HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE COLORADO MOUNTAIN CONDOMINIUMS LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1310 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.....: l3l0 W HAVEN DR CMC COLLEGE Parcel No...: 2103 l21 14018 Project No : ovilNER cor_,oEADo MoInqIAIN cor,LEGE EOO9/L0/2O02 PO BOX 1753 GIJEN$IOOD SPRINGS CO 41602 Lricense: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMETI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES (c'.+cc,J* O r tl" ,\.r-.^- A Y C_-,fyr C-- CONIRACTOR BRAD'S EIJECTRICAL SERVICE, IO9 /tO/2002 Phone: 970-984-3508 P.O. BOX 707 NEWCASTI-,E, CO 81647 I-,icense: 120-E APPITICANT BRjAD'S EI-,ECTRICAL SERVICE, IO9/lO/2OO2 Phone: 970-984-3508 P.O. BOX 707 NEWCASTLE, CO 47.647 License: 120-E Desciption: INSTALL l5 DROP IN FIXTURES INTO CEILING GzuD ADD 12 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES Valuation: $2,000.00 *l**'l*lt**t*a'l*a'lll't**:t*:a**:t*'l't:*t:*:ll****:l'|*:l**:a**,r'.r'lr****f *.tttt***t FEE SUMMARY Electrical------> DRB Fee------> lnYestigation---.> Will Call-----> 09/L0/2OO2 DF Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Cond: 12 (BL,DG.) : FIELD $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 93.00 $s3.00 $0. o0 $53.00 $s3.00 Total Calculsled Fees-> Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fee-----> Pa)'rnents---------> TOTAL FEES-> $s3. oo BALANCE DUE----> $0.00 i|||i.|i|i||t**tltttlt.l+'*|'+tl+t*+t+l++|lt|+*|*'lltt|'lt|*.'|''lt{*. Approvals:Item: 05000 EI-,ECTRICAI, DEPARTMEMI Action: AP *'ta*+a* 't:l* aa+,1+t*:i:tt *a+'ll**'t)t*'l't* all a'll aa,l +lt a:|+l:t*** l|l 'l I CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. tatt*!t:t**ttl t't trtt:lt*taatt;tt **l*'laattl* 'lal||:tl't:llltl+*'|ataatat+lt**a* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigt review CJ-4',t^a\ Permit #: E02-0174 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/102002 Issued. . : 10/10/2002 Expires. .: 04/0812003 Phone: approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ataflfatlla'}*afffaailtliflffaatflaflttll'rrtfltlftfaalftftlfttfflatatrataal+*fl+af*ralallf'}tl TOWNOFVAIL, COIIORADO Sraremeor al*+*ltltl*ltf*'tt*a*fffftl'}a*f*laaaf'}fa*tfffal'|*laal'll*ltt}tlal+ftta***a*t'}aaa*'}aaal+aa***tl|} gtaternent l{uriberr R000003241 anount! s53.00 lo/to/2oo2o1 :38 pM Palment Method: Check Init: L,C NoEation: *1153l,/Bradrs EIect Permit No: EO2-O174 ?ype: ELESTRICAL PERMIT ParceL Nor 210312114019 Site Address: 13X0 TrESTHAVEN DR VAIL, L,ocation : 1310 lf HAVEN DR CII{C COIJIJEGE Total FeeE: $53.00 fhis palment! $53.00 ToCaI ALL pmCa: $53.00 Balance! $0.00 **l+'l+afltlaalaaaa+aaa*+alltlaal*tf'}a*++*+tttfaaftttatt*t***t*tftl******tltaaatfaftataa*lata ACCOIJNT TTEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEI,IPOMRY POIIER PERMITS t.,C OO1OOOO31128OO I{ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL CO 81657 970479-2135 NOTE: Elechical-> DRB Fee--> lnvestigation-> willcall-> TOTAL FEES-> VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ONTOBSITE AT ALL NMES Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires. Ca-ac-. L \),[ c-b *,u -t's K ALARMPERMIT ]ob Address: 1310 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.....: 1310 WEST HAVEN DR ParcelNo...: 210372774076 ProjectNo: ?tf,6/O3a\ APPLICANT ACME AI,ARM COMPANC P.O- BOX 883 RIFLE' CO 816s 0 License:154-S oIrtNER COIJORADO MOtIirTAIII COTLBGE FOLO/O1 /2OO2 Phone: PO BOX 1763 GIJENWOOD SPRINGS EO 81602 Lricense: CONTRACTOR ACME ALARM COMPA}IY L0/0'l /2002 Phone t 970-625-3398 P.O. BOX 883 RIFL,E, CO 81650 License: 154 -S Desciption: turning one long classroom into 2 rooms. need to add 2 smoke detectors, two horn strobes, one pull station Valuation: $&7.70 FEE SUMMARY 402-0064 301-os4{-.: ISSUED .: 70/07/2002 .: 10/07/2002 .: M/05/2003 LO/O7 /2OO2 Phone: 970-525-3398 $s0. 00 90. 00 90 .00 s3.00 s53.00 953.00 90. 00 9s3.00 ss3.00 s0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees--> Total Permit Fee-> Payments--> BALANCE DUE-> Approvals:Itdm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIUENT LO/O7/2OO2 DE Action: AP CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. D rrvt'<r/ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 802-0322 Job Address: 1310 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 1310 WEST HAVEN DR Applied . . : 09125/2002 ParcelNo....: 210312114016 Issued...: 0913012002 ProjectNo. : PRI02-0369 Expires...: 03129/2003 OWNER COLORADO MOI'NTAIN COIJIJEGE FOO9/25/2002 PhONE: PO BOX 1763 GI-,EITWOOD SPRINGS CO 4L602 License: CoNTRACTOR COI-,O MTN COIJITEGE 09/25/2002 phone: 831 GRA}ID AVE GLEI{WOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 License:544-S APPLICAI{Ir COLO MTN COI-,LEGE 09/25/2002 Phonet 97O-947-84O6 831 GRAND AVE cl,EtirwooD sPRrlTGs, co 81501 License: Desciption: BIFURCATION OF ART STUDTO (ROOM ONLY) WITH WALL AND DOOR INCLUDING DROP CEILING WHVAC DUCT,LICHTING/SPRINKLER MODIFICATIONS Occupancy: E2 E2 Type Construction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $4.000.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Fireplace Inforrnation: Restricted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellef 0 t t + a{r ta+ +,} **'**r 'ta Building---> 985 . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> g0 . 00 Total Calculat€d Fe€s-> 5143 .25 Plm Check--> $55.2s DRB Fee----------> So.oo Additional Fees----'> (9143-25) lnvestigation-> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------t $0.00 Total Pemit Fee-----> S0.00 Will Call---> $3 . oo Clean-up Deposit------> $o . oo Payments---------> S0 . 00 TOTAL FEES-------> $143 .25 BALANCE DUE-----> $0.00 t a++*+tt 'ita *rr **r Approvals:Ifem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/26/2002 cdavis Action: AP subject to field inspection Item: 05400 PIJAIINING DEPARTI'IEIiIT 09/26/2002 warren Actsion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 PIIBL,IC WORKS l*llill*lllallf,l*rla*llrlll{llltl{tllllallllltta||att*tttttatatt*taaatttttltttttttttatalttttatatttttttattttttttlattlatlttltaltttatattttatttttarltl See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completcd an rocurate plot pla4 and state that all the infonnation as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plarl to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and suMivieion codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto, REQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR. HOURS AT 479-2149 OR AT OIrR OmCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE2 |.it*|*'t+'}|.t**||tt'}t*t*'|t*{''tt!t!t{.tt||'t*!t|'}'i*!t|tt'}'t't**|t't|'t'tt't*l't**:t*!t't''ttt'|**||'l.'}**||'tt'}|+'}*|l**|'t'}ttt|**' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 8024322 asof09-30-2002 Status: ISSUED **l**a*ltil+'t**lfrttlttlt'l****'tlti*||**t*|}rttt:i*{r'}:}**t***'}**'ll:t'}*'}l**ttt|t'}**f t*t Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BIIILD PERMT Applied: 09n5n002 Applicant COLO MTN COLLEGE Issued: 09f,0n002 970-947-8r'l06 To Expire; 03D912W3 Job Address: l3l0 WESTTIAVEN DRVAIL Location: I3I0WESTHAVENDR ParcelNo: 210312114016 Description: BTFURCATTONOFART STUDTO (ROOMONLY) \.TH WALLAND DOOR INCLUDING DROP CEILING WHVAC DUCT,LIGTITING/SPRINKLER MODIFICATIONS Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIREDEPARTMENTAPPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ll APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: Buildit TOVNOFVIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 ING COMPLETE ALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials Hkcsla,74 . rft-,?l.a%e IW::::"%U?-s '/afP. d/2c4 OTHER:$ /ELECTRICAL: $ l.1,o o BUILDING: $ *Oo TOTAL: $ $,ooo MECHANICAL:$ 3oo PLUMBING: $ cZ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit o3/ z//?o/6 I rJobName eoc Ar'fieto /&;azar-Job Address: l1ro lw//fu&./ p2 ,. /hL LesalDescription lltot:if ll en"r, ll ririns'Subd ivision: lenone flo-frlipS</ ArchitecVDesig netlgpl1!2 Op.p^/Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: tZ) a'A?' cJ4u'+-4 /^/C(e& OP UPt {nteceuq , L/eW.1 € rtf WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel j{ Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Work Type: Interiorp(1 Extqrior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) - Type of Bldg.: Singte-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant 1 1 Oner(ffM'& No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I U No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 9 No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Cas npptiances (g) Oas l-o No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: 625 4pp1;?nces (9 Gas Logs (o) Wood/Pellet I Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) DoeaaTire Alarm Exist: ves N() No () No( .?'.tt -nE d4b? P& oo&--&J-tO=b/-( OR OFFICE USE ONL - 'RECEIVED- I Type of Construc f;;;,.^-;;;;;e;;I nPEl Faac. I Public Way Pemit Fee: I I Date Receivedr I TOY€OM.DEV. I \WAiIWAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 t2612002 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name:e,e Qpf sfoao .Plt*azEc- Project Address: D D o This Ch&klist must be @mpleted befote a Buildino Permit application is accepted, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie,loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: k42 a trl B n D o o o o o n o FECEVCO sEP ? 5 2002 TOVCOM.DEV. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health bepartment review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or Small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed toby rt'E+?e/ e Si'l<1 sig Project Name:hc AlzraTae It"eteZ-- oate: ?-Jy'.tr) F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Torn ofVailSurvey Gommunity Development Department Russell Fones! Director, (970)479.213s Gheck allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB PEC Was your initial contact wilh our stafi immediate no one available ? 4. 3.lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were Was your project reviaryed on a timely basis? Yes / No helped? lf no, why not? 5, Was this your first lime to fle a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate fte performance of the stafiperson who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overallefiecliveness ofthe Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for yoq to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us b beter serve you nexttime? ., Thank yort for taking the time to compleie this survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. or 1 7. 8. RECEIVED sEP 2 s 2002 TOV€OM.DEV. WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence?YES X NO a B o D o Does demolition work being performed req public property? Is any utility work needed? YES ,'tijnx" " the Right-of-Way, easements or NOX YES Is the driveway being repaved? YES NOX Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO X Is any drainage workleing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES_ No_J(_ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES NO-K -of-Way. egsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?n'r'. '\1 tr\-, /\ If answer is NO, is p pprking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES- NO X If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at479-2198. ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Aotstwo,r? oc*wf*d h a7 6 QqA 4*f Sn tzo &f,.rrt DDU Is the Right YES Job or Project Name: Date Signed:?2{-/J F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name pw+:If-nIlI APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 - Parcer#:I f I n - f I f - I n - ! I I Brds.Permit#,8 n I'I I I I , 1. 2. Job Name Street Address n n n - [-l (ltunknowncall I ll ll I I | 479-2138ext.0) Excavallng Contraclor Name Mailing Address TOV Contractor's License Number FEOUIRED () City Phone # 4. Start Date Work is for lcircte onel Water Other Completion Date Sewer Gas Electric Telephone (Permit Expiration Date) CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access I a 3r'rff'::"# :Hii"i::F:,iffiJx utility locations and approvals. Once all utility comPany ng application through the Public Works office to obtain the Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7. Rubber out-riggers are required on Asohalt surfaces underneath the Permit Fee up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Total Permit Fee $ ST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. necessary Town of Vail signatures. Public Service Company (1 Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) 10. TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town ol Vail Public Works Construction lnspector (970-479'2198) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ol the permit. I All excavation musl be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senale Bill 172), 11 . permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-21 98 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure io notify cneouteoinspectionswhicharenotreadymayresu|tinlheTown charging the contractor a reinspection fee. ^12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility lt .ornp"ny agreements, signed by me, and will abide by ihe same, and that all utilities have been notified as required' Contractor's Signature ot Agroement Prinl name clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WoRK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CoNTROL PLAN show streets with names, buildings, and localion of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Date of SignaturE White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor TVWNOF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildinq Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifu (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper, An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. ., ?{-U//^ Date Signed DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off cach of the items below: a The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new constructlon sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public WorG Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by:/t toftrt'<- T. Sttulrat- Cau lr+ a l.l,poeec-' FFcevEo sEP 2.5 2002 TOV.GOM.DEV. ?'I/at re Project Name: Date Signed: F: /everyone/forms/bld perm6 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete telt are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof, Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Publlc Works, In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or ca uses another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. tr Notice and Penaltyl It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A-T AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any seqtion of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will cornply with the above code provisions:lrlcl+eae J: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: ?*y'ZZ F :/evcryone/f0rnr s/b ldpernlT f,Ptn z lrffi'rL TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F02-0059 Job Address: l3l0 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1310 WEST HAVEN DR Applied . . : 09125/2002 ParcelNo...: 210312114016 Issued. . : 10/08/2002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 04/06/2003 OI'INER COLORADO MOI'MTAIN COLI_,EGE F.O09/2,/20O2 phone: PO BOX L753 GIJENWOOD SPRINGS CO 816 02 Iricense: CONTRACTOR COLO MTN COIJIJEGE O9/25/2OO2 Phone: 831 GRAIiTD AVE GL,,ENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 8L60L License z 644-S APPLICAI{m COLO MTN COITIJEGE 09/25/2002 Phone: 97O-947-8405 831 GRAND A\/E GIJEI{WOOD SPRINGS, CO 81501 License: Desciption: BIFURCATION OF ART STUDIO (ROOM ONLY) WITH WALL AND DOOR INCLUDING DROP CEILING WHVAC DUCT.LIGHTING/SPRINKLER MODIFICATIONS Valuation: $1.800.00 FEE SUMMARY *rr*++*a*'tl*ta**r**.ti*r'rr:r*t*'rraarartlllll***..t.t'r!ttl.,t*r** . S0. 00 Total Cslculsted Fees-->s53.00 Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Investigalion-> Will Call---> S40. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $10 . 00 DRB Fe€--> SO. OO TOTALFEES - $3.00 $0.00 Additional Fees--> ($s3.00) $53.00 Total Permit Fee------> PaYments._..-_'-> BALANCE DUE---_> $0. 0o s0. 00 $0.oo Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT o9/3o/2oo2 DE Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI L0/08/2002 mcgee Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .ll*l,o--n;].;,,11*"3--lJ::=-::--.:It*.Ti...T:::-11,":--T-:,...."-T:.i-i:l..:.o:,:.-::Y,::fl::;..-..,.,..,,.,,,.,,,,,+*,:,i*.,.*,., DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS TORTNSPECTION SEALL BE MADE TWENTY-FO HOURS IN ADVAI\CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM- 5 PM. WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0202 Job Address: l3l0 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 131 0 WEST HAVEN DR Applied . . : 091252002 Parcel No...: 210312114016 Issued . . : 0913012002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 0312912003 ourNER coLoR"ADO MOUNTAIN COLr_,EGE FO09/2'/2O02 phone: PO BOX 1753 GI.ENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81602 T,icense: CoNTRACTOR COLO MTN COLTTEGE 09/25/2002 phone: 831. GRAND AVE GI,E}iIWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 L,,icense: 644-S APPLICANI COLO MTN COLLEGE 09/25/2002 Phonet 970-947-8406 831 GRJAIiID A\/E GIJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81501 License: Desciption: BIFURCATION OF ART STUDIO (ROOM ONLY) WITH WALL AND DOOR INCLUDING DROP CEILING WHVAC DUCT.LIGHTING/SPRINKLER MODIFICATIONS Valuation: S300.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Applianc€s: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY *.:i*t*:r't't'tiatr'r.**:tlt*ar*aal,t:a+:ial*a'r,taarar'rar*,1:***:]***:]*:r:r** S0. 0o Total Calculated Fees->$28.00 Mech ical---> Plan Check---> Investigation-> Will Call---> $20.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $5.00 DRB Fc€------..---> $o. oo TOTAL FEES-------> s3.00 go . 00 Addilional Fe€s------> ( $28 . 00 ) $0. 00 $0.00 $0.00 S28 . 0o Total Permit Fee-----> Paym€nts----------'-> BALANCE DUE----..> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT o9/25/2oo2 cdavis Action: AP subject to field inspectj.on ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IA}TCE' Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF THE L997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BT,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO IIIANUFACTIIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TTIE ].997 I,MC, CHAPTER 1.0 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPLIAI{CES SHAIJIT BE VENfED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I A}ID SHALI, TERMII.IATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TI{E 1997 T'MC, OR CI{APTER 8 OF THE 1-997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPLY WITII CHAPTER 3 AIiID SEC.1O1? OF TI{E 1997 UME AND CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHAIJIJ BE MOIJNIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. TNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PIJANS AIID CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI\T I}ISPECTION REQI'BST. Cond: 30 (BIIDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECI{A}TICAIJ ROOMS CO}.ITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOIIJERS SIIAITL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRArN PER SEC. t022 OF IT{E 1997 IIMC, OR sBcTroN 1004.6 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the informafion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OWNEROR CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF s[P-25-2002 l,tED 08149 Al{ C0L0RAD0 tlTN COLIEGE rwil$utx, 75 S. fruntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8ll tA)( N0, 970s4?8324 APPUC/TTIOTI WItt T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF II{CO.IIPLETE OR UIISIGI{ED Pmiect #: EuiHing Permit #:-- I{erfnnkal Permit #: 9:rV 479-2149 (Inrpcc$orc) P, 02 Permit will not be acceSd &L.l*b noj"rTSp/ata4,h,r& s*'/FL tu-r4l-at#L h..f,mht t.EtO4,t Job Name 4, c /r.a{8T?go y',f+w_.Job Address: /JJo UtufMr'Azl,., r,lr*_ B),fe.qtfrtotrl o:F ,r'T cTeo (*t*Otz letaU+ gpe cfaei y'rtyrc.Attof, uC"tZt* i WorkClass: {9ry() Adr|iHon( ) Aentirn() Repair( ) Orher( ) BoilerlocaHou Interlu( ) eftrior( ) Ottrer( )Does an EHU odst at this location; Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBpg; slnglFfarnilv( ) Duptex( ) MulrFhmity( ) csnmerciat( ) Resbunnrl l onr!() qqu No, of E<bting trrvelling Units ln tiis hritding; tL No. of Amommodation Units In this buiEing; g o) Gur Loqs (o) wmd/Pellet (e Nqfrypo of Fireplaces Propqed: G6 Appliances 1 e; cas Logs (q wmd/pellet (n wmO ouming ittOt eUomo; ls th'B a o.n erslon frqn a upod burnlng fireplace to-- an *,rr5ER*5rt08* €OM.DEV. Ht*zo brtf ?- ,.,t **,r * *'i* *** *rF* * *+** * t * r FOR OFFICE USE \v0it\.lolu\.'dwlt.'( ntMsu{:RMrnJW FCI lnFRM.mC LY***++*+:F:F*****!t / fi44., Da-t> I w k? AzYa?Q tvY eYvlc To pSz*r,t A FLotte f 'Ar{" ot 4aw- hLuvt(g- 2?moPLueD - Low?? LevPL atr\1 Vl&tL, 1 fun ,+oT b,t VE N*rtT 6*\arvP hL Di.-l ?F Pliltr|(z 1o JLlt9 yvr*Y bg L f1 ,\fi, l yvlvr- Oba/v WbD, -T\WY9 t, 6Be& sEP-00-2002 FRI 08153 All C0L0RAD0 mN s6P .16 oe o?r3o. GREGORYA" DILLON ARGTIITECT LLC Seplember6,2002 COLLEGE FAt{ N0, 9?094?8324 P. 0t p-r Mr. Chadb Davis Chif Building Official Buildiru SeFty and Inspecbwr Services Town of Veil 75 South Frcnhge Road Vail, CO 61657 Dear tlr, Davis: Colorado i,lorntain Gollege is propoeing to convert a storage area to dassroom use In th6ir Vail Building. Ttn larger space wifl be a oomprrtar l$ ild tF adplnlrq srnallerspae wilf be a cqnputer maintensre area. I fiare not cmduded a code dudy of the building so buitding construcnion type and exiting hale not been wdified. The skekfi srrbmiilad to you ofice ms dawn in the ffeld as a corrpoeite plan thowing psopoeed and eistirq etecfical, spinkter head locations and the !9ge!on d a new parlition, lt is my understanding that fp nalls wilt be painted qbqlt, tl€ ne$, pertilion rnEtat 6tds GV\rB, oeiling nmraled suspcnded lria anA the floor couedng carpst &ror VC tile. Addirionalty a requesl wiil be made tor he sprinkler conUactor to supply neco68ery information. lvill be hapy to generate additional inbrmation or pmparc rmre conrpleb fawings as you see fit in orderforlhe ollege lo more ahead with thc pr{ed. illon, Archilect, LLC 575 MEAoow I-ARK IANE . GFTAND JUNcrtoN, coLoFtADo 6tsog . (9zo)'z4t-54oi Building Department Colorado Mountain College September 24,2OO2 central Services 75 SOuth FrOntage ROad P.o. Box tooot Vail, CO 81657 831 Grand Avenue Dear Building Department Representative: Llenwood 5Pfln8s Cororado Subject Colorado Mountain College Contractor Registration and Vail 8 | 6 0 2 Vail Campus Building Permit Applications Art Studio Remodel 970.945.8691 This is to submit the subject Registration Form for you review. An envelope containing $50 cash to cover the registration Fee is attached to the Form. A receipt is reqr.rested upon submittalfor our records. Also, a Liability Insurance Certificate and a Workman's Comp statement are also included. In addition, three Building Permit Applications associated with the subject Remodel are here attached for your review and processing. They are as follows: Town of Vail Building Permit Application and associated Submittals Town of Vail Fire Sprinkler Permit Application Town of VailMechanical Permit Application However, the aforementioned Building Permit includes a request for a Condominium Association letter of approval. This is perceived by the College as not applicable since the Remodel is of nil effect to the Association membership and of minimal value. The Association Building Manager is aware of this Remodeland has no interest in its completion. Further, the College understands that the Project Architect Greg Dillon has submitted drawings, and that the Electrical Contractor Brad's Electric Service has already applied for the Town of Vail Electrical Permit. Also, the College certainly appreciates the waving of Permit associated fees for this effort. Thus, please review the Registration Form, the Permit Applications and favorably approve all documents such that this Remodel may be completed. You may contacl me through my assistant Marc A. Gallegos with any questions or comments at 970-947-8403 or via MarGal@coloradomtn.edu. "'W,lt/*, Michael j. S"*y{ Director of College Facilities Enclosures Cc: Peggy Gurry LEADINC THROUGH LEARNING Rfleweo 10^2?-2092 lnsperction Nertruest R '_ltatl, g.c_ T|m€ Exp: Page 5 AJPTD lnform$n Acdrrlbf, E[n43aA TYpe: A-t]OlrlM Con*ttpe: Occup.ncv' Owrio|: COLOfiiAm MOUNTAfi{ CGLIEGf FOUTOATE}N 6:52 am lLm: ELBG"Mlsr. BLDG.FIn.I lifer;uested In$p€ct $ate: Tirescia:r October 22,2OOz Insoecton Arca: CO 31fe Addrcssr rslc'wE.,lilrlvEH oR vAlL "iIO YJE;T H{IEN DR SrrbTwr ACOI| {Jce: tt FR StEtl3: ln3ptu6a: FSUED CD Appfhrnl: CO,|O MTN COLLEGE Phone 97$947-{1406 Coirtorlor: COLO MTtl COLLEGE Deccrldlon: EIFURCATION OF ART STIiDIO {FOO}rl ONI Y, 'fl]Tlt U,,ALL Al.lO DOOF INCLUD$IG DROP CEt hlc ' W/}NACD{JCT.LIGHTIIIG/SPRINNLERM|ID'FICATION$eotnnent ROIJTED TO Cl-{ RLIE t ALLSION F R REVIEW. AiLSlO},| aiEEDS TO SEE lF ruANNhlG St€t/tD BE II.TVOIVED. DFLORE$ Reouerted lnsp€cEon(s I Itsr: $0 BLOG-Flnrl Rr$r6tor: COLO MTN COLLEGE AFsionsd To:- Ac0on: ) /'\,*L(t_ ^"!"t 3O Bt-DG-Frcming * 4grroveC " 1o/11tB2 mtDtlor: cdavfs Commonts: F€iltlno EbcftE€l rouqh ooorov'al 60 E|-Df;rSh€otock tt6ll - - arqi'r,ed "l lll0z tnsp€ctor: cdavis Ctt{wilonts: Pendlgn eleetrkrl rough rpproyal .rrdon: AF APPRT]VED A:tloft. APAPPROVED fbn: 70 nam: 90 to-22- c7 RequeCbd Th.i 08i00 Ail Phons: 97G94?€406 -or- 37$ 7Azt ,REPTl31 Run Id,: 447 TOI,tlN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEAIVT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description CHANGE OUT DEPARTMEI\T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE SPRINIGER PERMIT PCTMiI NOTE:AT ALL TIMES F99-0027 #: ilob Address...: Locacion. . . . . . : 1310 WESTHAVEN Parcel No..... : 2103-l-21-00-015 ProjecE Number: StaEus...: ISSITED Applied. .: L2/06/L999 Issued. . -: L2/09/L999 Ex;rires. . : 06/06/2000 SPRINKLER IIEADS o*-@ #of cas Appliances: Phone: co 8L601 Phone: co 81601 94LLL Valuation: *Of Gas Loge: 3 03 - 928 -9163 303 -928-9153 1, 200 . 00 *of, wood/Pallet: FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES 0151 PONDEROSA DR, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES 0151 PONDEROSA DR, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, I,-O WESTHAVEN INC 15OO SA}ISOME ST 102, SAN FR.ANCISCO CA Fireptace fnf,ormatsion: Restricted: E'EE SIJMMI,RY Mechani.cal---> 40.00 Regluarant Plan Revien--> 'oo Tocal calculatsed Fees---> 53'00 Plan Check---> 1O.OO DRB Fee___-_-_- -oO Adalieional Fee6--------_> 'OO InvcaCigati.on> .00 ToTAL FEES------ 53.00 Total Pefoit Fee--------> 53.00 tli11 call----> 3.00 Palmentss------- 53'00 BAIANCE DI'E- - -. IEEM: O51OO BUTLDING DEPARITVIEI{T DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:lrl 69/7999 ,JNoLEN Action: APPR n,/a rEam;' o5e oo-Frns--DEPARTTvIENT --_ Dept: FIRE Division: L2/05/1.999 JRM ACtiON: NOTB PI,ANS TO FIRE L2'/09'/L999 MIKE M AcEion: APPR approved CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1_. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR coDE Co_MPIIAI{CE.Z: Plans iie approved to chdnqe standard responsq heads.Eo - - crulc[ iespo'n-ie heads in 2nd and 3rd f loor- condo corridors alnd elevator lobbies. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS f hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fj.lIed out in full the information required, codPletcd an accutate FLot plan, and 6Cate t.ha! all the infornation provided as requiled i6 correcE. I agtee to cottPly nitsh Lhe inforuation and plot pfatl, Eo coBply nith at1 Town ordinance6 and stata l,aws, and to build this st.rueture according co !h€ Torrn'6 zoning and Eubdivision cod€s, desigm rewicw approved, Uniform Building Codc and othe! ordi.nances of tshe Tor.n apPlicable Lhereto. REQUESTS FoR INsPgcTIoNs sHAI,L BE MADE TWETnY.FoUR HoI/Rs IN A.DVANCE By TETEPIIONE LT 419-2T3A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:OO AM 5:OO P}t SIGnTATIIRE OF O!vNER OR COIITRACIOR FoR IIIMSAITF AND OWNBR TOTIS OI I'IIIJ, COIFRIDO Strc.nnt gtrccGrt, Nrub.r: n8c-0597 lloilnt r 53.00 12109,/99 09:ss Prtrcnc tLthod: CK notrtlon 3 5213 Init: itnl,l P.mir l{o3 f9r-002? r?pr: !-EpttlR SPRINtrLIR 9BRIIT Prrc.Mor 2103-121-00-016 Eocrtionr 1310 lmg$|}vbl DR (c!,tct Totrl Fc..i 53. O0 $rlE Pry!.nB 53.00 loErl AI& P[1. ! 53.00 Balanca! .00 Accoun! dc DcleripEion lrcunE BP CO10000311r300 XECEI!'ICI! PElrTI:f tBEtt 40.00 Dr 00100003112300 PIA$ c|fiCK pE e 10.00 l|c 00100003112900 rltirJ cf,&& EfaPEelrow FBI 3.00 County Aeeees tlH; oF vArL coNsrRuerrt for Parc PER}IIT # o,PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATEz 12/3/99 , APPLICATfON UUST BE FILLED OUT ColtPL,ETELy oR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED U ri***** ******t***************** pERt{IT rNpoRMATroN ******** *******,\t ""' IitlKrrIT INToRMATIoN rl******i*******-fil5.3iiiiti:, [ ]-Building Job Narne: CMC [']-Pfunbing I J-Etectrlcal [ ]-Mechanlbat [x]-other Job Address: 1310 Westhaven Drive Legal nescription: Lot Block_ Filing surorvrsroll, owners N^^"t(,"crc ) , Address: 1000 Sr F{qqtage Rd w. ph..,- Architect:Address: General Descri-ption: phange out Auto Fire Sprinkler geads t' Ph. l{ork crass: I J-Nen rx]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ 1-nepair [ ]-other Number of Drrelll_ng UnLts:Nunber of Accomnodatlon UnLts: nPtnler and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appliances ' Gas Logs_ I{oodlpetlet_ /f********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* !!-r_r!l!!!: ErJcrRrcAL: $ orHER: $ 1200. oo PLIIUBTNG: i lrgctrAlfrcAr,: $l--- roiAi; g.T2D6;Of tt U r*************************** coNrRAqIoR INFORMATToN ***************************'X;ffi:3:.con*actor: T::i^":.-::1r.".s. No.- Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Plunbing Address: Contractor: ( ******************************** FOR BUILDING PER}IIT FEE: PIUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'fECIIAIIfCAL PERUIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE ** ********* *************** ***** BUTLDING PI..AN CHECK FEE: PU'T.IBING PI..AN CHECK FEE: !,IECTIAIIICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNAT{IRE: CI.EAIf I'P DEPOSIT BEITIf,D IIO: ,GB.QR ! o3;,iJ'.P"ff,lJfii' : Sidewallt'& Glass B Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pohnsvlvania .|9446 -,;iS 'l dent, The Central Model GB-QR Automatic Sprinklers embrac€ the ultimate In advanced deslgn features. They incorporate the latest in glass bulb technology, which result in a much smaller, more attractive sprinkler. The operating mechanism consists of a liquid-fill€d 3 mm diameter lrangible capsuls that is only 2.0 cm in length. The Model GB-QR Automatic Sprinklers are intended tor installation in accordance with current NFPA Standards. They are available in 1/2' and 7/16" orific€ sizes and 155"F, 175"F,200'F and 250"F temperature ratings. The Model GB-QR Description Technical Data Sprinklers are available with two standard linish€s, brass or chrome plated and wlth two coatings, black or white, with additional spocial paint€d tinlsh6s avallabl€ upon requesl, The Model GB-QR Pendent is Listed as recessed quick response with Faclory Mutual when using a special rec€ssed €scutchoon. Make sure lo order thE corroct recessecl escutcheon when Factory Mutual approval is reguired. The parl numbers ar6 3071 lor chrome , 3072 for brlghl brass, 3070 brushed brass, 3075 ofi white, 3073 white, 3074 black. This escutcheon is nol needBd lo maintain a guick response Listing at U.L. Operatlon: The glass bulb capsule op6rating mechanism conlains a heat- sensilive liquid lhat expands upon application ot heat. Upon reaching the rated temperature, th€ lrangible capsule ruplures thereby r€leasing th€ orifice seal. The sprinkl6r then discharges water in a pre-designed spray pattern to control or extinguish the tir€. Product Standard Appllcatlons The Model GB-QR Automatic Sprinklers ale intended for standard area cover- ages, and flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA Stan- dards for Quick Response Automatic Sprinklers. I White, black and oft-white available upon request.. Maximum wo*ing pressutd: 175 p.9.i.. Factory HydrcTest: 11oyo @ 500 p.s.i.' Recessed Pandant is lJ.L. Listed for 1SS.F/6A.C ontv," F.M. npproval is lot | /2' onty and does not include painted versions. Becassod vercions must use a specia! recessed escutcheon."'F.M. Approvatlot tha Sidewatt Sp nktat is not lot Flsc€ss€d. Model& Dellector Style Orlflce and K-Faclor Temperaturs Ratlng Approved Escutcheon Standard Finlshesf Approvals Thread Slze (NPT) t o-l,,tFl Upright GB.OR Pendent Sidewall 7t16',4.5 1t2',5.6 7t16"4.5 15s.F/68.C 175"Fng"C 200'Ft93.C 250"Ft121rc 155'F/68'C 175.Fn9.C 200'F/93.C 250"Fh21rc, 155"F/68.C 175.Fng.C 200.F/93.C 250"Ft1?Jrc wA Modol GB-Bes./QR 'Recessed Modol GB-ResJQR Bscessed Brass Chrom€ Plated Brass Chrome Plated Brass Chrome Plated U.L. F.M.** U,L. u.L.c. F.M." U.L. u.L.c. F.M.** 1f2' 1fz', 1t2' No, 3.1O.O Ftgl l - ModercB-oR Recessed per3,t MIN. 'Support cup with FM Approval has slots in the faco, tho slandard U.L. version does nol. o Figure 2 - Model GB-QR Pendent t- I 3V16. Note: Central's Modsl 65 or 401 esculchoon may be used. Whon usino Central's Model 65 esculchson, facs ot R,C. to protrude t/8'i t/t6'beyond linished wall lin€. 