HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT GENERAL 7 LEGALEx*,eO e I-,EASE l-1 ?o1cs THrS LEASE made as of this 15Eh day of Decembet, L992, beLween ccvPc r,i^ic.a Liability company, a colorado limited liability ."*pi"V ("Landlord") and Cascide-C1ub Fartners, LE.d., a California Irimired Part.ne:ship ("Tenan!") . WITNESSETH I Fot and in consideraLion of Ehe payment of Lhe renEals and Ehe performance of the covenanEs and agre-enienLs hereinafE,er conEadned, i;ili;ra frlt"Uv leases Eo Tenanf and TenanL hereby rengs from iindlord, t.hosl certain premises (fhe "Premiges'r) described as E""J"ni"i"r Unit No. 3, Cascade Club Condominiums located in Ca="aa" Village, Town of VaiI, counLy oE Eagle and -S-LaEe .of colorado and known as parking level s in the cascade club Parking sErucEure ("Building") . ARTICLE I TERM SecLion L.oL. Initial Term. The Eerm of Ehis Lease ehall commence on DecemberJt-TggZ, attd end on October 31, 1995, unles6 sooner terminaLed as hereinafter provided. ARTICLB I] RENT AND SECURITY DEPOSIT section 2.Ol . Base Rent. Tenant shall pay Eo Landlord a fixed minimum annuaf-lEng for the Premises of $65,500.0o- (Ehe ,,Fixed Annual Rent( ) , in equal monthly install-nrents payab-}e . in "a.r.."u on the fiisf'day of Lach and every calendar monEh during the term hereof , prol,rided however, Ehat upon execuEion of Lhis Lease, TenanE has p-aid Eo Landlord the sum of $5,541 .67, receipE of which is hereby acinowledged, represenEing the monEhly. insLallmenE of rent for t.he firsb rnoiEh'of ttre initiat berm of Lhis Lease and Tenant sha1l pay Landlord on t.he firsL day of the firsL fuI1 calendar month of che Eerm hereof the sum of $2,770'83' In the evenE Ehe term of Ehis Lease ends on a day oLher Ehan the IasE clay of a calendar month, then, upon l-he firsL day of the last calendar month of t.he Lerm, hereof, TenanL shall pay Eo Landlord as rental for the period from said first day of Ehe last calendar monLh to and including Lhe last. day of tire Eerm thaE proportion of the monthly rental which Ehe trumber of'days between iaib firrt, day of said cilendar monEh and Lhe lasE day of Ehe Eerm of this Lease bears to bhe acEual number of days in said monEh. Said rental shall be paid bo Landlord, wit,hout deducEion, aeE- otf, noEice or prior demaird, in ]awful money of Lhe uniEed sEaEes of America aE the address Lo which noLices Lo Landlord are Lo be gj.r"; ot .t. such oLher place as l-,andlord may from t-ime Eo time designaEe in wriEing. Sect,ion 2.02. Cost of Livinq Increases. On November 1 of each year (fhe "Rnnivers-ary OaCe'i) , commencing November 1, L993, the Fixed Annua1 RenE shali be adjust,ed for the nexL J"2 months by ,n"itipfyi"g the init.ial Fixed An-nual RenL by a fracE.ion, which f racE-ion sFaII have as iEs numeraLor Ehe Consumer Price Index for t.he U.S. Cit,y Average for Urban Wage Earner6- -&. Clerical Workers (AII IE,ems) '(Base Period 1962-84=1co), as published by the U'S' d.larUmen! of Labor, Bureau of l-rabor SLaEisE,ics (fhe "Index"), upol Ehe Anniversary Date of commencement of the applicable twelve month p"ti"J, and which fraction shall have as its-denominaLor the Index I"-b"6fi"hed t,he preceding Anniversary DaEe'- The rndex for Wore*Uer, L992 is f1 g.e. ffttre presenL base of Ehe Index should tj tto 1l5l9t . o hereafter be changed, Lhen the new base shaLl be converEed Lo Ehe t-i". no" used. r-n t,ne evenE t,hat, said Bureau should cease Eo p"liirt Ehe fndex figure, then any sirnifar index. published by any oEher branch or depaitment. of Lhe U.S. GovernmenL designabed. as a replacement to tl; Index sha1l be used, and if none is 60 pubLiehed Ehen anofher ir.rdex getleral]y recognized as auEhoritative 5;;ii-;;-r"U"iii"ted by agreement. of the parEies. hereto, or if no "".tr-"gr"ement, is reached wiEhin a reasonable Eime, eiLher party ;;t--*;i;- iplii""ri.o" to any courL of compeE.ent- jurisdiction to aeiignate "rritr otn.t index. I. any event, L,lt-e^ base used by any-new i;A;; shal1 be reconciled co Ehe 1982-84=100 base of the Index' ifiu fi*.a Annual n"ng .r so adjust-ed from bime Eo time shall be the annuar RenE due Landlord here-under; provided. however in no evenh "ii"ii tft" Annual RenE be less Ehan Che init.ial Fixed Annua1 RenE of $65,500'oo. In Llre evenc Lhe numerator of said fracEion is not: i.r-if"tf" aE the time of adjusEment of Lhe Annual RenE as provided herein, Tenant shaII co.,Eitue to pay the. Fixed Annuaf RenE established t". - if." previous Cwelie month period; provided' however, TenanE sfraff iromptly pay to Landlord- any defici-qncV.3t r".rt cii. as said annuil nent -is d'etermined NoLwithsEanding t'he ;;;;g;1;;,- th" increase in Ehe Annual Renr cafcutaLed on each Anniversary Date shall noL exceed 5? of l-he previous year' s tulnual RenE,. SecLion 2.03. SecuriLv Deposit' TenanE wilI deposiE wiEh Land].ordthesumtrs@5equaI.mont'h1yinsEa1Iments "i-Si.fOO each as security fbr-the fu11 and faiLhful performance ol ;;.;t'provision of uhis llase Eo be. perfornred.by I'enanE' rf TenanE defaulEs wiE,h respect Eo any proviiion of this Lease' including' buE nou limit,ed bo', Lhe p.o.ni"fons relaLing bo the payme-nE of rent, Landl-ord may use,'apply'or reLain aII or lny part of Lhe security Jepo"it for the puytd"f of -any renE or any oCher-sum in defaulL' or for the payment o? "ny othei amount which Landlord may -spend or b..orn. o-Utigatea Eo Jpend by reason of TenanE's def aul[ or Lo ""rp""r-f-e L"andlord for'".ry oih.t ]oss or damage which Landlord may suffer by reason of Tenairt's default. If lny poruion of 91id a"p"=it i" "o used or applied, T.enanE shalI, wiLhin five days after ,.itt"n demand Cherefor-, deposiL cash with Landlord in an amounE sufficienE Eo restore t,he seturiCy deposit to iLs original amounE, and Tenant,,s failure Eo do so sha]l- be a breach of Ehis Lease' Landlord sha]1 noL be required Eo keep the securiEy .depo-siL r"p"i"t" from its general fuirds and TenanE,-shall not be erlLiEled to interesg on such :deposiC. If TenanE shall fu11y and .faithfu11y perform every provision of Ehis Lease to be performed by iL, th9 ^securiCy aeposit or any balance thereof shall be reLurned Eo Tenant i[-ctt" Lxpirat.ion of fhe lease Lerm and upon Tenang's vacation of the Premises. : ' ' Section 3.01 . temporary vehicular purposes wiLhouL the .ARTICI,E III USE OF PREMISES Purpose. The Premises are Eo be used as a Gil'Ei"i.l parking garage and for no oEher prior consenu of l-,andlord. section 3.02. Reetrictions on use. (a) Tenanb shall noE uae or.p"r*il ghe premiffiereof , go be used for any purpose or purposes oLher Ehan-Ehe, purpos-es for which lhe Premises ii"-fi.iuUy ieaiea. and no use shall'be made or permitLed Ecj be made of t.he premises, nor act,s done, which will increase the exisLing raEe.of insurance upon Uhe nuilding, or cause a cancellaLion of any ir,r.rr.rr". policy co'vering the Builaing or lny palt-thereof ' TenanL shalt noE seII, "i-p"rrlt to u" kept, used or-sold- in or abouE Ehe Premises, any arEicle which mai be prohibited by Land.lord's i;;;;;;; poii"i"r. rf ghe -..i" of -.r,y insurance carried by ianafora ii. increased as a resuLg of any unaughorized use by Tenant of the ptemises, TenanE shall pay to Landlord, wiLhin-LhirLy i"v" .-"r receivinl- -ii"* Landlord a sLaEemeng f rom l-,andlord' s ll 'o e. fro a/t/91 insurance carrier bhaL a rate increase was attribuEable to such use of Ehe Premises, an amount equal to the difference beLween t,he original premium and the increased premium. (b) TenanE sha11 not commit, or Suffer Eo be commj.t,t,ed, dny v'asEe upon the Premises, or any public of pf i 'rrt-c' rrlri r:rn-'n 6v oEher acE or Lhing which may crLssurD c.Ire quret- en1 oymentr ot any ot,her Eenanb in the Cascade Club Condominium building ("Building") nor, without limiting t.he generalit.y of the foregoing, shall TenanL knowingly allow E,he Premises bo be used for any improper, immoral, unlawful or objecLionable purpose (c) TenanE shall noE, over]oad Ehe Premisee or use E,he Premiees in a manner that. will cause damage Eo t.he Building. No machinery, apparatus or oLher appliance sha1l be permanently/continuously used or operated on L.he Premises Lhat will unreasonably vibrate or shake bhe Premises or Lhe Building. Section 3.03. Compliance wit-h Law. 1'enanE shall not use Ehe Premises or knowingly permit anyb,hing to be done in or about Ehe Premises which wiII in any manner conflict wiLh any law, ordinance or governmental rule or regulation of Lhe Town of Vail or of the Cascade Cl-ub Condominium Association now in force or which may hereafter be in force and wit,h Lire requiremenLs of any board of fire underwriEers or oEher sirnilar body now or hereafEer consEituted relating to or affecLing the condicion, use or occupancy of the Premises Section 3.04. TenanE's Emplovees and Visitors. TenanE sha1l not, knowingly permit. any parEner, nor any employee or vieitor of any partner of Tenant to vioLate any covenant or obl igaEions of Ehe TenanE hereunder. ARTICTE IV AI,,TERATIONS AND REPAIRS SecEion 4.0L. Landlord's Duties. Subject Eo the provisions and resErictions of E.he Condominium DeclaraEion for Cascade Club Condominiums, Landlord shal1, during bhe berm hereof at ics expense cause Ehe foundations, floor, ceiling, and exterior walls of Lhe Premises to be maintained in good condition and repair consist.enE with Tenant.'s use of the Premiees, except Ehat Landlord shall noE be responsible for any repairs which become necessary by reason of the acE or negligence of Tenant, iEs parEners, agenLs, servant,s, employees or inviE,ees. Section 4.02, Tenant's Duties.Tenant shaLf keep Ehe Premises in good condiEion and repair, and Ehe Premisee ehall noE be altered. repaired, or changed withouL tl-re prior wribben consenE of LandLord. Tenant hereby wai.ves all righL Eo make repai.rs Lo the Premises at Landlord's expenses. TenanE shall keep the Premises and E,he Building f.ree and clear of any fiens and shall indemnify,hold harmless and defend Landlord from any liens and encumbrances arising out of any work performed or rnateriaLs furnished by or aE t,he direction of Tenant. In the evenE any lien is fiIed, TenanL shal] do all acts necessary to discharge any lien within Een days of filing, or if TenanE. desj.res Eo conLest any lien, Tenant aE its elecEion, shall eiEher poet a bond i-n Lhe appropriate amounE to cause a reLease of lien against, t,he Prernises or shall deposiL with L,andlord such security as Landlord shall reasonably demand to insure Lhe paymenE, of the lien c1aim, In the event TenanL shall fail t,o pay any lien claim when due or siral1 fail to deposiE adequate securiL,y wiEh Landlord or adequaEely bond for release of said llen, Ehen Landlord shalL have the right, Eo expend all" sums necessary to discharge Ehe lien cIaim, and TenanE shall pay, as addiE,ional rent, when t,he nexL rent.al payment is due, all 6ums expended by Landlord in discharging any 1ien, including aLEorneys' fees and coet s . ko 1l5l9] .t o SecLion 4.03. AlteraLions t.o Premises. TenanE, shall noE make any aLEerat.ions or additions Lo the Premises wit.hout firsE procuring Landlord's prior writt.en consent- (which may be withheld for any reason) and delivering Lo Landlord l-he plans and specificaLions and copies of the proposed cont,racEs and necessary permits, and shalL furnish such indemnificaLion against. 1j.ens, cosEs, damages and expenses as may be required by Landlord. AlI alt,erat,ions, additions, improvements and fixtures insLalled on the Premises sha1I become the properEy of Landtord and remain upon and be surrendered wit.h E.he Premises, except thaE,, aE I-,andl"ord, s opbion, Tenant, sha1l, at his expende, when surrendering the Premises, remove from the Premises and Ehe Building, all part it.ions, counE.ers, railings, and similar improvement.s inst.alled in the Premises by E,he Tenant-. Tenant, agrees thaL all darnage or injury done to the Building or bo Ehe Premises by Tenant-, iEs agenEs or visiE.ors or by any person who may be in or upon the Building or Ehe Premises wit,h the consent of TenanE, ehall be paid for by Tenant,. Tenant sha1l, at. the terminahion of this Lease, Eurrender the Premises Eo Landlord in as good condiEion and repair, reasonable wear and t.ear excepE.ed as Ehe condition and repair of the Premises upon commencemenL. of t-his Lease. ARTICLB V TENANT'S LIABII,ITY INSURANCE During Ehe L.erm of this Lease, TenanE shalI, at iC€ own cost and expense, keep in force, for Ehe proLection of Landlord and TenanE, 'general public liability and property damage insurance againsE claims for bodily injury or death or property damage occurring in, on or upon t.l-re Premj.ses, in the limits of noE. Less t.han $1,000,000.00 (with $2 million aggregaue limiL) for bodily injury or death Eo any number of persons arising out of one accidenE or disasL.er, or for damage to propert.y. Said insurance shall not be subjecE, to canceLLation except after at LeasL E,en days prior htritten notice to Landlord, and duly executed certificate or cert.ificates for Lhe same, togeEher witir sat.isfactory evidence of Ehe paymenE, of the premium thereon, shalI be deposiEed with Landlord aE the commencement. of tl-re term and evi.dence of renewaLs thereof shall be provided Landlord not l'ess than five days prior Eo Ehe expiration of t.he term of such coverage, and shal-l conEain,in addiEion to the matters cust-omarily set forth in such a certificate under standard insurance industry pracEices, dD undertaking by t.he insurer to give Landlord not. Iess than t.en days'written noE.ice of any canceLlation or change in scope or amount of coverage of such policy. If Tenanl- fails to cornply wj-th this insurance requirement, Landlord may obE,ain such insurance and keep the same in effect., and Tenanb shall pay L.he Landlord Lhe premium cosE Ehereof upon demand as additiona] rent. ARTICLE VI . DAMAGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTY INJURY TO PERSONS SecEion 6.01. Indemnificat,ion by TenanE,TenanE will j.ndemnify and hold Landlord harmless for and on accounb of any 'damage or i.njury bo any person, or Lhe goods, wares and merchandj.se of any person, arising from t,he use of the Premises by TenanE, or arising from Ehe failure of Tenant Lo keep the Premises in good condiE,ion as herein provided, TenanE agrees Lo pay for all damage Eo Ehe Premises , as well as all damage Lo UenanLa, occupants and visitors thereof caused by Tenant's misuse or neglecE of Lhe Premises, iEs apparaLus or appurtenances. Sect.ion 6.02, Limit.ation on t,andlord'e Liability. Landlord or ics agent,s shall noE be liabfe for any damage to properEy ent.rueted to Landlord, its agenLs or employees nor for t,he loss of or damage Lo any property by Eheft or otherwise, by any means .a' * l.o alslgt o whateoever, nor for any injury or damage to pereona or properE,y reeulting from fire, exploeion, faLling plasEer, st,eam, gBE,elecLricity, waE,er or rain which may leak from any parE, of the'Building or from t.he pipes, appliances or plumbing works therein or from the roof, st,reet, or subsurface or from any othef place or resulbing from dampness or any oLher cause what,soever, unless cause by or due t.o the negligence of Landlord, its agenEs, servanL.s or employees, Landlord shal1 not be liable t-o Tenant for any damage by or from any act or negligence of any oEher Eenant or other occupant or visitor of E,he Building, or by any owner or occupahL of adjoining or contiguous properby, Landlord or it-s agents shaII noE,be liab1e for interference with Lhe light or obher incorporeal herediEamenEs, nor shall Landlord be liable for any latenE defect in t,he Premises or in Ehe Building. Tenant shall give prompb not,ice to Landlord in case of fire or accidents in the Prernises or in t,he Building or of def ect.s therein or in t,he f ixtures or equipment ARTICLE VII DAMAGE TO BUILDING BY FIRE OR OTHER CASUALTY; FIRB INSURANCB Section ?.01. Elect.ion t.o Repair ancl RebuiLd. In case the Premises or Building sha1l be part,ially or t.oEally desEroyed by fire or obher casualt,y j.nsurable under standard fire and exLended coverage insurance so as to become parLially or EoEally untenable and insurance proceeds are made available for repair or rebuilding by Ehe holder or holders of any mortgages or deeds of trusE encumbering t,he Building, the damage shaLl be repaired as speedily as possible wiEhout expense to Tenant,. In the evenL of t-ot.aI destrucLion, TenanL shall have Lhe right, to Lerminabe Ehis lease as of Ehe dabe of casualty and the Landlord shall elect, aL it.s sole opt,ion not to rebuild. Should Landlord elect not Lo rebuild, Ehis Lease shall be berminat.ed as of t,he dat,e of lhe casualty. Sect.ion 7.O2. Lease Remains in Ef fect.. ff such damage or destrucEion occurs and Tenant, has noE, terminated this l-,ease and Landlord eLecEs Lo repair or rebuild Lhe Building, this Lease shall remain in fu11 force and effect and Lhe part-ies waive Ehe provisions of any Iaw to Lhe contrary. Tenant agrees during any period of reconsLrucb.ion, restoraLion or repair of the Premises and,/or of the Building to cont.inue Lhe operat.ion of iLs busi.ness in the Premises Lo the extent reasonably practicable from the sEandpoint of good business. Rent. and ot,her paymenEs due Landlord hereunder shall be abaE.ed proportionately during any period in which, by reason of any such damage or dest.rucLion, Lhere is a subsEanLial interference wit.h or discont inuance of, Lhe use by TenanE of E.he Premises, and such abatement shaLL continue for the period commencing with such desL.ructior: or damage and ending .with the ful1 completion by the LandLord of repair and/or reconsErucEion work. SecEion 7.04. fnsurance MainEained bv Tenan!. AE alL times during the E.erm of this Irease, Tenant, shall maintain in effecE wifh a reoponsible lneurance company or companiea, policlee of inaurance covering Tenant's t.rade fixtures, furniture, furnishings and equipment providing prot.ecL.ion Eo bhe exEent of not Iess Lhan eighEy percent (80.0t) of fulL replacemenb value of t,he same againsE Ehe casualties specified under standard insurance indusE,ry pract.ice as wit.hin t,he classificaEion of I'Fire and Extended Coveragert. ARTICLE VIII ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING TenanE shall not assign or in any manner transfer t.his Lease or any inEeresE therein, nor sub1eL t,he Premises or any parE or Ito USrYt 5 o parEs thereofr nor permit occupancy by anyone wiEh, through or under iE, wiE,hout the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent shall not be unreasonably withbeld. consent by Landlord Eo one or more assignments of Lhis Lease or l-o one or more subleELings of t,he Premises shall" not- operat-e as a waiver of Landlord'e righb.s under Ehis ArEicle Lo any subsequetrt- ascigntnent or subletting, nor release Tenant or any guarant.or of Tenant of any of it-s obligations under E,his Lease or be const,rued or Laken as a waiver of any of Landlord's rights or remedies hereunder. Notwibhsb,anding Ehe foregoing, Tenant sha1I be enEiEled to subleE porE,ions 'of Ehe Premises or enLer int.o use or Iicense agreemenus wit.h various parties including but not limited to coLorado Mountain College, Cascade Village Theater, Ehe operator of Lhe Cascade Village hotel and Clancy's rest,aurant and a1I successors in inbereeE Ehereto. Tenant shalI provide Landlord wiCh a copy of all wriLLen agr-eemenLs and upon demand, a written eynopsis of aII verbal agreemenl-€. NoLhing herein shall be consErued to exl-end the Lerm of Ehis Lease or to grant any subtenant or rrusertr any righus Lo ent,er inEo any subsequent lease or user agreemenl-s aft-er the expiration of the lease Eerm and all opLions Lo renew. If TenanE is a Corporation, any combinaEion of sales, tranefere or aeeignmenls of iesued and oubebanding capiEaJ. stock and/or the issuance of new capiE,aI stock which results j"n ownership hV the presenLly existing shareholders as represenLed by the conclusion of the Lease of less E.han fifLy-one percent (51.0?) of the Ehen issued and ouLstanding capiEal st-ock of Tenant shaIl be deemed to be assignment under t.his Arbicfe VIII requiring Ehe prior wriLLen consenf of Landlord. NeiEher Lhis Lease nor any int,eresE therein, nor any esEaEe thereby created, shalI pass Lo any Lrustee or receiver in bankrupt.cy, or any assignee for the benefit of crediLors, or by operaEion of 1aw. ARTICLE IX i EMINENT DoMAIN If the whole or any part of tire Premises shall be Laken by any public authority under Ehe power of eminent domain, Ehen Lhe Eerm of Ehis Lease shall cease on Lhe parb 60 taken from tl're date Ehe possession of thaE parL shalI be required for any public purpose, and Ehe renL shall be paid up bo E.hat day. If a porLion of Ehe Premises is so taken, Tenant, shaLL continue in the possession of the remainder of the Premises under the terms herein provided, in which latEer event hhe Annual- RenE. (including additional rent or oEher charges, if any) shall be reduced in proporEion Eo the area of t.he Premises taken. AlI damages awarded for such taking shall belong to and be t.he property of the l-.,andlord whether such damages shall be awarded as compensaLion for diminution in value Eo this leasehold or to LandLord's underlying leasehold or fee of Ehe Premises herein Ieased; excepE, t.haE. Ehe Landlord shal-1 not be entitled to any porEion of the award made to the TenanE for its f ixEures or inE,erruption of it.s business. ARTICLE X ACCESS TO PREMISES Landlord and it,s agenLs ehall have Ehe righE Eo enter the Premises aE. all reasonable Limes for t.he purpose of examining or inspecting the 6ame, to supply any service to be provided by Landlord or Tenant. hereunder, t.o ehow Ehe €Iame Eo prospecLJ.ve purchasers or tenant.s and make such alterations, repairs, improvemenEs or addit.ions to the Premises or Ehe Building as Landlord may deem necessary or desirabl"e and which do not unreasonable int.erfere wiEh TenanL'6 use and quiet. enjoynrent of Lhe Premises. 5 tto 1l5l9l ARTICIJB XI TENANT'S TAXES During Lhe Eerm hereof, Tenant ehall pay prior to delinquency,aIl Eaxee aeseesed againsh and levied upon fixEuree, furnishings, equipmenE and al,l oL,her peraonal- property of Tenant, contained in the Premises, and Tenanl- shal1 undert-ake good f aith ef f ort.s Lo cause said fixt,ures, furnishings, equiprnent and other personal property Eo be assessed and billed separat-e1y frorn the property of Landlord. If any such taxes are Levied againsL the Landlord or LandLord's property, Landlord shaLl notify Tenant and give Tenant, the opporEuniEy to object to such 1evy, and if l.,andlord pays the aame (which Landlord shall have t.he right, to do regardless of Eile validiEy of euch levy provided TenanE. does nob bake appropriatse eteps to exclude euch levy or secure payment during any levy appeal of such levy), Tenant, upon demand, shal1 repay E,o Landlord Lhe taxes so levied againsE E.he Landlord attribuEable Lo sucir equipment or oEher personal property. ARTICLE XII SUBORDINATION AND ATTORNMENT SecLion L2.01. Subordination. Tenant agrees that this Lease is, and shall be, subordinaLe to any bona fide morEgage, deed of trust, or any oLher lrypothecation for security held by financial instituEion or prival-e chird parLy who is unaffiliated wich Landlord which has been or which hereafLer may be placed upon the Building and L.he Premises, and t-o renewals, modificaEions. consolidaLions,replacemenLs,and exLensions t,hereof . Notwithstanding Lhe foregoing, Tenant agrees Eo execute any documents in addition Eo this Lease which may be reasonably required to effect,uate such subordinat-ion, and failing to do so wiE.hin Len days afEer wriL.t.en demand, does hereby make, constiEute and irrevocably appoint, Landlord as TenanE.'s aE.Corney in facE and in TenanL's natre, place and st.ead so to do. Section L2.02. Estoppel Certif icab.e. Tenant, shall at, any t.ime and from t.ime t.o time upon noE less than L5 days prior wriELen noEice from Landlord, execute, acknowledge and deliver bo Landlord a statement in writing cerE.ifying t,hat. tl-rj.s Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect (or, if modified, sEat-ing t,ire nat-ure of such modification and cert.ifying thaE. this Lease, as so modified is in fuII force and effect) and the dates to which rental and other charges are paid in advance, if any, and acknowledging Ehat. t.here are noE, Lo Tenant's knowledge, any incurred defaulLs on the part:of Landlord hereunder, or specifying such defaul-t.s if any are claimed. Ic is expressly underst.ood and agreed that, any such 6tatement may be relied upon by any prospective purchaser or encumbrancer of all or any portion of Ehe Premises. Tenant,s failure to deliver such st.at.emenb within such time shall be concLusive upon Tenant that, this L.,ease is in full force and effect,wit,hout, modification excepE, as may be represented by Landlord, bhaE t,here are no incurred default,s in Landlord,s performance. At Landlord's elecE.ion, Tenant,s failure to deliver such 6EatemenE timely shall be a breach of Ehis Lease by TenanE. SecEion 12.03. ALtornment, Release of Landlord. In the even!of a sale or conveyance by Landlord of the Premises, and provided Landlord'6 successor affirms Ehe Lease, agrees Eo be bound t.hereby and assumes a] 1 ob1 i,gations of Landlord Lhereunder, the eame shall. operaLe Eo release Landlord from any fut.ure liability upon any of the covenants or condit.ions, expressed or implied, herein conLained in favor of TenanE, except. for t.he indemniby by Landlord of maE,ters arising prior to Lhe dat.e of such sale or conveyance, and in such evenb Tenant, agrees to Look solely Lo Lhe successor in int,eresL of t.he Landlord in and Eo this Lease for performance of Landlord's duEiee and obligat.ione hereunder. This Lease shall noE, be affecEed lto 1l5Dl by any such sa1e, and subjecE to saE.isfaction of the foregoing by L,andlord successors in interesL Lhe TenanE, agrees Lo at.Lorn Eo t.he purchaser of assignee, ARTICIJE XIII DEFAULT AND REMEDIES SecEion 13.01. Events of Default bv Tenant. The occurrence of any of the following shall constiLuEe a default by TenanE.: (a) Failure to pay any insE,allmenE of rent or oE.her charge or money obligation herein required t,o be paid by TenanE, wiChin five days after wriLten notice E.o Tenant of the fai.Lure t.o pay 6ame; (b) Failure E,o perform any oE.her covenanl- or obligaEion under this Lease wiLhin thirt,y days aft.er writ.Een notice froml,andlord,except that if the performance cannot reasonably be compleEed within thirE.y days, Tenant shall not be in default if TenanL commences such performance within thirb,y days and pursues such performance diligent.ly and in good faith; (c) AbandoumenL and vacation of the Premises (TenanL's failure to occupy and operaEe its business in Ehe Premises for t,hirty consecuLive daye shall be conclusively presurned Lo an abandonment. or vacatibn) ,. (d) The making by Tenant, of an.assignment for Ehe benefit of its crediEors; (e) The levying of a writ. of execub,ion or attachmenE on or againsE the properE.y of Tenant, if the same is not refeased or discharged wiE,hin thirt.y days thereaf Eer; (f) The instituhing of proceedings in any courE, for the involunEary reorganizat,ion, liquidation or dissolut.ion of Tenant,or for iLs adjudication as a bankrup! or inso).vent, or for Ehe appoinEment of a receiver of the properLy of Tenant, and said proceedings are not dismissed, or any receiver, Lrustee or liquidator appointed b,herein is noE. discharged wich Lhirby days af b.er t.he inst,itution of said proceedings; and (g) The instituting of proceeciings in any court for Ehe volunt,ary reorganization, bankruptcy, liquidation or dj.ssolut.ion of Tenant or. if Tenant shall otherwise take advanEage of any sbaEe or federal bankrupt,cy or insolvency act.. Sect,ion 13.02. Content. and Effect. of Notice from Landlord. Any notice given by Landlord of an event. of default shall specify the alleged default and Ehe applicable provisions of tshis Lease and shall demand Lhe performance required by 'IenanE wiuhin l-he applicable period of t,ime. No such nolice shall be deenred a forfeiLure or t,ermination of t,his Lease unLess Landlord so sEaEes in E,he notice. Sectj.on 13.03.. Landlord, s Remedies. Upon Ehe occurrence of an event of default, by TenanE., Landlord,s sole remedy shatl be to t.erminate thj.s Lease, retake possession of t,he premibes and reEain t,he securit,y deposit as liquj.dated damages. Tenant agrees Lo immediaEely vacate Ehe Premises and agrees Landl"ord may seek injunctive relief if it fails Lo do so. Section 13.04. Event.s of Defaulb, by Landlord. The failure of Landlord to perform any of its duties and obligaL.ions hereunder wiE,hin Een days after receiving a writLen demand from TenanL sha]1 constituE,e an evenE of default by Landlord. Failure Eo perform any such duty or obligation within t.he ten days after receiving noLice from Tenant, shall not constitute an event of default if Ehe performance .cannot. reasonably be compleEed wiLhin t.hirty days and k .t !. t o ll'llt o Landlord commences such perfermance within ten days and pursues euch performance diligently and in good fait,h. Section L3.05. Tenant's Remedies,. Limibed Recourse, Subject,to t,he proviei.ons of S13.04, Tenant shall be enE,it.led to immediately te:.-minat.e thie Leaee by reaeon of LandLord, e default..TenanE may seek a decree of specific performance of uhis l-,ease and consequenEia] monetary damages. . SecLion 13.06. Att.ornevs' Fees. In any action or proceeding between TenanE and Landlord regarding t,his Lease, including wit,houE limitaLion any acLion in t.he naE.ure of unlawful deEainer or evict,ion, the prevailing party shall recover, as a parE of any judgmenE, reasonable. at,t,orneys, fees. ARTICLE XIV SURRENDER; HOLDING OVER Sect,ion 14.01. Surrender Upon Termination. At, t,he expiraEion of the Eenancy created hereunder, wheLher by lapse of time or otherwise, Tenant shal1 surrender the Premises in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepLed SecEion L4.02. I{oldinq Over Creates Mont.h-To-Month Tenancv.In Ehe evenE, Tenant, remains in possession of the Premises after E.he expiraLion of Lhe tenancy creaL.ed hereunder, and wiE,hout. the execuE.ion of a new lease, it shall be deemed t.o be occupying Ehe Premises as a LenanE from month to mont.h, at twice Lhe Ehen Annua]Rent, subject to aII t,he other condiLions, provisions and obligations of E,his Lease insofar as El:e same are applicable to a month-to-month tenancv. ARTICIJE XV PRBPARATION AND CONDITION OF PREMISES Excep! as 6eE fort,h in the aE,E,ached "PUNCHIJISTr, TenanE, by t,aking possession of t.he Premises, shall be deegred Lo have agreed thaL the Premises are then in a satisfactory order, Sepair and condit.ion, and Tenant shaLl provide I_,andlord, upon requesL, wiLh a written acknowLedgement, of accepE,ance. Bot,h Tenant and Landlord shall timely complete any work or improvemenEs on t.he premisee to be done by each of Lhem respecL,ively, under Ehe Eerms of such PUNCHLIST. ARTICIJE XVII NOTICES Whenever under t.his Lease a provision is made for noEice of any kind, such notice shall be in writing and signed by or on behalf of t,he parEy giving or making the same, and it, shaLl be deemed sufficienE, noti.ce and eervice E.hereof if euch notice ie to Tenanb. and sent. by cert.if ied, posttage prepaid ret.urn receipt requesE.ed, or by overnighE. express mail service EhaL provides acknowledgemenL of receipb., to t,he address of Tenanb aeb forth beLow or such other address furnished t-o Landlord for such purpose from Eime t.o time, ; and if to Landlord, sent by registered or certif ied mai1, posE.age prepaid, t:o Landlord at bhe address furnished for such purpose, or to Llre place then fixed for Ehe Payment of rent. Any notice given shall be deemed effective when act,uaIly received or three working days after deposit in the United SEates mail or the nexL business day following deposit vrith express mail courier, whichever first, occura. By notice so given, a parEy can change Ehe address to which future noLices are Eo be sent. If ho {/5/93 It. is specifically underslood and agreed thaE Eime is of t,he eeaence for -Che p"y..tt-C of each and every installmenE of renE and bhe performance- or each and every oE,her term, covenanE and condiEion hereof. o L,andlord or Tenant is more than one person, notice need be senE LO buE, one TenanE or Landlord, as Ehe case may be' Tenant's iniEial address for notices is: wlth copy t,o: Mr. Daniel rI . EPstein Caecade CIub Partners, Ltd. 1?64 San Diego Ave. San Diego, CA 921L0 Frank Freyer 1475 West,haven Drive vail-, CO 81657 Landlord's iniEial address for notices is c,/o Frederick S. ot.t.o P. O. Box 3149 Vail, CO 81658 ARTICIJE XVII WAIVER The waiver by Landlord or TenanE'of any breach of any term' covenanE or condiiion herein contained shall not- be deemed to be a waiver of such Lerm, covenanE or condition bo any subsequent breach of the 6ame or any olher Uern, covenanE or condlEion herein contained, The u."uiE"n.e of rent hereunder shall noE be consErued to be a waiver of any breach by Tenant of any term, covenanL or .ottaitio" of this teaJe, regarclllss of Landlord's knowledge of such breach aE the Eime of accepEance of t-he renE ' ARTICIJE XVIII TIME OF THE ESSENCE ARTICI,E XIX GENERAI, PROVISIONS SecEion 19.01. No Additional Relationship Created,. NoEhing herein contained strffinsLrued by E,he part,ies hereto, nor by any third parL/, as creating. the relationship ot principal and-agenE or of parLhership-or of joinE. vent'ure beEween ttr. p"igies herJgo, it being undersEobd and agreed that neiEher Ehe meUhbd of compugation of fenE nor any oEhei provision conEained herein, nor "ny acEs of the part-ies herebo ltratt be deemed Eo creaEe any reljLionship betweei the parties hereEo other than Ehe relationship of Landlord and TenanE. sect ton x9.02. Gender. The worde "LandLord" and ttTenanbrr as used herein shall include t,he plural as well as Ehe singular' Words used in neuEer gender incl-ude the feminine and masculine. secEion 1.9.03. ,Joint and Qeveral Liability. If. Ehere be more .than one Tenant, ttre oUtigaEions irereunder imposed upon TenanE ehall be joinL and several . SecEion 19.04. Headinqs. The t,it,les to the paragrap-h-s of Ehis Leaae are noE a part of this L,ease and shal] have no effecL upon the consEruct,ion or inEerpretaEion of any parts hereof ' lto 115D3 10 o SecEion 19.05. Severabilitv. Any provision of Lhis IJease 'hich ehall prove to be invalid, void or illega] shalL in no way ..ffect, impair or invaLidate any other provision hereof and such oLher provisions shall remain in full force and effecL. SecEion 19.06. Entire AqreemenEr Amendments. Thie Lease and t,he exhibits and addendums attached hereto, if aDY, contain the enEire agreement of tshe parties as to the subjecE matLer hereof; supereedes all prior negotiafions and agreemenls of t.he parties_as t,o Ehe subjecE matter hereof and shall not be modified or amended except in a writing eigned by aII parbies herebo. SecEion 1,9.07. Governirtq Law. Thie lJease shall be governed by. and consErued pureuanE, Eo the laws of the Sbat'e of Colorado-. sectsion 19,08. successors and Assiqns. The covenanLs and condiEions of Ehis Lease shal"l, subjecb Eo Ehe provisions as bo assignment, apply to and bind the heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of Lhe parEies hereto. ARTICI,E XX OPTION TO RENBW Tenant shall have an opLion to ext.end Lhis Lease for a Eerm of an addiEional year immediit,ely following the expiration of . Ehe initial Lerm upon the same Ueims and conditions as are provided herein, including conbinuing eecalations of Fixed Annual RenE as provided hereinabove. Tl-re opLion shall be exercised by Tenaut giving wriEEen notice as provided in Art-icle XVI ,hereof on .or before 60 days prior Eo the date of commencemenE of such opEion Lerm. It shall be a condition of exercise of the foregoing opEion that., aE the time of exercise of such option, Tenant is not in defaulL in t,he performance of any term, condition, covenanE, provision or agreement of this Lease. ARTICLE XXI SECOND OPTION TO RENEW t T.n"nt, shall have a second option to exLend thie Lease for a Lerm of an addir,ional year immediately following Ehe expiraLion of the firsE opLion E,erm (if the firsL opEion term was exercised) upon the same terms and condiEj.ons as are provided herein, including conEinuing escalations of Fixed Annual RenL as provided hereinabove. The second opt.ion shall be exercised by TenanL giving wrict.en nobice as provided in ArEicle XvI hereof on or before 60 days prior to Ehe date of commencement. of such second opLion Eerm. It-sha}l be a condiCion of exercise of t.he foregoing second option that, aE Ehe time of exercise of such opLion, Tenant is not in defaulc in E.he performance of any term, condition, covenanE, provision or agreement of Ehis Lease. ARTICLE XXII MTSCEIJIJANEOUS PROVISIONS Sect,ion 22.OL Utilities. Tenant shal1 contract in its own name and promptly pay all charges for all elecEricity, telephone services ind other utilities furnished L,o Ehe Premises. Landlord shall noE be liable in damages or ot.herwise for any failure or interrupt,ion of utility service fulnished bo the Premises or used by Tenant, and no such failure or interrupb.ion shall entitle Tenane Eo wiuhhold any rent or to terminate Lhis Lease. SecEion 22.02. Landlord Cos[s. Landlord shall be solely responsible for all real property Laxes on the Premises and for the Ito 1l5l'91 11 co3t8 0f. any -clpit-al er<penditurea for t,he premr.ees excruEive of,equlpment instarred by Tenant to monit,or uge of Ehe premlelg.- -- sect'ion' 22.o3. other charqes. TenanE, sharr be eolelv reeponsibre for arr other coets associated wit,h the ;";;;[i;:operation and nrouE-ine' maintenance of the ptemir"e, i;"i;ar;;ffi not, limited Eo all insurance charges, all feee, dueg or 5tfrti chargee imposed or levied by the cascade cLub Aseociation "na-i[;Cascade Village Agsociation. IN WITNESS Lease ag of the IAI{DI.ORD: I{HEREO-F, Landlord and Tenant have execut,ed t,his day and year firaE above written. TENANT: Cadcade CIub Partners, Irtd.,a Callfornla L,imited Part,nerehip cc'\tPc LLmlted LlabiliEy Companv, a Colorado limlted liability c-ompany By: Manager byt Caecade CIub CorporaE,ion, a California corporation By: PreeLdent, ; Oo l/lt E L2 ORDINANCE NO.7 SER|ES OF 1993 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 1, SERIES OF 1993, TO PROVIDE CHANGES TO AREA A REQUIREMENTS FOR SDD NO.4 THAT CONCEHN THE DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOB THE MLLRACE III DEVELOPMENT BU ILDING SITE; AND SEfiING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEBEAS, lllchrel lauterbach has requested an amendment to the existing Special Development District No.4, Area A;and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has recommended that certain changes be made'to Special Development District No.4;and WHEREAS, the Town Councilconsiders that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordlnance No. 1, Serles of 199i1 to provide lor such changes in Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1993, is hereby repealed and reenacted, asfollows: Section 1. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, Plannino Commission Reoort. The approval procedures described in Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission for an amendment to the development plan for Special Development District No. 4. Section 2. Soecial Development Distdct No.4 Special Development District No, 4 and the development plans theretore, are hereby approved for the development ol Special Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail. Section 3 Chapter 18.46 Special Development District No. 4, Gascade Village, is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows: 18.45.010 Pumose Special Development District No. 4 is established to ensurs comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote he objectives of the Town of Vall Comprehensive Plan. Special Development Disfict No. 4 is created to ensure hat the development density will be relatively low and suitable for the area and the vicinity in which it is o development situated, the is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and the Planning Commission, and because there are significant aspecG of the Special Development District which cannot be satisfied firough the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area. 18.46.020 Definitions For the purposes of this chapter, the lollowing delinitions shall apply: A' 'special attraction'shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research center or performing arts theater or cultrral center. B. 'Transient residential drrelling unit or resficted dwelling unit'shall be defined as a cMelling unit located in a multi-family drrelling that is managed as a short term rental in which all such units are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. A short term rentral shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Eactr unit shall not exceed M5 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated from he rest of he unit in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible from common conidors, walks' or balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, dnelling unit, or a transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominiums, they shall be restricted as set lorth in Chapter 17.26 Condominiums and Condominium Conversions. The unit shall not be used as a permErnent residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling units. For the purposes of delermining allowable density per acre, transient residential dwelling units shall be counted as one half of a dwelling unit. The transient residential dwelling unit parking requirement shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet ol GRFA with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit. 18.46.030 Estabtished A. Special Development District No. 4 is established for the development on a parcel of land comprising 97.955 acres as more partiallarly described in the attached Exhibit A. Special Development District No. 4 and the 97.955 acres may be referred to as ,SDD No. 4. B. The disrid shall consist ol four separate development areas, as identified in this ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes: Area Known As Develooment Area Acreaoe Cascade Village Coldstream Condominiums Glen Lyon Duplex L,ots Glen Lyon Commercial Site Dedicated Open Space Roads TOTAI .Et c D 17 . 955 4.000 29.100 1.800 40.400 18.46.M0 DevelopmentPtan-Required--Approval Procadure A. Each development area with the exception of Development Areas A and D shall be subject to a single development plan. Development Area A shatl be allowed to have two development plans for the cascade Glub site as approved by the Town council. The waterlord and comerstone sites shall be allowed one development plan each. Development Area D shall be allowed to develop per ore approved phasing plans as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall have the rpht to proceed with the development plans or scenarios as defined in Section 18.45.103, 1.4. B. Amendmenb to SDD No. 4 shall comply with the procedures outlined in Section 18.40. C. Each phase of development shall require, prior to issuance of building permits, approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with applicable provisions of Chapter 18.52. 18.46.050 Permitted Uses A. Area A. Cascade Villaqe 1 . First floor commercial uses shall be limited to uses listed in 18.24.030 A-C. The 'first floor'or "street level" shall be defined as that floor of the building hat is located at grade or street level; 2. All other floor levels besides first floor street level may include retail, theater, restiaurant, and office except that no prolessional or business office shall be located on street level or first floor (as defined in Section 18.24.030 A of the Town of Vail zoning code in Area A) unless it is clearly aocessory to a lodge or educational institution except for an office space having a maximum square tootage of 925 square teet located on the lirst floor on the northwest corner of fie Plaza Conference Center building; 3. Lodge; 4. Multi-familydwelling; 5. Single Family dwetting; 6. Two-Family dwetting; 3 97.955 rt 7. Transient residential drrelling unit; 8. Emptoyee dweiling as defined in Section 19.46.p0; 9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums 1. Two{amilydrrelling; 2. Multi-tamity dweling. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots 1. Single family drretting; 2. Two-family dwelling. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Retait; 2. Restaurant and bar; - 3. Business and professional otfices; 4. Multi-famity dweiling; 5. Emptoyee dweiling as defined in Section 19.46.220. 18.46.060 ConditionalUses Conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as ouflined in Chapter 'l 8.60 of the Town of Vail zoning code. A. Area A. Cascade Villaqe 1. Cascade Club addition of a wellness cenler not to exceed 4,500 square feet. 2. Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Section 18.04.135 shall be a conditional use for duvetling units in the Westhaven multi{amily dwellings. Fractional fee ownership shall not be appliecl to reslricted employee dwelling unib or transient residential dwelling units. Ornership intervals shall not be less than five weeks. 3. Special attraction; 4. Ski lifts; 5. Public park and recreational facilities; 6. Major arcades with no frontage on any public way, street, walkway or mall B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums 1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Skilifts. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots 1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Skilifts. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Ggmmercial Site 1. Micro-brewery as defined in Town ol Vail Municipal code, Seciion 18.04.253. 18.46.070 AccessorvUses A. Area A. Cascade Villaoe 1. Minor arcade 2. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation p€rmit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190. 3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or olher recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 4. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 5. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to the operation thereof. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance ol a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190. 2. Attached garages or carportis, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for he operation thereof. 4. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to the operation ftereof. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots 1. Home occupations, subiect to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidential to permitled residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permined or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 't . Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational lacilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 4. Minor arcade. 18.46.080 Location of Business Activitv A. All offices, businesses, and services permitted by Sections 18.46.050 through 18.46.070 shall be operated and conducled entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor display of goods. B. The area to be used for outcloor display must be located directly in front of the estiablishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. 18.215.090 Densitv-DwellinoUnits The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following: A. Area A, Cascacie Viiiaoe In Area A, a minimum of three hundred fifty-two (352) accommodation or transient dwelling units and a maximum of ninety-four dwelling units as defined by the tables in Section 18.46.103 for a total density of two hundred seventy (270) dwelling units. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Sixty-five (65) dweiling units C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots One-hundred four (104) drreiling units. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 4- Three dwelling units, two of which shall be employee chrelting units as defined by the table in Section 18.46.103F. 18.46.100 DensiW-FloorArea A. Area A. Cascade Villaoe The gross residentialfloor area (GRFA) for all buildings shatl not exceed 289,145 square feet. B. Area B. Coldstream Condomirliums Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 s.f.) GRFA. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots GRFA shall be calculated lor each lot per Seclion t 8.13.080 density control A and B for the PrimarylSecondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site The gross residential floor area for the two employee dwelling units shall be 795 square feet and 900 square leet respectively. The gross residential floor area for the free market drvelling unit shall be 1,630 square feet. 18.46.102 CommercialSouare Footaoe A. Area A. Cascade Villaoe Area A shall not exceed 35,698 square feet of commercial area. Commercial uses include retail, office, theater, restaurant, uses listed in Section 18.46.050 A-1, and the special attraction use. B. Area D. Glen Lvon CommercialSite Area D shall not exceed 1 6,730 square feet of oftice for Phase l, lA & ll or 15,584 square feet of office for Phase ill per the approved development plans. The micro-brewery ar-rd associaied uses shaii be construcied per fre approved development plan. 7 o 18.46.103 CHART 1: Arca A ComDlctcd Proiccts LIILLRACE IV TEFRACE WING c^sc^oE cLUs .....|i'uEF|.|'6crofcdeulrrtingC|UjA|ordrcCrr5lil(l'rrcG|(llit|''{ctV),&crcditrrhrl||rc6'itcrtcrcrFf'f0ot.!'rro|rdbrcrlforcrc|rgrc|d rtltcc. tE Scclion I l.,16:l (cXSXr), t utttrrco n \liF--AU or TB DU GRFA _Qo6mcrclal SduE?. Fcal On-Slt Prrklno C|rcrda Structur.d Prrllnf s 6.450 'OTAL 3 )U 5,450 I(,IAL l|AxlMuMs... 6' TB 50 0u r 04,560 15,525 a.5oo 210 232 . GiCcF. rlb .t ! rc .rd !d-J d.n it r CRFA &. |b F F- ot tt! SDD. " n tr .F. L. .fr.dt trc cc-rd ftr r rreil prlitt iqutrrtar Tb E. FAht iqu!.El| i brd o tlr {tLeo trrru rlr rtril rd cltcr pthj rqprr.rr.-' Tc^l f[ur rFE Urst rbuirt .d @ri.l Esir. CHART 3: Area A Rcouircd Parkin Parking Spaces , 426.7 Parking for Completed Projects per Chart 1 in Cascade Parking Struclure Proposed Projects W req. parking in the Cascade Parking Struc.: Scenario 1 - Wellness Center OR Scenario2-Gymnasium' Plaza Office otal Rc4.Parking at Build-out of Area A in Cascade Strue. Exist. Parkinq in Cascade Structure Required Parking in Cascade Stru at Build-Out of Area A Wilh 17.5% mixed-use credit 371.2 \ I \-/. i("'"''t-'' f r",lr" 0 ., .\,\rl \, \ ^// 1-,\ . -'l ,"\N *j,'\, . briglnal .Parccl Itobltlns ?arccf Cosgrlff Parccl J:. Glcrr lyon Cffice Dldg. (E.v.tstlng) SW Glen l,yon Orf:ice BIdg. =rttt F rFl rr|!t\.)I, I . Glen J,yon ?r1atn - hf F{ na wl:. liicro-Srcwery -0f fi ce -Dar^rr-rF { an /.r99uv-ll/iL,||/ lluseum -Re b aI] -Ferment,aElon/ Sr.eHhousc -llan; llr11 -Sr.ew Pub rs..6b t.23 1.045. 1?.95s 2s2.00 1P.68 1b,Js 280.40 a.; . 18 t152 15,932 291, 121 SDD 14, AREA ,D - DEvEtopMEl.lT ieu^na iroorace Ir.lD pAru(rNG pER rovrN bn -v.rriiirib"ulrer{ENTs FEBRUIRY 26, 1b9O PHJTSE Ia DE\ELOPI.tENT PITASEfrla&II DEVELOPMENT ..., PIIASE Ir Iar II J\ND III DE\TEI,OPHENT Sq.Ft..../ par},ing '.. ..:. .' ..fe.rc../Pa5kln9 .sS.qr. _/ parklng 10,150 30.6 10,150 40.6 400 t.6 400 1.6 .10r I50 400 2,400 40.5 1.6 2t400 9.6 9.6 Jr /UU 480 'l l'i 1 .u 2t634 10.5 .i 480 0.0 BB5 3.0 11406. 0.0 xr?00. 18.Br (150 ceat.s)1r380 10.0*(80"scat,st 0 0 0 U 970 0.0 1,?00 18.0*(150 ccaLs)1r380 10.0*(80 ccaEa) SUBTOTJ\L .h rri -F ---., rtlJr5b l.t, J. 10,550 42.2 2l t 435 - 21, 435 I 94.1 '15.6 Jias L Dulldlng -2 Empioyee UnIts -1 Dwelllng Unit -0ffLce SUBTOTIL - TOT'AL COI.II.IERCTAL A}ID RESIDDI{TIJ\I *1U* FOOT'IGD Al{D PlrnKrNG: 2t,435 'IU$ED ]TIGHEST POSSIBLE DASED ! ! I I I I I I I I ! 0 0.0 0 . 0.0 96.3 0.0 0.0 9 6.3 4 2 9 I t. I ! I I I I I i Oll .SDhTIl-lG t: '1, 695 1r 630 2,400 3r 325 4 t160 PhRKIl.lG ttEQ. 10 o 18.46.104 DeveloomentPlans Site specific development plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The development plans for Area A are comprised of those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and other developers. The development plans for Area D are comprised of those plans submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado Partnership. The tollowing documents comprise the development plan for the SDD as a whole, Waterford, Comerstone, Cascade Club Mdition Scenario 1 and 2, Millrace lV, and Area D€len Lyon Commerdd Site and is not all inclusive: 1. Waterfod, Sheet #L-2, dated 1,1-,12-92, tan&cape plan, Dennis Andercon. 2. Watertord, Sheet #1.1, ctated 11-19-92, Site/Gracting plan Gwathmey, ptan, Schultz. ' 3. Walerford, Sheet #2.1, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 38/4!'9., Grathmey, pratt, Schultz. ' 4. waterford, Sheet #2.2, dated 1 1 -1g-92, plan level 49 -6./53,-0", Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. ' 5. Watertord, Sheet tt2.3, dated 11-13-92 ptan Levet 59'-0/O4'-g' by Gwatrmey, Pratt, Schultr. ' 6. Waterford, Sheet #2.4, dated 11-4-92, ptan Levet 6g'-6'n4'-9., Grathmey, pratt, Schultz. ' 7. Waterford, Sheet #2.5, dated 't 1-19-gZ, plan Levet g0'-0'/g5'-9" Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. ' 8. Waterford, Sheet #2.6, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 90'-6'Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. ' 9. Waterford, Sheet #2.7, dated 11-13-92, plan Level 101'-0' Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. ' 10. Waterford, Sheet #2.8, dated 11-13-92, Ptan Levet 111'-6" Gwathmey, pratt, SchulE. ' 11. Waterfod, sheet #2.9, dated 11-13-92, ptan Levet 122'-0. Gwathmey, praft, SchulE. 