HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT TERRACE WING GENERAL LEGALI Lc^scade \i\\aqc F.Cr^ A \\otc-\ \gf,G4- Loin t 6c-nErct'\ at*t thy tg.lgEB $b[cArffi . f,xDslltB 7-' t Ttrum l*' J:I rYb,rg VOLUME 1I GE}IERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIF]CATIONS INDEX Section 00700 Genenal Conditions Seclion 010N General Requirements Section02110 Demolit'on Section 03010 Concrete S€clbn 04200 Unit MasonrY Work Section O5500 Miscellaneous Mehls Section 06200 CatPenfY Section08100 Ardtibc'turalWooduork FD Drawing (under separate cover'See Volume lll) Section 081fl) Hollow M€td Doors and Frames Section 08200 Wood Doors t Seclion 084@ Builders Hardware Section 08800 Glass and Glazing Seclion 09250 Gypsum Dtywall Sectid09300 CeramicTile Sec'tion 09600 Marble and Stonework Section 09750 Resilient Finishes Sec{ion 09800 Painl Section09900 Wallcovering Section 10200 Bath and Miscellaneous Accessories Section't5(D0 Equipment Section15010 Mechanical Section 16010 ElecUical Powerand Lighting Section 17000 Salvage O Seciion 18(X)0 Fumishing Coordination AD Drawings Ardritectrral Dehils (under sepanate over'See Volume lll) SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 007m - General Conditions Geneml Constuction and Flnishes 1.PRINCIPIES AND DEFINITIONS 1..1 DOCUMENIS brming tris onbad are tlre SPEGIflffiTPNS, including the General Conditons and tre DRAWNGS. The Oontact stral be lnclusive of all addenda and modifidions incorpo ratd lhetein pliorlo execution ofthe conhact 1.2 OWNER shall mean tn peson, firm or corporailon namd in the speifications, and shall bo deemed to lnclude allduly au0nfted represnHives tpreof. ,|..3 PURCHASINGAGENTshallmean o Maryaret EvandPat Kugler New Serve, Inc. 30505 Bainbridge Road Solon, OH 44139 1..4 CONSULTANT/ARCHITECTshallmean Laurie Mller Anderson/Millet, tld. ItM0 Notth Dayton Shset Suib 302 Chicago, lllinois 60622 1..5 INIERIORDES|GNERshallmean Scot Jordan Associates lll 1516 Blake Sfeel lbnver, CO 80202 OPEMTOB shallmean David Osunld Destnaton Hobls and Resoft S4 lnvemess Ddve Soutt, Stdb 100 Englewmd, CO 80112 HOTEL shallmean Chris HanneniDeane Nhnnhg/Fat Shaughan Vall Gccade Hobl and Club 1300 Weshaven Ddve Vail, CO 81657 (216)49&0335 phone (216)49e0868 tax (312) 642{803 phone (312)642-8661 fax (303) 534-4444 (303)62S5035 (303) 799-3830 (303) 7996011 (e70) 47&,71 11 (970) 47F7049 phone tax 1..6 '|...7 phone fax phone fax SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditons Genenal Constuclion and Finishes 1..8 GENERAT CONTRACTOR shall mean fre permn, firm or corpration fumishing labr or matedal, or bott, b tte General Conbador. ,|..9 SUBCONTRACTOR includc any pemon, firm, or corponaton fumlshing labor or m&rial, or bth, to tte General Contsahr. 1..10 WORK as employed henln, includes any mabrial, equipment consfruction, labor, orseNice neessary for the @rrffucton prescdbd by tn Conbact Documanb. 1...; 1 SIMILAR shal apply in lb general sanse and not as meaning ldentical, and all contngent details of consiluction shall be ws*d out in proper alation b theh padcular locaton and connetion b other palh ofwotk. 1..12 ADDENDA coverirg changes, orectons, and speclal lrrterpretstons of frn dradrgs and spclffcaflons,'shall bmme a patt of thE Contact Documenb. 1..13 APPROVED. ACCEPTABTE. OR SATISFACTORY shallbe undenstood b mean approved by accepbble to, or satshctory b tre CONSULTANT. Equalor approved equalitems and substlu- tions themf shall be conslderd only pdot h tme of bid. O L.14 DtscREpANclEs. tNcoNGRUtTtEs tt ts the reponsibllity of 0re General contracbr u,here observd disagreementmus betrryeen drawtrgs and speclfrcafions, orwiftln elffierconceming sme in propoml. Thereafur the lbm or anangement of fofbr quality, greater quantty, or hlgher costshallbe lncludd in he bid. 1..15 WRITIEN NOTICE shalt h demd as duly served fidelivered in penson b lhe indMdual, b a memhr of the firm, or b an oficgr of tre corpordon br whom lt ls intended, or if defvered at or sent by registered mall b tre lct buslness address of such individual, firn or corponalion, known to him who gives notice. 1..16 'OR EQUAf i WhEre 'or qual' is specified, samptes shatl be submltted wittt poposals br appowl bylhe Consulbnt 2. DGCUTION. CORREI.ATIONAND INIENT OF DOCUMENTS 2..1 The Contract Documsnts are mmplemenhry and wtrat b calld br by any one shall be as binding as if calted for by all, tt belng the Inbnt of ttre Confact to include a[ ufflrk requlred b complete tre consfiuction as indicabd lherein, exceptng only that work wttlch is explicifly mentioned or lndlcd as omltbd from he conbtt 3. DRAWNGS.SPECIFTCATIONSANDINSTRUCTIONS 3..1 Untess othensi.se providd In tre Contact Documenb, the Consulbnt shal fumbh wilh pason- able promphess any rquH additonalinsfiuctions, by meansof drawings and/orspecifications ne6ssary br the proper exeadion of the wodt. The up* shall be executed in conbrml$ fiee SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - GeneralConditots Genenal Constuclion and Finlshes wtth and tE Conbactor shalt do no r,rork wifrout poper dradngs an/or insffuctions. All such drawlngs shall be consi$ent wt0r fre Gonffi Documenb, tue developments helpof and reasonably inferable fiereton. 3..2 A[ drarings, specificalions and oples frereof, fumished by the CQNSULTANT, a;p the OIIJNER'S property. 'fhey are not to be rM on other uo*, and with fie excepton of the signd Contact set are to b retumed b 0re CONSULTANT at tn compledon of he woflc. GENERAL CONIRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY 4.,1 The Genenal Conbmtor shall verify at the stuircture or s'tte all measuremenb lndicated on the drawlngs and shall eshblish mnectrcss of all line, levels, and pilions for all paft of hls rrut' The General Conhctor sha[ be responsible br all rvork done under his contact, Including faulty or improper m* of subcontrabrc and othen unda hlm by contact or o$erwise. The General Gonftcbr shall be responshle for the conduc{ of this employees and agenb on $e sfte ard shall mainbin good oder on tn prembe where m* on fie pmlet ls caried on. 4..2 The Geneml Gontsacbrshalldiligen$y execub tre wrrk and glve his pmnal attention and supervision to same unlil omplebd. tVhen absent from the uprk, he shall leave a ompebnl peison In charge nctn shall bs authofzed to ad br him. Any forcman in ctwge of any workman rvo*ing alone on tre ruork, shall be deemed a representstive of tp General Confacbr, gMng and caryitg ottt htstttdons reld thereb. 4.3 lt is nd lncumbent upon tln Ourer ard/or hb agent h notity te @neral Confacbr b dend to or have in Eadiness such wort or m#dal as operatons may rquirc, it bing deemed that fte Gerpral Contahr shall bo responslbh for all delays caused by neglect on hls part or thos under hlm by confrac't or othemisg. 4..4 The Owner reservestre dghtb employ oheronfacbn brtrort in onnmton with this projed The General Confiachrshall afrrd ofier conbacbn access to areas in which he is unrking and rcamnable opprt mlty to cany out 0rek unrlt so that progle of consffiJcton wll not be delayd. 4..5 \i/here Gercnal Conbactor unnwsarlty cub, damage, or Bmoves wotk of other contacbrs, or through negligerrce fails to notity otlren regardlng space requirements for his work, or gives lncor@ informaion ordimenslons regardlng same, said General Gontracbr shall be fully mporsible for conmling, d his own expens, any damaged or incoret uerdt caused by his acb or omissions. 4..6 In all case where a Generat Gontracbr causes or ls allegd b have caused damages to any otpr conhactor, the Ganeral Confacbr shall setUe all claims 4airst him. lf any contmtor sues tre Ownerfordam4es altegedto have been sustalned because of lhe GeneralContacto/s wo*, @neral ConfaAor snal defend such proceedings, et$ any Judgement awadd and pay all expenses adsirg became of'such adon. SUBCONTRACTORS SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 007ff) - General Condilions GEneral Conshrdon and Finishe 7. 5..1 the name and address of all subconbacftns shall be fumished h fte Purchming Agent and he slealion of subnbacbrs must be apptoved by frem; and if in fieir iudgment any hilue b pnsecub lhe'woft ln sfiict accodance wiur the dradngs orte @nenat Contractor, afur due notice from the Ownsr or his agent shall dlscharye tre same, but his shall in now nay releae tre General Contracbr tom hls obllgatons and respnsibility under the Contat' 5..2 Errery subcontactor shall be bourd by the terms and provisions ol Sn confmt doslmenb so hr as apptlcable h hls wodr. Nottring conhined hereln shall cmab any mnftctual relalion bturcen any subrrfactor and fte &ner. 5..3 Tlp General Conbacbrshallbe fully responshle to tre Owrerforfre acb and omisslons of hls Subconbmtors. PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES 6..1 The @neral Conbactor shall glve all notces reguircd by law and comply with all laws, ordlnans and reguldions bafirg on the condus{ of the mrk a drawn ald spclfid. The @neral Contsmbrdral obbin any perm'tts rquhed bytp Clty, SHe orgoveming body and shafl py allbes reqdrd. Anyumrk upon which an inspecdon cedflc& by localauthotitis, Ndional Flle Pnbctst Assciaton, and/or governlng My ls requtnd, such hts@tlon cettificab or cefficaiffi shall [e obhlnd by tre General Confactur and shall be pald br by him. I.AWS AND ORDINANCES 7..1 All uork and mdedals shall comply wtttr ttre 1990 Edldon of tte BOCA Building @e, Bectic Code, Plumbing Code, atl curenb modifrcatons, and wih all oher appflcable local, Sbte and Fedeml larc, Municlpal ordlnanm, regulations and dlrcctons of Inspecbn appointed by proper autrorifies havirg judsdidon. In tre event thd he condilions of he speciffcatons violde $e Code of any indusby, such Cde condltions shall prevail;the Genenal Conbacbrshalls shte in hls bid wtrere the code is at variance with these s@lfcadons. Electical unils shall be U.L labeled. ACCESS. AUT}IORITY AND STOPPAGE 8.,1 Representatives of the Orner and/or hls agent shall have access at all tire duitg the prognss of lhe work b any plm wtrere tre work is being perfuimed, ard tto Gercral Contachrshall povlde srficient and proper hlites fur the lnspedon of the woft or m#lials. 8..2 The drementioned represenbtives Sra[ have tre dght to ilrspct all m#tiab and un& ad b reiec{ same if in trelrludgment trey are not in onbrmity with tte dmring and spclficaliots. All 1gle6d uorlt or maleriats shall b imnediately replaced b conform wth he drawings and sPeclfications. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 007@ - General Condifions General Consffirlion and Fin'shes 9..1 8..3 The aforemenlioned representatves shall haro tre right h order the work of the Geneml Conhaslor or any subconbacbr wfrolly or partially sbpped il in fieir judgmEnt ihe mabdals fumished or tre rroft be'ng done is not hr stict accordance wih the provisiors and specificdions, or until any objectonable prcon or m#rial is removd fom $e prembe, and shall have fte right b declare the conbact forbited for nonpsrbrmance when not being excuted according !o the intent and meaning of tle conf6t, drarlngs and speclffcators. Such sloppge, suspenslon orforbihrre shall not in any way invalidate any otrerterms of he ontact and no edm chalges shall be made. CHANGES INTTIEWORK The Owner and/or hls 4ent may, at any tme dudng trc prqtm of the uod<, requal lhat dbrations, devlaffons, dditiotts, or omlsslons be rnde b or tom t€ luoft as indicated and speified. Such changw shal be nnde only in pursualrce of tre wdtten irmfidions of the Ovner orhls 4entand shallin nowayefiotfre relatedconfa$ elherctotlmebrcomple{on, confml-pdce, or un* b bs done, except as exprssly sbffi ln such aulhodzation, No change shal be made, nornill blllsbrchanges, altemtons, mdlfrcaflons, deviatons, and effa orden b recognhed or paid br, exopt upn the wdfien orderfrom lhe &mer and/or his agent No o ndme shall be alloud, except upon he urlten order of he Owner. No change h cor6lruc' tion fiom that as dEtailed and specified heleinaiffer may b usd, unl66s upn witbn consnt and approval of tre OwBr ot l'ds agenl br slch substtJbs. 9..2 Authorled changes shallbe bywribn Change Orderbythe Consultanb (afurConfractb let). Piorb contract bhtg 14 change shall bo by Addendum only' ERRORS. AMBIGUITIES AND OMISSIONS 10..1 fury erors, ambiguities or omlsslons ln drawlngs and spifications shall be npoiled b tlrc Ouiner and/or hls agent br onedion bebre any part of tre work involved is sHted. Unles otrerwlse expressly stpulatd, no addldonal alounnces wlll be made in the General Confractois frvor bcause of erom, amblguitim and/or omisslons which should reasonably have hn discoyered by hlm durlng $re pteparaton of bH ggdmab and dlrcbd b t|e atbnton of the Owner and/or his agent hr a tlmely manner. the wdfren dcision of the Oumer and/or his agent will be final, PUBUC LIABILITY. CASUALTY AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE. ETC' The General Contacbrshall, at his own c66t and elp€nss, procun and mainhln public [abil"fi and caual$ insunance ln an amount stsfacbty b the Osrer ln order b Prosgt hlmself and he Owner from prsonal inj,ury, lnctuding deatr, which may aio ffom operdions wder this- conrad whether such opntions be by himselt or by any subconhactor or anyone directly or lndLecdy employd. The General Conbachr shall, at hls own cost ard elpgllss, pmcun and mahbin adequab norkmen's compensdbn ineulance in an amount sdisfacbry to the Ownel a$ sufrclefito pmtect him and-his submnbacbrs and he &merfrom any claims underhe wo*men's 10. 11. 11..1 11..2 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION @700 - General Codidons Geneml Corsfucti,on and Finishes 11..3 11..4 11..5 Compensadon Law, lt bhq expressly undentood ald agreed hat all persons employd ditdy ortndirpctly in cormec{ion witt said wo* by tre Contacbrorany of his subcontacbns wiil be onsidered b be thE employee of such General Contacbr or subontacbrs and not fte employees of fie Owner. Ceilincabs of Publlc Llabllity, Casualty and Workmen's Compensation shall be filEd wih tp Onner if he so mguires, ard udll be subjwt to hb appmnral botr m b amount and adequrcl of lb pmteclion. The General Contador shatl make all paymenb in rcordance wtttt the unamPloymflt, old age, and social security provlslors of tre Fedenal, Sttr and llunicipalgovemmenb and allgoveming bdies punuant to lal br ilrat purpose made ard pmvlded, whefier enacted at the tme or prhr to the executon of the confilt or durlng the prqrpss of the wodt hereunder; and shall mume all liabiftis for 0rE omp[ance of tre rquitelrrnb $ercof. The Gsfleral Conhactorshal mune all fiabf,it* frr hlurles to or los of any of tha Oryne/s pmperty, or tte propefi of any otrer conhachr whlch may bo employd by $e Orner of said lreinbis or to any adJoinhrg property or tfie property of any $ird person whlc,h may be caused dipc{y or indlrec|ly by he General Contaclor, hb subcontrmhn and by tln empbye of each of trem and shall d his own cost and exprne hrdemniff trE Owner br and make good any such danuge, lm or trefl. the liabifity of tre Genenal Conbacbr under his covenant is aholub and is not depndEnt upon tfie qudon of negligence on hls, hls suhnfaton or their employees, and tre failure of tre Ownerto dlrect $e General Confacbrb hko any paflicular caulbn or rcffain tom doing any partiorlar act wlll not excuse tre @neral Conf3ghr ln any case of such damage. 12. 13. FIRE INSUMNCE 12..1 The Gerpral Confacbr shall be slely liable for all mabrials sbred in and about the buildiry, and for fte work mabdal lnstalled, but not yet approved by tre Owner and/or his agent and for which payment h6 not been mde or approved, and shall carry adquate frre irtsurame in amount sdisfactoty h Orner covering fte mme. PATENT ROYALIIES. FEES AND UCENSES 13..1 The @neral Contrachr shall pay all rcyaltes and licerps f€€s. All patent royalties, k and llcemes make necessary by ttre use of patenH methods of constucton, appliances, equipnent or devtces in tB uork shal b pid by tre @nenal Contachr, and shall debnd, indemnify,.and hold hamles tre Owner agalnst any atd all daims of trose holding or claiming the hold letbrs, pabnb covering featne of constuc{ion, appliances, equlpment or devis, so used. No palent or pabnt pending arlictq rpthod or devlce whlch requlred the payment of any license be or oy- alty In addition to tre purctrase pice shal be used in trewo* of he GeneralConbaclorwffiout Bre pdorappmval ofthe Ouner and/or hls agent SIGNS 14. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - Genenal CondiUons Genenal Conshrcflon and Flnishes 15. 16. 17. 14..1 No slgns or nameptate of any type shall be allowed to be displayed on any part of this wo* or on or about tle Owne/s premiss unless so au$orid in wdfing by the Owner and/or his agent CUTTING AND FITTING 15..1 The General ConFactor shall moperab wtth o0rer Confacbn In fifrng his work to their work. Any cufling in fixtrrre required by ofter onbacbn shall be bome by the General Conhactor. PI-ASTER PATCHING 16..1 The GeneralConfacbrshallb lhblE ard reapnsibteforany plcterpabhing requhed by reason of his uort, and as €used by the negllgence of hls employe. Pabhe of any kind so rcqulred, will be npaired ard charged b him. This GeneralGontactor is hereby cautioned lo bke tre necesery precautiors b proH ttre plaSer nn* comlng in conbct witt his equipment CIEARWAY 17..1 Rubbish and debds resulting fom work of the General Contracbr shall be cleared away hom time to time and the slte malnhfied in a remnably clsan and ordedy condition at all times. Upon complelion of his work, all tools, appliances, equhment and surplus mabrial shall be removed fromfre premlres and unles othenvlse dietted, tre frnlshed woft let in a neal, clean and serviceable condition accepbble to 0te Ovcnerand /orhis agent. 19..1 19..2 COORDINATION AND COOPERAT1ON The @nerd Contractor shall coordlnab hls woft and tre uprk ol his strbmnbactos wltfi any other contacto/s nptk ln a manner as to avoid delays, misundentandings and disagreomenb. 18.TRADE UNIONS '18..1 All work to be perhrmd ln conrmlion wttr ttris mnfact shall be done by workmen or firms whose employes an not objrrtionabte In any way to the rarious fade unions in the constuction of the pemlses. The GEneral Conhactor shail be vlholly reporsible for all tade union rddions and the Owner shatl not be liabte in any uay through delays or clalms arising through such causes. lt is the responshillty of ttre Genenal Contractorto meet all local union conditiom. GUAMNTEES AND BONDS All fumishings, frfrtres and equipment fumished by the General Confractor shall be guaranbed againstdeffi in workmanship and matedal. Repairs of such defecb during the flrst year after flnal completon ard accephrre of the instatlaflon wlll h made by the Genenal Contactor at his own cost and expense and wi0ront charge to tre Orner. All such repairs and replacemenb shall b made at a lime and at hours stishcbry h te Orner. The @neral Contactorshatl b required if the &uner and or his Agent requcb, to obtain a Perfurmance and Paymert Bond brhe amount of the Conffi. 19. n..1 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Condldons Genenal Constuction and Finishes 21. He shall actvaly cooperab wlth othen engaged on ftls proJect and anange and execute hls uork and the uork of his subconbaclos in such a manner and at such times as will cause he least pmible InHrupton in, orobsffuctionsb thewoftof ohens. 20..2 The General Confiacbrshalladvise all oherconbacbn as to bahres of construction rqdred in his mrk b rcceive, engage, support or othenrlse interhce wtfi the vatious paft of their padculartmrk, and of all easemenb and tolerances rcquircd b poperly execute same. 20..3 Before starting wort tlre General Corrtsacbr shall examine srh wotft of others as may aM wotk urder I'rls charge, and report In wdtng h the Consultant all onditons deviaflng ftom he rquilremerG of ffre drmings and spclflcadons, hulty or lmproper woft, and all ofier condltons arlslng from sald work of otprs wfiereby his vuoft may be impaild. He shalloheffiise assure himself trat all conditiors arc, or will b, such as wlll pernit proper execution of his work. 20.A The ad of shrfing any spific opraton dll be deemd m evldenclng acceptance by fte GemralGonfacbrof all rdaH extsting cordilions orwo* of otherconffiom as bing sdisfacbry br summttl and proper executon of his work. DGCIMON OFWORK 21..1 21..2 21..3 21..4 It ls he inbnt of tre Owner/@nsrrlbnt that tlp un*manship and mabrials and methods usd to prbrm and excute the xo* b of fre best practcs and the finest quallty. The Conbacbr is expected to omply viifr tre spirit as well as b the letbr wth which he spocifications ae wdtten. Unless otrenvise stipulated, 0re General Contactor shall prov'rde and pay for all materials, labor, tools, quipnBnt tansporHon and otrer facllfles necessay br fte executon atd ompleton of tre work The General Contator shall fum'sh and pmvide fte bllowing: Temporary power and llght c may be lqulred facfitate tre lnshllaton of fre equipmenl; reasonable openings and sbrage space b pemit conrcnieni delivery of te equipment The Geneml Conffior shall check conditions atthe building, particulady opentngs and passages to insure aces of equip ment and matedals. fury such itenrs that are too bulky br eldstng facllities are to be hoisbd and/or oheniv'rse handled wittt popr apparatus b be paid for by General Contachr' It is the rcsponsibilrty of the General Gontractor to coodinab delivery and arrange prctected shrage of materials, equlpment atd fixtures associabd wifi his work priorto installation. The schdule fur thls effort shall be prepaled by fte GenEral Corffitor and submitted to the Con- sultant br apprroval. Thls schedule shall not conflid wltt other contactot's work nor creab circursdances br merchandls b be damaged. Dam4ed uork, equlpment or fixtures due b lnadequaie potetion, or untimely Inshllaton shall be removd and nplaced bythe General ConFactratno costbthe OYrner. r f r i r r r r r t END oF sEcnoil 00700. r rr * r *. r * SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - @neral Requiremenb Gensral Constructon and Finishes 1. PROJECTCOORDIMTION 1..1 General: a. Goordinate the WorlC do not delegate rxponsibility for coordlnalion to any subconhactor. b. Anticipab the lnbnelafionshlp of all subconbactors and thalr relationship tdh the bhl uoil( c. Resolve dlbnrrces ordispubs betwen subconhacbrs and matefials suppllers concern- lng coordindion, interbrence, or erGnt of Work Hureen SECTIONS. The Gontalhis decbions, f comlsient with the Gonbmt Dcument rcqulremetG, shall be frnal. d. Cmrdinab tre nrodr of subonfachrs and matedal supplien, so that frch Worlt is perbrmed ln a mannerb mlnhnEe Interbrence wllh, ad lo fuilihte he prcgrm. e. Be responsible br seeing trat ancfrorage, blocklng, Jolning, and oher detalllng arc providd as requir€d. f. tb not obsfus:t space rquM by Code ln fiont of eldical qulpment accsss d00n, eb. g. Do not cornrany piplng, wlring, du{ eb., until poprly inspted and approved and unfl plopercedifr€bs hao been issued. h. Remove and replae any and dWoft under any SECTION which is not in accordance uii8r tre Confact lhlments wltlr otrer matedals and Wotk which is In conformance witt flre Contr4| Docunenb. Repalr or replace all other Wort damaged by fime operailons at no inceas in Confracl Plice. 1.2 ElecticalandMechanlcalCoordindon: a. Wo* out all lighf condltors inroMng Work of various SECTIONS in advance of Insblla tion. lf nmsary, ard bebre Work proceeds in these aleas, pnpate supplemenbry Drawings hr review showlng all Work in "tghf areas. Provide supplemenbry Dnawings ard addiflonal Wodr nemsary h overcome 'tighf condl0ons, at no incnase In Contact Pfte. 2. SUBMITTALS 2..1 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED: a Submit strop drantngs, pmductdab and unpbs rcquired by Speclflcdions Sections. b. SubmitprogresnP6. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01q10 - General Requlremenb General Constucton and Finishes 2.2 RETATED REQUIREMENTS a. Generd Conditions b, ltrlanufactuers lnstnclions: Where any item of wo* is rcquircd by Conffi Documenls to be fumisM, inshlled or perfumed ln accodance wi0t a speciffd producl manuhcturcfs insbuclions, tre Contacbr shall procun and dlstibnb trn necessary coples of stch in- stuctions b Owner, Des'lgner and all other conemd partes and shall fumish, insbll or perfom the Wo* ln sfrlct accodance fterevritt. 2,.3 SHOP DRAWNGS a. Information requlred on shop drawings shall be presenbd in a clear and thorough manner. (1) Dsbils shallbe identfled by referenca to drarlng aid detail, schedule, orroom numbrs shotmt on Drarings and Speclficdons. 2'4 PRODUCTDATA a fteparation (1) Clearly maR each copy to identify perdnent producb of models. (2) Shop peftrmance dnndEdstics and capoltm. (3) Show dimensbns and dearancm required. b. lvlanuhcture/s shndad *hematc drawings and dlagnam: (1) Mdi[ drawings and dhgnams b deleb inbrmadon which is not appllcable to fie Wort. (2) Supplement shndard Inbmulion b pmvlde lnformalion speclfully appli,cable b theWodr. 2..5 SAMPTES a ffie samples shallbof sttfficientsize and quall$b clearly illttstrde: (1) Fundonalcharacbristcs of ttre produ4 witr in@rally relaEd F'b and afrach- mentdeviffi. (2) Full range of color, ts)filn, ard patbm. b. Field Samples ald Nhck Ups: SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requiremenb General Consftrclion and Flnishes (1) Confacbr shdl erwt mock ups at the Proled Site, at a lmlion accephble to $e HoJect Manager. l2l Ske of Area That specifled in the reptve Specification Seclion. (3) Fabricate each sample and mock-up compleb and finished. 2..6 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES a. Review shop drawings, ptduct dab, and samples pdorb submissions. b. Determine and vedff (1) Freld memurcmenb g Field consfruclion qibda (3) Cablog numben and slmllardata (4) ConformancewitrSpecificatiom c. Cootdinab each submittal rvith requimmenb of the Wod( and of trh Dnawings and SFificatons. d. Notiff tre Adritedltbsigner in wd0ng, d tme of submission, of ary deviatons In $e submithls fom requhemenb of he Drarings and Speclflcatons. e. @ln no tabricaton of uork which requires submithls untl reurn of submlthls with Ar- chltecUlhsignefs approval. 2.1 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS a. Make submitals prompty in accordance with appoved schedule, and in such sequence as to cause.no delay in hE Wott or In 0e uo* of any ottter conbactor. b. Numberof Submithls Required: (1) Shop Dnar*{ngs: Submit one reproducible transparency (which will be retumed for mprroduction and distlbuton bytte Contsactor)and two ogaque reproductions (whlch wlll h used for checking and wilt not be raturned). (2) Pmduct Data: Submlt ihe number of copi* whlch the Contactor requiles, plus tun which sill b mhined by the deigner. (3) Samples: Submlltre numberstabd In each Specification Wion. c. Submittalsshallconhhu (1) The dab of submisslon and the date of any previous submisions. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - @nenal Requinmenb General Consfrtrcton and Finishes Tte poj,ett'lle and number. ConfacN ldentificalion The names ot (a) Gonbac.tor (b) Supplier (c) Manufacturer ldenlifidon of tre pmduct, wth tn Specifica0on Seton numbr. Field dimensbns, cleady ldenffied as such. Relation b dJment or cddcalfeffres of fte Wo* or mabdals. Appficable shndards, such a ASTII or Federal Spmlficaton Numbls. ldenlificston of deviatonstom Dnwlngs and Specificators. ldentifrcaton of mrfuions on reubmlttals. Confrastor's stamp, initiabd orsigned, certfflrq r rcview of submlthl, vedflcdon of prodrnb, field meauremenb and field constttcton cdteria, and @dinalion of tlp inbrmdon within the submirhl wlh r4uhemenb of fte Work and of the Dmrings and Spcificatons. RESUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS a Make any conedorc or charges in the submbls rcquircd, and resubmit untl approved. b. ShopDnawirEsandProdudData: (1 ) Revlse Inltal draurings or dab, and rcsubmlt as specified br the ini0al submffil. (2) lndicate anychangeswhich haw been made otherthanhose rcquesbd. c. Samples: Submit new samples as mqufued br inibal submifial. DISTRIBI'TION a. Reprduce and dlsfiibute coples of sltop drawings and opies of plpduct data h: (1) Othetfficontachts (21 Subontacbs (3) Supplhorhbrlcabr (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (s) (10) (11) SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Rquircmenb Genenal Cornhntion and Finishes b. Distibuteemplesmdhetrd. 3. IVIATERIAL AND EOUIPMENT 3..1 PRODUCTS a. Producb Include material, equipment and sysbms. b. Comply wtfr Specihcations and rebrenced shndards as minimum rquinmenb. (1) Producbshailbesuihbleforservlceconditions. (2) Required equipmed epaclts, sEes and dimensions shall b adhered h, unles vadators an spectfically appoved ln wi[ng. (3) Do not use maledal or quipment br any purpme other than for whlch lt h delgned orspecifud. c. Componerrb rcqulrd b be supplld ln quant$wlthin a Spocificaton secton shal be the samq and shallbe interchangeable. Do not use mdedalorequipmentrcmovd from exMng sfudirs, exceplas speciffelly rqdnd, oralloucd by Confrad Documeflb. (1) Wherc ibms arc lndlcatd b b leued, rrse spcial carc in removal, handllry, shrage and relnsbllaton, b mure proper function in mmplebd Work. 3,2 WORKi'ANSHIP a, Comply with indusffy standards Except when more restictive blerances or requiroments Indicate more dgid shndads orpmlse uo*marship. b. Perlorm nork by percons quafned to produco $o*manshlp of specified qualtty. c. Scure producb in place wtth posltive anchonge devices designed and sized to wttltsbttd sb6es, vibralion, and racking. 3..3 MANUFACTURERS'INSTRUCTIONS a. When work ls spmified h comply with manuhctren' lnsfiuctions, submil copie as specifid !n ltem 2.0 Submithls, distibub opim to persons involvd, and mahtain orc set infield office. b. Perbrm rvork ln mcodance wtth deblls of Instuc{iors and speclfred requinmenb. Should a conflict exlsi beturen Specificdors and in*uctions, onsultwith AtchitecUthslgner. SPECIFICAT1ONS SECTION 01000 - General Requiremenb General Conshuc'tion ard Frnislres (1) Do not proceed vdtt woft wttrout clear inshtctons. TRANSPORTAT1ON AND HANDUNG a. Arange delivelies in accordance with Construdion Prqrcss Schedule; coordinaie delfuedes b arcH mnfict wttr ryork and site mnditions. b. Transport prcducb by me{hods b avoid product damage, deliver in undamaged condifion in manuffirre/s unopened conhinerc or pmkaging beadng manuffiureis namq bnand and bademark, or other deslgnaton such c grade or typ specified. c. Prcvlde equiprnent ard personrel b handle produ6 by methods to prevent solllng or damage. d. Pnmpdy inspt shlpmenn O assuo thd producb comply uift requlremenb, quantlies are con€cl, and producb arc undamagd. STOMGEANDPRO'IECTION a. Store poducts ln mrdance wih manufactweds Insfuctons, with seals and labels intact and legble. Sbre sensltVe poduc$ in weafter-tght enclosures; mahhln withln tempra- tureand humidity ranges rquhud by manufactra/s insffuctons. b. Fore$riorstonage of fabdcaH producG, place on sloped suppo6 above gmund. Cover producs subjent b debdoralion w|th lmprvious shet coverlng, povide ventilation to avoid mndensaton. c. Anange shrage to provide access fur inspeclion. Periodlcaly inspect b assue Foducb are undamaged and am mainhind under rquird condlflons. d. Afier irstaJlaton, provide covedngs b prctect producb fiom damaga ftom taffc and consfircton oprdions, Gmovewhen no longer needed. 3..6 TRADE MATERIALS AND STANDARDS a. Vadous spocificdon sections list fade manuals and sbndads wttich govem quality ad uodtmanship adopbd as cdbria by Mes lnvolvd. b. A copy of each lisbd manual or gandard will be made amilable for rebrence, or lnbrma. tion will be fumlshed rcgading how ople of manuals and standards may bs obbined. (1) Submit wtfien rcquest br emh manual and sbndad, indlcaling speiftcalion gction rebrence. 4. SUBSITTTMONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requiremenb Genenal Corstrucffon and Finishes 4..1 PRODUCTS UST Submil five coples of complEb lisl of malor pldusb whlch arc proposed br lnstalhtion. Tabulalo producb by speclffcation sec0on number and ttle. For producb speciftd only by reference shndards, lbt for each such product (1) Name and addnss of manufacturer (2) Trade name (3) Mdelorcatalogd*ignaton (4) ltlanuMtefsdab:(a) Reibrence sbndads (b) Peformancebstdala CONTMCTOR'S OPTIONS a. For producb spcified only by rebrence stildafd, select prduct meeting hat sbndard, by anymanuhcfunr. b. For producb specllld by naming seveml producl or manufuums, select any one of producF and manufacturers named which complle vlitt Speclficatons' c. For producf sFifrd by namlng one or more prducts or manuhctrers, submit a r4uest as fur substitttots, br any pmduct or manuhctupr whlclt is not specifiely named. SUBSTITUTIONS a. Purchasing Agent or olgnd ArchiMDeslgner, withln a pedod of 35 calendar dayt, after of conbad wlll conslderbmal requesb tom the Contacbr br subsftutons of producb in placeof thoses@fied. (1) Compleb data subshnlhting ompllance of proposed subdiitlion with requir+ menh stabd in Contact Documenb: ' (a) Product ldentificaton, lncluding manuhctlre/s nams and addrcs. (b) llanuhcturcfslilerdtre;idenlifi (i) ProducbdesaiPton (il) Rebreneshndards (|iI) Perfonnncsandtetdah Samples, m appllcable Name and addrqs of similar proiecb on which prduc,t ha ben wed, a. b. c. (c) (d) SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - GEneral Requiremenb General Constuction and Flnlshs and dda of each Inslallaffon. (2) lbmizd compailson of he propmed subsfihrtion with ptduct speclffed; lst signif- icant varialions. (3) Dab relating to changeln conficfron schedule. (4) Any efrct of subs{ittttion on sepatab contracb. (5) List of changes rcquird on other woft or producb. (6) Accurde costdffi comparing pmposd subs{itttion v{ith Product spind. t4 hlgnaton of required licenssks or nyalfles. (8) Ibsigndon of avallability of mainbnance ssMces, soucc of replacerent matedals. b. Subst'Utonswlllnotbomideedforaccephncewhen: (1) They an hrdlebd or implied on shop dnawtgs or prdust dah submlttals wi0put a fomd rqumt ftom Confractor. (21 Thay are requested dlrcctly by a wbnhacbrsuppller. (3) Accephnce will quira sub$ntal Bvislon of Contract Documenb. (4) lnsufficlent lnfurmation is submitted. c. Substitub producF shall not be ordered or lnstalled wt&tout pior witen appoul and acceptanca of Purchasing Agent or mlgnd ArchibcUDeslgner. d. Purchasing Agent or migned Arctribot/Designer will determine accephbillty of proped subst'tutions and reserues tre dghtto relect propsls due to insuficient informdion. 4..4 CONTRACTORS REPRESENIATION a, In making hrmat tquest for subst'Uton, Contrac,tor teplesents thd (l) He has investgaH prcposed pmduct and has debrmlnd that lt is equal to or superior h a[ respeb b that s@frd. (2) He willprovlde eme wanantieforsubdilton asfrr prduclspeclfld. (3) He will coordinfr lnsblldon of accepbd substtuton inb lle Work and wifl rnke such chalge as may b lquired fur $e Work to be compleb ln all rw@. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - Ganenal Requlremenb Genepl Consfudion and Finishes (4) He waives clalms for additional msis caused by subslitution which may subs+' quently become apparenl (0 The Contrator shall be esponshle ftr the eftct of any substitulion upon relatd Wo* ln fte PmJe{ and shal! include the Conhact Pdce all addilonal costs generaH by any substtnlions, lncluding the cocfi of fte Designeds additional seMces tereby made necessaly. 4..5 ARCHITECTIDESIGNERS a. Review Gonffi/s requeb br substtutions wih rcasonable promphes. b. Notify Conbactor, in writing, of Archltec,Ulbsignefs decision to accept or reject requested substtuflon CLEANING 5..1 REQU]REMENTS INCLUDED a Execub cleaning during progress of the Work and d completion of $e Work as requircd by GercralConditions. REI.ATED REQUIREMENTS a. Cleanlnglot Specifd Pnducb or Wodc Each Spcifietons Secdon. DISPOSAL REQUIREMENT a. Conductcleaning and dlsposal operationslo complywi$ codes, ordlnances, regulatons, and anffpollnlion lam. MATERIALS a. Use only ftose cleanlng materials which will not creaie hazards to health or property and will notdamage sufam. b. Use only those cleaning materials and mehods rccommended by manufactrerof the surhce mtrrid to be cleated. c. Use cleaning mafierials only on surfaces rmmmended by cleaning material manufactupr. DURING CONSTRUC'IION a Execub periodic cleanlng b keep tre Wodt, tlte sile, ard adjacent proper{ies free ftom accumulalion if msb mderials, rubbbh, andwindblowndehis rcsultingftomconsfirlion opratiom. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - Geneal Requiemenb General Consfructon and Finishe b. Pmvlde on-sitrE onblnen brthe collec'ton of unsb matedals, debds and rubbish. c. Remove r,raste malerlals, debrls, and rubbish fiom lhe site pefiodically, and dbw of d Iegal arcas auray fiom tte site. d. Dlspose of un$e mabdals, debds and rubbish at lqaldumping arem of Clty prcpetty. e. Removeanddlsposeofplleo'tbfr 5..6 DUSTCONTROL a. Wet down dry mabdal and rubtdsh so as lo prevent blowlng dust duing entin construction pedod, htcluding nonwoddng hourcand rcekends. b. Clean lnbrlor spam prior b the start of fmish einting, and continue cleanltq on a+ ne€ded bash until painfng is frnlshed. 5..7 F|MLCLEAl,llNG a Employ skilld uodctBn furfinal cleaning. b. Remove grme, mmlic adhsives, dust dirt sbins, frngerprinb, labels, and olherbnign matedals from sight exped surfaces. c. Wash ad shine gldng and mhrots. d. Polish glossy sufaces b a clear shine. e. Plior b fnal completon, Conbacbr shall onduct an hspecton of sight+xpced inlsior ard extedor surhces and all work arm to vedfy thd the entire Work is clean. 6. WARRANTIESANDBONDS 6..1 All fumishings, fixtrres and equiprnent fumished by ttre Gercral Conhctorshould be guaranted agains{ defub in workmanship and mabrials. Repain of such deffi during he first year afur ffnal complelion and accepbnce of thE ins{allafion will be made by the @neml Contracbr at his own cost and expense and wtthout charge b he Ovner. All such npairs and oplacemet$ shall be made at a time and d hous satisfacbrytothe Orner. 6..2 The Conbactor shall not be held mporsible fur debcb due b mlsuse, negflgence, willfu! damage, imploper mahrbnance, or ddenl caused by 08nrc, or shall hE be Bspnsible br defec,tive parb wfre replrementls necesslfrd byfailure of the Oune/s malnhnancebrcs b properlyclean and servlcethem, poviddfte Conbacbrhas fumlshed compleb opomltq and rnintenance insfudions to ttE Ouuner, 6..3 ln additon to otter requfuemenb spifid hereln: SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requipments General Consfruction and Finishss a. Compile speclfred serice and mainbnance conhact. b. Co-exeute submiflals when so specifid. c. Review submithls b vedfy complhnce uvift Conhact Documenb. d. Submit h Purchaslng Agent for revlew and tansmithl b the O$ner. 6..4 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMET{TS a. Assemble guaranrtes, bnds atd servlce and malnbnane conhacts, execubd by each ot the respective manufac,tres, supplbn, and subconfactots. b, Number of orlglnal slgned mple requltd: Two (2)each. c. Table of Conbnb: Neatytyped, in orderlysequence. Provlde complete lnfurmafronfor each llem, ircludittg: (1) Produc{orWo* itEm. @ Flrm name, wifi nare of prlncipl, addm and blephone number. (3) Scope. (4) De of @hnhg of guaranee, bond or seMca and mainbnane contad (5) Duratonofguarantee,bondorseMceandmaintEnanceconfacl (6) Provlde Infomaton for Ovne/s peconnEl: (a) Proper pmcedute ln me of fallup. 0) Cltcumsbnce which might after 0re validity of guananbe or bond. n Conbactofs name, name of responsible pdncipal, addrcss and telephone number. 6..5 TIME OF SUBITTITTALS a lTilhin ten (1 0) days trr dab of substantal completon, pdor to final requcl br payment b. For ilems of Wort, wlrere accepbnce is delayed materially beyond ihe dab of subshnliial completon, ptovlde u$ated submltalwitfiln bn (10) days afteracceptance, lMng the dab ofaccsptance as hE shll ofhe guaranbe pefiod. 6.3 SUBMITTATS REQUIRED a. Submit guarantees, bonds, seMce and mainbnance contacb speclfrd in $e indlvidual SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01@0 - General Rquirements General Consffuc-ton and Flnlshes Sctions. r*.rtttttrENDoFSEcTlOltl 01000 ri r.*rr rrr SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02110 - Demollton General Construction and Finishes 1.SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 REI.ATED DOCUMENTS a. Wo* of tlris sdon is subJect to rquiremenb, both lqal+onhactual and procdural, of trc Supplementary Genenl Conditions. 1..2 DESCRIPTIONOFWORK a. Perform all work of a demolition nature that may b requircd or necessary to a full and complete exeution of the Work, whether or not shorvn or specified. Exact extent of demolilion may not be fully indicatd by the Drawlngs. Determirn he nature and e$ent of demolilion tratwill be neessary bycompaling fte Conhacl lbcumenb wth exi$ing conditions. (1) Demomion Includesthe emovaland dispoaalof demolished matedab. (2) The following ltens shall be rcmoved, cleaned, and fumishd b the properfades fu reinsbllaton al nesvlmtions: (a) E*tslgns . (b) Ughtfntures (3) Except for ibms to be reused or dvaged, all items b be rcmoved as pan of fie work shall beome tre poperty of the Contactor and shall be removed tom the slte atthe Contachfs oeense. b. Related Work Specifred Elsewhere: (1) Pdching of concreb and cemen[ ffnish, masonry funing, plaster, palnt p&hing, paintirg, and so brth bllodng demolition is part of te work of the repective hade sectlons ofthe specffications. (2) Remoyd and relmton of items such as piping, plumbiry fufuru, unter cooles, and ffn hose cabineb: Divlsion 15 Mechanical. (3) Removal and relmtion of dwtrffork and heating ventilatng systems: D{vNon 15 Mshanicd. (4) Remoml and lelmtion of etectimlsystems and equlpment Dtvtsion 16 Electi- cal. SUBMITTALS 1..3 SPECIFICAT1ONS SECTION 02110 - Demofiton General Constuc{ion and Finishes 1..4 a Schedule: Demoliton (1) Submit poposed methods and operdiots of demolifion b ths &,ner br revievr priorb the shrt of wort. Include ln 0r schedulE tte coodination furshulofi, capplng, and ontnuaton of utifity sewim rqdred. Do not Inbrrupt exisling utlltm wi[un d bmt 24 hous advance nodce b OumEr. (2) Provide a dehiled sequenca of demollton ard pmoval mrk to ensun fte uninterrupted prqress of tre Ome/s operations. No wo* shallcommence wiUrout pdorapproval by0re Owner exceptwhere work wlll not ffierfere wth lhe Owne/s operations, JOB CONDITIONS a. Exlstng Condifons: (1) T?e Dradrys indicate exisling ondibons b fie extent poasible in examlnalion of sfuctrre ptor b shtt of demolldon wo& Repot to the Orner and the Archhct any corditions uncovered which require remedlal mecures, espially where e qdrd b mainhin stuctrralsebility. PardalRemovak lbms of salyable value b te Contmtor may be reroved from $e building as tre uork prcgnsss. Salvaged iFms must be tansported fiom tle site as lhey arc pmoved. (1 ) Storage or sale of remot ed ibrs on he slb will not be penniH. (21 Orne/s approval must bE obbined fur renuval of salvagd items. Traftc Conduct dernoliton operations and fte nmovalof debrls b en$re minimum lnbrbrence wittt roads, sfreeb, walks, conidom, exits, and ofter adjrent occupied or used facilites. (1) Do notcloseorobstructsteeb, walks, conidors, orotheroccupied orused facllltie wtthart prmission ftom auhotitie having iuri$iction. Protecton: Ersure tre safe passage of percons amund or through tn are of demolition. Conduct operalions b prevent InJwy b adjrentexisttng onsfucton, fumiUre, equipment and f-acilities, and prsons. Provide bmporary, dust proof partflons dividirg derrcli0on and mmftdion uo* fom occupled areas or qrdpment Locate padflons b ptohlbit unauhodad fdc b or fuough areas rlrdrere wrt ls [r progrs. Anange and constuctb plovlde ample spae around uork area and b keep dusi and dirt out of norcomfuction arem. Equip pafttons with dustpmf dmrs and wure wilh locks as approtred by &mer. SPECIFICAT]ONS SECTION 02110 - Demoli[on Genenal Cons0rrction and Finlshes' f. Provide bmporary sealing and ranathertght pntecton br all work epd by reasons of the above wtrich uould ofienrlse subject the inbdor of the building b damage by vr#r or inclement repaher conditons. g. Damage: Promp0y mpah damage cau*d b adjacent facllities by demoli[on operaflons. h. Ulility Services: tvhinbin edsting utili[es, indicated b rcmaln, keep in servhe, and protect against damage during demoliton operatons. (1) Do not Inbrupt erdstng utll0* ervlng ocupied or used facifities, except when authortsed In wddng by autrodfies hartng iutMiction and by he Orner. Provide tempnay seMces dudng interruptons b the exisdng utillfes, as ampbble to the govemlng authorites. 2. MATERIALS AND METFIODS 2..1 NotApplcable. 3. EGCIMONANDINSTALUTION O 3..r DEMoLmoN a. Genenal: (1) Perbrm cutlng br remoral of ibms and mabrlah whict will lnteftre wih or bo inongruous Ydtt te uncft of ttls contract (2) Cul holes ln flmrs, walls, and ceilings where indicated ard/or n*wry forthe inshlldion of fre newworlc (3) Allcubshatlbesawcubtoachievecleanedges. (4) Perhm demoliflon ln an orderly sequonce. (5) Peform nolsy arttng or breaHng operations during speciffc hours scheduld udfi he Ovrmer, (6) Glean adjacent arcas of dust" dirt and dehb causd by demotrton opralions. Retrm adjacent arem h ondlton edstng pdor b ttte sHl of tte work. 3,.2 STRUCTRAICONSIDERATIONS a. Cgiling of stucfural members tril not bo permitGd unles sp*ifically shown on Draruings Nolifi Owpr and fuchltct ln wrldnS of any unfoseen conditons. Ooodlnate demolton witt sffuctunal requinmenb. SPECIFICATIONS SECflON 02110 - [bmoliton General Comfrudon and Finishes b, Cufrry tuorryh sfirmfinat f,oors ald ruh shall b done by means of corirg only. 3..3 ACOUSTICALCEIUNGPAhIETSANDACOIJSTICALCEIUNGTII.E a Remove edsfng ceihg lile and Mechanical griles and dbcard. b. Remove all llglt frfrres ad exit dgrl$ Repah atd rcfinish br inshlldon h tw Mon. Rehmp at Otrmfs expenso. See Bectlcal Drarhgs br new locdion. c. Edstng mah runnen of elllng gdd h nmdn. Reallgn remalder of eifing gdd rySm b conbrm uitt new hyott hh gril mt|< as rcquH lo provide a comdele cemng slgGm. Replace alldamagd plecc. Repalnt exiding gril b malch nar cefing gnd elEmertb. 3..4 DISPOSALOFDEMOLISFIEDMAIERIALS a. Genarat Afft€qrmtlnbnals, removefromthsdbdebrls,rubbish andotlprm#riab nsultry tom danoffion openlions. b. Removaf (1) Dlspose otdebde ofitrE slte. .r.r* slD oF sEcTloN 0al0 tr.". SPECIFICATIONS SECTON m0l0- Conqpb &mralConstu&nad Finbhs 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The Genenal Corfahr,ln accordancerry{h he specificdons, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDffiONS, stpflfirnlshtre necessarylaborard mabdalsh provi& fe mquked quantty d ConcrEb mdt a shovm on the draudings and spealf,ed tueln. 1.,2 The exbnt of mncr& unut sHl lldude M b nd llmlbd b tp folloYdng: a Pwide a[ trMconcrerb n rqrfed b infill arcm beneah area rug inseb. Ses Fbor Flnbh Plans fuaddiliond lnforrdon. r rr rr END sEcTloN 03010 r*r.. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 04200 - UNIT I'IASONRYWORK General Constuction and Finishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1,.1 The General Conhactor in accodance wtfir tre specifcations, SECTION 00700 - Generd Conditions, shall fumlsh tre necessry labor and maHials to perbrm the requircmenb of he work spectfied hereln. 1..2 The sdent of unil mmonry rrwd< shall include but is not limlbd to the hllowlng: a Review all drawings and brstall new manuhct$Bd dry set hin stone veneer atfinplre sunound as noH. lnstal per nnnuhcfine/s insfuctons. Right angle pims to be povldd wtren necessary. All manufactred $one deslgnaled ST{. 2. MATERIALS AND MET}IODS 2.,1 PRODUCTS a Cultuid Stone - Dry Shck Ledge sbne. Color b be Chadonnay (CSV 2012). Submft samples for approval prior O insblldion. Manuhcfuren Stone PoducG Goryoralion, P0 Box 270, Napa, CA 945590270. (800) 25$1727 phone, FAn Z*56,tztax Afienton: JeftEy Wtight (81q 45$7957. 2'2 QUATIWASSUMNCE b. Flr+Rdd Masonry Wbrever a firerelsbncs clssification is indlcabd br unit masonry consffr:cton (4'hr., $hr., and slmilar delgnatons), omply with the requirerenb for mabdals and insbllation cbblished by govemlng authorities' c. CorsffndionTderans: (1) Vaddion fiom Plumb: Random rariances, (2) Vafiaton fiom Level For lines of expd trntels, sills, parapb, hotizonbl groov* and otnronsplcuous llns, do notexceed 1/4" (6mm) In any bayor2O (6096mm) madmum, nor 3/4' [6mm) in 40' (12192mm) or more. (3) Varidon of Unear Bulldlrp Line: For.position shown ln plan and nl#d portion of mlumns, rvalls and pattitons, do not exceed %' (13mm) in any bay or 20' (12192mm) maxfrnum, or 3/4' f/6mm) in 40' (12192mm) or more. (4) VaddionlnCrossSecdonDimensions:average 1'3/4'ttlchess. 2..3 SUBMITTALS d. Product Dab: (1 ) Submit 2 ople of the manuhct neis spificdons and of fp dda br each gps SPECIFICATIONS SECTION M2()O. UNIT MASONRY WORK General Consffuction and Finlslrcs of masonry unlt and accessory rcquired lncludlng certfication $at each type complies wih fn speclfrd requlrcmenb. Include insfuctiots for handli,ng, slonge, installElion ard plobdion of each. Transmit to fte Insbll* a copy of each insfuction. JOB CONDITIONS e. Materials Pmbcton: (1) Probct masonry maffiids dudng s{orage and mnsfucfion ftom urefling by nain, snow or gnund unbr and fiom sollage or intennixfure witr earth or otter nphdals. . (a) Do not ue mehl reinbrcing orties having loose rustorober@dingq IncMlng lce, which wll educe or d6b0y bond. (b) ll b lmperative fipt concrerb maonry units b kept dry. (21 Sialning: Prcvent grout or moftr fiom sblning the face of masonry to be lefr exposed or palnted. Remove immedi#ly grout or morhr in corfrct wtth such masonry. (3) PmMsills, ldgesand prcjec'lionsfiomdropplngs ofmorhr. 3. MORTAR MATERIATS a. As recommendd by te manufacturet Stone b appear vlftnlly dry set b. Moftr color to blend wih sbne. Submlt samplm for appmval prior to installalion. c. Thnughly mk morhr lnglredienb in quantites needed br lmmediate use ln accotdance wih ASTM C 482, Type N. d. Donotuseanfl-freezecompoundsto lowerhefteezing pointof mortar. 3..1 MASONRYACCESSORIES a. Inshll one tayer of neatrcr resistant barier wih lap johr four lrph shirgle fushion. Apply code approved metal le[h, attach wlh galmnhed conseb nails sh inches on ceder vedcally and sixkn Lrches on centens hotizonblly. b. Anchon and Tts: tnshll per manufacfircrs recommendatons. 4. EXECImON 2..3 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION ()42O() - UNIT MASONRY WORK Genenal Consbuction and Fin'rshes 4..1 4..2 INSPEC'IION a. Examine the arc* and conditions underwhich masonry is to be inshlled and remdy any condltons defrimenbl b the proper ard tmely completon of tte work Do not prcceed uittr the untk until unsatisfactory conditions haro bn coneded in a mannet accepbble b mmnrylmhller. INSTAI.IATION, GENEMT a. Thicknes: Build masonry consfruc$on b fte full$ickrcss shown, except build singl+ tryfie unlls 0f any) h the actual thlclms shown or s@frd. b. Cut masonry units wih motorddven uw designed to cut masonry wlth clean, sharp, unchippd dges. Cut unib as rcquhed to provide pafiem shown and to ft adjolning r40rk neatly. Use full units udthout cutUng whereverpelble. c. Do notwetconcrete mmnry unib brcuCIng ordany o$ertme. d. Lay out unlls in advance br accurab spacing of surhe bond pattems, uitt unihm lolnt wldtlrs and to propedy lmte openin$, moyement-lype lolnb, rctums and ofteb. Awid he use of Nfian-hdf+ize unils at omens, lanbs and wherever possible d ofier locatons. Lay-up uralb plumb and fue and wt[r ource level, accurably spaced and oodinatd wi0r otherup* Bullt-ln Work (1) As fie uort pqtes, bulld{n lterns spectf,ed under hls and other secdons of tme sroificalions. Fill ln solldly wih mamnry around built-in itelrs. (a) Fill spacE btween hollow mehl ftames and masonry oldly wth morbr. (.b) }{lhere built-in items are b be embedded in cores of hollow masonry unlh, phce a layer of metal lah h tn joint below and rod motbr or gmut inbcore. Non-Beadng lnbiior Part'tion Walls: Build full heigltt of story to underside of sffttcture abve, unls otherudse shown. Irrlorhr Bedding and Jolntng: (1) lVbftr Mhes: ASTltrl C270, br general proportons of fie followlttg typs: (a) Type N morhrbroGrioruukvdltt the s@ffc quanttes of mch Ingrdlent based on tte lnidal r& of absorplion of the seld bdck SPECIFICATIONS SECTION O42OO. UNIT MASONRY WORI( Genenal Consfuction and Finishe (2) (b) Typ N forinterlorwok Measue and babh matedals either by tolume or weisht such ftd the requircd proporlions br mortar can be accurately onbolled and rpintalned. Measurement of sand erclusfuely by shovel will not be permitted. Color additives, if used shall be prcvidd in ex*t proportioned package. Mx moftrswith $e maximum amountof waterconslsbntwlh workabfityb provlde maxlmum terslle bond sfengh udhln the capacity of the moftr. Mh moftr ingrcdienh br a ndnlmum of 5 minub in a mechanical Hch mher. Use w#r clear and tw of delebdous mabdals \flhich would impair the work Do not uss morbr whlch has begun to set, or if more than 2 % houns has elapsd slnce hltaf mMng. Retempr morhr durtq?%hr. ptiod as rcquired to reslore wo*ability. Morh m speclffd shall b adiusted slighty h provide wo*abiftty wi0rout lmpaidng quallte of stength, adheslon, coh*lon or weahenability. Lay hollow onoeb mmonry unib with full rutar coverage on hodzontal and vedcalface shefls; do bed webs In morbrln shding course on botngs and foundation walls and In all counes of pien, columns and plmters, and where adjacent b cells or cadlies to be relnbrced or b be filld with concreh or grout lJoinb: llaintraln Jolnt widttrs shown, excepl for minor vadations required b mainhin bnd alignment lf mt othemise indicated, hy walls wih 318'ioinb. Cut Joinbflush brmasonryunllswhich aleto beconcealed orto be covered byofter matedals. Rake out morlar in preparafon for applicalion of sealanb whep shown. Remorre masonry unlts dls,ttrbed afier laylng; clean and relay in ftesh mortar. Do not pound comers d jambs b fit s0etcher units which have been set in posi0on. lf dJustmenb an needed, remow unib, clean ofi morbr, and reset in tesh morlar. * *r*r END SECTION 04A0 r r r * * (3) (4) (5) (6) t4 1. PRODUCT NAME Manufactured Stonq Cultured StonF,Tt[eEoGSton-eo; Cultured Bricko, Stonebriko ProFiF System Z MANUFACTURER Stone Products Corpoiation PO Box 270 Napa,-CAJ45594'270-- Phone (8fi)) 225-1727 ., , US and Canada "'-.' (7On755-1727 ' '--'Outside USA Ff;f Vonzs*ss7z 3.-PRODUCT DESCRTPTION Baslc llsrit Product is intended for interior or e)fterior nonstruc- tural lightweigtrt veneer facing on masonry metal, or frame con- struction for architectural aesthe tics.r Walls or new conshuction, exte rior or interior r Remodeling and redecorating of o<isting walls . Fireplaces: around openings, hearth, erfrerior chimney finish, or chase finish Umlbtiotp. Should not be as- sumed fo add strength to load- bearing capacity of wall. Should n<if66rised in below.water applF cationt as in swimming pool lin', ers.Atould not be used in areas 'vulnerable to slush formed from salt or other chemicals used to melt snow or ice. Should be irr, stalled a minimum of 4" above finished crade. Composition and Matedals Natural stones of varying sizes and textures are used to fonn (flexible) molds. A mix of Portland lengths varyin gfrom 2 to 12n on the inside lecs. Product pieces de signed for fireplace hearthuse are 19o xilf or random flaestonelike shapes. Type* Stone veneer 30 tYPes Brick veneer 5 types Quoins 3 types Capstones -*--s-typey Water Table/Sill 3 types Keystones/Lintel Stons l_ types 4. TECHNICAT DATA Appliable Standards - National Evaluation. leryise-= Report No. NER-358 listed with:. BOCA lnternational . ICBO r Southern Buildine Code Con- gress lntemational. Inc. -U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Materi- als Release No. 591a -City of Los Angeles, Research Report RR23744 -CCMC Evaluation RePrt No. 11834R -UL: Tested and listed W Under- -writers Laboratories, Inc. Fire Hazatd: File No. R 7744, Project Nai. 76SC4{ffi, prepared by Undenvriters Laboratories; Inc. Test conducted in accordance with UL 723 Standard TstMeth ods for Fire Hazard Classificalion of Buildine Materials on a 1% thick sample. Report concluded that the stone had a flame spread rating of 0 and a smoke developed ratine of 0. Shlar (Adhesion) Strength; Tested in accordance with ASTM C it82 using a unit thickness ap proximately the sarne as the stone unit Comprwive Stcl1gltlrTesGd in accordance with UBC Standard No. 26-10, Parts I and;lV , Weighb DensitY is rtltitiiimined in accordance with ASTM.C 567. Shipping weight is approximately 8-10 lb's. per sq. ft , Thermal Condudivltyt Defer' mined by an independent labora- torv under conditions of thermal eqtiilibrtum in a 12' square guatded hot plate apparatus complyinc whh that described in A$T-tV*Bec- ification C1n-71. Ttds Sp€o-Oala sh€sl oontums to edlbrlal 6ntb prssorhd by Tho Cortgf|.Edon Spocmcdms lnsttrrts. Tho nanulacuter b reeponslble for lschnlcal ac. auract tr, F' I itl gls fl=* elE <16 E]{ \r cemenq- liehtweicht aggregates an:d lrorr oxide colon is then placed in itue molds. Filled molds are vi- (Yo dry weight at 22OoFl 13-2 Density (lbs. per cu. ft] 57.73 . Temperature hot side (F) 97j Temperature cold side (F) 53.0 Average mean ' temperature (O 75.05 Thermal conductivity (k) 1.494 Thermal resistance (r) 1.19 T6t 1es!16 available upon rcqust Water Abnrptiorr Tested in ac- cordance with UBC Standard No. 32-12. FreezelThaw Cttdfrc.,terislics:. Testing procedures follow those outlined in ASTM C 6743. 5. INSTALLATPN Detailed in*allation procedures are contained in manufacture/s literahrre. Basically, product is ap plied to a structurally sound wall that has been blanketed with weather-resistant banier and mebl lath orstucco nefting conforming to local building codes. Clhough not required if wall 's masonry. See Table i.) A Type N mortar mk of Portland cement is spread on tfie wall or the back of the stone or both. Stones are pressed into the mortar on the wall. Joints are tooled and finished when mortar becins to stiffen. Masonry contsac- tor is usual installer. Prepantory Worlc See Tablel. MetMs See Figure 1. 6. AVAITABILTTY AND COST Availabilih: Available from manufacfu rerr's authorized lrnson- ry suppliers in all states of the Linited States and each of the Pre vincer of Canada. Distributon are also located in foreign countries. Manufacturer will also supply and ship directly to a foreign country EI -r tri -r t- 'T t=a,q E -rf, trst= *sF b >>F:*(J4l s€uru rg E&o. ,i c o r/l to o 9/.'s EO H*oa Fa en EEE g€3 g5: s ;J; BIF gtb ?ts otv Et<;11> fl5 2lz xtF =l' to integrate srrface colora 4ix in molds 'ls riked to to<trre on pro& installation bond. mi& cast prduct molds, packaged Sizes, shapes of finished product natural stones used as mastem. Stone diameters *ilt VarV trom 2o to 30'. Right- ^-, angle coher pieces have U $EC.OAllt 116! h. bac! F-rryrttiid h C$ nd sr€d tt 9aodadoat Test Results: Product thickness Loss on Drying 1.V9lnch to retum where no inventorying distributor is located. Cost Product is priced per square fool Job site costof pro& uct is affected by distance from manuf acturing plant" Application cost may be affected by substrate and any necessary preparation work thereto. Local supplying dealer or installer will quole-pdce- 7. WARRANTY Twentf Year Umited Wananty: Cultured Stone@ and Stucc0- Stone@ products are covered for a period of 2O years from the date of purchase when used on a struc- ture which conforms to local building codes and when installed in accordance with the manufac- ture/s instructions. Stone Products Corporation, will provide freeof- charge, new materials to replace those which are determined to be defective. This wananty is limited to the original purchaser and may not be transferred to any subse quent owner. This warranty does not cover darnage resulting from:. Settlement of the building or other wall movement o Discoloration due to airbome contaminants . Contact with chernicals or paint r Staining or oxidation This wananty covers only man ufacturing defects in Cultured Stoneo and StuccOStoneo manu- factured stone products. Stone Products Corporation is not re sponsible for labor costs incurred in removal and replacement of defective products. Hearth pieces are not warranted for use on the ground or as a surface area sub ject to foot traffic. 8. MAINTENANCC Most applications require no maintenance. Exterior applicatiom where excessive dust or dirt are prevalent should be washed down occasionally. 9. TECHNTCAL SERV|CIS Technical personnel are avail- able for consultation with archi- tects, engineers, applicators and owners to discuss type seldction, costs. installation procedures, etc. 10. FILING SYSTEMS . SPEC.DATA@ II . Swe€t's Catalog 04710/5T0 r Additional product infonnation availablE Upon request. TABI"E 1 WAIJ- SURFACE PREPARATION REQUIRED Rigid Backwall Wallboard Plyurood Paneling Wall Sheathing Insulatircn Board Cover sheathing with a b'reather type weather resistant banieq lap ioinb 4' rhingle tashbn. Then, in accordance with local building code, install lath or mesh using galvanized nails or staples 6" on center vertkally and 15' on center horizontally penefating strds I minimum of 1". Stop lath 1" from finlshed edges. Wrap weather recisdent banier ard metal lath a minimum of 16' around all outside and inside corners. Open Strds Install paperbacked meal lath to studs uslng nails which penetrate a minimum of 1' aL4' on center. aWlV tA to %' scratch coat and allow to dryts hour. Concrete Maronry Stucco No preparation needed. Examine ne*vly purred concrete closely to ensre that lts finlshed rurface contains no release agents (form oill lf it do€s contain form oil, etch surface with muriatic acid, rinse thoroughly andbr score with a wire brush. r Clean I and I Untreated Concrete Marcnry Stucco Sandblast or waterblast to original surface (remove sandblasting dust by washingl or securely attach lath with corrcrete nails. I Painted I Sealed ' Dirtv Metal Buildings lnstall paperbacked /"" rib s<panded metal lath to metal cladding supports ol XJ ga. to 12 ga using United States Gypsum Companl/s "17.' typ€ 912 Pancake Head Super-Tite" screws. Scrervs must penetrate /." beyond the inside face of metal surface. Scre*vs are to be installed on centen egual to screnr/sq.ft. and shall not o<ceed 6" on center in one direction. ApplV % to Z' scratch coat and allow to dry rl8 hours. HEARTH SURFACE Nortl{asonry Install a weather-resistant baniec then apply metal lath. (lf complyinc to UL floor protectoE listing apply %" scratch coal) Concrete I Clean and Masonry I Untreated No preparation nd- INSIAIIAr|ONT CTOSS SFCIION w@tArtoR oE{snE ctrNctrrt ltot$ or ANI xAsoNrJ uArEl l $oB C4e€ fgrd aldtdi@ d tif,ttrS ardadr't U. jd{.4 .e@C ddld ld. e.r.ndtlrht b atD0.do o{ Mpad rr.olldie bankt ld d Sdrt EIII t nD$E 5-9+3374 I- \ SPESDATAO PROGFAT MANUFACTURER Stone ProdrjEtl-Giponiion PO Box27O Napa, CA 94SS94I27O Phone (800) 22*1727 US and Canada VOn255-1727 Outside USA FAX (707)8 5s72 MANUE. -- Itb lk'||}Spoc prls€flb fto ma ffiIIl lc It lE ;lE ile itg rl5 atH ilF :l: sEcTroN 04721 wasular-E-q9ry-l6pc6rgg rer 1fi i'ffiffiEffi - _\ ,-5 ''-t 't-_ MANUFACTURED STONE AND BRICK VENEERII This document incorporates CSI Manual of Practice principles of cross references to Division 1 sections for procedunl equirements to avoid repetition and duplication, and to other specificadon sections for Related Work. Tlre cross references must be edited to retain only those used in specifications for the specific proiect PART 1 GENEMT l.fl SECTION INCLUDES A. Manufactr.rred [Stone] [andJ [Brick] Veneers [andJ [Mortar]. B. Metal [Anchors] llathl landl lAccessories]. 1.02 RELATED SCTIONS A" Secdo-n: 01400-Cold Formed Aletal Framing Frame Support for S0bstrate. B. Section: (blfil-Rough Carpentru Wall Framing and Streathing Section:-07$0-Joint Sealers: Perimeter Sealing at Openings. Section: OlDm-Lath and Plasten Finish Plaster. Sectioru 1O30-Fireplaces and Stoves. REF[RENCES Retain only those reference standards to be used within the tott of this Secdon.-Md and delete as re quired for tlte specific project Hot Plate. CI? -----r -ttt E EA q E -ltl e \f o :t o ?-o Es o-- - tr B' :, EE€ g€g F # ilE fls fl c. D. E. 1.03 o CN ctr ag E q,'o o, 3J o.t I Ch rs : o IE o o o a B. c. D. E. F. e U -E lr u t3 U E --h -- =C3 047rtr G. H. 1.04 1.05 A" 1J,.7 _4. 1J8 A type rlElI, Ercct field A.r B. c. 4 B, c. 1fi A B. c. .-l'. c. 5'6re and protect'g@ucB urder provisiorii ofSection t016ml101620l. Store nrortar and odrer moistsemitve materiab in protected enclosurs; handle bV mi:dp& whidt Allor no crin for 4s hduii Napa CA 9455nno' E. F. c. A 9ulq*{ Stoneo, T}pe fl#isconsin Weather-Edpl lSilrrerado Weather-Edge] [Cray Castle Stonel [Classic Castle Stonel lWhitcwater River Rock] [Earth Blend River Rockl [Lake Tahoe abnd nivii nockl [9ronzeo Ddf8torre] [tava] [Hafraiiari '!(osK&kl [Glacierol lRegular Driftstone] [Blond Driftstonei lGray Cobblefield9 [Brorn Cobblefleldcl Fexas Ceam Gobblefield!] [Apachel [Flintstone! [Palo Verdei lMt-cligan Fieldstonel [Granlte lnlit Facel [Great Lakes Split Face] [Ohio Limestonel [Napa valley Fieldsto,'nel [San Fnncisco Cobblgtorre9 ffehama Water Washl [PrqFito Southwest Blend Ledgp tonel [ProFlto Gray Ledgestone] [ProFito Granlte European Castle Stone] [ProFito Cray European Castle ' StoneJ [PraFito Golden Blend European Castle Stonel [Carolina Ledgestone]. &- -eshrcd Brick, Type lAntique Rdl lCalifomiaDfftfl lChicaeo Usedj IOld Usedl [Vintage Usedl lSunsetl. C. Quoins, Typs lBuffl lClassicl [Grayl. _ D. Capstones, Type lBuffl [Classicl [Grayl. Water Table/Sill: lBuffl [Classicl [Gray]....--.---'* - - " - Keystones/Lintel Stones: [Buffl [Classicl [Gray]. Hearth, Iype tfollo'ved by col<vr) fl9 x 201 [Regular Driftstone] [Blond Driftstone] [Napa Valtey Fieldstonel [Laval Fo<as Cream Cobblefield@J tGlaciePl ffiite,vater River Rock] [Cray] [Great Laker Split FaceJ lRandom Hearth Driftstonel [Grayl [Napa Valley Fieldstone] [Blond Driftstone]. Jobmixed mortar componeott 1. Portland Cemen! ASTM C 150, Type l or masonry cement Cfype N), ASTM C 91.L Masonry sand.3. Limq ASTM C 207.4, lron oxide colon. Marcnry SedlEn breather type (norrfilm forming) sealer. Weather-Resistant Banien Kraft waterproof building paF[ UBC Standard No. 17.1 or equal. Metal Lath: 18 gage galvanized woven wire mesh, 2.5 lb. or 3.4 lb. [flat diamond meshl tflat ribl [galvanizedJ [or] frust-inhibitirre coatingl. -- - H. L L K. The Cultured Stoneo manufactured by Sbne ProducB Corporation complies with the following -National Evaluation Service-Report No. NER-358 listed with: -BOCA Intemational -tcBo -Southem Bulldine Code Congress Inbrnirtional, Inc. -US Department of Housing and Urban Developmenq Materials Release No. 691a -City of Los Angeles, Research Repott RR.23744 -CCMC Evaluation Repoft No. 1183{R ::.' 2.03 MANUFACTURED UNITS-CUTTURED STONEO A B. c. D. E. No. 26:1Q Parts I and lV. \O o PART 3 ETf,CUTION Edit Article belorv to specify requirements for substrates used on Proiect. ilN PREPAMTION A. Opn Stud: Install paperbacked metal lath to studs using nails which penetrate a minimum of 1' at 4" on center. Apply tE to/r'scratch coat and allow to dry rt8 hours. Wrap weather resistant bar- - --- rier-ard rnetaljath a minimum of 16" around all ouside and inside corner. B. Sheathed Surfaces lnstall one layer of weather-resistant banier with lap ioints 4 inch shingle fashion. Apply code approved metal lath, attach with galvanized nails or staples 6 inches on center verti--calty and 16 inches on centers horbontally. Wrap weather resistdnt banierand metal lath a minimum of 16' around all outside and inside corners. C; - Concrete'and Masonry Surfaces Clean and Untreated: Examiiie narly poured concrete closely to ensurc that ils finished surface contains no releasing agents (form oil). lf it does contain form oil, etch surface with muriatic acid. rinse thoroughly andhr score with a wire brush. D. Existing Concrete and Masonry Surfaces: Remove paint, coating5, sealen, and dirt by sandblasting rinse with clear water. rrr. r r[OR]rr rr rr D. Aply metal lath to surfaces, attach with galvanized concrete nails 6 inches apar{ 16 inches on cente6. 3.M MORTAR MIXING A" Thoroughly mh mortar ingredientrin quantities needed for immediate use in accodance with ASTM C,182, Type N. B.' Do not use anti-freeze compounds to loryer tfie freezing point of mortar. AM APPUCATION A Apply W fo 7l of mortar to llathl [dampened masonry arid stucco or concrete surfaces]. covering a m.ximum of 10 square feet at one time. Press the unih firmly into position in soft mortar bed, joggle each piece slightly to bond firmly, causing mortar to extrude slightly around edges of units- B. Install hearth pieces in mortar stsips % inch deep and 3 inches wide. Place mortal strips 1 inch apart C. Place units with uniform mortar joinb. Stone joints should not be over filjl ffi inch in width. Brick ioints should be a uniform % inch in width, with horizontal joints leveh lwith head joints of brick wenly spaced and centered above unit belowl. lnstall outside comer return units with short and long lengths altemated D- Plan work to mlnimize job site cuttirg. Perform necessary ortting with proper tools to provide uniform edges; take care to prevent breaking unit corners or edges. E. Minimum Wldth of Units at lnslde Comerc and at Perimeters of Openings: tal t6l I I inches, lmaintain full thickrcss of btick unib above heads of openingsl. F. Remove excess mortaq do not allor mortar to set up on face of units. Point [rake] and tool joints before mortar has set Clean and finish joins in accordance with manufacture/s instructions. G. Apply breathe type (non film forming) masonry sealer to completed surfaces in accordance with manufacture/s instructions. Sealer required on: 7. 2. 3. fr+3374 SPECIFICATIONS SECTTON 055m - Mbcenaneous Mehls General Coffifinc"tion and Finirshes 1.SCOPEOFWORK The General Conbacbrln accordance vdft the spciMions, SECTION 00700 - GENEMT CONDITIONS, shall frrmish he necwry labor ard matedals to provlde the numbet and type of Mirscellaneous Mebl m sloum on the drarlngs and o&erwi.se specified henln. The extent of Mscelaneous lrlebl work shall htclude but is ml [mlH b the frllotling: a. Review dehils and spply all mebils as requlred on dradngs and by Scope of Wott. b. Fumish and ln$llne{tdmrative m€ihl hand and guadrds attte Lobby Loungs atd Registration Lobby Seding Arca. See AD debils tur additonal inbrmalion. c. Fumish and irstall newdeoratve metal bl-fold gate dfte Reshurdnt Enty wih new bansom debil See AD deblls tur addi0onal inbrmdon. d. Fumish and imhn rpw deontve mebl sheMng at tu hk hr arca of tn Lobby Lounge. See AD deblls for additonal inbrmalion. MATERIATS AND METTIODS 2..1 See dehlls for spclffc Mlsce[anous Metal Unih. Provlde addltional unlls as rcquircd by $cope of Work 2..2 lvbbl Surfac€s, Generat For fabricaton of miscelhneous meial wotk wttich lllill bs eteosed h visw, use only materials wtrlch are smoollr and fu of srrface blemlshm imluding pifling, seam marks, oller ma*s, mllgd tade name and roughn*s. 2-3 SteelPlate, Shape, Ban, and Bar€lzeShape: AST[tlA36. 2..4 Provide alt ffiners as rquhd br Installaton. Fatenen b be mmpatble wlth mehl seclions as speclfied. EXECUTION AND INSTALI.ATION 3..'l WORKITiIANSHIP 1..1 1.2 a, Us matetlals of ske and thickness shorn or, if rot shown, of rquircd size and hickness b produce sffengh and durabillty ln finlshd produd Use povdn detdb of fabdcaton and support Use type of nabrials shovm or spifid for varlous compnenb of wrft b. Form exped uorkfue o llne and level$ith accurde ansles and surhces and straight sharp edgw. Ease expM dge to a rdlus of approximately 18? unless ottEitlim shown. Fom bent-mehl comen b smallet rradlus poslble wlthout causing grain SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 05500 - Miscelaneous Mebls General Constuction and Finlshes 3..3 3..4 separalion or othenrlse imp[ing wott. Weld comers and seams contnuously, complying wtlh AWS recommendations. At exposed connec{ions, grind expced welds smoofi and flush io match and blend wi$t adjoining surfrces. Fom expsed connectons wlh hafllneJoinb, fhsh and smotl; ushq conceald fastenes whepver posible. Use Exposed fasbnen of $p shoum or, if not shown, Phillips flat-head (ouierunk) screm or bb. (1) Pnvlde for anchorage of type shotam, coordlnated with spppoding sFucfirre. Fabrlcde and sre anchbdrg devices to provide adequab supprt fur intendd use. (2) Gr4 Blnbrce, drill and hp misce[anaus mebl uotk to rcceive fnish hadunp and similaritprns. Whetlrer or not shourn on drargfurgs proude mlscellaneous sbel faming and supporb wttlch are not a part of sfuc'tunal sbel tansvtork, m rquild under other sectors. Equip unb nuitr inbgrally u,elded anchons for casting inb oncnb or bullding hto masonry. Fumish inserb lf unlb must be Mlld after oncrcte b placd. Except c ofierwise shown space anchors 24'o.c. and provlde mlnlmum anchor unils of 1 1/4" x 1/4'x 8" sGd stap, Examlne tre are* and confitions underwhlch miscellaneous metal items an b be ins&lled and remedy any ondidom detlmentalb ttp properand timely comple$on of fte rvo*. Do not proceed vdtr the uerk urtl rnsalishory condltions have been corecbd ln a manner amptsble bfteirshller. Faslening to ln-Place Consfiucffon: Provlda aruhorage devices and fasbnels whee nressary for securing mlscellaneous mebl items to in-place orsfrucilon; including, theaded fastenen fur concrete ald masonry inserb, toggle bolts, through-bolb, lag blts, wood screus and connslols a rcquircd. Cutting, Fifring and Placement Perfom cuting, ddlling and fittng rcquired br installation of mlscellaneous mebl ibms. Set wotk accurably in lmtion, afignment and elemdon, plumb, level, bue and fEe of rak, measured fom eshblished llnes and levels. Field Weld'ng: Comply wltr AMS Cda br procdurcs of manual shielded mebl'arc weldlng apperarance and quality of welds made and methods tsed in conding weldlng uotk. 3..5 r. rf * END sEcTloN 05500 rr rr r SPECIF|CAnONS SECTION 06200 - Carysnfy Genenl Conshrtion and Flnlshes 1.SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The Genenal Conhacbr in accordance witlr Sre srecifrcatons, SECTION m700 ' GENEML CONDITIONS, shallfumistr tre necesury labr and maledals b perfom $e lqufuemenb of the wortspecifled henln. 1..2 The errtent of carpenFy rcrk shall lnclude but is not limited h the following: a. Installdion Ba$ and !0sceltanmus Accessories - see speciffcaton Seclion 10200. b. lns&llSection 08400 - BulHem Hadtrae. c, Reinbrce wall as rcqulred to reelve new milluork, handnalb, etc. See Section 00400 ArchltecturalWooduuk d. Fumish and Inshllallalchlbtulalspaialty ilems as noted on drawings and spaclfled herein. I,IATER|AISAND MEfiODS 2.1 Pmvide fie necessy vuod blocHng, grounds, naites, eb., necesary br insbllaton of bmS' speclffed ln other ss{ions of 0ris speclficaton. This rd shall have a nnximum moistum content of I 970 at time of drcsslng and shall be suihble for palnt where expcd b view. lnsulafion, where installed, b b 3" Flberglas, RF4 m manufactured by Ourens Coming or qual. Fumish and installallmbcellanous mebltim pieoes, atglc and channels necesryto complete consfiugtion and/orshown on drawlngs. Flnish b be as IndicaH on dnawings. Supply atl fasbners as necessary to complete te unlk Where possible, any roudrg or milling shall be shop fabrlcatd. Wood shall be fiealed nrittr famerehrdant proces where rquired by local ode. Should thls prm cause change in color and efiect on fnish maledat, 0te General Conbactr shall notity he Consulhnt. Speclal care shall be exerclsert b proffi all finlshee and ofier items to remain 6 nobd on the drawlngs. a Damage or dlsffitarrce to th6e items shall be prompily resbrd, repaired, or replaced b matsh existing al no cd h he O*mer. 2..2 2..9 2..4 2..5 2..6 2..7 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06200 - Carpenry General Consfructon and Finishe b. fffre Contactor has any quesdons on he $(bnt of items b remain, he shall ndiry fie Deigner and requesl a clarificdon bebre proceodltg. 2..8 Povide bracing and support as rquired to mainhin integdty and secudty of porilon of edsling sfuctlresto remaln. BGCUT1ON AND INSTALI.ATION 3..1 Examine tre subsfates and suppoding stuctrre and &e conditions underwhich tte urcrk sptfed in tris secton ls b be inshlld, and nmdy ondftions detimenlal lo $e work Do not prreA um m hshllalion unlil unsatisfachry onditions have been conected. 3,.2 Remove all unused, dlsconneted, or abandond items such as du6, pipes, and conduits. Ib not leave s.qoh unused items in place, regardless of wheher they will be vlsibla or concealed in thefinished uork 3.,3 Cooperated wlth the O,vnerto schedule demolition, catpnfy and utility seMce hterruptons l0 provide minimum lnbrbreme and disrupton in tre rcrmal opemton of the faclllty. bds{ng wort to be removed strall, in ganenl, be m indlcabd on te drawings ald shall include otrer exi.sting mabrials and norlt necessary b insbll new work lndicated and specified. Remorre des@abd Inbrior sfuctnes, patb, and ffnlshes at beginnlng of utott b miqimize hazantous worklng condltons and h provldE comparatvely clean surhce br lnsbllaton of new wolk Pmvide all necessary bmponary encloeures b adequably probct pemns fiom posslbte iniury- a. Pmvide necessary bmporary partilions, enclosure coverings, and the like br onfining dwt and debris to areas of tre bulding ln which dernollton and/or aheralions are hlng perlormed. Remove ftom tl1g premlse and dlspose of In a lqal manner all dobris, eisting mabrlal, and ibns designated for demolition, unle othenryise noted. Buming at Bte slte is pnhibibd. Selling satvaged maerial attre slte is prohibibd. Retum areas tt neat and acceptable condilon, appopriate to the conlinuance olthe proJect Set carpenby work accurately to rquhed levels and llnes, wi0t membns plumb' tug and accurately crl and fited. Diserd units of m&dal wih deftob wtrich mlght lmpair ttre quality of nnrk and unfls wlthh are ho small h fabdcsb tre woft ulttr minimum Jolnb or opdmum Joini arnangement Comerloinb shallbe mibmd unles oheil6e nobd. 3..5 3..6 3..7 3..E 3..9 3..10 3..11 SPECIRCANONS SECTIONffizm-CarFtly &nerd Cqnstwdon and Flnlstg 3..12 P&h dlfloor, mll, and cdlhrg areas frecGd bydemollbn of ualbsb. andfrnFh d erN EttfmssbrfthdlmentErfrm. 3..13 budy affih a[ mlk sp€dffsd br Insb[ffin uderhb sedon of 0F spedfic&m b subffi by anctotlry ad enhg o shryn, or c rcommetded by manuffireq or e reqrired by rqnired smrddds. Corrbrdnk ftrt$t€ nd Ms on expoeed capsrfyad f[ hotes. lnstrtl hsbnens uilhout spfiflng .nrcod; pr+&il| c rcqdred. lhke ligffi connecdons betwn members. rf rr.f r EllD sEcflollodmrrr. irr SPECIFICATIONS 'SECTION 06400 - Architectural Wdtpott General Consfirton and Finishes 1. SCoPEOFWORK 1..1 lhe @neral gon@cbr in rerdance wl[r tre speciflcafons, SECT]ON 00700 - General Gonditions, shall furdsh the necesary labor and matedals to perform he requiremenb of the woftspeified hErein. 1-2 The extent ofArchiffird Wooduork shall include but is not limited b fte following: a. Furnish and kutall all tnabtials nmessary to consfir{ and insfall all fixtrres as Indleted o-tt FDdrawings b, Allwood b bfitp rebnlantbmeetlmlcods. 2. MATERIALSANDMET}IODS 2.1 All ply'mod and lumber shafi b troroughly seconed and kiln dded before belng used, and on delfuery shall have a moisfrre content not in excs of 12% unless otherwise noted on drawings. 2..2 Woods a, Solld Sbck Shallbe clear, stualghtgraln lumberof tre bestgnadE of fte species lisbd by tre Nafional Hadwod Lumbr Association. Lutnber $all b fe of minenl or saprcod sfeaks, checks or other defecb. (t) For Face Wods: Shall be seld br sfaight grain wih unihrm color and gain suitable br uss wih fie frnlihd plyunod rlitrt which it ls used. l2l For Unex$d Wds: Shall be Ponderosa Pine, Grado A and shall bar tp grade, maftand stampof Webm PinEAssociatons. Whera unexposed v*oods ". cone Into conbct with dnawea, fiey shall b Birch or Maple, UnsElect b. Vener Gore: Stn[ be clea staightgrain lumber of tlre H grade of the specles as lbted by tlre National HEdware Lumbr Asociation. Lumber shall be free of sapunod sfieaks, checks orotherdeHs. Shall b glued wtttr w#r-reslstant rcsin glue or approved equal and pmessd by the hot plale methd. 1/4' Ovetafl hblms shafi be of 3-ply rteneer cor€ @nsfuction 3E Ovenll ftlc*ness shall be of $plyveneercors consfirtion t/i Overall thickness shall b of $ply wnseroorc consucton o o SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 064{n - &chibctunal Woodvuorlt General Consfrus0on and Finhhe 2..3 U4' Overall thidrnass shall h of 7+ly veneercore consffucton 1' Overall thlcknss shall be of $ply vener core constuclion (1) For Face Woods: FinishEs shall b elected and mathed by ttre ftuipment Contactor witr fte rw@ to cuting lengfis, unlfonnity of color, figure, and gmin character. Fae venen shall not onhln open loinb, hce depnsbns, glue staln or o$Er manufactudng ireguladfes. All vislble vener b be dft cut (not rohry cut) ald Archlbtutd Ouallty. Sbin colorto bo * spified in m&dal Fbrence sheeb this secton. (2) For Unil@ Woods: Shall be Blrch or lbugla Fir, robry cut Unselect good one slde, l&rior type dytenod, Grade A-B; Grade A faces shall not conhln plugs, larb, pitch pikeb, glits, rough graln orotheropen detscb. (3) For Plasffc Laminalion: Shall be minimum 94" Mahogany hco coe ply'ircd, good one slde. c. futasonfe: Shall be lE thlcktempersd Presdwood, a manufactrcd by Masonite Corprdion, Chicago, llllnols, oran appnved equal. Minon: Shallbs faMcaH of 1/4" thlck pllshd plab glas and Gnde A silver quallty as ' manufactrrcd by Ubbey0rarsFotd Co., o qual. Shall be manufaclufod wih tuo coab of silver applled h Fopedy pr@ ghss Silver film shafl be attbrlor cod of speclal hard ompositon paint 'All mlron shall be guaranbed agalnsl silwr oxidation. Gtass: Shall b of varytng thlchess and color. Gl6s b bo bmpered ghss of glazing quallty as manuhctnd by Pltbburgh Plab Glass Co., orappmvd equal, unlm specified olhemb. Glue and Adhelves: a. For CabinEt Wo*: Rquiring primary lmd bmdng, molstrre areas and plaslic laminating, Weldycod Phsilc Reshr glue a distibuted by U.S. Plywood Corporation, Los Angele, Cilbmia sha[ bs usod. b. For Cao-net Wo*: Where pdmary load bearlng ls not inrclved, white plyrinyl glue under tre band names Presh Set Glue, as distibuted by U.S. Plyuood Corp., Los futgel*, . Calibmla, or an appoved equal, may be ud. Hardmru Hadunre shall b of solid mabrial and where exposd shall h casl brms, plated a spified. Haldwod shall be provlded with nwry hcill0es br locking, unless oheluiss spaifieil. All lmks shatl be ma$erkeyd. Samples of all haldnffe shall h tumished to Consulbnb for approval. All doors h har bras hing* and screws. lihslic: 2..6 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06400 -tuchiGcturd Woodurcrk Geneml Con*rdion and Finishm a. For Mlrmrand Glas Se{tno: Shall be Minor-mastc, 6 manufactured by Mnnesota Mnlng and Manufactring Co., Los Angeles, Galihrnia. 2..8 Paint All paint and offrer frnlsh materials shall be pum, unadulteratd, best quality ftom Sp€oified Paint Company or equal. All items where palnt ls regulrcd, shall be shop painbd, except when lmpradical or oherule specifed. 2..5 Plastic l-aminalq Shall be Fomica, Laminat Nevamar, or Equal, of solid or pho@raphic pattem. Colors and textrre shallbe as seled by the Consultants;shall be shndad type unlmofsulsespiffed. 2..10 Shop DrawtEs: Shop drauuings must be submmd. Submltshop drawings showing locdon of each item, dimensloned plans and elerlation, large scale detalls, aitachment devices and ohEr compnenb. Slow provblom and cubub br mechanical and elEctical work. 2-.11 Samples All sanples shall be submitbd in suficient time for approwl and such ibms shall not pmceed unless autho&ed inwdfng. 2-.12 Wood: Hadrryood and wneers shal b Osk, Wdnug or equal. As indicated on drarings. e.13 Wood shallbe heaH vdtr flarne reMant process where requird by local corte. Should thb' prffi cause chang6 ln olor and efra{ on frnlsh maledal, the @nenal Conhactor shall notty the consultant 2..14 AllHardwd and Hatd$md Veneerto have mde laquerfinlsh. 2..15 All doon b haw frnger pul debil or as otherwlse lndlcated. 2..16 All edge lippings b be hardrcd pinned and glued b dge of unlt' 3. BGCUTION AND INSTALTATION 3..1 Examine fie suffie and supportng sfiuctrre and lhe conditions under whlch fte woflt spcified In ttrls secffon is b be inshlH and remdy condlfrons debimental to the work. Do not pluceed stth inshllation undl unsats{ac{0ry onditions have been conected. 