1 11/16' Rol. Flgure 3 - Model GB-QR Upright FI{tSt{EO watt Lll{E G6 R..JOF RECESS€D ESCUTCHEO'{ SUPPOFT CUP e a Figure 4 - ModelGFOR Recessed Sidewall Flgure 5 - Model GB-QR Sidewatl 2 V16' C€ntral's Modol 65 or 401 escutcf|eon may b€ us€d. When usino Cgntral,E Model 65 esculchoon, tac€ of R.C. to prclrude 1rB. i 1/16. b€yond llnbh€d wall lin€. Comblnatlon Wrench (Part *1106) (For Uprighl Sprinklers) GB Sprlnkler Wrench pan #1099) (For Pendent & Sidewall Sprinklers) NB:iln' The Model GB-QR Automatic Sprin- klers are intended for standard area coverages and flow and pressure re- quirements as specilied in current NFPA Standards for quick respons6 sprinklers. flnstallation All Central Model GB-QR Automatic Sprinklers musl be installed according to current NFPA Standards. Deviations from these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler ilself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes, and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to ensure the minimum required flow rate at lhe sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, oritice size, and temperalure rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be prolected from freezing. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the 6vent of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installatlon Sequence Note: Use the Comblnatlon Wrench For Uprlght Sprlnklers and the cB Sprlnkler Wrench For Pendent and Sldewall Sprlnklers. Step 1. The unit must be installed in the upright position lor the upright sgle sprinklers or in the pendenl position for pendent sprinklers, and in the sidewall position lor sidewall sprinklers. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon'tape. Apply only to male threads. Step 3. Install the sprinkler according to the dimensions shown in the installation diagrams on pages two and three of this technical bulletin. For recessed 'Tellon is a lrademark of th€ DuPont CorD. applications, do not use the push-on escutcheon olate to hold the unit in position. The sprinkler will only f unction properly when anchored to the building structure. Step 4. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Then use a Central Universal Wrench for pendent sprinklers, and a Central Combination Wrench for upright and sidewall sprinklers, to tighten the unit into the litting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 1 4 ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential lorce of 14lo 28lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.-lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in reaKage. Caution: Special care must be taken when installing sprinklers with a CPVC system. Sprinklers must be installed atter the manufacturef s recommended setling tim€ for the orimer and cement to ensure that neither accumulate within the sprinkler. Special care must be laken when installing with a copper system. Sprinklers must be installed only after the inside of the sprinkler drop and associated fittings have been wire brushed to remove any flux. Residual flux can cause corrosion and in extreme cases can impair proPer sprinkler operation. Care & lUlainHnnce Sprinklers musl be handled carelully. They must not be transported or stored where ambient temperature may exceed 100'F/38'C. For best results, slore them in a cool, dry location in the original shipping package. Do not install sorinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painted, coated, plated, or altered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not tunction properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is resoonsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. @1996 Central Sprinklsr Company Printed in u.s.A, The NFPA standard 25 entitled, "lnspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Firc Protection Systems", contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspection that must be obeyed. It is recommended that sprinkler systems be inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. Do not attempt to reassemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. Replace any sprinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sprinklers of the same type and temperature rating as replacements. Because the discharge pattern is critical to protection ol life and property, nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the paftern. Such obstructions must be removed. ln the event that construction has altered the original configuration, additional sprinklers may need to be installed to maintain the protection level. Do not attempt to replace sprinklers without lirst removing the fire protection system from service. Be certain to secure permission from all Authoities Having Jurisdiction, and notity all personnel who may be affected during system shutdown. A fire watch during maintenance periods is a recommended precaution. To remove ihe system from service mode, first refer to your system operating guide and valve instructions. CENTRAL .-|F Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phon6 (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-s385 El ,o,'f,"il[1,,, o DYin water and relieve pressure ii the pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only the recommended sorinkler wrench. Be certain to match model, style, orifice, and lemperature rating. A fire protection system thal has been shut otf after an activation should be returned to service immediately. Inspecl the entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that did not operate but were subjected to corrosive elements of combustion or excessive temDeratures should be inspecled, and replaced if need be. The Authority Having Jurisdiction will detail minimum replacement requirements and regulations. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year lrom the dale ol shipment. Please refer to the currenl Price List tor lurther details of lhe warrantv. Ordering lnformation: When placing an order, indicate the f ull product name. Please specity the quantity, model, style, orifice size, temperature rating, type of finish or coating, and sprinkler wrench. Avallability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Canada, and internationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write direclly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call 215-362- 0700 tor the distributor nearest you. Palents: Patents are pending. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound - 1.36 Nm 1 Psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm2 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. GB.OR,4 o I )et'L,l( )/)ttt,rt I rtl ,llrttt:1ithl. I ltt I i March 19, 1982 I'Ir. Steve Patterson Town of Vail Building Department P. 0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: CMC Plan Review Conments. Dear Steve: Enclosed please find revised drawings, sets A-3 through A-7,A-23 and A-32, together with an annotated copy of Briner/Scott's response to plan check dated September 9, 1981 . In reviewing all the enclosed material with the architect,it would appear that they have satisfactorily addressed all of Chet llorton's comments, some of which were in addition to the original plan review prepared by Ehe Town of Vail . There are two exceptions to this and it is my understanding that both of these items have been previously waived by the Town of Vail Building Deparfment: 1. Counent no. B-20. It is my understanding that you are allowing the stairway enclosure to exit through the elevator lobbies. 2. Conosrent no. B-45. It is rny understnading that you have previously accepted the ramp slope, es at this late date there is no opportunity for it Lo be revised. Should you have any further concerrls involving the additional plan review connents that have been addressed by Chet Horton,please do not hesitate to contact. either myself or Jim Strain at Briner/Scott. Sincerely, JI,I/ jh enclosure cc: Jim Strain Jere Walters Proiect Director .lf rttlttrte ( t )tft( )t.rh( tu, I)LrcloPrncnt ()/' lld,tsliekl, l.ltl. f--l March 19, 1982 Mr. Steve Patterson Town of Vail Building Department P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re : CMC Plan Review Conrments. Dear Steve: Enclosed please find revised drawings, sets A-3 through A-7,A-23 and A-32, together with an annotated copy of Briner/Scott's response to plan check dated September 9, 1981 . In reviewing all the enclosed uaterial with the archiLect,it would appear that they have satisfactorily addressed all of Chet Horton's cornments, some of which were in addition to the original plan review prepared by the Tovrn of Vail .There are two exceptions to this and it is my understanding that both of tshese iEems have been previously waived by the Town of Vail Building Department: 1. ComrenE no. B-20. It is my understanding that you are allowing the stairway enclosure to exit through tEe elevalor lobbies. 2. f,srnrylsn! no. B-45. It is ny understnading that you have previously accepted the ramp slope, as at this late date-there is no opportunity for it to be revised. Should you have any further concerns involving the additional plan revievt conments that have been addressed-by Chet Horton,please do not hesiEate to contact either mysel-f- or Jim SErain at Briner/Scort. Sincerely, Jw/jh enclosure cc: Jim Strain ,I! o t ! ! n n c ( i ) ttx ) ru t io n. .ll u r rrrgi r U< (jener Pd rt ner l(Xfi *ntlb 117)nt.tge R().td ll est. ltttl, (bloftkk) u1651 -)i).J,;a16 {.,60f \o<{Fl r..\tlrtno oH 5 I jtnz h\r . ,. \o cl ti F{ I oF Pz>rrcot-lH @P},trI oro (nEE \] P ooF €ofd ZZrJ f{Fttr 'JFH PN ov Flz oFl \ \ C\ \o o Od NJ \ N h- $ z Fl H h lrl trr3 !J !l F3 Fr r-1 nvl ), FJ trr ru l{t lrl 30 Hh HH r"1 z Cl U)H H rdH o Blv l-.ct lt trr +t- F.l \o3 tV) N A P id td t-{ c{l-l 0roo onott rJ. O 9.)oorrtt o FH-o ri oo zF4 zo. o o..@ ...o \JOidFUF oo. n.n E{O303 bd o. H. rd OF xtrtr>rdD uoEror{HOXPX}'{nn or=co=co=(}.)oco @ - C! tf,J O r^r O z-o-o oFl 3 3 rrtrtFrEFru trI HH}YHD zz4z4z € F<ETF<ooH td oo.UE{Ein c)UJTEO O tro F trtco @ HHP Z rtl or 6\6)Otn ur z O}y H o\o N) rd rd oo oo \o \o {{ o\ o\NN ur rt tl LN LN ur(,(rJ (, ul ul 9,H q, Ul o a o r-1 H.r-l rr P.o H ril H D o rd H r) z Ft o trr tit It z E-r rl1 P Fl 3 z Fl c) 3 3 z H H t{ t{ trr l?{ 3 t{z H t\JPts P('I'OPP uroo H€€ NJ Fl ttl HCNU)rd4 HE!4 |trP},r<<o14trl Pzz LN UU FF o 3 o ldHPC/.l x ur 15 rt id old o P-tr Prt ry o ts-tr o oo ur o. o' OPOH |trO\O0.)\\\ ur NNNq o\@Ard \\\ t HPP \o \o \o \o \o \o H€HUFI oP.5XP qP<lnO o r?o rt o !, o o c p, o 5 o o, o !J o PV zo ot OOHPH ro\o d o rt \\o\o NN)3 N3 6rF.' @'.\\\HHOFO \o\o ur \o ol \o\o o\\o o o PEi FC)HFJ H PP or{ ff ..}' PFI E=ro t{Fz H c) t, trr H H },<U HO vtd rr 3q HFtrI x=F{rdF Itrl 3 FI rd FIr>ooF atctH P.P.=ootd 1|J4 .... H vz ru4 Ptr UtrI <3 \JN H P cnd z or'du dHo rdNtd Ufdrt lrl H fU H Er H z Ltl H H. P. |J.o 4 H H. P. vl P.o EHF(n NHZFO ZFFSOtd 4 H€H Ftr'CN PtqlFlidO r) oLd FlfdP2d HZE OTOUOO HFIFX WFZt-l <ld(,tFrS urordF (n liH'-< t{ Fl nO IOOFJPZ E HFIO )dtrOHF-l >HZO 11 - VrZ rdp -E drHor4 c)r)I, Vlt:d Fl O oHrd Z Z|dtr'CNP U FtUr)<F H F. H@t-{ H ]t ItFl H r)=triH}J O FIEEI=tr Z . t{K' E Fl Er o ld< H El PIHP P . (.) ':d td E },T{HT' lU U)Nl{N HFr O D<rd)d z>ZE F r)c)o ri IrdHd Ulvtr,x HFl(nts zH ltl UoFrg dzut{ = r4z @24 Fl<Fl(n oo]H F: td Fl FltrlFrO +U ln It o (r! H ro ooP co.o:r tt ooto v) o o- rJ F] .3 (,o roou O,PJ<rri o<o,oo!,E P.{ O O C| P. fr 7f H 5 rr!' I z ]'no v) r( o{tl'o!,td < HCr O .l P.Pto,Fl o !, (O H t H.ro oo z!,t!Jct (, E I P:'nJ P!)o Bo lr ;c oE(r P < O, ltH Fr o P.o F O, I i!-- D rr' O td lt<r4 cornd too 3 P.O B rl l, Hi 30 It or,!J!r tiitrttu d ort € dro I t I! E.'z ts. !, tt o r-l |JlrF(< p,o o F <'d qt I H P.!o tq !j oP c {or"- o o oro o' x,E O, P ii oo!,ots. ,d nr o, rl J v' ? -q-- *5?'" Y zo .ittrlP ! ilC O ts !.!u o P.o, o Fr < fiP a, Er P p.P' r,7 9-o9 fr ii r;f 16 }> ' !' ['H ". F]< t r.t t LJ - :9t* H ;i il;ii+t Y rr oc. P 4 tr, o P ff\l! o.r onJ z.rolJo r!t(a o!'FiP.t oo 5 }lrloo.n oo o |A t fi.tH .J I O,O t !r ' p5of N idul o P.P rd ao ur P.rrd 5 .o P.o l:o <rt o t, rr o ,d tt:r {.q PO F.C t, o ar P.Fl 'l:r tl cro o o 5€no, :d ri'o oo o o n P.o .rrON:t E . O rtr 'tt H IOP o P-n o irSgrt (o!,o i, ft o,F !' P.o lo!,3 0,51 @ @!!j o uoro ooE F' t, fi 9, < P!)3 P-O.r o fio " ord\i o lro !'r = I s t t{t 6 o !n at <.'tt tt tl al ,7 (ll FT ox ;;o C' to o flt ;r FE ot 'tr ;'o { Sllt.rl oiooa,oaFo c|CloaaF.oociaaa PPt(.9a.ro.!C'oal*tFta ocra.<ot|lr 99(r r E O gO s ooo{aloaF 3'o'lat.iltFat PFa*.lr-a PPaOf--rrP + t a o o aaa-,..- ootPliirll 4trurFL {FFO'*OOLrl aro €htEr+P*tF.,HEaaPlll|rra FE"FDQ|Jts FOO..|irill rl |l4 cr ltilts oltr'aotta Y H! . < < ' 'l F9C. I EEFE rro*rl!|a r{l*ooE !!t.ttFI Eitaa!tltaPH lll*oo!l alr-ra>.'lF H|l.urFt.rn lJatl'PYo o{aP Ell .lrr{E'JE'tlo.oara||ia+allF lttrrn..!|.o l5 .+ t-l an rt +F -a!P"PPll OEitFF'r^rooaPtsI ..E*,,.t{oolaooorl oortaooo It €x !at I o a o O o at I at a E o o N HD !\ xa :- o z o z !, I o 't-l 9.o rr (D o o':l o f !r TI o @ J !, o o ! o o o tt e o o o = o €f o jr o-o o 1' o o o o l o,t o ct,r-l .\ r o (o !r_ o o U'o d, ;o 5 3 o o o tt, ct 5 !o s.o € E o qt CL o I'"1 l6 l>l! l-o tlt IP t>lr 1, H o tt lt FE Bi; sE F t-a F Y r'J H ()r Ol' ;ag sHB EH E 6)(, : cl z Ec Fr l4 H Vo Fg NE brF pt{clo l.l D,NE IEE I lEil tE31 HH 9g u Ic)trj l€@l c)lH ZH hd lo EIF zl€.. lr{ ,-.v B o F.o o o Ol @ to P o o F o 6I ED rrl 3 \ \o \at |.l ol o ulo ct F,Eru EH €tt € EI tt Ird l. I I z OFI €K rd o tql o 50 orlt c?HF trFq o<frH P. trt o€5.. 1tD N o P o o tt lt-tt''o 't oP-55 oo oFl U rtP I,F 0, rr PO E FO'Ort <P-P-o o5 { ^<t {r} N oo o o 'll Po,Uo,OF-Fn trl P-v)o @) 1t,t,(> o o ro Fl H o z $ FI tt N o z H z 6) 3Z O,P F.3 tstrt P.50 Q F'J H 6)r{ rtu O JF O otd i o dqt o r-- t'l 3 3tr! P'o.. I P.oo t rr )d 3 @ ut l,CFt E tto u 3o E P- tt 0 ctr ct 0,o!, P PA P.oo Ft Hr !t oo o{ !7= tt tDH 0, P-0, tt o tto !,E< u r-o P F.\ o o !, !,rtN 'P- o o .5 rr ,. o tt 'o .F rDTl rr 9,oP-'Bo '9 gct J o 5 9r(E]ro( F ..< | P. l 5:QI ttt ( ol rt I l, I l tt t P.P 9.rP'5 ,la E o il 3 P. r? E 'P o F'o lo'f )F o to ):' :d tP. FN tr<t r? l,o Ot1 or or t Flr 9'(t Or o,H c o ci P.o !' o Fh rt J o E Fl o E o a p, : ,Ft \:' o Fh o P. P {0 P-(P(PC t 0rt Q,r rJ- ( (i|,. rff I rtt 5f O( t Fi(o:o ( 0! |o Ol 'o i ttl o |J-q !Jl 'la, 'ar o r?7 o -\ 0r\u P o c'o H ol :ri (t o .J o 5 o I n o r?l o o o B E o cl rr Fh o o P.a U 0,P.o 1 <t, <t,1/, <f, 1J, l3 3G-- lti 99.-99 l', s g;EE- r lg rrtrr E lF V, 11, <h <L 1D g, ]t, lttl p lJ t-l l'.H oo(, ts o ooo(r(Jlts z 99S9-o.o oooooo oooooo oooooo ,i z o v tt .tt F H o v }l H o z :H F. Fr tr ht rd n o o EI ln v,t{P.E {H l:ll o c!€ o t z EI 4 In v,, t-l .Gt z B cl 7 trl C{X (,F c trt tt6)ot,P.F P- (,tt, Vt F-A oo 5F H o OH rtOHI rto g, ou ol-t|-.|!tP.o tt5 ctrtO O F.}.l ort rtSK P. P.('t' (,) P !roo l5!ro 'rJ(,lt,PO O P.}1 OEF ErHtt rto o P-< O oP'5 o.u . oK o t-.ciO 0, Fl :t 6p oF otq v o..I EH <Fn o r< rl o o,o Jtr oP'€B P-o 50, P0l OE r|u P 0, P.rto oot q, I .t't t o rt u B o 1.,. o.o !, o I n B o )rt 3Z O'},P-3 PtrI P.50 laqt oz HP OB Z ttl t r.il o crq'Eo =oz 3 q, P.P P. .i 8 v ro ro r{H c)v z Fl o g a 3 + , 0 0 I r o o n o o (tt ro j o o v r0 ro E-.H c)v z Fa U' F tll ro a an tr,z .t-il P o o F F F r o0, =gro o @fr oo E oro t't 5 pro rt ou o thc JJ oo oo ft P Fo :'|a o,9,H {t rt, L <D 1t, <t,(NANP oooo('N "{oooooo gl trt oooooo oooooo / z t, =trl o Fll ro F o Cr trt o |l tr trl o F (f Irt .a c)F H E €H o -z t1 o l" tD ts{o C)x I @ c ID (' H H a H o z ru F o H ()f t,. ll f t; t r 0(./)trl '-J @v c)trl FtrI HH ru 4lv t{u zF rrl Oq)rtJ U) o t;I|{ l\-, l'.r IF lFl n l# lil a ), n4 . (D5 <o P. O O ': Q ''l f'l F I S = d cD trl O tn F u, Ea rr E I g | ry p O O P. P. O 0, cr tJ- O C |J 5 Q P !'P S ? o o 5 5 Fn o !t p. o Fi tdF.O O 91. ?. o. o p. r-J H Q, g. Fn o O i-- Fn F OO f-l 5. 7 7 7 a O O O ts. P. Fl 5 cl a,€;t .- _q E- O € € € ct 0, l,Q H Fi p.O lrr < P fl Fi o @ A Z 05 d:5otQf't"'dd-,4 o o o o 3 ts P - tt-o P o P- ts 3 0p.o O O 3 F r+=(r, 7t 3 H oHl c it t{ r-r o'\ F o F oF O 0, O ;-{ -j @ P. ht t, q, g,PP-t1 ri co o u) hP-P .. t-.o a aa 0, PP.(, m E-t F ts,I OF ruz OFJ U'H3 utt H Fl trl FF l{H t'l 'v (/,F U' o B 0r Fn I' 50 €B ttt tt F oo HT Ir QU t1 P-=<P-Ori 5rt - .. q, ts r?o rt H o oo Oa f{ P.oq F5 F tr P z U '@ F ru H z I z OJ o o Fn t o (n ro P. 5rO o5 5(D o t-t t4 x H @ H C0H tr1 Z 6) 3F otrt <ld r{(n U F:l o rr FJ o o (n )t H P.o 0, Cf o o p, lJ ?- 15 o E Fn o rJ o o P. o 6 ri n o o (n q,UE |J to h0 0c trl <P.!, t-l O Po trr 9.Ir F f'i Ffl I' h l. lo- t b l"t lqlt sf -{) H P. 9.| Ct o o P.ta rt FN o FJ o o P. Fn o n o I (h F]rll OX H w('trrH H FZ trt6)B OU,<!c v1 F oc td a z o rtl @ lcn * IH lo5 loJ Q. lPo lo 0, 15 rt l.o ln P. N o o Fn 5 FJ 1l o a o o (n f,l tt (t 3 ts. P.:t a @ P. N o o Pn tn fl C cr a P.(t a 11Fl F{ K frl EH r4r{ cf F H o € H z trl F:F<oro CD TTJ H oo ZF o3 O |tl Zrf Fl ;l tr ql $t + O { TTI I I .t I't + tq o Po r Fl I F.ir F F, rOOZ Ortit{ o o:rd @ oP.cto 0, 5 it J,5FlaOE oP- t{o ,lt 5 Ctci}JC E{ u u5 tt6)oo. o:E P FId Oo H Fi€ Ho z o.Fn6)P0, o F-5 tr Fn r'Qo.rtP-r{7 F-X FN ri! Fn rt rJr< c o ldo Ftx Ft<oorr o P.gJ O O 15 o,o Fl O O 50r t-o po orfFt|o,n O!tP'. O X PP ri O l''€ g o'q 9'ft0r5 dO cr ct rt P- P.p, Fno 5 ta ry 5q ooo r= P-oo o!r u |J. o 0, r-l taO 5PO5 rt P.o o QfO o tr 59, O t'rt E O,o P-9' \<5ct oq ou P EO PO'0ro 5(D F-(,€rd o o 9rod FhPO:I otO PPtr,aa@v riCr. -o. ts o ol,rt g,n2 . 80, o u 0rx. u)X F.- ()P.7 D 3t ro tr 3 rdtr' :to r{iro 9' E{o P-o F P.QO€rq5 c r-l .+ .^ rf,P||w..|\J CI Etr'OOv)o Fno Fn P-^€ FN F1 € pr< o p,, P. ci tsP 0)PO HP. € oP.o P-P-5 PrtOiQ o 50,o F-rr {€5(Dq,5ts O rt it r--n it. o o OOP-- rO o Fhith I Fl r+O o(,5 rt5 cl ltct o o o tno vt uoFt ll rio o ottrf€ld p, Fr P.o o P-3 n x5 3 ri P. F-< P.5 5 0r!aQ $h' I lt t; lE $ PLEASE MAKE TOWN OF VAIL DEPART;\{ENT OF COM]VlI.JNITY DEVELOP}IENT' S,ILES ACT]ON FOR}{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD 0t 00\10 41510 ZCI\T\C .d\lD ADDRISS I'IAPS 0l ct\10421t5 LTNFO R.\ { B UIL DL..* C C O D E U M FO R-\'t PL U YA L\-'G C OD E ol 0000{24r5 0l 0000 42.1 15'l UMFOL\'!.,\GCH.{\'IC,I.L CODE 0l c'000 {x415 UNIFOfu\{ FIRE CODE 0t 0@042{15 N,\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE . s,'10.00 0t 0000 {2415 OTIIER CODE EOOKS 0t 0000.1154s BLUE PRtqS C\IYLARS 0t 00sl'12{l2 | >:Enox coPIES/s'tuDIEs 0r 00co423?l PENA I.TY FEES / R E.I,'.-5 PEC.I.IONS Ol OCCO{1332 i PL,I"V REvISv RE.CIJECK FEE ts<g FER HR. OFF HOURS NSPECNON FELS 0t co00.tt.il2 CONTL\CTORS LICL\S ES FEES 0l C000{l-)30 SIGN APPLICAT]ON FEE .01 c\?00411t3 0l 00004t4t3 ADDITIONA'J SI6NAGE F;E ISI.o.] ;'SR, SO.IT. 0t cttE 421.,t0 VTC ART PROJECT DONANON 0t 0000 4t 33t PRE PiAJD DESIGN REVIE1VIOARD FEE 0t co0042412 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION ?ERMIT COI'IPUTER D *.01 0000 41010 TAX 0i 0000 42371 INVESTIGATIoN FEE (BUILDING) I 'ro"A" our, SOg5O TloN tLoRETH.A.V r00 SO.Fr. 0l 0000.113 0l 00cn41330 rsPEc[AL DEVELoPI 0t 0000 11330 CODE,I"VE\Dt'IEVTS ,'. r. t- t...\ t,1 Lt\ I ' ----1.!-) t \' l @L-O MrU .t--r.li-* * * * * * * * * * . ,.,rJ ,.rlr rrrr,{ Project Application Proiect Project Conlact Name: Description: o^," a/rzfiz '/?//tq L(t dr.k /nt/s - / i/o t'ltd,b,e-, (/rc h #K/ o"d heu/x &/( /.ero.'tttz,lruy'c< &/,tRg A)/./tzu? D7 </tua /oc -t Person and Phone &e arrh,rtrl /i/a, h/no' Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /oo o S Fan Ka h/e:././a,1 C. rus t4rca 14 Qsrn,y'a //' Block Filing &aar' /7b-///Z .------------AbE'/ ,^^^ &s/'rd Y///ab,'--.."--_.-:-J Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: Date ifu/2( Z,/lq2 DISAPPROVAL APPROVAL Su m mary: Staff Approval lho rr* 1 res? @IORAIIO f,OI'NTATN @NDoUINIT'U ASSOCIATIOR 1000 S. Frontage Road W., Suite 200 Vai17 CO BId57 (303) 476-69s3 May 29, 7992 \ , "To: Comnunity oevelopmqil\h\\From: Kevin Mactavish \ S"" \Re: fmprovement Approvalv) The Board of Directors for the Association met on May 27 and Spproved prans presented by Er:r__,r-ohnson of Arnold, dwathmey and Pratt for cascade- virlage coirdolniniums. cascade vittage condoniniums is the former condos Ltd., residential poition of the CMC Building. Specifically, the Board approved: l. the addition of windows on the north side of the building at units r4 and(r8;2. the change to thE interior north fire exit stairwell at unit r4; and 3. tbe change to the limited conmon elenent at the entry of unit r4. These approvals by the Board are subject to applicable TOV approvals. €. J. 47670/z \19 'i I -.----i. E f t,l= \i I -D ,q"i it! : : '-E -rtb i e nt i t 06 I t:i z$t S*= i t..l I rv_ i_ffi + nlt dl . ls l1i t' I { Ilj'f' -l tl !'e -t r v T.j r"r ..i I b h t Itr I rR t I \t $ F I I th l.ti,l\t= t-l=l $F Zrn 7tl :ltE 6lf fld IA'd $ $t ( tr t u gSrXl ? 661,, | 6/9g 1?eJd/iauqlem9,/p I ouJU l{0Ul L9tZ62n OL iG 11'I o f I ,': :{:: .i r:r $ $ ,i +...a ; f{- ri. 9_ I . t0 'd 'lul01 Atrb ".+t Up]Fle cur*b wrHEbhl t?rf LEyEI- 7* F/r{ _. V+' SHEET NO' cot.tpt{IHUHA 1 ?e.rd./ 6s r{ q 1P n 9,/ P I o u., u t9 'd tstz6Lt oL ldttt zeetttgtbs lc.ffcl#ztJ--:_ _ hw s*l**^-rr -_:FXI4Ei=? @,tdt#,- r*t$eterrt 4P uavBl..fL6F n*rH ,. V+r as I z62t 0r Ext+alffi-' c,ar€';tEc*F; l I-'lFt LL'. :.','Tfi .&-b#\]szjrFdgi.,-.: eY' t tzT ltJA ."TJ1.g- +pt*tge-"- zg' d 1 1 e .r d ,, 6 9 tr q l e n 9 .t ir l ou,rg 119g1 S0 tlt z66l / I o/90 o 6'.62 / 4992 tgt 2L FRoI er old/€uaLhneg/PFal,t, 06loLl92 09:35 TEcuilrcus/TELLUBIAN 3034766953 COIORADIO UOI]NTAIN COIIDOUI}IIUII ASSOCIAEION 1000 g. FrontaEe Road w., suite zO0 Vail, co 81652 {303) 476-6953 fo 4792t57 o P.Sl trf,ti "l\lN DRAFI HinqI€E Board of Direetore lleeting t{ny 27, L99Z _1 .._Tlt. Deeting wae called. to or.'.der at l0rl5 AM, RooE 4OZt CltC Building. |Ihosc preaent. includcd Eay sauiaberry, Douglas Cogawell, Ectuy aitting in for .rerry Uullikin, Xivin W;11,Uargarst Forken, and Steve Ldndetron.. Also in attendance were Paul eEegg, Kevin l{actavieh, and ilulis Gri-m Reeves. 2, fhe ni-nutes for the ttarch 9f 1992 ueeting eere approved 'r,rith a correction that the, sourh sky brldge nas rhe reeponii_Uitity of I(eetin. Motlosi lth. cogawell; second: Ua. SaulebGrry.Unanimous a54rroval . 3. Hotion by Hs. Saulsberry: that l-tr. Lindetrm be appointed aE thc fourth mem-ber of the Board, to fiJ-J- the vecrr$sy left for cmerciar propertiee representation. sesendr ur; cogewell .Unanirnous rpproval, {. .lrhe loard_cxpreased the daliEc to have an annual nenbership meetirg in iruly to addresc Aceociation docunente issues u.nl alection of Eoard nernbers and officers. !tr. Mactavish rriu u.Ege l{r. iIa.neE wear. s office to co,qrlete their study aia tecomendations regarding Association documents. 5' Brie trobnsoE ..orf, arnold, GFrathey Enat pratt for Cascadr virlage condo[iniune presented ptan-s for interior chesg3r affectlng cormon and li[it€d comon crcucr.rts. The propo6al involved: 1. ths additi_on of uindows on the north bui3.ding at units rd arrd rB;2. the ohange to the interior north fite exit unit r{i end 3. the change to the l-i.uited corr[on elfl€nt at unit r{ side of thc staiwell at the eatry of f1l_i?l_-{g= lLlDroygl, !IE. Cosswell. Secondc MB. saulcberry.unanrmous approval . l g.. Ilotion by ur. cogEvell! tha-t-the eoard alrprove in concopt those inproveneatE to the ground revel ""tw ;-oili as prcaented by Hr; ,fohnson on behalf oi ur, Ray Brennof and cascad€ vilrage londoFnirlms. eubJect. to finar approvarr by oth.ri -i";i;eG; cascede vilrage Aesociation. rha- iFi;are'fent would need a;addresE ttne schedule for corpletion--iieally to O* cgordinatad with the forrr corn€r' Eit! i-utrrrovement-iniiis-tio' of Bnow ahedding, and coror/desiga of awniirg. secondl frr. saureberry. YaT=-"19_-approwal .. rt was nored 'tt*i tn"- gr"""d ana entiy i'rqprovgnent rourd revert to the Assooiati.oa for repaira -- i-i maintenance and. the awning wourd be a f,i:rcuio-or-iieoaae virrage cendqiniume eubject to repairs and maiute'anse uy-trrac "..rri"nil entitY' TornL P.gl F o E (D F 6 .F E a! "d ci z ts =E LU o- (n uJ uJ u- = = UJ ss*s$sN c'r r\ frl v ts H B H E !u tr z o J F o F F .J)z o z z s) UJ F z z o J c0 .6 o z z E o Qn Ltr 93 cEv tr IJJ <F Zn VZ a< o - (o .Y',.:6;1?d gbE;E eIH:I €EE:s-e =.s# IE;H EE,E $.; t"e i sE;eJ rEig! :(a'"oo :E€HB i6E:=:9E3d (!0-:-t=0)oc sEiii o (!:; o E: E" B HP 3: * ge$;E (\\f + ts =c uJ (L z o l d) Y c) UJ I o z c I E F uJ J UJ (J z E . -o tu = UJ uJ z o UJ E o uJ (r o 3 uJ z o UJ o F llJ o- f z tll X uJ o (n uJ UJ lI- E = uJ -J F F z o J 3 J t- gJ J UJ z =J 9 z uJ NO[VnlVA t- F F F 2 F B 2 2 c F F F U 2 Y 'ZZU-ooo F^tlrz X:l >Y F9 OE 66 E Zt-O o iJ 9.1.(JzX l!<o* d ul-n gxE aXz rNO N N =>E & E F H B E t<X E z E f J { CE E. uJ F O o o c (L uJ E, z E o o x X tr e. U.J F 3 z t z :)z Qa FL!<()o<:s > cr-9tr 6o <z tr z Az dd 3tr OI l z 9 I F (! z F 5 o z I -l -l I -J xl q tr I z z ---1- 3 F ;l o o o 3 o l ,-I '1 |()l Fi al Jl <l i-l zl zl .. >l o uJ o uJ ul z U)F c LU (L ) z s =o I -l I -l I "I >l ol o z tr 6 E H.!-o-u ()t!)$l I fq t-\r-(o -+\J O lrJ tr U) c0 o -z F IJJ Y IIJ o o F E (r UJ CA t! ol I o- nj ol t'l tcl tz uJ E= TNT E (r uJ L! uJ z a 2 F c JF ll,J -h=:c O. LIJ >o-O|!9o 5ut xo-x>Ir-J TL IJJ (D o c o E cl o ot o ,= t E E o o o --- z ,n o Z*.(Do =z 0LL ifl oo= =*i A;E ts =E UJ o-z I F o f E F a z o C) tl tl *l Tel - $sl i sl <l .s pl >l o,c,l *l =l il =gl 9l vr t!t Ft F =l El Jl <l il ol zl 3l ol FI =.1 ot IJJI ccl il zl 3l ol H \' $ I \o Fl H =o zl rdl >l r{l HI ('ll rrl I Fl I ol '-{ |fr)l r-{ | I qrl <tl [!l s I a E rd ol 14l Fll Ffl "l zl HI =l ol FI ol 'l u{ =4 H { (J ah 3 $ ui z o z_ J tr c.l rn F- I rn \a ( uJl ccl JI <l il F E F F z 2 r C) |lJ E ir =*E F Oz F E F z. C) ) d F UJ J uJ OO zt- g3 )z o-O <F r!<ZE t!F (nZ (J F IIJ tr I E -+d- -tit{ltl o z ts =E llJ o U' IJJ t! l.L E = uJ o- $s*s$ s N o ( F fr trl }( H F (J H t F J I l!l! z J uJ F e.o F E F I =o z - U) UJ F z z I l o .6 z z !t-:9 E lb o i: G -:4, ! i ;;;E lE Effi iEffil rtigi 96665 i;E Eg :-oi 9d nto-!-c.; rD u, tr stErE : H i.;; iEiii (\.c {t L =E gJ z =o x UJ z .) ; rlJ UJ z ln o- 2 UJ = UJ uJ z u, G 3 _lll uJ z -q F ul o- 2 ul x uJ l <n ul LU tL F =G uJ o- J F l* o z J 9 e F lu J ut o z =J z ul NO[Vn']VA p F F a , F E 2 F I Y t o =zZtJ-o oo tr ^ 6z g5 >e F9 OE aoe Zt-()oij.2 (JzX E<oq -.g-F fr aXz r(\t(, (\l t >0: itr *I H l.{t E x x I z tr o o- (r llJ o o o uJ g z E F x , tr UJ 3 LIJ z =z l z 991 ?5 o< =H Rtr bo <z rl I z. 2=--: F fio 3d OI !l I tl I tl il lot tq Itr lu tr a u) UJ z Y o I F F z F 5 g)z J a ot 7 -+f I _j ql <t :t I (! o 3 o <l trl zl zl .. >l UJ o UJ ul z o =(r uJ (L ) z E o l -l 1 I I I "l >l ull ot z tr u) J N I ,a / ts H r tf)l*-(o *rf () uJ E a o o 'a z F o uJ Y ut o o F t- E H,.o C'\r! ci o1 o-F+OI o*rcD tn uJ bE zo it t- i J J 1 I I t z ,no ZE =z l=JO (L U- ts =E ul o-z o F ()3 E F o z o () trDtr z tr I I I _l J c) F -J E 3 |.1 F {A 3 ? E ui =z (n r{ E e q H I -t t ul =4 x 2 d x H ca H B o E o = o .t <t .c $ H E ()=E l! UJ c o F H ct z o c) z E IA z t :E tr o z UJ J ll.o z B p I'l lco Fl : tr .i z uJ tr u-o z =o tr = tr o z uJ ! l! 2 =F I I I t.q,n r{lo LZ Cc;{H 1t)d<l '* >l rUl 1r -lol -l zl >l 3l al 9l u-t F I (t\{( u,l ul F uJ z 3 F LU I ()E E <F r,u <zE UJF r,t z JE <o OF FS ;F -,2 ilo .-o (9 z o =) I z i5 vt- =2 +e ;iF Y,Z =3 (r o Eh ry fr Oz ,c) J <(J /u92 lJ.l x ts uJ o- IL |ll o z o F 9 G o" )l-llJ -h>3tr IL IIJ >o- oo \ LIJ xd :>EF J J tt ru co o F c o E tl o o o tt ,E 5 E E 8 'io la- |D l>F bE -o.=o :tt t s )ifi z?1 =oi dil=ffir h F $ tu F o I !I , I : ) )) I ) ntr! z. (99 =e (D0 =z 3p "dg =*3 €sE trtrn =TE lr.l A lt o Eg E<sa E9 rcL EE l>. = u.l EF 8H :fr tr:- EA iB si UJ ao o F tr =-t b =E,trl o- z.o F C) =)E,F U'z o C) *'- o c ar- (l.:, EHI:E €fr eE; E.= E F 3 EgEIE iEEiE g; g"e: SE;9 J ; g;€E iEEgg oo-:-.E= 6' t,) tr et!t€ iEiiE NO[Yn'lVA z:'u.ooo tr--utZ 95:e ag of, .noE 5b E 3= 5 o* 1 H6 s Eq 3 -o|(, J rt- I >tr t) ltr I zl .. >l o ul UJ u, v,F ul G z o t o z ts =G r!o- I I d (,z J tr F o J 3 j q ql (l <rl ',1 \..,/ |(-l a-l -l-,1 ui z ID o -.| O 7\ s i A c 6 al ll 5l ol nll a vl UI d q CI {J d :I| A (J JJ i-zl ,,^d.t 5l ' 31 5 lll ('-r ol " EI ; |1 ld tg ifl JAI H TtrHF I tl c,FI ol ;l Hl JI <l >l sl a g t 9J: IH H; UJ z =o C)u,tr ()g, tri -rOl <Fl E()l lJ., < |zEl uil a'1 JC <o ()F, E3 gE 6o lo d, 2P E3 DF d.zo C) dE 13 E6 H,fiE ,.9 J <() r }? Y Y.Y )<)< t-rJ . \pproved : ., :;:l Town of Vatl Communlv Dovolopment Plan Bulttt Health n 'ffit' tr tJ "t \618 rJ\ ^;''u*"' ^.,4; *cv ,rw Flrc tr n il::':' i'l , , '-'$1"': ' -r''r1 issr!a:'iie 0r Eralliil-''l ci n !6'mit or ai\tl'Jr'r: ' 1"-;l: ..':i' *ueli'irrt'iit I'najt rrr,t de construsd to be a.perriii.ti: '.'1.-t" er0rDval 0f, any violatlon ot tny oi $te provisions ot thr: r'odc !i"Ji.iv tin-ti]ordinancs ot m6 iurisoicbtion' The issuance ol i owiiil riilJi' ipot plans,.specilications and otlt-t- 9311 ^tlt" nor pf8vent the building orrrctiitrom thereafter rtquiring.the ..ir;.ti* oi errors in-saict plans, specitications and otna' laia." I r' l-tl(lT)IIATE "l/l O rf Lol,lr"g t:i [{tt .*rr4d{ ht . '".'. ',-I,rl ro CALLER TUES WED CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ---,\l-a'r n,/uA- READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: Ktt*ou.o tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIQNS: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH /WATER tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,l \ '"rij r^rsffctoN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL \ PERM DATE IT NU ER MB OF PROJEC \ -\D T JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: SPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr o tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING fi".ilr:) POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS q coNDUrr tr SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,.- '/.2 oarc ,//- f-7? rNSPEcroR NEUMAN CONSTFIUCTION (303t 94=-75,0a' OO43 N. lvl€adowview Ct. Glenwood Springs, Colorado 8150'l December 17,' 1990 Co'l orado Mountain Col lege Att : Kay Sau'l sberry 1310 Westhaven Drive Vai 1 CO 81657 Dear Kay: r spoke with summit Mechanical and instructed them to call you prior to coming to install the sprink'l er head. you should hear from them th'i s week. If you have any quest,ions, you can call A] at Summit Mechanical , 945-2491 . upon completion of the sprinkler work, we will need to order a final rnspection from the Town of Vai] . since we will be out of town, and r imagine you wilI be closed during the ho] idays, it would probably work out best.if you could calI it in and schedule it for a t'i me conven.lent to you. The phone number is 479-2139. They w.i.l I need the permit number which is 4675; also contractor name (us) and job name/address.If you could handle that I would apprecjate.i t. r will contact you when we return to verify the comp'let.i on of the Job. Have a great holiday! Sincerely, t , r .V- '=--<iC&.ie / Lc-ct-r'l lrL \- Jackie Neuman jsn - =rb.'tl I L<\ \ =ttt-? |\v c)o =3n {7 F o {6 z ! -t nt -l7t =l=ml el { {o .0 m ir lrI t IHE I 16 I tiu i lr;i :lta r I t= n! s t= -1 .a l=t :x=.6q 3$a2 g! fi1 I !m , 5 -{ fifl8 3H5 1n2 FP"t- DND PE 2=o@ z=6o z !!H 9z =q mt Ll Ei o Fg [s<Fo L11 \o!@m \OI -{ -{o tp m x m !-{ o z (-o @ 9, m O O (,J -O ()r 1o -{ c?n =m - z !l- =g z o o 9."{m uz >m c)F -{>or 7 t-o o z =m iE l9 -l €z o 'tt F t m 9'z o {o E z o !t 2 -t m 9' 2 o {o €z 'rt F t m F' z o !!3 H b'H z (t Ft F.q H H z E IF t?I' s,\o I \o (,| H t- ! o\ I F iIgIF EEEii lci IH l14 IF t=t;; l,< F FJ z U)H F €H z >U <F o>ze erq N) N) >2 =G't v2 {>*e ar!vm to mn Po €2 m ! o u o o z J , o {o !.I o , -I (t m ].n o |. o -t z 0 9 r-{o z r 'o m -t g, z m m 0 m l<' lz lz t-i It l- t(4 t; !I I -l !m m t-m o llil o ll'- " il lltal Ol iltl ll"l ill ill ttrl tx t:l>IF lq, t- I l- t'lz tg.lz l* 1- I I lr-to IO +- I I t- l 2 o F -{ o z -t !m -{I o x z trl g, t-- m 't m o -.t 2 -l z r m o m <,, €m z =-.1 I 3 z z z m { e m t =z I o z -' m p< Da H 6 -{ !m o v ! -c 5 2 G)NF FEd e l3 s ?9 voo 3: eH 2.2 - j oo o 'Jtz2 {o u - F>_ NE= Nm=tr I -5-<E< = U) lqI P H H P trt H z id 3 H z I I N) {o 2 2 o F @ g 7 g z o z o {tr a z 2 o 0 3 2 t I I > m =l :l 3r il QI -l I I I I I I I tl I I I I I C-r z F H at7 Cr z t \o @ \o o t- !m F ={-rt m m U' c (t tn x o |.m z c !0 m E .4,{ 0 m .2 o z !m =m {o o v a m o E n d 2 'n m m =m o I z c, - !-c - E z m |-m c) v c, !t- 2. -m o : o c F I -o !m v =-t !m u ={ 'Tl m m C,' v tuATtot{ H F.] P r 3 m o - 2 6 !-C =E z o m F m o 2 o - o -c'2 e, !m u ={ -o 4 N !o\\l cRr*?brc/ w? c)o z U)-l F c c) =o z 1l rn n ={ ** { tl'of o;mi nh.. Ibo-PgE ii(D PFf Y^o i=i ;=8 ,nt=f <=: 6 "'€ ! -{^{ -!a o mE i: ^=x ><;i -5 F ={ni >:9=aur m :r>3F == =rra\Ell/-t \:: l'/-- -.' I ---f l, - , \_)/ DW l{ m n m <m@ - --l \J >=z =OO YP t- !!D 3P z=(]@ >- 6o z o a) '....r >;Q, o m -r z 6 C) z -{ o o.,,z;-{ /- ;=c)=JZ xC) m t-m -.1 o- o I C) c) ZA nz >m -{>or C)I --{m -{ z 3 r c) F {) g e clr-mm 6A o>'l- l{ l-n lE t=tzl lol EI lrn I tol lal ll I ll -{ l--{rn lo f,i= l.t> JF lft la lz lo I I I I -{ I I I ut a- r I I I 'Tl l-z Fi tn Eti tzl lol BI I-|lrl tml lol 16 l tl ll tl tl E t'n EI;rl=DI r]I krl lnl fil rl |l tl ll tl ll lq t: --r >i.r fnc :o ; =< = <a J^ =5?3= I I o =o z r ttl t 3 -t o z m m l<" 60i >n!.im r o z € gE; 'o>fi s 8 g ;; ee e9 g Hl*l=lP Hl!lgl='z l> ll lq ul-rl=lz 2lel9l' = l- | t- | z o -l m I o o o -tl m =-{i o @ m x m - z C-o @ I m d I o -r. X i m \Nt I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, -\ - N\ -\JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: MON I INSPECTION TOWN OF \..r'..\'.,.'.,' REQUEST VAIL CALLER ruES Q6'r THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.1-&-siqFn...- tr GAS prprNc T PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL T] n |-'t f \\ .\) nl- rrrunl r'\)- \-\i1. tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER FINAL FINAL tr tr tr tr zffFfRoVED i ,€ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR NC.PRO POSAL P.O. DRAVER 5920 AV0N, COL0RADO 81620 (303) 949-190s FAX .945-9l5S FROFilS ISUBMTITIED T0 goo rokott enone 976-lg)o DArEo+l rgifrS STREET 5203 S. Camargo Rd.Joe NAME cMc Flat *;"t *"p"rr" ,ffi clrv' srATE' zlP tiEleton, co. so l2 3 J'BL.cArloNcolo.fuItn.college tim ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS Vail, Co. JOB PH0NE ,,,ffi ROOF .NICT g DECK SUPPONTS TO BE REUO\rED BIf OTITEPS. FILL il'IfiOILES FROU P rl IIAIN FLAT ROOE: I'ITN.IIA r,tou,rnovrlxll 3t uAlIflLLE. REUot/l PJ?ERBOCK AIID SAVE IoRlEItSE. oln nustrin cut*'ltlurraNE t' orlr FBou rEpJlrETEB.s r0 ALLov lilE\f lfilt RnBBEB To rIE llt- (eA ofr ffiridl.-.