12. Waterford, Sheei #2.i0, ciateo i2-14-92, Fibof Pian Ail iovels Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE. 13. Waterford, Sheet #3.1, dated 11-13-92, Elevations Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultr. 14. Waterford, Sheet #3.2, dated 11-13-92, Elevations, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schuttz. 11 15. Waterford, Sheet #4.1, dated 11492, Sections Gwathmey, pratt, SchutE. 16. Watertord, Sheet #4.2, dated 1't 4-92, Sections, Gwathmey, pratt, SchulE. 17. Waterford, Sheet #4.3, dated 114-92, Sections, Gwathmey, pratt, SchuFz. 18. Waterford, sheet #9.1, dated 10-20-92, Unit plans Grathmey, pratt, schulE. 19. Waterford, Sheet 1t9.2, dated 10-20-92, Unit ptans, Gwathmey, pratt, Schuttz. 20. waterfod, sheet #9.3, dated 10-20-92, unit plans Gwathmey, pratt, schuttz. 21. Waterford, sheet #9.4, dated 10-20-92, Unit ptans, Gwathmey, pratt, schuttz. 22. Watertord, Sheet #9.5, dated 10-20-92, Unit ptans Gwathmey, prail, Schuttz. 23- comerstone, sheet #L-1, dated 11-13-92, Landscape plan Dennis Anderson. 24. comerstone, sheet #1 , dated l2-2'l -92, c.Fcade village Master plan Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE. 25. Gomerstone, Sheet #2, dated 12-29-92, Ftoor plans Gwatrmey, pratt, schuttz. 26. Comerstone, Sheet #3, dated 12-29-92, Floor Plans, Gwahmey, pratt, SchulE. Schultz. 27. Comerstone, Sheet #4, dated 12-21-92, Elevations Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. 29. Comerstone, Sheet #5, dated 11-13-92, Site Plan/Grading plan, Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. 29. Cascade Club Addition Site Plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 30. Cascade Club Floor Plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 31. Mlllrace lll, sheet #1, dated 5/6/93, slte plan, steven James Rlden. 32. Mlllrace lll, sheet f2, daled 4113F,3, Floor Plans tor slngle Famlly Resldence, Steven James Rlden, 33. Mlllrace lll, sheet #3, dated 5/6/93, Etevailons for stngte Family Resldence, Steven James Riden. U, Mlllrace lll, Sheets #t and #5, dated gt2}tg3,Floor ptans tor Duptex Buttdtng, Steven James Rlden. 35. illllrace lll, sheets #6 and ft, dated 5/6/sl, Etevailons for Duptex Buildtng, Steven James Rlden. 36. iilllrace |il, Sheet Ll, daied 5/6/st, sltellandscape ptan, steven James Rlden. 37. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alVa Cosgriff Parcel, Site Plan, Amold Gwathmey pratt, 10t28t91. 38. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alkla Cosgriff Parcel, Elevations Arnold Gwathmey pratt, 12 10t22t91. 39. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alYa Cosgrifl Parcel, Floor Plans Amold Gwathmey Pratt, 10t23t91. 40. Millrace lV, Scenario l,alkla Gosgriff Parcel, LanGcape Plan, Dennis Anderson Associates. 41. Gosgriff Parcel, Survey, Alpine Engineering, lnc., 10/31/91 stamped. 42. Survey, a part of Cascade Village, Eagle Valley Engineering, Leland Lechner, 6l8ls7. 43. Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, 10/10/88. 44. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmental lmpact Beport: Peter Jamar Assoclates, Inc., rcvlsed 111?'218',' ' A maximum of 1000 sq. ft. of @mmon area, in addition to the approved plans, may be added to the Waterford project to allow for compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and American Disabilities Act. The statf shall review all such additions to ensure that they are required by such codes. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Area D Master Site Plan, Geodesign by Sherry Donrrard, A22l90. 2. Landscape Plan for Area D, Geodesign by Sherry Dorward, 2l22EO. 3. Area D elevations, Geodesign by Sherry Dorward, 2l9l90. 4. Vail Micro-brewery, Seracuse, Lawler, and Partners, Denver, CO., sheets 42.1' A2.2, A2.3, A3.1, A3.2, A4j, A4.2, dated 1/8/90 and sheet A2.4 dated 12113189. 5, Vail Brewery Roof Study, FrankFreyer,l/8190. 6. Glen Lyon Parking Garage Floor Plans and Site Plan, Roma, 11128188. 7. Glen Lyon Parking Garage Sections/Elevations, Roma, 11/28188. 8. Glen Lyon Condominium, Roma, 11128188. 9. Glen Lyon Condominium East Building, Roma, 11128188. 10. Deck Enclosure (Phase lA) to Glen Lyon Office Building, Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh, dared 9/20/90. 11. Lan6cape Plan, Pnase lA Deck Enciosure, Pierce, Segeberg anci Spaeh' ciated 8/19/91. 12. Office Adclition to Glen Lyon Otfice Building, Buff Amold/Ned Gwathmey Architecb August 25, 1989 Sheets A1 hrough A4. 13 13. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmental lmpacl Beport Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., Revised 11122188. Leter from Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., dated January 15, 1990. 14. Decaleration lane design for South Frontage Road, RBD, October 18, 1988 as approved by Co. Div. of Hgwys. 15. A resubdivision of Lot 54 amended plat Glen Lyon Sub-division, Eagle Valley Surveying Inc. as approved by T.O.V. 16. Vail Brewery Parking Analysis, TDA Colorado, lnc., August 10, 1988 and Vail Brewery Parking Analysis Update, TDA Colorado, Inc., January 16, 1990 pages 1-8. 18.46.110 DeveloomentStandards The development standards set out in Sections 18.45.120 through 18.t15.180 are approved by the Town Council. These standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pertinent to each development area to proted the integrity of the development of SDD No. 4. They are minimum development standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved development plan which is adopted by the Town Council. 18.46.120 Setbacks A. Area A. Cascade Villaqe Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet, with the exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking structure/athletic club building shall be two feet as approved on February 8, 1982, by the Planning and Environmental Commission. All buildings shall maintain a 50 foot stream setback from Gore Creek. The Waterlord building shall maintain a minimum 20 foot setback lrom he north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duplex Lots Required setbacks shall be govemed by Section 18.13.060 Setbacks of the Primary/Secondary zone district of the To,n of Vail Municipal Code. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plans. 18.46.140 Heioht 14 A. For the purposes ot SDD No. 4 calculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured vertically from he existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), al any given point to the top ot a flat roof, or mansard rool, or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof unless othemise specified in approved development plan drawings. B. Area A, Cascade Villaoe 1. The maximum height for the Westin Hotel, CMC Leaming Center, Tenace Wing, Plaza Conlerence Building and Cascade Parking Structure/Athletic Club is 71 feet. 2. Comerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feet. 3. Waterford Building: Ma:<imum height of feet as measured trom finished grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation shall be 55' (South Frontage Road), 56' along the west elevation Westhaven Drive, and 65 feet along the south and east elevation as measured from finished grade. 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet. 5. Millrace lll: A maximum ol36 feet. 6. Millrace lV: A maximum of 36 feet. 7. Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet. 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 36 feet. 9. The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 48 leet. C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums The ma:<imum height shall be 48 feet. D. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots The maximum height shall be 33 feet lor a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat or mansard roof. E. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 51olo ol the rool shall have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 49/o ol the roof area shall have a height under 32 feei. On the perimebr of the buildings ior Area D, height is measured from finished grade up to any point of the roof. On the interior area of any building, height is measured from existing grade up to the highest point ot the roof. Development plan drawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area D. 15 18.46.160 SiteCoveraoe In Areas A and B, no more than 35% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional or educational center, 45/" ol the area may be covered unless othenrise indicated on the site specific development plans. In Area C, no more lnan 2510 of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter 18.69 of the Vail MunicipalCode apply. In Area D, no more than 377" ol the total site area shall be covered by buildings and the parking structure. 18.46.170 Landscapino At least the following percentages ot the total development area shall be landscaped as provided in the development plan. This shall include retention of natural landscape, if appropriate. Areas A and B, fifty p€rcent, and in Areas C and D, sixty percent, ol fie area shall be landscaped unless otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. 18.46.180 Parkino and Loadino A. Area A. Cascade Villaoe 1. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter i8.52, except that 75% of the required parking in Area A shall be located within a parking structure or buildings with the exception of Millrace lV, Scenario l, where 66.6% of required parking shall be enclosed in a building. lf the development table in Section 18.46.103 is amended, the parking requirements shall be amended accordingly. 2. There shall be a total ol421 spaces in the main Cascade Club parking structure. A 17.5 percent mixed-use credit perhe Town of Vail parking code, section 18.52.20 has been applied to the total number ol required parking spaces in the Cascade structure. 3. There shall be a total of 58 on-site parking spaces on the waterford buifding site with a minimum ol 75o/o of the required space located below grade. No mixed use credit shall be applied to this site. 4. There shall be a minimum of 93 enclosed parking spaces located within tre cornerstone building with 37 of the required spaces available to the public for short-term parking. No mixed use credit has been applied to this lot. 5. The third floor of the cascade parking structure shall not be used to meet any parking requiremenb for accommodation units, transient residential drrelling 16 units, employee dlvelling units or clwelling units. 6. Phasing: All required parking for Comerstone and Waterford shall be located on their respective sites. All required parking for the Cascade Club Wellness Center Addition Scenario 1 shall be provided in the Gascade parking structrre. 7. Seventy-five percent of he required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view lrom adjoining properties tvittin a landscaped berm for Westhaven Condominiums, and Millrace lll. 8. All loading and delivery shall be located within buildings or as approved in the development plan. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Fifty percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. C. Area C. Glen Lyon Duolex Lots Off-steet parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52. D. Area D, Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Phase l, lA and ll shall include 80 surlace parking spaces plus 6 valet parking spaces on the east end of the surface parking lot. Phase lA shall include 2 additional required parking spaces for a total of'4i) required parking spaces. 2. Phase lll shall include a minimum of 108 parking spaces. A minimum of 100 spaces shall be located in the parking structure. All required parking for the east buiEing shall be provided on-site per Town of Vail parking requirements per Section 18.52.'100 for residential and otfice use. A minimum of eleven spaces shall be located in fie garage ot the east building and a maximum of 5 surface spaces shall be located adjacent to the east building. 3. Area D development shall meet the operational requirements oudined in the TDA Colorado Inc. Report, Section Parking Analysis Considerations, January 16, 1990. Parking Analysis Considerations pages 1-8. 4. Valet parking shall be prohibited on the west end of the surlace parking lot. 5. The Brew Pub shall not be open to the public until atter 430 p.m. for Phase I and ll Monday through Friday. When Phase lll development ocqrrs including the parking structure, the brew pub may operate during the weekdays 17 once the parking structure is available for public use. 6. The Beer Hall shall not operate or be used by the public before 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, Monday through Friday at anytime. 7. Once the parking structure is constructed, the parking and access to Area D shall be managed per the TDA Parking Report, Parking Management Section, pages 6 and 7, August 10, 1988, and TDA Report, Vail Brewery parking Anatysis Update, dated January 16, 1990, both written by Mr. David Leahy. 8. No loading or delivery of goods shall be allowed on the public right-oFway along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development. 9. The owner ol the property and brewery management shall prohibit semi-truck and trailer fuck traffic to the Glen Lyon Commercial site. The only truck loading that shall be allowed to the site shall be vans having a maximum length of 22feet. 18.46.190 Recreation Amenities Tax Assessed The recreational amenities iax due for the development within SDD No. 4 under Chapter 3.20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed twenty-five cents per square foot of the floor area in Development Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square loot ol GRFA in Development Area C; and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents per square foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to the issuance of building permits. 18.46.200 ConservationandPollutionControls A. The developer's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevention of pollution from surface runotf. B. The developer shall include in the building construction, energy and water conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of custruction. C. The number of fireplaces permitted shall be as set forth in Section 8.28 of the Town of Vail Municipal as amended. D. lf fireplaces are provided within the deveioprneni, they must be heat efficient through the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating devices as technology exists at the time of development. E. All water leatures within Development Area A shall have overflow storm drains per 18 the recommendation of he Environmental lmpact Report by Jamar Associates on Page 34. F. All parking structures shall have pollution control devices to prevent oil and dirt trom draining into Gore Creek. G. In Area D, a manhole on the brewery servioe line shall be provided so that the Upper Eagle Valley-Consolidated Sanitation District may monitor BOD strengh. H. ln Area D, the brewery management shall not operate the brarery process during temperature inversions. lt shall be the brewery owneis responsibility to monitor inversions. l. All tash compactors and trash storage areas shall be completely enclosed within Special Development District 4. J. Protective measures shall be used during construction to prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D. K. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall only be allowed to have gas fireplaces hat meet the Town of Vail ordinances goveming fireplaces. 18.46.210 Additional Amenities and AporovalAoreements lor Soecial Develooment District No.4. A. The developer shall provide or work with the Toivn to provide adequate private transportation services to the owners and guests so as to transport them from the development to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as outlined in the approved development plan. B. Developer shall provide in its approved development plan a bus shelter ol a design and location mutually agreeable to developer and Town Council. Said shelter to serve the area generally. C. Area A, Cascade Village 1. The developer shall be responsible for providing a break-away bollard for the emergensy acoess road between Eagle PointerPark Meadows' 1472 Matterhom Circle, and Westhaven Drive. The design of the bollard shall he mutually acceptable to the developer and Town of Vail. This improvement shall be constructed when a building pennit is requested lor the Comerstone, Millrace lll, Millrace lV, Westhaven Condominiums, Watertord buildings, or Cascade Club addition. The bollard shall be included in the permit plans. The bollard shall be 19 construc'ted subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for he Comerstone, Millrace lll, Millrace lV, Westhaven Condominiums, Waterford buildings, or Gascade Club addition. 2. The developer shall consfruct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to he Cascade Club along Westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front of the Westhaven building to connect with the recreational path to Donovan park. The walk shalt be constructed when a building permit is requested lor Westhaven Gondominiums. The sidewalk shalt be part ot the buitding permit ptans. The sidewalk shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for Westhaven Condominiums. 3. The developer shall provide 100-year floodplain information for the area adjacent to the Waterford and Comerstone buildings to the Town of Vail Community Development Department before building permits are released lor either project. 4. The conditions for Area A in Sections 18.46.020 B, 18.46.180 A. 1-7, 18.46.200 A - F, I, J, 18.46.210 C, 1-3, and 18.46.220 shail be set forth in restrictive covenants subiect to the approval of the Town Attorney and once so approved shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County. The developer shall be responsible for submitting the written conditions to the Town Attomey lor approval before a building permit is requested for the Comerstone, or Millrace lll, or Millrace lV, Westhaven Condominiums, or Waterford buildings, orCascade Club Addition. 5. lllllrace lll a. The developer of the Mlllrace lll prolect understands that the developers of the Watertord and Cornerctone prclects located In SDD #4 agreed to fulflll speclflc obllgatlons set forth In paragraphs 18.46.210 C 7b1 - 4 (@rnerstone) or 8cl - 4 (Waterford) hercof In order to rcpalr and reconstruct Westhaven Drlve. The Mlllrace lll developer agr€es that lf these obllgatlons are not lulfllled by the developers d the Gornerstone and Watertord prolects at the tlme a bulldlng permlt ls obtalned lor Mlllrace lll, 20 the Mlllrace lll deyeloper shall lulflll all such obllgatlorc In the manner as setforth below: 1. Prlor to the tlme any bulldlng permlt F lssued tor the Mlllrace lll prolect and no later than December 31, 1993, the developer shall pay to the Town by cash or cashler's check the sum of $97,500 to be used by the Town for the repalr and rcconstructton ot W€thaven Drlve as 3et torth ln more detall In paragraphs 5b2 - 4. 2. Beforc any Temporary Certtflcate of Occupancy ls lssued ior the bulldlngs, the Town, Et no expense or cost to the Town, wlll obtaln tltle to Westhayen Drlve. After the tramfer ot tltle ot W€thaven Drlve to the Town, the developer shall provlde, at lts oost a tltle Insuranoe pollcy In the amount ot $50,000 Insurlng that the Town has fee tltle of Westhaven Drlve. tf the owner ol Westhaven Drlye ls unwllllng to yoluntarlly transfer tltle of Westhaven Drlye to the Town, the Town of Vall shall Instltute an actlon In condemnatlon to obtaln tltle to Westhaven Drlve. Should such an actlon be requlred, the developer shall pay all costs theGof, Includlng attorne!€ tee9, court Gosts, appralsal fees, any escnows requlred prlor to taklng lmmedlate possesslon ol the property and any award whlch may flnally be awarded by the court or by the commlttee. The selectlon ot legal counsel and appralsers to represent the Town, should @ndemnatlon be necessary, shall be selected by the derrcloper wlth the approval ot the Town. coment shall not be unEasonably wlthheld. 3. The Town shall commence the rcpalr and econstructlon ot Westhaven Drlve and lts ongolng malnEnance, subsequent to the recelpt ot the $97,500 provlded tor In sectlon 5.a.1. of thls tltle and the sauslactory conveyanoe ot tltle to Westhaven Drlve to the Town of Vall. The date for the commencement of the Epalr and rcoonstructlon and for lts completlon shall be entlrely at the dlscretlon of the Town. l. Should the Town not r?qulre the entl|€ amount of the $97'500 pald by the developer to the Town for the repalr and the ]€consructlon d Weethaven Drlve, the Town wlll forward any amount rcmalnlng efter alt constructlon and tElated costs have been pald ln full to the developer urho 21 shall refund such amount prcrata to the partles orlglnally contrlbuilng the $97,500. 6. Millrace lV, Scenario l. a. The developer shall obtain an easement from the owners of fre property adjacent b the eastem boundary of the property commonly called the Cosgriff Parcel, which is more specifically defined in Exhibit A, attached to his ordinance and incorporated herein by reference. The easements shall be sufficient to permit the construction, maintenance and replacement of retaining walls for the purposes of grading and boulder retention all along the western property line of said adjacent property. The easement shall be in a form acceptable to the Town Attomey, shall run with the land, and shall be recorded on he land records of Eagle County prior to Design Review Board review. b. The developer shall provide the Community Development Department of the Town with written consent lrom the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District permitting the encroachment of certain decks specified in the development plan tor the Millrace lV condominiums, as set forth in Section 18.46.140(18) of this ordinance into their sewer eErsement recorded in Book 217, Page 428 of the land records of Eagle County. This consent shall be submitted prior to Design Review Board review. c. The developer shall receive final approval of the site grading plan for the construction of Millrace lV, Scenario I, from the Tourn Engineer prior to Design Review Board review. d. The Millrace Condominium Map, recorded at Book 326, page 257, of the land records of Eagle County shall be amended so that lhe access easement shown thereon shall align rvith the present location of the roadway on the western property line of the Cosgritf Parcel, and the amendment shall be recorded on he land records of Eagle County. e. The developer shall install 15 (6'-10') evergreens south ol the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Cascade Club building, and 5 (6'-10) evergreens to the south of the Westhaven Apartment loundations and north ol Westhaven Drive. The developer shall obtain the written approval ol the Colorado Department ol Highways (CDOH) permitting the installation of these trees along the South 22 o 7. Frontage Road prior to said installation. lf CDOH approval cannot be obtiained, then a minimum of 10 (6'-10') evergreens shall be installed adjacent to he Westhaven AparEnents. f. The developer shall apply lor and complete the minor subdivision process for he Cosgriff Parcel and a subdivision plat signed by the Town ot Vail shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County prior to the release of any building permits for the construction of any structure on the Cosgriff Parcel. S, Landscaping along the south and west property lines of the Cosgriff Parcel shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board to insure a suitable butfer area between it and the other properties along said property lines. h. The Design Review Board shall review the architecture and landscape plan further for compatibility with the sunounding area. i. The developer and the adjacent property owners shallsubmit a landscape plan lor the area north of the Cosgriff property to the Design Review Board lor review. j. For purposes ol calculating Gross Residential Floor Area permitted on the Gosgriff Parcel, no credits of any kind (overlapping stairs, mechanical, etc.), except for 300 sq. tt. to be allowed for each enclosed parking space, shall be given. Cornerstone a. Before the building permit is released for the project, the developer shall permanently restrict three employee housing units in accordance wifi Section 18.46.22O ot this ordinance. b. 1. Prior to the time any building permit is issued for eilher the Comerstone or Waterford projects and no later han December 31' 1993' he developer shall pay to the Town by cash or cashier's check frre sum ol $97'500 to be used by the Town for the repair and reconsfuction of Westhaven Drive as set forth in more detail in paragraph 7 b 2 frtlough 4. 2. Before any Temporary Certificate of Occupanry is issued for the building, the Town, at no expense or cost to the Town' will obtain tiUe to Westhaven Drive. After the transfer ot tiUe of Westhaven Drive to the Town, he developer shall provide, at ib cost a tifle insurance policy in the amount of $50,000 insuring that the Town has fee title ol Westhaven Drive. lf the owner of 23 t Westhaven Drive is unwilling to voluntarily fansfer tifle of Westtraven Drive to the Town, the Town of Vail shall instihrte an action in condemnation to obtain title to Westhaven Drive. Should such an action be required, the developer shall pay all costs thereof, including attomeys fees, court costs, appraisal fees, any escrows required prior to taking immediate possession of the property and any award which may finally be awarded by the Court or by the CommitEe. The selection of legal counsel and appraisers to represent the Town, should condemnation be necessary, shall be selected by the developer with the approval of the Town. Consent shall not unreasonably withheld. 3. The Town shall commence the repair and reconstruction of Westhaven Drive and its ongoing mainEnance, subsequent to the rec€ipt of the $97,500 provided for in Section 7.b.1. of this tiile and the satistactory conveyance of title to Westhaven Drive to the Town. The date for the commencement of the repair and reconstruction and for its completion shall be entirely at the discretion of the Town. 4. Should the Town not require the entire amount of the gg7,5OO paid by the developer to the Town for the repair and the reconstruction of Weshaven Drive, the Town will forward any amount remaining after all construction and related costs have been paid in lull to the developer who shall refund such amount prorata to the parties originally contributing the $97,500. c. The landscape plan set forth in the development plan for Cornerstone between the Terrace Wing and Cornerstone building shall be revised prior to the review of the project by the DRB in the following ways: 1. For emergency services, an access lane shall be provided from the westem courtyard to the ski lift. 2. lf deemed necessary by the developer and the Community Development Department statf, the water feature on the landscape plan may be removed or revised. The landscaping in this area shall be part of the Comerstone development, and, therefore, il is the Comerstone developer's responsibility to complete this portion of the project prior to the release of a final Certlficate of Occupancy for the project. These plans shall be included in the building permit for the Comerstone development. 24 8. d. After the Town of Vail has tite to Westhaven Drive, it shall convey title to the developer for the area of Westhaven Drive under which parking is located for the Comerstone project. The amended minor subdivision plat shall be submitted by the developer before a building permit is released for the Cornerstone site. The developer shall dedicate an acoess easement to the Town over this porlion of Westhaven Drive. e. All fireplaces shall be gas appliances pursuant to Section 8.28 ol the Vail MunicipalCode. f. Those spaces allocated to commercial areas as short Erm public parking shall be permanently restricted for the use ol the Comerstone Project. All required parking associated with he uses shall not be conveyed, used or leased separately from tho uses. Public parking on the Westhaven Drive level of the Comerstone project shall be made avaihbb to the public for short term parl{ng. Waterford a. The developer shall permanently restrict the two employee housing units provided in the Waterlord Development Plan in accordance with Sedion 15.46.n0 of this ordinance. b. A minor subdivision plat shall be completed and recorded prior to the release of any building permiB for either the Comerstone or Waterford developments. c. 1. Prior to the time any building permit is issued lor either Comerstone or Waterford projects and no later than December 31, 1993, the developer shall pay to the Town by cash or cashier's check the sum ol $97,500 to be used by the Town for the repair and reconstruction of Westhaven Drive as set forth in more detail in paragraph 8 c 2 through 4. 2. Before any Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the building, the Town, at no expense or cost to the Town, will obtain title to Westhaven Drive. After the transfer of tide ol Westhaven Drive to the Town' the developer shall provide, at its cost a t'rtlc insuranca poliry in the amount of $50,000 insuring that the Town has tee title of Westhaven Drive. lf the owner of Westhaven Drive is urnvilling to voluntarily fansfer title of Weshaven Drive to the Town, the Torrn of Vailshall institute an action in condemnation to obtain title to 25 westhaven Drive. should such an action be required, the developer shall pay all costs thereof, including attomeys fees, court costs, appraisal fees, any escrows required prior to taking immediate possession of the property and any award which may finally be awarded by the court or by the committee. The selection of legal counsel and appraisers to represent the Town, should condemnation be neoessary, shall be selected by the developer with the approval of the Town. Consent shall not unreasonably withheld. 3. The Town shall commence the repair and reconstuction of westhaven Drive and its ongoing maintenan@, subsequent to the receipt of the $97,500 provided for in paragraph 8 c 1 and the satisfactory conveyance of title to westhaven Drive to the Town. The date for the @mmencement of the repair and reconstruction and for its completion shall be entirely at the discretion of the Town. 4. Should the Town not require the entire amount of fre 997,500 paid by the developer to the Town for the repair and the reconsfuction of westhaven Drive, the Town will fonrvard any amount remaining after all construction and related costs have been paid in full to the developer who shall retund such amount prorata to the parties originally contributing the 997,500. d. The recreation path shall be relocated as set torth on the development plan and shall be amended on the minor subdivision plat for the Waterford and Comerstone lots to correspond to the new location. e. The DRB will review the landscaping in the areas of the retaining walls on the west and east ends of the site. The DRB will revierrrr the north elevations architectural details. The applicant shall review the possibility of eliminating the skier access on the east end of the project. However, if the applicant can significantly decrease the retaining walls necessary to build the access, the skier acc€ss may remain. f. All fireplaces shall be gas logs permitted pursuant to Section 8.28 of fre Vail Municipal Code. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site. 1. The developer shall agree to construct a bus lane per Town of Vail standards in the area of the porte-cochere of the Micro-brerrrery in Area D. The D. 26 specific location for the bus lane shall be mutually agreed to by the Area D owner and/or developer, Colorado Division of Highways, and Town of Vail. The bus lane shall be constructed subsequent to he issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of ocolpancy for either the brewery adclition, office expansion exduding Phase lA, sast otfice building, or parking strucfiJre. The developer and/or owners of area D shall be responsible for maintaining the new bus lane, including snow removal. lf the lane is not maintiained properly or snow removal is not adequate, the Town will not provide bus service to the site. 2. The developer shall relocate the existing bike pah on Area D and provide a new bike path easemenl across the Glen Lyon property and CDOH property per the development plan for Area D. The bike path shall be construGted per Town of Vail standards. The bike path shall be constructed subsequent to the lssuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occup.rncy for either the brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase lA, east otfice building, or parking structure. Such temporary certificate of occupancies shall be conditional upon construction of the bike path provided for herein. The bike path eEBement shall be replatted and approval obtained from the Town Council prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the Brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase lA, east office building or parking structure. 3. The developer shall underground the electrical utilities along the north side of fie Glen Lyon property from the norhwest comer of the property to the northeast corner ol the property. This utility work shall be construcled subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and pdor to the issuance of a temporary certiticate of occupancy for either the Brewery addition, otfice expansion, excluding Phase lA east otfice building or parking structjre. 4. The developer shall be responsible for relocating the 20 foot utility easement on the western portion of Development Area D as well as obtaining approval from the Town of Vail for the relocated utility easement before a building permit is released lor the micro-brewery adclition. 5. The developer of the Glen Lyon Otfice prope{ shall not file any 27 remonstrance or protest against the formation of a local improvement district of other financing mecfianism approved by the Vail rown council which may be established for the purpose of building road improvements tor the south Frontage Road. 6. The developer shall provide a tire hydrant per Town of Vail Fire Department requirements on the northwest portion of he property. The specific location forthe fire hydrant shall be approved by the vail Fire Department. The fire hydrant shall be provided subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to he issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the brewery addition, office expansion excluding Phase lA, east office building, or parking structure. 7. The Developer shall construct a deceleration lane along south Frontage Road per the cDoH access permit. The developer shall submit plans for the south Frontage Boad improvements to the Town of vail Engineer for review and approval before a building permit is released for either phase I excluding phase lA, ll, or lll construction. 8. The conditions for Area D in Sections 18.46.180 D, 19.46.200 A, B, F - K, 18.46.210 D, 1-7, and 18.46.220 shall be set forth in restristive @venants subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and once so approved shall be recorded on the land records ol Eagle county. The developer shall be responsible for submitting the written conditions to the Town Attorney for approval belore a building permit shall be issued tor the Micro-brewery, otfice expansion excluding Phase lA, east office building, or parking structure. 9. The minor subdivision for Area D shall be developed per the follovrring conditions: a. The development of parcets A, B, C, and D, shatt be limited to the SDD No. 4 development plan and govemed by the SDD No. 4 ordinance as approved by the Town of Vail and on file with the Department of Community Development or as amended and approved by the Community Development Department, Planning anC Envircnmental Comrnission, ancl/or the Vail Town Council. b. The minor subdivision plat shall include a statement that development of the four parcels shatl be govemed by the approved SDD 28 4 development plan for area D and goveming ordinances. c. The Community Development Department and Toryn ol Vail Attomey shall have the dght to review and require changes in any 'Agreements of Tenanb in Common','Conveyance of Easement and Party wall Agreements', and any other €asement or ownership agreements related to the development of parcels A, B, C, and D to ensure that the lourparcels are developed perthe approved development plan in SDD No. 4 Ordinance. d. The developer shall be responsible for replatting the 20 foot utility easement on the western portion of developmenl Area D as well as obtaining approval from the Town of Vail ior the new utility easement before the minor suMivision plat is recorded. Any modifications or amendments to the minor subdivision conditions of approval agreement shall be reviewed as a major amendment under the procedures ouilined in Section 18.40 of the Town of VailZoning Code. e. The conditions for the minor subdivision in Section 18.46.21 0 (D9) A, B, C, and E, shall be set forth in restrictive covenanb subject to the approval of the Town Attomey and once so approved shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County. The developer shall be responsible for submitting the written conditions to the Town Attomey before he minor subdivision is recorded on the land records of Eagle County. 10. The entire Glen Lyon Office Building and Brewery Building shall be sprinklered and have a fire alarm detection system. Town of Vail Fire Department approval of the sprinkler and fire alarm systems shall be required before a building permit is released for Phase I exduding Phase lA or ll. 11. The developer shall submit a set of amerded plans to the Golorado Division of Highways for review and approval. The improvements on CDOH property proposed by the developer must receive CDOH approval before Phase !, excluding !A, !!, and lll a.'e presented tc the Town cf Vail Design Review Board for final approval. 12. The east building including the two employee dwelling unib shall be construcied when the parking structure is built to etrsure that the employee units 29 are built. 18.46.220 Emolovee Housino The development of SDD No.4 will have impacts on available employee housing within the Upper Eagle Valley area. In order to help meet his additional employee housing need, he developer(s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee housing on site. The devetoper(s) ot Area A shall build a minimum of 8 employee dwelling units within Area A Westhaven Condominium building, 3 within the Comerstone Building and 2 within the Waterford Building. Each employee dwelling unit in the Westhaven Condominium Building shall have a minimum square footage of 648 square feet. Each employee unit in the Comerstone Building shall haw a minimum square lootage of 600 square feel. There shall be a total of 2 employee drvelling units in he Watertord Building. One shall be a minimum of 300 square feet and the other a minimum of 800 square feet. The developer of Area D shall build 2 employee dwelling units in the Area D east building per the approved plan for the East Building. ln Area D one employee &velling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 795 square feet and the second employee drvelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 900 square feet. The GRFA and number of employee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA for sDD No. 4. In Area A, the GRFA and number of employee dwelling units shall be restricted as employee dwelling units for 20 years plus the life of Titfany Christine Lowenthal trom the date of final certificate ot ocdlpancy for said units except those units in the Comerstone and Waterford developments. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall be restricted as rential employee dwelling units permanently. In Areas A & D the following restrictions shall apply to all employee dwelling units except for those units in the Watertord and Cornerstone Buildings. The employee dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than 30 consecutive days, and that if rented, it shall be rented only to tenanb who are full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Mintum, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vall, and Avon and their sunounding areas. A tull time employee is a person who works an average of 30 hours per week. In Area A, if an employee dwelling unit is sold, it shall be sold only to a full time employee in the Upper Eagle Valley. The owner shall occupy the unit or lease/rent as per he requiremenb in this section. In Areas A & D the employee dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of timeshare, interval ownership, or lractional fee ownership. A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed on record in the otfice ot the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Town Attomey for the benefit of the Town to ensure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land 30 before a building permit is released for he construction of the employee units in either Area A or Area D. Belore any building permits shall be released for either the Comerstone or Watertord developments, the employee housing units shatl be permanently restricted per the Tonrn of Vail Housing Ordinance as follorrrs: 1. The EHU sfrall have a parking requirement of one (1) on-site parking space and the EHU shall be located 'on'the Town's bus route (as determined by the Town Zoning Administrator); 2. The EHU shall not be subdivided into any form of time shares, interval orvnerships, or fractional fee; 3. The EHU shall be leased, but only to tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle County. The EHU shall not be leased for a pedod less than hirty (30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this Section, a full-lime employee is one who worlG an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week; 4. No later than February 1 of each year, fre owner of the employee housing unit shall submit two (2) copies of a report (on a form to be obtained from the Community Development Department), to the Community Development Department of the Torn ol Vail and the Chairperson of the Town of Vail Housing Aufrrority, setting forth evidence estaUishing that each tenant whom resides wihin the employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County; 5. This agreement shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office. 18.46.230 TimeReouirements SDD No. 4 shall be governed by the procedures ouUined in Section 18.40.120 of the Town of Vail MunicipalCode. Section 4. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity ol the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares ii would have passed this ordinanca, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, dause or phrase thereof, regardless of the facl that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be dedared invalid. 31 Section 5. The repeal or he repeal and re-enactrnent of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affecl any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occuned prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution @mmen@d, nor any othet action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 6. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND OROERED PUBLISHED ONCE tN FULL ON FIRST READING this 18th day of May, 1993, and a public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on the lst day of June, 1993, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED by title only this 1st day of June, 1993. Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk 32 rrr'. i \ ^- \.a ' . V i:'. . .'- ' 'rt . ?.-.1t.?rt?t^ rt-.r t . .' . '...J . ..; - ...'.ElillIDIT {r\"' t . : - .. ._,_.'-. .- ..'.j.. .'.' . . t .-.. ..'..' '. . i 'JJ.'l'f n'.*' ' :.:'' --:'_- _.r id ':-.. ' u:rril:'::-. ,,.r, ,... XOELDEL PnOpEnTI .i : ", ' . -,-.ipi..r;.1 ',:'.QE!{ELOFiIE:!T AIIEA. .\.'. ..1 . rti.. . -.). . .rri?.;:) ;' ...:.-- :: ' . .. .. .:.{ j vall-nose..-:*'.; .,.-. 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':lj""t"il:' o{.j.che. ccntcr rrnc or Gore'!r"il:, ani iti;t-n;itieiry'ano':1.;'.:Easre:li,.;oli;those qertain trrcrs clc:lcribcci in go-ol: itt q,c na9'c'r06r...1: ;Dooli 2ll aL'Po9c 108 and Dool: 215 acl nagc 365, dc:cri!cd as'' ' lol'lotts : .'.tJ.: -'r:..'i'. : .... :..i..-' : ,',i, Dca.inning ot .a point, on Lhc l{ortlr-Soulh scntcr linc '. ' of said'.Scction. 12.whcncc.thc North guartc: corncs of sakl Sccticn . :'. lz beirs n. 00ols, x. ize l..ts l;;r,; f --- --- .. ;...d : '.;.i thcncc N.: ?5oI5.t E. 34 6.2i6 f ccL, ...o thc lrue poinE'of .' .lcainrting, iaid 'point bci'ng on thc sbuutr line of [hat t,iacc dLscribcdl : from thc .llorth quargcr corncr of said Sec:ion 12;. "i _.- -t, :,,1'-'i: thcncc. Nl ?.5oI5, E. ?1?.04 f ect along thc SouLlrcrly ' .:: ..'ll,nc of tlrat LracE 0cicribcd in Dook lg9,'fagc il7 to Llre cen-lsr .....';. ;.Ot GOrC::CfCc,k; lr;. :,t/'.,;. .1...f " . :-.'. i thcnie s. 28041' 1'1. 13o.gl fecu along the ccntcr 1inc '.; ; 9f 'sairl: Crecl'.;:ri'i :r'; ;" :!^ . .thencc S. O5o24rJOn D. I04.50 f,eet a].ong the cc,ntca .r llnc of-..baid:Crcekl'l '.r _-..:1.;." j . _ : 'thcnic i. .tgozgr 1'1. 95.50 fcct olong Lhc ccnigr"!.lnc . i' ..:of sa.td-,.prc_ck;.;.:'1,',,..;. . ,,' : i..:' . - .: - -thc,nce'S. 22o.34r tl. 124.47 fcct.utong thc ccnbcr linb :' f.l:'. of:.s41.{..Crgekt.irr.,..,. -..-:... . 'r i:1'-; ., . '''r' ot.cald'Crscktl.to.the.southcact eoilrer of tlrat Lertaln t,rast of i..... l'4n9.*.diqc5lbedr.in..D.ook- l1f ! -ra9c 108 ,..;.:1...'. ' ' - thcncc N."'31"1G.30" ll. .140.12 fcc,t, along thc Daslcrly. ..i.:'i..1:. Itng g.[.'.,tha;t-.Lr.ac,t, Q.cscrltrcd in Dook 2II at page 1OB; ...' :...''.:'.. . j;':,.,"nP,.hces..s'.tl.",ltilll;i'lilt''.1""t'ut:3;lg.[:ii i::l"iloo. non"'rbo;.1 '. . tlrqnccJN..- i 8Ge02r.30x l.l . :.6,2.92'teeL along thc uostherly . . ir.;linc of.r,!!91c ,tratls"dcicribcA tn nooi.- Zff :ic lige-f O0 Dook tii - r '.i ' i - .' "'iheiicc'H.-'iio5?rf,on lf.'76.08 fccL along thc ' Norr,hcusgcrry llnc of thDt, gract rlcscribcql in .oooli zt5 at lllgc .. . 3 65. to tlrc poin t of bca J rrnlngi. : tl'. 33 ti i '. i r.r.. rl I '.J.r ' . -.rl.i. . CO:ITI:.'UED .: 'a ; I' - .' . '.' : lr'.' !'i t:..,i,t. J.::: ': -:., '.IrIl Lha E parE.of _thc slrbi{El b.U i"Sr,lon 12, lylng. sorit orf " og ', Lt'rc cc,rr,cr' ot corc cfccp.. ."o'litiovn. on 'Elri .pla u:-on;,iir.i"ii,:ini:,ot!lsc o! t'he sagrc goylt'r irci['anrl rtcco!dcr'ns'Do'cuiicnr to'....97.1 99, dcrc:ibecl-as tolloivsi-;-; i.:::. nciinning tF !tq-Ilrt,heait^corncr of said sglltE!. ,::i..:...'. (,,:i:., :li!"3,::urh .BB033' r{csr r:r.ai-ic;; ;;-; ililii'in trri,icnrc,.orrii . thcncc .5outh 4 0o.g? | I.les r, 9.1 .04 f ccE along tlrc scnter 6f said CiE.r.li:thcncc sou r'h rB:?l | .l'rest, s.r. od !.ccc arong Ehc, ccnrcr ot sard crecp.'i:thcncc soui,h roiJl.r,,csc 2oi:0t i"or arong iiic iinrer o! sa.rrr creei.l.thcnce sourh rzili' r.rcsr-iiir.is-ruur-;i;;e-;;o-l"n.o" o! rairr c=eer:;thcnce south Zgo.lIr. NcsE.Sio.oo tccr; . ....,,...i r!. .!:..thcncc so.:r.lr 5o2.1.''o'-iooil1..i;;.oo-;l"u ir"rri'.llic.lcchrci.ol raid crcil:r ^ = --'''---'. thenei soirth 2?ooo'0?i rlcs t g5.24 f cc,t, urong the ccnic= o! rarrr , crc eL t - -^v"lJ ""\ 'thencc. south 5'too0r r{cst z5g.3,l fect. oronq ths centcr of sard creski ;;--:.1-'".{.r.,f,1: -'.. .thcnce south 6so3{t liesi, 1og.6z fee't''along-th"'cent'er of suld crcc!.i -:.i--''- -,,-: ' .:: J. . thcnce sourh 6939Ji l.lor!lruc.r: -f ccL along.thc'ccnror of salrl c=ccki 'ithcncc souch,.0so35,. l{csr .60. B8 f ;;i;"i;;!.tioI""nr,cr .oi raid crcck;ttrencc.ltorth 7??36' r{csr 26.96 fcei ;i;;i [iio'Ion""r oi satd c:ee].;. .thcncc.llorih 50ol?r l{cs!, I99.19 rccg iroig-ltil-ccn--er of said c=ce]..i th:ncc i'rori,h 38o40' l{cii 2j9:09 fccr, arone;ihe F;i;;;i;;l; I=eex;.thcncc south ?603s' l.lcsr s9.9r fecr arohe-ri;-ctht"r-oI-=ii;-;;;i';' .to a Foint. on thc ltesterly IinL of saia ilir:i.:shi :tl:ence South 0oI5t t.lcst 461.90 fccl L6lttrc-ccnicr,,of salcl Sctticn lll tlrcrrcc Nor:h 09.02r Easr, r102.65 f ecL aiorr,J-iiio. souirr"=r.1 ri"i-.r said. Slf!;liE! to thc Sou:.\cr'sc corncr ot, iaiO: ii.iluc.r;.tlrenbc lrorth ooo6, Easr, rfE.r.5i-ri"ic-iri-"i]!;;lErstcrt-v ltne oj s'aid sl'bllE:toE,hcl.torthca5Lcoracro4saicsriitl.::,..thcpo:'i:_-i--. bcginning 1 I AllD ' ; :. Thc I'lNksEh of scctlon 12, Torvns.hrp 5 souLh, nangc or"r.lcst of lheii :,:..Gth p.ll .-; ., , i.-.:.r.:...j, .. r..: :! r'', :..;',, .:,' i'"il,rD , .. ii:l ;.i.: , . ,:.;' 1'l s.,l1l._-that qat'1' of ' bhc sEl:l.lltri'of scction.l2.-_q'o:in:.Iip. 5 SouLh, nanii .,:' 81 t{cst,' of thc,6gh.r,..}r., lyin9 sourlrcrry of.,,tfg.lsoirrhcrly-i.is'hi "t uc_y line of U.S. ltigh.."'a], tto._6, as shor.,b on'Lh'e.'plag on liiclln tno of f icc of' Lhc Eagle county clcr.rr and Ilcsorder.'ai-Docurcnt uo.-52'id!,' Ccscribcd as.follows:.1 ' lnginning ob thc southcDst corncr of raid sir:fffii;thcrrcc SouLl.i B9oO2, I'lcsL'036.95 f ccE al.ong..thc..SouLhcrIv 1tn^ ,ra ja se-LNw,i"ro-o-iorni-on- Lrrc- souirr;rrt-;ie;;-';i";il'iiI".i?";if o ..'Iti ghuay r thincc'xorilr 52ol5r Eas! 105?.0] I!i_a-olong' thc:southcrry rlaht .gf.Hly tlnc of salcl hlghway 'co a potnr, on rhc. Eastcrry rlno-3i-jalrt.SEtNNt i thence'sout,h 0oJ.5t llcs! 628.21 fceE 1lolg.'th6 nascd,rly \tnc or'ooiA "gEr:Nltk to thc Southcast corncr of sald FElilfH!'r'.'ttrc poini-;f -:, .;-bcAl4nlng, ' ": .' '. .;.:. .': EIICEPT. TilE 'I=OLLOIiIIiG: 1 ' 'Lhat purt dcrcillca ln Dqok I00 at PP.gc 545't '.i 'r 1 '. -.' i- .. .1 :'.' '- that part dcscrlbcd J.n.ttol'. 191 al pagc 24I i 'thaE part descr.lbccl In Dool:, 203 at' pagc 231; 34 '...'....r.i. ? t 1..1 e ,.:,:collrr::uED " . t1': " "r .... t rit:.. iflut par.E dcscribca ln,.Dool.. 20J at page 5J1; 5:striit cc r ia i d'{.r-$q :*;jl".J^. ." iU ab.ov e -d c sc.;ibcc} pro.rc r tz,jjlocatcd- in . tlrg'iniie,rr"i3i ;ior'o'cro=!:, .wrrich..rhc pa:rics inr,cnrl . ;:. r:.'escrudd rriii riric- iii,ilillr,r; r;. ''. .i . I I I I " CC:GRlTi' PARC:LX .::'t ::,-'-J . .:t,.: -,.., .: ,'n li'cr'..of lend riruarcd in thc Sll l/4 NE l/4 of. r .1.'z;$e.c.tlo5rl1Z. Toxnshjp 5 South. Irang:-br ii"si' if-.. .., L!" 6tlr- frincipal t.tlrjtiian. iying:ltorit.rcii"i!1:'': " ::;o.[:."rhE:.cEnLer. i.jne of Gore CrieX,-dcsci jUe'O.cs . :Io'l'Iolis:i I .- 'i i ':.:.t:: , ,.t.i ..:r' ::,,.Deglnn'Jng.ar q po jnt. nhince thc, ltorrh QuarLcr '.. ii.g.Lo:-ncr:..rot.:saii Scctiqn l? bcars li. 1l?'.0J,.\,..:::2?97.,7:2:l ectt.Llrcncc S. 80.02'30" E. 89.50'-- Iecr:.thencc.S. 5q.42'30', 8. lC.g.E6 tcct:. r,hcnc:'.,,. ":;S;,:33116:.30"..t. lA0.l2 f bcr..io a'poia: in rhe r:r..;.c.cnLer-of:. sa jd. cr'cck: rlrcncc S. 63llA, 1.....J09..63 .:f eet.'a).ong, thc ccnrcr I jnq oI .said cre:k: th:ncr'.. .'r'..:r:.Sr:-69e.(r+::U..9(,.?B.fccr alonn the centc; line of . '' ":'i. s'iiri.,ci'dcki..tlrcnce li, 23"1 2'jo" uJ.'3 l?.)4 f c:r,to thc, poinr ol beg!nning, containing l.q5 gcrcJ r rrort o; Jcss. ' F.LsO DESCi.l Li! '. Dcninnjni tri a F'.rink tJl-,sriiu thc florth Qu::rtt'! Coiner oi sajrJ icc,tion If bcart 11. !l'03'tl. .l ( I ; n e t I L-a E n I i u li a ;a t.' 5 7 t h 0 + o 1 ,. tncncG ). J,. iJ JU L. .tor.'{9 l sELa L.rri ; "'"': ': .9i32o59'30:' E.'141.(7 f cct:Lo a polnL Jn lhe' "''!:.:1''31rj-";l"ijof said crcck: thcnsc S. 65'31'36" l' ':, Z?gt.?2 tcdt: rlrc-nce 5. 85'43'lq" E.'89.81 fs€.t'; . '.. thi-ncc S. 5?t?5'3(1" L. f69.qO It'et: llic,nce S. " ':4i.q',ro\q'10:'E-. 141-(7 feor:ro a ooJnu Jn the. ..,..,,:::i r s',e . 6.?. . r- q o : ^: J.?l g, lh: . s l ! : Lr l l : . "i., -^'_ ld. LI ".k t r:'i'31]jl;;l'cr jof said crcck; thcnsc s. 65'31'36" L'.':ir;'tn rr tt ?.,^> .'l F,-- tL.- r.66r ri,F 'l lnn ni :r{d nr s l lLr.t.bl lAe (. EJong Ene ECnICI Ilnc er .'.:Ju t;rsE tticriec"'S. (;9'oI '56" 1..r. 103:0? f cct aJong tlrn - rir-. -? - --,!l ----!-- -L^-'-- '1, u,larA'.t6.csnte; JJnc of -re jd crecki thence ll. 23'24'09" .1i..3)9.(r9 f crt to tha point oI bcElnnlng., i'.,.'..... ETll 'i""' ji:,::irond'f c .' ..r. . . 'r,.?:rc.lL-a F!..&r I Ef:':l^llTl't sn csnioent qr dcscrJbcd Jn'Docuncnr rd'Au;'.:.st '5,'l9hi, Jn'Dool 306 at"?sLe. 443 ,coydrd 5;r trro( 30] r,L Pr,ge 86 'of tht!'County..YccoIris.. r'. ' ..c,. ..ALSO' lncludJng o11 lroEBr and rrcll rlghts | ,.i-- n./- r'J. ^i -L -. -a - ,) - _ __rl_l _-a_-' ;,, ii.;.1i l;,e ilii i!"; ;t - i; ; ii;' tii".. { i ilcrJt g I t1 :t:it l:,''aoouitEnDnL io thc- lbove 'dc-i-crlbed ProPcrty.. ': :":hltriCing, r;j rhour llcitgr,jon, Vll) .Fcrojl.'l{o. ;; i ii'; i i"i'ii Ei'- oi-"i i'i'- ii i i''i i - c u''"'c c d' I n Cg r..ql'lto...'8(t C.!l 41 0, Ha t cr .p! vl s I on lio ' ) r 2 /t :.ii;:..'ti'' i.u-4,0, n;i;; nli'lstor. l:o. 5,'e tlo. I tlilJ --0.05 cfi) ' , I o c L l-l. &]' c tl o e t n {g D d u Y c j t I o c :1 hd ol al t I h r ' .'r..i r i" i.. j:. 'i.r ! :.ctF cf _EqgJ.c,gf 9,"Il,Il.r.pi ll .. ', , . . : 35 479-2138 '(D PM l" INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL E 75 OOFS PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 5.5'?f'ro, INSPECTION: n DATE WED THUR FRI _-? uJe NAME CALLER TUES REAOY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: \! tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: \ tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr.,UNDERGROUND f tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr.ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETFOCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr D tr FINAL MECHAI{ICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMEER OF PROJECT tl DATE , .' JOB NAME 6ALLER , r :' ,."' . ,i READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI -AM PM LOCATION: ''., ' , '/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. O ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING o tr D q ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK {1 ,', \.- - i,' O POOL / H. TUB o o'rtrunl tr E]FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL rE APPROVED .CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOF o NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT Pernit ALL TIMES #:895-0085 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Job Address:.Location...: Parce] No..:Project No.: 13OO WESTHAVEN DR WESTIN 2t03-1.2t-0 0-012 Department of Communiry Status. . .Applied.. Issued.. . Expires. . Development APPROVED 04/2t/Lee5 05/02/Lee5 L0/2e /ree5 APPLICANT FRAZEE, INC. 560 LIONS CLUB DR, MABLETON, GA 30059 CoNTRACTOR FRAZEE, rNC. Phone: 4049485555 Phone: 4049485555 560 LIONS CLUB DR, MABLETON, cA 30059.OWNER COLORADO NATIONAT BANK-ANCILLARY c/o JANET BONESTROO, pO BOX 5168, DENVER CO 8021? Description: CORRIDOR COSMETIC RENOVATION Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: I FR Type I Fire:Resistive Type Occupancy: VaLuation: 68,000 Add Sq Fu: F i reptace Infornation: Restpicted:#Of Gas AppI i ances:#0t Gas Logs:#0f l,ood/Pa L tet: ******rr*******#(**ffifidrtr*ffi***ti**i***ffi F€E SUHIIARY *********ff*********ff*ff**********it**ffiffi********,!*** Bui tding-----) ry0.00 Restuarant Pl,an Reviey--> .00 TotaL cal,cul.ated Fees---> 1,?1O.OO PLan Check---> 377,00 DRB Fee--------fnv.stigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .OO Total permit Fce________> 1,210.00 l.|if|'cat|.---->3.00C[can-UpDeposit-------->25o.ooPayments--_------------> **r*no**r**'.**,r***ffi*ffiHrr*-**l?li!lii:;;;;;;i-*******liill;H*******llll*i*lli;;;;;;;;;;;;i*******1iil9;**** Dept: BUILDING Divisionr Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division:Dept: PUB WORK Division: Dept: HEALTH Division: Dept: CLEBK Division: accurate ptot and plot p tan, subdivi sion REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TL'ENTY-FOUR HOURS rN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE 4r 17g-?13E oR AT OUR OFFICE FROn Send Ctlan-Up Deposit To: FRAZEE INC. vt4n,llrrffi< I!e.U! .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Q5/02/1995 DFt:t ection:- aFFn Ite.ry; "05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT--Q5/02/1995 DI.rr ecrion:- ApFn It'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Iteni .05500 PUBLIC woRKS Qt/2t/\925-cARy ection: AppR I!eB;'.Q5?Q0 ENVIRoNMENTAL HEALTH Q4/2t/tegs GARr AcEionf-eFpii Item:'.05900 LIOUOR 04/2I/t995 cAR:y Acrion: APPR ***Jrffi****t*ffi*************t*ff*ffitt*ffi*ffiffif*ffi***trtrf***ff****ffi*J.i********r.***ffi*ff*****ffi*ffiffiffi* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hcreby .acknov ledge thrt I have fead.this appl,ication, fil,Led out in ful,t thr information requircd, comptctcd an pLan, and stat' that all thc infortration. provided as requi red is correct. I aqree to conpty yith thc infornation to compty uith att Town ordinances-and state lavs, and io buil,d tnis iiructure-accoraing io'tr,. iorn;. :oning-"no codes, dcsign revieu approved, unitorn Buitding Code and other ord.inance" oi ifr"-iorn appt,icabl,e thereto.. 75 South Frontage Road Departnent of Community Development * * *Vtit &Wlttdt tI,65V * * * ************************************************************ 303 -479-2 1 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Perrnit #: 895-0085 ************************************************************************r.*rr***** ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT FRAZEE, INC. 404948s555 CONDITIONS as of 05/02/95 Status: APPROVED Pernit Type Applicant Job Address Locat,ion Parcel No Appliedt 0a/2t/L99s Issued: 05/02/1995 To Expire. lO/29/7995 WESTIN 2103-L2 t-00-012 Description: CORRIDOR COSMETIC RENOVATION Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. CONTRACTOR HAS COMMENTS FROM FIRE DEPARTMENT.4. REFER TO FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES ON BLUEPRINTS FOR REQUIREMENT R NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 895-0085 75 Soath Franrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 s03-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..:Project No.: 13OO WESTHAVEN DR WESTIN 2103-121-00-012 Departme nt of C ommunity Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Development APPROVED o4/2L/Lee5 05/02/ree5 Lo /2e /tee5 APPLICANT FRAZEE, INC. 560 LrONS CLUB DR, MABLETON, cA 30059 CONTRACTOR FRAZEE, INC. Phone: 4049485555 Phone : 4049485555 OWNER Description: CORRIDOR COSMETIC RENOVATION Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: I Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi raplace Information: Restr i ctcd: 560 LIONS CLUB DR, MABLETON, cA 30059. COLORADO NATIONAL BANK-ANCILLARY c/o JANET BONESTROO, pO BOX 5168, DEWER CO 80217 ********ff*ff**rrffithffii.*t*ffiffi***ff**********)h** FEE SUI'lllARy ******t#******r.*ffi**rr*#*ffi*ffi*rrfl****** Multi-FamiIy FR Type I Fire-Resistive 68, 000 #0f Gas App li ances: Add Sq Ft: #of Gas Logs:fof tlood/PaL l.et: Total Catculated Fees-->1,210.N .00 .00 AdditionaL Fees--------->.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 1,210,00 250.00 Paynents------- 8ui (ding----) Plan check---> Investigation> l,li l. L CaL L----) 5E0.0O Restuarant Ptan Revi ey-->377.@ DRB Fee--------.00 Recreation Fee---------->5.00 Clean-Up Deposi t--------> Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division:Dept: PUB WORK Division: Dept: HEALTH Division: Dept: CLERK Division: I!e.D! .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/02/L995 DAII Action: AFFR Iter!'! "05400 PLANNING DEFARTMENT--05/0211995 DAN Action: AFFR ItEm:, 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT _-__-- Ite.m: .05500 PUBLIC WORKS Q4/2J./L995 cAF.y Action: AppR ITe{|!',q57OO ENVIRoNMENTAL HEALTH 04/21/1995 cARy ect.ionj-AFpn di72i t?3l8o"otfr?uo* Acrion : AppR |Hridir**ffi***ffi*ffi**ff**ffi********ffi#*#**ffi'r'|f,**t*#***ff*ffi*#****ffiffi*****f,*ffi*ffi*H* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hcrcby acknovtedge that t hsvc retd.this €ppl.ication, fit ted out in fuu. the infornation requi red, cofipl.etrd €n Pl'an, and statc that alt th! informtion provided as nequired is correct. I agree to cornply Jith tirc ,iniornration to.compty lrith atl Tovn ondinances and stitc tars, and io buil,d this structure according io'the Tovn,s zonin! and codes, dcsign reviev approved, Uniforr Buitding codc and other ordinances of the Tovn afpticabLe thereto.' ' lccuratc ptot and ptot ptan, subdi vi sion REoUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-'OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT OUR OttICE tROt4 Send CLean-Up Oeposit To: FRAZEE INC. vtqu,ll,rffi< 75 South Frontage Road De parnnent of Comnunity Devehpment * * *Vdif tbtdf\tdtl6SV* t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 Permit #: 895-0085 t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS as of 05/02/95 SLatus: APPROVED Permit Type Applicant Job Address Location Parcel No ADD/ALT COMM BUII,D PERMT FRAZEE, INC. 40 49 485555 WESTIN 2103-L2l-00-012 Appliedz 04/27/t99s Issued z 05/A2/7995 To Expire: L0/29/1995 Description: CORRIDOR COSMETIC RENOVATION Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. CONTRACTOR HAS COMMENTS FROM FIRE DEPARTMENT. 4. REFER TO FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES ON BLUEPRINTS FOR REQUIREMENT s. REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE t r- D TIIdN I]F UFIIL CI:Il"1-DEU ID:305-479-2452 , Uos - tLt -oi- o t'L or* On=13 :32 No .003 P .0i P}:RI',IIT I ,R$0APR20l99t TOWN Otr VATL CONSTRUCTTON PER}IIT APPLICATION FORI'I DA[E. 4//4J/q< APPLICATIoN MUST BE FILLED OUT Co!,{PLETELY OR fT t{AY NOII BE AcCEPtrED *t*t***********t*t*r!r******** PERI{IT INFORITATION ******rr******t*!rrrr*****r***' f/-Auitatng I J*plunbing [ ]-Electrtcar I l-Mecbantcal [ ]-other Job Nane : Zt/at?.r,,Qe*or- (or*,/.o&zJob AddreEs I Legal Deecrlptlon: Lot_ Block_ Flllng ownetrs Nane; fu,fl,t*rrilfhtt. Address 381 I."t^qZ_?". S *r"ryph::i+*_ Architect, /Jr".atot.'l &thr<. Addressr t|qo | , o/it={ 'eituL- pnlfl*rpxu- c€n€ral Deocrlptlonl ,nail'A work Clase: 1 l-New C4-Xt ta tlu4l{i ( ,a-t, lhltA erc_ratlon I J-Additional t u,n-b epalr [ ]-Other Number of Dr^lelling Unlts: tr Nunber of Accomnodatlon Unlts 1 -1ot Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet r t ***la****************** otttsR: I TOTAL: EfEct Addre ***********!r********t****** Town of vail Reg. No.Ul:6 Phone Nunber: la*aoti _77 Town of vail Reg. No._-- Phone Nunber: Plumbing Contractor: Address;Town of Vail Reg. Nc. Phone Number: Town of Vall Reg, Phone Nutnper: Mechanical cor t r ai-:tor; Addrese. ************t*rrt*************a. FOR oFrrcE usE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * , " ****** BUILDING PERMIT FEE' PLUMBING PERI.{IT FEE: I'IECHANTCAL PERMIT FEEc BUIIJDINC PLIN CHECK FEE: PIJUMBINq PIAN CHECK FEE: !{ECHN{TCAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION. FEE: CT.8AN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI.. PERMIT FEES: 77Zaa /)lo.Lgo ELECTRICAL FEEI ry- OIHER TYPE OF FEES L,,ttCW DRB FEE: TYPE t'4 ll-- sQ.VAIJUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONXNGT 9IGNATURE!Connontg: #ru"r and Type of Flreplaces! cas Appllanr", 8 ^*******-.A\|?#AY******i**tr*** vALuA Ys t' ll.uMsrlt,;: t I fr****ra ** t ^ r r*********tl.r** CONtrR.ICIOR INFORI{ATfON t Eongral ConLractor: F*a zez y',y'.Eonsral conLractor: Faazet. _?rlc.AddreeE: 54o Lo.ts V- -_ rl i o tr o --fleld ',,t S/oF - OeL!*'d sblq; - [uA lu:P aJ/At]d ' 4 (oPit-t //'a'<- ,.1 e! TOLJN OF UffIL TO; FROM; DATE: RE: cOf'f-DEV ID:t0t-479-2452 r ,FpnOss MEMOFANDUM ALL CONTRACTOBS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, lgg{ WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 15 : lJ No .003 P .02 Job Name:5n/ Dalo; Pleas0 answer the followlng quesllonnalre regarding the need for a 'Publio Way Permir': YE..9 NO I have rEad and answered allths above qu stirl --- ) oJ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7l ,/ 8) A. ls the rlghi of way, easemenls or publio property to be utgd lor 6taging, pafiing or fencing? B, lf no to 8A, ls a parklng, staging or lenclng plan requlred by Community Development? It_V9u_ algyered yes lo any of thess questlons, e "Public Way Permit" must be obtalned. "Publlc Way Permlt' appllcallons may be obtalned at the Pubtic Work's otflcE or al C.onmunlty Development. lf you have-any questlons please callCha1te Davls, thE Town of Vall Constructlon Inspector, at 479-216S,. t/ ,Aur*;J ls this a new resldencg? ls demolilion work belng performed that require$ the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ts any ulifity work needed? fs the driveway belng rcpaved? ls different acrsss needed to slte gthar thsn existlng driveway? ls any drainage work bolng done affectlng the rfght of way, easem€nts, or public property? ls a'Flovocable Flght CI Way Permit' required? Job Name 4""Jon Contrac{ol's Sig natu r,e 44r TOLJN I]F VHiL I-D},1-DEV 05-4i9-2452 or* On=13:34 N0.003 P.05 quBLtc woRKs PEFM|T PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided wirh a buitdlno oermit app]Lgafion. lf ygs was answsred to any of the above guestions then e "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an appllcation at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drlve. 2l Notice sign olfs for utillty companies. All utllltles muet field verify (locate) respective utilitiee prior to signing appllcation. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to echedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a Eoparate sheet ol paper.An approved site plan may also be ueed, This plan will show locations of all tratflc control devlces(slgns, cones, etc..) and the work zons, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.,). This plan will explre on Ocr. 1sth. and will need to be reeubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted Indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). Thie may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job, 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's oflice for review. lf requlred, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electrioians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may requlre up to 48 hours to perform. 6) The Publio Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the statur and any thet may nooded, Most permits are rEleased wlthin 48 hours of being receivod, but please allow up to ono wsek to procss$, 7) As soon as the permlt ls proceesed, e copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permlf'to be releassd. Ptease do nol confuse the "Public Way Permit" wlth a "Buitding permit'to do work on e proiect itsetf. NOTE: r Tho above process la for work In a publlc way onty.' Publlc Way Fermlts ere velld only until November 15th.* A now Public Wry Permlt ls requtred eaoh yeer ll work 13 not oomplete. o !:5 ad/Pway ID :5t]3-479-2452 or* Ont 1J :34 No .003 P .04 rdtu r:F rrnIL cotl-DEU 75 South Frontuge Roud Vail, Colorqdo 81657 303-47e.2 I 38 / 47e"2 I 39 FAX 303.479.2452 t. 2. D.t pu / tm e nt of C oumrnity Det, e lopuenl ITTONUATION IfEEDED IItIgN APPLYII|o FOR I MECHAIITCAI, PINI|IT 3. 4, HEAT togg CAIJCUL,ATIONS. TO SCAtE I'I.,OOR PLAN OF MSCHANICAL ROOM WITI{ EOUIPMENT DRAWN IN lIO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RAIINCS OF AIJL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW Srzli AND I/OCATTON OF COMBUSTTON AIR DUCTs, ITLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETT{ER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL AT,SO BE INSTAI,LED IN MECHANICAI., ROOM. FAII.UIE AO PROVIDD XIIIS IBFOBT,IAIIOTI I|II.& DEIAT TOUN PERIIIT. TOWNOFVAIL TtrLJN LTF UF I L L]0I,1-DEV o IIr: I03-479-245:crn Jns 15 : J5 N0 .003 P .05 75 iodh tron||g. .o.d Yrll, color.do ClE57 (Not) 470.?r9r (rofl 17c.213t oltlce ol communlty devCopmont NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS,/O9INER BUILDERS Effect-ive June 20, 1991. the Town of Vail Lruilding Department has developed the followjng proccduros to ensure that nehr construction sltes have adeqtrateJy establlshed prof)er drainage from buildlng sites along and adjaecnt to'lown of V.riI roacl.q or st,reetts. Tho Town of Vail Public lilorks Depsrtment will be regulred to incpect and approve dralnagc adJacent to Town of Vail roads or atreeta and tbe Lnetalletlon of temporary or pennanent culvertg aL access polnta fron the roed or rtreet on to the constructl,on glte. Suclr a;:proval, nrust be obt,alned pr{or to any requese for lnspoetion by Lho Town of Vail lluilding Depart-ment for foottngs or ternporary olectrical or any other inspectlon. Plcase calI 4'19-2L60 to request art inspectlon fron the Publlc Works Departnent. /tllow a ninimum cf 24 hour notice. AIso, the town of Vail Publj.c Works Departmcrnt wilI I>e approvirrg a]l fina! drainage and culvort installatiorr witlr resulting road pacchi.ng as necessary. Such approval must l:re obLalned 1>rior to t'jrraI Certificate of Occupancy issuancc. TI:IIJN OF UFIL ItII'I-DEV I D : 503-479 -2452 . lnwn o 75 toulh fronlrgf rold eall, oolo''do 81857 (30r) 479-21,38 ot 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATEI SUBJECEI or*O 'n=13 :55 No .003 P.06 l|al rn sunmary, ordrnance No- 6 states that it rs unlawfur for any person to litter, track.or deposlt any =oil,-"oci, ""rro, debris or materiEl, lncruding trash iurt"cer", portabJ.e toilets and worknen vehlcree upon anv streer;-;ie;;.ik;-;ii;y or pubric pr?gr or anv porti6n trrEieoi.--ii. r19ht-oi-;;t-;r au. rown of Vaj.l etreets and,:gags ia approximately g ft. off pavemenr.rt'l:.crdinance hrj.rr bo.;ari;irt--inforeed by the Town of Vair Public l{or}ce Deoartrnent. pers3nE found vihiti"g thls ordlnance wltl. be glven a 24 hour writlen notrco to remove sald materiar.rn the cvent thc person so noti.fled.aoes-not-;;;piy wj,th the notlce wltlrrn the 24 rroui-trrne liecrfleo, rbe pubric works Departnent wtrl renove salo ;ite;iai-;a-;r,.--i*i,."le of person not^lfied' The provlsione or inis ordlnance shatl not be appllcable to c-onstructlon, -rot.ierr.rrce or repair proJects of any strest or alley or any utllltles in the ritfrl_"_*r"y. To.revlew Ordinance No. G Jn full, please stop by th' Town of Y:il_lll+ding Deparrnent ro obratn a copy. riranl you for your cooperation on thie natter. ollloe ol communlly d€y.lopn.nt TLI CONTRACTORS CURRENTI/YL REGISTERED I,TTH THE TOI^IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT llARcIl 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKINC & Ii{AIERIAI.. STORAGE edged by: -€.te. (i.e. contractor, owner) il-Jhlfl i-lF!,rFIL I 11 : l,Cl-419 -2452 t6 aouth trontegf io.d Yrll. colorrdo E 05t (t03) 479-2138 or 479-2139 I rJ1,1-DE\l a I]PR ln=13 : 56 No .0r13 P .07 olflcr ol communlly drvolopm.nl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE ll-lhr: permit, requlres a Town of Vatt Flre oepartment Approval,Lnglneer's (Publlc works) revlew and approval, a planning'Deparlnent revlew or Health Department revtew, and o review by the duiihi"d - - icpartment, the estinated time for a total review iay iu[e ai t6ng ':. three weel(s. ,l commerc'fal (large or sma'll ) ana all mu1il-fam'ily permits wilr iiave to follow the above mentioned maximum regulremints. iesicler-',lal and,smull projects_should take a lesser amouni of tlme. However, .;f resrdentlal or smaller proJects impact the varjous above mentiont. lillt:T31t:.w'lth resard. to necessary review, these projects may ars0 take the three week period, Every attenpt w1l'l be made by thls department to expedite this permit as soon as po>sible. ' I' the underslgned, understand the plan cneck procedure and time frame - '"tn Z-^t - /n*o*) Communi ty Devel opmen t Depa rtment. a jl -,1 o a #,-9p- Itr?APR ?o lttr votuilE ll GENERAL @TISTRUCIIOI{ SPECIHCANONS for TERRACE WNG GUESTROOM CORRIDORS and MAIN BUILDING RETAL CORRIDOR Ittt I}IE IYESNN RESORT YAII uo'' ::::'-o March 6, 1995 {e G , Ltd. - 1440 Norh Dayton, Suile 302 Chircago, lL 60622 - (312)642.0S03 VOLUME II GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS for TERRACE WING GUESTROOM CORRIDORS and MAIN BUILDING HETAIL COBRIDOR *i*t THE WESTIN RESORT VAIL VAIL, COLORADO March 6. 1995 Anderson/Miller, Ltd. - 1440 North Dayton, Suite 302 Chicago, lL 60622 - (312)642-0803 O Section 09900 Wallcovering Section 12200 Capel Section 16010 Electrical Power and Lighting Section 17000 Salvage Section 18000 FurnishingCoordinalion AD Drawings Archileclural Delails VOLUME II GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Seclion 00700 General Conditions Seclion01000 General Requiremenls Seclion02110 Demolition Section 06200 Carpenlry Section06400 ArchitecturalWoodwork FD Drawings Section 09250 Gypsum Drywall Section 09750 Resilient Finishes Section 09800 Paint SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditions General Conslruction and Finishes 1. PRINCIPLES AND DEFINITIONS 1..1 DOCUMENTS forming this conlract are the SPECIFICATIONS, including the General Condi- tions and the DRAWINGS. The Contracl shall be inclusive of all addenda and modifications incorporated therein prior to execution of ihe contract. 1..2 OWNER shall mean David Oswald Destination Hotels and Besorts 384 Inverness Drive South: ' Suile #100 phone: (303)799-3830 Englewood, CO 80112 fax (303)799-6011 1-21 OPEMTOR shall mean Chris Hanen & Pat Straughan Westin Resort Vail 1300 Weslhaven DrMe phone: (303) 476-7111 Vail, CO 81657 fax (303)470-7020 1..3 PURCHASING AGENT shall mean Margaret Evans & Pat Kugler New Serve, Inc. 30505 Bainbddge Hoad phone: (216)498-0335 Solon, OH 44139 fax; (216)498-0868 1..4 ARCH|TECTshallmean Anderson/Miller, Lld. 1440 North Dayton, Suite 302 phone: (312)642-0803 Chicago,lL 60622 fax (312)642-8661 1..41 INTERIOR DESIGNER shallmean Associates lll 1516 Blake Street phone: (303)534-4444 Denver, CO 80202 fax (303)629-5035 1..5 GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall mean the person, firm or corporation fumishing labor or material. or both. lo lhe General Conlractor. 1..6 SUBCONTRACTOR includes any person, lirm, or coporation fumishing labor or material, or SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditions General Conslruction and Finishes 1..7 1..8 both, to the General Contraclor. WORK as employed herein, includes any material, equipment, construction, labor, or service necessary lor the construction prescribed by the Contract Documents. SIMILAR shall apply in its general sense and not as meaning identical, and all contingent details of construction shall be worked out in proper relation to their particular location and connection to other parts ol work. ADDENDA covering changes, corrections, and special inlerpretalions of the drawings and specilications, shall become a parl ol the Contract Documents. APPROVED, ACCEPTABLE, 0R SATISFACTORY shallbe understood to mean approved by acceptable to, or salisfaclory lo the CONSULTANT. Equal or approved equal items and substilutions thereof shall be considered only prior to time of bid. DISCREPANCIES. INCONGRUITIES lt is the responsibility of the General Contractor where obserued disagreement occurs between drawings and specifications, or within either concerning same in proposal. Thereatter lhe ilem or arrangement of better quality, greater quantity, or higher cost shall be included in lhe bid. WRITTEN NOTICE shall be deemed as duly served if delivered in person to the individual, to a member of he firm, or to an oflicer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or senl by registered mail to the last business address ol such individual, firm or corporation, known to him who gives notice. 'OR EQUAL": Where 'or equal" is specified, samples shall be submitled with proposals for approval by the Consullant. 1..9 1..10 1..12 1..11 2. 3. 1..13 EXECUTION. CORRELATION AND INTENT OF DOCUMENTS 2..1 The Conlract DocumenF are complementary and what is called for by any one shall be as binding as if called for by all, il being the intent of lhe Contract to include all work required to complete the construction as indicated therein, excepting only that work which is explicilly mentioned or indicated as omitled lrom the contact. DMWINGS. SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS 3..1 Unless othen'vise provided in lhe Contract Documenls, the Consullant shall lumish with reasonable promptness any required additional instruclions, by means of drawings and/or specifications necessary for the proper execution ol the work. The wo* shall be executed in conformity lherewith and the Contractor shall do no wok withoul proper drawings an/or instruclions. All such drawings shall be consistent with lhe Contract Documents, true develop- ments lhereof and reasonably inferable therefrom. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Condilions General Construction and Finishes 4. 3..2 All drawings, specifications and copies lhereot, lurnished by lhe CONSULTANT, are the OWNER'S propeny. They are not to be used on other work, and with the exception of ihe signed Contract sel, are to be returned to the CONSULTANT al the completion of the work. GENERAT CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY 4..1 The General Conlractor shall verify at the structure or site all measurements indicated on the drawings and shall eslablish conectness of all lines, levels, and positions for all pafts of his work. The General Contractor shall be responsible for all work done under his conlract, including faulty or improper work ol subcontractors and others under him by contracl or othenruise. The General Contraclor shall be responsible lor the conduct of this employees and agenls on the site and shall maintain good order on the premises where work on the project is canied on. 4..2 The General Contractol shall diligently execute the work and give his personal attenlion and supervision lo same until completed. When absent from lhe work, he shall leave a competent person in charge who shall be authorized t0 act lor him. Any foreman in charge ol any workman working alone on the work, shall be deemed a representative of the General Conlrac- tor, giving and carrying out inslructions related thereto. 4..3 lt is not incumbent upon the Owner and/or his agenl to notify lhe General Contractor to attend to or have in readiness such work or material as operalions may require, it being deemed that the General Contractor shall be responsible lor all delays caused by neglect on his parl or those under him by contracl or othenrise. 4..4 The Owner reserves the dght to employ olher contractors for work in conneclion with this projecl, The General Contractor shall atlord other contractors access lo areas in which he is working and reasonable oppofiunity to carry oul theirwork so that progress ol construction will not be delayed. 4..5 Where General Contractor unnecessarily culs, damages, or removes work of olher contractors, or through negligence fails lo notity others regarding space requirements lor his work, or gives incorrect information or dimensions regarding same, said General Contraclor shall be fully responsible for conecling, at his own expense, any damaged or incorrect work caused by his acb or omissions. 4,.6 In all cases where a General Contraclor causes or is alleged to have caused damages to any other contractor, the General Contractor shall settle all claims against him. It any contractor sues lhe Owner for damages alleged to have been sustained because ol the General Contract- o/s work, General Contractor shall defend such proceedings, satisty any judgement awarded and pay all expenses arising because of such aclion, SUBCONTMCTORS 5..1 The name and address of all subcontractors shall be furnished to the Purchasing Agent and the SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditions General Construclion and Finishes selection of subconlractors must be approved by them; and if in their judgment any failure to prosecute the work in strict accordance with the drawings or the General Contractor, atler due notice from the Owner or his agent, shall discharge the same, but this shall in now way release the General Contractor from his obligations and responsibility under the Contract. 5..2 Every subcontractor shall be bound by the terms and provisions of the contract documents so far as applicable to his work. Nothing contained herein shall create any contraclual relation between any subconlractor and the Owner. 5..3 The General Contraclor shall be fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of his Subcontractors. 6. PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES 6..1 The General Contraclor shall give all notices required by law and comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations bearing on lhe conduct of the work as drawn and specified. The General Contraclor shall obtain any permits required by the City, Stale or governing body and shall pay all fees required. Any work upon which an inspection certificate by local authorities, National Fire Protection Association, and/or goveming body is required, such inspection certificate or cerlilicates shall be obtained by the General Conlractor and shall be paid for by him. LAWS AND ORDI|,IANCES 7..1 All work and materials shall comply with the 1991 Edition of lhe Uniform Building Code, Electric Code, Plumbing Code, all currents modifications, and with all other applicable local, Stale and Federal laws, Municipal ordinances, regulations and directions of Inspectors appointed by proper authorities having judsdiction. In the eved hat the conditions of the specifications violate the Code of any industry, such Code condilions shall prevail; the General Contraclor shall so state in his bid where the code is at variance with these specificalions. Electrical unils shall be U.L. labeled. ACCESS, AUTHORITY AND STOPPAGE 8..1 Representatives of the Owner and/or his agent shall have access at all times during the progress ol the work lo any place wh6re the wort is being performed, and the General Contractor shall provide sullicient and proper facilities for the inspection ol the work or materials. The aforementioned represenlatives shall have the ilght to inspect all malerials and work, and to rejecl same if in their judgment lhey are not in conformity with the drawing and specifications. All rejecled work or materials shall be immediately replaced lo conform with the drawings and specifications. a t. 8. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Condilions General Construction and Finishes 8..3 The aforementioned representatives shall have the right to order the work of the General Conlractor or any subconlractor wholly or partially stopped it in lheir judgment the materials furnished or lhe work being done is nol in strict accordance with the provisions and specilica- tions, or until any objectionable person or material is removed from the premises, and shall have the right to declare the contract forfeited for nonperformance when not being executed ac- cording to the intenl and meaning ol the contract, drawings and specifications. Such stoppage, suspension or forfeilure shall not in any way invalidate any other lerms of the contract and no exka charges shall be made. CHANGES IN THE WORK 9..1 The Owner and/or his agent may, at any time during the progress of the work, request that alterations, devialions, additions, or omissions be made to or from the work as indicated and specilied. Such changes shall be made only in pursuance ol the wrilten instructions of the Owner or his agent and shall in no way effect ihe related contract, either as 1o lime for completion, contract price, or work to be done, except as expressly stated in such authorizalion. No changes shall be made, nor will bills lor changes, alteralions, modificalions, deviations, and extra orders be recognized or paid for, except upon the writlen order lrom the Oryner and/or his agent. No ovenime shall be allowed, except upon the written order of the Owner. No changes in construction from that as detailed and specified hereinafter may be used, unless upon written consenl and approval of lhe Owner or his agent for such subslitutes. Authorized changes shall be by written Change Order by the Consultants (after Contract is let). Prior to conlract being lel, changes shall be by Addendum only. 10.ERRORS, AMBIGUITIES AND OMISSIONS Any errors, ambiguities or omissions in drawings and specifications shall be reporled lo the Owner and/or his agent for coneclion before any parl of the work involved is stafled. Unless othenrise expressly stipulated, no addilional allowances will be made in the General Contrac- to/s favor because ol errors, ambiguities and/or omissions which should reasonably have been discovered by him during the preparation of bid estimate and directed to the attention of the Owner and/or his agent in a timely manner. The written decision ol the Owner and/or his agent willbe final. 11.PUBLIC LIABILITY, CASUALW AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSUMNCE, EI'C. 11..1 The General Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense, procure and maintain public liability and casualty insunarrce in an amount salisfactory to the Owner in order to protect himsell and the Owner from personal injury, including death, which may arise from operations under this contract, whelher such operations be by himsell or by any subconlractor or anyone directly or indireclly employed. The General Contraclor shall, at his own cost and expense, procure and maintain adequate workmen's compensation insurance in an amount salisfactory to the Owner and sufficient to 9..2 10..1 11..2 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditions General Conslruction and Finishes 11..3 11..4 11,.5 protect him and his subconlractors and the Owner from any claims under the Workmen's Compensation Law, it being expressly understood and agreed that all persons employed directly or indirectly in connection with said work by the Contractor or any ol his subcontraclors will be considered to be the employees of such General Contraclor or subcontractors and nol lhe employees of lhe Owner. Certilicales of Public Liability, Casualty and Workmen's Compensation shall be liled with the Owner il he so requires, and will be sublecl to his approval both as to amount and adequacy of ils protection. The General Conlractor shall make all payments in accordance with the unemployment, old age, and social security provisions of the Federal, State and Municipal governments and all governing bodies pursuanl to law for that purpose made and provided, whether enacted at the time or prior lo the execulion ol the contracl or during the progress of lhe work hereunder; and shall assume all liabilities for lhe compliance of the requirements thereo{. The General Contractor shall assume all liabilities for injuries to or loss of any of the Owne/s property, or lhe property of any other contractor which may be employed by the Owner of said premises or to any adioining property or the property of any third person which may be caused directly or indirectly by lhe General Conlractor, his subcontraclors and by the employees of each of them and shall at his own cost and expense indemnify lhe Owner tor and make good any such damage, loss or theft. The liability ol lhe General Contractor under this covenant is absolute and is nol dependenl upon lhe queslion of negligence on his, his subcontractors or their employees, and lhe lailure of the Owner to direct the General Contraclor to take any paili- cular caution or refrain from doing any particular act, will not excuse the General Contraclor in any case of such damage. 12. 13. FIRE INSURANCE 12..1 The General Contractor shall be solely liable for all materials slored in and about the building, and for the work maledal installe4 but not yel approved by lhe Olner and/or his agenl and for which payment has not been made or approved, and shall carry adequale fire insurance in amounl satislactory to Ovner covering the same. PATENT ROYALTIES. FEES AND LICENSES 13..1 The General Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. All patent royalties, lees and licenses make necessary by the use of patented mehods of construction, appliances, equip ment or devic€s in the work shall be paid by the General Contraclor, and shall defend, indemnity, and hold hamless the Owner against any and all claims of hose holding or claiming the hold letters, patents covering leatures of conskuction, appliances, equipment or devices, so used. No palent or patent pending article, melhod or device which required the payment of any license fee or royalty in addilion to lhe purchase price shall be used in the work of the Generial Contraclor without the prior approval ol the Owner and/or his agenl. 15. 16. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Condilions General Construction and Finishes 14. SIGNS 14..1 No signs or nameplales of any t),pe shall be allowed to be displayed on any parl ol this work or on or about the Owne/s premises unless so aulhorized in writing by the Owner and/or his agenl. CUTTING AND FITTING 15..1 The General Contractor shall cooperate wilh olher Contractors in fitting his work to their work. Any cutling in lixtures required by other contraclors shall be borne by the General Gonhactor. PLASTER PATCHING 16..1 The General Contraclor shall be liable and responsible lor any plaster patching required by reason of his work, and as caused by the negligence of his employees. Patches of any kind so required, will be repaired and charged to him. This General Contractor is hereby cautioned to take the necessary precautions to protect lhe plaster work coming in conlact with his equip- ment. CLEAR WAY 17..1 Bubbish and debds resulting lrom work of the General Conlractor shall be cleared away from time to time and the site rnaintained in a reasonably clean and ordedy condition at all times, Upon completion of his work, all tools, appliances, equipment and surplus material shall be removed from the premises and unless olhenrise directed, the finished work letl in a neat, clean and serviceable condilion acceplable to the Owner and /or his agent. TBADE UNIONS 18..1 All work to be perlormed in connection with this contract shall be done by workmen or firms whose employees are nol objectionable in any way to the various lrade unions in lhe construc- tion of the premises. The General Contractor shall be wholly responsible for all trade union relations and lhe Owner shall not be liable in any way through delays or claims arising through such causes. lt is the responsibility of the General Contractor to meet all local union conditions. GUARANTEES AND BONDS 19..1 All furnishingq lixtures and equipmenl furnished by the General Contractor shall be guaranteed against defects in workmanship and material. Repairs of such delects during the lirst year atler linal completion and acceptance of the installation will be made by lhe General Contractor at his own cost and expense and without charge lo the Owner. All such repairs and replacements shall be made at a lime and at houts satisfactory to the Owner. 19..2 The General Contractor shall be required if the Orner and or his Agent requests, lo obtain a Performance and Paymenl Bond for the amount of lhe Contract. 17. 18. 19. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - GeneralConditions General Construction and Finishes COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 20..1 The General Contraclor shall coordinate his work and the work ol his subcontractors wilh any other contractor's work in a manner as to avoid delays, misunderstandings and disagreemenls. He shall actively cooperate with others engaged on this prolect and anange and execule his work and the work of his subcontractors in such a manner and at such times as will cause lhe least possible intenuption in, or obstruclions to lhe work of others. The General Contraclor shall advise all other conhactors as to lealures of conslruction required in his work to receive, engage, support or olherwise interface wilh the various parts of their particular work, and ol all easemenls and tolerances required to properly execute same. Eelore starling work the General Contractor shall examine such work of others as may atfect work under his charge, and repod in wriling to the Consullant all conditions deviating from lhe requiremenls of the drawings and specificalions, faulty or improper work, and all other condi- tions arising lrom said work of others whereby his work may be impaired. He shall otherwise assure himself that all conditions are, or will be, such as will permit proper execution of his work. The act ol staning any specific operation will be deemed as evidencing acceptance by the General Conlractor of all related existing conditions or work of other conlractors as being satisfactory for successful and proper execution of his wod<,. 20..2 20..3 20..4 21.EXECUTION OF WORK 21..1 lt is the intenl of the OwneriOonsullant that lhe workmanship and materials and methods used to perform and execute lhe work be of lhe best practices and the finest quality. The Contractor is expected lo comply with the spirit, as well as to the letter wilh which the specifications are written. 21..2 Unless otheruise stipulated, lhe General Conlractor shall provide and pay for all malerials, labor, tools, equipmenl, transporlation and other facilities necessary for the execution and completion of the work. The General Contractor shall lurnish and provide the following: Temporary power and light as may be required facilitate the inslallation of the equipment; reasonable openings and storage space to permit convenient delivery ol the equipment. The General Contractor shall check conditions at the building, particularly openings and passages to insure access of equipment and materials. Any such items that are too bulky for existing facilities are to be hoisled and/or othenvise handled wilh proper apparatus to be paid tor by General Coniractor. It is the responsibility of the General Contractor to coordinate delivery and anange protecled storage of materials, equipment and fixtures associated with his work prior to installation. The schedule for lhis effoi shall be prepared by the General Contractor and submitted lo the Con- sultant for approval. This schedule shall not conflict with other contracto/s work nor creale circumstances for merchandise to be damaged. 21..3 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditions General Construction and Finishes 21..4 Damaged work, equipment, or fixlures due to inadequale protection, or untimely inslallation shall be removed and replaced by the General Contraclor at no cost to lhe Owner. r r r.r. *rrr ENDoF sEcTloN 00700 r. r r * | rr' r SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements General Construction and Finishes 1.PROJECT COORDINATION 1..1 Coordinate the Work; do not delegate responsibility for coordination to any subcontraclor. Anticipate the intenelationship of all subcontraclors and lheir telationship with the total work. Resolve ditlerences or disputes between subcontraclors and materials suppliers concern- ing coordination, interference, or exlent of Work between SECTIONS. The Contracto/s decisions. lf consistent with the Conhact Document requirements, shall be linal, Coordinate the work ol subcontraclors and material suppliers, so that their Work is perlormed in a rnanner lo minimize intederence with, and to lacilitate the progress. Be responsible lor seeing lhat anchorage, blocking, joining, and other detailing are provided as required. f. Do not obstruct spaces required by Code in lront of electrical equipment, access doors, etc. S. Do not cover any piping, wiring, duct, etc., until properly inspected and approved and until proper cenificates have been issued. h. Remove and replace any and all Work under any SECTION which is not in accordance with lhe Contract Documents with other materials and Work which is in conlormance wilh the Contracl Documents. Repair or replace all other Work damaged by lhese operations at no increase in Contract Price. 1..2 Eleclrical and Mechanical Coordination: a. Work out all 'tighl'conditions involving Work of various SECTIONS in advance ol installation. lf necessary, and belore Work proceeds in these areas, prepare supplemen- tary Drawings for revievy showing all Work in 'lighl' areas. Provide supplementary Drawings and additional Work necessary to overcome 'tight' conditions, at no increase in Contract Pdce. SUBMITTALS 2..1 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED: a. b. 2. Submit shop drawings, product data and samples required by Specifications Seclions. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements General Construction and Finishes a b. Submil progress reports. 2..2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS a, General Conditions b. Manutacturers Instructions: Wheie any item of work is required by Conhact Documenls to be furnished, installed or perlormed in accordance wilh a specilied producl manufactur- e/s instructions, the Contractor shall procure and distribule the necessary copies of such instruclions to Owner, Designer, Architecl, Operator, and Putchasing Agent and shall furnish, install or perlorm the Work in strict accordance therewilh. 2..3 SHOP DRAWINGS a. Informalion required on shop drawings shall be presented in a clear and thorough manner. (1) Delails shall be idenlified by relerence lo drawing and detail, schedule, or room numbers shown on Drawings and Specifications. 2..4 PBODUCT DATA a. Preparation (1) Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent products ol models. (2) Shop performance characteristics and capacities. (3) Show dimensions and clearances required. b. Manufacture/s standard schematic drawings and diagrams: (1) Modity drawings and diagrams to delete information which is not applicable to the Work. (21 Supplement standard information to provide inlormation specilically applicable to the Work. 2..5 SAMPLES a. Otlice samples shall be of sufficienl size and quality to clearly illustrate: (1) Functional characterislics ol the product, with integrally related paft and attach- ment devices. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements General Construction and Finishes (21 Full range of color, texture, and pattern. b. Field Samples and Mock Ups: (1) Contraclor shall erect mock ups at the Prolect Site, at a location acceptable to the Projeci Manager. (21 Size of Area: That specilied in the respective Specification Section. (3) Fabricate each sample and mock-up complete and finished. 2,6 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES a. Review shop drawings, product data, and samples prior to submissions. b. Determine and verity: (1) Field measuremenls (2) Field conslruction criteria (3) Calalog numbers and similar data (4) ConlormancewithSpecilications c. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of the Work and of the Drawings and Specificalions. d. Notity the ArchitecUDesigner in writing, al time of submission, of any deviations in lhe submittals from requirements ol the Drawings and Specifications. e. Begin no fabricalion ol work which requires submittals unlil retum of submittals wilh Ar- chitecUDesigne/s approval. 2..7 SUBMISSION REOUIREMENTS a. Make submithls promptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such sequence as lo cause no delay in lhe Work or in the work ol any other contraclor. b. Number ol Submitlals Required: (1) Shop Drawings: Submit one reproducible transparency (which will be relumed for reproduction and dislribulion by the Contracto$ and two opaque reproduc- tions (which will be used for checking and will nol be retumed). (21 Product Data: Submilthe number of copies which the Contractor requires, plus two which will be retained by lhe designer. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements General Conslruction and Finishes (3) Samples: Submit the number stated in each Specification Section. c. Submitlals shall conlain; (1) The date ol submission and the dates of any previous submissions. (2) The project title and number. (3) Contract identitication (4) The names ot: (a) Contractor (b) Supplier (c) Manulacturer (5) ldentilication of the product, with the Specilicalion Section number. (6) Field dimensions, clearly identified as such. (7) Relation to adjacent or critical leatures of the Work or materials. (8) Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification Numbers. (g) ldentification of deviations from Drawings and Specifications. (10) ldentilication of revisions on resubmitlals. (11) Conlractor's stamp, initiated or signed, certifying to review of submittal, verifica- lion of products, field measuremenls and field construction crileria, and coordina- tion of the information within the submittal with requirements of the Work and ol the Drawings and Specifications. 2,8 RESUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS a. Make any corrections or changes in the submittals required, and resubmil until approved. b. Shop Drawings and Product Data: (l) Revise initial drawings or data, and resubmit as specilied for lhe initial submittal. (2) Indicate any changes which have been made other than lhose requested. c. Samples: Submil new samples as required for initial submittal. o SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements General Construction and Finishes 2,.9 DISTRIBUTION a. Reproduce and dislribute copies of shop drawings and copies of producl dala to: (1) Other affected contraclors (2\ Subcontraclors (3) Supplier or tabricalor b. Distribute samples as directed. 3. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 3,.1 PBODUCTS a. Products include material, equipment and syslems. b. Comply with Specilications and relerenced standards as minimum requiremenls. (1) Products shall be suilable for service conditions. (21 Required equipment capacities, sizes and dimensions shall be adhered to, unless varialions are specilically approved in writing. (3) Do nol use material or equipment for any purpose other than lor which it is designed or specified. c. Componenls required to be supplied in quantig wilhin a Specilication section shall be the same, and shall be inlerchangeable. Do nol use material or equipment removed from existing struclure, except as specifically required, or allowed by Contract Documents. (1) Where items are indicated to be reused, use special care in removal, handling, storage and reinstallalion, lo assure proper function in completed Work. 3,.2 WORKMANSHIP a. Comply with industry standards except when more restrictive lolerances or requirements indicate more rigid standards or precise workmanship. b. Pedorm work by persons qualified to produce workmanship ol specilied quality. c. Secure products in place wilh positive anchorage devices designed and sized to with- sland stresses, vibration, and racking. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements General Construction and Finishes 3..3 MANUFACTURERS'INSTRUCTIONS a. When work is specified to comply with manufacturers' instructions, submit copies as specilied in llem 2.0 Submittals, distribute copies to persions involved, and maintain one set in field olfice, b. Perform work in accordance with details of instruclions and specilied requirements. Should a conflict exist between Specilications and instructions, consult with ArchitecUDes- igner. (1) Do not proceed with work without clear instruclions. 3..4 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING a. Anange deliveries in accordance with Construction Progress Schedule; coordinate deliveiles lo avoid conllict with work and sile conditions. b. Transporl products by melhods to avoid producl damage, deliver in undamaged condition in manufacturer's unopened containers or packaging bearing manufacturer's name, brand and trademark, or other designation such as grade or type specified. c. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods 10 prevent soiling or damage. d. Promptly inspect shipments lo assure that products comply with requirements, quantities are conecl, and products are undamaged. 3..5 STORAGE AND PROTECTION a. Slore products in accordance with manufacture/s instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather-tight enclosures; maintain within lemperature and humidity ranges required by manufacture/s instructions. b. For exledor storage ol labdcated products, place on sloped supports above ground. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering, provide ventilation to avoid condensation. c. Anange s{orage to provide access for inspection. Periodically inspect to assure products are undamaged and are maintained under required condilions. d. Afler inslallalion, provide coverings to protect products lrom damage from tratlic and construction openations, remove when no longer needed. 3..6 TRADE MATERIALS AND STANDARDS SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Hequirements General Construction and Finishes a. Various specilicalion sections list lrade manuals and standards which govern quality and workmanship adopted as criteria by lrades involved. b. A copy ol each listed manual or standard will be made available for reference, or information will be furnished regarding how copies of manuals and slandards may be obtained. (1) Submil written request lor each manual and slandard, indicaling specification section relerence. 4. SUBSTITUTIONS AND PBODUCT OPTIONS 4..1 PRODUCTS LIST a. Submit five copies of complele lisl of major products which are proposed for installation, b. Tabulate products by specification seclion number and title. c. For products specilied only by reference slandards, list for each such product: (1) Name and address ol manufaclurer (2) Trade name (3) Model or calalog designation (4) Manufacture/s data:(a) Reterence standards (b) Perlormance test data 4..2 CONIBACTOR'S OPTTONS a. For products specitied only by reference standard, select product meeting that standard, by any manufacturer. b. For producls specified by naming several product or manufacturers, select any one of producls and manufacturers named which complies with Specilicalions. c. For producls specilied by naming one or more products or manufacturers, submit a request as for substilutions, lor any product or manufacturer which is not specifically named. 