HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE CASCADES ON GORE CREEK UNIT 2 LEGALj,i v,:;rrrJ I i 'l rirl ri. \,,.rlrr ",,,, ' it .,rtir J(r.,jrr:r. l.l i.lrtrr||' Y,i.r.;s li!,fDi \ss{)(:I., 1;l'll'r j , f:{.,J\t: r, lt,,i I , r, -}f4l ' . t :r: tlrr rrrrttcr .il1nCd,L\(,'1 tt.l, ltt \t ltY 1'l '\l: lhct ' ir1;tl;,.,. , ', 1,,.,, ht.rr.l.r rrc I ||,h 1.,,1t.,,.1,(.t-.lt I r r. ,.t|t.prr'.Il lr.tl ( h('t..i ,l ftct. ..ltI L,,1cIrC$.r itCfOst l.r,lrlxns frr r lors' 'l.tg( t hcr riitli Ih.,rithin.,ini(l \r ri:,(|l- t hr. r i f lrt .r l!,r , ht'r1.1111,1r.t , t,r ,.t|. ,.J.; ltr.irr ll :rt ir 1 1l,rl lO|l I('Dtt!r,rl . , iir.l:?'" : ffi. rt. ).1 l,l, ll.rl( {rr' \,i I l:rr1t.. x lr,t.t dt I t.l 1l 'rrlo 8l hr..r rrl rhr. r,rf, I .lll, lhtr l.r,, l( .t||Ory I l,!t . r : ',1{l/.t ,,f .Jt l,,t ,,t' licct ion Il ot.t t n,': ,, frr l ly ,t.. ,L.ri llc(l In lt,,(|l,:r,r.r.r. r(.t.r,. ..rl , ,.. rir'.it h, r, i ll i rrrrl I lll:"1:'.,:,lll': il'l.l;,'''.1:';;l ''r '' ' ;' ir. .h,rn.',, r",rr.'1., ,.r,rrr,,r.;,., ,,r,(.r.,,! .. j,n!,'fr.ruir. r,.rir-c\ rr.,r ,r,,, i ""' r '!' ,"ii'rtr ;",, i ;',:ii';',,1 ''l;il;';;:" r'il;;''11,..' ,'r1'l r;r'rirrtrrirt ;rn / ;:ifi:i::,;:i;iil';ii' ':i::;;:::i";,,1:.: '":ir,,'jji;;l'i;i,i;l';;lllil,1:".:i;iiil:r,'i I;::ilit;:iiii;.:"::/' rt,r ltltl li.r't ir. r.irl.l:, thc r,.i,.rrin^ .-r,^---,. , -: Iri,ric\ i,,\,.il, , .1r1,,1, ,,,,.".,1:,::''.1::::,;l::'::]...].:l:1.:.,,nd.,rrr(',,',,r f,ri,f..t 1 r|r'u |rrrl!('rl.v;lltltrori'rr.tlr'11.I|' t . ll('t l : {' :,r:.1 r ,rla .- ,.-. -.rr.lt.rcrr: {;r:r n t (r r r',-rmil I n i: r.n|| | t, f (:r,1 r. ;||.: . rlrr. Iir'^ it[,] r I, t lr,' 1,,t1,,, ',,,, I j f,lrl t0 t.,.:I.rt r rr:,; i;t|.l,f l;rnrl rrhr rrirr, lr l s r.r | !rrrlnrr,e 'tr.rd:.,r1. .. t t,.,-r,.r I I 1,r,)r,.:r ly r{.. r .t. Lrt;tt.t,. .,r,1 .llr;r ll lrr.l.rr. | 'r.: ,.t ,r:tIla(.. '.:. i trr i, : ftl. t. ir:, l;t: '..1 t lt,' '' jI 'r"cs, I,r'rrrl:. q,r.,'"q;11iorr .rrrrl r,l,rtr,,f i,r".' r,tt:rl,i., nr.(r'\.ijrt.r fr.r tlre .irrrrIlnr,.,rt.ri Ifi rri.rr:t i::: ::l-::.i... l,' ';r.,hr,.c of ;,,rr. ,,,' ,,., f,,1t,r^".t I'r, .i||!.fx, r r,t I hi. or, rnJ rrr I t. :.rr.t.i 1.on(li t i un I'i:,"1lv r(.lil r. , -. v . trl lll t rr.r,. . t,r .h. flrr(l v,..Xc - ,l i, ,l lrr tirrirl I,t. ,,n t ir1' :thrr\'f t,), 1,i\ t i r'|l lts e shall ; l.'inrlsrr.l.l h1,.ii, .r r(l \ :'l l ittl(l I trl \.t t: r'r il lt I .s .'rl;rr. thc igri r , fq 1- i 9 rla v hll-ll "i lilt, - _.\-u[r r t.: t 'i i .\ I I (:tl :. r h.l '1. \x'# i/ -. --.' :. a.r'" \l 'I ,'^il$tlJ.r^[t']llii l.q lt 2 :a rtf 'g? rarr oretAltltolr o? rlsrqg|lq eosnntrT8 (thlr,Drcrararton.r h_nedi-i; ;i .rr;-4$-c.i-ii-'-iii"_, res? byvrrL vrtttgR!!, rrtD. r-i coroirao-iriiEa;i;;.;:Fi;(tDtclarrnte. i @a ty K , -.. .r"-.'- +' , ... i .,,1; llgIIAIg ;Fr. ; *l?$+ ornr_tir n.r !}oe.r*y tr,Erttydrrcr!'brd on bllitf:ir-r, cGa-D, r.rtr.ctrvrryr rttrch.d!!1.!:. rnq bf tbfr nfiiuo.-rrd; rDrrc D.l.o! (glrr ,rttlrrcrIII 8ltrrt 6o tXrnrfiiii-iit -;-trtr ?rrrrrrr.r ]. at'.^- --.. ,a.Lrrr sltr'' tro'xrnrthrg rlt rr uri rer11ci"i ifitr'rnd thr'corsrrtlt Blt " rrrnrotrvliii'corir.t_rv.rt;'?d riiE..ltT -"' : . : ?::illr.:?: _{ . \. :..' ?"'*r':'.t: -' ' \' :., ?; *j1:fli$-!f r:plloq1 11.rl.oqg rbror.lfi tf....raoo t thr vr il Funl. rD.f- g9d.-_itii-6rifi;;; i, ElTitil' "'ecrprlrr r portlon-ot rOrvti€Dr.d lr.r lrr tl luch trsr lrdrllnrd ln -thr Orrtln no- '|ulg ....''. 11_1151 et r 3i.. .ft|:::ililft +i::T,'ll!LHli!i, .EliEli,.. r,,Drvrloparnt lru r br llrltioe-6i-.ii9!r;l;-;il:lruldrnt.'.el !1oor u-rr' 1u iucl-trn lr drllnrd in rctlonlt.o{.rj0 ot ttrr vr{r-*unioiprr-Eoci-ftlr rEiil;i irra rtt.t f,brrrlnrtrrr .rrr'd-to ii-;6air;1, tr.E-r.i ir fi.ttuc?.d t'D*lornret lr.r I to-i rarrr.r-oi.arrrirr i{."r.-i.rt rnd byItrlttne thr torrr riron'r nniir^9!_rfrrrrrtg "riiir'-,;-trucb trrr ir drlrnrd G rocttar ri.or.ozo-if-;fi 6c.t b 2a7,caprl.d ot r rrnhn oi-ioi-;aoconoarirsr Giti; (' nrcb!:tr_l! 9:r!r:a -tn- rctlon-ii. or. oro oi-tli-'cidi-'urc rDlxln' ot 13{ Grrtltng untrr (punurni t"-d-;6niif rttrr or!h._994., each ecsomirtron uiltia;odtd-;.';;:_brl! or rdrrlllnE unlt tor Duapor.r_o! crlcrrtrtind-irroiaiil ,,lrtr 9rrdrrlgnated urrl. -tti orcrmncr-rrio-iJicr.-iilEii.tton onthr conrtnrcttoir or oorzriorrr-JtnrctuFa-G e.viiierrnt rr.rl!-lr_ I trtttng rhr eDovrrii -iici-e*r - ior-o-oililIer u'('C?l') er dircrlDrd ln Urr OrCfirncr. ;D. Conrtsuctlon of vulour atnotur.. har tlrudyb--n cong|rtrd or cg rncra-ifiifn orviionrGi-E;i r ruabtlf!_f torrl c*rA ^or_ rr, zso rquirr teri - ilrrJ';r"iri.urcR?l'r, e totrt of-?1_dirrrni_Gftr (4i-;iv.-{iGi. Dnrllrrgunltr,),- r.totrt 9!_tf rocoJ6cedt"n riiiir id:-A;"tlrblrlcsourodrtlon unltf'lr urd e ggtrr cr_r 5i-ad,ido lg.r. r'tJll:_'lly:lhblr c1:i'ua rvrrirur ror-iri#iiioi'to th.ErE.r urBn r.rD{rot to thr eonrtnrstlon nrtrlotlonr rrt lo*h ilriiriiltitih$il:r.r*i.trrirs,lr:l#l:tll; stil:,:ll_llt!-lyrttrbl.-erl rri rrcrtnitrr-riima-fit. ur,lvel,leblr hnrltyrl .,.J:"t f: ,ll .i t ..,i ',l il io , '*ii.,il 'lr';, l. t. Liiti"fi i .i..- II|??CL' tt DtCttUltltO*r{' ' L' ::131!l"Ll:i:1.qil'urr:il:qriii.ll!il%:il,::Ri"orach :t rhr rlrruFfrl F;.ii;'1"1:, !1! oonvri& lrbJror tourlr D'crrrrtron' -rtich -ii iii-bl.e"re...- 9r rnf,encrns'rdfiiiEiry.:li;:uci:i:i'sl :tLi!+ ii#itT:::rntorcrd Drrr, .n 'gp-rt-iri-i"d-nr- ll d.tln.d ln rrttohIII brloul-o! r fftr rna'tt -jGri ruq'i:i;*i:;iFift H, qffi :ifr 'tii. i#Hf 'S :,*H;.I* rnd .b.lr *-...1rffi; iii b.n iIi-;:rffoi th.- -,-. .;:,:i,;,'#-: ..i;.,1,."::, EI .r ,. ,... .. .. -lt ._An1rell llr.f lltocrlrora 6t lvl??lr?r Fr-.r.,rH, lvelr ahl rlffi+I-+llc'g!"t= gr4"" I rF'.avrtlalrtr C?1. DfolAfrn Cnffrnd ur' rvrrr,a-brr c* uong-Iilrit..'-iorrlrli-' , -); -,{ -'rril. .-1, g5s11rrnt drrlntDrnrlty uong tfr sft i ;;-;:;' i i: '. C -to. -rllocat. th. tvallablrrorB.n brr.ln. I oIt E lll,llracr ItI tltr '..,ri' 'llanrtltld fltt -:E" -€.. arlldlng c ettr '; eltr Corgrltf Bltc tlgtlon 2.02. eltr llltlrecr fft ttt llanrlkld al,tt BulldlnE c 81tr CorErlft tltr : . 31000 t!rooo 3tr750 l,t r 00o Dyrllftp Onltr 3 ea 30 ll oYrl e?tfl.n r$nrr ?trtl Q r.-. ' ' "...i.o 20rt00 o lecorrcdetlon Ortlt. o .: i: ! --h.tvrllrbrffi snrE. uonE tb. gltra er loltorrr . Dtclt8rnt brrty rflociEGtlrr lvrllrbtr lacorrodrtlon o 1t 0 -:,. C!. .. , 'ir:$i$1i :r ...i t- h: ; ,,'a-.r * ID 5 i',t. IlRrrter.r "ttrr j nlsr?rc"roxg :r:r, :. ..[i.1*ig'$:H:ti{liii:,H:il1,:l:ii!, f, ,0.,:fr'.li ':Sli l+ or cooD.nrl Tlelt ce'n!v, coroiiiS-ilillp roiieot-ti !u9+ o"'r.r,r ;1tl ti.:":-,:flr?g :: .nt-e.tllin 3illiil lii:gi.l{rtr r.r*ra -i1Til;i:i'.il illillr. s u*r - ;t ri;, d*:d$f iTii il!.#lilll'i3"*:iii' i, .fliiii** : 81tr Duuuant trDrnrlty ruultrdlncr.r..d thr trdld not roduc. tBttrl (ltl a.11n**ff i'Triruilsii4fr:iis:l:ri.af;lffii!'sovrrnirnrrr'a"iffi$ffiip i$il g;g"., ot *rrrDrclaratton ttoti ..* ,.i . , ,.r,- . . '..1Tt9" *r rrerr,trr;oor "-,.,,",r..ffi*tliJi .p.lntrndrd to roue.b, lgncrii Gi-rii.a.a tht.lltrr urd,ff:"i:*t":xi H,il *rriiti#";;::ti$:t*i$ :iltl::,.rnd errrsnr ' ornrrr oi-lii'Jniir't-G iiv-irtiir'yPortton thrrto!. r..- ... nEli;":* ll':,lndrbt.dnf.r a.cu ;l;. :l;'r::":fl port rin -trr-'.iil.1 crtr nr ir ri - *T?rli' ffiit ;i"tlirifi.i:{::::iltt:!i'ql{?ii*rufii, t' *ili,;;;;;il;l!:irH,ii;r*qi{ jE:"**"idiL*jn,tn en actl.on .. ,r:!_:=rlF-ii iir-court ln-rict rctron rbeltbc rntltlrd co r.€oy!: lli cir.fr-fnorrr.d tn connrctton ylttr !1"1, i.lli* *il:fg.*:!:;Iii.-.tto_ryr, !mr, r,, _laaiiion r[: '..'t" t- EIECUIID rr of lh. drt. tlrrt r.t losth rbov.. -ft';.. : ii. .|. r N{,rf :r * *. riiiiiffi!li,,g6ix;..#,f "r, tr::l .lf, t":: o,iiii ii,itioi'r*l.itiil;tl.:i;l;:";ili;ili:":i;iilri,' rnr' ur Dcclararlon rhetl not br iri"ci.i trrcirti.-.f :... t '8rctton f.05.: . Durrtlon.t lhlr-'Drclrrrtlon, rr lt raybr-err+trffiio ffiiirr conrrnu. rn luri il.ii liir!fuct unttl ruch tlir t. (ti lfrii.. lrr no fonfri-iny llonorrrtth rr.rpccr. ro rny rrt. trro'iitil,-iur-irrl-riill-ir,lrr nolongrr bc rubJret [o thr conriiuitton rrrtrrctlonr ret lorthln thr ordtneicr, rr thr iii.-ili-ur rrrndrd lror trrr totl',.9r (c! conitrucllon-[ri tiirn plrcr on rech o! thr !rtrrtuch thrt rrthrr lll gt,ttri-iviri'ibr. orrr hrr brrn urrd orelt ot rh. Ay.tlrrto- orririni uirti, rn6 ryrtlrbl.lcco''odrtlon unltr- hrvr brri uiia. ugon lrrr-ociurrrncr otla) abovc, all o!-thr Ornrrr rtreif r:rcutr I docurrnt lnrrcordablc forr rtrttlg !h!t ttrii-occrrretron hrr trrrrnatrd.Upon thr occurr.ncr.of^-rlthrr (bi or 1el rfovr, ili of tlrOnn.rr and all o!. lhr Llonorl itriff .r.cut. r docurtnt lnr.rgo.rlgbrr tore rrrttng thri-rfitl-i.criirtion firi-[]rrrnerrd. o. " r',. t.r #*ft*#f, ;.,ffi o.ltl irrvohd !y recordlig-ta^thr rrii pioirrti ircoiai-oi trrrgoynlr o! Eagrr, cororrdo, en lnr-truirnt'rifn-a-ry-itr o'rfr.rnd Lt.nor., tt rny, rgrcltylng thr urndrit-or-if iietini- -- rcvocatlon -""|f'l:"lr' .' !y::::!irrr;( ssALr :.,.! ,. r' '-, , - i.'.:,-: ..::.,,i,.; { . i,-., .!!::.' "':i: ":', '-'."i: .' 1...r.. - .,.., t.Yrll Y.aturfr, Ltd.r e Colorrdo'. lltlt.d prrtnrrrhip . Itr f,rnrtlrld, Ltd., r Colorrdtollrltrd prrtnrrrhlp, Grnrrel. trrtnrr Bltt ionttna eorporrtlon, I. Colorrdo corporatlon, Gcncret Prrtnar I't ,-: .:. r !".::tt ,n' -t- . .t: ".f.! thl r a eonAr Vall Mvlrorr, tnc,, ICrlltornle corporatton lyr dgrd brlort n 1, : .a t - .1. ''f, +r:l i!i I!'l:t, "': r'-l DYI I tTAtr ot .?l! ,. Thr-torrgolng hrtrurrnt vrr rctnovrrdlcrd brforr -g iiiirfrb,TLi:":"#H.liL:ilffi;ii.;Grnfrtr prrtnfr o! irnrttrld, ltd., r Colorrdo lirltrltr,Drrtncrrh!pr-rt-Grnrrrt prrtn.r o! Vatl Vrnlurlr, f.iA., r .,..4i ::;*")"raao r iir iia -eii iii r rhlp, - on - ["h; I r _ ig ruch pa rrnr r rh I e.... ":..'Jif,d'::,'. I , :''l- .:."'"-".. ;.:i'r.- rf ltnart ry henil and oltlctal rrrl. ;': t'. 15trRl'.'rii;^o'^, cr' ,l. : tt'')l tx6ieerrr, sEAL, i.? -,-,..t i,, l';t' ' . i'ri i..1."'r'1 .' . i f't. ,^^\L'...:rj;:r;:$ : ny corrtrrlon rrptt..r hlaofq0 f ;\*l"A couxtr or $o.,.,o. | 'l' !?Ats or f .,\or.,Io C;\.1 n "A couxrr or Sc,",..prJ tt. toregotng lnrtrurcnt .r7ar rclnovlry of {rrrllbrl967 bv ll",\-A A tla, corporatlon, 13 Gtnrrrt pertncr of VallColorado llalted pertrrrrrhlpr on bchelt rtt Vrnturrr, Ltal ., Iof rueh prrtn.rrhlp. nltncrc ry hand and olllclal rral. sEAL ! Thr tfy c,.rrrtrrlon. rxplrc u f,[ZOkn .l .,? 'l -5- a '' ffi;';:;;:lir"!i'1il.';:$f I n:: :l'l i, :I:ii:r Iii' i ii. ii. i',1' in bv dardr :!'.:*i'::e::|i-::-l'.11::'-:! rndrbtrdnrr. rrcur.d h: :.gr ruro rir rii [. -ir,]r I' iilpil,iil.ilito thf grovrrtonr or urri-oliiiiitron. thr trgtrr trrlngr, tutldtngend Lorn llroclrfron, r !yr rtItr lhr 3l"ii iI!, 3i,'f, lil'i'.iff :!il: !."?f, t, t'tili!i:r:I;ii ir:i;l; STATE OF tt. tht r thc forrgolng tnttrunraY of :trrtllh{lgt7 pt rr?l rcknorllrdgrd brlorr nday oi trgrlUlertgs?lr.lles? uy Mdf.[[l^]i: -,-ii r l|ld Colorado iorgor lyiiii.-"rfrr"-"-r-*"i'rnffi : '.1 .:.rrttn.ar ry hrnd end olflclrl trrl . (NOTARIAL SEAI.I r lly corrlrrlon rrplrt Vrll-lorrr r gtrtnrrrhtp 0,\$n"l counrr or Nnuar ,, b[zols} ( sEAL ) By! -6- t,tl+'#--li'#+$irffi "';; t, O'nt "aod otttc'}ttj .t ! '-? t.r, to'''lt!ot' rrg.trrrr ffttc::', \.,. Ii_,'' f,?rF..'.l..Jr,'_rgggg'Eu rttttott '.r- . _rr1. rtrfolrar,roa,, Drtrrtt -ltt -.irttgr rt' llrv-- -'/ -t>wrmP B 8 Itltrll ':' Dl' iFI'r iiarr't"rffi wt'Ehlr.4 fsris (NorARtAl, sEt\Ll @r t'--int rrPlrlr t rrY corrtrrlon -1- . f,i' rEtrn";{i rrtrrched. !11nc.fo-rrtng r Drst ofDrclurtlon of nritr-f-i-iir csvrnantr,ilatod ar of .rr.ne 12. ; ift-#'vrtl vrnru!.r, Ltd.) gt,,g t prrt o! thr n !( \l lla, Brctton Ltr-Twnrhtp J 8outh,Rang. rl r..r o!__trrc_ltxti-iri"iii"f-ttrrldhn, tbvn orvell, Easlr county, c"iifral,'ililrrxa u toltcrr Brelnntng .t I Dolnt ?!_!h..ro+h_rout! eutrrtl.nr o! ratds.ctlon 1r nbrnir-T r:gn ;ri;iL r_pieii-ro-iii.Ie=nncthr c.nr.r of nld grctfo-n-ii il;, ,- 00.3f ,36,_r t53.06trotl thrncc, tlonE .ifa-d.i[.iiii.,-l| oo.3trg6, ! 122.!1iii*"i""*',;;"!li:u-;1il;--iifry ; 116 -oi- rii.,it.t.x i c. s i, i ;; i'ir ti}i.ll:H.lili:il3ffi .::i;,iiio"*,_ vey llnr I !t.rt,^li,-i-iisii?Li^to r gotnt on cirrrrrthrncr r2r.83 !-t eronf-tii-.il-Jr I rar.20 root radrurcusfr tc tlrr lr!t, lryllg;;fiirl^.nglr o! ae.ort5l, rnde chort that bori I titil-rrif i-ip.lo !..t, tbrncr8 t0.32,t0' B r.og-!.::[r-irji".-ci.30-lmt rlong tbr rrcot r ?7.a1 loor radtg!-ilrFra-';; ii. rtgtrt, bevlnE rcrntrrl rngh ot {9.1tri&-i"i-.?or{ ttrrt brrn8 tr.s6,os, I 6{.er_ri.ti_d;": j.r.{o,oo, r ,o.rz r..t,ttrrncr r 3r.aa,?t, I zziici'i:;Iir-tb.nc. t ?t.lor3z, ,rol.{{ frrt to th porni'ii iiiii"rrr. : l-1'?- o ' +i'rl$rlr*rtr'i , i (Attaabrd'!1 .la ^lo.nrtnE r D.tt otDrclenttqr . oC iritrf-&1'v'r cot rnutr,dat.d u ot .r'.,.r i2r--,"i;ii;;i'irlt Vrnrunr, Lrd.) T\rts Hi;.T I',15..i!, $#tS {i*i{i,iiriii,I:T:Ho. : f, :ii},Irgl. cor:rEy, coroncor-il.;il:;, u tollwrr fi :H!S'Id*qiliil, ilpl{ :*iT lr:ffi ,.'iil. 3f .illrli*lll.lolri*tu or .rra--iritron ra-ilair J. r:.r0,1e, r lyg ss"rr;r -i, r.3r,!iiry, #l,;;:Ti:ii fiii;i5;ili,,i;; - ic9:?o rmtr trrnor---$i=tfo'llii r{- s I' rs r ii;' r Jii :'r !r.! r **':li3:l!til,'lt}l:i-l!I.} t'.ehrnc. I l!.It,!11^!.1!:oi fr.Iithrng. ! 01.21,!6, r 205.02f*tr rh.nc. 8 t2.o?r36;-i iid.is !!!t! tbrncr B_i!.t8r35, rffl;i?rf:.|'rllll": r. io.izi6i;'i :ltiic ritii lrlncr r:lij* i :i;isd:l#.ilTFr! :iiii::i;.1;;H"ii:* *. fi I ii *q: * i;3 t,#i;igll ii:i;i#[; :'l;:i'ff il' :i .,;t',- + ,i, la: (rttrcb.d toDrolarrtlon o!and lorrlngRrrtrlctlvr it ; "' lXHlEf! C t.r gart ofCovrnantr, j'6|'d rhrt part of rbr !! tll xR L/., r::tlgl_12, ?trnrhtp 5 Bouth,Ransr 8r rfrrr or.urr-birh iiiioiear x.rraiaii';il or varl,Eaglr Ccuntlz, Coforrdor-Cf;;il;-m foUwrJ' j l-l$-t^tc-rt ? rylf: ?!.th. rurrrly rhi o! r Don-Ger,r.i".rarrunt lor lrrru? rTd .gri.i f"orn ll ltrthavrn Dslvrrrcordrd ln ".ri .r +-p.;l-Eir,-r" ui.oiiril-ii"trr. leslrcounty, colorrdo,_cllil iii-ni!4.r_rrb.ner thc crntrr ot raldBrctrcn ra b-!rr-! ii;1i;l'i,ri-iiir.lz iretr .i;;; rrons re.dlrnr or r.rthayrn_orir1_-^r-ia.iriii,_! r{!.92 f-t, rh*c.drper:-ttnsr ratd rtne.or rirtlrvL-o-rtyl,- rii.ai-iilt rrong urrarc ot r non-trngsrt-o'rvi to-6r'r.tt brvrng I rrdrur or15.00 trot, . ..rtq+_*ii.-Jf-ii?-.5,30, rnd e ctror{ ttretDurr r aa.llra6'-!_roz.ii-rmti-inrncr I ga.50r29, t 65.2{frrtr '*ncr a tz.og,ii;-i ;;;;; il.!t tbrncr s {e. 12,56. r92.s0 t.Gt, ur.nc.-a !o.tir6i;-i ir.12 t..t, thrncr8 52'50'29t r 2l3.ce ri.Ei ii.rrl.'x 3?.09131, r ioi.rc !'t tothr polnt ol bcglrurlnE;--' dated er of Juns 12rrunq rz , l9ll2 by Vall Vtniurir, ltd,) Enrrtrr D ,.t' _ (lttrchrd to datrd .. Trotfolrt"toi! ol 'i1-.','ra!y._i&1f.f;, r 19t72 by ytll vrntuhr,Ltd. ) 'lt0ti l_?:rt-gr th. 8r !1. trr L/r, rto:c!xtr :hr;;: s!,:ii,:iri'higlti li*H'llil'.!'$lti, iii.fl #$!tqjt:{i:tii'.'ff F;:*si'iii.rii::1*ii?; i9r!:'1,, jliln s. rr'5rii6i'r' tbrncr r ar. :i i i#*i;#;il!iitil:,d;i:ti#in. IOGEIHER l{ItE a,n garenent fron }tanrflaldr Ltd., a Coloradounlted parrncrrhtp-tl-iiaiili"'il"rty cornpany, a coloradoc'orporatron ar derlrru.a in-aolfrnt rccordcd- r{ovarbor 15,l98t ln Boot 399 at paga- e{el-ir-?nvaycd tn dccd rccordcdH::y:i lli.llll.r"-isr-ii6 ;; ;;;;-ai;,-;o;;ii i, Easrc, D-t \y l*uW.,ff:iig.* .tUt{ I {' 1986 ' DISTRICT COUnT, EACT,E cotlfty, corcneoo Civil Action l{o. al-cv FIIIDTNGS, .JUDGT{EIIT AilD DECKEE -ttu eq*u/grl"-- oEuttollrr CONSOLIDATED OIL & GAS,DISTR,ICI, rnd VtlL VALLEY Plrintiffr v. llAllSFtEIj) CoRPonArIoN, ?t al . , Dcfcndanta. INC., VAIL IIATEP AIiID SAI{ITATION ' CONSOLIDATED IATER DISTRIC?, 'l 4l40tr . --qgs :' ,r.,rr*.15b- r;.\hl ;'t '|ttl.lFl t,1tLt cT't. F.tcOif:F J,rr l,l I aa lfl'88 Thie natter rs beforc the court on tlrc partieslJoint llotion and .strpulation for Er,Lry of ludgnerit. Ttre' .court, h^eving revieyed thc Joint ttotic-n end 9ti-puhtfon ltr -Entry of Judgncnt. having cxanined tlre filcs, 'rna -uelno-'. ' othcrrrise gufficiently- advised. eDter3 tlrc -follorrng' 1-.i 'findings, judgrnenta, and decrecrt --findings, jpdgnento, aird decreci: '--::-"' *] i l. IlrE CCTURT HEREBY Ftt{Ds that it hart'iuric-li:f 'dictio: over the parties, including varl rr'atcr and 3. titrtt'o'n ?.i:::i::.:td ^Y.lil ^YiIi:.{ .lg1sorifated _ uetcr Di6rri("r . rpd . l* ,jurisdrcti.ln ovcr the sulrject natter of this action rrlis6 ii.x .a ruit-to quiet title to tlre following yl?er right r.:tuete ip.,Brgla County, Colorado: .i : .i:.u' 3.40 c.f.s. out of {.0{ c.f.r. dccrecd to ; ,f the Buffehr and Rosc Ditch, out of Gore' Creek, priority r{o. 109 in old lfetcr +. . Djstrict !to. 37, nitlr adjudicatiorr datc .'.,!of October 3, 1936, and appropriationdate of llay l, l9lo, Civrl lctionNo. 963. Headgete location (pcr clrangern caEc tlo. lt-2479 l: at a point on the SEbank of Gore Creek ?5 fect- ucst of tlrc llE ;corn€r of the Svll/4 ttEL/4 of Section lZ,Tovnship 5 Sc'utjr, Rangc 8l tdegt, 6thP.ti. 2.thrt Pleinti t f 11{E COT'RT FURTHER FIiIDS, ADWDGES, AIIT DECNEES: -&rt'ti l{.'- tr.f ? ,.,.... vrrtcd vith ell right. titlc, rnd intercst in uld to'2,2; ,c.f.r. of rho yrtr! :rgfrt dilcrrbcd rn prr.gilpn Do-- r-a*irrhlch hm 33.0 rcra fcit of conluptivl ugc-vrtrr-mrccrrircvtth it. .: 3. mE cotRT FURI?ER FItfDS, ADJTDCES; A}tD DECREESthrt Dcfcndant lransficld corporatior -be virllo iith-.ii; .-r+9lr!, -tit.l.c, rnd lntcrcct tn'rnd ro f .ff c.f.i. oitnr iitrrrrgnc dcecribed in prrrgraph lfo. I ebsvc rnd tlrc rcarining0.6f c.f.r. orrt of thc r.or c.f.r. decrced to trrr- rurrctri:ehaRotc -Dit€h, priority .lto. t09. ltrnrf icld - co-rpbr-riion; _ - cncraforc, lr ylrtcd yith all right, titls and-lntrrcrt toL.77 e.f.t. of {.04 c.f.r. decrcio io Url auirrU enC noiiDitch, Priority lo. to9 rhich hes 35.s iclj fcce-;i--:--conauTrtivc u3G utocietcd ritb lt. ,.,r.. rIiE Cq,RT FURNIEN ORDER,S, ADJUDGES AID DECNEEStbrt Dcfendant ltensficed corporetioa bc vcrtcd uitJr- ri!-iidlatitlc end intcrest in tlc rotloring vrtcr right ritlitJ ii--Erglc County, Colorado: l.l7 c.f.i. &crccd'to tb. luffcbiend Roec Ditcb First Enlrrgcront out of corc crcck. priorityNo. 540 in old Hrter Oirtrict Io. 32, vith adJudicition-Arti9f l_uly 2!, lgss, end rpproprlrrion-drtc--ol--ililf ,- r9s5.i-cryri Acr:ion, xo. 1193. lhr4grt locetion: et r tolnt sn:ihesE brnh o( Gora creck ?3 frct s.r-t.of urc lfE corrni.-of uL - Sv L/l XE t/a of Ecction 12. forrrrhlp 5 EouUr, n Dg.,|l fft,6tb P.r. :.. :;:, ls;r-5. 1H8 OqrRt runllEn tllos, ADJUDCB3,: rm DECiEESthat no pcnon or cntity otJr.r tlrrn urore dcgcribrd trcriia - ir vcltcd rlth tny right. tith or intcrcrt in rrrd to utcrrter rightr dcrcrlrcd hrrcil. ,. , a,.. *f#. _ 6. mE Cotntl FrnlCEn FtrDs, ADJUDGaS, lero'oeaih, thrt rech prsty trcrcin pey ltr orflr costr. 19s6. DO!{E at Eaglc, Coloredo !.Ilir- 1l{ 8Y IE OCr,tEl: L ,.: - ."! -.t '. -r, -2- ' l',: G6F6, il:3$::,'3"il3l,,ll Jflllufa tmt ii:' -t!"DICI.AR.ATION CNEATINC .;' cour:xArEs.. anNlrr,r rr]trs. RES.rRt elrorts. AliD . EAlIgEgrs FoR .; '\.r I z 1 I( 6 I.8 9 101l l2l3 l4l5 16 tt l8l9 20 2t 22 , ;i.,,.;ff .l"*;Tf.tl',,t1...':fii:: 'i . i:,,ii$;i:i6,, ii":',:l Deslgn Rovlcr ernrlrr.;. ...;11..;,, I i"+{-r;t.-..'i..;;;, : ; : : : : : :.i:,:... i. . ; _ ;..+ iI -1,frgr.fu',.:.i;.i.Enfo rceircn t }. or'Igtnal subdtviston and DcvelopmcnL Hori .''-# f t; .'.14.:' :;.-' -. ".,::r; ::; -',.i+:I.t+:giir!;, i Danage to or Destrucrlon of Bulldlng{t.o.. i r,;l; IB,{jF;iq'ifitli.:::'Anendnent. .;..... :,*r_ir...r,18 lAni!,,#..7;.,Attorneys' lees, .......j..... - trd.,,'.1e. a#,*iiid.*f +;.;.SeverabiIlty...., .... t(...;'., i,*l',1_ rC..:;-,{f:l+ifi?*..t:,o.Blndlng Ef tect. j-. ',. i.?._*: I.9 .:-lfrtt;r5F.tl;,':i Ilfttetpietnrlon... ...,-;i. * t-ji fg. LrClfF.: ,1:|,.';: (it DECLARATION CRE,\"IHGcqlt:lal{lar-L?lDlLroN.i..lEs.:il (T t oR6,j& E"LCEH}'N?S . FOR CAEC^DE VILIACE ,I .,: ;..,f A. Drcllrant lc lhc ovnrr of for har the rlghti'to'rrlathig Declaratlon rlth r€cpect to) alr, thrt clrtaln rciflgioprrrylocated ln the county of Eagle, st Ee of cororrdo, op.e-perficrirrrrideecri.bed tn Exhtbit A, !ttached hcrero #'a'H"?J;fft$T:frii"# ,.::;'--i.ff;ef crence t'hereto (the rproprrtt',. rni eiSpcrtt {;;lrrdri.., '.+:1i* ( l). var.rous parc-.ig vhlch hr:re bccn- prannrd ror oivir6nnlltrna l:' .,r',j.'irrl, oEner plrcel! rhich orr nut tncludcd ln tha Froprrti but ,Lld .,.--. .;:i. $ll?'..u"1d""Iil",P-ld:f ,TL::::I:':,!1],r-iTl..-..!t^*-g-l*-lt^*.'i,.- j,+;:Dcclarrnt d!!lrG! end !.nconde to dcvciop on thrt portlon ol thr '.; --*.Jt Propelty- (anc oLhrrr arcas vhlch ory br arld-ed lhcrrlol'r hrqbqrrllly ,-'-.-, 141!.8 jdcntlil rnd connrarclal pr'Jec€ to conE[t of cqrrrclii frcut:'.' '.,,:.:/i{_ ttcgr rosidenti,al llvlng unltrr- a lrrtclr a prrtlng fecUtty.rna-Fe_:.- trl$ rett,ional slrnltlcr. 'i.,Li-+..,,..it.l-t.:!..:'_iIfirltnrErcs' :" ffi. ;'il;B. Dcclrran! lntenda, ro Ccwlop th. prop.rC!, ,-"-rrfr,g''tla,l . "'.r leht to impoEr. etnnar ',ririiiiron;-"iri"ir'rll!ir-'oi-.ii.-rioji[.:.':r'"'''r,-r'rproperty f lsm tll|e to tlFe 60- thar ^rhe progirty ro cncuobcird,rry 3- -. iT_Hiproperry rrsm tll.e to tlFe 60 thar rhe propcrty ro cncuobcrrd:lry r -. iT.#;'tIlfTgtely bo developed,, rxned, uoedr.ociupird, ind fuprorod for thi l:1:i;LlDanet tt of ctr4ry part tho!eof lnd lntc:c6t thcraln undcr e unllon .-r':.i."*,.1:acrlea of reEttictlons and co enonts to prelarvc thc rutuld arnl-. , '".Ifg:tles of the ProFerty, to alisurc architr-€tuial harr-orry of th! ilprorc- -. .tnents and :o preserve the env ironii:.rtal zalues lnhercnt lLFhe .,. .Property. ..,' '..ii ' Dcclarant nahcg thlr Drclarftion uFonlortng frc!8 and LnLonlJonr r TlllS Dl:eLAIlATlo|r lr nrd.by XANS't ELD, LTU., I ColOradorcferred to !t 'rlclarln!'1. aBlrlll8l5r TItERI;POAE, D(jclar|'rt c]eclures as f.:lIora: .!a o! tht. d Ory of .rufy, fCU,r rDlted prrtn.rrhlp (hrfrlnrttrr r..j.'* , :r . .-,:,. : - .,., thr brrlr o{thr lol- il ;ii rti' ;' such : lddlt lonaltubJGct to 1.thr of anncrltlon. '.-, . ..i.. ' + .,gll,i; I . UcllrriLi.qI'.. (a) "&rdIl rl.uA r f!E!urty' aha.lI tnearlreal FroP'.'r Ey as Declarant stral I decllre lO beProvis:ons lrereof by d.!,:.y recsr ilcd decj,aratlon -t t .il -l ...iIt Ti,-.'. t-' . I (b) ' 4ng.;-L.afff, .. rhil J .car. ,r prn( esr bv ,htch Fglllolrs of thp Mdr t :ond Prol*: .. are rnJ{ .. .b, r. t hrr6to pui-sudnt tc para9l.:irh Z he rrlt (ct 'off-sE-Et o!.E r rha.l. j !!ar.r aFse:. sjrerr._! kvi€d pur-sutnt to paragraph 5 hereo( to p! 1\.idr tuno! +-c nr-eL thc ri!i-EaLCO s,t3h reguj rar(.nt of ch! AsEocirtic:r. _ (d) " ASA,ocj_Ail9!. Bhal I aean tr.. Cirscada Vil!,ageAF6oclrlio:lr !uc., ! nonFro-f it Lcrporatrcn, or any succeasortherao{ chrrgcc rith lbc dutier: ind ,.t,j r.:o!roni s,er ioiL[hcr"ln. .v.- - -- (r) 'Boarc. ghall- rean Lhr BoarC c[ f]jrectots of thrAasoclltj,on, dull clcctcd and lcir;rg lr:rsui, t to itE Articlu oiIncorposation, EyIlyt rnd tbis D."ia'rai:on. i..{, {f ) ! tru i I d lndr Sh!.ll nean il l oflocatcd rlthia a project. l (g) 'Connon lrtr. ghall !"an alI real propcsty 1nyhich the AEsoc:ation ssns an lntcre6t fr! the co:i-non- use'andenloyEent oj aIl of the tenbers. Such inte!cst ray include,utthout ltDrtatton, estatrs ln fee, Gatates for 6 ter; of l|ear!,or ea.6e!!,ent6. (h) 'Condon inlur' ehal I lern a cOndoc ieir.ua itlteie8th'i'iirin ! P!ojec.t, lncludingl ylth)ut ]jEitaLion, the unit, tbeFroportionate inCercEt in project CoEmE Arear and the olherinLc( estE apFurtenant the! e to.- (i) iDesicn Reviay Cor.littce. 3,ba.fl g1€an the COErsit-tee forred purEuant tc p6r6graph 1,.] hereof to pelt3rn lhe dulie6and function: delegated and'rs;islred to it in -pur"", up6_. ll. ]3,atrd Cl 3?Yher€ her Cr.n. (ll .ltainr:nanc.-Iff-C,n' neans the fur:i creatal b7a6Eecslleni6 Iesied pur:u!,nt to peragraph 6 of tl:s Declaratlo-nto provtde the Asrociation rihh the roneys fron uhich to pur-chase tbe Eoods and service3 r',ich tt j,s ieluJ red tc purchase tocarly out its du*- les hereunder. _ '_ (k) 'Hanags' shrll nc:rn arEh lrerson or fin of pro-fessional EanagerE r€tnined purExan! to faragroph 9 rercof'lor.sdFi!.isrraticn of all or portion: of thii De;lai!:ior.- _ {1; rr:enbc!' shall nre.rn any pclson or r.nt,ity rner r-e r€hio :n t.he A.$sccietion. the itprov€rants _r\1..J.f.r./tr.n. .I, .4. .tF(il. 'Ue1l.ga511' rhrll Dlan l6cd cf trud I EU-r (n) 'llortoegrr' thall Dean r bcnrflClrry unitrr ttlrolder of r dee.l o[ truat or rror tgrga rr ylll rr | 6|rad € no r tgagc. nor tgagee.. -r_.'.'.'r ',\' . to) 'Qu.nGt' rbrll lcsn the rrlcotd wncr, vtcUrrti'ollor ncr.c per6on6 or cntttlcr oI a trc rllpla tltla tc..ratConcrrriniun or a portlon cf th! propcrty. (p, 'r rpjact' rhtll rcan rEy o! t!. lolldlngr .' ;:;.' ' I , .i:i (l I e condoalntuo proJ.ct cr erlcd ulln r F!- "tron of the PropelEy; or r' ' r;'t: ". (2) ! hot.l ,or lodgt cdrrtructd uFon.a p*:J!!. . of thc ProPcrty. r.r: :. i''f ' la-r / r' t3) a rcsldrntlrl rent.I blrL liltrlg or b|rlurrt|:constructrd trF)n a po(tlon of th. P!op.rt?. ,. ; (4) a parking Etructurc constnJatcd upn t'pF't .on of ProF r ty. (S) a cotr!€lclrl rtructura conlcluctd utF! |Fortlon o! the Ploperty. , ' : (qt 'eLEject AEA2r|6tne'r"' rhall lran ltta8tnalttller'led purFUant to the P!oject Decrarrtl,on. It) 'Rjorcct Asaclalion' rbalI rcan th. g|o|tcrDtlg Lr.rCy of erch PlojGci cr.ated purauaot to rrcb_ lroj.ct Dec Ia rut ion. (r) rProie€t Corrmn A?ea' thall Drn th€ rrca rltbinr Projcct rcatrlcteC ln rbol,c or in part to use FiErlly bt orLo! the benefit of tlt Oroerg of a CoDdcajniu! gr lDrtl,on d tlt'rFroFilty, their t€sE,.lcs rnal ioyrteec. :ii . (t) fPfoicct tfGclrrarion' lhdl '!dtr lf pgl tce rr','the Decl.arati.on E6trbLlahlng a Plan sf .Condoinioo OrErritP ol-.i:: - Dr:cl a(ation of CoveBantar, CoDdltlonir. rnd Rcrtriction3 to br:f i1,:d vith re8Fect to r Project, lnd .hr1l lncluda tbt' D€cl!rrLron providlng for. '!€rgcr of i$c!acotil i! rnyr ln tlc:FroiecL. : . (u, 'Proiect Pircel' shall, leran t.he Portion o! thai; ProJ€rty upon rhr.:h a Ploject i6 located and lr deaignatld by;*F€clarant. ..: . ... l (9: 'PI-eDuH:' rhrt t includc rhr. lr 3r(.rtv !)tus rtr_tronE of th! Md:Llonat Proplrty fro tin,e Lo ttim noAi iutSeithe r€:o Irurru.nt, ts thc tcrti of ' pa ragrlplr 2 r,e iccr'.- 3. ADrrrr. t I ort. - (al liqht of Ann!rati or. Fror" ..inre to tine, lnduithout f .guirrrant of con3cnt by the Or,r:er::, t|e:.r.rera. oi ifriAssocirttori, Daclar...t tly lnner al.l os Fro, t I ()ns cf tdctttionalProP.rty.rhlch.h!et D.en or trc ln the co.Jrr{ rf t.t;9 a(.;;i;;;;But.t.ntlrll.y ln hrrnony.yith thcn cxiltln-g o! pt L,Fosfo fopioii_Eerrt! ylthln Ceecedc Vi!. lr9c b1, recordinq a Feclaratfon ofAnner.tlon lGeting thc rrqulteientr hereinaf t.:r ".i -ioiti. Declrrrn). !h!Il hrv. no o5ligstion to anne:: anl, raOrliiniiProperty end no such obllg.ttori ehall be inferred i,;;i-;;;v isicn hcr.of. ) - (b) Annctrticn peclaration. Thr: De,:16 g611a, a,Annrratlon thrll bc rGcorCed lr. ..he of{ice oI rhe Clerk endRecord!^' of tbc County of fagl., s:!tc of Coloradc, end gtall:t (1, dercribc U,. prrpoatl. Lc be annered; (2) dcclrra that the propert.., sc riescribed is.rnnexed p\lrauant to tha provlaions heieoi; (l) declare that the prof,er|; sc oescr ibeo hasbr('n o<. is. bcing devclop+d.8ubstanEi.lIy in -harnony r.ith theEn€n extE trr.g or progrsed ilproveEents vithin Ca scatlc ViIIag€; (1) pror'lde an aaaeE6een! elloc.tion for tbeann(teo PrtP€Et)'t :_ {51 provida for other', !.ctrlctionr, cor€ttioas,a'rd allocrtlsn! 