{K'ox oms srsglrlcA rI ous.) crlre TTESXTNU.OVEA*T.IiCTTTS. COIIEA\,IITI{nIVERROCTiIALLAST,AI}DITqNE\fROCNASI'IEE!E& cosT FoR voBXrspECrEtElIt,ABorfE oN uAlll nooF: $.1,J21,00 cosT FoR LAEoR oNLT: $ 3,340-00 ON SMALL IJPPER ROOF: $T,OZ5.OO coST FORLABoR oNLT: $ 539.00 ' Pogment to bc ','.i t oo.sruFor c oMPLETI0N Authorized signoture Note : This proposol nrry be withdrown bg us not occepted rvithin-3g Feturn signed copg to our offi ACCEPTANCE 0F PH0P05AL rhe oboveprices, sperificotions, ond oonditi<rns, ore solisfoctorg ond herebg occepted. You ore outhorized to do the rrork os specified. Signolure ^sEt ABoVE FOB OPTIO.IIS P Dolt PRO POSAL P.O. DRAVER 5920 AVON, COLORADO 81620 (303) 949-rSo5 FAX r 845-9159 PR0P0SAL SUBMIT{EDTqI Bob Kokott pHoilE gZE_zS5O idgFA'"'EaMi rtut Roof Repairs ,.t:.l# clrY' srATE' zlP tittleton, co. Eo l2 3 JoBL'cATlo'colo.trvltn.college a"'ffi ARCHTTECT ,. ,1, IDATE oF PLANS Vail, Co. JoB PH0NE ,f,,lf1$ noaE! rf DED Br UAITVTLLE. nEUOvE p.l',/En 8OCK aHl Ser/E r_qr xIUsE. ',g4lg wl lIt'ltfa a\rlr4ra .----' ----- t- - - oLD nrlrlEn. ilrnlinrnneNE 1' our Fnou PERIUETEBS ro ALLov cconnllls.ioisixbxinr.s spEcrrrcATlolrs.) GLrJE NEtrsEAU wITIt rA? cEllEllr. rlsE 6' rr.esrum,ovra,er:iiCirrs. covEa\,nrfi BInEBRocK BALLAST, ABDIINI NEt/ftocx As NExnEIlj fosrronvoFx;#icdriliarorn oNuAu,lRoor: $ 1,12J.00 cosrroRLAEoRoNLT:$3,340.00 ',v.E',. -v..'.--'---' - -.. .- ,t ?xcrFIED ron uaru nAT Roor. xxcEPTIl$ A ! ':r: ;:: ::: :j i'l*"i ATED 1IITf,'.IIECK{SI'PNOBTS, VITICN DO NOT APPI.T IOB THIS NOOI. ...,.=.IILL t l. a ,.r..\r5rJ!r.r. tu... --- - -- - -- ----- --- -- _ I lsr -COSI rOnWOrg;difCrItU.nlA8OtfE ONEXIT ROor: t 3,032.00 CosT r'OntlEOR oIILI:vu.|l 5 rJat : t'r|Jrlei.l'ar..\rgr& s sr ' n$rorn noorn'rs eHr a-Y=ELlt0l:=Ills]+tlrT,s,1gsJ1+r::tl;:+?:g:JIIAT.L IJI' 5 &Il'rlll,.rtl i:t,I r-r..5r,r.r TovaBlliuAlg*oor:al,:fi48:: PERFoor. Ilwtell loosu rxrn rpnu e@ sprcrEts$Ilt .l l., vAAlrrll.1l||l1]rr.||rJf !t5i.r,..r.. v--. --.---1-- ----- ----- -- --- sE4S. INSTAT.Lia;rr,e.ffirun uanrns. rusr.gr.L crrsToll GRAIIEL SToF AIIO PAIlrr r0 UAT PLEASE SEEiAEOltfE Pogment to ber O,S'UPON COUPLETION ACCEPTANCE CIF FR0PUSAL rhe obove prices, speoificotions, ond. oonditixts, ore sotisfuclorg orrd herebg occepted. You ore outhorted io do lhe vrork os specified. cosls vill be cxccutcd oril1'uPon vrittcn ordcrs, ond w"ill become on extro chorge over'cnd oboye the estimote. Our vorkers ore fully covered bg l/orkrnon'r Comgcruotion lnsuronce. AND 0lTIOllS AVAILADLE ---------- dollars Authorized Signoturc x Fieturn signed copg to our office.-ffi ^sEE ABOTTE FoB oPTI,qr$-- FI Dott I -s I t j -; rt \9 o rr) I. -+_ F /1v -J <(t- t-I -9.(* rJ AJ --1- t-, l',, I \J 4\_r .g v") \ /_,f- cD .-9 \'/ ,s X-.Ac , ,,.rE-- if,o {i (r]-t ,:( qJ 1:\:_ (l i : I I ''--- \l<\l i!f-- i , ,--/ j n r-'l LJ ..s o rr) T -+_ z-Y _J i..- t-t- )5el t a JH a-.. Eq<E i* e-f,? ^d3 € T \4 'fr € )^ (1 u)(_ ('- aj *t, s '9 (I'- a._ (1 qJ .- -( i.J o o fl.=J EPS Toper Syst rn /'t n p"" f+ -To' st"pe. as >id;."-f-{ \ aci\orJ aru idno.-I,5 ?rf TH corttsrnucTtou |l{c. P.O. DRAWER 5920 AVON, CO.81m C,[d.c. 35 o C,Ntc. [.-d EPs TLpe r Systu-r..u /'t 'p"" f+ -Tb- st"pe as )'ott,t"o-fed bT arfo..> o^' d,no'".r,\t PTATH COI{STRUCT|ON, |t{C. P.O. DRAWER 5920 AVQN,CO 81620 1 .35 t L:r:rl r:rF:Afr:J l"ll:lr_JNT A I N rnNr]ilf'lI r{ I r-IM A5::;r:Jt: I AT 1r:thl 1(:)t:)(:) :;i{|u f fr Fr.r,rrtas* Rc,ad [,lest i S itr? it:]C) Va.il, tl:rr1 rrr.a,l*'c,1/:,57 F1e r, :l:1 1 l.fr|J? []1 ath ll.*nstr'r:':t i *n tr.lt, B*:',: 5??(-r Avrrr " ll. rt 1 r:r r' a. rJ rl 8114,;(l 'Tc, trtl-r crnr it frla r. ':':'n':er.fi: This I r:'ttsr' auttl'r'rr'ires F"l ;l.th l::':rn!itr'ur: tji':'rr !,1 pg;.f rrpsr r''t'tf r.er'ai. r. aL t l-rr:, l-1,:l r,r'adrr l4,rurrtai rr Fuildirrsi l';-J:c{:l t^l{t s l: frav'srr Ltr'iv*i Vail " l::{' j ':'r.i!'l'r, V,s r'i' t r'r-r 'l r' 1'o rj r'g , n** P f*.a- Arr,Jr..ru.r ft , l.l*r.r'i s '.ie,:r'etar'r'--[ r'd, a. -.. r.i r e r' ll:r: I r:r.ArJ,r i\lt. l--:i,rrtJr:r. fisS,iC, Afrt'J,/i F ---1-T->t-l I /. ^. =JAT' d (! tn E*l:ts E Its 5 Im: 6 19s ) lai = S l1 E s I-?m=r-l 1 3=.6€4o.d!g,?SE fi9 I !m t { =PF 6tr=T:i o t=z =oc)gF - !nD 3P cc 2=0@ 2= o6)z D'+ tX' D'+xilxlx ='?i a//,1\ \-----t c)o z a {F ?o =o z T -r ln ..l F +l=mf el { F{t F- \o I m z o -{m o o ! o -T -It m T =-t I o @ m x m !-{ o z (-o @ L i m ,// ,ar: Y,'1. ?/ y/ '/r.'7 I | r'-'Y \ I I O O C! c)F. z,O {Ur c)+ o C) 2p -lc P= da @ z =m =m I z c) z -l t o i o 9.n -{m nz >m OI' or n an l- =O :-{ Ol I o\o\ l\) *lg E I I H l) F lo l'n t< lz t; F lF D! -{o =z rl I -,n 9)z o dH {F zl O lc{al lft,<t<> lE,Flo a l.!Kl- zt tc)el. I r.l NI ?l Pl I I 5 5 N) I o\o\ @ l\l D 5$si tigi =Eac (,(DY= = -.o 0,c f ..- lAnl 9 or 96. 3aB =(o9+o ae1€ fE:E ;t a 9.3 5s3'i :ESI Po6r = =< = EgF; 6:3.E 3 ; E*g eFiE o s.o {s o o -o c =o J @ =s @ o o D o. o o o =o r'" lF c, lE x17 .lE }iJ E t- ._,! I c t m o n o €z m t =U'm -'n z I m o €z m 0 I =z r m =a,z m m m l<' lz l2 IE :. o r I tm tx lr I€t>IF l@ T_ ]_tz lz l' I'-t-- I I I z o t -{ o z 'tt m -{I o ^z m (/, |.c m q o -.{ z .n .t z I rt m |- o m €m r tr z a c 2 -a I o = -t z =Q I z m { I m I 6 z 4 9l |( f z t- m :n -.t m ! o t :rt l- l =z li H z H z F' v)s F F Fl 14 F f-l F i:n N!-91 x! io >al Zo ?9 oq "t!= sb -t 66 z2 P>- N@= Nm= ('I 5-:r< = -aJ afl lzlz 3m a)n Fr> a trl()x!r-r !ura HO HZ 6e -{?6 at 9.. H z g c) (rrl -l >l 14l -l zl ol Irt X H rq F H F r4 H r{ H z cl F z E v, ,Fl zl tdl 'l rdl tsl FI 2(l l-t I zl F H A IH IF |l4 t<tFl lz lH I r-i lz lc)IF lF lu) Fd I I lo ttn I =z o F @ F z.o 2 o {m .A =z o o =z u,i a 5 -l m ,<Oi -.2' =ol ;i 9;> iil Z6t H H]N =F (r0 { Fm \o @ \o r! z F H U) F{ FI N 5 \o @ \o i o i t- !m a =-{'Tl m m (t c o n { x o t-m z ! m !o t4 -l m 2.o z E m s m {o o ,o m o m o z n m m =m 2 o - t- 3 g z o m -.m 2.o |- !l- z m c)- F 2 6) !m , =- !m a ='tl m m (n VALUATION !m a =-t z o H H F tri -m o 2 o - !- =g z o m t-m c, I t- @ -9 z o 5 N)\o h.J o\ e \o \.| l.J tJl s's' N) \rl o\ (J) cR+ dcsas Wfpf .x c)o z a c c) =o z \,m =-{ - * 6.:m; i] t=t ^F>o- ol-: .=- rn .= o -- =!t=: 6"€! -J_{ ==O rq{ -ll Y-l ^=P ><i ; -:a -o ;i =:ar=nts !(/)m t:>3-- o 2a >m or |- c)o z C)-o x3 zR 8= 9v ll orl -{ tl mll ll .. :. i:1. af @ 3a cr rd=C )-= =FX o;"'.> f-.- lb lz It ie l(a tg lt, t'J q (vr o €z m r-d >=c): o; m '?l m =-t IILJLJ o; z= >= o"'z € o 'rr r- m 6, \|fz':- dd.:a- gJEig . P:oX<i*Qiio,655eP .Eg=i i s:gig o=-F i o=€ +3:Fg 15of-9'sg:r!x $+aF;- *;Ei;| =-E cJE 1...4F-9i3- lk .X .*a:.3' ls' ES € n=-t= I t ew;€;.'= i SrA-= igc I txE l.: =' I $fF=ii I $ l5r"e; H i, EFiSi I h\;6 =; I J tli; i3 g \g;*:€ | SSIF I >.t oa rnc o:€"' {z)alt I ol !l o o o i .ll -'i P-O'.ct<ex ! o.iq 6); :EE 5s : 9e ;m=(.. =a-5<3n P !€o|n ia =Z ;9 :> =gt (t o ol I I I > lln o lx 'l=t> | (/t o<n_o .m o =o z f ,tl ={U,z nl trl o an 1.9 c) z |n -{ -t |-t m =n m m u) m n m g, I I k.P 4D ft op F I I -t't5 I C| - c) o I m o = c) o fit € o a:1 'i- VATUAIION vl n.l >l:r-l >lz t6 t> t z I I 0 I ili o1 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 oo TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VATL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 1.5, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anv person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material , including trash durnpsteri, portabre t.oiLets and workmen vehicles. upon any st,reet, sidewalk, alley or public pr?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n arr Town of Vail streets and.roads is approxinat,eJ-y 5 ft" 3ff pavemerrt,This ordinance will be striLtry enforc-ed by ttre Town of vail PyPli: works Departrnent. persons found vi6latin9 this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnateriar. - rn the event the person so notified does not conply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLric works Departrnent will remove said rnaterial at the expense of person notified- The provisions of this ordinance str-arr not be appricable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furt, please stop by the Town of vail Building Department to obtain a copy. rnani< you for your cooperation on this matter" (i.e. contractor, owner) c)o <. U) -{c c) =o z t 3_i ft:!;^F)''- .im! -{ -.-ol-: i^o rD .= o ; -:F==<F: 6'"€! -J-{ ==O rq<a^+: ><:> -=6 =E |n >:ar=-x tvl tn !><=:m n|]-Fl l-r 'n t?r =-t 3nE >-= =AA o; -' >-|- I I Tl -!o; z=O->=--o"z TI |- (- z m = =F p p rt ,JI I fio >= =c)q)> o o-Z.: <=cia d "t= o an E lr w ;c- ct d l€lz lo t3 l= J|n l; t-{ l€ lo t: l=t: ltt i o 0r-mm atA o>'r T'm 3 X :3 :"m l^,1 1"" cl lruo lb. I $'.9 --!'-Itl =-t ir-O{r)<o!c"l .39 ag oa e e;.= s5 !g ^ro Sra= L,= =< = i= :! =Z 'z i U'lr tl tl rl z>o6 _=9 ia - O'> o' z c =u, I IU' l>l; i=1 'rl trr I ol tft I I -l <l >l FI rnl I I I I >lFrt-r olxlF 9l:lR tsl; l- |lu, I o-<nrt m o g =o z 7 !tn =3t,z m m o m I eF,l !- F.; Eeg . ;:"=-:goX..i a3 g *.Ei:ii F;:*6 5-''^-; :: gB =-=: =: c, 6 g, =9 o oS 3 d.e T gsiE; Ia: Eg | =-! cJE I k\E;-j;s'i l$-Sis=.= I \5:'53"= | \39501" N N:.";;: H $Yi3?: g $€ sie; fl :\s:i: I I wF+ i t, l< lz lz li c, gr 6)r ol il ol -l z'2t ol <l >r <l I I I o z 2 o F C -I z o z o {Ft U' >at >=6* i> t?t c oi :; .-. ol =l zl ml 3l rl -3l 2l 3ll 2l ol ol .ll ol ttrl I I ol >l -l CrO- a3E t ab =.:io: o -.* o ro t |D o vr tn 'tt t m =-l n rn rn at, _c o -o 'o .r| c) .- c) z t:l trt € ! t?l l-{ t.i t- m =-t n m m aJ7 VALUAIION F tn o o ol 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 oo please stop by a copy. Thank I .trl I' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VATL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT I{ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn surnnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is urrlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , ,;i; sand, ctebris or naterial , including trash durnpscers, portabre toilets and workmen vehicles upon any st,reetl sidewaik, ;ti;y-or public pl?:u or any porrion rheieof. The ri.qht;i;;t-;n atr Town of VaiI streets and.5ga-ds is approxirnateJ-y s ft" iff pavernent,This ordinance wirl be striltry enforcld rv-itr"-r"vrrr of vail PyPli_" works Department. pers6ns found "i6r"[i"9 this ordj.'ance wi-11- be g-iven a 24 hour written notice t-o remove-said material .rn the event the perso'so notified does not coinpiy with ah;---notice within rhe 24 hour time speciii.a,--a;"-il;iic works Departrnent wilr remove said rnateiiat at itr" ."p""le ot person lotifief-. The provisions of this ordinance sha11 not be appJ-rcabre to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in tne-iighi_"_ruv. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full,VaiI Buil-ding Department to obtain cooperation on this nat-ter. the you Town of for your 7 L<, /.c-'tt a'- f .1-'f v I Date t ' ol oo cascade Theater Renodel C.l,t.C. Building Rn. 2J Vail, colorado February 22,L989 Building Tlpe: II FR Occupancy3 A-3 PIan Review comments and corrections: 1.) Platform stage is to be construction with nonconbustible materials or fire retardant treated wood through out, also fire stops will be added in the joist spaces every L00 sg.ft.or a noncornbustible filler added to fill voids. 2.) Sound insulation batts with paper or plastic backing is not allowed in this type of construction, aI1 insulation rnust meet class II flame spread rating. 3.) Construction is to be have 1-hr fire rating thru out, structural- steel columns and beams fire rating is to be maintained. 4.) Exit doors and frames are to have a listed 2o min. rati-ng with setfclosure and srnoke seal along with panic hardware. 5.) All drapery, carpet, seat coverings and waII coverings are to have a class III flane spread and a smoke development of not more than 450. 6.) The projection roorn is reguired to have supply air and exhaust air and arranged so as to provide !'tell distributed air through out the room. Exhaust air may be connected to the equipment vent per the U.B.C. sec. 4005. (c) this exhaust air is to be vented to the exterior. 7.) The projection room is required to be provided with a lavatory and water closet, this nay be waived where the projection roon is conpletely autonated. 8.) Seating rows to have ninimum of l-8rr between each rort. 9.) Subrnit information on the acoustical wall and ceiling coverings, material must be class IfI flame spread and have snoke developrnent of less than 450. These wall and ceiling coverings must be applied directly against the rated assernbly. ol oo 10.) Mechanical ventilation systen plan is not cornplete, provide 5 cubic ft. per nin. outside al-r per occupant with a total circulation of 15 cubic ft./nin per occupant. Provide proper balancing as reguired. 11.) Film storage and use has not been addressed, if celtulose nitrate filn is used, storage nust meet U.F.C. sec.84.1O5 (a) and U.B.c. sec 4006. L2.) Electrical plan is incomplete and is not stamped by licenced electrical engineer. 13. ) Fire alarn is has not been addressed , submit plan for approval. 14.) Sprinkler systen head location not shown, suburit plan f o r approval . briner/strain architects 143 e rneaOo,,v cir var colorndo 81657 1303) 4 a6 3038 ol .o Ilarch 3, 1988 ljlr. Frank Freyer vail Ventures Ltd. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 8J,657 Dear Frank: Enclosed are ten copies of what I hope are the final drawings for the CMC Theater Renodel! ! Also enclosed are the town's plan revier^r conments and corrections. r've discussed the issues raised by the plan check both with Dave Yoder and Gary Moran and r believe the enclosed plans address aI1 the issues but three you will have to address. Since Dave Yoder felt I riras more farniliar with the building than he, I put the mechanical changes on my drawings and then had Dave review and seal them. This norninq f dropped off two sealed plan sets at the town. The only thing holding up your building pernit at this point is review by the town's planning staff. According to Gary, Kristan Pritz is doing the review and believes nine additional parking spaces will have to be allocated to the cMC building in order to grant approval . Gary thought you have the spaces, but if this is true it wouLd reduce ttre spaces available for future projects! You should probably talk to Kristan about what is going on... There are three itens on the plan review conments that you need to address in a letter to cary for his files: Items {7, lavatory and water closet for the projection booth. obviously we can not do this. However if you indicate to Gary that the projection equiprnent is automated so it can run unattended, Gary will waive this requirement. I think if you can indicate the eguipnent can run unattended while the projectionist goes to an existing toilet, we meet the requirement for unattended operation. obviously the projectionist is not barred from staying in the projection booth because there is no toilet.Iten #9: Flarne spread and smoke development requirements for wa1l and ceiling treatnents. You or Fred Bickford should provide the appropriate nanufacturer's data sheets to Gary. Your suppliers know this is an assenbly occupancy; these are standard code requirementsi so your naterials should meet the requireruents Gary has outlined without difficulty. a. b. ol .o Mr. Frank Freyer March 2, L989 Page 2 c. Iten #L0: Special storage for ceLlulose nitrate film. We rnade no provision for this in the Cascade Theater projection room, since ce}lulose nitrate filnr was not going to be used. I assume this will be the case for this theater also. ff not, the equipment supplier can provide a snall storage unit conplying with the code requirenents. fn your letter tell Gary what your plans are. If you do not plan to use cellulose nitrate film,cary nay require that a sign be placed in the projection room warning against the use or storage of cellulose nitrate filn. Several other things you should keep in nind. The theater seats must be automatic rising, f believe they are, and must be installed so there is a ninimurn of LSrr clear between the back of one row of seats and the front of the next row with the seat in the raised position. There should be adequate room to do this but you should be sure the seat supplier is aware of this requirement before he starts his shop drawings. I'am sure Gary will check this after the seats are installed, so everyone should the alerted to this requirenent. Sprinkler and fire alarn shop drawings are to be submitted to the town and approved before these aspects of the work begin in the field. This requirement is so noted on the latest drawings. You should understand that design of these systerns is the responsibility of Fred Bickford,s subcontractors not Briner/Strain Architects or Yoder Engineering Consultants. From my last discussion with Gray it sounded as though a perrnit allowing denolition would be ready by Friday (3/3/89') and a permit for the entire job would be ready next week. Fred Bickford has been keeping in touch with all of this.Last I heard he lras going to try to start Monday (3/6/891 .If you have any questions are connents give me a call. Sincerely, cc. Dave Yoder ,-- -i a -/, ...!!r I \-rr!!a. FtrJ t3 'at ldo i-. I l\:.1I rl-Li.,j l {,1 ftr*-#p :oi":d"-_r}giter Reuodel ,!:Ti c. _ Buitdlns nn.. -zJ-vall, Colofado- Februar? A2,Lggg 3Hli.'lgylq:j rT 'n Plah Revlc[, eonn€ntu and Correetionei tt*-;fi;il""t:#"ii,id note than 4t d-) Thr lrr:oJ"".aJ, rurrrn {- --- -;" sevel'opment of not" #.riif xill}*",#;tiliiiifn?H",Ers#r**{*oa#ncgsrlrnr. lh fl;if#JTll.ilulli*"iiJ;lfi13l|,:^rylylde(r wfth a oO rr . L/? p. e/B 1.) platforft a zzfi1-i*$f{:t*1Ht}":q*r':*tit'+"tilt",ili#rul il'#x",l'-"f bffi ' r,@' u r.) conetructrots "t"uotiiii-lt13 t tl"?ir|}': "l-ll -it ""- .ra t I ns t narntCrn'-. sreel corunrnl.Ini u""ru rrr" Iitr"Ti".t? o") ,{ -4' ) fI* SriFir;r,1,jTtr"*rir r""".y""1*nrr"itio rll,rrr;ffi ,!21 4 t. ) *1.1-dl"p:ry, carp6t, Be,f .,^.,^_r- Irlll i;;i*n"f 'sx ;ff trlil-Tti.d,fr#,Hs o,ri,!t tn "ari:gltl9..to*'q oo n. ;;;;*=5 *^(?Hiil;fffffi:frfi# ol 16:45 YODER ENGINEERING 13 '89 l6:fli oa FEE E4 '89 FEB P, t/1, P,3|3 o- "' ili$ffiftji.d'*#'i,fl#{. *hhifl,E*i, *r1 s'Dara L " *11lr9r'."r'r"rgJ,*ru: LT""?"-' .,*,"o,.ao'"ll"l ;:"'r":3 t_ l#T:;.fl'l"l;.1#: LT""?"-'*l:io,isfii:f."f. ;.11,;:ll;r?:i\a-, J[ - !:., :i::fiff:i Efit"*,'rneonrpror. a*d re nou araaped o" ,r".ntslE 0 t .d;o;tf* le has hor bcen addreaaed , rubrnlr Fran ,gV"v L to'' ,t$ii'lf.ter rve ten h6ad r.ocrrron nor ehown, eubnrr plan , " I { or*\g.F'M d oo oo To Whom it ftay Concern On March 3, L989, a permit was approved for the conversion of the CMC conference space to a theatre. This change was allowed for in the amendrnent to the SDD in the Fall of L988. The conversion caused the following changes in parking reguirements: Conference parking Requirement: 1387s. f . conference = 6 spaces L387 s.f. theatre= Ll.5 spaces Net difference: 5.5 spaces Existing Required Parking Theatre net Increase 422 spaces 5.5 Total Reqd. Parking 427.5 spaces l-o? Parkinq Mix. credit -42.75 New Reqd. Parking with Credit 385 spaces Existing Parking Structure 421 spaces New Recfuired Parkinq -385 Remaining parking 36 spaces Kristan Pritz March 3, L989 \Arr\rE}.nuRES,- Gary l{unrr in Tqln o{ Vall Builtling Dept. 75 So. Frontage Rd.Vail, Eolo.81657 Re: O,lC Rocn 2J Renodel Dear Gry tlarch 7, 1989 Thls letter addrcascs the plan chcclt cqulcntg which wcrr not couercd in the rruised plens suboitted by Jin Strain. Iten 7 - The pcojcction equipnant uill br eutqneted such that it can br le{t oprreting unattended while a pro-jcctionist uicitr the restnomr facilities loceted rlEewhcre in thr building. The rrquirerncnt {on a lavatory end ulater cloret in the projrction booth iE thcnefore presuncd to bc waiued. Item 9 - Enclosed are copies of flene tprcad and snoke dcvelop- ment specifications for meterials to be installed as part of thc seating within the thceter. Additionel infornet ion fon the well cou:rings and dreper irs./scre€n will be forth canring frol suppl irrs shortly. Jembon Inc . wi I I suppl I the requ irrd in{onnat ion {or bu i I ding matrriels. Item l0 Lfe enc advised by the theater openator, Cascedc Village Theatne Inc., that they usa only sa{ety {ilm thus el imineting any special stonege nequirements. The seating is autmratic rising and will be instellcd so thene is a nlnimum o{ 18' clear between the back o{ one nqrr of scats and the fnont of the next nsl with the seat in the reised position. As indicated on the plane, sprinl(ler and {ire alarm shop dnawings will be suhnitted to thc Tqln {or approval by the contractons involved.If you rre awere o{ any othrr problems, or hauc any quastions, please do not hesitate to call. cc Jrnbor I nc. Cascade Villagc Threter Inc. Cinene Filn Systems lnc. Frryrr r0OO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, V lL. COLORADO 81557 r (303) 476€602 FEB-??-gg CLIENT: SUBJECT: "?,i;iilffi;.i;*fr; Crlifomir Divirior 55t3 Tclcgqb Rpr4 to Anipla, Cdif-oralr 9004O rcrcpmocitlii) izi-rrar' Teter; 35{01t o Fu: (213) ?22-8151 HEPORT OF TEST Numb€r 179020 Ll28/sE sBATrltQ coxcryIs 33?0 Stb Avenue, Sulte 200 P.O. Box 1089 San Dlego, Cl. 92103 FLA$TSILITY OF PIASTIC REFEnE{qEr Clleotta letter dated EIlrPla,IDEI'IrI FIeiFtOil : t/?,l/EA aad stgued by Janes R. llalsh' ODe sample of grey pfasttc speclmens (10-5'014' ldenttfled bY Clleot as! RBs[&f,Qr ASTU D-635 x 0.51n. ) Plasttc used for outer back ol cbalr llodel BI-2A4 and BK-206' rBst RBQqEST rtxD IBf,EoDl Ffamna,bll:!.lv. per ASTII D-63S, "standard Test Uetbod for Rate of Burnlng aaa/or siteit tnct Ttme ol-Burnlag of SeIt Supportlng Fiaiii"t ln a Horlaontrl tosltloa"' Test,Coudltlousl Sample Coo<ltt-lonlog : Ag Recetved' Fuet TYPe - Natural Ges. Ignltt6-n Ttne - 30 Secoads lmplngernent Avefrg6 Rrnge 0.52 0.50 - 0.53 't-ctrltt Page I of I ng fi('""l"u Anelyst tlt ll rborliortcr In: New Yorlr r Chicaso r Lor Anseles r Richtand. ^:....T:':.1.-: ^."*::ti,"r,;,-O,lil^fr iii':i.'.f:,.i'i::+iit',"#lxj,"*l'lll,ir.i'";alltf;,^n:^i,;";'*l.illfr"i.lixl'#i ii,iil*?ilfil'#iii ;'"i ;";-.;:if x- '-r iof r rorr-*icf i'r t' u^-t *'!r 'rrt ' or s rtt^rlrrL' rDr i'rE^r e' 'r'ren u.ri 'F.t ,r, ,to ttarrt ,rrr'.q .o,.ii;-Tfr' ct'?'uiii'iii di'^urr c'o'rrror ttoc'ar 'or ?|.' \rlte a S/GNEO FORTHEooMPANV "/i i. 'J'-:l. t/tlt - 8Y N.C. Trlaldad' SupYr. Aseltst \-:'*"..,",i1:.',"'l;.",.":.':,,,::,1*":,,.:t*'ttt,$..$ffi'.,i"}t,'.fl*+.liti*gg.ii",li'r - irir:,ic'c c v, *i'."c o., I r_!r ^r 3 ol;;l;c;'l#:":":.16,f,il'::cii vsa Ot tr( tAvl ot .ri.r?10 llr i::'i;ri:l; ll'.tn;'"".l';lg.',"lll'il'"'Jii."J riii::iiH I tlll'tlO I rrt,VuV Ca tt'art g^rl to.tr toa a Mcnb.{ ot tho SGS Cl'oug {Sociitd Gdnirrl do SuNQillrnc'l FEB-22-Be ro CLIENT: SUBJECT: U= sErqrrHG "d;#, r lr l- 7ll? r lt P - E3 NUMBER LA 63?01 4.3-E6 United States Testing Cgtifornla Divlsion $5t TGrlGR^tX l0A0 . Ld ltr6t tll, cAllf oANra Fo'o REPORT OF TEST Inc. TEtFREIiCE r CllentrS confltmation datcd 3'21-86 pet Jose Lctayf. cllentrs lettcr received 3-26-t6 per Yvonnc E. !!artinel. Qne sanrple Subnltted and ldentified by the Client as: Foan Cusbion. : TEST REQUEST; Flanrnabltlty Der Stctc of Californla, Burcau 9f Hone Fur- ;i;hf;;;:-iitii-t-iieeister ?4, lio. 3s, 8-l?'74).1 Pata' SEATING CONCEPTS lztzi $ilchlre Blvd. . Suitc ll50 Lor Angelqs; CA 90023 Flrrnnrabillty of Foarn Cushlon. ;i;hI;;;;-iitil-t-(neeister t4, Io. !ls, 8'l?'14).r Pate.-iiil, Ftit4rlaUillty'of-Uphotsteied Furniture, lechnicel Eullstin Il7: f'leglllcnt Cellulsr ls", bcfole'tnd tfter . "ReSillent Celluler is $tDoldering Screening I $ectlon A ' $estlon D - Patt I, Matcria rg lng . Prrt ll Uaterir TeFt", ' g rcNEDiol rnl QQMPI'NI ,rffir" Frorr-or r , i l;!ir]itntu"'cl "'cl-'-, ;'i AnarysE iictirlti"trsupervlsor \rr V.tod.tnr llewYbrl . Ctrlcrgo r lotAngtlct ' nEhhnd r lul3l r'l'odr*o t -.?jt::::\4.rod.tn' x.*I'*, Ll_ 9ll-.-t:^^.'_-?rAnotrct ' 1i:11':o- '- I:::: -:, TA:Io r r"rrnqe ,!rtl. lr.r.. ?rrrrrr trrrrrr, tr a!to!!t !.i, r!-r!r-!l- fT .la-r -rrr t.t..t"rt rrt .' lrt $!!r1-!-t!rr lrri rtr |rrrrrit- itt -tLti r'!' lrt l'rl It lrt t.rtlr rtrltr ttrrt arar..r tra Or rla llrtl a. trlrr.'r l.-,- aOi lTiTilir-iirii itt iirCr 'rrir' rr l*rirO.|f ri-fri irrr..t rrrrlt rtl trlrl Crt' rr.,arr,.r tr rrr otrrrr ar ,.r ,rrr or t.t ..rr , t..rta 1.rrr. ririi.!'cii]!.il iic rcrr r^rrr'rr ril-rl'li iiiriiiiriilvri -orr rtlr'r rttrt "rt l' l" rrrrr.rrr rr ,r.<trr..r rrr.rr.rr ri rra 16rr 3.rrratr! fr-o rrT,ll-l.iiiiii i ilit ri'i rrtlr.tqrrrirrrri ui iilr-ri irrliril l't-(rtr'r lr3 llll 'rlr'r.rr.i.* rrr..rrt r.l rcr r.r,srrirr 'ar rrrrlarrrrrr. or rrr trrrr lir' rli iii iii jiir-ir-'cr rrt -e^--r-rir iir ijrr.-lr rr rrt.irrrrv rrartr'rt 't rrt!!'r ttrr r.* ^rr ..r.,.. .r.rrr.rr . .e. .tlr*r t.rrr rt rtr.rr ,. ,.',,'il'.?.iri.i,i -llilt-tl -*t-t!'ltt ifl-f{5t -ii'rJit rrr i'irit rrr*r t"r'r ?rr FEE--=.=-+-r *L After Fl ane 0.9 1.9 2.t 2.0 2.0 r.E 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (l.la x . ) (t'tax. I (Avg.) 1ltax.)(Max. ) s r0 t5 6 3 Fl ane Average I nd ividuEl Gtow/Dr ipplngs Length Avcrage lnd iv I dua I REQU I REME}f TS : After Aft er Chst' -= -=--' -- o =. ' i Unltcd Srrtcc Tetting Compeny, Inc. CLTENT SEATIIiG C6NCEPTS \-, I . Flernmabi l tv Dar Technice I Bulletln ll7 Section A. Part I (Second s ) : Original 0.0 Cond i t ion 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Averrge 0.0 After Aging 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.q 0.0 Average (Seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 spec lnen gcconds seconds gecond s lnche s lnchcs Char Lenqth F.b ( Inches) 1.1 1.7 l,l r.s 1.S 1.{ F,. E4 Nunber LA 63:01 r.3,86 Prge ,-=T-22-Fje rlt i _,cLlENt SEATI NG ' Unitcd colicEPTs o===-::=-==a= $trtrr Trrting Comprny, Ine, Nurnber LA 63201 4-t-86 Flarrnabilit Technical Bulletin SectlonD-PrrtIl Spcc inen G._ The rretght of the non-sr,oldereci shall b- 3reater than 801 of thc COF$lEliT$: . \-/ The subnitted sanplc, identifie cushion, fieets the flamhability Callfornll Bureau of Hone Furni Bullettn llTr Section A - Part foam fot each tcst specltnen origlnel i-eight. gs foEm the' above Technicsl - Part II. 99. S 99.6 99.5 I 2 3 d by the Client requirements of shings, Title 4,I and Sectlon D \ ttttt*t SU}'{\TARY OF RESULTS REQU I RE}'IEIiTS : DruCEPTs EFITIruE 'u- {,4 s \&) tr T :=Er::rT I Flt;-J-=C* F E Rf ARNAII' CE S P ECI il CAT IO N S Colorfastness Llghtfasiness: Abiasion Rcsislance: Ultraviolet StabilitY; Flame Resistance: Static BcsiStance: Stain Re$istance: Bacterial Rcsistsnce: Chemically Inert: No color change (Croc4ing Wql fesl) Minimal color change (Crocking Dry Test) Exceeds 2Oo hours (AATCC 16'A) Can excced 25o,oo0 double rubs (Wyzenbqaq Tesl) Minimat degredation al 350 hours Fabrics made with Marguesag Lana olefir't yaf ns may bs trcated fo pass the lollowing tests: I ASTM E84 C/ass A California Ftamntability Bulletin 117 Class I BTFMA Votuntery Standard FFI'.78 Dept. ot Commerce CS-191-53 Clirss I Mareuesao Lana olelin yarns inhibit stetic genetation Marau€sat Lana olelin yalns /e$isf wate/'-based $lat)s Marqtt€sat Lana olelin yalns rssisf the grcwth ot bacterie, mold and mildew Maroudsa€ Lana olelin yatns are unharmed by bleac't and other harsh chernicals Note: "Cambria" is Seating concePts name for Marquesa fabric- triarqLr6sa Lana ;s a ,e!'rle.ed :fadenlark lor BCF olcv 11 yarn produced ov Amoco Fsbr!cs l4d Frbe" Cgrnparv F.. laE \Art\rhrruRES,,, Tqfi OF VAIL 75 SOUTH FRO{TA6E RD. vAtL, c0L0.81658 ATTR.|TIO{r 6AfY HURRAIN RE: Fl-ff{E SPREAD RATIN0S Drm 8ery, Ploere find rnelosrd e copy o{ thc neterirl to br ured in the manufecture of strllrd in thc thrrter being conrtructcd Bu i I ding. thRcH 14, t 98t {lrnr spreed/reting o{ thc thr novie rcrccn to bc in- by Jenbor lnc., in tha O{C l{ you haue any cqrnrnts or qucstions, plrere rdvlse. Frank B. Freyen III l00O SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, vAlL. COTORADO 81657. (3O3) 476€602 .. -;._ __-.,_.r.-.._oo CALIFORNIA F[anroc Retardamt Ghennloaus amd Febriles Gcn@ra[ amd ["finrnfiticd Appilneatfion Gonecrms APPROVED LIST September 1gB8 JAMES F. McMULLEN State Fira Marshal o nt o TSTOF tinoH FE eEclSTltAtlOH )F-196. & ler 1or 0-5 142 Hu c kr] ho v en \,le:t €lrrn ur v (024)33/409++OEg PEooUC? illl,lE: polymar t!!06 FIgER/pR00ucr cgilposltIoil: polycster contrd ulr,h soft pvc F'lane Retardant qual liler for llfe of Droduct. .t - a .a - a a a a - a a a a - .a ra .a - .a ta _ a a - a a a,a a a ! a a REelSiRATI0l{ fF-397.01 HyDR0-p0Lyt(ERS LTD.tnserlqr/Exler1or ruw tanil-ttrvur[Hyrgrhlrr, England P09 2lt0 070t 486350 SigPHIi-$6'lE+, Etpistt r0ft ?' !i if ft:J'$;tfi:J;i, *li ;,i i -t tiJi i, yr Flrnr Qatrr.dent qv,rl l!{cr for I I le uf pr*lU6t. - - t a a -. - a.rt a aa aa a /a.-. a /r. a,. a a r - a t a - a REEISTRAIIoT{ rF-3g€.01 SKyLt}lE 0lstLAys, !Nc.lntrrlor ta3lS Foriitno'ni..,-io. Burnrville, trtt{ SS337 (6t2) 894.32{0 P100UCT t{A}.lE: ,020 polycarbonrt. thrrt FiBEf,/PROOUCT CCilp0sITIUN: poiyiaiOonite otarttc I a a a t r t r a - a -a a! - aaaa.r ra L -.tra ra a a a a a a a iIEGISTRATI0N *F.J99.01 E!|!gl,!A FlLq SySTEttS. rNc.itrrsr.tur 950-i. 'nirutit-nd."' G'l end lra , Ct 9t 740 (8181 963'5949 Pa0DUCl NAYEI Pr^oJ ec: tcn F lSER/ PRooUcT ccr,rr.us ti loilr F'l ai€ Retaftr ant qual I : i es Screen s FVC perforrteC / ncn ilr?oretrd for 11fc of pruduc!. rlAH|lERsTEt$n ruilS fhtinttr. ll -aa-ait raaaaa ( r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL - CALLER TUES WED THUR ----@" oarc 9/tuo JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER $rnnurrue tr o tr D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILIN G tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANlCAL: KHEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR gr. Sit,r: --*i(?.,r,.l t f- f..-.- (\(= tr FINAL tr FINAL !$eenoveo L''.CORRECTIONS: -DBTSAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR $(b qkp -.\-i i/9 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME @D rJ_ CALLER TUES ( READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI ----€3 PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB tr GAS PIPING tr;,-I tr-i tr{ tr PLYWOOD NAILING \\ LATION '-:;i r', ,r *L E' t^.--"il -'-'- tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL n' f-rte. i)n uv'.o-,^rS tr FINAL -O*PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTbF INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - 'JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:a, r'\ Nl WED FRI AM ,PM Bl o tr E tr tr tr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL -a tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTBICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS b tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL N FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffis{cp . _t *-., / u \- ,l ., , PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo* 3/ll lkq INSPEF;rJ*oN, Cne 1.. ?vrt AS q REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON I TUES',WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER - PLYwooD NAILING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL \ E tll.-':Lt -6I - L-'^l^.t \\\i.-Uf<, \'r-4'-\''hr E z"J \ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR pfiFsrc, INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME CALLER MON TUES WED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT fiava BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NA|L+ E B tr FINAL tr cl FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICALT tr HEATING tr o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE - JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FR r \\s -\ts\Y N S PE CTI O N \'-- N- \>' -- TOWN OF i1 REOUEST i VAIL BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr BOOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL CTRICAL: .,) rEM?..POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL { aeenoveo IGORRECTlONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ffislop 3:kq PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D^IE SleLa l."c INSPECTION: INSPECTION REOUEST JOB NAME MON TUES WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,.- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR .--E-Appaoveo L' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED To Whom it May Concern On March 3, L989, a permit was approved CMC conference space to a theatre. This the amendment to the SDD in the Fall of caused the following changes in parking -lffi,?3, for the conversion of the change was allowed for in 1988. The conversion reguirements: o o Conference parking 1387s.f. conference L387 s.f. theatre=Net difference= 5.5 RequS-renent: = 6 spaces 1L.5 spaces spaces Existing Reqrrired Parking Theatre net Increase Total R d. Par 0? Par New Regd. Par n9w Existing Parking Structure i+Cr 422 spaces 427.5 spaces -42.75 385 spaces 42L spaces New Reguired Parkinq -395 Remar.nr.ng parrclng 36 spaces Kristan Pritz March 3, 1989 o 4vfr^!- o 6inru e ?TAuern lr'util e : 1lp*te- Mul {nuwat- vil_ .'f MAt)LeD ln(nrv t' @/L> 5- /r 7t Jtr'{ 75- e( 3FT til ffiAqur& laAD. aeztvo, tl-t /t6-/ :Pf 0o ,j Our New Phone Numbers Are! 479-2r3E 479-2t39 75 3oulh fronlage .o!d vail, coloredo 81557 (303) 476-7000 December 7, L988 olllco of communlty devolopment Mr. Jin Olson Interirn Center Director Vail Learning Center l-31.0 Westhaven Drive Vail, Colorado 81652 Re: Cascade ViIlage parking Dear Jim: Recently, r discussed with you over the phone your retter dated November 9th to Ron phiJ-rips. rf you would rike to requesc free or discounted parking at the vittage or Lionshead parking structures, please let me know. rf you wish to proceed with this request, the staff would schedule this issui for discussion with the Town council at one of their regularry schedured work sessions which are held every Tuesdaf afteinoon.From our discussion on the phone, r have the understanding that you did not necessariry wish to proceed to the councir at this !l*". My inpression wis that yol were trying to enphasize to the staff that there are certain tines du;in; the year when parking is not available to meet arr of the parking needs of your students and staff. As you know, the special- Development District No. 4 for cascade Village is.in the process of being arnended. A new parking s_tructure. is proposed on the southeast corner of thl prop6rty.However, the parking in this structure is not proposed to meet parking needs for the VaiI Learning center. rire hevetoper has agreed to rneet aI] of the parking reguirenents for the irnended special Development, District. The owners of the property are represented by Mr. Andy Norris. The applicants aia iequlst to treat the existing plus the new parking- structure as one structure in respect to the anount of mixed use credit that ygulq_be given per the Town of Vail parking code. Staff and the_ Pranning cornrnission supported tha idea-of treating the two parking structures as one structure. This proposal will be reviewed fornalfy by the Town Council on December 20, 1988. I would ask that if you have concerns about the parking sltuation, that you contact elther me or Andy Norris as soon as possible and definitely before the rneeting on December 2oth so that we may answer any of your questions. ff you.would like to discuss this further, I would be happy to rneet with you. You may. reach me at 479-2L38. Sincerely, .t r n.l l/.1 llEl l\rrffdn frllf Kristan Prtt)Senior Planner KP:br cc: Andy Norris Peter Patten @ COLORADO MOUNTAfr{ COLLEGE rr/ 9/ 88 Mr. Ron Philli.ps Town of Vai 1 75 So. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ron, I an contacting you to inquire about the possibiiity of of the Town of Vail assisting us in parking options for our students. It is inportant that we provide some parking options when parking at Cascade Vj.llage is not available. Our student population and registration is going through some exciting changes. These changes show an increased interest in acadenics. The Vail Center will have 16 to L7 graduates this acadenic year in our two year Associate in Arts and Associate in Applied Science degree prograns. This shift is due to the naturing of our comnunity, changing attitudes about access to college education, and our core curriculurn and articulation agreenents with four year colleges that nake tranfering easier for our local students interesteci in continuing their education. I would like to inquire about your possible interest in provi-ding free or discounted parking at the parking structures for college students duri-ng the winter season. Parking in the Village or Lionshead would not be as convlenient as Cascade Parking, and remote parking usi,ng the Town and Westin shuttle services would require some rreeducationr about parking. The lt/estin IIoteI has acknowl edged that instances on parki.ng not being available will probably cone up, and suggested that we be prepared with alternatives. It is very important that the Town Council continue to review the Cascade Parking situation, and that decisions be made that will actually meet parking needs for the Cascade facility. I have attached a copy of Kay Saulsberrys August 25th letter to the Mayor and Council regarding our ongoing conerns on this irnportant natter. I have included some student headcount information broken down by semester. Fall Semester, our busiest has sone parking needs between Thanksgiving and ni.d- December as the semester end-s. Our major concern is Spri.ng Senester which runs fron the second week in January to nid April. Most of our parki"ng problens are fron 4 pm to 10 pm, monday through thursday evenings. There is an increase in daytime classes, however I would specifically like to Rtf''NOv 101988 VAIL.EAGLE VALLEY CAMPUS VAIL LEARNING CENTER 1310 WESTHAVEN DRIVE VAIL,oRADO 81657 (303) 476-4040 ask you to study and consider the Town parking structures ability to help with weekday evening parking after 3:30 pn. We currently use a parking ti.cket validation starnp that is kept at our office to approve student parking at Cascade Village. This same system could.work with the town structures. If it is possible for you to support our students with reduced rate, or free parking it might avoid some difficult situations this winter. We are postponing nany of our classes during the chanpionships, while our classrooms are being used for rnedia officials. This will cut down on student parking during this period. Your support and review of this matter wili be greatly appreciated. Any support you can show our Vail area college students would be a very positive nessage frorn the Town and I tm sure would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the tine to y this natter, I would be happy to meet and discuss this with you. l son in Center Director cc. Vai 1 own Council Kent Rose, Mayor Dr. Bob Evans, CMC fplorado Mountain College 2 9-Ju1-88 Locati.on Historv: Vail Fema I es Page 1- Males #9"======================================================================= Year L984 / 85 1984/85 1984/85 1985/86 L985 / 85 1985/86 L986 / 87 7985 / 87 L986 / 87 1987/88 7987 / 88 L987 / 88 Term Semester Code Tota l Students Summer Fall Spring Summer 9a 1I Spring Sunmer FalI Spring Summer FaIl Spring 4 5r_ 452 453 551 562 563 67L 672 673 781 782 783 L239 1045 116 0 609 1007 9L7 629 108I 929 7?6 115 9 833 t[A 6t2 637 363 616 503 388 6R1 534 451 l5J 500 NA 59% f,)% 60% 61% )56 62% 61% 5t4 58e" 63% 60% liA 41% 45eo 40? 39% 45t 38? 3 geo 43eo 429. 371 40% NA 434 523 246 39r 414 24L 427 395 325 424 333 tl Urrdqlicated l-lea&ount Trend 5Ct Trrrn Codr o a i! oc o :!t,f LO .E J jlst 152 561 562 G71 672 C7E 701 742 70J jt Ausust 2s, 1s88 C _-€oLoR{DO MOU NTAIN COLLEGE Kent Rose, Mayor and the Vail Town Council Town of Vai] 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, C0 81658 Dear Mr. Rose and Town Council Members: It is my understanding that Andy Norris has recently proposed additions and/or changes to the Cascade Village development and is seeking Town of Vail approval of those changes. I do not know the specifics of the proposal , but am aware that changes in the current park'ing requirements are included. As you may know, Co'lorado Mountain College has been concerned about the adequacy of parking at Cascade Village for some time and now' after five years of operation, some of our concerns have been confirmed. For example, . on two occasions thls summer, .June 14-17 and August 5-9' the Westin Hotel has hosted conferences for organizations from Colorado and surrounding States. -Because of the distances, most attendees drove to Vail, and the combined public and private (Westin Hotel) parking was not adequate to handle their guests plus Cascade Club users and CMC students. The }lestin Hotel was cooperative in providing bus service from the parking structures during the August conference' but the frustration and inconvenience were not well received by our students. The l,lestjn notified us early this week that between August 25th and 30th' we may experience a parking shortage once again. Apparent'ly a conference and a tennis classic at'the Cascade Club will fill the Hotel to capacity and additiona'l guests will be coming from other local lodges. Most guests will be driving in and it is anticipated that there will not be sufficient parking for all of the Hotel guests and our users. Although I cannot provide specific dates, we experienced a similar shortage of parking at least once'last summer due to large conferences. Additionally, last winter Cascade C'l ub use was extensive, CMC enro'l lments were high and as a result, the parking structure was frequently filled to capacity. Day and evening users are overlapping more often now and it is the hope of a'l 'l businesses here that during the winter monthsskierswill stay to shop and eat, potentially compounding an exist'ing problem. CMC doeS not have user numbers fOr either of the parking structures' but is -r' attempting to get al'l available numbers from the Westin and Vai'l Ventures. l.le wiil also bi conducting an infprmal "count" several times a day for the next 2-3 months to get a more accurate picture of the parking structure usage. As re compile the data, we wil'l keep you informed. VAlL COMMUNITY EDUCATION VAIL LEARN|NG CENTER r1310 WESTHAVEN DRIVE o VAIL, CO 81657 r (303) 476-4040 :., i ,i'I r(t llith the comp'letion of the westin's conference facilities and a tightening of parking in vail and Lionshead due to mountain expansion and resuitant increased skier numbers,.we anticipate that the Castade Vlllage structures will be insufficient to handle the'users. At this time, I respectfully request that you review Andy,s proposal with a careful_eye. toward.ensurance of adequate-parking. Non! of'us can operate successfully here without parking Eiii-dFieht inf6rmation indicates wb are already on the short side. Further development without additiona'l pirting cou'ld cause the demise of businesses herer'including Colorado Mountian Coitege. 4l!!orgl, I will be on sabbatlcal leave from August 30, l98g until september t,1989,,Ji_m 0lson, Interim center Director, valli and oi. gou Evans, Eleiutive-'Dean,will be avai]ab'le to-work wlth you ir the-need arises. And thank you, in_advance, for your consideration o? our concern, and please feel frte-to'call upon colorado Mountain college as you review Mr. Nbrris' proposal. Sincerely, . r ( ,t -/lb^46a,\-{ Kay. Sau]sbemy U Center Director cc: Dr. Bob Evans, CMC Jim 0lson, CMC Kristin Pritz, TOV KS/j c (' a I TO: FROM: DATE: Design Review Board Comrounity Development Departrnent April 29, Lgaz I.REQUEST cororado Mountain college is requesting a sign variance to allow a sign of approxirnately 3J_ square feet that will read, rrColorado Mountain Collegex to be mounted on the CMC building in the Cascade Village complex. The sign will consist of cut-out wood letters paintea forest. gieen, 10 inches in height and approxirnately 32 feet fongi The Town of VaiI sign code would allow Colorado Mountain College building the following signage: A 20 foot sguare foot building identification sign.This sign could state the nane of the building, be it Colorado Mountain College or Cascade Wing (whitever the owners would desire to call the buildinS). As a mutti-tenant building, there is opportunity-ihrough the sign.code for up to 20 square feet of lignage-for each business within the building depending on tneir frontage. Those businesses include Clancyis Bar and Restaurant and the Cascade Theater as well as Colorado Mountain College. rt should be noted that at the entrance to cascade village along the South Frontage Road there is.a large entrance/directory sign that states, rCascade Viflage, tne Westiir Hotel , Colorado Mountain College.rl II. FINDTNGS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the board acts on a variance application,the lpplicant must prove physical hard.ship-ana the board nust find that: SURTECT: Sign variance request for the Colorado Mountain Co1lege, Cascade Villaqe APPEICANT:Colorado Mountain College A. There are ial circumstances or conditions applvin to the land ldinqs topograph veqetat structures or other matters on acent r t-of-wa acent lots or within the aa ad ch would restr the ef ecti-veness Staff Response: Colorado Mountain College does currently have an identification problen within the Westin HotelTCl,tC co:nplex due to the lack of any signage at all.Visitors to CMC are directed off the Frontage Road by the entrance/directory sign at the intersection of Westhaven Drive and the South Frontage Road. However,upon entering the Westin/CMC area, there is no further signage related to CMC to orient a visitor.The staff does not feel that there are any special circumstances involved in this area ttrat woui_A reguire a variance from the allowable signage as provided through Town of Vail reguLations. The Westin Hotel is in compliance with the Town of VaiI sign code and seems to function adequately. The staff believes that a sign designed within the confines of the sign code could adequately identify the CMC building and its entrances. B. That special cilcumstances were not created by tbe Staff Response: Special circumstances were not created by the applicant. of the si IN estion;rovided however that such s alc rcums ces or conditions are un e to the cular bus ness or en se to wh cant es res to draw atten and do not a enerall toa ustnesses or en rlses. c.That the ant of the variance will be in eneral armony w of this title and qr 1l not materia I to the persons resid or !tor acent pro to the ne orhood o the ub welfare in Staff Response: Generally, the staff agrees that the sign is harnonious with the surrounding setting and that the size is not incompatible with the scale of the existing building. Hohrever, we see no reason or hardship that a sign of 20 square feet cannot fulfill the needs of Colorado Mountain College. D. The yafiance_applied.fgr does not d-epar! from ghe pfovigions. of thig title anv nore th@ . Staff Response: The applicant is requesting signage that is approxi-nately ten feet greater than what is allowed. We feel that given the directory sign at the Frontage ' Road and the visibifity of this proposed sign location from the parking structure, there is no reguirement for a sign larger than what is allowed through the provisions of the sign code. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON Staff recomnends denial of the reguested sign variance for Colorado Mountain CoIIege. We believe that the signage requirernents for Colorado Mountain CoIIege can be easify met through the provisions of the sign code. There is no physical hardship for departing frorn the provisions of the sign code. ..,..r( t APPTICATION This proccdure is required The application will not be Applicationf ro FOR A SICN VARIA.I{CE for any project requcst,ing a Variance. accepted until alL information is submitti I. A. B.' NAI4E OF ADDRESS C. 'NAME OF OhlNER SIGNATURE APPLiCAIIT f l-i--.-tl( ) NATIE OF APPLICA"NT I S REPRESENT ADDRESS h (print or typ") ADDRESS D. LOCATTON OF PB9POST\I. ADDIiESS I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION lot E. blolk Filing €oAecr G 2,=-=^21J f CUT- rl/,rtpu--p s{ /fP''tT rA> ' ouT- LJoa D (over) ulJl,lJ_Ulr E,Io.n .!orm o ter a varl.arrcc St6 /v z o -t -) ( Page ff. Four (At copies of t,he following information: A. A stateTent.of the_prccise, nature of the variance rccrucsted-the resulation. invotved]-o"i tr," pi".ti".i"iirr:..utry or -r";i5l:".,physical harclship i"."""i"lcnt vrilh tire ol:cctives of this ti,;re that vrourd result rrom stri.l-"i-iit"l'i"iil.rpreration ani ,'n-_.,r:..ment of the specified. reguiation. sr-t/rijLaElon anc -..-:--* 'B' A site o1"l .shoiving all exis-ting a'c proposed featurcs on the site' and oir adjoining'si-tes..ir_l::essary, .pertinent to the va.ria:-:requested, inc'ruding iite boundaries, reiuired setbacks, bu.ilding locations ana heijhi";-;;p;;rclphy ."e ;h;;ilal rearures, existing sign l0cations' proposed sign tocat:.ons and any related data.c' such additional material as the zoning administrator may pre_ III. Time Requirements The Design Review Board neets on the rst, 3rd and Sth wednesdays of : the month. An apprication with the necessary accompanying nateri-ar nust be submitted 17 days prior to the date of the rneeting. t'1n 5\z€-, c\[n-( C *.- ]r.,, r.il r^4oo*\ Je.l-,\ cmc,. o o z a {n c o =o z T m F =-{ z o {m (-) | -{,n .x fslt o< pr'Tl lO tr oCrn -'!n -{+o TD m x m ...l o z (-o t! 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Frontage Rd. l,lest Vai1, C0 81657 Re: CMC Buildlng Guestroon l{ing Dear Gary: Per our dl-scussion today, ve are and replacenent work i.n the guestroom Cascade Village. The following is a work to be acconplished. Area 1-Ground floor (south side a) Existing walls are to b) Add I new wall nounted Area 2- undertaklng ninor remodel ing wtng of the CMC Building at description of the cons tr uct i on entry l"obby) -receive new plaster finish light fixture. 2nd and 3rd floors, (access uay from Westin bridge through Cascade Wing elevator lobby to end of guest/public corridors).a) Existing cinderblock wa1ls to receive fur i--pTywood -ti@and 5/8" gypboard) for new c-6GTang/paint. Resulting corridor width approximately 55il inches. Add approximately 14 new wa11 nounted light fixtures (spread out along corridor wa11s, see plans attached) o,ftKt wa11-to be ,/-C't-. (c,tt/. Lr.'Ce )i f,,( 4a/.4/Zt- P-raa <av1l't'' rtL b) Area 3- 8 guestroons - remove Sico bed systeo from wall and repair wal1 as necessary. Relocate electrical. We nlsh to undertake the work inmediately, and therefore are applying herewith for a bullding pernit if any is required.ElectricaL costs are estinated at $3000. Drynall, plaster and Sico bed renoval costs shoul-d be about $13,000. Sincerely,P /t lL(at-aa--, Frank B. Freyer, III Director of Developnent FBF/ t1m 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-6602 : i g z .t c tr \ d I .. I \S\ \5\J t{ -l ll i 7.t\ <2 3, eg ^6 Rq <\$M\T'o\ do'O(J 'il i *rtr z Fo sP,. =g >(\\)A $/ -rl rII U z I I .1,. s') =1 =I L]\) r 2 .L E &z s o z T I I I ..t $2 o $ l,/t 4 3 ? 2 \t T ) $ P IJ tl i*Jii E l z s 8 7 q \) \ 1 -l J $u 1 i5 u t s v e s J E 2 z i s fi [] iJi I -t: . r {,..i ,.t- :i, 1! |,f i :, i :i,a :: ! !;:,, i t.ti', '{{,i rll :,ii (i $\,il jil :l't::it t..,,,) il {i! .[$ t s.- 1! lli 4t 'h,fr 'l!l , ".1 t'l -\ s \Z 5 c)F z s N s- tr 3 v z E l) u U liu | 'i;i,t,; .lj ": if :li l;',fl !f : nI :le ',: . . ,' | 9t. .1i:;i',tg, t l.r'\.ff .l €../i.& .t'F v B t- f z f fi N a fi ,s\s E }Z { *S cs f .$' M t- S t- tts s :t s!'"INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PRSJECT DATE t.,,_'.. - \\'.l JoB NAME S::.3\ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I- FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING T] ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TU8 SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR --)It3 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .jF j t INSPECTION REQUEST, TOWN OF VAIL C tLtc o / 11 JoB NAME \",, us 4,,.t!(iv J ,t J, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR h-L-rJ - t t B./ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc /1'2c., -)-7 rNspEcroR.. ta 1"r',r' .'..''1,''' F<t r,!"fa,,'! ' ji,,.,, .',,,',n', ,iJ ,f. t:,.iuo:l ., , azh( :,'.,.-!r'j 4 ;, i;*,")('j''i'$.u "0 .t', '' f'.i offlce of communlly developmenl luwn 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 3, 1987 Mr. Andy Norris 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Results of the meeting on the Cascade (Note: Revised letter dated February Dear Andy: Club condominium plat January 26, 1gB7 9, le87) Below is a summary of our comments on the cascade club condominium p1at. 1. ITEM: An explanation of.how the_parking structure will be controlled and managed is necessary. The staff would like to have a statement explaining the num6er of new owners and associated parking spaces and how this affects ihe number of spaces that are allocated per use through the Special Development Djstrict. RESPONSE: Unit Lower Level Unit Grd Leve'l Unit 2 Unit 3 (1st right off l'lesthaven Dr.) Portion of Leve'l s 3, 4 & 5, Unit 4 Ownersh i p Vail Ventures, Ltd Cascade Lodge Joint Ventures (the owner- ship is divjded Vai I Ventures Ltd 55% lfesti n Hotel 45%) Vajl Ventures, Ltd Cascade Cl ub Ltd General Partner is Vail Ventures, Ltd Access Shared access with Unit 2 Shared access with Unit I Separate ingress and egress from Units I and 2 NA No. of Spaces t22 150 149 NA Level l: Level 2: Level 3: Management The westin Hotel will manage this level . This 'l evel satisfies the park'ing requirement for the CMC/Cascade !Jing, Terrace and plaza (guest rooms' conference and retail). vail ventures Limited will own this Ievel. The access wi l'l be managed by hotel guests and anybody else However, validation pri viIeges guests- 0thers will pay fu11 Lodge Joint Ventures of which This 'l evel is managed by Vajl publ i c, i ncl udi ng day sk iers. (122 spaces) (150 spaces) Parkinq Al Iocation the l.lestin Hotel . This level will be for who wishes to park on this 'level . wi 11 on'ly be ava j I abl e for hotel price for parking. 0wner is Cascade Vai'l Ventures Limited owns 55%. Ventures and is to be used by the general Validation will be available. * * * t * * Unit l: Unit 2: Cascade l.ling (8 d.u.) Westin Hotel Terrace (120 a.u., GRFA Terrace (Retail 6,088) Plaza (Conf.8,400 sf) Plaza (Retajl .l,.|00 sf (149 spaces) 16 115 59,708) r02 20 35 Phase I ) C 16 Plaza (20 a.u.) Plaza (Conf.retaiI I,.|40 sf Phase II) Gross No. parking spaces req'd 312 spaces Unit 3: CMC: Clancy's (134 seats) Cascade Theatre Col lege Classrooms Co1lese Office (954 sf) Cascade Club: Retail . 300 sf Bar & Restaurant (985 sf) Offjce in CMC (828 sf)**[,lellness Center Gross No. spaces Total Spaces in structure Total Al located 372 110 42? Total allocated spaces with 10% reduction for mixed use Total unallocated spaces L7 28 40 4 1 8 3 9 110 427 422 380 41 * Uses that have an asterisk will need to be verified at the time a bujldjng permit is released to get the exact parking requirement *t( Assumed 9 spaces for the Wellness Center (not existing) Note "Westjn additions" are excluded which were listed on the original SDD zoning sheet, .|8.46.089. Please review this parking breakdown. I come up with a different total from what we discussed in the meeting although you still have 41 unallocated spaces. Please let me know if you have any corrections to these numbers. 2.ITEM: Staff wi1I require a wri tten that the parking required by uses jn the project will be fol lowing wording: stipulation on the condominjum map that ensures the special development distri ct for the various avajlable to users. The staff is suggesting the RESPONSE: This condominiumization js for ownership purposes only and shall not effect the zoning and use of the parking spaces which is set forth by Special Development Distrjct 4 established by 0rdinance No. 20, Series of 1984, as amended by the Town of Va'i l. 3. ITEM: From your condomjnium declarations, I am unable to determine if landscaping, drainage and sidewalks are included as general common elements whjch will maintained by the condominjum association. I would like a final copy of the condominium documents to assure there are ma intenance provisions included for all commonly owned areas whjch should include Iandscap'i ng, drainage and si dewal ks. RESPONSE: At our meeting, you agreed that a maintenance provision would be included in the declarations. 4. ITEM: *O.rarian brjdge connecting CMC to the Cascade Village parking structure is not mentioned in the condominium declarations or shown on the condominium map. The bridge should be indicated on the map by a dotted ljne. At one time, there was discussion of an air easement for the brjdge's encroachment over the access and utjlity easement on Westhaven Drive. I don't remember this easement ever being completed. I will search through the Cascade Village fjles to make sure that we do not have a copy of the agreement. If the agreement was never completed, the air easement should be finalized at this time. RESPONSE: You stated that,you would provide a separate drawing for the pedestrian bridge and an air easement. we decided that westhaven Road wbuld be dedicated when Cascade Village is completed. ITEM: Staff would like an explanation of how the condominium effects the U.s.Forest service's requirement that you provide 125 spaces for day skiers. lrle were unavrare of thjs requirement until just thjs morning when we received a memo from the Forest service updating the staff on ski area _improvements. RESPONSE: You agreed to provide a deed restrict.i on that Leve'l 3 would be used as public parking and cou'l d not be used for any resident.ial parking requirements. ITEM: A copy of the completed condominjum declarations for the project is necessary. RESPONSE: l.li I I be submi tted. two of which must be mylars, should be submjtted. 6. ITEM: A completed application form signed by the appropriate owner and a check for $100 to cover the costs of reviewing the condominium plat should be submi tted. RESPONSE: t,Jill be submitted. ITEM: Three copies, RESPONSE: Wi l'l be submi tted. Please let me know if any of this jnformation is inaccurate and I can revise the summary. I will wait to rewrite the zoning sheet for SDD4 until you resubm'i t with the amendments for the entire sDO this summer. Thanks iga.i n for meeting with us to clear up some of these questions. 7. 8. Town Planner @ QOLORADO MOUNTAN coLLEGE coLoRADo MouNfArN collricri .AS.ADE vTLLAGE rssuEs Vfrfr*#Cascade Village Faciliry is cosEly: ' lWVnttr o $19,000.00 for con<lominiun clues for FY 1986-87 (building and grounds \U nQ mninr-nnrran building nanager, cormnon area T[aintenance) ,llW , uurfuf rr| , Lvru,,vlr u4rrLu,/, tlyv_ Lease purchase paymenEs for FY 1985-87 approximately $450,000.00, These are currently combined with payments for the Glenwood Spring Center and thus estimated. Free parking for students and staff is guaranteed through Decernber, 1987 onfv, the Cascade Vi11age. Facilicy sellable? o The space or^med by CMC is zoned for education on1y. Can zoning be changed ? o There is an abundance of available retail/office space in the core periphery. Is the building sellable even iI zoning is changed? o Additional retail/commercial spacc is planned for the next phase of Cascade Village development. Alternative space 1f the Facility is sold: o At tsatt1e }lountain High school? o El-sewhere in Vail at a reasor.labl e cost? o Dolln va11ey? WI]ERE DO THE RESIDENI'S/TAXPAYERS OT' T]IE UPPIR EAGLE VALLtrY WANT C'I{C LOCATE? IS THE CASCADE VILLAGE FACILITY LOCATION I^IORTII TIIE COST? THE VIABLE AI,TERNA]]IVES FOR CMC - IN MOVING OR IN }TATNTAINING THE VILLAGE FACILTTY AT A MOIII] REASONABLII COST? VAIL TO WIIAT CAS rt ttlt VAIL LEARNING CENTER .-I3-IO WESTHAVEN DRIVE O VAIL. CO 81657. (303) 476-4040 @ coloRlrDo MouNrfttr coLLEeE COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE CASCADE VILLAGE ISSUES Cascade Village Facility is costly: o $79,000.00 for condomlnium dues for I'Y 1986-87 (bui.lding and grounds maintenancc, bullding manager, contrnon area maj-ntenance). o Lease purchase payments for FY 1986-87 approximately 9450,000,00. These are currently combined vrith paymenEs for the Clenwood Springs Center and thus estimated. o Free parking for students and staff is guaranteed through December, 1987 onlv, Is the Cascade Village. Facllity sel1ab1e? o The space owned by CMC is zoned for educaElon on1y. Can zoning be changed ? o There is an abundance of available retail/office space in the core periphery, Is the building se11able even if zoning is changed? o Additional retail/comrnerciaf space is planned for the nexE phase of the Cascade Village development.. AlEernative space if the l-acility is sold: o At Battle Mountain High School? o Elsewhere in Vail at a reasonablc cosc? o Doum va1l cy ? WHERE DO THE RESIDENTS/TMPAYERS OF THE UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WANT CMC TO LOCATE? IS THE CASCADE VILLAC]E },'ACILITY LOCATION WORTII THE COST? WHAT ARE THE VIABLE AI,TERNATTVES FOR CMC - IN MOVING OR IN }'IAINTAINING THE CASCADE VILLAGE FACII,ITY AT A MOR]] REASONABLE COST? VAIL COMMUNITY EDUCATION VAIL LEARNING CENTER .1310 WESTHAVEN DRIVE o VAIL, CO 81657 o (303) 476-4040 a\ o o z o {F c o -{6 z T ltt 7 ={ )z iq ''F.m I\) | xo <o EI o .Tl 48 Q'.,a tr=b1 -1 ,/.r-o 7a .7 m { o z (-o @ 2 -{m I\) Ot a r I- .a /zl , --- -l @ m Iq L-o hE YT :6 X.+Yo +<l ;o ho -.r I m=27 !5 6€4c d9 ;9 aO ct >t 175 Fi3 .tl .rffir \sl = I-IFF r.--J r)< r4-4 t>xlk I I -T m o 1l !m = = m@ --l \.',4>oo t- 'Tl !or- z=9(It z=oo z \\\\ 0 m o z,o an c = ; m o T z r 9p -tc 8E de lr 4; =o E!-lo o>20r o 9.n n2 >m c)I]-{>or F ? =m o -.1 o {z m IE o @ z =IT -.1 -m r m 2 2. c)rn -{m t_Yh 6A o>'t-! =m ? z t- ) (r -nf :- -l zl 'l 5l ol ol lrl lc+cD tt--.x q,l <l (Dl =l I OI -rl <l (Dl I m T m ld t;t<t> lF tm lF)z l 6 €z n F m o z o n = ! t1 o tr o I { tr l-r o l€ lz li t<t> IF lr I -{r -z o t- = z. +(c I + F (t (J l{ l{ t3 li la lln lo lz I'f Itl F l I u 3 z -l 'r1 -rl -)-t (o F (o I \ \l -{ t'n ct E €F =h ,, [_;E FK dE ol 'l zl ots 'p I I rJ f)ot {3 (oE tV)-f = r ! 'Ot I G' q, @ = t- u m I @ =m D a.r'l C) i --{ o - l) ! tt D ^)p =E >rn OK oF n l-r sr al K H FI Y' I r F B l-{H E I tq) o -;E3d 3iF: 5,9Ei s€i3 =; E;*i*s- (/| o:1 ==-.o a)c=*-o=E- Siga n ai:UioP 9a$ =(og+o +O i Ar o-=! -E q)E d5=F' q;31 (,3l= Ee4 e i=98 @3ol D^.:f i;F =s5; e <O-f, E:a R o'e;E l gd*q .,88Q fraiE ,=o)-O E6.-o rE3 lslc { a\.lE q)l'- | E \- l-l E >lo ^s;r I lc S-f c>x c93 RP =o-c> ='L@ *8 ma +or 'f >al f q?h: --ll mgl = ;5N =lt s Bl\5 *N dl\-l o els pl 'tt I 'tt x z @ - a -t z o o i o z t- m =-'@ z m m m l<" lz l= t>l'- o?at!m m t-m o llr ilm > il'il,ll o ilt ll" ll tl m -t €-t-(t, z a t- -l o z -l I o x z m q, t-t-c m I m o -t 2 .I -t z I I m t o m €m f-tr z c z - o o 4 6 z c z -r ah z m { |--l m > z -t z m ! 'Tl !m _n - l x z -t -t rf r-rr ; t- q - =q ao F =rrl ='n r t-n 'Tt o n at1 -{ F m c) T' ng Nt-4 E3 !fl sB d ae _P 8g HE eH z.t Fo6 o 4,= 2 H Lt]l'P>-'lPge I o, .' =ullo--H';: :=ot (\A7s I t r\) € o g,! l\) 3l fil I -ol arl ol (Dl ol ..l I I t{E ln m --l o m z, -rt O n m z. ril tll -t IN 89 F= HF rn-PE F|l- BZ Fo lr= FOY trr ri ta kt.rnF IN Eo po rnl tlr va Hl.lrl Dt pl Eto tstal Fb olTt Zll DIH r|c) lrrl q)l PI -TI z z =z 6 --l I m EOI itrlc r F--l wl ;PI =:ir -Il -:ol fi>'-{' I t\ I I I I I I H_ll t\)ml \r F. l '\l o otl I I 6) F =F F = \l -l o -l t- T m 7 =i -Tl m m at, c o m { x o t-m z m -l m 9. z ,m m €o 7 m m o z m m =m - 7 |- t- 3 z m m i = t- t- z m x @ F =!m u = !m n =-.1 'Tl m m (t VALUATION T m n =-{ 2 o -{ F 3 m c) 2 a) |- t- =z o m fi - z 6) ! f\) o o o F O or (Jl F \) F F F (tl O)5 C^t (tl (4 € c ry,r?fr'^p \ LJISDd -0 :tn "'.''.. i' (..n crl rn l c, 6 o o = e_ .? (? o 5 -D r-m i v'\lrn I | 'l lr t lo t-t I ==rn -{ =rr'l >< = -vl F rr'r l-{l<.D m 'Tl -it m <l ..:l <m@ i:s 2=z y=|- t_tulll o;cc z= >= z o T =m o o o zo -im uz >m i>or c)i 6 |- c)O='2; ;=o=az \? c) 3 m z 6 o o z --,t o o z xm ln - ;- -l Zl c)l il ht l:@ I Nr- $l z 3 1T { h\ Lv -e t s a rt {t . I t= l=tr l 4 ! F ll< r-<) ql llm l.i iFllnls {/l-E r/T ls lz t!t> lH o z o t€ lz lo tn l<t> lF lm 9)z z o -t m I o o .ll 'm ; -{o al I I .\J lv e >U, J} rnC oP =; €l frl 3l 3l el ;l 5t !l 'il ol !l il al fl VALUAI/ON t! r- -{ =z l" l=g J zl t- _= :l m ! c:\pa }l- fl (a= = x.x { m o n € x ta ri tg 'l r' €m C z c z v, t I I I c) o =o I c =v, t=! =l8lo t>t -r l{l =-{911 tl llr l-rll tdt I l'l 'i tz I to I t; =1fi ol!xlr-zl>mlc) ,4,/1t tt -l' I >t Ltl 'll m =.71 m m u, z m = m z m € z FI o -.' -.{ t- m N 2 =, U' i; I x l- t'\'s{.r-^ \,.'\_r, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -... _ ,1 .'' * cl1 DATE \ . D\ JOB INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ZMON ) TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM TOWN OF VAIL CALLER ---, '',:.. .. . ,...--' ". Oi'\ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL B FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CbRRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -l lrza.,.'3//-1\ --7W,-*' I ,t--:= a. , t o o z (n {n c c) =o z T m F 3 { o m trtrtr ls ><><><. L !l 3FP I-.i U E iinF li I 3 Eli 19 n =i!" lE = 3 7' lis I ,-'-,----,--- l= 4 i LJLJLI = 5 rr 6 €YF { o.>= d I 9g n ?1= C E = t') > => fii I t m , =-.1 o AJf an 3 m z o 9p {c 8E d6 F m t-m o i o t- c)o z --t n o -.1 o a o 2n lm nz >m on l>or-n t- @ z =m -nf :-i *IE E li l- lsF tl lT| F v', t E t{I ()P G: +L H r p t-F F r F l-r |o l€ lz lo II t> lF l!lm le lz le V r,1 ll p I 5 I\)o I N)N) \l (n -{ -l rrl m m r- rt -.1 z.c) t:l> lF llt IM P FT l- F Fn l./) frl r F @ r)rr F F tr o --{ o -'gt I F o 5 o g. s J e o c \ t'' h o\ c \, o o ct 0,o x o { (D (o o !t 0t o o gt o. 6' o =o !t *.o i o o o c = o o 3 o a o o c o o. q,o (cto d3 og 6'R aii =ot 5f <o *3 ='r i9 =o (D= o= -r 0t 3= =ot F'J -o orI o- 6'E+ :o) !0t o)-::=*o o-. B3 la €3 -- o)r<4 13 f,o !)o =s.-{o arO -o f3 o- dg o, ='fdi 81 vra D():9 oo tr-o- qt { <t, 0) o, at, vt o q) o @ c)t-in 't! O 2=.(D c€-9 or C)X ..o o n-o \l ^s=NY \\l \'-(! =s o.o !t o. o -t o { =o s o o o o tr 0 x o g , z -l I _n =U, m t-.tl z m {z m ! | 'lt tl li l2 l"I tr ft l; t- a f z o =z t- T m -{a z m m m l< .' lz l2 t;lr- la IJ lo l= !7 t- r- -{o< m m t-m o T m lt> ll- tl il,ll o ilt ll" I I m x :1 € t-(tt / lo IO l_ I r 1 I z U' r -{ z -l -x z m r t-c m -m o -I 2 'n -t z 9 ! m t- o m g, €m t-!z z i q, o o =o I z c z z m € t- m ,> ^z 'Tl !m ! P n F z EEE 8 d =Hg i g ?F:: g e ,E=9 -: =EY >#tr* F.F -Ef ShFI H =*FFi ::1t P =It fn fi-)' l: lr IF I q) - z m ot cll (o f\) f,g 4try 9 --o ct rrE tr4 rTlcE t<) 3* 3q fl3 "l -1 qH Iil qq g t^ =i, gis Ei; li= :ii 9;* |il I lls I EiE :I -rE I I I I \) tt -t o -| -T m E ={ 'Tl m m (t c o m -{ x |-m z m ! a m I o z u m m { E o 0 m E m I =z .r1 m m \.|(tl 3 m o z c) t- t- 3 o z m f-m -{n t- t- 2 m o x t- z !m 3 !m 1 3 ='Tl m m U' VALUATION !m - =-l z o -.1 ) H D -m z l- !- =z o m trl c) o t- o t- z o \) t\) ! i.o O ql 9J (t (,\t CN t\) C^J -_l gJ OJ (,5 (tr N)(Jl o (,\.l O o s 1\)5 o q, 1\) \l rO N) F ('| PL tz-/tr/sQ , CE Q7?D lFll \ \ (? -t o .)o c o o o =C| |-m I a,rt I lrl t l-n l,< tf- I lo =fr -{=m >< = x (/l rn l--!m m =l EEX fiiE t .-- Y ===9P"'t- o; z< l=o"z g= ni h{l l'. o tF9 L'<Ltto \rl m 3 LJLJLJ VALUAIION r- -l .DO :. - I iib \-t= '+r =3c) =H tll z m o €z C)T =m o -{ m z m o z i o ..1 ql =rn io >--'^ d9A :D r- C)o-,2; ;=o=az !]c) 8=zR g>- o. z._ =.)\ z Io It lo t3 t* tm lF'2 !s-O-.o<8H Z.\ox <=ctG di €-i 6 z rr- --A 'tt= -<3\ a z tn o m o z -n ><x i\l; fl>r- fi [>ll'{llo llz il-l >l Iot llol l--rl tzl l>l tFl Fli mtl 3il ;ll :ll {|n z 6, z .J I I o o o =1 c z -.1 im 2 J I I z ! ln o m -{ x 2 |- c m {o<rt! m o _-{o z - m =-{U,z m m -o z (n a- = z) o t^) { s q.0 l\ m 3 i -n m m .J' -o z t7l I z c) o x m t- 6 ,- r'=m .'|- z () JO l3 lo z tl.l s € m z m U'm -t x -t r- -1 'Tl m m a 3 z -o ,z 2 6)r t-- =z m U, coLgBAp0 MouNrArN Cor!poMrNIlJlt AssocIArToN r "",-r S. Vai1, Co 81657 ",,r,{iirtlflffi Pay irs (303 ) 47 6-6ro6 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING The meet ing convened at the of in the Glen Lyon Off ic e Build Nanc y Rovn e r, And rew No r r i s Skinner), Kay Saulsberry.Mactavish. fice of Cascade Village p rop e rt ies in51 at 10 AM. Those pres".a ""ru,. Byron Trafton (proxy for Jack Also irr attandance \4/as Kevin ed remod e 1 and exterior s isn The boaid-suggeffi green, in lceeping r+ith the scheme of rest of the Vi11age.They expressly denied the use of the logo on the exterior of the l.ri1di,,g.