HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT GENERAL 8 LEGALLIFTSIDE PROPOSAL REQUEMO]-I 5 ATTACHMENT 9_1 5_93 To reduce the possibility of water building up behind the foundation wall in the area of stair"cl " aid io divert the water from the natural spring in this area, the folrowing shourd be done. The area behind the warl should be constructed as indicated on Detail-A on drawing AX-l1 .The drainage board and perimeter drain in these areas can be deleted.3. A 4" perforated pvc pipe with a screen over each end shourd be installed in such a way as to connect the two areas with drains. This pipe should be installed as close as is possible to the level of the drains.4. From the proposed dralns extend a solid pVC ptpe below concrete slab to the south side of the buildln| where it should be tied into the perimeter drain.5. Provide a drain as was described to me by Davld shriner and submit a cut sheet on this product 2. I/'l/ RiJ:Dsm ,/c'ryApe fiP aF lut%J Vi- lYz" fueeia Eacla C"rp)(to eserla qP &tarL) o \ I I I eDa€ *PE.FHE ld*r@- \- --' TY?ILAL WATeRPlrooFtr.l G (r:P') I^tsJ1FE \4o^J \uTA- fr?Ltc(ffp) B { 3ot- tc Fc.crrt tr€^t'r P,+il T-- A.siwl.\-t..l I t: l' I I -- I 4t ptlc alq wtl'.,b gR+ttrt 'ro DfLr,* r nr (-,,q) "etzlU'{elevL I I I I I I I I DEThIL - A lto Sc R Lg NOT€.: AT A'srq . DRt4rsr ts NoT PEo u tPeD. pRovrg€ pgRFoEr4TED +tt Pvc prpE rlED rNro PeRnn€TER DR,rttN BEHf ND htALL pp,AilJ r<4e prhN 1-ts-1l ${r{Ea?Eo txt cLoSET I ; UNIT ll \-/tl TO I NS IDE :F s1'-6t' i lNgtot trcE cF +" PG @ A ( TYPE C3 sEE St{T {i. t2 ELEV 'C'sEt 3|{r r.l I FOC CAE F I Nl3He3 ^.,.( i,,,'0'.l---__ _ i. 2l'-a'L IFTS I DE CASCAOE VILLACE WATEPFOPD VAI L. COLOPADO A}FII H&EF{=:g*tr,.'ixF?8 .(.r:. \'-" i U;, r.;- i- . Rfuu lr-r I j i'9.91 September 9, 1993 Messrs. Gary Murrain and Dan Stanek Town of Vail Building Department '1 11 South Frontage .Road West VaiI, CO 81657 Dear Gary and Dan: This is to recap our phone conversatlon wherein you have agreed to allow the installation of 3/4" Georgia Pacific "FlameBreak"(5/8" plywood laminated to proprietary 1/4" gyp board) in the Liftside roof in lieu of 1-hour spray fireproofing on the underside of the roof deck. We are proceeding with this change,or addltional gualification, please possible. Sincerely, so if there is any problem let me know as soon as WZ*'W"uEcrs'P'c' Henry R. Pratt, AIA HRP/ad copy to: Fred Otto Frank Freyer Rick Agett t66l b dlS liiu'" September 3, 1993 Mr. Dan Stanek Town of VaiI Building DePartment 75 South Frontage Road West Vai1, CO 81657 Re: Liftside Project Dear Dan: on 8-18-93, you talked with Jennifer Decker in our office and had several guestions concerning the exhaust shafts within the various units. It is rny understanding that you wanted to know the rating for the shaft waII and the gauge for the duct within that shaft. The walls of these shafts are rated at 2-hour and can be found on the 1/4" scale plans Sheets 8.01 throuqh 8.24. I discussed the duct gauge with our Mechanical Engineer and have learned the following. The gauge is not specifically indicated on our plans, but the specification reguires that materials and installation for ductwork be in accordance with the SMACNA handbook. Attached is a copy of a page fron this handbook indicating the minimum gauge for the slze of duct. Our system has been designed for a pressure of 0.5. Based on that deslgnt the minimum gauge unreinforced duct would be 26 gauge. I hope this information will answer your guestions. Please call lf you need additlonal information. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT CHULTZ ARCHITECTS,P. C. wertfeg DS/ad copy to: Rick Agett 16.4 1992 Syslems and Equipment Handbook Ouct ddc. oa. lt-in. ridth 'llblc 4 if brscd on lfbtcr t-! ahroqh lJt io HVAC Duf? constructton Stutd- edt-tlctcl.,nd t't'5ible (SMACNA l9lJI Fr th rod dqdb. 'rfnro ofr ;rn lr[|l rfbr r jwn ducr rhictnlrt' qumbc't indi tc maximum rpsinl (fc.l) bctHtl dtE rdnforcancnti k tt iodl€ra ttpa (.itidiry clrlr) of d€{ 'tinfqrsncot (|.a tbb J .nd 6), fhn$Gr!. joint 3D*int ir unrtiriclcd oo s.Binforcld ducrr & qcalify itinas oa rinlorcd rtuctr. rclcst at trc$c jointt ltom llbh J. Salcst iltlrtncdi.l. rain. lftGorart trcm tblc 6. El6 ttt b8.d otl riccl coosrruction. D.titncrt $tqdd rFciat dvrt|i44 lncoarad, o. Fi .d ic.l joi|rt and ialertttcdl|l! ltinforsc|llatl. U$rhelanc|na l drcr rhictnBt on all d|ft ti.h& EvdsJC Axl rtiltorcaoq 6a crt rl|ci rid! r.tan3clt, WlFn .tquird on tour ddcr fot ++ +6, ud +l0lo, ofrdar tcraurt tytar|lt cor&Clt o[|rt ba lh!. wh.o Equirrd on ll0ri(tlcc.rr tl or|tt batlcd rilh |!d! or rod.! .l Ol.sdr lor +a, +6. and + loh. of tLtFar. n|G atgcmt. rb! D ffl of ulbrr.d Frrl ||ta mul b ctoclbtotol oi lc|dd. untsls rht lt lfurd or intuhcd atrrnrlly. Litlcd or atr.rn|lly l uhtcd dudt r|t ttot Equirtc lo lu* cma.htrkint ot badirt. cfha.€lototctmcnt t|bLt |'c b Gd on ldvrnitad stccl ofthc indictlcd lbiclD.|3' Tht' rFly to tdvrnizc4 Frstcd, unlord' rnd minlc$ ncll trhsflarg ahr bry netit di*nd ir oot tar ihu O.Ot5 io. bclo* rhl indic.rd for t3l{nir.d tt.d' 'Bt|||t sFccr irdic|r. rhat tro rtrrortsmcnt it rtquiEd. 'Sar SMACNA.I psblicrtion fof itctnrtivc rcistorcatncott urint tic todr or m rr.!r fcr foairiva prtraorc 'llbi crd 0O{6'6In. rhkl ir |.e!t|blr.lfi3 tod! rilh a nini|tud| dl|'rtcr otO.]t, in, (ot Olt i!. it lhc !|rtimum kn||! b !6 in.) mulr ba utcd en thatc cqttlmc{ionl ThG ro& for gotitiva p1!'3st! dt al! rrt Droed r rurlmurn of 60 In. agatr al,ooa tsl t ald tdnforrcnttnt!. TrDlc 4e Fenoor Matrl Ducl Corrtuclio! fot Comn tllrl Hlii[ua Cdrnnkad Sled Thlclncrsc, In. lllct Illr.r- ||. o.qn5 0.Otl66 0J356 ?tt.rrr!, h. of ll|tGr toj rl 12 13 +a +6 +10 roj il rz J3 +a +6 +10 toj il tl +4 rt )06 <to ll ta t6 It n t L x t t0 36 a2 al v o a A r Linfotc! ant aca .tquirlrl! F-ro of H-r' H-f l.J' H-f H-td H'J' t.f t.' t.f J-t' H.f, 1.5' JJ t-f k-t' l-!J' fJ J.f K.f Ut' t U' t t H.i lr-l.J H.lt H.tJ' H-2Jr H.ls' Hf,. gli lH, n& $. B.l Dl c.l o., c-5 D.t $t E.t z-t F.t l{{ fl.!' t.l' t-f r.rt H.t tlut rod H.2 Flrr aoil H.t d!!ildJ c.lo c-ro c-to D.to t,.lo O'l Dlo Dlo Dl Dto E-lo E.l D-rc E-lG ''EI E-! F.J E.l F-5 c.t OT G' H{ H.f lr-f H-.. . c.to c-t0 D-rO D.lo E-10 DrO E.rO E-l E-ro F.to G.t E-ro crd c.f x.r. r.lJ' r-t' t t H.2.:t l{-t, H-tr H-t t{.2 *t l[. *fi, *5. *h &t0 c.t0 AI &l E' c.t E.r D.l Ea Et f.r F{ Ft Ca Gl Cil H,a !r-t H.. H.f ,l-Zl' H,t' H.l' r-lf r.r' nz.f, x.t J-rJ &r' Li!fqlllsr nor rquindd clo Dlo tl| c.ro D.to El v5 D.to e.ro E-! E E l0 ba F.t Gt E-lo F{ 6t' H-!' F.fo a.t H-t' H-.' O.f H-r' H{' H-r' H.t' r.f t1' J-t' Bl0 c.l0 c-l c.,&lo c.to c.lo c{ c-t cno c40 Bto Dr D-t cno lHo Dto Dt D-t c.ro c-ro 0r0 E-t Dr E.t ti ||a Arl0 t-ro l.fll c-10 c.r0 DIO D{ Et F,' F-' GJ HJ t.f Dr0 B.t0 ct0 Dlo tno E-l F-t F' H.J. fl.t' otoraarall t nqlind Alo *l alo &t Dl Br0 't c.l Dro 'r $t c.lo &, c., c.lo c-t c.l c-l c'J D5 Dt c-, D.t D.t g-, E, E.r 9-t F{ 0.5 Fa Ft F. Gt' G-r' .t. H-t' t.lf !-t' l-l.t' t-t j.l.t' J-t' r.f .Soc llbh ,ab foi rolcr. TrDIG 4b Rrctelculrr Fclrcu! M?ld DEcl CoBttactlon for Codmcrdd 'Lb (tFta ct a Ihct Itoc!., l!. Mldaun Gehulrtd Slcl Thlcltr6sr, In. 0.0356 0.0296 0.02It6 o.aw )/ | l!tt$rG. b. ol $hLr +6 +10 rOJ tt a2 i3 +a +a +10 r05 tl rZ r! +1 +C +10 rl 12 I <l to l2 tr t6 tl 4 B ?r :6 t !o *{t .l v 0 f,u t5 )t6 +t ato |,A"ro r,, A.' F' t.r c.t $, ca c.r c.a c-, Da D.t l>. D.' D{ar-a Dt E4 F.I F-r <l-e,c.lt c.? H.:.t H-t H-2.r' t.t' :: alo A.l at &J v a.lo Dt al F Dt tl aro E t &, &J c., c-l B.r0 cr F, C.5 C.' C-l A-lo 3-to c.t c.t c-, c-{ }3 Li[lo.!.t!rQi A, *t ior dquitld' 79m At A"t Art A{ r,! ^a Al0 ,Ll E ,$t Da a.ro c.to c.t c., Dt b. D, sto c.ro c.! c-, tI5 D-. o'l cno Dt D., lx g.r E.l t-,J r>t Dt E.r c". a-t E.rJ F $r E., E. E.l F! O.a5 o-! D.! F-t t r Gtr olf Gf E.r F.' C.!' (}1r' H-,'f H.t' F O4 l{.f H.tt' H.t lt J' H{' ldrtoctt[.$ A! mr rquirtd' a1 ,$t A-l A-t t}' +10 Al E I+t A5 A.l *1 Lt L. AA &3 aa Dl Ba D3 a4 Dt c-a c-! c., c'l c.t c.as tv, t+t AF' F s, !4 't c. Ct C-. &10 ea ^.10 *5 *o |t0 a, ,+10 Dlo 8., $,10 c.l c.r Br0 c.t c.t c.t c.t D-.DI D' E{ l>, 9 E! Dt c. F.t E.lt F.l z.t ?1 er.r' 61r' Gf F-r H.f H.f lrl' Cra' - daale |tdar. nd llcrt'd * c.a D{ C.l DAr C.. D' DT DL'D.. ttr E.a, E-l 9! E-1.5 z.L' E.2 Rdrforstn.lt rrc rquircd' p1 A.l0 ,$t A.t k5 ,+l l+t alo A'l a! Afo a5 *t ato A, &t l}to ^.t 6-r B{ l.l 84 t{ 1., c-a c.t c-J D' D.I D' o. D! E1 :::i I a= - I rirh k$lh|n o.olJ6in. Sr aar-_-'- r(r* DIE ^&t:0 stP t August 27, 1993 Messrs. Gary Murrain and Dan Stanek Town of Vail Building DePartment 'l 1 1 South Frontage Road West Vail, co 81657 Re: Liftside - Fireproofing Dear Gary and Dan: I appreciate your taking the time to meet with me and discuss fireproofing alternatives for the Liftslde project. ff you find fault with the conclusions listed be1ow, please let me know as soon as possible so I can get back on track. The basis for the discussion lies 1n the fact that the proposed fireproofing assembly (UL N720) applies only to beams. In order to achieve an assembly with a 2-hour rating, we would have to add spray fireproofing to the underside of all floor decking - a significant expense to the ovlner. Added to thisr the project is several weeks behind schedule, so spray-applied fireproofing brlngs with it the cost of winter conditions and heating. What we propose is to change to UL assembly No. D502. This assembly does not require any spray fireproofing and adds: 1. Dampers at each duct register (no access panels regulred).2. Tenting of light fixtures. We discussed tenting of the light fixtures and you agreed to accept, in lieu of the UL specified gyp board, either 1-hour rated cans or mineral wool batts/blankets surrounding each fixture. We also discussed fire dampers where the duqts come through the corridor separation wall. We decided that fire dampers and rated ceiling access panels would not be reguired if we used 2-hour spray fireproofing on the structure (deck and beams) in the corridor ceillng. Messrs. Gary Murrain and Dan Stanek August 27, 1993 Page 2 We talked about spray fireproofing on the buildingr columns and you indicated that the columns had to be individually protected and that this protection was to also cover the beam-to-column connection. I agreed that, this is as we intended. We did not discuss the possibility that the contractor may prefer to drywall protect the exterior columns, but I w111 get your approval on this if and when the decision is made. In addition, you reminded me that transfer beams also require individual protection (UL No. N720). We will prepare a color coded set of prints which will show the intended fire protection. f will also copy you with the Monocote shop drawings when they are approved. fn a further effort to reduce the scope of spray fireproofing and the associated winter costs, I asked what we could do to ellminate the spray fireproofing on the underside of the roof deck. I mentioned a new product which has drywall laminated to plywood. You agreed to evaluate thj-s substitution and I have attached a preliminary cut-sheet. Additional information is enroute. Fina11y, I would the intrusion of Stair C1 . It was not encroach lnto landing, then we attaching a copy wouLd have an acceptable landing.of the landing as I expect it will Iike to document our brief discusslon regardj.ng a concrete wal-l into the east stalr landing of your feeling that as long as the concrete did a 48" wide radiused path of travel at the Iam be bui1t. as possible Thanks for your help and please let me know as soon regarding the roof fireproofingr substitution. Sincerely, GWATHMEY/PRATT/SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C./hL Pratt, AIA HRP/ad Enclosure copy to: Rick Agett Frank Freyer Fred Otto Secn af CSI o o 201 Computer-based specificatiorc, natural disasters (and buildings that suntiae them), the ecological aduontages of rnini- mizing constntction waste: all were deolt utith in detail at the Slth Annual Conaen- tion and, Exhibit of the Constnr.ction Sienfcoti,ors ltxtitule. The prcCu.ct i,ntrod,uctiota selected for REcoRD's spof- light ref.ect these industryttide concem*, as uell as the classic architectural dppeal of color and subtle shape. J. E B. 2OO. Flvo-poncl wcod door A Mission-influenced style of Douglas fir over a split-proof laminated core, this five. panel door can be used in exterior€ntrance applications as well as indoors. Door leaves come in widtlrs to 3 ft 6 in., and up to &ft high. Also available in Western hemlock. Simpson Door Co., Federal lVay, Wash. 42 Architectu.sl R€cord Augrrst 1993 20 | . Flre-rcoirtcnt rocl decklng More of a timmaving assembly than a new technology, FlameBreak is a structural panel made of APA-rated plywood bonded b ; l/4- in.-thick layer of Dens-Glass, a pmprietary fiberglass-faced gypsum panel. IIL Fire clas- :ifeC as cc:nposij,e );ilding ui;iis for roof- de'ck construction, panels achieve a UL BG minute flamespread rating with no chemical heatment. Georgia-heific Corp., Atlanta. 2O2. tclrnlo+pcblo rtrucf;d rlb A new design for horizontally cored ceramic- surfaced masonry units adds two large vertical holes, allowing placement of grout or steel bars to meet the securibv standards of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. fire vertical- reinforcement capability is said to also resist earthquake damage in seismic areas. Stark Ceramics, Inc., Canton, Ohio. 2O3. lllgh-lnpcd wcllcovrrlng Made of a non-porous vinyl/acrylic mater said to be highly resistant to common stai integrally colored wall treatment is an aln tear-proof .022-in. thick. Firerated Class I the wallcovering comes in nine stone patk and 64 '.*mpiemeirtaiy soiiJ cuiorc. A ffbet backing aids hanging with a water-bxed primer/adhesive. The C/S Group, Muncy, lOl[. hcrrurs-oqucl|rcd EtF3 rctl An installation system, developed to preer possible defects in workmanship, applies rainscreen principles to exberior insulation and finish systems. Insulation board is sur plied with drainage channels, wall sectioni are comparhnentalized and vented, and a secondary weather barrier prevents deteri oration of the subshate over the long terr Dryvit Systems, West Warwick, R. I. wE ARE SENDING YOU g'Attacned ! Shop drawings n LETTEfuF TRANSMITTAL DArE B-12- 11 | roano. qZlT ro: T,o.V. Rtuuo,*a T)rpr D,rrt., Srttorgr RE: Lrrtcrl2€ the following items: ! Specitications o RE0D huc 1 3: 1995 ! Copy of letter gf via Prints/sepias Change order Plans Originals Samples tr tr coPrEs NO,DESCRIPTION 8-10-q1 *q 4. S. T. - WJ:vvrt,\t( -/o DF-t.ETe 6ntEt )t\> sTfltk ANn eePLn(E P|TH 5/6rg06€ ,(ptmle /#tpv me /F THt4 DE\ 4)or rn&f L..2I7l+ q0Qr< ,/t PPIZ0J4L. g-t7-7b *tt g . s.T, -El€unrop- rN(p€cTorag P.66ueqTcp ZfiNN6ES I 81o-q ]coP\ oF EXCtlUl+T(ov\J oBSEYz-oRTtors P€ pOfLY FPowt as checked below: CHe-}., tSle-THgtFF*) (sTn\g B flro-trlt65) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED Z y(aPProvat MFor yorr ,." ! As requested I Approved as submitted n Approved as noted ! Returned for corrections I For your records E Revise and resubmit E For review and comment ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ! tr FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS lf enclosurcs arc not as noted, kindly notily us at onca. ChenBNonhern.lnc O REPORT AM PM HOURS MILCAGg O- 'ii?j Cr:ah| flftr.| ar, a.|r.arL OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION MILES TO ,toa rc, /rzfrs we t , tz, D(CAVAII{ FoR: Srh;" IT TERUIS D(posED lN usE(s) oF D(o{VAION(S): IERBAI col,ruunreloN tvfitt coNtRAcroR. E{bNER, AFcHrrEcr. orvNER: REII) OBSERI/ER APFROIIED W A ,r-t- ., t(Eilrur d rr.a.t tti )ar c||atoit! ay'tC WE SUPPORT AI{O ENCOUR^GE NICEr CER1IRCATION ARCHITECT's SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRU AIA DOCIJMENT G710 (lnstuctions on reverse side) o cTtoNs Owner Architect Consultant Contracto r Field Other a tr tr tr tr tr PROJECT: LIFTSIDE (name, address) OWNER: MECM ENTERPRISES TO: NELSON/ZEEB CONSTRUCTTON (Contractor) p.O. DRAWER 5400 AVON, CO 81520 CONTRACT FOR: CONSTRUCTION OF LITTSTDE PRO.JECT ARCHITEgI''5 SUPPLEMENTAL TNSTRUCTION NO: 9 DATE Or ISSUANCE: 8-10-93 ARCHITECT: GWATHMEY/PRATT/SCHULTZ ARCHITEC: lOOO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vArL, co 81657 ARCHITECT'S PROIECT NO: 9219 The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the follorving supplemental instructions issued in accord- ance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance with these instructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. Description: See attached Iist. AttaChmgntS: ltiarc inta littiag ol documQats rhtt tuppot' dctcriPtion't Architect's Supplemental Instructions No. 9 Attachment 8-10-93. Contractor Oale co., rNc.ULTZ ARCHTTECTS NELSON/ZEEB CONSTRUCTION AIA OOCUM€NI G'TO ' ARCHITECT's 5UPPIEMINTAT INSTRUCTIO\S ' I'TARCH 1979 TOIIION ' AtA' dis79 ; rHt ;,rtRlcAN IN5TITUTE Of aacxtrtcls, 1;35 Nt\r YORX AvE., x.rv., wrrgnl^'ctoN, o.C. :0006 G710 - 1979 BY 2. 3. LTFTSTDE ARCHITECT.S SUPPT,PUTWTAT-, TNSTRUCTIONS NO. 9 ATTACTTMENT 8.10-93 As reguired by the State Elevator Inspector, the grab rail exteniions on ladders at the elevator pits should extend to 42" above the landing Leve1 and the first rung should be level with the landing. Prior to activating the swimming pool punp and filter and after the installatlon of deck paversr the swlmming pool should be cleaned to renove aIl. debris includlng, but not lirnited to, sand. This cleaning should be accomplj-shed without this debris passing through the system (see fnformation Reguest No. 9). Please verify the separation distance between the outside face of meLal studs at the section of wall on grid line Y between grid lines 9 and 11 and the property line directly south of this area with a bearing of N 52 degrees 50 minutes 29 seconds E with a Length of 65.241 . This shoulcl be done prior to installation of exterior sheathing to determine if this wall will reguire special treatment of sheathing, i.e., firetaping or T & G edges. 4.In accordance with the Town of VaiI Building Department's reguest, the following gates should be deleted fron stair towers and replaced wj.th signage. These gates had been added to the project with the 6-30-93 drawings. The signage should consist of a clenched fist with the index finger polnting up in the direction of the exit, and the word EXIT indicated below the fist. This signage can be palnted di-rectly on the wall or can be a loose sign attached to the wa1l. The approxinate size should be 12" x 14" and should be submitted to the Architect for Building Department approval . Deleted Gates: A1 9t A28' 81 5, E.24, 837, C'| 5' C24' and C36. o Otr tr tr EI tr tr ARCHITECTS SUPPTEMENTAL INSTRUCNONS AIA DOCIJMENT G710 (lnstruaions on reverse side) Owner Architect Consultant Contnctor Field Other PROJECT: LIFTSTDE (name, address) OWNER: MECM ENTERPRISES TO: NELSON/ZEEB CONSTRUCTION (Contractor) P.o. DRAWER 5400 AvoN, co 81620 ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCfION NO: 11 DATI OF ISSUANCE: 8'12-93 ARCHITECT: GWATHMEY/PRATT/SCHULTZ ARCH. IOOO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vArL, co 81557 CONTRACT FOR: CoNsTRUCTIoN OF ARCHITECT'SPROJECTNO: 9219 LIFTSTDE PROJECT The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the follorving supplemental instructions issued in accord- ance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance with these instructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. nt:tt?t:tJi"wins chanses are beine resuesred by Bill Hulse (elevator inspector) Northwest Colorado CounciJ of Governments. Any impact on cost should be applied to elevator S.nspection aIlo\^tance of $12r000. 1. Sprinklers for each hoistway and eguipment room must be on a dedicated 1ine.2. Hoistway venL at Elevator "A" should be changed from roof-top terrnination to sidewall with gri1le, to be located on south wal] of equipment room. Paint grille to match metal siding- 3. ttoisiway vents at Elevator "8" and freight elevator must termi.nate on sloped roof as indicated on Sheet M2-08. 4. Hoistway vent for Elevator "C" must be shlfted to sloped {oof located onthe south side of present location shown on Sheet l'12.08. Architect Contractor Date GWA RATT/S TZ ARCHITECTS NET,SON/ZEEB CONSTRUCTTON CO., rNC. BY AIA DOCUMfNT GNO ' 01979 ' THE AMTRICAN ARCHITTCT's SUPPTEMTNTAI INSTRUCTIO\S' INSTITUTI Of ^RCHITECTS, 1735 NT\f YORX AVE., MARCH 1979 tol oN . AtA. N.W.. WASHTNGTON, D.C. 2(xr6 G710-1979 ARCHITECT,S Owner tr SU''LEMENTAL TNSTRUCTTONS Architect tr Consultant n Contractor tr Field tr AIA DOCUMENT G710 (lnstruction5 on reverse side) Other tr PROJECT: Liftslde ARCHTTECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL (name,address) INSTRUCTION NO: 1 OWNER: MECM ENTERPRTSES DATE OF ISSUANCE: June 30, 1993 TO: Nelson / zeeb ARCHTTECT: Gwathmey/ Pratt/ Schultz (Contracto r) CONTRACT FOR:ARCHITECT'S PROIECT NO: 9219 The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following supplemental instructions issued in accord- ance with ihe Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance with these instructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a coov to the Architect. Description: See attached written listing and reference also revised drawlngs dated 30 June, 1993. Attach mentS : lH.te intett listin1 ol documents that tuppott desctiption.) Chen Northern letter dated May 20, 1993 Dennis Anderson memo dated JuIy 2, 1993 ISSUED: BY ACCEPTED: BY Architect Contractor Date AIA DOCUMENT G71O ' ARCHITECT'S SUPPTEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONs ' MARCH 1979 EDITION ' AtA@ 01979 . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTI OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WA5HINCTON, D.C. 20006 G71O _ 1979 o L IFTS I DE i\ ir( :lJ 1, Tli(iT l!_ s t llll-E_xENI3!__rxgI&u!_TJQr.!__NQ.j- r June 30, 1993 pr!lslQ=\._2 I. gECTION 02200: See attached Ietter f rorn rllren Nor'tller11 dated )la1- 20, 1993 f or revisi.ons to this section. 2 - SECTIONS 02518 /02519: Colors arld patterns f or interf ccf:ltrs concrete pa\rers shatl be rer-ised to onll' tl.o (2) pattet'ns in tl'Iree (3) colors. Please \:erifY patterlt uunbers and (lcior numbers wi-th tire manuf acturer. a. Drivetiat atrd Parking: Charcoal- colci- as pre\-i()rls I\' specified, but patt-ern changecl tu L-0i 'b. Circ1e at parliillg deck: Color rer.ised to "Vai1 Blend" and patter-n revised to L-11' c. t{a}}ik'al: no change ("Va11 Bler:d in pattern L-11) d. Pool DecI:: tto change (red to matcir pool ccoil'tcl ill patterrl L-01) . 3. SECTION 02519: Pavers at lnterior of poollspa deck sha11 be mud-set instead cf sand set. I . SE(--TION 028l0 : See attached memo f ::om Landscape -\rchitect lnr- irrin.ef i nrr qr.orre r.lt,ttrooc rr ! iYq 5. SECTION 02841: All- biFe racl:s shal1 be deleted. 6. SECTTON 02895: Tlte design of the modular retainirlq t'alls at the uest end has changed. Some i'raIls uere niade hiclher, some tr,eLe louered. See Arehitectural- Sheet 1. -l tor detailed lavouts, Pl-ease note that wall- revisi-ons related to del-etrou of the east ski elltr! are lis;'ued sepa!'at,-=i','at the eud 'li r-his document . Dll'lsTOI_J 1. SECTION 0f 200: BIicl: l:elleer .at ler-eI 80 .r:arllinq ret;-ri:rir.ltt r;a1l-s (r.'est, north an.j part of east ualls l sltall be deLel.:t-i . Br-icll cap to rema j.n as detailed o r-t tlie drartitigs (see Ar-chitectura! gheets 1.2 and 1.3) . These lialls to recei\-.j EFS iini.sir- see gecti.on 072f 0. DIYISIO\ 5 1. SECTTON 05500: .\s required and appror-ed br- the Tc';u ;i i'a j j., the ler-eI 59'-0" irecitanical roorn 5ha1I har-e a secolld e;'it.. This esit shall be r-ia a ladder uD tc a door tirat oDiills to tlre parl;inq garacle. This ladder siral-1 be a inetal f lrbr j-catir.rt: tlrat compl.ies uich the reguirements of LIti: se'-'tiolt. 2. SECTTON 05510: Desic;n of metal stairs attr'l accornontrr-i llq .ruardrails ma\- be simplif iecl to redtrce cos;t. Tilis cic't's tloi- irr an..- i;a1- alter- t-he requiretneut th.it tlrese stairl meu-t: ,1^I i al-1Dlici"rble ccdes Liftsrde rhr .-^ r -1r.) L ttu. .l- Daqe 2 3 . SECTION 05700: As required b\- the Tor,un of Vai-l_ , aluminum quardrail- at lerel 59'-0" pool deck shall be revised so that a landing is provided south of the east exit gate, See drar"'in<ls for additional length of raj_ling required. l. SECTION 05700i Aluninun suardrail at }evel 59'-0', pool deck siral-i- be revised to have an additional exit gate at tjte west errd. See drauings for scope of ret'ision and location of Df .,.r f S ION [r I . GEI;ER-lL: Wood sDecies f or all- f inish carpentrl-, wood door f Lames , custom caser,iork, paneline, etc . shall be clear alI heart Per:nsvlvania Cherrl- ui_th staitr and l-acguer f inish as specif :-ed in Division 9. 2. SECTION 06100: As required bv the Tovn of Vaj-l, all windous are requj-red to be recessed a minj,mum of 2" from finish tace of building. This requires tlrat the vertical and horizontal r"indow rouqh openings be enlarqed by- 3". This is to af1ou for tire installation of 2x6 fire retardant treated nailers around the el)tire perimeter of the opening. See detail-s. See Secti.ons 0611-6 and 072-10 f or related itrf ormation. 3. Section C6ll6: As required by the Town of VaiI, all_ u-incior,'s are required to be recessed a minj_mun of 2" from finish face of buildiug. Tlris requires that the exterior g1'p sheathir:cr returt'l at all windori heads, jambs, and sil1s. See details. See Sections 06100 and 07240 for related i,nformation. 1. SECTION 06200: AlL Closet ltaid shelving i-s deieted (see Sectiou 09900 ) . Substitute j.ustead melamine sheLving r"'it1.r full cherr! nosing to match typj-cal .trim. 5. SECTION 06410: Thirteen (13) kitchens shall have white lacquer f inisir caseuork as sepc j,f ied. Owner shaIl deternriuc:uhiclr particulat- kitchens wi.th tinelv request for this information. 6. SECTION 06f 10: Design of custon ski l-ockers sha11 be r,,.'.-: -,,:l as required to meet budget constraints. Drawings curreut J-1-reflect tlre desired design. (ft is assumed tlrat the ski carousels are deletecl a))d the drar,;ings have been revised aceordir:gl1-.) No further drawings will be issued and the shop drnr,ir-rgs r,rill be the basis of any future discuss j-ons. 7. SECTIO\ 06410: Hinsed portions of all- Corian banjo type couutertops shall be deleted. B. SECTION 06+10: Corian backsplash at banjo type countertop in nastelr batit tcilet rooms sha1l be deleted. A11 other bathroom bacl:splashes shaIl remain. 9. SECTf O-'i 06410: Specif ic-'at ions f or Emplo1ee unit r:aseworl:shall be reli.sed to allou r"-hite melamine for all kitchet: aucl Lrath cai;iilets. Color to be white. Countertoos to be plast:.c l.iD inat-e r;itir ber-eled f rollt eCqe. Lanliltate sh.lf 1 bc .3€i.::i-. t -.d i: ,,trt :','..:..d.:l r-l r::'l:l-L: r a-: ;la1iui- :(: t- l.t; r:l1 b',' Fl'::l iq:,:l c,t. i;i...;.-til 'lI'' O L -l- ! !: l- !.1, g -isr r-ro. I SECTfO\ 0f:110: As requ j-red bl- tlre Tor;n of 1'ai1, tlte se.joltd L j tchen unit rn the Emplol-ee r.rnit. is reguir'Jcl to bt instal-1ed. Provide casert'orI.: as shown on the drauin'jl; and Del-speciticatior:s qir-en abcve . tt SECTION 06{I0: ,\s r:equested br- the Olinef . drauincls datecl 6/30/93 show tllat the T\'cabi-nets in all unit livlng rooms have beett rerised to p::ovide a larser cLr:ar i-nteri-or r,idtlr NTl'T C T.)\] 7 gECTTOi\ 07113: Sectiort 2 .02, part -\, par-acrraplr 3 : Prctect j-on board mai' be del-eted in ior:at j-ons uitere nenbraue is protected bt- f oundat j-on drainase boald or other- t'.-p-: r-igil rnsulation. Contractor shaLl- iuspect riqrid insulatrcn instaliation prior to baci;fillinq and slral. l- \'eri.fi- thirt installation of rigid insulation boards j-s as required to fuIl1'protect membrane from damage during the bacltfillinq process. Broken or damaged insulation boarcls shal-I be L'epIac(:d as lle(-'essar! prior to backf illrng. SECTION 072L0: All- sound insulation (Secticn 09251) mii.,-be revised to thermal tl-pe batt insulation. o 10 sEcTroN 07240: leve1 80 (west iinistr. Not e clari-f ication. ,.--^ .!^ I I ^L ClltllJ t{ClIID. SECTIO\ 07240: fcanr r.,'a ins c ot oDto tl'le uest plaus for full -\s requir'ed bl the Town on the north elevatiolt has el-e\-st ion cf tlre bu i ldinq. e:it ent of chancre . of VarI, the el:t ruderl been e:ttended ar o trt'ld See dr ar; ing s and Cnlt(-retF t.rer- i mAt al' r-af .airrirrcr r.-al l.: rf n.-rr-l: i rrr-r . north and part of east '.;a11s ) shalt have EFfl riqid insr:lation r*OT requit:ed. -\s a po int of fhis is finiqh nrpr-iorr.'l v qnpr-if icd for th<tJ!!rrvuur!!v!9!! SECTIOIi 07240: -\s regui-red b!- the Town of Yai-1. all uiirilor.s are required to be Lecessed a nrinimun of 2" from f iDisir face of builditrq. This requires that the EIFS ret.uf n at iiiirdoii oDeniltqs. See details for estenr of return (lreads aird janrl:r-- requl"re tir,o (2\ 1a1'ers of 3/f" cstrucled loarn; sills requ j.r'e shimming and slopi-ng of one 1a1-er of e:s.truded foanr). Sce Sectiolt 06100 and 06116 for related information. SECTIOI; 01240: All sawcut reveals have been deLetted in aIl EIFS sof f its. Salicut reveal-s on burLdinq eler-at ious shall renrain as shor"n on the drai;iugs. SECTIOI; O'7525: liection 2.01 shal-1. be I'er-ised to sitec:ifr- +:.:t lucled po 1 -l-s t vrene ins'. e ad o f po lr- r i oc:,-arlui'.-i t.-' t.r-Fe insulatioti board. Protection boarC :ha1l- be as reccnmended br- the insulatiotr alld rooil-ng rnar:uf actul-els. i.ject ioli 3.03,par:t D shal1 be re..'isecl to cail- for installat:-oi't v j-a nro:--on riretlr(i.l instead cf torch me+-hod. 3ECTiO\ 07=77: Deletu- t)rotecti',-e r-'Lrncrete sqal-er at lcr.e:r ier-r:l tr-af f ic det:!r, Se:rler is liOT :1el,et-ed or-r f l-c,.trs ul : l: t,..r i cr r. oom,.i / spac': g . r 'i a+ .. ji.. -\'SI no. I r\aar6 -l 9. SECTIO\ O7577: The drauinss have been revised to rc'flect the fact that there are lto e:ipanslon ioints i-n this buiiding. This shall )'iOT be construed to nean that concrete controL joint seaLant s!stem at level 69'-6" parhing decl; is also deleted. 10. SECTION 07600: Due to the fact that deck drains lta','e been del-eted from aIl livinq room decks (see plumbing drlri; j-trcls for exact sccf:e of chanoe), sheet metal scuppers have been .tcided to these decks. See drawings f or detail j.ng. i1. SECTION 07610: Stauditlg seam metal roof rng shal] NOT be: required at alf fascias as defined in Addendum No. l-. Dl ariings shoii r,he re standinq seam fascias are required. I;. SECTION CT6I0: Speeificaticns for aI1 slreet metal locfing shail be revised to allou site bendj-ng of roof irlg Fans. DL!_IJTA!'_ 3 1. The foll-owing 1j-st attempts to define changes in scope or specifications f oi: the doors as shown on the Door Schedule drauings. Chanses are l-isted Hlth Ma]. 3 speclficatj-ons in par-enthesis. Flease note t-[s! door revisions re]ated to deletion of the east ski entrl'are listed separatell'at tl.le errd of this document. DOOR SO 801 D U.-: B l_ t-\ B lrQ D l')\ R l ln c02 L- 03 c 05 c06 (. 0'7 C ]]I C IlQ rr l.r\ \ 03 -\ 05 -\ 06 B t5 B 21P 6 I ZL c 11 Ci2 L- 13 c i1 c i5 C !]P /':l;lF f \.n6 F t \-na I L ) pc u REV i S IONS 90 min (not rated); add magnetic hold-open add magnetic hold-open see E.\ST END chanqes + r-^-\ F I +!:^^ /'! |L\Pt: L \Lf p< (J' see E.\ST END chanqes t\'pe G ) 1'-r-pe D); add magnetic hold-opel t1'pe A) ; 90 min (not rated) ; add rnasnet ir: hold-open see EAST El[D changes see E-\ST El'lD chanses see EAST END clranges see EAST END changes tvpe E (t1-pe G) see E^LST END ehanges {-r-h^ ti ,+!-F^ /rl L)Pc r, \Lfps \r/ hardr,are is no. 5 (no. 7) harduare is no. 5 (no. 7).,'er if i. door has breal:arvai- capabilit.,- .inci signage to that effect arf d qate to stair t'r'pe E (t';pe G) t_..-pe E (tipc G) 20 min (not rated) 20 miu (not rated) 20 min (90 min) 90 miir (not rated) - add gate to stair | -,-n+ E {t\-De C) tr,'Tli.i E ( t.,-r,e (l ) r i F+-. 1.i^i-.1 i ,- lLr= -l,bI no - I .1 -L-L -{ LD ,\ 17 -a j-) -\P. 0l iR c1 lR 05 AP. 06 --^ r, './ / -iR 08 -\R 09 .1T. .L I B 31P L) Jtt' L, .J -L I' C 32P t'al A2I o 60 mir: (90 mln ) c'irattge f ronr p.ri:' of door:; Lo s-lngIe ierf 3'-0"r: 5'-8":r I 3/ 1" ; har-duare to be no. (no.7) tr-rr*' H (tvnp irl: 20 tempered insulatirg edd <rat o f ^ qtiair- not rated ( 90 mi-n ) ho 1]or" metal frame i rrctr'l rf irrrr rrl,.r.:.' ho1for,'metal frame i,--,,1^+i--, -1-^^rrtir(,tI.1 L M':, \-,ll-ctDb l.ro 11ow metaf frame irrqrrl;r!-i nn nl:cc holloil metal fiame i lrc;rl;et- i r'rn rr'l ecc hol1or^ metal frame inctrlrtinlr rrl:rcc hollor"' netal f rame 'i,.-r, r -+i 6,- ^l ^^-rrrDLlIcl Lllr\-{ 9lcl>;)delete ho11ou metal add qate to stair min (90 rtin) ; cltst.1l' qlasi: no. uo. 110 . no. 110 . no. E ,-. I;:i- f ..nlh.rt'Fr_l r-'lear t emrer.ed i' I .:,a r- f onrn,-r-er_l r- i cr.'; t- tonrnor-.:r'l r, l.rer f onrn,::r_r,rl r'l aar- t,3nrn.)r6.1 f :'nA Fl { f vha f': } i\'ha F lf r-n6 cl f r-no F' I t r-n,:: /: I L ! F,! ! \ ut Pu v; f\.no F If '-na f:'l \ vl P.- \, / acld ltate to stalr not r-ated { 90 mirr) delete .autonlatic enf-r_i' door; door to be- t!-pe B \"-ith ';ire glass to ma--; size al1ot;ed. 60 min, hollou metal f r.rnre no. l-, size tr 1;a:3'-1"_.:6'-8":i I3/1"; hafdriar-e tc be ? t1'pe D (type B) 50 inin ( 90 mrn ) add qaLc to staif neli door to be tr-;-re -tr, 50 nirr, hoLl ot,' :ret:i-r- frame no. i, size to be l'-0"-.r 6'-3"-.: l3/)" lrarclr;are to be ? t\-pe E (tt'pe G) 60 rniu (90 nin) 60 mlr-r (90 mrn) add gate to'stair t1-oe E (t}'pe G) 60 rnin (90 min); hcllou metal flame nc.I (no . 3 ) ^A;l .^+-. +^ , +--i,.ctLrLr :Jcr LL- LU 5r_ClIt neri doof tc be trpe A, not, raterl , holLou metal f i:.rnte uo. 1, size r-o be 3'-C":r 6'-S"-'; I 3,/1"; Itar-cl\iare tc brJ ? trpe E {tr,-pe G) tvp€) E (ti-De a,;) frame _! 1q. t'l zi O B B B B C c llP 35 36 )l ilF 32 36 37 -i 1P 11tr C r rf tslcle -iiir l1O. ..i- o masnetic hold-open 90 min, holl-ow metaf 3'-0":r 6'-8":* I 3/1" -\ 30 \ 2.) A 35b B t8 D 1\) B 51h' B 52h:c il a (l!.' /r ( .) r.: 1 /i1D .\ 62P B 53 B6I r 71P A 72V .\ B1A -\ 8tU -\ 65 ST-I thru ST-28 tvpe B (tVpe H) add magnetic hol-d-open 90 min (not rated); add new door to be t-vpe D, lrame no. 1, size to be hardware to be ? 90 min (20 min)tI'pe E (tt-pe tI-pe B ( tt-pe tvna R / n r-nc,\ s f s! adcl qate to t \-na E' I t r-nc I L : lJL t\-pe E ( tYpe tr-na R Ilrno \ v t Pv H) F{| sta].r \JI lJl t1:pe B (tt'pe H) add gate to stair t\-na F /f.('na /ll vJt/! ! \L\PL e' tr-pe E {type G)type E (tYpe G)tt'pe E (type G)not rated (20 mi_n) hardr.,are to be no.type E (t1'pe G) 20 min (90 min)ti-pe E 111:pe G) 20 nin (90 nin) tt-pe E (tI'pe c) add qate to stair not rated (90 min) .10 (no SECTIONS 08213, 08312 & 0861I: Eagle hrindoris are approvq:C as a sr-rbstitute f or the specif ied manuf acturers. Glazinq ii'r t1:ese uindows shalf be revised to cfear iusulatinq glass (tenper.:d as required) -in all locations erc-'ept Iir-inq r.'{.:i:. r*'i:ere Lor; E Squared is required. As noted on the drawincf s ,the Cor-it-ractor shall consult wi-th the -\rchitect to determine iroii to acl ,i ust the rough opening sizee. SEaTIO\ 03312: Due to hel-qht limitatioris at tlre IeveI i11'-6" corridor, tt-pe G doors shall be revised to tlpe ^:(2 thus). Verifv height of doors prior to rnanufacture. SECTIOI{ 0B6l-I: Due to height Iimitations at the leveL 111 '-6" cor::idor, t\-pe M2 window shall be revised to tlpe ]13 {} thus ) . \rei'i-f ,v height of windor"' Drior to manuf acture. DJYISTON 9 SECTION C926I: Thermri.I ti-pe batt insulation ma!' be sub;tituted for speci"f iecl sound at-r-eDuation insufation. Ser Se.ction 07110. i i !-.. i /1 .- -I.l- L:, fll<: -r.SI no. I nf rr,r 7 2. SECTION 09251: Ccrri-dor \ialls at ler.-el 59'-0" /6f '-3" (st-.e East Elld chanqes f or ia',-el- 39'-C'',r13'-1" ) are lto longer' reqlrired to be rated at 2 hours. In order to att.1i-n 1 l:cur rat j-ng r-eguired, 5/8" t j-pe -t g1'psum board rnal- be used inste.aci of the pre\:iouslf- specifled 3,21" bo.ird. Sltafts c.re sti-1l requ j-red to h.rvc- 2 hour rat inq. SECTTON 092rr2: DeIete 6" radius coved ceiling t-rin iu;rLl .r.rr.=trnrrc rr-nanr- et.ltr,,. 'i obl:V.]vrru L.rL !P u SECTIO\ 09300: At bath number 3 ilt the "-\" and "8" t1-ue units, alld at both secondarv baths of tht: "C" tyne units,the 6":i6" i,'aI1 tile shall be deleted on all bu*u tub,/shor;r--r .iur-roulld l;a1ls . Ccved base to renain. See drari-ngs f or f ul-1 estent of deletion. hraIls tc receir-r,: te:.:tul'e aud ilrrislr specif ied f or tl-pe "F" dri-ri.e11. See Sectiou 0926L. SECTION 09300 : In tlre Level- 59' -0" Recreat i-on Roorn batlrs : Esceot at shor,!er sta11s, ua11 ti-1e abor-e f '-0" abor-e tlre fini-sir fl-oor shal1 be deleted. Top of remaining til-e wainscot to har-e bullnose top edqe. Drr:uall f inish abo\-e tile rainscot to receive te\tul'e and finish specitied lol t\.De "P" drvuall. SECTlON 09300: Deiete \ob1e!lca1 TS waterproof i:rq mernbrane in al1 bath ffoor: e\cept uhere requircd ullder shor;er f loors . SECTIOIT 09450: At toi-1et room on11- in all master batlrs , tlre marble ua11 tile shnl-1 be deleted dor;n to 5" above finish f loor (6 " marbl-e base to rena j-n- top edge of base to be eased and polished tc rnatch). Glpsum boarcl .;aIl-s to hari seams taped .1nc1 sanded. hta11s to be lef t cmco',-h nnd unpair:tr-'d in anticj-pation of '.,'alloagrer finlsh bi pu::chacer-. iiee Secl:i-on 0925L. Pr'ovide bid alter'nate i:oet to ius-uali ti-pe "F" finieh on a pcr. :rnit b.rsic. I l0 .lt SECTIOI{ 09900: ScoDe of paintinq sira11 be increased tc include al1 uall.s l:-ste'i above r;here othe]- u.rl-l- finrsh loaterial-s har.e beetr de I et ed. SECTIO\ 0S)900: Sccpe ,rf paintin'-r chall- be rr:vi.sed to delete a!I Da-ir.rtinq of Lci13 a]td ceililtrJc j11 Loi;er- levcl ,lf piirl.rr:g i:t.1raqe. SECTIO\ 09t)00: Fluisl:it:c; of e-.;te::ior i;inclor-s sheill be ai specifi,:d iu section 3.01, par-t -1. i.'ith stninine tc rratch .i he rr\- trinr in uDit. DITTSIO\ 1O SECT]C\ 09950: b\- others. gECTIO\ I017O: Coiian toilet F.ccnr baths s i-t ii.l I l-., c di:1,-:tr:C. r.: r- i e*. paftr-ttott: i j-i-lt ',;h:- te :l1:..n'-r.i- itr''. 111'.:l-'ij I i:,-':atril-' Ir::- Del-et,-. instaIlation of ri..1l-paper fr:luisht:cl pi\r+, it ions ir:. '.1r.: tl,r:t:l aat io''t iiuhst it ute illste:l'.1 nre t:.if painl:,1 f ruish. Stli:irilt r r- '- i, 1.-'. 1 i f :-.': :. i : ;'t: . l--LILr:LLt: f'aT rrn 1 naa!6 R 2. SECTIO\ 1C522: Delete fire extinsuishers and anr associat'ld cabi-nets in the loueL le';e1 of the saraqe. 3. SECTIO\ 10826: Shouel Enclosure strecifications slralL be re\-ised to allou subnlittal of alternate euctosure malluf .rcturers. Ye110u alunitlum framed tfpe encl0gures al-e not acceptable. d. SECTION 10900: Delete all Closet }jaid tt'pe shelr-ing. See section 06200 above for cherrl nosed melamine substitution. .D_I\:lqIO:rlt i. sECTlo^* 11026: h'a1i safe specifications sha]l be relisecl to allou sr.rbrnittal of alternate manuf acturers. 2. SECTTON 11095: Ski boot dr]-ers shall- be deteted. Fi.nislr electl-icaL, etc required for operat j.on of boot drvers shaII NOT be deleted. 3. SECTION 11{52: -\s required b_v the Toutl of Vai1, secoltd kitchen at Emp,lo1'ee unit ls no longer optionat. -\ppli.ences required shall be Ki-tchenAid KHllSl0shr-WH micro hood. U Line no, 29R undercourtter refrigerator and ISE Model 7?disposal. See Section 06110 for cabinet specifleations. DTVTSION I5 I. -\*o attempt has been made herein to quaittif\- changes to the )1':chaui.cal and Dlumbllrq sl-stems. See drar.'inss dated Julte 30, 1993 f or ei:.ac*L rer-isiotrs. 2. -\s a point of elarifir:ation, the General Contractor shall coorclinate the installation of the Jacuzzi tubs uith rr:qi.-'.i to the fol-Ior.ing tuc it=iils..i. Tubs siral-i be instali-ed a<_-cordino to the manutacturer'r__:recommenlatiolts, including the recommendation ilrat_ tubs be set in a mol'tar or plaster ler-elirrg/setting brC.b. Tubs require a blockout i.u the floor for the draln/or-erf lcri. 3. SECTION 15500: Desisn for sprinkler s\-sten sha11 not j-nclude an\,- stde-uali t1'pe spt-inkler beaos i"'ithout r;ritterr approvai fr-om the lrchitect or the Oi".r1er. DTYrqrcN J! L. No ettenpt has been rnade irerein to guarlt:-f r changes to the El-ectrical svstents. See drawings rlated June 30, I993 f or e:.ia c t rer-is ion: . o Lrfts.t-dc igr r:o. i page 9 cri-t\cEs -\jr E,\sT ENp The fo1loi;ing list attempts to documerlt the changee in gcoDt: that resu-lt from deletion of the ler-e1 13'-3" east siti eutrr-frcm the desiqn. DIVISIO\ 2 1. SECTiO\ 02518: Delete concl-ete pa\-ers .,,,,/ ;nowmeit. at past Skier Elrtrance . 2. SECTfON 02895: Dr-:sign of retainins ualls at east ;:rrcl has rrhanqed to rL-f 1ec1- I' coullioLtr erl:cr end delet j_on of East ''.lkier Etttrance. Preliminar--.r- calcuiriticns it:dicate no charqe in linear footage of walls and h,:iqirt of rialfs has appar:entl,\' beeu reduced. See sheet A.l-. I f or plan of retaining walls. Dr\rISroI 5 1. SEeTIOii 0550C : ]letaI griit:' at Eag-u SI;ier Entr-ance iras ire,..'r.l de let ed. 2. SECTIO\ 05700: Delete aiumj_num guardrnil at dininq r-oom of unit no. C-32. Add alunrinum quard rail as required a-. edqe of retaining r;a1I at fer-e1 6{'-3", Se.: sireet -\f.f fcl'plan .rt r.ctaining ua11s and guat'drails. DIYISIO\ 6 o l_. sEcTroN 06200 East Ski Boot DIVTSTO\ B 1. SECTIC\ 08210 2. SECTION 08210 har-ins 90 mir: and B 1l-A . 3. SECTICN OB3i2 DeLete ucoC beuch in r':orrldor ad i acent to room. Doors no. C C5 and C 06 are deleted: The f o 1l-r-lriinqt cloor-s shal-i be le.,-i-sed f ror,l labe1s to 20 rfli.ll Iabels : C-l_24, C 11-\, B I2f , Add slj-clinq docr t-,-pe F to south face cf unit nc. C-L2 in placc of r;indou t1-pe I (sr:e Ser:tion 08611). Delete sliding door t_rpe D2 at ullit no. C-22. -\dd slidirtq door ttpe F at unit no. C-22 in piace of r, indcu t'1-pe () (see Section 085i1). {. SICTIO\ 0Bl6C: -\utDmatic entl-g door number C 0[r s]i.rl-i be: clel-et ecl . -\11 rrssociated electr-ica1 and securit',- siiaII al-gc be clelcted. 5. SE('TIO\r 08611: trr'iudori t.;pe O3 sli;t11 bc.: r,leleted frr:rrr un it nc. e-12. hrindoL tl-pc f sirall- be tlef etecl f ::onr unit nc. C-12 {see Sei,'tion 0Bli2 for substit-ut:-on). liindori t1-r-.re C itt unit:ro. C-22 shall be deletr:,i (:;ee Sr,:ctioit 03312 fijr- sLlbstitutlon). r--r].L,i_!Ltu -\SI no. !page l0 DTVigIo\ 9 1. SECTION 09261: Corri,dor iiaLl-s at le\:e1s 39'-0" i 13' -3 " are no Longer- r'equired to be rated at 2 l:ours. In order- tc attain 1 hour ratlng required, 5/8" tj'pe I g]'psum board m.er-be used instead of the pre-,'iousll-specrfied 3/-l" boar-d. Shaf +-s are still- reguired to ha\-e 2 hour rating. DTYISTO\r l5 Changes indicated lrere are for general information on11', see drau ings f cr e::act chan.-ies in scope. ' Sheet )l 2.01 1. Delete trio (2) t1-pe EF-1 eshdust f ans and assoc j_ateC louver.s, ductriork, etc in east skier entr\- on 1eve1 43'-3". 2. Del-ete sno'',.mc1t and assoc j-ated piping at east sliier entri- ol.r f e.'e1 13'-3". 3. Dei-ete l.reating ccil CL-2. heat recover\- unit HR-2 and associated pip j-nq, ductr.rorks, regj-:;ters, etc at east ski boot room cn f everl 13'-3". Slreet :1 2 .02 1. De.l-ete sncumelt and associated pipin(t at al_l_ lir.itrg rooll dech.s cn levels 4B'-6",/53'-9" - Sheet )l 2.03 I. Del-ete snor;melt and assoc j-ated pi-pina at aiI Ii','inc.t r-oorn decks on 1e.,-eLs 59 ' -0" / 6+' -3" - Sheet )l 2.0f l. Dele!-c rilo\.meIt arrC iissoci.rted pipinO ,it al-l, 1i,.'ing r. ,c:: decl:s on ler-ef s 59'-5" i71'-9" - Sheet il 2.05 1. Delete snorrmelt anC associllted piping at ;iLl- Irr-rltq rcoirl decl;s on 1eve1s B0'-0"/85'-3". gnor^ne1t shatl _l-OT be de le +- ed at bedroom decl:s. Sheet :1 2.05 l. Dele';e sno\imeIt a:rd dssoci,eted piping at aII Iir-ir:,g roon declrs on levels 90'-6" /95'-9" . Sllo\imeIt shail- NOT' be deleted at beclroom decks. Sheet- \1 2.C7 ]. Delete sltoiimel-t ;rnd assoc j atecl pipinq at af i lir-in!l rooni decl;s on level-s 101-'-0.', 11I'-6", aud i22'-0". Snot.,melt_shalI \OT be deletc.d at bedroom declis. thc,:t )l 3.01 1. Delete suoumelt and associated pioiitg at Ii..-inq rcon cleclitl of ali- tlDe "-\" and "-\P" units. Sno.,;rnelt shal.l. -'iOT be r:e l-etc:d rt bedroont cle c l--. s of ".t'P" uni-t. o LI!L.:rtlg 1t'T .r^ I -1rr.l- II\J. J- Sheet ]l 3. C2 1. Delete suowmelt and nsscc:iated pipi-ng at livinq r-oom der-'i;s of all t_\'pe "B1" and "BP" units. Snor.,,melt shail lrlOT be deleted at bedroom decl.:s of "BP" unlt and livinq rocnr s 1ab,/dec}; of "82" unit . Sheer: )l 3.03 l. Delete snoL'meIt and associated prpinc at I j-1.-rng room dei:lls of al-l t1'pe "C1" units. Snorinrel-t sirall !'lOT be dcl-eted at lir.ins room slab/cleck of "C2" and "C3" units. Sheet ]1 3.01 ]. Delete snoumelt auC associated pipitrg at lir-inq room decl:s of all t:-pe "CP" uDit-s. Snoumelt sir.rI] \OT be delete'd at bedroom decl:s of "CP" units- Slreet ]l 3.05 1. Delete snorimel-t and associatcd pipinq at Iiving room decks of al-I tvpe "D" and "DP" units. Snor"'melt shal1 NOT be deleted at bedroom declis of "DP" unit. Sheet P 2.01 1. Delete (3) floor dr-ains and associated pioi.nc1 at east sl.ier entr]- on level l3'-3". Shee'u P 3.01 I. Delete deck drains and associated pj.pino, etc. at 1ir-incl room decks of t_vpe "4" and "AP" units. Deck dl-ains shalf )JOT be. del-eted at bedr-.ooni decl:s of t.,-r)e "^\P" unit- Slreet P 3 .02 I . Delete deck drains and assoc j-ated pipinc, er-c - at 1ir- j,nq room dec,:hs of type "81", "82" and "BP" uuits. Deck <lrains shall- \CT ile deleted. at bedroom ifeclis of t',-pe "BP" unit. Sheet P 3.03 1. DeIete deck drai-us and associated pipinq, etc. .et 1ir-inrj roonr decks of tr-pe "C1". "C2" altd "C3" unitc. Shet:t P 3,0J t. Defete deck drains and assocr-ated pipinq, erc. at 1j-rritrq loom decl;s of t1-pe "CP" units. Deck drnius sirall IOT be deleted at bedl:ooni dt:cks of t.,-De "CF" uuits. Sheet P 3.05 1. Delete deck dr-ains aild assoclatt-d pininq, etc . at l-i\-il)q r-ocm dechs of tvpe "D" and "DP" units. Decl: draii'ls siral-f IOT be deLeted at bedroom decl;s of tr-pe "DP" unrt. o Lifts;rde -\SI no. l- paqe 12 Drl.rlgro\ l6 Changes indj-cated here are for general information onl_\-, see drar.'inqs for exact changes in scope. Sheet E 2.01 I. DeLete tlrree (3) tl-pe T llqhts and associated circuj-trr- j,r.r east boot foom on leve1 f3'-3". 2. Deletc six (6) t)-pe l,Il and t-hree (3) t-r'pe 112 J_ights and associated cireuitrl' il-t corridor and east shier entr.allce oli leveI f3'-3" She,et E 2 .11 1. Delete three (3) corridor ou+-lets and one (1) e\Eer:.or outlet alrd associated ci-rcuitr\- at east skier entran(:e cl1 ler-e1 {3'-3". 2. Delete trio (2) e-\haust fans t1'pe EF*l- and a1l- related equipment and circuitr\- at east skiet- elttt-al1ce on le\-e1 3. Delete seven (7) outlets and associated ci-rcuitrv at east sl,i boot room on level_ 43'-3". 1. Delete heat reccverl' unit HR-2 and associated ci_rcuitrv at east slti boot room on 1etel {3'-3,'. Sheet E 2.2I l. Delete all f ire alarm and secur j-t_\- systems related to east sI;ier entralrce and east ski boot room on ler-el- 43 ' - 3,' - a - Chen€Northern,l Consultmg Enqrn€ers and Screnr66 5080 Road l5,l Gl€nwood Spnngs. Coloraoo 81601 303 9,15-7458 303 945.2363 May ?0,1993 Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects, P.C. Attention: Mr. Henry Pratt 1000 South Frontage Road West VaiI, CO 81657 Subject Review of Section 02200 Earthwork Specifications Colorado. Job No. 4 178 93 Dear Mr. Pratt: Ufaide guilding, Vail, As requested, Chen-Northern, Inc. has reviewed the Section f2200 hrthwork of the specifications for the alove referenced project. Chen-Northern, Inc. performed a preliminary subsoil study for the project and reported our findings under Job No. 4 178 93 dated December 21, 1992. Comments are as follows: Part 3, section 3.M, Paragraph F, Item l.: we recommeud that fill u:rder fssdngs fg minimized- Since the recommended allowable bearing pressures are relatively high (5000 psf) substantial bacldill under footings would create a pbtential for differential seitlement of the foundation. Part 3, Section 3.07, Paragraph F, Items 5 and 6: Exterior Wall Bactdll under sidewalks and paved areas. We recommend that exterior wall bacldll under these areas in excess of 10 feet in depth be compacted to at least 98Vo of standard Proctor density to reduce bacldili settlement. Ifyou have any questions or ifwe can be of additional service, please call. Sincerely, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. o -\4.."\r. I 1l q- \M*'-tlt'-u-{ l*rr- -' t: Michael Evans, S.E.T. ME/bjs Rev.By: DEH €8 I #,',1,:.:' .d q,;Hlffi+J Qr,;;Y Ampr?ei., i.elI{IHl r.cuocr:cnca-es Ei; r3:.'l; B:rr 'li I ;El ,l:E :,I1f, []Errrri: Ar.rd*r:,:rr F. El oo Dennis Anderson A.S.L.A. Landscapg Archireclure o Piar' trrrg r Visual Communication To: Henry praEt Frorn: Dentris Anderson Date: July 2, 1993 Re: Lifrsi.de / Irrigation Dj,fference The following is the difference in irrigation quar:tities beLweelr the 3 May 93 plan and t)re revised 30.]une 93 pJan. please call if you ltave any guestions. Diff- ModeL DescripLj.on cc: +2 1804 w/15 Ser. Noz. Rainbird pop up Spray Head +2 7812 w/L5 Ser. Noz. Rainbird Fot ui, Sbray neaa +1 700 Series Hardie Control Valve P (1. Bcu: lij37 Eclwa|ds. colorado 81632 . 13C3) 925-2433 'RB'oAug r fls August 6, 1993 Mr. Dan Stanek Town of Vail Building Department 111 South Frontage Road West VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Liftside Project Dear Dan: The following is a summary of the items r di.scussed with you in a phone conversation on 8-6-93. Thj-s summary constitutes my understanding of matters dlscussed and the declsions reached. ff your interpretatlon varies, please inform me in writing. SUMMARY OF ITEMS DISCUSSED:st be extended to the sanitary sewer sysEem. 2. Fire dampers can be deleted at exhaust risers if the 26 gauge sheet metal duct from the unit exhaust fan is extended into the common verticaL duct located within the two-hour shaft enclosure and extended up 22" above the polnt of entrY. 3. The barrier gates located within all stalr towers from and including level 69'-6" /74 t-9" down to revel 38|-0rr/43 | -3'r shal1 be deleted and replaced with signage showing a clenched fist with the index finger of the hand pointing in the direction of the exit (up the stairs). An illuminated exit slgn will also be reguired at each level. 4. Exterior sheathing described in our speeification attached to a letter to you dated 7-23-93 is acceptable to the Building Department. Dan Stanek August 6, 1993 Page 2 Please call if you have the above information. any questions about or correcti.ons to Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRA Dann Ds/ad copy SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS,P. C. to: Rick Agett Frank Freyer Randy Rexwinkle August 6, 1993 Mr. BiIl Hulse Council of Governments, Northwest Colorado P.O. Box 2308 Silverthorne, cO 80498 Re: Liftside Elevators Dear Bill: The following is a surnmary of the items you and f discussed at my office on 6-5-93. This summary constitutes my understandlng of matters dlscussed and decisions reached. ff your interpretation varies, please inform me in writing. SUMMARY OF ITEMS DTSCUSSED: alarm system withln the elevator eguipment room nust be tled to the main shut-off by way of an electrical shunt.2. The informatl-on on Sheets 7.3, 7.10 and 7.11 satisfy your reguest to see shaft layout, pit, and roof details. 3. The ladder shown on the above referenced sheets is correct as shown and the top of ladder will be extended to 42" above the floor landing. 4. Elevator roof vents. A. At elevator "A", the roof top vent w1ll be changed to a sidewall type, located on the south wall of the eguipment room.B. At elevator "B" and the Freight Elevator, the roof top vent is fine as shown, located on the sloping portion of the metal roof. C. At elevator "C"r you will inform me how hi.gh above the flat roof the top of the vent cap should be located. D. As lndicated on our plans, a1l vents will have fj-re dampers, 5. 5. 7. BiIl Hulse August 6, 1993 Page 2 No other equipment can be in the elevator shafts or equipnent rooms including, but not limited to, plumbing, electrical , and mechanical ductwork. The chtller expansion tank presently in the eguipment room of elevator "8" will be relocated. Sprinklers are required in the elevator eguipment room and the top of hoistways. The line servicing these areas must terminate in these spaces and cannol continue on to serve other spaces. You will verify and notify me if the 1j.ne serving these areas has to be a dedicated line.I will verify that our architectural treatment of the elevator ceilings will not interfere with and will be coordinated with the emergency hatch built into the elevator cab. Please call if you have any questions about or corrections to the above information. Sincerely, ARCHITECTS, P.C. Ds/ad copy to: Dan Staneh, Town Of VaiI Building Department Rick Agett, Nelson-Zeeb Construqtion Frank Freyer, owners I construction consultant GWATHMEY July 23, 1993 Mr. Dan Stanek Town Of Vail Building 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, CO 81657 Re: Liftside Project - R[80.ryry2. ,,'n] Department West sprinklers in crawlspaces R6l! Jtlt 27 \W Cc-c.jc.--4.-^ \).. [ *3' ),''r.^ A \^-.-!\=,. cL- Dear Dan The Contractor on our project recently informed me that the Fire Departrnent requires aII accessible crawlspaces to be sprinklered and have smoke detectors. We presently have an access door to the area below our lowest leve1 of parkingr dS requested by Holy Cross Electric, for servicing their main Ij-ne. This area is completely isolated from occupied spaces and j-s constructed of cast in place concrete walls and precast concrete floor structure with concrete topplng. A11 materials in this area are non-combustible. I am not faniliar with the section of the code that requires sprj-nklers and smoke detectors in this area. We wilL gladly provide this equipment if it is required, but would prefer omitting it if it is not. Please inform me in writing what will be required and reference the applicable sectlon of the code, which would make this eguipment necessary. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, GWATHMEY K"?:rKe /as ARCHITECTS, P.C. July 23, 1993 Mr. Dan Stanek Town Of Vail Bu1ldtng Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vai1, CO 81657 Re: Liftside Project Dear Dan The following is a summary of the itens I discussed with you and Gary Murrain, at your office on 7-23-93. This sumnary constitutes my understanding of matters discussed and the decisions reached. If your lnterpretation varies,please inform me in writing. SUMMARY OF ITEMS DISCUSSED:1. Exterior gyp. sheathing was discussed, and it was determined that T&G joints or firetapping is only reguired in those areas where our building has less than a 40'-0" wide yard or public way. The sheathing product we intend to use is described in the attached copy of our sheathing specification. Please notify me if this product is or is not acceptable. 2. I agreed to provide you with structural calculations for the revised area of the building. 3. I agreed to provide you with copies of all soils reports and concrete test results. Please ea1l if you have any questions about or corrections to the above information. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRA A/4 Danny SyErE /as SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS,P. C. I I I I I I t T F F F F F F F t F T h sEcrr0N 06116 GYPSUI'I SHEATHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMI,IARY A. Section Includes:1. Gypsum sheathing on exterior walls. B. Related Sections:1. Exterior tlall Steel studs: Section 05400 Gold Formed Metal Framing.2. Interior Gypsum Board: Section 09261 Gypsun Board Partitions t,{alls.3. Gypsum Board Soffits: Section 09262 Gypsum Board Ceilings and Soffi ts. 1.02 SUBI.IITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL GYPSUI'I SHEATHII{G A. l.lanufacturers:l. Georgi a-Paci fic 2. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Sect'ion 01600 C. Fasteners: USG Type 'rS'r drywall screws or equal . PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verificat'ion of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Existing Conditions: Examine framing to receive sheathing before beginning instal lation.2. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory conditions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Gypsum Sheathing: Apply gypsum sheathing panels of maximum practical length with long dimenslons at right angles to studs.1. Secure with drywall screws spaced 12" 0.c. in the field of board and 8" o.c. along abuttlng edges. B. Sheathing Panelsz 5f8" Thick Georgia-Pac'ific Dens-Glass Gold Firestop, ___^ Type X Gypsum -sheathing, 4' wide x 8' length. GPS 9219 06116-1 FloneBreole Tokes te neor, This revolutionary new roof decking combines the streng$ of an APA performance rated panel with the natrral fire retardant properties of gps"tn. New from Georgia.Pacific Corporation. Duroble Georgia-Pacifi c's proprietary FlameBreale fire resistant panels offer unique benefits to specifiers and builders.Its sfuctural com- ponent is performance rated plywood or Oriented Stznd Board(OSB). To that, we bond a layer of proprietary gypsum board, which feafires imbedded glass mathces and an ercclusive siliconefeated core. The benefits: o dimensional stabilitv r low flame spread - meets UL1256 . exposure 1durability r resists moisfirre, wicking and warpage o strength - meets or exceeds APA rating Safe You can specify FlameBreakwith confidence, because it is made of two proven materials. The stength of APArated panels combined with the fre and flame retard- ant properties of gypsum yields o<ceptionally low flame spread. (see chart) And, FlameBreak panels do notrely on chemical teafrrent for any of their fre retardant properties. Easy Hondling Because FlameBreak is made of materials familiar to *re trades, it is easy for everyone to handle. It cuts, hstens, and finishes using conventional tools. materials and fasteners. The FlameBreah qaneb' fire retarfunt fimprietary gfuum is thich (r/t') and is rcinfurced with glas nat,. ,4s a rauh, the Paneb retain thcir stnt&ral intg1lritl loqer tlwn mog alten4tit)6 Reduces Costs Some specifiers have soughtfre protection by building roofing in two layen: a 5/s" gyp sum panel laid down first for fire protection, then conventiond plywood or 0SB applied on top for structral stength. This two step solution was slow and costly. FlameBreak panels represent a clearvalue engineering breakttrrough - cutting labor cosl reducing construction time, and offering easier handling. And compared to other recently introduced fire retardant panels, FlameBreak is significantly less orpensive. Strength s/s'r FlameBreak panels are available in your choice of 3/a'r pl.wood or Tterr OSB subsfate; bottr are APA performance rated. 3/n FlameBreak panels are avaiiable with lslrz" plywood substrate. Since no chemical treatnent is used on the panels, tlteir strength is not compromised. And the glass mat'faced silicone feated gypsum core reduces moisfure entry, further enhancing strength and durability. Quality Asguronte Georgia-Pacific is the world's largest producer of building materials, so you know the productwill be uniform and up to spec. Georgia-Pacific has built a reputation for being re sponsive, reliable, and always shnding behind its products. So for low flame spread, stengfh, econolny, and tfie assurance of GeorgiaPacifi c quality, specify FlameBreak with confidence. FlameBreabn 12sns r/at space at all panel edge and endjoin6 ,4sfhalt or wood *ingla or *aha, Follou roofng manufadurer\ recommenthtiotts for roofing felt. Protect edges ofFlameBreah fanels against permanent aposule to weatherby wing dif u0 fia*ing or uterior panel stsrtel sW. Dcrrription: FlameBreak fre retardant panels are composed ofAPA Performance Rated Sheattring (E:<posure 1) bonded to GP proprieary glrysum paneis featuring imbedded glass mat faces and a siliconetreated core. This combi- nation helps resist noisture. widing, urd warping. heomrnondrd Urrr: FhmeBreak 6re retardant panels may be used on roof decks or whercver fre reardant materials are required to limit fame spread- Use FlameBreak for new constmc- tion in roof decking or in existing constnrction where complete or full section redecking is necessary. In other applications, check with local building officials for code requirements and compliance. Codc Corrplionct FlameBreak panels have been aclnrowledged as complying with the requirements of the Southern Building Code Congress International (See SBCCJo Compliance Report #9046) and the Buiiding Officials and Code Adminisbators International (See BOCA- ES, Inc. Research Report #92-18). Propcrlic* . Fre Classifed under U.L U56 test oiteria for flame spread, 30 minute duration. Ul Constnrction NumberNM 528. o No chenical treahnent is used to ahin'e fre classifcation . Strengfi and stiftiess of s/a'r FlameBreak panels o<ceed APA tslo inch plywood performance standards. o fus1atle nsing standard roof decking tools. o Wll not contribute to metal fistener corrosion, like some chemically treated alternatives. Shillirysizls ailueigb; Thicknes PanelDimensions Approximate Wt per Panel 74lbs. 83lbs. Stagger end ioinb Coaer FlameBreah w soon w fosihle with roofingfelt for atra Protution agaitst ucesiae m o Lsture f ri o r to ro ofing Applirotion Rcronncndclionr: 1. Support Fnaming - Mardmun spacing not to er<ceed 24rr on center for 5/srr FlameBreak panels. For 34r FlameBreak panels modmum spacing not h e:<ceed 24rr (OSB) or 32" (plywood). Refur to span indor nting stamped on panel. For low slope rooft refer to APA Design/Consuuction guide for recor mended marimum spans. Blocking, if required isto be of the sane framing material 2. Decking - FlaneBreak fire retardant struchrral panels must be installed with the g]rysum side down (towards the roof support frzming). The long panel axis is applied across supports with end joints staggered. Leave % inch space at all panel efue and end joints. 3. Nails - Use 8d common smooth or deformed sttank nails with 5/s" FlameBr€ak panels and 10d nails with Vrn FlameBreak panels. Space nails 6 inches along the panel ends and 12 inches along intermediate framing members. 4. UnderLsyment -As required. 5. Roof Corering Material - Asphalt shingies, tile roofng, or wood shingles or shakes. Roof covering to be insulled as specifed by roofng manuhcturer. For comflde i&allation irll$;tnctiora, a* your Gcorgia-Pacifo npruentdiue or cail 180A22fi119 for tuhnical asigance (I&alldioa Infuiors" litnztare ffi21550. Srfcty Prrrtulion: Frber released during normal handling of this product may cause irriltion. Avoid breadring dust and contact witr skin and e.ves by wearing protective clothing and gear. See FlameBreak installation instructions for fur- ther information. Ilcrnr Sprucd Undmiu'l tdorocir ll56i3d ltrt! fn hctl The louerthe har, the bettertheflane grud wlue ofthe noterial tated fumeBnah olftndmndically louerflame sprmd tlnn the code requires, iIiE 5/in 3/tu 4'xB 4rx 8l tlsrnetrcrk' Arrhitsrturd Spcrifirolions Part I - General 1.1-Daoiftion: A. Work in this scction includes, but is not limited to suuctural rmfing pancls. B. Relatcd wo* spccified elsewhcrc: l. Roofing undcrlaymenr 2 Asphalt shingles. 3. Tile rcofing. 4. Wood shingles. 5. Wood shakes. 1.2-fubttifra& A. hoduct Data Submit manufagurcr's descripdve lircrarurc indicating marcrial composition, thickncss, sizs, fastcncr spacing and firc prformancc. B. Ccrtification: Submit manufacnrrcr's writcn ccrtification that prcducl rncc6 fire pcrformucc rcquirc- rrcms specified by Underwritcr's laborarorics lcst gitcria LJL 1256. L3 - Delioery, Stmage, and HailIing A Delivcry: Deliver marcrials o tlrc job site in manufac- turcr's original packaging with manufactuer's bord name and identificuion inuct and legible. B. Storage and handling: Storc and handlc maerials to proact against .conact with damp and wet surfaccs. erposurc to wca0rer. brcakage and damage to edgcs. Storc panels indoors in dry location. Part 2 - Products 21 - Stnctural Panels: A. Acceptable producr. Georgia-Pacific Corporadon's FlameBrcak! fue rcurdant strucural panel. FlameBreak' GEORGI&PACIFIC ASK roR lf,- B. Grading and ma*ing: Shca$ing conponcnt of structural pancls shall bcar tE APA grademark or sump, idicating gradas of matcrial and rules or stardards under which produced and span radngs. C. Conposition: Strucural roofpancl consuucted of APA hrformance Rated Shcathing (Exposurc l) bonded to a glass mat surfaccd grpsum panel wfth siliconc-mated corc. D. Sizc: Nominal 4'4" x 8'4". E. Thicknesscs: s/g" and Vr" thick. F. Firc Resisrancc: 0 fr flame spcad for l0 min. test (per ASTM E84) and avcrage 55 ft. flame spread for 30 min. rcst when tested in accordance with UL 1256. 22 - Misellaneous Mateials: A Fastenen: 1. s/s" t'laneBrcak panels: 8d common smooth or deformed shank nails. l. 3!" FlamcBrcak panels: lOd common smooth or deformed shank nails. 3. Parrclclips: As approved by srucnral panel manufacturcr. Ptrt3 - Execttion 3.1 - General: ,{- Provide FtamcBrcak where iniicatcd on drawings, using fasaning sysrcm specified. 32 - Structaml Panel InialbionAr Rnfs: ,{- Sruqural Pancl Installation: Install FlarneBrcak pancls with gpsum side down, toward roof franing, with long axis of parcl perpcndicular to suPPons. Stagger end joins over franring Leave l[" beween ends and cdges of panels. B. Fasrcncr Insullatiotu l. Inssll fasaners 6' o.c. u panel cnds and 12' o.c. along inanncdiaa frarning membcn. 2 Install fastcncr hcad flush widr FlameBrcak surfact. Fc rore itrrnadon sbout lhes€ 8d oth€r Creorlh-Pacific Productq coatact Gcord!-Pacific Co,tpdltion Podt O6ce Bq f0565 Admtr, GA 303,1&5605 For ecbaical ercisrrcc or the GP nprescotaive ncrsi lru, call toll tue f (8m)225.61f9. tn Georgi4 (404)987-5 f 90. Pr! Ptoding RamBr"rl is s rlgi$rcd radcnert of C€orgir-Prcif ic Corycttiotr. @l 993 Gcorgir-Prcific CorPontioo. All RiShs Rcscncd. 6769 793 Pri cd in USA LiEls[|lr lcm No. 021525 Georgiahcific ,A ' STAt'lPttJa €EAM mCru - PaOF aV ',*tE+PP'AF \ mrureAur- aleL"FWnE \ eREAgn ?P.!-lEL otJ ilE1hL \ oecru,tA r41l,4e? @ \ ofwv ge1<I,l y,!wwyffi,wtr ;irx. lLtt ate s&2b7tu€ ftEh'fe? ?tj{'l^w? ?eegr+t- \ \ \ H'fAt 6VLau Be'(o oA.7'(jJo- I b^t4 ! PHMAAY tsEAM5 lz 7,lz .V 1 Noleg, l,1l+z CeLtPA gi+eu'n lb ?,"FLl;ne w*rr PAIIEL ea!€tqt+ oF 6/et1 fl--ntFP ;+MI{ATEP Ta -te.6eVt eaf-tz'( ll+tt aY?- BcA RD, l- HolJR. . ?ooF l4.eer4'LY ^Lk?€t_tocD iretj .TapE")(rr PRYTJALL aElLlw^ 7-3o BATf lr+34L - F.OOF VeThlL lVTt' =lt- e il ll-11- 13 L IFTS I DE CASCAOE VILLAGE VAIL. COLOPADO WATEPFOPD SITE a '\ '/ ?/ V lu t ..i..' t. ' " I I I l (,.ii..:iri rir.nri!,r fri.rf i /- A a6 -' - :': SHEET No -- 9P , w TFs - oareS:s:J!- ,^"*tt - + jtfi '4q L:T:l* ;--.- , -:,.-' :" ;-Y:l.vtt- ,,,,' 1,.'.,.' l__t i_.: '_..:a{lu-- t'.-4.,- : \a'iou-Lt,t)1il?F"-l= fj_,, ,1 rI; ;i ,.BEt"o-t 't.-Nfr1.L-, ,- -- -:--. '-: l+j|ff-, |.'"\y-'r N\\$ ;i^;r",_TirtLehs:,.a4s:\L .''*._-.-. : --a lejlrHtc.K > t i,tei i.l ;, +-_i l-1...,-.t L4- sdd.l' t FrF,, ' i: -.+'l -i ._____,. ._,__ :,..ii'::, :!f.' -- _^ -A'\ L- ,. =\- . 9€AB/NG{.-. -,i- --+ -* Nffi'l Y\4 :Iglll{a , -l l#,H€riiil }ll rti, --e?^.F^f! i , ; -;-Vr- -ll1ll. '._ li[lJl"- ,t/-lJl-i'r', i-,;--lt, fr ?, ,rn,"x..:-- * --. l-'r/#, I - ?::f;v-fI/t3 - -.-+, i .-+1- -i I I Fo, p",w2 t 1 e.-,e -rfL e.,sltuiutalZl - --A j'- i : I Tn/,v 1J5ir4)M1 *-:.":3'i \./ "dfur , r*i*l ifu.€iii ,-rl , 't^tfi4L', '.e.'nl_.cu,r:uEe .- U,l-l + -+;:;; -L,l .ia'iri-iio,,so - W€uft-:+ I wn''c'^I _-'."=..-)t\lr I I :+if e le" t . ert, EAct l' .- ''lo-z /- 8'p4s.Jfica-8.4c-€, 4r .i 'o--on)- i|'rF, .r'e tl' jt ?'' 1y:' $taa9=e-tt"t444 $i 4,'=. : l - ? r2tf,r e,.ls -: S({nEi,'i^";'o_ .f.jf'-r,, |+;/"r#ru,3:5q{-. : F{' \ =.rl-, l'si,* :i*ii. '.1p-c-.un-^t_:' 'l€{t_zy'stsi I '. ". ,;ll M ) ,tre Pt/iN' ,9Ea'v€rilnie;:ffffit-;,;;-,*oru , .: : .- . ^l--J .- .._ _l=_ __ ..[_: .F,.fr+o:."-:::"-; //-rf C cn. YJl//:.-'t, |ffi,t V, l.: .€c+L-..:---l ''-a .1.:-. ; - '. . .-t ; 'l '- l ]-I i -[l . ^ *-,t- - Liftside Addendum No. 'l Page 4 11c. Slde waIl finlshes at all passenger elevators shall be full height wood panelling to match corrldors. 11d. At passenger elevator "Att, provide waII mounted clips and pads suitable for use during owner moving conditions. A-12 The design of the domestic water plumbing (Section 15400) is herein revj.sed to provide more egual water pressure throughout the building, Drawings P3.06 and P4.01 will be revised and reissued at a later date. Fax drawingls are provj.ded herein for interim use ( see attached). A-IJ Sectlon 15500 (see attached fax copy) is herein revised to allow only fully concealed type sprinkler heads in corridors and inside the units. Side-wall and other types of heads are not allowed without specific review and permlssion of the Architect. A11 sprinkler escutcheons and cover plates shall be paintable (to match adjacent ceilings). Submittal process shall include the submittal of actual sprlnkLer heads for revlew and approval . Work defined under Section 16011 (conduit) shal1 be revised to include the requirement that all exposed conduit in stairs A1 | A2, B and Cl be routed in such a $ray to provide an organized aesthetic appearance. Random or haphazard placement of conduit wiLl not be acceptable. T.TFTCTNF ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 MAY 5, 1993 Item I'lo. Descrlption A-i Add the following bid alternates to Section 01030: Alternate 4: Add or deduct for substitution of Pennsylvania Cherry for all Birch trlm, etc., as specified in Section 06200. Alternate 5: Add or deduct for substitution of the species and finishes listed below for the Birch kitchen and living room casework specified in Section 06410: 5a. Door panels to have cathedraL style panels. Specj.es to be Birch as specified. 5b. Door panels to have sguared style panels as speclfied, Species to be Pennsylvania cherry. Finish to be cLear or stained per approved sample. 5c. Door panels to have cathedral style panels. Species to be Pennsylvania Cherry. Fj-nish to be clear or stained per approved sample. 5c. Door panels to have sguared style panels. Door finish to be white lacquer to match Kraftmaid Cabinetry, Inc. "Radiant" style. Sample of door finish available for viewing upon request. 5d. Door panels to have cathedral style paneis. Door finish to be white lacquer to natch Kraftmaid Cabinetry, Inc. "Radiant" style. Sample of door finish available for viewing upon reguest. Alternate 6: Add or deduct for substitutlon of the wood species and door styles listed below for the unit interior Birch doors as specified in Section 0821 0: 5a. Door style to be 4 panel flush panel . Species to be Birch as specified. 5b. Door style to be true 4 panel ralsed panel as specified. Species to be Pennsylvania Cherry. Finish to be clear or stained per approved sample.6c. Door style to be 4 panel flush panel. Species to be Pennsylvania Cherry. Finish to be clear or stained per approved sample. o Liftside Addendum No. Page 2 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-6 Alternate 7: Add or deduct for substitution of Pennsylvania Cherry for all Birch flooring as speci.fied in Sectlon 09550.Alternate 8: Add or deduct for substitution of comparable Dornbracht fittings for all specified Grohe fittings as specified on the plumbingt drawings. Alternate 9: Add for design and installation of a central water softening treatment system to be located in the common mechanical room. Specifications for custom casework (Section 06410) shall be amended so that hinges by Ju1ius Blum are required for all cabinet and casework doors, etc.Specification of Haffle hardware for the living room TV cabinet, as shown on sheet A5.10 shall \ot be changed. Scope of work for the standing seam metal. roofing (Section 07610) shall be expanded to include ALL roof surf aces. Contrary to notes on sheets A31T, A3.2 and A3.3, rakes and hip fascias shall be standing sean instead of flat metal . Scope of work for cast-in-place concrete (Section 03300) shall be revised to include "rubbing out" of the inside face of all wa11s in stairs A1 , A2, B and C1 . This is due to the deletion of drywall flnishes in these stairs (see below for related changes ) . Scope of work for steel stud furring (Section 09261 ) shall be reduced to exclude all 1-5/8" furring at the j-nterior of stairs A1 , A2f B and Cl (see above and below for related changes ) . Scope of work for steeL stalrs (Sectlon 05510)shall be revised so that space between stai-r runs is widened to aLlow for deletion of furring and drywall at the interior of stairs A1 , A2, B and C1 ( see above and below for related changes ) .Drawings will be revised and reissued at a later date. o t Liftside Addendum No. Page 3 A-9 A-10 al- | | Hollow metal door frames (Secti-on 08110) at all passenger eLevator smoke doors as listed below shall have palnted finish to match USl0B finish on efevator door frames (Sections 142'1 1 and 1421 3',. 7a. Doors affected are: A02, A13, A24, A31, A43, A53, A63 B05, 81 4, 823, 833, 842 col, c1 1, c21 , c33, c43 Wood and glass doors numbered A-30, B-47, B-48, C-41 and C-42 (Section 08210) sha1l be changed to hollow metal and glass doors (Section 08110). Finlsh to be (or match) US10B. Submit finish samples for approval. Scope of work for drywall (Sections 09261 and 09262) shal1 be reduced so that all drywall at the lnterior of stairs A1 , A2, B and C1 be deleted.Interior finish of stairwells to be rubbed and palnted concrete (see above and below for related changes). Drawings will be revised and relssued at a }ater date. Scope of work for painting (Section O99OO) shalI be revised to delete texture and paint on drywal] 1n stairs A1 , A2, B and C1 (see above). Inside wal1s of these stairs to be rubbed and painted concrete. Prepare and paint concrete as reguired for washable and durable finish. Elevator cab finishes, as shown on the drawings and in Sectlons 1421 1 and 14213 shaI1 be further def ined as f oll-ows:11a. A1I Passenger elevators to have US10B finish at all door frames, doors, handrails (pipe rail type), front panels and finished metal surfaces. Ceiling to be manufacturer's standard suspended type with US10B trim.Carpet at floor to match corridor carpeting (direct glue down) (see Section 01020).11b. Back wall- finishes at passenger el-evators "8"and "c" shal-f be full width mirror above wood panel wainscot to match corridors. At elevator "Att, r,/ood, paneli.ng shall be ful1 height (no mirror). attached to ceneral ConLractor's job site working drawinEs tor tabrication arrd ilrseallaeions I-.OtJ SYSTEM TAYOUT A\ID DESIGN A. Design and insEall-ation of Ehe sysE,ern shal1 conform basicarly Eo trre laLesL issues of NaEronal Fire pro- E,ectj-or.r Assocj.at.ir.rrr lrunrlrtr1et, l_3 and 13R (Tnst.allation of Sprinkler Syseems) and 24 (Outside proC,eccion). g' e|1 ripl--rg sha1l be hydraulicarly calculaEed per NFFA No.13 and 13R, aB appropriare. carculations sr,irr be based on the supply avaiLabl_e at the connecLion E,o Ehe city rn.a i ; c. Thc sprirrkler contracL.rr sl'o11 refer to the archit,ec-Eurar/ sErucEuraL, mechanieal and electricai. drawings and coordinate the system J-a1'out Eo not. int.erfere- with lighL .Llrg f ixt,ur.es and air ouE.Iers. No cuE:ing of st.uctural members sharr be arlowed without jrior approval of ArchiLesL. D. Sprinkler pipinq shal1 be cor:ceated ab<.rve the ceiling in . linished areas. PART ?, OO PRODUCTS 2. 0l- sPRINKl,Ei{ }IEADS nesid.enLia.L Lype heads simi lar Eo GLove reguired in aLl residential conceaied. areas excepL parkirrg garagfe. ADLE-\l5vtv'l I MAI = , pn7 rl Heads shall be concealed rype with ceiling cover place painued by E,he factory with co_Lor selecced by the arci'riLecL irr f irrished areas and. brass in eguipment ?:ooms,janitors cIoset., and parking gar.age, ModeL J are of building ESCUTCIiEON PLATES A. chrome-plated escuLclreon prat,es shall be provided. where sprinkler piping passes E,hrough walli, flcors oi ceilrngs. B. sharlow, baked enamer on mecal sprinkter heaci escutcrreons shaLl be use-d except where deeper escutcheon. are rrecessary f or heads t,o clear l-Lghe fixtures. In any case Ehe escutcheons sirarl be the same size rhroughorit ii-r.buildingr anct shatL macch eeiling decor.. 1s50 0 -3 -I t ? rl r I GI ..g q ll $\ J- I \,r \J (D E x<x=J= EE ls fr2 h5 EO. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1l I fr---l t" o I E lrJ bl - oi LJ s o F e. F' G. E :{i Sl.'. H-Hl eA-tei Bhrt P5:d 2.. sEi tclc ul l.J tro?EZL E lr, EH; 6ulI EEA l3: EPE o. =F gd <=tn 14 < lrJ t !'': N ,Ea 3EH PuF EE:E Vl O. 1q J F lJI cf (J z. o_t E,o- I vl H JN oF 6 IT -F F a;si <=ua EL t- 5 t Tr ih l\l o-'o !z ol{ ctr P u E & I IL cl F-( o a .Os Jlt Sllg U {o ull gG 6o {,/ra d, l tl. ct E f L) u.r o|0(6- B8 Hi 5 qt 91 o E J -F trJ c] ()z TL o- E o- u il tu u)sa ilo tn@ EI o-o u <f ctl bt in qo-6o n6 EI 0-o l!o 3 o vdl =E n8 UrF aEl 00 J lrj a IL w J o ro .l ET ]C c 9? J6 Po *? .'o o|O F E E;FEh ::n aHe a;:go.'e Lr-> (E .t 0,r0 ul F?5B Po 2 =<(r-,'o N@ 6 L |') F u g a- + 6 IL fo vl (L F F br=tra r. !{E -a J 1-llJ o (,z (L o- E. o- t{{(J vt o I o z o z n U ?r (3l L, Ul EO- do ltD HT co dJ J l-trl o (9 z-t o_ 04 o- T t a\a I FN lrJ (, (, ud .ro. do 60 l!T E3 ul v, J F lrt o c)z. L o- E TL t c.| h : vt IL ct ct I 0 ^;F to F L,o g c I t I * LJ (.2r (5l !., A qq Uro to cl a-a \ +\. a_ +\) '\ lcc h' , di" 6{1 da 9* -.o'E.t rqt (\a It o n { v, E L a ? FI v,o. F F hl g l! E (9 'i a g UJ g8 E? s.r'a NT Ir 4 Ir,U' E o- t+ v1 6 o-c t\o !oF ufa eg 40- la N* U ?(j' h t s o z q a_() U' o 1r,(J zf dl r.r Ot qo 6o l/, O EI o.O t ti o I J -r t'-bJ o (9 z o- E E o- I o| a (\.(\l a a o- E g I J n| {o . .. .,i, FsF B \: 4- +\) \l €a) a o- ;t I a A* a t r I t-|r,u, a A g 6 Hn fie HT aLo vl q or F lr,tl u A t OT (.' I '-rt to vl g? 5g Po *7 -. hB h \h .,o J F Lrl o C'l zl o-l CJ-! E n k 1 (t vl o z 5 o Q o z o r) ln EIO 1-ttt =9€ Ilo'-l .'o ffi J F tll c1 LrJ (-) -->i sl l+tl (nl o.l lrJl FI sl - e,o g dra 9e z t# a.J -o-Eq er s al 59 Fg o Ct lr,org nd FP Ol}6Pf =el EUt IJ E Er LJd go- g8 E6 HE f,r! Pec EFH gFfi ixF P El? -<Io EgE E-"Eg FEH; EFFE bI o 5 E a (9 z 5 o a @ n c6 >E tt at sEi Ee'gH ;f H><6 -o -{ -o d3H d9o z=< arl L,q, € 6 o3 E s E EA frFl gEF fiHg HHE J t-td o (J z o- E u,, rLl l.t n J H 8 o z CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTItIG EI{GIIIEERS AND SC I EIITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECltl EnterDrises JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-19-94 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of tlesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACET,IEIIT LOCAT IOI{ :lJal I on "A" Line. BATCH TICKET Il{F0RllATI0l{ SUPPLIER: llestern }lobile TRUCK N0. 117 TICKTT l{0. 0l 2325 HIX oESIG t{0. 44 TIME BAICHED: 9:33 Ail TIIIE ARRIVED: l0:10 All TIIIE PLACEO:10:22 AI.4-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI,|: 7/7/30 FIELD TESTII{6 I I{FORI'IAT l OI{ SAMPLE TEMP: 67 .F AIR TEilP: 60 "F TIl,lE TEST TAKET{: 10:29 Al,l SLUilP: 3 3/4 It{. AIR C0t{TEl{T: 5.2% UET UI{IT IJEIGHT: JOB SPECI FICATI0iIS: SLUIIP: l,tax.4 lf{. AIR COi{TEi{T: 4-8% IIAIER A0080 AT SITE -- GAL. CYLIIIDER II{FORI.IAT I OI{ l{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 10:39 Al't }IHERE CAST: 0n-5ite CUR I IIG I IIFORI.IATIOiI II{ITIAL CURE: On-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITITS: Inside Trai ler DATE RECEIVEo AT LAB: 5-23-94 BY: Carolyn Adams lill l{/ilAx AGE DAYS OATE TE STE D TOTAL LOAO (LBs) OIAITETER ( I l{cHES ) AREA (SQ IN) COI,{P . STR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NDER UE IGHT (LBs) CYLIIIDER UIIIT lIEI6HT (PCF) 7 7 28 28 28H 28H 5-2 6 -94 5- Z6- 94 6-16-94 6- l6- 94 6-16-94 6-16-94 98 ,500 90,500 6.00 6.00 aa. at ?6.?1 3480 3200 con/spl i t con/spl it DES IGI{ STRENGTH 4000 PSI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEoRAToRY PERS0I{NEL ARE Ili ACcoRoAtlcE tIITH APPLICABLE ASTl,l I.{ETHoDS UI{LESS 0THERWISE I{0TED S0i.lE It{FoRllATIot{ 0F TEST REPoRT llAY BE PRoVIDED BY 0THERS REI{ARKS: COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai I ; l,restern ilobl I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3. nutu.l prot.ctlon to cll.hts, th. publlc and ours.lvGs. all r.porta.re 3ubmlttcd.s tha confldlent{!l prop..ty ot cllcnt3t .nd ruthorlzrtlon for publlc.tion of 3trtdn nt3. Concluilons or.xtrrcts from or |".glrdlng our r€port3 li rlr.rvrd pendlng our rr.ltt.n rpprov.l. Srmpl.5 wlll bc dlspoaed of lftGr t.rtlng la cotlpl€ted unl.s3 other arilng.rhcnts dgr..d to ln rrltln!. A mGnb.r ;f th. !I! group of cor$.ntas Fot''! o. CMEll3A 6191 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTI }IG EI{GINEERS A}ID SCIETITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3. nutual prot.ctlon to cllanta, th. publlc ahd ouriclv.r, rll r.porti ars rubtnltt.d as th. contld,lanttal Frop.r-ty of cll.ntst lnd tuthorl:rtlon for publlc.tlon ot 3tltariant3. Concluslona or cxtr.cts froh or r.g.rdlllg our raporta l! r.sarvad p.ndlng our wrlttch.pprov.l. Sahplci wlll ba dlrpo3.d ot rttrr t.3t'lng ls cofipl.tcd unlGs3 othsr. lrr.nE.rmnt3.gr.!d to ih rr ltlng. A mdnb.r of th. !l! gioup of corip.n'l.i Fonn No. Cl.tE113A 6/91 T0: llECll Enterorlses JoB tlo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-17-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHTET I 0F 3 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven D|ive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vall, Colo. PLACET'IEIiT LOCAT IOI{ :"A" Li ne Ial] BATCH TICKET It{F0Rl,lATI0il SUPPLIER: llestern llobile TRUCK rio. 97 TTCKET ilo. 0l 2265 r,tIX DESIGfl l{0. 44 TIIfE BATCHED: I?:22 Pl4 TIIiE ARRIVED: l2:49 Pil TIlilE PLACED:12:56 Ptl-CU. Y0. LOAD / ACCUI4:. 7/14177+ FIELO TESTIT{G ItlFORllATI0ll SA}IPLE TEIIP: 73 "F AIR TEitP: 55 "F TIIIE IEST TAK[I{: l:04 Pl,l SLU}|P: 4ll2 It{. AIR C0llTEt{T: 4.3X UET UI{IT }IEIGHT: 140.0 JOB SPEC I FICATIOI{S: SLUMP: Ill. AIR C0t{TEt{T: X UATER A00E0 AT SITE 20 GAL. CYL I I{DER I I{FORI,IAT I Ot{ N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLIiI0ER SIZE: 6'rx 12' TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:14 Ptl IJHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G INFORI.{ATIOI{ It{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 5-19-94 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITI[S: Inside Trailer BY: Brian Scanl an l{I N/l,lAX AGE DAYS DATE TE STE D TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI'IETER ( r r{cHES ) AREA (sQ Il{) cot'tP . sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I I{ DER UEI GHT (L8S) CYLIT{DTR UNIT UEIGHT ( PCF) 8A 8A 28A zBA 284 H 28A H 5-25-94 5-25-94 6-14-94 6-14-94 6- 14-94 6- 14-94 116,000 120,500 qqA 5.98 28.09 28.09 413 0 4290 shear con/shear OESI6N SIREIIGTH 4OOO PsI G 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOT{}IEL ARE I}I ACCORDAXCE I'ITH APPLICAELE ASTI'I I'IETHODS U]{LESS OTHERU]SE NOIED SOI.IE IIIFORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHER5 REi{ARKS:Punp operator indicated this load was not mixed properly. COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; tdestern [lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COiISULTI I{G EI{GIIIEERS AIID SCIEI.ITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 ! |trututl protectlon to cllcnt3, th. publlc .nd ours.lv.tt r'll r.port3 !r. subrltt.d es th. confidl.ntlrl propcrty ot cllcnt3' rhd authorlz.ltlon for Publlcltlon ot ttat.m.nt3. Conclu3lons or crtracts tro or r.grrdlng our r.ports l3 r.B.rv.d p.ndlng ool'rrltt.n lpproval, S.mf'lG5 rrlll ba dl3po3.d of.ftar tastlng l. codpllttd unlcsi athcr irrangrrnints agra.d to ln wrltlhg. A n.mb€r ot th. !I! group of conp.nl.r Form o. CME113A 6/91 T0: litECil Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-17-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 3 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of tJesthaven Drive and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEIIT LOCATIO :"A" Li ne llal I BATCH TICKET IllF0Rl.{ATI0t{ SUPPLIIR: llestern ilobile TRUCK ll0. 150 TICKET l{0. 0l 227I l.lIX DtsIGl{ l{0. 44 TIi{E BATCHEO: l:51 PM TIttE ARRIVED: 2:30 Pll TI}1E PLACED; 2:40 Pll-CU. YD. L0ADIACCUM: 7l-- FIELD TESTITIG IIIFORI,IATIOTI SAi.IPLE IEilP: 74 'F AIR TEI.IP: 50 "F TIIIE TEST TAKEII: 2:45 Pll SLtlliP: 3 3/4 Il{. AIR C0NTENT: 3.7X }lET UlllT I{EIGHT: JOB SPECI FICATIOI{S: SLUtiP: It{. AIR C0tlTEl{T: X IJATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYL I t{DER II{FOR}IATI OII t{0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 6 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLII{DERS CAST: 2:55 P}l IIHERE CAST: On-Site CUR I Ii6 I I{FORI.IATIOt{I ITIAL CURE: 48 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-19-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Inside Trailer BY: 8ri an Scanlan tllt{/MM AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBS) OIAI.IET€R ( rilcHES ) AREA (sQ n) coilP . sTR. (Ps r ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER T'EIGHT (LBS) CYLITIDER UI{IT UE I6HT (PcF) 8B 8B ?88 288 Z8B H 288 H 5-2 5-94 5-2 5-94 6-14-94 6- 14-94 6- l4-94 6- l4-94 1 12 ,000 117,500 6.00 6.00 28.21 28.27 3960 4160 con/shear con/shear DESIGII STRET{oTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE I{ITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I.{ETHODS UTILESS OTHERI/ISE I{OTED SOI.IE II{FORIIATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVII)EO BY OTHERS REI.{ARKS: COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyr Adams Bobby J. Hays FITLD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTItIG EIIGIIIEERS ANt) SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE PTACEMENT OBSERVATIONS To; lfEcB Entefprises Jos xO. 4 178 95-3 DATE: 5'17-94 Attn: Eustsquio cort ina P.O. Box 3149 SHEEI 3 0F 3 vait, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: tiftside Buitding east of Uesthaven Drive and llestin lotet. South Frontage Ro6d, Vait, Cotorado. SPECIFICATIoIS: SLtilP: AIR collTEl{T: SUPPLTER: uestern llobile l.llx t.D.: Al,lElExT TEIIPERATURE RAI{GE: 'F to 'F IJATER ADDED GAL LOIIS 20 0 3 REI.IARKS cyt inders cast cytinders cast PROGRESS REPORI: CoPIES: R.A. fletson & Associates, Inc.; llestern llobile; J.v.A., lnc.; Tom of vai[; crathney Pratt Schul tz; carolm Adds FIELD OSSERVER Bobby J. Hays APPROVED BY REVOLUT Io}I C(UXIER CCNPLET I ONI CUEIC YARDS LOAO/ CI,{,LAT I VE 01 ?265 01 ?271 01 zz75 1:04 PN 2:40 Pll 3:24 Pt 1222? 1 :51 ?246 12:49 Pfl 2:50 Pll 3:18 Pll 7/14177+ 7/56177+ 7lU/77+ IJET U}I I T I,IEIGHT (PCt) 140 -0 4 ltZ 3 3/4 21t4 A3 r outsal Fr6tcctlon to cllantr, tha publtc end oui3.lvca, .11 report! .nd luthorlzrtlon loi publlc.tlon of strt.|mnts, Conclu3lons or .rt.act3 writtcn lpprovrl. Srnplc3 rlll ba dlspotad of .ftcr t..tlng l3 cortltrl.tad A ndDb.r ot th. !l! group of codp.nl.. rre Bubnltt.d .E th. conlldantlr'l propcl.ty ot our cllcnt!, trorn or fagardlng our icport3 lt iasarv.d pandlng our unlaBs other arrlngatnant3 lra agraGd to ln |frltlng, Fonr tlo, CMS114A 8/91 ar-tt f 5> -o O .l- f-F *o3 O.r(o ov P =3 .+o ,4, =ql no t {i o't E>.;< |tO'{ =n. J|D iD +9 .5 -- 3=-r!' o -@ o 29 o3 "t ,}r-c ,l*J to> I c|F o- (.'cro ar o.= --t cLo o{o @o OJ s o = @ r.o or l\t @ (o @ (o .o @ a\t ^g c!- -.1 o <'o>-ql. F+ ltl rt .l JO= -ct rn oEttt=c'C.t @x t o .+'t orqror!Ol rj-Cl J o5c 4 l iO J. ut u, o|D u,5Ct ral o a ct 5 9' @ G >l-- (:, !-o6)E v ln I F FI !,Po =+B* r= =t!=v 3F =2, = !-, F FI c.= =v -eo r5 E{F! 6 !t o rct F(^' (^t -o c, !tn 5.. (rr I gnF. -ol ml |T|l&'{5 o al ]\t %, /&se lz,to IJ lm 'rr F o-('B o3 3..BE Fc o 1() 5- L=O-5 E-;(D (D o- f a io { o o o r.]uDduor ,o dnoJ6 m oql J'o -raquuu v .lr^orddt uolltJN .tho 6utPu.d F.^$3.r 3! r1.^od.J Jno GqlpJr6er .ro uorJ. tl!!.rlrr Jo ruoFntluot .slu.{r.}ilE }o uo}rr3}tqnd ro} uo}1ltl.rot41nr 9ql 'tlu.}t. ,o fu.doJd Le!t!.p[ruo..ql 3r p.lttulqn..rr ilJod.J ttr rr.^l..Jno pur tllqnd .ql 'llu.]1t ol uo]lJcloJd Itnlnu I tV Ag olr,Bl^lu ul^Uls8o 011Il uoJarPJ 'd PaJl sltl?Pv UA[OJe3 I ls^ Jo ur,lol zt tnqos llprd raqleag 'cuI ' 'v'A' c elp6v Icru :ullv - 'ossv '8 uos[aI 'v 'u :s]Idol :luodlu SS:lUgoUd tg'I - (lLsuep roj ssaul3 r.r.ll, aneJaAY 9t' 00' I 9t' I zr' zz'l ?t'I It' 7Z' I e9'I tt' SI' I 9Z'I z I s) uvltlu (Jsd ) HI9N]UIS 0N08 (ilt ) sslNylIHl ll9I S:10 (ilr ) ssltDJItll l9vullv (lrr ) ssSN) H1 HNHI XV}I (ilr ) ssl )tIHl [n[IitI]t ulSt,|nr 3ldnvl a Lt t'9I '9'I 8t'I ItPi qlnos Jo qlro]l .tI {ttpn tsan lo ls?l .0I 'unoS 6u1r11 'bulloao [[en qlnos Jo qlJoil ,02 'Jootj u!el{ 'urooJpag lsai u! 'ueag lsaA 'ueag uboJpa8 stpp!H pu? moou 6ur,r91 uaaAlaq uun 1o3 z I (Jrd) II SN]O lUnls I0t{ ( s8'r ) lH9l li lu0 (ssl) lHgl.llt rlt Il-v 1!u0 vluv lsll dlSltnil l'l dt{vs t!nrvuldr{3I INI I SHv paAJasqo 10N :S|,101MVd:lUd llVUlSgnS siloluolror lJlcoud +9I (rld) ll-t sNlo (JSd) Hrgilluls 0N08 u!Ptd 6u!llou lollvull,toJ alolouoltarEJg ulunl3vjnilvn SNoIlVJI JIl3ds MU3lvll opeJotos '1lPA '6ulPt!n8 aPlslJ!'l :lllcoud 6tIt-899I8 0C ' l.l PA z l0 z .t33Hs tt '0N tuodlu l'lIV0 6tlt xo8 '0'd eu I u03 olnDelsn] 'J]l :ullv ?6-9I-9 :lIV0 t-t6 8lt t '0I gof saslrdJalul Nlll'l :01 Hr9NfHls oNog oNV lI|SNfo 'ssSN)lclHI cNllooudsulJ lo luodSH sts .|E I ls ot{v st33ilI9lE gilll]nsiloJ .CNI ,NU3HIUON-N3HC I F FI \,Prr qE H? E3 33 =Ft =F t' =-=?F Irt !,o n -{ o @ >r-!E --oc,I F trl <!>-g, . r+ irl r+ at ,.-r O 5 -crm oElrt=C,Cct ox qt o F. da ctt (rt o, Gt (n F.3 !(D.FE J.I ratr.Ul (., c'.D vl 50 rat o a cf 5 o, Cr o E' ED x-FO -5 ltl -, F.o{FO {ra, -bt o ...rt orE tn m m {(,r I ol rt ro 5 ot (-tpc ooJ _to-. or -lDP l'o o o zo 1- ==oo .t :r .+=.|o tco ti Jo EC o= t-o -o ro O'- o- I o4 - a\D {o- FIO o n@ o or3 =o o|c JJ' PC o4 ' r\) €oo o- lno t= J oc o5 o t\t FO o c { |D tzc,lDot -tr = | o Jr o -no @ -3 :tr ro FQ o't O.+3t o = @ @ (D @ t\) @ @ @ @ @ @ - (:t I o -'o 1 o G 3 o 1 o o J|o dnoJS m.ql .to Jequi.ur V ' ti^oJddr ualllJA Jno 6ulPu.d pa^JrscJ al auoda.| Jno SulpJt6al Jo 0to-r, tlra.rlxa Jo ruollntJuoS '3luaurclrl3 ro uollrtttqnd JoJ uolltzlJoqlnt Pul rslualLt Jo /flJ.doJd tDtluepfluor.ql 3i p.lltu|qni.ri:trod.J ltE 's.^te.Jno puD.ltqnd .ql r3lu.ltr ol uotlt.lord lrnrnu r sV l8 Oltt3tA3u ulAU:1s80 0llIJ uoJale3 'u parj suepv u^loref, [ le^ tu uxol zltnqes ll?Jd fanqleag '3uI " V'A'f a1p6v lcrd :ullv - 'ossv '8 uoslail 'v 'u :slld0J :luodlu sslugOld laals Joou leels ]oou 99' 88' 8E'I 00'I 0l' 80'r 8E'I EO'I 0t' II'I t9'I 9Z'I 0r' 8S' €I'I 'L t z I s)w}{lu (Jsd) Ht9NlUlS gN0s (NI) ssStultHl ltgI sto (ilr) ss]ltxIHl l9vulAY (xr ) sslt{)3I Hr HnilIXVll (ilr ) SS]tUJIHI HNHITITI uSgHnl l'tdtwl tteA lsPl Jo lsaA tol 'Joou qlnos 'uea8 Joou ttPlt lsPl Jo lsai .0€ 'joou qlJoN '6u!13a0 joou lJo'l Jo JauJol lsa^rqlnos 'uuntof, Joou luacsfpv Jo lsen .t 'rlloou 6u!^ll lo t tpl'l qlroil Jo t{lJoil .t 'ue38 e a I (rod) ,\IISN30 (i[) 3dnts I0H (ssr) lHgt ltl 1U0 ( ss'r ) -tHg t ltt t ltt zl-v l fun vSuv rstr dlSnnil l'ldnvs lunlvuldHlr rNltSltv paAJasqo 101{: SN0IlVUVdlUd :llvulSgnS sN0I.LI0t{0J rllf0ud +sr (Jtd) lltsNlo (Jsd) Hrg},|3dls oNog utPtd 6u![toB u0lSvul].to3 alolouoH a3Pr9 ulunllvjnlvtl sl{0I MlllX3ilS'lVltllv}l oPBJo loJ ' t .PA '6u rp I tng ap tslJ !'l : I]3foud 6?lt-999I8 0l 'tleA 8 10 z l33Hs 9L '0t'l LuOdlu l'llv0 6'IE xog '0'd eu11.roX olnbelsnl 'Jll : ullv ?6-lI-9 ;31V0 S-S6 8lI t 'olt 80C sas lJdralu:l llJlll :0-t HI9N3HIS GNOS gNV AIISN3g .SS3N)CIHI ONIJOOHd3HIJ IO IHOdSH slstrll3ns oilv sl33NI9N3 9N lr.'lnsNol 'cNt 'NuSHrHON'N3HC -3aluD.uros lo dnoJ! HIH.rtl Jo Jaqur.ur v ' tr^orddr u.lllJ|. Jno tulPu.d p.^Jrs.r 3l suodr.r rno 5ulpJrE.J ro uror, tltcJll.a .ro luollnltuo] '31!.Ir.trl3 Jo uotlrtltqnd Jo, uollrtlroqlnr pui rtlu.'tt ]o ItJ.doJd LEtlu.plruoc.ql 3r p.lllu4ni.rr rlrod.J L!t 'la^latJno Pur rllqnd.ql 'slu.ttr ot uoilt.loJd trnln|l| r sV 18 03tt]Il3u d3^l3s80 013IJ uoJauPJ 'u PaJl sulppv uf[oJP3 I lPA lo u^{ol zt tnqcs llPrd ,(aqlPAg 'cuI ' 'v'l ' c a1e6v 13!u :ullv - 'ossv ? uosta 'v 'u :slldo3 :lu0dtu sslu90ud [3315 JooU 88' 8t'I OI'I )ll OI'I z9'I OI'I 8S'I 9 s)uvltSx (rsd) Hl9NlUlS 0N08 (r'rr ) sslt'D3IHl 9I Sl0 (iil) ssllt)tIHr levulAv (i'lr ) s sll'l)3 t Hr NNT I XVil (ilr ) ss3|t)3 t Hl HNHINI}I ulsnnl 3'ldltvl JAUJO? lseaL{lJoN }o lsan .9I '}oou r]uo}l '6utl3a0 Joo! 1lun pue t teH uaaalaq [[Pll qlJoil ]o qlnos .02 'uuntol 9 I (rld) Al t Silt0 (z) lunls I0t{ ( ss'l) lH9ll''l lu0 ts8-r) lHgt ln 13n l8-v 1lun vldv Lsll. U:l8Hn|l I tdltvs lunlvu:ldtlll ll{l I SltV paAJasqo 101{: SNOIIVUVd]Ud ]IVUSSNS sNolll0N0c ljlcoud +9I (Jtd) 11t sillo (Jsd) H19N3urs o og urBtd6ulttod dolSvuLNoJ alotouoll acerg ulunllvlnNvll sNollvJlJI?lds'lvlu3lvll oPeJo Io3 ' tre^'6utpt!ng aptslJtl 6tIS-899I8 0l 6tlg xo8 Pu !1Jo3 olnDPlsnl 'Jl{ sas lJoJalul : L33C0Ud l. !PA '0' d u1lV t{3lt{ :01 S J0 g ll:lHs t6'tI-9:llvo 'oil luodtu l'tIv0 s-s6 8tI t 'olt 80c Hl9N3UrS ONOg ONV AJSN3o 'SS3NXCIHI 9N!JOOUdSU|J JO lUOdSU srsIlNtIJS oNV SU33illgNl 9t{ I]]nSiloJ .CNI .NUSHIUON.NfHC CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EIIGIIIEERS AXD SCI EIITI ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Aa r mutle'l prot.ctlon to cll.nts, tha p||bllc rnd our3.lv.s, all i.port3 lra 3ubmltt.d as th. contldl.ntlrl prop.rty of cllanta, and ruthorlzatlon for publlcrtlon of atatdnantB. Conclu!lon3 oi artrrct3 troft or rcg.rdlng our raport! l3 raaarvad p.ndlnE our |rrltt.n tpprov.l. Sftpl.s wlll ba dl3po3.d of rttlr t.3tlng ls complatad unl.3s oth.r.rr.ngstr..t5 !gr..d to ln |'rltlnc- A rn.hb.r ;f th€ !l! group ot com?.rl.s Form iao, cl.tEll3A 5/9t T0: ltlECl{ Enterprises JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 5-13-94 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of l,esthaven Drive and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PtAcEl.lEtlT L0CATIOtl :Footing Pad at P.8 and "I" Lines; Finst Lift of "Arr Line llall. BATCH TICKET II{F0RHATIoI{ SUPPLIER: lJestern }lobile TRUCK t{0. 97 TICKET I0. 012201 ltIX 0ESICi{ ito. 44 TIIiE BATCHED: 11:59 Al4 TIilE ARRMD: 12:25 Pl,l TIilE PLACTD:12:35 Pll-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU}i: 7/7/17+ FIELD TESTIT{G It{FoRl,lATIotl SAI,|PLE TEI{P: 66'F AIR TEIIP: 45 "F TIIIE TEST TAKET{: 12:45 Pl,l SLUIiP: 4 It{. AIR COllTEl{T: 5.81 UET UI{IT IIEIGHT: 140.8 JOB SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLUi'lP: l,lax.4 It{. AIR COI{TEI{T: 4-8I IIATER ADDED AT SITE 0 6AL. CYL I NDER I I{FORIIATIOI{ tl0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLII{DERS CAST: 12:55 P}t IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI I{G I I{FORI.IAT I OII IIIITIAL CURE: On-Site FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: DATE RECEIVE0 AT LAB: 5-17-94 BY: Frank Potvin l{Itt/l,lAx AGE OAYS DATE TESTTD TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D IAl,{EIER ( ilrcHEs) AREA (sQ Ir{) coilP.sTR. (Psl ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER I{E I GHT (LBS) CYLIIIOER UIIIT I./E I6HT ( PcF) 7 7 28 28 28 28 H H 5- 2 0-94 5-20-94 6- 10- 94 6- l0-94 6- 10-94 6-10-94 92 ,000 89,000 5.99 5.99 28. 18 28. 10 3260 3160 con/shear snear DESIGII STRENGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE IN ACCORDAiICE I'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE IIOTED S0l.lE I l{F0'Rl{AT I0l{ 0F TEST REPoRT l,lAY BE PR0VIDED BY oTHERS REI.IARKS: COPIES: R,A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai l ; llestern ilobi1e; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT IIIG EIIGIII€ERS AIIO SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As r nutual prot.ctlon to cllGnts, th. publlc ahd ours.lv.s, .ll raports rr. submlttcd ri th. contldl.htlrl prop.rty ot cll€nts, and ruthorlaatlon for publlcltlon ot 3tat.mant3. Concluslon3 or axtrtcta from or rcgrrdlng our raports lr reservad p.ndlng our nrlttan rpprovsl. Srr|pl.i r{lll b. dl3poscd of rfter t.atlnE la cohpl.ted unl.i3 other lrr.ngdrants lgr.cd to ln wrltlng. A n.nbei 6t th. !I! group ot companl.3 Fonn No, CHE113A 5/91 T0: l,lECil Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-12-94 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: L'iftstde Building, east of llesthaven Drive and l,lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Co)o, PLACEI.TEI{T LOCATIOTI :Foundation Pad on rrBrr Line; Footlng Pads on "Irr Line at P.10.5 and P.10. BATCH TICKET II{F0RMATI0I{ SUPPLIER: lrestern i{obile TRUCK lio. 189 TICKET t{0. 0l?L78 l,tIX DESIGI{ t{0. 44 TiHE EATCHED: l:55 PM TIIIE ARRIVED: 2:28 P[,] TI],IE PLACED: 2:33 Pll-CU. YD. L0A0/AcCUltl: 717135! FIELD TESTII{G IiIFORI.IATIOI{ SA}IPLE TEITIP: 72.F AIR TEMP: 60 "F TIl,lE TEST TAKET{: 2:39 Pltl SLul,lP: 41/4 It{. AIR COi{TEI{T: 4.81 IJET UI{IT I/EIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0NS: SLUl,lP: i1ax.4 IN. AIR COt{TEtlT: 4-8% I{ATER ADDE0 AT SITE 5 GAL. CYL I IIDER I TIFORI.IATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLITIDERS CAST: 2:49 Pil IIHERE CAST: On-Site CUR I NG I I{FORI.IATIOI{ It{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-13-94 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Inside Trailer BY: Bi l1y Barbour l.l I l{/1.{AX A6E DAYS DATE I E5I EU TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D I At.IETER ( I t{cHES ) AREA (sq rN) coilP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPT OF FRACTURE CYtIt{DER tJE IGHT (LBs) CYLIT{DER UNIT trE I6HT (PcF) 7 7 28 28 28H 28H 5-19-94 5- 19-94 6-9 -94 6-9-94 6-9-94 6-9-94 107 ,000 103,500 6.00 6.00 ?8.?7 28.?7 3780 JDOlJ shear shear DESIGN STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE II{ AC,CORDANCE UITH APPLICABTE AST}i I,IETHODS UI{LEsS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI.{E II{FORMATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS RE},IARKS: C0PIES: R.A, Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Glrathn€y Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC.z 3 1091 CoI{SULTI G ENGINEERS Al{D SCIEIITISTS Tnt , n A r REpoRr oF coNcRErE rESr .'LTNDER DAll{.Cil[{i\ti, DtV, DEPT, MAY T0: MECII Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-11-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEIiEI{T L0CATl0t{: Second Section Vertically of llall, 0utside Radius of East Parking Core Ramp Between Approxilately P10.5 Line and 25 Line. EATCH TICKET Ii{F0RI|ATION SUPPLIER: lJestern Mobile TRUCK N0. u4 TICKET N0. 012138 lrlx 0ESIGi{ lr0. 44 TII|E EATCHEO: 12:56 Pll Tll'lE ARRIVED: l:20 Pll TIIIE PLACED: 1:39 Pl,l-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUH: 7lL4/28! FIELD TESIII{C I I{FORI.IAT IOI{ SAI.IPLE TEI.IP: 7I "F AIR TEI.IP: 60.F TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: 1:48 PM SLUIIP: 2ll2 lt{. AIR CONTEIIT: 4.61 }JET UtllT IJEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIOT{S: SLU}IP: It{. AIR COI{TEi{T; X i/ATER A0DE0 AT SIIE 9 GAt CYLITIDER Ii{FORMATIO N0. 0F CYLIT{0ERS: 6 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 1:58 Pil IIHERE CAST: 0n-5ite CUR I tIG I I{FORI.IAT I Ot{ It{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Slte DATE RECE M0 AT LAB: 5-13-94 FIEL() STORAGI FACILITIES: BY: Frank Potvi n ll I N/l,lAX A6E DAYS DATE TE STE O TOTAL LOAD (L8s) DIAI.IETER ( I t'rcHEs ) AR EA (SQ IN) coHP. sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINOER I.'E IGHT (LBs) CYLIIIDER UII IT t{EIGHT ( PCF) 7 7 ao ?8 28H 28H 5- 18-94 5- I8-9 4 6-8-94 6-8 -94 6- 8-9 4 6-8-94 106,000 110,500 5.99 5.98 28. 18 28.09 3760 393 0 con/sp1 i t con/shear DESI6I{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TE5T5 BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAilCE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I'{ETHODS UNLESS OTHERIIISE NOTED SOI4E I i{FORI.IATI OII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI.IARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc. Town of Vail; lJestern llobile: J V A, Inc.; Gwathrey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO 8Y p.ndlng our In wrltlng. prot.ctlon to cll.ntr. thc publlc .nd ouri.lv.3, .ll r.gorta .uthorlr.tlon for rubllc.tlon of rtrtaoanta. Conclualon3 or rrltten rpprov!|. Sripl.! illl be dlspo..d of altar tartlng th. !I! group of corlprnl.s ar. 3ubnltt.d .r th. confldt.ntlrl prop.rty of cxtracts fro|tr or F.grrdlng our r.porti l3 r.sarvad l3 contplcted unlasr oth.r r|"rdngarrlrntr agrGcd to Fortr| No, CMEll3A 5/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIiG EI{GI I{EERs AiID SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar. mutu!l protcctlon to cllcntr, th. plbllc and ourr.lvo.r .ll r.portr.r. rubmltt.d.i th. confldlcntlol prop.rty of cll.nt3, .nd ruthorizrtlon for publlc.tlon of it.t.mcnts. Conclu.lon. or.xtricti froln or r.glrdlhg our rcports l3 rG6.rvad pcndlng our wrlttch.pprovrl. Sr|nplG3 lllll b. dlipo3.d of aft.r t.itlhg l3 conpl.t.d unl.ss other irrlhg.mnt3 !gr..d to ln wrltlng. A mGmbcr ;f thc !I! group of complnlcc aorrn No. cMElr3A 6/91 T0: MECM Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-10-94 Attn: Eustaouio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of lfesthaven orive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T LOCAT I OI{ :Footing on A Line; 63' - P.10. BATCH TICKET II{FoRHATI0I{ SUPPLIER: lrestern l,lobile TRUCK r{0. ltg TICKET l{0. 012114 tltx DESIGT{ t{0. 44 TIME EATCHED: 5;34 Pll TIl,lE ARRIVED: 6:00 Ptl TIiIE PLACEO: 6:05 Pll-CU. YD. LOAO/ACCUI|: 7121 FIELD TESTIi|G Ii{F0RMATION SAI{PLE TEI{P: 68 "F AIR TEMP: 66 "F TIH€ TEST TAK€N: 6:10 Ptl SLUtlP: I Il4 llt. AIR CONTENT: 4.01 IJET UlllT UEI6HT: 142.7 JOB SPECIFICATIOT{S: SLUHP: Ill. AIR C0t{TEt{T: X UATER ADDED AT SITE -- 6AL. CYLINDER ITIFORI,IATIOI{ N0.0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 6:15 Pll IJHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G II{FORI.IATION It{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES : BY:r,ilil/r,rAx AGE OAYS OATE TTSTED TOTAL LOAO (rBs) OIAMETER ( TNCHES) AREA (sQ rr) COMP . STR, (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NDER IJE IGHT (r8s) CYLIIIOER UI{IT UE IGHT ( PCF) 7 7 28 ?B 28H 28H 5-17-94 5-li-94 6-7-94 6-7 -94 6- 7 -94 6-7 -94 131 ,000 130,000 6.00 6.00 ?8.?7 ?8 .27 463 0 4 500 con/shear con/shear DESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4000 Psl 0 26 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOT{IIEL ARE III ACCOROAT{CE I{ITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I,IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERI'ISE I{OTED SOI'IE IIIFORI.{ATIOII OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: CoPIES: R.A. t{elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmy Pfatt Schultz;Brian Scanlan Sobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{6 EI{GI IIEERS AI{D SCTEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 a hutual py'ot.ctlon to cll.ntt' th. publlc dnd ourr.lvaa. .ll rcport3 .r. iobl||ltt.d e3 tha conl'ldl.ntlal proplrty ot cllcntt, and authorl2!tlon tor publlcatlon ot 3t.t.mantr. Conclualons or axtrrcts froft or ragerdlnq our rGport3 lr ra3.rved pcndlng our wrltt.n.pprov.l. Sampl.. !,1'll b. dlspo3.d ot rttGr taatlng l3 compl.t.d unl.ss 6th.r irrengcrnints agr..d to in var'ltlng. A m€hb.r ot th. HIH group ot comp.nlca Fort|l t{o. Cl,lE1t3A 6/9t T0: lilECll Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-5-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Buildlng, east of tJesthaven Drive and lJesti n Hotel, South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT LOCATI 0l{ :Footing Pad and Lorvest Section of Radius. EATCH TICKET INFofll,lATIoll SUPPLIER: llestern llobile TRUCK t{0. ll9 TICKET t{0. 012040 i X DESIGfi N0. 44 TII'fE BATCHED: 2:28 PA TII{E ARRIVED: 2:46 Pl,l TIltlE PLACED: CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI|: 7/7/21! FIELD TESIITIG II{FORI.{ATIOI{ SA}IPLE TE}iP: 64 "F AIR TEITIP: 50'F TIME TEST TAKEII: --- SLUIIP: --- Itl. AIR C0l{TEt{T: --- X trET Ui{IT UEIGHT: JOB SPECI FICATIOi{S: SLUi{P: It{. AIR COtlTEt{T: X I,ATER ADDED AT SIIE -- 6AL. CYL ITIOER IIIFOR}iAT IOII t{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.lE CYLITIDERS CAST: --- IJHERE CAST: On-Site CURI116 I I{FORi,IAT IOt{ Il{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 5-6-94 FIEL0 STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside Trailer BY: Frank Potvi n l.{l ll/}lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D IAI'IETER ( r r{cHEs ) AREA (SQ IN) cot{P. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER T'EIGHT (LBs) CYLINDER UI{ IT IJE ]GHT (PCF) I 7 28 28 28 28 5-12-94 5- 12-94 6-2-94 6-2 -94 6- 2 -94 6-2-94 107,500 110,500 (qa 6.08 28. 18 29.03 3 810 3810 snear shear DESIGT{ STREiIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABoRAToRY PERSotltlEL ARE It{ ACCoRDAIICE gITH APPLICABLE ASTl.l iIETHoDS UIILESS oTHERUISE ll0TED SOIIE I IIFORI.IAT I OII OF TEST REPOR,T HAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: l{o air or slump stest were perfonned, as we vJere not i nforined of this concrete placenent until we were on-site for backfill observation. C0PIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of VaiI; tlestern liloblle; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG Et{GI I{EERS AiID SCIETITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A. ! nutual prot.ctlon to cll.nti, th. publtc rnd ours.lvat, rll r.ports rr. iubmlttad it th. co|lfldl.ntlrl ProPerty of cllchts, and authorlzrtlon tor publlcation ol rtrtsrc.tr. Conclu.lons or cxtrtctt fro|t| or r.grrdlng our rcPortt {3 r.s.rv.d pcndlng our- {rltt.n rpprovll. S.rnpl.s wlll b. dlipo3ad ot eft.r tcttlng l3 co plGtGd unlris oth.r rrr.ngdFntc .gr..d to ln ,rltlng. A m.mb.r ;f th. HIH gr.orrp of codp.nl€s Font flo. ctlEll3A 6/91 T0: llEcl,l Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-4-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.o. Box 3149 sHEET I oF I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven 0rive and l,lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.{EIIT LOCATIOI{ :Footing Pad at P.6 and C Lines. BATCH TICKET I ilF0Rl,lAT I0il SUPPLIER: lJestern Hobile TRUCK lto. 189 TICKET rio. 011992 MIX DESIGT{ tlo. 44 IIl,fE EATCHED: l0:18 AM TIIIE ARRIVED: l0:38 All TIHE PLACED:10:4? All-CU. Y0. L0A0/ACCUI|: 6/L?/Lz FIELo TESTII{G ItlF0RMTIot{ SAMPLT TEilP: 64 "F AIR TE[P: 45 "F TII'IE TEST TAKEII: 10:52 Atr{ SLUHP: 21l2 Il{. AIR CoNTENT: 5.0X llET UNIT IJEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0IIS: SLUMP: Iil. AIR C0I{TENT: X ITATER AODED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYL I IIDER I IIFORIIATION tlo. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIHE CYLIT{oERS CAST: --- I,HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G I I{FORMATI OII ItllTlAL CURE: 48 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 0n-Si te 5-6-94 FIELD STORAGE FACIL I T IES: 8Y: Frank Potv in tllfl/MAX AGE OAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) O I AI.IETER ( IilCHES) AREA (sQ Iil) COI{P . STR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CY L I NOER lIE IGHT (LBs) CYL i t{DER UI{ IT VEIGHT ( PCF) 28 28 28 1A 5-ll-94 5-11-94 6-l-94 6- 1-94 6-1-94 6-l -94 113 , 500 119,000 5.99 6.00 28.18 28 .27 4030 42t0 col umnar col umnar DESIGI{ STREiIGTH 4000 Pst 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE II{ ACCOROAI{CE I'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I,iETHODS UIILESS OTHERYISE NOTEI) SOI{E I IIFORI'IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIOED BY OTHERS REITIARKS: CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern l{obi]e; J V A, lnc.; G*athrcy Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cot{sutTI ir6 Er{GIl{EERs Ar{0 sctEl{TIsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ai I mrturl protcctlon to cll.ntr, th. publlc.nd oureolv.!. .ll r.port..r. rubmltt.d 13 th. confldl.ntl.l prop.rty of cllanta, and .uthorl.tlon for publlcrtlon ol 3t.t.m!nt!. Concluilona or.xtrrctt from or rcgardlhg our r.por't! lr r.!.rv.d pandlng our vrrltt.n approvrl. S.mpl.3 illl br dl.po3.d of !ft.r t.3tln9 l. compl.tcd unlcir oth.r .rrlngGm.ntr !gr..d to ln wr'ltlng. A m.mb.r of th. !I! group ot conprnlcr For||t No, Cl4€lr3A 6/91 T0: l{ECll Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-3-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'IE}IT L0CATIOI|: Footing Pads on B Line at P.8 and P.9 Lines: This 'load was olaced ln first lift in Pad at P.9. BATCH TICKET Il{F0RllATI0ll SUPPLIER: !/estern l,lobi]e TRUCK ilo. 16l TICKET r{0. 01 197? ilIX DESI6 lto. 44 TIIfE EATCHED: l:08 Pl,l TII{E ARRIVEO: l:25 Pl{ TIME PLACED: 1:28 P}|-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUH: 7/7/21+ FIELD TESTIIIG I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ SAHPLE TEI{P: 63 "F AIR TEITP: 35 "F TII|E TEST TAKEN: 1:34 Pl{ SLUIIP: 2 3/4 It{. AIR C0t{TEtlT: 4.4X VET UtllT ITTEIGHT: 143.2 J08 SPECI FI CAT I0l{S: SLUI{P: It{. AIR C0t{TEt{T: I TJATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLIIIOER I I{FORI,IAT IOt{ tlO. 0F CYLII{OERS: 6 CYLII{OER 5lZE: 6"x l2' TII{E CYLITIDERS CAST: l:44 PH I,HERE CAST: On-Site CURI l{6 I tlF0Rl,lAT I0t{ ItIITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LA8: 5-5-94 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside Trailer BY: l,lark Jensen lllt{/l,lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAMETER ( r NCHES ) AREA (sQ Ir{) cor,tP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I Ii DER UEIGHT (LBs ) CYLIIIOTR UNIT I,/E IGHT (PCF) 7 I 28 28 28 ?8 5- l0-94 5- 10-94 5-31-94 5-3t-94 5-31-94 5-31-94 105,500 117,500 6.08 5.98 29.03 28.09 3630 4180 shear shear DESIGII STRTTIGTH 4000 PSI O E8 DAYS TE5T5 BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE III ACCOROATICE VITH APPLICAELE A5TI4 I4ETHODS UIILESS OTHERYISE I{OTEO SOI.,IE IIIFORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVII)ED BY OTHERS REIIARKS : CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates. Inc Tolrn of Vail; tlestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattnny Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERYER APPROVEO BY XEC,0t{Ay r 6lgga I CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTII{G EII6I I{EERS AI{O SCIEIITISTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 r iutual prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, th. publlc .nd o!r!.lv.t, .ll r.port, rr. 3ubdltt.d rt th. contldl.ntl.l proP.rty ol cllanta, rnd ruthorlz.t{oc ,tot gnbllcrtlon ol 3t.t.lt|ar113. Conclu3lont or axtrrct3 fro|s oi iegrFdlng our r.Ports l3 r.r.rvld p.ndlht our rr"ltt.n .pprov.l. Srrplrr rlll b. dlrpor.d ot.ft.r t.3tlng ls cotnpl.t.d unl.tt oth.r .Frlhg.nhnt. .gr'..d ro In wrltlng. A i.n|b.r ;t th. ts!! group of coiprnl.i for xo. c €113A 6/91 T0: llEClt Enterprises J08 tl0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 5-2-94 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3t49 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of Vesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel, South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACTI,IEI{T IOCATIOI{ :Pad at B and P.lo Line. EATCH TICKET ItlFORt'tATtOt{ SUPPLIER: llestern l'lobi I e TRUCK 0. 189 TICKET l{0. 011952 tllx DESIGII ll0. 44 TIilE BATCHED: I?:?L Pl4 TIIIE ARRIVE0: 12:43 Pt4 TIIIE PLACED: l:10 Pl'l-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUI{: 717/14 FIELt) TESTI t{C IIIFORMATION TII{E TEST TAKEN; 1: 14 Pl'l JOB SPECI F ICATI OII5: SL Ut{P SLUI.IP 2 3/4 Il{.I . AIR AIR SAI{PLE TEHP: C0t{TEtlT : 4. 6X COI{TENT: X 64 "F AIR TEIIP: 30 .F UET UI{IT t,EIGHT: t4?.4 T'ATER ADDED AT SITT -- GAL. CYLII{DER IIIFORMAIIOII l{0. 0F CYLINOERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI}IE CYLIiIDERS CAST: l:24 Pll IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CI',RING I FORI.IAT I OI{ II{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside Trai ler OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-5-94 8Y: t{ark Jensen l'll N/l'lAX AG6 DAYs DATE TESTED IOTAL LOAD (L85) OIAMETER ( I r,lcHEs ) AREA (sQ IN) cof{P . srR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I TIDER I./E I6HT (LBs) CYL INOER UNIT YT IGHT (PcF) I 28 28 28 28 5-9 - 94 5-9-94 5-30 -94 5-30-94 5-30-94 5-3 0-94 97,500 99,500 5.98 5.99 28.09 28. 18 34 70 3530 shear shear OESIGII STRET{GTH 4OOO PSI € 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{IITI ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE I{ITH APPLICAELE ASTi.{ MTTHOOS UIILESS OTHERI.IISE I{OT€O SOI{E II{FORHATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIOID BY OTHERS RE}IARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; tlestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Itlr,',.nrL-ir;;r.iglgg4 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coflsuLTmG EltG tEExs AltD scI EltT t sls REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: HECH Enterorises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-28-94 Attn: Eustaouio Cort ina P.0. Box 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAITY REP0RT N0. 63 SHEET 10F 1 PROJECT: Liftside Eui lding east of Uesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vai'l , Colorado. ITEATHER C0t{0ITI0t{S AND TEI.,|PERATWE COI{TRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTIOTI ACT IV I TI E5 PERSOTII{EL: MAJOR EQUI P}|EI{T: ACTIVITITS: CHEII-NORTHERI{'S SITE ACT I VITI ES The contractor had recompacted top lift of material placed late in the afternoon of April 27, 1994, prior to placing the first lift of dredge rock material today. This lift was placed and compacted on "A" Line between P,7 Llne and P.l0 Line. l{aterial arrived on-site containing adeduate mol sture. Several feet of this backfill rnaterial was placed without our observation between this date and report of last observation. The contractor also ranped fill material dom betrveen the east parking ramp core and retaining wall north of "A" Line. Fill material was placed from approximatel y elevation 56.0' to 58.0'. Two additional lifts were placed and adequately conpacted between P.7 Line and the east rarnp core. The contractor is also rsnovi ng lagging on the bottom of shoring wall as backfill is placed. VEREAL COI.II,IUIIICATTOI{ I'ITH COTITRACTOR, EI{GII{EER, ARCHITECT, OUI{ER COP IES: J V A, R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schul tz Carolyn Adams FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY A3. Duturl protactlon to ellant3, tha p|rbllc and ourtalvaa, alI r.portt .r. tub ltt.d.s th. confld.ntl.l proprrty of our cll.nt3r rnd ruthorlz.t'loi lor publlcatlon of 3trt.m.it. Conclurlora or..rtrrcti liorn or ragardlng our raporta la raaarvad pandlng our rrltt.n.pprov.l. S.mpl.r Flll b. dlipo..d of.tt.r t.itlng lr corDl.t.d snl.i. oth.r |rrrngdn ntr rr. .gr..d to ln nrltlng. A m.mbrr of th. llM group ol comprnl.t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coftsljLT I IG EI|G |EERS AlrD SCTEITTTSTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llECll Enterprises J08 N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-28-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Vall, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT tl0. 