HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE CASCADES ON GORE CREEK UNIT 1 LEGAL$6t ffia[Edr -N#X w t N $,wtifirutr uf (Drrupunru Unlun (Df liluil fiuililttrg lBrpurtmrnt '[HIS CI.R'ilF]CA'ru tSSUfD PLIR.SLIANT' TO THE REOU/REMENTS OF THE UNTFORM BU,I-DING CODE CERTIT)''NC 7-HAT A'f 'I'HE'NME OF ISSI/ANCE THTS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPI./ANCE WITH THE I,1ARIOIIS ORD,INANC€S OF THE TO\VN REGUI-AT'NG BUIT-DTNG CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE, TO 1'H1.. BT.ST OT OUR KNOWI.EDCE. Usc Cla:sif ielt ion SFR lluifding l)erntit No. 544I Type Consrruction On'ner of Building EAST WEST PARTNERS lluild ing Addrcss 2/rr/97 Thc buildingoflicial may, in writing, suspend o. rcvokc a ertilicate ol Occupancy issued under the provisions of this code when€ver the certificate is issucd in cnor, o( on the basis of incorrcct informition supplied, or when it iE dclermired thal the buildirg or structure or podion thcr€of is in violation ol any ordinancc or rcgulrtion of the Town ofVail or any ofthc provisions of this code. h tq r , f# Pea.,pL*.,-/LQ, t(*' ffi)a I I POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ./ Footo{, -/grr*t"lo* '-'''}'D+F pl.cq ---1-Prdd **.ct. Fta, -*..--"* stnx *- olaoron &L CHECK RESUEST PREPARED BY:DATE: vENDoR NAMLfi/ t l/lel< ' VENDOR NUMBEII: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND:o1/ DATE APPROVI]D: APPROVAL SIONATI.JRE: --_"-'-;==Fs,'. HOTE _ COPV OF DATE BEC|D UAY PERMIT TO EE KEPT 7, t992 .departmrnt of community derrclopment To sE FTLLED orJT doMpL€rELy pnion ro rssuence oF pentitrr TYPE OF PERMIT BUTLDTNG &[ pLUMerXe&a:S! BUTLDTNG &[ pLUMerXe ELECTRTCAL EFroUruOerrct MECHANTCAL Qrso *r, HAEvEN In, 00544 FILING JOBNAME: crs663gg Offi GOIE tl OWNEF mui 4aEf l[EsT gnRlTEnS DRATIER 2770!IAIL-AIIDRESS,--,-- :- ARCHITECT 5-161AaRNOLD, Gl.lATE'lEY, r|BAT] MArLAooREss 1000 x FRoNT. R$: GENERAL , CONTRACTOR I88-A irnu EUryT E.LECT!'IC .. 949-4061 TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM suImtIT MECIIANTSAL TOWN.OF VIIL REG, NO -1411][ MECHANICAL HnU}. s-tJI.qE &rE94. - '- - I4l'-lc TowN OF VA|!AEC. NO.guNlt{tutur{ fet E 945-?49L OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF]LAIL REG. NO TELE. L TYPE OFCONSTRTETTON I lt $r lV V E. OCCUPANCYGROUP AB.E H I R M Dtylsto , I L2A34 deHenAlorscnrpniinorwoRx. ., ' , cot{crnrrnrrnu nH ilIrlrt.ertrrnr-E,r.Arrrr.y zg. E =J Bt ttD|l{G 214,000 ELECTRICAL 7r000 PLUT,lBH\8 10,000 i i,ECHAHICAL 7,000 zSSrOOO TYFE oi?ouP G.F.F.A. -. vALuATtoN PERMIT FEES N.V B *1804 238,000 BUILDING PERMIT L,292 $1 r$. Rs & 840 ELECTRICAT 99 ALTERATION ADDITIONAL ( } REPAIR I ptuubrr'ts 6rso / t38 #41334 D'WELLING UNITS T E@OMI.,IODATION UNITS --* IIEIGHTINFT, _- NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAI.$140 / $3s #41335 RECREATION FEE 677 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE O€SIGN.REVIEW BOARO 200 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 500 EXT. WALLS IJSE TAX ROOF I I TYPE OF --.:-_ SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 3,97t I{AY 8,L992 BulLDtt,|coFAfiA[- - -6AfE MIKE HOILICA }'AY 8. 1992 aoxrGn6ilr*E#;o* - - -:-: - o;r.= - -l BLASTING ZONING & BUILDING NOTES: - NO FRAMIIiIG INSTECTION UNTIL PLAT ISFARKING TKUYCKII AT.FNUVEI}. SE,E DBAWING FOR FURTIII DUDDY.VIELE P0 80x 331 rraTt fln Rl aqe l I l ADDRE8S 1390 Wf,STEAVEN *1 Frul{O COSGRIFT PARCEL 8,stttotzrtxnv flmtxllrsccottmrp Dwu*x. SITE COVERA Dsne wsen* EJrl,opaaxownx GRFAUSED 1804 at J,, l. -- . Town of Vail 25 South Front.age RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based onthe 199L Uniform Buildinq Code Projeet Number: 440992 Address: 1390 WESTHAVEN DR.Contractor: DVC INC.ArchiIecL: AGP ARCH INC.Engineer: MONROE NOTE:The code items listed in this reportlisting of all possible code requiremenlsselected sections of the code. Name: CASCBDE1Date: April 9, 1-992 Occupancy: R3rMl Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAl,l STAI{EK are not intended to be a completein the 1991 UBC. It is a quide to FL NAME AREA MIN.LTGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 3 Living & Dining room 3493 Kitchen 9l-3 Stai.rs '7L 3 Ha11s, closets, etc. 13 TO?AL FOR FLOOR 5242 Mast.er bedroom 1812 Master bath 942 Bedroorn #4 L752 Bath room #4 452 Entry l_032 Halls, closets, etc. 203 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 8011 carage 432L Bedroom #1 131l- Bedroom #2 1471 Bath roon 501 Mechanical room 22L Ha}ls, closets, etc. 151 TOTAL TOR FLOOR' 933 BUILDING TOTAT 2258 34.90 L0.00 0,00 0-00 18 . L0 0.00 r.7 .50 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.10 1,4.'-l0 0.00 0.00 0" 00 L't .45 s.00 0.00 0 .00 9.0s 4 .70 8.?5 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 .55 7 .35 2.50 0 .00 0.00 NO NO No NO Ye.s No Yes No No NO No Yea Yes No No No 1 1 l. 1 2 1 1 'l l_ I I .lI I a 1 1 l- 1 t J. t \'- t FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door thatis required from this room. The minirnumthe following. -- Sec. L204. Page 2 opens directly to the exteriorclear openable area must meet 1) The mininum clear height. Ls 24 inches2') The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The ninimum clear area is 5.? sguare feet4l The maximum sil] height. is 44 j_nches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings)3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterioropenings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 5) The requirements for 2 exits from lhe 3rd floor j.s based onSec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than ? feet 6j-nches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and Loilet compartments may have aceiling heigrht of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis slopingr Lhen Lhe minimum height is required in onty l/2 of the area.