-.t.lBu t-lu rne exrerlor of the building. Exterior l ight i"g ot,.,l sign will be investigated by Ms. Saulsberrv. Sionq, rar +L^rry. Signs. for the ""^._o,...,n1,_:rql: :{ :1. entry doors,u." uff'r.""i.i"ir^,tir .;: for by the Association ) M- previous difficult its diff Al- FL;- -rrrro P the othe of the \l Mactavish p oint ed out that several projects discussed at .board neetings !rere on hold because of cash flow ies. Mr. Norris said that Vail Ventures rvould reeolve icuLties in paying its dues within the next two weeks.oint Ms. Saulsberry p resent ed the College I s d enand for r nembers of the Association to become current. A copy CoLleger s demancl vJas presentecl and acknowfeagei by the opy at tached) . MOTION: That the Boa rd hereby that they sha11 be current with asses 31, 1986, by January 15, Ig87. Fai one or mo re of the following: A. The Associarion shall- f deLinquent or{ners; and,/or B. Colorado Mountain Co Association dues in a t inely nann e r;C. The Association sha11 due assesstrents and cost s for collect poerers and 1ega1 recourse. MOTION MADE By: Kay Saulsberry SECONDED By ! Byron Tra ft on VOTE: Unananous in favor not ifies delinquent owpe rs smen t dues through December 1u re to do so will res uL t in i1e Liens on the p roperty of 11ege sha1l cease Eo and/or effecr payment of all p ing same to the linit of 1. The 75 3outh trontage road Yrll, colorrdo 81652 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly development January 9., L9g7 Colorado First Construction Company Drawer 98 Di I I on , Co lo rado 80435 RE: colorado Mountain college 0ffice Remodel and snnke Detector Ins tal I ation. Gentleman, In reference to the colorado Mountain college office remodel , a Temporary certificate of 0ccupancy is being'issued with the under-standing.that a_p1an for smoke detection divices be approvecr ancr install.a !y a ticensed Alarm Company by January 16, ibeZ.- fh"Tom of vail Bui'rding Department ieels inat tnii ii'an-important issue and if you have any problems or questions on ttris *lit",please feel free to ca'll us at 476-700d. Si ncerely , Joe Nomis TOV Building Inspector jlt .\ -1 -1 |/*ttl PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT , I l, / DArE lL ll b ltrb JoB NAME I' INSPECTION:MON READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .// ,/LX-11 o tl -1,.(7-(tt tt'a'it CALLER TUES 9 THUR PM FRI BUILD!NG: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING d noucn 2at, t('r2.1 tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL 'nepaoved(') CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR {'.. t\ .r .1r ,./ / /' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER INSPECTION:(ioi,TUES WED THUR FRI (,i[.1r" (-- i,, ij('\,,TOWN OF VAIL /t';' INSPECTION REQUEST ?l rlt-\. I ir'^JOB NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PM '.aoJ3.r BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,,1t.' ,i- -. WED THUR FRI j ' : '- ./-J ./ ,/ ./ / , ,i t ,//.i (.toe DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES -/JP r',, // ti,/rt t, .r;.,)--t)ri.1 BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING (3ouen tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED, -: - /a tr DTSAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR \'\\ 4.r \-\ !-- l \--.:G- "* -,\\\\ \\'\ \ \\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER @ WED THUR FRI \[.l;si BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / S tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELE trT trF trC El_ ,1 UF CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'i-!' ,, tl i . ,i.--. t,.1.1\\7 ,--; INSPECTOK t --1 -- -l I INSPECTION f, REOUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT F ? WN (- TO READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES , WED . \. .-" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL AMING tr ROUGH / WATER OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \ PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FR-PM AM WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL E D D FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FII{AL tr FINAL I i i "ET APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED N F REI CTION.REOUIRED PE D INSPECTdR DATE INSPECTION TOWN OF rHuna7ii-\ REQ vArf -cr-'\ .{ UEST I .\ c) --r DATE /- o{-d t JOBNAME INSPECTION:MON READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED PERMIT NUMBE OF PROJECT BUILDING:PLUMBING: o tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tSfrLernocK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr E tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL D FINAL ,1 tr APPROVED i:lo/seppaoveo lhi NSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: d \ = .-i) {-z + n-r, r :.-1.- ( o /o INSPECTOC. / f r 'a,A, a au, \ ' . , PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr,,lt./ - .-'yi,(fr.t t t7/ JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED (lt 11t't t READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOH t'1 " I 1^ 0 JOB NAME (i INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL t1 c WED THUR /FRI)READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES PM PERMIT NUMBER DATE I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAI!tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E. D tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED .- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR il INSPECTION PERMI DATE ?trl T NUMBER OF PROJECT t-q-c(*l , JoBNAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION: t"rt G-* REQUEST TOWN O VAI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr n br,FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DfTNAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT onre \-11,t*tl . JoBNAME INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTIoN: [!9D CALLER TUES WED THUR ['.rA or@ READY FOR LOCATION: I ; I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H.TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 1 * ''.1!'' Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Appllcatlon o il v,tcll Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phong: Legal Description: Lot f i. Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ! a,"u Approval LIST OF MATERIALS I NAME OF PROJECT; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information'i s required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a fina1 approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther l,Jal I Materi al s u-lA(E ,a[b7 Fasc'i a Soffi ts |.li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F lash ings Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze*PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Ne HAf,r& fD?"14flt\\6 tAd.\D6/Nlt\\4 EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Indicate height for conjfers. (over) *Indicate calioer for deciducious trees. PLANT MATERIALS:: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Slifer and From: Peter Patten and Date: 0ctober 19, 1984 Re: CMC Issue Town Council Members, Ron Phillips, Town lvlanager Charles }iick Purpose: Objective 0ne: Objective Two: The purpose of our study and this follow-up memo- randum is to research and present the Town of Vail's opportunities and constraints regarding the potential change of ownership of the Cascade Village CMC Building. To ensure the CMC Building continues to serve a use of long-term economic, social and cultural value to Vail. For the Council and Town Manager to use this infor- mation to determine what ro'l e the Town government will take to ensure the success of Objeitive One. . fiyg primary tasks were researched in order to ful ly scope the CMC issue These tasks are: I. CMC's Current Position and Options.II. If CMC Defaults - |,lhat Next?III. Define Physical Space of CMC Building.IV. Financial and 0perational Factors.V. Existing Zoning Possibi'l ities and Compatib'l e Use Scenarjos. I. CMC's Current Position and 0ptions what cMC wishes to do with their vail center is but one issue in a much bigger picture. The future decisions to be made on the Vai'l center will revolve around a number of factors. These factors are: 1. Decreasing FTE (Fu'l I Time Equivalent Students) enrollment at all_CMC campuses and the corresponding drop in Stat6 dol'l ars for FTE. 2. Dramatic drop in assessed valuation in Lake County (function of the Climix closure) and the reduced prJperty tax revenue because of the assessment decrease. (See'ati,achment) 3. Substantial increases in assessed valuation in Garfield County and the increased property tax revenue caused by this increased valuat'ion. The most important factor here ii that the increased valuation is not due so much to new properties as it js to re-assessments by the Garfield County Assessor,s 0ffice. This significant and sudden increase in property taxes has caused Garfield CMC Issues 0ctober 19, 1984 Page 2 county residents (particularly west Garfield county - city of Rifle)to look everywhere to cut their property taxes. Ci4C and, most importantly, CMCrs Vail Center, because-of its price tag and financing package, have been the object of a movement oi sorts in Garfield County. (See attachment) 4. CMC faces anywhere from a $600,000 to a $1,000,000 shortfall in their current fiscal year (July 1, 1994-June 30,-1985) and the cMC Board has to cut costs somewhere. Again, the Va'il centeris being eyed as the bullet to bite because: a. Eliminating the capital f.inancing costs of the Vai'l Center would come a long way to balancing their budget for the next several years; and b. It seems like an easy and palatable po1 itical decision because of the current pressure fronr Garfield County taxpayers, on'ly one other Board member besides Doris 8ai1ey is showing much support for the Vail Center,and; finally, the Board has not heard any noise from Vaij about keeping the Center and is readinq this as Vajl non-support and/or apathy support for the Vail Center. The CMC Board has asked their staff to present them with financial and other information_items they need to makb future policy decisions regarding the cMC college system. This information will be given to the Board at their 0ctober 28 and 29 meeting in hopes of making decisions at their November Board meeting. several directibns they can take regard.ing the Vail Center are: 1. Vote to withdraw the Vail Center from the CMC system.In separate conversations, Doris Bailey and the vice preiident of cltlc told me that the current vote wou]d probably be 3-2 to withdraw. 2. If withdrawal from the system is the direction the Board takes, they can: a. Sell the buiiding, if possible (any sale must be through First Municipal Leas.ing. Mansfield, Ltd. has the right of first refusal). b. Not appropriate money in the 19g5/96 fiscal year for payment of this 1ease, thus defaulting on the leise. 3. Refinancing the current lease payments (IV) and keep the full center. 4. SelI different areas of the current building and keep part, thus reducing their net financial obligation. CMC Issues 0ctober 19, 1984 Page 3 _ It is the opinion of one cMC administrator that the Boarcl wants relief from the present situation but they really do not rant to do anything real dramatic. The Board's preference would be to sell part of the building and keep part., thus reducing CMC,s financial ob1 igations,addressing what the Garfield county taxpayers are concerned about and tjna]]v-, enabling cMC.to-keep use of somb ot the center and retaining the FTE which the Vail Center produces. The First Mun'icipal Leasing corporation would take tit'le to the cMC Building if a default occurs. It woirld be high'ly'likely that Mansfjeld,Ltd. (soon to be vail Ventures) would be offeied ttre pr6peiiy v.ia their existing right of first refusal provision. under thii ownerihip, vail Ventures would probably revise the ownersh.i p and space utilizati6n of the building as outlined below. _Basically, the uses iir tne exist.ing oul'l ding would not significantly be aitered, but new ownersh.i p and ninor-remodeliig would occur. Under this remodeiing plan, CMC would itrrint< their square - footage by approximately 65% to a iota't of 5,000 square feet. The dance studios would be so1e, possibly to the Town of Vail, or to another entity to contjnue the use as is, whi'l e the mus.i c and TV siudios would be retained by Cl'lC (1,500 square feet) . - The changes on the first floor under vail ventures scenario would include expansi.on.of the compass Rose into the existing cMC office space (purchased by vail Ventures) and the co] lege offices integrated into'the existing classroom area on the northeri portion of this floor. hlith this floor's 3,000 square feet retained by ci,tc, coupled with the 1,500 square feet on the basement level, the tolal cNc ownership in the nuiiaing would.result in 5,000 square feet, a reduction of approximately 65%. it'e"second floor would have a conversion of existing mebiing room space to a small amount of accessory retail for the westin Hotel uider the new owner-ship of vail Ventures. The cascade Theater, concession stand and compiis Rose would remain as it exists. The third floor would remain as is because it.is predominantly-the upper 'l evel of a 2-story space. Finally, unoei --- this scenario, the four meet'ing rooms existing bn ine fourth ltiror, wtrictr are_currently leased throug 1986 by the l'fest'in Hotel for conference space,would be purchased by Vail venturel and leased to the westin Hotel foi-remodeling into first class conference facilities. - -It is important to note that this scenario for changes is the opinion of the Managing General Partner of Vail Venturesl Inc. and not representative of any current proposal by CMC. II. If CMC Defaults - What Next? III.Definejlysical Space of CMC Buitdinq. _ As part of the presentation to the Town council of this issue, floor p'lans will be presented indicating current and potentia] uses and owner-ships of the cMC Building. The potential use and ownership scenar.i o will follow that presented above. Cl.4C Issues 0ctober 19, 1984 Page 4 CMC Vail Center.'leasef,TEi6-ffiF-iFst began July, 1984 and Year and Month IV. Financial and Operationa'l Factors. . Lease purchase financing, in a series of one-year Municipal Leasing. The series of one-year 'leaies end July, 1988. Payment $ 380,700 421 ,500 421,500 421 ,500 440,500 489,200 489,200 689,200 875,000 $4,628,300 ^-^- ll:o:. if a- payment is missed, First Munic.ipal Leasing has on reserve $491'000 from cMC to cover one payment. The efiective inierest rate is 8%.. First_Municipal Leasing can restructure the debt at 10% financing semi-annual paJments over 10 years at approximately g241,000 per paymint. - - qMc is currently paying $51,000 annually in association dues whjch includes utilities and cleaning of the conrnon areas. This fee is to increase to $70,000 sometime in ttre near future. July 1984 ilanuary 1985 July 1985 January 1986 July 1986 January 1987 July 1987 January 1988 July 1988 Total with Debt Schedu'le CMC Issues 0ctober 19, 1984 Page 5 V.Exi sti n Zonin Possibilities and atible Use Scenarios. The cMC Building is zoned as a portion of cascade Vi1lage, which is Area-A_of special Development Distribt 4. In that ii-is piri ot a specia'l development district, there'is an approved develoilment p'l an on f.i le with the community Development Department rbi^ ttre building. Baiically,the.approved development plan represents the allowable zoiing at this-point in time. Any significant changes of use proposed for the luita.i ng wouta represent a request for revision to the appr6ved development p'lan-requiring i.t to go through the standard Town of Vaii process for imending a special - development district.. Tlr. process to amend a speciil aevei op*"nr district is a public hearing'at the pEC level wiilr tne recornmbndation to the Town council. The council then conducts two public hearings on the proposed ordinance to mand the SDD,s development p1an. The continued use. of the faci'l ity as an educationa'l /learning center,even under ownership changes, would nbt result in a Town of Vajl'approvai prggq:s. any.proposal to sign.ificantly alter the current use of tire bui'lding would be reviewed cTosely with regard to the relationship of the proposed uses to the hotel and pertineit facilities, as well is the concern over parking availability in cascade Vi11age. lvloreover, a wholesale change of us9 away fro_m educatjonal/learning facilities would bi of great concern to the Town of Vail decision-makers-with regard to the effecl upon the_community w'ith relation to our long-term eionomic development goals. .The planning staff has been contact6d by the college to lbok into the zoning possibilities-_on the property. No pi-oposal for-change of use has been presented by CMC at this time.- 9t!=..: cMC hhs made a strong commitment to Vail wjth the building of the vail center, which, according to various cMC officia]s, was brougfrt about because many vail residents had wanted a good racitity in Vail,particularly since a lot of cMC's property tax iollars are ienerated by Vai I 's assessed valuation. Enrbl lmenti (FTE) , al though iood, are not as high as.cMC expected with the new center and'ilso, vait nas not been opposing the Garfield county taxpayer group'in their attempt to do away with the vail center. Therefore, the issub of cMC's leaviirg vail is iir many as_pects in our hands and one in which we need to be moie invo]ved with 'if that is the direction we wish to pursue. PP:Cl,J/jh lm lc)l> lo IC' IG lr l=l|-n l--r l-< i>ln lrl I F-l lm lr- l=lm ,f I fl -{rrl -i o {-t A, (D ul G (D = =r+.' 5 o A, TI a c) t- rn m t- c-) ;t,eEr u)Eo - ge f r_ =1 ;g o _<. F. _{. rn.< =IJ T_, O e (:t I c ><(o t-@ rJ 72. =rf,| )>lr-c)c).< o cJ O <tt l- = = attl fn F-r -J ct r-r r|-l (rm o t/> (o ao (tl CJ c F< 5 I =o (^t (o co (tl c ro @ (.r) I c =(D (^, @ f\) I (D (^) r.o @ (j) (o @ I c-c (D (, (o h) E>{rbec)OUr=Etn-ioa,C(Do)-tr JulrX tvvrc)=-o .i(D(-)=J.-5 :r'ooc).JO OJ =<-,-uE q, fD -t t- .-5 rc)OrDc+c(-+!oroo<cto--t-{cto o<x -l o x > {,+ E'a -g >€+be v'ol qJo!t(,-ro (Do-bcoo-h tAX -'U1 X ttc)o.tc,(DQScrOcr=o_oc)-r.o_oc)o <iE=<-E o,qrlioo-::Jo6'o6 Cqi!C.+E o(!(Da,(D(D (-tO-tc-to-t cn c+o<o< -{ -{o,A,xx f\) @ !rJ t$ or ot o t\)or(os OOfucn oooo)O5 ul co Ctr I oro u)@o olo @\l (.rr O) rJ \() c'r rr l<. lg,o t$ ('l lJ.o o I--J oo f\)Ol Ol rJ Oul @NN)SO(..).+> PPtoo\ooo(,OOt cDe (O FJ (^) O 50 \J @ rJC)H oN)r!l< 'lq,5 @ Or l-r.r$ O l.J oo l\)CO Or Ot$rJ or5(o5 O('rt!F\rN)N)OII$dl@tooiN)O QQ@@oorio aaoooo oooooo * ll f$ -l -.1 r$ j meirt @l- F(rrJr!|J.5 | -+r Hl$Oc'rOl.jrur-(9 ('r c) o looJO {oO O O ('ro (D(D ura a? (-f l\)@-s 6I\)u ut (tr (, crJ 5Nr$u(tN)(tlu@!o|)(tlu QQf$(Jroc)(.)990oo o9000 *. r1 N) -rl (^) -{|T|rril N) IJ N) G) IF S(o@rslJ.ab | --ti l\)(rO.tr'tsl-jrur-qro o o locno oo o o oo (-rl o\o o('l ot l\)o-U) \.1 @ ('l N) N)u ts l\)o!1\)O(OF. O@('l O5 o(o Cr)(, rso (tOrJ ocJ(.^) oN)OOI l\) (tt H (, ri (, (, f\)o@o oHo o!oro 5 o(o O t\)('ro tr)u 5or .-J Or o .{(o rJ (O OG)F.o (0 r.o O@r-o+O! N) fo (tr OCdrJ ooto o(, lo o (tl oN) N)5 @u H(^,F rJ t\)t\, (, or o@!Orr ro (t 5 a.a lnwn 75 3outh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 9, 1984 offlce ol communlty developmenl Mr. Jim Btlysse Vice President Support Services and planning Colorado Mountain Col 'lege I402 Blake Avenue Glenwood Springs, Colorado g.t602 Dear Jim, I.Tlrtl.first.apologize for the press' handring of a conversation I had wrtn them which resulted in the quote in the vail Trail on september .|4. The attitude that seemed.lo bg. eipressed in thit quoi.'is"certainly not one^that.I possess regarding the bolorado Mountairi ioir.g"-iituation at cascade.village. i wouli like to personitty aisr""'ydu inat r ana .:1"-lyullger, of my. staff w.it1 help Colorado Mountain College any way we can with the problem at Cascade Village. The-purpose of my letter today is to infoym you that the Town of vail slatt has undertaken a study regarding the cMC cascade villaqe facilitv.I am handling a number of t-he aiirereit tasks, and one ot tnEi ifi;'"'gy3]u9te the zoning opportunities and constraints on the site. }.lithout navlng completely researched and finished this work, I want to assure you that-,I should have a good idea or irre possibiliiles wiinin a week gl,l9: You.may.or may nol be aware thil fi.om its inception, the Caicade v'lllage proJect's zoning has revolved around the educationa'l center.Il^l!: olisinal stages,-there wai muih-iiscussion over the actual re]ationshio Detween the educational institution and the hotel functions. i ueii;;;'-"-"'' -fne19 i1 a.ygly strong relattonsnip Utir..n these uses which is evidenl rn Ene_taclll.ty, operations, and the fact that Westin actually leases space from CMC in the building. I'll be fappy,to keep you-informed of the results of my study of the zoning situation for'the facility as it progresses. Jim Buysse 10/s/84 Page Two To answer your second question., any change of use regarding the cMC buildino would be requ'ired to go'_throush !l. process of an am6nd*.ni io"u-ri.iiui'"',development district.- Earliei tnts.iear upon the app)ication of Mansfield Ltd.the entire special development was riwritt.ql,uy lrri!-a.pirir.nt and adopted by ordinance at the Town Lounci'l level. cl,|!]s"".qr..t-ioi."a ctrange il;i;--go throush a simirar process and wourd entair . p,liii; r,eiring ii'prl"rirg cormission and then ti.ro public hearings on the o?iiiiir i"ornance change at the Town councir levei. A complet6 apptication'"iir, iii submitta.l requirements must be received uy tne conrniiniiv-o;;"i;;il";i'Department approximately one month in advance of the.pta-nn:ng-io*^ifiion puulic :.,hearins.. Thus, the amendment to the speciai-a;;;i"fi;;i jistrict wourd take a minimum of two months through tire approvar ploieis.' Either I or one of the plannilg staff would be more than happy to meet with you and discuss in more detail-the approvat ploceaurel-i;equii^'eo ror-i-cr,inge in use. I feet it wou'ld be helpful !b uottr 6r orr-liio"il-to sit down and ta'lk about this issue in that it may raciiitite-"iriii""iv of the study. tgli.l:^l lfoi99!2" for-the, out-of-context quote appeari:and wish to encourage further conrnuniiili"it-d.t*![r-cMi ng in our local press and the Community Devel opment Department.whole Cascade issue can be solved for the benefit Very erel .Deve I opment APP: bpr A. P'eterPatten,Jr. Acting Director Communi t eeLoi-iADo MO.j\IAI\]r-l-\ | tr- f \,\_l_L L\7L September 26,1984 Mr. Peter Patten Aebing Director of Town of Vail Vail, C0 81657 Dear Mr. Patten: Community Development I have just received and reviewed a copy of an article in the September 14, 1984, llhe Vait Trail entitled rrCMC Cornered by Cascade Village Futu?ETTEGiGinl-you were quoted as saying that I'I would have fo go over and read the enbire zone district agal.n to get a handle on what exactly can and cannot be done there (regarding use of CMC's Cascade Vitlage space). And until they (CMC) come forward and want to talk to me about what they can and cantt do, I won|t do anything.It I donrt know whet,her this was I am writing at this time to seek what can and cannot be done. an accurabe quote. In any event,your assistance in deLerminj.ng Specifj.calIy, and among several options, our Board has asked us to consider the possible sale or lease of part or all of our Vail faciliby. 0bviously, then, to address this matter we must know how the facility might be used under tbe currenL zoning regulations (e.g. how is educational use defined?) and what alternative zoning night be available. Regarding the latter, we would also need to know what efforts would be required bo effect a change in the currenb zon j. ng regulations. Our project has a Board-established deadtine of November 26,1984. However, if at all possible, we would like to present our report on October 29. Thus, I would sj.ncerely appreciate your counsel in these matters in the near future. In closing, I thank you in advance for your assistance. Planning Cl rI,+ L. .1 I .L, PrEsiden orf Services BCX CCOI . '.1.O2 BLAl.l: Al,"/El'lJE r r-lL-l'.rWu. )llSfi.) )la-,:r i-r. rL '.r[.;O{r 3]6r..)2 o (:r,t-?)9L5 E(,9' 75 roulh frontlge road vril. color.do 81657 (303) 476.7000 department of publlc workdlr.nrporlailon MEMORANDUM T0: Peter Patten FROM: 8111 Andrews DATE: 20 June 1984 SUBJECT: CONDOUINIUU MAP OF COLORADO MOUNTAIN CONDOMINIUMS I have reviewed the Colorado Mountain Condominlum maD and found 1t to be satisfactorv. DAIE4 A. NAME OF APPLICANT B. MATLTNG ADDREIS /ot{ S' f/d^.r( {E K/, PHONE NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE MAILING ADDRESS APPL ICATION CONDOMIN IUM SE PLAT REV PHONE (print C. NAME OF PROPERTY 4 OWNER'S SIGNAffi/.. MAILING ADDRESS PHINE ZZ?.:J:S!_Q__ D.AL 5)) /.. a"/u suBDIvIsIoN (4ge/tDc /,4t/ la /a e.^J.'LOCATION LOT OF PROPOSAL BLOCK FEE $1OO.OO PAID F IL ING 3'>cr / )V o "' l''n( '/E. F u. MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED I. Three (3) copie-s, two of which must be myrars of a site map forlowing the requirements of Section .|7.16..l30(C) 1,2-,3,4,6,7,A,9,i0,tfi fi ana ii Ji-the Subdivision Regulations. 2- The condominium or townhouse plat shall also include floor plans, el evations and cross-sections as necessaiy to accurateiy aetermine-inaivid6l-ai"-;;;;;s and/or other ownerships and if-the project wis built suusiiniiiiiy ti";;il'as the approved plans. 3. A copy of the condominiun documents for staff review to assure that there are maintenance provisions included for all corrunonly ownecl areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA These can be found in chapter 17.22 of the subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shall be that the Department of Community recording the approved plat with H. Monsfield Limited June 15, 1984 Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Condominium Map for Colorado Mountain Condominiums Gentlemen: The Torsn of Vail has executed the Condominium Map for Colorado Mountain Condominiums and allowed its recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder to facilitate a closing scheduled for this date between Mansfield, Ltd., and Colorado Mountain Junior College District. Such signature \rras on a expedited basis at the request of Mansfield and did not allow the Tonn of Vail sufficient tine to review the Condominiun Map with its engineering staff. In consideration of the Town allowing the Map to be recorded, Mansfield hereby agrees, at its sole cost and expense to execute and record such amendments to the Map as the Town of Vail finds necessary after review by its staff, such review Eo be completed not later chan July 6, L984. If Mansfield refuses or fails to comply with such requirements, the Town of Vail may exercise alL enforcement remedies and powers it may have including revocation of the Certificate of Occupancy granted on the building. Very truly yours, I'IANSFIELD, LTD., a Colorado linited partnership Generol Porfner lVlontrne Corpoptbn BY: MONTANE general CORPORATION,partner Bcl( 294,\bi[ ColorodoSl6t @0475€838 7ttct1 /i3/ /1"/ I f,F^^-/ }IOTICE OF RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL Colorado }lountain Junior College District a statutory junior college district duly organized and existing under the iaws of the State of Colorado (iiCMC") is the record and beneficial owner of Che reaL property located in Eagle County' Colorado described as: Page _ For good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, Cl4C hereby grants Cascade Lodge Joint Venture, a Colorad6 Joint Venture ("CLJV") and its successors and assigns a Right of First Refusal on the Premises under the following terms and conditions: 1. Should CMC desire to sel1 all or any part of its interest in the Premises to a third party, cMC rnust give to CLJV a thirty (30) day option wi-thin which CLJV may purchase such interest in the Premi.ses on the same terms and conditions as those on which CMC is willing to make such sale as evidenced-by a bona fide offer from a third-party. CIIC shall prompfly ngllfy CLJV in writing of said terms and- conditions of rhe bona fide offer which cMd has received from such third party, the identity of which shall also be included in the notice. If CLJV elects to exercise its option as to such interest in the Premises, CLJV shall do so by'notice in wriring to Cl{C within said thirty.(30) day period an-d the closing shall take place Ehereafter at the ot?i'ces of CMC in Glenwood Springs, Colorado consistent l,lith the terms of such third party ofier, except that it shall not take place earlier than thirtl'<:o) days after the delivery of such written notice. 2. If CLJV fails to respond vrithin the thirty (30) day period, such failure shall be deemed a refusal to-purchase. In'tle event CLJV refuses or is deemed to have refused co ourchase CltC's interest in the Premises, the sale to such third p^rty must be consummated within one hundred twenty (120) days iollbwing CLJV's refusal to purchase or the closing date as specified in the sales agreement with such third p?rtx, whichever ii later; failure to so consummate the sale of CI'{C' s interest in the Premises sha11 require CMC to resubmit the sale of CMC's interest in the Premises to CI,JV under the same terms and procedures as first provided for herein. 3. The Right granted herein shall explre 20 years after the death of thE sulvivor of the living chiLdren, as of the o Condominium Units S-001, S-101 and S-401, Colorado I'lountain Condominiums,(collectively, the "Premises") according to the Condoininium Declaration thereof recorded in Book at Page Condominium Map rEEorded in BooE and the date hereof of Ronald W. Reagan, President of the UniEed States of America. Executed this day of l4ay, 1984. I'IANSFIELD, LTD., a Colorado limited PartnershiP BY: MONTANE CORPOMTIOI'I, a Colorado corPoraEion' its Managing General Partner ATTEST:BY: 1000 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vai1, Colorado 8L657 ATTEST: COLORADO MOUTITAIN DISTRICT BY: JUNIOR COLLEGE Secretary, Governing Connittee ee Address: Post Office Box 10001 Glenwood Springs ' CO. 87602 STATE OF COLORADO COUIITY OF EAGLE ' Subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me day of !lay, 1984, by Andrew D. Norris, President of Corporation, llanaging GenLral Partner of Mansfield, Ltd., Colorado limited partnership. , I^iitness my hand and official seal. l'ty commission expires : ss. this Montane a Notarv ruD l1c Addre s s Address: ecreEary STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF )) ss. ) Subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of May, 1984, by , Chairman Governing e6ffiTtteb and ;ffiy, Governing Cornrnittee, forffiunior College DistricE, a Colorado Junior College District. Witness ny hand and official seal. Ily conrn]-ss]'on explres : Address .{ -.t . luwn 75 south trontage road yeil, cotorado 8.1657 (303) 476_7000 0ctober 12, 1983 ottlce of communlty development against the recreation amenities CMC buid'ing and Millrace phase 2.credit due for each permit: AMT PAID Andy Norris 1000 South Frontage Road l.lest Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Andy, I've reviewed your request for credit rees Enat were assessed on the hotel ,The following are the amounts paid and PERMIT # 675 786 774 Cascade Village (l,lestin) CMC Building Millrace phase 2 ase 2 % CREDIT REFUND TO -YOU 50 6,932..l3 50 3,096 50 . 2,123 $ l2,t4t.t3 $ 13,864.25 6,172 4,246 $ 24,282.25 TOTALS I'm forwarding a copy of this letter to the Finance Department for their imnediate proce PATTEN, JR Senior Pl anner APP: bpr Encl . i ^tri..., i;",,,,*-,,...!t{il.;{,Tjt Project Application o^" y'r,/f z Proiect Name: Proiect Description:brq- contacr person and pxon" 4ovl c;t44<5 ttlE' 4 F flT(1 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Staff Approval box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 February 22, 1982 Andy Nomis Box 2941 Vai 1, Colorado 81658 Dear Andy: 0n February 17, t982, change in the co'lor of and Learning Center to Si ncerely, A 'h Jrm 5ayre Town P'l anner JS: df department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 2-17-82 the Design Revjew Board approved the the roof material on the Westin Hotel "1ow gloss dark brown nebul ar". Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone C o.;;A-- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Molion by: Seconded by:1,4wlA 6;;;') -7 ?"o DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: E statt Approval COLORADO I4OUNTAIN COLLEGE LEARNING CENTER BI-MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT 05.2 ?_f L-,4. . /-z li /? // -z ,.-z)1 7.,q,,o,- ,c..-,/ - -, ,/ ' -' //' t 'L L{/"? 1 _?/ . '. tl. -/ -7-{Z- Z-/ -pz,.a, April 9, .l982 Thjs report is jssued twice a month to all architectural , engjneering and consulting finns as wel'l as to a'l I contractors and maior materia'l suppliers for the purpose of keeping them informed of the precise proiect status and the readiness of the project for their materials and services. A. NEI^I DRAWINGS FROM THE ARCHITECT (SEE ATTACHMENT #]) l. This is a listing of all supplemental and revised drawings issued by the Architect since the onset of the proiect. Please examine your files and drawings to make certain they are complete. 2. This is a list of submittals which have been subrnitted to the Architect and Engineers but have not been returned. If contractors and suppliers have drawings which have not been returned' approved or corrected, but are not contained on the outstanding lists' please advise the field office. B. NEEDS LIST (SEE ATTACHMENT #3) This is a list of items requiring action or decis'ions by the parties 'invol ved. C. PROJECT STATUS .l000 General Conditions 2000 Office trailer is on site. Job phones are 825-6405 (Denver line) and 476-4.|62 or 4.l63. Project Superintendent is Mr, Dick Vincent, Assistant Superintendent js Mr. Paul Antonucci. Temporary power is avai'lable on site. Site Grading Crosby Excavating completed excavating the basement 'l evel in Ju'l y, 1981 . Tony Witt and Sons moved on site September 23''l 981 to excavate footings. Tony l,|itt and Sons has left Colorado and de- faulted on their contract. llork is being performed by Petry-Vappi. Concrete Forming All foundations are complete except for Line B Grade Beams, Beams near Elevator l, and transformer pit wa11s. Gendreau wil1 begin forming Line B Grade Beams next week for an expected April l6' .l982 pour. 3.l00 Colorado Mountain cof le Bi -l,lonthl y Progress Report April 9, .l982 3210 Rebar Fabrication Hausman Stee'l has Ce] ivered al I rebar 8, 198.