HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT GENERAL 5 LEGALI TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departmcnt review of Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. Al1 commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits wrll have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Rcsidential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Holvever, if residential or smallcr projccts impact the various above mcntioncd departments with regard to necessary review, thesc projects may also take the threc (3) week period. Every attempt will be madc by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, undcrstand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the pcrmit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: \' ;l 0r../- ,U,u i club -l*l e^r", 5f "5 111 Work Sheet was turned into the Corununity Development Dept. {pun*o,^r* I TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANI'UM AIL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQIIIRED ,r I r fi '\J ^;t e..tcadr l-J,+./ t Q"L J. 4. 5.NO Dare: <l,rlq1 PLEASE ANSWER TTIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNA]RE .PUBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is this a new residence? Is demolition work being performed . casements or public property?YES Is any utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? Is a differcnt access to thc site 6.Is any drafuuge work being YES NO ftat the Right-of-Way, srsements, or public property? '7 . Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way YES 8. A. Is lhe Right{f-Way, easemen$ or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES_ NO_ B. If NO to 8A" is a parking staging or fencing plan rcquired by Community Development? vtrq If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Signanre Date: NO Company Name / INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE RT,JECTT,D 9::::,"1""f/bryTu6wwfnce at e70-328-6640 for Parcet t Date Receiver TowN o, uo,.GNSrRUcroN 'ERM,, *;&Hmt# Job Address: BO O Building ( ) Plumbing ( )Electrical |a1 Mechanical ( ) Legal Description: Lot \l o*n.r, N"r"D4, Str' Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Nteration)z@ '"^'u \ q1-o [o | ]lAY 241999 Other ( ) Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet Number and Typc of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLUMBINC $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No.182+ VALUATIONS ELECTRTCAL: $ /4tv?) MECHAMCAL $ -\ Electrical Contractor: fr Town of Vail Reeistration No.\01- e Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Phone # on"""n Datg Receivgd llAY 2 r 899 FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Address: Phone # eqq. oo ej CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTIH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY 1, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-10: ITEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEIT A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereoi it is unlawfirl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited. sand, gravel, rocks, mud dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon .rny street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereoi or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the s:rme, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twcnty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Dircctor of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or otler authorized agent, may cause any such sand gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or allcy at the expense of the notified. C. Exccptions: The provisions of subsection A hereofshall not be applicable: I . Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand" dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: fu an alternative to t}re notice for rcmoval provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the samc, may be isSued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of thc Town for said violations] and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l of this code. E. Notice: Pcnalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereot, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of rcmoval incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hcreunder, be punishable as providcd in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: D^t", {47t e. contractor or owner) TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMTT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engincer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparfrnent rcview of Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total revicw may take as long as three (3) weeks. AII commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned marimum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lcsser amount of time. Horvever, if residcntial or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to nccessary revicw, these projccts may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will bc made by this dcpartrnent to cxpedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if thc permit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must still pay tltc Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affcct future perrnits that t apply for. Agreed to by: Work Sheet was nrmed into the Community Development Dept. {i*'n"*o"o TowN oF vArCNsrRUcroN pERMrr ApOcATroN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTD,D Contact the Eagle Coufi Assessors Office at 97o328-6M0 for Parcel # Parcel # Z IDJ - /2J '66 :_ 2 | L Permit # Building ( ) Legal Descripion: Lot Plumbing f() Block Electrical ( ) Ov,'ners Name: / -O xlpru ttou0,rJ 6 Address: Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and T1,pe of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Address: Alteration (71 Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $BUILDING: PLUMBING @al-@es!q: SYD MECHAMCAL $ OTFIER: TOTAL 0- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address:/1) Town of Vail Registration No.Phone # Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Rceistration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town o[ Vail Rcgistration No. Pfumbinscontractor, QIil;/ 2<r Address: 2.7q1 3, E/rr.' l- nr.r G. fo7 rownofVailRegisrrationNo. I Of -P Phon"#38-41 ?-7ObJ t c/- q FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Address: Phone # JobNamc: l/"i I C"'<coJ 9-qq o t ot Job Address: 13 oo \) qfhova-- D" Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Filing Subdivision Gas Logs Wood/Pellet CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: AI-L CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITI{ THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, I999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-10: DEPOSTTS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROIIIBITTD A. Unlaufirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unla*frtl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or causc to be littered tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. S. Notiie; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiry and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who bas in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the s:Lme, top removc such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Dircctor of Public Works. In the event the person so notified docs not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such san4 gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, icc, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any constnrction, maintenance or repair project of any strect or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephonc line or any appurtenance tlereto; Z. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: fu an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violatcs or Causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to ippear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon bcing found guilty ofa violation hcrcunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l ofthis code. E. Notiie; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or rcfusc to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to palment of the expense of removal incurred by thc Director of Public Works. as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Codc: Ordinance 5 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: //ua6.r Position or Relationship to Project: o^re S:Zt!L- (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWN OF VAIL Depanment of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit rcquires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Enginccr's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review of Health Departmcnt review, and a review by thc Building Department, the estimated time for a total rcview may take as long as three (3) woeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Rcsidential and small proiects should take a lesser amount of time. Horvever, if residential or smallcr projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to neccssary rcview, these projects may also take the thrcc (3) week period. Every attcmpt will be made by this deparhnent to cxpcditc this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame . I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay thc Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was nrmed into the Communi8 Develooment Deo1. {p *rn"*o"n o REp'r 131 Oror* 0F 'AIL, c'LuRADo 66lA8/ 1999 {tB:Oe REGUESTS - INSPECTN t"lURK SHEETS FBRr 6/ 8/1999 F.AGE AREAI CD Activity: tr99-EOEE 6/ Bl 19 Typel B-FLMB Status: ISSUED Eonstr': AtrOl4 Addressr 13OO WESTHRUEN DR Location: 13S0 TJESIHAVEN DR (CASCADE) Farcel: E1O3-lt1-UO-Ote 0cct Use: Description: ADD I SINK'CAp UTHER LINES flpplicantr trHlL ZERR FTLUMBING INC. Ewner: L-O VAIL H0LDING INC Contractor: PHIL ZERR F'LUMBING INC. Fhone r 30t3*419-7O63 F,hone l F'hone: 3O3-4 19-7O63 MB-F i na I Inspect i on Reqttest Infornat i on. . . . . Requestor: HARRY trhone: 3O3-363-49tlE Req Tine: OBrOO Connentsr CA$CADE LOBBY It ens requrest ed t o be Inspect ed. , . Act i on Comnent s oAAq0 Time Exp Inspection Iten:Iten: Iten: Item: Iten: Item:lten: History,.... ftOe I O trLFtE-Und et'gro lrnd AOeeA trLhlB-Rough/D. tl. U. Q=/?3/99 Inspector": 6RG C'6885 FIRE-SF,RINKLER ROUGH OetegB trLMB-Ro nqh/l^lat er A3/X5/99 Inspector'r GRG AO34B FLI{B-Gas Fiping OOESO FLMB-F oo 1/Hot Tr-rb OtAt6lA trLFlB-Mi sc,qt3196/9S Inspector: GRG Action: trA Act i on: FA Action: AtrtrR ELIT1INATED HUSF,. RM. DEMC & NEI^I SINK HOSF" RM. DEMO E. NEI^' SINH Notes: ELIMINATED SEETIO|{ OF BASEB{rARD HOT WATER HEAT INSTALLATION OF NEtd EXTERlOR DtrORS. RE-ROUTED OUER NEI.' DOORS TO ETHER HOT I^'ATER HEAT UNITs, Item : tZtOP9O FLME-FinaI It ern : Ae'53S FI RE-FINRL C/0 foe- El cOtl-r(z {r u rffi- fi?€ D,u+r frppAwz- tr\tswfzL il*A(b A/frLa CoA Lere Do fZ JtaSgYT trrpyJ SECIION OF. FOR HEAT LINES t kJ UPP* tdzpaArc REtrT 131 T0t.,N oF UAIL, COLoRADO F'R6E 9 AREF: EE AE1OA/ 199? OBrO0t REGUESTS - INSFECTN t^,trRK SHEETS FOR: 6/ B/1999 :=========================================t==========-===-====== =============-===Activity: E99-O883 6/ g/19 Type: B-ELEtr Statt"ts: ISSUED Constt'r ACOM Address: 13€tO I^,ESTHAVEN DR Location: 13Ae HESTHAVEN DR Par"ce-l I 31O3- le1-O0-rAle Deseription: ELECTRICAL FOR LOBBY REMODEI- Applicant: F,ROGRESSIVE ELECTRIC SRV, INC. Owner: L-0 UAIL HOLDINE INE Contractor: trROGRESSIVE ELECTRIC SRV. INC. Oee: F'hane : 3O3-t'11-l56Qt Fhone: Fhone: 3O3-681-e55O Use: Inspect ion Request Reouestor: HARRY Req Time: O8:?t?t It eme req r-re st ed to OAl9A ELEC-Final Infor.mation...,. Commentsr CASCADE LOBBY F,hone : SEr:l-863-4903 be Inspected. Histor"y,.... AEI lA ELEC-Temp. F'ower' $€tlgtA ELEC-Rough A3/e5/99 Inspector': 6RG A3/e6/99 I nspect or r {3RF OOl3[l 6159-gsndr-rit OlZll4O E|-E[-Mi sc. OOl9tZ' ELEC-Final ime Exp Inspection Iten: Iten: Item: Iten: It en; Action: Act i on.: F'A BU5INE55 CENTER ONLY AtrF.R LOBBY LOUNGE HOSF, RM REPT 131 A6/73/1999 OA:P6 otJN trF VAIL, C0L0RAD0 pA$E e6 AREAI 6G REOUEST$ - INSF'ECTN I^,ORK SHEETS FBR: 6/15,/1999 o T 899-€rlAl 6/L3/19 Type: A-CBMM StatuEr ISSUED Constr: AEOlrl l3erur I^JTSTHAVEN DR l3eila HESTHnUEN DR(trnSCADE) e I a3- 1S 1-OO-A 1e RE*DO LOBBV LOUNSE HOSPITALITY ZERR ENTERF.RISES, INC. L-O UAIL HOLDINE INtr ZERR ENTERPRISES, INC. Activity: Addre s s r Lscat i on r FareeI: Description: Appl icant: Own en: Cont ract on l Occ:Use: I FR RM & BUSINESS CENTR Frhone: 3O3-758-7776 F,hone: Fhone z 343-758-7776 Inspeet i on Request Infornat i on. Requestor: R0GER MURPHY Itens requested to be Inepeeted. OO54gt BLDG-Final C/A F,hone: 615-3€18-5306 Req Tinre: {IBIOO CommentEt BUSINE.SS CENTER - GO TO LOBBY Act i on Eomment s Time Exp fd plan rev i ew r"equir*ed BUSINESS CENTER ONLY LOBBY LOUNEE HOSP RM.., LOUNGE HOSF.ITALITY R CORRIDBR SIDE ONLY, B. trTR LOBBY HOSF. RM-l SHEET UF. REMAIT.IDER OF BUS CTR OK HT]s. SUITE LID Inspect i on History,...,Clu"v;Zr^/Z"A---- Iten: OOEa€' FIRE DEFT. NOTIFICATION 83/ltl99 Inspector: JEFF-A Action: AFFR Notes: fine alarn and fire sprinkler* plans Item : 0€ier3B BLD6-Fr'aming 05lE5./99 Inspector: GRG Action: FA 05,/36/99 Inspector: GRG Act ion: AFF'R Notes: NEW CEILING FURRINB (STEEL) IN LOBBY Item: ltem: Act i on: FA Act ion: NR Act i on : AF'F R Act i on: f,trtrR Item: Item: Item: Item:Iten: Item: Item: Iten ! Item: Item: Item: taAASO BLD6-InsnIat i on OrZt'Z'6O BLD6-Sheetrock Nai I A3/e5/99 InspBctor: 6RG ft5/P6/99 Inspector: ERE fi31?6/91 Inspeetor: GRG A3/e8/99 Inspeetor: CD Ae|O8O + * Not On File * * Cr6elTAt BLD6-M i sc. OEAgS' BLDG-FinaI o,6/LLl99 Inspector': GRG Rction: NR NOT $UITE DDNE lAerSSA BLDE-Temp. C/0 OA531 FIRE*TEMF" C/B ererS3E F,W-TEIi1F,. C/0 oo533 F,LRN-TEMp. C/O OEI537 F.LAN-FINAL C/O OA538 FIRE-FINAL C/T] o6/AA/99 Inspeetor: JA Actionr AtrFR AFFR FER JEFF A 014539 F,H-FINAL C,/0 OO54A BLDE-Final C/0 A6/Itl99 Inspeetor: 6RG Actiont NR NOT AUITE DCINE... Notesi(e pooRs TU HANF & MISC IN BUSINESS CENTER. CUMFLETE t/ exrERIoR HANDRAILS AT NEt, EXT DooRs ro DEcK AT REAR. sEssIoN IN trROBRESS IN LUBBY HOSP RFl, COULDNT T EAIN ACCESS TO INSF.ECT. F'LEAsE CALL FOR RE_INSPECTION I.JHEN ALL I^IORK IS COI{F.LETE. o o o o o o iE ol 3. o o c C'o ct o o o c J5 68 Fr.of,28 !I c'A I H c T .[ B fr E o o o 0 o o o q; :{oz OD .o o(J o A E E u I I D o E !lo .' F o o o E u !o A I 3! 6 6 6 I o .t o 6t F q E E ET{|.r E8 IA aar a do rO..I .ta e 8E fit li E a f,E E9 B( e EE ig 6. E FI FI dB oo $T I l.! A t tl Ft A F 6 l{ E HE r8 q T I B" E fi8 e i H tl H H &o E d 6 E c F a o T a F a\a I ta r> E:r.dao <c .lioal n&t lDrnosrD hrtrAlqnn hnur fElElnur Sqlr brrrftt{bErltr.r-r!- rr E'lttl .rall---- -lll r- tr.rlt-,rlttllGG -Er Ga - lltr -ItrttEl--r D .Eh,D5*rdf,#irchllfr -cr-?!h-rD-dEr*!L=rr -nrrl r,rtcrr--,d I FrE D Erqfr !r tli|Fl| D sH al r:.:-Jr.=rrt r - n c=irc d fr-. r b F,q -E-:aFE ElE rru c |El:.a rI I ql lts - rd See qrAilixts n Pelmt q*freo, GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFI Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center ttii VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB vdt\.t- -'olol .'--. I U II -! VAIL, COLORADO A A *pprxww L-264q A AML Job #: 93026-16 Febnrary 22, 1999 A ApprNDuM 4 24'4q Anderson/Miller. Ltd. 329 West 18th Street. Suite 600 - Chicago, lL 60616 -(312)226- e '-V I L.M =4."j"*-"\ 770 South Adams Street. Surte 208 - Birmingham, Ml 48009 - (810)64 VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Meetrng Room and Business Center AMLJob#: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS General Construction lndex February 22. 1999 - Page 1 Section'l Section 00700 Section 01000 Section 02110 Section 05500 Section 06200 Section 06400 Section 08100 Section 08200 Section 08400 Section 08800 Section 09250 Section 095'10 Section 09600 Section 09750 Section 09800 Section 09900 Section 12200 Section 15010 Instructions to Bidders / Construction Contract (under separate cover from DH&R) General Conditions General Requirements Demolition Miscellaneous Metals Carpentry ArchitecturalWoodwork / (FD) Details - within Architectural Drawing Section Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Wood Doors Builders Hardware Glass and Glazing Gypsum Drywall AcousticalTile Marble and Stonework Resilient Finishes Paint Wallcovering Carpet Mechanical Section 16010 ElectricalPower and Lighting 3G o Anderson/Miiler, Ltd, 329west 18t' Street, Suite600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)22S2500 phooe (312)22S2555 fa( AMLTD(Oad.mm email VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB /l Lobby Terrace Meeting Room and Business Center \t AMLJob#: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATIONS General Construction Index February 22. '1999 - Page 2 Section 18000 Furnishing Coordination Alternate List Alternates #1 and 2 Arch. Drawings Lobby Tenace Meeting Room . Existing Condition Plans - Architectural and Reflected Ceiling Plan . Demolition Plans - Architectural and Reflected Ceiling ' Architectural Plan . Reflected Ceiling Plan . Interior Finish Plans - Architectural and Reflected Ceiling . FD Details ' AD Details Business Center (under separate cover) Anderson/Mitler, Ltd, 329 West 18h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 22S2500 dme (312) 22G2555 lax AMLTD@aol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 00700 - General Conditions AML Job #: 93026-16 February 22 1999 - Page 1 ( 1. PRINCIPLES AND DEFINITIONS 1.1 DOCUMENTS forming this conlract are the SPECIFICATIONS, including the General Conditions anO tte ORlWtttGS. The Contract shall be inclusive of all addenda and modifications incorpo- rated therein Drior to execution of the conlract. l.Z OWNER shall mean the person, firm or corporation named in the specifications, and shall be deemed to include all duly authorized representatives thereof. shirli sensenbrenner, Project Manager (303) 799-3830 phone Destination Hotels & Resorts (303) 799-6011 fax 10333 East Dry Creek Road, Suite 450 Englewood, Colorado 801 12 1.3 PURCHASING AGENT shall mean Pat Kugler (520)455-5499 Phone New Serve, Inc. (520) 455-5135 fax 67 Ponv Trail Sonoita, Arizona 85637 1.4 CONSULTANT/ARCHITECTshallmean Laurie MillerZoran Orlic P12)226-2500 phone Anderson/Miller, Ltd. P12ll 226'2555 fax 329 West 18th Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lllinois 60616 1.5 OPEMTOR shall mean Gary Fries, General Manager (970) 476-7111 phone VailCascade Hotel & Club (970) 479-7049 fax 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 1.6 GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall mean the person, firm or corporation furnishing labor or material, or both, to the Project. 1.7 SUBCoNTRACToR includes any person, firm, or corporation furnishing labor or material, or both, to the General Contractor. 1.8 WORK as employed herein, includes any material, equipment, construction, labor, or service necessary for the construction prescribed by the Contract Documents. 1.9 SIMILAR shall apply in its general sense and not as meaning identical, and all contingent details of constrrrctlon shall be worked out in proper relation to their particular location and connection to (^ Anderson/Milter. Ltd. 329 West 1Eh Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 ( 312) 22G2500 phone (3\2\ 2262555lu AMLTD@aol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job# 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCIION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditions February 22 1999 - Page 2 other parts of work. 1 . 10 ADDENDA covering changes, corrections, and special interpretations of the drawings and specifications, shall become a part of the Contract Documents. 1.11 APPROVED, ACCEPTABLE, OR SATISFACTORY shall be understood to mean approved by acceptable to, or satisfactory to the CONSULTANT. Equal or approved equal items and substitu- tions thereof shall be considered only prior to time of bid. 1.12 DISCREPANCIES. INCONGRUITIES lt is the responsibility of the General Contractor where observed disagreement occurs between drawings and specitications, or within either concerning same in proposal. Thereafter the item or anangement of better quality, greater quantity, or higher cost shall be included in the bid. 1.13 WRITTEN NOTICE shall be deemed as duly served if delivered in person to the individual, to a member of the firm, or to an oflicer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered mail to the last business address of such individual, firm or corporation, known to him who gives notice. 1.14 "OR EQUAL": Where "or equal" is specified, samples shall be submitted with proposals for approval by the Consultant. 2. EXECUTION. CORRELATION AND INTENT OF DOCUMENTS 2.1 The Contract Documents are complementary and what is called for by any one shall be as bindrng as if called for by all, it being the intent of the Contract to include all work required to complete the construction as indicated therein, excepting only that work which is explicitly mentioned or indicated as omitted from the contact. 3. DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Consultant shall furnish with reasonable promptness any required additional instructions, by means of drawings and/or specifications necessary for the proper execution of lhe work. The work shall be executed in conformity therewith and the Conkactor shall do no work without proper drawings an/or inskuctions. All such drawings shall be consistent with the Contract Documents, true developments thereof and reasonably inferable therefrom. All drawings, specifications and copies thereof, furnished by the GONSULTANT, are the OWNER'S property. They are not to be used on other work, and with the exception of the signed Contracl set, are to be returned to the CONSULTANT at the completion of the work. 4. GENERAT CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY 4.1 The General Contractor shall verify at the structure or site all measurements indicated on the drawings and shall establish correctness of all lines, levels, and positions for all parts of his work. The General Gontractor shall be responsible for all work done under his contract, including faulty or 3.1 5.t Anderson/Mitter, Lld 329 West 18h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555lax AMLTD@aol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job # 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditions February 22 1999 - Page 3 e improper work of subcontractors and others under him by contract or otheruise. The General Contraclor shall be responsible for the conduct of this employees and agents on the site and shall mainlarn good order on the premises where work on the proiect is carried on The General Contraclor shall diligently execute the work and give his personal attention and supervision to same until completed. When absent from the work, he shall leave a competent person in charge who shall be authorized to act for him. Any foreman in charge of any workman working alone on the work, shall be deemed a representative of the General Contractor, giving and carrying out instructions related thereto. It is not incumbent upon the Owner and/or his agent to notify the General Contractor to attend to or have in readiness such work or material as operations may require, it being deemed that the General Contractor shall be responsible for all delays caused by neglecl on his part or those under him by contract or otherwise. The Owner reseryes the right to employ other contractors for work in conneclion with this project. The General Contractor shall afford other contractors access to areas in which he is working and reasonable opportunity to carry out their work so that progress of construction will not be delayed. Where General Contractor unnecessarily cuts, damages, or removes work of other contractors, or through negligence fails to notify others regarding space requirements for his work, or gives inconect information or dimensions regarding same, said General Contractor shall be fully respon- sible for correcting, at his own expense, any damaged or incorrect work caused by his acts or omissions. 4.6 In all cases where a General Contractor causes or is alleged to have caused damages to any other contractor, the General Contractor shall settle all claims against him. lf any contractor sues the Owner for damages alleged to have been sustained because of the General Contractor's work, General Contractor shall defend such proceedings, satisfy any judgement awarded and pay all expenses arising because of such action. 5. SUBCONTRACTORS The name and address of all subcontractors shall be furnished to the Purchasing Agent and the selection of subcontractors must be approved by them; and if in their judgment any failure to prosecute the work in strict accordance with the drawings or the General Contractor, after due notice from the Owner or his agent, shall discharge the same, but this shall in now way release the General Contractor from his obligations and responsibility under the Contract. Every subcontractor shall be bound by the terms and provisions of the contract documents so far as applicable to his work. Nothing contained herein shall create any contractual relation between any subcontractor and the Owner. The General Contractor shall be fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of his Subcontractors. 6. PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES ..1.L 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.1 5.2 Anderson/Milter. Lrd 329 Wesr '18'h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555iax A!ILLQ-(@aql@ e-mail o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 00700 - General Conditions A[41 Job # 93026-16 February 22. 