--Sec. 120?. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shalt havean area of not l-ess than 70 square feet. -- Sec . nA7 . b)Habitable roons other than a kitchen shall not, be less than ? feet in anydimension. -- Sec. L20?. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A11 glazing in hazardous locations i.s required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d)L) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2l Glazing in fixed and slidinq panels of sliding door assenblies andpanels in swinging doors other t.han wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4\ Glazing in al-l unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosuies-for hot tubs, whirlpools, sauDas, steamrooms, bat.htubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wallenclosing these compartments where t.he bottom exposed edge of thegrlazing is less than 60 inches above a .standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of Lhe door in a cLosed posit.ion and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazing is less than 60 inches above Lhe walking surface.7\ Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than Lhoselocations described in items 5 and 5 above, than neels all of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 sguare feet.B. Exposed boLtom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of theplane of t.he glazing. 8) Glazing in rail"ings regardless of height above a walking surface.Included are structural baluster paneLs and nonstructural in-fillpanels - Page 3 SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is reguired on the ceiling or \,ralI at a point centrallylocated in Lhe corrj-dor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on Lhe ceiling or wall in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. L210.(a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke deLector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. -- sec. 1210.(a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wj-red to the buildingt s power source andsha1l be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. L210.(a) 3.Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwellingin which they are located. -- Sec. L21-0. (a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for l-hr fireconstruction are required on the garage side only and any doors belweenthe garage and the residence are to be a seff-closing l3/8 inch solidcore door or a 2Q minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is I inches and the mininum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. *1-Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greaLer than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7L2.{a') exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be proteqted as reguiredfor lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:l-) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more lhan9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must bei. hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches Lhick orequivalent. -- Sec. f706. (f) 2, Gas vents and nonconbustibfe piping installed in walls passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts.' -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) All other shafts are reguired to be enclosed in a L hour assembly. -- Sec. 1-706. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :for R3 occupancythis project will require a sile improvemenL survey. Such surveyshall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. - i r---. A11 crawr spaces within the town of vair are limited to a earth t,ostructural floor ceiling height of 5r, be earth floor only, beventilated as per ubc 25L6(c)6 with minimum access as per-ubc25L6(c)2 and naximum access of 9 sq. Ft. Excavat.ion below slabs on grade shal1 not be pernitted without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and regible from thestreet. FOR Ml OCCUPAI{CY slope garage fl-oor to a11ow for drainage to outside or provide afloor drain with with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or tosewer. Any garage floor drain connected t.o sehrer must be appprovedby upper eaqle valley water & sanitation district. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage which arebearing the area above shall be protect.ed with one hour fireresistive constxuction. Ubc 503 (b) I ---------- E-lfl -?|-.'-a roy.,& -';v4 e B FIRE DEPAF;TI"IEhIT NtrTEs RE: THE [:ASI::ADES E:EVISED PEIN.IS OF 3-17-.3:: I TEI"IS; HYDRANTS_ THE I:UHHEhIT SITUATION ON SHEET I:_3 SHtrI^IS THE ADDITTON OF A FIRE HYDEANT NOI4TH OF FLD':3" THIS UJC]ULD I:FjEATE A,.DEAD END', LTNH. I.{E AST{ THAT THE LINES FOE HYDF.:ANTS EE LUtrFED TO ENSURE ADEGUATE FIRE FLOUI FfiFJ THE F'EOJEI:T" ALSfl F'LEASE sHOI.J THE SEUHI:E FFjOI-1 THE h,ATER HAIN TO THE HYNEANTS. -r,r,,s t>..r-Q- F:trAns- THH F:OAD IhtT0 THE FREJEL:T AF.PEARS T0 BE tA FEHT \")n- Qr*u.--yyt1 t{IDTH, f"lAttIN6 THIg A pErVATE RoAn, AND MAF:INr: r.D, Ar:rEsso"-wrtsl=' DIFFIT-:UI-T. THE TUFNINT: EADIUS IN THE r:u|- DE sAt: AF.:E INADE0UATE'\(""' FEEAUSE OF THE t:rFjCLE ISLANII IN THE HIDDLE, IF THE TSLAND IS. ELIMINATED THH F.IJ. I::AN f4AF:E AN FASY 3 F'OINT TUF:N.{_CAu,T b2 qT49= THE VTSITOFi FAEFiINIS SF'AI:Es PF.:NVTDED NUST EtE MAINTA]NEb ]N THH I,.JINTEF: NffNTHs 5O THAT F" D" AI::I::E5S AND TUENIT{fi FiABIUS I5 NOI- l:Ul'4F Fiill4 I5En. THESE AF;E THF IsSUES THE VAIL FIEE DEFAF.:TI.IETIT I.JOULD LII,::E TO ADDRESS, t - I -1=- -z'>S-c) VAIIJ T'IRX DEPARII'IENT MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS T'OR VEHICLES \rETIICI,E 4102-W 4-W 413 2-I{ 4-W 411 4L2 4302-W 4-W 431 Inside Radius .!15rl 18 1 l7 I 6'l 2Al .30r6ll 33r6il Outside Radius 22t /25.2616t1 26 | 6rt i\37t6n /*2315i.