CM = Copper Tlpe M DF = American Dlma-Flow g = (Tab1e 21 = (Tab1e 2D1 = Ductile Iron Ctass 51 E = (Table 1 B = (Tab1e 1) T = (Table 1)c = (Table 1) Notes: 90" Standard Elbow Tee or Cross (Flow Turned 90')90' Standard ElbowButterfly Valve Tee or Cross (FIow Turned 90') Gate Valve "TlilErr Snrttler Program by FPE gettwazl Inc. Pressure (psi ) File: Al,lTtRsFL Page: 1 Area Density(ft2 ) (gpn/ft2 ) FIow (spm) Elevation l reet) K-Factor Node 501 502 503 504 s05 506 507 508 509 510 511 5LZ 513 514 515 516 5L7 518 5L9 520 52! 522 523 524 19 20 2t 22 42.50 42.50 40.50 38.00 38.00 36 .00 42.50 42,50 40.50 38.00 3E.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 36.00 36.00 38.00 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 0.102 0. 103 0. 113 0. 100 0.102 0.1r.1 t-5.66 l_6. 1.6 17.54 t_8. E7 L9.22 19.63 1_5.t2 15.61 t6.97 18.30 r.8. 64 1 9.39 19.89 22.12 27.74 35.83 48.40 70.06 73.90 76.06 94.26 10r..02 LOz.89 103.64 103.67 103. 70 Lo7. 03 109. 66 L0 .68 10.65 0.oo 0 .00 11.83 0.00 10.50 10.66 0 .00 0.00 11.65 0. o0 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t66.17 10s .00 105.00 r.0s.00 105.00 r.05.00 L05 .00 -6.00 SOURCE File: ANTLRSFL Eegin tode rTHErl Flor Diareter (Spn) (irches) " Sprink o lpe littingsE!d llode Ier Progran by FPE Software, Inc. length Eqr leagth lot Lergth frictioa C-tlalue(feet) (feet) (feet) (psi/ft) 502 501 10.68 i.055 CU E 16.00 3.02 19.02 0.026 1s0 0.00 0.50 3.92503 502 21.s3 1,291 CU I 5.21 9.07 1{.28 0.036 150 0.07 0.51 5.2850r 503 21.53 1.?91 Cil B 2.50 {.53 7.03 0.036 150 1,08 0.25 5.28505 504 21.53 1.291 Ct{ I 0.67 9.0? 9.14 0.036 150 0.00 0.35 5.28506 505 33.36 i.291 Clt E 0.50 {.53 5.03 0.081 150 0,00 0.41 8.18508 50? 10.50 1.055 CU E 16.00 3.02 19.02 0.025 150 0,00 0.48 3.85509 508 21.16 1.291 Cn r 5.21 9.07 1{.28 0.035 150 0.87 0.50 5.19510 509 21.16 1.291 Clt E 2.50 {.53 7.03 0.035 150 1.08 0.24 5.19511 510 21.i6 1.291 CU I 0.6? 9.07 9.14 0.035 150 0.00 0.34 5.19512 511 32.81 1.291 Cr,t I 0.50 9.07 9.5? 0,070 150 0.00 0.75 8.04513 512 32.81 1,5X7 Cl{ T 2.42 12.09 1{.51 0.035 150 0.00 0.50 5.75513 506 33.36 1.5?7 CU 7.25 0.00 7.25 0.036 150 0.00 0.26 5.8451{ 513 66.17 1.527 Cil E 11.58 6.0{ 11.62 0.121 150 0.00 2.23 11.59515 51{ 66.17 1.527 CU 2E 32.33 12.09 41.42 0.121 150 0.00 5,62 11.59516 515 66.17 1.521 CU 4E 39.15 24.18 63.93 0.127 150 0.00 8.09 11,59517 516 66.1? i.527 Clr 7[ 57.00 42,3t 99.31 0.12? 