|. All wire mesh is currently Rebar Instal'l ation Not yet awarded. Hardware schedule has Briner-Scott. Builder's Service Bureau schedule to coordjnate with changes made schedule. Final sbhedule will be ready Page 2 to the site on 0ctober stored on site. 3400 32'10 4000 51 20 5070 5500 71 30 Spring Steel will pl ace Line B Grade Beam stee'l next week. Precast Concrete Petry-Vappi has received approval to cast these panels in place to aioid delaying roof erection. Hausman has del ivered the rebar. The north two oanels iv'ill be poured today. South panels are scheduled to bi poured Aoril I9, 1982. l{asonry Awaits contract approval by Owner. Structural Steel Fabrication Arvada Steel was awarded the contract on July 27 ' 1981 . First fl oor structural stee'l was del ivered Decernber 8, I 98] . Metal joists and decking were delivered December .|6, l98l . Remain'ing iteel was delivered during February and March. Fjnal four (4) beams are schedu'l ed to be delivered today. Backcharges are being processed for field repairs to the structural stee'l . Steel Erection Va'l 1ey Steel and Iron has completed erecting the first f1 oor through the rbof. The auditorium is approximately 60% erected. The north stairwell is 70% erected. The east ramp will be erected April 22,1982. Miscellaneous Steel and Iron Not yet awarded. Bentonite Waterproofing Panels are being instal'led by Petry-Vappi crews. Eighty (80%) percent of the outside walls have been waterproofed to a height iour (4) feet above the footings. East wa1 1 waterproofing wil'l beg'in when weather permits. Finish Hardware been approved by is revising hardware to the hotel hardware next week. 871 0 LOrOraqo flounrarn uo roe Bi-Monthly Progress RePort April 9, 1982 l42l 0 Passenqer El evators Jack holes are completed. E'l evator #2 subm'ittals were approved September .|8, 1981 . E'l evator #l was resuhnitted October 20, l98l' and approved January 4, 1982. Elevator fabrication 'is proceeding. E'l evatbr cabs are on hotd pend'ing se'l ect'ion of cab interior plastic laminate by Briner-Scott. 15000 Mechanical Page 3 Cook Mechanica'l . Under- as basement ground can be are awaiting aPProval Contract has been awarded to Louis ground rough-in will start as soon cleared and defrosted. Submitta'l s by RMH. El ectri cal Dynalectric has rough-in dance studio. 2nd f'loor week. '16000 conduit on lst floor and south electrica'l rough-in shou'ld begin next Respectful 1y suhnitted, KJO:my Attachment [8[rwami tr ATTACHMENT #1 LEARNING CENTER APRIL 9, 1982 SUBMITTALS TO BRINER.SCOTT FOR APPROVAL DATE TO CONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER DMI,IING DESCRI PTION ARCHITECT REMARKS 'l) Cook Mechanical (cFM Co) 2) Dynalectric 3) Dynal ectric a) Cook Mechanical 5) Dynal ectric 6) Cook Mechanical Gri'lles, Registers, Diffusers 03/03182 Fans, Fire [hmpers,Sound Traps, Back-draft Dampers,Fl ex and Spins, Extractors, Roof Jacks El ectric Baseboard Heaters 03/26/82 FPC Switchgear 03126/82 Pl umbing Fjxtures 04108182 Sound System 04108182 Pumps 04/08182 RESUBl.|I TTED URGENTLY NEEDED ATTACHMENT #2 LEARNING CENTER APRIL 9, 'I982 REVI SED-DUIJ-IGS-f89L THE ARCH IT EcT - DRAI,IIIIG DATE I (l l/'r7) 2 01tzs) 3 (-'r2l]o A-'l A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-5 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-'ll A-12 A-'13 A-'14 A-]5 A-16 A-17 A-r 8 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-?8 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A- 33 A- 34 A-35 A-36 A-37 A-38 A-39 A-40 A-41 A-42 A-43 'r'r /11/81 'r'r/r'l/8r 1r /r 1/8] 1'r /1r /81 'r'r /r 1/81 il/'n/8'l 'r't /r'l/81 'r r /1'r /8] r l /'n /81 1'r/'n /8'l r'r/r r /81 r r /'r'r/81 r r /1r /8]Ir/'n /8]'r1/r r /8]'r'r/1'r/81 il/il/8] . 'r'r/r 1/8] r r /1r /81 1r /1r /8] r'r /11/81 'r r /1r /81 "t r /1r /81 1 1/'r'r /8r r'r/r r /8r 'n /'r'r /81 1'r/1r /8] r'rt/r 1 /8] r'r/r r /81 'n /r r /81 n7r N/R N/R N/R r't 117181 1i nsrct 11/2s18'l 't1/25181 11125181 11125/81 11125181 1112s181 11125181 N/l 11125181 ?13/82 213/e2 2/3/82 2/3/82 2t218? 2/2/8? 2/2/82 2/2/82 2/2182 2/2/82 2/2182 212182 2/?/8? 2/U82 2/2182 Not yet 'n /r'r/8r 'n /r r /81 i ssued r r /r'r /8r r r /r 1/8r 'n /il /81 N/R N/R N/A N/R 1\ /17181 N/R 12110/8'l 12/10/81 12/10181 1211O/81 1U1Ol81 2/3/82 213182 r r /'r1/8r r r /1'r /8r il/'r't/81 'n/r1/8r . r'r /r I /8'l 'n /u /8'l 'n /1r /81 2/3182 213/82 2/3182 213/82 N/A N/A Page 1 a ATTACHMENT #2 LEARNING CENTER APRIL 9, I982 REVISED qu!lt'lgl-E89M THE ARCHITECT - DRAWIIIG DATE 7 (02/26) 8(03112 9(03/r7 A-l A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-5 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-'l'l A-12 A-13 A-]4 A-15 A-]6 A-17 A-18 A-'19 A-20 A-2.| A-22 A-23 A-24 A-2 5 A-26 A-?7 A-28 A-29 A-30 A- 3l A-32 A-33 A- 34 A- 35 A-35 A-37 A-38 A-39 A-40 A-4.| A-42 A-43 'r'r /l r /81 'n /il /81 r'r /r'l/8'l 'n /'n /8'l r'r /r'l /8]r1/l'l/8'l 1r /'r1/8r 1r /1'r/8'l 1r /'r1/8'l 1 'rl'l'r /8r il/ll/81 r'r/r r /8r r 1/1'r/81 il /il /81 'r 1/r r /81 'n /11/81 'r r /'r'r /81 't r /'n /81 't 'llil /81 il /r'r/81 r r /1'r/81 'n /'r'l/81 '1 't /1'l /81 r r /r'l/8] r 1/1r /81 't'r/'n /8r r r /r'l/8r |rt/r'r /8r 1 r /'r 1/81 'r 1/'r 1/8] Not yet r r /r'r /81 'n /r r /8'l r r /r 1/81 1r /il /81 r 1/r I /8'l il /il /8'l r l /r 1/81 r'r /r r /81 r'r/r1/8r .1I/'t1/81 ' il/il/81 il /il /8r 3l't7182 3117 /82 3117 /82 3117 /8? 3/17182 3/26182 3126/82 3/26/82 3/26/82 2126182 issued 2126182 2/26182 2/26/82 2/26t82 3/17 /82 3/17 /82 3/26/82 ? /?6/R2 3112182 tlil::T:toil.",n corleee - t"tllng center Page 2 DRAl.lING DATE 'r ('f 1/'f 7) 2 (11125 3 (12t10 12 28 s(2/3/82)a(2/2/8&t 2/2/82 2/3182 2/3/82 A-44 A-45 A-46 A-47 A-48 A-49 A- 50 A-5'l A-52 A- 53 A-54 A- 55 A- 55 A- 57 A-58 A-59 A- 60 A- 5l A-62 A-63 s-l s-2 s-3 s-4 s-5 s-6 s-7 s-8 s-9 s-10 M-'l lii-2 l't-3 t'l-4 M-5 l'l-6 11- 7 M-8 l',1-9 't'r/'r'l /81 'n /'r'l/8'l 't'r/'r 'l /8'l 'n /r'l/8] 1r /'r1 /8r r l /1'l /8'l 'r'r /r 'r /8] 1'l/l'l/81 r'r/'l'l /8'l '12128181 'r1/r r /8r ilr/r r /81 'r'l/r'l /81 213182 2/3182 2/3/82 2/3182 2/3/82 213/82 213/82 813/81 813181 8/3/8r 813/81 813181 813181 813/81 813181 813l8r 813181 't0121181 10121181 r0l2't 181 10121/81 101?1181 'tol21l81 10121/81 10121181 1012118'l sl2l81 9t2/81 el?t81 912181 sl2181 sl2l81 N/R. 912181 et2/81 et?/81 1 111/82 1 /11/82 | /11/82 10/1U81 101't2181 10112/81 ro112l8'l 10/12/81 'tol12/81 N/A 10112181 10112181 10/12181 N/A N/A N/A r 0/r 6/81 10/16/81 12/28181 12128181 12128/81 12128181 12128181 12128/81 1212818'l 12128/81 12128181 12128181 10/30/81 'lo/30/81 ::^ 'l /11/82 1 /11/82 | /.11 /82 1 /\1/82 1111/82 1111 /82 i:il::ff';olir.,n cotese - r.line center Page 2 a DMI.IING A-44 A-45 A-46 A-47 A-48 A-49 A- 50 A-51 A-52 A-s3 A- 54 A- 55 A- 55 A-57 A-58 A-59 A- 60 A-61 A-62 A- 63 s-'l s-2 s-3 s-4 s-5 s-5 s-7 s-8 s-9 s-.|0 M-'l t4-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-5 n-7 M-8 M-9 r'r/1 'l /8'l 'r'r/r1/8'r Ir/'r I /8'l il/il/8r r'r/'r I /8r r r /'r'l /8]ilr/'l'l/8'l r r /1'l /8r r r /r't /8r 12128181 'n /r'r/8'l r'r/r r /81 il/il /81 2/3/82 2/3/82 2/3/82 213182 213/82 2/3/82 2/3/82 8/3181 813181 8/3/81 813/81 813181 8/3181 813181 81318r 813t81 813/81 101?1181 10121181 10121/81 1012118'.1 10121181 10121181 10121181 10121181 \0121181 3/17 /82 3/26/82 3/26/82 3126/82 3/26/82 3/26/82 3/26182 02/25182 02/?6182 02/26/82 0?/26182 02/26182 02/26/82 tlff1ffi'1"$fr..tn conese - r."lins center Page ? DRAWING DATE 11 t17 1l18l82 1118182 1118/82 I lr8/82 1118/82 1118182 1118182 1118182 'l118/82 1118;/82 1118182 1118182 1118/82 1118182 I lr8182 111818? 1118182 1118182 2 (11/25) 3 d12t10 4 (\2t?8 5Q/3/82) 6(212/82 E-'l E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 E-I0 E-l I E-l2 E-'13 E- l4 E-'15 E-]6 E-'17 E-18 10121181 1Q121t81 10121181 10/21/81 10121181 10121181 1012t 181 10121181 10121181 10121181 101?1181 10121181 10121/81 10121/8r 10/21181 10121181 10/z',t 181 10/21/81 tln::ffi"i.fi.urn collese - r.utng center Page 3 a G. E-l E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 E-I0 E-l'l E-',!2 E-I3 E-'l 4 E-l 5 E-l 6 E-17 E-18 E-l 9 10121181 1Qlz't t81 10121181 10121/81 10121/81 1012't /81 10121181 10121181 10121181 10/2't 181 1012118r 10121J81 10121/81 10121/8r 1olz't /81 1012118',1 10/21181 10121/81 1 1/r 3/81 1118182 't 118182 1118182 1118182 1118182 1118182 1118182 1/18/82 1118182 1118182 1118182 1118/82 1118/82 1118182 | 118182 | 118182 1118/82 | 118/82 3l06l82 3106182 2124182 mtru.||ilmi tr ATTACHMENT #3 LEARNING CENTER APRIL 9, '1 982 PROJECT NEEDS LIST DATE ADDED TO LIST ITEM OR OU 2/16/82 4/09/8? 4109182 4/0s/82 Approval of proposed sl'iding door substitution. Approval to purchase backfil'l Approval on Change Proposal s 2,3,7 .|0, .|2, .|3, 14, 16, and l7 Selection of interior elevator cab colors ACTION/ DECIS Briner-Scott Mansfi el d Br i n er -Sco tt Briner-Scott o PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST DESIGN TEAM: Briner Scott Architects - Jim Strain ionnion, Voi'land Archu'leta - Chuck 1'li'lkerson Rl4H GrouP - Tom Moore RMH GrouP - Les Yingf ing Chen & Associates - Ol,lNERS: Mansfie'l d, Ltd. - Jere !la'l ters Mansfie'ld, Ltd. - Bob Koel be] Co'lorado Mountain Co'l'lege - Randy Mi'lhoan I'lORTGAGE COMPANY: Empire Savings - Marg'ie Mai VAiL BUiLDiNG DEPARTMENT: Steve Patterson GENERALcoNTMcToR.PETRY.VAPPIcoNSTRUcTI0NC0MPANY GerrY McNal'lY George Cottl e Dick Anmidown Pau'l Antonucci Bil'l King S UB CONTRACTORS/SUPPLI ERS : tlitt & Sons, Inc- - TonY l.litt Gendreau Construction, Inc. - Chuck Dixon Sorinqs Steel - Mark RYan ttiusmin Steel - Jack Done'lson Arvada Stee'l - Gl en Burton Va11ey Stee'l and lron - Joe Laruso Dover-Elevators - Oave Pe1 oquin Cook Hechanica1 - Doug Gordon Dynalectric Company - Jim P'ickens Jrl 0 u d g J 5 E >t 0- $g N '(D .E s ,l;t- 6 br I a $ N 0 d $ ..t t $I a d o -Il J T'o F -o U' -(g L-o *-a F b l- +t L o e -o [$ 0 d QUANTITY - 7 l-f. TOTAT. PREPARED BY EDITH KATZ JOB #/PROJECT CASCADE VILLAGE -CMC BLDG. G@St ( TOTAL. c-arler Hull Nishita Mcotlley Associates / Y*'t'gl J ?ritr i'#?l'il",. ;'igl-l:t QUANTITY i SUB-T0TAL JOB #/PROJECTCASCADE VILLAGE- CMC BLDG. PREPARED BY FNTTH KATT G@St ( I i tr t { , .(5verr.!er...17,_.!lqo_.-... I UiL-1rI_t14i! -l'il.!l A! d i NAlrll:j ()i;' ),liO,Tl,;(j'l' LEARN ING CENTER AT CASCADE V I LLAGE __---..-:--. --'-.- LlicAI, l)liliclrI Pl'J oN 1.,()'f ur,ocli I tl llt T r[r,.t ,, J.,lJ.l.l\ll ))liscltli)llIol'l or I)lioJ )ilc'i' cMC Facil itv yq!..]gh Theater. Restar,.a'"r, n.., ' and 8 Condominiums, as shown in Cas Tlrc LO A.) {gll.oiviirtI jpI'or.lnat:i.on j.s rc(luj.r'ctl fol subnj.t1.li1. by tltc A1:ll1jcant the Dcs:i.1;ri llovj.crv lloard ltclolc 1. f itlal. lr))pl'o\rltl. can bc givc:n. IIUILDII,IG lJATliRIAl,S :{ypc qf i"l:ttorial-Color Stand i nq Seam Metal Grey Stucco Metal Siding @ North Gre Stair Enc I osu re Stucco or Meta I BufflGrey Stucco or Meta I Buf f/Grey Ir l.G./Hol low l,letal/Clad \y'ood Frames Grey Meta I Match Frames Itoof Siding' OLlier l,lal I Fascia Soffits lllindows \Yindow Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Decl< Flues Matc:.'iaIs Buff H.M. in H,H. Frames Grey Rai.Is Tlashings Chimneys Trash 'Dncl-osures Greenhouses Othe:: E.)' Pr-ANT }lATDRrAr.S Dot.enical i'lanro Metal/Stucco Returns l.latch Frames/Buff Steel P ipe G rey Sheet Metal G rey Galv. Sheet l-letal Stained to rermetal Sheet I'leta I +" l.G. in Alum. Frames ---- Natura I Alum. Corn-rron l{er:te $:r"fi::Si.zc (Vcgctat.ivc, Landscaping }latcrials including Trees, Shrubs and Grclurrd Cover) REFER TO CASCADE VILLAGE MASTER LANDSCAPE PLAN Located ins i de building \ t, '- Pagc 2 Plant }latcri.al.s Continttcd Dotanj.cal l{arnc Comglon }14!ne SLz.e A!fllciq. c.) oTHER LANDSCA?E TEATURES (Retaining \Ial1s , Fences , Swinnning Poo1s, .etc. ) (Plcase Specify) REFER TO CASCADE VILLAGE'MASTER LANDSCAPE PLAN 1,U67 bLDh, F@ /5w"-,2*"/ ; ,f,tf* rflevs --ftTALfuss&4 = C/L/L Gr'orrup L e/-,€'(-- 7) zsz { ZlD C.y', tz.) ,6, ^-'. l. .- t-, / r, /l^ //fr, | r',, t ,6trrs/r,*t-4-,.7_s aezL L O ca-,,-' D'2, 5'g" % ? s z, r Vfo j .,/ s?/733 { 9a,u", = -futf L7mrce /aa,/ys - 7r"Z hhrl 'o f ?/1/7 .- s 7 P/e1- /,u,,,yr '"v ^r-zL 2 ( :?' -T //J-t7fl '(,,rr// r/// t4qz 2 LLL Qra ) 9,,t,e.z rttrb Q = hLtl g=: ,h4 _72 -o_/,r2 /'n r:/ Q,wwo;)//s -- Mg(.2 (,/ g-5 f 2-"-a2 t7) ?,?a4 ozf c/ t/'l ,€'7f< /, "','yhq: '/ '/;,'l) ',, '"/.'tr,&7/ t4/h 5 L/0/- Lto/ fiA t; ; 4ho/ c:? Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Oescription: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board /t -tq-fo DISAPPROVAT Chief Building Official THE LEARNING CENTER (cooe cHEcr) A. Occupancy Group (appendix l) Theater - A-2.1 Performance pl atform - A-2.1 Project i on Booth - A-2.1 Concess ion Booth - A-2.1 Publ ic Toilets off ramP - A-2.1 lst a 2nd level lobbies - A-2.1 Ramp - A-2. I North 6 South Stairs - A-2.1 E I evators - A-2.1 Basement Storage Room A-2. I Al I Mechan ica I Rooms A-2. I Dance studio I'Arr - A-3 lst Level Classrooms - A-3 lst Level Seminar and Conference Rooms - A-J -./ Exhibition Meeting Room - A-l J e {<,ttt n Large ltth Level Classroom - A-3 '/4asenent Level Corridor to Dance Studio "A" - A-3 -,;'r ' 'V-'''*4i4th Level Corridor t Publ ic Toilets - A-3 4th Level Exterior Deck - A-3 Restaurant/Bar - A-3 Truck Del iverY Area - B-l Dance Studio rrBrr - B-2 CMC Video Office s Studio B-2 Basement Toilet 6 Locker Rooms B-2 CMC LaundrY Room B-2 Coat Room B-2 Cl'lC Facul ty 0f f ice, Recept ion 6 l,/ork Room - B-2 Smal I Ath Level Classrooms - B-2 CMC Shop - H-l Condomin iums - R-l 8/zr/6t tr+/z ,4=+ B. Type of Construction (Appendix 2) All Occupancies - Type ll One - Hour (Note: By both number of stories and al lowable floor area this building should be classified as Type ll F.R. throughout; however, in exchange for providing an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout and a 4-hour area separat ion wall between the condominium occupancy and all other occupancies, the Vail Building Department and the Vail Fire Department have agreed to Type ll - one-hour construction for this building' Therefore the baiance of this code check is based on Type ll - F.R. Construct ion Building Floor Area Gross Floor Area By Floor t Type of Occupancy c. Tota I First Level 491 r6 l0 548 I I I Second Leve I 9159 2437 5000 lo Third Level 1750 5672 422 Fourth Leve I 329 3566 1060 3912 8 .86 Tota I B,16l t3,434 3,279 5,045 564 t8,232 59,0 I of Total 3t%'r 20/6'a 8%tz 3tz | 00% n E. Building Height and Number of Stories (Appendix 3) Entire Bui lding - 5 Stories (58'-1") Occupant Load (Appendix 5) Basement Leve I Storage 6 Mechanical Rooms 3,438/3OO Truck Del ivery Area 3,279/2OO CMC Video Office E Studio, Dance \29/100 Studio Office CMC Laundry € Coat Room 150/100 'CMC Shop 56\/50 Locker Rooms \36/50 Dance Studios 2,612/20 F i rst Leve I Restaurant Ki tchen 318/200 Condom i n i ums 3,6\8/20O CMC 0ffice, Recept ion trWorkroom I ,0771100 CMC Classrooms |,995/20 CMC Seminar t Conference Rooms 70\/15 Restaurant 1,787/15 Tota I Second Leve I Theater Seating Area 259 Seats Ki tchen ll0/200 Condominiums l+,256/2OO Concess ion Booth 182/ 100 Performance P I atform l,\28/15 Exhibition/Meeting Room l,\fi/ 15 Bar 869/15 = 12 people = l/ people = 5 people = 2 peop I e = 12 people = 9 people =l3l people Total 188 people = 2 peop I e = 19 people = | I people = 100 peop I e = 47 people = 120 peop I e 299 people =259 people = I Person = 22 people = 2 peop I e = t[ people = !8 people =l!. p..p-!S_ 536 people /.'/ / -/./ 'r: g>( Tota I 26-79-Q) ./ o Third Level Mechanical Rooms 523/30O Condominiums \,4o0/2oo Project ion Booth s EquiPmenc Loft 547 / t00 = 2 peopl e = 22 people =--!--sl-g = J0 people '/LZ North Total Fourth Leve I Condominiums CMC Classrooms Exter ior Deck 3912/2OO 2223/20 1207 /20 D istance to p roPe rtY of street or way . East South = 2o people = l12 people = 5l people Total = 193 people I ine or far side Wes t lvz F.Locat ion on Property Distance to property I ine 41.5' Distance across street or way56.5t Al lowable l' ioor Area (Based on Type ll F.R. construction) A-2.1, A-B s R-l Occupancies: 29,900 sq. ft. Table 5-C 29,9oo sq. ft. Bu i l d ing B-l s B-2 H-3 0ccupanc ies: t9;866" sq. ft. 25,\15 sq. ft. (37'-0" - 20'-Otr x l7'-0" x 2,52 = \2i% increase) 6fr sq. f t. (Appendix 8) 0ccupanc ies : 39,900 sq. ft. Table 5-C (Appendix 6) lg,goo sq. ft. Building over l story (Appendix 7) zg,Td-dsq. ft. 33,915 sq. ft. (37' -0rr - 20'-0rr = 17'-0" x 2,52 = 42t% TE:78 sq. ft. increase ) (Appendix 8) (Append ix 6) over l story (Append ix 7) ft. Table 5-C (Appendix 5) ft. Building over I story (Appendix 7)ft.t.t. (37f _0".-2Or-0,,= 17'-0[ x 2-5% = \2*% ft. increase) (Append ix 8) Check (Appendix 9) Ratio o.22 0. t6 0. 03 0. 05 0.01 o.22 ll.0' 0.0' 27 .5' 37 .o' 3.5' 53.s'. sq. sq. sq. sq. A rea 24 ,8oo 24,800 8660' 21,080 H. 0ccupancy A-2.1 A-3 B-l B-2 H-3 R-l 18,45r I 3 ,4311 3,279 5,045 564 85,215 85,215 113,715 ll3,7l5 70,580 ,+ 7\ /a . J?_ Actual Area Al I ovlab I e Area t8,232 rF ./ -7 26-79 B) Tota I s 59,015 85,215 0. 69 l. Fire Resistive Requirements (Append ix l0) (Based on Type ll - One-hour construction) Exterior Non bearing wal ls Wall Assembly - (l hr.) (Appendix ll) l" Stucco on met. lath on l/2" type x gyp. sheathing 4" to 6" met studs R- 19 Fiberglass insulation or: *' ' Glasweld on 2 layers *" type x gyp sheathing 4r'to 5" met s tuds R-ll Fiberglass insulat ion Interior Bearing Wal ls: Wall Assembly: (t t'r; 2 E 3.hr. where required for occupancy separat ions) 8t' concrete wal I or: 8rrconcrete block Structural Frame: (l hr.;2, 3 € q hr. where requ ired to support occupancy separat ions) One hour: Beams" Floor/Ceil ing Assembl ies w,/l layer 5/8" type x drywal I or fire-rated accousti cal panels. Columns: I layer 5/8" type x drywal I or Grade A Concrete Two, Three, 6 Four Hour: 2, 3 E 4 hr. spray - applied fireproofing Partitions: (l hr; 2,3 e 4 hr, where requi red for occupancy separations) One hour: 5/8 type x drywall l'{etal studs with mineral fiber sound insulation 5/8 type x drywal I or 4rr - l2rr conc. block Two hour: 2 layers 5/8" type x drywall metal studs with mineral fiber sound insulation 2 layers 5/8 type x drywall or 4" - l2rr concrete block Three hour: 8" concrete wal I or: 8" concrete blocr 26-79 $) o Four hour: | 2rr concrete block or: 8'r concrete block Furr ing channel s I laYer 5/8tt ty1e x drYwall Shaft and Stair Enclosures: (2 hr.) same as for two hour partitions Floors: (t ftr.; 2, 3 s 4 hr. where requi red for occupancy separations) One and two hour: 3" concrete slab on 28 ga. steel form furr ing channe I s 5/8" type x drywall or 2'x 2' fire rated A.C. Ceiling Three & Four hour: &" composite concrete slab on 1*" x 22 ga. Stee I deck 3 or 4 hr. spray -applied fireproofing Roofs: (l hr.) Stone Bal last ItCarlislerr membrane system (Class "A")|+" Rigid Insulation min. 5/8" type x gyp. Metal Deck l2" F iberg l ass insuIation Furr i ng channe I s 5/8" type x drywal I or fire-rated accoust ical panels on suspended grid or: 2" Sod 4" SoiI 4" G rave I 5/8" gYP' t'Car'l islerr membrane system (Class "A") 3'r concrete slab on 28 ga. steel form 12" fi berglass insulation , Fu rr i ng channe I s 5/8" type 'rXrr drywal I or: AEP l-+" standing seam metal roof 30# Fel t l*t' Rigid Insulation w/2x6 non-com steepers Meta I Deck l2rr Fiberglass insulation Furr ing channe I s 5/8" type x drywal I 26-7e G) K. Exterior Doors 6 Wirrdows (Un-protected) (Append ix ll) Interior Doors (Fire Ratings as required by occupancy separat ions - see door schedules sheets A-44-A-46) ( Note: Interior vestibule doors at ground level of ramp, in 2 hr. stair enclosure wall, may have full glass lights with wire glass. The Vail Building and Fire DePartments preferred this solution to a sliding fire door.) 0ccupancy separat ions (Append ix l2) Located as shown on reflected ceiling plans; sheets A33 - A37) Flame Spread Rating of Finishes: Flame;spread ratings of all egress corridors and lobbies shall be class "B'r. Flame spread ratings of all other areas except condomin iums shal I be 'rCtr, Flame spread ratings of condominiums is rest r i cted. Fire Control Equipment: (The fol lowing fire control features have been r., t e,"El- and approved by the Vail Fire Department) Sprinkler System: Spr inklered throughtout, incl ud i ng condomin iums, but excluding electrical equipment room and transformer vaults. Dry-type system in Ioading dock area. Flow alarm connected to general building alarm only. Standp ipes and Fire Department Hose Connections: A Class I dry Lype standpipe will be located within the south stairtower. This standpipe wi I I have hose connections at each floor level and at the roof. A Second Class I dry type standpipe will be located adjacent to the buildingrs central elevator. This standpipe will have hose connect ions at each floor level only. Fire department hose connect ions for both standpipes and the sprinkler system will all be grouped together on the ramp retaining wall adjacent to the main bui lding ent ran ce . Stage Smoke Hatch: Shall open on activation of the theater alarm zone as well as by a smoke detector above the theater stage. Elevator Control: A smoke detector shall be located above each elevator door and at the top of each elevator shalf. Annunciation of any of these detectors shall deactivate the aPpropriate elevator call buttons and send the approPriate elevator ' to the ground floor lobby where it may be used only by the f ire depar tmen t . Fire Alarm System: The fire alarm system shall have pull box stations and horns located throughout the bui lding as required by the UBC. The system shall be provided with standby battery power. The system shall annunciate the appropriate zone at the f ire control panel when any pull box station is ope ra ted. 25-79 n L. ttre Fire Control Panel Location: The building fire control panel wi ll be located behind the main entrance recept ion counter. -. Control Panel Functions: Annunciation of each fire zone by means of smoke detectors located in both the supply and return air ducts of each building air handl ing unit, supplementary detectors described under the next item, and fire alarm pull boxes in each zone. A public address system which al lows messages to be made selectively to each fire zone as well as to the total buiiding. Speakers wi ll be located so that the public address system can be heard throughout the building' including wi th in the condomin iums. Annunciation of any individual fire zone or the building general alarm (by smoke detector, sprinkler flow alarm or fire alarm control panel shall be prov ided with standby battery powe r . Fire Control Panel Zones: For purposes of annunciation at the fire control panel the buildinq wil I be divided into the fol lowing zones: f. Condominium Level /l and #2 2. Condominium Level # 3 and #4 Since there are no airhandl ing units in the condominium area the smoke detectors required by code within the condomin ium will be used to annunicate this zone. Since smoke detectors may result is a significant number of false alarms, cornbinat ion smoke, rate of temperature rise detectors shall be used. 0nly the rate of temPerature rise port ion of the detector will be wired back to the f ire control Panel. The smoke Portion of the detector will only operate on alarm within the condominium unit where it is located. The condomin ium corridors on levels two and three shall also be provided with smoke detectors , ro annunciate zones #l and #2. 3. 4.Theater Theater seating: This zone will be annunciated by smoke detectors located in the supply and return air ducts of the theater air hand I inq unit located in the basement ' stage and Projection Booth Zone: This zone will be annunciated by the stage smoke hatch detector and srnoke detectors in the supply and return air ducts of the project booth air handl ing unit. Annunciation of either or both of the smoke detectors in the project ion booth air handling unit will automat ical ly shut down this air handling unit and turn on the projection booth exhaust fan. Zone: Thi s zone wi I I incl ude the ent i re basement. This zone will be annunciated by smoke detectors located in the supply and return air ducts of the dance studio air handl ing unit located in the basement as well as those additional smoke detectors required to cover areas not on an air handl ing unit. (The loading dock area, mechan i cal rooms, storage rooms' toilet and locker rooms and corridors) ' 26_79 0,, 5. Ba semen t 6. 7. 8. o Restaurant/Bar Zone: This two level zone will be annunciated by smoke detectors located in the supply and return aiiducts of the restaurant/bar air handl ing un it located on level three above the mul t i-PurPose room. Lobby and Multipurpose Room Zone: This zone wi ll include the lobby on both the first and second levels; the CMC office space 'conference room and concession area off the first level lobby; and the multipurpose room off the second level lobby' This zone will be annunciated either by smoke detectors located in the supply and return air ducts of the lobby air handl ing unit or the multipurpose room air handl ing unit' both located on level three above the multi-purpose room' Level one classrooms: This zone will include the four level one cMC C lassrooms and one Cl'lC Conference room. This zone will be annunciated by smoke detectors located in the supply and return air ducts of the classroom air handl ing unit located in the basement ' Level Four Classrooms: This zone will be annunciated either by smoke detectors in the suPply and return air ducts of the four separate airhandling units located above each of the level four classrooms, by fixed temperature detectors located in each of the four mechanical room spaces above each of the level four classrooms, or by smoke detectors located in the fourth level corridor. Extinguishers: Fire extinguishers will be ABC multipurpose tyPe located as fol lows: l. One in wor kshoP 2. one in each mechanical room except level four mechanical rooms above classrooms. One at each end or dance corridor level. One in corridor outside workshoP One at each end or dance corridor level. One in k i tchen One at each end of classroom lobby corridor' One at each side of stage . One in project ion booth' One in second level lobbY. One at each end of level two and level three condominium corridor. One at each end of level four classroom corridor' One at level four elevator lobbY. Fire 4. 5.., 6. 9. 10.il. tL. 13. 26-79 $) AQPe*t9lA a 401.402 Part II DEFINITIONS AN D ABBREVIATIONS ChaPter 4 DEFINTTIONS AN D ABBREVIATIONS Dellnlllons Sec. 401. Genersl. For the purposc of tlris codc' ccrta.il. abbrcviat ion s ' tcrnrs, pltrascs, wtlrds and , n"l'l!titt';"tt shall bc eortstrtte'd as srrccified i"'iitit irt"ni.r. words used in itt" tingutut inclutlc tltc p-ltrral and tlrc plural ;; ;i"g"l;;. words used tn titt -taiturin" scndcr includc thc f cminine' and the fentinine the nlasculine' Wherc tcrtns arc not dclinctl' tlrcv sltall ha-r'c rlrcir-tvtlinary accepted mcanings within thc.ont"*t *iin *itlfit rtt"u ntt usal, ll'c.bster's Third New Irtlcrnutktnrtl l)ictutnttr.v <:t|l t:tv linlltistr Lortguultc' Linubrirlxt'd' ctt?'J- right 1961, shall be consirlerttti' p"'uijing o rditr:rry{r:cclrtcd Incanings' A Scc. 402. Al)Dll'l()N ls arl extcrrsiol) ttr irlcrtasc in l-l()or arca or lleiSht o[ a brtildittg. rtt slru"ture A(;I{lCU l,Il'iRAL I}tllt'l)lN(; is a strrtettrrc dcsigrtetl tIr(l c()rl\truc{c(r to house l.arnr inr'lcrrrcnts, r'.uv, g,1"i,,, p.ultry.. livesr'r'k-ol olhcr hor- ticultural protlucts. fni, ,tru.tilit ittttt not be a place of human habitation or a place ol' enrploynrcnt *i'"" "gti"'r'u':l Pl,"tt::.:t,,1tt processed' o.ol.l o, nackagci; nor sltall it be a plac'" trscd by the pttbttc ALLIIY is any public spllcc or thorouplhfarc-lcs:j than 16 fcet but not lcss than l0 fccr in width which r*i'ut"t:i atiit"t"cl or dcedcd to the public for public use. AI,TER or AI,TI]RAI.I()N is any change, addition or rnodification in UNIFOBM BUILDTNG CODE rented, leased Ar-r-r1\,,v "'-"' -;:ii;;;;ult of invcstigation and tests con- prtival by the building official - ,,. rpc.r hv narional l[i:i K'il;#::';i ;::::;;; ""pi"r principrcs or tests bv national ",iitt,"iti.t, tceitnit:,1.t' s' icrtlifrc r)rSitni/irli()rrs' ;;;jli;;;;;; ;i,n,*.',,.' rn cst.rrrisrrccr'l'l..r ::::ll'li'..::.i::,Y IcSutdr rv !rrtidlt!e "i '' ""' -- '"tu"tr by tlrc bLrilcting olficial' whcn such agencY has bccn aPP ln- I TABLE NO. }A_WALL AND OPENING PROTECTION OF OCCUPANCTES BASED ON LOCATION ON PROPERTY WPES tl ONE.HOUR, ll.N AND V CONSTRUGTION: For exterior wall and opening ptotection ol Types ll One'hour' ll'N and V buildlngs, s€e lablo below. Exceptions to limitation for Types lt Ono.hour, ll-N and Type V Conslrucllon, as prorided ln and 2103. .l1 .tH6\ln-\ slAc€S e! a!oJ6 sl-rc6 4 AArUG 6le'.rr.r6 lesiru*e.rr/ Er6, rlrt4,t7erlo. Lu I elrt'-'(. 6 a,a.(, lr I J-l oFqOo .Ilucre a$i,\ covr.at 6 sul.loo.t { cr.r rs }ao.,n qlrll| ua'tJ frP Oa. rfA".ftJ JroPr '(iroup E. Divisions 2 and J OccuDancics h:rving ln c-c,pant load (,l nor otore rl,"rr (;r(tuD R, t)ivision J ()ccupancic\. wG rrrov..D 4rrJJrF.., (ct"tti'tu.d) o,.'.Le',tt -- o--iif,il.,iut ,f"oo *.f or3], ::?;i* c =1t o !3 @ s t-I z Gl o o ct m ao -.1 @ m I {o z (n :0 nrxy hivc rxrcrior wall a[d openinS protcction as required for A-r Tttt o<r<teiT oF fW t/a,tt- A5 H-i, qr t Socllonr 709, 1903 and 2203 apply. For Types l, ll-F.R., lll and lV soo S€cllons 1803. 1903, 2003 and 21 \ls'i C s?^165 P c6l c. Ltt I l,.a oA Frl '6.hJ o,a S ONOUP DESCnTPTtO|| OF OCCUPAXCY FIRE NESISTANCE OF EXTERIOR WALLS OPENINGS IN FttFnriawal I s }ItoAT .C tS AlFoAr't ,s 3t dl jScc also ' Sc*-tion 602 , |a l -Any asscnrbly brtildirrg with a stagc alld itll occllpiltrt krld of l(XX) 'rr morc in lhc lrttildittg Not applicablc lScc Sc'ctkrn 602 (a)l 2-Any building or porlion of a brrilding having an asscmbly roorn wtlh rrl (rccupant had ol lcrs tlril|| l(xn itnd a stagc 3L -iur-rISlp;rrrt lirutt=rT nxl rir Jrrorc witliorr! J S,luc, irtcludi;rg rtte lt buildiiiF uslifiixEueat i(tral purFrs,cs artd not clusrctl a'i u ( it orIP lr or Group B, Division 2 Occupancy 2 lrours lqrs lltart 10, lccl, I hour clscwllcrc Not pcrmitrcd lcss -Jruljrct- ll'rt|tcctcd lc$i thiln I I l0 fcct I J-AlDtlg$epraer+9Nlg-. huildinc havine an asscmblv roont wit h in .ir''nxnl lo:r.l ol la(( rnrffi 2 hours less than 5 [€a'(, I hour clscwhcrc Not permitted less lhan 5 fcet bui&ltI{s tlscd lirr cdrtcalional purgl:g!artd rr(tt clilsscd Js il ( rr(tup I ,FcTiii-ii]I)liiiiiiiTTJEiii?iiU Proterted less than l0 fcel 4-Stadiun)s, rcvicr*ittg startds and iuntls('ltlcllt pAtl slrltcllrrcs !lr)l ltl cludcd witlrirt othcr (iroup A ()ccrrpatrcics I lxlur lcss th n I0lccl l'rotcctcd lcss lhan lO lccl Y g Sc.c also S!'ct i0n 702 t} J-Casolinc arrrl scrvicc stlliorts. sltrralic Aaf aRcs wltcrc no rcl';tit wtrr k is dr)||c cxccDl cxcllilllac ()l rtitrts alld ntallllclliln(a. lc(llllllll! ll() Itpcll lliiiic, wcldinB, or tlrc u$c ;f highly flarnmublc liquidr rliiiic, wcldinB, or tlrc usc uf higlrly flarnmlblc liquid,' 2-Wholcsalc and rctail storcs, officc build!ngs, drittkittg atrtl dtrrtng - csr ablishnrcnr s hir r i rrB ir occ'if,liiT-1iffif!g;1i1g1-!.!1, pritr t i tt ll rrl:rnts, ntunicipaTirffi't'arxlTii6lGiiorrs. llctrtrics and wot ksltttps us- inl rrratcrial not hi8lrly llantmablc or contbrtstible, trlgljlgc atrd s lcs t lrrrur lcss thun 20 fcct Not Dcrmit(ed lcss Flilitr*"q 3-Aircraft.han-uars slrcrr' no rcpair worl rs dorrc cxeent cx(hilrr'l( .)l nafl\ an(l rni|| tcll:rrrec rcquirirrg no o;*--rr llantc. wclding, (,r tltc risc trl highly fl rnrnrablc liouids Opcn Parkirrg garagc.s (lj()r rc(luirc tc t\, scc Scctt()|| 709.)rrcltpo s I hour lcss rhan 20 fcet Nol permit tcd lcss rhan 5 fcct l)rotectcd less lhan 20 lccr '1-lcc plarts. poscr pl:ltt\, prrrrrpirrg Jrlarrtr. c()l(l st()rirP(. arrr,l crcirrrr.Crlcs, lacloncs ltl(l qorlrlrops rrsirrp rtrlnconrhust ihlc :t nil rtrrlrr.rpl,rsivc mAlCrlillS. 5l()tJgC .l|l(l sitl('r ro()|lts ()l (r (()t n Irust iblC .trr.l ir0rrc,,_pl()sirc tJtct iul\ I hour lcss than J li'er Not permirted less than 5 fcct u Scc also Sccrion 801 I-Arrl brrikling rrrcd lirr r.rlrr,...rlirrrltt FurDo\e\ lllrol)rll tllr. Illh lr;rtlt.bl lr, ()r nl(\rc pcrson\ lot nl()rc llliltr ll lrrrurr |cr uick or Irrrrr lr,,rrr.s in any r,rnr. day 2-r\ny huild-ing ust-d lirr cducariolal purposc\ tlrr()u8lt thc l}h |lrildc bv lcss th:tn 5() pcrrortr lr'r ntorc th:rrr ll itortr* Ircr ,ri"t ,,, ti,r,, ir,r,u., ii,i.||ly o c daty -l-Anl brri irrg rrscd lirr dly-carc prtrllo\cr lirr !lttlt-c thau siri clrilclrcrr 2 hortrs lcss than 5 lccl, I llout lcss llt:||) l0 l'cct' N()i permitted lcss rhan J fect Protectcd lcss t han l0lccl H Sce also Scctions 9O2 and 9()l l-Stor;tgc llrcl lr:rrrrllirrg 1)l llir/Jr.(l()us arrcl higitll., l.llrrrrrrurblc or cr- I)r()srr c t:ltct tills ()t lr(.t Ilt.|lt ll.tt|t l.tlll( lr(ll||(l\Scc Chaptcr 9 arrd thc Firc Crxle l -Sl()riulcxn.l lrlnrilirrgrrt ( lirrsesl,ll altl lll ,\liqrri(lsas\nc(ilrc(l rl y.]: (_:. j:t.r1ldr' ,t N,l I l: {'f ttearrirrg, pl.Urts usirrg t.luirrrrr;rbh, tiq utos, pJtnt stor(s r\rrll hrrll h:tndlirrg. lrlrir slroPs arid \l)rirv l)itirtin!roo|lls ilnd sltons J --s't""tlt-:t!-lif-+!lluNI1l{]!ll. planinx rrrills. iro.r. tacrirrics, btrltrrrg r(x)nts ror ttrc-rct)urld tll l)lJnt\ at|ld picling roorrrs: slrrr|r. l.;tctrrr ics or \\ilrc||(tus('r r\ltctc l,!rr\(.(() tl\tsliblc libcr\ o] drtsl lrc i||arrrrl.iteltrrctl, I prO(('sscd. SC ctJtu(l rrr 'trrlCtl. l d |iD I Clt i\l g r(\r)|lt.{- KCI)Jtr g ritllcr 4 hourr lcss than 5 li'ct, 2 ltours lcss tllall l() lccl, I llour lcss tlla[ :0 l'cct N0t pcrmit tcd lcss fffitrft.,q APPe*r.otx s TABLE NO. 5'A-Contlnusd TYPES II ONE.HOUR, II-N AND V ONLY NOTIS: 0) SccSc(|ion 50.1for ty6s of *alls affccrcd and requiremcnrs covc.inS p$cenlage ofopcnings pcrmitl.d in ext.rior rvalls. (2) For addilional rcslricliorrs. rcc chlplcrs undar ()'icupancy and -I ypci ol Lonstruction' (ll t:or rv!ll3 facittg str.cts, ylrds and public wrls. scc l'art lv- (4) Olrctlintr shall bc prorcctcd by I firc asscntbly hatin8 a thrc.