1999 - Page 4 ( 6.1 The General Contractor shall give all notices required by law and comply with all laws. ordinances and regulations bearing on the conduct of the work as drawn and specified. The General Contractor shall obtain any permils required by the City, State or governing body and shall pay all fees required. Any work upon which an inspection certificate by local authorities, National Fire Protection Association, and/or governing body is required, such inspection certificate or certificates shall be obtained by the General Contractor and shall be paid for by him. 7. LAWS AND ORDINANCES 7 1 All work and materials shall comply with the Universal Building Code, Electric Code, Plumbing Code, all currents modifications, and with all other applicable local, State and Federal laws, Municipal ordinances, regulations and directions of Inspectors appointed by proper authorilies having jurisdiction. In the event that the conditions of the specifications violate the Code of any industry, such Code conditions shall prevail; the General Contractor shall so state in his bid where the code is at variance with these soecilicalions. Electrical units shall be U.L. labeled. 8. ACCESS. AUTHORITY AND STOPPAGE 8.1 Representatives of the Owner and/or his agent shall have access at all times during the progress of the work to any place where the work is being performed, and the General Contractor shall provide sufficient and proper facilities for the inspection of the work or materials. 8.2 The aforementioned representatives shall have the right to inspect all materials and work, and to rejectsameifintheirjudgmenttheyarenotinconformitywiththedrawingandspecifications. All rejected work or materials shall be immediately replaced to conform with the drawings and specifications. 8.3 The aforementioned representatives shall have the right to order the work of the General Contractor or any subcontraclor wholly or partially stopped if in their judgment the malerials furnished or the work being done is not in strict accordance with the provisions and specifications, or until any objectionable person or material is removed from the premises, and shall have the right to declare the contract forfeited for nonperformance when not being executed according to the intent and meaning of the contract, drawings and specifications. Such stoppage, suspension or forfeiture shall not in any way invalidate any other terms of the contract and no extra charges shall be made. 9. CHANGES IN THE WORK 9.1 The Owner and/or his agent may, at any time during the progress ofthe work, request that alterations, deviations, additions, or omissions be made to or from the work as indicated and specified. Such changes shall be made only in pursuance of the written instructions of the Owner or his agent and shall in no way effect the related conhacl, either as to time for completion, contract price, or work to be done, except as expressly stated in such authorization. No changes shall be made, nor will bills for changes, alterations, modifications, devialions, and extra orders be recognized or paid for, except upon the written order from the Owner and/or his agent. No overtime shall be allowed, except upon the written order of the Owner. No changes in construction (^ @, Anderson/Miller. Ltd 329 West 18h Streel, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (31 2) 226-2555 lax AMLTD@aol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUE Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job # 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditions February 22. 1999 - Page 5 10. from that as detailed and specified hereinafter may be used, unless upon written consent and approval of the Owner or his agent for such substitutes. 9.2 Authorized changes shall be by written Change Order by the Consultants (after Contract is let). Prior to contracl being let, changes shall be by Addendum only. ERRORS, AMBIGUITIES AND OMISSIONS 10 1 Any enors, ambiguities or omissions in drawings and specifications shall be reported to the Owner and/or his agent for conection before any part of the work involved is started. Unless otherwise expressly stipulated, no additional allowances will be made in the General Contraclor's iavor because of errors, ambiguities and/or omissions which should reasonably have been discovered by him during the preparation of bid estimate and directed to the attention of the Owner and/or his agentinatimelymanner. ThewrittendecisionoftheOwnerand/orhisagentwill befinal. PUBLIC LIABILITY. CASUALTY AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE ETC. 11.1 The General Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense, procure and maintain public liability and casualty insurance in an amount satisfactory to the Owner in order to protect himself and the Owner from personal injury, including death, which may arise from operations under this contract. whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed. 11. o 112 113 The General Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense, procure and maintain adequate workmen's compensation insurance in an amount salisfactory to the Owner and sufficient to protect him and his subcontractors and the Owner from any claims under the Workmen's Compensation Law, it being expressly understood and agreed that all persons employed directly or indirectly in connection with said work by the Contractor or any of his subcontractors will be considered to be the employees of such General Contractor or subcontractors and not the employees of the Owner. Certificates of Public Liability, Casualty and Workmen's Compensation shall be filed with the Owner if he so requires, and will be subject to his approval both as to amount and adequacy of its protection. The General Contractor shall make all payments in accordance with the unemployment, old age, and social security provisions of the Federal, State and Municipal governments and all governing bodies pursuant to law for thal purpose made and provided, whether enacted at the time or prior to the execution of the contract or during the progress of the work hereunder; and shall assume all liabilities for the comoliance of the reouirements thereof. The General Contractor shall assume all liabilities for injuries to or loss of any of the Owner's property, or the property of any other contractor which may be employed by the Owner of said premises or to any adjoining property or the property of any third person which may be caused dir- ectly or indirectly by the General Contractor, his subcontractors and by the employees of each of them and shall at his own cost and expense indemnify the Owner for and make good any such damage, loss or theft. The liability of the General Contractor under this covenant is absolute and is not dependent upon the question of negligence on his, his subcontractors or their employees, and 11.4 11.5 ( Anderson/Miller, Ltd 329 We$ 18th Streei, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-25O0 phone (312)226-2555 fax AMLTD@ad.cQO e-mail o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Cenler AML Job #. 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditions February 22 1999 - Page 6 the failure of the Qwner to duect the General Contractor to take any particular caution or refrain from doing any particular act, will not excuse the General Contractor in any case of such damage. 12 FIRE INSURANCE 12 1 The General Contractor shall be solely liable for all materials stored in and about the building, and for the work material installed, but not yet approved by the Owner and/or his agent and for which payment has not been made or approved, and shall carry adequate fire insurance in amount satisfactory to Owner covering the same. 13, PATENT ROYALTIES. FEES AND LICENSES 13.1 The General Conhactor shall pay all royalties and license fees. All patent royalties, fees and licenses make necessary by the use of patented methods of conshuction, appliances, equipment or devices in the work shall be paid by the General Contractor, and shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Owner against any and all claims of those holding or claiming the hold letters, patents covering features of construclion, appliances, equipment or devices, so used. No patentor patent pending article, method or device which required the payment of any license fee or royalty in addition to the purchase price shall be used in the work of the General Contractor withoul the prior approval of the Owner and/or his agent. 14. SIGNS 14.1 No signs or nameplates of any type shall be allowed to be displayed on any part of this work or on or about the Owneis premises unless so authorized in writing by the Owner and/or his agent. 15. CUTTING AND FITTING 15.1 TheGeneral Contractorshall cooperatewithotherContractorsinfittinghisworktotheirwork. Any cutting in fixtures required by other contractors shall be borne by the General Contractor. 16 PLASTER PATCHING 16.1 The General Contractor shall be liable and responsible for any plaster patching required by reason of his work, and as caused by the negligence of his employees. Patches of any kind so required, will be repaired and charged to him. This General Contractor is hereby cautioned to take the necessary precautions to protect the plaster work coming in contact with his equipment. 17. CLEARWAY 17.1 Rubbish and debris resulting from work of the General Contractor shall be cleared away from time to time and the site maintained in a reasonably clean and orderly condition at all times. Upon completion of his work, all tools, appliances, equipment and surplus material shall be removed from the premises and unless otherwise directed, the finished work left in a neat, clean and serviceable condition acceplable to the Owner and /or his agent. 18 TRADE UNIONS AndersorVMilter, Ltd. 329 West 18h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 2m-2500 phme (312) 226-2555 fax AMLTD@aol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job # 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATIONS SECTION 00700 - General Conditions February 22 1999 - Page f 19. 18 1 All work to be performed in connection with this contract shall be done by workmen or firms whose employees are not objectionable in any way to the various trade unions in the construction of the premises. The General Contractor shall be wholly responsible for all trade union relations and the Owner shall not be liable in any way through delays or claims arising through such causes lt is the responsibility of the General Contractor to meet all local union conditions. GUARANTEES AND BONDS 19 1 All furnishings, fixtures and equipment furnished by the General Contractor shall be guaranteed against defects in workmanship and material. Repairs of such defects during the first year after flnal completion and acceptance of lhe installation will be made by the General Contractor at his own cosl and expense and without charge to the Owner. All such repairs and replacements shall be made al a time and at hours satisfactory to the Owner. 19.2 The General Contractor shall be required if the Owner and or his Agent requests, to obtain a Performance and Payment Bond for the amount of the Contract. COORDINATION AND COOPEMTION 20.1 The General Contractor shall coordinate his work and the work of his subcontractors with any other contractor's work in a manner as to avoid delays, misunderstandings and disagreements. He shall actively cooperate with others engaged on this project and arrange and execute his work and the work of his subcontractors in such a manner and at such times as will cause the leasl possible intenuption in, or obstructions to the work of others. 20.2 The General Contractor shall advise all other contractors as to features of construction required in his work to receive, engage, supporl or otherwise interface with the various parts of their parlicular work, and of all easements and tolerances required to propedy execute same. 203 Before starting work the General Contractor shall examine such work of olhers as may afiect work under his charge, and report in writing to the Consultant all conditions deviating from the requirements of the drawings and specifications, faulty or improper work, and all other conditions arising from said work of others whereby his work may be impaired. He shall othenrvise assure himself that all conditions are, or will be, such as will permit proper execution of his work. The act of starting any specific operation will be deemed as evidencing acceptance by the General Contractor of all related existing conditions or work of other contractors as being satisfactory for successful and proper execution of his work. 21 EXECUTION OF WORK 21.1 It is the intent of the Owner/Consultant that the workmanship and materials and methods used to perform and execute the work be of the best practices and the finest quality. The Contractor is expected to comply with the spirit, as well as lo the letter with which the specifications are written. Unless otherwise stipulated, the General Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, 20. o @ 20.4 lt.t I Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 West 18'h Streel, Suite 600 Chicago, iL 60616 ( 312)226-2500 phone (3121226-2555lax AMLTD(Oaolcom e.mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 00700 - General Conditions AML Job #: 93026-16 February 22. 1999 - Page 8 ( tools, equipment, transportation and other facilities necessary for the execution and completion of the work. The General Contractor shall furnish and provide the following: Temporary power and light as may be required facilitate the installation of the equipment; reasonable openings and storage space to permit convenient delivery of the equipment. The General Contractor shall check conditions at the building, particularly openings and passages to insure access of equipment and materials. Any such items that are too bulky for existing facilities are to be hoisted andior othenrise handled with proper apparatus to be paid for by General Contractor. 21.3 lt is the responsibility of the General Contractor to'coordinate delivery and arrange protected storage of materials, equipment and fixtures associated with his work prior to installation. The schedule for this effort shall be prepared by the General Conkactor and submitted to the Con- sultant for approval. This schedule shall not conflict with other contracto/s work nor creale circumstances for merchandise to be damaged. 21.4 Damaged work, equipment, orfixturesdue to inadequale protection, or unlimely installation shall be removed and replaced by the General Contractor at no cost to the Owner. r r r t r t r r r. END oF sEcTloN 00700 r i r r r r r r r r Anderson/Miller, Lld. 329 Wesl 18th Street, Suite 600 Chic€go, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555 fax AMLTD@aol.com e-mail o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 01000 - General Requirements AML Job# 93026-16 February 22 1999 - Page 1 ( 1 PROJECT COORDINATION 1 .1 General a. Coordinate the Work; do not delegate responsibility for coordination to any subcontractor b. Anticipate the interrelationship of all subcontractors and their relationship with the total WOTK c. Resolve differences or disputes between subcontractors and materials suppliers concerning coordination, interference, or extent of Work between SECTIONS. The Contracto/s decisions. lf consistent with the Contract Document requirements, shall be final. d. Coordinate the work of subcontractors and material suppliers, so that their Work is performed in a manner to minimize interference with, and to facilitate the progress e. Be responsible for seeing that anchorage, blocking, joining, and other detailing are provided as required. f. Do not obstruct spaces required by Code in front of electrical equipment, access doors, etc. S. Do not cover any piping, wiring, duct, etc., until properly inspected and approved and until proper certificates have been issued. h. Remove and replace any and all Work under any SECTION, which is not in accordance with the Contract Documents with other materials, and Work which is in conformance with the Contract Documents. Repair or replace all other Work damaged by these operations at no increase in Contract Price. 1.2 Eleckical and Mechanical Coordination a. Work out all "tight" conditions involving Work of various SECTIONS in advance o{ installation. lf necessary, and before Work proceeds in these areas, prepare supplemen- tary Drawings for review showing all Work in "tight" areas. Provide supplementary Drawings and additional Work necessary to overcome "tight" conditions, al no increase in Conkact Price. 2 SUBMITTALS 2.1 Reouirements include: a. Submit shop drawings, product data and samples required by Specitications Sections. b. Submit Progress rePorts. 2.2 Related Requirements a. General Conditions b. Manufacturers Instructions: Where any item of work is required by Contract Documents to be furnished, installed or performed in accordance with a specified producl manufacturer's instructions, the Conlractor shall procure and distribute the necessary copies of such in- structions to Owner, Designer and all other concerned parties and shall furnish, install or perform the Work in strict accordance therewith. 6 ( Anderson/[,litler, Ltd. 329 West 18h Slreet, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555 fax AMLTD@aol.com e-ma VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 01000 - General Requirements AML Job# 93026-16 February 22 1999 - Page 2 ( 2.3 Shop Drawings a. Iniormation required on shop drawings shall be presented in a clear and thorough manner (1) Details shall be identified by reference to drawing and detail, schedule, or room numbers shown on Drawings and Specifications. 2.4 Product Data a. Preparation (1) Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinenl products of models. (2\ Shop performance characteristics and capacilies. (3) Show dimensions and clearances required. b. Manufacture/s slandard schematic drawings and diagrams (1) Modify drawings and diagrams to delete information thal is not applicable to the Work (2) Supplement standard information to provide information specifically applicable to the Work. 2.5 Samples a. Office samples shall be of sufiicient size and quality to clearly illustrate: (1) Functional characteristics ofthe product, with integrally related parts and attach- ment devices.(2) Full range ofcolor, lexture, and pattern. b. Field Samples and Mock Ups (1) Contractor shall erect mock-ups at the Project Site, at a location acceptable to the Project Manager.(2) Size of Area: Specified in the respective Specification Section. (3) Fabricate each sample and mock-up complete and finished. 2.6 Contractor Responsibilities a. Review shop drawings, product data, and samples prior to submissions. b. Determine and verify:(1) Field measurements (2\ Field construction criteria (3) Catalog numbers and similar data (4) ConformancewithSpecifications c. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of the Work and of the Drawings and Specifications. d. Nolify the ArchitecUDesigner in writing, at time of submission, of any deviations in the submittals from requirements of the Drawings and Specifications. e. Begin no fabrication of work that requires submittals until return of submittals with Ar- chitecVDesigner's approval. Anderson/Miller. Ltd. 329 West 18ri Streel, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone 1312) 226-2555lax At\rLTD@aol.co[te-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitalily Room and Business Cenler SECTION 01000 - General Requirements AML Job# 93026-16 Feoruary 22 1999 - Page 3 | 2.7 Submission Requirements a. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of any other contractor. b. Number of Submittals Reouired:(1) Shop Drawings: Submit one reproducible transparency (which will be relurned for reproduction and distribution by the Contraclor) and two opaque reproductions (which will be used for checking and will not be returned).(2) ProductData: SubmitthenumberofcopiesthattheContractorrequires,plustwo which will be retained by the designer.(3) Samples: Submit the number stated in each Specification Section c. Submittals shall contain:(1) The date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions.(2) The project litle and number.(3) Contract identification (4) The names of:(a) Contractor (b) Supplier (c) Manufacturer (5) ldentification of the product, with the Specification Section number.(6) Field dimensions, clearly identified as such.(7) Relation to adjacent or critical features of the Work or materials.(8) Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification Numbers.(9) ldentification of deviations from Drawings and Specifications.(10) ldentification of revisions on re-submittals. (11) Contractor's stamp, initiated or signed, certifying to review of submittal, verification of products, field measurements and field conskuction criteria, and coordination of the information within the submittal with reouirements of the Work and of the Drawings and Specifications. 2.8 Resubmission Requirements a. Make any corrections or changes in the submittals required, and resubmit until approved.b. Shop Drawings and Product Data (1) Revise initial drawings or data, and resubmit as specified for the initial submittal.(21 Indicate any changes that have been made otherthan those requested.(3) Samples: Submit new samples as required for initial submittal. 29 Distribution a. Reproduce and distribute copies of shop drawings and copies of product data to:(1) Other affected contractors (2\ Subcontractors e Anderson/lvliller. Ltd. 329 West 18ti Stre€t, Suile 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226'2500 phone (312) 226-2555 fax AMlMlglgt e-mait VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job# 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements February 22. 1999 - Page 1 b. 3 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 3.1 Products 3.2 Workmanship b. (3) Supplier or fabricator Distribute samoles as directed a. b. Products include material, equipment and syslems. Comply with Specifications and referenced standards as minimum requirements. (1) Products shall be suitable for service conditions. (2) Required equipment capacities, sizes and dimensions shall be adhered to, unless variations are specifically approved in writing. (3) Do not use material or equipment for any purpose other than for which it is designed or specified. Components required to be supplied in quantity within a Specification section shall be the same, and shall be interchangeable, Do not use material or equipment removed from existing structure, except as specifically re- quired, or allowed by Contract Documents. (1) Where items are indicated lo be reused, use special care in removal, handling, storage and reinstallation, to assure proper function in completed Work. o. Comply with industry standards except when more restrictive tolerances or requirements indicate more rigid slandards or precise workmanship. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand stresses, vibration. and rackinq. 3.3 Man ufactu rers' Instructions o. When work is specified to comply with manufacturers' instructions, submit copies as specified in ltem 2.0 Submittals, distribute copies to persons involved, and maintain one set in field office. Perform work in accordance with details of inskuctions and specified requirements. Should a conflict exist between Specifications and instructions, consult with ArchitecVDesig ner. (1) Do not proceed with work withoul clear instructions. Transportation And Handling a. Anange deliveries in accordance with Construction Progress Schedule; coordinate deliveries to avoid conflict with work and site conditions. b. Transport products by methods to avoid product damage, deliver in undamaged condition in manufactureds unopened containers or packaging bearing manutacturer's name, brand and trademark, or other designation such as grade or type specified. a, J..+ Anderson/Mitler, Ltd. 329 West 18rh Slreet, Suite 500 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone {312) 226-2555 fax AMLTD(oaor.cnm e-mair VAII CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job#r 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 0'1000 - General Requarements February 22 1999. Page 5 c. Provide equipment and personnel to handle producls by methods to prevenl soiling or damage d Promptly inspeci shipments lo assure that products comply with requirements. quantities are correct, and products are undamaged. Storage And Protection a. Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather-tight enclosures; maintain within tempera- ture and humidity ranges required by manufacturer's inskuctions. b. Forexteriorstorageoffabricatedproducts,placeonslopedsupportsaboveground. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering; provide ventilation to avoid condensation. c. Arrange storage to provide access for inspection. Periodically inspect to assure products are undamaged and are maintained under required conditions. d. After installation, provide coverings to protect products from damage from traffic and construction operations, remove when no longer needed. Trade Materials And Standards Various specification sections list trade manuals and standards which govern quality and workmanship adopted as criteria by trades involved. A copy of each listed manual or standard will be made available for reference, or informa- tion will be furnished regarding how copies of manuals and standards may be obtained. (1) Submit written request lor each manual and standard, indicating specification section reference. 4. SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTION 4.1 Products List a. Submit five copies of complete list of major products that are proposed for installation. b. Tabulate products by specification section number and title. c. For products specified only by reference standards, list for each such product: (1) Name and address of manufacturer (2) Trade name (3) Model or catalog designation (4) Manufactureisdata:(a) Reference standards (b) Performance test data Contractors Options b. For products specified only by reference standard, select product meeting that standard, by any manufacturer. For products specified by naming several product or manufacturers, select any one of 35 36 b. q.z ( Anderson/Milter, Ltd. 329 West 18'h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (3121 226-2555lax AMLTD(oaol.com e-mair VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hosprtality Room and Business Center SECTION 01000 - General Requirements AML Job# 93026-16 Febrtrary 22. 