63A SHEET I 0F I PROJECT: Liftside Building east of llesthaven Drive and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colorado. VEATHER COI{DI T IOI{S AIID TEI.IPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S COIISTRUCTIOI{ ACTIVITIES PERSOI{tIEL: HAJOR EQUIPI.IEI{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEt{-IIORTHERTI'S SITE ACTIVITIES trlhile on-site for other material testing, we noticed that the contractor was insta'l ling exterior sheathing rnaterial in area of west wa11 of Unit B-51. This area is noted as a below minimum thickness fireproofing test on "A" Column in exterior wa11. Ro'lling Plains had planned on resprayi ng this column when scaffolding was erected prior to instal'lation of exterior rock. Since Ro1ling Plains was not on-site, R.A. Nelson personnel applied an additional layer of fireproofing material on the west side of this col umn which brought thicknesses up to sDeci fi cat i ons . VERBAL COI.II.IUIIICATIOI{ IJITH COIITRACTOR, EI{GIIIEER, ARCHITECT,otrtlER COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates. Inc. Fred R. Cameron APPROVED 8Y A3 e nuturl Prot.ctlon to cllantt. tha publlc rnd o!r3.lv.r, rll r.port. rro 3ubnltt.d.r th. contld.ntlrl EroD.r.ty of our cll.ntt, drd ruthorlaatlon for Publlcatlon of ttrt.m.nt. Conclurlonr or.xtrrctt froi! or r.glrdlng our ioport! lr r.r.rved iendlng-our wFltt.n rpprovrl.S.nplca wlll.b. dlrpo..d of rftci t.3tlng lr complct.d unlo3. oth.i .rrrng.mcnt3 .i. .gF..d to ln wrltlng.A n ilbcr of th. !I! group of cdip.nl.3 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. colrsrjll r lrc ElrGll{EERS AND SCIEilTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: l{E0ll EnterDri ses JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-29-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT l{0. 64 SHEET I 0F I PRoJECT: Liftside Building east of tJesthaven Drive and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colorado. I{EATHER COIIOI T IOIIS AIID TEI.IPERATURE COiITRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTIOII ACTIVI TI ES PERSONT{IL: MAJOR EQUI PI,IEI{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEII _ NORTHERI{ ' S SITE ACTIVITIES Since our last visit to the site, the contractor had stockpiled enough imported backfill material to place a 6-inch to l0-inch lift south of "A" Line. llaterial was spread and compacted whi le we were observing. Two more lifts were placed and compacted today. Compacti on appeared adequate and vras achieved with Hyster Vibratory Sheepsfoot. Imported backfil l naterial contained moisture and was fairly uniform in content. llaterial was olaced between "A" and "C" Lines and between P.6 and P.9 Lines. VEREAL COiIT{UiI I CAT IOI{ IIITH COI{TRACTOR, EiIGIIIEER, ARCHITECT,0H ER CoPIE5: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc. Fred R. Cameron APPROVEI) 8Y As. mstu.l prot.ctlon to cll.ntt, thr publlc end ouraalvaa, rll r.ports .r. .uhnl tt.d ar thr confld.ntlrl prop.rty of our cll.nt3, end althorlzatloi for publlc.tlon of st.tr|neirt. Concluiloni or.xtr.ct6 iio or r.g.rdlng our" r.rportr Ir r.scrv.d p.ndlng olr rrrltt.n rpprov.l. S.mplc. rlll b. dltpor.d of.ttcr t..tlng la cofipl.t.d unl.3. oth.r rrrahg.nrnts !r..gr.ed to In wrltlng, A mcmb.r ot th. !Il! group of conprnl.. CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cofts-lJLTt ltc ElrGttEERs AlrD sctEltTIsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: ilEct{ Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-2-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT N0. 65 SHEET t 0F I PRoJECT: L'iftside Building east of llesthaven Driye and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colorado, IJEATHER COIIDITIOI{S AND TEI,IPERATURE COTITRACTOR'S COIISTRI,CTIOII ACTIVITIES PERSOIINEL: }IAJOR EQUIPI'IEI{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-I{ORTHERI{'S SITE ACTIVITI ES Liftside was working under blizzard conditions uhen *e arriyed this morning. The contractor had placed first lift and nas in process of compacti ng dredge rock fil'l nnterial south of "A" Line at approximately P.8 to P.10 Lines. Footing grade steps up to elevation 62.3' at approximately Line P.10.3 and dredge material has been placed to within 6 to I inches of that elavation. l,laterial had good moi sture and adequate cor$)aetive effort is being applied with Hyster V ibratory Sheepsfoot, VERBAL COI{i{UiI I CAT I OII IJITH COI{TRACTOR, EI{GII{EER, ARCI{ITECT,0t,l{tR COP IES: J V A, R.A. l{el son & Assocl ates, Inc.Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schul tz Carolyn Adams FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY Aa a nutu.l prot.ct{oh to cll.ht3, tha publlc rnd csB.lv..r .ll r.poFtr.r. auhrltt.d .r thc confldcntl.l prop.rty ot our cIl.nt3, rnd authorlzetlon for publlc.tlon ot rtrt.n nt. Concluslon. or.rtr.ct3 fro|i or raEardlng o{f r.port3 l3 r€3.rv.d pendlng our wr{ttan rpprov.l. SMplcB |'lll b. dlrpo!.d of aftrr t.3tlng lr cohpl.t.d unl.ri other rrrrngait nt. rrc rgr.cd to ln wrltlng. A hsnbcr of th. HIH group ol companl.3 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cdtsuLt I ltc EltGttEERs Axo sctEltTtsls REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llEcl{ Enterprlses JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-3-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT tl0. 66 SHEET 1 0F I PROJECI: Liftside Building east of llesthaven Driye and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colorado. I.'EATHER COI{DITIOIIS AIID TEI,IPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTIOII ACTIVITIES PERSOI{t{EL: ilAJOR EQUIPHEi{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEI{-NORTHERN'5 SITE ACTIVITIES The contractor placed and compacted imported backfill material south of "A" Line and in area of footing pads on "8" Line on Grid Lines P.9 and P.8. l.lateri al had adequate compact'ive effort applied by Hyster Vibratory Sheepsfoot. The pads at P.9 and P.8 xere poured this afternoon. VERBAL COI,IMUI{ICATIOI{ I'ITH COTITRACTOR, EI{GII{EER, ARCHITECT, OI.'I{ER COPIES: J V A, R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schul tz Town of Val I ; I I Carolyn Adams FIEL() OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED 8Y At. mutual prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, th. publlc.nd olrirlv.r, .ll i.portr rr. rutmltt.d !r th. confld.ntlrl proP.rty ot our cIl.nt3r .nd .uthorlzatloi tor publlcrtlon of 3trt.m.irt, Cohclurlon! or.xtrrctr from or reg.r'dlng ouF r.ports Ir ras.rv.d P.ndlng our wrltt.n .PProY.I. Slnplas wlll b. dl3pos.d of.ft.r. ta3tlng I5 conpl.t.d unl.ss other .rrrngqr.ntt rrc agr..d to lh wrltlng. A |t|.tnbcr ot th. EI! group of co|nprnle! CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. collslrLl lltc EllGlllEERs AlrD sclExTlsls REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: l'lECl'l Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 t78 93-3 OATE: 5-4-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 Vai'l , C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT t{0. 67 SHEET I 0F I PR0JECT: Liftside Building east of llesthaven Drive and llestln Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado. I{EATHTR COIIDI T IOI{S AI{D TEI.IPERATURE COI{TRACTOR'S COIISTRUCTIOI{ ACTIV I TIES PtRS0t{ilEL: l,lAJ0R EQUIPMTNT: ACTIVITIES: CHEII-I{ORTHERI{'5 SITE ACTIVITIES Contractor was placing dredge rock backfill material around the southeast radius of east parki ng ramp core. They also recountoured the area in the northeast radius of the ramp core and recompacted naterial with a large Eollag for continuous footing pad (steps) and outside core vall. VERBAL COl,lllull I CAT I0ll IJITH COiITRACT0R, EllGIllEER, ARCHITECT, Ot'r]{ER COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, lnc, J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Carneron APPROVED BY A.. mutu.l prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, th. publlc rnd ourt.lv.3. rll raporti arc auh rltt.d r. th. contld.ntl.l prop.rty ot our cllantr, and authorlzrtloh ior publlcatlon ol itrtaiaht, Conclullon3 o|. a,(tracta from or r.gardlng o|rr raport3 Ir ra3.rv.d pandlng our wrlt?an approvrl.Srhpl.r illl b. dlrpo..d ot.ft.r t.stlng li contplct.d unlaa3 oth.r .rr.ngcr.nt. aro .gr..ad to ln lir.ltlng. A nEmb.r of th. EI! group of comp.nl.r CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coIsuLTIIG EITGIIEERS AID SCt EI|T I STS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: HECi{ Enterprises JoB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-5-94 Attn: fustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT tl0. 68 SHEET I 0F I PROJECT: Liftside Building east of lresthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vai1, Colorado. I{EATHER COTIDI TIOI{S AIID TEI.IPERATURI: COI{TRACTOR'S COI{STRUCT I OI{ ACTIVITIES PERSOI{I{EL: ilAJ0R EQUIPI,IEi{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEI{-I{ORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES Today the contractor concentrated on placing backfi'll material on the east and southeast side of the east parking ramp core. l,lore of shorlng wall on "A" Line was renoved and fill was compacted under the rennining wall wlth a small Bollag Vibrating Sheepsfoot. VEREAL COI.II,IUI{ICATIOII YITH COI{TRACTOR, EII6IIIEER, ARCHIIECT, OIJIIER COPIES: J V A, R.A. llel son & Assoclates, Inc.;Inc.; tuathtey Pratt Schul tz; Carolyn Adams FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Carpron APPROVED BY At. iutu.l prot.ctlon to cll.nta, th. publlc rnd osir.lv.., .ll r.portr rl.. 3ubmltt.d rr th. confld.ntl.l prop.rty ot our cll.ntr. and luthorl4tlon for publlcatlon of atrtri.nt. Cohclurlor. or.rti.ctt fron or i.grrdlhg ouF r.portr lt rararvad pandlng our l{rlttan approvrl.SAnplat wlll ba dl3poaad of.ft.r t..tlng l. co pl.t.d unl.rr oth.r .rrrngm.ntr rr..gr..d to In Hrltlng. A mdnb.r of th. !I! group of coripanl.r CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cdts[rlT I llc EllGIllEERs AllD sclE]lTIsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llECi{ Enterorises J08 t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-6-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT tlO. 69 SHEET 10F I PR0JECT: Liftside Building east of yesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colorado. YEATHER COI{OITIOI{S AII[) TEI,IPERATURE COiITRACTOR'S COTISTRIICTIOTI ACT IV IT ITS PERSONI{EL: IiIAJOR EQUIPI,IEI{T: ACTIVIIIES: CHE N- IIORTHERII ' S SITE ACTIVITIES The centractor is finishing area between Lines P10.5 to PIl.3 south of "A" Line in preparation for pfacemnt of concrete on llay 9, 1994, A.l'1. Also, several lifts of imported "dredge" rock material was placed and compacted, P.6 and P.9 Lines and "A" Line and recently poured concrete Dads on "9" Llne. Shoring timbers are being removed as backfi'l'l is placed on "A" Line. Fill was placed up to approxlmate elevation 63.0 feet. VERBAL COI.II,IUIIICATI()}I UITH COI{TRACTOR, EIIGITIEER, ARCHITECT, OI'I{ER COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, lnc.; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlnrey Pratt Schultz; Carolyn Adans FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cam€ron APPROVED BY Ai r muturl pr.ot.ctlon to cll.ntrr th. publlc.nd ourr.lv.., .ll r.po.t..r. iubctltt.d !r th. confld.ntl.l proplrty of ou.r.cll.nt3' rld .uttt"ii.iitoi tor publlc.tlon of rirtrereit. Conclurlonr or citractr irofi or r.g.rdlng our r.portE Ir r.s.rvGd p.ndlng ourlirltt.h approv.l. Sln|plrr wtll b. di!po..d ot.ft.r t.!tlng lt cofipl.t.d unl!33 oth.r.Fr!ng.m.ntt .r. trgFc.d to ln wrltlng. A |r| nb.r of th. !.!! group ol codp.nl.t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coNsiuLT I ltc ExGII|EERS Alto sctEftTtsrs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llECll Enterprises JOB tl0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-9-94 Attn: Eustaouio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT N0. 70 SHEET l0F I PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding east of l{esthaven Drlve and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado. YEATHER COIIDI T IOTIS AI{D TEI.IPERATI'RE COI{TRACTOR' S COIISTRUCTIOI{ ACTIVITIES PERSOIII{EL: I.IAJOR EQUIPHET{T: ACTIVITIES: CHE II-NORTHER N ' S SITE ACTIVITIES lre arrived on-site for an early concrete pl acsnent which was postponed for lack of inserts in steel . The contractor requested that we observe an excavation at the base of ramp on the northwest corner to determine $ether they had reached natural soils at bottorn of excavation. 0. Schriner with R.A. llel son a'lso observed this excavation and agreed that natural soils were exposed. The area observed was located at approxinately P5.5 Llne and "C" Line. Several areas behind bottom of shoring walls at P.6 Line were also observed and determi ned to be in natural states. Additional backfill (dredge rock) was placed and concrete pads on "C" Line. tle also observed contractor using trackhoe to down to underneath bottm of shoring wall replaced rith dredge rock and compacted with and compacted between approximately P.6+ and P.8 remove loose natura'l naterial whioh had sloughed between Lines P.5 and P.6. This rnateri al was smal'l Eollag Sheepsfoot. VERBAL Coltl.iUNICATIotl yITH C0}|TRACT0R, Etl6Ii{EER, ARCHITECT, oUtlER COPIE5: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc. J V A, lnc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams FIELD OESERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVEO BY As a ituturl prot.ctlon to cllrnta, tha publlc rnd ouri.lv.i, rll r.port..r. 3ubrnltt.d rr th. confld.ntl.l prop.rty ot ou-r cll.nt., rnd ruthorlzatloir lor Dubllcrtlon of itatanFnt, Conclualont or axtracts frmor regrrdlng our raporta l3 raaarvad pahdlng our'|{rltt€h approvlI. Sr|nDl.s wlII b. dl3po3.d of aftar taitlng la co pl.t.d unl.sB oth.r rriang.|![ntr !r. rgr..d to ln |{rltlng. A ndrb.r of th. !!!! group oi conprnl.t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co[suLT mG EI|GD|EERS AllD SCIEITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: HECl,l Enterprlses J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-11-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT tl0. 7L SHEET 10F I PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding east of \testhaven Drive and ttestln Hotel , South Frontage Road \lest, Vail, Colorado. YEATHER COIIOITIOIIS AND TEi{PERATURE COIITRACTOR' S C,Ofl STRUCTIOI{ ACT IV ITIES PERSOTII{EL: }.IAJOR EQUIPilENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEI{-NORTHERTI'S SITE ACTIVITIES Contractor had placed an addltlonal lift of imported dredge rock material and it appeared to have been adequate'ly compacted. Thls area was between approximately P.6 to P.8 Lines and "A" Line and existing concrete pads on "C" Line. l,laterial is up to approximately elevation 6515 Contractor also had us observe a smalI excavati on at "1" Line and approxirnately P10.5 Line which had been excavated to bedrock ln preparation for a levelling course of concrete. Concrete pads 3'x3'x5' are to be placed along "l" Line at specific intervals. The contractor is presently excavating for a bike path and we are to perform density testing on both subbase and road base nnterials possibly as early as Friday, l'lay 13, 1994. Another snal] excavation at P10 and "1" Lines was observed to be down to bedrock for a levelling course of concrete. Another smal I foundati on pad will be placed at this point. VERBAL COI4I.IUI{ I CAT I OIt ITITH COI{TRACTOR, EIIGII{EER, ARCfIITECT, OtJt{ER COPIES: J V A, R.A. t{el son & Associates, Inc. Inc. ; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams FIELO OBSTRVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVEO BY As. tt|utull protactlon to cll.ntr, th. publlc.nd ourt.lv.t' .ll r.poFtt .ra aubnltt.d rs thc confld.ntlal prop.rty of ou-r cll.nt!, rnd iuttroiiiittoir lor ptlbllcatlon of riatrrnrirt. Concluilon! or.rtrrctr iron or regardlng our r.portr li r.t.rv.d p.ndlng out" |irltt.n .pprov.l. Slmplat valll ba d{ipoi.d of.ftcr. t..tlng lr cotnpl.t.d un-l.ir oth.r rrrangaft.ntt rrc.gr..d to ln wrftlng. A rnambar of th. EI! group of cotiprnl.3 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. collsulr I lrc EltGlxEERs A{D scrElltsrs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llECll Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 5-12-94 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT tlo. 72 SHEET 10F ? PRoJECT: Liftside Euilding east of Llesthaven Drive and lresti n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vall, Colorado. T'EATHER COIIDITIOI{S AI{D TEHPERATURE COI{TRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTIOII ACTIVITIES PERSOI{ilIL: HAJOR EQUIPI,III{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEI{- IIORTHERII ' S SITE ACTIVITIES ThecontractorisconcentrdtingonexcavatingbikepathandHlllnotneedtestinguntil Fri day, l.lay 13, 1994 at the ear'l i est. Two small excavations on "1" Line at P.8 and P.6 Lines are prepared for a levelling course of concrete in preparation for footing pads. VEREAL COHIIUI{ ICAT IOII t{ITH COIITRACTOR, EIIGIIIEER, ARCHITECT,0y ER C0PIES: R.A. ilel son & Associates, Inc. J V A. Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Town of Vai l; I I Carolyn Adams FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY A3. muturl Fiot.ctlon to cll.nttr th. publlc.nd our3.lv.r, .ll r.ports r!.3ub61tt.d 13 th. contldantlll propcrty of our c]lant3, lnd authorlzrtlon lorprbllcrtlon of rt.tGn nt. Cohclurlont or.xtrlct. lroin or r.grrdlhg our r..port! l3 r.lcrvad i.natlng our wilttan lpproval.S.npl.3 xlll b. dl3por.d ot aft.r t.rtlng lr cofipl.tad ||nl.it oth.r.rr.rnge|n.nta ar. rgr..d to ln rrltlrg, A mdib.r of th. llII gFoup of corhprnl.3 = o , ; acl c| =a)ov I @ t\ o J q, o tu o d, -f lr-oro I (\I (\I rat lJ lr,-.. ut lr,l ct AI crt .o ctt -cD @aa ]\O F. CL u.,<td OJ -H 6Ct o rD oc o CL trl 4 .:-=o ;'> EE Eo- ?z EE 69 CL lrl e il r! =.F !Odr C, rf t^oo 6rl lr.FOl I .r- 5-f@ L Ct'..1 r.)cL t' (r) rct g.P Fl o, l, xco .ar50 ElrlEO lr,l Ct 14 e E EQ-(J +,lll+, . fi, (5 -<c> -F{a J 1{o=F6 o qt :t .,!-ct ' =|! tu o F o E E'I E L o, o o o o !P d, ;E' = It o o Ol !o tu o L 9 o, r€ !0r_h;RE e3 l 3 .E; #'g = =g' co o nE 6., q E9l u- o E ] ot , o a, C' rf lJ- <rr O I 6.t Fl |.t lrl lr,l -.. rrl lrl a FI aY) .o crl z <tr 6d,ho .< CL l.l lfd OJ -H oao o a d,o CL lrl 4 .:-=o E- i= FH EE ?= E-tr 6P CI lJ.t e E nt =+r !ocn c, <t ul oo (t Ut.FC'r I .e 5{@ ! 9-r l''a-6 c', ro a+t o(,x@ .P=O gtrJ60 lrJ (J lrl E E sO-(J +r nF lrl +, .6 a5 -< e,> -a J ..H FE I$l;*: lrL ' l4AY 2 7 iF9 { T 0v - c0 l.t.rvt lffiffi$t'? lJ-l' F#hJiT,t REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: MECH EnterDrises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 4-27-94 Attn: Eustaouio gorti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F t VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and lrestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tfest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEIIT LOCATIOII:East Panking Ranp Core, Upper Half. EATCH TICKET IilFoRtlATIotl SUPPLIER: l{estern Hobile TRUCK tio. 189 rlCKEr I0. 0I 1869 lllx DESIGN t{0. 44 TII{E EATCIIED: 9:44 All TIME ARRIVED: 10:17 M TIIIE PLACED:10:22 All-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUil: 7/28/ZB FIELO TESIITIG II{FORI.IATIOII SAI,IPLE TEI,IP: 6I "F AIR TEI.iP: 30 .F Tll,lt TEST TAKET{: 10:28 AM SLtll'lP: 3 lt{. AIR C0t{TEt{T: 4.9MET Ul{lT UEIGHT: J08 SPECIFICATI0i{S: SLUtlP: llax.4 Il{. AIR CONTEI{T: 4-81 VATER ADDED AT SITE 4 GAL. CYLIIIDER I TIFORI.IAT IOI{ N0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLITIDERS CAST: UHERE CAST: on-Site CURI I{G II{FORHATIOI{ ItlI T I AL CURE: 48 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 0n-si te 4-29-94 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: Frank Potvin llll{/HAX AGE DAYS DATE IESTED TOIAL LOAD (L8s) DI AI.IETER ( Ir{cHES ) AREA (sQ Il{) COHP.sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER !,EIGHT (L8s ) CYLII{DER UIi IT IJE l GHT (PcF) 7 7 28 ?a z0 28 5-4-94 5-4-94 5-25-94 5-25-94 5-?5-94 5-25-94 98,500 99 ,000 127.500 132,000 127,s00 122.500 6.08 b. ul 6.09 6.00 6.00 6. l0 29.03 28.37 29. 13 28.27 ?8.27 29 .?? 3390 349 0 4380 4670 4510 419 0 snear shear con/spl i t con/spl i t con/split con/spi i t DESIGI{ STREiIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE ItI ACCORDAT{CE YIIH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERI{ISE IIOTED SOI.IE II{FORI.IATIOII OF TTST REPORT T{AY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc ToHn of Vai I ; t{estern l,lobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Eobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY Ai i nutual protrctlon to cllantr, tha pobllc cllcnt3. lnd ruthorlzrtlon loi pqbllc.tlon ot pcndlng orr |{rltt.n .ppr"ov.l. Sanpl.3 rlll ba ln rrltlng. A mdnb.r ot th. HIH group of co.nprnlaa rhd our..l vai ' all raport3 3trtaoEnt3. Concl u3l ont or dl.po3cd of rft.r t..tlng .r. sub|rlttad a3 thc confldl.ntl.l propcrty ot artiacts froir or ragrrdlng our rcportt ll r.tcrvcd lr cotrpl.t.d qnlatt othar rrrangqlcntr rgra.d to Form No. cl.lEl l3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G ENGIIIEERS AIIO SCI ENTI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. mutual protcction to cllont3, th. publlc rnd ours.lvast .ll rrport3 era rlbmltt.d.s th€ confldlcntlal propcrty of cli€nt6, and authorlzltlon for publlc.tlon of 5tltam.nt3, Concluglons or cxtract3 trom or ragrrding our r€ports ls rcscrvcd pending our wrltt€n approval. S.mpl.s wlll be dlspos.d of.ft.r t.stlng ls compl.tad unl... oth.r lrrrhgdn€nts lgraed to ln rrl t I ng. A memb€r of the !.1! gnoup of companl.3 Forrn No. CMEll3A 6/91 T0: ltfECll EnterDri ses JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-27-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F r Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Buildlng, east of lJesthaven Drive and l{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo, PLACEMEIIT LOCAT I OT.I:East Parking Ranp Core, Upper Half. BATCH TICKET It{F0RllATI0t{ SUPPLIER: tlestern l'lobi le TRUCK t{0. 189 TICKET N0. 0l 1869 l'llx DESIGN tlo. 44 TIME BATCHED: 9:44 AIII TIME ARRIVED: IO;17 AM TIIITE PLACED:10:22 AM-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUi.I: 7/?8128 FIELD TESTITIG INFORMATION SAiIPLE TE}IP: 6I "F AIR TEHP: 30 "F TIl.lE TEST TAKE : 10:28 AM SLUMP: 3 It{. AIR C0t{TEtlT: 4.9% llET Ui{IT UEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0NS: SLUlilP: It{. AIR CONTEIIT: X tdATER ADDED AT SITE 4 cAL. CYLINDER I I{FORMAT IOI{ N0. 0F CYLITIDERS: CYLIT{OER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLINDERS CAST: IIHERE CAST: On-Site CUR I I{G I NFORI,IATIOI{ INITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 4-29-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES : BY: Frank Potvi n lll /l,lAX A6E DAYS DATE TE STE D TOTAL LOAD (tBS) D I AI,IETER ( rNcHEs) AREA (sQ rr{) COMP. STR, (PSJ ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II,IDER lIE IGHT (LBs) CYLINDER Ut{lT I,EIGHT (PcF) I 7 2B 2B 28H 28H 5-4 - 94 5-4 -94 5- 2 5-94 5- 2 5-94 5- 2 5-94 5-25-94 98,500 99 ,000 6.08 6.01 29.03 z6.Jt 3390 3490 snear snear DESI6N STREI{GTH 4000 Psl @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IIi ACCORDANCE VITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I },IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERI{ISE i{OTED SOI,IE I FOR}.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY 8E PROVII)ED BY OTIIERS REI.IARKS: COPIES: R.A. f{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; I'lestern l'lobi 1e; J V A, inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTING Ei{GI I{EERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar. mtrt||rl prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, thr p{btlc rnd ours.lvat, .ll rcporti ar. rubnltt.d !! th. contldl.ntlal propcrty ol cll.nti, rnd ruthorlzrtlon for publlcrllon of 3t.tdn ntr. Conclu3lon3 or.xtr!ct3 f.om or r.gardlng our rlportt l3 r.3.rvcd p.ndl|rg our |{Fltt.n rpprov!1, S.mpl.r nlll b! dl.por.d ot rtt.r t.rtlng {r conpl.t.d unl.5. oth€r rrrlng.nlnts dgr.sd to ln wrltlng, A |||srb.r ;t th. !I! group ot comp.nl.i Forrn No, CHE113A 5/91 T0: ltECl'l Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-19-94 Attn: Eustaoui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F 2 VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftslde Building, east of Uesthaven orive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEHENT LOCATIOTI:Stai r stai r treads core "A", BATCH TICKET Ii{FoRllATIol{ SUPPLIER: Uestern ilobile TRUCK ll0. ll7 TICKET t{0. 0l 1771 UIX DESIGII 0. Stair Dan mix 44 TIHE BATCiIED: 8:38 Al,l TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:05 AH TIIIE PLACE0; CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUi'|: 7/7/14 FIELO IESTIIIG I }IFORI.IAT I OI.I SAIiPLE TEI.IP: 68"F AIR TEI'IIP: 45"F TIME TEST TAKET{: 11:05 All SLUIIP: 5 l}1. AIR COl{TEtlT: t{A I lJtT Ut{lT IIEIGHT: llA J08 SPECIFICATIO S: SLtlllP: 4 It{. AIR C0NTEiIT:4-8 X I,ATER A0DE0 AT SITE GAL. CYtIiIOER ITIFORI.IATIOII t{0. 0F CYLIiIOERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" lll,lE CYLITIDERS CAST: Il:15 IIHERE CAST; On-Site CUR I I{C I IIFORI.IAT I OI{ INITIAL CtiRE: 48 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 4-?f-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: 6Y: Frank Potvl n IlIN/l'lAX DAYS OATE TE STE D TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAI.IETER (IilCHES) AREA (SQ IN) cot{P . sTe. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER IIE I GHT (L8s) CYL I NDER UI{IT lIE I6HT (PcF) 7A 28A 284 284 28A 4-26-94 4-26-94 5- 17 -94 5- l7 -94 5-17-94 5-17-94 71 ,500 B2,500 120,000 118,500 114,000 113.000 6.08 6.08 6. 08 6.09 6.00 6.00 ?9.03 29.03 29.03 29.13 ?8 .27 28 .?7 267 0 2840 413 0 4010 4030 4000 shear snear con/shear con/shear con/shear con/shear DES IGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE Iil ACCORDANCE I,lITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I.IETHODS UNLESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI,IE II{FORI.{ATION OF TEST REPORT I{AY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMRKS : C0PIES: R.A. lielson & Assoclates, Inc.; I Town of Vatl; Yestern llobile; I J V A, Inc.; GrvathrEy Pratt Schultz; I Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVTR APPROVEO 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTII{G ENGINEERS AIID SCIEI{TIST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECl,l Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-19-94 Attn: Eustaoui o Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2 Vall, C0 8165!-3149 PROJECT: Liftside 8ui1din9, east of Uesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEl,lEtlT LOCATIOI{: East Core }lal I Parking Ramp; Sampled at First Floor and Lower Half. BATCH TICKET IllF0Rl{ATIOt{ SUPPLIER: l,estern llobile TRUCK ilo. 150 TICKET 0. 0l 1782 ttIX DE5t6l{ N0. 44 TIIfE BATCHED: 2:31 Pl{ TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 Ptl TIME PLACED: 3:04 Pll-CU . Y0 . L0AO/ACCUI| : 717128 FIEL0 IESTIIIG IltF0RllATI0ll SAI,IPLE TEIIP: 70'F AIR TEl,lP: 55"F TIIIE TEST TAKEII: 3:18 Pltl SLUIIP: 31/2 lll. AIR C0tlTEl{T: 5.37 IJET UiIIT IIEIGHT: t{A J08 SPECIFICATIOT{S: SLUIIP: 4 It{. AIR C0NTENT:4-8 Z I{ATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYL IIIDER I TIFORI.IATION l{0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 6 CYLIT{OER SIZE: 6"x lZ" TIIIE CYLITIDERS CAST: 3:28 PH VHERE CAST: On-Site CURIN6 IIIFORI.IATIOII II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n Site OATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 4-21-94 FIETD ST0RACE FACILITIES: Tra'il er BY: Frank Potvin l{ I t{ /t{AX AGE DAYS DATE TE STEO TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D I AI.IETER ( r NCHEs ) AREA (sQ It{) COMP . STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTUR€ CYL II{DER I'E IGHT (LBs) CYLII{DER UNIT UEIGHl (PCF) 7B 7B 288 ?88 288 288 4-?6-94 4- 25- 94 5- 17-9 4 5- 17-94 5-- t 7 -94 5-t7-94 95,000 95,500 128,000 130,500 125,000 132 ,000 5.99 5.99 6.09 6.09 6. 08 6. 00 28.18 28.18 1!.LJ 29. l3 29.03 28.21 33 70 3390 4390 4480 4310 4670 snear snear con/shear con/shear con / shea r con,/ Shea r DESIGI{ STRII,IGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 OAYS TESTS BY LABoRAToRY PERS0i{I{EL ARE Ill ACC0RDAI{CE trlTH APPLICABLE ASTII l'lETHooS UlltESS 0THERUISE I{0TED SOI.IE I I{FORI.{AT ION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDEI) BY OTHERS REiIARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc.; I Town of Vail; Uestern ilobi'le; I J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz; I Carolyn Adams Sobby J, Hays FIELD OESERVIR APPROVEO 8Y A6. mltu.l protactloh to cll.nt3, th. publlc lnd ourrllvlr. !ll r.port3 .r! culhltt.d !3 th. confldl.ntl.l propcrty of cl'l.nta, rnd ruthorlzltlon tor publlcrtlon of st.tdr.nt3. Conclu3lon! or axtrrct3 from or r.g.rdlng our report3 l6 r.t.rv.d pcnd{n9 our rfltt.n.pprov.l. Sanpl.s wlll ba dlspos.d of ift.r t.rtlng {. cornplctcd unl.:!' othcr .rrlng.i.nti rgr.cd to In wrlt{ng, A m€mb.r of th. !!! group ot corifr6nlcs for'n No. CMEll3A 6/9r CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTIN6 EI{G I I{EERS AtiD SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA At r nlturl prot.ctlon to cll.nti. th. publlc rnd our3.lv.r, .ll r.portt.r. rubnltt.d r. th. conttdl.ntl.l proparty ot cll.'|tr, and authorlzttlon to'. public.tlon ot ttatanantt. Conclutlona or.rtrtctr froo or rag..dlh9 oqr r.portr lt rararv.d p.ndlng our l{rltt.n rpproy.l. S|!|pl.r wllt ba dltpotcd ol .ft.r t.rtlhg lr cotnpl.t.d uhla.r ath.r irrang*rintr .gr..d to ln ||rl tl n9. A i|.|nb.r ot th. !I! group ot cohp.rl.r Forn No. CH€!I3A 5/9t T0; llECll Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 4-19-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 2 Vail. C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of tlesthaven Drive and l,lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,I€I{T LOCAT IOI{ :Stair core "A". stair treads BATCH TICKET t llF0RllAI I0t{ SUPPLIER: l,lestern llobile TRUCK t{0. ll7 TICKET N0. 01 l77l lllx DESIGI{ ll0. Steir pan nlx 44 TIME EATCHED: 8:38 All TIHE ARRIVED: 9:05 Afl TIl,lE PLACED: CU.Y0.L0AD/ACCUI|: 717/14 FIETD TEST1IIG IIIFORI.IATIOI{ SAilPtE TEilP: 68"F AIR TE}IP: 45"F TIME TEST TAKEII: ll:05 Al'l SLUIIP: 5 lll. AIR C0tlTEl{T: l{A I llET Ul{lT IJEI6HT: llA J08 SPEC I FICATI0I{S: SLultlP: 4 ltl. AIR C0tlTEllT:4-8 I VATER ADOED AT SITE 6AL. CYL I TIDER I iIFORI.iAT I OII ll0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.lE CYLINOERS CAST: l1:15 VHERE CAST: On-Slte CURI t{G I IIFORI{AT IOII INITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-5ite DATE RECEIVED AI tAB: 4-?1-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: Frank Potvi n HIIi/MAX AGE OAYS DATE TE STEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s ) D I AIlE TER (tr{cHts) AREA (SQ ItI) c0l1P. sTR. (Psl) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIDER TIE IGHT (LBs) CYLII{OER UilIT VE I6HT (PcF ) 7A 7A 28A 284 28AH 28AH 4-?6-94 4^26-94 5- r 7-94 5-17-94 5-- 17-94 5- l7-94 7/ ,500 82 , s00 6.08 6.08 29.03 29.03 267 0 2 840 shear snear OESIGII STRETIGTH 4OOO PSI O ?8 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE II{ ACCOROAI{CE IIITH APPLICABTE ASTII I{TTHOOS UI{LESS OTHERVISE NOTEO SOIIE ITIFORHATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIOED BY OTHERS REHARK5: C0PIES: R.A. ilelson & Associates, Inc.; I Town of Vail; lrestern ilobile; I J V A, lnc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz; I Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTII{G EI{GINEERS AND SCI EIITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 a l||utull protection to cllents, the public and our3alves, all reports ar€ submltted as the confldi€nticl proparty of cli€nts, .nd.uthortzation for publicrtion of rtltan.nt3, Conclu!lons o. oxtr.ct3 frorh or regrrdlng our r.porti l3 FcscrvGd p.ndlng our written lpprov.l. Samples will be dl3poi.d of .fter testing l3 compl€tad unl€t3 other arrang€h;nt3 rEra.d to A mcmbcr 6f the HIH group of colnFanles Fom ro. CMEtl3A 6/9t T0: l.lECl.l Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 4-19-94 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of |lesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMETIT LOCATI0N: East Core !lal1 Parking Ramp; Sampled at First Floor and Lower Half. BATCH TICKTT ItlF0RtlATI0N SUPPLIER: llestern lloblle TRUCK NO. 150 TICKET t{0. OI 1782 I.IIX DESIGN NO. 44 TIME BATCHED: 2:31 Pt{ TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: 3:04 PM-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUM: 7/7/2e FIELD TESTING INFORilATI0tl SAIIPLE TEIIP: 70'F AIR TEIIP: 55'F TIHE TEST TAKET'I: 3:18 Pll SLUMP: 3 1/2 llt|. AIR COI{IEi{T: 5.3fl t/ET UNII !|EIGHT: l{A JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR COiITENT:4-8 % IIATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLI}IDER II{FORMATION l{0. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 6 CYLIfI0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" I Il4E CYLIIIOERS CAST: 3:ZB PM I/HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING II{FORMATION Ii{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n Site OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 4-?1-94 FIETD ST0RAGE FACIL ITIES: Trailer 8Y: Frank Potvi n I'lI N/l'tAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s) D I AI'IE TER ( illcHEs) AREA (sQ Ir'l) col'tP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NDER I{E IGHT (L8s ) CYL I NDER UI{IT hIE IGHT ( PCF) 7B 7B 288 288 28BH 28BH 4-?6-94 4-26-94 5-17-94 5-i/-94 5--17-94 5-17-94 95 ,000 95,500 5. 99 5.99 28. l8 28.r8 3370 339 0 snear shear DIS I GI{ STREN6TH 4OOO PS I 0 Z8 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERVISE I{OTED SOIIE II{FORIIATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS: COPIES: R.A. |lelson & Associates, Inc.; I Tovrn of Vai'l ; I'lestern lt{obi1e; I J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz; I C.rolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OSSERVER APPROVED BY cHEN-NORTHERN, tNC. COI{SULTIXG EI{G I IIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: HECH Enterprises JoB lto. 4 l7B 93-3 DATE: 4-19-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3119 SHEET I 0F 2 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8uildin9, east of Vesthaven Orive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ltest, Vall, Colo. PLACEII€IIT LOCAT IOII :Stair core "4". stair treads BATCH TICKET IIIFORHATION TRUCK 0. tt7 TI E BATCHE0: 8:38 Ar,l TICKET ilo. 0t l77l TlllE ARRIVED: 9:05 Ail T I I.IE SUPPLIER: vestern Hobi I e l'lIX 0ESI6ll ll0. Stai r pan mix '14 PLACED: cu. Y0.LOAO/ACCUI4: 7 17l 14 FITLD TESTIIIG INFoRI{ATI0I| SAfipLE TEttP: 6B"F AIR TEHp: 457 TIHE TEST TAKEII: ll:05 All SLUl,lP: 5 Il{. AIR C0tlTEltT: l{A I trET UNIT V€IGHT: t{A J08 SPECIFICATIOTIS: SLUtlP: 4 ltl. AIR C0llTEt{T:4-8 I VATER AD0E0 AT S|TE GAL. CYLIT{DER INFOR AT I OTI ll0. 0F CYLINOERS: 6 CYLII{OER SIZE; 6"x 12" TIltlE CYLIIIOERS CAST: ll:15 UHTRE CASTi On-Site CUR I tIG I I{FORI4ATIOI{ It{ITIAL CURI: 48 hours 0n-5ite DATE RECEIVE0 AT tA8: 4-21-94 FIITD STORAGE FACILITTES: BY: Frank Potvi n HIN/HAX AGE OAYS DATI TESTEO TOTAL LOAO (LBs) OIAHETER ( I r{cHES ) AR IA (sQ ril) COMP. STR . (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{OER I'E IGHT (L8S) CYLIT{OER UNIT VE I6HT ( PCF) 7A 1A 28A 28A 28AH 28AH 4-?6-94 4- Z6-94 5-17-91 5-17-94 5-- l7-94 5- l7-94 77,500 82,500 6.08 6. 08 29.03 ?9.03 ?67 0 2840 shear shear oEst6l{ STR TGTH 4000 PSI O 28 DAYS TESIS 8Y LASORATORY PTRSOIIIIEL ARE IN ACCORDATICE IJITH APPLICAELE ASTH I.IETHOOS UT{LESS OTHERVISE flOTED SOIIT IIIFORIIATIOII OF TEST REPORT HAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OIHERS REI'IMKS : COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; I Town of Vail; l{estern ilobile; I J V A, lnc.; Gwatlney Pratt Schultz; I Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVEO 8Y A3 . .uturl prot.ctlon to cllantr. tha publlc cll.nt3. .rd .uthorlz.tlon lo? Dubllcrtlon ot p.ndlng our. irltt.n .tprov.l. S|!|!ll.r rlll ba tn |''ltl|r9. A i.nt.r ol th. !!l! group ot corp.nl.r .nd ourr.lY.i, .ll r-.portr ttataffntS. Conclsa l on3 or dl3Do3ad ot .lt.r t.rttng .r. 3{bnltt.d .3 th. contldl.atl.l prop.rty ot .rtrrct! tro,r or r'agardlng our F.Fort. lr r.3arvad l3 €o|trplatad snlatt othar rrr|ng.mnti rgraad to Forn l{o. C €rl3^ 6/91 I CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISUTTII{G EI{GII{EERS At{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCHETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 r nutu.l protcctloh to cll.nti, thc publlc .nd ourtclvc3, r'll rcport3 !r. rubmltt.d .s tha confldl.ntl.l pr.operty of cllants, .nd .qthor{zrtlon aor pgbllc{tlon of strtq rntr. Conclu3lorrs or rrt.reta lrqn or r.rg.rdlng ou. rcporti lr r.3.rvad Pandlng our rrltt.n rpprov.l. S.l||pl.i wlll ba dl3po..d of eftcr t.stlng ls coftpl.t.d unl.s. oth.r irr.ngGcht5.gr.ad to A mlnbcr ;t th. !!! group ot cotrtp.nlcs Form {o. ct{Etr3a 6/91 T0: MECII Enterprises JoB tlo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-19-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cort'ina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2 Vail. C0 81658-3I49 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo, PLACEIIENT LOCATI0I{: East Core llall Parking Ramp; Sampled at First Floor and Lower Half. EATCH TICKET Il{F0Rl'lATI0t{ SUPPLIER: Uestern tlobile TRUCK t{0. t50 TICKET ilo. 0l 1782 MIX DESIGIi 0. 44 TTI{E BATCHEO: 2:3I PiI TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PIII TIIIE PLACED; 3:04 PM-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUI.I: 717128 FIELD TESTIIIG INFORMATIOI{ SAHPLT TEMP: 7O,F AIR TET.IP: 55'F TIl,lE TEST TAKET{: 3:18 Pl,l SLUIIP: 3 l/2 It{. AIR COllTEt{T: 5.3X VET Ut{lT UEIGHT: l{A J08 SPECI F ICATI0IIS: SLuflP: 4 ltl. AIR C0t{TEl{T:4-8 X IIAIER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLIIII)ER I IIFORMAT IOII t{0. 0F CYLIi{DERS: 6 ClLll{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIT{DERS CAST: 3:28 Pll UHERE CAST: 0n-5ite CURI}IG I FORI.{ATIOtI IIiITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 4-21-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Trai I er BY: Frank Potvi n l.{lN/MAX AGE OAYS DATE TE STED TOTAL LOAO (L8S) D I AI.IETER ( I ilCHtS ) AREA (5Q IN) coltP . sTR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CY L I IIDER lIE I GHT (LBS) CYLINt)ER UNIT UE I6HT (PCF) 7B 7B 288 288 28BH 288H 4-26-94 4-26-94 5-17-94 5- l7-94 5--t7-94 5- l7- 94 95,000 95,500 5.99 5.99 28. l8 28.18 3370 3390 shear snear DES I GI{ STREIIGTH 4O()O PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABLE AST}.I I'IETHODS UNTESS OTHERUISE TIOTED SOME I i{FORI,IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT iIAY 8I PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc.; I Torn of Vail; Uestern l,lobile; I J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz; I Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CoNSULTIt{G ENGIIIEERS Al,lD SCt ENT I STS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: NEgH Enterprises JoB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-19-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT N0. 62 SHEET 10F I PROJECT: Liftside Euilding east of Westhaven Drlve and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road t{est, Vai1, Colorado. IIEATHER CoNDITIot{S Afl0 TE|'IPERATURE COIITRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSOI{IIEL: I,IAJOR EQU I PIIENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-I{ORTHERN ' S SITE ACTIVITIES Contractor had begun placing imported backfill rnaterial south of between approximately P.7 and P9.5. This material 'is the imported dredge rock which was previously used onsite. lle observed the contractor placing and compacting several lifts of fi l'l in this area. VERBAL COITMUN ICATION I,,lITH COI,ITRACTOR, ENGI iITER, ARCHITECT,Ot.,NER COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.: J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz;Town of Vai I ;l Carolyn Adams FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVEO 8Y Aa a it{tual Prot.ctlon to cIlent3, thc publlc .nd our3clv.r, all r.portr ara iublnltt.d.. th. confldcntl.l prop.rty of our cllanta, and authorl rat l on. lor -publlcltlon of !t!t.m€nt. Concluslon3 or.rtr.cts trom or rag.rdlng our rcportr lr rai.rv.d lcnilng-our wrltt.n approval. Sampla3 v.lll ba dlrpo3ad of rltar tartlnE lt complatad unlaaa othar arrlng.m.ntB rrl agrccd to lr wrtttng.A manbar of tha HIH group of cofipanlat CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTITIG ENGII{EERS At{D SCI ENT I STS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: MECil Enterprises JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-11-94 Attn: llr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 DAILY REPORT N0. 6l SHEET I 0F 2 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, Vail, Colorado MATERIAL SPTCIFICATIONS IIA|IUFACTUBER Grace llonokote CONTRACT0R Rol l'ing Pl ai ns BOI{D STRENGTH (PSF)DEI{SrTY (PCF) PROJECT COI{DI T IOI{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATI0NS: l{ot observed AI,IB I E}IT TEI.IPERATURE SAI.IPL E r{U BER TEST AREA IIE T hIEIGHT (L8s) DRY UE IGHT (LBS ) MOISTURE (x) DEI{S I TY (PcF) 3 Unit B-52, Loft, Oecking, lJest Roof, 8' t{orth of South l,lal 'l . Unit 8-52, Loft, Column, East Edge of Loft. Unit B-52, Loft, Roof 8eam, 24' lJest of East Edge of Loft,. AI,IP L E UI.tEER I II'TUM TH ICKI{ESS (IN) l,rAx I ltuM THlCKNESS (lN) AVERAGE THICKI{ESS ( il{) DES I GN THICKI{ESS (lN) BOND STRENGTH (PsF) REI.IARKS I .oJ 1.19 .38 .94 1.63 r.63 .76 L4t 1.07 i 20 PR0GRESS REP0RT: Unit 8-53 Loft - Top of I ovrer flange on geam 24' rest of east edge of loft. This area is below specifications. Contractor has been notifieo. C0PIES: R. A. llel son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate; J.V.A., Inc. ; Gwatlmey Pratt Schul tz; Town of Vail. Attn: Dan Stanek: Carolyn Adams Fred R. Carpron FIELD OBSFRVER REVIFI,'FD BY 43. nutu.l protcctlon to cllantir thc publlc and our..lvct, all rcportr rrc rubmltt.d r. thc confldcntl.l prop.rty of cll.ntrt rnd a||thorl2!tlon tor publlcatlon of stat.n nts. Concluiloni or axtracti from or rcgardlng our raport3 ls ras.rv.d p.ndl ng our nrlttcn .pprov!1. A msnb.r of th. HIH group of con|panlct c o .-@ ct >- or= -cd E J E c,o o c o ctl :vt or< '-:>' o(J o&ss -ff !o F = F =(J og 1 o ! @ @ "? @ F\ I @ @ @ .: <o o co (J J @ Eh - .j -c o3 JO ro co ::t = o a.' aoo E.l' - rr, .,t E{J 0,o $o o(, tiF :)o \f lr-cho I Ft (\l IF + tr.l lr, Lrl C! Fl ro (Y' .to ttz -cD F @d NO F. a-trJ <lE OJ -.1 co ct o D d,o CL Irl 4 .:==o = !-.is =dl EH E3 9 <-r += EB 6P CL Lr.l d Lr- g-o o L (t P o e o +,, G' CL ao !o CL lrJ e, at =ct =@ cl c P L och (J rt aa oo (') l, .F Ct! |.e 5<f@ g Ct F. IJ' CL flt dl lO !+r F.o (, x@ +t5cl ctrrEo lr.l (, E cOr-(.rP trl +t . a! =<4> o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EI{GINEERS AND SCI EI{T I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar ! nsturl prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, th. publlc.nd our3.lvcar .ll r.poiti ri. rubmltt.d ar th. conlldl.ntlttl prop.rty of cll.ntrr .nd authorlzatlon lo|. publlcatlon ot rtrt.m.nt3. Conclrrlons or.rtrdcti fro or r.gfdlng our r.port. l. r.s.rvad p.ndlng our. irltt.n rpprov!'|. Saopl.r *ltl b. dlipor.d of lttcr t.3tlng lr cdpl.tcd unl..s oth.r rrrahgdn htt agr..d to In rrltln9. A ndrb.r ot th. !:! sroup of comp.nl.i Fonr No. C Ell3A 6/91 T0: ilECl{ EnterDrlses J08 t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-7 -94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Bullding, east of yesthaven Drive and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road yest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T LoCATIoil: Ramp between C-52 and 8-51, ramp between C-42 and 8-41, B stair torer Too level and A tower BATCH TICKET IllFoRl{ATIoll SUPPLIER: l{estern llobile TRUCK I0. 150 TICKET l{0. 01 1625 l,llx DESIGI{ 1{0. 44 TIilE EATCHED: ll:00 TltlE ARRIVEO: ll:25 TIIIE PLACED: 1l:42 CU. Y0. L0A0/ACCUI,|: 7l!5 FIELD TTSTII{G IIIFOR].IATIOII SAI,iPLE TEIIP: 62"F AIR TEI.IP: 3O.F TltlE TEST TAKEII: ll:56 SLUIIP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTEI{T: 4.2I YET Ut{lT IIEIGHT: J08 SPECIFICATI0TIS: SLul,lP: 4 ltl. AIR COtlTEl{T: 4-8I IJATER AODED AT SITE 14 GAL. CYL I I{DER I I{FORI.IAT IOI{ t{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLIT{D€R SIZE: 6"x 12" Tl}lE CYLINDERS CAST: 12:06 l,lHERE CAST: On-Site cuRIr{c It{FoRl,tATI0t{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 4-8-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer except FC 8Y: F.P.r,rril/HM A6E DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI.,IE TER ( I NCHES ) ARIA (sQ ril) COMP . STR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER UE I6HT (LBs) CYLITIDER UIIIT UEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 4 - l4-94 4- 14-94 4-14-94 5- 5-94 5-5-94 5- 5-94 5-5-94 117,000 L?Z ,s00 120.000 6.08 6.08 ). YO 29.03 29.03 28.09 4030 4220 4?7 0 snear shear shear DESIGI{ STREI{GIH 35OO & 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE I1{ ACCORDAI{CE IJITH APPLICASLE ASTI{ I,IETHODS UNLTSS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI.IE I I{FORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS :l1 Daraset accelerater added to this mix. COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vall; l{estern l,loblle; J V A, Inc,; Gwattney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Eobby J. Hays FIILD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y 0uil tt\l$$}.l \$ \eer CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI tI6 EI{6II{EERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 r mutur'l Drotcctlon to cll.nt.. th. publlc.nd ourtalv.tr ell rcport3 rr. subftlttad.s th. contldlcntlal prop.rty of c'llcntrr and luthorlratlon fo. publlcatlon ol 3tator.nt3. cohclrrlont or cxtrrct! from or ragardlng our r.ports l3 r'aacrvad p.ndlng our irltt.n rpprov.l. S.npl.r r.lll be dl3po.ad ol !ft.r t..tlng l3 cottpl.t.d unl.tt oth.r rrrlng.fi.ntt.gr..d to In wrltlng.i';il;; ;i th. !!!! sroup ot coop.nl.3 For No. cHEll3A 6/91 T0: l,lECll Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 4-7-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftstde Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and l,estin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T LoCATI0i{: Ramp between C-52 and B-51, rarnp between C-42 and B-41, B stair tolver Too level and A tower BATCH TICKET II{FORI.{ATIOI{ SUPPLIER: VESTETN I.IObiIE TRUCK tlo. 150 TICKET l{0. 01 1625 l'lIX DEsI6l{ lio. 44 TIHE EATCHED: l1:00 TIHE ARRIVED: 1l:25 TII'IE PLACED: l1:42 CU.YD.LoAo/ACCUM: 7lLs FIELO TESTIT{6 IIIFORI,IATIOII SAIiPLE TEI'iP: 6?"F AIR TEI'IP: 3O"F TII'IE TEST TAKE : 11:56 SLUt'lP: 3 l/2 Ill. AIR C0NTEI{T: 4.?1 }lET UIIIT UEIGHT: J08 SPECIFICATI0NS: SLUllP: 4 Il{. AIR COtlTEllT: 4-81 VATER ADDED AT SITE 14 GAL. CYL I t{DER I IIFOR}IATIOt{ 0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 12:06 TJHERE CAST: on-Site CURIIIG I NFORMAT IOI{ It{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 4-8-94 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: heated trai ler except FC l'tIil/l,lAx 8Y: F.P. AGE DAYS DATE TE STED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) O I AIIE TER ( r NCHES ) AREA (sQ Iil) COMP. STR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINOER I'E IGHT (L8s) CYLINDER UI{IT IIEI6HT (PcF) 1 7 z8 28 28 28 4- 14-94 4-14-94 4-14-94 5-5-9 4 5- 5-94 5- 5-94 5-5-94 117 ,000 122 ,500 l2 0, 000 148,000 154,000 140,500 138.500 6 .08 6.08 5.98 6.05 5.95 5.99 6. l0 29.03 29.03 28.09 28.75 27 .81 28. 18 29 .22 4030 4ZZ0 427 0 5150 5540 499 0 47 40 shear shear shear con/shear shear snear snear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4000 Pst a 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{iIEL ARE IN ACCORDAI{CE YITH APPLICAELE ASTI,I I.{ETHODS UI{LESS OTHERVISE I{OTED SOI.IE TI{FORI.IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REiIARKS :ll oaraset accelerater added to this mix. CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.; Tovrn of Vail; llestern lloblle; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y f*i,,:h a ,s+is& $(;,lm*a**a9 Year-rsory/ CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG E]IGII{EERS AI{O SCIEIITISTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l,tECll Enterpri ses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 4-7-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and l'restln Hotel , South Frontage Road tJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.{EIIT LOCATI0I{: Rarnp betpeen C-52 and B-51, ramp betueen C-42 and B-41, B stair tower Top level and A tower EATCH TICKET IliFORllATI0ll SUPPLIER: tlestern ttobile TRUCK l{0. 150 TICKET lr0. 0l 1625 ilIX DESIcil 1{0. 44 TIIIE EATCHED: 1l:00 TIl,lE ARRIVED: ll:25 TIiIE PLACED: 11:42 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI,|: tlts FIELD TESTIT{G IilFORMATIOil SA}iPLE TEI.IP: 62'F AIR TEiIP: 3O"F TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: ll:56 SLUIIP: 3 1/2 I1{. AIR COl{TEllT: 4.2I }JET UIIIT IdEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0T{5: SLUttP: 4 I},|. AIR CotlTEtlT: 4-8I IJATER ADDEO AT SITE 14 GAL. CYLIiIDER IIIFORI.IATIOI{ l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 12:06 IJHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIT{G II{FOR}IATION II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 4-8-94 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer except FC BY: F. P.l,rrl{/1.{Ax A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS ) DIAIIETER ( IilCHES ) AREA (sQ ril) c0llP . sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER YEI6HT (LBS) CYLII{DER UIIIT fEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 ?8H 28H 4-14-94 4-14-94 4-14-94 5-5-94 5-5-94 5-5-94 5-5-94 117,000 122,500 120.000 6.08 6.08 5.98 29.03 29.03 28. 09 403 0 4220 4270 shear snear snear DESIGII STREI{GTH 35OO & 4OO() PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSONHEL ARE I1{ ACCORDAIICE YITH APPLICAELE ASTI.I I.IETHODS UI{LESS OTTIERIJISE i{OTEO SOI.iE I TIFORI.IAT I O}I OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS:11 0araset accelerater added to this nix. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vall; lJestern l,loblle; J V A, Inc.; Gvattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY A3 . nutudl prot.ctlon to cll.ntr. th. publlc cll.ntr, rnd .uthorlzrtlon for publlc.tlon of pcndlng our wrltt.r| approv.l, S..pl.r rlll b.lh wr.{ttng. A rEmb.r ol th. !I! group o? comp.nl.. rnd oursalva!, al I taDorti itrtcn|.nt3, Conc I u3l ont or dlrpo3.d ot rft.r tartlng rr. 6ub|nltt.d .r th. cont'ldl.ntlrl pt op.ity ot aratracta ?r'om o|. ragaidlng o{. raporta Ir ia!.Fvad la coiDlatad unl.r. oth.r srrlng.|n nt3 .gF..d to Forrn o. C[Ell3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTT XG EIIGIIIEERS AITD SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: I'IECM Enterprises J08 t{0. 4 l7B 93-g DATE: 4-5-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Vai'l , C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT N0. 60 SHEET l0F I PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel, South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colorado. I,EATHER C0i{DITIONS ANo TEI4PERATURE: overcast CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTIOT{ ACTIVITIES PERSOI{NEL: IIIAJOR EQUIPMET{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVITIES lle arrived on-site as requested to test concrete and make cy1 inders. In speak.ing with Dave,it was learned there was not a pour. The pour is tentatively scheduled for Thursday of this week . VERBAL COI.O.IUIIICATIOI{ I,'ITH CONTRACTOR, EITGII{EER, ARCHITECT, OVIIER COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates. lnc. Fred R. Caneron APPROVTO BY At. hutual protcctlon to cll€nt5, thc psbllc rnd ouri.lv.a, all r.porta ara rubfilttcd.3 th. con{ldantlal proF.rty of our cllonts. rnd author'l2.tloh for publlc.tion of st.tem€nt. Conclusions or.xtr.ct3 tro|nor raEardlnE our raporta lr ratarvad irnilng-our wrtttcn.ppr;vrl.Srmpl.s wlll bG dispos.d ot afier te3ting {3 complctcd unle3s oth€r rrrangcm-nts ric rgrcod to In nrltlng. - A |nsnber ol th. !l! sroup of comp..l!3 'ldl0'i\iu t";lui?r0r ?66i g IVn fin r:\lFH eN-NoRTHERN, rNc. m$l(gl* suLT I t{G Et{cr t{EERs AND sc I E.{TI sTS EPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: t'lECl,l Enterprises JoB tlo. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 4-4-94 Attn: Mr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 OAILY REPORT tlo. 59 SHEET I 0F 2 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, Vail, Colorado I'IATERIAL SPECI FICATIOIIS HAI{UFACTURER Grace l,lonokote C0NTRACT0R: Roll i ng P1ains Bo D STREflGTH [PSF)oEitsITY (PCF) l5 PROJECT COND I TIONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATI0T{S: Not observed AI.IBI EIiI TEHPERATURE SAMPLE NUMEER TEST AREA I'ET I'EIGHT (LBs) ORY I.'E I6HT (LBs) I.IOI STURE (x) DEI{SITY (PCF) I 2 3 Unit C-52, Loft Area, Column Approximately Center of Unit E to U. Unit C-52, Beam, 16' East of Uall of E]evator Shaft Unit C-52, Decking, 15' North of South lial l, 6' Vest of tast Edge of Loft. 5.1 ?.54 100+18.0 iAI,IP L E IUI.IBER I,IINIHUI.i THICKIIESS (IN) llAX IMUlt TH ICKNESS (IN) AVERAGE TH I CKIIESS (il{) DES I GN TH ICKNESS (IN) BOND STREI{GTH (PSF) REI.IARKS 1 2 t.za .94 1.63 1 .25 .94 1.62 I .25 .94 1.38 1.00 .56 Average thickness for density - 1.69 PROGRESS REPORT:* Denotes roof metal C0PIES: R. A. Nelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J. V.A. , Inc. Gwathney Pratt Schultz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adans Fred R. Carneron FIELD OBSERVER REVIE!'ED BY A3 . irutur'l prot.ctlon to cll.nti, th. publlc cllanta, and authorlratlon for publlc.tlon of pandlng our rrlttan approval. A nonb.r ol th. E!! group of conprnlcs rnd ourr.lvo., .ll r.porti !r. .ub|t|ltt.d ra statclncnts. Conclu3lons or axtract3 fr"ot! or tha confldahtl.l propcrty of rcgrrdlng our rcport3 la ra3arvad EO oo -0, -+r iu (\t (r=utE l..O o .F o.Cq )cl c, or oF o -- -c|! c o r*- =20 = o ll,L o (u ! t |! ,; ao o 6 q, ot ] o ot q,E (\l sfo ol | 6l -t IF <f lrl lr.l .. at, u.J F cl ch tJ) (',.o eet =€tr F cDd F.O F{ CL lrj std OJ =.a cao o D d.o Ct.lrJ e, ,i= =F ;= frs :- cll &o 9 <.s +2, F5 63 CL lrJ d, f, ct !o a UJ e (5 =ct =@ C,E .p L oor g) <f IA oo (',(/!.F Ct! |.F =cfcO L Er _. rO cL Ct a', |C'L+t Fr o o x@ .tt3c'E lrl 6O uc, E cO-c, +,LJ +, . Ct =<o> o F CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIiG EIIGI I{EERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. nutu!l piot€ctlon to cll.nti, th. publlc.nd ours.lvr3, .ll reportr ar. submlttcd rr thc confldicntl.l prop.rty ot cllcnts, rhd .uthorl2.t I on tor publlc.tlon of strt.Dont:. Concluiloht or.xtract3 lrom or r.g.rdlng our ra!'orta lt r.r.r'v.d Fcndlng our Hrltt.n.pprov!1. Sahplcs rdlll b. dl3po3.d of.ttcr tGstlng l3 conplcted rn'lcss othcr .rrrng.hanta egr..d to 'ln |frltlng. A m.hbcl" of thc HIH group of corp.nl.3 Forn No. CMElr3A 6/91 T0: llECl,l Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 3-31-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Llftside 8uilding, east of lJesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel, South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IENT LOCAT ION:Slab in Unit A-81 and loft. EATCH TICKET INF0RtlATIOtl SUPPLIER: lJestern l.lobi I e TRUCK l{0. 100 TICKET t{0. 01 i546 MIX DESIGT{ t{0. 44 TIIfE BATCHED: 8:36 TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:00 TIME PLACED: 9:14 CU. YD. LOAO/ACCUI|: ll2ll48+ FIELD TESTIIIG Il{F0RllATIoll SA}IPLE TtilP: 64"F 'AIR TEiIP: 35"F TIl.lE TEST TAKEI{: 9;27 SLUl,lP: 5 3/4 IN. AIR C0t{TEl{T: 5.31 !/ET UNIT llElGHT: 137.3 JOB SPECIFICATIOiIS: SLUHP: IN. AIR CONTEIIT: I I,ATER ADDED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYLII{DER INFORMATIOII t{0. 