3.2 The GEneral Contsacbr shall verity a[ field dlmEnsiorr pior to fabrications of milluork. 3..3 The follordng general requlernents shall gornm fte corufructon of the custom-built fitures, ercept where otnnilis nobd. Work shall be perfuird by skilld mechanics of he fade and shall be of 0n hlghsi quality of tlre drarings and splflcatons. a All Fbrtrrc shatl b rde up at fte mlll and csembled in single and mmpleb unib lnfir as the dlmenslors treraf will permit shipment h and lnstllatbn at fte building. Larye pim equiring scfonal onshrc,fon shall hare hEh several palts acatrely fiH ald allgned wlth each otrerand ba pmvlded wifr ample sseurs, dowels, mortism and tenons, t SPECTFTCAflONS SECTION O81t)O. HOLLOW MEIAT D@RSAND FRAMES General Constuction and Finlshes 1. scoPEoFwoRK 1..1 The General Contracbr In accodancs wih ihe spcifications, SECTION 00700 - GENERAT CONDITIONS, shall fumish tp nmsary labr and m#rials to provide tlre numbr and types of holtow merbl dmr frames as shown on tlre dradngs and specifled hrrein' 1.2 The extent of Flollow Mehl Work shdl lnclude but b not llmited b the bllowing: a. Fumlsh and hrstall new Holtow $rtehl Dorrs and fames m nold on $e plans. b. Dor and Fmme assembly b be 2 hour raH. 2. PRODIJCTS 2..1 Prrovlde holtow rneblfrarpe b mabh edstng fur newdoon as indlcated on drawings and specified henin Verity onditions ln Field pdorb purchme of doors and fames. 2.2 Provide hollow nebl franm of not less tnn #16 gauge. 2..9 Excapt as nodlfied by gowmlng odes and by tre Con0act Documenb, omply wllh appfcable provision and rmmmendatbns of $e foflowtg: a.'ShrcUnlWeldingCde'(AMS) 2-A Shop Drauings: Submit slrop drawlngs br hollow metaldoorframes. Stnw typlcaldehils of all conditons at larye scale (not tes ttran 3!n. quals 1 fi.) for every openlng' 2..5 iilatedals: a Sheet Stml: ASTM A366, fee fom scale, plt&g or otrer de{ecb, sffiher leveled for doors. b. Gdvanized Sheet Steet: ASTM A526, galrranized In accordance with ASTM A525, CoqtrE Ibslgnaflon G90, phmpha$zed; sfebher leveled fur doors. c, Reinforcement Steel: ASTM A36. d. Fateners: Galvantsdorcadmiumplatedsbel. (1) BolbandNub: ASTftlA307,GradeA. (2) Expanslon &lts: FS FF-9325, Group lll,epansion shield (selfddfrng tubular expansion stel blt archors), Typo I or 2' SPECFIMTloNS SECTION O81()O - HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES General Consfudion and Finishes (3) Machine Screws: FS FT'S-92, ca6on steel, Type lllcros+rmssed, deign lorll recess, style 2C flat head. e. shop Primen Qne of the follow{ng bake on: Fs TT-P{41 Type ll Alkyd, Znc Dusl-znc Oxide. 2..6 Fabdcate ftames b tre despn and dimenslons shorun in accordance wih best shop practices. Untess othepise shoum, hbdcab doos and panels to a thickness of 1-3/4 in. Take field measuremenb where coordlnation wiltt adlolnlng work is nec€ssary. 2..7 lrlake hollow rBhlwo* stong, dgid, neat in appamnce and free from debcb. Reinbre comen of doon as required to preventtwislirg orsagglng. 2..8 Form exposed surfaces fiee fiom warp, rfieare and buckls, wittr all comen square, unless noted ottrenris. Form molded memben sfialght and Fue, wittr ualded joints coped and miterd, well brmd, and tue in alignment Dms welded Joinb on o<posed surfaces srnooth so fiey an invlslble after fmishing. Z..g Provide clearances for don, not offremi.se spmifid, as bllorrys: 182 in. at jambs and heads' 1/8 tn. at meeting s{les of palns of dmrs and 3E ln. at btom where no $reshold or carpet is required. Where a thrddH h shown povidE 118 in. clearance above the threshold. Where carpet is shorm prrovHe 1/4 in. clearance above lhe carpst 2..10 Accuntely machinq flte and fit exped onnedions wifit hairllne joints unless othenvlse shoun Concealfastenlngs whenever possible. Countenink exposed scrervs uslng flat, Phllllps head screus. Pnvlde welds of adquate strengh and durabllity. 2..11 Wherc ftames are set in dryuall sbel strd watls wsld 16 gauge anchor cllps 2 fl" on cenlerto erch jamb and head. ermlior clips shall mabh 0re size of type of each stud used In each wall r r rr r END sEcTloN 08'|00 * *..'. SPEGIFICATIONS sEcTtoN 08200 -wooD DooRs Geneml Consfruction and Flnishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The Genenal Conffir, in accordance wth the splfimlions, SECTION 00700 - GENERAT CONDITIONS, shafl fumlsh ure necsary labr and mabdab to provide he number and type of Wood Dmn as stpvm on the drawings ad spelfied hereln. 1..2 InshllatonshallbepeftIrndunderSEGTlON06200'CARPENTRY. 2. PRODUCTS 2..1 Fumlsh shin gmade solld oe rlood doon as noted on plans and specified hercin. Doors b be ffush panel. Shes a nohd on Plans. 3. EXECLTIoNANDINSTAIJ.ATION 3..1 Package prefinisted door and pnels ln heavy duty erdboard caftns at tte fa&ry prior h shiprnent l{ark iiems uttt ident'ficalion br prcper loodion. 3..2 Proted doon agdnst damage during handltrg, tansh and sbrage. Slore in a dry place, protetd from tre wea$er. Stack in acodancE wth manuhcbre/s dlmtons' 3..3 Prefit doors ard panels in acodance wlth blerane requiremenb of Commerclal Shndald GS | 71 , at tre place of manufactre. ProvidE sbndad bevel or radlus b edges of doons as Gg{red by tre instailalion. trlachhre doors and panels for hardware rquidng cuffng of doots d fie place of manuhcfure. lrachinlng shall be In rodance wih hardwate bmplates. 3.4 Do not lnshll dmrs unlil concrete, mconry, drywall and tle woft are ompleted and dried ln he aremto rreivedoon. 3..5 Dmrs shallbe onditioned b the average pretalling mobtuo (humidi$ of the locallty berblp hanging. hn sttal not bo subJected to abnomal lreat, dryness, or humidity. Avoid sudden changes wch as brced heat (used to dry out the bulldirg)' 3.3 Cuttng, timming, ffiing and machinlng of prefinished doon will not be permitd. 3..7 lnshll doon in required opnings as shorn. lnstallflrsh panels wtth conealed hsteneF Provlde pilot lmles of proper slze br sreun inb particte board mn doom. Use shinless stel sMnetd sclstc lnto pttdE board. 3..8 Apply harduale Inacordancenitr hardwae manufactrpfs instuctions and Sdon'Finish H'aidware". Adjust dmr insblldon to provide unibrm clearance at head and jamb, and b conm *op riniformly. Remove and replace doors whlch are fuund h be waryd, bowed or offrerqbe damaged and cannotbe properlyfrM ln tarnes. SPECIFICATIONS sEcTloN 08200 -wooD DooRs General Constuc{on and Finishes g..g Pmtect dmrs ind hardware durirg consfirction. Maned frnlshes shall be touched'up perfecily match ad.iacent surhes b saflstaction of M or unit shall b rcplad. . r r.. END SECTION 08200. r r r r SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 084m - Builde"s Hardware General Constoitdion and Finishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The General Contactor in acmrdance wih the specificafons, SECTION 00700 - GENERAT CONDITIONS, shallfumish fte newry laborand matedals to ptovide he required number and $pes of Builders Hardmre as shovm on drarings and specifd herein' 1.2 lnshllation shall be prbrmed undet SECIION 06200'CARPENTRY' 2, PRODUCTS 2..1 Coodinate witr Sction 08100 - Hollow MeEl [bons and Frames and Seslion 08200 - Wd Iborc. 2,2 ltVhere noted on drrawings, rcmorre eldstrq eileriordmrthehold and irnhllrBwc splfied. 2..3 Packagirg . a. Include ni0r edr item of haldurare, tefullowing: (1) Scleus, bolh ard fasbnes nEcesary tor hnhllation. (2) lnsbllation imfuctions. (3) Speclalblsrcquiredforinstalldon. 2..4 Labling: Packaglng flnlsh hardware ibrns lndMdually leglbly marked ard adequably labeled Indlcding ttre part of tre mrk for whlch lt is Intended and beadng a marklng conesponding witt he numbr shotfln on the Hadwan SchedulE. 2..5 Alltrcrk of this Sffin shallmnfuim to tre gorremlng laus and building mdes. Allhanlwure shatl be of the bet grde of solid mebl, entrcly fe fom lmperbctions in manufactue and frnish. 2..6 Qualltim, weighb and size glven hereln arre fte minimum ihat wlll be acceptd. lt is the responsibility of 0re Hardunre Supplier to supply tre speclffed ske and unright of hadware and the properfuncton of Mware in each case. 2.7 Genenal Adapt harduram m required h compende br urdercutting, catpetng, ralssd thresholds, or other special condldotts. 2..8 Hardware Afiachment tbvices: Pnvide Phllllpe head $pe screm and blb wilh ex$ed surfamfinisMtomab-tradjacentharduapsurhce. Usetrebllowingfashnersbrappllcaton to tlre substate shoum: a Machlnescreunand bllsfor+pncabnb$ood. SPECIFICATONS SECTI0N 084m - Buildefs Hadunre Genenal Consfrustion and Finlshes 2,10 2..11 b. Wmdsqeuswitrfulltrredftrapplica{onbwmd' c. Sheet msbl sc1es6 frr use hr fire obrdant patcle boad or plywood shall h of shinless $eel. d. Machirc screus and galvanized hmpln shields frr application lo concrete or mmonry. e. Thru-boltng wi]| not b permitted e)o€pt ln special caes d the Architecfs discretion. Provide hrtemat reinfurement h accept botts concealed fiom he outer hce of door. HarduarE lnbrmaton scheduted lnreln shall not ba consfued as a complote haduare schdule and shdlonly be onsldered a an lndica{ion dthe hardunrE rcquiremenb. Etamine he - Draraings ani door symbols, ad provlde all necassary or additional harduare as requircd, of he same type, quality ard quantly a that schduled for similar doors or part of the buildirg used br similarpurpo*s. Hardware shall be sulbble and dapted for lb requird use and shallfft lts designabd locdon. Should any hardrrare as shown, speclfrd, or rcquircd, falllo mmtthe intended requiremenb or require modificaton b sult or frt tre d*ignated ldon, determine $e corecfron or mdificaton neicssary in anple tme to aroid delay ln tre manuhchrre and delivery of hadlrate. All surfrce closen shall b tre pnducl of one manuhctrrer. Closers shall be hydnulically onfiolled and full rack and plnion ln operadon. The ctoser body shall be of high stnngth cast lmn or atuminum. Each closrshallhave adJusbble generalsped and latch speed. Necewry arms, brackeb, and other door accssorie musl be avallable to suit approved job mndidons. 3..1 3..2 EXECIMON AND INSTALTATION Pro|Egt hardware wlth nabrial of type wtrlch is erily removed wilhout maning inish. Mount all hardware unlb at heighb rccornrnendd in 'Recommended Locatiom for Builden Hardware for Cuslom Sbel tbrs and Fmmes' or to match edsflng locations. lborClosen: a. General Vertty erch head condlton pliorh fumlshlng door closers; make requitd rndificalions orchange due b dehild condltons. Manuhcturcr's reprcsentative shall inspffq approve the proper insalation, and regulate each door dcer pdor b final acc€plancs ofte uork. b. Surbc+Mounted on D69r Surface shm appticaton br sbrdard operalion and sofit plab appldion br panallel ams. Proride spial stroe plabs ard brackes whel€ splfied or wheto requlred by sprJaljob ondlfions. Installeach hard'aap ltem h compthnce ndh the manufadure/s instuctions and rcomnenda' tons. Whenever crning and finini b requfued b irretal hadwap onto sudaceE which are labr b SPECIFICATIONli SECTION 64110- Builde/s Hcdwan General Conshrclion ad Finishes be palnffi orfrnlshed on anoheruay, coordM renoyd, sbrage and relnshlaton orapplca ton of snhce probcton wm frnMf€ w*. h not hrsbfl surhc+mounhd items untlfinbhes have bn complebd on the suffi. 3..5 Sat units tEwl, plumb ard fue b lirp and bcdon. MJrd and reiniorce $e athchment suM m rccesty hr proper Mlldon and opetdon. 3..6 Drill and munbrslnk unils which are not facbry prEpard br andrrage ffinen. Sprc ffinen and arnhors ln mdancewtft lndu*y sbrdafds. 3.1 Adjustard ctreckdr oprdng lbm of hadtrar and each dor, to ensulB poperopenadon or funcdon or every unlt Replm unils whi'ch carnot bo adIM and hDdcabd h op$ab fr€6ly and smootrly as mndd brtte appllffin nde. o SPECIFICATIONS SECTION O88()O- GI.ASSAND GLMNG @neral Cotstncton and Finishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 Ths General Conbacbr, in acordance wifr tlre spcificatons SECTION m700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall fumish the nmssary labor and rffirids b prform $e requiremenb of the wo* specified herein. 1..2 Ttre extent of glms and gldng rrrnrk shall lnclude but is not limited to tte following: a. Fumlsh and insbll new mlnor unib in bahrooms c noted on drawings and specified hercln. b. Fumish and install all gluing d ner Enby Ve{bule as notd. See Millun* drawingq Secton 06400, 2- I'ATERIALS AND MEftIODS 2..1 Quall$Assuname a. PdrB Glass Slandard: Comply wtft FS DDG451d. b. HeatTreated Glas Slandard: Comply wi0t FS DItG1403b. c. Sety Glass Srhndards: Comply wdh he bllosling m applicable: (1) Gonsumer Product Sdety Commission 16 CFR .1201' (2) lndusfrYSbndads:ANSI297.1. d. Sound Trarsmislon Twt Shndard: Comply wt[t ASTIti E 90. e. iilanufacturers: Provide eactr type ol glas and pdmary sealanUgasket from a single mannfasturer with not ts than 5 years of experience In the producffon of matedals similar htlmse required. f. lnstaller (Glazier): Firm wih not less than 5 yearc of successful experience in glzing uork simllarb the wo* of tltis prcject 2.2 lrrllnor to be fabdcaied of 1/4' trick plished plate glass and Gnde A silver quality as manufac- ntred with tfio coab of silver applied to properly procsssd glass. Siker film shall be hermetically sated by a heavy unibrm coating protecH by an etrdorcoat of special hald composlton paint N minos shall b guaranM agatst siher oxidation. 2.,3 Supply Polbffi Chrome J Channels contnuous d top and bothm of mlmor surface. Supply all hsteners as rcquired hrcomplete Installation. L SPECIFICATIONS SECTION O88OO - GI-ASS AND GLAANG General Consfruction and Finlshes 2..4 Flod/Fl# ghss: Typ I Aralty g3, clear unlm otlrerwise lndlcated' Thickness b b 1/2" 2..5 Processd/tempered Glass: Povide prime glass, clear, rafiich has fogn heatbeabd to sfiengtren gtms in bending b not less $tan 4.5 times annealed sfengft' a. Tong Marks: Providetempered glass produced by process which eliminabs bng marlts. 2..6 Glazing Sealanb and Compounds: a. General Provide black sealant at storetont and clear in other interior applicafions. Comply ntgr manuffirrc/s rwmmendadons brselecton of hardnss, depondlng upon tre ti;fion of each applicaton, condltons at flme of installation,.and vadatons or modifi- €tons, carefully fur ompatibility wtth surfaces conb# in the irstsllaton' b. 2-Palt Polysulfide Glazirg &alart Elasbmeric polpuffide sealant compMngqth FS TT- 92n, ChssA, Type2;specialllmmpoundd and bsH to show minlmum of 20yea/s mishnca b debdoration ln normalglazhg applhalions. c. Butyl Rubber Gbzhg Tapc Parfly-vubanhed, self-adhesivE, nonsHning, eKomeric butyl rubbr ap, 98% solids, eltrer plain or pre.shimrd as rquired tur pnper lnshlla donof glm. 2..7 Miscellanmus Gladng Nhledals a. sgfling Blcks: Neopene, 70.90 dumrreter hardnes, with proven compatbllity wt[t smlanb used. b. Spacen: Neoprene, 1M)-50 duomebr hardnes, witlr poven compatibility wltt sealanb usd. c. compressible Flller Rod: cloed-oell or w#ryroof-Jmketed 9d stock oJ srntetc rylsr ^ or plistic fuam, pmven b be compatble wttr edanb used, fExible and r*ll'lent wih 5-10 psicomprssion sfrengft for 2570 defledion. d. Cleaners, Pdmens, and Seatanb: Type recommended by soalant orgasket manuhctmr' 2..8 Submithls . L Prcduc'tDala: (1) Submit 2 oples of manufadure/s speciffcailions and inslallalion ffiucfions, trelud|ng dmumenblion of mmp||ance wih rquirerenb, ard insfucton frr harUnnU smring, itshlllng, cleanlng, atd protectlrg each $po of glam and gladng mabrial. b. Samples: SPECIFICATIONS SECTION O88()O- GI.ASSAND GI.AZING General Conslruclion and Flnishe 2..9 Product Handling a. Comply with mannffiurer's Instudiors for shipping, handling, sbring and probcling glass and glzing matedals. Exercise ercepdonal care h prevent edge damago to glass, and damagddebfonaflon b odngs (tf any) on glm. 3. EXECUTION AND INSTAII.ATION 3..1 Examinefiaming and gtalng channelsurfacEs, backlng and geneml design, and the conditions underwhich the glzlng is to be perfoimEd, and aredy and onditions detimenhlh the proper and timely completion of he work. h not proced wi8r glzing until unsatisfac'tory condi$orn have been conected in a manner accepbble to $e glder. 3..2 For stonfiont watertght and airtight insbttdion of each piece of glass is required. Each lnsbllalion must vdthstand normal bmperaturc change, impact loading (for operating doon) wiffrout failun including loss or breakage of glass, fallure of sBalanb or gaskeb to remain watertght and aidight, delsdordion of glazing matedals and other defech in the uork. 3..3 Probct glass fiom edge damage dudng handling and insbllation' 3..4 Comply urth ombind rmnmendatons of glms manuhclurer and manuf-acturer of salanb and oher materlals used in glzing, exceptwhere mon stlngent requiremenb ara shown or spdfid, and except where nannhcfure/s technical reptwntalives direct othenrise. 3..S Comply witr "Glazing Manual' and ofier appllcable publlcations by Flat Glas Mafteting Asociltion except a shom and sp*ifid otfrerwlse, and except as spclfically rccomnendd otrenryie by ttre manuffircrs of the glass and glazing mderials. 3..6 Seal glcs minror and ftame to back splash witr clear silicone sealant. Force sealant into channel to eliminate voids and ermure complete bonding of sealant 3..7 Mlmors h be installed wt[t sabty hpe a spified. 3..8 Wash and polish mirors not more han bur days pdor to dab scheduled br inspections intended beslablish date of substantalcompleton. Complywith glass manufadure/s recommendaflors for frnal cleaning. r * r* a END sEcTloN 08800 " * " .r SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09250- Gypsum Drywall @nEral Constucton and Finishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The Gensral Contacbr ln amrdance wlth tre specihcations, shall fumish he necessary labor and mderials b prfurm fie requirenrenb of tp uo* speciffd hercin' 1..2 The eftnt if gypsun dmmll strall includE but ls not llmiH to the bllowing: a, Fumlsh and lnsh[ a[ matetiats necessaryto consfrr.rct new gypsum board pafftons and cellings wlrere indicded on dradngs and speciffed herein. b. Fumish and insbll new hand tror{eled veneer plasterfrnbh (VP-1) in all lmatons lndffid on plans. Submit hand torreled samples brapplovalpdorh lnshllaflon. c. Fumlsh and inshlla[ nitrrials rccwryb ortand patch unlls m noled on dradngs and debils and speciffed hereln. Revlen otpr sectom for patchirg wotk b be lncludd under GyFum pryunn - OgZ50. 0.e., elatical, mechanlcaletcJ Pfrhing workb include pabhing of ornrerb rvalls b be frenchd by eldiclan. d. Fnme new FIVAG difrrsars lnb new gypsum board caillngs. Finallocaton re debrmind by Grumnran8utkts Associab. e. tnstall new ffush mounbd access panels (one per area) inb rcw gypum bmrd ceillng. Exact locafon h be debrmlned by Engineedng hpaffnent and Andetson/Mller, Ld. Re view all ptars ard inshllas rqulred and/oras noH. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 Steelstrds-ASTMG645;25gauge. a. tbpthof Sclion: i!5/8'- 2-12',tomabh existingcondition. b. Runner's Mabh sMs: type rmmrnended by strd manuffiurerbrflmr and ceiling support of strds and fur verdcal abutnent of dryurall work at other existng wotlt. 2..2 Gypsum Boad: ASTftI C36. Povlde ln maximum lengths b minlmEe end-toend butJoinB' a. 5/8'tticknss untes oterutse noted' t1pical. b. Type: Regular br moms and walerptwf type for baths. 2..9 Tdm Acce,ssories: Pnvide manuffiure/s shndard tim accsries of type lndicded hr drytmll wo*, furmed of galvanized stel expanded f,ange fur nailng and beaded for concealment of flanges in joint compound. Provide orner b€ds, and V-shaped on+pieo contol jolnt hds- o SPECIFtCAnONS SECTION 09250 - Gypsum Drywall General Consfitction and Finishs 2..4 Acm panets to be Sesame Type flush mounted KSM/CAD, Ceiling Acces Hdch as manuhctled by Karp Assmiates, Inc. fi18) 78't-2105. Dimenslons to be 24'x 24'. 2..5 JointTape: Pefolded, cmss laminaH papertype. 2..6 Joint Gompound: Ready-mhed vinyl type br lnledor use. 3. EXECTMONANDINSTALUTION 3..1 Examine the subs6e ard tre spm to rcceive gypstm drywall, and the condidons under whlch gypsum drywallis b lnselled;and remdy any condidonsdetimentalto tle unrt. Do not prcceeO v,rffr tre Installaton unlil ursatsfmbry condldons have boen conected in a manrer accepbble to he inshller. 3.,2 lnstall nnnertacks atfloor, ceiling, and shrctrralmlls and columns where gypaum drywall sfi'td systan abubotherwolk 3..3 Termlnate part'tion stud sysbm atcellirBs' 3.A Space studs at ld O.G. 3..9 Frame dmr openirgs urtfir verdcal studs searrely atached by screus at each Jamb either diredy b frames or to lamb anchor clips on door fanre. Inshll runner back sections at head and secure b jambsttds. 3..6 lnsiall wall boards vertelty to avoid end-bttt Jolnb whercver pelble' , 3..7 lnstallexposed gypsum bmd wittr faca slde out tb not insbll imprH, damaged grdamp boards. ilun boards togettrerfor llght conhcl at dges and ends (not more than 1/16' opn spaca btueen boards). Do not hrce ln to place. 3..E lnslall mebt comer bads d edemal cornens of drytrall work' g..g lnstall metal edge tim whenever edge.of gypsum board unould ofteruie be exFed or seml' epsed. 3..10 FinishlngofDrywall: Applyatgypumboardloinb,flangesoftimaccwries,pneffafions, fastenerheads, surhcedefe6 and etsevrherc as loquir€d' a. Applyiointhpe dlolnb btween gypsum boads. b. Apply toint compound in thrw coats and sand bfwen last tulo wF and &r last coal Avold raising tre nap ofthe papsrwhen sanding. 3..11 Perfurm all necessary pdchlng of gypsum dryuall constuction der the unrk of other bade. Revlew all o&er sectons ard arcl'ribctral drawings for inforruaton. o SPECIFICATIS'lS SECTION 0g2$l- GyFtrtt Dy/'nd Gensnl Commston ad Finish€ 3..12 RenpvE atl dbcardd corntucffon debds 0.e., gyFum boad, M. EtId tunnanF, *) ailtn etdofechdaydmrk 3..1 3 Probct tp mfi Ef ofter kade from dam4e by gypsum dryndl itrhllailion. Coned any damage by repffrg, chantu or replachg a reqded. At he ompMon of tn wo* by ofta ffies, buch up ad rsn a! dam4ed or deM sud@ ad ftlsh to mabh e$tng sufrces. r.rrrr.r rr EID oF sEcnoN wlcl t. rt.t.r tt o SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09300 - Ceramic Tile Genenal Con$uction and Finistres 1.SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The General Conbacbr in accordance wltr the specifications, Sstion 00700 - GENEML CONDITIONS, sfpll fumish tre nereary hbor and mabrials to perfom the requiremenb of lhe wo* speciFsd hercin. 1..2 The e)&ntof ceramic tile wodt sMl include but is not limitd to the bllowlng: a. lnstal rpw cemmlc wall dle tuoughout bathrooms m spcified. MATERIALS AND MET}IODS 2..1 Mabdals used In tre fabrlcaton and instalafion of tris wotk shall be new and ihe b*t grade otrtalnabb of tlgh res@e $pes. 2..2 Latex - Portland Cement liorbr: Latex - modlfid Poriland Cement thin-set morhr omplying wihANS!118.4. 2,3 Grout for new f,oors b b commerclal cement grout witt a llquld labx morbr addiliw. Use Hydnmentas manrrfactured bythe UPCO Company, Cleveland, Ohlo: Colorpermatedal reference sheb. Golorto be selded by deslgner' 2..4 Supply and instafl all appropdale comer pbces as rqulred. DGCUTION AND INSTATTATION 3..1 Wo*manship a. lnsbltdion of tre ceramlc tile shall be perfomd by skilled, exparienced, joumeynen fle lnshllers. Apprentces shall be used ln amrdance wih the brms of fie conhactual agrement wlh the unlon and only wtren the use of appantces is applhable under he bhs of such Agpemsnt The work ls to Include all labor, equhmenl material and bols nmssary for the ompletion of the job. The inslallation ls to be in accordance vdft the tile manufactureds recommendafions fortre best Inshllation practices. Workmanship shall be in keeping wtur the highest standards of the tle irchllaton irdustry. 3..2 tulanuffiudng Sbndads l Provide tile equalh orexcedlng tre Shndard Grade Requirements of ANS|A137.1. b. Provide mabrials otrtained fom only one ource br each type of lile ard color to minimhe vadatons In apParance and quafltY. 3..3 Measuemenh SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09300- Ceamic Tde General Comtuction and Fin'she 3..7 a. Dimensions ln $e plans and specificdions and fte drarings are to be onsidered c approximah. Contactorshall be rqulrd b carcfully check in ttn field alldimensions and otrcr conditions dectrg his unrt. The Conhador shall b held solely retrnsible for proprinsbllaton of hetle in a|| areas designabd. Examine the areas atd ondlflons underwtrich tte tle work is h be irsElled and remedy any condiflons detimentalh he proper and timely completion of the work. Do not pmceod witt the work unlil unetisftcbry condltons have ben concted In a manner accephble b fie Subcon' tractor and the Gerenl Gonfactor. Conbactor shall be requird b propedy prepale fre slie for taying the tile floodng. The condition sf tte flmrs and preparatory sbps to insure a hlgh quality imbllalion shall be trhe solE tepn$' bitity of he Confactor once the wotk ha shrM. All ceramlc tile shall be insbll€d ln amordance witr tlre recommendadons of the mannftcturetof the producb used. Iiles shall b dSbndard Grade quality onbrmlng to rcqulpmenb set futft In the lndusfy sbndad ANSI 137.1'1908. lf required by conditon, tn mnhacior shall lewl tre floor slab with a mortar base as required br levellnsbllation. Commenenent of cenamlc lile installaton by Gurtsador shall bs an indicaton of hb accephnce of the subsfiate and he will automalically 6ssume the respmhllity br any unaccapbHe finished unrk caud by suM condlton. 3..8 Pdor to commencirg trshlldon of the ceramic tle the Conbador shall conbr wilh the cEramic tle manuhcfurBr concem'lrg tre most effclent and corect way of exeuling te indallaton The nnnufactrefs rccommendafrons shallb considered binding and frnal unls oftenrlse determined by the Designer. 3..S All installdon bchniques ehall strictly adhere witrr lrduslry sbndards; ANSI A108.$1967, ANSI Al 08.4-1 968, ANSI A1 08.S1 967, ANSI Al 08.S1969. 9..10 Haldle, storo, mh and apply pnpriebry setdng ard gruuting mabrials in compliiance dlh the manuffirre/s inshrdions. a- Remove debris, laltarre and otlrer foreign matter from all surfdces to rreive tile. b. Walt 24 hourderse$ng tle befue gmutng, c. Exercisecarch preventdamagebunbrproffitg ratuials. 3,.11 Frdend tile work inb recrcs and urder equlpment and fi:rhnes b brm a compleb covering wt[rout inbrruptors, except m o$enrie shwrn. Terminab woft neatly at obsfruclions, dgs and cornen, without dlsruption of patem orJoLrt alignment Provide openings ftr electlcal outleh and sruttdrs, bul allow blerances tght enough b guananbe full covenagp by cover plab. 9..12 Apply ttrin set morhr bext b subsffie or new morbr bed. KeEp tile thickness to a minlmum b SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09300 - CenamicTile Geneml Cottsffnction ard Flnishes 3..13 3..,|4 3..15 3.,'t6 x..1t 3..18 3..f9 3..20 3..21 allow br smoolh translton at threshold. Where ceramic tle meeb anofter flooring mdedal [.e., carpet, quany tile, tena:zo), concealed stripping m required shafl be used b fonn tre tightest possible joining. Door lhreslrclds shall be conectly located and centered under the clcsd door llne. Expmed screws or nails are nol accepbble. Thrchotds shall b securd b the floorwifr ample fasbnens of propertype and size. lnstallerb provide hlgnerwith samples and spwificadon Informalion on all door mebls, blm edges etc. hr fnal approval pdor b inshllation. Untess otrenaise shown, lay tle ln grid patrem. Allgn Jolnt when adjoinlng tiles on floor, base, ualls and bim are the same sEe. Layout tle work and enbr dle fields both dLectons in each space or on each wall arca Adiust b minimke tile cuting. Make all cub of lile un'tb ushtg powr drfuen masonrysn'L Jolnb shallbe unlhrm t/16 inch In wldtlt. a. Align Joinb in tle base wlft jolnh ln wall tle. For tricket appllcdion, lile b b insblled over curved and leveled mo&r bed with a bavelled on board oat of dry set moftr or latex modified Poilland cement morhr. A skim coat should be applfrd b back of tile. Requdrementof ANS|A108.5. The Contactor shall pobt{ tre'ceramic tile from damage resulting ftom the work of other Henen in tre bulldlng. &hduling and rwpotsiblli$ b be coodinated wt0t the @ner. Upon ompletion of tre ins{alHion of emh area, remove excoss adhesfue or other surhce blemlshes uslng neufialtype cleanets as recommerded by floodng manuhcturcr. Conbactor shall remow all wasft and excess mabrials and sbre all tools and qulpment d the end of mch day. Clean grout and mffng mabrials from the face of ffle while matedals are workable. Lesve dle frc clean and fiee of all ftrelgn mafier. Finished fie Work Leave finished instaltaflon clean and fee of cracked, chipped' brokon, unbonded, orothenflise dehtive tle work. Conhacbrshallbe rcsponslble brdarnge b any building surfaces caused by flooring lnsblh- tlon, l.e. paint, wmduuk, d@ts, elc. r r r.r H\lD sEcTloN 09300 r r r r r o SPECIFlCATIONS SECTION 09600 - Mafile and Stoneundt Genenal Consfuclion and Flnishes 1.SCOPEOFWORI( 1..1 The General Contacbr in accordance wlth ttre sFcificdons , SECTION 00700 - GENEML CONDffiONS, shall firmish the necsssary labor and mdedals to pefum fte requiremenb of the workspeclfed hercin. 1..2 The odentof nnrble ard sbne riork shall Include but b not limlted b tln bllowirg: a. Fumish and Indall shne fooring in Lobby, Lobby Lounge platbm, Corddons, Bahroom and Reglsrffiion Lobby Stds a nobd on drawings and spectffed terein. b. Fumish and irutalldone Reglsbaton lhslq Gued Seryices D6lt FrontBar, Balfumm Vanity and Bootahelf Consote top as notd on dradngs and spified hereln. c. Fumlsh and irffil new Sne hearth ald fileplre sunound dehiling as nobd on dnwings and specified henln. d. Fumlsh and instull naw stone @iment deblllng orrer Back Bar and Restaurant Enty as notd on the dradngs and spifred henin. e. Prepare/lerrel all slab and,unll surf as r4ulred br level lnsbllaflon (to b included ln his confact). f. RevlewArchitechrnal(AandAD Debils)and FhtrreDrawings(FD)braddilionalinbma- tion on all s:tone b ba in ftis sscton. MATERIALSAND METHODS 2..1 Stone vanity bps (3/4' trick) to be provided and Insblted under fiis strton ln cmdination witt architetunal dnadngs and debils, 2.2 lrstller: A firm wih a mlnlmum of firre years experlEnca in he sucwful Inshlldhn of maftle unib of similar shes and shapes atd of slmltar quanlifies b the unib rquircd hr this pnjmt 2,3 Shne lile to be tlrln set over $oroughly dried leneling bd. Levellng bed to installed m t4utred and indudd in ftis conbact 2.A Portland Cenpnt Mortar Insutaton lvlaterials: Pmvlde mabdals to comply wltt ANSI A108.1 as required br insblldion mEthd designabd, unles otreruAs indlc#d (ttick set and thln sel). 2,,5 Thin bd morbrshall be 1:1 prdand cemenUsnd gauged with LATICRETE 4237 Tile Sefrng Liquid. Groutng m#ridslran bs Latcrete Dry Bord Groutand Joint Fillergauged udttLdgpb 37il Admk ntortar anU grcut ddi$ves shal be as rnnufactured by Laticreb lnbmdonal (or qual): SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 0S6m - Maftl€ and Stoneunwlt General Consfirction and Finlshes lglimabPalkNotttt Bethany, Connectiflt 06525 2..6 The sefling and gnutng mortars shall be neafrer, frost, shck and chemical esi:shnt and shal meet tte fullowing physlcal requinmenb. Gompressive stength 5,000 Pd mln. Bond stengih 500 Flmin.Waterabsorpton 4.0% ma" Coeficlent of Themal Expamlon same as concrete. 3. DGCI'flON & INSTALTATION 3..1 Shop and SetHng Drawings: Submft shop and sefing drawirgs of stone wort. Show in debil tte johrtng, dimensions sbes and ldions of crJtoub, lddon to othertades, and all ohet prtnerrt dab and inbmatbn. 3,.2 Carefirlly pack and lmd fnbhd shne brshipment and hke necessaty prccautions against damage In Fansil Do not us mderial for blcking and packing wttich would causo stainlng or dlscolordion and exerclse care b pe\cnt stainlng dudng the sbrage pedod. 3..3 Delfuer prc*aged seffrq materials in the oiglnal packag* and conhiners of he manuhcturer. KeP aggreg# dryand fre from solllng. 3..4 Amrratdy cut drs, ddll, fit and finish Srp uort b shap and dimensions shown on Drawlngs and final shop ard seiling dradrgs. Make expd plane surfam fue In line. 3..5 Cut efiemd comers with quidunlterjoinb where shoun; cut all otherioinis and edges squarc and at right angles b face, and wtth bacla prallEl to face. Make ds shaight shaps, tuq and continuous atJoitG. 3..6 Priorto installaton examine surfaces to receive sbne and do not ptocd unlil any defrct detlmenblto fre ftnlshed work are cor@bd, hrcluding molsfura probction, sfttcUnal srppoG, provbion Qr exparslon, or any otrer condition vuhich mlght aflbct tn finishd utotk in appear- ance, rrdei tightross or In@rtty of tre mmplebd installation' 3..7 lf slab ls uneven, provide and Insbll leveling bed so ttrat tile w{ll sit wtth uniform edges. Maximum rrarlaton of surface to recefue tiles shall not excd 1/8" In 8'- 0' tom the requird plane nor morc than 1/16'perfoot 3..8 Venty all measurerpnb and dlmernlons, cmrdlnab fre insblHon of insrb brhls uorf and oordlnae ard schdule thb work wflth tre woft of ofterbades. Give pallicular attention b the localion and size of cubrds requM h accommodab mechanical, elettical, and o$ermd< or adloinlng onstucton, in accodancs ntth tre rcvle$Jed shop drarlngs br such bade. 3..9 Fumish dovehll anchor slob, wdgp tyF inseth, and other tbms requidng buildlng ln to SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09600 - Ma6le ard Sbns'Yo* Genenal Gonstuction and Finishe concrete or masonry wo*, along wttr looation drarings, In suffclent tme so m not b delay lob pr0gress. 3..10 $one seflirg, arclrcdng, and polntng shall be in accodama wth appli,cable rquiremenb of specificdiors of fte Maftle Institute of Amedca, unless otpuise specified orshown. 3..11 Set sbne h accodance wih frnal seffng drawhgs, level, plumb, quare, and tue tdh unKorm joints, aeurately allgned wilh graln runnlng ln the dlrmton shown. The quality of feld cufling shall be he same m for shop cudng. 3.|12 After hnlal cleaning, prrovlde non-shlnlng temporary wood guards at comen ard olher surhcs subjwt to damage. Probct unc* from damage due b su@uent building operdions. 3..13 lmmdiably prior b completon of the Wo*, clean stone by washing wit{t wder and hislle brushes; removing all sblns, dht and otprdlsolonatons. Do not use acids, cleaning compounds orwire brushes. On completion of @nsfructbn, rcmove all bmponaty pmbtion. 3..14 The complebd Ins&lldon shallhave the accephnce of fie hstel and owner. lnshlld unils which ale chip@, cracked, or othenrie danuged or whlch, in tre oplnion of tte hoiel and o'mer, do not conbrm b the Speclfrdon rcqufemenb shall b removd and rcplaced. 3..15 Clean up: Duing &e progrcss of he up*, remove ftom the slte all dlwrdd marble, grout etc, atthe end ofeachun* day. 3.,16 Probction: Probctheuo* of othertadesfom dam4ebymarble insbllation. Conectany damage by repaidng, cleaning or nplacing as required. At ompleton of work of other fades, touch up and reshre all damaged or defaced surfaces. .****** rr* END OF SECTION 09600 rrrrrr r *t r SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09750 - Reilient Flnishs General Consfructon and Flnhhes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The &nerel Confachr ln amdance wih tlrc speclftcations, SECTION 00700 - GENEML CONDIIIONS, shall fumish trE necessary labor and matedals b perform the requiremenb of the works@ified herein. 1.2 The extent of Rsllient Fnish work shall incMe but not limlbd to he following: a. Fumish and lrMll new 4' vinyl shaight bme in the Safety Deposit Room, behird the Front Ibslq and behind the Guest &Mces Desk as notd on dravuings, and specifed herein. MATERIATSAND METTIODS 2..1 Prirners and Adhesives: Primen and adhesives h b cut back type asphaltc producb of approved brands and rccommendd and guaranbd by he manufacturer of lhe floor tile and accesorles. Mhesives shall not be ud for uall uork or vic*vena" Adhesive shall bs wabtproof. 2.2 Reolacement Materiaft At ompletion of ttre unrk, deliver h Ownefs represendve replacement matedal in Bre amount of one (1) box lbr every 50 InshllEd for tile and 32 lineal fuet of bae for use of fte Ownefs malntenance brces. All matedals, arfrcles, and accessoric lncorprated in the woft shall be Upe and qualtty spscified herein and subject h the Archltecfs and Owne/s appnval. Methods of preparation, constuction, and installdion of such m#rials, arlicles and ressorie shall be sffictly in accordance witt accepted standatd praclice, manufacture/s pdnbd speclfrcations or instructons, and/ordirected byfteArchited. WanantF Wanarty, ln the appoved writen ftrm all mabdals and workmanship to remain ln servirpable and satisffiry conditon and b make good, d own expnse, any imperfetiorn which may develop during tre period specified and any damage to other uork eused by such impertsctions or by tre Epaidng of same. The period br all work shall b one (1) year ftom dab of Owne/s acceptance of lnsblladon. Submlt b tre Archibct sampls of all mabrials spedfred hemin for approwl PRIOR to in$alla' ton. lnshlled matedals shall mabh approved samples. Ddhan and Sbnaoe: a. Deliver only arephble mffirials to tre sltE. Ibliver all mabdals In odginal boxe, cnates, vlrappings, eb., cleady labetd with all perlinent infomalion to kiliffi checking atfte site. b. Shre trE mabrials d the slle ofi lhe grcund, and ln pmporly proucmd dry storage facilllic SPECIFICAT1ONS SECTION 09750 - Resllient Ftrlshes General Consbudion and Flnishes un0 ready for use. Damaged mabrials will not be accepbble and shall be removed fom the site, EXECUTI0N 3..1 InsoeclionandPrEparalion: a, lmFcfion: Carefuly impect allsurfaces upon whlsh fte lwilient finishes, eb., are to be applied. Notifftre GsneralConbacbrbrconeclion of any dehch in walls. Sbdng of tn vuod< shall lmply accephnce by this Conbachr of the walls and a debctive wall wlll not be onsider€d valid in wafuing ary porton of the waranty. b. Prcpanfron: Resilient finbhes shal not be lald on uncurd or damp concrete. All concreb surhces rcceMng mlllentfinisheshallbebEHbrdampnm priorto installdion. 'l'he foltowing bstmayb rsed oraltemate merhds by$etile manuhurer rny be subst- tuH. 3..2 lnshllaton: a Inslall all t*ifient flortle, vlnyl bae and vinyl dge stips wherc irdicated on fp drap ings, all ln acodanca urtttr printd specificatons of the nanufactupn of fte m#dals and adhesives used. b. Allfntshes usd shall be tom manufadtre/s siryle run. No mixing of runs wlll be pmi[ed b frnbh IndMdual spaces. c. All vinyl base b be cut on sfte h accomndab exlrtry electlcal oute6. d. At a[ exposed dgm of tre tile such m dmuays ufieo baso is continuous, at all ofier- wise unpo@ed edges of the floortlle, and as shoum on tr Dnawings, install requird vinyledge sfiips. Cleaning and WaxiE: a. Soon afterlaylng ofresllientfinishes, wipeofiallsurpluscementand leave all surfacm ctean. All rnork shall be tronughly clearcd at time of omplelion and agah at fie fmal completon of the bullding and prlor to occupancy when dlmcbd by tn Architect Damage Work All dam4d or defectve work musi b repM by new. All other m* wttich bmes injured ln tre rcplacirg of trris vodt mwt b made by this Confactor. P#hed vork wil notberepted. Clean-Up a. Glen up any uork soiled in tre perfomance of work under his Secton. 3..4 SPECIF|CAnONS SECTION @750 - Rsillent Fmids Genenal Gomfrudon and FrniBtms tluring prcgrs of the rmdq kep te premis rccombly free of all debis and wasb matedds r€sulthg from tre md( of thb Section. At tta end of emh da/s wod< ard upon complglion, ard bebrefinalaccepbnce of tlewrk, omove allsttch debrls and rubbhhb cenfal alea deslgn#d br gerBnal clean-up by tr General Confactor, or pmove fom site ald dlEposs sf lsgally. Upon completon and Hue final re&nce of the rvo*, remore all unused mabdds, hls, ad quipment fom the slb. .r.rf slD sEcnoN 09750 rr I r r SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800- Painl General Consfucton and Finishes I. SCOPEOFWORK .|..1 Tha General Contactor ln accodance wih thE sFifications, Smton 007(X) - GENEML CONDITIONS, shall fumish tre necwry labor and mabrial to finish where scheduled and shown on the dradngs he palnt and wo* m spcifred henin' 1..2 The paint ft'sh uork shall include but is not llmibd to: a. Hollovr mehl dmns and frames. b. Shutters (both sides)wlttlnthe Lobby Lounge. c. All ceilings and/or sofib urthln bathrooms, Gnand Stir, Sdety Deposit Room ad Lobby Tenace Meefrng Room. . d. Existing stucco finish wihln the Lobby Lounge. e. Diftsergdlles wlnn noted. f. Stair and guardrallbalusbrs and nnhil side sfringer d Grard Stairand Lobby Tenace Hospihlity Deck. g. Mscellaneous painbd anas - Review all Satons br pain0ng un* b be includd in hls onbac.t-including, but not limlbd to, paint fnlshe assoclabd with FD drawings. h. Elevabr Fnames b be elechtatcally painH. l. Contractor must vedff existing palnted condltors prior to pumhase of paint h gqaranF compalibilirty of palnt types. 2- MATERIALSANDMETTIODS 2..1 Mdedal used In fte e)Gcuton of tris work shall b new and the best gnde obbinable of heir rcspativetype. 2-.2 All materials, surface preparation and applicaton shallbe in accordance dth the paint manufac' trrerc standads and recommenddons. SurhcEs shallbe repaird h be flush wth adjacent surfaces as nssary. 2..3 All finish coab shal bo fld, urclrrable enamEl unles ohenrbe spified. 2.A Paint seletrrons have been mde from spific color sysbms and paint nnnufacturen. Where General Contsactor wishes b ue oher fian speclfied system, he shdl submit samples to the Consultarlbr appoval in he bllowing formt SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Paint General Consfucton and Flnlshes a. On 1T x lf hardhd, proyide tm samphs of emh cdo and matedal, witt btttule to slmulate actud onditions. Resubmit each sample as rquested untl acceptable shen, colol and bxfure ls achlevd. b. On achralwd surhc6, provide two 4'x 8'sanples of each ndunal and sna-ned uood finlsh as requlrd. Labeland identify each as b location and application. 2.,5 General Conbactor shall submit samples, actual palnt and/or chips b Consulbnt for verificaton pdor to ffnal appllcafron. 2,6 Wood finish samples shall be submittsd b the Consulbnt for approval; 3 varia0ons: minimum sEe 12 x 20'forappnval, pdorlo ffnal application. 2.:l All fnish matelials shall bo beabd witr flame-rebrdant procxs wlmre required by local code. Should flarp rebrdant proess cause charge In cohr and eflbct on finish matedal, General Contacbr shall not'fi tte Designer. 2..8 tbliver all mabrials b fre job sib in odglnal, new and unopened packages and conhinen hadng manuhfure/s name and label, and the bllowlng lnformation: a NumbrorfiSeof mabdal b. Fed. Sp. numbor,lf appllcable c. llanuhcnrc/s sbk number and date of manuhcfure d. lvlanuhctrre/s nane e. Contenb by volunE, br major p'tgment and vehicle onstituenb f. Thinnlng insffuctorn S. Appllcdionlnsftctots tL Colorrnmeand number 2..9 Apply urater-base palnb only u,tEn lhe temprahrre of surfacs to be painted and the surounding airtemperatures are between 50 degrws F and 90 degrew F unless otherwise permited by the paint manufacMe/s pdnted insfuctons. Apply solvent-trlnned plnb only whsn the bmperanre of surhces to bepainted and he sunoundlng alrtemperdures are between 45 degrees F and 95 deglees F unls ohenrlse permitted by the pinl manufacfirc/s plinbd inshntons. O 3. DGcuTtoNANDtNsrAtl-ATloN SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Paint GEneral Constuction and FinishEs 3..1 INSPECTION a Examlne he areas and condltora underwhich painling wo* is to be applied and remedy any conditions detlmental to the proper ard timely completon of the uork. Do not prcmd w,l$ tteworh untl unsatiskcbrycondl$ons have ben conected in a manneraccepbble to fteAppli,cabr. b. Sbrtng of painling wort will be mnstrued m the Applicab/s acceptance of fte surhces and conditions wilhln any padculararea. c. Ib not palnt owr dirt rus[ scale, gre6e, moisture, scttfrd surfaces, or condiliors ofier' wtse detimenhl h tp brmdon of a durable painl fflm. SURFACE PREPARATION General: Perbrm prepardon and clening produm in stict accordance wih he paint manuhcftner's In*ucdons ard as herein speclffd, breach subsfate condifion. (1) Remow all hardware mcessdes, mffhlmd surfaces, plabs, lighting fitttrcs, and shnllar lbrrs in place and not b b frnlstrpainted, or provlde surfac+applied proHion pdorh suface prepration and palntng operatons. Remove, if newry, br the complete painting of the ibms and adlacent surhces. Follow- ing completon of painting of each spoe or atea, reinstall the removed items using uo*men skllled in the ffies inwlved. (2) Cleansufaceto hpainbd befureapplylng Fintorsurfaceheatnenh. Remove o[ and gnre priorto mohanlcdcleaning. Program the cleaning and paftfug so ftd conbmlnanb ftom 0re cleanlng process ttill not hll onh wgt, newly-painbd surfues, (3) Ib not apply palnt to exb{ng urallmvedng. Completely remove existing wallov- edng and adhEsive. Repair any damage lo zubstab. Cemerfftous tvlatedals: (1) Prepre cemettous surhces of concreb, @ncmte block, cemenl plaster, drywall and cement-asbebo board b be palnbd by emoving all efilorescence, chalk, dust, dirt grease, oils, and by roughening as requited to remove glaze. (2) tlebrmlne fie alkalnity and moisfure conbnt of tte surfaes b be palnbd by performing appmpriate bsb. lf the surhces an found b be suffcbn0y alkaline b cause bfisbftg and buming of fte frnlsh palnt, con€ct $is mndi0on befrlp appflcation of palnt Do not palntsurfaces where te molsture mntent excds hd permlfred ln the manuhchtn/s prlnbd dlrections. Wood: 3..2 SPEClFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Wallmvedng General Gonsfruc{ion and Flnish* 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The General Con@tor h accordance wttlr the specificalions Setion 00700 - GENEML CONDflONS, shal frrmish tre necesary labor atd materials to install whele scheduld and shovm on tp draaings the unllcovedngs as spsifid herein. 1..2 The unllcovering work shall [tclude but ls nol llmlbd b fte bllowing: a. In$allalion of ownersupplied walloverings as scheduled. b. Vedffcailon of suihble subSale forwalovedrg applicaton. c. Renove allexlsfing unllcovedng. Patch unlls as requlred to recelve new unllcovedng ({lf such unrk b be included in thb contat). 2. MATERIALS At{D METTIODS 2'1 Mabrials used In exmdon of this rrcrk shall be rrew and the best grade obtainable of their rBpedivetyF. 2.2 All mabrial, surface pnpardot1 and appllcdon shallbe in accordance with tp wallcovedng manuhcturefs shrdalds and recommEndation. Wall surhces shall be npaired to be flush ulth adjacentsurhcs. 2..3 General Conracbrshallhke all memuremenb neoessary and pepare a schdule of quantfles (yardage, rolls or quare feet) of emh mabdal specified. The sddule shall be premnled wifi bld proposalio he Ornerfurpurch*lng. This chedule shallalso include any quantities b be lnshlled under Sedion 06400 - Architectural Wmdwork. 2-.4 All wallcovering shall be provtded by the Owner. 2..5 Wallcovering dhestue shallb provided by 0ris conbact and shall be in accordance with Wallcovering Mannhctule/s recommenda0ons. Pmvide mabdals which are mildew-rcslstant and nonshining to tre mltowdng. Wallcovedng Adheive b be stipble $pe. Use Roman #1 1605, Hammond, Indiana or qual. 2-.6 Allffnish mabriats shal b fieated wtth flame rebnlant prm where rquircd by loalode. Should flame rehdant procasscause change tr color and efiect on frnlsh mdedal, Contactor shall notfy the Consultant 2..7 Pdorb lnshlling any materhl, wallcoverirg coffiac'torshall check mderlal fordeMs, shadlng, properseleclion and shallonfrm and vedfyeach maledalwi0r the Consulbnt O 3. pccuroNANp tNsrAulnoN SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Wallcovedry Genenal Consffucton and Flnlshe 3..1 General Confracbr shall ptrh unlls as requird b mtrh adJacent wall finish ptior to installalion of wallcovering. A[ walls to be frnlshed and prep@ as requind br smodt Inshlldon. 3.2 lt stnlt be ttre responsibifity of tre General Conbmbr to see thEt work is pppedy prepaed h receive wallcorredng as speclfred. ll wort ls not propdy plepared, uallcovering mnFastor shall nolityArchtlect pdorb pwding nth he u,orlc 3,.3 Ins{aller must examina fie alm and conditions under whhtt urallcot/edng is to be inshlled. Notiff tre Ovlner 'n wriling of ondltons detimentsl b he proper and timely ompleton of fie work. Do not pmceed wltr $e uot|t untl unsabHory conditons have been mnp# in a manneracc€pbble b hs indaller. 3..4 Dlmenslons h the plans, spificdions and $e drarlngs are to be considered as appmximabs. Contactor shall be rcqulnd b carefully check in fte field all dimensions and other condilions afredng hls work. The Conffir shall be held obly rcspomible br poper inslallation of he unllcovering in a[ aleas d*lgrded. Inexpedence or lack of skill on the patt of lhe Inshllers dms nol plleve the Conbachr fom msponslbifity br fie pmper executon of the un* and otpr requiremerG specifi d herein. 3.,5 Shre m&dals ln original undamaged package or conEines. Do nol sbrc any part of the rvaltcoverirg in an uprlght psidon. Nblnhin tempafum in $orage ana above 'O dqrees F. and not more lhan 65 dqrw F., fur at least 24 lnurs bebte Insbllalion. 3..6 PREPARATION a. Remove the wallovering material fiom ib pmkaSlng and dbw to acclimatize to the area of insblldion 24 hourc befuie appllcdon. b. Generah The wallcorrerirg shall not be lnstalld whEn tB buildlng is excesively cold and damp, or hot and dry. Temperature and humidlty condttons closely approximating te intedor condifions wtrich exlsl wtren tln building is mrpid shall be malntalned before, dwtg ard afui Insbllaton of unllovedng. Gypsum wall board shall be mmpleb and dry, clean, smoob and sfirctunally sound, vdtriolnh nlnbrced, hpd ard bedded. ln genenl, prcparaton of surhces shall be done In sict accordance with he manufactuie/s pdnH insfttctons. Wallboard shal have ben prcviotsly sealed/primed' c. lrlait and Screw Heads: Nlcla, gouges or other surface lmperfecfions shall be spted wttlt Joint cement and satdd smoh. d. Moisturc Cteck Bacldng shall be free from ercesstue molsfrre (lw than 4 %) per manuhctrc/s sladad reaommenddions for irsbllation. e. Pmtecton: Poporpreautionsshallbetakentoproteclallfnishedsurfacesoveror 4air$ which tre unllovering wo* must bo done. Any sblning, scrabhing, rnrkitg. eb., of surfaces frat ls erM by lack of poper gmudons and pmtclion shall be leroved and/orcone#d at he otpense of he Contracbr. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Wallcovedng Genenal Corsfructon and Finlshes 3..7 JOBCONDIflONS a. Mainbin a consbnt minimum temperatne of 70 degrcc F., at areas of inshllation for at least 48 houns bebre, durlng and tf8 hours afier fie application of matedals. b. Are6 h recefue appllca$ons must have a reasonably conshnt bmpsrdllo of 70 d4res F. meaurd atflmrlevel. INSTAII.ATION a. &neral Wallovering shallbe lnstalled at looatom where notd in ths Finish Schdulq on the Drawings and as dehited in the manufacturefs prinH insbllation hstttctons, and as speclfied below. b. Examlnation of Waltovedrg matedals: Prlor b stut of applicaton, pattems and/or colots and repeab ln deshn shall be examined. Pattem shall bE lined up, matched and/or alomately eversed, depending upon colon and blfuie ln orderb obbln unibrm appar' arce, rcsultng ln tre design Inbnded. Each roll of wallcovedng shall b chmked br wide vadations in shades. Shades of similarvalues shallbs used on he sme tull. ftior to ommencLg hrshlldion of te uaflcovedng, the Contsactor stnll conbr with he wallovedng manuffiurer conceming tre met effclent and conect way of exudng tn Insbtlaflon. IhE manuhctureds recommendatbns shallbe consideled bindlng atd final unless othenvise detemined by tn Owner. CommEncement of rmllovering inshllalion by tre Confrachr shall be an lndicaflon of his mephnce of tre Erbsfiab and he wlll aubtrnfically assume fie responsibility fur any unaccepbble finisM unrk caud by utbsffie conditon. All uallcovering pathns and fabdc grain will match hotizonblly and be parfec0y level. Place wallmwdng panels conseutvely in the order they are cut fiom olls, includlng filling of spaces above or below openings as t4uired. Hang by eversing dtern# sblps except on match pattems. Apply adhehre h bmk of nallcovering and place ln accodance witt the manuhdlreds insfiucflons. Inslall seams vertcally and plumb, and at least 6" away fom any comec horizontal seams will not b parmifrpd. Place uallcovedng continuously over lntemal and extemal comer. Orcrlap seams and doubleqt to assure fight closure. Roll, brush, or use a boad knife to renpve air bubbtes, srdnklc, bllsba and other deftcb. In genelal, only full wldh of tre unlhovedng shatl be appli,ed to afiain the most sdishctory applie tion. Remove s,rtbh plab, wall plffi, towel bars, graphie, and surhcemounbd frxtrres, atd cgt unllcoyeling evgnly b t1g edges of 0re outet box or suppott Rehlstsll all fixtres a fisbd above hllorlng the lnstallaton of lhe u*allcovedng using tadesmen skilled h the e. t SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Wallcovering @nenal Consfudion and Finishes valious discipllnes. l. Tlim salvages as rcqulred to assure color uniformity and pattem match at seams. j. Remove exes adheive finistpd seams using unarm water and a clean sponge, and wip dry. k. Inshll wallcovedng wlh an intimab subsfrate bond, smooth clean, without wrinkles, gap oroverlap. l, lf mill flars trcdng tlre appoarance, color or hxture of the wallcovedng are discovered dudng the Inshlldion, insbllers shall be requird b noti! the Gvner ai once. Cuts fmm rolls nith such fauc shall not be installed wtthout the specific approval of the ovvner. 3..9 DEFECTMAPPUCATION . a. The followlrg cribda nill be used to conslder defectve application and/or workmanshlp: (1) L@senirg (21 Wdnkles (3) AirBubbls (4) Sagslng (0 SPfrns (6) Bul<lng f4 Sealing (8) Seams nottigttt smmlh oreven b. This conhac'tor shall be mponsible for all work perbining to wallcovedng, including gmunds and illing. c. All uo*, once accepted by thb Conhactor, becomes hls responsibillty to conrct if impropsrly imblled. d. Wallcovedng, due b faulty application and/orworkmanship, shall be replaced by the Gontactor m approved by the Designer at no additional cost to the Owner. 3..10 CLEAN UP AND PROTECTION a. During prqlw of fis work, remove from the site all discaded uallcovefing materials, rubbish cans and rags d the end of each work day. b. Upon mmpleton of uallcovering uork, chan window glm and other adjacent surfaces rrsing carc not b damage or scratctt finlshed surfaces. c. ProM work of otrer tads fun damage by wallcovering work Conect any damage by cleaning, rcpairiry or rephcing. At the compleilon of work of oter fade, touch-up and SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 098ffi - Wallovedng General Consfucton and Finishes mtoe all damaged or defaed surfaces. rr rri EilD sEcTloN 09800, * r " SPECIF]CATIONS SECTION 15000 - Equipment General Consfuction and Finishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The GenenalConbactorin accordance with the spmtficdons, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL COND|T|ONS, shall fumlsh the necessary labor and mdedals b provide the number and type of equipment m shown on drawings and specified henin. 1..2 The erGnt of tre equlpment uork shall Include but is not limited to the following: a Fumish and lnsbll refrlgenaton unit at Lobby Lounge bar as specified. Se cut sheb for additonalinbmdon. b. Coordlnab imhllaton wllh electical and mehanlcalwtions, 16200 and 15700 ttis volume. 2. MATERIALSANDMET}IODS 2..1 All above rcftrenced equipmentb be supplld wtft Heners, tim pims, piping etc. As requird fo r compleb inshllation. 2.2 N quipmenth be U.L appmved, 3. FGCI.ITION AND INSTAII.ATION 3..1 N equlpment to be irrblld per manuffi.rren' insfirctions ultth proper clearurces, ventldon, eb. 3..2 General Conta6rb mrdinate alleldicaland Mechanlcal rcquiremenb to tte above sp*ified equiprnent ltwlllbe the responsiblligof he General Contractorto provide proper seMoe to all equlpmenl 3..3 Ploteot all equlpment from damage prior lo installation. Any damage to ftnishe as determined by tte hotel vdill result in rejection of the fixtures. 3..4 Followlng subslantialcompletion of the projed allequipmentwill be lefi in a clean condilion, ftee of du$, inshllalion labels and ready for operaton. r r. r r END sEcTloN 15000 r r r* r SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 15010 - Mechanical General Consffudon and Finishes 1.SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The General Conbactor h acordance wi0r the speclfications, SECTION 00700 - GENEMT CONDITIONS, shall fumish tre necssary labor and matedals to fumish and install the required number of plumbing frxtures as showtt on he drawings and specified herein. '1..2 The meohanical wott shall include but is not limited b the bllowing: a. Dlsconnect exMng bath lamtory includlng fauceb and hardware in public resfooms as noted on plans and sPedffd herein. b. Rernove bitetfxlre as requircd in phns b accommodate new ADA compliant sail onftgurdions. Er&nd plplng a required. Inshll all new wax rings before reinshllation of blleb. lnsbll new ADA complianl toilet fixtures as speified. c. Fumish and irsbfl nev, lavatodes and rpnfauceh as noted on drawings and specifted henin. Modify e)dstit€ plumbing seMo a rquild b accept new fxture, MATERIALSAND METTIODS 2..1 Flll in plumblng fr:tbns. Suppty plplng a newry b hp existng seMce. All mabrials to be compatible with exMng piping mderials. Supply allfttings, couplings, etc. to complete installation. lf necssary pmMde mabdals b extend plumbing dlaln at tollel Cold and hot rnbr supply lneo shalt be a minimum of 12' diameter. Drain fines shall b a minftnum of 1 1/2'diameter. PGCUTION AND INSTALI.ATION Examine the substuates and supporting sfucture and he condilions under which tre work spified in tre secton is to be inslalled and remedy condilions detrimental to the work. tb not procd ut[r 0re lnsbllation untlunsatisfadory condllions have been conected, Allwork underhb setion shafi adhere b govemlng mechanical and plumbing codes and lndusty standads. Inshllation of sink units and fauceb and reinsbllation of exisfng shall be according to tn manufacbre/s spcificdiors and/or Industry standards and codes, which evet is more stingent Povlde a[ onnections b e{stng systems as requlnd. 2.2 2..3 2..4 3..1 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 15010 - [{ehanical Genenal Corctudon atd Finish* 3.3 3..9 3..5 3..6 3..7 3..10 3..11 3..12 A[ dnalmge plplng $a[ begh,Bn ful sffic pr6ue brt HarBen Srall be of rcd and dng or clevis type. Thoroughly clan ad H atlnEwdomestic urdersupply piping in acmrdance wflh de requinmenb befuie clrculdng domestc wderthough the new pipe. Pressure H allnew plping at 150% of operdng pessue. All cold and hot water plplng shall b Insulted tttth 1' fbrglass insulation' Fumlsh allhde ad sleevee br lnstallaton of plumblng wotk. All sleves and hole penetatng tmugh frmrs shall bs caulking wdrcflight. Foltouing insbldion of tre wrk spoified hereln, the @neral Contmior shall ptch allwall and\orshb sur&ces b n6h eldsdng. Whete fifir€s a|E to b€ l€|tnot ed, emove plplry ard cap bhind pint where not visible and not inconffiwi$ nenomfrudon. Goodinab lemoml ad etrsblldon of bilet fttrrE uttr inshllation of matble Tib floor - See Hion (F600 - MafilE ad Sbne. r.r.. END SECTION 15010..... SPECIFICATIONS sEcTtoN 16010 - EI.ECTRICAL &neral Constudion and Finishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The @neral Contactor ln accordance with tre specifications, SECTION 00700 - GENEMT CONDITIONS, shall fumlsh tre necessary labor and materials to fumish and insEll$E electlcal wotlt shovm on lhe drawlngs and speclfied herein, 1..2 The ElmticalWork shdl Include but is not limited b the tullowing: a. Fumlsh and inshlla[ ftdrrcs as designabd on fre drarings and speciFations. Remove existing ceillng ftturw as rquled. Povide allnmary circuiting. b. Fumish and lrsd new duplex and/or quad oufleB as Indicabd on drawings and spcified henin. c. Inshll addilional or plocate exlsdng televislon rmphcles as noted on plans and spoifred hepln. d. Inshtl addi[onalteleptrone jacla c rmied on plans and specifid herein. e. Remove ard reinstall all smokedetecbrsfollowing insiallation of wallcovering. f. Fumish and install new exl slgns as specified in the locations indicated. g. Reroub/reloo#/supplernent wltr new all edsfing widng as rquitd d $e Front lbsk and Gret SeMces tbk b senice equlpment ln new locatons. Consult FD Drawirgs for additonal lnbrmdion. 2, W 2..1 Fumish and inslallaltftfines specified dfire end of ftis secton and as nobd on drawings. Ss spEciff calions his seton. 2..2 Supply allappropriate lamps b mmplete insbllaton of fixtures as spified. Allfluorescent lampsio bewarmWhite. 2..3 Sbndard DuptEx ouUet Levibn Duplex rcepbcle No. 5325. or equalto mabh existing. Ground Fault rccephle to be No. 659&1, Coverplab color b b dark brown. 2-A Sbrdard Fourplex Coverpl#: Leviton fourplex coveplate No.8M09. Coverplab colorb be dark brovm. 2..5 Telephone recepbcle b be Duplex R.t-l14 jak whele noted on draruings. Boh jacks b be wlrcd. Coveplale colorb be dark brovm. SPECIFICATIONS sEcTtoN 16010 - EIECTRICAL General Consfuclhn and Finlshes 2,6 Conduft shall b ftinunll (EMT). Conduib shall be supporbd from buildlng stuc'ture by beams of approved onduit hangen or clamps. Mnlmum mnduit size shal be 314'. 2..7 Juncton boxes in ceiling and unll locatons nobd on drawings shall be galvanized. 2..8 Color of new remptacle and fnlsh and design of new face plates shall match eisting. 2..9 In general, all wte for use ln lnterior dry locations shall consist of type THHN thermodaslic 600 volt insuHed shanded copper conductons. No wire srnller $an No. 12 shall be used for lighling or power wiring. 3, EXECIMONANDINSTATUTION 3..1 Remove exlstng lghtfrxturcs when noted ad dlspse of oftite. Loelions as notd on drawings. 3..2 Examine trE suMes atd supporftg sfucfure and tte conditions under which lh uotk spelfied in thls sedion b b be insblbd and emedy condldons debimenbl to the uo& Do not proceed wl$ he lnstallalion wrfl urMisftcbry mndltions have been conecbd. 3..3 fhe @neral Conbacbr under Sslion 09250 - Gypsum Dry,wall, after inshllaton of light fixtures and oute'b, shatl patch b mabh adjacent fnbhe, as n@e6sary prior to ftnal installaton of coverplales, finish tittt, lighttim, ligtttdifuses, etc. 3..4 All widng, including elctical, except under carpet cable lf permtM, blephone and T.V. cable, must be run trrough condral as specind. Gomlallmnduit - coodinate with Scton 06200 Carpenfy and Seclion 09250 Gypsum Drywall. 3..5 All labr and mabdals b b In mcordance wi8r he provlsions of the Ci$ of Vail - Electical Code m curen0y ln force. . " *' END SECTION 16010 r r r r r SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 17000 - Salvage General Consffi&ton and Finlshes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 lhe Salvager in accordance wih the spificaiions, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall fumish the neessary labor and equiprrnt to perfom the requiremenb of tte wo* spcified hereLr. Allconditons witlrln SECTION 00700 - GENEML CONDITIONS applicable s@ffcally b tre GeneralConfactor ibm 4.0 through item 21.0 inclusive, shall apply to Se Salvagerasunll. 1..2 The qtent of trE salvaglng urc* shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Removal and disposal of, off $e premises, all carpet, edge tim, bck stip and pad. b. Removaland disposalof, ofislb, alldrapery matedals and track. c. Removal and dbpl of, ofite prcmises, the foflowing tumishings: PER HOTEL PREPARED LIST 2, DGCUTIONOFWORK O 2..1 Carpat, pad, hck sip and mebls shall be tully removed. Glued surfrcs shall bo scraped so ttrd floor surhce ls suitable for installation of new carpt and pad, 2..2 Allfumlshfurgs, dachd unll cleab and fasbrBrc shall be removd wih reasonable caution as to prevent damaga b wall sufiace. 2..3 lt is tre rwpnsibilif of tre &lvager to coordinate removal of matedals ofi prcmises with the Hoteland tB General Gontactor. PoceduralouUine and generaldemolition schedules shallbe submited to the Hoteland he GenEralConfactor. No stonage on site will ba permitled. r... r END SECTION 17000 r * " * SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 18000 - Fumlshing Goodlnaton General Comtucton and Finlshes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The Genenal Confactor in accordance $rih the spsificatiorn, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL GONDITIONS, shallfrmish he necessary labor and matedals to perbrm the requiremenb of the uoftspecined hereln. 1..2 The extent of Fumishing Gmdinaffon and Insbllaflon shall include but is not limited lo recoMng and installation of FF & E goods a folloun: a Phcement of tee Snding funibre/lamp according to plan. b. Boltdown hmps. c. Artwo*bbeatklldbuallbycleat d. Mrots to be athcH b wallbycleat e. Insbillaton of mountng bnackets for all radlos and blevlsions. 1.,3 Inshllaton of uolk b be done by ohem, ln coordination with Fumit:re Coordinahr: a Carpet b. Drapery c. Salvaging d. Televisiots/Radlos e, Any otnr suhonffirs lncluding but not limited b: (1) Carpenbn (2) Painbts (3) Wallcoverhg Inshllers (4) Elmtlclans (0 tulechanM Confacffis 1..4 FumitunCordinalortoproddehefonowirg: a. Adequate warehomiq forovmer supplied furnishings and bansporhtion of fumishings to SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 18000 - Fumishing Coordinaton General Consfrucdon and Finishes Job sib. b. Daily reelvlng rcporb of dellvedes wth delivery tickeb and packing slips athched. c. Competentsupewisonfamilarwitr hobllnstallationsand operations. d. Ihlrrery sclrcdules and progress chatb of the insbllation to be submified in bar chad form, e. Tnash rcmoval fom working areas on a daily basis. f. Flling/bllo*upoffielghtclahns, g. Scheduling of FF & E worlr by othen as descdbed in iiem 1.4. Coodination with alloher conshrclion bade. h. Expedilingofall nerchandiseas perspecificationsand purchaseorders. l. Fumlture lnshllerto no* in ofihous and evenlgs as lquired by the job schalule. 1..5 Owner/Oponabrwlllpovldethefollowing: a. Ofice space close lo tn loading dock for the dunation of lhe project b. Telephone sarulce brcontactiry supplien. c. Ah conditoning, heat and elwticlty as needed dudng the installation, including office spacs. d. Trash dumpsbr In an accesible locaton fur FF & E tash removal. e. Use of a copy machlne for the dupllcaton of receMng reporb and packing slips' f. Adequate verdcal tsamportation from gmurd level of pro!*t to various floors or levels where FF & E work shalltrake place, including openator, if required. g. Adequab secudty dudng the pdd of installaton. 1..6 FF & E labor shdl omdy wih all local ard stab union codee and local conditions. 1..7 TimeFrame bbdetemirndbyNewSerue,lnc. 1..8 Conffi Allvetba| 4reemenb shallbe null and void afiecting the contact ptice and conditions. r r I r r END sEcTloN l8m0:' r. r o VOLUME III FI)|IURE DETAILS (FD) and ARCHITECTUML DETAILS (AD) DRAWINGS for Lobby and Conesponding Public Areas *tat VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB VAIL, COLORADO **** May 13,1996 'u#"^'%] lHf of Vlil 1440 North Davton street, $jlf'$"l1TllilrT rL 00022 -(31'z).4'?{QofF$E COPY 30400 Telegraph, Su'rte 307 - Bingham Farms, M148025 - (810) 647-9690 o o o FD Drarings AD Drawings voLuME ill HXruRE DETAILS (FD) At{D ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS OD) DRAWINGS lndex Sheet Fixhrc Debils lndex Sheet ArchitectfialDehils vArL cAscADE HOTELAND CLUB - MILLWoRK (FD-DETAIL) INDEX FD1 Moulding Details FD-Z Mouldlng Details FD3 Typical Section al Cove tvloulding FD4 Typical Section at Cove Moulding FD-5 TypicalBase Moulding Section Ft!6 Nortlr Elevation at Regisffiion Lobby Seating Area - Looking Toward Registaiion Desk FD-7 Plan Detail at Arch at Rqistzlion Lobby Seating Area FD{ Side Elevation atArch at Regishation Lobby Seating Area FIlg Side Elevaton/Secton at Arch al Regisfalion Lobby Seating Area FD10A West Elevation at Regisbation Lobby $eating Area - Base Cabinet and Shelves FD10B Plan Setion at Cabinet FD10C Plan Section Through Cabinet FD-10D TypicalCabinet Door FD10E Section at Cablnet FD-10F Detail at Countertop FD-10G Detailat Door .FD11 East Elevation at Registalion Lobby Seating Area - Enfy to Lobby Tenace Room FD'12 Section at Door - Veslibule in Registation Lobby Seating Area FD-13 Elevation of Stile and Rail Door FD-14 Section at Door FD-15 DoorDetail FD-16A Plan DetailThrough Posl and Shelving Units FD16B Plan Swtion Through Pmt at Stair and Enby to Lobby Tenace Room FD-17 Elevalion at Post at Base Gabinet and Shelves F[I18A Section atTop of Shelving Unit FD18B Secton atSoffit FD-19 Section at Base of SheMng Unit FD-20 Crown DetailSection at9'-5" Conidor FD-21 SideElevationatFireplace/ConidorArch FD-?2l. Smtlonat0onidorArch FD.22A Secton at Fireplace Sofft FD23 Section at ConidorArch Header FD-24 Elevation at Reg'tstation Desk FD-25 Elevation Behind Regisffiion Desk FD-26A Secton at Regisbation Celling FD-268 Section at Rqisbation Dek FD-27 Plan Smfion at Upholstered Panels FD-28 Open FD29 SectionatlloorHeader FD30 Cofier Detail at Conidor Niche FD-31 Open FD-32 Beam Secdon DetailatFrontEnfiy Lobby FD-33 Beam Section DetailatRegisHion Lobby Sealing Area Ft!34 FD35 FT}36 FD37 FD38 FD39 Vestibule Plan Detail Vestibule Enfance Elemtion Entane Details Entance Details Entance Details ExteriorColumn &tail Elevation of Conidor at Rehil Space Plan Detail at Conidor Display Case Plan at Back Bar Elevalion at Back Bar Plan Section at Back Bar Post Section at Shelvs at Back Bar Detail at Stone Pediment Secton at Back Bar Header Elevalion at Retaumnt Enty Section at Log Storage Arca Soffit Section at Log Storage Sofit Smtion at Fircplace Cmwn Molding (Lobby Side) Secton at Fireplace Crown Molding (Lobby Lounge Side) Elevalion at Lobby Window Seab Section at Bench Plan and Elevation at Lavatodes Section at Lavatory Bme Detail at Lavatory Detall at Lavatory Elevation and Secfion atPhone Plan at Stone Panel Section at Counter Section at Phone Detail Seclion at Counter A Telephone Open Registration Desk - undersepanate cover- See Architechral Drawings Section at RegisHion D*k Secton at Reglsffation Desk Section at Regisbation Dek Section at Regishation Desk Seclion at Reglshation Desk Sslion at Reglshation Desk Secton at Regisffion Dck Plan Sectlon at Regishton Post Section at Regishalion Desk Top Guest Senices Dek - under sepatate mver - Se ffchitectural Drawings Plan at Guest Services Pmt Secton atGuestSeruices Section at Guest Servlcs FD4O FD41 FMz FD43 FD44 FD45 FD46 FD.4.7 FD48 Ft!49 FD4gA FDS() FD.5OA FD.s1 FD-52 FD.53 FD54 FD55 FD-56 FD57 FD.s8 FD,59 FDSO FD$1 FD62 FD-63 FDS4 FD$5 FD-66 FD{7 FD-68 FD$9 FD.7O FD.71 FD.72 FD73 FD74 FD-75 FD.76 o FVn FD.78 FD79 FD{O FD81 FD82 FD.83 FD.84 Section at Guest Servies Secflon al Panel Smtion at Guest $eMces Top Lobby Lounge Bar Front Elevation at Lobby Lounge Bar Section at Lobby Lounge Bar Section at Lobby Lounge BarTop Seclion at Lobby Lounge Bar :.:-. vAlL a'sa;.DE- Aor=;4rila S 4 aiA *= eA4 CI -:=J \l J H _:I I ILJ o { $ -J g 2 I TITIE SCALE VAL aMD=-AatEL 4 cttla ** E/t"/4O m. -,trP:F o :t -J $-+ -]ilJ 5 il 3 * J g irFl &tJb D^rE O/q1O ,"o. FP--] .l q g sl SI \ lr,l E 0 -=J $ -J U \,T I $J O { { N r t-(I 0 _t \-\r R -.I j il-)L {l \ -J g ilb ."fr--w4 TTTTE sLE etJz o*.fu'/1co-no. IT]T-E AoAoe-latv;ajo 9ll9l1c,a no. ..-ff't?f -\Arr AsCADZ-larrt oarc EA?/T. *.""-EP:QA I e It *l vAlL AbND*Aar* 4cula 'mr€15/a€TLE,4qAtL ?&_t*l-a' SCA|€ajo ^o O/tol1a *o. WIV ascADe- I ,n.<5r,4fla$ a 7*- sco.rflJLu e4Aug. aJe 6/t4/1o *. .FD.t4 VAIL CMAD'.AOT:r.-, o ,.r.PP? ruL *"s-?lllJ. %E - F?15 lL VA1L A5UDE.aTea cub wre ,lll1G xo. fulCaL r F. (,F ls n fTt I F. fr r -$,-'f\'L u oo...7 frl"b *o. FD16A VAI L AuACE.i'ATj-cdo *=-E/1d16-w. W:|ffi ,nn q1ovrJ e W. o( %lewtttz ulttT *u 9/d1a No. FD-lq 'VAIL (KUD=-o*r"D/lofu *.--:.W-ea - ct 2 :CI --J $ -\r J llj \- I L}o "$ J a 'g .r '': :- 1.,.'r r . , ta r r\IS $t\ U ill I f \. tll r _lt_ N L s d z *l f] s=l FI 'H CI tu J o ltt l|, F 0 =\)-nr i ts -I [J $ R J g j 'ci z .l ;larzu we"-2/P/1a *. .EE2/2b nnE jl H o -= s J s . t.rl llr <t \J $ J s ul J o an ltl E F ff.fu AIL L *n Tplno .w.f9-52 L 3ADE.^n dwha w..-tb# - +l q C'z I $ H EI zl TI trl u, 8 g H H ...... .-tr s -]\) -lr$- J H =I H $ v) $ J s il E g J N q H ct :s f -]\){$- -1 $ .\ H $ -J s g H a -J g s =-I \) -$J- I $ .l $ $ IJ .<? 0 =\t f "l /P|A(M ** Stelt-d &lb oarc.ilh/4a w. f D'41 €\l $,' $ -J s \AtL A&De-Jaev atb no. FP46 aw.e,.q?6r TTTLE VllL eg#ffi-larHL ilb SOALE- 'l.i-"QAdaa cr-lz ,*r:UBl 1o -rr..:ft:.45 wo 6 z *l N El u E CI ={ -rr J .llt r-lc\ \l I N { d) rr-:-:W'4O o \IA lL oAg-ADE - | stAt€ €t'{ctl'Jil -HofEL + 6L'Jb oo,e Qlwlaa rc- FD'44 - o VAI L CAK_AE HO|W TIILE -J vF:l:r'zst. ztz[ f. | ' ""o,, <r+eilrJ oerc u/t41G ,p.fo'4aA {-+uo o VA IL CA^OAW EcAr€ <|,+ohlN .- orc Q/l?/nc w.Fo-SO' .-ilor^v 4 c.l,up o \l\t> cxscAffi l-+or€L*uusYffi o rE:-!dJ?l1c No. .' Fh 5l aila il r=,J \J Tr I TI ttl E \-I ut 3 il H I 0 =\ -J $ I H $ J g 0 =\ -l R -l, H $ _] f, il *l lr, cl CI =\ _J ,tlj \ J- I H -\t \ tr, \ -]:s I I ; s l! F H I H F s -:= J \ -\s- -J $I $ J s o AI 4)E aJo oo- VAafKt rc. -:fu-=53 ul E j *o1lWt " l'on v\v c,h%N?wTTbcup o YA L 0h%'ftW-flaEL4c$g r/2rr = lJ-ptl vAlt ,h%w'wT3L4cuo on. fD-ea vNL cfwfw'wTw|owp sc/dLE I '- ' -' oNE 6/Vf1b *. fD'A'| d 2-s F \e- .'!5 u- s K s $. d s I r$ s \ -]s s J 1l LAU'ADr,-ildt:J.U cu)a A-lb SCALE ,onl. yAlL cfs^Db- Wwv|uu? ** lVTtr ' lt -otr wE D/lO/1b *. YT.tu 'o!l-r;Juwzws dfiio+H)oA-4'@V 1Mn L Mffi.'breLl cJa DNE-:5IP/16 w.--F?-18 El g :r -! u C g, s.l I \)-s -]t\\ I I I ul ? \T r$v \) -\s ci z *l SI Fl ql E ,o .f Ul t U} s _J g $ ltl E :bl ;o .{ .,d :6) IR ;\) J g o VA tL cAg-Aw ++aEL q,AAb sDArE€Hq^lN "l fl ci z *l fl lrl E o o VAI scer.e €r{oilN ;@ I 4-ffi8>+aJJb vAtL CASCADE HOTELAI.TD CLUB - MIITWORK (ADDETAIL) INDD( AD1 AD2 AD'3 AD4 AD-5 AD4 AD7 AI}8 AD-g ATI1() AD11 AD-12 Atr,I3 ADl4 ADl5 AI}16 Fneplae Detalls Fheplace lbhlls Lobby Lounge Debils Lolrby Lourge lbtails Enhnce b Lobby Terre From @is[dion Lobby Regf,shdon Lobby Deblls Rqishation Lobbylbblb horElevafon and Debll Doorffills El*ation at Handnil and Guardrall Bm GabinEt lborGdlles Eevaton - M€ftalGdllE dTnamom Elevdon at Gaie al Alfiedo's Shelfat Back Bar Lobby Lounge: Railing Deslgn lobby Lounge: Rail Deo'lgn - Handd Secton l q Ci z o VA TITLE: &ATE l> cAScAE HoT€L fr cvUp *= o[?*. ArO-L C'2 H o :f -\o -\F J Irt r $ t H u () J I FHI il 6 E z- F 0 :J J \) -\J- o VA t, CAS,AAE I-WE> #c-Ulg score <'l'lc^l r.l ** al$fqb No. Ap'ca tL cAs_Affi WEL{arc#*. Mn ll, 3 o :f J \) -td- \ I,IJ I I a T z $ 3 I H $ \) J ci z s .f d \d0 J H s H $ $ J s H ct 0 =\ J H -fj t, ILJ o $ $ rl (, @ ffiEw clspvl w.&tvfu &M l.l2,nzl.7tl oare Ei *o. AilZ'll hP=tL .\l q C'z o R R -t; H $. .j *Effi,?e,ENE-?*- thlt - ll SCAIE ld ${H 0 = \) dl o ,$rfl $ o vAlL C&51^re-$areu ajl,Bi -.. .- - . -:-.',....!.,'. .rtr..Eatla5"rilt<4.+ .o Axel B. Russell' AIA Principal asR:mLz / cc: Frank Freyer - W Trnacenbe,Suire200 Phil EarriS - GEJCC llm Sbut SEeet Ihnver, Coloratlo&204 8s-lllr/GA (3$) 6237031 Architecture Plannhg Iandscape Anhiccue Inl€dor Arhtt€ctm )c Seracuse Lawler Wong Shauch fd B. Ro$e[, AIA" CSI 08 Novenber L988 Mr. Gary Murain Vail Building Oepartment 75 South Frontage Road Vaill Colorado 81657 RE; Westin - ValL Terrace Wing Dear Mr. Murrain: Please let this letter serve as confirmatlon of our telephone conversation today, in which a 2L-L/zn w. x 27-L/24 E. fire-rated attic acceas hatch was considered acceptabl-e in lieu of the IIBC minimum of 22n W. x 30n E. Thank you for you consideration in thie matter. Sincerelyt Seracuse Lawler lrlong Strauch a Professional Corporation edLE.4wt'4 - rnlftsrrrrnl o IATES VAIL ASSOC , l!fc. I P.0. Box 7 / YAIL, o C()LORADO 81658 PRNEGT: Qoroeo.J PeX- &hlw+l,g Ce*$l-;> fo,^rrJ or t/*-'.,-.?f, Fes.s*a,s€ ?.-oArc) rJn.Lr Corod*oo Etto* ATTII: UL- qnh M u p+.+rA TMIISIIIT:($. herewith ( ) ln accordance FOR YOUR:( ) approval ()revleu&cornent (){use THE FOLLOIIII{G:( ) Drawings ( ) Specifications ( ) Ghange 0rder rith your request ( ) under separate cover vla COIITRACT IIO.: REFEREI{CE ll0: t -? 2 Samples Prduct Literature TO: DATEzfu-rob€? s:r t{a 8 If enclosunes are not as noted, please lnform us inmediately. If checked belor, please: ( ) Acknorledge recelpt of encl osures,( ) Return enclosures to us. Shop Shop () t1 () () (!q distributlon to parties record (\lnfomatlon Drawi ng Drawing Prl nts Reproductions, <<'rere<)ATsr.\ COPIES DATE RtY. ilU.DESGRIPTIOII AGTION CODE t 16-€-A6 f,er t> o 6s e,@l Nr a rJ?ee" eq )*re@ 4-z-t-sB ACTIOII REI.IARKS A. B. c. Actlon lndlcated on ltem ilo actlon requlred For slgnature and return transnltted to thls offlce D. E. For slgnature and fomardlng as as noted belor under REl.lARfS See REMRKS belor encl osures )() () ()(l () COPIES TO:(with BY: S,-..F- >. d*'-.D-;J* ^ INDEPENDENT TESTING &I nsRecuon servrces rnc. O coNIFER. COLOFADO 80433 1303) 674-7560 FIETJI OBSERYATIOII REPORT CLIE!|T: VAi] t Assoclates IUTTE: g_Zt-Bg PR0JECT: Golden peak children's center at0B f{0. 092l8g PAGE r 0F I L0CATIOI|: Valt, Colorado pREpARED By: David L. Sturgeon TYPE 0F Ep0Rlt [DT_ sH0P IflsPEcTI0il FIELD IilsPEcTIffi x. . OTHIR ,Vtru.l . _ This repo-rt addresses Visual Inspections conducted on the erectlon and fabrication welding of the structural 'steel frame. }{ith regard to the fabrication welding, no conditions of non-conformance were noted. }Jith regard- to the field erecilon, a few of the stairway bolted connectlons werefound untensioned. Howevern the stairways, at the tinre o't ttresJinspections,were not completed. Direct lndicating b-olts were used on all main frame structural connections.No conditions of non-c-onformance were noted, The field telding associ.qte{ wl-t!r- assembly of the steel frame was inspected at many locations throughout the building with -no conditions of non-conformance noted. Generally speaking, the workmanship employed by the Erector and Fabrtcator complies to standard prictlces. The results of thes.e inspectlons were reviewed wlth Mr. Rodger Hashburn of Hyder Construction prior to rny departure. A smal'l .portion of work remalns on the stairways, as prevJously mentioned.Rodger indicated that he would call ITIS for the neit ina finai 1nlf""lton. DISTRIBuTI0NS: Vail a nisociates Ilq_:. Attnr ttr.,,tackltnn- i Snowdon & Hopkins Architects - Attn: mi. erOg Snbwdon Hyder Construction Inc. - Attn: Mr. Tom Mclalan ilohnson-Voiland-Archuleta Inc. - Attn: Irtr. T6rn Soell Koechlein consulting Engineers - Attn: Mr. h|l'l'liam Koechlein i':'l'l'" ' ' '' 'r i' " r'l: '.,.'i:i-' i., I ll'l'" - "'l i,rili.,,-rri'i l' ,'''',1i ;l i. i ': i;i t _- !o CTC-GEOTEil< ENGINEERING TE,STNG 'NSPECTION June 22, l9EE 70t03e Vail VEnerrrs, Ltrl. 1fr)0 South Froatage Raod Vesr Ys.il, Colorado t1657 Attention: Mr, Fm,nk Freyer RE: Terrase EinslPlnra l/Vesri! Eolsl - Pha,s II Genilenesl Enclosed, please find the report for the professional vor& Berformed on June 16, lgSS ai tbe above refer€aced location. If,you have aly questions, please do oothesitate to sdl. Respectfu[y subni$ed, crc-monr,rucmponerp Priacipal RRro eac: GX. Johnson Constnrction &. SLP Architscts JUN 2 ? 1$8 ll tl ll tl tt r -!wrE- r5r57B7T I I Nrc se(s/s7l -17-\7 c Seracuse Lawler Wong Shauch 08 November 1988 Mr. Gary Uurrain Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8I557 RE: Westin - VaiL Terrace Wing Dear Mr. Murrain: Please let this letter serve as confirmation of our telephone conversation today, in which a 21- L,/2" w. x 27-l/2" H. fire-rated attic access hatch was considered acceptable in lieu of the UBC minimum of 22" W. x 30u H. Thank you for you consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Seracuse Lawler Wong Strauch a Professional Corporation eatr- E 4uoar-L( Arcl B. Russ€ll, AIA, CSI Axel B. Russell, AIA Principal ABR:mlz / cc: Frank Freyer - W Tenacentre, Suite 200 Phil IIarriS - GEJCC 1100 Stout Street Denver, Colorado 80204 85-111/GA pm)6a-7031 Architecture Planning Landscape tuchitecture lntedor Architecture - rnllsnrrrn-o ATES,It{c. / P.0. Box 7 / VAIL, C0L0RAD0 91658 LETTER YAIL ASSOCI PR0JECT: Soroe,-J ?r,ftL_ CA-,toez,l,5 Czj)ee__ 'T5,rd oF t/*-.- -?.<- 2o'r*3< ?o+o UAnL) C-oro&Aroo Etto{T TE TRAIISI{IT:([ herewittr ( )( ) in accordance tlth your FOR YOUR: COI{TRACT IIO.: REFEREI{CE t{0: r12 TO: DATEzfu-:robe" {t taa Y If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us irmediately. If checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of encl osu res .( ) Return enclosures to us. ATTII: ML. Canc-. r..-l,r ea,4rJ r( ) approval ) review & comnent Iuse THE FOLLOTIII{G:( ) Drawings ( ) Specificat'ions ( ) Change Order under separate cover via request ( () (rc () () () od. djstrjbution to parties record |{i nformation Shop Drawing Prints ) ) Sampl es Product Literature Shop Drawing Reproductions,freto D4=a-J*rrsr\ COPIES DAIE REY. ilo.DESCRIPIIOT{ACTION CODE t 16-€-86 f1e.r c> o 6= eP,J kr a iQz7" c4 d-xr.E, q. - -zr - gB, ACTrotl REI,IARKS D. For as E. See A. B. c. Actlon indlcated on item llo action required For signature and return transmitted to th'ls office signature and fowarding as noted below under REIiARKS REMRKS below enc I osu res )() () () () () COPIES TO:(with BY: rro-.-L 5. 'd**;>;J'- INDEPENDENT TESTINC &I nsnecrJP#,:.uJs:Es rNc' o coNrFER, COLOR^DO 80433 1303) 6 74.7 5ti0 FIELD OBSERYATIOI{ CLIEJ{T: Vai'l & Associ ates PROJECT: Golden peak Children,s Center L0CATI0I{: Vail, Colorado TYPE 0F REP0RT: ltDT SH0p Ir{SpECTI0l{ DISTRIBUTI0NS: Vail & Associates Inc. - Attn: Snowdon & Hopkins Architects - Hyder Construction Inc. - Attn: Johnson-Voi I and-Archul eta Inc. Koechlein Consu'l ting Engineers REPORT DATE: 9-21-88 JoB r{0. 092188 PACE 1 0F 1 PREPARED BY: David L. Sturgeon FIELD IIISPECTIOII X OTHER Vi sua.I Mr. Rodger l,lashburn previously mentioned.final inspection. l'lr. Jack Hunn Attn: Mr. Greg Snowdon Mr. Tom l4cLagan - Attn: Mr. Tom Soell - Attn: Mr. lJi I I i arn Koechl ei n . Thi.s repo-rt addr,esses Visual Inspections conducted on the erection and fabrication welding of the structural steel frame. l'li.th. regard to the fabrication welding, no conditions of non-confonnance were noted. -l'lith regard to the.field erection, a few of the stairway bolted connections werefound untensioned. However, the stairways, at the time of tnese inipeitionl,were not completed. Direct indicating bolts were used on al1 main frarne structural connections,No conditions of non-cbnformance were noted. The field welding assocjated with assembly of the steel frame was inspected at many locations throughout the building with no conditioni of non-conformance-noted. -.Generally speaking, the workmanship employed by the Erector and Fabricator complies to standard practices. The results of these inspections were reviewed with of Hyder Construction prior to my departure. A.sma.ll portion of work remains on the stairways, as Rodger indicated that he would call ITIS for the nexi ina e4 A,,,NG CTC-GEOTE'< ENGINEERING IESI/A/G INSPECTION Juoe 22, l98E 70303e Vail Ventlres, Ltd, 1000 Sourh Fronrage Raod Yosr Vail, Colorado S1657 Atbention: Mr. Frank Freyer RE: Terracg YinglPlaza I/Yeslia Hotet - Phase II Gestlemen: F.nclosed, please find tbe reporr for the professional vort performed on June 16, lgss ai tbe above referenced location. Ifiyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully zubmitted, CTC-CEUIEK, INCORPORA1ED Priocipal RR:rn eac: cc:G.E. Johasoa Construclios Co. SLP Architects JUN 2 ? 1988 ffiirmTilREg LTD tts s' Ithdo O Drm.', @ S223 a 3O3€9&1OSO FIELD OBSEIYATIOT IEPOIT PTOJECI ilAilE: Vestin Hotel In Vail Cslorado PIOJECI IlO.: 70t039 IIATE: June 16,1988 PAGE I rEcf,xrcrAil Hfitr ovEtrlilE JLn Acri 6,0 ftPE OF If,SPGCIIOil: Yisual Insoection COilTTACTED EITIA SEIYICES SEI?TCEIS Visually inspected meul deck velds on roof east and south ends. Areas requiriag rework vere marked and shovn &0 the iron vorker. Added plares verc being added to the regairs ar N-32. Yelding vas visualty accoprable, Inspacted bar joisivelds previously marked for additional velds at roof level easta.nd soulh sides. All velding has been completed and found acceptable. Added bea.m supports at Y2:,1 oa the south side and north side, and Y22.6 on fhe south and north side havs been added. The velding vas visually acceptable. Tover at rpof level has been cu! down to peak elevation, but the legs were only tack velded. finish velding vill be iospected during the nert onsite iaspec[ion, o EB RAS1G TESTING RPORATION o co NEPORT OF TILTRASONIC TESTTNG OP WEI,DS lfeld ldent.I f lcat,lon: llabe r lal. thlcknege I Iteld Jolnt jlws: lleldlng proceas: Quallby requl rerenEa, secblon No.: Rerla r fa : 4453 South 67th Strcct PO Box 8075 Elmwood Stetlon Om8hr, Nebralk! 