-37 t 6rl Length 2gl 24)gn 26 I 6rl 25r6r 3"1rl 45 | Overhang- Front 4 | 10rt 6l 6r 6l 6l Overhang - Rear 7t3n 'll 7,gr3rl 11" I widrh 9r4 g r 6rl g | 4tl 9 | 4rl 12 | 6rl G\/w 43 J/30 35 48 35 Wheel Base 214 tl l51n 160n 134r1 230 216r1 Road to Chassis Clearance 14 1 18l 18r lrr lgl Eeisht 11r 111 14 1 14 1 1I | 6rl 1"4.1 Wheel load 325 psf 3OO psf 3OO psf 350 psf 3 5Ops foutrigger point Ioad 30of 000psf 3 00000psf Front axle load 16K Rear axle load 3lK 'I 4OO FRONT AXIJE UPDATED January 3, tggz Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 Plan ieview based onthe l99L Uniform Building Code Project Nunber: 040992 Address: 1390 WESTIIAVEN DR.Contractor: DVC INC.Architect: AGP ARCH INC.Engineer: MONROE SHEE? IDENTIFICATION Name: CASCADE !r2r3t4. Date: AprL1 9, 1992 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const; V-N P1ans Examiner: DAN STANEK CORRECTION REOUIRED **** **** 3 **** **** **** **rr* **** **** **** **** In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in l-aundry rooms a mechanical- ventilation svstem connecteddirectly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. nay beventilated with a recirculating.fan. UBC L205(c). Dornestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinst.alLed as per UMC L104 and l-903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6, in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shallterninate out,side the buildinq and not exceed 14'length- Domestic ranges sha11 have a vertical cLearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30rt t.o unprotected conbustible material. UMC L90L. Heating and cooling equipnent located in tlre garage sha1l be installed with the pilots and burners orheating elements and switches at least 18'r above thefJ.oor level of the garage. UMC 508. A chinney enclosure for a wood burning fireplaceflue shall be protected by a one-hour fire resistj-veconstruction. UBC 1705. This involves lining theinside of such chase with 5,/8" Type x sheet.rock andfire-taping joints. Furnaces not Listed for closet or alcoveinstallation shal1 be j.nstalled in a room or space having a volume at least L2 tines tbe volume of thefurnace. A boiler unit wiII reguj-re a space 16 Lines larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) ******** page#Z . 7 **** **** Gas piping shall not be installed in or on theground under any building or structure and exposedgas piping shall be kept at l-east 6" above grade uMc 22L3 (b) 8 **** **** A handrail is required along a stair$ay. It is regui.red to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ofthe steps and if the side is open, the maxirnum sizeof an opening in the railing at the stairway is 4inches. -- Sec. 3306. (i) & 1712. 9 **** **** A bathroom is reguired to have an openable window ora nechanical- ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 10 **** **** Domestic ranges shalI have a vertical cLearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" tounprotected combustible naterial . UMC 1901. 11 **** **** A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplaceflue shal1 be protected by a one-hour fire resistiveconstruction. UBC L706. This involves lining theinside of such chase with 5,/8" Type X sheetrock andfire-taping joints. LZ *tc*t' **** A smoke detector is reguired in the access area toall rooms used for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 . 13 **** **** A srnoke detector is reguired in al1 rooms used for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. 14 **** **** 0n an upper level where rooms are used for sleepingpurposes, a smoke detector is required in theceil"ing aL the stairs. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. 15 **** **** A smoke detector is required on all levels wired to an alarm in the bedroom area(s). -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. 16 **** **** The garage must be separated from the dwelling bythr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 5-8,& 503. (d) exc.#3 17 **** **** A 35 inch high guardrail with a maximum opening of 4 inches is requied where step is greater than 30 i-nches to floor or grade below. -- Sec. L7L2. 18 **** **'k* The enclosed usable space under t.he staj.rs is required to be protected by J-hr fire-resistive construction. -- 3306. (1) o 19 ******** 20 ******** Page 3 r The open side of all decks, porches, stairs, etc.which are more than 30" above grade shall beprotected vrith a guardrail. Openings can not exceed6.'. Within R-1 occ. and al-l R-3, height min. is36"-outside R-1 occ. height nin. is 42". UBC 1?11. At eaves and valleys an adeguate underlayment sha11be provided to- protect a struct.ure fron J-ce buildupand water danage. Tuo layers of felt solid moppedto sheathing and bettreen layers or a conmercialwater & ice shield nay be used as per Table 328L. |* rssPss*otr,s coHpLErED The Lteus below seed to be co'uplete before glvl.ng a perult a flaal C of O. Please check off 1o the bor provlded. TilPRovEMExt snRvEY 0IL SM 0, t o'12- RESID. NAIG: rIllAL ilEC8A}IIC,AL DATE: FINAI, BI]II,DING EAST SIDE: $xsT SIDE: rK,T ry n m n IT---f I [] FINAT SLECTRICAI. DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY DATE: I.ANDSCA?ING DT'E DATEI xs\r COLORADO. CEORCIA ' NORTH CAROLINA ' DATE: MAY 6, 1992 DELIVER 16. SHELLY MELLo VIRCINIA. WASHINOTON EITMAYOB€92 FAX NO:47 9 -2r57 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT CHRIS WRIGHT FROM: NO. OF PAGES (including this Page): lf you have any problems with this transmission, please call us at (303) 845'9200' Dear ShelIy: Attached for your records if a copy of the fully execut-ed Storn Sewer Easement Agreenent for the Cascades Project. The document rvill be delivered to Eagle County late this afLernoon for recording. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Have a nice vacation, Chris 100 Enst Tlrornas Place . Drawer T77Q . Bewetcreekl colorado 81620 . (303) 845-9200'FAX (303) 845-7205 STORM SEWER. &I,SEMENT ACREEMET{T ThiS STORM SEWER EASEMEII{T AGREEMENT (thiS ''AgTCCMCNI,.), dAICd ryll,t e. tl tL . 1992, is executed by Millrace Condominium Association, a Colorado non' proflt corporation ('Grantor"), and Cascade Partners, Inc, a Colorado corporation ('Grantee"). Recltals A Grantee is the owner of the real property located in the Town of Vail in Eagle County, Colorado, described on Exhibit A attached to and incorporated in this Agreement by this referenee (the "Cascadc Parcel"). B. Grantor is the homeovmers association aulhorized to act on behalf ot all of the owners of condominium units in the Millrace C.ondominiums, who, together, own all of the undivided interests in the real property directly adjacent to tho Cascade Parcel and depicted and described on the attached Fhibit B (the "Millrace Property')' C. To facilitate the development of the C.ascade Parcel as proposed by Grantee, Grantor intends to grant and convey to Grantee and its successors and assigns, for the benefit of Grantee as tG presrnt ownei and all future owners of the Cascade Parcel, a permanent, non-exclusive easement over the Millrace Parcel for the purposes set forth below. Agreement For and in consideration of the covenants set forth below and other good and valuable considcration, the receipt and sufliciency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor and Grantee agree as follows. 1. GraU!. By this Agreement Grantor grants and conveys to Grantee and its successors and assigns a non-exclusive easement and right-of-way over' under, above and through the Millrace iarcel, which easem€nt may be used for the installation, maintenance, opera-tiott, repair and replacement o[ storrs sewer improvements serving the Cascade Parcel. Z, Improvements. Improvements which may be constructed on the Millrace Parcel will be limited to storm seo,.r iines and related facilities. All work performed in ff:x"ifi":"rT#""$Hl-:?ffi trFHii#fi,*ffi :x'"-:ff %H'f ;lf'J:isii restore the surface oi the groond to its lormer condition, as near$ as practicable,_and will promptly replace any and a[ trees, bushe.$ and vegetation removed or damaged by Grantee. PJT . 3. Liabilitv and Insurance. Grantee will be fully responsible and will pay ' for public liabilify insurance to fully insure against bodily injury or death and property dt!"g9 of whatever nature arfuing from or out of the use of the Millrace Parcel by Grantee. Such insurance will have customary and reasonable limits, may be included in Grantee's blanket liability policies covering other locations of Grantee, and will eall for Grantee's standard deductibte. Grantor will be namsd as additional insured, and Grantce will deliver a certificate o[ insurance to Grantor within 30 days after the mutual execution of this Agreement. Grantse witl indemni$ Grantor against any claims, damages, actions, causes of action, liabilitieg losses, liens and costs (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) arising directly or indirectly from Grantes's use o[ the Millrace Parcel by Grantee and Graniee's agints, emptoyees, successors and assigns through any cause other than the negligence oi o,rufot misconduct of Grantor or its officers, directors, agents and employees. I 4. UIg. Grantee and all persons acting by or through Grantee will exercise reasonable efforts to assure that the use by Grantee of the Millrace Parcel does not unreasonably disturb the use of the property surrounding the Millraee Parcel. In thc event that e,xcessive noise, dust or other ionditions should be caused by Grantee's use o[ the Millrace Parcel to an €.xtent deemed unacciptable to Grantor, in Grantor's reasonable discretion, then upon r€quest by Grantor, Grantee will irnmediately alter its use of the Millrace Parcel to standards reasonably acceptable to Grantor. 5. C;ovenants Running With the land. The benefits and burdens of this Agreement will run wittt ttru tuoO ana-*itt bind and benefit Grantor, Grantee and their respective succexnors and assigns' 6. Counternart!. This Agreement may be executed in counterpart copies, which, taken together, will widence the agreement of the parties. 7. Governing law. This Agreement will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. (SEAL) ATTEST: MILLRACE CONDOMINruM ASSOCI,ATION, a Colorado non-profit corporation Secretary -2- -::: '45r ,r ;.i,$.'.I t O STAIE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. couNTY OF EAGLE ) Association, a C,olorado non-profit corporation. Witness my hand and oflicial seal. / My commission expires: / - 2a' 74 The foregoing instrument. was acknowledged before me this 19!n, b5'as President and as - Secretary of Millrace Condominium I day of (sEAL) ATTEST: $'ATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE CASCADE PARTNERS, INC. a Colorado corporation ) ) ss. ) -3- By, OhE4/44ay'LL \gfsident The toregojng iqstrument.wps aqkpowledged befoqe me this [,$ u"y of -frk"liffjl,"5#l Witnecs my hand and official seal. My commission expires: EXI{IBIT ^A A pAnT or sourffiNEET QUrRtlR l{oBlttEt6t qulnTEn, gEclrloH 12 ' TOWITS$rP 5 gourfi, FANCA 81 rEET OI| TrtE 6TH PRIN9IFAIT UERIDIAII' cottNTY oF EACITE' StATE oF COLORADO, DISCRIBED.AE FOLIOIYE: EECINT{TNG }E A POI}flT ITIIEHCE AN IROI P$I NtrlrH PIASTTC CAF IdARKIIIG trIIg CEIITER O[ EIIID SE TION 12 bE,AN8 5OUIH 42 DECBEES 50 ilxlrllr8g 19 EEeoilDS IIEST 66e.3it ffETi 1IIIEIICE gOUlIg 85 DE€REE8 i[3 UXNIIIEII T{ SECONDS EAET 89.S4 PEIE' THEIICE SOUITT 57 DEGNEES 25 }txtfl]TEs 30 EEcollDB EAgr 169'46 FUE!i tHENqE soula 32 DEcaEEs $9 ilrt{ulEg 30 sEcoNDg EAsr 1{1'4? FEETT $rrr{cg gottrn 65 DEcREEB 31 t{INUlEg 36 SECOI{D8 tfEgf 95.0{ FEE|!,-THEIICE Souxtt 69 DEGREES 0l I'IIHUTES 36 ancollDg I{EBT 103.0e fgg.