6f rights rrd b.n€fitE.not incdrsist€nt yith th!Provlaiont hereof as DGclrr.n! D!y deen appropri.t€.$pecjf rcallyr but siLhr r,tt ttFltirq lhe generz,Iity of ctrri loregJlrr9, tbe Annexrtlon Daclrratl'n oay provide: ,i) Cbi'. ithe creatlon of special riqhrs,' r€8l.rlctions, and prcrl'sicas..for nnagl8c:rt Lrra raint.n"n.eof Bulldrngs conr-l.gurrd to rccolodatc irhipr orrerent s vithconllon rall! rnd/or othe: integrlting liatures and th€cstabllsh|lent ot arear Intended ior usi by the Orners oithe additiona:, prop€rtlr !,n conrnon,- tii) !or reciprocalr Donerclusiie €asellencsfor vehicular aod pedeEtrlan ingrcaa and egres3 and for.accesE to uliijcics over, underr...and along dr.l,,eyays ar,d...._ ; i . : :.i::'tt' J'r,..+i;F =:.:.,G,i'.Pi. '1.,:. r" l'*lf.'t'.1- tn;. ..41' :. (et llelrrbe r of theif ication for Ovner3 tg fapt.r r!l^aaociatlon. Strt!8!.obesship. -2?ropastlr :lutl,lltt.!lrDcn:! corrnD to E!or.Ct, rtthl.n thernd tho lddlt.lonrl prry1j qy. (c) Ef fect gt F,n.r-r rr 9!"r. ?ror. rrld rftcr tbr dhtr .of rccordlnq ol ! orcreratGn-E!-inniiilron, thr Edtrtoael .Prop€rry ruojmt rh.!!to .n.lf. f..""i'ifri of tb. koFtt, {bt .gr)' purpoocr of thcrr ttrtr rctlou and dbc d.f lnt rrer anntilre'.nercrn rhall b. rppllcrblc !h:j.to_r- er-iO"a, o;. ab-;-d .Addltronrl Propcrty.ro. rnnrrcd_ rharr -rt E or b.c.o'c ltrbla t,.16Ee!rrcnt for thc ds5t..or oblig!rloru ;-r; A;;i.E;.;;rble ptlor to tla d.t. gt un.re€ton.--. -- ;.. - (d) r rtitrq,tpa grr I'rn.-r qt an.'1 Dxlrrnt,t r lEhtr o!a'rn_e.re.r l.on pur!uan.r. to -rb-. lrrra hciroi rbrf f .rpGt.ifEire6Fct to rny portlon of . tbt Addtttf onrf -ir9rrE, rrot tLlrt ...tore annerqd, rad there_rhell br ;;-iurEr-. snra.tlo11 tba3td-;".i""i:r::.r :or. or ?5r or tbr B".e;;-rs'frii'ii"illil i 2 . ly.ry Orncr rhrll bt r!B dr Orrr 1r thc rolc god- . - (b) _ ?€rnln!.tLon _pf ,encrrhlE gtrrr.. Rlgbt! to ane::rbe'. shtp .nd rrltul_lr a lcloe-i-Tlffi upon tcninrtru.r- oisLatus.s an qrna!. gpo:r erycyr|.", rrr., or ar3lFErrt o! tbrorlgs'" tnrcrcat ena *runpttoi uv irri pu,i.nd;-f trl'Cifil: ..-tion' h€rcof . the eel!,tng 6rncr oi crnc'r] rr,Jid .Jffro?. -- f-iabrtiErt' for rsscseati l.?tcd trc lu- rrtatb. d"t. d rrii ,-6al e ' :, "' . . (c), ro Avolifncq br{ Ion.u:a. :tO Orner lry erold tbr +obllgatlonl of rcoberrbip EEiIni-tt f pc.iJ ,rn De ia err On rb)' nonusc of brcon Arei, rcnuricfatiin oi rbandoplni"i li. l- 1: l'!_d ?_l11fr-" or portton_ of thc ?ropcrcr,--c! rn:tl ethe! .ct of ..ir' Jndonncnt or r"ncnclrtion. -: (d) .rha Eoe rat.. ?trc tf f alrc cf, th! lsrelation shrl I :'- F governcd and ranrqcd by a Bo._rd of Dllcctor3 consirt tnf -i . .-r.rt :.ea. chan. 3 nor- rcrd ttrar, i i.rilJt.-' n. lnitirl aorrd1:.all conslgt of a nelber! a! a€t fJril fn the Arti.crcr oi...'iorgoration rf the Aaaocirtjon. ef ioi -Urc ltr3t .nflral Fqt_rr.g of the Board onc qeal'e r -of ttre g;aib :ir"ff bc .ppoGt.6 UV .:t:.c Board of Director. of ull lrace io"Ccirii,- Gs*iiUon frr'. i':'e nenbeg EhllI b( apFointed by thc Board of Di:actors of.. orado Hountlrn Condoaln iua e.gsoclatioD,- I;.: -.rrd -o-,; ;;;.i]ll_!:-oqtoinred by Cascadc tadqe, a Goiorado 1"i"i vcrrtuii....Ltdrant tesenes thi f ight but nct tirr obLig.tici to dec lgrrtt -5- : by lh. rrllnd?r oi th€ r?Ebe re of th" Board and to givr therlgbt - to otiat condotlnllt rrEociation6- (r.) !i.c!rs. Tb€re sl'al 1 bc no vot(s of Har:b.rr.llenbcrt rball be entltfrd tc r€F:esentation in tl,e A€sociatlanonly through the repres:nta:lve if any on LLe Poard designatrdby ltr ProJ.ct tro! rd. a. Dltlc6 of erselltion, T?tc AsB€iltlon, for the b..trc-fit o: the lcrbcrrr rhal I pro"ide or procure the fo: )oving: (e.l tltrl; tleq. tlter, 8ee rr clectrical, tttcphonc,gar rtrd otbar uf U. lty tervlce. rord t lntenance, anof reaovalrnd trac ralnlcnrncrr husbendry, and lenrgen.nt f or thc CarnArer for thc blr.flt of tbc Orners; (b) Garbaae and ?rash Relisval. Carbagc and tragh rern6val service ar:d cabl,e televi.sion fc: tl'e ProPer!y to theertent t.:at 6uch Eergiccs tre noi prov:ded b1' public lqencica,public utjlity co$paniea or othe! eerviee cciflPanles through con-'sracts rith the Project As6ociations or o!h€rr rse' and euch othf,r sr..rviccs ar.d Fateriala of . Public utiliti natur € aF trenot provlded by ! public util:ty, public rgency, cr other publ ic service co$pany for the EroF€rty; (c) ProE€rty TnFurrnc€. A policy or policies of fire lnsutrnca, vith ert€ndad cove!aje €floo!5€nentr including,vi:hout llritation, lnsurlnce agaln8t theft.. vandalisn, end nallcrous rlEchicf, for th. full lnsurabl,e rcplacenent valu€ of any iegrovcnents on the CoEEn Arear tbe vrlue of the tre:s and shrubE on Cfiinorl Area' and such ather fire and cas ual'ly ltaur- ance aa tb€ Board ihal 1 d€ terrnlne givc6 Er.bsLantia-lly equal orgreate! ProEection; ;i.(d, Llabll i tv;'?nrlriance. A policy nr policreE insuring the Board, the A6aociation' the llenbe. c, and the Ls8o'aistion'a cEFlovees aEairst any lilbility to the plDlic or to the flclbersr inctd€nt to the orncrsbip ard use.of th€ C('nDnArer and .ny othcr pr.oPcrty oi lnterest ovned -by the Assoclatlon. a'|d including the personal liability exPosure of the llgrbc rs vith resp€ct to gucb prcpertlr. Lini:s of liabillty und€r such insurance shall not bc lees tha:r 91,c50.00c for a||y('ne Pe!6on injuredr S3r000'0r10 for any one acaident, end 9500r000 fo! Ploprrty ilalage each occurrCnce (such lieit.s aDd corcrage tc be leui€ved at .reast annually by rhe Board and i: creas-eC in ils d!6cretion). said pol ic-v o-r pot.cies slrall be igstted cn a conprehensj,ea llabiliti treeis and chdl Pro'ridec:oss-l,labrl itlr enoorewtt uh€rr'.rt the rishts of rraneC lnsured:; urrdec the Poi.icy c! Policlc6 Eh.:: I not be prejudre c1. i'F re€!'ects lr16, br!, o! tlrcir act:on.agriin: I arrother n!fte(: insured Hllh a -5- rl :: :li:.";i "j"f Lt"t r1."r..r;:! r ttcn, not r c?r.,itbo rtt.ctlrl' t' . .ttlor to il;", ; " n.. Jl' *T"j'ffiHffi dr'll*,.: it'. -i Cotpctt re g 1gr1"' rl;.ry |pPllc.bl.. '.:;.i #frf*fiEffi i i t:' i : ". ;i li;. Hffiffi *: :i!i"i i i ii i li; :l;' H;*"%sr :::":t,i",fi ;!::l;ff i,1",,;:"J:#.ff 'ffi*lli.tfiffi ri:"i=:L: jil::SH*ffi Hft :",iF"**.il$,.?F.:irrr"r usiri' ;*rtrt'*f*.18$H#,#, I;:1":"J;:i.li":: l:;l:,[:'?:::i:L'llo. rui;,r;rj!:;ffi=i,,qfjlTfli.{rg*;rrrrn lr.9s lnd rgui!,nc husb.r;:ri-v jll"rH"ffiii-.,*f;itr;,S:l,fl i,i,_ri.^r,1ri .,0, ), { | ^-.St.i }' i':-.#ii-':;*.\t'li'. '.:| :.. ' -j(.1 9!!9I Aeeocirtlon Rccut reaento. Any ocrer rate-rl!lF, ru1'pIles, furnttur.. labor, EG!vicG!, iaintenanCi,r€?.1lrr, t.(ucturd rltarrtlon!, Ineuruc!, talce, or !rgeag_n.nL. vhlch th. \8-oci!tron ta regu{rcd to recu3c or pry forpurau.nt to tlrr tarr3 sf thcrr Resirlctiona o- I tar 6r ifr ictrln the dlrcr.r lon of thr lorrd ahall bc nec"rlr i, aavlaaoiiltpprop.bB.. or propcr for ltr operrtlon or the :nforcc!.nt oflhese-RcltrlctlonEi.provtdrd, hovevcrr th.L lf any $ch lalerlll.r.9r SuPPl l€s, furriture, llbor, servIces, t!.intenance, rcpairs,atructurtl altirationE, !,nauftnce, tlre6, or a6sessrnentt areptov ldcd _for partlcul,er portlon-of itrc' p!op.rty. the coEtthereof ehall be .pec1rtl!'-asrcssed to rhr Orn'ers 6i r,ief, loi:tlon of thc properiy; ana' '- .- (n) LtanE..' ?ba, lrrocietlon EhalI slro ply thc l1oll_t_nlccsaa r)' to dL'ch-rrg!- lny ttcn or onc $.rrance L15n th-r-onnon- AtEa _or any othQr-propertt, or lnLe3Gat 6t trrcAssoclrtlon. $lrcre one or lore Grner! are responsible for theexisEence of eucb lien; E[sy shall bc iofnrty and aeveral lyliaLle for the coct of dlrchjrging it ani any c6"t s irrcu.r--bit.he. F.Esociltion by reason ot aiia'ften or liens shall be apeLciai li' a6s€6€ed to said 6.ncr. 5. Ats.'9i3l,i-cn_Ielqra. (al Excluei-ve porpr. ExCept as erpressly ot}crtiseprczi<ied hereil, the dutics of the Aisociati6n enuierateri inparagraph I shall be ercluai.eEly pelford by th€ Board, and anyduil'.to_ be perforaed or- ri9[t to be -excrcised by thiAss"ciation, as erurre r-atcd therlin, ,halI not bc pcrf orried byanI' ()lrner intiividually rltbout tha i,rltt.en coiee,rr of ChiBoard. The AsEociation shatl have the erclusive rlght and obli-gation to contract for all..goods, selyice8, and iniurance, pay-nenL for r,hich is to be .lad! troE tbe tal,ntena:.lce fun<i. .'TieAssociatign_, i!". ageDt6, servants, eEployees, office:s, anddirectoEs ahall have a rcaronsble rfifrt of entr:, upon the lI9.p.tty, i_ncludlng projret :prrcel!. t6 deterdine iorlllanccvlrh .lrd enforce the p:EellI:I6 her€of. (D) utir itv Sa"niceF. Thc Boald Bhell have :-her ight. to contllct or arrange ,..f o t tha trov iaion of any gocds or :9."_1:.j. to be-providod Uy.tt hereundir frcnr any p.$tic-uciltEyor p-ublic u-tility coopanir -,and s.rqlr contract or arrangeEenLcl:alI conEtitute p[rfcrnance on the part of the Board 6f itsoh j j,gatio.n yiEl. rerp€ct to 6uch goodi or services unril suc-:Ll;!re !6 tne contracc o( aErangehcllE lD tefE:nated. f:l l:ioht to Cure (|Jne, ra np+i,ult.:. l{lrere any qrne!has an obligat!on .to pcstorE any ict of narntciance,preselvation, caEatructionr. alteraijon, or rcpair on his :r .; , -' ; t' '- :.---':i'r ''U.. ", tr1^1"i"1": ity"' ;._ :- 4g. t"l':r -': -J: ;. : .'. ''n Condorlniur tbc portlon of !h. ?roFtlT ha rrn I oi 7- Condorlniur or tbc portlon of !h. ?roFtlT ha tmt os tlBh !esBlect to |ny I qtrqee!.n'-t tlcreone rnd felj.r to Frfor| tucn vork vlthin 3D deir r!t.r ttollcc to tb. or.nit a'ld tbr ttot"ct!espect to |ny I qtrq,lfelan'-t tlcrcoltr aDs rrl;'t Eo -D?rferr tsr'rl roik vllhin 3D deir r!t.r ttollcc to tb. or.nit a'ld tbr ttot"ct Arsoclrtlon, lf appllcablc, of thr lrrGd to Frforrr tbt td- r'r't lcnand lor 3uch pciforaance troc thc Arroclrtloq (Dt trllt to conE nca to PGrf orr luch rrh |'r! dlllg.tlLly Ptoc.rd to cq)l,*. the rrlc rhcrc coaplrtlon cr|uroh bc rcoPllrhd rltbln rrld 3o-dav pcrlodr, then tlE Astoclatlon rlrall b:vc r rlght to 'ntttupon ttri Condouinlun or tuch Frtlon oC th. koFrlt .rd Frlorrthe vort for the .ccoutt of tf,c drl tnqu.nt Onri. ful ctrrtr rd eipena.r lncur rcd ln connaction tbrrerlth rb.ll be lr'.ar.{ "girn.t lbr dcl ttlqocnt Ornar rs ! tpaclfl ara.!.-1l halr&dar- .i- 6. trllnte:llnca PunC! AEEarEentr. At lrE! 30 6att '.pr ior to thc bcgtnning of elcb flrcal Fat, thc lorrt, abell .rtlllt' the net chlrg"r io b€ Frrd dur tn9 ruch Frr ttt th. AssatrEloq tn tha performancG .of it! dutlrr ( ttEl ualr'Dg r r.Dtt blr Prdttloa -!ct colF i;;;;;; iai; rcptactret tc ' p! lc -' yrir' r dh! lctrncls '- rnd t.t. -ratetp"-cted tncoad and any rurplur ti ol thc Pslol !tc.rr3 furd' ' lriit eslinaied calh requi rcicnt -hall be assrricd rtd rl loc. t!'' !o Fr- - tlons of thc PtoPcrty p"ieuant io ttre rcbcdulr rttrcb'd b'rco- |Jrd narked Exhiblt B. oecli rsrt rGlcrvGa tl'c clclurirc llght rh lcb rlgttt Declarnnt naY r38ign Eo th. Bolrd, to arc nd ErhlLit D frc! tt!' to iir. to ietllct tbl allucatlon of asgettEcnt! to Poltlonr of tttc Prope r ty. rf said "- p.*." 'inlaeguatc f or eny rtarqr, thc Bard ;;t-;t iny iire levy a iurtbcr .sscs;.eit vhld rbar I b. tsFttd ltl f rie propirtions ani llnnerr unl?is otttrvrlt Prcldcd tr-rcl,lt'. lad fl+mbei EhaLt Pay a66cBEocnt! ro.Iarried rgalnr' tle Condot lllut or rr\'r ti.on of the ProPerty to.tb! Assoclitlon ln Gqurl gurt'3ly instal lhentE on or b€fore ti€ f is3t day oE cach calcrd.r qll! rt'r. -orin suctr other rersonable lanne! as the Boasal tbrll 3c'Ign'tc' El" Poura rfrA i -hatte tbe tser !o ctraqc frr'n tila to ttE tbc nanFr rrd frec;ucncy of payaent. - r"".i"t."d" on Condcrlnitls tlay be cgl f'cte is 6ue Ui ttre' a-gpl icable Proiect Assoclatisn, and rcritt'd to the ,,ssociation. tire goard shali havc the pcc r to lcvy rpcci aI !!se'a- nents a! any tire should the regular aE6estnent b€ in'dcquaF,or-rn the er,(:nt f-unds ate taquircd foi sorne PsrPos€ Rot an giclPlt 'd tFn .-hc r*qular'aga€saaent vas calcula ted. -7 . -.' t' ..:: t !i't? . 7. Dgf ,urt irt D.J,t r,t of Lq3.sai.nts. Each flaaattsnt and each spectaf ase.seoent *raff Ue seParate' distinctt and gcrac.lal ; rlebts and iutigation* of the tlanbct against {rios€ Comcrinitr or lx}r- t j.on of the Plopcr .' the slEe are aslcaged- fn tbe Gvent of^! default or defauits :in yaylent of any ruci lsscaent cr rald-trta ino in addition to .!r.lt i'ier reaediei nercin or bY f9r^ provided' thc tnLire annual a-.s"t "oj-r,i-l,ay Uc r-c-eteiri.O rtg sial,I becc due ar€ piyaU..c at once. 'r '' A.s. ci rtion may cnforce each E rEh !56'sa'nt olligaEion aE t l.: i! -9- o : r' (r) .quit rt Ltt. By autL tt lay. Er, l, sJch rctlonI::l ,!:_ g u-t_ho r lzcd hy a raiorfty of the B<,a:,.r. r.r,.; ludgnintrprrdcred tn any duc:r !ctlon rha-l I inclrrde, ,:,cr. pcrirgi!bIcu:r.l(.r ah) llr, o s urr, fot rarronrblr rt!.orney. , tec;. (b) Licn. Hithln g0 doye aftar trt r,ccurrencc oflny such-dlelaul.-r the Bo.'r C nay givc ! notlc(, Lo thr. dcfauleln!oirner rnc thc rpplicable prcjcit esaociatron, star.irrg ttre dateol.tle delrnjuency and the rount of the del !nqucncy. If ruiho?r rnqu,.'ncy t6 not peld. vti_hijl l0 dal.s rf ter delrtery .-f ruch 19 1 ic.e_,. the- Boa rC nay f ile a nottce oi lten 4.:^nEr the propettyot- such dellngur.nL Or.ner. Such notic. of '.l,ien stralj tiatei,l) th€ naac of the d.iJnquent O,rner, (2) ! (le5c! iptfon oi- LtriF3or..:rty lgllnst rhich c.l!rB of ljGn h nade, tnU ilt thrt thacJ cir oi IIcn ts aade b;- rhc Boarri purgLar,:t to !h js Occlarationr:r an anount cg.rrl to ti:e drl tiqueniy tta:ed tr, the alain. Ttrcllen so claincd ahail :rnedletcly attichcti .E of the dut oalc oi'he aaEeirsrant, 6uLJect to pc;fect ion bij !e( ordaLion of tha:rrin. Erch det'ault rhall con3titutc . ieps:at'. blrjs for {Jien. Eacl .ovner bi .cceptancc of a deed to a p(lrtlon of thci'roP€rty rr'vee the applicable hcn€sterd crcmpt to; r caa rdlng tbearsessnenr Jr"'n.. ,$)' sucl licn ney be foreclosej Uy tppropi iateacLion in courr ln the rranc4r provided by lav for tha- foieclo-9(rre of a ltortgag€, fn Fuc:l action, re*-onal,le at:orncyE' tac!3nd coat6 of the AssociatiaB rhal I be tlloned. lcl lntere.Ei. Any luch dcl irqu(,n! esE€r gnen- shallLcar irr!.et p3t rt tbe rate of. 2t Fr !|ont} cr anl. pottion tharaof.rr the maltnuE rats all,o.ratie by -tav, vhrchtrit iF lt|c lea8cr,I ron the J.rtc of del i,nquensl,. unlrl the drte the asseeenent 1s5rid in f u..1, Euch eaount to be addeC to thr ]r:d(,rent recoveledF.:' exercisr. of thc lightE s€L ror:h in pc r ao:.ptr-i 7la) and g(b) n r.cvc - . (d) Estcrjrr'! Cer Lif ica:e. pe: thc purFoses o! thr.6l.Jragrt ph. a cert!f lcate erc€uted bv q;..1' lL,: -re:i.Lets of the r:,. arci sh.:l I bc sonclusir.e upon th. Bo.c !d, thu As:j,.{iation. andihe O.nerc in favor of any ind al I persons .rh.j r. ly theleon in ?oqJ faith d6 to the la:rtrs therein contained, an-d any Onnershall be entl|led tc auch a r--cr!if icate EetLln{ for:h lhe anount lf any^ Cue and ur:paicl .sEGaan:ents rith'rex.;€ct to bis.C.-'lrdolniniun ot por--ron of the ProFerty (cr '_i,e t;ct t'hat r.I1 "assesslenra-du€ ar* paiC if l|tch is tle case) vithin 15 daye . ;:ter d€r'rand thcre: o: ani upon parttent of a r eagrrrrat,le fee JlbtL- excecd s100. l]. -10- l.0. Bse of Corrnon Area. ?he Coooa Area ahall bc uscd 1! _{-! "1.\j . 8.. 30It,a!gl--f-rotactl on. totrlLh6trndtng rl I out.rpa c. tslor.s barcot r (a) EcEr4f-0,r.Ll$-r.tif$. ?h. ltrn vbtcb r.r b.crce:ad hrrcundc.< upon luy Condorrnlur or portlan of-tbaFrolx-'rty rha]L be 3u6j"ct r-nd lubordlnrt. tc ilenr to f{cur. i.rynent of E..l GGtrtc t!re! rnd .rlarrD.ntr rnd tba bdd d-r,..sE rCcu!.d b). rny rrcorcec firrt F rtg.g. lrrrtrE r D rtg.qrHith ftrlt prlos rt)' ovcr other lortgagrr) uFn lueb tnt.fcitnade ln good t'lith and lor rtluc, provldcd, b.r,F7a r, that att-art\e for.closure r.f .lry auch tortglgo I llrn r|:r b. cr.rt.d Inr-su.ni to pirlgr.pt 7 brrto! on the lnt.!.rt ot- ti. Fch.|.r a!::ucl.. lortclo3urG lalc to r?cur. rll ru..-nt.! alrc-ad ba. ore- '.le r to .uch purch.rs€r .! a OrnG! !f te! b ibt of rd forG:.tc-rure sd,ei .-(b) RlohtE ltoon ro"ecr orn?.. tn tba arcot iL;.rtg.gce ruccceds to the rntarcrt ln r Concc.|lnlrr or trrtl,oar.r l' the Property of any CVncr (ncludhg D.c-.r!rt) thrqryh fore-clos'sra (rhether -ruCiclal or nonJudiclall or by dccd Lo lteo o!Icreclosu-e, suc:.-rcltgageec drali sr.E6?d to 6c rlg*r o{ .rrir a'Arn e r . (c ) !i^ Ar, t'Jd!'lp rrlE . Do anrendlrnt of th ir prrlg r rpbsnall nf f .(::. tl,e rights of the hold.! of lny !uch lortglga : r.c.'rdcd prior t3 recordaLlon of auch ,b.rdlcnt rbo docr act'r'i:. in the :xecurion lherGof. 9. peleo:rL:on to Hanigrr. T',h. Ass€iltlon rrt *lo!r orcot:t: J:t fot the aen'ices cf a ltanqp t pta'idro1 r-h-i no tr c! c+Iol- r:enf. :hal I be by contra:t hav rJ|g I terE of rFre tlrn tlrrc: yran rndeac-: such contract shrll be subjcct to clncrllltlon by tb..As.- rotion on ninety days notice. tlle Boald r.y not d.lcglte to a.lla.,.': r the .uthcrlt)' to E.le rrprodlturer tor c|pltd ddrtlqrr or !n!l I r'. ('l '.nt8 chtfo!*le aqrr irr st tl.e DlintanarE" f Urd. flrc nadc ra ofth(: tioard slrlll not ba llabl. tor.uy oftirrloa or lryEoFr .acrcbt .**. by a ll,rn:gcr of lny tuch duty, I!'ea r, or funotlon ro dclcgrtcd b1,.'; rd!,:' ' ( n inEtrulent erccui€d by e laJor it!' of trie Board. ,: ecccr oance vith the folloving rcat!ictioas: {a) Ltr--Allg.Cjl.Li9!. Hothing rhlll be rlt.r"d, cotF,. :.rt ructed' Fl.:"cJ. or storer,i in thq CoarBon Arcr erccpt uFon th€ c. r,(''f lon and urrdcr the autltrrity cf Lhe Ass€lation. Io addl-ti('n to gr alter.tion of the Conion Arca shall be rraJa rhlch r''aanges -- tntsrl cr€5 rith Ehe cltorJcLe! tircr"of 66 an CI?mnC-l Lhe Pr. arc.v :Ften,le'J f or the cJn rion use and b€nctiL of a.ll . i '. i:e Fr!-rert: . -r l- Frfr t, t ri ', (b, !g!g-, a.E.d.lt-uf-ctir-tr!. Atl or:r(.r!. r.hcir lc6scc!- lnd lnv_tt.( s ahall coaply yith rules frr thn use ofcon66 Arcr rnd fur pcraonal prdperty of r_hc Aar.r:sllon uain_r.alned o! utliltrd in or on Ehe Com:non Arca not iiconaiatenlirerwith $d fudnlthed ln u!.iting tc the Or,:iers (!.8 tine totln(. - 11. 9onrttuct f o-n of fto' . N. yt,rk ol i:r?rcrvenenl,gItgir.g, ctc,lttatiolr, IrnC€caping, tree or 6hrub rr!antin,; or r crovaithai: bc undr:trlen uFon any portlon of tte fr opert) i.ithout thepric! epprovrl of lba Deeign Rerier Coruittee gfi'.,n is provided lnPara?raph 13 hcceof. A1l ll,ans rrd Epeciflcltrc-ns fcr rrny structuico! l|nprov.lGntr thatro"rrer to ba alact€d on or ForrGd ugori or to anyportion o! tha Propcrt.rr, and the prcpo:ied Locltion thrreof on !n"po!tion of th. Plop.rty, thc conriruit ion D.t!rirl, t:,e rcois int€xLerr,or colot schefiesr ?i). latcr chsrces or additions after initlafapproval ther"of, enil any reooddlng, rcconatruction, dIr-_.t!:iona, otadditionE thcrcto on anf portion of'tte rroperty 6hal I te s,rlieci to3ni shall require the lpproval ln vrir.ing before an). such Jcrk lscor.r$nc€d of the DrElSn p.c$ j€y (hEitlee , !6 tl.e sarne is f rcm !i!T€ toLirne :ooposed. the for€going igpro,val! shall, not t,e req.:ired regard-ing tl.e initial construction by Declar:nt. t.) U6e. the proF.lty shal 1 b€ used cnly for the FurPoseE aet forth I r-, applicable condonin j.u,i declLiatlo.rs. andthose u6€a pernittcd by t}c applicahl€ ordinanceE oi the Torfi ofvail Ferealning to che Proptgy exccl:r- as D€y be llnited by thisDecIa r ation. (b) No ?rql:ks. Etc. No tru=kE, trail bikes, tecreF.ttoial rehicles, rotct hoincE, rlotc: ccachea, s.:osnl.biIes, ci.lttr-e!s, trallcrs, boati or boat lratl. rs, or vehicles othcr thinP.lssenger or piclup or utillty trucks rith r ca?rdit!. of on€-LlII ton or Ie6E shatl 5e paEL?d, stcrerlr or in an!. nanner kegtnr 5'Jaccd cn any porlion of the Property or streei yithin tie,:-roFc:ty ercapt ln an enclo6ed garage. tb skilob.le or r€crea-: j\rni!l vahlcl. porered by In j.Dtcrnal corbustlon c;roine nay LrcFelated.tJjthin th( Propcrty crcepE for purpor*s cf lngles6 rnalFgress. 'it i,g rastrlction thall ncE, bw?ver, be drene<j co pr.r-h:b:: coauercl,rl rnd cotrs!ru:ti(.n vcbiclesr in rhr' ordinaryr_-'.ur:jc of busii!ss, f!olt rlting celiveties or othcrr!5e pror.ld-:n9 s.-tv jc: to the pr...i2rt:r or,for the. inttial. ccr:3truclion bii eciJ, ant, lt= auccessor6 or a66igns. .. l=l EIS.q[Al:,9-c"t.' lo cr:ca.reEion Gh.,ll]. L.: Badc. cxceFt-:i c.r:lnectLo!: Iith t|n? ruvergnlE approved !s her,. in prcvicieE. L:pon {:otBple tioa of such conrtruc}-ion, cr?osed oFr.n:nr:s shall b€b.ck! rlicd an<i djsturbed gro-od shall.,be_graocd enr: I ar:dscaped. 12.i.Fs tr t ct lOD.: cn uSe. -t 2- (J). N'' He:tr.- tro rrll ,", J ' : ilt+*li:iffiii'*m*Eiiiitit:i:# vo.r r :, opc i at ;; ;, -;{ilil.#"ff T:r:lil E:ill,l.iillFl.#rr.y (orprnir", ni oi,r{Jg: 1,-..r."ri, -ir,-"i.U. lorcaolng shrll ror6lfi:?Lf:lllins or inetarlrttoi.oi"ijoii^o.,u r.t.t rrll, br r.rr.,..'d ." jil o|fi#:*'-: --r9 'lsn or .,,y ^r.rnc ,n.:r b drr-' :l*:i "iisi!, :is1* li {,.jtriiil.F Er3'll.: H.Ef E?:l.s :diir mmm;*;, .:.,,=1ilrllj,^G_rle:f 1 o; . t r o n of the piopi r ty_.-o_?._1 tr,*, -i"g I I ^!iU, t:.If_:" gR: ff : ;, $ : J'lf "i" t, gt' .il*;';fu ;b"-;e;il,Tffi : :, - 1 r" r :: {i l r.hiiff ;:r li:fr !i : ri[i'#.p;.:":il fr :itr:of any conditjon ln".:::"ii ,hi;;-;;.ii ii.., o. tntcrfcrc yrtltr.e drainlge par.t€rn_f o: the rropr i lf -o t-corrra AlGr r! "rt!b-rished by Decta!lnt or in -connc3ti;;,riib. c!. rppro?! I of t-hrl3lllli::q .rape appl tca.ure i.o pciijo-ir*o ::_"_"_qt t o rh e -",. iit eucl, .artclii i;;:"-:.:l;ll."j;i.*.fal)lrroved ln yritlno r,y _th.. 0""1;;-;'.;ij:'coaritrec, t\r Bo.rtt,arrs' publIc aurhoritf:c,l::ils-J;;i"l?tron.--_: .rc.pr ror;"'f J"?=:." " r v e d t o o-. r i i *l' tii "i-J..i! 6[_; 3._:.;;;;; i | ; 1 I - i:, " :*-m{bjf;." l"r, l:; T'"1" ij i:i ffi si:;aA j l trash, garbrger or.o'rrer-*si. iI-ii*ree rhall bc uta-Earned Ln ger6, clean.conditron-iic- i;;.'# on collr.ction aae!,r'n -a Iocldon apprcved_by.the aoaiJ.'- iii.**rt..oFrG ahall bGlnaoa ut a aaterial rhlch does not elt|lt -.iaaarara noisc durlng.ni,l:'Jl.irg. . I tt i : ; I fu : : i*." lSff o"*ffff ;'', I", : I = l;.. iTi, j,':::-;..,?l;s Jreo rn ar:]' bui.'ii? r c! . (,I.!e, 3re-r : i i:., ur-l. pcrtion of th!.- )pe:t'. in suc} uar. ir ttoi ".it -,,,..;;.i;l ra vtErble f roo In( -''rhb(:r lng unrt or i'(or! .:"=rr,n 1..i.-" ii.'l, pa for const ruct r.onD.. teclrtant or lt! can-trac:or!, .onuarrliion ErtGrlalE !h6Iln( l be rrto! €(r on an./ por tion ;c ii".rliierty ,or a pcrJ;rierecding 60 oaye pr]'or rc "or""n"ori.i c- if- Lorrtructl on, r liiJ ;:+Fo-H--Iffi.. ;\ .' -.*'ib :{ i j .l:ir. . '. : ' ''t:' :. ':. l .:'.' i *--" . -13 - (Jr LojgL_t_l--gl_quthu r rcrng:. tto raobile honcrcrr!.-ructt,or. offlcc u3? GxcePted) ' tant. gl'acl, or gthtr out- b.rilCrng rhrll be h, pt upon lny l'ortion ct thc Pr(.pr(ty or ln any r:r.?t ri thrn t hF t'roFt :'iv er\'oPt ln co:'no.tion vith rrork or consr ructlon diligently pursued. No rt ing F€t or otier llrge- scal!- r.cr?rt lonel egu:Pnent 6hr! I b€ Dainttlned on any p{rtion cf thg Propctty uniese approvei b:' Lha Desic-n Revier, Ccnnitt.rin rir iilng. (k) 9gl!Elitl.*l'i I h t-.rus. SUL ject tc the rlghtr of r,-asonable conte6L, erch c\rnrr shall ptonptll' conpl'; vith the provr.sione of all appl icable sta'-utesr ordinanc..s, aduinlstra- trve rulings, or !eg.llations pcrtaining to its condoainiu$ orportion of chc ProP.rl)'. (l) [g--Qg-f:1j. de Clotrrcs t inas. No llundry or yr3lt Ehall br dried or hung outside any Builfing. (rDl Parhinq and Auto ^{ep.-i?. l{o autGrobllea ehalI be parkad in an-v Etreei or upon any Por'-ion of the ProPerty' eycepL vithin gaiages, c!rPorts, or d€Eian€ri parking areas. No vork of aut('srobi}e r:pai! shal'l be perf orr.ed on any Porlion of tlre P!cl.c-rty or cn th€ Cot!fi)n Arra erceFt in energency caset. (n] ALLe!,!ie. No erter j'or .niennae or dish Bhall be pernitted yitbou! thc prior ;ritten apprcval of the DaElgn Res ie* r:omr jttec. lio activity shall be ccrducied oq any Poltlonof Lhe Prop€l ty rrhich interf,eres viLh tcl.evisicn or radio recep t itrr, on any other Portion of the PloP€rti ercePt fc! conEtluc-tion, trai,ntcnance and repair of ilpr ('vr:;tnLE Yithin tbe Fr(Jn€rtj, (o) licrl.. Af f ectino Fvt€ri or ApDearance. llo Vork shall bc undertal(en (other than routine naintenance a*3 repair) r,l: i,ch nay rcst'll in changes in the etterior app€drance of any Building (includirr,ol but uitbout listitltion, ereccron of fences'planting of shrubs, or installation of pa"ing or othe! ceDcnt i:arvori) yitiout the prior vEltten cons€nt ot Ehe Design Reviev Conmittee. |li,ndov hangingsr draPeries' rr.n!rrgs, and th€ back- inss for a!1 draperles atd curtains visible i:cn oth€r porcions(.f the P!opertl, shrll bc,of a color approved Ly the Destgn RevieF Couriltec. ' (p) outslde Furatng- Thcrc shalL be no etteriorfiresl ercept barbeque, outside fireplaces, braziers, and incin^' , eraEor firel contairicd uithin fatili:ics os rece)tacles and lir'r inproved areas designered for E'jch purposes. N; ovner shall perr,rit any cond.ition cn its pot t Jon of t'te Frop€!t:, r.r r shich creat':s a fire hazarJ oE lE ir: violation oJ' f!re PrevenEr'on : egula Lions ' ',- -ll- .: (q) prcsarvrtion gf ?rsrr rnil Fhr!,br. Io tra.t crlhrubr .hal I b? r cnJvcd trc rny portlri of thc Pro;rrty rlthorrttl,t' prlor r!llt(n conrcnt ol t6G-Da.lgn nrvier Coirltirr, tr) S.1[4!3549 c e of tul ldtnc. Each r.)rnr r Ol trCbportton Of thr Property .hrll ltn:aln t}| lulldtrg or Duil.dlngt u;.rn the portton of thc Prop.rty orncd by rucl. Ofic!, lncbdlngra:turya lnd prving, ln goad condittoi, r!r.tnr lll rpFser|.t. r.,.tral rl rnd tegllc:Eanta ar oftrn aa the lrllc rhtll becoarne(elEary. In thc cssc of r ProJact on r portlon o! tb.Pr('!.erty' the obllgetlon .h.Il bc the jolnt rnd aernrrl obllgt-t!