6Bt0€'00Zs Phonc to2/3111..,4511 CIlenE: Xiduest Steel Conpanv ProJeet,/ LocaE lon : NTC No. : Weston Hotel Vail Colorado Teat Dahe: Aoril 28. 1988 Truss AG2 1/8tt F, l l2tt BU4a-GF & BU5-GF o o E t c E o 3 c o !! o' E;ca l{e, bhe uDderslgned, certlfy bhab. t,he sLaL,ernenb,s ln thle record are correct and thab the uelds lre re Prepared and tesbed ln accordance wlth b,he requl renelll:s of 6C of AHs lranufacburer,/ Dl'l ( 1986 )' structural weldlng code' Contractor: Midwest St,ee.l Companv Aubborlzed by: Inspected by: N$C 59(5,/S7) Ton Tiedgen Steven D. Ruhl, NDT Level II o EB RASlfi TESTING RPORATION t co REPORT OT ULTRASONIC TESTING OF T.ELDS Midwest Steel Company 21453 South 67th Street PO Box 8075 Elmwood Stadon Omaha, Nebrarks 681@{075 Phon. 402/St'l.0453 Cl lenb : P r o jecL,/ Locat,I on : Nrc NO. : Weston HoEel, Vail Colorado 88-6230-I43,R- l8 24 Teat ltate: April 28, 1988 lfeld ldenbl fleablon: [aEerlal h,hlcknesg: lleld Jolnb JrflS: lleldlng process ! QuaI Ib.y requI reuenhs, Seet.I on Ho. : Rena r k9 : BU4a-CF & BU5-CF Truss AGI 7t8" & c!!Aw o o t f E 6 3 E'l$*lEtlE'e IFcE I Ei l{e, bhe uttderslgned, cerb,lf y Lhat t,he aLah.enents ln b.hle record are correct and t.haL.bhe vrelds rrere prepared and hested ln accordance wlth hhe requlremerrh,s of 6C of AI,,S Df.I (1986 ), sbrucbural l{eldlng Code. llanuEactu re rrl Conbracbor: Mid\rest Steel Cornpany Ituthorlzed by: Incpecbed by: NTc s9 15/87) Torn Tiedgen Steven D. Ruhl, NDT Level II NEBRASIG TESTING o co RPORATION NEPOXT OF ULTSASONIC TESTING QT IELDS i1453 South 67th Stroei PO Box 6075 Elmwood Statlon Omaha, Nebraska 68100{075 Phone 402/3i114453 clIenE: P ro ject,/ Locab I on : NlE NO. : Weston Hot.el, VaiL Colorado S teeL Test DaL€: April 28, 1988 Held ldenb I flcablon: lta te rla,l thlcknesg: llel d Joint twS: llel.d I ng procrlse : Qual lLy requl renenhs, SecE,I on llo. : Rena r ks : GMAW R Rpatn Spl i ccc o E c E 3 u'l5'lEclE,l-"e g IIEE Irre, Llle uutlerslgned, cerLlfy Lhat: bhe n€lds uere prepared and besb,ed Dr .l 0986 6[:ai:emenLs ln t:hls record are coErect and Lhat: accordance rrlLh the requiremerrl:s of 6C of AtfS SbrucLural llelding Code. hbe In t, llanufactu re r,/ Conb racLor : AuL,horlzed by: fnspect€d lry: Nrc 59(5,/87) ENG/NEER/NG *rl h ?^*,t'6r^*4"A CTC-GEOTE'< IESI/NG INSPECTION May2E,l$E VailVenrures, L&1. 1000 S Froatcge Road Test Vail,Colorado El6J7 Attn: Mr. FraolFreyer Gentlenen: Enclosed please lind tho regorts for the profesrional vort porforned at lhe absvc mertioaed iob sito fron Mq 2X, l96E through May 2E, l9SS. - Ifyou have aoy questions, ploass do sothesitate to contactthe uldersigled. Resgcctfully submittod, CTGGHIIET, INCORFORATID Priocipal Rtd[:rn g!c, cc: SlJArchitscts G.E.$bnsoa 3,gfi$< 155 SO1.JTH NAVAJO DEi'.I\i EF COLOFADO 80223 303 698 1050 tf'sI ilrvrp a Donnr, co Eoa2s I go3€g&to6o NB.D Oltf,TYAflOT TFOIT tlo$Cf lArc fr*ir f,obl Plu II . }|OFCI to.: ?llftf DAI& Irtt{, lttt 'AG8-L tilIAIGTT OYETIIE GOTIIACTED EINA llcmlcral tourl louls sBlylcEt sElylcEs fir Acri $r Acri I t I r tllf, OF llSlEGlt0t: Virud (! lorrll Uf (| llrr) tllf, lrru t8rot tf,E lttllul rrorEsf sD6ctHcrflots? rts-I_ ro_ Ecrfornsd ultrlrstic iasgcctiol of full pctrtntios vrlds on rcp*in to crocrbrrsr tl* glrtcc. Thsr vrrc locrrad on tio crstridc lt 3ie-I{ lias ![d 32-0.3 tiaor. lb raiccrrbb drfcclrvrn aotad. IaqFctad botbd eolncstioos rt undcrsidc of Lnrl Il, vhicl vorc nisriag tolrg oa llcy 23,lnt. ill nisrilg bolts veru aov in plecc ead propcrty bosioacd. Thrcc tcs phta lulrvprr nil lot il ghcr at this tine. Tte iroo vorter onsib steled hs vould 3ct to tf,en rs ool g focn vlrt is r.onovcd fion thc arle aad ho can 3cia tccors. 155 S t{||qlo O Denr.r, @ BO,l23 o gog-sg&ro6o FIED Or6f,wAilOr ttFolf, llo|lcr lAIt: f€dr f,orrl Plsr II lloJBCt ro.: ?ll$39 DAI& Iry 23. l$t 'AG8 I rlcrtlc|Ar $I ACr| STIAIG|]I OYETflIE -[uri _EoIll t.f CoIITACTED f,xlTA ATIG .SIICE I ftPE O? lltl8GllOl; YIIOAL ArD lOLt tt$EGflOr trr8 rlEF EJt tf,E llltnl trofEcr s*sclFtarilorst tBi-I-fo- Yianlly tn*octod vrldiq in pno3rcrs ead coaplctad vcldln3 for quaatrty rad qrntily. lll vrldiog Yrs found to bc visdly rccc9trblc on thc rtnrciural coaanctioas vcldiag of tbc b8r ioisl rcds oo llvcl II eould aolba iaspectad rr lhc dcct v.s drody ia phcc md colcrttc vts bcilg plrccd. docl;cldr vcrc fmrad to bc ecccptablc. Parforncd botl insgcctio! o! rnr! bclov coacrctc plrccnctl rad notad r nunbcr of conlcctioog nisciag bolB sd ooe brss platr boltr vcrt oiscing. Thcr goilts vrrc goiatod outb thc iron mrlsrs forcoln for corrsction. ao \.+ I ffid \ a,.,.\?** FNG/NEE,q/NG IESI/NG /NSPECI/ON June 2, 196E clc-7010,r3 Vail Yontures, Ltd. 1000 S. Frontrge Road Tsst Veil,Colorado El6l7 Attantion: Mr.FrrokFr.eyer Refercace: Yestinflotol/Yail Dear Sir: Eaclosed please lind inspectiol report for vort gerforned at ths above neatioaed Irrorect. If you have any questions, plea,s do not hesitate to call. Very trulyyours. CTC-GEOTEK,INC. IL VENTURE A r) _ ./.1 W*ln.fur-_< Ray il(Reed A.L Principal | 4 RlilR/ai Enclosure cc:G.E, Johnson &astructioa SLP Archiiects trcnf,farfi rtsrEo asrfcr,oi 155 S t{ev*r I Doftu, co &223 a 3O3€S&1O5O ?TELO OqSBYATIOI TSFOIT PfOJECI ilAilE: Usrtin f,otol Phrsr II PlotECl IO.: 70{0{3 DAT& llry 23, lgEt PAGE I TEC*ItCtAt til Acri strAICilT OVElrtilE ltorJlt ltruts 3.0 COIIIIACTED ETIIA 5SIIYICSS SEIYICE3 I T?PE OF IilSPECfIOil: falcrcto Sluap llegort tErE lrEHs BEL{IU tsE t$Hrxul ?roJECI SpECtFtCAttOilS? !ES_I_ tO_ Artivod oositr during placoment of rbird E yard load of concrets for dock pour vsst half of level tvo, ghase tvo. A visual ehect of corcret€ beiog placed indicalsd high slung so 1t€st vas perforned. Tho r"esults itrdicafrd e 6' sluop vhich vas out of specificction, Mr. Da.la Mobley of GJ. Shasoa vas notified of lhe results of the slurnp tesl The nef,t tvo trucks vore rejeeted aod et the request of Mr. Mobley, tbe renaindsr of thc trtcts for ths gour veno monitored and the slumps ver€ bslveen { and ) inches. c Seracuse Lawler Wong Strauch Arel B. Russell, AIA. CSI 19 May 1988 Mr. Gary Murrain Vail Building Department Town of Vai1, Colorado 75 South Frontage Road.Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Westin Hotel - Vail, Colorado Conference Facilitv - Phase If Dear Gary: Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on 16 May relative to the fire rating on door No. 207 of this facility. I have reviewed the "water curtain" substitution in lieu of a 20-minute fire rating assembly with Frank Freyer of VaiI Ventures. Frank agrees to this change and asked me to proceed with it. The substitution will be: fwo (2) large orifir:e heads at each side of <loors to create a "water curtain" Heads to be spaced a maximum of 6'-0" apart. Head size and spacing to be verified by sprinkler contractor. These "deluqe" heads can be on the same zone and laleral line as are the nearest existing heads, but piping must be hydraulically sized for proper operat-ion. The above "water curtain" will allow the door No. 207 assembly to be non-rated and is acceptable to the Town of Vail fire marshalL. Tenacentre, Suite 200 1100 Stout Sheet Denvel, Colorado 80204 (303) 623 1031 fuchitecture Planning Landscape Architectule Intedor Afthitecturc - CFdANGE ORDI;.R' A'.1 DLITUMENT G7O1 Distribution to: OWNER ARCH'TECT CONTMCTOR FIELD OTHER E! -vetl -ventures' kl Seracuse Law1er Wong Strauch El G. E. Johnson Construction company EI c. E. ilohnson construction comlrany EI Ptte PRoIECT: -Gslin-i"Fet-AdEirfi;;i (name, addressl I3OO Wesffieve DftVe---/ To (contnctor): vaiL" colorado 81657 G. E. Johnson Construction Post OffLce Box 2139 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: Eleven (1I) INITIATION DATE: 05 Eebruary 1ggg ARCHITECT',S pROJECT NO: 8s,/111, a7/3L3, coNrRAcr FOR' n.,,"'u, "31{i3.tt"" a Colorado sprlngE, CO 8090I CONTRACT DATE: 15 Aprtl 1987 You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: 01. fhis is a CHAIiIGE ORDER to the existing contract for the balance of, Phase rI work: G.E. Johnson Construction Cornpany letter dated 02 FebruatT 198S: ii lDD, CIi:Af,IGE ORDER No. 10 dated L5 Januaqir 1988:DEDUCT: $ 60,000.00 bIEf ADD: $2'076,000.0O -l Co. J s2 , 136 , 00O. 00 ,.- Not valid unril signed by both lhe Owner and Architect. Signature oi the Contractor indicates his atreemenl here,,vilh, including any adiustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. The original fuctfirn, (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) was . . ... . . .... $ Net change by previously authorized Change Orders .. . . . ...... $ The *Gso*srk$sd (Guannteed Maximum Cost) prior to this Change Order was , .. ... .... $ The (9tr&ar*f!dr (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order . . ...,., S The new (ecoctoct$B) (Guaranteed Maximum Cost) including this Change Order will be .. . $ The Contract Time will be (irctcoffSddrlcoed! (unchangedl by The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is 0l NoveEber *(f,or work covered in thLs Changte Order only) Authorized: ., CoLorado 80904 7 t773,O82 . 464,L54. 8,237,236. 2,076,OOO . lo,3!3,236. ( -0- )Days. 1988* OWNER @2ot Address VaiIr BY 0c 0c 0c 0c 0c Sertcuse Lar ler Wonq Strauch G- E. ,fohnson Const. Co.Val,l Ventures, Ltd. TfEbTEElout street, ste. zoo Address Denver, AIA DOCUMINT G7|N 80204 CHANCE ORDER ' APRIL 1978 EDITION Ah@ r @ 1978 Address Colo. DA$F*+, Pro Mgr. TTIE AM€RICAN ARCHITECTS. .1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. AXXb GTgr-1EA G.o.# ll EEJOttnS0n CONSTRUqION COMPANT February 2, 1988 Mr. Frank B. Freyer III Vail Ventures, Ltd. 1000 South Frontage Road Hest Sulte 200 Vall, Colorado 81657 WESTIN HOTEL ADDITIONS PLAZA BUILDING, PHASE II CONFERENCE FACILITY VAIL, C0L0RAD0 Frank: lde. are pleased to submlt our proposal to provlde materials to construct the Plaza Bulldfng, phase l.Iestin Hote], Vail, Colorado, for the Guiranteed MILLION ONE HUNDRED THIRTY SIX TTIOUSAND DOLLARS Fixed Fee as follows: Direct Costs General Conditions Untrella Insurance Warranty Reserve GUARANIEED MAXIMUM COST General Contractor Fixed Fee Perfornance & Payment Bond TOTAL GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE PO. 8or 2139 Colorado Sprinfs. Colorado 80901 Teiephone (J0$ 473.3321 310 S. iorGenth Sbeer 80904 RE: all necessary labor and II, Conference Facillty, Maxlnnrrn Price (GMP) of Tlr|O ($2,136,000.00) lncludlng a $2,AQ7,235.00 29,478.00 5,362.00 2,000.00 $2,045,075.00 * 8l,803.00 9.122.40 $2,135,000.00 shall be totally *Any and all savings from the Guaranteed Maximum Cost reverted to the 0wner's account. j-_-: rThe work per changg_0rder No. 2, concrete Foundations, Excavation, BackfiIl, .l,laterproofing and Elevator Jack Holes for $364,000.110 is not included in thi- , abovel Change Order No. Im5'0;000.00 for structuraT itET mitt ordei and slfop drawings, is included in the above. GUARANTEED MAXIMUM COST BREAKDO!^JN Please refer to the attached cost breakdown of our Guaranteed Maxirum Price by Specification Section and Bid ltem. Mr. Frank B. Freyer III Vail Ventures, Ltd.'February 2, 1988 Page 2 . pEsIcN pocln4ENE Our GMP ls base! o1_!lanq and Speclflcatlons for Hestln Plaza Bulldfng, Phase II' conference Facility dated Decenber 3, lg87, Addendum No. I dated -- Pggg|nbet I, 1987, and Addendum No. 2 dated Decenber 17, 1987, all prepared by ROMA. See attached detalled list of drawlngs and speciffcations. ' GENERAL CO$ITRACTOR !{ORK Our GMP is based on the following work to be perFormed by GE Johnson Construction Conpanyrs own forces: l. General Conditions 2. Demolition 3. Earthwork 4. Concrete Llork and Grout 5. Rough Carpentry 6. Installation of Finish Carpentry, Steel Doors and Frames, Wood Doors, Access Doors, French Doors, and Flnish Hardware The gpsun drytyq]l systems wiII be perfonned by GE Johnson Constructlon Conpany's Dryrall Departrnent under a GMP Subcontract, and any and all savlngs will revert back to the 0wner. Our Fee for the work within the scope of this proJect is a Fixed Fee in the amount of EIGHTY ONE THOUSAND EIGHT. HUNDRED ANb THREE DOLUFSTT6T;A,m.OO). ALTERNATES, CONTRACT ADJUSTT.IENTS, AND ALLO!',ANCES The following are included in our GMir Proposal: l. Bond premlums for the following subcontractors are excluded:- l'lidwest Steel l{orks, Inc.- Professlonal Caulklng - ller Electric - El Paso Floor - Omnlplex, Inc.- Mountain High Paintlng - Por,lers Products - Internountain Speclalty Eguipment Conpany - Dover EJevator Conpany Gr (g 14,270.00) 2. Alternate chair rall No. 2 per Detall l0/A9.5 ($ I,3r[4.00 ) FFF Mr. Frank B. Freyer III Vail Ventures, Ltd. February 2, 1988 Page 3 ALTERNATES C0NTRACT ADJUSTI4ENTS. AND ALLOWANCES (Contlnued) 3. De'tete all fiber reinforced plastic panels (Specification and add epoxy paint at those locatlons. 4. Change all thickset ceramic tile to thinset. 5. Alternate ceiling tile and grld wlll be as follows:- 12x12x3/4u areas - USG Frost bevel edge spot cemented to - Webtex adhesive, with 3o leveling splines at all corners. sheetrock. - USG 2x4x1/2" vinyl covered sheeetrock in all 2x4 suspended areas. This material is approved by the State of Colorado to be used in all washable ceiling areas.- Donn Products 2x4 grid consisting of DX-24 Maln Tee' DX-424 4r Cross Tee, and M-7 wall angle.- #12 hanger wires 0 4' o.c. to bar joists - The Architectrs ref'lected ceiling plans Shop drawings are excluded. Sectlon 06425) ($ 9,498.00) In Base Bid above.will be used for layouts. In Base Bld allowance of ($ 10,211.00) have a No. 124 $ 203.00 8. Specification Section 02871, Plastic Planter Boxes. An $3,000.00 is inc]uded for the planter boxes. $I3,211.00 - $3,ooo.oo 10. Add to correct three (3) each sets of door hardware that cylinder thumb turn. It. Delete snow fences on roof and include a $41000 allowance for some snow fences. $25,020 - $4,Ooo.OO ($ 21,020.00) 1lA. Add eye bolts at arches at 'locations determined by 0wner.$ 200.00 12. Alternate No. 4n dryvlt bullnose DetaiI per l2lA8.4.($ 2,250.00) ten (10) feet from bottom of placed on ($ 2,445.00) 15. Delete bltuthane ice and water shield on roof except for each side of all valleys and ridges and ten (10) feet up all eaves. This deduct wi]l be taken, but shield will be comoJete roof. ALTERNATES, C0NTRACT ADJUSTT'|ENTS, AND ALL0WANCES (Continued) A deduct allowance of 912,000.00 ls included for as follows: H-l t4-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-5 t4-7 M-8 M-9 M.IO M-l1 M-12 M-]3 M-t4 M-l5 M-16 M-17 ::" DESCRIPTION Mr, Frank B. Freyer Vail Ventures, Ltd. III February 2, 1988 Page 4 18. TAG MANUFACTURER alternate HVAC equipment suPPLrqR Haynes-Trane Halmes-Trane Hajmes-Trane Hayres-Trane Hayres-Trane Haynes-Trane Haynes-Trane Haynes-Trane Haynes-Trane Haynes-Trane Haynes-Trane Hayres-Trane Hayres-Trane Haynes-Trane Ha3mes-Trane Hayres-Trane Haynes-Trane Haynes'-Trane Hayres-Trane HaSmes-Trane Hayres-Trane Hajmes-Trane Haynes-Trane United Air Trane Trane Trane Trane ILG Trane Trane Trane ILG ILG ILG United Sheet Metal tLrt ILG United Air Unametal J&J Reigster J&J Reglster United Air Hercules Modul-Air United Sheet Metal 0rigina'lly specified pneunatic temperature control system is to be deleted and a complete.dlrect digital control (DDC) fow voltage, computer actuated wJth screened visual readout termlnal is to be substituted. this system is manufactured by Trane company. controls for equipment are taitory instal'led, connections, calibration and service by Haynes-Trane of Denver, colorado.($ t2,ooo,oo) 21. Make the following-changes to the light flxtures and dinming system:A. Delete sfx (6) tjpe oAo in attii.B. Relocate dlmming bank to Storage Room 213.C. Delete three (3) type oEo in Storage ll5,D. Delete six (6) type rAD in Mechanical ll4.E. Delete one (l) type lAo in Electrical l0l.F. 0wner will provlde type oHo flxtures.G. Delete six (6) type "K! at loading area.H. Add six (6) type uAo at loadlng area.I. Use type oAu in lieu of uBo at Stair 4.il. Delete fixtures and dimming at AV loft.K. Dimning system will be by Lightolier.($ 3,8s5.00) Stationary Louver HVAC Cllmate Changer RA Centrifugal Fan Variable Air Volurn Boxes Cabinet Unit Heaters Eqrfi Room Exhaust Fan Baseboard Radi ation/Snowmelt Unit Heaters Kitchen l4akeup Air Unit Kitchen Transfer Fan Kitchen Exhaust Fan Vo id Rest Room Exhaust Fan Sound Trap Trash Room Exhaust Fan Dishwasher Exhaust Fan Kitchen Exhaust Louver Builder Louvers Registersn Grilles & Diffusers Slotted Diffusers Fire Danpers Spin Fittings Flexible Ductwork Spiral Me. Press. Ductwork Mr. Frank B. Freyer III Vail Ventures, Ltd. February 2, 1988 Page 5 22. Make the following changes to the sound system:A. Delete lntercom equipment.B; Use specified speakers in ballroons and meeting rooms.C. Use Soundelier Cl0T70 speakers ln prefunction areas.D. Install shle'lded cable system when possible.E. Delete the tape player.F. Sound system wlll be by Electromedia.G. Connect sound system to existing background muslc.H. Sound system equipment will be installed in Room 216 Storage ($ 7,340.00) 22a. Add sound system volume controls in both prefunction lobbies.$ 304.00 ALTERNATES, CONTRACT ADJ_USTI{EN fS, AND ALL0WANCES (Continued) 22b. Add the following sound equipment:- Flicrophone - Electrovoice 6581 (10 - Microphone cable 25' lengths (.l0 - l4icrophone floor stand ( 5 - l4icrophone desk stand ( 5 23. Reconfigure fire alarm system to approval ). meet approval of Tovrn of VaiI (pending 23a. Use F40Lll,l/WM lamps in cove lightlng in lieu of F40SPX30. ($ 4,650.00) ($ 't,008.00) 23b. Delete panel LP3A and relocate circuits to LPZB. l4odlfy dishwasher booster'feed per Yoder Engineering's letter, dated January 2!, 1989:- --.($ '1,072.00) 23c. Make the fol1owing changes to the one llne:a. Use #3 cu for dlshwasher feed.b. Use #3 cu in l-I/2o to temporary outlets.c. Feed DIMI with 350MCM in 3n conduit.d. Feed LPIB with 350l4CM in 3" conduit. 23d. Add new wir'lng for freezer coi'l in kftchen per letter, dated January 4, 1988. 23e. Add two (2) each l0O-ampere three-phase receptacles in ballroom. 23f. Add one (l) exit light in ballroom at added door in eax$86.40= 864.00) eax$30.00.300.00) eax$42.55= ?12.751 eax$20.05=l$!1)- $ 1,477.00 ($ I,302.00) Yoder Englneering's $ ll2.oo in flush floor boxes $ 1,895.00 partition.' $ 84.00 Mr. Frank B. Freyer Vail Ventures, Ltd. III February 2, 1988' Page 6 239. 24. change rREr fixtures ln the neeilng rooms from Tozg-A1 to ll4s.($ 598.00) Delete !p!ffflooring ln Rooms 102, 106, lll (582 SF), ll5, IZg,206,213, and 215, and adii concrete floir seiter ano iour'iaj'iictr rubber'base.($ 8,522.00) Delete all outslde concrete pavers and pavers ln vesfibules I and 2.($ 35,326.00) Delete-lxl0 wood edge trim at all celling coffers and lnstall 0wner-furnished traI I covering. Delete concrete slab within transformer enclosure and to sidewalk and provide four (4) inches of gravel. Change 'P' window to fixed 8,2-1/2x13'4o and change to fixed, and delete screens. ($ t,26l.oo) ($ 40o.oo) ($ 3,798.00) a pair 2r-6Dx7-'0! to ($ I,2o9.OOl 25. 26. 3t. 33. ($ 9,470.001 28. Delete 5,000 sF of Panzer mesh at flrst floor elevailon. panzer mesh is included as follows:- North Elevation - Column Line 27,S to 32 ten (10) feet hlgh.- Hest Elevation - 0n colunns up to sprinq line.- East Elevation - Colurm Line Q.6 to'T f6ur (4) feet above concrete wal l.- South Elevation - Four (4) feet above concrete wall and to column spring lines.($ 5,000.00) north of enclosure ($ 530.00) all operable wlndows ($ 3,972.00| 33A. Delete two (2) each 'Q' and one (l) each rL'wlndows. (Allowance)($ 2,142.001 34. Delete all catch basfns, area draln and one (l) each deck drain in loggla. Three (3) deck drains remain in loggla. 35. Change alI roof and floor decking to unpalnted. 36. Delete aIl lx4 wood blocklng behlnd wood base. 37. Change_closet door nos. 123, 126, IZg. and 133 from a single 3r-0ox7'-0o AND ALLOUANCES (Continued) Itlr. Frank B. Freyer III VaiI Ventures, Ltd. 40. Alternate No. 3 - Add two (Z) each remote control units overhead coiling door ls included. personnel and equlpment. 4]A. Add one (l) each pass door for a total of two movable partitfon panel. Delete concrete Delete depressed Stair No. I will installed by GE February 2, 1988 Page 7 to operate In Base Bid have Partltions will and Hufcor will using their own (g 41,988.00) (2) each ln ballroom In Base Bid ($ 817.00) and 2 and ($ 452.00) and provide ($ 3,049.00) 41. Use alternate Hough Series 9652 novable partitions. No. 35 track, horizontal wheel bearings ior trolleys fleld sound test the partitions after lnstallation, 42. 43. 44. paver curb, Detail 'llA-1 on east side of covered walkway.($ 172.00) edge form in vestibule I and 2 for pavers. ,n 237.00) be furnished by Architectural Metalcraft, Inc. and Johnson Construction Company.($ 8,664.00) 45. Delete all caturalk grating and pipe handrail and install 1/2 plylood walkway and 2x4 handrails. Contractor will give credit but furnish grating and pipe handrail. 47. 48. 49. Delete drywall coffer and lxl glue-on-tile in Vestibules I provide flat painted dryrall .ceiling at 9'0" A.F.F. Above Meeting Rooms 123 - 126 - Delete return air ductwork sound boots at return gri1les. A deduct allowance of $11,215.00 is included to delete the terrace structure complete between Grids lll - Y and 25.1 - 28. Thls includes structural st'eeln decking, steel handrail, roofing, sheetmetal , wood deck, f'loor drain, concrete foundations, metal studs, sheathing, insulation and flnish system, and palntlng. French door would be replaced with an "Lu windot't.($ Il,2l5.oo) f'lr. Frank B. Freyer III VaiI Ventures, Ltd. 57. Add and 58. An add al'lowance of 95,000.00 ls included to move hydrant approximately flfteen (15) feet west. 59. Delete shop coat of prine paint on flre sprinkler February 2; 1988 Page 8 ALTERNATES, C0NTRACI ADiIUSTI4ENTS, AND ALL0WANCES (Continued) 50. Delete Projection Room 301 complete, including some structural steel,decking, Stair No. is changed to a ladder, thFee (3) each projection- windows.' concrete on decking, painting, aioustical ceiling, ribber base,ductwork, unit heater, thermostatr_floor drain, hose bibb"F-7, light fixtures' proJectlon screen controls, receptacles, dlmming syitem-dual controls, and relocate dirnming and sound systems. ($ 11,724.00) 51. Delete core drilllng ln tunnel walls because s'leeves have been lnstal'led.($ 900.00) 52. A deduct allowance_of $925.00 ls included to delete the temperature control averaging flow sensors in the supply air ducts and ielete the spring isolators on the temperature contibl-cornpressor. This deduct will !e given but is not applicable because DOc controls are being used per Item No. .l8. ($ e25.00) 54. A deduct allowance of $1,200.00 is included to shop fabrlcate the sound plenum by Lunsford Brothers l4echanical.($ l,2oo.oo) 55. Change the gas-fired kltchen MUA Unit to a hot water fan coil unit.($ I,000.00) 56. Delete the future fountaln supply and drain lines. This work wil'l be contracted separately by the 0wner.($ 2,500.00) a. sand and oil trap, ZURN 2-663, at the unloading dock floor drain the drain pipe will run north and durnp into the trench drain.$ 400.00 the northwest fire $ 5,000.00 piping.($ s00.00) 60. Credlt for the electrlcal conduit that has already been installed in the concrete tunne'l ($ 6g5.00) 52. Add the three (3) each add alternates that are shown on Drawings 83.1,3.2, and 3.3. In Base Bid Mr. Frank B. Freyer VaiI Ventures, Ltd. o III ALTERNATES, CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS, AND ALLOWANCES (Continued) 63. An add allowance of $.|,000.00 is lncluded for floor nats in and 2. 64. Reduce Contractor Contlngency on exlsting Contract. ToTAL ALTERNATES, CoNTRACT ADJUSTMENTS & ALLoWANCES February'2, 1988 Page 9 Vestibules l $ l,o0o.oo ($ 37,000.00) ($277,545.00) EXCLUSIoNS ANp QUALIFICATIoNS Our GMP Proposal speciflcally gg!ge,1 the following items: l. Exclude Builder's Risk Insurance.2. Exclude testlng and inspections.3. Exclude utility service cornpany capital costs, development fees, plant investment fees, tap fees, new electrlc transformer and primary wiring.4. Exclude Building Permit, plan check fee including mechanical and electrical permits. Exclude legil, physical and utility surveys. Exclude cost for cha4ges necessitated by Building Departnent code review or other jurisdlctlons havlng authority.7. Exclude utility consumption costs after the substantial completion date.8. Exclude tenant finish work.9. Exclude soils investigatlons and reports. 10. Exclude Iandscaping and irrigation.tI. Exclude watchman. 12. Exclude City of Va1l 4% sales tax. 13. Eye bolts at arch jambs, eye bolts at roof, and cable at roof are galvanized.14. Ladders on roof wil'l be fleld painted with gloss enamel.I5. Forty-six (45) each stainless steel corner guards are included.i6. 0verhead door is manufactured by North American Rolling Door' Inc. 17. Stair No. I including steel flights, landing, glass, plastic and vrood is 5. 6. 18. 19. by Architectural Metalcraft, Inc. l,lood backing plates will be installed in lieu of metal backing plates per Specification Section 09105, Paragraph 3.02. The transformer pad enclosure walls are 3-5/8' metal studs' gypsuttt sheathing and exterior finish system.20. The two ieet (2') sidewalk adJacent to the curb and gutter along lJesthaven Drive is excluded. The new curb and gutter will match the existing shape.21. The spaie haidware sets per Speciflcation Section 08712, Paragraph 2.03 are excluded. Mr. Frank B. Freyer III Vall Ventures, Ltd. February 2, 1988 Page l0 EXCLUS I0NS AI'ID. QUALIFI CATI0NS (Contlnued ) 22. The trench for the drain in Room 209 - Dish-up is excluded and the trench drain gratlng ln Roon ll9 - Dish-up will be aluminum or galvanized.23. Pair doors 205 were changed to fire rated in Addendun No. I and the more expensive hardware is lncluded ln our proposal.24. t{eather Shleld windows are a standard colori white, desert sand, or brown. llindows are per Heather Shield proposal and perfornance data.25. All kitchen equlpment ls excluded.26. Electrical condult systens are excluded for flre alarm, sound, telephone and TV systems, except in the plenum above the four rrteetlng roons. SCHEDULE 0n recelpt of a slgned Change Order and a Notlce-to-Proceed by February 4, 1988, the Plaza Buildlng, Phase II, Conference Facilitywill be substantially conplete by November I, 1988. Also, to meet the above schedule, Addendum No. 3r'lncluding the above changes' must be issued by the Architect by February 12, 1988 and the Allowances need to be resolved by February 19, 1988, If you have any questions, or should you require additional lnformation, do not hesltate to contact us. Very truly yours, Isd2886F/.03b Enclosures: As Stated cc:,Jerry Manifold/R0ltlA (w/Enclosures) Axet'R(lssel I/SLUS (wAnclosures) Fred Christensen/ldestln/Seattle (w/Enclosures) DETAILED LIST OF DRAI,IINGS & SPECIFICATIONS The following Drawings dated Decenter 3, 1987: A0. t AT.I A2.l A3. t A4.l A5.l A6.l A7. t A8.l A9. r sl- Project Manual No. 63I0.00 dated - 42.5 - A3.8 - 44.2 - A5.3 - 46.2 - 47.4 - 48.8 - 49.5 s7 K-l K.IE K.TM K.IBV KD-I KV.I Ml. t M2. r - M3. r M4.t - Ms.t - December 3, Et.l - Et.2 E2.1 - E2.3 E3.l - E3.3 E4.1 - E4.3 ss-l - ss-6 ta..4 t44.2 M5.3 1987 Addendum No. I dated December g,'lg8l with revised Drawings Al.l, A3.0, A3.7, 49:9, A5.l' A6.2' A8.1, A8.3, A9.4, El.2, E2.3, and E4.3 iated Dicembei g, 1987. Addendum No. 2 dated December 17r 1987 with revised Drawings 144.2 dated December 17, 1987. I.IESTIN PLAZA BUILDING PHASE II CONFERENCE FACILITY VAIL, C0L0RAD0 G. E. JoHNS0N C0NSTRUCTIoN C0., INC. FEBRUARY 2, 1988 egs_suuuAeY, Page 1 of 3 ::::1Il]g BROUGHT FORWARD ALTERNATES, CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS AND ATLOWANCES TOTAL DIRECT COSTS GENERAL CONDITIONS (PORTI(IN) BUILDING PER}{IT & PLAN CHECK FEE (BY O}INER) LOCAL & STATE SALES TAX (IN COSTS) UTILITY DEVELOPI'IENT FEES (BY OI.JNER) TESTING & INSPECTIONS (BY OI.JNER) BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE (BY O}JNER) UMBRELLA INSURANCE (.003) WARRANTY RESERVE (.OOI) GUARANTEED MAXIMUI4 COST GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIXED FEE (4%) CONTRACTOR CONTINGENCY (O) PERFORMANCE & PAYMENT BOND (.0048) AMOUNT $2,284,790 ( 277,5451 21007 o235 29,'478 .0 0 0 0 0 6,362 2,000 2,445,075 8l n8o3 0 9,122 TOTAL GUARANTEED |IIAXII,IUM PRICE (GI'IP)$2,136,ooo I,IESTIN PLAZA BUILDING PHASE II CONFERENCE FACILITY VAIL, CoLoRAD0 GUARANTEED }4AXIMUM P G. E. .]OHNSON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. FEBRUARY 2, 7988 !.1.RECI_eg$. SUMMARL Page 2 of 3 AJTIOUNT SPEC SECTION DESCRIPTION 02050 0?200 02515 02871 03300 05r20 05202 05300 05400 05500 05520 06100 061 I3 06200 05200 06425 07112 07210 07240 074r I 07535 07600 07724 07951 08I t0 O8I IO 08200 08200 083't4 08:t3l 08400 08520 08610 086I0 08712 08800 09105 09250 0925'l 09300 0951 'l 09512 DEMOLITiON EXCAVATION, GRADING, BACKFILLING CONCRETE PAVERS PLASTIC PLANTER BOXES CONCRETE I'IORK STRUCTURAL STEEL OPEN I.IEB JOISTS METAL DECKING LIGHT-GAUGE METAL FRA'YING METAL FABRICATIONS HANDRAILS AND RAILINGS ROUGH CARPENTRY GYPSUM SHEAT}IING FINI SH CARPENTRY-LABOR FINISH CARPENTRY-MATERIAL FIBER REINFORCED PLASTIC PANELS WATERPROOFING BUILDING INSULATION EXTERIOR INSULATION & FINISH PREFORI'IED METAL ROOFING MODIFIED BITUI4EN SHEET ROOFING FLASHING & SHEET I'IETAL ROOF HATCHES SEALANTS & CAULKING HOLLOI.I METAL WORK-LABOR HOLLOIi| METAL WORK.MATERIAL lllOOD DOORS.LABOR I,IOOD DOORS-MTERIAL FRENCH DOORS OVERHEAD COILING DOORS ALI'MINUM FRAMING & ENTRANCES ALUMINUM bllNDOhJS I.IOOD I,JINDOI^IS-LABOR IIOOD I,II NDOWS.MATERIAL DOOR HARDWARE GI.AZING DRYWALL FRAI4iNG GYPSUM DRYI.IALL DRYWALL FINISHING CERAMIC TILE & RUBBER BASE SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILiNGS ADHESIVE APPLIED ACOUSTICAL CEILING G. E. JOHNSON G. E. JOHNSON GALLEGOS MASONRY PLANTER IECH. G. E. JOHNSON MIDI'JEST STEEL ARCH. METAL G. E. JOHNSON G. E. JOHNSON I.S. E.C. GALLEGOS I'IASONRY ADVANCED ROOFING PROFESSIONAL CAULKING G. E. JOHNSON GATE!{AY G. E. JOHNSON l<Ff BETTER.BILT I.JESTERN VALLEY G. E. JOHNSON ilEA'IHER SHIELD BUILDERS SERVICE BUREAU G. T. JOHNSON EL PASO FLOOR T.P. ACOUSTICS $ 2,057 26,267 35,326 13,291 86,828 35'1,830 IN.STEEL IN STEEL IN DRYWALL IN SIEEL 45,950 60,495 IN DRYIJALL 24,194 44,539 IN DRYI{ALL UNDER CONTMCT IN DRYWALL 95,'ll4 I14,032 IN ABOVE IN ABOVE IN STEEL 5,075 6,3.|I lo,916 'll,565 IN 05200 IN I,IOOD I,JINDOI.JS 2,390 30,947 IN ABOVE 5,596 34,542 34,565 IN ALUMINUM 283,900 IN ABOVE IN ABOVE 6,805 21,518 IN ABOVE o I,IESTIN PLAZA BUILDING PHASE II CONFERENCE FACILITY VAIL, C0L0MI'0 GUARANTEED MAXII,IUM PRICE (GMP) G. E. JoHNSoN CoNSTRUCTI0N C0., INC. FEBRUARY 2, 1988 EIREOTISuiUU$ABL Page 3 of 3 SPEC SECTI()N DESCRIPTION CONTRACTOR AMOUNT 09760 09900 09950 10160 10260 1066I '10800 lll32 14245 DIV 15 15500 DIV 16 2l,505 30,009 IN ABOVE 6.787 .979 125,538 IN 10160 5,093 35,080 357,777 58,038 n0,02a s2.284.780 FLUID APPLIED STONE CHIP FLOORING PAINTING I'IALL COVERINGS I'IETAL TOILET COMPARTI4ENTS hIALL & CORNER GUARDS (METAL.FURNISH ONLY) ACOUSTIC MOVABLE PARTITIONS TOILET & BATH ACCESSORIES PROJECTION SCREENS HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR MECHANICAL FIRE PROTECTION ELECTRICAL TOTAL DIRECT COSTS OMNIPLEX MOUNTAIN HIGH POI,JERS PRODUCTS TRANSIT MIX I.A.C. LEEVER DOVER ELEVATOR LUNDSFORD BROTHERS SOUTHWEST NEl'l ELECTRIC t ggNcRETE TEgr B!:slJLrs t I I i I ----_ _- -_= ==_- - E:- Enginaerino fstinq tnsqetc rort 155 $outfr lteve,icr Osnver , Cn'r ortldrr 8A223 ( 303 ) 696-1|i50 r./s i'l V€rnturt*s, Lt'l t 000 S - Froni:af:e Ro ' V$c'$ii Va'i1, CO Ei65? r\tl:1 : Fr.g1x Ff ,E!,,,ef r. P. O. No. : Job No-: ?04043 Rtrport Datere: 11 /25/87 1?/ 16/87 a1/A2/88 11/18/8'.1 Report To: Vail VEnturog' Ltd' g'g' "tohnEon Constructir:n CO' SLP ArcitiLtccts Dete Cast: Teicit NuntDgt': i ob Nrltrg : .Job Aciciress: Contracr-or: Sups i i €rr' : Truck No.: CTC Rerp - : Lr:cstion oi C..r'l incierr ii) 01 Ai r' l'emP - ^F: 21 T'ime Tested : 12 z3g Da\r Strerngth (P$i) -9000 6-0 SLrengLh (Psi) 2090 Wt-/Cu. Ft': 137 '2 Average $trength I -I'lJ i - Mart irl€tz loir r. : Foot i rlgs , nart h wa -l 'l Age (aa'7s) Size ? 6-00 T icket No- : Mix I.O.: at M-4 and 't 0445 32 to 2-3 g!!YsIqA.L pRopERr I.Fs $.i ump : 4 -'ii A'ir (*): Cortcrete Tsrnro ' ^F: Sti '1:** ij€acnt'q: 'ii:45 ggMPR.ESSIVF' STRENGTIi: Soec"r'f ied 28 oJ^/fr"4 6Tij:6E6Tiiil*fic:-- l" 'i-T*t"o,r," lli nqlllezl,-\ - =-Ve il Ccr'lcrr' 5:-_E: iohnson E & I ExcavaLirtg NOv 2 ? 1987 fi;llTEmR-_, LrD Renttl r r<g : I 42 weal meadow ddyo vall, colorado 81857 (303) 476-2200 frre departmenl FRANK FREYER VAIIJ \TENTI'RES LTD. SUITE 2OO 1OOO S. FRONTAGS ROAD WEST l/ArL, COLORADO NovEtrBER '10, 1997 HAVING REVIEWED TIIE PIJANS SUBMITTED BY NOTTIHAF'T TOR TFIE PROPOSED FIRE SPRINKLER MODIFICATIONS ff TIIE I.,OBBY CEILING OF THE EXISTING wEsTrN IroIEL, I HAVE IIADE Tl{E tUr;r.OWrNG @I'IMENTS : 1. IITE HYDRAULIC CAI.,CUI,ATIONS APPEAR TO BE IN COI.TPLIANCE WITH IrlIl.IIMtn{ @DE. TEE ONLY CpNCERN WAS W:IT!{ NODE # 35, BEING EI]E T{ORTI{WESTERN MOST POINT ON TITE FOURTH FLOOR. THE CONCERN IS TIIAT XTIE CAI..CT'I..ATIONS SSOW 18 G.P.M. REQUIRED ATilD ONLY 18 G.P.M. AVAILABLE, WITH O 8 HYDRAULIC PAD. I DO T{OT TIAVE A @.EAT DEAL OF @I{CERN NOR Do I OEI'ECT DUE TO THE FACT IIIAT TI.IE PI,ANS STASE THAT ALL CALCUTATIONS PRESIJME ALL HEADS ET,OW SITIULTAT{EOUSLV.2. IIIIE DEFLECITORS FOR THE SIDEI{AI.,IJ SPR$KLER TIEADS WILL EE B INCIIES BELOW TIIE CEIIJING. ITIE U.L. LISTING CATLS FOR TIIE DEFLECEOR TO EE IN TIIE 4 TO 6 II{CH RAI{GE. I DO NOT OBJECT DUE TO TIIE POCKEE EE'FECT OF TIIE SMAI,L SOF'FIT. T ALgO IINDER- STAND ITIE NEED TO ALI,O?f ADESUATE CT,EARJANCE 'TR'OI.! TIIE WI,ITDOiiIS. 3. XTIE IIOBBY GILIT{G WORK DOES NOT APPEAR AT 1'IIIS TII{E TO BE PRACTICAI,. RESEARCI.I CONDUCTED AND PUBLISITED BY FA TORY MUTUAL INDIEATES STANDARD 1l2 INCH ORIFICE SPRINKLER IIEADS ARE NOT EFFECTIVE ON FIRES GENERATING A TIIERI"IAI. PLUI,IE VELOCITT IN EX@SS OF 40" FEET PER SECOND. IT IS I,fY OPINICN TIIAT TTIE CURRENT FUH., LOAD POEENTIAIJ IT{ TIiE LOBBY WOULD PRODUCE A THERMAL PLUttE rN EXCESS OF TIiE Mir{rt4UM 30 rTlSnC. DESTGi{ AI-,LOTfANCE INXENDED FOR STANDARD SPRINKLER HEADS. ATTEMHTS WERE }IADE TO IDENTIFY A TARGE DROP SPRINKIJER HEAD DESIGNED IN ITTE PEI,IDEI.IT POSITION BUT SUCH A DE\TTG DOES NOT l'ET EXIST. WE AI.SO IB'IE) TO SEE IF WE @ULD SIMPI.IY REPLACE ITIE EXISTING DRY PENDENT 1/2 INCH ORIFICE SPRINKT.,ER ITEADS IIITH 17132 INCH L.IRGE ORII'ICE HEADS. TtrE PROBLEI'I LIES IN TIIE FAET' TBAT WE CANIIOT T'IND A MAMJFAC'TURE OF A LARGE ORIFICE 81657 WESTIN I-,OBBY SPRINKLM, DRY PEI{DENT SPRINKLER HEAD. I TTTE ONLY OSTTER OPTION I COI]LD IDENTTFY WAS TO REDUCE fIIE COVERAGE TO 7 E'OOT CENEERS ON $rE @.IIJING USING 1/2 INCII ORIFICE STANDARD SPRINKTER IIEADS. THIS IVOUI..D OBVIbUSLY REQUIRE SUBSEANTIAI, @ST AND E'FOR".I AJ,SO DETERMINED CO\TERAGE IIEADS VIOUTD T{OT PROVTDE ADEQUATE C:()YERAGE OR RESPONSE TO TIiE PREDICTABI,E FIRE SIZE. TI{EREFORE, WITIT 1TIE PERMISSION At{D AGREEMEI{I OF TIIE FIRE CE,IEF DICI( DURAN AND 11{E CI{IEF BUILDING OFFICIAIJ GARY Mt RRAIN, TI{AT r Ar,rJo?I TtlE woRK rr{ llIE LoBaY To BE DELAYED uNTrr., sucH A TrI{E rfiAT A I{ORKaBLE SOLUTION G1N BE FOUND. TIIE FOIiLOWING CONDITIOI{S DO I{OWEVER APPLY : . A. TIIE viAfER cuRTArN rN TIIE RESTDENTTATJ @RRrDoR LoBBrEs STIATIL BE COMPTETED IN ACCORDANG WI:]H rlIE APPROI/ED PLANS.B. 1?IE FuEt LOAD rN TIIE HorErJ rroBBY ldusr BE REDUCED To AI{ ACCEFTABI,E RANGE IN ACCORDANCE WITIT UT{IFORM FIRE CODE sEctroN 11.209 . TEE VAIt rIRE DEPARTI.IENT I'flOT'LD AGREE TO AI,LOMNG TI{E EXISTING FT'RIIISIIINGS TO REMAIN ON TI{E FT-,OOR OF THE IIOIEL LOBBY PROVIDING TiTE UPIIOLSTERED FURNITURE IVAS REF'ITTED OR SHOWN TO HAII|E E'IRE RESISTIIIE TICKING AND FLAME RESISTANT FABRIC. COMPLTAN@ IS REQUIRED BY THE lsT OF SEPTEMBER, 19A8. rN TIIE ABSENCE OF A I{RTBTEN REprJy, I{E t{ILrJ AssuldE THESE @NDITIONS AND REQUIRE$IENTS ARE ACCEPTABI.,E AND AGREED UPON. IF YOU DESIRE MORE lNr'aRr,IATroN oR wrsH To Drscuss STIESE rssuBs, PLEASE @NTAcr cl{IEF DttRAlI, GARY l.ruRRAIr.t OR :,iysElr }tIgHIl{ 1C DAYS. SINCERELY, /a?42/z?k*J MICIIAEI, I"TCGEE FIRE MARSHAIJ t_ o PUNCH 155 Soulh Nat ato Dear8r Colorado @?23 3atit 6s rogt CTC PROJECT NUMBER ( -zo-s - _o- -:_ _g_ ) FIELD OBSERVATIOTI REPORT PFO'ECTNAME TECHNICt.AN STHR oTHR CONTSVC 8.00 xTR Sl/C x CODE * wPE oF lNsPEcrloN' vlsuAL-.--.--- tvlAcNmc PARTICLE__ uLTFASoNTc WELDMENT-ULTRASONIC- SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTTCAL}--..-...-_BOLTTENSION FIREPROOFING WEFE lrEMs BELow rHE MlNlMuM PRoJEcr spEclFrcATroNs NorED? yEs - No -ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCANON Visual of tle repa:ired structural cornrectjons sas corducted thG'date at arl level-s of ttre ldestin Eotel projectr Follwirq a.re tlpse itsus, frcrn tlre attadreil dliserqnrqy, list, which r+ere rqaired as detailed anl fqrrrt to be accegrtable. *fs 17, 23, 24, 2f , 29, Zg, 30,35, 36, 39, 4Ir 43 tttru 4g, 54, 55, 55 thru 6I, 65 and 6g were aeepted by Richad weirgardt e Assoc./ Craig canrof, are a.s follcnrs: *ts 3, 5,6,7, LO, L2, 16, 1g, 19, 33, 34,37r 3g e 40 Au ott.er itos yet require repair or furt}er instncLion frm tbe EtructsEal ergineer. G.E. Johnson was sr4plied an ugiateit tlst 50, 51, Those itss L|sTITEM-TO ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE NEMS. ' cotoRoDo rrrr "*rll,o". 165 Sounr NJtvAro DEllnEB cotoRADO to22!t @lE8-to5o IIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES a/az/ez Iten T JoeA.t STRUCruRAL XECHAi|ICAL AII'D UATEFIAI.S TESrI.IG ooLoBADo r.rr.olG,r.. rss sourt| }|AVATO DENI'ER, COIOHADOS@:I @1 308-tqn Location: Inspector: te Iten f orted I LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPA}.ICIES [Jobr:7:5a3Q Date: Page: Z of tXtO tvo Q,6:< STFUCruRAL MEcHANtcAL AIID UATERIAI,S TE$a{G coLoMDo r.r, "*t ,*r. orted, I f rsSSOun{ MvAro DEinrEB ooLoRAOO s@23 (os) 698-r0s0 IIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES obf: Zosas? Datel Inspector z Du-r.,.rnp-*t< page: < of \\ q/rq/az rc/ae/8 STRUCruRAL ICCHANICAL AtttD MA?EB|ALS rESrBaO coLoRADO r.rr r**,,n". rsssqltH I{AVAJO DEtil@ coLoRADO sulltl @31 d5.t050 LIST OF OUTSTAI{DING DISCREPAI{CIES Location: 4krzrr At ec yqttce obf: ZoSoSq Da1g3 fnspector:Page: { of te Item I orted - ll-:-.:-:'':-::" ..-.-- -.:--n;:.1. ,:a.F:'. E; i-==-:= -i STRUCruRAL i'ECHANICAL AND II,ATERIA|.S TESTNG rc75ft2 coLoRADo *rr".,fh,r.. r55 SOUn{ NAVAF DElwEF, OOtoRAm 8@23 (o9l G08.r050 r:; ! lij.:t:rl3blttrll;-,iir..i1!ir:4;nt;.L1!i . DISCREPANCIES LIST OF OUTSTANDING Locationl / | - Alrz . Jobri-...o*, Drru. orted Iten t ,4t /=to/n/97 STFUCruRAL UECHANICAL AIID HAIEHAI.,S IESTNIG coLoR^Do rur, ".G, ^.r5s sotJTH l{^VAp DENV@ CAlafi$gs0a2a (sil)cg-toso IIST OF OUTSTAI{DING DISCREPAI{CIES Locatiou:Jobl: zosoct D.3u. InsPector:-DT--,ar*,ef pagez O of, orted I f d:, :,,:=r4::_!!;rc$ri*!eini;i$aiild.sirii,r, ry'az/a z ,dL /D/dq/87 STRUCruFAL IIECI{ANICAL AIIID UATEflAIS TESNilG .. - -- :-r--ri,-I:.:*-rjll=.:e,-!i-al{::i:-:': @LoRADo *o.*C, ,*r. r55 SOttfH luvAb DENI'B,o('I.Of,^DOSO22s (cD0sr0s0 Location: Inspector: Iteu , o LIST OF OUTSTANDING IIISCREPANCIES Jobt : zosas"__pate: Pagel 7 of Date ,y'ea 'tL *;.zg/2oze.t rolzq/ Dt STNUCTURAL TIECHA'{ICAL AIID TEATEMAL9 TESNilG coLoFADo rrrr.**,,". 1s5 SOUTH ttrAVA,O DEt{lrER. @toRADOEl?23 (G) egE-r050 Location: LIST orted ften t &asf=tap. STRUCruML UECI{ANICAL AiID ilATEFIiiS .IESIU{G coroMDo rEsr cEtR Nc. rsssormt }{AvAf,t DEIWER corLoR^DO S02Zl (o3) 6s8-10s0 Location: Inspector: LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPA}TCIES obf: zasase Date: Page: A of ftem * rcfze, lbl Roo= Varor,n, 3En*, STRI..'CTURAI, MECHANICAL A[\ID MATERIAG TE5IB{G coLoMDo ,-r, .t* ,r.. rssSOun ]{AVATO DENVER, COLONADo S@2|I (s3l8SE-t050 Locatiou: LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPAI{CIES )a.rr-, Jobt : "o5o9g Date 3 Inspector: TyS ,Hage: /o ot Iten t STNUSTNAL MECHANICAL AND MATGruAu' TESNNG ooLoRADo resr ca,rf r.rc. r55 SOT TH lrAvAto DEItn En OOLOnADo ao nt (oillBE-roso LIST OF OUTSTANDING I}ISCREPANCIES Location z /)esnp A4ra. f,.,e'la, tJ*a Jobi : zc,sos? Date: Inspector 2D;,.,D Page: t( of, Item , STFUCruRA- HECHANICAL AIIIO MATERIALS TESTING coLoR^DO rESr cCR Nc. r55 SOt tlt I{AVAE DEltvEn corcnAOOs04"3 tGrl 6s8-i0s0 Location: L)e.np lJn.,s €- l.t,,rJobf :zac,,-ae D ate: r?/zc- rnspector: bL brr, *.-tez<- Pa}e /) of et^eD. STRUCruML MECHANICAL AilD MATERIAtrs TESTING LIST OF OUTSTAI{DING DISCREPANCIES orted Iten I ' fiti" E+ ",." qec}t drlJtg sitb Iol|rl @ld, *gif*"".f*, ', 'j ' fric*rara f|eir€ardt ad assocfatgq, tfi, bolc, one tlis jcb for , Craig Gar I lslt South Nslap 6srEr fulsdo g@3 gt3 698 1050 CTC.PROJECT NUMBER ( z -us" --o -: --9. ) FIELD OBSEFVATIOI{ REPOFT /o t/ PUNCH L|sT|TEM-IO oArE Lo/25n7 tEcHNtCTAN ST HR oT HR CONTSVC xTB SVC CODE i 8.00 _r__ x wPE oF lNsPEcrloN ' vlsuAL ----...----- MAGNmc PARTIoLE.....---....--. uLTRAsoNrc wELDMENT.- ULTRASONIC- SHEARCONNECTOR(ACCOUSNCAL}--_BOLTTENSTON FTFEPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOIED? YES .- NO -ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION visual insFe*non of ttre structr::ar. frmiry anl sonnections rns oorr*rcted on the rmainirg rof franirg, gnlds 9 to l7/a to c. ahose ttirns fo'nl to be rejectable were ircoriFomted onto tlre attached. li. 1 e; discepancies, $67 tlrm *22 (please refer). rnspection of the sou*r srope rof deck attactrirg prddle nerds rras err}rcted beb,reen 9 ani L7 on tlrat opleted. Again, Froper Fddte welds were rcted, as beiry instatteal. Fddle welds weu:e again nissirrg at core top of laU straps as outlined by itm +71. A jobsite meetirg lxiti H[c Engfueer, ,rohn ltal.cnb is scheduled for LO/27/87. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE TTEMS. PFqTECTNAME WestlnEotelrrller:acelgfr?r t' I ooLoBADo r.., *Q, rr" rSSSOulH l|l^VAp DEruER. @rcnADO s0plzit (o3l6s-ros0 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Jobf: zosoS? Date: fnspector ia2uD,aznaey<_ pagus -- l( of .: r1l+r. -.r:'*,r j-]!re,:"i4.i:;- j:l.!ir:.irl x.ra'i} !. !-t: r_-,: . Iten I STRUCruRAL I|ECMNICA! AITID iJiATERIAU; TESi.NNG @LORADO TEST CEilR, tNc. rs6SOLmt}{^vAp D€trn,En coLoRAOO00€3 @lB-r0$ IIST OF OUTSTAI{DING DISCREPANCIES Jobl :zo<,.ar Dagg; rnspector: L brr,.,,.eLeec- P ager /) of Iteu t e.^@. STF(CTURAI- I'ECHANICAL AIID MATERI,AIS TESNNG _- t 60tu'r9 V fdd llt ffi*l:nfg weinsardr consglgg[g fuiec't Localiql Terrace l.Jing Addiilonn l{estin Hotel -No. Rl{c #_273la0?a.l Obgervadon Repod h'sonsp'essrt John Ma'lco'lm.(RtlC), Chuck Hlghlettn Jim l,lright and Mike Mclntyre r) Ernie Pyle (sLP ) and Joel ( FIELD FINDINGS. CfC-Geotet provt _USLpf _dixrepgl_cy__Aems. IXele wjII be a dd res s_qd a t Jhe-€!Ld__aflh_r. s_repo ft-. At stai r c-qt:_es-to--tssf-dge!-c.suee!io. ns, we -werg-llfqrqrg_d_lhe!-slse]--plqle per 'lzllrllhad io-be- remved- A con-tlouous_angle-a_xj,r_- V-4_shodd_ue__gxpan_sion Eo]lg shou'ld.be 2112" minimum from the edge gf_!g!glg!e-. Meta'l decllshoqld be -1t_e1de_d_g11he qlgle__Ulltrl'l of weld every foot. _ ___llle_-Vfewed_!!p_sgv|!y__be'tow the beari core wall embed pla_tg, The cQntrac_t9f_!_lfo_rynLq-! thqqj'e4_e.q_91_c!9L9lq_dg_ge ins-!_eL!ed on this plate. Nqn gtgut_nhqy[_lq_lqpllied_-qgloqlh_e_p-la!g.:_ _- _l{e_shssr-v-e-d_@-r9qf_-dqnry:-n at 9Jo_19 lfrre_lrW_r,_e_!g_q._sj_[9_11i!!_C_tm ltrishr' Etgnk Frevgq--Ernle-lyle-glrg Jqel-,---EsemL eng- -cq! !4!!9 !!e-f-ere wi th a rrirrdow -andlhei n!q:-sr-lpgsg-ol-@s-9flhe -l a4qe1;ui!e-s-r- El9-ull--sgpplylhe erector--and qonlraclorJi!h,dela:..|,:_f_S!i re4gvfig .![is fqq4ing !y.[e{ne_sday, (Continued on Page Two) turcentcompr€ro Jtructure 95'l +_ _ _ __ ___ubarha, _ Sunny.50,s chuckHugh1ett,Phj.|Harris(G.E.Johnson)-' copissbDan I)-ickmeyer {CTC-Geotek) Ernie pyle (SLp) and Erank._F_r.eJer lVai-l .vehturesl tr,, A A A Bv --.--!#",*4,fflVllL..-Dare27 0ctober J9B7 - -.Fepo'rNo. -5-6 il0hn A. Malcolm o ejrr) 6 lgr ' :Tdn bolted to the top of core walls - with 5/8" diameter by 4" bolts at 3,-0 on center. 'late atC.S - 17.5 at the roof beam to lng ,lns ..: x 4o x 0'-g" cHp pratc shourd be rnstailed and werded arl arcund wirh r/ and beam. A,sr ItEm 4A - This ls acceptable by RIC.: Itgrn qg l'l4 cortlnuous ans angle.' ' li ," :r'i t' t: .. apprbximately 30 Inches uf 114 fillet ueld at each end of cap plate to beam ls i::. Il :.1 ,.li' ':l :l I 1 :j il -,t' 0bservatlon Report RWC #273/2028.r 27 October 1987 Page Three ftl Item 64 - See ltem 52. Item 66 - Use fix described for Item 49, Item 67 - Acceptable by Rl,lC. Item 69 - Supply 3l4 X 4" X.glolO', clip plate. l,Jeld td l/4', fillet we'ld all around to embed and beam. Furnlsh 6'. of weld to the embed minimum. If this cannot be done supply clip plates on each side. supply at l7-c.5 also. Item 70 - see attached sketch. supply plate if Hlls are not fully welded to bearing plate. Item 7l - See Item 49. Iten 72 - Supply l-3/e X 4u X 0,-10,' clip plate. Weld with t/4 inch fillet all around to embed and beam web. Filo Num Designeogy: 0l? r oaa: Ih -j leo Chocked By: Oa!E: 'f m l,ii I 'l -'i. I I I :l s s ?-'a-.J rrr---r!:9 *ffi'E!. I fl [c hard We inga rdt Cons,,It '"fr.*-**-fffi,ffi* "=_ s$tants File Nunber rF\^uesgne o By: V lilrzl Date, / ti - \ o-l , Checked By: Protecl; o Sublect: Dctails:- Date: , -=..---- GRout- solro w f)Dt) Si.,if trulf Gr9ou a, t f f ih 0 Fas ABF uor FUIIY U)ELpEo To €meeo PtAre SuFfrI 1k x t',ri'-o PJ-. w a- 6h ,,o €xf 6orrs As SHaBJrt, {il- .t!. ar.tr!rE_: 155 South N8ra|o Do'|l€r Colorado &tr443 gxt 698 rO50 CTC PROJECT NUMBER (rus--o-r-r-) D. Dicls€rer FIELD OBSERVATIOT{ REFONT PUNCH L|sTfiEH-TO I}ATE errErc TECHNICIAN STHR OTHR CONTSVC XTRSVC CODE* 7.00 TYPE OF INSPECTION . VISUAL ...-----.---- MAGNETIC PARTICLE -, ULTRASONTC WELDMENT-, ULTBASONIC.-..-..-_ SHEARCONNECTOF(ACCOUSTICAT}-.BOLTIENSION FIREPROOFING W€RE ITEMS BELOWTHE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES- NO ITEM NUMBER DESCRIMON/LOCANON Vist:al inspecLion otr bat joist wetds sas oord'eted on the rmf, soutlr s1o5n, 9ri& II to 12. afl reE:irea f{Uet. selds ryee fount to be instafkd ant acce5table. rn'specti,on of l*re ro?tlr sepe, sr.une grids, aould rDt be eryleted due to instarlation of desk over ttrese rre]ds. puddLe werdirg of declc on tt€ rnrttl sloln uas foJrri to be accqrEable, on that eq>J-eted tlds date. Deliveu:ed arri reuieped cItr tist of diseepancles f:m, L0/20/87 wittt L,PR eection foraan, Joel. ft wag agreed tlrat repair r,ork r,puld start re:<t lreek after rof deckirg cas ocnpleted. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS, r55 Sciltt t{ryaE o€nEr Odosadb BOng 303 &8 1050 CTC FNOJECT HUfiBER @LOFADO TESTT 6El'G, tNe 1t580unil NAVATO DENI,ER, COLORADOS@A (o0l€0&t60 Location: Inspector: I.IST OF OUTSTAT{DING I}ISCREPANCIES ob#'.ZaSasq llate: Page: A of $EUSTRAL IIECI{AIICAL A| T'ATEIUAIS TESNNG otted Iten I coLoRAm rrr, *Q,r". r55 SqtrH I{AVATO DENVER. OOLORADO E'23 t$q 6s-r05rt Location: tIST OF OUTSTAI{DING DISCREPANCIES ,uC" Jobi : ro5o39 Date: Inspector: Tlr O ,c,rs,r-e-re+* Page: , c> of : Iten f .r'.4"r7 I tl STRUCruRAL MECH NTCALA{D lttATERl,AtS TESIB{G cor.dmoo resr cerf rnc. r55 SOUTT{ I{^VATO DENI'ER.COLOn^FS@EI (ssl€s-t@ LIST OF OUTSTAI{DING DISCNEPANCIES Location: l)6rnp Ara. . €.ra*t,, \ Jobf : zosos? Date : Inspector:Page: l( of SilRUCruNA- UECHANICAL AIID MATEFI.AI.$ TESTING Iten I _ -_1 j*,g-_-&4li3,.rlai3..irA{Lb T t- LIST lTEtrl - TO-- e176*r9lVsi*Er*-.restin Eotel 155 Sq,ti tila!,ajo DonrE Colorado S223 309 6s8 1050 CTC PROJECT FIUMBER D. GJror{ FIELD OBSEBVATIOII REPOFT PRO.'ECTNAME TECHNICI,AN 8T HF OT HR 10.00 I Pt,NCH f705 -0 3 9 I __-, coNTsvc rrBsvc coDEt x 2.00 x TYPE OF INSPECTION. VISUAL MAGNETIC PARTICLE- UTTFASONICWELDMENT , ULTRASONIC---_ SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL}---.-.--._BOLTTENSION FIFEPROOFING WERE ITEMS SELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES -_ NO -- ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCANON rirepqoofiry ao\re!:age inspection ras contr:ctecl at trte site for several areas of the ltik arrt Ternace Wir:g etritidns. Results are presented belohr in sections for each area. phs:e calrs nere rnade on Lo/2187 to krie pyre of serasuse r-asler & partner.s, anl to John Snit$ of orcssraods Enterpris€ to cferify firepnoffrg requ":rrments ani to fansit results of ttds fu*eectlon. At ttre site, a nerbal rqnfr, ms .given to chuck.ssrlett of G.E. ,Tohrrson bget&s rith rptes ard aiag'a's Ehtrirg dtefictency roetions at o].tmrs. Si:c sanples for densitl, detesaination $e!:e taken. r-€ve1 I' sqrth'a'rf: Reinspectiorr of co:rections to coverage dteficienc.ies at aohrms vas onctr:cted.. xtris area is rstr accq)ted. spuaay. rsrqrootirq has not been apptied to beans ln tlds area a$i to the bTt of uy kruiledge the beils are flre prct€cted by other cl o n ! !m t-n C'-l : -r- --to/J/81-GZ-6.rT-ff9 FL--.___.____-... DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Level 1, Nortlrern tlalf: rnspected coverage on colunns. Application deficiencies were cibserved at 77D anil 16/D.6 colunns ard so narked. At 9/t-8 co}mur, t*ra enveraped has been daruaged. Beams are rrct qrrayed in this are. r,wel 3, Norttrern Half: Nine corrsmrs at t]le nest end of ttris area are rDt spralred yet. Atrplication.deficiences at 3 cohnms were mrked. statrs of ttr.is.area is recorded, on a diagrarn and copies left at tlre site. Agaia, beans are rpt qn:al€d in tlis area. Link $-rlce colunnsr. Belcrs Levels 1 ard 2: Ttricl<ness specifications for the 5x5:.546 tube corrnns were not pr:ovided to glc-G€otek. TtF follovirq approac*r rras used to establistr thickness for 2 hours using cafco Dc/F firqroofirg. Fireprmfirq ttdclqess fc a tlbe mlurr is i:rversely proSnrLional to tlre wall tjuickness of the tr:be prwided $lat dloensions oiE the b:be are equal to or greater than reference brbe for wh:ich test data is avairahls. Ut dtesign XB27 for a 4x4 tube gives 2 hour :catirg tiiclcnesse f,x a 3flG sarl as z-zne irrtres and for a 3/8 r+arl as L-L/A inctres. !y interporation, a 5 6 iral-l- ; ttb6 rT.ujJes L-9/L6 irrches for a 2 horr ratirg. Coverage at a.l'l I0 705039 frr6.{tlarfrg lTt'lt'rc r rsr€ctor! 155 Soulh Nevap O€tret Cotorado 80223 $3 698 1050 ITEM NUMBER -2- -3- -b pnorecr * DATE PAGE * >t tiE mln !o 155 South !,18!€p D,er ef Cobr8do 80in3 341 698 1050 ACTION TAKEN FEGARD|'HG ABOVE MMS. o DESCRIPTION/LOCANON Lirrk, Eeanss Sprayirg of lerrel 2 bees is implete as deteqmjred bv phone oonrensaLion rdth John sith. ro the best of rny lmcrr leveJl I bedns.in tle li.nk do rot neeat to be spayecl. I,esrel 2, Cohrrns in l{orttr e So:th Balvee: A feru application deficiensies were cbsenred. Tkteir locations are rgrded on tie deficienciee diagraos. I€vel 2, tv24 Beans: -'.[hse deep benns eurtird belcrr t]re 2 hour susperded flre rateil ceiLiJg. .Ecistene of srch a ceil"i.rg is asslr€d fu t}'e foilcurirg dtscr:ssion. If $:ch a aeiling ls not Snstarled, corsiderabLe orrectisr rork fo'r itas ?.2 ad 7.3 is required- ttric*ress of L-5/B fux*t i-s cbser'ed'at trese beaus, s<c€t for itss belsr. 7'L) A systenatic'deficiency @curs on the tcp surface of tfre l.cr,ser flarges. Ttris ruost be respnayed as trese surifaces are belsr ceil- iag 1e/e1. Tlro sites hrhse density s-mples nse sut uust be patrfi- ed. Also, tlre bem on llrte C betlueen Z ard g ehoulil be sprayed,, 7.2) Ihe top drrface otr tJle r4per fJarges of thse bems are rst tf tbeV are traotected by a 2 hour ceiilirg, the!, rrculd - Et .need to be spra1eA.. 'Otherrrise, tlese srrfaces .'.., : L0nn7 fl(i|tualrur!6 rfsrrm,islfct€r, t55 South Na€p Denver Colorado Soeel 303 698 1050 ITEM NUMBER -8- ActoN TAKEN hEcAnoir-ic aeove nelds. PFoJEcr# 705039 DAIE LO/I/87 PAcE # .--_l__g-r a m <-m o o o m !DESCRIPTION/LOCATION 7.3) Alorg half ttre lergttt 6f ttre I{24 bearns, I{U beans are attached to the top of the r.rppen flarqe. These are hard.ly Agai.:r, the pr'eserce of a 2 hour ceilirg is relevant. wit-tput srrch these mernbers nust be sprayed. Ievel 2, !Vl2 Beams: Ttrese bease suFport deck in a corridor area along the rprth side of ttre rairg. . Sprayirq of ttre beam on L:tne 1? betseen A ard. A.7 was overtooked.. Elsewtere about half ot ttre bearus have rpt been protected on the top of tlre u6per fi.ange bebreen joists. o ruNCll llEll:--,. . ttg LIEI . 156 Sdxh t{8yafa tlg !re? Cotoraiei Em4t E3 @ togl CTC PFOJECT HUMEER F|E|.D OBgEnYAttOtr RsFot|.t PRCIdECTiIAME TECHNICIAN ( Z-o-' - -e-3-e-) TYPE OF ttts'pecfiot{ - . vlSuAL , . MAONmC PARnCLE- ULTFASONICWELDUETT x , ULTRASONIC----? SHEAR OONNECTOR (ACCOUST|CAL)-. BOLTIENSTON-.----, FTHEPROOFTNG -r'-+WERENEMSBEI.OWT}IEMINIMT'MPROJ€CTSPECIFICATIONSNOIED? YES NO t NEM NTUMtsEP ACTION TA,I(EN FEGARDINGASOVE rIEMS. // l o .-F _r. I n m o {n x EHF Eie 6Rr -FF 86 o o Itl I I ?t o n N o A t,(4 ,E n o 3J. o a:l It: o 4 Fi o g€EO rtP og n FH FCL FO HF !rF F t+r oF.f,o 5F OF ol-oo .. E, tr.€ v) z, -l v)-;t-:z. O E: € Fr.!r- w F F I {o ts r (-. o F. t? D iu v) {o ts B F GI ttt n o o o o o D E F ts r o tF FI o E o =ct ID I v,o n o rEl F lD E D n F 6 F t5l HI tPl H a!o (o rO €o .af, .t z I o ,|.| tn o t E o o e .O L '|, Er O ,tJ O Ju o -Ohlt 0i L |tr Ol!\g-9 f -co |' E lOl!0, OrJ >ut '- Ct- c -o-{.,lg Ct .g ., rd .o o o € TD \o n1 ct z E o EL o E L a!cl g$ bI EE rEE CJt lll 9E {E €8 -tD -E c)E EE U,3 EFt EJ FriF!!Fq!F1a'rEr":F9-fr:'a!= 14 'o I 6 q, J t a' o {J t! EtGltltqnrc rTsrrr6 |lrspfqroir 155 Soulh Navalo Det et Colorado 802?3 303 69S 10s0 CTC PROJECT NUMBEF (70s- 0 3 9l o OT HH coNT svc x xtF svc coDE * I x V D. Gancrt TYPE OF INSPECNON . VISUAL - MAGNETIC PAFTICLE ULTFASONIC WELDMENT -. ULTRASONIC SHEAF CONNECTOF (ACCOUSTICAL) .- BOLT TENSION FIREPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJEGT SPECTFICATTONS NOTED? YES - NO ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION The densities of six fire5xoofirg sdples taken fron the Terrace wirg Addition at the westin liotel, e'<ceed rninirmnn requirererrts etablished fu Urderrrriters Laboratories for Cafco DCr/F. These criteria are 13 pcf rnirrfun:n average density per area, and 1I pcf ninfunm densiQr per sarple. Resul_ts are: Level 2: Sarple J_: 16.2 5rf Saqrle 2: 16.4 pf SaryIe 3: f4-3 pcf Sarp1e.4: 13.9 pcf . A\ERA@: 15.2 pcf Letrel- 3: Sarryle t: 16.5 pcf Sarryle 2: 17.6 pcf AIERA@: J-7-0 pcf ACTION TAKEN. FE6ARDING ABOVE ITEMS. PUNCH L'ST ITEM - TO DATE | 10/\/R1 : pROJECT 111ME Vgestin Eotel Addition TECHNICIAN ST HR 3.00 FIELD OBSERVATION REFOFT fticrifc,lrlE IgSt!6 lfsFfffi lS5 South Nala|o Oenlrur Colorado 80'.3 303 @8 t05o CTC PROJECT NUMBER (ru:-o-3 e_) PUNCH L|S?TTEM TO FIELD OESEBYATIOI{ BEFOFT PBOJECTNAM' 'or xh ... coNT svc xrn svc coDE ; x TECHNICIAN TYPE oF lNsPEcrloN ' vlsuAL _-_ MAGNETIG PARTICLE -, uLTRAsoNlc wEtouerur X ULTRASON]C- SHEAHCONNECTOF (ACCOUSTTCAL) BOLTTENSION FIREPROOFING WERE lrEMs BELow rHE MINIMUM PFoJEcr spEcrFrcATroNs NorED? yEs _ No ITEM NUMBEH DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Ulb:asonic reinspection of peviously rejected roof bent bean splices rms conduqted at ttre westirr Eotel Ter::ace ![irg addition. For additionar i'fomatlon, prease refer to the attacrrei reEDrE datrd, L|/S/BZ. ST HR 2.00 ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEM& IO 12 o L'I o tlA I t!+l ti o E o lr It o H Pr TJ ql a o |0 o o o o }r A DO H E ri |5 tr..o!0 r{O UO dtr OJ4 F{ (J rlE r|H tr (ltF{ '96 tr Tto r-t !oqt BE a a ltl = o I 2 F Q F c, z o ca F -l o (, tu rrl o 1..tr h a 'ct o N lr o E IJ , F|{do =id Et tr 4rr o L o tr a +r tJ q,q F nt $ e8 <s >x z *,6 =XO -t r?_ dg sgq EEg v lrl F o tr, 5 I I IECHMCIAR GODE ' o ,c F{oit 'oo o'o io a?o rl zo on I n tn o { m * $Fn sEP 6QT *FF B6 H t\,(t g D !l tr rn s o t?c n o n cl o 0 a? l| E o F' D E at o Fl N o A d r< t+l o -l F -l F cn z rl -l F'(n { z =r| F. a g€tro rtts or rl FH DA FO |{tt !' t'-Frn OF Ft) 'D o.r OF @o D!t E o o o F a f? E an {o Fr r F.It 00 r€ n o o o o o rd .l o TJ o o ?r p tr F F rt F o o F F.FI o I 'o t Fi 6 I vt o o t?F.o el zl ol t|Frrla4€ 'lsn6 4rsPtcrEa/ t55 Soulh itlr!€p D€isr Colorado qr2?3 gr3 6t!8 '1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBER ,t I J-05 - -_o l -9, I'IELD O88E RVATTOII REFORT PRA'ECT I{AME IECHNICIAN 8T HR 8.00' PUNCH LIST TTEM - TO - - oT HR CONT WC XrR SVC coDE * 1.50 x TYPE OF INSPECTION. VISUAL - MAGNEflC PARTICIE -- ULTMSONTC WETDMENT X . ULTRASONIC- SH€ARCONNEGTOR (ACCOUSNCAL}-..--.BOLTTENSION FIREPROOFING WERE TTEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECTFICATIONS NOTED?. YES - NO -ITEM NUMBER OESCBIPTION/LOCATION Ultrasorric inspecUon of roof bent bem spl.tces rns qlJ.eted this dbte at lti&rcst Steel fabrication shop. For test results, plaaoe refen to the attacfted repcE d;,rld, LO/g/g7. ACNON TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE |TEMS. attJ.e. ': t ffi 165 SOuTH NAVA'O DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (so3t 898-1O50 CTC PFOJECT NUMBER ( r n ""-4-3.L) FIELD OBSERYATTON BEPOFT PBOJECTMME ntorffi, 6/ PUNCH LTSTITEM-TO Page Che XTRSVC CODE*TECHNICI,AN STHR OTHR CONTSVC 8.00 1,00 x TYPE oF lNSPEcrtoN' vtsu* x , MAcNETIC pARTtcLE-, uLTFAsoNTcwELDMENT_ ULTRASONIC__ SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAU__BOLTTENSION FIFEPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOWTHE MINIMUM PROJECTSPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES- NO ITEM NUMBER DESCFIPTION/LOCATION Visual inspection of the bar joist rvelds was corxlrcted at Ll of Terrace Wirg betrveen grids l. to c.3/I to E, ani C to F/6 to 16. stose welds fo'rrrt to be rejectable wse narked. as Euch rrith white ihk. Inspection of bolt tensionirq rrras con&rctd at Ll, grids L to 8.9/G.3 to M. On those bems freiry into ttre aollwr w&s, tensionirg, as weIL as irts5l€ction of bo1ts, bad to be done Ey hard due to lirnits of accessibilier. Of the bolt-s inspected, 10? per ornection, ninftnan of brp,rl_l were founl to be pnoperly tensioned ard, acceptable. Vj-sual inspection of T.1 framing ard. ccnnections was aorducted beirileen grids 1 to 8.94 to H. Itpse itss fourrl to be rejectable ardrron Slmq>lete, rvee imrponated onto ttre attaclred 'tist of outstaniing discretrrncies, Itffis *8 Urru *15 (please refer) ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. I55 SOUTFI NAVA'O DEHVEB COLOFADO 80823 (3031 698-rO5O CTC PROJECT NUMBER [ ..Lo-5 - JL l_ s_ ) FIELD OBSERYATIOT{ FEPORT PUNCH LIST ITEM-TO oAle qn/87 PROJECTNAME Westin btel,4lerrace Wirq TECHNICI,AN ST HR Page $p oTHR CONTSVC XTRSVC CODE* TYPE OF INSPECTION. VTSUAL- MAGNETIC PARTICLE-._ ULTRASONTCWELDMENT- ULTRASONIC- SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL).----_BOLTTENSTON FIREPFOOFING WERE ITEMS BELOWTHE MINIMUM PROJECTSPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES- NO- ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPNON/LOCATION Itte prcblas beirg obse!.ned betrreen bean to mre ard CIP s&ed onnections uas agai-n bnorght to ttre attention of G.E. Jotrnson sulterinterdents. ACTION TAKEN REGAROING ABOVE ITEMS, coLoFADo r.r, "r{4.,n.. t55 SOtm{ l.tAVA,O DEHVER. G}LORADO 8@I (sstg.r05o tocation: o LIST OF OUTSTAT.IDING DISCNEPA}ICIES fifobf:7c6a3q Date: of Inspector: DuS,"rrltfR Pagez Z STFUCTURAI. MECHANICAL AND MATERIAIS TESNNG rtn-trr^|E llfta;t TE- llllltt 'lr -.,lqb tdzvff PUNCH LIST ITEM-TO r55 SOUTH itAVA,O DENVER, COLOHADO 80223 (303) 69&1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBEB r"( LO5 - o_3_e_ ) D. Gan*t HETO OAgEBVATION FEFOFT '-6 11 tO1 PRoJEGTNAMe lBti.Il btel Addition Page OrE coNTsvc rtnwc coDE * xl TECHNICIAN ST HR 8,50 OTHF wPE oF lNsPEcrloN' vlsuAl----_ MAcNEnc PARTICLE--_ uLTMsoNtcWELDMENT- ULTFASONIC- SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSNCAL}-----_-_BOLTTENSION FIFEPFOOFING WERE ITEMS EELOWTHE MTNIMUM PROJECTSPECIRCATIONS NOIED? YES- NO ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPNON/LOCATION -1- Initial tnsq:ection of fireprmfirg co\rcrage at t}te Irhase I plaza was perfond. A reoril of deficiency lrcations rras made on J.etrel diagrms of tlrjs strr:ctrre. A rf,alk-ttru of tlre stnrsture uas done with the firepnofirq fonaan. A verbaL retrnrt of corditjons lms given to Chuck He!ilett of G.E. Johnson. Results are sunnarized in tlre foJ-lcnilgr: About on*thirrl of the roof lev.el was sufficierrUly strrayei. to be inspected. Arnther inspection for ttris area arri deficieraies on lower levels is pi.anned for ttre raear firirrre- flpical tlrickrresses neet or s<ceed requiraents for ttre rrarious ty;tes of msibers. At deficiencies located on colur[rs, tnny are due to pro<imity of wa1l strxls wh-ich imkes sprald-ng difficult. In ttris cases, rp occurance of bare steel las cbserved, but presently additional ACTION TAKEN REGAROING ABOVE ITEMS. 1 rSsSOUIH I{AVA,O DENVER, COLORADO S0223 (3O3) 8S8.1O5O gTC PRAIECI NUMBER ,'I J-05 '-0- 3.L ' FIEI.D OBSERVATIOII REFOFT PUiICH LISTfTEM TO o,r/'E 9/L/87 TYPE OF INSPECTION. VISUAL _- MAGNEnC PARTICLE -. ULTRASONIC WELDMENT_...-. ULTRASONIC--_SHEARCONNECTOR(ACCOUSTICAL)---BOLTTENSION FTREPROOFING X WERE ITEMS BELOW IHE MINIMUM PROJEGT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES - NO - PBOTECTNAME lilertln tlntel adAition Page Ttso TECFINICI.AN STHR OTHR CONTSI,C XTF SVC CODE * HE sts {{ITEM NUMBEF -3-(son't) DESCRIPTION/LOCAIION t}ickness is needeal on suctr surfaces. AdLtitloal spr:ayi.r'g is planned. If there are Grss ltrere sprayilq pr:oves ineffectirze, reccrnuend, t}tat nineral fiber erirry be used to ashie\E firtl thic*ness. Four sap]-es for clensitlz u€sur@nt were taken fircm tne stq:str:re. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. ) a COLOFADO TEST CEI\IfER, INC. 1s5 SOUnl NAVATO DEr{rER. COTOFADO 8@"3 FqI 3S.r050 LIST OF OUTSTA}.ID ING D I SCREPANCIES , r eEa obf : ?oS,o3? Date: Inspectorz ?u-E\.z,<e"ter< Page: ? of \.-J te orted Item # ::-Date_ STFUCruSAL M€CHAflICAL ANO MATEHI.AUi IESIING - Eeoreil r55 SOUtlt r{/tvaro DENVER,OOLORADO 80223 (3031698-1080 CTC FROJECT NUMBEF ( ro.-s-'- o-r-g- ) D. Garac FIELD OBSERYATIOT,BEFOIT Ff,O'ECT!{AI'E I PUNCHUSTmU__,IO_ r-- j re€fir &rtel Addttion OTHR CONTWC x IECHNICIAN STHF 2.00 - xTH S\rC GODE I I TYP€ OF INsFEcnoN .. vIguAL -. MAoNEnc PARnGLE -.= ULTFAISoNIo WELDMENT- ULTRASONIC .- SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUEnCAL) --. BOLT TENS!oN...+ RFEPROOFING X WEBE rrEMS BELOWTI'IE MINIMUM PF(}TECTSpECtFTcATtolts NorED? yEs_- t{o_ ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPnON/LOCANON The densitieE of Caf,o DClt. ffresroofiry sqle taken fircm t}re Phase I Flaza stnrc.trre at ttre lestl-n btel bave been der-Frmircd at CTC-€eotek. 'Flpse densittes plceed IIL requiroerrts ftrr this rm,terlal, wttich are 13 pd ninJrnm a\rerage trEr area ard It pcf niljme density Ber sqpfe. Resd,lts are: Plaza, Pbase I >t HE mm !o Saq>le 1: Sanple 2: Sarryle 3: Sarple 4: A\ERA@: 18.3 IEf 15.4 pcf 16..1 Fctr I7.3 IEf 17.0 pcf, ACTTON TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS -l o D<1rr€ r-tFOF.t r-O f- ur<'11. o tt -1 rt !r 0oB c l.r-O H ,f (n!' o t/r r+ t,?t{9t.ll0q o oF YFI O F('FO !l o. €o an d o t! RP (n (t, (') D3 (D (a o o :t E. 2 EI o o o o o o m GI o o a, @ G' 0 @ o s - rcl .l CL o EF ;€(D.Es ;l ?F f,3 <,> 9 ETL=SFF oo !o!' =l,lo .+F oE .rO 6g F9 aii o.(*{F.o lE =3 o F o -l €Er-.o5 nGt r -ri n-l O-l -t 0, $ H $ (t =E r"Er \'\ \Yi \t\' ' 'qBi fl rn(l) -- f'|raQ ,-r .tl ox x>dJ :O o-z =rO {o og rrt 3B Fg flo -=.?3 m D -{ -t 1r!mm zz oo zz g ut@ mm oo Tt 'tl om o =r q=dP z2 co z az d {G of o-r oo -ro CL EO O-t o r o -t iiiijFE ffiilFf rs$lE iiilr; dtils ? sFgl + i$gt vt t:E F o t+o o t-t ul trg tr5 9=FEF 88"44 dE ss $n Hn <Hg =2 OQ Yi' E f;H e ld il Hd 5 0z d fi!/'aa ffI eei z q, CI' z c' c) 3 m (' @ {m U'-t l'n lt--r{ =m o a m It =o z g ! I I J 3 m o @ a m 6 z 3 -o FI o o n#f*tu o PUNCH OTHB CONTSVC x r55 SOUTH NAVA,O DENVER, COTORAOO 80223 (303) 608-ro50 CTC PROJECT NUMBER ( -z o:- --0. -=r -g- ) 'lr lw-LlsTmM-rd_ FTELD OBSEBVATIOT{ REFORT PRO,ECTNAME TECHNTCIAN ST HR 5.00 xfFsvc coDE * TYPE OF INSPECNON . VISUAL _...-.-. MAGNETIC PARNCLE ---* ULTFASONIC WETDMENT .-..-------. ULTMSONIC--SHEAFCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL}...--,BOLTTENSION FIREPROOFTNG WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECTFTCATIONS NOTED? YES - NO ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPNON/LOCATTON Bar joistweldirg vas vi-sualty irrspected tlds atate all.2, L 6 9.9/ l(-M of the Terrace Wirq Milition. tElds visr:afty rejectei, r+*e narked irr white fuk for fub:re reqnj.r. InsStection of ttre 3rl4n dianeter A325 bolts was lhysicafty alorg grid firc F.8/8.9 to 16, at fr:aning letreL l of tbe Ter:ace Wirtg Addition. Att bolts inspec-ted were founi, to be p:operly tensioned arrl accetrrtable. Visual inspection of flmr decldJrg rqias corducted at LJ. framirg, grids 1 to 7/G.3 ta 14,. AI)- 5/8" Erddle welds l€ated at L2n center-trcenter, greviously accepted bV Wefugl:arat & Associates, were forrd, to be jrstafkd, arrd visnfty acceptable. Ihe above info:anation was given verbally to Lm Erection foreuan, Joel. oerc' g/zm1- ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ASOVE TEMS. ffioffiuv DEJtfl,ER,coLoFADooo2za puNcH ugrmH , *y__(3031098't05{t HEtDoBgERvATtot{FEFoRT F; crc pRCfrEcrNuMBEF FrErpoEsEnvATtot{ REFoRT DATE_E_9CE= PFO.TECTI'|AM! ks-tinkrteVrnerraelrfng I:.os--o_r-s_I recnn|cru STHR orHR coNTglrc xmsvc ooDEr . Didqever 2.00 :- X _ -l - 'tt TYPEOFINsPEcnoN' vrsur { . MAGNmcpABTTCLE-, ulTnAsoNrcyyEaour* , uLTRAsoNlc - 9HEAR @NNFgroR GccousncAu -* BoLT TEilsroN FrFEpRooFrNc I'I'ERElrEMsBELowrtlEMrNtMuMpnoJEcrgpEctFrcATroNsNolED? yEB_ No_, B ]TEM NUMBER DESCHPnON/LOCANON vlsuaL rei-nspectJon of tlre penricusly reJected bar joi.st rerdrrs rsas @Dfrrcteil on t}e gffiace Wfu,q frefng lerel, gri.Lb g.9 L6/C tE F.8.. AIt reSnJ:s ree fo:rd, to be acqrletet anl Tlris infon-aitsr rras venaally given to r;FR. Ereetion forqan, ,roer. ACTION TAKEN FEGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. {0 ><t-..:it9r=at .tF,ou. =t.CF.(n< Cl . o |. ':t rt $ @n €: rro Fl iFo\= o grd(n rn{tui E0a o otr Yr|o ,o tri Fto €o ?t t-i J o .l o o o € (lI (Xrtr Iro t-t n t! F 0 v1 .) !3 t!U, C:o f GT o @ €t o al :f 5 <l E_ m :lEI : .D o ID E C'I CD o o € |lI o CL o (-o C'z o ; @ g\ @ { fRg g F.o.*tstr.X ;si g :F T oE cE 5 6g' Fe s gd s g: 'E ct (D o \n(, o\e !m uC)r=ei o= a9 -O rO Q3 r!!T>rJo -l n-6 oz flc':3 .v> m I z{-t 5f+6mm m !zz ,^clO izz t=3 6@@ (Dmm n!:o oo 'n '?l ('m F9i :3=-3 g='o-Y z2 +so ==c !i d=frd o ct o 'n f €r-o-38 =Fo-oo 'l -t vt E.tt rt o f+o o a+ul 6i<-: 3 a-l4 ! 3di ,i;ii 3ll; ;ei? 3Fl3 iEi e ;ETE g $Fs Eiii FE 3T . <o:668 $eg 6 E-- e *F c.c3 839 E3F iif ge* :ts E;A $FflI a+; I FESI l!r t-{m sl -t m I g m m -t (n m !o -.1 6 z @ tra tr EgSFE rige#f;ag 3 ocitr U tE]J-fieH H 9"9 Y sfi og ErXq * 3+{4c,r fi: =Pzi mt o -s,Ha fE -Jc)F ct tD -t m o -l rr!eI -o |crm (tt a(t c_-m <T ;o (,! at r-t ct oo Fr il t-r oo|o tar?-o ar -t o-.Un ! o -l o |,,i (, €0,o o (' vl o -l o 3 F o m o o llllq. ,- af.wI 8.)E= FE 8RP sh s8 EE.gar gF rt- o g" g sr q sl P oo A r-.8; !€z i;a O- =-r'.: <3lo =9,1 fi -o-al cr or od o:co gt tl o at cl orO t-q3 E -d -=lo -F8 E-t 3-o=O..tO -t tt 3P o o-tt,qt,-tO cO-t ftll < -c O -O cL rr rt tt oO (nf,o 0,-tt.?t -r o(Cl O1 o€\5n|F .+ In : rar -o't'ur oo .t oo ro dtr .<-t u|oo rct -on -o o CL -lr rtJ oo C-o C'z I F Co (t\ o to D P I I \p ..I do I 6 '\r c,!t r o E 0 =z p 6 o o o I CN <>E o fL aJ. =34 -o 89:o= fE Itl T>oc' :-=!t 6' r€ -o at o 'e m m 7 o o z s I o z o z ct {nt !m !l c !m -a o'm 3 @ o o 3 c =o {6 z €{ o o z {tl o o P m z o z m m p !o =m o :{ o z m t ><-<r+O O0r F-.O-:' -O-(/l<(.). O : 'n rt o @-t c 3 -O -r r( 3 (! -!1 \r o -'t (cl O or- o -c,'tO n, CL €o ti ,+ ll, rtt A0J n- =ro -o-o os tt: oo\ 3 z ocL o OE'Or+ !.o oc rtl de oo 3-t UI o €t ttl (- o td o cl o J ul al v,r ! o o o Ut il ll-l l"ld' I lFl$l l"ll lrl tl It"l I tq I tto I ITI : I lEl :- | lEl -l tvt o I tet 1l ll*l ||l LI - Eeover' rgssoufi NAVruO DENIGR, COTORAOO 80!Ud] {30gr 89$rO8O gTC PFol'EgT NUMBEB t (?-J5.'0-l-q I WEBE rlEMS BELOyVTHE MINTMUM PROTECTAPEGIFICATIONS NOTED? YEg- NO ITEM NUMBER -2-(o:rt ACNON TAKEN REGARDTNGABOVE ITEMS. nesilts of tlris t-ospecuon wqe ileEeibed to chrE< Esflett of G.E. rtp @ities of f,ield. rptet andl f,ictens:r Letion tliagarn wer'q leftryfth lliin f,G hi:s use ard for trse bY t$e firegrmfers' llage svc coDEr E :[Seorel r55 SOUnr NAVAJO DENVER, COLOFADO 80223 (3O3) 6eS.1050 CIC PROJECT NUMEER t' tZ.4 5 -O-e S-- ) D. Garm PUNCH LIST trEM-TO 2.00 wPE oF lNsPEcrloN ' vlsuAl ---..-.- MAGNETIG PARTICLE - uLTFAsoNlc wEtDMEtrr- uLTRAsoNtc_sHEARcoNNEcroR{AccousncAL)-_-BoLTTENsloN FtREpRooFtNG x WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PBOJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? yES - NO - ta iiE mn !cl IJ ]TEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION -r-At Plaza Phase r: cafco DCA firgoofhg dricJsresses were inspected oven t$e c'sterrr half of tlre roof 1srel ard rile!:e xeinq)ected orrer rest of tl'e strucbre v*rere def,iciencies had been fourd, on g\/g7. Firepnrcfing ttrickrresses are n'ro srrfficient t&rroughout ti-is As retrnrted ut 9/2/87, tlre densities of firegroofirg s4res taken frcm tiis stnreh:re e:<ceed UI requirenents. Today there are no dropoffs of firqrofirg sprq,zed to $re of rmf dechirg. This area should be viesred again after rofirg instarhtion is ccnpJ-eted to ensrrre ttrat firepu:oofiry has renailed irt place chuilg ttre consttrrction activier. At Terrace Wirq: Ins?ecfion of thicknesses r,ns done for applicaLion to co1trnns $pportirq lesel one in the area borrded, b,y fines l_ to 8.9 ard L.9 to G.3. Ttro sampLe for ctensier measursnent were taken. FfELDossERyAroN FEpioRT 'fit_ggF-r PRoJEcTNAM, Woti', bt I edditiorrts IECHNICIAN STHR OTHR 6.00 Page One coNTsvc xTFSVC coDE* x ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. ,Jclb Naare,:Job Addrese:eontractor.: 9u ppll 'f en ;'Tnuek No:: CTC Rep.r RsrnsnkE: At 'cr.E- Tlaket No.: :, ,Afr Tsrrp. ^p: EE Time Ttgsted: 9s,gO ed ?6 Day Stnength (pgl) 15 rnin. over .1, im..f t, go rrf th iqhnssn - oEt{vEE coLoRADo 80aql (3031698-rO5O G,tC PNOJESf TIUMBER ( t-oj. - o-s-e- )TECHNICI,AN gTHR .i, wpEoFtNspEcinoN. vrSuAL- MAGNETTCPARTTCLE--, ULTRASONICWELDUENT ;1, ULTRASONTC . SHEAHCONNE TOH (ACCOUSNCAT}-.*BOLTIENSTON FIREPNq,PFING €lrmrs srry5nrtfug lsel one of the Te:race Wirg Additm luve ben detmined at cTC'{stek. Ibese cle'rgities-ecEe5 ut ,l Sqrl.e 2: 19.8 pcf ACTION TAKEN REGARDTNG ABOVE ITEMS. CA w r.o o?\rr !6em o t; Ft i:0rC)r> !ro Lz {{ mfn zz o9 zz cC 33 @(D mm oo 'n 'l|om cl 2I ={q=dP -z co 2 :'l z ua- .D €c of o-,r oo -to CL o =z mc _{3 6H g:0 oo ft 'tt >!9>oct efr B> -artl'-{- H'$ -t t 6 x z m 6 U' o 'Tl tr .T o- LJ XJ trE 93EEE gE-44 dE ss 8n Hfi <:o ut -l Eg aa E f;H e jg il frd 6 *,6 4c'nl P6 z o (n z s o m o o -{m o I .n c f J =m o @ @ m t o-z E E E -.1 J =m o ID (n m :E I o z t o o i m o cn T m T o r 3 F o m 0t J (,| a (D o !t € !r 'f !! o m c, @ il ar ;i g.l 6_l g. l ol il EI ;I el 8f gl il f;l' o. l :I FI 3l BI :l ol ql 3l EI tr3 ?;J E;?;B' E*? 1e{ Fr: -E{g:- E i8 s I Fs ; E5 ElR gra a€F 6a ct q; 3F EE F5 2l.!I'.-B Fi le. 9E Jq gr iF i3 l€Bi )4r<l ,+coo:atF.OF.:5 0',- vr<a). o Fl 'rt rt o co|! C = 116 E iF6\5 (l aJl t+ It 'r'l { !l e ri otl o oF Y-l o iou fro FI cL €o ul r+ zi e2 o T9 EA -ai a-Z 9r.la<;I '< ni -v :.F o -T u 0l ct o 0 t c =T GI o o o @ ct :g m €. o n tD F (o (n (? (D t (t 6t l @ o o € ro -l o o.o o cf z I 5 @ or @ { sP g g F.E* €.:'r 6 r _i.; s 8; = 3 :B 6 oP *a s fg e $d E -8 3 o o o o o t, Ut fd Fl o o o F o O-l -l t o tE to -r -lJ -lo ul -t -lJ -lg ul O -lCL -l-t rr 3 FO = l: o rl. Flo - - -l l- i'\n -urOlOOl-O --tl--l-l -r I 'l .ul -l molrnol o ol oiG| o o olo ol o n lir l\rr €t €i-E € -lo -l Jlx rlts sl (O l- Gl I tlt |-? rl|, rlO O -lcr -l-t I -Ol-Ol {-t rt 13 dlz o ol(o OlFr(a r61 i- I Enginearing Teeting lnsoection 155 South NavE.io Oenver " Co'l orecjo (303) 698-1050 P.O" No.: Job No.: 794043 Report Dates: O9/16/87 1A/07/A1 1A /24 /e7 Repont To: Va i'l Ventures , Ltd . G. E. Johnson Construct ion ELP Architects Ticket No.: 19283 Mlx I. D-: Mix A floon, gnids 1-6 and M-F 2.1 Wr-,/Cu. Ft.: 10q.a Air Temp- ^F: 55 Time Testeci: 9:30 Dey Si,rength (psi ) *p..p'9-g t CONCRETE TEST RESULTS av4zd Vai I VentureE, Ltci -1000 .5. Fnonr€sE Rci _ hest Vei'1 , CO €165? At'Ln: Fr,ank Fneyei. Test Number: Job Name: Job Address: Cont ractor : Supp'l ier: Tnuck i.'lo. : r-tu Keo.: Loca'!'r'on of Pou n : I E t 5C' Terrece lrfing/pl€za I Vail Coloredo G. E. Johnson B & B Excavating M- O'l iven Deck sleb first co. ,FHYSICAL PROPERT*IES S]umo: 4.0 Concrete Tenno - ^F: 68 Time Betqhed:I 2 34 oOMPEESSIYE STRE{9TH: $oecified 2B Cyl incier i D UI ^^uz u.t Age (deys) zcr .28 Air (%): Size 0-00 6-00 E OO Strength (psi) 40YU 416U 44 50 Average Strengt h r+.5c5 Remaiks: At Cast: ocT 1? 1987 f),f''"'^' s'l ump CTC-GEOTEK. INC. with wi th ffio, Enginaaring iesting lnspaction 155 South Navejo D.enver, Col onedo \ i'\J O.i| OYU- l U)! Va i'l Ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. FFontage Rci . Vail, CO 8165? Attn: Frenk Freys- Test Number: Job Name: Job Addness: Cont ractor : $uppl ier:Truck No.: CTC Rep-: Losetion r.lf Pour: 80223 West TbrPtiL cgucRETE TESr R-ESTTLTF 704043 Report Detes z O9/'11/87 1CI /OA/81 10 /25 /81 Repont To: Vai'l ul . tr. SLP Ventures, Ltd - Johnson Construction CO. Anc h i tects SEP e3 19Bi trJAi\JSFiELD. D-dte -:€s€;=T6ttot-d4 PHYSIS{I RqqPERrrEs D lUmD: J. 15 Consnete Temp. ^F: 60 Time Batched: 1223 18S31 Terrece Ning,/P'l szs I Vail CoJonado G- E. Johnson B & B Excavet ion M. 0l iver lst f 'l oor deck s'leb, Air (S) z 2.O Ticket No.: 1929S Mix I.D.: A at 8-15 end O - C. hft .,/Cu . Ft - : 145 .1 COMPRESSIVE, STRENGTH : Specif ied AiF Temo- "F3 49 Time Tested: 8:15 28 Day Strength ( ps i ) -gpp.g Cy1 inder ID UI Remarks: Age (days) 7 Strength (psi) .t I ou Average Strength Size 5.98 Job No.:LTD DENVER. COLOFADO E0223 (303) Es8-rOsO CTC PBOJECT NUMBER f 7 0 5'- 0 3 9 I t - - ---, D. Did<ne1er PUl,lCH LIST llEM - TO - FTELD OBgERVATIOI{ REPORT pRoJEcrNAMg T{estin eteVlerrEe lvj.':rry TECHNICIAN ST HR OT HR CONT SI'C XTR SVC CODE * 8.00 x wPE oF INsPEcToN. vtsUAL X . MAGNETIC PARTICLE__ ULTMSONICWELDMENT-, ULTRASONTC- SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTTCAA-.---_ BOLTIENSIoN FIREPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJEST SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES - NO - l a HH ITEM NUMBER DESCRTPTTON/LOCATION I 9 Vj-sual iJtseetion of ttre strrrctrrral fteing ard onnectiqts was erdr:cted at L,1 franing of ttre hote.L thk. fhee itens fount o deviate frcm.tlre $IFplied set of dra'thgs were added to tlte attadleal list of cutstarditS ,tiscrelnncis, itss *15 ad *I7, (please refer Inspection of bar joist welds nas corrir:sted at the foltcnrilq loc.tions; LI ard L2 franirg, hoteL link; L2 f::anrirg, Terrace Wjrg' 6 tD LA/A to c, at3l 6 tE L7/c rs c. those !5e1ds folrd to be inadeqr:ate or nissirq r,serre narked as srsh for reSnjr. Inspection of bolt tensionirg was orducteil at :'1 1 points rttrere beans frae iJlto corrrlur webs ard t2 frililgt rrttrich had to be tightened by had. Ehose @nnections stiLl forrd to be lmse were ruarked as grctr for rg,cork. IIre above iffomation was girzen verbally b LPR frectjion forman, Joel. ACTION TAKEN REGAROING ABOVE ITEMS. o CENTER COLORADO TEST tSSSOUTH i{AVA,O DEIWER. @LOR^Df) WAz:g (sl 69E-r050 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES ) Location : t)q,n^-t 4zlr=r- Yaza.elJ*lobt: zososq Dslg ' Inspector:Page: 4l o ) Iten f STRUCruRAL MECHANICAL AND MAIERI.AIS IETiTINC HrilcH ugTmm (sit)€98.t050 CTCPNOGCTilUMBER (LL5--q_Le-_) lErCHt{tCtAN STHR OT:HR CONTWC XtF Srrg TYPE oF lNsPEcnoN' usuet x , MAGNEnG pAFncLE-_ uLTRAs('NTCwELDMENT- ulTnAsoNrc . sHEARcoNNBcroR {AccousncAu B'LTTEN''N_+ o"ar*f,*. Y{ERETTEMSBELOWT}iEMINIMI'MPRA'ECTSPECIFICATION.NOIED? VES - - NO- i ,], t FIET.D O8SERYA?IOfI REFOffi FNO'ECTilATTIE mM NUMBER DEscntmorlrocAnon I Visual rei"nsSrectto of prerrlcusly reJectd bar Jolst rdelds ms @[.IhtcleEl at L2 ftmi.ry E_B to M4 to 9. AlL reryairs were fcund to b ary]ee ad vianlty ACT|oN TAKEN HEGARDINGABOVE ]TEMS. -{o ><F.?:dgleFt .'F.Qts.5 F-O !- c/l<o. o ll -: .t F 6n q ;t r-O F ,r( = o lJl r+ O Tl{!t.H0a o oF Y-{o intrt HO g 0- €o o CD G' tl CD o g n f? PP CA (a (? !9 (D (n o o : (ll o o g F o , at !_ ln : aat 3 o o L o c' 2 I 5 6 or F { F l(c tar tq lr l\9 ll lYr \cq u\ <.>E P TAF -E 559 * 85'3 E :9 7 o! FA E Fa e .+{ O 5'A e g,E' t+o I I\J z e| € -o -l Z-l o oro o ts mt G! Gt .t o o r.o g, \Jl ! o\9 I'll (,i fro-:J> 0ro Lz -Do :3 3x o5 -d E-z $e.Ul<;t <ni .T t- -a{ !1t mm zz go zz €c 3 OI!mm :gt oo Tt 'rt om .'-I =-l q3 =o c,zz ca z =1 Z v.= att =(r .l o rl o 1 cLq -tt c-?r -o o CL o -f tra tra Q>Z!3 96EFF iE*silil 6E 99 dE gg BH 9M < E3 aA f; i5 I m;o gFi 1oZ # Hei E+6 46 ftI 96 z .@ o z I o -{tll o @ m at -{ .rl -|. 3 =m o @ (n m ! D -l 6 z 8l ! i =E m o @ a m I o z 31?a ?;j { q f t.,l s!;e :i3; I ti??ili sgit $E$e sgge aag cF9 rE: EFF Brd iiF Ee$ i13 FFA A 4:t F:g sFB !7 o d I m cn CD 1 m !o u f,o an o 5 o at rt o o r € FT r ln t1 o u 6 F F'o t+o o an {o .><'|1<.+ .g oar at Fr (t F' 5 f- C) F- ur<C)'o E TId sr cpn tr I FO E ,lo\3 tD Ul t+ tt nt\r!|.HGI o oF t(-t o -irr t |.a o' Fl EL -o gt '' fr EI I C')6= Fg gF Eg mtl aE' gE' tn 6) tl al,c E (o .| 0,o-o C.o (t z .9 .r qt o\ e { EEg E .rfF p 85'3 E :F F oE .rE ul rg fA e g's' g -E 3-o o .ro I ttr ;i o\o ii o!ro q> JJ qe cL 61 TP gi i+Cl ol 'ro dz OF il= r.+ -l .zm -:E J 't m z o z c @ m ! o 'n m t {-3 o s z o c z -l 6 c 1 o o CL o 1 fre1 Efi f o! z oo o 'nT| z B3 €98ffi =m r Z'q AE8 =-=H$i 6 z r* z 64 @ "*E ;s.q a 'tl -l CL OE :3 trtr trtr E93FEE r5 c" gg HEE Hf; E6EIE 6 3 ili E H $;tE i_oct fiB i=t 6I zrd 0 @ -l m a,{ rX 6E 9H IE i1 =t-oo UI .tO o OJ !f+ CL .I o =o O.t 1O ar1 :t o oo -it rt |lt -.-r :t -.tr o-o ul -t'l IE O\J .0,o -rct 3 -o FT o a ul att ri o r!a t tt F'€ FI x B9E;6o<-: ;$*g gSqs i agq gs$l rl.*E I FIc Fggi $si r$F g$1 EF$ gsB [EF ffi (3031 8S8.1050 CTC PROJECTNUMBER ( -rc5-- l_:_ g_ ) rt,d!4_q',jrid,, j;;:1! F: !.9., ' t, . ;:':+,. ttr -:-: ,: ,:,, i.l.f ;::i;,*,lig!giig9 ;r:l*ijJ : PUNCH T|sTr|EM-TO FIELD OBSEFVATIOT{ REFORT ourEE4-*stin notef PROJECT'iIAME TECHNICUIN ST HF s.00 OTHR coNT Sn c x xTR Strc ooDE t D. Didsnelrer WPE OF INSPEC'I1ON . VISUET X , MAGNETIC PARTICLE -----.- UITRASONIC WELDMENT ,ULTBASONIC_..-. SHEARCONNECTOR(ACCOUSNCAL}-_,sOLTTENSION HREPROOFING WEBE lrEMs BELowTHE MINIMUM pBoJEcrspEcrFrcATroNs NorED? yEs_- No . ITEM NUMBER ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. LPR Erection foreoan, Joe, was verbally given tlre above infomation. DESCRIPTION/LOCANON visual lrupection of the stnrctrral. fraing ard connections rms oorrluc'er at Ll of ttre Terrace Wirg Additi@, gri& E to l?, C to G. f,hose itgns fcud to desiate frcm tj,e supplied €et of stn:ctt'a' dral,rings r*ere imryorated onto the atta&eal .Hcf, 9f otrt-starrlirg diseegnrries, ftsrs *lg t}tnr *22 (please refer). vistat furspe*non of trre renairring bar joist rerds rms aorducted at L2 of ttre Terrace WiJE anf r*ere fourd..b be installeil ani vis:ally accqtable. Bar jo5.st roelds r'ere also inspected at IJ, c.3 to MA to 9. ltose welds fourd to be rejectable were marked. as such fon retrnir. rttspe*non of floor deck grdctle rder-d,s rras aqductecl at !,2, betveen grids G.3 6 W to 9, includirq the Eotel link, and. were fourtt to be irctalted and aci:eptable. 155 SOUn{ ilAvAro- DENI/ER, COIoRADO 80223 (303) 8g&roso CTC PBo.IECT NUMBER (: o-5- p- g- e-- ) PUNCH Ltgr|IEM_TO, , :*{gtw-FIELD OE9ENVATION REPi'FT PROJECTNAME IECHNICIAN SI HR oTHB coNTwc x Page I XTFSVC CODET 3.00 wpEoFtNspEc'oN- vrsual r, MAGNmcpAFncLE_.._" uLTHAsoNtcwELDMEN?-_ ULIFASONIC . , SHEARCONNECTOF (ACCOUSTTCAL)-..--.-.-. BOLTIENSTON FIHEPHOOFING WERE lrEMs BELOWTHE MlNlMuM PRoJEcrspEctEcAnoNs NorED? yEs_ No IIEM NUMBEF DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Visual reinspection of perio:sly rejectcd fu. j"irt,r.fO" ,*s cordrrcted at L2 fraing. AIt reSnirs were fourd to be acq)tete ard acceptabl.e. Vj"st:al reinspection of itss #5 thru *L5, frcn CItrts tist of diseepancies was :Leo corducted. .Results are'as follcrm: rtsns +5r *5, ard *7, base plate oorditions have rpn been "porred- ovetr'. It ls suspecbed tiat'repirs to base plates did rpt take Place. Ttrese it@s wirt l've to be addressedt by the erginw orr reco:ril as yet requiriJq reSnir or accepta&ile as-is. rtsts *8 tllru #13, the rejected bean to are ao*ectionE, as Herl as bem to CIP realt connections, are still rrt fr:lty repaired. A clEsory wark-tlrough was rnade with G.E. Jahnson sr4lerintenient, Chuck, to point cut t}ese connections ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. t55 South t{8t ajo D8nr€r Cotorado 8@3 3q| 698 toso ITEM NUMEEF PROIEST* DATE PAGE * DESCRIPTTON/LOCATION rteu $r2, tlre rejected hean seat argre to crp wall oorurection, arso rsr has a 3"x3nx1r/4"x4n (b:be steel) shfin bebdeen beaa arrl seat, t'erded all-arerrrt to boft bean ard seat. $ris oDtition urilr ar.so barre to be addressed b!, the ergineer qr remrd. Itstr *14, beao to coluun carurecLion, cigilally missrrgr (1) of (3) bolts, has rsrr bee'welded. rhis cordiiton wirt require rerrierrv ard approval by the ergfueer. Itetr *15 nas found to be repairedl as detaiLed lrrrl visralty 2of2 ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. -l \I \l N)* * Hfr m m o\11 ," 3 ili z z :i 3 S az @ E o-.l mmx r I -ox O O .r- t 1t 1 X>I s B9 = r 10 t J ^z E g ;F z 3 -E a= ;.'1>o-{rl o\o -t vl cLr -rO co 3o-o .l z c tD m D .rt ! (rt (n m gt o 1 o ll 6 x z m o o o .tl t-I e E m {x o o o TI I 0 z o =I a -l q !m z,o a o -rl)ODJ .tF..OF.3 ,.ot- (/r <C). (! !t Tt rr 9r ood C I F.O tl ,|f O.| 5 O ('l .tU|El{p5 n0c o ot<Y-l o -iE E HO gr tu E o lt, o !E (D I -t F ta U'o fi| -a s B U, I t G :GI o I g' 5 at !9, m 5 €2 t L o CT z I s F E o\ @ { t,!, v o .!l o 'a z I vl N clt =o o <> g EHtr ;s i ulo -ct ttq,o!9 rtS rq FH.ci-{P.o P22 lcE o d o o c63 i ar !€: q ".,e- i e B;;' iesg 3F*3 giit s$iF Fsi E$F frFt Eis Eeg tgg f,Eg T ttr or : FI o -n EI 1 CL I r..' Y z o n o .l CL ct I I z o -.t'l GI -l o. ct I v, -l o -l -l !,o o 5 :((t I @ OF oi5 fc)+--a r= c : CL o -l U| D tt ttt cl .-,{ ! v, ta u)o :' CL rO -t o o tri:r trEl SETE +rsilil 098 = mm b sE, H Hfi a u, I tIT -@ 6Qq E #H o qd r g, D- :rt tl -;E trg d i.(p #s ed z o att z s o {m 0 @ {m a { E9 #E sg sg {m 6s z E 3 !I I E m o @ at m ! -{6 z .0 dft oo *6 *I ES .o!TM {T cLo a =o (l)>tt >o {o I C, rt .o o O\ .+l|,r ltl .''o JF -o o l/rl -.: ct lLr o F TI =F o ln o f t,l o T I -{ ><F<rtFlo9r r.t F' c) F.:t r-O'r (/l<c). o Ft !l .r F Co rt g ;' PO Fl ro\5 (!vl n o Et{0r.HotI o @ti r<FI o 'F t,llO'I o E o o |+ 8c)EtrT Fg 9F i> Eg m(? EH q-o CT z o ; ts o g\ q,\t EE€ E .l..H S p 85s E :F ?o9 gE 'r 5g t" fH, e ['s' g lcd 3 o o at, G'I vr 1 o o-o FEE { i$gg BBef, i$ig g?t9 l;q fr #8f,;r fB I giE Fffif, Fsg s$F Es3 Eis =iiro =f,il s m !zz;oc,oE 'r1 ZZX 3EE T E Hffi A mtvE (Doo: : s$ q $ It *ac5 dP'.zzc {co -z Ea4 ftsst 6 g g oo-l l6\o !- -r ttl al o.r 'rO otro :3S .l z, ci N FI o -f.l o .ro *ilE R -r-ii 3E H 88il o -!-;9 0,3 t,€o oc O -{J CL'oo oco r+r+O OJ 3 -h -r o xl,'o OC,'r l CrO .tO -ro€C.no n o.l'x- o-Uto . .r O.o< :r|'oo oo- <r? =€o J6 o oo o .l 3 F o ti| o =UI trE tref 1'n -r -l{nm g, (D -{{mm E,o E<(,m mm aD -l ?v,gs iE m=gFi ol Tt !i rfiO 6Z j!, C)I 6 z at tt, z E'6 -.1 m c, @ m 0t -{ z o lt fic)>F-93 i*s m:lc ggE ffirH 91t Im s HoO 2f;(t o 5 Ef!m *E =:!in 39 m o @ an m ! -l 6 z o I I ffi CTC PRq,ECT NUMBEH (ao-.- o 3 e ) F'ELD o'sEnv ro" r.TT _ PuNcH t'ifl ;aji .- PRA,EC?tttAr,- O. nidanryer TECHNICIAII STHR 7.00 1.00 OTHB coNTWc xrR s\rc coDE, x x (Report) - __ TypE oF tNspEcTloN. vtsuAt x , MAGNETIC pAHncLE , uLTRAsoNlc WEIDMENT ,ULTRASONIC , sHEi{R CONNEGTOR (ACCOUST|CAL, , BOLTIENSIoN__......_...._ FtREpRoOFtNc WERE lrEMs BELow rltE MtNrMuM pRoJEcr spEcrFrcAnoNs NorEo? yEs -- No _- ITEM NUMBEF I E n o o o m !DESCFTPTION/LOCATION Vj.srral fnsection "f U f" the Ten:ace !{Jrg Addition, trri" a"t". those itqs founr to de'tate frm ttre suppfied set of st'rcfilral drawirgs, arn/ar inaoplete i'tmsr s'€re fuporprat€d onto trre attached rist of ortstarrtirg diseepanciers, itsns #23 tnru *30, (please refer). Bolt tensionirg inspectiCIn ms cordr:ctdi at L3, G.3 to M/L ta 9, on tnose bearus franing irrto o'ur rsebs. .Alr...aonneceions teted were fourrt to neeq ard geneu:aUy e:rceed,tension aaquired by the l_eJeune gun ard were markert. accqrtable. Inspection of bar joist weld_s was orrlrrctecl at L4, G.3 to 4,/f to 9.Alt joist raerds were f",,,,t to be furstalled anl vlsually accqtabJ.e. Above infomation was girzen ve$ally to LpR Erection forqan, .foel. ACTION TAKEN REGAFDING ABOVE ITEMS. ,) I fitoltl088-r05o CTCPFO.'EGf NUMBEF (JgJ- 0,31 FtEt o oaSEAUATtOil iEFOnr PnorEsr*rrE ryip .edditlon ) O. Ottu1en TECHilENB STHR .O'HR 1.01) -i-r._ __: -TYPE OFINSFECI|ON.x VTgUAt -. . MAGilEflCPARNCLE.