4..3 SUBSTITUTIONS a. Purchasing Agent or assigned Archilect\Designer, within a period of 35 calendar days, atler of contract, will consider formal requesb from the Contraclor for substitutions ot products in place of those specified. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements General Construction and Finishes (1) Complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with require- ments stated in Conlract Documents: (a) Product identificalion, including manufacturer's name and address. (b) Manufaclure/sliterature; identify: (i) Products description (iD Reterence standards (iiO Performance and test data (c) Samples, as applicable (d) Name and address ol similar projects on which product has been used, and data of each installation. (2) ltemized comparison ol the proposed substitution with product specified; list significant varialions. (3) Data relating to changes in construclion schedule. (4) Any etfecl of subslitution on separale contracts. (5) List o{ changes required on other work or products. (6) Accurate cost data comparing proposed substitution with product specified. (7) Designation ol required license fees or royalties. (8) Designation of availability of maintenance services, sources of replacement materials. b. Subslitulions will not be considered for acceptance when: (1) They are indicated or implied on shop drawings or product data submittals withoul a formal request from Conlractor. (21 They are requested directly by a subcontractor supplier. (3) Acceplance will require substantial revision ol Contract Documents. (4) Insufficient information is submitted. c. Substitule produc{s shall not be ordered or installed without prior written approval and acceplance of Purchasing Agent or assigned ArchitecUDesigner. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements General Construction and Finishes d. Purchasing Agent or assigned ArchitecUDesigner will determine acceptability of proposed subslitutions and reseryes the right to relecl proposals due to insufficient information. 4..4 CONTMCTOR'S REPRESENTATION a. In making lormal request lor substilution, Contractor represents that: (1) He has investigated proposed product and has determined that it is equal to or superior in all respecls to that specilied. (2) He will provide same wananties lor substitution as for product specilied. (3) He will coordinale installation ol accepted substitution into lhe Work and will make srch changes as may be required for the Work lo be complele in all respects. (4) He waives claims for additional costs caused by subslitution which may subse- quenlly become appareni. (5) The Conlractor shall be responsible for the etfect ol any substilution upon relaled Work in the Project, and shall include the Contract Price all additional costs generated by any substilutions, including lhe cost of the Designe/s additional services thereby made necessary. 4..5 ARCHITECT/DESIGNERS a. Review Contractor's requests for substrlutions wilh reasonable promptness. b. Notify Contractor, in writing, of Architect/Designe/s decision to accept or reject requesled subslitution. 5. CLEANING 5..1 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED a. Execute cleaning during progress of the Work and al completion of the Work as required by General Conditions. 5..2 REI.ATED REQUIREMENTS a. Cleaning for Specified Products or Work Each Specifications Section. 5..3 DISPOSAL REOUIREMENT a. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations to comply with codes, ordinances, regulations, SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements General Construction and Finishes and antipollution laws. 5..4 MATERIALS a. Use only those cleaning materials which will nol create hazards to health or propefy and will not damage surfaces. b. Use only lhose cleaning materials and methods recommended by manufacturer of the surface material to be cleaned. c. Use cleaning malerials only on surfaces recommended by cleaning material manufactur- er. 5..5 DURING CONSTRUCTION a. Execute periodic cleaning to keep lhe Worh the site, and adjacenl properties free from accumulalion il waste materials, rubbish, and windblown debris resulting from construc- tion operations. b. Provide on-site conlainers for the collection ol waste materials, debris and rubbish. c. Remove wasle materials, debris, and rubbish lrom the site periodically, and dispose of at legal areas away from the site. d. Dispose of wasts materials, debris and rubbish at legal dumping areas ofl City property. e. Bemove and dispose ol pile cutotfs. 5..6 DUST CONTHOL a. Wet down dry material and rubbish so as to prevent blowing dust during entire construc- tion period, including nonworking hours and weekends. b. Clean interior space prior to the start of finish painting, and continue cleaning on as- needed basis untilpainting is finished. 5..7 FINAL CLEANING a. Employ skilled workmen for final cleaning, b. Remove grease, mastic, adhesives, dust, dirt, stains, fingerprints, labels, and other loreign malerials from sight exposed surlaces. c. Wash and shine glazing and mirrors. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requiremenls General Conslruction and Finishes d. Polish glossy surfaces to a clear shine. e. Prior lo linal completion, Conlractor shall conduct an inspection of sight-exposed inlerior and exlerior surfaces and all work areas lo verilv that the entire Work is clean. 6. WABHANTIESAND BONDS 6..1 All fumishings, fixtures and equipment lurnished by lhe General Contractor should be guaran- teed against delects in workmanship and materials. Repairs ol such defects during the first year after linal completion and acceplance ol the installation will be made by the General Contractor at his own cost and expense and without charge to the Owner. All such repairs and replacements shall be made at a time and at hours satisfactory to the Owner. 6..2 The Contractor shall nol be held responsible for defects due to misuse, negligence, willlul damage, improper maintenance, or accident caused by Others, or shall he be responsible lor delective parls whose replacemenl is necessilated by failure of the Owne/s maintenance forces to properly clean and service lhem, provided the Contractor has lurnished complele operaling and mainlenance inslructions lo the Owner. O 6..3 In addition to other requirements specilied herein: a. Compile specilied service and maintenance contract. b. Co-execute submittals when so specified. c, Review submitlals lo verity compliance wilh Contracl Documents. d. Submit to Purchasing Agenl for review and transmitlal to the Oyvner. 6..4 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS a. Assemble guaranlees, bonds and service and maintenance contracts, execul€d by each of lhe respective manufacturers, suppliers, and subcontraclors. b. Number ol odginalsigned copies required: Two (2) each. c. Table of Contents: Neatly typed, in orderly sequence. Provide complete information for each item, including: (1) Product or Work item. (21 Firm name, with name of principal, address and telephone number. (3) Scope. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements General Construction and Finishes (4) Date of beginning of guarantee, bond or service and maintenance contract. (5) ouration ol guaranlee, bond or service and maintenance contract (6) Provide informalion for Owner's personnel: (a) Proper procedure in case ol failure.(b) Circumstances which might atler the validity ol guarantee or bond. (7) Conlractor's name, name ol responsible principal, address and lelephone number. 6..5 TIME OF SUBMITTALS a. Within len (10) days after date of substantial completion, prior to linal request for payment. b. For items of Work, where acceptance is delayed materially beyond lhe date of subslantial completion, provide updated submittal within ten (10) days after acceptance, listing the date ol acceplance as the start of the guarantee period. 6..6 SUBMITTALS REQUIRED a. Submit guarantees, bonds, service and mainlenance contracls specilied in the individual Sections, t t t t t *.. t. END 0F sEcTloN 01000 r * | | | r r. r t SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02110 - Demolilion General Conslruction and Finishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 RELATED DOCUMENTS a. Work of this seciion is subject to r€quirements, both legal-contractual and procedural, of lhe Supplementary General Condilions. 1..2 The extent of the demolition work shall include bul is not limiled to lhe following: a, Removal of existing carpe( pad, tackskips and base material and preparation of surlaces to receive new as specified. b. Bemoval of existing wallcovering and prepantion of surfaces lo receive new as specified. c. Removal of existing wall sconces at the elevator lobbies. c. Removal of all existing corner guards and preparation/repair ol surfaces to receive new as specilied. d. Removal of existing specular eggcrate baffles at existing light valances. 1..3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK a. Perform all work of a demolition nature thal may be required or necessary to a full and complele execution ol the Work, whether or not shown or specified. Exact extent of demolition may not be fully indicaled by the Drawings. Determine lhe nature and exlent of demolition that will be necessary by comparing the Contract Documents with existing conditions. (1) Demolition includes the removaland disposal ol demolished materials. (21 The following ilems shall be removed, cleaned, and fumished to the proper trades for reinstallation al in the same locations: (a) Exit signs (b) Light lixtures (c) Thresholds (d) Door slops, sprinkler escutcheons, smoke detectors, themostab, door signage, directional signage, etc., as requiled for the installation of new finishes (e) Recephcle and switch coverplates (3) Excepl for items to be reused or salvaged, all items to be removed as pan ol the work shall become lhe property of the Contraclor and shall be removed lrom the SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 021 10 - Demolition General Construclion and Finishes 1..4 site at lhe Contractor's expense. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: (1) Patching of concrete and cement, linish, masonry, lurring, plaster, paint patching, painting, and so forth following demolilion is part of the work of the respective trade sections ol the specifications. (2) Removal and relocation of items such as piping, plumbing fixtures, water coolers, and fire hose cabinets: Division 15 Mechanical. (3) Removal and relocation ol ductwork and heating ventilating systems: Division 15 Mechanical. (4) Removal and relocation of electrical systems and equipment: Division 16 Electrical. SUBMITTALS a. Schedule: Demolition: (1) Submit proposed methods and operalions of demolition lo lhe Owner lor review prior to the staft of work. Include in the schedule the coordination for shul-ofl, capping, and continuation of utility services required. Do not interrupt existing utilities withoul at least 24 hours advance nolice to Owner. (2) Provide a detailed sequence of demolition and removal work lo ensure the uninterrupted progft,ss of the Owneis operations. No wo* shall commence wilhout prior approval by the Owner except where work will nol interfere with the Owne/s operations. JOB CONDITIONS a. ExistingConditions: (1) The Drawings indicate existing conditions to the extent possible in examination of struc{ure prior to stan ol demolition work. Reporl to the Owner and the Architect any conditions uncovered which require remedial measures, especially where re- quired to maintain slructural slability. b. Parlial Removal: llems ol salvable value to the Contractor may be removed from the building as the work progresses. Salvaged items must be transported lrom the site as they are removed. (l) Storage or sale of removed items on the site will not be permitted. 1..5 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02110 - Demolilion General Conslruction and Finishes 2. 3. (21 Owne/s approval musl be oblained lor removal of salvaged items. Traffic: Conducl demolition operations and lhe removal of debris lo ensure minimum inlerlerence with roads, streets, walks, corridors, exits, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. (1) Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, corridots, or other occupied ot used facilities without permission lrom authorities having lurisdiction. Protection: Ensure the sale passage of persons around or through the area ol demoli- tion. Conduct operalions to prevent iniury lo adjacent existing construction, fumiture, equipment and facilities, and persons. Provide temporary, dusl proof partitions dividing demolition and construction work from occupied areas or equipment. Locate partitions lo prohibit unaulhorized traffic to or through areas where work is in progress. Anange and construcl to provide ample space around work area and to keep dust and dirt out of non-conslruction areas. Equip partitions with duslproof doors and secure with locks as approved by Owner. f. Provide temporary sealing and weather tight proleclion for all work exposed by reasons of the above which would olhenrvise subiect lhe interior ol the building lo damage by waler or inclemenl wealher conditions. S. Damage; Promptly repair damage caused to adjacent facilities by demolition operations. h. Utility Services: Mainlain existing utilities, indicaled lo remain, keep in service, and protect against damage during demolition operations. (1) Do not interrupt existing utilities serving occupied or used lacilities, excepl when authorized in writing by authorities having jurisdiclion and by the Owner. Provide temporary services during interruptions to the existing utililies, as acceplable to the goveming authorities. MATEHhLS AND METHODS 2..1 Not Appllcable. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3..1 DEMOLITION General: (1) Perform cutting lor removal of ilems and materials which will interfere with or be incongruous wilh the work of this conlract. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 021l0 - Demolition General Construclion and Finishes (2) Cut holes in lloors, walls, and ceilings where indicaled and/or necessary for lhe installation of the new work. (3) All cuts shall be saw cuts to achieve clean edges. (4) Perform demolition in an orderly sequence. (5) Perlorm noisy cutting or breaking operations during specific hours scheduled with the Owner. (6) Clean adjacenl areas of dust, dirl, and debds caused by demolition operalions. Beturn adjacent areas lo condition existing prior lo the start of the work. 3-2 STRUCTURAL CONSIDEMTIONS a. Cutling ol structural members will not be permitted unless specifically shown on Draw- ings. Notity Owner and Architecl in writing of any unlorseen condilions. Coordinate demolilion with structural requiremenls. b. Cutting lhrough structural floors and walls shall be done by means of coring only. 3..3 ACOUSTICAL CEILING PANELS AND ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE a. Remove existing ceiling tile and Mechanical grilles and discard. b. Remove all lighl fixtures and exil signs. Repair and refinish for installation in new location. Relamp at Owne/s expense. See Eleclrical Orawings for new location. c. Existing main runners ol ceiling grid to remain. Realign remainder ol ceiling grid syslem lo conlorm with new layout. Patch grid work as required to pro-vide a complete ceiling system. Replace all damaged pieces. Repaint existing grid to malch new ceiling grid elements. 3..4 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS a. General: Al frequent intervals, remove from lhe site debris, rubbish, and olher materials resulting from demolition operations. b. Removal: (1) Dispose of debris off the site. r r r r r END oF sEcTloN (12110' "' * Azlza/o5 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06200 - Carpentry General Conslruction and Finishes 2. SCOPE OF WORK 1..1 The General Contractor in accordance wilh the specificalions, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall fumish lhe necessary labor and materials lo perform the requirements of the work specilied herein. 1..2 The extent of carpentry work shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Beinlorce areas as required to receive new decorative millwork valance pieces. See Section 06400 Archileclural Woodwork. b. Furnish and install all architectural specialty items as noted on drawings and specified herein. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 Provide the necessary wood blocking, grounds, nailers, etc., necessary lor installation of items specified in olher sections of this specification. This wood shall have a maximum moisture content of 190/o at lime of dressing and shall be suilable for paint where exposed to view. 2.2 Insulation, where installed, to be 3' Fiberglass, RF-4 as manufactured by Owens Corning or equal. 2,3 Furnish and install all miscellaneous metal kim pieces, angles and channels necessary to complete conslruction and/or shown on drawings. Finish to be as indicaled on drawings. 2..4 Fumish and install floor to ceiling Kydex comer guards with adhesive backing where noted on g,CQddryt every exposed ouler edge 90 degtee comer. Guards to be ubmit sample to AML for approval prior lo produclion. Dimen- omer guards to be inslalled using an adhesive that properly adheres Wdll-sillffce. Manulacturer Kydex, PO Box 3248, 147 Pendleton St. N.W., Aiken, (803) 642-6864. Cut guards as required for inshllation in field. 2..5 Fumish and install new Kydex protective wallcovering and hollow metal do he drawings. Guards and wallcovering to b Submit sample to AML for approval prior to piti 147 Pendleton St. N.W., Aiken, SC 29801, ons: them ld Fumish and inslall new Kydex protectiye wallcovering al the lower level soffil as inidicated on the drawings. Color to be #K-3 Porcelain. Texture lo be Haircell. Gauge to be .028. Submit sample to AML for approval prior to production. Manufacturer: Kydex, PO Box 32,18, 147 Pendleton St. N.W., Aiken, SC 29801, (803)642-6864. Fumish and install new Kydex comerguard at exposed soflit edges in the Main Building lower SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06200 - Carpentry General Conslruction and Finishes 2..10 2..11 2..12 3..1 3..3 3..4 3..5 2..8 2..9 Examine lhe substrates and suppoding struclure and the conditions under which the work specified in this section is to be installed, and remedy conditions detrimental lo the work. Do not proceed wilh the installalion unlil unsatisfaclory condilions have been corrected. Remove all unused, disoonnected, or abandoned ilems such as ducls, pipes, and conduits. Do not leave such unused items in place, regardless of whether they will be visible or concealed in the ftnished work Cooperated with the Owner to schedule demolition, cam€ntry and utility service interruplions to provide minimum interference and disruption in the normal operation of the facilig. Existing wort to be removed shall, in general, be as indicated on the drawings and shall include other existing materials and work necessary to install new work indicaled and specified. Remove designated interior struc'tures, parts, and linishes at beginning ol work to minimize hazardous working conditions and to provide comparatively clean surfaces for installation of new work. Provide all necessary temporary enclosures lo adequately prolecl persons from possible iniury. Az/zz/ea Supply all fasteners as necessary to complete the work. Where possible, any rouling or milling shall be shop labricated. Wood shall be treated with flame+etardant process where required by local code. Should lhis process cause change in color and ellect on finish material, the General Contractor shall notify the Consultant. Special care shall be exercised to protect all finishes and other items to remain as noled on the drawings. a. Damage or disturbance to these items shall be promptly restored, repaired, or replaced lo match existing at no cost to the Owner. b. lf the Contractor has any questions on the extent of items to remain, he shall notify the Designer and requesl a clarification before proceeding. Provide bracing and support as required to maintain integdty and security of portion of existing slructures lo remain. 3.EXECUTION AND INSTATI-ATION level conidor. Color to be #K-3 Porcelain. Dimensions: 1-112' x 1-112'. Corner guards to be installed using an adhesive that propeily adheres lhem to the surlace intended. Manufacturer: Kydex, PO 8ox3248, 147 Pendleton Sl. N.W., Aiken, SC 29801, (803)642-6864. Cut guards as required for installation in field. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06200 - Carpentry General Construction and Finishes a. Damage or disturbance to these items shall be promptly reslored, repaired, or replaced to match existing al no cosl to the Owner. b. ll the Contractor has any questions on lhe extent of items to remain, he shall notify the Designer and request a clarilication before proceeding. 2..9 Provide bracing and suppoft as required to maintain integrity and security ol portion of existing slructures lo remain. 3. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3..1 Examine the substrates and supporting structure and the conditions under which the work specified in this section is to be installed, and remedy conditions detrimental to the work. Do not proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3..2 Remove all unused, disconnected, or abandoned ilems such as duc{s, pipes, and conduits. Do not leave such unused ilems in place, regardless of whelher they will be visible or concealed in the finished work. 3..3 Cooperated with the Owner to schedule demolition, carpentry and utility seMce intenuptions to provide minimum inlerference and disruption in the normal operation of the facilig.3..4 Exisling work lo be removed shall, in general, be as indicated on the drawings and shall include olher exisling materials and work necessary lo install new wo* indicated and specified. 3..5 Remove designaled inlerior structures, parts, and finishes at beginning of work to minimize hazardous working conditions and to provide comparatively clean surlaces for installation of new work. 3..6 Provide all necessary temporary enclosures to adequately protecl persons lrom possible iniury. a. Provide necessary temporary partitions, enclosure coverings, and the like for confining dust and debris to areas of lhe building in which demolition and/or alteralions are being perlormed. 3..7 Remove lrom the premises and dispose ol in a legal manner all debds, existing material, and ilems designated for demolition, unless othenrise noted. Burning at the site is prohibited. Selling salvaged matedal at the site is prohibiled. 3,.8 Retum areas to neat and acceptable condition, appropriate to the continuance of the project. 3..9 Sel carpentry work accurately to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true, and accurately cut and fitted. O 3..10 Discard units of material with delects which might impair the quality of work and units which are loo small to labdcate the work wilh minimum loints or optimum ioint arrangement. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06200 - Catpentry General Construclion and Finishes 3..11 Corner joints shall be mitered unless otherwise noled. 3..12 Patch all floor, wall, and ceiling areas atlecled by demolition of walls etc. and finish all exposed suffaces to match adjacent surfaces. 3..13 Securely attach all work specified for installation under this section of the specilications lo subslrales by anchoring and lastening as shown, or as recommended by manufacturers, or as required by recognized standards. Countersink finishing nail heads on exposed carpentry and lill holes. Install fasteners without splitting wood; pre-drill as required. Make tight connections between members. 3..14 The Conlractor shall coordinate Valance work with Architectural Woodwork Section - 06400, Reinforce walls, if necessary, so that fasleners may atlach to support. Patch all work for installation of new wallcovering. r r r r r r. END sEcTloN 06200 r I r r i r * SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06400 - Architectural Woodwork General Conslruction and Finishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The General Contractor in accordance with lhe specifications, SECTION 00700 - General Conditions, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to perform the requiremenls of the work specified herein. 1..2 The exlent of Archileclural Woodwork shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Furnish and install all materials necessary to conslruct and install all fixtures as indicaied on FD drawings. b, All wood to be fire retardant to meet local codes. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 All plywood and lumber shall be thoroughly seasoned and kiln dried before being used, and on delivery shall have a moisture content nol in excess ol 12% unless othenlrise noted on- drawings. 2..2 Woods a. Solid Slock Shall be clear, stnighFgrain lumber of the best grade ol the species listed by the National Hardwood Lumber Association. Lumber shall be free ol mineral or sapwood streaks, checks or olher defects. (1) For Face Woods: Shall be selected for straight grain with uniform color and grain suitable for use wilh the finished plyvrood with which it is used. (2) ForUnexoosedWoods: Shall be Ponderosa Pine, GradeA, andshall bearlhe grade, mark and shmp ol Westem Pine Associalions. Where unexposed woods come into contact wilh drawers, they shall be Birch or Maple, Unselect. b. Veneer Core: Shall be clear straightgrain lumber of lhe best grade of the species as listed by lhe National Hardware Lumber Association. Lumber shall be free of sapwood streaks. checks or other defects. Shall be glued with water-resistant resin glue or approved equal and processed by the hot phte method. 1/4' Oryerall thickness shall be ol 3-ply veneer core conslruction V8'Overall thickness shall be of S-ply veneer core construction 1/2' Overall lhickness shall be of $ply veneer core construction SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06400 - Architectural Woodwork General Construction and Finishes 3/4' Ovenall thickness shall be of 7-ply veneer core construction 1' Overall thickness shall be of 9-ply veneer core construction For Face Woods: Finishes shall be selecled and matched by the Equipment Contractor with the respect to cutting lengths, uniformity of color, figure, and grain character. Face veneers shall not conlain open joints, face depressions, glue stain or other manulacturing inegularities. All visible veneer to be rift cul (not rotary cut) and tuchitectural Quality. Stain color lo be as specified in malerial reference sheets this section. For Unexposed WooG: Shall be Birch or Douglas Fir, rolary cut, Unselect, good one side, interior type plywood, Grade A-B; Grade A faces shall not conlain plugs, knots, pilch pockets, splits, rough grain or other open defecb. For Plastic Lamination: Shall be minimum 3/4' Mahogany face core plywood, good one side. c. Masonite: Shall be 1/8' thick tempered Presdwood, as manufactured by Masonite Coryoration, Chicago, lllinois, ar an approved equal, Minors: Shall be labricaled of 1i4'thick polished plate glass and Grade A silver quality as manulactured by Libbey-Owens-Ford Co., or equal. Shall be manulaclured wilh two coats of silver applied to properly processed glass Silver film shall be exterior coat of special hard composition paint All mirors shall be guaranteed againsl silver oxidation. Glass: Shall be of varying lhickness and color. Ghss to be tempered glass of glazing quality as manufactured by Piftsburgh Plate Glass Co., or approved equal, unless specified otheruise. Glue and Adhesives: a. For Cabinet Woft Requiring pdmary load bearing, moisture areas and plaslic laminating, Weldu/ood Plastic Resin glue as distributed by U,S. Plywood Corporalion, Los Angeles, Calilomia, shall be used. b. For Cabinel Wok: Where pdmary load bearing is not involved, white polyvinyl glue under the brand names Presto Sel Glue, as distributed by U.S. Plywood Cotp., Los Angeles, Califomia, or an approved equal, may be used. Hardware: Hardware shall be of solid material and where exposed shall be casl bnass, plated as specilied. Hardwood shall be provided with necessary facilities for locking, unless othenrise specified. All locks shall be masterkeyed. Samples of all hardware shall be fumished to Consultanis for approval. All doors lo have brass hinges and screws. Mastic; (1) (2) (3) 2..4 2..5 2..8 2..7 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06400 - Architectural Woodwork General Construction and Finishes 2..9 a. For Mirror and Glass Setlinq: Shall be Minor-mastic, as manufactured by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co., Los Angeles, California. Paint All paint and other finish materials shall be pure, unadulterated, best qualig from Specified Paint Company or equal. All items where paint is required, shall be shop painted, except where impractical or olherwise specified. Plaslic Laminale: Shall be Formica, Laminart, Nevamar, or Equal, of solid or photographic patlern. Colors and textures shall be as selected by the Consultanls; shall be standard type unless othemise specified. Shop Drawinqs: Shop drawings must be submitted. Submil shop drawings showing location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevalion, large scale details, attachmenl devices and other componenis. Show provisions and cutouls for mechanical and electrical work. Samoles: All samples shall be submitted in sulficient time for approval and such ilems shall nol proceed unless authorized in writing. Wood: Hardwood and veneers shall be Oak, Walnut, or equal. As indicated on drawings. Wood shall be trealed wilh flame retardant process where required by local code. Should this process cause change in color and etlecl on finish material, the General Contractor shall notify the consultant, All Hardwood and Hardwood Veneer to have matte lacquer finish. All doors to have finger pull detail or as othenivise indicated All edge lippings to be hardwood pinned and glued to edge of unit. 2..10 2..11 2..12 2..13 2..14 2..15 2..16 3.EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3..1 Examine the substrates and suppoding struclure and the conditions under which the work specified in this section is to be installed and remedy conditions detrimental to the work. Do not ptoceed with installaiion until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. The General Contractor shall verity all lield dimensions prior to fabrications of millwo*. The following general requirements shall govem lhe construction of the custom-built lixtures, except where olherwise noled. Work shall be performed by skilled mechanics of the trade and shall be of the highesl quality ol the drawings and specifications. All Fixtures shall be made up al the mill and assembled in single and complete units insofar as ihe dimensions thereol will permit shipment to and installation at lhe building. Large pieces requiring sectional construction shall have their several parts accurately 3..2 3..3 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06400 - Architeclural Woodnork General Construction and Finishes fitted and aligned with each other and be provided with ample screws, dowels, mortises and tenons, screws, bolts, or suitable means ol concealed fastening, as required to render the work substantial, rigid and permanently secured in proper position lo each relaled seclion. Suflicient additional material shall be allowed lo permit accurate scribing to walls, floors and related wo*; and due allowance made wherever possible for such shrinkage as may develop afler installation. All single and sectional unils shall be provided wilh adequate cleating, blocking, crating and other lorms of protection as required to preclude damages thereto during shipping and handling. Framino and blockinq members shall be assembled with bolted and screwed connections, and shall be secured to the struclural backings with cinch, expansion screws, or toggle bolls, as required; so spaced and installed as to ensure ample slrength and rigidity. Bails and stiles shall be mortised and lenoned, work neatly mitered and membered, all butt joints made flush and smooth, and all permanenl joints made up with water-resistant glue. All fixtures shall be assembled without face screws or nails, except where it may be necessary to atlach trim items. All face screws or nails which are necessary to attach trim ilems shall be countensunk and plastic wood of wood plugs used lo cover heads, and the plug neatly touched up. The heads of all screws used in any assemble shall be countersunk below the surface. r' r r r END sEcTloN Qt{p r r r r r Material Reference ttortat Conidors FTNTsHES wood DATE 3-6-95 KEY DESCRIPTION MFG/SOURCE SWATCH WD.1 Location: New mouldings to be applied valance. Species & Finish: Cherry stained to match control sample (Gueslroom Color and Finish) Submit sample lor approval. To Bid sl c.l 9l :l Eh Pllu,UI|] o,r lC v'rla @ tt- \I 6">rl atr 'o\ o 'j a+/ "\o\U]F.'?\ !o BE ?g ?is cxl. Ei EJ lg f! s$; &o lo rt ^6 l.o ae,(+ +(NU o IJ ! I q, z. a v. l"A 9i o I d g I t u I t o u c t 6 P o fi \s {- I t_ I tC) A \ lll Hlld 5lilrl Ll gLr EdF ;-(-J4 F(/)F El F {a E J D L) j I F u EI (,/) trJ u z. l-l F (,/) l_d I Fl ot -El.,rolc _,lA =l-€lj @ I I sl ot -El'" eld glr @ el ar a u c a,r o u o +, t t0 *n ET t,.o o fs vl bl a,I HT L .t,.t, 5! al +,o z I Hl o z il LJ F t r.J I dl (Jl (4l JI dt tJ J d L)(/, 3l EI -l tl jl il UJ J tr F E F a EI J E LJ j H I F u E (A LJ u =F q tJ UI .9 l-6 o c .t, E c o c o P b9 .r 5 tl !l (\t o \o FI !!d 4+UO a/t z UI 5l 3l *l -cl .91 -rl GJI 5l Fl. eti o t.t iltq 'li ro lE 613 @ E o (- u o o- t u d o l/l o I 3 o z ? .8 ul ul d T a J cl L E L o U + UI s a EO UE ={ g.e sfi 2d i-a !E P U o CL ut u (t g It I )o z te 3E c!u !8 !IE E: "iEs l< It E rtt isI t zF 6=:o,Au (.O 0rf c bb?u.g 6 bef )t" -L Ir d {FE 7uE io-c c ,o .t u UI 6 P 6, o -c *s 6J eg b.9 ir-oo uo ;rE )* -L'tr x0,tft is C -o S tjl E,a Qo L sfi u€ Ht E;c'>t 0 9c + >'l e6. 'i8 o .E U U <U Ei !r !H o tl loJ IA Ird tl II le 3l ,l ilil ul -t It 4F c) .(c @F J -{ H al xl :l zl LI J h F El a u E J EI U J { F u. trl (A LI g. z F V) Ld I {tr z, I $l it LJ F c F 8p L:d= ag aO g' h3c b-*fi )t; *l'u d {il;TUE .i ds 6 .e I.. U o a UI 14 6 a l,tl I ) 1T z rl !{ gf; !s E8 o o tl -ll it I ;l.1 3il u t-,{ ES 1-A E]c] u tl J E L) j I F u Ell (Al LJI (vl -l zl r-{ |FI u)l st Autra/oa SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09250 - Gypsum Drywall General Construction and Finishes I SCOPE OF WORK '1..1 The General Contractor in accordance with the specifications, shall lurnish the necessary labor and materials to perlorm the requirements ol the work specified herein. 1..2 The extent il gypsum drywall shall include but is not limited to the lollowing: MATERIALS AND METHOOS 2..1 Sleelstuds - ASTM C645;25 gauge. Depth of Seclion: 3-Sl8' - 2-112', to match existing condition. Runneis Match sluds: type recommended by stud manufacturer for floor and ceiling support ol studs and lor vertical abulmenl of drywall work at other existing work. 2..2 Gypsum Board: ASTM C36. Provide in maximum lengths to minimize end-to-end butt joints. a. 5i8'thickness unless othenrvise noted, gpical. b. Type: Regular for rooms and waterproof type for baths. 2..3 Trim Accessories: Provide manufacture/s standard trim accessories of types indicated lor drywall work, lormed ol galvanized steel expanded flanges for nailing and beaded for conceal- menl of flanges in joint compound. Provide corner beads, and V-shaped one-piece conlrol joint beaG. 2..4 Joint Tape: Perforated, cross laminated paper type. 2..5 Joint Compound: Ready-mixed vinyl type for interior use. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION Examine lhe subslrates and the spaces to receive gypsum drywall, and the conditions under which gypsum drpvall is to installed; and remedy any conditions detdmental to the wo*, Do not proceed with lhe installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corecled in a manner acceptable to the installer. a. b. 3. a. Furnish and install all materials necessary to cut, palch or repair walls as noted on drawings and delails and specified herein. Review other seclions lor palching work 1o be included under Gypsum Drywall - 09250. (i.e., electrical, mechanical elc.) b. Furnlsh and install all materials n-ecessary to install new drywall ceilings at lhe 3..1 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09250 - Gypsum Drywall General Conslruction and Finishes 3..3 Teminale panition slud syslem at ceilings. 3..4 Space studs at 16" O.C. 3..5 Frame door openings with verlical studs securely atlached by screws at each jamb either direclly lo lrames or to jamb anchor clips on door frame. Inslall runner track sections al head and secure lo jamb studs. 3.,6 Install wall boards veilically to avoid end-butt joinis wherever possible. 3..7 Inslall exposed gypsum board wilh lace side out. Do not inslall imperfecl, damaged or damp boards. Buttboardstogetherforlightcontactatedgesandends(notmorethanl/16"open space between boards). Do not force in to place. 3..8 Install metal comer beads at external corners ol drywall work. 3..9 Install melal edge trim whenever edge of gypsum board would otherwise be exposed or semi- exposed. 3.,10 Finishing ol Drywall: Apply at gypsum board joints, llanges of trim accessories, penelrations, fastener heads, surlace defects and elsewhere as required. a. Apply joint tape at joints between gypsum boards. b. Apply joint compound in three coats and sand between last two coats and after last coat. Avoid raising the nap of lhe paper when sanding. 3..11 Perform all necessary patching of gypsum drywall construction after the work of other trades. Review all other sections and architectural drawings for intormation. 3..12 Remove all dlscarded construction debris (i.e., gypsum board, bead, stud r€mnanls, etc.) at the end of each day ol work. 3..13 Prolect lhe work of other lrades from damage by gypsum drywall installation. Conect any damage by repairing, cleaning or replacing as required. At the completion of the work by other trades, touch up and restore all damaged or defaced surlaces and finish to match eisting surfaces. I t r r t t.. *. END oF sEcTloN 09250.. r * r i r r r r SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09750 - Resilieni Finishes General Construction and Finishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The General Contractor in accordance wilh lhe specifications, SECTION 00700 - GENEBAL CONDITIONS, shall lurnish the necessary labor and materials lo perlorm the requirements of the work specified herein. 1..2 The extent of Resilient Finish work shall include but not limited to lhe lollowing: a. Furnish and install new vinyl lloor in vending areas as noted on drawings, and specilied herein. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 Primers and Adhesives: Primers and adhesives to be cut back type asphaltic products of approved brands and recommended and guaranteed by the manufacturer ol the floor tile and accessories. Adhesives shall nol be used for wall work or vice-versa. Adhesive shall be walerprool. Reolacemenl Malerial At completion of the work, deliver to Owne/s representative replace- ment material in the amount of one (1) box for every 50 installed for lile and 32 lineal feet of base for use of the Owneis mainlenance forces. All materials, articles, and accessories incorporated in the work shall be type and quality specified herein and subject to the Archilect's and Owne/s approval. Methods of preparation, construction, and inslallation of such malerials, articles and accessories shall be shictly in accordance with accepted standard practices, manufacture/s printed specifications or instruc- tions, and/or directed by the Architect. Wanantv: Wananty, in the approved written form all materials and workmanship to remain in serviceable and salisfactory condition and to make good, at own expense, any imperfections which may develop during the period specilied and any damage to other work caused by such imperlections or by the repaifing of same. The period for all work shall be one (1) year lrom date of Owneis acceptance of installation. Submit to the Architect samples of all matefials specili,ad herein lor approval PRIOR to installalion. Installed materials shall match approved samples. Deliverv and Storaoe: a. Deliver only acceptable materials to the site. Deliver all materials in original boxes, crates, wrappings, etc., cleady labeled with all pertinent information to facilitate checking al the site. 2..4 2..5 2..6 Store the materials at the site otl the ground, and in properly protecled dry storage SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09750 - Resilient Finishes General Construclion and Finishes lacilities until ready lor use. Damaged malerials will not be acceptable and shall be removed lrom the sile. 3. EXECUTION 3..1 Inspection and Preparation: a. Inspeclion: Carelully inspecl all surlaces upon which the resilient tinishes, elc., are to be applied. Nolify the General Contractor for coneclion ol any defects in walls. Stafting of the work shall imply acceptance by lhis Contractor of the walls and a defective wall will not be considered valid in waiving any portion of the wanang. b, Preparation: Besilient linishes shall not be laid on uncured or damp concrele. All concrele surfaces receiving resilient finishes shall be tested for dampness prior to inslallation. The lollowing test may be used or altemale methods by the tile manulaclurer rnay be substiluted. 3..2 Installation; a. Install all resilient lloor lile, vinyl base and vinyl edge strips where indicaled on the drawings, all in accordance with printed specilications of the manufaclurers of the materials and adhesives used. b. All finishes used shall be from manutacture/s single run. No mixing of runs will be permifted to finish individual spaces. c. At all exposed edges of the tile such as doonivays where base is continuous, at all othenadse unprolecled edges of the lloor tile, and as shown on the Drawings, install required vinyl edge strips, 3..3 Cleanino and Waxino: a. Soon aller laying of resilienl finishes, wipe otf all surplus cemenl and leave all surfaces clean. All work shall be thoroughly cleaned at time ol completion and again al the linal completion of the building and prior to occupancy when directed by the Architect. 3..4 Damaqe Work All damaged or delective work must be replaced by new. All other wok which becomes iniured in the replacing of this work musl be made by this Contractor. Palched work will not be accepted. 3..5 Clean-Uo: a. Clean up any work soiled in the perlormance of work under this Section. b. 0uring progress of the work, keep the premises reasonably ftee of all debris and wasle SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09750 - Besilient Finishes General Construction and Finishes malerials resulting from the work ol this Section. At the end of each day's work and upon complelion, and before final acceplance of the work, remove all such debris and rubbish to central area designated lor general clean-up by the General Contractor, or remove from site and dispose of legally. c. Upon completion and belore final acceptance ol the work, remove all unused materials, lools, and equipment from the site. | * r r r END sEcTloN 09750 " * * " Material Reference pROJECT Conidors FtN'SHES Resilienl Finishes DATE 3-6-95 KEY DESCRIPTION MFG/SOURCE SWATCH VCT.1 Location: Vending Areas Size: 12'x 12' Colon #123 Wheat Gauge: 1/8' Mannington Commercial VCT-2 OPEN SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 " Paint General Construction and Finishes 1. SCOPE OFWORK 1..1 The General Conlractor in accordance with the specifications, Section 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and material lo finish where scheduled and shown on the drawings the paint and work as specified herein. 1..2 The paint finish work shall include but is not limited lo: a. All single leal conidor doors and lrames (conidor side only). b. All double leaf pairs of corddor doors and lrames (both sides). c. All ceilings and/or sotfits. d. All ceiling access panels, grilles and/or speakers. e. All wall mounted access panels, grilles and/or radiation units. f. Miscellaneous painled areas - Review all Sections for painting work to be included in this contract--including, but not limited to, paint finishes associated with FD drawings. S. Elevator Frames to be elechostatically painted. h. All painted veflical guardrails at Terrace Wing transition slair to the lower level. i. Conlractor must verify existing painted conditions prior to purchase ol paint to guaranlee compatibilily of painl types. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 Material used in the execution of this work shall be new and lhe best grade obtainable ol their respective type. 2..2 All malerials, surface preparation and application shall be in accordance with the paint manufacturers slandards and recommendations. Surlaces shall be repaired to be flush with adjacenl surlaces as necessary. 2-3 All finish coats shall be flat, washable enamel unless othenllse specified. 2..4 Painl selections have been made lrom specific color systems and paint manufacturers. Where General Contractor wishes to use other than specified system, he shall submit samples to the Consultanl for approval in the following format: a. On 12' x 12' hardboard, provide two samples of each color and material, with texture lo SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Paint General Construction and Finishes simulate actual conditions. Resubmit each sample as requested until acceptable sheen, color and texture is achieved. b. On actual wood surfaces, provide two 4'x 8'samples of each natural and slained wood finish as required. Label and identify each as lo location and applicalion. 2.5 General Contraclor shall submit samples, actual paint and/or chips to Consultant lor verification prior to final application. 2..6 Wood finish samples shall be submitted to lhe Consultanl for approval; 3 variations: minimum size 12" x 20" for approval, prior lo final application. 2..7 All finish malerials shall be treated with flame-relardant process where required by local code. Should flame retardant process cause change in color and etfect on linish material, General Contraclor shall notify the Designer. 2.8 Deliver all materials to the iob site in odginal, new and unopened packages and containers bearing manufacture/s name and label, and the following information: a. Number or title ol material b. Fed. Spec. number, if applicable c. Manufacture/s stock number and date of manufacture d. Manufacture/s name e. Contents by volume, for major pigment and vehicle constituents f. Thinninginstructions S. Applicationinstructions h. Color name and number 2,9 Apply water-base painls only when the tempenature of surfaces to be painled and lhe sunound- ing air lemperalulos are between 50 degrees F and 90 degrees F unless othenivise permitled by the paint manulacture/s printed instructions. Apply solvenl-thinned painls only when the temperature of surlaces to be painted and the surrounding air temperatures are between 45 degrees F and 95 degrees F unless othenvise permitted by the paint manufacture/s prinled instructions. V 3, EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Paint General Construction and Finishes 3..1 TNSPECTTON a. Examine the areas and conditions under which painting work is to be applied and remedy any condilions detrimental lo the proper and limely completion of the work. Do not proceed with lhe work until unsalisfactory conditions have been conected in a manner acceptable to lhe Applicator. b. Stafling ol painting work will be construed as the Applicato/s acceptance of lhe surfaces and conditions wilhin any paiicular area. c. Do not painl over dirl, rusl, scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions olher- wise detrimental lo the formalion of a durable paint film. 3..2 SURFACE PREPAMTION a. General: Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in shict accordance with the paint manufacture/s instruclions and as herein specified, lor each substrale condition. (1) Remove all hardware accessories, machined surlaces, plates, lighting lixtures, and similar items in place and not to be linish-painted, or provide sudace-applied protection prior to surface preparation and painting operations. Remove, if necessary, for the complete painting of the items and adjacent surfaces. Following completion of painting of each space or area, reinslall the removed items using workmen skilled in the trades involved, (2) Clean surfaces to be painted belore applying paint or sur{ace treatments. Remove oil and grease prior to mechanical cleaning. Program the cleaning and painting so lhat conlaminants from the cleaning process will not fall onto wet, newly-painted surlaces. (3) Do not apply paint to existing wallcovering. Completely remove existing wallcov- ering and adhesive. Repair any damage to subslrate. b. CementitiousMalerials: (1) Prepare cemetitious surlaces of concrete, concrete block, cement plaster, drywall, and cement-asbestos board to be painted by removing all etflorescence, chalk, dusl, dif, grease, oils, and by roughening as required to remove glaze. (21 Determine the alkalinity and moisture content of the surfaces lo be painted by perlorming appropriate lests. ll the surlaces are found to be sufficiently alkaline lo cause blistedng and burning ol the linish paint, conect this condition before applicaiion of paint. Do not painl surfaces where the moisture content exceeds that permitled in the manufaclure/s prinled directions. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Paint General Construction and Finishes 3..3 3..4 Wood: (1) Clean wood sudaces 1o be painted ol all dirt, oil, or olher foreign substances with scrapers, mineral spirits, and sandpaper, as required. Sandpaper smooth those finished surlaces exposed to view, and dust off. Scrape and clean small, dry, seasoned knots and apply a lhin coat of white shellac or other recommended knot sealer, before application of lhe priming coat. After priming, fill holes and impedections in linish sur,faces with putty or plastic wood-liller, Sandpaper smooth when dried. MATERIALS PREPARATION a. Mix and prepare painting materials in accordance with manufacturer's directions. b. Store materials not in actual use in tightly covered containers. Maintain containers used in storage, mixing and application of paint in a clean condition, free of loreign materials and residue. c. Slir materials before application to produce a mixture ol unilorm density, and stir as required during the application of the materials. Do nol stir surlace {ilm into the material. Remove the film and il necessary, strain lhe material before using. APPLICATION General: Apply paint in accordance with the manulacture/s directions. Use applicators and techniques best suiled lor the subslrate and type of material being applied. Apply additional coats when undercoals, slains or olher conditions show through the final coat of paint, until the paint film is of uniform finish, color and appear- ance. Give special attention to insure lhat all surfaces, including edges, corners, crevices, welds, and exposed fasteners receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that ol flat surfaces. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and fumiture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Paint surfaces behind permanently-fixed Euipment or fumiture with prime coat only belore ftnal installation of equipment. Paint inlerior surlaces of ducts, where visible through registers or grilles, with a flal, non-specular black paint. Finish extedor doons on tops, botloms and side edges the same as the exterior faces, unless otherwise indicated. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Paint General Construclion and Finishes (6) Sand lightly between succeeding enamel ot varnish coats. (i) Omit the lirst coat (primer) on metal surfaces which have been shop-primed and touch-up painted, unless othenrvise indicated. b, SchedulingPainting: (1) Apply the first-coat material lo surfaces that have been cleaned, prelreated or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable atter preparation and before subsequent surlace deterioration. (2) Allow suflicient time between successive coatings to permit proper drying. Do nol recoat until paint has dried to where it leels firm, does not delorm or leel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and the application of another coat ol painl does not cause lifting or loss of adhesion of the undercoat. c. Minimum Coating Thickness: (1) apply each malerial at not less than the manufacture/s recommended spreading rale, lo establish a total dry film thickness as indicated or, if nol indicated, as recommended by coating manulaclurer. 