('n of !l I O.nclr ulthin ti. plojcct !rd, tf rhcrc lr | ?roJ.ctA--ioclation' ehall bc prrforled by the Prujcct ArEoclrtlon. (S) i.! lntan.nc. 6f Lrndqcrplho. ?be OrrrCr O! ffbp()t Llon ol the P!op.rty ah.ll rrtnt. ln !h. rrndrcrplng rrapprovcd by thc Dcrlgn Rcvttv Corltttac upon thelr porllon o!thc Propcrty Parcel ln good condltlor. hch Grn r rhell dlll-g€ntly EAintltn, cultivata, busbandr protcct, and precrvr thcshluba rnd trce6 oPon luch Dortlon oC thc Prop€rty lncludlng.t,u: elthout linitstion, relovel of drd branchcr, dcad brurh, ane pcrfornance o! otb€r t!!l3 cdculttad to ralove or cl,L! lDltetlia:rrial uhich conEtitutca or crcatct ! fir! harard. In thcc..re of a Project on. portlon of tta troFsty, tha of llg|tlon3f.ill be the Joint and rcvcral obllgrtlon of rll Onerr vitlrln:n( PlojecL and, if th€re I!. Project AEociltlon, tudr dlrEr-ti(na Day be p€rfarled by the Ptoject Asrocj.tion. i (!) IAEur!.ce. ill Ot.:terc shall rainteln insurraccL:.ih respcct to thrir portl.n of thc Prolrerty ard rll iprc- i:r..nLs thereon in lrounts and insur ing 4ainrt r iska ard blta rdBir. accordance rith Lngurr.nce ltlndaldr fro6 th to tlE catrb- I i ::ired by t he 8oa rd vitl not icr Eo thc Orrcrs. In tlre crae of aIr;ject, the obllgation sh:ll bc th. jolnt lnd s"\rcral d1t9a-tron of all Ouners vithin fhe ?rojcct and' if tttcr c lr t Projcct,|.isociation, such obligarrons Eay bc perforned by tbe Projcct r\ssociation, (u) Nois€. No ext€:ior horns, r'hiatlas, bclb, or clrer sound d€vices Grcept sccurity dqt'ices uled erclu6ieal!' to lrrotect tbe sccurity of the Property or pcrtlonE th€rcof rid ir,provehents locateC thereon rhall t: placed or used on rtry FE- t ion of t,be Prot)er ty (v) O u t s i C e- L I a h t i n g . Alf erteriot I tgtt!lltginstalLed or narintained on an)' residential buildinq 6ball bc suirje.r.'t to approval t"; tt.e D€aign R€vit$ C(xl|t|.ittc.e a! lo datlgft and locat roe. - 15- (r) !9 Ol,gtrucLlorr. T!,cre shul I bc no ..' :;!ructlon cl the P.cteGtt inn va.Lkti:yr Iocrted ulrr: an) Pot:.:n ')l theFrcl.ertt to( pulposes of clrculat:cn of foot tror t ic o( any rnterf€!!ncc rlth ftee u6e thestof erccPt !uch obs: tucl lon !a |*3I !'e rre.ronat'ly rerluirr:d 1r. connectlon rith repairr (rf luchvalkuayr. Thc (irne!s, their t"nlnts. l,icentees, rn(l guasts art granLed nonclc.l.!:61ve ca6€tlent's to use all ot the pe'l,.srtlan t'!!ieaya rrthln the Ptop(rty. ure of .tl the YalkY.r'j! siall b€ 6JbJec-t to Iagul.Lions tty ruler adopted :n yriting by theAssociltlon. Tlre Association ahall proraptly take such action as nay be nccessary to abaLe or enj?in an!' interfe!ence vith or obstructlon of Lhe PeceEtr Ian ral kvays contrr ry to thc provi- 6ions hai.of Ind ahall h.rv! a rlqht o( entry for l irr policr of renov!,ng t}|€ !atr.'r lnd lny co6t! lncuEr6l by thc A8soclatlon ln connectlon Ylttr Bocb abaLqlent, lnjunc:ion, or cortective vo(l shrll be lpecially assessed to the otrn€r or G'ncrs re3r-nstblethclefor. F[ec use of tl:e Fdastrian ralhrays !'ld free circq]r-tion of (oot trrffic are essentlal ereoenE6 of Cascade Vil!'age and, in addition to all a'$et rslldies it i:,€y have at lar. and lnequity, the AEtocr!tion r.ay enjor,n o( aE'at e ts)' aPProt,ri!Ee legal .rct icn any interte!ence tllereritlr or obEtrucLion thrreof. (r) Ca-6'lli-Dg-a!d Fi:,r{cxJtS. No canping or Picnic-ki::9 sl'al 1 be alloved rithin the Prop..rt)' erceFt in areas de6ig- n;:eri fcr Euch purpose. The BoerC r,:'.' in iC6 disc:€:ign F€rhjtp., 1ic nsseEblages and rallies rith:i: the Property. (y) lir--S!.L-d. j.!. j.9.i lc - l:c Por t ion of tl'.e Propertyshall lrc sr:bdivrtied vi thou|- the pri6r approval of the no.!d. and airr Iications for Euch dpprovrl EL,a11 not be far'.red tn the alrscnc( of ertrrr,e haidsl,ip or exttaordinarl' citcurstancaEr Plc-v;ccd, horever, thaL Lhe Ioregoing sha]-1, not b€ deefted Eo disfa-t.r Iot I rne ad;'-:t=r..:rts trhich do not rcsult in an :ncreate in ti.c nLnlrer of building sites and Yhich arc lade to accqnmodaie brr: ldr:'.g plans approred by the Design Reviee CoEE-t te€. The I!,regorng -testtiction shall not aPPl)' Co a PrcjecL ol, a portio:r o{ thc Prop€rty yhich |lay b€ sr.Sivided to calry out any ptan o, in;rio\ nent eslabljshcd by Declatrnt 13. Design Reviey Calltiffff. (a) Coni.rocitian-of D€Eicn Resiev coFtnrtt€'F. Thlee lritsons shall oe aPFoin|-e,J to act as a Desi,gn Rev:cY Colrittee a'.C perforn lhe f unctjol:s Eet forth hcrein. So Iong as and 4-r in9 such ?eriJi i.c DecJar..ttt i5 the Oun!( f or ti." Pur['oses\u: cot of l0r- or :r.rtt of the proPerti', Declara.nt et,.rll ha('c the sile right to a?psint, ;el:lace' 5nd retloTe n(:iberg cl the Design P,(\'reii CotrRittei. Ft.Jt! ind a:Eer the earlier o! the tHcnEicti J::rtivcrsaty of :hl! c'r:e ot th€ l.cclaratiot ' th( cale then ir,iclrrant oyrs 1,.:,s : harl 10. o[ the PtoFe!t)r 'r f iotii the date -lb- -.'. Decl!trnt !.!laqu.aher th. rlght to rFpolnt the r,e|'bc rr byy"rtan notlcc to th? goardr .pPorr.L.cnt.s to th. lt sigt ErlCrr-orrnrltGc rhrll b. rade [,] tbc Board aFd thr epFinters ahrll sr rre rt thc Altasur€ o[ th. Borrd. (bl A*L5SS5S of Da!lgn R.viH CoEEittee llaEbcrF.the a6dr cs8 ol thc D.Bign Rcvier C6Ertt.e. lhrll br tt lhr !ddri,s! of thc principal otfler of th. Lroclrtldr. ftta curlcnt record of the naner rnd buEincas ldd(ralcr of the srbc rl of tlrt Design RGelev CsnDlttec 6hall bc kept to.s.. Thc DcElgn n!!,lF Cor"rri.ttca rhall lrert at thc convenlcnr: sf th. llr:te rE thareol and as oftrn 18 nccessatr' to trrn6r't lts btirlnat!' .cting on '-he concu!r€nccr ot t$o out of tbrcr lcrbcrs tharaot.Applrcant: for Dralgn n€vid Cct-lttte rcElon l!lt, brL D..d not.be 9iv.n .'t opportunlty to b. h$!rd ln ruppcrt of .;hils apFl i ca t ion. lc) ASp.LlcaticnB. Sttndard of Rtvi?Y. tnd lct InLts Desi.rn Rlyiey ca.Bllil.Ltt. AppIlcaLlgns for Detign Re\r,l..u :otii.itte€ rpproval, th€ Etrndatd6 by rh j,ch ruch rpFllc!tlollrshall b€ revieved, ar:d thc proccd'.rrcr tor rcvlcv shall bc ar adct,t ed and aoended f rr:r ttlc to tlE by ihc Design fclfll Cori:r i!t€e. 't'h€ Etandards of d€lign rhall inclu& typ of lxrll,d- in9 rateti;r16, etterlor terttlr!, s6']9r, roof Pitc].l afd derlgnr al I calc|lated to rtainLain barraony of nev conltructlon Ylth errsLing or ProPos€d Buildtng! vitl'ln CaBcadc Vll)agt- A trut nnd cor:ect cop; of any such rules and standard6 thereof rhalt be Faintai.ne<i at all tines at the offlcG of the tlaoci.tl6l, rnd-ach Ovner shal. l be entitl'et to a coptr ther€of upon rrltlcn rcqlcst and 1'aynent of the coPyin-q costt. (d) lio Dcsign Regeonsibilitv. tacithcr tbe D.ttgngeviev Conr.j ttec ncr an!' architect or agGnt thErrof,r n.,t !.ecra rant nod an.v of rti Frttrcre ' €!plcte6, agcnts, o; conrul,- :ants shall ce responsible In rny ray fo: any dcfect6 ln tnyplans or 6Fecil !cr:i-^ns Sutjtnltted, revised, or approvcd 1n c<'cordance vith lhe fc!eg(,ing Provisionsr not fo! ani structuralcr olner del,'cts in any rork done according to sucl: Pian6 and s },ec i: i ca tio.15 . tel i.i::.itaticns. tlotHithstanding an!'thing to thacontrrty herein conta!ned' any Yori Frforrned uFn arD' portlon of the Prope-'ty vhich rcqui res thc prior aPFaJal of the Ir.6 tgn P.eviev Corllittee shal! be deenej appr ovetJ unless an rcLioh ha€ tieen coFru-.ncfd t'J en].'in or ebaLe the sar-e Yithin l2-: da!t8 0f Lhe drte ehich th€ b.eiqn P.avteY Ccrtlll:ttce .cqrj.r.6 acturl krrr.rvledge or not!c€ ut tl-.c corEEr:ncc$eet or pe r! oF.ance of Juci rcrk. -t7- crarte eracrantr on th. trop._.ty lor tlte ucnef it oi ut -iri i,ii d.ion"of . ihe . rropcsty for prrh8, ,itiri1.J.' v.r,iirf i.. Peor.:rr rr n an.t Gouar-trtan ingrrta o! a9r.rs, ratcrrtya, and r,rtlt'!t ; ia.----- -' l5 h.t-ersrnenf . Tb. Bo&rd or ary c|vncr r hal I 1,.,,e thcright Lo enforcr the prorleim! of tLls Dr..cleistio.t. Th" B.-:rd rtrJinof t.e reJUircd to criforcc .ny !.o"fiioi-i,.reot. t6. n/rnrge to or b.:struct{dn q.f FUtrdlnaA. - (!) P.q-g.Qnsiulctiun. Ir. the .vcnt <,1 d;nagc ordcEtruction by f ire or other .!s,ralri ofiecting- o-rruflilio',= ti"can€r or oyne!6 thereof shallr ,.i i-g througf its pioicctAssoct!tJon if one .rist!, vi.thtn eri iontt's tr.,"i"iciii,ei ther: (l) dillgcntly cohnenc! to rebr:ilc thc sare inaccordanc€ vrLh tbe terus her]cf, or (2) elear and le,.,el the porr ion of cheIl1,,p:tty, rcngi'-ilg rll vrcctage, debrlrl eni re:.,ains -ot i'i,.rjurloJn9 or Drlrldings LhasefrqD lrd Jeaving the aan€ j,n a lcvel,c:con condr tion. (b) Revisions. Upon reconstructicn. the buildrn,:l:lJ ?:,':o*:it-;u;stantiarrl. in ""ioiao".. yith t|,€ orteinJ la. ttltcc*furlrnu. Dcctarat .-.1!?. Lh. righr to p.l ans and speci tjcrt:ong ther;fo!; and the evt e:..rr lpFarrnce i- r^-- --lthe re of sh3l L subsLan c i al ly' r -: g e.ilr. tfre- rp.*"ii..,., - i;-i;;;:;; ::t_"^t_^p,1t-"t .t3 cuch danage'aw3 aJstii.,"lli".-'x"l"i.rr"i"'!;;; ;i;; i :::-n-",t-l.s_.. !9" :r_" r.. t h i orr n e r o r = u cr.,'-i"n"e "i -ilil.i i;; r-;. LrrE \r,.rrt ef susn sal:rageo t.utldrng tayrcco'struct or repait thc aee in eccordance vi-t} n*. or crr-anqe3rl --- '-lplans and Bpe---if ications vilh the prro! vritien "oi"*t -oi'ii," Drsign Revicy CohEtt !ee. - 17. Anend'r'ent. The prgvisions of this Declaration rnav bearencec olry bI an insrru!,rent.in urir,ng ;i9".d-#-;i;;i;l; ;yai lcast 751 of Lh€ Eenb.rg_... lthe Foard: -"ia;-;;"h.;:;';E;;. tr and shall tarc ef fecr afltr 4prorai Ly it'" Boa;dlil-.;";;i;;"t ir,-: eof in th. of f ice of th! Cf erf ana i.ecosder of eagf e- Co-u-"|i',C( :( r ado. . tg._ Attctre!,F., Feels. J, uny aetion bro-ught tc enforce th€Provis:ons .he!c.or, yheLhor legal or iqr,Lialle, ^_f,i pr "raiii"; -;.;iy shal I se entitl€<i to rccov,.)r ifs reasonat l" -ttoroeyr; t,,es ani ioscsas f i;.r.d b,I the Court. -18- fi I t r J E IE rlttEss tn.REOr, che Flrtict barlto har.c ex+cutcd thisr:.:rrumf,nt thtr iE dry of July,'list:- "- .D EcIAPTI\"T. llAtlSPIE D, LTD., r Coloradollnjted pr! tn! r sh ip By llon tane Corporaticn, aColorado corporation, itE Ern-t9rn9 g€neral partngr Lfut-e-By Precjdent,.ttestr. STATE OF COLOiAIJC COI,II:TY UT EAGLE (c l1; t _ The foregoing,inst!uEent r,as acknoyledged befr,re re thiE/ ' l\ .fl6y of Jury rler ny Andreu c- rioirrs '.s pi*"i"ent iiaFre<iericl S. ot!o as Secretity of uoncine-iorporation, a coloradocorForation, unaginq general, parene( of xangfield, ttd:. a -c-o1;;;d" I il1 r t ed Fa rtne rsh ip. I s!:Al, i TItNBSS ry hard .nC offlclal Eeal . lly canis8ion crpires l- t ( - 15 -20- r€t a ry Nota ! y a EIT IDIl.\ (, .r , ,i_. :'pr'-- :1|.LL): .1 '-J! - ni,- crb,lr',.I rl-. i E5 _'s :.. tl (Att:. hci :i' r neclrrorlotrCos,lrtlonr, Ar 3 rrlc cioor Carcadp Vl lla;,c. ) E o lf-c-r- i:"lrg lll i lta,jr ticndonl rriume ?he L'estir, itorei - Vcil The CHr: B,rlidlng ihc Pt;rza lt': i I dlnt fase dc Ctlndon:nluna 161": f i r. i J Cond('ntr.!s'rr The A:: l.llc Club, Parkin; Fac j, .''.' .rnC Ernployce H: rs:-;,g Tr.rfAL Parc e-niate A I loca'- Lorr lor t<teatEetrC Pu!1,r91,5L" - ?areg,rap!,6 of t he Decl ara t_l:r' _ _ : 8.E 29 .'J lr d !,t.2 19. 0 9.6 _- 6_.-t l0). 0 Crrattng Covenrn trnd Erecrentr lor ,.u, -41' ! ,,rt -LZL' ' DTSTRICT COIJRTI dli'llii'lnr;ir:'ri ! :. l? l0 rre lt 'B'' EACLE COUNTY. CILORADO 735tr ..i. :1 5 Ch.tCivlt Actton tlo' 85C1'39 (L - ' t4t.t; iu.ilt oRDEn ron lfclr,Elol VII,IAGE I'IETROPOLITNI DI6TRICf , EAGI,E Il| TIIE colrNtl. IiATTEN OP CAEETDE COTOR DO ''tls uAdER cornlne' for'!:':lf:t::tll.ol:n3";":lt' and, rt'nnei!iie-tl:l.i: l: 3li::'3? tiii^ii:;i.:;i:::t,:l :?"Februrr)f, 1987r Purru:::':':::-i'I-..rbnor*.,'s b..U-'---.-. ? ::,i:i;:';ltU:li:lliit l}rirl.i?Hlili:-l' :tli "::'boundaries of the ctlcls€ Y''r4"b '---- tt = ArD lr F1'nrHER ePPcrtlne'tl::'tl?ti"lulrcdt Fotlce of lilll'l$t*i*t'll'H: +r,i"T:ri i:l: jlirill'.:i,r:ririr *H$ffi$ilfi#*fiittll*ffiDrogerty ot'ncr!' rr**H* r: ", e : r ^ ?rl:i::i ll,i lli::iF "ii#i : J:*"i:i:t lilliliilii' ll" the question.ol ll of the Ltistrict: ;+ ,'&' ft. t. VOTES CASI ir' : E98 thc tnclualon ASAItrs,l tb' Incturlon 0 ;-**,;:,*ii:i:',$i,fffi i*ilH: *l:h*ii ft " " " Andtb.Courtbclngfullyrdlviradtnthcgrcnlrrs, hcrcbv onoei"ixo DICREEE thrt! ,rr*rrr;;!r iii$Ei.ii::.iil!i::fin#:H:: ttf litlilfl;l,:i4 #;";r'fr r:' :ii, ;i ; ;= n;i "i I " " " "'l DotrE rx cou.t' "" 'tdrv ot -tf't--' 1987' I EI THE COT'RI! R:d:D'd ll' Hrrr JI'DGE 't E/.ttlE:l A ll;*#i?ili,#lll$^ii:iggltililHlill$hli'l"LYIi"' - -..r ac$frr oF sEcltoll s*rF*tlfe#tflrft1ffi I - a x EliHlgtT A r^:::it ""'5 l'"lt,:' iH;:' e ilrli!.ii iii,ii:1fl "l;*il qi' .. tt, : ^". .I::l;3::.;rii-;'i' thr' frorthuc'tr! rv nLl"-[]"il'iiru.a !r lolloY- I i?::l-:;;';i'ntiee'iirrY or u'6' n"Y d' BE.TNNTNG rt r pornt r" I!'-ll?!!l;tllll.i'3:'::l:' ot !::t,:::ii;ili?: ;l;s::,il:,)"',it,l",i- r..., rh,nc. e99ir3::lili i:'l: l"i!,i'.'13 :i:.-;i:l:::t:? ccntcrllnr of tr 1o Itnc t .r ',.{ 6h-Yltcr th'nc' c?5036t2?'H 138'98 fcct rlong trld hlgh-vr llnrl - - --.r tr{6h-Vlta! Tbrnc' 85lol3rl'?'u 192'?6 tcrt rlong rald hlgh-v 1lnil Tlrcnce tl5o55rl?'tl 8?'9? feer along rrtd hlgtr-Yrttr Ilnet ThlncG 63(ol3t1r'u 8o'29 tcet rlong srld hlgh-srtcr llnc, - ,- -rt, htoh-ullll Thrncr 60lol?t15'H l08'86 tect rlong rrld htgtt-' rlnct Thrncr 5r60ll rt0'vt lo2'8! tcct rlong rrlil htgh-vrtrt tlnat rh.ncc E30or3'i?riI-3h11,t:::.:lil3.':iu':t3u;:llil" t" Ilne to r Potng on lnE --- --rr .rnicrltne to I rhrir c. ":il:::I " : "''l riillr:*l' rfi :0"!"!!!!r I I er'"' v I Polnt on thc soutnt:::'::: *"'r.". arone rrtd hlshl'sv Thcnc" tt52035rE 856'8? tcet llght-of-nly' ^^ - ^^{nL or lht rhrnce,,:::!i;t'.1 lli;=l.|iii"'ir? 13'li*o'io!iii o' t:o r t tr -Sou th cel' F;LGlt:l:Il:G. :-t t orl Unlt la xr. Richlrd lourlrt iill:t.l'3lll'1, r". n.'' ',lli:"333, * 'orr3 H.dgr tntcrnr! lonll' c./o Ai rgnhc'o "**'33i E6 81632 Dnit lc iiiiliiF'ii;t:' Untt ld ii?;l.F:i"lo,o, Unlt 5a Dln Hlvakott -, iii":;:':e"3l,"oi' :;;x'":'3"?3?o ^".. -;l;i";.;";;-a 80u0 Uni! 5c tar.,c ll Unlt {6 Unit 5d i:l::,.,: llil' l::::'"" iii'io' rt'i'lto l" F' Y'a):rco .t t I r{rlx Utrtt L- t<rrs::e I L. lic-nl'cdl'r tito:'; U-t O a'.1."u. de Dutitno3 ;--.: l. ' -. oe las lpnrs ii;i;=i";;"o o'r' Y''rrco :' UnlB 5b t_' E!rl Feldnan "'--,.'iiii in"tn9'r-?11'vrii'i"iii' c' ero37 uniE 6s Ii:l6tt::'llne'nt'' rt"o't"llti"i!i"' "^ eoore unlt 6d tu rndrae D' Not!lt.'ti' r f VentU!ll LEsr YiAt ;.";;;nher nd' uut illii ib" .','t t Ur. Frrd Otlg fhe $ob - ' i;?i,'13'.i"'iUnit 7b iL tor r i s/B91lt't aane as oo unlt 7c : rrr - Gus BrrhonE'iii uuron.lono !i.r o?rI?iranxlln t.rl(c5' unlt ?d l.:Er!in H' Hy'tt'i.o'oi'i.'t rtYtir ^ Rerltor s z': 1" ..1 l-t " l t"' io t :t l.: tl!' ::t J L't ' - o {lr' 1h I{3t7 r' It ir;tfrit,'i,* -LfiJ ' 9E-cilH!oi-a$9-qrR^tq-9l-lt!-Egrt :. Tlrrs L-ctARArloN " A'q,- o*^tm - or. rrlE{E}rf - t:llt .i .. r riiil on' 1 - r. ".iI" "l'.' -illrr l;i - :t,:*"1; 1?i1 t ftl."lliil'iNiunrr, r"ro., r colorrdo U rlt'd p'rtn' uh:ar rddrrr t lt c/o ';j;;t"td; lta'l- riloo sou'sh'Frontrq' Rord ;:::: fiT.-;rii.jliiisi'-ili'itio"' rndtcv D' Norrrr' rrI ' - !!rx$:$t lfiAT, I{UEREAS, Declrrrnt f-' t+ ova:'! o[ t]rr! e'rtrln tcr.l ;;;;.tv. i;il;tf,'=..;-';;ivr;1 rltuete tn thr countv or Eaclc. Btrli of corotlJo ?tttiifta'on txlrlblt I 'ttrch'd har'to rnd lncorDc'.'rtrd rrrrli; '-bl- $i; rrfrrracr ' togrlhrr Ylth th' r "frr.itrd ioldYey locrted t'lr' r'on; rnd - r: irr }IHEREAS, r.r ncrl ;ortgrg' tor4rnv o! colorrdo' I colorrdo cot?€rrtlon ' i;it,ilc; ) i"r. lgrcia -to rrkc I !orn to Drclrrrnt gld c.ltra'a: CruL' Ltd" r colorrdo rltrtt'd Drrtnor.hlp ( tct..rd-"1-)-, i ri- Ei. eg{trirgrtc artnclPrl lnou'rt of ;D to s6,2so,Ooo.oo, -tirich rorn ti -to b' rirtsnrd to Frr Hc't si';lnsr rnd Lorn rt"tiiiiriil'-t--ctrlr"tttte' corporrtlon (-Frr riest'i; rnd , l. . :t 'l'orrrnvM bc secutad by-i eonrtructto-n/trrrHHERE 3.'rrd r-oln.vl I' I' l:-::::::';i i";;;;;;t -oi .it"',t" t oen perd of 1nrtt' sccrrajty Agrt'tn'r't r ( th€ rDc.d of trust'-) -fii -:-nl' l olnt bricf tt of n*c rnd fl"c innrre srvlngs, suirirfr- rnd L6rn A!!octrtlon ("Ernplrr") ' on ceitrtn rrrl propa rti- i;itt"t r i')'. t goiirott or ihicrr 1' osn'd by v.nturcr .t1d . pl."r"i "i "rtiitr lr oi.n d by c!!crd'' lorc o-erticurerlv o.".tiiI1-i"--eiiibitl- rttrcrtid h'rcto rnd inccrporrtrd h.r.in -bt tSlt .rcfrrrrc.. togctttrr ti-T- -tIl it'p.oi.t.-nt" !ltultr ihGlton; I'n't HSfREAS, llcrthr1.tli Drlic qrolid? r tlr only rcc'r' to Prr'-el A rnd ".r.iil1'';"h; rtil p'rcac rtt ror' -P''rtlculrrlv descrlbrd on lrldlr-t-c 'ttrch'd hs 61-g'pr* lfid - lncorpcrltcd bcrrln bv th!. rrfrr.trce -titJ-;it'illit.rq ?rrttft'l' I Portlon of Jir.'i'il".'ri1-tJiittlit ltt o'rrrcd bl' gortu-l: rril tffiEl3, $r ruturo raortcrqel?. Jf Prrcrl A Td-' artur' ovrrerr of ?rrcll r'i"-iL --t;:; C ft ttt.- lor'clonrF ol t'b' rl'n of th{' h.d of r.t'it ot 'cccPt'ac' i'A} ' i d"d lD lku of f creclotur., frr --iJrt-- raa -s4ifr'- rqt'f tt r P'rI''tu'I nor.-.aclu:lv. ..rnr.rri-.id iiqfrt-oi-r.y .or.itt.otnt to P'r€'I A rnd the t.D.!1st.d;;;"il;'-i;r *rr bririii'of trrcrr A aad ur' Eenetlttrd Plrellr tii-tft"'"* of tlrr- 9rr rrirt rttd futur' or'n'r' of Prrctl A rnd -iit -i-ttt-"e I cttd firtcfl' lhrlr r'rP'ctlv' rgcntr. Patront, "l"tto"' tenlntt'. cptoyror' canlt'ltrl ' ricrarcrl, .on"ttt'i^"-"^ti"tti' t"i-- riJlttti 'nd th' rg'ntr' sulrt.nrntr, t"'pr"vltl'- -it'"t*t" tt '- l1c'n""' conc'rr1o:l'1r" .--- -. 'r.a r.r,.nts. ror vit ierrrir er'd Ptdt:!:1t1 -r.- :;t- - -L- .I A rrd th. BaBa!t-.E.c.iist.t. rad .q!r8! to rnd lrolr P'r€' ?rrcr\a ov.r' on t"a ttiott Hc'thrv'tl Driv'i rnd ll8E8.El'4, !'var!y Ht I1' Srvlngt' r lrdcrrl 3rv1r19' rnd Lo*n Arre.trtlon.'Il-ihl"iiigtt "-i -r' acJ ar trurt- r'-cord?d liovcrb.! 15, 19a{ i; ;;L -if-s 't Lrer- et3 of 'lr' Ergl' countv' t.,ror.o. rrcord_r_.i'v-.ll-no.c tr thi fT$""# ".?**T lff:;;;;;; iulY 20, :e7e 1n loor ?t8 -r:ounty, Colqlrdo ilt'"tilt - ttrf tft - ariar--of trurt '!su!b'rtle.tjrrv.n Drlvo t tne'-f io-it'*"tronld . d;td' ol 33r:rt rr' h'r'ln coll.cttv.lt t.r""'fIa'i;'-;;' iht'r"-t?J il'a' or tnrrt' a I riir.,..i ...r... (:. 't; .;t.Ji I .i.t I A r ,r-: . /./! o '1 I ji i.,- ,b -il'F3| .- .:t -||l , t. ;. *fY, u .'-j TJtFrst L. '. rnd tbc holarn- st:::l-:.tt *tilt" coit}*tvrly trlorrrd tt tt Ii.ll "'f""'.X'.^"liioJts's""t' d{ i --*tlsir,g*t**ii,t"*,t:*rt:}{# th. For--gr?'- to tlt . lcrrltld hirrln; rrr I .n.",P.fi ^:1,1-.1!Llf:=.*"'J.'51-i:.i:d:il',rtili*il+ll },!l:l?:: # ".f i"'']i *::- :-:' gl:::,'o'"t;.o L'v ?cn tu rt ! t h a-' t ^D't*ti*g n "oll'siurcnr. rot sood .'19- "'-t-f lL,-:il,"' t:;:.;;'lati ,,..iplif oa..-,-*_tlij:ilT.,:';il'"'.l.'::",;::-'cor'ira-'-s'ard Dcctlrrnt h€-rrDt I c egrc1r ra loIIgYS:l _ : _. ,:,rr. irct .-o ihc ir*;qE*t$iu;l :in:l:H. H.'"?"i. r - i s! J*:, L'l:i'; ; f . i'.'#' ":J,'" " o' tHm**s$g*ru end tjr !'!'fltt rl il.',. tf luch lrttur. ?ontlrnr'l ulran'dl'd for r P'riod ot .irr7 (60l dryr r!!.r thi d'ta Yrltt'n nt'ttc' i'j ruch lrllurr r j.r:,lv"r.d to th" tirn- ort'.r of tlrlt!'.r'n *lvo' to do^ eny-ol r.,..... rr'rr-' Lhrt ga trt"'- ii"n ovn't of HG r'Jr'v'n Drtvt - lor tr r r.'.,.r:, co!tt illat eot, piur':r.tarG't t:'? ! 'otl frr't thl dltl t i... ',;. -i"irtv port-rrr;nj srne r! .rh,.- than pr'.D. rrt. of '-n. ; : r i'i'r'.;', atitc Blnh o! Dinr rr, tlrtlonil Atroclttlon' (c) Anv.::tlty ec prrfcra:t': tl: *l-l!t:l:i?:l,tl: o ,.,, o,.rrrcr'lf xiltrt.:tii'oit "J ri rct iorth ''bd\t' rhrll not b' ri:e to (hr thcn ovnci o! H'.the" "n Drlt'' o! rn:t 'nttty.".ii..."r il-..ii]' "i-to ''iv oi'hcr P^rro":.' 1i:-::t^lll:'!i-t:.f!:tti ltcreby, or Ec '-,y erncr u-t--":-' ''" : -:nr cr drRtsc to grop.ttv on or i''eut. tltt1l1t1t--qlr-11-1".-: ,.:.t of !uch FGrlornt-i"t.-'"ifltt cruaad bt !h:-l:!ll!-t"::.:!.."iitiiv ro ilr:orrraj rnJ I$c tl,..r. 41n.: { i:*:::^o:::: ":]"litilt"iC;-il h"ti rt.ittrtt thc G?rtrtt to p'Efo.rrlns f::: ;. i "'l;."i".ip.-"tl- -( rncfudtne'tt'oircvrl ^1".'-...-:i:a. L lcst I aaP"ntt I lr:saulrrnv -s!r!'-i'- ,i. . , rr.-.toJrf , -J-r.rtrq.r .od clrlF' 'rr srnq *t o!,:::'-\-t"^J."t1:: ;: ' 'a'"''rlr.1'1-#.t--tr..,li - tnos" ctt'rcd bv th' aegl!'qrncr of th' e' ' ::y rrc: fcral-l ar 3at f or'-h rb( Yl ' 3. *'':r"r:!-zr.Jf--E..e-as$'. this, t11:::I: .T:'.::: .- . --.,.'.ii. ff;:fi;i;ii;i"'J; -iGi".''' i"o obl I set i onr dcc I arcd | .- ..Ft!' rnd -ttcrted frricrn lhrtt bc PGrP'tlrl rid trrlvocrbl-:; , ^:li_.il"EJ!;;;: ill;:";;';; -.;;:;-;- i*thevcn Dr!'ve . - i t h:.r. the rlqhl to de*ltcrtc dcathrven Drlte to t}r: "o:n (,'i,"'iit-il;'.=-th::-;id'ht';'ituJ.ittt-''o=tntt'"tt Drlte to sltq 16rm rr! --l ^-t! t..;: i' .:""= ;ii-=r;1i;;"i-;1t r] :]' ''l!lt ^l]'-t-'--::u .:::v ':::".:'; '.'".o''-l-;l- iJ*-"1- r.'rli rhrll !err' to 'cccPt- "T' f?: - ,r. -..F'rc.'- ugor. ^ttl -i".i--ioji".t t o". l,tld 11lhout h1"1"1..:::,: ; :...'"';:-i. iji': ;; -;".'t-jil-;-.t' o". -!- "::h":l-l:" t "1,,::: .: : ;;illl"ih i:*L;i i';; I ;; -;t - ; - ".c"nent_ -o 1^ -',1'-11"; "lTll;,;':;:';ti..;' E:'-':;; ";:ii ; errtcr'rtrerllv rrrerrcd rron: I ::: ;: ""'':l: r r-..-i"J* i" r ii t"'=' "-e .- r - rnd .T'j:'-":,o : ):: I i ru:d:lr lnc obllgrtr.nt cr'rt'd h": cbY' t ' ovnert cf Frrcll A cr ll :,.qp.T5i-,.*i. tt: ,il 1;X'.'i;:J ."r6'.".""t"ot'.',".1t lr' I-=---:=-_ _--..+ Bar'c ! r:fl-rii-Ta r;it r rhrll hrv' tl.' . ,'l..."iiT"o'l'Il , ;;J.:';, "';l . ili.-r,._ -::l i::.i3l,"..'l;nli: ; ; fii:;::; lirliiil.ii .#' u.-.i"i'-1::t.:i ga.^',T* :L::: i . ; ; i :; ;;; i " liii;'D;;r. iiir'1. . -1t'" -i: l.'.",i'-? :1{, ::1.:f : ::i r ??lllonJ.E'r rs. eqrl|-. ob-ltgrtlont end:" .to ."foica tba rlra:rrcnt, rlghtr. Prlvil--r- r^ i: . ...tv.?;.:,::":";:;:irra=o',-ti-in"a .r'.li rr Dr' cv'''t-lt dceicd I '-'tv'E i. :he rjght to & tc.thcrc'ft'l' 5. g.r ol Etsartcnt - t"t thc i crrracnt.' - rtelt! .4--P.1"1.T1r-t i:::::t:,"t,ereby .nj;;.";; r..-.I" -'r'ilr 1?1^t ^".-.-T-.ot":;t ::"::Li;.-l'""it"t'"11 '.';;';:"i;i;i1""'-tii'"'"ts af rr-cord' ot .o countv . --.'r -.i^- r.'.r. ardinenc; or ttltl cr fcdctel br' j '. c.by end lttcr v. 'c. vloli"n"i.iil"-, i"L. o.ai"."c" or 'tat' cr fcdctel lrr' i ,f ut I rn" ....lr'nt. . :lq:: -*rrd orlvl lie rr 9! rnl-€d .t.e 'e in rr! hoc .t...rJiti,-".tie iif r i gbt , tr 'hcreby.rr":tttl-:: ..:rc then. oyrras of $""thrv.n Dri"'e Eo Elrnt i Slch other -asctncn.-ri !lE.ut, ", p;i;;i;;r. .rnctudrDg. rlttro't llrltrtlon, F'-?f ^. und.r or D'rt'lnlng to lfcl'J'evrn i: li il ''."'T"?r,'-P"rii." end ror ruch FurPo'rr tr tlr t'1' n ortrLr -: H?gthlv.n olrvc rryl"t"-iit dtrcietiorr- 'al'ct' 'o r2n9 ll r.uch purpD... do t€t ''"'it ' liitJiiu^v -iii"tctit rith thr 'r!?n'nt'l;;;.5."f,;;ittri.s- erentrd bcrcln' 'Fr' ..,...1;..,rffi T.i:$#fr:!"-}.'*.i.,f, ##-;":::#; . ondl ti cttl, obl lg.tlon',' r'ttrl €llenr r.d -l1rf trtlirr cor':'rlnrd hcrein ahrll lr arenJ lo- -fi ttrr tolttntntt ul rbrl I alod l?c r.r..ng. ltr .u"crrrir a -i'' *trt rnd'/o8 ltrt''r"! la ll'3'-hrv'D t.r lve rnd trrtde n r..iiliti.o-tj-i- trtd. rbrl I ' n'rn tttlr tl t Ir to .-h. !rnlr rh.tlr.t ;;-;;i -ii:'tt:n'a -ri--ittr lbrtrunant -ol I cnvGyrnc. or rncu*t-eic:;;; rhrli t'c r#'rst'iut* to P'rc'l A-! |'r -n(.5' Ii r ,. . .."1.,} .?. t -' . - .':I. .,t : t ."r3! i i ,.':1,, .'.., / t. - -3- .Lrl3l:l/7/zta3g;+ {,, i *-ri t;rl ..r-.,ii ,. lt l. ',.i T., .!r,;t "1 +f t--h -! <! i-'r:i $'a'l.: ..:- * ,; n -1.. .. S''.i[ ..r-.,ii :. lt ,;i i'l:. ?,-/t:.r.i:;' >.. .j-__l--p.- D.€ l rrlt lnrtruni6! lt cqnrryrncr o!' rnc'rel!rrnct, rnd rhrll lrurr :o 'hr b.nr(1t ot l|acrl A rrd :ha l.n.f i'-t.d trrcrlr, tor th? ulr 6l Frr t{rrl &,/oc bplrr, thalr tuic.erorr rnd rralgnr. ln tha c'J.nt {llt.{$at o! alth.r of thalt rhrl I b+ c orrrr ovrlort ": ?rrc.l A or rnt latEtd Ehrrool lr r ra.ult c! lor.clorutr cf th' il.n of th. brrd ft ?t3rt (or d..d tn ll.u o! lor.clctur.) end fot '-h. uta ol. .Ctrr Prat.nt .nC tr''-ura cvn.ra, tharr tu-c'!sa:l rnd eesl{nr,'-r! rll or rny Pcrtj o o! Prrc.I A rncl tht 9!::"(l !:od PrrccIa. { 1,'..:*?. "fr 3ubordl na-t-r 9!-!.Y.-l!9!'-9!9.-'r. Thr L'e3ctrrv.n !,io r tqrra.rilrrcf'y Jotn in tlla ercsut:'rn of 'Jrlt D.c:'rEailon lnd c.r,".,ri - tf tir .lr.n.nt. !lght!. prlvilo9rr. bqrd.r.r rod obllsrtlottar icclrrrd hrrlb.' rnd grrnt.d h*:rrln lor t:lc aol' n.r:oorr'olatdboEdlnrting tb. tlan! oa thr lfc r rhevrr llrndr of t.rrit tc iltra rlghtr. e.t.ltcit, prlvllr?.., obIlglt:3n. rnd burdGnr: afta.bll rbcd hcrcln, rnd Lh. ths'-Jrr:rrn llortgtrac! do hcr.bv 'io'*nrlo.{net c tha Llenr of tibr llrrthrv'n Dccdr of rrurt. -i idttr thrtrrdl ng thr fortgolng. t+- ir cxpr.srly unccrr.-dod ftlnd .g:.td thr! t!. t{cs'-hrvsn llortqagrcc yicid th.lr rcrprctlrrrlpSlartt!.t rolrly rnd trclualit.ly .to tht qr'ra$'nt end- rtdtrl e a+- f or--Jr h"r.l'n rnd nc E to r;'t!' ot'hlr tescnrent' or rlghtr -or{riy lllns rr aacunbrr:lcG! tt'!tro3,. r. 'vcn t}rouEh t.i,, o t!'ri irrcarrn'-, ridlt, ii.n or oncuabrrn:a :hluld bc ec:crtad ti! a.trbltthGd r| p:los aid ruperior to r'i:r '!!€mant!n'l rlghtl r.: tortlr heilin, end .. to rll lu'5 oih'r ers"nrll€lrl rlgbti, Ilens lnd .n.:r:'.5rlnc", th' ltrrt]'r"'cn ^D€'d!of trurt,; fhif f 'r.tt-n t}c1r r+.ord.d Prl-orltY- l3 :l . the s,-bor.l.r.ort-lcb t.t fcrtl. tD tht 3 Prrrgreph 7 hrd :r.'. !r fr.an grentrd: " i -- ,tr ei' frg!5e!. -hl,r 'DecIrrr'.:on lry D' "::':\rtcd ,.tt -:?ynumb.! 6tfft-cftertr. erd srch su('h count'rPrrt hcrtc{ shrll bc dcrordji, br rn orrglnrt docunent, hrt llt tuch couEierF.rtt i""itfrli:till e'n.tlru:. br,rt onr .'r..ttnt. 1irl' D''::rtrt lon tniff n iovrrr.ea'rnd ccnttru.d rn rccordrn€' elth :h' lrvs o( t-h. st.ia'rf Eoloredo. HUEREoF, thr prrtrer htre'-o F.lv. erec"!""C :hlr !h. C.:. rbovr tlrs-- Yrttt.n. YAIL V:EI{TJT,ES. L'D. ,r Col-l to tlllttd grrt, GrlhlP' C.n.arI F ratnar !Y: trf\S?IEt!. LtD.. a Color.do Ilrltad Pr rtr'" rth: F, Gcn:rrl Prrtnr =BY; t|K'$?Al{E CORR'8A:l)N,' I Calorrdg cqrPort'-: -n, Gcnarrl Prrtnrr/-' -> -/-/-{/ {_,/-:. ,(,r(J.-c.\V,*,-Ju-- frtn',. e. F:'eY, :,r/tIt Vla.' Prc s I den'. EEVEN,:T H ILLS SAJ I TICS r Frdrrtl srvlag, lrld :,drn Aa! tclr''ion / BY, -,,:- !\. A, _) +frT,,;-.';iItr-- K *//- L)zL*tt,l'{. .-- '- f- t .sla. n| L' r r tlcr.CF tl),'-i a I I li s;ATE OE cdlcrrm : I -otrNfY or j-9EIE!-:- ) r:'.. 33. ' t-'. - ','. t- l-: vtc. lA I ter :. Kor Prrtnal Tho longolng 1nrtr16'nt vrt- lchnoYhdgrd lrf,orr nr ?hi. 23 lry or Ji;-;-iie9' bylr.ant !" Frcvcr' rli' ' erlflnt ot rpnlrn' ' siiFltilo"' r color'do Eot?oartton' c, nGrrl PrrtD.r o! trr;"ii:i;'-Lii'l-'.colotrdo rlrlt'd :-'ertncrrhl!, c.!'rr! ;lI;:;'";-vrit v'aert'r' r'colorr<lo t i.f t.d P..rtn.trblP.', '.;.' l.: i ,. Hrricss r; hrnd rna olirctu rrer' | : t; '. ' : ' l ,ls lrs ltb {,"':rly Qoralrrl0fi uplart 5r., r ..]_ - i .iie, i ' o' -- -'l'F .- l .-*--'-;...... : ': ., i 'r,Gls$ * (Ortt$l =-r-r.r rr*r' r FjJlffi i =;;:--.?-==:;=-t E.;; r rr tr r -.rt!- - =? =-=.*t r"- ' tt}rtt r !rtr- r' I lr-.t a rtt*t-' I rrnt:a ,,,t-rrr--!- It-I F.t.-.r''.--i;a314;;1": T$t..' 9ts I.':.i:'{sfr' i ,i,, is}* : : ". 2 - "'::t'Fl: '.' . I :. .;P'+G. . -.: ',:'. * ' r;:' t*Elt.:.a" :;;r.{. .,":" .ffiI '',: ,,i:k, '$ ;fiffi*:' i'i,i*},r,, .'L$,$;ff#iet r .*,ltlr-rxrtrnn -tg-r.- f- 4F.?- -rrri :lEbrlq r,t.rtrrrrhlt ' I !tl 8trt. t .t, ":. r ,. !i t.'a:',1. tr I I.l s3. 'i -. Ir.ri.lr trdg.d b.t.rt t. .Y D. l+orrla, ltl rr Colotrda corPorr!1on,I colctr€d rtrl r.dvartrt'at, r caloard€ ) t ) .t t -? . r .IEar t.si 'rt.i -.f t-. .'t lrArr o! coudco clfl Arn corJxTY or .\ ', rl - ;r -l -+:t-';bla --l ,:i'r i ;*ifj l. Ctt(co f( ' '.! " 't. ,.:2.: "t v ":. . .I '; a:... -.!E. :li ,-.+; ?. ,] .'^1. r :t:l i'* ,.:ir.k : .4: a,r ri:'Y;. *-1. ' -l I r. .1r l.i. Yr !t r'ltrDclrt f n, 'a t : ' J! r1a ; . . ..: 'I '. .1 t.f: T. TET .a l1{ i1'rL i i ; .n. .: .l . -;': I t- . 1i -b-.'.)s rf-lgil . glt) :I i.3 i.-A*? Nottry ,!' J ..t 9p-. ). . .- !. t'+.E ,-L:ts ;--r'lj.?.rJ'-r'.,:..+.,.\ .. . 't.', .' e-. . .a-.r.. .!.l.t'!t ' 1-;: i" ,'I .l-. . .: t,. ' ';* 5 rl F .r, - ... .t'' ' ., t.- . ,t i .. .qa i"a --,-|.i1 t r l.t' I''; tlj |b'= j ' ''"'- i ' ; rrrtrtt r: ' ntfi^YEt *1l {'' .. :--[ r ..i-+ *.-.: -':_. E - f ,'i,iti- .i i f: irt :. -. n{..'.t- --r l.. -:;Afa?rrlrtrl tra'' fcttor. ll. ltltll I amt trlf lr t.f? q na anr Fllr€l?* lGtgrex, allD 3llilE? f,tn to ?tar tt rtDfi.-Ltln tl ftt? c'r E.rcr ttilt nr TclElll|| FSGttE-CDrEi,tf,! tr. ' h: ii '.'ii f" 'i _; _ _ttltHtFC a? r tOSl !l lta MxrtLY ttlf? Ot rv LlL t-lr,-Al?rrlHtg$v xO ?r0r IG|I tf tln ttr lttil |rra?tc g, tu;nt ?xl sDl|"tt t}lD FC?tq rl Ft I I ltlEr ta itt !t! € GqI r rL. oo ttl? Dtf?ff?r nGtt I t l*ll la ilttrtt t" rctl| t rtltt 73t?r rlGrtt I', ll I*Ctf qt itl9ta al Gilr r lt+ tl, ltrr, tilEC{ tl tt ?l:? r.oi Tltl:i dc t A crrrjt lf.ta 1316 g,tF I trtnr E ilgtat??t,'ll A Clt{?r.L :T} qq-! 9!!iE'!!r!!!4 6!E!!-rF- | qryrtt!r-H!-r-!:Ii dC t A Crlril ll.ta 13gy;rYtF I llllll E ilgll.tTTElt I slrrri.'1 il.! t . rE '-S riltt| il IEOI F I orlt r.rt' I,.t I l. _1-.llfr|rr.. Frttrt |.'Gil r ?Llt ttl?r !'rf,El | - re { tlr,r:.. rirFs r-r r . rlE': { cBrilr r rrc'Jl tf'| DGr F:Ir tlt" rst g fr t r crtif to ;: .. Dr r.ur_ry1p!-r.|!!_q rr?.!-!=! l_car!+-rr.tlt '" Eiltrt D'i r:*r*rr rt rte* 111-t gg1! r.pr rrg-t r-:- r rtrr,?ll iaI : lg r rrt- lt tE.n rrE I r Ilrllt r rlrrrtr 1o lE;rl r t. tn : :- r.-.F -t * iiir'i i -- -.- l .--- - J.rrt srrrn at.-t lrrrr, nG.cr lr.t *.iel olr t I crrt rt il r!lr! rsv!!-!:-'*fllt| Ct tcjfrlt|ft} A3!tr'. r|tl t.r UE|E rt Eftttl rg l3sffi" <; -; lt . t'(l! arE -l I rl FtE h Fr,?31 - Gilr 3 ll. r0 I tL lt llt?r tlrFl I t illlr .a rln tll ic:'rrri DGi a--l.fiffat lco.r I ll'r FEr ?O fr{l loffi r 5 Gli r-cl xt! cailll t llll tE?tol tr tnt t"i$tfi,!"-'ar*+T$'-.ir.'- - :'l. J:: .+-a t, T $ "j.i'r.Fi 5 l,'''ilrrii;. p |': .'.'i "':.i ,' r !-: i:" f ' ::. 1 ?r9r I ol ? I l' : t! ' 'j.j f: gtrrl'L! - l^lcll A rlsr ?Arr c tl: I lrl ra t/a. rc?tcr lr. tafil{lr I E fn rx€3 rt rart trlr t:In{ ?tttlP* ltltDts. lil t Y.tL, ECAD6. Eltrltt0 AlFEMDr3: r , .1 .. ttctr..rHc AT r totl? !| nr E"HrrtY ttHT Ct 5Y Lna t llTrrrrATrl{tc.. y r€, t0. IGct tr tfiIr tlt ttTrr ptra?lc c- n|rn t rl{r cD{Ttt ttatD rrcTtoi tt l^ti I rf oStElt tf ilnTrt il rgofi t -7.7r FErr DlfTA,(Tt ?DrEtEl tD lAla G,?}GL? rta{? C tflf Ltfa t ;t DEcr€tt 90 'lltrr?E! 3t ICgtfl I Gf. ll tltTr tlrl|Cl! DltITtF l.lD fflaLy rtgirt CI..v Ltr.E I tt omt et rrrr?Dl tl rcaGa t r'l.. lr 'lttr rHrrGC t taDSnrgl .l ,rl,irtll lll G'E. I ed. tt FttTr lrrGGt i g? EttrCs Ot irrrrTrtIt r:coHs! v t2a.it tE to il pottt t ttetlltft.; ;': ';'i :,tt,t ;ll ..,r' : '41: 'j ' : ..r. I . .r { . i fiAt p^;t t iil f ire l l/rl, Igttil lt !ua!!tr_lt,trm!, rH lt trt? ;;'iri-iirn -tttct?fl- l3rrDlrl tul t rr ll, cc"il€L ooFllltD r. ?crfl: iz :':-'.'r' !.'.:r.-; j : . i' I'!,i"::rrar||.tE ^? i ktll'il hr rrngr ttF(? ? bv tt: t lrrlis?.tl ii"i.ii'ro.-'tri i-ir: rt trot ?lt rttx tLr?lc 6.e prrtf, Trt cafirr sr'';iD;i€iiin'ir-rn a r. rsttr tl ilf*tt[ t GE il-r lrre. t TlEtil;rfr;-iia- r,n r.ro iie{t-c a! !!r r rl F.!!|€_irn trl :t ;i6Aa-r-'tr.-t ?rsir-n3ci I t ffit| ro rtr,lE l! !g-as 3 l{t' Eii-,-irpi:i-. g1tii-ro rintrrr .l tEo.f r f.!.!! 71anr 11f.ct tt .o i ,'r.ifr-r11i *-- r g1r|/t r re tt*l? r*'sn r 1311 t_totl.71 7r'r i.;frl-rfla '' or incr il isFlrr cl3 Gl*',rq. G]ns r|tcr ;dd';..-tr6 - -itrtrr aa rcd I 1l I ?Etr-nG€r I t Drilrlt ;i-;in"ii .---toil ii ar.tr Fr.?. i,Gra I a l.FE et 'rr'|rllt 3l Icqn 5 ta+!t trr lo il folx? t retnln.. :'. ,,* 1. ' ' i ,-.,lr' .. ,i. t "- : ' . .; :'{ ''t :- !, l.f tr. .Ql;:: j ! t' r .i rF itr r - r^rdl A (cocc ' &\ i. ': t<,:'. t. r- l A ?rAcr o? Lna rtnhnr rr fir r lrr n rri S icrlar rl. ,*r, rnTH, i^fiet lt grt? cr ?tl anr ?.i.. Lytr,F |glta.3?til_v 07 r}{rcr?lrrl?trt.v ug+{lrtl{ltt 0F sil c*a n iiln{A3?DE v op U. l. t{:g}-rv t|B' I frlctllc, Al llJ-dt: + . ,'rt".lrrxllrg AT A lOlf? q t}: |(t?l+-GJfl{ CD.ttri-lrf r StD rcrrq{ t2,r.'cr,ct Tt{3 |ctfi lnrrtr.ccr3 0? t tD |tc?ta rl lufil I oo D:crEEr r:Flr'r|Ttt 0O rcqf I lrat. f,l Ffttr nGCr t fir EGtrtl tl ;rrrJrGr oorcorDt r ta. t}. Flr- r"Eil t1{: rgr*-firJ"x cotlrntl t aArD lfcTtor ra ?0A ?o!l? ol tAtl Ht€|t{ttr{ttrr TtGGt I tt ilttttf a rrr.trgt et stccr€tr 1il. .'l Fttt rlrl }rlD xtlH.Arlt{.l'er T}rEGl I ta DGffitf .:t nrHJrrr Itrco{gt I rta ta ?rl r-Ea LrD '|ttr-.5?Ir.tttr l}GGr I a! DlcifEr rr;t'( raa at llill.l Jr,n ;f? A.Oa tAtO Xtlt{*?n:{-tlrtr ?}Err ! 3.D3ttr| 'lit inrJttl lt IcilDa I t|t.tr nrr f.c. *ro !-rrtjll11atpt'1j! i*-9g19.., rrrrr$n rE {, i ror .. ,rr"r'.'. rA;t rior{-'thtrL ;r'Dct r ir xr.E-- iirrrra ro-rscq.ol rtc tf 7tt7 x.il tlt Hloft.?lr-{,tf,r ncrg-a g ncrlg-b-;tnrtrr ar*Ccr{Of I a1 t1.tET: !q! !At! HtnHA,rF-r-rf:rO-r-pOir or-rr: urr-*rrcqrE[-tra t alt rg!!q ltr rracr r ]r DGE € 'rtrr?8r v ar. ar nzir-or l^tD cDrnE>lll ?o-r fotrt c ffi F{ncrilf,.v rtcr? oF i{v Lilr tlAtD l{lJ+rnYr tll*l .t *l mtEl tf rttrrrft t L,flt rltr r-q{e ralDHtt..Ay rtt{? c n, ?Hrl r aa uSnE! Xt f,ll,tEt ag rcooa E la4. ao!t! E A FOti?.O. T'l rtnr.trrnr cr"ulrrr tr Ec?rot ia rs ?etfrr oF I' eL {.i. i ?rgr t ol 7 -? : ':.. lt I s,' i' !l '.-r l'r.i.' -': '- .it.. : 1 .. 1. -r-.. _ I.'' 'i . a'i.,f i-,.: { .lit;'t il,tiir.-i.... r ..Lif&!r+* E*' " l. o: rtldtTrr, t^rclll Inr thrtfhr! trrt .t th. Itlrlftl/li l.ctlo'! ll, ?t'quhtt t trrttl fEl. lf Trrt ol!h. Strth ?ttactpl Lrftb!. itlrt ot trll. Cotrrrio. a.f: tlLa .. t.Lt*r ! ot thr trt/lttlfr.ll' ?l'quhtr t trrtlr -r 3r ll, thrt ol i -4. Hlihvry lo. ,0 rlr.ac. r l?i .tt! rllh tLrtlc crt r.tr r.l 3L cErat otr.td Soclton !2 b.rtJ lll'Jt'll'll lrot.{l l..r atrtrlli t}(]4. !h. tcllrtna R$o cour.rr rloa3 ..L rllh3.d-ilt llo.t (l) Itl'JO'tn llt.fl l..tt(2) la76'lt'lt'l lCo. t0 l..rl tlh.Dcr t!!'atittit l.t!,tl l..tt 6G€.sro'.t'rr'1 tr.!2 trrtr tracl rlt'la'lartf ta.rr| i;; oiir lof'tr'ltt f lll.6t lmt3 thrner tl'!0'lt"fa tlt.a! tretl tlrracr t!t'!l'lt'I ll.3.lf hrt .'30 th. potlc ot lrltntq 1 aotarLlnl lt0,16o rqorrr !..i, nr !.tll r,ti.. I 1 '.i't $ ' i t, l.!t 1 ,. I:: :;.:_:!.:ffvll+/lt.l-.rd u, i*arrrr !.rsl'rrr rln n lrjtnntn3 t . D.t* L il .L.*rlt rljlt-lt{rt rror cl trtltrtrtr pol.ni of br3lELa1 catrtdtt i.613 rccc, rrr o,t hfa;-;.:-:{ . .'.. .rt ', ; .i i'-..,': j. ri. --i r'.il -' . '. rr.. , i .::._?:,. -.r: :l rh. 6rttr{rclrrt truLa, trl'oi-;;i,'c;E;: fiiii .;ra follor.! I 1.,, i : ?jj lrl":ii: ...,: i.r.i 't-.i - l!.! f} rra er,.ur L a-rr, * :; c:n3rr ot rrtd tccrlc 12 brrr t tlill.!'. t'$rta-i;.-arrzil ilhrncrl0'tO:l!'_r roo.q llts trni- i ct.ri;iF-ij..i;fr-:thrnc. tr ll't3'11" ! rr.lr rerti rrs - iFt'ti' r iri-rr-r.ilr. ith.Bs. 3 ol'zl'!ai.t 2i.!r frt; rr*r I t!.c?rlar r irl.:i i..ci:!h.nc. 8 2t'2t'3f't ttt.'. fr.i; cra I $.zciit f fii]iO'ilir r. thrncr S {9'26rtar g lt.Ot !6t; r[rea I t.Ot,tr- f ti.Oi-f-i-L tt. ] -^ | r-. ^t L--,t-r-- iF.F . '&. f:.lr'filr lt ' i i lI.ril.rtil.- '..--F.#i'.,. ilt.r p.rr ot trr nrVrnr/., L..* J, -Ar, r'sii3g'tr rst : of-rhr s!!b lrlxl;rl hr1!trl, rao ci tdtr cot d.. riirciiri-r-- - iroriJi ---:i '-:--' '"'I '?J u"r'r-o r.'Eru- -,r 'n"' + ; i-+ff'*;" ikjlaaln3 et r gohtiilracr ia.trra rti ,ttt lfo.f.. cf r&dri U:r.!!:,c! rr1:! 3.3i:E:,1 lr|it S3t.!€r$nj 99i.:i fra-jUt.ii ti*,. rjri6'rs..i"i-ior.ii-il.i'"ffi1 ii}irl.'.i;;'il?';A-'',tjrh. kfr hrr163 l rrllu ot,tt21_t2 9G, I cai:rl, iir tl if.Of.U". :.!d r chord ltrr.cl DG. Itl.ta.l3-t tt.ti t*,i rbc.-ft2it!'tl.l - il!?.31 f*t; th.6c. t!?.l0,lft at.t! trt; tlrcr tldl{.l|el t0i.E t..tl ...a thraer 312'5O'2rT !10.61 rh-tr tl?.ClrliT at.!a freti ii-i--tiz"or29'u 5a,9a.!-r: rber tll.gttrll-r tt.qt ral drrr-i#!..l'.rrt.oo l..t; ch.acr Et.ot.tlt 10.a0 l..t !a tf. ,of rt lqtrLa, li' I . i' i ....r,-1,I i. {'; 'ffi:, : } coos.trlrt ttrrto-rn h t..r.!r l.tl0 Err,!r: ., t -..FtL -'' t' i.' 1.-' i.. .. ;: r I I .,. : { '. J:. I i .,:.;... -f , :rg,'${r 'l :r.if .:!:-'.t ,t t- { t . . e J.f.tr!!l{ .c ._td.t rt oca'E trm th rltt glutlc r.f .Ltff LL. c6r.r of 3tr.-l t:!!.tFl .ltlltl. lrt-a3 rrr .;rritcrirrly's xlt.lrrct ccrD€HlNtt[rt r.L sceto. ll tbt 3 af.al'lt. I ift.l tlt lrrlrri rh.ci-r-;ta;oa; t 123.5O f$t; t- cr tg'.2l.lrt.rlc'a rh..sc o! | <rr ta lla ldt brrtrj rrrdlur ct Ul.!!._$*r r ctatrrl raffr of ft'll'tf, d &c!'ra rtlch L."r tIJ'54'05'r !3.!lrlct ciEJr r tt.ttrl0- I to!.tt toettitl*r t tt.a3,.trr t7t.31 h.rt r!--.ll tt.l.l'U" t tlt.ot tr!: rh€c. t lrt,ta. f rr, U !..rtdr.e. t tt'2tr!l?'l'.f .!| hrt i!..c. t lt.5o,!!. I 2r.7t flt j-tbrocr I toi!|.lJ' U l5t.l{ trt-;!. tlr ptrt rf LqLubg, caotitrlrl l?pf0 qrrrr fr.r .r?1.55! tcrrr, r.li. lur.-. I - t '. . ;' r-1. t. ; {, J.- ,}.: 't I:=- 5. ].t '"r' { I -' D i -?RA,'tltl l: .>,1..-. '.t- A.puB ot Gb. 3l! Utlt l/t, 3.ctl. .t- .-' t I A.DrrG, o! Gb. fl !tt,m f /a, !'.ctlon ll'.tourAtp 5'8outh. Rrirgr El lrrt oI tba-s{.*th lttaelpel Hrrtdlraidrrc_ll.bcd rr lollorrr .. .-." iF .l':'...., t: , +-lrrtnalm lG a I'DtgF 6 Eb. loltltr-Soutt c.atrllt.sr ol leld i.Errc'a If *cit ta- lrD. PL! tlch I Pbrltt cr? B:ttn3 Eh. ciiiir ct |rt'd srcalia 12 Secr ! 0.9'!!1!6' r-15t.06 lrcr iiici.-itaar trtit'tdtrrllna. 1 00'3t'51' I lll.ll lrec, to;h;-;;rttcti trrit.ot-rrv ttnr o! InEarftrtr Xl3h'sy Ho - 70 r ilr"c. rlq'rtll rl3ht-ol<y lrm x aa:53'2f I t!.15 fcrtr ;il;a ioritr.* rrttr rtchc'+l-nv tt'ar 3 E1'13'rt' t 165'12 ilii-io-i-rrrt-a ctsrrl tbtc. 122.t3 fort e1oa3 tbr erc of -e lt!.20 loct rr.lu snann Ec tbr l:fr;.brvlst_a c63rrt rnl L. JC-ri'ol'lt- lad rlctotd tlrt' brrrr 3 lt:tt'tt' I lll-10 lrtr tratr i li'!l'10' I 3.00 tmtr ebcncr 41.30 fmc .lsrt th. H:;ai"i ll,ilii;:xi'f:triJ: ;::il5"ii:Iiiil ; Ei:fi"i;:;; gbi;r:B'a.re.0oi '| rO.ir !1rr rlrcr !, !t'-tl'24" s _iit.il lrrtr r.lracr S 7!'f0'.32'r|101.11 f|.t-to l!. Point or I r I i f II i.'- * . .: -' '. i. ri ili6d-;-;FaiGtar !:.crl-iqgrr. f..B.os .llt *rrl. oorr l.-ll,'- ' iJ. j ' ' lrc q.tr conmrc,n ors i..? -r i ,. -.. -- t'.. r r..t.i rti iti;r irrrr' D+!. tl'-tu'.irt ! t*trr lag. lr r..t .. t ril| Etr€rFr rt!.ll'. t..i * ill, l.|3. (>!-|tl', ;;r*il-xr --Till*l'_"..TH ffi ., -c--bIC r ai-r4tt rj tr't '*tJV-itta<'rr rr'- "r rri.r'rtrir-rf*q-r.- E rra-r- &c t'f lrr| !t'+11 =? ^;fr;;E -; & dr tctr|r u bcr-'''rt''ll' t tor'':r t"t il;;= u r 31btrt E.-x. .:a--r .-:!t s:f-t- EI.'-iri-Ar r aff.: r g.l t-sr1T r rr't 'tt' ! :T:t ;}i;3fr. 1l;.sijr:rli-r-.' g-a t tf..f,rt: r E:t.!r i;;; .r- ilrrblr;'f ;-d I -r!.-.'--idr=fl'lllF fti'ti i='i3;b J qu'-r'r r a-rl*ifr..6 i;fr{rr irili-i-t;-s l-rrtl'tr"- I rr'd**t ';al B$lii"ist;.r; .r I .ti t' rTIF ? t.-.. I j ii cot,oF.^r)c Houll?Alll !g$.Lr-t DlFlitu ^\ nFsclllt! tI tll c!iu"qi'!r tcrllArt n\ trt coLolr lD lltor ll cf r t:l(l tlltoRtlF.:) .[1iF lJ. rg!4tfr ]F3.!lt Al ?Jt 619, co. \lY (t lrSlJ.r lltrt oF col' ", ,,\:'A'a ir .; GG rE@{ ; 'i :. -:i ' i,. ;'tEll' rE${rlc CrriElJ ",?:, r prrr d 6t t l/a * i/a, scljdr U, iu.-|l9 t btfn" kF tir.rr o! Cr 3t| t.t.r"E rrrt Ei Ftlic{rt ly tbct LEt r-bLl.rt: , .b, :: I ; i rFn'r{rrc itl, f.frrt fio rt Lgr 9{rr sidr i:}frtle q"' ffirl'ii$irr.rno{, *ror, t-:.rr. c-1oa Gr( c-rrr cttrnrid *u'nrfi cr. D'xrrrcrc EcotDlru ro rHE Co&xttu ltrt ttcnuED.JUIt rt. l9t' tr ]€1 17 Al '?AC{ 6?r r': ' A! -.rillT a.-irti-ot,.d s.e{a ri b.;ra--r'F;.; ?!o.3? h, abatr., g'. - , :, ;;:;EirEE-fu.ror-ri F .i,' d.5n ttl,'d_.tll1 -!4l.m_f-te.. A. r ,. tra,.cr toAP'B.{3-.iA lrrtr r i. , i j t rsp lG7r0l !l!r f.aO lrtr 'f ..r. .l;;; ;;.ii.6ii: ea;--i;' , * iB-.; -fu'rl-. n.ri rrJu 6r rot*r ci rrctrrnc. -' frulme corttt*rra udlrs {-tii 3{L.r-! cfblntrr lb,tr 14. t<. 6+, rt '!.(urrcB cgcrctlu* 'h, x.cdirj b tnr eetnt r.r trf ffi Jlrlt; ttr ItE. tn !c.r( 3$ rt tqr :3? - Aflr$ l.6 tf|. CEnftlrlrr ftFlr.t:dl !.Ec.d.d Jrdt ftl.lt'. i. !c.r tI * r.s, T. ,_.t, , ,l st.rltr oC liir. ft O o? cbLo&- ; Jr € -: :-l"n'-o -=;E ,.tJ' '**- t : i -.,1. . . +- I i:'i: r sct r! tI f lnr Il lr.. t-.t-tlr. focjif t -.rl' -ar lt h'? d tD' ;;Gh ;rrlll rr&rl. ).lt r?r{rF'-rcrrrd:r f:f r :31:'a: re.rnq.ii rir.'**r r !r !! vrt-r &trr'cirAc*-t::.:::* tl .iir r*irf U-lEr r u.ri.f r iff .rt h;*!r'ar br,r t t2'to'tt't ;oo.;l;i r=..-a ttlt;il-r rtJ frrttlrcrf lll'?t- I lto'r r"t: rh.*. I fr.rr'tl'!il.;i ;;; I;!-i-aitX'r-t{tj! lrr: t|rcr I rt'iifi: i iiir-l-.:1-.il.'i-6.fi C; ; rrdr- r- r [ra t i?']' q r r..r. iLii oJ-r-ri;iir- r rri.D *r tr-rl tt'E'f ' ltl'ot-t'rti rD'r' i-ii:oIu.ir til.rt t*r, i. rrr pbi rl lqlr{1 r3.5rr lol.too xren t..t .r 1.9 ar,- E. .l 13. , A .-, i ..a ?? *' '' ' I {.'r:Y r r.tt ,ol tr Flr'fEt". t*ttG fz' t-nli l-ttd' trlr !i u... .a'I tltth r'r"trpti-ri rlra 'f1 ''Li'rlr cd'trts I : b.r{ r.lt p11j1tlrt7 r"ctll" r lcllq- i .--t' . i il?-"i s:fi; ii.{Fr'f:: iftlii,F;il"" .lt-' - tn^sr tl : ; ilffi#i#i?fui.iiffiit$fiJlt-tt- rr r 'n i ttct. rli, . Iil;:il.ilo-.. lll:1:Il :l':: :::: .$.u'r iJlt't'tl'r :n '(.3 il iii:ii ffii [-' rrrm]ry-t::t:j:'l rltil'"ta ,\. .l ir I I T cosortt tlc*?r(E PAriL' prs P^RaicuLrrlt Drlc{trrao ts ?olrcrs: r fl^cl,or ijii-litgi;ii rr-rrz-ii-i7l r'a r/l ot srcrrcrt 12. rrye{sxiP : rsrr,Tid-ii--*4-g r'lE r?t trtrcIt^r Errr:Ar' !! 11,9. jgR"s'r'TH. f q.ii'ii-i"ii oi-ccs t'"- :"T=" * ffiffiry; LTING rx,FTrlrz> 1Ef...l ; . .tfolJ.o*st f.., .-.'t' : i' ! '';'.9.'..-. I t:lril Etr r*rrr ct9-"^qit^rcrlor''rylr:fi:.r'3Atiiir,frrT;# ts'l1 14g a=--. .' -iir:errrr =S=;;fffi!i5ff^1:5i'lEi=: = g:g?F{ff;*'l*tr€ i rE:rrl-rlit- *.i!"qr! lp.=?lit=;lit-'r-ilr ctca !?-rrrl * iiEDn - e''r.r rr rr; ;,H?'gigE t:?i.. 'f :i.rr r ;/ 'L' 1. , * 1 't''U/qot cottvttAtlct 0t R0l0 t^5lllull THls coiYtrAict, d't'd tht k{^ orv ot -iL-ro'eit{ lllF tr bctrcn ih? llAilrltto CoRpoMrlox' I colorado CorrDrutlon (-rirrntor"i ' rnd GORI Clttx A5S0CIAIIS' ' rhodc lrlrnd Llnltcd PrrtnrrrhlP ( r'rtnr'ec" ) ' ylllltsstfl' Crtntor' tor tnd In contldrr'tlor ol th? tuF of len Doll'rt (tI0,00) prlA to Grrntor by orlntrt rnd oth'r vrlurblc consldQ'rtlon' th? nxalpt Ind tufflcl'nty of rhlch ll htreby rclmrlcdrl:d ' docr nrtnl rnd c0n"€v to Grrnt4 a targ'turl ' mn'Grclutlve r!3dEnt rnd rloht'ot-x'y 63 rsrc fully dcrcrlbcd ln Erhlblt "A' rrtrchcd hcr'to 'nd !ud? ! prrt hcrcol' Such cnr"rcnt Shall br lor thc Purgo3et or proYldlnn Ylhlculcr iod ptd$trlrn lnorcis 'nd enre9t tg lnd fmn U' S ttlqhrdt lb' 6 to c?rtlln r?'l oropcrtt tnowl t3 the ''l!n tYon SuMlvlrlon, rt FDr! fullY dlscrlbcd In txhlblt "8" rtt'chrd her€to tnd rrde I P.rt hrrtol. Ihc plrtles htrcto r?Goonl:e thtt thc 4rlntor ttuy shltt thr'lor'tlon or th! ?!'crnant rl lcoallv dctcrlbed ln trh'lbtt "A" !t!rch'd hrrrto' [6(h nrrtv icr?to GoYrnantr lnd lorlcs vlth thr othcr to Grccut' lnd d!llv?r such docut'ent! ag ar! nccrigtry or 'pproprtlte to abandon the e!r' rnent h€r-eln orlntedl nrorilr'' hortYer I th0t 'n rdequ!t? perp?tu6l ' non-excluslYc ersenent rn{' rioht'of't"a tor 3lDllrr uict lr provldcd lcro33 othrr pronert'v nregentlv or'ned bv crantor' Grrntor cxprctlly 'lloHg Grnntce to grrnt Juch llcenses rnd/or franthl9et to othrrs to uic thr 'lscirnt hcrcln orlntrd for th! purftoies hcr!ln ttdted DroYlded thrt luch or.flt of tlc'nlc or frlnchls" shell In no rYcnt b" constru?d !o trc 6n lgtlgdrpnt or conY'yrncc ol th' c!st'rnlnt orlntcd htrlln' 0r,ntrt mry only 'ttlgn' tr'nrfel rnd convey the er3'nr€flt hBr€lo nr'nlcd tt. I nlclpal or qultl'nunlclprl corporotlon' lo hrv! rnd to hold rrld prc'r|ls?s unto ' rsllqnr forcvlr' tht nranter. lts lrl(re99or\ nnn r, rl'Tr " r '?'1- \ )re!s a en l5 '. aca chises orov i ded 'e dn ,dnted tc .nd tttCUfto rs ot the d'te first aboYe Yrl ttcn. xl':sf ttLS Coo.DnRA': :n'i a Colorado tormrr t' lon "'^(&..e# -Jt* i.(*4"' '' f ""'i- c^.Ji-in : #.lr;': -..) r t.Fle-,' t- ,o,rrrr'^' ffi""ffilTtt*ta rrrgtrrl! PnoPErt l Do!-arctttrl?' 'rtrcr'lt lor ro''tr" Purtpr" bclng flttl (50'00) fo.t t!,tatth. tt GDtt_frr. r2r.oo, ta.t o[ racb rrdr of thc tolloltlng it.tcttbcd Gcntcrlln't EGgIDltng rt ' IplnL on th' northcaly boundrry of ' parccl of lsrd lhortn on ' Pl't on !tI' ln ttre offtcc of ttio clerl rnd Fecc,r'lcr of Ergl'' County !t Do€uri"nl No 97{89t rhencc thc Southb'ett cornar of tt *ort'horrt t' sccttolt 12' TdnshiP I gouth' Rangr 0l $ett' 6th P''.' brrrs g llo 0t' {?' fl r dtltrncG of l9o'8l fest' thenca N 08o lot oo' E r ditt'nc' o! l2O'70 f'Gtt thenc' rtong tb€ arc of c Gurv! to the r19!rt, eaLd curvc hrvlng I radlur nl 180'70 fect and ' centrll $gle ol t6o 22' ol" rn arc length ot L't| '7a feeti thence N 650 02' 0l' ! r itlrtancc ot t'87'50 fert' thencc along the arc oi a curve to tba tcft' 3aid curve bavlng ' rldlut of I8O'72 leet lnd a centr'-l u91G of 10!'o O0' 0o'r !n arc lengch of !18'58 fect; Lhenc' t: f5o t?, 56. r. dlltrnce of 16I tee!' r3!G ot 1cr3' to the southetsterly r19h!-o!-vsl' of tnterst!tG ?0' A PAnCEL Oi IA l,Y llrc SoUTar:Bl' AND NONTSEFLY THE PI.AT Oli T I D)CL::::'llT l'O' 9 t,Y t !t6 S''rv i :- /l tN inE {rrr l(lE AND 'i ilE :.ii I/' $l l/4 or 5!'r: U. S. lllc 'r "rYC()tit' t Y t-"rX t't R'-'-:I S: l. 'riAT 2. ;::A I Ar,l, |!i a- iL Ih!O r':- jl' :,!,:l','.1 .; 'ii ;i:JD . riE !:AlD sft:: : :; 'ilii:NcE s' 'JOF SAID -:- F r(iHT 'oi :inr ', HE 5'-'':'i{l 102 .0 ir:.i ; THE:lcE S- 5i <A t D !: -- ,.iA) oF-hAt o: s',;:;-1.'E 9;'4: ste f tr I i2: ol . l2 I'r i.T; 5l-08 i 1r-l; 2C5. O: trr:T l!0.25 irLi 3r2.9b iii:T l0a ' 50 ri:ir 95'5 FEE i l2t-{? rLEl I t9. 31 tEEl 109.62 F rt-1 186.1! iuEl 6r.88 IEET ?6.95 r'EEl 199. t9 rEE ? 19. 09 rrE tol.l I rtE NORTHURLT NONTHERLY txHlBlI '8' GLE}I LTON P ' U.D' LEGAL DESCRI PTION 1-00) follovlng 'el . nd ;-.'cc;dc r lorner of r. 5th P-H- Bo to' oo' 'e to th'e -ral t: 650 0f ' cura'e to central :e i: l5o :'-hcegterlY r I ar c r.r'r t oll l2 g*$*fi*'mfi*fim*fiffi Pn FC l:r,5: 1- 'l'itAT PAkC|:L D';SCi|H!:D rN lroox 2Ol AT ti\cE 2lI 7. '.iHAT Pi'lrcl:L ul:$cl(lbED lN BOOK l8l At r'AcE {9 il';"'l-ll;;1,'?"!,'13",,:;;'iLli':"i'lxll'"H::?":'l x!"r';"i'SIsPilNcrrAL r'i':R'DrAN' 6 ,:1.".,:;:;.,,,,"",,.,, . ,,^ .-"r: 1 :.i,. kl.l' l'lNE i*iu;: :'?1. li. i,:'.1. lT,''"l i3.'l "i''ii'-il i'' ;;"1 TH :"Fi,ii-ll, l;"i;l;'i il*l'i,:;"1?,'l;1i."' :i;*: n.:;rl,I':::^ iilir i:ii: ili*iii ll;':l lm; T*xi:: 'H*ffi$ffiffi$ffi* *.J '" "l'-"-""o" "^*,'''i ::,:ii,';': i: ffi '-'-' o' uon" t"' ;" 'rllAT PARc t:L l't:s( ao*'ri' n ' n" to''" A('Fr;s' llone oR l'r:ss' ",.''- SIffl'tH6Xt r it rFr. - t*a6 l(;:,1?7tL tLE tt ignFr ro0Tr0.;tlBsilrl|Dlr.o.tdtr|tr|L cq,oi oo .ta -.J ..{ rcut!€ b/ Iry 757 t?6l atr,ra rt t8 90&AT I 0ll nora|ly Ita trt -4fi,i .' ,i Jil tOalllt ttl t,a ll 7rlii, rf i0- 3'l'J.. iicrL urr. irL!vi,i., e 'i i0 :r AH 'gll ?l c S?ATE OF EOIoRADO I) ss'coulTr oF EAGLE i K{oI{ ALL t{EN BY THESE PREsE}rTs 3 ?hat Vall Ventu!.e!, Lrd., r Colorado. Ltultrd p!r,n.r!hlp (th.:::'::::li;lotl,.lirrlll,;":irllt- iiil'!I,t'"i. t,""t- -oi"iiii', prit.a i part o! rhc =r,1,.11J ilE.1,/{, Soctton 12, Toenrhip 3 gouth, Rrngo::"::il":'.:";"ii:::, iit"lii"i-riiiiir.n; rrtne iEr- iiililurrrrv 8eg!nnln9 at ! polnt uhence an lron pfl-:l!l plalttc clp Earklngcn. c.nt€r of sald-sQctron rz l.iis i rz.so,tg" lt 6Ca.3i fecedistrnr; rhoncc s as.ritil.-; ;;:;; i..r, th.n"" s 52.2!,30. E1r59'ir6 trotr thanca s-sa'ig'ioi-i-ili. ? r..!, th.nc. 8 65.31'36rtf 95.0{ loetr th.nco s. cf oflie"-r-io:.nz !..t, thrnc. n ?!.2{r09'r H J19.oe !oat; to ,.f,I p.fni ii ucgfnnfng. contrlnlnrl;;ill.ifli'l'r rr't, o' r.oir I.i"',-io'" or lrir 1'surJrcc' Declarant herabv declares thrt aII of th. SubJcct prop.rty rhlllb€ h'rct' ror'd lnd icnvcye.t auulect--io-ino foll6urng ririricttonr,covlnrnts and conditiono irnicrr-iic-i piit-"r a genaral ,ch.E. ror th.aurroundlng dev.loDnent ard for iho purpo", o! cnhanclnq lnctprot.crtns thc vaiui. rttr;ciiv:;;", '.la Lrlrabtltty o! th. riuuJoctProparty. rnd thc iurrounainry -'dIJ"flpi"i.. ,na ruch r.r!rtcr.lon.,covcnrnt! an.l condltlons.rhnll'run-"f[f.,.lir lanO and b. blndlnq on rllPartr.a hrvtns or .3.eyr!-i;-o-"1i" iiiii.,"'.trle or tnt.r..r tn th.luDllet property cr ..ry parr tirerooi and uhich .haLl tnurr to th.benoflt of cach crne:- theiccf. ARTTcLEI EEEIBIC!ta[.s . Br!-qrtetlon gn-J._pnc.trtc! tpn_ ,_or rnrarpvcn€rrt!. No bur.larlng,ltructuro or othcr rnDrovcm€nc etra t i-E"-iiictGd, plrcad or conatnJc!.don thc Restri'cred r-rnir viitrotii il;';ri;r';;1tren lpprovrr o! !h. Tovno( vlll' The Restricted tand shali i" ii.t portiin of t,rc iullcctll:a "ni.tr ls locared rturin-'inl"-ii"ali i'J.o o, th€ art.ch.d Exhrbir !- V.LDF ttatl eLE rr cfliER.\L Pnovrs roll : ?; : :. fi$ffit ;5T**H*#if tt;. It!, I r! i.t *t,.n ri i.it i., it ,,.n"it"#tt#"o3*331f?l;n .I:r;o,lo:;"1."1i. "., no: br rodrll.d Exocut.d thlr jlrOly 6g .v ,19tt. VA t by colorldo LritiiJ Prrtr.rrhlp .IIAIISFIELD, LTD. .lt! c.n.r!l Eartnrr, by n !{oNTANE ccRtR.tT:O!{.th. Lln..t.d crnciiil . pertnrrof lhnr f l.ld, t,LO. - .,\1, syz ! .:-_,tt ['i *enFiz'-' orEiTIil?iiil?iiiT- CoNsErt? eF L"EN HO-rDEg :l:^:iiis:li;":il',1;::n":"1i;1"":"':;I o!_lr:, ?:rp.rry o?!.cr.d by ;::i:i::1..:r roln,ln, o"craraiiJi. 1r-,-",Iiil;t::,"":"#lii.nln :i:cono rt rone"ina'Ii"g.:ii.r|;'Iolil'..,l'.":::i::5:"t io it .-- -iJJin"nt. , COM!{ERCIIL FEDEML .t nyr,, /,{n t ;;:: - 1^.Y'' r Frgitr"iit {.: l- STATE OF COLoRADO COUNTI OF EAG I.E )) ss. ) ""a".llllr$"i:l:::""=9t ^cov.ntnt', condltro.nr lFr Rr.trrc!ron! y!,ll1::" o.'x"riii -i i, ll,.Flii,fu "r."L"i:"@#i.',i!:",!iI"i:il:.:: Iilillir*,fla. Cni-El,i,,iir"ililn., o? varr vrnrurral &rd., llltn : ry hand rnd o(f lclrl .!i. lly CornrirrJ on rxplrrr ont // ..,t, .t, -) ,. .r/l=*fu STATE oF ) cour{ry or i ot' thlr D.clrrntlon o!eovan!ntr,.Condllt661 rhd tr.rrllctlsnra.lu .9e ..4r48.E__ , lelr,cknoyl.dgcd brroii- rnrnnz t._se/t ,.thla a.tat a by2l4ja7o-t-TffiaiTiariai. lfltnass ry hand and o(ficlal ccal. lfy coranlsrlon .xpj.rcr ont ?/, /,i 2 -2 /ct/rc- ::;R': "-!*.6 ri{trt i,r"G F.. iii..,,, i3.= i-1.'"j ?'0 l/lv!ala at.llr..|ra .l.ll l.l.lrl tttl. aaaararc. conlrr[ct o? tAsE]t[tl ltD IOLD ..ti .a.ar.ot unto 6rrnBc. .|rd 1ta ruccctlorrtlt crrrrcot hrrcby grantcd shall run vtth ih. lsodItDcat.trct to th. Prog.rtt, ruch th.t r t,r.n.f.r ofao tla Prop.rtt rhall transfer lhc lot.s..t lo !htr illt C0nltlfCl a.r.a lltrrt lJ. lgEt t. fror Crrcrrh LodtrJolrt hrttta. a Colcraac lotlt ?an3sra ("Grantol.) go C..Grd.-ItUala Aa.ocl.tlorr lle.r-r Colorrdo a6i-proflr corpofttloa(r0tr-tror). tIttEssrTI 3trrlor la tha orlrl ol c.t!rtn r..1 gaop.rty (thr rprogorty') lccrtrl lr tb. Toyr of t.ll, Coroct of ta8ie,'Steia'of Colorido.'Ctratoa tor looa rl{ rrllrbtr coorldrrrilonr !h. r.c.lpt rndttflcmcl of rllcb t. L.r.bt rcknovltdjrd, docr hcrcbi rc11 aadCartrt 3C CrraCaa a aot-arclurtra parpaiu6l catllent uadtr, ovcr,acacatr aLota rld tlrorsh thlt gorLton of th€ Prop.rtt d.acrtb.dtr &ltu,t Ar rtt.ch.{ h.r.to .ni tircorpor.ted h.r.tn for th. ilstoaa of Coaatalc!r,!1. r.lotrtning, rcAelrLn3. rolrrglng. aadrac.ratrrclllj r btclcle p.thyrt. Thlr crsclcEt !h.ll b. urcd btlla 3aaarat prbllc for gcdrrlrl.!, blctclr and akttng !ctttltl!.. ... o tla Prop.rtt rhall transfer lhc tot.s..t lo !htr4 *?rr.. tb. rl8ht to gr.nr orh.r lnt,.r.rt! 1o th.Protartt corprltlol lhlr carrlcot, proytded, hovever, thet rh.rlllta 3rarc.d Sharabt rh-l,l not unrearonably tntarfcr. rtth th.llalt. lrrll.d hrrcln. Cr.alor rbrll br rolalt rccaonstblc for all tnttlalcolactlcllo! coata raqstrcd lo corglct! thc blctelc plth to th.rreroarbk artlat.cttoo of C?rn t !c. CrarCaa ahrll b. rrlpoattbl. for el1 corts and .tpan.!.rrroclrtr{ ulBh lha tltalratoco' r.p.tt' r!9l.c.rcnt and opcr.ttorof tba aaaa.art aa a tadaatrtrn, blctcl! snd lkter Prt,hyrt. lhr trraB of rlrcrcat rhall bo blndln3 upon and th.ll trur. to th. balaft! ol tbc Aattlca' lhatr rcrpectt?. succaalort and !ral8[.. tt hrr lull rtjht rnd .uthorllt to EaaaaalC and to crraCa lha arlar.nlCrrn!or rarrantr th. c.!.eqta thlr coa?atrtrca of hcrcln protld.d. Erccuttd ar of tit d.t. flt.t !.r forrh abor.. ': $ ij b 'i ll . ^ llzs- . 3!Q-- ):? i 'r i cr tii'll vt@3L t ClltlTol t Flill19 Lor,cs roilrr vEilruRE, aLolo?ado JoInt ven cura. Bt: VrLl- vgn3u1qs, Ltd., a Colorador lrl trd pertaerahlp, " j;i;;---v.trt,urcr€ of caacadi t"ojt".-jointvan turr, a Co Iorado join;-r;;;;;" Bt:Hansfield, Ltd., s Colorador 1!r t.d g6rtn€rshlp. a l;l:."4 pdrtner oi vail verrures, 8y:llont an€ Cor gora t ton. auororado Co.11orettoo.[rn!g tng geacral g". i r..of l{ansf ir I,l , Lc,f . n Bt: Prrrtdcnt dt:toll: vall Ad v t sorr, rnc.L |tt d c E I o d e fr orn al P a corporatlonr rartner of V!11 V a cnturra. t,tt Brt Br:Ca a\. rcade LodIrtlavrrcnturcr of nc ure, r 8lcor Ca Ho Po ac or r a t cl dti. dr Cor poon, :l Lodgc Jolnt rtlto!, JolnEJolttvrDtqta. l3tr. t s q: !":::r. vllre3r as.oclrrron.c qoo-proflt c or po^rr tloq Ine. 1 IttG.!..8t: Ite r ber t--Al Pre!tdGnt ral, . rtf. fot:lllat tlgtrrrr$ u.. .ctsorl.rt8.d D.for. r. rht,m:ift "il.ll;ffi; l,Il.lI.i";:::,:; iI'ili:,I:I.i'Lla., r 3rrrrrl prrtn-rr_it v.r,i-icitiill.-i.r. . Jotat ,.rrur.rot Cr.c.d. Lod!.-Jotat yrrtrii, .-Ciiii.i"-lotrr, r.a!ur..Itt!..r-rt hrad rad oftrciri ;;;i'-'- s?rtt 0? c:olollDotC0gril 0l llCLl i rr. ) Iy ccrrtr-tor rrplrri 8trtt ot clLlPourl)co6tl ot grr Drecol rr. ) raa. olart |'lr stAtE 0tcouxtt o? Yltn.rr ry haad aod offlclrl rcallft corrlsrtoa ergl"aa : /.- /- / '' -i 't '/ ' ' ry Pabl lc #:::lT:.ilit#1$;Hi.ii:i.!l.!:i:iili.'!iii:'i:l.frlturrl, L!{. . Joltt ,.atra.r of Crtciir-todl. Jollt ylltlrr, IColorrdo Jolnr yritqrr. r cJioi.ii liiit--i.otor..g1!!..r ry brnd rad offtclri riri-- --' f,t corrlartol trplrrr lt..clr( \r, ..,-.x.. t cr t 9.ffi4- +\..::ia, -_^__- - _i f'_ .'.'i\\cH1rtr6;1 Erill,%,,fry,,*l ... i*ffi'ffi f:*m...., rtl c o'c':n ;':i #ijffi tif;r,i "'*ffi tj.i::.,-#H$+iili'ii'!iiiitFW.r.",Ulga... ry Lrr{ .rd o!tt€{,al a..lffy corrlrrioa' ttctt ii-Lluhftl| ltora ry a'l ' . ara ctt(otroo rtr.c0ttrtl to lxf c t./a!f c no|. rt, r5!. t t|'atx pr $[];i*.hiilf i#*lli'rn,lrr*tiifl it'tr:ffi ::, #'ff idt'trii;t#t:i;ffi it'#li*iiiiti; e#;jff#riiii;r.t"*.t;: ::.1.t*:"ff. J: h... t/alo tlrll t|ta Colorrdo p.L.!. 2 | !a.tt'!a't at tr' taftlrlrta rtllEl/4 ot retd Itli/rC ! ttrt ! I tcr ,1t/\tt vrrtv.sl/ ,iil''r' /f/r'";t:z '/t''*t"''/ 'o'/l'1/"",,',,', f ,/ "'/ br crtcroc LOOat Et crott lt.|ctuc lta4ct^rt(t- lrc' conrircr ror trrcrrrc nrrrcr _ icouiriiiirl llrl_ urdr rr l jned (hf..ln.ft.r-crll.d a h. ,,Apll i r rnt,, )ii,ri'!;:ii:ii:i;li;ili:!ii:ldiliili!gf riiitiii.itr:iid!;r,' t. lt ahla Contr.ct l. rcc.p!ad by tlrr Arroclrtlon. rad r' s...f!B,J.fli:'iffi:rhT; * ltlt1.::, :tfl, tgor rh.-d.r. rarrjy lr rrdr rvrttrbtr to..ta grerlrrr,tol rna tull prrlod ol trt-(10) ,..rr. bu! no lrt.rpurclrrr frr'thr Ar.oc lrt[,9ntrr-.ii--9i$;dTi;.;lll,ili.;li.irl;.i*:'L':ii!i..ffi.!!-.ro rrr.ta .ccord.nc.-rt!h irri-iy[lJf -6i- ihi-er roc i rt too. iioiirit-it,ii-IU"i!:t:i.i::r.uy ltrrt trr rourt-6.---iriirii-.-,ilili-ii-it'r6iiii[;] i;;. Drrlll t[.^-tllr a..sslb.l h iA. ebovl, ai. lp?ll€ra! rlll pry e blll ot rrlrer: f_f!!j 0 r.s .onth,.?for tri. ..t.;ii;;; or rh. rutb.r ot tllor.trhourr.ul-!if.-!fiiiii!'o!-rhtr-r.titn,r chirjr-rhru, rniitii, rr,i-iairii.ii-ii-iL:!:'3i.:!: :f,lth:lll ll;$i.t::[:.';;;'; ;dri;i ic r tri -rrihii';i.;1. I; -- grlr.rvrilrblr to th. ADtllcrnt br ih.trlton lt.a Inv.rtrd In'ionrtructlon otcr uPon tha lafra of thla c6ntrrca.ln3 .rd. egrllrblr to ahr prtrlrrr dr- .lcfEC .F.Cl tlCtllT corrntnlr lnd rrrrrr.na l ra, rtaylaaa tld-prrtonrl trprrtin!r-'or rucn ccarttucrlon b; rht Airoclrtlon , t.\r,l F'-Z-Z!- *t-7liz,t-.< . r fi I "' | 3sqlN,fir 'rt ara I o€at5 8ou lh lhc Northaalt on.-qur ta. caunty,R6cord&r. '' iil|iiii:!!:,iii,dr:lilrijti;.ii:til!!iii,lid':.!ffilrl:"u';l*:rxrltrr i?!-t!tiiii irlfFrF#l;i:ii:i' iii!ili:ilrilili"iiiiliiriit;itilililii:, Fv a' 69116.. ol lhlr C.nt.r.c! !y thr.Arroclrttor rhrll coar:ltuta aa arra-..3!.:r !.. thr Appllcrnr rnt thr &i6c lia t;:--- --'-- ' i.iil:':r'lf'l.Bi:ll:Hl':r:lllillT.::.ilt co'rls.ct rhrrr noG b. sct.t'!.d r. . Vdl Vircurt.. Ltd.Ivrr: wqu ftrld, Ltd. r gcr*rel p.ftncr-!u+#i.ffi !r!rl I I I I I I arr?tt r ll! A.DDrrlt r :.CIOO S. Flon r/a11, Colsre& $dt 2m aclnorl.dl.d b.tor. .. ahl. t5rlt d.r ol JuE - rt vl c.