-, ULTRASONICWELDUENT ULTRASONTC - $.TEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSnCAL)_-_.-BOLTTENS|ON__* U'ERE 'TEMA BELOW TI{E TIIINIMI.'M FHO'ECT SPECTFICA'ONS NOTED? YE' UO |TEMNUMBER Vj"sral :reinseeeUcur of greriorsly reJectedl bar JoJst relds wag qiluctedl at rJ fimLq G.3 to li{ w g. xhese repairs we loundl 5 56 c'rnErlerte ard aocqtable. ACNON TAKEN FEEABDTNGABOVE rTEMS. 155 $outh.Navajo Denven, Co] onado (303)'698-1050 Test Number':Job l{ame: Jsb Address:Contr€ctor: Supp'l ler: Tnuck No.: CTC .Rep-: Locetion of pour: Csst: O8/19/A7 18686 Ternece hling/p'l aza Val'l Co] onado G. E. Johnson B & B Excaveting 10-30 P, Nor.d'lund 4th 'level g'l ab on f Ticket No.:Mix I.0. : deck at 'l ines Y 18918 (A) to Z ond 23 to 2F 40223 o coN.cRETE TEST RESULTS P.0. No.: Job No.: 704O43 Report Datesl. 0E/26/g7 09 / 16187 1A/W/81 Reoont To: Vo i'l {.:. B- 8Lp Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Construction CO. Arc h i teqts Vail Ventunss, Ltd-1000 S. Fr.ontage Rd . hfeEt Vai'l ,.CO €165? At,tn: Frank Fneyer. PHYSTCAL,..PRpPqRTI Eg $lump:4.5 Conorete Temo. ^F: 63 Tlme Batched: 9OMPRE$SIVE ;S.TRE{.FTH : Speqif ied 28 Air (g): Z-2 Size Strength (psi ) 5.99 3210 6 .01 4450 6.00 4630 Wt./Cu. Ft.: 143.8 Cy1 inden ID 01 o2 03 7:26 Age (days) I 2A 28 Ain Temp. ^F: Ss fime Tested: 8:35 Day Stnensth (psi ) .-,9gQg Average $tnength 4545 --';r4.J---:--CTC-GEOTEK, INC. Remsnks: I 155 South Navajo Denven, Co'l oredo (303) 698-1050 80223 Cset: AS/21 /A? 1A? 10 Ternece lriing/p.l aze I Vail Co'l onado G. E. Johnson I -A B Excavating 3-e P. Nord'lund E'levator. cone 9,9NQBFTE, rFsr RagyLIS P.O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Report Dares z Og/2g/gz 09l1A/87 10 /05/87 Report To: Va i'l \:.tr,. SLP VantuneE, Ltd. . Johnson Constnuct ion C0.Arch.i tects Vei'l Ventunes, Ltd. .1.099 S. Fr.onr€Es Rd. hesr Va'i'1, CO gi6d? Attn: Fnank Freysn Test Numben: I Jqb Neme:Job AddneEs:Contr.6ctor: Supp'l ien:.Truck Nn.: CTC Rep.:Locatlon of pour.:r.) Ticket No.: 18990 Mix I-D.: 5930 e'levation .lS?,10" to 16g,5"(6th and laEt 'l if Air (t):!{t./cu. ot 1 0:45 Ft. : 133. 1 S i ee 5.99 5.98 5. 99 Avenage Strength 4505 :/ '1..-'. lt:'.'' / PFTYS,TcAL pRopFRTrE€ S'lr.rrnp: 3.25 Concnete Ternp . ^F: gg \t'tmE ts€tched: 10:0g CP!!?RESFIVE.STEEN.GTH-: $pecr.f ied 28 Oey Strensth (psi ) ..iopg Cy] indon ID o1 g2 9it Reoarks: Flant l{ater Age (days) 7 ls 28 tr? Ain lemo. ^F:iime iested : Strength (psi ) 3020 447 A 4540 t /; erdter added ,onfs i te. /, l"'iz'':'t' t-"', / 6ie:6E6iEf;-iilc:--- P'l uE 9 ga'l l ons a I I El--;;l 9t el 3l "l I 16r I l; I t:l ls I ls I lc) |t9 t lr I lrl l.+ | l:: I tl tl L_l .! D o o t m CI'u, !m !o I -{ =F o FI o =o v,ai o o u t !l f P r !!I o m c, ID ><a-< ar F. -- r. ' (r<a). o B 'l: .+ 9J CoC C t iO r-l >io\= r' <Jl r-t (n '4.{!rr FJ@ o oF..(-l o -?!tJ BO st o o u d t- -l -o "t {-t 0,Oo -no {-t { |.ct c) =z I N co ioo I --l lo i\o N) -l I t\n l-lo t-h 1 I o Y z, lo -tl qvt I (! 6'I @ 0,t,o (ct -l A'o-o Eb ;6 o €s ?F @ ts{ I !t o \o I N I ca N a o o o toH SB oii st qe o-o rP flx oJ 1O dz OF d= €H > -l d m = c E m ! o 'f| m I { 3 at z o c z -{ot J o o CL o .l -t .lt z z c =E m I o -Tl o o x o o z c z -l IT 5 ET o rt o .t o--|c 3 I -6 x z m o (n o '|l f o- ?z mC =3 6H o!oo 'Yt'r| >!(]>oo =ut _-- m 9t a, 6a o {'r $3 m' qi'dl g.= F"" 6;8I i9il TEAfl ie,q! g Frs trotg. Fl r J xEtr F{ e 5 6a! eF3 F:E eSF i$i Ef,g dgi fffi ifi o (D F 8 t" !) (D (n o o : ao c to 6'o o (' 6 D m :(o ='o o <>9 IHs . (-r It erb l!o!' =lro .rB oq aE o: FH .tJ ts.o P=t =,E c?o trEl trE F9 r= {! =>r9 89 $E >tn {m 6e z ! !-l J 3 m o @ v,m t -{6 z =FEP Ele#t E 9E E es H Hfi a att I ga8 E nH o qd )t oD-I tcl I trg ,- =q #g eei z CI' a z ct 6 -t m ct E {m a { t l!+....a.g;:..!.1-',....*...'l1..j;-i-J'..:_'*..'o,^i.i.;:r:,'5jll;r...l,;;..;.':t:.,J'.r::'...i.'1'!;:i'ii:'."i:.;:;l...i;i ffi DETIIVER. GoLoMDo 80223 (3031 698-f0so CTC PRO,ECT NUMBER ( z n c'--o_3-9_) PUNCH LISTITEM_-IO FIETD OBSEFYATION FEPORT PRO,ECT NAME TECHNICTAN ST HR 8.00 OT HR XTFSVC coDE*coNT svc x TYPE oF lNSPEcno[ ' vlsuAL x ' MAGNETI. pARTtcLE -. uLTMsoNrc *EL'MENT .--ULTRASONIC.-- SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL)--- BOLTTENSION FIREPROOFTNG *ERE lrEMs BELow rl{E MtNtMuM pFoJEcr spEcrFrcATroNs NorED? yEs -- No ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION visuat uspection of tlre stnrctr-rral franiry.oa .or,r*.tion,0., corducted at L3 f,rarcirg of the Terrace Wirq Addition bet,reen Grids f to !4/I to 9. ftsns fotnt to de\riate frqtr approveC set of stn:cturar d:=rrrings were inoortrpratsl onto t'e attached .rist of outstarriirg discrelarcies, (*3f, *32) please refer. visual i.nspesUon of the bar joist welds was conductecl at Iil frmirg betveen Grids 6 to l2l/A to c. Those welds fourd, to be rejected were mar:ked as such for rq:air. BoIt tensioning otr the 3/4 A325 bolts was beirg cqrqlj.eted fu LPR tttis date at L3 framirq. visual inspection of colunn splice welds was corducted at r..2 frarn irg A to E/6 fD 9. These were yet accessible ard acceptable. Rest of connections are Doh? covered by pour. ACTION TAKEN FEGARDTNG ABOVE MMS. Above irrfomation was given verbally to LpR Erection fors*n, ,Joel. L{1 lil liH tli t:l ft t.l t, li li I /'t DENrcR. coLoneob eoazs (3091 8g8.to5o CTC PRO'ECT NUMEER ( " o o"--o-:-g- ) FIEI-D Og.SERVATIOT{ REPORT i-oers PROJECTI{AME IECHNICIAN STHH OTHR CONTSVC 8.00 y PUNCH L|gT NEU-TO- --'----_ xrn sllc coDE * TypEoFrNspEcnoN. vrsu* x . MAGNETTCpARncLE-._-- uLTMSoNTGwELDMENT , lltl3li^----lEA'coNNEcroR (AccousrrcAL)--BoLrrENsroN FrREpRooFrNc WEFE trEMS BELowTHE MIN|MUM pRoJEcrspEcrFrcATroNs NOTED? yEs_ No ITEM NUMBER DESCRlPTION/LOCATION Visual of the strrcteral fiefuq * *r'r""O*rE aorducted at L3 f,ranirrg of tlre Tenace lgirg Addition betreen Grids E to !{r/f b 9. Itsus fdrrd to de\,,iate fi:uu al4rorai set of stflctrrral dratrrirgs wee irrcrlu:atsl .nto the attacrred .rist of otrtstardjrg disaepancies, (*31, *32) please refer. visual inspection of tfie raainirg bar joist werds rms co'iuct€al at Ij! frairg be!,oeen eids G to 12fA to e. ftiose weLds formd to be rejected roere uarked as such fc regra:ir. Bolt tssiorrirg of the 3/4 A3ZS bolts tlas beirq ccryl_eteal by I"PR tiis date at I..':t fraojry. visual l'spectJon of colmn sprice rrerds was cordr:cted at r.,2 frarr irq A b p/5 ts 9. these nere yet accessir,le ard acceptable. Rest of connections are no^r aor/ered by pour. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. Above irrfornation rms given \re$ally tg LpR Eres.icn forgnan, ,Jc[.. a 0, o -t-tIJ) H f; R[5 2 2 s=o o iJ;e e +6 = g az H H dR ! ! F>o o :i 'nrx>g $ qH t I ^z 3 i ;F E 2 -B 7Z r (D t\t 55 oo OCL -o O.t -l o fre J< 6H qT oo Tl 'n >!o>o (t, =U'+m It g, x>:aUl ct, co tr4 m. "'*eZ/ a;E fl a 3a; ABEi 5e3F s5i$ iEf,f E$iF Bsg Fs3 E$E gs$ EFB i$s fEH l-,. o *FIi.H rtrt? crb I ol =uo a8 oE af rg' *g 6o.ct -t ts.(D -,E'o ct o trEl l!!FF -t{mm (D@ {{mm gC' E3 crm mm a1 29,iio =!EE m+!l Fi o\fio 6Z ilt 6 I o z at, o =o o -{m c, @ {m E z 9 o trE E9E .iE =aE ggE (lr-E m<m 11t IHg 6o9 zm-g o !E!m T€40 =!:x =m m o @ g, m I -t 6 z 2?.*-1 f+ -. - t-. cn <,c). o rt ':: -t !r 00t c = rro 11 r'6= o (.'r it (, 'Tl\r!l!ft g(l o oF Y-l o -'',c,rto F' €o atl (t "t o "'t rf o rt r9 rei 4z o V o j<.co o < Nor: -|E o x z m o ctt o .!l tr 'tl t:ll @ o UI o 1 o cL o 8c) =(D rft 8F F>?U, =.(t 6_C mfa (cr= Ai :F}E(D a0 Eg ;3 o'Es ;l 7H @ \tl \t ttl Q'6c'o lll o vt I r\, I r-t @ =\t !I € -ho o-o I,lfr -ru m 9zE €o'r -d m oo'o r+O O O.+tr cLdd o -.J =f,-Cr o50 |'O<r-t O t r-i O, -r rt <oo O5|'tOri tlJr I 1 !, t-t -n|u <..rF ooo . -t5 o5 E q Oo,-bO F €n o- o+.l o =-n 0,d6 3 F o tn o,:t o u r}o o I F DJ d F. F x ffi D_ENVEB COLORADO 80223 (3ollr 898.rogo cTC PnqrEcrNduaen ( -zclf- --o--rg ) PUNCH L! TNEM 79 FIELD OBEERVATIOT{ iEFOFT PROJECTT{AME rGsd! etet D. Dtclcngfer ]TEM NUMBER ACTION TAKEI,I FEGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. ]ECHNICTAN STHR OTHR 6.00 lilRSVC coDE,coNTSlrc x TYPEoFINsPEcnoN' rosual x, MAGNET'.'ARTT.LE-- ,LTFA''NI.*ELDMENT-, ,#illi"',^_il:::.-"::.:t"R (AccoustcAl).-. BoL?TENsroN FrREpRooFrNG *ERE lrEMs BELow rHE MtNlMuM pRoJEcr spEcrFrcATloNs NorED? yEs ._- No DESCRIPTION/L@ATION VistEl inspectnon of t.|e renainirq strr:ctr:ral franirq ad ms aqxtrcted at L3, this date. rtems fo,rd to de\xiate frm tfie srypfi.ed set of drarr,irgs, or jr:st irrccrqllete, uere added to tie attactred list of outstardirg diseeqnncies, itsns *33 tl,ru *3g, blease refer). vi'sual inqection of raminirry bar joist we.lds rias corducted at L4 ftmiry A ta D.6/6 to lG. Ilrese required fi.l1et r*erds were Frl foud to be jnstailed ard acce5rtable. Copies ef a]r diseegnncl, lists are beirg suppJ.ied to G.E. Johnson l,i't* t4 fi: -l A1 J i-ii. ii )-i t 'i i r:jl ., frffi l303l69et030 CTC PRO.'ECI NUMBER (: o-i- -.o. .r -e_ ) FIELD OB9ERVA"IOI{ REPOFT wPEoFlNsPEc'oN' vtsuAL , MAGNETTCpARttcLE-. uLTRAsoNrcrIEIDMENT x ,ULTRASONIC-- SHEARCONNECTOF (ACCOUSTICAL}-_- BOLTTENSION FFEPROOFTNG WEFE ITEMS BELowTHE MTNIMUM pRoJEcrspEcrFrcATroNs NOTED? yEs.-- No ITEM NUMBEF DESCRIPTION/LOCATION ul'trasonicarty inspected s!rcp fabricat€al beil sptices for mf gable bents, onsite. For results of test, refer to attached U/I relgb da@ 9'124/g?. ELfr elFfrEFvATfoN REpoFT D,,JIE gn4/97 - PROTECTMME l€sttn Fotel TECHNICIAN ST HR 2.00 oTHB CoNTSVC xrFs\,c coDE, 1.00 x 4,fe^ PuNcHLlsrm "-W ACTION TAKEN REGAFDTNO ABOVE TTEMS. EE$ 8 s.6E 0 E8; g PF J E6E ;i So B2 -{m .- 2 o E c '7'i - C. F o E F n tf o €ti - LN I I i F<trD orn FI F'FO Ncr oc Ar(o ctH <\\..c: \[I \E \uR t:: NI iN ,F\ tn- F N I M Irl Itf \tl IN t\ R llr F lc ts rl o FI N o A il :N\ iN RI rl'F ln IF lFr tI ll$ t1\IN IR tt\lh Il\ <€ro ?F ,A t IT F{rtr.ro lr" .an F 'o l't F p 4\ ItA tl hJ I- I I h-\ R-v }1 :€R o!t .Fil .O.O 'F|a-. r..OE F.F r?Fl >E €o ln 'r'... I t3 ls,3 Nl,t Rlt:tt'tr Pt, J - D'l l''l FLO l$,li lvl L tm IF ll', ltN IF tl IF ttc IN Itr ll tl II )€o ts .a Glr ,tl Fll olt @ ,. Ll"t\ tt $N oto clF >ta I I I I I li ll lt tl I ll tl I )C lo rF tla 't?{<( F Ol FI n(ot Br';t\ ill IF OK zl ol ;l nl nl I I li ll I I ll tl tl |l tl tl tl Dlscon- tinuity E[evation '. t55 Sodn Nsvap I Oenvar Cddado gO2Z3 s3 6S 1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBEN {70s -0 3 e t -__, FI ELD OBSERVATIOT{ BEPORT PROJECT NAME a PUNCH Westir Hote D. Diclaneyer TECHNICIAN ST HF 6.50 OTHR CONTSVC x Addition xTB SVC COOE It wPE oF lNsPEcTloN' vlsUAL --.-.----_ MAGNET|O PART|OLE ULTBAsoNTc $/ELOMENT x uLrFAsoNlc SHEAR coNNEcroF {AccousrcAl} BoLT TENsroN FrREpRooFrNG WERE lrEMs BEtow rHE MINIMUM PRoJEcr sPEclFtcArtoNs NorEo? yEs -- No IIEM NUMBER DESCRTPTION/LOCATION Ultrasonic inspecLion of fu.l.l penetration rof bent, splices, rras conducted. at Midrest Steel Fabrication Refer to the attachei UA retrprt, datrf.,9/2g/g7 for jJrseecdon. beant to slrcp. re$rlts of R9; o Ez(" O ;sk r F."E H 6RT T 8Ei E Il #Eo q (tn S iri oz { :z o t't n (D FI Fl P- HJ 3> ri o Fl N o Fl o o |.? r' '.-: z. (: '-: ,-.: z. a E rl o FI ts H 7r €o ts A Cr o at € U) € P rt o E!,Fts FI14 ?frr @< F o rl o o 31 tl ctJ I ol ol gl el -i zl ol tsl I\I tii rt ldi tl tl I tl II tl tl tl tl tl tl ll ll tl tt F o n F 6 Dls con- tlnulty Eleva t lon o o rr at z 155 9or.lth Nevajo 0enven, Col onado (303) 6S8-1050 Voil Ventures, Ltd- i i:fi0 3. Fr.r;'rl..rrlsr Rtl Veil, CO 8169? Attn: Fnank Freyer Test Number: Job Nsme: Job AddnesE: Contn€qtor: Supp'l ier: Truak No.: CTC Reo.:Loc€tlon of. Poun: 80223 t4est, colfcRETq. TEST RESULTS P. O. No. :Job No.: 704043 Repor.t Dates : 1O/06/97 10/27 /A7 11113/87 Reoort To: Ve i'l \:-c- SLP @rt cest: 0s/29/a7 1099? Tennece Wing,/P'l aza I Vail Co'lorado e. E. Johnson B & B Excavating 3-9 M. O'l iver Deck slab on the 4th MU9 Mix A/ NON ENT> Ticket No. Mix I. D. : f 'l oor 8'lurnp: 3.?5 Consrete Temp.Tlme Batched: Air (*):^F: 59 6.29 3.4 Ain Temp. ^F: 42 Tima Tested: ?:30 ?,it . /c.., . Ft. : 141 .3 fr" Venturss, Ltd. Johnson Construction CO. Arc h i tects CTC-GECTEl< hgineerins lw;ting-TE|Ftffi QO.SPRESSIVE STFENGTH: Specif ied 28 Day Strensth (psi) ..ggg-A Cy1 inder ID 01 Rema ri<E l Age (deys)Size Strength (psi ) .t I tu ,:.r it/t'YiL:'"' r1....-.rr.ag€ Strength :) /lt.>'l1'ocT 1 21987 CTC-GEOTEK, INC. 155 Sodn Navap D,en€i Cdlorado 8OA3 303 gs8 1050 CTC PROJEGT NUMBER (rul- -a-r_e_ ) PUNCH LIST ITEM - TO FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT D,fE 9/8/87 TECHNICIAN ST HR Qqn OT HR coNT svc xrR svc cooE * TYPE OF INSPEC1ION . VISUAL X , MAGNETTC PARTICLE ULTRASONIC WELDMENT -.==ULTRASONIC -.--_ SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTTC^L} -, BOLT TENSION-. FIREPROOFING WEFE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES - NO ]TEM NUMBEF OESCRIPTIONILOCATION vi"sual inspection of the strrctrrral fram:ilg ard, aonnections was oord:cted at L4 this date. Ehose itsrs fourd to be rnissi-rq ard or rejectable were added to the attaclred list of outstarrcLiJg diseeprcies (*39 thru #41) ploase refer. Corrceu:niry trrerio:sly rejected itans, LL thru Ll, especially beam to @re orurections, ro repairs have yet been rnade, as of ttr:is date, ani are begirudry to be "ccnersl'. G.E. Johr:son lras again fufouned of this. t. @LoRADo r=o *Q,,n". 165 SOt Ifl }{AVATO DElaEn @|oBAOO8@At (s3l oso.ren LIST OF OUTSTAI.IDING DISCRTPANCIES Location:JJar -r^,_Jobl : zoscr:? Date: Inspector: Dub.g<Jnrur,a_ page: -z of Iten I 6TRI.'CTUNAL UECHAAIICAL AND MATERAIS TESTING PROPOSAL REQUES'r AIA DOCUMENT G7O9 PROIECT: (name, OWNER: TO: OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHET f,gl-tT, tzl tr PRoPoSAL REQUEST No: 7l -T+f,tf f hl, DArEr 7- Z7 - b7 _.I ARCHITECT,S PROJECT NO:6310.00 87l3r.3 PR CONTRACT FOR: General Constructlon J CoNTRACT DATED:'' 15 Aprll 1987 Please submit an itemized quotadon for changes In the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to proposed modifica- tions to the Contract Documents described herein. THIS IS NOT A CHANCE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. Descdption: (wrltFn dlrrtlptl'on of rfr! worl) fr.ttolwKcnttg64rl6 -vspfs GO) : =5-*3? b nN&E fre FkTtNl aa a'ft'NN6, EfcLueNO at-as*. (rc- G. nurqidrtrOly*LY TbJ, ^ hl{Wlt\t€zTr^l6t -rcq€ (O t'%,lafl CUt# @*4 eAL* ffi> Attachm€nb: Ult sttsdcd doa||! uflr rhrt ,uppon do.crlFtionl OE Johnson 310 S. 14th Street CoLorado Sprlngs, CO 80904 :-lffiu-Pteza Buildlng rlhase-I ltotel Addlrtoal ValI, Colorado t-) VaiI Ventures ARCHITECT: SLP, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION BV: t, AIA DOCUHEI{T GND . PROPCISAT REQUEsT . APRtt 1970 IDITION ' AIA@ ' @ 1970 ' THE AMEn|CAN tNSTmrrE OF ARc}|mCIs, '1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.c. 20q'6 lt^-- ONE PAGE t (' LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES ooLoRAm ,,o "*,t1,*.. r6s soLm{ t|^v^p DEilrrEn OOLoaADO8@2,3 (s3f s-r0r0 Location: t^b,rrt 4"g- V<.ingDu*lobl: zososR Date: Inspector:Page: 4 of ftem , STNUCruML MECHANICAL ^r{D MATEEAIS TESNNG ti I :.J rcssoN,rilt{ vAn &mH'**r... LIST OF OUTSTAIIDING DISCREPANCIES Location: obl i zo.asq Datei raspectort aa D tage3 5 of_ Iten , STRUCruNAL MBC}TANEAL AAID MAIERI.AI,S rESrn|C a CE}ITEB DSnE.oot.mADO!0223 w)Cs.rH Location: Iten I OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Jobl: zosoa? Date: Pages Q of . OOLoRADoTESI $csilrfiilAYAF ( l.IST r1A, SIRUCTUBAL IIEC}I.ANICAL AID MATERIAIS TESI!'IG o ('SL9BADOTEST CENIEB rt6 ttturH I{^YAD DEltrrER ootoR^DO El23 FBt6tm LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCRIPAI.TCIES Jobl: zosot? Dsls; rnspectors DF./ aFf p age, e of J'/)o(- .* e;n/t@-rT, SIIRUqTRAL UECHAilICAL AT{D r'ATERTALS IESNNGI -r^--= o cotoR^DO resrffiren, nn" ttg00ulHilAVAD (-- O$nm.COrcnrmfO""e r (n3)m-rm LIST OF OUTSTAI.IDING DISCREPAI{CIES Location:Jobl:Zosoaq Da3s. Page:- -I of STRUCruRAL UECHANTCAL AilD T,ATERAIS TE!,TII{G o -{ e;-') (' P.Q F. = -O-ui< -,\ F < r'1 .. r+ =@4 i,r - ':: o o\ r't (, El ('O.n .{=O .t l-Yn:.i i o. € v| z Q.r c)l -ol rn 0r ca t.l Fn =n o\<: (' o Fn € * tl o IJ o € F o (.l R" (t v, a (D a o m 6 @ c- (t z @ 6 ! 0 !|o 6 I (.d I 6 { E'gI ;:J Tr !F.A = i J-3 I v CL or :r QO E ts< S tr: oF. =.Blr Y 0r rJ Q.g: g o o<t a @ .Or r,!9.9 F3 F. (O Ft 6O nirt6 3 e Eg ZZ-"=cco 3 (r@X,-r s s'ie q 9 ET <r m ra g 3 5E e: $e.d F qF z =. sil 2 3 gi a = 5'rrx 3Z mc J= 6H oo 'll -n >t g>o@ = (,tt 68 =!t o(/r -t4 ,t :LE fiE. Fl o .G t 9+ (D=cl FA tuz E,M ogt tu(n o -tl -'rl I T !rO 3c'o:o < tfl o(,t o *r 6tr ;o 'I r+ -t p f,o ln t+6'n ln at o 5 F o 3 F.r o F 5 (,l va o o 5 'rt 0:4 .D o > ! F.CA dlo l.l t* rt tslttl r+ Fr F.ooo l.l n0 ct' o cLH lt E ieE{l i.-gl I c*F*i iii$l iiiil FsFfll $sal FFFI e.as l ETFI _4.+Fl Ei 5l E;gl iisl is$t xa ca E9EFFE *98"44 iidE gs fr;n Hfi €fi4 22 s"R ;g e Ti ; E +a {4c){ft}fi eg oo P=t;9; c, @ {m o t+ ts.O r. (/r <c)o o r,t t" ar =@\F t- ':'l O a Ein tll ('rO. i {=o t+ l-Y grt.'o 0€c.!-t O. a €o (n .t * 6l I o € F p o o (! t (n q f) (D a cl o o 9.o o m (9 o g E F E;3 <o - €H.$ = 3 5 58. F 6 H .1 (D I >9. fi o. 6 oP. = \.r Frts =AF. -AO P ooa A o 'o: e et ga e' B 0: 5'F. Cl F ,^ i.. I :H F'1 I eg 5tr N) 'l z.i I I out t<t r. Ulr tn - O, tn o.l **l = .tl oi o Hl C- F.l F o 5 (,)l -o! €al o oi "1 ol oBl o. F.l -l r.t I ol a{ g:l - ot €ci I o ol rn Fnl I ttt rtl ol ('Hl F- tsJ F' o 1'!o tt t- ga -o =e. Ft r.t ln t+o oti 3=O. H, t_l -o Fili| €.+o OE 5=O. l-. B o F!A -o ool Fnl €d o orl lEl o.FI Fi '1 F'l ol !:] I i z ur Ut 4 o a) l.' o ut N 5 EE ut in =Fs E E9!-J6 -z ut N F l.r.l lv (^ N br N) (o (^ N) ('r N (..1 N (o AEEE g ao E D o { UT { (rl ..1 (A { br { br ".J (,. { (,1 86S s*g= =*= t9 @ 5 br t'.l N) s (.^l N 5 N) ul N @ N (.t N 9 z,=331. an o\ o\ (Jr ro ut s ul (,r 5 .-t N o\cr= ..> z i;g;:z=-. ii {ro (o (o \t ro o\br cr-<ri 33 ct rrl =1 o- =tn cf (n H o (t ul KI i rl vl F t+ !e n o 5 I 0t ct tt E |, A i U' f- Hn i i s EB f f; E;68 3 3'F.=Ea ; ; ee Ha g ! 5E lr E c i5 [* e a I E Lsi oX*'lt F! O FNF i€ fi tn Frf NO :o E (/| F+l o o rt gsgE e"-J fl E,* F.t tif,l sifi FFiE iEg fl gf;is Fggi 649 c?9 5;3 IFF E5d ii; gig sffi igs trEl tr€ EqSETE =HE-44 6dE gs H;H Hfi =<t cDl =89 a4 z E f;H e li ; s qE {4,cl r ftI f; eg oo Ha iE 9H q @ 'm g, -t ! c)o oo ;'!i!m lt <t E Ct'5a om H!-o o:o o{ r+ |J. o tn rd $o GI FN Hr (J Ft fn rt a?o F = 0' v,rt o o E1 o e !t ,€ a r+ F.OF.3 -cr ln <,oo o E r+ .t :'@E F l-?:o 6Fl l,||tt (,l O.>! {:'O GFi Yr:l-i O OaA It O. o (t -!F.l Fnl -r r+i ot o f+r 9l ||oo xp ct z |.J 1: z (.tl € o Ftl o x rt o tt F. o * ll o € r.1 o i)a *t! th e>!Q ;. U' rn f) ?trr 6tl 6U' s'9h E=6 E-;'qnd <.) ; €p.fi + 3 s .8. F 6 F go 3 0 55 P ^' 3 r,, F. X 9:r--Aq, !| 'o: d o gg e B srf F' tcl Y ln t:r 93 fi=**6* I g c,:0 z z oo q e 'n'n 2 z B} 5 E ou, o @ =U, m m =m ! I u. a,Fr Y Y YU) el tn E; g i tr.o * I me 6.E6P ozz r<-l C O FE E Z &fr.'*'6 3 LoH*TlPo ct 0t =oo {.?g o u=t NO :o ld Q s o ci !m I .n ,.c)53 anZ isC),a o 'o 3 PA ee ,-. =x-O dz $n BF {Ani E=-tJr >- cr - tsrgt e....E {csFi iEii 3?la iig fl ;sgB g$ig Etii i!55 669 Fsi iFE fr=i !ii gi$ isg m i !l l-l ll ll tl I I tl tl L] trEi EA E93FFE =JEeilt raE 99 ;dE gE $gE HE =88 afi Z B fie o gFi E t tr3 *t46 -{4C){ft}f; eg oo Hi iF 63 zri o t! 1 m g,i T 1 o o !m ctt (D a m !o :o =F o It !t UI vt o o ;' t: € !l if n m -o o @ 6 m t m t !t !o m (D i o ><F<.+ q, ct Fl l-rP.OF. = r-OF. cn <,o. o n ':1 !"t 9r @ '.r tr t F.O F!,rO\= O (,! r" Ul Tl{0!t E0q o o-.(-l o id(,tt o o =o ln a? o a tr a (a (l a o o o o o c|o fn (D o tF v, I EP € @ 4 o EEE E 1 FF.H *rar-=].nI'= E s -Go ; E c+d I o\oi td o 91 g @ \.r 6g F! a f s.J 3 I -{(/t-= ;8 r .f \; O1 I 9s p N P t$g f; 38 6 +!Z rr=c o.o sHe T1 0>m Flo i 9=;gF P .si z gm o ?E Z E'F dg p m z g z c 3 E m r o al o o =.o B =o z c z {o -f!o x o FI Fl p rr o Fl \ g H g trl =z mC =3 6H 9:E oo 'n Tl >Ti 0>oa =(n 6E 3 o> aiQ /,i H+ { 6 x z 1'I o v, o 'r| tr fl (f Bg SFTF gleilt EE9 = mm b oct H Hfi I atI m - (tt 5Qq f; sE E' m=o qri 1o2 # H.i 6+6 T6 ftI e.i z at 6 2 s o -{m ct E {m CN -{ ufr Eg 'l :{! =>fi9 s9 2>lii g =<>cD {m 6o z € 1 Fl o !!A o r.t !r -{ = m o E o m r I 6 z gigi n;l i q.'ii A!ri ltag ?FFg iEi fl $$ii esg FFF 9c3 E39 Eii EFF d3i iaE FE3 T -v Eio 6.O (D!HM 'a at, (tt Efi f-r. O 5E -{€o (-:('o (+it t't ur ri F.p 0.o od o OH lt o 'uo FI !J Fr+Nts.F:' r{O (a €P.d !to GI ..; F o o (t p o r Fh |J. H ,f o o 3 q u o o :' 'o € F',f 3 m -ct o (D at m :0 m , 'o !r o m I @ -{ ><P<.r tr <f g:.rF.oF.5 POr- (/J<al . o >J 't: at !| coH c = F-O H 25.o\5 (!qf t+ 0l '!t{F:-}10e O Otr'Yd Flo It €o la z 9 5 ts Co o\ 6 { o (! F U' U1 a (D a o (al a 6 @ o t o @ !o a U' c/, tl v, !o o GI ri o o I o € I @ I @ { <>9 P oo.= z-ir.a* {a FF'; Tr ;gi g tro dg F'o9 <ol .tO (O 6g -D o': u,:t .t-{O 3L e FE F I ; lr (.1 5 (.|(rl F (rl N) (rl (x (:z.=I <!; o\ u) to Or n: o Fn r.t .r I u A llr ul € o ln 0q F' I 5 @ Q .6n UI € FN I 5 = in lq F P. I (rt '.1 H H 0,o o €ts. 0a tr z Fn n F. I o\ .- -.1 o z 6 o an =Ftr #5eg -11-a z, lJ (.1 N (o gEs= 5 ltl o E { c^ crSo =aH= t,l o ol N) -.1 N) I'l N { s N) F w - z,Y s={ rn |- o\{ !c, { @ on (,r o\c)3 c)o e39 ifi @ tr o\{ c) <.i > a't c) lTr =1 o-z, n + D 1 D |- --l '! i* FH I I sg 3 e 9F z z H=c c EO 3=o.z @@/-r m m "ox ! ' . HY q e ai I S s9 E3 *2 siB;z 3 Fg ;=6"dH tr;€F flJF HFCT Pl (+F oo HFT YT o tt r-, B c E! =z mc -.r 3 4tD LJ|n 9!oo .ll'T >!c'>ob efr Er ad EB :D€m. :5 o x z m o at o 'n t- 'rt -t : aFg{c-;Jf €Et: iieg isgi $frFg FggF da9 Fsi E5F Sri $ii ;i3 Eag t8B i$B trE g93FF=t rgE"44 i;di ss f;;H Hfi 5gB efr z E f;e e lF T B +g i4()rffl f;eg oa, iE 9H E' E J 'm a,-{ t r o o r m a CN !m !o 4 o o t+o ul ct atr ct s ,f F. F. rb lr td I o.o Fl vl hrn F. li r-o FrE 5Gl ohl ll P'oo.9.F O. P. HO Fr,6o I tl:rn o5 5 l.r o.O 9l f| tr P{o. o-l XF OP'sro Ff!ri Fl P.O o0t .o o t+ F'P. o o x F. ?n t? p U,rt o o I l- !r € F 7S o )>(p<1 crcroil ri F. C) F. = F-O t. (t) <c). o n .!.t F $ q, F! c 3 Fo F,,ro\:' (D u1 n 6 'n-{gre |i0a o or-Y-|o ip tf !t €o rr o t! F v,U' {'} tD (r, () lt acl o o o l o tn :t (ll @ o 0q H p q z o 5 @ @ { o o @ I I @ { SPg F F.E g FF H 'rr ! tr ': :8!'= g oO 2 .tH F ol &++O O rg F: q J .f-aO 5'A e EE H o 6 o o ts (,. oo br {u.l (,| <tl (rl lrt 0a FI I N ts 6 Ut (tl € n IJ. f) I N N € ( z trr g,r = H I t\)N -i o Ft { o {1.. at oa H F A { I F UI l- a)D = t\) 6) t (t 6l N) G' atl af,o sfes z, ts (rl t\) r0 aEIE { (rl o=o :26= 'E5E I o H o € o F N gr ua a\.)(/l d\ t\) -.1 -J u.l s 6 ^H_E Z!i a9+ 00 ttr { gl ctt { t9 8E c=g z=-1f, lJl (rl o\o + c) <ri >c)<:tm =<o-z, U, cr - t, X @ B p o rtt --{ ri En$ "s .I' 6 33F Egt tr+i g3Y 3rq EFE oo!oo>t+efC)OO-{HEo-**z EEF 'lt -?A =PF >da+-{*(Y $ E"EF oo Hrl It! Ul c'F.OF .+ Ct GI la - !m z I z c tt m ! o 'n m a - =o =a c z {rn ;= ts I u o p It o ri { m z E'z c 3 @ m o 'n ()o 3 ! o 6 z c z a, ts rf FI F'ii Fl Y A rt g E d s o ,+o r.t f;E J3 6H 9:0 oo 'nr|>1t o>oo effi Ee 9'l 58 mF ggg{ ;-sgg sil$ i€sf, Eiii FiF F5t giF Eig g$i trt1 trE 9=FET iEst#6A 99 dE ss In Hfi < 83 6A 6 HH o q.i Io2 # Hei 5 e-fi 36 ftI Pei z (tt CO 2 I o {m o @ -l m o { 'n c |. I m o t! C"m t =o z F 'o :!{I =m o @ (t, afl r i d z a ce *Pts6 Li= tl.l it x iii =l. A) ts !-t r sET ri2 F o 53 3 ott ti ga c) P. fd o FC!3 f.+OH E$tF:{+O €d o >o U"B d{rtt F. |Jl Sl oo O ,-r O ri fL oo ltr ., ll a+ rg 'EE ITPH !l (rl O N urx !: \-' . {trN Fr' !l - 0eO . OFn o 3u,(+ at P. 1.1 go od vta Fl =f o lrI p F o (r,rt o o I rt FT € !t ,f 1t m o o TD ct,ln I m I !t t o m 0 o -l o ><F.<.+trQ9 dF.QF. (./r<cl . o Fl 5n Fr an c t Fo r'i ,foaF o gtdm 'll{'r!E0rI o oF Y-t o io tt io F €o n t? Rp (t U) f) (D a o o o o e. m q. o at U' tl -a tr 0q o.o EE$ g I HF'5 n *I t-t - : :' 8g'= E 5 :F g= H :3 ', 3 rg F F: O |aEt $d s F ;:d P co ;r o\l qI { at tt r'' A .. z (tl |!I aFE EEsE z i? Hs ! ! --m mmoe 66 i9 Z Z i:=c c Fo HH:rR 3 3 H='T1 't| rr>8s eg +3 tz e: aF +Xr.3 a= ql - Z .m z 3 E3 d i E'ta .n F! e!(rf r.t t0 i+o E -c E!J Ftl o0 .F s o Fl a3g.{ ;l Fg3 giia Frlg iEB fl I Fii gFsa 81fl,e gfl et FgSg 643 Fsq e5F gsi Ei$ ggs sFg rl (+o Ft .< tr. H =z rnc J3 6H (7!oo 'n'n >!o>0ct =U''oU 3 8r lr =o fif o ul o-q -o x z m CI'at o .rr tr q I @ rJ !d =FTE 9etil gEE = mm b ss H Hfi m - al,6Aq E ng o g.i 1 oI # He;t46 46 f,=eEi z v, cn z I o m C' @ { E -t E9 :!! o GO r---tr =>--o oo tEr ffi=zs >o {m 6o z EI :0 -{I m o @ o m ;0 {6 z rFs !gFE H F :" ur tr dom o -l (1, H Oi^ (lt Y9.Fa oo H !* E;n 9 ro:J -t 8>o =' Foe Fl €JHO F gp (/| o 9.r}r+FrF.t,|o.rF r.t o@ ts Eg*Id EF B;= A. $ ir ;ido t-r a 3 s.3 E+e 3*S E$s E.E5 r+X .iH o gr cl (D o t ! F'€ F ; -'o 7<><,rrl:oFr t-i ts. o F. I POF u<o. o H ':1 .f ar oox c = F.O |J ito\3 (! 1 .+A 'tl -.t !J e iqq o o-Y.:o Fo no It o v, o {? F an (tt a ET t!U, o (o o (D .D f-o !, m 1 GI )o o tl ll o EE€ ..E i HF"X n *b cr a: = ; sg= E 5 :F F F :3 5 3 rg '!e fie e $d E F 5€ F I oF.I es 5 5 F ir.l N) 5 F P s zi O att F o (i o Q at u 5 F F t/, Fl t(l F I .,I 0t to B Y =a o €o n 0a z H n I @ rlt x P. I tr { cf o q ai 5 -,o t-,1 H o € la U' f\) € !a ri F. t (t\ -o C' z ttr 5 (.| =l.r1 c, 45e3 z ts or N iE=E F o .*t or o3o 'E== a NJ bl F NI bt (cl P N)c! t\) bl ut o\ (.r 3\) { N) @ Ll egE n 5 o o o F B ".1 o\ (.1 ( @ { (t! { o\ -.t @ o3 aEd =="< F; F ro (x (o o\F.o o + F {o-=; c) ,n ==o-r z UI ts \ u Y 0a rJ o <t, a- U'1t m q l o -| z o o 3 T o -l o z F 3 P m I r oe at,rt p cL tr e B o r+o r-l r o ta t.t x tr 5 A o F| qr F p FrA on IE t\):{!l o ,f o Ft 3fr i i F 9rr z z [I eq z z E B} = E H EA E E =a m m '- 3; r $ H ;:Egq t* 3 a F a F, I fr -dO:J I€ UB F3g1 r*5fi a3i3 SEr{ isE$ g5af, Fisi 669 Hsi E5E 9e3 rf9 I;E Ei$ d1; FEg ;8t :qe t'*a s€g 9€ a a!:d! a tr8t trEr E9=EEE =98"44 ildE ss Ham Hfi z E *q I 3 H3 *6+6 q16 i ft=# eg oct Ha gs F zil c, E d { T !o o 3 m cn o m t o :0 { P I o d o ln ct ln r+ 9r ,f o o F Ftl u lr rd H p o o |n o B c old I H.| gt Co O. ' tll FlFn !'0 P.O rtd 'DH'ri:'YGI tt ?t o>€r o l'r l.t (Jl r+F o ct\g|b ('t (aF \t (d ct o ltr ul d / ttl 5 5F q o€D ct {F os ON ;' \J gr 0r ltrf 7qc D!F.O F.F :lFi Ots.(alr P .A rt o o T 1t !t € lf J ><ts<rillou I't F. o P'5 FO F m<a). o B TI Ti !l 0oF1 C 3 FO E ,eo\;J o tnl-'t/l rr, \.t !t r r.t 0c o oF no 9r A €o tn 'i n tD F (A v1 f) (D a o o e ad o o m o o ll o t rt l-t !J o SPg F A FFE ; ?P.:gg= g e' :9 i F of a cD .?(D(,l{rg F: .n =Ft{ O O g'a s E 5'E F co t+l ON u l\)q&{ ts 5 a g r-l 5 !5 5 =;Qat H ?ts €r\ (D at G It rf H 5 { Fl I F gl o. P I P qr Fj Fj o FJ H tt o o = GI r z .qn (, = H H. I u { - 6 z, O'r EP F N It N =H cr q5e3 -o-z. tr (.1 l\t 'E=E (t I { (^ c|=o oo-rt s=3= =H= ( (l. A ts br 5 @ F N)o\ (^ a^ (rl N {sE! =tn 6 o\ { tJl @ UI 5 o\ .-J 5 { o3 e=E =H ts P (t 'l. 1O ul ts + o ct o- =rX -lt !Bg t4 (:-z vt P. r+x tt !l Y oEI E <t o i ! 6e o: "." ti o.n ft ar-gv xi FjO 4Z ,AO ' 'oO F=9!o> 89 Fr6 aZ gF d=P.>(+{-m E> cL'o H Fh o It F. 0e u -t{ 'o!mm zz 9Ct zz c€ @@ mm tr oo '|l 'rt om o FT =-{a=dP zz CO z =lz vr= TD P?!'ct t&RH FO dp Op.Fto YF' o. tsl c H =z mc l< 6H g:t oo 'll11 >T o>0(D =u,6E 3 I 9>io *rr "'o .A t. D oi to l2 m g,(t, o 'n tr .T| -l s F sg{ e;€ fi s3t3 $!sg iFiB gFEfl i FiE EtrE Ei i3 gg ?F -.4.2 FEg fsi !is EiF d3; iFa g$i EgF )4 IJ LJ '4 gsEEE ig]c#il 6q 92 dE ss En Hfi <r gra 8g 6a E f;H o qei roZ d Hei E+6 =6 ftT Pd z g, u, =I c, J m 0 F I m CD -{ tr -tl c t- I =m o @ o m ! l 6 z EI ! !-t J 3 m o o ah m t I 6 z -!ET g6 h,F:m Ft (ll tsr gt -u trm OY f+l rrl ts. ct TB 0aF IrO "t+>o tFl F qro eo rJ (+o\ lJ-i;J c FO {o. !d F.t[o 0q i,,r l+FI o r+I F' F F gl ct o o ! €Fr !t ,f ir - -.rr,: i:.;: i,.i.:rr.!-..-- -+.- :-i- a P(r.(.tfD O0:.tF.OF. =FOH u< |a). o rto F H ?t .+cr oots tr p r-O E FO\ = O -!: -.r $ b B0e o ot- l(-{o 2d (,BO OJ €o q at I o t! F (rn vt .) (D v, at !l m E! o o Eg ;a !o o'EA z I r r o o q fEE ts. o. =.. ol!P'=OO a tn6 lD qt?e0r $g'oo €cL O-{tnG rtE F. =',(o iE o 6 o\ @ { a 0r o 00 I l\)F @ { lJ (/l (/l A s z.A ?UI I \| -|o F F'gt o €F. 9(I e:t- s]A I u o\ o rt o u c' s ro {o E F! I gt o I =o = tn aEe 4EgE ir= -z. (,| N ro aE=E IE P -i { br o3o B=E= =*= ts (,{(rl N u (x 5 br (,| (o N) @ {e€E m r-@ o\ Oo @ l\) co ..1 <"= =16 z=-r 6i o + o + ts + (o {ct o-<rX ><t a! rn ==.o-z v, x sl A B sr o a ]- t z-.{{6 = fr f; EE m 3 3 3 sg 'n z z F=3 E = F9 Cn @ tD 5a a m m xx F ' ! -Y : R q F3 E e E [d i E i g; i ; 1 -TE F A 4 g-frdF 2 F E ;lE b' 3 I€ F f,€ H rc E E 3 m I r o g o 'rt o s z o 3 I t-l -t c :o m BSgE gsgg ssgH Sgis FFSB i5E fl E6$i d6g gal gc; ^t=rgH Sed 3ii gsi g3g 5gq :* r E;F $Fa *€a Ega 6=P Jr{{mm ut g,{ -.1 mm 90 8f;rnm ot) a.q 'm <o H=eo o2 Hei dz !Fo o -t o-z o U' 2 s o i m o @ J m gt -{ .ll c t-J rn o E g, m l, -.1 o z o o!9U !io 9A sts ui (D t gm Ul! 8.8 F:tn Fr _>g FEI oti <o ox FF.L. :l irF 0q cr o .)rr OY F hl N)o2 o A F.O ct rt:'o (no ft Fh S tl FI\o5 f!: F ltl o =?F o tn ll o v,ri o o t: !0 € FI iF 'o '0 v ?m E,o { ><F<ri 9l OSI r r"P.Ots.F FOF u) <,c)o o Fl ct.+fD oo tC IF B ifo\?J@ ults |,/l ':1 \ro r ts;'O rrF Y F: -t FO =(D o c| o tD RP (tt o c) (D (n o .cI o o o 4 o D m tcl .D o an L o (t z o A o\ co { 0 o o @ I t\)\t I @ { (tt o gD E-SR* E F. O.'n X PH.= X t r+^r.. !l z (1o H o ot 6 (,? O'F ?t=ut o9 (+o 6d 9 --{ o Fg E u=.i ;X P.- ts O ,.r .+Y H ts N (, n F'p U' ao ts N lr t \.| CN U' (A H U'a tl Vr Z -{ i ro (,t = d d $H ;mmo F z z i=o e o 5>'fl z z P=g E E E9 O @ @ -;t ct m m ' Hx E 3 3 at 6 'n -n x>$gIg; E 3 E FF ftct g 6Fi. $'nHFl Fto n8't BO ts-B |'t E 3 m -t .!o tr, o 'n E'0 z o 3 o at. c t m Eaeg ss*3 5-9:d 3egs igFE legi isIs {frgg FE$A 669,st9 FEF eEF Eis EiF Fag rgE i$* vl r{'o r-l o ts t+(D o at u trE trE!:[o so -{r =x m:{ 89 ffi*?<>an -{m 6s z 'o I -l I =m o @ o m It l 6 z 26==== +@;; ^ Cn Cn = -l -.t L mm o H Hfi ft (n1 m -a 5 A,q E f;H o g-i 1o2 # Ha 516 a6 ftI 96 z (r, o z I o I m 0 @ I m at { s ott 'o tIHP!EOF O Erse x );l 3-oc fii E 5o' o r+FI oo m tsc Fr 'o Y Ft! O -rE I oc o :Gt x .Gl . >OH U| u r.l d@ts F..:<oo t rtA o!'t. tJ.$Oct urf P.ul FtFF' a+ P. t+!no cf at FCI F.O 5 o rn cL ,r l(no oo(t U P.O l, F.o H € l.r. <p:Jo tna nt H do ooo e-< :,tO.i OB O r+ Ct F.o O (art rt.tO oFl 3 ,f o tlt !!I ln U, r+o o F I. € Fr * I m |-ct o E 6 m :D m :o 1' m o DATLT REPORT: OISIE INSEIICN LOGTTION: 1Ftin-trlaze JOB NO.705039 PAGE DAIQ: 8/4/87 Servtces Contracted Extra x OF Servtce Code Hrr. ReB. O.T. 8.00 INSPECTOR D. Diclsrever visual of tle bal joist \delds rras corducted at thijd level ftilriry of the lvesth Plaza Bril-ding, Phase I, between grid.s 21 lD 28n te Z. all reqr:lrea fillet welds were for:nd to be iGtalted ard visnrty acceptable. Bolt torqqe inspe*non of tlre 3/4|| dianeter A325 bo].ts rms cordr:cted at tlre scond Lstel freiry of ttre resLin PLa".a Bdrdirq. Those bolts aeqessible to tlre lerjgene gun, baring tips sheared off, rere fotlld to be acceptabte. Bolts located jn ttre webs of SErianiten:rd interior colttruts, rd'lich were hard tightenedr hY the "turn;of-tbe-nut-methodn' Irere fourd to be Lmse. lltrile onsitel tpgtg\/€r, LPR personnel re-rcr}ceil said connecLions usitg a 'strudn wrench, arri "ctreater bar". - Reinspednon rerrealed tbse conrectiOns to tse @t tsuion requirqlents. I-,ER foraalr Joel allt G.E. ,fOhnsOn sr4:erinterrdent, cbuck, were verbalty infomed of the abo\te. Structural , Hechanlcal and Materlale TesEtngs --t -t F.cF. = l-CH (n <,.-^^ Ft l+-r P co=C '',f o.\ -t o at4 tt '.1 --t O e O .+ r- O qq O.FJ (D. AA =rD 8e =\-9-tq)x.v, mO ;F}gg (- z 00 ..J <= .^F'O : Y P.(, a =H"i 6 ttr.o !- -r .{ ;YZ t)av o >R u.l ==. oo -o F.: oiu) t^1(D = =. Y-'J A n L * +l'- +it.: + [,r +r!olNolool-o ru al - €lrJ| =iFl =- F.l= F.l - p,lFJ. F;E:t l J l€ 5lc- :J ;=s;Xl27z 7 Fri 'Dl OO !J qrrol.qnol4noFbo ol ol o 'o l(,r.r lH 0q "*lg*lo*lo*Fh t lFh l'l z1 oai o € n 0l ,i $ { oo I o? @ { @ m o .Tl -l z 'tt \? 6 z F m t r l3z i J liF H $ F us 2 oo (7 q g ii F € $OA cl E A 1ffi ilt H s-e g g g E" F = *$3E a z2€Jco 6 =s F x@=* m=uiF'E F ?,I e'5 S rJ.f .Tts -l FJ. T:cra ?gs ro F. r.t 9--cL Fl = BTgE ea,f{ a3*3 iBIE 6395 isig F F:3 =55I gcEa JBSB g$es E r1! dl FEEFI Fisl 5;3 | esFl FiE I $F$l gF$ | ;egl ra6o I FAFI E*61 edEl F€FI q 3 t-t- -!m q -|m m It| -l o (tt -o m I I o >{6 z rN Lt ggFE la9<5E q HE g *(D X 6m H Sr cii ffiE =OP Y sf;o!l ?l ;4 gE oi P6 ftI eei z o CI' 2 6 -l m t! {m gt I Itr I lr -lr It l3 lm la tm t<l>IJ lo- l= rx ! I i J m o @ CI'm f,t )? -l 6 z !! c'7 m u)g2 T m I { ET o r+o o t-t UI cr iF :l !lI ol -l F'I I F. l tsl Frl I ol Fhl F'PFN o oo o<c ,1 P.3 (,A Fro !r Fl O. ci VP.o (Ao F \ :J A ct:€oFr FrdF. OF'IJ {r, cn!'F.o A !:oo dg B oo OF.oc,ooct :Jo..tg r', l-0r p.o cffl OOr+r.t r.i oDt qco 0r f d lttto .t|.'!t P.lr rt (/l .nEc O.t'd O.t 0t O.. cL < Fn€P.O N tn4u o At,o :'u o o f x oF.€g(a I O tsd I c a r,,.IF 5 +. o. d0c [o'- xt .rili ts- r.J F.iY(a o r-jJ-o =l t- r*|/| < c ig(a o f iI'€ o il H. F, q :l r| (4 rl ;t u 'l =H F lriocr t.<I P. H.I rlo :J trrc o(,€a< F.(D I oY (n lFl ct l. fio I otJ I (|5 lo t^ ts!d f lsr lc EI |< '<"!! oo f cL rn !-Ed t(D L U'4 hY 6FI IE, EB l;.o lF ra€I at F.!l:'.+ 0q ffi (3031608.1050 FIELD OBSERVANOI{ REFOFT PROJECTNAME TECHNICI,AN ST HR OT HR CONT gVC 5'30 0.5 - x Wes+i:l HO+e.l _Tqrrrce I.l{ng A.lC{t{clr t, PutitcH LtsT t?EM To DArE en/n1 xTF SVC coDE r 7 o CTC PBO'ECTNI'MBEF l7 0 4 '- 0 4 3 TYPE OF TNSPECNON. VISUAL X , MAGNETIC PARNCLE , UTT.^SONIC WELDMENT ,ULTRASONTo-__ SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOus_rtcAL)_,BOLTTENSIoN FtREpRooFlNG *ERE trEMs BELow rHE MlNtMuM PRoJEcr spEctFtcATroNs NorED? yEs _ No ITEM NUMBEH DESCRIPTIONILOCATION 4T itI mlll 'oo {-l Perfo ned visr:ar inspection of rebar placed at the follqrino grid leation: l) Elevator core, tift #1 Ftoc-6tog.s Eleqation 100'-0 to Lllr_3 6 #9 x 8r-0, 3 each T & B over der will not a1lqr for sufficieurt develoFnent cleara'ce if praced i,' a rcnr borizontarly. As per contractor, place 2 bars T & B of bean, arxl. tlre ottrer 2 bars in tlre sides.. (Contractor stated, tlris was atr4xoved by fte structu:al erqi.neer) tdo otier rejectabJ.e deficiencies r/,rcre noted.AcrroN TAKEN FEcARDINo aaovE Feus. -A- ...' i'r t:-<iT F.C F 3 ,-- P. (n no <?.\ F A 4 .+=tl CO = r'r ;'FC i( C\ -:: H c'|t o ?l -.1 O u rl :'-Oir Y $-Ooc.i ,r oP 0r A (D F (t)(a r) (D U) o o c (o m q : 6 !i I o fi o z o \l t { f F P F P. r, ct =Hrr 6' < I rJ. o .?t 3-6'a)!e5 = 3 -?\J7 (D9'o-F6 >3 (^ EO ".=A ==1(D ''oq 3.:l0 y- (,^l z=? .ii ln ef;o EE9!.-,6 E z E=E * t fr 5H g g *otr z z t oo e s :9 y 'i 'n z z :G =Bg F = ;9 =E ffi H SR 68 t t Fi gomo.C) 3x g 3 se .$ 3 E g; lZo.m ri , 2 I *;E d = H.- "fi 3Yi $tra1 Fl o= s c a; 3 il 'nrtl {YF at Fl o.oco :Erl a E !t F. gsgE q'i"E g gEa; Fig$ i;EE iEEf, B Eg5 BgFI 669 B F9 g== ^:=EEd €,a3 66= 13i =t E -48 6 esE ;is Ead Fr9 F$B 3Fi riF AFE rD nt Eg=ETE *tt*44 :IF Ftr Hin Ef;2Za U:.:i ; d*E ;E 9 :F E il H6 f5fr6 -f4c)-{6}f; eg oo Ha P=35 6I zri 0 (D -t m U'{ drd +tr'o 7 +i o ;:E M '.- x g,;g ttt .ctt riq !o v_l ct o o rt 5 F:o rt rl o E o o =l o ct o 3 ts 7+o tlt FI t,t a t'?o o d tq ,f .r' m f {o .t p) o91 a? F.O ts. =| FrO t- ?r<r)o o H t+ t+E @;f c )gFJ F O\rtJ o qri o :l \to.H:]O i-t !r X 0J r+o 0a p.E o. o o F u)(n .) (D (a o (cI o .D E m r-r c--o =(t Ira 95 =;.- o\ 400 c.{ o o @ I I o { @ o o <, =- A 9)o c F.l, q ,. t'? ol a) o-rrO *E be 7ro p. 6'F.J :ot ",(D =,= !.1 A ;ril l'l ,.1 N) zA "q I poi l-o EF:tF: l+r O lq fr€ 0q I Pd -,ro z4 rt 6i 0t 5(D Fnh 'tl I s L r! F rD |n l.t L-bo'l- 4 z4 lsr FYI O lo IUI t-€l€ F.b6 f'" tc E. P I tl lo. I I I ,r{lJr o -F u4 6io tv oE E= fn -I f z to {aF trt H s9{-z ,l \J ll N !.1 :t^l N L^l N eE=<=l- o { lr { tr : i.r.l : l{ : l.l 9< 9.!4< --te '<= (A s \,N)N i..r \J {a z:i g!e* a :! l- {: 5 F L co A 8E G1.;sfi=2=."{ Fl !!.1 aal a=l 1e n t n g FgE Ed€fi g3a: Fi B B iSag ssgfl $mtgl FgFEI 8;gl r€:l EEF I sci I 33El Fisl ;93 | FFAI gE Fl 3 ; $fi ZZ.+t o o gi = == $9 @ tD a^mmx :! I Ill q q HF 8 s 89 P + tuz 6 = gF d P s.i z z €,;con =c d 4 '1 dl Fr. I VI !E I I rr F. l otl q5 |F:I o.o.l r.tol gF!l EI l=z ImC l-{ =t6ffi lcl :D lqq lE3 lo ct l= (D 16ts t<lo lq,IC|,lI-lr" d lT I l= -r loI l6*3^fr g8 qo r-'n tr .Tl -{ F : ZTI (J|-F !9r+mm sl ct) -l -.1 mm o0 93 (Jm mm u1 z(n qe =i{r.l = riO oz ;!,d -{6 z cD a z g 4 m TD -'|m ct { o>oz zct *o BA {t-a{ l-iE 3H <:tr iii m ff< m o o :o rn €o I x m 0 t'rl lc lF t-t E m o @ a m r i 6 z b T -l i m o @ an m l 6 5'd ^.o E# P:o rnm fr8 o.'l FT Hr oo < f.t o FE F.O >5 Fr,0ql,|o dFr otr='o Hld CoH B \O (,o.ooo !' Ffi E?n =' F. tt Adlrl oY.t!F'FJ 9.I ur o\IJPS Frto:Ct .1.{, F.. OCt otn OF ra lJ O co rJ.tg .iOF tn6ti r-f O 8ts.4=e rD@ 0t vl I t Its.t* P t< IF:l5 lta I I,l.i to t< lg l; d o c) Or+r.j Frp 3o f). c+o zt tl I o\o o .+i'O.r rE AO .Ut ct o-o .o F +J F ''t,F ,-ro o € lr4 d F. lJ .n D .| Ct)tr =tt P.oo5 tr-O . gQ. (,-Zu a-_g. a r ) Fil IG ra IH tt ii F oENvER. cotoRADO 80223 l3O3) 698-rt05o CTC PROJECI NUMEEF PUNCH ttST IIEM _- TO FIELD OBSERVATTON EEFOR? coNT SVC x xTR SVC CODE * 7 wpE oF rNspEcroN. ,rr^,- x , MAGNETT. pAFncLE _, uLTBAsoNrc *ELDMENT , Ii.Tllli"., ^_ *r.l:1:.:oNNEcroR (AccousrrcAL) _--..----' BoLr rENsroN FrREpRooFrNG *EFE lrEMs BELow rHE MIN,MUM pRoJEcT spEclFrcATroNs NorED? ves --- No X ITEM NUMBER REEAR INS:PETIOI{DESCRIPTION/LOCATION 1) Eleyator core walls located at grid ljrres 6.7 to g.5_G to F eleyaLion 11Lr-3 to 123r-0 (2rd lift) North ani souttr ua1ls: I.our *9x6r_I0 vertical bars not placed abwe each dmr openirg, (3 doors total) - corrected, dr:rirg the oo'rse of the inspection. No otlts deficiencies were rDteil. 2) Fqrdation waJ.l at pa.tio area on line F.g-9 to Ll.5 includirg srirg watls scuth of line F.g at lines lO ard lL, and. t;rall ' section of lirre g-F.g to c.5. wing rral1s south of line r-g at lines r-o and 11- Rebar needs to be centsed wittrin tfie wal1 thickress. corrected durirq trre cor:rse of the inryection. No ot}er deficisrcies \,rere ncted,. l{dIE: *5 s'l^h do,rels wilt be "rcet_stabbed,, after cor'rete ACTION TAKEN REGARDTNG AEOVE ITEMS. PRA,ECTNAM= TECHNICIAN ST HR OT HR 3.00 _, DAILY REPORT: slrqr, Alr e Tepelratrre JOE NO. ?04043 LOCATIOI| : IGsrl.n bt€l ternce, Wtuq Aitatitiqr PAGE T DATE: (r,?Jt v. OL 8/rr/87 Servlce IlrB.Code Reg. O.T.Servlcec Contrected Extra Y IIfSPECTOR p..r11 rq.'..trrn;r -7 Perforoeal s1lqn, aix arxl tqerau:re tests on cotrcrete derivened to t]re above j& site for G.E. Jo&'rson. B e B E<cavatirg suppried tlre aoncrete r*itl' a ni:r rD of 5930. AIL test saples sere obtai'ed i,' acco'rdarce witlr Ass{ c-L72. 'AlL orsete tested was rritfiin jcb specification. Average SIqx 3 V2" Ar,reage Air: 5.0 Avergge Teqr: Z9 degrees chuclc of G-E- '.Tohnson was sbscn tlre results of ttle tests. For adilitional information, Eee tle attacbed data steet.. 9tructural , Mechanlcal and Materlals Testtng IT F cl J El I El FJ il er fI Flfl HI t'l t\lGr ,l .cr -.8 z uoo J'-r€tE sl {>lr D.!o qZr{.o t(J )+,l3 -Cot ata ot r>ll'r t ) Irt at t-o -{o .? ts.o F. = rr Cr rJ b< F f-t ct E oo:t c )F'F'X' O,:r 0;ur 4 tJr 'r {oe O .+F Y !);"q oea " O. OA Q\ I th F>20 a.vt mf) BE t- z A 6 ! l0 s= 9? I ts. Lt g =r-. r+ 6'e t-r. O -'| i- = E -F = i ct\J2 og 6'Fjx X -s.>SH o. 6'F': ^i@ mOO e|,,l :t u o € n pr =\4 z. z. -1 z q ! -J no -n tst F. ad lF'P.= I o z 3 o -l z !o 3 I -l m r |. l=Z -.1 r ro ImC l+= fr H s\o rgF z , F oo o s 3 JJ F F $O(,, E E -3ffi ss F ="' q e i g g$ 3 ! Fi e .''e=; 6Y 3 z2Y +coc 6 =e e xut=@ fraF,ut tn AF qB tr I $595 €sF.: FgBS iiFE ==X 9 $tF s $H$gi ggFFI a6El $gal ;5F I 8Ei I Hsil id : I =5 di I 6e!l HeFI igs I FB 9I sggl e,.o I I gEFI E l!|-t- -{m ct -{m o m m i u, (o E m a '?l o -{1 ol zl 91 | tr 3EF a9<XE =J =m E'@P !H Iq,ttt PY sf;oIl 1;JIE r!m Eo LJ 'TI ftI 96 z o z, 6 I m FI @ -l m (n i E o o z -{7 o I o :0 g s (t, m q IFI t; a J I 3 m E a m ll !o z trt)!ro rr !J Ort .li 8r o ct o ht t F.p o o 9. o iF l+l * F. t+ F at a+ .sD rt Y 0a =7l o tr :J u, vt o !- € I I u DAILT REPORT: SLT loRQuE 8EINsp. JOt NO. 70503e LOQtTIOtf : Ibtln Plaza nrirdjryAhase X Servlce HrE.Gode Reg. O,T, 2.00 PAGE OF DATE: eA2/87 Servlcec Contracted Extra x INSPECTOR D. Didoelleuc Bolt tcque reinspection ms cord:cted on the 3/4" diareter A325 bolts' pevJously uarked, as lmse, at botlr Lerrels 3 ard 4. Ttree borts are Ee telrsiqtedl to the Foper requirqtErts ard we rmrt<ed as acceptab]"e. xhis lnfsrmatlsr was given verbally to LpR erection foraan, Joer. Structural , Hechanlcal and Hacerlals Testtnge ETt - Eeore r DAILI REPORT: CbISIIE JOE tfq. 705039 LOCTITIOII: INSpECTOR D. Didsne!'er Servlce llre.Code Ret. O.T. 8.00 PACE OF DATE:8/L2/87 Servlces Contracted Extra x vi-sual inspecuion of the floon deck rrrdd.le rre1ds was corduct€d. at level 3. AIt required 5/8" g rrddle r.aelds and rveld rmshers were fcnrrrd to be irstal-leal arO visuaffy acceltable. visuat insPecEion of bar joist welds was condusted at level 4. A11 reqqired fillet relds were f.uud to be instarted anl wis,ally acceEtable. BoIt tolique inqecticr was cordusted on ttre 3/4"dianeter A325 Lejer:ne Bolts, at botjt leve.Ls 3 anal 4. ltrose bolt-s roted as stift beirq lmse were rnarked as srch ard their Lmatios g:rnen verba[y to rpR kection peno'rel. visual fnsPec'tion of ttrA leve1 2 strrrctrrral franiry sas ordug|.ted this date. A'LL stn:ctr:ral nebens ard connections rrrere fourd. to be accept:ble. ghe abotte iaformatiqr ms given ve*affy to IipR Erection forsnan ard G.E. Jdrnson sq:interdent. Structural , Mechanlcal and Haterlale Testtngs ot -t |J.oF. cn< Ft ar it s) coSC 5FrH x o\'t (D ul 4 |,-11 {Oe O .+F rt o. /t tD F a V' .) (D U) (o o o P- m 'J a o * I o € F Fl o z A oo ._t !) * (^! .-.1 <t tJ, cl 33 s . r..9 t i5 d= i I .+vz oui 9 PS G rg= 't gl lr. : i,-r6 .'g I -, /-! aJg G=:i e;= --r f, R-2F -< r"J It if !o lp.I li I BFgq I O;Efi laesi I BE e E | 6Eg: li$FF I gEEf, I a9!s I EgFE | * 6'X g! tEl5al l$gFgl I o o at I 8 F9I I FEgl 6q--l e;Fl ESkl o'd;l =5 6 | gFFI ;E 3l 36'o I gE 9l E $g I E+a I edql EEFI l=z -{ -r .^ lgg fr H* FA lE3 z 3 F$lrr 1't z z !, -r la* 5 = S9 l=E H H ri'o ll* il t ri lE* g $ [3 l*$ 5 E a.l E+ Z E 'EI 3F f;, Z F =La f ! |EH i E. I F<lrl =F.Ol rr[ |pol 6dFil tol IJF'I oYl -l I HI ,i-el o I i'l c' I !t ! |6l F I Br I ol -h^l I'r . I t-|nl h: I F.E I fr ,: I tigl tr , I EO I tt::l 1;I FE I ,t{ol E. rt I {' 5'l Irt , I T.ol bol tl It tl tl tt tl tl II tl tl tl tl tt trElI tra 3FF=E 9{2 #;E E9 = mm b oo H Hfi u aD1 E za'd 9g E n$o q.i 1aZ # *o 6 *,6 fri eEi z o 2.o 6 ; Eg .-t HE s9 ffi* P<> Ct'-{m ol,z E -t It -{J m t!(t m TI j z tD .-l m U'--t o>!Itr at tr -o O 'u< C'l:o D Pm !! .-r cf)*3(/, li .+ tr tam gT r.. q O iro!0q ,i, -{. 1., (D ta o t't FI o z+|n o o r+ 0Q gc l/)d o o r. 155 South Navrr.jo Denver, Colsredo (303) 698-1050 80223 Dete Cast 18632 coN,cRE,lq r.EFr BqsuL,rs ct'p P. O. No. :Job No.: 7O4O4g Repcrrt Detes z 0g/20/gi a9 / 1O /87 09/21/81 Va i'l Ventures, Ltd. J.009 S. Frontege Rd. trfest Veil, CO At6a? Attn: Frenk Freyen Report To: Ve i'l cl . tr. SLP Ventures, Ltd.iohnson Construction C0.Arc h i tects Test Number:Job Neme:Job Addrqgg: Cont recton : Supp] ier: Truck No.: CTC Rep-: Locatlon of Ter r:aeq,-{r,ling/P'l eze I L\rqa-iJ--C6Toi€do Air (t): O. E. Johnson I & B Excavtinc: o-o P . Norcl'l und Pour: 2nd leve'l floor s'lab 28 to 27 Ticket No.: IOAAg Mix I. D. : Type oAu on meta'l deck et 'l'l ines A to B and PHYFICAL PRO,PERTI,E9 S'lumo:3.5 Concretg Temo.Time Betched: ^F: 68 Q.n,t a-u Ain iemp. ^F: Tirne Tested: ilt./Cu. Ft.: 142.7 1n 8:40 a8/1a/sIj Cy1 inder IO ut Age (days)Strength (psi) t.+4u salrons water added " iil/'€'' Average Strengt h S ize A nn Remarks: P'l an.L water p] us 12 crc-Geor-K " iNil--* G'FG--GE€lTElt fngin*lring teting l$mtiol, 4-q* L- <,F;)F 155 South Nevajo Denver' , Col orEcjo AO223 (303) 6S8-1050 Vai'l Ventunes, Ltd. 1 000 S. Frontage Rd . lr{est Va i'l , C0 8165? Attn: Frsnk Freyer Test Numben: Job Narne: Job Addness: Contnaston: Supp] isr r Truck No" : CTC Rep.: Location of Poun: I CtOg5 Ddte Cast z 08,/13/8i 99N;CREIE, JEsr R,E-q.ULrq P.O- No.: JO9 t\o.: tu,lv45 Reoort Detes z A8/2O/87 uvl tu/ 6 t 09/21/81 Reoort To: Vail G. E. i)Lt- Ventureg, Ltd. iohnson Construction CO. Arc h i tects \ .,.'\ .///-Fine/P'Fa!..€{ ado G. E. Johnson B & B Excavating 5-O P - Nond'l und E'l avetor core we'l I s , Iicket No.: 1S435 Mix I-D-: 5330 e'levation 123'0" to 134'?" (3nd'lift) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 9'lurno: 4.0 Concrete Temp. ^F: 77 Air (%): 3.8 Time Batched:,t:ul COIqPRESSIVF STRENATH: Specif ied 20 p.lr | €fnp- r: te T ime Tested : 4 :2'c Day St renst h { ps i / .--3..9 j.-0 l4t./Cu. Ft.: 141.6 Cyl inden ID UI Age (days) I Strength (psi) 4U I V Average Strength Size Cl€ r er:/ ons1t'e, -,4ll it / /{tu-tY Remsrks: 1 .5 hour contr,:ctor CTC-GE'3TEK, INC. -l*.!f-rl ai: i .::: :nrl -, -l r-11 .:,1 i ..:, :. ; l, : ., t.,-L CTC PROJECT NUMBER (-zta-__o-g.-l-) ITEM NUMBER. REBAR INS?MION FIELD OESERVATIOT{ REPORT PROJECT NAME TECHNICIAN PUNCH LtsT tlEtu.__ TO oare 8/B/ez STHF oTHR CoNTSVC XTFSVC 5.00 1.50 X _ Page 1 of CODE * wpE oF rNspEcrroN - vrsuat x , MAGNETTC pARTTCLE_, uLTRAsc uLTRASONtc,, SHEARooNNECToR (ACCOUSI *ERE rrEMs BELow TlrE MINTMUM pRoJEcr spEc,r,,""ot, ----- ,o., **.,il" *ttlTih;;" CATIONSNOTED? YES--- "O X DESCRTPTION/LOCATION f) Elerator core r,ralls cbF-O.Otog.G Elevation.l23r-o to t34r-7 (3rd Lifr) Patio forq:ation walls located at lines 9_G.5 to J.5 includirn wir€l trafk r.^st of line g on liles E ard J. No deficierrci.es were rpted. tiulE: *5 s]eh dq.rel-s wilL be ,'wet-stabbedo after aoncete 3) founlatin Wall sectionr fo:rrlation to kt floor level, located at ttre follc.rirg grjd, locaLi.ons: 17_D.2toc #7'vertical bar supplied axe appm:<i$ate1y 2'-0 short of e>rtending to tlre top of roal.l_. *7, *g ani tro #6 bars (bun.bs) uere 'sed to splice out the $7 vertical barsi 32,,* lap qilice lergth was ACTION TAKEN FEGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. o o m I t m C.m o {Iocat a.l at ttre foLlouing grid focations: 2) a --.W DEmrEB. COTORADO 80223 (3031 698-105O CTC PRO.IECT NUMEER ( z-u'l -ua-r) P. llonclhtd TECHNICIAN ST HR o PUNCH FIELD OESERVA?ION REFORT LIST ITEM _- TO PBOJECTNAME page 2 of 2 OTHR CONTSVC XTRSVC CODE* TYPEoFlNsPEcrloN' vtsult X, MAGNET,.PART'.LE-, ,LTRA..NI'*ETDMENT-----,ULTHASONIC-.-. SHEARCONNECTOH (ACCOUSTICAL)_-EOLTTENSTON FIREPROOFING WERElrEMsBELowrllEM|N|MUMPFoJEcrspEoFrcATroNsNorEo? yEs-- "o x ITEM NUMBER DESCilPNON/LOCATION -B-*5 st-r.. dchrers w*r'be 'rwet-stabbedr r,vhen trre top portion ";xlall is pr:red. Garg fornE for ttris waLl are J.2r_0 high. Vuaj.1 ls a4:u:o:rinately 16r-0 hlgh. ;im of G.E. Jo'nson has reqr:ested to potr tlte en11 lrt t*o ]irts, rnrith tie approval of Rictr,ard Weixtqdrdt gonsultiq Engineers. tb other deficier:cies $e!€ tpted. ACTION TAKEN REGAFDING ABOVE ITEMS. b DAILI REpORTT LOCA?IOI{:WEstin plaza B:ildirg^hase r OUSI:E JOB NO.705039 PACE __. oF DATE: 8/L4/87 D. Dlcdcne5Ter Servlcee Contracted Extra x Servlce Code HrE.Reg. O.T. 5.00 _.- vi'sual furspe".non of the flmr deck arrl attachirg prdd.le nelds ras corducted at froirg lerreL 4. AIt reqrrired 5rlg" <li:,neter prdd"'e rnlds ard ret'r rmstrers rere fq:ni to be instaled arxt visually acceptable. Bort'torque inspection of the 3/4', dimeter A325 bolts Fas corducted on the rcet sJ'ope of ttre roof freirg- A1' bolts irrspected. were fourrr to neet the aseptable tension requireaents 'rhis infmation rvas given verra[y b r.pR Erestion forsan, ;roel Structuiel , llechanlcal and Materlalg Testtng o .n F.oi. (r<A^ ^ B .r rr = '-r Fr x o\ ":l o tJ't 4 ur n {o!B=o -cr X crd B O. c-o cr z 5 @ o\ @ tD R" (a a r) t!(a o o (o o qr m <€ a o oto c 0)13€ €. t. 9 ft 1f,o- =i e ;9 z !0.3 I X .:. tu=p.o Ft .+a P.: (D |n6'(D -6 = Gt FOO r .{ €'s (,l hl F.(' F. r. F. - t-a I t-r 1- F< ==-aFn FrhrotFAl N |o NQE N !Jkn o, !J <z -{ I ch iF f; fr H E HI "6 Z ;" il II € = i d ;f; $ E H.g =-q I Fi !n C ! B i #T H T ].:. 6 P gI F* = e it a2s'ea &it F g e;; * E "-nop.tr F5=TF r o P4 l-l : P 99 E 6'6.E1 q';e-* etei E.E E R 6tg: iiAs g =9I a6:d '=9 6' 6 9E 3 aq!lq ;8 3'E gHEA nE?r Fg 3r 669 cF9 F;C igE gra E Ab Eg;E9 5 i 9.* iq;:6 3 EaB ga9 B BB i3;€.q R ECg IE trE E93Ftn rf,E"g4 995 uo gHtEH 9"8 :fi \J rn=I g-i Er ; Ei $ $ $e :xv * Ed ga HA 3E =o ol zt {m -l dur .u ots tr rs I =2 m va @ ;o; a, F3!oF m xr !!i. o o g.' a. :: -l 5>gEIH>of lnll o F.H:fo Fr !j . Ar+o tt ul O.t Ovl rt ido B'O @t1 <o lJ. O oo ]t at Yd Fr ('o cr cr' tn OP xtsr Ou p <rn t00 r+ Ft o r'l-C:€EB'f fuinwrlng lstinq lasre;iial, Va i'l Ventures; Li,ci . 1000 g. Frontege Rd . hfest Vai'1" CO 8165? ,Attn: Fnenk Freyer 155 9outh NeveJo Denver, Colorado (303) 698-'t050 Teet Number: Job Name: Job AddreeE: Contrector: Supp'l ier.:Truck No.: CTC Reo-:Location of Pour: 80223 1868? Ternace hfing/P1eza Va i'l Co'l orado G. E. Johnson B & B Excavating 3-10 P. Nond'lund Elavetor ctrr€, Sth ggFg-RETF- rqsr REsuLrs P. O. No. :Job No.: ?04043 Report Dates:. 08/26/Sl s9116/87 10/03/87 Report To: Va i'l \:-E. SLP Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Cctnst ruct i on C0. Arc h i tects -ff" Cqst: oB/j9/Al I Ticket No.: 18939 Mix I. D. : 5930 'lift et e'levation'1 46'3" to 1E?'10' 9'l umo: 2 .5 Concrete Temo. -F: Time Batched: Cy] f nden. 01 02 U..:' a4 Age (days) 7 . 28" ,DE 45, "...1 weter. plus 5 Specified 28 Size 6. 00 c. Y9 o.9E 6.00 Strength (psi ) g t atu 4400 d490 4 630 Avenage St rength 4445 77 1224 Air (E):3.5 Vlx./Cu. Ft.: 143-s Air Temp. ^F: 75 Time Tegted: 2z1O Dey Strength (psi) ,,..pS,Sp ., '/., !,1 i i-r!..r'-li ga'l 'l ons w€ter added.'ons ite. -..ti-';-'i., ! -,'/r ' CTC-CEOTEK, INC. Remarks: Pl ont o g"qNcRErq rFs: R,E8uLJ3 of,Fe--csFt. oa/19/81 t-!Ll-' I Ticket ltlo. : 18918 Mix I.D.: (A) deck at 'lines Y to Z and 23 to 25 PHYSLp,$L PRoPER"TLES 3'lump:4-5 Concrete Ternp. ^F: 63 Tr'me tsatched:?:26 C9EPRESSIVE,STRENCTH: Speelf ied 28 2.2 Wt.,/Cu. Ft.: 143.8 Air Temp- ^F: 55 Time TeEted: 8:35 Day Sb,rength (psi ) 3.p!"4 Air (tb): Cy1 inder ID 01 a2 03 04 Age (days) i,. 7 28 ' ._24.. 4-5. $tnength (psi ) 3210 .' .t o u d.630 ,loou Avenege 3erength 4545 Size 5 - g9 a n1 6.00 6 - 00 ,l -4/ 155 Ssuth Navejo Danvgr, Co'lorecio (303) 698-1050 8022? Vail Ventures, Ltci. 1000 S. Fnontage Rqi. !{eEt Vel1, CO 81657 Attn: Frank Freyen Test Number.: Job Neme: Job Address:Contractor: Suppl ler: Tr,qck No- r CTC Rep.: LocetJon o'f Poun: 18686 Tenreee l,llngr/P1aza Vai'l Co'lorado G. E. Johnson B & B Excavating I U-J U P. Nord'lund Itth 'l eve'l s'lab on P.O. No.: Job No.: 704043 Report Detes: A8/26/81 os / 16 /81 10 /03 /87 Report To: Vai'l r).c,- SLP Vsntures, Ltd. Johnson ConstFuction CO. Arc h i tects Remarks: CTC-GEOTEK, INC. Voll Ventures, Ltd. 1 000 S. Frontege Rd . tdest Ve'il, CO 0165? Attn: Frenlr Fneyer pHYSI-CAL PR9PERTTES 9]urnp: S-25 Concrete Temp- ^F: 68 Time Batsheci: 10:09 sgN.cq-ErE rq.sr REFULIg P. O. No. : Job No.: 704043 Report Detes: O8/28/87 a9l.ta /87 1O/A5/81 Report To: Va i'l Ventures, Ltd -G.E. Johnson Construction CO. SLP Architects lllt./Cr. Ft.: 133.1 165 South Navejo Denvsr, Cnl gnsclo (303) 6S8-1050 Cyi irrtler ID 01 u1 03 04 Air (8) : 5. ?Air Temp. ^F: 65 Time Tested: 10:45 28 Day Strensth (psi) *A"ggg ao22? : Oa/21/67 Test Number': 18?'1 0 Job Name: Terrr€c€ hling,/p1aze I Job Address: Vaf'l Co'loraqio Contr€ctor: G. E. Johnson Suppller: I & B Excavating Ticket No.: 1A9A0 Trusk No.: 3-B Mix I. D.: 8930 CTC Reo.: P. Nord'lund Locstion of Pour: Elevetor core e'revation 1s7'10o to 16g'F"(6th end lesr 'lifr.) Pl ant rrr€t€r plus 9 Age ( rlcyu ) 7 lCt ." 2g 45. S i:e < oo 5 .98 5. 99 A nn 31,:rt:rrgth (psi)Avrerage St rengt h 302 0 4470 4540 *6JU 40u9 Remerks:ge 1 'l ons w€t€r, \, ' r,-rtev I Bn. ll\tr'. T55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORADO 80223 (3031 098-1oso CTC PROJECT NUMBER f 705.-0 3 9 I D. Dic.ls€ver FIELD OESERVATION REPORT PROJECT NAME TECHNICIAN ST HR OT HR 9.00 PUNCH LIST ITEM - TO --DATE a/.q/A1 coNTsvc XTR SVC x CODE * TYPE oF lNsPEcrtoN - usual X MAGNETIC pAFTtcLE -, uLTRAsoNtc wELDMENT- ULTRASONIC--. SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL)-BOLTTENSION FIREPFOOFING WEFE ITEMS BELOW THE MTNIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES -- NO ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION VistJal irspection of the roof deck ard attadrirg prddle welds u'as condtrgted on the east slope of tJ.e Plaza Bdldirg, Phase I. $cept for t}re fact that searo crfupirg had Dct yet been ccrqlleted, ttuis r.oof deck arul welds were fourd to be visrally acceptable. !{crk is stilJ. conLinuing on the c.et dorner at L4 t}ris date. Visual- ilspection of t}re coh:mn base plates, erected to date, vas corducted at tlre ltrote1 Terzace lVirg Addition- Bnoken anchor bolt ard slotted base plate ctrrdilions are U.sted on tlre attadted discrelursfr l-ist, *5 thru *7, B1ease refer. The above inforcation was discussed with IIPR frection fgrernan, JoeI. EotelAeryace Wi ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. o CENTEH,COLOFADO TEST r55 SOUIH t{ vAro DErWm, @LORADO 8&Aa3 (o3l@-losr LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Iten eported I , STFUCruFAL MECHANTCAL AND UATERTALS TESTTNG co lll o (r 4 o- =g lr )z (g r{3 d (, +)ct) o t! i< E lrO o+) tJ PO o o'd ($ {J 0)ho rJ() 5 tr >'o ooo UF tr €o rDg(d >.d I t{O r-{ n (,) .rl i/).o00)ou)c 's4 'd(l-r o tr o.i {J+J o9{+r .F{ P .H -{ l{.l O .r.l &Fr PO d.rt I EO €+r tr oo >: .Fr ".1 oO +l Fr Fl O tr C,< .b0. x b!: F k u)FI lf o,O AF >.'0- d =.r ul oc)Etr +,(,' (s.9 g l{.1 oO .Fl yc x OiicsF OcsoA (f-rHA (L A(B d z o t- tr ut o co o F F TL ts z o t- E uJ o co IIJ tr J lt F crt uJ F o UJ F 6 z @ at z 9ci fg AG 239 gH H dn 6 Etr o ()E IIJ t!.h-9 gft IIJ Yi ? (t) cE > UH H? oo io l! lll =F 66 0?HH66E JJ-OZ ii2=.8 *!EE (5 UJ U' F o ri q) \o I a .r{k b0 tn t- F{ I nt tr5 v) F{ .H d ti .d t{ +J c{ (a +)U o |J t{ .A E6E E o*9 Eg; E8 E EE€9ea 5 E:rq5 *6 F Fa€I6;s:s BEq qE; Ea P o -=tE I Ee.9 Fsap 4549 5E EE E!E B s€ia iEsE E FiE si E!E 64 6 FEbi 5'Eg E EEFE 6R0,6 =ueis FsP-; :.>d., z ut .r l-a 6 =z 6 u- o 'r F llJ FI F{ trXFi tD tr r-€3q OrS .{ tr t!*'i*o i s;fr ..t)E ,g 2 ?_ u f 5 6 3 F !r, X z z e.: : o >d H h OF : Y zi F g d Re tr g s Xt F s 2 5P Y Y n Qe- fi il 6 (r- d) fr u)z.i P€ 2 2 ^;<tra\r.rrJ Hfi 7 =" s oururE tlJ o\e lL t!a3 I E t d- 5€ tr Fr P! = tt,E Fg 6 P9 6iE Eo Itl 'F +)slC <vl cr E 68 = oE ^h = .r'l F{X ll- E.'{C- €EE 5s ol och o 6 ED E ut (! -e q €o o o o,o a c -ct E o o N c, \o € Fl sl ci z .Ct o tn .E GI aL CJ o a ah € T -c) r-t U +J o o = d o d oh ob0 0 Fd x Fl +r c,Htr qOa'. lr Ul k r..l c, !r. \o J4 F{ .{tr +) *., tr c 50q.o oL' " >an F{ C) Fl E: ".{ O .tl +l daGr+). >r{>< F Lo O€+J +)o (!p c)t<o tr >'d ooo.)z tr CE llJ uJ tr F R gl !< ul o o UJ FHK E=: H?H 9E> ^;EF (t) " l-xe ==ze6d F ul F tu F E z o F E UJ q, F uj F z ct) IIJ IJJ F UJ -J J Il g)z tr o l! ul ul ul F ut F J J IL tD TU l! l!a @ o J cl lr. 7 q) +, i< = > .rr 3 tr 0)ri O 4.4 v, .U g{ u g O .rl P{J o(| +J "{ l-,..1 -( lt-{ JFa {J (J (! 'tl q 'tr+Jg >=.H ..rorJ t{ Fl ,)trO < .60. x h0: F 1.. an r< O aFi }' tu oc)lctr+J .^ (!9 ts Y1 a0 ,Ft == x (J lJ .l l-. E '-{ tr Qr l"Eq6 lE E-c le€E l€gs I eE: I E E€ lqsg I c;F :6: i:$ { -8;'i:E €E5 E€ 3 nP o =F ! t5 3 c€[g EIIB f!*s EgRE ; E >E :FEE ;:; I 66--6 EE E: ?5Ec E$sr Fs; F d-!FE CEIiE XiJ c) ;l z I I I I,IJ I trl FI @t =l ol zl <l tll ol ol 'rl :-- | EI =l tr lr\r{€ 3r .B+.|=Otd ! rl € 'i f o i,=..og rt z g F ('fF H>.' z z s.: R o 2o .6h ; E zE tr S ct 9tElq F5 fi E ri >P o -o x x =P = = n -r^ul gl u)\J zi =oai f f r'L E'o Z Z l!kc /\ ,-t o tr'H e e fi --' d)H$ I g 3 U)Ot F F Z ct,a =Es -zd er- f I i I =2. lt il ==Gt !tl 36*l ; ".-' r-l s>Ec) I i .r .i f'r ccl orl cO t 'o Fr a) t'\ I f! al' ,{ h oJ tl tl tl tt ll tl tl t..l t(4t | +rl tol tol | *11 | 'Fl tol I trl l<l I o.l | -rl l.,l tl tl I..l tFl l'l t.l tol tU)l vl l:l I AJI tvJ I lii in IE lE ts I to q, +J =ur ra o).oB tro F\ 6o q) or E!\o '"l E,co I tro F'| 2 A*o rv - -+r ..E E EF . !) .. tl a!-9 tE E<>1 gE; o o o E o o o o EI' ul q c s g 0 0, ID o a 9 cc CJ a U' € -l c) U +J vl o = $,o - o|{Fo0 0)Fo h.-l +J c)trFr iOF*lr.ul t{ tf)OE \OJ4 Fl -1 tr 5E 6 d +.1 +) tr tr 3Oa.. o o(J FrOFt F .'t O 'Ft +). 6o rd +)" >Fr>< \P ffi r55 SOUT}I NAVAJO DENVER COLOR^DO 80223 (3031 698-lOsO CTC PROJECT NUMBER (zo:-q-3r_) Danny Dlckrneyer FIELD OBSEBYATION FEPOR' llesth Eotel Terrace PUNCH LIST IIEM - TO omt 8127laz PROJECT NAME Additloa TECHNICIAN ST HF 6.0 OT HR coNT svc .Y xrF svc CODE * TYPE oF lNsPEcTloN' vlsuAL - MAGNETIC PARTICLE -. ULTMsoNtc wELoMENT- ULTRASONIC-------_ SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAI-)--,BOLTTENSION FIREPFOOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PBOJECT SPECTFICATIONS NOTED? YES - NO ITEM NUMBER Onsite lDsDectI.on DESCRIPTION/LOCATION In.spectioa of the bar jolst welds was coaducted at the first floor franlag, for the We6tln llotel Terrace Additlou. Those welds reJected.betseea grids G.3 ta L.glL to g.9, were narked as Euch. A11 repalrs were nade, thls p.n., borevetr, aa.d are uow all considered acceptable. Iaspectlon of the p1at,e washered base plat.es sas coaducled at 22 ac'd 23/1,, on, the Pl.aza Bltldiag phase I. These were found to be repalred per Rlchard llelngardls observatlou report, dated August 4, 1987. >!iiI mm rC)i{ IBspectioa of the East slope interlor seans yet accessible to Punched" aud acceptable. LPR Erectlon Forenao and job the above iuforrnatlon. seeg decklng revealed those have beea properly "Buttoo- superlntendant were lnforroed of ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ASOVE ITEMS. T55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (3O3) 0S8-1050 CIC PROJECT NUMBER (.LLt -L3s _ ) FIELD OBSERVATIOI{REPORT PROJECT NAME TECHNICIAN ST HR 2.0 PUNCH L]ST ITEM - TO DATE 8127187 OT HR coNT svc rIR SVC cooE s TYPE OF INSPECTION. VISUAL ULTRASONIC _-...--_. SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTIGAL) -. BOLT TENSION- FIFEPFOOFING WEFE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PFOJECT SPECIFIC,qNONS NOTED? YES - NO -- ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Vtsual reinspectlon of the outstaodlog dlscrepencles was conducted at the Plaza BulJ.diag. Pbase I, ltems #1 through ll4. It,eos #1., 2, aad 4 were fouad to be repalred as detalled vlsually acceptable. Concernlng tten /13, the nlssing bolts at L4, 2125 ar.d'!/25, both beans t,o We6t have nou been welded to the correctlon knife plate top aad bottou to bean !reb. Althougb seLds uoted were found to be vlsual.ly acceptable, review aud approval of thls coodltloo will be requlred by the engineer on record. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. T 155 SOUI}T MVAJO DENVER, COLOFAOO 80223 (3031 698.r0so CTC PROJECT NUMBER ( zLr - -e_re_ ) FIELD Og9EFVATION BEPORT nWrv PUNCH LIST ITEM - TO DAIE 8/2a J4, 25, 26,28/87 Addition PROJECTNAME !{etin Eotel IECHNICIAN ST HR 22.O0 coNrsvc xTRSVC CODE* x OT HR D. Ganow TYPE OF lNSPEcnoN' vlSuAL --------_ MAGNETIC PARICLE ULTRAsoNtc tyELDMENT=-. UTTRASONIC-------SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL).-BOLTTENSION FIREPROOFTNG WEFE ITEMS BELOW THE MINTMUM PROJECT SPECTFICATIONS NOTED? YES -- hIO ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION A copy of the suhcittal fon spray fireproofing frcnr Crossroads EnterFrises was obtained frcn r{r. Ernie pyle of sltasuse, r.6^r1er ard Partnens. phone d,iscussior:s witb l{r. e'1e r,aere held to detesnine the er<tent of qray fireproofir'g application. Diagrams for use in recording r,lork progress ard locations of any lrere prq)ared fon the Plaza phase I ard Tor:ace Wirg ad4itions. Ttrlcl<ness g'ddes were prepared to strcr variati.ons in ttriclcresses ard areas lvlree application varies. x >r tiE mm !o -{{ ACTION TAKEN FEGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. .:- -,. .i -- *!;-A. e-:iD *t ,* :r:. r *- I U/ Vail Ventures, Ltci.1000 S. Frontage Rd- Nest Vai'l, CO B165z Attn: Frenk Fnetrer 155 South Navajo Denvsn, Co]or.edo (303) 698-1050 Test Nunbcgn: Job Name: Job Address: Contraston: Supp] len: Tnuck No.: erv Kelp.: Lscet ion of pour; 80223 18686 Ternece Wing,/p'l eze Vai'l Colorado G. E. Johnson I & B €xcavating 10-30 P. Nond'lund 4th 'leve'l slab on c"gNcREIH LE"qI" RESULTS P. O. No. :Job No.: 7OAO43 Repont Dates.. O9/26/g? 09/ 16 /87 10/03/a? Report To: Va i'l r:.tr- SLP Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Construction C0-Arsh i tects T'lcket No.: leg.l 8 Mix I. D. : (A) deqk et I ines y to Z end 23 to 25 Time Betehed:7:26 COFfPRE$SIVE gfRENCrt: Specif ied Z8 PHYs,r.gSf pRoqERr r,F€ Slurnp: 4.5 Concrete Temp- ^F: 69 Ain (t): Age (days) Size 'l e a^r O. g5 2 .2 Wt . z,Cu. Ft . : 143. g Ain Temp. ^F: 55 Time Tested: 8:35 Dey Stnength (psi) *g"g-00 SLnength (psi ) 3210 Averege St rength i |-,2'-'-. Cy1 inder ID 01 I ft ,1'. 1,4-.'t rtzf i''*' V Remarks: CTC-GEOIEK,ITIU. o corycRETE TFqT RESVLTS P.0. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Report Detes z O8/26/97 a9/ 16/ 87 't o /03/a1 Report fo: Vail Ventureg, Ltd. G- E. Johnson Construct ion CO.SLp Arshitactg t p/ Vafl Ventqrs$, Ltd.1000 9. Fnontage Rd. b{est Vall, CO B165? Attn: Frsnk Freysr. 155 South NqvaJo Denver'. Co]gnsdo (303) 698-1050 Cy1 inden ID 01 PHYqTCAI PRo,FERrrEq Slluop: 2.5 Concrete Temo. ^F: 77 Time Batched:'l:.24 COMPFESSM STRENGT.H. Specified 28 80223 Age (deys) Size 7 6.00 ffi.b Cast. OS/.t9/87 Air (%): 3.5 Test Nurnber: 1g6g?Job Name: Tenrece Wing,/p.leza I Job Addness: Vall Co.lonajo Contnaetor: G. E. Johnson Supplien: g & 6 Excavating Ticket No.: jgSgg Tnuck No. : 3-10 Mix I . 0. : F93O CTC Rep.: p. Nond'lund Locetion of Poun: E'levator core, 5th l r-.f t at eJevetion 146,3, to 15?,10,, Rsmsnks : P'l ent hrdteF pl us E g e.l l ons w€cer Wt./Cu. Fr-: 143.5 Air Temp. ^F: 7S Time Tegted : 2: 'l 0 Oay Strensth (psi) l1]gQ Strength (psi) Average $trength 3180 added Yllt|,r CTC-GEOTEK. t '{bt DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (so3) 898-1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBER (:-u--o- r g-) FIELD OBSERVATIOI{ REFOFT PFOJECT NAME TECHNICIAN ST HR 8.00 PUNCH LIST ITEM - TO DATE OT HR coNT svc x xTR SVC CODE + WPE OF INSPECTION. VISUAL -....... MAGNETIC PARTICLE _-, ULTFASONIC WELDMENT .- UTTRASONIC - SHEAR CONNECTOF (AGCOUSTICAL) - BOLT TENSTON FIREPROOFING WEHE lrEMs BELow rHE MlNlMuM PRoJEcr sPEctFlcATtoNs NorED? yES - No ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Bolt torque inspection was corducted on the 3,/4" dianete a325 bolts on t!.e east srope of the roof J.evel fraairg. rlnse bolts fotrrrt to be lose, were narked as such. rnspection of the r@f deck ard attacfr-i-rg prddle welds rras corr ducted on r*!at was ccrq>leted on ttrc rrcst slope of tfre roof franirq. several sheets, puddle welds ard seam cingrirg are rpt yet installed' Cotcerrritrg tlre flarne slotted h'se plates on the rprtlr perirneter, addressed in Richardl weingardtts &se^ration reSnrt aated, g/4/g7, this has rot yet beeur rc,F*ired. Finish work of tlre x-brace field firlet welcs was beirg ccarpl-eted ttris date. Above i-nfornntion was given verbally to Joel, ripR forgnan. r55 SOUTH NAVATO ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. @ r55 SOUTH NAVATO DENVER. COLOFADO 80223 1303) 6E6.10tro CTC PROJECT NUMBEB ( z o q"-lLj-e-) PUNCH LIST NEM - TO FIET"D OBSERVATION REFOET TECHNICT]AN ST HR 8.00 OTHR coNT svc x rrRsvc coDE* TYPE OF INSPECNON. VISUAL- MAGNETIC PARICLE=- ULTFASONICWELDMENT-, ULTFASONTC-SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTTCAL)..-----*BOLTTENSIoN FTREPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES - NO ITEM NUMBER OESCRIPTION/LOCATION visual inspection of tlre stnrctrrral framiry and con:rections rras concttcteal on tlre Westin plaza Rri.ldiJg, phase I, lerzeLs 3, 4 atd rcof. those itas fdtrd to derriate frrm t}re supplied set of structtral draruings or just for&i to be inocnplete, were ircor5nrat- ed orrto the attactred list of outstardirq discegnrcies, please referl aopies of field notes were Left onsite ttris date witb G.E. Johnson ard f,PR personnel. ACNON TAKEN REGAFDTNG ABOVE ITEMS. o CENTER COLORADO TEST 156Sdtmt{AvAb DEN!/En OOLORAOOSerat' ($Et 008-1050 LIST OF OUTSTAI\IDING DISCRXPANCIES of Location: , \rsr.J ? -n 6^bq.')*r-*r Job# : zcc.as? D ^t.z afzt/gl Inspector: \UT\..-erea page: orted Iten f SIFUSTRAL UECHANICAL AND MATERIAI,S TESTING ffi DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (3031 6S8.1 050 CTC PROJECT NUMBEF 17O4'-o 4 3 I _--, P. Irlcrdlurd u PUNCH LIST ITEM -- TO FIELO OBSERYATTON REPORT PFOJECT NAME DATE 8/L9/87 xTR SVC coDE f TECHNICIAN ST HR 4.50 oTHR coNTsvc x TYPE oF lNsPEcrloN ' vlsuAL x . MAcNETtc PARncLE uLTRAsoNrc WELDMENT - ULTRASONIC-SHEAFCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICALI_-___BOLTTENSION FIREPROOFING WEFElrEMSBELowrHEMlNlMuMPBoJEcrspEclFtcATtoNsNorED? yES-- No x ITEM NUMBEF REtsAR INSPESXION DESCRIPTION/LOCATION 1) Elevaar ore rralls located at grid lines; c to I, _6.6 to g.6 t@th WaIl: Eight *8xl2r-G verLical bars, 4 each sid.e of dmr oeeniry were trro'ided- Rebar strop drawings did rpt i-ndicate @unt or size of a&ritional door openiry trin bars at tfi:Ls rift. Xhe abo\re nentioned #8 bars are of ttre saue as specified for ttre dmr openirg belcrrr. @nerally: Rebar neerls to be Uiecl off at ttre top of wa1l to securely hold t}re rebar at center of urall. CctrTected &:rirq t}le aourse of ttre ilspection. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS, \to ottrer deficiencies were rptqJ. Westh bte!r'feo:raie Wirg Addition & Fi 3 o +J U' o)r4,--r{ .H boo k Hi+ O O..lFrP +r 'ri o o d€ (B oti€A F b0 3d E O< O ur F tr ctr c ir ...{ ro E 6l F qr 'r 5 >X l.{ q:iii F{ o'O = o{J o Eq.] o x &('t \./O t{ .'{<n Fo E ulo{J fi nsi fl x t:.o E 9:;'t tL -tr - z tr ar ut at) ltl tr F E TL E z o9 IIJ F o< AE rH tEo F ,,, EE TEF Et 4J 9D ()u- a! F o ul F dt o ul F 6 6 =o o z 9ci €g oE 289 .rqJ tu EA E oh o t!fi 6= E ut.h-9 I UJ Fo E gH "'ee 3 660 HH66 Jig? Etr EEI EF; €s E EEg €;F .Ee t FEE 3E; :;t EEX EEE g5E Es E B:€ 588 ;r9 Es nE :i EE EE!B EttP E EiE B;rt EEE: E!;6 9: A€ EFE g :?o9 h c) d.oc).{{J=rcd€,11 r{ | =\O bh {JJ !n u-xo .F{ (t, .Dg =PE ZI g f F6.l Z.ro x0 I F = :{f,trs iE XA:(h tt tr tf u>H H =3a 3 SEfe Z Z t J,_ l! ^ .' IOO 2 Z o(IrJ fi fiEg3 ,- ;Ezz q t{ ,0) <-E cE3 ut ki. ='.{oE zO 6€ 6e <+J lL t) =o Uo.zn oh trs <ts u- +l 5ut uJ -^;rn --ol :x Xk..-; .t .;f, =e4 e -9's .3 ..9ct cr{ &k +', E g'E 3 € r.r oS? i $:1 o)riY!n xo ,d Er tr trFA .dUg ar IU ut U' ao o o J g tl- l) tn artr' z trl 9q 6 r{ 0,+) Fr g,€ 6 E.:O FP 6 E,$ ,-, .E g \f 9+r 6o e 6;E E 68 E *F.; g€* = =='ql d 6<> N @ €@ Fl sl d z .lt o o tt k b0 p d (,J al tt) a I E 9t g UJ G a,E E o o .!o g =ot q. Cl (J (t) E .Il I o (n u € q) EI U .t o B 'o nt OH FC tt F>.FI tU Ct b0 t..qlt-l&l'l *J rtl O tr \O ,g k oFr Ci 3 ho rd +J tr. tr O .L,>t/) .-r o'-r E +{ O .-l t)(!e(B+,>F{>< o F E A o +)IA /Fan .r.{ c)qrtr J4 .rt (, r'{ F}4 €u5 ntb ,.-! tr c{ c)sl () F<3 '{ !-{ rt s OFI +J o qlt C) +J !O F\r-l o .o \o 0)F{P ro'-'i !.t c)IB <o o UI b0x trti .r{ .d PP O .F{ qr .! €€rd lH I AO\O h qr ru Fl r.H jz ,.{ 0) ,r4 ..J {J P AJ F o o UJ lr (I) ct) uJ o o IE r F 3t F @ Itl z F <!l ()F =<ze IJJ rB oo z^ ul Yci ES tr OEts- 2"-" 9 F 9H H B $b 5 =uJ o ()= u.l ne FeC t-o E >a l+H uL9fr =x o\(')^tro ffB =P9 66 g?= HH56[l jjg?6i ETD atr (, 3 o '-{o v o. J o lr x E (! (A t z LO 2F ul (J Ptr l!E -8 f..o Fl aa F{ ct J I.T 19F =z 688 oo =o 6 r\ \o r.-l'. € \o !a t'. sEe ct v) o N F\ (\I tr:!4 N co c\l !4 C! !o c\t ra FI ct fi.o E 5 =grF =R:a ESES LC)c|o=(J tr) F- EuE= Ol N !o = E=EE (J !o s z o ()o J \o I .'-l 'r b0 = C\ ln ot .f{ B C)o tr t't L. r.i st Fl +,a () rJ o)& tt- I li @ I v E t'r rN z oo lr o ! C) x tr +J r.. I l.r 6l q a € st st r..l +,, o +)o l4a ;2..+s N =f tU d k 60 q 6t lr ()a 6 aa I tal ll (9 lrl +r ,t t (J n II I P* € rI Eg; EE E gEg g;E 9b;TAB E:$E6;i: E EEN EEl' ggE EEg 5E E Erg Eg as aE EE EEI B itr P IHgE 9:9r - 6! 6 AE:: EEEe i!t!tri B Fge! . "EgE 9.- FE trop .id(dlL EgEZ q{gP 23 €zEEr r o = Fo n= =e E 3= 6 f E E [; E H i ;; ; s s ga n z z Ah =oo ; ? e fia s i g =E !-l Ul tr -r q2 <E iiE u-trx >,P G .tl oI zd od hk YO >+J Ei 7p 1= =aJ otn TU U) tt lr c)J'o 3=(\ El lio nt r-l rh P o C)+r k :o r{(, +r ' r{ €'€ E Ef 6 Eg At EE + g*' bo E 6; E 858 n H.i; A FES F € iO qt F{ tf C;z ll o a !t @ .E CD c ul a!t E I o @ o CD t t c 6 a q)U GI .tt CJ o a (A € -o) U +,o q,B 'o .d ot{ac !,FX FlO 0,EOh 6.dr\lr.u|.9ra o tr\OJ ,{ o-l tr 5 h€ fil +, l& k o .(J >r, FlOFl tr .d O ..{ +J a$o(!+r >t-r>< F r.-{} r Fl 6l I @ @ I5S SC}UTH NAVAJO DEinER. cotoRADO 80223 {3031 898-ro50 CTC PROJECT NUMBER (ro_4-_l._4_3-) P. t{orallund o ruNCH FIELD OBSERVATIOII REFORT LISTITEM-TO oarc 8/2L/87 er:race Wl Addition oTHR coNTsvc rrRsvc coDE* wPE oF lNsPEcnoN - vlsull x . MAGNETIc pARTTCLE .----.---.--.--- uLTRAsoNtc wELDMENT- ULTFASONIC,SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL)..--------* BOLTTENSION FIFEPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTEO? YES -.-- rO X ITEM NUMBER REBAR INSPELTIoI{DESCFIPTION/LOCATION Blerraton cixe mlts at grid un€ 6.8 b a.6 - c to F, eret ation l57rl0 to 168'5 (6trl ant t st ]irt). No deflciencies were rnted. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. TECHNICIAN ST HR 4.00 y'. I o CENIEB COLORADO TEST r55 SOUTH NAVAJO DEIWEB @LORADO S{}zAr {303) 698-1@ Location: i OUTSTANDING DISCRXPANCIES Jobf,: :"c'o"? Date: Afzt/et Inspoctor: \t-.j\-,-=_rea page:of orted Iten * _1 '*-n' STRUCTUFAL MECHANICAL AND MATERI.,AI.S TESTING @o ngrnePrfig festing Inssrti6/, :l 55 South Nava.io Oenver, Colqredo (303) 69A-:1050: go{!:REr,F rqFr RESULTS P-0. No.: Job No. z 7A4A43 Report DstaE: O8/28/81 99/ t3i37 i0la5/87 Reoort. To: Vai1 Ventures, Led. G.€- Johnson Consiruction CO. SLP Anchitacts Ve i'l Ventures , Ltci -1000 S. Frontage Rcj. feest Vail " CO 8165? Attn: Frank Frever 6iumo:3-25 Concnsts Temo. ^F. 66 6V Z 4.3 ?dHE cast: a8/211a7 Time B,stshed: C-OMPEESS I.VE STRENGTH : Air {?;): 09 $oecl i'f r'.ed 28 Air Temo. ^F: 65 Tirno Testsci: 'l 0:45 Dey $trenst,h (psi) j.Ag.q StrengLh (psi) 5U4U |1I .lUU. rt.: rOJ- | Averaga Str€rngt:'1 c- t Cy1 inden I0 01 Aoa f i'r*vg l 'l n r "4. e ga i i ons wdter atlded onsit.,:1 l/ -iF,*'n' 'W Test Number: 1a?10 Job Neme: Terrace frf .inqlpleze i Job Address: Vai'l Coiorado Csntn,gctsr: G- €. J ohnson SuFplien: B & I Excavating Ticket No.: 1AgA0 Truck No. : 3-B Mix I. D. : SgA0 CTC Reo-: P. Nondlund Losation of Four: €lev€tor core e]avatl'on i5?'10,,tcr i (6th and lase lif r.) Remenks:: P'l ant watar ol us 9 u|\,-r:cuI cA. Ll{t. JI ri 3 ID o +J v) (E |{ +r tr +) ta b0 o 'd r'lD Fi g..r{ \O +J Fl O.ola Fl Ftl o<+) ..u!a dD0 'rtr +, .Fl Fi +)oo F.no utH o) -l g, .'1 LlJ :Fi o*ox GX z I l- (f UJ ao dt o ul =F F E E z o F E lrJ o dt o ut tr =f,ll- qtr F o ltJ F o llj F I z ca z 9ct Eg 9E 239 9H H 4i' !E sE o =ur cl ()> uJ Lll .nt-22 FH FU) ar>UH H?>o ^a Bft =P 66 0?!! Fr ^* tr \=e;>#d9?8 efD a!o- J 6 <t:) 0) $fr x ($q \ g) ! z LCt >E r.u (:l ct <t EO-ri= IJ o + o Fl lr) Or + o + o H= EH8 oc, =a) F $ F \o sf rt) 00 lrt I.\ \o =Ee ct F\ f! a7) !O 14 F{ (\t t-t 6 r+ tr) st v) !O Fl E ct E o tat 5 FHE=D-(]O o=Q ro N E=E= sl aa r.{ 2 - 9.^ EstsF cr g=CA (\I IL c\t \o e o t F- H I tr b0 = ro z <t 3 rd h k q)t- r/) e-l I 'd .Fl ba Fl I Fl bI r\\t €Q +J d U)O lrz rn F\s F.s I li ii |r 58 69 €E Co {a E€ .3! E BE P', {E sS 9^.Eb PE P:Eo Ei TE 9g HFT Egs EiB E3E 93E !lE F!e EEE E:f EE9 !o3 -6; €* B P33 1. e REg F u- =t!o o o UI z Y O F 62 9ur o?<6 6 =tr9 EE <o o-< l.l- t!oo H9 >tr ?E FI lr '9 lrX urotr b0.uo c(!+,.F{Od {J F{ I.l O.t'l.o otr.Fl q{D uQ .{ 2?<E J Z E- o D ll}r Z 2 k.: =2 =5 €O z'otrC 9r S 6 ij{: ut o <t) tL l!*.900 xt tr .r x lll tu rr,,r (D d)zi ocd I =trEzz 5s 22 I(,)O.^ ur r!l!6: aL tL &= q I +J o Fi F: o 'd IE H (9 bo .r{ .P o o lr. B o !-l o aEl ll ll tcl (, +,o grE Ec O.t{F€ Eg Ee g+r 6o 8+r Oo = EO tr qu 3l .u.R i,<<.o.H {i .ct 6l 6<> o F{ o @ G g, trt .rt ci z E o CL o E E o e o o .E Ett t u, o <,E o .D o o (' tD c :at,C o o F @ \o @ si C;z ,o o .: tn o,!F GI al c,o cn a € I c)--U +, ta o B o (6 ok FE O FX 'J 6' 6'boh idr\t&|,) +J|a {, tr\O-V Ft O-r tr 5 trd (6 +, l& l{ O .L)>4t F{ OFt tr 'rl O 'r.{ aJ . alo a! +, -C,F J -t o .P t1 €c)'\ l.r l+{ .tJ oo c) +r O ..{ a.t lr xo ri ct {Jo0 F.J xo o>,ro RFi A <rn x .r.l = z tr ul UJ E F F tf z 6O UJF o<r= ats hur ==b-r 8t F a |r.1 F d) F a z U) (/)z :-lJ ev oE o=IIJ [!6: r!HN Y=IU ah tE Hur o oq. FX @!l l||r t- 60 =oz e-z< o z tr tr ct) F ut ul = IJJ F o uJ F J J lJ- II UJ J U) F{ t{ a \I '11 al ! z LC)2=!! (.jt Ef Hi=-8 F\o + o IYF =z =!!G-942- EO F. 00 N EEE c F\ s c!ro r4 Fl s a") (\l ra !r) ac .E 6 Fa=,e=o tr) F. EuE= N af)Ft z.- 9..- EEgF cr 3=ur z J vt I +, @ ct ti kl ,ol F.N vl 0) 0) \o I d +r 3rl b0 3 Fr ,r C)F F\ &, 12o tz l--N l.\ N €(\gl oil lsq6 le€E IEE s I A E€ LT3E c;- =6 E !eF €F;,r: e H.5 I a5: 5=S !o:.g;E€ 5l gs :!E B E!*g E9flE P EAE ri e3 66=; :EE f dEl c fEE;fEe.9 FeeB Fges EE3 E F g- =lr v)o4 g;o; ? c z . ttj c)f lrF at) Pct <o A<lr t! H9 Etr z> l{\ot..i !d +J od F{ fr E 'tr =o F =z af 4z Re '.t uro IJ- L IEE UJ UJ zz zz ll, tr,o- o- FF .J ,Y tr =x fi+J < -.!>6 o5v zk o9 sr O! zP n: <P ()o E o," o t=3 r \,,..\,, \\t }- l t,iF X '-l lCo \r O ll! +.l tq, o r l\t It Fl i6' pc Ig EE llEo.ou)E 9 Far _q, E=F tso t'q (t+J ooz N rq Fo @ e+,o \D 6 2n c) z ;i tro r-r v oLJ ! ='!'{s E iI +r ". o- ...ri Fl I E 6 E"{z ; 6q.d e € E<>€c56 E o 6 E l! 6 o .E |) o) c|o o ot =a o (J 0 gl G I u)u) € q) U +,tl o = oh Qd, q)F>r -lo o b0k iCdFIl |')*Jrn O e \O&lr OFr C 5 Fi ca 6 t, ll. l.r ' o 'c) Fl C) r-l F ..1 c) .,{ +,iBe 6+). >F>< "o o o l! o lr o-IL TE tt .r ul U' ao )4 !-l 3 lt) {J a 6 o )4 .Fl .f c)'\ t{!4 r0 IH .IJ Om 0)EP +l AC ().t-{ =u)c{t xo F-{ u a rJb0 xo o>trO trr Fr <.s .n EB (La uJ5 d e,a YIB Ecr 8[ct (Lo () F U' IIJ F t0 z tr UJ U)cl o t! _=F F Ir o- z o9 UJF a<;z <6 5t h r.u EF F 7=6il o uJ E n z o <D z 9ci Eg OE sE9 9H H 6h 6 6= E uJ.h9c a- uJ t- (t, tf tI, IIJ =x d' oo q uJ r,rJ =FF =o qt !!, HH66 #; t? Etr EKI gE6 E 5E 6 s'=9;E Ege EE: EE€ E Eu F;: 515 9 6oF EEE EF;t:s 6ER E=3 E.E 3 =E:8E 3 iges €E H€iEBg iE;E 5rt6 E€i8 frE;e ipeE ;aEq F E=! 9:92 6E*6 iE5; EEiO "'€gE FEP! . llJ o>lrF (t o;i <5 4.4 ut 83 <o IL< tL tI. ts9 >tr > r.u z> l{x otr €o ($ {-.f o$r-.1 H C :'{5 at)Eo ZF z c,l Zz :o iaL 7Z ulo tl- u-oo trcr ul trJ d)cD =E )f zz zz IIJ UJ o- o- FF I @ F IL =IL U' ul z Y g I F q b0 tr .r{ +J tr o JA :i.? p lll .J l=6 =6 65v zk oo F lr SE oh z*OE (JU) E "."Clo ulo o. '-l a o) 60 sl c rl =lo Pt o ol ll +) I tr ()t !) 66 P o Fl GD -r .= .Fl 6 E;E !*66)ct o{J sf=sf g9 Z I ge F E5 "6. .. .r{ Fl i EEs 8a F- @ \o @ sl ct z ll o - a o o c '6 E lrJ o t E o ct o o ED E E o o v)E cll .-c)o 0 0 € |Fl qJ U p U) a)B €cl Otl ee c)F>r ,J!) 0)botr .3d F lL (a *J rtl O tr\Os1 ,r OFr g 5 l{o rd +)IL T{q oE o .(,>u) Fl Ct r-l tr .'.1 C) .rl {J .!o (s|J >F{><:P ffio Enaineerinq iescino lnso*t ion 155 Ssutn itiave",ir: )enver - ,lc: o,-.:qc' '-y .:--c{rf' -tr )U+.:.: 3 - ir:"t -ece tu , 'rtj r-r '. UUNCi<tit ieSi RZSUL-3 r.l)- ,!iJ-: u cl) li:-: :r+U : ie r:c r' :: l.: r:::s :t.4..-./ : vaS l va: i .r:"9r" .::.::= i.*+.: - z !:-.:'::i.-=.1 : :;: '-l : ;: ----.':l- .ir- j tr.::: -:::; nijr,5 \rr -,:r- ;.: r.1 I :rr- '*r-,. i:',: . icu:'ii:r. 5r il: i-e: --':: . -, ri: - ) :: _, .!, .J :,- n i: / : ,' l.::1 'r ': r-' I i r.i "tctJ ',r.,:r::::,.. L,i-t::t: i: 3::':.; At cn : Fran x F.'eve:-' icrs r i'iur:rber: -dl(,] .'re!!!e : Jtts Aocress : Ctllr:: :'a n r- cl r' : Suspl ier: - -uc:i }ic - , isiv <gD-: L5cs C i {:i1 i:; l!:!u:'-; PFt t.) i. Ur.\L rKiJt,=X I I trJ Conc:.eie Teir: - LU!'l|',F(CJJ.t., D I KENi: t n : lHtry cas; : cE/ i 3i81 ,:6:g 'I il:r & !r":;i,:1"':* ,icc I i:solt ii l:::.:',goir ; rflrirr. :-vt:5 :: :J'' : I -i: i i;3 j:-il-,iri iidl :.. rt c. T i u -,a-: ii,: . J: ,;<. ,, -,/": :.j : la\r '-l -I':j): i:."' :: "5 j, .-.-.:.,-.!..:1 Su:"git:;:;l ri."::' . <.,'-+l::::e :i: -?' :: - : 1I] tJ -i-1r: : ; ,;.: iil - l"' .:..! :t .{ce iueys (t,rlld i" K- : v UUNUi<t: : i :5 i RESi,iLTS '(ii:1; r' .- i'l |':i= : )ti:* i:- llei:'; - *-.;, i,l 'c r' /'cr\.-,".-:js' . -,-*:: :rL;J Af"C;il ! Lei: t5 Ces,: : tAt' i3 i3i "13r'.'itr;€ ,/.,r i f..;,,' l ' ,s .t ,: 'ya; - Cc:'l c-di:lr- 5 .J I :Xt:rJVa:: Ii1.-: :.$:v,jCCi' '..j-''iJ ,;-:: ; .i r:t r'.1 .'i C . :: 'jc : ':ie:5 F.fe-FFeJl.H.;F: ....-. ,.-Enqlne1flnq , esi tnc insdecitan 'L'-Ji-.1 'i 55 Sout:r ital.rg.- . iL-; i OUJ,i C:rC- i\Jd;i Vail Vencu..es. l;u.. ,uL, I J. rr.J:1 race nu.. tt*ls i:y'a:-r.33 .:1357 A i:tn : Flans ii-'erze:" Teci i Nui:l u{i: - :. .-()i) \d'ne: -ob Auc less: Scn c:.ec'ic-, : 5u po'l "l er" : "ric;< \';-: rr liJ \€;'J": ja,-o.' .: :^,,--C!/:i :- i: i.: J i\iavi:,,ir: I 1 G KEA '',1 :r i.l :) ,- .t .-) .r '.] Fn l 5rL,AL rr{(Jv=r{ | I tri] )7 i t:" e|ni: " {..ze:'tr:.:e rY i:r, I .'-'''.:';; COMPRESSiVE STRENGTH: Scer i: rvv i 'rnc€-rr' :-ir-a I n rt,q' .;,-:. 'll --,:'; .3;.- =rri: i. 1 .:.;' ;e ,i\/ .-.-- i /f - .'l' .2 HErdl-.F'{1:: - ( !f ,/'. <*r'1,V"'4)r ,L"\/ ^a' L,'- r'55 Sou In iilav*,.jr Denvqr:'- l;: l c:. sr:$ Tesi. lriu:roer: - sb iiane ,- iob Aodress r loni.:'ec:=r'.: Suc;r i ier: -:'u c x i'iq- : CTC Rer-: -oc;e; : cl :i *c-0..1:iA R Erj T Es-i ..F E :.C.. i\ro.: ., u1u ,\i{- . : 7 i;i C4 3 ir-.rljr,:: ,1,: i:ss::;t::,:,.!: :.,,/ x ,:i ,-4, :. ?,j' rr.iilr )-.rg;."-,-' '',."-'t/ ,,1 :. .:]_: . agJ:., ;:lli ' ::a I i c"; <*; l,ic - 'ir i:r I . ). : ,lr" .lt'c t,: , t: . !/ i) ig .:cir ':1. 'l r le:; : ?trYs i cAL, . P.FOPERT i ES ;,Un!3: ;-.) Conc:.et.e ienc- ^r.. i i n:= ie.i.;i:ec: ;"!:l' l":): ;5 n] f5 lev .3 I ^er,r';:.q.0-q!.F,R.Es_q-r v E sr n F:{.q.iH.:. \-}/ i i j-lJtaf it .*.u rl ,1 ie:.zs ': ,.; ,e : :: il :,i t , . ,'/ L;/ 'i ' /.' t-/ y ,.'/ ti t ,., TG-€ €fiTE l.( Enoineering iestina !nscec: ir fffifii- cest: o8/is/B: --qrrec€ .r'l iiri;;';': ur* :rj,::: :u:ur"dc-., = o( aJ =.x.cd v L I i)(: J-() ,i:u I. c i ;,, t-r Ll -:'i: '?ve - ii:i, 5..ii i{ei"lil i'r.{ls-' :- dr5! 'd4e i:1;.,L. .: .ii- -i:- :J"iiif ;''1 ;. @:=--=-"-"...*Engineering festing Insoectian 155 South Nava.io 0ernven , Co'j oracjn (303) 69s-iosc Va i'i Ven C,ures , Li.ci - 1 000 S " Fnon Lage Rcj . i{es.t Vail, CO Ei65? Attn: Frenh Freven Test Niurnber,: Job Narne: iob Addness: Cont rac ior: Supoi ier:Truck lio- : rr Iq, xeo-: Locat ion af Foun: Ort€ Cdst t O8/14/Bi tdo.t I ierrace iriinoz'Fl aza i Vai"l Co'lorecic: G- E. i ohnson .5 Cr d tr.xcdvdclng 6 G- Gibbon )i Alr tenp- r: lttnd) tes-r.:€?:l : ;:.it. Day .ii:r'bir";,. , ,';s r, S i;renrl i:r i-r f i:s i) 5DtJ!.t auzzS Q-qN.qRETE TESr- RESULTS P.O- No-: Job No.: 704043 ReoorL Da Les -- AE i2i iE7 vJ/ | t/61 uJ/ zd/ a t Repclr'l: To: Vail G. E. 5Lp Verr r-ules, Lici. i ohn st:n Ccln s t r uc i i r:rr Arcili t:ec i-s i icke'L fio-: i3843 Mix i-D.: A5S2A RIY S.I.9AL P R"q"P-E RIJ.ffi .3 | UmO: 4 . C Concnete Temo- ^F: 55 Time Eetr: ireci: OMPRESSIV-E S-!3E.NGfH: 3oecif iecj 28 Wr.-/UU- r-[,- : 1..3.3 A.r,:r'<tue 5 i- r'er r u i ir Aqe (ciavs) Air (t): Siee O. UU uyr rn0gtr, tu nl n ///i ,/'/.--. . -,-/-.r'-z - / ,"'.,, Rema n ks : CTC-GEOTEK , i i',IC To Vail Ventures, LTD 1000 S, Frontage Road, l{est Vail, C0 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Job No. d 186 87 Daily Report No. g8 Subject: Fill Observation Additions to the Vail, CO Sheet 1 Ol and Testing Westin Hotel Chen&Associates Consulting Geotechnical Engineers BSG-Below Subgrade 1i1_ 128 llaza a 1A L-ZJ l2e \ -24 6I'BSG Siltv sandv sravel ltzt BSG SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 5% standard Ptroctor density under slab TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS Uni - l oader TYPE AND NUMBEF OF COMPACTION UNITS WacKer, Vibratory drun i NUMBER OF PASSES As reo. MTTHOD OF ADDING MOISTUR-E THICKNESS OF LIFT 10'I None needed IX FILL TESTED MEEIS SPECIFICATIONS. t] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVEO OR FEWORKED. { CONTRACTOR ADVISED i.] FULL TIME OBSERVATION TX PART TIME OBSERVATION ! h,q.cr..i o'r<.r1. ocl6'o^s fo.hed a! r .e3ull ol ou. obsoryat ion ol fillplecemenl We havs relied on th€ clnlrsctor to continue aFcrvLrq lhp raccmqr..cled ccrOact've ello( end moisture lo lhe lill drrnng limes whon our obse.v€r is nol observinq opera. '!.ns lestc are 4ace or lhe 1'lr onry as beli€vd necessary Io celibrrlo oua obsorver'r judgemont, Test data ere not lh6 sole ba<'s r^. .c.n ^ns cn wh€thef tte t'rr r€lt3 specilicalions. PROGRESS REPORT Contractor continues to place backfill under slab in wcst side of Plaza I winp Mike Evans Steven L. Pawlak FIELO OBSERVER APPROVEO 8Y SLP Architects: p, 155 South Navajo Denver , Coi oracio (303) 6s8-10s0 uy I I no€rr IU UI 6U4.25 Aqe (days ) Va i'l Ventunes , Ltci .1000 S. Fnontage Rci - Nest Vai'i , CO 8165? AItn: Frank Fneyer PHYS r qAL,,.. P.FO P E R-T_r Fr Slump: 4.25 Concnete Ternp - ^F: 6 ?Tirne Eetched: ?:50 D*te Casr r 0E/i7/87 Test Number: i 9661 Job Name : TerFace lrr{ i nlr/pl aza I Job Address: Va i'l Co] ,r".Jo Contnactor: G. E. J ohnson Supp'l f er: 6 & B Excavating Ticke.L fio.Truck No-: i-E Mix i.D-:CTC Rep-: p- Nord-i und Locat"ion of Pour. ird I eve'l slab on deck at .,i ines coNcRETH IEST RESULTS P. O. No. :Job No. : 704049 Reoort 0atns : OB/24ig"l 09/14/8i 1A/Oi /87 ReporL To : Va .i 'l Vent.u res , L i:cj . G. E. iohrrson Const ruct .i on CO 3LP Arc ir.i Lerc !s I oaJoS 592? (A) Mix AtoZand2ito28 E"- - a,1 a 4 Sl;reng t.fr (ps i),,1,verat":e 3 c r,en g Lir ij;-a'-( v I \--\f EU I c'n, ll!\. - Al r (5J:2'2 wr-,/c,Air Ternp. ^F: 50 Tinre Tesl;ed: 8:50 QOtlpB-FSSIVE',S-TRENGTH: Speci.Fiecl ?E Dey S.rr,ens.rir (ps i )3000 5- t/t Remarks: &-"- CTC-€EOTEK Engin*ring frstinq Insrlctim 155 South NavaJo Denver , Co'i onacio (303) 698-1050 duz,z5 coNcRqTE Tq-sJ LESULTS P.O- Nr::.: .JOO NO.: tUr+U4J Reoor E Dd t.es : a8/24i6i vv/ l4/ 6 t tv/vt/61 Keponc Io: vdl I V,5n i-r rnr:e I j-/i ioirnson Const.ruct icrn CO. Anc h i tects Va i'i Ventunes , Ltd - 1000 S. Frontage Rrj. hlest Vai'1 , CO 8i65? Attn: Fnank Freyen Test Numben: Job Nome:' Job Address: Contracton: Supp'l ier: Truck No.: CTC Rerr.: Locat ion of Foun : Cast: 08/11/87 18693 . Ttrrr€ce f.J i n g,/ P'i aza Va i'l Coi onatio G- E- J ohnson I & I Exceva.l: ing Int . Mnt - Test - E'i eva t.or core 4Lh 'l I T ickeE No. : Mix i.D.: 5930 ift, ai: eievation 134'7" to i46'3" PHYSICAL PROPERTIES S'i ump: Air,(t): Concrete Temp- ^F: 0 Time Betcheci: CO[{P.BES9.IVq,sTS,Ery.-GTH: Speci f ieci 26 titit.,/Cu. Ft-: 142.6 uy t.tno€|n tu lJl Age ( cieys ) Air itrrrro. .l-: 0 a : rrre iestci:ri : Day Strength ( ps i ) Scrength (nsi; SUUU .Average SLrengch .'t ? , .2 / ,-<zt.-f ..,,.LJ. t Remarks: !- r\,-ti:,UIC,l\. ll\U E - [ie orexl '55 SOUTH NAVAJO oENVER, COLORAOO 80223 {303) 698-1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBER t (r_L4-4_4_l) P. Nord.lurd fui PUNCH LIST ITEM --- TO FIELD OESERVATIOI{ PROJECT NAME TECHNICIAN ST HR 5.00 coNT svc xrn svc X OT HR CODE * TYPE OF INSPECTION. VISUAL ULTRASONIC -' SHEAR coNNEcroR (AccouslcAL) ..-, BoLT TENsroN FlREpRooFrNG WERE ITEMS EELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? VCS -- r.IO X ITEM NUMBEfi REBAR INSPECTIOI\I D ESCRI PTION/LOCATION 1) Elevator core walls located at grid 1ines 6.6 to 8.5-F to c, Elevatlon 134'-7 to 146,-3 (4th lift) souttr l{all: #7 additional vertical bars praced at each side of door operlfurgs are clustered. Bars need to be repositionei ard spaced m (- m o -i o m j Generally: nebar needs to securely hold rebar be tied off at tl:e top of wal_I or chaired center of wall. IfsnsA&Bwerecorrected No other deficiencies were duri:rE ttte course of the inspection. rDted. D^IE 8/t7/87 ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. To Vail Ventures, LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road, West Vail, C0 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Job No. 4 186 87 Daily Rsport No. 39 Sheet 1 Of I Subi€ct Fill Obsorvalion and Tesling Additions to the Westin Hotel Vail, CO Chen&Associates Consulting Geolechnicsl Enganeers SSG=Slab subgrade LOCATION Terrace Itring, 5t N of rid F-16 4r W of (l u.5- 15 5' W of grid r'4rSq5'Wof grid tr 6rS&6tEof grid SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 95% standard Proctor density under slab TypE AND NUMBER oF EARTH MovtNG UtttTS Uni-loader TYPE AND NUMBEF OF COMPACTION UNITS Vibratorv Drum NUMBER oF PASSES As Teq. METHOD OF ADDING MOISTUHE THICKNESS OF LIFT lgII 'If s r.a.n lrn{.nle.Fn'ons 'ofned 63 a re3ullol our observstion ol fill placemenl We heve relied on the conlractor to continuo zctry,.a lh. ro..mmend€r1 compactrve ellod and moisture to the till durlng tihes whcn our observef b nol ob3eruing opera-l.F Ta<lc ;r'e -ace ot the lill only as b€lieved iacg3sary lo calibrlta ou observ€r'3 iudgement. Test data 6re not the sote t ir'< ,o' oa'n'.'ns on wiether the tirr 6eets srrecilicetions. kr F|LL TESTED MEETS SPECTFTCATTONS. L] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. N CONTFACTOH ADVISED I,I FULL TIME OBSERVATION TilPART TIME OBSERVATION PROGRESS REPORT Above tests takin in fill under slab fron grid lines C-F, 10-17. This area contains existing fill noted during foundation excavation. Mike Evans Steven L. Pawlak FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY l', L. J OlrI1 Soll SLP Architects: To Vail Ventures, LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road, West Vail, C0 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Job No. 4 186 87 Daily Report No. 40 Subject Fill Observation Additions to the Vail, CO Sheet 1 Of and Testing Westin Hotel Chen&Associates Consulling Geolechnical Engins€rs BG=B e TEST NO LOCATION DEPTH OR ETEVATION (rEET) LAEORATORY FIELO PERCENT COMPACTION SOIL TYPE MAXIMUM DRY OENSITY {n tl OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT t0/a\ DRY DENSITY (rr) MOISTURE CONIENT (sr) 1351 Terrace wing, at grid A.7-15 FG 132.9 7.3 734.6 7.2 100 +Silty sandy gravel 36 lPlaza I wing, 6t N q 3'W grid D-22 2' BG tt !l t27 .7 qR 96 tt tl 137 \ rr !t I' S & 5' W grid C-21 3' BG tl rt5. tl 6.7 95 tt t! 138 I rr tr 5r E grid B-21 2I BG tt 125.5 8.5 95 ll ll I SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 95e" standard Proctor density under slab 100i 513n6s1d PRoctor density under footings TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS Uni-loader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS Vibratory drurn, wacker NUNIBER OF PASSES As requ. TI-iICKNESS OF LIFT 16'r xr tl {r fl FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. CONTRACTOR ADVISED FULL TIME OBSERVATION PART TIME OBSERVATION PROGRESS REPORT contractor placed approx. 