1999 - Page 6 ( products and manufacturers named which complies with Specifications s. For products specified by naming one or more products or manufacturers, submit a request as for substitutions, {or any product or manufacturer that is not specifically named 4.3 Substitutions a. Purchasing Agent or assigned Architect\Designer, within a period of 35 calendar days. afler of contract, will consider formal requests from the Contractor for substitutions of products in place of those specified.(1) Complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with require- ments stated in Contract Documents:(a) Product identilication, including manufacturer's name and address, (b) Manufacturer's literature to tdentify:(i) Products description (ii) Reference standards (iii) Performance and test data (c) Samples, as applicable.(d) Name and address of similar projects on which producl has been used. and data of each installation. (2) ltemized comparison of the proposed substitution with product specified; list signif- icant variations.(3) Data relating to changes in construction schedule. (4) Any effect of substitution on separate contracts.(5) List of changes required on other work or products. (6) Accurate cost data comparing proposed substitution with product specified. (7) Designation of required license fees or royallies. (8) Designation of availability of maintenance services, sources of replacement materials. b. Substitutions will not be considered for acceptance when: (1) They are indicated or implied on shop drawings or product data submittals without a formal reouest from Contractor. (2) They are requested directly by a subcontractor supplier.(3) Acceptance will require substantial revision of Contract Documents. (4) Insufficient information is submitted. c. Substitute products shall not be ordered or installed without prior written approval and acceplance of Purchasing Agent or assigned ArchitecVDesigner. d. Purchasing Agent or assigned ArchitecUDesigner will determine acceptability of proposed substitutions and reserves the right to reject proposals due to insufficient information. 4.4 Contracto/sRepresentation a. ln making formal request for substitution, Contractor represents that: (1) He has investigated proposed product and has determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to that specified,(2) He will provide same warranties for substitution as for product specified. (3) He will coordinate installation of accepted substilution into the Work and will make such changes as may be required for the Work to be complele in all respects. (^ Anderson/Miller. Ltd. 329We$ 18rh Slreet, Suite600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (312\ 226-2555 fax AMLTD@aol.crn e-mal VA1L CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitalrty Room and Business Center AML Job# 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTI0N SPECrFlCATl0l.lS SECTION 01000 - General Requirements February 22 1999 - Page i He waives claims for additional costs caused by substitution which may subse- q uently become apparenl The Contractor shall be responsible for the effect of any substitution upon related Work in the Project, and shall include the Contract Price all additional costs generated by any substitutions, including the cost of the Designer's additional services thereby made necessary. ArchitecVDesigners a. Review Contractor's requests for substitutions with reasonable promptness. b. Notify Contractor, in writing, of ArchitecUDesigne/s decision to accept or reject requested subslitution. 5 CLEANING 5.1 Requirements Include a. Execute cleaning during progress of the Work and at completion of the Work as required by General Conditions. Related Requirements a. Cleaning for Specified Products or Work: See each Specification Section. Disposal Requirement a. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations to comply with codes, ordinances, regulations, and antioollution laws. Materials a. Use only those cleaning materials that will not create hazards to health or property and will not damage surfaces. b. Use only those cleaning materials and methods recommended by manufacturer of the surface material to be cleaned. c. Use cleaning materials only on surfaces recommended by cleaning material manufacturer. During Construction a. Execute periodic cleaning to keep the Work, the site, and adjacent properties free from accumulation if waste materials, rubbish, and windblown debris resulting from construction ooerations. b. Provide on-site containers for lhe collection of waste materials, debris and rubbish. c. Remove waste materials, debris, and rubbish from the site periodically, and dispose of at legal areas away from the site. d. Dispose of waste malerials, debris and rubbish at legal dumping areas off City property. e. Remove and dispose of pile cutotfs. Dust Control a. Wet down dry material and rubbish so as to prevent blowing dust during entire construction period, including non-working hours and weekends. b. Clean interior space prior to the start of finish painting, and continue cleaning on as-needed basis until painting is finished. Final Cleaning (4) (5) 5.3 54 55 5.6 5.7 Anderson/Mitler, Ltd. 329 West 18'h Slreet, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone 13121226-2555lax A!LI9@ae!qo! e-mad VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job# 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01000 - General Reouirements February 22 1999 - Page 8 ( a. Employ skilled workmen lor final cleaning. b. Remove grease, mastic, adhesives, dust, dirt, stains, fingerprints, labels, and other foreign materials from sight exposed surfaces. c. Wash and shine glazing and minors. d. Polish glossy surfaces to a clear shine. e. Prior to final completion, Contractor shall conducl an inspection of sighl-exposed interior and exterior surfaces and all work areas to verifv that the entire Work is clean. 6 WARRANTIESAND BONDS 6.1 All furnishings, fixtures and equipment furnished by the General Contractor should be guaranteed against defects in workmanship and materials. Repairs of such defects during the first year after final completion and acceptance of the installation will be made by the General Conkactor at his own cost and expense and without charge to the Owner. All such repairs and replacements shall be made at a time and at hours satisfactory to the Owner. 6.2 The Contractor shall not be held responsible for defects due to misuse, negligence, willful damage, improper maintenance, or accident caused by Others, or shall he be responsible for defective parts whose replacement is necessitated by failure of the Owner's maintenance forces to properly clean and service them, provided the Contractor has furnished complete operating and maintenance instructions to the Owner. 6.3 In addition to other requirements specified herein: a. Comoile soecified service and maintenance contract. b. Co-execute submittals when so specified. c. Review submrttals to verify compliance with Contract Documenls. d Submit to Purchasing Agent for review and transmitlal to the Owner. 6 4 Submittal Requirements a. Assemble guarantees, bonds and service and maintenance contracts, executed by each of the respective manufacturers, suppliers, and subcontractors. b. Number of original signed copies required: Two (2) each. c. Table of Conlents: Neatly typed, in orderly sequence. Provide complete information for each item, including:(1) Product or Work item. (2) Firm name, name of principal, address and telephone number.(3) Scope.(4) Dale of beginning of guarantee, bond or service and maintenance contract.(5) Duration of guaranlee, bond or service and maintenance contract.(6) Provide information for Owne/s personnel: (a) Proper procedure in case offailure.(b) Circumstances which might after the validity ol guarantee or bond. (7) Contractor's name, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number. 6.5 Time Of Submittals a. Within ten (10) days after date of substantial completion, prior to final request for payment. b. For items of Work, where acceptance is delayed materially beyond the date of substantial e completion, provide updated submittal within ten (10) days after acceptance, listing the date ( Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 West 18h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (312\ 226-2555 tax AMLTD@aol.con! e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL& CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Cenler SECTION 01000 - General Requirements AML Job#: 9302S16 February 22. 1999 - Page 9 ( . of acceptance as the start of the guarantee period. 6.6 Submittals Required a. Subrnit guaranlees, bonds, service and maintenance contracts specified in the individual Sections. r rtt tr r r tr END oF sEcTloN 01000 t. t t t tt t I t Anderson/Mitter.Ltd. 329westlAosreel,Srdb6m Chk4o,ll ffi16 @a22$2smpharc (3'12)22S?555f4 AmlDad.cqema. VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #' 93026- 16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02110 - Demolition February 22. 1999 - Page 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK tl t.z Related Documents a. Work of this section is subject to requirements, both legal-contractual and procedural, of the Supplementary General Conditions. Description Of Work a. Perform all work of a demolition nature that may be required or necessary to a full and complete execution of the Work, whether or not shown or specified. Exact extent of demolition may not be fully indicated by the Drawings. Determine the nature and extent of demolition that will be necessary by comparing the Contract Documents with existing conditions. (1) Demolition includes the removal and disposal of demolished materials (2) The following items shall be removed, cleaned, and furnished to the proper trades for reinstallation at new locations: (a) Exit signs (b) Light fixtures (3) Except for items to be reused or salvaged, all items to be removed as part of the work shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site at the Contractor's exoense. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: (1) Patching ofconcrete and cement, finish, masonry, funing, plaster, paint patching, painting, and so forth following demolition is part of the work of the respective trade sections of the specifications. (2) Removal and relocation of items such as piping, plumbing fixtures, water coolers. and fire hose cabinets: Division 15 Mechanical. o (3) Removal and relocation of ductwork and heating ventilating systems: Mechanical.(4) Removal and relocation of electrical systems and equipment: Division Submittals Division 15 '16 Electrical Schedule: Demolition (1) Submit proposed methods and operations of demolition to the Owner for revtew prior to the start of work. Include in lhe schedule lhe coordination for shuloff, capping, and continuation of utility services required. Do not intenupt exisling utilities without at least 24 hours advance notice to Owner. Anderson/Miller. Ltd. 329 West 18h Street, Suile 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone 13121226-2555 lax Alv'ILTD@aolcom e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Eusiness Center AML Job # 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02110 - Demolition February 22 1999 - Page 2 (2\ Provide a detailed sequence of demolition and removal work to ensure the uninterrupted progress of the Owne/s operations. No work shall commence without prior approval by the Owner except where work will not interfere with lhe Owner's ooerations. Job Conditions o. Existing Conditions (1) The Drawings indicate existing conditions to the exlent possible in examination of structure prior to slart of demolition work. Report to the Owner and lhe Architect any conditions uncovered which require remedial measures, especially where re- quired to maintain structural stability. Partial Removal: ltems of salvable value to the Contractor may be removed fiom the building as the work progresses. Salvaged items must be transported front the site as they are removed. (1) Storage or sale of removed items on the site will not be permitted. (2) Owner's approval must be obtained for removal of salvaged items. Trafiic: Conduct demolition operations and the removal of debris to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, conidors, exits, and other adjacenl occupied or used facilities. (1) Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, corridors, or other occupied or used facilities without permission from authorities having jurisdiction. Protection: Ensure the safe passage of persons around or through the area of demolition. Conduct operations to prevent injury to adjacent existing construction, furniture, equipment and facilities, and persons. Provide temporary, dust proof partitions dividing demolition and construction work from occupiedareasorequipment. Locatepartitionstoprohibitunauthorizedtraffictoorthrough areas where work is in progress. Anange and conskuct to provide ample space around work area and to keep dust and dirt oul of non-construction areas. Equip partitions with dustproof doors and secure with locks as approved by Owner. Provide lemporary sealing and weather tight protection for all work exposed by reasons of the above which would otherwise subject the interior of the building to damage by water or inclement weather conditions, Damage: Promptlyrepairdamagecausedtoadjacentfacilitiesbydemolitionoperations. Utility Services: Maintain existing utilities, indicated to remain, keep in service, and protect against damage during demolition operations. f. 1.4 tt, .l e. s. h. Anderson/l\4iller, Ltd. 329 West 18il Slreet, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555lax AMLTD@aol com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job # 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 021'10 - Demolition Feoruary 22 1999 - Page 3 (1) Do not intenupt existing utilities serving occupied or used facilities, except when authorized in writing by authorities having jurisdiction and by the Owner. Provide temporary services during intenuptions to the existing utiltties, as acceptable to the governing authorities. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Not APplicable. 3, EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3.1 Demolition General: Perform cutting for removal of items and malerials that will interfere with or be incongruous with the work of this contract. Cut holes in floors, walls, and ceilings where indicated and/or necessary for the installation of the new work. All cuts shall be saw cuts to achieve clean edges. Perform demolition in an orderly sequence. Perform noisy cutting or breaking operations during specific hours scheduled with the Owner.(6) Clean adjacent areas of dust, dirt, and debris caused by demolition operations, Return adjacent areas to condition existing prior to the start of the work. Structural Considerations a. Cutting of structural members will not be permitted unless specifically shown on Drawings Notify Owner and Architect in writing of any unforeseen conditions. Coordinate demolition with structural reouirements. b. Cutting through structural floors and walls shall be done by means of coring only. Acoustical Ceiling Panels And Acoustical Ceiling Tile a. Remove existing ceiling tile and Mechanical grilles and discard. b. Remove all light fixtures and exit signs. Repair and refinish for installation in new location. Relamp at Owner's expense. See Electrical Drawings for new location. c. Existingmainrunnersofceilinggridtoremain. Realignremainderofceilinggridsystemto conform to new layout. Patch grid work as required to provide a complete ceiling system. Replace all damaged pieces. Repaint existing grid to match new ceiling grid elements. Disoosal Of Demolished Malerials (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 11 3.4 ( Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 West 18'h Slreet, Suite600 Chicago, lL 60616 {312)226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555lax AMLTD@aol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTELAND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 02110 - Demolition AMLJob#: 93026-16 February22. 1999-Page4 ( a. General: At frequent intervals, remove from the site debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from demolition operations. b. Removal: (1) Dispose of debris off the site. i r r + r END oF sEcTloN 02110. * *.. ( Anderson/Miller,Ud. 329West18t'Street,Suite600 Chicago, 11 60616 (312)22&2500phone (312)??G2555lax AMLTD@aot.om+mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 05500 - Miscellaneous Metals AML Job # 93026-16 February 22 1999 - Page 1 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1..1 The General Conkactor in accordance with the specifications, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIoNS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to provide the number and type of Miscellaneous Metal as shown on the drawings and otheruise specified herein. 1..2 The extent of Miscellaneous Metal work shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Review details and supply all metals as required on drawings and by Scope of Work. b. Add Alternate #1: Furnish and install new metal railing as shown in plan at Lobby Tenace HospitalityRoom. Metal tobedarkenednatural steel tomatchrailingsthroughoutthe public areas in finish and design. See AD details for additional information. Source: Myers & Co. (970) 927-4761 Atten: Bob Cummerford. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 See details for specific Miscellaneous Metal Units. Provide additional units as required by Scope of Work. 2..2 Metal Surfaces, General: For fabrication of miscellaneous metal work which will be exposed to view, use only materials which are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names and roughness. 2..3 Steel Plates, Shapes, Bars, and Bar-Size Shapes: ASTM 436. 2..4 Provide all fasteners as required for installation. Fasteners to be compatible with metal sections as specified. 3. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3..,1 WORKMANSHIP a. Use materials of size and thickness shown or, if not shown, of required size and thickness to produce strength and durability in finished product. Use proven details of fabricalion and support. Use type of materials shown or specified for various components of work. b. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight sharp edges. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1/32" unless otherwise shown. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otheruise impairing work. c. Weld corners and seams continuously, complying with AWS recommendations. At exposed connections, grind exposed welds smooth and flush to match and blend with adjoining surfaces. d. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 05500 ' Miscellaneous Metals AML Job # 93026-16 February 22 1999 - Page 2 lasteners wherever possible Use exposed fasteners of type shown or, if not shown, Phillips flat-head (countersunk) screws or bolts. (1) Provide for anchorage of type shown, coordinated with supporting structure. Fabricate and space anchoring devices to provide adequate support for intended use. (2) Cut, reinforce, drill and tap miscellaneous metal work to receive finish hardware and similar items. 3 2 Whether or not shown on drawings provide miscellaneous steel framing and supports which are not a part of structural steel framework, as required under other sections. 3 3 Equip units with integrally welded anchors for casting into concrete or building into masonry. Furnish inserts if units must be installed afier concrete is placed. Except as otherwise shown sDaceanchors24'o.c.andprovideminimumanchorunitsof 1114'x114" xS"sleel straps 3..4 Examine the areas and conditions under which miscellaneous metal ilems are to be installed and remedy any conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work Do not proceed with the work untll unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer. 3..5 Fastening to In-Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing miscellaneous metal items to in-place construction; including, threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, through-bolts, lag bolts, wood screws and connectors as reouired. 3 .6 Cutting, Fitting and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for installation of miscellaneous metal items. Set work accurately in location, alignment and elevation, plumb, level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels. 3..7 Field Welding: Comply with AMS Code for procedures of manual shielded metal-arc welding appearance and quality of welds made and methods used in conecting welding work. r r * * * END SECTIoN 05500' * * *', VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center Alril Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06200 - Carpentry February 22 1999 - Page 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 The General Contractor in accordance with the speciflcations, SECTION 00700 - GENERAT CONDITIONS shall furnish the necessary latror and materials to perform the requirements of the work specified herein. The extent of carpentry work shall include but is not limited to the following: lnstall Section 08400 - Builders Hardware. Reinforce wall and provide blocking as required to receive new millwork, handrails, stone, etc. See Section 06400 Architectural Woodwork. Installation of new full-height partition wall and door as noted in drawings. Furnish and install all architectural specialty items as noted on drawings and specified herein. 2, MATERIALS AND METHODS L. I Provide lhe necessary wood blocking, grounds, nailers, etc., necessary for inslallation of items soecified in other sections of this soecification. This wood shall have a maximum moisture content of 19% at time of dressing and shall be suitable for paint where exposed lo view. Insulation, where installed, to be 3" Fiberglass, RF-4 as manufactured by Owens Corning or equal. Furnish and install all miscellaneous metal trim pieces, angles and channels necessary to complete construction and/or shown on drawings. Finish to be as indicated on drawings. Supply all fasteners as necessary to complete the work. Where possible, any routing or milling shall be shop fabricated. Wood shall be treated with flame-retardant process where required by local code. Should this process cause change in color and eflect on finish matedal, the General Contractor shall notify the Consultant. Special care shall be exercised to protect all finishes and other items to remain as noted on the drawings. Damage or disturbance to these items shall be promptly restored, repaired, or replaced to match existing at no cost to the Owner. lf the Contractor has any questions on the extent of items to remain, he shall notify the Designer and request a clarilication before proceeding. 1.2 b. 0. 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.6 )7 d. Anderson/Mitler, Ltd 329 West 186 Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555 fax AMLTD@aolcom e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job # 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06200 - Carpentry February 22 1999 - Page 2 2.8 Provide bracing and support as required to maintain integrity and security of portion of existing structures to remain. 3. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3.1 Examine the substrates and supporting structure and the conditions under which the work specified in this section is to be installed, and remedy conditions detrimental to the work. Do not proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Remove all unused, disconnected, or abandoned items such as ducts, pipes, and conduits. Do not leave such unused items in place, regardless of whether they will be visible or concealed in lhe finished work. Cooperated with the Owner to schedule demolition, carpentry and utility service inienuptions to provide minimum interference and disruption in the normal operation of the facility. Existing work to be removed shall, in general, be as indicated on the drawings and shall include other existing materials and work necessary to install new work indicated and specified. Remove designated interior structures, parts, and finishes at beginning of work lo minimize hazardous working conditions and to provide comparatively clean surfaces for installation of new worK. 3.6 Provide all necessary temporary enclosures to adequately protect persons from possible injury. a. Provide necessary temporary partitions, enclosure coverings, and the like for confining dust and debris to areas of the building in which demolition and/or alterations are being performed. 3.7 Remove from the premises and dispose of in a legal manner all debris, existing material, and items designated for demolition, unless othenivise noted. Burning at the site is prohibited. Selling salvaged material at the site is prohibited. 3.8 Return areas to neat and acceptable condition, appropriate to the continuance of the project. 3.9 Set carpentry work accurately to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true, and accurately cut and fitted. 3.10 Discard units of material with defects that might impairthe quality of work and units that are too small to fabricate the work with minimum joints or optimum joint anangement. 3 11 Corner joints shall be mitered unless otherwise noted. 3.12 Patch all floor, wall, and ceiling areas affected by demolition of walls etc. and finish all exposed surfaces to match adjacent surfaces. 3.13 Securely attach all work specified for installation underthis section of the specifications to J.t 34 35 ( Anderson/Miller, Lld. 329 Wesl 18h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (312)226-2555 fax AMLTD(Oaol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AMLJob#: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06200 - Carpentry February 22. 1999 - Page 3 ( Substrales by anChoring and fastening as Shown, or as recommended by manufaclurers, or as required by recognized standards. Countersink finishing nail heads on exposed carpenky and fill holes. Install fasteners without splitting wood; pre-drill as required. Make tight connections between members. r t r * r t't END sEcTloN 06200. r r r r r * Anderson/Miller. Ltd 329 West 18d'Stre€t, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)22e2500 phone (312)226-2555 fax AMLTD@aolcom e-mail ( VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job # 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06400 - Architectural Woodwork February 22 1999 - Page 1 1.SCOPE OF WORK 1.,1 The General Contractor in accordance with the specifications, SECTION 00700 - General Conditions, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to perform the requirements of the work specified herein. j ..2 The extent of Architectural Woodwork shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Review all Dlans and details and furnish and install all materials necessary to construct and install all fixtures as indicated on plans, elevations and FD drawings. Pricing to include all woodwork, painted and stained. Stonework to be coordinated by millwork contractor. but supplied by others. b. All blocking to be supplied and installed by millwork contractor, except gypsum drywall, or where noted otheruise. c. All wood to be fire retardant lo meet local codes. d. Provide pricing broken dovrn by FD detail number. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 )') All plywood and lumber shall be thoroughly seasoned and kiln dried before being used, and on delivery shall have a moisture content not in excess of 12% unless otherwise noted on drawings. Woods a. Solid Stock: Shall beclear, straightgrain lumberof the bestgrade of the species listed by the National Hardwood Lumber Association. Lumber shall be free of mineral or sapwood streaks, checks or other defects. (1) ForFaceWoods: Shall beselectedforstraightgrainwithuniformcolorandgrain suitable for use with the finished plywood with which it is used. (2) For Unexposed Woods: Shall be Ponderosa Pine, Grade A, and shall bear the grade, mark and stamp of Western Pine Associations. Where unexposed woods come into contact with drawers, they shall be Birch or Maple, Unselect. b. Veneer Core: Shall be clear straightgrain lumber of the best grade of the species as listed bytheNational HardwareLumberAssociation. Lumbershall befreeofsapwoodstreaks, checks or other defects Shall be glued with water-resistant resin glue or approved equal and processed by the hot olate method. 1/4' Overall thickness shall be of 3-ply veneer core construction VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06400 - Architectural Woodwork February 22 1999 - Page 2 r U 3/8" Overall thickness shall be of S'ply veneer core constructlon /r" Overall thickness shall be of 5-ply veneer core construction 3/4" Overall thickness shall be of 7-ply veneer core construction 1" Overall thickness shall be of 9-ply veneer core construction (1) For Face Woods: Finishes shall be selected and matched by the Equipment Contractor with the respect to cutting lengths, uniformtty of color, figure, and grain character. Face veneers shall not contain open joints, face depressions, glue stain or other manufacturing irregularities. All visible veneer to be rift cut (not rotary cut) and Architectural Quality. Stain color to be as specified in material reference sheets this section. (2) For Unexposed Woods: Shall be Birch or Douglas Fir, rotary cut, Unselect, good one side, interior type plywood, Grade A-B; Grade A faces shall not contain plugs, knots, pitch pockets, splits, rough grain or other open defects. (3) For Plastic Lamination: Shall be minimum 3/4" Mahogany face core plywood, good one side. c. Masonite: Shall be 1/8" thick tempered Presdwood, as manufactured by Masonite Corporation, Chicago, lllinois, or an approved equal. Minors: Shall be fabricated of 'l14" thick polished plate glass and Grade A silver quality as manufactured by Libbey-Owens-Ford Co., orequal. Shall be manufactured with two coats of silver applied to properly processed glass Silver film shall be exterior coat of special hard composition paint. All mirrors shall be guaranteed against silver oxtdation. Glass: Shall beofvaryingthicknessandcolor. Glasstobetemperedglassofglazingqualityas manufactured by Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., or approved equal, unless specified otherwise. Glue and Adhesives: a. For Cabinet Work: Requiring primary load bearing, moisture areas and plastic laminating, Weldwood Plastic Resin glue as distributed by U.S. Plywood Corporalion, Los Angeles, California, shall be used. b. For Cabinet Work: Where primary load bearing is not involved, white polyvinyl glue under the brand names Presto Set Glue, as distributed by U.S. Plywood Corp., Los Angeles, California, or an approved equal, may be used. Hardware: Hardware shall be of solid material and where exposed shall be cast brass, plated as specified. Hardwoodshall beprovidedwithnecessaryfacilitiesforlocking,unlessotherwise specified. All locksshall bemasterkeyed. Samplesofall hardwareshall befurnishedto Consultants for approval. All doors to have brass hinges and screws. l..5 2..4 2..5 L.O VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06400 - Architectural Woodwork February 22. 1999 - Page 3 2..7 2.8 Mastic: a. For Minor and Glass Settino: Shall be Minor-mastic, as manufactured by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co., Los Angeles, California. Paint: All paintandotherfinishmaterialsshall bepure,unadulterated,bestqualityfromSpecified PaintCompanyorequal. All itemswherepaintisrequired,shall beshoppainted,exceptwhere impractical or otherwise specified. Plastic Laminate: Shall be Formica, Laminart, Nevamar, or Equal, of solid or photographic pattern. Colors and textures shall be as selected by the Consultants; shall be standard type u nless otherwise soecified. Shop Drawinqs: Shop drawings must be submitted. Submit shop drawings showing location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevation, large scale details, attachment devices and olher components. Show provisions and cutouts for mechanical and electrical work. Samples: All samples shall be submitted in sufficient time for approval and such items shall not proceed unless authorized in writing. Wood: Hardwood and veneers shall be Oak, Walnut, Birch orequal. As indicated on drawings. Wood shall be treated with flame retardani process where required by local code. Should this process cause change in color and effect on finish material, the General Contractor shall notify the consultant. All Hardwood and Hardwood Veneer to have matte lacquer finish. All doors to have finger pull detail or as otheruise indicated. All edge lippings to be hardwood pinned and glued to edge of unit. z..J 2..10 U 2..11 L..IL 2.13 2..14 2..15 1.. to 3.EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION Examine the substrates and supporting structure and the conditions under which the work specified in this section is to be installed and remedy conditions detrimental to the work Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. The General Contractor shall verify all field dimensions prior to fabrications of millwork. The following general requirements shall govern the construction of the custom-built fixtures, except where othenrvise noted. Work shall be performed by skilled mechanics of the trade and shall be of the highest quality of the drawings and specifications. a. All Fixtures shall be made up at the mill and assembled in single and complete units insofar as the dimensions thereof will permit shipment to and installation at the building. Large J..1 VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 06400 - Architectural Woodwork February 22. 1999 - Page 4 b. pieces requiring sectional construction shall have their several parls accurately fitted and aligned with each other and be provided with ample screws, dowels, mortises and tenons, screws, bolts, or suitable means of concealed fastening, as required to render the work substantial, rigid and permanently secured in proper position to each related section. Sufficient additional material shall be allowed to permit accurate scribing to walls, floors and related work; and due allowance made wherever possible for such shrinkage as may develop after installation. All single and sectional units shall be provided with adequate cleating, blocking, crating and other forms of protection as required to preclude damages thereto during shipping and handling. Framino and blockinq members shall be assembled with bolted and screwed connections, and shall be secured to the structural backings with cinch, expansion screws, or toggle bolts, as required; so spaced and installed as to ensure ample strength and rigidity. Rails and stiles shall be mortised and tenoned, woik neatly mitered and membered, all butt joints made flush and smooth, and all permanent joints made up with water-resistanl glue. All fixtures shall be assembled without face screws or nails, except where it may be necessary to attach trim items. All face screws or nails which are necessary to attach trim items shal' be countersunk and plastic wood of wood plugs used to cover heads, and the plug neatly touched up. The heads of all screws used in any assemble shall be countersunk below lhe surface. * r * rr END sEcTloN 06400 * " " * ilCascade Hotel and Club MaTeRIAL REFERENGE PROPERW LonW renace Hospit & Bu FINISHES wooa DATE pehary zr, tggg KEY DESCRf PTTON ,-A MFG/SOURCE SWATCH w$1 --^.Location: Throughouflpbby Terrace Hosp. Rm. ) Species: Cherry v.--vv Finish: Distressed Mahogany stained to match AML control sample and all other Public Areas Submit sample to AML for approval. To Bid WD -2 .--f :rer:w Finish: Prepped for paint. --'-'-\rr^/ To Bid 'YY Loca$on: Business Center Base and Window Species: To match existing . Finish: To match existing. I o Cascade Hoteland Club MATERIAL REFERENtrE VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AMLJob#: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 08400 - Builders Hardware February 22 1999 - Page 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1..1 The General Contractor in accordance with the specifications, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to provide the required number and types of Builders Hardware as shown on drawings and specified herein. 1..2 Installation shall be performed under SECTION 06200 - CARPENTRY. PRODUCTS 2..1 Furnish and install all hardware perattached hardware schedule in this section or as required by the scope of work. a. Furnish and install new ADA compliant lever, lockset and door closers at new service slation door, interior entry, slorefont entry doors and storage closet door at Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room. See cut-sheets this section for more information. b. Furnish and install new ADA compliant lever, lockset and door closers at new office and Business Center door at the Business Center. See cut-sheets this section for more information ?..2 Where noted on drawings, remove existing doorthreshold and install newto match exrsting. 2..3 Packaging a. Include with each item of hardware, the following: (1) Screws, bolts and fasteners necessary for installation. (2) Installation instructions. (3) Special tools required for installation. Labeling: Packaging finish hardware items individually legibly marked and adequately labeled indicating the part of the work for which it is intended and bearing a marking corresponding with the number shown on the Hardware Schedule. All work of this Section shall conform to the governing laws and building codes. All hardware shall be of the best grade of solid metal, entirely free from imperfections in manufacture and finish. Qualities, weights and sizes given herein are the minimum that will be accepted. lt is the responsibility of the Hardware Supplier to supply the specified size and weight of hardware and the proper function of hardware in each case. General: Adapt hardware as required to compensate for undercutting, carpeting, raised thresholds, or other special conditions. t. 2..4 2..5 2..6 2..7 VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 08400 - Builders Hardware February 22 1999 - Page 2 28 Hardware Attachment Devices: Provide Phillips head type screws and bolts with exposed surfaces finished to match ad.iacent hardware surface. Use the following fasteners for application to the substrates shown: a. Machine screws and bolts for application to wood. b. Wood screws with full thread for application to wood. c. Sheet metal screws for use in fire retardant particle board or plywood shall be of stainless steel. d. Machine screws and galvanized tamp-in shields for application to concrete or masonry. e. Thru-bolting will not be permitted except in special cases at the Architect's discretion. Provide internal reinforcement to accept bolts concealed from the outer face of door. Hardware information scheduled herein shall not be construed as a comolete hardware schedule and shall only be considered a an indication of the hardware requirements. Examine the Drawings and door symbols, and provide all necessary or additional hardware as required, of the same type, quality and quantity as that scheduled for similar doors or part of the building used for similar purposes. Hardware shall be suitable and adapted for its required use and shall fit its designated location. Should any hardware as shown, specified, or required, fail to meet the intended requirements or require modification to suit or fit the designated location, determine the correction or modification necessary in ample time to avoid delay in the manufacture and delivery of hardware. All surface closers shall be the product of one manufacturer. Closer shall be hydraulically controlled and full rack and pinion in operation. The closer body shall be of high strength cast iron or aluminum. Each closer shall have adjustable general speed and latch speed. Necessary arms, brackets, and other door accessories must be available to suit approved job conditions. 2..9 2..1Q 2..11 3 EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3..1 Protect hardware with material of type which is easi[ removed without marring finish. 3..2 Mount all hardware units at heights recommended in "Recommended Locations for Builders Hardware for Custom Steel Doors and Frames" or to match existing locations. 3..3 Door Closer: a. General: Verify each head condition prior to fumishing door closer; make required modifications or changes due to detailed conditions. Manufacturer's representative shall inspect, approve the proper installation, and regulate each door closer prior to final acceptance of the work. VAIL CASCADE HOTEL 8 CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 08400 - Builders Hardware AMLJob#: 93026-16 February2?. 1999-Page3 b. Surface-Mounted on Door: Surface shoe application for standard operation and soffit plate application for parallel arms. Provide special shoe plates and brackets where specified or where required by special job conditions. 3..4 Install each hardware item in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Whenever cutting and fitting is required to install hardware onto surfaces which are laterto be painted orfinished on anotherway, coordinate removal, storage and reinstallation or application of surface protection with finishing work. Do not install surface- mounted items until finishes have been completed on the substrate. 3..5 Set units level, plumb and true to line and location. Adjusl and reinforce the attachment substrate as necessary for proper installation and operation. 3..6 Drill and countersink units which are not factory prepared for anchorage fasteners. Space fasteners and anchors in accordance with industry standards. 3.,7 Adjust and check each operating item of hardware and each door, to ensure proper operation or function or every unit. Replace units which cannot be adjusted and lubricated to operate freely and smoothly as intended for the application made. r * **r END SECTION 08400 * * * *' Elr ERrEs 4LA:W- Designs & Finishes JUPITER Symbol: JUP Material: Pressure cast zinc lever; wrought brass or bronze rose LEVEtr r4/tg,f.e, gEBVICJI gTAnar{, W hR,owt VFINess GNTER.. Fl Nl4Hr 6t? l,lANlF: ECI+LV Finishes:605, 606,609,6t2, r 6t3,625,626 :"H & T taa nn I r;\1,. ',$lii- l2.rrz'l NEPTUNE Symbol: NEP Materid: Prcsure cast zinc lever; wrought brass or bronzc rose Finishes:605, 606,609,612, 613,625,626 6 I SATURN Symbol: SAT Materid: Pressurc cast zinc lever; wrought brass or bronze rosc Finishes:605, 606,609,612, 613,62r,626 & ,trf_ aa.r T a-t/c 1!l rrl tinishes 605 Bright Brass 606 Satin Brass 609 Bright Brass, Blackened 612 Satin Bronze 613 Oil Rubbed Bronze 625 Eright Chromium Plated 626 Satin Chromium Plated o E.v VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 08800 - Glass and Glazing AML Job #: 93026-16 February 22 1999 - Page 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1..1 The General Contractor, in accordance with the specifications SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to perform the requirements of the work specified herein. 1..2 The extent of glass and glazing work shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Furnish and install new aluminum storefront door, frame and side lights in Lobby Tenace Meeting Room. Provide hardware as specified. See Builde/s Hardware. Consult drawings for sizes and additional information. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 Quality Assurance a. Prime Glass Standard: Comply with FS DD-G-451d. b. Heat Treated Glass Standard: Comply with FS DD-G-1403b. c. Safety Glass Standards: Comply with the following as applicable: (1) Consumer Product Safety Commission 16 CFR 1201. (2) Industry Standards: ANSI 297.1. d. Sound Transmission Test Standard: Comply with ASTM E 90. e. Manufacturers: ProvideeachtypeofglassandprimarysealanUgasketfromasingle manufacturer with not less than 5 years of experience in the production of materials similar to those reouired. f. Installer (Glazier): Firm with not less than 5 years of successful experience in glazing work similar to the work of this prqect. 2..2 Minor to be fabricated of 1/4" thick polished plate glass and Grade A silver quality as manufac- tured with two coats of silver applied to properly processed glass. Silver film shall be hermetically sealed by a heavy uniform coating protected by an ederior coat of special hard composition paint. All minors shall be guaranteed against silver oxidation. 2..3 Supply Polished Chrome J Channels continuous at top and bottom of minor surface. Supply all fasteners as required for complete installation. 2..4 FloaUPlate glass: Type l, Quality 93, clear unless otherwise indicated. Thickness to be 1/2". 2..5 Processed/Tempered Glass: Provide prime glass, clear, which has been heal treated to VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 08800 - Glass and Glazing AML Job#: 93026-16 February 22.1999-Page2 strengthen glass in bending to not less than 4.5 times annealed strength. a. Tong Marks: Provide tempered glass produced by process which eliminates tong marks. 2..6 Glazing Sealants and Compounds: . a. General: Provide black sealant at storefront and clear in other interior applications. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for selection of hardness, depending upon i the location of each application, conditions at time of installation, and variations or modifr- cations, carefully for compatibility with surfaces contacted in the installation. b. 2-Part Polysulfide Glazing Sealant: Elastomeric polysulfide sealant complying with FS TT- 5-227, Class A, Type 2; specially compounded and tested to show minimum of 20 yea/s resistance to deterioration in normal glazing applications. c. Butyl Rubber Glazing Tape: Partly-vulcanized, self-adhesive, non-staining, elastomeric butyl rubber tape, 98% solids, either plain or pre-shimmed as required for proper installa- tion of glass. 2..7 MiscellaneousGlazingMaterials a. Setting Blocks: Neoprene, 70-90 durometer hardness, with proven compatibility with sealants used. b. Spacers: Neoprene, 40-50 durometer hardness, with proven compatibility with sealants useo. c. Compressible Filler Rod: Closed-cell or waterproof-jacketed rod stock of synthetic rubber or plastic foam, proven to be compatible with sealants used, flexible and resilient, with 5-10 psi compression strength for 25% deflection. d. Cleaners, Primers, and Sealants: Type recommended by sealant or gasket manufacturer. 2..8 Submittals a. Producl Data: (1 ) Submit 2 copies of manufacture/s specificatlons and installation instructions, including documentation of compliance with requirements, and instruction for handling, storing, installing, cleaning, and protecting each type of glass and glazing material. b. Samoles: (1 ) Submit 2, 12" square samples of each type of glass and glazing material required. Architect's review of samples will be for color, texture and pattern only. ComplL ance with other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AMLJob#: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 08800 - Glass and Glazing February 22 1999 - Page 3 J. 2..9 Product Handling a. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for shipping, handling, storing and protecting glass and glazing materials. Exercise exceptional care to prevent edge damage to glass, and damage/deterioration to coatings (if any) on glass. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3..1 Examine framing and glazing channel surfaces, backing and general design, and the conditions under which the glazing is to be performed, and remedy and conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with glazing until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the glazier. 3..2 For storefront, watertight and airtight installation of each piece of glass is required. Each installation must withstand normal temperature changes, impact loading (for operating doors) without failure including loss or breakage of glass, failure of sealants or gaskets to remain watertight and airtight, deterioration of glazing materials and other defects in the work 3..3 Prolect glass from edge damage during handling and installation. 3..4 Comply with combined recommendations of glass manufacturer and manufacturer of sealants and other materials used in glazing, excepl where more shingent requirements are shown or specified, and except where manufacturer's technical representalives direct otherwise. Comply with "Glazing Manual" and other applicable publications by Flat Glass Marketing Association except as shown and specified otheruise, and except as specifically recommended otheruise by the manufacturers of the glass and glazing materials. Seal glass minor and frame to back splash with clear silicone sealant. Force sealanl into channel to eliminate voids and ensure complete bonding of sealant. Minors to be installed with safety tape as specified. Wash and poltsh mirrors not more than four days prior to date scheduled for inspections intended to establish date of substantial completion. Comply with glass manufacturer's recommendations for final cleaning. i * r *r END sEcTloN 08800 * * * * * 3.6 J.. t 3..8 VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AIML iob #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09250 - Gypsum Drywall February 22. 1999 - Page 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1 .'r LL The General Contractor, in accordance with the specifications, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to perform the requirements of the work specified herein. The extent if gypsum drywall shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Furnish and install all materials necessary to construct new gypsum board partitions and ceilings where indicated on drawings and specified herein. b. Furnish and install all materials necessary to cul and patch walls as noted on drawings and details and specified herein. Review other sections for patching work to be included under Gypsum Drywall - 09250 (i.e., eleckical, mechanical etc.). Patching work to include patching of concrete walls to be trenched by electrician as necessary to achieve design intent. Frame new diffuser into new gypsum board ceiling in areas indicated to replace curved one as shown in Demolition Plan at Lobby Tenace Hospitalig Room. Install new flush mounted access panels into new gypsum board ceiling. Exact locations to be determined by Engineering Department. Review all plans and install as required and/or as noted. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Steel studs - ASTM C645; 25 gauge. a. Depth of Section: 3-5/8" - 2-112',tomatch existingcondition. b. Runner's Match studs: type recommended by stud manufacturer for floor and ceiling support of studs and for vertical abutment of drywall work at other existing work. 2.2 Gypsum Board: ASTM C36. Provide in maximum lengths to minimize end{o-end butt joints. a. 5/8" thickness unless othenrrise noted, typical. b. Type: Regular Type X for rooms and waterproof type for baths. 2.3 Trim Accessories: Provide manufacturer's standard trim accessories of types indicated for drywall work, formed of galvanized steel expanded flanges for nailing and beaded for concealment of flanges in joint compound. Provide corner beads, and V-shaped one-piece control joint beads. 2.4 Access panels to be Sesame Type flush mounted KSTWCAD, Ceiling Access Hatch as manufactured by Karp Associates, Inc. (718) 784-2105. Dimensions to be 24" x 24" unless noted 0. Andersoni Milter. Ltd 329 Wesl 18s Streel. Suile 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 22C2500 phone (312\ 226-2555 tax AMLTD@aol.com e.mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 09250 - Gypsum Drywall AML Job #r 93026-16 February 22, 1999 - Page 2 otheruise on drawings. Exact number and locations to be determined by the Engineering DeDartment 2.5 Joint Tape: Perforated, cross laminated paper type. 26 Joint Compound: Ready-mixed vinyl type for interior use. 3, EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3.1 Examine the substrates and the spaces to receive gypsum drywall, and the conditions under which gypsum drywall is to installed; and remedy any conditions detrimental to the work. Do not proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been conected in a manner acceptable to the installer. 3.2 Install runner tracks at floor, ceiling, and slructural walls and columns where gypsum drywall stud system abuts other work. 3.3 Terminate partition stud system at ceilings. 3.4 Space studs at 16" O.C. 3.5 Frame door openings with verlical sluds securely attached by screws at each jamb either directly to frames or lo jamb anchor clips on door frame. Install runner track sections at head and secure to jamb studs. 3.6 Install wall boards vertically to avoid end-butt joints wherever possible. 3.7 Install exposed gypsum board with face side out. Do not install imperfect, damaged or damp boards. Butt boards together for light contact at edges and ends (not more than 1/16" open space between boards). Do notforce in to place. 3.8 Install metal corner beads at external corners of drywall work. 3.9 Install metal edge trim whenever edge of gypsum board would othenvise be exposed or semi- exoosed. 3.10 Finishing of Drywall: Apply at gypsum board joints, flanges of trim accessories, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects and elsewhere as required. a. Apply joint tape al joints between gypsum boards. b. Apply joint compound in three coats and sand between last two coats and after last coal. Avoid raising the nap of the paper when sanding. 3.11 Perform all necessary patching ofgypsum drywall construction after the work ofother trades. Review all other sections and architectural drawings for information. Anderson/Miller, Ltd 329 West 18h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555 fax AMLTD@aolcom e-marl VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09250 - Gypsum Drywall February 22. 1999 - Page 3 '^ Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center 'lt AML Job #: 93026-16 312 Remove all discarded construction debris (i.e., gypsum board, bead, stud remnants, etc.) at the end of each day of work. 3.13 Protecttheworkofothertradesfromdamagebygypsumdrywall installation. Conectanydamage by repairing, cleaning or replacing as required. At the completion of the work by other trades, touch up and restore all damaged or defaced surfaces and finish to match existing surfaces. t t r r t r ir r. END oF sEcTloN 09250 r i t tr *r r r r Andersonruiller. Ltd 329 West 18'r' Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 22e2500 phooe (312) 22G2555 fax AMLTD@aol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09510 - Acoustical Tile February 22. 1999 - Page 1 1.SCOPE OF WORK 1..1 The General Contractor in accordance with the specifications, SECTION 01200 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to perform the requiremenls of lhe work soecified herein. 1..2 The extent of acoustical ceiling work shall include but is not limited to the following a. Furnish and install acoustical tile and suspension and systems as specified below and noted on olans within the Ofiice and Business Center. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 New suspended grid and tile to be: Optima Open Plan - Tegular - Very Fine Texture with lnterlude 9/16" Dimensional Tee Grid. Color: White. Model Number: 3231 -24"x24"x1" as manufactured by Armstrong. New acoustical materials shall be Class A Flame Spread Index according to Federal Specifica- tions SS-S-'1188. Submit sample of acoustical tile to AA prior to installation. 3.EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3..1 Examine the substrates and supporting structure and the conditions under which the work specified in this section is the be installed, and remedy any conditions detrimental to the work. The construction shall not proceed with the installation until unsatisfactorv conditions have been corrected. Measure each ceiling area and establish layout of acoustical units to balance border widths at oppositeedgesof eachceiling. Avoidtheuseofless{han-half widthunitsatborders,andcomply with reflected ceiling plans wherever possible. lnstall materials in accordance with manufacture/s printed inslructions, and to comply with governing regulations, fire resistance rating requirements as indicated, and industry standards applicable to the work. Anange acoustical units and orient directionally pattemed units (if any perceptible) in same direction. Install suspension system to comply with ASTM C636, with hangers supported only from building structural slab. Locate hangers near each end and spaced 4'0" intervals along each carrying channel or direct hung runners, unless othenivise indicated. a. Secure the wire hangers by looping and wire-tying to inserts or other devices which are secure and appropriate for the subskate, and which will not deteriorate or fail with age or ) 2..2 2..3 T J..l 3..4 o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room AML Job #. 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09510 - Acoustical Tile February 22. 1999 - Page 2 elevated temperatures. 3..6 Install edge mouldings at edges of each acoustical ceiling area, and al locations where edge of units would otherwise be exposed after completion of the work. a. Secure mouldings to the building construction by fastening with screw-anchors into the substrate, through holes drilled in the vertical leg. Space holes not more than 3" from each end and not more than 16" o.c. along each moulding. b. Level mouldings with ceiling suspension system, to a level tolerance of 'l18" in 12'0". c. Miter corners of mouldings accurately to provide hair-line joints, securely connected to prevent dislocation. 3..7 Cope exposed flanges of intersecting suspension system members, so that flange faces will be flush (cope flange of member supported by other member). 3..8 Install acoustical panels in coordination with suspension system. Install hold-down clips for each panel as required by code. Space as recommended by panel manufacturer for the application indicated, except do not exceed spacings required by governing regulations or for fire resistance ratings. 3..9 Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical ceilings, including trim, edge mouldings and suspension member; comply with manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and touch-up of minor finish damage. Remove and replace work which cannot be successfully cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage. 3..10 Protect acoustical ceilings, maintaining such temperature and humidity limitations and dust control, that the work will be without damage and deterioration at the time of acceptance by the 0wner. 3..11 Install acoustical tile according to the manufacturer's recommendations. *END SECTION 09510"*'* VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09600 - Marble and Stonework February 22 1999 - Page 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1..1 The General Contractor in accordance with the speciflcations , SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and malerials to perform the requirements of the work specified herein. 1..2 The extent of marble and stone work shall include but is not limiled to the following: a. Furnish and install all 3/4" stone countertop and splashes at back bar and (Add Alt #2) ledge at front bar as noted on drawings and specified herein. b, Prepare/level all slab, floor and wall surfaces as required for level installation (to be included in this contract). c. Review Architeclural (AD Details) and Fixture Drawings (FD) for additional infornration on all marble and stone should be in this section. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2..1 Stone tops and splashes (3/4" thick) to be provided and installed under this section in coordination with architectural drawings and details. Type and color to be per material reference sheets this section. 2..2 Installer: A firm with a minimum of five years experience in the successful installation of marble units of similar sizes and shapes and of similar quantities to the units required for this project. 2..3 Stonetiletobethinsetoverthoroughlydriedlevelingbed. Levelingbedtoinstalledasrequired and included in this contract. 2..4 Portland Cement Mortar Insulaiion Materials: Provide materials to comply with ANSI A108.1 as required for installation method designated, unless otherwise indicated (thick set and thin set). 2..5 Thin bed mortar shall be 1:'l portland cemenVsand gauged with LATICRETE 4237 Tile Setting Liquid. Grouting material shall be Laticrete Dry Bond Grout and Joint Filler gauged with Laticrete 3701 Admix. Mortar and grout additives shall be as manufactured by Laticrete International (or eaual): Laticrete Park North Bethany, Connecticut 06525 2..6 The setting and grouting mortars shall be weather, frost, shock and chemical resistant and shall meet the following physical requirements. Compressive strength 5,000 psi min. Bond shength 500 psi min. VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room AML Job # 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09600 - Marble and Stonework February 22. 1999 - Page 2 Water absorption 4.0% max. Coefiicient ofThermal Expansion same as concrete. EXECUTION & INSTALLATION 3. 1 Shop and Setting Drawings: Submit shop and setting drawings of marble work. Show in detail the jointing, dimensions sizes and localions of cutouts, relation to other trades, and all other oertinent data and information. 3..2 Carefully pack and load finished stone for shipment and take necessary precautions against damage in transit. 0o not use material for blocking and packing which would cause staining or discoloration and exercise care to prevent staining during the storage period. 3..3 Deliver packaged setting materials in the original packages and containers of the manufacturer. Keep aggregate dry and free from soiling. 3..4 Accurately cut, dress, drill, fit and finish stone work to shapes and dimensions shown on Drawings and flnal shop and setting drawings. Make exposed plane surfaces true in line. 3 5 Cut external corners with quirk-miter joints where shown; cut all other joinls and edges square and at right angles to face, and with backs parallel to face. Make rises straight, shape, true, and continuous at ioints 3.6 J.. d 3.9 Prior to installation examine surfaces to receive stone and do not proceed until any defects detrimental to the finished work are corrected, including moisture protection, structural supports, provision for expansion, or any other condition which might affect the finished work in appear- ance, water tightness or integrity of the completed installation. lf slab is uneven, provide and install leveling bed sothattile will sitwith uniform edges. Maximum variation of surface to receive tiles shall not exceed 1/8" in 8- 0" from the required plane nor more than 1/1 6" per foot. Verify all measurements and dimensions, coordinate the installation of inserts for this work and coordinate and schedule this work with the work of other trades. Give particular attention to the location and size of cutouts required to accommodate mechanical, electrical, and other work or adjoining construclion, in accordance with the reviewed shop drawings for such trade. Furnish dovetail anchor slots, wedge gpe inserts, and other items requiring building in to concrete or masonry work, along with location drawings, in sufficient time so as not to delay job pr0gress. Stone setting, anchoring, and pointing shall be in accordance with applicable requirements of specifications of the Marble Institute of America, unless othenrvise specified or shown. Set stone in accordance with final sefting drawings, level, plumb, square, and true with uniform joints, accurately aligned with grain running in the direction shown. The quality of field cutting shall be the same as for shoo cuttino. 3..10 J..tl o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room AML Job#: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09600 - Marble and Stonework February 22. 1999 - Page 3 3..12 J.. IJ 3..14 3.,15 3..16 After initial cleaning, provide non-staining temporary wood guards at corners and other surfaces subject to damage. Protect work from damage due to subsequent building operations. lmmediately prior to completion of the Work, clean slone by washing with water and bristle brushes; removing all stains, dirt and other discolorations. Do nol use acids, cleaning compounds or wire brushes. On completion of constructlon, remove all temporary protection. The completed installation shall have the acceptance of the Operator and Architect. Installed units which are chipped, cracked, or otheruvise damaged or which, in the opinion of the Operator and Architect, do not conform lo the Specification requirements shall be removed and replaced. Clean up: During the progress of the work, remove from the site all discarded marble, grout, etc, at the end of each work day, Protection: Protect the work of other trades from damage by marble installation. Correct any damage by repairing, cleaning or replacing as required. At completion of work of other trades, touch up and restore all damaged or defaced surfaces. r * * * * END SECTIoN 09600 *, *.. I Cascade Hotel and Club MATERIAL REFERENtrE PROPERTY FINISHES Stone DESCRIPTION Location: Back Bar Tops, Splashes and (Add Alt. 2 - Front Bar Ledge Species: JuperanaColombo Finish: Polished Size: %'thick slab Submit sample to AML for approval prior to VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENEML CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 09750 - Resilient Finishes AMLJob# 93026-16 February22.1ggg-Page 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1..1 The General Contractor in accordance with the soecifications, SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to perform the requirements of the work specified herein. 1.2 The extent of Resilient Finish work shall include but not limited to the following: a. Fumish and install new vinyl snap down 'T' transition as noted on drawings, and specified herein. b. Furnish and install 4" vinyl cove base in Service Station as noted on drawings and soecified herein. c. Furnish and install new Vinyl composition tile flooring at Service Station as noted on drawings and specified herein. 2. MATERIALSANDMETHODS 2..1 Primers and Adhesives: Primers and adhesives to be cut back type asphaltic products of approved brands and recommended and guaranteed by the manufacturer of the floor tile and accessories. Adhesives shall not be used for wall work or vice-versa. Adhesive shall be waterproof 2..2 Replacement Material: At completion of the work, deliver to Owner's representative replacement material in the amount of one (1) box for every 50 installed for tile and 32 lineal feet of base for use of lhe Owneis maintenance forces. 2..3 All materials, articles, and accessories incorporated in the work shall be type and quality specifiedhereinandsubjecttotheArchitect'sandOwne/sapproval. Methodsof preparation, construction, and installation of such materials, articles and accessories shall be strictly in accordance with accepted standard practices, manufacture/s printed specifications or instruc- tions, and/or directed by the Architect. 2..4 Warranty: Warranty, in the approved wrinen form all materials and workmanship to remain in serviceable and satisfactory condition and to make good, at own expense, any imperfections which may develop during the period specified and any damage to other work caused by such imperfections or by the repairing of same. The period for all work shall be one (1) year from date of Owne/s acceotance of installation, 2..5 Submit to the Architect samples of all materials specified herein for approval !!!Q! to installation. Installed materials shall match approved samples. 2..6 Deliverv and Storaqe: Anderson/Miller, Ltd 329 Wesl 18ri Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lt 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555 fax AMLTDrOaol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09750 - Resilient Finishes February 22. 1999 - Page 2 b. Deliver only acceptable materials to the site. Deliver all materials in original boxes, crates, wrappings, etc,, clearly labeled with all pertinent information to facilitate checking at the srle. Store the materials at the site off the ground, and in properly protected dry storage lacilities until ready for use. Damaged materials will not be acceptable and shall be removed from the site. EXECUTION 3..1 Insoection and Preoaration: a. Inspection: Carefully inspect all surfaces upon which the resilient finishes, etc., are to be applied. Notify the General Conkactor for conection of any defects in walls. Starting of the work shall imply acceptance by this Contractor of the walls and a defective wall will not be considered valid in waiving any portion of the warranty. b. Preoaration: Resilient finishes shall not be laid on uncured or damp concrete. All concrere surfaces receiving resilient finishes shall be tested for dampness prior to installation. The following test may be used or alternate methods by the tile manufacturer may be substituted. lnstallation: a. Install all resilientfloortile, vinyl base and vinyl edge strips where indicated on the drawings, all in accordance with printed specifications of the manufacturers of the materials and adhesives used. b. All finishes used shall be from manufacture/s single run. No mixing of runs will be permitted to flnish individual spaces. c. All vinyl base to be cut on site to accommodate existing electrical outlets. d. At all exposed edges of the tile such as doonryays where base is continuous, at all otherwise unprotected edges of the floor tile, and as shown on the Drawings, install required vinyl edge strips, Cleanino and Waxinq: a. Soon after laying of resilient finishes, wipe off all surplus cement and leave all surlaces clean. All work shall be thoroughly cleaned at time of completion and again at the final completion of the building and prior to occupancy when directed by the Architect. Damaoe Work: All damaged or defective work must be replaced by new. All other work which becomes injured in the replacing of this work must be made by this Contractor. Patched work will not be acceDted. 3..2 'tA Anderson/Miller. Ltd. 329 Wesl 18rh Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (3121226-2555lax AMLlD@aol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL ANO CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Cenler AMLJob#: 9302S16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09750 - Resilient Finishes February22,1999-Page 3 Clean-Uo: a. Clean up any work soiled in the performance of work under this Section. b. During progress ofthe work, keep the premises reasonably free of all debris and waste materials resulting from the work of this Section. At the end of each day's work and upon completion, and before final acceptance of the work, remove all such debris and rubbish to central area designated for general clean-up by the General Conkactor, or remove from site and dispose of legally. c. Upon completion and before flnal acceptance of the work, remove all unused materials, tools, and equipment from the site. ** * r r END SECTION 09750 * " *', J.,5 Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 West 18n Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555 lax AMLTD@aol.com e-mail \/ail Cascade Hotel and Club MATERIAL REFERENtrE PROPERTY ronUy ferrace ltosp FIN|SHES Vinyl Composition Tile DATE Fenruary ZZ. tggg. MFG/SOURCE DESCRIPTION Location: Service Station Pattem: TBD Color: TBD Size: 12'x12' Gauge: 0.125" !il Cascade Hotel and Club Ma.TeRIaL REFERENtrE PROPERTY Lobby Terrace Hosn F|N|SHES Resilient Finishes DATE renruary ZZ, tg99 DESCRIPTION Location: Service Station Vinyl Cove Base Model: Tightlock Color: TBD Size: 4' Gauge: 1/8' Location: Service Station Threshold - Snap Pattem: CE-XX-A Carpet -to-Tile Adaptor Color: TBD Size; 1-1116" width VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800-paint February 22, 1999 - Page 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 2 MATERIALSAND METHODS z.l z.z 1.2 The General Contractor in accordance with the specifications, Section 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and material to flnish where scheduled and shown on the drawings the paint and work as specified herein. The paint finish work shall include bul is not limited to: Hollow Metal door & hollow metal frame throughout. All ceilings and/or soffits and moldings which occur at ceiling and soffits. All ceiling access panels and speakers. Miscellaneous painted areas - Review all Sections for painting work to be included in this contract--including, but not limited to, paint finishes associated with FD drawings. All paint applied to millwork and door frames to be oil based. Contractor must verify existing painted conditions prior to purchase of paint to guarantee compatibility of paint types. A 0. d. Z,J 2.4 Material used in the execution ofthis work shall be new and the best grade obtainable oftheir respective type. All materials, surface preparation and application shall be in accordance with the paint manufac- turers standards and recommendations. surfaces shall be repaired to be flush with adjacent surfaces as necessary. All finish coats shall be flat, washable enamel unless otherwise soecified. Paint selections have been made from specific color systems and paint manufacturers. where General contractor wishes to use other than specified system, he shall submit samples to the Consultant for approval in the following format: a. On 12'x 12" hardboard, provide two samples of each color and material, with texture lo simulate actual conditions. Resubmit each sample as requested until acceptable sheen, color and texture is achieved. b. On actual wood surfaces, provide two 4'x 8'samples ofeach natural and stained wooo finish as required. Label and identify each as to location and application. General Contractor shall submit samples, actual paint and/or chips to Consultant for verification prior to final application. 2.5 Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 West '18h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (3121226-25551a( AMLTD@aot.om e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CIUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 09800. Paint AML Job # 93026-16 February 22, 1999 - Page 2 2.6 Wood finish samples shall be submitted to the Consultant for approval; 3 variations: minimum size 12'x20" for approval, prior to final application. 2.7 All linish materials shall be treated with flame+etardant process where required by local code. Should flame retardant plocess cause change in color and effect on finish material, General Contractor shall notify the Designer. 2.8 Deliver all materials to the job site in original, new and unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label, and the following information: a. Number or title of material b. Fed. Spec. number, if applicable c. Manufacture/s stock number and date of manufacture d. Manufacturer's name e. Contents by volume, for major pigment and vehicle constituents f. Thinning instructions g. Application instructions h. Color name and number 2.9 Apply water-base paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and the sunounding air temperatures are between 50 degrees F and g0 degrees F unless othenrvise permitted by the paint manufacture/s printed instructions. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and the surrounding air temperatures are belween 45 degrees F and g5 degrees F unless otherwise permitted by the paint manufacture/s printed instructions. 3. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3 1 Inspection a. Examine the areas and conditions under which painting work is to be applied and remedy any conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceplable to the Applicator. b. Starting of painting work will be construed as the Applicato/s acceptance of the surfaces and conditions within any particular area. Anderson/Miller, Ltd 329 West 18ir Streel, Suite m0 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 26-2500 phone (312')226-2555lax AMLTD@aot.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Paint February 22. 1999 - Page 3 c. Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions other wise detrimental to the formation of a durable oaint film. Surface Preoaration a. General: Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in stricl accordance with the paint manufacturer's instructions and as herein specified, for each substrate condition. (1) Remove all hardware accessories, machined surfaces, coverplates, lighling fixtures, and similar items in place and not to be finish-painted, or provide surface- applied protection priorto surface preparation and painting operations. Remove, if necessary, for the complete painting of the items and adjacent surfaces. Following completion of painting of each space or area, reinstall the removed items using workmen skilled in the trades involved.(21 Clean surfaces to be painted before applying paint or surface treatments. Remove oil and grease prior to mechanical cleaning. Program the cleaning and painting so that contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall onto wet, newly painted surfaces.(3) Do not apply paint to existing wallcovering. Completely remove existing wallcov- ering and adhesive. Repair any damage lo substrate. b, Cementitious Materials: (1) Prepare cemetitious surfaces of concrete, concrete block, cement plaster, drywall, and cement-asbestos board to be painted by removing all efflorescence, chalk, dust, dirt, grease, oils, and by roughening as required to remove glaze.(2) Determine the alkalinity and moisture content of the surfaces to be painted oy performing appropriate tests. lf the surfaces are found to be sufficiently alkaline to cause blistering and burning of the finish paint, conect this condition before application of paint. Do not paint surfaces where the moisture content exceeds that permitted in the manufacturer's orinted directions. c. Wood: (1) Clean wood surfaces to be painted of all dirt, oil, or other foreign substances with scrapers, mineral spirits, and sandpaper, as required. Sandpaper smooth those finished surfaces exposed to view, and dust off. Scrape and clean small, dry, seasoned knots and apply a thin coat of white shellac or other recommended knot sealer, before application of the priming coat. After priming, fill holes and imperfections in finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood-filler. Sandpaper smooth when dried. Materials Preparation a. Mix and prepare painting materials in accordance with manufacturer's directions. b. Store materials not in actual use in tightly covered containers. Maintain containers used in 3.2 3.3 Anderson/Miller, Lld. 329 West 18h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)22S2500 phone (312)226-2555 fax AMLTD@aot.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Tenace Hospatality Room and Business Center SECTTON 09800 - Paint AML Job #: 93026-16 Februarv 22. 1999 - Paoe 4 storage, mixing and application of paint in a clean condition, free of foreign malerials and residue. c. Stir materials before application to produce a mixture of uniform density, and stir as required during the application of the materials. Do not stir surface film into the material. Remove the film and if necessary, strain lhe material before using. 3.4 Application a. General: (1) Apply paint in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for the substrate and type of material being applied.(2) Apply additional coats when undercoats, stains or other conditions show through the final coat of paint, until the paint film is of uniform finish, color and appearance. Give special attention to insure that all surfaces, including edges, corners, crevices, welds, and exposed fasteners receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces.(3) Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only before final installation of equipment.(4) Paint interior surfaces of ducts, where visible through registers or grilles, with a flat, non-specular black paint. (5) Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms and side edges the same as the exterior faces, unless otherurise indicated.(6) Sand lightly between succeeding enamel orvarnish coats.(7) Omit the first coat (primer) on metal surfaces that have been shop-primed and touch-up painted, unless otherwise indicated. b. Scheduling Painting: (1) Apply the firsfcoat material to surfaces that have been cleaned, pretreated or othenrvise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration.(2) Allow sufficient time between successive coatings to permit proper drying. Do not recoat until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and the application of another coat of paint does not cause lifting or loss of adhesion of the undercoat. c. Minimum Coating Thickness: (1) Apply each material at not less than the manufacturer's recommended spreading rate, to establish a total dry film thickness as indicated or, if not indicated, as recommended by coating manufacturer. 3.5 Clean-Up And Protection Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 West 18s Streel, Suite 600 Chrcago, lL 60616 (312) 22S2500 phone (312)22e2555 fax AMLTD(Oaot.com e-mail o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AM! Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09800 - Paint February 22,1999 - Page 5 b. Clean-Up: During the progress of the work, remove from the site all discarded paint mater- ials, rubbish, cans and rags at the end of each work day. (1) Upon completion of painting work, clean window glass and other paintspattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by proper methods of washing and scraping, using care not to scratch or otherwise damage finished surfaces. Protection: Protect work of other trades, whether to be painted or not, from damage by painting and finishing work. Correct any damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting. (1) Provide'Wet Paint" signs as required to protect newly painted finishes. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided under sections for protection of adjacent work, after completion of painting operations.(21 At the completion ofwork ofother hades, touch-up and restore all damages or defaced surfaces. r * * * r END SECTIoN 09900 * * * *' a. Andersonfivliller,Ltd. 329West18t'Street,Suite600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500phone (312)22S2555fax AMLTD@aol.come-mail "'i,qilCascade Hotel and Club Material Reference F enOeenWr"uyr"r-*n*glr rnr"" FINISHES painr DATE Fehnrary22,i999 KEY PT.1 il Cascade Hotel and Club KEY Material Reference DATE Febnrary 22. 1999 VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 09900 - Wallcovering AML Job #. 93026-16 February 22, '1999 - page 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1 1 The General Contractor in accordance with the specifications Section 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to install where scheduled and shown on the drawings the wallcoverings as specified herein. 1.2 The wallcovering work shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Installation of owner supplied wallcoverings as scheduled. b. Verification of suitable substrate for wallcovering application. c. Remove all existing wallcovering (all layers). Patch walls as required to receive new wallcovering (all such work to be included in this contract). d. Remove existing coverplates and reinstall following installation of wallcovering. Any plates lost by wallcovering installation to be replaced by same contractor. 2. MATERIALSANDMETHODS 2.1 Materials used in execution of this work shall be new and the best grade obtainable of their respective type. 2.2 All material, surface preparation, and application shall be in accordance with the wallcovering manufacturer's standards and recommendation. Wall surfaces shall be reoaired to be flush with adjacent surfaces. 2.3 General Contractor shall take all measurements necessary and prepare a schedule of quantities (yardage,rollsorsquarefeet) ofeachmaterial specified. Thescheduleshall bepresentedwithbid proposal totheOwnerforpurchasing. Thisscheduleshall alsoincludeanyquantitiestobe installed under Section 06400 - Architectural Woodwork. 2.4 All wallcovering shall be provided by the Owner. 2.5 Wallcovering adhesive shall be provided bythis contract and shall be in accordance with Wallcovering Manufacture/s recommendations. Provide materials that are mildew-resistant and nonstaining to the wallcovering. Wallcovering Adhesive to be skippable type. Use Roman #1 1005, Hammond, Indiana or equal 2.6 All finish materials shall be treated with flame retardant process where required by local code. Should flame retardant process cause change in color and effect on finish material, Contractor shall notify the Consultant. 2.7 Prior to installing any material, wallcovering contractor shall check material for defects, shading, proper selection and shall conlirm and verify each material with the Consultant. Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 Wesl 18h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 22&2500 phone (312) 226-2555 fax Al\,1LTD@aol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 09900 - Wallcovering AML Job #: 93026-16 February 22, 1999 -Page2 3. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3.1 General Contractor shall patch walls as required to match adiacent wall finish prior to installation of wallcovering. All walls to be finished and prepped as required for smooth installation. 3.2 lt shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor to see that work is properly prepared to receive wallcovering as specified. lf work is not properly prepared, wallcovering contractor shall notify Architect prior to proceeding with the work. 3.3 Installer must examine the areas and conditions under which wallcovering is to be installed. Notify the Owner in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion ol lhe work. Do not Droceed with the work until unsatisfactorv conditions have been conected in a manner acceotable to the installer. 3.4 Dimensions in the plans, specifications and the drawings are to be considered as approximates. Contractor shall be required to carefully check in the field all dimensions and other conditions affecting his work. The Contractor shall be held solely responsible for proper installation of the wallcovering in all areas designated. Inexperience or lack of skill on the part of the installers does not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for the proper execution of the work and other requirements specified herein. 3.5 Store materials in original undamaged packages or containers. Do not slore any part of the wallcovering in an upright position. Maintain temperature in storage area above 40 degrees F. and not more than 65 degrees F., for at least 24 hours before installation. 3.6 Preparation a. Remove the wallcovering material from its packaging and allow to acclimatize to the area of installation 24 hours before application. b. General: The wallcovering shall not be installed when the building is excessively cold and damp, or hot and dry. Temperature and humidig conditions closely approximating the interior conditions that exist when the building is occupied shall be maintained before, duringandafterinstallationofwallcovering. Gypsumwall boardshall becompleteanddry, clean,smoothandstructurallysound,withjointsreinforced,tapedandbedded. Ingeneral, preparation of surfaces shall be done in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. Wall board shall have been previously sealed/primed. c. Nail and Screw Heads: Nicks, gouges or other surface imperfections shall be spotted with joint cement and sanded smooth. d. Moisture Check: Backing shall be free from excessive moisture (less than 4 7o) per manufacturer's standard recommendations for installation. e. Protection: Proper precautions shall be taken to protect all finished surfaces over or against which the wallcovering work must be done. Any staining, scratching, marking, etc., of surfaces thal is caused by lack of proper precautions and protection shall be removed Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 Wesl 18u Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555lax AMLTD(daol com e-mail o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job#: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 09900 - Wallcovering February 22. 1999 - Page 3 and/or corrected at the expense of the Contractor. Job Conditions Maintain a constant minimum temperature of 70 degrees F., at areas of installation for at least 48 hours before, during and 48 hours after the application of materials. Areas to receive applications must have a reasonably constant temperature of 70 degrees F. measured at floor level. J.d lnstallation t. General: Wallcovering shall be installed atlocationswhere noted in the Finish Schedule, on the Drawings and as detailed in the manufacture/s printed installation inskuctions, and as specified below. Examination of Wallcovering materials: Prior to start of application, patterns and/or colors and repeats in design shall be examined. Patterns shall be lined up, matched and/or alternately reversed, depending upon colors and textures in order to obtain uniform appear- ance, resulting in the design intended. Each roll of wallcovering shall be checked for wide variations in shades. Shades of similar values shall be used on the same wall. Prior to commencing installation of the wallcovering, the Contractor shall confer with the wallcovering manufacturer concerning the most efficient and correct way of executing the installation. The manufacturer's recommendations shall be considered bindlnq and final unless othenrise determined by the Owner. commencement of wallcovering installation by the conkactor shall be an indication of his acceptance of the substrate and he will automatically assume the responsibility for any unacceptable finished work caused by substrate condition. All wallcovering patterns and fabric grain will match horizontally and be perfecfly level. Place wallcovering panels consecutively in the order they are cut from rolls, including filling of spaces above or below openings as required. Hang by reversing alternate strips except on match patterns. Apply adhesive to back of wallcovering and place in accordance with the manufacture/s inslructions. Install seams vertically and plumb, and at least 6" away from any corner; horizontal seams will not be permitted. Place wallcovering continuously over internal and external corners. Overlap seams and double+ut to assure tight closure. Roll, brush, or use a broad knife to remove air bubbles, wrinkles, blisters and other defects. In general, only full width of the wallcovering shall be applied to attain the most satisfactory application. Remove switch plates, wall plates, towel bars, graphics, and surface-mounted fixtures, and cut wallcovering evenly to the edges of the outlet box or support. Reinstall all fixtures as listed above following the installation of the wallcovering using tradesmen skilled in the J./ b. h d. e. s. n. Anderson/Miller, Lld. 329 West 18s Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (312\226-2555lax AMLTD(daotcom e-mail o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 09900 - Wallcovering AML iob #: 93026-16 February 22, 1999 - Page 4 various disciplines. i. Trim salvages as required to assure color uniformity and pattern match at seams. j. Remove excess adhesive finished seams using warm water and a clean sponge, and wipe dry. k. Install wallcovering with an intimate substrate bond, smooth clean, without wrinkles, gaps or overlaps. l. lf mill flaws affecting the appearance, color or textures of the wallcovering are discovered during the installation, installers shall be required to notify the Owner at once. Cuts from rolls with such flaws shall not be installed without the specific approval of the owner. 3.9 Defective Application a. The following criteria will be used to consider defective application and/or workmanship:(1) Loosening (2) Wrinkles (3) Air Bubbles (4) Sagging (5) Spotting (6) Bulking (7) Sealing (8) Seams not tight, smooth or even b. This contractor shall be responsible for all work pertaining to wallcovering, including grounds and filling. c, All work, once accepted by this Contractor, becomes his responsibility to correct if improper- ly installed. d. Wallcovering, due to faulg application and/or workmanship, shall be replaced by the Contractor as approved by the Designer at no additional cosl to the Owner. 3.10 Clean Up And Protection a. During progress of the work, remove from the site all discarded wallcovering materials, rubbish cans and rags at the end of each work day. b. Upon completion of wallcovering work, clean window glass and other adjacent surfaces using care not to damage or scratch flnished surfaces. c. Protect work of other trades from damage by wallcovering work. Correct any damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing. At the completion of work of other trades, touch-up ano restore all damaged or defaced surfaces. r * rr r END sEcTloN 09900 r rrr r Anderson/lvliller, Ltd. 329 West 18h Streel, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (312122M555 tax AMLTD@aot.com e-mail Cascade Hotel and Club re.ii.l-- Material Reference PROPERTY t ohny rerrace tlo+ir- a eusn FINISHES Wancovering DATE fennrary?Z tsgg U VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 12200 - Carpet AML Job #: 93026-16 February 22, 1999 - Page 1 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1.1 The General Contractor in accordance with the specifications, Section 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to install where scheduled and shown on the drawings the carpet and pad as specified herein and shall furnish and install all other related necessary items. a. Install owner provided carpet and pad as specified herein. b. Fumish and install all thresholds, tackless stripping, door metals, elc. as required for installation. c. Provide Purchasing Agent with necessary takeoffs and quantity information as required to order all carpet in the correct quantities, length, roll sizes, dye lots, etc. for the entire projecl. 2. MATERIALSANDMETHODS 2.1 Material used in the fabrication and installation of this work shall be new and the best orade obtainable of their respective types. 2.2 Caroet: by Owner See Furnishing Volumes for individual specifications 2.3 Undedayment: Furnished by Owner a. 12 feet wide or as noted. b. 40 oz. Hartex pad or most appropriate like type pad compatible to Chicago climate a. #2580 Quality Tred-Mor Commercial Carpet Cushion or most like type pad compatible to local climate. 2.4 Tackless Skiooinq: Shall be Roberts "Smoothedge", or approved equal. 2.5 Door Metals and Edoe Trim: Shall be clamp-down type with no exposed fastening, unless otherwise specified. Exposed screws or nails are not acceptable. 2.6 Installation of the carpet shall be performed by skilled, experienced, journeymen carpet installers. Apprentices shall be used in accordance with the terms of the contractual agreement with the union and only when the use of apprentices is applicable under the terms of such Agreement. The work is to include all labor, equipment, material, and tools necessary for the completion of the job. The installation is to be in accordance with the carpet manufacturer's recommendations for the best installation practices. Workmanship shall be in keeping with the highest standards of the carpet installation industry. Anderson/Miller,Ltd. 329West18sStreet,Suite600 Chicago, lL 6ffi16 (312)226-2500phone 1312)226-25551u AUUD@gq!come-mait o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12200-Carpet February 22, 1999 - Page 2 U 2.7 General Contractor shall take all measurements necessary and prepare a schedule of quantities (yardage, rolls or square feet) of each material specified. The schedule shall be presented with bid proposal lo the Owner for purchasing. 3. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 31 Measurements a. Dimensions in the plans and specifications and the drawings are to be considered as approximates. Contractor shall be required to carefully check in the field all dimensions and other conditions affecting his work. The conhactor shall be held solely responsible for proper installation of the carpet in all areas designated. b. Contractor shall provide Owner with necessary information so lhat carpet may be obtained in rolls and widths that will avoid extra seams and reduce cutting and himming losses. Contractor shall be required to advise the Owner of desired roll dimensions so as to orovide proper roll lengths for long conidors and for large expanses of carpet that may require special installation considerations. Any cutting of carpet rolls due to access problems to other floors shall require Owner approval. The Contractor shall inspect the subflooring before commencement of work. The Contractor shall notify the Owner, in writing, of any condltions that will prevent him from producing satisfactory finished work. The start of installation of carpet by the Contractor shall be an indication of his acceptance of the subfloors and he will automatically assume the responsibility for any unacceptable finished work caused by subfloor condition (or existing padding, if reused) The Conhactor shall carefully broom-clean floors that are to be carpeted prior to the installation of carpet and padding. Removal and Replacement of Furniture and Equipment a. Removing and replacement of furnishings in place prior to the actual initial installation of the carpeting shall be by others. Contractor shall give Owner prompt and timely notice of the necessity such removal. lnstallation Prior to commencing installation of the carpet the Contractor shall confer with the carpet manufacturer concerning the most efficient and correct way of executing the installation. The manufacture/s recommendations shall be considered binding and final unless otherwise determined by the Designer. All installation techniques shall strictly adhere with industry standards. Conkactor shall be required to properly prepare the site for laying the carpet. The condition of the floors and 3.2 3.4 Anderson/Miller, Ltd 329 West 'l8h Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 22&2500 fione (312) 226-2555 fax AMLTD@aol.com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job # 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12200.Caroet February 22 1999 - Page 3 preparatory steps to insure a high quality installation shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor once the work has started. All carpet and underlayment shall be installed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the products used. lf mill flaws affecting the appearance, color, or texture of the carpet are discovered during laying operations, installers shall be required to notify the Owner at once. Cuts from rolls with such flaws shall not be laid withoul the specific approval of the Owner. Where carpet meets another floor material (i.e., vinyl, tile, quarry tile, terrazzo), blind metal edge stripping shall be used with the tightest possible joining, except where otherwise specified under these specifications. cutting of carpet at monuments shall be of an "H" type or similar to provide for substantially invisible closure should the monument be moved. Framing of outlets shall be secured over carpet to protect edges of cut. Final details at monuments to be approved by Designer to be approved by Designer. Dubl-Stik Installation should be as follows: Glue Down Cushion - Cushion should be installed in longest lengths possible with considerations for traffic patterns and seam placemenl. cushion seams should not ne direclly under carpet seams and generally should be at right angles to them. when this is not possible, shift cushion or carpet so that cushion seams are at least 6" to one side of carpet seams. Pressure sensitive adhesive should be used, however, multi-purpose adhesive of premium type only, can also be used. The floor should be coated with a continuous thin film of adhesive and the cushion should be installed when adhesive has become tacky. Folllow the adhesive manufacturer's inskuc- tions for details on applying adhesive. Glue Down carpet to cushion - For use between the cushion and tufted carpets with a secondary back or woven carpets only a quality brand Premium Adhesive should be used. Maintain proper size of notched trowel throughout installation. Do not use pressure sensitive adhesives for use between carpet and cushion unless manufacturer approves specific installation and application method. All carpet should be spread in room 24 hours prior to actual installation with room temoerature between 65 degrees and 95 degrees F. Carpetseams should be right angle to cushion seams or at least 6" to either side. Align properly and trim all seams before spreading adhesive. Do not double cut carpet seams where cutting tool will penetrate cushion. selecr appropriate adhesive and trowel notching depending on the coarseness of the carpet backing. Consult adhesive manufacturer. Use of quality premium adhesive and proper quantity is essential to successful installation. After sufficient open time, the carpet should be pressed down using two foot section of carpet tube, stiff brisile brush (not nylon), or roller weighing 50 pounds (or 75 pounds for woven carpets) achieving 1000/o contact. The following types of carpet can be glued down to cushion: woven wilton, woven axminster, tufted carpet with secondary backing ofjute or synthetic, tufted carpet with no secondary backing, tufted carpet with thermoplastic application of secondary backing of jute or polypropylene or fusion-bonded. Installation of carpet shall be tackless strip, Roberts "Smoothedge", or approved equal. Padding (cushion) shall be laid in largest possible lengths, using minimum number of 0. s. Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 West 18h Slreel, Sulte 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone 1312) 2262555 tax AMLTD@aotcom e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12200-Carpet February 22, 1999 - Page 4 sections, making sure that padding is securely adhered to the sub-floor with the padding cement as manufactured by Roberts Consolidated Industries, or equal, to prevent shifting, buckling, etc. All seams in rubber padding shall be joined by tape seaming and cemented with padding cement. All bubbles shall be knee-kicked out and a slight stretch applied to the padding. Cushion seams shall be laid out so that carpet seams will not fall directly over them. Padding shall be carefully laid so as to provide a good foundation for laying of the carpet. Excessive patching using small remnanls will not be permitted. g. Carpet is to be installed over padding in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations forseamingtechniqueandproperamountofstretchinlengthandwidth. Powerstretchers are to be utilized in order to obtain the proper tension on the carpet. Knee-kickers are nol considered adequate substitutes for power stretchers. Materials shall be cut and fitted tightly to walls, obstructions, corners, pipe fittings, and electrical, air conditioning, heating and ventilation outlets. Power shetching shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 degrees in all direction. Seaming lf lhe manufacturer has any special inshuctions regarding the seaming of the carpet as specified herein, the carpel contractor must abide by them. Seams shall not occur at doorurays and entries perpendicular to doors or entries. Additionally, seams occurring al doors parallel to door frames shall be centered directly under the door. Length seams shall be trimmed and joined in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. When installing pattern goods refer to detail drawings to see placement and direction of design. Repeattomatchatall seams. Carpetshall beproperlycuttoeliminatefrayingof thecutends,cutsbeingmadefromthefront,notthebackofthematerial. Cutsshall be made to insure continual pattern matching throughout. All cross-seams shall be cut and made on the wire. There shall be not cross-seams in lhe run of the conidors. Laying techniques shall be in complete conformance with the carpet manufacturer's recommended installation oractices. Hottape systems will be permitted if unconditionallywarranted {orthe life of the carpet by the manufacturer of the product and the carpeting. Heat seam tape shall be as recom- mended by the manufacturer. Seams shall lie flat with no visible puckering, pulling or distortion. e. When border is used refer lo detail drawing to see placement and direction of border. lf border has a stripe of pattern, special care must be taken to match repeat a stripe at g0 degree intersections. Seams at 90-degree intersection must be mitered. Mitered seams lo be either sewn or joined with hot tape as per manufacture/s recommended method. Protection And Clean-Uo a. The Contractor shall protect the carpet installation from damage resulting from the work of other tradesmen in the building, scheduling and responsibility to be coordinated with Qwner 0. 