- Ites ldet! r ?"TFr JCLtg.'ffior l tJnt lT Q)rD. Ac c. t3.a tlrt. Drta X..b.?rhlp lo. Irt l l l l,lol trpl rrr l. l; lp th; l!t.rt .! !.h1.. L.oclrrlo! 19 r3c."a lhlr coatrtc! l! ih. cl .. c!,haG.t?rl-r!d .*r{rr.ot rh. coun!r ir-rtrlc[-i[i-pi;;art-l;-i;cii.ii-oiii'iitii ilirrthla Colt rrcl .hrll b.€a. r coitatat nrnalar iiq'."-ii;;;;'p;;i;.;;. rrtpia.irri-drir-;;ia -jifiiiirilfiiilifili$.lii::t'i;'fr.crrtstrr rar (orrh'h.r.l!, .od.rh. lirri-ia'|-i;iitiloii -ii-lrrli Eiitiiicrl #fflIli:t l:.li:';t.:t3...,1,*.lo1.ir,*.,i:;illi :i;iii;,:i!,.ii:.i:i!!ii-' # 4k ^ jfrt-,- ^-1 ]Vy"r tr^ wwT 7. A reguest for a satellite dish antenna variance for the *Iackilope Cafe and Cantina, 2161 N. Frontage Road west/Lot 2A, Resirbdivislon of Lot 2' vail Das Schone Filing #3. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBy GMN that the Plannlng and Environmental Conrnission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance wlth Section 18.66.060 of the t'tunicipal Code of the f,own of VaiI on October 14, 1991 at ?:00 p.n. in the lown of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A worksessl.on to consider rezoning Lots 3 through 9 and 12,VaiI Meadows 811ing No. 2 from Agrlcultural and Natural Open Space ts nesidential Cluster.Applicant: VaiI City Corporation and David Elmore Planner:Andy Knudtsen 2. A reguest f,or a wall height variance for the Chester Residence' Lot 19r Block 1, Vail viJ.lage 1st I'iling/395 ltill Creek Clrcle.Applicant: E.B, ChesterPlanner: Kristan Pritz 3. A fol}ow-up to the Augiust tzt 199L FEC revlew of the staff approval of the minor amendment for Garden of the Gods' SDD N-o-. 22, Lot K. Block 5A, VaiI Village 5th Filing/365 Vatr valley Drive.RppJ.icant: Margaret HilI Marital Trust Planner: Shelly Mello 4. A request for a conditional use permit for a cellular telephone ilcell site' at Red Sandstone School' 551 Northgrontage Road/Lot 2, B).ock 8, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: The walter GroupPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A reguest for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak develop*ent plan to allow for ttre installatlon of a rope tovt fift, 498 Vatl Valley Drive/Tract B, Vail ViLlage ?th Filing.Applicant: Vail AssociatesPLanner: JilL Kanmerer 6. A reguest for a setback variance for the Sipf Residence, 38?6 -Lupine Drive/Lot 14B, Block 1, Bighorn 2nd Addition. Applicants: Eric and Susan SiPf Planner:Andy Knudtsen Applicant: Pl-anner: ilackalope' Inc. l,like Mollica *1/ lP.t' 1- s; 8. A request for a conditlonal use permit and a variance to the parking standards, Section L9.52 of the Town of vail Municipal Code to allow for off-street surface parking at the nHoly Cross parceln which is generally located on the north side of the South Frontage Road east of and immediately adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek.Applicant: vail AssociatesPlanner: JlIl Kammererqyllf,N rr 9.Arequestforasetback'}.j5'rd"foragarage.atthe<^''Kaiser/Hatl Residencer ?Qq$-flrniper tane/Lot 3' Block \"/(,'t ,, Bighorn 5th Addition. \O ,qapfricant: Ursula Kaiser/Robert llall \J PLanner: She1ly Me1lo 10. A reguest for an amendment to the approved conditional use permit in order to construct a snow dump on the property generally located west of the Town of Vail Shops. Theproperty is more specifically described as folLows: That part of the North l/2 of Section 8, Township 5 South' Range 80 vrest of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle Countyt Colorado, lying norttt of Interstate ltighway No. ?0 and being more particularl-y described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 8; thence along the northerly line of said Section 8, S89 46' 27"w a distance of 1500.00 fL, thence departing the northerly line of said Section 8, sA? 23' 03"w a distance of 529.86 ft to a point on the northerly ROw tine of I-70; thence aLong tbe northerly ROW line of I-?0 following two courses: L) S?5 28'l"8rrE a distance of 180.82 ft to a point of curvature; 2) L327.90 ft along the arc of a curve to the left' having a radius of 5580.00 ft, a central angle of 13 38'04" and a chord which bears N89 36'34"8 1324.70 ft distanceto a point on the easterly line of said Section 8; Thence departing said ROw line of r-70 N00 23' 03"8 along theeasterly line of said SectJ-on 8, a distance of 572.10 ft tothe point of beginning, containing 20.480 acres more or less. Ttre above description is based on the Town of vail annexation plats for the property described and is not based on a field survey. The basls of bearing for the aboveparcel is the northerly line of Section 8 being S89 46'27'rw as shown on said annexation plats.Applicants: Town of Vail/Vail AssociatesPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 11. A request to amend ChapLer 18.32, Agricultural and Open Space, Section 18.32.030 - Conditional Uses in order Lo allow well water treatment facilities as a conditional use.Applicant: Vail VaIIey Consolidated water DistrictPlanner Shelly l{ello L2. A request to amend Chapter 18.62, Varlances, Section 18.52.080 - Permit Iseuance and Effect and Chapter 18.60, Conditional Use Permits, Section 18.60.080 - Permit Issuance and Effect in order to clarify the notl-fl-cation of approval procedures.Appl.icant: Tosn of VailFlanner: JiIl Ka$nerer 13. A request for a worksession on Uillrace IV Speciat Development. District No. d, for Cascade Vlllage' to review a development plan, general.ly Located south of Millraee Condominiums and west of the !{estin Resort, VaiI .Applicant: East,-West PartnersPlanner: Shelly Mello L4. A request for approval of a wetland mltigation proposal for areas along Gore Creek and Booth Creek.Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Water and SanltationDistrictPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Information on the listed items is aval.lable at the Community Development office in the VaiI Municipal Building during regiularoffice hours. TONN OF VAIL CO}4MUNI TY DE\TELOPI{ENT Published in the Vail trail on September 27, 1991.. Wdr Holcl tgm $rdhasen tlhNe Vail, CO 81657 A. Sodam,lll c/o J. Talbot P.O. Box 70G Avon, CO 81680 l,Cotoarb tiiqntah Coilags vtSloWeaftm'€n &lw Vail, CO 81857 The Gom Cro6k TnFt E(t* East l-lumn Srst ClScago, U- 00611 lwsmm Vr[,CO 81€Sz $tariley Beanl Drvid kwln Jerilss Brwl e12f t{odh Frcr{aos Foed. ta10 Vall, CO 81857 . IDJACENI PROPERTY OWNERS Cosgrlff Parcel l{illrace IV Glen Lyon SubdlvisionVall, CO 81657 Westin Hote] 1300 Westhaven DrlveVail, CO .81 657 Millrace Condominlums 1476 Westhaven DriveVaill CO 81657 CoLorado Mountain College 1310 westhaven DriveValI, CO 81657 tot il8' A&DRESA. Soriano, IIIelo J. TalbotP.0. Box 706 Avon, CO 81620 Lot 49 - Unit A Stanley S. Beard Davld L. frwin itanea J. Brown 2121 North Frontage Road #210Vail, CO 8155? IJot 49 - Unit B The Gore Creek TrustEight East lluron $treet Chicago, IL 60611 t L FILE COPY' luwn 76 ioulh lrc|$ag|c road vell, cololrdo 41657 (300147$."|36 (3rxD a?g-2rse July 29, 1991 olllce ol communlly douelo'pmenl Mr. Ned Gwathmey 1000 S. Fronlage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Millraee lV - Cascade Vittage, SDD No. 4 Dear Ned: I am writing in response to your letter concerning the development possibilities on the Millrace lV (Cosgritf property), located within the Cascade Village Special Development District. The attached is a legal description for the Cosgrill parcel laken from the SDD document. Please verify the description with your survey. The property is an elemenl of Area A of SDD No. 4. lt has a fotal lot slze ol 1.045 acre, as stated in Section 18.46.103(E). There are 2 possible developmeni scenarios for the parcel. Scenario 1 allows for 32 accommodation units and 14,000 sq. ft. of GRFA, which would be attached to the existing Westin facility. There are approved development plans tor this proposal. The second scenario involved the development ot I dwelling units and 11,200 sq. ft. of GRFA. There are no approved development plans for this. Section 18.46.040(A) states that, "The developer shall have the right to proceed with the development plans or scenarios as defined in Section 18.46.103(B-F)." Therefore. in order to change the proposed development further, the staff would require that a major amendment to the SDD be approved which would change the development standards accordingly. Other applicable development standards as stated in the ordinance will also need to be met. The following details the sections of the SDD which may be applicable: 1. 18.46.120(A) - Setbacks2. 18.46.14qAX8) - Height3. 18.46.160 - Coverage4. '18.46.170 - Landscaping5. 18.46.180(1, 5-6) - Parking and Loading Mr. Ned Gwathmey July 29, 1991 Page 2 18.46,200 . Conservation and Pollution Control | 8.46.?1 0(CX1, 3-4) - Additionat Amenities and Conditions for Approval for SDD No.4 It also appears that tho property remains unplatted. A minor amendment will need to be done in conjunction with the maJor amendment to the SDD. The time frame for thls project could, at a minimum. be about 8 weeks, but realistically is about 2-4 rnonths. At least one PEC review will be necessary. we encourage you to consider a PEC worksesslon also- This would enable you to hear the PEC's cohcerns in an informal sgtting. Two readings at Councilwitl also be necessary, as will a Design Review Board review. I would also encourage you to schedule a conceptual review with the DRB midway through the process. Upon application, it will be necessary for the applicant to show that the individuat signing the appliealion has the authorlty to do so. lf this is unattainable, the staff will be unable to - schedule the item for review. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call mel Good luck, 6. 7. lab I l, COIITI}iUED thrE pare described ln Booh 203 at page 5J1; t above-dcscrLbed propcrt?r Errdr.rlrich [he portios inlend that certain island adjacent to thelocated ln the middle i,i Core Cree!..,to exclude frcm Hris trensaction; Countt' of, Eagl.eShata of, Colorado ALSO THE FOLLO"IIIIG PARCEL FORi1EP-LT T.NO1IiI AS TilE "COSSiIFT PARC:LO n arr.a of land si tuated in t,he Sl{ 1/4 NE 1/4 oi Section 12, Tounship 5 Souch. Range 81 tlest of the 6tlr Principal l'lericiian, lyinp, _Northvtesterlyof the center line of Gore CreeX describe<i es f ollor,'s: BesinninE at a Doint whence the !{orth QusrterCoiner oi saici bectJon l? bears ti. 11"03'l{. 2297.72 feet; thence S. E6"O2'30" E.89'50 feec: tlience S, 54"42'30" E. 169.66 feecl thencg S. 33"16'30" E. l\0.12 feet to a point ln the center of saj<i creeki ttrence S.65cl4 I h'. 109'62 feet along the center line of said creek; thence S. 69oqrtt-!1. 9tl.?8 f eet alolg the cent€r I ine of sai<j crietl thence li. ?1"12'3O" td. 317.54 feet to the point oI beg!nning, containing I '05 acrer 'mota or less. '' ;.Lso pESCi,i EEU BeBinning ai a F(rint rlhence tlre N.oftlt 9::fi:;i"?irr o? s"id bectlori lJ bearr N'lt'-q3'W' iiSi.72 leet; ti""". S.-gf'4s'14" E. 9?'8q feeti it',J"".-s. i7..25'3(1" L. f69.46 feeL: rhence S' 5:t;ig'30" E. l4l.(i feet to a point in the "."i..-of saJd creek i thence S. 65o31 '35" l.'' iog.i2 i*"t along the center llne of sald creek; Itt""." s. G9o0l'56" l't. 103.02 f eet -alglg-!lf9---i."l"r 1!ne of eaid creeki thence N. 23.'24'09" l.;. tl 9.09 Ie€L to the polnt of beg,lnnlng. ToGETHEn l{lTH an eaniraent ae descrtbed In'Docugrent recorried AuFust 5, 196(t ln Book 306 et Page 443 ond tecorde d ia ttro( 307 at Page 86 of the Eag.l e C.ountY recortis. and well rlghts described ProPertY..rion, Uell Feroit lfo. eed in Civil Action Dlstrict Court, and r ri rhrs decrr:ed in r uti'irion lio. 5' cfs) ALSO lncludlng all waret apDurt€nant to the ebove t htt uA; rp ril r,hout I iei ra 9+702. riiter rights <iecrlio. 2375 tn Eagl e C.ountY el I that porti o;, of t.'ate C{'se }lo. Ltr C.H 410, Uate(Gore llo. ! tlell - 0.05 ,W 39 rr1 eatM r€viaad 9/4/91 DAfE APPLICATION RECEIVED s"t1"9l IPPLICAEION FORIi FOR €PECXA'. DEVEISPIIENI DISfRICT DE|\TE'OPIIEN! PI"AI| I. This procedure is required for any project that would go through the Special Development District procedure. The application wil-l not be accepted until all information is submitted. (ptease print or type) l,cDO€El^Tt ffiqsT&rr FDVJ pHoNE 4-1b' lt4il owNER(g)Kq- srcr{f,EttRE (s) II a*""tc*t Fy'fr W6{ FaFfNffi5 MAITING ADDREsS flA, FRAd rgwT- otz*v. to blbLo Pno 11 APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE PROPERTY oril[ER(s] MAITING D.!$fifi#'I"3f,"33?""*' t-tu"rrp"e V . Lor-Br,ocK-susprvrsroN €PO,4 E. A LIST OF THE NAI\4ES OF OWNERS 0F ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERIY AND THEIR MAILING ADDRESSES. $trL@vrpa Four (4) copies of the following information must be subnitted: A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal,' B. An environmenLal impact reporL shatl be submitted to the zoning administrator in accordance with chapter L8.56 hereof unless waived by Section 18.55.030' exempt projects; ++ffi?1rfu1 $tEiMFrEP - IC. An open space and rbcreational pLan sufficient to meet the demands generated by the development witlout undue burden on aviifable or proposed public facilities; NE{"AFq/,cAgD. Existing contours having contour intervaLs of not more than five feet if the average slope of the site is twenty percent or 1ess, or with contour intervals of not more than ten feet if the average slope of the site is greater than lqentY Percent.ffi4ds-E. A proposea site plan, at a scale not smaller than one intfr equals fifty feet, showing the approximate focations and dimensions of all buildings and structuresf uses Lhereinp and all principal site development features, such as l-andscaped areas, recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways, and off-street parking and loading areas wit'h proposed contours after grading and site develoPnent; EHotDsro,., F. A prelininary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller th-an one inch equals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be reLained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site developnent featuresr such as outdoor recreational facilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, Idater features and other elementsi ?ffi\cpvxP 'c. Prelininaiy building elevations, secLions, and floor plans, at a scale noL smaller than one-eighth equals one footl in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation, locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed developmenL. hl0uoodD - III. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanying material must be subnitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. The developer must begin initial construction of the special development district within three years from the time of its final approval, and continue diligently toward the conpletion of the project. If the special development dislrict is to be developed in phases, the developer must begin construction of subsequent phases wiLhin one year of the compleLion of the previous phase. It is recommended that before a Special Development District application is submiLted, a pre-application meeting shouLd be set up with a rnember of the Department of Communlty Development. A. B. NOTE: IV. FEES Application Fees are as follows: a. Establishment of SDD : -r b. Major c. Minor Application fee Amendments: Amendments: paid: $Date $1,500 .00 $l-,000.00 $ 200.00 Check # If this application requires a separate review by any locaI, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vai1, the application fee shal-l be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may includer but are not limit.ed to: Colorado Department of Higbway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shaLl be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50? of the application fee. If, at the applieant's reguestr aoY matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- publicati-on shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Comrnunity Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant irnpact on t.he comrnunity may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to revievr any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultanL, it shall estimate the arnount of ?l .\t B. money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shallbe forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the lime he files hts application with the Comrnunity DevelopmentDepartnent. Upon conpletion of tbe review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shaLl be returned to the appliqant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the-amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Tovrn. a. /.) pril,.-rV a .,.4 ORDINA}ICA NO. 41 Serl.es of 1991 AN OPOINANCE P€PEALING A}ID REENACT]NG ORDINA}ICE NO. 28, SERIES 1991, TO PROVIDE CHAI,IGES TO AREA A REQUIREMENTS FOR SDD NO. 4 THAT CONCERN THE DEVELOFMENT PLAN FOR MII,IRACE IV, SCETIAF.IO ], A/KIA COSGRIFF PARCET; AIID SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THEF€TO. llltEREAS, Iact ttcat Dartners and Cornrnercial Federal Bank, have requested rn tmeadnent to ttre existing Special DeveloPment District No. 1l , Area l; and !|HEB.EAS' the Plannlng and Envlronmental Cornnisslon has recommended that certaLn cbanges be made to Special DeveloPment District No. 4; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordlnance No. 28, Series of 1991 to provide for such changes in Special Developnent District, No. 4, Cascade village NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAII,, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. 28' Seri.es of 1991r is hereby rePealed and reenacted' as follows: ReDort. The anproval procedures described in chapter 18.40 of the vail Municipat code have been fulfilfed, and the Town Council has reCeived the report of the Planning and Environmental Conmission recommending approval of the proposed development plan for Special Development District No. 4. @ the development plans thereforer are hereby alrproved for the development of speclal Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail. Fection 3 Chapter 18.{6 Special Developrnent District No' 4, Caseade Vil.lage, is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendrnents to read as follows: Ft 18.46.010 Purpose ,.l| J., 'f ' t.- ttr' r d: ,. located in a multi-farnily dwelling that is managed as a short term rental in which al] such units are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof cusLomary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of time not t.o exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 545 square feet of GRFA which shall incl-ude a kiLchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The kitchen shall be designed eo that lt may be locked and separated from the rest of the unlt in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shal.l be aceessible from common corridors, walks, or balconies r"rithout passing through Special Development DistrlcL. No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive developrnent and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provicle adequate open space and recreaLlonal amenities, and promote the objectives of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Developnent District No, 4 is created to ensure that the development density will be relatively low and suitable for the area and the viclnity in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Totrn Council and the Planning Cornmission, and because there are significant asPects of the Special Development District which cannot be satiFfied through the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area. 1 8. 46. 020 &:!-ieitions. For the Furposes of this chapter, the following definitl.ons shaL] apply: A. "Special attraction" shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research center or performing arts theater or cultural center. B. "Transient residentlal dwelling unit or restricted dwelling unit" shall be defined as a dwetling unit .( another tr^oorrton unit; dwerlinn?ta, or 2 transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominiumsl they shall be restricted as set forth Ln section 17.26.0?5--1?.26.tZO governing condomlnium conversion. The unit shall not be used as a permanenl residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelllng units. For the purposes of detertnining allowable density per acre, transient resldential dwelling units shall be counted as one balf of a dwelling unit. The translent resldential dwelling unit parking reguirement, sball be 0.4 space per unlt plus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet of GRFA wlth a rnaximum of 1.0 space per unit. 030 Established . Special Development District, No. 4 is established for the development on a parceL of land comprising 9?.955 acres as more part.icularly described ln the attached Exhibit A. Special Development District No. 4 and the 97.955 acres nay be referred to as '|SDD No. {r' . The distrlct shall consist of four separate development areas, as identified in this ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes: e Village ream Condominiumsyon Duplex tots 17.955 4.000 29.100 1.800 40.400 yon commercial Site Dedi ed Open Space .955 18.45.040 Developnent Plan--Reguired--Approval Procedure . Each developnent area with the exception of DeveLopnent Areas A and D shall be subJect to a single development plan. Developnent Area A shall be allowed to have two developnent plans for the Waterford, Cornerstone, Mlllrace rv and Cascade Club sites as apProved by Lhe Town Councit. Developnent Area D shall be allowed to r8.46 CaEca CoLds Glen Glen A B c D 3 Lr-I'LJ . ' 'r. .'. r c. develop I an" approved phasing nrJ as approved by the Town Council. The developer shalf have the right to proceed rrith the development plans or scenarios as defined ln Section 18.46.103 B-F. B. Amendments to SDD No. 4 shall cornply with the procedures outlined in Section 18.40. Each phase of developrnent shall reguirel prior to issuance of buildlng pernits, approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with applicable provisione of chaPter 18.52. Permitted Uses Area A. Cascade Villaqe 1. First floor commercLal uses shall be limited to uses listed in 18.24.030 A-c. The "firEt floorrl or ttstreet levefn shall be defined as that floor of the building ttrat ls Located at grade or street level; 2. AIl other floor levels besides first floor or street leveL nay include retail, theater, restaurant, and office excePt that no professional or business office shalf be l-ocated on street Level or first floor (as defined in SecLion 18.24.030 A of the Town of Vail' zoning code in Area A) unless it is clearJ.y accessory to a lodge or educational institution except for an office space having a maxirnum square footage of 925 sguare feet focated on the first floor on the northwest corner of the Flaza Conference Center buildingi,' 3. lodge; 4. Multl-familY dwelling; 5. Single FanilY dwelling; 6. Two-Family dwelling; ? Transient residential dwelling unit; 18.46.050 A. ,' {('j.-o I \8 .46 .220; gynnasium. 8. Employee dwelllng as defined in Sectlon 9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or B. Area B, Coldstream Condomlniuns 1. Two-famil,y dwelllng; 2. Multi-family dwelllng. C. Area_C, Glen Lvon Duplex Lots 1. Single family dwelting; 2. Two-family dwetling. D. Area D. GIen Lvon Conrnerelal Slte x. Retall; 2. Rest,aurant and bar; 3. Business and professional officesi 4. Multi-fanily dwelling; 5. Ernployee dvrelling as defined ln Section 18.46.220. 18.46.050 CondilionaI Uses ConditionaL uses shall be reviewed per outlined in Chapter 18.60 of the Town the procedures as of VaiI zoning code. A. Area A, Cascade Villaqe 1. Cascade Club addition of a wellness center not to z- exceed 4r500 sguare feet. Fraclj.onal fee ownership as deflned in the Town of vail Municipal Code, section 18.04.135 shal.L be a conditional use for duelling units in the westhaven tnult.i-family dwellings. Fractional {ee ownership shall not be applied to restricted employee dwelling units or transient residential dwelling units. Ownership intervals shall not be less than five weeks. Special attraction,' Skl fift.s; Public park and recreational facllltiest Major arcades with no frontage on any publlc way, streetr walkway or mall area. 5. 4. G 5. 5 ( B. 18 .4 6.070 A. c. D. (l Area B, Coldstream CondominLuns L. PubIic park and recreatlonal facllitlest 2. Ski lifts. Area C, Glen tvon Duplex Lots 1. Public park and recreationat facilitiest 2. Ski lifts. Area D, Glen l,von Commercial Site 1. Micro-brewery as defined Ln Town of Vail MuniciPal code, Section 18.04.253 Accessorv Uses erea A. Cascade Villaqe 1. Minor arcade. 2. Home occupationsl subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance wl.th the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18 .58 . 190 . 3. Attached garages or calports, private greenhousesr swimming poo1s, tennis courts, patiosr or other recreaLional facilities customarily incidental to permitted residentlal uses. 4. OLher uses cusLonarily lncidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 5. Swimming pools1 tennis courts, Patios or other recreational f,acllities customarily incldental to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to the operation thereof. Area B. Cofdstrearn Condominiurrs 1. tlome occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Seciions 18.58.130 through 18 . s8.190. B. 3' It2.Att{ched garages or earports,private greenhouses, swimmlng pools, tennls courta, patios, or otbdr recreationaL facilltles customarily lncidental to permltted residentia] uses. 3. Ot"her uses customarily incidental and accessory Eo peflnitted or conditionaL uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 4. Swimning pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to pernr{tted or conditional uses, and neeessary to the operation thereof. Area C, Glen tvon Duplex Lots 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation perml.t in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.f30 through 18 .58 . 190. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhoDs€s1 swimming poo1s, tennis courts, patios, or ottier recreational. facillties custonarily incidental to permitted residentiaf uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. Area D, GJen Lvon Commerciaf Site 1. llome occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation Permit in accordance with the provlsions of Sections 18.58.130 through' 18.58.190. Attached garages or carports, Private greenbouses, swimming pools, tennis courtsr'patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residentlaf uses OLhlr uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. , i. .(_ c. D. 2. 3. 't rLo 4. Minor arcade. I 18.46.080 locat.ion of Businegs Activitv A. AII off,ices, businesses, and servlces permitted by Sections 18.45.050 through 19.46.0?0 shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unencl.osed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor display of goods. B. The area to be used for outdoor display must. be located directly in front of the establlshnent displaying the goods and entirely upon the establ.Lshnentrs own property. SldewaLks, bullding entrances and exits, driveways and streets shaLl not be obstructed by outdoor display. 18. 46. 090 Densitv--Dwe}Iinq Units The number of dwelling units shaLl not exceed the following: A. Area A, Cascade Vlllaqe Two hundred eighty-three point five (283.5) dwelling unit.s, with a minj.mum of three lrundred thirty-elght (338) accommodation units or transient residential dwelling units and a maximum of ninety-seven {9?) dwelling units as defined by the table in Section 18.46.103 A-D. B. Area B, Cqldstrearn Condominiums Sixty-five (55) dwelling units C. Area C, Glen Lvon DupLex Lots One-hundred four (104) dwelling units, D. Area D, Glen Lvon Conmercial Site Three dwelling units, two of r,rhich shall be employee dwelling units as defined by the table Ln Section 18 .46.103F. 18. 46.100 Densitv--Floor Area A. Area A, Cascade Villaqe The gross residential floor area (GRFA, for all buildings shall not exceed 2€#45 288,695 square feet: except that the total maxirnurn GRFA shall not exceed i.c B. c. 18.46.102 A. c 292.ZAS square feet if Millrace IV ScenarLo 2 (32 A.U.ts) is constructed. Area B, CoLdstream Condominiums Sixty-five thousand sguare feet. {65,000 s.f.) GRFA. Area C. Glen Lvon Duplex Lots GRFA shalL be calculated for each lot per Section 18.13,080 density control A and B for the PrinarylSecondary district of the Town of VaiI municipal code. Area D, Glen tvon Conmereial Site The gross reeidential fJ.oor area for the two employee dwelling units shall be ?95 sguare feet and 900 sguare feet respeetively. The gross residentlal floor area for the free market dwelling unit shall be 11630 square feet. Commercial Sguare Footaqe Area A, Cascade Villaqe Area A shall not. exceed 56,538 square feet of commercial area. Cotnmercial uses include retail, office, theater, restaurant, uses Listed in section 18.11 6.050 A-1r dnd the special attractlon use. Area D, GIen Lvon Commercial Site Area D shalt not exceed 151730 square feet of office for Phase f, IA & 11 or 151584 square feet of offlce for Phase fff per the approved development plans. The micro-brewery and associated uses shall be constructed per the approved developnent plan. D. B. 18.46.103 Developnent Statistics for Area A. Cascade Villaqe' and l0 2. WATENFORD lU o??R DU GRFA Carrnrrclrl 8.rla &ul'r Faal C,n-SiL P.rlhE Garc&lalwalarfoad iructut.d FrrllnoutulSardol CSar[lb2 75 TR to a7.Em 60q 75 3_Cr 7 TOIALS -'5IR 2.SDU arrEe 5.UI,l - 72.7s2.t a 3. Waalhrvan gondor AU o?TR DU CFFA Col'|rt|?clrl S.rta Souar Fa.l otuslt.t rllrE catctda/walalloa! thuct!7.d Pl'hlns Unds 2.500 rrFloye€ Unh8 tMar f) 4. Uillrre. lI AU or ?n ou GRFA Comrnrchl S.rh S.u.fr F!!! On-SlL Frrklm ca 3caaarrYrtartoto Struclur.d Prlllno naf-3 S TJU 5, Ulllr.c. lV lU or Tfi DU GRFA Comrn rclrl S.rl|3aurn Frel oa.slL P.rklno Caroad.AY!ladotd Sauctur.d P.rklno un[3 Scsnrrio I G' Scenario 2 3E AU 6 oa ta.000 t0 26.A IOIALS Scenario t Sceaario 2 32 AU 6DU 10,'l50''" t a.000 1S 26.e 6. C.rc.d. Club Addltlon lU or TB DU GRFA Corun fclll S.!la Sau!?a Faal On-Sl| P.rklm Ca rcadolwrt..ford 8kucrur.d P.rklnd Soenrno I {'| etln€s C€msr) of Sar|ldo ? fcvttlnasiutn'l 4,500 r &Y1 2,3 o rqIALS Soengrio I Scenedo 2 4,500 a 500 2.4 7- noom 2J Contaranca Convart.d to Thalt.r l'tl or Tn DU GRFA comrlrcl.l 3.at3 sdur?a Faal On-Sit. Prrklm Cr3€tca/W!]|rlont Shuctut.d Prtllno TAL AU or Tn DU GRFI Caftnrrcl.l 8.rta Sourrr F*t 9n.5||t Pr?llhd Cract6.ftVrlrrlod structut.d Pr.llno 9?5 rOIAL HAIII/I lls ..-tol.5 DU ttt,tto 3d,ttz 13,355 69 Minlmum 3I0 tE$mgm o? 235lfinlmum . CsdoF rdu rbdl Dd Erst lo}|'d &.rbr.t GIFA h tb F tq. olbL sDD. .. tl!a! f, ba, alradt ba! ar{tDbd a, cgrtalE' 4aaa Ffbt. tB tr F E{ |tqlr&@ L htd .! C tlltrat'F. Ur€ c|[aF.a aa, b.F F*I!f t!$|Ert, .o.,t&. ?.r t . dtody b.c! cotDr6d tc a lull Fnba tlqrlr-.t 1.! Br F Ult tc+!t|tt4 f brd 6& tlll|rala br$ & t*ail ad c!'r.a F|t&f tiful@t, .... To.d nau!. nFt ! Utb.l &!ltt..d.GEdrt lcatb. .....Fs&F'!q.,cf.dqd.rbt{}IFAtrttrCat'lrttuc..lOalbcfv),E€$brL!bdtro.rqtlald+,rbL.fbrld&-a.sbdFrtbtF.BFf€btaA?fqC)OXD, + !! 'r! tt! !r - t1 el Build-Ou|€57 Minirnum with 17.57" Mired Use Cr€dit - 543 spaces 421 spaces ln Cascade Slructure and 122 spac€s ln 732 Maxlmum wilh 17.5% Mixed Use Credit - $Qtf sps6s 421 spaces ln Cascade Slruclurg and 18:l spacss In ' Total ligur€s rep?asent highesf d€nsity and commerclal scsnados." Maximum Patklng struclute lequitomont assumes Cornerstone Scenado 2, Wat€rtord Senarlo 2, Mlhace lV Scenarlo 2, and Cascad€ Club Scenario 1"' Minimum parking struslute requir€m€nl gssumes Cornerstone Scenado l, Wsterford scgnario l, Mllrac€ lV Scenario 1. €nd Cescade Club Scenario I t2 briginal Parcel Robblns Parcel Cosgrlf,f Parcel Area,Ar*rtl 15.68 1.23 I .045 1?.955 252.00 r9.68 16.?g 288. {0 10r 150 {0.6 {00 1.6 2,4AO 9.6 3, ?80 15.1 480 0.01?5 .6 9?0 0.0 1, ?00 18 .8*(150 seats! 1, 380 10.0*(80 eeate) 256, 437 . 181752 15,932 291, 121- _Unlte GRFA16. putAc€., le!l- F. SDD 14, AREA D - DEVELOPMENT SQUARE FOOTAGEAND PARKING PER TOWN bF VAII., REbUIREMENTS FEBRUARY 26, 1990 PNASE IA PNASE I,IA & IIDEVELOPMENT ONWTPfuEHT Sq.Ft./Parklng Sg.Ft. / parklng PHASE Il Ia, fI eND III pEVELOPMENT Sq.Ft. / tarklng 10r150 40.6 {00 1.6 21 4OO 9,6 Glen LyonOffice Bldg.(Exlstlngl l0r 150 tl0. 6 PgASE IA GIen LyonOfftce Bldg. {00 1.6 PI|ASE T Glen l,yon Bldg. - Off,lce 0 PHASE II llicro-Brewery -Offlce -Recept lonl l,luseum -Retall -Fermentation/Brewhouse -Beer Hall -Brew Pub 0 0 0 0 0 0 2, 634 480 885 I, d06 1, ?00 (150 l,380 (80 10.5 0.0 3.0 0.0 18.8* eeats) 10.0* Beatsl SUBTOTAT, 10,550 PITASE ITI East Bulldlng -2 Enployee Unlts -1 DwelllngUnit -Office SUBTOTAI, 42.2 2L,435 0 00. 0 0 0 96.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 21r ll35 9{.1 {.0. . 1.V 9,6 1r 695 . 1r 630 21 400 3,325 15.6 TOTAT COMIIIERCIAL A}ID RESIDENTIAI-, SQUARE FOOTAGE AND PARKING: 2tr435 95.3 *USED ITIGHEST PARKING REQ. POSSIBLE BASED i ., 24r764 ON'SEATING 13 c 18.46. toe Pevelopt Ptans tt Site specific developnent plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The development plans for Area A are conprised of those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and otber developers. The devel.opnent plans for Area D ard comprised of those plans submitted by the Glen tyon Office Building, a Colorado Partnership. The following documents comprise the development plan for each area: 1. Cascade Village Master Plan and Building tteight, Roma, 10/10/88. 2. l{aterford and Cornerstone Floor Plansr Rona, 10/10/88, P 1-9. 3. Waterford and Cornerst.one Sections, Roma' 10/10/88' 4. waterford Landscape PIan, Roma, 10/10/88. 5. Waterford Summer Solstice, Romar 10/10/88. 6. Waterford Site PLan, Rona, 10/10/88. 1. wat.erford Elevations, Roma, 10/10/88. 8. Waterford winter SoIstice, Romar 10/10/88. 9. waterford East Elevation Height Analysisr Roma, 9/28/88. 10. cornerstone Site plan, Roma' 70/10/88. 11. Cornerstone Elevations, Rona, L0/L0/88, p. 1-3. 12. Cornerstone Sun./Shade, 10/10/88. 13. Cascade Entry Rendering, Roma, l0/10/88. 14. Cascade Club Addition Site Plan' Rona' l0/L0188. 15. Cascade Club Floor Pfan' Rona' 10/10/88. 16, Millrace Iv, Scenario 2 (32 A.U.'s) PIan' Roma, t0/]-0/88. 17. Millrace IV, Scenario 2 (32 A.U.'s) Floor Plans, Roma' 1.0/10/88. 18. Millrace IV, Sccnario l, tlhle Cosgrlff Parerl, Sitc Plan, Arnold Grathney Pratt, lOl28l9L. 19. Millrace IV, Scenario l, alkle Cosgriff Parcel, Elevationg Arno1d Gratbmey Pratt, LOl22l9L 20. Milrrace rv, sc€nar:Lo r, alkla Cosgriff, Pareel, Floor Plans Arnold Gwathney Pratt, LOl23lg1-. 14 O.'t'. .j' r"| t landscape Plan, DennLs t$d€rson tgsociates. 22. Coegriff Parcel, Sunrey, tlpine Engineer!,ng, fnc., lAnLlgL stanped. 23. Survey, a part of Cascade Vtllage, Eagle Valtey Engineering, I,eland Lechner, 6/g/97. 24. Site Coverage Analysisl Eagle Valley Engineering, 10/10/88. 25. Cascade Vil}age Special Developnent District Arnendrnent and EnvLronmental Impact Report: peter Jamar Associates, fnc., Revised L]-/ZZ|BB. Area D, Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Area D Master Site Plan, Geodesign by Sherry Dorward, 2/22/90. 2. Landscape Plan for Area D, Geodesign by Sherry Dorwardl 2/22/90. 3. Area D elevations, Geodesign by Sherry Dorward, 2/9/90. 4. Vail Micro-brewery, Seracuse, Lawler, and Partners, Denver, CO., sheets A2.I, A2.2, A2.3, A3.1, A3.2t A4.L, A4.2, dated t/8/90 and sheet A2.4 dated 12/13/89. 5. Vail Brewery Roof Study, Frank Freyer, I/8/90. 6. Gl,en Lyon Parking Garage Fl.oor PLans and Site Plan, Roma, l^l/28/88. 1. Glen Lyon Parking Garage Sections/Elevations' Roma, tr/28/88. 8. Glen Lyon Condominiun, Roma, Ll/28/88. 9. Gl.en Lyon Cbndominium East Building, Roma, l-7/28/88. 10. Deck Enclosure (Phase IAI to Glen Lyon Office Building, Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh, dated 9/20/90. 11. Landscape Planr Phase lA Deck Enclosure, Pierce, segerberg and spaeh, dated 8l19/97. !2. office Addirion to Glen Lyon office Building, Buff Arnold/Ned Gwathmey Architects Augusx 25, 1989 Sheets A1 through A4. c 2t. nril"acelrv, Scenario t, elkle"o"nt, parcet, 15 ' and Environmental Impact Report: Peter Jarnar Associates, tnc., Revised 1rlr/22/88. Letter fron Peter .7amar Associates, Inc., dated .Tanuary 15, 1990. 14. Decel.eration lane design for South Frontage Road, RBD, October 18, 1.988 as approved by Co. Div. of Hgwys. 15. A resubdivision of Lot 54 amended plat Glen Lyon Sub- division, Eagle Valley Surveying Inc. as approved by T.o.v. 16. Vail Brewery Parking AnaLyslsr TDA Colorador Inc.' August 10, 19BB and VaiI Brewery Parking Analysls Update, TBA Colorado, Inc., ,January 16, 1990 pages 1-8. 18.46.110 Development Standards The development standards set out in Sections 18.46.120 through 18.46.180 are approved by the Town Council. These standards shalL be incorporated into tbe approved development plan pertinent to each development area to protect the integrity of the develoPment of SDD No. 4- They are minj-mum development standards and shalt aPPIy unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved development. plan which is adopted by the Town Council. 18.45.120 Setbacks A. Area A, Cascade villaoe Required setbachs shall be as indicated in eactr development plan with a minimum seLback on the periphery of the ProPerty of not less than twenty feet' with the excePtion that the setback reguirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking structure/athletic club building shall be two feet as approved on FebruarY 8, 1982, by the Planning and Environnental Commission. Alt buildings shall maintaLn a 50 foot stream setback from Gore Creek. The waterford and Cornerstone buildings shall maintain a 20 foot setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek. x6 \- ( f-) -tn_,\ \- ^ '. 't,f - ' :' 13. Cascade vlifag* Speclal Developrnent pYstrict Amendment B. c. D. Lt'| Area B. Coldstream Condomlnluns Requlred getbacks shalt, be as tndlcated on the development plan. Area C. Glen Lyon Duplex Lots Required eetbacks shall be governed by Section 18.13.060 Setbacks of the primary/Secondary zone district of the Town of, VaiI ttuniclpal Code. Area D. GJen Lvon Commerclal Site Reguired setbacks ehall be as .lndlcated on the approved development plans, Heioht For the purposes of SDD No. 4 calculatlons of height, height shall mean the distance measured vertically fron the existing grade or finlshed grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given polnt to the top of a ff,at roof, or mansard roof, or to the hlghest ridge line of a sloping roof unless otherwise specified in approved development plan drawings. Area A, Cascade Vlllaqe 1. The maximum height for the westin Hotel' CMC Learning Center, Terrace &ling, Plaza Conference Buil.dlng and Cascade Parking Structure/Athletlc club is 71 feet , 2. Cornerstone Building:- Maximum height of ?1 feet. 3. Waterford Buildlng: Maximun height of 48 f,eet as measured.fron finished grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation (South Frontage Road) and west elevation (westbaven Drive). A maxirnum height of 40 feet as measured from the lolrest ff,oor of the parking structure to the roof eave is approved for the 6outh and east building elevations. A maximurn helght of, 61 feet as neasured from the lowest f,loor of the parking structure to the roof ridge is approved for tbe south and east butlding elevations. t7 18.46.140 t\ -r'r(o{) 4. v{esthaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet. 5. llillrace III: A maximum of 48 feet. 6. Millrace IV: A maxinum of +B 34 feet. 7. Cascade Club Additlon:, A max:imum of 26 feet. 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A rnaximum of 36 feet. 9. The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 48 feet. C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiurns The max.tmun height shall be 48 f,eet. D. Lrea C. GIen l,von Duolex l,ots The maxirnum height shall be 33 feet f,or a sloping roof and 30 feet for a f,tat or mangard roof- E. A:ea D. Glen Lvon Commerclal Site 51t of the roof shal'L have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 49t of tbe roof area shaLl lrave a helglrt under 32 feet ' On the perimeter of the buildings for Area D' height is measured from finished grade uP to any point of the roof. On the interior area of any buildlng' height is measured from existing grade up to tbe highest point of the roof. Development plan drawings shal1 constitute the height allowances for Area D' 18.46.150 9overaqe In Areas A and B' no more than 35t of the totaf site area shall be covered by buildings, Provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional or educationaf cenLer,45*ofthearearraybecovered.InAreaClnomore than25tofthetotalsiteareashallbecoveredby buildings, unless'the more restrictive standards of chapter 18.69 of Lhe Vail Municipal code apply. In Area Dr no more than 3?S of the totaf site area shall be covered by buildings and the parking structure 18.45.1?0 Landscaoinq At least the following gereentegee of the total development areashallbelandscapedasprovidedint}redeveloPment plan. This shall include retention of natural landscape, if 1B ( appropriate. and D, sixty percent, of 18.46.180 Parktnq and toadinq oAre as A and B, tbe fifty percent, and in Areas C area shall be Landscaped. A. Area A, Cascade Villaqe 1. Off-street parking shall be provlded ln accordance $ith Chapter 18.52, except that ?5t of the required parking ln Area A shall be located within a parklng structure or buildings witb tbe exception of llillraca ry, Seenario I, rbere 66.6t of, rcquired parhlng rball ba cncloged Ln r bul,ldinE. If the development table in Section X8.46.103 ls amendedr the parking reguirenentg shall be amended accordingfy. 2. There shatl be a totat of 421 spaces ln the main Cascade CIub parking structure and a mlnimum of 122 underground sPaces in the t{aterford structure. 3. The Cascade and waterford parking structures shall be considered to be one parking structure for the purposes of calculating the mixed-use credit for parking spaces. Both parking struclures shall be managed as one entity. A 1?.5 percent mlxed-use credit per the Tor,tn of Vail parking code, Section 18.52.20 has been applied to the total number of required parklng spaces cornbined in the Cascade and waterford structures. Alternative develoPment plans or scenarios which reguire additional structured parklng shall reguire an exPansion of the waterford parking structure below ground level. 4. The third floor of the Caseade parking structure sha1l not be used to meet any parking reguirements for accommodation units, transient residential dwelling units, enployee dwe)'ling units or dwelling units. 19 o.L rt \-' 5. prralngr Art required parkinsl" Cornerstone, waterford, MilLrace IV Scenario 2 (32 A.U.'s)r'and the Cascade Club Wellness Center Additlon Scenario I shall be provided in the Cascade or tlaterford parking structures. At the tine a building permit application is subrnitted to the Town of vail Corununit.y Development Department for the Waterford building and parking structure, tbe developer shall be reguired to make a final decision as to which developrnent scenarios shall be used for the Cornerstone, waterford, Millrace IV and the Cascade Club addition. A temporary certif,icate of occupancy sha1l not be released for any portlon of the Cornerstone, Waterford, Millrace IV Scenarlo 2 132 A.U.'s) or Cascade Cf,ub Wel.lness addition' Scenario 1 which relies on required parking belng provided in the waterford parking structure until the waterford parking structure has received a temporary certifl.cate of occupancy from the Town of Vail Building Department. 6. Seventy-five percent of the required parking shall be located within the nain building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped bern for l{esthaven Condominiums, and Millrace III@. Seei*ari-e-+. 1. A11 loading and delivery shall be located within buildings or as approved in the development plan- Area B. Coldstream Condominlurns Fifty percent of the required parking shall be located within ttre main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining propertles wittrin a landscaped berm. 20 'f. . .L \r '! -c. I Area C, Glen ],von Dupl ex Lots Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with chapter 18.52. D. AreA lD- Gfen LvaLeommercial Sit.e 1. Phase f, fA and II shall include 80 srirfaee parking spaces plus 6 valet parking spaces on the east end of the surface parking lot. Phase IA shalL include 2 additional reguired parking spaces for a total of 43 regulred parking spaces. 2. Phase lrr sha1l incl.ude a minimun of 108 parking sPaces. A minimum of 100 sPaces shall be located in the parking structure. All regulred parklng for the east building shatl be provided on-slte Per Town of VaiI Parking reguirements per Section 18.52.100 for residential and office use. A ' minimum of eleven sPaces shal1 be focated in the garage of the east building and a maximum of 5 surface sPaces shal-l be Located adjacent to the east building. 3. Area D developrnent shal1 meet the operational requirements outlined in the TDA CoJorado fnc' R€por!, Section Parking Analysis Considerations, January 16, 1990. Parking Analysis Considerations pages 1-8. A. valet parking sha]l be prohibiLed on the west end of the surface Parking fot ' 5. The Brew Pub shall not be open to the public until after 4:30 p.m. for Phase I and II Monday through Friday. When Phase III development occurs including the parking structure, the brew pub may operate durlng the weekdays once the parklng structure is available for public use' 6. The Beer HaII shafl not oPerate or be used by the public before 4:30 p'm' on weekdays' Monday tbrough FridaY at any tine' 2L h.r. o'""Qn" parking structure r" .lttucted, the parking and access to Area D shall be managed per the TDA Parking Reportr Parklng Management Section, pages 6 and ?, August 10, 1988, and TDA Report, Vail Brewery Parking Anafysis Update, dated January 16, 1990, both wrl.tten by ltr. pavid Leahy. No loading or delivery of goods shall be allowed on the public right-of-way along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development- The owner of the propert,y and brewety m"rr"g"tett shall prohibit seml-truck and traller truck traffic to the Glen Lyon Commercial site' The only truck J.oading that sball be allowed to the site shall be vans having a maximum length of 22 feet. 18.45.190 Recreation Amenities Tax Assessed The recreational amenities tax due for the development within SDD No. 4 under Chapter 3.20 shall be assessed at a rat.e not to exceed twenty-five cents per sguare foot of the fl.oor area in Development Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed flfteen cents Per square foot. of GRFA in Development Area C,' and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents Per sguare foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to the Lssuance of building permits. 18.46.200 Conservalion and Pollutlon Controls A. The deveLoper's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevenlion of pollution from surface runoff. B. The developer shall include in the building constructionr energy and water conservation controls as generaf tecbnology exists at the time of construction. L 7. 8. 9. 22 /\ c. The number of fireplaces permltted shall be as set forth in Section 8.28.030 of the Town of VaiI Municipal as amended. D. If fireplaces are provided within the development, tltey must be heat efficlent through the use of glass enclosures and heat, circulating devices as technology exists at the tine of developr$ent. E. A]l water features wlthin Devel.oprnent Area A sha1l. have overflow storm drains per the recommendatlon of, the Environrnental fmpact Report, by Jarnar Associates on Page 34. F. AII parking structures shall have pollutlon eontrol devices to ptevent oiL and dirt fron dralning into Gore Creek G. In Area D, a rnanhole on the brewery eervice line shall b'e provided so that the Upper Ea91e Valley Consolidated Sanitation DistricL may monitor BOD strength. H. fn Area D. the brewery managenent shall not operate tbe brewery process during tetnpelature lnversions. It shal1 be the brewery owner's responsibiltty to monitor inversions, I. AlI trash cornpactors and irash storage areas shall be completely enclosed within Special Development District .t- J. Protective meaaures shall be used during construction to prevent soit erosion into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D. K. The two enployee dr,relling units in Area D shall only be allowed to have gas fireplaces that neet the Town of Vai] ordinances governing fireplaces. 18.16.210 Additional Ajnenities and Conditions of ApDroval for Soecial Developnent District No. 4. A. The developer sha1l provide or work with the ?own to provide adequate private transportat,ion services to the owners and guests so as to transPort them from the 'l I 23 \(- \_ devel fr tl.. areatopnent as outlined in the approved devefopnent plan. Developer shalL provide ln its approved developnent plan a bus shelter of a design and Location mutually agreeable to developer and Town Council. Said shelter to serve the area generally. Area A, Cascade Vlllage 1. Tbe developer shaLl be responslble for providing a break-away boltard for the energency acceas road between Eagle Pointe/Ptrk Uaadorr, 74?2 tlettcrbora Ito the Village Core area End Llonshead B. c. z. Ctrcle, and llesthaven Drlve. The deslgn of the bollard shall he mutually acceptable to the developer and Town of vail. This funprovement sball be constructed when a building permit is requested for the cornerstone, Millrace IIII Millrace Iv, vtesthaven Condominiumsr waterf,ord buildings, or Cascade Club addition. The bollard shall be included in the permit plans. The boflard shall be constructed subseguent to tbe issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of oecupancy for the Cornerstone, Millrace I1I, Millrace IVr westhaven Condominiums' Waterford buildings' or Cascade Ctub addition. The developer shall construcl a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to the Cascade CIub along westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front of the westhaven building to connect rith tbe recreational path to Donovan Park. The walk shall be constructed wlren a building permit is requested for tfesthaven Condoniniuns. The sidewalk shalI be part, of the building pernit plan8. The sidewalk shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of 24 C a buifding permit and temporary certlficate o prior to the of occupancy issuance of a for Westhaven Condominiuns. The developer shall provide 1O0-year floodplain information for the area adjacent. to the Waterford and Cornerstone buildings to the Town of vail Conmunity Developnent Department before building pernlts are released for either project. The conditl.ons for Area A ln Sections 18.46.020 B, r8.46.180 A. 1-?, 18.46.200 A - F, r, J, 18.45.2X0 C' 1-3, and 18.46.220 shall be set forth in restrictive covenants subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and once so approved shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County. The developer shall be responsible for subnitting the written conditions to the Town Attorney for approval before a building pernit is reguested for the Cornerstone, MilLrace fIf, Millrace fv, tlesthaven Condominiurns, waterford buiLdings' or Cascade Club Addition. M:Lllrace IV, Scenario I. a. lhe developer shaIl obtain an eaaement from the owners of the property adjacent to tbe eagtern boundary of the property conrmonly called the Cosgriff Parcel, vblcb :Ls nore apecifically defined in Exbibit A' attacbed to tbls ordinance and incorporatsd berein by ref,orence. rbe €ag€Eenis ahall bs sufficient to percrnit tlre congtructLon, maintenanca and raplaeenent of, retaining sat.t.a f,or tha pur1>osee of grading and boulder retention all along tba restera property lina of said adjacent property. 8be easement shalt be in a fo:rn, acceptable to tbe town tttornetr sbaU run ritb tbe land, and gbatl be recorded on 3. 4. 5. { 25 Cr the tand records of Eagl€ County pr5'or to Design Reviei Board rsvisr. fbe developer abalI grovLde tbe Com'nunity Devclopnent Dcpartnent of the llorn ritb rritten congent fron tbe Upper Eagle vaUey tNater and Sanitation Dlgtrlct peraitting tbe cncroacbnent of c€rtaln dsche speclficd in tbe develolnent plr.a for tbe trlillracs Iv condoniniun!, rs set for^tb Ln t 18.46.1{0(18) of tbig ordl,sanee lato tbalr lerer ..!.n€nt rccordcd in Booh 21?, Prgc 128 o! tbe lend recordg of Eagle County. Thlc conecnt rball be gubnltted prlor to Deslgn RevLew Board revier. c, Tbe developer sball receive tt'neI approval the gite grading plan for tbe constructl'on Millrace IV, Scenarlo I, froa tba forn Engineer prior to Deeign Ravl'er Eoard revier. The Millrace Condoniniun Map, recorded at Book 325, page 25?, of tbe land recorde of Eagle County sball be anendcd so tbat tbe accsas eagement aborn tbereon gball align witb the preeent location of the roadway on tbe western property line of, the Coagrlff Parcel, and tbe rnrendognt cbaU be rccorded on tbe land records of Eagle County. lbe developer aball LactaU 15 (6'-10') €vergr€eDg soutb of tbe Soutb 3ro$tage Road adJacent to tb€ Cascade Club bullding, and 5 (6'-10'l evergreens to the routb of tbe Westbaven.trpattn€nt foundatlong rnd nortb of tlestbaven Drive. lbe devcloper aball obtain tbe rrltt€n approval of tbe Coloredo Departnent of Eigbrays (CDOE) perm5'tting tbe instaUation of tbege trees along tb€ Soutb b. of of d. 3. 