2r of structur al backfill for pad at A.7-15 (test 135) and continucs backfill of loggia on west side of Plaza wing. Mikc Evans Steven L. Pawlak_ FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY Johnson Const . :SLP Architects: To vai I Ventures, Ltd, 1000 S. Frontage Roa d Vail, C0 81557 Attn: Frank F reye r Chen&Associates Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Job No. 4 186 87 Daily Report No. 25 subj6ct: Fill observalion Hotel Add i L ions, Vail , C0. Date 7 -6-87 Sheet I Of 1 and Testing P laza 1 'N t 4'W orid B- Plaza I 'N 6 5rl'/ orid C- Plaza I 'N 6 10:1./ orid C- Plaza SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEFIAL 95? s tandard Proctor under slab TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS Cat 966 Ioader TYPE AND NUMBEF OF COMPACTTON UNTTS Smal I vlbratory drum, wacker NUMBFR OF PASSES as req. THTCKNESS OF L|FT 8-lotl METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE coPrEs cAF.rR (6-85) tX FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS, I] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKEO. nl CONTFACTOR ADVISED tI FULL TIME OBSERVATION B PART TIME OBSEFVATION PROGRESS REPORT Above tests taken in backfil I belovr slab areas. i ke Evanq Steven L- Pawl ak APPROVED BY I h'3 €porl present3 opinion! lormed 6r r r!9,rll ot our obrrvilon Of n[ ptaclmar{, w' hrw raltAd On lhr conlrsclo] lo con nua Epplying thc recommendcd cofipactitl! allo?t and rmtltur! io thr fill dudng [ln!3 wnlrt our oblotvltr l! not ot6lMng oplrr.llons t!!B tra medc ol thr lill only ra bcllrvld nacas$ry to callbmlc oui oblairar'a ludgcrncnl. T6at d6ta rro not thi !ot! bas'r ror o9rnion! on whlthlr lh! fin mr.tt sDacillcallonr. To Vail Ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage Roa d Va il, C0 81657 At tn: Frank F reye r JobNo. 4 186 87 Date Sheet Subject: Fill Observation and Tesling Hotel Additions, Vail , C0. /-6-6 / Chen&Associates Consulfi ng Geotechnical Engrneers Daily Report No. 26 BFG=Be low Foot i ng GrAde Ter race Wing 12rN orid C-5 s i I tv sandv q rave I Terrace W ing Terrace W ing Terrace Wing Te r race W ing Terrace Wing LOCATION SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 100% standard Proctor denslty under footings 952 standard Proctor density under slbb TYPE ANO NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS CAt 955 IOAdCT TYPE AND NUMBEB OF COMPACTION UNTTS Sn|aI I vibratory dTum, wac ke r tI FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. N FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED, Dt CONTRACTOR ADVISED LI FULL TIME OBSERVATION Dt PART TIME OBSERVATION NUMBEF OF PASSES as req. METHOD OF ADOING MOISTURE THICKNESS OF LIFT 8- IO'' none added !hi! rct|on presanl! a\9inion6 torhld Mltrlt 0l our oblorvallon oi tllt 9llctrnant. Wa hlva llll€d on tho conlGctor to coottnue ar'lrryidg Ihe Gcomincndad clrnprcliv! anod and mobtuf! lo thc fii dudng lnat rirlr| our ob!€i,!r lr not oblcrvftE oFad-to^! Tesr! Ete |nade of lha till only aa lellwrd nacalsrry b caltall! ooa obsgrwr'! iudgarior . tgst data raa nol thr lolq brs,s lor opinions on whether lhe fifl naai! lo€cificttlon!. PRoGRESSREPoRT Tests 83-89 taken in structural back- fill of C Iine wall and for pad footings on A.7 line. Tests 90-92 taken in subexcavation of existing fi I I and stnuctural ffll for pads on F.8 line 15-17. Pads on F.8 line 12-14 are on undisturbed soi ls. Mike Evanq Staven L- Pawlak FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY eAFilE Iq !5I To vai I ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage Roa d va i l, C0 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulling Geolechnical Engrneers Job No. 4 186 87 Daily Report No. 26 Subject: Fill Observation Hotel Additions, Vail, C0. Date 7 -B-97 Sheet Z Ot Z and Testing =b TEST NO LOCATION DEPTH OR ELEVATION (FEEr) LAEOMIOBY IIETD PERCEI,II COMPACTION SOIL IYPE MAXIMUM OBY DENS Y locl) OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT 1|l{'l DRY DENSITY (pcf) MOISIURE CONTENT 0b) 85A Terrace W ing '12 rN E 2rW C-12 retesr 4'BFG 132.9 7.3 | 5t.5 7.5 100 silty sandv qravel 88 Terrace Wing I'N 6 2rW qrid C-9 8 ' BSSG 132.9 ILY.I e8 tl tl Terrace Wing 12rN E 5rE Srid Q-9 3+ I BFG 132.9 t,t 1i3.2 100+tl 90 Terrace W ing @ F.8-15 2I BFG 132.9 7.3 r33.4 7.7 100+tl tl e1 .tL Terrace Wing @ F.8-r6 IIBFG 132.9 7,3 133.3 100+tl ll Terrace W ing @ E-17 I IBFG 132.9 t.t 135.r 100+tl tl SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVINGT UNITS TYPE AND NUMBEB OT COMPACTION UNITS NUMBEB OF PASSES METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE I hrs trlon pr!s!nl! olinion! tomcd a! ! €ldl ol airr oblaw|t|on ol lil Ftrc|nfit, Wa hava r€lild orr tfre clnt]actq t]o co lnua rDplyino lha reconrnlndad coilptcllvt tdon rnd |nol urt b ftt m dudng llm.| ,hfi orr obGanda ir nol obt|.|vln! opart tlor'! Tlltr .t. |n.d! ot rhr lll oiry ! bathld 'lcraary to calbtata our dlantr'r ludgf,n.nt, Td ddr a! not itr &to b.si3 tor oginiori! o.r nMttr lha tf, 6tah ladic| (l!. A FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. O FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED, |a CONTRACTOR AOVISED fI FULL TIME OBSERVATION E PART TIME OBSERVATION coPrEs cAF. rR (G851 Mlke Evans Steven L- Pawlak To Vail Ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. F ron tage Road Vail, C0 81657 At tn: F rank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulting Geolechnical Engrneers JobNo. 4 186 87 Daily Report No. Zl subject: Fill observation Hotel Additions, Vail , C0. Dare 7_9_97 Sheet I Of and Testing BFG=Be I ov.r Foot i ng G ra de 5 LOCATION Wing 2'E rid C- coPrEs caF.1R {6 85' ts FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. I] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. Dt CONTRACTOB AOVISED fI FULL TIME OBSERVATION Dt PART TIME OBSERVATION PRoGFESSREPOFT Above tests taken in backflll along C line wall. Mike Evans Steven L- Pawlak APPFOVED BY Ter ra ce 10'N t Terrace W ing 10 rN t 2rE qr id C-7 re Terrace W ing 12'N 6 8'E qrid C-10 Terrace W ing l5'N qrid C-6 Terrace Wing 8rN e 5'E orid C-8 SPECIFICATION COMPACTION 1002 standard Proctor & MATERIAL dens i ty under foot ings TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS NUMBEB OF PASSES METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE Yh,steoottgresenlsoorhioGlormadr! !.ultoloor&lenrdiondlillpb6md.Wchavarsfisdoitno@ntactorto@ntinuc aporYing thc recorhrnandld c{rnp&tlvt afloi lnit moidulr lo lha i[ durlng tlm!| *han o$ obse,\.er i3 not oble.vlno oFa6.to.! fests are rnaala ol lh! lill o? y .3 tali6/!d rEglgery lq cclt !t! osa obcarvar's Judg€rrl€nt. Tesl data !r! nd thr !ol0 basts lor op'nions on whclher lha fdl riael! $'€cifi6[ona. To vai I ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage Road Va il, C0 81657 At tn: Frank F reyer Chen&Associates Consulting Gsotechnical Enginoors JobNo.4186 87 Daily Report No. 28 Subisct Fill Observation Hotel Additions, Val | , C0. Dato 7-10-87 sheet I ot 2 and Testing BFG=Before Footing Grade TEST N0.LOCANON OEPnJ OR EIIVANON {FEET} LABOMTOBY RELD PEBCENT COMPACIION SOIL TYPE MAXIMUM DRY OENSITY locfl OPTIMUM MOISIURE CONTENT lolnl DRY DENSITY (pcr) MOISTURE CONTEM 0r) 97 Terrace Wing t5rN of qrid C-7 foot lng o rade 132.9 7.3 1 33.8 6.3 100+slltv sandy qravel c8 Terrace Ui ng lTrN 6 4rE qrld C-9 foot i ng o rade 122.9 7.i 132.5 5.e 100 ll tl _99_ Terrace Wi ng 12'N a 5rE qrld C-ll foot I ng qrade 132.9 7.3 132.7 6,6 100 tl ll ._t0q Terrace WI ng lqrN s 5rE orld C-l? foot i ng q rade 132.9 7.3 134.6.7 100+tl II tot Plaza l @ orld C-21 AIBFG 172.9 7.'130.6 7.98 tt _ | \,, tl Plaza I @ or id C-21 retest Il'BFG 1?2.9 7.7 112.9 6.4 100 tl tl 102 Plaza I @ orld C-22 4'BFG 132.9 7.3 r 30.0 6.4 98 tl SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEBIAL 100?i standard Proctor densfty under f6otlngs 95% standard Proctor denslty under slab TYPE AND NUMBER oF EARTH MovtNG uNtrs Cat 966 loader, Uni-loader TypE AND NUMBER OF COMpAC1ON UNTTS Vlbratory drum,, wacke r NUMBER OF PASSES AS rcq. THTCKNESS OF LlFr 8-IO'I thir '9pon pt€soat! n9tnhii! lornrd !! e nannola,rot€rDdtd|dtn drcltna|tt if! lta!,o rtlhd ol! ftr corlrllttrto !c! lnuo Epolyrn! lhs .oco.irnsrdrd coftpedhl" albt lrd rrlbhlrr b thD fil tirltE Um! Rhrn dn otsarwr b tU o06an h, @6ra.tanr. tcato do rnEde ot tia s[ d|tt r! beftn €d ,rG!ast, o tattratr o,i oogrr!,gr'! ludgsnod. Tod rtsts aro not -r|e colr baC€ It oFritiot|3 tn f,h€fh€r tha ttl |n!.!! rgratbauo|lr. ts F1LL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS, tr FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. ts CONTRACTOB ADVISED tr FULL TIME OBSERVATION E PART TIME OBSEBVATION coPlEs cAF-rn (e8O PROGRESSREPORT Tests 97-100 taken at footing $r for pads on A./ llne for Terrace Wing. Tests l0l-104 taken In backftll for footlngs on 21 6 22 llne of Plaza 1 wl ng. Mlke Evrne Steven L. Pawlak To vai I ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 A,ttn: Frank F reye r Chen&Associates Consulting Gsolschnical Engineers JobNo. 4 |86 87 Dare 7-10-87 Daify Report No. 28 Sheet 2 Ol 2 Subjscl: Flll Observation and Tssting Hotel Additions, Vai | , C0. BFG=Below Footing Grade IEST N0.L0cAt10N DEPTH OR EGVANON (FEFO LABORATORY FIELO PERCENI COMPACTION SOIL TYPE MAXIMUM DRY DENSTY lmn OPnMUM MOISTURE COMTEMT r%l DRY DENSITY (pcO MOISTURE CONTENT (%) 103 P laza t 8'N 6 3'lr/ qrid C-24 6 | BSSG 112.9 7.3 122.6 6.5 92 si I ty sandy qravel l0iA Plaza I 8'N 6 3'lr| orid C-24 retest 5 | BSSG 132.9 7.3 126.6 6.o 95 tl tl _1024 Plaza I 0 orid C-22 reteqt 6 t Bssc 132.9 I.'t 132,9 6.7 100 tl tl 104 Plaza I |a orid C-21 ?IBFG 132.9 7.1 171.7 5.0 100+tl tt SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL TYPE AND NUMBER OF EAFTH MOVING UNITS TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACNON UN]TS NUMBEF OF PASSES THICKNESS OF LIFT METHOD OF AODING MOISTUBE Tha ?o!ql pre6gntg oDhbm lorn€d !! 6 .larlt ol q|r 6!6r!rfh) d frlt Dhran!€rrl We hsr! G[rd si 0b cadtactq! to corttlra egFlytrE tho rEco|lrn€nltod r(liptcd$ liodl ard |tFtltr! E $t m dirtu{ [nt! riln dJr cbgtru b not o&ndng @r&tioig. tcd6 6rs .nrdo ol th€ n[ oalt a! bdl6,rd rEllsat b Glhdo dr rtcrlt't !qqt|gd. Tssl dd! aro .rd Ore cslg badr ho @nlotr! qr Ehgthrr tha lil |nrrb lrrclfirrdda' coPrEs caF.tR (e85) t8 FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. D FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. [8 CONTRACTOR ADVISED tr R,LL TIME OBSERVATION B PART TIME OBSERVATION PROGFESS FEPORT Mlke Evans Steven L. Pawlak To Vai I Ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage Road Va i l, C0 81657 Attn: Frank F reye r Chen&Associates Consulting Geotechnical Enginaers Job No. 4 185 87 Daily Roport No. 29 Sublect: Fill Observation Hotel Addltlons, Val I , C0. Date 7-t l-87 Sheet I Of and Testing BFG=Bels, Footing Grade Terrace Wlng f ine oradlno H-8-s i I ty sandy qravel SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 100% standard Proctor density under footlngs wPE AND NUMBER oF EARTH MOVING UNITS Unl-Loader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UN|TSVlbratory drum,wacke r NUMBEBOFPASSES as req. THICKNESSOFLTFT 8-10" METHOD OF ADDING MOTSTURE none added Thit rsForl pr€snts gplnlonr lotmsd as I r€lult ol ouf obsowatlon d fl plscdrE lt. lrys haw rEllad on hs oontrador E oonthlro apDlylng lho recornnsrd€d GfiFacdv€ gAd E td ||lhturo lo the fil durlng ttD6 lhsn our dssrrr b rEl oBsMng oPora-lEnl. Te6ls €ts ntdo ot lho [[ srlt !! b€llavot iGgart b Blbrat]8 djr obEnrer's ltl(|gsrnqft T6t ddr ate not lbr rglo bssig lor oplnlqls st whgtlrgr uE fill ft8gtt Spedficdt@t!, E FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS, tr FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OH FEWORKED. D| CONTRACTOR ADVISED I] FULL TIME OBSERVATION E PART TIME OBSERVATION coPtEs cAF.rR (0a5) PROGRESS REPORT Above test taken ln compacted subgrade before flne gradlng of pad footlngs on H.8 llne 2-6. The excavatlon bottom was dlsturbed and contractor was reques to compact before flne gradlng was placed. Mike Evans Steven L. Pawlak FIELD ffi ?^qNvER, COroRADbso22s (3031 69&1050 CTC PHOJECT NUMBER v PUNCH t E- FIELD OSSERVATION REPORT DATE PRoJECTNAME Westin Sotel Terrace ( -z o-l'- -o -4- 3 ) D. Nordluni TECHNICIAN ST HR 4.00 oT HR coNT svc xrF svc cooE * TypE oF tNspEcnoN. vtsuAL x MAGNETIC pARTtcLE -- utrmsoNrc wELDMENT ,jl'Jlli":;_::::.:::i:cro' (Accous,cAr)_, BoLrrENsroN,FrREpFooFrNG v.! , rl *ERE ''EMs BELowTHE M'NIMUM pRoJEcrspEclFrcATroNs NOTED? ves_ ruo_] ITEM NUMBEF DESCRIPT'ON/LOCATION L) Stalr *1 ere rcaJ.Is located at grid fines O.g to l{.3 ro K Elerratlon 144,-0 to 155'-10 (5th Lift). o' ct !rbr'r': Missi:rg *5 vertical bars above 4ttr le'el dmr openirq. west wall: 5""t* bro *5 !o'( 5g0 verlrca' bars at *re rprthpest corDer. I.tro otber deficiencies were noted. 2). footJrgs located at the follocirq grid locations: l7-.D.8 to c.2 f.8-17 to 1l_.5, .includiry wing raalL fotirgs, souttr, of line F.8 at llnes 12, 13, 14, 15, lG ard 17. No deficiensies rere rroted. ACTION TAKEN HEGARDTNGAEOVE MMS. rtqs A & B riclst above rere corrected. dr:ri:g the course of t,.e inspection. 2A) a) ffi D^ENvER, colonnob soaas (3O3) 898.to5o CTC PROJECT NUMBEF ( -z o-a'- -!- -4 3 ) o PUNCH LfsT |IEM .- TO--FIELD OBSERVATION REFORT o^rE 7/9/87 PRoJEcr NAME tdestin Eotel Tesace TECHNICIAN STHR OTHR CONTSVC 4.90 I.s0 x _ xTR SVC coDE $ TYPEoFrNspEctoN' usual x MAGNETT.'AR''.LE-, uLTRAsoNrcwELDMENT_ HtJ::':"_, ;- ":::.::yt"*R (Accous,cAL)-. BoLr rENsroN FrREpRooFrNG *ERE lrEMs BELowTHE MlNtMuM pRoJEcr spEcrFrcATroNs NorED? ves_ no_r ITEM NUMBEF DESCRIPTION/LOCATION 1) Stair *L core wd.ls.located at girid fines O.g to I-G.3 to K Elemtion 144,_0 to l_55,-lo (stlr Lift). n::et I{a11: laissing *5 vertical bars aborre 4t}r lerrer. doon open:.rg. West !hll: Missirg b/o *5 MK 5gO verticaL bar:s at tlre rprdmsr corng. I.tro oths deficisrcies ipere rpted. 2) Footings located at tlre folloning grid locations: 2A) 1Z-.D.9 to c.2 E) F.8-17 to 11.5, includirq t{iry rrall footirEs, souttr of U-ne F.8 at lines J.2, 13, J"4, 15, 16 ant 17- l{o deficiencies were noEd. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. rtsns A & B Listed abo\re were corrected. durirg tlre cor:rse of the inspection. L PACE OF DAILY REPORT: LOCATIOTI: slIJMP, AIR e IEMP.JOB NO. Wing Addition Servlce Code DATE:704043 llrs.Reg. O.T. 1.00 .25 7/e/87 Servlces Concracted Extra INSPECTOR P. Nord.Llrd x Performed slurqr, air and. tsqEratlrre tests on @r'rete der.ivered to the abo'e jobsite for G.E. Johnson. B & B Erc.eatirg s'ppried the corcrete rclti a nix rD of 592g. Ar.1 test saropres were obtaired i'' accordar:ce w.itrr AsE{ c-u2- Alt concrete tested rns within jd specifications. Average S}4r: 3.75" Average Air: 4.62 Average Terqr: 764 Chrclr of G.E. .Ioi:nson and the results of ihe tests. For sheet. reprsgrcative of B & B E<cavatirq !,{ere sho^rn additior:al info:oaLion, see tle attached, data Structural , llechanl.cal and Materlals Testings COLORADO TEST CENTER 155 South NavaJo Denver, CoLorado 80223 Job No.704043 TA.REMRT Contractor. c.E. .li ohnson IfEEK ENDING CONCRETE ' IiffA.TSMRT uoncrete SuppIler_B & B E<ca\ratixq LOCATION Plant + 13 Ga110ns Plant + 5 @lIons l-44r-0 to Plant + I Gallons fo V.ril ItenLur-es, Ltd. 1000 .SbuUr l.'rontage vbil, (D 81657 Attn: Frank fYe.yer Plaza I LOCATION A MATEBIAL density urder fotlngs Road Chen&Associates Consultrng Geotechnical Eng||leers Grade Job No. 4 tB6 B7 Daily Report No. 30 BFFBelc*r o I I I r,l I - Itsr tl0 106 ,I.-a7 (d pad Plaza Q ped I B- SPECIFICATION COMPACTION l00E standard Pr@tor IYPE Ar'rD IJUMBER oF EARTH MovlNe uNtTs Unlloader TYf.'E AND NUMBEIT Cg COMPACTION UNITS Sr.rAlI VibrAtOTY drtlltl r,ruMEER OF PASSES as leq. MET}IOO OF ADDING MOISTURE It.,q rnnrvr .,ecent. r!'.n* tor-"0 :j::11f :::TTT^1TI:1y:1,",I11{r-,noisrure r! rho iir d;,rng irnisi "iin ou, ooorwf b nol obss,ylns opera-!d..r re.rq '. Fi,t€ nl rhe tt[ onty a! b€ ovod .]6cassa,y o ""r,urao *io*il.; d;;;;; ;;"H;litd?i;h.rc,r rcr or.n Frs on n/hether the f,fl hsets sr€,citrcathd_ THICKNESS OF LIFT 8II hose A Dare 7_13_87 Sheet I Of I Sub,ect: Fill Observation and Tesling !{estirr Hotel- Mditions, Vai1, CO. A FILL TESTED MEE1S SPECIFTCATTONS, LI FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD 8E REMOVED OR REWOFKED. E CONTRACTOB ADVISED t.] FULL TIME OBSERVATION M PAFT TIME OBSERVATION PHOGBESS REPORT ebove tests tal{en in west side of hrrurel. . PPnO\ rrn nv coPtEs b, 704043 Hrg.Re8. o.T. 2.00 PACE _ DATE:7/L3/87 Servlcee Contracted Extra OF DAILY REPORTrsuMr, ArR r TEMe. JOB NO. LocATroN: ffifrace wing Add.irion Servlee Code INSPECTOR p. ribrt{.trrrrr{ Perfoloed srrql, alr and terperau:re tests on "orsete der.i'ered to the abole jobsite for G-E- Johnson. I & B E*cavatfuq srpplied tle concrete rcrt,. a mix rD of 5929- ALL test saq:i-es were cbtained. in aeordrre r*iti As,nrcu2 alt corsetc tested ms wiilrin jcb specifications. Average Slr.ql: 3.00" Averag,e Air: 6.Zt Average TerEll 744 chuch of G'E' Jot'rson was shcnsn the res'lts of ttre tests. For arlditional i"nfo:oationr se€ ti€ attaihed data sheet. Structural , Hechanlcal and Materlals Tesclngs t!r\., .rvt\Jrr,v Igot vgl\tEIt 155 South NavaJo Denver, Colorado 80223 Job No.WEEK ENDING ilohnson ConcretE up 7/t3 Plant + 8 callons o cTc ,E,,EI< . q, ri,.a.i July 14, 1987 c5c-704043 ENGINEEHNE INSPECTION Vai.l Venfrres, Ltdl. 1000 So. E?mtage Road IFsr Va.ill, cola?do 81657 . Encloseal pt'ease fird inspection reports for sprk perfonned at trre above nenticnred projec€ weefr eding .fuf!, a, 19gZ. Very truly )Eurs, cTC-@oxE(; naORFORelED 8[qnzaj gE. @: G.E. Jolmsqr Cmstruction S[,B :trchitects 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVEB COLORADO 90223 303 69A rO:O tTt:Fer SINIP, EIR T IEMP.JOI No. 704043 rc*h EotelAelrrae Wirg Addition -: +.'*4,:]:.:.4s"..*:j, .. .. PAGE OF DATE: a/zamz o DAILT REFOIT: LOCATIOIf : INSPECTOR P. lbrtlt:rd Servlce Hrr.Code Reg, O.T. 2.50 Servlces Contracted Extra x Perfolredt sL4>, alr anil teryerabrre tests on corsete delives:ed to the above j&stte for c-8. irchnEon. B e B E<carmtirg ${plieat the corniete *it}, a nlx rD of 5929' A11 Ft sqiles were cbtained ln aoordance riri.tn AsDt{L72. . $1 snsiete tested r*as rciHrin Jcb specificaLions. Avemge S}4r: 4.00" average Air: 5.gt A\rerage Iq)3 7Lo chuclr of G-E- ilohnsqr and rcsresentati'e of B s B E<cavatirq uere shssn tre resrlts of tbe tes'E8. For -drtitional information, see the attaclred data street. COLOMDO TEST CENTER l5S South NavaJo Denver, Colorado 80223 .rou Ho. %11[Br.E'Dttnt#.tlr.__qE q.il'H3r EilDING-74/87 Concret DATF. 6/30 Plant + 5 GalLons rnlsit€sr *L7032 120r-0 to L32r-2 Plant + 5 CaUons o ETE-rGeore r DAILI REPORT: .SlrXdp, ArR r TEMP. JOB lf0. ?Olt043 LOGiTION: WestLu btelnr'nettace Wiry eddition. Servlce Hrg,Code Reg. O.T. PAGE OF DAIE: 7n/Bz Servlceg Contracted Ertra INSPECTON P. tdordltld 1.50 .25 x Perfod sllqr, atr ad teryeratue tests on correte derivered g trre arorrc jcbstte fe G.E. Jotrnson. B & B Ekca\ra+irg anlplieit tf* ooncrete wLti a ni:( rD of 5929. Au test oEres weo:e cbtained in acordar e with A,SM C-I72. All. qrseE testeal ms sithin j& specificatjons. Arrcrage Slql: 4.00" avemge Air: 5-6S A\relrage Tq)3 G9o cbt:ct< of c.E. Johnson and retrresentative of B s a ncarratirg were srrcrrn tle resrrlts of tte tests. FoFdd{tional lrrfomation, see txe attactred data $eet. Struetural , ilechantcal and Harertalg Testtngs t S S South - rl"ua io-" ]"Denver, Coloraio 8O2Zs .rou t*to. zoaG#IcREr.E'DAHnt#t[r, a.". o*',H$ ENDING% ,,OfrCfet DATB 7/3 J I lt I. I , ( L I I,ti' Plant + 6 Callons PlAnt + 10 callons ffi (3O3) 0E8-r050 CTG PFOJECT NUMBER ( _z_o-_a'- -!- l_ t_ ) RELD OBSERVATION REPOBT PROJECT NAME IECHNICTAN PUNCH TlsT|TEM--TO DATE 6nn/s7 coNT svc x Page One xrFsvc coDE*P. Nord"lurd STHR OTHR 4.00 2.s0 TYPE oF lNsPEcnoN - vrsuel x , MAGNETT. 'ARTT'LE - uLTRAsoNrc 'ELDMENT ,ULTRASONIC -- SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICALI .._-.----- BOLT TENSION.--.- FTREPROOFING WERE lrEMs BELowfiE MINIMUM PFoJEcrspEcrFrcATroNs NorED? ves_-- ro x ITEM NUMgER DESCFIPTION/LOCATION L) Stair *1 cee walls located at grid. lircs 0.g - ,-O., aol, Eleyatlon L20,-9 to L32,-2 (3rd Lift). East eal.l-, tie bean belqv 3rd leneL dmr operdrg: Four *gx19t_O 'top borizonta-r bars sere used tn pJ.ace of tfrree *9:cr9r-0 bars. *9 bars were rpt arrailabLe for placanent. *g bars were srSplied ttiti tlrts lift prior to tt* re'i-sions rnted on the rebar p'acoent dramirrgs. East !Va11: IlF *O vertico] bars rot placed at each side of door olEnirg, one each face. ACrlON TAKEN REGARDTNG ABOVE NEMS. f .ner chuck of G.E. Jot'rson, rtsa A was fo'nd to be acceptabre pen Rictra'd ?geiryadt consurtiJrq Ergineers. rtsn B lms corr@ted a*irs ule course of tlte iaspection Ib other deficienc'e sere rsted. 155 SOUTH NA'A'O DENVER, coloaebb eoaas (3031 6s8.t05o CTC PROJECT NUMBER (-:-og--o.-a-r) PUNCH ttST ITEM -- TO --FIELD OESERYATION REPORT PRO,ECTNAME Page Tlo oTHB coNTSVC xrFsvc coDE *TECHNICIAN SI HR p. tdorallund TypE oF lNspEc'oN, vrsuet x , MAGNETTC pARTTcLE , uLTMsoNrc wELDMENT ,ULTFASONIC_- SHEAFCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL)_-BOLTTENSION FTREPROOFINO WERElrEMsBELowrHEM|NIMUMpRoJEcrspEcrFrcATroNsNorED? yEs-- No X ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/IOCANON 2) l*rt ant pi'r'<ters at Eotel rink rocated at trre foll'cirg grid locations: A) $hLL elerntion 95t-0 to I0Or-0 at tines ,f.9_0.4 to 0.g B) Pifaster efeva.tion 95r-O to L0O,_0 at Unes 0.5{.5 lb ddiciencies were rpt€d. 3) Forrriaeion lfa1l section located at tr," follcnrirg grid lcations: A) Lires r-0.9 to 4.5 B) Ilines 6{ to 8.5 and C-6 to g.5 AIso red.nryected piJ_asters on line F at lirres 2, 3, 4, 5 arrl at lines f5, E-6 and FI6. RE: Rebar inspection report datd.6ft8/g7 It@ A tras o:rected. Ti€s ilrEre correctly strnced. No deficiencies were rpted. rl i ACTION TAKEN REGAFDINGABOVE 'TEMS. @ rE5 SOUTH NAVA'O DENVEH, COLORADO 80223 (3031 6E8.t050 CTC PROJECT NUMBEF ( -z ld- -o -e -r- ) FIEIJ OBSERVATTON REPORT TECHNICTAN PUNCH LlsT]TEM-TO DATE 7/3/A? page One xTR SVC coDE +P. l{ond.hmil STHR OTHR CONTSVC 5.50 1.00 x wPEoFlNsPEcfloN' usual x, MAGNETTcpARTTCLE-. uLTRAsoNIcwEIDMENT-' ULTRASONIC-SHEAFCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAT}--BOLTTENSION FTREPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINII"IUM PROJECT SPECIFICA'TIONS NOTED? VES - ruO X ITEM NUMBER REE|R IN$'E1TIChI DESCRTPTTON/LOCATION L) stair oore *2 starter c,ar'rs l.cated at tie fouo*irg grid Iocatiqr: 17 to.l0r-3.Fast of l7-A.g to D.3 Elqration 9zr-0 to 1OO'-O Mi'sirq *5 aorner bars at the rnrt]ryest corrrer outside face- Corected drring the course of tlre i$pec.Enon. t{o other detricierrcies rf,ere noted. 2) Stair *1 core walls located at tlre foUorirg grid lcations: 0.8 to 1-€.3 to K Ele\ration L32t-2 to 144r_0 (4t}t r{ft). IGst lflall: Missirg one set of S6 trirn bars ar:o'rd. 4t.tr level wirdqc openiry. Co:rected durirg t?re cor:rse of ttre inspection. tb otien deficiencies rere noted. ACION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE TTEMS, oENVEF. COIoRADO 80223 13031 698-1050 CTC PFOJECT NUMBER [ :_0J - _0_ -4- 3_, P. !{ortilud . , .. - , . , , - - ! -. ; _ . . i .;i . : .1.. ,: , ,.,._i !., i,. .ir !. PUNCH LISTITEM-TO RELD OBSERVATIOT{ REFORT DATE Additlon Page $m TECHNICIAN ST HR OT HR coNTsvc xrnsvc coDE* TYPE oF tNsPEcnoN ' vtsuel x , MAGNETTc pARncLE ----_ uLTRAsoNrc WELDMENT _ULTFASONIC SHEABCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAI)- BOLTTENSION FIREPROOFING $'ERE lrEMs BELow ttlE MlNlMuM PRoJEcr sPEClFtcATtoNs NorED? yEs - No x ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION 3) Phase I grade bea section leated at t$e fofbnirg griat Lcations: Level I at lines 2&-Z to C.5. !4issLng tqr tuo setE of *4ties at pilasters at lines B & C-zg. Cor::estd dtnrirg tie orrse of the inspection. ldo otheor def,iciencieE we noted,. 4l Fourdation wall section l"cated qr line F, betroeen lirg 0.6 to 0.8. fdo def,iciencies sere rnted. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. To vd iI \rer tures, Ltd. I0tl6 Sugr rrontage Vail, (I) 81657 Att-D: I'rank FYeyer Chcn&Associates Consulting Geotechnical Enginesrs Job No. 4 186 B7 Daily Report No. 32 Dalo Road ofl Subject: Fill Observation and Testing Westla Hotel Additlons, Vailr @. I I l,*' i J 116 t--I- I i I TYPE AND NUMBER oF EAFTH MovING UNITS EdloadeT TYPE AntD NUMBER ctr coMpAcTtoN uNtTs Srnall wlbratory dnun NU[4BER METHOD I |!r tofit! ftPsenla oprn'od lomed st 6 r€lull ot ou (&8€w6lbn ot n[ dacornanl. Wo hEvg rolbd on lho ooaltractor to contht|g nrrry,nq rha ti.nmrnen.Je,t .Ompecliva etrorl6nd nrdsturo to tha tll durlng dmes r|h€n olr obS€avs,lS alot Obsoavlng orara.oe.t .omFedrva ello|l 6ng ixtGluto lo lha li! dlrting llme8 l|h€n ou? ob8€avsr la alol obsoavlng otara.I'nna frels am dradle ol the t[ oaly E! bglgl'od iegessrry to catibsto OUi Obggrvar'S ludgomsnl" Tort dda 8ro,totihg golg inaB lor o'|tn|ons on whelher tho ldt rneOt! O9eciteatbna. PROGRESS REPoRT Aborre tests taken irt stnrctrral- badc-fill along 29-1ine, at design sub,grade. Mike E/ans Steven L. Pawlak FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY OF PASSES as r€q. OF ADDING MOISTURE THTCKNESS OF LIFT 8II hose Plaza I g_qfid c-29 E lt E il FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS, FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE FEMOVED OR REWORKED. CONTRACTOR ADVISEO FULL TIME OBSERVATION E! PART TIME OBSERVATION fo Vail Ventures, Ltd. 1000 Soutir pror.rtage Fbad vbil, co 81657 i\ttn: trrank Fteyer Chen&Associatcs Consulting Geot6chnicat Engineers Job No. 4 IBG 97 Date 7-14-87 Daily Report No. 31 Shset Z Ot 2 Subject: Flll Observation and Testing Irleslirt Hotel Mditions, VaiI-, C0. laza I Plaza I rocAIr0N Plaza I @ 9ri{_D-21 Plaza I G gri{retest P q 'ZL Y-, Y-: SPECIFICATION COMPACTION 100? standard Pr@tor & MATEFIAL density urder fotlngs TYPE Ai,rD l{uMBER oF EARTH MovtNG uNlTs tniloader TYPE AND NUMBEB ctr coMpAcIoN uNlTs $rall vibratory dnn trackers NUIVIEER oF PAssEs as Ieq. THIcKNEss oF LIFT B. METHOD OF ADDING MOISTUFE hose ;:::l ?:lT j:::1":?f-.flgryg ptlgn qo aoisru,e o irre-ro d,ail'ffi;;;ii,i"ffi#ffiT;l l:: :,:::: :::J i"-Tnlvv"t s't4""#"#; il Hd;'Hf tr;ffLff"ffii:fkT #;Y""Hi'ffifr PROGRESS REPORT Mike Evans FIELD rI FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATTONS. O FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECTFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED.rf CONTRACTOH ADVTSED TT FULL TIME OBSERVATION N PART TIME OBSERVATION t'-'l-a . (!r nr!.i.ne on ah.ther lho lilt 'ng€15 spgcinc; ;: to Vail Vsrlures. Ltd. 1000 SouUr Prontage Road Vail, 0 81657 Attn: Frank fteyer t0cATtoN Job No. 4 186 87 Dale 7-14-87 Chcn&Associates Consulting Gootechntcal Engineers of2 Oaily Report No. 31 Sheet I Subjoct: Fill Observation and Testing Westin HoteL Additions, Vail, C0. I ITS I lrt) rq9 'I no Plaza I gr+d Plaza c gri4 Plaza 5lN & Plaza 110 1r1 Y*?i I z-25 I i,1ry_crrid A-a I v-23 IL2 112 I qrid Plaza I Q srrd Plaza I G srld Plaza I 113 l3'N & I: SPECIFICATION COI"'IPACTION & MATEFTAL I00t standard Pr@tor density r:nler footings TYPE AT{D NUMBER oF EAFTH MoVING UNITS T,'dloadeT TYPE At\rD NUMBEB c. coMpAcTloN UN|TS Stlall vibratory drufii wad<ers NUME€R OF PASSES aa r(eq. THTCKNESS OF LtFt 8' METHoD oF ADDING MoISTURE hose ln€ trc^t fta.o.tc (rD'F'on" t--od "" " ru,nrr',ito th. ,F.ot rFpnded cdnoactoe elorl snd rnolsluro lo lho l l dudag ttmqg *h6n our obsorvE lg,!of obsarvtns opgrs.i "'4 r.r!c et. dtot.| ol tFe l,tl(mly ag hellovd n6c6sary to aalihato our ob!on!''g hdg€msnl Tasf aata Sre.Etiho soto I'nq4 tir ,'!{annq .m rhether lh€ Ltt me6tg lpoc|ncglbn!. cc)PrEs FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OB REWORKED. GONTRACTOF ADVISED FULL TIME OESERVATION PAFT TIME OBSERVATION [d l-l s Ll c 4IBFG footirg qrade_ Ahove tegts taken in stnrctural bad<- of Plaza tt.uttrel-. ^r. r8 t6 851 ro Vail Ventrres, Ltd. l-000 South Frontage Foad Vail, O 81657 Attn: ftank fteyer Job No. 4 186 B? Dar6 7-L7-87 Chen&Associates Consulting Geolechnical Engineers orl Daily Beport No. 33 Sheet I Subject: Fill Observation and Tsstlng Westin Hotel AddiLions, VaiL, c:o. DEPTH OR ETEVANON ([EETI BSSFBeICFT Slab TErrace Wing PROGFESS HEPOFT Above test taken in linited area of bad<filt placed for urder slab sr419ort. Irlike Evans SPECIFICATION COMPACTION A MATERIAL 1008 standard Prctor density under footlngs TYPE AND NUMBER oF EARTH MoVING UI'{ITS TITdIoadeT TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS NUMBER OF PASSES AS req. THICKNESS OF LIFT METHOD OF ADDING MoISTURE Trose rht! reFon F os€nts oplniom lotmsd as a.erun olour obgoryatto{t od lttt ptrcarlq[. wg ba-!e.elhd on tie conrraclo, to con nG applyrng lho rocommanded conpadlvo ollon snd mDlsiufe to lhg n d;drE djres rghen ol' oDssrvsr ls trot obsorvlno oosra-rnllsure ro rr9 n|l qu.!!g qmes snen oll, obasnar ls alol ob8o]vlrE opsm-liom tosls ato rngdg ol lhs [[ onty 8s bellovod .Ec6i8sry to cqlbrato qi;oserrae pogornen! root dalo aro nol tho rota basb lor oFn@ns on whothor thg ti[ mests s9€cdicalorrg: tr FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATTONS. D FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECTFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOUTD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. A CONTRACTOR ADVISED r_ryulL T|ME OBSEBVATTON El PART T|ME OBSERVATTON 'm 13031 698-i05o . CTC PROJECT NUMEER ( +or - +.ar ) PUNCH LIST ITEM _-- TO FIELD OBSERVA?ION REPORT pROJECTwnUe $restin Eotelr'Ierrace Wirg Addition Page One TECHNICIAN ST HF p. Iqcrdlurd TYPEOFINSPECTION. VISUAL X . MAGNETICPARTICLE-, ULTFASONICWELDMENT-,uLTRAsoNlc _- 'HEAR coNNEcroR (AccoustcALl -, B'LT TENsloN-, FlREpFooFrNG *ERE lrEMs BELow rHE M'NIMUM pRoJEcr spEcrFrcATroNs No.,r.ED? yEs .-_--.-. No - OTHR CONTSVC 5.oo x rrR svc CODE * ITEM NUMBER REBAR Ii\.sPEfTIoN DESCRIPTION/LOCATION L) Stair *2 core u.alls located at tlte folloring grid. locafions: 17 to l0!-3 east of 1?_A.6 tr D.2 elevation L00,_O to 1Lt_4 apprrordnate (lst lift) souttr wa[: Eight #5x7r-0 vertical bars were placed 4 eac]r side of mechani.a'r operring 2 each face. Revised rebar placenent dr.ardirgs er'l't for ten #6 vertical bars, 5 each side, to natch int€rupted verEical bars. F:ct !!a11: Ttuelve #sx5-3 vertical dowels not placed at door openirg above (sjx bars each. s.i.de, 3 each face). ACTION TAKEN REGARDTNG ABOVE ITEMS. r@n "a" listed atp'e: 1!ro *5:<7r-o vertical bars were s,bstltuted for each #6 vertlcal bar. Tota1 of t r*ty #5-ba;; 10 each side of oFning. iruil #H;ff ff"Ti5:* crtinq rfie corrse of tbe inspection. rwrE:. #4 slab dqels lnirl be rdet-stabrbed after concrete placenent. FIELD OESEFVA?ION FEPiORT PUNCH L'ST nErr ro .-_ OATE CTC PRO,ECT NUMBER (rq3'- o 4 3 ) CODE * WPE OF INSPECTTON - VISUAL X , MAGNETIC PARTICLE -, ULTRASONTC WELDMENT ,uLTFASoNlc, 'HEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUST,.AL)_,B.LTTENS''N____FlBEpRooFtNc *ERE lrEMs BELow rHE MiittMUM pRoJEcr spEcrFrcATrlrNs NorED? yEs .._- No x PFOJECTNAME IECHNICIAN ST HR OT HR coNTSVC xTRSVC ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTTON/LOCATION Fluse I: Pj.Iastens, flrst flaor Level located at t}re follarirg grid locatJqrs: z_n A-2L lb derficiercies t m 3-m C,{ c)o tn !-i B..21 c-21 were rDted. Y-22 y-29 ACTION TAKEN REGARDINGABOI/E MMS. DAILY REPORT: LOCATION: sLuMP, ArR & f,E!{P.JOB NO.704a43 PAGE OF DATE: 7A8/87 \Pfestin lbrglZTresrace Wfuq Addition INSPECTOR P. Nordlund Servlce Hrg.Code Reg. O.T. 2.00 Servtces Contracted Extra Perfoared s}nrp, aix ard tqleratrre tests on conqete del-ivered to the abose j&site for G.E- Jot'rson construction. B & B e<carratirE supplied ttre eoncete rrrith a nix rD of 5g2g. A11 test sanples were obtained in accordarce \'xith ASIM c-L72. ALL corcrete tested was witlr:in jcb specificaLions with the exceptlon of ttre air content t of the first three trucks delivered e<ceeded the ruaxinrun specified air reguirenent of 5 t 2g. Representative of B & B Erbavatiry ani Jin of G-E- Johrrson constrrrction were notified of this condition- Air entraining agent vras reduced at tr,ji.s tjne, per G.E. Jotrnson,s request. One set of tfrree cylinders vJas cast frcrn the first load, ticket #18410 for ccrqressive strergttr verification due to the hig.h air % content,. Average S}rp: 3.25" Avemge Air: g.Ig Arze:age Tap: 660 fim of G.E. 'Johnson and. representative of B & B D<cavating were slrc*nr tlle resul.ts of ttre tests. For add.itional inforrnation, see the attached data sheet. Structural , Mechanical and Materlals Testings 155 South Navalo Denver, Coloraio 8022s I".{JI\IUKts'I'ts'UA'LA.REPORT TEEK ENDING 7/L8/87 Job No. 704064 L C-ontibit-or, G.E. Johnson - concretF$!ffTiF- b ;-B *q_ r- TOCATION .t !$ 155 Eouth Nevqict Denver., Ce] oredo (303) 6S8-1050 Test Number: iob Nqme: J ob Acisi ress : Cv'i incier i C Agcr ( ciays ) I 80223 /Oate CasS: 81 /1A/87 -\...-. 177 Oti' ierrsce Nr'ng/P1 aze i Vsii Coloracio P-O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Repont Dates z A1 /25/81 oa/15/A7 09/01/87 ./ Report To: Va i'i Ventures, Lt-d l/ G. E. Johnson Construct ion SLP Architects Contrecton: G- E- Johnson Supn] ier: B and B Excavting Ticket No' : 18413 Truck No-: Mix I'O': 5329 CTC Reo-: F- Nord'iunci Locetion of Pour: Stair $2 Core F{a'ils ist 6 ft. Elev' 'i00'-0 to '1 i'!'-0 t(Js trort iorr - PH Y"s_l.cg t-' R Rq P E Rr I E s Slumo: 3 Concrets 'i'enro. ^F: 66 Tiree Eetcheci: 10:45 .COFIPREFSM STR.ENQIHi Soecif ieci 28 A.ir (*): 6-6 lrlt./Cu. Ft-: 1LO-a Air Temo. ^F: 63 Ti-e Testeci : 11 :24 Day St rengt h ( ps i ) -..9i.9q ' 3ize gtrength (psi ) Average Strengrh 6 - 00 2560 'l 2 ga'i 'i ons adcieci onsite.Rensrks: PlanE waten pl us CYc:GEorEx. -itlc. ' lttlPwt ft^ut fi'L1 155 Soutit Neva.io Denr.er. - .Ce'i orado (303) 696-i05C Cy] incie:' i.D ea223 r\ge (days ) 7 q9NCRETE TEST RESULTI P-O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Report Dates: Reoort To: Va i'l cr.c. SLP aI/25/81 08/15/47 09/a\/87 ,-/Ventunes , Ltd.r Johnson Const ruct'i on CO. Anch i tectE Oete Castl. Oi/18167 Test lriumbe:': i ??03 .job Narne: Tennece Nina/P'] aza I Job Aciqntggg : Ve i 1 Co] orario Cont:'ecion: €- E- iohnson Supo'i ie:": 6 & E Exceveting Tickert-No': 18610 Trucris No.: Mix i '0': 5929 CTC Rea.; P- Norci'lunci Locetl-on o.F Poun: stsin $2 Core llells 1st L. Ft- Elev- 100'-0 to 1i i'-0 bt]t'ton 'i ift PHYS I qAt P Rg.!'.!RTJ Es S]urno: 3-?c Air (%): Consrste Tsmg - ^F.'. 66 Time Eatcheci:9:35 cqmqFEFFIvE.,,f;TLENqTli :, Soec i'F ieci' ?8 Average Strength 9-0 l"lt./cu- Ft-: i40-9 Ai r iernp - ^F: 58 Tirne Testeci: i0:'l 5 Day Strensth (Psi ) ,,9,g.g.q 3t nength ( Ps i ) 2650 Size a nn oil/8" Etwine;ring' iertlna Remonks: CTC-GEOTEK, iNC. To Vail venbrres, Ltd. 1000 South Frcntage Road Vail, Co 81657 Attn: F?ank ffeyer Chen&Associates Consulting Geotechnical Enginesrs Job No. 4 186 87 Date 7-2L-87 Daily Report No. 34 Sheet I ol l- Subject Fill Observation and Testing Westin Fiotel Addltions' vail-, @. BSSG+e1crr Slab Subgrade 3rN & 4rE qri.d Z-28 laza I rS & 3'w A-29 rE of crrid B-29 8'S of crrid tt-29 SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEFIAL 958 standard Proctor de&sity TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNTIS Trli-lCdCT TYPE AND NUMBER oF ooMPAcTToN UN]TS !€d<er, VJbntory dnm NUMBER OF PASSES as req. THTCKNESS OFLIFT 8" METHOD oF ADDING MoISTURE nore added Tfiig ro!fi ft'B8gnut otinlorE bm€d as a r€slrlt d aratsgn.albtr otfill Ol€oarnsnt We ltsyr rBlsd q| thg conlraotcto condoue appltlg lh€ rBcor||mghdcd rt npas0E sfu and mogur€ b th9 m dudq tlmss $hon our obssrvqr b nst &awlng @gra-lh(tE. Te3t3 sro msds d rhe 0lt odt as be!6nd nccessary tt c€frlab 0|,' o[6ondo ldgprtr€rd. ?c6t data are nd ths eotg bssl8 l@ opinhcls m rtrgth8f thg fl! rr€€b lFoclnce$n8, PRoGRESS FEPORT ebove tests talcq ln backfilt placecl in east 6nrlion of PJ-aza Wing, E<cavaticn for pad fotings qt A 1fuer9-L5 and A.7 9-14 rias dcs€nrted to be on tmdls- Irrlke Errans Steven L. Hlrlali E FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. tr FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPEOIF]CATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. ts CONTRACTOR ADVISED D FULL TIME OBSEFVATION EB PART TIME OBSERVATION coPtEs CAF-IR (e8q To Vail Venterres, Ltd. 1000 Soutir Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Ftank ffqfer Chen&Associates Consulling Geotschnical Enginsets BFFBelcn^r lbotirg Grade BSSG+elcn Slab Subgrade Job No. 4 186 87 Date 7-22-87 Daily Report No. 35 Sheet l- Of I Subjecl: Fill Observation and Testing I,{estin Fbtel Addilions, Vall, @. with SPECIFICATION COMPACTflf,N & MATERIAL 100? standard Hroctor furisty TYPE AND NUMBER OF EAFTH MOVING UNITSITTi.]oaden TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACNON UNns v0acl€r NUMBER OF PASSES as t€q. THICKNESS OF L|FT METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE rrorre added coPrEs PROGRESS REPORT MiJ<e Evans St€\tert L. Par,tlak APPROVED BY Bn E u E D FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATEO BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR FEWOFKED. CONTRACTOR ADVISED FULL TIME OBSERVATION EI PART TIME OBSEFVATION rha !€lorl lrgs€nl! opiftdr! ffi 6! ! rr!s& dow olswrtbn dffl gltolrn t, Wo tulrs rdhd'|throqtractortooonlhuo aDDryrng llr" r.rornrnsrd€d cs'tDa4dw oflt't Ar(' rnobtw9 b nA 0[ drrl|tg lttm3 rtr€n Or &€swsr b not o!6ar\rbg oDors: tE t9. 1€,3l! ee Fada ol lhe Rn q1ry a be[ared nE?lgdt lo ca bato tlr oDsrtEr'r lu4onaal T€lt dsta arg lbt fig sole bas,3 lor otinlons anr rhelhor ths fiI €A!0 $rdtl9alb{(I caF,tR (s85) To vail ventxtres, Ltd. 1000 South Frontage Road vail, co 81657 Attrr: Ftank F?eyer Chen&Associates Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Job No. 4 186 87 Dale 7-24-87 Daily Report No. 36 Sheet 1 ot I Subjecl: Flll Obss.vation and Testing Westln rotel A&lltionsr VaiL, @. BSSGSelo,r Slab Subgrade Itsrrace Wilrg sanitary sever Tbrrace Wirtg sanitarlt seller SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 958 staniard Ptoctc d$isty TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS IOAdCT TYPE AND NUMBEB CF COMPACTTON UNTTS IdacKeT NUMBER OF PASSES aE rFq.THICKNESS OF LIFT ].OO METHOD OF ADDING MOISTUBE rprE AddEd tht! r€tdl trlrad! ('thbn! ldrird as e rlarll ot qr d€€rrllbr ot m daosnt€ol i{o haN?|Bg€d 6 tiacofitttrie toronlnuB arlgly'og rhe ?erorifilrldld canps$y! !firn td [p!|||t! b tha tn fu.hg thrs! iiat 0t! obrw b nd ollsnri]o wa.liont lesle 8re rnrdo ol lh" m d y a bd6lrld r@6s8rt ut cal|htg dn ooEotror'! lurtgslttont T€st drls Ero oot lho lDlt ba96 br miftoi! on r|lo|her ttle fiI rl|cilt lo6dtlcdbtt& A FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. tr FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD 8E FEMOVED OR FEWORKED. ,O CONTRACTORADVISEO tr FULL TIME OBSERVATION F PART TIME OBSERVATTON coPlEs cAF.lR (9-851 PROGRESS REPOF|I Above tests takm in badrfifl of san- taqir sqilsr trench betlregr'J & K Lines frqn 3-6 }ines. Eca\ration for elevabr core 1nd rvas aLso observed tp be unlisb.rrbed oairse gmnular soils. M{J<e nfrans Sterren L. Pawlak FIELD OBSEFVER APPHOVED BY lT|IEt InglnEErW Erinsltiltants,lnc. [,, .,tr;',,i 4,LP Telephone Conversation Memo n with Gary Murrain, VaiJ- Building DeparLment r Yoder Engineer:ing Consultants, Inc. 1.01" A drain is not required at the base of the elevator stiaft. The drawings originally indicated a dry well at- l-he base of ttre elevator pit. This dry ve11 may be eliminated. The proceeding conments and,/or: observations represent an overwiew of progress and conditions of the vork. Please notify us of any misunderstandings or required interpretati ons or clarifications vithin three (3) working days of receipt of these meeting notes, as we will proceed on the basi.s that these items are as agreed to by all parties concerned. End of rneeti ng noLes. Gary Murrain-Vai1 Buildinq Department Ernie Pyle-SLP Chuck Hughlet- GE Johnsonl Vail John McKee-GE Johnson, Colorado Springs Eenchmark Plaza. Sut:. . P.0. Box 5740, Avon. C, 303-g4g-11g1 .1'800-33-" " ' uly 23,1987 I Arthitccturt . Intcrior l)tsign . Urban Duign . Planning CONFERENCE MEMO PRoJEcr No: 69/0.OO fr, Z 7.2F - tr? /o:4o frlft, Jary ftlaifr/4 / wirii : 6ary ,ffiA rf a trt mio oy' Vail wryd,tut 1 Jon tl4.Kel- t __ t -/. DAILI REPORT: Rebar rnsSnction LOGATION$sstin Eorel - yail INSPECTOR Rick pinckert t . ljIEOTEK b PACE . ]. OF 1 DAT,t .ru1y 25r 198 Services Contracted Extra x JOB NO- 704a43 Servlce HrB.Code Reg. O.T. '7n. Report - o.75 Location: Core }ilalls; Footing Perforroed visuar. inspection of rebar placed at the following grid Locations: f) East stair core walLs A.7 to D.3 - l.Z to LOr-3 East of tZ 4th lift, to elev. I47I-LI (A) tines A.Z-17t A.7-L7+, D.3-17, and o.3_Lz+: Add l. *6 x L2r-9 vertical bar in each corner. (B) r'ines C.2 to C.6 - L7: 11 *5 x 4t-4 at LB,'o.c.r 5 F.F. and 6 N.F. above doorway will be trwet-stabbed." 2) Elevator core f,ootings 8.7 to c,5 - 5.8 to 9.2 (c) Lines F-6: As per Dalco Dwg. "footings at terrace wing additionln 4 #5 t{K 512 waLl dower.s r"rere placed at footing step- The vertical barE in the waLl above are *7. The structural engineer uas not available for coment before placement of concrete. (D) Lines F-8-92 9 *4 uK 42o warr dowels at rBo o.c. Not praced. Itens Ar. Br a3d D Llsted above were correct,ed durlng the 'a course of the lnspectlon. *" *'s I il?l'f, lii : "frL."tff ti?'" i% fr o" "ri: t -" " r ", " re s r r n g s 'm DENVER. COLOFADO 80223 (3031 898-1oso CTC PROJECT NUMBER (: q-'- -g q aj- ) P. Nordlund RELD OBSERVATION REPORT PUNCH I.IST IIEM - ?O 9o16 iluly 31, lgg7 L CODE * : TYPEoFINSPEcnoN' vlsuAL x' MAGNETTCpARTtcLE-, uLTRAsoNIc*ELDMENT- ULTFASONTC .-.-_ SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL) -, BOLT TENSION---=-' FIREPROOFING WERE trEMs BELowTHE MINIMUM PFoJEcrspEcrFlcATroNs NorED? yEs-- No x ITEM NUMBEF DESCRIPTION/LOCATION 1) Stair *2 Core Walls located at the following grid location: 1.7 to 10r-3 E. of 12_A.6 to D.2 elev. 14Zr_11 to 168_5 L,z2 (6th and ]asr 1ift) East waLL: place tvo #5 horizontal trim bars under south most bearn pocket. -B-West rnll: Insufficient eplice length on trro #5 verticaJ. bars near North end of wal]. Need tvro longer *5 vertical bars to provide 23" nin. lap splice. 2) Foundation wa]1 section located at the for.r.owinq qrid locations: 6 - East 5 to F and F - 4.5 to 6- No def,iciencies were noted- ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. Iterus trAn and nBn Listed above were corrected during the coursE(,oE the inspection. No other deficiencies were noted. -A- PRoJEcTNAME Westin Hotel Terrace Wing Addition TECHNICIAN ST HR 6.0 oTHR coNTsvc xrRsvc x $, DAILI REPORTT LOQITIOII: CIISIE II{SPELTICT{ restin Plaza tuifdUg JOE NO. 705039 Servlce Hrs.Code Reg. O.T. 8.00 PAGE OF DATE: z/29/97 Servlces Contracted Extra x INSpECT9R D. picloeyer vi$al lnspection of bar joist welds was corducted at tt* secorrl flmr fraairy of tt,e $bstj'praza BrirdiJg, phase r, betreen grid lines 2L te 28/D ta z. AtL required ffillet rrclds rgse fourd to be irctarled ard visrally acceptable. lret \,trith chuck llsdett, G.E. Johrrson ard rpR erection fonenan, iroeL, to dlscrss firtr:re scrreduLirg. Requisition for LpRrs current rrc.ldter certifications was nade. riPR rns fufomed tlnt r*rse letjuene bolts could rpt be tensiored wittr 'be J-erjuene gunr. the ntrrrrrof-tbenutn netJFd rras to be used in accqtlance to AISC. StructuraL, MechanlcaL and Haterlals Testtngs Vail Ventures, Ltd. 1000 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulling Geolechnical Enginoels tl 5r \ - t Yt | /\y d"\'s-- -.- Job No. '4 186 AZ Dale 7-27-87 Daily Feport No. 37 thesl 1 Ol I Subjsct Fill Observation and Testing Westln Hotel Additions, Vail, CO. To BSSG=Be Slab Sub rade Terrace l{ing, sanltary sewer. 4rN pad 0 K-sllty sandy sravel Terrace Wing, sanitary sewer. 615 oad @ J-6 SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEFIAL 95% standard Proctor denslty TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVINCI UNITS loader TYPE AND NUMBER CF COMPACT]ON UNITS . wacker NUMBER OF PASSES as req. THTCKNESS OF LIFT 10-12r' METHoD oF ADDING MolsTuRE none needed fh9 .e9on pt€8qnl8 op&|'ct€ btrned ar a r€qrlt ol out ob8owatbr d fm phserrtsrd. Ws tt8r's rgtH or tho cdtlraplq tg corthug Spplytng lhs r6coriitlordd qqmFscthl€ oltbd Bnd npbturs to thg m dudrE dn€s th€n on obsgnDr b not obsswtng opsla. lbn8. T€.ts €rB nsde ot ltrs tm onlt a! bol€ied rFgsqt tD calbrato cn &srvrr'! ldg€lrE rt T€d dsta EE .d $lg sole bad8 lo. ophlor8 m ih€lh€r thO lilt nrorb lD€d satlon& EI FILL TESTED MEE1S SPECIFICATIONS. D F]LL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIF]CATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULO BE REMOVED OR REWORKED., E CONTFACTOR ADVISED tr FULL TIME OBSEBVATION EI PART TIME OBSEFVATION coPrEs PROGRESS REPORT Above tests taken in backfill of sani sewer between J 6 K lines. The excavation for footing pads on A llnes, 6-9 E A.7-7 were observed to be into undl turbed coarse granular soi1s. Pad 0 grid 8-6 is on Prev- iously placed and tested structural fill. Mike Evans Steven L. Pawlak t.N (w! . i :e, 7' TofiiyS6.L TESI/wG /MPECilON ifirly 30, Jp87 crc-704043 Vail Velrtrrres, ttil. 1000 So. Fontage Road Ebst, VaIL, Colorado 8L657 Attrr: ELanlc I?qrer lE: liEgflIN @IH"/TRRACE t{INc eDDImCSj Dear Slr: - erclos{ nrease flnd inspection reports for Jrrly 21st ald July 23rd fon rcrk perf@ed at ttre above nentioned project. Veqi' trt.ly :rci,lrs, CAC.@IE(, IIG)RPORATED m{R,/aj enc. @: G.E. ,IohnEon Cmst:r:cti.on SIA Architsts -GIEtrtTET< ENG'N€FF'NG - Eeorex ]uru", LrsrrrE,-ro P. Nord.hrrd DENVER. COTORADO 80223 (3031 898-1050 CTC PRO'ECT NUMBER (zoa'-o 4 3 ) FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT PRoJEGTNAMe Westtn D^rE 7/2t/87 xTR SVC CODE * '7 wPEoFtNsPEcrloN' vtsull x, MAGNETIcpAFloLE- uLTRAsoNTcWELDMENT-, uLrFAsoNlc-.--- SHEARcoNNEcroR (AccousrlcAl)-, BoLTTENstoN..--..------_. FtREpFooFtNG WEREITEMSBELOWTHEMINIMUMPROJECTSPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES- NO X lrEM NUMBER REBAR lfqSpm.rlCnt DESCRIPTION/LOCATION f) Stair *2 ore wall-s located at the fotlorirg grid location: 17 to L0r-3 east of IZ-A.G to D.2 ele.ration 111,-4 tD L22t..g (2rd fift) scuth a'nt north valls: Missirg one #6 vertical ortside face of eadr rnlJ.. Conected &.lriag the co:rse of $re inspection. No otier deficiercies wse ncted. 2l Footlrg pds ard piJ.asters, Ist floor letre]. located at the foUarrjrrg grid locatlons: TECHNICIAN STHR OTHF CONTSVC 4.00 2.00 x _ A-12 A-14 A.7-9 A.7-tL A-13 A.?-8 A.7-10 A.7-L2 A.7-l_3 A-L0 A.LI Fmtirrg pads at lires A-7-13 ard A.?-r.2: Rebar reeds to be raised up to pr3o\riale 3" mini-m.rn concrete @ver. corected durirg tlre oourse of tbe inspection. Ikr other deficiencies vere noted. ACTION TAKEN FEGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. DENI/ER. COTORADO 80223 (303) 60&to5o CTC PRO'ECT NUMBER I 7 0 4'- o 4 3 I t-- P. lqordhutii NCH LI$T ITEM -TO FIELD OgSEBYATTOII REPOBT s52 7/23/87 pRorEcTNAM5 lbtin BotelAerrace Wins Addttiolt TECHNICIAN ST HR OT HF 3.00 2.00 coNTsvc xTRsvc coDEt x TypE oF tNspEcrloN. vtsuAl -E- MAcNETtc PAFIIcLE -, uLTRAsoNlc WELDMENT ULTRASONIC- SHEARCONNECTOF (ACCOUSTICAL)- BOLTTENSTON FIREPROOFING WEFETTEMSBELOWAE MINIbIUMPROJECTSPECIFICATIONSNOTEO? VES- NO X ITEM NUMBER DESCFIPTION/LOCATION m L m o -l o o m ! Stair #2 aee valls located 17 to 10t-3 east of 17-A.5 No deficlerclee rere rpted. at the follomirq grid lrcation: to D.2 (3rd Lift) ACTION TAKEN REGAFDING ABOVE ITEMS. I ,t; cTc-GiEo.TE'< Vai.l Venb:res, Irtd. 1000 So. &ontage Rod West VaiL, CoJ.mdo 8L657 _ Endteecl please fird inspectioar regnrt-s for profegEional serrrices perfomed at tfte abore nentioned. projecl. INSPECTION ma/aj erE.cc: G.E. Jolncon ConEtflc.tion Co. SLP A,rchltects EA/G'N€EF''VG crc-704043 ,Iure 2, L!187 Very tru.ly yq.rrs, cac-@xEKr n€oRPoRAmD hircipa]. 155 SOUTH NIAVA.,C lEi.lVEF COLCRAI| 10233 iO3::98 :C5,1 o INSPECTOR P. Nordlwd Servlee Hrs.Code Ret. O.T. 2.75 PAGE DATE: s/29/87 Servlces Contracted Extra x OF DAILY REPORT: Sllnrtp, AIR s TtMp. JOB NO. 704043 LOC,ATION: I{e6tin bre}r'Ierrace Wirg edd.irion Perfomed slt4>, air and teryeratrrre tests on @ncrete delivered to the abor/e j&site for c.E. Johnson Construction. B & B S<cavatjnE supplied the consete with a uix ID of 5929. All test. s41es r.aere crbtained in aordance r'dit} AS:E{ C-L72. AII concrete tested r,sas rittuin job specification requireutts lrdth tne elception of truck *3-?, ticl€t *L7876, r*hich was 0.88 abo\te ttte malrimm air content requirernent. ItLis trrrik was placed by tJre time sluqr aud air tests v,tere ccurpJ.eted. Representative of B & B Concrete uas rptified of this corxi.ition arrl the air- entrairriJg agent rdas reduced. Average S}qr: 2.75" Average Air: 6.22 Average Tsq): 58o Ctud< with G.E. Johnson and a representaLive of B & B B<cavati.rg was shq.m the results of the tests. For additional information, see tlre attadred data sheet. Strut'tural, Hechanlcal and Haeerlals Testings COLORADO TEST CENTER 155 South NavaJo Denver, Colorado 80223 Job No. CONCRETE ' itrTA.f;EroNT ?04043 Contractor. c.E. WEEK BIIDING 5/3O/87 Concrete IFFrr-er@ 5/29 LOCATION plant + 5 calLong plant + l0 cal-lons t55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 laoq Bg&r03o CTC PROJECT NUMBER f 704- 0 4 3 l P. Nbrd"Iwrd TECHNICIAN 8T HR OT HR 2.75 coNTsvc xTRsvc coDE* x ruNCH LIST IIEM - TO FIELD OBSERVATIO}I REFORT D^rE 5/29/87 pRoJEcTNAMg T€sLin bte]. Terrace Wtug Addition WPEOFINSPECIION. VISUAL X . MAGNETICPARNCLE.------------. ULTMSONICWELDMENT- ULTRASONTC-_ SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTTCALI- BOLTTENSTON FIREPROOFTNG WERE ITEMSBELOWTHE IVIINIMUMPROJECTSPECIFICATIONSNOTED? YES- NO X ITEM NUMBEH SEBAR INSPETToIiT DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Perforned v:isual inspecbion of r&ar placeil iri t}e stair *1 footirg pad locat€d at t$e fofbning grid location: L) Llls 0.8 to l-.2-F.8 to K.l- !!o reJectable deficispies \ilqre tDted. T n L m o i C)o m 3 ACTION TAKEN REGARDINIG ABOVE ITEMS. Inr,. Telephone Conversation l.lerno - Beaudin of Yoder Engineering and 3, 1987 Ltion #86051 ewed the use ting fnr there ,": j.t is +87003 the State lleai-tir Department Regulations of ethylene and propylene glycol solu-water systems. For this parLicular is no potential for cross connecLion,acceptable to continue using ethylene the heaLing system. ts and/or observati.ons represent an overvi.ew ttle worl<. Please notifv us of interpretations or ctariri.lcations receipt of ttrese meeting riotes, as that these items are as agleed to by tions of gr required rk days of the basis p Town of Vail i Plaza. Sute 307 8,ox 5740. Avan. Coloraoo 81620 End of lvleeting Notes 91 . LBa} $2 3259 C0 0nty \ATVTTruRES,, June 5,1987 Mr. Ernie SLP 1100 Stout Suite 300 Denver, C0 Pyle Street 80204 ,x'E: Terrace Wing 4th Floor Sprinkler System Dear Ernie: Ife are advised this date that the Town of vail Fire Marshal will not approve the proposed dry sprinkler systen for the 4th floor of the Terrace wing. You have advised us that the use of a wet system in the 4th floor ceiling area represents a rlsk of freezing and the posslbility of resulting danage in the future. under the circumstances r.re have 1itt1e choice but to accept this rlsk and will hold SLP harmless so long as you exercise reasonabLe care in vour design of the necessary insulated areas. Please proceed with the necessary revisions to the construction drawings as outlined in my letter of June 4, 1987. Very truly yours, MONTANE CORPORATION reyer 1000 Soulh Frontage Road West, Varl, Colorado 81 657 . 303/476-6602 155 Sguth Navajo Denver, Colqredo gO2Z3 ( 303 ) 698-1 050 Vai'l Ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. Frontege Rd. !{esr Vai1, CO 8165? Attn: Fnsnk Freyer O g-g-H.cB E"r.E,,J qF r,,-Bq.su f, Jg P.O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Repont Dates z a6/12/87 01/03/87 01l2a/87 Report To: Va i'l rJ.tr,. 5LP Ventunas, Ltd. Johnson Construct ion CO.Arch i tects Test Numbsn: Job Name: Job Adciress: Contr€ctor: Suppl'ier: Truck No. t CTC Rero. : Cy1 inder ID 0'l Date Cast: O6/O5/87 rre!tr6.Wlng,/P'leza thnson Excavstino 3-1 1 P. Nond'lund I L -' Ticket No.: 1?SCg Mix I. D. : 5929 pad atlines A.2 to D.g-j6.9 to 14, eesr Location of Poun: Stefr *2, footing af 17- PgYs,l-c4L P, FpPqFr r Es Slump: 2.5 Concnete Temo. ^F: 71 Tims Batqhed:10:45 QOMPRESSIVF" $TBE".N.9TH: Specif ieci 28 Ago (days) 7 Remer.ks: P'lsnt wster p'lus S Air Temp. ^F: 6A Time Testeci: 11:.28 Day Strensth (psr') ,,,.?.gq! Strength (psi ) a.rzu Wt . /Cu. Ft. : 142.6 Avenege St rength Air (t) : 5.0 Size 6.00 ga'l lons w€tsn added onsite,. 9 | t -r.:r tr'L, I FTC-GEOTE Etginwring lsting -ittsfrctiol, 155 $outh Navejcr Denven , Co] onacio (303 ) 698-j 050 Locet'ion of Poun: of i'! - Cv] incien IC nt a2 u.t 80223 G. E- Johngon g & ts Exceveting 3-11 P- Nor.d l uncl Steir S2, footine gpiIcREJq,.r€sT,, B,F"$g Lrp P.O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Renr:r't 0a.tes: A6/12/gj u | / v3/ I t a7 /2C i 37 Renort io: Va i'i t/,"G . E . t't3L? Vencu res , L.td .iohnson Const.ruct ion CO. Arc h i tests Va i'j VentuFss$ , Ltsi . 1 000 S - Fnentager Rr.j - host Voi'i, CO €165? rlttn: Frenk Frtrver Test Number: iob Neme: Job Adcinesg: Cgntractor: Sqpo] ien: Truck No.: CTC Rep,: Date Cast:a6 /a5 / 87 /P1 aza t Tickat No- : 1?965 Mix i-0.: 5929 oaci at'i ineg A-2 to 0-8-i6.6 to 14' easr: Tine Satcheci:ru:rrc C0MPFEFSI-v€- $IRFNGIH: Soec if .ieci eHYsls*L RB9PFRLTES Siqmn: 2.5 Concrete ienp" ^F: 71 Ain (?): 5-0 Air ieno- ^F: 68 Tr'me Testao: ii:?r! 26 Oov St:.enqtir (psi ) ..".4-ql{"9 Size Sr,-eng.!,n t os; ; 6 - 00 2420 6.00 366i 6 - 00 3690 Age (oavs) T zv 28 Avenaqe iit reng t ir gei ions i{.rt.li' edderi rsite- / ,{)/-l ftu/rf/H,l 17 417 Remarks : P-r ctnc L{€ i:gr lriuE 5 6 i.. e,TG.GECYTE,fl< ENGINEERING INSPECTION crc-704043 June 9. 19B7 VaiL Vertrrea, IJtd,. 1000 So. Frontage Road ltest VaJL, Colon:ado 81652 TIING ADDINFN Erclosed please fini inspection report f,or ',"rk prforrned at above project ircm June Ist tirrorrqh .roG stt. Very tnrly Irours, C[C.GEOtrffi1 II@RPORAIED mq,zaJ CIE.cc: G.E. il&nson Constrr.rction SIA A:rhibects A/A'I )o+.i-rti^,- T6.rrp c{ d*'l- tZ" ?ol$.-d,.6lL 155 SOUTH NA:.AJO LrE)l'i:a c,:l-c3;cl :tl:3 ffi r55 SOUIH I{AVA,O DEN!/ER. COLORAOO 80223 (3O3) 6E8-!O5O CTC PRO.'EC'NUMBER (tst-o-g-3-) P. lilcrdlurd PUNCH LIST ITEM -- TO ?IELD OBSERYATIOX REFOAT D^fE 6/5/87 'ROJECT'AMa l&stirr btetAelrace lVirg Addttion TECHNICTAN OT HR ST HR 3.50 coNTsvc rrR svc x CODE # 7 TYPE OF INSPECTION - VTSUAL -.--. MAGNETIC PARTTCLE ..-.----_. ULTRASONIC WELDMENT -_ULTRASONIC'SHEAFCONT{ECTOR (ACCOUSTTCAL)-BOLTTENSION FIBEPFOOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECTFICATTONS NOTED? YES -- NO IIEM NUMBER FEBAR INSPETICSI DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Perfomed visuaL irrspection of rebar placed ir Ule stair *Z fotiry trrad ard adjoining pi.laster fmtirg pads located at tlre foltorirg grid J.cations: 1) A.2 to D.8 - 16.8 to aptrnioxiroate .J.4r eact of 17 Xines D.6-17: 1[\rc *6 top eest-rrest bars rpt placed in piJ-aster footirg pad lrK trAlt. Cotrected durirg t$e acurse of the inspection. No other rejectable deficiersies were rpted- ACTION TAKEH FEGARDTNG ABOVE ITEMS. Fi'.* -.+.iri T....':'' .'.' '.' 16 1s87 .m DAILI REPORT: S[Itltlp, ArR & XErtp. JOB NO. 204043 LOCATION: t{estil btel,rterrdce frirg Addition Servlce llra.Code Reg, O.T. 2.50 PACE OF DATE: 6/s/87 Servlcee Contracted Extra x INSPECTOR PerfoEned s}qr, alr anf tsperatt:re tests on consete delivered, to the above jdsite for G.E. Jobnson constrr:cLion. B e B e<carrati-rq srppried the corsrcte with a mi.:. rD of 5929. ALr test s4>1es raere 6tai-ned in accordarce with ASB{ e-L72. AIL corsrete tested rras witSlin job specificafions. Aveoiage SIqt: 2.75" Average Air: 5.4? Average Teq>: 58o Cttuck of G-E- Johnson and representative of B & B l!<carratirg were strcryrryt the results of ttre tests. For additional jnfouoatlon, see the attached data street. Structural . Hechantcal and Hacerr.als Testlng COLORADO TEST CENTER 155 South NavaJo Denvet, Colorado 8022t Job No. PoISIf'.u"mtt;tffit[".IVEEK G.E. Johnson EI{DING 6/6/8? LOCATION MIX ID Plart + 5 GalLons D.8-15.8 to l-4r E of l-7 Plant + 10 GaLlons Plant + 10 Gallons Plant + 5 Gallons 'iirf 'ttt .:{:'rr'"i' 1 i,1- sl'ill ' j JUN 16 1qB7 To Vail Venturesr LID. 1000 South F?ontage vail, c1) 81657 Attn: Ftank Frelzer Rd.Chen&Associates Consulting Geoteclmicat Enginsers Job No. 4 lg6 87 Date 6-lL-97 Daily Feport No, 1l Shser I O, Subject Flll Observatlon and Tssilng , EFadaftionr;*@l vail, co. wirg, 4" stcm drain, terrace lting, 12u storm dratn, terrace wing, L2". storm drain, 40r-Ngr aisch*ne. ....terrace wirq, 4" storrn drain 908 stardard Proctor density other er<tsior utility 95? stardard Procbr density urder biJce path ' TYPE AND NUMBER oF EARTH MoVtNG UNITS scot! backhoe TYPE AND NUMBEF o: coMPAcTtoN uN[s Wacker SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL NUMBER OF PASSES METHOD OF ADDING as req. THICKNESS OF LIFT LZ"MOISTURE none needed PFOGRESS REPORT Ihree visits were cqntractorrs progtress, Bacj<fill was bike path. B<carraLlon of fooLings a C-F & F lirc 1-6 was also conpleted. 95? specificaLions, test area 31 908 made to site to observe r htg teFrtl ptFsents c'pinlong tohod es a tssull ol ou obser llofr ot llll plac€ment. t{e haw rsfiec or the contrad(l' lo contioug aalrlFrg lh€ recornmended cor"pacrive sttort qrd 'rtoisturo to tho flI during tirna *ttgn ol merW b nol @3srvtnd oD€m-mElurs ro rri€ rut Outng ltrnret whon q'tl (|ttserv€? lA not Ob3OMng Opera-lons J€clg a'e malte ol the trrl onty s3 trethved nec€ssry tO cd&ate o[;ob8or""f " lrOg"n gnt I9d dafa Ar€ nol the sote ba$s to. or.r om d. rhelher tl.o t,lt me€tlr spsclltc€dorrs P:__Steven L. Pawlak placed priirarily urrder fine gradi:rg on 6 1ine,Iest areas 29, 30 & 32 specificaLi-ons. FILL TESTED MEETS SPECTFICATIONS. FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWOFKED. tr PART TIME OBSERVATION cAF.rB t6-851 l4ike Evans APPROVED BY To VaiL Ventwes, llII). 1000 Scuti Ftontage H'.vail, c1f, 81657 Attn: FYark Freyer Job No. 4 LgG 87 6-15-87 Chen&Associates Consulling Gsolschnkal Engine€rs Daily Report No. L2 Sheer 1 Of I Sublect: Flll Obssrvatlon and festing Westln Hotel eddltions, lbrrace Wing,Vail, CO. terace wirg, structural backfilt terrace wing, strucbmal backfitl tt tt lt rt terrace wi:rg, struchrral backfiLL SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 100* standard Ftoctor density urder fotirrgs TYpE AND NUMBER oF EARTH MoVtNG UN|TS Case urri-loader rYPE AND NUMBER CE COMPACTTON UNTTS Wadcer vi-bratory drun NUMBER OF PASSES as req. METHOD OF AODING MOISTURE T h|3 remd pressnls op'ntons totmed as a regult ot our obsqwatlrn ol ffl plscolnent. We havg aolled on lho conlraclor to confnt,e .Orrly'iq lhe mcomtnehd€d c{rmpoctbe aflorl End ftoisture co th€ litr during lmos lih€n OU, o6serw! la not obsgrvlnq oD9ra.l'ons Ie319 a'e made ol lhe nl1 only as bolieeed nocossart to cqllbrslo o|r! obgorvor'g ildggnrenl. Tost dBta eg not ihe Golg bas|t lod oFrnona on ,rhether lhe l,n nr€€ls s9ecificallong. DT FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. D FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFTCATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVEO OR REWORKED. F CONTRACTOR ADVISED D FULL TIME OBSERVATION N PAFT TIME OBSERVATION THICKNESS OF LIFT B" ncne reeded PROGRESS REPORTCcntractor subexcavated ttEouqh fill for pad fooLing D.6-16 to urdistr,rbed granular soils and belord the foting prineter. Atxrve tests represent resulting bacldill. l4ike FVans To -I I U I Chen&Associates \V)7- a CorEuling Gsolechnical Enginasrs faa -- Job No. 4 L85 87 Date 6-L7J87 Dally Report No. 13 Sheot I Of I SubJecl: Construclion Activhles R€port !€sLln lbtel lddLtiqrs, Telrae Wing,Vail, @. VaiL Ventures, LllfD. L000 Souti l?ortage Rd.vall, @ sL557 Attn: Pranh F?e1er WEATHEF CONDfTION9 AND TEMPERAruRE CONSTFUCTIONACTIvITIES l)<carnlions for pad footings m G.3 ljler liles 2t 3, 41 5 r'rrere cbserved,. Subexcavabicn of 4-6" was required due to c&le remcvaL. on-slte soils rdere onpa,cted back to design grde. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER coPrE9: t,like EVms Steven L. parrlak FIETD OBSERVER APPFOVEO 8Y To Chen&Associates Consullng Gsot€chnlcal Engneers SGarbgrade Job No. 4 Lg6 87 Dale 6-L9-87 Dally Fepon No. 14 Sheel t Of I SubJect: Fill Observation and Testlng Hotel Add.itiors, Ibrrace Wing, VaiL, CO. Vail Venturesr UID. 1000 Sorttr Ftontage Rd. Vail, CO 8L657 Attn: E?ank Ffeyer BSGBeIcnr Slab Subqnde BlGtselow Fot;i:rg frade IEST N0 LOCANON DEPnI OR EIIVATION IFEEI) TABORAIORY RELD PERCEl'II COMPACNON SOIL TYPE MAXIi/n ill DRY DFNSITY lmn OPTIMUM MdSTRE CONTENT (qal DRY DENSITY (Pcf) MOIEIURE C0NIElill (%) 36 I2"storm draln 9 !r & 12'w 9t SLid &1 4I BSSG I32.9 7.3 L26.7 8.8 95 silW sardv qravel 37 12" storm drain 3rN & 20rw of qrid F-l 4'nq.q;L32.9 7.3 L26.4 6.6 95 n n 3B 12" storm drain ?rN s l3rW of qrid F-l 2IBFG L32.9 7.3 . 99.u It 3BA retest 2IBF'G L32.9 7.3 134.0 7.4 100+|l tl JY l2"storm drain I'S I 10rW of qrid F-l footirg <rrade L32.9 7.3 t32.2 7.2 r00 ll t! SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 95? standard P::octor density urder sLab 100? standard Proctor derrsity urder footi-rq TYpE AND NUMBEF oF EARTH MovrNc uNrs Uni-loader TypE AND NUMBER oF COMpAcTtON UNITS Wacker, $tall double NUMBER OF PASSES AS' TEq. THICKNESS OF LIFT 8'' METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE I-4 FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS, tr FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. !( CONTRACTOR ADVISED tI FULL TIME OBSERVATION A PAFT TIME OBSEFVATTON PROGRESS I1EPORT lbsts represent backfill of 12" storrn drajrr trench r*rere it crosses F ljne footirg and is urxler slab. Mi.k'e Evans Steven t. Pawlak FIELD OBSERVER lhis teDott prespnls ('plniani lormed aB a res!( ol our obsetvatlon o, llll pl6cem{nt. Wg haw roll€d dr thg @mraclo lo conllnu€ applytrq lho rocornmended conrpecl|re SFon ard Ftoblure lo thg m dt,iing llm€s when our obSgwer ls not obsawtng ope€-l('.B lesls aro rnade ol ths lill only e3 bel€v€d necassary lo crlibaale oua obsergar'8 irdgomgnl. Tgst dala ato nd the golo b€sB lor o!'n|on€ on rhelher the n[ .l}oetg BDgcificali@ts. To Vail Ventures, liID. 1000 Souttr Frontage Rd. Vai-L, @ 81657 Attn! ftank Etepn Chen&Associates Con8ulling Geol€chnlcal EnglnserB Job No. 4 186 87 Date 6-20-87 Daily Feporl No. l_5 Sheet 1 Of L subject: Flll observatlon and Testing Hotdl;ffiiticns, Tenrace Wing,vail, c1c. BSSerclcrd Slab Subgracle 5rS of .I-.6 SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 95t standard Proctor density urder sLab TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVTNCI UNITS UTLi-loadeT TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPAoTION UNITS gihckerr Vibratory doulcle drun NUMBER OF PASSES as req. THICKNESS OF LIFT 8" METHOD OF ADDING MOISTUFE hose coPtEs cAF.rR 16{51 r* flLL TESTED MEETS SPEC|F|CATTONS. tr FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OH FEWORKED. F CONTRACTOR ADVISED f] FULL TIME OBSEKVATION A PART TIME OBSERVATION PROGRESS REPoRT fbsts represent l-jrn-ited backfill af I2n storm drain trench in o<trere rest erd of Ttsrrace addition where it joirs witi existing brilding. T hrs ioport pr€sonlg odnoits lofmed as a r€9rll ol qI ob6gNallon ot tin placerneftl. We havs reliEd or lho csiractor lo continue aprly'ng lh€ rccornngndod cornpactlvo ollort and molglurq lo tho llll dudig limes whon our obssryrr b not observhg opo.a. lmne Teds are madg ot lho f[ onty as bgIl€v€d ileca$slt to callbrgte o(,l ob6orv€r'9 luqerrtont. T€gt data aro not the sole bae! lor oDhons on rhglhgr llE nI meelg gperif4sliql8. c'l-G-(3 EO-r E e{o g.gNcRE"I"E rqF-I q,HS.Ut-rq fuideering lating Imptiwt 155 South Navajo Denvsrr. Co'l orado (303) 658-1050 P. O. No. : Job No.: ?04043 Reoort Detes z 06/23/87 07/14/87 01/31/A7 Repont To: Va i'l u. tr. SLP Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Constnuction CO. Arc h i tects Voil Ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage Rd. ltfsst Voi'l, CO 8165? Attn: Frank Freyer Test Numben: Job i{eme: Job Address: Contrsston: 9upp'l ier : Truci* No. : CTC Rep.: 84223 Oete Cast: 06/16/87 Johnson B & ts Excavating 3-6 P - Nordl und Footing pads et grid Ticket No.: Mix I.D.: I l nE S U. O-V , 5929 10 end '1 1 Location of Pour: Slump:3-25 Consrtgte Temp. ^F: ?2 Time Bstched: 1245 Air (%): coMPEH,Fs,Iv,-E, STRENSTII: $pecif ied 28 Age (days) Size 7 6.00 5.6 hlt.,/Cu. Ft.: 144.1 Air Temp. ^F: 75 Time Tasteci: 2:30 Day Strengtir (psi) l'pg-A Strength (psi) z4 tv Average Strangth Cy] inden I O UI 'l pl us 1 0 ga 1 'l ons water added ons i te - Terra Rernanks: Plant e.€t€r cTc-Geo'i"E aMm ffi 155 South Navq.io vetnver . Co ''i onacio (303) 698_105n 80223 Oate Cast: A6/.,6/g7 ,inglP'laze I (]r€oo G. E. iohnsan B & B Excevatino t-o P - Nord'l untj Fsot i ng p€cts €t q r ici p"oN Q R F,7 E.,LFS T,., R F,S,g.r'.Ts P. O. No. :.job No.: ?04045 R€ocnt Dsteg 06/25/gT a7/.1&/tl 07 /3i /a7 Reoor,t ?o: Ve i'j q- c- 5Lp lrentures, Ltd - ..iohnson Cpnstruct ion CO.Architects Vail lr'sntuFeEr LBc- J.0 99 S. FFonrose RC - i{es.:Vair', CO 816;? Attn: Fnank Frrsver i. Test Number.:iob tr*arns: Job Acicines,s:Contrector: Surppl f an:Truck i.Jo-: CTC Reo-: Location of 9oun: Iicket No.:Mix I - D. : 'i ines O"6-9, 1605a 5929 10 en ci 'l l S'lumo: 3.?5 Concr€to ?smp- ^F:ilme 6etcirsd:72 l:.tc Air (t):5.6 Air Terrr:r. ^r:i imo Tes t ed : i{t-lCu. Ft-: i4a ?q 2:30 17 524 Cy'l inoer". IO ul vz Age (cioys) 1 28 a6 StrengLh (psi j 4,.+ | V r, I uu :rUlU Avercqs.Strengtn 5'izt* a-00 F nn a n4 Remenks : p'i ant wstsr. ol us 1 0 sai.icns r.,aLer. adcjecj "" A*4 Hr/ o lll Richard t Gonsultants Denver and Houston " *uggui62g:1 g h u!k*H qsUe.U*Lc . E .,lo h n s on)_en!*li-j!rqef obserudonl,lest stair core (G-1st floor llft).' so*U!b_S_id,9_!g!-9_19!g!1!g-l*-q!,1s,_ and foundation walls. FrerdFrrurhrss Phase I tunnel uall pguteellith qltgtr,o_LboJts - atd_@ue-l-r- for floor Jl abs. T""""" ,"rt tOlr ,lO_med_wjlh_febe1rlut sgme_lBtf_qSl S!_g!*!:e_ek:9,-t_ bars . Corner bars inplac-e as welI. Soutb_s..!!ejatiq,-Ual,]lb_e_ing*fqnned.w.g[j_o14er -!ars and-douells-ln-xilac-e-rohere-- footJng -is,-pffseljrpu_ua]_r . Fog!-ittgs_i11*p1ace -s how-anchor_-bolts_in_goqd*v ert lcnl_po s i !i on*_-_-t- trns'ucild*civ.r Jreak=out*.barsin core--to be substituted with stgndard._L:bers, ruilh rhe hnl€ crrt thnough3ms.._Jhe _embe{_p]ates*!o_bs pJaced Jn_t!e-,begt!g_oyg1 -dqsrsneed to be fleld mqd-ilied sirr-ee_Lhe_p.lit9s .tlete_Shippe4*lq*gitS p_tLot* lo-leing modified. Carrcll (RWC hrcentCdnpl@ Copiesb. ubsrhoT -sunny:lJarm tures) -. _.* "_@& lgr oata .J.g June 1987 -"neoortNo. _S:2 ..oo"o * *, u rr"r?ruu *ru P.O- No.: Job No.: 7OaO43 Reoort 0ates: 1l-3- : .tut I 1aa7 tli . .r. ,i ,yU{ i lj D€ra C€st: A6/ig/g7 #;:,ll::i"eza r 155 South lrlavs.io Denven " tol onacio ( 303 ) 6S8-.r 050 Va i'j Ventur.es. Ltc: -ruuu a:. f rOnqggtg RO- Va i'i , CO S 16i? Att,n: Franh Freven Test Number: Job irleme:Job Aciciress: Cor:tneritor..: S-upo] ien :Tnuck No.: IIIe K€8.:Locetion of ldest G- E. Johnson B & I Excavating 3-11 P - Nord'l unsi Four: Stefr cone *j core Rspc:nt Ticket No.: 190?6 Mix i.D.: gg29 wal'ls e'ievation 9T'0,, 7o : Va i j Ventu res , Ltci . G. E. iohnson Construccion CC.SLP Architects 84223 06/25r'87 07 ii6/Ei 08ia2/A7 to 109'0" PHYSICAL PROPERTiES S'iumo: l - 25 Concrt'te Temrr -i,r'n.;e 6etcheri: ^F: 65 E:47 Ain (g) 3 Air iemp. ^F: ?0 Iime iesteci: g:40 ilt./Cu- Ft-: 145.2 Cv-] ince: il ul .{ge (cjavE ) 7 Strength (psi) 2iE0 ga ! t <:ns wet Cgr. auaeci f,rvenage Streng ih 3 ize 6-00 nf' .,,2',.'--'/ /z,rt Remarks: F iant wst€r olus 10 To Vail Ventures, L,TD 1000 S. Frontage Road vail , CO 81657 Attn: Frank.Freyer ,-'rl ai l Lnen dgAssoctates Consulting GEof€chnicat Englnoers JobNo.4186 87 Date Daily Report No. 16 Sheel .- - Sublocl Conslruction Activl[es Report 6-22-87 lor t Hotel Additione, Terrace Wl r".*1ail.t co WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPEMTURE CONTRACTOBS EQUIPMENT coNsTRUcTloNAcrlvtTtEs ExcavatLon for pad footings K_7, K_g, K.1_2 through 6 and r_,-Z rur" oU*rrJ and noted to be on undLslurbed naturaL grarreis.up to about 4" of cornpact'ed structural fill was pJ-aced as part of the fine grad.ing. VERBAL COMMUNICAI|ON WITH CONTFAgTOR, ENGINEEF, ARCHMCT, OWNEH Mike Evans REID OBSEFVEB To VaiI Venbures, tTD 1000 s. Prontage Road Vail. Co 81657 Att.n: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulting Goolechnical Engineers Job No.4 186 87 oats 6-23-87 Dally Feport No. 17 Sheet I Ol Subiecl Flll Observatlon and Testing Hotel Additions' vaLl , co It:l NO 42 LOCATION Plaza I structural backfill @ qrid C- wr-ng 1 BFG=Belo!'r Footin Grade LABORATORY SOIL TYPE DT FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. fI FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OF FEWORKED. M CONTFACTOR ADVISEO tr FULL TIME OBSERVATION Et PART TIME OBSEBVATION 42A 43 43 ravel Plaza I structural rding backfilL Plaza f seructural wing PLaza I slructural- wing Plaza I structural wincr pd()ls'r J.I I {g q r J.(J. u-z z Plaza I strucural wing tt It ||n SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 1008 standard Proctor density TYPE AND NUMBER OF Uni-Loader TYPE AND NUMBEB OF EARTH MOV]NG UNITS COMPACTION UNITS 2-wackers NUMBER OF PASSES as reg. THTCKNESS OF LIFT METHOD OFADDINO MOISTUFE NONE NCEdEd IlEt rPporl Dr€nenlr o! nlon! lorm€d A! ! r€rul ol Ot obterttlgn Ol m pHC8rifiL lYg hAvO Ethd On thE contrS€l@ tro cfitlnur a!Dt'.q Ino reco'ftnended coripacrnlg efoit and rnobturo lo ltla nl dutrg tlrnt rhrn out obEsrvsr b not obsoMng opora. tqcnr le3ts 6re .ned. d the m orry r! bell€led '!€Gtlsart lo calibrela qr ob8or!€rt ludgcnoflf. To3t datr ar not ttq olo btdE lot o9fi@! on rhefter tlr! Fn n!et! sFfllcetloE PROGBESS REPORT Above tests represent bacl(filL under;ifootings in area subexsavated to remove existLng ftff, Mike Evans Steven L. Pawlak To Vail Ventures, LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road Vail-, CO 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulllng Geolschnical Enginsers BFG=Below Footing Grade BSSG=BeLow SIag Subgrade JobNo.4 186 87 Date 6-25-8? Daily Report No. 18 Sheet L Ol SublecU Flll Observation and T€sting HoteL Additions' vaLl , co sil-tv sandv qraveL terrace wing Plaza I Plaza I Plaza Plaza I SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEFIAL 958 standard Proctor denlity under slabs 1008 standard. Proctor density under footings TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS Uni-loader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS Snall vibratory drum NUMBEF OF PASSES as req. THTCKNESS oF LIFT g " METHOD OF ADOING M0ISTURE hose ?hn rellfl !r*"nte q|lnion3 tor.ned as s r63utt ol our oblgrvstbr d m pbc€{trait. Ws hgvE rol€d o, lhs co|rtradq lo conttn g aDpltnlt lhe reco.nm€nd€d .otnpctlv! clton Ird [robrrro lo lhom difirg frngg *fisn our obsotrsr ta nor Oeor"rtq opor*l€'tt 16l! ets Fade d $s nll_ofltt !!t bltt6vsd nocr!3srt to aalDrrlr o|r;ob!.rw'g ludg€ndnl lEd drb ao nO'thj rote Dts'3 ror oF'r{'l! o'r rh?lh€| lht fl 'cdt lF€dtlcaflor!. E FILL TESTED MEET8 SPECIFICATIONS.I] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS ]NDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. E CONTBACTOF ADVISED D FULL TIME OBSERVATION T* PAFT TIME OBSERVATION PFOGFESS REPoFT Test numbers exterior backfill- of Phase I footings of Phase II. 49 e 50 represent but are near propos Mike Evans Steven L. Pawlak To Vail VenLures, tTD 1000 S. Frontage Road vail, co 81657 ALtn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulting Ggolechnical Engineerg JobNo.4 186 87 Dateti-25-87 Daily Fteport No. 18 Sheel 2 subject: Fill observation and Testing Hotel Additions, Vailr CO laza I wing Iaza I wing SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL TYPE AND NUMBEF OF EARTH MOVINCI UNITS TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNTS NUMBER OF PASSES METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE Thh raDnn g'€!6nlr !Dhld'r! lotm€d !! r illult ot out Gblowrllirn of m dsr! ||rfll. Ws hlt c rslbd !'| lh6 (srtraslor to l('tltnuo a!9ryrrts tt!€ Tedrnrnrnd{d coantactfi/g r[ql lnd r|tollluro b lhr tm durtn! fn€! nh6n our ob3arv6r b rd ob3g'rlno ope|a.Inm le{! ate rrade ol fte fil only E3 Dsnrvrd n€cs€ssy b ca&ralg o, &rrct't lodgofiont. Toct dde sro not tt€ lolo brsr! kr @ni('r! q| rhettrpr the fir -!ttt lDacinoalorL T] FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS, tr FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OF REWOFKED. D CONTRACTOF ADVISED tr FULL TIME OBSERVATION tr PART TIME OBSEHVATION PROGRESS REPORT Mike Evans Steven L' Pawlak FIELD OBSERVER THICKNESS OF Ll T To VaiI Venturesr LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road,Vai1, CO 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer JobNo.4 186 87 Daily Feport No. 19 SubJecl: Flll Obogrvatlon and Testlng Hotel Additions,vail, co Date 6-26-87 sheet 1 ot 1 BSSG=Below BFG=BeLovt Chen&Associates Consulting GaotechnEal Enginears Slab Subgrad.e Footing Frade I rJt NO L0cAlroN OEPTH OR ELEVANON fEETI LABOBATORY RELD PERCENT COMPACTION SOIL TYPE MAXIMUM DRY DENSIry aor:n OPTIMUM MOISIURI CONlENT l0l/nl DRY DENSITY (pcD MOISTURE CONIENT 061 53 Plaza I vring 3rE of qrid 9-25.2 5 r BSSG L32..9 7.3 L29.L 6.9 97 sil-ty sandv qravel 54 Plaza I wing BrW of qrid Y-28 4lr I BFG 132.9 7.3 135. 4 7.9 100+'l ll 55 Plaza I wing _G_grid p-29 6IBFG t32.9 7.3 L25.9 8.0 95 ll It 55A Plaza I wing _.1p_grid. D-29 retest 6IBFG L32.9 7.3 L32 .4 7.7 r00 lt 56 Plaza f lr.ing 3's & 5'E B-29 4IBFG 132.9 7.3 L32.6 6.9 100 tl rl SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEEIAL 95? standard Proctor denSlity 1008 standard proctor densJ_Ly TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVINO UNITS Uni-loader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACT]ON UNTTS Sma11 vibratory drum NUMBEROFPASSES as req. THtcKNEssoFLlFr g' METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE hose. itnc terl.t't Freient! l|9tnlon3 hnned r! t-t€!t,n ot-our o*rvemn a or ptacrment. wcGro .atht sn tii drttBdor to odrln|t.*:yT133Y:13999l!s|l::Ig lF lq-" !" 01!_nn diu,he r!,r!;;i;o, ob6on,o, b nor ob;,"h!-"6: [' FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS.I] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. [8 CONTRACTOR ADVISED tr FULL TIME OBSERVATION & PART TIME OSSEFVATION under slab under footlngs PROGRESS FEPORT Above pJ.aced east of Phase tests taken I tunnel-. Steven L. Pawlak to'* r$r3 Fre ,''rde or th" fi! oht, a bcthvsd 'ro;llary to;ibr"r.-"d;#di ffi;t:Tlj;ftH'#iil?fi basa lor $mion3 on hhalhor thr fin ic!l! lDedfestbnj To Vail Ventures, LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road vail, co 8L657 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulting G€olschnical Engineers BFG=Below Footing Grade BSSG=Below Slab Subgrade JobNo.4 186 87 Dally Report No. 20 Subject Flll Observation and Hotel Atlditions, i Vall , CO Oate 6-27-87 Sheel I ot Testing 'in Plaza I Plaza I Plaza I Plaza I Plaza lh! iefF l preients dptdons tottnqt 6! t rr!u[ !t or,n oblsryrtbn ol nl Flalom6rn. W6 hsvg ]€tbd on ftg Eofilmctor t]o con nui 6Dprt'r4t tha rocontnendpd'cqipacthr Gfon (dd notshrr' b 0E m durlng uno! ,hrn d|, ob3ortsl b d obr€rvlng opGrs.tio!! le3ts ,'. ,rl! ot |hr til onry !! bdtavGd nsollart b crlbra|! qr; obler€r'a ftJdgornqll T€at dBts sr mf 'fm roti DEg€ lqr gdnicn dr rh€lhor lht fit rlgd lp€dfirafldta SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEFIAL 95? standard Proctor density under slhb 1008 standard Proctor dens.lty under footl-ngs TYPE AND NUMBER OF EAFTH MOVINO UNITS Cat 950 loader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS Small vibratory drum roLler, r,rackers NUMBER OF PASSES AS rEq . THTCKNESS OF LIFT 8 -].0 " METHOD OF AODING MOISTUHE hOSC coPrEs EK FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. T] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE T{EMOVED OR REWORKEO. :8 CONTRACTOF ADVISED T] FULL TIME OBSERVATION B PART TIME OESERVATION PROGBESS REPoRT Above tests taken in backflll east of tunneL. Contractor did not have time to throughly compact Last lJ.ft (grtd lines ZB e. 29, A-D) before end of shift and was request,ed to ,! complete the compactLon before placing additiona backfill. Steven L. Pawlak MLke Evans APPROVED BY To VaiL VenLurest I-'TD 1000 S. Frontage Road Vailr CO 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulting Geotechnical Engineers JobNo.4 186 B7 Date 6-27 -87 Daily RePort No. 2A Sheet 2 Ol Subiect: Fill Observatlon and Testing Hotel Additionsr Vail' CO siltv sandl--9rav-el G,N of sryl Y:21--re!9E! Plaza I 'N of qrid B-29 rete N FLL TESTED MEE'IS SPECIFICATIONS' T] FILL TESTED DOES NOiM;ST SPECITTCNNIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) rilt-6Hour-o BE REMovED oR REwoFKED' N CONTFACTOR ADVISED ii"lo"tt*o SPECITICENON COMPACTION & MATERIAL TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS NUMBER OF PASSES i""" ror "er"ii.g - *ttother ths n! mogl8 @dficalbn8. THICKNESS OF LIFT METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE Thr3r€ood pressnlr oplnton" to'tuo ""''""ulJiiElob**t'on ol nplac€rnenl ws h-tvo rsllEd d! lho clnttaclot to cqrlinus enotvnq ths roconmoftd"o "otpua'"" "ni"'-na-i&-tfr io irt"-nn ul"rtq l-"" th"n 6rr obsotwr 18 not obsgrvlrE opsts' tknd rsgts sre ,nade o, ,* * -ry-o *'#"ffi'"'i'i iJriti" i"i"ot"ttr'r luds€mBnt' Ted dale sts rEI tho 8or€ PROGFESS REPORT Steven L,. Pawlak Mlke Evans APPROVEq a 't I .l b C:TC-GEOTE{< ENGINEERING a INSPEG'TrcN June 24, 1987 cK-704043 Vail Ventures, Ltd. L000 So. n drtage Road l{€st Sir: inspection re[Drts for rork performed at t]re above nertloneil Euojec€ fm, 6lLS/97 ttrough 6/15/97. Very truly fours, CAC.@IEK, II\TORFORJAEED mEzaj enc. Prircipal. cc: SLP Ar.cldtects / ,G.E. ,Iotrnson Cons.Urrction y' 155 SOUTH NIAVA..JO D:l.jy:: CC-ORACC 10223 303 69a 1050 - E eore r55 SOUTH MVAJO DENVER, COLORAOO 80223 (3031 69&105O CTC PROJECT NUMBER ( l-q-4''- -a-3-r ) ITEM NUMBER ACTION TAKEN REOAROING ABOVE lTEMs. FIELO OBAERVATIO''| REPOBT PROJECT NAME TECHNICIAN ST HR 4.00 PUNCH LIST ]TEM - ?O - oArE 6/16/47 OTHR CONTSVC 2.00 _-E_ Paqe OrE CODE * 7 XTR SvC P. I\brd.hrd TypEoFlNspEcrtoN- uguet x, MAGNmcpARrrcLE ULTRASoNIowELDMENT_ ULTRASONIC-SHEARCONNECTOR{ACCOUSTICAL)_-----_EOLTTENSION FIREPROOFING WEHE ITEMS BELOVII THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECTFICATIONS NOTED? YES - T.IO X tiE rnm !c'-{{OESCRIPTION/LOCATION 1) Eootilg Eds lcated on line D.6 at Lins 9, ll), [, 12, ]1, 14 15 ard 16. !b 4ariqieFeias uere rpted. 2) Stair *f core rnlls, locateal at grid lfue 0.8 b I-C.3 to K, .elsratiqr 97t{ to l09r-0 (Lst lif-E). LiJres G.3-0.8; 4rS5 additional v.entsicat bars rpt placed at each slde of door qlenirg. Corrected aturinq tle qrrse of tJtE inspection. Lfues 8.8-L, 2 *8 add.itional venLical bars rnt pJaced at south slide of openiag. ffilt reircpect. Core lralt-cotrrGrrsi rp conrcr bars or corner detail ms prsrided on DeIo r&ar placrent drarnirgs. *5-900 bent bars 2'-0x2r-0 uere pJaced at tle inside atlrl qrtside rnat of each corner, nakirg all ttoriudrtal bars conLin&ers at, tlre corrers. PlacdrEn,t of these bars were fcnnd to be aaceptable per a phone oornrersation with ltichad Westin Eotel rgssounl NAVAro DENT'ER. COLOBADO 80223 (3O3) 89&rO5O gTC PROJECT NUMBEB ( r-o-i - JL -e- l- | P. Nordlund PUNCH LIST ITEM - TO FIEI.O OBAEBVATIOI{ REFOFT o^rE 6/L6/87 pFo.rEcTNAMg t€stia btel"r'lelrace Wins AddLtlon Page T!{o TECHNICIAN ST HR OT HR CONT SVC XTR SVC CODE # TYPEOFINSPECNON. VISUAL- MAGNMC PAFNCLE- ULTFASONICWELDMENT- ULTRAST}NIC__ SI{EARCONNECTOF (ACCOUSTICAL)-BC'LTTENSION FIREPFOOFING W€FE ITEMS SELOW THE MINIMUM PBO.'ECT 9PECIFEANONS I{OTED? YES - NO - 'TEM NUMSER DESCFIPTION/LOCANON tbfrgalrdt sngjJteer Consiltarfs ard G.E. Johlson @nstrucLion Co. lb otlts: rejectable deficiersies were rd. Reirspection !o ACNON IAKEN REGARDINGABOVE ITEMS. r55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO SO2A3 (303) 8S&lOsO CTC PROJECT NUMBER 17o4'- o 4 3 t P. lbriUurd PUNCH L'gT ITEM - TO FIELO OBSERVATION REFORT olrie 6/L8/87 PRoJEGT NAMS l€scin Eotel,r'Ierzace wir€| Add:ition TECHNICIAN ST HR OT HR CONT SVC XTR SVC COOE * 4.00 1.00 x TYPEOFINSPECTION. VISUAL X . MAGNETICPABTICLE- ULTRASONICWELDMENT- ULTRASONIC SHEABCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTTCAL)-_-- BOLTTENSION FIREPROOFING wEHErrEMsBELowrHEMINIMUMpRoJEcrspEctFtcATtoNsNorED? yEs x No ITEM NUMEER DESCFIPTION/LOCATION 1) Refutspectiq sta:i.r *l core walls l-st lift. RE: nebar inspection retDrt da'td.6A6/87 its 'Bn ins 6rrect€d. l{o ot}rcr deficiscies rnre rctd. 2l Fcxrrdalio saLL section ].ocated qr li.ne C.]. beEdeen Lines 15.5 ard l2 ard on J.ine 15.5 beirreen Lfuis C.l ard 8.5. l{o deficiscies $ere rpteil. 3) forndatLsr walt pilasters ltrated at th6 foatcirg grid c-5 F-6 D-5 F-4 E-5 F-3 E-2 r1 A.8-16 pilaefsg's at lines D-6, E-6, F-5, F-4, F-3 ant F-2 are tadcirg four *4 ties. Ties are spaced at 16" o.c., ties need to be sgnced at 12o o.c. Pirester at lireE A.8-16 is :acking firrc *4 ties. Ties are spaced at L8n o.c., ties need to be spaced at 12'r o.c. \lo otfrr def:;lciercies srere rDted. wiIL rcinspect. ACTION TAKEN REGAFDINGABOVE ITEMS. o ETE - Eeorex DATLY REPORT: SU&ip, ArR s rEMp. JOB NO. 704043 LOCATION: I€stin lrotel Terrace ll:irq Add.ition Servlce llrr.Code Ret. O.?. PAGE DATE: 6/Ls/87 Servtcee Contracted Extra OF INSPECTOR P. tbrd,hrrd 2.50 Perfomed slrq>, air alli teryeratrre tests on oorrete delirrered to the abo\re jcbsite for G.E. Jolrrson constructi.on co. B e B F.rcavatirg saprrea tJte corsete witb a tnix rD of 5929. ArL test o.aqr]es were cbtaineal in acmrdance with AS'rM c-L72. ArL oncrete tested ms rritfrin jd specif,ication req+qents rrith tjr€ exceptlon of tn:ci< *3-10, ticket *18074 had a 6" slrqr at t&e tlrrck and, a *L/2" s!4r qrt of tne pry. corsete t-uck was rejectd due to hlgh srrqr. approrinatery vz ra.d, (4 ft".l rms placed. Average S1t4r: 4.50" average Air: G.9t Average Eegr: 64c) Cht;Ek of G.E. Jotrrson and representative of B e B Eccarratirg v$ere sttqrrn tlle results of tfie tests. For ad.ritional- inforoation, see tte attached data sbeet. Structural . Hechanlcal and ilaterlale Tesclng JIOMDO TEST CENTER i5 South NavaJo 3nver, Colorado 80223 Job No. mlgSErE ' Itqtit#.tlr._ Concretffipffi nrsE(caE rEEr ENDING 6/20/87 G.E. Johnson :il t il ri ! Plant + 5 Gallons Plant + 5 Callons Plant + 10 GaLlons : Eeori I55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBER (704-O 4 3 I TECHNICIAN P. \Iordbrd PUNCH LIST IIEM - ?O FT ELD O8 SERYA'IOT{ BEPIOR?o^rE 5/L8/87 pRoJEcTNAMa Westin lbt€LAeqace Wi.:rq Addition Page Ttp XTR gVC CODE }ST HR OT HR coNTsvc TYPE OF INSPECTION. VISUI X MAGNETIC PARNCLE- ULTRAsoNIc WELDMENT-__ ULTRASONIC_-_SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL)- BOLTTENSION FTREPROOFING WERE rrEMs BELow rHE MTNIMUM pRoJEcr spEcrFrcATroNs NorED? ves x No _ ITEM NUMBER REBAR II{SPETIO{OESCRIPTIONILOCATION 4l Fotlrq Eds tcated on line G.3 at lines 2, 3, 4, ard 5. Ivo defisiencies rrere rpted. 5) Colrmr, focated at lire L5 at 2'-7 sonrtlr of line C, elerration 99r-0 to l09r-5. Db deficiersies rere rpted. 6) Etourdation tlall section located at tlre foltorirg grid. locations: LirctbetlreenliresL&M tfure !