0F CYLII{OERS: 7 CYLIT{OER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIT{DERS CAST: 9:37 IJHERE CAST: On-Site CURIl{G I NFORI'IAT IOI{ It{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site DATE RECEM0 AT LAB: 4-l-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer exceDt for field cure BY: C. A.r'r r N/l4AX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D IAMETER ( r NCHES ) AREA (sQ rN) c0ilP . sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER I.,lE IGHT (LBS) CYL II{DER UI{IT I.IEIGHT (PcF) 7 .I 7FC z8 ?8 ?8 ?8 4-7 -94 4-7 -94 4-7 -94 4-28-94 4-28-94 4-28-94 4-28-94 90,000 90,000 82,500 120,000 125,500 I17 ,500 122.500 5.99 6.08 5.98 6. 00 6.08 5.99 5.99 28. 18 29.03 28.09 28.27 29.03 28. l8 28. l8 319 0 3100 2940 4240 4320 417 0 4350 shear snear snear shear shear snear shear DESIGil STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI A 28 OAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI,INEL ARE IN ACCORDAI{CE I.IITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.IETHODS UNLESs OIHERYISE IIOTED SOI,IE I I{FORI.IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT I'IAY 8E PROVIDTD 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: C0PIIS: R.A. l{el son & Associates, lnc.; I Town of Vail; tJestern tlobile; I J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz; I Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OESIRVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{6 Et{GI IIEERS At{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA At. hutu.l protcction to cllcnts. th. publlc.nd our3alv.r, .ll r.port3 ar..ubmltt.d ra tha confldlantlal prop.rty ot cllanta, rnd authorl:atlon tor publlcltlon of 3tttafiantr, Conclu3lons or axtrrcts trofi or r.grrdlhq our raDortr lr r.i.rv.d p.ndlng our |rrltt.n.PProvrl. Slmpl.r |rlll b. dl3Foa.d of rft.r tcat{h9 {i conpl.t.d u|ll.ss;th.r irrengemintr.gr..d to ln |irltlng. A m.rnb.r of th. !M group of coftpenl.r For$ t{o. CME113A 6/91 T0: llECll Enterprises JgB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-31-94 Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Vesthaven Drive and tJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.{EIIT LOCAT ION :Slab in Unit A-81 and loft. BATCH TICKET Il{F0Rl.lATI0t{ SUPPLIER: l,lestern llobile TRUCK l{0. 100 TICKET 1{0. 0l 1546 MIX DESIGT{ ilo. 44 TIME BATCHED: 8:36 TIl,lE ARRIVE0: 9:00 TIIIE PLACED: 9:14 CU. YD. LOAO/ACCU!4: 7l2ll48+ FIELD TESTIiIC I1{FORI.{ATIOiI SAI.IPLE TEI{P: 64"F AIR TEI{P: 35'F TltiE TEST TAKEI{: 9:27 SLUI'IP: 5 3/4 Il{. AIR C0tlTEl{T: 5.3X IIET UtllT I{EI6HT: 137.3 JOB SPECIFICATI0T{S: SLUI{P: It{. AIR C0l{TEl{T: X IIATER ADOED AI SITE 10 6AL. CYLII,IOER I I{FORI.IAT ION t{0. 0F CYLIT{OERS: 7 CYtIllOER SIZE: 6"x 12" IlllE CYtll{DERS CAST: 9:37 UHERE CAST: On-Site CURII{G II{FORMATIOII Il{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours OATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-Si te 4-l-94 FI ELD STORAGE FACILITIES: 8Y: C. A. heated tra i 'ler MI N/MAX excepr for field cure AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) OIAHEIER ( r NCHES ) AREA (sQ il{) COIIP. STR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER IJE I6HT (LBs) CYL II{DER UIIIT I'E IGHT (PcF) 7 I 7FC ?8 28 28H z8H 4-7-94 4-7 -94 1-7 -94 4-28-94 4-28-94 4-28-94 4-28-94 90,000 90,000 82 .500 5.99 6.08 5. 98 28. t8 29.03 28.09 3190 3100 2940 sh€ar shear shear DESIGI{ STRETIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE It{ ACCORDAI{CE [.'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I METHODS UTILESS OTHER!,ISE I{OTE[) s0l,lE INFoRl,lATIoil 0F TEST REPoRT tlAY BE PRoVIDED 8Y oTHERS REiIARKS : C0PIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; I Town of Vail; l{estern llobile: I J V A, Inc.; Gwattrney Pratt Schultz; I Carolyn Adans Sobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY d'1"%!** APR ree4 qi s,'l Gri-,,ih;iii:r :i ot, rmnscxutz $ \o^ AnCHIECIS,P.G,^+/ Qt,-,rod CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EIIGI]IEERS AI{D SCI EIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: I.|ECll Enterpri ses J08 1i0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-31-94 Attn: Eustaouio Conti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drlve and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEIIT LOCATI()II :Slab in Unit A-81 and loft. BATCH TICKET II{F0R|,|ATI0N SUPPLIER: Uestern itobile TRUCK l{0. 100 TICKET lto. 0l 1546 ilIX DESIGN t{0. 44 TIltfE BATCHED: 8:36 TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:00 TIl,lE PLACED: 9:14 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUA |l?Ll4g+ FIELD TESTII{G II{FORI.IATIOI{ SAI,IPLE TEI.IP: 64"F AIR TEI.IP: 35'F TIl.lE TEST TAKEI{: 9:27 SLUllP: 5 3/4 Il{. AIR COt{TEtlT: 5.31 UET UI{IT IIEIGHT: 137.3 JOB SPEC I FICAT I0l{S: SLUiIP: Ill. AIR COl{TEtlT: X TATER ADDED AT SITE 10 6AL. CYL I NDER II{FORI,IAT IOI{ l{0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLI}IDERS CAST: 9:37 trlHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIT{G IIIFORI,IATIOI{ ItIITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 4-l-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: heated trai'ler except for field cure BY: C.A.l,rIr{/}rAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOA[) (LBs) DIAMETER ( r NCHES ) AREA (sQ It{) cot'tP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIT{DER tJE IGHT (LBS) CYLINDER UIi IT I'EI6HI (PCF) 28 z8 28H 28H 4-7-94 4-7-94 4-7-94 4-28-94 4-28-94 4-28-94 4-28-94 90,000 9 0,000 82,500 5.99 6.08 5.98 28. 18 29.03 28. 09 3190 3100 ?940 snear snear shear DESIGT{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TTSTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{ilEL ARE II{ ACCOR[)AI{CE UITH APPLICABLE ASTiI I,IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE TIOTED Sol.lE It{F0Rl,lATIoil 0F TEST REPoRT }lAY 8E PR0VIDED BY 0THERS REITARKS: C0PIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; I Town of Vail; lrestern ilobile; I J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz; I Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 . rutull prot.ctlon to cll.nt3, th. publlc clicntrr .rd luthorizrtlon for publlcatlon ot pcndlng our wrltten rpprovrl. Sampl.3 r|lll b.ln wrltlng. A hlnb.r of th. HlH group of comFanl.r lnd ours.lv.3r rl I r.poFt. 3tdtdnant3. ConclurIonr or dl3poa.d ot rft.r t.3tlng .r. .ubEltt.d 15 tha confldlentl!l prop.rty of lrtracts fio.tr oF ragardlng our rrports ls ratarvad l3 cofiplatad unlas3 othar 6|.rrng.|l|.nti rgraad to For tlo. C Ell3A 5/91 nfC'E APO ' tes[ CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COISULTII{G EI,IGI }IEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF STRUCTT]RAL STEEL IO: t1€Cf,l EnterpriEes JoB to. I 178 93'3 DATE: 5-24-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 vsit, C0 81658-5149 DATLY REPoRT )lo. 58 sllEET I 0F I PROJECT: Liftside Buitding East of Uesthaven Driye ard llestin Hotet. South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colorado. The shear studs rere acousticat[y tested on the 7th ftoor, tevet 111' 6n, and 8th floor, [eve[ lZ2' Orr. Seven strids on the 7th ftoor ard 15 strds on the 8th ftoor rere broken toose Hhen struck t ith s hanner. Ihe A325 botts yere checked for a snug tight cordition on the 7th, 8th and roof tevel framing. Txo botts rere found missing on level ttlr 6tt, at grid tine o-13, cotum to beam cornection ard one bott ras nissing in the beaor to beam cornection on level 101' 0" at grid tin€ 0-18.8. Att other botts are acceptable. Att the deficfencies that have been noted in previotts reports have been coffected except the bearn- to- enbed at G-31. see report on 12'?2-93, beam- to- elbed at s-13.5, see feport datd 1-18-94 and bean- to- eflbed on grid tine 13.'1. at o and P, see report dated 3-8-94. Uith these exceptions this conctudes our structurat steet observations. PROGRESS REFORT: Jeff yith R. A. Netson and Roger rith the erectim cre{ rere informed of rry observation. COPIES: R.A. llelson & J v A, Inc.; ToHn of vail. Associates, Inc., Attn: cHathney Pratt schut tz; Attn: l'lr. Dan Stanek,' llf .Rick Agate; I I Dsrret t Huss I nELD oBSERVER Fred R. C{|Eron APPROVED BY As ! nutu6l prot€ctlon to cllcnt3, th. public rnd our:clv.3, .ll rcports rr'c asbmlttad.3 th. contldrntlal proFrty of our cIl.nt'. .'ld authorlzrtlon tor publlcatlon of itatcriant. Concluslonr or.rtractt frod or rcgardlng our rap-ort3 l3 raalrvad patrdlng o|rr wrlttan rPProvtl ' SamDlcr wtll br di*porcd ot rlt.r t.rtlng l3 conpllt.d url.i3 oth.r rrrang.nr.nt3 rr..gr..d to In wiltlng. A rn.mb.r of th. !!! groqp of coI|p.nl.. .dF. Gf,r€ 6/'r CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coilsuLTlllc EIGIIEERS Axo sct ElrT l srs REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEI-, regg,gJ" TO: HEC|1 Enterprises JoB llo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-24-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.O. 8ox 5149 Vait, co 81658-3149 DAITY REPoRT llo. 58 SIIEET 1 0F 1 PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding East of tlesthaven Drive and testin Hotel, south Frontage Ro6d gest, Vail, Colorado. The shear atuds Here acoustically tested on the 7th ftoor, 0rr. Sevm strds on the 7th ftoor anC 15 studs on the 8tn g harmer. level 111' 6", and 8th ftoor, tevet 122, ftoor rere broken toose rhen struck Hith fhe A325 bolts rere checked for a snug tight condition on thr 7th, 8th and roof Level franing. Trc botts yere foird missing on tevel 111' 6x, at grid tine q-13, cotun to bean cor|||ection and one bott ras missing in the bean to beam comection on level 101, otr at grid tine 0'18.8. Att other botts are acceptable. Att the deficiencies that have been noted in previous reports have been corrected except the beam- to-efibed at G-fl, see report on 12'?2-93, bam-to-enbd at 5-13.3, see rePort dated 1-18-94 and beam- to- enbed on grid line 13.1, at 0 ard P, see report dated 3-8-94. lrith these exceotions this concludes our structurat steet observations. PRoGRESS REPTORT: Jeff vith R. A. lletson aM Roger Hith the erection creH Here i nformed of firy observation. coPlEs: R-A. {elson & Associates, Inc., Attn3 J V A, Inc-; GHsth[Ey Pratt schultz; Toen of Vail, Attn: l{r. oan staneki ilr. Rick Agate; I I I Darrel I Huss FIELD OBSERVER fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY Ai r mutur'l Drotactlon to cllcntr, thc publlc and oursclvar. !ll r.port3 lic aubnlttGd aa tha confld.ntlal proP.rty of our cllents, rnd authoilaatlon for publlcdtlonof 3trtsrcnt. Conclualon3 or rxtrlcts fio|t| or raglrdlng olr raPort3 It rcaaiv.d p.ndlng our wrlttan aPproval. Sa|tlFl.3 |.ttl b. diaposed ot rft.r t.itlng li conpl.tad unl.33 oth.r rrr.ng.m.nt3 .r. agi..d to ln trltlng. A m€mb.r of th. HIH group of comp.nlc. t6 -. d.ro2^ 6/.r CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. . coflsuLTtxq EIG||EERS AltD sctErTlsrs REPORT OF STRUCTT'RAL STEEL ffii;,h R Gii,-l'lil:v 6 i*.ffinwq*i -'-:-1999/ TO: EcH Enterprises J08 [o. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-24-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.o. Box 3149 Vait, Co 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT tlo. 58 SHEET I OF I PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding East of lresthaven Drive and l,restin llotel, south Frontage Road llest, Vail, Cotorado- The shear strds Here acousticalty tested on the 7th ftoor, tevel lll' 6rt, 8rd 8th fl.oor. tevet 122, 0I. Seven studs on th! 7th ftoor and 15 studs on the 8th ftoor nere broken loose ften struck rith a h€,rmer. .- .,n tL t- Ihe A325 botts eere checked for a snug tight cordition ont he 7th, 8th and roof levet framing. Trc bolts rer" fourd missing on levet lll' 6'r. at grid tine o-13, coturn to besn connect i on ard one bolt da. a-'rsgmissing in the bean to bean cornection on level l0l' otr at grid line 0-18.8. 1lit] other botts ere acceptable. Att tne deficierries that heve b€en noted in previous reports have be"n correrc-te4 except the beam- to- esbed at G-31, see report orr 12-22-93, h"4|.::.":s1bd at S-13.3, see report 1-18- 94 ard b.an- to- enb€d on grid tine 15.1, at 0 and P, see reportrS-8-94. Uith these exceptions thig conc I udes our structursl steel observations. PROGRESS REPonl Jeff Hith R. A. tletson and Roger r.ith the erection creH rere informed of fry observation. CoPIES: R.A. lletson & Associates, lnc., Attn: J V A, lnc.; GHathEy Pratt Schultz; Toxn of vait, Attn: llr. Dan stanek; llr.nick Asaie; I I oarrett luss 9.63 | FtErD oBSERVER Fred R. Ca|IFrori APPROVED BY A. r hutull prot.ctlon to cllantt, th. Pqbllc .nd ourralv.3, rll r.portr rF. 3ub.|ltt.d r. tha cohfld.ntlal prop.rty ol our cll.^t.r ihd ruthor'lz.tlon fo|. prbl lcrtion of atatdnant. Conclutlon! or.rtrrctr fFottr or r.gardlng oui raportr lr raiarvad pandlng our. rrlttan rpprov.l.S.|tlpl.r |,lll b. dl3poi.d of rft.i t.!tlng lr corDl.t.d unl.tr oth.F !rF.ng.n ntr.r..gr...d to lh ffltlng.A manb.r ot ttr. !I! grosp ot co,npaal.t ta, n, *.r@ .f.tl Pg ;l 5 o=P>:UJ = ot L I o o L Evt OE c<( oc .gO !c -; (-)d .F €| =o F = |! EO t'lo E'OE El!+|ftL FIo)O olc c ol'- ll,IF (\l >l dIc --IE E €lI OF <tl 0, ! ro llt q, =.Jl !|/'l- s crl rl +, +,,ul <tl g) f 0I tt .o o dlol c, (,| !, 0,o 'o, E EO -t-F!o0, rt(|,.ol 3 lt bE c 'tt EO'l-o q,Nt]rJll oto 0, o q, i L o o o o ot c o , q,tq-o d -a .oo ru ro q, <\l 3 -88 o EL o-a L crd q, -o .JE dro L -'O c0,E3 -E o.-CJE qt l!g!O I .'t lrJ lrJ lrl F cth rt) F'o cr, -Ctr F @e,NO Fr4 !.1 -fd OJ -H @o o 'D e,o C|.|lI d -:==o = l-.is EH l-ct &o 9 <.1 -- !96 69 EL lrl 4 lr!e (5 'E' =o Fa O.ol J(-' l{ .D aa =+,!Oor c, -l u,oo Gt (,.F Or I .r 5sf @ L Cf -. l.t CL '! G' IE'EP o ur x@ .P=o EU'CAO ITJ C, - coF ()P trJ +t . Gt -<cL> o R EPORT OF CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. Col{sUlTIllG EllGlllEERS AID SCIEI{IISIS i FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BO di*:h !9 (^) : Ci:.''htii{ E qtr#Kfl T0: MECiI Attn P .0. Vai I PROJECT: Enterpri ses [r. Eustaquio Cortina Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Li ftsi de Building, Vail JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DAITY REPORI IIO. 57 -<E(i i?jJ DATE:3-17-94. SHEET LoF 3 Col orado I.IATER IAL SPECI F ICATIONS I,IANUFACTURER Grace l,lonokote C0}ITRACTOR Rol li ng Plain BOI{D STRENGIH (PSF)DEilSITY ( PCF) PROJECT COt{DIT IOI{S sUBSTRATE PREPARATI0IS not observed A"8IEI{T TEI'IPERATURT SAI.IPL E t{UI.IBER TEST AREA YET I./E I6HI (L8S) ORY YE IGHT (L8s) ftIOI S TURE (r) OEIIS ITY (PcF) l* Zlt 4 5 C-41 retest colunn between living room & bedroorn C-4? retest column betrieen middle & rest bedrooo Unit C-52 col unn at northeast corner of west bedroon Unit C-52, decking, l0' south of north wall & 15' east of stai rs Unit C-52, bean between hall & west bedroqn, 26' south of north wall iAMPLE rur'tBER I.TIIIIHUM THI CKI{ESS ( Itl) }tAX I MUM TH ICKTIESS ( ltl) AVERA6E TH I CKIIES S ( Ir{) DES IGil THI CKI{ESS ( Iil} 80il0 STREilGTH ( PsF) R EI.IARKS 1 4 ) I .31 L .25 I .31 .16 .94 1.53 LOJ 1.56 .47 LZt l .50 1.46 1 .47 .45 l. 16 L38 1.38 1.38 .38 1.00 Actual average 1.22 for density PR0GRESS REPORT: * Tests l and 2 were retests on col unns uhere thicknesses of fireproofing material were less than minimr.nn specs. Retests indicate fireproofing nou nEets specs. COPIES: R. A. l{el son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aoate J.V.A. , Inc. Grathey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adams Brian Scanlan FI ELO OBSERVER REVIEI'ED BY A3 ! muturl prot.ctlon to cll.nt3. th. publlc .nd olrt.lv.t, .ll rGnortt.rG subrltt.d !r th. confld.ntlrl prop.r-ty oi cll.nti, .nC authorlz.tlon to. psbllc.tlon of 3t.t.D.nt!. Conclu.lonr or.rtr.ct3 fro||| or r.grrdtng our r.portt li rrrcrvoa Pancllng our ||il tt.n .ppr.ov.'1. a tn.|'tb.i ot th. II! 9r6uF ol cornpanlaa R EPORT CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coilsuLTIl{6 EIGIIEERS Al{D SCt EI|T I STS OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BO d*i,h WW$M T0: IIECM Enterprises J08 N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-17-94 Attn: ilr. Eustaouio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 DAIty iEpotT lio. 57 SHEET 80F 3 vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, Vail, Col orado I.IAIER lAt SPEC IFICATIOI{S MAI{UFACTURER Grace flonokote C0I{IRACT0R Rolling Plain 801{D STRENCTH ( PSF)DEr{S I TY (PCF) PROJECT CO}iOI T IOI{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATIO}IS AI.IBT EtIT TEI,IPERATURE SAMPLE }IUMEER TEST AREA IIET UEIGHT (LBs) DRY IIE I GHT (LBS) },IO I STURE (x) DEIIS IIY (PcF) 6 7 Unit C-51, beam, east bedroorn, l0' north os deck Unit C-51, col umn betvreen north hall and nriddle bedroom iAMPLE IUI,IEER M I t{ I t'l Ul't THI CKI{ESS (il{) HAXIIUlt THICKNESS (rr{) AVERAGE THICKI{ESS (Iil) DES IGt{ TH I CKIIESS ( It{) BOND STREII6TH (PsF) REHARKS 7 .88 1.19 l.19 1.63 1.07 l.4l I .00 1.38 PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R. A. l{elson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aqate J,V.A., Inc. Gwattmey Pratt schultz Fown of Vai I Carolyn Adams Brian Scanl an FIELD OESERVER REVIEIJED 8Y A3 ! nututl Prot.ctlon to cll.ntr. tht publlc .nd ourr.lv..! rll r..portr ar. .ub|t|ltt.d rr th. conttd.nttrl pr"oparty ot cll..rtt, .nd tsthorlaatloD tor Psbllc.tloD ot 3ttt.n Dti. CoDc?u.loaa or lrtr.ctt tr.a0 or- r.g.rdlng o|rr rrport! .tr ro{rvra P.||dlng our irltt.n .pprov.l. A rn mb.r ot th. E!! group o.f co|'prnl.r d''T%g' orri*n ti d[{*; $amp;r;,r"lf ,;CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G ENGINEERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: t'lE0ll EnterDri ses J08 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-17-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F t VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lresthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,/est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'|EI{T L0CATI0I{ :Slabs for Units C-71 and 72. BAICH TICKET I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ TRUCK N0. 161 TIIIE BATCHED: 9:0l Al,l TICKET iro. 01 r4s5 TIilE ARRMD: 9: Z0 Ar.l TIME SUPPLIER: Uestern i'lobi I e lllx DESI6I{ l{0. 44 v/fiber PLACEO: 9:25 Al.l-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUil: 7ll4l FIELD TESTIIIG II{FORIIATIOII TIIiE TEST TAKEI{: 9:34 A}l JO8 SPECIFICAIIO S: SLUI.IP slu,tP 6 It{. 4 I t{. SAI,IPLE TEiIP: AIR COI{TEI{T: 4.51 AIR COl{TEl{l: 3 I 74 "F AIR TE}IP: 30 "F llET UtllT IIEIGHT: 138.9 I.'ATER ADDED AT SITE 19 GAL. CYL I NDER I I{FORI.IAT I Ot{ N0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:44 Af,l UHERE CAST: 0n-Slte CURIIIG II{FORMATIOT{ II{ITIAL CURE: on-site FIELD SToRACE FACILIIIES: Heated Trailer (except FC) DATE RTCEMD AT LAB: 3-21-94 BY: l.lark Jensen l.ll t{/l,lM AGE DAYS DATE TE STEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s) DIAI.IETER ( I ilCHES ) AREA (sQ rr{) COMP. STR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER YE IGHT (LBs) CYLI NDER UI{IT IIE IGHT ( PcF) 7 7FC ?8 2S 29H ?8H 3-24-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 4- 14-94 4- l4-94 4-14-94 4- 14-94 l0l ,000 10e,500 l13,500 137,000 130,000 135,000 142,000 5.99 5.99 5.98 6.08 5.99 5.99 5.99 28. l8 28.18 28.09 29.03 28. 18 28. 18 28.18 3580 3640 4040 4720 4610 4790 5040 shear shear con/shear shear snear shear shear DESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABoRAToRY PERS0I{!{EI ARE Il{ ACC0RDA}ICE yIIH APPLICABTE AsTl.l ITETHoDS UI{LESS oTHERyISE lloTED SOI4E IIIFORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT iIAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REiIARKS: COPIES: R.A. f{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Val l ; lJestern ilobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Srian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y A5 e mutu{l pr.otcctlon to cllant3, th. publlc c'll.ntt, lnd luthor'lzatlon tor publlc6tlon ot p.ndlng our wrltt.n .Pprov!|. Srrnpl.s wlll b.ln wrlt lhg. A nqrb.r ol th. !!! group of conp.nles rnd ourtalv.3, alI ragortt ltrtcmantB. Concl ua I ona or dl.por.d of rtt.r t.itlng ara 3ubmlttcd 63 th. contldl.nt'l.l prop.rty ol crtracts tro|n or ragladlng o|rr rapot'ta lr ra3rrvad l3 complatad {nl.rs othai arrlngdnanta lgraad to Foirn o. ct'tEll3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI tIG E]{GIIIEERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS BEPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 a |tlutl|rl Frotcct{on to cllant3, thc publlc and ours.lv.r, rll rcporta ar. rubinltt.d ar thG confldlantlal proparty of cll.nts, .nd.sthorl:ltlon for !nbllcltloa ot atrtlo€rt3. CoDcluslorr or.rtrrct! tr6 or r.E!r.llng oui rcFort. l3 r.3.rv.d P.ndlng our $lttcn.pprovrl. S.mpl.3 nlll b. dl.por.d ol .ft.r tcatlng l3 compl.tcd lnl.ss othar .rrdngsrcnts rgr.ed to ln l'rltlng. A m.nb.r ol th€ !.1! group ol comprni.r Form No. CMElr3A 6/91 T0: HECH Enterprlses J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-17-94 Attn: [ustaqulo Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of yesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road yest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.ITTIT TOCATIO}I :Slabs for Units C-71 and 72. BATCH TICKET I IIFOR}IATIOI{ TRUCK 0. 16l TI llE BATCH€O: 9:01 Al,{ TICKET t{0. 0l 14s5 TIiIE ARRIVE0: 9:20 At,f T I lrlt SUPPLIER: lJestern l,{obi I e l{lx oESIGtl ll0. 44 w/flber PLACEo: 9:25 Al'l-CU. YD. t0Ao/ACCUfi: 7/14/ FIELO TISTIN6 I IIFORIIAT I OII TIHE TEST TAKEI{: 9:34 Atl JOB SPECIF]CATIOXS: SLUMP SLUHP 6 Ir{. 4 I t{. AIR AIR SA,IPLE TE}IP: COi{TENT:4.5I COiITENT: 3 I 74 "F AIR TEIIP: 30 "F IJET Ui{IT |rEIGHT: 138.9 IJAIER ADOED AT SITE 19 GAL. CYLINDER I NFORMAT ION tlO. 0F CYLINDERS; 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLINDERS CAST: 9:44 All IIHERE CAST: On-Site CURII,IG I NFORI{ATION II{ITIAL CURE: On-Site FIELO ST0RACE FACILITIES: Heated Trai ler (except FC) OATE RECEMD AT LA8: 3-21-94 8Y: l{ark Jensen lll l{/l{AX AUL DAYS DATE TE STED TOTAL LOAO (L8S) D I AI{ETER ( Il{cHES ) AREA (sQ rr{) COMP . STR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER UE IGHT (L8s) CYLINDER U IT UE IGHT (PCF ) 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 3-24-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 4- l4- 94 4-14-94 4 - 14-94 4-14-94 101 ,000 102 ,500 113 , 500 137 ,000 130,000 135,000 142 ,000 5.99 5.99 5.98 6.08 5.99 5.99 5.99 28. 18 28.18 u 8.09 29 .03 28.18 28. t8 u8. l8 3580 3640 4040 47?0 4 610 4790 5040 snea r snear con/shear snea r snear snear snea r DESI GII STRETIGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE II{ ACCORDANCT UITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I4ETHODS UI{LESS OTHERIJIST I{OTED SOI.,IE I]{FORIIATIOII OF TEST REPORT MY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHTRS REI.IARKS: COPIES: R.A. tlel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; lJestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Atlams Erian Scanlan FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G E GI]IEERS AIIO SCIEI{TI5TS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ffi^r*:h kffig T0: IIECH Enterprises JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 3-17-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na p.0. Box 3149 SHTET I 0F t Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of llesthaven orive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vai1, Colo. PLACEI.IENT LOCATIOII :Slabs for Units C-71 and 72. BATCH IICKET II{FORHAT IOII TRUCK l{0. 16l TIME BATCHEO: 9:01 AH TICKET lto. 0l 1455 TII{E ARRIVED: 9:20 At'l T I I'IE SUPPLIER: llestern ilobi I e MIX OESlctl N0. 44 r/fiber PLACEO: 9:25 Al,l-CU. YD. L0AO/ACCUH: 7/14l FIELD TEST I i{G II.IFORHATIOT{ TIME TESI TAKEN: 9:34 AH JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUIIP SLUHP 6 I l{. I l{. AIR AIR SAI'IPLE TEI{P: C0IITENT:4.5I C0tlTEtlT: 7 11 "F AIR TEIiP: 3o oF tlET Ul{lT IJEIGHT: 138.9 UATER ADDED AT SITE 19 6AL. CYLIIIOER I I{FORMAT IOII N0. 0F CYLIT{oERS: 7 CYtlllDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIII0ERS CAST: 9:44 Al,l IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIi{G IilFORMAT ION IIIITIAL CIJRE: On-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: HCAtEd TTAi]ET (excePt FC) DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 3-?l-91 8Y: flark Jensen l{ I l{/t'tAx A6E OAYS DATE TE STED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) DIAHETER ( I r{cHES ) AREA (sQ It{) cor{P.sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{OER UE IGHT (L8s) CYt II{OER UT{IT YEIGHT (PCF) 7 I 7FC ?8 28 28H 28H 3-?4-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 4-14-94 4- 14-94 4 - 14-94 4- l4-94 l0l ,000 l0z ,500 I13.500 5.99 5.99 5.98 28. l8 28.I8 28.09 3580 3640 4040 sneat shear con/shear DES IGI{ STREIICTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y IABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE IIt ACCORDAIICE IIITH APPLICASLE ASTI'I I{ETHODS UI{1E55 OTHERI{IsE I{OTEO SOME II{FORMATIOTI OF TEST REPORT HAY BE PROVII)ED BY OTHERS REI4ARKS: COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Tovn of Vail; Uestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Brian Scanl an FIITD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY Ar . mut!.1 protcctlon to cll.nt3, th. publlc cll.nts. lnd lsthorlzrtlon tor Publtc.llon of p.hdlng our wr{tt.n .pprov.l. S!ftpl.r ttll bc ln Hrltlnq. A rlldnb.r ;f th. !l! grosP ot c.,''P.nlat and ourialvar. all rapoFt3 rtttdtrcntr. Conc I ut lons or dlrpo3ad ol rftar t.rtlng .r. 3ubinlttcd !r thc confldl.ntl.l proPcrty ot .rtrlcti from or r.g.rdlng our r.portt It r"crv'c Ir c(npl.t€d uhl.ai oth.r'arrangdnants lgra.o ro Forrr xo. cH€rl3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. col{suLTIllG El{GlI{EER5 All0 SCI Ell1 I ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA dii'%/N - ',€\'g MAR 1994 ts dJ (n A 'tr * $tuf*''1 9 (gr,.,,,"d T0: l{ECll Enterprises J08 N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-16-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 pR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthayen orlve and lrestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lrest, Vail, Colo. PLACEHEI{T L0CATlol{: F]oor 5lab, Lower sections of Erployee tlnit and Recreation Room. BATCH TICKEI I I{FORI.IAT IOt{ TRUCK NO. IOO TII{E BATCHEO: 8:50 All TtcKET t{0. 01 l44I TIIIE ARRIVE0: 9:15 Ar,l rIltE SUPPL I ER: Uestern l'lobi Ie l,llx DEs I Gl{ t{0. 44 PLACED: 9:28 All-CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUil: 7lzL/28 FIfLO IESTIiI6 IIIFORIIAIIOI{ TlllE TEST TAKtt{: 9:42 AH JOB SPECIFICATIOT{S: SLUIIP:51/2 Il{. SLUI'IP: 4 I l{. SAI'{PLE TEI'IP: AIR Col{TEt{T:5.2 I AIR C0 TEflT: 3 X 12 "F AIR TEIIP: 35 "F llET UtllT IJEIGHT: 138.5 UA]ER ADDEO AT SITE -- GAL. CYL I I{OER I TIFORMAT IOt{ t{0. OF CyLI DERS: 7 CYLINoER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIHE CYLII{DIRS CAST: 9:52 AM IHERE CAST: on-Slte CURING I I{FORMAT IOII IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-Si te 3-17-94 FIELt) STORAGE FACILIIIES: BY: Erian Scan l an MIt{/llAx AGE OAYS OATE T E STED TOTAL LOAO (LBs) DIAMETER ( rNCHEs) AREA (sQ ril) COMP. STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER VEIGHT (L8s) CYL IIIDER UI.IIT I,,EIGHT (PcF) 7 1 7FC 28 78 28H 28H 3-23-94 3-23-94 3-23-94 4-I3-94 4- l3-94 4-l3-94 4- l3-94 92 ,000 92 ,500 102.000 5.99 6.08 5.99 28. l8 29.03 28. l8 32 60 3190 3620 shear snear snear OESIGII STREI{GIH 4OOO PSI € 28 OAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PTRSOIITIEL ART IIt ACCOROAI{CE I,,ITH APPLICABLE ASTM I4ETHOOS UIILESS OTHERI{ISE I{OTTD SO}IE II{FORI{ATIOII OF TEST RTPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REi.IARKS: COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; 9estern t'lobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY Ai . mutual Protcctlon to cll.ntt' thc Pobllc cl l.nt3. ltld irthorltrtion for Publ lcrtlon of p.ndlng our wrlttcn .pProv.l. S.hPlGi rlll b. ln nrl t I nq. a mcmb.r ;t th. !l! grouP of codp.nt.r .n.t ourr.tv.r I rlI rcPort3 itatclt|cnt3. Concl ur lon3 or dl3pot.d ot rft.r t.rtlng .r. .ubnltt.d .r tt. confldlGntl.l P?oPcrty ot artract3 frod or rcgardlng our rcport3 l3 rr"rv'd l3 complat.d unlcrt othar arrangdnanti rErt'o Eo Forn o. CllEl l3A 6/91 d"x"%!a APR lee+ H A;Jing R*ry:bl fuar-regy CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EII6II{EERS AIIO sCI EIITI ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: lilECil tnterprises J08 lto. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-16-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftside Building, east of yesthaven Drive and lJestln Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLAcEllEtlT LocATI0t{: Floor slab, Lower sections of Empl oyee unit and Recreation Room. BATCH TICKET I I{FORI,IAT I OiI TRUCK l{0. 100 TIiIE EATCHED: 8: 50 Alil TICKET r{0. 0l l44l TIl.lE ARRIVED: 9: 15 Al'l TIiIE PLACED: SUPPLIER: Uestern lilobi le lflx DEstGr{ t{0. 44 9:28 Atf-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU}i: 7lztl28 FIELo TtSTIllG lliFoRlilAlloll SAMptE TEflp: tZ T AIR TEIitp: 35 "F TII'IE TEST TAKET{: 9:42 All sLUilP: 5ll2 lil. AIR c0t{TE T:5.2 I yET ut{IT UEIGHT: 138.s J08 sPEC IFICATI0I{s: sLUMP: 4 lti. AIR c0NTEtiT: 3 I yArER ADDED AT SITE -- 6AL. CYLII{DER I i{FORI.IAT I Ot{ ll0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIT{OERS CAST: 9:52 Al,l UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIT{G II{FORMTIOI{ I ll I TIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-S i te 3 - l7-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: Brian Scanlan l,lIl{/}lAX A6E DAYS DATE TE STED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI.IETER ( r ilcHEs ) AREA (sQ rr{) col.rP . sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTUR€ CYLINDER VII6HT (LBs ) CYLIT{DER Ui{IT t,EIGHT ( PcF) 7 7 9t' (o 28 28H z8H 3 -23-94 3 -23-94 3 -23-94 4- 13-94 4- l3 -94 4- l3 -94 4-I3-94 92,000 92,500 102,000 125,500 127,000 122,500 t30.000 5.99 6.08 5.99 6. 08 6.08 6.00 6.08 28. 18 29.03 28. 18 29.03 29.03 28.27 29.03 JZ DU 3190 JO(U 4320 4370 4330 4480 shear snear snear snear snear snear sher DESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOI{i{EL ARE I1{ ACCORDAI{CE YITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.{ETHODS U1{1E55 OTHERT'ISE IIOTED SOI,IE IIIFORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REiIARKS: COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; tJestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As r nuturl prot.ctlon to cllrnts, th. publlc cllrntt. lnd .uthori:.tlon for publlcltlon of pendlrg our wrltt.n approvrl. S6nple! wlll b.ln wrltlng. A natnbar of th. HIH gr'oup of comprnl.5 6nd ourrclva3, !l l r.portr 3trt.|r|.nta. Conclu!lons or dl3por.d of rft.i t.rtlng .r. .ubn{tt.d !r th. confldJ.nt{.1 prop.rty ot attr6ct3 tron or ragardlng our r.portt lr rasrt vad l3 cofiplat€d unla33 othar arrangafix.nts rgraad to For Ho, C Ell3A 5/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG EI{GIXEERS AIID SCIEI{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A. e Dutull piotcctlon to cllcnt3. th. publlc rnd ourralv.3, rll r.por-tr .r. rutnltt.d.3 th. cortldlrntlr'l proparty of cllents, 6nd author{zrtlon tor publlcatlon of ltrtanrntt. Corclu3lon3 or' .rtracts frofi or r.96rdlng our raporta ft rasarvad pcndlng our" rrlttcn rpprovr'| . S.nplr! wlll b. dlspoaad of sftcF t.stlng li coripl.t.d unlqss oth€r .rr.ngdn nta agreed to {n wr'l t I ng.A m.hb.r of th. HItl group of coilPrnl.r Forln l{o. CflEll3A 6/91 T0: llECi{ Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 3-16-94 Attn; Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of lJesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEHENT LOCATI0N; Floor Slab, Lover Sections of Employee Unit and Recreation Room. BATCH TICKET IllFoRHATIoli SUPPLIER: I'lestern Hobile TRUCK N0. 100 TICKET t{0. 0l 1441 HIX DESIG 0. 44 TIIfE BATCH€D: 8:50 AM TI|IE ARRIVED: 9:15 All TII{E PTACED: 9:28 Alf-CU. YD. t DAD/ AECW4: 7/27/28 FIETD TESTIT{G Il{F0Rl,lATI0tl SAIIPLE TEMP: 72 "F AIR TEIIP: 35 "F TIiIE TEST TAKET{: 9:42 All SLUIIP: 5ll2 It{. AIR C0l{TEt{T:5.2 X VET UIIIT I/EIGHI: 138.5 J08 SPECIFICATI0NS: SLUI{P: 4 It{. AIR CONTEI{T: 3 X VATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLITIDER I NFORI.IATI ON t{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TItitE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 9:52 All IJHERE CAST: On-Site CUR I NG I I{FORI.{AT I OI{ Il{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVE[) AI LA8: 0n-S i te 3- l7-94 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES : BY: Erian Scanlan l,ll N/flAX AGE DAYS DATE TE STE D TOTAL LOAD (LBS) t) I AI,IETER ( IilCHES) AREA (sQ rr{) coltP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURI CYLIT{DER I..lE I6HT (L8S) CYLI!IDER UI{IT I'EIGHT ( PcF) 7 7 7FC ?8 28 28H 28H 3-23-94 3-23-94 3-23-94 4 - l3-94 4-13-94 4-13-94 4-13-94 92 ,000 92,500 102,000 125,500 127,000 t22 ,500 130 ,000 5.99 6.08 5.99 6. 08 6. 08 6.00 6.08 28. 18 ?9.03 28. 18 29.03 29.03 28.27 29.03 3 260 3190 3620 4320 43 70 4330 4480 shear shea r snear shear snear snear sher OESIGII STRENGTH 4000 PSI 0 28 0AY5 TEST5 BY LAEORATORY PERSONI{EL ARE It{ ACCORDAIICE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.iETHODS UNLISS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI.{E II{FORIIAIIOi{ OF TEST REPORI I,IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS R ET,IARKS : COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; lJestern llobi)e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN-NoRTHERN, INC. cor{suLTt lrc EltctIEERS A]tD sctEITtsrs REPORT OF STRUCTI,]RAL STEEL ,c*T'\,f ApR te94 e ;:. Cr' r',,.riY E ,:i PRArr .',criuLra <a-r \.c,ArcHnEcTs,P.cSt/ :R!e(!P TO: tlEcl4 Enterprises JOB ilO. 4 178 93-3 Olte: 3-15-94--Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.O. Box 3149 Vait, co E165A-3149 OAILy REpoRI xo. 56 slrEET I OF r PRoJECT: Liftside Euitding East of uesthaven Driye snd Uestin Hotel,, south Frontage Road Uest, Vait, Cotorado. The repairs rere visuatly observed on the tro colrms at the first floor tevet, p-31 erd T-27. Thc Hetds are acceptable erd the repairs conformed to the architectrs draHing e i SZ e S:. The repai rs to the interior roof bean that ras danaged in the construction accident ras coflpl.eted during [v visit atd confoflIE to the stppl enenta I draring and the Hetds Here visual.ty observed and are acceptabl e. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, lnc., Attn: Hr. J V A, lnc.; Gesthney Pratt schuttzi loyn of Vail, Attn: Hr. Dan Stenek; *'* o'"1"' Darrel I C. Huss FIElD OBSERVER Fred R. csmron REVIEUED BY A3 6 mutl|rl prot.ctlon to cll.ntt, th. publlc lnd orr'3.1v... .ll F.portr rr. rubtnltt.d .. th. coht.ld.ntl!l prop.rty of oul. ct.t.ntt, .nd tuthorl2ation for Dsbllcltlon of atatainant. Conclurlona or artrrctr from o|. r.glrdlng our !.aport3 t3 r..i.rv.c pandtng olr xr..ttt.n lpptoval.s.nplc! wlll b. dJ3porcd "t ftt!L!!t!1ns l. coftFtGt.d rlttiii-ouro. arr.ng.m.nt3 ai..gr.rd to tn rrtttng.A m.nb.r ol th. HIH group of coftp.n{.r =(-)av t a I FT''%t ott t,no t'd iA , triiftdidf''..$\..- ,"y L o .EI ! o, !,|! oc cl! o th et LO e= _O trJ 0td ot ] o 0,:; e oc. =r5€ be i .Jst =x!,'b i (|!rJ lx |(t rl, ; Eo a r!- -c =90 :,i 5jq LE ...a j ..: o I : @ "? o @ q @ o ^|c!o N o @ ao ^| o "l @ .i I .o a I o q z F o o- do -o tt ce JiD o=qr!o(o (\l .-.1 <fl. aot.F tc Plf 'El q- =to o -c9 o0, o EO'ol e (o C')c. FB -!EP- llr o ro ro9'= oo ,a o l|, ra- 'o .G c-p e, -e o t'o E(O or* 3!d - E s' -c o]!aoo 5C (\rl o col o t|!<PlluP E:1. o o O-_od 0r:. clo aD v, att o g .PE o!qro .EI oo l-c (tL co -Fc Ed ]!o -cl ! (|.-8'E.E o'!o Lr-<fo ol lFl ut I lr,F, lrl u,r F er''ro C').o <et -O)F cod |\O ".. CL lrl sfd OJ =H oEt o }? e,o CL lrl oa -: z, E-:S *e, EH =o Eo 9<l --+Fa E-*69 CL ld 4 o (c cD lrl ct E,L <o +t a9 tt,-F.(l,olz HCD =@ ag E +r L oc'r (J rf oo cQ Ut .F <tt I .r 5rf@ g CtF. Uit o.6dtro o(,X@ +r=o gl!@o l-l C, - COe C) +l tr.l +, . .rt -<a-> o Elr Lq oa- .F (v o cc)(U L-or-rF -o(t 9€ '.o!_g Elo -!arlgo r*f,sze$ npnrssl e -' lli"{ : ^t.,,t=i'rlq -g ffi$hdrr*og 'ti€erzrr9/ c L dl > ! g o d GI o ?ro a= F trl!+F=5A ..r6 E=qE .6 os 2 o,* => E e, ut 4 .:--= =e, F= +=+|:lrJ ==:<eE lrJ 4 l! e, (, = ro b oor (rr oo rv) F tgtaO L Er !t ut E! 41 -ro ot vr .o .9=X tur oo r! ac (-.' - ! '-ctrro.F Stds F R CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. collsuLTtil6 E GIITEERS AltD SCIEI|TISTS EPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BON T0: llECtl Enterprises JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-15-94 Attn: ilr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SAILY REPSRT ttg. 55A SHEET A 0F 5 vaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, Vail, Colorado IiIATER IAL SPECI FI CAT I OIIS MAt{UFACTURER Grace l,lonokote CONTRACTOR Rol I i ng P'lai n B0l{D STREi{GTH (PSF)DENSITY (PCF) PROJECT CONDITIOI{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOIIS AI'IB I TNT TEI,IPERATURE SAHPLE NUMBIR TEST AREA rc. I t{E I6HT (LBS) DRY UE IGHT (LBS) MO I STURI (1) OEI{SITY (PcF) I 3 4 Unit 8-41, decking, hall north of unit, 26' west of east wal l Unit 8-41, beam, living roorn, 10' north of south wall & 6' west of east nall Unit B-41, column, west wal'l of unit approxi mate1 y 22' north of southwest corner Unit B-42, lrest bedroom, 0' east of west wall & 16' south of north wall ?.97 1.98 iAI'IP LE It/ltlBER lt I N ll,tu[ TH ICKIJESS (IN) l,tAx I ilul.t THICKIIESS (Il{) AVERA6E THICKI{ESS (lt{) 0Es lGl{ THICKI{ESS (1il) BOIID SIRENGTH (PsF) R EIiIARKS I 3* 4 38 94 50 94 .47 1. 25 I, DJ t.(J .43 1.20 L33 1.05 .38 I .00 1.38 1.00 Actual average 1.13 for density PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R. A. Nelson & Asso. - Attn: Rlck Agate J. V. A. , Inc. Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Town of Vai'l Carolyn Adams Brian Scanlan FIELD OB5ERVER REVIEI'ED 8Y 43. tnuturl prot.ctlot to cll.nt.. th. f'ubllc.nd ourtalv.., .ll r.portr .r. isbmltt.d.t th. conttdrntt.l prop.rty ot cll.ntt' .nd luthorl2.tlon tor publlcatlon of 3t!t.tD.nt3. Conc'lu3loni or .rtr-.ctt liom or r..g!rdlng our r.pottr l3 iat.t v.d P.ndl ng our r.lttrn .pprovr'|. A h.mb.r ot th. EI! group of comp.nl.. R EPORT CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coltsuLTl t{G E}tcfitEERS Al{D sCIEi{TIST5 OF FTREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSTTY AND BON T0: l'lECl'l Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-tS-94 Attn: llr. Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 DAILY REPoRT N0. 55A SHEET 4 OF 5 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8ui1din9, Vail, Colorado MATERIAL SPEC I FI CATIOT{S }|AI{UFACTURER 6race llonokote C0I{TRACT0R Rolllng Plain BOI{D STRENGTH (PSF)DEI{SITY (PCF) PROJECT C()t{OI T IOIIS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOI{S AI.,IBI EI{T TEI.,IPERATURE SAIlPLE IU BER TEST AREA I/ET T'EIGHT (t8s) ORY IJE IGHT (LBS) IIIOISTURE (r) DEIISITY (PcF) 5 b 7 I Unit B-4?, decking, east bedroonr, 14' north of south wal l Unit 8-4?, column betneen living room & east bedroorn, 24' north os south wall 4th level B-pod, bike storage area beam, 14, east of west wall & l0' north of stairs 4th level B-pod, bike stroage area colunn, 12' west of east wall & Z6' north of stairs iAMPLI IUMBER MIIIIMUT.I THI CKI{ESS (lt{) MAX I I.IUH THI CK}IESS (ltl) AVERAGE TH I CKNESS (It{) DES I6N THI CKNESS (Itl) BOND STRE}IGTH (PSF) REI.IARKS 5 6 7 8 .36 I tq .88 l .25 .47 I.OJ I .25 .t.oJ .45 1.40 l.l1 1.44 -J6 I .38 1.00 I .38 PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R. A. llel son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J. V.A. , Inc. Gwatlmey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai l Carolyn Adams 8ri an Scanlan FIELD OBSERVER REVIEVED 8Y At I tttutt||l prot.ctlon to cll.nt3, th. publlc and ourB.lv.r, all r.ports ar.3ubtrttt.d.i thc conftd.ntt.l ,roplrty of cllantS, lnd ruthorlaitlon toF Publlcatlon of 3trtarDantt, Conclurlont or artrlct3 fron or rc96rdln9 our rtport3 lj rccrrvrd Par|cllnE olrr rr{tt.n !ppr.ov!l . A m.mb.r of the !I! group of comp.nl.3 R I Ai ! nlturl prot.ctlon to cll.ntt, th. publlc rhd ouiaalv.3r rll r.portt.r. tuhnltt.d ar th. conftd.ntt!.1 proparty ot cll.nt3r rnd .uthoFl r.t I on toF p|rbllc.tlon of.tatah.ntr. conclutlont or.xtrtcta tFom or r.grrdlng our. r.!'oitl t5 rr:ervra p€ndlng our tirlttan opprovrl. A l' mb.r ot th. HlH group ot conp.n'|.3 CHEN.NORTHEHN, INC. COI.ISuII]IIG EI{GI IIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS EPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSIry AND BO d*T'\|$' APR leea e'q-, G. .,'.1 E ,'.il Pfitir iCri-r iLIZ <,,-i s,F"qw T0: IIECM Enterprises JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 3-15-94 Attn: l.,lr. Eustaouio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 DAJLY REPORT ttg. 55A 5HEET 5 0F 5 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, Vail, Col orado }IATERIAL SPECIFICATIOiIS IIAi{UFACTURER 6race l,lonokote C0I{TRACTOR Rolling Plain BOIID STREIIGTH (PSF)DEI{SITY (PCF) PROJECT COI{DI TI ()TIS SUESIRATE PR€PARATIOI{S A}I8IEI{I TEXPERATURE SAMPLE NUMBER TTST AREA YEI YEI6HT (LBS) DRY UEIGHT (LBS ) I,IO I STURE (x) DEIIS I TY ( PCF) 9 10 unit A-42, decking, middle bedroom, l0' north of deck Unit A-42, column between living roon & west bedroom, Z?' north of south wall iAMPLE tu EER l. I ilUl,l TH ICKI{E5 5 (IN) HM Il,tu THICKI{ES5 (lN) AVERAGE THICKI{tSS (Il{) DES IGl{ IHICKIIESS ( IN) BOTID STREI{GTH (PsF) REI'IARKS 9 10 .3I r.4f, .47 I.DJ .43 1.45 .38 I?A PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R. A. l{elson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A.. Inc. Grrathrey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I Caro'lyn Adams Brrian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER REVIEI'ED BY o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIl{G E}IGIi{EERS AIIO SCIEIIT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: IIECM Enterprises JOB 1{0. 4 t78 93-3 DATE: 3-14-94 Attn: Eustaqu i o Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Vai 1, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of vesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IET{T LOCAT IOI{ :Floor Slab, B-51 & 52. BATCH TICKET Ii{F0RI|ATI0N SUPPLIER: llestern l{oblle TRUCK lr0. 114 TICKET 0. 011415 lllx DESIGI{ ll0. 44 TII{E BATCHED: 8:59 Al,tl TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:20 Al,l TIttE PLACED: 9:28 All-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU}'|: 7l?1149 FIELD TESTII{G II{FORMATION SAI,iPLE TEIIP: 67 "F AIR TEI.IP: 30 .F Tll,lE TEST TAKEII; 9:36 Atl S[UllP: 5 IN. AIR CONTEI{T: 5.61 t{ET UtllT UEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUIIP: 4 lfi. AIR C0t{Ttt{T: 3 1 ITATER ADDED AT SITE 7 GAL CYLIIIDER I NFORMAT I Ot{ t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLII{OERS CAST: 9:46 Al,l UHERE CAST: On-Site CURII{6 II{FORIIAIJOII IIIITIAL CURE: 48 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 3-16-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Heated Job Trailer 8Y: l{ark Jensen l{l N/l.lAX AGE DAYS DATE IESTED TOTAL LOAO (L8s) OIAI.{ETER ( Il{cHES ) AREA (sQ 1x) col,tP . sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I t{DIR UE IGHT (L8s) CYLII{OER UIIIT lJE IGHT (PcF) 7 7 /FC 28 ?8 28H 28H 3-21-94 3-?1-94 3-Zr-94 4-lt-94 4-11-94 4-rr-94 4-11-94 94,500 100,000 99,500 132,500 I3?,500 127,000 132.000 5.99 5.99 5. 99 5.99 5.99 6.08 6.00 28. 18 28. 18 28. t8 28. l8 28.18 29. 03 ?8 .?7 33 50 3 550 3530 47 00 4700 437 0 4670 shear shear shear shear shear shear shear DESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS IESTS 8Y LAEORAIORY PERSOIIIITL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CI IJITH APPLICAETE ASTII I'IETI{ODs UI{TIsS OTHERYISE IIOTED SOI{E IIIFORI,IATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REIIIARKS:.5I daraset accel erator added to thi s mi x. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; tlestern l,lob'i le; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Brian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY A3. |||||turl pr"ot.ctlon to cll.nt3, th. p(bllc .nd oursclv.r. a'll r.porta ara 3ubr.lttad rr th. conlldl.nt'l.l prop.rty of cll.ntar .nd authorliltlon for public.tlon of itrtdnant3. Conclu3lona or axtracts frofi or ilgardlng our raports l3 raSarvad p.ndlng olr rdrlttcn lpproval. Slmpl.t *lll b. dlsposcd of.ft.r t.rtlng l3 co|trplGt.d unl.rr oth.r".rrrngdn nt. .gr..d to ln rrl tl ng. A monb.r of thc !.1! group of complnl!3 Forn t{o. Ctl€1134 6/91 f-i'%!t or*rrno I ci;.^;hdtg ,6_-r Fn*ftQ4ilM,trl iir./idfiffinc.CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COiISULTIIIG EIIGIIIEERS A1{O SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER T0: llECl,l Enterpri ses JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-14-94 Attn: Eustaqulo Cortl na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of l,lesthaven Drive and l,lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo, PLACEI'IEIiT LOCATIOII:Floor SIab, B-51 & 52. BATCH TICKET INFORMATIOI{ SUPPLIER: llestern l,lobi le TRUCK N0. ll4 TICKET ll0. 0ll4l5 l.lIX DESIGIi N0. 44 TIitE BATCHEO: 8:59 Al'l TIHE ARRIVED: 9:20 Ail TIIIE PLACED: 9:28 All-CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUI,|: 7l2rl49 FIELD TESTIT{6 I IIFORiIAT I OI{ SA}IPLE TEI.IP: 67 .F AIR TE[P: 30 "F TII'IE TEST TAKEII: 9:36 All SLUt'lP; 5 lt{. AIR C0t{TEt{T: 5.61 tlET ut{IT I{EIGHT: JOB SPECI FI CATI0I{S: SLUiIP: 4 IN. AIR C0NTEi{T: 3 X |IATER ADDED AT SITE 7 6AL. CYL I I{DER IIIFORI.IATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLIN0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 9:46 Al1 I{HERE CAST: on-Slte CURIN6 INFORI,IATI()T{ IIIITIAL CURE: 48 hours on-Site DATE RECEMD AT tAB: 3-16-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated Job Trailer BY: llark Jensen lll ll/l.{Ax A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) DIAIIETER ( il{cHES) AREA (sQ It{) cor,rP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI DER I'E IGHT (LBs) CYLII{DER UIIIT YEICHT (PcF) 7 ltL 28 z8 28H 28H 3-21-94 3-21-94 3 - 21-94 4-11-94 4-u-94 4-ll-94 4-11-94 94 ,500 100,000 99,500 132,500 132 ,500 127 ,000 132 .000 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 6.08 6.00 28. l8 28.18 28. l8 28.18 28.18 29.03 28.27 3350 3550 3 530 4700 4700 4370 4670 snear snear sneat snear snear snear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4()OO PSI E 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE ItI ACCORDAT{CE UITH APPLICAELE ASTI,I METHOOS UIILESS OTHERI.'ISE IIOTED SOME II{FOR}IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: .5X daraset accelerator added to this mix, COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; l{estern }lobi]e; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schu'ltz Carolyn Adarns Brian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY A3 a mutual prot.ctlon to cllantr, tha Publlc rnd oursalves, rll rcport3 cllcnt3, rnd .uthoilr.tlon tor publlcltlon of statdnant3. ConeluJlont or p.ndlng'our rltten .pprov.l. S.ilplat |rlll b. dlipos.d ot .lt.r t..tlng In wrltlng. A n€mb.r of the 4 sroup of complnl.3 rr. 6sbnlttad .. th. confldl.ntl.l prop.rty ot .rtiactt trofi or ragardln9 our raport3 la r.3.rvcd i3 complatad unlaaa othar arrtngamanta.gr..d to For|t| No. CME1l3A 5/91 f*'';"3 $ APR'tee4 H e ,ff;.9$1*(. ffiiffi't'oi CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTII{G ENGITIEERS AND SCIEilTISTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER T0: llEcl{ Enterprises J08 ilo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-11-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Eullding, east of l,lesthaven Drive and l{estin Hotel, South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IETIT LOCATI Ot{ :Slab-on-Grade, Ski Locker Room. BATCH TICKET II{FORI'IATIOII TRUCK r{0. 97 TIl,lE BATCHEO: 9: 14 All TICKET t{0. 011400 TIME ARRMD: 9:30 Al.{T I I,IE SUPPLIER: Yestern llobi l e l,lIX DESIGII 0. 44 w/fiber PLACED: 9 : 42 Al,l-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU!i : 7 / 2l | 35 FIELD TESTII{G I tiFoRl,lAT lot{ SAIIPLE TEilP: 64 "F AIR TE[P: 30 "F TIiIE TEST TAKEI{: 9:48 All SLUiIP: 5 lll. AIR COtlTEllT: 6.41 UET UIIIT IJEI6HT: 135.2 JOB SPECI FICATI0I{S: SLUIIP: 4 It{. AIR C0l{TEtlT: 3% I{ATER ADDED AT SITE l8 GAL. CYL IIIDER II{FORMATIOI{ l{0. 0F CYLIiI0ERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:58 Altl TJHERE CAST: On-Site CURIIIG IIIFORIIATIOII II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECTMD AT LA8: 3-12-94 FIETD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated Trailer (except FC'cylinder) 8Y: Frank Potvin MII{/I,IAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTEt) TOTAL LOAO (L8S) D IAI,IE TER ( r|rcHEs ) AREA (sQ ril) COI,IP. STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIT{t)ER IJEIGHT (L8S) CYLII{DER UI{IT UEICHT (PCF) 7 * 7FC 28 28 28H 3- 18-94 3-18-94 3-18-94 4-8-94 4-8-94 4-8-94 90,000 87 ,000 96,500 ll5,000 117,000 110.500 6.08 5,09 5.99 6.00 6.08 5.99 29.03 29.13 28. 18 28.27 29.03 28. l8 3100 2990 3420 4070 403 0 3920 snear shear snear snear shear snear OESI6I{ 5TREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSO]INEL ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE IJITH APPLICABLE ASTi,I I.{ETHODS UIILESS OTHERI'ISE IIOTED SOI,IE II{FORT{ATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REIIARKS: * FC=field cure. lI daraset accelerator added to this mix. COPIE5: R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc.; Town of VaiI; tJestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schu'ltz;Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A5 a mutu.l protectlon to cllantr, tha publlc cllcnti. rnd ruthorizatlon tor Dubllcrtlon ot p.ndlng our. wiltt.. .pprov!|. S.npl.a Nlll b. A m.mb.r;f thG E!!! gr.oup of conpanl.. rnd orr3clv.3, 6l'l ralort3 3tltainarts. Cohcl u3 i on3 or dlspoacd of aftcr t.3tlng !r. subnlttrd r, th. confldlantlal propcrty ol artr6cts fro|n oi r.glrdlng our raFot't! lt raaarvcd lr complatcd unl.r5 othar rrrangsnantS lgraad to Forn No, CilEll3A 6/9t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULT I I{G ENGIT{EERS Al{t) SCITI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 43. nutual prot.ctlon to cllents. thG publlc 6nd oursllvcs, ell raport. .r. rubmltt.d.. th. confldl.ntlrl proplrty of cIlents, rlnd luthorlzatlon for publlcrtlon_of statcoEnts. Conclu3lont or axtract3 frofi or ragard{ng our raportr l3 rc3cr.vad P.ndlng our *l"ltt.n.pprov.l. ssmpl.3 l|tll bG dlsposcd of.ft.r t.atlng l3 conDl.tad unle33 6th.r irrarg€fi;nt:.gro.d to ln wrltlng. A m.mb.r ot th. EI! Sroup of conplni.3 FoFn No. Cl,tE113A O/91 T0: llECl,l Enterprises JoB l{0. 4 I78 93-3 0ATE: 3-11-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEHEIIT LOCATIOII:5l ab-on-Grade, Ski Locker Roorn. BATCH TICKET II{FORI.IAT IO}I TRUCK l{0. 97 TIl,tE EATCHED: 9: 14 AM TICKET ilo. 0l1400 TII{E ARRIVED: 9:30 All T I I.IE SUPPLIER: lJestern l,lobi l e IIIIX OES 16l{ l{0. 44 w/f i ber PLACED: 9:42 AI4-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUA: ll2rl35 FIELO TESTIIIG Ii{F0RHATI0i{ SAI{PLE TEI{P: 61 "F AIR TEI{P: 30 "F TIHE TEST TAKEI{: 9:48 AM SLUIIP: 5 lil. AIR C0llTEtlT: 6.41 IJET Ut{lT TJEIGHT: 135.2 J08 SPEC IFICAIIOI{S: SLUIIP: 4 Il{. AIR C0tiIEliI: 3X IJATER ADDED AI SITE 18 6At. CYLINDER INFORMAT IOII t{0. 0F CYLII{OERS: 6 CYLINOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TlllE CYLII{OERS CAST: 9:58 At{ VHTRE CAST: On-Site cuRI16 I IF0R'4AT lot{ INITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 3-12-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Heated Trailer (except FC cylinder) BY: Frank Potvin l,l I t{/llAx A6[ DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) Dl AI.IETER (tr{cHEs) AREA (SQ IN) c0ltP. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I I{DER UEIGHT (LBS) CYLII{OER UI{ IT UE IGHT ( PCF) I 7 * 7FC ?8 z8 z8H 3-18-94 3 - 18-94 3 - 18-94 4-8-94 4-8 -94 4-8-94 90,000 87,000 96 ,500 115,000 117,000 110.500 6.08 6,09 5.99 6.00 6. 00 5.99 29.03 29.13 28. l8 28.?7 29.03 ?8 I8 3100 2990 3420 4070 4030 39? 0 snear shear snear snear snear shear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE Iil ACCORDAIICE I{ITH APPLICAELE ASTI'I I'IETHODS U}ILESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI,IE I I{FORIiIAT IOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS RE|iIARKS: * FC=field cure. lt daraset accelerator added to this mix. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc Town of Vai l; ly'estern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Sobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY ...' ). L dl o = lrJ E "o o ,; .E ao o 6 J o El o L o ! IL 10, E o , t-o E o oo EE ru o-.PE oo L o, a,=] "o or 0, F = c-) 6v ! <\l .:"? \-: "]\ -fr AI c'r,,,\-; o 9 o ;.: o I (D :"? @ o 9 ": t\o I co "l @ I .o .l I .: o o 1 I : o I .:o : "l (o ": = o .J 6 OF _o rrt o=@ EJ do @ -o 6 EO -= _@ o LC ! 6r dlF.E F}Er d c=-E ut/'o a= -q- o dto c(to =rrJ= o =-o g.F E.J o a-) q- dtL o,.rc =c) !- '!= c\-oo o --P 0t rD -o= .n@ all dto .-!co o .oo €o rrJ = EGT t. o 6-(, oF ^>(EI Eh .->-E.- O '- -J ur tu 0, -L or ct E= oo O!. .o6 .F .EI F ct |!-ro> <l l! <tr o I OFI aYt Uf lrJ llr F <rI)6rr' f').o ttt -Ctr F @cz t\O r-. Cl lrl <fd OJ -r ECt o r2 oa o CI lrJ e ,i= =o = !". -.>=d,F-- E3 9<c =-Fb 69 4 lrJ 4 l! t!E P L 0g!(-t :l vl oo av,Ut .F Ctl I .F =<t@ ! 9H ul A ct ('' rct g +r Frl o ut X@ Pto EIr|COO lr,l C, lrl 4 E cO-() .tJ uJ +r . til Gt tll = <o.> -r-. cl cte JCL .. Fa o=FE 67OS-\/x "/t _ -,/.J A?F,1994 (2 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EiIGIi{EERS AII[) SC IEITTI ST5 REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND T0: HECII Enterprises JOB flg. 4 l7O 93-3 DATE: 3-10-94 Attn: llr. Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 DAILY REPORT N0. 55 SHEET 2 0F 3 Vaii, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, Vail, Colorado I.|ATER IAL SPECIFICATIOIIS I.IAI{UFACTURER Grace l,lonokote C0IITRACTOR Rolling Plain BON[) SIREI{CTH (PSF)DEtIS I TY (PCF) l5+ PRoJtcT C0 0ITI0t{s SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOiIS: liot observed AM8 I TI{T TEI'TPERATURE SAIiIPL E NUMSER TEST AREA IJE T YE I6HT (LBs) DRY IJE IGHT (L8S) MO] STURE (%) DEI{S ITY (PcF) I t 4 Unit B-11, 8ean, iliddle Eedroonr,16' orth of South lJa'l I. Unit 8-ll, Decking, Llest Eedroan, 4' East of lJest lJal I and l8' t{orth of South l,/a l l Unit 8-ll, Colunn, l{iddle Bedroom, Northeast Corner of Patio (Deck). Unit 8-l?, Eeam between Ha]l and Master Eedroo l, 18' Uest of East Yall 1.80 l. 70 iAI.|PLE IUMEER IItirr.rur,r TH ICKt{ESS (1il) ilAX It Utl THICKTIESS (ilr) AYERA6E TH I CKNESS (lt{) DES i 6lt THI CKNESS (It{) BOIID STREIIGTH (PSF) RII4ARKS I 3 4 .94 .38 l. 19 .94 I.25 .47 I .63 I .25 1.07 .44 I .40 1.05 1.0 ?A 1.38 l-u PRO6RE55 REPORT: COPIES: R. A. llel son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A., Inc. Gvratlmey Pratt Schultz Town of Vail Carol yn Adams Brlan Scanlan FIELD OESERVER REYIIIJED 8Y As r nutu.l !.otcctlon to cll.nt3, th. eub'llc cllcnt3, rnd luthorlzrtlon for publlc.tlon ot pcndlng our |rrltt.n .pprov.l. A monb.r of th. EI! Sroup of cotnprnl.3 .nd ouftrlv.3, .ll raport3 rr. iub|t|ltt.d r5 ttrt.nrnt!,. Co|!clu!lon3 or rrtrrcts lrom or th. confl d.nt I rl prop.Fty ot r.agrrdlng our raportr la raaarvad f,"T.'b :ei Apn 1994 I e l-a: [i*l{ii";*'ft.-gi CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTI}IG EI{GI IIEERS AI{D SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BON T0; l,lECH Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-10-94 Attn: llr. Eustaouio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 DAILY REPORT N0. 55 SHEET 3 0F 3 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, Vail, Colorado I'IATER IAt SPEC I F ICATIOiIS I,IAi{UFACTURER Grace }lonokote C0NTRACT0R Rol ll ng Plain EOND STREI{GTH (PSF)DENSITY (PCF) 15+ PROJECT CONOI TIOI{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATI0N5: l{ot observed AI.IBI EtIT TEI.,IPERATURE SAiIPL E NUMBER TEST AREA UET tJE]6HT (LBs) DRY T'EIGHI (LBS) I.IO I STURE l7') OENSITY (PcF ) o Untt B-12, Colunn, East llall of Living Room, 22' tlorth of South llall Uni t B-12 uni t C-31 , Column ,AI'iP L E IUHBER MINII'IUI.I THI CKNESS ( IN) ltAx I iluf{ TH I CKI{ESS (il{) AVERAGE TH I CKNESS (IN) DESIGTI TH I CKI{E SS (lx) BOD STREI{6TH (PsF) REIARKS 5 6 1.19 .38 I .31 1.56 .47 l .63 1.39 .45 I .45 1.38 .38 1.38 PROGRESS REPORT:* Retest of Test llo, l, dated February 16, 1994. COPIES: R. A. Nelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aqate J.V.A., Inc. Gwattnley Pratt Schul tz Town of Vail Carolyn Adams Erian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER REVI EI,'ED BY A! r hutu.l prot.ctlon to cll.nt3. th. publlc cllant3, .nd rlthorl2rtloh for Dubllc.tlon of Pendlng our |irltt.n .pprovrl. A m.mb.r ot th. HIH g!.oup of cofip.nl.i and ourralvai, !ll r.porti rra 3ubl|lttad !3 3trtafi.ntr, Concluilons or artrlct3 froo ot th. contl d.ntl ! I prop.rty ot raglrdlng our raportr Ir rascrvcd dx"'\$ ***no B = .,..,,...:,i{ - r^\ fu ##'r"-y \ter,-try CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{6 EI{GI I{EERS AI{D SCIEIITISIS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l,tECl,l Enterpri ses JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-10-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bullding, east of lresthaven Drive and [,/esti n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEIIT LOCATION :Floor slab for Unit #A. BATCH TICKET IliF0Rl,lATION SUPPLIER: l{estern pobile TRUCK t{0. 114 TICKET 0. 0l-1378 l,tIX DESIG}| ilo. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 9:07 TIIIE ARRIVEO: 9:20 TIIIE PLACED: 9:30 CU. Y0. L0AO/ACCUIi: FITLD TESTII{6 II{FoRI|ATI0N SAMPLE TEHP: 67'F AIR TE}iP: 40"F TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: 9:38 SLUiIP: 5.0 lll. AIR C0l{TEt{T:5.1 I UET UI{IT IJEIGHT: 138.9 JOB SPECI F ICATIOi{S: SLUMP: 4 It{. AIR C()I{TEI{T: 3 / I{ATER ADDED AT SITE 7 GAL. CYL I I{DER IIIFORI.IATIOII t{0. 0F CYLII{OERS: 7 CYLIIIOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLTNDERS CAST: 9:48 l,lHERE CAST: On-Site CURII{G I I{FORI.IATI OI{ II|ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LA8: 3-11-94 FIELD ST0RAOE FACITIIIES: trailer except for field cure cylinder BY: C. A.r,rIr{/l4Ax AGE DAYS DATE TISTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAHETER ( tt{cHES) AREA (s0 Ir{) CottP. STR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIiDER I{E IGHT (LBs) CYLINDER UNIT I'EIGHI (PcF) 28 z8 28H z|'n 3-17-94 3- 17 -94 3- 17-94 4-7-94 4-7 -94 4-7 -94 4-7 -94 108,000 121,s00 111 ,000 137,500 140 ,500 137 ,500 132 .500 5.98 6.07 5.98 5.99 6.00 5.98 5.99 28.09 28.94 28. 09 28. l8 ?8.21 28.09 28.18 3850 4200 3950 4880 4970 4900 4700 sneaf snear con/sp'l i t snear snear snear shear OESIGII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 OAY5 TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE IJITH APPLICABLE ASTI,{ IiIETHODS UNLESS OTHERI.'ISE I{OTED S0tlE Il{F0Rl'tATI0t{ 0F TEST REPoRT l,lAY BE PROVIDED 8Y 0THERS REIIARKS : COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern l.lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVTD 8Y Ar . nuturl prot.ctlon to cll.nt3, th. publlc cll.nt3. rnd lutho.lzdtlon tor pub'llc.tioh of pandlng our wrltt€n approv.l. s.nplca Hill b.ln l{rltlng. A hambar ol th. !!! group of co panl.3 end ouraalvaa, al I raport3 itatamant3. Conc I uslont or dl tpoa.d ot !tt.r t.st{n9 rr. iubntltt.d rr th. conlldl.ntl.l piop.rty of .rtr!ct3 tron or ragfdlng our Faport! li r.r.rv.d Ir complotad unlcas othar arrangc ants rgr..d to Form No. CME113A 5/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIflG EI{GIIIEERS AI{() 5C IEI{TI SIS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. nutu.l protcctlon to cll.ntt, th. publlc .nd oursalv.s, !ll r".porti .r. rubnltt.d !r th. confldl.nt,lel proporty of cll.nt.i and tluthorlrltion tor publlc|rtlon ot itltdn ntr. conc'lurloni or.xtract3 from or r.Eardlng our r.portr li rr..r'vcd pcndlng-our |rrltt.n ipprov.l. Sa|npl.5 wlll be d{rpor.d of.ft.r t.rtlhg {3 cohpl.t.cl unl.rs 6thar irrengernints .gr..d t6 A m.trbcr ;f th. HIH group ot comp.nl.s Form o. Cl,l€113A 6/91 T0: ttECll Enterprises JoB ilo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-10-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside 8uilding, east of l,lesthaven Drive and ttestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ty'est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IET{T LOCAT I OI{:Floor slab for Unit #A. BATCH TICKET INFORtlATI0tl SUPPLIER: Uestern l'lobi I e TRUCK 0. lt4 TICKET lr0. 01-1378 iltx oESIGlt l{0. 44 TItfE BAICHE0: 9:07 TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:20 TII{E PTACED: 9:30 CU. YD. [0AD/ ACCtJl4: FITLD TESTIIIG II{FORI'IATIOII SITIIPLE TEI'IP: 67"F AIR TEI,IP: 4O"F TIIIE TEST TAKET{: 9:38 SLU P: 5.0 It{. AIR C0t{TEt{T:5.1 U VET UiIIT I{EIGHI: 138.9 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUi'lP: 4 ltl. AIR C0i{TENT: 3 I IIATER ADDED AT SITE 7 GAL. CYLII{DER II{FORHATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLIN0ERS: 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIHE CYLINDERS CAST: 9:48 I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G I I{FORI.IAT I OII ItIITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site OATE RECEMD AT LAB: 3-ll-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: trailer except for field cure cy1inder BY: C. A.nl /MM AGE DAY S DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) O I AI4ETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (SQ IN) coilP . sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NDER TIE IGHT (LBs) CYLIIIDER Ut{IT YE IGHT (PcF ) 7 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 3-17-94 3-17-94 3-17-94 4-7 -94 4-7 -94 4-7 -94 4-7 -94 108,000 t 2l ,500 111,000 137 ,500 r40,500 137 ,500 132 .500 5.98 6.07 5,98 5.99 6.00 5.98 5.99 28.09 28.94 28.09 28. 18 28 .27 28.09 28. 18 3850 4200 39 50 4880 497 0 4900 4700 shear snea r con/spl i t snear shear snear shear DESIGII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI € 28 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIIXEL ARE III ACCORDAIiCE IJITH APPTICABLE A5II.I I.IITHODS UI{IE5S OTHERYIsE IIOTED SOI'IE I]{FORI{AT I OII OF TESI REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; R.A. Nelson & Assoclates, Inc Town of Vail; tlestern i'lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY ij,{-,,-i,..r-, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COi.ISULTI116 EII6I IIEERS AIID SCIEI{TISTS OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l,lECl,l Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-9-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of llesthaven Drive and l{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEIIT LOCAT IOil :Floor slab - 8-51 . 52 loft SATCH IICKET ItlF0RllATIOl{ SUPPIIER: l,/estern llobile TRUCK flo. 100 TICKET r{0. 01 1359 L X oESIG r{0. 44 TIifE BATCHED: 8:36 TIIIE ARRIVED: 8:55 TIIIE PLAC[0: 9:00 CU.Y0.L0AD/ACCUI|: 7tI4l4? FIELO IESTIITC IilFORfIIATIOI,I SAIiIPIE TEIIP: 7j"F AIR ITIIP: Z8"F TIHE TEST TAKEiI: 9:10 SLUIIP: 4 3/4 It{. AIR C0tlTEt{T:5.2 % UET Ui{IT }JEI6HT: 140.2 J08 SPECIFICATIoNS: SLUMP: 4 It{. AIR CoilTEl{T: 3 I UATER A00E0 AT SITE 7 GAL. CYL II{OER II{FORIIATIOt{ ll0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 1?" TIttE CYLINDERS CAST: 9:25 IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G It{FoRtlATIol{ Heated trai l er II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIEL0 ST0RAGE FACILITIES: field cure adjacent to pour DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 3-10-94 BY: C.A. illll/t'{Ax AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) O I AI.IETER ( I NCHTS ) AREA (sQ It{) COMP. SIR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINOER YE I6HI (LBS) CYL II{DER UIIIT VEIGHT (PcF) 7 I tL 28 28 28H 28H 3- 16- 94 3 - l5-94 3- 16 -94 4-6-9 4 4-6-94 4-6-94 4-6-94 ll7,500 115, 500 It0,000 l4l ,000 r39, 000 141 ,500 142.000 5.99 6.08 5.99 6.09 5.99 5.99 6. 08 ?8. 18 29.03 28. 18 29. t3 ?8.18 28.18 29.03 4170 3980 3900 4840 493 0 502 0 4890 snear snear snear con/spl i t con/shear con/sp'l i t con / shear DESI6II STRTI{GTH 4OOO PSI € 28 OAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{IIEI ARE II{ ACCOROAIICE IJITH APPTICABLE ASTI'I I'IETHODS UI{IESS OTHERI'IISE I{OIED SOI.IE II{FORI{ATIOII OF TE5T REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIOEO BY OTHERS REIIARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Assoclates, Inc.; Town of Vail; tlestern i,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlrney Pratt Schultz;Ellly Earbour Sobby J. Hays FIETD OSSTRVER APPROVED BY As r mutual protGctlon to cll.nt3, th. publlc cll.nt3' and authorlz.tlon for Dubllc.tlon of p.ndlng our rrlttcn approv.l, S.mp'lc3 wll l b€ln wrltlng. A n mb€|. of th. HIH group of conD.ni.3 !nd ours.lv.3. rl l i.port3 3trtlh€nt!. Conclu!' lon3 or d l spo!.d of.ft€r tGltlng arc aubmlttcd .6 th. cohfldl..tlrl prop.rty of .xtracta from or ragardlng our r.port3 l!' rar.rv.d l3 complcted unlast othar arrangarantr.gr.ad to For|t| No. Ca.lE1l3A 6/9I dx",\!e APR 1ee4 BJ a ,fr*&g wp CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTIT{6 EI{GI I{EERS At{t) SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECl{ EnterDrises JoB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-9-94 Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F r Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.{EIIT LOCAT IOII :Floor slab - B-51, 52 loft EATCH TICKET INFORMATI0Ii SUPPLIER: llestern ilobile TRUCK t'to. 100 TICKET N0. 0l 1359 ilIX DE5I6I{ flo. 44 TItfE BATCHEO: 8:36 TIl,lE ARRIVED: 8:55 TIIIE PLACED: 9:00 CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUM: 7ll4l4T FIELD TESTIT{6 Ii{FORI'|ATI0N SAiIPLE TE}1P: 73'F AIR TE}IP: 28'F TIME TEST TAKEII: 9:10 SLUllP: 4 3/4 Il{. AIR C0NTEIiT:S.Z X l,,ET Ul{lT |{EI6HT: 140.? JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUHP: 4 I1{. AIR C0l{TEtlT: 3 X I{ATER ADDED AT SITE 7 GAL. CYL I IIDER I IIFORI,IAT IOI{ t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIT{OER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:25 UHERE CAST: 0n-Site Ct/RIl{G ll{FoRl'lATI0tt Heated trai I er II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIETD STORAGE FACILITIES: field cure adJacent to pour DATE RECEMD AT LA8: 3-10-94 BY: C.A. l,ll t{/ltAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAI,IETER ( r r{cHEs ) AREA (sQ I1{) col.tP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIT{DER I..lE I GHT (LBs) CYLIIIDER Ul{ IT t,EI6HT (PcF) 7 7FC 28 ?8 28H 28H 3- 16- 94 3- l6-94 3-16-94 4-6-94 4- 6-94 4- 5 -94 4- 6-94 117, s00 115,500 110,000 14l ,000 139 ,000 141,500 142.000 5.99 6.08 5.99 6.09 5.99 5.99 6.08 28.18 29.03 28. 18 29. l3 28.18 28.18 29.03 4170 3980 3900 4840 4930 5020 4890 shear snear snear con/spl i t con/shear con/spl i t con/shear t)ES I Gt{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 OAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOTII{EL ARE It{ ACCORDAI'ICE !'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I IIETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOHE INFORI,IATIOTI OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REI4ARKS: C0PIE5: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I; Uestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Eilly Barbour Eobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY A6 ! mutu.l prot.ctlon to c'lllnts, thc p|lbllc and ours,r'lvcs, el'l rcporta cl'l.nta. ahd authorlzatlon for pqbl{cltlon of strtehcntg. Conclu3lont or pcndlng our wrltten rpprov.l. Sqmplca rlll b. dlsposcd of aft.r t.rtlng in ritlng. A mcmbcr of th. !!! group of comp.nlcs ara aubnltt.d !s th. confldl.ntlal prop.rty of ettructs from or r.grrdlng our rrports t3 r.i.rv.d lr cofiplated ur'less oth.i 6rrangahant3 agread to Forttt No. Cl.lEl l3A 5/91 "t;10 /110 o ,.1. /\'lAllAlri OI RE Pb ",1T? ;r t\Il CHEN-NORTHERN, lNC. St{0t coNsULTING tnGIrEERs Ar{D sctEr{TrsTs M OF coNCRETE TEsT cYLINDER DATA T0: MECIi Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-7-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: liftside Euilding, east of yesthaven Drive and Vestln Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vall, Colo. PLACEI.IE}IT LOCATIOII:Floor slab for Unit C-51 BATCH TICKET INFoRMATI0II SUPPLIER: !,estern llobile TRUCK r{0. u4 TICKET N0. 01 1338 } X oESlGl{ N0. 44 TIIfE BATCHED: 8:57 TIME ARRIVED: 9:20 TIIIE PLACE0: 9:28 CU. Y0. LOA0/ACCUIi|: 7/21/28+ FIEL0 IESTII{G Il{FoRl.lAIIoll SAI.IPLE IEI'IP: 64'F 'AlR TEl.lP: 35"F TIME TEST TAKE : 9:35 SLUIIP: 5 3/4 lll. AIR C0tlTEt{T: 6.11 UET U IT IJEIGHT: 138.5 J08 SPECI FICAIIOIIS: SLUIIP: 4 ltl. AIR C0lllt T: 3 I UATER ADDED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYL I I{DER II{FORI,IATI OI{ N0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIl.lE CYLII{OERS CAST: 9:45 I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR I I.IG I I{FORHAT I OI{ It{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 3-9-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: hated trai ler exceot field cure BY: 8.8.M I iUMAX AGE OAYS OAII TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (L85) DI AMETER ( rf{cHEs ) AREA (sQ rx) cottP.sTR. {PsI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYt IIIDER I'E IGHT (L8s) CYt II{DER UI{IT I{EIGHT ( PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 ?8 )tr 3-14-94 3-14-94 3-14-94 4-4 -9 4 4-4-94 5- 2 -94 5- 2 -94 7 7 ,000 77 ,000 82,000 102,000 102,500 112, s00 115.000 5.98 5. 98 5.98 5.98 6.00 5.98 5.99 28 .09 28.09 28.09 28.09 28 .21 28.09 28. 18 27 40 2140 2920 3630 3630 4010 4080 snear snear shear senar snear snear shear OESIGN STREI{GTH 4000 PsI a 28 oAYs TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONT{EL ARE It{ ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICABLE ASTTI I,IETHODS Ui{LE5S OTHERVISE I{OTTO SOI.IE II{FORI.{ATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI1ARKS: C0PIIS: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of VaiI; lJestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; G|ratlmey Pratt Schulta Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 a mutual prot€ctlon to cllahts. th. publlc .nd ourt.lv.s, .ll rGporti clianta, .nd i!thorlz.tion tor public.tion of ttet€nint3. Conclo.loh3 or p.nClhg our rrlttcn.pproval. Srnpl.3 yrlll b. dlspos€d of aftar t.3tlng ln rrltlng. A m.mb.r of th. !.1! group of comp.nlca ara 3qbmltt.d a5 th. cohlldl.ntlr'l prop.rty ot axtrrctr from or ragaFdlrrg otrr rcportt la Fes.rv.d l! conrplct.d unlei3 oth.r .r..ngsrn nta.Erald to Form {o. cHEll3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{6 EIIGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIIIISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA fr% APR 1994 #iaW*,silEIBFr T0: l,lECll Enterprlses JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-7-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai'l , C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven 0rive and gestln Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vall, Colo. PLACET.IEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Floor slab for Unit C-51 BATCH TICKET I XF0R|,iAT IOt{ SUPPLIER: yestern l{obile TRUCK ilo. 114 TICKET lr0. 0l 1338 ], X DESIGi| r{0. 44 TIl,fE BATCHED: 8:57 TIIIE ARRIVE0: 9:20 TI|{E PLACE0: 9:28 CU. Y0. L0A0/ACCUH: 7lzl/28+ FIELO TESTIIIG I]{FORI|ATIOi{ SMPLE TEI4P: 64'F AIR TEilP: 35"F TltlE TEST TAKEI{: 9:35 SLUIIP: 5 3/4 ltl. AIR C0tlTEt{T: 6.lI UET UtllT TJEIGHT: 138.5 JOB SPEC I FICAT I0l{S: SLUIIP: 4 lll. AIR C0t{TEt{T: 3 X UATER ADOED AT SITE l0 GAL. CYL I I{OER I TIFORI{AT I Ot{ t{0. 0F CYLII{OERS: 7 CTLIilOER SIZE: 6"x lZ" TIHE CYIIII0ERS CAST: 9:45 VHERE CAST; On-Site CUR I}IG II{FOR}IATIOl{ Il{ITIAL CtfRE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 3-9-94 FIELO SIORACE FACILITIES: hated trailer exceot field cure BY: 8.8.r,ll t{/l.tAx AGE DAYS DATE TISTED TOTAL LOA() (L8s) t) IAI.IETER (mcHEs) AREA (sQ It{) coilP . s rR. (PS I ) IYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINOER IJE I6HT (LBS) CYL II{DER UI{IT VEI6HI (PcF) 7FC z8 28 56 56 3-t4-94 3- l4 -94 3 - 14-94 4-4 -94 4-4-94 5-?-94 5-2-94 77 ,000 77,000 s/, ooo 102,000 102 .500 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 6.00 28.09 28.09 ?8.09 28.09 ?8.27 ?7 40 27 40 29?g JOIU 3630 shear shear shear senar snear DEsIGX STRE'{6TH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIINEL ARE III ACCORDAIICE I'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I.IETHODS U]{LESS OTHERITISE I{OTED SOHE I1{FORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT HAY 8E PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REI'IARKS: CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIETO ()ESERVER APPROVEO BY Ar . mutual prot.ctlon to cll.nts. tha Publlc rnd osr3.lv.t. .ll r.port3 cli.nti. lnd .uthorlz.tlon lo|. publlcrtlor of 3trt.m.ntt. Conclu3lont or p.ndlng our wrltt.n rpproval. S.mpla3 rlll b. dl3pos.d of rft.t' t.rtlng l.l wr'ltlng. A ||l frb.r .f th. !!! Sroup of co|nprnl.. !r. 3ub ltt..l rr th. confldl.ntlrl Frop.rty of artrrctt fron or rcg.rdlng our r.ports l3 ratarv.d ta coopl.t.d unlG33 olh.r arrangantnt3 tgfaad to Forn xo. C EII3A 6/9r CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EI{CII{ETRS AND SCIENTISIS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA I0: MECM Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-7-94 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and l,estin Hote'l , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T LOCAT ION :Floor slab for Unit C-51 BATCH TICKET IIIFORHATIOII SUPPLIER: IJestern IIIobi ] e TRUCK NO. 1I4 TICKET NO. 01 1338 I.IIX DESIGN NO. 44 TIME BATCHED: 8:57 TIlilE ARRIVE0: 9:20 TII{E PLACED: 9:28 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUII|: 7 /21/28+ FIELD TESTIIIG IltFoRltATIot{ SAI|PLE TEMP: 64'F AIR TEIIP: 35"F TIl,lE TEST TAKEN: 9:35 SLUIiP: 5 3/4 IN. AIR COi{TENT: 6.1% llET U IT [/EIGHT: 138.5 JOB SPECIFICATIoT{S: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3 % IIATER ADDED AT SITE 10 6AL. CYLIT{DER I NFORI'IAT lON N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYLINDERS CAST: 9:45 !,HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI NG INFORI.{ATIOI{ INITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 3-9-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: hated trailer exceot field cure BY: B. B,r,ril{/r,rAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s) D I AI.IETER ( r N0HES ) AREA (sQ If{) co[P.sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER UEI6HT (L8S) CYLIIIDER UI{IT UE IGHT (PCF) 7 7 7FC ?8 28 56 56 3-14-94 3 - l4-94 3-14-94 4-4-94 4-4-94 5-?-94 5-?-94 77 ,000 77 ,000 82,000 102,000 102 ,500 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 6.00 28.09 28.09 28. 09 28.09 28.27 27 40 27 40 2920 3630 3630 snear shear shear sehar snear DESIOI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABoRAT0RY PERS0i{NEL ARE It{ ACCoRDANCE UITH APPLICABLE ASTII I'|ETH0DS Ut{LESS oTHERI,,ISE NoTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai l ; llestern Mobi l e; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Aa a mutull prot€ctlon to cllehti, th. publlc rnd our3€lvcs, all iaportB .r. submittod as thc confidlantlal propsrty of cllent3, .nd authorlzatlon foi publlcltlo. of st.tlmentc. Conclualons or.rtiacts lrom or ragardlng our rcports l3 ra3arvcd pandlng our written rpprov!1. Sanplcs lelll b6 dlspo.ed of.ft.t tartlng is conpl.tod unlGs3 othar rrrangq|lents qgre.d to Jn v.rl t I ng. A m.mber of th€ !j! group of comp.nl.s Fonn No. CME113A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G E]{GI IIEERS AIID SCIET{TI5TS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: MECI{ Enterprises JOB 0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-l-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEEI I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftslde Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vai'l , Colo. PLACEHENT LOCATION:Floor slab for Unit C-51 EATCH TICKET I[{F0RMATI0I{ SUppLtER: ttestern Hobile TRUCK t{0. ll4 TICKET lto. 0t 1338 HIX DESIGI{ t{0. 44 TIHE BATCHED: 8:57 TIHE ARRIVED: 9:20 TIttE PLACED: 9:28 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUM: 7t?t/ZB+ FIELD IISTII{G I l{FORl,lAT I0t{ SAfiPLE TE}IP: 64"F 'AIR TEttP; 35oF TIME TEST TAKET{: 9:35 SLUMP: 5 3/4 It{. AtR COI{TENT: 6.11 UET UtttT IIEIGHT: 138.5 JOB SPECIFICATIoNS: SLUMP: 4 It{. AIR COllTEtlT: 3 X TTATER ADDED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYLIIIOER IIIFORIIATIOII tl0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6r'x 12" TIl.lE CYLIiIOERS CAST: 9:45 TJHERE CAST: On-Site cuRlfi6 I ilFoRl,tAT I0l{ It{IIIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-Site 3-9 -94 FIETO STORAGE FACILIIIES:BY: 8.8. hated trai ler except HI N /HAX field cure AGE DAYS DAIE TESTED TOIAL LOAO (L8s) OIAIIETER ( IilCHES ) AREA (sQ tN) Col'lP.5TR. (Psr ) IYPE OF FRACTURT CYL I NDER IJE I6HI (L8s) CYL I I{OTR UI{I T I/EICHT (PcF) 7 7FC 28 28 56 3-14-94 3-14-94 3-14-94 4-4-94 4-4 - 94 5-2-94 5-Z-94 77 ,000 77 ,000 82 ,000 102,000 102 ,500 ltz,500 I15.000 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 6.00 5.98 5.99 28.09 28.09 28. 09 28.09 28.27 28.09 ?8. t8 2t 40 27 40 2920 3630 3630 4010 4080 snear snear shear senar shear snear shear DESI6II STRE}IGTH 4000 Psl I 28 oAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSONi{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I,IETHODS UIILEsS OTHERIJISE I{OTEO SOI.IE Ii{FORilATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS: COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Tovrn of Vail; lJestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlrney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y Ar a mutual protcction to cll.nt!, th. publlc cll.nt3, .nd 6uthori2.tlon for publlc.tior ot pGndlng our lirlttcn rpproval. S.ftPl.3 wlll br A nqnb.F ;f th. lll group of comprn{.g .nd our3olv.3, .ll r.ports st!tatnrntt. Conclrrlon: or dl rpoild of !ft.. t.3tlng rr. iubmltted .s th. confldl.nt{r'l prop.rty of !rtr.cti troh or r.grrdlng our r.ports l! r.s.rv.d ls completed unl€es oth.r.rr.nE.menti !g.i.d to o Form No. Ct'lEl13A 5/91 l(ltl 'Luilrt't' ,:-.' - .- r,f .. rr i ihPl ijtV' Uut t" REPORT As a mutual protection to clicnts, the publlc clients, and luthorlzatlon for publicrtlon of pending our" $,rJttcn lpproval. S.mples rlll be ln wrltlng. A member of th€ HIH group of co|np.nles CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EIIGI IIEERS AtID SCIENTISTS OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA and ourselves, al l reports statamanta. Cohcl u3lons or dl3po6cd of aft.r ta3tlng .r. 3ubnlttad aa tha contldlcntlal property of cxtracts from or r€glrding our reports {s rleeived l3 complated unless other rrrlngemants lgre.d to T0: llE0ll Enterorises J08 N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-4-94 Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Eui ldinq, east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo, PLACEI.IENT LOCAT IOI{ :Floor slab for untt B-51 BATCH TICKET INF0RIIATI0I{ SUPPLIER: }Jestern lloblle TRUCK t{0. 163 TICKET ilo. 01-1325 MIX DE5t6t{ 1{0. 44 TII'iE BATCHED: 9:04 TIME ARRIVED: 9:25 TIME PLACED: 9:31 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUIII: 7ll4l28 FIELD TTSTING Ii{F0RMATI0N SAI,IPLE TEttlP: 72"F AIR TEIIP: 35"F TII{E TEST TAKET{: 9:38 SLUMP: 4.0 IN. AIR c0t{TEl'lT:4.1 % t,ET UNIT UEIGHT: JoB SPECIFICATIOT{S: SLUt'lP: 4 lt{. AIR CONTEi{T: 3 % UATER ADDED AT SITE I GAL. CYLII{DER INFORI.{ATIOII N0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x lZ" TIUE CYLII{OERS CAST: 9:48 IJHERE CAST; 0n-Site CURI116 I NFORT,IAT IOI{ INITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 3-7-94 FIELD STORAGE FACI L iTI ES:BY: C. A. MI N/I.|AX AGE DAYS DATE TESTE D TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D IAMETER ( INCHES) AREA (sQ ilr) cot'tP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NDER lIE iGHT (LBs) CYL I II DER UNIT I{E IGHT ( PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 3-11-94 3-u-94 3-11-94 4-1-94 4- I -94 4- 1-94 4- 1-94 105,500 lll,000 1i8,500 155,000 154,000 159,000 159.500 6.09 6. 08 5.99 qoo 5.99 6.08 6. 09 29.03 29.03 28. 18 28. l8 28. 18 29.03 29. l3 3630 3820 42r0 5500 5460 5480 5480 snear snear con/shear snear snear shear con/shear DES I6tI STRENGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABoRAToRY PERSoNI{EL ARE Il{ ACCoRDANCE tIITH APPLICABLE ASTM I4ETH0DS UNLESS oTHERITISE oTED SOI'IE INFORMATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: 5% accererater. Four ga11on additional water added after sampl e was taken. C()PIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai l ; lJestern Mobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Form No, CtlEl13A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cor{suLTll{G EilcIfiEERs Alr0 scrEilTIsrs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 6^":"D $ ^lr::l k--ffi T0: llECll Enterpri ses JOB ll0, 4 178 93-3 OATE: 3-4-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEEI I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Buildtng, east of Yesthaven 0rive and t{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road Yest, Yail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Floor slab for unlt B-51 BATCH TICKET Il{FoRllATIoll SUPPLIER: l'lestern }lobile TRUCK t{0. 183 TICKET l{0. 0l-1325 HIX DESIGT flo. 44 TIl,fE EATCHED: 9:04 TIIIE ARRIVEO: 9:25 TltlE PLACED: 9:31 CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUI{: 7ll4l28 FIELD TESTII{G II{FORI.IATIOII SMPLE TEIIP: 72.F AIR TEHP: 357 TIIIE TEST TAKEN: 9:38 SLUMP: 4.0 It{. AIR CONTENT:4.I t ttET UI{IT }fEIGHT: JOB SPECI FICAT I0l{S: SLUIIP: 4 It{. AIR COtlTEtlT: 3 I I|ATER ADDED AT SITE 8 6AL. CYLIIIOER IIIFORHATIOII l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" Tll,lE CYLI}IDERS CAST: 9:48 IJHERE CAST: On-Site CURII{6 I I{FORMATION ItlITlAt CURE: 24 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 3-7-94 FIELD STORACE FACI L ITI ES:8Y: C.A. ltll{/llAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D I AI.IETER ( il{cHES) AREA (sQ It{) c0r1P . sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOER I'EIGHT (L8s) CYLITIDIR UIIIT IJEI6HT (PcF) tlL t6 28 28H 28H 3-ll-94 3- -94 3-11-94 4-1-94 4-1-94 4- I -94 4-l-94 105,500 l ll ,000 118,500 155,000 154,000 159,000 159.500 o. ut 6. 08 5.99 5.99 5.99 6.08 6.09 29.03 29.03 28.18 28. t8 48. t8 29.03 29. 13 3630 3820 4210 s500 5460 5480 5480 shea r shear con/shear snear shear shea r con/shear DES IGt{ STRE]IGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE 11{ ACCORDAI{CE YITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I IiETHOI)S U]{LESS OTHERIIISE I{OTEO SOI.IE II{FORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT }IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REHARKS: 5I accererater. Four gallon additional water added after sample was taken. COPIES: R,A. f{el son & Associates, Inc Town of VaiI; tJestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY Ar . ||l{rtu.l prot.ctlon to cll.nt5. th. publlc c'll.ntt, .nd .sthorlr.tlon ?or publlc.tlon of p.ndlng otlr wr'ltt.n rPprovrl . Srmpl.s tlll b.lh wrlt{no. A 'trcmbai 6f th. !!l!! sroup ol conp.nlls .nd ourtalvar, .ll r.por^t3 stataoant3. Concl u3lonr or dl3pos.d al ilt.r t.rtlng .r. iubmlttrd a3 th. confldl.ntlrl ProParty of axtrlctr f|"o|t| or ragrrdlng our raport3 lt ?.r.rvad li conrrl.t.d rnlats oth.r ..ring.nantt agrtad to Form t{o. CHEll3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTIT{G ETI6INEERS AIID SCIEI{T I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: MECI'I Enterprises JoB N0. 4 lZ8 93-3 DATE: 3-3-94 Attn: fustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Eutlding, east of Uesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vall, Colo. Floor slabs for Unit B-41 PLACEMENT LOCAT IOtI: BATCH TICKET It{F0R}'lATI0tl SUppLIER: yestern titobile TRUCK ffo. l6t TICKET ilo. 0t 1314 t{Ix 0E5I6 0. 44 TIHE BATCHED: 9:25 TII'IE ARRIVED: 9:40 TIl.tE pLACED: 9:46 cu.yD.LOAD/ACCUII: Ttzglza 71"F AIR TEI.IP: 45'F FIETD TESTIIIO I I{FORHATIOII TIME TEST TAKEII: 9:54 JOB SPECIFICATIOT{5: SLUMP: 5.0 SLUltlP: 4 I l{. I lt. SA PLE TEITP: AIR C0l{TEtlT: 5.51 AIR cOtlTEl{T: 3 X IJET UI{IT IJEI6HT: UATER AODED AT S ITE CYLII{DER INFORI.IATION N0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x lZ" Tlt{E CYLII{OERS CAST: 10:04 IIHERE CAST: On-Site CURII{6 I NFORI.,IAT IOI{ INITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te 3-4-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: BY; C. A. except fi eld cure trai ler il I t{ /MAX AGE DAYS DATE IESTED TOTAL LOAO (rBs) D I AI.IE TER ( It{cHES) AREA (sQ rx) COMP. STR. tPsr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIiIDER UE IGHT (LBs ) CYL It{DER UNIT I,EI6HT (PcF) 7 7 tFc ?8 28 28H 28H 3 - 10-94 3-10-94 3 - l0-94 3 - 31-94 3-31-94 3 -31- 94 3 - 31-94 100,000 92 ,500 105,000 127 ,000 122,500 132 ,000 127,000 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.08 6. 00 6. 08 6.00 ?8.?7 28.27 28.27 29.03 28.27 29.03 28.27 3540 3?7 0 3 710 4370 4330 4 550 4490 shear snear shear shear shear snea r snear DESIGil STRETIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIITIEL ARE III ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICABLT AST}I I4ETHODS UI{LESS OTHERI.'ISE i{OTED SOME II{FORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT }tAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS:lI accel erater COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Tovrn of Vai 1 ; tlestern l'lobi 1 e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Eobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY A. a rnutur'l prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, tha Dubllc cllents, .hd.uthorlr.tlon ?or Dubllc.tlon ot p.ndlng our wrltt.n rpprovrl. S.hpl.r rrlll b. A mcrnbcr ;f thG [!!l group of cqrprnt.. and ourtalva!, rl I raport3 ttrtm.ntr. Cortc I ut lonr or dl ipor.d ot !lt.r t.rtlng rr. lubtnlttod rr th. contldlantl.l prop.rty of .rtract3 troo or r.gardlng o||r raporta la raaarvad l3 compl.!.d unl.33 othar rrrangaoanta agraad to Foirn No. CMEIl3A 6/91 o CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G ENGIT{EERS ANO SC I ENTI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA d,"i=.'%\ t,t APR 1qq4 '':J S:j ---. : t-t 1:. . -i r5 i:: FiL-.. r tltJLTZ '-a-, (;. eruin;crs-'rc 5 r,rr-"yl T0: HECM Enterprises JoB N0. 4 t7B 93-3 DATE: 3-2-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Buildinq, east of Uesthaven Orive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACtl,lEt{I LOCATI0i{: SIab over mechanical roon, and bicycle locker room slab. EATCH TICKET II{FORiIATIOII TRUCK NO. 16I TIME BATCHED: ll:24 TICKET I{O. TIHE ARRI VEO: 0t t303 ll:50 SUPPLIER: lrestern l4obi I e iIIX DESIGN NO. 44 TIIfE PLACED: 12:10 CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUI|: 7t35 FIELD TEST I IIG INFOR},IATIOII Tf E TEST TAKEII: 12:l0 JO8 SPEC I F ICATIOI{S: AIR AIR 4 r/2 tN.4 I lt. SLUI,IP: SLUI{P: SAMPLE TEMP: CONTENT:5.9 i( COt{ltt{T:4-8i( 'F AIR TEtilP: 40oF IJET UNIT |JEI6HT: 138. I UATER ADOED AT SITE 8 6AL. CYL I IIDER IIIFOR}IATIOI{ N0. 0F cYLll{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER slZE: 6"x 12" TIHE cyLINDtRS CAST: t?.?0 IIHERE GAST: on-site CUR IIIG II{FORIIATIOII INITIAL CURE: 24 hours OATE RECEIVEt) AT LA8: 0n-Si te 3-3-94 trailer rl t l{ /MAX FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: 8Y: C. A. except field cure ACE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) DIAME]ER ( IlicHEs ) AREA (sQ IN) COMP.sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI}IOER t.lEI6HT (L8s) CYL I NDER U}IIT YE I6HT (PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 ?8 20H 28H 3 -9 -94 3 -9- 94 3-9-94 3-30-94 3-30-94 3 -30- 94 3-30-94 87,000 87,000 90,000 l?0,000 120,000 ll5,s00 120,500 6.00 6.00 5.98 6.00 6. 08 6.09 6. 09 28 .27 ?8.?7 z8 .09 28.27 29.03 29. 13 29. 13 3080 3 080 3200 4?40 413 0 3970 414 0 snea r shear shear snear shear shear DES I GI{ STRTNGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TE5T5 8Y LABORATORY PTRSO}II{EL ARE IN ACCORDANCE YITH APPLICAELE ASTH I.IETHODS UNLESS OTHER!,IISE I{OTED SOI,IE IIIFORIIATIO}I OF TEST REPORT IiIAY BE PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REIiARKS: Pumper noved ll:10 - 11:45. lX accelerater added to thts mtx. COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Torn of Vail; llestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gnatlnrey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIILD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 ! hutu.l protccttoh to cll.ntr, th. Dubllc cll.ntr, .nd.uthorlr.tfon tor publtcrtlon of p.ndlng our |,rlttcn .pproval. Sr|'|Dt.3 r.lll b.ln rrit l|rg. A mdr|bar of th. HIH group ot comp.hl.3 ahd ouFt.l v.3, rll r.portr 3trt.n rt!. Conclut lon! or dl !po!.d ol 6lt.i t.!tlng !r. rubmltt.d rr th. confldl.ntl.l proD.ity ot .rtr^!ct3 from or rcgardlng our raportt l3 rararv.d lr conpl.tcd unlc3i othar lrrrngafianta agraad to Forn No. CtlEl l3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG EIIGI TIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 'f'*%\ ff onunlee[ ?) P. 'fx#$f"i ktr"9 To: MECII Enterprises JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-24-94 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 pR0JECT: Liftside Buildlng, east of lJesthaven Drlve and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Co)o. PLACEMENT L0CATI0I{: uall on L line between grid Iines 19 and PlO, upper lift EAICH IICKET IllFORtlATI0lil SUPP|IER: lJestern l'lobi le TRUCK N0. 150 TICKET ll0. 01 1292 f'llx DESlGll ll0. 39 TIIIE BATCHED: l0;52 TII4E ARRIVEOT ll:20 TIIIE PLACEO: ll:23 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI'I: FIELO IISTIIIG IIIFORiIATIOI{ TIIIE TEST TAKEN: ll:34 JO8 SPECIFICATIOI{S: sLuilP sLutlP AIR AIR 4 tl? lN.4 Il{. SAI{PLE TEI.IP: C0l{TEt{T:6.1I C0IITENT:4-8 I 63.F AIR TEMP: 25.F llET UNIT IJEIGHT: 136.9 },ATTR ADOED AT SITE GAL. CYL I I{DER IIIFORIIIAIIOII t{0. 0F CYLIT{oERS: 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" Ttl,lE CYLIT{DERS CAST: ll:44 }JHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING I I{FORI.IAT IOII Ii{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 2-25-94 FIEL0 STORAGE FACILITITS: trai ler except for field cure cylinder 8Y: C. A.r,t I t'r /MAx AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) DIAt.tETER ( I r{cHES ) AREA (sQ ilr) COHP. SIR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER t/EIGHT (LBs) CYL IIIDER UIiIT I'EIGHT (PCF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 28 28 3 -3 -94 3 -3 -94 3 -3 -94 3-24-94 3-24-94 3-?4-94 3-24-94 116,500 123,000 114,000 149 ,500 143.000 152 ,000 149.000 6.08 6.00 6.00 6. 08 6. 09 6.08 6.08 29.03 28 .27 28.27 29.03 29. I3 29.03 29.03 4010 43 50 4030 5150 4910 5240 5130 snear shear shear con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t con/split DESIGI{ STRENGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIIIIET ARE III ACCORDAIICI YTTH APPLICAELT ASTI,I IITTHODS UIILESS OTHERUISE TIOTED SOI.IE I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT }.IAY BE PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REI.IARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; I Town of Vail; tlestern l'lobile: I J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Scholtz; I C"ro)yn Adans Eobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVTR APPROVEO BY As a muturl protcctlon to cll.nts. thG publlc cllcnts. rhd .trthorlu.tlon tor publlcrtlon of pcndlng our wrlttcn .Pprov!1. Slmplt. nlll ba In nri tl nq. A rn.mb.r ;f th. !l! group of cohP.n{c3 rnd oursalva3. rl I rcportS statamlnt3. Conc'l u3lona or dl rpot.d of .ftcr tcstlng ai. subtr|ltted as th. contldle.tlrl pr'opat'ty of ertr.cti from or rcgrrdlng oui r.port3 It r.3crv.d l3 co|tlpl.t.d unl.33 othar arF.ngdmntt agr..d to For' xo. CfiEll3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EIIGII{EERS AIID SCIEIIII5TS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llEClt Enterpri ses JoB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 12-3-93 Attn: Eustaouio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 2 VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of lresthaven Driye and tJestin Hotel , South Frontdge Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEl,lEtlT LOCATIOi|: Grid Lines P-5, L through q to elevation 80.0' EATCH TICKET IllF0RllATI0ll SUPPLIER: tiestern l4obile TRUCK ilo. 150 TICKET ilo. 010717 l,tIX DESICN 0. 39 TlllE EATCHEO: 9:27 Ail TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:41 All TlllE PLACEO: 9:43 Afl-CU. YD.L0AD/ACCIN: 7l?l FIELO TESTIIIG I llF0Rl.'lAT l0ll SAIIPLE TEl,lP: 56 'F AIR TEiIP: 23 "F TIl,lE TEST TAKET{: 9:48 All sLUilP: I l/2 It{. AIR C0llTEl{T: 5.01 l{ET UI{IT I{EIGHT: 143.8 J08 SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLU}IP: 4 lll. AIR C0l{TEt{T: 4-8I TJATER ADDED AT SITE 4 6AL. CTt I ilDER I IIFORI.{ATIOII tl0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLIT{OER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:52 M TJHERE CAST: On-Site cuRtilG I FoRl,tATt 0r{ Ii{ITIAL CURE: On-Si te DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 12-6-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES : BY: ilark Jensen Heated Jobsite Trai I er. HIlf /lfM: 70173 degrees F. AUL t)AYS OAIT TESTEO TOTAT IOAD (LBs) DIAITETER ( n{cHEs) AREA (sQ rr{) c0t'tP. srR. (PSr ) I'{PE OF FRACTURE CYL I t{DER Yf I GHT (LBs) CYLII{OER UI{II Il,EI6HT (PCF) 7A 7A 284 z8A 28A 284 l2- 10-93 l2- l0-93 l2-31-93 t2-31-93 12-31-93 i2-31-93 130,500 r35,000 156,500 r47 ,500 148,000 157.000 6. 08 6.05 6. 08 6. 08 6.08 5.99 29.03 28.75 29.03 29.03 29.03 20.18 4490 4 700 5390 5080 5100 5570 conical con/shear snear shear shear shear DESIGt{ STRE]IGTH 4000 Pst 0 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI,,I I{ETHODS UI{LISS OTHERI.IISE NOTED SOI.IE IIIFORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BT PROVIDED BY OTHERS RE|IARKS: ll non-cloride accelerator was added to mix. Job soecification for this wall oour is 4000 ost COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; l,lestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gnathrcy Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Eobby J. Hays FIELO OSSERVER APPROVEO BY As. r rtual prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, th. plbllc.nd our3.lv.3r .ll r.Fortr .r'. rubmltt..l .i th. confldlcntl.l pr.op.ity ot cllanta, rnd.utho!.lr.tlon tor publlcatlon of itatdr.ntt. Concluilon3 or Grtrrct3 fron or F.grrdlng osr Faportr lr aaSat-v.d pandlng our wr.lttcn.pprovrl. SarDl.3 rlll b. dtrpor.d of aft.r t.3tlng ls cofiplct.d unl.3a oth.r rrrahg..nt. agr..d to ln rrltlng. A n mb.r at the ts!! group of coap.nl.. Forn o. cMErtSA 6/91 { CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co suLTlilG EilGIIIEERS Alto SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: ltEctt EnterDri ses JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-3-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2 Vail, C0 81658-3149 pRoJECT: Liftside Bui'lding, east of tJesthaven Drive and l{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACET'IEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Grid Lines P-5, L through Q to elevation 80,0' BATCH TICKET ItlF0RtlATIOl{ SUPPLIER: Uestern l'lobi I e TRUCK flo. r5l TICKET ilo. 010724 HIX oESIGtl ll0. 39 TIME BATCHEO: ll:0? All TIIIE ARRIVED: ll:15 Alt TI}IE PLACED:ll:50 Ai'l-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUI'I: 7156 FIELD TESTII|G INFORI.,IATIOI{ SAilPLE TEITIP: 57 "F AIR TEI'IP: 33 "F TITIE TEST TAKEI{: 11:55 AiI SLUHP: 3 III. AIR COilTEilI: 5.?X UET UIIIT UEIGHT: 143.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUI{P: 4 II{. AIR COIITE T: 4-8' I'ATER ADDEO AT SITE 5 GAL CYLIT{OER I t{ FOR,I,IAT I OI{ t{0. OF CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLII{DER,SIZE: 6.,x 12" TII.IE CYLINDERS CAST; 12:OO OON.UHERE CAST: ON.SitE CUR I I{G I TIFORI,IATI Oil II{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Slte FITLD STORAGE FACILITIES: Heated Jobslte Trai ler OAIE RECEM0 AT LAB: 12-6-93 8Y; lla rk Jensen l'lj t{/f'lAl AGE DAYS DATE TE STED TOTAL LOAO (LBS) D IAI.IEIER ( rilcHEs) AREA (sQ lN) COMP. S IR . (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER UE IGHT (LBS) CYLINDER UIIIT LrEI6HT (PcF) 7B 78 288 288 28B 288 12- l0-93 12-10-93 12-31-93 12-31-93 l2-31-93 l2-31-93 130 ,500 130,500 153,000 157 ,000 156,000 157.500 6.04 5.98 5.99 5.98 5.98 5.99 28. 65 28.09 28. l0 28.09 28.09 28.18 4550 4650 5430 SJYU 5550 5590 col umnar col umnar shear shear shear shear DES I6II STREIIGTH 4000 PSI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONIIEL ARE I1{ ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICABLE ASIII I'IETHODS UNLESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOiI€ IIIFORI{ATIOII OF TEST REPORT AY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS RII.IARKS: psi Job non cloride accel erator seeci fi cation for this was UAI I added pour to is ml x. 4000 COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, lnc.; Town of Vail; trestern l,lobi]ei J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Erian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y Ai r muturl protcctlon to cll.nt3, tha publlc cll.ot3, .nd .uthorl:atlon tor F|rbllc.tlon of p.ndlng our wr'ltt.n .Pprov.l. S6rpl.3 rlll b! ln rrlt I ng. A n.|nbar ot tha !I! group ot co6p!ni.. .nd ouri.l va3. tll r.Poiti 3t.tam.nt3. Conc lui lont of dlrpor.d ot rftlr tcstlng rr. iubnltt.d rr th. confldl.ntlrl Prop.rty of axtracts frofi or ragardtng aur t'aport3 It r.l.r'vad ls cottrolatad unlar3 othcF lirangttant3 agraad to Fonn No. cttE!l3A 6/91 J o z ts =t uJ |-\ (n UJ UJ IL F =E tlt Fl,{}rbolE O €ir/*16 c.-) I \o I o o {J (t) (E I c.) I \t ll I I iq,;i r-l I 6El :h - F-'1' P o UJ E o I z o z z a u,l F z z =o od z z E uj z = ul I F =Q \ 4. 6l+F! .h tslt$HI 3l r rrl I N--l :- 5l < 5tm t'llV' IL J t!a i E.o tl-o, o .9 (5 c =F 0) o c (D E l -i o o 3 o rt:gg :66s?dist 9UF"; = e *t *EE8 EiE: "a 8e:6 c-o>'I I -6 ;; t€:€P: cY"(! --=o)3 5;.5 EEE:*.9 0t cEoS SesF !lse o(! 0-*E:.9 o!6or sfie€ P6,!6 EE b E ar 6! "i;Ee =,!=:-a;9 -c; o o n' cl i.9 8E€5 gElE O(!=X i: Fe ;*;E 9Eo - e E g: rr |-N € (Y] b = UJ I z J l Y I z J (J E F lIJ -)uJ z 6 =:)-) J o z au = tu ul z o tr IJJ (r () uJ e 3 g uJ E z 6 uJ o tr u,o z LI', o x F uJ q l .l) u-, uJ t! = = uJ o- J o F z J l J I F IJJ uJ z 6 = d 2 I uJ : NOrM'rVA Y E =Z tJ- 6z >o ;F J+ e- ztt uJq oz N >t -- z tr^ =E 'u, o z>-O(-J <)z rJ- < o9 jc.i z tr f u- (! o o-l ir E (! & z E o o F t9 z o F' &lrl F ;t!z I t z l z Oo tr IJJ <O o< >i;i >- 8o <z L z Az z---F do Bd OI il tl i-r- ii i-i- !-t-Ii la txlB totF lild uJ :l cc z o I F L! z F J l a z o o $$$ lf,fln#H F.l ir) IJJ F a (Il -z r (L uJ Y UJ o FCn > F-r fr: t!t o lll > Et s. El o 0rl rill ' (rl lrJ F!!oE zo 2 I uJl .<l -l LI b4 14l "l ol (dl ol u)l l!l 'l I z =tr J F o li (, lr l.r o ii =z o bI)d F{ t-,1 c) (! o o !r,J z lu o = C\c!\+ I \o t\ I F IJ .u d lr o .E p d B C-' t LU o ) r\.+ I t\ F +J (a (J +J .r{ 6) d) }r =tr I C\ z qJ = IL o z ==tr o z ll.l = ll. z - F =t z .'i u,E J z 3 F ql J ul F =t o z uJ E J l!o z 3 o F =t tr z ti uJ E J o z 3 F ul J UJ I.IJ z 3 F IJJ L I () <F CO r,.! <zE (rz )E <o ()F E3 (J l.-',2 ilo >Y =<ZE )z oO Xo VF 7<)a<:tf Y,Z =g Eir =o= J <c)14 u);uJ :o z ,lY zQ (Do =z O- tL -J z& '-1 a ) --cnr! E E Iu o- uJ o z a a tr Lll i-h= dLU >c ULL 9o :>fiF-J IL u, c0 F 0' E o o o .: E E o (, lAo laE (l,l-F t=E r- 6 -: !l ts =E,l! o-z o ]-(J f E F a z o (J ft! trn F o2 .o oz OE ..E e8 tF, A(a zo drd t{ F o E o tr (,) () li o U .!o .-r p.E' N {, q) u.. <49 ? .'llq tr tr AF zv FTE ttl FT zz >o ET: bFr c)z ,o tsE (/l FI FF t+2 oo AE F d F d F z EE a(J zEl o EEI o olr F CO (' do o(J a e4 B e Fl o a z til o :: "; E> El = ,tr &(,q !qo !qco Oro* oF vArL coNsrRucrro0 PERMIT APPLICAT FORM,., . APPLICATION MUST BE TILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR t I* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pEIll,tIT f NFORMATION rY '[ ]-Buil+ng [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical t I;M tov w^n"zQW(tflIWb rob Addre"", ''(' Legal Descriptiori Lot Block owners Nane: ( Architect: General Description: 1 '{:#; tt wp Work Class: D{-U"w g l-Alterati T Number of Dwelling units fi/A REC'IS:l i:1993 IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ***************************** Filing sunorvrsrou, JM:l Pln.47b 042. dress: hfe ',n2, Bt t ,, P,.. 474-//4 /\ tion [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other 7 Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ********************************* $pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances v ,T* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** VALUATTONS BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL: $ a TNFOFMATTON ztS-$ t *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. /pl-t+ Phone Number: R?d-ns36 Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. No. Address: Electrical Address: Contractor:/'\ L,'grslelT O./h/t/613. contracto t. "4fn ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLI,'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: Plurnbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Address: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: '"7< - PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: - TION FEE: -UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES 3 VALUATION BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Cornment,s: ,BoK lTll Fdwruds, 6 f Abts>, 'i 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3o3) 479-2L.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE In sumrnary,.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unl_awful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand., debrls or rnaterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aIl Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vait Public works Department. persons found viorating this ordinance wirr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puftic Works Department will remove said rnaterial at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance stratf not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy. tfranX you for your cooperation on this natter. Read acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn n l|al 75 south trontage roed Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ofllce ol communlty developmenl BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME !f ttris permrlt requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engrlneel''s (P_uUt ic Wofks) reyiew and approval , a pianning' Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the auiliing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as 16ng as thpee weekE. All commercia'l ('large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fest'.dential on smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt w,ill be made by this department to expedite this permrl'! as. s.qon as possible. I,, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame.. ,l *6#!#u N>, 4/43,"R/a Ut I I ng,, Communi ty Devel opment Department. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: FOUR CORNERS DATE: 9-16-93 ADDRESS: 1310 WESTHAVEN DR CONTRACTOR: ST. BENEDICKT CONST VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: GWATHMEY,PRATT OCCI]PANCY: R-l ENGINEER PETER MONROE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ll PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED TO VERIFY STRUCTUAL FRAMING, BEFORE FRAMING WILL BE APPROVED. 2. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC. 1712 OF TTIE 1991 UBC. 3. ALL FOOTINGS AND SONA TI]BES TO BE A MINIMTIM OF 48'' BELOW GRADE WTITI REBAR. 4. IIANDRAILS TO MEET SEC. 3306 OF THE 1991 {JBC. I I I o z E =G, uJ o- tsl E lq P4 9'<l N at, LlJ UJ tL ts =e.ut o- Qu-t nt \\ N Or cr)N 2 z z E F] v AH AE 5<(,R Eo =z !! UJ F v>z =o z z .h uj F z z J to € z z lr J ul o =I o o z o o o UJ z 3 od tL t!ctZ ,.' 3 Eo luJ FI <F Zr, 9.2 o< o.A 6r ]t F o o o o o (E .E E o o E (! o o E (D E =l o o (! '.q) E -;- o c Eu E: =.e *€ EE e; E EP:E cLo> ef:E = si;c96E --=o)3 t;.; EE-s; I€ S; g'e et E!se cL (! cL-o=-o (5PO*oiE-or s *e€ : q, 'v o Pe E H o6:-- EeqS -o.Yo --Cl G o'-.=c;oq, srE f : Ei; E; E:i6eF PE.o - eEgg - o (B:: H B v) H H 3 tt)r'l FI ,4 ts :e. uJ (,z J @ -o UJ o z J E o u, UJ z !o z uJ = qJ qJ z tr IJJ o uJ o .o =g uJ z 6 UJ 6 uJ (L l z uJ x F ur o at uJ llJ t! E =(ts IJJ o- F o F z J @ d F () uJ uJ z o =J o. =- rtl = NO|lVnlVA ts Y-\ }Y z2u- tr - 6zA H B =FE .t, o e.z, =i 89 r= HE oq itr H6g> =8 23 -Gl OJ GI z tr q (! c e tIJ F C\ tu c z E t+ X z F- ul F =UJ z tl {l tl 1l L z l z Oa <o o< =P Rtr 6ci <z F z 9z do 3tr '{X X X f F z F o) d) o z Y IE (L 2 UJ o Jl <l :-| zl zl ., >|o l!o ut uJ z F uJ z E ul l <- EE (t !, uJ z Y i F z F J l o z I cr)to @ LO O (:) z |l z IIJ F q @ o -z o F o- IIJ Y uJ o o Fc1 rR = .-r E LU c')(L e.l bBl >zl b=l o-l tZl rHl guJ i^F IJ zo tzJ z P ts .A E FN z (J=z4 aoO =z .-P F =.E UJ c t! ul o z U)L c.s E JF lLl -h=:E o- uJ >o-Ot!9o \ llj xo-x> ut-J J IL llJ o o E ct o E o 1t .E 3 E E o (, iAO IJr l=6 IDE l=E -cl -o -! E =E,lrl G z 9 F (J f E F CN z o (J trtr ifrE 6il= =J lJ- co Fl Or H F cq ce E-r z H H aJ) B ii z o _-) I Fl F{o z l-l H an lrl E E 2 H A z t{P in : o? ut o d s J = N I \o N \a o- Ff H 6 2 t t! w : = F = tr z ,; ut l!o z 3 9 =d, l! o z qt IIJ G J t!o z 3 o g u- z ct ut E a tt o z 3 J H tt) Fl t-l c G I ca A z ,; u,t J lr z =o F t- C\ I \o F\\t u E =tr o z ci uj E J ? lr-o z 3 ui .J uJ F t UJ z =o F c)Itl F ? E -rO <F (r() LrJ <zE IJJ F (r1 z o o JE <o (JF Hf =F =2 5 E 2P g3 d3 ix YF 7<).r <.+E YZ =g Eti g !tY F- t--Oz <o o?. =o' nnkt **'id o z E =ul o- !I FI G )+t{c\,1 U' I.IJ uJ = IJ c ,'?r,-:--fit Y\\ ni o\ a.l a| z ,4 t rtl X <od ;bl Yz tra o< 24"O^!z uJ E o uJ F o E F a z z z a uJ F o z o z o o oa (,z z g,z i uJ I o z o c) o (t = (!' c ;o t- v,q) (g ; o o o c o o O g, I o E o : l ; o ; .9 o) 1e€g E8F,; F9R€ Ht g e tr.= I c e6E:0 c-o> -. Ii aE -E:;€- 6.0 d .pF - cY'-(6 dEa:zr?io g E g: = 6 bt fEo'9;ee .q-EP o(6 o--a=* o (o:o- oiE-ot =*e€!;(gx - 9.Y 6 (D rq=> -y c)eE!: --Ca ar <D =.9 -eE s: :gt,=O (0=; !: irr ;g;E 9E o -e5g: H 3 v),rl E El 3 kl h F tl.J o- z o ! x ul (J z J J E ) lrJ (,z 6 =3 I z Ll/ = ul uJ z tu o (o =g UJ z g UJ o F 6 (L o c ?z IIJ X F IIJ @ l (t) uJ ul lJ-t =E LIJ o- J F z J f d) ) F {u UJ z =f .J o z t! = NOTMIVA :<^ X a')= =ig F^arrza I5 >eE E I oEr.66 a-z>-o=8e F;tL<3i 3F :8 27, r N ci(j ol z tr : LL ct (L l c uJ a.l IJJ E, z E o fi z tr UJ F ; LU z ll I tr z )z O </, <(J o< >E >(!Rr 6o <z L z Oz -.1 T do =tr OI ll n il I t-l tccl lol tol tdl UJ l J ac z o I F c F 2 F J U\z I z --fr I 3 F -_-] -- o E o o E a o _l rl <l i-l zl zl . >l o u,.l o uJ uJ z o)t- (r uJ (! J z E o o o z F a tD z c I &, tt) r^ c) 'z .{t J('zi uJ F o dl o -z o t-(L IIJ Y UJ co o Fcl :- 't\ tr (L:{ r!l o3 -4 R4 I ta uJ t_ r{r bE zo td H q z= ''r Y =F =< tu 60 ts =z g? =-o 3 l!lr O I f1 J .-i5 \J \,,' = =trft dd= = u,(L TL o :!{E>E<l!l o92 6v!e9 eE >o cd F 1r-:uJ:-E b=o ?i-E =il -. \., u-E 90 I \ur c xa!r x>G=F o.-o-i tt; ut F \o t\ e.l o\ \C) F ",,l ."1 |Fll -l I ol =.1 ol lrjl :l al >l u-l ol zl 3l ot FI r{o A. H u1 I I I I ,I ol =.1 ol uJl 5l <l >l rI-I ol Zl ,.t et ;FI F I I I l.l- I I I UI ut CI CI J =() cil z.l (,l ql al >l u-l ol =l PI ol =.1 (rl ull 5l <l >l ttl ol zl 3l ol FI ll l&l-l lol -r ll-r lAl F-r rdl I l>l \g l<l F tFt f I c.ii I r":l dl 3l Fl ol :( | col | -{zl ut ,-.ll 14 E-. I x, Fr (at ;t H H,l qg eeE AEo (J &H fr x rA ,.1 rrl F z l-,t H r FI .+ uJ z co F C) E F z- 9 z - uJ J 9 F O UJ -J F F z t (,o z, t- ;#]F )z r!o F UJ F T !!tr >4 =gE EO 35 dg .'6 =E 9b 55 @l! F I F E o E$ Eil IP ;I EE t>EEi fE *I ;8 EE iq €il l|l D o F _l (Y ' I L-I r--' I t a\l \/, I d 2 F H ot o\ct\ ; cv <>z. [t F IH E IE E l'..l! E- o-z o -F (J 3 0t F n =o C) T:I-J \ /-/l ,lD \<lJ= .E : H vt E o -z o E qt Y H P E E G lll c lt o o-o () I ut F 9 luull VAIL 6A5 F I REPLACE 363328432E'P. 02 dflor of cornunfi drrrlopmonl ?l.ou0r fiilt gf, |prd bll,cobrr.h llott (E0tl 4?9-2r3E or 479-2[39 tf this perutt requl{eF I Towl.*q,f=y.all trre gbparurcdi,+ilprsvat,'-'- llglneex's..(Pgll19'uorlsl rcvi#.Eio'ipi"ivar,'a Fiiiinriii-itEiari,nent 5IIL gl,Hql th Departnrint-r-evtew, ani' a revf u uy- Iiii -fiuiiliirri ueparalentr tne estr:mated Hm for a total revien lray uke ai t6ng as t[ree weeRr. lll .gr-:tg!al flarge or smal!) and all mutfi-famfly pemits will havs t& follow tJle above mntf6ned ruxtruun requt'reminli.""nesiiintrar $.:ryll fry{ects--shourd trke a reiser iniruni or-lriiil' HiwiiEr,-ii'rrsTdentljat on smaller prcJects impact the varfous above nentionid deparments rri ttr re$rd' ta- necessii"i- ieview,' itril; pil;j;"i;',t;"alio talte the ti.ree-week period. Fyan:u!!.*pt will be T?ge by thta departnent.to expedite thts peymlt aq s$on rs posslble. i i, BUILDII{G pERr{rT tssrmilcE T$tE FRA}IE underg.ignedr understand the plan check procedurc and t.lme !L I. tlle frane. 'I .. //*ea te t'foh eet bas ::.lt VAIL GA8 F I REPL CE 46332e442E P.93 lnun EOt EROltr DATE: SttE ECTe ?s |ao[i troilng|r r10rd dl, colordo Slatlt tlotl 479-2138 or 479-2139 I I otflor of colrnunlv ltasrlopmcnt In aumary, ordl.nanca No. 6 stateg that lt ic wllaltfirl for any pergon to-ilttei, traclc or depoeLt any ro11, rock, sand, debris sr naterlal, includlng trash durnpsters, portablr tollets and rort<nen vehicles upon any etreet, eldevalk, alley or publLo place or any portlon thereof, Itrc right-of-uay on all Torrn of vaLl etreete ind,roadr Lg approxlnately 5 tt. off pavenent. Ehls ordtnance wlll- le strtatty enfoEsad by th? Town-of vaLl Prrbllc lrtorks DeFartnent. Pereons found violatLng thls ordlnance vlll bc given a" zl,.aour nrltten notlae to reolove raid natsrLal-fn tbr evrnt the Dirson so notLfled doee not conply nlutr ttre nottce uitbln th€-,24 houn. tlne spealfied, tbe iRlbllo .tlorkei Departnent will r6movs eaid neterial at tbe e:qtcnse of prrson notlfledt. the provlcLone of thlc ordinanco sba).l not be appllcable to eonsttuotion, naiutenancc or repalr proJccts of any etreet or all,_ey oa an1: ltllltrgs ln th: right-a-vray' .: llb Lviaw Ordinanci ro. d lln firll, pleace stop by the Town of,ValI BuLldlnE Dcpartusnt to obteln a copy. Thanlt you for yout cooperatlon on thlE natter. r; alJlj ctlltlLsloRs TOWN OF VArLI CURREISIITL REGI8TERED IIIT'E |!HA troIfN oF VArL DgBLre WOR(s,/coMuItNrTr II&RCH 161 il908-r:u ,;l: i: -r-i:C I C "', il?::i:F CONSTRUSITON PIRICINE T IIAIT'ERIAIJ ETORAGE ,l I PERMIT NUMBER rNst"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL Sr.\ OF PROJECT oor= \ (L,:'\\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING Xcns PTPTNG I] INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: .,/ r-- Project Name:d.={i Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: contact Person and 'no^" Ly nn TJ*a>n :tt"C-'n$r CqL(<"1''<';'+ - €B- /c Yg 81o5. f<cos sl. O-enuet' Ce. BO?23 Project Application ,u<(L - \,O*>{,i rf Vo -'t7€-7/{ / 'L .Co. g/6s r^ Architect. Address and Phone: P l.+ rra..a.fS + bua'l F L*ge L ,"," 3Dn4 Y Block fue s.-f-(J. Design Review Board ,/".^!"W ,"-+3-Motion by: G<el3e- L4rv1[a Seconded by: a' ((s ru f./b *j'-c.li{d,fl;t <w nef ^"il . ;c n**aJjf\ atpJ. Le c-^{a={e(f fu- e€- oL( c.&,>t -r EfrrJ ilo{eri"C:, . \'f ' r - lcu c'<)F''"' uJ I DTsAPPRovAL tly +- --{-C L (Jt t*-tr A<, APPROVAL 3,?-tf,f.q/v< ur.nLt L.klo fuc<iv< Lor<r e€mue.L ,t; ,{.1 k>< '"W)'-r{rr*) any$- IP,n e, lo)scap? tL""t kk Town Planner o,^r. P/a=/?6, E statt Approval o WESTIN RESORT VAIL. SATELLITE SITE PLAN SEE NOTE XX x o * XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX o n o ,^,o n o o .o o o o oo o o o Qt"* LooAs.-t:!fG') fffitt{ifi ? ::,two N r1. Plant 15 Dwarf Mughos (Shrub form) r2 Plant 30 Service Berry Bushes (X) r 3. Install drip irrigation for the above. 4. Remove all plywood paftitions. 5. Remove all debris from under the porch. 6. Repair stucco and paint porch. \ , < I 5, !i:3[::i'JTU; I:::rTtP"-i,-x i,, Fv-,'-( otr e L ( c" *r*-r;;; * All bushes are to be placed in a natural random pattern. Locations for all bushes are to be between 10 to 1 5 feet in front of the porch. (West of the porch) The undersigned represent that all work will be done in a professional manner and will be completed in its entirety by June 1, 1993. /o-tt-?zf"{fI{t //"kltt'1ae 2, ooo The Westin willdo the following by 6/t/93 Af 240 South Pecos Street Denver Colorado 8OZ?3 303-698-1048 FAX 598-9285 :f^ r/" //^/, " *6^7!Le! =- f ^s/oi/-fro^ 45f 1'0oo r * ww|wn a + a + vr h I I \\!- ):. J<* { \.!, )s { s \t --s S c \< -"1 . rNl 5- -\' \-f 3(G r*, \l \9_ z \5 s \Y \"s I tl I \v t_1 \5 J \ a f,\ \41 (5 z d J+:) o'$m !e'z -J tl -S t+- .U , trStE 7 CI 'tt\ = cslv(.n js;q H r_\\\= tFS u *1.1.{ EIE T D}.7 Jv\r- + .t- \ .\ft o 2.. (L [rJ F o z z LIJ F z tu F J J TIJ F a z tr a [U -> z o C)J m ti, .{Sz 1. ,rl,tl q /xil v s> e\ J 11 -,J\ \\."-0 s tc LU o (r o- ril t business participants. Russell suggested that the Town may want to do a comprehensive study of work management in Vail. Diana Donovan expressed the need for water conservation to be added to the Work plan. Jeff Bowen explained his concerns for the need for noise management of l-70, with Dalton Williams adding that the activities at the Ford Amphitheater, and other concerts and activities such as those preformed at Lionshead needed noise management. Russ ended the presentation delineating the three new initiatives as: 1. creation of an environmental data base: 2. development of a preliminary environmental review process; 3. development of an environmental strategic plan. A request for a side setback variance to allow an addition to the residence located at 716 Forest Road/Lot 10, Block 1, Vail Village Sixth Filing. fftgrv uLrl I 3. Applicant: Planner: Charles Ackerman Tim Devlin 4. Tim Devlin showed new plans to the Commissioners delineating areas of encroachment, showing where applicant decreased the side seback encroachment from the previous work session, and the request for the applicant to provide additional landscaping for screening. Jeff Bowen motioned to approve the request per the revised plans and the staff's memo, including the landscaping as presented on the drawing at the meeting. The proposed landscaping was acceptable. Dalton Williams seconded the motion, with the PEC voting unanimously 6-0 to approve the request. A request for variances form Section 18.58.320 to allow two satellite dishes to be located at the Westin Hotel/1300 Westhaven Drive/described as follows: That parr ot lhe SW 1/4 NE l/4, Secrion 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 Wesr of lh€ Sixth Princlpal Meridlan, Town of Vail, Eagle Counly, colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on th€ southorly boundary of the parcel of land shown on lhe Condominium Map for lh€ Colorado Mountain Condominiums recordsd in Book 387 at Pag€ 620 in the otfice of the Eagl€ Cornty, Colorado, Clerk and R€corder, whenco the most souh€rly corn€r of said parcel bears S 52 50'29. W 14.16 feet dislant; thencs the following nine courses along tho sorrth€rly boundary ol said parcel: (1) N 52 50'29' E 49.16 feet: (2) N 37 12'45" W 12.34 Feet; (3) N 52 47',15" E 1.00 feer; (4) N 37 12'45'W 1.30 feer (5) N 52 47'15' E 42.60 feer; (6) N 37 12',45" W 8.70 te€r; (7) N 52 47'15" E 15.00 feel; (8) S 37 12'45' E 22.40 leet; (9) N 52 50'29', E 35.28 Feer; thence d€parting said southerly boundary N 52 50'29' E 56.96 feet; lhence S 37 09'31" E 45.34 PLANNING AND ENVIRONIIENTAL COMIIISSION IIEENNG S€ptembe. 28, 1992 leet thencE N 52 50'29" E 48.70 teet; thonc€ S 37 0931'E 9.60 teet; thence N 52 50'29'E 80.00 feet; thence S 37 09'31" E 36.40 f€et; thence N 52 50'29" E 21.30 feet; thence S 37 09'31" E 220.02 f€€l to Gore Creek; thenc€ th€ following four courses along Gore Cf€€k: (1) S 49 26'36'W 76.45 tgsr; (2) S 22 31'36'W 124.47 leeri (3) S s3 37'36'W 119.34 ts€r; (4) S 65 31'36'W 14.s8 fe€t; thsrrco dopartlng Gore Creek N 32 59'30'W 141.47 f€et; thence N 57 25'30'W 124.02 fe€l; thencs N 37 09'31' W 116.45 te€t to the point of beginning, containing t 10,200 square toet ot 2.49 acros, more or less. Applicant: Westin Resort\Tri County Cable Vision Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen presented the request with a summary of the staff memo pointing out the conditions of the staff memo as: 1. That the applicant remove all plywood screening that encloses the underside of the deck on the west side of the building and remove the miscellaneous items stored under the deck at this tirne: 2. That the applicant revegetate the slope around the satellite dishes and deck area with native grasses; 3. That the applicant provide a landscape plan to the DRB which provides a minimum of 12 shrubs to be located around the satellite dishes and 3 spruces and 5 aspens to be located along the deck area in locations that will not block satellite transmission signal to the dishes. This landscaping should be coordinated with the landscaping proposed for the Cascades. The color was discussed as acceptable as black or white (to match the building) and it was decided that the color choice could be left to DRB. Lynn Johnson explained that the angle of the dishes would not protrude from beneath the decks, with the first dish being flush with the opening and the second dish being angled 5 degrees in a southwesterly direction. He said that he preterred two 12' dishes but that he could get by with one 8' and one other dish at 10' in diameter. Diana Donovan stated that shrubs should not be junipers and that they should be 4-5' in height when planted (5 gallon). Spruces to be planted would have to be 6' min. in height with the aspen being acceptable as 2" caliper. Dalton Williams moved to approve the request, with Greg Amsden seconding the motion. The PEC voted unanimously 6-0 to approve the request. 5. A request for a front, side, and rear setback variances and a variance to allow parking in the front setback for the construction of a triplex, located at 44 Willow Place/Lot 9, Block 6, Vail village First Filing. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMIIISSION ilEENNG Scptcmb€r 28, 1992 TO: FROM: }ATE: ;iUBJECT: MEMORANDT'M Planning and Environmcntal C.ommission Community Development Dcpartnent Scptember 28, 1992 .L ,\t- (\ K lD Applicant: Planner: Westin ResortVri County Cable Vision Andy Knudtsen W'l^*"F l*b ,- hsb- A request for variances from Section 18.58.320 to allow two satellite dishes to be located at the Wcstin HorN300 Westhaven DriveVescribed as follows; Tb$ pan of rhe SW 1/4 NE l/4, Sccrim fl Township 5 Sorrb, Range 8l West of the Sirrh Principal Meridian, Towtr of Vail, Eagle County, Colcdo, d€saib€d as follows: Beginning at a poitrt on the southerly boundary of the pacel of land shown on tbe Condominium Map for the Colorado Mountain Condominiums rerorded in Book 387 at Page 620 in tlre office of tlre F.agle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, whence the mo$ southerly comer of said parcel bears S 52 50'29" W 74.16 ferl disunq thence the following nine courses along 0rc southerly boundaryofsaidparcel: (l)N5250'29"E49.16feer (2)N37 12'45" W12.34Feeq(3)N52 47'15" E 1.00 feeq (4) N 37 12'45" W 1.30 feer (5) N 52 47'15 P'42.@f@E (6) N 37 12'45" W 8.70 fef,s C/) N 52 47'15" E 15.00 feeq (8) S 37 12'45" E ?2.q fenq (9) N 52 50' 29" E 35.28 Feeq thence depaning said southerly boundary N 52 50'29" E 56.96 feeq rhence S 3'l 0D'31" E 45.M ft*t thence N 52 50'29" 8,f8.70 fee4 thence S 3? 09'31" E 9.60 fe€C thezrce N 52 50'29" E 80.00 feeq thence S 37 $'31" E 36.40 feeq thence N 52 50'29" E 21.30 feeq tll€nce S 37 09'31" E 220.02 feet to Gore Cleelq ihence thc following four counes along Gore Cle*: (l) S 49 26'36" W 76.45 feeC (2) S 223r'36" V'I rU.47 feer; (3) S 53 37'36" W 11934 feeq (4) S 65 3l'36" W 1458 feeq thence departing Gore CYeek N 32 59'30" W 141.47 foeq fience N 57 25'30" W 1U.02 feeq thence N 37 09'31" W 116.45 feet !o the poinr of beginning, containing 110,200 squae feer or 2,49 aqes, more or less. L PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Westin Hotel is proposing to locate two ssEllitc disbes on the wcstern side of their facility. These would be located under an existing deck which is currently approximately 10-15 feet above grade. The proposal complies with all of the zoning code standards for satellite dishes except for item 18.58.320 (D, l). This section of the code states that "@ mc€ tban onc sadlirc dirh antcnna sball be allowed on any. lot as delkrcacd m 6o offibiil t'ocm of Vail zoiring map.' The applicant is requesting a variance from the standard so that they can locate two dishcs on the property. In thc past, the Westin Hotel has used plywood to enclose thc underside of the deck for storage purposes. Thcy have painted the plywood to match the color of the building. They are currently using the area below the deck as storage. tr. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Taning:. SDD #4, Cascade Village. Setbacks: Per SDD Development Plan, with the building location and the resulting setback being the same distance from the property line. The satellite dishes would be setback 45 feet from the Westin's westem property line. rII. VARIANCE CRITERH Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Devclopment Departrnent recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following facton: A. Relationship to surroundins area 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The properties which have the potential to see these two satellite dishes include Millrace Phase I, Millrace Phase II and the Cascades on Gore Creek. During the staff review of this proposal, wc discussed the issue of screening with the applicant. Originally, ttre applicant wanted to replace thc existing plywood with a chain link fence with wooden slats woven into the fencc. Staff notified the applicant that the Design Review Guidelines do not allow chain link fencing to be used. After discussing this, the applicant agreed to landscape the arca as long as no landscaping would be planted that would block the signal to the satellite dishes. Staff believes that planting the slope around the rwo satcllite dishes with shrubs will improve the appearance of this side of the facility; however, we do acknowledge that the dishes will be visible. Since the dishes will be located under a deck, staff belicves that the visibility is rclatively low. I Staff believes tllat tre rclationship to the surrounding area can be imp'roved by removing thc plywood that has been installed in the past to enclose the underside of the deck. Staff would like to sce all of the plywood removed the items stored in this area remove4 and thc area immediately in front of the deck revegetatcd and landscaped. We believe that this would improvc thc appearance of this side of the Westin to the rcsidential properties to the west of the hotel. 2. The degree to which relief from the shic't snd literal interpretation snd enforcem€nt of a specified regulation is necesary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege, Often, in cases where commercial properties rcquest the installation of satellite dishes, the applications usually involve two dishes. This is bccause of technical limitations of the Vail area, according to the applicant. In a statement the applicant submitted, he has said that "one (dish) is needed to bring in cable TV channels and the second is needed because there is no over the air reception netwo'rk channels in Vail. (NBC, ABC, CBS, and PBS). The second dish is rcquircd to supply these channels." In order to make the satellite dish system work for the hotel, a minimum of two dishes are needed. Staff believes that the literal enforcement of the zoning standard would result in a practical difficulty for the applicant, as a full range of television reception can only be provided with two dishes. 3. The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes that there will be no impact on health, safety, or welfare with this request. B. The Planning and Envhonmental Commission shall make the followine findings bcfore grantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variancc will not constitutc a grant of special privilcge inconsistent with the limitations on other propertics classified in the sarne disrict. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or wclfale, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or morc of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exccptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply gencrally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propenies in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request as we believe it meets the variance criteria, as discussed above. concerning frndings, staff believes that it complies with B, 1 that approval of this request is not a grant of special privilege as properries like the Mariott/Radisson have also been allowed two dishes. Finding B, 2 has been met in staff's opinion as there will be no impact in public health, safety, or welfare. Staff believes that finding B, 3(a) is also met as a strict interpretation of the zoning code would prevent the applicant from providing a full range of television channels to the guests at the Westin. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions; 1. That the applicant remove all plywood screening that encloses the underside of the deck on the west side of the building and remove the miscellaneous irems stored under the deck at this time; 2, That the applicant rcvegetate the slope around the satellite dishes and deck area with native gmsses; 2. 3. IV. O O ,tf "ffi o:'^J* ,st -J 58 -t '(*'' 3. That the applicant p*-fit*dscape plan to the DRB which provides a minimum of 12 shnrbs'to be located around thc satellite dishes and 3 spruces and 5 aspens to be located along the dcck area in locations that will not block satellite Eansmission signal to the dishes. This landscaping should be coordinated with the landscaping proposed for the Cascades. Please note that, under Section 18.62.080 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion. {, DFfi LJ'< -/ tqt ru,t'^ aJ lob D,[, C\" u-0 d (D f v) €Z:, tz 6 o cl () t-d o a lJ-t! J C) F z L u-l I J 3 ,'r - {-, O F 6 F g,I i -{lo c! fl r.,i(!)6z dd#Za* (9dH zE=ff; "b6 |uJz3 (9 o.s o.|4-' =>* E -J z,t!J (D E lrJ Fo Xrr' F- () t o .J t P ,t \t1 -r) o z o J :)m z I z F CN lU = xx*2., { "... TL lU F CI' z z ltJ F z UJ F J J [rJ F U)z F a ]U = I R k'a \ WH t<-ta z ro C)J tm o o l -z-"> ",L' ('i i j I I I I I I I I I I t I t I 1\5 I MEMORANDI.JM TO: Planning and Envircnmental Commission FROM: Community Dcvclopment Departnent DATE: September 28, L992 SLJBJECT: A request for variances from Section 18.58.320 to allow two satcllite dishes to be located at thc Westin HotcN300 Wcsthaven DriveVescribed as follows: That part of 0p SW l/4 NE l/4, Secdon 12, Township 5 Soilb, Range 8l West of the Sixth Principal Meridia& Town of Vail, E gle Coutrty, Colcado, describ€d as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly of the parcel of land shocm on the Condominiur Map for fte Colorado Mountain Condominiums recorded in Book 387 o Fage 620 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, whence the most southerly comer of said parcel bears S 52 50'29" W 14.16 fe€t disenq ftence the following nine courses along the southerly boundary of said parcel: (l) N 52 50'29" E 49.16 fef,r: (2) N 37 12'45" W 12.34 Fef,l; (3) N 52 4?'15" E 1.00 feeq (4) N 3? 12'45" W 1.30 feet (5) N 52 4?'15" E 42.&feeu (6) N 37 12'45" W 8.70 teel Q) N 52 47'15" E 15.00 feeq (8) S 37 12'45 822.& feeq (9) N 52 50'29" 83528 Feeq thence departing said southerly boundary N 52 50'29" E 56,96 fe€q thence S 37 D'31" E 45.M fer;t thence N 52 50'29" E tE.70 fes: tlrence S 37 09'31" E 9.60 feec drnce N 5250'29" E 80,00 feeq thence S 37 W'31" E 36.40 feeq thence N 52 50'29" E 21.30 feeC thence S 37 09'3l" E 220.02 feet to Gore CleeB thence the following four counes along Gore Cleek (l) S 49 26'36" W 76.45 fe€q (2) S 22 31'36" W 1U.47 teet; (3) S 53 37'36" W 119.34 feeq (4) S 65 3l'36" W 14.58 feeq thence depaning Gore Creek N 32 59'30" W 141.47 feeq thenc€ N 57 25'30" W lA.O2 feeq thence N 37 09'31" W 116.45 feet !o the point of begirming, conlaining ll0,2m squfie feet or 2.49 acres, more or less. Applicant: Planner: Westin ResortVri Countv Cable Vision Andy Knudtsen L PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Westin Hotel is proposing to locatc two satellite dishes on the western side of their facility. These would be located under an existing deck which is cunently approximately 10-15 feet above grade. The proposal complies with all of the zoning code sundards for satellite dishes except for item 18.58.320 (D, l). This section of the codc states that "no morc than one satellite dish antenna shall be allowcd on any lot as delineated on the official Town of Vail zoning map." The applicant is requesting a variance from the standard so that they can locatc two dishes on the property. I In the past, the Westin Hotel has used plywood to enclose the underside of the deck for storage puposes. They have painted the plywood to match the color of the building. They are currently using the area below the deck as storage. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Znnng: SDD #4, Cascade Village. Setbacks: Per SDD Development Plan, with the building location and the resulting setback being the same distance from the property lins. The satellite dishes would be setback 45 feet ftom the Westin's westem property line. III. VARIANCE CRITERIA Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department r€commends approval of the requested variance based on the following facton: A. Relationship to surroundine area 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The properties which have the potential to see these rwo satellite dishes include Millrace Phase I, Millrace Phase II and the Cascades on Gore Creck. During the staff review of this proposal, we discussed the issue of scrcening with the applicant. Originally, the applicant wanted to replace the existing plywood with a chain link fence with wooden slats woven into the fence. Staff notifred the applicant that the Design Review Guidelines do not allow chain link fencing to be used. After discussing this, the applicant agreed to landscape the area as long as no landscaping would be planted that would block the signal to the satellite dishes. Staff believes that planting the slope around the rwo satellite dishes with shrubs will improve the appearance of this side of the facility; however, we do acknowledge that the dishes will be visible. Since the dishes will be located under a deck, staff believes that the visibility is relatively low. 2. Staff believes that the rclationship to the surrounding area can be improved by rcmoving the plywood that has been installed in the past to enclosc the underside of the deck. Staff would like to see all of the plywood rcmoved, the itcms stored in this arca rcmovcd and the area immediately in front of the deck revegenrcd and landscaped- We believe that this would improve the appearance of this side of thc Westin to the rcsidcntial properties to the we$ of the hotel. The degree io which relief from the strict and literal interpretation snd enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Often, in cases where commercial properties rcquest the installation of satellite dishes, the applications usually involvc two dishes. This is becauss of technical limitations of the Vail area, according to the applicant. In a statemcnt thc applicant submitted, he has said that "one (dish) is needed to bring in cable TV channels and the second is needed because there is no over the air reception network channels in Vail. (NBC, ABC, CBS, and PBS). The second dish is required to supply these channels." In order to make the satellite dish system work for the hotel, a minimum of two dishes arc needed. Staff believes that the literal enforcemeni of the zoning standard would result in a practical difficulty for the applicant, as a full range of television reception can only be provided with two dishes. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes that there will be no impact on health, safegr, or welfare with this request. The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followins findings before $antine a variance: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitutc a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propenies classified in the same district. 3. B. I That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safcty or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The srict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specifred regulation would rcsult in practical difficulty or unneccssary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tide. b. Therc are exccptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propcrties in the same zone. c. The strict interprctation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propenies in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request as we believe it meets the variance criteria, as discussed above. Concerning findings, staff believes that it complies with B, I that approval of this request is not a grant of special privilege as properties like the Mariott/Radisson have also been allowed two dishes. Finding B, 2 has been met in staff's opinion as there will be no impact in public health, safety, or welfare. Staff believes that finding B, 3(a) is also met as a strict interpretation of the zoning code would prevent the applicant from providing a full range of television channels to the guests at the Westin. Staff recommends approval with the following condirions: l. That the applicant remove all plywood screening that encloses the underside of the deck on the west side of the building and remove the miscellaneous items stored under the deck at this time; 2. That the applicant revegetate the slope around the satellite dishes and deck area with native grasses; 2. 3. rv. 4 I 3. That the applicant provide a landscape plan to the DRB which provides a minimum of 12 shrubs to be located around the satellite dishes and 3 spruces and 5 aspens to be located along the deck area in locations that will not block satellite transmission signal to the dishes. This landscaping should be coordinated with the landscaping proposed fm the Cascades. Please notc that, under Section 18.62.080 of the Town of Vail Tnntng Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two yeanl of the date of issuance and diligently punued to completion. t Q o (D 3 U) z. _F,-a tz <9 G-: )o F ()4 F lr-r H :\+*. =--\\ q ffir LrJ F z d v) (9 3 z-r - | -, d tL F \n I .J ,fE iF f,O ,.,r_g ()< Oco: 1A (9du zY.=-1S* =,*a l!A>\., o UzJ (9 ox o('";;>* I 1^{io UJ F. PtsS T R k.a \ !L P d Y h \5 \ \r a\ I \ '1, h) ,1, s s xx*2.. J\.(L UJ F U) z z UJ F-z LtJ F =J [rJ F a z tr CN lU = CI z o J f m z I z tr o UJ = i/&2va inV iv I i ng i<-r#! _+ ih iXo ! l!'..i s I ^A li t"\(J i i t^/A \ ! "^iA '.i L\^/ )'.r - \,v ia i<l I ldt \ "''- / iN 'r \.n "l i .: ut\z" =i Ei tui o-i oi trI tLi fugll; f,-H WH IE _r cL z lo C)J rff =m CN {z CN {m t-r {m z -{m z z U, =m -t F '2. I '.-n r .ft I t-t | \rt !-E i rit iTt i-t :-< it- i=, im -&-*j M zL- #ry TD r c)o z €m a -{z I =z TD g t-(f z o \q a\ \ I I v h9n< 1 I I .'F J !'-'-:--. \$ \ s \ a\- fait \ > h >= (lSD€o P€trB 5 f tr t+6 Elag .' rf 0 {r:o|'OHr FO Orrkr 't :r 9Or.r cr, t o v){' rt g)gr" €Gtr Or-o .g\n|r,r tJ z oottt AF EF t!tr\.o F5\ rng 00ca Frl o tsl*o q Al?C FF o90 ..tll 4l\'0r {PPt o 9t r.fr =d .CF BF4 F! '-€t a l'At* - ggglltF !-E FL! rr. f) ,- trt rD l' c rdr-o !r_rTg *oo. r\r S lE p o o o 6cr F..cr ,r, o g g E'-o r,r-;;;Ee o or E FhrF r.lr cb=?? ;o5';;Frr€L.LF . :l s'.r {(ao o ! i }=i. -u[ir io o p ,r. rt - Hooog. *, -i6-E 6 roF r.^ots (rr$ro __.! t{^o' -E Ff, r:r.=r*= r$u Or \O E l: U,r4 r*r .'lii *\j j. r-o s o p tpfr:c:hlr .,'H!t'4fIl*o,** F f 3.6 o 6) + o.ro r\r h, hr - 6=rl._LE,*n.., e s AoO -o -._!{. rr,.-'Fij.,rEorf O rt tl r- r.r 1. Url 5; d :{; a-EE:U-S:HB E t- ; - ; H --q'i-'-'J{p'8 =_o- ry,Et ff FB g.tsf i trr#arto9q -- rir i r.rr id'- er '' *o o o ig 3 t*.,3 * ='::.. ;;;rr io e "' - F -? t, rifr'oO mr{.r€:S;o:i " *; i3g Bq O. O Eo,D. ^,g- - r E\,| tt rto atr'-,,-z &ic+;6F,TE*JAgIi-o *f g t 9r-+ ;r. .-._!1l -- r.rrJ.. Li,- e g 9y?N_ |'to rpq:-6I'|t =_-_ 'E--o H.+,xlq33 'o::bfl l"'=tlE rrl H'O Cr\e.\./F o rrrrrr? 6r, O -- rJrt ! i ir o g 9r0 - -.H66g -,os.it'6rirreo -s)(a Hoo.fi-F -ru---- ii' o F vro ..\ o rrr'r?o trFi-AEr-.p LE ujts E -r.SSi,...,.9 ?? qlvrF.-i oo "t F -C-'-5,+.n ttO o O 'Nit g1. e '.1e i TrE eruro!f=[*if-..-oP o o -r-F---- i ; E,"U* i?8" H fF;"1 Hs -1r t.h3 rt Er F^ lo -:dd;i Fr rl fir*rrktt\ro o f|o (h. gr -re!PP.onEr:rF olu i, o. !.-:r.r- - - :ii:-^] -.o.T -Xggf . "S**a,.) u'|.tttvll' 3 q,1:'- -6 ur; ro o *, g;f iqH $S**I *98beo h'. ;;i t\, O l!I\, Q rI r E (iO bt;H:-ff#fgt;F{fli:' O lttiiJS r- f,-p 6 o'jpL'c r",,ll.ls^i'$*=F +rI -'f)trso. o _:. -+-o b -rrc_5- 3 ff, S$3 -ttth =to Eif;i'' .-F o .": _-: : -: loe,p*i rq?-" 3.*' R5;izt?Fn'}|\'$,- e !rq a-E; bril"r*G3;g If t . SFt,/|rOOr{. r'"r . 9 q *rE ,r d ob:iF.6- *-f *g f; f B i l+ ftrr l\r. I . o - 1.1it _eIri,HSFl,5-3F - - F . e lr'r ^'l rtr 6 G ,- e O -rrr.q;+ Fr O Ofi- 9rOOOo;r O-+.i-" fi ' q'q).vOOr,rqg - {n - tt o Frr.. 0; -; s \t F 9r,tro toE o5 E s I !E o TITTEL F. rir: rl: I . I r€visad 9/4/9L I I. NPPLIqATION TOR I \TARIANCE This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is subnitted. A. NAr,{E oF appr-,rceur lD€fi,rt Dasnf il&i0 lSno Uavtfurrazr Dnte pHoNE non "1-t67ILl APPLICANT' S C. NAD{E OF OWNER(S) (type or print) 2EYlsto W3 R REPRESENTATIVE Pecre 5t {',b ADDRESs l'{o fuG'lrh Peccc 5t 9d\gr (Dlo rado 8oe . ,r-.n PHONE 6lBtoQB PHONE LEGAI DESCRIPTION: I,OI t/l D.LOCATION OF BLOCK_ ADDRESS PROPOSAL: FlLING II. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional infornation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is compl-ete (rnust include alI items reguired by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibirity to nake an appointment with Lhe staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. FEE $250.00 PAID cKf BY THE FEE @! BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of aII property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING .f|UL,tar,JDllJ. III. PTEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAI'{LINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND E}NTIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI.L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPL]ED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF TT1E VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance Lo other existing br potential uses and structures in the vicinity. sl) Jur- 2',s199? Application Date PEC MEETING DATE 9.24,?z ADDRESS ,N owNER(s) srcNAruRE(s) Milqfu!fllpt, , , ,( li' .1.'ADDRESS sd/vhQ d5 4scne 2. Tl:Gg.:e to which rel-ief rrofne strict or l-i-teaaL interpretation and enforbement of a . specified regulation is necessary to achieve cornpatlbility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. lhe effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilitiesr and public safety. 4. How your reguest complies with VaiL, s Comprehensive Plan. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scaLe of at least !" = 2Q' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing j.mprovements, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least Lt' - 20' showing exi-sting and proposed buildings. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dj-mensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is located in a muLti-family development which has a homeowners' association, then wrj-tten approval from the association in support of the project must abe received by a duly authorized agent for said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A compl-ete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be subrnitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) wiII be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. Al1 PEC approved variances shall lapse if const.ruction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued Lo completion. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shal1 be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not. limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the applicant's requestr dny matter is postponed for hearing, causing the natter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. .F B. n E. F IV. TIME A. B. A.v. a .l I appfica0ons deerned by the Communi!/DeveloPment Department to have significant. design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of noney necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the tine he files his application with the Community DeveloPment Departnent. Upon compfetion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Uo;l;. ,,; , t-;.:;) txi s{,'nf enc/ot'o(' f or olt. Sa,+a t/ i4, ao{* "n cr I o "o*cJ u na(<r frdrcki' i.rti& en./oso14- 7 lo Ff &ih"^1i*s> atJ<nrtts 1 * a^ itt c.alu'- IJ a c)(D =a z o :.- '{. i.o={ il LO\ Q(ls;{r-\J>o CI-a q- I :V -l i.+:{+v ss \rlJ rf (9 UJ o ll tL f 5fus 1': ) I F)o iE J N 1f) r.,, o dz O.:Za* odE zd= =f:l!F>\--, O V) z3 (ro^-o(/)" J z trl J (' I o9 tu (rr t- Q'', r o (J (_) LL oo .o u)-I 9 F tL ly l(,tff Ea,/out;/ Co,rt rrg,ah/ /,r/rrrfr.h/ Locking PDSj D EPA RTi\lE.\-T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIIENT SALES ACTION FORM TOWN OF vAIIt ZOND{G AI.ID ADDRESS MAPS 0l 00004t540 0l 0000 42415 0t 0000124t5 NATTONAL ELECTR]CAL CODE 0t 000012115 0l cE00 424 r 5 0l 0000 41543 0r 0000 {2412 XEROX COPIES/STUDIES PENALTY FEES / RE.NSPECTIONS 0r 00c,o 42371 ot ooo0dt332 i pt-L.qnEvlglrRE.cttEcKFEE ls{oPERHR. OFF HOURS INSPECTON FEES CONTR.A CTORS UCE\S ES FEES 0l (s00.t1412 SIGN APPUCANON FEE 0t 0000 41330 0r 0000 4t4i3 ADDmONAL SIGNAGE EE lSl,00PER SQ.FT.0l OOCrtJ4l4l3 }TC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 0cs0 42410 PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIEWBOARD FEE 0t 0000 41331 * * * * * * * t * o t *ab ffi^z^r"w?.PUBLIC NOTICE o ;frlp t"7 NOTTCE tS HEBEBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hod a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on September 28,1992, at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for variances from Section 18.58.320 to allow two satellite dishes to be located at the Westin Hotel\l300 Westhaven Drive\described as follows: Th.d p.rl ol th. SW 1r4 NE l/4. kion 12, Townrhb 5 South. Rsn9. 8l Wbd of th. Sidh P.iEipal MorUiu. Torn d Vdl E.oL Coirtty, Colo.rdo, d6cc.t d I tolb|i: E thhi^g d r F)irl on O|. .outhity boond{t d th. p.rc.t ol Lrd .}roiyn oo lh. Cordo.rinium l|||p to. fh. *rdo Uounhii Condo.rlhirnr r@d.d in Bod( 387 d Prg. 6?0 in rh. ol{io. d tha Ea!l! Courly, CoLr.do' CLrk .nd Rcco.d.r, ri.io tb nEl .q,rlh..lt .o.n t ol ni, Frc.l b.r'r S 5e 5O2t W 1a.16l.dt dbldr ; thcnc. rh. lolbdng nil. courDd ddt! t|. .ovth.dt b.urd.ty o,.dd p!ol: (ll N 5a 50Af E 4e.16lc.t: (a N 37 l24t W r?31 Feer;(31N 5e a715'E t.OOl€d; (al N 37 1245'W 1.S l..l (5) N 5e,1715' E .a"60 l..li (6) N37l?45' W 8,?O f.ct; O N 52 47r 5. E 1 5.s leer; (s) S 37 121C E A.lO ld; (9) N 52 502s' E 35.28 F!.1; th.nc. d.p.iin! .sk, ro'rtHy bound.ty N 5C50'29E56.eObot:thcncoS37oe31'E45.34lGallh.no.N5Qla?fE48.70{..i;lhonc.S3709'31'E9.60t..t;thcnc.N5250?fE U,.00: thcn<. S 37 0e3l'E 36.40loat: rh6r€ N 52 5929'E 21.3a 1.,.1; thc.tc. S 37 ogil'E 22C.@ lc.t lo Gor. Ct€.ti th.no. lh. loloiving tour.ou'rdebogGor.C'r.*:(lrS{9a6'S'W75.a5r..1;{2)S223136.W124,,07te!:{3).533736'rllg,3al..t;la)S553136.W t4.58t6ct;thcrEd.p.ningGor.Crrd(N32593CWl,lt.a716t;6.nc.N5725.SW12,a.O2l*tiIh.noN''e3t'Wll6J5l].tlolh. Firl d b.t!'nnhg, aordrhirE l l0.20O .qqr. l..l d 2.rl9 !cr!a, fir0.. d br|. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicants: Planner: A request for a variance from Section exceed the maximum slope permitted. 1\2369 Chamonix Lane. A request for a variance from Section 17.28.330 to allow a residential driveway to exceed the maximum slope permitted. Lot 16, Vail Potato Patch\782 Potato Patch Dr. A request for a work session for an exterior alteration and setback variance for the Vail Lionshead Center Building located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing\520 East Lionshead Ckcle. 2. 3. 4. 5. A request for a variance from Section 18.58.020 to allow the construction of two retaining walls located in the front seback which exceed 3 feet, located on Lot 10, Block B, Vail Ridge\2592 Cortina Lane. Westin Resort\Tri Gounty Cable Vision Andy Knudtsen Andrew Daly Shelly Mello Hanns Weimann Tim Devlin and The Town of Vail 17.28.330 to allow a residentialdriveway to Lot 14, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. Applicants: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Paul M. Sands Mike Mollica Oscar Tang Andy Knudtsen o. 7. A request for a work session on the proposed 1992\1993 Environmental Work Program. Staff: Flussell Forrest and Susan Scanlan A request lor a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village, to amend the development plan lor the Waterlord and Cornerstone parcels in area A, described as follows: That part ot f|e SW 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of lh€ Sixh Principal Meridian, Town ol Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follow6: B€ginning at a point on fie souherly rightof-way lin€ of Interstale Highway No. 70 whence an iron pin wih a plastic cap ma*ing fre center ol said Section l2 bears S 33010'19'W 1447.03 t€et; thsnc€ along said souhly rightof-way line two cDurses 1) N 52'50'29'E 229.65 feet 2) N 74'38'17'E 160.70 feet; thance departing said southerly right-olway line N 88'45'57' E 138.93 feel; lhence S lo'45'14' W 94.32 te€t; rhence S 18' 18'35'W 54.08 feet; thenc€ S 01'21'36'W 205.02 teel; lhence S 12'0736'W 110.25 fest: thence S 28'28'36'W 154.48 teet; thencs N 40 ol7o4'W 211.16 l€eti fieno€ N 49'4?56'E 97.90 lo€t; thence N 3fo9'31' W 95.59 feet; henoe S 52'50'29' W 55.10 leeq bencs 69.48 feet along the arc of a non- tangent cu e to f|s l€h having a radius of 65.00 feet, a cantral angle ol 6l'14'42'and a chord that b€ars N 58. 55'53' W 66.22 feet; lhence N 37"09'31' W I 18.50 teet To The True Pcfnt ot B€ginning, County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and ihe Comerslone parcel described as follows: Euilding C Site That part ol he SW lll NE 1/4, Section 12, Township 5 South, Bange 81 West of th€ Sxh Pdncipal Meridian, Town of Vail, County ol Eagle, Stale ol Colorado, described as follows: Eeginning ai a point on th€ easterly line of a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress knorn as Weshaven Dn've recorded in Book 421 al Page 65.| in hE office ol he Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Record€r whence th6 contsr of said Soc6,on 12 bears S 38"34'43'W 1,168.27 te€t: hence along said lins of Weshaven Drive N 52'43'41'E 143.92 teel; henc€ departing said ling of W€sthaven Drive, 132.24 teet along the arc of a non-langent curve to the left having a radus of 55.00 foel, a cental angle of 137"45'30' and a chord hat bears N 42'11'rt6'E 102.61 teeti lhenca N 52'50'29'E 55.24 le€ti th€nc€ S 3709'31'E 95.59 leet thence S 49.42'55'W 97.80 feet; henc€ S 40'17'04'E ?4.12 faeli thence S 52'5O'29'W 213.66 t€et: hence N 3f09'31'W 105.76 f€€t to fle point of beginning containing 0.6848 acr6 morE or less. 8. Applicant: Planner: A request for for an VailZoning Code. Applicant: Planner: MECM Enlerprises represented by Eustaquio Cortina and Commercial Federal Savings. Shelly Mello amendment to Chapter 18.57 Employee Housing for the Town of Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Community DeveloPment Published in the Vail Trail Department on September 1 1, 1992 East West Partners Attn: Mark Smith P.O. Drawer 277O Avon, CO 81620 Colorado Mountain College Attn: l<ay Saulsberry 1310 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Mansfield Condos. c/o Commercial Federal Savings Attn: Ann 2 Steele Street, #201 Denver, CO 80206 Seafirst Bank Attn: Doug Cogswell 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Millrace Homeowner's Assoc. c/o Kevin MacTavish '1476 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81658 James White 631 Voltz Northbrook, lL 60062 Gene & Teni Yerant 12 Glenmeadow Ct. Daffas, TX 75225 Stanley S. Beard 2121 N Frontage Rd., #210 Vail, CO 81657 CanolSchmidt 55 Mead Lane Englewood, CO 80010 Halseth and Knox 310 Baker Street Benicia, CA 94510 M.A. & Elinor Bramante 857 Huron Road Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 Andres A. Sorinao lll c/o J. Talbot P.O. Box 706 Avon, CO 81620 Gary and Gail Ray 8101-14 E Dartmouth Denver, CO 80231 Alejandro Gumming c/o Kevin MacTavish 1476 Westhaven Dr Vail, CO 81657 Patrick Broe/Carol Robinson c/o The Broe Companies 252 Clayton St,4th Floor Denver, CO 80206 Dr. Aaron & Roberta Lifchez 29 Regent Wood Road Northfield, lL 60093 Monica Rovner c/o Nancy Butler 2227 20th St NW, #504 Washington, D.C. 20009 4907 Properties, Inc. Alan Werner 1201 Elm Street, #3700 Dallas, TX 75270 Susan Powers 4230 Park Newport, 1t211 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tom Cintorino John LaPorto 51 Walden Pond Drive Nashua, NH 03060 Juan Kaye calle del Atluente N. 48 fracc. parques del Ped RegalTjalpan DF 14010 MEXICO dq ^ptY"" ^(r'wffi frA1\-6, SEP 11 '9? 11:3EHM HRVELg{GTH INC. .U Caasede:test ncgt Partncrg Itta. llerk Smtth P. O. DrNer 2770 Avor CO e16e0 8r5-9200 Colorado l{ountrin collrEc tttu, Kat Seulrbcrry 1910 Hectbavcn DrlYe Yril eo 81557 tlrnrf leld Condomin{rn Sltc;Cmreial tcdrrrl Ittn. lnn 2 8tGalc Strcet 1201 D.nY.r CO 80206 Plara BuildtnE: IIOIE; onnershlp tcrfirgt Ertrh Ittn. Doug CoEsrell 1300 Hesthtvc$ DEive Vall Co S165? ir tbr rrm tt tL. r9Pltcrnt. P,?o , (.----\ a ln'^).,' At tr{U P /l/1fl',ta.tx- / \ -0ot"'"-C'orc 0/^Y' ufu*z-tfulMw'-U fu ./. r/ lt / a--l'l Xllrt\ /I'n l) t/ ul v I SEP 11 '9E 11:33R].1 I^IFVELENGTH INC,o gLEf,LIOf, 3UEDIVISIOT {5 A: ilemcr $. tfhitc 631 YoItr ilorthbtooh lt 50062 tE lr Gatr€ S. 6 TEEri L. Icrent 12 Olrnmrdow Ct.Dellra IX 75e25 {6 A!ttarlrl 8. Baard 2I2l !t. Frontage Rd. felo Vail Co 81657 16 B:Cerrol 8. ltahnldt 55 t|Gnd LtDe hgl.r{ood CO 80010 17 lforth:grlrcth E finoi 310 Baker Btreet Ecnicir Cf 9{510 17 louth;ll. l'. i Ellnor Bramenta 857 liuron RoNd Frrrhllr Lit;r w 0?ll? f8: Lndreg l. Eorilao lll C?O J. lalbot P. O. ?06 lvon CO 81520 P.3 f sEP 11 '9U 11:33HI,I I{FVELENGTH INE.'/4;tl {l-"? l+ L P.4 lE GarY & Gail RaY 8101-14 East Dartllouth Denver, co 80231 303 75s-5514 lF Alejandro cuffiring c,/o-Kevin tlactavlsh trave *384 1475 westhavtn Dro Jarclneg d61 Hqregal vall, Colorado sL657 01900 Mel.lso D'F' 303 4?6-6106 905 ?60-1089 lG Patrtclc Broe e7o The Broe Companies 352 cIEYton street 4Ch Flcar Denvlrf CO 80206 303 393-0033 (eontact Carol Robinson) fax 303-393-004L lH Dr. Aaron s' and Roberga Lifclrae ?9 Regent wood Road rloruhit*d, rL 60093 709 998-8?33 312-296-7oeo 2A . Monica Rovner c,/o Nancy Butl6t 2227 20th St. NtJ #504 I.lashington, 0C 20009 2A2 332-9892 2b 4907 Properties. Inc. AIan Werner 1201. EIn Strcct f3700 lll' 3 i i -T1,1" lh * e /0 -,e,s? 2C gusan Powetrs 42?0 Park Neport APt' 21I Ne$rport Beach, CA 92660 2D Ton clntorino ,tH -610-5r?n John LaPorEo Johh's addreEs: John H 603-892'9208 5l Hald€h Pond Drive Nashua, New Haupshlre 03060 313 464-3337 }! + 2E Juan L. Kay€calle del Afluente N. 48 ffaoc. pargu€s del Pcd Regal FjalFan DF 14010 lilrxlco o 011-5F-Fnr-Er€8 r orr-ia-jl's+*++'51jf - a!&6 SZs-5/5 &&& or €il-gr?f .&a #. 9/P'd dotii lgU-nIA AftfficJ tlU6EI6@ e6, ii d35 sEP 11 '98 11:3EHM HAVELENGTH INC.P.1 F -Tr!:CountY ' a.to 6. FG.or st!..r --------+- -crlvct CO 6032S -.-.-Et - Fl. 13,-itr 698-9!93 E;;7;;EE;'---- F.- tsosr 8s8-'r.! o^.," -%Ll- ?2. r,*" /l )S o F ou I pu I{OTE: tl n dd nol rBcaire att ol lhc prger ol you hlve a qu.sllon, pleisF cqll lhe vrrlttlng numbff (bbf,)' NUUEER OF PAGES (hcluding Cover Lenert; TO: FIX ftansmissitr, Dcar Andy, flera arc the owaera namea and addreccer thrt you nccd for thr tfcrtin rrtrllitc progorel . Lrt n knotr i! you nrrd turthcr informetion. gorsr I got tou thic informrtlol rt thr lret ninutr. Prcsldcnt o T{ESTIN SATEIJLIIE ATITENNA PROPOSAL Review of Section 18.58.320 aa it pertains to this actual appl Lcetion. Paragraph C: The tollowiug are encloeed with this appllcation: I. Conplcted dcslgn review board epDlication form. 2. Site plan showing propoeed locatlon of the satellite antennas. 3. Thc antcnnas will be a parabolic dish constructed of fiberglass and held in place by a metal support structure (mount). 4. The color of ths antennas shall be tan in color unless othcrwise specified. 5. l{o landrcaplng ls anticipated. 6 . tlot appl icabl e . ? . llot appl lcabl q. Paragraph C: Requircrnents, Variances where noted. 1. VARIINCE Two satellitc antennas are needed to bring ceble TV service to the glestln. One is needcd to bring in cable TV channcls and the second lc ncsdcd because their are no over the air receptLon of network channels in Vail. (l{BC, CBS, ABC and PBS). Thc sccond dish is reguircd to supply thcse channels. 2. Not applicable. 3. Thc maximum height of the proposcd antennas will uot exceed l0'. 4. The antennag will be no morc than l2r. They are to serve the lfestin llotel which is a multi-family dwelling. 5. Their will be no logos or advertising on the antennas. 5. The antennas will be within the building line under the balcony and algo approxl.matcly 45' from the property line excecding a setback of 20'. 7. A building permit will be obtained before the antennag rre lnsta I 1ed. 8. The adjaeent property ownera are listed in the application and will be nottfied because of the numbcr variance. 9. The proposed antenna site is not in the Conunercial Cores I or II. o Tri-County , - cdDlevlston September l, L992 Andy l(nudtsen Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail Co 81657 RE: lfcstin Satclltts lntcnne Var{encc Dear Andy, In response to your letter of August 26, L992 I have enclosed the items you need for the proposal. The legal descriptlon ig very long but it is for the Wegtln main building only and not for the confcrence center or Colorado t{ountain College. The site plan ic encloscd and shows precisely where the antennas are to be installcd. I havs also marked on a copy of the photogrephs rhcre the antcnnas are to go. (Under the last two openlngs to the tforth)If you nced additional photographg I will be gtad to supply them.f have drafted a letter covering Section 18.58.320, not only the 9 requiremcnts of paragraph D, but alEo the ? regulrementr in paragraph C. Please let me know if you need any information or if you would like to mcet ma at the site. ,,frii,. t" tl lggg Denver, CO 80223 . Ph. (3Og) 698-9283 Prcsident 24O S. Pecos Street '* Fax (3Og) 698-9285 a ) Ff L t c0Py 75 Soutb Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -47 9-2r 3 I / 47 9-21 3 9 August 26, 1992 Town Planner Enclosure cc: Doug Cogswell ^^fu#^ /-rh\ D epartrnent of C ommunity D ea elopment Mr. Lynn A. Johnson Tri-County Cablevision 240 S. Pecos Street Denver, CO 80223 RE: Westln Satellite Dish Varlance Dear Lynn: As we discussed on the telephone loday, I will move the Westin Satellite Dish Variance Request to the September 28, 1992 Planning and Environmental Commission agenda. Thank you for your llexibility on this issue. In the meantime, could you please provide some addifionaf application information by September7,1992. These items include: 1. A legal Description 2. A site plan showing setbacks, 3. Additional photographs of the hotel showing where the dishes will be placed, 4. A letter discussing ol the zoning standards for satellite dishes specilically identifying needed variances. Please address Section 18.58.320 (D) 1 through 9 on the attached pages 474-1, and 474-2. ff you have any questions about these requirements, please call me at 479-2138. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, ( r:-ac.,.& Ulrat, r. O O (.'r --l o @ a- --E TL o tt o 3 o 5 o c!o 3 I t (D !L o tt 3 o t o m I t-t-lm t=P t!Y lm:lL, o l -r1 0 lT<ITP l=m ts -r |-: m l-i r t o ! o 6 a z o m .r| ro m -.t nnrF =FF 1P2 =oo YP r Lt!qlt {rll a H P z E -n 1l z= Q@ >t 6u'z .lJ rrt n ={ Hl zo z2 O ,.'\ :i n az -aY rri -l m -l rm \rr :0 \o:\.o -l No m x m a z (- a -{m z t. z a o o z (t, -{n o {o z o ? qn 8=ZA Pf 6z --r x Y> o 9p -.t c 8E i6 otr z,; B{iO o> 2a -tm nz >m -{>or u 'f =m 1 €z m (- z =T € IE Fl H z F Fl F r{H Fl F z €trl z z (n m rrl (nc)c)>'l- r --.t t-x l =z o c) ts -r m r F I F ld t;t<t> lr- l* IF, lz -n H z H rr m r- F l.' t r- I a\s* \ C^ ) I t-l E z 'n r- m z n 3 l-.1 lo t{ lz lo II l>- m le,z n 3 -J o €z -n r- m z 'n 3 l-l to l€ lz o ll t>l-T m le lz 9 .ll a I I =r p m .Tt ogE =EE <h lE > lx lf4 H Ii IV2 rtm tH l(, lFl rhE tl I F" lrd I tJ) lr4 I oi(/r tt'd | € lFl ! lltl r l(/)l . lFll +'ltEl slFl \ol<,I i|ql '-Jlzl Ft I F|t I sFt:q igii.g E oq, &!,ei:s3 :=:83 l*J*s' Hi ap. - E5 =.3 { '"4 3 3f oO^,qrX P+aF=36P.*6'iae[S =-!oIE q il.g; s- 9 "iaI.3 33 e 3'i 1(/)3== fi EE4E 5i=gP ei gQ I 3 FgF=0) =_ an -.E6:3Ei B3BEJ FeigF +SUta= Iil3qg 9u9R= : o --- I llc)ti flrtl D lz l uci r€ tl IH to [.. >@ z^ -l> mC :lm zO m _rl Po €z m f,l z I _n o I v,m t-'n _l z r- ! m -{(t z m m m iz t= t;lr- m ! z @ I z -t c --l X N X X 2 c i l: 1z I I | --r lri -l I 1-r 6 fr t_ll t> IF l- i IO T€og Ii_ -a n-'z i z>e8 rci 2<+< >o o>m --l tlt 6 1 c z r1 tt i' I I z m { -{m z ?( P(t< =z _o i) I .It m c _n c =z € lt) F] F z trl tt) H H c. ON m^fi a;! ]-l r;F bo n).n B OU o'<z voo Io I E ^Z c !zt2 ooo -nzz = x z { - N F.l F F.{I x E E z I Ti z a I ,) 'f- i ) l.J -lcB trt >z r,tl!'':z 'sl Fo -l29">l oD zl tatc Zl=Hl >h zl2=tlo6 crl anz PIE9 EIFO r/ll ti r (nl Hl Hl Fll ot |nl Il=l zlcnl HITI c)I FOI HI EI Ht r{l ol Frl ztc)l t>l ,dl Hl r{t Hl ot ol . I Z,\ :le F z ttt o 6)14 =otx X =tz Y .*,E a ;,8 F 4 | frl dtz "l I lo{ lH l\o ieo 9l- ir :\o '"'l\o i IN c) FEJ tr. ts z z k 3 v \o \o N) -l --i r m -r .TI m m U> a m I c)t-m z c m I m z m m 2 m tn = z.'tl m m =m - z o 2 fn |-m o --{ o l- z -m x {D :c t- 2 c| !m , f !m n ='Tl m m a VALUATION !m D =z o 3 m o 2 o f- =z m m l- E z N) rc ti tJ d ( ^ .t ._.j J-G vs: - {o @ m ls mY 0i c3 a3 YO =-6s Ill=ez 33 o.<!A 63 E?FE 76 Fi3 o .n !m 3 { !F' m dr l-r q E'li E= IY P" lE l=li !t 3P cc z=q(D z=6o z C) 9p {c 3=o= ie o o 4o -l -a :c? 9t o z =m l =z a n tl $E E F lF It lF tz t I I l€ 13 E f I I I I F F E ih\ s{AF =Z 1A J>f -{;x z 'YI a, m o i o z .- z m rn fit l<.' giEEg -:*:E3 *;: *e = (,/' (o:=r EFiF; '"9 iei Oo-orX [,3g g; SagEg a'E iE I ;{a !.3 35 e 3'1 X[gaE i; i's.9 I 1i+i3 E HTH;;4''9" siSE 3 F9;E J F8i8i =*U a5 s;eq+ og Eli'3('--B a F rq z € H Ft f- z l'.r :-o -.!8!€l;>n ZCt qo -z ou, 90=< Eb 6o-zz Nct= Prn= Or=- 't< C',tl tn :o - m It <) ='= ia o € 7 m -{o { ,- m =I 'll m o ()o z CN {F c o =o z 'g m 7 =-{ q6 mil NI 11 0 l-si Ke f$,= oEf r"r _{;o .' co !lm ,x .It :-,r'; { 75 3oulh tronlage road v.il, colorado 81657 {303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 oltlce ol communlty devolopment BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this peryit. flQuj,rel a Town of Vai'l Fire Departnent Approval, Engineep^s-.[PyUt iq tJorks) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Oepariment review'or Health Department-review, ani'a revfew by the 6uitbing Department, the estinated time for a total review iray take as r6ng as three weeRs. All commercial (large or small) and a'll multi-famity permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residential and.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if lesi.dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments. wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt w,['l be made by this department to expedite this permi.! as. s,qon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time T! ame. &' "1,'n !o-' | 0,i/r, P!"oject Name Communi ty Devel opment Department. I 75 soulh tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&fECT: acknowl ged __Ld - 7- 7z- ofllce of communltY developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTSRED WIIII TITE TOWN OF VATL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anv person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, including trash lurnpster!, poriable ioileti and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public _p-f1ge or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way 6n atl fov,rn of Vail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. iff pavenent.This ordinance will be strility enforcEd by the To*n of Vail PYPIi-c works Department. pers6ns found vi6tating this ordinance vill be given a 24 hour vritten notice to remove-said rnaterial .In the event the person so notified does not eomply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLfic Works Department wirl remove said mateiial at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not bi applicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu1l, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain i copy. fLank you for your cooperation on this matter. Date TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDIJM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 28, 1992 A request for variances from Section 18.58.320 to allow two satellite dishes to be located at the Westin HoteN1300 Westlaven DriveVescribed as follows: Thar part of the SW 1/4 NE l/4, Section 12, Township 5 Soutb, Range 8l West of the Sixth Principal Meridian" Town of Vail, Eagte County, Colorado, descdbed as follows: Beginning at a point otr the southerly boundary of the parcel of land shown on the condominium U[ for lre Co-torado Mounuin Condominiums recorded in Book 387 at Page 620 in the office of ore Eagle county, colorado, clerk and Recorder, whence the most southerly mmer of said parcel bears S 52 50'29" W 14.16 fect disunq tlence the following nine courses along the southerly boundary of said parcel: (1) N 52 50'29" E 49.16 f@t: (2) N 37 12'45" W 12.34 FeeU (3) N 52 47'15" i t.00 feec, (4) N 37 12'45" w 1.30 feet (5) N 52 4?'15" E 42'ffifeec (6) N 3? 12'45" w 8.?0 feeq (?) N 52 47'15" E 15.00 feeq (8) S 37 L2'45" E22'4A fer;c (9) N 52 50'29" E 35'28 -Feeq rhence depafting said sourherly boundary N 52 50'29" E 56.96 feE\ thence s 37 09'.31" E 45.34 feerthence N 52 5O'2g" E +ti.70 teer; thence S 3? 09'31" E 9.60 feeq thence N 52 50'29" E 80.00 feeq thenc€ s 37 09'31" E 36'40 feeq thence N 52 50'29" E 2l'30 feec thence S 37 (]9'31" E 220.02 feet to Gore Cleeh thenc€ the following four courses along Core Creek (1) S 49 26'36" W 76.45 feeq (2) S 22 91'36" W rU.47 feet; (3) S 53 37'36" W ll9'34 feeq (a) S 65 3l'36" W 1458 feeq thence depaning GoIe Creek N 32 59'30" W 141'47 feeq thence N 57 25'30" W 7Vl'Oz feeq thence N 37 09;31'W 116.45 feet to tbe point of begiruring, containing 110,200 square feet or 2,49 acres, more or less. Applicant: Planner: Westin ResortVri County Cable Vision Andv Knudtsen I. The Westin Hotel is proposing to locate two satellite dishes on the western side of their facility. These would be located under an exisring deck which is currently approximately 10-15 feer above gade. The proposal complies with all of the zoning code standards for satellite dishei except for item 18.58.320 (p, 1). This secdon of ihe code states that "no more than one sateliite dish antenna shall be allowed on any Iot as delineated on the official Town of Vail zoning map." The applicant is requesting a variance from the standard so that they can locate two dishes on the propcrty' In the past, the Westin Hotel has used plywood to enclose the underside of the deck for storage purposes. They have painted the plywood to match the color of the building. They are curently using the area below the deck as storage. tr. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Tnning: SDD #4, Cascade Village. Setbacks: Per SDD Development Plan, with the building location and the resulting setback being the same distance from the propeffy line. The satellite dishes would be setback 45 feet from the Westin's western propeny line. ru. Y.ARIANCE CRITERIA Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Deparunent recommends approval of the requested variance based on the followine factors: A. Relationship to surrounding area 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The properties which have the potential to see these two satellite dishes include Millrace Phase I, Millrace Phase II and the Cascades on Gore Creek. During the staff review of this proposal, we discussed the issue of screening with the applicant. Originally, the applicant wanted ro replace the existing plywood with a chain link fence with wooden slats woven into the fence. Staff norified the applicant r}at the Design Review Guidelines do not allow chain link fencing to be used. After discussing this, the applicant agreed to landscape the area as long as no Iandscaping would be planted that would block the signal to the satellite dishes. Staff believes that planting the slope around the rwo satellite dishes with shrubs will improve the appearance of this side of the facility; however, we do acknowledge that the dishes will be visible. Since the dishes will be located under a deck, staff believes that the visibiliry is relatively low. f"l \"I v J e a 14 \: \\r -t\ I N ,I,\v \, \r-,J /n cx/\" v-' (l, Ji \,s fi x'* i: '. I i:..: 'ii z. {''..L tu F U) z z tU t-z tU F =J LlJ F a z tr a LU 3 o z.o J 3 m z =I z tr CN ul = _r ,2 .4.alz L /atR'!-l ll | -v//l\\ .lt lttt -ru *E I WH rk -JA z to O J tm v) o co =a z. -*-Pv \?\Y-' t\".. \ f--"Y*c trJ a U)(! t!f (J a,-*\\ffi J (J F z o- LtJ __) l tO 'q \> N fO l]J(,c;z ,-i;J Za*J trJ (,!iP Lt='.i s * lIk>L,/ O U) za .r\ O -aa"F>* -J z.t!J (9 I O'P E t!cco - C"'n_-J rN WTTNESS WHEREOF, and seal thls /arl day of -f I tui V'ii--,ft i t,t .v ".Jt ' the party of the first part has set its hand Oclal,zn , 1988. ,l BILL OF SALE KNOW ALL t'[EN BY THESE PRESENTS, that ANDREW D. NORRIS III,of the County of EagLe and the State of Colorado of the first part,for and in conslderation of the sum of four Thousand FLve Hundred- and No/100 Dollars ($4,500.00), and other good and sufflcient consideration to it ln hand paid at or before the ensealJ.ng or delivery. of these presents by the TOWN OF VAIL, a t'tuniilpal Corporation of the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, of the second part, the receipt and adequacy whereof ls hereby acknouledged,have bargained and sold, and by theie presents does giant and convey to the sal.d party of the second partl the EuqceEsors and assigns, th-following property, goods and chattele, to-wit: The Streeter Memorial located at Cascade ViIIage, Town of Vail,County of Eagle, State of Colorado. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sane unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever. And the said party of the first part, _for its successori or assigns, covenants ana lgrees to and vith the said party of the Eecond part, its EuccesEorE and assigns, to warrant and defend the Eale of said property, goods and chattels,hereby rnade unto the said party of the Eecond part, ite euccessors and assigns agal.nst aII and every person whomsoevel. STATE COUNTY or corpRADo )) ss. oF EAGLE ) subscribed and sworn to before me this &d a^y ot Ufl%l . ,1988 by Andre'* D. Norris III. Witness my hand and official seal . l{y commission expires on://;Q6./D .tl r ,'t ?t' ,l*b fu,f ftk* Project Application r/i s ls( Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ,l\li Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAT DISAPPROVAL Statf Approval ?EIE-VAIION ROMA ,rrahilt. UllreF. drq .4b tu 9, . h tu4Cr %tq c (qr1)V5.191o We$txl ?Llr3/' t,uhlL, co, aJATDFAIL t.{,ADr43rA UC'= ibtl oRotP t€li [ ilo. Jo6 lrcr.@lo,&nAtE 6'b'tb Rev?eD 6-t).b ,44',q, ? A"Olhil a '-nq,o -*cu|lD ROMA /nfhn. Urf-Dbl|t. d-|,l ti,o h,ft 9. . Jt Fi:b,Cl9ltog . ktiltlttlo .: r FEuseD 6'll'as PLA N hlta lt-o$ON ll,?c'lt-or o etal, Drl PLAN '%etE V+x zlt dl ROMA /rid&rrt. &f- Drtr.llrfl tlto Sfr? St. . hF*JntCA9'',ag . Q, nHJY WEorlN nAzA E v tL, @. N,WEsr ;yqefr { FA|L ONOLP DETAIL IIO. Jog r€. balo,&'Fjtvr. ,4€4 // ,4b */ 7ltrra TERRACE SITE tlrst part of che Slf L/4 NE 1i4, Sectltio 12, tonrehlp 5 Sourh, Range El i.lesr of the Slxrh Ptlnclpal Herldlan, Tonu of Va11,. Coloiado, descrlbed as folloss: Beglnning at a polnt wheoce an lron pin rtth'plaatlc cap marklng rhe cencer of sald secrloo 12 besrs s4B"22'37"'rI 1095.59 feet; thence N37.ot'31',w 16.7g feec; thence tf5?"50'29"E 15.00 feec; thence lt37oo9'31"w g0.00 feecl chence N52'50t29"8 238.66 feer; rhence s40"17r04"8 1g7.05 feet; thence s26"zg'3o"ht 208.48 feecl chence s05o26r5tr!E.104.50 feet; rhence s49o26'?36"!i 19.05 feec; thence N37"09'31"9 266.02 feet Eo rhe polnr of beglnnlng, concalnlng 1.510 acte!, nore or lesE. AND Thac portlon of the SW1/4 NEU4 of Sectlon 12, Tomship 5 Souch, Range 81 Wesc of the Slxtb Prlnclpal .r{erdlac, Torsu of Vai1, Eagle Councy, Colorado, described as follovs; Beginning at a poiot whence an iron pio w'ith plasclc caD Earkrng the canEEr of Seccion 12 bears S48"22'37"'J 1095.58 feet; Eheace S37'09'31"E 46.00 feec; thence S52'50'29rrH 21.30 feec; thence N37o09'31"',I 46.00 ieec; rhence N52o 50?29"E 21.30 feet to Ehe poiac oi begianing coocaining 980 seuare feec, more or less. A kJrc"7 \-/ .4*i 4 ,+6,af Pbzx z //an<. / "'Project Application /fy" 6r/.'u"'r-- 2//7/88 Project Project Description: -Contact Person and Phone do\ \\\lr,q-Owner. Address and Phone:5-r\-xs Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL ,1 -t ,ili E statt Approval a" NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: OESCRIPTION OF The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approva'l can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATER1AL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther l,.lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows t,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Oeck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING:Name of Des'igner: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Comnon Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.for conifers. (over) LIST OF MATERIALS Indicate height o -a " PLANT MATERIALS: Botanicai Name Common Namq Quanity Size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVEO Type Square Footage GROUNO COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. rttr" f\ firl.-l 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 12 , 1-988 To Whom It May eoncern: To rny knowlege, there were violations at the tirne the on December 9, 1983 for the Phase I. S.incerely, ."'rt'7 ' //,/,,tr,/ (- -l/='P.4/'/._Gary Murrain Chief Building official offlce ol communlty developmenl Re: Westin Hotel,Vail, Colorado no outstanding certificate of construction buildinq code occupancy was issued of the Westin Hotel , t. She I rman& Howand SUITE 7OO, STA]iIFORD PI.A,CE 3 4582 SOIfTE ULSTER STREET PARITWAY DEiI\/ET. COLONADO 40237 TELECOPTERT 303770-44€0 Dra DOWL|O\!1\I DX3{1'!I. ShcrErD & How.rd sooo rrBsT rlarsrgrarE TowEE NoRtn 633 Sa!'tNfBE){rA 6TREET DEN!aEF. COIOE DO 602()e ltLBPrOr\rE 30S e07.290C, TET TCOPIAR 3Og 294-O9.l,O Iri' COIOEADO SPEINIA Shcrnrn & Howard S9ITE 600. .AI.A}TO COBI\ORATX CEN'TIE @2 eortrg flLtoN corrFADo ePRrNos, corcaaDo aosoS IBLEPEONE 3O3 475-24lo TELECOPIAR SO3 63C.4670 IN BE\TO. Irl1/AD/| Iltll Calu dcliplru .td Erwi& P.c PC'gT OFEICI EO,< g'9O R3LO. IIII/ADA A9606 TEI.EPEONE 7O2 9?3.T60T TELECOPTBE 702 3?ra-7e5o tredleral Expreea :i, January LL, L988 Town of Vail/Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vaj-l, Colorado 8L657 Attention: Building Manager Re: The Westin Hotel Cornpany - Vail Property Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to request certain documents concerning all property owned by The Westin Hotel Company in the town of Vail . PLease provide me wittr copies of the following: t! < .- :' : 1,!)' 1. Certificate of Occupancy 2. Any Final Site Development District Approval documents sl-r-<a.rs-o---3. Zoning ordinanoe^ for ttre tow,n_ q€-.Vail 4. Any document concerning building code -li4--\ tc !\ L./l l- - - violations If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, /)L/. d &'^l^'- Neile A. Shuler NAs/jp cc: Gloria Witkin wf,lloii 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 otf lce ol communlty development August 27, L9A'7 Mr. Andy Norris Vail Ventures, Lirnited l-000 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Final parking calculations for the Cascade Village parking structure (Revised Figures) Dear Andy: Belor,rr is a summary of the parking allocations for the Cascade structure. I have calculated all of the parking requirements for spaces l ocated in Units l_ and 2 according to recent approved building permit plans. According to my calculations,I show that you have a total of 39 unallocated spaces in the structure. PARKTNG ANALYSTS FOR CASCADE STRUCTURE I. UNTTSl&2PARKTNG A. Unit I provides L22 spaces Unit 2 provides j_50 sbaces Total 272 spaces B. ALlocations for Units I & 2 Cascade Winq (8 d.u.) t_G Westin Hotel l_l_5 Terrace (l2O a.u., GRFA 58,069 sf) j-os Terrace Retail (5,856 sf) 20 Plaza Phase I (2O a.u., GRFA 7,205 sf) L6 Plaza Phase f Retail (1,099 sf) 4 Plaza Phase II Conference (8,297 sf) 35 Plaza Phase II Conf. RetaiL (9o0 sf) 3 TotaI 3L4 IT. UNTT 3 PARKTNG Unit 3, provides L49 spaces Allocations for Unit 3 cMc: Clancyrs (1_34 seats) Cascade Theatre College CLassrooms College office (954 sf) CASCADE CLUB:Retail (300 sf)Bar & Restaurant (985 sf)office in cMC (82s sf):thTellness Center Total *Not finished yet. IIT. TOTAL PARKTNG ALLOCATION A. B. L7 28 40 4 I I 3 9 110 A. Unitsl&2 Unit 3 314 spaces 1_10 424 spaces spaces 382 42L - 342 39 spaces Total B. c. Total Required Spaces with 10? reduction for mixed use: Total Spaces in Structure Total Spaces Required with Total Remaining Unallocated Spaces: r have also enclosed the square footage calculations for the Plaza Phase rr conference center. rf you have any guestions about the calculations, please feel frle to call ie. Sincerely, .rl ^|),/-| ll.I -\rr(tn" Vi-tr ltrrrf.r.r\ lr r tt Kristan Pritz Town Planner cc: Frank Freyer Peter Patten CASCADE VILLAGE CONFERENCE AUGUST 27, t987 CENTER BALL ROOM PREFUN CTION FrTG. ROOM lST FL OO R: BASEI4ENT: ZI,ID FLOOR: MEZZAI\ INE: COMM. AREA 74t2 3078 0 688 KITCHEN/S ERV. U 3330 ?343 0 0 2160 0 0 0 6137 0 0 2362 4940 0 RETAI L U 900 0 0 TOTALS :5178 5673 2160 6I37 7302 900 APPROXIMATE TOTAL SQ. FOOTAGE - 27,350 Check per Roma Mezzanine I evel Drawings (7-22-87) (5-22-87) a, PLAZA CONFERENCE PHASE II AUGUST 27, t987 1/|1a - 3 l+Lz :- t. Total - 1412 s.f. 900 2160 236? JU /t' Total - 11,830 6137 4940 2343 Total - 13,420 o66 Total - 688 GROUND FL00R (Basenent) Comnpn Area/Se rvi ce/ S tora gelMech. FIRST FLOOR TatajT- Meeting Room Prefuncti on Common Area Kitchen Service SECOND FLOOR EETTroorrr Pre fun cti o n Ki tchen/Se rvi ce/S to rage/Se rvi ce THiRD FL00R or MEZZANINE APPRoXTMATE ToTAL 5q. FooTAGE. . 27,350 Excluding over: 'l apping stairs and elevators. ll*,t! (cli t t't''t CASCADE VILLAGE CONFERENCE CENTER AUGUST 25, T987 MTG. BALI- COMM. AREA KITCHEN/SERV. R00M Bq-q[ PREFUNCTI0N RETAIL BASEMENT:141200000 3330 244? 0 236? 900 lST FL00R: 3078 2I,ID FLOOR: O MEZZANINE: 688 2343 0 0 6580 4940 0 00 T0TALS: 5178 5673 2442 6580 7302 900 APPROXIMATE TOTAL SQ. FOOTAGE - 28,075 Check per Roma Drawings (7-22-87) l4ezzanine level ( 5-22-87) PLAZA CONFERANCE PHASE II AUGUST 25, 1987 GR0UND FL00R (Basenent) Common Area/Se rvi celS tora ge/Mech. FI RST FLOOR TEM]T- Meeting Room Prefunct'ion Common Area Ki tchen Servi ce SECOND FLOOR Eilil"oom Prefunction Ki tchen/5ervi celS tora ge/Se rv i ce THIRD FLOOR oT MEZZANINE 1412 s. f. Total - 1412 s.f. 900 2442 2362 30 78 3330 Total - IZ,ILL 6580 4940 t345 Total - 13,863 688 Total - 688 APPROXIMATE TOTAL SQ. Excluding over lapping FOOTAGE. 28,Q75 stairs and elevators. ,."r/:{, lf /i, /, ; //":i,,;: ,".,i:.,': € / 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 April , L6, L987 offlce of communlly deYelopmenl Frank Freyer Vail Ventures Linited L000 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 RE: Plan Chack for the plaza Wing phase f. Dear Frank, Additional items needed: l-. AII plans are to stanped by a Colorado Registered Archi_tect. 2. Plans need to be submitted and approved for the ternporary stair. 3. The vaulted lobby ceiling shal1 be eguipped with F.M.listed largedrop fire sprinkler headJ focatea in the sogtlr portion of the cei_ling and F.M. Iisted large orifice fire sprinkler headi in the north portioi of the ceiling. -The corridor lobbies shall be eguipped with fire sprinkler heads designed to supply a wite.curtain at a density of three gallons per linear foot with sprinkler heads at six feet on center spacing, or glass walls in this area must be of 2 hr. fiie rating. 4. A11 Fire Department reguirements rnust be neet, as per letter dated March 26, j-ga7. This concludes the none structural plan check for the plaza wing Phase f. Sincerely, Gary chief Building Official hwn o ||tl ) ,//Nf fi /tt' I . 11, ,t il',. / ,:l;rY --." otflce ol communlty developmenl 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April l_6, L98? Frank Freyer Vail Ventures Limited L000 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado gj.657 RE: Plan Check for the Terrace Wing at the Cascade Village. Dear Frank, r am pleased to announce that in cornpleting my review of the none structural plan check, there are no additional_requirements other then those required by the vail Fire Department as listed on letter aatea Marlh 26, LgB7. The Handicap units 269 and 27L are not reguired because you have the reguired amount in the existing hotel .- Sincerely,/27: -.;-?4*;ary Chief Building official o LLEY Uppen Enele Vl ,/1r)Ja { WATER AND SANITATION OISTRICTS 846 FoREST R0AD. VAlt. COL0RAOO 81657 (3031476-7440 March 20, 1987 KrLstan Prltz Town Planner Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Vall , Colorado 81657 Re: I,Iesrin Hotel Expansion/Sewer Llne Relocation Dear Krlstan: Ttls letter ls to lnforn you that the Distrlct has approved the relocatlon of the above referenced sewer l1ne. Constructlon w111 be cornpleted ln the Tal1 (1987), when the stream flow ls lower. The Distrlct has no problem rrlth the Town of Va1l proceedlng with the Lssuance of the Building Permlt for the l,IestLn expansion. If you have any questions, please call. Slnce re 1y, IIPPER EAGLE xt_-/U a./?z( VAI,LEY CONSOLIDATED SAN]TATION DISTRICT David L. Krenek, P, E. Offlce Director DLK/NC t ll PARTrctpATtttG DrrRtcrs - ARRowHEAD METRo wATER. AVoN METRo wATER o BEAVER cREEK METRo warER . BERRV CREEK METFo wota* ,{fr\ a\ EAGLE'varL MErRo w""' ' 'o'"17i,ruTr.o.y::::;..;;:ffTs:?:x'Ji::HTff*::'," ""*'', coNsoL'|oarEo sAN'|rA-r'eN @ lb/4 \AITVrrruRES,.." March 19, 1987 Mr. Gary l"lurrain Chief Building Official Torr.n of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, GO 81657 RE: Terrace WLng/PLaza Wing Phase II Soils ReporE Dear Gary, Per your request, we are enclosing copies of three soils reports covering the constiuction sites for the Terrace Wing, PLaza Wing Phase I and Phase II. The 1983 reporL covers the entiie area while the 1986 and 1987 reports are more specific as to the Terrace Wing and PLaza Wing Phase I and phase II respectively. MONTANE CORPORATION e l(C.-.<-- @ FBF/ sb Enclosures 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-6602 fu/"( \AITVrnruRES,, March 19, L987 Ms. Kristan Prltz Town of Vail 75 S. Frootage Road Vai1, CO 81657 RE: Terrace Wing/Ptaza Wing I Dear Kristan, In response to your letter of 3/L7/872 Terrace Wing 1. N/A 2. N/A 3. The height analysis for the building is exactly as presented to you ln the spring of 1986. The roof heighus are less than 71 feet. I belleve you are ln possession of the elevations on which the height analysis was provided. 4. The detailing of the loggia bases is provided 1n the DetaiL book as Detail 3.12 and 3.13 which is the sane detall as uas subnitted and approved by DRB last fa11. 5. W111 be subnitted shortly (Septenber 19, 1985 plan). 6. N/A Pl-aza lrling 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FBF/ sb cc: Gary Murrain Peter Patten The smalL dorner wlndows are for ventilation and natch the sna1l dormer windows in the existing hotel building. Wii.l be subnitted shortly. The hospitaLlty rooms are not lntended to be used as living units. The foLd down beds are being deleted fron the plans and specifications by the architect.WilL be subrnitted shortly. N/A MONTAN RPORATION reyer III 1000 South Frontaoe Road West. Vail. Colorado 81657 . 303/476-6602 /$k4 VruTVrXruRES,,. March 19, 1987 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail- 75 Souch Frontage Road Vail, C0 87657 RE: Cascade Village Dear Kristan, Per your request please find enclosed a copy of the required ULitity Location Verification form fully execuEed by the various utility companies. Please note Ehat the form relaEes to the Terrace Wing, the Plaza Wing Phase I and Phase II. AlEhough we are not currently applying for a building permit for PLaza Wing Phase II, the completion of the enclosed form fulfills this future requirement for Phase II. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments . MONTANE CORPOMTION 2 llka-^c'-' Frank B. Freyer III FBF/ sb cc: Gary Murrain - Town of Vail G. Eric Pucher - Seafirst Enclosures 1000 South Frontaoe Road West, Vail. Colorado 91657 . 303/476_6602 oa (t; EF -E a- uJ 6U'z2 5Z<ctcrJ tsEo-<a c)z.t a cro, J o E g l/l A6 !lu pi \ffi \ rr* \.\\ d \\\ i -+!, \-.'* --l \.'. \L- \ 'r | \ !\I tr",t r-. \'I ,,. ' t\ ,tr.J, | \ 'ii jF It t-l tl _tl E8EI I ; i'gl ( eEsL \i3!E I *--r-l .l I I I I ___J rJ i 1.. \l:\ "\N \ \.'\\ \\\ii, \ --- \\\t#,)', ffi'""ii,iffill \r) T"TTI \.. lrft \ffi-_r=7F=T=:--- r::t :. ijFF E :L= -ri ,-J i | 1,..:;, ^n I | .l88EEr i:< , | _-rt alE oo,!L i I urlsSbni )l l;l------'/ i | :'.lssEsl i | (r)li i:d:i I r'lesp:;tl rf tH -i -a ,'y'-t ..t/ \l \) ( I \.-\,-,/ ') r')!ti tii iii tii li E = a I I I I l I II ll t!.-' ' I I tl rl tll ??DPA|.? (;T= Tlrat parc of tha s'tr 1/4 IIE 1i4, secrfuh 12, Torrnshlp 5 sourh, Range g1 lJesc of che Sl.rcS ?rLnclpai yeti<ilan, Torn of Va1l, Colorado, desc:i,beci as f clJ.o,;s: .:-Beg{nning ac a polnt rhence an lron p1n rrr rh plasrlc c:o roarklng :-\e eeraE!of saLd sec:1oo 12 begrs s48"zz'37"'t l}gs.58 feec; rhence N37"09'i1"li ld.7a feec; chence l{5?"50'29"E 15,00 feec; Ehence N37.C9'31"',t 90.00 feerl ehe:rce N52"50'29"E 239.66 feec; Lhence s4oolTtoa"E 187.05 feec; rhence s2g"29'i5"i{ 208.'48 t'eec; cheace S05"?5'5$TE.101i.50 feer; rhence S49o26'16,'r,J 19.05 f e.-r:lhence N3i"09'3I"'l 2e6.02 fee'- ro che gotnc of beglrnlng, ccnralning 1.510 ages , ao(e or Iese. /| l\tT\fll.l L,, ihac porrlon or- che SW1/4 NEL/4 of Sectlcn 12, tc.msir:.p 5 Souci,, R.ange B! West or che SLcr-l ?::ac:pal Yer:1sc, Torm of Vaii, :agr3 Cluai;r, C.:ioraco, desc::beci as foilous; Beg:rnirg at a poi.ar l-hesce an oi Sec::oa lX bears S4A"?t'37""i thence 552'50'29"'i Z!.3O ieec; tO'29": 21..30 :oec Eo c:e roi:c o,ore or less. i:cc. ?i:. 'rif5 plas::: ces ra:h:::g ::e Ce::asa lOO< il :eer: Flrc-^a q17"iOr'11'r: 4.i iln .-ar. lher:ca :137'Q9'31"'J 66.C0 iaer; ihs:ce S5i" oi beg:.earag cou,c:i.llng 9 30 s<uare f aec , o PI.AZA SITE Ttrat pnre of Ehe s\] | !t' NE 1/4, sec!Lon 12, Tot..nshlp 5 south, Rnnge 81 l.lest of the Slxth Prlnclp.L Herldlan, town of Vall, Colorado, descrlbed as follows: Beglnnlnq a': the r"^"r: norther Ly corner of, Condorniniun Hap of Colorado llor:nEatn Condontn iuns accoril.q !o the rnap thereof recorded ln Book 387 ac Page 620 ln the office of che F"q!e Count1., Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, whence en Lron pln 'tith pl.:rstlc crF, '|,trklng the cente! of gald Sectlon 12 bears 534"50'58"iI 964"?7 fnet; thence'lli5ol.'8r65"8 105.67 feet: thence 79.97 feet along the arc of a cur'.'e to thp- l -f t ha',.lne a radlus of L121.72 f eet, a central angle of 04o05'0',", nod a chn'.t that 5.,ars llJ4'46t13''E 79.95 feet; thence N52o43'4I"E 28.82 fe^t; thence S'r7'09r31"8 105.76 f,eet,l, thencE S52o50'29"W 25.00 feet; thenee S17"09'31"8 e'] .n0 [eer; thence S52n50'29"W 15.00 feec; thence S37"09' 31"E 1[..78 ferti Eh.'r.e s52"50r29"1J 150.00 feet; thence N37"09'31"1{ 45.34 feet; rh^nce S52"-1(l'?4"i., 56.95 feet ro the northessterly 11ne of sald Condo- {n{urn x.p o f Color ''t.' llrrtrntr I n Condot'rini.uuts; thence the f ollovlng three courses nlong said nlrchcrsterly llne: (1) N37o09t31"i{ 55.00 feet; (2) f107" 50'29"8 45,00 feet; (l) 1i37"09'31"tf 80.40 feet to the point of beglnnlng, contalnl.ng fl, !$! 36'r'nc, tnore or less. A \1T\SatrjJ That porrlon of the Swl/4 NEI/4 of Sec:i:n 12, To.mshlp 5 Souch, Range 8l ]{ese of che Sfuth Prluclpal Merdian, Town or- Vai1, Eagle CouncT, Cclorado, desc:ibed as folLows: Beginning at a poi1rt whesce an lroo pin with Plastlc cap narklng the CellEer of Section 12 bears 548"17'19"',1 1074.34 feet; thence 537"09'31":,9.50 faec; Ehence 552"50'29"i{ 80.00 fee:; Ehence N37"09'31"11 9.50 ieec; chesce }I52o 50'?9"3 90.00 feer co Ehe poinc or- beginaiag contai.niag 768 'rquare feet EOre or less. IITILITY LOCATION VERTF IC.\TION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME \r'J i BTOCK F IL ING ADDRESS **tclk t. The location of utilities, whether they be rnain trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Signature Date $ttag1 LOT Mountai n Be'11 1- !44-fls/ llestern Slope Gas {$+#-+4€rrAes 1-468-2s28 Public Service Company Gary Hal1 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. rleff- H.yghqs,i949-5530 n -%#*4,(*""3 -/€-&? 7. /J.r7 Upper Eagle Va1 and Sanitation David Krenek (Please bring a when obtaining si gnatures ) ley Water Di scri ct s'ite pl an UEVl,,SD z- t"-77 NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of hr.s responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building perrnit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit nust be obtained separately. This form is fto verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. 75 south frontage road yail, colorado 9t657 (303) 476-7000 March 1-7, t9A7 offlce ol communlty developmonl Mr. Frank Freyer Vai-I Ventures Lirnited L00O South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 91657 Re: Buirding Permit information for plaza wing phase r and the ferrace Building Dear Frank: The following comments relate to final- building pernit approvar for the Plaza and ?errace Wing perrnits: Terrace wing l-. The Town Engineer will need to review the drainage plan, title report and bike path adjustment. Bill Andrews is out of town for a month. Therefore, the permit approval will need to be contingent upon his review. 2. I have calculated that the Terrace Wing has 83,EOO square f,eet of gross floor area. The recreation fee per square foot is 25 cents for this project. This computes to a total recreation fee of $zo,9oo. please note that once you have paid this anount, the Town will refund 50? of g2O,9OO due to the existinq recreational facilities in the project. 3. A-height analysis should be presented. for the Terrace wir-rg. we had discussed. this- and you had said that the heights are exactly as the originlt ORe plans. If this is still the case, I would appreciate a letter nerely.calling out the'roof ridge elevations and base elevations that indicate that the maximum roof height is Z1 feet. :'l " 4. What is the detailing on the loggia? From the drawings r an not ceitain if it-is "*u"-ry wtat was approved at Design Review Board.. 5. The approved landscape plan the building permit wifi re 6. I have asked Dave Krenek to that the easernent situation resolved and that he has no releasing a building permit.subrnitted to our departrnent is released. must be subrnitted before released. wri.te a letter stating is in the process of being problem with the Town This letter shoul_d be before the buitding permit Plaza phase I 1. on the erevations, smalr windows are indicated in the dormers. This is a ninor change frorn what was approved at DRB, but I am inteiested, in knowing why these windows are necessary. 2. The approved landscape plan should be subrnitted to staff before the building perrnit is released. 3. It is our. understanding that the hospitality roorns will not be used. a= r"itable living t"itr. please let me know in a retter how these roomi will be used as r noticed that ford down beds are included. for each suite. 4 ' The elevations and froorplans for the ternporary stair should be submitted with your pernit applicatiln- 5. The recreation fee for the proposar i-s based on the total gross floor area of tl ,z4o square feet x .25 which 6quals $3,43s. please note tlhat once again, 50?of this totar- nurnber will be refunded to you after the perrnit is issued. rf you have anv guestions about this information, r wirr be back in the office on-april z- -i-ttivJ'also enclosed my square footage sheets for the praza r and. Terrace. Thank3 ro'r your rrerp on getting the square footage inforrnati"" t"g;ih;r. ffin-Su, Town Planner KP:br cc: Gary Murrain, peter patten *,OrN)ruJrl€S? = tn (D t ur = r, b -r. ftt -r .:r X '\ .+ qr .+ ltD c+ q, -.o-T,JcL=O_(Do(Do-c) .Do.(Do 13--r9r.)o'o=cto =54,o,oc+5f (o(cto rD'D=. tt la, q l.< O,('t @ C^t lct tn lE(D l=a lo-'o = urott EXr+oEo oru J.=q,A J(D a .J, IJ'gc ct ci (Do + (rJ @@ oJ@ {or(t(tr(t5 <^) q) H SNJF' HG)I\ -r -r +r or H t\) GJ (,J (J! 5 co cu @ l\) + ar,r--o lJ .lo a lct -t 'q,€ (o v, Htrst q) Fr G) t\) r- l= t\)lA u) ! l\) Fr -, I la {o ."r s o) or .o + s s or s A (, .^) lsi q ! ! I 5 (o (c| q.l \, ! ro (.() C^, ro (o l=,-\r ! t$ + t$ Or Or (O -r J ! O O ! < l.+.U '(D (tt(tl!l!r\)f${{5 (tr (, (tt crr (Jl (tl @ r$ r-. r- irr * 5 - *. - (o l6tg |. 'o o >r or G) s E, <^r o 5 rrr E sr rj l;i -i 3 tr G S S S I I s N F s 5 E u ltt lo)t5 t\) q) la IF lc+t5 ' ,-{ FI (^rF \u,H>(r' C)\ rrl @ != .= l.t c) Ic+lq, at1 lF =l(D (D lc+olo c l-..IJ -{ >>O NN) g, 5N) g le-s l8s i '('-' l-l \J (r)+ q.t q, (o lq, l=. lo- t=' F lc) t3 lt ltt l>t-t t(D lo @ q) c'l o U'.+r f\)O (tl @ c)Ol \o t;lcr -r ut n rn rq Fr Gr .'r > o ol5 5O) f$ F. F. 1\) H l;l-'l E lo r\r N) r$ - *'lI l3 F-oo ct vr o, 'Ct ''+vt vro' = =-l fo aD -r..D (oc+ct cl< l\t 5 f\) d o ct -9t c,-J o Ur a -rl o o -t .' .D o, u (^) {A o ul {t IE l=' I r-{lz, lar l# t: -,o-15 lo- l\)o r.o v,.{| o ro r.o vr -h lc.)l\) t\J -, - - li ttt 'gt l5,lci lJ v, UI F o = T' 0) v, o -n u tf _l l\)t\J (lj Cr'\. @ ! to 6)l-t F lc>l=lJ. lc+.=.o,-o H g) (o -@ 'l-{ \IO C'lct to c)lo -n 5 l-t> .D c,F A r$ Cd (, CD (, G) (,o + G) G,r$r.o(-'t+Ssss('t('rul (rA)('r@@COrrur()Ju +.\)(rr-.)qJC^ror--E!t\)r.o('r5A5@@Hoo q)uJ('lco@@rur$@o.r5 \t (o o ! '! Associates Geolocttniel Engineets 5080 Road 1# Glenwood Sptings, CO 81601 3945.7458 //a{4 Casper Colorado Springs Denver Fort Collins Rock Springs salt Lake city San Antonio EI ril Eil Eil Eil c d 6 SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN PNOPOSED PLAZA l.IING ADDITION TO TdtrffiIN_ HoTEL vArL, coLoRADo Prepared For: Vail Ventures, Ltd. 1000 South Frontage Road fiest Vai1, C0 81657 Att,n: Frank FreYer Job No. 4 134 BT March 12, 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY BACKGROUND INFORMATION PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS SUBSOIL CONDITIONS FOUIIDATION RECOMMENDATIONS FOU}IDATION WALLS AND RETAINING STRUCTURES FLOOR SLABS UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM SURFACE DRAII{AGE LIMITATIONS 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 I 9 l0 10 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 LOCATION OF EXPLORATONY BORINGS LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LEGEND AND NOTES GRADATION TEST BESULTS Chen&Associates SIONS rado. The study was eonducted foundation desi.gn recommendabions. bleS'bnd ,boulders, below a varlable 'l1li$eExploratlon to below proposed ta'inbtlbe bonducted due to the slze ubsurface lnformatlon encountered at this site 6ther .sltes tn the area, we recommend spread foot- i:placed on the natural soils or bedrock and designed I i I i I f I I I t I I I t t I I I I I T I I rr.i$an allowable bearing pressure of 5000 psf for upport of the structure. Becommendations perLaining to ff"the geotechnlcal aspects of the slte are presented in f,the followlng reporL. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of a subsoil study for the proposed PIaza Wing addition to bhe llestin Hotel, Vai1, Colo- for the purpose of developing The project site ts shown on Fig. 1. The study was conducted in accordance with our proposal to Vail Ventures, Ltd., Attn: Mr. Frank Freyer, dated February 10, 1987. A field exploration program consisting of exploratory bortngs was conducted to obt,ain information on subsurface conditions. Samples obtained during the field explorati.on were tested in the laboratory to determine the classification and engineering characterist ics exploration and of the on-site soil. The results of the field laboratory testing were analyzed to develoP recommendations for foundalion types, depths and al1owable pres- sures for the proposed building foundation. The results of the Chen&Associates -2- field exploration and laboraLory Lesting are presented ln the report. This report has been prepared to summarize the data obtained durlng this study and to present our concluslons and recommenda- t ions based on the proposed construct ion and the subsurface conditions encountered. Design parameters and a dlscussion of geotechnical engineering considerations related to construction of the proposed addition are included in the report. BACKGROUND INFORI'IATION Subsoil studies and site ob-servations to evaluate the bearing conditions for foundation support have been conducted by Chen & Associabes ln the area of the project siLe. The reports for the following sbudies have been revier.red and uli.lized as background information to this report. 1) Soil and Foundation Investigation, Proposed Commercial and Condominium Development, Cascade Village, Job No. 191562, dated November 13, 1979. 2) Soil and Foundatlon InvesLigation, Proposed Cascade Sports and Parking Center, Cascade V111age, Job No.23r497' dated January 26, 1982. 3) Soil and Foundation Investigation, Terrace Building Additton' Cascade Vi1lage, Job No. 24,894, dated March 10, 1983. 4) 0bservaLion of Phase II, Sports and Parking Sbrucbure Excava- tion, Job No.24,068, in September, 1985, Chen&Associates * T ! ; il i I I il i 1 d d I d d d d d d d d -3- Wr+i,*i;'.*osed-r.addltlon will constst of a three to four-story '.' : ; ;iii$;;;":ittuatea north of the extstlng east hotel i,il: Jr{f }, i r,-_.1" ,. The-add1t1on wtll lnclude 20 rental untts and be connecbed F;'ili.t"''e exlstlng hotel. The main floor level of the addition is e*$ir:,- '- - - roposed to be at elevatl.on 47.5 feet which wtll match lhe floor level of the existing buil.dlng. A t,unnel and probably a mechani- cal room are proposed to underlie the main floor. level and be connected to the future convention center addition. Cut depth below the existing ground surfaee to aehieve the tunnel level elevation of 36 feet will be up to about zs feet. preliminary foundation loadings as provided by Ri.chard lleingardt consultants are expected to range to a maximum of about 200 kips for columns. rf the building condittons, grades or foundation loadings are significantly different than those described above, we should be noLified to provide review and supplemental evaluatlon as needed. SITE CONDITIONS The proposed addition area is situated in a landscaped lawn area with scattered small aspen and some planters. A small amount of snow partially covered the site at the tine of our field work. The ground surface is gently to strongly sloping down to the souih at a maximum grade of about 101,. Elevation difference across the addition limits is abou! 15 feet. The area has been graded as part of the existing site development but the extent of grading appears bo be relattvely mj.nor. The existing hotel is a four-story structure with a basement 1eve1. d I Chen&Associates I I ! ?! 'll I !I I I I I I I t I I I I EI I !l i I I I i I i I I o .t- SUBSOIL CONDITIONS The subsoil condrtions at t,he site were evaruaged by drilling three exploratory borings at the approxlmate locations shown on Fig. 1. Graphic rogs of the subsoil profi.res encountered are shor'rn on Fig. e. As indicated by the logs, the subsurface pro- fite encountered is relati.vely uniform and consists mainly of gravels, cobbles and boulders in a silty sand matrix. previous excavati.ons and investigati.ons in the area have encountered numerous boulders to several feet in size. A variable depth of man-placed fil], up to about 3 feet, was encountered at the bor- ings. A greater f11] depbh nray be encountered in the addition area, such as adjacent the basement leveL of the existing hote1. Practical drill rig refusar was encountered at arr of the borings due to the materiar. size and density. r{aximum explora- tion dept'h was about r0 feet. The subsoil investigation per- formed for the sports center and parking s!ructure, Job No. 23r497, and observations made in l9g5 show the naturar coarse granular soils to be underlain by hard silt,sfone bedrock. At Hole 6 of the previous study, the top of the bedrock was encoun- tered at about elevation i1 feet. Apparently the top bedrock elevation deepens towards the south. Free water was not encountered in the borings at time ofl dri'11ing and the soils were generarly moist. The resuJ.ts of a gradation analysis performed on a small diameler drive sarnple of t he natural soils (minus 1 1/Z_inch fraction ) are shown on Fig. 4. Chen&Associates r . .r. ". r,'xl4t-,3i:€ffisffi'j'ffi:Ftritr+sffTi'-:\ , .f;.:.\:: ..rr.-xF,!si"r exploratory bortngs and =tfrri'- natrire of th;'*rpioposed exploratory borlngs 'and'the nature of ..the I'iioposed constructlon, we reconmend the bullding be founded on sprirad footings placed on onslderlng',ndlf soils or bedrock materials should be able bearing pressure of 5000 psf. foolings designed and constructed sect ion will be about 1 inch and l oad ings . tt;;."encountered 1n the f I d I I il l I 4 t EI i q { t I H n i undisturbed natural coarse granular ,'.;o'{ij'1;.;i .,:bn und isturbed bedrock materials..:,tj.. r,,i-+l{:::\t_..:r :..''. .. : . ,..:1. -r.rrt.l, ,.' 1., : .;' :i,::' The design and construction criteria Dres present ed below should be observed for a spread fooLing foundation sysLem. The con- struction criteria should be considered when preparing project documents. 1) Footings placed on bhe undisturbed natural coarse granular designed for an aIlow- We expect settlement of as discussed in this less for the assumed Spread footings placed on granular soils should have a minimum footing width of 18 inches for waLls and 30 inches for colunns. Exterior footinge and footlngs beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost proLection. Placement of foundations at least 48 inches below the exterior grade is typically used in this area. Cont inuous foundat ion walls should be re inforced top and boLtom to span an unsupporled length of at least 10 feet. 2) 3l 4) Chen&Associates t I { I I I ; I I I I I t I q t I I I I I I I il I -6- Areas of existing fil1, loose and disturbed materiar encoun_ tered within the foundation excavation shourd be rerooved and the footing bearing revel rowered to adequabe naturar bearing material. An irregular excavation grade may result due to bouLders in the naturar soils and the fractured nature of the underlying bedrock. The bearing surface may be leveled by a shallow depth of base course material (Class VI). The base course should be compacted to at least 1oo1, of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moj.sture content near opt i_ mum. Footing! near the existi.ng building should be stepped down at a maximum effective slope of t horizontal to l verticaL and completely penetrate the existing backfill. care should be taken when excavaLi.ng the foundatrons to avoid disturbi.ng the supporting materiars. Disturbanee will inerease the settrernent potenti.al. Difficurt excavation should be expected due to boulders and possibly hard cemented bedrock. Rock excavation t,echniques may be needed to split boulders and 100sen the bedroct< for excavation and removal purposes. A representative of the soir engineer should observe arl footing excavations prior to concrete placement,. FOUNDATION WALLS AIID BETATN]NG STBUCTURES Foundation wa1ls and ret,aining sLructures which are tateralry supported and can be expecLed to undergo only a slight amount of deflect'ion should be designed for a Lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weigh! of 4o cl 6) 7) Chen&Associates I c { 3l n q q -7- 111 similar to the on-site granular soils. Cantj- F:j.alnlng structures whlch can be expected to deflect y to mobilize the fult actlve earth pressure condition eslgned for a lateral earth pressure computed on the ":"n equivalent fluid unlt t weight of 35 pcf for backfill o the on-site granular soi1s. foundation and retaining structures should be designed ropriate hydrostatic and surcharge presqures such as B;t, foundations, traffic, construction materials and equlp- iir The pressures recommended above assume .drained condibions bhind fhe walls and a horizonbal backfill surface. The buildup lf water behind a wal1 or an upward sloping backfill surface will lncrease the lateral pressure imposed on a foundation wa11 or retaining gtructure. We recommend an underdrain be provided to prevent buildup of hydrostat,ic pressure behind ret,aining struclures. The lateral resistance of foundation or retaining waII foot- ings placed on undisturbed natural soils or bedrock naterlals will be a combination of the sliding resistance of the footing on the foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the side of t,he footing. Resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings can be calculated based on a coefficienb of frictlon of 0.5. Passive pressure against the sides of ihe footings can be calculabed using an equivalent fluid unit, weight of 450 pcf. Appropriate safety factors should be applied to determine tbe allowabIe resistance force. Chen&Associates t E q I t t I I I I t I i rN t ; I { f I t I rl ry q q I -B- compacted fill placed against the sides of the footings to resist rateral loads should be a granular material. Fitl should be placed and compact,ed to at least 95{, of the maximum standard Proclor density at, a rnoisture contenL near opLimum. We recommend predominant, granular soils for backfilling foundation walls and reLaining structures because their use results j.n lower lateral earth pressures and the backfill can be incorporated into the underdrain system. hle expect the on-site soils free of vegetat ion, topsoi.I and rock larger than about 6 inches can be used for foundation watl backfi1l. Backfill behind walls should be placed in uniform lift,s and compacted to at least 951, of standard Proctor density at a moisbure eontent, near optinum. Care should be taken not to over- compact the backf11l since this could cause excesslve Iateral pressure on the wal1s. Some settlement of deep foundabion waIl backfills sltould be expected even if the rnaterial is placed correctly. FLOOR SLABS The nat,ural on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support lightly to moderately loaded slab-on-grade construc- t ion. To reduce the effects of some different ial movement, nonsfructural floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which a]1ow unrestrained vertical movemenl. Fl.oor slab control joints should be used fo reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. We suggest joinLs be provided on the order of 15 feet on center. The requirements for Chen&Associates I I T t T t I I I I I I I -9- slab reinforcement shourd be estabrished by the designer based on experience and bhe intended slab use. A mini.mum 4-inch layer of free-draining gravel should be placed beneath the srabs. This material should consist of minus 2-inch aggregate with less Lhan 5OI, passing the No. 4 sieve and fess than 5s passing the No.200 sieve. The granular layer wlll ease construction and aid in drainage. Fi11 placed beneath floor slabs should be a granui.ar mate- rial. The soir engineer should evaruate the suitability of proposed firl materials. Fi11 should be placed and compacted to at least 95f of the maximum standard proctor density at a mois_ ture content near optimum. rn proposed fitl areas, the existing ground surface shourd be sbripped of vegetation, topsoil and debris, and the exposed surface moistened and compacted to aL least 957 of the maximum standard proctor density prior to filr placement. UNDERDRAlN SYSTEI4 Although free water was not encountered during our field exproration, it has been our experience in mountainous areas Lhat local perched water conditlons can develop during spring runoff or after development of the area. Therefore, each 1evel cut below grade should be prot,ected by an underdrain system. The underdrain system should conslst of a perforat,ed pipe embedded in free-draining gravel and sroped at a rninimum l% grade to suitable outlet. The underdrain should be placed at least 1 foot belorv the lowest adjaeent finish grade. Free-Craining granular mate- I I I I I I I Chen&Associates q T f, T I i I {t f It n I q l I I I t I I il t I I -10- rial. used in the drain system should contain the No.200 sieve, less than 50% passing lhe a maximum size of 2 inches. less than 5f, passing No. 4 sieve and have SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions shour.d be observed during construction and maintained at alr times after the addition has been completed. 1) rnundation of the foundation excavations and undersLab areas should be avoided during consLruction. 2) Exterior backfill should be adjusbed to near optinum rnoisLure and compacted to at least 95/ of the maximum standard proctor density in pavement areas and to at 1east 901, of the maximurn sLandard Proctor density in landscape areas. Nesting of cobbles in the backf iI1 should not be aLlor.red. 3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of Lhe buirding should be sloped to drain away from rhe foundation in at] directions. }{e recommend a minimum slope of 6 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas and a mininum slooe of 3 inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the Iimits of all backfill. L IMITAT]ONS This report has been prepared in accordance with generalry accepted soil and foundallon engineering pracbices in fhis area for use by the client for design purposes. The concrusions and Chen&Associates -11- recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obLained from the exproratory borings drill.ed at bhe locations indicated on F1g. 1 and the proposed type of construction. The nature and extent of subsurface variations across t,he site may not become evident until excavation is performed. If during construction, fil1, soil, rock or water conditions appear to be different from those described herein, this office should be advised at once so reevaluation of the recommendat,ions may be made. irle recornmend on-sibe observation of excavations and foun- dation bearing strata and testing of fill const,ruction by a representative of the soil engineer. Very truly yours, cHEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. t r t t I I I t tN i f, ! q H 4 EI E I Bvtft* /e4J- St,even L. PawIak, P. E. SLP,/ec cc: Richard Attn: l{eingardt Consultants, fnc. John t'laIcolm ffi,hi{f,1^\ol;+- 'bi 'i(! 1s222 !:!.,a n3 €+"u'l$p Chen&Associates t t t r il n t: I I L I I I :I it il l il I il ir I t o o HoLE 6;JOB NO. 231497 52r -l-\ -\ a HOLE2 \ o HOLE I o TO CONFERE CENTER - sln -54 5o ------ \ PRQPOS -a-- \\ HO|-E3 o -sz ---lio APPROXIMATE l"= 3d SCALE: BENCH MARK: FINISH FLOOR E[-EV. = 425'; AS PROVIOED. I EXISTING WESTIN HOTEL +.LAZA WiNG _\\- \\- - t a -'a- \15r--r--1 .. TUNNEL -.\\ -\ t- '. t * . - t--\ -*- t\ 4 t34 87 CHEN Ain ASSOCIATES LOCATIOI{ OF EXPLORATORY EORINGS tig t Ho le I Elev. - 58.9' lloie Elev. = Hole 5 Elev. = 46.5' ") c.) 11 fJ c) I P o 60 )J 40 +, q) I q) 50 45 )1t1t L2O/ 6 7s/ 12 lK=4.9 -200=2L +4=32 Propos ed ltlain Floor )q/1) Proposed Bas ernent/Tunne I Floor Leve I Note: Explanation of syrnbols Presented on Fig. 3. T [.OGS OF EXPI.ORATORY BORI.r"GS CHEN AiD ASSOCIATES J l.;J 87 s;, Lt"yuy silty sandy gravel, cobbles, sone topsoil, firrn, noist' brown ffi. iiel (Gitl); silty, sandy, cobbles and boulders, dense, moist, light brown, ncasional silt and sand lenses, subrounded hard crystalline rock. Drive sarnple; standard penetration test (SPT), 13/8-inch I-D. split sPoon samPle. 1_ Zl/lZ Drive sanple blow count.; indicates that 21 blows of a 140-pound harnner falling 30 inches were required to dri-ve the SPT sarnpler 12 inches. Practical rig refusal. Mhere shown above bottom of 1og, indicates nultiPle atteDpts were rnade to advance the hole. NOTES: 1- Exploratory borings were drilled on ilarch 5, 1987 with a 4-inch dianeter continuous ffight Power auger 2- Locations of exploratory borings were measured approxinately by taping frorn features shovm on the site plan provided. S. Elevations of exploratory borings were neasured by instruinent level and refer to the bench nark on Fig. 1. 4. The explorat.ory boring locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree inplied by the method used. S. The lines between naterials shorvn on the exploratory boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions nay be gradual . 6. No free water was encountered in the borings at the time of drilling. Fluctuations in water level rnay occur with tine' 7 . Labot';rtory Test ing Results: lvc = l{ater Content (o;) 14 = Percent retainerl on No. 'l s ievc -200 = Percent passing No. 20(l sieve t54 87 t,ll6'EllD r\Nf) NOTC.5 CHEN Ai'D ASSOCIATES chen and associates, inc. 2a He I AF a5 MIN 15 MIN z z () = c z o q 60 50 60 MrN !9 MrN .r MIN GRAVEL 32 q LIOUIO LIMIT Slr',rcr-e Or s ilty 'r00 .50 '40'10 smro 47 % stLT ANo cLAY oo ,aos'clw TNDEX sand and gravel FRoM Hole 2 z 2 o 2l % 5 feet Hti 21 tts ti(} MIN 19 MIN iI MIN I MIN 014 r49 29r | 590 I lg 162 r?l 0"2 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS GRAV€L L IOIJID LIMIT SAMPLE OF % SILT ANO CLAY PLASTICIIY INOEX FROM 6I SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROM€IER ANALYSIS DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS SIEVE ANALYSIS 4 134 GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig t52 /;ja, -a- Z i (n rn m Fr rn co @ > = ol5 S (, ro }J F. t\) FJ l-r. lc+l{ t=l; ! A, ul -tr H ts '-' ts ts F. N) r\J hJ - *13 l--r l|,lct J-|Do c+ ur a, 'o cn arl AO =r J -.J (D (D -J.O (Dct r+ .-rk t\) F -l r\) --.t o c+It 6)5 o .Jr t|l 'n o o - 5 (D 9,1 (4, \5 o tn -n ti IR l>l=IH le l= la l-ll-r o l.> ur lcr l=' u1 Vt <f = -,o-lj lo- N)o ro \.| tt -n o io \o .D n l<,^r NJr$-,,s-l: IF |)u1 r€f\) (J) (^t \, t(D c,l-r :r lTt lc>l5 tJ.lct 3 F',-: cl C{) (o l-{ \I Io C) l<+ F o lo -n 5 l-r> o F + A' C.J (' CO (r) OJ (r A G) G)]\t(o('155S5.F('rur(n uJ(t(J.r@@@rJuro_rrJ Ar$G)q)OrC^r-Ot-8ts r!(o(JrA++@@r-oo (l.,(^)(rr@@cor\J]\J60ts I ! 9<f,t\J \t r)(I) T1 TI !f\)o (tl f)F -fl I\) lD X c? = d o, a+ € (D o -t .D =o- o :e t'wrJ l=s = <tr (D € cn = vr tlf J. (D -- ._i X \- cr q, ct l.!| <+ !l, -.o-t'JcL=CL OaroAC-) IDcloo (D-rqt()o.EE oo 5=9,o,o,c+ (I)(OO (D(D v, lcr v frr @ (^) l; t,tclD 15 0-lr 'ct q tJ, 1Or ('t (tl (Jt 5 cc vroa^clrt1fx(+.D(D(DEd f|q,+(rd.=@@grO-(rJ@J(D -r lJl t- tJ l.t1 0 lct -t -qt € (o (^) G) 'FNlr (d t\)-J -r S Ot ts N) q, (, (tt 5 t.: <^r C)3 N D rylr$t (r) rJ (.r) N) t J 15 r\)re{ @ { I - .o (, F o) o) F {, .o s o) A s .^) kr 15 I (-(? ! >l I 5 (o (o or \l *.1 (c) (^, (Jo ro (o l=. -! ! ru 5 t! or o) (o - ; :l o 6 -.1 s.l l.+g '(D (tr(tr!!!ruru{\r- (tt (tt (Jl (tt (tl ('l G S F d F H G E E R E U F ; * Fg \I \,1 (Jr ! N I\) c| O olr N F t$ ol, F it l=- lF lc+t='-t FT 'rJ F \-F rJ>o) a)\. rn @ \r= .=t-r lo'lc'i lo t-r an lF Jl(D .D lc+(Dlo cf l-"td -{ >>o t! l\) o F 1\) ! I rjr l('l @ lts- o)(,l lgr (o or lo(, \.1 (^)5 <.rt co l@ l=.tr t3 l= F la) t3 I6 fur l>t; l9) a (r) Ol o o vl -6 (O Fr N)o arl o o Or (0 t-1 6DP 1i'J ..-:.ez 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltlce ol communlty development April 23, L987 Frank Freyer Vail Ventures Unlirnited l-000 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 RE: Building Permit, Recreation Fees for the Terrace Wing and Plaza Wing Phase I Dear Frank, fn a letter dated March L7, L987, I had asked that you pay the fuII recreation fee for both the Plaza and Terrace Building when you receive the perrnit. The To!,rn rdould then reirnburse you for 5O? of the recreation fees due to the existing recreation facilities within Cascade Village. Gary Murrian and Peter Patten discussed this process again with Lhe Finance Department and requested that you be required to only pay 508 of your total recreation fee when you recej-ve the pernit. The Finance Departnent agreed that this was resonable as Cascade Village already has recreation facilities constructed. I am writing this letter to confinn your receation fees for both projects. The Terrace Wing fee is $l-Or45O and the Plaza Wing Phase I fee is $1,717. These fees are calculated by: TERRACE I^fINc Receation Fee (.25) x Total Building Square Footage (83600 S.F.) : $20,900 .50x$20,900=$10,450 PI,AZA WTNG PHASE T Receation Fee (.25) x Total Building Square Footage (L3740 S.F.) : $3,43s .50x$3,435-lat7t7 ff you have any guestions about these calculations please feel free to call me. sincerely, Kt^P.h Kristan Pritz Town Planner jlr d a m rfl m Fr ur E > o ol5 s(r)N)pFi^)rJlJ l: IE rr ts H H H Fr rs rs rt, - *'ld le, n-(Do a+ v,o,'(' c+aJ' t/, 0) :' ='-J .D (D -r.O lDc+c+ crk t\) s r\) i o ct gt c).'o U, at, TI o o a -t (D 0) H G) \,5 o U'n lf IB l=)IH lz. la)l'o t- la lm l,-, @ g)l5 ut lcl l:r trr t o = | --.1 ls loJ t! t\) -. N -r l-J lo lr.r -r5Grt=l4 1\)o rc){ {,.|r (o rO ur -n F.H_l .o UI o -n N)f\) C^t \q)\o { lo G)l- ;D | '7t lc>It | -r.l..+ 3 o,-t r) q, r.o .@ l-l \r lO C)l.+ to () 10, -rt 5 l_J )r (D 'c) - 5f$(roJ(.|)o)G)(.r)5(J.)(,19(O('|5+rFSA('l('t('l (^) (^)(Jl@ @ @ H Fr (() -. lr l\) lJ F IU OJ (' (' (' Or Or (c) rJ F r\)(o('raFS@@r-oo q)(l)(Jl@@@f\Jr$@OrF \t (O o \t a \ATVrrruRES,, January 22, 1987 Ms. Krlstan Prltz Town PLanner Town of Vail Box 100 Vall, C0 81657 - 8,400 square feet - 1,140 square feet Ilear Kristan, sLrD4 nas amended in r9g4 to reflect at that time the developrnent program for cascade vi1lage. rncruJed :,n that amendment were rhe Terrace and rhe priza wi;;-;;;irlons ro the llestin Hote1. tl: T:rr?gg Wing design has rinained generalLy the :119 18 that approved although there has beea a redultion io the GRFA fron 55,000 square feet ro sa,a7i-zqi;;;;";; and a reduclion ln retall fron 6,399 square feet to 5,60ti squar"-i""t. A najor design modification has been nade to t,he pLaza uing.The approved building has been divlded in to three separare projects: 1) Plaza conference center, 2) plaza t{tng Addttion to existing east wing of ltesrin Hotel .na Si Buiiafi! ',g". The previously approved PLaza wine contained'40 guesi"roorna, I5 resi4entlal condoniniuns, 19,500 square fJet of retaiL/oEif." ,pu". and 9,500 square feet of neeting fac111ties. The revised plan is as follows: t Plaza VJing Addition (phase I) - 22 guest rooos (7,690 GRFA) - 2 hospitality suites (1,650 square feee) - 1,100 square Tvo guest rooms corrldor acces s addltlon of 20 feet of retail * Plaza Conference Center (Phase II) of neettng facil_lties of retail ln the l{estin will be renoved to to the Terrace Wing resulting in guest roons ln the pLaza Wing. provlde a net 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado g1657 . 3O3/476_6602 Ms. Kristan Prltz January 22, 1987 Page 2 * BuiLdJ-ng rfCrl The addition of Cascade Village chairlift with lts required aupport facilities i.e. restroons, tlcket windows, etc.requlres the development of an appropriate progran for this buildiog. Generally, the buildlng progran lncludes 20r000 square feet of retalL/connerclal, 5,000 square feet of chairlift support and 40,000 square feeE of resident,ial. It 1s also expected that sooe parklng rrill be included. An analysis of the narket will be made in the next four nonths whlch vil1 result ln a detatLed program for this bu1Lding.The prograrn analysis wtl1 also incl-ude the Mansfteld Village and Cosgriff eltes. I would propose that the SDD4 be amended based upon the market research and resulting prograur deveJ-opnent. The timing would be during the early sunmer of 1987. Parking for both the Terrace Wing and two phases of Pl_aza Wing wt1L be acconnodated in the Cascade Village Parking Structure. The Terrace Wiog guest roons will require 102 spaces and tts retal1 19 spaces. The Plaza Wing additlon nL11 require l6 spaces for guest rooms and 4 spaces for retaiL. The Plaza conference center wl11 requtre 70 spaces for neeting facillties and four (4) for retail. The tota'l parking required for the Terrace/p1aza (excluding retall of. 27 spaces) expansion totals 188 spaces and is entirely acconmodated ln Levels 1 and 2 0f the structure. commitmeDts to Level l and 2 to date total 115 epaces resultlng in a total of 303 .ri;ir";. sPaces. - Applying the 12.5x credit f or nultiple purpose parking results ln a_net, aastgned parklng of.265 spaies.- tire two 1evels acconnodate 272 gpaces leaving a surplus oi 7 spaces to apply to the 24 apaces (87.52 ot 27) required. Level 3 has been allocated a totaL of 96 spases for the cMC Butldlng. Appr-ytng the credit of 12.52 results'il a ner regulrenent of 84 spaces which wilr be increased by 17 to accounodate the retail in the Terrace/p1aza expan"iorr. Level 3 has a capactty of 149 spaces. conpletion of tire Terrace/pLaza expansion ntl1 result in 4g additional spaces available for the Butlding rtCrt devel_opnent. Ms. Krlstan Prttz January 22, 1987 Page 3 I believe the Terrace/Pl-aza expanslon program conslstent wlth the anendnents made to the SDD4 in rre are prepared to seek approval to amend the SIrD4 developnent progran for Building ttCtt and the other nore clear. as modified ls 1984. Ilowever, as the sites becooe If you need additlonal lnforoation, please ca11. Slncerely, hndre{ D. Norrls Pres lden t Montane Corporation ADN/sb ,H "frtl- Q-z*.a- ( luttn 75 soulh tronlage road . Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce ol communlly developmenl March 28, 1986 Mr. Frank B. Freyer III Vail Ventures, Ljmited 1000 South Frontage Road llest Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Frank, I have reviewed your proposal with Peter Patten and Gary Murrain. The proposal to remove the site debris from the area east of the Wesrin Hotel - as described on your map is approved as'long as the fo1)owing conditions are meet: The site material transferred from the Cascade Village site to Ford Park must be located within the construction boundaries for the Ford Park Amphitheater. Please talk to Jack Hunn about the lim'its of construction activity for the hmphitheater if you have any further quest'ions on boundaries.I am concerned that the material does not extend beyond the construction limit boundary so that other areas of the park are disturbed. If a building permit for the terrace July 31, 1986, the vegetation must be L2, !986:'' '' If a bui lding permit for :;= cerlacc *ing has nc'- ureen obtained prior to May 31., !987, a landscape plan must be approved by the Design Review Board and planted by July 10, 1987. It is our understandjng that no excavation will occur for the Terrace ll|ing. Any excavation for the Terrace hling bui lding would require a building permit. If you have any questions about this approval please feel free to call Gary Murrain as I will be out of town for the next two weeks. Si ncerel y, K'l--h\t Kristan Pritz Town Pl anne r wing is not obtained by completed by September \AITVrxruRES, - March 3, L987 Mr. Gary Murrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 RE: Cascade Village Terrace Wing/PLaza Wing Phase I Dear Gary, We are deLivering herewith for plan check, two complete sets of plans and specifications for the Terrace Wing and PLaza Wing Phase I additions to the Westin Hotel at Cascade Vi1-lage. Per our previous discussion, we are enclosing our checks totaling $15,000 to cover Ehe plan check fee. We anticipate the need for a building permiE during the first week in April , and would appreciate your cooperation to achieve this schedule. Also enclosed are the permit applieation worksheets with legal descriptions. Please let me know if you have any questions or what additional information or subnittals are needed to secure the building permits. MONTA}IE CORPORATION FBF/sb Enclosures Frank B. Freyer III 1000 South Fronlage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-6602 f V1,/,: { 42 wasl moadow d ve Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 REr WE$TIN HUTEL ADDITI0N$ PRE$ENTr MIl{E McGEE r DICt{ DENNIS BEAIJDIN, I'lINUTtr$ OF i'lllH"l INl6 Fdhruary Zfi, IryB7 DURAN, JOE N$TIRl$ VHRN DHNNI$nf\l, FR/\hltl FftEVHR flre deparlment PROJECTED COI'IFLETION DATE$I Pl eru a Pfr a$$ I Plaua Fha,sta II "f'er r iilc tn hJi rrcl Deircertnber , I ?87 [c.rcemtrtnr , 199{l December' ,, l cl$8 P-kaza".rHA$"8"_.t. Bc rri@rs! Barrierrg beltwtEen occr"rcriwri ursi',n and consitrLtcti orl arera murEt be ccrnEtrltcted ,so the f:ir-e Depar-tnttant-. c*rn q:1cl llhl"rr"nurql'r '[o ct,ilr:i. n acc*rrsE to t]re titandpipe (pnsaibly "it wood {ramm wi Ll"r lr/,:.,,'f,ii X s,he*trmcl* sn e+lcl'r r;ide). New riser and erti tti mltet b e .t-n.....-S.e.f..y..1.1;.!$. f"rte f mr-el tlre t ern;:r mr" ar" i rns flre taktlrr down. At"rdibilityl Ampe muret hur Bathroorn Exhar-rst r DLlct!i Hmse Cab i npto I Hcree ancl alnd connectorr (neod [ " /:l DwtectorE in Atticr t\dd ex i st i ng sg:,nc i nE . addecl ns neecJei'd hn cover al to nutur cle. vaX veaE in tfrm Eanre carhinr.'tri " r'eadutt:: wr ) " photo*ml mc'[ri c drirtriru'l,mr"s i n I new $Fls6\lterEi. -" l(tql" 1 x1 /:e,, attic fisi p€r hn$$l Fire Rat-eid FIarr-i epr l 6 - 1? nrl . viirpor' h,i:lr"r'i err" iirncl ,f irrsl r"rrtercl barri err'*ieparati rrg t:hel existinn attic anncl r:::r:rnstr,"t.rr::t i mn (tm pr"mtorct deltcpctoi"li ernri *prinhlelr heads) tlftctt-tl cl extr*rrd thr-gltqfr tli* att:ic to tfr$ rgo.f . Foltrth Floorl Firer exit may hnve Imw hsilficj c 10,.;,rrance: this wiil bm checked at t,im6! o.f conrntrlrc.hlon. Hospitality 6uiteer $in6lru t;'h;irt:lmn $;rn$frsir de+.hffifitmrs with an irol atori thernral and wpeakurr irr oacl-r roofll . a WEBTIN HOTEI. ADDITIONS FIINUTEG OF MHHTINF Februrary 25, lqgf7 Page 2 Emergency Sytnt,enn Thss trane{mrmmr .f fir' tfrs! +ii}lnri}T'qJ6'rrcy Eiy6'LEm wi l1 hs replauoad, ati it is ovorlomdmd. Dmutble Wide Trailersl To be sprinlllered 1$D clr.rr.t to lacll o{ neceasary acc$$ril LIFC Ar"ti cl e lO. REOUIREDI Recorti{icatiFn uf q.n-t"'t.rj$. {j.r'er alarm uyuitt'i'm when {inisihsd. 1E.BBAS$--!{-INH-"*$I*PHASE I 1. FDC / Hydrantr Neur hydrant arrcl tiiafte$isr clmnnmctli$ns {or the Teprra6s Ninq and Plra!6e II will all htit in {:ho rame r:rl acm at tlhnn r:ior.,rtlr i*hcl e.f t}rcs wat.e+r' cx $Ltr sF ( I;lndc*r:arped) . Phaee II $ecmnclury omnrand FoirrtI Fir'ti, D+*pnr"tnrwnt requri rmsi Flan€ll to hnve a voic$ annLtfi{:i atmr",, ni L+irncmr", r" c*lt't+{:, r;lw;i,tch alncl src.lqclrrclar.y rni fir"$ph$nra, Tlrm panerL will Lre L ocartmd in al 4'x $' riiitilclt imn u{: hfrm pre*ent c$drt r'frmm* T'he roctm ehnL'l havte h,wo"*trour" cclrrsLr-urc Lion and nm l{Vllfi, New PnnmlI Tho pfinel {or''h,l're ircldi'tiofr!$ will hm a l}00 A ffiamn*well micrct procecBclr tywtem ( as oppmmed tH 'b.hol l.'ll)l:{ l()()(::l ,:iylii'lltil r i, n thm surrent, *trutctutne). firalconiest .$prirr]rlmrs will not hs irrsital lecl urncleltfre.r tralconi errs, as it has been prov€in to br re not nmc6iii$ary. !{VACI The Fi ro' Department errprensiEecl noncurn on |-IVAC i rr the Terrace l,rl i nq!corri dore arrd @levator Eha{ts. Road Drainager The Fire Departmen't recnmmends arJdi rrq ar sand trap belmw the loadinq dock area to catch r'ordd drairraqlm and any upillo ttr"nt rnay Clccur. $UBI'IITTED EtYl /lrl ene Kr"ennan Februrary I6 , 19{17 75 south trontage road vall, colorado 91657 (303) 476-7000 January 16, 1987 fy'.rx .Z f/a1 , r./,: -" offlce ol communlly development possible so that the staff will be review steps. If you have any 476-7000, ext. 101. Mr. Frank Freyer 1000 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Plaza Wing Dear Frank: Eefore I will be abte to_answer your questions concern.i ng the review process for-the Plaza lr|ing, I will need iome additional information. please submit the fo11ow'ing items so that the staff will be able to determine if ttre-pliii Wirg'will need to be reviewed_by.the p'lanning commission/Town council, p'lanning Commiss'i on, or just the Design Revjew Board: 1. A'l etter that compares the proposed plaza wing to the previously approved Plaza Wing. The letter should incluie a briei summary of the differences, proposed uses and sguare footages, prrting requiriments is wel I as phas.i ng . 2. A site plan for the building that shows the buirding footprint in relation to the VJestin Hotei/Terrace lling, etc. Th6 site'p1an should be similar to the approved master plan that-you reviewed in our office. 3. General e'l evations of the building if possible. Please submit th.i s information as soon as able to let you know about the appropriate questions, please feel free to cail me ar Si ncerely, r/. \ n,\ lntFrn Vrfl^ Kristan Pritz \ Town Planner KP: br // t /ftYll VVL Chen0ssociates sOsORoadr* O Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 303/945-7458 Qt- "n1 -t-1/$tr--' dil\'S Casper Cheyenne Colorado Springs Denver Fort Collins Rock Springs salr Lake city San Antonio lvi,-.;' Subject: lJest in HoteI c,/o Norris Realty 1000 South Frontage Road, Suite 200 Vail, C0 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Gentlenen: This report presents the results of our observation of exploratory piLs excavated below slab subgrade for the proposed Hestin HobeI Addition, Cascade Vi.Ilage, Vail, Colorado. The purpose oi the exploratory pits was to observe the deplh of fj'li within the proposed building area in order to assess foundation bearing conditions. This work was done under authorization from 1.1r. Freyer. Chen and Associates, Inc. performed a geotechnlcal study af the subject site reported under our Job No. 24'894, dated March 10, 1983. The proposed addition area has apparently been sub- stantially regraded si.nce our previous study. The area of the proposed addition is located directly east of the existing hotel. The building area had been excavated down to approximate slab subgrade prior to our site visit. We understand that t,he assuned soil bearing capacity used for design purposes is 5000 psf. A field exploraLion program consisting of four exploratory pi.ts was performed on June 17r i986. The pits were excavated with a JD-510 backhoe and were located as shown on Fi.g. 1. Logs of the exploratory pits are shown on Fig. 2. Subsurface Conditions: The soils encounLered in Pit 1 consisted of 2 feeL of sandy fill overlying approximately 2 feet of organic sandy silt. Reddish-brown sandy graveJ. and cobbles were encoun- June 23, 1986 Observation of ExPlorat'orY P its, SIab Subgrade, West,in Hotel Addibion' Vail , Colorado. Grto-e- ');t(Job No. 4 228 86 Westin Hotel June 23, 'l 986 Page 2 tered at a depth of 4 feet. The soils encountered in Pit a consisted of 2.5 feet of gravelly fill overlying the natural silty sandy gravels. Pits 2 and 4 showed dense sandy gravel and cobbles aL slab subgrade. These pits were not deepened in order to avoid disturbing the soils at footing grade. The soils exposed at slab subgrade in the building excavation t,o the north of Pits 2 and 4 appeared to be natural sandy gravel and cob-bles.Although large boulders were not encountered in the exploratory pits, excavation for the existing building encoun-tered many large boulders and we anLicipate Lhat they will be encountered in the footing excavation. The samples obtained during the field explorabion program were subjecLed to laboratory testing consisting of a consolida-tion test, a gradation analysis and in-siLu molsture and density determinations. The test resul.ts are presented on Figs. I and 4. Free water was not encountered at the time of excavation in the exploratory pits. The natural soiLs were moist. SeasonaL runoff and perched water conditions may result in higher ground-water condltions at other times of Lhe year. Recommendations: The proposed addition can be founded on spread footings bearing on the nabural sandy gravels below all fill and any sofL natural soils. The assurned design bearing pressure of 5000 psf recommended in our previous study should be adequabe for footings placed on the natural gravels. Due to the nature of the on-site natural soils and their cLose similarity bo Lhe on-site fill we recommend that. a representative of the soils engineer should observe the footing excavations as they are excavated. We recommend that the sfab subgrade be proof-ro11ed with heavily loaded rubber-tired equipment. Any soft spots should be removed and replaced with conrpacLed fi1l.. The proof-ro1ling should be observed by a representative of the soils engineer. Limitatlons: This report has b,3en prepared in accordance with generaily accepted geotechnical engineering practices in this area for use by the clienb for design purposes. The conclusions and recommendat,ions submitted in lhis report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory pits excavabed at lhe foca-tions indicated herein and the previous exploraLory borings made at the siLe. The nature and extenb of variations across the slbe may not become evident unfil excavation is performed. If during construction, existing fil1, soiI, rock or water conditions appear to be different from those described herein, t,his office should be advised at once so reevaluaLion of the recorrmendations may be made. Chen&Associates l.lestin Hobel June 23, 1985 Page J If you have any tance on the project,questions or if please do not be of further assis-to conbact us. truly yours, AND ASSoCTATES, rNC. we can hes itate Very C HEN DEH,/ ec Rev. By : S.L.P. .4i'4'" --oi fii l szzz :..4. _+t i4ti'..;r.i3e\ :?