26 cI o Frontage Road prior to gaid iastallation. If CDOE approval cannot be obtained, tben a. uinl,aua of, 10 (6,-10'l cvergreeng gball be .lnstallsd adjaeent to tbe l{esthaven lpartnents. f. lthe developer aball apply for and complete tbe ninor subdivielon process for tbe Cosgriff parcel and a cubdivigion plat aiEned by tbe lora of VaiI ghall be recorded on tbe land records of Eaglo County prLor to tbe releege of any bullding per:uita for tbe constructlon of eny etnrcturc on tbe Cosgr!,f! parcel . g. landscaping along the south and rest property lines of the CosEriff parcel shall be reviered by tbe Dasign Review Board to ineure a suitable buffer area betreen it and the otber properties along aatd property lines. h. The Design Review Board atrall review the architecture and landscapa plan furtber for compatibility with the rurrounding ar€a. i. The developer and the adjacent property owners ghall subnit a landseape plan f,or the area north of tbe Cosgriff property to tbe Design Review Board f,or revier. j. For purposes of, calculatiDg Gross Regidential Floor Area permitted on tbe Cosgriff parcel, no credits of any kind (overlapping ataire, meehanical, etc.!, except for 300 sg. ft. to be allored f,or eacb enclosed parking apace, shall be given. D. Area D, Glen tyon Commercial Site. 1. The developer shall agree to construct a bus lane per Town of Vail standards in the area of the porte-cochere of the Micro-brewery in Area D. The 21 (\oospecific location for the bus fane shall be mutually agreed to by the Area D owner and/or developer, Colorado Division of Highways, and Town of Vail. The bus lane shall be constructed subseguent to the issuance of a building pernit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificat.e of occupancy for eittrer the brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase IA, east office buildingr or parklng structure. The developer and/or owners of area D shalf be responsible for malntaining the new bus lane, J.ncludlng snow removal . If the lane is not maintained properly or snow removal is not adeguate, the Town wil,1 not provide bus service to the site. 2. The developer shatl reLocate the existing bike path on Area D and provide a new bike path easement across the Glen Lyon property and CDOH property per the development p).an for Area D. The bike path shall be construcLed per ?own of Vail standards. The bike path shaLl be constructed subseguent to the issuance of, a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary cert.ificate of occupancy for either the brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase IA, east office buildingl or parking structure. Such temporary certificate of occupancies shall be conditional upon consLruction of the bike path provided for herein. The bike Pat'h easement sha1l be replatted and approval obtained from the Town Council prJ.or to the issuance of a tenporary certificate of occupancy for either the Brewery addiLion, office expansion excluding Phase IA, east office building or parking strucLure. 3. The developer shall underground the electrical 28 (!'\ttutilities along the north side JIoft 4. he Glen Lyon property from the norlhwest corner of the property to the northeast corner of the property. This utility work shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for eit.her the Brewery addition, office expansion, excluding Phase IA east office building or parking structure. The developer shall be responsible for relocating the 20 foot utllity easernent on the western portion of Development Area D as well as obtaining approval fron the Town of Vail for the rel.ocated utility easement before a building permlt is released for the micro-brewery addition. The developer of the Gfen Lyon office property shall not file any renonstrance or protest against the formation of a local improvement district of other financing mechanism approved by the Vail Town Counci.l which may be established for the purpose of building road improvernents fol the South Frontage Road. The developer shall provide a fire hydrant per Town of Vail Fire Department requirements on the northwest portion of Lhe proPerly. The speciflc location for the fire hydrant shall be approved by the Vail Fire Department. The fire hydrant shal} be provided subsequent t,o the issuance of a building perrnit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the brewery additlon, office expansion excluding Phase rA' east office building, or parking structure. The Developer shall construct a decel-eration lane along South Frontage Road Per the CDOH access permit. The developer shaLl subnit plans for the 5. 6. 1 29 ft c..'. 8. o South Frontage Road inprovements to the Town of Vail Engineer for review and approval before a building perrnit j.s released for either Phase I excluding Phase IA, IT, or III consl-ruction. The conditions for Area D in Sections 18.45.180 D, 18.46.200 A, B, F - K, 18.46.210 D, 1-?r and 18.45.220 shall be set forth in restrictive covenant.s subject to the approval of tbe Town Attorney and once so approved shatl be recorded on the Land records of Eagle County. The developer shalt be responsible for submitting the t{ritten conditions to the Town Attorney for approval before a building pernit shall be issued for the Micro-brewery, office expansLon excludlng Phase IA, east office buj-ldingr or parking structure. The minor subdivision for Area D shall be developed per the following conditions: a. The development of parcels A, B, C, and Dt shall be Lirnited to the SDD No. 4 development plan and governed by the SDD No. 4 ordinance as approved by the Town of Vail and on file wiLh the Department of Corununity Development or as amended and approved by the Comnunity Development Department, Planning and Environmental Commission, and/or the vail Town Council. b. The minor subdivision plat shall include a statement that deveLoPment of the four parcels shall be governed by the approved SDD 4 development plan for area D and governing ordinances. c. The Community DeveloPment DePartment and Tor.rn of Vail AtLorney shall have the rlght. to review and require changes in any lAgreements of Tenants in Conmonf'1 ftConveyance of 30 ( o Agreemen e. t Ea sement and Party wall d, other easement or ownership agreementa related to the development of parcels A, Br C, and D to ensure that tbe four parcels are developed per the approved developnent plan in SDD l|o. 4 Ordl.nance. The developer shall be responsible for replatting the 20 foot uttlity easement on the ?restern portion of develoPment Area D as well as obtalnlng approval fron the Aown of, Vail. for the ne$r utitity easement before the minor subdivislon plat ls recorded. Any rnodifications or amendrnents to the ml'nor , subdivlsion conditlons of approval agreement sball be reviewed as a maJor amendment under the procedures outlined in Section 18.40 of the Town of Vai] Zoning Code. The conditLons for the minor subdivision in Section 18.46.210 (D9) A, E, C, and E, shal} be seL forth in restrictive covenants subject to the aPProval of the Town Attorney and once so approved shall be recorded on the Land records of Eagle County. The develoPer shalf be responsible for subnitting the written conditions t,o t.he Town Attorney before the minor subdivision is recorded on the land records of Eagle County. The entire Glen Lyon Office Bulldlng and Brewery Building shal.l be sprinklered and have a fire alarm detection system. .Toltn of Vail Fire Department approval of tbe sprlnkler and fire alarm systems shall be reguired before a building permit is released for Phase I excluding Phase IA Or II The devefoper shall submit a eet of amended plans to the Colorado Division of Highways for review 31 10. 11. tsrr, and -c ''jo The impro.r.t.r,a"Q coott property ( .no Qpro.rat. proposed by the developer rnust receive CDOH approval before phase I, excluding IAr II, and III are presented to the Town of Vail Design Review Board for final approval 72. The east buij.ding lncluding the two enployee dwelling units shall be constructed when the parking structure is built to ensure that the ernployee units are buiLt. 18. 45.220 Emplovee Housinq The development of SDD No. 4 will have impacts on available employee housing within the Upper Eagle Valley area. In order to help meet this additlonal enployee housing D€€dr the devel.oper(s) of Areas A and D shall provJ.de employee housing on site. The developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of 8 employee dwelling units within Area A Westhaven Condominium buitding. Each employee dwetling unit in Area A shall have a minimum square footage of 648 square feet. The developer of Area D shall build 2 employee dwelling units in the Area D east building per the approved plan for the East Building, In Area D one employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of ?95 square feet and the second employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 900 sguare feet. The GRFA and number of employee units strall noL be counted toward alfowable density or GRFA for SDD No. 4- In Area Ar the GRFA and number of employee dwelling unlt's shall be restricted as employee dwelling units for 20 years plus the life of Tiffany Christine Lowenthal from the date of final certificate of occupancy for said units. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall be restricted as rentaf ernployee dwelling units permanently. In Areas A & D the following restrictions shall apply to all employee dwelling units: The ernployee dwetling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than 30 consecutive days, and that if rented, it shal1 be rented only to tenants who are 32 .(\i .\ -full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle valley shall be deemed to lnclude the Gore Valleyt 'Minturn, Red Cltffl Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A full time enployee is a person r"ho works an average of 30 hours per week. In erea Ai if an employee dwelling unit is sold, lt shall be sold only to a full time employee in the Upper Eagle Val}ey. The owner shatl occupy the unit or lease/rent as per the reguirements in this sectlon. In Areas A s D the enrployee dwelling unit shal} not be dlvlded Lnto any form of tLneshare, J,nterval . ownership, or fractional fee ownership. A declaration of covenants and restrLctions shaXl be filed on record in tbe . office of the Eagle county clerk and Recorder .ln a form approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to' . ensure that the restrlctions herein shall run with the land before a building permit is released for the construction of the employee units in eittrer Area A or Area D' 18-46.230@ SDDNo.4shallbegovernedbytheproceduresoutfj.nedin section 18.40.120 of Lhe Town of vall Munlcipal code. Section 4 - Ifanypa'r.t,section'subsection,sentence,clauseorphraseof this ordinance ls for any reason held to be invalld' sueh decision shall not affect the val.idity of the remalning Portions of this ordinance; and the Town council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part' section, subsectlonl sentence,clauseorphrasethereof,regardlessofthefactthat anyoneormoreparts,sections,Subsections,sentences'clauses or Phrases be declared inval-id' Section 5. tberePealortherepealandre-enaetmentofanyprovislonsof the v.ail Municipal code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed' any violation thaL occurred prl,or to tbe effective date hereof' any prosecution conrmenced, nor any other action or proceeding as 33 ( conmenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal 0f any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 5 - Arl bylaws, orders, resorutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsist,ent hererdith are hereby repealed to the extent onry of such inconsistency. The repealer shalr not be construecl to revise any bylaw, order, resol_utLon or ordinance, or part thereof' heretofore repealed. rNTRoDucED, READ AND pAssED oN FIRST READING 11115 l9th dAY Of November 1991, and a pub).ic hearing shall be held on tbis 1991 at ?:30 p.m. in Building, Vail, ordinance on the 3rd day of Decenber the Council Chanbers of the Vail Municipal 'Colorado. Ordered published in ful} gSis tgth day of November , 1991. AT?EST: .3 o /-l \. ,' i, Parnela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECONDPUBLISHED by tltle this " 3rd day READING A}ID ORDEREDof Deeember , 1991. ATTEST: 'aret A. Osterfosg, Mayor Pamela A. Brandmeyer, 34 o/ |.'a. oo E:illrDlT .'A', I(OELDEL PROPEP.TI DEVELOD|.IEIIT ARE,\ A Va iI-Rose A partTownship'5 South,follot,rs I 12.370 acreE sf the St{ lrltl NE l/4 of Sectl.on 12,Range 8I lfest of thc 6tlr p.lt., descrlbed as geernltlg a! a poinr on the tfest lLne of sald Sv L/4NL' t/{ from wlriett ![" North o""-!"rrter coEner of sald sectionbcars lrort.h 0ol5'-Eost 2:69.1-g--rdeti tlrence lrorth 0o15. East,arong said t{est Line, 15r.36 feei to a point o'ihe southeaste:ryIigh: of way line of U.S. lttghr,.ay no. 6j thencc, .i""i s.ia- - Southeaste=Iy right of way fine,'as foliorrsr _ North !?:??r East, to2.3r feet:' Norr,h l?:lq'E.sr; ;ii,.5?rfeeti andNorth 4BoI3r _East, S49.09 feet, more or less, to a pointon the North llne of Eald Stt'trr{ NE 1rr.lr if,"".. X""ff,-gS"3i.-'T"t!. 31on9 the North. ltne ot Laid sri ri4 iii.-ie-s feerr nore orlessr to a point on the centerrlne of, Gore creett thence, arong thecenterline of Gore Cree!'., as follovs: South 36049t I.Jest. 101.04 feet;Sourh lBo?tt htest. 54.O8 feer;South 10?.1 ' lfest , 205. 02 f eet;South I2010r t.test. 1I0.25 ieet; alriSouttr 28o,lI I li'est. 2.1 2. 35 f eet. thence Sou-.h ?SolS , West, 1064.10 f eet, to the point ot beglnnl:.:g. Ilose Parcel 3.190 acre! A trsct of land siturtei in the St..tllE! of Section lJ,TP 5 s., R. 8l l{., of the 6t.h p.i.t., l.;ing Southerly of that cer:f intrlct of land described in Book 199, i'age I97, l{ortherl.y andt'lesterl)' of the center line of Gore Cree!:, and li'ing llortlrerly andEastelli'of those certain traets describe<i in Book 21I at Page 1O5,BooL 2ll at Page l0B and Dool:215 at Fage 365, described as f ol lotrs : of 12 Beginning at a point on the Nori.h-South center linesaid Section 12 vhence the North quarter corner of said Sectionbears ll . 00ol5r E. 2269.48 feetrthence N. ?5015' E. 346.26 feet to the true point ofbeginning, said point being on the SouLh line of that tract describedin Book 199, Page 19? and wtrich bears S. 08025r E. 2205.3.1 feetfrom the blorth guarter corner of said Sec:ion 12; thence N. ?5ot5r E. 717.84 feet, along the Southerlyline of that tract described ln Book 199, Fage 19? to the cetrter .of Gore Creek ithence s. 2go{lr }t. 130.61 feet along the center ll,neof Ea ! rl Creek Ithence 5. 05024rJ0" E, 104.50 feet along the centerIlne of satd Creekp. thenee S. 49'r29r W. 95.50 feet along the centFr llneof saidl Creekt - thence S. 22o3{r }f. 12{.47 feet along the center Ilneof sald creekr thence S. 5to00f l{. 119.3,1 feet along the center llneof sald Creekt to the Southeast corner of that certaln tract ofland tlcscrl.bed ln Book ?lt, .Page lO8,thence N. 33"16'30" t{. 140.12 feet along the EasterlyIine of tlrat tract described in Book 2ll at page l0B;thencc N. 57o42'30" l{. 169,Bg feet ilong theNortheastcrry rlne of that tract described ln Book 2rl at page LOg;thence N. 86002r30' bt. 162.gZ feeB alonq the Hoitierlvllna of thosc trscts described ln Book 2ll at page-108 Book zrt - .C PDge IO6 to a point; th'rnca N. 32oS7r30" lf. 26.08 feet along theNorthcaslerly line of that tract described ln Boo[ zls at page365, to the point of begirrning. 35 L lleede ParceI Total I\11 that Parttlre 6tlr P.:l., Lr 1.260 !ereE 16.820 acles GORE CR,E5X ASSCCIATES PROPERTY DEVELOF}IE:IT ARETS B, C T D 80.700 asres of Sect,ion 1.2, Tor'nship 5 South, Range 81 Nest of described as f ollo'.:s: o L);'' , . ,..: county of Eagle and Stotc of Colorado, to witr ,\ tract of larrd iltuote.i Lrr tlre SlrlNE! of Scctlon 12. To',tnslrtp 5 "Souttr, Ilarrge Sl l'lest of tlre 6tlr Pritrciosl $leridian' described as f ollorvs: Begitrtritrg at a poirrt orr tlre ltor t.lr-Sout!r center line of saicl Sectiott-12 r'rlrencc the Norttr 0uorter corner of saic Sectiorr l2 bears llorth 00 degs. l5 mins. Eost 2169.48 feet; thence tlorth 75 degs. 15 mins. East 3.1 6.26 feeti thence Soulh 32 degs. 57 mins. 3c-secs. East ?6.08 feet; ttrerrce South 1l degs. 00,mlns' 3O secs. trlest 279.99 feet.to.a point lrr the center of Gore Cree!"t ttrcrrce Nortlr 5o degs. 32 uiir'ts. itest II1.31 f eet along th9-9elie!- line of said creeki tlrence tlorth 38 degs. 4O mins. l'lest 239.0-o feeL a long ttte center Iirre of said creek; thence Souttr 76 degs. 35 mins. l{est 89.9I feet along the center line of said creek to a point on tlre Nortlr-South center line of said gection 12i thence i'torth 00 degs. l5 mins. East 13.95 feet along the l'lori.h-South cetrter line-of sai<l Section lf, to the poirrt of beglnning. Alt that part of the N\NE!r of Sgctioll .I^2' fyl.t]e Southerly of the southerty rtght-oi-way'rln. ot u.il-irrtrriray'rro. 6 and blortherl:: of ttre sou--her iy"iinl'"?'lIii-r'riirei , "i sh-or.rn on the plat on f ire irrtheofficeoftheEaglecounljlCler}'.andRecorderasDocu'ne!.!En;. 9?489, described as folforts: Beginning at the highr'ray. survey monumenu at the Lntersectl'on oi the sou ttrerly r:'ne of siia iligt"ouy- "t'- tbe Easterly line of sald It\iJE!, wltence tlre ltorthea!t corn;; ;;'said section I2 bears Nor--h o6o3' llest 634.785 feet; ttrence south 73;;i'ro; we=t 1112.13 feet along the southerly right of trav line of said highwaY;;;.;:l 3i"ir,-io6:;; i.i;;{ iii.ro f eer alons the southerlv rieht of ti,I"t:"E"ltn"?lBr!ltH"={troo.00 reeb arone the sourherrv rrsrrr or ifl:"::"E"i[n"?lBu',i1tli::t'ro0.o0 reer a]one rhe sourherlv rlne or i;t"i.:t3:lj?ilt62015, resr r0o.0o relr alone the southerlv'rlsht or ;;;"ir";-or sald hlshwaYi --thlnse sourh sg6lditi.i"it'roo.00 feer along the southerly rlght of *o"v fftr. of said hlghuaYJ- --thince souch si6oii'r'i"i't'foo'00 feet along the Southerly rlght ot wav llne of sald highwaY; --if,I";;";"iitt-ii;li;'ii""i'I00.00 feet alons the southerlv rlsht of wav llne of said hlglrr'raY, ,-- -,thlnee south li5si;"ir."t'zra.58 feel along the^southerly rlght of tray ltne of saLd- trj.ghway t" " i"iii-""-iiii Southerly llne of aaLd il:::: North 8so33r East 1s-7,67 feet along -tle southerlv llne or Eald ttrrllEt to lrrl-."t tti 9!-!ht ;t;i-";-saio sectlon 12; thence rrorrtr B8o3f,r East 13?e.5s"il"i-"iilt..:l: southerlv llne of said lllrltE: to ifrl-southeast corner of sald-NtiNFL' thcnce t,torrh 0o03 ' ?test 760.95-i;;c-ifong $,e.iJ!terIy line of said t,r\pE! to trs rnlir='"lii";-;iirr ir,I-s"ri'r,Eriy ltne of said highway, thc Polnt of begtnntng, 36 *; co:xuIuED AND Eeglnning atthcnce Southsaid SEkNwk lrighway Ithence Northof way llne SEklrlrt; thence South FELNT{|5 to the beglnnlngl v-.-__g--a, creeli, ^th;;-; soirttr a?oooroSi tfesr 85.24 feet rlong the cGntsr of sal.dtcreehi thence South 54000' ltest 259.3,1 feet along the centtr of sald cfeekl '-':'1i{r .thence South 65o3dr ltest 109.62 feet along the center o! rald creek:thence South 6990.1 ' tfeEt 186.13 feets along the center of sald c:eek, thence South 85025' lfest.68.88 feet along the center of raid crgeki tlrense tlorth ??036r lfest 26.96 feet along the cenccr of sald creeP.i' thence tlorih 5Oo3?r l':esl 199.19 feet along the center of said c:eeki thence t'lorth 3Bo40r l{est 239.09 feet along the center of said c:eeki thence Souih ?6035r llest 89.91 feee along the center oi sairi c=3ekt to a point on the tfesterly line of sald Sliki'lEkltlrencl South Ool5r l.les-, {-61.90 fecu to the center of sald Secticn 12t ttrcrrce Nor-,h 89.02 | East l3tl?.65 f eeu alorrg tlre $ourhes!y line of said SlirrliEl to the Southeast corner of, said SlilillEti; thince North 0c'06r East 136.1 .32 feet along the Easterly llne oi seid Sl'rlllE! to the Northeast corner of said SlirrltEtr the poiet oi beg inning 1 AITD The Nlfk5Elr of Section 12, Tor.rnship 5 South, Range gfir'est of the 5rh P.u. , All that, parr ot the stitNEt of section 12, lylng Southerly otthe centar of Gore Creek os shor.rn on tho plal on file ln Lheofflce of the Eagle County Clerk and Rccoider as Docunent llo. 9?.1 99 , de.scribed as lolloiua r se{innlng at lhg Northeast corner of said St{!}tEk;thence South 88o33r l{est 131.6? feeg to a polnt ln the center ofsaid Creek; :thence gouth 40oo9r l'Jest 9{.0,1 feet alc,ng tlre ccilter ol sald creikrthence South l8o3lr l{esr 5,t.oB feet aloni tfre conrer o! sard creeP.rthence South Io;.{'lleat 205.02 feec aloni the canter of said CreeLrthence South l2"1Or lfest 110.35 feec aloig the centcr o! said C3eeliithence gouth 28o.lIr Nest 3?0.00 feecithenee Soutsh 5o2.lt3O" East, I?O.OO feet along the eGntGr of scid! AI'ID A1I. that part of the SEtNI'tli of Section 12, Tolrnship 5 South' Bange 8l t.test oi the 6th P.[t., lying Southerly of the Southerly-r.ight of way line of U.S. ltighr,.al, No. 6r- as shor.rn on the PIae on tile ln the ofiice of the Eagle-County Cler!'. and Recorder as Docutaent No. 97489, described as followsi the soulheast corner of sald SEktlt{lrt eCoozr l.lest 836.95 f eet along the Eoutherly llne of to a polnt on ttre Soulherly right of, r'ray line of stlid 52o35, East 105?.0? feet along. thc Southerly rlglrt oi-sald highway to a potnt on the Easterly llne of sald 0015, west 628.21 feet glone the Easterly lJ.ne of satd s;utheast corner of sald gEbl{I'ttr the polnt of EXCEPT THE fOLLOlfIllG t thai part descrlbed ln Book 188 at page 5tl5; that part described ln Eook 191 at page 2tll; that part descrlbed ln Boolt 203 at page 231; 37 r) CO:ITI::UED thrb part descrlbed ln BooP. 201 at page 531; L o--.. tlrat certain lsland adjacent to theloccLed in the miidle 6f core Cree!:,to esclude frcm this trensac:iolli Count!' cf Eog).e . .Stsale of, Colorsdo A.LSO D.ESCF.I EET' and t tn'Docu=r:nrlegr 4&3 thr! above-descrlbed ProPcrtY,rvlrich the partlcs intend ALSO THE FOLTO:IIiiG FARCEL FORIiEP.LT ru{O:.IiI AS TIIE "COSGiIFT PARC:L" A tract of land slruated ln the Stl l/4 NE l/( oI Section 12. Tounship 5 Souch. Range 8l tlcsr of Llre 6th lrincipal llfritiian. lyin5, llorthuesterly of the cenrer iine of Gore Creek, riescribed es f ol I or.'s : Beginninc 3t a !oint vhence the llortb QuorterCoiner oT saii bection l3 bears li' llrgJ'lrr' 2291.7? feet I thence 5. 66"02'30"-E' 89'50 teer; thence S' 5q'42'30" t. 169'86 feet: thencs s. 3i'I6'30" E. lq0. r2 f eet ro E -P9int J-n the cenIer of sajd creek:. thence 5' 65t34' l"' 109'6? feet a)ong the center ljne of seid creeki. thencp i. -Og'i'4r''tl. io.i8 r""'' 6long the. c9l!ci.l ine of saiti creel(i ttencl ti. 23'"12'fO'l 9' 317'54 feet to th€ point-ot Leginning, containing l 'Q5 acrer notc o;. less. Beglnnini at.a goint tlhenct tlre NoYth Quette; corner ot s",t' "t"tion tj-bcarr.lJ' ll'03'w' z79z.r;.. teet; 11,.;;*-3.-El;c?'!4" E ' 89' 81 feet ;;:;;l-s.-ii;25'io" l- l6e.q6 rtet: th€nce s' i2:;;:36'i i. i" r .al f eet to a-polnt In the i."irr-ot irid cieeh; thence s: 65'31'3q': $' ;6;:;i ;;"i-;i";;-it'"'""ter-llne of seld cretl ;i:;';; 3: (,eo0l;30; tr. 103.0? reet.-sl919-tl.ll-.. :;;;;; iin"-"i- ""id creeki thence N' 23'2q'09" il"ii l.i't' ice t' io the palnt of br5'lnnlng'' ALSO lncludlng all pater and uell -rlghrr aDDUrr€n8nt to thc ebove descrJbed ProPertl';;;;;:;"-*";tit'o". liniterion. ilell Ferntt lfo' lJ+702. r.'aLer t: gt'.ti- rjecreed ln-Ctvll Acllon i;:-;izl-i" rasie-i.ountv Distrlct courrr- lnd el I tl'.eL porttor.-oi-*oi'"t- ri!hrs decrced ln E;;--ii;: Ui'- iw-4r0: n;i;;.niii:ro" rio' 5' (Gore lJo. ! llcll - 0.05 cIs) TocETttEn.lilTH tn ees6oent ar dercrlbed i"."ib'.d AuF.ust 5. l9!n-'ln Eooh 306 at ;;;-i;;;tJ'l r', ?i',,-r< iirl-lt- Pugc 86 or EaEl e C,ountY l'ecoros. 38 W (js t-t .qs ila qqnq \-l \J \Ja, F Ltk\ (: !.1 '.>.itF. lJ.j tij --J\(5aqS trr h,) 1/)L] q- f"l t"{ q- -.tL{ *ti L-lILJq !-- $ l.u'€e\ie|!T\{f, \l F) 6tEt,rfl!,f" ZEEL i unr 0Jlg This Recreational Easement Agreement (this "Agreement'), dated as of May . t . 1992" is executed by Cascade Parlners, lnc., a Colorado corporation ("Cascade") at the.U address of Post Office Drawer 277A, Avon" Colorado 8L620, for the benefit of the Tonm of Vail, Colorado ('Vail"), at the address of 75 South Frontage Road, Vaif Colorado 81657. Regltals A. Cascade is the owuer of the real property located in the Towu of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described on the attached Exhibit A (the "Cascade Propergf} B. A path crosses the Cascade Property, running in an easterly and westerly direction, as dror€ firlly described on the attached Exhlbit B (the "Pathway") and continuing over the land im-sdistely to the east and the west of the C-ascade Property boundary lines, that is used for pedestrian, cross country skiing, biking and other permitted recreational purpo$es. C. Cascade intends to grant to Vail an easement over and across the Pathway to Vail, under the conditions set forth below. Grant 1. qant. For Ten Dollan and other good and rraluable consideratior5 including the covenants and conditions in this Agreement beloq the receipt and sufficienry of which Cascade acknowledges, Cascade grants to Vail a permanent, non-exclusive easement (the "Easement') (a) over and across the Pathway for use by the general public as a path for bfting, cross counffy skiing, pedestrian and other recreational uses as permitted by Vail, and (b) over and across the Pathway and the Cascade Property immsdhlsly adjaceil to the Pathway, for use by the agents and employees of Vaii as reasonably neces$ary to carry out the obligations of Vail under this Agreement below. 