150 0.00 12,51 11.59518 5l? 66.17 1.527 CU E 35.00 6.04 {1.04 0.127 150 16,41 5.19 11.59519 518 66.17 1.521 Ct{ E 24.25 6.04 30.29 0.127 150 0.00 3.83 11.59520 519 66.1? t.527 CU 28 20.75 12.09 32.84 0.127 150 0.00 4.16 11.59521 520 66.17 1.521 Clt I 122.00 6.04 128.0{ 0.121 150 0.00 16.21 11.59522 521 66.17 1.7s2 Dr E 63.00 6.03 69.03 0.098 120 0.00 6.76 8.81523 522 66,17 1.752 Dr E 13.00 6,03 19.03 0.098 120 0.00 1.86 8.01524 523 66.17 2.227 Dr 86 7.50 11.23 24.73 0.030 120 0.00 0.75 5.4519 524 66,17 {.320 Dr T 1.50 28.40 29.90 0.001 120 0.00 0.04 1.1420 19 66.17 t.328 Dr E 6.00 1t.20 20.20 0.001 120 0.00 0.02 t.{421 20 66.1? {,328 DF I 6,00 14.20 20.20 0,001 120 0.00 3.33* 1,14 * [0?E:lhe llor Dependent Pressure Loss Device in the preceeding pipe accounts for 3.31 psi of the total frictiol 1o6s nPfn 22 21 66.17 6.3{0 D1 TG33 100,00 95.3{ 195.34 0.000 1{0 2.60 0,03 0.67 page: Pe Pf Velocity(psi) (psi) (ft/sec) File: ANTLR5FL NozzIe Type & Reference Location "THEtt Spr Flow.:-rll gpn Pipe FrictionEqiv. LossLength psi/ft Page: Req.psi Notes inko ler Program by FPE Software, Inc.o Pipe S ize in. Fitting & Devices 501 to 502 s02 to 503 503 to 504 504 to 505 505 to 506 507 to s08 508 to s09 509 to 510 510 to 5ll 511 to 5t2 512 L(J 513 506 EO JIJ 513 to 514 2.70 2.70 L.lv 10,68 10. 68 10 .85 21.53 0.00 21.53 0.00 21.53 11.83 33.36 1n cn 10.50 10.66 2t.t6 0.00 2T.L6 0.00 2t.L6 11.65 32.81 0 .00 32.81 0.00 33 .36 0 .00 66.L7 1.055 150 1.291 150 1.291 150 1.291 150 1.291 150 1.055 1s0 1.291 150 L,29L 150 1.29L 150 L.291 150 I .527 150 1\r7 150 r .527 150 q Y Y v q q v q v q v rt lgth 16.00 ftg 3.02 tot 19.02 lgth 5.21 ftg 9.07 tot L4,28 lgth 2.50ftg 4.53rot 7.03 Igth .670 ftg 9.07 tot 9.74 Igth .50 ftg 4.53rot 5.03 lgth 16.00ftg 3.02tot L9.02 lgth 5.2Lftg 9.07tot L4.28 lgth 2.50ftg 4.53rot 7.03 Igth ,670ftg 9.07tot 9.74 lgth .50ftg 9.07 tot 9,57 lgth 2.42ftg 12.09tot 14.51 lgth 7.25ftg 0.00tot 7.25 lgth 11.58 ftg 5.04tot 17.62 Pt 15.66 0 .026 Pf 0. 