- **j jl'l;.. -"c$.:'-iri;n,ur,i$*rti'i,!l$Daniel E. Hardin Chen&Associates APPROXIMATE SCALE t"= zlo' I ',acAv(trin't&e(/'rZ'ly;% l EXCAVATION LEVEL ELFr'ATION= 35.3' t PIT 1 PIT 2 I PIT 3 I 4T4 I EXISI1NG WESTIN HOTEL ..+- GORE CREEK + 4 228 86 chen rnd m$ocietes, inc.LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY PITS Fie. 1 Pir I Pit l I'i r .;l, it -1 F S lab Subgra.Jc --_f ffi- IVC- l5 . s Dl)= t{)8 - I - 20t)= 5 -5 S I CVC I --l lfc=,3.6 i*4=54 i- 2{)t)= 13 [,egend: Fi11; sand, gravelly rii.th cobbles, silty, dark brown Silt (NIL); very sandy, trace orgllnics with occasional cobbles, llrnvel, motst, reddi-sh-brorvn. CraveL (GII-GC); sandy', siltl', sLightly claye)' rvith occasional cobbles, moist, reddish-brorvn. Gravel (GII); cobbles and boulders, sandy, slightl)' si1ty, sli.ghtly moist, 1 i. sht brotvn . Relatively undisturbed hand driven Iiner sample. BuIk Samp le Not es : 1. Exploratory pits r*ere excavated rvith a,JD-510 backhoe on June 17, 1986.2. Locati.ons of explorttory pits tvere measured approximately by pacin.q frorn features shorvn on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of exploratory pits rvere not measr,rred and logs of exploratory pits are tlrarsn to depth. 4. The explotatorv pit locati.ons and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree impl ieci by the method used. 5. No free water was encountered in the pits at the tine of excavation. Fluctu- ations in r{ater level may occur rvith time. 6- Laboratory 'l'es t i ng Results: t{C = lVater Content (%) DD = Dry Density (pcf) +4 = Percent Tetained on No. 4 -200 = Percent passing No. 200 l,ogs of lixn l oratorl, Irits, Lcgcnd trnd \ot es chen and rssocirtes. inc. 0'n antl associ:rtcs. in.. O dP0 I l/|- d}q) k e^ + 5 6 '7 0.r lo l0 APPLIED PRESSURE - ksr 4 228 86 1,1,,, it:,,., ,,,)nr,rnt : 13. I ;ltfr.:,'r:l L;'./ rir,,r ,l,r.,r()nt = L08.1 Dr:r 'l.rrnr)r,.,,r' Sandy Si.lt r, .,, Pit 1 at 3 feet I \-- \- Addi 10n 1 comP cons due ant ow on pr ,+f .nI dt ul I e I SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Fig. i CA"?-/9 chen xnd ls:i0ciates, inc. t 19 ..1 Jg 0r2 20 OTAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS 1,. '10 ,lO z c z o 1 z I c 70 60 o z 2 (J CLAY TO SILT GRAVEL 54 '\ LTOUIO LIMIT sAMPLE oF siltY sANo 33 ,h SILf ANO CLAY PLASTICITY INDEX sandy gravel raov Pit 3 4 feet at3 feet to 24 f{R 7 HF IIM€ 60 MrN r9 MrN I Vlrl r i J;ANOAIiC OIAMET€FI OF PAF'ICLE IN MILLIMETERS 'too '5O '!o'30 tB oil r.r9 r 59O 119 QJb .tn 952 nt2 ?0 z z 60() fo 80 ta2 12, t52 CLAV IO'iILT GRA',/I L LlotJto Lliil l" 5;AMPLE OF 4 228 86 0r slL r ANo cLAv PLAS''CITY INOEX SANO FROM G FTADATIOIi TEST RESULTS .. /r,rrr1|ull. rEa 'lttlAL- 7';lS SlEV€ ANALYSlS tiYOROM€7€A ANALY 5I5 Fi9 COBALE S Huk{ i o chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGI NEEFS !060 no. l5a oLE WOOO SFfitNcs. coloRaoo srrot 303/e.5-7.sa SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION, FoR pRoposED pHAsE r, TERMCE sutt.oiNc, WESTIN HoTEL ADDITTON, CASCADE Vrlu,cn,VAIL, EAGLE COIJNTY, COLORADO Job No. 24,894 Prepared For: I4ansfield Limlted 1000 Sourh Frontage Road West Val1 CO 81657 Attn: Jere WaL Eers OFFICES: CASPEB r COLOFAOO SPRINGS. OENVEF O SALT LAKE CIry March 10, 1983 o TA3LE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS SUBSOIL CONDITIONS FOUNDATION RECOM}4ENDATIONS FLOOR SLASS IJNDERDRAIN SYSTEM I.lMITATIONS 2 2 J 3 4 6 6 1 r ruut(E _l- FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 LOCATION OF EXPLOMTORY HOLES LOGS, LEGEND AND NOTES OF ExpLoMToRy HOLES GRADATION TEST RXSUI,TS CONCLUSIONS L) The subsoil conditions encountered aE Ehe site were relatively unlform and consisEed predornlnantly of gravels, cobbles and boulders, Signiflcant portions of the site were found to have been covered with nan-placed fill whlch was encountered to a maximum depth of 5 feet. Frequent J-arge boulders and dense cobble layers were encountered within both the fill and natural subsoils. 2) ExpLoration to beloi^/ probable bearing elevation generally could not be conduct,ed due to materlal size of the natural gravel_s. Obser- vatlon of the completed building excavacion shouLd be conducted by a representative of this office to determine suitability of bearing conditions. 3) Spread footings placed on the natural dense granular subsoils designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 5000 psf are reconrnended for support of the proposed structure. The existing fill material ls erratLc with respect to eirgineering properties and should be removed from beneath the entire building area. 4) Due to high boulder and cobble content of the natural subsoils, difficult excavatlon conditl-ons should be anticioated. o -?.- SCOPE Thls report Presents the results of a soil and found4tion investtgatlon for the proposed Phase r rerrace Building, cascade vilrage, Vall, Eagle county, colorado. Recorunended deslgn parameters and a discussion of geotechnlcal engineering considerations related to the construction of the proposed facility are Lncluded. Inc . 1) GeoEechnical studies previously conducEed by chen and Associaces, and utilized as background lnfornation to this report are as follows: ninium DevelopmenE. cascade Vtl1ags. Job No. Lg,s6z, d.ated November 13, 1979. 2)Soil and Foundatlon fnvestigation:Proposed Cascade Sports and Parking CenEer, Cascade Village, Job No. 23,4g7, daced January 26, L982. Soil and Foundatto[ Inves E isation : 3)Invest aEion:Proposed l^lest liaven artments at Cascade Villaee.Job No.23,503,dated February 16,L9e2. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The proposed structure wirl consist of a major addicion to the existing westin HoteL. The strucEure will conslst of 2 r^rings to a maximum 5 srorles in height and conslructed of steel frame with metal decking and concrete slabs. The l-owest, floor level will be at erevation 36 feet and wil-1 be connected to the existing east r^ring of the westln Ilotel by way of a tunneL. Lower floor leveL for the remainlng addltlon located to the irrnediate northeasc will be 41 .5 teet. proposed cuE depths below Ehe surrounding ground surface will range !o a raaxl-mum on the order of 15 feet. some filling on the dovmhill side may also be required. Foundation loads are expect.ed Eo be relat.ively heavy. rf building plans -3- vary significantly from those descrlbed, this office should be notifled for re-evaluation of the recommendatlons contained herein. SITE CONDITIONS At the tLne of the fleLd {nvestlgat,ion, the site was belng used as construccion staging and parking areas. Mlscellaneous Erash and debris f111. piles were scattered about. cutting and filling on the order of several feet, appeared to have been conducEed at the si.te curing construc- tl'on procedures for the westin Hotel. Fill depths were erratic but generally appeared to be greatest over the south hal-f of the site. ropographically, the general area has a natural grade down to the south terninating in Gore creek. An estirnated elevatlon difference across the site of from 30 t.o 40 feet exists, with Gore creek approxirnately 20 feet lower ln elevation than the southern extent of che proposed developrnenE. area. vegetative cover across the site has essentiarly been removed and no najor dratnages cross the area. Approximately L to l! feet of snow covered the site at the cine of the field work. SUBSOIL CONDITIONS The subsoll condittons at the site were lnvesligat.ed by drtlJ-tng fLve exploratory holes at the approximate locati.ons shown on Fig. 1. [lany areas of the siter especially che steeper southern and eastern portions, nere not accessible due to irregular terrain and construction equipment. Graphic logs of the subsoiL profiles and a description of che soil types are presented on Flg. 2. As indlcated by the Logs, the subsoils consist of a variable depth of man-placecl fill overlytng natural, dense ro very dense si1ty, sands, gravels, cobbles and boulders, with occasional siJ.ty sand lenses. The natural gravels extended to the maxj.mum depth explored, -4- 14 feet. A gradarlon analysis conducted on the ninus 3/4 inch fraccion of this deposit ls presented on Fig. 3. The fill encounEered was cornposed of loose sands, gravels, cobbles, boulders and mi.scellaneous trash and debris and because of prevlous construction acltvr.ty in the area the depth of existlng fill w l likely vary conslderably across the site. Due to compositlon of the f111, it is noE suitable for support of the structure. Free rrater nas not encountered at the hole l0cations and, the natural gravels were generally moist. Practicai drl1l rig refusal was met within al-1 hol-es due to cobble and boulder contenr of the underlying natural deposit. At Holes z chrough 5 exploration Eo below probable bearing level could noE be conducted due to refusal. Previous investigaEions in the general area indicate a very hard siltstone/ sands tone bedrock underlies the granular soils. FOT]NDATION RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the subsoils encountered and type of construction proposed, spread footings placed on the natural course granular subsoi.ls should be suitable for support of the structure. The following design and construc- tion crlteria should be observed: L) Spread footings should be placed on the natural sand, gravel, cobble and boulder deposit below any exi.sting fi11, topsoll or loose soils and designed for a max imum soil bearing pressure of 5000 psf. 2) spread foocings should have a minimum dimension of lg inches for wall-s and 30 inches for columns. 3) Dlfficult exeavation conditions should be anticLpated due Eo Ehe presence of boulders in the naEural gravels. I,Ihere the naturar soils have been disturbed due Eo excavati.on equlpment and boulder rernoval , loose soils should be removed and foundation bearing 4) 5) -5- should be lowered to che undisrurbed materl.al, Local depressions resulttng from boulder removal should be filled with concrere or approved structural fiJ-1 compacted to a minimum L00z standard Proctor density. wlthln the rower southern end of the buildlng, deepening che foundattons below design grade to suitable bearlng materials should be antlcipated, In deeper cut areas bedrock may be encountered. If bedrock is encounEered during excavatlon, this office should be nocified to observe the excavat.ion and detetmine suitability of the bedrock for beari.ng conditions. Due to the lrregularities of the bearing surface, especially along continuous wa11s, foundations should be adeguately reinforced to span an unsupported length of at leasE 10 feet. Exterior foundations or foundations placed beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate so cover for frost proEection. Foundatlon valls actl.ng as reeaining walls and backfilled with granular material similar to the on-site soils should be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure based on equiviJ.ent fluid weight of 45 pcf. Backfill behind rer.aining warrs shourd be compacted to a minirnurn 9o"l of standard proctor density, The natural gravels at the slte should be suitable for use as backfill provided oversized rock is removed prior to placement. Any surcharge loading such as from adjacent vehicular traffic should be added to the lateral earth pressure. Resistance to Lateral and overturning loads can be calculated utlllzing a passive earth pressure based on an equivilenc fluid weight of 450 pcf. A base friction value of 0.5 may be used to design against sliding. Backflll placed against footlngs should be 6) 7) 8) granular and compacEed to at least g5z standard proctor density. 9) The compleced excavalion should be observed by a representatlve of che solls englneer prlor co concrete placement to assess bearlns conditlons. settlements of spread footings plaeed on the natural course granular subsoils are estimated to be relatlvely minor, less than 3/4 inch total and L/2 inch dlfferentiar, and should essentially occur during consE.ruc- tion. FLOOR SLASS The naEural soi.ls exclusive of topsotl are sultable t.o supporE. lightly Loaded slab-on-grade construction. To reduce darnage due to slight differential slab novement, floor slabs should be separated from all bearing members r.rith a posiCive expansion joint and be ad.equately reinforced. A minlmum 4 lnch layer of free draining gravel should be provided beneath all slabs. The gravel should have Less than 5z passing the No. 200 sleve and at least, 50* retained on the No, 4 sieve. slabs should be provlded with control joints and be adequately reinforced. Any fill requlred below floor sLabs should be non-expansive granular soi.ls compacted to a ml-nimum 95% standard proctor density. The on-slte solls, free of debris, topsoil and oversized rock should be suitable for use as structural f l_11 . T,NDERDRAIN SYSTEM Free water was not encountered within the exploratory holes to the maxirnurn depth driJ.led, L4 feet. However, with seasonaL fluctuatlons ln the ground water and,/or development of a perched condition, water 1evels could rise to lower floor 1eve1s. Therefore, a foundatl.on draLn should o -7- be provided to procect below grade constructi.on from wect.ing and prevent {rater level buiJ.dup behtnd retaining wa11s in the event of free water developrnent. The underdrain system should consist of a perforated pipe lnstal1ed in a gravel filled trench placed at least l foot be.r.ow lorvesc adjacent floor slab grade and sroped on a minimum l_z grade to a suitabLe gravlty outlet. LIMITA?IONS This report has been prepared in accordance with.generally accepted soil and foundarlon engineering practices in Ehis area tor the use by the client for desi.gn purposes. The conclusions and recomraendati.ons submitted i.n this report are based upon the daEa obtai.ned from the exploratory holes drilled at the locati.ons indicated on the expLoratory hole plan. The na.ure and extent of variations between the exploratory holes may no. become evident unEil excavation is performed. Irhen the building excavation is completed,.this office should be nottfied for observations of proposed bearing strata, and re-evaluatton of the recommenda- tions contai.ned herein. CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Ronald J. Vasquez, P. E. Reviewed By Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. RJv/ko cc: Briner Scott Architects By sd\.o)'.. )o Proposed Tunnel Westhaven Drive IndicaEes app roximate proposed building foot princ NOTE: Contour 1i.nes indicace approximaEe ground sur face prior to Westin Hotel development. Approximace Scale: L/32" = 7, Be nchma rk Finished Floor Elevation=47 .5 Creek Exis E lng Ll.ne uor\ s \ Proposed ,J}* , \ i;il;'"[;il; \ Lower Floor Ele\tion \= 47.5 feer \ \ i-l L_.i elevator le4 \o Hole 3 \ \ Hole 2 O \ Lowetl Floor Elevafion = 36 I I I r".J Ho 1e chen and associates, inc.LocaEion of ExPloratorY Holes Hole I El . =45. lr tlole 3 El . =48.6' Ilole 3 EL. =47 .41 Ilole .l El.=64.2t llo le 5 El.=64.5' i,SSEND: Fi I t , sand anci giave i with cobbles " boulders ::"^d mi xed debris, loo.se to nediun dense, mcist. brown.l0/3,30/s 2s/6,4s/6 20/o 2r /12 Sand S gravel (Clr!). cobbles wlth depth, occasic ri silry rounded, nrois!, brcwn, & boulCers , s i i, t. i'.. ciean sand lenses, vc.t - dense, h f" L-,t;ir l--r Standard Penetia: icn iest .Sample <ni i indicrres ,-hat 5J blorvs of 30 inches rvere reouiied to cirive Discurbe.l BriLk Sarnp l, AS'lll D-158r:. The syrnbol a 1.1(J :b. ha:.n:r falling t:he sanpler i:nches. F tll z F ,-l ?0 /0 20io l0/3,20/3 zJlo, 30/6, l i Holes were driiled b-^twee:r Feb|uary 2? an4 Ferruary 28" tSEJ with a 4-inch dianeter cotinuous flight prl.ie:i' auger. Ele.,rations are apFi.Jximate anC refer tc the Sencl..nark shown on Figure 1. No free water was encountered in the test. i'1ales at the time of drilling- lr/C = liater'Conceni (?); -200 = Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve; NP = Nonplast ic LOGS, I,EGEND q NOTES CF EXPLCRA'TORY TIOLES s0/s r00 /7 roxinate Elevatrtions of er Fi.nished F lo(oc r I - App Lorv 40 /6 , 60/6 llC=7.8 -200=21 NP i.iOTES: lt t\ 3) 4) I I I I 5 !:< 24,994 chen end assoclates, inc. . ':e-z-zg 2.7HR 15 MIN HR. chen and associates. inc. r l9 2 20 60 MtN r9 MrN r MtN r MtN CLAY TO SILI 0.r 2 OIAMETER OF PAFTICL€ IN MILLIME'TERS J', 56 8- =F z o z z a .E o z z zL "\ NP 'l -l 1r I 50 60 70 1 4 z o GRAVEL L4"h LIQUIO LIMIT SAMPLE oF gravelly 65 "" stLT Al'ro cLAy PLASTICITY INOEX SANO silty 2a .15 lm HH 7HR '5 MIN IIME 60 MrN 19 MrN .l MIN I MIN CLAY TO SIL I sand FRotut Hole 042 20 DIAM€TER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETENS qo S|LT ANO CLAY PLASTICITY INOEX FROM 4 /6 .J 52 i9 |r21 GRAVEL Lrouro LrMrl SAMPLE OF 24,994 I HYOROMETER ANAT.YSIS \rlE 3 rl.l HYOROM€TEN ANALYS'S SIEVE ANALYSIS GRADATION TEST BESULTS Fig r52 Project Appllcation /kpltuA rz/to, 'Date L Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by; Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval , November 5, 1982 Jere l,lalters llanfield, Ltd. f000 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jere: 0n November 3, 1982 the Design Review Board facade revisions and sign as submitted. r+el /h/</ department of community development DRB Submittal of l1-3-82 approved the l^lestin Hotel lnttn 75 soulh fronlagc td. vall, colorado 81657 (3031 476-7000 Si ncerely, 7'-*Jfm Sayre Town Planner JS:df 42.-'- 1 ,.' Proioct Name: Project Appllcation o^,. lolq lq t Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Legal DescriPtion: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board PA/LKf/4 or,. NOU l DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: r-"o Summary: Zoning A Date: Chief Building Official A Det,eblnneflt of Mar$rteld, Lld. October 1,9, L982 l,Ir. Jin Sayre Town of VaLl 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: WestLn llotel Vail . Dear Jim: Enclosed pLease find drawings showing changes made to the exterior of the hotel since the original approval by the Design Review Board. As Andy Norris has previously discussed with you, these drawings are for Design Review Board staff approval. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Jere ters Director Project Jl[/jh enclosure ,llorttane Corprttion, ,ltawgng (;enenl Rfinel .fxn .buth honktpe Road West, Veil. C,obra&t 81657 - 303/4764()02 i i tgF $€s Eg $ { I :$ I il\t L s o M t M dJ k _l $ h I L \l , tI] in l 1 box l(Xl v.il, colorado 81657 (3{r3l 476-5613 February 22, 1982 Andy Nomis Box 2941 Vai'l , Colorado 81658 Dear Andy: 0n February 17, 1982, change in the co'lor of and Learning Center to Si ncerely, depertment of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 2-17-82 the Design Review Board approved the the roof material on the Westin Hote] "1ow gloss dark brown nebu'lar". /^ Jim (ayre Town Pl anner JS: df Profect Application |) ,"," ,412/ge Projecl Name: Proiect Descriplion: ( Contacl Person and Phone 1o1a:L- Owner. Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phgne: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Motion by:HLh t UYE xl Seconded by::1.4Wl,\\ DISAPPROVAL ]jo Summary: ?t'u"' J -",- ^-/ Town Ptarr6er /tl orn"- z- / l'l l1L-' '/ E statt Approval dl,>| -{*lohl yk TruWSNN HOTTI Vail Number 2 n{ *+ SalesOffice Patricia A. Reinhart. Director of Sales Preopening Office 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 Phone: (303) 476-7111 Opening Date November 1982 Number of Guest Rooms Total: 400, including 7 suites Phased guest room oponlngs: November 1982 - 185 guest rooms, including 7 suites November 1983 - 64 additional rooms November 1984 - 64 additional rooms November 1985 - 88 additional rooms Arorage guest room saze: 21' x 14'6" (300 sq. ft. including bath) Guest room b€d mlx: Double/double -5O7o Oueen -50%Five guest rooms will be equip- ped forthe handicapped i.; ?._] Guest Room Features Cable television with radio. Touch{one telephone. Alarm clocks. Locatlon European Alpine Resort. Part of Cascade Village, a year- round mountain resort at the foot of Vail Mountain. Approximately two hours' drive from Denver and Staoleton lnternational Air port. Local airport is served by Rocky Mountain Airways f rom Denver. Transfers from Avon Airport to Vail, 7 miles Facilltles Creperle - Seats 76 with 32 outside seats Formal R$taurant- Seats 128 with 56 outside seats Lobby Lounge- Seats 60 Cocktall Lounge- Seats 88 with 32 outside seats Room Servlce- 24 hour Outdoor poouwhhlPool Sauna + Spa October 1981 GuestServices A complete Athletic Facility, in- cluding indoor lap pool, outdoor summer pool, and the Nautilus health club. Four indoor tennis courts. Indoor track. Four indoor racouet/ handball courts. Two indoor squash courts. Club restaurant and bar. lce skating. Ski and bicycle rentals. Covered park- ing. Exquisite shops in the hotel. (Opening in 1983) !*y {ti .q ':.'" ..*t.:i, " q4 rt .: Flrst L€nol - 2,tfl0 rq. ft. Meeting Room 1A 660 sq. ft. Meeting Room 18 490 sq. ft. Meeting Room 2A 735 sq. ft. Meeting Room 28 525 sq. ft. Meeting Faclllties Function iooms available in three areas: the Learnino Center Building, the hotel, and tle Plaza Building. lrarnlng @nter Bulldlng. Provides a total of 11,410 sq. ft. of meeting space including a special auditorium, meeting rooms and a multiple purpose room. In addition, a specialty restaurant with 90 seats and a lounge with 60 seats. Second Lgrrel The 5,500 sq. ft. auditorium/ theatre with a seating capacity of approximately 285 people. And the 1,200 sq. ft. multipur- pose room which can be used for an exhibition hall and/or additional meeting room(s). Fourth Lcvel - 2,210 sq. ft. Meeting Room 5 495 sq. ft. Meeting Room 6 535 sq. ft. Meeting Room 7A 590 sq. ft. Meeting Room 78 590 sq. ft. ThetYestln Hotel. Five meeting rooms/parlors at ground level, each measuring 300 sq. ft. And at lobby level, a 3,500 sq. ft. ballroom with adlacent pre- function and deck soace. The Plaza Bulldlng. Opening in 1983 for meetings and confer- ences. Meetlng Equipment Equlpmeht provlded by the hotel at no chargs: lnstalled PA system, lectern, portable and floor microphones, podium, padded metal stack chairs, blackboards, easels, cork- boards, pads, pencils. Equlpment proylded by local wndors at a charge: Portable PA systems, phonographs, reel and cassette taoe recorders. projectors and screens, remote control cords, individualized directional signs, name cards and holders. Meeting Serviccs Prwldedby local vcndors at a chargc: messenger service, stenographer, print shop, photographer/photo shop, display builder, audiofuisua. operators and repairmen, security guards. CreditCards Honored American Express, Carte Blanche, Diners Club, MasterCard. Visa. Ot" ?t ftza- 6. flu/m-zr tl .'ofFrffiiwa+t/A72t/laT€ rAeant/6 fu&/S / @s//aa,uaeq, ladZkKaztl C, ha,tormtfrL /furrt znnn t ./ W[za)rrcL. K/rclcN) .tuf z#,/ ,-r/<-arol te t ,t.\.rL.6-. ,-.r r.-ftolY .o-: e T 9 ru/ "rrr"rfu ;" ar^er-//(/?"y/ rdrr/ ru /q,y ^:-' t^ -zU (l ( b.i trceauaofrta-a./ al trs : ,ffit\ffiffift 243y'7= 6?8 / a54 tZ /a-?a-.fr a4Lfu( FtzsT . 4. StrW F-4t-//A,g : /4yaryg,&ar/r,*2../ K/7Chg{/ %-@aa / IATS, /a6&a, fu (F / 8& ktrct/az./ 3o3{d ?./4/^/h &?)o( 3739 tr 4rz /rsz sfr 6. ffsrtu- (, * uu/,reD /attlsr@a/-ru7are) ' /7ao fi 4, 624- 7 ku^aarruJ ur.,trs. 7 A ?/?= z//s / a 5// =-t?/--3o37 /ornt?Gfi k'+oE /.ooqg 6mnp r - l. Auaol fleurtqS .' 8t nlfrSuqrulr/r#sr*A€ e6Z./ o o 9ezz^to FAZ 4. *r,r Zv;' flcuntg:,r/rfui &,t,tZ&taltafz,, JTaZa6Trrzza4nzegh4r4 6.4a S/ kuuroftiro*l urrtq 4sa 4? -- /Ezo.r fr / a€4 E 5//4aY/ = //ff 2Qszq = /a7// a 7?{= 76 / /r/tO ftoa€_ ,#***"-r-*rl uil/rs ae 7 33y',t = f6?7 //a 1r-r = /rs /A a 3r'?.{ -z +2 t# ' ///h / O rc7;/ a fzl,i --- rL/{ZA /Lr.t = l?/7 / ?/ 53t 4. # turpdrt ,Hqztrts foupttt frao?- 4.aq.l /z A 3z//'a ?rt / 2 Jr-o l? 530 / A?ro /6 a 'ez{zE /a-a /7r 3to /zrzro f TvftLs / ) Gzct ./ o o 6urr ftpaz 6/4?/va / z 3 / /zqL 7a37 /?,3to /7, szt tZ, Zto tt 757 )^u/L- fufrr-H2 4t!*2 fi 7 nt*;*- 6 Z.- rt a*ezahnfu-s"-tL Alf //'1", t-/r*-r-^/ a-"2 /r- a-IL /Yf7-a-v ,6er' /a-n ,/7aa * -14P /s ,4A*+ U*f /a a ac-Z ---a-rr1 u 7vTrtz-5 h)^EZ-@ ttq OF PTANN?G AND ENVIRONMENTAL CO}'lI',l,O" 'M'" "@ Monday, october 13, 1980 3:00 P.!1. dodf MINUTES I4EMBNRS PRESENT Gerry White John Perkins Dan Corcoran Ed Drager Roger Tilkemeier Gaynof Miller Jim-Morgan COUNCIL MF$,IBER Bill Wilto SIAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan ilim Rubin .Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack p The meetingl lsas cdlled to order by Gerry White. Dan Corcoran moved the minutes of the Sept 8 meeting be approved, seconded by Ed Drager. 5-0 in favor (JIm Morgan and Gaynor Miller hadn't arrived yet). 2. Miskell greenhouse addition, Irot 2. Block 2, Vail Vill-age 13th, setback variance request. Peter Patten presented the staff's feelings as utritten in the memo mailed to the Cornnis;ion, reconmending denial-. Whitney Miskell distributed more information including a letter from the neighbor to the east aPproving the greenhouse. Dan Corcoran felt it would be a positive addition to a veiy plain East side of the house. John Perkins said he was the orig.i.nal designei, and although he would abstain from the vote' agreed with Dan. Roger T. moved that the variance be qlp_fqrc!, Dan seconded it. The vote wa! g in favor, 1(Gerry) against. ca]frot-a6stained, since he did not hear the discussion. 3. Addition to Village Center Buildilg D, requiring bo?h e Pensilv-Con:rol ila-PPrbval' nevisgd ProPosal-' ilim Rubin said a survey had been- completed to see if the proposal would interfere with the bus lane, and explained the differences in this proposal. Ile pointed out the 5 conclitions listed in the men'.o that the staff wanted to see implemented if approval vras granted. He felt that the plan was in basic Lonformance wilh the Vail Vi11a9e Urban Design Guide . PIan and Vail Lionshead Urban Design Considerations. The 2 smalle:: units that were reqested by the staff in the original proposal were discussed. Cecil Dodson, president of Village Center Condomj.niumn Association' B1dgs A,B & C questioned approval of twice the square footage as proposed in the Urban Design euide PIan. Dick Ryan replied that the Urban Design Guide Plan did not. dictate exact plans, but was a guide on1y. Mr. Dodson Proiestec the two stories, but stated Lhat he approved the improvement. of the area. John Perkins felt that the massing helped to make the transition from o:re story to the present two story buil-ding. Mr. Dodson asked if it was worked within the Urban Design Guide PIan. G-erry White replied that' the UDGP provided the guide. Oict< added that Jeff Winston had reviewed this proposal presented the first time, but not the 2nd one. John P. questiongd the iandscaping of the area to the east. and .if the owners would work with Jeff oS that. Irred Hibberd replied he woulcl, adding that the lst plan had the same footpr:int, then he tried to plearse othbrs by changing the elevatio:ls. In doing so, one owner had to exehange ll'is view for additional space. Fred Hibberdrs statements on the 5 conditions were: i 1. he wasnrt 1-ooking for a condo to market 2. he'd Like to continue to to work further with Jeff Winston 3. the bus lane does encroach onto his property, but it and the walk'ray work weII and he will dedicate the necessary land for them 4. agrees with this 5. agrees with this Ed Drager didntt agree with having a second story, since a I story was shown in the UDGP. John Perkins stated that the design cannot be set at the scale of l"=200', nor square footage specified. Gaynor !4i1]er felt that in working with Fred for l-L/2 months, that. this was a much better design and that it would blend in very well, adding that the Town neeis buses and walks and a compromise should be made. Roger T. added that the location was very visible and that when the commission had visited the site that they hid agreed that a one story building didn't look right at that location. cerry agreed and stated that he felt it was in keeging with the UDGP. Roger moved for approval- subject to the 5 conditions in the memo, Jotun seconded. Vote was 4 in favor, 2 against. (Dan e Ed against). Jim abstainec since he didntt.hear the full d.iscutsion. 4. A Conditonal Use Reqr'.est for the Covered Bridqe Store to allow the '?<-\ Jirn Rubin summed up the memo, stating that the staff was in favor of approval, for the reasons stated in the mernorandum. Ed Drager asked :ow one could say that there is no way one can keep people living in the core area--did that mean no one wanted to live there? He felt it was inconsistent with the prior case where the staff is insisting that an apart::go j-n to make something look better because people will want to live;here. Jim Rubin felt that the apartments were in two different locations.This one is right across from 2 night clubs with more commotion at this location. John Dobson stated that Bridge Street is a heavily traveled area in Vail Uses of this type have been granted. In the early days, it made sensef but doesnrt now to any where near the degree. Gorsuch, the Bank builiing,etc. have done the same thing. There are perhaps two .long term spaces in the core. and precedent has been established. Long term has not worked out. Dan Corcoran . then added that the Town is being sued by a property owner who considered just the opposite, that his proper- ty was quite valuable, namely the tower over the Rucksack. They certainly wouldn't want that, conversion. He stated that he \^ras on the Planning Conrnission when the conversion came through with the apartments that used to be above the Liquor Store and he opposed that. John Dobson asked ifconditicinaluses were granted to the Ore House Building,the Cyrano buildingr or for Gorsuch. He repeated.that the precedent had been established and that long term housing simply does not work out in that area as it once did. He.+ead the purpose of the CCI zone district. Jim Rubin reiterated one.statement that John D had made, that there are no controls that would require those unils to be long tern. John could rent them out short term. PEC - 3 l_0/15/80 o o Gerry White stated that the history of downtown Vail had been one of boLh granting and denying use for just this kind of thing. There is i the concept of horisontal zoning that was dealt- with a long time ago \. in an effort to keep the mixture j.n the downtown area. He stated that the was much more conversion to cornmercial space on every level, with talk of the Gashof Gramshammer being converted to comrnercial space throughout. He felt that this rrras a sort of death knell for the core area. He felt very strongly that commercial space should be on ground level and the second level should be residential. BilL wilto mentioned that one prior conditional use was granted because it was felt that no one wanted to live there, but the fact was, the renters.enjoyed the apartment, so it was suitable for some. ',Not desirable housing', he felt was incorrect. There was some talk of asking John to restrict John Dobsonrs other apartment to employee housing if this conditional use were granted,but it was felt that conditional use had nothing to do with-emptoyee housing, and John felt also that that rule should have. Ueen appt:-Ea to others as weI1, if the corunission was going to expect it of him. Gaynor lt{.iller moved to approve the request, John perkins seconded it. Gaynor voted for it, but the other mernbers voted against, so the vote was 2 -5 against. 5. Request for a front setback variance for Jerry G Peter Patten presented the material from the staff, and recommended denial . steve Boyd, the contractor for the project, expraining that the owner wanted a covered parking area where he now had gravei parking,that was encroaching 6'or 7r onto the setback. John Perkins fell that to deny this didn't make sense, and. discuss.ion followed about whether it was better estheticalJ-y to permit a garage to hide the cars completely. John moved to grant the variance as long as a garage was constructed,seconded by Roger. The vote was tied with Dan abstaining. JohnrRoger,and Jim Morgan for, Gaynor, Gerry and Ed against. Roger moved to deny the carport, seconded by Gaynor.For denial were ilim, Gaynor, Gerry and Ed.- John and Roger against denial . Request denied. 6. leight AmerJdment for Special Developrnent District 4(SD4), the Cascade Lgdge Jim Rubin presented the mateli.al f rom the staf f , and recommend.ed approval .He explained that the design seemed appropriate and that the increase would, only be one foot,. Andy Norris showea drawings. Roger moved for approvar subject to the pl-anning and Environmental commission's granting of the AmendmenL to the Height section of sD4.Ed seconded, and the vote was 6-0, unanimous, Dan abstaining. .'PEc-10-Ls-80 -n(D 7.Amendments Lo Zonin Ordinances i' Audience participation was reguested first. ceorge Boyer, Betty Thomas,\-, Mason Thomas, John Drywalker, Paula LalJ-ier, Andy Norrj_.s, Stewart Brown,charlie Powers, Fitzhugh scottr. ,Joe Montana, stulrt Holland, Dean Canada, and Kathy Warren spoke in opposition to the amendments. Their concern deal-t with the fact that they thought their property was being devalued, some felt the decisj.on was arbitiary, some felt a-408 slope ' should be built upon. Sandy Mills took exceplion and stated that all she could hear was "you are taking from me" instead of looking at the d'esirability of these changes for the whole valley and being posj.tive. Aft.erward, the corunission members stated. Ed Drager: Many of these ideas have been We must have done many things right,. Dan: As the document is now, I,m against not counting the 409. In favor of new definitions of GRFA, for proposed changei in density control . JJn: Height well taken care of, hillside development questionable. GRFA not greatly changed" against not counting 40E, for'section rv. ilohn: Doesnrt feel density control section needs to be changed from what it is now. Height linitation have been scared of; footprint fine,at one time had 30* as cut-off point, GRFA - careful-- sometimes secondary unit would be cut down to be very small unit. Roger: our concern is to get a document to control visual impact,we need more .work d.one. However, r get concerned about alr comments on vafues. rf one had bought property even 6-8 months aglo, one would have experienced an increase in vatue. r agree that it is important that values continue. Gerryl we are primarily dealing with space, r feel 40? srope should not be ornitted.. I like GRI,A. Concern about values. Roger rnoved to table the meeting to october 27, John seconded it Unanimous, 6-0 (Gaynor had left).Roger was selected to attend the DRB meeting on Oct. 15.Ed moved and. Roger seconded to continue the rest of the agenda until the next meeting. their feelings: discussed for a long time. MEMORANDUM TO: PLATINING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI,JNITY DEVDLOPMBNT/JIM RUBIN DATE: October 9, 1980 RE: Height Amendment for Special Development District 4 (SD4), the Cascade Lodge DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST This request is to amend the Height Section of SD4 to permit the Cascade Lodge to have an average height of one foot greater than the height.al-lowed by SD4. Even though the advertized height was for a 2.5 foot increase, the height has been reduced so that the increase is only for an additional foot. RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends approval of this request. The uses, nunlcer of floors, and general shape of the building have not changed since it was last presented to you. The height difference was caused by a change in the design of the roof. The Desigm Review Board has reviewecl the Cascade Lodge and has approved the plans subject to the Planning and Environmental Commissionrs granting of the Amendment to the Height Section of SD4. '11!f{ URBAN DESIGN LAND, PI"ANNING GEOFIGE T ROCKFISE, FAIA,ATEASLA FTOBERTA'OOERMATTAIA FOBEFT C' MOUtvruOY AIA 0ctober 6, 1980 Mr. Jim Rubin Zoning Director Town of Vail City Hall Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Cascade Lodge' Vail Dear Jim: Enclosed please find two (2) sets of the revised Building Height Study for Cascade Lbdge (dated 0ctober'1,1980) as you requested' .Note that the overall average building height is 52.0 feet. The zoning ordinance iiio*i 6i feet, 45 iiei'piri-an additional-6 feet (bonus tor 9.6112 sloping roof). Please advise me concerning the adequacy of the information shown. Si ncerely,eryaaryu Thomas K. Yee TKY/PW cc: Andrew Norris George Rockrise File 4O6 SANSOME STREET, SAN FFIANCISCO' CALlFofiNlA 941t1 TELEPHONE (4151 392-373O o o PUBITIC. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Andrew D' Norris has applied for an Amendnent to Special Developrnent District + isoal to allow an increase in the alLowable building height of 2.5 feet for the cascade Inri Hotel. Application has been made in accordance with Section 18.40.040D of the Vail l{unicipal Code' A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with section 18.56.060 of the Municipal code on october 13, 1980 at 3:00 p.m.beforetheTownofVailPlanningandEnvironmentalconmission. . The application and information relating to the proposed change is available in the Zoning Adnulnistrator's office during regular business hours for review or inspection by the pubJ-ic. Jirn Rubin Zoning Administrator TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NTTY DEVELOPITENT .i: .. , , t,- Published in the Vail Trail , September 26, 1980. (,l jl ;?-l-,:l-E"ftza- 4?a4 D Ll f;'t' olr NA',l'l':ltl Al,l; NAvrj ot,' t'tiil,Iti1;t' f ,4:tc A { rc LoD6L. Lric;AL r)rifictlI I,l'l on 5 DD tl LO'l' lji,ocli TII,ING 1)lrsctltI,,floi.t olr lltio.JUC't._l5o ?ciorr^ jeIL_L___- 'J'lr r:: .to A.) f o l. Lorv j. n 6-J jrr liot:mlrt j.on tlrc l)<:s j gtr llcvi-t:rv l.]oard BUI I.,'DING IJATIIIiIALS : Roof S ici i.n g Otlrcr \i'a11 llatclials Fasoi.a Sof fits lYindows llindow Trim Doors Door: 'Irim Hand or Deck Itails 31ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosu:rcs Greenhouses Other PT.,ANT ]'UiTIIRIAI,S i-s l'r.:t;tt:i.r:c:t! J'ori s;ttlttrlil:tit-l bt' bc.l orc a f itral, :tpprovlt). cirtr T yff_q_g.l_,!_t cll_lj!_ tlre A1tlt1 i.catrt be girrctt. Colo:: ,d4€rAt ^ NAr-..4PAL ?rxr c LoLoA 5't*Ct6t OFF- rdHrti- Narug !un-!!lqx Si-ze (Vcgccarive, Landscaping }latcrials and Ground Cover) Pot."nrical i{linc 9g*qg.I__U-{rng. As ft ^1 5rrc q fr .'{ Mtrftc uJt-n{ "dooD }€rnrc --ge9"3g r-o M ATLi{ Roo? AfoNie irrcluding Trees, Slrrubs , MEr'\u Rootr ovt< eD6€. -Vo GL(rTtEs 5ruicco AcqMrrJLi J{a" A;o;:L 64or"sr- ' BtoxlZt U rr\\\/r Covt tet 0 iocro b (ORL - $Roruet . 3,+r.aa -r.\S i,.r r,tl9C ce S -l,/' B.) L{ 5.-.--Y " cAL. GUtt6etr-r.1 -5P,l'ue'L Llo k!-)p' tfoo rl t'I\.F '-iAr,, P r tJ'1- L. I d (,)t.'e.. .t /z-z'" 1l)(tAs( fl4 trt'cr \3 r,r :it1 di 'i M r\c C.)LlL 0! rJ CLr flCtd.r' (t l) '''-,$oca t\tt"tl l I'L"L o l;rgc 2 PLant Matcrinl.s ConLitrucd Size c.) oTuER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining trrta11s, Fences, ' (Pleastd Specify) Swinrning Pools, . eLc. ) eeav,€nu @CnZn zt,zSo 6 Sto*rt - t'.to Anl D L.JA Br rr- Pnxt* .. I 'rF- ia+ 4. , ' 'tto':. ,i, Project Name:Co-- Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: /,q A. fb,"'{ Project Application f>\/ ..- t^^ z Archilect Addr€ss and Phone: I lL) rr \ u\" Legal Description: Lot Zone: Design Review Board DISAPPBOVAL F)lf*e AppRovAL 2+u-"r*--o-J?,a/ Chief Building Otficial o It u,uf__l_J_,ZgsL__ LIST OT,' MATIiIIIAl,S; NAME oF pnoJrcr QflscAW LoD6L LIICAL DIJSCRIPTION 3 DD'I DESCRIPTION OT PROJECT BI.,OCJ(FILING The to A.) followin g itr formation the Desj.gn Rcview Board BUILDING MATtrRIALS: Roof Siding Other lVaLl Materials is recluired for submittal b)' the Allplicant beforc a final appr:ova1 can be given. Color Type of [,lateriaf /h€TAI . NAfuPAL ZI'.' C LOLO,E 5'r*cto; oFF.- dHrti- Narug Mer*r- Rooe' ovrr( eDaz -r,/o euntres SrL;cc-o _ ----..--.-:- ALu rL{,Nu ra" Storzz 6r?0ltr1 1 Bloptt 3,ru1 'AS i,r;id0o vrl 9 COUTlelD LoOO b Fascia Sof fits l9indows lfindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Mtrftc L^JIT+{ dooD EAyArc - BeoNLt -r'o /t4ATLtI R-ootr r-o M Ax-H ROoF : 9'ror.tt- CLA D AfON' t Jo^X- P,.) . PI..ANT MATERIALS (VegetaEive, Landscaping and Ground Cover) Ilaterial s Botanical Nanre Comnron I'lame As &z-* 5$aq6g+ 6rtreleea^( 1;SPR.ug7 5ret P'Pt Size 'Y " cAL, x $uk|,o. At tt t"o Bu+l S.ir.,rA(- including Trees, Shrubs, Quantit)' rJ< -l liooS {o GOLD€.,J CL{ PE€^/T KeD Soot^r BeR-Py CrrJbtrTtrotl- t !- lot l' 'l .r' - ;),o ?age 2 PLant Material-s Continued BotanicaL Narne c.) Cormnon Name Quant{tv Si-ze OTHER I,ANDSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining trIalLs , Fences , Swinming Pools , etc. ) (Pl-ease Specify) C€P.aPu Paoa^ tt,-"o U a*,o. ruO ANO r..r)A BrXr Pr.rrt PLANS IXAMINATION Gascade Lodge at Vail Vail, Colorado This plan review was made under my supervision and represeots a curaory comparison of these plans and specifications with the applicable codes of the Town of Vail. Reepectfully, P. Tyree C on s ultant 63 s-3 055 David TP/A*,u."J]VRtrtr BUTLDING CODE CONSULTANTS r60t toutH Ttt ENTy Fnst sl. . coLoRADo sln|l|cs. co &xrof PHOI{E (:!Ut) 635.tot5 PROJECT: Gascade Lodge at Vail Vail, Colorado ARCIIITECT: Rockrise, Odermatt, Mountjoy Associates 405 Sansome St. San Francisco, California 941 Il STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:E. G. Hirsch and Associates Pier 1 l/2, Tlne Embarcadero San Francisco, California 94lIL Glumac and A ssociates One Embarcadero Center San Francisco, California 94lll Glumac and A ssociates One Embarcadero Center San Francisco, California 94111 REVIEW CRITERIA MEC}IANICAL ENGINEER: ELECTRIGAL ENGINEER: Type of Construction: Occupancy Classification: Storie s: I979 Uniform Building Code 1979 Uniform Plurnbing Code 1979 Uniform Mechanical Code l98l National Electrical Code Type II- I Hour (per Architect) B-2, R-l, A-3, }l-Z Five (See Note *) ALLOWABLE AREA REVIEW Type II- l- hour (as Basic Allowable (R- l Multi-Story (Sec. 505 stated by Architect) Occupancy) (b) ) square feet square feet 13,500 13 , 500 Automatic Sprinkler System throughout Basic Allowable (B-2 Occupancy) Multi-Story (Sec. 505 (d) ) Automatic Sprinkler System throughout Basic Allowable (A-3 Occupancy) Multi-Story (Sec. s05 (d) ) R-1 Occupancy B-2 Occupancy A-3 Occupancy Total Allowable 54,000 square feet Total Allowable 72,OOO square feet 27, ooo 27,000 54,000 square feet 72,000 square feet 54,000 square feet square feet square feet 18,000 square feet 18,000 square feet S;d-ooE""'" 6t 36,000 square feet 13,500 square feet 13,500 square feet Automatic Sprinkler System lhroughout 27,OOO square feet 27,000 square feet Total Allowable 54' 000 square feet ALLOWABLE AREAS (fyp. II- 1-Hour Construction) Since a plot plan was not submitted as part of the drawings, provisions for Section 506 were not taken into account. The Architect did not use this provision in his review, therefore, it was assumed that the builA- ing did not have ample separation to use this section. l. NOTE* The Architect states that tbe ground level can be classified as a basement. Upon review of the elevation drawings, it appears that the floor level cannot be classified as a basernent in conformance with Section +Z0 idonal story. It appears at this tirne that the building does not conforrn to the requirements of Type II- I hour conslruction as detailed below. The ground level cannot be classified as a basement per Section 420 and, therefore must be considered as a story. Table 5-D does not allow R-I occupancies constructed of Type II- I hour construction to exceed four slories in height. This building must be classified a five story structure and therefore exceeds the number of allowable stories. It appears that the use of lhe area separation walls in relation to exiting requirements has not been taken into account. A full explaination will aPpear in this report. BUILDING GODE COMMENTS B-1 Proper exiting has not been provided in reference to the use of area separation walls and horizontal exits. The area in which a horizontal exit leads shall be provided with exits other than additional horizontal exits' as re- quired by Sec. 3302. Refer to Section 330?. z. B-Z B-3 The east and westwings have not been provided with second exits as required by Sec. 3302. The central wing has not been provided with two exils separated more than one-half of the rnaximurn overall dimension of the building. Stair 3 with two horizontal exits does not etisfy the exiting requirements for this building. Sec. 3302 and 330?. Items B-1, B-2 and B-3 are concerned with the same problem. Additional exit enclosures are required in order to conform to the exiting requirements of Chapter 33. B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B.I I All corridor openings shall be protecled by a tight-fitting srnoke and draft control door assernblies having a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Sec. 3304 (h). Re[erence should be made to the automatic closing device and smoke gasketing req uirernents. Every sleeping room below the fourth floor must be pro- vided with one operable window or exterior door approved for emergency egress or rescue. Sec. 1204. No window schedule has been provided in the drawings. Provide details to show that the 2 hour area separation walls comply with Section 505 (d). a. Extend vertically from the parking garage to a poinb 30 inches above the roof. b. Total width of all openings lirnited to 25 per- cent of the wall length in a story under consideration. c. A11 openings protected with fire assemblies having a fire-resistive rating of three hours. Provide details of rnechanical shaf t construction. It must be of I hour fire-resistive construction. Table 1?-A. All exit doors in an exit enclosure shall be protected by a fire assembly having a fire protection rating of not less than I 1/2 hours. Sec. 3308 (c). A11 exit enclosure walls must be not le ss than two hour fire-resistive construction. Show a section and specify what U.L. or U.S. Gypsum assembly is to be used on the drawings. Sec. 3308 (b). Every dwelling unit or every room used for sleeping putposes shall be provided with smoke detectors conforrn- ing to UBC Standard 43-6. Refer to Sec. 1210 (a). In bathrooms and water closet compartments' a rnechanical ventilation system connected to the outside, capable of pro- viding five air changes per hour shall be provided. Sec. lZ05 (a). B-tz B-13 B-L4 B- I5 B-r6 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B -21 Nonabsorbent finisb and backing for toilet room walls and floor must conform to Section I?ll (a). Water resislive sheetrock is required in these areas. Every required exit doorway shall be of a size as to permit the installation of a door not less than 3 feet in width and 6 feet 8 inches in height. No door schedule has been provided on the drawings. Section 3303 (c). To maintain the one hour fire-resistance of the sbructure, the 5/8" Type X sheetrock must be extended to the floor behind all bathtubs and showers. Revise sections to show this requirernent. Table l7-A. To rneet the requirernents of I hour construction, all sheetrock must be specified as 5/8t' Type X. Drawings now only indicate 5/8" Gyp. board. Table l7-A. A11 corridor penetrations rnust conforrn to Section a304 (e). Details and specifications should be submitted to verify conformance. The elevator shatt must be vented in conformance with Section 1?06 (d). Provide details. Exterior walls must be constructed of non-combustible rnaterials and cornply with the fire resistive requirements of Section 504 and Table 17-,A. An approved fire alarrn systern rnust be installed in confor- mance with Section LZOZ (b). This item should be discussed with the Vail Fire Protection District. Elevator doors must be specified a one-hour assernblies and be so indicated to conform to Section 1706. Plumbing shafts rnust be fireblocked at each floor level and have a one-hour fire resistive rating. A11 plumbing penetrations must be tightly filled to maintain fire- resistive rating. Table l?-A and Section ZSLT (f.). A11 fireplace shaf ts must be on one -hour fire re sistive construction. The ceiling in the shaft rnust also have a one-hour fire resistance rating in order to rnaintain the one-hour integrity of the building. Table 1?-A, Sec. 3?O? (m). B-ZZ B-23 The rnetal roof rnust be installed in conforrnance with Sec. 3203 (c) (3). Particular attention should be given to requirernents in snow driven areas. B-24 Provide details to verify that the elevator s are in conf or- rnance with Chapter 51. F -25 The wire glass as sernbly separating the atriurn f rorn the exit corridor walls must be constructed as required for corridors in Sections 330a (g) and (h). The glass is lirnited to 25To of the area of the corridor wall which it is separating frorn the atriurn. 8-26 A11 roofs rnust be constructed and classified as l- hour fire resistive assemblies. We are unable to locate the roof assernblies shown in either the Underwriters Lab- oratories listings or in the Gypsurn Associations rnanual as approved l-hour fire resistive assemblies. Provide details and an approval nurnber of where you located this assembly. Table 17-A. B-27 A11 floorr/ceiling assernblies rnust have a l-hour fire resis- tive rating. The proposed TJI truss joist construction does not provide this protection. Refer to I.G.B.O. Research Report #1694 for construction details. Table l7-A. B-28 Exterior walls and openings rnust be in conforrnance with Section 1903. A plot plan has not been provided in the pLans. If non-bearing walls are fronting on streets or yards having a width of at least 40 feet, they rnay be of unprotected non- cornbustible construction, otherwise they rnust be of 1-hour fire resistive construction. The proposed wall assernblies do not appear to have a l-hour fire resistive rating. B-29 Provide dirnensions on restroorns to verify that handicap units are provided in conforrnance with State Law. B-30 A11 plurnbing shafts rnust be of l-hour fire resistive construc- tion and firestopped at each floor level in conforrnance with Section 1?06 and Section Z5I7 (f.). B-31 Skylights rnust be installed in conforrnance with Chapter 34 or Section 5207. Provide details to verify conforrnance vrith the applicable Section. B-32 Handrails rnust be provided on both sides of the stairs in conforrnance with Section 3305 (i). B-33 B-34 B-35 B -36 B-37 s-l s-2 s-3 s-4 The walls and ceiling pro jecting into the stair #3 exit enclosure rnust be of 2-hour fire resistive construction. Section 3308 (b). A11 stairway widths rnust be in conforrnance with Sec tion 3305 (b). It does not appear lhat stair fI provides a minimum of 44 inches in width. Provide dimensions on ALL stairways to werify conforrnance with this section. Class I and Class II standpipes rnust be installed in con- forrnance with Section 3803. Additional details should be provided then the fireprotection drawings should be approved by the Vail Fire Chief . It does not appear that the sprinkler system has been designed in conforrnance with NFPA Pharnplet # 13. The building should not be considered sprinklered throughout unless it is designed in conformance with this standard. All Architectural plans must be signed and sealed by a Registered Architect licensed in the State of Colorado. STRUCTURAL COMMENTS The structural drawings musb be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado. The Structural Engineer should provide to the Town of Vail a letter stating that they have reviewed and approved the steel shop drawings. A copy of the approved shop drawings should be subrnitted to the Town of Vail for their use. Refer to Secbion *. t. It appears that the structural calculalions specify #8 @ 9" O.C. on the top of the pad footing. The plans show #7 @ 9" O.C. Refer to Sheet RW- I I o[ the structural calc ulations. It appears that the structural calculations specify #9 @ 18" O.C. for the vertical reinforcernent of the retaining wall on Section-A . The plans show # 8 @ 18" O.C. Which s3.1 is correct? Refer to Pase RW- I I of the structural cal- culation s. S-5 V[e are unable to locate any structural calculations for the revised mill order sets for bofn 3/7/8L ana l/ft/gt. Please supply these calculations for review. A review of the structural calculations and the plans subrnitted indi- cate that the establishment of the basic criteria for design and the calculations are in accordance with the building code and good engineering practice. Since the building, principally of steel con- struction that requires control of the fabrication of the individual units involved and the assernbly, we feel thab the Structural Engineer shouLd participate in the fabrication and erection of the structure and should report frorn time to time concerning the fabrication, erection and the final product to the Town of Vail. ELECTRICAL COMMENTS Service one-line diagram. E-I Please explain. E-Z This appears to be the wrong sized wire for the fusing shown. E-3 Same as E-2. Request that the Electrical Engineer supply a panel schedule and a fault current study breakdown. GFI protection is required in all bathroorns on the convenience outlets in the sleeping areas. GENERAL COMMENTS The following iterns are needed in order to cornplete the plan check: 1. Provide gas piping diagrarn along with calculations for sizing for all gas fired appliances. I realize that the nurnber of meters is still to be determined, but main mechanical room should be on one. Z. Supply combustion air details for mechanical rooms contain- ing boilers and hot water heaters. Musb compfy with Chapter 6 ot 1979 U.M.C. 3. Subrnit heat loss calculations for building along vrith letter certifying cornpliance with Colorado State Energy Code. 4. Supply grease hood (Type I) details. SPECIFICS Page number: 15190-3 (b) Insulation for dornestic hot water circulation lines must comply with Golorado State Energy Code. Submit letter of compliance. 15400-13 (s. 1l) A11 attachrnents for hoses rnust have back flow prevention. Section 1003 (i) of. L979 U.P.C. PLUMBING COMMENTS SP Z.Z P-1 Vault containing gas meters rnust cornply with Section l2ll of 1979 UPC. SP 2.3 P-Z Install cleanout at lOOt max as per Section a06 (a) 1979 UPC. P-3 Vent trap to code. Section 501 of UPC. P-4 40 pound rninirnurn. Subrnit details. Must comply . with Section 711 of UPC. SP 2.8 P-5 Size all drain, waste, vent and water lines plus show details of branchs. SP 2.8 P-5. I Hot water to public lavatories and showers must comply with Colorado State Energy Code. P-6 No ilSrt traps. Section 704 of UPC. P-7 6r' line into 4'1 line? See Section 310 (e) of UPC. P-8 Provide drawings with details. P-9 Do not vent on trap inLet side. P-10 Increase vent to Z L/2". Table 4-3 UPC. P-ll Submit calculations for sizing of potable water linee. SP 2.9 P-LZ Submit drawings. Suggest sand interceptor. Section ?08 (a) UPc. SP 2.f l P-13 Provide isometrics tor typical units. Include size of all drainr wosteq vent and water lines. MECI{ANICAL COMMENTS M 1.4 M-l Specs show TX-G at ?IO5 CFM. 'yl-a 300 CF.M. M-3 Specs show KX-3 at 3000 CFM. M-4 Bar exhaust, BX-l Specs show PX-I. M 2,3- 2,5 M-5 DFD required when passing through area separation walls .