*;.rHENeE HoRtrlI 2} DEGREES ?4 MXNutgs 09 sEcoHDE lfEsT 319.09 rSgE TO TIIE FAIt{r oF EEcrlwrflG. To6ETHER Wrrx All gAEEldElm rROil !{TNSFXELD, IrTD., A eoLonADo LIMIIED PIRT$ERSHIF TO ELDORADO REALTY COI{AI|V, A CoL'oRADO coRpoRArloll Atl DEECRIEED llt DocullEtf,l RECOnDED lloVEl,lBER x5, 1984 IH EOOK 3ee Ar PAOE 908, AS CO}{VEyED IN DEED nECORDED IIOVEUBIE 15, 1984 Il{ gool( 399 A[ PACE 812, COttt{1lY of EACL'E' gEAfE Of colonADo. TOGE.rHER WI$T ACCESS IASE}TEITf A8 SEl TORTH IU DECI,ANATION AND cEAltl oF'E[sf,trlHt nEconDED AUcgeT 6, 1985 lll EOOX 421 AE FAGE 651 (CCr{ttot|LI KNOWN Ag t{E8IHf,VrW DRM.} '9e 16:A8 PRRTIERS - VfrIL,Cd.O, COLORAIIO | {iEORGIA . HoRTfl CAROI-lNA r vlRGlSlA r wAStl l}IOTON DATE: .Uay ! '__1993 DEUVtsR ror,sh'l1v,!91I, :FAX t{O._ 47e-3 t57 _ fown of Vail Couuunity Devetopeeut FROM:6hrie wrigbr tt HO. OF PAGES Srdudlng thls Peg-): :I tf you hale ant prabl€ms r+rfth rh|e frammies{rn, pl€aee oall ue 8l (3gg} 945'9n00. Dear 8be11y: I Act.ach€d ia a copy of the tecorded Encroachncnt Agrccucnt rdith Upper Eagle Vallcy Eatcr DistricE th+t you requesEed. If yeu have any quectioaen p3.eesc give rqe E cell. Chrii I00 East Thdmas ptoce . Drawer ??"f0 . Betvcr Crcekl Colo'rado 81620 - {303} 845.sr(p. FAX (303) 845'TZO5 PRRTNERS - VAIL, Hi!y#il!r\r'n,E,Fi,iifni ' HEltEltlrnt HtEil ;. , "r IlGrSfl ;,,; ffi;ffi{.#ff -r:i: t rrE orEllrrxl o.ab I 'f ': t '',I {-'.'t iJ' otaf d g i 'li!, ;-: " .,.'l -.i,+,t,.rto" ffii-lHmffi##iffi : ,j ifrSilffit'nlio p6rt#$ ffi*:ntru w#**i.*,#ffiffi..*m,**wgg : : l. arrr|tln*rtrtdlDtdtirr$ilrrffr.nd.rftftrf f' I ir i,#i'*'"r ,,."fr irur.r?-:qHii$f ffihffiiiffi Eih.?""ffi ,ij:* ,n .o.XoTlii*F "ilrrt '. il .otlt -.nt tdrr'.t rE ,,,,.ulfiffi"*fi;ifl51inrSlrg,ffi rs prr* "' g6qffi! brend tsx tranrmhlrl memo 7ffti PRRTTffiS - VAIL,Cd.O. :EE EFST PARTNERS - VAIL, t"lRY El '9e 15:25 mST COLORADO.. CE0RCIA r NORTH: Aprll €, lS2. Iteer Fred. .. Slncerely, CASCADEPAHTNERS, tNC. CAROLI N A ;1.V'IR GIN IA r . . ;i:-:- ATTENTION: Mr. Fred Hadea . . Upper Ea$eVatoT Gornofidated $aniHon Dislrlst am forcstnO- Vall, CO 81657 Re Encroacl'unarrtAgioarnent Enclosed for your execution b the Eso€chment Agreernent betweul Cascade Partnero, Inc. and Upper Eagle Valley Consolldat€d Sanltaton Dlg*. lf you have any questons, ptease teei free to contac{ *"il;.: l'. W orytb ! Endosuro . : y*. : i BeavercrE€t Raifir.lmEa$ThorusplrcrDaurer277o.Avd|'cotodo8t620.C3ffl)g4$g400.FA"t.FOt)SiJ-?Aoj ^,r- lirJe AHIS AGNEEUEI{T,Ls Eade hnd entered.l,nto thieqft L992, 'lryr'EaEcade PartneJrs, hemlteiref,ffiy ownetri,'ref,arred to as 'rProperty Orrnetr'r . and the UPPER EA@G VII&EY COiltSoLIDeEED SAI{ITATIoil DfSTRIC.|[, a .quasl-nunlctpal eorporatlon of .the gtate of colofado, her€iilaftef referred to.ar.'Dl-strlct.r. aE. of .. ot' , WHE8EAS, the District l.s Bresently in 'lrosccrelon ot an ' easensnt, 30 feet !,n wldth, nrnninE thtougb tbe af,orcmeDtiongd.. ProPertyr'lthicb eaaenent La deecrLbed on Erhtbtt A, ettaclFd hereto anC fncoiSrorat3d hereln .by tltis rbtesenoEr,.and ' TJHERAAf!, Property 0rrrner desiros to conattuct I p€rusnent stnrctnEe that wtll rncroash upon thc descsibed eagenent l,n an areatrBproxlmatcly 6l e,Z-L/?'t 25'ti 6'1 22, fi 1., anrd 16, x 6', aald sncroaehnent being degcrj.bad on ExhibLt A, and ' WHE$EAS, the easesrent ls an actiye eaBcment preeantly ln' uae b5f the Dlstrlct. .; : NOI{, TITEREFORBT'in con;ideratiolr of the trovenants and promlfaeahesel,nf ttr€ paEties herebg agrea ac followp: 1. lhe Dlfltrlct rhall prraJ.t' only the oantltevel|ed.portLon of, the structur€ aFproxlmatCfy fA teet,above'f,lnlsh gradeto €ncroach upon the qforCnentloned aaseDent. llhs DiFtrlot-ntll .not allow asy portloo of the foutrdatto$E or footer8 to eacroachinto the exLetl.ng sasemente ; t: 2. Th€ Plolrerlty &mcr thall lndennlf,y the District fson .the cogte of any repaig to the District.g rrtif.fW linct whtch nayoccutr as a sesult of the constsuctton of blre cantilev€rad po*I.onof the Etnrsture over and upon auch'easenent. ...'5. Thla Agrccucnt ahall blnd thc ruccesscrc and aseigna. 3. llh€ Prel]erty.ownsr shrill'hold harrnless.the DLatrlct . f,ron the cost of, repalrlng:any dana$e to the santLlevbrsd gortton . 'of the atructure, whlch dalnage nray be caused by the lnstatlation of new utLlLty llnes ln thls easement, or b.y a break tn preaent andlutur€ nt.Lllty llneE of tlle Distfict, or ry th€ tsxra!-Ilng of auchbreak bry the Dt8trlct or by'other malntenance of rhe llnis. 4. The FroFertyOwner ghati tndemnffy.the Dtstrlst ffonany inerease in thc codt oi consbructlqn 'ot any new.uttllty llngg .qr in the cost of any repal.ra to the Dlgtrlct'g utfffty llrrea.' Fuch:,lnctrease. Lf any, due-to the ;rroxinitg of the cantllevered portionof the Etsuctute to the uttltty llnes. .. IN INIIHEES WHEaEOF thc partles' hereto harre .cauccd thlsAgrgosent Co be . execpted aa of .the . ilay 'end ,yeas . fLret ubgvewrltt€n. CAS UPpEn EIGLE VALI,EY CONEOIJIDAITED SAIWTAIIIOII,DI S|INICT By Ey ATIEETT Warren t{. Garbe. General Manager 'By essiitint gecEetarl'. $ffi'w: iI My connt eaton . explre" t S\SlqT'---- 1v1:[ ' I gtA[E oF COITORAIX] ) courry or EAcr.E I !3 llhe foregoing LnEtnunent na; aclmowlcdgcd bcfora tne thl6 - day of _, L99Zt br/.lfarren M. Garbc, as oeneralManagerof,th€UpIlerEaglevaIIeyConsoIldqted3anitationDJ'atr1ct. t ' . :. " .'