50Pe 0.00 Pt 16.16 0.036 Pf 0. s1Pe 0.87 Pt 17.54 0.036 Pf 0.2sPe 1.08 Pt 18.87 0.036 Pf 0 .35 Pe 0.00 Pt L9.22 0.081 Pf 0.41Pe 0.00 Pt 15.12 0 .025 Pf 0.48Pe 0.00 Pt 15.61 0.03s Pf 0. s0Pe 0.87 Pt 16.97 0.03s Pf 0 .24Pe 1.08 Pt 18 ,30 0.035 Pf 0 .34Pe 0.00 Pr 18.64 0.078 Pf 0.75Pe 0.00 Pt 19.39 0.035 Pf 0.50Pe 0.00 Pt 19.63 0,036 ?f 0.26Pe 0.00 Pt 19.89 0.r27 Pf 2.23 Pe 0.00 q a q Y File: ANTLRSFL NozzIe Type & Reference Location "THE" Spr er Program by FPE Software, Inc.inkl o P s ! l ort in gpn rye 1?C 1n. Fitting & Devi ces Pipe FrictionEqiv. LossLength psi/ft Page: Req.psi Notes 514 to 515 515 to 516 516 to 517 517 co s18 s18 to 519 s19 to s20 520 to 521 521 to 522 s22 to 523 523 524 1.t t, to 19 19 to 20 20 to 21 0.00 66.L7 0.00 66.L7 0.00 66.L7 0 .00 66. 17 0 .00 66.r7 0.00 66.r7 0.00 66.17 0 .00 66.L7 66.L7 0.00 66.r7 0.00 66.t7 0.00 66.L7 0.00 66.L7 L .527 150 ]-527 150 L.527 150 L .527 150 L .527 l qn L.527 150 | .527 150 1.752 LLV r.752 120 2.227 120 4.32E L20 4.328 120 4.328 L20 FDPLD lgth 32.33ftg 12.09 tot 44 ,42 l8th 39.75 ftg 24,18 tot 63.93 lgth 57.00ftg 42.3I tot 99 .31 lgth 35.00ftg 6.04tot 41.04 lgth 24.25 ftg 6.04 rot 30.29 lgth 20.75ftg 12.09 tot 32.84 lgth 122.00ftg 6.04tot 12E.04 lgth 63.00 ftg 6.03 tot 69.03 lgth 13 .00ftg 6.03tot 19.03 Igth 7.5ftg 17.23tot 24,73 lgth 1.5ftg 28.40 tot 29,90 Igth 6.00ftg L4.20tot 20.20 lgth 6.00ftg 14.20tot 20.20 Pt0.t27 Pf Pe Pt 0.t27 Pf Pe Pt 0.L27 Pf Pe Pt 0.127 Pf Pe Pt0.t27 Pf Pe Pt 0.L27 Pf pe Pt 0.L27 Pf pe Pt 0.098 Pf Pe Pt 0.098 Pf Pe Pt 0.030 Pf Pe Pt 0.001 Pf Pe Pt 0.001 Pf pe Pt 0.001 Pf Pe 22.L2 5.62 0.00 27 .7 tl 8.09 0.00 35.83 L2 .57 0 .00 4E.40 5.19 t6 .47 70.06 3.83 0 .00 73.90 4. 16 0 .00 78 .06 16.21 0 .00 94.26 6.76 0.00 101.02 1. E6 0.00 102.89 0.75 0.00 103. 64 0 .04 0.00 103.67 0.02 0.00 103.70 FDPLD =3.33 3.31 0.00 2E 4E 7E Y a q a q a q v I v q Y 2E B6 T xTHEn Sprinkler Program by FPE Software, Inc.rsFL O o Pase:3 l{ozzle Flow Pipe Fitting Pipe Friction Type E in Size & Eqiv. Loss Req. File: ANTLRSFL Reference Locatlon gpn in. Devices length psi/ft psi Notes 2l q 0.00 6.340 lstb 100.00 Pt 107.03to a 66.17 140 tc33 ftg 95.34 0.000 Pf 0.0322 SOURCE tot 195.34 Pe 2,60 o eir t.r'.tl.t ll: tl ':"' :r.' llll::'{ l!'l I I I I .t'lr.lr liil il:; itil l:: Irl:l: l'l ill.rl ilil lltl iii!llr.llrl..rl l;il !lrll l iltl iiti ilil llll tlil il]i !iii lr:i trl ':l !!lt't.t' tl ll llt 'lrl:li:Itlr 'l'lrl - tl tl r1 lr i;It tl tl iiillll Hi lii lll: lill t;rl lit: ti 'l il i! il ! o r "$ lF r::,t F ltllttlslt- o 9.IF JfuJ TJ IJ CCo C(oq Ft! uJ 'f vl Io- r(u F TE.L o $ { I FI