3.8 Anderson/Miller, Lld. 329 West '18s Street. Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (312) 22G2555lax AMLTD@aot com e-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTTON 12200 - Carpet AML Job #: 93026-16 Februarv 22, 1999 - Paqe 5 and building contractor. Carpet installed prior to completion of installation of the building furnishings and fixtures shall be protectively covered by the Conkactor. This covering shall be removed only when that segment of the work is completed and approval to do so has been issued in writing by the Owner. Carpet under any covering shall continually be inspected for mildew, etc. b. Upon completion of the installation of each area and at the end of each day, the Contractor shall remove all waste and excess materials and store all tools and equipment. c. Upon completion of the entire installation, or such segments of the installation as the Owner may prescribe, the Contractor shall carefully and thoroughly vacuum-clean the entire carpeted surface with an upright beater-type vacuum cleaner. All soil, spots, and stains shall be removed by methods recommended by the manufacturer of the carpet. All such work shall be done to the satisfaction of the Owner. d. Contractor shall be responsible for damage to any building surfaces caused by carpet installation i.e., paint, woodwork, doors, base boards, etc. e. The cost of removing and replacement of equipment and furniture necessitated by corrective or warranty work shall be borne by the Contractor. Contractor shall make timely anangements with the Owner for such removal and replacement as may be required. 3.9 Overrun And Usable Scrao a. All usable excess pieces of carpet, not necessary to complete the work, shall be packaged in wrapping suitable forstorage, clearly labeled and marked as to construction quality, color, and sizes, and be placed in an orderly manner in such area as may be designated by the Owner. 3.10 Conective Work a, The Contractor shall be required to repair the carpet, repair seams, joints and edges, ano removetwisting,puckeringorbubblesaftertheinitial installationhasbeencompleted. The exact time for performing of this work shall be lefl to the discretion of the Owner. but shall be within the firsttwelve (12) months afterlinal approval and acceptance ofthe original installation. Owner is to give adequate notice for performing the work so that the Contractor may make the necessary arrangements for doing the work. Once such notice has oeen given, the Contractor shall be required to promptly start the work and vigorously prosecute the conective work to a satisfactory conclusion. * a r r I END SECTION 12200' * *' * Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 West'18'h Street, Suite 6m Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (312)226-2555 fax AMLTD(Oaot.mm e-mail Hotel and Club Material Reference ,ROPERTYIot'byTenaceHospit.&B FINISHES Wamovering DATE Marcna tggg GYt vIUEG/Q!ncE SWATCH cP-1 Location: Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room Pattem: Checkmate Colon Queen 741$14304 Width: 12'-0' Wt./Ht.: 36 oz. tip shear- .313'pile height Content 100% Dupont Anbon Legacy Nylon Repeat 3/4'x3/4" Masland (312)527-3855 (312)527-3887 phone fax $21.95/yd cut price A cP-2 #v Location: Business Center and Conidor Pattem: Existing Field Carpel Colon Existing - (6) Color Field Width: 12'{' wt./Ht.: 44 oi.- .250'pileheight Repeat 36'x 36" - Carpet Pattem to align with -.- \ ,- \_z Salvaged Attic Stock from Demolitk xisting installation. cP-3 o Location: Meeting Planne/s Office Pattem: 2131-6854 room graphics diamond Color: Custom 5#193 Width: 12'-0" Wt./Ht.: 36 oz. Reo€t NA *.'-/- Hotel Attic Stock from Guestrooms \-,- cP4 2 Location: Lobby Tenace Hosp. Room Border Pattem: Indigo Color: 7012311 Width: 12" pairs - 8'with bleedoff removed Wt./Ht.: 38.8 oz. - .297" Content 8O/2OAxminster Ftclat' 2-1t2" ' >{ } Mr. Tomkinson c/o Axminster Carpets, Ltd. (800)35G5013 phone (212)935-6690 fax --t\-'-1 ---\-- o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SEcTloN 15010 - Mechanical AML Job #: 93026-16 February 22, 1999 - Paoe 1 1. SCOPE OFWORK 1..1 The General Conbactor in accordance with the specifications, SECTION 00700- GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to furnish and install the required number of plumbing fixtures as shown on the drawings and specified hereln. 1..2 The mechanical work shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Disconnect and remove existing bar sinks including faucets and hardware as noted on plans and specified herein. Remove all plumbing as required. b. Furnish and install new Service Station sink/faucet where noted. Reroute plumbing as required to service fixture in new location. Coordinate with Section 06400 - Carpentry. 2. MATERIALSANDMETHODS 2,1 Fill in plumbing fixtures. 2..2 Supply piping as necessary to tap existing service. All materials to be compatible with existing piping materials. Supply all fiftings, couplings, etc, to complete installation. lf necessary provide materials to extend plumbing drain at toilet. 2.3 Cold and hot water supply lines shall be a minimum of 1/2" diameter. 2..4 Drain lines shall be a minimum ol 1 112'diameter. 3. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3..1 Examine the substrates and supporting structure and the conditions under which the work specified in the section is to be installed and remedy conditions detrimental to the work. Do not proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been conected. 3..2 All work under this section shall adhere to governing mechanical and plumbing codes and industry standards. 3..3 Installation of sink units and faucets and reinstallation of existing shall be according to the manufacturer's specifications and/or industry standards and codes, which ever is more stringent. 3..4 Provide all connections to existing systems as required. 3..5 All drainage piping shall be given full static pressure text. 3..6 Hangers shall be of rod and ring or clevis type. 3..7 Thoroughly clean and test all new domestic water supply piping in accordance with code requirements before circulaling domestic water through the new pipes. Pressure test all new o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AT.ID CIUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOIIS SECTION 15010 - Mechanical Febuary 22,1999 - Page 2 i.-. Lobby Terace Hospilality Room and Business Center t- AMLJob#: 9302S16 U piping al 150% of operating pressure. 3..8 All old and hot water piping shall be insulted with 1'fiberglass insulation. 3..9 Fumish all holes and sleeves for installation of plumbing mrk. All sleeves and holes penetrating through floors shall be caulking weathertight. 3..10 Following installation olthe rvoil specified herein, he General Contractor shall patch all wall andbr slab surfaces to match existing. 3..11 Where fixtures arc io be removed, remove piping and cap behind point where not visible and not in conflic{ with new construction. r rr r r END sEcTloN 15010 r r. * r BALLAD 15" x l5' TAINMENT LY R IC 15" x 15' [-329&lH tyir Sclttinniq tntrddnmnt lint rith turop fuwct (X-l1930]. . 20-Gougs sloinlers steelwith llwhost underoOing t- [-3262-l tdod o l8-Gouge sfoinless $eel ltrln$ fdrct (l(-151.31. il / 1,.. *qtTl|.* ..: l uff,,{Yr ftnEa vtoplu: K-?ZSO- lll (I) D.dr r!0idy 0?Yfl. . tlishlishhd bod beod ond opionol .'.-.---{5 I T-T 1,.,.. -i I I .€-lgl I 0:0-lr l-l t-3262.2 ICE ffi ENF I(oHIER. ENTERTAINMENT lrovenre tvo.hondle cntcrtoinment sinl louret wifi goo:enxl twing spout ond rylinder hondlo in Molle Blo(f. . Wosherlest reromir v0lving ensures predse rloler (onlrol .5olid bross conslrurtion for yeon of relioble performonre 0rdrr rnodcl *ith dsirrd finirh to romplctr. ENTERTAINMENT finesre e0tertoinment ginl l0u(et with . Wristblode hondlel ore eosy to turn, o Wosherless ceromi( v0lving ensures . 50lid brois (onllru(lion for veors of 0rder modelwirh desired finish to romplete Levrr hondle produrtr ore l0A irlblodc hondles rn oolilhed brosl. ith roopy honds w0ler (0nh0l l4cDEL: Kl4+0b-g FINISH: CP UNIF: IADHI,EP FvlcE sI; B ?PUCET KOHLER VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 16010 - Electrical Power and Lighting February 22 1999 - Page 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK 11 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1.2 The General Contractor in accordance with lhe specifications, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials lo furnish and install the electrical work shown on the drawings and specified herein. The Electrical Work shall include but is not limited to the following: a. Furnish and install new recessed downlights in locations indicated. Remove and relocate existing downlights where indicated. Provide all necessary circuiting. b. Furnish and install newduplex and/orquad outlets as indicated on drawings and specified herein. c. Add Alternate #1 - Relocate existing switches, fire pulls/alarms and telephone receptacles affected by wall demolition, d. Remove and reinstall all ceiling fixtures (downlights, speakers, smoke detectors, exit signs, etc.) following installation of new gypsum board ceilings. e. Install new owner supplied sconces (hardwired) in locations indicated on the plan. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 z.o L.I 2.6 Supply all appropriate lamps to complete installation of fixtures as specified. All fluorescent lamps to be warm white full speckum (3200K) with instant-on. standard Duplex outlet: Leviton Duplex receptacle No. 5325 or equal to match existing. Ground Fault receptacle to be No. 6598-1. Slandard Fourplex Coverplate: Leviton fourplex coverplate No. 80409. Telephone receptacle to be Duplex RJ-1 1-c jack where noted on drawings. Both jacks to oe wired. Conduit shall be thinwall (EMT). Conduits shall be supported from building structure by beams ot approved conduit hangers or clamps. Minimum conduit size shall be 3/4". Junction boxes in ceiling and wall locations noted on drawings shall be galvanized. color of new receptacles and finish and design of new face plates shall match existing, unless noted otherwise. In general, all wire for use in interior dry locations shall consist of type THHN thermoplastic 600 volt insulated shanded copper conductors. No wire smallerthan No. 12 shall be used for lighting or power wiring. Anderson/Miller, Ltd. 329 West 18'h Skeet, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 226-2500 phone (312) 226-2555 tax AMLTD@aot.com e-mail o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center AML Job #: 93026-16 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 16010 - Electrical Power and Lighting February 22 1999 - Page 2 2.9 lf permifted by local code, under carpet cable may be used for relocation of lelephone and T,V. cable. Undercarpetcabletobeusedforrelocationoftelevisionandtelephone. Telephonecable to be modular plug 2-pairtelephone cable as manufactured by: Burndy Corporation Power Divi- sion. Install With Bottom Shield as recommended by the manufacturer. Television Cable to be standard coaxial data cable. Provide all tools and fittings necessary forcustom and varying lengths. 3. EXECUTION AND INSTALLATION 3.1 Remove existing light fixtures where noted and dispose of offsite. Locations as noted on drawings. 3.2 Examine the substrates and supporting structure and the conditions under which the work specified in this section is to be installed and remedy conditions detrimental to the work, Do not proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.3 The General Contractor under Section 09250 - Gypsum Drywall, after installation of light fixtures and outlets, shall patch to match adjacent finishes, as necessary prior to final installation of coverplates, finish trim, light trim, light diffusers, etc. 3.4 All wiring, including electrical, except under carpet cable if permitted, telephone and T.V. cable. must be run through conduit as specified. Conceal all conduit - coordinate with Section 06200 Carpentry and Section 09250 Gypsum Drywall. 3.5 All labor and materials to be in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vail, CO - Electrical Code as currently in force. * r * t* END SECTION 16010 r rr r r Anderson/Miller, Ltd, 329 West 18t Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500 phone (3121 226-2555lax AMLTD@aolcom e-marl l-1 l-b &awbtAor 4\24ffi 1.4/{.\F; tJUNo 6UPFPIO ?J2)Leo ,.,*!tkht"i L?-fEff: T613 50-75W PAR30 II4ACV HEID'ATY : Ib co E,uot5lses 6l-rAar T6tl 55W PAR16 WH, BL, RD, SA 4th" I T 2* 1 51t" T 4YB"t WH, BL, 174 Barn Doors RD, SA T556 Eyebrow T660 AccessoryHolder T56l-0 ColorFilters TS77 Eyebrow 1569 Louver TP6II TP6I3 T74 T556 T660 TSE!-6 T577 T50S T670 T57t-0 T58? T579 55W PAR16 A-25h'B-19ys" C-3y2" 50-75W PAR30 A-45h" B-19Ve" C-4Va" 45-150W PAR38 A-SYr" B- 1916" C-6" WH, BL, RD, SA WH, BL, RD, SA Barn Doors Eyebrolv Accessory Holder Color Filters Eyebrow Louver Acctssory Holder Color Filters Eyebrow Louver WH, BL, RD, SA 1 On/otf switch is standard. See pages 76 and 77 lor accessory descriplions. 'Fbtents: D313,867; 0313.481. tl 'rit .tutto tighting. inc. Finish Codc wH -While 8L - Back R0 - Bed SA -Satin Atuminum Pendant lllodels 12 Trac Tube Joiner Kits Mountings Trac Tube features: 2h" diameter extruded aluminum housing. Straight runs or geometric pafterns. Trac Tube assembly includes: tubular housing, end caps,Trac section and starter and end conneclors. Finishes: WH, BL, RD, PB, CH with Trac finishes to match except RD Trac Tube with BL Trac. Trac Tube is a version of Trac lighting but with an added dimension.The tubular form provides a design statement that is refreshing and practical. Can be surface, pendant or wall mounted. 0ne-Circuit TT4 4'Trac Tube assembly TT8 8' Trac Tube asembly TT503 Straight Joiner Kit joins two Tnc Tube sections in a straight run. Includes electrical jumpers, joiner bracket and joiner cover. Can be used for one or two-circuit Trac fubes. WH. BL IT524 90" Right Angle Corner ioins two Trac Tube sections. Includes electrical jumpers and loiner brackets. Can be used for one or two- circuit Trac Tubes. WH. 8L TT528 Surface Mount Bncket lor mounting on T-8ar or rigid ceiling. Suppons Trac housing 1|1" lrom ceiling. Use two for each Trac Tube section. Can be used lor one or twscircuit Trac Tubes. TwcCircuit TTU4 4'Trac Tube assembly TTUB 8' Trac Tube assembly TT520 Flexible Accordian Joinerjoins two Trac Tube seclions. Adiusts from 60' to 300: Includes electrical jumpers and joiner bnckets Can be used lor one or two- circuil Trac Tubes. WH. BL TT529 Wall Mounl Eracket lor mounting Trac Tube lrom wall. Trac Tube extends 171A" tron wall. Use two for each Trac Tube section. Can be used for one or two-circuit Trac Tubes. WH, BL TT5g5 Pendant cable for T-Bar ceiling. Mechanical suspension for one or lwtrcircuit Tnc Tubes. Adiustable 48" cabte. WH, BL TT596 Similar to above but with 48" electrical feed llexible wireway and wires. TT597 Pendant cable lor rigid ceiling. Mechanical suspension for one or tlvedrcuit Trac Tubei Adjustable 48" cable. WH, BL TT598 Similar to above but with 4S" electric leed flexible wireway and wires. i L U L-l tn NDANT outtf I FI DoFk..Exlgt fi|6tr5gz7,I o' JlJllO lighting, inc. UIUPE TD o VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 18000 - Furnishing Coordination AML Job #: 93026-16 February 22, 1999 - Page 1 1. SCOPEOFWORK 1.1 The General Contractor in accordance with the specifications, SECTION 00700 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, shall furnish the necessary labor and materials to perform the requirements of the work soecified herein. 1.2 The extent of Furnishing Coordination and Installation shall include but is nol limited to receiving and installation of FF & E goods as follows: a. Artwork to be attached to wall by cleat. b. Minors to be attached to wall by cleat. 1.3 Installation of work to be done by others, in coordination with Furniture Coordinator: a. Carpet b. Drapery c. Salvaging d. Any other subcontractors including but not limited to: (1) Carpenters (21 Painters (3) Wallcovering Installers (4) Electricians (5) Mechanical Contractors 1.4 Furniture Coordinator to provide the following: a. Adequate warehousing for owner supplied furnishings and transportation of furnishings to job site. b. Daily receiving reports of deliveries with delivery tickets and packing slips attached. c. Competent supervisors familiar with hotel installations and operations. d. Delivery schedules and progress charts of the installation to be submitted in bar chart form. e. Trash removal from working areas on a daily basis. f. Filing/follow-up of freight claims. S. Schedulingof FF&Eworkbyothersasdescribediniteml.4, Coordinationwithall other construction trades, C. - Anderson/Miller,Ltd. 329West186Street,Suite600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312)226-2500phone (3121226-2555fu AMLTD@aot.come-mail VAIL CASCADE HOTELAND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS ^- Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center SECTION 18000 - Furnishing Coordination tlt AMLJob#: 93026-16 February22, 1999-Page2 I v h. Expediting of all merchandise as per specifications and purchase orders. i. Furniture installer to work in off-hours and evenings as required by the job schedule. 1.5 Owner/Operator will provide the following: a. Oflice space close to the loading dock for the duration of the pro1ect. b. Telephone service for contacting suppliers. c. Air conditioning, heat and electricity as needed during the installation, including office space. d. Use of a copy machine for the duplication of receiving repods and packing slips. e. Adequate vertical fansportation from ground level of project to various floors or levels where FF & E work shall take place, including operator, if required. f. Adequate security during the period of installation. 1.6 FF & E labor shall comply with all local and state union codes and local conditions. 1.7 Time Frame: to be determined by the Purchasing Agent. 1.8 Contract All verbal agreements shall be null and void affecting the contract price and conditions. r r r r r END sEcTlON 19000 * r r r i Anderson/Miller,Ltd. 32€Wesl 18d'Street,Suite600 Chicago, lL 60610 (312)22&2500phone (312) 226-2555fax AMLTD(Oaot.come+nail VAIL CASCADE HOTEL AND CLUB GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Alternate List February 22. 1999 - Page 1 | .-, Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room and Business Center '\t Alv'lLJob* 93026-16 b LIST OF ALTERNATES Alternate #1 Remove wall partition indicated in Lobby Terrace Hospitality Room, relocate all electrical devices and install new metal railing as specified. Alternate #2 Install new Front Bar at Lobby Tenace Hospitality Room as indicated on drawinos. AndersorVMiller, Ltd. 329 West 18n Street, Suite 600 Chicago, lL 60616 (312) 22&2500 phone (312) 22S2555 fax AMLTD@aot.corn +mail C 5 LE6END (2) RfRl€€R.\ToR wrrg Al@ (? colDEl.€€Rg g A 0 6 M U I @ m @ a GI Floor OvLleL Telephone receplacle al lr4" all Dvplex ovLlol. at 14" att. h{all sconce al lO'-5" alt I4etal svppltl gr^tlle at celllng Qeaker aL calling Celllng movn'"ed sprlnkler head Smoke delector ol cetllng LlghLlng moveled on Lop ol beam Flre pvll o! xoll Speaker ol xall ExlL Slgn EXI9TIN6 CONDITIONS F OOR P AN @ LOBBY TERRACE HO9PITALITY RM.l/b" = l'-Ou FINI9HE9, VINYL 1^{ALL6OVERI N€, CARPET| N6, AND 2-I/2"H VINYL STRAIEHT BA5E tl f S o :i o x ll' AFF gtLL r{lr{ 2'N90.ePoNZE F&foRf Ftt{ FRAI.€ a +tnD Pfo. '.D. S|LL €RANITE 1O? '.@ Fre> FROTIT AI.@ EA'K BAR PfD. t@o FA%|A POCKET FOR S.UTTER tR.gs .4n'H xr-tn' i CoNTIHJAJ9 FAlt CO|L q 4' -N/Cable recaptacle -, . . n / -,;,/fuvnt' L rinil"r ^ l\./ |w ,^ ,l+* o.,,ut,Lro h1',\" L z nF < lo J l0 tL Otr CI{}z ,;o ;: l Fu : no o i!z-L o Ht o ?3 rn 0l i2t F 0., A,o' r j! ^1,v - ,o G!,5.It o CONTINUOIJS TRACK LI@HT LMOD WX OEAM COVER PTD. OYP. OD CL6. ?1D. OYP. ED CLO, l^{lTH h{r). TRIM LE@ENP g Floor OvtleL a Telephone recegLacle at 14" atl 6 Dvplex ovblel at 14" atF. FOR ROLLIN6 9+IUTTER CIJR!r'ED RETIJRN 6RILLE tl' nall eco^ce aL lO'-5" alt m VeLal svpplg grille ol ceiling ,poD BEAM wx @ gpeaker at ceitrng PTO. rc. BOX BEAM AJFPLY REeISTER AT FACE OF WX e/EA\'^.4 TYP, @ E @ a €t E Coillng movnLed sprinklec heod 9rnoke deLeeEor aL celllng Ligtaling movnLed on top ol beam Flre pvll al xall 9peaker Exir- gign TYiCable recepLocle ACCE51 PANEL 71D, '\D. BOX BIEA'^/' FA%IA FOR SHUTTER o 1.-4,.LAY-IN TIN T,{D. WX gJRROL,ND CLE. AFF EXI9TIN6 CONPITION3 CEILINe PLAN o L,-oaBY TERRACE HOSp-:TAL|TY RM. o @o o o EEo l/b" = l'-O" z nF { rl J -,v * dp C'z{} J.- l.rJ J 0 O hJ:Fo A no z Y0 o'r = lp (J 6b o^(F zv.. t- .n arl x <0 UJ >J ! 5 v 14. ExisLinq HV door and Frame Lo r emain. Prep Lo receive ne.l. painL FiniEhes at =pec'd 15. CvL porLron and reaork exitling f an coil unil as reqvired Lo allon f or insLallalion ol nev,t back bar and alvminum eLorefront door. @ E @ a +1 LE6END g Floor Attlet o' Telephone receplocle al |4" ali t Dvplex ovtlet at 14" atl . O r,i.oll sconce aL lo'-5" all n lll Metal suoolu arille Lf oE cetling A9 fteaker aL ceiling . Ceiling movnted sprinkler head 3moke deLecLor at cotltng Llghtlng mounled on Log ol beom Flre pvll ot nall Qeaker at xoll Exlt Stgn 'fY/Cable receplacle 4. OEI4OLITION NOTE3, l. CompleLelg gvL exisLingbar ol all covnterlo?s,cabinele, sinks, f loor and ^all f iniEhes. Tvrn over eqvi?menL Lo hoLel f or sLoraqe. paLch/preo c'll afFecLed areas. RerovLo- plvibinq as reqviied Lo iervice naN sink aL ServiLe SLaLTon. pvll'Cao rerovLe all olher mechanical/elecLrical ifem=.2. complelelg remove exisrinq froor and nar finishas lhrovghovL. Prep a.eai Ld receive ner.t ae eoec'd.?rep xalls and skim coaL ,\alls bo achieve smooth svrf ace as reqvired f or insLallalion ol nert Nall_ c-over.ing. .Salvage carpe:l to noLe l.t. c.,om?teEetg remove exisling vingl base and prep Lo receive nebt ae sho^n in A-l-and lF-|. Remove and rerovle bar heiah| ovlleL Lo nert locabions as shonn in A-1. e6tcn all affecied area ExisLing recepbacles, sv\iLches, Lhermost oLs, F ire pvll/alarm, elc Lo remah LhrovqhovL vnless noLed otheraise Existing blank plale al r^rall Lo be relocaLed Lo heighL and locaLion as shor..ln in A-l . ?aLch all attecLed areae. CompleLelg remove blanl.l plaLe aL wall. pull all associaLed xiring and Valch/prep all alfected area3. CompleLelg remove sLorelront unif as shonn and ?re? area lo receive ne4 unil nith dovble qlazed doors as shown in A-1. Complebelg remove AooC foscia, shvLier= and Lracks. ?alch/Prep/Repair all alFecled areas. ComgleLelg remove built-in bench. ?aLch/prep all altecled areas. ADD ALTERNATE #I. \eyove p_orEion of r,.rall and railing ae shonn doLled. Prep area lo recelve n6t^t ralllnq os shonn in AD-|. Relocale all electrical djvices afFecLed bg wall demoliLion Lo nen locaLion shoxn in A-1. BA9E BID, H6\L-JFJ.-- -rT-nfr- -_Et_ud q. I r:-+-- ----::.=_-_+ Exisbing n'all and railr1g to remoin. prep lo receiv neN Finisheg a9 spec'd. CompleLelg remove door (Frame Lo remoin). ExisLing millnork door and lrame lo remoin. conlinved... I t- DEVOI ITION FI OO? PLAN @ LOBBY TERRAc HO3PITALITY z nF < lo tJ0 ilOtr n {i O 'li O t'o J ho LL;o .I z \o q ?3 F 0.' - U) ol J {F o o, lrJ ;f o i: o -.v ^.v OEUOLITION REFL. CLG. NOTE5,l. CompleLelg remove all ceiing LhrovghovL Lhal is noL gg? bd Remove and salvaqZ all liqhr fixLvres, exiL signs, speakers, smoie aeLe,jtors,sprinkler heads, HVAC regislers, access ganels, f or reinsLallaLion in same Toco\ion in nan Leifina.Patch all alfecled areag 2. Existing vtood box beam throughovL lo remain.Prep lo receive ney^t millnork Erim and oainL f inishes. 3. Complelelg remove exis|inq vtindovt Lr ealmenL,- Lr ack=, r o lling s1vLLers, I ascia, elc.PaLch/prea oll allecLed area3.4. Completelq remove rollinq shuLLers and and shvLLer fascia aLbar. edLch/erep all affecLed areag. ComgleLelg remove exts|ing Lrack light. RerouLe iillfl T {Z?i."ed Lo aervice non dbnntighLs as b. Remove ?orLion ol dvct and curved arille al exhavsL venL shovtn. F,rovide nen Flai arille plaLe wilh size and locaLion similar Lo ixisLina.1. Remove and relocate dov.tnlight. palch/Repitr all allecLed areas. LE6END DEYO ITION REFLECTED .',EILINE PLAN LOBB\' TERRACE HOS"ITALITY RM. E Floor OvLlel a Telephone reccplacle ob 14,, alf 6 Dvplex ovLleL ol l4', aFl. tP lrrlall sconce dL tO'-5" c}t n lxl Mehat svpptg gritte U at cetltnb' - W freaker oL ceiltng . Celllng movnl,ed sprlnkler head W Smoke deLecLor al celllng t--t Llghtlng movnLed on Lop ol beam trFl FLo pvll al Nall @ Speoker A ExiL 5tgn -fY/Cable receolacle ACCE15 PANEL CrT\--r | \J4 -'; a 6a r:-ii r r fltl r ll . ,*1 C EE ul znF J rb o_ J0 () M (J "* i tl uJ 'n O ili n Fo r.r 09 F TU O -I LJ i He UJ IJU or {o f 't L 6 ?n t0 J\oro > ;n uJ {.0 o >J LE6END -s fAor OvllaL .'I Telephone receplacle at 14" att ----6 Dtplex ovllct, al 14" aff . l.loll scotYe al lO'-5" atl Motal svpplg Erllla al colllng AIR.