{ bef:deen lhes I e 6.5 ircludtug patio wirg rnlls soutb of lineM at Lires L, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 anl pilasters located on Line L.9 at lines 1, 2, 3, 4t 5 & 6. o o m ! -l r m c m o I Uo deficierries \€ie noted. lif,XIE: *5 sl€b douels to be placed at 24" after aonGete pl^rcement. ACTION TAKEN REOARDII{G ABOVE ITEMS. rri1l be rvet-stabbed, To t Vail Ventures, LTD. 1000 S. Frontage Rd Vailr Co 81557 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulling Ofotsctrnlcal Engine€rg Job$lo.r4 18{;87 Date -ffiffi Dally Repod No. 2L Sheet L Ot 2 Sublect: Flll Obsarvatlon and Testlnq Hotel AdditLons, - vail2 co, Soc a*ltuL Plaza !.ll Plaza Plaza I I PIaza ql PLaza I I Pl-aza I I Plaza I , SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEFIAL 1008 stand.ard Proctor densl_ty under footJ-ngs TYPE AND NUMEER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS Cat 966 loader TYPE AND NUMEER Og COMPACTION UN]TS Small vibratory drum NUMBEROFPASSES as req. METHOO OF ADDING MOISTURE M FILL TESTED MEETS SPECTFICATIONS. U FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR FEWORKED. b{ CoNTRACTOR ADVISED I'I FULL TIME OBSERVATION IJ PART TIME OBSERVATION PFOGRESS FEPORT Tests # 63 a 64 were taken ift pJ-aced 6-27. Contractor was reguested ain lift thickness between g-10" loose. At equest, one Lift was reduced ln thickness ange. Steven L. Pawlak THICKNESS OF LIFT g-]o " To Va il Ventures , IJTD.1000 S. Frontage Rd vail , co 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulltng Gsotechnical Engneers JobNo.4 186 87 Dally Report t,to. 21 pE6 6-29-87 Shest 2 ot 2 SubJect: Flll Observailon and Tesilng Hote1 Additlons,Vail, CO. 69 Plaza f 6rN qrid c-29 SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNTTS TYPE AND NUMBEB OT COMPACTION UNITS NUMBEB OF PASSES THICKNESS OF LFT METHOD OF ADOING MOISTURE I',.r n'r'rar rrra<enF.lrnirt ban.d "s t rcirn oton,, p*r"af -@ tr:Tlfj1"::::?:Sx;":S-"::1""! !:l mororun ro irc rrn alrrfr'r,iidi "irii,L 0u"",*, b nor ourorvrno ooera. rJ FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS.t] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECTFICATIONS AS TNDICATED BY TEST No.(sl AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR FEWOFKED. LI CONTRACTOR ADVISED L] FULL TIME OBSERVATTON LI PART TIME OBSERVATION Mike Evans Steven L. pawlak tyqr tmrq e'n 6.d. o; rt i,n i"ll ii ier,-ii '' nDs mnor rDEn out ob'Borvct b nol olsotulnt o!€ra. brr't |o' nrfkFs 06 rh",n", ,* n -o* f*lfiffi3 to celtr''Eto qt ob'o'r'st'r ldgrftsnt. tod dara ;;il ih;-;i;t To vail venturesr r,TD. 1000 S. Frontage Rd VaiL, Co 81657 Attn! Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulllng Osotschnlcal Englne€fg JobNo.4 186 8Z Dare G-30-BZ Daily Rsporr No. 22 Shset I ot 1 Sublect Flll Obsorvatlon and Testing Hotel AddLtLons, .VaLL, Co. BFG=Below Foot Plaza I 5_'_s El FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFTCATIONS. tJ FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECTFICATIONS AS INOICATED BY TEST NO.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED.A CONTFACTOF ADVISED [I FULL TIME OBSERVATION [8 PAHT TIME OBSERVATION Plaza I Plaza I silty sandy qravel 95E standard Proctor density L00? standard proctor density SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL TYPE AND NUMBER OF EAFTH MOVING UNITS Cat 966 loader TYPE AND NUMBEB Otr COMPACTION UNTTS Small vibratory drum under slab under footings NUMBER OF PASSES as req, THICKNESS OF L|FT B-10" !rFr!_o_q_q amrNc MotsTuRE none needed t^'""t'r re"'nlr ep'n."t tt-"c1uffi - rt """r*r; r"*r,r,"*il:",T:lJ;"jgjfil".ffEi,:g*::d31l:l3::f"gg_"I9fhyl;fllnoos€,t€rri nor obse,vi,,sopo,E-r'"'. r'..'q ,''. hrd. or rhF r,r .niv E bcr,eyed i€c";rd i;oid"i"i##;il;',;t'ffi:T"Jffi?T#rffiil tr:r.'i hr ca n,rrig o|! rtl'the, the . -ee!t BgsctfiCaltoN: PFoGRESS FEPORT Contractor Iras placing backfill were made to site.part-time. Three visits Ml-ke Evans Steven L. Paw.Lak To Vail Ventures, LTD. 1000 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Job No.4 t 86 87 Dale 7 -L-87 l Otl Frt LnencAssoctates Consulting Geolechnrcal Engineers I Daily Report No. 23 Sheel SubJect: Flll ObssNation and Testlng Hotel- AddLtionsr VaiL, CO. BSSG=Belolr Slab Subgrade SPECIFICATION GOMFACTION E MATERIAL BFG=Below Foo und.er slab under footings e 958 standard Proc.tor denisty 1008 standard proctor densily TYPE AND NUMEER OF EARTH MOVINCI UNTTS Cat 966 loader TYPE AND NUMEER Og COMPACTTON UNITS 2-wackers rhl t.qtn g'e!,edo .Dinan. tdmed 93 a re3|Jlloto-oUt"r""fd, J nn pffi iglqjL";:ffi??f"Tgl:E*-:y_p:g:9p,9J19,1;gii"ir'giioio",or*,"e,s;iod;i-;;ii Plaza I Plaza I Plaza I A FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. N FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE FEMOVED OR REWORKED. fiI CONTRACTOR ADVISED I-] FULL TIME OBSERVATION Et PART TIME OBSERVATION NUMBEB OF PASSES as req. THICKNESS OF LIFT g_I0x .!,!EItLo_o_eL4qq!9_!qETUFE none needed PFOGFESS REPORT Above tests taken in backlilf rdest of tunnel. MLke Evans Steven L. Pawlak r'enq rrrr3 a'r rnade or rhs rrrro',,t a! rFrrp'.d i€c""t"ty o ""iuare,io-;;i,;A;fi.;dffiTil';i.,"ru';be!'!lo! conlor$ 06 *hether tho.' -0!I| locctficrlbnr_ To VaLL Ventures, IJTD. 1000 s. Frontage Rd Vailr CO 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer JobNo.4 186 87 Dally Repon No. 24 Date 7-Z-97 Sheet 1 Ol 1 Chen&Associates Consulfng GeolEchnloal Engineers Sublsct Flll Observallon and Testlng Hotel Additions,vail, co. BSSG=Below SLab BFG=BeLow Footin Subgrade Grad.e TESI N0.L0cAn0[ DEPlH OH EUVAIION (rEET) LABORA]FIE[D PERCENT OOMPACTION SOIT TYPE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY lnnn OPNMUM MOISTURE CONIENI r116l DRY DENSIIY (pcfl MOISTURE CONTENT lo/ol 75 }JIAZA I 4's & 8'|w grid B-24 7 | BSSG L32.9 7.3 IJ5.5 8.3 10 0+silty sandy gravel 76 Plaza l. 3'N grid D-22 4 'BFG L32.9 7.3 135,7 7.2 100+t!ll 17 Plaza I 10rN & 8rW D-21 3'BFG L32.9 7.3 L32.6 7.6 100 tl ll SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 95E standard Proctor density under slab 1008 standard Proetor density under footings TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS Cat 966 loader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS Sma1l vibratory drum wacker NUMBEF OF PASSES AS TEq. THICKNESS OF LIFT 8-10" METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE none need,ed Thts reDod Ffesenlg ophiong lotmed 89s f€3ull ot ou obgqn"lbn ot nn placsmonl. wo hgvs rsll€d on tho cor racto( lo confinuo applying lhs ,ecornmend€d comp8cti!/e €llorl and mou|lro to tho fil durlng tlmag wh€fl qrr Ob3€rt/gr lr nd obggolng opg.a-llorc T9g19 8tg rnads ot lhg nl onlt as b€llevod ia.a8sary lq salllrele our obssn gr'B irdg€'ngnl. l€at data are not ihe eUs besa lo' odnlois on t'helhar lhg frll neetg 3p.rclllcslons. ld1 F|LL TESTED MEE]S SPEC|F|CAT|ONS. TI FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDTCATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOIJLD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. F:CONTMCTOR ADVTSED f] FULL TIME OBSERVATION Q PART T|ME OBSERVATION PROGFESS REPORT Above tests taken in backfill lift placed west of tunneL before our arrival.Structural backfill cras not being pJ_aced thL.s date. COPIES Mike Evans Steven L. PawLak FIELD 8Y QTQ-€E{f TE${ hginaaring fw;tittg It sqaet iot 155 South Nevajo Oenven, Col oredo (303 ) 6s8-105& EUa4,3 P.0. No. : iob Na.: 104A43 Reoort Dotes: Reoort T,,l. Va i i u. E. DLP a7 ia7 / 87 u | / 16/ a t u4/ t4/ a t VenLures, LLc -iohnson ConEtrusticn CO- Archi t,ects Va i'l Ventur.es, L i:.ci -1000 5- Fr.ontegelRci. hest:Va'ii- CO E165? Atln: Frenk Fr.ever Test Nurnber: Job i{er:re: Job Acidress: Corr.lr€ctor: Su pg'i i er : Truck i{o. : vlr, Kgp-: Losetion af Pour: Date CEst:. A6/3At'6i 17032 €;r.dce'i,,;r:nglF1aza v€'r I uotoraoo G. E. iohnson ts & I Excevet ins jJ-, P . Norri'l unri Founcietiorr lfeiI on I T icxet No. :i{ix I. D- : LineFB&t{ i 4226 cvzl Lines 194-5 Too Fortion PtrYs r cA\..psoP,FFJr Eg Slump:3-?5 Concnets Teno- ^F: 72 Timo Eatcireci;i 224 cgqlPREsg.LyE ,S-BENSiir...i soecif ieci 2O Air ierno. ^F: 7L iine iesLed: 2:0i OaV Strenqth (psi) 3000 Strength (ps i ) E ::'U l{t.,/Cu- Ft-: 14i"i Avanege S t renq i,:. Air it): 6.0 Cyi incier. I D UI .Age (ciays) 7 5'i ze o-,/,/El r(emd r KS : L I !-\rrlU r En - ,. !v - 8_ 155 South Nava.jo Denvsr, Oojorecio ( 303 ) 69A-1 050 iest Nurnben: Job Name: Job Adci resE: Contnecr,on: giupp'i ier: Tnuck No. : CTC Reo.:Locetion of 84223 g-qNI F F"I,F,J Es-I.-8E.sir Lrs t-.(J. NO-: Job No.: ?04043 Reoort Odtes : A7 /O7 /87 ci /2a/81 a8/14/A7 Reoort io: Va i'i i'LF' Vaf 'j Ventures, Ltci- 1 000 S. Fnontcrge ilci . i,iest Vai'i, CO 016g? Attn: Frank Frevor S'l urnp: &-25 Concnete Tsmp -f ime Entchsci : Af r ($) 3 o-z A'ir Terno - ^F: 7tt Tr'me Tgstad: 3:15 ;i{t.-/Cu- Ft-: i4i-6 ^=- ,t, laaa gqmq.RES,FM, {TRE",N;qLH.,: Snocif ied t8 Dey Srransth (psi) s0CC Cyi i ncien ID tI Age (oays) 7 Strength (osi) z I t+u Siee a in Rsmc r i<s : Jivereqe 5t;'enc.l h Date Ceg/i: A6/AA/e7 ( i r uoJ ing/P I aza G. E. Johngon E| & ts Excevat i rra J-C F . Nord'l unci Poun: StEin Core Si i{a i'i s Ticket No.: 1822i Mix I.0.: 5929 E'iev- 120'-9 ro'i32'-2 Veniures, Ltc. i ohnsor: Cons.c, ruc: i on C0 . .4rc h i i:ects o CONCRETE TEST RESULTS P.O. No.: Job No.: 704043 Report Detee z O1 /01 /87 al/24/47 08/14/47 Report To: Vai'l Ventuneg' Ltd. G- E. Johnson Const nuct i on SLP Architects /'Date Cdst: O6/39/81 ' \__ Ticket No. Mix I.D.: al evat ioin z 1822'l c9z5 '1 20'-S to 1?2'-2 155 South Neve.io Dsnven , Cr:l orado (303) 6S8-1050 Veil Ventuces, Ltd. 1000 S. Fnontage Rd. Vai'l , CO 8165? Attn: Frank Freyer 80223 West 1?033 Ternace W{ng./P'leza I Vail Co]orado G. E. Johnson B & B Excavating P. Nond'lund Stalr Cone S1 wal'ls i. I I co. Test Number: Job Neme: Job Address; Contrector'; Suppl ier: Tnuck No. r CTC Rep.: Location of Pour: PHYSTCAL,qROPERTIEE 8lumo:4.25' Concnets Temp. ^F: ?3 Tlme Betched: 2t3? Air (%): COMPRESSIVE 9TRFNQTHt SpeqJfiad 28 6.2 Wt.,/Cu- Ft.: 'l 41.6 Air Temp. ^F: 14 Time TeEted: 3:15 Day gtrength (psi) 3.P'99 Cy1 inder IO 01 gz 03 Age (days) $ize ? 6.00 26 6.00 2A 6.00 $trength (psi) 2140 3 200 JUC'U Averege Strength 3140 INC. Remanks: CTC-GEOTEK. H,r" b 155 South Neva.io Denver, Coloredo (303) 698-1050 Va f'l Ventunes, Ltd . 1000 S- Frontege Rci- Ve i'l , CO A 1657 Attn: Frenh Freyer Test Number: Job Name: Job Addness: Contnsctor: Surrpl ier: Tnuek No.: CTC Rep.:Loaation oi Poun: eo22? hlest 17032 Terrsse hl i ng,/Pl aze Vall Colorado G. E. Johngon E & B Excavating 3-7 P. Nond'lund Foundetion ws'l'l on 9oNc R ElE,,_r FSr,_B eSV.FJq P.O. |{o.: Job No.: ?04043 Repont Detes.. A7/O1 /87 a1/28/A7 0a/14/87 Report Tor Vail G. E. $Lp Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Construction CO. ArchitectE Date Castl. O6/?A/87 Tlcket No.: Mix I.D-: 'liinrgFB&W 18226 5929 lines 'l 94.5 top portion. EHYS_I qAL ?BgrPERI.r ES $lump:3.?5" Concrete Temp. ^F: 72 6.0 S'trength ( psi ) 2190 .t I ou 3250 Wt.,/Cu. Ft.: 141 .1 Avenage Stnength o l:ru Ain Temp. ^F: 74 Time Tested: 2:05 Day Strength (psi ) ,..3_g-0q Air (*): Time Batched:1:24 OOMPRESSIV,E 9-TRENSTII: Specf 'f ied 28 Cyl'inder I0 0i o2 03 Age (dqys) 7 2A 28 Size a nn 6.00 6.00 /8,, r tla \, . Remankg: CTC.GEOTEK, a 7A{t Chen&Associate Consunr€ Gootcchnic€l Engirlo€r8 Gl€nwood Sprlngs, CO 8t601 3(139497€8 Colorado Springs Denver Fort Collins Rock Springs salr Lake city San Antonio , $Jcject: '"Wy n, L987 Cbsena.tion and Testtng of Gndtng Operatiqrd; I€stln Ibtel Affltios, Vail, @. Jcb lb. 4 L86 87 9incerelyl (hen *.Assciates, Irp. :ls requesbd' re rffi, rf,itb the ccntracbr at ttle a:bject site cn ttay 6' 1987. Ctren e Associates, Inc., pranicusly ccn&nted i zu*oit strdt fcr &sign of fqrrdat:iqr for ttre s:bject additlcrr ard regnrted orr flrd- fuqB cn l'Sanctr U!, 1987, Jd) No. 4 134 82. oeu*aticns ard dlscussisrs rnade at the slte reganlirg backfill rnat-sralg :"re [reserrted in tlre attactr€al oairy neport !lc. l. fre rrrlsstand tiat re wlll cbsente tle fondaticr exoavatlons arO test backfilt qtstnrcuion r*e requetecl. If n hrrc an'y qt:esbisrs c need firtlrer info:rnatlonr plese let us lslm. vatl Verrtureer IID. stP^.c attacMs , al To vail ventLlres, LlD. 1000 sorth Erurtage Rd vaiL, @ 81657 Attn: Itanlc Eeler WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEN'PERATURE CONTRACTORS EOUIPMENT I "o*tt"*t'o abcrrt 1000r r,iest of project site, Visual cbsenlaLiqr and shallcnr prrfring rciti a strovel irulicated. ttre stckpite to consist of slightly siJty to silty saruly gravel wittr subrounded ccbbles and borlders to 2' diaueter cbserved. Several- large slabs of sardstone yrere also noted cn the slrface. l"lcisture @ntsrt ag>eared to ilcrease belcnv tlre surface. /I VERBAL COMMUNICATION WTH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER Contractor was advised that an apgxroval of the entire stckpile ould nct be giver.until tne pilg rras excanrated. fie-grarnrlar so-i!.less orrersized r"ocks shorld be accept- able. Job sf:ecificatipns Urnit the material size to a nrucirnnn 6" 5n any backfill. Ccntractor stated ttey interd to set. up a screenirg operaeior for oversjzed. rocks,arrt rpuld be on-site t".a Y to probe jrterior of pnoposed bacr<filt stockpile. coPlEs: oAF-3F (4.851 mikeE\rans _l@ FIEI..O OBSEFVER APPROVED BY To Vail Ventures, LiD, 1000 Souti Etontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Ftank Fteier vuL +ih cnrl -fErruca Job No. 4 186 87 Dally Fepon No. 2 €Ubjsc_licolg!rydlgn Acrtvjtios€epod--.vedun Hoter aaaitiqrs, ]'vdi1;-co-- ) Date 5-27-87 ' sheet I Ol 1 Chen&Associates ConsulllrE Gsolsdnical Eng nesrg WEATHEF CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATUFE CONTRACTOFS EOUIPMENT coNsTFUCTloN AcTlvlTlES :[re er<cavaUiqr for Ierrae Wirrg fooEiJrgs, 9rfi lfutes F-K e 0.4-0.5 wse observed ard forsrd b be on undisturbed ccrrse grranuJ.ar soil-s at design grade. Ccntractor had cornpacted natural soils ard f@Ling forms were set. Five pad footirqs for Plaza Wing Phase T, Z, A, B, C on 21 lir€ & Y-22, were observed ard fourxi rto be qr lmse filVtopsoil at design grade. Fonns \",ere being set. Contractor qras dvised to ec(cavate to natural coarse grarnrlar sils in alJ. footirq areas. DrdD oe VAll-, VERBAL CoMMUNICATION WTH CONTFACTOF, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER Contractor was requested to notify us rctp1r Fad fotings rere sJbexcavated. L-__ cones: $gp,tlike E\.rans St€\ren L. Pawlak FIELD OBSERVER APPFOVED BY car.3n tr.65l To Vail Ventures,' LID. 1000 South llultage Rd. VaiJ.' co 81557 Attn: Franlc f::eter Job No. 4 186 87 Ilally Repon No. 2 Date 5-27-87 Sh€st 1 Chen&Asociates ConsuE'arg Gsdsctu$d E €irEsrs ofl Suqect Constructbn Aaiviti€s Report fll*'tn tlotel Additions, Vaj.l, Co. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOFS EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES lftre er<carraticn for [errace Wirq fooLfuqs, 9rfi lines F-K e 0.4-0.5 rosce obe6red arrit for-lrd ,5 be on urdistxlalced ccrrse granular sojls at design grade. Ccntrastor had conprcted natural soiJ.s arrl foorting forms were set.Five pad fwtirqs for PlazaWing Phase I,2,, A, B, C on 21 UrE &y-22, nere observed ard fotrrul,rto be m loose fi1-1,/topsoil at dgsigt grade. Forf,na $ere being seb. Contractor was advised to excavate to natrrraL coarse granrlar pils jn aLl- foqtiry areas. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENOINEER, ABCHITECT, OWNER Cdrtractor was reqr:ested. to notify us when pad footjngs lere srbs<cavated. Mlke E\rans Stevert L. Pahrlak NE[.O OBSEM/ER APPROVED BY To vail Ventures, IJU). 1CI00 Souttr Ffnntage Rd. \ vail, CO 81657 Attn: Flrank frcler Chen&Associates Con$rl$rE G€otut'|nhal Engh€ol9 Job No. 4 186 87 Date 5-28-€7 Dalty Report No. 3 Sho€t I o| SubJect Consfudon Activltlos Reporl l€stin llotel Additlons, 1'b11, co. WEATHEF CONDMONS AND TEMPERAruRE CONTRACTOBS EOUIPMENT CONSTFIUCTION ACTMIES llre occarnticn for stainoay core fcolirg grrid 15nes fK m 1 l-ine was observed, and fqtrxl to be on rndisturbed natural sJ-ighLty si1-dt sand I g::avel. It was also dcsertred that orcarratim had been ccrpacrca. scrne p!:ogEess has been nede s$e<carating fooLirgs fon Plaza Ptrase I a&1iticn. VEFBAL COMMUNICATION WTH CONTFACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER Iltike E\rans Steven L. Pawlak FIELD OBSERVEB APPROVED BY To vail ventuires, IIID. tr000 South llsrtage Rcl.vail, CO 81657 Job No. 4 186 tl Date 5-1-87 DaflyF€portNo. 4 Shest I Of I Subj€st Constuction ActMtl€s Repon , l€sLtn Hotel Addltlonsr : Vaijl, co. Chen&Associats CfisufdtE @€drnlcal Engft#rg T'VEATFIER CONDfiIONS AND TEMPERAruRE cIeATl WA:N CONTRACTOBS EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTTON ACTIVITIES '.Ibrrac Wing: The ocavation for Oo'efngs cn L.9 line, 1-6 liIas obssved, anl fourd to be on ur- distwbed siLtfr sarxt ard grarcl with ccbbles. Plaza Wing Phase I: S$excavaticar ccntiaues to rqncnre er<istfug filL to undisfurbed natrral soils. A sanrple of on-site @sed over a 6" sq:een was obtained for labo::atcy tescing. $re 6tlnin:s rraterial is proposed for structr:ral fill. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WTH CONTRACTOR, ENQINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER coPtEs: cAF.3fi {4€5) lvtil<e E\nns Steven L. Bapl-ak RELD OBSEFVEB APPFOVEO BY To val-L vsnbrres, UrD 1000 sauth Fffiit€ige m. Vail, C0 81657 - t-- I Il I Chen&essociates l/. a consuling Gool€clmical Engtutsets --7f tsaZ Job No. 4 L86 87 Date 6-2-87 Dally Report No. 5 Sheet l- Of L SubJect Flll Obsewation and Tesdng lBLing Sobl edditims, $mae Wlng,vdjl, @. Aftn:Fank F?eller SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 1008 starxlard kostor density TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS ticiloader TYPE AND NUMBER CF COMPACTION UNITS Ialackers l:{ FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. I ! FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE HEMOVED OR REWOFKED. B CONTBACTOR ADVISED t] FULL TIME OBSERVATION 4 PART TIME OBSERVATION NUMBEF OF PASSES as r€q. METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE THICKNESS OF LFT 8II ncne reeded 'r Fls 'ep<'rl p.es€nts o9rrlnng 'o.med s9 a r€9lll d our dggrvation ol fill dacom€nl. Wg h€\rg religd on &s cortEctor to @ntlnuo rp! rlng thp rpcodlrel'ded cdmoaclve etlo.l and moisture to lhg ldl dunng bmes lhon our obsewer b nol obsgwing opera":ftls Te1sls a.e made ot the fin (|nly as b€tbved nec€a8ary lo calibrale drr d6enor'6 iudgenront. Test data arg nol tho 6019 5.1.,s to{ cpr..ons on Nheth€r lt€ tir 6a€B Ap€amCalloNts. PROGRESS REPORTontracbr reported"ly placed one lift (about 12")jn test a:rea due to subexcavation of old fill. the er<cavation for east stair pad was obser:ved. About ern half rras based in edstixE fi11. Subexsavation 4r to r:ndistxr$ed @arse grarrrrlar soils. Structural back- fill is prqosed b be placed to design bearing grade. ltre Tov.il venEures, LID. 1000 scnrth Frontage Rd, Vai1, CO 81657 Attn: FYanlc F?eys Chen &fusociates Consultlrg Geolochnicrl E €inaelg Job No. 4 L86 87 Date 6-3-87 Dally Report No. 6 Shs€l 1 Of z Subject Flll Observatlon and T€sting l€stfui Hotel edditiqtsr [blrace Wiag,vall' @. 2A'. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 100? standard ketor densiQr TYPE AND NUMBEF OF EARTH MOVING UNITS Bob cat, 3-loaders, backhe TYPE AND NUMBEF OF COMPACTION UNITS 2-Junping jacks, vibratory roller NUMBEH OF PASSES THICKNESS OF LIFT !i'< tpD.'t lrFqrn'r 6o,nionr iorned as a rogull ol our obggwatb(l ol t l Flaaomonl. Wo hare,ellod on tho conltactot to conlliu€ aoor!'nq tha 'o.ornrnqn.l.d c(fnooctilr etlorl snd r(igiro lo lhe till dlrlng linto8 rhgd our ob39Bw ls nol obggrvhg @8r8-lnq ter3 a'o nadc .t tl4 fdt(|nly es betiated r€ce38s.y to callbralo orr dsarw'h ludggrient. T€st dala ere not th9 8ols t,a$q rnr nc'n,.rn! (v! whelhe. lhr I rl rn€e|s slecili@fdts. A1 FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. N FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) ANO SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWOFKED. A CONTRACTOR ADVISED n FULL TIME OBSERVATION &:PART TIME OBSERVATION PROGRESS REPORT The above way area on the east end of Wing. tests r€re taken irl ttre stair-i the proposed h.lilding, Irerrace ( at ..'| t6 dsl Tov.riL Ventures, LID. 1000 scuth Frontage Rd. Vail, C0 81657 Attn: Ftank Efelt€r Chen&Associates Consultlng G@lochnical Engltte€r8 JobNo.4 186 87 Daily Rsport No. 6 Date 6-3-82 shgot 2 gr 2 SubJ6ci: Flll Observatlon and Testing lsstin Iiotel Additicnsr lbrrae Wing, vaIL, O. oore trnd G Srid l-ine 17rA-E cce pad @ 17, A-E & 3rW of SE corrEr YA 11 retst stajr core pad e gr 10'N & I' 17, A-E SPECIFICATION COMPACTION 100% standard Pl.ocbr & MATERIAL density TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS Cat 950 loader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION srnll vi-bratory drun, lvacker NUMBER OF PASSES AS IEq. UNITS THICKNESS OF LIFT 8" METHoD oF ADDTNG MotsrunE nore reeded rhrr ...rr'! r'FA'.li n!\'nlong lafrned 69I re3!n ol olr(llgwttbn d m Dlac8.nont. Wg fuve rgll€d on lhs aonlracl@ lO COn nuo a!'Dry6q rhc ''c.rDp^ded co'npacliv€ o|lo( and moidurq to lhg ill d!ftig dfi€! rh€'r orn obsgrv€r b nol obl8rvlng opora. non3 Tertq etp rnade ol the |tll otllt q3 bolbvsd rooeasary b calbttio orr dsowar'8 iudggmont. To3t dot8 @o .Et lho 8de lra3!3 t.l i!r'n6nq nl!,h"tl€r lhe .'ll rreets Bpacmc8llor€. PROGFESS REPORT Mike L\rans Steven t. Pattlak FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY i coPrEs L ,._ Dt FILL TESTEO MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. t] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. DI CONTRACTOR ADVISED N FULL TIME OBSEHVATION E PAFT TIME OBSERVATION caa 2R {6851 rov.il v'enbltes, tID. 1000 south Frcntage Ral. Vail, @ 81657 Attn: Frank lheYe!. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION A MATERIAL 95% e 1009 stardard Pr€tor delsity as noted TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS 3-loaders, bob cat, backhoe TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNTTS Vi-bnatorv rollen NUMBER OF PASSES THICKNESS OF LIFT METHOD OF ADDING MOTSTURE n tX]TAl CoruuRing Gsolechnical &6ineen otI Subj€ct Flll Observatlon and Testing t€sth Hotel Additions, Xbrrae Wing, Vall, @. EI FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. tr FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BV TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVEO OR HEWOFKED. ts CONTFACTORADVISED [] FULL TIME OBSERVATION EI PART TIME OBSERVATION Chen&Associates Job No. 4 L86 87 Dally Raport No. 7 DatE 6d-87 Sheet L t tsT f,l0 13 I4 l-f, IO 17 I h6 ' Fo(*l are3gnr! o!"n,od lormed ars 6 r6ult ot qn obSsreelbn ol lill pLrcomeit. W9 havs relhd o ltn contnglot to co'lurug lDotv'Fo rrc' rccmrnendFd drnpadivg Otorl and m&turo lo tho till dunng tmes rhgn Or obSArg 18 nd obsgrvir4 @era-r@r re3jq, e'F nade o1 1r9 t,tt onty as btbd |locolsary to crllbroto our obsswsr'8 ludgfiient. TBsl dal8 aro rd lho 8dq hnc'q l(n opF'on< or f,hetier th€ Flr .nesla s!€c|[Calio|'|a. ) PROGRESS REPOHTTeStS #12-15 uere taken in stairway fot- ing subq'rade (1008 con(ncticn specificaLion). Tbsts *16&17 taken in biJce path subgrade (954 ccnpaction sFecifi- catrion) and are l-ocated wittr respect to tle nnntrole south of t}le p:oposed. hrfldirq at 8.5 lire. .Dan E|)ugfierty Ste\ren L. Pawlak APPFOVED Tovail ventilres, LrD. 1000 scnrft Frontage Rdl.vail, co 81657 Attn: Frank Ftelter t5I tIlI Chen&Associates lZ-, a cortsu[irE aootschntcal E]€ln€ste -za -t EtFtbp of Fotjng .;eg x6. 4 185 Daily Repot No. Subject Fill Observation and Teting I€€ttn liotel Adalitiuts, ltsrrace Wi.rg1 vail-' @. Dats 6-8-87 Sheet l- ot l- LOCATION terrace addition E |rs & 1r terrace addifl611 E stair pad 2'I terrace addition E stair pad I I SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 958 standard Proctor dansiqr urder slab TYPE AND NUMBER OF EAFTH MOVING UNITS cat 950 loads TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS 2-waclcers NUMBEF OF PASSES as req.THICKNESS OF LIFT 8U rpne needed.METHOD OF ADDING MOISTUHE r h's 'p!rr( p,e3gFrs rDfito.ts tottnod a9 g le!|jn ot ol|r obrcr€tlo'| d m ptscarngnt. Wo harlo .rl|d on ths conbsdd lo condirrg annlvl.! rhc 'ico6r.n<tarl cohpadiv8 €ftorl gld trniSlu'o lo lho fill durt4 ltiao ihen our obgorvat b rEl ob€aBh! @on- r,nnr TFsrs ar. daie ot the nl @ry ag bslbrr€d fE€888rt t0 calMs 6r ob8gtrsr'8 fudggD€'lt. Tesl dalE at€ not ltro 6ob haaG to' oo!n,on3 on *hetf€r $a in ?i€qte lpocific8llon3. PBOGRESS REPORT Above tests taksr on bat*fiIl near east stair pad. Mike EVans Steven L. Pawlak APPBOVED BY pad SOIL TYPE fi FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. O FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE FEMOVED OF REWORKED. E] CONTRACTORADVISED t-] FULL TIME OBSERVATION EK PART TIME OBSERVATION Tov,til ventilres, LID. 1000 Sout]r Ftontage Ril. Vail, C0 8f657 Attn: F?ank l?eyer Chen&Associates Coflsulilg Gotechnbal Englnestg Job No. 4 186 87 Daily Reporl No. 9 Dale Sheel 6-9-A7 10'1 SublEct Flll Obsarvauon and Testing I,€sLin Fote]. Add.iticns, Serrace wlng, Vail, CD. G 14.5 llne terrace winc C line east stair pad fotirrg 20'N & 2'w F FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. E FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. E CONTFACTOH ADVISED i] FULL TIME OBSERVATION F PAHT TIME OBSERVATION east stair pad fotirg 4rE of SE SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL 95? & 100% standard Pr.oqtor density as noted TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS Cat 950 loader TYPE AND NUMBER CF COMPACTION UNITS wackers NUMBER OF METHOD OF PASSES as req. THICKNESS OF LIFT 8" ADDING MOISTURE nore needed pRocREss REpoRTTests+zL-z3 taksr on strucb.rraL backfill : urder foting (100? ccnpacLion specificalion)due to boulder rsnoval. Tests+24&25 taken on urder sl-ab backfi[(95? ccrpactior sgecificafion) east stair pad footiry. Sbven L. Parrlak I h.3 'coci Dre.eorg oD'n'o'3 tdmod a6 a r€allt ol dr ob3g|talbn d li[ dacgrnol,ll. t{6 tEE.slbrt on lha colliaaioi to cd lnuo aFFrynq 'hp rFco'nrFnded compecth,e dfui q|rd lnoislur€ tn lho Rll dur&4 !ni(E I'ien our obgowgr k nol obgawkE ope.a- non. lFits ar€ dad6 crl the lill dltr a6 belioved iecoSSary lo aalDrgte ojr d!arv€{'8 ldg€rnont. T€31 dala aro nd lh9 Sole baer to. oprn,ons on whelh€r the 'lll 6€ob specificalbrE. Mike Evans APPFOVED BY Tovril venu!:es, LD. 1000 South Flontage Rd. Vajl, C1f, 81657 Attn: F?ank Fteyer Chen&Associates Consuning Geotechnical Engineere Job No. 4 186 87 Dally Repoft tto. 10 Date 6-10-87 Sheot I of I Sublsct Flll Obs€rvadon and Tesdng !€stin Eotel Adititiqrs, Iblrace wing'vail' @. TEST N0.t0cAI0N DEPI}I OR nnAnu[ fEEr) TABORATORY REtI' P€rcent Sonpac- tl on g,IL TYPE (faximrn D17 DCnsi tv 0ptinun !!oisfirre e.rnt en f DFY DENSITY (pc0 MOFruBE CONIENT (%) 26 @r:race wirg, stcun draJn 25rlitr of discharqe 5rErc t32-9 134 -g 6-9 100+si 'l tw sandw crranra'l 27 tffiace wirg, storm drain 15rN of disctnrqe g:b- orade 132-9 7.3 126-O q-1 q5 fl tl 28 terrace wirg, stonn drain c line nad at I llre f@ting stada 1a2^9 7"i 1a2 _O ct^ I lno n tl E FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. ! I] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. tr CONTRACTOR ADVISED tr FUIL TIME OBSERVATION B PART TIME OBSERVATION SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEBIAL 95E & 1008 stardarrl Hrcctor density as no'ted TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVINO UNITS Cat 950 loader TYPE AND NUMBER CF COMPACTION UN]TS Wacker NUMBER OF PASSES as req. METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE THICKNESS OF LIFT 8-W" rpne needed Th6 raoort prsgonls opinong lonnod gg a r6ull ol ou. ob8ondtbar ot lil placonad. Wo havg relld on lho qontnqtq lo conlhlg applyir€ the recdnmgndod cdrtpacdvg gfiort and .fiobtur9 to tha ltl Aring lnea rhon oJr (Os€rF ls not &egavlng op€ra" llong. Tgstg aro maatg ol tho llll only a8 blbrgd n€ce€aory lo aallbratg our obSgfwr'8 JudgE ner . Te8t data Irg rd lhg 8ob bas6 lor opinlon3 on wholtE th€ fin meob spedicdionS. pROGRESS REpORT Trest #26-27 taken cn backfill storrn drain wtere itcrosses bi-ke path. Ibst#28taker fine grad- ixrg fill- of footirg e:<carration on C ljne 6-10. l4ike Evdns Steven L. Pawlak FIELD APPROVFD BY coPtEs CAF.2F (6.8ti! Cxrx exo AssoclATls Coruultirg Eqinr*r Soll ond Foundotion Erpinoeing a t a F I I l,a I t I I I I tlo tl!? tE-r|.rlf t3l GRAOATION orAYrL 47 % tatro Lrtluro LrxrY % TEST RE5ULTS 3Oq. 3t Lr axo .LAY rLA3rlclTY lrlo€l 23% 7o 5-L-87 F I 6 rto f J a a a J rro t F a a I o roo I 'c COil'IPACTION TEST RESULTS eorracrrox rr rr troc::Dur: [$St D 698 -78 l"bt]Iod D sar.Pr-f, or siltY sandY gravel r 16r. stck Pil-e on-site E t ' '' .to r.o.ro .a Fr .a rt. \' :{ | Ja n ' 'l .qta .r Lt tt rl LL rjr ?tt t l|Oaaruta - F:lCaXT OF OFY w'l6Xt rOtatUla - Dll Otllrtt Curv13 4 L86 87 -l*DJ ardt Consu8tants Denver and Houslon No.601/2028.4 Oba€rvatlon Report hrsorsp,asenr Chggk _UewlgEl.G*. E._,!ghnson) , Crai g Carol'l (Rl{C), 15-20 other -G.! J-ohngon -empl oyees. obssr\rarion _!egt stair concrete pad and link foundation. FstdFirdhss lhe reinforcement in the pad as w61 'l as the vertica'l wall dowels *appeared -tg -be in-conformance with the drawings. The south side 'link wall footing.was-in place against the exjsting fo.undation. The south side link wa1l tsill be poured over a step in the existing foundation. h$rucriorgci€n The south l'ink wall sha'l I be dowe'l ed into the exist'ing foundation step and poured mono'lithically with the wal] on the new footing. The pouring sequence was also c'larifjed with Chuck concerning details 6 and 9/S1 and wall shoring so the slab-on-grade can be poured. Fsra€r{ Compleb . ti&ather c'loudy' cool McKee (G.E. .Iohnson)n Frank Freyer (Vai'l Ventures) oao 29 May 1987 FeportNo. S-1 copi€ero Ernie PYI-e (SLP)' CRAIG /we T P.0. No. : Job No.: 7A4A43 Rsport Dates z A6/O5/87 06 /26 / 87 07 / 13/81 Report To: Va i'l SLP Ventures, Ltd, Johnson Cangtruction C0. Anchiteqts -I -CONCRETE TEST RESULTS JUN 155 South NavaJo Denver , Co'l oradq (303) 6S8-1050 BA22e hiest 17428 Va i'l 1000 Vail, Attn: Tast Number: Job Name: Job Addnesg= Contrecttrr 3 $upp'l ier: Truck No-: CTG Ree.: Locstion of Pour; Vtsntureg, Lt,d. S. Frontsge Rd.co 8165? Frsnk Fnever Dqte Cest t O5/29/87 r,JeFFEEe- lPlaza t '.featfgoftl-r-a-da G. E. Johnson I & B Excavating 5-V P. Nordlund Ste'r'r $1 footing pad. Ticket No.: 17879 Mix I.D.: 5929 PHYSICAL .PROPERTIES B'lumo: 2.0 Alr (t): Concnete Temp- ^F: 58 Time tsstched:10:31 coMR,RFSSIYE ErBFNgr4: epoeif ied 28 Cy] inder IO Ager (daye ) Size 01 ? 6.00 0..1 Air Temp. ^F: 56 lime Tested: 11:00 Dey Stnength (psi) -?9"q,0 b{t ../Cu . Ft . : Average Strength Strength (psi) 1860 .ll'.ri 11i.;, CTC.GEOTEK, Remsnkg: TID. Glry llnrrela lorr of Vaitr 75 g.: Froatage YetrI,, CO 8165? kc F!,a:a Ulng Dcet 6ery: Fcr your cerpet urail ltr i Eaelailrtl l$Flttrr i: I li. I I 1. 1987 enclosed Lng Phase t Freye of, De 28 1000 Sorjth Frontage'Rilad West, Vail, Colorado 81657 ii are copiee of the epeclficatlons for I. . 303/476-6602 l II' pPnen ,@, FORMA ,tsttlF nttrt PLo&etg' .nl Ald|dfn3 1000Lmm Sr. P,O. g$il f1004 9oottlo, Vorhlngmn t8lll z0{.d28.&n0 T€hr {?4 OUf SuldNcrr'Ylrrl Decmbar 4f 1987 I{r. Fmnk Frcyar Diractor sf Eveloment Vall Yenturns Ltd.' I000-South Fmntage RoEd H€st Sulte 200 Vnll r Colorado 81667 Dear Frrnlr Attached pl€aso flnd the ftllorlno 0n the fndlvlcual she€ts as rett-ntnn{tr. fl anmablllty -speclflcations ealled out as numDered by pags ln tho,followlng €usstmoo Grrgat Hospltrl f ty Sulte Carpet 0usstroon €nd Hogpltallty Crr pat psd Gorrldor Carpet €orrldor CErp€t pad Plerse let Slncerplyr lf you have frrffher quesfion8. S€an lhtch ProJ*t Coortfnrton SHcb:l AH2O9lBL cci lhyla Toung PAE$ 1.3 4-5 6-11 l?"15 16-e0 me kngw Specl fi qqtlonE AV.ZI 28. VA )Ag. t"tt t, H'*.8 04P -to3u aO CFQ80 PtArNg EOULEVAFo,9.E,, OALTON, cA. €TZ0l pHoNEr (404) WW..r. r....,..',... r, r.,.,. r...... r ..Iuftad Cut FLta EAAGE.'r.r,',r....,,,,.. ,.2/U Sfff?Egg'PEP IilCA'. ' .. | . . . r . .. | . | . . , r. I FARitiA E/8,, Ivfted PIW fr8l081,.r..,.r.,..r,r..,. ..g/EAn p+ntehad (.Zglu) IA&N,...,,..rrrrri',.r.. .. 2 ?ly Saf,tttOn COntl"nUoUe Fl,?,anant NylOn yAnNWEI/JHII. ...... .i,....,.t0 0s, petEq. Xd. PExMATI EACKIile,.r.,., ....polgprcpgZane SECAIIDAfrI BA9XINfl,,..,.,.,.{ute at Sgnthetta fmAE VEIG4I..,...r.,,.rr.....,r....r.9a oE, pev Sq. ld. AEOVE EWCIFTCAXIOilE A&E SAEJECN rO NORMAL MANAFASTURINQ ROI;ERATICEI *PfiQEAgF $PEE$IgAgTOfri I&8 DfrRTVED FEOM AVEf.ACS1 NESALTME nROIT nailiAr MlunAcramflc rluwnarrcss rN yanx. FTEER, aNwad;-AAAsrNoB wp-fiFlv,,,EuvrDrlN aflD C0r,0\ Nn MAr VAil ilnvry noaw INDAETAT IAWRNCES, PERIORMANCE I8 IIW ASFACTED AY SACA-1NTANCZS. WEEEE NA MIilUg XATARAilCE TS STATED Oil BID NEftAESTE RAR A PNODIICTI xf,g EABETC I'flEr BE MAIIIFACnUXAD ffiOVZ AreC$ilttroug r0 wsr raw ,NEqAEST. AND ilIL' TnE&EEOEE TIECESSITAIV AN IIICREASa, 4NTC.I WA rAA Pnaaacg, AEni E-648 eafiaii' Fanal leet - crae I Exoead' .46 wattaTonn AgtrM E-66A Snake Denglty ?eat - Undor 460 UETBEN CRI n7.91',t1 la-tffi'PaMl I l(Ne* ,t_'t----. A^.'.eCF,. EPEcrFrcArroNs f/pn 'l YeD 4&?quilJfgY;.,,.....,.,,.,.,r.. ,...9A0 pwton FOo,_ TFiEf, za, vq 3=a ri ].'':'..t'".,i....,':.'...'' Independenq 1lExrile \er**g* . TEST NUMBER 5085 P.O. Bor 1g4g / 1S0g Munay Avenuc Dellon, Georgla 30722.19{A I phoie 404-A7t-g0t3 BEPORT l{hi,tecrEat Carlret ti!!.Ite, Iac. spoclmans d tha sulmltted samples were preparad and tg8ted in acoordancs wtth ASTM E{48 an(Uor F€derat Tasr Marhod SiZ. Nrpe Z$ EuesWt4 I rysq t JuIy 2{, 1986 OU€TOMFF: SUBJECT: Blyls: 830/.lstE Colon 90 Roll No,:071009 Flbef: Pllsl Seoondary Baoklng: Teei Assembly --r*l llsuntgd on llraaEltE CfltlFsl Rsdlsnt Ftux Total Eum Lsngfih! F|3me Front outl ,?T 29.0 75.0 9psclmen No. 'l watlVcmr cm. mlnut8s Spcctmgn No. 2 -- .81 watF/oml 25. 0 cm. 45 " 0 mlnutes I wattvcmr watlvcml coefficlenl ol varlailon .09 11r LOORING RADIANT Epaclnren No.3 _-_ .89 watts/crn,21.0 cm.44.0 dnutes Avenge Crltlcsl Hedlent Fluil .80 fu llmrtsd StBnderd Dovlruon il{) TNDEPENDENT rerrudhegrtNe rNc. Out lltt|n |nd r$!rE rfr lor ttr! erdt4lt3 U5g Ot Ur Au||Oml, tO wnorn tnsf B'ggdOlo$EO, snC thqirc0rit ttr E ron tOony O0tr't Or llt3 uro ot ltig H:"?fgn:*Tl;*l1T:il3-s-qgj,'jf:tr-*lgf*lg:gLr.,tienirirrriiirid.liiiiiliiiii'iJd,isueerlonryrorherrr.oralosrdia6d ffi ffi.ffi {[{&iry4r,:llxn'nmm*1il'ff ri*,1i1,1,t,*:ui;ff r't nor rEootsslllv u|{€allve ot lh.,qsrlilbr ol_!ppr.n{t {tmriclt or flmlrrr nidguatr,ltre rsdiiilni-ffii .Ts b "e!tm t rnr, ln€. rre trot b bo uead i!ir$ aal griqritrltinr]rr ro oorrn,rrno rc tn, qrnsnr &rbtun. r't nol notoldo||ly U|o€a w ol td E'E grrqgFrl,m€ft ro Gimlltrng lc ur !finrrt A$ttr. I t; I Independent I TUxtiti TeS{in? , CUSTOMEN:Whitecrest CarF6! !{lllE, fno. SMOKE DENSITY TEST (NBg) SU&IECT; specimone of the-a-ubnittod aampler.were prepared end tcated ln ec.cordance wiih rhe proceduraa l;ffiE$rle Narionsr suresu orsran'd'rii, T,;.h;iliNil ?08 and xrpa aoe, 2.6 weltslcgrr I I TES"I'NUMBEN 5085 July 24, 1986 G Factor: lgg Avg. Operating Condltloae Sedipmster Raadlng: ?.? nrv; Thernral.Exlosursi FlAn!.ng Furnace Voltaga: gs Irrsdianqe; Burrrer Fusll Propane Eanple lbecriptlon Styler 830,/ilute Cslor: 90 FoIl No.r 0?1088 Flben Piler Teet n€8ult{ Charnbsr Temporatulp, aF. (rtart) Chambsr hersum Min. Tfansnittance (TMl,'6 et, ninuts lila*, Spas. Opt. Deuaity (DM) Claar Beanr, (DC) Dtr.t consEcIED (DMC) 8pec. Opt. Denetry at t.S min. Bpso. OFt Danaity st 4.0 min, Tlsre b 90n DM, minuies ra 96 it flz 96 95 Mbintainsd podtJve, undel 3" lll(3 WTffiffi;INDEPEIIDENfiEX INC. Dalton, Goorgda $0?2&t8{O r phoae 40,ldl&301g Olu ldtlrr.ld rrg$tr #ff"-..1ffiiil;HH$ffi xk:l3Y:.9:,:-Trdd't.d. r|nr $.a-.e!|Euoic!ltoa rs r|y o$g'lorrh!lhrrrcr'tos-stl.lrco*";r;;;;il;'-'- -'-- rEw.-@aqr € rrt cu9|l ot lllt rsrto{ltr,dn.]r.,gnr."^---,,.,,.--,-lTryt'o!'.hltatritrdtt!.4t rpPlv{6trte H ffi*ffi ffiiT"ffi:tfftri:1"* :**:[:,Cli:@: SEfr; ffi lll],il1ffi#i',H't:ar nr6f d dr. bdiF!&".r..rib ftiio. &;hr. ,u; ;;-fr,L'fi;ffi,1ilH;:,Hl?rofr#trff #ffi fri P.O. Bol rt{t Ave. r l&UE*rrzpr*rq CMJ=ELT- t 6 88r 8.5 8,4 8.5 145 r61 139 L2 l3 1I 134-J.,18 L28 t-'l 2 67 9Z 82 0 6.9 6,4 6.9 t 1.9 1.8 l.g s'd AVtel L8. VZ J=A l..rll -;- - -.!!!f':.FHEGP - C EBml E D Zary ulonATonrr$ Inc .f?ri*t,W 116 RT'ERBET{D *na. { o. Bor ag.r . oA,"lgrr, otoF.n rrao rtaoilt 0t ?grt @lEfTl Farbtlgc Cgrqgroyl tnc. Lrb.1.0. trr l20t €rllou, 0f t0t0t SUilIEG& oer rrlgh ol crrgrt rubrltted rd l -,:,,.*, .._jidn; ft i.lgrFr{ e-6 Saohr Cesrtry lcEt| eslr lbr rrrultr cf larrlog bctctDr Oplrsdng Cordltlrot ledianager 0ulpurr ?ur;tace VelBt6er Prccrurgr Foslrlyr ly cl,irar u sffi Dldgrlr (Esl pertorrrd rr rpoctfkd il l{!S frchlcsl Bott 709. Irr !r raportrd [r1or. Diutlcd dlte ers att*had 0t lai'lrtrrt.v ^tt ^Ogtltrrs G1go' ?-,oEf-{ ' HrrEtt t$u [rt I, t9Et tttt llo. t9tt6?600{ s 8.0E iw , lrndicacrl IOE y Burses luell 0odcr thsor lacher 0l 'Jsrer 2.t rrtu/rq" ca. Proprur tB$ TElilL'I llqlsr llodr -:tri-E CosfteBod ilextsgl Sprctllc optlcel Drutly D" (corr*trt) i{I ter C!3IIIIED TUSII]E Llgtilr0pJES, ttc. 65 "Mr,o,lp W#fi*t-.tT( futfe &.e ll?EElrlrq ilodc A?CITET O|Jt Lffnlr| rID tErottl rFLt EEE? t0 tl.t rarrLt ?E B Arr0_Ar!_rier.xrstrtlr !? rxotca"rvt Ot yHa Ou^t.r tt lDllfirEr! ol llrtlJr rrocuc ' txttt tErr![ rrs rircirr -rr! rot tlt uri 6r..r- di-*. or.,rr.' ?o yxor f]rtv rxD "|{arr coxeutrclhot{ ?6 ^ltr ovt rrr ot ?r.t tra sr rrr - krr:-5r ' C,-Cri'iFr id'isiit iG p.gOrlvcn,E!. trc q'J E D 6ilhf [ABoRAroRrrs, inc. 16 RrvEnFExg oHrI€, i. o. For eoar . Dlttox, gEffictr o7D rmacFlBft r0 rE(nr mnE, !36{t lldry t&dr Charbar ?argrrrurr (rtelt) Spoclnao ttubcs illltrul I Trrullrrtce (Dt) tha to Altrll ?l| (ntautu) tritffio Epcetflc 0grl,arl D.asit (Dd) clser Srar (oC) Speclflc Op$cel D.satrt (Og) rr t.l SpEctttc 0pr{crl DctrrtF (Or) rt 4.0 TlEa To Attlls toz Dlt (ntrutes) Slar tg DBYcfep bs . 16 Bwnaarg t|od. Cbagbcr toaprrr artt (rtrrt) Sgeclrce [srbrs Hllllll t Trrrrlluloa (nt) Tlor To A?trlB tH (ltaut$) tlod.ouu Sprstfls Oprlcel Danslty (or1 cf€r BsaE (Dg) DtlC (Correccd D;) Speclllc optlcel Dt!r!,E (Dg) rr l,: Spae!,f,lc optlcel D€utrt (lg) f t 1.0 llae ?e Altlt! 90t Dil (ul,nurcs) TlEr To Dlelop DA - lg t5,ffi .+nb ''t loz.t. 102.t. tz, 0,018 0.420 7 ,g 7.0 r91 3U 26 24 t6E ?90 l(lartsr 2 l{lsrtaf !46 26t. 7,1 t,g 2.0 l.' 102 rl. I ,_ llrgr 0,700 0.39 tt.o 7.0 284 364 zo 254 3Al It ?99 199 3.3 ,,4 3.0 2.0 d DHC (Corrccprd 0g) lot rP. l- ,Arql- 2e 3?.3 20.0 20.0 73 66 I 77 65 ll {4 It.3 lg.6 8.4 t,? e|,t ll"tltl alp rlloltt ttlll ox|'? ta ?fit lrrFlt "lrtll lr!- ltt_tiq? rtct$arrw lxoreltaya _9r rxt csrl't3, c, lrr.rri?!?rgrx?rEAr sr rlrrgr rr{t9vcn|'-.. ''a-ltt Lsrrttr rrro rirortr er or nir'irri--Jiii o'l-fi rro iifil tcriun-riirnoi-ir'rrr'oniri-'rii'-ixirirfti'fir '.4{r o7 cERrrrrEe r:rtrrcit frEIiJl"S,fJ El" it..j.ll!ti:g L d Evzz"tr JEt tA 3jq lotrl. l0l.?r .1,- -? - il?a 20,0 20.0 51 73 It 50 72 !{ltruter t I Itnuto! I 4 lg,0 lg,l 9,2 I0.0 lil Ir It !lt lrr t: l;t.- lr f: l':' t:I l'' I I l i j i I ,r ,,. ulljJ.lllg gt&dsrd lest. ucrhod for SUntacE EUR$rNc cttASACtERt$trCE 'OT IUII.DIIIC HATSRIALS ASn{ E 84-84 l{at*rl,al ,Idenflf led as 'rpanalooo l t.-&epott [udbrr 46082 Ttrr SBb,bed t704.zlgg. Jsse '6i':19E6 Prepdrad torl ' ' lobbc lsdcd.tlbqrs oroeabait, tcrae 33u _.' TESTTIIG co!{PA$t g"r1""r) Jbnrthso Jao*,ron E*ectil,va vtic .Srsetdent :. TESfltfo . FESEAeCfi .. Et{CtltEEF||rC ,p.o. Eox 985, r tzf8 s.ltAMfLToN 6T. , oALToN; oA 3078a-€gi.'.- 404a7t 3S35 .Fls.'-'- "-- a:. i \,' l': ,-,. ,- ;._, Il'tr n .ver- /{ / W.i t- .r. ..'... .,| t: ,. .|. ,f|. ,.1 &tr16*f*z€F,l"-1 ,*"te &$re c&e'r 7xz I : l..i lil l.-'.i.r;,i ' ' l't.l .:'" Repo,lr tlr*shEr' 400g2 Tc et .$rqbar.. !Z{l'4,-216 g .- I i b '2 pf,5' .' [. r]tTRoDu'crtoN , 'Tf1t r.Elr,oEc.-1"-.. pr.sancai.ton of ,reaults of the.runnel ra6! qn 6 orrrrlal,'eubaltrid fo{ csa.c-fne by Boiba'Ebndad rfUrra..,,,- - Tbe. t#t iqa eou$uctdd rir.acco'raeac's.ntrh rt" tsdict""r soci.ery for t'sitqg' 4nd 'r{arerla.ls. srdrdsid . Tcsr ._iethod- ioi-ilurt.". il;i;;CherecRarlpblco of, Intldiag l{a,trr{+le1r! f aA-Sa, - ":.g-o-, tnom ", Eh€l!:1r]-r{ tuqs:l Tsas. Ttrfu sethqd ra rtur.ror co ,tnbr -arj,' urrl Nq. tgj,UEG lt6. 4.1-:lr.cnl uL H!, 7rt. rlr{s Errlurrlt_r'*c !er"-ufp,liu"e gEF suc !y a6enclea, ol chs Deprrttsnt of Defcnee and lor lraera!'ir rhs oou tndsx lf lrtrlfltrthm rnl fltrrlrrltr t , rhl1! scladerd ehoirld,be uaed to raea.sre snd deacrtbe,cho oroDertteB gl |l|sl'!r ld'la, tu. TG€Pu\l64 Eg hEct norl f lanrs uurlEf surrErullcrl laLoracuuy oondtgt'tiug.'- r'r 6h'i-irrd' ,aos be ',uced, ie;;; d.;;rleil; apprarael, or regu!.atloo'of rhc i!,rr-'hagard .qr td; ri,rk ot,sarorlira. Faoduclar or a a'a pub,tr 1sc 'undsr' aclscl tlrc cdrrdtttone,. Thcre era no cosg r,derstiloae .T!: I::.. .:aulca char a3f b1 .obidraed ii rrr. nacrrldi bclng evnruaccd rr.Er gr.prc. Ls sgabtaat 1on wlth ochcE Esrcslqlr. The ,terc nechod doer :::-!yotl"' t.o1ch.f EeqeuEsEen!.'of.,hAet tbassulaelor.rhrough rhs aur,f ace lll-ll1;.jht..!!f"Lt or eggravarsd ilaae repsqad behav.idl o? ao aaeeuriy rtEurctrug trc' gh? ,pr6xialty..of.boubueB!.ble wallei ?nd. cer.Ilngs, o,crtrf +fylns' 6r defdnfng a- Eaeiirsr ge ,trrnoo"busrlblB ;oILy by oeana o!g- flehp'.sp-t€ad tndei.. ttg.rcvei, ,reegl'Rs df rhL; ;.";-;;y be uasd aE :i-":::r,:?t :i frf" ;r:!ak ElseeaocPr .uhtreh askeb {nco "o"ouor alt of che tacEor8 ehlch hr€ .pertlsent .!0'.an aspassqch! o! che ,f,tre heasrd of a parLloulbs. gnd .ueb , _ ,.,. 11!::-f*tr Dr"rdrErte! !t rull FlElFtrl. ,t' Ert!, .tr.BrrE or Ft!cs',l kllor,+l9.ltr:;Frnbgt bD 'svalu'acad bqr che barla,oi aDy qoe,,tcr!. ftrc lcac rssult'.'na-rsSqCad he;d appltcg,'olly. to rbc apecJicn'!cgled aad l,s no!n.r...tElry ln6{art$rr ff .apFrErnl f,drnt{crl cr rln{lrc:Elrr3{rlr. . .-'A+l'Fbrc dalr rrc o$ ftle'ond. erc avall,rblc for';Eii'tor by euthor-tzrd p'drbpai. - I II..PuRtosE . .Ttrc.4urpoac of gtc tunqsr tsrc rutbqd 1r. to dec,cra(D6. tho reratlve burnlng behavlar of ihe larcrlal'uy obrc.nrlng .rhe flau.c,epraad rloug chr eurfaoa of. tha cpacloan.. re 'ia .totcndcd tlo'irovldc'oiiy .*p.rsrrve Pcaaurcocutc of rurfe,cr. fl|'t pp,rcad and auoha danaLey,lg.suresgqla of butldfug_.aacer{ala nlth thai 'ot rarcap gredc ;;d i;"t ' rroorJig -"iJ ot'naral-flb.crlcqnsnt boerd au4fccaa 'undeg,ipecl,ftc fi.o. .rpo"urr oon-dLtj,dnr. 'fhe tcsr cfFoair a nonlul, d"dircy-f"", -rJ.-i -rong by tsenry lnchac rrL{a epectririr 'ro e canriblle{ rtr. froi aad flqsLrig ft-re "rp"""il edJuated cd oprcad'thr flaqr rloirg' rira corj.rs lengrh ot, i[. Bclrct gr6,ds c.J t' hunbrr 46062 r704-236E Haisrle.l ldrsrttlcaslon Coratrq€lfon' lotel't{ctghr I TASLE I - Pr,nalooo 32 ' '- lynelcctc UadcrXey -' 31.0'cuncea per biuara yard Tsat.isrgctaei ulse Es I ;- g lbqr /o rae lr r,qd ork'lloor!.sq Perulooa 3I . ,-. 'AltbouBh aos e,.rrqutreeerig''sg Asfi_.E _E4-64; Fugl Con$lbursd, so :.1"tfl.t:t*, in qceocitsaie vrrh.'einr--i.es.'7i; 1; ill?; rhe Bac,r{et ,TA8LE II ,, .llane Spread lndox board , 0 , 100 .40 SaoLe r00 '23 I DsnBlty rAllE IXI 0B sEnyAlI gls.'.gJRxNo' rFgrrHo _ 'It3ltto|r ovG! lhs butaer8 .egs rfo.llB-rdvrF€rd Co g.l fccc rc. 1,.i6 t6cofrttf'Curtug Ehe leer of 636.!. fr n$II$HgH0lgt, tgsiln 0 E gfsf,PR nY sotrd. st. 0.36 uiautee. Ths flale Bi.nutG.r rlth a haniq|! lat4portgutr ar.d r.tzoa.;ire it potrprTrolttr{o op tggt EtEcnGH 'f-fi'narcrlal .lrlng terrcd,'r8. idratj.fic{ ls TrbrB:ir cn Fegc 4.rhblc'sFccl,leda, ucpaur*rf. .fi[tl_e..r lrr, lcogicb; nf thq E{Eerial b?rln tv+luaced rrr edhared -;..-" jli""r ..1aosai-g-g-6]1-ic]-nrer boar{ oo dlrcctet, ln prracreph -{.frf.0t.,ri4"*.{.ug, Hcrh6d,Jfgr Eaavy Tcrtlle Harrr{b!a,!' rE rhs-Ap;rocr* fq trt.'il?in"r?. A.i;.il"; ia!.rnrr-? Klgh rccpcralula Eoedrag''liLrrrr ".qr'."",r1r"{,iii-q;;;'riii,'.i rhr lpecr.Eoq H*i,.i ::'l'l?1.jj'::t-J:l =fl! !'.,::'! r,??;; t-i.;i;. ahe p rcpared epeclacn vir plaead ou rhc ai'hrar-fi!"iiiirooi u?"ii'.iria ;'ii"i'ff;;":1gg-pouad ,.c.sp€! rolrcl- to .r,auis l;il'S;;. - --'^.1: l* ,$,ThiH#f.l;::iti":1i*"1,i;tr'#llj"?:1TTjr::.i^"- j,.o::F:'4sF' .sq 'cosrrlrroaeF 1" lo' atroobphera salareined bitween ro -.J-ii?i abd .68 .cd 5s p€aclEr,rclatlvl i,*taili lvi rebr llnga aol,ld tlPorE. t. ?T '-J -,ttir" ' ' i GOMMENHft IESNNE EOMPNIY PAXq!q0 -Sraaarra r*in S*f.o ttugcr..,^T pt r-D '*'t: ?.a 16Cry tluorcr tr, Subclagrr-O- ''\l 4tr rri N r{ IL Ftrmrybflirt of Carpctr -d R"gr{f l.r0} ASTM D 2859 )f I 5 HIEBS B(mn rnp8s DOS! grrrgs ry r:il cfolsDBcEr. rEirs rc6i2 R.Fort f,unber: CfC Tegt Huoter: Dstc: {o570 16rHt46t llarch 16, lg86 ;ooo -f,latteol rcltB scuca of -the etght speciena thau q.et- tl,e tcat crtterl0n lu order to coaforq uith'tii; Joaathan Jaclson Erccutivc Yice president e ; E 8{r8{ TUnlfEL TESr D0TA SISET g!IEHI!. !0s85 B0I{DED FrEERs JF:I_$I{BER: rzsd:iieb nRTERIaL r0entrricniionl pERnRLoon .3a DATE3. 6 JUH 86 2A g,.T,*0 ,fitu ..0 :K80 .E F L n il: 5tt F. fi E R D.'9. it'*oaTn'ffii r." " l'"'"'rl .{ ! r- I' i.ti-r .zLz 6EE 9ZtB Dee 0g,g? 14l5g p,O2 .,/= Unitq{ Statee,Testing Company,' Inc, f,.': .'Cailfgrnii Dtvlslon ' , . ,.. . tl ,J | ... I f aJqryE 8.. UsuEllgon EdrrtoJ.an rEsr6s,o0Fr$9. T a04:.s_: 'S/OA/eDFf;,tInSgordpA^.:4 I )-,t EV ' \:,,,i trn, t { /rtyh fil ' ; 9ril68 E, !ie1nr6o{Blet Englneor :fr'j t,'r . Fg, laf{ rclanie,'iir, ios gv Niw Yotlt r Chlcrgo c lor An3d$ r Tui6 . llte rtrgrt' rr tltialltir|l tvl .L lr,! dafcit tclt ll lftrajc ar.l 'Jrtl rGD I i.l(ir t0 lta I .at lJll.rie r ,I MatnFhb r Scadin; . li,€;i,. , ig?.. r t Si. I lltl le.r l.r fIV-.rl .i.nr Il .r r.. lzT'A .i ilrr:. "€llarttrr'legt$r of I'sbnra?y aA,- tgil .oet ?trvi:.:t. nrr*r , .' , g IDEIiISIFICA ON r1-T\" q& HyT,F: :"t'il i'q'irrr(''{'rir"ir'lti{Yr tf$il tW garpst 9yalt tyro coicny Constnidtlonr'' Arunlneter , r. ,,, , Sulrgi fpd?( !e!!!on Nylon ec! ve -s r-lF;5f-F';!f,n , uelJ veter r4aJ! lr.u. Q, I t' ,a tt I O+r r=? lfi . .-,1_.r,r, rsL ^o . ?12 6gg 9219 Dec 0g,g? 15 !00 p.04 t a jr.-ri rIti.rL g^fi}, UNTTFP S,TATF9 TFSTIT.TC,COMP4NY, INO, W q;gi# .., t a' ., l ' tr*s- ---- ^--. : q,FEPrRlBg)N tNp corqpr?roNlNo .' , .,The all?st' qatrFle rrag. gut Snto thrag (i) , rr -v v- \Grq"r Fr ; , ---ito, tlra? (3), lO' x dan lpas.jrne$g r.clarl,rEgrmgslEl ,,to,S1t.the epoclneF.qotntlng tray. Eaoh slrsslnrn wg backed wJ,ttt V,lt lsbtrgos/Cenene b6afdlgn4 nouifaa rr, *** a..rre_- r.__:r,- Bsr.--r,yn/znErn€nE ry?.|5glllld,.ngEn!6d i,n tbe SFqg$nCn tfly,|. .l Hcst 81En at ltana out. ghe ope:atron o!,the taet 6h*rBb€r weri ehochea by raeeeur.i.::rg, r..i.i ,btesh:rey r.ne plTbes lenp€r&turec pEr€E tc tire ntart, cir, rlrc ,tllt.,' rl' Z.;. ,lr I !t' J, 9I'd lr 'Mn ,lt+- |a3 I 2,0{13-2 '' l IA t Ul'llTEp B'fArca rr;orrrrr vtJMPAl\Y, lNC, i:TEgT REBUL S -.----i-- 4,7 , '5,8 g€ 9"9 oisERvArtoltg tstrt'rptclncni tgnlto lrlsfly wti'an llenrr but antlnEulsh dcrlng Uha 'trn ConrldcriPF P0lqtllg in rdvanca c! ! r',i Eh , af , F,l?!z aafl tawelcte- cr-frfi Bertrlleelnrn gltgrE ,f ', ll Eurn. Dlsta||ogr cilrr graa9ar thrn 1.13 Eroaiar tlran 1.19 t qrEqLEr thtn-1,11 ';greates',thqn 1.tr3 lnptngrA by tha tcat nlnuta tcgt FeElod. llCme frent. .,\.., cot{IrtENTg ' -r-, 1., ,, lh|.r cunple ndrte or sxcasda the'preoently rpplJ.oabla nquLrc*ntg.!or naeeglql| tcrttC,*$ til:i.s iltnn€lr : 'a Eor the purporo of, evqluai.lng ths raluitq o! thl,r teqt netlrod; thr hlEaer watts/lt. _Glttr vrlut lrefigote r gr(l4tsE sgEastanor to fla$la proFsgatlon. ' 'n the rrlnlmu erltlsal radlant llurt limitc (balcd upoi. E:-i6 gverag€ of ,tlue€ rcplloata teBtr)bGlng recemm€ndad'r.-e,r 0.i15 vtatcsr/on3 wLthln ccrrtrdloga and exltwa:rr of , horpltatrl 0.21 dattr/o' wlttrln corrldorn and Axltwayr of trthgr.oaoupanoleF oxcBPt cne anc ts9.l|rBlly 89. { L|',d dltrrllingl' Ir-.I lJi t'*J t{.'1 ffi ifi i"rt fii tsri $ :i i. I t' ,.'t"' t-' '*.'!;.'i.i' T; fts4 tqr' or lur!.Dsfil r aa-- - --r.L !as-sl g. 04,t Bl 'I .1lsrrtrl, tfl cat{!{rd re fbttuilo .-nt &etivaee- . ca,€,€er-; FAf} G0m BI'd iiiiif'Ji$ii,f3$t,, ;t r. tg,rouuqtrcu - nii r"La! ,tg r i!r---_r_Gr. ffil'$igi?ji:1,114*iffi+i"+i lii,:::'cunns'I'!er! .n e l$,.H1:$H*h'$H$$#Hfifi##'ffi ,.;,Ttt{rltebdal o,-..rr*rii;G:i;"#,i'i;i,lrii*:,,,:*:+:i::;"Ht*iii$ili+ti ffi *{H*rult'i}l{T*fffu i*k: iffil,-ffi ,trttrffi',iit"*:'lii,. d:jf t{..ppnbi,iq:. ; t I I I I I I ,,'.'t,,1"';tt .' .tt',t tr. ; ,1 I' 5T'd iiff'fJbq3ii,i3:3,0,, ll--= grs'Esaasrtd end lccordca.'' t.", -t-|].*o ssBa!.ly of rhe ruruf iiig ifr*IiltllL,oii*i.'._1trch hre' " illio'""urta ara coiruiea rur"iiJ."t; iiiiil*iiT"rii:.1"i*..*ti*iri'I-l#',:,.,',r*t'r:*'r';;;591; ur., Pnrp*narrou goltDItroltfl[C rs#l'p'f*h-*T#nt{*gll*:*,'im,E,:,ii j Hj::*lrit--_tn,iilo^..'r.' trrr.Iu, T'ciunYll ul.r,_ol--ilr"[::;y "lx'_lrri: ff lf ilff -il J fi r"tfi.i'.:'-'"," l:,!,l'r""tJ * . - e. p . c i.-* i" r "i,r*- i "i is i *nttu*r+tt**ffi Titt*'ri{ffi I"ii;p TJ, ,,f"l,l:'#t "*lf" i.mrn:? Earn!€in€d bb*een zo ana -ii'i rv. IEST, PnocEDUtrE _ 1l_._,pero rrfrrencs lnd ,oeher da:a. c :"r::t-t-11"d- ty -coiiocrrng a r'-rr.a'ro'ti:1..P1 to 'iu.nrce op6rs!ion liil, riltilllt" u " t' i iiio o . j li "".q ii ji;i: "cr',:::, t",'iil' ce n t fr,i J'e-e r-"-oT' ollt.tn "..1"t- _".f 6 hr r c a t . p " rr"'ii.T.ii:illilrl"":L:Til'""l",":,11,:tu:f 'tili':=i,t'irif.',"lii:::i: ::ii,li*:l:ii:;il'"';lh'k3'idiilljjii,:ff 1""'.**;;#'{{"d*-l:l:r_"*:. : rtri-i"iT':s Erc' odk rloor{sr e'*r,a-"-i-*i;:"iJ;-itn"*oiffi reet. u*4c{ ;;;"ffi;:.:,1 flll^,..n:;= ,:iI:t rR ec0ord6rcb,lrrrh rh. Gr-_J__..th rho crana.ii teat. Esrhc{ pr"""arii-ii fill.l zt, tsAi-, :V. ::##::r$."ill3:- :-alopu,t ed', qn rh.i ;:r1r-1-or obForverr rlsne rronr arniiiy *nplr-U.-ur]"i1!t1t"'a a5aa un{er ;i;,fi Ht*k1,+$fll"i,uu.l,;;Li;,*1* j.ri;i*{l j:i"ff tl.i ,.-^-rh" d3ra r{r-t'}tta Eo the qrearect,l:q." aruirri.ie''ili !lij.""rtt.a,rrneeloir:'-'?"^n',:,:ifi .;l'.T"lrr",l1il?::_ j ji.i:;:il1iii?T.-:J:ll: a?'e Rapgrt $rruber 40907 . fesi NrlEtiei. L67O-0462. lese 4 of,'s TABLE I pssc$Prtou 0F rgrERrAr T,qgqFg llstarilf ldsntllicar{or g6nsErud!tfir Torcl'Hbjlhr Perue.looc f40 ggp5gnc synrhoc tF. u*";i:;;3ii.'l oui yard ffinec tF. Undarllay ,. r ouncps PCr sqsars ierr.s Ig !E$T RESttL,i"S, . flanc Bpread .' ;' Jqlex 0 t00 4D 0 t00 55 Denclcy Aq11{: -E ,84-e4, lue I ',Conrrlbuiadr aa E s4-Zg, ta 40 lir rt. *i.lfii . . ,, rqrs rrr : , oBSERyATIOg{tt DpRrNc ,rEsrIN6 . 'rs'*!tdn' wor^!'hc burnars rar nligf as .0"56 dlnr.stss. Th€ fleEs :5:*.s:iiffff;'.1.1;l"fT! iirqiil i'o*.",'rli,- * ;;-r;,- B.Epcrarurs I IlEc a4 ,Et? 1e:5e r.€z ss .d\.F cD xcD lrJ(tEr.rJurA-rEt<E(1- ,rg 'tt ,a '?'t.t ff ,t, .F lt 0,*,*,o ! ) l-trl .lr| a, (l t-G 6 l-tt lrr b I i I / I { I ,- o G' 'J,r-rfl qt.FI J gt '|",E t ' ul. t?3 |-N rt ,t, r+' u,l -E .F, (\t @ luttn 75 soulh frontage road Yall, colotado 81657 (30:r) 476-7000 ofllce of communlly developm€nl April 23, Lggz Frank Freyer vaL]. ventures Unl-inited 1OOO Soutb Frontage Road VaJ.I, CoLorado 9L657 RE: BuiLding Pa:mit, Recreation Fees for the Terrace wing and Plaza Wing Phase I Dear Frank, In a letter dated March 17, L997, I had asked that you pay the fulL recreation fee for both the plaza and Terrace nuitAing when you receive tlre permit. The Town vould then reLurburse you for 50? of thE recreation fees due to the existing recreation facllities within cascad,e ViJ.lage. Gary I'turrian and peler Fatten diseuesed this process again wlth the Finance Department and requested that you be required to only pay 5og of your total recreation fee uhen you receive the perrnit. the rinanie Department agreed that this hras resonabLe as Cascade Village aLready bas recreatLon facitlties constructed. r arn rrgrLting this letter to confl-ru your receation fees for both proJects. Tbe Terrace Wing fee l_s gro,aso and the pJ_aza Wing PhaEe I fee Ls $X.,712. These fees are calculated by: TERRACE WTNG Receation Fee (.25) x Total BuiLding square Footage (83600 s.F.) '= $2Or90O .50X$2Or90O=$10,450 tl \AITVExTRES, - lfarch 25, L987 @ FBF/sb Enelosures !fr. Gary ltrrraln G:htef Butldtne'Offtcial Tor*n of Vall - 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, CO 81657 RE: Terrace WtnglPLaza Wlng Phase I Dear Gary, EncLosed please ttJfid, cwo sets of each of the foLLowflng: L. Adden&m #L for the Terrace Wlng dated 3120187 f,rom SLP and G.E. Johnson 2. Addendtrn' ftr for the PLaza Wlng Phase I dated 31201.87 fden ROMA 3. Add.endun #' 2 for the Plaza ldng Phase L dated 3l2ll87 from Rot'lA MONTAIiIE CORPORA?ION P OLa-r/c-. 1m South Frontag6 Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 r 3031476€602 \Atr March 24, L987 MOIITANE RX: Terrace l{lng Dear Garyr. Please f,tnd etrclosed two copiee of Terrace t{ing Addenduu #!. srhil.efrr :[g,,'dated 3/20187 and modLfLes the plans and spec!.fLcati.orns dated 2123/87. ,?Qaa*-@ I'EI'/eb Enclogureg 10@ South Frontage Foad West, Vail, Colorado 81657 o 303/476-6602 ri lr {' c3 c4 ,CEIIII{GS cl c2 GT G2 G3 G4 5/8' IYPE lXI GYP. BD, ON METAL FURRING 5/8" TrpE rx, c:rp, BD. oN UETAL SUSPENSTON sYsTEl.t SY}ITEETTC S$'CCO SYSIEM ON g]SPENSION STSTEM z-f,aYERS 1/2" TypE 'Xt cyp. BD. ON METAT, FSRRIT CHAIINEI.g ON BAR .]OISTS lII INSUI,ATED GLASS (CIEAR) IN INSULATED fEI4PERED GLASS (CLEAR) 1n TNSUT,ATED GT,ASS (CLEAR). OUTSTDE 1/4" WIRE GLA9S' INSIDE 1,/4" TEMPERED GTASS WIRED GLCSS IN STEET FRAME IJ rt- S"l-/h] T*rrw* D nl$ 4!tz * ..,1 E[mRSt FLOORS - COMPOSITE FLOOR CONSTRUCTION TO EAVE 2- EOOR FIRE RESXNG Fl 3'r CONCRETF SLAB 0N t[ETAr. DECK E2 NOT T'SED F3 4II CONCRETE SLAB-ON-GRADE F4 CERATIIC TILE 0N Fl ' TCA IIETHOD E 1 13 F5 CERru{IC TII,E ON F3, TCA MEIIIOD Fl 13 r.6 PAVERS ON @NCREIE SLAB ON PROTECTION BOARD ON IIATERPROOF MEUBRA}IE ON Fl (PAVERS) F7 PAVERI! ON F3 (PAVERS) GI.ASS sYstBus {oTEs -T72T7TT- ROOFSi Rl METAIJ ROOFI}E ON FEIT,/WATERPROOF MEMSRANE ON 5/8" FrRE RETATDAIIT pryWOOD (PRIUE F.W. €VAIIEYS) ON METAI. DECKII]G WITS FIREP.ROOFING, ONDERSIDE EIROM GRIDS D.6 TO SOUTS EAVE MGE, NOMINAIfiY, AtrID K.l TO 'SOUTE EA1IIE EDGE NOM.R-30 BATT INSUI.ATION R2 R3 R4 PRECAST @NCRETE PROTECTION BOARD ON @NCRETE S[,AB INSUI,ATION METAI, ROOSI}E ON E'IRE RETARDAN! CEANNElfi PAVERS ON SLIP SHEET AIID ON FLEXIBI,E SHEET ROOFING ON METAI.. DECK. R-30 BATT WATERPROOF II{EMBRA!{E ON 5/8N PLY!{OOD ON METAI.. FURRING <*)frr*e WOOD DECK ON 2X WOOD SLEEPERS ON PROTECTION BOARD AIiTD ELEXIBI,E SHEET ROOFI}IG 'ON @NCRETE SLAB oN !iETAE DBCK. ffi R-30 BATT INSUI,ATION IileIJ&S wAr.,Ls - ar,L uElal sfuDs AT 24" o.c. (12" o.c. BETWEEN EIRST AIID SECOND FLOORS OF EKTERIOR 9BTI,S!, ONLY) UNf,ESS OTEERWISE NOTED. USE WATER RESISTAIIT GY?STIM BOARD EA ALI.I BAABROOMS AI{D BARS wl sinturtrc stucco sYsrEM oN 5/8" TYPE 'x' €lTz-r GYP. SEEAEHIIIG ON 5" STRUCTORAIJ STUDS tttZ SYNTBETIC SEUCCO SYSTEIU ON 5/8" TYPE t)lt Qt.'.',,' GYP. SEEATHING ON 6II STRUCTURAI STUDS WITH R-19 BATI INSUTATION AND 5/8" TCFE rxr GYP- SUI'I BOARD ON INTERIOR ( 1 HOUR FIRE RATING) W3 SYNTHETIC StttCCO SfSTEM 0N 5/8" IYPE I Xr --l - ; , GYP. SHEATHING ON STRUCTURAL STUD CAVITY wArL wrTH BAtr rt{surJATroN , 5/8" TYPE r Xl GYP. BD. ON INTERIOR N92-o6ffi €A*,fd.efio Sfue-o -oa U, POURED-IN.PLACE CONCRETE 5,/8't TYFE rX' GYp. BD. (EACH SrDE) ON 3-5,/8" I{ETAL STI'DS (NON-RATED) w4 w5 ll5 TW w8 5/8o TYFE rxr GYF, BD. (EACH SIDE) ON 3-5l8n I.IETAI, STTTDS (1 EOUR FIRE RATING) 5/8o TypE rx' Gyp. BD. (EACH SrDE) ON 3-5l8n METAI SIT'DS WITH 3II ACOSSTICAIJ INSULAfION . 254 WIDE, CREASED rO FIT CAVIty ('l BOUR.FIRE RAIING) . 5,/8II TYPE tX GYP. BD. (ONE SIDE) ON 3-518" METAL STT'DS WIIE 3" ACOUSTICAL INSUTATION 5/8" EypE rxr crp. BD. (EACH SIDE) ON 6tl !.TETAL STTIDS TfigS R-l9 BATT INSUI,ATION ( 1 EOUR FIRE RATING) 2 AYezg;s5/8" - TCPE rXr GYP. BD. ON 2-1/2" METAIJ sBuDs, Atr 16o o.c., EACE SrDE OF CHASE 9ALr, WTTE ACOUSTXCAI. INSULATION 3N (USE WA1TER RESISTANT St?SUlil BOARD AT ALI. BAEEROOMS AllD BARS} (I EOUR FIRE RATING) 2 L,ACERS 5,/8" IYFE rxr GYP. BD. (EACE SIDE) . oN 3-5,/8" MEfAL SI\]DS (2 BOUR FrRE R..ASrt{G) w6 wrsE ei smps (NoN-RA3ED, NOI I'SED 5/8" wpE rxr GYP. BD. ON 7/8" METAT, FtRRr!{G CEANNEL ON CONCRETE WAf,L 5/8o TypE rxr ct?. BD. (ONE SrDE) Ol' 3-518" MEIAL STUDS CAVItrY SEAEI INLE - 1 IAYER 1' SHAFT VBLI.. T,INER ON SEAm SrDE SET BETWEEN 2-1/2" C-B STT DS WITE 2 IAYERS 5/8" TYPE rXr GYPSUI"I BOARD (2 BOT'R FIRE R,ATING) (LOGGIA BASE) NOT USED W2 WITH 2 LAYERS TYPE IXI GYP. BD. AT INTE. RIOR (2 HOUR FIRE RAUNG) I{16 WITII R.19 BATT INSULATION NOT USED !t9 wl0 wll .wl2 wl3 wl4 w15 wl6 wl7 w18 wl9 w20 wz1 w22 t-9o- E7 Cfc , il.ltO f I /, .: W23 W7 WTTH R-19 BATE INSULATION (1 HOUR FIRE RATING) . GEIIERAI.I NOIES 01 REFER TO SBEETS A5.1, A5.2 AND A5.3 FOR ENf,ARGED ctiESTROOM prANS. 1/8" GUESTROOM PLANS TO BE USED AS KEY PTANS ONLY 02 REFER T0 SBEET A5.1, A5.2 AND A5.3 F.OR Ty?I-CAf, GUESTROOM DOOR AND WINDOW MARKS AND DIMENSIONS "ur Kt4'o r- e6 -ET BULLETIN Subjecc: Monokote Bullettn #186 Formula for Prediceing Thickness of Types MK-4 and MK-5 on Tube and Pipe Steel Co h:mns The fireprooflng narketp lace hss become highly sophistlcated and now invo lves many varying avenues of sclentific approach toward methods of .'. de terrninirig proper flre protection mediums. Along $tirh thls evolucion, we have also seen destgn evenues alter, somewha !' significanrly, caklng advanlage of new engineerLng princtples. One specific examp le of thts has been the rlore prevalent, use of hollor-shaped cube or pipe sceel colunns, bolh fabricaced and plate pre-fabrtcated varletles . t{e heve moved toward keeping pace with both of these changes !o lhe narketplace, end r,rork recenlly completed at U.L.I. highlights our concinued efforts. We have developed e numerLcal equacion which can be used ro Predict the flre resistance performance of structuraL sEeel cube and plpe co lumns protected slth our Types MK-4 or MK- 5 cemenlitious mixiures. This fornu la was developed laklng into accoung a different asPec! then the W/D value you are familtar r.tith. nlp is the value used, whlch refers to the cross-seceional area over the heated perlmeler, and this value focuses |nore oo Crue area raiheE than mass of the column. Extensive study work has found thac ho l low- shaped steel figures are affecced differently as relates to overall cemperaturE transmission characcerlstlcs than W-shaped members. This effectlvely relnforces that the use of rhe AISI co lumn forrnula ls not valid for ho Ilow- shaped members. Therefore, lhe below formu la is che only true equation (and U.t.I. approved) whlch cen be used for tube and plpe colurnns. Listed below ls the aforemencloned formula, whlch reads: r = 265.75 G/P)R + L2-49 GRACE Construction Products t\-2- : !{trere : t = ltniting end poln! (flre reslstance) tlme (in rninutes) A = cross-deitlonal area (in square inches) . P = heated'perimeter (ln tnches) A .. thlckness of MK-4 or MK-5 (in inches) Convertlng thls tnto a more norkab le form, we come out with R=t-12.49 .z-6TTrc,lp) This equation ls only valld for a minirmrm 4 by 4 by 3/16 inch rube or 4 inch dlameter ptpe rlth a rolnintrm rall thickness of 0.237 lnches, to a ma,ximum 32 by 32 lnch tube or a 32 lnch dlarnecer plpe wirh a minimrrl! 1/2 inch wall thickness. An lnporta4t point !o remenber: No I,IATTER wIiAT THrcKNsss ts GENERATED BY TflE FORMULA, NO_ FTNA'_TETE-SS SHALL BE LESS THAN 3/8 INCH. For Tube Co lurans A/P=tG+B-2t) ArB wall thickness length of horlzontal side length of vertical slde well chickness oulside diamter of plpe co luron d Ilhere d= f, r= a= B= Ilhere I have ettached charts lLstlng the thlckness of MK-4 or MK-5 required for L to'4 hour ratings for both s landard fabricared sizes as listed in the AISC Manua I of steel construction, and non-scandardized bullt-up plate members - STRUCTURAL TUBING SqUARE - Standard AISC Sizes llonoko t,e Thickness , In. Nomlna I Size Wall Thlckness 4x4 5x5 6X5 3/16 Ll4 5lt6 3/8 Lt2 3i 16 U4 slt6 318 Ll2 3lt6 Ll4 '5116 3/8 rl2 t hr. 't I 13 /16 5t8 9t16 7lL6 I 314 st8 9tt6 7l16 1 Jl4 (/l 9l16 7lL6 2 hr. 2 5tL6 t 314 L 7lt6 I Ll4 1 < t1 A 2lL4 L 314 L 7IL6 I JI Ib r.5 / !.6 2 Ll4 L 314 1318 13/16 1.s/16 3 hr.4 hr. 3 9116 4 13116 2 314 3 11115 2Ll4 3 L 718 2 9lt6 LLI? Z Ll? 4 314 11i16 3 518 3116 2 75116 718 2 tlL 7116 115/16 J z 2 1 I 1 1l,2 2 LLIL6 2 3116 r r.3/16 1 318 t+ 314 3y8 z t5lt6 2 7116 t 718 For .l 7x7 8x8 10x10 12x12 14x14 16 x 1.6 Standard I{elght Nominal Diameter Size -_-r-- 1 314 5t8 9l16 7 lt6 1 314 5t8 rl t 7116 318 't J- 314 )16 Ll2 3/8 3i8 JI - 518 LI L 318 518 Lt2 318 q /n Ltz 3/8 STRUCTI'RAL PIPES AISC S lzes I hr. IJl IO 7.t/, s /n LI L I.lall Thickness --2.rT--.258 .280 .322 .365 .375 3/16 U4 5t16 3/8 U2 3lL6 rl4 5lL6 318 Ll2 5/8 3lt6 u4 s/16 3i8 llz st8 Ll4 5116 3/8 Ll2 slL6 318 Lt l 5lL6 3/8 rl2 z Lt.+t 11/16 t 3t8 13/16 718 2 tl4 1 11/16 L JI6 L 3116 7/8 314 z Ll4 11r./16 13/8 I t /R 7{8 314 1 11/16 13/8 1 1/8 718 1 3/8 1 1/8 718 r 3/E 1 1/n 718 2 hr. I IJll.b 111/16 'I O/14 13/16 r. l/B Lt2 -(/ 8 1/R 13/16 3/8 rl2 sl8 t3lL6 318 1i8 7lL6 1 /e 314 118 >16 118 3/4 7,tA r/8 314 slts I if n 3t4 514 qll6 7le ,,t J.O tl6 11/15 Q /'I A 7t8 7lL6 7t8 I I /14 9116 718 1/R 11/1( u2 7t8 318 L3 /L6 13/16 318 I?/l4 318 'I':r'l( 3 z z 1 1 .+ 3 z 1 3 z I 1 1 'l 5 I I 4 3 2 2 I 4 3 2 z 1 I ? 2 L 1 z I I 2 1 1 2 I I 2 2 'I t z L 1 I 5 5 8 t0 L2 3 hr. T-TTTI6 t ot'ta 2 sle 2 ur6 r- IJl IO I )14 4 hr. 2 1 l.) 2 13116 L llro 2 318 -4- Double-Extra Nonlnal Dlalneter Slze Nourlnal Slze x4 ox z .- , IiIalI Thlckness ___:i_ -J5 t 17( .432 .500 .500 .500 Stroag r. Wal1 Thl.ckness -674 .750 -864 .875 5 6 8 10 '12 ter Stze I h- 578',-- 9l16 Lt2 7lL6 3/8 318 2 hr. tr3Eo 1 3/16 l. t'18 718 718 3 hr. Z.TTT6 L T3IL6 L'91L6 I 3/B I 3/8 r 3116 4 hr.rffi Z LIz z Il8 L 718 r 13/16 1 13/16 4 ;5 6 l8 L hr. 318 3t8 3t8 3/8 2 hr. 314 5t8 o/ r e 9l16 3 hr. 1 1/8 1 718 13/16 4 hr. tu2 1 3/8 r 3/16 I r/8 STRUCTI'RA,L TI'BING RECTAI.IGIILAR . STANDARD AISC SIZES Monokote thickness , lfall lhlckness In. 5r2 ,5 x 3 u4 s/16 3/ 15 u4 5lL6 3/8 Lt2 3lt6 Ll4 slL6 318 3l16 Ll4 5l16 318 3/ 1.6 v4 5/ 16 3/8 I hr. 13/16 11/ L6 1 13/16 sl8 9lL6 7lL6 I 13/ 16 )l 6 9l16 1 131r.6 518 el16 I 1.3/ 15 s/8 9lL6 2 hr- L 314 L 7IL6 2 5lL6 r 3l4 L 7lt6 I Ll4 15/r.6 2 5lL6 r 3l4 T 7IT6 t 3/16 2 sl16 | 314 L 7IL6 I TI4 z 5tt6 1, 3t4 L 7IL6 1 3/16 3 hr. 2 314 2 rl4 3 9lt6 2 314 2 114 L 7le L LIz 3 9lL6 Z LLIL6 2 3lL6 t 718 3 9lt6 2 314 2u4 L 718 3 9116 2 r1116 2 3176 L 718 4 hr. 3 314 3 U16 4 13lL6 3 1Ii !.6 z 9lL6 z 4 13116 3 s/8 2u2 4 I3l16 311/16 2 9116 4 13/16 3 5t8 2u2 5 6x3 -5- 4 -:] l6 I I e i 7 a4 x3 x5 bx2 x3 x6 xZ 31L6 Ll4 .5/16 318 Ll2 3tL6 ll4 5lL6 3/8 3lL6 u4 5lt6 318 u2 3/16 u4 5/16 3t8 3/16. Ll4 5lt6 318 3lL6 Ll4 5lL6 318 u2 3t16 Ll4 5l16 318 u2 3lL6 u4 5lt6 3/8 3lL6 u4 5lL6 318 Llz 3lL6 Ll4 5IL6 318 uz I 13/I6 518 . 9l16 7lL6 L 13/16 5t8 elL6 I 1U15 5t8 9lL6 7lL6 I l3/16 5t8 9lL6 I 3l t+ 518 et16 L 11/r6 5t8 9lt6 7116 1 314 5t8 9lt6 7lL6 I 1r/16 518 9lL6 I 314 st8 9l16 tl ro L 314 518 Llz 7lL6 2 Ll4 L 314 L 7116- 1 3116- r.s/16 2 Ll4 L 314 L 7tt6 l3ir6 2u4 r 9i16 L 3/8 t 3116 15/ 16 2'Urt L 314 L 7lt6 I 3/16 2 Ll4 L 314 1 3/8 L 3IT6 2 Ll4 1 9/16 I 3/8 I 3/15 r.5/16 2 Lt4 t 11/16 13i8 L 3116 718 2 Ll4 L 9IL6 13/8 I Jl f o 2 Ll4 111/16 t 3/8 13116 718 zu4 t t1/16 I 3/8 r 3/16 7le u2 11/16 3tt6 7t8 7lt6 tl2 r.r./16 3l16 717 Ll2 7lL6 3lt6 13/16 318 Ll2 11./16 3lt6 718 Uz 11 /'t A 3/16 13116 u2 7lt6 3lL6 r.3/ 16 318 Ll2 5/8 1/8 13/16 318 Ltz 7lL6 3lL6 13/16 U2 518 118 13/r6 318 u2 518 r/8 L3IL6 318 314 518.- 15/16 _ LI L r5/16 314 5t8 T5IL6 Ll2 314 5lt6 15/r.6 7 tt6 15/16 314 518 l5/16 Ll2 314 518 15/16 Ltz 3ltl 5116 15/ 16 7116 T5I16 314 9lt6 7lE ? lL6 7t8 314 5lL6 r)l ro tlo )l+ 9lt6 718 7116 718 11l ro 9l16 7t8 7lL6 718 4 J z z 1 5 2 L t I 4 J z L 3 z z 1 4 J 2 2 4 3 ? 2 4 1 2 2 I 4 L 2 L 3 2 z 1 I 4 3 2 z 4 J 2 2 I 3 2 2 I I 4 3 2 2 I 3 2 2 t I 3 ?. z 1 1 4 ? 2 t l I p 3 2 L L 3 2 z I 4 x 3 z z I I 3 2 2 T t0 -6- L2xZ L2x4 L2x6 12x8 L4X4 14x 6 14x 10 15x4 16x8 16x!2 3lt6 Ll4 3lL6 u4 5lL6 3/8 Lt2 3tt6 u4 slt6 3t8 u2 u4 slL6 3/8 u2 5/8 U4 5IL6 3IE LI2 Lt4 5lL6 318 Lt2 5lL6 3t8 Ltz 5lt6 3/8 Ll2 5l16 3t8 Lt2 5176 3t8 TI2 1 314 I 314 5t8 Ll2 7l16 1 314 5 /n Ll2 7116 Jl4 sl8 Llz 7lt6 J10 3lt+ 5t8 Ll2 7l16 518 LI L 7l16 518 LI L 318 518 t/2 7l16 u2 1/R 1t2 ?iA 2 Ll| 111/15 ; .,.L LI4 r. Irl !o 1 3/8 13/16 7t8 z tl4 1r.1/16 r 318 11/8 718 I 11i16 r. 318 11/8 7te 3t4 1 11/r.6 13/8 1 1/8 718 111/16 13/8 1r/8 718 r 3t8 1 1/A 718 r 3/8 r 1i8 13/8 r. 1/8 718 r 3/8 11/8 718 J.I2 5t8 1t7 518 118 13/16 3t8 1lL6 c/a 1/8 13/ 16 3t8 518 1/8 314 318 1/8 q/c li8 L3IL5 318 518 U8 3t4 3t8 1/R 314 3t8 118 5l + ?/R 1/8 3t4 3/8 u8 314 s lL6 3t4 tttio 7t8 7lL6 7le rt/ ro >l Lo 718 7116 718 9tL6 7t8 3/8 13/16 Lt2 9l16 718 7lL6 718 orl ( 718 318 13/15 7lA 1/n IJl rO 7te 1Ie 7lB 1/R LJl ro IJl IO Jt o IJl IO 3 2 z L L I , z I 1 ? 2 L I 4 r+ 3 2 z I 3 2 2 i I 2 2 I I L 2 t_ 2 L 1 2 L 1 L 2 I 3 L z .L I 2 2 1 1 L I 1 L t- L L t 1 1 I 2 t I z L I 18x6 2Ox4 20x8 20x12 5lL6 318 Ltz 5lL6 318 Lt2 5lt6 3/8 Ll2 5lt6 3/8 Ll2 r 3/8 l_ 118 7la 13/8 I 1/8 7la r. 3/8 r 1/8 718 '| ?/R I r/8 7la r./ I 314 3t8 r.l8 3t4 318 r./ I 314 )/ rb LIL6 314 5lL6 7la '318 13/ r.6 718 tt 6 13115 1?/'t< 318 13/ 16 t3/ 15 318 1"r'l 4. -7- 5lE Llt 3t8 5/8 tl2 318 5f8 LI2 3/e tt 6 Llz 318 BUILT-UP TUBE MEMBERS 2 I I z 1 'I I 2 I L I 7 I I 2 L 'l z I L I L z I Nomina 1 Slze Wall Thlckness 20x20 24x24 26x26 28x28 30x30 318 u? 314 I Ll2 314 1 u2 3l t' 7le I Lt2 314 718 I Ll2 314 718 1 t rl4 t hr. Ll2 ? /R 318 318 318 318 318 3t8 3/8 3t8 3t8 3t8 3t8 3t8 318 3tE ?/R 318 318 318 2 hr. I 1/8 718 9lt6 71rc 7la 9lL6 7lL6 7t8 elt6 U2 rl Lo 7lA 9lL6 Lt2 tlro 718 o/ r A Llz 7lL6 3t8 l-ht - L 3/4 L 5IL6 718 11/16 15i16 718 1r./15 15i16 tltr 314 11/ 15 r 5/15 7 tA 314 u/16 r 5116 7lE 314" 11/16 9lL6 ; T AJl IO 1 3/16 15/16 L 314 L 3lt6 L5IT6 r 314 1 3lL6 1 111A t 5/16 r 314 I 3lL6 r 1/15 L5I16 r 314 L JI LO 1 I /l A 15/ t6 314 32x32 Lt2 3t4 7ls I Lu4 L LIZ L 314 2 3t8 3lE 3t8 3/8 3/8 3/8. 3t8 3t8 7le 9l16 LIZ -7lt6 ?/R - 3/S 318 318 1 5i16 718 314 11/L6 9lt6 u2 7lta 3t8 r 314 1 3/16 I1/t6 15/16 314 5/8 9lt6 1 It There are obvlous ly qulte a number of, large built-up members lhat rre have not covered here. [Il ttr these formulas, decernlnlng the actual Monokoce thickness requlred ls a f,alrly slmple tesk. f,hls fonnrle provl.des you rich a very strong sales tool, as rre are che only :manufacturer who has a U.L. classif,ied method for approaching hol.lor-shaped €tructurs.l columns. RefLecting our continued positlon as the market leader, we contl.nue to be the flrst l'ith nerr approaches based upon our level of technical sophlstication. Along rrlth the other co lumn formulas rle have established for l{- stlaped orlnber.s, you Aon have available a conplete package of compreheos lve cools stth rhich to eell. And rre are continulng to explore further rerrisions gnd uses for these netlrods. Letrs shon ttre narketp lace holr the No. I sales organlzation in the industry can Eolve thelr problems. G@D SELLING! D*n D. M. Tafaro DMT/Pec ADDET{DUtr f,UUBER dIE to COtrlRACT for CONSIRUCTION of: WESTIT| HOTEI, TERRACE WING ADDITION \/AIL' @LORAIn Issued ttrrough: SERACUSE LAWLER S PARTNERS 1100 stout, suite 200 Denver, Co 80204 (303) 623-703t .Iob Numberl 85/L]-l 20 l{arch 1987 lhis addendr.m forms part of the contract Documenes and trodifies the-originar speclfications and drarings, dated 2g February 1987 ' as noted belor. Tttis addendum consist,s of 26 tl1gewrict,en pages, 3l - g-I72n x 11" drawing sheets, and 0 - 30" -i 42" size irising sheets. COTIENTS DET.ETE SECTTON .O92OO I,AIH AND PLA$TERT {,02- SECTION 01030, ALIERNATES ADI! "09261 cypEum Board Partit,ions and Walls: SUBSTITUTE for Wll - S7e" fype rX r !l.Fl. Glpsum Board on 2-I/2u netal studs t ?t 24r o.c., each side of Chase WalI with 3r Acoustical InsuLation (3 lblcu, ft.) r (1 ltour Fire Rarlng), Ut Design U905. *03 - SECTION 0l?0O, 1.01 D.5. CEANGE "fieLd order" to nArchltects gupplementary Instruclions.n forl - sEcTXoN O22OO, 2.018. - doversized rockn greater than 20 in any dimension. 13 any rocK wHlW ADD 1 IofL6 t- WESTIN IIOTEL TERRACE WING Add *I Page tlro t05 - sEcrroN o27LL, 3.0r c.3 - CHANGE ro read ,'place proteceive covering around complet.e circumference and length of pipez with ninlmum ln overlap around and 4" overrap longituoin-al.ly. 106 - sEcrroN 031001 2.o2c and 3.038 - 645on chamfer strips, ADD trexcept as sholrn on detail D3. 13.n t0? - sEcrrotl 05500, z.oia, 2. and 3. - use material and dimen-sions as shorn on drawing 8A7.2. 108 - sEcTroN 06200:A - 2.01A, l. ADD afeer ,tRed Oakrr plain salrn.. B - 2.02 - ADD !l8. Wood Soffit - Beveled, T and G Douglas fir, vert,ical- grain, D and Better (occasional tiqht knoLsl, smooth on one slde. (SAne for plaza Bld6.,phase I). C - 3.01D - REVISE to read Grade (A9{I Section 500).as lndicated." nlilood Shelving: AWI Custom Provide and install shelving D - 3.018 - DELE?E "and Rodn. ADD sentence "Closet rodg to be one piece chrome plated steel , Ir diameterr heavy gauge. E - 3.028. - CIIANGE last sentence t,o read nscrer at,tached each board co wood sleepersr flat heads flush with deck . o f,09 - sEcTron 06400:A.I.O2A-DEIETE. B - 2.01.8. l. After ttCabinet Intsriors't ADD ,,excluding D5. 34. tt C - 2.02D,2. CHANGE nmapler to ored oak, plaln salrn.,'After "cabinet inceriors'ADD rr, except D6.34.n. D - 2.01D REVISE to read " Trim triateriil: Ref er Spec Sectlon 06200, 2.01 A.". E - 2.018.1. CFTANGE "Blrchn to "Red oak, plain sawn',. *10 - SECTTON O724O, 1.01 8.1. - DELETE, trl - sEcrroN o7255t 3.04A.wlL1...o.- ADD af ter " llesEing : " , trOwner wHlr!{ADD I 2ofL6 WESTIN HOTEL TERRACE WING Add sl Page lrree t12 - SEC1ION 07600, l.0l A.2. - DELETE, refer 02610. ff3 - SECTIOtr 07510, 2.0L C.I. - ADD after "Caps"r "(including roof curbs and coLumn caps, eeg.l og.7 and 2A4.5). *r4 - SECTTOI 08305, 1.01 A.2. - DEIETE. trs - sEcTrotr 08520, 2.o2A A.r - rgnore guestlons marks in margin. ,116 --sEctlotr L0305' 1.04A - ADD nrnclude flue routing shops.o 117 - sECTIotr LO522z A - 2.0LA - ADD 4. potter Roemer.B - 2.018 - REVISE to read nCabinets: RE: Sheet U6.2,no!,e. cFire protection Eguiprn€Dt.rr t18 - SECTTON 10800, 2.OlB: A - Item A nunber should be B3944-SS. . B - Item D - CHANGE number to 8347 (mount in partition). *19 - SECTIOT{ 13200r A - Replace pages 13200-3 and 13200-4 with the att.ached pages 13200-3 and 13200-4. *20 - SECTION t424O. 2.0tc:A - Refer page 4L, attached Eo spec - I4.0lb.(3)r Cab ceors to be Satln Stainless Steel.i2f - SECfiOR l5l80r A - Paragraph 2.02 - ADD tr Brried spa piping" to list, of piping types to be insulated B - Paragraph 2.02.D - ADD r'3. Buried pipe - InsuLate all . buried pipe and fittings in same nanner. Spiral wrap with "Protecto lilrapn No. 200 coating, 50t ovlrlap. wtlr{ADD 1 3of L6 WESTIN IIOTEL TERRACE WING Add #1 Page Four 122 - il23 - sEcrlon 15500:A - Ilydraulic salculations approved by ehe fire marshall End fire rating bureau having jurisdiction shall indicaee sizing of aLl fire protection piping. The sizing indicated in the hydraulic calcuGtions shall determine final fire protection pipe sizing and, take precedence over t,he pipe sizes indicated on the mechanical drawings. Ttre pipe sizes shown on the mechanical drawings aro for general information only, SECTION L67232 A - ADD attached pages I6723-L2 rhrough L6723-L9. wHl'!d ADD I 4ofL6 WESTIN HOTEL TERRACE WING Add *1 Page Five DRAFINGS! t01 - SEEET A2r1r A - Drawing 2 Ground Floor - RE1IISE note for expansion Joint covers at colr.mn lines 0.5 and It to n1" E.J.&letalinEs type g-K-LB at wal1 type, AB-IL at floor,set top of fLoor E.J. flush r{ith top of carpet.rt B - Drawing 3 First Floor - ADD trDrapes and rodil eo General DenoLit,lon Notes. *02 - SBEET A2.22 A - Drawing 2 First Floor - REVISE note for expansion Joint covers at column l-ines 0.3 at J to uL-o E.J.Metalines type g-K-LB at wall type, AB-11 of f1oor, . set t9p of floor E.J. flush wlth top of carpet.". *03 '- SHEET A!1.3r A - Drawing 2 Giound Floor PLan - ADD note at, room 84 for sindow unit at south wall . olhis unit sfunilar to type J doorr only with fixed door units.n 104 - SEEET A!1.4: A - Drawlng 2 First, Floor Plan - ADD note for granite at Iobby 160 trGranite, Bright Red Ihermal Finish t LZn xL2n sLze at 45o pattern. Begin pattern ag cenger of . Lobby.tr *05 - SEEET A2.5c A 1- I - Drawing 2 Ttrird FLoor Plan - DELETE gypsun board pilasters at corrldor side of rooms 390, 39L, 392,393, 394, 395, 396, and 397.2 - CIIANGE Corrldor 348 west window from llpe 11 to . L2. lo5 - SEEET A2.?z A - CHANGE St,air f I window from Qrpe 11. to Type L2. *07 - SEEET A2.9r A + 3 - 8-Ll2 x L1 reproductions are hereby reissued for , incorporatlon into the contract documents. wHxt{ADD ].5of16 WESTIN ITOTEL TERRACE WING Add *r. Page Six *08 - sHEEt A3.1: A - Drawing 2 !$orth ELevation - REVISE note for rJointsn to nRevea.Lg.tl B - Drawing 3 East Elevation - REVISE note for trJoint.oReveal .tr ADD nobe to "provide construction joint transition between disslmilar materiaLs (studs concreta) . Verify locat.lons rrf ith Architect, orior pLacement . n f09 - SEEET A{.1: A - Drawlng 2 Section - DELETE foundation drain at, column Iine M. ADD note at foundation wall_s at colunn lines F and M nConcrete wall with wat.erproofing membrane and l tayer 2a rigld insulation, continuous from sLab above to footing." ADD foundatlon drain at, column llne F. B. - Drawirig 2 section - DETETE foundation drain at, column line M. ADD note at foundation walls at column lines B; C, F, G, and Fl n Concret,e wall with waterproof ing 'membrane and I layer 2" rigid insulation, continuous from slab above to footing.n ADD foundation drain at column line C, C - Drawing 4 Sect,ion - ADD note at foundat,ion wall at column line 6 nConcrete wall with waterproofing mejrnbrane and 1 layer 2,, rigid insulation, coitinuoui form sLab above to fmting." ADD note nREs D4.29 for foundation drain.n D - Drawlng 5 Section - ADD foundation drain and note ,tRE:' D4.29 for foundation drainn at column line J. ADD note at, foundation walls at, colrx[n ]_ines G, J, and K lConcrete naLl uit,h waterproofing membrane and I layer 26 rigid lnsul-ation; continuous from slab above to footlng.r REVISE C4 note at Retail and Loggia to point to Joist. ADD note at lower ceillng at- Loggia oc3n. {10 - IiEEAT Atl.2r . A - Drawlng 2 Sect,ion - DELETE detail reference D8. 16. ADD foundation drain lnd note nRE: D4.29 for founda-tion drainn at column line C. ADD note at foundation walls at column lines Br Cr and F nConcrete wall wilh waterproofing membrane and 1 layer 2n rigid insula-tionr continuous from slab above to footing.,, RSVISE CI note at Corridor 450 to trC4." to at to to WHlI{ADD 1 6of 16 WESTIN ITOTET TERRACE WING Add *l Page Seven *ff - SEEET A4-3g A - Drawing 2 wall sect,ion - ADD foundation drain and note nREs D4.29 for foundation drain.n at column line lZ.B - Drawing 3 warr section - DELETE foundation drain and note at column Line 9. ADD note ,C2, below CIo at cellings. in Lobby 60, 160, 260, and 360. REVISE C4 note at lobby 460 to 1tc2t . ADD C4 ceiling at 9 r-0,,A.F.F. DELETE 6n dimension note at, fobby 360 and LO-L/20 dimenslon note at tobby 260. *f2 - SEEET A4.12 A - Drawlng 2 Wall Section - ADD note rWaterproofing ' menbrane and I layer 2n rigid lnsulation, coirtinuoui from pipe chase above eo footing. ADD notes FZ and F6 at slab.over pipe chase.B - Drasirrg 3 wall section - DELETE fireproofing at first floor metal deck. REVISE celling noCe C3 to 'C2,r.BEVISE lilT wall to W5 i{ith footing per structural draw-ings.' C - Drawing 4 Wall SecLion - ADD foundatlon drain. ADD note rWaterproofing membrane and 1 layer 2n rigid lnsulation from pipb chase above to footfng.,' f13 - SEEET A4.5:a - 9r-1$ng A5 Sectlon - DELETE note ,'6o max. spacing at 1,/2o sguare stl. vertical support.tt ADD note at ifood Cap reference nRE! D6.45," *l{ - SEEEA A5.1: A - Drawing 3 Unit llpe l-ttANDICAppED -room oREl D6.45, D6.43 for interior B c ; Drar'ring 5 Unlt lYpe 3 - ADD note !Flxed wlndows at Unit 84.r'- Drawing 8 Suite 388 - ADD note nWall tile st,ops flush with bullnose llle.r' *15 - SSEET A5.2: A - Drawlng 4 suite 483 - ADD detaiL reference nD6.3B sIM'l - at, sauna bench. REVISE dimensiona at column lines B.8 and 9 from ? r-0" and 3 r-9" to L0 t-8o. . ADD note at bath- elevat ions . "at french doors WIIIId ADD 1 7 of 16 WESTIN ITOTEL TERRACE WING Add sr Page Eight, tr5 - SEEET A5.3: A - Drawing 2 Unit. Tvpe 2 Expanded - ADD det,ail reference nD5.38n a! gauna bench. *l? - SEEET A6.L: A - Drawing 2 Unlt fype I - REVISE note for elevation to bot,tom of trim t,o 6 r-8n. Ihis would aLso apply at Unit Tipe 1 ttANDICAppED. B - Drawlng 7 Unit 388 - ADD general note ,lRefer to . electricaL and provide fire-rated box out at aIl . recesEed lights where there is no double ceiling." flr8 - SEEET A6.2: A - Drawing 2 Unit Iype 6 - REVISE noee at 8 r-6" ceiling to trC2 or C4 Exh. Damper at 8r-6n A.F.F."B - Drawing 3 Unit lVpe 7 - RE'\rISE C2 note aE I r-6r ceil-ln! to nC4n. C - Drawing 4 Suite 483 - REVISE C2 note at 8 r-6n ceiling at hallway and toilet to rC4d. REVI$E notes at bath area ceiling to trC2 at, 7 t-6t with C4 at, 8 r-6r above.o ADD general note rRefer to electrical and provide fire-rated box out at al I recegsed lights wtrere Lhere Ls no double ceiling.'l *19 - SEEET A6.3: A - Drawing 2 Unit Type 2-Expanded - ADD note at eoilet "C2 or C4 ceiling at 8 '-6" A.F.F. C2 below,n B - Drawlng 3 Unit 1}pe 5-Expanded - ADD.note at bathroom nC2 or ,C4 ceillng at I r-6r A,F'. F. C2 below.'l *20 - SEEET A6.4s A - Drawing 2 Ground Eloor - ADD note at Room 66 "Cl ceiling above C2.n *21 - SEEET A6.5:A - Drawing 2 First Floor - ADD note at Room 157 ncz below Cl.n ADD note ac Room 165 "Provide ceiling hangers from structure above through C4 at 4r-0" o.c. for . tenant ceiling." *22 - SEEET A5.68 A - Drawing 2 Ground Floor - ADD note at Corridors and . Lobby rCl abovs C2." wH11{ADD 1 I of 16 WESTIN IIOTET TERRACE WING Add *l Page Nine *23 - SEEET A6.?:'A r Drairing 2 First. Floor - ADD note at Corridors and IqPUV nCl above C2." REVISE door swings at Corridor 168 to match Floor planl Sheet, A2.4. AbD 2 hour flre reslstdnce designation to wall between exterior and Retail, north of Corridor 168. ADD note at Rooms 163,157, and L58 oProvide ceiling hangers from structure . .. above thnough C4 at 4r-0n o.c. for tenant ceiling.n '*21 - SEBET A6.8: . . lobby rCL 125 - SEEET a6.9r . .; A - Drasing 2 . , lbbby dCJ. 126 - SEEET A6.l0r A - Drawlng 2 Fourth Floor - ADD note at Oorridors and Lobby tC4 above C2.n *27 - SHEET A7.1: A - Drawing 3 Core FIan Flrst, Floor - ADD note at Room L59 "Floor lrtat RE: D6.39." *28 - SEEET 7..2r A - Drarlng. I Stair Sect,ion - REVISE access door to swing upr'provide hold open for open position, also extend rail'' to" top of door on both sides. REyISE to show doub.Ie. ceiling at Corridors. *29 - $EEET" 7.3: ,A - DrawtnS '9 .Stair Sect.ion - REVISE access door to swing , upr..proviile hold open for open positionl also extend ' 'tall' eo top of door on both sides. REVISE to show doubLe ceiling at, Corridors. fl30 - SEEET 32: A - Ftrst Floor . Etarning plan 3 r;9r' 3outh of grid G for sguare piJ.aster at coLumn 3S2. REVISE door opening 2t-LO-7/g! north of J. Second Floor - ADD note at Corridors and and C2.n Ihird Fl.oor - ADD note at Corridors and above C2.n - ADD coLumn grid G.3 at col.unn ats. 0. 5. ADD L4"grid G.3 and 0.5, refer to dimenslon at J and I to wHl'!{ADD 1 9of 15 B - Drawing 3 Section - l, B-L/2xlI reproduction is hereby relssued for incorporatlon into the cont,ract, docu-mentg. f3f - SEEET S3s A - Second Floor Framing plan - ADD column grid at c.3 at 3 r-9o south of grid G for column at 0.5.B - Drawing 11 Section - ADD L/4" closure angle continuous (tfeical) at existing concrete slab. *32 - SEEET S4r A - Foundation Plan - 31 8-L/2xll reproductions are hereby reissued for lncorporation into t,he contract docul In€TItS o 133 - SEEET S5r ' A - First Floor . Fraqing plan - REVISE door opening dimen-' Elon at 'boLunn grlds L7 and D t,o 6'-9-3/4". ADD dimension to locate south beam in east stair 6t-].'0-l/2' frorn lnside face of concrete. 2, |-l/Zxil.reproductlons are hereby reissued for incorlrcrat,ion into the contract documents. l3a - SBEET S6r A - Second f'loor Frarning Plan - ADE dlmenEion to Locat,e . south bean ln west lt,air 9,-9-L/2" from oqtside face of, concrete at south wall. REVISE door opening dimen-slon at $est stair to 2 t-J.0-1 /8" north of grid J. ADD note oEl€vator opening to match Sheet, S4." ADD dimen-sLon to locate south beam in east stair 6 t-L}-]. /2n from inside face of concret,e. 135 - SEEET S7r A - Third Floor E?aning Plan - ADD note nElevator openings to match Sheet S4.' ADD dimension to locate south beam in nest stair 9 t-g-L/2" from outside face of concrete at aouth wall . ADD dimension to locate south beam in east stair 6 t-LQ-L/zn from inside face of concrete. WESTIN HOTEL TERRACE WING Add *I Page Ten wErvl ADD 1 10 of 16 WESTIN IIOTEL IERRACE WING Add fll Page Eleven 136 - SEEET S8c A - Fourth Floor Frarnlng plan - ADD note rElevator open-tlgs tp match S4.r, - ADD dimension for door ope-ning wldth at east and irest stairs 6t-2r. 137 - SEEET S9s A - Roof Framing plan to L-l/2", 22 ga.2 rlb. Notes - REVISE note for roof deck B I =.167 in 4t S =,194 in 3, wide T38 - SBEET S10r A - Drawlngs 91 11, 12 Sections - ADD note nBxterior metaL studs at balconies to be 16 ga. RE: ARCH for slab slopee typical at baLconies.u . .B - Drawlng l0 Section - 1, 9-Ll2xLL reproduction is here-by reissqed for incorporaiion inot. the const,ruct,ion docurnents. *39 - SEEET:Slls A - Drawing 10 Section - ADD note oTop of sr,eel joist elevat,lon - 168'-5-L72" ."B - Drawing 13 Section - ADD leader line from embed plate to note for 3/8a xl2" plate. ADD note trRE: 11S11 for embed stud slze.s 140 - SEEET l|1.]: A - l,techanlcal SiCe PIan - ADD note to rtt.ocate curb stop on 8r flre line tap to 10r erater main. Add 8" cur6 stop on Terrace side of temporary building water sErvlce tee (80x8o x4o)." t41 - SEEET lt2.3g A - Drawing Number One-Partlal Ground teveL HVAC plan ADD note to ol.ocate a thermostat to serve storage room cabinet heaters (CAB-A) on north face of wltt of column Llnes 4 and J.r *12 - SEEET f,2.51 A - Drawlng Number One-Part,ial Flrst teveL HVAC pLan - ADD note to !Iocate a thermostat to aerve vestibule cabinet heat,er (CAB-2) on east face of wall at, colr.mn LineE 6 and c.3.n wHlld ADD 1 1I of 16 WESTIN HOTEL TERRACE WING Add#1 ' Page Ttrelve il{6 - SFEET til.{a A-Drawing 4 Sectlon C -hereby reissued for construction documents . ll3 - SEEET !t2.7a A - Third Level HVAC plan - REVISE unit type number from gpe 2 to 1}pe 6, at Units 356 and 367. flltl - SAEET f,3.5r A - Third Level Plumbing plan - REYISE unit number from Ilpe 2 to ffpe 6r at Units 365 and 357. *45 - SSEtsT ti3. ?r A - First Flggr Ptumbing plan - REVISE fire piping size from 2-l/2" to 4r at column line F and 8;5; nSVfSe not€ from 2-Ll2n fire up to r4o fire up. rhis riser shall connect to the roof manifold and attlc dry'pipe fire.protectlon syslem. Refer to Sheet M5.2 draring a for flre protection gchemalic.. at coLr.mn line r ind g. 5; 1, 8-I/2xlL reproduction is lncorporation into the |17 - SEEET tt5.2: A - Drawing 4, Fire Protection Schematic - ADD note to rMount roof manifold 1t-5" above flnlsh roof.n ADD OS&Y gate valve with tamper switch at base of each seandplpe rLser. *18 - SEEET 82.22 A - Notess REVISE Note 2 ,'Tb circuit, LpBp-6, 8, l0 through photocell controlled contactor. Provide 3F-20A electrically held ligheing conractor and ' photocell . tocate Lontacgor aOiacent to panel LPBP.Locate photoceLL at, column 1 and G.n 149 - SEEET E2.tLz A - Third Level Electrical Plan - REVISE unit, type number f,rom Qtpe 2 to Type 6. WBTII ADD 1 L2 of 16 ab - Junctlon ' I,FS3-3. ADD Electrical PIan - ADD reference to noCe 6 box at coltunn 8 and C with circuit.aC qolumn D and 17 lighting and outlet equipment per note 5. ADDl 13 of 16 . !{ESTIN EOTEL . TERRACE T{ING Add *t Page FourtEen oEBrr"s: f01 - SEEE" D2.2t A - REVISE F2 note to R4. f02 - SEEET D3.5r A - ADD dimenslon leaders.^at large scale drawing of ...... .. reveal . .Eeight to be 1/2". .' :flor - SEEET D3.13: . botsh sides.n .r . *q'r - sEqnT D3;373 A - REVISE' dimension leaders at l.t-4-3/4o dimension from ' ': .. flnlsh.face of wat.L to face of gtud: .c05 : sEEElt'Dll. I, D1.2t D1.3, D4.7a ' A - 1r $-l/zrJl reproduction of each is hereby reissued for incorporation into the contract, docrmrents. S06 - SFtnT D4.LOl A - ADD note oL/z" expanslon material! betueen foundation wall and slab. . *O? - SEEET D4.l9s. ^' t33r3:J;5:trJ:T;"**tjf:,ror to hold pre-inErarrarion .'....... . 108,.; sEEEr{t D1.26t'D1.27. Dtl.2g' D1.2gz A .:., li. B-l/ZrilL reproductions of each sheet are hereby ' .felssued..',f or incorporat,ion into the conEtruction . docqmenti. .' *09 - SEEET D5. L8r A - ADD note' at elevation to bottom of valance n6 r-8n at Untt Qpes I and 1 llandicapped.o : ', .' WHl'!{ ADD I 14 of L6 WESTIN HOTEL TERRACE WING Add *1 Page Flfteen lr0 - SEEET D6.19: A - DELETE dashed-l.n toilet paper holder, dashed-in bottle opener, and associated not,es. ADD note to ,rRefer to D6.42 and D6.43 for vanity at, handicap bathroom.o *ff - SEEBT D6.2Ol A - DELETE collar at 3/4" diameter pegs. REVISE noee "3/4" diameter wood pegs doweledr-glued and nail set lnto back of cabinet." REVISE note for hook "Double hook brass on at,eel flnish through boLt to shelf." *12 - SEBET D6.29t A - DELEfE duplex on face of vanity. REVISE note ,rMount duplex outlet on backspLash as indicated on electrical drawing.' ADD note n2-L/2" oak trim and reveal miter . at corner and return to backsplash.tr *f3 - SEEET D6.30:' A - 1, .$-L/2ILL reproductton is hereby reissued for ' incorporation into construction docr.unents. fl{ - SEEET D5.32r A - RE\/ISE W.R. Syp. bd. note to "L/2" W.R. Syp. bd.n ' REVISE 5* felt note to n15* felt.rt lf5 - SEEET D6.33r tI6 -gaEtsTs D5.34, D6.35, D5.39, D6"39, D6.40, D6.41, D6.42,D5.43, D6. 15, D7.22 A - 11 8-L/?xJL reproduction of each are hereby reissued for incorporation lnto the contract, documents. Sf? - SEEET D8.3a A - REIIISE l/24 cDx pLywD noLe to "S/9" pllnrood." *18 - SEEET D8.7c A - ADD note nCable ends and turnbuckle reguired at each corner and either side of chimnies." A - DELETE W.R. gyp. bd. note. ADD note for gyp. bd.between fElt ind ceramic tile "L/2n w.R. gyp. 'ifu-.n WBT.T ADD 1 15 of 16 WESTIN HOTEL TERRACE 9IING Add *1 Page Sixteen lf9 - SEEET D8.8s A - DEL'ETE detalL DS.16 reference. t20 - SEEET D8.9: A - 1, 9-L/ZxlL reproduction is hereby reissued for incorporation into construction docundnts. *2r - SEEET D8.25: A - ADD leader and arrow from 3-L/2" x 3-I/2" steel angle note to verticle angle. *22 . SECTION IO WINTEHS:A - Window lype 12 - DELETE reference to nGl at Room ZZ."B - Wlndolr lype 13 - DELETE reference Co c4 glass. DELETE reference to D10.lG, D10.12.. ADD note nWindow is alunlnr-m storefront, rdith L/4" cLear tempered glass.n IiII END oF AIIDENDTTII NTTuBER oNE rl.r wHTlil ADD I 16 of 16 2.02 FILTER AND RELATED EQUIPiIENT - CONTRACTOR NOTE9: FINAL PUMP SIZING, HORSEPOWER ANO PIPE SIZING TO BE OETERHINED 8Y THE CONTRACTOR IN SHOP DRAI4INGS. SIZING IO 8E BAgED ON ENOINEERINO HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS TO BE SUBilITTED TO AND REVIEWED BY THE ARCHITECT. A. SPA EQUTPHENT . FOR EACH SPA 1. FILTER: HI-RATE SANO - 30" OIAMETER - 4.g SeUARE FqoT iREA5. PAC-FAE CO.' TRITON TR-l00 MLTLTI-PoRT VALVE. 2. PUIIP: 3 Hp ' 3450 RPM - 208V - 3 pH - 60 HZ RATEO lOO OPiI AT 66 FT. TDH IIITH STRAINER - ALL BRONZE. PREilIER PUMP c0. ffoDEL 6808-30trt. 3. WATER INLET: HAYh'rARD MANUFACTURING CO. $SPl419-C.FOUR.(4) REQUIRED: " 4.' I{ATER TREATMENT: ULTRAZONE- MODEL Si4s1O-2. . TWO (2) CHECK VALVES TWO (2) VACUUM BREAKERS ONE TEST KIT 5. CHEMICAL CONTROLLER. STRANTROL 712 ORP CONTROL. . S- ALKALI PUI{P: LMI 4111-915, 24 GPD O 80 PSI ANO t0 GALLON PLAATIC RESERVOIR SYSTEM TO DISPENSE SOOIUM HYPOCHLORIDE. 7. 9KIMHER: SWIMQUIP MANUFACTURING COMPANY, HODEL U3. ONE (1) REQUIRED. 8.. BOOSTER PUMP: ONE (1) 5 HP - 3450 RPn - 208V - 3 PH - 60 HZ. RATED 220 GPM Af 60 FT. IOH - SELF PRIME I'IIIH STRAINER. ALL BRONZE. PRSMIER PUMP NO. 683?.50H. 9. GRILLE OUTLEI: HAYWARD MANUFACTURING COMPANY SP-1062, ONE (t) REQUIRED pER POOL" 5p-1032, TWO (2) REQUIRED pER POOL. 10. HYORO JETS: HYDRO-AIR MANUFACTURINc COMPANY NO. 10-5100 wrTH EXTENSION S10-440. EIeHr (8) REQUIRED pER POOL. MOUNT JETS AS PER OT.'NER'S REQUIREI{ENTS. 11- AIR PUMP: ONE (1) cASr MANUFACTURING CoMPANY RECENAIR.MODEL 6325-A-2 1/2 tlp - 3450 RpM - 208V - 3 pH - 60 HZ RATEO 160 CFlt Ar 35" t4.C. HESTIN TSRRACE - *86051 FEBRUARY I987 13200 - 3 12. PUMP CONTROL: FM-15 INTERMATIC TIMER CONTROL, 'la VOLT WITH CONTROL RELAYS. ONE FOR EACH BOOSTER AND AIR PUMP. 13. OELETED. 14. FLOhI METER: FILTER - RANGE 40 - 'l50 GPM, MOOEL CF-330200P. BOOSTER pUMp - RANGE 125,500 Gpm. f{ooEL cF-30400p. BLUE WI.IITE IND. COMPANY. SIZE METERS A5 PER FINAL LINE SIZING INDICATEO IN HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONg. 15. PIPINO: h{ATER - SCHEDULE 40 pvc, TypE 1120 pIpE WITH SCHEDULE 40 FITTINGS. SOLVENT WELO JOINTS. HEATER - TYPS 'L'COPPER FOR 4 FT. OUT.FROM UNIT. AIR - SCHEDULE 40 PVC TYPE 1120 PIPE FITTINGS. COLOR COOE . IN ACCORDANCE WIIH CODE RE- QUIREMENTS. PROVIDE TEES IN SPA PIPING FOR CONNECTION TO HEAT EXCHANGER. PART 3.OO--EXECUTION 3.01 PLACINO'FITTINOS SPA CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE. BEFORE COF1MENCING THE CONCRETE t4oRK, ALL PIpINc, ALL 9PECIAL SpA ANO EqUIPMENT ANCHORS, ReCEp- TALES, OR MOUNTING SHELLS FOR UNDERI.JATER LIGHTS THAT ARE To BE EMBEDDEO IN CONCRETE ANO SHALL BE RE3PONSIBLE FOR THEIR POSI- TIONING IN ACCORDANCE I'IITH DRAh'INGS. 3.02 IiPA AND FILTER ROOTI PIPINO A. FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL PIPING, FITTINGS, VALVES FROM THE SPA SYSTEM TO FILTER ROOM, CONNECTING TO ALL EQUIPHENT AT SPA AND IN THE FILTER ROOM. PLUMBING INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE SPA WORK- B. SPA CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE ALL TRENCHING AND BACKFILL. BURY ALL POOL LINES 8'-O MINIMUM. SUPPORT ALL HORIZONTAL RUNS OF PIPE ON A qRAVEL FILL. C. SUPPORT ALL PIPTNS ON A MINIMUM OF 6 FT. CENTERS. ALL PIPING SHALL 8E INSTALLEO pLUMts filITH WALLS AND CEILINGS AN0 COMPLY IIITH DIVIgION 15. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS. 0.. INSULATE EPA SUPPLY AND RETURN LINES FROM THE sPA EQUIPMENT ROOM TO THE SPA. REFER TO SECTION 15180. END OF SECTION WESTIN TERRACE - S86051 FEBRUARY 1S8?13200 - 4 ELECTRICAL ADDENDA S1 ModlfJcatlon and addirlons to Eectlon 16723. 2-01-L-1 Add bctterv capaclty to op€nate a'l enm devlces fon rS m{nuteg ar$ oppog€d to 10 mlnutes. 2'01-M Delete ltem pnd nep'lace wlth: The system shel'l utll{ze stsndard non-{dentiflab]e det€ction devlces. oetect.fon devlces rrhlch negujne the Eettlng of an addrees €ne not acceptable. Al'l d€teatlon devfceE she'l'l be lnterchengeable on the same ldentl-flable baEe. A'll detectlon device baees sha'l'l be Jdentlf{ab'le.Add Epackens aa required to pnovide eound prleaEurre as. nequlred by sode- ThlE wl'll negulne but not be'lJmJted to s speaken at the doon 'to eaoh unlt on paln of doore . speakens ln a'l'l conner Eulte .noom!8. Speakene in ecch e'lvator. Speeker Jn each 6taJnnay.9peaken ln each senvlce anea. Add Psnt 5.Og EMEROENCY EVACUATION/COMMUNICATION SYSTEI{S 5.01 GENERAL A. The emengency evacuatlon/communlcstJon 6y6tem sha'l'l pnovlde the bulldlng audlble evacuation signals and llve volce communlcatlon capabl'lltlos Jn e ffne €menggncy B. The emergsncy evacuatJon/communlcetion system sha'll be ... an autononous. unjt whlch ls 'intenfaced to th6 flns detectlon and contno'l unlt. ,.Thg s.yEtem eha'll conslsr of : 1. Maf n.poweF supp'ly ' 2.. Secondany pow.en supply ' 3.. Self-rnonltonfng and control loElc 4. Evacuttlon tone(s)5. AuClo elgnel .amp'llf{catJon (as requJned)6. Pnendconded cassette tape rnessage(s) ? . Dlglta'l volce message(s )L One-way 'l'lve voice communJcqtJons 9. Two-wsy finemsn's commun'lcation6 ':C. The E.E.C.S. eha] 'l bg furntshed aE pand of the total 'lJfe safety syEtem contro]r center: ThJg system shel'l be clagsJ-fJEd under U.L. cateEory UOJZ- D. fhe evFcuatJon Eystem sha'l 1 be of high quelity and wonkmanEhl o. 5:00 As Fo]'lowE: TsFr.€ce Eul l ding Manch 1987 1672? - 12 E- The evaeuatJon system sha'l 'l be of modular des.ign allowlng fon 'laten expanelon and exact tailorlng of communlcatlon zones to a bul'ldlng's requiremrsnto. 1. A communJcct.lon zone ls hereJn def.fned as eny flne a'larm lndicatlng devlce on senles of dev{ces arnenled to sound e common evacu€ttion slgnal or messag@. 5.02 SYSTEM OPERATION A. EVACUATION 1. The e lgna'l to actuatE th6 evacuat ion/communJ cat.l on syet€nr automatlcal ly shal'l onjg{nate f rom the f ine detect.ion and.contnol unlt. .The control slgnal may r.equlne sny on eJ'l of the cgnmunlcatlons zon€g to be activated and muEt be lntenfaced . a€corrdingly. .:, .2. Upgn aotuatlon fnom s fJF€ detsction and contno'l.'unlt, the a'lanm sl.gna.ls Eha'l'l sound: Contlnuoue 1y on che f 'loon ln alanm, the floor €bove and the f'loon be'low. Thene shal'l a]so . b€ pravlElon6 for manua'l se'l ective €vacuatlon of the r"€mrlning f'loons aE Fequired. 3. When an a"lerm condltlon occurs, an evacuatlon tono shall be tnanEmltt€d ov6n the bullding speakens pen communleation zone(E). Thls tone sha'| 1 be: S'low whoop sweeplng fnom 000 HZ to 1200 HZ. . 4. Vleua] ovacurtlon slgna'le ('lsmps,/Etrobes) shal l be pnovlded and located pen contnact dnawlngs. These vJsur] devlces . shall f'lash upon alarn unti'l the system has been res€t. 5.03 SELF-MONITORINO OF THE EMERGENCY EVACUATION/COMMUNI- CATIONS SYSTEm (E.E.C.S. )' A. The E.E':C-S. shal'l be deslgned to penfonm extensive automrt{c gel f-monltonlng. B. Whon the E.E.C.S. detects a fou'lt, it shal'l neEu'lt ln a cornmon tnou.b'[€ condft'lon, lndlcated by a tnoublE lamp and an integnal aud.lblo algnal C. In oddltJon to the qommon troub'le lnd.lcatons, the followlng'fun.ction.s wlthln the E.E.C.S. Ehal'l be continuous'ly monitored and shal'l have dedJcated fau'lt indJcstons- 1" Posen Eupp'ly 2- Preamp snd tone control €mp (pnlmsry) 3. Pneamp and cone contno'l amp (secondany) Tennace Bulldlng Merch 1987 16729 - 1? 4. Tone generaton (pnfmany)5. Tone genenaton (secondany)8. Mlcrophone lnput 1 . Ampl lflen(e) output 8. Ind'lv'ldua'l speaken and fJnem€n's commun.icatJon cJrcuJt(s)9. Pnenecorded tap€ deck(s)10. preneconded dlg.lte'l voice component(s)'l 1. Flreman's eommunJcation components D. The E.E.C.S. sha'l'l provide redundant dual tone generg-tone and dual pneamp'l lf JEns. 5.04 AMPLIFIERS A. An adequate quantity of arnplff'fere to pow@n a'l I syst€m speakens Eha'l'l ba provlded. A'1 1 amp'llf.fens nl 1l be congtant'l y Fup€Fvlaed. Any amp'llfJen fallune shal'l JnitJats the eudible end vloual troubls JndJcatong . 1. ' A'l 1 'empl lf ierE sha'l'l be dual amp'l {f iens conslst.lng of a prlmany and a Eecondany amp'lJfJen. Fa.l'lure of the pnimary . amp1 lf Jen- shal'l ccu66 cutomatlc tranefen of the aEsoc-fcted speaken clncult to the secondany (standby) ampllfien. B. Each ampllfier end speaken clrcult shcl'l be supenvised and be provided with lts own tnouble 1{ght emittlng dlodee (LEOs)fon 'local iztng faulte easlly. The specken cJncuit sha'l 1 be ar.nanged ln'such a mann€n that an open speaken col I shal I not hlnd@F the openetion o.f th€ other speEkerE on that clrcuit. 5.05 FIREMAN'g EIiIERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM A, A two-way @mengency Eystem shal1 be lnsta1'led pen contFaqt dnawlnge as pant of the buitdlng fire command centen.Thls syetam sha'1 1 pnovlde €uthol.lzed fJne fJghting pensonel leolated two-ray communlcatlons becween the f'lnrs command c€nten and nemote flneflghter'6 emengancy phones whfch shal'l be .ln- Eta'l 1ed thnoughout the bu11ding. B. ThJs system sha11 be comp'lete'ly supenvised. Sup@FvJeJon {E to lnc'lude wlring to f lref ightenE' emergency'phones es we1l as eupervlslon of p'luggab'l e moduJes €t the E. E.C.S. C. Thene Ehal'l be a seperate amben tnouble LED fon each telephone cJFcuJt. Any faulte on th€s@ cJncuJts w.i11 ll'luminate the reep€ctlve LEDs. D. The numben of emengency phone cJrcults sha'l 'l be 6. FJve Femote flreman's telephones can be simultaneous ly operated - Tarnace Bulldlng March 1987 16723 - 14 E. Ranqval of a handset fnom the hook swJtch at the floon *anden st6t'lon or the ect of plugging {n a portab'le handset eha'l'l c.us€ a pulsed 2O Hz Eide tone to be heand on the ca'l'len's handset. Slmultaneouely, the audf b'le tone at the mssten te'l e-phone Ehall pulse and the qssoclated te] ephone c.lrcult annun-eicton 'lamp shel I f lesh. F. Op€natlon of the es6oc'iatad acknow'l edge sw.ltch sha'l l caus€ the llne lamp to Femaln on and sha1l sJ1 ence the audfble ton€s, eEtabllshlng a communJcations 'l ink between th€ maater.telephone and the activated Fomote telephone. The system shall be capable of inte'l'llgJbEe openation wJth flv€ (F) cJnculte elnu'ltaneoualy connsctsd to th€ mast€n phone. O. Pr.ovlElona fon testlng the troub'le LEDs end the cJnou{t annunclaton lamps Eha]'l be included ae a pontlon of the mast€n telephone contno'| . H. A two-.way cal'l-ln and./on ca'l l-out feature sha'lI be Lncorponat€d.' .The. mcEten te]ephon€ c€nten may call dlnect'ly to any of.the JndlvJdua'l f'loon te'lephone clr.cults.' In rhJs in-st€nc€, tl'r€ nemote ta'lephone un{ts shall be equlpped with an oudfo,/vlEual lndlaator. erhich {s ectJvated by the masten telephone cgntEr. t. PROVIDE NECESSARY WTRINO AND PHONE JACKS AT EACH LANCIING OF STAIR S1 AND STAIR T2. LOCATE AS DIRECTEO 8Y FIRE FIARSHALL. ONE CIRCUIT. PER STAIR. 5.00 E.E.C.S. EQUIPMENT POI,IER SUPPLY 1. The powen supp'ly modu'le shel'l pnovide the DC power needed to openatE the other. modules of the emergenqy communl-catlons systen. Th'ls powen supply eha'l'l operatE fnom standend 120 Vac llne voltage. It sha'l 1 Jnc'lude trnotection fon nevenEe bettery cgnnectlon, autometlc tnansfen to bstt€ry standby, a panel nounted LEO tnoub'le locaton and pnovls.lons fon aqtuatJng the syatem troub]6 'lamp end the audib'ls tnoub'le. B. COMilON AUDIO,/CONTROL 1. The common audJo modu]e Ehs'll nonJton the st€tus of ths system, 'f nterpr@t the .infonmst'lon and generate the appro-priate F€sponse. 2. Thene shel'l be Jso'l eted powen fon pr.'imary end stand-by channels. An overvo'l tage conditJon on ons chenne'l Ehall not lntenfene w{th the poh,eF evei'leb'le for the oth€r channe'l . A. Ternace Bulldlng March 1987 16723 - 15 3. Ths tone gener€toF sha'll be a dua'l generaton wlth qonstant rnonltonlng of the standby ae we'l 'l as the pnlmcry channe'l s. 4. The mlerophons Jnput sha'l'l bE sdJustabla and the complete'fntell'lgence cJFcu.ft and cofl shal'l be supervfsed. The keyfng circult for. the microphone she'l'l elso be supenvJeed.Thene sha'l'l a'l eo be pnovie lons fon three (3) auxll ieny inputs 'rith prfonlty ess'ignments. 5. The pneamp'l lf len sha'l I bE a due'l pneampJ Jf Jon wlth conEtant monltorlng of the st€ndby as we] I as the prlmany channe'l E. 6. The Eystem s,ha'l'l have duE'l tone contro'l emplif iers.The Etandby channel , be wel'l ae the pFJmaFy chann€'l , wl]'l be constantly monltor@d 7. Fallure of ltems mentJoned Jn sectfone 8.6-2.2.thnough shall ll lumlnats lts casoo'lated LEO tnoub'le''locqton and actlvsts the common syst€m troub'l€ Jndlcaton. Each of the nedundant Gone generator's, pneamp'lJfJers €nd tone control emp'lff{enE EhalJ be supenvleed fon output degnadatlon to approxl-rnately ?5t of nomlnal C. AMPLIFIERS 1. The flnal atage of amplifJcatJon sha'l'l be provlded by the ampllflen modu'l€. The output 'l eve'l of each amp]Jf .len Ehall ba adJustabJe to fecllltate matchJng of the audlo leve'l s to sp€cfflc regulnements of the differr€nC ar€as ln the bul'ldlng.The output leve'l(s) shal'l be constant'ly monJtor.ed fon slqni't level degradatlon to approxlmately 75* of thn set l@vel , at which polnt, the asgoclat@d LED tnouble locaton sha'l 'l ll'lumlnate and the common tnoubJs lndlcatons Ehal'l be actuated. 2. The amp'lJfler. module sha'l'l provldrg supenvlslon of the speaken clnsult(s) and pnovfslone fon supenvlcing the ampli- f ler(E) actuatlng clrcuit(s). FauJts Jn these clrcu{tB sha'l'l l'llumlnate the lndlvldual LEO tnoub'le locaton asEocf ated co the faulty clneult. In eddJtton, the common trouble Jndlcatons sha'l'l be eoturt€d. 9. Standby amplJfJen(s) shel'l be pnovided as out]lned ln seetlon 5.4.1. Th€ atandby ampllflen(s), os we1l a6 th€pnlmary amplfflen(s), shalJ bE supervieed as outlined Jn 5.6.3. Pnovlde'amp1 {f lenE fon operat'tng a'1 1 speokers in. w'f ng at 4 watts. D.sPEAKER CIRCUITg 1. Spoaken/sp1 ltten modu'le(s) sha'l'l be provJded to dlvlde the output of the amp'l lflen modu'le rh€n the nequJned numben of speaken cJncultE Js hfgh, but the number. of speakers per clrcu{t i6 'low. Each 6pl itten daughtar boand sha] I pnovlde four (4) eupenvieed speaken cJncuJts end provlslons for supEF- Tennace Eulldlng Merch 1987 16723 - 16 vlsing the €cturtlon of each to be annunclcted wJth lndlvldual LEO looators for. each c{r.cult, E. ONE-UAY COMFIUNICATIONS 1. A locked encloeune sha'l'l housa the mlcrophone module snd the se'lector. modu'les. Thls enclosune shall be identl-fled clEanly wJrh bo'ld 'lettening as rhe EMERGENoY coMMUNICATIoN OENTER. Aac€Ee to thls em@nctency commun{cetion aenter shq]l be vla the nunlclpal f lne a'larm box key. 2. The mlcnophone modu'le Eha'l 1 provlde a hlgh qua.llty magn€tla dual lmpedance mlcrophone with a mo'lded cycolac nTo '- (ABs) hlgh lmpact caae and a pu€h-ro-ta'l k swJtch. Th{s modu'la shall also pnovlde thnee (3) a1t€Fnate actlng push buttong fon ALL CALL' MANUAL ALARa{ and REMoTE functlone. - These EwJrchaE ehcl'l be Jl lurnfnlted upon activatf on. . 3. Sel.ecton swJtcheE sha'll be pnov{ded to dJn€ct the . a'lanm tone or' volce commun'f catlon to Eel@cted speaken clrculte. .Tllese tst{ltch€g oha'l'l be a'lternete actJng puEh button swftches.'qhlch shalr be l1'lumlnated upon acrlv€tlori. If thene is a manual Ee'lectlon of .q.Epecken olncuJt qnd the syBtern is ln th6 automatlc . alar.m mode, . the manual sslectlon of a Ep6aken c.f ncu{t shal l ovenrlda th€ automatlca'l 1y selected cJreultE. The automatlca'l 1y selected clncultE sha'l'l be muted nhl'le ln the mEnua'l mode,aesunlng that no unwlnted messag€€ Ehall be tncnsmltted in thoge clFouJts. F. PRERECORDED DIOITAL VOICE .MESSAOES 1. The d.lgltal voJce module sha'lJ be a Eoltd slng1a ahsnne'l. Ey6t€m deeigned to qutomatlce'llyi eound a encoded mesEags..r.tpoq. alarm lnltiatJon. 2. The module ehall provide a hfgh que 'l ity, natuna'l sound{ng pneampllfled audlo output utlllzing a pnerecorded mesesge which has ..peen dlgttfzed and stoned ln non-vo'letf 'le memory. . The modul€ shal'l consJet of two pant€, the dlgltal mesaagB moth€n boand snd the voice dJgltJzer/memory daughten cand. ' 3. The dlqlta.l messag€ motheF boand ehel'l op@rcte from tha E.E,C.S. ma{n poner eource and shal'l contaln, but not be 'llmlted to, !h€ _foll0wlng featunee: . . a. ,Solld stat€ components eontaining no movlng parts, wlth the qxception of nelaye. b. One ned LED fon meesage output durlng a'l arm on test mode. etate pn€- TeFr.ace Bulldlng Manch 198?16723 - 17 lavel audlo moCa. csnd. c. One yel low LEO fon tnouble lndlcae.f on of .l ow output ( 50t slgnrr 'l 'l oss ). d. One yellow LED fon lndlcltlon of abont or" teas 9.One yel'low LED for fal]ure of vofce dlgltfzen f. Threa swltchas. fon message rostart, sbor.t and t€st funcclonr. g. ReDote neEtart, abor.t and neset lnputg. . h. lOO ohmg, lff speaksn fon maesage resttng. l. Fonm C dny contactE for ronote tnoub.l€lndlcrtlon. ' 4 - The vorc6 dfgltl.zeF daughtan card shal I bc connected to tha mothar boand vr! t',o.plug-rn connector:r whrch facllrtrtr ffloya1. fh" dasshten cand'a rni"ony ghal.t tc eornpiir"J-oi iFidn rhlch rroni thc rudld hcabagc tn crgrtrz"a ioni; The mamony shail br non:-volatllo and cipabie of bcjng snased and r.€rGcondad Hlth ntlr matfrlrl. 5- rfaaaagc dunatJon shq'n bc 'r{mrted to 16 scconds.Tha unlt shall bc pnogrammablc to repcrt the ,na'Eago thr.€c tlm€,oF rEpett eont.lnuous'ly. g. FIREIT|AN's coHituNICAIION SySTEn 1. A mastan telephone module shall be pnovlded. Thle nodu'lr shall contarn the marc.n handsst fon thc €mcrg€ncy communlcltlon' operiator. hfhen c slng're prrty iri. ryrtern rs negulned' thc mllt6'. talephone module sha'l't contaln an acknow-ladgo €t{ltch and lanp. It shall a]eo {nclude a stngle supenvleed telephona. atncult, should a fau't t occur. on thlg clrcult, the LEo ghall ll.lunlnate and thr systen's comnon troub'le .tndrcatons shc.l .l bo actlvattd. 2- A telaphone contnor module sha'lr be pnovlded. It Ehall aontrtn a 2o Hz elde tona oscl'llaton and chl audrbro a.l art tont to tunnon the emengrncy qommunlcatlons opepatoF. 3- An adaquate numben of phone crncurt !e'recton modures shall be supp'lled to pnovlde th@ requlned numben of annuncJated and suparvlEgd telephone qircults p€F contr.rct dFrnlngs. Ecch modulq shall hava pnovlslons fon up to 20 a'ltennate actlng back-llghtad acknowledge switcheo (one pqn phong cincuJr) nhlch wl11 f'lash Jn the call mode and be-eonstcntiv-riruriiJa.d ,po^ acknow-ledgncnt. ClncultFy naceesary fon supenvlelon of eveny phone cl'cult shalI be pnovided wJth fndivrdua'l troubio LEos fon ecch. Terr.sce 8ui ldlnE Manch 1987 16723 - 18 A fru]t on r phona 6'lt cult w'f 'l 1 sound the qudlb]e troubJe and lllumlnata tha Falp€ctlva LEO. 1- A 'locked enc'l osune sha'l I houss the f ineman's emsr-genoy.qommunlc.rtlons system. rhls Encloeun6 sha'l 1 be ldentifled clean'ly r'f th bold lettenlng as tha EMERGENCY coMMuruidlrioNs -- CENTER- AcceeE to thls enclosure sha'l'l bs vfa-ti" r""{cipal fJne alarm box key. 5- l{hsn nemote phone Jacke and port.bre to'laphone hand-satg rrc utll'fzEd Jn l{eu of wanden statlons, ths above m€ntioned gnclosur"e shall also hqve a phone nack fon stonag€ handsets. , 6 . Re.not6 tel ephone Jacke gha I 'l be eupp I I ed , where shown, F€F oontFact dnarlngs. rhsss shall be c'lEanly fdotitifJed ar EMERGENCY FIRE PHONEE. Spara conlacts shall be p.avlded on each Jcck fon lndlvldual €nnunclrtlon of thc phone Jcck .tn. uee on fon sllanclng che n€rrest sp€ck€F to €llmlnate unwated Jnter.-fensnes. 7.. A Jack'to , r.of tha .:' bneakglass.shall bo app'l.fad to the unlt .ln front .el'lmlnagc eamperlng . H. REi'IOTE MICROPHONE AND TELEPHONE CONTROLS 1. Tha renote micnophone, ttleohonc controls and c.fn-cult aalrctoF swltches sha'l'l be 'located as p€F contr.rct drawlnge.Accarr to thesa controlg sha'l'l bs vla ths munlclpal fJne a'la.nm box keye. , 2. The nemote mlcrophone cJncuit shall ba eupenvlsEd.Tho pnlmeny nlcnophone and tElephone systerns shal'l hrv@ pr.Jorlty dven the F€mots unJts. .. 5.0? . t{EcHANICAL oESICN A. Thr E.E.C.S. ehal'l be deslgned to mount ln custom encloruFlr to lnauFa pFopoF acc€ss and a@gthatJc comprtablllty. B. Thr E.E.C.S. sha] 1 be designed to 19" pane'l erandandE. C. Thc system with enclosune sha'l'l be suitab'le fon surfacs and semiflueh mouniJnq. ; D. The system sha'l I coneJst entJrs'ly of nodu'len. unlt-type aesembl l€s to facl l.ltrta. nemova'l , mafnlanrnce and gyst€m expanelon. TEnrace. Bul ld{ng Itlench 1987 16723 - l9 ? I ? I I I I I @A@ \ I F*fflAL' I I i eW( Arl,,4 |ll Aoo.rw. r I i: pnretl! 'glr \t/ ,Am \_--- (q/, V-z 7 |g' H tst-t-ia|ls fis E $ + FN = rrr ^^.(J) fuF'rAv gttf hl,q I loD.ra. I v rw al ,l -l I hl J l o lrl r }J \t z F 0 I Irl r 1 r !I g t! I ar€-q --t t n E PF rqL JlUl {d? t.'tr {00 rilurg z7{ff+ fN 'l r.*'oo lrr 4 ;,1 ;i dq q, E N{n,J i,l rL s ' os"b-J q i'! r 'll 6I n F.0>b o I =tt q TO z o F () lrJ (n .rlH z d I CIl btl 0.1 0l JI ol J I-'\JIJ -.\ (JH NKLSJ lo r.7 {tg hiu t= o.l- < t8 $,' iFlI ;eiE i[rtr t b @ l+@ 0l o ,l)- \b,9 o ] 0 t- L a ll =13 9Nlt{:ldo zAo-.,e t =av,^?4o- r r'" , o ..! -l .*$rFt: r I lon fr !h$ -'-r- u' qf 't.v/rl {o -rnt* uot.zl F .;l o-.et q1"/\\oo 9 * 3o|^or iLffi o' ' 9-. .L-o .l t{ Hg t F o J d, d e t I t- tg IJ IJ ql r I q h o 0 h o 0 7 t;I o I 'a c la s <- I|l t sl 0. ul u 0 I N z d o P L 0 N 0 0 z z G r F 0 0 T o hl o |--.!. -{--0 I a XO :,It -- J J { ri lg-!$.'rgK I J e @ ) --l -(o J"E)- 0nt *r '; c l L (Nl ( t I o I ! J rd :a r{ a 3 0 I n I I lo ll to ls J d d F. I -o n- =I ,o J z! o.F H$ L o \\U/t ll -1 I c F a d f, t+l fJl lsl L-rl \f . ! -,-,, 1, I ELEVATOR WALL STEEL LE,VEL \JERT HORTZ. CORNERS A E.S. OFDOoRS TIE BEJ{Mg OVER DOORS G-tr[fiEO 6'f5c15'4-ia 3-+9 LoN6. 3 -r5 TlEso4" E ENo. FIEM.(. lo". tr! - 3!9 *gatt .5015'2-to 3E ROOF *6 elz'a5 (?15'z- rE STAIR WALL STEEL TIg BEAM3 OVER oooRs i 3-sq LOF|6. 3-lt T]EE (l4' E. EMr,-ft..{. c, lo' 'r |F3(ot6"8.F. NoTE$: f: DowEL |NTO FT6. TO MATCH VERT srEEL tla ?.3.IEFL rN 5rAlR WALL3 EI IN BOTH FACE$.,"/--Z./-r.- Z-tb xld-o EJA.PA<'E FIN. FLa('K L|NE BE 4'NORI,IAL I.IEIGHT CONCRETE ON RFINF. Wt 6 X 5 - ltl.4 X llr.4 I'IGS FOR STEP IN FLOOR sLAB AT OF OF FLOOR SLAB ELEVATION :IOO'-0. TOP 0F F00TING ELEVATI0N; T0P 0F Ilg" = ARTIAL WE !! g g u o I I F q' u o I 0 u L lo'-o T.O,w^Ll = llO\-4t/'L W8*ta (lto'-s) , WALL W6x 3l T,O,WALI ELr llg'. EL r llo'- IO H!g,i v:l lZr Z. VE , oP*6 L&w=a+,t I o r{l fi:=iJ ,'-€' t<9 t-lot/c lt-o l*go' Otl u/tzi 3,C' Wt2x Z4l a;t: € g 2'-a lArt2 i * !t o (|Ye) ez-o lr.O i^r iEF TF Ir I i *61 tr ts t,( H E I F I ul 8 u v J I il JO $i r--t c' F *' t a. J J x ri f- 0 I i0 t (l * I t > J tr p z 0 5 I J c ei F hc ilr lL.o6 ir .90 ur 6lr n: ai I rrl--l tnl vll 0 >il hfi 6o )7 ,ul ML $il .7 {l d$ d F F 2 0 u x { T rfl I fl ,*'I $ x t- I |rF t-z z0 tilU i 0 j F o 6e LU. |.lg Hh -:0 f;s ks 't o J. tl sf ro z I l*O ld ct), ,A l-----i '--'F ill I e V) L o I ll sf 'tt) qi it l- ul 0u -r ,l I I ,7 ilr ifi$$ 6 rt 0 0. g k z a L o z $ v v 4, fo $; Zul {0 di 'uN 9s I a 1 J It ui M 7t*TZ Tr4Ar.krtTt4l 2Lt4- 12 4xlb ffi eseorug*Fz- dtu t' v Ta j44 EIAIN. t1Fgl]LtT A"- Uhrr lb'- xlOxtto?'l$[/hrg n'€},[I11 SECTION ut?t'rl,"l w39J4,E *m-rlerl SHEET flx-4+ OF STIEETS Yodcr Eqinctrinj Comultentr, lnc. trdrrl llr.| . trif. te It L|.lttl ,.O.lgtil.c l$ttr.l|tt lrr,C.h....alalc trcrr.5o.bl dala lrrlsnid bll chrekrd Dt tlvicwcd bf +.n-vl 4Y'vn?wI I re;*EtuA?4ffi s t$ at4frttt@ ;W,n/&i0 NN.W. -? .1 --'1.21 6n,at)v : lbltao, lJ | ,v/i +T)Dt to'xd'a# GRrr-.r-E:,*lono 'n tV'J7? zq*-A- )" =3a1 ?r{v*tud.D 4 VlWc-- frrAtU "/21 = il'i 23 FEBRUARY 1987 re zrL _../4t,4142 6x n\r'-! \o I b !A; 11 Lu.xLe eszz h)ztt{..rilt qL,AW" *A;ltW^t, ? tuPtt Atut.l w HqoT+a;d?,/16 /',\lL.A)) o btto,a, fin^ftll{l{te no,o, (lfl!)- ldxg':ry4+ A4\-t-Z %tfrw reTlil. I V. oALt q -!Jo .te.br 23 FEERUARY 1987 A Aarer..'a-'il )p. 1 lt f.,1r. 91 Mn )l t t-, :. ;nar<{E rtll tr,.)l D4.2 +frw). -- RB: D4l , D4,z I D4.3 @Y1?aqla alfliv4#.,9.U_Al 3tl€F K-ffiffi"Xr&*{ W,Detr(HdftabtrlH) I.IAHDRAI-. aA€ecfiAfiHeL, (ifAtlltT H.N HE}4'FA}€, 6tv.+rryrw.a 5{}tA A?-46..T=* J/fa FB<*{il.to[.-' C"AL^L €Ftr ffn . g)me (CtP4.,1 23 FEBRUARY l\ A@rDrJil ilrnel g.-Dg5.. OA:-rl +?f. V.n-, ftA€Hlyt ?/ W? b1 r967 $al @ I I ')lvlDlfla t.lAt- lla't * YnErtty fte I 9fnn' 4'-rO * t{e)'; s'I ! E *rr- '\ \-l lln" dcg/e/4o. 1 | zz t"fft4' i41'11 2g FEBRUARY 19t7 A6,l A twa'o.< .v.1 4p!P#,r1, D4. AN ReD+,ab q6W ct)?tltta Fe; Q+ 21 ItY l?) brt7 4 6l !.I{EFLIN? $- €$ D4.26 orA ee1p1; l/lf'zi-Or "V, L"'.O 23 FEBRUARY 1987 a\ ,rrtrE:rDr|f )ta. I It t r(t1 cq panr4.rnre l?ffler?lr-+-+ l,ll'fife Eryh\|F CEt1, Yr**2p-41 %r{{art ax drar uao auNHrf€- 2E FEBRUARV 1987 ArgbeilarF Ja.l awe m D4.Z7ara.@fio ee. 9*.za ;-4brQ.dfia ?e-l'Atl-; 4fffi 3rl,t. epo!. e$-t-!$4*- dilt-Y =E s W;WV"ffi,Sffignue 1Lil Ht9a e 4X, ...: ,/J}Nil?, ?x r€*+6 ?bal-gb 4('ll.uj3P-f', ta,5ilelwiz, D4.Z$qrceAr' >"THv F9D4.z,t 2E FEBRUARV 1987 A,loaalouf,f t?, I pyts 91 :.1" { lll-' vre, Frutt?AnrN pFAlilrog ftatpe au u}ile o.41 O,O,GL. %.,ot ) + Iq enftfinb € Hanol11ail Awtlb tpFfH + e$ 41ffi d wo, io a.,u{e 6ii7, ,FAd un6 ;2,11N)Ab ?leeu'lw ld ,r.YL,afll e 9W{ b,ot, TaJ{vp{vi #til Yf9l@nve a,V+b %DANA UN 7 W,'lA ,h/4r z F4 A7 :iiiti-51,1 .- f-rflrii trNdr,e Ittzrtalp ua'. 1 a2 JAf- n s :8 $: r$g :ss=s $$ {{r *x w t l5' *E $ E 5 I\ li o o E 3 E o gl lr (l'(I f 5$$ T' S 5 $r >l FI <l fl FI o cv, a (o o rl ? r \ $J.d $€$s s t.si x. ---sa *O rl tl ; ir ll ( ,|; T rl Ir rl tl !l rt L VW4r ! V::- 6lei ieido 04 '*t* ah, o !1r '^t r*,Iw+'4 q 4iirt r -" " ?lta 4 ^u-\qt rr+l .idi ro-DF- fe Ftugf F:zA* *tuFtr4 d/ hla'ftl1Np r% 2Ne '1as.g6g e.1,WFt+ tc -trtlqf ttgl*l rf',f rtAi,-afil ' + ^wr,€INK fie t4 f*d Abo?7t^ra *- 4+Wb F4 Vabstyl t\WA tAK'fiaN Fqryt*Ta? TE"?Y-sl#w 6DN turlft s sl ''b0.34'.^.6Olt-i=-T al?e O fr,ALE 'frE,2 1"5.23 FEBFUARY 1987 ...\ a/+n, tT-On !----- gfFlil q*A \A4e6? fi.Ya VftLe .ga1 ?upgr6r flxtiF€ a# W ftouboqr1 qv$ owe varc* I bwo c^awf w D6.35 lotW 11 A ?ffi1ai4i W.1 2a n$61 b?ql. efo. &\ 71. Arweilvurl Ha. I lonx sl lltu a I t3rttf VALIJirS Yffjyl- W LtzorvtAJtr 4€*4-rl2& ^e tJr-zlp jee efret*4e lp* awlvftL,e.WDddca i'ilxtrJd' vLt-.W. ',Flt-r- *Otlf g ?1\9?aE? VAHITT eg nn j€i119,' t- uatl, c*tf4AR-.enaAw rU-?ffiAllJU(, jG- Y/ U-)e{fi@ tzzzi,m)?). tr; \Afillf 4 vtor+lyst/l{ca@ ,JNtt f arq tfttr.;zancon*Tvfrz' cta Lrttbr4eD-ffifEF 1?l1,-*nnZlWZ lA||''I-aAF. ELEVATIAJ {+1 2b,40 U.qlt-.." :::4 4/ltn lt-Ol Fe-, AA 1 x'2 - t'o t f**, 9]arrl4{,.'tF.,pfn-rofru%trta,l, YGU-OY'aEN. ' 19t' t al4' blAz,p frtE a)v <o r1.xEH.t1,,to?NA-4e)enLE \1ft"1, , q*Y?tlrl 1 ,NLY. f\e Ob'11 *ore.A 74vLxllr=e *,,* -r,i+, 2 ,-1.*\ft A Ef Y r4- )dbgh ,h ^iArL r+fib.F"Ad.9 w-* ':atTq, Aicc'',|.o'-fl \Q 1 b lea' 51 t4tt dF 4tqgz*. VrHYl- wUJ-&y!4.Jr{l:. CLJTTa!.'J 74 l24t @*bl.l. tt, n 1py.rA-, *,leLE 4.442UU??E +-t6t' /<Q-l lt'tt l TMt- 4,2-yftEwH +aw.oun.zr Vt' /, o t zn "atl,e elrfi''-R_ ra t4.ffaq @t-},|HL5|. F"Iet 1,lHto AEve )ilf 1 t%fiN af yzwpl?tAA O atl<* lNtTq, E p $ vt |\ >* U) $ CI.WNUFOQ e5t4e- gW cLofr% uua (J.ATH€bULIE.4,ZMtarftLE cW-,ltJtT H4X- aLr./Nnc|*J+q bunwl Arna 2 ?o,41 9/6tt a lr ftr Lh,l , FE L, Ai " hcc*1?tJfi v. I bYL' V dA> bz)ct-4-rTl6 btu,e H&U- F{AU[' t'+A-? ffivtE3'UUtf F4XlrY,r UAIX? /"Dvl& fficstg:v Vl1LJ-l- Wtp-.e/*Jrltt &?EQ.'O.' tvz!/oa>'t d l.uO a*A%H/E '.26-1 eLevETtOU I \alAU-r?. Ob.+tt t Httfrtcr.f AIIH 4lO{, I Of r+, h6,1 l@toufl ro, | ?27?*.al Vt/.*n pvt*.zc "t'Jr|-.Ht@? VSrAAee eeES lO'/..a7n err!-,l.a|t, WvC O"'!l{t- w4E*r ro !*/A,LJ- t tK,tBr ..tr1Etet- al.reLE )ez/JC4, wlT!{ el I I .;. A'l+lrr tdttw-#-, 1l./l"/,37v't att-1. F,-,fj.E, A4AAT9 LtSrre) tjue.e'3, f -e'/agtq aeg bf,- eL&Vt' l^t c ll-t ft.a7 |l aGbr..r -fr+*9ie'rr't/#* Wt AQ Yl?tZB --tV'lant HavA- be ,ba( ew!+rJll,A.N.4FJE| ?b.4h h/2l, 1' O' Fpt Fb,l ItaNo':;( -rt++ Y*sD-"'b ,tf: r7 ! . a Wo fr ul-qar waDra 4b e 2'e,' oa, hht $,r E A'v+ a*Iarl ,"yD p V+r tHt-:EiFtW,'P f,Ae @ ?.tr ao, hurit l1 l^r---+.ff{.4 Ht${rrFlt', 4ta 7Ql wp c Y wfAL :L1W o?Mt{, AAl,arl @ c.Ttt?* 4 ffi4rut4 l!f,. I Urq. g7 ,4,E a I 4 'FBS TUTN FT.6N AAT . . U! : lntI.-'';;'--:1 '" ::.'''' :;'''.':;'.''':;'''':;''':;,iEhhFN'',- ..r' ..r .a ..{EllvlFN ...u7..ry& .cjm.nm .{lc . llc . qlc . !,tc . p}DlT .,StdFirrr . rso . .rmin . rr' : iti6' ' : i.!q' ' : iAin ' ' : ;iii' ' : ilin' ' : iliri ' : ' ' ' ' ' . . :.uD .tv .vT .s.ER .lqq .pun :?irii, .il!,i :i.rii :. 156 . !4IiltJE{ .'/r . ilrq . ryr . prni :e!{i, . ?.t!r! . ?.rDr .. E .gq .: :- .r ..r :;- .stE*vrFN ..Ul . mBE -€ .!. .rr , ,!r r .16l .qxilm .c.irE.nEa .lp .153 . ED[. .rt .r_ .r .!r :r- :; :.i'. :"qA1;vrFN ..lA . Hrll . C$Et . niEE . r,tC . ltc .nf .!1C . p.r!a! . ,srliEtc.f .. .suas?..(nf. . slrlt to. 4 . ctE . PA$V- . PtrDll . ?ADtr AT'c't? .. PaDrL aDtf. . alr . SAIr . p{D|f . $D St r . GEE&@il l. PffD cFE cll6 $ .{! crssai Dr firRllcns 2. l/?a 10 Efnlo 3 DtE rT {,! sItrE 3E{DD $ilA 3. C8l O,E G'.tP 8D {t u$s D7.2 2\ errrrrlH p. r uHrFcl ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE s \) 3 s s. E B 6 $ f; I **sEs tsE b gig ! $Hs $ rD z $l F 5 F-A s -6 I $ F llr t E g $ h J *.l I.. . " t "r 9R $r s$ $$r a Cl { :$l '!{- = DeCsmhet 8r Crossroqds of Voil Condomlnium Assoclotlon P.O. Bor lllt Valt Caloredo0t0tl 1986 l{r. Sldoey Schultzr Arshltect t4l East lleadory Drtve Yall, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Schultzr lbe results of tbe vottng by neobere oi tU" Aesocl.atlon oa the proposed cbaogee to lhit, C-4 arE 478 votes la favors 22 agal"ost. As 852, ot 425 voteer LE the nlnl.urn requlrenentr ;lou! change ls approved by the nenbers of the AseocLatl.on. Very truly yourB, CBOSSBOADS OF VAIL CONDOTINIIIM ASSOCIATION PreoLdest RPS/akl ccs Boaral of D{rectore lteubers of, the Assocl,atl.on I "t Li:".li':'t'':Ifi't}.r'ffiE$l l. ..., :..,;i -.." 1.,X :::..i" .t 4 rl :F fr r f t F I -$t 6l -} It! 'I a+ F' ,v I I ,J E E oa ao Oq o E*rO o (!0 t so C'aFo !.l 6 o l. -l lz €r i I E z oE B z - K $ .J ot o\T Fif id .l,l r tE t?r'Yz \r F3e fi I -=6 {p p F"lt tarr O .t ol st- o @ .. g at z 2 q ta !oR 6Z E4'5 G'--3-- @ ,. F"[ o ,f EB. i-q . . tr. . ,.i,..... J i,.. '_ ; i-. o T o -a 'It tr lit 1 a { Fl 3.n d t Trl -t--r- 'l t ' tl .ts ili Et i E* -i- "j 6* l; o a :ll 3 t; i-''--i t ^-. i,' t - Fr-. a)<t rlfr ? flgr-- 'i1,d'5 \t '!6 \-1 rqF urE\ v\, :lflt1uG 'u'l q,T t )F r .i.) t:. nTl 4 xv g @E 6 ,a! oEE C,, oi s. 3 E z 9F P o tl f {8 J 3 E, t, 3 t t !)l, E. I i t, I t. I , ti '.1 P T H4- e ,6 \,r r?6- W=. dNs \ ii ^ ;T n|o ul;J- o s lt TI 't ., r3T xx.,E FF.[ \t alNi : A H 1: I u .1, (olg I I o Frr -.l tr, I Eo 1 I 1 - 1.,Elr J.-o .,G u lu 'Ll-.,+*"; "F ls.l, E .a ='1 { lg F 3. il: l1 q T il o,t B dv r.o v"7 F rn t'F v1E l-8 ,p I Pi \r. I l" $L- oC- -L .. .r- S F1 l-E l-l "E.*f 0 I ! rt l-,tr s?t,!.,a--.l e-l*'l*e l,g l"-i I F(F I -n 5 c :g P It z \ Tl 1l 'n' E$B*i\3A L +-Fq dSN AlZ *)ug.; ryTTg i ili ii !' .te r \ ,e a ",-- ROMA February 24, 1987 Gary Murraln Chief Euildlng Inspector Totrn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai'1, Colorado 81657 r age Dear Gary, Enclosed please find a copy of our revised detai'l for the exterior 4-hour wa'l'!. Thls detail has been discussed with personne'l at U.L. Laboratories and with the gypsum and fireproofing manufacturers. !{e believe th'is to be satlsfactory detall meeting the 4-hour fire requirement, see I.C.8.0. test numbers indlcated. This detall ls enclosed at this tjme so as to have your review prior to our submittal of completed plans 'in early March. P'lease respond to us as tle are proceed'ing jnto further development of the drawlngs based upon this detail. Thank you very muchl Yours truly, Jury /U*;e/./ Jerry tlanifold, AIA, CSI Project Manager Jl,/dnk L220Gtl Ehc'losure cc: Freyer tin Hote'l - Cascade RonaDeslgn Grwt . t4zoSutterSv t . SanFmncisco,CaliJorniag4tog " (+ti77 j-431o t't calvt{ AA6,TEF 2 Lt\YH2!r Ydl tfreu><r 6-r€W, 4le LJA-|- 9|m. To uL EUFrtITUTE lil 6?NENT 1 Aft? er?.P. q ft? I)ALtau.w low 16f} ffi Jfltl6rlr 4 umu?b o4l 613 ffiTrfr"* 4Eb. EXCefr au,qefc" '43 ROMA llrtt*trrt . ttrld hLr . Pldrr | 1'o S ar 5.. . Sa F,''clr'c, CA 91to9 . Gt i n j-1JJo gAE lt|'rttal GROTJP DETAI NO. JOE-ip.be0 Wre,n , ROMA February 20, 1987 Gary ltlumain Chief Building Inspector Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 8f657 IElUfiGf,i cascade vi'l1 ase PIaza Building Phase I R0Flll ProJect No. 5310 Dear Gary, Enclosed please flnd a copy of our detaj'l for the exterior 4-hour wall. This detail has been discussed with personnel at U.L. Laboratories and with the gypsum and flreproofing manufacturers. We be'l'ieve this to be a satis- factory detall meetlng the 4-hour flre requirement, see U.L. test numbers indlcated. Thls detall ls enclosed at this tjrne so as to have your review prior to our submlttal of completed plans in ear'ly March. P'lease respond to us as He are proceeding into further development of the drawlngs based upon thls detal'1. Thank you very muchl Yours truly,JryW Jerry Manlfold, AIA, CSI ProJect !{anager Jti/dnk L22OGM Encl osure cc: Freyer Rona Deslgn @u,t2 . t4zo Sutter Street , San Erancisco, CaliJornia 94tog . (41i 77 5-43Jo 11l blrUt', b\att t ffi lt c';rPdJ1?'ahle? qdl rrFa x' Gtfr A+IG.- 4 tl?. LJAI 3tn. a0 u a)gr5fffurB I offiffiT 1 LAftq 0\?. @, d'n6, ATUW 4 n? d2]'umr{ W x9o1 A? 6r2b 1qg nef.qnw .:'t''.r1" i$'i'{Srardli',fdq',*f*ltsAg.l*SS, 4 UW4 qgl 6Y" w.1tr.t* 4d3, ?XOET "A51?;*- Fo? W-'. 1b2tt=It.dl ROMA l/urlblwrr. WblllDrrdgu. Planiq I izo Satt,' St. o Sa Etf',rlJrf, Ct g+, og . (1, i 775-43jo j,JBe[1rt aAzA are-4+M. I GROTF DETAIL NO. '86fo DATE ?ffi1 fl#tr$ffiffi Inglnrlr;rr4 tsnffiltriilts, lm. , - Telephone Record PreSentr Mike McGe€r Town of Vail Fire Department, Denis M. Beaudinr Yoder Engineering Consultants, Inc. Date: February 17r 1987 at 4:30. The foLlowing items 1.O1 As a result of wing staircase se I addition, the Westin east s-er is being re- l-ocated approximabely feet north of its present location. Since the new standpipe riser is located 60 feet further north from tlre oLd location, a 100 goot 2 1,/2" hose wiLl be required in the new cabinet. The nehi cabj.net u'i11 be labe]-ed rrFire Cachetr. The "Fire Cache" cabi.net wi].]. have breakable glass. 1.O2 A fire extinguisher and cabinet will be located adjacent to the 'lFire Caclrert cabinet. The proceeding conunents and,/or observations represent an overview of progress and conditions of the a/ork. Please notify us of rnisunderstandings or required interpretations or clarifications rrithin ttrree (3) worlr days of receipt of these meetings notesr as ve witL proceed on the basis that these items are as agreed to by all parties concerned. End of meeting notes. cc! Mike McGee'r Vail Fire Department 6hry-n'Irrr-r-i5f Torffr of Vail Building Department Jerry l"lanifoLd, ROI'IA lTohn Stafford, ROMA Frank Freyer, Vail Ventures, Ltd. Benchmark Plaza. SuiE 3ai P 0. &ox 5740. Avon. Colot ittl ;,t tl 1 620 il3-9191191 .140O3.T-3259 C0 1rly vlo I t lown 75 south frontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (30:tl 476-7000 February 6, 1987 f'lr. Frank Freyer Uail Ventures, Ltd 1000 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: Staff and DRB comments on center. Dear Frank: the Plaza tl|ing addition and offlca of communlty development P'laza conference Below-ls ! s-qmmary of comnents from the Design Review Board as we] 'l as the Town of Vail staff. Design Review Board's conments, February 4, lggT conceptual Review: Plaza t{ing Addition: The Deslgn Review Board had no problem with the addition. It was suggested !ll! lt" bring in.flna1.drawinsi as soon as possible wiitr a reuisea ianaiiipe plan to show how this wing_would affect the approved landscape plan for this $!itq area (see.approved 'landscape plan, Seplember 19, tgeS, aiawn Uy EerPidge Associates). The staff requested that you provide i north ejevation for this additlon which wil'l show how the buildiig wiii toot< if Uy chance-ttre Plaza confersnce center is not constructed Plaza ConfErence Center: 1. 2. The detaillng of the building's facades are not articu'lated enough. It cv.as recorunended that there bi more of a discip'l ine or order to t[e detailing. As an example, one member felt thit the three windows on the east elevation reflected a random qpproach to the building's detailin!.The elevations need to have more of irn order and should pirtraps ref]eit more of the approach the westin Hotel reflects in its delai'lii,g. - --- The building does not have a cl.ear !!vle, The building,s overal'l design should elther be compatibte and simirir to one of the 6xisiing buitdindi or it shou'ld have its own_design style which is clearly diifeient from-the other surrounding bui'ldings. The board understands that it is dlfficult to allow for a service area on this slte, as all four sides of the building will be visilte to the 3. public. However, it was emphasized that the north elevation of the bullding is the main entrance into the westin and residential areas.For this reason, the board felt that more work is needed on the north elevation to conceal the service areas as much as possible. The board recommended that, perhaps some gab'le or dormer forms could be used,particularly on this elevation. It was a] so suggested that a 'landicape buffer could soften this side of the building. -if a landscape buffer was added, it would be important to design with snow shedding in mind. 4. The board h,as concerned about snow shedding from the roof onto the rya'!kway along westhaven Drive as we] I as snow shedd'ing into westhaven Drive, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. It was felt that the walkway a'long the north elevation of the building was really necessary and perhaps should be a litile wjder wjth associated landscapi ng. It was suggested that perhaps the loggia treatment along the Terrace and l{estin could also be extended al ong the north elevation of the plaza conference wlng. This approach would offer pedestrjans protection from snow sheddlng and also hide some of the servjce area. Most members felt that tower on the northwest corner of the bujlding seemed unrelated to the buildjng as a whole. It was pojnted out that there was a discrepancy between the north and east eJevations concerning the service area. You sajd that the north elevation was correct. The drawings should be corrected. In respect to landscaping, the board wou'l d like to see more green space in the overall plan. It was suggested that a grass buffer cou'l d be added along the water feature to the west of the P'l aza wing add'i tion instead of having only pavers in this area. Another suggestion was to locate a planting buffer between the loggia and main plaza where the ice rink is proposed. This buffer cou'l d also help to prevent pedestrians from wa1 king on the outside of theloggiawhere snow shedding can create a dangerous situation, 10. The board fee'ls that the Plaza conference center wjll be a great addition to the Town, as it provjdes an jmportant function for the conmunity. Staff comments: The following lnformation should be submitted before final review at Review Board: l. A landscape plan that shows clearly areas of pavement, green sidewalk details, and number/locatjon,/size of vegetation. 2. A roof plan superimposed on a survey to document the heights addi ti ons. 3. A drainage plan that indicates culvert size. Desi gn space, of the two A completed utllity verification form. Any llghting details A title report, Schedu'le B to show any easements Engineered franing and foundations will be required at the time of bullding permit. A soils report will be required at the time of building permit. Details on the entry canopy on the west side of the conference cenrer shou'ld be submitted. 0ther concerns are that: 1. Fire access shou'ld be worked out as soon as possible to avoid having to come back to Design Review Board if the fire access necessitate a change in the exterior of the buildjng. Staff does not want to see the area addition used as a drop-off area.this area. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2.to the west of the Plaza Wing The traffic should be prohibited from 3.' The staff would like an explanation on how 'loading and service for the building wJ1l be handled. It is our understandjng that the main 'loading dock at the CltlC Building will be used for the Plaza conference center. Smaller vehlcles will access the loading dock on the northeast corner of the Plaza conference center. No large vehicles wi'l 'l be us.ing the confersnce centerrs loading dock. 4. It may be reasonable to al'l ow for service vehicle access under the pedestrian brjdge. 5. The staff ls concerned about the encroachment of the Plaza conference center onto Westhaven Drjve. It is our opinion that the bui'lding should be pul1ed back from this area to allow for a wjder sjdewalk and landscape buffer between the north edge of the conference center and Westhaven Drive. A'lso Bi'l I Andrews will want to make sure that the appropriate right-of-way is maintained for ldesthaven Drive when this road is eventual'ly dedjcated to the Town of Vail. More detajled 'lnformation is needed in thls area to really determine what the impacts are on westhaven Drive. A drawing showing the north s'ide of the project and Jts relationshlp to the parking. structure would be helpful Terrace Building: l. What ls the status of the sewer re-a'l ignment along the south side of the Terrace Building? I hope these comments will be helpful to you in preparing for the final Design Review Board meeting. If you have any questions about these comments, pleasi feel free to call me at 476-7000, ext. Tll. Sincerely, r,t I n I {nfu'\ ft'12 Kristan Prltz Town Planner KP: br ROMA January 29, L987 Gary l{urrain Chief Build'lng Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Dear Gary, The following sunmary shows the total hotel unit count as compared to the number of handicap accessible hotel units. You indicated, in our recent phone conversation, that as long as the accumulative total of handicap units in the entlre complex meets the Unjform Euilding Code (U.B.C.) requirements, no further handicap units need to be added in the new construction. Sunmarv 0rlglnal Hotel Temace l{ing Addition P'laza Phase I Addition Cascade lJlng Hand i cap 154 5 120 2 220 32q 328 7 Handi cap Lost I U 0 q (-) I unit p1 us one for our project, 328 for the 228 project has 7 6 units. As you Total Units The U.B.C. requires, for 100 and over units, one handicap each additional 100 unlts or fraction thereof. Thus, for units equals I handicap unit (fjrst 100 units) plus 3 more remaining units. Four (4) handicap units are required and current'ly, but new constructjon wjll reduce this number to can clearly see, this is 2 more than required by U.B.C. Roma Design Group . t4zo Sutter Stri,fi ' San |;turcisco, CaliJornia gJtog . Glt 77 j-,1.1 ,o ROMA Gary llurrain January 29, 1987 Page-2- Please notify me if you do not concur with my with drawings for the P'laza Phase I based upon Yours truly, anifold Jl./dnk Ll29G1{ cc: Freyer Arnold Stafford analysis, as we are proceeding this conclusion. ral{;ffiffi l : ." , ' ' 1i1ft:i, ..., 'i11 ' fi i,t --, --. .-. ,.;.i; {,'-,,. ', ,:4,;,' ''- rr,.;-'''b,FffigNg cgNFERENtr'E BEsgRp ;:, " . .l ' l' , -l" +1 :" ;'4* :' ,llut .: : ,,:.*ot*o." *", less 'S- '1..';. 1' ' , ggr!€Et{, i .t, jl gr"i Eurr ain, vai I Bui ld ing Departnrerrt '.i.: ,' !' - t: REr j" " - o- -t-ut+ ::-"-.t---:---.-- . 'r, j ' ttt'l , Tr' 't q i;r,-,-.;.. ' ,. ..,-. i' ,-; \Et*I-=iprlnur.r. Reqr-rir.enrerits )',,' ,t '?' ' .-:-','--,;,-- ...:.. .t. *. lf'-.-.---- -i;i - ,i .'. . :t[r, queefil1rt-'r,raEi Faieeo G-r;- tne-r.eqiirilenrent f,rr- f ir-e gpl-ink- #;,. - , lrnt ,{n th€ attl.c'bFdce of the Ter.r"aee Additinn. The r"eap':nse ;,, - , lrnt {n th€ at:tl.€'bFdce of the Ter.r"aee Additinn. The r"eap':nse ;:J,'-.' f,rq! FqW Flqqa{n'wae that the* design tearn gh*u1d follaw the f1,i{-. ':.i Epr-i'nkltrirrg praC$denee established in the original lrestin H*tel.t tt,r, ,t. *r"u,-'rJ rlnetin H'ter attic g 1",, '; Ttrt-rr.iplti;nf.,.i{qBtiri Flstet attie spaee is pr.tstectecl with a f ir.e ' .tt ';, rlpr.XnklFl* ryrtt*u and pmake deteetarg. Ther.efnr.e, Y,rder Engirreer'*'..{ng _rtill lnreifV a {Fy pipe fir.e prntecti,:n syetern in the attic it . :1hg -*ill,-1f;a ff,a.'diy pipe fir.e prntecti,:n syetern in the attic ' - '- a'^Ql'... : " Additnn -'---- ing Depar.trnent j''..,i .,i. r: :; p.1nie*PVr-er €l-f ;flrehitects .t,,' .' i: .''"; i;""-Drilill,"l-iri.i"er,si',e,er.ins 't* .o ',: .: llSntt,Freyd-rr. Vall Ventunes l.,"Wj: l;,.i * ::r*,*,:.-.iij: r;:- r r1 Fatr...;+ -.ur..; The'.'nfcgagd tng eomment s and 'rr. ,:bser.vat i,:rrg ar-e pt'e'-r$':'+' ;'.. -."ir-'entlng an ovgrrview of pl''rEregg and cr,nditinns nf the ':' ,...*1.,, -' .l,m"k. Pleabe- notify uF ef arry rrlislrnderstandingg tr'rl .-.: ., '.i' requlned -l,fiterpretatiorrs c'r' clarif ieat!*ns within thr"ee 'i .i -'. woi'rtc dayE of rtscetpt ef these rneeting rroteso we will --, '.,,1 t: ".. t ", proeeeO on the baele that these items are agreed t,: tly i ao. ''- .'._+- all larttea'iottc€Pned. , , .",!:... ,., , '".i . I .. ; 1,..u.,.--;. ,.,,- t:r ": t. .. ...r. -:. ..':!. , .... 4 i,,.. ,.,.,1.. ..T1,: .. . I ,1" . t. i' ;" ,gt."i ,. ' r i't.- , i*1'':ri''-'j, ., '.' 1' ;i" ,: ;:l ,,;;'*'it *1, 5,,' - lFjt$*. Benchmark Plaza - Suite 307 P.O. Box 57zK) Avon, Colorado 8152O Yoder Engineering Consultants, Inc. Mechanical,/ Electrical Conference Record Presentl Gary Murrain, Town of, Vail Building Department; Clrief oick Duranr vail Fire Department, Mike McGee Tolr'n of Vail Fire Departmentt Denis Beaudin, Yoder Engineering Conaul"tants, Inc. Location: Vail Eire. Department .Time: February 41 1987 at Ll:00 a.m. Tlre following items vere discussed: 1.00. Generat 1.Ol Mike Mccee and Chief Duran wi].l require LFirellal fire hydrant instalLed within the existing serve the Westin cornplex. 2.00 Tefrace 2.OI The fire department connection for the Terrace addition rrriLl be located at the corner of Pepits sport, slrop on Llre west side of the Westinrs east ving. 2.OZ The fire department connection fire line dedicated to the Terrace sha1l be interconnected with the existing'Wpstin fire protection system. \ \2.O3 The f,uel oil rill for the westints emergency generatoi wiLl be located to the sest of Pepi's Ski Shop in the Westin Plaza. 2.O4 Gary Murrain and Mike McGee suggested changing the existing etnergency generator from fuel oil operatj-on to naturaL gas operation to eliminate the fuel oil- fill. 3.00 Plaza Phase i 3.Ol The PJ,aza. Ptrase I fire protection rviJ.J- be extended from the existing Westints fire protection system. 3.A2 The exis,ting standpipe riser located in the stairwelL at column lf,ne D of the Plaza Phase I needs to be reJ.ocated to maintain, service during construction of Plaza Phase I. .l0l-9.19-1 191 1-{r00".t.t2-1259 (Colorado OnlV) t,- 3.O3 The PLaza Phase l standpipe final Location wiLl be in the new staircase Located on the north end of the building. 3.04 ROMA nay have tlre fire protection shop drawings and hy- draulic calculations from ttre existing Westin building' These dfawings are. necessary for the PLaza Phase I conLrac- tor to extend the fire protection. It is necessary for ROMA to search the archives ior ttrese dravings. If bhe hydraulic cal-culations are avaiLable and reproducable fire protection strop drarrings are avaj.labLe it would be appreciated ir they lf,ere f,orwarded to Yoder Engineering. 4.00 PLaza Pttase II 4.Ol The Plaza Phase II fire department connection suggested location.on Westlraven Drive is unacceptable due to potential- ifiiii; protri"r" and stoping grade. The suggested locations are adialent to the Terrace fire department connection or on the we6t side:of, the Ptaza Phase II by the entry to the lower level rneeting rooms. 4.o2 Mike Mccee will require a fire command center located in btre Plaza Phase II buiLding. 4.O3 Plaza Phase II fire prOtection system shall be stand alone t'*i-pl"p" eire-piotecliotr system. stand aLone in that it is not ini"rconnelt"d ritfr tfre Westin nor the P1aza buiLdinq. 4.O4 Gary Murrain and l{ike Mccee suggested reducing ttre -size of-- ttre rrater feature adjacent to the PLaza Phase I and Phase II buildings for better access. 4.05 Milre McGee suggeBtg ttre existing reservation/computer,/fire command centei-room to be dedicated to fire command onJ-y ttrere eliminating ttre need for a Plaza fire command center' 4.A6 cary Murrbin and Mike McGee suggested incorporating a turn- in tlpe.drop off for guests enteiing the- Plaza II building' this-iould iiefp preveit botble necking the access road to the main westin entrance. tto[nnents and/or observations represent an overview the lrork. Please notify us of or required interprebations or clarifications 3l'work days of receipt of these meetings notes, as 'on the basis that these items are as agreed to by ; Vail Fire Department .Eua?n, Vail Fire Department.of Vail Building DeparLment L.',Yeiderr Yoder Engineering Consultantsr fnc. $" .nntrieon, Yoder Engineering ConsuJ.tants' Inc. Fy!e' SLP rd, RoMA r, Vail'old, Rot't do Yoder Engineering Consultants, I nc. Mechan ical .z E lectrical Berichmark Plaza - Suite 3O7 P.O. Box 57,f0 Avon, Colorado 81620 9, 1987 Mike ucGee Vai,l Fire Departnent 42 West. Meadov Dr.ive Vailr cO 81657 REr Februay 4t 1987 Conference Recordr P]".aza Ptlase II, Projeet Numtrer.87004 Dear ttike l I Erm forwardlng t|:Ls clarif,ication to the February 4th conference record in respoirse to your telephone conversation with me on February 9, L987. Itern number 4.05 shall be deleted entirely from ttre confefence r.ecord. do not hesitate t,o call. ll Beaudin' P.E. ccs 'Chief Dick Duranr Vail Fire Department To'wn of VaiL Building Department Dave Yo{err Yodei Engineering ConsuJ.tantsr Inc- )03-9.te.1 191 1-8m-.132-t259 (Colorado Onlyl Vern Denisonr Yoder Engineering ConsuLtants' Inc. Ernie Pyler SLP .lohn Sthfford, ROMA Frank Freyer, Vail Ventures, Ltd. Jerry Manifold' RoMA 6 Architecfure Plonning Londscqpe Archiiecfure lnterior Architecfure gD[.!Do Tenocentre. Suite 330 '100 Stout Street Denvet Co orodo 80204 (303)623-7031 Em€st L Py,lo,Al,A Vice President 29 iluly 1986 Ur. .Gary &trrrain chief Bulldlng Offtcial Vail |[orm Develotment Vailr CO Gary, I wtsh to su!@arLze orr meetJ.ry in Vail on 22 atu].y 1986: t. llp hour floon cel,ling system (u.L. G515): For ninor bean droBo below dry- walJ. celltng plauer stepping t-te dlryrall Ls accetrtable provldLag lhe furr- ing chennel spa€ on the bar Joists is maintained arourd the bean. Major or full bealo dlro1 s blow Eyster nay reguire drlnval l ard,/or fireprooflng of bee. 2. SLP haa checkedl thg battt exhaust ventLrg ternination code requjrementa at erterior mlI snil fourd that no restrictions apply (re: tuC Section 1102). 3. ReB Draft stop requirments in floorlceiling aystem and attic s[Ece lter IIBC Seotlon 2515(f)s gubsequent check trlth IcBo (FLoydl Opodaca) confl:med ChaE Cer 25 oaly a!,E LLes to t{ood constructlon. g{m{tqrty, SectLon 3205(b) applies to concealed roof slEces forrned of colabustlble construstion andl woul-ct not apply in this project. Any woocl on the sofflt exterLor rrl1l have F.R. glpaum sheathing uncler it. No ilraft stol4ritrg le requlrecl. 4. RE1a I:1 areag - there are no toun tenant finish iterne required f,or bulJ.ding Certlftcate of Occutrnncy other than Fire Rattng and Llfe Safety require- Eents (e.E., rateal separation ceil ing anl wall systems r alarm connectlons r etc. ). 5. All noodl blockingr Lnterle ard exterior sha1l be f,ire-retardant treated- !{r. cary }trrraln 29 'Iuly 1986 Page firo 6. lllre noof one-bour slTstem (sketch attached ) J.s acceptable. I aprpreciate your tlme and asEistance on the project wlth ite ampJ.e share of renisions. AE re dl.scuss€dr the structural systen will be changeil to a bar Joist configuratlon to take advantage of our reduction to [ype rr F.R. Tltre mechanLcal heating wtll be changeit to electric baseboard. Sincerely, AND PARTNB.S Ernest L. ELFTkcr cc! Franl( Freyer Dave Yoder alon libKe€ Ercloaures *85/111 s s. . q7f S./v, 8F( - r?Zo(qrsr7,*tv) It{- '.*, '-".-- -=" ttff-{ '";.'oz ro:': . : .=n- Fro:ect/No M {//, ogt 7- 7 -66 Ccnference .I relecnone Z lnfcrmction -j 2.i Q-t _W/rrt) | ffF. €< r"&r {l , - ay'Wfdt+dL 7 7r I 3/83 ryEOFCOLOMDO $ellin$on E. Webb Erecuire Direcror Division of Registrations Bruce M. &uglas. Drredor ffi w Y.il }::lciates, rncorporared PoEt Office Box Z - Vail, Colorado AIG58 Dear Dave:'' lt-the January g, l98E 9af,ety Board, the Board 1985 for a variance to Departmenl of Regulatorl. Agencies meeting of the Colorado passenger Tramway cohsidered Vailrs request "i--i"".*Oer lZ,Rule 2.1..1.2, rocatiori, rl"te-zl-iir space. . Po"fg to grant the variance provided the Findings of Facr in y;; ;;;;mber tTrh Please understang tfrlt this variance, as I understand it, was.only granted for trre nelf terrace wing or irre-rrot;l .-'r,ots 39, 43 and 44 -were not discussed, and therefore, no variance was granted with regard to the lots. Please feel free to contact me if you have any guestions. It was the that items letter are ProEram Adninistrator SM:rb of the 5of I .z r 1933 P,'ri'; JhN @ \AilAss#iarcs,hrc.i . ' ' Cre"mr" "nd Ogreraron of Vail and Bcarer Crecl December 17, 1985 ldr. Jonathau Carrick, p.E. Colorado Passenger Tiamway Boon 6OOA, State Servlces 1525 Shernan Street Denver, Colorado BOZOS ' . . , Tall Yentures, Ltd. and tbe sestin Eotel are desirous of .:buil'ding a new terraee:wing to their hotel and also construct-lng, in the surmer of 19961 a chairLift fron the botel site to the nestera edge of vai.l,. uiruataints simba run. Ttre li.censee for tle proposed new cbairrift nould be vail Associates, rnc. _ An-exception to paragrapb Z.L.L.Z Location, Note 2, Air space' ls bereby requested. Air space rsslles exist betweeu the proposed t_errace wing and the proposed lift, but also lrnfact tot Numbers 88, 43, and 44r-loiated on Sest Eave! _circle Boad' Please note attacbed letter dated November 19,--, 1985 from YalL .Ventures, ttd.. and. a memorandrlm dated $oyeubeq 19, 1988 from Frank l.reyer, project Director, and a letter dated Deeember 9, 19gs fron iown ot vair Fire ihief Dlck Duran. . TUe'anount of .al'r space iofriogenent as j.t relates to ' tbe terrace wlng of ,tbe hotel ls sbown on the RoilA drawings also allaeed. . 1,,;' . , ,, , Findings of Tact: 1. consisteat wlth Paragrapb 1.2.g (a), (b), and (c), in that botb a chalrllft and the maximlzatlon of corxcrercia). spa.ce nust occur for the Westi-n to be economical-1y viable. 2- vail ventures, ttd. riLl provide a twenty foot easeoent for the enti.re Bath of tbe liit 1ine. r-: .--- ---* iviAi$_qFi.il.;, LTD- :-,*:1 ' j;:; Safety Board Building Gl The bulldlng is designed as a Type 1 rire Resj.stive structure.\_-/ 4. Fire detectlon and preventioD systems'wiL1 be installed. 5. Sprinkler systern rri1l. be installed. 6.flre slll. notify the chairlift o-Derator of any ,E l| : l - The impact'to future deveLopoent of Lots se sould bope, could be discussed at the next -.PreliminarV drawi,ng #A1, dated July 1O, 1985, terrace wing closest to the cbairlift will uo balconies. 38; 43, and 44, Board meetiug.is enclosed. ,'.,: Jon, tb_lsr_Ls DO way, could be construed. as a skilng Ilft.' : -currently, th'e westl.n Eotel must bus tbeir people from tf,e botel : to eltber LLonsbead or vail vi11age. The current proposal. is ' "for a trLple. fLx_ed grlpr and. r *outd see tbis JLift buly for per-baps one or trpo houis fi tUe morniug. A traiL called ihe westin Eo currentry exists where guests at tbe Eestin have an opttoo of _skilng,a:catwar.k back to the botel . also encl.osed foi your lnfomatlon'ls a cascade virlage skier demand projection, and a Cassade Vtllage public accest pIan. , Any further lnfor:nation you may require, please do Dot hesi.tate to give me a cal1. enclosures vr,o/85/oeo DMt/cp ' 'W,^"VaiL and Beaver Creek Voil Ventures. Ud , . i(@ S fronloge nd. W. tuite@ Vcit,Cuorooogt6sZ'',.,',,,. 303476..66@ ' ,',. . :r :..., .' . -'.'': -.;'. .. . _... .,. :., -a. . ., - .'. i - -r' '': " Llt-:e.: .j" i ;l'r. ,:;l :;l:.,..'...'.. g_ ''t$liloti::;:,, project Direcror rrotrr Terrace Wing Fire protection subi€ct N;;;;;;r"i6l iges Dqls: , -'' --.',,. .-Th-e:Terrate HJ.ng is a L20 guest-room expansion to the existing :weslio,[ote]. located-in the Town of vai1, Colorado. The construction echidule indicates coumence&ent in the spring of 19g6 with conpletion tn the fa!1 of 1987. The bbtlding is destgned as a Type r fire resisci.ve strucruxe h,ith a nstate of the arttt fr.re detection and prevention slstem. The fire 'alarm syste.E can be actlvated nanuarly ai pu11 box stations or Sutonatlcarly .lI: theroal and/or smoke deteit,ors locared trriou!rroor the butldtng.-',As,,ll9,r"*rffne is ru11v ;p;i;ki;;!d, .n ur.'i "iti"r i, "r"o actlvated O" lll,:lliTlt:; sysren iniiiation. A11 fire alari signals .- -ntlL be iasia.4taneouely transmltted and dispJ.ayed on the nulti-zoned '' anuRclator paner.ru tnl "ajoi"i"g ltestin Hotel f ire cornrnand center L,hich 1:_i::*!o::d. !r loter pers6naeL i4 hour" ;;;-;"y and is connecred -. The portl'on of the Terrace Wing structure vhich is t,he nearesr to " tbe chairl'tft site--i's a fire stairwell rshich extends to the f uJ-1 hej.ght :l-:1"_l:1191rp.:,,.:Tlts stairvel,l is sprinkLered and also has a Class r 'g.tbnd- ptpe. gisfen"itttr iii"-io"" .onnecrions. oii'.l*ii""ii"io;i:;"rj the.cbairltftr the 'exterlor of the stairlrell r.raLL wil1 be fitted uith an :audible alarrn.to.Dotlfy the chair lift operatoi of any fire ;i;;,condition directty ro the rosn oi v;ii-rir; D;;;;;r;;;. a I \ \AtVexruRES no Aprll 17, 1986 Mr. Gary Murrain Chief BulLding 0fficial Town of Vail Building Departnenr 75 S. Frontage Road Val1, C0 81657 ,'pE. I Terrace hling Cascade Village Dear Gary, Please let this letter serve as conf i.rmation of our agreernents and understandlngs regarding excavation for foundation work for the Terrace l'Iing expansi.on to the westin Hotel at cascade vi11age,Vail, Colorado. As previously agreed, on or before April 21, 19g6, we r+ill coBmence mass excavatlon activities on the future building site of the Terrace lJing and its innediately surrounding area for the purpose of renoving exis!ing site debris which has been stacked thereon for some three years. During the week of April 21, 1986,ne vl11 be submitting to your office two complete sets of tirn Progresstt construction drawings with our appii.ation for building Pernit and check in the amount of 940,000.00. The Town of Vail will thereafter conrnence its plan check activity and will notify our office when such activity has been cornpleted and the building permlt is ready to be issued. rt is our understanding that we have Town of vail approval to proceed with the planned mass excavation of site debris and that withln approxlmately two days of our application for a building pernlt and paynent of 940,000.00 we r.ri11 be allowed to begin airual foundatlon excavations for the Terrace wing construction site. lrle further understand that until such time as the building permit is issued and the balance of the pernit fee i.s paid, we cannot commence wlth any conatruction activity other than the excavation work outlined abo ve. rn accordance with our agreenent, from the date of the Town of val1ts notification to us that the building permit is ready to be issued, the Town of vail wirl a11ow us up io- 75 calendar days to pay the balance of the permit fee and secure the building perrnit.rf we have not secured the permit prior to the expiration of the 75 day period, we understand that the Town of Vail may irnmediately require us to refilltand revegitaEe the excavated ioundation aiea Further, if we fail to comnence the required refill and I f rufrtt ..&,s 5+efr{..lp^*u..-c^"^g-a*If, 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81 657 . 3031 476 Mr. Gary Murrain April 17, 1986 Page 2 revegl.tation wlthln five days after the expirarion of the above 75 day perlod, ve agree that the Town of Vail rnay at its discretion and upon the expiratlon of five days after writt.en notice of intent to us, undertake such work on our behalf. The cost of such work,tf undertakeu by the Town of Vai1, will be paid by the Town of Vail fron the fee of $40,000.00 to be paid wir.h application for building permtt. .To the exteot that the cost of refi11 and revegitat,ion exceeds $30r000.00, we agree to reimburse the Town of viir for such excess wlthln 10 days after notification by the Town of Vail. To the extent that the cost is less than $30,000.00, the Town of Vail shall refund to us any remaining balance. Pleaee advlse this office immediately if any of the above understandlngs or agreements are not properly set forth or do not conply wlth dlscuaalons to dat.e. VaiL Ventures, Ltd. By: Mansfleld, Ltd. FBF/sb tane Co oration rao -_rl+*rr!J''? rfrr I *qliErartQT.l*F ' ffcrrn - lb rcrr cf,rfl lq t N9 39461 DATE RBCETVED ADDRESS (: ' .tt.l. . Permit l{r.rmbers Police Receipt l{umbers i 1i tl- tL[ j' ,--'HOw PAID-OdI -.An*' /" "l'3 Dy '\,.\t^$' \\trr'r r s '-\ t-\. -\*.1 \'...-* \rq,'.''\ l\> \,.,.\. I i Meeting Nofes O Ppjecl lroect Dote lime - 85.ttl lrocofton Present ' Distnbution 09 Aprtl l9t6 10t00 a.n. Offlces of Vall Rrtliltry Dapartn€at PreBEntr Tom d Vall: vatl Venturesr SLrPr Yoder Englneerlng: Dtgtrlbutlonr Tbse Ptesent PetER lrionroe (ntc) Cralg CarEoll (Frc) .Vern Denleqr (Yodler ) Gar[ !'trrraln , Frank trley€r Ernle Fyle Ton Rylrskl Dave Yoder Denie Beaudln li I :.j.aae-lt2 " - ^ i'-, ,. -' ..::r' ' r.'-- .a t- 1", i_i !'-1-.- -. IIBST!|III rtnRlurrE nnrc 09 Aprtl 1986 Page 2 of, 3 rtrc DISCTESED 01. Srror loail for 1to$n d VatI iE 80 lbs,/s.f,. llve loail. neduotlqr for sloped roof ls allosable per code. 02. tltnil speed for To$n of vall ig 120 n.p.h. 03. Frost deptt! €or $otnr of Vall is 4r-0r. oil, Ioft Unlte: Tha loftE look acceptable a€ drarn, Although they are cr'er 1/3 of the area orf the floor balow, tbere are olrenings to the Epace belon. Alsoe beeause of prlo! qreenents, the bulldttng has been upgradd to Type I constructlonr andt fully sprlnkled to nake the loft c'onflguratlon acceptable to the bullding de- Partnent. Gary llurrain reguested lnforrnatlon on srcke,/heat alarng ard voice egacuation spe€kers. A srooke th-tector 1111 be cithin each unit as nel1 as the corrldore. f,he r'olce enacuatlon speakers are to be Locatsdt ln the corrldors. Per the VaiI Fire Depart-mntr Lhe fire alaru panel wll1 be fully ddreesable. 05. 9talr at llnk: Stalr at link @nnectE the ground floor arlt flrst floor. hrrpose iE to allon lenanta acceaa at ground floor to the epa on the south slde d the hrlldling.llte exlEtlng gype II bultClng and the Tlrlre I addltl.on eaab have thelr owtr er.its. lltre Llnk is not, required an an etlt, it only eonnectB tbe trc butltlings. Itlndou8 ln the ltnk area are therefore allorable, ard can be treated as unprotected openlngs. ecr[(x stP/ Yoder 3/83 ".- il I -\. r-_.i -i l.\l I rir ,/\l t r--l Irl-,i-t I --Y -.l L--l r -- 'n'rJat' ne .. 'a:J' ."aa: . .'.: -'::-, ,. : .r- I i;.1, ::3 i: i' Flrr ![Elllf(t mre 09 Aprll 1986 Page 3 of 3 'A Hr.. ,'rt.* Drs*s' --th_,r,{d,:1?9 Acft(x 06. { hour rall separatlon: 6ii1! {lr- *Y-Yi*I ' oh*v, Ground FLoor - The 4 hour/wall lncludes lhe rest €n* €estb rallgf of Stair * ltvanil the west wall of Root! 63. l'!re north naLl d Rocm 63 need nd be 4 hour rateil r and nechanical penetrationg to the Chlller Roorr aEe acceptable. Flret Floor - [he 4 hour nall lncludes the north and rest walls of Stalr No. l; the negc atd soutb ralls of the rechanical draee. Secondl Floor - The tl hour sall lncludles the north anil wegt salle of stair No. 1; the west ard Eouth ralls of tlre echanical drase. Itre 4 hour wall need only extend 30tt above the link roof, andl Penetratlons above 30t are acceptabLe. 07. A second ealt iE not needed f,ron lt{echanlcal Rocm No. sIrP 70 (no gas fired equlpnent). 08. Verlfy dlirectlst that Door No. 008 should swlnE. May SIJP need to swlng ln the tlirectlon of travel frcrn link ar€a for eriting. -09. SLP silt verlfy protectionr tf atrYr requlred for SLP otrenlrgg ln Stair No. I above 4 hour wall. 10. noof hatchee at the etevator area ard Stalr No. 2 ac- aesslrtg the flat roof are acceptable. ll. Verlfy flre extlnguisber regulrenents sith Ulke SLP I{6€ee. 3/83 Ff,D (T TGBIIlF M'TEs 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 O*n", Vai 1 Ventures Ltd GENERAL PLAN COHRECTION LIST Sased on 1985 Edl on ot the Unirorm Buttdlng Code olf lce of community deyelopment Plan Check No. r Valuation 6 ,900,000 g5g_Hote 1 ,oo oog,,":g ciry vai 1 g1sg" Colorado Type of Construction I F.R.Occupancv 616rr;1,s6non R-1-B-2 Total Allowabte noo, "r"" Unl imi ted per U. B. h. p,' Basis for Increase COMMENTS OR ASSUMPTIONS: Stories 4 Floor Area: Floor (Max.) Floor (Totat) Qn Er Occupant Load iii ------Corfectrons_checked below are to bemade on olans oelore perm;t is tssued.r ne ape,o:aror prar 'd; ooi;;;iffff;Jr:;iliii"n or "ny .".tion of rhe Euitding code or other crry ordinance or srare taw. Addlllonrl Co?rectlons: 1. Loft units need 2nd Exit. These sheets are a pad of the plans and shall Iemain anached thereto. Corrections as Checked by Fechecked and TEST REPORTS PHASE I SteeL SteeL i" ;h;i.i", idd'; !'' ,:, ..,. . i' a .Erl n x It{ .o E E q >r $J {J 11 T E 1) o 5 l{ (0 3 t{I t{JJ X x G Iu z B o F.o |lr tr ?o tc f UJ llj =o z lrJ d o F () TE F z o () F =z o ,9,;. !{ e9 =U >x o9l o+{tal toO rr l.l vg flza/ - Cc ) c//ltc ( /(/ b,rq^ ]J 3Etr. 'Est Eeu$*8T E Ersg HsE s €EqE 0rroo hi60'30>OH ln oo . F.{ O{.r ? g8 s st (rt . J.r O O ogHx o-5-xE -8 tHis j5;fr r?.F 'E:: g O c{ l.l r-t I g'g 5 fi $,q;H F+i tfr HH;s 1 EfiHig i pofil9 ;8fisg I .E#E'H ' E8$'€,I Hd . l?st *l fi b'* 19 s f;f;flF Q;;re 6trr= 5fi#$;AE 5.e 3 -.1 .J 86'dB z ? rn o t:(ic 1il t lrl Lt P F z u.l a- f o uJ gt 6,o O IE F z o (J uJ f IL UJ tr =u,l F o z at,z I E o z o o E UJ I F ul 3 >l ol vl ol x (! E 11 B o +,U' J F'I FrE o-o s Eg i3 N EH . gF{2 ES F *:q F EEI r\,6 I r- I !n o a5 o r*@ to o Fl s o z tt o - /F\l4 g :'.EJ E ;::"-6 '::'sa fi :,."td E ,d- E i';&ts 6 .--t2 6 \tv o clt =t 9' I () tn q) G' C.) a v) € 0l U E & dg'' r.Htq It ''tt e cF o r-PB fi OErF{Hco.C Etso g EEU rl. '<o-i E .-t O..{ L,geE t o F .9 2 h ls r s- 0 3 + J cl-' ,-:- G ql ut tn o o ut 'r1 tu E fl j a g ul +J u| E g g E,ul z =o l-:o UJ t I o lr d uJ lll =c,z ul t o J-o tc F z o o I F =z o F c z :) =E o o J to !J ,{ ..1 .lJ .d H t{ $t # (, N |Il r{.A Er oq{ttl A.A EE o.i d fiE >'q.(!0r tr6 c o' q'Tl .:E Effg 'E8 n'8 a Hdo o..g fl$; .FE 3 '-l >oLo ._, $t E '; x ,'.iitut EoE (do$.f8 ErE .a ad fi;fi ..-l 'rO 8 6 fl :'{ E a I E IU E Ir o € UI g g Fl F{ H ,! o g Fl 'q tr P .r{.p x o H E $ E r+l 6 t)6 o v o ;a FI aD ur F 5 tr o z o ,o IE F o z o o F z ur E g o Iu (t, tc o F ?E F z o o ur E t E u A E UJ o z tt,z o F 6 z o C) E u, F UJ 3 'Ft "F5 crt tFrE. EsEg $d,;H ;g$$; gE GIB t-g CJ UJ AE $6 rr GD -E c)=E' U.B ffi Ei d g' Ll ES E dEq f; H.c- E E.fre $ isH' fr gss # o F rs C ..{I Ul tl 6 B€3 ET i HH E :1 E.E e ?fl # H€-g tr\o Y x#; fi*3 3d po c+J d 8x I rH $:$'i cq x -q {f;.H 3r E Efr Hs ;l s€ f H €E gi fil$ns F; 3,n e; sl$,; gfi !1m! Ef; $H fr z,t!E g 3 a ut o G o F (, E z o () F6 f rOF{€ E f E EH E\n:.f, ro E,r 3 2 €S .E6Eg i F FE,d tn g)# Gl a lrl g U'U' € f,-€) r-t U d p q'o c CD t ut (! <J c E at !'o o (, GD c t 2 o () E d$ u,;EE fi OF{-{H @ '.v. EH' E -ro-i;:.d O.'{ +r geE t o J1 d FI B (t A c o o (/r o q (! o }1 ,,{ E -l FI C)-d>+ro )1 E c,(l,('tl .q o +J {J g q)a ulo a .{J trd 9{>od t{o x o() +r .q oo +t o oo >l{o(d .o {d .rl rt).ir cn "-l O tr-l o. ..{ .rl H t*srobl fr Y.5 ;i tl+xoo r? (J 'r'r Edx 5A 6 ut F dl o Flz ?o ()F 2t *H oo 6 c' E ?g tr 9EE 3H f; H k-ts [ E 9E o *b €nP (Dz il9S t- ct, t >a UH H?H ^ crd!eP =po -hfr dag HH66frl ##t?6i bn Etr at EE bg o i u, gg ri = 2 F*lll's z >k'. : 0 =3 =E B', 8$ E E ;E tl HH#E efi =I =i EE g: $! il 5E (t r.l g, .'{ l.'l ' -ll 3 F{ -{ I o rrl o 5 Ui J ! lt{.lJ (gJl +J n to .d ()l tU F{ ftl:'-l 'Fl I tu lt-{ | (! N J4I N t{ llJ u ldlu +, .ril+J dul d br lUr H FllH A.QIA ol tu' ..{ 1..{ Fl lF{ O IIU I 9UI JC Ir lt{lJ frll +J F o-to- d(nl d r./ (u €l rd N IN '{ l.Fl 3 t3 t{ l}{5 rll t +J c\ll +, d td A tnl p.t r-t I rUC l{ +J t{ o H d N .'l .Fl O Fl td! E 6S E5E :fE €g E EEE :;q ; gE E:F ifF Es{ ig3 EEE EE 8 E9t EEre t.s !!\E[8 :! - a OEET =-56'F BE €gEQG 6 Eii E gAE E;s# ;EEE g!!E tg*og iErS 6 t-l ID c =a.E OF 6P 'Id : Er b {.1 -i @+l Z 6 Eo E E 4U g 3:d r a Fg! T\c, I f7'(\l I \0 o 6 o t\ @ \tt @ F{ 5 C;z ,4t o ? ct o 0,E TD q ul 6 (,c t o o o o cD c 2 g,E o o (a 6' GI cf o a 0 € -q) U 6 (, o A& t{HO F?O >l Urr\ O -drn H o+J\o ls 0, g-{l{ ocD J4 5t{ tr +J fr. (l qo,{o.(J k >(n FloF{ C 'F{ O..l r, rd o cl .lJ >Fl> 4 o F tr L ul IE UJ u,dt o J cl tt t4 o FI B t0 t-t A 0) 0 .tJ (/r o Ei d F] o x .rl E o o.90 Cr{oor o Ol{trd t{o o !,{lrl6 qp o\g s H o t{O P(t EE atu q. r+{ H .IJOH OFI 0)Ei Ft rt .Ft d r-lH!kJ4A{OU I d tl-] H! o oua !,0 o ul =.'-t g fi t{ '-l ;i+ro dxo o tl-{ F U' uJ F dl o H6 ()F =ze 2H aro =g ci E ?9tr 9EE EF fi fi Fh 5 6E ff -Hx d"E Y:Z HHE {o E5= UH HeH nfl =P3 EF"EEi #it?6r E!Etr tl,g ts J a r-.1 o (d t{b 6 o u tJ r{.Ft o =EF gF HE ot o\o\t\o\co Or o FI o o FJ T o Fl EI LI |9r-=z EEg oct =(J fv) @ <. m t\ 6\ ln \o \o \o (o eEe ro N GI F{ o\ rO N r-l (\ ol (\ F{ @ N F{ '-l N (v) Fl ('l (\ (') F{ rft sf a.) Fl (3 t- E ct 6 5 =HE EEE€EO(]ct=() ct .t- (') t- (f) c\ (r) t'- (r) t\ a') t'. rY) l'. EuE= o\ (\ (v) FI o\ N (fl FI 6\ GI fr) o1 f{ frl rt o\ (\ (Y) Ch N frl 01 N fo r-l -A-EgSF E! H= L' u)rt o Fl (9 m r$t\ q \o (, F{ *\o z ct C:9 @ (\l I rq E .Fl t{ e, q .Fl ; Hl| o .d sB 6-r-.t O AGI ._{ I o lt-{ F.l ; aa v 6 bt CS{ 'Fl O 3!o oo o t!f{lr 0l: +J <r l I I _l TI 'l '.rl t{l .1 *;l fit dl lll q(nl E;] UI o (, lr @ C{ I .-l t{ Fi .,{ 3 H(H 1g N3 G-FlO AC{ I I I I I I Nl ll ;l 'tl o'l Hl q-r I dol Nl d Ftl A*l co ol I .rl rr tl l-l rl. (0dt N ftl tl F{-A.o co GI I x F H@ (.r) ad N.6Z Ez Q <i F-s -i =i ,{ rO $CA s!@ \i o ln g IEE E 6P !g; E€ q EES €Eg E;E Es6 i€F EE€ E ga E=E 6€ I ;eg Esre iE BE EEi E 8.5€s ;Et t cgaF s Eg! 9:e-t 6Ee5 FE3: !EEE i9sF teiB ; Fs! !.sEE o ttt .,{ .QO co .0O F{tts{'u E Lr CJ 3E b dt @a '^, q8 , it z 2 F=Cc::x o f F H gd = 6 i rH = Fs** E ifi fi F:;E E ir ; Esng o trd H = d,"x;n ;.gE Eb=.ErF Efi: ?$E;f;E H ms gEiH=! -/a/g 0)o rct E irl d}{ll 5r uJt ttr (,)c .Fl bl +J qt OFI o(,l E{F !o OFI F{(u oca !Q ll I(,o(/)h(') --Elro o4. zz gs 4z 6e_ '-3e o9 g TD E lt o F t !; €6 B."{b .lr O.d d Eo E 4U ii r{ r g si E 8E o f\ CD I rO N I ro o as o T\ @ r.O CD F{ -f ct z .ct o - o o G g, @ F{ ci z C'E|.o IE 5 t6 cl g o o .g ol e LlJ 6 o .E IJ (D t'o o CD E E E (t o A=u'E 7 7cc de Tel -,' \", =tfJ 1' gs afr h HO rt0 >r br- O .dln 1{o*Jro r. O CF{g Oco Aa 'tr tr 4Jh d qo!o.u k >(4 U)c) GI c)o tn a € q, U t.. FloFl C .,{ o ..{ +r do (Il +J >Fr> 4 w 2?H)" ,x d FI I (Il A l{ o o +t (n u F:(, t'.1 0, }1 E F cc o uJ o o ul o o n tl tl I tl tl tl l.l tuJ I ta I ro I l" I F an ul F o Frz <Y Ol-ES =tr ?H .to z gci 5 Eg tr ()F.F aF f i KF ; LJ 9E o n, gsE Vo E5> UH H?H aff =P9 FE.gEq #jg?5i ntr trtr 3EE E 5'e !9; Ee q EEg €if +€F iBF iEi EE8 853 EEE EIE Ese ti$E EiEg ;i;r E Ei;5t=? Efig ?EEO gF;t EEbi €t; B F g:3 ::,"E.^:E F IL f, TL o (r, u,ut z at, :<tc Z:E z o F 9ur ==O 'c) k - an tn E u=ut ut=.o cno 3 tre z l! tL o oo z EO : H9 E 3F -ts z= o F 2 f g z o =?F E l! tl.o UJ gl l z z UJ F J s cc uJ F =.U z o F o o- o o z o F I lI-o ur IL U' q{do N .d(/) t-{ - oi .Fl 3 H (d N .d t t NGD s 6-3 OF =,tt E ,,: €E bq : tt .;l = 6 €"e E do F gf,i t\6 I rft C\l I \o o 6 o t\ ctt ro co Fl if ci z .cl o - c !'o 6 s |ll o (,c E I .g I o CD c t ID t 0 (t v,t) GI c)o a Q € €) (J (t d o Otr rl Fo f O >l 5rr- O .6rn tl ut+,\o p{ O q-l lJ oco t1 5l{ q A, &.. ad COt{0r.u E >ul F{oFl tr .d O.r{ .lJ ttto (t +J >'{> 4 o F tt J1 .-l ! |It r-1 o u o EI (t frl o 14 ..1 E .-l .l .-l qr J1 (t .o o J1 . td F{ +J (U oc PA gl +J {JH oo >o od ,q.c {A FH Pp tru roQt o lrj ro EO 9o EJ c'ri 6 uJ F t0 o H6 ()F =2a 2H aO Vur Yci=Eg tr 9Ej-- HH f; H Eb : F th 6 3E A he Hac Fu, tr >a EH H?H ^(f,dl ffB =P9 FF.EEi i;g?6r 6n En €gE efF €s E EEE €Ei *i5 E;g g8;q:t F.EA EsB E;E tE I E.Pg {EB5 ;$Eg 5s; E E g5E riq€ EE!: FEEc r"EgB e ee b iise o E.' -Fl +, (do o Fl tH '.b q g9 ;'x= o , tQa'h ita >+J tt, = O 863 9= tr ko.., : 0 >Hii Y hEtt 13'ri ; xigH fo6 tr ='rt"P xgi f; E"HF Elr H Hi-;O tr (t l'ii ii .d :X Z :€E Egqi3e =rU.rr 2EZtu_tt-6fi' 99 9.:: fisH filfiEEE [:o\ '{ ;D-(nruJ o 'ts -t- zE 8s FIO OF{EO rfrrfl Hg,tf,"4 z-aa =rE ri? (5E o rto ('rct H(t br tl €Fl ,(ntn c &'Fl 56 (,ro frr b.l d F H .U N dt ul .Fl 3 H IU N r!! F{- 3 rl! | ul lbr tr 6\l I .Fl c.ll..{ .d Ul rd Ft | .-{ HIH ,d'-tl O N !I N A 91 A r!! F{- Fl o Fl o tr 68 0,F 6P I;3 g6 B'S z t E"A E 4o g :: r-l r ; g $r E ; gE F @ I r0 AI I rG, o 6 o F o \9 00 .-{ \t d z .o o a e e'o c ol E UJ a!(, E t o !t o CD c E c o o v,q) Gl C.l o u,U' € -ts c) U e s&! a ffi w4 Ees =#rt 'll o otr g F.r o FlO >r trrrr O -dtn fl o +, rcr El O trF{H Oo J4 tl{ tr JJ h rtt COI{O 'U fr{>ur '-l o Fl A .'a O.Fl *J r rdo r! .+J . >,_r> .{ o F co uJ ar o .r{+JJ4 .Ft q ;3 ;d '-A. EN ..{o..J6 'ci, o nl +)I(a t+-{ o .r{ {J 9,iic EO 6?uls ool .{ J4 -.E OFI .pH O...l F l q..l A. 11 EO Ord o.Q or +J ol (\oo FIE€+J r-l ..1 .Fl +J @ rld qr c{(u J4 C, .lr o>oo rudoo a.q c t 'F{ (tr H +r ._t o -'r o g trrd g .-t o ord lr d 11 '-l Ut 3 .dr5-{J 'tJ tr+rE Ul O lll ftt {J .lJ .'l O OFI .!J o ad r$r lJ l{ +, .'l .p o,q crcdo > OFI ..q rJo {o . d6 Lr{ g{C EOEO oco LCOO E, tl * .tl xo O Fl l+J !1? qr ,c o #obo X+r O^;FO!O E o.q t o+rd F U'u,F dt o Fz ()F =ze 2H oo 6 c' E Eg F 9E|- HH E 3 Eb:E th 6 $b €nP .tr: trgs UE fr8fi ^rE.o ne :90 FF"BEq i;g?6i dn Etr o U' -Fl +J -^ r{ \', ,iovI d* oa ilg * E EE gb ig q fffm ,4H 2 eiEi fr €: i =s-,ExH i PF*.di'l P : H,36-' EFI E"ErlH Eig HEHs;E ;fig 3;3r3€ HIgru;cgF g E r =H o (' C'l{ ur .cl a (a .a d Fl v, 'o Fl o trl z=O(gll z t o €EE d6= €fE E8 ! EEE €Ee €gE 968 f:i Es€ 9S r 1€;EE e E€3 ;.es EEg€ E€g$398F E EgE €;c€ aEtr iEE; Dr 9c h E;i 3 !EgE vl .r'r' N :l tl il ',) J :l i .'; :{ o tr o +J -d t'do r{O 0, Fl .1, .t{ott'!c> Fl cD C 6E 6F 6P 6 RE t! P o e6 EE e€FS EA f* co I a\ GI I ro o 6 o @ rr!) c(' F{ sf o z tt o -t o rtd o H (, ut tr .Fl .|J o o h B o Fl o o {t E trl q, 0' aD c uJ o (, E €o ct 0'o CD 1 t 6 A'.rrE -$.s! .'d, 5 €-@ 3D .oi bf.-[-)W-elj --'E&o a& s HO FIO >r 5rr\ O -dri l{o 4J \g frl O q ''l l{ oco J1 tH c +,E ad trOr{O.(J lr.t >(/) F.t O Ft C . .r{ o..l +J >Fr> d tih o) .!l g) la 0 € q) U \" ,z )4al/2 '!>2 \ 6 _/atg dl o IU .L ]U IE uJ tt, o J UJ tJ- 14 d B .d A] FT o o +r (n o c d ftl o J ...1 F cc o-ul o ut CT (' o- d l! F U'lrj F lD o Frz Eo OF E5 1n @jl ao 7ur Yci Eg tr YTE= SF E i TF ; L-I 9E o o= il ns BsE t- u) E >a EH s?H fiff =P9 EE"gEi ;Jt?6i OE tr! tll & l- J 6 at H {.{do N .nz Arn $2 ! iE E69 9'F F E€ i EEi g;.E e lr EXF ; iF E 6: f : F u66 85E 5= F 5E I {E$E ffga p98E iEr: 5F:€plsl ;!;E 9E€ E iEE; $$eF FeiS BgFc !is s F IL =L o u,o py :__ u) Y z-olF ZZ :9 b+f *A ;;fre u.f w o=6 (D 00 3 3 f? Z Z lL u-o o oo z z rf,o Lu ur E-o d- z.F E - 3E J g tr uI F =cO z tr C) IL =o o z o F tr o llt cO ) .$ (\ o (\l CD E 68 OF 6P T; R B5 b+r z t E"e E <c) g :rJ r ; F sr E E 8E o o 6 u,l t!(, E IJ ot o o CD o o .\l.,' ? t- co I t\(\ I t\0 o 6 o r- oo ro @ Fl sI ct z lt o .: U'c) CE 3J a (a € q) t) o o at r{Fo }l o h dir- O .' td rn H o .tJ ro F{O C-l H Oco A4 tt{ tr .lJ trr ('COI{Q'.CJ &{>ul F.l o Fl C 'r{ O.Fl +J (Ilo .Il +.,>Fr> .4 o F t' I z tr rrl u)dt uJ E F (E <l I r-'1 | I I I I zl .r ol IlJ FI s5l <sl tf, d)l |i url x=l 14 r-l 7-l F5l nill IF lo IP I t> l.'IE IF t<lc)l6 lz t-Iut l<|(t tz 19 ci tes lsiE I lz .<) =qH H E(,) ;th 5 = llJ r.r !.IE tr a-h A az. e bfr 5 E8 H o NEF F t- 6;ct)jj6=' r!tLz< n! 67ct -cc: ct/ucrz 7.//4, ,g .d Fl 3 o A o o +J ('l o q 6 o J4 -r.l E F tE o UJ tE (t) U' UJ E (t lg69 l€ sE IeiE IE{E lEi$l9!; lE ri IE€ E I F:S I I E j:. li:i IE E3 l€sE l=E; lE€E l;sr lEsa* lE! $E ig;$g98r 3F:s :ir.f Ea=i: gF3: g! Ell i i it q9;E i !6 c tr*! 3 EE; a uJ o lJ-o lr LlJ )z ct) E z z e F o IL : c) u o E ul lD =z o z UJ F (t)t z z o F lrJ u- E UJ E :f z z UI F IJ t< luJ IF =.U z F o () z o F c lL o UJ a a\! r\?6 ct'l n|N I ID tD tr gEE 6P :e' .\ .9:b* Ei rg ; 6..{ = = 6E; n A E4u i I 3: r{ r E F gg! z z?()O t,V 69 -.5 ui?o4 5€ 'r o lr fr. J1 rtt ta TI tr .tJ L) 3E -9 IY CII (J IJJ AE OE J6 JE \{}o -ED -E sz, U,3 a ,\rrJa -f '-' ='o lfl1 \JN L&l '- d.E o!1 E{rlO trr t\- llt u1 u, .t, ro O C-{! oo +J l:. o.u >(') -o*'.'{ O .'J tdo (t >-{> o J1 ,u .{ 5 ad A 0, 1) rh .d frl o ,!1 .Fl E t-.1 -l -.t riJ .j4(l, o+J .d '-l .Qo o|o .Fl (0d ,-t .d )jr E o h o 3 +l -Ft (,| .Fl tr Er ..1 ]J I H d g.r lu? B Ir o d l{ +J F TE o n a,o IU a z tr 4J CD ID o UJ F A XI -j I I zl ol trl <t >l uJl ol d)l 3l EI Fl JI JI fl M I trt F ct) UI F lD o tll F c)6 z at) v,z 9ct E9 co OB IIJ l!l* rE h6 EB h Bo Z FH O E;H H<o o:l = JlJ ltl -i F 6 E??a6E JXo<E:€E 3E lat lz lo Itr E o u, (t) tt) lr, IIJ E o IIJ t-Q uJ F J J E a 4 C'g:t o E ql l,l g, i;EE lsiE = lb6:o lE€5 i lgiE oo |€:E Ir EF E EIiSE g sirgf I slEFi -s "l=EE F lErE sul!€g€ o 6li5tI ;Elirfi K etigif b bi;FEE so,!!SE H ol;'i;i = * lt rsl 2Y,:EEE cn l-zg z of, =z :o E be ? <5 E o-!S Etr uJ ()h l!Hu l{oooo crJrt H 8H I ='-l = !D l.-l Z\gZ >er l.D rr 2a''2-t Htfl g >U>(,)FF o bt .Fl +J .qo (u0 '-l lH a IJ rr q, o 'rJ qoq I o F{o tq tl (9 E trl x x.l.J +J ..1 .Fl Ul og E:O ord ro l{t{O O+,+rU O l.l t{A E l.r t{ tu cd .d+J $v1 ul (p fo rnO Ch Fl IJ l<tt IIJ F co z tr () o-: z I F E C)IU o o o F{ CD t g,oo =u, E !"'trr bc (\ E€ ^ Efi Z *u. E FE8 I :: r{ r F FH3 ta c..98 9lrJ 8E qE <P €,9 -ED -g e)= U8 F 60 I o FI I \o c ]E o @ ro @ rt o z ll o 'tt trg t{Eo, E urr- o .|Utn H ulrro F.0, cF{koco &5t{ C rltu a6 trOri O .(J fr.>o -o.i i .'r O..l aJ IUO d {J >F{> o F{ r-{.Fl r+,1 J1 .Fl J4 (0 +, r-t o .u r{{ o .tJ ut o 3 lo l.p a .lJ o F ul aD U) uJ E z F_ E uJ U) F F TE ll -t I I zl :-l <l >l url ul =l FI JI trl ED F o UJ F co cl IJJ F 6 =(t, (t)z 9ci RE |l.O o3 HY 6:b6 Efi F =^ o E5 P t'<.. oit = J\.,l4 '_! F !: 6()u..a ; <YaaE Jgeg tr5 I tt,z tr o IL () IIJ (t) o F UJ UJ 6 F at) uJ F J J IL o- F o o o tsl 3 o a,tr ll hl trtl l€ E:l5F!te*E IE€g l€;E IE€E I E;$I E c4 i3f '; la-e IEEg lF-! lEgi lFEg lEtE lEse lfEgg E$Eg r!81 E F!- EEii 5 g5e ="ti6 tFc!i;r 3 o Fl I G} F U- rLO oH AY ul E:z 6H IO Fl ril ,\J/ccl *r =l FI o url o6l >l A ?al a=l r,ol <ol a<l u- tJ-l ool H9i >tr1 > rJJ I zE, U' -.1 +J 60 Fl q.r ID tr l{O o6 a !,,2? z.of zz Ro =5 ? ir= qJ H()u qru OEO s8s tnFl !D O :E?3 !fo\ o o z 2.6 <+l< 3: H3Hd, FF lx lh.lJ | +r..1 lJ.'l c lS c o ltc (u trt gJ€Ut{€trO -o+J o. .JJ O zoo ooh trtta ()A 5q5 l{<trd Ztr.d O tU +.1 tr .rJ o <o !) dp U- or0 O Oroo rr',OrF{IL o Fl- r!0 Fl- E to FI lFl t\ ED .E o_o Ol-6P E-' ;d €6 E!.: al.Fl = 6E; A EdU g r: F{ r ; €si E EOd rJ 4liE> o a6 o (D ro EO Fl s C;z .6 o o 6 at tl ul .o 5 Ia s td Fl U) B o Fl o trl tl (, (n rxt gl B8 -c rt ltl .-t CJ UJ AE €E €8 -CD (l) ==E-e U,3 'tt tr!4 r{5o g, Ur f\ q,r|d|n f{OaJrD lt g, tr -.1 ! o€ .!1 l! tr t*o g .O.U t&> (r) -!o.- i ''.r O.r.l !|!0 (' 4J >Fr> 4 0 J1 FI F .0 o o +J U' -1 0. -l tt ..1 --l >.q .F{ ..1 .lJ 9{ l{ 11 t{'d o(uq)rdu .ahd J ?-1 coa .,{Ot'r Elt{C O O'r{t1 || O .d o! J4 .Fl E +J oF{O +roc otro +J5('+J3 o > ll{ F{ .A .r{ <*J!{i0 .r4 rc 3(d 9ll H U'-r : od !? 16H ilin:Ao 6 rr5 Eq1{O- .Fl +J rlU) z o F o o llj =F F o_ 6 z o = ul dt o =F J J f ^J DI 6 uJ F. dt o uI 6 z o U'z 9ci E .,u vtE 289 oH g F;oh 6 o= il uJ,+x oo ";> fiu -v) cE > UH HQ AN == Jy 66 g? HEa6F JJ=D,Z di9?8 &r rir tlt F o a/, 0,ro |It l.l (9 g &9 € sg Eg; EgE EE€ E;8 r XF EEE iaS €6: {: s E ET ggB :€.9 E=E E9g IEEE €5e r CloE'|c= e6 eggE iE+E 5 s:€ 5655 EE3: FBEl!gEs,! r-E 3 E 6Fg B EEsE E (u 'rJ o o o !u f,F a =o z 6 l! oll '-l (> +J F{.oo t (o0 co r-l ${o t{h t{O =od E! b a ct)xu, >r +J o g iiH z siF lr;iJ o f Y F [d; = 6i;iit = FFf 693 E =.u 5HA D,. d?:9 t-q: A6 kd - =E !r "€ "+J uJ EH# fiS ffr H zEA =- =f r =d.fJ 4e -> ,,3H', e3 A- I E*g i" i? H H83 H3 H5 = OFFZ d€ \1 FI (\ I E € d NZ .dr AFI o 6 (tt H o g ,(o g n-{d+r r{O laO .h o'F{O O t-l oo iltr orr mo (,)h on o -l cD E 6E 6F 6e i''9X s! E.X cg Er.t z 6E; E Eol()I s-{ -s H O-{g *.+r _{E EO|tl a raEi > r\o I (\ I t\ o G'cl F qt ro axt ,-l s c;z tl o - e o CD ut o a, o @ o o :t o o .6 A& Ll HO tl O lt tnr\ o .Oln t{ ut +J rg E{O tr-{l{ o co .ta, 'H Ei +J fti tU troH (l,l .(J lr.>I'l -o.i E -{ O .'{ +J rdo ct +J >-{> d a c, Gl CJ (n v) € -l 0, t, o o (! t- @ !o |a t lo o {' Il-J u ao a,J o gt u o o ! F o o-ul E (t,(n ul E o o. z o tr E ut (t, c!o ut =F IL E I zl OI FI <l >l uII ol a)l ol uJl EI trl JI 3l trl tsii F a uJ F ul F o d =o o z 9ci Eg OG tto o3 tu ut *G u,EA h Bo z fiu (tt ac >qJ ,.. o o --<a iP i, F?HadE J-oz d9e8 6tr o z o F o E C)ut o u, at, F l!E o tu F (t ut F J J lJ- * J vt (L tt AC Gg 7i 6i a/D I z o ui I I I.EEE IEF: lEss l€;E IE€6 8E:t:i FE€gg: =;E ;tE EEFg E€E$?gBE gsgE E;€€ 5E;:EEEr -li.,8 9EAE Ets g ItsE -o I @ F u-f, lI.o g, v,l!za.x;!JC F irl OE LD F nA t! o- =fre an=(ac)<o o-< u- tI oo EO Ho =*fu,zZ :l- l_o>.!L (!o O+'F t-(t.o \o q1 tlJ @-(rg ar, tJ, = srt TOJ2 7'El 4Z b ag P=ir i+ F=E frE I r.r- [IOO EE(r IIJ UJ !(Ddl ; E=Ezz 9oo :zz 6A U' U'lr rr tL o-o <F F3: J s tc t! F E €z I F o o o z I F c c UJ IL v, ?6 \o I EE o . -r-r ' lo P i =fi IY 7 r^$ o c e,o E tr 6 E;!tc ao Q., vt . =!o iT<IJ t c-E5;ai z> I -o- c I -O- lP OO O .p I W!;;;', ",1 6_ /a/g E o .o T'd L uo JO glt\ o - t0 ttt t-gl d \at E O c-L O@ J 5L c .rJ lr- 6 cor.0, .|J E :, v, Ss EE E .fg .!t 2:€E @ dr (\I N o N .:t ao.oF Fo- I oo !)utc {,Fc{(! !-'-t,) .t, o tt o .to c c,!0, c-L-o{o=+rtr oo ou Ooul Fl-ol) ll-C N (l.tF o\F g o (nt-o s OrF rn ll orL Fruo ETF F-- H t'--x, .rF tr<* (,) o! utUlc tEs-H8" i L -:a -oo r.|- iu z tr UJ a,ct o UJ =F F E z tr TE I.IJ o d)o LIJ 1 il I iit F o ul F o o uJ F I o =u, ct)z g.i kg 9E sb I o"u y ,6 Pr 5 3E fi ut. 32 ;u ro cc>UB sQ >o I cr ^r ,,\trEi <ts nn s3 F F A;.D F. ..j#t?5 5D 6 E F? EEP 5 a:r e€E E€i EEg e {.c 5H; E3$ i:E E5{ !€ e 5€S E:E 5= E iiFs ;gEE ; E;-E ! E ->= iFie :i!€ E E;:itE; TEsE ;"EgB E FS! !?sE L |l,:'g-O (oE O:tl LCO ulT'9l \O C\O cL=!, -Q O J otu.rJP .€- G t0 F l+. O (J L v €o LL (')(, (, ,EE ; e F"E;; e = =E g;H E F o.!E : ? ;g zLt- i O- O=F:: tr F :E ?e9 ; ; oo 3"I"-nG OE E it i'ii H.z o:: 6 E i;6 zi5; Er-E SQ occ f ctf '- q.;oo Z\Z rru 6;; ggPb:: HUH gig!5E L- =- L!l-- =- L- =- L- It N ?6 9 I l\!o tr o=EEP 6E t..5 R E!E E t; ..:r E E€g E e'. Esi € E ;€E rl dt o o E) UJ 6 E (J o o g o o = E o o v1 q) CJ at)a € c) U o E ao L a, Ctl E *,o o o o IL !,@ tl a5 lJ-IA =,IT .o !d L eO JO' CD F- !)-|Dr L tt .-,(t ai O tr-L O'O ..y JL tr a, lr. a!coL O .(J l!>r^ -o- tr -O- u Oc)O +, o F J 3 G A ) E o !J v, 6 F E o H6 ol:2;?H oo 6ciE Eg F (JGL 23 I3 FH ': a th 6 rE gf;e t-o tt>= EH HEH n; gFE EE^BEE ;#g?6i Etr E!tr €EE EEE EEE €;E ECB ifE E5i ggi EE€-6s9 E€gE EEEE s"g 3: E EiI EiEI E F5i r"geE r tec !EEi t J tl.-o o aO og !a!a (JfF 1z Bg F= 3 rrJo6 tl-lrs oo-A rc lr ut fJJ uJ O=.o !n oo 3 3 f? Z Z lr l!o o oo z z .E0 tri ut =+:i=g J s E l,lJ E €z o F (J .L =o o z o F 9 o ul alt o-q t' t' AI ?6 I I FNGD E t EE 6E o F-F R EE o-!e d R+, = z 6; .+ E EE8 -: 9 :i- .z: Es=E E ;EE ol c, t C'E UJ at E at o o o o ED =I ct 0 C] T'o .o !E L r,tl Jq,oll\ O - Ortr L (rl .