-[ourlhs-hour lirc-nrotcclion retinS. c z 'n o 3 @ g -9 z o o o 0 m to \. .D m o -{ 6 z ot (tl o€scRlPrloN oF occuPANCY Protected lcss than 6,0 fcel I hour lcss than 60 fccl 5-Aircra[( rcPair lrangars Not perl|litted less than 5 feet Protecled lcss lhan l0 fcct 2 lrours less than 5 fect, I hour clscwhcre ffi'lt*"'*rt.o|chi|t|rcrrt|||rlcrl|lcagctr[six(clc|rac.' iommodating more lhan tivelcrsons)' .-, --,-..,.-.^,., ^^,i--..sutrrrrrwor 'rr6 rtiv' r ir"*piroti,.":,tirntitttrrs. nttrsittg hotrrcs *itlt lronl'tl ntrulilt ('ry pJlrL'lll\ and sinlililr bulldlllSt (c.lclt uccotntll()dittittS tlttrrc lltlttt lilti Pcrstttts) 2-Nursing ltomcs lirr antbulalr.rry Paticttl-s' ltonrcs ,.for ..:.l']19-1:li:. ti*- i"ii-i "'f i[" o, uu", (cnch accorn nttrrlrt ing ntrrrc thrrt livc Ptrrons) l'crmilted in Types I and ll-F.R' buildings on lscc Scction 902 (b)l l-N'lcnrnl hospitrls, tncntill s.r ililriums, iitils' prisons' rc[orntltortcs and buiklings ,t'trcrt pcrsorrii-iitr''rtici oI innratcs arc sirrtilarly Not perrnitted lcss than I feet I hour less {han 3 lcet (or nray bc prolcclcd on tllc cx- tcrior with matcrlals approved for I -hour fire-resistivc construction) | -Privatc gara!.('s, clrport s, shctJs attd agrictrlt trral buildings Net rcgulated for firc rcsistance 2-Fctrccs ovcr 6 fect ltiglr' trtrks lltd toucrs 'For agricultural buildinSs, scc AFp€ndir chlpter I I **,,o Section r202 | - Holcls anrl autt ttrtcttt hottscr TonueriG and nttrt-IiIGiiGliIIll acc<ttltnttrdal ittg tnorc tlrirn lo Pcrs()ns) t hotrr lcss than 5 feel Not permitted less than 5 feel 3- D*cllings uld lodgittg lrouscs I llour less than I leel Not permit tcd less than J lcet ; fl +g*l*;z* Esi !E:7: E z ,lr, i+E; iiE€ iicelt: 3 i : flil :Eit si;; ii:i?gi ! i i flg Ei; i,€egfuitiEi?iEi E, i E 9flgiiiii liEigigii iiiii i ga5; 3ilI igii3 u; =sc :r; c :EEE* -.99 ta9 it -! .: cl cal op eE >:, :>' -cE>r g;E t=E :o6 -Yo a 6E .) 9; " *, OGr- E -s ,Yd: ii. - u) oo s, u .= Kl ii oolcl :P DI O; € el j€ .o _l Ic y Hl :E .E lJl oOc .2 ;l EE i ;t ;I -t . Rt o=al 4E P Z F.;l if E = :;gl i; s ; :;sl tE i E;E|H;; sEqgE€ F e El?l s* E?!iIE\:€ E 'E *'€I' E J ..,/E 5E q z o F o ll,l ot F o z F € (r' tr o ! nt *,al Js r\.:;/885 5.a 1;E H si E !t .., ,9 3-c nt5;E'' E =:\.6-F.b ".3;cuF O -F.:E!EE:aE aE a d8.g'i E . sa i8 gE 935:EE T:EP,EE ;E3E;: Eis{ i: E EaeFX?ff €6ci = E ,EE"; H i E€ r E* ' Eg FqEi{it ;s Egi igsii€ :l;Ei;; E, E *i? sE;Est siiiEiE i r ::; ;? a:ri [€:iEtE !Z I:.t u.:€!?a 3 i!; s d. R ;: E *Ar! i; igit E:: ; i'5 nrii'ii iEeE;*; a i iai?l?ici€€ii;ireii EiEi?E;:eE: iai:isEiu +aeT i-EEl;^,1 * si+ arirX a g?i;;€;:ii; s;;gfilEg ?rJ ?ri .!l:a\ ,aI 5(E E .i .o '= l'9 .9 ir! o= 'l 'u i5 -o- ,. gr b' ,cl in .4, l6 a9 f,o O- -!!: '. 1 E'tlt E- 7 c o t) _c ;€ 2 <.) !c :t) :! K9 nc p F E iq to ,E :.5 lo :n,--o E!3j gj o o $N lo lu IF IE ld td 'tz lo 3 z F (! ! ,o ru o: -;E , ( 6lt &r rd i cl ;3. =l Es :o.n 9: ei,e€ +: g.E X -R Ei E F :E v b or'|0 '53" E .q!E E :E r i S E.E :rr F.l t- ::6 rr E !E 5 T EiEFgi 'tgP zF.ail i; ha tJ 'l 9 l1\ 3!a ? F (tl o H a I (, e o c o () o o E TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPA CY TEl l F.R.Lf R. I ONC,HOUN I O E.HOUA N H.T.oNE houR N T,AXIMUI' HEIG HT IN FEET Unlimitcd t( )65 _5,S 65 5_s 65 50 40 MAXIMUM HEIGHT IN STORIES A-l UDlitn itcd .l )+Nor l)crnriltcd A) 2-2.1 U rr linr it cd 1 Nol l)crrrrincd N(rt l'cr nrittcd 2 )Not [)crnrit tcd A) l-.1 Unlinritcd t I I 2 B) l-2 Unlinritcd .l t 4 2 l 2 B4 Unlimited t)4 2 4 2-J 2 E'Unlinritcd .t I lt- l Unlinrilcd I I l{r 2--1-{-J Unlirritcd I 2 2 ) l-l Unlinritcd J I Nol Permit l!'d I Not Pcrmittcd Not Pernlit ted l-1 Unlinritcd 1 Not P('rmi cd ')N0{ l'crnrittcd )z Not Permitrcd t-l Urlimitcd Not l'crnriltcd' Nt. R-l Unlimitcd t2 4 -1 2' R-l (Jrlitlrir r'd .1 .i .l .1 :1 l 3 -l Q,-. "o. 5.D-MAxrMuM HETcHToF BuTLDTNJ A?DE^-Dtx- 5 ot o l\-No rrqrlircmcnt for tirc rasisllncc !.R.-l;irc Rcsislr!c ll.T.-lleaYy-l rtnbct c z TI o I =o g t. z m 'tirr oncn Farlin! g:rriBar. scc Sc(tro|| 7(]a. scc Scctidr 80: ((). 5.c Src0()r l(X): {b). 'li)r aBricLrhuralbuildinSs, sccalso Apt'c (h\ ( ll:rprcr I L 'l or lirlitatio s il (l c\cc|tiour, scc Sc.ti(,n l:t): {b}. * 5 st.-,q,s r { 5pr..r,.ro'^o.J Csn -. 5o) ct gt =-r= =vd ;: aY -i '4"3 t *z -_:o_-a 59;ra '=au=, l: O-: oo o;: J I yE;Si d.: C - - .far'5u ;tq; 6F cEi .: E .:E.E ; E E3€ i ?oo(! X ; :eF; g e E=- ! I :9,F v 6 .i:; 5 a iE; i ;E?i s 9o ;E: c :i rt = - O Y=i;! : ?E s:i; ;*EE ;is; g:$:'i Es: i;iE ;!EP fs5;a 93::g l:6i9 7;€'- i3-:": !i Tise "E 3;CI 1 ti 3.s E - o (! oo o E ..:u o0 oP o:.,J.(! -.E o 96 u F!)oo o J.:(,l FIL cl .: .E E 6=6 .,=o, *;iiE!iE E l6 c: u 6 b.l' E i:3 ! gE,! c= g ;nE;ii*t .B; at i::;E: E€^ iis"q9E?; ig : lgg;'-; E: gi -; *i;sq€:i ;:? a=ieap3: Eb : €g!EH!:e ;E F :Ii;gR;; g;g g:isi;s; ;g g gB=!5iv: 29 E fiE!F;3:E' ;:! iEE:!l+r ;!A sjiir9Egf sH a iEitru.;i* oc "$;iftEfEEE;;E *;o {3 n I R S. z o F o UJ ot F 9) ii;i,iEi €lEc;ee ': eili flffii ' ' l!!i iEiea i;;igi!iggii*ii:sai lffilli iltHlsill Il:lI llgigr lffi ffii iiliiiE :iii?:gE u'= E ;IE1iEEEiI lE -Ei-*€€; g F o |n to I t!o o o o z o 2 lt-z o '':i:: r:1: :' 'r:: :rlt !: ::$'iriritrtl.'ji:ll::ll::i:ii. l!|i j:rJ:i: \n {4:2.n rl,(s g z 9 F o ut ot is 0t gt (\l ro €:i a6t E EZ 'Et'F 'E i g H ;[; : i Fl E'?,ci g ie aE!E;E: ;E Eii+iii;EgE ;!ia€iE!:iE! iiiEii€EiEii l:jigitglffit ol to Iu o oo o,c, t:'i ==cl rrl Jg D3 EO suJ dE 60 ri(,) = gJ <() =ol o z u,tt uJ c o llJ =t =z =I f C:I c, ci z ul ) @ <3 (6F c:l siiii;iii z ;p*e::uaeit sB E;,fi*;s :FIEEE- - 8eg g3 I I I ) o 9 d (n oc .,t; I I I I g"l EEI ;ol t?l ..1 RRI E & g 3 x-*E lFF i =r!: -;Egt 3 IH;Q.E e!;O)a=Y.f ,\+ E ;-:i{.{ I I la lE illa O. -vr r-6 o'r u-r plu u s E'3 ;;;Z t ttz>>z ''iiHEili *4* sB :FEHEgE- .9n b?ga r;i z= ..i E 6 c 2 ..i I E o -o 6:^97 'cJ €: =q -; x EE Et 9 5e rg - ?Jijfi9.-l o 3 - .,:g-Egf ;9 E:sf; 3., EA 8ie .if^^iF,9Er<5 I licZ r!l ::6-cEF t c ,\i "=i ci5 .:'.:393S6266 !; qE;^!?5==irEEF ft.EZg:in udi;,t g: : ..:.:. r ..:::_ ::. : Al?€,^rDtr< 6 : TABLE NO. 5.C-BASIC ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA FOR BUILDINGS ONE STORY IN HEIGHT ,L 1$ 1$ j$ 1# 'f I u. $ s v (0 {(at m I -{o z I clutt rt 'l:or opcn parl ing gaiagcs. rc{ Scct io|l ?09, N- Nr} rcquircnrcnl [(}r firc rcsistuncc scc scuion 901 }'R'-Fit' Rctistivc 6cc scction 1002 (b). I l. I.-Hc.vy Ti.tr bcr 'For atricultural buildints, lcc.ho AplEodir Chnpt(.r | | . rFo. limitntions rnd cxccptions. scc Scctiort 1202 (b).(Jr o gr o OCCUPATCY tTr Il F.F,F.R.ONE.HOUF N ONE,HOUR H.l,ONE.HOUR t{ A-l Unlimited 29,9m Nor Pcrnrittcd Al 2-2.1 Unlimircd l 3.500 Nol Pcrrrit ted | .1,500 Nol Pernri cd B,5m l0,500 Not Permit tcd AI3-4 Unlimitcd 29.900 |].5m 9. r0c I I,5(X)9, | (X)t1,5(X)t0,5(x)6,fiX) B) l -2-ll Unlinlilcd 39,9m t8,fix)t2,fix)I tr.(xxl t2.(xn t8.(xx)t4.un 8.0m t]-4 Urrlinritcd 59.9 )27,fiX)(,(Xt)27,(Xlr)|lr.(xt)17,(xxl 21,(XX)| 2,OU) E Unliruitcd 45,2fi)20,2(X)1.1,5(X)10,2rx)l -1,5(x)20,2(X)1 5,7U)9,lm to r-2 l5.000 | 2.400 24.8fi) 5.600 3.700 5,600 -:t,700 5.600 4.4m 2.5m l.l) l-4-5 Unlinritcd I I,2(X)?,5(X)I t,2u)7,5U).2(X)8,E00 5,lm r) l-2 Unlinritcd l5,lm 6,800 Not Pcnlli c(l 6,8fl)Nol I'cnnit tc(l (r.llff)5,200 Not I'cnnittcd t-l Unlimilcd | 5. 100 Not I'c|lnit tcd' M.&t ('harlcr I I R.l U|lliruitc(l lml tt.s(x)9. t0()'t.1,5(r)9,l(x)'r1.5(Xl 10,5(xl 6,(XX)' R-l Urrlintitcd -l t-I 6 'l ru e t le,ia la; ist i;,!i ii !ri{i Et ;; gligg;g igi ig;i€;!:ilE:E E[egi ii giE ii iiEEgii?:l lEi lg:iiiliiEiil illll ii liE i; Eiiitiilii iil ii€lgiiiiiiiii iiiiEi ! ii iai,iiiEigiEEilii,iii ro a li)+I ul o o () o z o 5 dl =rt o ll. 2 = :EM ji€;E'sE 6 iEElggi aii{i€E iEEiggi ,iEii*E€; s*0 tr5'c!;= i.g F:: 5 >r:o-;le E -o+.=gsts 6'aey g:Eg B.s 5's <.r .9 o 9 =T'Nt = dr- _ gEo -i eE E 3-E -l ,:6 iX sE:e irs$ - '!.y .E.= i l E;lEE ieffE doLc-; U) l..1 .! '= tr -sH59 5E€ E. t i:Eg : E EEltt gi:;i Bs EEI I i i,iiI i i:Fgg EfiE - EEs: E ;e5Es J ;al;3 ig!,i t:;; E irEa€ r 6-d:; s:Ee ii;€ : Fil*i ; a*:i: s:pi illr€ : i5Eli F HE€il i!g3 ig;: ; ;Eg;* F $;;el Eii;*!ir ; i:E3E I 'il:; EE;1 : ; Ei =. fr;!i : si lig qig t sIFs 7El;*:c ge Ftl:.,E ge::s i:E? Ei;i;ii ;: sgj E E iE;: g :i;F ExEE;:rsre Fe?ui zii"E gE;: E;F:.Ea:; aI F;eit 9?r ss ;;gl qili:r:E:: IE:*i .stlEi :;l [* ii' i'i ai "e i!,;u gE -; ; .5i EE€'.cE--t "E€J5E 3: z 9 F 6 lU ot a\ <rr lo OB t,18 6 t d o p - r,- : --j-!as]!. IJ \ :5:r3.*{sgl!rt|ji,!.t;L,!,.i rr c1- rr r' i * fl''g*giug E iii ii ;,ie;, ;iiiia iiigi igi i E n ii::r€i; i l€: ;i iii$;i iiagii iEi5i ii' n '';'iggg i ggi ii eilll; i;iiil,iiiii lti i f,sliiiilig ir iiilFl grliil iiiiillslgii ilisi r:t (u v) g ;ffi gii,iii g€gi iSgg'i;gi fi ,ii; ii3iiFi iiii,giiEiElEi, g' ll* giii;iiis,ii;ssiiiiiiliii g ! N o qt o ro z 9 tr o ul ot l.- <tt o o o rul ol I A?Derrotx ,o TABLE No. 17.4-TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION-FIRE.RES|STIVE REOUIREMENTS i Fo'Dcts||3soech8p|o'5undo'occup""",""o'1jlj1i",?)"n5trucl|onond|orExGoptlonssoosoct|ontl05.> o (t N u,|torxo atEmeNT TYPE I 1 IYPE II I wPE Il TYFE IV TYPE Y r'ro comSusTtELE COITIBUSTIBlE Fhc. RaalallYa Flrr. BaalttlYa l.Hr.1.Hr.N H.T.1.H..t{ li:rlr.rior lh'uriu{ Walls 5rr'. Itl0:l ( l ) 4 l!)l[] (:t )N 4 2003 (a) .l 2003 (a) 4 2l0:| (a)I N lrrtL'rirrr llcllirrg \\'irllr :l 2 N I I N listcriol Nollrcitring \\'llls .l Sct . lS03 (:r )1903 (a)N .1 2003 (a) :| 2003 (a) 4 2lO:| ( a )I N Slnrchrral ltritrrr<'l :l 2 I lol fl.T.I N l'lrtilirnrs - lt(.r'rritt|(. l t-t::I N N I0r I t.'1"I N Shult l'lrrclxrrrr.s I I 1706 I l7m l;Lr,rls 2 N N tr.'r.I N ll<xr[s 2 Scc. lli(Xi I IlXXi t906 N N rI.'t"N lirtt.rior f)oots ur<l Wirtktrvs Sec. llt{}:} ( lr ) ll)t):l ( b )l90l ( b e03(bl 2003 (b)2m3 (b)2 r03 (b)2203 2203 l{- No 8co6rl rcquircntcnt! for fi.c rcsi$tancc, H.T.l'imbcr. 'Sl.uctutal frrmc clamcnls in lhc .xtcrior wall rhtll bc protcct.d againrt crtcrnal firc cxposure as rcquircd fol cxtetior bcarir! wdb or lic structurd fr|rltc, *hi{hcvcr is grcalcr. 'Firc-rctrrda.rt trcat.d vood (5GG Scclion 40?) m.y bc usad in lhc.sscmbly. p.ovidcd firc-rcsista[cc rcquircmcntr |Ic maintriocd. Scc Sc!'riont l80l rnd l90l, rcspcdiycly. c 2 'r1 o u =qt s r I z o o o €'nl AP?adrrr<17- ,o",-. "o. u-uleutBED sEpARArtoN tN BUlLDlNn" o, "'*OcuPANcY (ln Hours)I ardfi,: ,^ra'l:\t!A 'tD tstr Ar ?rntt oF -+ AGlrt'artl.r? lrrt{ Ia-t,., a!? u^tt - araa6. ,'. c|..:{rl _j 10 + {t\ AS lA0'7 oF c =.n o ,3 @ g |-9 z o o o o m AOA6€-r6..t't ut.'f H 1ur'.,, 6F tlA,rt- M!.: Fol ddailcd .cquircmcnlt attd clccplions' scc Sc('tion J03' ,ThG lhre..hoor scparation may bc rcducst to two hours whcrc tlrc (;roup B, Divisioo | (^Lcupancy i3 limilcd lo thc sloratc of pai$[8ct moloJ vchichs 'iri"iiii " l"p*lii "f not mori rhan ninc grrsons. This shrll not apply whcrc provisions of Scclion 702 (a) applv. ,For aSricultural buitdings, scc also Attpfndix Chrptcr I l. t o | 980 briner/scott architects 143 a meadow dr vail. cdorado 816.57 (303) 476.3038 March 16, Vail Fi re Department P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Attent ion: Mi ke McGee Reference: The Learn i ng Center Cascade Vil lage Subject: Documentation of fire code review for The Learning Center. Dear Mike: This will document our meeting of March 25th, l98l at which time we agreed to all fire control requirements for The Learning Center. We ask you to review this document for any errors and/or omissions. lf you f ind no errors and/or omissions please sign this document and return a c9py of it to us to indicate your complete agreement. lf you f ind errors and/or omissions please call me to discuss corrections. Type of Construction: Type ll One-hour Occupancy Separations: As required by UBC except between condominiums and remainder of the building which will be increased to four hou rs . Separations at al I Vertical Shafts, Stair Towers and at Ramp: Two Hours. lleans of egress: As shown on drawings dated l/15/81 and 1/23/81 Flame Spread Rating of Finishes: Flame speed ratings of all egress corridors and lobbies may be class "8". Flame spread ratings of all other areas except condominiums may be class rrCrl Flame spread ratings of condominiums is un rest r icted. Sprinkler System: Sprinklered throughout, including condomin iums, but excluding e lectr i ca I equipment room and transformer vaults. Dry-type system in loading dock area. Flow alarm connected to general bui ld ing alarm only. Standpipes and Fi re Department Hose Connect ions: A Class I dry type standpipe will be located wlthin the south stai rtower. This standpi pe will have hose connections at each f loor level and at the roof. A Second Class I dry type standpipe wi ll be located adjacent to the bui ldingrs central elevator. This Vent i I at ion of Shafts: standpipe will have hose connect ions at each floor level only. Fire department hose connect ions for both. standpipes and the sprinkler system will all be grouped together on the ramp retaining wall adjacent to the main buil idng entrance. E I evator As required by UBC (Three sq. ft of each Shaft) open ing at the toP '[HrS t\t4.1 *;rrt,li ELre, r.rrr?qD AY ntJt€'o- -+ F i re Dampers : Fire Door At of Ramp: Provide fire dampers whereever mechan ical system ducts pass through fire rated partitions, fire rated floor assembl ies or out of f ire rated shafts. Fire dampers shall carry the same rating as the construct ion they pass through. Bot tom A sliding fire door which closes upon activation of any of the bu i I d ing f i re zones expect the condomin i um zones,smoke detector in the level one lobby leading to the ramp and a smoke detector in the ramp. May be used in lieu of swinging doors doors with automat ic closers. This sl iding door should be driven by a motor operator rather than a counter weight. Stage Smoke Hatch: Shall open on activation of the theater alarm zone as well as by a smoke detector above the theater s tage . Elevator Control: A smoke detector shall be located above each elevator door. Annunciation of any of these detectors shall deact ivate the appropriate elevator cal I buttons and send the appropriate elevator to the ground f loor lobby where it may be used only by the f ire department' Fi re Alarm System: The fire alarm system shall have pull box stations I and horns located throughout the bui lding as requ iredlA"lt{ oy the UBC. The system shall be provided with standby .1.!.,9?. battery @r power. The svstem shalliili^'t ;:::T"fi:: :r;:?i"i:1"::"i?:: ?: :i:,:i:: con'[ror Jq'nu Fire Control Panel Location: The building fire control panel will be located either behind the main entrance recept ion counter or in a seoarate locked closet off the main lobby next to the concession stand. Ventilation of Stair Torle rs: Provide single opening at bottom and top of south stair tower. Provide one opening at top of each high point of north stair tower (two openings) and provide one opening at the bottom of north stair tower. Stair tower openings will be designed to clear smoke from stair towers by stack effect. Fire Control Panel Functions: Annunciation of each fire zone by means of smoke detectors located in both the supply and . return air ducts of each building air handl ing unit, supplementary detectors described under the next item, and f ire alarm pull boxes in each zone. A public address system which al lows messages to be made selectively to each fire zone as well as to the total building, Speakers must be located so that the publ ic address system can be heard throughout , the building, including within the condominiums, F \ Manual override controls for each air handl ing unit I which allow each unit to be shut down or turned lon from the fire control panel. This funct ion should \ incorporate a means of determining the operating ..lebt, E AG*6€D TsrS ,l status of each air handl ing unit. The Purpose of this frg aA-) e€ G,4',,',J^4lrD 'I l:l:tf" is to allow the airhandl ing units to be A1 ,EygrrDsR,S o.aoi,;; - lused bv the fire department to assist them in removing -vet fsmoke from the building after the building is evacuated l-and the f ire is out. Annunciation of any individual fire zone or the building general alarm (by smoke detector, sprinkler flow alarm or f ire alarm pull box) will send a general alarm signal to the fire department. All funct ions of the fire control panel except the airhandl ing unit control shall be provided with standby battery or emergency generator power. F ire Control Panel Zones: For purposes of annunciation at the fire control panel the building will be divided into the following twelve zones: f. Condominium Level #l and #2 2. Condominium Level #3 and #4 Since there are no airhandling units in the condominium area the smoke detectors requi red by code within the condominium will be used to annunicate this zone. Since smoke detectors may result is a significant number of false alarms, combination smoke, rate of temperature rise detectors shall be used. 0nly the rate of temperature rise portion of the detector wi ll be wired back to the fire control panel. The smoke port ion of the detector will only operate on alarm within the condominium unit where it is located. The condominium corridors on levels two and three shall also be provided with smoke detectors to annunciate zones #l and f2, 3. 4. Theater seat ing : Th i I ocated theater s zone wi ll be annunciated by smoke detectors in the supply and return air ducts of the air handl ing unit located in the basement. Theater stage and Project ion Booth Zone: This zone will'be annunciated by the stage smoke hatch detector and smoke detectors in the supply and return air ducts of the project booth air handling unit. Annunciation of "',5. Bisement I lnur. or both of the smote deteOs in the projection booth air handl ing unit will automatically shut down this air handling unit and turn on the project ion booth exhaus t fan . Zone: This zone will include the entire basement except the workshop, This zone will be annunciated by smoke detectors located in the supply and return air ducts of the dance studio air handling unit located in the basement as well as those additional smoke detectors required to cover areas not on an air handling unit. (The loading dock area, mechanical rooms, storage rooms, toilet and locker rooms and j). corridors). {tflR566p?one: Th is zone wi I t be annunciated by a smoke located in the workshoo exhaust duct. Restaurant/Bar Zone: This two level zone wil I be annunciated bv ry"!7&s*{ - smoke detectors located in the supply and return .ir"ir..?;afr;igff of the restaurant/bar air handl ing unit located on level ZodG.!.76:- three above the multi-purpose room. C$r#"J Lobby and Multipurpose Room Zone: This zone will include the rcAiftJ5*.fl],.- on both the first and second levels; the CMC office space,To oJ6 T*rl conference room and concess ion area off the first level !S A ${oP lobby; and the multipurpose room off the second level lobbfli.lfifi This zone will be annunciated either by smoke detectors located in the supply and return air ducts of the lobby air handl ing unit or the multipurpose room air handling unit, both located on level three above the multi-purpose room. Level One Classrooms: This zone wiII include the four level one Cl'lC Classrooms and one CMC conference room. This zone will be annunciated by smoke detectors located in the supply and return air ducts of the classroom air handlinq unit located in the basemen t . Level Four Classrooms: This zone wi I I be annunciated either by smoke detectors in the supply and return air ducts of the four separate airhandling units located above each of the level four classrooms, by fixed temperature detectors located in each of the four mechanical room sDaces above each of the level four classrooms, or by smoke detectors located in the fourth level corr idor. South Elevator: This zone will be annunciated by any of the el evator lobby smoke detectors, Center Elevator: This zone wi ll be annunciated by any of the e I evator lobbv smoke detectors. Al l€Dols7 . -l'F \tsAE detector lura,'tdfa.) 16Ia.lat J clelr6 TO 7. a 9. t0. ll 12. 'l o^t ca.roo south lcom.orr1 J ?t'lt D'''ja I'l4lel center]o; oOfl lu'te ' Etrn{.bt Extinguishers: Fire extinguishers wlll be ABC multipurposc typc as fol lows: locatcd .'. be rcluctsnt to mrkc chlngcs extrs cost to thc Osrcr. Thcrcforc our flnal norking drarlngs before we complctc prlcc l. One in workshop 2, One in each mechanical room except lcvcl fou r rnechanlqel rooms above c I ass rooms.3. One at each end or dance corridor lcvel.4. One in corridor outs ide workshop 5. One at each end of loading dock.6. One in kltchen. 7. One at each end of classroom lobby corridor.B. One at each slde of stage.9. One in projection booth.10. One in second level lobby. I l. One at each errd of level two and level thrcc condonl.nlunr corr i dor 12. Onc at each end of level four classroorn corridor.13. One at level four elevator lobby. t'lhen drawings showlng f inal fire extingulsher locetlons are complete lre wl I I review them with you. Shop Drawlngs: You wlll be providcd with shop drawrngs of the sprinkler syst.n,fire control panel and alr related aciessorles, iire alarn sy3t;nt and all rclated accessorlcs and fourth level classroom tceching kltchcn for your revlew and conuncnt. I r.lould like to remind you that we will to shop drawlngs that hrill result in an you should rcvlew thls documsnt.tion and careful ly and let us know of any changes negot lat lons wlth the contractor. Slncerely, \-. ;\ \"ill-lr- Vmes o. Straln ProJect Archltect cc: Geof f Kremser , Rl'lH Jere Ualters, llan5field Ltd. o l,Apri I o I 1\ : I briner/scott architects 14{} e meadow dr. vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476.3038 toc^".o..J \1 ---l) t A'a{r w4cr- AlllrtrsD ?y tlcG€E 5ln/U l98l Vai I Fire Department P.0.8ox 100 Vaif, Colorado 81657 Attent ion: Mike }lcGee Reference: The Learn i ng Center Cascade Vil lage subject: Documentation of further requ irements and clarifications with regard to fire contror system for The Learning center. Dear Mike: This wi I I document our phone conversation of l.larch 25th, lggl at which time you reviewed further requirements and points of clarification with respect to our March l5th letter to you. lf you find that this letter corrects allerrors and omissions in the March l6th letter please sign this document and return a copy of it to us. rf you still find errors and/or omissions please call me. Additional Heat and Smoke Detector Locations:Heat detectors shall be requi red in all areas not provided with a sprinkler system.(Electrical equ ipment room and transformer vaults) These detectors shall be connected to the appropriate fire control panel zone(s). An adequate number of smoke detectors shall be located within the first and second lever lobby areas to fuily monitor these areas.These detectors shall be connected to the Lobby and nultipurpose room zone. smoke detectors shar I be located at the top of each elevator shaft. These detectors shall be connected to the appropriate elevator zone. Fi re Department Hose Connect ions: You will review our suggested locat ion for the fire department hose connections and let us know if the suggested localion is satisfactory or if the hose connections should be moved to another location. Fi re Alarm System: lJe wi | | rev iew pu | | box been established by our be of a type which omit volume. The volume shall stations locat ions with you once they have electrical engineer. Fire alarm horns will a sound of variable tone, frequency and vary between 80 and 120 Db. Vail Apri I Page , Fi re f"rtmunt l, lgSIr 2 I I Fire Door At Bottom of Ramp: lf swinging doors with automat ic closers fire door, they may be provided with full Sincerely, are used In lieu of a slldlng lights of wlre glass' &-o l-u* \r6ries D. Stra in Project Architect Geoff Kremser Rl.tH Jere Wal ters, Mansfield Ltd. J DS/cg .2, : / ', /. -1 . i -'az-aa).., -. .),.- ( I I J I !I I I I I I I a T- ?r" The Vail Learning Center Mansfield Village VaiI, Colorado Prepared for Andrew Norris ILI PrePared bY A1len Gerstenberger Assoclates 2040 14th Street Suite 100 Boulder' Colorado 80302 23 April 1979 () 23 April 1979 Andrerv llorri.s III P.O. Box 294t Vail, Colorado 81657 The Vail Learning_..,1$n$91 Dear Andy: Enclosed is the final report ancl supporting infor-' mation for the proposed Vail Learning Center' The infor- mation presentecl ii of sufficient detail to explain the concept and. the space requirements of the various elements ' As you are aware, there is a great deal of additional work requiied to refj.ne the bullding programs, but this can be done once the concept is accepted by the communi-ty. Should you have any questions about this phase of the report, I'd be pleased to answer them. sm'e fu{***l A1]en Gerstenberger Enc. AG: bg S'llre ICO Bodie:.. Coicr:rco Et1?. S::'t.*t an"n.:l i]-lLr liilr (505\i-.t7-8?+O ()(l TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary General Design ConcePt Benefits to Vail Summary of ComPonents Colorado Mountain College Val1 Public LibrarY Center for the Study of Free Enterprise Communlty Auditorium and lrleeting Rooms ' Executive Seminar & Conference Center Sports Dimensions Center Appendices Colorado llbuntain College: Analysis of Space Requirements and Supporting Data B: .Feasibility Report for the Vail Publlc Library C: Exectui-ve Seminar and Conference Facility D: Draft Statement for the Center for the Study of Free EnterPrise 1.. 3. 3 r'5 5 7 I 10 10 L2 A: r' fhe Voil Le(lrinq center mansfield village vall, colorado sttlll4ARY * An auditorium (seatlng and fixed seating to be The proposed vatL Learning center r,ril!- provide quality facillties for educational and cultural progrims for vailts residents and gueists. Designed as ao integral part of Mansfielcl Vi.11age, the Learning C-enter will house the colorado HounEain college campus, the Vail Public Library' a community ittu"aur 'anrl ueeting rooms, an EXecutive Seminar/Conference facilityt and- several specializeJ educational organizations lncludlng che Center fot thz study of 'Eree Enterprise and. the s.ootts Dinensions centez'. The total factlity w1]I contain approxinately 37,000 square feet of functional lnterior space . ThetypesoFprogramstobeprovidedthroughtheLearningcenterinclude continuing e<iucation frogr"r", cultural evenEs (includlng artr musicr dance, and. lirnited d.ramatic putiotr"n""s), research, professional training Prograns' and publlc neetings and syrnposia. Functional areas included in the present design are: approximately 250) with sloped floor designed and equipped for audlo-vlsual Presentations, lectures,plays and musical Performances; * A dozen semi.nar and class rooms (seating t0-25 each); rk A large conference and banquet room, with the abiliEy to be sub-dividEd intoGEGEl-s*.:-t.r neeting rooms (seatiog approximately 390 Persons theater style and 350 banquet scyle); * The gail Public Library, housing 50-60'0OO volumes and providing necessary support facilities; . * A research l_ibrary speeializing in literature and audlo-vlsual f"TGtarion pett"T"ing to the free enEerPrise system' economics' taxation r and business operations; Teaching laboratories, lncluding dance and exercise studios' ffi phocography, graphic arts, and other f ine art s prograurs ; and Adninistrative offices for a number of educational and cultural @g Colorado 1tountain Co11ege, Che Cenrer foi the Study of Free Enterprise, the Vail Public Li'brary' and the Sports Dimensions Center. --9- - ()tr."r".,.s have been develoo"fr) rhe components of 'General space r!$lremenEs have bt :mlne che compatl._the Learning Center. This analysls was conducted !o deter bi11Cy of uses, as well as to ascertain Ehe amount and characteristlcs of the funccional space requlrements. Each of the uses will be brlefly described later in this rePort, wlth supportlng data contalned ln the appendices' The followlng exhiblt outllnes Ehe space reguirements for the conponents of the Learni.ng Center3 .: Exhibit 1: Colorado Hountain Co11e Laborator ies Clas sroorns AdNinistration Mis celLaneous Vail Public Llbrary ....,........ r Book storage area Chtldrent s area Reading area lleeting room Adxoinistratlon & work area MiscelLaneous Center for the Stud Meet ing./ s eminar Research J.ibrary Admi.ns tration Miscellaneous Auditorium Ileeting roons (2) Adninistra r ion lliscellaneous AdninistraEion Iliscellaneous rooms & lleetins Rooms . ' 4'l0o 2,500 800 200 600 7,415 sf 1,010 1,070 r t44O 2;800 850 1,000 200 1, 780 I ,150 11,035 sf 7 ,78O 4,43O 1, 140 1. 350 1, 100 840 Executive Seminar & Conference Center ' 8'490 -- Pre-funcrion area 1t700 Function roorn 3t5oo l.teerlng roorns 990 Offlces 160 Kitchen and storage 21140 Sports Diloensions Center - AthleEe .valltation room 800 750 . 100 Tr" TT GRAND TOTAL 37,485 sf (.i thac Ehese are prel1mirr.t, ir,-tes of needs and may development of detailed analysls for che varlous the planning Process the estj.nEces are sufficlently It should be noted vary somewhat followlng uses. At thls Phase of deta11ed. General Design ConcePt, The Vail Learning CenEer 1s being designed as an integral .part of llansfield Village anrl the Vail connunity. It shal-1 both cootribute to and benefiC frorn the life of the area. Its central Location within the Project was chosen ro encourage people to e-p1ore, ParticiPace, and share in the variety of learning opportunities. The prograns offered, the relaCionship between interlor and exterior sPaces, and ghe interactj-on wiCh other functions wiLhin Mansfield Vill-age all reinforce active involvement by residents and visicors in the Lea::ning center. It becones an intelra1 part of .the daily Life in the Village' noE an isolated campus. There is value in this approach. Not only does the envlronment suPPort the learning experience, it can even by the learning experience. As cicy pLanner fevin tynch phrased it, t'...the environment can be an educational ievice, a* insEigator of hurnan change, if it is open and explal'nab1e, if il: is riih in new information, if lt offer:s Ehe opportunity for the exer-cise of nerq funCEions.tt Watciring potters, painters, and danCers at work, students displaying their talerlts in public art festivals and ouEdoor conc'err-s t and visitois and locals participating in short vorkshops and discussions will all add a new dilrension to enj oyrnent and vitality of the public spaces. .These experiences will create a seEEing rich in corunulicatj.on' one rvhich is an education in itself because it pro<iuces a ciranging florq of new inf orrnaCion' One of the goals is to make l.{ansfield Villagc the center for such exciEne[t altd learning. . The mlx of uses necessary to accornplish uhis goal is critical. A variety of uses have been chosen because they are conpafible, yel different enough to each add iCs oran special ingrcdient. l'tithin the Learning Center iLself, the conrbinaiion is logical: a college canPus, a public library' a specialized research foundation, tied together wiEtr excellenE meeEing facilities xanging ftom the sma11 "boerdrocut" to the large auditorium. Each reinforces the others whi.le maintaining a distinct personality all its own' The result should be an atea thac is alive, dynami'c, fun' .Benef i r s to Vail There are a number of benefics to the Vail communj-ty resulring from the development of the Learning center. Naturally, iE wilt benefit Mansfield vlllage, but not at the e*putts" of the comnunity or oEirer nelghborhoods in vail. Quite the conrrary. It will provide neecled sPaces and acEiviries for several existing ptogt.*" which dontI have adequaEe facilities. Think only of CllCts A-Frarne or lhe Vail Pubtic tibrary or the lack of audi.coriun facil- Itles in VaiL. The problems are obvious. There is no center of learni'ng or culture in Vail. Yet the need exists. (L a There are " n,b of dlrect benefits to vurr|ludlng'che followlng: * The constructLon of an excellent nerd camPus for colorado MouhEaln colLege wlll allow them not only Che chance Co irnprove Eheir present Programs 'but to expand their currtcula lngo new fields (such as resort management 'recreational training Programs' and business programs)' * The new publlc library facility will be designed as a llbrary' not sinply left-over space. Reaiing areas, f.istening rooms' organized book stacks' and decent r.rork areas foi the sraff will all support rnore and better llbrary Prograns. Access wilL be simplified by the Proxinity to the p.""urrg"i unloading zone, the bus. stop, and the structured parklng Iot. It vill support the other educational facil,ities and beneiit from then as we11. The near-by conroercial and residential uses will also have a positive effecE on the librarY. * Facilitles vill be available such as the Vail lastitute, orgariizatlons . * The Learning Center r,rilL offer new opportunities to tesiCents and guests' It can roark vaiL as an area where people go to discuss issues and seek solutions and, uosE irnportantly, to learn. It tras the Potential to ex- pand our definition of the lerm I'E.o recreate" by returning to the concePt Lf t,ta creater' -- to begln anew, to impr.ove oneself . Sirnply, to g):ot'. The vall Learning Center cannot and will not be all chir"rgs to all people. Its goal is not to change the imag,e of vail or to touch the lives of L.r"tyott. pissing through our valley. Lt can, however, provide opportun- ities. It can provide needed cou:muniEy facilities, assist in inproving existing programs, and broaden our persPccEi'/es' The Learning Center is an excit.ing concept. It is a concepE that of f er:s someLhing inPortant to those 'who wish to share and to learn. Tbe balance of this report presents sur,unarles of the components of the Learning .Center . and appendlces vlrh supporting clata' This report has attempt;d Eo address tirl question, tt'ifhat is a rJ.earr-ring centert?" and to provide a 1eve1 of decail sufficient, Eo weigh its value to Vail. Addi- tional pTogram studies will be required for each of the components' both in terms of their internal needs, as rve11 as their relationships '"rith other functions. This work wilL be done following conceptual approval of the . proposal, for use by cultural and educational groups, oEher universicies, and specialized research { I -t a P o age 5 \. 