. ,. 1"'.r'",1 l. ' r i ,...,...., : Notary. Putslia ', i., S1'ConntseLonrxpX.resr _ * i ' . ! r;' ,.r:! . . ,'1. :i .r. bgt'l t tsyr.{ey,-E,Jfi-,',94,lF'=.ge EAST hfl lFelUens. ;- y.H.IL,.c0Lo. urrrtfltur llvl ' -,: " FFen nFlrBrrihtrrPmsl, :i i..' 'lL-r3ipllf ts $.{ey,-E, *-,,,94, lF.:.98 EAsr JrauBFy r0,.ttge $a-$l.Jormon l.'. '' ' :.""'', i;' I ...i" fi#tg; gr'.ffi# noc Frertrooo s, rm{[!i #ft'ffi;;r Go urii Er{or 20, lf l,l||! tsrd tuo {,r.}P.6/6 drtac rrltb i, rlt I ;ffiJito'llil,*lli";;r.be pr *r.siiIr"- Ffiilfftni"jilll#Ijrd thr aogrqrcl{ent blve rny IY, I' f|llelrt,icnl raE{tu3ttrtef r lllsa lmAerrla-ntcioitrBri! fllr COLORn DO. GEOltClA. NORTH CAROLINA. vIRGINIA o WASHINCTON orfi,ilAlt oqlEil DATE:May 5, 1992 DELIVER TO:She1ly Me11o FAX NO:479-2157 Town of Vail Community Development FROM:Chris I.lright NO. OF PAGES (including this page): 'l lf you have any problems with this transmission,please call us at (303) 845-9200. Dear Shel1y: Attached is a copy of the recorded EncroachmenE Agreement. with Upper Eagle Va11ey I.Iater Discricc rhaE you requested. If you have any questions, please give me a ca11. Chris 100 EmtThonras Place ' Drnrver 2770' llenver CreekT Colorado 81620 (303) 845-92m. FAX (303) 845-'t20s P. 01 01-/11/i2 !I:S: tt t oF ,E^cLt co{ntf cLfinx, ;joLilffi ' nrrotulomt rmttE*! Ftc t5,oo Doc o.0Q -lr.i'-t ..fi .rt" 'tr a, mrr 4'T: ilrilil'U1!![H'|li?.P,iiirm.Stmffiff'*m;'ffiffii ' iifflt3. #ffi#tTift#lljiffish,?",.Hfr s I TFTII tFjl-r.ttt*^ t1_Dnrpntry_ lr_ lroruroa or rn.rlrrnt, l0 tri rn rriurg=E*il"_{{di.Hl.#i':t,Sflolf ootifi,fi .f .?.j]#ll*. ___r,-_.. ,.r_u. rrr;rrnE la oatsElDai oil frhlbl_t lr ftt*Otl llrtO,,r rT lmorDont rt hrnrn lr rlii-iir-iriicil rnc dt 3 .,'ur ly *.Hlilihtstr' "r-nt lt tl .atln rrftt Dlmattt ta i;, lftlllAl, trcFrtt Onirr !11131s r Irtruotur. thrt, rtll fiii*s!#$r,,'',in,H*ry*.*lliiilIHffiriTffi :u*;"::;ii.'g.if ifi ],{ffl{,iti"rffi $r*tl*r#Sltici rnr rtnarBRt orrr rnd;Fol-;i;;H:d i$ll$liffiru il'^*".#ir"]i.'Hf.':,fffi.isj.,'.l!ffi l'"$-"?ffi 1lf; llii.ii:t*:,rE:fi H.ifi f:iffiff'.Tfni;;;il,'.'f, ,#r.ilii:t ' :, l. lhlr lqrrqnt rhll ttrxl rhr rrsf?rron .rd rr.l$rr 'l ;, ",ifiililii'Htii'i1i',#,'' ' Hiiiiiriefr*iilr'm'.ffi LUitE# lfi t'1il*Jiy; rfr*.i1lJ1. .m' t-nifr rTiru or rpiil -ti iiiru.or Port.lt* brsnd fex tranEmittEl memo 76ll It x ?u T t t $ f; lLIrlt t ht (rr-r-l Jl: 'i.,, A\\ rn1lroqC"..e,$t L,rrrr\. q +/- .t'.6" +lggr X+ornl c0nE cntf,' 9+ E.ol..G"Arlo,r\ COLORADO. GEORCIA. NORTH Cn ROLtNA. VIRGINIA. So\l\A\ o?$s? May 6. L992 vrA TACTMILE - 479-21-57 Ms. Shelly Mello Town of Vail Ccnnunity Developurent 75 South Frontage Road Westvail, co 81657 RE: Recreational Easement Agreement Dear Shelly: This letter is to serve a written confirmation that Cascade Partners, Inc. agrees to enter into a Recreational Easement Agreement with the Town of Vail. cascade Partners, Inc. will grant to the Town of Vait a permanent, non-exclusive easement over and across the exiEiting recreational pathway on the Cosgriff Parcel for use by the general public as a path for biking, cross country skiing, pedestrian and other recreational uses as permitted by the Town of Vail . The Agreement is currently being drafted by our attorneys and.a copy will be forwarded to Larry Eskwith and to your office within the next ten days. If you have any guestions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, CASCADE PARTNERS, INC. Chri Vice cci Mark Snith WASHINCTON Beavcr Creek" Resort . 100 East Thomas Place , Drawet 2770 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . (303) 845-9200 . FAX (303) 845-7205 ,9? t4IA7 ERST hIEST PRRTNERS _ VAIL,COLO.P.!/6 ffiL;NA . vlRc1114. wASt{lNGToN DATE !!Av_4+_19e2 FAX NO:DELNEB TO:SHELLY MELLO TO9ON OF VAIL CO}IUUNTTY DEVELOPI{ENT CHRIS WRIGIIT FHOM: NO, OF PAQES (includlng this Page): ll you have any probleme with lhis tranEmlsston, please call us at (30s1 84&SA0O' Ddar Shelly: Att-ached for your records if a copy of the fully executed Stonr Setter Easenent AEre€ment fof the cascades pfoject, Ehe ilocufient \f,i1l be delivEred to Eag1e Courlty lata thisafternoon. for recordl-ng. If you have any questipng, please gLve me a cal1, Ilave a nice vacat,ion. Chris 100 EastThornas Ptace. Drzwer ?7?0' tteaver Creck? Colorldo 81620 n$0 MAY 0 61ee2 479-2L57 (303) 8d5-9200 ' F^X (303) 845'72;w RPR E3 ' l.a .,,,W Ag.W EA5T I"IEST PFRTIiEIib :]; ftb TEMICTRARY CONSTRUCTION EiqsEMENT AGREEUETT (thi 'Agrccenr), &aad 6. _ dsy ol - 19!2, lr @ard Uy CotonOo Mootnh Confudtrinu rfurocbdq lnc, a Oolu'ado norrFofiS ocpcadou, ad Ml&rsoftodddruar A!.odiioor a Ootcado no4rcfr corporarioa (cdtcdtydy loom arrcrsnte), ad Cscodo Petxtr, Iaa, s Cdorado gClrauccl. NECTIAU' JaL Graatorc aro ths mEc3 of a arc authosizcd to act oD bchalf of o*lGrt of thc land a* hdic*cd otr ElUbit-E aod Efii!