3..5 CLEAN.UP AND PROTECTION a. Clean-Up: During the progress of lhe work, remove from the site all discarded paint materials, rubbish, cans and rags at lhe end of each work day. (1) Upon completion of painting work, clean window glass and other paint-spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by proper melhods of washing and scraping, using care not to scratch or otherwise damage linish surfaces. b. Protection: Protect work of other trades, whether to be painted or not, lrom damage by painling and finishing work. Correct any damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting. (1) Provide 'Wet Paint' signs as required 1o protect newly-painted finishes. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided under seclions for protection of adja- cenl wok, afler completion of painting operations. (2) At the completion of work of other trades, touctr-up and reslore all damages or defaced surfaces. ' I r r r EilD sEcTloN 09900 r' r r r pROJECT Corridors F;N;SHES Paint 941g 3'6'95 KEY DESCRIPTION MFG/SOURCE SWATCH PT.1 Location: Doors and Frames. Finish:Semi-Gloss Wall Mounled Access PT-2 Localion: Ceilings and Sollils Color: Finish: #2H12P lronstone Devoe A l\ PT.3 Localion: Access Panels al Ceiling Color: #2H12P lronstone Finish: Semi-gloss Devoe PT4 Location: Elevator Doors Color #€044C Baron Brown Finish: Electrostatic Devoe PT.5 OPEN PT.6 OPEN SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Wallcovering General Construction and Finishes 1. SCOPE OFWORK 1..1 The General Contractor in accordance with the specifications Section 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall fumish the necessary labor and materials to install where scheduled and shown on the drawings the wallcoverings as specified herein. 1..2 The wallcovering work shall include bul is not lirnited to the following: a. Inslallation of owner supplied wallcoverings as scheduled. b. Verificalion of suitable substrate for wallcovering application. c. Remove all exisling wallcovering. PatclVrepair walls as required to receive new wallcov- ering including any damage due to the removal of corner guards, base material, art, furnilure or signage. (A[! such work to be included in this contract). d. Remove existing coverplates and reinstall following inslallation of wallcovering. Any plates lost by wallcovering installation to be replaced by same contractor. 2. MATERIALSANDMETHODS 2..1 Materials used in execulion of this wok shall be new and the best grade obtainable of their respeclive type. 2..2 All malerial, surface preparation, and application shall be in accordance with the wallcovering manufacture/s slandards and recommendation. Wall surfaces shall be repaired to be llush with adjacenl surfaces. 2..3 General Contracior shall take all measurements necessary and prepare a schedule ol quantities (yardage, rolls or square feet) ol each material specified. fhe schedule shall be presented wilh bid proposal lo the Owner for purchasing, This schedule shall also include any quantilies to be installed under Section 06400 - Architectural Woodwork. 2,4 All wallcovering shall be provided by the Owner. 2..5 Wallcovedng adhesive shall be provided by this contracf and shall be in accordance wilh Wallcovering Manufacture/s recommendations. Provide materials which are mildew-resistant and nonstaining lo the wallcovering. Wallcovering Adhesive to be stripable type. Use Roman #11605, Hammond, Indiana or equal. 2'6 All finish materials shall be treated with flame retardant process where required by local code. Should flame retardant process cause change in color and effect on linish material, Contractor shall notity the Consultant. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Wallcovering General Construction and Finishes 3. 2..7 Prior to inslalling any material, wallcovering conlractor shall check material for defects, shading, proper selection and shall conlirm and verify each material with the Consullant. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3..1 General Contractor shall patch walls as required to match adjacent wall finish prior to installa- tion ol wallcovering. All walls to be linished and prepped as required for smooth installation. 3..2 lt shall be the responsibility of lhe General Contractor to see that work is properly prepared to receive wallcovering as specitied, ll work is not properly prepared, wallcovering contraclor shall nolity Architect prior to proceeding with the work. 3..3 Installer musl examine the areas and condilions under which wallcovering is to be installed. Notify the Owner in writing of condilions detrimental lo the proper and limely completion of the work. Do nol proceed with the work until unsatislactory conditions have been corected in a manner acceptable to the installer. Dimensions in the plans, specifications and the drawings are to be considered as approximates. Contractor shall be required to carefully check in the field all dimensions and other condilions affecting his work. The Conlractor shall be held solely responsible lor proper.instdation of lhe wallcovering in all areas designated, Inexperience or lack of skill on the part of lhe installerc does not relieve the Conlractor from responsibility for the proper execulion ol lhe work and other requirements specified herein. Store materials in original undamaged packages or containers. Do not store any parl of the wallcovering in an upright position. Maintain temperature in slorage area above 40 degrees F. and not more than 65 degrees F., for at least 24 hours before installation. PBEPABATION a. Remove lhe wallcovering material from its packaging and allow to acclimatize to the area ot inslallation 24 hours before application. b. General: The wallcovering shall not be installed when the building is excessively cold and damp, or hot and dry. Temperature and humidity conditions closely approximating the intedor conditions which eist when lhe building is occupied shall be maintained before, during and after imtallation of wallcovering, Gypsum wall board shall be com- plete and dry, clean, smoolh and structurally sound, witft joints reintorced, taped and bedded. In general, preparation of sudaces shall be done in strict accordance with the manufacture/s printed instructions, Wall board shall have been previously sealed/primed. c. Nail and Screw Heads: Nicks, gouges or other surface imperfections shall be spoiled with joinl cement and sanded smooth. 3..4 3..5 3..6 Moisture Check Backing shall be free lrom excessive moislure (less lhan 4 %) per SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Wallcovering General Construclion and Finishes 3..7 manufaclureis standard recommendations for installation. e. Proleclion: Proper precautions shall be taken to protect all finished sudaces ovsr or against which the wallcovering work must be done. Any slaining, scralching, marking, etc., of surtaces lhat is caused by lack ol proper precaulions and protection shall be removed and/or conected at lhe exnense ol the Contractor. JOB CONDITIONS a. Mainlain a constanl minimum temperalure of 70 degrees F., at areas of installation for at least 48 hours belore, during and 48 hours after the application of materials. b. Areas to receive applications must have a reasonably constanl temperature ol 70 degrees F. measured at floor level. INSTALLATION a. General: Wallcovering shall be installed al locations where noted in the Finish Schedule, on the Drawings and as delailed in the manufacture/s printed installation instructions, and as specified below. Examinalion of Wallcovering materials: Prior to stafi ol application, patlerns and/or colors and repeals in design shall be examined. Patterns shall be lined up, matched and/or alternately reversed, depending upon colors and textures in order to obtain uniform appearance, resulting in the design inlended. Each roll of wallcovering shall be checked for wide vadations in shades. Shades of similar values shall be used on the same wall. Prior to commencing installalion of the wallcovering, the Contractor shall confer with the wallcovering manufaclurer concerning lhe most efficient and correct way of execuiing the installation. The manufacturer's recommendations shall be considered binding and final unless otherwise determined by the Owner. Commencement of wallcovering installation by lhe Contractor shall be an indication of his acceptance of the subslrate and he will automatically assume the responsibility for any unacceptable linished work caused by substrate condilion. All wallcovering patlems and fabric grain will match horizontally and be per{ectly level. Place wallcovedng panels corsecutively in the order they are cut from rolls, including filling of spaces above or below openings as required. Hang by reversing alternate strips except on malch patlerns. Apply adhesive to back of wallcovering and place in accordance with the manufaclure/s instructions. lnstall seams verlically and plumb, and at least 6' away from any corner; horizontal seams will not be permitted. Place wallcovering continuously over inlernal and 3..8 b. e. f. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Wallcovering General Construction and Finishes extemal comers. Overlap seams and double-cut to assure tight closure. Roll, brush, or use a broad knife to remove air bubbles, wrinkles, blisters and olher delecls. In general, only fullwidlh of the wallcovering shall be applied to attain the most satislactory applica- tion. h, Remove switch plales, rr/all plates, lowel bars, graphics, and sudace-mounted fixlures, and cut wallcovering evenly 1o the edges ol the outlet box or support. Reinslall all lixtures as listed above following the installation of the wallcovering using tradesmen skilled in the vailous disciplines. i. Tdm salvages as required lo assure color uniformity and pattern match at seams. j. Remove excess adhesive finished seams using warm water and a clean sponge, and wipe dry. k. Install wallcovering with an intimate substrale bond, smooth clean, without wrinkles, gaps or overlaps. L IJ mill flaws affecting lhe appearance, color or lexture of the wallcovering are discovered during the installalion, installers shall be required to notity the Owner at once. Cuts hom rolls with such flaws shall not be installed without the specific approval of the owner. 3..9 DEFECTIVE APPLICATION a. The following criteria will be used lo consider defective application and/or workmanship: (1) Loosening (21 Wrinkles (3) Air Bubbles (4) Sagging (5) Spotting (6) Bulking (7) Sealing (8) Seams not tight, smooth or even b. This contractor shall be responsible for all work pertaining to wallcovering, including grounds and filling, c. All wotk, once accepted by this Contractor, becomes his responsibility lo conect if improperly installed. d. Wallcovering, due lo faulty application and/or workmanship, shall be replaced by the Contractor as approved by the Designer at no additional cost to the Owner, 3..10 CLEAN UP AND PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Wallcovering General Construction and Finishes a. During progress of the work, rernove from lhe site all discarded wallcovering malerials, rubbish cans and rags at the end ol each work day. b. Upon completion ol wallcovering work, clean window glass and other adiacent surfaces using care not to damage or scralch finished surfaces. c. Protect work of other lrades lrom damage by wallcovering work. Conect any damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing. Al the completion of work of other trades, touch-up and reslore all damaged or defaced surfaces. i r r * r END sEcTloN 09900 r r I r r FINISHES Wallcovering _ DATE 3-6-95 Location: Typical Coridor Wallcovering Pattern: 1 1-94-6061 Color: Custom Width: 54' W,/Lin. Yd.: 36 oz. Koroseal c/o Commercial Wdlcovering Source (303) 573-9120 Location: Accent Wallcovering at Door Drop Insets Pattern: Cuslom Color: Custom Teal Width: 54' Wt./Lin. Yd.: 36 oz. A z/zo/eo SCOPE OF WORK 1..1 The General Contraclor in accordance with the specifications, Section 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to install where scheduled and shown on lhe drawings the carpet and pad as specified herein and shall furnish and install all other related necessary items. a. lnstall owner provided carpel and pad as specified herein. b. Furnish and inslall all thresholds, tackless stripping, door metals, elc. as required lor installalion. c. Provide Purchasing Agent with necessary takeoffs and quantity information as required to order all carpet in lhe conect quantities, length, roll sizes, dye lots, elc. lor lhe entire project. d. Fumish and install new 4' vinyl straight base al corridors and 4'vinyl cove base at vending areas. MATEBIALS AND METHODS 2..1 Material used in he fabrication and installation of this work shall be new and the best grade obtainable of their respective types. 2..2 @[ by Owner See Fumishing Volumes for individual specifications 2-3 Underlavment Fumished by Owner SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12200 - Carpet General Conslruction and Finishes 1. A f. 2. 2..4 2..5 a. 12 leet wide b. Double Stick inslallalion with Tred-Mor pad mosl appropriate and compatible to Vail, Colorado climate Tackless Sttippinq: Shall be Robed's'Smoothedge', or approved equal. Threshold at vending areas to be oE-XX-A carpet-to-Tile vinyl adaplor as manufactured by Furnish and install new vinyl transition strips as noled on drawings and specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12200 - Carpet General Construction and Finishes Threshold at transition of existing and new carpets (at lobby level and lower level) to be CD-XX- C CarpeFto-Carpet vinyl adaptor as manufactured by Johnsonite. Color lo be #45 Sandalwood, Door Metals and Edqe Trim: Shall be clamp-down type with no exposed fastening, unless otherwise specified. Exposed screws or nails are not acceplable. Installalion ol the carpet shall be performed by skilled, experienced, journeymen carpel installers. Apprentices shall be used in accordance wilh the terns of lhe contractual agreement with the union and only when the use ol apprenlices is applicable under the terms of such Agreement. The work is to include all labor, equipment, material, and tools necessary for the complelion of the job. The installation is to be in accordance with the carpet manufacture/s recommendations for the best installation practices. Workmanship shall be in keeping with the highest standards of the carpet installation industry. Genetal Conlractor shall take all measurements necessary and prepare a schedule ol quantilies (yardage, rolls or square teet) ol each material specified. The schedule shall be presented wilh bid proposal to the Owner for purchasing. Vinyl base lor conidors to be 4' vinyl straighl base as manulactured by Johnsonite. Color to be #45 Sandalwood. Vinyl base lor vending areas to be 4'vinyl cove base as manufactured by Johnsonite. Color to be #,t5 Sandalwood. 3.EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION Measurements: a. Dimensions in the plans and specificalions and the drawings are to be considered as approximates. Contractor shall be required lo carefully check in the lield all dimensions and other conditions affecting his work. The contractor shall be held solely responsible for proper installation of the caryet in all areas designated. b. Conlractor shall provide Owner wilh necessary information so that carpet may be obtained in rolls and widths which will avoid extra seams and reduce cutting and trimming losses. Contractor shall be required to advise the Owner of desired roll dimensions so as to provide proper roll lengths for long corridors and for large expanses of carpet which may require special installation consideralions. Any cufting of capet rolls due to access problems to other floors shall require Owner approval. The Conlractor shall inspect the subflooring belore commencement of work. The Contractor shall notity the Owner, in writing, of any conditions which will prevent him from producing satisf aclory f inished work. The slarl of inslallalion of carpet by the Contractor shall be an indication ol his acceptance ol 2..6 2..7 2..9 2..10 2..11 3..1 3..3 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12200 - Camet General Construction and Finishes 3..4 3..5 the subfloors and he will automatically assume lhe responsibility lor any unacceptable finished work caused by subfloor condition (or existing padding, if reused). The Contractor shall carefully broom-clean floors which are lo be carpeted prior to the installa- tion ol carpet and padding. Removal and Replacement of Fumiture and Equipment a. Bemoving and replacement of lurnishings in place prior to the actual initial inslallation of the carpeting shall be by olhers. Contraclor shall give Owner prompt and timely notice of the necessity such removal. INSTALLATION a. Prior to commencing installation ol the carpet the Contractor shall conler with the carpet manufacturer concerning the most efficient and correct way of executing the inslallation. The manufacture/s recommendalions shall be considered binding and final unless otheruise determined by the Designer. f. All installalion techniques shall strictly adhere with industry standarG. Contractor shall be required to properly prepare the sile lor laying the carpet. The condition of the floors and preparatory steps to insure a high quality installation shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor once the work has started. All capet and undedayment shall be installed in accordance with lhe recommendations ol the manulaclurer of the producls used. lf mill flaws atfecting the appearanco, color, or texture of the carpet are discovered during laying operations, inslallers shall be required to notify the Owner al once. Cuts lrom rolls with such llaws shall not be laid without the specilic approval ol the Owner, Where carpel meets another floor material (i.e., vinyl, tile, quarry tile, tenazzo), blind metal edge stripping shall be used s,ilh the tightest possible joining, except where othenrise specilied under these specifications. Cutting of carpet at monuments shall be of an "H'type or similar to provide for substan- tially invisible closure should the monument be moved. Framing of outlets shall be secured over carpet lo protect edges of cul, Final details at monuments lo be approved by Designer to be approved by Designer. Installation ol carpet shall be tackless strip, Roberls "Smoothedge', or approved equal. Padding (cushion)shall be laid in largest possible lenghs, using minimum number of sections, making sure that padding is securely adhered to the sub-floor wih the padding cemenl as manufactured by Roberts Consolidated Induslries, or equal, lo prevent shifting, buckling, elc. All seams in rubber padding shall be joined by hpe seaming and cement- ed with padding cement. All bubbles shall be knee-kicked out and a slight stretch applied b. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12200 - Carpet General Construction and Finishes 3..7 to the padding. Cushion seams shall be laid out so thal carpet seams will not fall directly over them. Padding shall be carefully laid so as to provide a good foundation for laying of the carpet. Excessive patching using small remnanls will nol be permitted. S. Carpet is to be installed over padding in accordance with manufaclure/s recommenda- tions for seaming technique and proper amount of stretch in length and width, Power stretchers are to be utilized in order to obtain the proper tension on the carpet. Knee- kickers are not considered adequate substitutes for power stretchers. Materials shall be cut and fitted lightly to walls, obstructions, corners, pipe fittings, and electrical, air conditioning, heating and ventilation outlets. Power stretching shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 degrees in all direclion. SEAMING a. ll the manufacturer has any special instruclions regarding the seaming of the carpel as specified herein, the carpet contractor must abide by them. Seams shall nol occur al doorways and entries perpendicular to doors or enlries. Additionally, seams occurring al doors parallel to doorframes shall be centered directly under lhe door. Length seams shall be trimmed and joined in accordance with the manulaciure/s specifications. b. When installing patlern goods refer to detail drawings to see placement and direction of design. Repeat to match at all seams. Carpet shall be properly cut to eliminate lraying ol the cut ends, cuis being made from the front, nol the back of the material, Culs shall be made lo insure conlinual patlem matching throughout. c. All cross-seams shall be cut and made on the wire. There shall be not cross-seams in the run of the corridors. Laying techniques shall be in complete conformance with the carpet manufacture/s recommended installation practices. d. Hot tape systems will be permitted if unconditionally warranted for the life of the carpet by the manufacturer of lhe product and the carpeting. Heat seam tape shall be as recom- mended by the manufacturer, Seams shall lie llat with no visible puckering, pulling or distorlion. e. When border is used reler to detail drawing lo see placement and direction of border. lf border has a stripe of pattern, special care must be taken lo match repeat a stripe at 90 degree inlersections. Seams at 90 degree intersection must be mitered. Milered seams lo be either sewn or joined with hot tape as per manufacture/s recommended mehod. PROTECTION AND CLEAN.UP The Contractor shall protect the carpet installation from damage resulting from the work of other lradesmen in the building, scheduling and responsibility to be coordinated with Owner and building conlractor. Capet installed prior to completion of installation of the building fumishings and fixtures shall be protectively covered by the Contractor. This 3..8 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12200 - Carpet General Construction and Finishes b. covering shall be removed only when thal segment of the work is completed and approval to do so has been issued in writing by the Owner. Carpel under any covering shall continually be inspected for mildew, etc. Upon completion ol the installation ol each area and al the end of each day, the Contrac- tor shall remove all waste and excess malerials and store all lools and equipment. Upon completion of the entire installation, or such segments of the installation as the Owner may prescribe, the Contraclor shall carelully and thoroughly vacuumdean lhe entire carpeled surface with an upright bealer-type vacuum cleaner. All soil, spots, and stains shall be removed by methods recommended by the manufacturer ol the carpet. All such work shall be done lo the satisfaction ol the Owner. Conlractor shall be responsible lor damage to any building surfaces caused by carpel installation i.e., paint, woodwork, doors, base boards, etc. The cost of removing and replacement of equipment and lurnilure necessilated by corective or warranty work shall be borne by lhe Contraclor. Conlractor shall make timely anangements with the Owner for such removal and replacement as may be required. OVERRUN AND USABLE SCRAP a. All usable excess pieces ol carpet, not necessary lo complele the work, shall be pack- aged in wrapping suitable for storage, clearly labeled and marked as to construclion quality, color, and sizes, and be placed in an orderly manner in such area as may be designated by lhe Owner. CORRECTIVE WORK a. The Contractor shall be requhed to repair the carpet, repair seams, joints and edges, and remove twisting, puckering or bubbles after the initial inslallation has been completed. The exact time for perlorming of this work shall be left to the discretion of the Owner, but shall be within the first twelve (12) months after final approval and acceptance of the original inshllation. Owner is to give adequate notice for performing the work so that the Contractor may make the necessary arrangernents for doing the woft. Once such notice has been given, the Contractor shall be required to promptly starl the work and vigorously prosecule the conective work to a satislactory conclusion. 3..10 r r I r r END sEcTloN 12200 r I r r r b-23-q5 o Localion: Field Carpel Repeat None (Moresque) Location: Border Capel Repeal: 12' Width: 6" and 9* - see plan lor locations Location: Inset Carpet Repeat 8-1/2" x 8-1/2' Location: Walk-off Veslibule Matl Carpet Bepeat None A zfnfer SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 16010 - Eleclrical Power and Lighting General Construction and Finishes 1.SCOPE OF WORK 1 ..1 The General Conlractor in accordance with the specilications, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and maleilals to furnish and install the electrical work shown on the drawings and specified herein. The Electrical Work shall include but is not limiled to the following: a. Bemoval of existing and inslallation of new owner supplied wall sconces al elevator lobbies as noted on the plans. b. Remove and reinstall all smoke detectors following installation of wallcovering. c. Removal ol exisling and installation ol new while acrylic (not styrene) batfles at valances following the inslallalion of new millwork. d. Cleaning and relamping ol all existing fixtures. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 Fumish and install all 'L'lixtures specilied at the end of this section and as noted on drawings. See specilications lhis section. 2..2 Supply all appropriate larnps to complete installation ol lixtures as specified, All fluorescenl lamps to be warm White. EXECUTION AND INSTALI.ATION 3..1 Remove exisling light fixlures where noted and dispose of offsite. Locations as noled on drawings, 3.2 Examine lhe substrates and suppoiling struclure and the conditions under which the work specified in this section is to be installed and remedy conditiom detrimentallo lhe work. Do not proceed wilh the installation until unsatisfaclory condilions have been corrected. The General Conlractor under Section 09250 - Gypsum Drywall, after inslallation of light fixtures and outlels, shall patch to match adlacent flnishes, as necessary prior to final installation of coverplales, finish trim, light tdm, light diffusers, elc. 1..2 2. 3. The'hooking' up of new disabled guestroom alarn/slrobe system as specified and delineated by the Engineering Prolessionals. f. Bemove and reinslall of fluorescentlif,fie ballasts at the valance and install new ballasts ald lamping per the hotel engineedng departmenl's specifications. SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 16010 - Electrical Power and Lighting General Construclion and Finishes Carpentry and Section 09250 Gypsum Drywall. 3..5 All labor and materials to be in accordance with the provisions ol the City of Vail, Colorado - Electrical Code as currently in force. r r r r r END sEcTloil 16010 r * r' i FtN;SHES Lighting New Downlighls in Lower Main Building Conidor SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 17000 - Salvage General Construction and Finishes 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1..1 The Salvager in accordance wilh the specifications, SECTION 00700 - GENEBAL CONDI- TIONS, shall lurnish the necessary labor and equipment to pedorm the requirements ol the work specified herein. All conditions within SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS appli- cable specifically lo the General Conlractor: item 4.0 through item 21.0 inclusive, shall apply to the Salvager as well. 1..2 The exlenl of lhe salvaging work shall include but is not limiled to lhe lollowing: a. Removal and disposal of, off the premises, all carpet, edge trim, tack strip and pad. b. Removal and disposal ol, olf the premises, the following furnishings: PER HOTEL LIST 2. EXECUTION OF WORK 2..1 Carpel, pad, tack strips and metals shall be fully removed. Glued surlaces shall be scraped so that floor surface is suitable for installation ol new carpet and pad. 2,2 All furnishings, atlached wall cleats and fasleners shall be removed with reasonable caution as to prevent damage to wall surlace. 2..3 Drapery hardware including all screws and fasteners shall be removed with reasonable caution lo prevenl damage to wall or ceiling surlace. 2-4 lt is the responsibility ol lhe Salvager to coordinate removal ol materials otl premises with the Hotel and the General Contractor. Procedural outline and general demolition schedules shall submitted to the Hotel and the General Contraclor. No storage on site will be permitted, I r * r r END sEcTloN 17000 i r' r SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 18000 - Furnishing Coordination General Construction and Finishes 1. 'SCOPE OF WORK 1..1 The General Conlractor in accordance with the specilications, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and malerials to perform the requirements ol the work specified herein. 1..2 The exlent of Furnishing Coordination and Installation shall include but is not limited to receiving and installation of FF & E goods as lollows: a. Placement of free standing furniture/lamps according to plan. b. Bolt down lamps. c. Arlwork to be attached to wall by cl€at. d. Minors to be attached to wall by cleat. 1..3 Installation ol work to be done by others, in coordination with Fumiture Coordinator a. Carpet b. Drapery c. Salvaging d. Any olher subconlractors including but not limited lo: (1) Carpenters (2) Painters (3) Wallcovering Installers (4) Electdcians (5) Mechanical Contractors 1..4 Fumiture Coordinator to provide lhe following: a. Adequate warehousing for owner supplied furnishings and transporlation of fumishings to job site. b. Daily receiving reports ol deliveries with delivery tickets and packing slips attached, SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 18000 - Fumishing Coordination General Construction and Finishes c. Competent supewisors familiar with hotel installations and operations. d. Delivery schedules and progress charls of the installation to be submitted in bar chart form. e. Trash removal from working areas on a daily basis, f. Filing/lollow-up ol freight claims. S. Scheduling ol FF & E work by others as described in ilem 1.4. Coordination with all oher construction trades. h. Expediting ol all merchandise as per specifications and purchase orders. i. Furniture installer to work in off hours and evenings as required by the job schedule. 1..5 Owner/Operator will provide the following: a. Otfice space close to the loading dock for the duration of the projecl. b. Telephone seryice for conlacting suppliers. c. Air conditioning, heat and electricity as needed during the installalion, including office space. d. Tnash dumpster in an accessible location for FF & E trash removal. e. Use of a copy machine for the duplication of receiving reporls and packing slips. l. Adequate verlical lransportation from ground level ol project to various floors or levels where FF & E work shall take place, including opentor, if required. S. Adequate security dudng the period of installation, 1..6 FF & E labor shall comply with all local and state union codes and locaf condilions. 1..7 Time Frame: to be determined by New Serve, Inc. 1,.8 Conlnct All vebal agreements shall be null and void affecting the contract pdce and condi- lions. r r r r I EilD sEciloN 19000. r r I r WtS TIN RESIRT V Cop ot rolt to be chemy wood to motch I voto.nce (See FD-t) Eosed edge (typ) TITLE SECTTDN & ELEVATIDN 59619 l'=1'-0' e61g 3-15-9fts FD-5 ?-\1-q New 4'H viny( strolght base as sPec'd.(typ) Ne nI E{ New 4'H vinyt stroight bose /T\ SECTIEN/ELEVATI0N e R C SECTTON & ELEVATION lArE 3-16-9Sls FD-5 WISTIN RESIRT V ,L.5-tl<5 Nrr"l agA. /T\ SECTIDN/ELEVATI0N e R, \!LIY sc,tE r'=r'-s o uJ F o z z J @ .o (9 z F E to z = z tu,IF lo I I I I I I IJ t5 l5 o\ I @ I H z F z o (D o)-c -g (! .9 E.o.r! c 3 o F q)c o o o a c d .g o o o o E c a! q)E o o o) ! o EO bF '=H iH -t at 6Pl 3E O,oJ 3.b >z 6.-<';r'1 E6 -a- o c 6*E.9 B FE: E; s€-,= (E -E :..s 6 9 6P:E c-o> ef:E ; ei;c9dE -*io) iEiF €;;E Else cL (! o.-*E; s o! 6- ol : fie€E6:F EEEE - o..!a o (lo'-.=.E= 0, (,'J-E.- gE ii 9GE.i Fff; eEg* - o 6: o a \r.'s',s .v N (, uJ IIJ lt F =E lll o- J F o F l- E E UJ z ul u,i z E uJ rlJ NOIIVNlVA f- 2, z -iF d6 3tr OI J E o =IL z. 9E =A F= 614 IJJT)4 o J rrl ;t-t z?LIJFI =>E fu$ =ll|ol zz oo F^U'q5 F90 oo 6b a)2 r!<oq FO ;(J FO HN rL ri i J z E H z tr IJJ F B u.l z I d t!l ol fle N I o\r\.ir i o- F\rn @ F-]FI F E (t th F z H ts B uJ z r\ I \o r\\t ,l -+l sl *l el ol Hl il il E| E o F () F z t ir uJ Oz E 9P =f DF d5 (J E -rO <F oa c) IJJ <zE UJF J I F uJ J UJ F () uJ F T ()E o dl o ?z o F o- ut Y UJ dt o F Err E$(I Ir ol o1 o.H 8H | .Pl HuJ 2E F u.l o- I llJ o z o o !c I G o- Jl-u.t -h=duJ >L OL 9o \ IJJ xd x> ul' f tr {lJ F I -- z ,,.9 zk dro =z =r=JO (L l! Q"-r UJ J OO za 3b =3 co IIJ tr! E =E UJ o-z o F ()f E F (n z o o tf-r rX rX t&lt-}JLx o u, z =o l dl € o z F z tg lo I I I I I I l- t5 IE to t2 ro o'\ I I & n F F z qt ur llJ TL ,F =E IJJ .L lt J u,l o = lt F G F z o o 6 uJ 2 3 o l!o u,l F z ts H a trl z rrl J -i- o c i;;:c EEEEE :EEiE iE: ;; E;EEE g.=Eg+ FEasi sEig! E:tgg :-.of 36 (t' o'-.i -!;o(',F E'tE€€ € E'-E:- iBiiE .di c{ .i -r U''!u UJ l! =E uJ o J F o F E = UJ z ! ao llt J o lu 2 =F z o F z L z 9=--: F fio 3tr OI N N :<E o =ZZtL o oo tr ^ 62.q3 >eE E P O ER .tt O eE =;r 8fi 6=u&r!<oq ?H H6 FE E8'#h < 6r o.p t! E J z E o o X z tr UJ I I I I .l el (rl ul El J <l >l tI-l ol zl 3l I -l I I I ;l' it >l IU ol Zl ,,l 3t f ol ul FI F N I \o r-..$ ll t-l trl t+l t-$ | l*l l3l '"l Hl frl rl )l 3l trl 5l tzl =l -l flPl F g z I tr o- h @ F I I I I 'J EI <l -l I t4 u4 EI CI CI g J E H & tlz E]4 z H u) t =z E,2?;C) =<(ZE )F )z (!O o E -rO <F GC)TJ<zE |.lJF J O (l F uJ E F C)ul E c'--o z .rS E =G UJ o- o I z o F o-ul Y UJ o o F ts ',n tr:(\u.q o'1 o-H o3 ?1 r.4 U u.r 2B tr U o- 59 E3 €u B9 !L Eo- => = u.t i- E FE E =F E 66 9 Hut E XO-t x>t q-o-i !tr uJ t0 z ,tt 9 ZE oo =z JO (L lJ- =fi*= ;i'i o --iuJ 66= !n t F "'jE *tr o-z 9 F (J f E F {t)z o () ffiHBI o ul F z z J .o .a z IrlJ IF I I I I I I t__, t6 IE io t(,tz ro c. I ti T !{ U' uJ UJ u- F =G IJJ (l- tr lll z 3 uJ 'r F z o q) o) -9 o (! = (! 3 o F q) o (D 6 .s E o o E o () o o)c = rn tr:l o'l I v:l Y TLI BEI Cl.r, I o=!(ui *ii 'r ai E ril 1s: g E8E; EEHE EUP:E c-o>'- at =e:5E ; €i;c966 -*io)e5t= E E-r; :€85 .e'; 9 e Eiee o- o o-- SE; e oiEor sf;e€ E;'! 6 :EEH E6Fg (! 0'- .=-cxo(., 9,f;;'E gEle P Ilos E; E: eE-: q cEg: -al i-) --: o UJ uJ E =E uJ o- J F F F = UJ o- z =I LU z 6 uJ o NO[VnlVA .. >l llJ ul tu z o t =E UJ o- J z E o o lu l E IU z Y o I F z F .J f o z E z f z EL! o< =F xr!5o <z =>e. -rrr)3uN =@N ,; B zzu- F^tnz- Xf>Ydr e9 6Eq 66 EV 5b 8E ?z- 5"oq ili lu-$Xtr!'aXz* LU l'jr'dNoO E (L IJJ E z E '4 z tr tr.t J t r|J z eJ ol tul EI Jl <l >l GI ol zl 3l ot FI I I I I t' ctl =.1 ol uJl 1l <l >l rLl ol 5l s Ol uJ FI F \\l \-r{' ''t ir.l 'l I c'l -l IJJI 1l =l >l !l-l ol zl 3l ol FI t\ I I I "i' I .yl -." I \Tl I ol =.1 ol t!l 5l al >l ttl ol 2l FI ;t ;r:N =tr I 3 3 \ l{H Lrl kt':t =ll- f.r tr, H ,li I '-'l a :3 ii z -'_) l-- { 01 f\\t i o- \1.) .) i> =o uJ o = a^ atai t-l i{(tt 3 lu z I I l-l' I I ,l 3l ol cI s l> E() t ir F;o2 t (,o ZF ;(J =#)z s-o F E F z z ? UJ = <F (lQ trJ<zE ulF t't Z o E F z J E F t!J LIJ F uJ E I J <O on fo 'f ur- =l- uJ @O-o o a z o F (I ul Y IJJ c0 o F F fr:; o. tL (rt o1 r{\., -n () at ;'l | "1 gur 2E E =,&lrl o- z =z EZ O- lJ- J 9 z T Iu = J zd o!: =l (D LJ.I Itr F cE uj LL o :!{5Y E<C!l €8 E9 =tE cd 2>. =uJ-E h=R :E - aL lJl E >(L E Ub 9 lur E Xo-t x>t q- o"i ttn uJ .D o F z o F C)f E F ,A z Q (J ;f- rX rX "t{l L:d LX o z E =e llJ o- '..t I o t at,ul IIJ l! ts =E IJJ o- n I ir.r il 9r I q u-t!o c,z cl J ut t- vt =: z z o ut F z ('-o -t 5 @ .5 o =z a1 tr ul z 3 o ul F o z 5trl =rl lo! f8l 5Ht LI O-o- |o-51 (!l >zl g-nl E5l -i- @ c o - 6 .:2,.:661? ci sbE; t Eg EEE E ;E,:;s ;E:€i ii€s; iEaF$ =c Eec 6'- O O i -!q-Fo g; g.e g SEaei f E="95 EetEg :383d Ei ot Ec E'r; t tl € Ei;;F gBiE* -at '.r O .:) .'.1 =E uJ z .o Y o ut I (J z o- J - F () uJ J IIJ o z 6 J o. 9 z (.) ul = |lJ ru lt z tr uJ llJ @ 3 IIJ IJJ z 6 llJ F 6 UJ z uJ () x l- Lu <n a.n IJJ IJJ u- E =E IJJ o- J F o F z 6 .D o c.F o ut u,l z = J =-o uJ = NO[Vn'lVA ,: I :;: I Eur N I =.o<vl -' 3 Z. = t)-o oo tr ^ 62.q 5 > ei-,i F g OE8 .t 0 cit a, fH b{ in 5H Ei '. : lrJ lr{rNOe z E TL CE UJ F &a o- IJJ z E )l a z E IJJ F 3 UJ z =z f z tr o F z l = L!3 o IJJ ut tr z I F z F I tr I uJ l J E ut z Y i F u, F z I J f (I)z I I I --t ql -l <l :l ;l (E o 3 --r I <l :-l zl zl .. >l o ul ul uJ z U) = uJ (L z E =F c) c. I It ;, lrJ tr (t)o o -z o F o- uJ Y lu @ o F tr''.' ffi:I 5'1 irl 8i rI HuJ bE zo z o9 =e coo =z dP "E -=,E lrl o.z o F C)f E F ,o z o (J ts t ul o-lt o EE E<clf €E e9 ttir ie sE E dL E h=o dfi : Eo-E 8b 9 I trt E Xo-E ;-E u.l o-i ti H o F tr! -J ('o zd d)uJ JI <l c)i z,<: o't! =d.l t_at q rJ ,tt 4 ql \ 3 .tl (J =J t'|- v J o F o J 'F Er 7. ts |t: v"c: t F ?:a :' ui =z I d ari Ll M H B llJ z i,!: UJ e o r\ i F tr ul c o o F o N .d lt I ,<r -s ,. z ti uJ = t! z 3 I r\ I \6t \al t t t ll =tr t'rt J \'.1 .\..] z ul u-o z 3 9 =tr o z o IJ J g.o z 3 o |-=g t! \i }.\ \. ,i z rri uJ J lr z 3 o F \\ ':\ =q. o z ci u,E J a l!o z =o F u,l J qJ F E uJ z =o F C)ul b T C)E E -rO <F G()uJ<zE UJF t,,t z -o () -)L <(()I F: 8i TIJ (I Y : t z o z co = d v ? i.) =.3 i.) 6F 13 Y,z =g E Eir UJ *E o dci a9. -rt 6 I ,ft'r rX {4_J LX l I o z b =c. uJ o-(l I C' a: :).t U' UJ uJ u- = =E uJ () ?\ i. : 't;I ts I-.-: uJ F o J z J UJ F o F U1 z =2 llJ F o z z J dl C. z z o trr-IJ I u,l ; IU':t>I l=9 lcr -19 (, l*EIE (!t9 o tt: = t\J o, l<o. ltr 6 l=; IU o l-F t^o l- = | IJJ lz o 13 o locc gf l|! uJ E lo=E IH6 = |fLll Y IFI o lsF s lilO o lYz 5 Jt?< ! (lt o o I dl 5r: 'Er* 6*8.9 aggs 9Uh; F 9 R€ EgE;9 EP:E c-o> cf:E =gi;c9GE -*io)35t=_= >.x E -Ei';-OOc ET;F E!se o- (! o--*Eie o!E-or =*:€E6:F :EEH tsES .Eo-E !; o g) --E,- €'€EE E E;; t6F.9 iE ;;9Eo - TE$E i-) \T {' LJ :':' F =E UJ z ) f Y z f- IJJ ) uJ z 6 =) ) =I IJJ = UJ UJ z F uJ Lu 3 g z (, uJ F o-ut (L z ut o x F uJ o n .t)Iu UJ I = =IU o- J F F 0 z.o = (o G, UJ J uj o z 6 =J J = () uJ NO|lVnlVA Y (r 3 Zu- 6z 5 9'u (J. l o za' N N >e. 3 ttt z io- i3 .tO Zt oa)a)2 r!< v= tc)FO -.(\i z o F f g -: II o-l u,l F uJ J z E o t z E IJJ F.J 3 LIJ z I I I I a F z l z Oa <(J o< =P Rc XA <z F z. Az z-'iF d0 3tr OI Il +l lll il t-i_-l I t3l I tJ tt<l5l3l tFl;l llJ l -) (r a z () I F t! F z F J l a z F l o F o Jl <l trl zl zl .. >l uJ o uJ uJ z o L uJ J z E o o dtr-<-o+ E 6 rl z F ID 2 z.(! I t{ UJ F o lo o ? z o F c uJ Y ul !0 o F t,^ s "-: o- 31 O:l RJ Y]| .l guJ bk zo F = uJ (L UJ 2={ rn Y 843 o =z F --l e -',7 ''-)9 dE .{.F ---.1 * I ll ll D-i r-r.-""S lfl :l b =l -,li =r =l -l <:LJ * tl .^X9-'I tl iEt* Bfl =gT j '.fiffiH uJ F c o E CI I o e ,E t E E o (J f\O Ilr.'-6 >F f=E rE =tt =€ E =g, lrl o-z o F (J f E 6 z o C) td { a.n ,:, {< (,z =ll- F J ,!j : '._J ;.' !;i,l { t-. 7. )..: .r( I t'.I trJ l=l<lz lco :r1 () ].; i ..; 'n l--t>t<lz :,: ilf uJ E o o = :) .? I o- I o tr uJ E, o ! = I (L :r.: i.i ,Y tr .t ..'.t z uJ = z 3 I l I ci z o uJ J IL z B o F F tl d F z u,t J lt z 3 o F = tr '. z uJ CE lt z ] F tr z ti ltl I u-o z 3 F UJ ul F uJ z = F UJ F c -rO <F G()r.! <z.E tuF JE <o (JF =o FS YF -z Eo ^tfP E.(Jo zr-q? AE )z I.Lo Jtv <F vF.7a)z<+0. s=>U o d. ir I *E Oz C) U'tll o,uJ J h1;;Y,3,\ c'TO!{N OF VAIL coNsmucrtoll PER}TTT APPLICATTON FOR}f DATE: t-\?-a5 m0JNl t7 tgls ,fob Address:Job Name: Architect:SAw\E <€]E- ,4"r-r*.Tc|1'€5 Legal Description: Lot Block Owners Name: \^I Address: Address: t3|Jo \^lEsr}{A\t$\ Dfz. ph. -tg-aets Dtrz. =At-\:-Ph. t APPLTCATTON I'IUST BE FTLLED our cotilpLETELy OR rr t[Ay Nor Bn ACCEPTED U r*********************lt* ***!r*** PERMIT fNFORIIIATfON **************!r* *************rl. ff-auilning t l-plunbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-uechanicar [ ]-other lr)<./t t6t ceneral Description: lF*"" and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances l|f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATToNS Gas Logs_ I{oodr/pellet lfork class: [ ]-Neu t71-nt tation t r-Adatttional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dnelling Units:Nurnber of Acconnodation Units: ********************************* ELECTRICAL: | 'Uoo -s Town of Vait ReE.. no.144-R Phone Nunber: a./ b-m" Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE * ** ****** * ********************* BUTLDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUI.TBING pLAt{ CHECK FEE:I.lEclIANrcJ\L pLAN cHEcK rre: --- RECREATTON FEE: /) 3Y:i.?iilJ. al Z 'f, ZONING: SIGNA!]T'RE: t.rEctrAlrrcAu ]%t colf,IluqtoR OTHER: TOTAL: ON ****** * **** ****** * ** *****!t* Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: lilechanical Contractor:Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERUIT TEE: PTWBING PERI.IIT FEE: MECHANICAL PER}'TT FEE!EIE TRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:ci,, DRB FEE:CI.'.E]LN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: '?;***** ro" UctetL 1.oo BUTLDING: f e:?eg'; RLII{BrNG: TiE- ^'f *** ** **** * * *** ********!r***,r f Eeneral contraci.or: \dGffi{ CI.EAII I'P DEPOSIT IEIItf,D TO: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOBS TOWI{ OF VAIL PUELIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A .,PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: W.ev€\r6\q r';q(E Date: t -raq4t- q5 Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the ne€d for a 'public Way permit": YES NO of Vaif Construction Inspeaoi.at 47g-215f'. I have read and questions. ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or pubtic propefty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? A. ls the right ol way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !t-v91a19wer9d yes to any of these questions, a'Pubtic way permit'must be obtained.'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at th;'public work,s otfice or at 9."*TiY^?:::gll9r! jf Vou. rr.1ve eny_quesrions prease cair Crrarlie Davis, the Town 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7',) 8) Job Name Contractor's Signature How il relates to Building permit: 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) rf yes was answered tg 3ny of the above questions then a "pubric way permit" is required. you can pick up an application at either Cornmunity Devetopment,rocated ar 75 s. Fronrage Road or ploric worts, tocareJaiiidJv"irvarey Drive. Notice sign otfs for utirity. companies. Ail utirities must fiercr vedfy (rocate)respective utifities priorto signing appfication. some utiiityLrn'p"ni", require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a tocatel. A construction tratfic eonrorpran must be prepared o.n a separate sheet of paper.This pran wiil show rocations or arrtiitrrc try"f devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, ti"ging, ,t".1 sketch oI work beino performed musi be submitted indicating dimensions (rength,widrh & depth of *,i*1. ttris ;;il;;;n on rhe tratfic controrpran or a sire plan for the job. submit compreted apprication to the pubric.work,s.otfice for review. rf required,rocares wiil be schedured forrhe ro*n oivait Ei.&-d;.il"ic'ffi,on crew. The locates are take prace in ilre moming, ;;';"y require up to 4g hours ro perform. The Pubric work's conslruction Inspector wirr review the appfication and approve or disapprove the permjr. you wir u. "inijaro as to th! iit* iio any changes that may be needed. Mostpermits "tr r"["r"0 within ag rr*r, o?i.ing received,but please allow up to one week to pa""r.. As soon as permit is processed, a "opy wiil be faxecr to community Deveropment attowing rhe 'Buirdino p.ermn' to o"i;L"r.o-. H";;r-;;i J"r'Jse the "pub'c way Permir" wirh a "-Buirding elrmit;io li,:i,o* on a project sire lseff. Note: *The above process ls for work in a rlght-of-way only. 'Pubfic Way permlt," "r" 'A new public Way permit ls required each year. 7) 75 roulh trontsge ?oed wil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otllce of communlty dry.lopm?nt BUILDiNG PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TI'{E FRAf,IE If this permit requi.res a Town of vai'r Fire Departnent Approva.r ,Engineerrs (Publi. p:f l-:eview and approvat, a planntnb'Deparunent review or Heat th Departmint. review, an!' a-""riJ ;i-il;";ritaing lsri[*!'l;"ll: ""t,.ted time ro"'a-lJtar "i"i.n foy"Ll!,u, rons A]I conrmercr'ar (rarge or sma'[) and arr rnu'rti-family permits will have to foilow the abov_e menti6ntJ marirum requirements. Residential and small projects shourd take a-]eiier'arnouni of tir".'However, .if residential or smal'ler.proiects irpiii the various above mentioned departments with reqard to-neiisii"y-".ui"n, these projecti may also take the three-weet perioJ. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this pern'it as soon as possible. - 'v v^usw ' r'E t'I I, the frame.. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time t-\B -95 1t116gr€rrh\ ProjEEt-Xarne Communi ty Development Oepartment. ?5 3oulh fronlage rosd wilt color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: oftlce of cornmunlty developmenl ALL CONTRACIORS CTIRRENTI,YL REGISTERED WTTII IITE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMITNITy DEtEI,opuENT ItARcH 16, 1988 CONS?RUCTTON PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sumnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawtul for any person to litter, track or aeposii-;"y-";;ri-r"*ii, sand, debris or nateriat, t".t::i:n^ll":l i*rp=t.r=, portable toitets and workrnen vehicles. upon any srreetl =i;;;.il;;ii:y or public place or any portiin tn"l"oil--iie rigtrt-of-lray 6n arr Torrrn of vait streets ind.roads i= upproiir"i"iv-s-it.-iri pavernenr.This ordinance wirr be ;Iri;ii;-enforced by the Tolrn or vail Public works DeDartment. --F"r=lrrl foorra .rii,f"Ifng this ord.inance witl be siven a 24 hour r"itl"i'iotice-to-;;;;;;"""id mareriar.In the event the person so notified ao"s-rrlf-.IoipL' with the notice witlrin trre-^-2! troui-tii"-=geci.fied, trre puEric works Deparrment wilr. renove said urate-"i"i-"i-inJ'Iri#=e of person notified. The provisions-or-iiil "rainance strirr not be applicable to c-onstruction, -riirrl"r"n:e 9f repair projects of any street or alley or arry'"iiriir"" in the right_a_way. To.review Ordinance No. 5 in Vail BuiLding Department to tion on tlis natter. Iedged .f:f], please stop by the Town of obtain a copy. rira'i. til ;;;"y;;, lnwn 75 loulh lrontlge road vall, colorado 81657 (3031 4792138 (303) 4?p'2139 ollioe of communlty deyelopment NorrcE To coNtRAcroRs/owlrER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, r99l. , the Town of vail Building Department has deveroped the for-lowing procedures to ensure that new construction sites h-ave adequately eltab1i-shed-p_rope. arainige r.om uuiiJing sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads oi streets. The Town of Vail public works Department ''ilr be reguired to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Torn of vail roads or streets and the installation of ternporary or pernanent culverts at access points fron tbe road or strelt on to tle constructj.on site.such approval must -be oltained prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail Buirding oepartment. ror tobtinqs or remporary electrical or any. other inspeition. please .uir 4-tg-zi6o t-o request an inspection from the public works Department. A1low a minimum of 24 hour notice. A1so, the Town of Vai.L publi.c works Department will be approving all final drainage and curvert installation with resutcing roid pacching as necessa_ry. such approval must be obtaineo prior io Fj.na] Certj-ficate of Occupancy issuance.. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. z. Departntent of Conununi4. Developntent IIIFORMAIIOII IIEEDED T|HEN EFPLIITG FOR A IIECHAI|XCAL PERUIT 3. 4. HEAT I,OSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN TN AO SCALE, WTTH PHYSTCAL DTMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND r_,OCATION OF CO!{BUSTION ArR DUCTS, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIP!,TENT WILL AI,SO BE INSTALLED IN IVIECHANICAI ROOM. FATLIIRE To PRovrDE THrs rt{FoRI{ATroN wrrJ DEr.ty rouR pERI.tIl . i .1 leull-q (Atgrch.d gc rDd tonlng r Drig ot Doolrrrt,lon o! R.alFrooll l.D.ran3. lor et.o.d. trog.l Colpl-r uong veg Vantu8 f. Lgd.. at ll.. dltad l\tn 1o 2 !9a?l BL l;"i"',;3.*; j tltrt Drrt ot ttrr 8n lll NE L/at 8.4!lon lt, foyt|tblp ! Soutbr ti: ",i-.,t(rng.-tl r..t of tlr clrth Pttnclprl l|ertdhtt. tortt ot vrtl'r :j;:'lrEt,| countlr, Coloando, dilcrtbr<l r. tollgrtt ' if,,+, B.gtnnlDg rg r polnt on th. r(atlt.rty Dos|rd.ry 9r C!. prrs.l' -. o!-lnnd ilovn oi th. cor|cill||lur rrg-los tlr colot d. llounirln: coDdsrtntu$ rrcordrd ln look !l? et D.9. Czo ln tha otllc. ot . ;5;tlr Ergl. couDty, colondc' el.sl rnA l$ad.r' !!!4?! !!-.- - ::'Egl Srgll Ug|IJTEJ, l'rrlE sagc, t lrat5f, -IH rf,|uelert. t uort rontbrrlv iornrr o! arld Drrcal b.ua | !l'tO"tt lr la.la i i l..t Cl.tutr-tbdrc. :h. totloulng nlar asurart .l4tt tD. t:.- '.1-; llrtr €hincr drprrttng rrtd routlrrrlf iounar4y-ll !a'!-0'ltt t. ,.. .'r,,.: 56.96 !aat, 6riar M'09,t1' t ar.ta l.att ttraiic. t '' t: r'-: .;:1.1 ?9rt9 , L, garafaralt 3, aa vr- aa - i.t.arr -, *-:gl;sgt2gr l at.?o t..t, ttranoa t t?'ot"lt t t.ao l..g, tt|an6., ir,r x 3l'3orat, t lo.oo !..t, th.noa t !?':t'!l' ! !a.{0 toatt .--.'-. !!olc lotltbaaly colnar o3 art6 Dracal Danra D 5z-to':.t- rt .4.1. i !!..t Cl.t|ntr-tb.nc. :h. totloulng ntar asurart .l4f tD. :.'. '.1;.outb.rly bounrfrta o! r.td grrcrli (U f tl'lot2rt l at.la' ;'.i,' ;.'1 I t..t, (tl t| 3?'tz?a!, r 12.1a !..t, (tl tr tl'a?ttt' 11.00 j-..:lt llrtt (al lf 37't3'a3, r 1.to !..t (t, | ,a'a7'lr' , a2.a0 '* I,tmtl (ci ll !7.12'a!, r !.?0 !..tr (?l lt 5l'a?'15' I 15.00 't,., 4;:rmel iri 8 !?'12,a!, t t2..0 l.rt,r'(tl tl tl'to'rt: !-!?!11_ i! i th.nc.l|32.!o,29,l21.3ot..t'ut.t|c.8!7.o9,tl,l220.o|t.it to Co8.r cr..kt th.nc. tla folldlng lour court . rlong . ' '' .oor. ct.kr (lt ! a9'e6,!a' r ?6.at !..t, (21 t 2l"t"l? u lta.a? t..tr'(3, 3 !!'t?,!6' r 119.3a t..t, (a) t tt't1't6t r' ; 1a.5t !..tt Citicr d.prttlng cor. cr..k N !l'59'30' f lal.{t tcrtr ttrrncr tf 3?'23,i0' r i2a.o2 !..tt tlr.no. ll !?'ot'!l' lt. .i .*.i,r 'c.: .Fi::,, ,-*!li-:',r-Htr.. !n. ?J gi aa . :t:"-, q E 116.{t tr.t to th. potnt ot boglnntng. c-1 t ! I t-fl 'i- l- V a<A.]l n-ll ?\i /1\ ^- : ii -i ; i,z fl tl ir^!1 n /l |,i a tl rJ * I l- I Towrr ul Vair Cornmurirtv Develotrneni I : i l i ..;| I /-l 'rt F ){_ I 7 i, L e ri1 s J 2 (Tl o n -,|{/rl |- 1 ( l^ o tq d 'a L ( o @ E'A Lr^4, 1> i > n i.r --k 3 . ,r ' L,,!; ,.E ti io I r' 4I " 'L 1fr I ,r- 7 $ '-,'tiF Pt 4 ha F ::'...i.i:- rj'-:.i 1..r ilr. l: i.- . :. i;r'r',i .l :.i,, :t: -:,:,:. iltrr i.,...:,,r,,1,, i. , , .. :, ,,r '' i,;':i'i a 1. lit"t;;..;; rr: t. .r j,: .r-, .,,, . .. I .tl . -,:;.. , i .t :. . :j.;:.t; t,,;.r,:,.: i:11,'.5, 1r,;'rr:ilt.::,1:;t;j:j ,ti.- :. ..-.- .t:,i..: ..rif,. i r. ,i;,i.'ltj t""t ;:;,,iiijiilg 0iliii;i t:-tiit li"rti:.:1:.;:. :t.,riri: iitit the . : i.'i:i,:il 0f e rr0r'g iir saiJ pians, sfiidi;f tc;li(ns anC 6.the, '?-. 1-/?'?e I kiq -l l\6^:fl J,-rs 't/ ; t-r \,r?i 1A CO 'a r \A n ( l rt -t a a -tr- n I t 7 0 6 n iil -l 2 (! o -|.{ nt t ( .*! t_ r f @ @ llt /(7,A") i, - ,< \? l-7 I - tl\ s O /11 -- iA ,4 1F,3V 1* { r'' !h cl rrr ljrt' '{(/r a 4 il'l r--( E ,.? ( Df a bi F I Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes fl NAME: WESTIN OFFICE REMODEL I DATE: 1-18-95 ADDRESS: 1300 WESTIIAVEN CONTRACTOR: FRAZEE ' VAILJCOLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE I' OCCITPANCY: B-2 I ENGINEER: NONE I TYPI OF CONSTRUCTIIN: II-FR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK lrl I coRREcrroNs REeuTRED 'I The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF TTIE FIRE SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS ARE REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK C4N BE STARTED. I THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. l A STRU AL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUSTUAL BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. I TION rS REQUTRED AS pER SEC 705 OF TrrE 1991 UBC. TIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED ) APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 1. 2. J. 4. J. 6.ALL I WTTTI t o @ 7 o J q ';au^-b !r ')' .\'nL1v ;/dx (-/)-ll Aivi rb . ) n . C Ar < ' ? -L A /' - u1 7. D tl 1r ..9|-,tr_,.8 t 7 o' t rl i F * I is n 6 2 43 " ': k fi 01 > ; d H(", 'r. A LT A P ,.;P r A ? F,r @A € r @9 ---]uw-uulva-it Glnrmunlly--- - - _-- . _ DeveioPrnent 'rArF i't8-q5 I @ F? fi .i 4-fl .!;fi u\.lT .' r'l ( o v ( n\ P : ,r,:l J.J o .q v a -1 L |_ L 0 ( L a r.1 P't Y (11 0 v .1 1 .ri /- > h (g f, t- ( I (D @ ftr ,',9 ^)\, - " $ | 7 n a!:-'. ?L ,n / O v<t'< 1F.isF '.{ . f r'l ib. t ,ja " 'i ,ln \,ha lzKu)L7 A '-; P zF ^ba t/ Plan Review Based on the 1991. Uniform Codes NAME: WESTIN OFFICE REMODEL DATE: 1-18-95 I ADDRESS: 1300 WESTHAVEN CONTRACTOR: FRAZEE VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NQNE OCCUPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER: NOI{E TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ll-FR PLANS EXAMSR: DAN STANEK t\ I CORRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF TI{E FIRE SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS ARE REQUIRED BEFORB ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS COOD FOR AN INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY. 3. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUSTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTTLATION rS REQUTRED AS pER SEC 705 OF TrrE 1991 UBC. I 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CETLTNGS, er.rOFr-OORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. I **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO Stat,emnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *tr * Statemnt Number: REC-0003 Amount:28.00 0r/t8/95 08:59 Payment Method:Notation:fnit: TT **************************************************************** Permit No Parcel No Site Address Location Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4]-332 01 0000 41336 P195-0072 Type: B-MECH MECHANTCAIJ PERMfT 2103-12r-0 0-012 13OO hIESTHAVEN DR 13OO WESTHAVEN Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Total- (This Payment); Paid 20 .00 5.00 3.00 28.00 Tota] Fees: 28.00 Total AJ-l Payments: 28.00 Balance: .00 o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAILI COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t< * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0003 Amount: 53.00 01/18/95 08.52 Permit No: 895-0007 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRTCAL PERMTT Parcel No: 2103-121-00-012 Site Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR LoCaLi-on: WESTIN OFF]CE REMODEI.,, Payment Method: Notation: TT Init: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * Account Code Description Paid 01 OOOO 4L3L3 EI-,ECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 5O.OO 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Total (This Payment): 53.00 Total Fees! 53.00 Total AJ-} Payments: 53.00 Balance: .00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** * * * * * * * * * tt * rV * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **********************d.***************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0003 Amountz 243.25 0l/le/95 08:46 Pernit No: 895-0021 Type: B-BUII-,D NEw SFR BUILDING PER Parcel No: 2tO3-l2I-00-012 Site Address: l-300 WESTHAVEN DR Location: 1300 WESTHAVEN Payment Method: Notation: TT Inj-t: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * !k * * * * * !k * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Account Code Description Paid 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDTNG PERMIT FEES 85.00 01 0000 4t332 PLAN CHECK FEES 55.25 01 OOOO 220Q2 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 1OO.OO 01 0000 41336 WILL CALr.., TNSPECTTON FEE 3.00 Total (This Payment): 243.25 Total Fees: 243.25 Total All Payments: 243.25 Balance: .00 o o z o {n c o -{o z T trl F =-{ II -- Y H nrg i* Ff =l; E E lEi 19 s =ioo l'u i 9.VF lI P o 7 liq I ,-,--,- t= t =LJLJL_I I 5 rr 6 €Y'- 4 o.>= d E 9g a, & =6 S E z =q ni=I rl m = 2.1 \., a x<z\ ;>6z --r F Y> \-, _o z. t--t c P3 -1 z O6) st <|- 7 ra >= ic)o>Dr o Z tr) nz >m -.{ >or -;m -l €z m z IT € z H E F! F z €H z uri o> f- --{ t- ll =z E E F r fi eq q. I m t- m €z .tl l>F m F) l6 n 1 r{o €z _n t- m lz lo L--t l€ lz o ll t>l= l* le, I { €z 'n z t-a m z ! = -1 ! n 5 F- I 5 I l^(^ Ur E 5' €z .t1 r m z o 5 s.5. I N rlt z o ;n =F z rq z ,B r.r F{ t-r t-i - a F H r- Lrt E-. I -l =E Dt>tr13 >F Hti ['l IY vt2 IF lFr l- U)H > lfrj <t:Fll ts a i I I I oz 40 -.i -l m tol lc) IER tgY l;,j < IN] Y tT m Ptr 3=F-{ + @ m x m .It + o z L o @ U,f m -.l () (Jl o-O-a5 ".d oo 6'< =-r= oro R{Eo -o.It@ ii(D On) !- orJ to) 6O oP o-idf =E'At!-^' i. *. 36-oo- 6'o o-<? ^-_6-o=oo an _. Rd'E]-'R o6' 6'= Rd 6s. !' d o o o o 3 :. = = ='o J =.o l o p. 0) o 3 =.=g -.t o { 5' ot o o Q 0) o 0){v, 0, o Ur' <t, o o qt o o =' f o -t =.€ 0l t = j rn = f ro o o q) f o J .o IJ Y-, J (- U -1' I -Tl rl ) r1 N j =) a. 'r1 T =(t m t-'n @ g,I z o I z -_t) m --,|U'z m m m J< lz l= t;lr- i c I I z (n t-{ z -.1 I o z m (t) -c m IO e€otr +7 'z - t^L- z>9R rd d= >o ol ml (DO z c z = I t1 z rn a m >' ^z a ?5 0 --{ z t- fi z q I m c I f' c o 2 ON z.x '-!x!a :: tn P Eo Y.zo itc)o o'<z 7 22 Io 62 6= S b za,o6 o 'nzz € x F> N@= n< = =fI] v, !4 E rll B H ;trt z tv ts I o =z F - 2 z o m U, z z 3 z 6 -.1 m x;r \J :I F2 c)o r'J o ,UA =t I t$P t;\O +. n. E z I ts I s. -t r !m =fi m m (.f, { rr Er c) r E- (,, m -{ x tn z e m I -.{ m 9.o z m s m € o m o Itl 1 ^z m m =m z c) t- t' 3 =a m t-m a) t- t- z m x c t- z o m f !m n =i 'Tl m m U' VATUATION !m a =-{ z o m z t- -o =q z m m --l z o 5. N.) tJ !('| +)3t-+("'-.lfti lc la I lct4 ()o z 2 F C c){6 z T lft F ={ o o o 3 3 c 3 GL I g o E 3 o 3 =t-m -{ m t- ! P o ! -t o (n U, z m o 'rt !m ! ={ 3P z=0(D 2=6o z --- nF m@ --m= I9 =z r D =m .r z. t- !trn oz =q mt lal Ir)hd6 t6x FT' Y EXi t_ o E 'r1 rT m u €=s{{o @ m x m 1J I o .z (-o @ 2 -{m ',KC 4-o -l-l n-(, n o F? ; ! -7 T r =g z o 8t z,--{ :,1,1 3i -tC)o>nF 1e: =2 >m ov -{ >,or'1 n o T I m o -t €z m I z 3 IT €ll!Vt H H z !t o r-l t{F n EI z o l.'l (},z A- Aa o>'r |_o -{ @ r 'n =z c, k F n H H '-{m -Il -l €2., 'll l> 5 m F)z o 'n 3 ! {! It 6 t€z lo l<t> t; tm p lz t9 I I t I n = , {tfl ; l -l o {7 p .rI E m P z p !n = i ! ll a.e s I ro +o I Vt t, F & o\ -.1 o €z o .lt r m ryl z o + 'F + I ttt n E 3 rcl *t b N i{t! H 4 c. 9F <F D p if B) w I I I l.l Ifl at!$l fl ol @l ol l.rl lt t F E tt ]{4 at p r x F Fr h r E t = P s t'r t F t\ t =E Dfo B lr. EIA HI r H r ,H EF t!l ts E r I o-Of.39 p.d oq d'<o0, P9 oo q€ cO io-r+ (o 6o o0r !-o:'ftt O{D o,o gB to, -E OE ;B'q.3' fj o+ 5O po, 5'o :9 af <= F= 0)o tt -.-3 8d'g.i ;6 -o ahj Rd xo o=.gd 'o. qt GI d o o =q =. o o 5 0t = !t 9.o 9.!t -f o o o 3 ! =. g {o {f o s f D 3 o o o o)J o. ln 0) o !t { :t, qt g! o ct =o. 6' o o o q)o o s (o o o -{o t f u; o5' €s +o.9o =F p9 ES-9(,|.6'9 oJ O6 oO .cl +o ^a do 9i;(5' o s.o t B g E o o -o c -;o =(D =*J (o o o o.o !! o. o (D .'o cl : I a z >: t m o -n 'tl o ! =U'm r 'n z o -l I m o €z m I t- :l z o l o z t- \t m = z ttl m o m l< " lz fio<> 'tl !{m m m o l- lt r O ll- ll tI F il lq l; I z U'c r- -l z I r o ^z m t-c m r I --t z n J z I m !t- o m g, o €m t-a z c z = l" o o 6 z c z l- z rn a a m z FI 19 -l m ! rtl n m o fl =z ONF 9o+ =6<ii .)3 P Ei;F>.I =2ct .i cro o-z u6).t 3: e H ZQ 'n=z 5 u x P> r\)@= $m= n< 3 IH lz lFl ll|r F H o ) IE Ita tg lf4l Ir.l lf) Ltc Itrl w p l.<i r l{ T (n I o z 2 o F @ F I z'o z o -l m g, 2 z =z -{u -.{ F -.t m !l cr 8Ei Vz'6}ol |ll o! !. fl Ci Cll HEi tll I Fl I I I I ol I F0l lHi .. 1 I I I (l I l\J o I \D s 6)>F r{ t q F r H E -l o { t- !m n =.'n m m u, {H r cl F r. U,ttl { x t-m z !a m '9 o q { m L o z 2 m s tn € @ m o m 6 z 'n m m 3 m z t' 3 @ z m a-m i = |- z o m x f-o z m I = !m F 3 {'n m m <n VALUATION !m F = z o =m z t- t- =z m t-m o {t ct - @ F z 6) D I >.s hJ o (,o o ,, )) '\' o o ro tt ct t' i h i 6wr or vArL coNsou"rro"Q-i'r, PERI{rr Appr_,rtrATroN FoRI-t ti\l D^rE.?./^- /44 {XL} r APSLaCATTON MUST BE FrttED J--I* *** * *** * ************ ** ***** ** ll .a lv?-Building [ ]-plurDing t Lega} Descriptiont Lot Block_ Filirg Ztc. Addressz /3ao yL/tsr/zuz,v,&- ph. Architect;(4,e.p, rzt ZozZT- zrz jE. j.; pu.Z)!"-o"oz General Description: I llnepair t :-*n." Nunber of Dwel].ing Units: -/ Nunber of Accornmodation Units: Gas Logs -&- Wood/pellet l,,f""i?;a'+r""our coMPr_.ErELy oR t* gx,,r%l,P,T . , . .f UV - i.i liliitl pERMrr rNFoRMArro* * * * *I*Ql/t rliiUl,U*U A*.'r{******* l-Electrical [ ]-]techanical [ ]-other Job Name: ll&tf -^ -- 6r/ Job Address: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: ********************************:l OTHER: TOTAL: ************!r************** Town of Vail Req. NO../*/R Plronq Number: &.gS.s 'ffi'"r?rr(W'r' Plurnbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: PLUI.'BING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PER}III FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Phone Nunrber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******** *** ** *** ******** ******* BUTLDTNG pr,AN cHEcK FEE: //f -PLI'}fBTNG PIAN CHECN FEE: !,IECEANICAL PIA}I CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: ******* **** ************* * * *,t* ** IroR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: /75 - n)unler and TIT)e of Fireplacess cas Appliances ,t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs !gr_r,91ue1 t /4 aat> -- - ELEcrRr eo", i& -PLUt'fBrNd: TOTAL PERMIT BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE ZONTNG: SIGNATURE CI.EAN IP ITEPOSIT REFUTil' TO: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Wesoj NO It-v9u- algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained."Public Way Permit" applicationl may be obtained d the public Work,s ottice or-ai c9.ry1u1titv Development. Jf you h1v-e -any questions please cattbnarrie Davis, the Town of Vaif ConstruAion fnspector, at 4Z*Z1S1. Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need lor a 'public Way permit": YES . ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ot way, easements or public Wogefty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI Way permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parkir€ or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered all above questions. fiil fasor.r ntftrto/s 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) rza?24 -fue. Job Name Opuauc wav penur pnmil How it relates to Building permit: 1) e_Lmit a lication. 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) lf yes was answeredlo any or the ab-ove questions then a 'pubtic way permit" is required. You can pick up an appricatiin a eitne, community Deveropment,rocated at 75 s. Fronrage Road or plonc worts, rocateJailidJv"irvartey Drive. Notice sign otfs tor utirity. companies. Arf utitities must fetd verify (rocate)rcspective utitities prior to signing apprication. s"re ,tiiity-t..'p"nies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedute i 6iatel. A constructiontratficcontro,pran must be orggale! on a separate sheet of paper.This pran wil show focations of arf traffic &ntrotdevices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) sketch of work being performed must be sub_mitted indicating dimensions (tength,width & depth of work). This may be orawn on the tram" fontror pran or a site plan for the job. submit compreted apptication to the pubric [?rk.. otfice ror review. ff reguired,rocares wifr be schedured forrhe Town of va'erectriiil;;;';;ftion crew. The locates are take prace in the moming, ort rry require up to 4g hburs to perform. The Pubric wort's construclion tnspector wirf review the apptication and approve or disapprove the permit. you wiil de conraaeo as to the il;;;; any changes that may be needed. Mosi permits are reGaseo within qg ni,,io oi'Li.g received,but please aflow up to one week to proceis. As soon as permit is nroces.s.g!, 3 copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropment alfowing rhe 'Buirdino p.9rmit" ro o" rEL"r"J.- prr"rri;ilffiii.e the "pubric way Permit'with a'-Buirding eermit;-t" o-" *"rt on a project site itsef. Note: 'The above process ls for work In a rlght_ot.way only. *Public Way permlt,".* *A new pubtic Way permit is required each year. 75 roulh trontlgc rord u!ll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otflcc of communlty dcyclopma||l BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this penltl:t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineerts (pub1i. piFl review ano ipp"ouur,'a Fiinnini'beparrnent review or Hear th Departmint review, rn[-i-r""iu; ;i';il;";riiaing Sioilg;'h"lLi "trrr.ted time tor'a totar ""ui"r-i"v"Lil'as r6ns All connnerc-ial ('rarge or smail ) and ail murti-famiry permits wirl have to foilow the ibove menti6neJ-mi*i*rr requirements. Residential and small projects shourd take a reise" amouni of tirne. However, if residential or smailer,projects irnpaci the various above mentioned departments with reqard to necessai^y revrew,-ih;;; ;;;j;.ii'ruy also take the three weet periloJ. Every.attempt wilr be nnde by this departnent to exped.ite this penni't as soon as possible. - vY v^rEsres e' l:-!!. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time trame. Conmuni ty Development Department. ?5 south honlrge ro.d Yeil. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&]ECT: olflce of communlty devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED WTTH TTTE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL pUBLrc woRKs/coIrtMuNITy DEVELOPMENT IT'ARCH 1G, 1989 CONSTRU TION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unrawful for any person to litter, traek or deposit.any soif,-roci., sand, debris or nateria], incl.uding_tlasfr h"lnsters, portable toirets and worknen vehictes.upon any streetl .ie;;uil;;;i;y or pubtie place or any portion theieof. -rrr" .tgnt-of-way on arr Town of Vail streets and.I?"-d= is approxinateiy 5 ft. ifi pavement.This ordinance nlll be. "triEify--lnforced by the Town of Vai]Public works DeDartment. persini found "ii,r"ti"g this ordinance wilt be given a 24 hour *r=iaG;-';"ii""-t"-;;;;"""id roareriar.In the event the person so notifiea.aoes-not-;;;piy with the notice within ttrg_-zc hour.tilre-sfecified, the puLlic !{orks Deparr'ment will retnove said rnateii"r-"i-[h;';";:;=e of person notified. The provisions-of--[iri] orainance suirr not be applicable to c-onstruction, n.irri"nange or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilitres in tbe right_a_way. To.review Ordinance No. 5 in full.,Vail Build,ing Department to otiiin cooperation on this natter. please stop by the Tolrn of a copy. Thank you for your -Pos r r 1 onlne I a t i onsEIp-E6@ f**i i.e. contractor, owner) tuwn 75 roulh horrtege ,oed vall, colortdo 81657 (30n) 47+2138 (36) 4D'213S ottice of community deyeloprnent NoTrcE To coNTRAcToRs/oIf,NER BUILDERs Effecti.ve June 20, 1991, the Town of vair Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new const.ruction sites h_ave adeguatery establi-shed _proper d.rainage rrom ouiiJinj sites along and adjacent to To$/n of vail roads of "rreecs.The Town of Vail pubLic works Department wirr be required to 5-nspect and approve drainage acljaclnt to rown of vail roads or streets and tbe instalration of teurporary or pernanent culverts at access points from the road or streEt on to tle construct,ion site.such approval must -be o.btalned prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department tor tobtingls or Eemporary electrical o.r any other inspection. pl_ease calr 4-7 g-zi5o t6 request an inspection from the public works Department. All0w a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of VaiL publ-ic works Department will be approving all final drainage and cuLvert installation with resultlnq roa6 pacching as necessa_ry. such approval- must be obtainea piioi-lo Fj.nal Certificate of Occupancy i.ssuance,. TOTTN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-21 3e FAX sO3-479-2452 Departnent of Comnuotin, Developnent I*FORMAIIOtr f,EEDED IIITEf, APPLYITG FOR A UECTTNTTCAL PERUTT HEAT LOSS CAICULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF .MECHAT.IICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WTTH PHYSTCAL DIMENSTONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQU]PMENT IN I'IECHANICAL ROOM. sHow sIzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOIE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WrLL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM, 3. 4. FAILI'RE TO PROVIDE THIS TIFORI,IATIOX IIILI, DELAI YOUR PERI,IIT. o o z CN {F c C)J o z T rn F 3 -{ C r- - -t (D m Ig i-- o .-.h E <x a m: 6 9n 1 oi S trI <r iq I -,:m=-rr-J .\c P5 6€1o,d€ag aO c1'>t 1-o hil .Tl m ={ txlfl t<"mut l- t- =2.oo a- nT] 'Tl -o z= z= z o 2.1 A) _r (, , R<ZA *t 6z -{^9E Oa .z t-ic p< 1Z SaJ z'^-{ ,l 3Y a>=-.{ o 0> 2n nZ >m C)T --l >or o =m --{ €z m z 3 IT € H z F ?=SH o>'r t- --l @ |- -ll =z n ,m I z t- -{m t-m -{o €z o .ll l> =, m 9' IZ lo n tr l€ lz lo ll lu ; LM d {z o I ; 6 lz lo I {! n s' I \ ! "1 €z l t- I m 6.) z I t)o\ I 'Tl r 6)o F Lrq F P z 6)l-I Fll IE H F, IE le le t<t> l-It n a -l F D r D p o E 'tl a) --t z FI U.) U) \r E\O I U) <2 >r FF >l- n lui tt lJ -l;\tlZ 6t>5.lH IH ztz <I Zlra l-l I l=l cDlt aia I HI FI I (,z =q ' _;- m tol 19o tHo Itsi lli o r-- T tsm \0!x= -{ -{o (D m x m -.1 o z c o TD a =m -;z t- -o m =J a z m m m l< lz tz l- l>1- -l m -l T o z m ! - c fi fro<>-n'o -im 9lP -1 lo €l; FI oPN:-32 8i 3n9# =F ;o l1n > _n 5E 68 .o'<z F 92 2f o 6P ?zA E i -,'n z z =€>9 l 'tl I =m t-'tl VALUATION zl c,l 3l 2 url ll >l --r I 'l I I I I Ol 4l -l I I 2'J ol - 9;c li,YlFl :]N ' rfl I I I lF ICI rl \o ll ls. >l ml u^+ W<r,,'lG, !m n =z o '1 I I ; I i { ! o o zl g F c c){6 2 T trl 7 =-.1 lE 6 lEl l*f;l\olt lF=ld o m x m !{ o z C-o F H3 ?ni i z 9 I I I l-^l lffi l(.ir l{r I -{oa : 1,;. .. @ m Etr. E e' HE l* ; i c?L lm : ii == 16 ^ : d6lT g a 2tm!I=E H .-r-l= i E r_rr_J ! I rr 6 € =,- 4 o.>-68 ZZ vE =t, > I -n T m t -{ o 7o Ir 9n o ft gE xi' 9E c =Z ! I !l- 3 g z C) c c ; c a t-m o { o t- C) 2A -{m vz >m o7 {>or a T ? =m C)-t €z m 4 (_ (D z 3 t? t G'ql Fl H !E FO lrt (n o *t H trl t I gf'_ |m[l o>'t-tr r --t @ 7 x I I I I l =2 c) '-'| .m r F t6 t= lz l'n t<t>lr lr m lo t> Io n I ! tl H b l€F lal t<l> lF l!m o lz I l" I -{ m t- F {o l€ lz o Fl l<i>F It lm lP lz lo I I I -l ! tl ro a"ro I co !F -{ €z .T |- m o z I Ut Or I t{, I 3 8 p tct F !t 6) EI FI c*t!c!}| lc lil () { m T m l{ t€ lz lo .ll t< F l! lm F) t2 lo I d F e D F D p l9 t0 m tr n 3 o f IF !E a F'w (.r o t, 3\o rr€'I t, @ w o F I I I I q4 GOI I HI .{l lqfl trl Erl vtl *l arl Fel -.TI]UII OF URIL COM-DEV ID:303_479-2452 Post lt" brand tax transmittal m€mo 0cT 17'94 11:51 i coNsrRuqrroN :rctrlroN loRr{ IPI;EtrELY OR IT }IIY NOT BE ACCEHDE'b No .005 ,] PEII}IIT l P .01 .j r-ru5? I Legal Dcacrlptionl lot Eloclc_ rlllng Ocmera Nanef.Addseaez 3F'33 P}l,777-3r3o 3t2 Archl.tect!lildressr Ph' l4z-aeaz. cener&l. nercrlpelon, (otnto"- .4,e./on*toZ - - t t{ork ClaaFs I l-ile$ [ J-Alterat,lon 1 ]-Mdlttonal I J-Rspair J J-orher Nunbcr of, tnrelllnE Unl.te: 2fa Electri.cal lfuDber of ]ccofitodation Unlts: Ptuhbing AddreEB! ContIleto'pF Town of Vall Fhone Nurber: fown of val.l Phone Nunher: Town of, Vall Phone Nuhber: Reg. No. Mechanlcal Contractorr Addreeel ReE. No. ***lt*****r**r***********t*a.*** FOR oFFIeE ugE ********.****r****r*****t***i** EUII,DTNC PEruTT rEE! PIUI.IBINC PERI{IT FEE! UECIIANIC,AIJ PERUTT FEEI SUfIrDIlfC PLAil CHECK PEEI FII'I{BTNC PIAN CIIEEK FEE, }TECIIA}IICIIJ PI..AII CIIECK FEE: RECREATION PEE! CLEIN-UP DEPO$!Er EI'.ECTRICAIT FEE: oEttER rYPE or-FEut-ld. il,DB8 PEEg 4 .T0|llN OF VHlL COM-DEV TO; FROII: DATE; REr ID:303-479-2452 o uEiroRANpurr ALL OO}JIRA TOFS ocT 1i3 11:s1 No.00s P.02 IOWH OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEFANTilEiTT llAY 0,.r09a WHEN A'PUFLIC WAY PERTIi|r'IS REOUIRED YES 1) 2l 3) 1l 5) 6) ls thle a new resldgncs? ls demolltion wofi belng perforrned that requiro8 the uea ol the dgtrr of way, ea8Bdr€ntB or publlc prop€fiy? ls any utility woft nocdad? lE the driwway belng repawd? 18 difierent acogEe needed to ette othEr than exlstlng iliveway? ls any dralnage uork belng done affealng the right d way, oaeomentE, or public property? le a'Ravoceble Rlght Of Way Permit" required? A. lr the rlght of nay, gaeomsnts or pubiic p,ropefiylo be usecl br Bta0lng, perking or ferctng? B. ! no to 8A, le a paddng, staging or fenct'ng plan required by Communlty Developrnont? I ha\re reed and anawered all -/'?t.s'nr' lt_vgL "lty"qd reg p any of lhess qreiuo]rs, s'pubtic way permlf must br obtalnsct.?ublic {ay_Pemlt'applicafrons miy be obtalned * trJpu6rio'worrt otrroe or Bt $.TTrItry Devgroppenr. lf yuu hern-any_questions priEsJ cail dad6Dayre, rhe Town of Vail Coffitrucilon In8poator, at 4ZT,2f 5S. Job Name -fle /z .TOLJIi OF VRIL COM-DEU '5=lffi,,orrrr,rr# 3 11 :52 No .005 P .03 1) 2l How it relatee to BulHlng Pennlt: .A new pubilc fUay permtt tr nqutrcd eaoh yila Fill ot|| the our shedr lict pfovldod wtth a,bultdlQg oermir aoo[cation. 'tf yeg w:e gry€rud !g,:ny of th€ abrgrr.euastrons then a "pubfc way permrt' is pquircp. _Y_ou can pu(_up a1 appflcaildn fi etthetCo;rrniV-ilrrbpmenr, tocar.d er 7s s..Froilsge Road or pirblic works, ro"ted ariiotfaiiianey orive, Notlce sign offe lor utirity companlis. All utllliles must fieH vedff (tocate). respec.tlre tnilirier Odo1t9 r$gninj appilcailon. $ft "tlbr;ffiadJ" ,.qrlr" ,p to e 48 hour notlce to echedute a todate;. A conetruc'tion tmfllc conrptn$ pgen--oe prep?p.d on a s€par*e sheet of paper.Thir pfen witl ehow tocdions of afi rrafic doniror Ocvlces 6[de, dnii, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construcflon, staglnE, eb.) r-'e"-' --!!!! skctch of work baing p.ertgred muer be rubmrttsd Indicatng drmensrons (rength,wi'rh & crepth of wurk). This mav be omwn on flre r"fiilHiiliiin or a erte phn for thd job. 99r! cofipreted apgtQqnrol toJhe pubric worrt,e orffoe for rgview. n rsquifod,rocates wilr be echsc,ured lorthe Town of varr ebc{dciaiJ,ft #fiilcr€w. The rocares Em take prre ftr th' moming, our mar requrrs upto 4g hou*to pedorm. The Pubtic Wort's Constn dlon InspeEtor will r'view the appllcation and appr've ordisappove the Fe,rnL you wrfr de conraaea aslo rhe siffi and;ry changee rhar mav be needed. Moet permlrs arsrehased *irhiril ffi;;;t;reosrusd,but pteaee eilow up b one'vuaek to pnceli;-- As soon as pemrt re proceceed, t coqy wilr be faxed to.community Deveropment atlowing rhe "Building pg{JnirJo b, r6riassd.- iteae, do not contuse the ,pubric way perrnif sth e "Bufrding eermil;i;dft; on I proreor stre rtser. Note: .Thc rboyQ proccss ts to] work In e flgrttrr-wry onty. s) 4',/, 6) 6) 7l ,1, tl $ d 'I 'TO!JN OF VRIL COM-DEV I5i03-47e-2452 tE $ulh lLonirl|. |Erd f,ll, oolorrdc llltt (sll 479-2138 or.479*2139 11 :52 No .005 P .04 cfflcr cf ccnrm|nlg dr|||cpm||tt BUILDII{O PERI.IIT IssI,ANcE TIIiIE FRAI,IE If thls perylt requlras I Towtt of Vril Flre Departnent Apprcvrl,Enst neer Ls..(pgrJ t9 b$, l reyiew rna apir"ovai, -i iiliiitlii"biilit .nt revlew or Herlth Departncnt.revlew, ant'l-revtew by the Bullrrlng Departnent, the Bstrilated trne tor-a totat revit*-irav"iar"'ii'iing ts tlire€ weells. All connerclat flarge or srnal!) and ail multr-famrly peyrnrts will have to follow thc ibove mantrined rnaximrnr requireir"enli.""fisiiinurr and.small prcjects_shourd taRe a resser imouni-oi-{iilJl' nl*IrIi., tt residenttal or smner,proJects inpact ttre'uirrous idii" ii"iilio=il0 departntefits.wtth regard to neeessri"y reviit, ttrei; ;ro&t;';i;'also trke the three week pertod. Every lttErpt wil'l be Rge by thls department to expedite thls Pemlt tt soon as possible. I' the frame. under$rgned, understtnd the pran check prccedure and time %z/r t tdrE tunterfin- Conmuni ty Developnent Deparhent. , .TOLJN OF VAIL COH-DEU luttn ro: FROr! DAEEI EU&rEcr: r503-47e-2452 0cT 1io 11 :55 No .005 P .05 ?t ac h lrDnutD lord rall. lctcildo lltgz (tot) 479-2l.t8 cr 479*2t39 cfilca ol communlty darcloprhrrt AI.f Cot*[Rl,c![oRs cuRStNlIL,yL REtrISEER]ED tfxl'H gltE rolht oF vII& tor|N oF. vtrrL tu8Ltc t{oRrs/cottitttNtTy DEvEIOgTitENT ITARCH 15; 1998 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & UAtERIAIJ STORAGE rn suruuatl, ordrnancr No' € etateg trrat lt ie urlawlur for any person to lttter, gpclc^or -deporit anv ,"ilr-riill-llna, debrie or Eatertal, lncluding traeh b,unpitgr-r, portable toilets and norkmen vehictee qFon-eny etreic-, - iie;;"ik; ;ii;y ;;. publ lc Blig" or any gortt-on thcieof. ifre-rrgnt-of-rray on arr rom of vqit stre€ra and Tg".dE ts approiinareiy s it.-iti'pivenent.This orcrr.nucc wrll re-it"_rEiry--rilior""a by the Toir or vail Publlc rforka De.art'ent. persrni--iouna niiratrni-ihle orainance 'trl be Elven a 24 hour wriii""-ioErce to r€Eove card naterial .fn tbc 6vrnt ttre Ferson eo notitlla n 6t iEi ;i;f, i" T;"' t o - r'd,; - tI'J -iiIh rdi"T, "lf; " "gHil"'*:l*:"; - - DeFarrnenr wur reuovc eala nit;;i;i-;r-rh"l6;;;"or pareon nstifted. rne proviai"il-;iilil-irarnance shilr nor bc aFpllcabre to c-onatnr"tfon, -ni{i[.i, any arrret ar aiily or any oiriltr"l"ffi 1il.':ni;*I-rH;:." "t llo revl,ow Ordl.rlnce.I?:-6-tn full, pl€aee etop by the Town of H:i.3lli3i'3"THlffi[Lla dilii''i ."pv, rf,ani you ro" your rclcnowlrdged bys 94 L6.tqq7z-,//'tc-;itlonz@ "TOUN BF \ URlL COM-DEV r503-47e-24s2 ocT 1io4 1 1 :53 No .005 P .06 dl6 ol conrmunlu drucloptncnt luun It ?l rauilr fiurhc. ro d vtcdfr||bltlSt Ir6t|rrnll (t6f |tji416 NoIIcE fo coI{TRf,cToRis/oENlrER auII.DERs Effectlve June.20, 1991, the Town of Vatl Building Deparrnent has developed the forLowing proceduEes to ensuFe that new eonetruction sites h_ave adeguag.ely established proper drainage fron buildinE sites along and adjacent to lorcn of VaiI roads or streets. lhe Tora of vall frubll: 'loa}|- -DetrertDcrrt yill bc Egulred to inapcct and atrrprove drrlnrga edJacbnt to toxn of veit'rordr or strtrta rnd tbc Lnatallatton of teutroFiry or FeEnaaeat culweFts Et eccear polntr tr6 th3 road or rLrg-t os to the oosetluctlon eite.such approvar rnust _be obta.Lned prior to any reguest for inspection by t.he Town of vair- Buirdtng Departnent f6r footings or tefuporary electrlcal or any other lnspection. please cait 419-zi6o ti,reguest an inepection from the pubric works Department. Arrow a mlninum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of varr public tforks Departnent wirl be approving a]1 .finar drainage and culvert instarlati,on with resulting roa6 pauching as necessa-ry. such approvar must be obtainea prlor-io Fl.nal CerClflcate of Occupancy lssuance* : : ': : i 'i rl T' :,ir : 'I rl .'l ! . -TOLJ}'I OF VRIL COI-1-DEV 75 South Fronmge Road Vail, Colorado 41657 103 -479.2' 3 I / 479.2 t 3e FAX 303479-2452 rT303-4?e-24s2 OcT 1il4 11 :s4 Pnz Depanmcnt oI Cowtttuttity Developnc nt HEAT LOEE CAI,CUIJITIONS. FO 8C"ILE FLOOR PIrAN Of MECHAI|ICAL, ROOII WITII EOUIPIfENT DRAtfN IN TO SCALE, WITI| PHYSICAT. DII.'ENSIONS At{D BTU RAfINCE OF AI,L EQUIPI,IENI It{ }IECI{AIIICAIJ ROOU. gHow srzE AND LoCATION OF CODIBUSTION ArR DUCT8, FLUES,VENI CONNECTC,RS AND CTs LINES. NOIE tfHEtHEB EIJEVAIOR EOUIPT'I8UT WII'L AIJSO BE IN8TAL'IJED IN MECtIAllfCt-r.'l ROOI'|. . ilttonxfrld TEEDED mIB tPPDtrrc tol' |' xtc|rllrcrn Efnnrt 2. 3. 4. IAILURI !O PRO!9IDE IEIB frlOnl|rEr0[r WlIi! DErrf IOUB PERXII. No .005 TVWIIOFVIN TOWN OFVAIL lDua;it l OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL i 0000.1i11 .{1.il3 ; SICNAP PRE PAID DESIG) ]I\N,ESTICAT]O] J5110 0000 2l 1l I 0000 42371 0l 01 41_1-i0,SUBDIV CASH l-l cx..* tj -l-{:rlr_li--l tf F r-_-!F- I L_ 14 i = c -- 2 1 gne**:= rle::h | :,,,:11 --.':r-.i i i, I l1i_r; 'J:i iir.::*i. i, i. i: i d,:iir,*il [!,:,-t'i-r-r;.,l'l i:ril ,i+ ;,i: !.,!:i :r, i i i.i i-; il il, l._.,.;;i[ i t.i ii;.i:. i i i iii..i !il,::,i_ii I ,. i. gr-r{6,1 ;,j .i I :-*irr p.e i C i::1 j. !jli{i*.:rl;-_.'li ;:r i i;i:l;i ;::i !.:rii!:iii:, -ia i.i-.r -.:i.!.:i .f. ,,1qi, i.:iii Fi;i,:un t F,-=i,J -I-Hrtf-{F-: irr-_!r_! '1r:;1;r,: i" r;.g;,,;i1 j.,,y i i;:[*"i :-.ji; RECEIPT TheTownofVail t p{1'g .. --;': .:.".-. ,; :r, le',n ' '16:i1u RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS- Permit Numbers Police By HOW PAID-Cash-Check T IL T C$PY BATLEY, Ilannwc & Ppronsou A PRoFEssIoNAr CoEPonAfl oN ArronN'eysArLAw LINCOLN CENTER 1680 LINCOLN STREET. SUTTE 3176 DEI{\'ER, COLOR"ADO 8028{ TELEPHONE (S0g) 837.1660 FACSIMILE (SO3) E3?.0097 VAIL NATIONAL BANK BLDC. 106 SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAI) WEST, SUITE SO7 vArr., coIpRADo 8166? IET,EPHONE (S0S) {70.0092 FACSTMILE (808) {?0.040? May 26, L995 Mr. Jin Curnutte Comnunity Development Departnent Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 8L657 RE: Westin Hotel Reservations Office Dear Jirn: The Westin Hotel desires to place a reservations office on the first fl-oor of the hotel . The office wiII be utilized for the sole purpose of booking reservations for the Westin Hotel only. It is, therefore clearly an accessory to the Hotel. In accordance with paragraph L8.46.050A2 of the Cascade Village Special Development Ordinance, a professional or business office rnay be located on the street level or first floor so Iong as it is clearly an accessory to a lodge or educational institution. If you have no objection to the Westin placing its reservations office on the first floor of the Westin Hotel please sign below. If you have any guestions please do not hesitate to caII. Very truly yours, Lawrence A. Eskwith LAE:ne APPROVED: l(tsn"t Rzs-r*r n"|' 'cr-fCF:FL.. ^r rrta|.a ftl. z-ve j rt.9 to !a cp-t l=-- iffit r ttott H#4if.Ssi*' ' (tt?, :ffist?r*a*-"ifJ'":dEr *a'#"**q:H{ Cenng - Irdt t Onttno -tlrtt'lt 9tt'(h!1 btldtaa|, ttc--lii'Jil}.'i" ''r 'r 'e'cd Town of Vrll ,*#"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 NAME .\tl / CALLER ruJrs @ ' /)" THUR FRI t rl n{s It,'-/, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: :'j:"1:::^?,*3, i, q 6f, O FOOTTNGS / SIEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER l.l, ROOF & SHEER * PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS {eeeaoveo-.-4 coRREcTloNs:/r'- I O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I t w tl JI T c o x ltl \l JI I E E tl' crrECK RESaEST pnrpenrosv, fun'r. ladu_ DArE: */r VENDORNAME, /-VzZZ4r'z._L/*<- . /'/ ''VENDoRNUMBER /A /s-f< DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # /af Z NAME OF JOB: //zezD z,Z/ 8".-",..2. ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF R-EFUND, f/A4V DArE APPRovED, Q-^t L/- ?6 a) APPROVAL S'A'TOO PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT OATE - JOB NAME INSPECTION:ryr9N rru#cnoN heouesr' TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER i'/,' t .a', ,: FRI READY FOR LOCATION:I .i ," ,/--TUES (WEDI THUR '*L .;{;1 ,. a I t i- , .' t r tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR Iqz(ppnoveo lArr"r,o* tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT t,a INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 :////,/- ,/t \l ttN ,/,4 ',,4 {-JoB NAME"DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: z'? MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET O UNDERGROUND U FQUNDATTON / STEEL ,MoucHl D.w.v. T] FRAMING fofiucrl wArER n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETFOCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr o tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr u tr ROUGH o tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL EI FINAL DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED a SPE IN 4i\ 1'')-,lu J---/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR tal WED ,-.tq t -l'^r'ra "2.1 < \ Dty^,t2r]7. BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGHOUND XROUGH / D.W.V. )g noucu / wArER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL o rgur.lonrroN / STEEL tr FRAMING ,-., ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o o tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o_ tr SUPPLY AIR 0 T] FINAL O FINAL FFROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ' z't r/oerc // 2 /'7/ rNsPEcroR t. tNs CTION REQUEST - TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ootr llf aa/q4 JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR PERMII NUMBER OF PROJECT tt AUILDING: a tr FOOTIT{GS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ! noucH / D.w.v. F ROUGH/wArEB I tr FOUNDATION / STEEL :ir g FRAMING ,- BOOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING tr INSULATION - C] GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ^tr SHEETROCK NAIL FI tr tr FINAL tr FINAL IIIECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr .,| 9 .F,lryAL tr FINAL ffiveo TREpTTONS: u DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED . .. I //fi4'+ / |'|./ I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT l..INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND zEnoucn / D.w.v.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - h nouos/wATER ri ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL O FINAL tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN o SPE crroN nEouEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT OF DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUB '.i"?;''i'MoN,FRI..f ,nv PM BUIIDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB -: E FINAL tr TEMP. POWER " D HEATTNG O EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR B FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED :i ,,/ .r ..r-,f ...- - . t' DATE INSPECTOR ,l u\'.. \ /'l t' i - ,-'-- / li ir rl - .... .- ) 'I I lr '+ I t, sFEcrroru nEouesr- TOWN OF VAIL 2- N ;a tt ol ud,"r'11 -.4(- t O,lt Flr DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON / ? .,.,LOCATION: 7/,:7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT /tl z'L. ' ,' " 479-2138 WED , THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FFAMING rI ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL cl tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR -t\jrt il INSPE FRI CTION REQTJEST' TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 -----@eu 1x READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER WED BUILDING: I O FOOTINGS / STEEL a PL tr tr tr tr tr o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL 0_ #"ru 4 l rZt trFrNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D- tr SUPPLY AIR n 'FINAL #//-?, *< 'FTNAL ryED TIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED IONS: INSPECTOR ,.(l t -'' 4bto l/ INSPECTION )t REOUtsST TOWN OF VAIL L ^ 479'2138 r iF6 1 -----@ r" DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR ^llr il r-" ---fl-)Y(, ' n/\}z.,.:,- | ) t_/\J I _-J_ P 'tLul +, <t.,.- l' ., BUILDING:t tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr o tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOOOS tr coNoutr tr SUPPLY AIR O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR . r, o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DArE .',1, 'I.: JoB NAME . CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 AM PM BUILDING: PLUMBING: <D tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W,V. -.LD F FRAMING J D ROUGH / WATER -\RnnF n eLrtrtrEr n Y,vv,- 'L'WOOD NA'L'NG tr cAS P|PING _ tr INSULATION - D POOL / H, TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL O - tr o_ tr FTNAL D FTNAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr D_ tr FINAL D FINAL d APPROVED T] DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t PE rNs NAME | -'!:CALLER J''' F'i -. CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 _ /,, /'''ll ( i READYFoRtNSPECT|oN:MoN.TUESWEDrHun.'rnr-AM,,pv :, I ' .i ,'I n/-ATf nNf. I t! ' 't'. .i I'/'.:' I BUILDING:, tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O,^UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL d noucn / D.w.v. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOO NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] SHEETROCK D POOL i H, TUB NAIL tr D tr FINAL J drrrunl ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr o TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOOOS coNDUtT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED OVED E DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL- 479-2138 PERMIT NUMBEH OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLEB MON TUES BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB r] SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr D\F.lNAL D FINAL FAPPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR -^ INSPE CTION REQUE TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 TUES 7067 PENIATT NUMEER OF PROJECT oi,or= -12- ttl - 7cu JoB NAME L' ,sn N . CALLER BEADY FOR LOCATTON: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER u ptYwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING g ttrtsulartoru tr SF{EETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL o B o FINAL g FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tvlECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CI CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR FINAL E FINAL AFF-FIOVED COREECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED BEINSPECTION.REOL F /?ll-n Y- PV f;0 PLANNING AND MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Amsden Bill Anderson Bob Armour Jeff Bowen Allison Lassoe ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION April 11,1994 MINUTES MEMBERS ABSENT Kathy Langenwalter Dalton Williams STAFF PRESENT Jim Curnutte Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen Kristan Pritz Randy Stouder I A request for a minor SDD amendment to allow a modification to the approved access and landscaping at the -located at 1300 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as: CASCAOE IOOGE !OINT \ENTUBE (Wo.t'. fiordl Th.r pd olth€ SW r.. NE I a S*|m 12 To*rlhp s Sourh R.'E.8l woll or to S!6 PanoprJ Mrdran ToM ol Vdl E.de Ccrnty Cold.do. &4ftd ..ldloN,t Sogir.hg !t a po$r m 6€ lotnhdy band.ry ol rhe p.c€l ol land &\o$n on rho Cordodduh Mip lorlh. Cold.do MMrin Cctdomrnrlms r..ddcd n Bo.t 387.1D.9€ 5m h rh. oalii@ ot rh. E.gis Ctunly Cord.do. Cld(.i! F..dd-. *trdc. th. mo6l.crndy @@r ol eid ptc€l b€.r. S 52 5029 W ra 16l..r d.t.nt:rrsEe rh.loldtrg lW.oy3o. tdl9 n. euihrly b@.|d.ry ot.rd pr@l {r)N52_5029'Ea9l6l@t:{21{37'12.5'Wl23al-r {3) N52ril5'Elool-l.ia)N37 l?a5'wl30leetrr9N52rt15'!260i..1 16) N37 12 a5' W 8 70 1.C. (7) N 5? 17 15', E t 5 00 |.d 18) s 37 1?.5'E 2.0 j-l (elN52!o?qE352€ler:thhedeo4rl{edeundybound.ryN52so29'r.er rh*e s 37 093 r' E .9 3 r..r rh..cc N 52 5029' E il8 701..r. h66 S 37 O93l' E 9 €O t.c. h.nc. N 52 50 29' E 80 OO l.or. 6once S 37 Crg: l' E 220 02 L.l lo Cd. Cr.ok rh-c.lh. idb*i.lg tor |:Jl)'|]'l6 rf..'g Gs. Creor: rr) S 49 26 36. w 76.5 r..r. iA 5 22 3135'W iza 1t |'6r: 13 S 53 3236'w 1!9 3. to.| (ai S 65 31 36'w la 58l-!, n6c. N 37'0931' w 116 a5loer to thc p(|nr .J begrn.l|ng conr.ri.g r r0 20{ lqlar€ l€.1 q 2 49 *ro5. rno.e s lo.. PLAZ SUIIE Th.l pul ol t|. SW I a NE 1 a S.ction | 2. Totnch,p 5 Sodh. R!€€ € | W.. ol h. gt h Pdndpd M6dji!n. T o*n ol Vil. Colaa.lo de!c.b.d r. ldlo t3: 8ocn,*E d th€ nocl no.lheliy cdM ol Cddonrih thp or Cdddo Mounrah CodmhiuD6 rccordhg lo tro m.p lh.r6l r.codd h Boot 387 rl P96 620 ii t'. o{ic. ol EAi. Coory Cob.do. Odl . d F€dd- *nre - 16 fin *ah C.GIE qp h-{ing th. 6l- ol 3il Ser6 12 b..6 S 3a 50 58' W9€a37le1 t.rc. N 55 a8 :u' E r 0€ 57 lo.r rh€.|@ t! 97 loor Cdg ho s. ol r cw€ to lho lell h.vtng . EdD. ol l12l 72 h6l,. @ntd rdo ol 0a'050.'ed.cho.dlh.lb..r.N5..613.7995l..l.thenc.N52!3.1'E2882le.tilhonc.S37_0931'Ei0576l6tlh.oc.Ss25O2vW2500 r-t}iaeS37-093j'w2soore.1:rhrc.s525029'E80oor.!r.0Fnass25029'w15mr-rirh-6s37093r'€1678ird:h-oS525021r w2l30le€{.th.n6S370931'Ee60l*1.lhon@Se5o2gw8oo0lo.l.lh.ncaN370931'w960i€€l lh'|co S 52 5029'w a&70 to.l lh.ice N 37'0e31' lV a5 3a leor $onc6 S 52 !0 29' W 36 96 te.r to rhe .dthe.srody 1.. ol s.id Corldonirn('n Map o{ Colrado Molml:in Co.ldcnniun.r lh.nc. lh. ldldilE rrFF c@r&G ard\€ ..id nonh€..reiy lino t 1) N 37 09 31' W 55 00 io.i (2) N 07 50 2€' € 45.m 1!.1 t3) N37'0031'W m.aol€.ltolh. Finl ol b.dnriig Ent.hi.r | 000 .q-. tu. d rc... Applicant: Planner: Vail Ancillary Trust, d/c/a The Westin Vail Resort Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the stafl memo. Andy stated that eighty-eight spruce trees will be added to the site. He stated that staff has approved this minor SDD amendment with the three conditions contained on Page 3 of the staff memo. Bill Anderson inquired whether the trees which were being removed could be replanted around the Club at the north and east side in the barren area. Phnning and Environnanlrl Commbsion ADtil 11,1994 ? Skip Behrhorst, representing the Weslin Hotel, stated that their intent is to transplant the trees on the south side amongst the trees already there along the bike path. Skip said their intention long term is to upgrade the whole entry but there is a question about adequate irrigation. Greg Ochis, with Design Workshop, explained the tree salvaging process. He stated that currently, the trees are placed inside ol pits with grates over them and that it would be difficult to pull them out without damaging them. Kristan Pritz commented that additional planting on the north side of Cascade Club has been difficult because there is very little space between the building and the CDOT right-otway. Jeff Bowen stated that Todd Oppenheimer and Trees for Vail might be successful in proposing lower landscaping that would be approved by the Highway Department. Skip Behrhorst stated that the property boundary with Colorado Mountain College goes into the line ol planting for the courtyard for the Westin. He has a letter from Cascade Village Association, Colorado Mountain College and the Westin supporting the project and a potential sign by CMC. The property is owned jointly by various parties. Skip said that the letter says that the individual owners of the Condominium Association are not objecting to the signage. Andy replied that the sign proposalwas a DRB item and that he could clarify the Sign Code standards for the applicant after the hearing. Jeff Bowen commented that the width of the road would creale traffic problems. Andy staled that the Fire Department prefers the proposed design for access. Greg Ochis mentioned that the new curb and landscaping will make traffic flow clearer as to where drop off and pick up lanes actually are within the courtyard space. Skip Behrhorst said the Fire Department required the proposed lane. Jeff Bowen made a motion lo approve this request for a minor SDD amendment in accordance with conditions 1,2 and 3 of the staff memorandum: 1. The applicant shalldedicate a fire lane easement satisfactory to the Town of Vail Fire Department which shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Flecorder's Office. 2. The applicant shall provide engineered drawings for all work to be done in the Westhaven Drive right-of-way for the review and approval of the Town of Vail Public Works staff: and. Plrnning and Envlronmenlal Commission agtll 11, 1994 3. The applicant shall include pans on the drawings to be located at the entrances to the parking garage and the hotel driveway. Bob Armour seconded the motion. A 5-0 vote approved this ilem. 2. A request for a setback variance to allow for an expansion to the residence located at 4295 Nugget LaneiLot 7, Bighorn Estales. Applicant: Margaret Gross Planner: Randy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the staff memo and noted the changes which had been made to this proposal since the March 28th worksession. Bill Hein, the architect for this project, explained that the site is heavily treed. He stated that the applicant would like lo develop a new planting bed to lhe north rather than placing additional trees where there is already a lot of planting. He stated that they were not proposing to reduce the number of trees but they were proposing a location change. Randy stated that staff is recommending approval. Bob Armour made a motion to approve this request for a setback variance per the staff memo. Jetf Bowen seconded this motion and a 5-0 vote approved this item. 3. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A P.rl ol l.nd in lha Sdlhtcl Ouar* ol SFto l a. TMlhip 5 S@rh Fl.€€ 81 W€d ol rh€ 6lh PnncPai ir€ndd mde pan|grhrjy d6ditbd !! lolds B€ghnng .l . pdrl *tlence . b..a6 ep s6r lor a who86 comff lr rh€ W6r O!!d.l ol c.i! Secrio r 4. b€r6 iNor$ 29 d€roo. 2€ dinurot 51 3.cod3 w€61 1073 G l..l M) (No.rt a3 0.9rF. rs niourB 02 e@d. we.r. 91s 96 lo6 yl€s@rod)r Th66Ncrrh)!d€sr6.056h!ro6rqas@rdsE!sl.r0761€or.Th€.618362l..1.lo.Elhe.rcoj!efr.lottu4it *li.h .r. Gubl6ndc . chord b..nE Ndlh 88 d6E.*! 12 mhvloG 30 6e6dG E.31, tgr.76le.t Thooco SoJrh t d.!r*.406h!1oc 21 !eod. E4.1.5277 bel; th.ne 1a7 a3l..l.JorE th. rc ol . druc lo lh. bli wtid tc @bdiG . dod b.. tr Ndlh 86 de9(c..36 'in\rr..17 Eftdrd6 E..t, l.560iFrlh€.t6Nod70d.9.6.5?nirur.E55tscond.E..1,4065s l-t Thr@ 5!.10 iet dd9 lh. vc ol : cwe ro rh. nghl rhrch .rc 6ubr€id6 i drcd b.|]eg Sodh 47 d€r@6 ?0 mi^ur.6 3? s6d6 8.61 al 20 l.e1i Th.nco Souh la d€.*B 25 tri@rG 50 @@rd6 W.sr t r 0 51 l6er D'm. Sol,lh 68 d€r6i l8 hhur.c 91 6€rd6 w6l 320 0O l*r. Thfte Nonh l9d€groG 07 ritur- C6 e6rd6 We.r 50@r*r. Tlc. Sqrlh 77 &9i6! tB miruloG !i .€.d6. W6t r50 t8 ts1 Thr|ce Sodh 10 &9,6o3 53 o|nues 33.esd.Wo.r 36.8loel: ]}.e6 t!o.6 87 d€re* a0 d.ur6 C6 s@rds wo3t. 337 72 le€l Thm. (North r 1 d.gr.d 52 rDdre 13 *@.d3 E.3r. 130 00 ber Doqd) Nofi | r d€r-3 5s minotG 31 F@rdc E.sl. r29 7s l.€r Me!&,.d) ro h6 FOINI OF A€G|NN|NG. B..IYE to.n GL.O. rocdd lorSdrlhhlri cr S6clioi lno bcrwoh Sel]on6 ra r5 tG.LO recoft, Sourh 0r d.s.4s 30 2 |rllnlro6 Easl) (Sodh 01 do96€6 38 mhd€6 32.€cdd. Eall Applicant: Juanita l. Pedotto Planner: Andy Knudtsen It should be noted that Greg Amsden stepped down from the PEC for this item to prevent any conflict ol interest and Jetf Bowen look over as chairman. Plrnning and Environm6nlal Commission April 11, t 994 THrWrsnru RrsoRr Vail Apnl14, L994 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Service Planner 75 S. FrontageRd. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Westin Hotel Courtyard Landscaping Renovation Project Dear Andy: As you requested, attached are the current ownership percentages for the Colorado Mountain Condominium Association (CMCA) : Unit # c-001 c-l0l c-201 c-202 c-203 D-001 R-l R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 s-001 s-002 s-l0l s-401 Description Storage Clancy's Theatre (small) Office Theatre (Large) Loading Dock Residential Condominium Residential Condominium Residential Condominium Residential Condominium Residentid Condominium Residential Condominium Residential Condominium Residential Condominium cMc cMc cMc cMc Owner Greg Amsden KevinWall Steve Lindstrom Neil Sirotkin Steve Lindstrom Westin Thomson Corporation Rich Ryan Jim Nyquist Harold Brooks Fernando Casas Fernando Casas Mark McCormick Ray Brenner Kay Saulsberry Kay Saulsberry Kay Saulsberry Kay Saulsberry TOTAL Ownership % 1.6700 5.1200 3.1300 1.9000 10.4500 8.7900 4.4225 4.4225 4.4225 4.4225 4.5225 4.5225 4.5225 4.522s I1.0000 2.3900 11.2700 8.5000 100.000% 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657, (303) 476-7111, Fax (303) 479-7025 Mr. Andy Knudtsen April 14, 1994 Page2 In summary, total ownership percentages by owner are: Description Storage Clancy's Restaurant Theatres (2) OfEce Loading Dock Penthouse Condominiums (8) College Owner Amsden Wall Lindstrom Sirotkin Westin Various Colorado Mountain College TOTAL Total Ownership % t.67 5.12 13.58 1.90 8.79 35.78 33.16 100.00% Please let me know if I can provide any further information. tPr'r' l)/1 lrl v/ \r Chris Hanen General Manager CH;tmd Skip Behrhorst Gign Review Action Fl" TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Building Name: Project Decription: t(l--t t o,v c- *t ct>".n r/ ^..='-' a.a-4- Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecUoontact, Address and Phone:u',in 1,. [ 7 'r" )7 J !).e", ,""r C t-., li Z.c> Z Legaf Description: Lot - Block ' Subdlvision zone Distrist S d / ProjectsreetAdAress: f \ fO (,t-l u, / Aao.'-- tl ,^r.- Board / Staff Action 12 uotion oy: h4t,-A vore: Seconded tv: 'btw.'zr B'Approval D Disapproval ! StaflApproval 6-o / /, , i (-otSr.r,r' /.Ss.n tn-.. o7_- / tlt Conditions: Town Planner ,n". 4-7u-'l{ DRBFeeere-paia 16/:/c>,oD THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vailon April 11, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Flun) on Lots ' 16, 19 and 21 , Section 14, Township 5 South, Flange 81 West, generally located norlh of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development ( Planner: Jim Curnutte 2. A request for a minor subdivision and variances for selbacks and minimum lot size for two PrimaryiSecondary lots located at2682 and 2692 Corlina Lane/Lots 9 and 10, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Hans Wemann and Helmut Reiss Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more . specifically described as follows: A F'rt ol Lnd i h. SoMh!-t Orrnr d s.Cd l/t. Tdnd'ip g Sodr Fb'!g.8t W.d otlh.6n P,in i.l Mrilrr. nto.t ptiEl|.'t d-!rib.d..lolt BAirrr,{.r . Firt |,ric. . tr.r. ..p.d tr r *116.r ro,nr L. !h. W..i Ouitr ol rdd S..'cr ra, b..n {||o.ii 2i d.9r-.28 rnLub. Sl ..!o.td. W-1.1073 43 La &dl (t*rn al Oir-r tg rid|. @ rofid. lv..a, 3r S 9a t d ir.|j,Jrtd)l Th-.. |tdor 7a dAr..r 03 lhhu.. tg ..c.idr €rr, lo.tt t .t Trr|c 133.32i.. r|(,EI|.rtol. etr 10 t|. ddrl t,idr rt.ar..d. . d..d b.r,i€ tadh S d.gr... 12 ih\ni 30..cc!d. E.a. r,t.75 1r* t)'*. So,,|r n d.t...r.o.nlrn r 2t ...drd. grl 6aZ lrt lh-a ia?.a! !.. .rc.N a|. r'B d. a't b ,r Lt rrich rs rrb|..td. . dtod b{.if t|adt 8G d.t... 36 rinu.r | ?.c.'|d5 E|.t r a5.6O t..l; Thnc. Norfi 70 dart 52 |l.'ur. 35 |.dd. Err, a06.15 L.q ltr€ ta.lo h.lJcl9 6. f! o{. .r r ro lh. rit! ,tich .r! .lbrrtd.. drd b.ri'l9 Sord a7 d.gr.r 20 nthd.r 17 ..cd{t Ed. a.20 rtri Tbttc. Scr|r l a d9t- 23 rtrrL. !O ...st| W.., 110.51 LG nr.'F. Soi6 al d.9'... lt.'*M.r 9l .-dtd. W.{ seo.oo l,.t Tt.'E ltoli il d{r.- O ninn- 6...oidr W.d. g).m h.t ' tllc. S.urt Z d.rr... a8 r*u.. .l ..ccr!r. W-t I eo.l! tFt.. fh..*. Sodr l0 d.fr... 53 |nh|...13 rGct<,. W..l. 36.a9 trai t[..F. Nodrr 87 dtrti .0 rirr,l- G |.co.d. W..t 337.72 b.[ :li.G. (urrh I r df.... 52 rirut- 13 -coiJr Erd. r3o.0o r.d t,..d) N..tt I r d€rr] 55 rnnxi 3t t !s!. E.d. |zoJS bi Motrn|(') to tb. PolNT oF SeGlNNfNG. 3..rit to.i G.L.O. rccd *r So/n idol S.ciqr lm b.i*.rr S€b ta.t!. IO-LO. 7.€.d So/fr Ol drgr...302lrin,r- E-! (S0!lr Ot (t.ttt|| ilt trat4..32 rcc.d. Ed t|.ur.dl Applicant: Juanita l. Pedono Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a minor subdivision and a wall height variance io allow for the construction of an avalanche mitigation wall located at4229 Nugget Lane/Lot 6, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Helen Dickenson Planner: Mike Mollica t S. A reguest for a minor SDD amendment and a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Parcel D and Tract C, located at 1320 Morraine Drive/Parcel D, Lionsridge Filing No. 3, and Tract C, Dauphinais Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Pat DauPhinais Planner: Jim Curnutte 6. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a drivewayto exceed'10% located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing' o Applicant: Planner: 7. A request for a minor SDD amendment to allow a modification to the approved access and landscaping at the Westin Resort located at 1300 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as: crscADE IoJGE JO \[ V€N_UCE ' (w'3in H't'l) tll pr1dh.SW1/.NEr/a.S*t.12,Tolenihp5Sodh,Flita8rW.dotfi.SlhPrhcpdl'Ld |n, Tosr ol V.il, E.C. Co.rniy. Colddo. &..rb.d r.ldlo^|l Bthni.r rt. pohl cr 6. .dll\rry b@'i.ry ot t! p.€.1 ol l.id d,o'.i n $. C.id6idF l'lip la 0r Colq.do Moslin C$&lnnrrft t..cdd h Soot 367 r PrF 620 h lh. .ali.. oi lh. E C. C@i!y Col6.do, C. .iC FEdd., itr-e $. mc .outr-t co.n ot G.rd Ps.t b.ra S 5,?50?9 w 1r tB t..l d.rrnt th.ncr rh. lolo*hg nn cor,t* dcrg h. F,rrhrly bordsr) ol 'rld prtcd:0)N s2'soa,lr E.9-t6Jt t:(a ii 37'rga5'W 1Z3r|ed: (3) r!5z".Z1tEt.@k t:{4N37.1215'w1.301..(itqN5?.7r5.25! j..li(6N3z12rywL?01€d:(aNS?.7r5'El5.0ol€d:(8)8321245'E A a0 t.dr: (9t i{ rP.:O29 E 35.23 ieerithd1r. d.prlirl9 leiJ.ouh.lt, barxj.ry N 3? 30 29' l.eli lhenc. S 32093t' 8.5.3r i..l lh.oE N52'502f g a8.70 tdjner.. S gt.0o3f E 9.601c.{, herE N!?iD2f'gE0.00ls*trnrtS 37'0931' E 220.02 1e.1 ro Gr.. C|elki th6c.lt ldloian| lct .oqt . .lctg ccr crcdc (t) s.9.2636 W 76..51.di (a S ??3136' W 1?...7 tc.: 19 S 5y$"36'lY 1r93a L€t (.) S C5'31 36'W 14.581..[ t|.'t.. 37t93f W l16.a5l- .lrr p4or ol trim.rt @6r.idn9 1r olm.g,t l..l s 2.a9.cr-. dq. q l.s. PL^zA SUIIE . ll1rr prn o1 li. SW tr,a NE t 4. Si{6 la fo.r,nslip 5 So'rlr, Rrr!. 8l !V.! o1 h. grh RhdpC lvldilir . Torn oi Vril, Cobno. d..c.b.d .r ldlort: Boghnht tr ftd no.rtPltt sB or Cddo.iirih M.p ot Cdq . Msdrh Cdldcnhi)m .coord'lg lo 6. hp lhdFi Fcad.d h 8o.l S7 d Pl. . 620 b h. .af€. ot !.91. Cointy. C.roddo, Od rn F.cdnr, *nric. D t6 ti6 rilh C.'th crp |n!fing rh. .Jltd ol .rd S.cldr | 2 b.rn S 3a'5O58' we5a371..rtins.N56_.a..'ErO€57llr.rhmc.ne7b.rd.llofi.}!drcq!.r.lt.Ltrh!!ii9rridir.oll12l.72L.lirc.ntdI'!l.ol oa.Os.oa.. rnd r 6Fd rhN b.r.r il !a.a6 rt . 79.95 ldi 0L... il5?r(lal' E r8.E2l.dt tFic. S 3709 31' E 1G.76lrt hgl.. S 5e5o2r W?5.00 to.r ir$o. S 3r0t3t. w ?5.m br: t nc. S 5?5C 29' E l0 00l..r, rHrc€ S 5450t9' lv t5.S i.et: lrnc. S i7'093t' E t6.t€ b.t bhc. S !A't y w2l.3Or..:{h.nc.S3?"093r'E960j..rih-..S5?'50?9w80001..tl\.6-N37'0031'W9-60t.lilhic.S53'5029'W4&701.d.llt|..N 37"093r. W .5.3r t..ai !€r'c. S 52 !O 2f W 56.9! l..t to rh. ndrhoro'ly lD ol .td Cqdoni'ren M.p oa bdjo Mcrnrrn Cdtdtnintt.: ttr.6.. n. |dbn€ rre cor..B.rr!.rd no?llqdit rn.l (1) N 37.0931'W 55.00 t..ri (a N 07'5029 E.S.m t-rt (O t 37'm3l'W 80.a0 L.lrot t ld ol _ b4lidint. ..tn.in't I .000 .td, 'io.. 6 L... Applicant: Vail Ancillary Trust, d/b/a The Westin Vail Resort Planner: AndY Knudlsen 8. A request for a major CCll exterior alteratioh and setback variance to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices localed at 520 Lionshead MalliLot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: VailAssociates,lnc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen Steve Sheridan and Adam SzPiech Andy Knudtsen April ll, 1994 Town of Vail CommunityDwelopment 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern: This letter acknowledges that the Cascade Village Association (CVA) supports the proposed landscaping and signage improvement plan designed by Desigr Workslrop, Inc. dated ldarch 14, 1994. This approval by CVA is given with the understanding that all improvements meet Tovvn of Vail code requirements. Chris Hanen President Cascado Village Association CH:tmd IL @ 7zs_/4tA7 t''/tz.,n></>-4 #n --._ b'-rx--l-4 i*/ @ r^"{oZ eat Y "^,L, 7r-/- 2&'""' April I l, 1994 Chris Hanen General Manager Westin Resort, Vail 1300 Westhaven Dr. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Westin Proposed Signage and Landscaping Plan Dear Mr. Hanen: As President of the Colorado Mountain Condominium Association (CMCA), I am expressing support, on behalf of the Associatio4 of the landscaping and signage improvement plan designed by Design Workshop, Inc. dated March 14;1994 which is proposed by the Westin Hotel for that specific area which falls within the common element boundaries of the CMCA. The property owned by CMCA (of which the Westin is a partial owner) is located adjacent to the CMCA building's main entrance. Predicated upon the understanding that this improvement plan is in compliance with appropriate Town of Vail codes, CMCA is zupportive ofthis projea and grants these modifications by the Westin on its general common elements. Sincerely, /,/i t/ | J I W '/lt"U | 'Je I Kay Sdulsberry President Colorado Mountain Condominium Association TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 11, 1994 ('c / vfl:5tt"w<: <'- 4-rr- 7 q {-c -0 Applicant: Planner: A request for a minor SDD amendment to allow a modification to the approved access and landscaping at the Westin Resort located at 1300 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as: CTSCADE I.OOG€ JOIIT \€MURE tw.sin Xord) th|| p|n ot |). SIV t/l NE t/., S.ct6 t2,T rdip S Sdrt\ Fn!. gl llbd ol h.gxn Prnopd l,L,rdhn, Toert 01Vil, E.C. Cdrnty, Col(.do. d...titi r.ldlml e.f|r*R .t r pobr d1 '!. ...rhdy bcrdrly ol tt p.r!d ol l|'d $ai o !. Co.no.nrim M|P |d n. Cdt.& rro4tlrn Cdr.tod r,tr do!.d h e@I 387 P{. 6, r, ti d06 d fD E.91. Cdnry, Colo.do. Oil .d n-cdr. lt|-o O. 6Fd ta,h3t coth.. d ri, Pt!.| b-t S 5?$2f W la.rgf-tdd. t. nr.c. n to&yr{irD ryl- d.rle i..a,|rtldr.dryol3idp.nl.(l}N52'5029'Eae.l6l.dilatl3t1?as'W123.i-lr{9 Ng.aTrt€t@hai(.lN3rr2.trvr!Or..t;{tNg.ri5'az6ot..:(ONgl12€'w!.7oL.i(rN3?a/rt€r9.0oL.itSS!tr?.5'E 22.ao i.di (ei N re50?9 E 35.21 i-ri bJ|c. d.prr|rE ..tt |oundy bcrll'ty N 52'50 2lr l.di h.tc. S 37'@3t' E a5.9. l-l ti.... N 52'!02{r E a8.mr-titllJt-S37t031'E0.30l.atn|lc.N5'!a20'Emmb..h.6c.S370931'E2200?b.rroCra.Cnl:b-c.'l tdlori.€ l<.r. d,t. drR Gdr c.rd(: tr) s .t.26 36' w 76..5 r..: (a s 22 3136'W t?a.7l.a: tO S 5il Tt 36'W tl9.3a b.t (a) S 65€136'W la.58 t-l: hG. N t"O93l. Vv 116.a5 L.l,o lh. pcrr ol b..irri9 lri|rr,lig ll02(n.{ur.ld c 2 a9 &t .. rnt. a L.. PTAZI SUTTE lh.r pyr ol i. S1V r/a E l/a, Sib. r2,Tdrtips Sd,5, F..!t UW.do!n gi6 Pthtip.t U-ai.r, r.5 ol Vil. C.lr.&..L..rt d - iola!: BrtrrE .l i. m.l dtt rtt c..r ot Cdn .ti in rr.p ot Cdcdo Mornr.h C.idqriar rcd&! ro h. hf h..-i r-odd in go.l 387 .l P{. G20h t dtr.or git Cd.t. C.tdd.. Cl-t jd R-dnr. Firr, rrt in rr'h C-!. G.p md{ig rh. c-lJ oa.*t 5€1trl 12 b..n S 3a'5O53' W95a-37i-r:'lqr. teaa a4'E tO6.6,7 h.t tnr 79.97 t-r dc! n r! ol..rrv. !orh. bnbrng.r..hr.ol lt2l721..( r..nta lld. ol Ot'ogoa'. r,rd r dcd hd b.rr N !a.t5tt.7995 t .tr h.c. N 52"a3at'E 28.12 t a: th.6c.S 37'0931'E 105 7€ l..t ht|c. S 52'5t2y W 25.m t .i tnc. s t'093r' rv 25 t! t.ai ti.E s 52.!o2r E 8o.oo r.a: r-r. s 525029 vt r5.@ r-r; !r-o s 37'o93f E ls.t! r..t t-!. s 5a5o2f w 2r.30 b.:0n- S 3?'ot3r'€ e.co h.r:tnc. S !c.s029 rV !O.oo r.ar tn.. N t.093t'W 9.50 4.t tl.E S 32'So29 w.L70l.ain.9 l| 37'093f W 4S.3a t .ti t|.l!.. S 52.50'29 W f6.e6 h.t to t|.6r$-idly lll. ol.ri, C{rnor riun lrtP d Colqrdo Mcrnldn Co.dciirinx tt ic. !r. ldbsr! !r.. car'..r .loi9 .dd n lrh...lrt tn :0) t{ 37'0931'lV 55.00 La: € |{ 0rS029 E a3.m |.di {3) N 37"fi)31'vl80.10 l..l lo 0t F t{ol t lhd.|g, @rnttrrli | .0(I) .g!. .F. a r.|. Vail Ancillary Trust, dlb/a The Westin Vail Resort Andy Knudtsen DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Westin Hotel has hired Design Workshop to redesign the entrance and courtyard of the Westin Hotel. Staff understands lhat the goal is to make the entrance to the hotel more representative of the mountain setting. The concept of the improvements is to narrow the automobile access, line the driveway on either side with planter beds and spruce lrees, and narrow the pedestrian access ways to accommodate additional landscaping. There will be <1itgT-ty--t-h--ree spruce trees aloeO to this area. They range in height from 8 to 14 feet. These *@untainaShandtreegrateJarecurrint|y|ocaled.Therewi||be @mountain ash trees removed from this site as part of the modifications. Please see the Fant lists attached to this memo. The specilic changes involve: 1. Narrowing the automobile access lrom 28 feet to 22 feet, ? Z. Adding curbs to delineate lhe driveway from the planter beds and pedestrian areas, 3, Removing concrete unit pavers and a portion of the pedestrian area and replacing that with Planter beds, 4. Removing twenty mountain ashes from the property' 5. Adding eighty-three spruce to the plantable areas on either side of the revised drivewaY location, 6. Revising the center landscape island and replacing the boulders and fountain with a 30 to 40 foot specimen spruce, 7. Providing a fire lane and fire truck lumaround in the entrance courtyard, 8. Creating six parking spaces where currently there is an undelineated parking area. 9. Eliminating a portion of the fountain area adjacent to the conference center, 10. Adding a sign on Westhaven Drive, and 11. Extending the concrete unit pavers past the entrance of the courtyard into Westhaven Drive. II. AMENDMENT PROCEDURE Section 18.40.100 (Amendment Procedures) of the Municipal Code stipulates the following for minor amendments to Special Development Dislricts:. "Minor Amendments: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in Section18.40.020B(attached)maybeapprovedbytheDepartmentofCommunity Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the Department of Community Development." ln addition, the Municipal Code also stipulates that the Community Development staff shall inform the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) of the staff action on the request for a minor SDD amendment, fil. STAFF ACTION I The Community Development Department staft believes that the applicant's proposed modification to the entry courtyard of the Westin Hotel, as described above, is consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 18.40.020(8) (attached) and has approved the applicant's request to modity the entry courtyard as described. We believe that the landscaping lhat will be removed will be replaced with more than enough additionalplant material to make the a entry courtyard aesthetically pleasing. We believe the applicant's desire to use evergreen trees is good, as it will provide a stronger landscaping statement in both summer and winter months. The Fire Department staff has approved the new design with one condition and the Public Works Department has approved the plans with two conditions. Prior lo the construction of the improvements: 1. The applicant shall dedicate a lire lane easement satisfactory to the Town of Vail Fire Department which shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office. 2. The applicant shall provide engineered drawings for all work to be done in the Westhaven Drive right-of-way for the review and approval of the Town of Vail Public Works staff; and, 3. The applicant shall include pans on the drawings to be located at the entrances to the parking garage and the hotel driveway. In conclusion, the statf believes that lhe applicant's request would not alter the intent ot the SDD nor would it have any negative impacts on adjacenl property owners. c:\Decvnamcvl|stin.41 I Sr'V.n a---of f= ' "( d--;7-- ,/^'r-t J Ao.-- '51"'^ l}\ b, ll u Lz,A\' (l It O. VV"t-<- 9, 4.- f ,.r, ( U S o<- 4'-i1 4 \/.d/ &rt' ,-.'/ 72'.*"- , -t "'/,.-u - /LL'uol -/.',;/ . I J,1.-.-..._.--A -fu'--L 4-4- /,22/-<'t-^ / lnf., ls.,,.. Jc'n% L,\ -.! .:- ( z".t ,)m-t e L.i.,.' I c' .*,/,-_ b-< | {q"tl.t, -/ fe4l4,\ <-,c1 J- rt--4r I L, 3i( /^_t"l J ,,1 s;*.- trr \ @rv'' r,t.--'L'.' '/, t<- cw- f4, --.-. ft.--.f -; .t /"--f ,t.. J, t6 /"rtn , "^ ,/,,1 +\ 'Y7'("''trt- ../ r,<- ,<....\ / q7- E,- a ."J Z'dd "^ tuq: .4-4< - ( )/ c.,* L_._- ZOI.iING unit owncrs if authorized in conformity with all pcnincnt requircmcnts of thc condominium association's dcclara- tions and all othcr rcquircmcnts of thc condominium declarations arc me "Minor amcndment (Staff rcvicw)" shall mean modifi- cations to building plans, site or landscape plans thar do not altcr thc basic intcnt and charactcr of thc approved spccial dcvelopmcnt district, and are consistcnt with the dcsign critcria of this chaptcr. Minor amcndocDts may include, but not bc limitcd to, variations of not morc than fivc fcct to approvcd s.tbacks and/or building footprints; changcs to landscapc or sitc plans that do not _-_-+__. -advcrscly_ imf''acr pctlESTFiEn-Ei vihicular circulation "rT-ro-ugh;ut thc speiial dcvclopmenr district:.'or changcs . to gross floor arca (exc]udi.ng .rcsidcn-tial .usi!),' of not+ mgqc,.!!an.fiyc perccnt of th! #pioicd siluiic footage of ..morq.rlran.uvc Pcrccnr.ol Inc aDDrovco squa . iciaill 'orfitc, iommon arcas ?iF6T[ci n are r ooraSc ot f, nonresidcntial ,'l C. "Major amcndmcnt (PEC andi or council rcvicw)" shalt mcan any proposal to changc uscs; incrcasc gross rcsidential floor arca; change tbe number of dwclling or accommodation units; oodify cnlargc or cxpand any approvcd spccial devclopmcnt disrricr (orher rhan minor amendmcnts as defincd in Scctiou 18.40.0208.) D. "Undcrlying zonc disrrict" shall mcan rbc zonc district existing on thc propcrry, or imposcd on thc propcrty at the time the spccial dcvclopmcnr disrrict is approvcd. E. "Affcctcd propcrty't shall mean propcrry wirhin a spccial devclopmcnr disrrict rhat, by virruc of its proximiry or rclationship to a proposed amcndmcnt requcst to aIr approvcd dcvctopment plan, oay bc affccrcd by rc- design, dcnsiry incrcasc, cbangc in uscsi or other modifications changing rhe impacts, or characrcr of thc approved special dcvelopment disrricr. (ord.2l(1988) S l.) 382-t0 (vril | 2.29.89) De"iilrr \\i'rLsholr lnc. WF^STIN VAIL RESORT DRB SI,BMITTAL EXIIIBIT ONE Proposed Plant Materials Westin Resort Landscape Renovation The plant material palette proposed for the Westin Resort utilizes appropriate alpine materials in order to reinforce the identity of the hotel as a mountain resort. The following Plant List summarizes the type and size of plant material proposed for use on the project. Jt il ' J^V ^ ,--+( d>J r"=/ ;/st""zl tL 'atce.^s;4*t. frr' W /-.e,- fr,^ /1^,-- .- .t3 c*-J; #^^^ -Z s k tt 4*,o /lG/>,, J. {t z*L : /r/'' {-o-2 ff. y'z'" /x 4-rr-?4 l)r:sitrr \\i,rl':lrr'p. Int' PLANT LIST EXHIBIT (NE (Contlnued) ow.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SEE JU Picea punq6ns 'Glauca'Colorado Blue Spruce B',-'t 4' ee Picea pungens 'Green'Green Spruce 8',- 14' PoDulus tremuloides Quaking Aspen on site Comus sericea'Baileyi'Redtwig Dogwood 5 qal. Cornus sericea'Flaviramea'Yellowtwig Oogwood 5 qal. Cotoneaster apiculatus Cranberrv Cotoneaster 5 qal. Euonvmus alata'Compacta'Dwarf Burnino Bush 5 aal. Physocarpuq monogynus Native Ninebark 5 oal. Prunus x cislena Purple Leaf Plum 5 oal. Viburnum trilobum'Wentworth'Compacl American Cranberry 5 qal. Juniperus chinensis'Ptilzeriana Compact'Old Gold Junioer 5 qal. Aegopodium podagraria varieg.Bishoos Weed flats Cotoneaster dammeri'Royal Beauty'Bearberry Coloneaster flats Mahonia repens Colorado Creepino Hollv flats Thymus spp.Thyme tlats Vinca minor 'Bowlesii'Bowles Periwinkle flals Veronica liliformis Birdseye Speedwell tlals 14,000 sl Poa oratensis -Blq.gress sod Asler spp.Aster flats Chrvsanthemum maximum Shasta Daisv tlals Coreopsis spp.Coreopsis tlais Crocus spp.Crocus llats Gaillardia grandiflora Gaillardia {lats Hemerocallis spp.Davlilv llats lris spp.lris tlats Lavendula anguslilolia'Munstead'Enqlish Lavender llats Linum perenne Blue Flax tlats Narcissus spp.Daffodils flats Papaver qpp:Poppv flats Rudbeckia tulgida'Goldstrum Black Eyed Susan flats Tulipa spp.Tulips flats Viola cornula Tufted Pansy tlats Alyssum flats Dusty Miller flats Geranium flats mpalienl flats Lobelia flats Mariqold flats Pansy flats Salvia flats Snapdraqon flats De.ign \\i'rk"hr,p. lrrc. WESTIN VAIL RESORT DRB STJBMITTAL EXIIIBIT TWO Existing Plant Materials to be RemovedlRelocated Westin Resort Landscape Renovation Signifrcant plant material which currently exists on the site is identified on the accompanying Site Survey and in the Existing Tree Inventory. The chart includes a remarks column indicating which material will be removed from the site, relocated within the site, or protected in place. In addition to the material specifically identified in the Existing Tree Inventory, there are ten existing Green Ash trees located on the north side of Westhaven Drive which will be relocated elsewhere on the Westin Resort site. Existing shrubs have not been individually identified on the Site Survey. It is the intent of the owner to protect as many of the existing shrubs as allowed by the new construction. Where construction activity necessitates the removal of shrubs or other low plant material, it will be replaced by material of equal quality and size. EXISTING TREE I}..IVENTORY EXHIBIT TWO (Continued) TREE#TYPE ST:LE REMARKS TREE #TYPE SIZE REMARKS T1 Green Ash J Relocate T4r Aspen I Remove T2 Green Ash J Relocate T42 Aspen J Relocate T3 Green Ash J Relocate T43 Aspen 4"Relocate T4 Green Ash J Relocate T44 Aspen J Relocate T5 Green Ash J Relocate T45 Aspen J Relocate T6 Green Ash J Relocate T46(Aspen Relocate T1 Green Ash J Relocate .t47 Aspen 3"Relocate T8 Mtn. Ash J Removc L"'-T48 Aspen Remove T9 Mtn. Ash J Remove-.1,""T49 Aspen 3'Relocate T10 Mm. Ash J Remove T50 Aspen I Remove Tll Mtn. Ash 3"Remove T5l Aspen J Relocate Tt2 Mtn. Ash 3'Remove T52 Aspen I Remove Tl3 Mtn. Ash 3"Remove T53 Aspen 3"Relocate T14 Mtn. Ash J Remove T54 Aspen J Relocate Tl5 Mln. Ash 3"Remove T55 Aspen J Relocate Tr6 Mtn. Ash J Remove T56 Pine J Protect in Place T17 Mtn. Ash J Remove T57 Aspen 5"Protect in Place Tl8 Mtn. Ash J Remove T58 Aspen J Protect in Place Tr9 Mtn. Ash J Remove T59 Aspen Protect in Place T20 Mtn. Ash J Remove T60 Aspen Protect in Place T2l Mtn. Ash J Remove T61 Pine 2"Protect in Place T22 Mm. Ash 3"Remove T62 Pine Protect in Place T23 Mtn. Ash 3"Remove T63 Pine l-l " t-?,Protect in Place lz+Mtn. Ash J Remove T64 Pine 3"Protect in Place T25 Mtn. Ash J Remove T65 Pine Protect in Place T26 Mrn. Ash 3"Remove T66 Pine 24"hotect in Place T27 Mtn. Ash J Remove T6'1 Pine J Protect in Place T28 AsDen J.J Protect in Place T68 Pine Protect in Place T:29 Aspen J Protect in Place T69 Pine Protect in Place T30 Aspen Protect in Place T70 Pine 2"Protect in Place T31 Aspen J Protect in Place T7t Pine Protect in Place T32 Aspen Protect in Place 772 Pine J Protect in Place T33 ASDCN Protect in Place T73 Pine Protect in Place 'f34 Aspen 3'Protect in Place 774 Pine Protect in Place T35 Aspen Protect in Place Tt5 / Pine .]Protect in Place T36 Aspen 2-3"Protect in Place Tt6 Pine 2"Protect in Place T31 Aspen J Protect in Place n7 Pine Protect in Place T38 AsDen 2-2".3"Protect in Place T78 Pine J Protect in Place T39 Aspen I Remove n9 Pine J Protect in Place T40 Crabapple 3"Remove T80 Aspen .+-J Remove Qt 'li .J. F .: a_ @m 55 '<6 o o f,e 8 i I t! :l FE tl It tl lllll F ililt E iilil :lil tl |l I :iir*;i " "iE ]\IESTIN VAIL RESORT . DcsigD Revicr Board Submittal , Torrr ol V.i!. Colorado f,-a--- ffi-, lf--.=n ili{ffi/ffi !f\ r t l'lffi'd l ll ffiffip# li tl ,i* jl *|fl ;\,,, _H=q 'hf r-, I lr)il] i L lllhi--, l q $ ii siiir r |!i U Qt ri iii w, iifiiii :r tiH*q*i,*rirrll 'i ii i li b;ilIl;i,J-'r"rr'rr1 **i "**.lfliT i ll i -J, F ..J. I = l- a a E t irt! ! 1.!'.^l! 'i,' aaa tr Ii Ir'lir li:ill :i*iii I(IESTIN \/AJL RESORT . DesigD Feriew Bo6rd Submittsl Tou-n ol Vail. ColorECo R' "t i ' i;i.: DIAR-25-94 0€t. 3l FI{OM = TIIUN OF URIL CO}I-DEU 8.Yhl Lo/',lJ,; """'ffil;T#i;;' Drl|]tFE&rGrlId% r!l'cr*c !il !il, ,ro'.& _*dxv .vUIWMI,DEV,|IE1T, Drttltgt t[lltonE Dttr l. R*-Lropp!r+! q T"!ui.gd lor 4y pro1rct r,har rould go _ tnr'orrg8r Eb! tltfst r DevloroprnS Dhrrlct proco.luto. tpf.fla ,"tn or ttltrrt E. c. D. IloCl?Ifl G EIFOSTT:Itllnt TDDXBSS : 1300. viesrhaven -8, statDID, rm8lggtD UyBU[tE O! lnt IIES Ot.OnEnS 0a rEL pt@lnf,t rDalrcDll to raE $rDficT pnopnlt tI|D r &rE oF tntR mlll8 llD ntl,Ilc TDDRESIIES- F. r !l!lE iEPOrr TO ltlrll r mEnrsHlp rfD EISEr||'S. II. lour. lll -ooplor or tho follorlrrg lnfoantlon.trrt br nhl.ttad: t.tr. DeGotlod :rittcn/Erryhlc dercrlptlon ot proportt, "E- 303-479-7058 stto 6. D. tn aavlrorr*nBnl lrqnca $Dert Dhrll be anbrtttsd to lln-:qffng adrtol*lltor ii rccordanco-rffi Cn n[cr-r!.i6 Denot trrurlj rrlvrd Dy.gcctlon f1.56.030; Gr.lpt groJootor !S oqr" rpece and rec.rcrtlmaf pfu rutttclem to ltrc Em _qilrangt grnsretrd Dry the &velopiaDt ritlotrB un&rr turdon os rvrllrbte or [ropoaou pubilc iaciiliiial -- F:frt{g contourt hfvl&g contour Inr,erual8 of not mre tttrD tlui toet Lf thc rwnge rroln or i.u crtl-i|Ciltnty Dcrcent or lcrr, or ittn coatour lntrrvafilol nirt'-rore then mn feat- t! tno ivaraSe slope Of tlrc rltc la. greetcr thto tro$tt p"oo.nt, - Jl_9:opong rlgg phnr lB r ecala not sqallrt tbrn oe +notr apdc {r!pi' reir, -r[oird ril approxbati roclBlOnc tnd disrslona of, all butldinoc ard rtsuctrrreB, ugo! t]erelnr urd tII prraclpet sft Crlclonat. fc.rurcE, auil ii i-d;creod-i;;;-rrcEr.tlogal frctlrt^too, pcdestrlan pieiri aaa'rrllrr1llr lefvig€ eotrler; drircrayr-, rnO oii-suroet parHli inc loaCrng-u"ii'rirb pJfrroa cotrgou.rr sfter 5/aq lq4 ' od $acc or't ' / bo7t+ MAR 2 s 1gg4 ?h..pe+tcrtlon r!.ll not br rccoptcrt untlt rtl lntornetloo tr nrbldted. r. l;lp1.lgr5vai! 4nc iliII"IIG fDDnttC c,/o The l{esfin VaiI Resorb'1300 l^lestlnven Drive, Vail ,CO 81657 303-479-70s8 Westhaven Drive 303-479-7058 , co 816 PnOPrRtl mtBRtst:eil Glft,florurtct Tf,ILITG TDDRISS ?!",\ Vail, CO 81657 rtsuctrtreB, ugo! t]erelnr Urd III eradlng srd aLtc CcwtoDrerrg; Vail Resort , l-300 Westhaven Drive lppLfgtmfr! nlpll5gtg116 Ctris Hanen The Westin Vail neso .t- MAR-25-S4 6a: 3l FRoM= LOSrE JNTERPRISES;-E;F rourr oioJffit'r-uev lld:Y?rlltt rlr. TrtE Rloursf,l|lfrs F*l! ID, 4lSA34t4?5 PAGE 3 HnR 2af *rs,r5**io-,iii ffi,? t. G. l. D. l.Y. B. I nsoll,slnrtr lrnrlrclDs plerrr rt ! lcrlG not lrrllor ;fi-;ne ffii ;qttti" ilrtv tice' rtrortng rrlstslag turdtcd'c ferCurta tO bo 15911-nrd or r|'r|D!r46, -r!s ;h"rrfi-;roeoera rrncrirping tnd lalrd.crpcc l+3r -dawroiriat- faeturii;-rubh ia outdoor rocrsr3lorul rralli[l-, uicFro-iNtfr, Brlllrr pe&rtrian- plarra rnd rrlirairo, rltcr -fcrturac and other tlcaDtry Psalhlnrry burrdhg chvetlonlr scctlontr ltrd tloor piGr' a[-i rcafc nit rrttlr tban -one-clgbtlr-oqtrdt inc r6ot, tn ruftlctoni oetalt to datcnlno tloor tr'lt cro.i -"iircenirii- iroor a"ca, lnterior olrcrrletloe ioirttona of ucci rltbtt brl.ldtnsc' end thl sdrrstl rcrlc md ayporrus€ ol tht ProItoGGd dcvelol*nt. tt Plrnntng rnd tnvlroluntd Couielton laetr ort t'trl 2nd rad iltlr t|ondrvs of cloh lonth. la appllcatlon rlth the nrcobrary acchnrrytng letrr!'tl tnltt bc roDrlCt'ctl tour rcqtr p-l,or to Eh- datc ol tht Elct'lng rba d.ydolEr nrFt bqtn tnlttal canrtnrctloo ol thr .cltocld rlcvcfogreat dlrtrlct rtblrtn thtco ycart llm tbc tlre of lti flarl lFDrlyrl, lnd contlnuc dlltgnntly touerd tho ooDlrtlsr ol EhG Dtotocc- rt tbr q'tclrl dcYrloFnnt dlbtrlct h !o br dovololnd fn phrlctr BDo .Lu.toDcr aurt begln eonctnrcBlgr of aubllqurnE 1fitrrr utthln one tnetr of thc coqrloglon of tlra pravloua tfilrs. It le recffirdcd thrt lrtorc r Srrclrl Darufweoc Dlrtrtct 1ppllcG'lon lr r&lttrdr r pre-rlrlrtlottloo Drtlng thould Dc loB up rltb I dc: ol tle Dq'rrtrm ot Cill|l|lty Dovutofirt, IU. 'IfO ry}trltcrt,ton rcGe rsle r! folloy!: r. Irt.bllrtr.llt of tDD i b. Ir:lor lmrlmnta: E. Ilnor lrn&antr: tr,50o.00 01r 000.00 0 2o0.o0 fgpllcatlon f,ea pald: $200.00 _ Datr Ctecl l_ c. rf thh aplrltcatiorr rcgulree r .oplrttg revler Dy rnf Iocale statc or Fcdcral tlanct othcr. Dlrtn the lon ot Yf{!, Ehp aHrllcrtlon toc ahalt bc tscroaaEGt by 9200.00. lltrphc of ruch reyl$r, nny includer but rrc not llrlt.d UO; Colortdo DoDrrtlet|t oi nlgbyay tEcsrs Palrlt,f, rmt Cor?r ot tnglnmrr {01, rtcl IDc_ elpll.craE, rlrtl De responstSle gor 'payllg aal publtshlng feea rrbich lrc tn arcsaa or S0l oi tte rppllcetlcs tio. Ifr rt the rgtrtctntrs loguest, tny lrttcr lc poatponed for boarlngl caurlng tlc latttr go De !.F"uDlLrbad, tDcn, tho mtlrc fcc for lucb rs-ptltcrtl,on oDall be pakl Dy tDc tppucsnt. lnllcetlorD (bcud by the Ccnuntty o"""iop."t Dqnft[not to uwc rlgnttlort|t tlg8le[t, lsrd-uec or otDcr lsruec rhlch rry bryo a rlg4lilcant lryrct oo th.ccnunlty lay rcgrrirc rcvlcr by itnault.ntr bUtrt th.t Eoml rt ft. thould r rbBcrqtnrcton b. lrfr by tbr torn ttrft that u outsl(l! c0ntult.st tr ncedfd to-rcvtcr ont.:rpDllcctlgnl'aonunlty DcycloFrnt ray blus on ouErl.e caruJ.t nt, lt ahall csrtrusr thr aaowtt Ot .l 2 S=tg:"-trprrrrGdh- -,-- tlAR-2S-El4 oC| : 32 FROM = LOIIE-ENTERPR I SEs-sF roun or'tiflt'o'r-oEv ftdi:;?'rTlu, ID= 4ISEI34 I4?5 PAGE ilnR 2ff *ir,ol**i'.;il ;.# tri3_ffis|il !-. -r hlr or !e, ry{ tbl. uorurr |ldr t -.h.ll D. roturrrrd_to unl-frllsffi: r1;raolcr incorrrd lq_gF $on_ tD .rccu-or tii d;;a soiiiicc [Ifi:,tgigff; Sl'"f"Hif.::]i: It l,f -;t:frii#; l I t SgrwEsnnRrsetl No oOt+ 3-28-94 Application Fee 564'a,t -D'z.tetop tt4P ? r"Uilil,i -Ds+ /f ,EFF .J J'' \ i-: $200.00 }t$f$|"tili A*.reeeNTS MECM L-O WESTHAVEN, INC. CASCADE CLUB PARTNERS 616 LIONSHEAD MALL. #103 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE 1963 SAN DIEGO AVENUE vArL, co 81657 VAIL, CO 81657 SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 MILLRACE CONDO ASSOC CASCADES ON GORE CREEK JAMES S. WHITE 1476 WESTHAVE DRIVE ASSOCIATION 631 VOLTZ VAIL, CO 81657 1476 WESTHAVEN DRIVE NORTHBROOK, IL 60062 vArL, co 81657 GENE & TERRIYERANT STANLEY & BONNIE BEARD CAROL S. SCHMIDT 12 GLEN MEADOWS COURT 2121 N. FRONTAGE RD., #210 CUSTODIAN FOR WOODS DALLAS. TX 75225 VAIL, CO 81657 55 MEAD LANE ' ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 K2D2, rNC, 109 LUKENS DRIVE NEWCASTLE,DE 19720 /:C li .r ala +lqA- oc\ocl-vfS S[lf cr u-r ''J(v MAR-22-46 22.25 FROM, ('' i' DEsiIGN WORKSHOP to, 363E23226@ PAGE Dlrigrr [i'rk']r,rp, lor. I rrrrlrcaJx Archittctrrrr Ltrtd Pln nrrirtg Llrl'ur l)erign I4:rch 24, 1994 862 Andrew ltrudLsen Ttovm of Va i.] 479-2452 ltr()0 17t h iit. Suite jJ!5 l)crrvlr, (.lr,lorudu ltOJ02 'li.lrlrlrrrrrr' llOit tr2lt.irltlfi lir'.inrih' ,to;t 6:;t.J2r)0 (:t rtltt lr.ltt\ 'ro'l scott Otclniak Numl*r of pagr* (incltdin$ trtnstnittul) 3 lfyrnr do not rtclivc rll pa6rt. pl*are cull intrrrcdiutclv rnr.lrnt{\(l a}-e the ;lCrjlqsges of the adiacglt f)rgrxlftV. ctwncf S Afd tr(-Ilrr €ij .i4l\ as !E- lqcel{e it jn the rExt ',lteek. r'}ease cali. tI-:eLi"yS-- any qlrestrorls. Facsirnile tansmittal Durc Job Ntrtr:bcr To ture, and receiving a cfrcck in t-lu: arpunt of $200.00. I.b witl. lqqlqrd*tlris rensining jrfo,.Ln+li9!- DESIGNWORKSHOP MAR-22-4O 22,25 FROM. DESTGN 'i,|ORRgiHOF tt a, J I D " 3E 3Ei2 322EiO o FAGE 2 a.l r ,l/ il l'h',,,rr\ l)r'sigr lltrrlsfi r4r. ft rl l,tttrlsrrrtr,' Arrhrt,'r't ln' l,trrrl lllrit rriirrg t irlrrrr l)r'sigrr 'litttri"rrr lrllrrnirrg WESTIN VAIL RESORT March 24, 1994 AI}.IACI]NT PH(}PDRII'Y OWNERS '[he Wuterforcl or Liltsidc MECM 616 Lion.sluad Mall, Suitc 103 Vail, CO 8j657 Cornerstone [.-() Westhaven, Inc. | -3fJ0 Wcsthaven l)rive Vuil, (lO tll657 Cluscatlg Club (lascadc (llub Purtners Ltd. 1964 San Dicgo Avc. Stut Dicgo, CA 921 l0 Ifuiu L-O Wcsthnvcn. Inc. 1300 Wcsthttvcn Drivu Vail, C0 81657 Cturlonilnium Association for Miilracc Phaso l Millruce Condominiunr Association. Itrr:, 1476 Westhavcn Drivc Vait, CO ttl657 Thc Homcownclrs Ari$ir'-iation for the Cqscodc I lrlit\ Cascadcs on Gorc Creek Association, Int:. 1476 Westhaven l)rivc Vait, (1() I 1657 DESIGN\\0Rh:l l( )l) MAR-22-4a 22,2s FRoM, DESrLwo**"*,o" { r. ' ' " I tri'..i5rr \\,rt, rrrrp trr, ID. 363623226@ o PAGE 3 Itage 2 Glcnlion $ubdiv.ision l,ot 4-l: Parccl A James S- White Sclrcdule #01204t 63I Voltz. Northhronk.ll. 60062 Puccl B (iene and Terri Yorunt SchcdulE HJl2(42 l2 Glcn Mcadow Ctrurt Dirllas, TX 75225 l,ot 46: l)uplex 46A Stanley and Bonnie Benrd Schedule +fOl I 107 212l N. firontage Road 210 Vuil, CO 81657 Duplex 468 Caxrl $..${jhmidt Schcdulc #03l 106 Cu.stodian fbr Woods 55 Mcld Lmtt Iinglewrxd, CO 801l0 Lot 47: Nonc listed skips from l.ot 46 to l-ot 48 Lot 48: K2D2 Inc. Schedule #m8241 lffl t,ukens Drive Ncwcastlc. Dclawan: l9?20 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission ol the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on April 11, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21 , Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west ol the Vail Ridoe Subdivision. 2. A request for a minor subdivision and variances for setbacks and minimum lot size for two Primary/Secondary lots located at 2682 and 2692 Cortina Lane/Lots 9 and 10, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Jim Curnutte Hans Wiemann and Helmut Reiss Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A pry!.|ol Lnd r. rh. Sourhr6r OuM- ot S.ctio ra, Ttu.hip 5 S@$ F.ig.8r We.t olrho 6rh PnncF.lMelitie, more P..liclhtJy d*olb.d t.lol*.: Bqhnhg rr r pdr wr|e.lco . hr3! crp..t r€. I rit lo!. com.r t6 rh. W6l qu.fr ol 3# S6drr| ! a, b.!(tlo.tr 29 d.0G.r 28 ndt . 5l ..Go.i. W..1. t073 08 l..l O..d) (tlqrh a3 O.9.-r t 5 ritur- 0? o6d. W..r, 915 96 t.d riA*rld)r ThdE Nsth ta do9,-. OS mhu!.. 19 -cdd6 Er.r. 10.76 b.i Th6- 183 62lc.l &og th. e o{ . c,iv. lo lh. tiihl *tidr e rn .'dr I clsd b.!i!g ltdth 8E der-. r 2 mhu- 30 rcqxl. E.a. r!r.7€ l..r; lh*. Sonh t d.g.-. .O 6r$n.. 2t cqtdt Ert, 62.77 i..t Th.no ra7.a3 La .rd9 fr rc d . on. |o rh. bn *ich rc ou..d. I drdd b€.dr9 ttdth 86 d€lrsr 36 ri.de |, r 7 s€cdi. ed, 145-m l.di th-6 |.lori 70 d{r-. 52 nirub. 53 ..€o.d. E.61, a0G.5S l-t Th'tc. Sa I 0 l..r dc6g h. l|t ol r curv. ro rh. rishl rhrch .rc a.brsdG r drlrd t ring So!$ a7 d€g.e! 20 mh!r.. 37 r*..rd! Er.t. aa20 iedr Thort. Sdrt 1 4 dqr... 25 .iru!6 50 s...d3 W.s. 1 r 0 51 i.d: rhrE. Sdnh 68 d.!r6. I g mhutd 9t lc.,r,r W€.t 320.m l..ti lhr|c. ttd$ ! I d.9.co. 07 ridr€. 05 -...d. We.l. sO 0O lo.r. Thr\c. Scrh 77 &9r-. ag 4*rd6 ar Ed!d. W€t, | 60. t8 i..r. Ihft. Sodn l0 d€9r... 53 6irdd 33 cdrd. W-r. 36 a8 l.c; nc. Nonh 87 d€r.6 aO midn.. G Bcord. West. 337 72 io.l, Th.oc. (Norih rl rl.9r€6 5? nitur- 13 {.ond. Eid, 130.00 h.r D.rcl) t{orrr | 1 d.!r..3 55 nturd 3l ..coid3 E..l 129.75i.tt M6ao..d) ioth. POll,lT OF BEGINNING B..rhg t .n G L.O. r.cc.d 10. Serh h.! ols.clin lin. bdsr| S.clbrt. 1a.r5. (G.l-.O. r.c..d Sor,rh Or do9r6 30 2 'nnel.. E..0 (tuJ|h 0l d.!6..38 mird..32 !.c.i!! Eol M.|e.d) Applicant: Juanila l. Pedotto Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a minor subdivision and a wall height variance to allow for the construction of an avalanche mitigation wall located at 4229 Nugget Lane/Lot 6, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Helen Dickenson Planner: Mike Mollica 5. A reouest for a minor SDD amendment and a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between Parcel D and Tract C, located at 1320 Morraine DriveiParcel D, Lionsridge Filing No. 3, and Tract C, Dauphinais Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Pat DauPhinais Planner: Jim Curnutte 6. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a drivewayto exceed 10% located at2445 Garmisch DriveiLots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Steve Sheridan and Adam SzPiech Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a minor SDD amendment to allow a modification to the approved access and landscaping at the Westin Flesort located at '1300 Westhaven Drive, more specifically described as: CASCAOE LODGE JOINI \EMTUFE (Wod'n Ho16ll Thar prn ot ho SW t r. NE I i., S61on I 2, Tomlrip 5 Sodh, Brig e 8r $/€.1 ol t1o siirb Prbcrpal [r.ndr.n, To$n 01 Vil Ead. Cd.ly. Colda&. d.!.rb€d .3 ldlor,.i B.ghnilc .1 . pohr 6 6. &uthqty bo.cary or rhe p&C ol l.rd .hos on $o CqddndF Mlp tn th. Coloado tlosd. Cdtbftdd r-dd.d h Bok 367 .t P.r€ €?O b the oltio ot rh. E:gl€ Coory Cord.do. cldr rd Redlr, Ftrso the msr 6dbtly com.. oi 6!id P-c€i b.vt S 5250 ?9 W l4 15 t6€l diltntl henc€ ih€ lol@lng nrm co6a dmg $o 6oirbaty bd.d.ry ol sd p.rc.l:(l)N 52'5029'E ag.i6l.el:(a N 37'1245'V\r l2.3ai€.I (9 N9.47tSE10Otsrit4tN37',12a5'Wr.3Oro€r.(5)Ns?471s'4260166!.{6)N37'12.5'W8701€orj(rN5?.t715'Elt00l€.t:(8)S37't245'E 22..t0 tel tg) N s2.so 29 E 35 ?8 l€6r:lhs* depari.rg ed &utqly borh(,ary N 52 50 29' le.tt h€nc€ S 37 0931' E aS 3a lo6l lh€^ca N 52"50 29' E /U|.70terrh..to€S37.093t'E!.60tedihmcoN525029'E8000leoi.nonceS3T'09:t'E22002l6elloGc.6Crod(:lh€.|c.t|oldloyvi.rgiorr cot|tdcd|gGdcr€€ki1)s.9,26'3€'W76a3redi{aS??3r'36-Wr?a.a7ro€r (JS533735'WtrgSaLot(a)S65'3136'W14.58l*rrheE N 37 Ot3t' W | 16.45 ier ro ob Fnr o16.9^r'ine @.r.nn9 110200 rqu-o i-l - z.aS .c.-. Fd. d los pLAZA SUr€ lhal ovl ot fie SW rrt NE t4, S€.tio. 12 TowBhip 5 Sodh, Rrlp€ 81 Wod oi ho grtr Pnndpal l,l€r3ian. To*,y1ol Vil, Coloedo. do.c.b.d r ldlo'i.: 8€irirg rr th. ho.l dthe,t co.i.. ol Conddr.i6 M|P ol Cdodo Mor^lah Condcnhi,rs .coodng lo trc nT 0Esl r6cd.d In 8o(r 387 d P€. 620 ro h. ottc. ot Eet. Couit. Colo.dq Clqt rn Frddt. N,ir,6 $ nm in *nh C..t r .rp mrling lh. cd,lt ot .id S.clo.t | 2 b-- S 3,1 50 58' W9€r37t*t:ntreN56a8,|r'E10€6?t€lrhsc.79.97letddl!h6!.cd!cw.lolh.Lllhei10!r.diu!olll2l.7?16lrrenr.lsC.ol 04oso...ind.cho.dthalb.nNs..6r3r€7995io.rrhmceNs2'€ar'E2882leetrh€ncoS37'0931'Er05.?Gl*r,rhd|c.S52"5029\ry25.00 to€t ths@ s 37"0931. \/v 2s.00 r.€1.1h*. S s2.50 ?9' E 80 00lecr. thdco s 5?50 29'lV 15.00 r€.t rhd€ s 37^093r' E 16 78le.i rh'!c€s 52 5029 w2130t.lrth.66s3?-o93l.E960i*ith6eS52"50291480O0l..r,rhen6N37093r'\t960r,.or.1h--S525029'Wa9.70i..ritFee N 37.0-o3r. w .5 3a r.!r, tbnc. s 52 !O 29 W 55 95 l-r io rh. ncih*6r.dy ld ol .rd cd<rcddh Map ol coa.r.do Mc,nhh candd6.: th.n@ th. tdrdng try+ cd&r .kng ..d ^onhct.r.iit In. (t) t{ 37'0931'w 95 0O l.a (a N 07'50 29' E 45.m l6tr 13l N 37 €31' W 8O.aO t€.| lo lh. F .{ ol bclind€. d|.lnri|o 1 .0O1 !o€ .tro.€ d 164 Applicant: Vail Ancillary Trust, d/c/a The Westin Vail Resort Planner: Andy Knudtsen 8. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion ol the Vail Associates oflices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: VailAssociates,lnc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen l)r.sign \\irrk.ihop. I rrr'. l,rrnd-sc:rlx' .\rt'hiter'l rr n | ,arrd Plarrrr ing Urlun I)t.siFrr 'lirurisrtt l)larrrrirrg March 14,1994 ) v'-.1,' -lt7.,r.2.r, '\: {,, / Town of Vail Office of Community Development Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: DRB Application for The Westin Resort Landscape Renovation Dear Design Review Board Member: On behalf of the Vail Ancillary Trust we are very pleased to submit the attached plans for landscape improvements to The Westin Resort Hotel located in the Cascade Village development in Vail, Colorado. We believe that the proposed landscape renovation will significantly improve the experience forthe hotel guest as well as provide an enhanced image for the hotel and Cascade Village. In order to facilitate your review of the attached material we have prepared the following summary of the proposed plan. Currently, the hotel guest or visitor is presented with an unattractive arrival experience which begins with the turn from the South Frontage Road onto Westhaven Drive. The prominent images along Westhaven Drive include the Conference Center service area and the parking structure facade of the Cascade Club. The existing plant material along Westhaven Drive is primarily deciduous and as a result, provides no screening or softening of the space during the majority of the year. In addition, the current landscape treatment does not provide an identitv statement for the hotel at the intersection of Westhaven Drive and the hotel driveway. The existing hotel courtyard is cold and stark, paving dominates the space and the fountains and ptant material which currently exist do not create a comfortable or inviting pedestrian environment. Finally, there is no cohesive pedestrian lighting scheme within the existing hotel courtyard. In order to address the issues identified above, the proposed plan suggests the following changes to the current landscape scheme: . A revised planting plan is proposed for both sides of Westhaven Drive leading to the hotel entry. The existing deciduous material will be removed and relocated to other portions of the Westin site. New coniferous trees will be planted in order to screen the back ofthe Conference Center on the south side ofthe road and the parking structure along the north side. ..,in / . ll)r)O l:l lr St >rr r, lili l)r.rrr t l (i,,l,,rrr,l,' llr)l0l li 1, 1,lr,,rrt it0:l (,f:J-;llil) lrr, .irrril,' jl{l:l ()1.},:l( )0 \-l! rl l)lr,'r'rrrr DESIGNWORKSHOP I)t'sigrr \\i,rk;lr,r;r. Irr, . March 14,1994 DRB Application Page2 . To better identify the entrance to the hotel from Westhaven Drive, the concrete pavers which are currently used within the courtyard will also be used in the street at the intersection of the hotel driveway and Westhaven Drive. This will provide a stronger sense ofcontinuify between the hotel parking located below the Cascade Club and the hoteVentry. . A hotel identification sign will be located within the landscape iuea near Westhaven Drive to clearly identify the hotel entry from the street. . The existing concrete gutter pan will be replaced with a 6" tall vertical concrete curb in order to provide a clear definition between pedestrian and vehicular space. In addition, the amount of paving located immediately adjacent to the driveway will be reduced to further reinforce the separation of pedestrians and vehicles. . The existing rock filled island near the porte-cochere will be removed and replaced with a somewhat larger oval island in order to better define the arrival area. A thirty to forty foot tall spruce tree which can be decorated for the Christmas season will be located within the island. The size of the tree is important in that it is in keeping with the scale of the adjacent four story building facade. . The amount of existing paving within the anival courtyard is reduced by ten feet along the east and west edges and replaced with grass and colorful plant material. These areas also act as temporary snow storage locations in order to facilitate the operation of the courtyard in the winter. . Short term parkhg for seven automobiles is accommodated along the east side of the courtyard. This parking will be managed by the hotel. . In general, the proposed plan suggests a reduction of paving wherever possible in order to createbpportunities for additional plant material. Conifers will be used to extend the visual effect of the planting through the entire year and the remainder of the proposed plant material has been selected as an appropriate response to an alpine environment. . The amount of room dedicated to the existing pool basins will be greafly reduced in order to create additional planting beds. A more intimately scaled fountain will be maintained in order io accommodate a four to six foot tall foaming column of water which will fill the courtyard with the sound of splashing water through the summer months. Several of the large boulders which currently exist in the central island will be incorporated into the fountain element. l)esigrr \\irksltolr. I nc. March 14,1994 DRB Application Page 3 . Pedestrian scale light fixtures will be located in the landscape and will illuminate all of the walks within the hotel courtyard. Accent lights will be placed at each of the public art locations and underwater lighting will be installed within the fountain. In addition. accommodation will be made for the use of seasonal "twinkle" lights on all of the proposed trees. The proposed plan also suggests changes to the materials used in the sidewalk and room patios located behind the Terrace Wing. These improvements are in response to poor drainage conditions in these areas and significant deterioration of the existing paving. There are no changes proposed to the existing plant materials located behind the Terrace Wing. We look forward to our meeting on April 6th, and the opportunity to discuss the proposed plans with you. Sincerely, DESIGN WORKSHOP, INC. Dru] JTPPLICITTION - TOWN,OE VAIL, DATE APPLICNTION RECEIVED : DNTE OF DRB MEETING: UNTIL J\IL REQUIRED INFORMATION rovisocl 9l4/9L COLORITDO Rr['i l,:l l 1 1. 1991, ACCNPTED IS SU${ITTED 't ********** A.DESCRIPTION.: B.TYPE O['REVIEW: New ConsUru'cLion ($200.00) AddiLion ($S0.00) ADDRBSS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LoL Subdivision t"linor AIt.craLion ($20 .00) ($0) c. D. ConcepLual Review DIock a neeLs and bounds lega1 on a separat e sheeL and ff properLy is clescribccl by desqripLion, plcasc provicll at,Uach t,o Ehis application. r. G. E. zoNrNG: sDD - I{. NAI.'IE OT Mailing ' Vail , CO ial Developrent District LOT AREI\: If rcquirecl, applicant nusL provjcl-e a currqnU-. .suanpcd survcy showing lou arca. Jgg tiLtactred g(isEiig 6-ri'ditions Survey Mailing Address:vail , C:O 81657 VarJ., CO81657 r>r1^ffi APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : .rt>-tvJo NAME OF OWNERS: Vail Ancill .r--lihd Westin VaiI Resort *SrGNITURE(s): Mailing Aclctrcss;co 81657 Phone 479-7058 Ad_dress:Itre lrtestin VaiI Resort, @ 81657 L:'EE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 - cortrect re].uation $400.00 $500.00 * DESIGN REVIEW BOI\.T{D JTPPROVJ{L EXPIRES ONE YEI\R AI.'TER T'TNAI, APPROV]II. UNTESS JI .BUII.DING PERMIT IS ISSUED JI}ID CONSIRUCTION IS STJ\RTED. **I{O '\PPLICATION WILL DE Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DFJ} fees, as shown above, are l-o be paici al:the glmc of, submiLual of DRB apptication. Gtei, when applying for a building permit, please iclentify Lire accuqat,c valuat-ion of the prol>osal. The Town af Vail wiII adjust Lhe fec according- Lo Lhe Lable lefow, to ensure Lhc coriecL fcc is paia. rEB PI.TD: g FEE SCTIEDUI,E: ' .yALUATToN $ 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10r 001. - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001_- $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $l.r 0oo, oo0 $ . Over $1,000, O0O J. K. PROCESSED }IITIIOUT OWNE&'S SIGNATURE '| VaiI , CO 81657 I,IST OF MATEIlTAI.S NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BLOCK _ SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS:1300 hbsthaven Drive, Vail , @ 81657 DESCRIPTION OF PRO.IECT: landscape renovation The following Review Board informaLion is before a final required for submiLtal Lo the Design approval can be given: A.BUILDING }4ATERIALS: Roof, Siding Ot-her WaII MaLerial.s Fascia Sof f it,s Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ot,her PLANT },IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES TYPI' OtI MAT!;RIAL COLOR B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Desi Phone: 303-623-5186 Bol-anica L Name Common Name see attached {E<hrbjloneI_ Ouantit.v Size* EXISTING BE TREDS TO REMOVED See attached (Ddri-bit Tr^p) *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous tr:ees is 2 inches.IndicaL,e heigllb. for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferor:s t.reei i.s 6 fee!. PTANT MATERI]TLS: PROPOSED SIIRUDS Dotan.ica.l Name See att4qhed (E<tribit Ore) OuanLiLv Size* o Common N.'lmc see attached (EKfiil+!_Aarl-__ 1r,!: I ''i r:rrlil(.ti Mlnimum sizc of shrubs Ls ,1- j "l Tvpe square Footaqe See attached (E*ri-bit Onel " r | ,i ili BXISTING SIIRUDS TO BE REMOVBD *fndicaLe sizc 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OT IRRIGATION TIPE OR METTIOD EROSION CONTROL of, proposcd shrubs. ' :, r'.,1 None See attached (E<hibit three) -]ffi OU None ;.t.i I C. LANDSCAPE LIGI|TING: If exLerior lighb,ing is proposed, please show t,he number of f,ixLures and locat,ions on a separaLe lighting plan. Identify each fixture from Lhe f.ighLing plan on the IisL below ancl provide l-he waLLage, height above grade and typc of light. proposed. See atLached (Exhibi.t Fourl OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming.pools, eLc.) Pl.ease specify. fndicaLe heighLs of reLalning waLls. Maximum heighL of walls wiLlrin the fronL seLback is 3 feet. Maximum heighL of, walls elsewhere on the properLy is 6 feeE. D. R, 7,OI\lli CliliCt( l'0R R P/S ZONE DISTI{ICrS BIock Filing NCTI APPLTCABLE SFR, DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot, ADDRESS: OWNBR ARCITITECT I'}IONE t,lloNE Al, Iowcd Exi.stinq proposecl (30) (33) ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USB **LOT SIZE lleighl: ToLa} GRFA Primary GRFJ\ Secondary GRFA SeLbacks FronL Sides Rear WaEpr Course SeLback SiLe Coverage Landscaping ReLaining Wall tteighLs Farking Garase Credit: Drive: 201 15' 15' (30) (s0) 425 425 3' /6' Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) PermiLLcd Slope B& Act,ual Slope ' DaLe approved by Town Engineer: View Conidor Encroachmcnt : yes 2'''' EnvironmenLal/nazarcts : PercenL Slope N q 1) 4l 3) Flood P1ain Geologic Ilazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfaLl c) Debris FIow.4) WeElands Prevlous conditions of approval (check properE,y file) Does thls requesL involve a 250 AddiLion?llow much of Lhe arrowcct 250 AdcliLion is useffiffiTiiis re.quest.? .**NoLe: Under SecLions LB . L2.090 (B) ancl 18.13.0S0 (B) of Lhe Municipal Code' Iots zoned Two Family ancl Primary,/Scconclary'which are less than l'5r000.sq. fL. in arca may nou consr-rucl- a seconcr dwerring uniL. The communiLy DeveropmenL DcparLmenL may granL an excepuion u5 chis resLricLion proviclccl Lhc applicanL *e6us Lhe criLeria seu forLh uncter secLions 18.12.090(B) ano 1b.13.0s0(D) of t-he Municipal code incluaing permanentry resLric[.ing t;hc unit, as a rong-l-erm xenuar unit, for fuII--time'enployees of Uhc 0pper Eagle VaIIey. 10 Dcsi;lr \\irlkslrrrp. I rrr'. WESTIN VAIL RESORT DRB SUBMITTAL EXHIBIT THREE Proposed Irrigation System Westin Resort Landscape Renovation The plant material in the existing hotel courtyard is currently inigated. A fully automated sprinkler/drip irrigation system will be used to inigate all new and existing Iandscape improvements including trees, shrubs, ground covers, and grasses. Rotary sprinklers will be utilized to cover large grass areas while single-outlet drip emitters and multiple-outlet drip emitters will by used to irrigate other plant material. Municipal (potable) water will be used for inigation. Zone control valves and isolation gate valves will be installed to permit the isolation of sections of the system for repair and maintenance. The existing irrigation control system will be utilized for the new equipment installed as part of ihe renovation effort. Existing hose bibs will be used for any incidental watering. l)rsigrr \\i,r'ksh,r;r. I rt. WESTIN VAIL RESORT DRB SUBMITTAL EXHIBIT FOUR Proposed Landscape Lighting Westin Resort Landscape Renovation The attached product information sheets illustrate the type of light fixtures which will be used in the Westin Resort courtyard. As illustrated on the accompanying plan, the following light fixtures will be installed: Bega, Model #8871 (or similar). Black fixture with 60W incandescent lamp providing approximately 890 lumens. Fixture height approximately 42". Fixture provides illumination along pedestrian w alks. Bega, Model #7415 (or similar). Black fixture with 100W incandescent lamp providing approximately 1750 lumens, Fixture height approximately 12". Fixture provides floodlight for illumination of sculpture and hotel identification sign. Bega, Model #8001 (or similar). Polished stainless steel fixture suitable for underwater application with 50W lamp providing approximately 345 lumens. Fixtures will be mounted below water level in the pioposed fountain and provide a "soft glow" within the fountain. Electrical outlet (110V) located in landscape planting beds to accommodate seasonal lights in trees. All other lighting in the courtyard will be provided from fixtures located on the buildings under the existins condition. + F I il 895A Anchorage kit tor 8871 Srng e lumnarres supplred cor]lplete wrth pole Heavy pressed g ass wrlh Inlerna lextured sufiace Caplive sockel head slarn ess stee screws Color: Black or wf rle ill t l 't'tr |-;"0 ' ,ll r 00 8871 P Lurnen A B C r 60w A. r9 890 12 t" !7 't, 13 t ' 113WPLC 860 12 \' J7 /: 13 t' +> + tl ]I 895A Anchorage kil tor 8872 -1#r'i#i Lamp Doubie lumrnarres suppled complele with pole Heavy pressed glass wrlh internal texlured surface Captrve socket head sla nless sleel screws Color Black or wh le C 8872 2 60W A.19 12'tr 17 t' 21'l 1780 6872P 213WPLC 1720 12h 47 t' 21'l BEGA 117 @i.N ,c|.o'frG Floodlrghts for rlluminalon of plantrngs trees. walls and srgnage. Anodized aluminurn refleclor Stippled tempered glass. Fully adiustable swivel mounting Color: Black H', Pi rP' -O- ,,^ V t-il FloodIghts ior building illum nation Anodized aluminum refleclor. C ear tempered glass Fully adlustable yoke/sw vel mounlrng Integral ballast/'mounting box Color Black Lamp 28 Pole cap 2ys" D. lor po,e mounting R t/r" 249 Pole cap 3"D lor pole mounting R Vz" 252 Tree screw R Vz' 280 Tube clamp a v!' mryft 326 180" Glare shield for 9550 B'/." 9550S 11OOWE.17HPS 9550MH 11OOWED.17MH 280 Tube clamp 248 Pole cap 2:/s" D lor pole mounting R '/:" 249 Pole cap 3" D lor po e mounting B '/:" 7415 1 100WA.19wrth mountrno box 9500 ' 100W A 19 wrth r/:" rroo e 7416P 1 13W PLC wrth mounting box 9400P 1 l3W PLC wilh 7:" nipple BEGA 83 lA' t( ,;ii-r,\gz li::::::F :ffid: Lamp 8(x,t I I Floodlrghl for PAB-36, l2V lamps Electro-polished stainless steel Two cable entries at 180" for through wrring Supplied with len feet of underwater cable Lamp nol supplied Adiustable mounting bracket. Requires remote 12V transformer suitable lor the application. 1 PAR-36, 25-50W 12V 55ha 2slft 5'/z ,,6'l.f':f;i"\ \ \':'';;Y /\J/ffi I I I B I a)- Floodlight for PAR-56. '12V lamps Electro-polished slainless steel. One cable entry and ten feet of underwater cable supplied. Lamp not supplaed. Adiustable mounting bracket. Requires remote 12V translormer suitable lor the apphcation ri - - -.t--, Lamp 1 PAR-56, 120/240V. 12W 8v.,9'/ro 5V: VVeatherproof enclosure. Primary 120V 60 Hz. Secondary taps for 12, 13, '14 volts Built in circuit breaker with reset. Separate wiring compartments for Inpul and output B> Color lilters [blL€, 3qFLG3 3O0VA, 12Ol 12V Transformer 6'/r BEGA 89 o ss setsc'ew | 1 \E_-_I Bollard Anchorage 895A.896A All bollard rnodels are supplied with a unrque anchor bolt system comprised ol anchor bolls, rigid template and female threaded couplings which allolv the use of slandatd bolts lor securing the base plate, eliminating unsightly prolruding anchor bolls. 12V power outPut distribution Product numbet 4m Each POD contains an encapsulaled. lused and thermally protected 300VA translolmer supplying '12V po,ver lor up lo f ifteen (15) 20W ulils or up to srxteen ('6) 18W unils Six (6) 12V cable oullets are provided. Four (4) ,2" conduit enlries at 90" pus o.le (1) on botlom ol cast aluminum box for 120V supply to lranslormer POD. Producl numb€t 402 Consists o1100leet of lwo conductor SPT3, l2AWG.UVcable. Typical Schematic Distribution Plan o ss Bollaf d or Po e Base Plate Boll -T S.S Bolts Baseplale (supplred wrlh Bollard or Pole) n t1 \ Conduil System (by olhers) Voltage vs. LamP Life and OutPut With a low voltage lighting system, actual lamp voltage willvary depending on the length ol wrre run out lrom the supply lranslormer to the lamps. Generally, lamp voltages will be less than their rated 12 volts, resulling in reduced light oulput while extending lamp lite. To delermine the average voltage ol a group ol lamps spaced along a run ol 12 gauge SPT-3 supply cable, the follo,!/ing equation applles: lotal watls x ength of cable = Voltage Drop 7500 Lamp LamP oa Light Voltage Lite OulPUt Product numbsr tlo3 Consists o'lOOO {eel ol lwo conductor SPT3. 12AWG.UVcable. Product number 404 Consisrs ol a PVC wir ng box with lour (4) 'k" aonduil ert'ies at 90" w tl^ adaptor plale Jo' moJrl'ng 9055.9056 9655.9656. 7655. 7656. 7555. or 7556 bo lards o' oeacon lu''1i1arres Producl number 410 One (1) POD cable conneclor for SPT3. Product number 420 Transition wiring conneclor (16 AWG fixlure cable lo 12 AWG, SPT3 power cab e) A so suDolied with each lurninalre as requrred. 12.O As Rated 100 rl q 110 10.5 10.0 Example: 7 lamps x 18wea = 126x90leel - 15voll 75OO orop '12.O volts at lransformel - 1 5 drop = 10.5 average volts, lherelore: 7 lamps at 18 watts each will deliver 65% ol raled light output at 5 times lhe rated lile. Note: 12V cable runs exceeding 100leel are not recommended due to excesslve voltage droP. ff ,T fl T | 12v I 1,,l./ / l\/11 \ ,/sf l \_ll.l T 12VTl tl 'I I5T I POO POD tru T BEGA 154 Lamp Review Symbol Init al Lumens Life/Hrs. Volts Osram Venture P'1 rllrps Sylvania uE Incandescent - Slanda.d A 18W S-8 0C8 40w A'15 60w A.19 75W A.19 100w A.19 150W A.21 1000 fcu 750 750 750 750 rl' 264 480 890 1 190 1 750 zo!u N/A Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosled N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Frosted Frosted Frosted F'osted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted 1142 Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted 120 120 120 120 120 Incandgscent Lemps - Rellector Lamps )r'U G , 50w R20 *";33Wlil33 120/240W PAR 56 3OOW PAR 56 3OOW PAR 56 440 2000 345 2000 1270 2000 2370 2000 6000 1000 3840 2000 120 12 120 12 120 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A fUIIZU N/A 150 PAR 120/240 PAH 56 N/A 3OOW PAF 56 50F20 25150 PAF 36 150 PAR 120t240 PAR 56 3OOW PAF 56MFt 3OOW PAR 56 Tung3ten Halogen Lamps H a 20wG4 350 50w GY6.35 1000 '100w GY6.35 2300 150W t\,4E0 T1 0 2760 250W lvlED T10 475Q 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 12 120 120 AH03O AHO85 AH118 ALO75 A1135 N/A N/A NiA NiA NlA NrA NiA NiA N14 N,'A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MR-16 Tungsten Halogen Lamp3 - 12V I ESX zOWGX5.3 NSP 33OO BBF zOWGX5.3 NFL l OOO BAB zOW GX5.3 FL 5OO Fr/T 35W GXs 3 NSP 7600 FMV 35W GX5.3 NFL 22OO FMW 35W GX5,3 FL 11OO EXT 50W GX5.3 NSPl0000 EXZ sOW GX5.3 NFL 3OOO EXN sOW GX5,3 FL 15OO 2000 12 AK610 2000 12 N/A 2000 12 AK600 2000 12 N/A 2000 12 N,,A 2000 12 N/A 2000 12 AK710 2000 12 N/A 2000 12 AK705 2OMR 16/ONSP N/A 20MF16/O/FL N/A N/A N/A sOMRI6iO/NSP 5OMR16,'O/NFL 50MR 1 6/O/FL O2OMR16/NSP N/A o20tvF16/FL N/A N/A N/A O5OMR16/NSP O5OMR16/NFL o20[/R16/FL NiA N/A NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA NiA Compacl Fluore3cent - Twin Tube Lamps (PL) r Yv ql.e\) {- 8 9W G.23 13W GX.23 400 10000 120 DULUXS 7W F7TTi27 600 1OOOO 120 DULUXS 9W F9TT,27 900 10000 120 DULUXS 13V/ F131T,27 PL7i27 F7TTI27K FTBX PL9,'27 F1TII?7K FgBX PL13r27 F13Trt27K F138X Compact Fluorosconl - Ouad Tube Lamps (PLC) dll=== m 9W G.23 575 13W GX.23 860 18W G.2402 1250 26W G.2403 1800 10000 120 10000 120 10000 120 10000 120 DBL DULUX NiA D8L DULUX NiA DULUX O 18W N,A DULUX O 26W NiA NiA FgDTTI27K N/A N,'A F13DTT|27K F13DBX PLC 18W N/A F18DBX PLC 26W NiA F26DBX Mercury Vapor Lampg 50w 8.17 75W E.17 100w E.17 1575 16000 120 2800 16000 120 4000 16000 120 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N,A N/A N/A N/A H45i46DL H43AV H38AV HF4O/5ODX HR7sDX HR 100E17 Hlgh Pro$uro Sodlum Lamp3 e 35W E.l7 50w E'l7 70w E.17 100w E.17 150W E.l7 2250 24000 120 4000 24000 120 6400 24NO 120 9500 24000 120 16000 24ffi0 120 N/A N/A N/A N/A NiA LU35/i/ED LU50/[,4E0 LUsoi I\,4E0 LUlOO/MED LU150/[,48D c35576/M C50568/M c70s62/N4 c 1 00s54,/rvr c 150s55i rv LU35iMED LU3s/MED LUsO/MED LUsO/MED LUTO/MED LUTO/MED LUIOO/MED LUIOO/MED LU1sO/MED LU1SO/MED Metal Halide Lam03 70w ED.17 70w G-l2T8 1 00w ED.1 7 1 50W G'12T8 1 75W 80.17 17StN E23tlz 5500 5000 5200 6000 8500 10000 12000 6000 14Q00 10000 14000 10000 124/277 NtA 12At277 H4035 120t277 NtA 120t277 H4061 120/277 NtA N/A N/A [/F70/U/MED N/A t\lH 100i u/tvED N/A t,1H 1 75i U/lVlED N/A M75/BU' N/A M100/u N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MXF175 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 'Note: 75 watt - base up burning position only. Drsigrr \\r'rksltop. Irri WESTIN VAIL RESORT DRB SUBMITTAL EXHIBIT FIVE Other Landscape Features Westin Resort Landscape Renovation Generally, the materials proposed for the Westin Resort courtyard are the same or similar to the materials which currently exist on the property. In addition to the specific plant materials and lights already discussed in this submittal, the "hardscape" materials anticipated for use in the hotel courtyard include concrete pavers (same as existing), new 6" high concrete curbs, and 8" wide concrete bands which will be located at the edge of all paver areas in order to keep the pavers in place. The following sketches illustrate the overall character of the proposed improvements. 't t 'I' t, ; i It f.. 42 l4lest Metdoa Driac Vail, Colorado 81657 10t-479-22t0 hil Fire Departmcnt TRANSMITTAL SHEET GREG HALL TO: MIKE McGEE PROJECT: DATE SUBM ITTED: 3T1s DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: tu J" ,/ru/*;S *.c-a, c,r..r1- it/.-.-J,r&- Engineering: Reviewed [y; Ten', Iccft, C'req pg1g3 Comments: N)C\r(Y. L(l \qq1 PL)h o \d€t^roK cn t\e Fhrt\.r Sldjc)l .\-(,.