1 SUMMARY OF COMPONENTS OF THE VAIL LEARNING CENTER Thls secclon will brlefly describe the lndlvidual components of the Learning cent,er as included in the development Progran. The elernencs reviewed lnclude Colorado MounEaln college, che VaiI Public Library, the center for the study of Free Enterprise, the cornnunity Auditorium and Meeting Rooms, the Executive senLnar/confeience facility, and the sPorts Dirnenslons. center' Support lnformation is contained in the appendices' i Colorado Mountain College Colorado llountain College is a ful1y accredited comrnunity co]-lege' serving five counties j.n reestern colorado. The continuing Educacion Division provides community-bised operations and services tailored to the needs of the 1ocal residenEs 'of the various cournunities. Classes were first provided through this progran in Vail- in 1969-70; since then the enrollment has grown to over. 21900 students in vail and a combined total of over 31500 for vall- l,{J.ncurn. The eniollments are proiected to continue to increase, but at a decreasing rate. cMC has been interested in securing improved facilities in vai1 to replace the 1600 sq. ft. former sewer plant thai is present,ly thej-r "eanpus." This stucly considered their scheduling, class characteristics ' and space require- ments to decermine the type of ficilicies needed to best satisfy the Vail program. Fron this. information., it was deternined that Lhe classes are gen- L.rffy snnall (averaging 9 studenrs/class), are scheduled during tle eveoing hours (6-f0 pn) ilonJay-Chrough Thursday, and a::e predominately laboraEory courseg (65% of the courses do not use- a lecture or discussion format). The nost popular clases -- accounting for about half of the enroll:nenEs -- are courses that require an open, gymuasium type of room suitable for physi- ca1 exercise and dance. Based on the dernand analysis and numerous discussions with the cMc staff, the building Program found in flxhibit 2 was developed' It reflects the cormunityt s. deiire for courses lnvolving creative arts, physical conditioning, and acadenic advancement. The cI.to generic types of educa- tional Spa""" required are rtlaboratoriestt and "class/meeting rooms.|' Generally the classrooms require Seals and tabLes; the t'labs" invol-ve a varlety of otlrer prograns, ranging in needs from open, unfurnlshed rooms (as for dance classes) to courses with specific equiplrnenE needs (such as ceranics) ' (More detail-ed information and backgroud data about cllc and the vail-Minturn Continuing Education programs is contained in Appendix A' ) .|F' I * 17 Aprll Page 6 t979 o'" () Exhlbit q?AgE BEQUIREMENTS TOR COLOMDO MOTJNTAIN COLLEGE Learning Center Labora torles a. Heavy workshops l. Ceramics 2. Metal .shop (jewe1rY, sculpture) b. ?hotgraph & Graphic Arts 1. PhotograPhY 2. Graphic arts '3. 'Video & fifun c. Printrnaking, fine arts ''c1ean arts 1. Printrnaking 2. Fine arts (2-D) 3. Fiber & clean art.s sq. f t.. d. Muslc and dance t, Music arts 2. Dance 650 390 1,040 sq.ft. 500 500 500 1,500 975 600 600 2,L7 5 Education & recr eation 1. Exerclse/dance studio f. Tood preparation studio Sub-total: Laboratory sPace Classlooms,/Meeting rooms a. Classroom A (seating = b. Classroom B (seating = c. Classroom C (seating = e. 800 800 400 7,415 sq.ft. ll tt It sPace 30) rs) 10) 270 200 135 135 r35 135 d. Classroom D e. Classroom E f. Classroom F Sub-total: Classroom Adninistration a. Tr"tf "ffices (5) b. Receptlon/registraclon c. Xerox, prlnt & scorage d. Restroonts Sub-cotal: Adnlnistratlon Circulation, lJechanical, Misc. l5li of gross sq. f c. 1,010 sg.ft. 500 150 200 320 1,170 sq.ft. I,440 sq.fc. for the Vail I,500 ,TOTAI FLOOR AREA 11,035 sq.fc. . ?-'F age 7 Vall Pub11c Librarv The exisclng Public Library' operated by che Town' is housed l ln cramped quartexs in the u""i"ip"f Bullding' -There has been agreement tor the past' severalyearsthaEthe'presenEfacilitylstotallyinadequaEetonee!the needs of the comnunify.' ttoru.rur, othei denands on lhe Townts resources have recelved PrioriEy uia'ia has therefore no! been possible to construct an adequate new librarY In 1978, the Town tetained Lhe fi'rrn of Royston Hanamoto Beck & Abey to develope a "Library Feasibiliry Study'r I!'was completed in July 1978' The study outline ge"Lral space requi-rei'ents for a new library faciJ'ity anC reviewedalternativesiEes.Attheti*eoftheRHBAst'udy,thePotential development of ilansiieid Village and the Vail Learning center were not antlcipated and were Eherefore not reviewed as a Potentlal site' The study sec outeight criteria for selecti'ng a site' As can be seen' thelocationofrheLibraryinconjuctiorrr.liththeLearningcenceriscon- sistenE lriEh these criteria: l.AlocationwhichstrengthensEhetotalcommunity,promotesinter-. acEion of residerrts and guests ' ancl is central to LionsHead and to the Vi1l-age' 2. A location dlrectly and convenienEly accessible by pedestrlan' bus rider, and bicYclist' 3. A location realonably accessible by automobile'. 4 . On a site now orn'ned by the Tor'rn o i Vail ' or availab le ac 1o\" or reasonable cost. 5. WiEhin an environmental setcing conducive Eo relaxing' reading' rePose' reseatch' The surrounii''g "p"t"" shouLd possess a pleasant - existlng landscape, or provide adlquace area for the installaEioo of a Pleasant landscaPe ' 6. Reading rooms' childrents library should orient to tbe souEh for year round sun and passive solar characEeristics' 7. . Vier'rs of the slopes or other -f1t"t""t features are desirable' The viervs should be outr.rard arra oiu.r, racher thaD- contained and inr'rar d ' g. Abnorrnal or expensivu "o.,"ar,rliion prout.*s should be avoided. The ' space available should pernit normal construction cechniques' The consultanEs recoTrlnended the site where the A-Frame is presently .' located, adjacent io nou"on Arena' si;;; ;ht proposed development of the vail LearningCenter,che}fansfielclVil1age-sicehasbecomeaprimecandidate forthePublicLibrarysice.Theconpatibilityl'iEh'othereducalional institutions, the easl of access uy "ii-*oa"",- the pleasant landscaping andviews,andtheinteractionbetweenbothresidentsandvisitors'makes llansfield Village a natural location for the Library' Based on conversations with the Librarian' Charlyn Costello' the possi- bility of locar.Ing the Library 1" lfnnr?iuid Viilage is logical and would be consistent with the 1lbrary's goal of froviding-betucr and expanded conrnunicy programs. IL is benefit,iai foi Ctre lftrary st;ff to be-involved with the plannlng process ac this stage Eo """"i. cirar ctre facllity saEisfies their necds . P o () Page t the Llbrary Feaslblltty Report ls- included ln Appendlx B' lnforuration ana afsi"ssions'wfth Ms' Costel"lo' the folloulng ti" U."o lncluded in the Learning Center proposall Exhlbit 3: (; A coPY of Based on thls sPace Program SPACE REQUIRFIE}'ITS . EOE VAII1 PUELT9-LTBRARY ----Tor the Vail- Learnlng Center Book storage area Reference area Non-fiction Flction PeriodicaLs Reading Areas AduLts Chlldren Adrnlnlstracion &. work area Check out desk Work sPace Librarian Staff roon Audio visual work area lllscellaneous Restrooms 500 1,200 700 400 sq. ft 2,800 sq'ft. I ,000 850 1,850 200 150 800 150 180 500 1,780 900 250 I, 150 7'780 sq.fc. GMI{D TOTAI.: T 17 Aprtl 1979 fP"e" r Anon-proflteducationallnstiEutionlsbeingdevelopedwhosegoalwlll betolmprovethequalityandeffectlvenessofehefreeenterpriseeconomic system. It will be known as the center for the Study of Free EnEerprise' and wi1]- provide a varlety of educational , research, and.tralnlng Programs on Ehe general subjecE of free ent"rptisu. The cenier will have a ful1-cine professional sraff responsible for adrninistering the policies- of the narionally represented Board of Directors. The Center will act as a clearlnghouse for sharing inforamtion between ocher organizations invol-ved with the free enter- prise systen; it rsill- advocaEe improved quality of products produced by the private secE.or; it will provide a serting for trainj'ng -Programs and seminars; and ir will provide reseaich facilities for the stucy of such issues as inflarion, taxes' environmenEal quality, consuner affairs' uoernployment ' and many others .TheCenterwillgnerateoperaEinsrevenuesfromthesaleofpublications' f."u itlt-p"iai.ip""a" of seminars and training Programs' contribucions' and research contracEs and grants. The sraff wil-l conduct programs boEh nationally and at the vail Learnini center. The facilit.ies ro be built in vail will be designed to support liscussions and research into issues of national I inportance. One of the most important elements of the Center will be the research library. It wiLl house literacure covering a range of j'ssues specific to businass and economics. In addition, several meetlng rooms will bL reserved for the exclusive use of the Center' The fol-lowng funetional areas wilt be used by the CenLer and have been included in the overalL development program: Exhibit 4: SPACE REQUIREYEIT-JoB TIIE CENTER. FOR THE @ for the Vail Learning Center Meetine/Seminar Rooms <Meeting rooms (2) Pre-function area Research Library Collection area Reading area Llbrary office Adninistration RecepEion area Offices (5) Conference area ItLsce ll.ancotrs Res t ro oms Storage, Clrc. , llisc ' 900 sq.ft. 240 1, 140 sq. fr. 800 400 150 1,350 200 750 t50 I,I00 200 640 840 GMND TOTAL 4,430 sq.fc. F 1l connunicv Audltorlutd l{eetlng Rooms Inresearchlngthetypesoffunclconswhichshouldbeh6usedinthe Vai].Learningcenter'tcbecameobviousthaEtlrereisaneedforanaudi- torium and addltj-onal meeting facilicies foi. ttt" ":T:li'T' as well as for other institutlons frral'"""i in providing short courses in VaiI' A surprislngly large number of groups e:<prelsed intcresL in providing pro- grans ln vaj.l on . ;;;;i;t ;"Ii"-,'u"t it"t noE done so because of the rack of facillties deslgnel to neet ctre:'r speciflc needs'. The problern wlth eoticing these grouPs to Vail is noL'one of lack of inEerest on their Part' i"i-.""".t lack of ptoput facilities' TherelsademQnstrateddemandfromlocalresidentsforfacilitiesfor meetings, 1."lrttusr-t;;i;;i petfotrna.""u=' "nd other cultural events' but adequate facilities have not Uuu" pto'"ilua' Many 1ocal groups have had to either live wich poor facilities or simply do wichout (and noc provide prograns ) AfterciscusslngtheproblemsofElrelackofcommunityeducationaland c,rlturalfacilit'ies,itwasdecidedthatsomeareasoftheLearningCencer shoulcl not be leased only to specific tenenEs' but should be available to the community and other organizations' The rnajor need is for a qualily auditorirrmfacility,capableofaccommodatingauclio-visualpresenrations' 1ectures, and urusical perf ormances ' aitt'o'-'gil a f u11 -thcaErical stage is nol: planned at Ehis time' the stage area "iii Ut designed to oennit linriued perforrnances. Therefore, a fixed seat;;;' sloped-floor.at,ditorium' capable of seating .ppro*i*Il. ti' ZiO persons tr"""lu"" included in [he design program' rn adctiEion, several smaller neet.ing rooms, _capable of seating between . l0 and 30 persons "ifi t. available for ihe public use. These meeting fooms wllL rneet the demand for the srnall groups r.rhl need to conduct two- and three- day training Programs or sirnply hold evening meeEings' Erecut.i.vese@ An lDPortant goal of the Learning Cencer is Eo provide Ehe higltest quallty faciliries for visitor", "" r"ti.-nr-t""i.a""a". Faciliries are needed thacarecapableofsatisfyingthedemandsofvari'oussizedgroupsinter- ested in visiting V"if tot'roii.. ,ot" ioo" , -.atr"o c ional programs' and conferences' .The rneet this need, the hoEel ,irr op-eiaie an Executive seminar and conference facilriy capable.i "".ti"g group, oi-abour 350 for banquets and 390 for lecutres.ThelargemeeEingroornrvillbecorrvertibleintosevera].sma11er break-dor,m rooms. In addition, Ehere will be several smaller t'boardrooru" typ.e meeting rooms' kia"ht" faiclities' and other- functional areas necessar)' toDeettheneedsoftheguests.t..'E*"cutiveSeminarCenEerwillbemanaged by lhe hotel and trir r't lesigned t" t"-initgral part of the hocel' The exhtbit on the next page out,lines th. spa.o iequirernents for che couference Center. L' .|LVs -L .trt Page ll t, &filbit 5: SPACE REQUTRWENTS FoR $u ncrcutrfficr csutrn for the Vail. Learnlng Center Room Sq. Ft. CapacLt Audl.torlum Classroom U-ShaPe Receptl.on Banquet Pre-Func t ion Functlon Roosl Ueeting Rooms Roorn A Room B Room C Offlces Scorage Serving kitchen 1700 3500 330 330 330 160 r000 1140 190 390 130 270 25 25 25 9s r95 15 I5 l5 2!o 500 170 350 30 30 30 35 35 35 45 45 45 TOT/TL AREA:8490 sq.ft. "!F-" (,) . soe -- Sports Dlneoslons . Center l{1th the reereatlonal orlentation of Val1 and the development of the Learnlng center, 1E is loglcal that a Program be provlded_ that r"eds athler'lcs and acadenics. such a proposal has been received frorn a loca1 group.. I'C invol.,res the creatio. ol thu "Sport.s Diuension! Centerrtl whlch w111 provide technical and psychologlcal training Prograrns on issues revolving around physical activlties anJ the rnind. The general concePt _involved is that physrcar actlviEies provide an appropriace media for addressing a varlety of psychological issues, ranging from stress management to self-lnaSiog to irri.rp".iotal relationships. The specific educational prograns have been ln the deveLopment pro"u"" for several years by a number of groups around the country. A pilot piogr"r has been tested in Vail and its success has Led the sPonsors to seek avenues to lns E iEutionalize the progra:ns' The nature and .qual.ity or tn. piograns bei.ng discussed are consistent vith the overall goais of the Learning Center. Therefore, Lhe sPace require- ments have been included in the design Program. A rnajor element of ttreir program is the trathleters evaluation room" which will provide a testing iaU6ratory for technical analysis of the physiological conditi"on and responses of the hunan body to varyj.ng situations and pressures. The follotrj-ng Program requirenents have been devel-oped for the Sports Dimensions CenEer: Exhtbit 6: SPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR TTIE SPORTS DIMETiSIOI.IS CENTER for the Vail Learoing Center Athleters Evaluation 800 sg.ft. 750 Adminlstration & Reception (2 offices) 'rorar,1,550 sq.ft. Room . --*' CCCRAS MCJNTAIN CCtLFGE December 20, 1977 Diana Toughill Zoning Adninistrator Town of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana, CONITIMJING EUJCATION DI VI SIOII Il',l I I I noticed in the last requesting employees Vail C.M.C. ful-1 time heavy snor^rs started. issue of the Vail Trail that the Town is not to use the Lionshead parking lot. The staff has been using that lot since the Since that lot is no l-onger available, and since parking seems to be at a premium this year, particularly at peak times, I 94 rgquesting that the small lot in front- of the A-frame be made available for parking for the full tine staff at C.M.C. There are 4.5 FTE employees, and they drive from; Edwards, Gilman, West VaiJ., East Vail-, and I use my truck for pickup & delivery for all items at the A-frame. Clearing, by the Town of Vail, of the space at the A-frame would greatly benefit the C.M.C. staff and at the same time provide 4 to 5 more parking spaces for visitor parking in the T.o.V.lots. In addition to the parking needs we receive deliveries fro4; Coca Co1a, U.P.S., Garfibld Steel, and other agencies on a regular basis. Eagle County Trash also needs access to the site for duupster pickup. Many of our teachers need to pick up and unload suppl-ies, partieularly at the beginning of each quarter and we always need to load and unload; projectors, cLay, boxes of books, brochures, lumber, etc. The only time the problem is particularly severe is during the peak of the winter season. During the fall and spring quarters, when the lots are empty and when footing is secure, we can readily use the Lionshead parking lot. During the srmrner, as you know, we insEall the large green tent on the A-frame parking lot and that eliminates parking altogether at that site. We are simply requesting use of the A-frame lot for the winter months. If it is possible to insert a clause into our use pe::nit rdith the Town of Vail for such a condition, I woul-d appreciate it.If you Cormis me to appear before the Council or Lhe Planning teqtimony, L would gladly do so. h. Sinc Milhoan, Director o VAIL ART & CRI AL STUDIES CENTER r Box 1114 o Vail. Colorado 81657 o 303/476-4040 o ItD rfrrue .:l 3r. i.i i ..j t:l il ti rii i: : '''.:' ;. i. a.lll. Fifty odditionnl parking sgnces for Vail Assffiates and Vail ts Are F'on ?isrtors 1 Peak lot only if 'the .car ls occupied by 3 or nrorc persons llct nfter thc Golden peak Soccer rlelo parking lot is fnll. During p:ak periods, the trest nn$n'er is to ride tlre bus. The Town prescvrtly provitle* hus servtc€ to the Bighorn, Lionsridge and Sandstonelreas, The Bighorrr bus ru s every J0 minutes duting rush hours G:no a.m. to g a.rn. and 4 p.m, to ?:30 p.m.) and-hourly s*vice during the rsst of the day (9 B.m. lo 4 p.nr. and 7:30 p.m. to rnidnjght).The Sandstone-Lirinsridge -bus operates every 2$ minut& lrom 6:30 a.m. to midnight. Seasnn cost $it5 and discount n books are available. The of Vail will provide free bus north public parking lots rn LionsHead willnot nnen r!htit ff.:ur oason pssses for their north pub . !'ail Associates is Village. employee have been assignment creat€$ a need. For lT*?jjjlll",ll*:r fiord casr of infoimation on ioirtes, scheauies,('oiocn r,eak. Vail Associatcs and or fares, please call the Town vrnage .emptoyees will be office qt 4?Ff,8lB or the public qnrrdtted to park in the Golden Information Co,L;- J 4?&1000. In. an effort to provitle s,uffiiient porking for oul during this ski season. the'h 9f Vaif, U.S. Forest Service, V Associates and the Vail A,ssoclgtion havg Instrtuted number of programs for days.i the emphasis of programs ls lo free spaces In public day-skler lots- for uge ,our visitor€. Loeals who afe not , nkilng are requested not to use the north and east p.rrking lots in LionsHead and the Goldm peek parkirrg area ln the Villase on peak days. To encouraEe ernploy€sc to plfk at the far west end of the twest lot across from the sewer ' plantoueakdays. IfiEffiffiilo encorrraging cflr pooling Bnd js rssurng parking and trus psgs$ 1,enlptoyee.$ whose work Iu addition, the Tmvn has approvcd an nrdinrnce which allows -ownerc of private parking lots to lease a limited nrrmber ol spaces to Vail retidr.nts on a Iong term busis. If you ri'lsh fnrthei infornration nn which parhing spsces are available, please rnntact Diana Toughill at the Town of Vflil at. 47ti-56t9. Whe n the Transportation Center and LionsHead public lots arc full, the police will a,ssist the public in prrking along the. Frontage Road. Cars pnrkei ln u s area at sny o0nr time will be ticketed and towed. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning Commission Department'of Community Development June 2, 1977 Colorado Mountain College Request for Conditional Use permit ior Summer Tent Colorado Mountain College has made application for a 40' X 60' green and white striped tent to be erocted i'n the A-Frame parking Iot. The proposed tent is for use as Summer Vail Art lirork Shop space to be used from June 13 to August 19th ' The proposed location is northwest of the A-Frame and is zoned agricultural' Upon review of Section 18'600 "Criteria and Findings"' the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit based upon the following factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. One of the primary goals of the Town has been to expand the availatre cuil"t-"r' ""o- tat"tiiottal opportunities in the Community. 'ir't-pt"ptsed teni r"tit'tti this objective' 2. The effeot of the use on lightt?19'ui"''distribution of ' population' transportation-Tacilities' utilities' schools' .pa.x""ii..iu."u'iio,,t"iYi:"iiIi,-'"aot;;;publicfacilities ;nd Public facilities needs' As there is a great deal ot nyp]lc parking' which is not used in the ii#;;'-oirectrv"ltiit"ttt'l:-:1" proposed tent' oarking slrould not pose " p1?i1?*' The site is also on a bus route and should not adversely i*pu"t the transportation system iilp".t= "n other factors are positive' 3. Effect upon traffic, with ea{ti-cuJ1: ::t""ulce to ::lg?:ti"n' automotive and pedestrian safety "ng.:?ntenience, trarrrc ' f row and control' ut""i3i #lt9;itlluiritv' and removal of snow trJm-iile stieet and parking areas' i 'n colrel Coloraclo litountai Page Two ' The effect on sma1l amount of Parking whish [""-u..o a tremendous control traffic should be Positive a? :h?. ;;-;;;t-available near the A-rrame problem. of the area in which the ProPosed i"rution to surrounding uses'4. Effect uPon the character "t.-i" t-o Ue located""in The applicant feels that the tent will enhance the quaritv or si;; tA-;v elimina;;";";;'. o"l5ll: bv the A-Frame and will ,r"o """i" ", r" barrier ^io"""on"truction underway at tne Lodge at Lionsh.ro] *"wl ao. not t.Ii ttr"t ?nv_1.r."tive impacts on the characler oi tnt area or oi-in" scale or bulk of the surrounding uses is created by the tent ' 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems "PPiit"ULe to the ProPosed use' No other fact'ors should be considered' 6, No environmental inpact report is required' The Department of community Development recommends that the Conditional Use Permit be approved based on the following That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of ii'is-oroinance-ano-trte purposes of the district in wnrcn^'ltt"-tit" is located' That the proposed location of the use and !h:.":.Tditions under which " *J"ii"ilt^ipt""t"d',or maintained will not be detrimentar ti-it'"-p'uiic r'earl-tr'- satetv' 91^:"1fut" or materially injurious to properiit" ot improvements in the vicinity I with each of the applicable That the ProPosed use will complJ provis:-on-s of this ordinance ' findings: 1. 2. 3. \ a Dli$IcN nliYtlfl !)OARD DATD OF IIUETING: IIDMBDNS PRESENT: SUBJECT: / rIoN TAKEN BY BOAP. NOTION: VOTD: AGAINST: austnNrrox: / APPROVUD 2 i DISIPI'liovliD: SUtrItrIAIiY: BUlLDING DIVISION Fa+{€x"l+T rxere.{a&633r- 9a1s i' l,r,?lr JOB NAME ^]\ tNspEctru FlEeuEsr EAG it c o'u n rV-^ r- :f;';3 'hlr,'...'i .r,ii: - r.. Ir-'r i.-- TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON ! pannnr LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM M'I 'lil.i @ *El.s+snep.Rov,ED -_ _ .-El-a"eru$p.qcr* -l-l uron fl te rett tor{c. .. CORRECTIONS --tz'ae4 { INSPECTOR Page No -of -Pages ROSS ELECTRIC,INC. P. O. BOX 15Cr:l . VA|L, COLORADO 81657 PHONE (303) 476.0135 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO:DESCRIPTION OF JOB: TOl'IN OF VAIL JOO C.l\i.C. 'A" FRAllE P.0. 30x 100 Address vArL, coIoRArE 8!657 City State ATTIi r JIM AiltsEY Phone Date +76-5613 ]-2t14?8 ll[r Qlrrhg Suhunit specirications C.M.C. A F}iAME BIIILDING and estimates for U? GRADITG THE Ei,ECTRICAL SERVICE AT TNE I) REI'iOVE EXIT PAITIL AND REF.ACE '/ITli A 200AI'iP lriAlr BREAI(8R pAl,t-dl 2) REIoCATE NEil PANEL T0 BASEMENT 3) RECOIINECT ALL EIIS?Ilrc CIRCUIT:]4) srRArrEN l,rETER oN EXTARTon 0F 3urtDrNc ll[e lllefehg flfOpnff to furnish tabor and mareriats comptere in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of $ 590.00 FM HUITDRED AND NINETY DOTIARS With payment to be made as follows: All material is guaranteed io be as specrlred Att work rs ro be compteied n a work- eutnOrrzed4 t manf,te-a.ne;accordrnotosrandardpracrlces A.v rlrerarlo.o, oe"la'o" r.o-.rno"e i."1, :/".4 At a*rZ-<-ZZ .t4,*lt* speci{rcations nvolving eitra cosrs will be executed onty upon wr tten orders, and wrlt L-)r9rrdture- become an extra charge ovef and above the estirnate All agreements contrngent Lrpon strities, aiciaenis o; d'eiats beto;d ourcontror ownerto c"arry fire, t"i"]J" Z"J "irl". Note: This proposal may be \,vith- necessarv insurance Our workers are fully covered by worLmen s compensation drawn by us if not accepted within_days. Arfrptunfr nf Sropurul-rn" above prices, speci-fications and conditions are satisfactorv and are herebv accepted. You are authorized to do the work as soecified.Payment will be made as outlined above. Signature Date Accepted Signa Cl Ths or6w'ng Ao.rd, Inc . Box 5O5 . 0.116!, T€x's \l o(4 9;z=Fl |'-r O'rt 'lro ItJ I FJ LF o5 at o |zt F o I z <+ \ \ !?-ET -6t o 4 r o dt -l o o E *iaigi:i:;al*?ai i " siF:si*g;i;Eqa:n I' E *i;iiqr:;ii$ii; i s-fu . ;Eii;l;i:siii:gq : Eir!9 g;i#t;flfii;ir: u : i Esnii ;g:iF5ili5;tii3; a,c, o (Dl HI r, l t- | t( |Itl t-l tfi*ltt I 14 o t(a lr ,7 tl ttr l( 'L ;l(;t( EI;F I *l 5l D'I (DQ oQ i(a .ha eE { o:n(t ,,€e TT {o ei ;;€t;iirFl i. l;ieFr:iani i E ts SreilgfEtP * ; e 3Fe*;if;:A * a flig'aniBi g ; F #Xg vA E-NE s e, I F:+E;f=;3 s ? [ isi*AeES;g [ 3 FFiit;: [s *E s g F'$-q"isi5=?X'e E r'-'9sfE'fr"E I " ?.iz'ai.E.:';': E ; ss*a;Fir s i c i[3€;elg ; F ? A;E:eit.? F E I g{ e'}€*3 I E a I e:itgsEF ; | 19 1'il!.98ro, F r 3 iaralii?*6 | '- f€e"aFsEe. =t< o o 5 5 a o il ('lx IT; tl!Ian I l=lo)l1< I IH l9l Ftr 1010 tql I F;'l'\r B,L--o '\- !t z o I Ef o o e. cL o € p o s o CI I I I I l= l4 l* I I I I .'< ; @ IJ l-r E 5 o F !t 7 t o IE IF FA Es t- F'B l"lo b+bi6 ;1 Ets l-l -.r5 IP I I I P ; '3 1-r eh ut FC -F g,e,t ()d o- Eo 82 t3 6'F l\- 6 [.l.I g'I ctl r^F iiD o9 Ft a'i tq s c)o E s o |D x .ct d ,/(^J V h\PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Colorado Mountain College has applied for a Conditional Use Permit as provided for in Article 18 of Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973, as amended, in order to erect a 4Ot x 6O' tent adjacent to the A-frame for use by Sunmervail Art Torkshop to be used from June 13 to August 19, L977. Subject property is located on Tract A, Vail Village 2nd Filing. A Public Hearing wilt be held in accordance with Sectj-on 21.500 of the Zoning Ordinance on June 2, 1977 at 3:00 p.m. before the Town of Vail Planning Conmission whose decision will be trans- mitted to the Town Council for final decision. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAIL Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published 1n the Vail Trail May 13, r-977 ,l | ,'- CCCRADO MCJNTAIN CCtLTGE CO{TINUING ETIJCATIONI DI VI SION Xs. Dlana Toughill Zoolng Administrator Town of VaiI- Vall, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana, tlay 6, L977 Colorado Mountain College would llke to request a temporary varl.ance to erect a 40tx 60r green & nhLte stripped tent ln the parking lot of the A-Frame. The teot wouLd be used for alternate classroom space for the 1977 Sumervall Art Workehop and would be used from June 13 to August L9, L977. As you know, we have very little clasgroom space at the A-frame and the tent would give us 21400 nore square footage for clessroom and neetl.ng space. It ls Ey opinion, the tent actually enhances the quallty of site ll24 by eJ.lnlnatLng parking from the parking lot. It would also glve the A-frane a barrler for the construction work belng done at the Lodge at Llonehead. Ttrank you very much for your consideration. AttachDent L--U,h-,'^-t l'"2 e /z?-"u'4/ cL-4/ @^^-.-fr, t-t-' /"- - te I-,-'-e-, A '"{**("7 Randy oVAILART&CRITICALSTUDIESCENTERrBox1114rVail.Colorado81657t303/476-404Oc at--- $r .$,' {, s*1 *-1 .l a$; F-t vll 'ni I { t \ , t I I I I N\, ir dl-r-6 (r N s tl I 2 o 4. tt tvr qlo e-u z 3$ \-&V N,714(yt-/ E. q5 o E d I .\ \oy \ .$ \\ t\ \ a)qt \ I J C. -19 r* I 4 e.e qF 3 -|. >t 1\ r'i\ I it-\ * {-T)($ \t*(i\ x ll \r \r ll \r \l \r \\ ':: ,' -'i.:rill li\rF';' ;:: I ..."" r.1 -+, ;f. i. '-..-; 4..i'; .\,,jr;.. '!i'. '.ii i t}\ii +l:-,r.., ,rtsi.L.:i:l::',' :lhJi"r.l ;:t1 , \:' , .l'tt' ' !|ft:.: ' ,:$r i . !Fl"'i'!ir" : I a DESIGN REVIIW BOARD DATE OF MEETING MEMBERS PRESENT: MOTION: APPROVTQ: v/ DISAPPBOVED: 1.' .t Augurt l, SlnccrclY, ' DESTGII REYTEI{ tr}ARII le75 ilr. nandy llllhorn Golonrdo ibuntaln Gollcgr Yrll, Colorrdo 81657 tHr Ran4y: If you lnvc arv questfont, Plerrc call. [rclorod pu wlll flnd r copy of t]n lbrlgn Revlrr gort{ir concrpturl rpprovrl of the rool addltlon for lour klln. " Utron you have dcldrd uFn ttn n tarlrl th.t lt to be urcd rnd/oi rhcn lt ls corplited, I rould ePgrlclrtr lt lf'yott rorid brtng r frr plcturcc of thG structure In to ilf lo: thrt the Borrd crn glve you flnrl rpprovrl. ilo Krrn* Sacrrt ry .,i o F Q F z a z F. z SHlHr $:!r: -<Q,,9 <:-9zi FE'<9 F it'1 t HiSfU X^OY,I 420e4 =<oza z A):90;5 tFio@ 9<o <aaz;>;:t:a F x:r=:<o <F*eiH -i,_,<c o>,o <o:!=t.tcaI<d<>l F o UJ (J z J 2 -r! o lll t! z F o UJ z s E F z ll, IJJ F cc cc E E llJ F =F F UJ cc E J F F 6 ! :r lrl o o z -o J -l o -l > lr e =, =o F NOTMlVA Y o B tt z F = rl,o ) UJ z :€>o(' o9 2 tr :-"c6 ttt o ^>:z :< >9 ;.i UJ E z e F F. z Ir1 a z 2 z - ,l a F Irl 2 F O EI t) 14 lrl >T <F AF oa 2z =<7\Z z=IF 9<<O >:l ;<;co \ $ t o (l uJ z UI o z -< F z u,l E IJJ F ul J t! ll/ J e \J I L E r lrl 0. rt z -o J f o = lr o -, =e t- 6 i g E t E-, -s ) (, ('l -r! 2 z tr :=e6 q0 t> 12 *< o-()>() ;.i o F O €r z O z c F z <FA<::r.>FF -<9.,?! < :. y 2 t =:!F<(,z ' < :'1 .^ /'\lt;EIi6 ir9Zg =z-<3 ;<azo =7zA); o < A5 iileoo <QHZi >i5i:ll::y:3zE-i ae.".ig Itr<c 3> -(,<o*-qrlaa<d<>,r F =uJ o- o z ) z F j:i ;:F Yg cc z uJ z cc F cc UJ t ) E F , F F ut E G J a F F F z UJ E uJ t E tr lI o o z o J I f o -l l+o =, =o t- NO |lVn.lVn rrr \tLol UJ z c.r 9 -^ z F Y; 9o ^>:z >u ;ri (! o = z F a J UJ z 'ACNVdnCCO JO 3rVC tJ tJ.U 3C sNottJ3dsNt o la Ino3u 11v Hll-JV JO 3CNVnSS| SZIUOHrnV Or 30V!1/ NlsA 3nVH 'r-Jfo eo'rs 3Hr or o3NUnJ.3u 3s or- sr oHvc srHr:3IoN :s)uvt/{tu o3nssr AcNvdncco Jo SrvJtJ tru3c :o3sv313U :of nssr utoHo dols J.J3'l U30UO NOIIC:|UUO3 'lvNH m |-m o i , D |- HCNOU H9NOU HCnOA 3CNVUIN3 33tAU:tS .IVN IJ ! 3 E z o l,\l3lSAS U!11)NlUdS'OInV s:tdrdoNvls cN u.Nf A 3lsv l I Ntvuo 'lsto E Alddns cflvM 'lvNtl m I z o W:IISAS 33NVr1ddV lVNIJ @ g -I z {IN 0NtUtAOC 'tlVM s3cv'IdSutJ NOtrv'ltrNSn woou 9NIJOOJ ll tvul 'l'lvM NorrvoNnol 'l'lvM NorIvoNnoJ 'l'lvM NotrvcNnoJ 'l'lvM No tlvoNnoJ 'l I3IS 'r r rIs 'rrrls 9Nr.tOOl 9Nt10()J 9Nr.r.ooJ 9N IJ.00J xcv€J.3s 3unrvNgrs Norrvco] / slNf w$loc Slvo 'tvAouddv uorJ3dsNl -tvtJ3ds 'dsNl 'otu uorcrdsNt oJ. l'lslsslccv oNv lrls sof No oflsod 3s ol st tNuol s? suo!lcsdsul .rol poj!nbgJ 0allou asup^pe !l 0l €z-9lt euortd (IpO esn tuorutredeq rod) ouoSlu NorrsSdsNl noq tz O i :r o & z o 2 a F' a >o it ai?>,Ot) YZ Efr 47 a2 2F..<1, lrv E2 EZ r EU t-' :F. <.8 .J (\. t{F Ll t{>E <€.!tr _!: Elr 19v,QO r{z ts< 7Z ZY Xli o<<o hi ts?E9 e H \ + F =c !,1 I o uJ c Itl ()2 t l|l (,z 3 al o t- c ul G ll o o J tt ul G F o J J F o F ut E E o o J t|- J F o F z u,, =u,l at ut ! ,E :-r = lrl 0. g z -o J l E E 4 ur G z o l- 6 o z o F E l!F (,2 o J f o l! ut at F z () uJ J ut E o uJ (, G o tl F IL =F E 9 ul E tt E !J J z z c ta ur E ct o J t0 II o F lt d v, \) \ uJ E 2 E o E- !!t >cra| :*r\l IUF =oz o9 -o -@t z o F cq n6 FE q0 :>a> -E<u,l -,o.o >o FO ;.i I c I tt o 2 o F A E 8 |ll o \ '{ $ tFtlllt Nov 5 tgl4 FIEOUEST - :ri-L F{*"^ € -:^M DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM I orxen MON COMMENTS: fue.l D pnnrrrl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM E lppRovED El upolrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr .: ''/ DATE INSPECTOR lr o tr z 2 F F z 9H!Hi #tg3E -k9'a9 <--VZF.FE'<9 .<!'t-^f, B'ETi U qe?ig i<aza EE:8H ()<o <ardz;riEii 9?6'i HHgiH IFr<c a> -o)<o*B H q E<c<;'1 + E =ul A J I Y ll, z J z ,.u Y*i6 o ur !J z uJ z s a z IJJ E uJ ul 9 F CC u,l ct tc o o J lt ul G J J F F ul G G IL J F F ! .E =n =E o lr eO --1 -=o E'I t-- -tI l o z F lt o ! E ct !J 2 6 =o E a ul E z tr 6 o 2 9 ul 3 ut z F 2 a ut J uJ c Itt () o tt F t! z I 9 u,l a IJJ 4 4 z F at dt =o z F u,l o u z f t J J 3 i x !,1 o UJ II 6 El o- v, o ut J v z t, ul tt ul 4 o z F v, F |ll = J o tt F tt at z tr I J c o lt o ul F o !l- t!>(,or :*N tl,l F 2 o9 -o 2 F al ll--f cO FG 9o =>?z 5f url a.O >o FO ;d : =t! z F E o Q !J o J E trJ 'ACNVdn330 rO 3r-V3rlr1U3C JO SCNVnSSI sNotIS3dsNr (l3uIno3u .r..lv s3rlv l.d30'90"1s 3ZtrJOHrnV Or 30Vv{ N33A 3AVH 3HJ. Or O3NAnr3H 3S Or Sr OCVs SrHr-:3ION :S)UVW3U ornssr AJNvdncSo lo 3lvcH tlulc :o3sv313U :of nsst u:toco dols IJfl A:IOUO NOTIC3AUOC lVNIJ m l-m o {t o - HCNOU HCNOU H0noa 3CNVUtN3 3CtAU3S 'lvNtJ !-c 3 E 2 o n3rs^s u31)Ntuds 'olnv s3dtdoNvls ONIINSA 3tsvM a Nrvuo 'IS|O B A'rddns ullvM lVNti E m I z o w3ls^s 3CNVrlddV X.'lvNtJ tr g -I z G' (lNrl cNtu3^oc 1'rvM srcvld3u H Nollv.t |lN3A WOOU 9NtJOOl SUrVUl 'l'lvftt NotrvoNnol 11Vrli NOrrvoNnoJ .|.lvrtl NOIVONnOJ x l'lvM NOtlvoNnol 1:l3ls 13rls 'r33ts ON IIOOJ 0NrtooJ !)NrtooJ x 9N IIOOJ )cvatSs 3untvN9rs NOllvSo] / srNSwwoc 3rvo IVAOEddV 80rc:tdsNl 'rvtc3ds 'dsNl 'o3u uorcldsNr oL ill8lss3ccv oNv 8()c No o3lsod 38 0r sr wuoJ !uo!lrocllu! .rot peJ!nboJ ec!lou ecue^pe (^pO asn luaulredaq rog) ouoc3u NorrcSdsNl 3IlS u 0lez-gat auoqd lrnoq ?z o F o e tr 2 c !l 7 , & ti 2 d 9H!fl !!dn liE^o iirE? [fiEn qe:i 2i?a (J<Cl <oslz E4ga Eg,'l :E;i n>-fi3E d<t t+ F E ul A v o ul IJ z J c z o =o >I!:'t F !/G -ut o-(J a,(J o lu ul o (,z ul z 3 G a F z ul E tll o rU o F IE ul .E G o o J tt uJ E F J F o F IJJ c G o o J tt F o F t E r ul 0, o z -o J f E = lr e) --et l- G 4 gl G 2 o F z o F G uJ F J 3 ut z F z = a !,1 J ul .l IJJ C'G o t|. uJ F 3 z o F CE A ul o I!c F 2 f (,z =tt o ct z z o F I J A g tt o u F o (9 2 J tt I J o F J A )\, u z I o4 5f EO FG 2?xo :z ul a.o iE ; o,i v o =IL o z o F g G I gl o f,'ilil[. SFF2a\n=l Town of Vail FIECIRICAL PERMIT Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 49 $...........................- $. I ).oo.Q,..4.-c).... $.... 2.c)...-...a.o.. ,. ..-6-*o-o N9 Date Paid..... ? /a././z:l Received By................... t/U- 24 HOTjRII A"DVANCE NOIICE REQUIRED F1OR INSPECIIONS rour.ra,,,Llalo.q.p.6,,. fil.l^,..-Or.l.l.* c.+... ................ \ 2--:*.. . ........................re 7-:[ ,...L.o-*I..fu-l^*. Applicant...n'F( APPROVALS THIS FORM IS TO BE FOSTED ON JOB SITE DURIilG GONSTRUGTION Date of Applicatioru. t|la a, t.lr!aatl! ao, !lliv]t l!ltII +otz/ rNsAtoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER --,INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ,- BOOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION B tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr u SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL T] APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR