HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE COLORADO MOUNTAIN CONDOMINIUMS RESTAURANT LEGALPage I ofl Bill Gibson - Re: Blue Tiger space FILE /j//PY From: Bill Gibson To: Dominic Mauriello Date: 05lI6l2W7 10:12AM Subfect: Re: BlueTigerspace Hey Dominic, I spoke with Allison yesterday afternoon. While there are numerous issues associated with any proposal to convert the Blue Tiger into a residenUal dwelling unit, Staff believe the two most significant issues from the Planning Team's penpective are land use and parking. As you are aware, residenUal uses are not allowed on the first floor/street level of this buildlng. The appllcant for such a proposal will have the heavy burden of demonstrating to the Statr, PEC, and Town Council how such a change in land use will be more beneficial to the public interest than the status quo. As you may also be aware, parking has been, and conUnues to be, an issue at the Cascade Village. A proposal to use the geneml parking areas within the Cascade parklng structure to address the parking requirements for a new residential dwelling unit within the Blue Tiger space may not be acceptable. Staff will likely recommend that any new residential dwelling unit must meet its parklng requlrement wlth some form of permanently dedlcated parking, Bill >>> 'Dominic Mauriello' <dominic@mpgvail.com> 05lt6l07 9:z16 AM >>> Hi Bill: I understand that you may have been discussing the Blue Tiger space with the current owner of that space. I am trying to get a feel for stafPs position on whether you would support an amendment to the SDD allowing residential on the first floor of the Cascade building. When the Vail Cascade Residences went through the review process offrce use was added to the list of uses allowed in this building on the first floor but not residential. I was my thought that staffwould not likely support such an amendment but wanted to touch base with you. I spoke with Warren about it and he suggested I speak with you. Let me know you thoughts. Not asking for anything definitive. Thanks, Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP MaurieUo Planning Group, LLC PO Box ll27 5601A Wildridge Road Avon, Colorado 81620 970-748-0920 phone 970-748-0377 fax mauriello@comqast.net file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 05116/2007 . TOWN OF VAIL ZS"S. TRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Co-ac".& U,L\ c;trc- ny NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES \-4\-' ,,,'."-,.\ a-,r-{-c^- ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 803-0370 Job Address: 1310 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: l3l0 WESTHAVEN DR Applied . . : l2ll9/2003 Parcel No....: 210312114002 Issued. . . : 12/3012003 ProjectNo. : -?Q 5-O3-O (6{ Expires. . .: 06/2712004 owNER STROTKTN EIiITERPRTSES LLC L2/L9/2OO3 phone: 2121 N FROMTAGE RD W L97 VAIL, CO 81657 Iricense: coNrRAcToR GARY PRUPIS 12/79/2003 phone: 2121 N. Frontage Road #114 Vai1, Colorado 8t6s7 License z 767 -B APPLICAIflT GARY PRUPIS 12/L9/2OO3 Phone: 476-9020 2L2L N.Frontage Road #1-14 vai1, Colorado 81657 License: Desciption: add bar, plumbiong and associated electrical work for bar addtition Occupancy: ,A.3 A3 Type Construction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type Occupancy: 2? Valuation: $8,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 Add Sq Ft 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE STJMMARY Building-> $153 .25 Restuarant Plan Reyiew-> Plan Check->599.61 DRB F€e----> Investigation-> $153.25 f,sslsafiqn fse--> S75 . 00 Total Calcul8ted Fees-> S484 . 11 30.00 AdditionalFees-->s0.00 $0.00 Total Permit Fe€-> $484.11 $0.00 Paynents--------> $484 . 11 Will Call-->$3.00 Clean-uPDePnsit--> TOTAI FEES----> S484.11 BALANCE DUE--_-> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI L2/26/2OO3 CDAVTS Action: AP SIIBiIECT TO FrELD INSPECTION Item: 05700 ETTVIRONMENIAL, HEiAL,TH !2/3o/2oo3 bcarlson Action: AP Plans approved for remodeling with final opening inspection and license $0.00 approval pending. *t*i'*lrltt|i.***...:*.|'*.'l'|.||.|.|..||.|l|||l|||.l|.|.'||ii|'i.ii See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY+OTJR HOTJRS IN AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI.JRE CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 *{t'}'t********:}*****:t:*,}*'t,},t{.*'f*******:lt'}'t,|***{tt}'t't{.'}{.'}|t***|t|i'|'*'t!'|t'}'t't'tttttlt'|****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B03-0370 as of 12-30-2003 Status: ISSUED **:t**:|,t:},}**|**|*|t*|t*|t!t**:|t'!'*'}:*{('}'*'*'}*******{t*'t't'}'t't'}'t't**t|l|*'t*i**l**+*'}**'|******* PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: 12/1912003 Applicanf GARY PRLIPIS Issued: 12/3012003 476-9020 To Expire: 06D712004 Job Address: 1310 WESTI{AVEN DR VAIL Location: l3l0 WESTHAVEN DR ParcelNo: 210312114002 Description: add bar, plumbiong and associated elecfiical work for bar addtition Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}.IY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * + ** + + + + * a | +*+ l a* f+**+**+* **l tfll | | t + + + +++ +t* **ftff fl +++ +*+ + + + * * ***+ t a *i ***+ ++ ++**t *+ * t i + * ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment * * ** * * ** * + + **+* +l +++*+++** llt +lll + + + + + + +*++** l* fl+f +++++ +*+*+ + t + ***+ + +** **** + * +** 't l' * l' l' * * * t ** Statement Number: R030005309 Amount: $484.11 t2/30/200309:13 Au Palment Method: Check InLt: DDG lilotation: ternporary BIue Tiger check Permit No: 803-03?0 ll|tr)e! ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERI'l7 Parcel No: 2703t2Lt4OO2 Site Address: 1310 I{ESTIIAVEN DR \,AIL IJocation: 1310 I{ESTHAVEN DR Total Fees: $484.11 This Palment: s484,11 Total ALL thts: $484.11 Balance: 90.00 * 'l* * * * * *** *'t** * * * * ** t******** *r* + * * * * *+*** * *{' *'} * *'f*'t* *** **+ ** + af at+af | ++ +**+ + + +*l' t * * * * t * * + ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERJ'IIT FEES FS OO1OOOO31124OO RESTAUMNT PLAN REVIEW PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES PN OO1OOOO3153OOO ]NVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) I,IC OO1OOOO31128OO hJILL CALL INSPECTION FEE ICJ. Z3 75.00 99.61 153. 25 3. 00 L(6\tl PLETE OR UNS NED Proiect #: ermit #: - (^t 1 v Separate Permits are req ical, etc.t 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION AppLrcAIoN wrLL Nor rr ^j|{qtf l;t$""" \ ':'clr2gt C,qty /Av/,f ceLLI 7/6-J?6-/LYt "fis COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING: #2)otp ELECTRICAL: IK,f*'OTHER: $ I PLUMBING: $ looo MECHANICAL:$ , P rorAf, $ f, ooo vparcel# Contact Easle CounlyAssessors Ofifice at970328:8610 or visit WE39!Z a h Ovnrfft'r'l CoNDaL'''r 'v'"t' IJN t'r-.-' C-/ o / ',. ---6/-ost( fG-at'r7 PTD tt't4-ct Bu'd7o? P6''-ooL7 t45 ta-Lt'?( Job Name: $ urf f?&.r<,o*.../ 3 /o^ ./u cr'ru+fwa'v fuz-"rE ---l/rtt-. Cctu- f /(f f LegalDescription ll Lot ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners NlI&| Sr,4 ofKtl w?'"ftr^r. F?"*zeg y't H' J /sz v1!2 Phone'.??a y?(-8o tz- ArchitecUDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: '' /"oK E f a\ /u4 tr^est 9r-+rl o'r WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodel Vf Repan() Demo(') Other() @Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( r)- Type of Bldg.: single-lamily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant q1 other ( ) -No. of E itting Dwelling Units in lhisbuildinS 4/, a No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 4///t Noffype of Flreptaces Existinq, Gas Ap - No/Tvpe of Fireplaces proposeO: Oas +ppfi EEEZTire Atarm Exist Yes (z) No (ffiExist Yes(ef No( ) tht************sr#*******s*****trFoR OFFICE USE ONLY***********rrg*ffiffiffi- Acceoterl8v: ,F|€lnnBritgn{n: 031\l3C3U \VailUata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 07 t2612002 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name:L r/( Project Addrcss:/7to Ustnlzqu&o Nv6, fhL, ca, F/(f + uulr c- /ot / This Cheklist must be omoleted before a Building Permit apoliation is arcpEd. o All pages of application is complete o !!gs DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form t'Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family cgmplgx *_ o 'Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if appllcable (refer to Public Works checklist) o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without wrltten aooroval a Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring o Arqhitect sta[p and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) ffil n*, pTu#rtiterroing buildinqswttonyand.clerntiens(s sets of plans for MultFFamily and . :- commerciaf Buildings) - Z^rrn6 (nle ,t - tp 52 /*4 d;tc 4r*<l f ' LE<t'L a window and door schedule ==^ 'a: o Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on,structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) a Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans o Types and quantity offireplaces shown Te Date of submittal! tl octr'*,/9d Applicant's Signature: r >/,8/,s \VailUata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 0/,to2t2003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the vario departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also ta review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:Ittht SrKo'1(rtJ Project Name: hr't flcl . l .r Date: l! lr[ldi to follow the above take a lesser amount 66oVJlrqntioned e three (3) weeks to F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 LzltglzaB? 01:39 9784765S63 CMCA Managing Agent ftarmigan Managenrent Tom Saalfeld 970 476-7328 PTAS,IIGAN MAI*IAGEI"EMT PAGE AL COLORADO MOLTNTAIN CONDO AS SOCIATION 13IO WESTHAVEN DRTVE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 As Managing Agcnt forthc Colorado Mountein Condominium Association I hcvc br-:cn askcd to convey to thc Building Dcpartrncnt of the Town of Vail that the Association has given petmission to the Blue Tiger Rcstaurant to rcmodel tho intorior and to meke improvements to the elcchical systcm. TQWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 803-0278 3o s- os?o Job Address: l3l0 WESTF{AVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: l3l0 WESTHAVEN DR Applied . . : 12/2312003 ParcelNo...: 210312114002 Issued. . : 12/30n003 ProjectNo , ?RSO S-O \<1 Expires. .: 06/2712004 owNER SIROTKIN EI{TERPRISES LLC L2/23/2OO3 phone: 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W L97 VATIJ CO 81657 License: CoMIRACTOR aIItNE CREEK EITECTRIC, INC. t2/23/2003 phone: 97O-926-2OL4 P.O. BOX 173 EDWARDS, CO 81632 IJicense z 257 -E APPI.,ICAI\E .JI'NE CREEK EIJECTRIC, INC. L2/23/2003 PhONC: 970-926-20t4 P.O. BOX 173 EDWARDS, CO 84632 License : 257 -E Desciption: WIRE BAR AND WAITRESS STATION EXISTING POWERTHERE Valuation: $4.000.00 t t tt t**rat** at,t a*1* *t*ii*t ttaa**tlt a Elechical----> S72. oo Total Calculated Fees-> S?5 .00 DRB Fee----> Investigation-> will call-> s0.00 s0 .00 $3 .00 TOTALFEES-> S75. OO Additional Fees-->$0. 00 Total Pemil FeF---> $75.00 Payments------> $75.00 BALATICE DUE->90.00 Approvals:Item: 06000 EIJECTRICAI-, DEPARTMEIf,I L2/23/2OO3 DF IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARI!{EIiTT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODB COMPI-,IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI,'R HOIJRS IN CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF flaaattffalf+**++a*f*a++llflltfaf+******tlflfl***aaa+'i********+llftlafltl+*********a*tiataf* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment tl+alffltll+++++*+*+ttftlaaltfrf+++r*+***tffttfftff+*f+******r*ttftfattaattfar*r+****+atf+++ Statement lilu$ber: R030005310 Amount: $?5.00 L2/3O/20O3O9:15 ADI Payrnent lilethod; Check Init: DDG NotatLon: terq)orary BLue Tiger check Perltlit t{o: 803-0278 Tlpe: ELECTRICaL PERIIIT Parcel No: 2L03L2LL4OO2 Site Addresg: 1310 I|ES1'IIA\IEN DR VAIIr IJocation: 1310 WBSTHAVSN DR Tota1 Fees: $75.00 Ihia Payment: $75.00 fotal AIJIr Pmta: $?5.00 Balance: S0.00 ACCOI,]NTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pnts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY PO}IER PERI'IITS t./C OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 72.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAtL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P04-0003 .}34s10 Job Address: 1310 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1310 Westhaven Drive Applied . . : 0l/16/2004 ParcelNo...: 210312114002 Issued. . : 0l/16/2004 Project No : I lb 5 O c( 6"1 Expires . .: 07/14/2004 owNER SIROTKIN EMTERPRISES LI-,C 0t/L6/20O4 Ptrone: 2L2L N FROI{TTAGE RD W L97 VAIIJ CO 84657 License: CoNIRACTOR PROFESSIONAIT PIJIIMBING SERVIC01/16/2OO4 Phone : 97 0-328-1545 P.O. BOX 3891 EjAGI-,E, CO 81631 License: L19-P APPT,TCANT STROTKTN ENIERPRISES Lr.,C OL/L6/2OO4 Ptrone: 2121 N FROMTAGE RD W L97 VAIL CO 8165 7 License: Desciption: lnstall plumbing for bar sinks and coffee station for a bar/restauralt Valuation: $1.500.00 FireDlace lnformation: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ?? Plumbing-> Plan Check--> Inv€stigation-> will Call--> 970.50 $0.00 $70. s0 $70. s0 $0.00 $30 - 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $7 . 50 DRB Fee------------> $3 o. oo TOTAL FEES----------> $3,00 # of cas Ings: 'l'! # of Wood PaUet: ?? FEE SUMMARY '!'|. 'r**'| *:*'r*** r r.r $o. oo Total Cslculated Fees---> $0.00 AdditionalFees-------> S70 .50 Total Permit Fee-----> Pa)ments*------> BALANCEDUE > Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{EMI 0L/16/2004 JS Action: AP ot/16/2004 dm Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiflI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,TANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture accoding to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPBCnON SI{ALL BE ildADE TWENTY-FOLTR HOLTRS lN ADV FROM t:00 AIvt - 4 PM. SIGNATTJREOFOWNER FORHIMSELFANDOWNEF APPUCATION WILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED.--;';i'"e;; -'Ptr-fu3, ^=6 eql -auiiding Perinit #= o-3.' 034'- Plumbing Permit #: FOt -ooo3 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (InsPections) MWNWVfiL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 IN Plumbing Contractor: lr<.PpJ Pt-.rne',^Ld 9\ftvt <' t-s Town of Vail Reg. No.: P-rrq Contactand Phone #'s: 322 - lsqS Dnu,o Z'@ E-t'failndarcss: D?_renR eA,-:L,coYl , contractor Signature: vo,4->- ?' ( - CoMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERIIIIT (labor & Materials) FORMATION /5oa.9 Asscsers Offie at 97O-3 2!7964Q eryi1i! Parcel # ?lO JobAddress: I 3rc LPiSTN av rob Name: Bru 6 -/-i c c,R /Zt_sr, Address: tra, AJ, pcop4cs description '' I 't naBt*lG WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration0Q Repair( ) Other( ) rvp""rstds.single.familyt I orprot ) Mutti-family( ) commercial k? Restaurant( )other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I device? Yes ( ) No ******** * * ***** ** * ********* ** * ** ****** *FOR oFFICE USE ONLY****** ** ** *** * * **** *** ****** **** *** ** \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM DOC 07t2612002 TOIryJY OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138/479-2139 FA,X.970479-2452 December 29,2003 Gary Prupis, Manager Blue Tiger Restaurant 2121 N. Frontage Rd. #114 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re Bar Plan Review Blue Tiger 1310 Westhaven Vail, CO 81657 Departrnent of Community Developmant William T. Carlson, REHS Environmental Health Offi cer Dear Mr. Prupis: This letter will serve to confirm the plan review of the front bar for the above captioned food service establishment. The plans have been approved with the following additions and/or modifications: a a Waitress station shall use the nearby hand washing sink at the adjacent dish washing area. If the waitress station is used for food preparation (other than water and beverage service) a hand washing sink must be installed in the immediate vicinity. Condensate drain lines from all refrigeration units and ice machine drain lines must have an air gap of at least 2-pipe diameters at the drain. Properly seal sinks and drain boards to their adjacent wall. All plumbing, electrical and other utility lines must be concealed in the walls, floor or ceiling. Water service lines extended to sinks may be surface mounted provided they are properly mounted on approved spacers at least % inch from the walls and 6 inches above the floor. Thejunctures between walls and floors shall be covered and sealed. Provide a minimum of fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP), or stainless steel on the wall surface behind the dishwasher. Repair damaged kitchen wall and ceiling surfaces to a smooth and easily cleanable surface. a a Light fixtures must be adequately enclosed or shielded to protect foods in the storage, serving, or preparation areas from accidental bulb or tube breakage. Provide stainless steel or ceramic tile on the wall surface behind the cooking equipment from the bottom of the canopy down to the base molding. Under counter bar surfaces must be finished and sealed to provide a washable surface. Raw molluscan shellfish shall be identified by an attached tag, to be retained for a period of 90 days, that states the name and address of the original shellfish processor, the kind and quantity ofshellfish, and the certification number issued by the State or foreign shellfish control agency, where applicable. Before service or sale in ready-to-eat form, raw, raw-marinated, lightly cooked- marinated, marinated, or partially cooked fish other than molluscan shellfish shall be frozen throughout to a temperature of: o -4 degrees F (-20 degrees C) or below for 168 hours (7 days) in a freezer; or; o -31 degrees F (-35 degrees C) or below for 15 hours in a blast freezer. A bayonette-type, metal stemmed food thermometer accurate to plus or minus two (2) degrees F must be supplied (scale 0 degrees F to 220 degrees F). A sanitizing test kit or sanitizing test strips must be supplied at the chemical dishwasher. . Provide food grade thermometers for all refrigeration units. o All equipment must be National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) listed or equivalent. . Submit an application and fee for a State ofColorado Food Service license. Approval ofthese plans and specihcations does not constitute endorsement or acceptance of the completed establishment (structure or equipment). A final inspection is required to determine if the kitchen is in compliance with the Colorado Retail Food Rules and Regulations. Arrangements for this inspection will be made not less than seven (7) days prior to your anticipated opening. Do not hesitate to call me at 970479-2333 if you have any questions. William T. Carlson. REHS Environmental Health Officer Cc: Town of Vail Building Dept. Jan 14 ?1 01rl8p 01.1,1.0d tl :lrlU ri0[' llikki Kcrn 970-94S-4?04 | ?rs-r|r-r303 l-896 p 0?/06 F'll{ P.1 I4ATERIA: sAT'T'it DATA'IIEEI FC8, COATTNGS, RE9IN9, n}ID REIA'TED MATERIALS II,ATF. OF PREP; I MaY 1, 2oo:. i tfn't-rt t - /ts r,ot f i fl/-/A/ bflK Y HANUFACTURE R S Ntli{E: trIattr. STREET ADDRESS: {r20 flYdr EUEncENcY TELEPEO$€ NUMBEB T t for PRODUCf C|SSS r Plrnt TRADE NA}.IE :Flane Conrrol conErol Ccaslr:gs, Inc, gask Dild.. P.O Eox ?95 800-515-5051 energency rn{o c$ly, CITY, STA:E, AND ZTP CODE: Nrrgarr Fal1r, N.1., lotk 14lC? M.L{TTFACTURER'S CODE IDENTIFIC.ATION. ie. 30 SaC Sioor coacing SECEIOII II H.AEAREOUS INAAEDIENTE. osqA ?Er" I LIL I vrpOn : ._PPH_ | .- | pREssltRE SEhyle4o Glysol cAs l0? - 2l -l Tl,!tnrdn D:oxrde ()r3 13463-6?-? Calclned girlom.cecu! Earrh cA9 58855-e4 - e ttle rbo-"e tloducl niay colrcaln uE) EO 501 crr 3t,obol !!e CAS 1+46{-E5-1 lCryscailrne S:Ir'cnl Aluminurn Oxrdo :A5 1l{.-eS-1 2,2.4 Tlins-i, f, PenBrnedrol . MonotSobu CiS 2 3265' 77't 't?-lt 3-6 PPM I Ng l0 tnE/rol N9 N6 rte ll 53 lr2l!-i I i 10 rig/$3 i l NEI I I 0. OS r€,/!n3 | I I I NEI I I NEI I I I I !,rA | llA I I NA I !ri. I i NAI I I I ool i 0.€ | I I r.5 r.! SlcLtoN--LLr aciling R.ngci 2!2! (100C) EvEDoraetoo iare: siotrler r'hln eEbc! HerghE Per o:llon: 1o'1 lbt. F!{YCYCAL D}TA vaPor Der.sltyr Heavrer rhan arr Petcenr volatlJe bY V6\unei :0 v.o.c. 1.t, tbs.igl . {r32 g/L) lP{i.FloN ',erBa-aD-:xlroiirvS-lrAl}S!,-DA:r3 ' ELaSH POINTT No flatt! to bolllng {cloged c\Jp: LELr N/A d DOT CATE6ORY: Palnr. ,ratet blSg :-& ,;# Jen 14 21 0lr18p tlikki Kcrn . !l-t4'!1 ll r34Pll ltol' 9?0 -94S -4?04 r r 6-285-83J3 T-tg6 P..01/06 F'ggl No. e( sRc p.2 EXTINOUI SHING }IEDIA: N6ot I e:0tlable II}IUSUA! FIRE AND EXPLOSION I{IZARDS: Con".rtr"t" urll lenelaic Plas3ure !o a Erre and coul'l rupEu:e' SPECTA! FIP.E F:CtlTlNc PRoCEDURES: None sectlolu uEaltlj.-uAza&9-DATA TI{BES}IOLD LIHI? VAI-UE: See gecslon i i EFFECTS Of O\IEREXPOSURE: Ncne eurrenclY kno|rn. E!4ER3EFCY A},ID FIRST AID FROCEDURES I D6 Rgg rngesE. l:r cale ci :ngesrio:r. induct vonltlng Rinse cyes tJirh Hatet ior l9 {|llnuEG! , SECLlOd-lLl nEAcfrvrfY lBrl STADMTY T Srrble CO$l,Otf lods ?O AVOID r. Ejcc&t31vl }reac INCCHPATI BII,ITY (IT|ATEITTALS TO ArcIDi: }iAZARDOUS DECOMPCSITION P.IODUCTS: Undeirnecl orgatrlc3, co- , co, and sulIur o):!deg mty f,orm on conbulEto[ nihzl*.Dcus SoLY ERrZA',r:oDl: It!!} ncE sccu! sEguaN-JIr $Ftl,l- oR t-ErF PRoeEDURtrs STggS TO BE T}KEN lN CASE MATERIAL IS AETS\sED OR 39ILL8DI tipi-"p lrnnedraEely and drscard saeuraied abgorbcnr.g. in cveni of large Eiri '19, drke area Ind purrp neEertal lr,to uatcc tank. WAS?E DI SFOSAI METHOD; Dispoge ot rn accordancg nlth local. srate anal federal regulaElon3' stc?f:lN vrTr tPFerr!- PFoTreTrort r\FoRMAtloN RESPIRAI€EY PRfrECTION ; Re3piracot ot feee t:rtsl Burtable fcr reFnvr:rg Spray IntsE' VEBTTIATIQN; MECHII{ICAL: (General) ACCBpEabJo' PRoTECftvE GLOVES: Y.5 EYS PRoTEcsroN! chimtcr] tafaty 3o99lat or face shrelal' oTHER 9AOTECTIVE EQUIPHENT: EyP baf,h Jln 14 ?1 0l: lSp llikhl Krrn !t-t{.0{ 0tr!!f[ Ft0[, 9?0 -949 -+?O4 ?lr-il5-6303 T-8r5 P 0rl0i Fe81 tc.3 rscrroLlL SlEqlaL.erlcAUIIrNE FnEcrltrtoNc TO 8E TTKEN IN I{ANDLING ltl'lD 3'toilN6: tkcp f!o$ frcalrog lnd do troc sBoRa ar lanPrraEutea rbov€ 100F 03888 9itceu?Iolls; Avoid lkln conEacs, Oo noB br.rBlra splry nltlt' sccE.lon tot Sulrgtrsf l|oil f lcrsiFfir th!! producE c{'nEatni Eha lollo$ing Eoaic chanicats rublacE co shc trgorElng t.qulte$anBt of, gecrrirn 3t3 ot cb8 Enrsg"ncy Pl|nntng a&d cofihsnr'Ey RighB -To-Knot, Acc of 1985 errdl of {0 cFR 272; crs I l0 7 -21-l Ctrftrrcrl Nane SBhyl€te clycol 9a!3onE of TetEhB 1-5 Tht- .ntctraf-tc0 GEntrio3d b.r.rt !r !.tca or'ttr"d.Er rwrrl.|llt Ee- i.3 Ita tr btlirwd r'o bG coai.ct tior.avcl. .r3' -ir no ,rrranry. .r.tr tad ec rqttd ralararat c,rt ac3.rac, at Entr d.rr ot rh" ralslc! co bc OSartlC tf€ Elrl ft- ;nr!oc, i-lrr* C.o.,srof Co.;a|r!r. riC. rirune c no r[ponDbrlrty tor tttsrf tsoo 34. u]|3 ol chs yrsAu€c C.a('Ittfd naraln. Jan l4 ?1 0t:19p 0i'l{-M 9t r 3l?tl Fi0l,l- l'likki Kcrn 9?0 -949 - +?04 IlS.uNi-6303 I'9rE P 05/06 t'to{ p.4 %*CmtCIl coATtNe$. tilo. P O Box 766. 4120 Hyd€ ParR Elvc Nra€ara Falls, N.Y l4:!0? USA (716) 282" 39! FAX. (715) 285-6:l!3 Product Infornatton Oa: SLAMT CO}IIROL NO, 20 SRC SI(ID REgISTAIIT FLOOB COATING Produc! Dcccription: Flame Control No. 2A S&C. Ls a rpeciaitry for,nrlaced. eingle conponent, loLt-g losg, acrylic late* floor coatinE, for uae on new and previously ptintcd floors, rtairs, atrd rarurs E$bject ftr hs3ny.traffic, rrherc reri6tance !o skldding ig reguired. Flane (:ontrol No. 20 SRC containc hear treaEed, nonhyEroscogic. abrasivee f<rr shjd re6i3tance. ft ls teconroanded tor u8e over concrete, uood, quarry ti1e. fiber glass. aad aephalt tile surfaces. No. 20 SR(l iE a highly flexible characteristics . ApI,l icatlon ! coating poggetslng excellent a<lhesion Stir t'ell before ueing. Surfaces must be. free from greasfl, oi], rrirr l dirtr ruct, anil oEher toreign $aiter. Rcmove a1l l$ose or pe.Iing patrt. Glorsy surlaces should be drrlled uiLh slndp pct or steel wool, Afl crackr and holeE should be filred or E(lpalreil before paintlng- lray be applled ovcr dami) surfaces. f,fay be.lrpplie4 by brush or roller. DEuahco and rollers shoulal be $t6t-out llr eater before ptlnttng. spray appltcation iE not reconurrended r due to the abrasive co$tent oF rhe coating. If thinning is desired ul;E oNLY WATER. DO NO8 }PPLY AB IEI'PER,,ATUR9S EELOg' 5OT IT5.5C'. .trimcr: PREVIoUSLY PAI NllEp SURFACES ---- sound eullaces. nonc re<1uired.. OEberwi3e prirne as required for the tyPc qf matelial to be pa:-nted. NBlv !{ooD ---- Seal knots r,rith varnish or ehellsc- Exposerl naila mqst be prined, uniBE a rust-inhibiting pEin€r. Th€$ apply arr orl based or alkyd type priner over the entire surfacc. ilEBAL ---- CLr:AN galvanlzed, al urninun or copper, none. reguire(!. For. iron , atcel or tin, uge e good oorroe ion inhibiti.ng t,yPe Prrrulr . FIBER GLASS ---- None requiredl hovcverr all. xrold releaclng agents should be renoved before application, CoNCS,ETE Sarf prlnlng- For net or previously unyreinted concrete, app:,y as follors. First coat - thin 25.i ntth yarr€r aDd apply at a -iatc ot {00 - 500 3q.ft,./U,S. gallon t9.8 - tZ.r rrzlUl . Second co.! - apply fuIl te!.ng!h at a rate of 300 - 400 aq.ft:./U.S.garron 17.l - 9.8 mzll.j, N.w conerete should be allowed ro crrre fo! 20 claya baforc applying coating. MANUFTCTURERS QF FIRE RETABDANT PAINTS, VARNISIIES. MASTICS ANO C}TEMIG\LS Jen 1i+ 21 01 : 20p 0i'11'0{ 0:;35Ptl ri0$' llikki Kcrn 9?O -S4g -+?04 716-Zt5-6303 !'Nir P 06/t6 F-sg'l F.5 -.2 - Covrrage: Apply tuo coat6 at. a rate of $ /Ll tor Each coat' lIIllIsJinP!. FltcL coaE - I to 2 houra go Ll$tlt fRAfFIc (wall(ingl subj.cting to heavy traffic r 300 - 100 tq.ft/L.s. gelIon [7'l - e'B E6coac. Eecond cgBt - 2 houre to. Halk' oiii:--- allow to dtry ovcrnight before ruch as forklift truckt, Clean-uP: Hash painting tools antl equi?ment ln wrter' Iintine" hvailableinu'hiteandfourteen.st|ndardpeete}cololslshowtlonthe color eard. wn.tJ"-rii'iJ'-itrti-d--$ ihc fielll by conv$rttional ;i;;itg-;;;hods, usinq nr6;t universrf colorantB' S$ssrs.!. Slandarct packaging, I gallonj 5 gatlon' andt 55 gallon contai:reEs' PBECf,UIIONS: cAlJTloHtDonettakeintarnally.cloEecontalnerafterclchuge'6;i-oi;'i' oF-REf,cH oF cllrLDREN' Frotect rron f,ree?tng' Ar Ft canDo! .ntigtpaEt rll conrtittoni !nd!r trhlch thit ioforNtisn 'nC qrrr ptoqlct3' or lhc Prodeclg ol othar 6tautac(urEr5 i6 coaolnltiot! rri !h ott Prcducta, tnat DE uscd' ic lcctPt no l6sponfloilltt for fcrrlrr go!'.inoC Dy th? aPplic'tlon cl dtlt informtlor or shc cfrtv 'nd sulttblllsv of olr pnoi..a", .rrn", "ton or ln coobincsion risF olltet prodscE6, lalri df! ldrircd !a a€ rhllt o*n tcsrs E9 c.Gafolne !h! GofrBt |nd lelrlDtnEt cf ltth Sqcn prod$! cf Prdvct eo''DlnaEt :|r for rlpir orar Pu?Po5a$. h aatl lno Prodgcar nl tf|os! 'irr'Dty or Ssaflmac' Srro DJJorr lcC '156rr aellrm all f.sgooiioilist cnf flaltttli fcr lo5t o' o'rago 'riciog fr6n ln6 hrndling tnd uBD ot o'r prodscts' siathcf urad llona or in catnbioa3fon rri |'r olhcr Prodeclt' 6t9g REPT131 Run rd.: 1633 ??;l';Y rrcei{fltJE1'+Bmet?r0ns Pasee Re+rsbd SXrctSSi lf,**, Februlry 17, zo04. s&e Addns3: i:i3 ffi8Tffiw$ BF vAL A/P,D lnfiormrion AEilvli,: BO+O37O TVpe: ACOlrlM SubTw.: ACOI{ SblU3: ISSUED ConctTSi: _-____9g4lpqr_rfy: [.Ec: llFR lllspArs: Cd Orrrb]: STROTKIN ENTERPRFES'LLC_ App{cadt GARY PRUPTS Phom: 47&Sa0 Conm€nt: PERM]T I-TAS BEEN ASSESSED DOt,BLE FEES DUE TO STOP WORK OROIER ISST,ED. CDAVIS Coflrment phm routcd to chadla and Elll Ca.lson for rer/{ow - CDAVIS Reouesbd lnsD€cdon{s} lbflii R€qu€$or: cofrimenb: Ass|.[n€d To:- Actbn: 90 BLDG+lnrl CrARY PRUPIS 8ffiHp#k , lq h*J ,1.u fm! /"'lY'c'r lnso€cdon HlsbrY ffitr t1 //O{ -{r" / ' .el ./u2.1-U hr:lbn: lbflr: bot: lEm: 7'11'o'l'J "^ Reques*drtme: o':ooAfl ' /Vaft Phon€: 47&1110 ot- 3$46Q \ Enie.edBy: DGoLD€N K o -/7 It!m: 30 BLDSFramlno "fuE orrld " ol/Odo4 -lnrDrdor: cdliti Ac0on: l.lo NOTFED Cornmonts: WltL ALOryV B R TO REMAIN cOtTBt STELE CO|TETRI CT|oN A,s LOi|G} AS FllllE- RETARDAT{T PAhIT ls APPLED To STUOS Ar\P $rtr TYFE X DRYYI|A|.L lS APPLIED To BOTH SIDES OF STUDS 0{/0&04 ln$Gtor: CDAVIS Ardon: DN OE}.IED Comnrenb: ELECTRICAL ROT GH INSPECTIOII REOI"IREDCOI.ITR CTOR iIOTFEDAI{DWA-I RESCT€Dt'tE OillAU knpcbr: c.bvb Acilon: APAPPROVED Cotwnanb: provUe Oocumnttolcubhrt b. fiamo r6tlrdtrt pafitt product dumblm oenilfi rsuhed.rd btt !.dofln d lor |rw mter lne lnstdhtbn ln b.I rrs a2l(}ryO.| hcerd:' cdcvb' 'A(flofl: APAPPRo\/ED Cunmnl3: Dd;uil|etrtlon ol Flrm. Sprcd pcH lecNlrnd 60 BLDOlr|'uHon 60 BLDG,shectrocf i,lall 7) BLDGl,flic.g, BLOGFInd 5lo BLDeFhal CIO OUG}(X Insocctor: cdwb Actlon: NR tlOT READY FOR ltlSP€CTlOl.l Comments: intbll sion at lloril rnir v "Dorx io rsrroin unhcle<i durino Buisras l"lools- t' lefrers rcquiisd FrF Dir*rinnenf a!.rrri.'rr +?sbi'n snC "n-clrt wster! r.rti-rhe.tl l:ltft r ncfer iomfnrlhn) fnsilrll 4.oh Tlme Exp: . REPT131 Run fd.: 1610 ' 31ot?30* 'nseifltA6:?Flfiet?rung pase e Requesbd Insp€ct D.E: fgnday, Fcbrulry 09, z(XX ' Insncdton A'tr: Cd SlbAddrcsr: l3l0 YESTHAI/EN DR VAIL '3'O YUESTHIIVEN DR ArP,D lntbrmrtlon Arflvlty: B0ilXl70 T\pc: A.@tJll CondTVDa: Occupar*n otl|;ier: SIROTKIN ENTERPRISES.LLC- SubTvpc: ACOlil (hs: ilFR ISSUED cd $rtus:hrpA : Apol|cant O RY PRt PIS Pt|or|o: 47&S'2O ComrnGnt PERMIT l'lAS BEEN ASSESSED DOUBLE FEES Dt E TO STOP WOfiK OfiDIER ISSI ED - CM\dS Cornrmnt phns rout€d b charffFlr d Efll Q.ul6qF for rsyl€w - CDAUS Bo'.6ia-,P6 'k(u RequcsH Tlme:- Pfrooe: ntgrsd By: 08:00 AItl &&*m ADiflN t( fto.-r,,)c S,.t @ M,,i I /' N<.'ptry1 orL 3tZE LtrffE? r *JG, kF-dl bh^-1 oiu LoctzF()"pu>D ra DJPrttjr- I fr Pr D€-pr frfPA cr-,,qa- o F- /4*-r S.-rt- S'1 Srz,U '/7? - W 2f-sa t^ t t<tz ';''t'L641+t<J uTHffi r*l- ,rYt!-,,F,n f4r'b"il uf;' Crt ovu,tft(- P Pu,;rOZ p v 5r Pa,>/vt I^Afa^-:ft f t th- aN lFm: 1) BLDGFromlm - ADDrowd " 01/0fl04 -ltrrDoctol: cdsfti Artbn: l.lo tloTFlED Comm€nb: WILL ALLOyt, BAR TO REM IN COIIBL,STtsLE C'otlSTRlJCT|ohl AS LOI{G AS FIllrE- 70 Bu)emsc.S ELDG'Fhd a4o BLDGRmIC/O lbm: ftaflr: ll.|n: $,.l r 3l.-rr'sl d-o.,@g " Qt.,,,,a4) -[rvq.(]{ AzC Let+Lc1 /rEUttttG i/u]S ttrL Efll_#cc_1rf lmp€cdon l.llsbrv RETARDAI-|T PAf,.lT lS APPLED TO STUN Al[)58 TYPE X DRYlITAL [9 APPLIED TO . BOTht SDES OF STTDS o1/OgO4 lr|8o.cbr: CDAVIS Actlon: Oi.f OEIIED conrncnls: ELECTRICAL ROUG#I ll.lSPECTlOl.l REOIIRED@NTRACTOR I-IOTFEDAIIOWLL RESCT€DULE o1t12ty W&: - =@ - llEc | 4Jt4) - ?zu^u-,€ /lt. ( c.,*-t sr(ocTtorJ /14 /+Tw, aL w s si d (n s (< a t E.;r s € s a e!6' E.;r 6) =s x \< V d g s (! is F :t =l!:t Eu b$ E-s ss F€ oo tu sR"\ o H n H H tql H o lll H H o q o 'c)o ci h, n c)|< z H s e t s *EF 3 gr E f, r*# F fLg I EEa I* EE T IHFFE lfi aHr IH a$ E lc I a-. lE;t$ I" F[F | $E$| "a€I EE I E'€I B+ | {o.I Fg I 13 lrn o t A .j:.I ;(, : H - trl z U n ?td o t 2 o ts B H !9 T r A,9.B a 9! l=lEl lr t(,) IF t9 tx l2 h., ls Its 17 lE t6 t1 IE B lrr, lm lu lrr ls I I I I I I I I I I a)at tt t,a n n 6 tr 'ct I F e z F B s J9 I I I Fit d = P (, € T a 6, a tr at P I li l,o I I I I I I I tF f..\ tK \q- gEFEa$F r$$*rrF 1s[flgg cS$gEi, aBt$}t Efl18 a 75 roulh fronlagc road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January L2, 1987 Mr. Frank Freyer Vail Ventures Limited 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Clancy's Restaurant DRB Approval Dear Frank, 0n January 7, 1987, Design Review Board Restaurant. The approval was contingent 1 "Kalwal l " wi I I be repl aced 2 The doorways wi I I be bronze 3 Skyl 'i ght mu1 I i ons , awn i ngs , 5 lf you have ext. 111. Westin green. Ihe lighting for the awning will be mounteion the p'i llars to create a soft lighting effect at the entry. A five square foot sign ,r", aoo"ou"d on the awning. any other questions please feel free to call me at 476-7000 Si ncerel y, ttr-, ty\.\- | I Town Planner KP:jl 4rca- I a€ &r/q " C/a.r*E4u P{rc.f oltlcc of communlly deYclopmcnl gave final approval to Clancy's upon the following conditions: with double thermal pane glass. to match the Westin Hotel . and pipe raiIings wi1'l match the o CMC BUILDING JANUARY 12. 1987 1. 75 sq ft of office added to CMC 1st Floor. 2. 723 sq ft of bar 2nd Floor removed and converted to office fot the Cascade Club and covered stairway for a total 8{ sq ft. 3. 985 sq ft Cascade Health Club Barinstead of original estimate of 945 sq ft. 4. 472 sq ft Clancy's Addition. * These adjustments should be made to Cascade V'i 1'l age's (SDD4) total statistics Tal'ly Sheet. t - ' tt N .Jr \\\\s.\ \\s- rr$ \-- Project Applicatlon I _- 1-q*7 hara I I t-) / Project Name: Project Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing 2one Comments: Design Review Board '' 7" \T DISAPPROVAL -.} I ,/* r\. i,) fo\ E Statt Approval o L1 ,fi zt:.t:a (F. ,l :,t,t:' Fee Paid l'l( E7 tf-fi"" Location of Project A, Description of .Project Application Number Date /,6't7 SIGN APPLICATION Name of Proi""t 6/Anay's Name of Person Subrnitting i . lf. pnone 47l,iaU The fol'lowing information is required for to the Design Review Board before a fina'l Sign submittal fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approval can be given. A. Sign Material B.Description of Sign n C. Size of Sign Length of Comments MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION l. Site Plan 2. Drawi ngs sh-owiig er.act locati on 3. Photographs showing proposed locE'Il-on 4. Actual sign 5. Colored scalF?iawing _6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittIT- =;-----'--ii'.':-----Sign Administratoi- Sign Administrator _t o td/2"/c/, !. Kristan Pri e applicant wanted which was formbrly known as Compass Rose and was to expand the restaurant now to be cal 1ed ClancY's. footage and stated that the to be subtracted from the total eci a'l Devel o nt stri c re stau r an t NE She gave detailed information concerning sguare additional commercia] square footage would have a'l lowed for the special development district. Andy Norri s, Cascade Cl ub, Diana Donovan the applicant, stated that the upstairs would be offices for the and was former'ly a bar for the Compass Rose restaurant' ml n0r aqe. to expand an exls Buildinq in Area moved a was 5-0 avor. 8.A reouest re-annexed areas:ail He an nq No. dVa Diana Donov n mov and Si d est ntn own unc'l I per lne s was avor. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM. Osterfoss seconded to rove th st. revi ous Town of Vail zonin to the fol lowi tsF nq No. 1 VETl-Tas scttone Fi'l i 4 No Page Hel g 350. IDDT Tom Braun showed a map with the proposed zoning on it. He explaine{ tn1! iw9 pi"."fi would be """tit.a-ito* tit" zoning. Thly were-a new parcel immediately lesi of the West Vail Texaco service stalion and Lot 21, Section 14 which is an ;;;i"ii"; pariet tocated west of the developed area_-of West Vail north of I-70' There is an agreement between the Town of Vail and Mr. A'l brecht who owns the i"it". pariel-which al'lows the Town 180 days !9 apply zoning on this parcel rather lhan the usual 90 days. The Land Uie Plan recolnmended Hillside n"iia.niiif zon'ing for that-parcel and the staff is now in the process of deve'l oping cri teria for this zone distri ct' Schultz seconded to recommencl roval of the memo date evo i cant: pec 12/22/86 -3' FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Cornmuni ty December A request T0 : P'l ann i ng and Environmental Commission Devel opment Department #; Development District #4 in the restaurant in the Colorado ori ginally ca1 1ed Compass wb s0 22, 1986 to amend Special Development District #4, Cascade Village A portion of the addition expands restaurant. Approximately 16 to 20 after the addition is con5tffiEdil The second 'l evel Compass Rose bar js being converted to office space for the CMC staff. Clancy's wjll not utiljze this space for a bar. The lestaurant snace on the second floor is 720 souare feet. The stairway up into the restaurant will be removed and closed off. The office space will gain some square footage due to the removal of the stafFw-lfln-ffiiTl-IiiE net deficit of 5 spaces ftf !!g_!gqrestaurant expansion. In respect.to parkinq, the new restaurant space will reouire 7 oarkino spaces. The second f1 oor restatiant-ana baryequtred6spaces,ofwhi must now be APPLICANT: Andy Norris I. THE REQUEST Andy Norris is requesting to amend Specia'l order to add addjtional restaurant space to Mountain College building. The restaurant, Rose, is being renamed Clancy's. The total Compass Rose bar, second floor: New QMC office space, second floor: t&ade&A New restaurant expansion for Clancy's: ro\ &tKrt'{ Stftt =Q,or7 Sq Footage Parking 723 sq ft = 5 spaces 828 sq ft = 4 spaces 2 spaces . remai ni ng 472 sq ft or 50 seats spaces/b'l dg code standards spaces/restaurant seats* *The Town of Vail code reguires "one space per each restaurant seat based on seating capacity or building occupancy standards, whichever is more restrictive." In this situation, T spaces will be required, as this is the more restrictive requirement. The Clancy's addition will require 5 more parking spaces due to the 2 extra spaces that remain from the original restaurant (Compass Rose). d-Ehe existing deck in front o e seats will be maintajned on the patio r-/F #" Cascade Village has a basic guide for the deve'l opment of each specific bu'i 'l din9. When additional commercial square footage is added to the project, the area must be taken out of the entire build-out square footage for the project so that the parking and total square footage allocatjons comply with the Special Development District. The final commercial square footage for Cascade Vi1lage is 37,000 square feet. At this time the commercial square footase is approximately 10.220 square f""!_4!_:gr"I" footage for the Westin'a Alfr Andy Norris is proposing amendnents to the Special Development District which may affect parking. Staff prefers to address the park'ing situation at that time. Andy Norris will be at the meeting to explain the overall plan for the development of Cascade Vi11age now that the chair lift has been approved. If, for some reason an is not amende vel ua re ootaqe o 4 sqftw rc t a sq ua re oo ,000 square feet. II.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the request. It is felt that the restaurant addition wi'l 1 provide a much more visible facade for the restaurant, while at the same time mainta'i ning a usable outdoor dining deck. x At the tjme building permit drawings are submitted to the Community Development Department, the staff wilI measure the sguare footage for the entire restaurant to confirm the exact total square footage for Clancy's. .Dnunl &-R i[*\ 1\q- &dd']Kh'-\mLU" bupl'{in s({,<u tfcl- uJi\\bo- wi {r. C,ucad.CI$6' o o @ @ Eq ,w 3E @ k;a t$s ffi, ':rlt ti .\'1.,;-':: -\3',-:?--1,'.+:+:: il'"isw {IbFl4 E I mttJ f;,Sild Lry FM @g ,''Mt ,'tm ,ffi ,lsE g !7 o ::. I I L F -th.', ryi ffil ffi ,+flI; g E g .w sfl E! &I:Ni 'nr ,$fEl i.3.1$t/ B 6 i '{. I ,a^ s s' --*r \ i-.\ l(\' r:. t-\ lb is l\ li iR ls t\ I Ltl \\. }N \\ \\ \\\\\ \\ /'0 ll -u; ./ tl ,.- ll \. il i .l 1i v * -a$,'1''I t<i / \.V\ \.\ \ \ (\ $.[ s 'n (\\\ .s N \..\ 9_-+ \rl > F & tr x , '"4v* rt 3- APPLICATI0N DATE: December 1. 1986 DATE 0F DRB l'lEETItic: December 19. 1986 DRB APPLICATION ***i*T}IIS APPI-ICATIOI{ IIILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UTITTL ALL IIIFORIIIATION IS SUEI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION I{EETING: A pnc-application necting rith a plannlng staff member ls strongly suggested to dctrnnlili lf rny rdditional infornation is nceded. tfo applicat,ion will be rcceptcd unless lt ls con'rplate (rnust include all items required by the zoning edministrator).It Js thc applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additiona'l subm'lttal requirements. Please note that a C0|{IPLETE applica- tion wi] I strermline the rpproval process for your project by decrmsing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must bc rcsolvcd beforc r build.ing permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:uare feet exoansion of the existinq restaurant in the CMC building at Cascade Village. Also adding new signage at canapy to restaurant and adding canopy to CMC/Theater entrance. 