<t \^,<$(:i a).q\e Cd(\ FxY' \hr..x,c61 e(\\rnrtc5 to crr.,6,o1.., < \r:b & y''\gcr\\i.. :()\)th o\ Cr.rC bVJg. r.c<\ &)nh-e$(€' ( d-\Rf y,1 tl rtr,. P\.rn\ \\.* l. g N<ecI ecrlir-icxec\ prorS iL'a \'rc)tK\r-E rr ', tl'-('' qtr r(<a* Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: u-<5t1 r.l r\r\ve . recd trr uo rder-- .r\' Fire Dept.: Roriewed by: Comments: 1. Distributed to the Fire Department, Date: DD OPPENHEIMER Town Planner *u.rL. /a4 ^t Public Works, and Landscaping on {/b . TO: MIKE McGEE PROJECT: GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW 2,,-.,-z-/i1-- *.--1 .4,-fu^. L /o-"- DATE SUBMITTED: </ /r DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED By: /kar,l So BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: n" /u ,,/.o-/^-;, *..2, x,*L , r/"--J, Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Date: Landscaping: Reviewed by:Dale: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Date: Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landsca ping on 3//L MIKE McGE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner rA-*^-(./o.^- Landscaping: Date: Date: INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW lt I pROJECT: / tt _ca f,h "(Jt.-#-,'i ,c''-"2V,-4 DATE SUBMITTED: S/rs DATE OF pUBLtC HEAHTNG COMMENTS NEEDED BY:/ker"l So BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Il lrwesnru l(rsonr Vail March 18. 1994 Mr. Mike McGee Fire Marshall 42 W. MeadowDr. Vail, CO 81657 DearMike: Pursuant to the proposed landscape renovation of the Westin courtyard, it is my understanding from our past conversations that the following are those areas which may cause concern to the fire department relative to the movement of firefighting equipment into and out of the courtyard under the newly proposed plan: l. The courtyard roadway adjacent to the Colorado Mountain College entrance which occasionally seryes as a passenger loading/unloading area. Also, the opposite side ofthat same roadway which sometimc:r serves as a passenger loading/unloading area for the business ofiices and first floor conferer ,:e center. 2. The south side of the courtyard, which is cunently utilized for valet parking and as a fire lane. 3. The area located immediately west of the porte cochere at the hotel's entrance. This serves as a staging area for the Westin shuttle vans. It is our feeling that all of these situ,'tions are manageable so that they do not encumber the frre department's ability to access the cotr ryard in emergency situations. We plan to specifically address each t'l'these areas of concern as follows: l. In front of both the college a'rd the business offices and conference center, we will install landscaping which will deter l edestrian access from the courtyard road, with the exception of one pedestrian access localion on each side. In addition, appropriate signage will be installed on both sides of the ,;ourtyard roadway designating that these areas must be kept clear and free from passenger loading and unloading. Both the business offices and conference center staffs will be asked to assist in the management of this situation. 1300 Weslhaven Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657, (303) r;-7111. Fax (303) 479-7025 Mr. MikeMcGee March 18, 1994 Page2 2. The south side of the courtyard wilt be kept clear as afirelane,with parking timited to only that which can be accommodated outside of the fire lane. 3 ' The area immediately west of the porte cochere will be limited to loading and unloading of the Westin shuttle vans and charter buses arriving and departing the hotel, To insure that this area remains clear in the case of an emergency, it will become hotel policy that buses or other vehicles parked in this area must be attended at all times. Also, hotel policy will dictate that in all fire alarm situations, the guest services/valet parking staffwill be notified immediately. They will then proceed to clear all critical areas of vehicles in compliance with the plan to provide adequate access for fire equipment. Hopefully, implementation of these measures will provide the fire department with an adequate comfort level relative to the access issue. However, should you feel that there are other poliiy or operational considerations which the hotel can implement to further improve this situation, I would appreciate hearing thern. Please feel free to call me at 479-7029. Chris Hanen General Manager CH:tmd Skip Behrhorst Greg Ochis Dave Oswald Design Vorltshop, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Urban Design Dare ltlarchr 24, t994 JobNumber 862 To Andrew l{rudtsen Itx,,m of Vail 479-2452 From scott chcmiak Number of pages (including transmittal) 3 lfyou do not receive all pages. please call immediarely. in the aIIDunt of $200.00. Ie will forrerd this renaininq information as soon as we receive it jn the next heek. Please call- if you have any quescrons. Facsimile tansmittal 1660 17th St. Suite 325 Denver, Colorado 80202 Telephone 303 623-5186 Facsimile 303 623-2260 Comments Tnc.l l1ded are the ad.dresses of the adiacent propeltv O[,^/ners and ncfie the application, obt-ainilq the owrerrs signature, and receiving a check DESIGNWORKSHOP Design \lbrkshop. lnc. I-andscape Architecrrrre Land Planning [.rban I)esign Tilrrism Planrrins WESTIN VAIL RESORT March?4,1994 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS l()()0 l1h sr. S.irc jt2j The Waterford or Liftside l)r'rrvcr ( lrlrrarlo MECM It{)202 616 Lionshead Mall. Suite 103 'li l,.lh,,rr. Vail. CO 81657 ii():l ()2il,51tt(). Cornerstone l:lr':rn||lr' ii0il .2it-2irr0 L-o westhaven. Inc. 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail. CO 81657 ' ''. Cascade Club t tti (. t\ Cascade Club Partners Ltd. 1964 San Diego Ave. San Diego, CA 921l0 Ruins L-O Westhaven. Inc. 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Condominium Association for Millrace Phase 2 Millrace Condominium Association, Inc. 1476 Westhaven Drive Vaii, CO 81657 The Homeowners Association for the Cascade Units Cascades on Gore Creek Association, Inc. 1476 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 DESIGNWORKSHOP l)r'.igr r \\i 'rl.h"1'. lrr, Page 2 Glenlion Subdivision Lot 45: l-nt 46: Lot47; Lot 48: Parcel A James S. White Schedule #0l204l 631Voltz Northbrook,IL 60062 Parcel B Gene and Teri Yerant Schedule #012042 12 Glen Meadow Court Dallas, TX 75225 Duplex 46,4' Stanley and Bonnie Beard Schedule #031107 2121 N, Frontage Road 210 Vail, CO 81657 Duplex 468 Carol S. Schmidt Schedule #031106 Custodian for Woods 55 Mead Lane Englewood, CO 801l0 None listed skips from Lot 46 to Lot 48 K2D2Inc. Schedule #008241 109 Lukens Drive Newcastle, Delaware 197 2O I TOWN OFVAIL RDCEIPT NO. DEPARTI{ENT OF OOMMUNITY DEVEI-OPMENT M I uci2 oot"---J- AfvtrNJDp/t$Jl-) CIIECXS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VA|L ACCOUNT NO.ITEM N(). TAX COSTEA TOTAL. 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 424t5 UNIFORM BUILD]NGCODE s50.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE s36.00 0l fix)0 42415 UNIFORM MECFIANICAL CODE s32.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRECODE s36.00 0t 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 4rs48 BLUE PRINTS (IVfYLARS)$7.00 0lw0042412 XEROXCOPIES $0.2s 0t0n{]0 42412 STUDIES 010000 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROCRAM $5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE_INSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE I$40 PER HR.I 0r0n0042332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 01 0000 41413 ADDITIONALSIGNAGE FEE I$I.OO PER SQ.F|. 0t wo 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 0000 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0l 0000 42371 INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 3l 0000 45110 TOVPARKINGFUND 0Lwo22m7 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND + 0l 000021112 TAXABLE @ 47a (STATE) + 0l 0000 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% fOWN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER PEC APPLICATION FEES 0t 0000 41330 ADDITTONALGRFA '250"$200.00 01 0000 41330 CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS THAN IOO SQ.FT.I $200.00 0l 0000 41330 EXTERIOR {TERATION IMORE THAN lOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 0t 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEWI $1J00.0{)-*E- 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMEND $r.000.00 OI OOOO4I33O SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 lt -,u14 cc 0t 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 0t 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 0l 00004r$0 rRE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTAL: COMMENIS: MO.# L__l CK# I oATE_/_/_REC. BY:- -|-{}trlt.| 0F lJFl I l- i,liscel leneou= Cash ul-j'iJ-,]4 t:t?: f,4: if, F:,3':*iF t. * 1+h:4.1 l-l{rnr-.'rri. # i:f. # irl!::,T i i..l F:E5LrFtT' 5F'EL: Hrni.iLrri L t*nd* rF,J ':, lrpm pEid r:i i !:1r:1fiii4 I .:;:irj:rir :jrll r::ir.:!i-rr:lit f-f,I.!_.rTnE:,j ..' i,:;;: 1.+ [lEr..l [,i:.7 :BE. ffE Flmoun t paid :jljrrj. t:18 r:t " FJIJ THFIf-I}{ r/OlJ 1i":'r-r r {.:r'.;iripr F:f Filfll-l TOWNOFVA]L R"ECETPT NO. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ""r.-3-r-2t-?y'- CHECXS MADE PAYABI-E lI) TOWN OP VAIL ACOOItNT NO.ITEM No. TAX COSTEA. TOTAL 0r 0000 41540 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE s32.00 0t 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 01 0000 42415 NATiONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 otuno424t2 XEROX COPIES s0.25 0lwfn4z4t2 STUDIES otoffio42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 01,00n04237r PENALTY FEES / RE -]NSPECTIONS ' rtil1. 01 00m 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE I$40 PER HR.I :I 01 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPEgIION FEES 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 01 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL SICNACE FEE ISI.OO PER SQ.FI.I 0l 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 0000 4133r PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARDFEE ,12,a 4aa 0l 0000 42371 INVESTICATION FEE (BUlLDINC) 3l moo45lt0 TOV PARKING FUND 01ffi{J]22427 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 01 0000 2l l12 TAXA-EIEreE%]STATE- + 0t 000041010 TAXABLE@4% (TOWN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTHER 0r 0000 41330 ADDITIONALGRFA '250"$200.00 0l 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 0t 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS THAN lOO SQ.FT.I $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE THAN lOO SQ.FI.I $500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEWI $r,500.00 0r 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMENDI $1.000.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT D]STRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 0l 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 01000041330 VARTANCE )so 01 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS ;250.00 0l m00 41330 RE _ ZONING $200.00 OTHER ,OTFIER ITOTN-: Szztt COMMENIS: MO.#t lcK#l DATE_|_t_REC. BY:_ -raLjr-t aF (,FI r l- t'li:cel laneous Ca=h rf,-.1 i -.';,.1 1F: 4i : E3 Tl-lE L,JE5Tl.tl l:i::iri:il'1trRE FEE Fltrir,un t lr:'f rrl':: i r:: ':l f :fi ' fft:] F:e':eipi. # i'i+l:rili' Flc*'iur' t {'i'i::t,i +i 1,54f,I I t eiri P'= i '1 $ I Bt:iilff 4 : lf, l.'-:r:l'{r Llh.,nn,JF i,: ii-;i I 'i '-i fuiount Paid iB. ElF E1, rjrl .I-H+f }.IT{ \IGLJ ',1i.,...;. :.:lhiel. FIEFITFIFI RECEIPT r'. Town of lVail N:' 458?5 , t9--DATE RECEIVED FROM Permit Numbers iBY HOW PAID-Castr-Check- Police ReceiPt I'lumbers S *rwEsuNREsoRrO O No 65433 INVOICE NO.INVOICE DATE AMOUNT tNvotcE No,INVOICE DATE AMOUNT 3-11-94 Landscape renovation cr the Wesl Resorl ln Vail Ilotel $20 .00 $20. 00 0661 t I liYlri r' .,1U Design \brkshop. Inc. Landscape Archirecrrrre Land Planning Lrban Design Tourism Planning March 14, 1994 '1660 l]h St. Su ire 325 De n. er. C,'lorado 80202 Ti'leph.,ne il03 613-5186, lacsinr ilt :l(l:l (r.13-2:lb0 \.lr(.rl l)lr, n uir Town of Vail Office of Community DevelopmeDt Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: DRB Application for The \Vestin Resort Landscape Renovation Dear Design Review Board Member: On behalf of the Vail Anciuary Trust we are very pleased to submit the anacbed Plans for landscape improvements to The \\/estin Resort Hotel located in the Cascade Village development in Vail, Colorado. We believe that the proposed landscape renovation \r'ill signifidantly impro'r'e the experience for the botel guest as well as provide a! enhanced irnage for the hdtel and Cascide Village. In order to facilitate your review of the attacbed materjal we have prepared the follou'ing sum.mary of the proposed plan. Currently, the hotel guest or visitor is presented with an unattractiv€ arrival experience which b6gins with the turn from rhe Sbuth Frontage Road onto Westhaven Drive. The promineni images along Westhaven Drive include the Conference Center sen'ice area and ihe parking structure faiade of tbe Cascade Club. The existing plant material along Westhaven Drive is primarily deciduous and as a result, provides no scrpening-or - softening of the spac-e during the majority of the year. In addition, the cunent landscape treatmenl does not provide an identity statement for tlre hotel at the intersection of Westhaven Drive and the hotel driveway. Ttre existing hotel court5'ard is ccitd and stark, paving dominates the space and the fountains "i'O pt-t madrial which currently eiist do-not create a comiortable or inviting pedestrian environment. Finaily, there is no cohesive pedestrian lighting scheme within the existing hotel courtyard. In order to address the issues identified above, the proposed plan suggests tbe following changes to the current landscape scheme: . A revised planting plan is proposed for both sides of Westhaven Drive leading to the botel entry. fne ixisting deiiduous material will be removed and relocaled to other portioni of the Westin site. New coniferous trees will be planted in order to screen the back of the Conference Center on the south side of the road and the parking structure along the north side. DESIGNWORKSHOP o lrrc. o Dc.i;rr \\i'rl:.h,1r. March 14, 1994 DRB Application Page2 . To bener identify the entrance to the hotel from Westhaven Drive, the concrete -pavers which are iurrently used within the co-u_rtyard will also be used in the street ^ -^d \ jit the intersection of the hotel driveway and Westhaven Drive. This will provide a .rL ,4 ,l' 'J stronger sense of continuity between tlie hotel parking located below the Cascade Ln Club and the hoteUentry. ^ r I hotel identification sign wi]l be located within the landscape area near ,L 7 Westhaven Drive to cleuiy identify the hotel entry from tlre street t / t".lt ,.-l Df . The existing concrete gutter pan will be replaced with a 6" tall vertical concrete curb in orderio provide a clear definition between pedestrian and vehicular space... In addition, tbe imount of paving located immediarely adjacent to the driveway will be reduced to further reinf6rce the separation of pedestrians and vehicles. . The existing rock filled island near the porte-cochere will be removed and replaced with-a someu'hat larger ot'al island in order to better define the arrival ar!a. A thirty to forty foot tafl spruce tree which can be decorated for the Christmas seison wiil be located u'ithin the island, The size of the tree is important in that it is in keeping u'ith the scale of the adjacent four story building facade. . The amount of existing paving within the arrival courtyardis reduced by ten feet along the east and west edges and replaced with-grass and colorful Pl^ant.material. Thesi areas also act as temporary snow storage locations in order to facilitate the operation ofthe courtyard in the u'inter. !. Short term parking for seven automobiles is accommodated along the east side of the courq'ard. This parking will be managed by the hotel. . [n general, the proposeQ plan suggests a reduction ofpaving whereverpossible in orJ'er ro cierrebpforuriiies for-aiditional plant mate-rial. eonifers will be used to extend the visuai 6ffect of the planting through tbe entire year and the remainder ofthe proposed plant material has been selected as an appropriate response to an alpine environment. . The amount of room dedicated to the existing pool basins will be greatly reduced in order to create additional planting bedl. A morc intimately scaled fountain will be maintained in order io accommodate a four to six foot tall foaming column of u'ater which q'iU fi]I the courtyard with the sound of splashing-water through the summer months. Several of tbe large boulders which currently exist in the central island will be incorporated into the fountain element. r i,1r ,. / it' r'il-'" t ul Dcsir:rr \Ii'rk"lr,,1r. lrrc. March 14, 1994 DRB Application Page 3 /w . Pedestrian scale light fixtues will be located in the landscape and will illuminate all of tbe walls wittin the hotet courtyard. Accent ligbts will be placed at each of the public art locations and underwater lighting will be installed within the fountain. In addition, accommodation will be made for the use of seasonal "twinkle" lights on all of the proposed trees. The proposed plan also suggests changes to tbe materials used in the sidewalk and room patiol located behiDd the Terrace Wing. These improvements are in respolse to poor drainage conditions in these areas and significant deterioration of the exiqtilS Payng. There are no changes proposed to the existing plant materials located behind the Terrace Wing. We look fonvard to our meeting on April 6th, and the opportunity to discuss the proposed plans with you. Sincerely, DESIGN \ryORKSHOP, INC. fu C. Ochis, Principal rovisod 914/:)J. DRII J\.[,PLIC]\TIOI{ - TO}Ili .oF VAIL, COLOn^DO DATI' APPLICNTION I\ECEIVED : DATE OTI DIU} I{I'E'IIbIG: A.DESCRIPTION.: ACCUPTED IS SUBMITTED renovation of the Westin Vail ******)tt**. TIIIS APPLICATION I.'ILL NOT DIi uNTrt .l\rl . REQUIRED INFOtu"tArroN *t********I. D.TYPE OF REVIEW: New CogrLrr.icLion ($200. OO)X l"linor AlLerarLion lddiLion ($50.00)ConcepLual t\eview (92o. oo) ($0) c. D. E. Z0NING: SDD - }DDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoI: Subdivision DIock Conditions Survey a nrccLs and bounds legal on a scparaLe slreeL and If properLy is clescribccl by dcscripLion, plcasc proviclc at.gach Lo Lhis applicaLion. t:. G. LOT AREA: If rcquirecl, sLampcd survcy shor,ring a1>plicanL must:IoL arca. see ial Develorrnent District f.tBX*$'"h"'.Ho't8',Laiuo.* su5/ey IAYY.OF APPLICANT: Vail Ancillary Trust, dba Ttre !€stjn Vail Resort, Ygililq. Iddr-ess: ./., rr.,o w Vail , CO 81657 . plrone 479-70s8 It.NAME O['Mailing Vail, Co APPLICANI" S REI]RESEN1ATIVE : ., tt- tvJo I. NI\ME OF OWNERS: Vail Aneil.l.Trust,liEstin VaiI Resort *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Aclclrcs Phone 79-7058 Address:rtrc vtestir VaiI ResorL, 1300 l.Esth4verr DEygl 816s7 J. K. Conclomi4lum A1:proval if applicable. DRB fEE; DRD fees, as shown abovc, are Lo be paict al;Lhe Llnc of submiLLal of Onn applicaLion. l,aUer, when appLying for a building perrnit-, please iclenLify Lhe accuratc valual-ion of Lhe proposal . The Town of VaiI will adJusU Lhe fec accorcling- Lo t-hc Lable bclor./, Lo ensure thc corrccL fce is paid. rED PATD: $ FEE SCr.ilirrt)L,E: . VALUATIOI'I $ '0 - $ 1or0o0 $101001 -$ 501000 .$50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001_- $ 500,000 $500,001 - s1r 000, 000 $ . over $1r 000,000 !.EE $ 20 .00 $ 50.00 $r00.00 $200.00 = corFect val,uation $400.00 $500.00 .* DESIGN REVIEW DO]\ND ]\PPROV]TTJ EXPIRIIS ONE YIINI AI'trN rINi\IJ .I\PPROVJII/ UNLESS A .DUILDINC PERMIT IS ISSUED ]I}ID CONSIRUCTTON IS -"RTED. O APPLICAAION WILL DE I'NOCESSED TTITIIOUA OWNEIT'S SIGNATURE t vail . CO 81657 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT sr,.r.r ..^rrrwr\{strVN; fr'l,_ DL.CK _ SUI}DIVISION -41'll !iti.r' t\ r'r1.rtt F.- F T STlultT IDDRESS: 1J00 r,rbsUraven Drive, Vail., @ B1G5z ----' nF q,-D T DttiY.rrr rrh h.r^ r.-^-DESCRII'TION OE PROJECT:l.rndscape renovation The followinq Revicw Doard- informaLion is before a final requirecl a1>1>roval TYPU OL- for submiULal Lo can be givcn: I,IATI;ITIAL Lhe Design A. DUILDING IIATERIALS: Roof, Siding OLher WaIl MaLcrials .{ Fascia Sof,fits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Dcck t(ails Elues !'Iashings ChJ.rnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouscs OLher PLN{T MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES COLOR See a t-Lached plans tlloLani.coI NamC Common l.trrrnc guantiLv Sizc* Sce aLtached (IldriliL_anel__ see aL,tached lB<lriUjl$^tcl_ l). IANDSCAPING: Namc of Dcsigner: Desiqrr l,rbrkshop, Inc. (Greq Ochis) Phone: 303-623-5186 EXISTING TREES TO DE REMOVED *IndicaLe caliper for deciduous Urces. 'rjl'" ' Minimum caliper'for hcighL for conif,erous l;rees.n IndicaL.e o MNTERIALs : llotarrj.C.ril. I't.rmC Ccrmrnon l,tam. OuanLiLV Siz-C* - ,. - [rRoPosED SIlRUr]s Sce attached (lti<hit:it One) PLANT EXISTING SIIITUUS TO BE REMOVET) Sce aLLaclred (L\hilfLSe.L___ .:. '?rr I I _-- i.,,. .!.r;.1..,..,.1 .r lt.',. : '.., I i'r.?iF' . ,., r:.rrf;llll'rlnclicaLc :fi-zc oE ploposcd clrxubs.5 qallon. Tvne GROUND COVERS t,;'J'.ll Squarc FooLaqc ?..1:.1,:, s0D See attached it One l.r.',il 'r , ('.rlr.:.'? SEED TTDE OE IRRI,GATION TYPE OR METIIOD EROSION CONTROL None Ot None 'i.r,'r I C. LIINDSCAPE LIGIITINC: If, axLorior lighLing is pr-oposedr'pJ.ease show Llre number of f,ixtures and locaLions on a separlte.IighLing pLon. Iclenuify each fixLure from Lhe lighUing plan on Uhe IisL bclow and providc t,lrc wal"Lagel heighE above grade and Lypc of liglrL proposed. See attnchcrl {D<Lribit Four) ': OTIIER LANDSC^PE FEnTURtiS (rcuaining walls, fences, swinming.pogls, eLc.) Plcase specify. Indicalc heighLs of, reLaining walls. Maximurn heighL of walls wiLhin Llrc frong seLback is 3 fceL. Maxinrum hcighL of r.rallc clscwhere on .Lhe properLy is 6 f,eeL. | ,.t i!.1 D, s!-t(, l\, ZOllli Ctll:lCt( !'01( It NClr APPLIC/\BLE DNTE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ADD&ESS: R p/5 ZONE DrSTrrICrs LOL - DIOCK t'iIing OWNER AI\CIIITECT ur0NE PIIONE ZONE DISTRICT [,ROPOSED USE IILOT SIZE ':",:l'l;::t'. Al lor'rccl (301 1331 llciglrl: TOLaI GRFA Primary GREA + 4Zs Secondary GRfn + 42!t I I r. ..! . t ' i,.: .,,.i .r.r i tl r.- SeLlracks !'ront: Sidcs Rear WaU.cr Course ScLback SiLe Covorage 20, 1.5, 15t (301 15s1 I -4-- ' ...1 i r.t .l "' r' i. . ,. ,, i Landscaping I(eLaining WaII ttcights Parking cara.ge CrediL Drive: Vi.erq Corridor EncroachrncnL : Ilnvironmenlal /ttaz arcts : 3, /G' tteqL'd (300) (600) (900) (1200) PcrmiLLccl Slope -.rgl IcLuaI Slope -||,'1|. DaLc approved by Town Engineer: _ No ,???Ies 1) 2l 3) Plood Plain I'erccnL Slope Geologic llazardg a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris [Iow.4) WcLlands Irrcvlous condiLions of approval (check propcrLy file) 10 Does Lhls rcqucsL involvc a 250 J\clcliLion?Itow muclr of, Lhc arrowccr 250 AddiLion'is uscdTffiis re,guesL?_ .**NoLe-:' Unclcr SccL.ions ts .12.090 0l) and 1B .13.080 (D) of Lhe Municipal Code' loLs zonecl Two Family ancl llrinrary/Scconclary'wlriclr are less tiran 15r00o.sg. .fL. in arca may noL co'sl:rucu a sccond <rwerirng-"nii,. -rrre comlulily Dcverol:mcnL Dcp-arLmont. rnay gl'anL an cxcepLion-c6 uhla-resLrrcgion providcd Llrc a1>Plicant. rnccLs Lhc cr-iLeria seu forLh under secLions r0 .12 .090 (D) ancl 10.13.000 (lJ) of Lhe Mrinictpal Cocle inclucling pcrmanenLry resLricLing Lhc uniL as a rong-Lcrm rcnLir uniB f,or fulr--urme'onployees of Lhc Upper Eaglc VaIIcy o Dr'.igrr \\i,rhslrrrp. lrrc, ,o T4IESTINVAIL RESORT DRA STEMITTAL EXHIBITONE Proposed Plant Materials Westin Resort Landscape RenovatioD The plant material palette proposed for the Westin Resort utilizes appropriate alpine materials in order to reinforce the identity of the hotel as a mountain resofi. The following Plant List summarizes the rype and size of plant material proposed for use on tbe project. De.ilrr \\,rrL.lr,rp. lrrc. PLANT LIST EXHIBIT ONE (Continued) OTY, BOTANICALNAME COMMON NAME SEE 50 Picea Dunoens 'Glauca'Colorado BluB Spruce 8',- 14' 33 Picea punQens 'Green'Green Spruce 8'. 14' PoDulus tremuloides Quaking Aspen on sile ffi Comus sedcea 'Bailevi'Redtwig Dogwood 5 oal, Comus sericea'Flaviramea'Yellowtwig Oogwoocl 5 oal. Cotoneasler aoiculalus Cranberry Cotoneasler 5 qal, Euonymus alala'Compacta'Dwarf Burning Bush 5 oal. Physocarpus monoqynus Native Ninebark 5 aal. Prunus x cislena Purple Leaf Plum 5 sal. Viburnum trilobum 'Wentworth' Compact Amerigan Cranberry 5 gal. rJuniperus chinensis'Pfitzeriana Compact'Old Gold Junioer 5 oal. -: -i, .. llats Coloneasler dammeri'Royal Beauty'Bearberry Cotoneaslel flats l ahonia reDens Colora do qe!p!!g Eg!y_tlats ;Thvmus spp.Thyme flats Vinca minor 'Bowlesii'Bowles Periwinkle flals Veronica fililormis Birdseye Speqdu,g!!-llats 14.000 st Poa Dralensis Bluegrass sod I eeieiiriiaiS; it,soti 9t)' j-,,-.r ., ..',.-..r. .,,-:,.:,, lAster spp. :li,l::r;:i",.. llals Chrysanlhemum maximum Shasta Darsy flals Coreopsis spp.Coreopsis flats Crocus spp.Cfcaus tlals Gaillardia oranditlora Gaillardia I als Hemerocallis spp.Daylily I ats ns spp.ris I aIs Lavendula anguslilolia'Munslead'English Lavender I ats Linum perenne Blue Flax I ats Narcissus spp.Datfodils I als Papaver spp.Poppy llats Rudbeckia lulgida'Goldslrum'Black Eyed Susan llats Tulipa spp.Tulips llals Viola cornuta :Tufled PansY llals a"iiriS-65b6-ii*:-l *LUiil',;; llals "'larv"rrt ,Dusty Miller llals Geranium tlats lmpalienl flals Lobelia flats Marigold flats Pansy flats Salvia flats Snapdraoon flals o Dc.ign \\i 'rliJr,1. lrrc. o WESTIN VAIL RESORT DRB STIBMITTAL EXHIBIT TWO Existing Plant Materials to be RemovedlRelocated Westin Resort Landscape Renovation Significant plant material which cunently exists on the site is identified on the accompanying Site Survey and in tbe Existing Tree Inventory. Th9 clart includes a remarlis c6lumn indicating which material will be removed from the site, relocated within the site, or protected in place. In addition to the material specifically identified in tbe Existing Tree Inventory, there are ten existing Green Ash treei located on the north side of Westhaven Drive which u'ill be relocated elsewhere on the Westin Resort site. Existing shrubs have not been individually identified on the Site Survey. It is the intent of the ou'ner to protect as mar)t of the existing shrubs as allowed by Qe new construction. Where construction activity necessitates the removal of shrubs or other i low plant material, it will be replaced by material of egual quality and size. 'r EXISTING TREE INVENTORY EXHIBIT TWO (Continued) A I t(''" .., I ' (. r.r yr. *;'i'1) TREE #TYPE SIZE REN{ARKS TREE#TYPE SIZE REMARKS TT Green Ash Relocate T4l Aspen Remove T2 Green Ash 3"Relocate T42 Aspen 3'Relocate T3 Green Ash 5 Relocate T43 Aspen Relocate T4 Gree n Ash 3"Relocate T44 Aspen 3"Relocate T5 Green Ash J Relocate T45 Aspen 3"Rel ocate T6 Green Ash 3'Relocate T46 Aspen Relocate n Green Ash 5 Relocate T47 Aspen J Rel ocate T8 Mtn. Ash 3"Remove T48 Aspen I Remove T9 Mtn. Asl J Remove T49 Aspen 5 Relocate Tl0 I,ltn. Asl Remove T50 Aspen I Remove Tll It{tn. Ash Remove T5l Aspen J Relocate T12 l\{tn. Asl Remove T52 Aspen I Remove I lJ I{tn. As,J Remove Ts3 Aspen J Relocale T14 Ir{tn. Ash J Remove T54 .Aspen J Relocate Tl5 It{tn. As}3'Remove lff Aspen J Relocate I lo It{tn. Asl J Remove T56 Pine 3"Protect in Place T17 ]r{tn. Ash J Remove T57 Aspen 5"Protect n Place TI8 Mtn. Asl J Remove T58 Aspen J Protect n Place TI9 Mtn. Asl J Remove T59 Aspen Protect in Place T20 I{tn. Asb 3"Remove T60 Aspen Protect in Place T2l Mtn. Asl 3"Remove I Ol Pine 2"Protect in Place T')li{tn. Asl J Remove Pine Protect in Place T23 Ir{tn. Ash J Remove loJ Pine Protect in Place 724 I,Itn. Aslt J Remove T64 Pine J Protect in Place T25 It{tn. Ash J Remove T65 Pine Protect in Place T26 Mtn. Aslr J Remove T66 Pine Protect in Placc T27 I{tn. Asi Remove T67 Pine J Protect in Place T28 Aspen 5-J Protect n Place T68 Pine 4"Protect in Place 729 Aspen J Prolect n Place T69 Pine 4"Protect in Place IJU Aspen Prolect n Place T?O Pine Protect in Placc T3l Aspen J Protect n Place T7t Pine Protect in Place T32 Aspen Protect n Place T72 Pine J Protect in Placc T33 Aspen Protect in Place 773 Pine 4"Protect in Placc T34 Aspen J Protect in Place 774 Pine t" ?r Protect in Place T35 Aspen Protect in Place T75 Pine Protect in Place T36 Aspen z-5 Protect in Place T76 Pine Protect in Place T37 Aspen J Protect in Place T77 Pine Prorect in Place T38 Aspen ')-?" ?.Protect in Place T78 Pine J Protect in Place t5v Aspen l"Remove T79 Pine 3"Protect in Place T40 Crabapple 3"Remove T80 Aspen 4-3"Remove o ' 1,. lDc.Dmigrr \\i,rlslr, WESTIN VAIL RESORT DRB STJBMITTAL EXHIBIT THREE Proposed Irrigation System Westin Resort Landscape Renovation The plant material in the existing hotel courtyard is currently irrigated. A fully - . autoinated sprinkler/drip inigation system will Ue used to irrigate all new and existing landscape irirprovements including trees, shrubs, groul{ covers' and-grasses. \otury sprinkle'T s wiil be utilized to coveilarge grass areas while single-outlet drip emitters and riultiple-ourlet drip eminers will by uied to irrigate other plant material' Municipal (potable) water will be used for irrigation. Zone control valves and isolation sate vaives will be installed to permit the isolaiion of sections of the system for repair ind maintenance. The existinginigation control system will be utilized for tbe new equipment installed as part of lhe rJnovation effort. Existing bose bibs will be used for any incidental u'atering. De.ign \\,,r1"h,,p. o lrrc. WESTIN VAIL RESORT DRB ST]BMITTAL EXIIIBITFOT'R Proposed Landscape Lightin g Westin Resort Landscape ReDovation The attached product information sheets illustrate the type of light fixtures which will be used in the Westin Resort courg'ard. As illustrated on the accompanf ing plan, the following light fixtg;'es;dl be installed: -- Bega, Model #8871 (or similar). Black fixrure with 60W irfandescent lamp providing apploximately 890 lumens. Fixture height approximately 42", Fixture provides illumination along pedestrian u,alks. -._ aL Bega, Ir{odel #7415 (or similar). Black fixture u'ith lO0Wjacfndescent lamp providing. . approximately 1750 lumens. Fixrure height approximately 12". Fixture provides floodlight for illumination of sculpture and hotel identification sign. ,/ nk Bega, Modet #8001 (or similar). Polished stainless steel f,4turiTuitable for underwater apflication \r,ith 50W lamp providing approximately 345 lumens. Fixtures will be mounled b-elow water level in the pioposed founta:in and provide a "soft glow" within the fountain. Electrical outlet (l l0V) located in landscape planting beds to accomrnbdate seasonal lights in trees. All other lighting in the courtyard will be provided from fixtures localed on the buildings under the existing condition. \ i I lL""^t^S Li u' L-tL5 - c<+ r tl jl Single luminaires supprieo complere wrrilre Heavy pressed glass wlh Inlernal lexlured suflace Caolive socket head stainless steel screws. Color: Black or whtle Lamp 'I 60W A.tg 123h 473h 133tt 1 13W PLC 860 123h 473L 133h Anchorage kit lor 8871 iv€ (tz'lt') ( rz r/s') ('t'\ .' Zt' r 8'1 "r )L. I -C- <E + II _iL I I Oouble luminaires supplied complele wrlh poe Heavy pressed glass wrth inlernal lexlured surlace Caolive socket head slainless sleel screws. Color Biack or while. \. Lr.en 8871P : I( GZ / 2 50W 4.19 1780 123ta 47 jtn 21'l: ? 13W PLC 1720 1231a 473h 21\l: Anchofage kit lor 8872 E'E\'A o_g:'Kl Floodhghls lof illuminalion bl plant,nn, O walls and signage. Anodized aluminum relleclor Stippled tempered glass. Fully adjustable swivel mounling. Color: Biack la t c , Q (" f'u2{ il, - ga)(3r c+\ fq s '' z\rc '\ Hi Pi 248 Pole cap 2%'D lof pole rnounlng n y?" 249 Pole cap 3'D. lor pole mounlrng R vl hh W x il frb ffb qb IA I.Vil W d:H U fl1lt : t)Gt qq.t, A Itl /\ ill N--ql v ril 252 nee screw t1 ,2 280 Tube clemo 6/2 Floodlights lof building illuminalion Anocti?ed aluminum relleclor Clear teripefed glass. Fully adj!,slable yoke/swivel mo.rnting Inlegral 5allast/mounting box Color: Black I 'aird ji Lamp Lumen 9550S 1 100w E.17 HPS 9550MH 1 100W ED.17 MH 8500 320 180' Glare sh'e d lol 9550 280 Tube clamp 248 Pole cap 2il.' D 1o, pole rnounlrng R '^'' 249 Pole cap 3" D lor pote mounlrng Fl /:" nr- 415 1 100W A.19 wilh 9500 1 100W A.19 wilh W nipple 7416P 1 13W PLC u,ith mounting box IJCIJA OJ /A t'l ..i:a;;l'l \ ft:fr lr-.J -F.i-E; 350-351.352-353 Color tilrers Iblue. green. yetlory, red] I I I Floodlighr lor PAF.36, 12V lamps Electro-polished starnless sleel Two cable entries at 180'lor through wirrng. Supplied wilh len leel ol underwater cable Lamp nol supplied. Adjuslable mounling bracket. Requires remole 12V transfof mef suitable for the aoDlicalion. AL 53hs ?hc Stlz -'..( -- z' I\ iFr -<44 zs,1 1; 'r)1r 23.'14 ' 14 sz Floodliqhr for PAR-56. 12V lamps Eleclro-oolished stainless sleel. One cable entry and ten leel of undetwaler cable supplied Lamp not supplied. Adjuslable nlo!,nlin9 brackel. Requires :'emote 12V Irenslormer suilable lor lhe aoolicalron. tLz<\ G\ \ ;r:ry -8 - C- .t tc tl Lamp 8510 1 PAR.56. 120t240V. 12W o t. 372 :1716 Weatherprool enclosure. Primary 120V 60 Hz. Secondary taps lor 12. 13. l{ volls. Built in ckcuit breaker with resel. Separate wiring cornpanmenls lor input and oulout. 1 PAR-36. 25-50W 12V 300-LG3 300V4, 120 1?V Translormer 93/. 6'/s 5 BEGA 89 o Bollard Anchorage 895A.8964 All bollard modets ate supplied with a unrque anchor boll system cornprised of anchor bolls' rioid lemplale and lemale lhreaded couplmgs w-hich atlol the use ot slandard bolls lot securing lhe bese plale. eliminaling unsighlly protruding anchor bolls. 'l2V power outPut distribution Producl numbe. 401 :ecf POD ccnieins at ercapsuleied. lused aild lf'err,r,al\' ptole-'eo SCAVA 1'ansjof t:ler sJpprying l?v po$ef io' up to'lifi€en (15) 20\{r u.,iis of up lc six:een (i 6) i 8W snils. six (6) 12v caSi€ oJlieis a:€ provid€d. FoJ. {..} i?'co'rdJi1 eri'ies al 93'pl,rs o'e (1) or bo?lom 01 casi aluriirJi:'bcx lor'l?CV sJFply 1o lf anslorrrer PCD Product numbet 402 CO:S:SIS Oi ICC leel O1 :wC cOncu:tOr SFT3 12A\'r'G,UVceble. Typical Schematic Distribution Plan S S Set Sctal S.S Bolls Baseplal€ (supPlied wrlh Bollaro or Pole) i tl il \ Product numbet 403 Cols;s:s ol lOCO lee: 3'iwo coidrclor SPT3. 'i2 AYVG. UV ce5le. Product numbel 404 Co:sisrs 01 a PVC v/r:r'? box vrtlt loJ'('1) i." conjJt e.]tries al 93'.. iF adaFlo' p al€ lol rnoJ:iiro -o3:5. 935e 9e35 9€36.;e35.;€56. ;555. or 755e bolla':s or beacon lumrnarfes. Producl numbet 410 Oi€ (1) POD ceble :q'reclor lci SPT3. Product numbet 420 Transiior wiring co:,:'eclot (16 AWG fixlure cabie 10 12 AVJG, Sii3 powet cable). Also sJpplied wi$ €ach lJninaire es required. Voltage vs. LamP Life and OutPut Wrth a lo/v volage lighting s)€lem, actual lamp vohage will vary depending on the lenglh ol wie run oul tro:'n the suppty lranslormet lo lhe lamps. Gen€rally, tamp voliages ri'lll be l€ss lhan their raled i2 vcts, resuning in reduSed lighi ornput while exlenCing lamp life. To delermine the average votiage o{ a -oroup of lamps spaced along a run ol i2 gaJge SP-r'3 supply caOle, lhe lollg!^'in9 equalicn ?pplies: loial wails x EnOth ol ca5le /f,UU Lamp 12.0 11 .5 11.0 10.5 r0 0 gr36ple: i 7 lamps x 18wea . 126lt99leet - t.5.:l[ ?qn.l ur\'P 12.O volls at translormet - 1 5 dtop - 10.5 avefage volls; thefeiore: 7 lamps al'18 wells each will deliver 55% of raled ligfll orlpul al 5 limes the raled [le. Note: 12V cable runs exceecjing l00leel ate nol recornmencied Or" to ataEssir€ \Dtlege drop. 80 ,d /L / tl:cS ilr ,T. lr /6n \ll T | ,rzv I I l./ ru T li \(T T ll t' t'l\ / ,<r, \G i" tc[ 1?VT I T l'l 15'r ,l I r2V ---(t--- T \l' Lamp Lrlg o; Lighl E:GA :54 Lamp Review lnitial Inirial Synrbol Wattage,'Slze Lumens Lite/Hrs. Volts Osram Venlure Phillips Sflyq!,a GE lncEndescenl LamPs - Standsfd A Lamps ! 18ws-8DCB 264 40wA'15 4E0 60wA.19 890 75WA'19 1 190 100wA.19 1750 150w A.21 2850 1000 12 Jqn 1)d 750 120 750 120 750 1?O 750 120 Frosied Ffosled Frosted Ffosted Ffosted N/A N/A N/A NiA N/A N/A NiA Frosied Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Frosted Ffosted Frosted Incandescenl Lamps - Fefleclor Lampg . 50w R20 410 ?000 120 luA ..r,,. JbLthr.'.'-- - N'A 50R20 50R20 e lSzs.sow pan g6 345 aooo 12 NA " NA x/A N/A 25.'50 PAR 36 u ?|i rsow pAR 3g 1z7o 2oo0 120 NA N/A N/A 1so PAR 150 PAR 120/240w PAF 56 2570 2000 12 NA 300w PAR 56 5000 1000 12 NA 300WPAF 56 3840 2000 120 NA t.J/A N,A NiA NiA NiA N/A 120/240 PAR 56 120/240 PAF 56 N/A SOOW PAB 56/WR 300w PAF 55 300W PAF 56 Tungsten Hslogen Lamps n g ?0wG4 350 50wGY5.35 1000 100w GY6.35 23C0 150W r\rE0T10 2760 250W MED Tj0 4750 2000 2000 2000 ?000 12 jz 12 120 AHO3O 4r085 Aill 18 Ai_075 Al_135 NiA N,'A N,A N'A NiA NiA N,'A N'A N.'A N/A N,A N;A N,'A N,,A N/A N/A N/A N,'A MR-16 Tungsten Halogen Lamps - l2V I ESX 20wGX5.3NSP 3300 SBF 2OW GXs 3 NFL 1OOO 6Ats 20w Gx5.3 FL 500 FMT 35W GX5.3 NSP 7600 FMV 35W GX5 3 NFL 22OO FMW 35W GX5.3 FL 11OO EXT 50wGxs3NSP10000 EXZ 50w Gx5.3 NFL 3000 EXN 50W GXs 3 FL 1500 2000 12 2C00 't2 2000 12 2000 12 2000 i2 2000 12 2000 12 2000 12 A(610 NA ,r\OUU t\A A(710 NA i.(705 N,A NA N.A N,A MA N,A N/A N'A N,A N,.A N,A NA N,A N;A N,A 20rtl816/ONSP N,A 20rv4Rr 6/olFL N,A N.A OZOMA16,'NSP NiA O2OMR16,'FL NiA NIA NA SOMFlSIOINSP O50MR16/NSP 50MRl6/O/NFL O50MB'16/NFL 50MR16iO.fL O20MR16/FL Compacl Fluorescenl - Twin Tube Lamps (PL) E8 7W G.?3 9W G.23 r 3w Gx.?3 400 10000 120 600 10000 120 900 10000 120 DJL'JXS zVV FiTT 27 D-'LUXS 9W F9ii,?7 DULUXS r3w F"3i1.27 ,t 1'. )7 F r 3TT 27K F7tsX F9BX F13EX Compact Fluorescenl - Ouad Tube Lamps (PLC) ES 9W G'23 575 13WGX.23 860 18W G.2402 1250 26W G.2403 1800 10000 120 10000 120 10000 i20 10000 12c C3L DUI.UX N,'A 331 DULUX N,'A DTLUX D 18W N,A }.J!UX D ?6!V N A N.'A F9DTT/27K NiA N,'A F13DTTJ27K Fl3OtsX PLC i 8W N,'A F18DSX PLC 26W N,'A F26D9X Mercury Vapor Lampt 50w E.17 75W E.17 100w E.l7 1575 16000 120 2800 16000 120 4000 16@0 120 NA NA NA NiA N/A NiA N/A NiA NJA H45i45CL H4 3AV H38AV HR4O/5ODX HR75DX HR100817 High Pressura Sodlum Llmps 35W Er 7 50w E.l 7 70w E.17 100w E.17 150w E.17 2230 21fi0 1n 4000 24000 120 6400 24000 120 9500 24000 120 16000 24000 120 NA NA NA NA LU3SiMED LUSO/MED LUSO/MED LUI OO/MEO LU1sO,MED $5S7A,!I LU3s/MED LU3s/MED C5OS68/M LUsOMED LUsOMEO CTOSoZM LUTO/MED LUTO/IilED C1OOS,C4IM LUTOO/MED LUIOO/MED c150s55/M LU150/MED 1U150/MED Metal Halldc L!m08 70w EDl7 70w G.12T8 1Cow ED 17 150w G.l2T8 1 75W ED.17 175w ?.23'tz 5500 5000 5200 6000 8500 10000 12000 6000 14000 100c0 14C00 10000 120t277 N.A 120/277 nCA35 12C;277 NA 120/277 l':'3061 i20;277 N A NiA NA MHTOiU/MEf, N/A MHl OC/U/MED N/A MH17sru/MED N,'A M75i BU' NiA M i 00/u NiA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MXR175 NiA N/A N/A N/A NiA N/A 'Note: 75 wan - base up burning position only. o Dt'.igrr \\irrkslr,p. lrrc. WESTIN VAIL RESORT DRBST'BMITTAL EXEIBIT FTVE Otber Iandscape Featrrcs Westin Resort Landrcapc Renovation Gencrally, the materials proposcd for tbe'Westin Resort courtyard ate thc same or similar t6 thc materials whicl currcntly exist on the propcrty. In addition to thc specific plant materials and ligbts already discussed in Ois subminal, thc "hardscapc" materials inticipated for use inihe horcl c-ourtyard include concrete pavcrs (samc as cxisting), ncw 6' hiih concrctc curbs, and 8" wide toncrcte bands which will bc locatcd at the cdgc of all pa--ver areas in order to kccp rhc pavers in place. The following sketchcs illustratc thc ovcrall character of the proposed improvements. i J'4'-'-...- -Je-F \lJ i.' t .r \. ,:{F bi| i 2 / L6/ Leg4 Mike McGee T.O.V. FIRE DEPART}.IENT 42 W. Ieadow Dr.vail, co. 8IG5z R.A. NELSON &assocrATEs, rNC. advise us as to your requirements our bui lding whi I e it is with regard to stil I under si erel Superint t :/en d (.-,J.t.-.*.!. U'\\. )'(r .,,\ -.r-: cr A f,--! \-,-,..1- (1;-r1t\.-;'5 Dear Mike, f{e are currentl.y trying to ge! c-L2 through the required inspections so as to uegin arywall instaltatitn.' The intent is to get this c-12 compreted ASAp so as to provide a "Model" unit to the owner' of r,ittJiae. ii -i, ,nv understanding that c-12 will act--as a sales toor to -provide prospective buyers a unit to "Walk-Thru" prior to the purcf,ase of i-unit. Enclosed you wi.ll.fila a site plan to show how we plan to provide access into the building. r should stress thai-t}ere wifi-ue-i vert'limited number of people allowed to."i"i, alt gro.p,,iti wear hard hats and groupJ wfll be guided. r" iaaition a't"nit. ;;il will be constructed to block access to the rest of trre luiiai"g.Also, by the time that the model is opened both cranes will be off si te. Could you please l imited access t Constaf ucti on P.O. Drower 5400 . Avon. Colorodo 81620 . 303-949'5152. rpy.303-949-4379 November 18, 1993 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vail Bui-lding Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81557 Re: f-,iftside Project Fireproofing Dear Gary: The following is a summary of the items discussed on 11-18-93 with you, myself and the following people. Riak Agett - R.A. Nelson & Asiociates Jim Meehan - R.A. Nelson & Associates Kathleen Shippy - Rolling Plains, Inc.cary Poindexter - W.R. Grace This summary constitutes my understanding of matters discussed and the decisions reached. If your interpretation varies,please inform me in writing. SUM}I.ARY OF ITEMS DISCUSSED:1. It was decided that transfer beams within the two-hour floor/ceiling assembly will have to receive two-hour individual protection. Further, it was decided that transfer beams are those beams which support loads for more than one level, i.e., a floor above or a roof above. This does not include those beams that support a stair connecting the level above to a loft in that s ame space .2. ft was decided that interior primary beams within the two-hour floor/ceiling assembly are considered to have two-hour protection. 3. It was decided that beams located at the exterior of the building are considered to have two-hour protection if the following condition is met: The exterior waII between the room side of the ceiling below the beam and the room side of the floor slab above the beam is of t$ro-hour construction. | ./L..--I Mr. Gary Murrain November J.8, 1993 Page 2 4. It was decided that primary beams within the one-hour ceiling/roof assenbly must have two-hour individual protection. The secondary beams in this area are to receive one-hour individual protection. I then asked if, being within the one-hour assembly, these secondary beams are already protected. You indicated that you would like to discuss this with ICBO.5. We then discussed Gary Poindexter's concern about batt insulation within the one-hour ceiling/roof assembly. He showed us that the U.L. book states that insulation in this area could have an impact on the one-hour assenbly in the event of a fire. It was decided that I would provide a drawing showing the sloped and flat roof construction for you to send to ICBO for their review and comment. Please call if you have any questions about or corrections to the above information. Sincerely, copy to: Rick Agett - R.A. Nelson & Associates Jim Meehan - R.A. Nelson E Associates Kathleen Shippy - Rolling Plains, Inc. Gary Poindexter - W.R. Grace Frank Freyer - Owner's Construction Consultant : irir,,r ii &ETTEfuF TRANSMITTAL WE ARE SENDING YOU Ef Attacneo n Shop drawings n Copy of letter f f N/ Via Prlnts/sepias Change order Plans Originals f Samples - DATE (l-21 n1 lioBNc qZlE To: T o.V. Buieo.o.-- I)u-er, Dn"- a- ^^rg[2- RE: the following items: ! Specifications n ! THESE ARE TRANSMITTED aS checked below: tr ! ! n Fy apprcval fi, your rr" ! As requested Approved as submitted Approved as noted Beturned for corrections f For your records f Revise and resubmit I For review and comment ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US n N FOR BIDS DUE 19 REIvARKS DEh A DflP 4J r l ( 60nn tT tr OS se^) n \ lT /t DA.IE lf enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at ance. E a tci gr f;3 6gi Fo,<;= EFE E'r 45'ELBOyV (T'tP. oF a). EXTERIOR IVALL RELD CoNIRo|-S COlPAl.lY 6, T\?E C. REFER TO FLUE DETAIL OIi SHEET MD5. 8., B-IENT NOIE: DRAFT INDUCER AT TOP 0F EACH \€NT STACK IS WIRED TO ANO CONTROI.IEO BY ALL RREPLACES SER\ED BY THAT STACK. E"O 45'LATERAL ]EE FITNNG (wP oF 3). suPERroR MODEL TGRDE-601.:I RADIANT GAS FIREPLACE WIH 45,000 8TU,/HR SEA II\EL |NPUT (T\?|CAL 0F 5) AIR KIT PROVIOED FIREPLACE VENT TYPE B AND C 3'-E' -T RISER DIAGRAM UNITS ffiu* ;s: ;,; ,i 28609 .i 28609 j,_ ,T;.,,.' | / z, / E ?,,; -,oa t siur$ rvnH FTREPLACE. (T\P. OF 5). NO SCALE E J ful FIEI.D CONTROLS COUPA}TY 8' Tl?E C. REFER TO FLUE OETAIL ON SHEET TIDs. 8'r 8-!ENT DRAFT INDUCER AT TOP OF E^g.I VENT STACK lS WIRED TO Al.lD CO.ITROTTED BY ALI RREPL^CES SER\ED BY IHAT STACK. 6.' 45'LAIERAL rEE RTTING 10'-6'i6' E.O B-\ENT E"' 45'AAOW E , ,15. ELEOIV (Tt?. OF 2) t 0'-6'r6' EXTERIOR IVALL suPERroR MOOEL TGRDE-Eo.+3 RADIANT GAS FIREPLACE SITH 45,000 8ru,/l{R sEA t"ElEL |NPUT (T\PTCAL 0F 3) AIR KIT PROVIO€O wrTH FTREPLACE. (TYP. 0F 5). FIREPLACE VENT RISER DIAGRAM TYPE A UNITS SHEET 'MD2 NO SCAr€ 3 *i 6ri Fc|.< -j E EFH ATTACH AIMBLE TO R@F DECKING NOTE: INSTALL FLUE AT HEICHT REQUIRED BY LOCAL & UMC Cq)ES. DRAFT INDUCER sToRv cor,tAR \€RIFY ROOF CO.ISTRUCIION FIELD CONTROLS COMPANY 8" T\PE C. REFER TO FLUE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. E"O B-VENT s'-4'r6' NOTE: ORAFT INDUCER AT TOP OF EACFI \ENT STACK IS IVIRED TO AND COtllRol-LED BY ALL FIREPLACES SERVEO BY ITIAT STACK, FLUE DETAIL NO SCALE E'o 45'ELBoW EXIERIOR WAI -L 3'-8"_T ro'-6'*6' SUPERIOR MOOEL TGROE-80'15 RADIANT GAS FIREPLACE IYITH 45,OOO BTUAIR SEA LE\EL TNPUT (TY"TCAL OF 2) AIR KIT PROVIDED FIREPLACE VENT RISER DIAGRAM TYPE D UNITS wrlH RREPLACE. (TY". OF 2). NO SCALE. September 20, 1993 Mr. Bill Hulse Northwest Colorado Council of Governments P.O. Box 2308 Silverthorne, CO 80498 Re: Liftslde Elevators Dear BilL: The attached letters from our mechanical and efectrical engineers are ln response to your comments from revievt of our project. (See attached copy. ) Any information ln these letters which is not contained in our plans will be incorporated into the project by way of change order. It should be noted that comments from your review related to architecture have been addressed in previously issued letters. Please call if you have any addit.ional guestions or concerns. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT S TZ ARCHITEETS, Ds/ad copy to: Dan Stanek, Town of VaiI Rick Agett, R.A. Nelson & Frank Freyer, owners ' con Building Department Associates struction consultant %4 ?5tr{- Hit:€ /J.,J ?m_ ag4-de 7- Z-rr:-Z--4.-/t J,,+ LEZLIE BBO/VN JEANNINE CARY BILL MARSTON CLINT RALSTON RANDY REXWINKLE RODNEY FEXWINKLE KAREN THEOSOLO (303) 245-3177 FAX: (303) 2454450 September 16, 1993 Danny Swertfeger Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Subject: Liftside Our Job #2082 Oear Danny, This letter is written in response to the elevator inspector's plan review which you sent to us on July 26, 1993. I have reviewed the plans for items listed in the reviewe/s letter and would like to issue a change order for the following items: Drawino E2.11 1. Column intersection 16-17, U-V - Change convenience outlet shown in €levator pit to GFI tyPe. 2. Column 25 K - Change convenience outlet shown in elevator pit to GFI type' 3. Add GFI outlet to freight elevator pit at column intersection 16 U. Circuit to Panel PH-2 from adjacent pit. Drawing E2.12 1. Change convenience outlet in elevator pit at column intersection $10 Q to GFI type. 2. Elevator Equipment Room at column intersection 26 G - Relocate elevator fused disconnect lrom location shown to a location adjacent to the strike side of the door inside the room. Drawing E2.17 1. Power Plan Level 122 - Relocate elevator disconnect switch from location shown at column intersection I P to a location adjacent to the strike side of the door in the elevator machine room. "*r* R^ 2. Relocate elevator disconnects from location indicated by equipment to location adjacent to strike side of door in elevator machine room. This is to be done for both elevator #2 and elevator #3. Please call if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, Grand Valley Consulting Engineers, Inc. William L. Marston, P.E. WLM/jc WLMOO7.WPF ln response to he elerratorinspecto/s July 1993 comments conceming mechanical and plumbing: Mechanical M(1) "lf machine room ventilation is duct it must not be any lower than 7 to the bottom. ANSI code states 7'clearance in elev. machine room." Response: The only ventilation is in tfre machine room for Elevator'B'and is an exhaust fan, EF-2, mounted at the ceiling and ducted upward. The ceiling height is 8' minimum, and is higher fran 8' in most areas, therefore, the exhaust lan and exhaust duct will be higher fian the ANSI code requirement of 7' above the floor. M(2) 'All duct work to be dead ended in machine room & cannot be used to service other pads of the bldg.' Response: All ductwork in the elevator machine room does dead end there. Sheet M3.07 shows an incorrest wall anangement that makes it appear that fie exhaust riser near tre trash cnute is ducted to the Elevator "8" machine room. Sheet M2.06 shows the correct wall anangement wifr the exhaust inlet to the trath room. Plumbino P(1) "Sump pumps needed for elw. pib. All hydraulic elev's. to have interceptors.' Flesponse: Elevator "8" and the freight elevator next to it, and elevator'ff (between column lines 9 and 10) have floor drains piped to a sump pump. These hree ele\rators are not hydraulic so lhe sump pump discharges directly to the sanitary sewer system. Elevator "C" (hydraulic) has a sump pump lhat discharges to the sand and oil interceptor in the garage. Effluent from this interceptor then drains to the sanitary sewer system. P(2) 'Sprinkler in elev. machine room are strictly for elev. machine room & must be dead ended & cannot be used to service other parts of the bldg." Response: The fire sprinkler system is by a design-build contractor. When we receive sprinkler sptem shop drawings, we will verify that the sprinkler contractor dead- ends the sprinkler lines to the elevator machine rooms as required by code. Please call this office is you have any questions Sincerely, Grand Valley Consulting Engineers, Inc. Dl"".t", e Z^l*q" Donald Clinton Ralston, Jr., P.E. DCMc DCR006.WPF :et J gil3rul"th,1". coNsulrrNc ENGruRs, rNc' GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501 (30312454177 FAX: (303) 2454450 LEZUF BBo\rYN JEANNINE CAF/ BILL MABSION CLINT RALSTON FEXWINKLE REXWINKLE THEOBOLO Septgmber 16, 1993 Danny Swertfeger Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Subject: Liftside Our Job #2082 Dear Danny, This letter is written in response to your September 14, 1993 FAX concerning smoke detector shut-down of elevators. We have indeed provided in the design shunt-trip breakers and wiring to shutdown elevators if smoke is detected within the elevator machine room. Please call if you have additional questions or comments. Very truly yours, Grand Valley Consulting Engineers, Inc. 2-tuk William L. Marston, P.E. WLM/jc WLMOO8.WPF flff'nrl,,,' : ( ,:.. September 16, 1993 Mr. Dan Stanek Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vaif, CO 81657 Re: Llftside Project Dear Dan: Attached please find Proposal Reguest No. 15 including drawing No. AX-11 issued to the Contractor as directi.on to correct the water problem at the northeast corner of our project. This plan has been reviewed and approved by our structural engi.neers as well as Chen Northern, our soils engineer. In an effort to keep the construction process movj.ng, f have issued this information to the Contractor for implementation. Please review at your earliest convenience and call me with your comments. Please call if you need additlonal information. Sincerely, P. C. copy to: Rick Agett GWATHMEY PRATT TZ ARCHITECTS, DS/ad PROPOSAT REQUEST AIA DOCUMENT G7O9 -OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRAqTOR FIETD OTHER tr tr tr tr PRO,IECT: LIFTSIDE (name, address) OWNER: MECM ENTERPRISES TO: (Contractor) I R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES P.O. DRAWER 54OO AVON, co 81620 PROPOSAL REQUEST NO: 1 5 DATE: 9-16-93 ARCHTTECT'S PROJECT NO: 921 9 CONTRACT FOR: CONSTRUCTION OF LIFTSIDE PROJECT CONTRACT DATED: 5-29-93 -l I Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to proposed modifica- tions to the Contract Documents described herein. THIS IS NOT A CHANCE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. Description: (writren dgcription ot the work) 1. Provide drainage for area north of foundatlon wa1l in the area of Stair "C1 " as described in attachment and drawing AX-11. 2. Additional under slab drainage wiLl be provided from Chen Northern as soon as it 1s available. Attachment5: {Lasr a[.ched docum.nti th.t iuppo.t deicriptlon) 1. Proposal Request No. 15 Attachnent 9-1 6-93.2. AX-1'l Behind WaIl Drainage PIan 9-15-93. GWATHMEY RATT/S HULTZ ARCHITECTS, AIA DOCU .PR QUEST . APRIT 1970 EDITION . AIA@. 01970 . THE AVE., N.W., WASHtNCTON, O.C. 20006 {MERIC,AN INSTITUTT OF ARCH ,1735 NEW YORK