{tj atrsctrGd to and hcorporarcd in thit .lgccmcc by thl rcfcrcacc (collcctfuelt, 'Graaton' Pttmlra). B. Grutofg d$lro !o graot and co'rvstr tdt Gnnec and ! &lccc$er rnd auigns, for ftc bcocn! of Orantaa a$ lho prEsEut owrcr and a[ fthlrc orflDcrr oI thc tupltttld tand tnovn ar thc Corgritf Prrcol and dcscriM on p;!lt&j attachcd ro rtrd incorporatcd in $b Agrccoot by thlr rclorcnoo (tho 'C.oogriS Poroel'), a rdr-@lsirc oeraco! otror a portion of tbc GrrnmB ProrLcr dcrigmtcd end nce partic;ular& desribcd on Eddbit B drd grhlbit C (colhEtfucly, tlrc'Easoopnt fuc$ ) for thc purpoccr atrd leEa lct forth bclonr. vJrINEss Fd ind in ootridctrtioa of tto agwocot lct br6 bclo* md otbcr good rrd ulottlc. onddcrqlon, Uc rccdpr and ot6clcdry of !ilch ar€ hccby ackoonlcdgc4 Oranrorr 'td Ora e agre g followr f. Grsrtor nor.Dt grd d covcy io Chentcc end lg rucccnorl ilddgnr . trG{:!6trive cewrt rud dgh.of.imt 6lcr, u!d!r, ahoro d thloryh tlcF..c.it'lt Atla, \{tdd ca&ocot t!r}, bc urcd br thc pulco of pcaarln rc6llt d ooG|rrdon nlddc accc[ to ud lroo tho Or3rifi Pa&d. Il coddcratlo of ilAcrwt, OraTaGE ddtwn to Oruton tht ccrd ldrorOo dn dad Dcccnbtr 3L l9[ by lhn Aodcuon A'|ft" Ioc, sud rtt*bcd hcwto q EtrtililE au forcorpmrtod rsfucocc, L ' Tbc tc(E of 8fr cscdcdl will crylrc on tlc cdnff of (D Dcccnbcr 31, or (10 th6 dai8 by c,hbh courructlon ol sll hproycod|B ot ria frs8rltr Pand lrc coEgboq, ar crldcoocd by oao or msc ccrtificats of ocorporcy irnrcd rith Espcst to rS of the ln$utmocu bt tho spproFfuis aolhorftifl of Eogh Couily, Color!.lo, haYitrU iurbdtctlon in rudt Drttcn" L lnprovcEontr whlch may bc conrtructrd os thc E$eaent Arca rhs[ b" lfult€d to tho lrutrllatlon of a gravd dri,Grry, wlich Oralrfce agrccr to hdatl sr lE rdsqauo. Wi6ia a r€ar@bb timo nttcr tbo adrattoo of thG tcrE of tbL Agrcmaot, G atco lhnl prooptly rc$or. tb. curfre of tlro gound to its foraci riondifiof ar ncsrty ar prrcticstlc, aad dul poopdy rcplrc ery od dl trcc+ br*heq fid wgc{rtim rffi/.d or &nagcd by Grer.c (thc '$/off! To rsurc tbo uinplctloa of tba Wod., Grantrc-?> alr€er ro d@dt t5,000Jxl hro an lrrlrc$ bcafug G|cntw accoutr crtsbtfuhcd lrtth lrd Tldc Ousr&scG Cnn't'$V h Va4 Clrrdo Swh dopoft nay bo &rsn up by Granron fu tbc porpoea of coqlahg thc lbrt in thc cvc[t Grutcc choold 6ll to do ro vithin a r6arordl6 pcriod of aimo soor tto cqiratbn of th! tc(I of tbfi Agrlc@oot, aot to @rd 90 &yr. In thc @t Crrrlttcc coryLtcs thr Wat ar rcqu&od ry Ali Agrcolof 3ruh dGpodt, tqr{blr rith dt arol[cd hc.crt, i,fl bc pruptly rcu|!ilad to 6r|nt a Grauon and Grmc crfl ccctc clcrore itrrtnrtim! munEry rstirhctory to (hettr.' Gratrlcc aod Ieud llth &rardc Cspan1,. FPR E3 'g?WIAE ERST }I5T PARNTRS'- \frIL,COLO. .- -" Ttr ' ..|. p.gttZ - 4 {tratec agm !o nfttrh aqy imgorcOorr crutnUcd on tteErrcuat Ans, r*de odigrrb rHl i',.ruOc sLlorIt foft|it rtE gsgsn, oa tte tosttoi!;!I! tuty b klEp e9 inprcrtfia# ftEoBrbU chflr of ffi a[d icc rtrd ro Er&c-ild S|P,$$f jtw ""Fryilt locdGd otr tho Eacrlsnt Ares rr ucccrcary to Bccp theLrrcrle Arlr h lood coillitiott' J. tburgbq! &o _t!q of thb Agrococ{, CrEil.c $.ll bc fu[y :qoY*bj"q S8tl ply ftr_p[uh lbbff|ty Urqrmc E Flpccl'and pclrn|t to tuly imrr; 1ry* mOS UJIO a dcath ard proprrv drsagc of whslclE nmrg *ridA &oo- or orrot tb sr6 of tlrr Eoroolr fta ry Chutc€. guclr hr$rt|rcc rhil haw ersronary ard Py-oabblgb hr nrch qp dlhbliry lirurrlce Esy be hdu&d in Granrcdr LEJJ lqltt Fdlde ffiitrg olhef loetirqs of Crr[tce atd rhrll baru GrareCr fisa&fi!cclrsEbE Gfafrs sbal D6 trto€d 6 *rrrrrt?rt hurrcdt, ald Gredi? rhdl rLllvcr rsdfic*o of futriloe go O.dfir c&hh 30 dryr aftcr tha rnurrd aarlm of th!Agle@cGt . ThruEtout r&c tci r of Urir Agcsdxrg ftrrras shrll irdcoDlg Orsaro;lgtln.r tlf qahr' deOAS€c, eotimr, caucr of adbn, lhHlldc+ loflGr, |nd co60r- fttrctudinsrclltrout ll litloq rsruablc atqrcln' fecs) srtt|g dfu€4ly or irdircctly &on GrsilFcf u;of IbP EarGna|! Ar6e by CrEnr!6 anU Ciarrcci eSE tti cfiCoyEcr, "**..irl' .*ErrtsltrrEEt guEtr, rqd |tEdtllr llFo$dl s[y crrr8c Otl6 thtu thc grrDrr irgtrgiqr.e or qdlEll Ei{:mdud of Oflntor m tH n:[pceirc olftcq dkwf agcnB and lsdor,ccr. + - CEr$la agrult to ealc dlugsfl dhrts ao pl€lrc[t cqttrt 6rbn FGfioEilalrorLhB on thc eocgdfi Parcct horn prHnf thcir vclriilg on Gransorr' 'prcuircr lunlErEoEol (lrauce agrcer tfiat i{ sry dah should aricc ton Grrrca.r e*ertire of igtt*ti qa&d_ rqdq ttdr Agrfficor tEr s!t, rEr|gtl orlcr &at &! gocr neEemc or sillfut rll|cftrltrGa of t[6 Gfrflei or thoh rc+EEtiw otrccs* drcaoo, agmtr and coplq,Ec1 wtichCrh rascr thc'Grratqr lo i*rr aa qcnrcr Crartca wltl hd.olify O.droir fir ll*EPGtrr.t 7. g.Euec atd rn pcrron! oct'g W or rlso0gh GIgotcc $ttr cn€rr&Grt|matf! cffostr !o sr [6 thrt tto rsc by (haafsc of tto garcnclt Arrr doir ,ot|!t!sor$lt dltub ttc rxo of tb FoFrry $rnoudft'E rftc Errmrt Arca. !r lbc c$@ttDrt ficr$h,o fiL6, dtgl or othcr poiaUiru rhoold bG clrrcd b, Greglcdr urc- of lb?Eroor* A*+ to iD .liEot &cuod nre..optalrl6 to Grontm, irr Gr;brC ;;;;rtfdse{|bq GrlEcn rhdt upoo rqoErt uy crarin inoedierefy rtti iu ,o ol ririf"*.arArE! to ttadat& rmru:ahly aoccfbte ao Grattorr & It6 bGoollB'ad bsrdoor of rtjE Ag€cacEt shall m[ rvilh bE hd FTttu tft. tflE of rtl agaar @d ddll bhd fid baoft Grfi!trr, Ard"c ndu.ir rliFattrt tqlEctlq! ild ||d!t|' . ..9. .. Thl AgoamGil qr tc ;Eq Ht in cernrarpart copiq wtrtc!. ulcn aoEElhcr, ilil GyidcucE tho rgrccoclt of $c psrtic& - - lG Ttl:{grcsant rvn bo gEv*ald by {d a*.prct* in **due rfthlht ln' of tho Strfc of Cdorado. .i RPR A3 ,* Eg:Bg EAsr t^tEsr pFRTiiFxs - vnrL,cot-o. lN Wtl!{ESS WIIERECF, Grtnt.rfi rnd Gramc ha,c cNurE l tb.b idrtruffir 14 bc trcE ad aad ds$Rd ttc .lftc ald yc'r fil sFv! srlts 4 o coLon Do MolJIuAIll collmMlHntM ASSOCIAIOI{' INC- a 6|orraa tao+t€ft ccqporatioo '':' P.gtt? (sEAt) 'r ATSSII StrATE OF MI.oN.ADO &uNrr *&L )) rs. ) 1t6 lgea lillr:.cEe sI hind rnri o&lal rcal (SAIJ ATTES]: Sc{rr'Iy srlffioF@toRADo ) )g- oTJNTY OF EAGI.E ) hr t*r.qgrr var-arhilttodgnd bsbto m $tl/ ., e{ otnrc4p,;-71 ri - hcridcot aod .rr - S.ctt{ttt of Mllraca Contluittittu WtiE€r Ey h{nd ad offi.isl ro{t Myoouddo e** /f 'a6'?-{ 'h"n{lt''tll.*rtJr c4l.rr.f'b."..rlz- mrZAil/iits'#*e rumst bE L9r1 W -! trR ?3 'w wtEB EFsr r.rEsr pmri$ns - Vhrl,colb. $:. r P.ta/L? ($BAL) ATTE$C sfATE 0rCpLORADo ))s.