-, \O l!a, c-L OCO J Jl- C arE O coL O .u lr >, ttr 'o- c -O- .L,tlo o +, IN () (, an a € qJ \J o 'tt o L (:t ol s o o l! L.' o o l a!,E ID o F X d o rq i ._l q-l E o Ff dl q 1J a I x. r{ F{ g EE o+r HE n,8 Eui (,o+r trg F a UJ F dl o FJz F OF =ze |/Dy{^ .to =ur Yct ty tr 9E|- 2F, g tr ;EEE 9u 6 o= il Hq EnE ?A - ttt v/ \PU, tr>= UH H?H E|-' s^/\ilil :ts: hh^fl3= F F A', | ,tt-^2- ==e=gi XI Eli tu o. F J a EEE EBE eiE Es q EEE Pe?;9i :9E 6X9 E;9 E E;=c!! EE.8 E€ t _-6 _9 EEE tg3 ?ea Ei Fg :EEg EIEB E€i;.PsE Iil= E FJ! r!*E ig;E EE* c iEE;,; !c n iriE I g: -a F lr =ll-o o ,J)ul iE 9H F& lis H5 t9 o 3,9 at) =ao <o (L< lr tr oo H9 >tr fuJ ZE v H >r tl a\P F Fl r{s h o h z f z tr o .L E o c) u () ul lo z o z UJ ,- lr 0, x c D ,at) 2 f t o F lf t! tl- lr uJ .D E f,z o q f, R +{ H al x <.J Fa F.FI <o >fi .5 '6 2,. F+J 9a -Y >Pr o_oP zd YY t-H xil t!;1 do H4 F ;d fi H N a! A H N (It '-l E H t!N (! d A l/t C) =z c-l il Olt -l i: Et 'sg oO E.d 16 +J E"d EE Ed 9 Ex E:U gfir ;8S F{ tr ?o ('I Ft I t\ F{ o EE -c o o av)t\@ trg C;q.z t srB .o 2: EE o It '6t UJ E .J .E E t.'o a !' ID E 2 E o ct u,o) 3rl (.)o a 0 € o) U d. FI ef,r 'rfl El"! uj ffi 16 g !0,gs u.Cl\ C,r-93 fi g*d 11 n6 F gH8 n -r o-i E .Ft O..{ +J Eeg * F .J g lr. x E AY g s FI >l rrll ol XI .JI El I I t4 o g F{(! H +J I +J o h n Ja.ltr Fl .u c, U?E p2 ap .p ru N od >Ft QPr *6 FJJ tf t) R9 nI ER .Ft X inH tl,l -{E 'P.r (:,o.l E-d F o H dl o H6 PK ze ?H aDo 6 ci E Eg tr OGL 23 I t -eH H a Fh 5 = Llt o Ei t"6 a> fiu!t- o, tr >= UH .'eE f rYr ee 3Fd fifi HFE iidl?i EEE EHe do=eiE EE q EEE €:E !HE Fes E5; {-:F 6E9 E=6 Ei: ;E!ts I ;oo lor. gEg ! Er ;El :iE s!8 EEi Eic EE: i EE ;!q i'a- -co i-t! =t.l.o o o ul 7 =gt ox T= H'u.l H5 t9 o fr9 <o o-< lr_ L !l cco gH9 dl=uJ iz= E E f, +, !4 Fl J g 0i U)tr z z I F o o o u ul f z z tu F l.l tDo trro .58 +J ?-l Q't ,i5 H,n ;iF JH =</ J E>.' (' Ul lJ Z F..{ ={e 6 :b eo rO 2,. tr ?\ Fi trH ir ?1 t!XU rL 3e 3 n 6E H zd op ?FH <:'l ^9a z rl.< ILY a^ F (N A Ft, 6 E ; I ; a G J c, at Ft I E o o o h .,1 o 2,gaa =F IIJ C) Ho-< HE (J +o o -l + o FI +o l.{ o o r-{ r\ O't o -t .1.o (].-t cl tu Hr- =z 688 cto =(J g\ 1\ rn s @ a\ (o rn @ r-l rn rn aEe cl t\ i$ (Yl F{ t-t F! FT '-l r{ r.al (r) F{ (\(') r-l or el (\l 17, i-.l (n (vl h o l- E 3ll :'gl F =:t z =6Hs ct=(J (Yl r- (Yl Ir (') t\ d] r- (n l-. (Yl r\ f"l r. E =EaE o\ (\rl o\ 6t (t'' o\ (\ rrl '-l o\ (\ ca !-l c\l r-l C\fn i-l N z,ct^ EsFF !: H= s/FI <t V''dg 6E ,gF -X cr f;E ot{ lll m (n fr tll JI !n z 0 Q cl J = frt i (\I I x H d.x Nl{qul Eo, @ d Ln c\t I st H rd .F{ Nlt .qo A c., o\ Fl (\I & F Hrn ,d ta N (oz Aro Ft .l I >ti 16 .;l Nt{qo-| A €rr r-.1 Fl |l >l Hi td..ll NHI qbt Eei I H '5 .rir N trl rd ttl iri c; HH t0 lal Nr qz. At rr) C?l (\l o F{E a .Eo'E !$ E"d d EE d fid e E:,;E 6Tl:.l 'REf E ;gE tt o ot E 'Fl u, ct o .9 o o ctt c = E 0 c) t-@ I \t A I t- I 6 o r-(D l.g (D Fl <t d z .ct o a tn q) GI ()o a ra € 0) U ffi trl (! p, !O ES U. .'.EB T O ltr Ft kcoj4 tj'E 9fr8 n r8i i;Eeg t o F dl uJ 1! UJ o J tr J4I ol .{l 3l trl :l *l 9l $t ,l I I I ,l FI >l Ell ot }1l sl I I F E o IJJ TE (t, U'ul !C o o tc F .n F o Frz F ,-1 9k ze 2H oo Z r,l 9ci =E9 tr OE= 2E I3 9H H rr eaE ofi o t! iii (J> r,u IJJ .| l- -\ /'\ \J 2>. ;Hk F-a E>=!{1H ur q fr =E i;g eQ =90 HH A!g HHa6Ei iid?ai trLi tr[i cl EI :i tl tl ol -l al _--; ;3 3E {:6; 9a z is 6a ;'6 B6 ER =6 E; 99 Ei t! 5i E8 l.!gl FB Fz t,E i* ;t iF iE E I E g 7 E ? C l9 6 lr5 t6 t: rg tr^ '! F =IL o a a ul vo oq +)4 F* F u.r Hg BE !4o iti 6 <o o-< tl t!ooo gsp q> tr pl t!tz> F FI g € x ,{a d !t{0t,4 tt '.1 n>:J .Ft F{sg o Est ZF z o:)Zz :o F=ao u,o l!u ul ul =zz zz HH FF n or .1 x rt.t I i3 Ex IIJ +J F..l <o >c .o,$ z tr! ?8 >Ai o l-?za !/x Fitr < i'l lJ- ;ido P5 frli sl rrt N q \n N rq A H N A r-t I (\tl al qi 'ni or G,i I t-{t' l.d !N , "-{iA (\ F ?6 sf Fl ,f Gr E)c € 6 E;o g E'E Ed I. d EE ctc \o d fid : A EEg z g E{i q E ;cs p o '6 c lrJ at a)E (,o o o o CD e t o o u, .9 e) ttt U) € 0) (J E A & s$'- $,-93 fi gtd ,r E5 F EfrB fi -.ro .i E ..{ O ..{ +J Eeg u o F -l ol uJt >l ol .rI EI ulI >l .EI ulI ol dI ql uJI u-l J4l ql Fll 3l .ul AI :l :l fil ,I ul trl rol El ol )61 1 I fi .8 Ft g I p u tr ]J 5g 6H,i4 .q ru5 +J UI otr +l tt O'Fl $E o n€Rd F.5 cC F-t |JJN ll ro EA mil 5d O'l cE .-l o-.d F a uJ F (o o luz ko HE 2a 2H (tt O z 9d =kg tr 9E=2E I3 EH H S 9[ o = lrJ o f?> -u z Eh 6oo ";> fiHE t-O n>= UH HeH HH J!JV hh d3g HH6'6tEt-iir?ai s:EL I F J o att F ltl a == I I E t 6 E ! .ECd E6e E 6:r e€E Bb:E{ F ;E$ :;E :ic :6 E EaT esf siF EEg r€i :=E tg I Ese lo> ?Ed EIg 35e E:6 6-"; a:4 !!: EEE z E= €E: ;EE tYo 5c i; tFi '-Zo x ll,l H5 rnF HA .o =l2o tiz coa <o rL< l|. ll- H9 5f z> TD b z z o tr o tL =o o u () E u,m z o z F lr rio x .'.{ D ct) E z o t F UJ lr rU =z z UJ F c +J x It{ H o qc -rE <J E>u.l .tJ F.F{<o o,$ 2..ox tr.U 3g =A o-ot?z6 9F FE <il l! i.o d o Fl ct!g a .Eo'E !5 c+J $ E''d EE E gE. F E:8 1 ETi E ;gs o IE o r\@ \0 0(,rl \T rt z ll o .' g o o c uJ E t I |D I o o tll I C' a q, ct C.) th v) € q) U TC o I !q,ES U.c r-- o ,'BB E gE'd !,< r. .1 5il d 9fr8 n r8r' fr E9E T F z o F llJ ut dl o uJ l- F o-l al z tr llj =F J IL E] o z F c);7 ul o BI o ql F llj F J J l! 6 F g) IJJ F o o t!F o o- =aa o z O,^;ku oE t!o o=glrj qE fio Eft F:z= 9,G 6s nO [l=F fr;t- 6u)jdE tLz< tr (( I i frl 3l {l .l trl dl >l sl *l I I I I I ls.tu tu rnl s :lt o Hlc 5lc g" .'{l E I I l.Fl o O 1.,. s'J tg'i 5 li X.. l'rifi 6 iiEs lH rE lSns lcSi t.Ft .Ft iD | .p i0 tu g€ l;trs. lJ rs dl (| .r{ el O ttr | ..1 lr tro! O o'E r- o ) o l.t I S4g < drt' t r-{CC i-Ardtd 5x.^ s gsig ct .-l \ d sn+l qe # A.: v 6 [Jq Srod *E6i H ts -t 6 lt R t it h F{.r{ z.tsO =F ur Lt Etr hlr =(J + F{ o\o\d\ l-z :t! {!'g lt 9* =z =!lr *io=E ctQ =(: N lc| r'{ to F F FI tr! EFe ct .if (i t'| FI o'\ F{ra Fl o\(\ FI cn o\C\A E s) E B 5 gq= =EE o-o(:o=ct .ft r\ a') t\ (Y't F tYl n- =>l6r =EEq i =olr.{ o\ N (n Or c{(?Fl or (\ (f) r-1 - E,-l E=EgI H tll I Fa t-tl\t n! 1 * .lc (v't ts \o z F (J 0 J l-llll $l l".l -l ol ".,l Tl Tl il Tl ml ol ut (l rrl 6l prl =l 'tl 'dl - -=l* --1". ol* I I ;lx ;lx ils ;l Fl- l.-l- 't{ - lr-l - |erllA c\i& ola. col Fe @ Fl F{ g1 FI r-l C\ Fl r-l (\r{ l€sE l:€E lE€ c lEi€ l€E{ IEEF I 9 8E'l9r<t:9-o l:;s lEs€ lg g5 l="EE I.EE3 ls€Fe ;gE$;Elt e FE: $Eif 5EE9 Egr'P it*B BE-ns !Fs! o !l E ]U D F p o = I o ot FI utl EI lrt tFt I l-l |.'c IF t+r | .tl tH=Itt4@ IASF | 8.5 I ig b I :E fr =vrf d 5= I EoSF Yr ?:r z gf; aP :g i3d,te trE;gf; He;U; ggE FH = = f XA o o o Ede Bn ig= 2 o at,z E or (r{i: F T6 N lF{F C"E E$;# ss€H H e "$E -'t4,\: F E;U E F fEd A ry g5 gR: gHE aHd €.8 -ED -l:c)= U,3 E g E a €a E Fl $ut ut gl 4 fl p .o gE u $EE f; H -o * EH' E H8H- li gFE T ItnH c : az ,U{hL-S 'lr/ I I {- rolg c A F + z o u.l a,o o u.l F F o z o9 IIJ F 0<5=rs oo hur u- t- -J 8n tsU at z o F I c o UJ a) u,F Lu lrj o UJ F o UJ F J J lr E F gJ F dl o tu F () o z U) o z 9ct Eg tl.o o=Hw_;:.E ut Efi F:Y=ut 3, cc 6s o r.r.l =F=OY t- 6.J)j;9 u-z<. n o- c,ttt I a I t n + z BCt 2F Et() EE HE +c EI H= =|rr^6>Z =(J l.\ sFe cl lY tr 5 EH= =FgG =a2e BC)O o=(J ff t = Eaa= o oi lY z,-e- EESE ct 5s tl,Fr Fl E l$ I s l#i Jll liJ I l-Fl I l3 Tl tfr3 lI el tsg t-l lQo I (\!;zi'q IE Eg lei E l;f q IEE$ l€; F IEEg t96E' IEfE lEs€ IE€E t:€.q IEEE l5s 3 t;gs I€EF5 eeE; 5€g; E F€8 gEif iFE;P=&i t-"8; B F g:3 iis g tic !r*){/ vr 9.(lo :t no t;z (,o <o c<tr u-oo H9 >tr 7E t{ 0) 8u F-'l 0t rJc '-! U 5g tt 29.z o =z rJ= ? k=uJo lr- L oo uJ lu aoo ==zz oo zz lrJ uJ FF g ffx kq E.F ;.e oH 5T <X o-v Eff ()6 zH I'U Fq <to Hfi O.p qJo +o Fl o Fl ED s;$ 5H 3 E{e Et F i:,i F $Ed t-co I (!N A c t5 o r- @ ro @ r-l sr ci z It o 8E t:cgB .rs c, ur 8E v)E <E €E - ctl LT q)= U8 €#ld l'l E{" f,$ Eg fifi (t R ,lt dg.' !li(l o iEs s H,-@ 4 EE" E 98u lt rsi ii gsE t o F .|{&o 6 c)t, trr oo otr Pnl F ttl o l-t .r{ N {J(d 6a"o q{trO o +ro o€r!.r{ts!o +,trrJ Ou|(J !)3 t-kq tL^ut= gDa o lU tr EO o!o! IL IF l@ luJ lt- I t>l(!lF z le I tg k t2 ?I-;;l? "s IttO l6ci E IRE F le5 s F IEE -E E l$h 5 IgF g =l?e HBF ih f? tr' >&IgE B3H tilil {ts: IEF^gEF lJis?6i iEr ritr t--___ P +) (,)tr A U' u, _: E-8 EgE 9;9 EEE EEg €;E E€E I6g 8s; siF Es{ -35 t =E;EIE EgFs ;EE F :E3E PgEt !FEE s$iE ; EE 5 EPEE !gEE i€; e Efe!;a??iEE; tr tr .U rc>r 85 r{ $, "lhO tr3Fl .=h,.g6 .JO l! (rt .DBg E09, z-(5 ZZ dg tlt.o 't=Fr *R., lL lr oo.o IE |r I.IJ uJuro aDdl(, ff,ZZtL aoo zZE llt *93 FFZ al ! 3€ccc F <x =.p .U i,zF o: F Orr <o tl. .|..>o eg L/ ^-z 9P <i:ox l!(d tf €,lrt,)(L (/)s =t-t N >JF S "\t.I \l ) F, 0ld F g3 T o >F s t I Fl 'lJ co g,€ fi E E€=o Eg -Eg F g H:g 2 6;E = €e rr B Ego g e_ ii i;E AeEs az4 ffiBBg * ; .u.f;;.iJ q..1 .s!"Ei H HH.Ei 'o 4E'4 €d,gr g E:P €gEa Q8* ffig gJ +, aa o B 'g .d og Fd (, E>\FIO 0,b0|{i.d F l&U|+ltn O g \O ,,:4 t{ OFr e J lr@ (g +, tl. t{ 0r .(J >u) r-r O .-l E ".4 e .Fl *,rdO 6+,>-r>< o F k +Jo lr .; +J .J oE q{o.o60 - q.'{a,l .d 3 r /.1 d x rtl N o!a d ll F{ .-l ArJ cd oq{tuo 'gP o\Jo o'u (s rn ..{t-{ Ft t) F\ .P h.o o< !)+t2 OP t<o +r .tt trrdsd O tr..'{c)o0 lr o0 I-.YY ir --O ,-r q,4"+o llJ .r tE cri '-r vA ia i'i !d l+r F A.Y P *J tL z E UJ o u,l E F F cr (L 5 z o tr uJ o dl uJ E tr J J f rl F (t) tu F to ul F () 6 z a o z O,.i kg oE zfr9 !l;i H >,6 9n 6 ()> ul uJ =i\\Ju ";z fiu FA lE >lll H u.r 9 =5 ro 1 ilE {ts 66 0?HH56g )=62 6 rLr!z<o QE Rtr a- F .J ct aa o ($lr x 1, $q x +J .rl U) -6 =F HF HE +c)a Fl \o ol ttt Ol 9Jt- =z EE8 (> ct =(J (\t F. oo la \ \o tn @ 3 o Ft o lct FHE.6Es \o st v) F F.(N \c) V'(\I c!r"l E cl 3 =EE= o=o r.! r\ E=E= o) N !a 2 - 9..- ENEg N !o N 2 ct L,ct -1 tt) I t. lr o! {J (d B o k tr o F N GI I tr o0 B MI (,5 z \o .r.l 3 (g N Fl Fa (\I t ..t lr 60 F ltl q5 U' 6 F{(\I I F bo lrl aft EE an a.t t\ra € MI ol E GI tr EO tl II tl tl tl ll t..l tsl tol I iDl Ipl I (Jl I t{l lol tdl tl tt l;l lPl lol lol lcl tol tEt tol lnl t.l l*l t.l l'-2l tl t(,, I M I ia I l" I E5B E 6e ef F €s i EEB cf .E 6E: E{ F i3g TE;tte E€€ ggs EiE 5s I €EEs EEEB f€is !EaE E F!E cie€iE:! i EE; f!es I 13! !-$EX F TL =]L o o IIJ Y z: 6E =*F6) z jy r5 !F ''a €g (h ta EZ @o <o .o.<tr lt oo H9 =*2g tr ,:l o 3 -l fr|. .r'{o.d>r b00lr CFIO 'Fl | +J ,O {J .i{ att sdo tr t{rio p o !' q,l .r{ lr fr O 3g = o t==z.F =5E ? 4 tl-L,llJ X>\ 2 k.:.: x 0 >ou) )t F ;66 = ?zne F o- 9 r. r,, q ^>b33 D 6 <O tL l!*gp o o Fo" o. G lr )<UJUJ izz 3 g P€€ 2 2 ^<h; o o !l .J+) Z Z t!4u) Bugii E5 lFl or 0)Fl +J "i F, g€ E E e'E 6 Eg Eg t\O6,rJ (t \t E"E e t;s, E E.EB e E E.:-t s a eEs g o o c 6 c u.l .J E .J o =a,(9 CD c =o o a Q) clt q| alh a € () U aa 0)B rrt Ot{Fd, o F>\F:o (D 60 f{r rd F- trr ul+rtn O E\oJ k oFr C 3 h6.0 +, E t. o .(J > (/, ,-. O r-{ E ..1 O 'rr €a!C)dl.l >Fr>< o F q) 3r. :iP .5E's x€ x .v >.;cd-+,+J \e ci) or4 &tr: E g'E 3 YP vri 6 *i 3 'r, !i tr trFA ,rE fl Or ret a.{ . Fr OOO k trri O u) .Fl t{ +,.lJE o (a d€ (B o'rcg Er bod E r< 3 F trCI i? .rl tr) E p*..i E H l'l 'd nfiEx (,'\JOtr a Fo ulo+J E!a.:(! H ii5 f I E'! z I F uJ o o tr F (E 6 z oQ tll F <n<>= <H lrO po t: uJ X=tfF L- ^i 6d 6n F-at l!F dl o TU j- 6 Z U' (t,z 9ci ku 9Eg gH H -<:' E,PE O 6E fi ui.b99 t!ts-(/) G uuI E8 H oo q t! uJ =66d HHaA '?-JOZ trt!z< E'n EgE 9EE €8 E EEg €Eq rrEE ir9 i;F E€g ggb -o€ e EE€Esg i p t* €EgE E€IF ?98€ EFEE E;l* FE 3: !tdE tko,b Eii E iEET h rB.olt r-l {J =r(€o .!.i Fl t 5\o \!F if' u- JJJ Fu 'o!\'(! .Fi Vt Fl aag -,! 2? E #5 -"3 F l!2,kb :0 ='d =b €F ?53 EE^ g Fr.fiRu)H3 ;;9399,l''.a\ !r l!Uo. H H=E zn > > ES Or{ =ru Z Z u_kg .\ .' ho 3E 1 ?5r Oo u ur sdP H"," 9 *53 03 l- F'sz Q +, (, P .Fl o l.r (a o z ql tr) Fl {J o C) {J F{F\?6 or{ArO "3 F{ gE E s E'E 6 Eg F., .E E D sf g: E e 6;sr E 858 i F Fsd o €(!l{o0 "o , Q._ tl (9 U) c o o .5 CD E ul 6 ll q E E o a,(, Gtl c c|o (a q) Gl C.)o (t)ta € c) U +,q q)B €qt Ot{Ad, o F\riO 6)b0 t{..d a\ l&u)+rlo O tr \O ,lZ k OFr t t lro cl +, t! t. o .(J >ut Fl I t-{ E ,i{ o .'{ +r 6t o nt +,,>F-.>< o F t F ul F. H7 ()F za 6!x oo =ur Yci E eg tr 98ts 23 g H c) uJ ut -* cc E <:' cc 9|; O -dh 6oQ ::Z HH?l- (t, E>a UH H?H HH J}JV HH dg3 HH66Sr #"jg?5i trO Eltr o J s!IL ,J o c,)!tn q F (5 ,s4 .H tr x A)+J +J F p l{.i AI o F.i Go. 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E 8*€e :;; t #ag; 5 r:€ E;E# FE: : iEE;gEs9 Fe*B Fges E.E 3 :xo t{ .r tr+r6 od Tlr Fl > _. u-.E = OE 5 gfrx a '^ ry9 i Z g Fs (r. O f F:gO z z :r'd a I ;;5 = e H",E; "E H N: lr ! tu o =<? rr- rl-*r 3 ? ne up H H EA "=I = 3 SQ tr E z z **{ sc o o !, Lr :a; z z Eo u- '.6 "." rr.r ur g =H3 i i 2E N '?6 rJ: F{ I Cl Ft O,tr f E Es 6 E.i q '..'l ort 5 $ EE g c Et ,-'{ = 6E 2 : E r; E F FJ! o tt Cg lr (t B r-a o ll (9 A * o o CD ul 6 c o o o cl CD : o o (t,g) cl c) (n U' € q) U 'o (! .C, h dho () +J ct X -l rr O)E:H .ON lr.(,| h rJt c, r& \o Ja t{ '-l tr 5E6 d P+' t{c 50 ll.o ou >(a HOt{ C d O nl +,6o ct +,>Fi> P J<d 3 d o o +)tt I I ol .llfi EJI:>tlr ol ur Jt(n EIO t.J lcl l' I I I I o tr +l ocn rH> (d r-l u ..{ x 'Ft o JE ut4 ..ox +,1 o oo O .il !)>trO glr tt v)o +r q) () {J€ . ll|FI Ol€-r > .ri o rJlH <F{d0 <c F .!J (f, .o O o.Ft A €X l! lJO trlJ e? -T9 l+o !? st.r E F.{ O I o{J TI tl lt tl tl tl ll tl II tl tl ll tl tl I d.g | '& too | .H .+lrrd tot+l5r4 I F'{ |te t tu}r.l tcE torl lL.) !'l tg tcu locl l4+f I g ,Fil lool lb kl l<l t.l I . -Jl l" -l la l9 luj lg ld lc L:__t3 Es3 d l',=!!E xgB s:g ;PT E{E e;g 9dE EFf s: E EAB ESE E =.3 5= I EEFs i er E EERo 89EE r i; E iErE E tEe p j s€6 B! 6 EEb€d;g c E:;O I6 9.9 i€*F F3e5 gBE$ F U) F H7 ()F =ze a,* (tt o =o=Egtr oEb 2E I t gH H E 91 6 =uJ a s?> -u z EX 6o9 Y:> FHf t- u) E >a EH HEH fla iP9 66 0?5 HHaaFi ;;g?Ei : I l{s .{.oh .r F{ =!.J ri.F{ol!6 C X O\t 5 () .^ 4)tr .d .VA aD = Y'i a,r o =q)g F =tE J a 1 V 0r E,i g = |-E E6 E E ;: = ? [s ai4 5 3 E = ,P F 3 ff E 'g FE * H 5 = : Y ea UH H H 3A z2 o : f I rl- <. tr J Z Z ^lL ^u-< tt ,"i \Ju 9 .^ Z Z Eo +";u or lrl ul =+ul & o- =n h - t t= l-i I r-r - rFr -rJl lal !.)6 14 d l(d NOI N bDN bl (! r.l cdtrdtr Fr c)i F{ .'{ r{ ..{Fl Qi F{ .'{ F. ..{ A. cal a-=a3 6 ri CD c E Ed 6 E.g .0 ij E .r{gs * E<ci gE : ox E = 'EF.&tr e €.5.5 t ;I A '; EE F.6 I u1 F{ I @ cl o o '6 ul E .E o o o o (t C'r E t o c o () rt ail o ' (:r |r €bo o +rd x -l +.1 !)trk .OF. tL u} lr |ll 0, Er \o S1 lrFrA 5.C cO cd +, l, l{ o o(J >u) FCrr C .'.{ O 'Ft +J (!O (B +)>r-.> r\€ \o €r{ tf d z ll o (n c)lll .c\t (.) a (n € €J (J o t- tl.l q)J E L Fo -o ||3 J urL oo .o otuo J!r>(U(l'-eoL ('.c euc Irco o0r>!Lo +, -c crlJ >{r(' o-= r.9r 6;s O- C) q,El lr-!coo- J? IE [i ", ,r Fi"E,- r0 9tr 3 It z tr lrl o c0 tLl F F cEl <I o-l -l t3l I I I I zl ot F-l <l >l aEl 1!| tt, I ol uJI >l F-l JI trl Dg LI F q, F o ul d =u, a/)z 9ci ^tu YIE !ro 8;b:h6 Hfi h Bo Z FH n E>H HQ .r O*;ii Jv 6. g? Fa.(,F J=OZ d9"8 Dg LI l.n lz to F E o t! (rt u)F tr.l Lr.l o llJ F g, UJ F J J l! H cl at IJ o (t +1 .Fl I lr u) o g o t o F | ,t) i!J id lu I€EE ldo=ls€ E IE$ F lgi€ l€f F l5t: IEE E l;ES I E cg t3 t;tida IEE!tF:! ls{E t:€.9 I;:E llJ I lE!9 rg€95 E€g$ fEii F!!€ Egii Fiir $!$E LE.A !:7.Fgj!iieg o L L0,c, I EU o@ oc J3 N CA = ctt 1F z (rf Zz :o .l ir IIJ C)l! tt oo lrrr UJ IIJ zz zz c' 6) t- .lJ u L o- L a! ut c\ ( IJ t< IE !!F =G! z. tr o E z tr E UJ o &. !,{t e r! J o o t!l !, L A o, o \n c) = o tr 2b ct 6c qo (J o +r o L (t. 0,!- LL @ Ur U.l FF .qr i\'1 _?cor CO CO att e 6 !, e€ -o€o -O.d 6 Eg r E^g r g+, 6o g' g*' = o91 E = trO K iE qq,! gEr E ;ES EF cle r- Ei qJ UJ 8E (aE <E d,B -(D -E c)E .EE U8 +,a q, E cd Otr F4 o E. \rot o a0k .alFlr.tt, ,t v,O tr\OJ k OFr C :' r.€ 6 9 t: t-l O .(J > (r) ,.-r O .-r tr .rt =.-t e '>;>,.< € I .:t N a ql g o 6 € \o @ st ct z lt o - ffi c F DENVER. COTORADO 80223 (303) 698-1oso CTC PROJECT NUMBER t-( l-o-4 - JL -rt_ 3_, P. l{ord.Iurd FIELD OBAERVATTON REFORT PROJECT NAME TECHNICI.AN ST HR PUNCH LIST ITEM -- TO ea16 5/24/87 Page Tbree OT HR CONT SVC XTR ST'C CODE $ wPEoFlNsPEcnoN' vlsuAl x, MAGNETIopARTICLE-, ulrRAsoNrcwELoMENT- ULTRASONIC..--_ SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTTCAL)- BOLTTENSTON FTREPROOFING WERE lrEMs gELowrttE MIN|MUM pFo.;ECTSpECtFtcATtoNs NorED? yES-- No x 17EM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION 2l Fhase I, Leee1 I b:nnel slab located at ttle folJori-rg grid Lrcatlon: 24 6 25.2 - C to y 3) Miscetlaneous roo$rgs at Eoter link rocated at tlre for.lo,rina grid locatiou: A) &8 - 0.49 b 0.8 B) F-0.7 to 0.9 4') Fourdation r{a11 pilasters rocated at t}re follcniing grid Iocations; F-6.8 F-8 rso deficierpies wene rpted at the arp'e nentioned areas of inspection. ACTION TAKEN REGAROING ABOVE ITEMS. C 165 SOUTH ilAVA'O DENI'EF. COLORADO @2E3 (303t 898-1050 CTC PFOJECT NUMBER ( l-o-4 - J- -,t- 3- ) P. ltoncllurd PUNCH LISTMM FIELD OBSERVATTO}{ REPORT DATE pROJECTNAMS - ?Fqtix Eotel,rlerrace Wiry Addition --:EETE--IECHNICIAN ST HR OT HR coNT svc xTR S\fc coDE * WPEOFINSPECTION. USUru. X, MAGNETICPARNCLE- ULTBASONIGWELDMENT- ULTRASONIC--"--- SHEAFCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICALI----- BoLTTENSTON FIFEpROOFING l,ygnEIIEMSBELOWI;I{EMINIMUMPRO'ECTSPECIFICATIONSNOTED? YES- NO X ITEM NUMBER DESCFIPTION/LOCATION 3) Plrase I grade beaa section lcated at tlrE foflqrrtrg grial locatiqgl I€vel L at Liles zVZ tn C.5. MlsEirq top t"o sets of *4ties at pilasters at Ures B & C-28. Conecteal ariirg tfie oourse of tlre inspectJ.on. ldo otlrer fletriclersies we rpteil. 4', t'otrdatlon lhll section focated on Une F, betrreen fixes 0.6 to 0.8. No deficiencies rere rpted. ACTION TAKEN REGAFDINS ABOVE ITEMS. ffi , ISSSOUIHNAVATO . DENVER,COLOFADOSO223 (303) 39&tO6{' CIC PRO.IEOT NUMBER ( 7 O 4'- O 4 3 I PUNCH LIST ITEM - TO TECHNICIAN 8T HR oTHR coNTSVC TTFSVC CODE * wPEoFlNsPEcrloN' vlsuAl x . MAcNETtcpARncLE.*__ uLTRAsoNtcwELDMENT- ULTRASONIC--'SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL}-BOLTTENSTON FIREPROOFING WEFEITEMSBELOWT}IEMTNIMUMPRo.'ECTSPECIFICATIONSNOTED? YES- NO X ITEI, NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Phase I3 Filasters, Lmtiorsl first floor level located at tlre follcrd-ng grtil B-21 A-2I C-21 ldo detrtciercies were noted. ACTION TAKEN FEGARDTNGAAOVE ITEMS. ((' EVGT TEER/VG r€Srrrvc ,wsPEcrroN s€ptseer 2]., LggT 7040{3 Vail Ventrres, Ltd. 1000 Sqrth ftontage Road YrEst Vail Coloractn 81G52 REfrEIYFO SEP a 2 t9B7 G. E, JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Attentiqu l{r. Elait( Freyer 8E: neects for the Tewace r0iryAraza r at tt,e westin Eotel, vail Qrorado Gentl.snen: Btclosedl, please ftrd ocp,ies d a[ slr.qr.ard air relorts as we].r as copies of, arl sncrete rcpcts ior tne afove p:iiect These regnnts are frcm thetirst pour at_urejiite, t},rq,gh septenber 1g, r9g?. rf ltott harrc arqr guetions, please do nct hesitate to @ntact tlre r.ndersigrred. Respectfulty s*mittecl, CIC-GUIEK, II€ORFORA:@ Techniciarr EVrm erE. L copy Seub I cory lro:I @1ryr Tor 1 Co5ry' To: G.E. ilobnson Constnrction Co.StP Arichitects B e B Erca\ratiJg 155 SOUTH NAVtuO DENVER COLORADO 80223 303698 loso ( DAILI REPORT: sgflMp, 41R e tEMp. JOB NO. ?04043 LOGATIOII: t€6tin $ote!r'Ierrace tsirg Addition Servlce llre.Code Reg. O.T. 2.75 PAGE OF DATE: s/29/s7 Servtcee Contracted Extra x INSPECTOR P. bbrallunat Perfopned slraq>, air and terperature tsts on corrsrete deliveu:ed to the abore jcbsite for G.E. Joturson Constnrction.B a B Ercavat5rg suppLied the conq:ete with a mix rD of 5929. ArL test sarpLes were obtained in acoordance wift AS[.,] C-L72. All corcre@ tested riras wj-ttriI jcb specificati.on requi-rerents with t&e erception of truqk f3-7, t-lcJcet s17876, r*rictr rras 0.8? above the xna:rirnm alr ontent reguirernent. llhis truck vas pJ.aced by ttre tirne srrq> arrll air tests r.nne ocqlleted. Represertative of B & B Coneete was rptified of tbis sondition ard the air- entrainfuq agent lras red:ced. Average Shq>: 2.75" Average Air: 6.22 Average Taqr: 58o chrdt wittt G.E. Jolrr.son ard a representative of B & B E<cavatirg was slrsrm tlp results of tlte tssLs. For adtritional info::nation, see tlp attached data sheet. Structural , Hechanlcal and Materlsls TesBtnge $r{ E + {J tr .Il F{A r\ E o * (:,z FI a 2 ;tl t4 r{ H6 gl tr E 'i o to +,o t l'tr o g, 1.o .r,u 6 L +J tr o (t art st o st o F o z I o F, F d E :u ; E rq Fr rll E L) 5 trl GI 'l4 t\tll .o l-@ z trl C,0 (J qrEl GI GI F>f.ulGlO trlzd FO TL'O+r A5 -<C,t{&aD o ()' . -lul C:ota o lJr-E| DAILI f,EPORI: sf,tnqp, AIR s IE@.JOB NO, 704043 LOQtTIOtf : resttn bte!,r'rerrace ning Additnon INSPECTOR P. lbrcl].tld Sirvtce Hrg.4ode Reg. O.T. 2.50 PAGE OF DATE: 6/5/87 Servlcee Contracted Extra x Performed shqrr alr anl q)eratrre tests on @rffiete delivered to tJre above Jesito for G.E. Jobnmn Constrrction. B s B $<cavatirg srpplied t$e ors:ete rcith a nlx rD of 5929. All test sanples rruene cbtained in acsodarre -wi-th ASm{ _q-172. Alt corsrcte test€d rras witjrin jclr specifications. Alrelrage S}qt: 2.75" Aveunge Air: 5.48 - ---*rzelnge Tsnp: 680 - . -- Ctnrck of G.E. ilobnson and repnceserrtative of B I B E<cavatfury $ere shcrrn the resElts of-tlie tsts. For add:itionaL irrforenation, see tlre attached data Blreet. Mechanical and Materlals Tesctng p I F{ at (.' o d + rJ .q A *l ;rl Ecl '1rl sE$l E';l #H ot)zh IJ 8tr oo b(J t.l r\il &ar ]ll .o t-r o 2 Fl 00 L,'Fr'Ct qto l'{>F art qt 0 ,llzFr FO €rJ O.|.l El 5 -<oh & ttt o o'.-lut C!o|no u -Fl ( E-.-t2 EOT E K DAILY REPORT: S[ItMp, AJR r EMp.JOB NO. ?04043 LoCATIoN: I.Fstln Botel Terrace wing addltlon Servlce [rg.Code Reg. O.T. PAGE OF DATE: 6/L8/A7 Servtces Contracted Ertra INSPECTOB P. fdoncthrd 2.50 Ferforaoeat srrqr, air ant tsqperatffie tssts on concrete deLivsed to the abwe jcbsite for G.E. rlohnson Construction Co. B e B Erca\ratjrg suptieit tlre aoDcrete rcith a mix ID of 5929. Atl test sarqlles were &taired in asoordance !dtt! ASXIII C-L72. A11 onsete tested was wit]in je specification reqr:iroents with the e<ception of truck *3-lO, Licket *18074 had a 6r sluql at tlp tnrck and, a *L/2n sltnp ort of ttre purp. Concete tnrck rcas rejected due to high slury. Appra:<irnately 1rl2 load (4 yA".t was placed. A5ragg Slup: 4.s0" Average Air: 6.99 ' Average Teqr: 54o Ctu:ck of G.E. ilobnson arul representative of B e B &<carratirg rrere shcrvn tlp regults of ttre tests. for additionaL ilfor:nation, see the attached data slteet. Structural , Mechantcal and Haterlals Testlnge p E FI E tft + JJ tr .5 A c o g E "i (9 o o Gtl rol I I (9 z a-l a =trl x lr| EI I rH H Fl !a 4 ra t;li lp to I5 ffi .tJ q,t I c o u A A a 1r E3 r'r lJ tf6 &i t{ YE F8 E ;i,F rr1 d.4 q-ra =$ES d z D o b tO ({&Gr gil .o l- oo z lDoo tJ.aE 6qt F>f{(,)60 tt:lzA .t-. O ETJ Oar A:' -<Of'&tt It o ..Jrt C O|a tl,(JFEl ( ETE: Eeorer DAILI REFORI : SIUMP, AIR s U!{p.JOD NO. 704043 LOGTTIOH: Westh Eotelr'Iqr:aoe Wing Atldirion INSPECTOR p. Nordtunl Servlca llrg.Code Reg. O.T. 1.00 PACE OF DATE:6/24/87 Servlces Contracted Extra x Perfomeal sluq>, air and tsryerabre tesLs on @ncrete delivered to tlte abo\re Jcbsite for c.E. Johnson. B & B E<carratirg suppLiecl tlte concrete wittr a ni:. ID 6. 5929. AIL test saqrles were obtained in accordarse vrith ASs{ C-172. AI.l correte tested sas rnitnin jcb s5:ecifications. Average Slt4x 3.75n arrerage Airr 6.7?6 Aver:age Tql: ?f Chrck of G.E. ilohnson ard retrresentative of B & B Ercilratiry wene shcrrn tl|e resuLts of the Gts. For addiulonali jnfounation, see the attached data sbeet. Structurel , Mechanlcal and Materlals Testtng lo +,o t u E o u o z &o Da E + E c (j x ft a tr tr o d f! g t o .|J (J !l ti +,tr o C' ta t\I &Gr El .o Fct 2 groo (J.rr€6ql l->1.a,)ql0 gl :e +<.FO E(J O+,a3 -<oh &1n at o -.J ui t o|'r a,lJ- A r.(t lr v c, =F' EI 2 EI *EI trl B t-.d P &r f t::l t-lr!&(, a L) C ( DAILT REPORT: LOCATIOII: ETt -Georex S;UMP, AIR & EMP.JO8 NO. 704043 Westtn Eo'tet&er::ace t{lrg Addition PACE OF DATE: 6Qo/e7 Servtceg Contracted Extra INSPECTOR,P. ldortl1trrd Servlce Hre.Code Reg. O,T. 2.50 Perfotneal s]Jq>, air arll tsrpenatsre tests on corsrete delivered to tlre above j&site for G.E. ilohnrcn. B & B &<carratirq supplied tf,re consrete rrith a nix ID ot. 59?9. AIL test saryle roere cbtajaed in accorrdarce r,ritfr As'lM-C172. All coneete 'r'sted rms r*itldn job specifications. avenge SI4>: 4.00" 4nrerage Ai.r: 5.98 Average Tql: 71o (tuck of G.E. Jobnsgl and retrxeserrtative of B & B E<canatfug $ere shcrf,n tl|e resrlts of the tests. lbr addiLLonaL informationr 6€e th€ attaqtteit data sheet. Structural , Mechanical and Materlale Testt.ng $FI E +J tr a6 r{ o .'t lo rq E 6 I I I -l col rtl >l I 19l z FI a 2 ttit l"l li E 0,fr u c o (J t tsO ir+,F1 t E: El fii l.qE F8 E ttl F.t{d)fi3 =s 6F L' a;2 I 0 b r.l (\l &Gl Et.o t-@ z Srtoo ().q€ql!l F>r.t! ql o ll!Z,11 .F. o t(,O+,trr' -<Of'EUto,o ..J |,t tr Ct r,l o,lrFc! E lrlc HE E ":(9 ( DAILY REPORT: SHlqp, AIR & EMp. JOB NO. LOCf,tIOll: I€srin tbb[r'teurace Wirg Adatition- 704043 Servlce Code f,rs.Reg. O.T, 1.50 .25 INSPECTOR P. tdordlhd Perforned s}.rq>, air ard tsperaare tests on orsete derivered to tlte above jcbstte for G.E. Jotrrson. A & B F.xcavatirg srrtr4:lied tle concrete witb a mix rD of 5929. ALL t-est salqiles were obtaj.:ned in acerdance wittr Asnll c-I'72. All concrete tst€d rrvas rrittrin j& specificatlons. Average SIlSr: 4.00n Avelage Air: 5.68 Average Tqll 690 Chuek of c.E. ilchnson anl repnesentative of B & B Elica\ratjxg were sfiglrn the results of ttre tests. t'or additional ilforoation, see tle attacbed data sheet. PAGE OF DATE:7/3/87 Servlcee Contracted Extra x Structural, Mechanlcal and Materlala lesttng rrl @ <. )-FI cl 2 3rl 'Hl fil cql ;l Ll E. E g)t{u tr o (-, t'F.O ir+,tcu td ld !. TE do iFIJ .E EI F lrl &(J ?_n t4 st rlO o t\ o z p o b rt GI & {\l Irl -O F.6 =trloo (J .rr'(, 3t Gl F>r.t:t cl o SDZFa .FO ttJ o+,O5 -<Of'gZ ?;lt 0,o ...: r'| E 0|^ 0,lJr-E x 9l .. H$tr E t: o ('l F t|l F a C DAILY REPORT: SII[dp, a1R & tgrlp.JOB NO. 704043 LoC,tlIoN: tEttn btelAerrase wiry Additron Servlce Hra.Code Reg, O.T. PACE OF DATE: 7/9/87 Servlcee Contracted Extra INSPECTOR P. !{ctllurd r.00 .25 x Perfonreil srlqr, air ant tqperatue t€sLB on concrete deLivered to tlte abo\€ jcbEite f,tr c.E. ilohnson. B t B E<carntirg supplied the errre@ with a njx rD of 59D. ArL test saples se!:e cbtaired, in accordarre rcigr ASIM c-172- AlL iomrete testeat ms within jcb specificalions. Average Sluql: 3.75" Average AJr: 4.62 Anerage Tql: 76() Ctnrc* of G.E. ;Iohnson ard. xeprsentaLive of B & B D<carraurg we sbocn the resuLts of the tests. rtx additional i-nformation, eee tfn attached data Eheet. Structural , Mechanlcal and Materlale Testtng gl + *,c .5 A F o l-.IJ c o u Y tI|l!c FO o E t: (9 d tsO ir+,k-r (,FC &it{qE dO iFqJ E lll F.trl d (J ?.Ft 8H o F o z I o b !.t (\&cr trl.o t-@ z lrtoo L) tr€qld F>r.ur60 IEZ,G<FO tu ()+,a5 -<oh Eln O cl .-ll,| El cl ur a,lJ-E ( DATLY REPORT:sIIIMe, LOGf,TIOH: rc*tur E'.IJIEOTEK 704043 PAGE OF DATE: 7A3/97 Servlcee Contracted Extra AIR E EUP. JOB NO. EoteJ.rr'femace Wirq Addition Servlce Code Hrg.Reg. O.T. INSPECTOR p- r{or.'iilunar 2.OO j Perfomed sluqr, air and tsryeratrre tests on coneete deLivered to the above jcbsite for G.E. JohDson. B & B s<cavati',g supplied tle sonsete with a niJr ID of 5929. A1.t t€st saqies rnere 6tained, in acordrce 11lt1. AsD,rcLZ2 AIt concrete test€d was sithin jcb specifications. Average Sluql: 3.00" Average Air: 6.2? Average Tq)! Z4o CtueJc of G.E. ,Iohnsqr rr{as strovn the resuLts of tle tests. For additiornl infmnatlon, see the attaclreil data sheet. Structural, Hechanlcal and Materlale Testtng E .o el E + ! Fr L:t z H a 2 FI Y g: EI - lo 0,t{t,c o (J tr o g E t: u l{f{O is+,l-! (,5ct fd r.fE 40 ftJU l.< ;; Fr &.r (Jk zc a:(J: o z p o b rt (\I &{\l trl .o F6 z Etoo (, rr'(,6(t F>r.u).s0 ll:l Zr{.F. o 5u O+,A=.<Of{dt> o c,..1 uf F:C) ra o (JF E| T Servlce Hrg.Code Reg. O.T. PACE DATE:7/LBl87 Servlcee Contracted Extre OF DAILI REPORT: qrr rD, AIR e .|IB{p. JOB NO. ZO4O43 LOCIITION: Westj:r btel,Aeurace l{irry Add.ition INSPECTOR P. Norrillsrd 2.00 PeLfomed slrlql, air ad tsq)erature tests on @na:ete delivered to the aborze jcbsite fo! c.E. Jobnsn constsuctlon. B & B D<cavati^ng suppried tie consete wittr a mix rD of 5g29. A11 test sanrples were obtai.ned in accordarce with Astr'l C-L72. A11 corcrete tested was witiin job specifications lrith ttre exception of tlre aix content I of ttre first three tr.uiks delivered exceeded the na:<'jmm specified air requiranent, of 5 t 24. Representative of B & B E:<caratirg ard Jin of G.E. Johnson construction were notified of this condition. Air errtxaining agent was redrrced at this tirue, per G.E. ,Iohnsonrs request. one set of tiree cyli-nders $as casL frcn ttre first load, tlcket *lg4l0 for caqlressive strerg,th verification due to tlre high air g ontent. Average S}4>: 3.25" Average Air: 8.1_A Aveage Top: 6O0 Jim of G.E. Johnson and representative of B & B B<carrat.irq rrere stsvn t}e resrrlts of ttre tests. For additional infor:oatlon, see the attactred data sheet. Structural, Hechanlcal and Haterlals Testlnge BF Ll rl q.t 4b (D FI F €l_ 'l8i dnl ooi +rl t, ral Gl 'al l.-l +rl cl ol (Ji l,.i 1E sl* :E 9()zh u Ftr oo b(J trl tZ 3 r{git Fc o o c 5 rl ":(9 k F.O il.tr Rg |lll.lt+r dO rJ(J E trl F E!E Pg €)o iad -o t- o z E o b E @ {T\ ct 2 F' trt 2 trl FI GI E (\il FI .C}Foo z IltOO ()'rrE .0qt F>k uldo trl zH .Fo tu O+r a5 -<Ot &.r, o o '.Jra C Or,| o IJF a l l ( lag,tl4f k&rfrltlo/. *fiD.ls5 south Ncvc.io I Denven, Colonacio 'r (303) 698-1050 -l J l *l J -'1 I : Test Numben:Job Nsme:''r' Job Acidress: Contracton: DuPo | 1 crt' : !!, Truck No-: CTC Rep.: .! It '! '- ao223 P.O. No. r Job t{o.: ?04043 Repont D"ggr_i . 06/0|/A7 - .. . .F.r.*\g 6./? 6 / g ? 07 / 13/87 Report To: Vail G. E. SLP Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Constructlon CO.Archltects Location of Poun: Stair S1 foot ino peci.J Date CrEst: O5/29/51 17428 Terrece gllnq./p'l eze I Vail Co]orado G- E- Johnson B & B Exceveting 3-9 P- Nond'lund Ain (8): 6-3 Ticket No-: 1?8?S Mix I. O. : 5929 PHYSTS,AL PRgPqFTLEg Slumo: i.O Concnete Tennp. ^F: SB Time Eatcheri r 10 :31 COIIIPRESSISE STRENQIH: Spesif ied 28 i{t . r/cu ,Air Temp- ^F: 56 Time Tested: ii:00 Day Strenqth (psi ) _g_qg"g Strength (psi ) 263 0 3780 3710 Ft. 144.7 Cy]'inder IO Ase (days) 01 t0 02 zB 03 28 - 1a Remsnhs: CORRECTEO COPY Si ze C) - uu 6 .00 6.00 Average Sl.rength =g ! .a J rrlc cie:cEotEK;-iNc:-- r.EST RESULTS r-@ t,.-. i t p.O. Nu.: f irdsl. south Navsju Job No-: ?o4o{3 t .-'.ttj:1Yer, Cs:onoqo eOZZg -(303) 696-105C Report Dates z O6/12/S? l- o1/o3/87 | -- o1/2o/87 t_ I | .n Report To: Vai.l Ventunas, Ltd.G.E- Johnson f,snslnuction CO.l__ SLp Anahttscts - , 0ate Cest : A6/OS,/g.t Test l{unber, : i7 eil . . .job Nqcre: Joo adaiesr,. ;::;';:rl;::jtt.." t Contrecr;r: O- €. Joirnson ' ' ::::it;;:, :-?;; i.io.,,,.tr.,q, ricket rrio.: r7e65 C?C ies- , J '*',--_-,. i$!ix 1. D- : 5g2S .",.j"="tii"'"t-o?i: , 3;.T:"1;:'ioo.inc peci "..,r"", i..2 io o.a-i6.8 to .r4, easi 'l -!i't^....-- - --PHYj]JCAL PROPERTTEs S1u-.o: : - 5 Ccncr.ete 'r e:.:i. -1, i i:re 6e ! cirsq ; A.ir (t): 't:{S:t$6.in l-enrp. "F: 6n Tifire iestec: ii:.2E, r",il../Cu. F.L.: 14,!.6 a- t- Cv-r incie- I O U ut !rg Age {oavi) 7 2; at) St r"s6p16 ( os i ) <44,U 3630 AvE rege St renc t h 364 5 Size 6-00 6.00 6-00 " he.'rg'';g,. tt.d-t *€lel, gr.r.,5 0 r (Jll3. rrat et. aoceu orr:s i te - ii;:G;o;iR;-ihi;:- o 9€t 155 South NaveJs Danver, Co'l orecio (303) 638-1050 Test Nunber.: Job Nene:. Job Acitrres$: Contrec !ot-: 9uop'i ier.: Tnlrci.. No. : CTC Ren.: Logcrt ion ot Do.r:. : Dete Cest z A6i1A/67 : BL,UB .lennece ii i nq,/P'! eza I Va i'i Col.racjo G - E. -ohnsor:B & 6 Excev€t i ng I nt, . Fiounta 'i :'. ;otrt i ncs 80229 q9llcBErF r-qpr REjilfLTg P.O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Reoont Detes z A6/ 17 /87 07 /06/81 . 01125/87 Report To: Ve i'i rJ-E- sLp Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Construction CO. Arc h i tects iickei. hio. i4 ix i. D- : lFYg r..caL-, P,FoP E Rr i E9 S:ur."c: 3.5 $.ir (1): Consnete Temu- -F: 68 Time Eatchgd: COMPRESFIVE-BTRFNGTH: Soecif iecj 2€ Arr' I grtng, i: iJ I ime isstecj : Oay Strength (os;) Stnength (psi) 2464 zbcu 5t !u .'UUU hvenager 3t rengt h -1OJU Size 6-C0 O. UU g. tJU Cyi intJer ID 82 U3 u.$ Rsr:ra n ks : Age (deys) 1 2E 2A ez CTC-GEOTEK, INC. J C Denver, Co'loredo (303) 696-105G 80223 Oate Cest z O6/16,/97 i7 521 ierrece i$-;ne,/p'i eze I Vei i Co'i oredo G- E- ioirnson : I B Excavetins .t-D P - No:.ci'i unci Foot ing sacis et gort9F,Flq IESr, qEgutJs P.O. No.:Job No.: ?04048 Reoort Dates: 06/23/g7 01 /14 /87 07 /31/B? Report To: Vai'i Ventunes, Ltd. G. E. Jnhnson Construction CO.SLp Architeets l l l l I J Test Nu:rrbe:..: iob Ner-"e: I iorr ,\uoress: J Conc res'-:::. :Suooiie..: 'f Truc x ric - .jD.:;:"l:J"=,u ecu:-: Ticket lio.: iaCi6 i{ix i-D.: 5S2E sr iq 'i ines D- 6-g, l0 enci i i l l I I 72 j :45 Air fi): E-6 A i r 'Iernp. -F iirne Testeci : b)-;. /Ce F+ - ',tA 1 : Ii, z:3! &oe (rievs ) 7 d6 4.6 Strerrgth (os;) 24 iA g , UU ,+U!U Aver:.aoer gt reqpt,.l)lZe 6.00 5-00 6-02 t(c1!gnKs: PHyS r cAL. P{gPE\-rJ.Es Slu,..=.:3-15 Concneie '!'s::rg- "i: - is:e 3,::i,c,.s= : CONPREFSIV,F STEE$GT.Ei Soecif r-ec 26 Oey S.i:r.enr;ih (es;7 3000 Cv] inoe', !3 U1 Ui, Eo ! | ons hr€tcer €ddecj ons i te . u : g:t: rjg ter.oius 10 cid:dEoiEiC-iN'e :-" crc-cEoEr< . &F tuper tw tegrd iii-Fcclttolt ( -.!t -!drtrSs South Navajo 1 Danver, Colorscio : (303) 6e8-1050 '!- .a-I 'r! ; Test Nurnber.: Job Name:r' Job Adcinesg: Contraston: SupoJ ien:-! .Truck No. : CTC Res. r Oete Cast:. O6/18/07 80223 coNcBETE. rEqr EFqgL,Ig P.O. No.:Job No.: ?04043 Report DcteE z OE/28/91 07 / 16/87 aB/02/87 Report To: Vail r5.E. sLp Ventures, Ltd.Johnson Construstion CO-Anshltects i75A1 Terrece Winor/p1aze I Va i I Co'loracio G- E. Johnson : 9-E Exeevetirrs J-l r P- Nordlund Ticket No.: 180?6 Mix I.O.: Fg29 -.. Locat ion of Foun: stair cone s1 cone wa'i'rs e.levet ion 9?,0o to r0g,0"---, ril'us 10 .f t II E' - - -lt t ra PHYSTCAL PROPEJiJIES S'iump:3-25 Concnete 'l'enro - ^tr: 65 Tirne Bat,ched: g:47 Cg{!'BEFSM STRENQTH: Soecif ieci 28 Day Strensth (csi) _3g"gp Cvl irrder ID 01 g2 03 04 Air (&) z 1.2 Air Temo. ^F: T i me Testeci : l,lt./cu- Ft.: 143.2 ?0 9:40 r\ge (days ) 7 28 26 45 Si ze 5.00 6.00 6-O0 6. 00 Strength (psi ) 21 80 2 850 27 90 4970 Averege Strength 2820 gel lons waten added ons iter - dfe:6E6iER;*iil',e:*- Rernsnks: P'i ant water (( FTc--eEoTEK ,,.,,,, .,!ryirffiting fer,tins Inswtiat CO.i.{CREf.F T,EST ,RESULTS P.O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 i 155 South Nava.ig Denver, Co'ionacio 80223 Report Detes: OI/O1lg1 (303) 698:-1050 O7/zz/s1 o8 /08/67 ".: PHYS Lc-*[,,,PRoP€Rr r ES S'l umo: 4.0 Consrete Tefis- ^F: ?6 Time Eatched: i :55 Report To: Vai'l Ventures, Ltd. G-E. Johnson Construction CO- SLP Architects Date Cast z O6/24/81 Test Number,: 1?593 Job Name: iE rr€ce lrJing,/P1aza i Jbb, Address : Va i'l Co') orecio Contr.cctor : G. E. iohnson Supolier: a & B Exceveting Ticket No.: i816?Truqk No-: 3-10 Mix I.D.: 5929 ,-. CTC Rep.: P- hrorcjiunri Locat'ion cf Pour: Stein Si, core wa'i js erjevaLion 'i0S'C' to 120'9" (2rrd lift) Air (%): 6.4 !^Jt./Cu. Ft. z 142.5 Ai r Temo, ^F: 7a Time Tested: 3 iC5 7 28 28 45 O. UU R nn o. uu O. t, tr 2000 5 | CtU 2724 J I t'U 9OMPRe-qgM SJRFT{GTH: Soecif ied 28 Dey StrensLh (osi) *Q0Q.g Cv]incler ID 49e (deysi Sizr: Strength (psi) .Average $trength 01 vz 03 o4 Rer:rankE: Plent w€ter. plus 5 se]lons *ater. added onsita- ?950 CTC-GEOTEK, INC. 155 South liava.io Denver, Coi onecio (303) 698-1050 Test Nunber'; - o b i.,le rne : iob AdCnegs: Cont rec:cr : Suoo'i i e" : T-uci iio.: CTC Reo. : :^-r---^-, -+ 3^ ^. Dete Ce-.t : C6/25t'di =er^ece l,Jinc/Fl aza i Ie'i I Co'l oreo<r G- E- - ohnson E & ? Excevei i nc i n'. . I'iou:rte i r !do r"t h weI'i i icket liis.: r'1 1x ,t-u.: 314> ovlzc r \ q9N,"C:FET E..,.T EST R ESU LrS P.O- No.: iob No.: 704063 Report Detes : A7 /O2/87 07123/87 a6/49/87 Report To: Vai 'l Ventures, Ltci . . Johnson Constnuct ion CO. Anciritects lHy-si cAL PRoR"E.Rii Es ; f u::c: L- =Congre:e Te:,:g- ^!: ?e. i irne ietc,-'ea: d. 1r' !a.r:=a Ail" i€r5O- f-: Tine Tested: Dey Streng Lh ( os i ) if; .7'C- Avelaoe 5t rerrq L h COMPRESSM STRENGTH: Soecif.;ed 28 Si ze O.UU E. UU D - tJU O. L, \, i ncier' I D v: U' Ape (cjays ) z r.: 45 Streng'Lh (os,i) 27 2A :'6Y-) .lU lL, -C-TC-GEOTEK Engineering irrr ing iiioace ia Rerra n hs lvtu-utrlrrEn, ttr\, G-TC=ffi {A -i55 South lricvejcr i;l5i";,3:;;;;"" P.o. No.:Job Nn.: ?04043 Reoort Dctes: 07/A7/g7 07 /2A/sI oB/.t4/8? Repor.t To: Va i J G. E. SLP Ventures, Ltd - ^Johnson Construct ion Arc rt ) tects 'i est Nurnber. :.job Uane: Job A.dores:::Cclntrcstor: Sur:o'i ier.:irucx \o-: CTC Reo.: Locat ion oi. Cv'i rrrser, i? 02 -,J Sluno: i- r5 Concr.erte Ie.-1L-. ^t_iine iatc:recl : 802?3 7i i:2& ,{Ee (devo ) 7 2€ €tr c-u !.'ir. ig'1;p. ^p. Time Testeci: St nenpt !r ( os i I :i9; 3.t 30 3258 I'ji-z'Cr.r. Ft. : l{,i-1 : UC Average St rengt h co Dete Cssr: 06/38/67 i?03?'i-errace lrl i ng,/p 1ez a Ve i'l Cr:r'ronotjo G- E. .j6irnsorr ? & F Fxcevatinu 3-? * F, Noncl.i unci Pour: Founcietion ljer. j on T TickeL No-: igZZ6 i4ix i-0.: 5929 Line F I & W Lines ig4-S ToD portion- il il il cqMPREssIyE sfBqNcIJ[i s,ecif r'eci i6 Dey strenein 1o=i) ... igj.p 3.ir (1): Size 6-00 6.00 6 - 0i I I I I I I Re,:n€'.x9 : t 3 i 90 PHYSICAL ,PSOPERTI ES cfc:cEdiER, -ihi6:-- :( GTG-@EOTEK ( Agiyorrrs lcsftlrp iasprtfat ffi r Job No-: ?04043 '1 55 South ltava.ig Oenver, Coioracio 80223' Report Datesz A7/91 /61 (303) Ee8-losc iiilli:si Reoort To: Vail Ventunes ' Ltci. G.E. Johnson Construstl<ln CO. SLF Architects Dote Cest z O6/3O/81 iest hiurnberr': : ?C33 Job lriarle: lerr.sce i{inq,/P'laza 1 iob Aciirese : Ve{ i Coiorecic.r Cont?'.rc L.rr: G- E- iohngon Suopiier': F A a Excavating Ticket Nqr-: i622" ?nucir i,ie.: g-5 Mix I.O.: 5S29 CTC Reo. ' e- Nondiunti Locat{on of loun: .SLsir Core $1 We]'1 s E'lev- 12C'-9 to i3?'-2' \ PHYSICA! pROPERTI-ES giu:-p: L Z5 Air (t) : 6.2 iit -,/Cu. Ft. : i4i ' 6 Corrcrete je:r:;;. 'i: 'i3 Air Ternp- -F: 7e T ir*e Fetc::eci: 2:33 Tirce Testeci: 3: 15 C9$?RESSIVE-STRENGTii: Soecif ied 2G Dev Strength (osi) --3-pji9 Cvi indr:,' iti AFe (sevs) gize Strengt h (psi ) Avereps' Strenqth ci ? 6.00 2140 02 28 6.00 3200 c3 28 6-00 3060 3i40 Re;ra n Kg : -\ a CTC-GEOTEK. INC. Gr-c-eEoTEK fuiweting lcrltiw furrwctist 155 Sor.rth lriavajo Denver , Coi onecio (303) 698-r050 84223 99NCREIE r-E!fr, BE9VLTS P.O. No.: Job No.: 704043 Report Oates : 01 /10/81 a7 /31 /A7 o8/11/87 Report To: Vail 9Lp Ventures, Ltd - Johnson Construction CO- Arc h i tects Tegt Nurnben: Job Neme: Job Adciress: Cont necttrr : SuPel 1is7'; Trucn No.: 9ru F(eE.: Loceiion of Four: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES - turno: .'- to Concrete Temp- ^F: 66 Tim€ Batcheci :10:37 99MPRE9€IVE-STBENGTH : Soecr-.f ied ?B OatE Cast: A7/03187 i7 041 ?ernece irr i nq,/P l aze I Ve i'l Col orecir:G. E. iohnson ts A B Consnete 9-iu P - lti o ncJ.'l uncJ Stair core S2, Ticket No.: i6267 Mix i-0.: 5929 stdrter y*a'i'l e'l evat ion 9?'0'to i00'0" Air (t): 5.6 l,lt " /Cu. Ft . : Ai r Temn. ^F : 73 iime Tested: ii:13 Dey Strength (ps;) *9-9..1[-0. Cy1 incien lD 01 02 u5 Age (days) 1 ?8 zct aro Strength (psi) 276A 4J'+U JU'+ U Jz'9U Averege St reng t h 2990 Sizc: 6.00 o - uu RemsnkE: CTC.GEOTEK, INC. ffi {Y.SS South Novo;o uenver., Co.lorado 80223 P.o. No.:Job No.: ?04043 Repont Dates z O7/16/g? o8/06/A1 o8/23/87 Report To: Vail G. E. SLP Ventures, Ltd- ^Johnson Constrqct ion Anch i tercts (303) 698-tos. c Test Nuroben:Job Nema: Job Address: Gont nccton :Supp'l ien:Truck No-: CTC Reo.: ocation of the Date Gsst- O7/09/87 17134 .Tenrece hf inqr/p'l aza I Va i'l Col orerjo G. E. Johnson B & B Excavat ino 5-O _ p. Nondlund ,i;"i;r::ain g.l r ro,_€ wet.ls Ticket No-:Mix t.D.: at e'l evet ion 1830s 5929 144' -o' : D COI'IPRESSIVE STREN9THI Specif ied ZB I h ,- -il il Remanks: P'lsnt p.l us g gal'lons to 1 15' 10,' et Stnength (nsi;Avercge Strength 2050 3 550 3?10 3 630 rrater edded ons i te. 4.7 Air Temp. ^F: ?5 l,.lt"/cu' Ft' : 142-o Time Tested: I :50 Day Strensth (psi) j-e-A-A PHYSICAL PROPERTI.ES Cyl inder ID 01 o2 03 Age (days) 7 28 28 Ain (g); Size 5. 00 6.00 6. 00 I llr - I t i I S'lump:3_S il 9il:";::"1:5:- ^F: ,l,.ss did:AEdiEK;-ifrd:*- C il 55 South Nave.is Denven, Co'lonedo (303) 6s6-1050 Test Numben: iob Ner:re: Job Acicin'ess: Centracton: Supol ier: Truch No.: r,ru xeo.: 80229 Date Cast z Ai./13rlj7 i ?608 Ternace f,lr'ng/Plaza i Vaii Co'ioracio G. E. iohnson B & E Excavating P . Nord'i unci coNcRFT_F, rg.qr Rqs-uLrg P.O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Repont Dates: 07/2A/A7 08/ 1A/81 08/27 /87 Repont To: Vai'l Ventunes, Ltd.G.E. Johnson Construction CO.SLp Anchitects iicket No.: r'r lx l.u.: at 'l ines 0-t 'i 8340 5929 to i-G.3 to K,Lscation of Foun: Stair $] , cone we j ''i s 155'iC. Lo i6a'5,,,6.th.l .ifr. FHYSICAT qRoPERTTES S'jumo: 3.5 Concrete Temo. ^F: ?5 Tr'me 6erched: 2:SB Air (?): Air Temp. ^F: ii Time Testeci: 3:50 l"tt - /cu. Ft. : Sr'ze 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6-00 ciC-6E0f EK;-i[il-- COITPRESSIVE SJRENGTH: Soecif ied 28 Oey Strength (psi) --gg-g! Cy] incier I D ul a2 u.t o4 Renerks: Flent *aten pl us Age (days) 1 2A 4et 65 Strength (psi )Average Strength z4zu 5 t atu 3470 t}UEU JJZS 'l 0 gai ''l ons water edded onsite. e'i evat i c:r C 155 South Navejo Denver. Colonsdo (303) 698-1050 80223 coNcRETE TEST RESqlIg P. O. No. : Job No.: ?04043 Report Datesl. O7/25/81 08/ 15/81 a9/01/87 Report To: Va i'l 9.E. SLP Ventures, Ltci. Johnson Construstlon CO. Arc h i tects Date Cast z O7 / 18,187 Test Number.: 177Oa iob Name: Terrace f{ing,/pleza i Job AddneEs: Vai'l Co'loreclo Contrscton: G- E- iohnson Supp'lien: B & B Excavating Truck No.: CTC Reo,: P- Norci I unci Locetion rrf Pour: Stair S2, core we] 'ls too nor,i. i on . Ticket lio.: iS6. 13 Mix i. D. : 5929 'i st. '! if C eievat iorr i00'0" to iii'0" ?HYsrsAL PFoPFRJLE_g S'lump: 3.0 Concrete Ternp - ^F z 66 Tine tsatcheci:'i 0:45 99I{PREssl-vE S-TREN9T!k Soecif ied 28 Cy1 inder IO Age (deys) l{t . /Cu. Ft . :Air Temp. ^F: 63 Time Tested: ii.2A Dey Strensth (psi) j-q9.9 Stnength (psi ) Avereger Strength Ain (%): 6-6 Si ze o. uu o.lJlJ o. uu UI o2 u.3 u.s 7 2E 1A 4l 2560 500u OCJU .tc'6U JOU:) Remorhs: o'lant g€'l 'l ons ||€ter added ons i te.wclter pius 12 CTC_GEOTEK. INC. CTC-CEOTEL< &Witwi4 leetiq lrsoatim 'l 55 South Nave.io Oenver. Coloredo 80223 (303) 698-105C qpNc"FErE..,regT, REsrlLrs P. O. No. : Job No-: ?04043 Report Dates: 07/25/87 oa/15/87 Report To: Vail Ventur€s, Ltd. G. E, Johnson Construct lon CO. SLP Arch'itacts ' Dste Cest: 07 l1A/87 Test Number i 1'??03 Job Name: Terrsce Wing,/Plaza I Job Adcinees: Vail Coionado Contrector: O- E. Johnson Supolien: B&E Excavoting Ticket lio.: 18410 Truck Ns.: Mix I.D.: 5g2g CTC Rep.: P. Nord'luncl Lcication of Pour: gteir $2 core wa'i'i s, 1st i ift a'levet ion i00't;o 111'bottor:: 'i if t. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Slump: 3.25 Air (*): 9.0 Wt.,/Cu. Ft.: 'l 40.9 Concnete Temrr- -F: 66 Ain Temo. ^F: 56 Time Batcneci: 9:35 Time Testeci: 10: 15 .C-9$PRESSM ,STRENCTH,:. Soeci.f iecj 28 Oay Stnensth (psi) _3"9.9-q Cy] inoer ID Age (days) Size gtnength (psi) .Avenage Strength 0i ? 6.00 2650 02 2a 6.00 3520 03 26 6 - 00 3640 3580 Remarks: TesL macie pen contracton, request due to high ain- CTC-GEOTEK. INC. ( '1 55 South Nava.io Denven. Co'l oredo (303) 596-i050 Tesi, liurnber': i oir Nerrc : Job Acciresg : Cont nec.or.: Supof i e:-': inuck I'l; . : \.ru Beo.: Locei' n c': oi icur: 80223 Tet r€ce lrtino/P';6au Ve .; -i Col orooo G- E. iohnson : & E Excevet ing l:ri- t'iounte in Ste.lr. 2 cone w.il' C9NpRETE TEpr REsv-fTs P-0. No.: Job No-: 7OAA43 Reoort Dates: l(eoort |O: V€t I G. E. SLP a1/28/87 a8/18/81 09 /44167 Ventures, Ltcl - Johnson Constnuction CO-Architects Date Cest : Ai /21,/67 ! T'icket i!o- :!ltx -.J-l 2nc' 'i i f t - Pjr.Ys r cAL PROPERT,i'FJ Slunc: 3-ii ti. {5.), Corrc lete Teri- ^F: 1Z T i r:re Eetc-.er: CoMPRESQiJE SIRENSTH: Soec.if -:ecj 23 : -&!.ir Te'::rr:. ^F: i ltne :e9-!eQ: 3a -v 3t:-'t:rst ir i;s': Strengtn (i:s'i ) ?'t 2A JZ|,]\) ' aa,a !- 'rir - /Cu .a ./ .--.t-.Y..9-!' Ave-.r.e ge 5t reno t ir !,y ' l noe- .r j UI t; UL A.ge (geye.;\ i za 1e 3'izr: F Ca A nn o. tJ! \. I t--uc\J r En, 1l\u . Rerne r xs : 155 South Nevejo Denver, Co'i orecio (303) 698-105C Test liumber, :iob lleri:d: Job Ariciresg: Cont re; Lol. : Supp'i i e^:Trucn i'ig-: CTC Reo-: Loce t i on of lou:. : EO223 r o.; tr L,:errace itiing/Fi e;a 'i,e': I Cojoracio 3- E. i ohnson E & E Excevet i ng i n: - f"iounta i rr g'.eii-' ? core wa'i I ggNCRETF rEST REsq_Lrs P.O- No.: iob No-: 704043 Report Dates: O7/30/87 08/20/81 Report To: Ve i'i afLr Ventures, Lbd -iohnson Construst ion CO.Architects Dete Cest : A7 /23/8t I T i cket rri tx _.u 5f'(: l-rT! rio - : PHYSICAL PROPERTiES Concrete Ter.:.:" '?: :6 l rr:te tcLc*€3q: tr. I t"\-b)'- COF1PRESSIVE -SJRENGTH : Soec i f -ieci 4-t Atr I t]!r,D. ai u |'lme ieSte(f: 9ey S c re.g::-\ ( os -; ) Str.engii: (csi ) ld,v c43U J!icv |1;.- . 7'iu FL -: t.l t.5 *?.!,-.-u--Y Averagre 3i- nengt i J4 | 3 J1 0- 6. 6- 1C' UU UU Cyi i ncier i D iil ut n: Age i ie:rs ) zE {, IL,-()i\J rr_n, lt!{-. Rena n ks : CTG-G EOTE }< €ngineering lest;ng insgectiwr 155 South Nevajo Oenver, Co l onecio (303) 698-1050 Test Number-,: iob Neme : icio S,ciciregs: Cclc'u"-o" ' Suoo'l i er: iruck iio-: e : L XeO - : Lcce: "cn of it:-.r r-, : get.e Cest : A1 /25/Ei ,c;D : L :er-ace i,j.i nq l,:'i eee i |e -i -' Co''i o-ecio 3- E- .ic:lnscrl A & E Exs,:".vat inc ini - Fiounte i n Elevetcr cone wcl i 8022,3 coNgRETE TEST F€SULTS P.O. lio.: Job No.: ?04043 Report Dates z O1/gj/87 a8/22/81 Reoort To: Va i'i \:-E_ SLP Ventures, Ltd -Johnson Constnuction CO.Architects iickei lio. PrjLsicAL PROPejirI Es 5'l ..rn:: i-f A.-. ii).Concrete Terc - ^:: :: T i.re Earcr"le:': CO$PRESSIVE STRENGTH: Soeciiiecj Z8 Aln rearp. f-: v T'i me Testec : Day 5t !-'enqth ( ps' ) St.rength (psi) JUUU .:jItu ii . 1t,': ,' JUUi' Lv€:rdge St reng t h : i.n 6-00 !,vrrnce.,it n,) W'; Ace (ciays ) z! z6 aiC:GEor EK;-iN a:--- Renerks: r @\Engrneffrne iestl,?g lnsgect ion ggNcFETE T.EST RESULTS P-O- No-: Job No-: 704043 155 South lrievajo Denver. Co] orecjo BOZZA Report Oates : Og/A1/61 (303) 6s8-i0s0 oB/zz/6i ( Reoort To: Va r"l Ventures. Ltd - G. E. Johnsorr Construction CO- SLF Anch i tects Cate Cast: Q7/25/6i Test Nunber: i 4523 ,oo liEne: Terrace lling/gieza i iob Aocir.ess: Vei'i Co'i o-ocis Csn t nasror : G- E- iohnson Supoi ie:': E & a Excevetinc iici<e! fic-:Truck liu-: tiix i-i-: 5929 CiC Reo. : lri - fiounte il Locat -io:: r.r i lou-: 3La i nwe'l i S? . 4 t ir 'i if t PHYS r CAL f R0-P--E-BT rEl Conc:.eie ie.-::. ^;. ?S i i ne Ee t r::.eci : t"?4 it-\ - : ? Air' Terno, ^F: 3 T ine Testeci: COM.P.SE9_SiVF_QIBENGTH: Soeciiieci 2i Dey Srrensth (esi) *i.*e.-p cv'i 'i ncier io Age {deys) Size sLrength {os i ) l.rverage strength 0: 7 A-CC 2i9C 0? 2Z 6.00 304C i3 26 6 - 00 304 C 30d.0 \, r |!, - \r E. \/ lcn, r llv. Reme r ks : @ ',graervrg [g'titq l'6'/'stid/, P.O. No.: . Job No.: ?0i1043 155 South Navajo !?!tg", eo:lqnecio B0AA3 Repsnr Deres t 06/A3/g7 (303) 6sB-1050 o6tz4/a1 a1/11/87 Qp4.qFELF rEsI RFsqk,rs Repont To: Vai'l Ventures, Ltd. G. E. Johngon Construct ion CO. SLP Anchitects Dote Cast:. gS/27/81 Test Number'.: i ?Bd0-i Job Neme: Tennace hling,/p'laza i Job Adcir.ess; Ve i'l Co'lonasio Contr:ecton: G. E. Johnson Supol ier I B & 6 Excevet ing T icket liio. :Tt uck No. : Mix i. D. : E CTC Reo.: Ini,- Mountein Lncetion o,i ioul.: Foot ing PHYFTCA.I-. PROp.FRT r ES S'iumn: 4-25 _ Air (%): 3.4 l{t.,/Cu. Ft.: 133.4 Concrete Ttsrnrr. ^F: OZ Ai r Terno - ^F: 0 Time Bstcheci : Time Testeci: QOMPRESSfVE STRENGTH: Soecified 26 Oay Srrensth (psi) *?gg-g Gylinder ID Ager (days) Size Strength (psi) Average Strength , 01 ? 6.00 1860 0? 2A 6.00 4000 03 28 6. 00 3660 3830 04 45 6.00 4610 Remanks: Cy:i r'nders Made By Intermount€in Testino. CTC-GEOTEK. INC. 'e , .GTC-GEO-rEr( - lJrgrnggrrng lestitp insfrctif,,cpl,lg REr q,JEsr,,REgrilrs P.O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 155 South Navajo Denven, Co'lorado 8OA?3 Repont Oates Ag/O5/g1 (303) 696-1050 oa/26/s1 Reoort To: Vai "i Ventures, Ltd. G. E. Johnson ConEtruction CC. SLP trcir itects Dtete Cast z A1 /29/87 TeEt liu:nber.: l SSis iob \lerne: Terrace lrl inor/pl eze I iob Jrcicir.ess : Ve i I Co'i oracjo Contrecior: G. E- Johnson Supo'! ier.: 6 & 3 Exceva! i'ng Ticket l{o-:fruci< i'lo-: tix i.D-: ig30 CTC Rep-: Int - Itio.rnte in Locet iorr of Doun: ltairwe] 1 $2 eest end, Sth j if t eHYSTCAL FROq.E,F;IES Sluno: 3-25 A-lr- (t): ,l-g itt./,.ar- F.r,.: i&B-a Concreie iens. ^F- 7A Air Te:,n. ^F: C Tirne Eateheci : Tima Testecj: COI{PRESSM QfRENQTH:, Soec.if ied Z6 Day $trensth (psi) _?-q!g Cyi incje^ IO Aqe (days) S.ize gtrength (lrsi ) Average Strength a1 ? 6_C0 2830 c2 2A 6. 00 3960 D3 28 6.00 3930 3S45 Rener.ks: v r g-\tEu l c,A, lN9. CTC-GqQTEK &ryfu;glrlq iesil'nc lrposcir;EST RESULTS 155 South Neva.icr Oenver. Co'lorado (303) 698-1050 ?est Number.: Job Narne: Job Adciress: Cont.nestor': 9upoi ien: Truc11 No. : CTC Reo.: Locetion of Pour: 'i as,i Date Cast z A7/31/81 80223 P.O. No.: Job No.: . ?04043 Report Oetes z O8/A7/81 88128/67 a9 / 14 /A? Report To: Vail 1r.tr. SLP Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Construction CO. Archi tects 17 924 Terrace hf i ng,/Pi aza I Ve i'l Co.l oracio G- E. Johnson S & B Excevating c - Norci'l unci SLa i n S2 core we'i 'i s ,r i€t) : t atoz I 5930 to i 66-5- i,/2 ( 6t lr enci Ticket No.Mix I. D- : e'i evat i on S'iumo: 3.00 Csncrete l'emo. Time EetL:heci: Air (%):^F: ?5 i:21 4.5 t{t-,/cu Air Temo. ^F: 76 Time Tested: 2:05 Ft.: COMPRESSM gfRENCTHs, Soecif ied 28 Day Strength (psi) __3-q-Lq Cy1 inden IB 01 o2 U5 04 Remanks: Age (deys) Size ? 5-99 28 6.00 2g 6.00 45 0 .00 Strength ( psi )Average Stnengt h ZJCtJ 407 g .|ucu CTC-GEOTEK, INC. insaectirll o9JCRETE JEsr RE-suLrs t-.\J. tto.: Job No.: 704083 Report Detes:' 08/18/81 as /oa /87 Reoort To: Va -l'j u-tr- sLp Ventu ntrs , Ltd - Johnson Const nuc't i on CC-Architects 155 South Neve-io DenvEr , Co] onecjo ( 303 ) 696-1 050 Test Number.:.iob Nane: Job 6.dcirersg: Con tr*ct.or" : 3u os'l i e:' :Truck irlo-: U I L, KEU. : Locat 'on of Pou:" : Deie Cest : C6/i i /8i too.-i. Jerrece ii i n q,,'P'1 eze i Va 'i 'i Ce-r o'-ecic C.. e- J ohnson E&6 Excever ing P - trord'i und €'l evergr cclre. Tisket te tx i.. ?'rci'iifr ec l\cl. : I c' / I O u. i Jy9u e'l eve: ion i i i 80223 -5 t(f zJ PHYS r cA!- PROP,F"BI r Es J'UqlO: :-.i: Concnete i e::p - ^7: ?g I rne i]€Lcnec: COMPRESSIVE..-9T,R-FNGTH : Specif ierc 28 !.'i l iernc, " ^F: ?3 'i irne iesteci: iCCS Day 5t rengt h ( c= i ) Cvl 'l ncie- i D uc 03 Aee ( rieys ) z& Strengtn ( os I z3ru JJ!+U r L - / LU Averreoe 3t rength 4_d :-r' S i zt: i nn o - uc se'i -i ons weier acicieu c':s i te -Remerkgs P-1 6rrt water p''us ':2 u r \.-(:trv r E.a, t!\L CTC-GEOTET< argrncErtag t86t it g InsgsFt id' 155 South Navs.io Denven. Co] orecio 9OA2S (303) 698-1050 coNgliE:LF rFs,T-J3lisu Lrg P.O. Ns.: Job No-: 704043 Rapont Detes z AA/20/67 89 /'t O /87 Report To: Va i'l l,:t.tr. a5Lt, Ventures, Ltd "Johnson Construction C0. Arc h i tects Test hiunbe.: Job l,ie::e: iob Aciinesg: Contrc,;icr.: Supo'i ier:. Truci.. \o-: \,ru Kela_: Locet icn of P€ur: 0ate Cest z 08/13/8i rDC.:.'Terrr€ce lrl i ng,/Pi aea I Ve -i 1 Qg)'l ep6cit G- E. iohnson 6 & 6 Excavating g-o f . iiord'i una Slevetor core r.ra i ''i s, 593C i23'0" to 13a'7" (trcj 'l if t) T'icket I'i o - rr: tx t.u.: e r evat 1 crn qtiYsrcAL PBoPERTTES S'l ur.r:: 3 . i Consrei,e ?erno - ^9: 2'2 7 irie 3a:creci; 3:i? Ain ii): 3.e 9secif{ed 28 {4t'./r.tj.FL.: ', 11.6 Air Tenp- ^F: 72 Time Testeo: 4:25 Eey Strensrir (psi) *3_L-QS Cy'i incje-. J] u4, U.' Renarks: 1 .5 Aqe ( ciays ) 7 1C, ati Strength (psi) 4U IU DS:'IJ CZJU Averege St rengt h Size 6.00 o.u oei ay ons 'i te. CTC-GEOTEK, iNC. nour contraqtor . Bngtn*frng tc6,ti,r9 itwFBtio/ t 165 gouth Navajo Denven, Co]orecjo (303) 698-1050 Test Nu:nber: i o i.r itarntr : iob AcicinesE: Contrecisr: Supp'l ier":?ruci< ltlc. : vrL Ke(,-: Dete Cest: A8/13/61 r oota Yerrn€c€ ti'li ne/P] eze I Veil Cslonedo G. E. Johnson ts & I Excevting P - Nordr'uncl ( 802?3 coNqRqrE-r,FSr RESg-Lrs P.O- No-: Job No.: ?04043 Report Detes z A8/2O/81 09 / 10 /81 Report To: Veil u. E- sLp Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Constnuction CO.Anchitects T'icket I'io-: i6926 rrl-tX l-u.t iypCJ s]ab on me:ei deck at i iness A to 6 enc Loeat"i or of >or:r. : Zncj j eve] f ioon ?6 tc 2" ,eliysrclL PROPgSi-r Eg Sjuno: 3. 5 Consr.it,e Ternll . ^ F: 6e T'i rne 6s Lc ireci : 8 : 0 1 Air (?)? 1.U COHPRESSIVE 9.aRENqIH: Specr'f iecj 2G Ain Ter:o- ^F: ?A jime Tes:,ei: 3:40 Oey Strenqch (psi) ;|9-9*q dt-,/cu. Ft.: i42-7 Cyl inde^ t0 02 UJ Ape (deys) ?a zc Strength (osi ) J.r 4 ii 47 AA 4650 Average St rengt h .ro t c Size q ct Renirks: Plent wate-ge'i i ons rleter accieci ons.i te . CTC-CEOTEK, INC. p'i us 12 155 South lrieva-io Oenver, CoJonado (30s) 698-1050 ?est Number.:job Neme: .Job Acicinesg: Ccnt:.aetor: Suso'l i er:Truck Ntr-: CTC Rep.: _OCc.i: aO:. |}: DbUf : Date Cast:. D8/14/87 i 86a? Terrece hl"ing/P] €z€ I Ve i'l Co'l oracio G. E. iohnson B & B Excavating G. Gtbbon Ticket No.: 18€a3 Fl ix I. D- : 45!26 80223 (\ coNq,BsTF- r,Esr REsuLIe P.O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Report Oates: O8/21/81 03/11/87 Report To: Vai'l G. E. SLP Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Construction CO. Arc h i tects PrjY$,IcAL PROpFRr.r Es it 'iifRo: :; - $ Concrete Temp. -F: 35 7'inre Eetcheri: 5:51 Air (3):a. I Air Tenrp. ^F: ?C T ime Testeci: 7 : 3i nt - lcu Ft - : 14.5.5 Age (cieys ) 7 2A 26 Size 6 - C0 5-C0 St rength ( ps i ) coou .,.EDU .r:r3u Averege Strength 451? C€|!i,RE,9SIVE SIBENCTH: Specif ied 2? Day Strensth (ps.i) .g-C-.9! ey1 incier i O |JI 92 UO Rencirkg: CTC-GEOTEK, : tliC . r \ 991*qREIF._rEsr REsuLrs 155 South Navajo Denver, Cojoredo (303) 698-1050 Test Nunber: Job Nane: Job' Adriress: Contrac:or : Supp'i ie*: Truck f,is. : GTC Rep-: LocEt'iorr of Pour.: Cyi incier- ID UI 02 UJ Renrarks: 80229 18651 =errece lrl i ngrlP i aza Va i -1 Co'i orecio r:- tr. .JOnnEcln 6 & B Excavating P. Nordlund 3nd leve'l g'l ab on P. O. No. : Job No.: ?04043 Report Dates z A8/2A/87 09 / 11/ A? fteoort To: Va r"l \:-E- .3Lr Ventunes, Ltd. Johnson Construqtion CO. Arch i t€cts Bate Cestz A6/11/Ei TickeL lio.: i8a65 Mix i-0-: VS27 clesk at 'l ines S. to Z (A) Mix eni 2? to 28 FHYSIqAL,?Ro-qFR.rr ES Siunno: n-?5 eoncrete Ts.:rirr - 'F: 5? Tirne Eetcheci : ?:50 A;r {4): 2-?v,Ji--,/Ctr- Ft. : itL2-1 c-oEl.FREssIvE;9TRE\cTli: Soec i f i ecj A'ir Tenrp- 'F: 50 Time Testeci: €:50 Day Strenslh (ps'i ) -*gg0_q Strength (psi) 5 l9U 40uu .444U ZB Age (ciays ) 7 ao ao Sj ze 5-9A 0.96 5.99 Average 3t nengt h 4414 CTC-GEOTEK. II'IC. (' 4c223 llEitrC :en-ece ri i no/F'l eze i. . r Y e:-; \-c. I Or.dC; CJ G. i- ;oirnson E & E ixceva.i- i r..: cr : U-JU i - iio- ci i ur-rc 4tf ieve-'i s-'l eb oir c.gNqRETE rEsr Req.qLIg F , \r. ttcJ. : Job No-: ?0.i043 Reoort Dates : OBi26/gi 0s/16/8i tv/ujltrl Rer oo r. t To: Va i'l gaLF Ven Lu r.tgs , Ltci -i ohnson Cons t ruc L, .i on CO .Arclritercts Ce'1. e Ces'L: A6/':J,i.ai T icr^ter- hc- : 1Cg': i i{i.x l,!-: t.A) c€3c'\ di. 'i iries: / i:: cl Z ":r-ru 23 La 25 i *i:ec: t rr-.i 29 aa P.t^ l{JtlIJ - r- i i rr,e ies.;-t-.g : 0ev S i- i'rJ.lo t i.: ,v:-./L,u_ .-L. - '41.: .:U .e i.veraoe .3 i r.*nc L i_' Aos.( devs )3 r .,en !-. i, i: ( o:, ., .tl lu titiO'J !+O_.J cre:c;ci e[:-iNa:--- ((\ gory"cREJE IE-ST RESULTS Engineering iesting insoect iar, 155 South liavo.itr Denven , *;o'i oracjo (s03) 698-1050 Test ltiunbe-: -i:b Name: iob Adcir"ess: SonE.reci,oi: 3uoo,-'.ier:-ruc i.; "ic - ; t. ! {, r.(€tD. : Locet i o:r oi )o.'.,::- : Dete Cesi:: $3ii9/6i ' L'O lr -errece liinoT Pi aza i Yel (,c) tor'.a5oo 3 €- i ohnson 6 & 6 Excsvat'i nc ? - tr srd'! urc 3: evetor core. 5 i: ir I T'isxer.t No-: 1a939 ''lx l-u.: 3:J-i ift et eievet.igr 'l 46'3" to i5?'i6,, pu110 r-u. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Report Da tes : Repor! io: Va i'l -LF' uv/ zo/ d t vv/ | ol d I tQ/u5/6t Ventur.es, Lt ci - Juhnson Constr,uct ion CO-Archittrcts PH\:F r cA ii. -P-Bgf EFr i Eq -r !u-o2 t J io:rcreie Ierro. 'F: - lre ietci,sc: i,-i.' ,'i.',. a r ..i..i r" I C:ln fi - I Tinet Tersted: d i- - /c;r a4 Z:1U 6o* ( cevs ) ; Jf > t z€a O. UU 5 - 3E 5 - 93 !.ver:'eoe, $ i- r.errc l- i: ecicied or:s, I Le cTc-6EOiEK, I:tC. LO!:!PREq,9_i-yE SiRENGTIi: Soec.iied 23 Oay SL.r.t-f.,sii.r (r:s i ) 3CC0 LY l l ncle"' i r, !,/ .f 5L r,trrct i' ( ps,'i ) ,ar+UU 449A / i,e:ra. irg : F '. enL liraLGJ'. o'i ug 5 o: -! 'i ons wetg:,-. 155 South NCvaJtr Dsnvsn, Co lor.gdo (303) 6E8-r050 / GONCRETE TEST( JSULTE P.O. No.: Job No.: ?04043 Repor.t Datee: A8/28/87 09 / 18187 10/a5/87 Report Tol Vai'l G. E. sLp 80223 Age (days) 7 28 2S t Ventures, Ltd. Johnson Construction CO. ArahiteetE Test Numben: Job Name: Job Address: Contractor: Supp'l ier:Truck No.: CTC Rep. r Locatlon of r.) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 9'lump:3.25 Consrete Temp- ^F: 68 Time Betchecl:10:09 Date Csgt: 08/21/87 1 8710 Terrace Wing,/Plaze I Val'l Colorqdo G. E. Johnson g & 6 Excavating 3-8 lir r (*) :5.7 Ticket No.: 18980 Mix I. D. : 5930 P. Nord'lund Pour: Elevstor oore e'levetlon 157'10" to 169'S, (6th and 'last 't if OOMPRESSIYE.,FIRENOTH; speclf led 28 Size 5-99 9. Y6 5.99 Air Temp. ^F: 65 Tima Testad: 10:45 Day StrenSth (psi) --3O0"0 Strength (psi) 302 0 4470 4540 hlt.,/Cu. Ft . : 133. 'l Average Stnength 45 05 Cyl lnder ID 01 o2 03 added ons I te.Remsrks r Pl an water p'lus 9 ga'llons water CTC-GEOTEK. INC. 80223 (\ 9-9N9RET-F TEST RESULTS P.O. iio.: iob lio-: 704043 Reoort Dates z A9/16/87 1AiAl /Ai ia/24/87 ReoorL To: Ve i'l G.E- SLP Ven i:ures, Lt c; - Johnson Ctrnsr:'uct ion C0- Arc l|i t €:cts 0are Cegi: 09,;09,r6 j to ,:i .-er ''aCe "i i::c,/5l,=ze : 've i: Cc'i o!..eoci .; - i, . .,(: -!a!:iof l E 6, 3 ixcevat ir':i' r. o- itac r 'r vti: s-: ei: i ilss {ioc; I i c:;.,e. L irc. : r* errc: i'i- ? :OGJC:l ec zr ?- rnit -.r'i-tii. Fi.-: :.eL.z F :' €:Ti). i-: J3 - irrre iesieo: 9:3i ley 3;r',e-.:rc;h (osi'; 3CCi' rJ.cr t {ceys.} 3 lza ri -;i- S.r ns-rrt r lr,c:i Ave.r'eg:e.3t:e;:pil e633 'l ,r'li., !:o w Lr; toeo 11 9 iunro i s ok oer c i:.,rc "r, w i i: i: l, I \.-'Jrf UlEn, il\v. C C 155 South hiavajo Denven; Co'l oracio (303 ) 6SS-1050 jtrst liunroer..: iot; irle r,t-. : J ob Acici nes:s : Ccntrecicr: 3u oo] ier:Truck irio - : !, l\. KeE-: -ocdt -i o:-' of :Lru:. : Oate Cest.: 09/iC/Ai i ai 3':errece iiiinq,/f i eze i Ve ''i Ccl'rcJr.4;ccr 3- :- ,ohrsorr A & F ixcava't .j .-rr, l'.- \-, IM- 1st i.:oor oe:ci. s. I cri-r, -i'icneL lic.r. : i92i,i Itix I-C-: B dt e-'i5 e.,c G - C. 30223 CONCRETE TEST RESULTS P,O. No-:Job Nn.: 7Q4OA3 Report D€t€rs: Report To: Ve i'i 8_E. ;trLP 09/ 17 /87 10 io6 / E7 tv/ ac/ 6 | Verrt u rers , Ltci -i o irnson Constr,uc.t ion CO.Arcir i Lects PH,YSr.S.*l_ PROPERT r ES Conc r'ete 7er:rru. ^i , r r me trdigago :) : z,J !. 1 r' r €.ftrlir - T i *r: Tes i:eci: 5- . 'i, a - : q:, ,COMPRESSJ-VF S-T-BENGT.I1: Soecii;e,j 2i i;ey Strerrcuir (osi) 3C0C \-Y I l nOEr r U riee {ceys; 1 3 l:er 5. ii St.engt;h ( os, i) J ! 3L' .A\',rrf.r?e 3c r,en g 'u i.r crc-G Eor - K:-iNa:*-- Rererig: lr DAILY REPORTI LOGATION: E-JEOTEK OT{SITEi I}ISPETICII restin pita'a &rildt€l i JOB NO. ?05039 Servlce llra.Code Reg. O.T. 8.00 visual tnsS€ction of bar joist lnJ.ds was corducted at tlre secord ff.oor franiry of t$e l€stin plaza erildingr ptrase I, betlreen grid lLnes 2L Eo 28/D fD z- Alt reqdred fiuet r,uerds rvere fqnd to be irstarkd ana vis:affy acceptable. I4et rf,ith chrct< Eerrett, G.E. .forrnson ad. r,pR ereoLion forsnar, Joel, to discrrss flrtr:re scheduliry. nequisition for r,pRrs cqrrent relder cerdeicatlons was rnade. r.PR ras infoEmeat ttrat wtrere lerjuene bolts couLd rpt be tsrsioned lrith t.tte letjr:ene gr:rrr. tlre trtrrrrrof-tbenrt' netlod was to be used i.n acordance to AISC. Structural , Mechanlcal and Materlals Tesctng INSpECTOR D. plctqryer PAGE OF DATEr 7/29/87 Serv.lces Contracted E:tra x $, JOB NO.705039 PACE DATE: Servlces Contracted Extra x DAILY REPORT: CI{sxrE rNspmrro{ LOC.ATION: Westin ptaue INSPECTOR_, D,_Di.qlre\rer o-_ 8/4/e7 Servlce Code Hrs.Bet. O.T. 8.00 Vi.sual inspectlon of tbe bar joist roelds was corxiucted at third level frmiry of tlre !{estin plaza elildirg, phase r, bebreen grids 2r te 2g/D te z. AIt requireil filtet relds ureu:e fount to be installed ard visnlly acceptable. Bolt torque inspection of the 3rl4r diroeter A325 boLts rras erducted at t}te secord lsreJ. franirg oJ tlre lrestin plaza BrildjJq. Tbose bolts accessibre to tle letjnene gr:n, bavilg tips shearecl off, rere fourd to be acceptable. Bolts locateil in the nebs of peianrtd -axll hteri6r colunns, t*rich were had tigbtend, bv the ntr:rzr-of-tle-nut-methodr, wene fourd to be lose. }lhile onsitel lDe$er7EE, LPR persorureL r+mrked. eaid connections usirg a 'sptd,o trrench, ard trcheater baru.. Reilspection revealed, ttrese conreclions to rur xoeet tension requiraents. LPR foroan;IoeI ard G.E. ,folnrson superiatendent, Chuck, uere verbal-ly fufonned of tie aborre. Structural , Mechanlcal and Macerlale TesBtngs T DAILY REPORT: LOCATION: -r. 'ONSIIE. restfur elaza erildJng'lplrase f JOB NO. 705039 PAGE OF DATE: s/Lz/97 Servtcee Contracted Extra x INSPECT(}B D. Dictrirre1'er Servlce llrs.Code Reg. O.T. 8.00 Vistral lnseectlon of the flmr deck prddfe r,relds was condr:cted at Le\El- 3. elt reqrriredl 5/8" g puddle lrelds anx weLd waslrers wse forrd. b be fustarled ard vLsually accegtalfe. viEual inseection of bar joist welds was conducted at leveI 4. AJ.L required firlet telds weo:e forrd to be installeil ant visrarly acceptable. Bolt torque futseection uas corducted on tlre 3/4r'd.ianeter A325 Lejeune BoLts, at bottr Isre1s 3 ard 4. Slose bolts rpted as stilt beirg lose were narked as st:ch errl tnetr Lcaticrs g:iven verbally to L,pR fectlon penorurel. Visua1 lJlspectlon of the ler;el 2 stn:ctural fr:mir:g ryas oordrrcted tlds date. AIL stnrtr:ral ueubers ard oonnections were fo:rd to be aeeptable. Tbe abovE inforyatisr ms ginen verbafty to LPR Erection forglan ard G.E. Jcbnson sanrinterdent. Structural , Mechanlcal and Materlats Testtngs DATLY REPORT: UIE mguE lqINsP. JOB RO. INSPECTOR D. Diciloqler 705039 Servtce llrg.Code Reg. O.T. 2.00 PACE OF DATE: 842/87 Servlcee Contrected rDxtra x Bort tque r,einqnction ms ordrrcted on the 3,/4" dtiareter .a325 brta' paricusry rnarlced as loose, at botb levels 3 ard 4. Ttrese bolts ' :'4re'Irtt teilsi€Elecl to the Froper requiranents ard rrrere narked as accepgable. :ltrts fuifo:mtj.q]ras given verbatly to r,pR erection farenan, rfoer. Structural , Mechantcal and Materlale Testlng ( DAILY REPORT:OISIE LOCATIOI|: ...wst&rPlaza nrffdurg'lPhase r PACE _ JOB DrO. 705039 DATE: OF 8fL4/87 INSFECrOR i. D, -oictoqpr Servlce HrB.Code Reg. O,f . 6.00 Servlcee Contracted Extra x Vi"EuaI ilspecH.on of tJre floor deck ard attachirg prddle uelds uas ostfrptedl at fratrg larel 4. AJ.J. required 5/8n d*rmeter pudille welds atd neld rashers eere fqrnl b be irctaled arxt v5.sr:a11y acceptable. Bolt'@rgue inryection of the 3/4" 4iaueter A325 bolts was corrir:sted on the wt slc5n of tlre roof frandrg. ALI boLts inspected were fcurd to neet the aceptable teqgion requjrsnents. Eris i.nfonmallqr rtas given vedcally to I-,pR Erection foraan, Joel Struciural, Mechanlcal and Macerlale Testlngs - Eeorel r55 SOUIH MVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (3031 698-1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBEF ( zo-:'- -o- 3 g ) PUNCH IIST IIEM - TO FIELD OBSERVATION REPOFT PROJECTNAME TEOHNICIAN ST HR 8.00 OTHR OONTSVC x XTRSVC CODE* TYPEOFINSPE9.T]9I: J!-UIL _ MAGNETICPARTICLE-, uLTRAsoNtcWELDMENT- ULTRASONIC-.,-. SHEAFCONNECTOR{ACCOUSTTCAL}-BOLTTENSTON FIFEPFOOFING WEBE |IEMS BELOWTTIE MINIMUM PROJECTSP€CIFICATIONS NOTED? YES_.- NO ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Bolt torque inspectnon was ordrrcted on tbe 3/4' dianeten A325 bolts on the east slope of tjte roof level franing. [hose bolts fcnuq !o be lmse, wse narked as such. fnspectfon of the roof deck ard attactdrg prddte welds rms cort- ducted on what r,ras ocnpleted on the rvest slope of tie rof fraruilg. severaL slreets, prdclre rrelds arrl sean crinpirg are rpt yet ilstalled Cornernirq tlre flarne slotted base plates on the rorth perirneten, addresseil in Rictrard Weirgardtrs cbsenration retrnrt ,Jatd, 9/4197, t}ris has rot yet been repai:red. Fintsh work-of ttte x-brace fieLd fiLret rvelds was beirg qleted tbis date. ebove jnforrnation was given verbal-ly to Joel, LpR forgan. ACTION TAKEN REGARDTNG ABOVE IIEMS. :E eor el 165 SOUTT{ trAvAro DENVER, COLORADO 8O2E 1303) G98.r0s0 CTC PROJECT NUMBER ( z-os - o-.1- g- ) PUNOH LIST IIEM - TO FTELD OBOERVATIOII REPORT TECHNICIAN ST HR 8.00 OT HR coNT svc x xTRSVC CODE* TYPE OF INSPECNON . VTSUAI -. MAGNETIC PAFNCLE .------.-'..-.- ULTFASONIC WELDMENT - ULTRASONIC- SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL).-----.--------' BOLTTENSION FIREPFOOFTNG WERE ITEMS BETOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTEO? YES =- NO ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION visual ircpection of the structrrral franr:ing ard connections lras erdrrctcd on the Westin plaza Bri1itjJg, phase I, lerrels 3, 4 ard rof. those iterc fcx,:rd to derriate frcrn tlrc supplied set of stnrcfr:ral drarirgs or just for:rrt to be inccrrprete, rdere incorlnrat- eil onto ttte attached list of outstardirg a;ccreF€tpies, please referl Gopis of field rptes were left onsite ttris date with G.E. Jolrnson ard LPR personnel. ACT]ON TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. CC COLORADO TEST CENTER INC. r6sgoun{MVA|O DEWEh. OOLORADO 0t223 (so 6s8-1050 . LIST-.OF OUTSTAI{DING DISCREPANCIES Location: (r)e.r-:^r ?, -" E oq.'P+gsr= Jobf : zcs.o<? D ate: . Alzt /et Inspector: \L.b.r-*lrr_ page: I of orted ften * STRUCTRAL MECHANICAL AI.ID MATERIAI,S TESTO{G '... tt rssSOUI}| NAVruO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-rOso CTC PROJECT NUMBER l70s'-o 3 9 I FIELD OBSERVA?IOT{ REFOBT PROJECT NAME TECHNICIAN ST HR 9.00 PUNCH LIST ]TEM -- TO DATE a/n\/87 C Jos /, Ftr-e - 4J41fi OT HF coNT svc x xrR svc coDE * wPE oF lNsPEcTloN. vlsuAL x , MAGNETIC PARTICLE-, uLTRAsoNtc wELDMENT- ULTBASONIC_-..-......-,SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL).--.-----.---BOLTTENSION F]REPROOFING WERE ITEMS BEI.OW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES - NO ITEM NUMBEH DESCRIPTIONILOCATION Vi-sual inspection of tlre rcf deck arxl attachirg prddJ-e welds was oonduct€dl on ttre oast slope of tlre Plaza hrildirg, Phase I. Etcept for the fact tbat searo crinpirg had rpt yet been ccrpJ-eted, t}is rof deck arxl welds were fcurd to be visually acceptabl-e. tdcrk is sttll continuirg on tlre *sL dormer at L4 tluis date. ViJuaL inqlection of tJle o1rmn base plates, erected to date, rrcas corducteal at the l{otel Terrace lvirg Add:i-tion, Bloken anchor boLt ard slotted base plate cbrditions are Listed on the attached disceStanqr list, S5 tbru *7, please refen. The above information was discussed with LPR Erection feenan, Joel. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOI'E ITEMS. (r \( COLORADO TEST CENTER INC. I55 SOUTH NAVAJO DElwER, COLORAOO 80223 (303) 698-1050 LIST OF OUTSTA},IDING DISCREPANCIES Location,: {r.\r*,t,,r ? zn 6,-pc.. }-.,qs*r .Iob# : r.-so3? Date z afzri/gt Inspector: \, .i\.,,rr*..1ec* page : I of STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL AIiID MATEFIA|J TE TING I tem * ( CENTER COLORADO TEST TSsSOUTH NAVATO DENVEF, COLORAOO s0223 (s3) 698-10s0 Location: eported | # [Jobf : zcSojiq Date: fnspector: hr-S,.^rt"< page: Z LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES STFUCTUML MECHATJTCAL Ar\rO MATERIALS TESnNG of r55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORAOO SO223 (303) 698-10s0 CTC PROJECT NUMBER ( t o s -o 3 e t ___, FIELD OBSERVATION ( REPORT I,le s t ln Ho t eI PUNCH LIST lTEt\i .- TO oerc slzllat Terrace Addltton PROJECT NAME TECHNICIAN ST HR 6.0 OT HR coNT svc XTR SVC CODE * TYPE OF INSPECTION . VISUAL MAGNETIC PARTICLE ULTFASONIC WELDMEN'T -='-.ULTBASONIC SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTTCAL) BOLT TENSION FIRE PBOOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINTMUM PFOJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES -- NO ITEM NUMBER onsite Inspectlon DESC RIPTIO N/LOCATION Inspectloa of the bar joist welds was conducted at the first floor franlng, for the Westin Hotel Terrace Addition. Those welds reJ ected . betr.reen grids G.3 to L.9/I to 8.9, were marked as such. AIJ- repairs uere oade, this p.n., however, and are now all considered acceptable. Inspection of the pLate washered base plates was conducted at 22 and 23/Y, on the plaza Building phase L These were found to be repalred per Richard Welngardts observation report, dated August 4, 1987. Inspectlon of fhe East sLope roof decking revealed t.hose interior seans yet accessible to have been properly "ButEon.- Punched" and acceptable. tPR Erectlon Forenan and job superintendant were informed of Ehe above information. ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS, ? - ?, ----L I L-IJEOTE I55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER, COLORADO 80223 {303) 698-r030 CTC PROJECT NUMBER (zq-.r-o-.:s-) PUNCH LIST ITEM -- TO FIELD OBSEFVATION REPORT DATE 8/27 /87 pFOJECr114y5 Westln Hgte] PLaza Bulldtog phase I .Daany Dlckmever TECHNICIAN ST HF 2.0 OT HR CONT SVC xrR svc ){ CODE * TYPE oF lNSPEcrtoN - vlsuAL x , MAGNETTG pARTTCLE uLTRAsoNtc wELDMENT-, ULTRASONIC _.-, SHEAB CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL) -_, BOLT TENSION FIREPBOOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATTONS NOTED? YES -- NO ITEM NUMBEB DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Visual relnspectlon of the outstanding dlscrepencies was conducted aE the Plaza Bul1ding. phase I, items /11 through It4. Itens /11, 2, and 4 were found to be repaired as detaiLed visually acceptable. Concernlag lten i/3, the missing bolts aE L4, Z/ZS and y/25, both beans to West have nora been weLded to the correction knife plate top and bottom to bearn web. Although Uelds noted were found to be visually acceptable, review and approval of this conditlon wlll be required by the englneer on record. r m g rn o -{ o o fi'l I -{ ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. T55 SOUTH NAVAJTO ( tJo6'/,6ca { ^ r(,q'" #DENVER. COLORADO 8O223 (303) 698.roso CTC PROJECT NUMBER (:-us--o-re_) D. Garqr TECHNICIAN ST HR 22. 00 PUNCH LIST ITEM - TO FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT DATE 8/20,24,25,26,28/t Westin I{otel Addition PROJECT NAME OT HR CONT SVC x xTF SVC CODE # wPE oF lNsPEcrloN ' vtsuAl - MAGNET|C PARTIcLE uLTRAsoNrc wELDMENT -=-.ULTRASONIO SHEAF coNNEcroR (AccousrcAL) -_. BoLT TENsroN=-= FrREpRooFrNG WERE lrEMs BELow rHE MINIMUM PRoJEcr spEctFtcATroNS NorED? yEs .---'- NO ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTTON/LOCATION A copy of the subnittar- fon spray fireproofirg frcrn crossroads Enteryrises was obtai.raed frcm l4r. Ernie Szle of Syracuse, Iawler ard Partxers. phone discussions with ltr. $,le were held tp deterrnine the e)ftent of spray fireproofing apprication. Di-agrarns for use in recordirrg work progress ard locations of any defici \'rtere pretrEred for the plaza phase r and Terrace wirg Additions. Thickness guides hrere prepared to sho^r varialions in thicknesses ard areas r,'rtrere application varies. x o o m -t f) m (- m o { ACTION TAKEN REGARDTNG ABOVE ITEMS. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORADO 80223 (303f 698-1o5O CTC PROJECT NUMBER t't aJ5 - L3_q_ ) D. Gancr,tr FIELD OBSEBVATIOil PROJECT NAME PUNCH LIST ITEM .- TO Page OrNe CONTSVC XTR SVC CODE * XI IECHNICIAN ST HR u. fu OT HR TYPE OF INSPECTION . VISUAL MAGNETIC PARTICLE _-, ULTRASONIC WELDMENT -_-, ULTRASONIC --.-- SHEAF CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL) BOLT TENSION FIREPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES '-- NO ITEM NUMEEB OESCRIPTIONILOCATION -1- Initial inspection of fireproofirg c.cnrerage at the phase i plaza was perforrned. A record of deficiency locations was made on 1evel diagrans of this structure. A walk-tb,ru of tlre structure was done with tie firepnoofing forsnan. A verbal report of corditions r,vas given to Chuck Hs,vlett of G.E. Johrrson. Results are swnnarized in tJ.e follo.rirrg: About onethird of the roof level r,^ras sufficiently spraysl to be inspected. Another irrspection for thj-s are anl Ceficiencies on lorrer levels is plarured for the near future. Qpical thicknesses meet or e><ceed requi.ranents for the various tlpes of m€nbers. At deficiencies focated on cohunns, raany are due tc proxirnie of wall studs which makes sprayjlg difficult. In ttris cases, rD @curarce of bare steel r,,as observoC, but presently additional ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. ( PUNCH LIST ITEM -- TO FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT D^rE 9/I/87 PROJECTNAME hbqtin r{^te] Addi tioh Page Tb,p TECHNICIAN ST HR OT HR CONT SVC XTR.SVC CODE * r55 SOUTH TIAVAJO OENVEF, COLORADO 80223 (303) 698-rO50 CTC PROJECT NUMSER t ( 40-s - s- 3- e_, wPE OF TNSPECTION - VISUAL ....=* MAGNETIC PARTTCLE ULTRASONTC WELDMENI -=-_. ULTRASONIC .-___ SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTTCAL} BOLT TENSTON FIREPROOF'NG WERE TTEMS EELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECTFICATIONS NOTEO? YES --- NO ITEI' NUMBER DESCBIPTION/LOCATION -3-(oon't)tJ-ickness is needed on such surfaces. Additional sprayirg is pla-rned. If there a.re cases where sprayirg proves ineffecLive, recqimerd tlrat n:ineral fiber safi-ng be used to achieve full ' tluicikness. Four sanples for density measure-nent were taken frqn the struccrre. x B*c)C mm -oc, {-l ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. r55 SOUIH NAVAJO DENVER. COLORAOO 80223 (303) 698.rOso CTC PROJECT NUMBER ( z-o-r - o- e- g- ) D. Garg^t PUNCH LIST ITEM -_- TO FIELO OBSERVATION REPORT DATE pFOJECT NAME _ I{estjr Ilotel Addition TECHNICIAN ST HR OT HR coNT svc xTR Svc CODE * x1 TYPE OF INSPECTTON . VISUAL MAGNETIC PARTICLE ULTRASONTG WELOMENT ULTRASONIC SHEAF CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL} BOLT TENSION FIREPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS I{OTED? YES ='.-. NO ITEA4 NUMBEB DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Tte densities of cafoo DclF fireproofi:rq sau6:les taken frcrn the Phase r Plaza structuxe at the I'Iestin Hotel bave been d.eternr-ined at catr-Geotek- These densities e:<ceed. Irt rquirernents for ttr-is naterial, which are Ll pcf mini:nrrn average per area anC IJ. pcf ndnilnum densiQr lxr sanple. Results are: ?laza,, Phase I x >n ofi ()c-mm !o i{ SarE;le l: Sample 2: Sanq:Ie 3: Sanple 4: A\IERA@: 18.3 pcf 16.4 pcf 16.L pcf 17.3 pcf 17.0 pcf ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. I55 SOUTH NAVAJQ ( DENVER. COLORADO 80223 (3O3' 698.1Oso CTC PROJECT NUMBER t' t7_o 5 -o_3__9_ I D. Garpvr PUNCH IIST ITEM _.-.__ TO FIELD OBSERVATIOil REPORT spg16 9/8/37 PROJECTNAME WestinEctel-Addition OT HR coNT svc x Page One xTR SVC cooE #TECHNICIAN ST HR 6.00 2.00 wPEoFlNsPEcrloN' vlsuAl' MAGNETTcpARTTcLE_-_, uLTRAsoNrcwELoM€NT.---. ULTRASONIC SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL) EOLT TENSION FIFEPROOFING X WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES --.-- NO ITEM NUMSER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION -t-At Plaza Phase r: cafco DC/F fireprcofing thieknesses were in-spected oven the @stern harf of the roof rg,rel ard were reinspected over rest of tlre structure where deficiencies bad been found on g/L/97. Firepnoofing ttr,icknesses are nvio sufficient tlrrouqhout this s As reSnrted on 9/2/87, the densities of fireproofirg sanrples taken frcrn this structure e>cceed UI requirerients. Today tJrere are rp drop-offs of fireproofirg sprayel to the urders of rmf decking. Ttris area stculd be visued agai.n after roofing installaLion is ccnpreted to ensr:re that fireproofirg has rsnained in place durirg ttre construction aclivity. ;2-At rerrace wing: lnspection of thicknesses was done for application to col.tunns sr4>porting lerrel one 8.9 ard t.9 to G.3. Tvo sanpfes in the area bourded by tines 1 to for density measursnent were taken. x c)o m !-t ACTION TAKEN FEGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. ( I55 SOUTH NAVAJO DENVEF, COLORADO 80223 (303! 6S8-1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBEF (Lo5 -(L_L_q ) D. Gargur FIETD OBSERVATION PROJECT NAME T€CHNICIAN ST HB PUNCH LIST ITEM -=-- TO Page I\D OTHR CONT SVC XTB SVC CODE * TYPE OF TNSPECTION . VISUAL MAGNETIC PARTICLE -, ULTBASONIC WELDMENT ULTRASONIC SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL) EOLT TENSION FIREPROOFTNG WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECTFICATIONS NOTED? YES --_ NO ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION -2-Coverage on nlaIDZ of t}le coLrxnns were rejected due tO insufficient thickness on ttre r'lebs. Defects are narked r,rith red paint ard. the (conrt) locations recorded on an area diagram. ACTION TAKEN REGARDTNG ABOVE ITEMS. Results of tiis inspection were descri-H to Chuck Hs.,rlett of c.E. Johnson. l\oo oopies of field rptes ard deficiercy location diagran were Left with hjn fon }ris use ard for use by the fireproofers. x >I q, m ()c mm !o -li frcrlEfrr/vc r€sr G dsafcrro! 155 South Nar€,o Oei'rer Colorado 90223 303 698 t050 CTC PHOJECT NUMEER ,t (-+15--+-&4-, D. C'ana.t PUNCH LIST ITEM - TO FIELD OBSEBVATION REPORT o^rE Il/25/87 PROJ€CT NAME - Waq1.i n ltnte l Addilion page 1 of 4 CONT SVC XTR SVC CODE I TECHNTCIAN ST HR OT HR lAA 4.50 TYPE OF INSPECTION. VISUAL-. MAGNETIC PARTICLE ULTRASONIC WELDMENT---, ULTRASONIC , SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL} BOLT TENSION FIBEPROOFING WER€ ITEMS SELOW THE MINIMUM PBOJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES -- NO ITEM NUMBER D E SCRI PTION/LOCATION Firepacoofirg coverage was inspected at porLions of levels 3, 4 a.rd roof a.rd reinspected at Ievels 1, 2, ard 3. Extent of inspectlon and resul-ts are relprted beloni by 1evel ard area. Referance should be made to the previous inspection report dat.c. Lo/r/87 with reqard to t}e reinspected a.reas. At roof 1evel, fireproofing requiranents were dlscussed roith the application foreuan, David. Arrnld, frcro crossraods Entertrrrises. He is ns..r to lhis job. He was informed that scrne flreproofing deficiencies o{ist at each of the lq,ver levels as we}1. r,ocati-ons are recorded on diagrams. T\do set-s of these diagrans, plus field notes, were left at the G.E. Johnson site office at the conclusion of todays Jrrspeclion. x X l!() m c)L mm T()i -.1 ACTION TAKEN FEGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. fx6nJft'.r/irq rrs?,]vc /fsracr,or! 155 South Navalo Denr€r Colorado 80223 309 698 10s0 ITEM NUMBEF PROJECT * DATE PAGE 'F _ 705039 It/25/87 ^ -4 zox' a*c!q mm '0C)-li DESCRIPTION/LOCATION ROOF I.,EVF-, IIiSPECTION: 1) Southern part: This area is bowded by 1fuies L.9 to F and 1 to 9: Ahis is the only spa.ce of the structure presently heated for application of sprayed fireprocfirrg. Application riras rrct ccnF plete here at the end of the day. The opporturrity wa,s t-aken to strr,,r ttle fj-reproofer exanples of satisfactory and deficient coverage. USper surfaces of bottcm ard top beam flarges are the rrpst frequent ]ocation of deficiencies. Ccnrerage on cohmns was sufficiently done to irrspect ard. deficiency locations were recorded on diagrans. T\^ro derrsity samples were taken. A total of four nore samples will be taken when applicati-on is ccrnpleted on roof beams and the rprthern area. 2) Level 4 fns;rction: Roof beams s(tending through ttr-is 1eve1 ard associated deck sections have rDt been sprayed yet. Four co.lunn locations were partly sprayeC or- rot sprayed at al-f at grid line intersections G/9t K.l/8.9, ard L/8.9. fhe rest of tie coltlnns are sprayed a-nd e)<cept for the above mentioned roof beans, fire- proofing is nct reguirerl on other bearns. Deficiency Locations are recorded on diaqrams - ACTION TAKEN REGAROING ABOVE ITEMS. ct.Gr'€Eawa tEsrrr\G r/vsPfc."orv 155 South Navap Denr€r Colorado 80223 303 698 1050 ITEM NUMBER PROJ€CT# 705039 DATE LI/25/87 PAGE# 3 of4 BN r)r-m rtl lQ DESCRIPTION/LOCATION 2) Level 4 Inspection (Con't). Due to the pro<inr-ity of the o<teri-rior vra1I to perimeter colunns deficient th-i.ckness on tl.e outside surfac€s cannot be corrected by sprayirrg. Scrne other method of fi-re protection to correct these deficiencies strould be used. Examples of such a problan are at A,/6 belct"t level 4 arxl L.9/1 be1q"- 1eve1 3- I\nrc density sanqrles were taken frcrn this 1eve1. Thlo nrcre will be taken when roof beams are sprayed. To the best of my kncx^rledge at this lerrel, only colunns requ:lre sprayj-ng. The soutlrern area was in-spected ard the r:orthern area was reinspected. I4ost deficiencies in the ncrthern area lrad been c€rrected. Presently, deficiencies due to application or damage e)(ist at:F.g,/8, E/B , D/8, C/6, F/6, E/5 , ard. L.g/I. 4) L,evel 2 Reinspection: Refer to the report dated 10/I/B? for i--gns listirq pre'riously observed d.ef iciencies. 4.1) Re. #24 beams; The sytsnatj-c ttrick':ress deficiency on the top surfaces of lcr,ver flanges has ben correctsl ' ilo'vever, ttre !{24 beam on line C belween ? ad I has rnt been sprayed 3) ACTION IAKEN FEGAFDING ABOVE ITEMS. rS5 South NavaE Oen\€r Cotorado 80223 303 698 1050 ITEM NUMBER PROJECT * OATE PAGE * D ESC RI PTION /LOCATION 4.1) Con't) Refer to itern 7.1 in tlre I0/I/87 retrnrt. AIso, conditions of itsns 7.2 and 7.3 of ttnt report sti1l ecist. 4.2) Re. W12 beams; Scrne condi_tions of itqn 8 in the LO/I/87 report still exist. Refer to updated deficj.ency diagrans for locatiorrs. 4.3) Sqtte fire5xoofirq has been rsncsed frcrn bottcrns of line A bearc. Refer to diagrarns. 4.4) On 1:}/l/87 sprayirrg of second lsreL lirrk area beams was j:ccnrplete as stated in itsn 5, Reinspection vras rlot possiSle today. as this area is rsp erclosed. The only ranai-nirq deflciency location for ttris 1evel is at t-he colunn at- 7/D. !hin sr:rfaces are nrarked with red paint, 70503q 1'r l^, t^-Ltfz.)f6l 4of 4 Bil oc q3 -{ -{ ACTION TAXEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. ', ,1..t- ::-::r.. ;i.';-';. /f'7 t (--,' Enq ineering iest ins }nsoact ion 'l ii 5 $ou{: ir irr a va.i cr )errver, " ili: -i t:r.gut: (.JU.r.l o:Jl'-. j rJi)rr ttullJ Vaii Veniur,srrir L-i:c: - 10C0 $. Fr.orri:*cts: ir<i , i4errii- traiI, i)O :liii3'? Ai:trt : Fr',i,llk Fr,erw*r, !31r"rlrp: 3-ii Crirrcrrqri{* l-er:r'*l . "i, $ ?l 'i i cte iia l t: r.r+rj : 1 t'i7t icri,:r i{cr-: 'iA4A43 flt+our'i l)air:s : ii /iAi8'i I l/ v I !/ tt I ^1 2/iEi8'l iirlot':r'i: I'cl: Vail Verri-ules, r-i.ci - G - E - itrirrrsiurr L)uns Cr,uct i () Cii. SLP r\r'c;l r r,t3c:r-s; Si.i: r'err o i: ir ( r:s i l.\.2e l er t: i-ji:r't:i'rc,t i,ir iJ i) iJ tl iJ$t)) Oa t r-+ [,*;rg;t. i^, /r..)';i r'E'i Tegri: F.lunrruer-... i SlSiiE ioil l.lar:irt 1 l'rtrr.acti i4.i*c/i.r'1 dz;r .r ,joir Adcir.egr:i: rr'a i j i)o j or.acio ilcln't r a s': i i: r. : (: -. E- Joirrrsorr Supo'i ierr': ij & ;i Concr.etc+ l'ic;ke(: f io - : i02-2-9 'irr"rt:x N(?.: I.-fr ivi .ix i-i)_: S.-5923+i Cl'i) Re*r;-: D , irtor.ci ir-rrr<.r Lt)cai;tlrr r:r'i i:orlr: r:or: i. inU P ir<tst': ii er c. 'i inr,:s iS--D-5 co iri -4 artri r_r i'i a:;tr.:r, ac lel-'lt)./-r e.F.'Yg r q*.i_. ."j1Fop.RRi.i.!is .{'i n ($)1 6..[) iri;-,/Cu .ri i r. l'e*rru - ^F;: 5ij 'i lrle 'i+:s; ieci: 2:Zti COMPRESSiVe STRFNGTH: iiourc;'i"r'ii';a 2E i)er, !j i. r"ri,\uLn ( rtsr ) :iii:j ij C.r I i rroe;r, ii)r\F$ ( ciivs ) /: tr ;) ] ?-{J d-fii) UUIVLXE I E I VTILVENTURES, LTD' il$nia r rss; : F -l $rr i- w $rd i:lJf' tr t:ici*cr c.ln';i l [t: - ,-) / firt n (-Zt -( /:'"d-/ / / ;;1:,1:[fi5ir:x, frr]lta {'l't}-L<* ffiii"rrinq i*t ino insPect ian i 5li "<iclur i;rr r"iava ic fierrr,11r'- r)t::'i n r''r t: tl {30:i) 6!ili*105c 'i'slst i: lriu nt t:er r' : ..rob Nutrtt:: .Job Aqtolglss : Cr:ili rac; t t:t' : liu rro I i r*r' : -it.U1x F'. Ntr. :- C.i'0 ReErr . : Lr:car i qllr t': i Dl":r': Da Le O.teiL- \i /?'5/L{i 4lJ i i(i ii*..,o*.. l,,l.i ncr./'p'i a'za 'i V* i l 0o I c,r'.lg(J G- E- iolrnsotr A & ii iixca'reI c irtql iLt .j it'iet r" t: i rr t- :l 'i.ltr'i 'l :: , i{ - 6*24 '5'ts2'l A'i r'' (ts) ' I i'!x i i;j'ic;kE:i: l\o': 4..\\4/:J r{l tX J.-lJ-: g.qNqREIF f.es.i. BE9JIIS p.O- i.io-: ..ruir irlo-: ?f)4il4S rlLtZLt rleuor" L:, l)a'Ltr$: ', . .r'! iienor"L l(): rJlr I I ,,.} i; .)!,r V e?f )i-ure5. L(:cl ' i oitrrsc;rt Ool'ls Lruc L i crrr 00 ' r\r'cit i i:t']fli:9 ^\2 itr2it\'l 1?.i23ia'i ai /frslt\t\ Vaii Vertr:ulelst, uLC 100d .3- i':"c'rli:cts€; iic ' 'n*:s: i' i/s1 i 'i , i;O ii 16b'I Ati:rt : F:r'arrk Ft"t+'/s;t' PHY.s i.g$L P qg.PqRiI as $'i ut"to: f -ii Cclrrc'r'eri:e ie:rll$ ^ i: ' -i. i tnr* iiC!.i:crrrit(:: '.t '> i( i: - z'i)"t r\il jerltt: r'i li I rnr: 'ies L,jci.- 12:35 l:1.-: 'rA0.i 12".02 .l [J rJ lJ C'r'l i ntier i- U ii'i hqr* ( "l il '7$ )ci; /ar o - ulj S i; i'ei'l.c; i: ir ( r:s i ) 2'l {i li A.ztl r' .t ct t.: ii i: r'e;rl Q i: fr ,!'-] fl 7;' --, ,:'', t'i1'il,*flr<t r its :