2. Non-Exclusive Easement. Ihis Agreearent does not grant exclusive use of the Easemeat to Vail. C,ascade may use *ie Pathway for all purposes not inconsistent with the use of tlre Easement by Vail qnd its authorized agents, employees, licensees and invite$. fuiy such use of tle Pathway by Cascade will not interfere with the use of the Pathway by any person or endanger any such person in such use a$ contenplated under this Agreement. The Cascades on Gore Creek ri\ 3. Maintenance and Operation. By accepting and using the Easemeir! Yail agrees as follows: a. Vail will maintairl operate and control the Pathway, at Vail's own cost, as trecessary to keep it in good and safe condition Without limiting the meaning of the precediug sentence, Vail will be responsible for repaving or replacing the pavement of the Pathway as nece$sary from time to time, and for keeping the Pathway clear of debris. Vail witl have the right to remove any objects and to trim trees and bushes interfering with the use of the Pathway. VaiI will also have t}re right to use so much of the Cascade Property immediately adjacent to the Pathway to perform surveying construction, maintenancq repair, renoval and replacement work on the Pathway as may be required to permit the operation of standard construction machinery needed in such work. Following any such work, Vail will promptly re$tore the surface of the ground to its former condition, as nearly as practical, and 'xrll promptly replace all trees, bushes and otler vegetation removed or damaged by Vail. b. Vail will be responsible for enforcing any rules and regulations applicable to the use of the Pathway in accordance with the ordinances of Vail. c. Vail agrees to indemnif, defend and hold Cascade harmless from sll glaimg, causes of action, suits, judgments and other legal proceedingS, and liabilities, losse$, damages, liens, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees) that Cascade may incur as a result of or in any way arising out of or connected with the use of the Pathway or the default by Vail in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement; provided, however, this indemnity will not ertend to matters arising as a result of the negligence or wrongful actions of Cascade. If any matter arises that is covered by thir indemnity, then Vail will defend or otherwise protect the interest of Cascadg at Vail's own cost, with counsel reasonably satisfactory to Cascade. d. Vail will carry general liability coverage in the single limit amount of $2,000,000 against.damage to or loss of property and injury to or death of any person occurring on or about the Pathway. The policy will nagle Cascade as an additional insured, will obligate the insurer to nodry Cascade at the address above of any change or cancellation in coverage at least 30 days before the effective date of the change or cancellation, and will include a contractual liability endonement sufficient to cover the indennity by Vail set forth above. Upon execution of and as a condition to Cascade's performance of this Agreement, Vail will deliver to Cascade a certilicate widencing this coverage, and prior to the expiration of any such policy, Vail will furnish Cascade with a certificate confirming renewal or replacement coverage for the erpiring policy, 4. Termination. If Vail permanently abandons the Easement, all right, privilege and interest granted to Vail under this Agreement will terminate upon that abandonment. )l!\ 478460 6*se"? p*35J o6,,1J5rr.72 J3-"3J FG .? 0,(. F, 5. Warranty bv Cascade. C;ascade warrant$ to Vail that C.ascade has good and indefeasible fee simple title to the Cascade Property, includiag the Pathway, subject only to taxes not )tet due and payable and covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easenents and rights of way of record including without limitation the Conveyance of Easement by Cascade lodge Joint Venture to Cascade Village Association, Inc., recorded September 18, 1987, in Book 470 at Page 316 in the ofEce of the Oerk and Recorder of Eagle C;ounty, Colorado. Further, the cousent of the holder of the single deed of trust encumbering the interest of Cascade in the Cascade Property has consented to the grant of the Easement by document attacbed to this Agreement. 6. Covenants Runnine with the Land. All provisions of tbis Agreement run with the land and benefit and are binding upon Cascadq Vail, and their respective succcslonl and assigns. 7, Exhibits. The exhibits attached are incorporated ln thi$ Agreement as fully as if set forth in this Agreement. 8. Governine I.aw- This Agreement will be governed by and intetpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. (sEAL)CASCADE PARTNERS, INC., a Colorado corporation ATTEST: ct ibb (sEAL) ATTEST: Bu tltq#* S. P4!4.e^,yflsw 47846l, s-54? F?*35J 1f|6,/J5,,/q2 J3:J5 F6JdF8 TOWN OF VAtr, CQLORADO o )) ss. ) @foregoing Easement Agreement was President and by Partners, Inc., a Colorado corporation. My commission enpires: lsEAL] STAIE OF COLORADO COTJNTY OF EAGLE day of STA1E OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE day of Juto Town Muna.qer Tovm of Vail, C.olorado. t.\ ) ) ss. ) The foregoing Easement Agreertreut was acknowledged before me this nn8 1991 by as aud taau*ha, S. Pceck* as -Towa'(Jttk of the Br€lda Ch€sman, Notlty R blE trlv Corwnissrbn erpires Aug 28, 1993'i'r i. rrontacr Road vril. CO 81657My commission expires: tsEALl 478460 8*5P,2 F-5s3 06,/t5,/92 lJ;J3 FC4CF8 ged beforq me this Notary Public JOINDER OF LIENOR FirstBank of Vaif a C"olorado banking corporatiorl as beneficiary of the Deed of Trust recorded February 13, Lgyz, in Book 572 at Page 686 is the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, and encumbering the Cascade Property as defined in &e foregoing Easement Agreemen! for itself and its successors and assigns, consents to the gant in that Easement Agreemeut aud agrees that ns proceedings to enforce its rights under the Deed of Trust by foreclosure or otherwise will extinguish or otherwise imFair the rights conferred under the Easement Agreement. FIRSTBANK OF VAIL 17 Vail Road ut .-o STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss. ) Easement Agreement was before me thi, /Jf day of LW), W President and by Partners, Inc., a Colorado My commission lsEAL] Notarv Public 47846iJ a-58? p-JsJ |I.6,/,15/q2 J3;3J Fi.'JUTL{ Secretary of C-ascade T itle: 5, u. l;, e Vr;e/u#cr e STATE OF COIORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE day of )) ss. ) The foregoing Easement Agreement was lwz" ,w-V'N. President and by My commission e4pires: lsEALl ..ri before me this / -- zts Secretary of c0i\ 474460 A-58.?FG6OFA FirstBank of Vail, a Cnlorado banking corporation. 'ffr'&ttQ-- o Exhibit A kgal Description of C-ascade Properry The real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: A paa of S'W U4 NE 1/4 Section 1{ Township 5 Soutb" Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Tmm of Va[ County of Eagle, State of C.olorado, described as follorrs: BegiDnhg at a point whence an iron pin with plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S42:50'19"Iil, ffi9.34 feeg thence 585'43'148, 89.84 feet; thence 557?5308 769.46 feet: thence 532:59'30'8, t41.47 teet; thence S653136\V, 95.04 feet; F theace S69t136'W, 103.02 feet; thence N23?4'09W, 31,9.09 feEt to the point of beginuing. Ir-/ \' 47A460 8*5A2 p-J5.5 0c/J5,/g2 1J".33 F6 7 SF I A-1 1.,':. l,'Exhibit B Legal Description of Easement A parcel of land located entirely withir Ift 1, The Cascades on Gore Creek, in the southwest l/4 of. the nortleast ll4 of. Section lt Township 5 Soutb, Range 81 West, of the 6rh Principal Meddian, Eagle County, Colorado. Said parcel is 15 feet in width being 75 feet eiti.er side of the following described centerliag the sidelines of which to be leugthened or shortened to t€rDinate at the property lines: Commencing at the center 1/4 of Sectiou 12, being an iron pin with plastic cap; thence N66"2352\il, 61L62 feet to a point on the westerly line of Lor 1, bcing the true point of beginning; thence N494739"8, 27.70 feet; thence N61"1236'E, 50.73 feet; rhence N652450'8, 7656 feet; thence N60"2553'E, 32.40 feet to the point of terminus ca ..he easterly of line of Lot 1, from which the southea$t corner of Int 1 bean S32"5930'E, 73.00 fect. Parcel contains 0.065 acres. 47A460 S*SS:' F_.j59 9s,1, 15,/9I lJ;JS p6srrFa o?\ B-1 {r/ (U This pASpMENT FOR ENCROACHMENT (this oAgreemento) is made this '-:r j day of 1992, among CASCADE PARTNER$, INC., a Colorado "otporation q"Gsc-0e1, snlrmst"&4rlrllL*a national banking corporation ("Bank"), and MILLRACE CONDOMINIUM qSSOCIATION, a Colorado non-profit corporation ("Millrace")' . , *SEATTLE-FIRST NATIoNAL BANK{? REctrALs A- Cascarle is thc owner of unplatted land known as the Cosgritf Parcel morc particulafly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated hcrein. B. Bauk is the owner of all that land tying adjacent to and immediately east o[ the Cosgriff Parcel, ancl Millrace is tlre owner of all that tand lying adjacent to and immediatety northcast of the Cosgriff Parcel (collcctively, thc "Adjacent Lrnd'). C. Certain landscape improvemcnts, including bouldcr retaining walls, trees, slrrubq and sotl lavm (collectively, the "Landscape Improvementsn), encroach from the C;osgritf Parcel onto the Adjaccnt [and. Cascade intentls to change the configuration cf the I:ndscape Improvernents to comply,with requirerncnts set torth by the Town of Vail. D. Bank an6 Millracc, as owners o[ rhe Adjaccnt Land, desirc to grant an sasement to Cascade for the e$croachment of the l*ndscape Improvements onto the Adjacent l-and, and lor cntry onto thc Atljacent land by Cascade for rcconfiguration of the I-andscape Improvements. ] AGREAMENT For good and valuabls considcration as set forth in this Agrccment, the reccipt and sufficiency of wtriclr arc trcreby acknowlcdgecl, Bank, Miltracs and Cascade makc lhe following agreemcnts and covenants: 1. Gra!!. Bank grants to Cascade, Cascade's invitees, and the $uccessors and assigns of Cascadc, a perpetual easement over and across portions o[ thc Adjacent land morc particularty described on F+hibit E and Exhibit C. attached hereto and by thir reference incorpbrated herein (the "Easterly'Ea$ement Property"), for (i) an encroachment of the Landicapc Improvcments, (ii) the construction, rcptacement, rcnovatlon and reconliguration of the Landscapc Improvernents, (iti) ingrcss and egress of pedertrians and vehicles to use' repair, construct, replace and maintain the l-andscapc Improvements, and (iv) for all purposec in conncction thercwith. Millrace grants to Cascade, Cascadc's invitecs, and the succe$sors and assigns of Cascadq a pcrpetual easement over and across portions of the Adjaccnl land more parricularly descriUed on Exhibit D. sttached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein I (trre "Norrherrv...E?::'ff:,#.,f.T:'l;r,i::,:1 ,::"":iqii."Tri:i:"{,:,:tJi;T,:, ",:r'ff Hru;f"U,"$H':151'ff fl*';{*,:3;:#**:lff"1lu',lii';;;"tipu'po***rn construct, rcPlace .ano ; conneclion therewrn. rt___^Aaz ffi "f;ffirH*=ryi:.,i?,;:i*l?;i::;li :1".:[tHi:'",",""rXt"1k;;;it'"1u$-t:"":"*cadetousctheEastsr'r--- prtp"t*l", inconsistent with dle rights ot ue rhisAgreemenrdoes"":fl *Jr"H1fi *i:r"1*ii*i:*l,i'*"#"*'H itr",ffi T'"",T'#lf'#["F:ffiliif if,g",'EJir"e"rp"p*' ilr, '"r"grtlt ;r cascade to use the Northcrty Eas''rerrs ' ,l*._..,"r,on_ Bank wilr pay arl rcd 3. u,orri* r"l,rry::,,lpi:,f'1frt""#*ffi-#i$li#fiil *1 ry"ig cstste ta)(es assesserl aeainst its poruon o Easemcnrpropcrty.Mi'ffi ::"ii1.",1"'":*:"i*ihrufiifi "n:l'11"J,::ili'.$:ffi rhi'Ht'4i:'i#"il$'[T:'ilil':#Elli';";i{.q-:t**i"ht**ff i?r'",ffiffi;,;;;*-4_':-J.",""r_:"#'j:"ffi1 jil"l;n#;JMilracervll Easement Properry tl EUU'.::::^:; ..'.'rlition and repair' Northerly e"'"*"n''i"o"friryin gooa condition and repan' responsibre,"li"l'* k$'ffiit|Y. gu"rtr, or inviteJ t"'i"e "iit; ri:t-"i]I-u to complete '"pt' un;ill"in'5o"nt:ntt*#tff{ irpr"i"r"",s, or to anv workman "3pi:lT irr" ""grig*" ol :'llt{:"'l"lllillrJr.d"u :*i,tfr 1",1"#'#i'Jlf*ilff$":Hn1:""""'tiEr':j'I:TH;::t1iy'idi*" *Jft:il5Jxt5t*i'i-,1l:|':l;llJ'tJl1"%1ffi :3iil;tt**'-ut*#, it"::fi Tirf ffJ*r'll,,r"*;t'q'fi tr,;;:#$;,'JllliFi##:ii#'hl'*#i'" tenants' guests' or invitees using the Easterly Easement Properq lmprovemcnts' :rt -d* f'rr oe-neral tiability insurancc for Bank will be fully responsible and will pay for-gh-"na property' d"gf ot pror,€rryaj,i[:x",ll'#,1""H#x;lrur'111#{ri+t.?':fu l;"'""**x]::n:whatever nature flrutrt$ rrwr. "..'-. ;;-; (rrch insur'rlce will hav tue landscap" t"iilJi3ti"'.' uv g""t' such insurance will hav oI rnket liabilitY Policiese included in Bank's blt I imi rs fo r su ch rvp_e. o f T":l'g"il'5lTh,lJ#;an;; -,tuniuro dcrr uctible. covcring othcr locattons ot Di'r^t "'* ""'-', , ndily injury to any.of Millracewi[betullyresponsiblefor(a)anyliabiliry.tort Millrace's employces, ;;;* 1"'i*t*' gu.ests:'i' titl"ii"lt or any third persons using the Norrhcrry Easemenr pfi;;,;,11i@;i,e ,13 r""i*"p" rrplSy"T:i::' or to anv workman #;,il#o;11r,:: j{?'i;;"lHn';f ltn'ni$i:'#"'",*:iil"T:'ffil'"'?":lll case lrom thc negttgcnc or invirecs or any *lrO-'pirr*r--ufing ,t",lf"it^f''"tfy Easemint..Pr6ocrty' including tne landscape t.prou*"il,t'""J'1u1-g1y...ff"oni,r^i"t'i"*og*. * :h: i'toritrertv Eascment propcrry,psr$ona,",#;"ip;;il'"iilr*"fr'lkk**nf 'm::biTT:t#'j ^#'ffiT #r,il:#;1 ;,,Tff ,J':Xt"r'KJ H;-ifr " 1"s1' e*'i -" r'nurot misconduct' o t Millrace Millrace't **ploy"o' ig*t".'"nono' ;;;-;t it;tlo ot "nv third persons usmg the Norrherly enr"*#r'?ffitd:ffi F ii"" lonottope Improvements' Millrace will be tullv tcsponsible and wilt pav rq c::"#;li#'il'HHT"T propcrrv*1ry,:'-*ry"r-*'"l'J"limx,:""oiYn:"fi $.;lt?I:],,*i-',i,ily'*'11':: whatever nature arl$tr rhe r.andscap" r*pro"T**-no,-uyluliurur". s;"il;;;;." *11111*" lustomary and reasonaute limits lor such rypc or tiabiliry insurance, P"{;: ffii"i-r" Millraces blanket liability poueres covcring orher [ocarioffi;''Mil;;;; ""4;rinr""]lit;;;";; $tandard deductiblc' Cascadc will be fully rcsponsible for (a) any ]i"|jL:I for bodily injury to any or casca,re,s "*pru.y"*, r*;ti ::n:i,;T*Hki**ulUq ff'".6j."f"Ti*p*"p:l'::::''""fi v#ilHxHTi:'-"1;;m;s'""1T1'^l'3llJfi ,ffi1"H?,1fi1,to complete t"nut' .1ro, misconduet o_r cas"ale, cascade's.employiioni; lor damagc ro me the-negligcnce ll;IJ' ,6" tandscape lmprovcments' and (b) ary lil or inuitc*s in using the landscap: 'liPj:f:::""jJ:; #;' eusets, or invitees usie^tfe personal or rcal o'ooi'it;e""t;ft"';e'mplov"es' agents' tenants' g:T;iti;l;iscond:r-c-:of '**n:tr[txt*i:d:'-':ffi:"1'nn'5res'ff J:"llh::H;;;;i;;'h"randscape lmprovements r r- --'t ";lt fiqv tor seneral liability insurance for Cascade will be fullv rcsponsible and will- Pav rq q$":il;l#ttio"l'"g" "r lTx,T#,"li*:'*ilil'i;l1Y}lwr"*tir"1flal",$ffitrifi ',i,i1i"ft ,i;ffi ;;;#;;ce winnaie custom'ry "ld *T":",,b"[i'ffi.f ii"''i'i*'i""s or iascade' and mav be inctuded "'cf,r"""iti'r"n-{"i iiouiriry policies covering othe #i #;;;Lde's standard deductiblc' 5' Default' lf any parry dcfaults in i$ performance o[ any of its Jesqcctive covenan., or obtigations sst lorth ," ,n*'iuJ#*-"','i[J,, itt; *"J"i*ltil'e parties to this -3 - o ,l Agreement may exercise against the dataulting party all remedias,-legal or equitable, to which rhlse parties are cntitled to by law or equity or by thc terms of this Agreement. 6. subsequent owners. The easements S,rantcd in this Agreement are appurtenant to the Cosgiifl Parcel and may not be assigned or transferred etcept as an appurtenancc to the Co$grifl Parcel. 7. Runninq o[ Benefits and Burdens. All provisions of this Agreement' including ths benefits uoO U*.t"tls, ron wittr the laxt and arc binding upon and inure to- the benelit if thc assigns, successors, tcnsnts, heirs, devisces, and personal represenlatives of the parties to this Agreemeit, subject to the provisions of this Agrecmcnt' 8, Termination of Covenant Liabilitv. Upon thc transfer of owncrship by Csscaclc of the Cosgriff P*""1, "r "pon tfie tiamfer Ui Bank of its portion of the Adjacent I-and or upon the transfer by Millrace of its portion of the Adjacent [and, liability of the transleror [or ths breach of any covenant under this Agreemcnt occurring after the transfer will automatically tcrminate. g. Noltcc. AII noticcs under this Agreement to the respective partiss will be made in writing ondfiif br served by prcpai<t regisiercd or certified mail, or by personal delivery, addressed to the rcspective:parties at thc following addresses: If to Banls Seatirst Bank P.O. Box 34401 Seattlg Washington 98124 Attn: Gary Williams If to Millracs Millrace Condominium Association 1476 Westhaven Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 I[ to Cascade Cascade Partners, Inc. 100 East Thomas Place iiil:';lJgdo 8,620 Any such notice will be effective upon receipt, if personally delivered, or three days-attcr the noiice has bcen deposited in the United Siates mail, as provided above, or if earlier upon rcccipt. 10. Altgrneys' Fees, In the event o[ any,action or procceding brought.by any parry against "ny ottt r porty ,rnaer this Agreement, the prevailing Party will be entitled to recover all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' [ses. -4- t 11. Cognternarts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each o[ which when taken togcthcr will be an original. IL Choice of [aw. This Agreement wiil be governed, enforced and construed under the laws of the State of Colorado. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, thc parties hereto havc made this Agreement as o[ the date set forth above. BANIC . SEAFIR$FASI{{L*a national banking corporation.T/ *SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANKATTEST: Secrctary ATTEST: MILLRACE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCATION, a Colorado non-profit corporation CA,SCADE: CASCADE corporation PARTNERS, INC., a Colorsdo -5- Secretary ATTEST; STATE OF WASHINCTON COUNTY OF KING on this go4 aty ot 4/K/]- ,1992, before me personally appcared 5T€ftltad: s,tt-Y€,< . to mc knsnn to be - U''t ctg. ,ke:s t rrzqlf o[ Scafirst Bank, a national banking corporation, that exccuted the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the [ree and voluntary act and deed o[ said banking corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioncd, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument and thal ) ) rs. ) My commission expire,s: / I -ay''{d STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE lsEALl ) ) ss. ) Sccrctary of Millracc Witness rny hand and oflicial seal. My commissi an expirx: /- Ja' f{ -6- t o STATE OF COI,ORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing I Witness mv hand and My commission expirest lsEAL] ) ) sr. ) corporation. 1 't EXIIIBIT A COSGruTF I'ARCEL A part of the southwe$t quartcr northea$t quarter, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of thc 6th Principal Meridian, County o[ Eagle, State of Colorado, dcscribed as lollows: Beginning at a point wlrencc an iron pin with ptastic cap marking the centsr of said Section 12 bcars South 42 Degrecs 50 Minutcs 19 Scconds Wcst 669.34 fcet; thcncc South 85 Degrecs 43 Minutes t4 Seconds East 89.84 [eet; thence South 57 Degreer 25 Minutes 30 Seconds East 169.46 [eet; theuce South 32 degrees 59 Minutes 30 $econds East 141.47 feet; thcnce South 65 Degrees 31 Minutes 36 Seconds West 95.04 [eet; thence South 69 Degrees 01 Minutes 36 Seconcls West 103.02 [eet; thencc North 23 Degrees 24 Minutes 09 Seconds West 319.09 lcet to thc point of bcginning. Togcther with an cascment trom Manst'icld, Ltd., a Colorado limited partnership, to Etdorado Realty Company, a Colorado corporation, as described in document recorded November 15, 1984, in Eook 399 at Page 808, as convcycd in Deed recorded November L5, 1984, in Book 399 at Page 812, County o[ Eagle, State of Colorado. A-1 ir ,] !t-:l , 1" :l EXHIBIT B FIRSr SWPLE',ENTAL LIAP TO e"t'$ff[,]* '*tii:i:i:':i::'.i.t'*.'.'.'.'i'.'.'..''..'.,'.\-A ,i'.','i,','.'.'.'.'.'.'f r* E:ilrllr,i$; fosffitrr PAfrcEL Lr|D OTS(l'IrlIil tltt/l .Srattoa 12, tororhtp 5 Soucht Rragr Tcrrl ol Vrll, llgla Caqrrtt, Colotado t nrc I Sffift.E l' - 2O' sntrT' HIILRACE CfrNDOilIINIUUS ctrE? tB ,t r-c;-s f-t -ll tlr P.r P.O,& co*nmd rorr thrc trE tGrlr A prrcrl ot lmd locrttd ta rir StlUl tl irri oa $. 6th ldrcltrl llrrldtaqr prrttculrrlT dercrtbrd rt tollorr ! lrttnElot rt ro .a!lr polnt 6 lhr Y.rt.rlt -pto!'rtT trn3 ir-!n3-!:::t"tl}*;1il;ifi ; ffit- i#; ;;i it-rto.''t'r"i thi etatcr, "r-:::'*:1.*. l?g'i!' lff;iil iiz lid-rilfu :ffii: ;il;- i'.:t:. ;::li^ i::i::.', l'ff i11l?' lil]:er' F r' " ''-"v '--\D ..!r!- tt ua*tl3'zi-rt l4'9{i feclt thrnca3t.82 faalt thrncr dtparBtot tha lrrtlrly 11, -^ -- - .r ,^ Ftr.r.r?rr'# :[9 I ;i:1, *ij:E rT;;'tr "* ;;i ;36 ;6e {-- r0 .e t- | :".i _ _t_"yi -t_919 llil:1J.i8 lcrt lo ;il";;h;-;;dtt{'r.J."-lF:r-lh'-c-Tj'l:t-"-1qt^.:1'o:;ilil'ii"' ;L..#i;' #.p:il-il;' nii;ii1h -u i-tt':l - *"- -':--'-h" pora. o r u"tliarar, ftr ruova oir"*ma prrcrl cootrlar 83{'45 rquace f'ct' tlTIClr ,tccotdllg !o colbtrdo lrr you 'or!' Gornal ut lc!rl-actt".1-*T TnIi'ra!'&t nss{rrr'tr " *:::';J;;'ii'L--'Jt-Ji.t too ltrrt dtleovrr mchray drtrc: lo Bblt ntr{at rrlthln Ehr-ar y-t|L i-.t,,- t- ]rr- . ,.r.? b.;.d;;;fu-."r arrrct ru Ghlr tUIII-!'datr€c. Iu no rtrnt r.t rnt rctloo b|trc uDo|r aE q'rrGt t: 'i:' '5''-' -- anrntrd 16rr r.hrn trs. tar' t.ot tlrr Crtr Ol the iertttlCrtloA lhcvn hlrrOl. CA$ff,ADE LODGE PARCEL peK 556, PACE 6tE) i^f rr.*I l of t o rxHtBtr o "\|| Ittn'tf Et.w lp CASC/0/E LffiCE PARCEL (aoil( 556, PAff 6t8) * 47?r'3t' u I2.E/ \ \.. 4rr$9' f, 5,?3 \" L5 Uttcllllil A prted et'Lol te.rt.a la ithe trf/f mf/t S.cGtm lZ' lolEhlp 5 Southt l.att 8t grt of ttr Clb tr{nal}&!:tlrrtCl.rar Tra of Tdl, trglc CouEIr Colortdot rrc prrttcrlrtlf drorttrd u tlll*rr Brglaatq rt r Fo(!t c ttrr,rrtrrlt pto?.rtt ltar of thr-Glcrdc Prrcrl rr oierftra h loeL !!6 rt lrjr 6lt ritoi *hrcr thl ecqtar of Sectloa 12 burr S60't5rOO-f,7t2.1! lmtt tticr rloag thr rrterly ltar ll32'5-9'3O'Il' 9.10 flrti throee ccctlutag rto-t th ,.|tffIy ltnr ll!7'2tr30'gr 47.00 fc.t-i sbGoc. ilcp*tlag tror thr ,-i..ii-ffo. flifs:l'm-;, 6.00 fccti thsaca 558'38i45'E' $:00 f.;lr jtrocr 3st'3i'4f'l; it.0o f".tt thtrcc s42'33r191r' 5,.t5 fartl drlcsa tt4t'Zt.t*, 11.E7 t6t to tUi golnt o! tcgtmlug. Tha abovc docrlbcil parccl corcrl!. {5t.9t r{.Er f..t. lgtrl0B3 iccor{tl| Bo Colon6o lrr you Gttt corroa. aoy 1rg11 acttol burd upo6 m7 rilrfect tr ttb nttry rtt'bia-lhrr. ylrn dt r tort flrrt dtrcorcr ruch drhct. tl uo rrri ry tat rclloo btrrd upt ely difret 1l tblr runny br corrocrd nn thn t.c irl* tror thr dr1j ol tlr crrtlttcrtlo'q thtro hucot. a t* cErnr $G r€r-t-S n-tt-ll tJr fJ, srflt l'- # EXHIBIT D nFSr s.FFtEltEtr rup TO ULT,NAc€ CflNOOTIINIUHS c5fiEr llc tl, I-6-'8 t-,|-[ atr PJa CASJCADE LOOOE Pt{fftrL @oaK 556, PACE 6t8) OOSCN'FF PANCEL Lm Drlcrtr?llil a percrl of lroi loertrd la thr tlnt twlrmtrl t||? Bo ltlllrrcc cocdorlofu$' r yrtt ot tbr SEI/I lrl/l' gGElod fZ, tilIblp iiouil' lrngr 8l tf"t ot tbr 6tb Pltrclpd tlrrldlrn, tra o! vrt'lr hd' iitty, coiondo Drr P'Ettcuhrlt Orcsfire r lotlorr: lrgtnhg r! tbr nrtlgt cpt!.r of thr ltnt S4plnot'rl lt+ to Xlllrrec Coodorltrlo:r lBOr rttch tt qrrt r ot S.ctl,on l2 b.r;i Ssl'l4ril-Il' 7[1-'40- fcrt; tlmcr rbrt Gl. ,*thitfl- r-P.rtt ltlt o! tbr llrrt Sqpbr'otrl llrp lo lllllnec Cndortrlu' tl57'1tr3{l'll' 15't4 ittt; thrqcc drprrtlar fror tbG rourh.Ely llm lF4'l5r2l'!' 1t.5{ f|.-t- to r Potit- * th1 orlrlr llm of trhe Itrrt Supplr.lrrl tt.o to ttltlrrcr coadorla-tulii th-o. rlcg ttrr urterly l1oc g3?.0!tr!1-tr 3t.At t..r Eo rhr polot of Xilaofog; Th ebovr docslbrd perccl cortrtru 1!i.3f :qurr !mt. l|tfiCl: lacorilut to ColoErdo lrr yoa r|t qtnac' llt 1"!l rctton brlld upoo |E, drlr8r tn tlrtr rtrT.y vlt|lrll, tlr-r| yirr -Jt". io. flrrt dtrcotct rudr drfect. rn r rvraE r.t rlt rcclod trrra ipsq- rry de91r9t .ln thlr rurr" b€ coxuecd ro'. rh.n .." i-.i i;;-rh. drtt oi tlc trcttftutloa thorro htrcoo' ff I ,€6 Aeqn# ,4;^7f 6su^41t c. PETEF COsGRITF .,O}TN w. OUHN ROBERT 1I. S. FFIE CX STEPHE C. WEST TIMOTHY 'i. elEFtRY AFITHUR A.AEPLANALB JF. JOXN A. WOOD FFIEDEf}ICI{ B. SKILLEF''{ Law OFFtcEs CosaRtrr, Dutrurr & FneNcH, P P. O. Box ll LEADvtLLE, CoLonAoo E046l (303) 4e6- tS85 March 20, 1984 Peter Cosgrif ARECXE RIDGE OFFICE: P. o- Box 56A BREC'(ENRIOGE. C()LONAOO BO4E4 (303) zf53-49c)1 VAIL OFFICE: P. O. BOr 340 vAtL. coLoRADo alasg (303) 4?6-73s" Mr. Dick RyanDirector, Cormunity Developurent Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Re: Blue River Trading Company - Mansville, Ltd. Special Development Distr.iet *4 Dear Mr. Ryan: This is to advise you that our client, Blue River Trading Company, a Colorado -corporatign, oItrT]gI of that p-articular prooerEv described on the attached Exhibit "A", has no objection'to,'and- does hereby consent to the inelusion of the Propertydeicribed on sald ilxhibit "A" wirhin Special Development District #4 as set forth in the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance. The subjecL properCy is presently under contract to Mansville' Ltd., a cblorabo Lirnited Plrtnership, and eonsent ts hereby given to- the purchaser, llansville, Ltd:, to fite any-necessary applicntionsr documents, consents, etc. to include the subject property within the above'referred to Special Development District' If you have any guestions concerning-this please feel free to contact me at the above address telephone nr:nber. Thank you. mattser, and PC: ealcc; Fred OtLo, Enclosure Esq. I RESOLUTION The foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at aregular neeting of the Board of Direetors of BLUE RIVER TR3DING COMPANY held at the registered office of the Corpora-tion at l-31 West 5th Street, Leadville, Colorado, on lJednesday, March 14, 1984 at which time and pl-ace all of the Directors bf Blue River Trading Company were present and in attendance andafter full consideration and discussion, r:nanimously adoptedthe foregoing ResoluLion: BE 1T RESOLVED, thaL Blue River Trading Company hereby consents to the inclusion within Speeial Development District #4of the Town of Vail of its 1.05 acres as more particularly described in Deed recorded December 15, 1983 in Book 374 at Page 9I0 and the proper officers of the Corporation be and are herebl' authorized and direeted to take all proper and neeessary steps to effect the inclusion within said Special DevelopmentDistrict {14 of the subject real property and to execute all proper documents, consents, applications, etc., to effect the and intent of this Resolution. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and was duly adopted on March 14, 1984 at aof the Board of Directors of Blue River eEer Cosgr ( foreg5ing Resolutionregular congened meeting Trad lrrg-Coryy'any.tt"Tr":y /.- /t..tt-{:,k*) Secretary :^ A tract Sect i on rbe 6rhof the follows EXHIBIT .,A" ALSO DESCRIBED of land eituated in the SW L/4 NE 1/4 of12, Township 5 South, Range 8l l.lest ofPrincipal Heridian, lying Nortbwe6t.erlycenter line of Gore Creek described as Beginning at a point whence the North QuarterCorner of said Section 12 bears n*. 11"03, W.2292-72 feet; tbence S. 86"02'30" E- 89.50feet; thence S. 54"42'30" E. 169.88 feet;s. 33o16',30" E. 140 - 12 feer to a point incenteT of said ereek; thence S. 65"34' W.feet along the center line of said creek;S. 69"04' l,J. 9A.18 feet along the ceDter 1said creel:; thence N. 23"72'30" lf . 317.54to the point of beginning, containing 1.05$ore or 1ess. tbence the 109 . 62 ttrence ine of feet acres, Eeginnin5, at a pc j nt r*hence the Iiorth OuarterCorner of said Sectior l? bears ,'.,. I J "(r3' l,l . 2292.t=2 ieet; ihence Sl . 65,4'j'14" E. A9.8/. feet';thence S. 57"25 '30" E. 169.46 feer; rhence S. 32"59 '30" E. 141.47 feet to a poinr in thecenter of said creek; thence S. 65o31 '36" W.109.62 feet along the eenter line of said creek;thence S. 69"01 '36" W. 103.02 feet along rhecenter ljne of said creel:; thence N. 23o24'A9" 1,1 .319.09 feet to tbe point of beginning. TOGETHER }JITH an easerDent as described in Documenrrecorded August 5, 198t1 in Bool: 306 at Page 443 altG Tec(,ried ir bcroi; 307 hL ?ale 8{, of theEagIe County r-ecords ALSO including all vater and well righrsappurtenant to the above described property,jncludjng without linitatjon, I'lell Permit No.th702, water righrs decreed in Civil ActionNo. 2375 in f,agle County Distrjct Courr, andall that portiorr of nater rights decreed in Case No. 80 Cl-l 410,. !,'ater Division No. 5,(Gore )jo. I Wel l - 0. 05 cf s) i i lr ! l,I