@uNTyoFEAcr.E ) Thoreel w Wltacs nr' hand attd ddnl My cmirdm tpirce aohurr€dgert bctor! tnE ,rur AlL ory rr rl ftcridcu -d_ ecrmur of Gscadc Part+r+ !u, a C.ISCADEPART\Ttr.S, INc" + RFR e3 ,i|a @'ra ERST HEST PFRTNERS - \HIL,COI-o. i... ,:.' !" EXHEITA 'J. P.LL/L? A FAHTOF$OIITIIIITIEETOUTHTEN NORTHEAIITOtJffirB, SECNON 14, IOV'IiFI{F 6 SOLTH, fiArleE$ i{ESrOFT}tE dltt FFftfOtpAL MEFDtAil. couilry oF EAH,,EgrATE Or COII)FAbO, DSECF|BED AS Foufnrrl€: Bff$hIIMIATA PCII}ff WHEIEEA}I TRONPIN WIH PI.ASfIC CAP IIAfl{MIT}IE ca{TEROFSATD SgdnON tU BEARE SOI^fiH +2 offiEES 50 MtNtfiEg t9 sEgoNIiS I{ESfEEB.g4 FEETTHENCd ECUIH gt DEGHEEB.|B MlNl,rrE t4 EECONDi-CAEi 6EBr EriUElqESpqH qqEEffi zEr,tNUtEg eDsEcorlDs Eiiifil4eFEErl rlrElrcE BorrrH sa DEFHEEE ss MrNurEs Bo EEooNDs EAnr rrr"li iffiITllEtdcEsounr 6EDE6f,EES gt MtNtfTEg 96 SECONOS r rEsir gfol FHrr ffiihtcE $OUTH 6E DEGFEES 0r fihnffES sE sEooNDs vl,EET 1os,0z FEEr; THFNdE-iiOiTH lllEcFrEE$ E+ IfrNUTE$ rxt sEcorlns \n Esr 3iE.@ FErr ro rtlE poiur'oi; EEGINNIIIG. #a F## EE:+!:i y'alr,T.'.'.i',-,'.?Ta l!lutltEfl a tal aa rI r-flfida caarrt- Hratradaaffi rEr -r. r*=tr-. B't6t'"-, a+ J-tc* 4*' C*o\ h:oq-q6{ ,iA - \\-ct C-e,t$;\\ - vRruco-o- :; P.r?/t? C&ffiAM lldlMTAilit dtlst0d,,ilNtills Cd.ddl! ra d|a!a ta ItS ltt .t t.|. al rd JE.d ta Or ff.rl It.aall ll. lrttr I t-b. t-|. mtc at tb &l trtlaal raa,|la. r aa taur |*r rl LaL, |I. .f ad.-at I|. D.trr-.|rrlt -a-t|{ r, rli\*,:', t{" r.d*a.|l - | Lllt tr.UA tl-.t { trrl. lt t||r 3|t.4.rtt.6r.at 5 .f-r I r..Irarl' Drf,E ttD lll.d.att ll.!aiffiffiififfigF!r!lje.r.r=__-! .a!!! 9. -Erl' rrar tr$t'Ela, [.tl l||4 .r-. rsr,||.:|'|rr t.ltllI-$.t r-|r.l- htEq. tI|| &ltE t' - fi fFR e3 'W 8].L!EAST HEST PRTI.€RS - VRIL;COLO. -..-, EXHIBIT'C llt ; p.!a/!? . I i\tt. r u t-' r. r\ $\'.\\\g-q*,- \€h;h tra$.r\L\nl *\ cfr.InADO 'rdfi{?Ntcwfi4ditxtJrG AffiFF PARCEL(w;m, Paftr @) uiu:rrrua MT APl,g,aI''lL HF fr' Hd,JRACE WJ.NACE lztozr' E,art' CASCI,.T'E L&ffit\o PARCEL \ \ \ \ aapiryiiltusi 6l|1418$ {-t * l|rtrt tl l|!! r*.tr. ! ry !rr$ lfffqer i|! t| Hlllr|4rcutr]rrrr|| -IrFt*$ r r r-,.r-l+.or^ur fitrr-E/{; irrr*iic tl, riiirtdr 53|tl. l||.|r ll l.|C a{ ttr aA ltlGlp.l flr"l.llrr rI! rt hlt. Llll cr|ryrglLaaa.r -. F|t|||btft ...-lLa .. l.ltr.. _ -. l|rlq,||| |c r t tlr rb l|r|l-lr rrrrq ltu .a !h. tturr-!Parlat_t.t- ta rgJrv. c.l.SJrr - rrt|.|r|| I I t atrr rr||l .!a laEtf.l r.Erlx lt |Irr :lltlaa.ttAr tL.l,l a{q _&5. .-ttr !f rl8l til lJ!!!!!y_ u$_lll.to.DT, l.lu t|.ar E!F. 4d'o.rl.!. ti.lo Lrlr .uru.sli.llMr t-lt -l..tt .n6i. d.rrsrl3 ru rrr ;a1;rrv UL fl6il.rrt.;l"-tuff'ti|;E:-m ffiiiffi.,a-d!;f4tT..#e,.ffi.ffi s*.irra a.raba F f o.|t|tr. llll.lb q.||| fr|Er tltllEt- rr+ttta{ ta aaLEb lra t . r|| ah..I hal ||4- L- rt||:t 4|.q lr, .l|| |.ry r|r||a &.|. t:i .rt3rc tcr ttnt erriirrr riOi! {...: rr sI ..rlt rllrlE qtrr. t-t_alElC t l laff l at|I{.t ttair|laag tr r! s* It E rlc|{r- ltaa arrl- .|' ar.rr tr tt|. rryrl| 5aItr.{ -t| tbr ..r t|rr &lra |[r +t.{ * (fia !.SttlGrft.. rlD. .rr|.t t fi Sll€ lr -.M ,9H),, ,$r'fo' ##.mmm#lrom'ffit***,$lr#n:mTh*s .,i.*m*nffimffimtffi,l*.-*^**ffi,tff!,ffiffi,ffiffif,ffiffiw.ffi.ffiFffiffiffiry5rffi., rf, mrr*lrEc-.--ffi.It;"ict'r, f dnuloorlh ln rrhdt,:. t rffid iloltl 5ilr. :,''': 6tli'q ,. i ',, lnunrd*rhaotthqp|tdt$|l{f0rortnrpolbCWhcoddtt*l* .."'.'.i' .h" dicoiuonlt*tl'r.||ulil ,t.'rlr.i . i Htr ts T"i,So8 "!% opoo,fr 1t ["\ il{ yMu- A.es @gn"o(t ^"T#liflfffi#* rl?on Bldlrh ::tL nrrurllue Al['I$l!sfsg#lH$ffi#XilH umD "' mtffi'il'$,ti ffir$ffiflffIi#,ffi';Tff*iil*t-s bF irn'$' T* a, .l|tilf!!hs' ';#ffi*ffi ffi't o ,r*: r, {';fl'r' ' llao- ^c'Islurffi#r'o h 'd riesoo c-rt? P'r6t ionmttrre artltrF gi{i'"l;d; lT,,*^, "8oi'HI# nae,o.90 fra o.oo ;;mn$h:uj,i*.,$.hiffi1ffiI"Hffi '**$$""Iff ffi 'Th'f ;l* lslllh'rr$rhhilr;t*S$'u-it$ffi frffiH$x",.|$sitrirtldiiItfrifi'ffi*m!'*-tsIllT[g[ tl-'ffiLlf#,#fr #i #roTr' rffqiffi $$ffi[ifr{F,fii ffii"ffij"nfiffi ri-.iirrc ini$ dondo fi#ffitilff diiltiiir Dannrhn'l' rL ft! lrut$! E{qft-1$F.'lSHffiYeH**.ffin3ftmmg.I*1h5tulrtuW*litrff&q:#:lffi m*E*m*m##Sffi'$it# ffiffifriiF il [drm' unLdn ffiir h rrr ll0ilftq.c.c. A''!'rrhGcmrnglFTlg|JEEH#'*ssffifoffiffffi*Hrffiu m rrunt-g.FlJtl',#g$ ffi md n-&!r il[au*n Hn {ttr €diill Er|.tnl D ^ro*millu.'i{{l-trTl^*^S.t**.tglt*f,*=ssisFHfiHmmffirmrufi,ffiffiffi ff;ilfi"ffitb--irinrnla d tlb otlrd B.ffit B tl$It!Mrtsmc Amrlrtlil I r|.m p-rrr Hg!!Ig$Jtg!.l* *rnr un ortmr ffi'SiffiirfiSfrffi gmi ilrogptts tffiHtrHJ*"ryHt$.ffiHffi f"fi fr .6d*f-rrl**qiH;S,ffiffi$rfii3iFffifu+T;;*'bffiffi$#ffisfifffiffijl#ffiH,xn$nffiIHLmmi*m'il; niiliq r ia*.r b ttt dl{' :'l@ .. l||cqeilhot0m|tc|lDb.dt'r.|hil|odl.d|*ddffibtr untrr liiioliltn iurmr a blorr .p-ror:IUII -: Sr I I . ilro$r nr m?!'r4 tr-'Irl -+f!!!l'J|' Hfttll'liHlt frfHffi . :' -r,tl knt, rnrr'inrffuni'rrilslm{ h llu oililnil-ltilmrl'' iitil'iiiiomr, ry'nu "uiiiitli;ii,ilii llrti'u qt IP$:!l lH Hli.ltflLffi1il;lftitiffi'riroi mr onnr o3 ril !'!il'-lt-to I , ;dfrrifi'.td-oldi rirpcrvo r$c'rrorr ild rlil' ruU-& C8CONDO[lll{tUM AftoCUrlSN' lglodrmtnrcf $t?!dlm t. 'nn lcrd ds'hrlrro! lhr ItlFSl-?Hl lo tL t|'lr rd loldlh|| .rffi ,gl*l'ffi H*ffiffiiidiffi "j'l':tlH,H'utrffi ;ilfrffiiliii'hifitr rtponcut !t Nr rforonor' ITAIB Gg.On^DO : O0lllllFl S tAOl"8 WEilESS ry lnnd rd dhhl t!'L 10.-"d.t,tqm ttf tt l'd.'t .1" x?o?. EXHIBIT Affi a..firntI r llltPJ-'frt^I r ttrfa,t n['vc, 'fl,n'_ uunAcE Got/lDqilMUHs T'.F- $Itf l' :2t lt|r||tll. I LG)OO A-r7? P-tAt Ifltii''Jil'Tff IlEiEi-t:ilrlErrr 'trrn ltil r.r t's lrtlillltcl ..,Ir rrilffiiffiCir##l#f; iiifi slt'dl Wlf liiiliirff t'l#rlln*m,r*iitrlfl h".#.',tT:fa'{iffi 5ffii!4I'tc-rllll.d*T!!ff Il:1 ? Ti.jia'i'i1Ii'ii" dit ufr l--cr- t!gg1-?-1 ltaillilr.. ildr Hti*s*ffi,ffiffiiiiiiiirr--n or lo tlltr r'rr rrr -!.'' g?/lE/a! ttt|c m10f1