3: L0CATI0N 0F PROPoSAL: Address 1310 Westhaven Drive Legal Dcscrlption Lot n/a Zoni ng SDD.4 Fjljng Glen LYon Sub----:------Tvi sion Block nla c.Vail Ventures Limited I{AI.IE OF APPLICANT: Address 1000 South Frontage Road West telephone 476-0838 D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S Addrcss 143 East REPRESENTATIVE: Meadow Drive Bri ner/Scott Archi tects tel ephonc 476-3038 E, MilE $ OHI{ERS:. Sl gnrturc Address 1000 South Frontage Road West telephone 476-0838 F. DRB FEE: Thc fea wi]l bc paid at tlrc tlnre a bui'lding permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10.00 t10,001 -i 50,000 $zs.oo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $50.00 $150,001 -$,500,000 $100.00 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $2oo.oo $ Qver $1,000,000 $300.00 II{PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In rddition to mceting submittal r-equirermnts, the applicant must stake the site to lndlcrtr prcpcrty llncs and bullding corners. Trees th.t rill be renoved rhould rlro bc nrrked. Thig nork mst bc completed before thc DRB vlsits ttrc rl tr. 2. The raviw proce$s for l{f,l{ BUILDINGS will nonnally involve trro separate neetings of tha Dcslgn Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approva'|. 3. Prop'lc rlw frll to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled ncrting rnd who hrve not asked for a postponement will be required to be rapubl i shcd. Ventures L'imi ted TrEf$ilh,ji#t ivision LIST OF }IATERIAI.S infonnrtion ls required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Rcvier r flnrl apProvrl can be fiven: IIATERIALS: TYPE 0F I'IATERIAL Anodized aluminum storefront system - color to match lJesti n Hote'l Steel tube - qreen to match l,lestin l + ,rl r COLOR If,tf IDDIESS: 13].0 Westhavpn ftrive E!€fl?Itfl 0f PIOJECI! Expansion of rectaurant includi"s-€+y#.9hts"*an€py- and signage l"anopy and new dogrs at eMe/Th""t"" "n1tr. Thr fillowlng Dorl{ bcfon t. ilILDI!f6 Anodized aluminum -match Westin lcof Si di ng "Other tlrll l'iaterial s frsclr - Soffitc Ilrdolrr ''Ulndw Trin Doors Door Trir ' l|rnd or Decl Rai'ls ftlrtr Fl rshl ngr Chinneyl ?rash Enclosurel Gneenhouser.& canopy 0ther l. LAI|DSCAPING: Name of railing fl ash i FLANT I'IATERI,\IS: PROPOSED TRTES "Kalwa] | " to maf ch faqcade Cl Ut:' Skyl ight* Des i gner: phone: Botani cal llame Cori,;ion iiame Quani ty Si ze* none T0 none EXISTIiiG TREES BE Rci':0VED $,[t.,* I i.t ."t I *lndicate cal iper fcr ,leciducious trees. Indicate height for coni fers. (ovcr) I -a t t,Application form Special Development District Development pl"an D. F. G. Existing contours having contour feet if the average slope of the or with contour intervaLs of not slope of the site is greater than intervals of not more than site is twenty percent or more than ten feet if the twenty percent- five less, avera9e A.proposed sile plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch eguals trfty feet' showing the approximate locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures, usestherein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facili_ties, -pedestrian prazas and walkways. service entries, driveways,and off-street parking and loadingi-areas with proposed. contouri after grading and site developmenu; A preliminary land.scape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch eguals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retaineq or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped. site development featuresr sulh as outdoor reireational facillties,bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian prazas ana wariways, wat,er features and other elements i Preliminary building erevations, sections, and floor p1ans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interio-circulation, locations of uses within buildings, and the gener-l scale and appearance of the proposed developm6nt. III. Time Requirements The-.Planning and EnvironmentaL Commilssion meecs Mondays of each month. An application with the material must be submitted four weeks prior to NOTE: It is recorrunended that before a special development is submitted, a review and connenl meeting shoutd be Department of Community Development. on the 2nd and 4th necessary accompanying the date of the meetinq district application set up with the { JseT?TTTcpJ crTqnd pasodoj{d ro arqprrp^E uo uaprnq anpun 1noq1T/"' ?uaudoTeAap eq1 .[q pale:aua6 spueuep eq1 laeu o? luaTcT;J:ns ueld Teuorlpa.rca.r pue acpds uado ug .l !s1ca[o:d lduaxa ,OEO.9S.91 uollcag Xq pa^rp^ ssaTun r:oaraq gg'gr rafdpqS r{1T/q acupproccp ur f,olerlsluiurpe 6u1uoz aq1 01 pallTurqns__a_q.I1Fts^ ll_o-g?]^ +cedrur Je?uauuo:rnua uV, .S 'TEsoclorct Jo uorldTrf,sap cr qderS/ua tl!.rn falleraq ,v :uoT?EuroJul 6ulalolTo; aql Eo daldoc (?) .rnod .IJ Sutlteu lreql puE dlredo:d lcacqng +o s.rauAo Jo euPu eq1 Jo 4sTl v -^v y1.-1p ')/ / ' t' 1'' rt'< 4 / 'ul Nor&druDsaq TvgET ssadocv .<) wsodoud .{o NorfvSoT .Cr zdVVTT-anona sssuqsv (urno ) oql or luececpe nrr"l"rtrTtn-1"'d Jldl'tt |l1 Zo|q-Vm-anow ssa.scav 5 | datuN t\urYr SAf,IV.INSSAUdUU S,INVCITiIdV ,rO EI^M 4o?q- ? ETs.NoHa sun&vNoIS usNlto doud Jo NOrilVZruoH,In\{'c SSFTICGV 's f,NVJfTiIdV JO SI,{HN .V 'pa1?Tugns sT uorleurol:uT TTE TT?un paldecce eq lou TTTtvl uoTleclldde aqg, trR*^=,,r arnpocord lcT.r+sro lueu:dolaaaq letcads aql Ll,,.!v-rq+ o6 plnoa,', 1eq1 lcaco:d .due :og pa:rnba-r ir eini-Jora-srqi .r lWTd,INSI^IdOTSAEC,I Jf U,lSf O . JN$WiIOTSAUA TVTJffdS UOd WEO.T NOISVJTTddV %^ lt t - ----uolaecl1ddv l:o alec 1{lbl -zl / _ I -ta -rt ' * I