-,HI'IECII)NOTE9. I Install tor' @ gpeakar at c;artltng A rrt v I @ ffi @ a J>l 2. ADD ALTERNATE *2 9tM.3. 4. 5. 6. Collhg movnled sprlnkler haad 9noka deteclor at calllng Llghtlng movnba.d on bp ol beam Flro pvll at xall Speakcr al nall Extt 9tgn TY/Cabla receplaclc 1. b_ q. lo. 12. t3. t4. I ARoH'L. FLOOR PLAN @ LOB Y TER CE HO9PITALITY RM. Prep bolh sldes Lo recelve ner..r finlehes Relocaled receeLacles os sho,,,ln L an\Lt"l :i hYmLwM t ,2.4.4 ov,ner svoolled caroellna I oaddlna :ilDtnstatttlton. rurntsh da dgyatl J nem vWyWZarpet, snap domn lransltlon shrlp as lndlcated on dranlnas. lnstaf f ncr. o^ner suppfiea r.aificoverlng as tndt- calod on draw'lnc.s. ?rovlde clear slllconc cavlk al all dooi/mlndon lrames, mlllnork and baEc. Provlde nax mtllxork base throvqhovl. (lFD-2) ?rovlde neN vlnql comr.oslllon ttl6 lloorlnas crnd 4" hlgh vlngl covZ baEb ntthtn Servtce 9lEdbton Room. ?rovlde nex butlt-tn mtllNork back b,r. ADD ALT. *2. ..?rovldc nan mlllnork tront, bar as shonn ln FD dramlng. Atr,P ALT. *I3 ?rovlde nl-.n 42"h mclal qvard ralllna and 3'-O" hlgh stafr ralllng al sLatrZs shonn. %e Atr,-l dranlng I oc addltlonal Informatlon. lnstall na.t^ obtner svpplled sconces o helght to be determtned b) brchtl,ect. Rctocali J-box as reqvlrcd b servlce aL nen locaLlon. F-lmmc.r sNlLch- ?rovlde ne ?'-O"x1'-O" mlllnork stlle and rall door. 3ee FD-1 and FO-IQ. ?rovlde na.n hard- t\aae ds spec'd. Provlde nen mlllnork carslna lrlm aoolled lo exlsllng hollo"l- melal frama' as =lhd'ilv:t h FD-1. Prep hollom meEal trame Lo recelve nelx palnl. ?rovlde ne 3'-O"x1'-O" mlllxork door and hollorl metal lrame wlth applled caslr:g trlm as ghonn ln FD-1 and FD-b.'irrovtde nefr hardnare as spec'd. Provlde nem glasblc lamlnatc set\lce stalton covntertop, base cablnel-and shelveg above as Ehohrn ln draxlnqs. Provlde ne,r- s|dlnless glcel slnk and lavcet set as spec'd. Provlde or rewolrk exlstlnq storelronl unlt to lnclvdo neyt 5'4oxb'-b" divblc alvmlnum ovt- smlng glazed tor lnformatlon.15. Provlde nex xol exlsllng deck. 5ee FD-14. 16. t1. tb.g. 20. Provlde nex vlngl snap down T Lhreshold as spec'd. Provlde nab! carpet lo carpeL gcam. Provlde nen ADA compllanl anodlzed bronze fhreshold. Provtde nex lull helghl partttton nall ol EQ (bolh sldes) on 3-5.Ib" metal elvds andQQlti' .(o o-;z.a oS ora -c', o)o, I EN ol O6l ;v 't 'li &s F 0 0 t i 0 !o o 0 I 0 0 0 L L 0 F l)l) 0 J zn J; L { J-1 < 1,1 E6 lr bx T6 ,a r6 O ri :*n$q =!?"? e;if;l .-o.Y;>e$6-( l/b" = l'-O" lqt,tr[f a"&t fu/4',rw r91 Wrlaz-4q4 ,o RELEoTED CEILIN€ PLAN NOTEg,l. Provide neyq ggp. bd..clg. Lhrovghovb as shoan (5/b" ggp. bd. on 3-5/b' meLal sLvd hangars) maintalnin g same helghts as shonn ln ER6-1. ?rep celllng to cecelve net+ palnt grade mlllNork cromn ^and ADD ALT. SI .W palnl Flnlshes-aE 3. 2.Provlde nem movldlng oh.tn rece Ie@ EEAI-,{E NEN FLAT 7fD. EYP. OD CLO. NITH CROI^O.| TRIM NEI^{pTJ'. €YF.Op CLE. l^llTH 6RPl"[.] TRIM nem painL finighes. 5ee FD-7 and FD-5 lor addlllonal lnfo. RelnsLall all flxLures - llghts, speakers, sprlnkl er he ads, smoke detecbors, access panels, eLc. unless olhernlse noled (see DRC-I) in same locablons In nen ceillng. Relocabed donnllght. Provlde nen exhavsE reglsler grllle Eo replace cvrved one al nell llab celllng. Aller dvct reqvlred and a|Fected by nem cetltng tgpe and grllle tg?e. Provlde nen Evrlace movnLed exll, slgn al locablon shonn Install nen ob\ner svpplled NlndoN bredhmenls (draperg and lrack mechonlsms). Provlde adequate blockt@ In celllng/sof f lt !o properlg svpporL enblre nelx sgshem. h{;lpe clean From dlrl and grtme all exlsllng lo remaln llghts, alorrm, avdlo, HVAl',, sprlnklers, ebc. Flxtvreg. Provlde new domnllghts allgned hrlth axistlng al locallon shonn dimmer sNltch logeEher wibh exlstlng ad)acenL domnllghts.lO. Provide net concealed . accese panels aL nen gg?.bd. ceiling as reqvired lor main- lenance and servlee. 4. 5. b. 1. b. (.o I (c)e{o F/-)o) c o o o E Z BF < lo "-,dp o{i Z to - LJf J FO " 9r O'I o H3 H fii 36:L1o u1! :'ilq =!?^? e;iFq 9,Y;:es6-( KtrT CTED ILINE AN@ OBBY ITALITY RM. A{DB\w{/\ 3-24 92 .(o o';z.L (\t r|O o ra)?o, T ]L o,O) I EN ol Ac{ c .o vt o E ADD ALTERNATE *2 E tt a 5'Ft-Agl-l HM FRAME FAN COIL @\r'ER 4 I,\oOO SILL 6OIJNTERTOP C gPLA*I ili dls [:Fo nr g$ Txi I (o tn 8!-<F 70^ 13 -=O lt $: BORDER CARFET /i TINIsHES FLoop- PLAN @ LzBBY TERRAoE HaaPITALITY RM.tl \2 l/b" = l'-O" i EFHi frdqij * l?-? E[iFl ? si:i 'o I v O ADD ALT. #I CROhIN MOLDINo EXI5TIN6 C WX BEAM TRIM TYP..BO C C 9oFFIT FACES EXISTIN6 OYP.BO CLO. NEA oYP.90 CLe. EXI9TIN6 PID. OYP. AD CLO. oR'tLLEs (1-(".) TYF. ACCE19 PANELg NEI4 FLAT vrD.6Y?. AO CL6. NITH 6ROI^IN TRIM 1 *FFIT FACES CRO'^{N MOLDIN6 4 WX BEAM TRIM TYP. l"{D. BOX BEAM 6RILLE9 (TYP) NE14 PID. OYP. BD CLE. h{ITH CROb{N TRIM C *FFIT FACE'S ,{,cD wx BEAM 6RILLE5 (TTPJ NEA ?TO, OYP. EO CL6. cRol^{N MOLDIN6 4 WX BEAM TRIM TYP. FINI5HE5 REFL. CEILIN PLAN o OBBY TERRACE HO??ITALITY RM. x o oo oo oooooa o @o o o Eao E o o o o .o l/b" = l'-O" (o' I TC) 9! ----- t.rr)q) ',i<?i 6 &l'- c.Jl '; l(l,c! oa z nF < l;_.r -L i L0r I {}Z-= = l,!u Fo o oo J h Hs oa (o 0l A As IJ (F r v.n ,6 7 -!a (o l- )-t d8:a>t'oio --_HBio o4'/N.L'4 "' 9.; J 3l?"?)trs0 o -;{0 g Frls LY;>eH6-{ A ADDa!,puM 'o LI4ITINE AT TOP OF BEAM TYP. TYPICAL l^llNPohl, 6',-b"wxb'-o"Hx 2'-O-I/2" AFF 9TAINED 3' DEVTH AOOD SILL 3'-3" l'-4 | 24"H ?TD. OYP. BD BEAM aOFFIT IMll sconce l*l,elal svpplg at celllng 3?eaker al ceillng Celllng movnted sprlnkler head Smokc debecl;or ab celllng Llghllng movnted on lop ol beam Flre pvll at Nsll Speaker al Noll Exll 9tgn LE6END s Floor OvElet,o Telephone receptacle at 14" atl d Dvplex ovtlel aL 14" aff.'-2 l/2" _l_'-_ll. CONTINUOUg FAN COIL UNIT (5-3/4"DX q"H) TYP. al, lO'-5" all grllle ,A_\7 m @ @ u A\g S I _l o N I + ll l/2" 2',-b 3/4', HI do .F $g OYP, BD. FtNt*tE5, VINYL I4ALLCOVERIN€, CARPETINe, 9TAINEP WOOD hllNDOl^{ FRAME9, glLL AND 3''H BAgE ANP PAIN'IE:O HOLLOh{' METAL DOORS AND FRJAME9 THROUEHA)T. t tf) o MTL. THRE+IOLD +-2b'-1" ,A \]7 TJ @ o- @ m @ a frv hfi qt \DF ds C?T. TO CPT, 'r'TYP. TrP.\ |cLo.^LOPE5 | | 14'-5n EXI3TIN6 CONOITIONS trLOOR S CEILIN@ PLAN @ FU3INE33 CENTER l/4" = l'-O" .(o oT z.I -oB Or.., -o, .i- tll o,o, I ER ol OGI \l E g v, (D E znL j lo (L O.P e'5 0du i ?, 8 H3 e[! F 00 I -rl illn 3=i$q lr?-? itlnB gFR*5 ?*r:i T-11O. PLANNER'g OFFICE l. 2. 3. 4. -------5. Complctelg remoye exlsllng car?cl and pad ln netl l4eellry Plorner'E olflce ana! 4tslnegs Center onlg 4 salvaqc lor relnstallaLlon as shor{n ln lF dw.a. Completely ?emove extsllng walloovertnq (a( lagers) al neyt Meetlng Plou.rrrlr-.r's olFlce and A)ehegs a BU5INE99 cENTER 6. 1. to. il. t2. t3. to. tq. t4. lngtafl na* cqeol tp cqeoE soqrt. Pallcrrn b qllan. Exletfnq wcilna aA pda xttfiln araa ovlgtdc t*loEttna PlarmaTb o*tcc fuaisirl,ess Cenlor Eo * rcmova,d d ralnEtalla,d ae ehann ln tha lF dranlrvs. Exlstfng wallcoverrlnq nlthln qca ovl€ldo Vreiailhq Plarmr olllcc-anrdB'tslrplss'igontcr b rcmaln at xall ndlcated- all doorlnlndow frqrle.s, mlllnork and bagc. Exlshlng lloor ovtlet to comaln. ProvJda ncn 2'-lO"{l'-On mlllxork door ond H.M. trame. Provlde ncm hou,.dlcre at doors as s?actd- (l/fu-l) ?rovlde n<z* 2LO" deptll plosllc lam. covnLerLops, base c&lnels, ghelveg and'splashes per FD dra*lnds. ?rovlde ner* Erommet hbles at Lovnterto? to - allorr accoEc lo receplacles bln. See OC ryec. Remove ard relocete phone receplocle aFtectad bg nen xall. = ro a )-carpaY demo \ etop polnb I parllllon w.all to mabh axlettnq throuqhout. fngtalf rla,* oqncr stwltcd hafdntrad-secr ccs at, I Ehohfn. Ocrfipr of llxfura dl ?'-2" afl. 4-lrcvll as t 20- ?ranldc ncw door sbp as spec'd. 21. Provldo nax dlmmar shrttahhg at Nall al 4b' all to ccn|'€rll(p.22- lngtaff rp on e? svpglled, & tnglalled xlndox lrcahn (nood bltndg). ?rovldc adeqvatc blooktng ta propcrly Provldc nan 3'h x 3/4'd slalned aood besc al nen svpport sgstam. 23. lnetalf now dala compvtcr ltna and reccptaclc lted to Hotal's cotrpular natylork at lor*,allon sho!^tn. 24. Instalf nem mood lrench tn-shtlnqlnq r,llndor^rs at locallon shoNn. 5tgle, prottle, stze ond -muiilon epadnq lo maLch exlsllng nlndone and caslnq trlm 0aoth itdes| Oldzlnq Lo be slngle pane. 5l,aln f intsh-bo match exlsllng nlndoNsl ExtsLlng ovllcLs, tcleptlona reaplaoles, smoka dcbcbr, Flre Vlls ourrd lqr coll vnlt b rcmaln throvghov| vnlcss nolc? ofhr-lrutsc- Exlstfng strllned aood bagc lo renatn. fnstalf ltclr owrer s?plled xalloovertrq doolh sldes ot ^(as lndlcaf.cd In lF shielt. Provtdc cle& slltconc oavlk al c g o (D E znL < ll J0l :-[i dtt u5 J'o n HI t 8c r ('- 6'q rid ADb-NDUM DEMOLITIOI.{,/ARCHITECTURAL NOTEg, Centpr onq. ?rep rrall smooth l(2r nel{ uallcoverlna. It nccossdg sklri' coat "i.all lo achtove gmooth gwffuc. Relngtall salvaacd careel qrd rpn oqd in r4,eollna Pfannar's ottlcd ad 9)gtncgg oenbr * Ehonn tn IF pla lr. ?rovlde nen dvplex recepfaclc.16- ?rovlde rpn tclephene reccptacle.11. Provldlz ncx full-hctd'ft oarlttton rqall of 5/b' auo. bd. (b;ctl'r Etdos) on 3-5/b" iaotat slvdE xlth bctt fiJirtattan. Prcp bolfi sldog ol nall lp racclyc nox llnlghas as 3?cc iAunclvr sUJd bo cafhc&al cetltng soctrclg. Eutld ncyl irall = a?ov d exbllng lancotl regbl,e?. Patnt +eglslcra Edqe ol Hall allqns nlffi edge of bclam ARcHITECTURAL FLOOR PLAN @ BU9INE 33 CENTER l/4" = l'-O" A *pDEr'tDA4 FITE. PLANNER'g OFFWE DEMOLITION/REFLECTED 6E I L IN€' PLAN NOTE5. t.Painb exlst. drgwall/po?corn ceiltng and soFliL indicaLed on dramings. Prior to painling, wipe clean trom dlr! and-arime. Preo' ceitina svrlace lo provide ildeqvale slrface.' Furnlsh and lnslall neN pendanl hvng Lrack and llghf f,ixtures. Dimmer shrltah aE shomn. 2. 3. 4. All exlstlng llght, olarm, ovdto, Hry'Af-, sprtnkler Flxbvres, eLc. to remaln unle:is noted oiherr\ise. Alpe clean lrom dlrt and qrlme. Pr ovide ner.t ev??ly reglsder al ceiling Eo mahch exlstiiq 6E Fiistness Cenberl alter dvchtaork as reqvired bo service naN .reglsber. ""?? grllle to recetve naN patnl. Provlde new hardmlred smoke debecEbr al celllng lo malch exlshlng aL Bitslnesg Cenber. Remove exlsling light flxtures mhlch occure aL beam- Pull all associaLed wiring and palch and prep all allecbed areag bo rEceive nebt a?lnl. Remove and relocate sprlnkler head bo new localion sho!"ln in plan. Palch/?rep all dllected areds as reqvlred lo recelve nen painb. RelocaLed sprinkler head. ExLendtkrovLe piplng as reqvired bo servioe. Exisfing llght llxture at beam Lo rematn. ?rovide nem exlb siqn at celllnq to malch exis|ing lhrovghovl.- r htlth sl ExLend/ TYf,.?. TYP. 1. b. il. .2. q. lo. t3. t4. Open- Remove and relocale epeaker aFFecfed by nen r,rall consbrvcllon- Palch all ollecbed areas and prep Lo recelve ne* palnb Eo ad)acent. RelocaLed speaker. ?rep exlsllng grllle lo recelve ner',t patnb. c o lt 5 o u, fftu lk6? BUSTNE znL 1lo " ul g {; iil() tJ 9 o'0 n H3 h 8r I6i; tr- -r l Hsm REFLECTEO CEILIN@ PLAN O F,U3INE93 oENTER t/4" BU5INE95 oENTER Fan coll cover I exposed aces 0r ,lallons covnlerEop, lashes, lves, dranerE, el.c) 9ee rellecEed ceiling plan. A rom{Du\^ Fan coll cover fr door HM fr 4 door (room Vfi'O. PLANNER'5 OFFICE HM.frame / -......,.-,....-! *-o l^r ea@ -/ 4 soiflt Note, i-pr;l Cetl|ng r,egtsl.er and | - | smoke debecLors Lgp. __l .@l :Jl -oSl o rol - orl T ]L o,o, I gR C'l ct cl \l ,g o )4t,5 "o e 7EL (3t J "t o- no d() fl ?, I HI tn 8r -(*7 oll -s) L.r<m i EH$i frde*.: =!q"?)Hle0 E Eerq ?xi:i FINISHES PLAN @ F,U3INE35 CENTER t/4' 'o o (o cit Z.o 6l oo on -q) I N \r- qt O) I (\l pGr i'l oc! _\l g, .9 .2 o e, #l3fi\lA M v rru_.I r()l I i 4L 1AY\ a eff1 v iF [;; oll fii rtI - o^ Ii! o l-l(o leT lz@ lc\loo lo tf)l- ot N D q,g! I N sql C,l O(\r -11 c- .o v, o E ,o o GT I v v ii [;; oll let I Hs t8i :(F - ox )i! i E;*i Eiiil (o <it z..o c! l-o o lo rn l- o) qs\ t C\ \\- q, o) I NI gql ol osl c- .9 v, o e, ffi il s ]+ \s N til HE] ,o D o (o lol lz@ I c\l l.o o lor-)l-) ot {" I tr u_ o,o) I c\gql o1 oc! L, .9 U' o e u "\F k 3 I I I I -=Kl FEl o G U y ii [;; oti lti r[i - 0" )ii i EE*il ffdrHi ir3;3 6-^-q0 H Isi:o (o <it z.<o N oo or) - cl, \n t b. \- o,q) I c\t gql ol Oc\ c- .9 vt (D E 'o ic I - v iI [;; otl l?l : Hg r[i - 0r Iji __TIAJVl ffirftwE 3ffitA o (o <it lz<o t(\l Loo lo fo l- ol s H ol CD I (\l gqt ol 6C\ <tl c-o v,'t o E a\. a c v ii [;; oll )sl rHt J {o rui - o^ Ii! -+lqf al coflvgrcrl i-l2'T-::I--.- (") tu-l :$ .o a 5 al vlouvAilra;real1 Fr-T-] LLtlT *--_--ts-_ Y ffie .rE 5lwt trD? easrilc4 rsrl4 iqil1r,frtlr!.w4A,r[rif alz' tlt4t+ 1{ft F (o <it z.<D C\T -oo oro -g) r F o,o, I GI gq'ol oc{ -11 <-tl c- .9 o o G. v i5 [;; 0p; )er rHt d (o rli -. (.,)f x Ii! a (o <it z, <o (\l -o0 orO -qt s N \t- g)q) I (\3qt ol oc{ c- .9 v, (D e, rlj \J t LJ (l) G U \\l t-r+ N $ \:=s 5 a v iF [;; 04 )sl rHl d (o rli - 0, )il a l-l(o l;T l=R llro lo r.,I- o, $- F o,o) I (\I gql ot o(\l -11 \l c- .9 o (D e, a 5 a v ii [;; oll tel j Ht r[i :0^ )ii tbrv, l-#-rlrfu'h,lrlr ,'a ?e?\Act 3TAT\4 <+-{)-\ i E;*i frdqHj 3[3;3 EEI*q ?si:i (o <it z..o (\ -oO oro '1 0r q N \r- o)q) I (\gq' 0l tr3 c\ A \J c .9 t o E I -l -----?' TL N __J $Z 1l_) _.l 6 G -2. \F g q [] \TJ \-z- 'l -_--_} I I I ?,1 b u -YG Se$ lr o 5 o Y iI [ :; otl l?r l3t J (o l8!- (t- -0 \ )i! 3 Eiiq i;irl 9,Y;I tN6'-( (o ld I lz@ lc\loo lo |o l- ql : \- o, O) I C\.eN 6l ON c-l .9 1 o E, o v iI u;; otl ler r HI r[i :0" Ii! 3 i ![*i frdqij i[3;3 cEsi: o rcr\frrev r{( euz(1{?) ,l I 11 RAtt- ?ao? (o cit z. (D (\tro oro -q, $ N \\- q)q) I (\l 9c!Et lo c\ -4 1 <.1 l c-l ol tl @l El o t!I - o y ii ry un '- {} oll )rl rHt r (o t3i -(F - o^ )j! ^Lru?-ffi4rere" 4tA33 'bLtr7 ftY rl rl 'v --_. (o cit z,<o N -oo oro -o, s I .b.\l- qt g) I c!gqt ol ON <t1 c-o v,'t o E, H ffi o B.U o c .9 al (D e, F-\<:t gSr $F= NN-S Nft S -6s r- -4. I ?\k e Hu S$il,aFS <ltl --= (.\ ^,ENN p -=^- =a -1- '\),1<d- \ N v NJ F X \l tr $s. s- E :(:l \ ---:- 'r s F s s -2. -.-\T Kg sill -+s -+lJ d+ F 5 l- <1 { s T- SE $ ".Y rtl T$ \-J -N =+ \)-€{\;s- 1_"=,zb --?\-J- MI NI rl Lll NI al $h t7' NI \) SL N T-?-= I ; ft ILl il =q \rs *E \s $B o c v ii [;: 0rl )!r tHs .J {o t3;-<F .-0 x )il i EE*i fr6,it i;:;3 6-;{0 gFRIs I'Y;)e36.( o o t I'ay di evlr rvl \ sve sfr4 ta-rr-_-l l"'ll I o sra€ *t)gywar 5re. rQ-tb rR reTAts- T4r_-t_l l-'tl ffi7 , tl erale'blhqar' lsT-|-l rll uel4 rl rqp a&- 4 2W 37Ast{ le-iri__-' ' m s'[ar "l sNlww(Nw,oe)rrr ,W,fu%WA7oa#W oLALg rlru,r4lrtf 'l'fttE? O'J 7AtlV oK Y iI [;; otl )sl tHs r (o 185 -(F -0 \ )i! ''o @ cit z, ta 6l €8 ag) -...\ N u_ ql gt I C\I eql ol o$l -/1 <Il c-o a .; o E l- \r t( sl =tr .rl- -- : \-l- g, \Lr - -JI -J \\,-F ( ,vl,r is ,lt s _< ---- \ 0-N F . rl o c o y i5 ll un *{} oll t?l tHs J (o r[I - ox )i! o c W-.e 2F W2Ift o 5 i&8"- Ww**,fr,:x\Wqu,>I el -l I --t era\e E&= -$ _N W,rE%=MPr.ffi P"t=trWAYaaNs ,{riWW sl*ral Fix ELrv,(ltrt.'{:, TC 1fl"iffit6*[tr F-.n . ,,- r\ , | .,irf-+-.J.. T1r1* Lt *r- "l- iI'i ' i i*d t -tl ,,\tr(V arUktql I c .9 o o E v i5 [;; oll )sl rHt r (o t8!:(F -C)I :f $l I i EE*i SdrHi =;3;3 6-;*0 g ;Iii o v ii [;; ot* lel rHt r (o r[I - o^ Ii! ig$'i 6sij [3;3 IoSP s3i: olq 2 H6-( cr 5 €lrl J -t =z o vl G u,o z o El U c ",( 'l N $ d){ { N N A fr o ;V fll $$ E t.N u v ii [;; 0* lii rtI :.0" Ii! ig;-q0 qHj q-? ls0 .;3 P txi Y5>6*{ 4g, F ft'n =H {r 62 ph uJ;Ir ts 3 €n"k ---lol -ltlZl [-i )': )\l E P rl--\ il ,Ve l! N u cYrL o 5 c .(o o',2.6 -o3 O F/-) -o) c o u, @ E. ADDEN\DIM 41?? ?n, -@.1"A(fir) sailo Ae? ^* bt{^l? .Wv/wA zLv a+y1gv r!,?od1?O Ftt-GZq ft)W +' ,d' qB JE 0o Jgil t<=b'5 OH; \I= IHi -d3 ,- 6s IiH u sl $ L $ d i EFHi E dsH j I r?-?)i=s0 o-;{0 g FxxI 9 -Y;)? t6-( I '' rcL=;:71 Zanla 7.4 e? ru \r ul is { $:\ .l r'r\tl( lra>(J/+n lJ-l\ rlNaa3 ?lwe | -'1 1,,. ,/( 1_ ___t-.t. __F-=------J | -.-f--l r I ! --l lzy^n I l-_ i |67'ffiry.."" - -tl.-1,------rr \i-r ll------1 :, q-j:--;:r j i-.- it,t'i wtt< VATI ' a-l )l-(- v=l=^ &?tre .(O o.;z.a €H -1 O) q8 JF 0o Jsfr t<=a'5 OH; l;; :fia ,- 6n )tH 3*H$q * l?-? itlaB phuHh r,l=;ciJ ?n;:i (o I (o c\O r) O) c o u, (D E A z.A.4a / o-r\tNw W#tr{ qU JF 0o Jsil t -<7 b '5 OH; t;; :fia ,.- dE )sH wx/w W?^o l$ lAg ?ffiw,rl$ -lsfi - l tr -Nl \,1 lrQ l$$ i- i tH$i fr dsi j l':?-? E[;Ffl ? si:i (o dl z. <0 c{-oo o lv-) -o) b o,o, I (\I gqt ol oc\ -/1 < tl c-' .9 v, o E, o Y i! [;; oli )sl rHt r (o t3!: (t- - 0^ )j! o i IEHi Edeij 3[3;3 6-x{0 gFiII ?sE:i TO da(xaru nu rl,op-z I *v AwT _)_F tuxr qL,'5 TYr. ila ro txcft? 40 ac, T\?. o <it z. (o N .oO o Fr) -o) N A o)ol I C\gqr ol ON arl \J g .0 o o u, l F R -J s A z- i,l ?l .J $ $$fr gl €$ WP 't a o -,rt c y i5 [;: o ll t!i rHt d (o l3!- (t-- o^ ) i! 3 giiq 3!il$ gls:: @l d rl z<ol c\l -o ol o rol l- Orl $C\I a o, O) I C\gqt ol ON <tt c- .9 v, o E, o y ii [;; otl let : Hl t8!-(F - o^ Iji 5 3 *iEq *13;3 6 -;{0 H Itii .^,?6T 6rAlL rI Material Reference ail Cascade Hotel and Club I PROPERTY ronny renace Hosnl F|NISHES wattcovering DATE tlarcn a tqpg t=SWATCH ur- I I \, Location: Lobby Tenace Hospitalig Room Pattem: Checkmate Color Queen 7413-14304 Width: 12'-0' Wt./Ht.: 36 oz. tip shear- .313' pile height Content: 100% DupontAntron Legacy Nylon Reoeat 3/4"x3/4' (312)527-3855 phone (312)527-3887 lax Price: $21.95/yd cut price CP.2 #v Location: Business Center and Conidor Pattem: Existing Field Carpet Color: Existing - (6) Color Field Width: 12'-U: Wt./Ht.: 44 oz. - .250 pile height Repeat 36" x 36" - Carpet Pattem to align with t <\---\-/ Salvaged Attic Stock from Demolitic xisting installation. cP-3 Location: Meeting Planner's Office Pattem: 2131-6854 room graphics diamond Color: Custom S#193 Width: 12'-0' Wt./Ht.: 36 oz. Reoeet NA _ .r--Z Hotel Attic Stock from Guestrooms \,-\- . cP4 7 L Location: Lobby Terrace Hosp. Room Border Pattem: Indigo Color: 7012311 Width: 12' pairs - 8' with bleed-off removed Wt./Ht.: 38.8 oz. - .297' Content: 80/20 fuminster Rcoeal')-1D' ' 7/ Mr. Tomkinson c/o Axminster Carpets, Ltd. (800)356-5013 phone (212)93$6690 fax -,,-'t\-'/-'l-a ----\- VAIL CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB Schedule pROpERTy VA|L CASCADE HOTEL & CLUB AREA Lobby Tenace/Business Cntr. DATE March 4. 1999 DESCRIPTION Carpet at Lobby Tenace (CP-1) Border Carpet at Lobby Tenace (CP4) Drapery Fabrication and Installation lVail Cascade-Lobby Terrace Meeting Rooms AML#e302s16 ITEM QUANTITY AREA Lobby Tenace Meeting Rooms Specification REFERENCE NUMBER IF.1()() DRAWNG NUMBER tFX-100 ROOM NUMBER REVISION DATE 4309-01 Cambridge Sconce Scrolled wrought iron fidure with glass bowl resting in a metal cradle. ISSUE DATE March 3. 1999 SOURCE: Monison Lighting C/o Callard and Osgood 1611 Merchandise Mart Chicago,lL 60654 (312)670-3640 Athr: Doug Holmes INSTRUCTIONS: TAG/ LABEL REFERENCE NUMBER, ITEM. QUANTITY, AND AREA. DESCRIPTION: Sconce: Dimensions:10'W x12'Dx22'H Model #: Description: 1) t\ 4) 5) o, 7) 8) e) Metal Finish: Light Verdi Gris Lamping: 1, 60W, C10 wittr high chroma bulb Must be UL listed. Must be.contract quality. Refer to IFX-100 for detail. Manufacturer to provide Andensor/ Miller, Ltd. wth finish samples for approval prior to production of lamp. T|TLE SCONCC SCAT.E NTS oArE 3-3-1999 No. !FX-100 C Vail Cascade - Lobby Terrace Meeting Rooms Anfrs,2Gi6 ISSUE DATE March 3 1999 ITEM REFERENCE NUMBER tF-101 QUANT Y DMWING NUMBER AREA Lohby Terracp Meefing Rooms ROOM NUMBER REVISION DA 14)contract quality. 15) Manufacturer to provide Anderson/Miller Ltd. wih a stikeoff, for approval, prior to production of material. 16) Contractor to verify all yardage requirements. DESCRIPTION: NUMBER, ITEM, QUANTIry and AREA. 10-102 Merchandise Mart Chicago,lL 60654 (312) 527-3855 :Field Carpet (CP-1) 1) Manufacturer Masland 2) Pattem: Checkmate 3) Color: Queen 7413-14304 4) Content: 100% DupontAntron Legacy Nylon 5) Contruction: Tip Sheared Loop Pile Construction 6) Average tufted yam weighL 36 ounces persquare yard. 7) Average pile height: .313'inches 8) Guage: 1/10 9) Repeat llwx/il 10) Dye Method: Skein Dyec 1 1) Primary backing: Reinforcedsoven polypropylene with conductive anti-stat '12) Secondary backing: Woven Polypropylene Vail Cascade-Lobby Terrace Meeting Roomso"'nroro,'o Specification lTtri/l Rnrdpr Cemel .!llg!!rL!&Llt]4 DRAWING NUMBER ROOM NUMBER REVISION DATE fuminster Carpets, Ltd. 919 Third Ave. NewYork, NY 100022 (212) 421-1050 INSTRUCTIONS: TAG/LABEL-REFERENCE NUMBER. ITEM. QUANTITY and AREA. lCarpet Dimensions: 12" pairs - 8" with bleed-off removed 1) Manufacturer: Mr. Tomkinson 2) Pattem: 70/2311 - lndigo 3) Constructjon: Polyester,Polypropylene,Jute 4) Fiber: 80% Wool, 20% Nylon 5) Averagetufted yam weight 56 ounces persquareyard. 6) Average pile heighl 297 inches 7) Guage: 5/64 8) Average stiches per inch: 32'per square inch. 9) Average surface density: 6,160 10) Primary backing: Reinforced woven polypropylene. 11) Secondary backing: Action Bac 1?\ P2ftern Rpnoel' ) 1/-' i 3) Must be contract quality. 14) Manufacturer to provide Andersan/Miller Ltd. with a strike-off, for approval, prior to production of material. 15) Contractor to verify all yardage requirements. REFERENCE NUMBER _-- tF-102 SOURCE: DESCRIPTION: Vail Cascade - Lobby Terrace Meeting Rooms AML#e3026-16 Specification ITEM OUANTITY REFERENCE NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER tF-103 ISSUE DATE MATCh 3, 1999 Rooms & Bus. Cntr. ROOM NUMBER REVISION DATE 4) q\ 6) 7) 8) 10) C V Wood Blinds SCALE NTS ail Cascade-Lobby Terrace Meeting Rooms AML#e3003-41 oArE 3-3-1999 No. IFX-103 SIEELCMNNE! The Bali'2'Wood blind is a high qualiry wood blind, featuring a heavyduty 2' x 2t/<" steel headrail sysrem and rwo-inch Basswood slats. lt is anilable in 15 sondard and 4 sandblasted finishes with fu lly color-coordinargd accessories, including r matching wood vzlance. Also arailable as an option are ltA-inch wide decorative cloth tapes. The Bali' 2' Wood blind will satisfy your most discriminating wood blind needs. Features I Steet channel headrail. I Cord bck u€; nLT WAI{o Benefits (St l4tuatz\ -..----,...'-.-.. \ Q -Jfly+"vides extra hcavT-dury srengrh, color-- -- coordimred with slat finislr. Provcn 'cnsh-proof design locks blind eutomaticelly upon release of lift cord. l.8mm bnided polyester provides longJife opendon. Lift cords rrc color<oordimted widl slats rnd are equip$ with e wood assel. lmX high teneciy polycsrcr yrrn supports shts rnd preyenB etdng. Dyrd to Eeli color sandard to coordiutc widr shts- Optional decorative I }4' widc poVe*er teges ofrer rn alternative to rondard braidcd ladders. Cloth Eges Te color<oordimted rc Bali. color stzndard. Solid wood wznd mtchcs wooden slats. Providcs ersy op€r:tion. 2' &sswood shts arc hend finished. md arc avzihble in l5 high qrafity finishec, plus four (.t) I Liftcord. "t +A55il Bnided hdder. a t oorn."ry<-.'*,- : /+V;j fF--f,kr€od_ vJ Wood boao.nrail. 0 Instelhtion bnckets. 2Y?" bq woodr.rrlnce. t'* 7X"P ^', sandblested finishes. llltdrcs sht fmish. prwijcr e finished took from top ro botrom. Providcs cesT insallatioo. offcring a varieq of moundng po3idons. Co&rr<oordinated with headrail- Mrtches wooden shts. mounc easily with velcro ab:.C-6r1',-- i{. S.AB t. Cascade - Lobby Terrace Meeting Rooms AML #93026-16 ITEM Draperv Fabrication & Installatioq QUANTITY TBD SpFcTfi6tion REFERENCE NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER AREA Lobby Tenace Meeting Rooms ROOM NUMBER REVISION DATE ISSUE DATE MArCh 3. 1999 SOURCE: INSTRUCTIONS: TAG/ LABEL REFERENCE NUMBER, ITEM, OUANTITY, AND AREA. DESCRIPTION:Drapery Fabrication & Installation Drapery Fabrication and Box Valance-Double fold, straight needled nel overdraoe and oadded box valance with continuous welt. Verify in Field fabricator shall make-up and install (2) two way center sp :llppanels Double{old, straight needled and bar tacked %Tl6fr m using #25 monofilament thread (6 pleats per 54 inch fabric width). location in field. All drapery shall be 2-112" times fullness. nt to be french pleated o be flame retardant and backing. Backing to be insiddftelrapery between the face material and self-line material. Alflining to be first quality. All installation and mounting hardware to be provided as necessary. Casements to be weighted at hem. All new hardware to be Aluminum Kirsch #94004 orequal. FtackandLtacksarenotacceptable. 1 Casement mounted tightly to track. Finished length to be %- from carpet. All hemming to be blind stitched. Seaming overlocked with safety stitch and serged. Ined ttom of Verify 4) 4\ 6) 7) 8) ) ROOM NUMBER ^ REVISION DATE Vail Cascade- Lobby Terrace Meeting Rooms #s3026-16 March 3 1999 ,/ 4 '12' 1a trlarx;,ATlot J gt#"##,)",ffirw;X,* WIIV.^EW.WELT rlz, F? o WIpq. Frffiy-r-lDF. To ErWlve o,I*+tJ/ YrlyttJ4 -@?1u ^;il;P;'i;ry fi-arA @ auefia56 4a& la Ucsh 7'Htrl. ss6v! vtapryVg w trlr;rrur;p N -47rT,68* W,UeWg"Z"€ffi fW\yHr"iqt'n* ii F; wtt tt;n a^tet-- n?ll'at1''-Io T'.y,e.nrl]tr 'A,LE\J irL at^re Fq4zr$t/./JY 6rF lv'toZ W Odtnostst-. trlfap+,1o*U .Lffi) I agf . ll,r.i.cotv w.tr. e'.\ x *z' q - 1rr+4+ 1o F t1,'rtl,evl4o$lrYf offi* a-wrrzr*1.ail-q 4'tili. F gipl'Llo?fi VetFYTt{l{ \A.r{rE HAr+4r 6lo4Lb HEb ct7 t{frttrDt^l w7 o Ffv?rx1llolt - uYY":ft;6'-9tlz'g x l"N avEysU- 1EffiG 14619 t4"=I DESCRIPTION:Drapery Fabric 2)Color. 3)uiidth:oo 4;Ccntent:1009/" Pcl 1)\ !*4ry '11,J: Vail Cascade-Lobby Terrace Meeting Rooms AML#o3026-16 REFERENCE NUMEER DRAWNG NUMBER AREA Lobby Tenace Meetinq Rooms ISSUE DATE March 8, 1999 ROOM NUMBER REVISION DATE Roclon 261 Fifth Avenue NewYork, NY 100'!6 (21216964407 INSTRUCTIONS: TAG/ LABEL REFERENCE NUMBER, |TEM, QUANT|W. AND AREA. DESCRIPTION: Blackout Fabric 1) Manufacturer: Roclon 2) Pattem: Roclon Blackout 3) Color: lvory 4) Width: TBD 5) Content: TBD 6) Repeat None 7) Must be first quality and from full roll bolts. No damaged seconds or roll ends accepted. = 8) Must be contract qualig. 9) Must be scothguarded. :10) Yardage requirement TBD Verify quantity witfr upholsterer prior to production. 1 1) Manufacturer to supply Anderson/Miller, Ltd. with sample for approval, prior to production. Vail Cascade-Lobby Terrace Meeting Rooms AML#o3026-16 Specification '.-./::i;i Ell Cascade - Lobby Terrace Meeting Rooms Anlrs30zel6 TITLE Torchiere at Goldenrod and Columbine scALE NTS oArE 3-24-1999 No. tFX-i05 Ao N #al4a1 I-arnplvg J furva^cA trldura,[qd Oumnlry+ tannp hfu. 0'& Ved,+vn A%yU Wd Cdvnn. frrtd,l hWh N'lL@t{ttd qNe furw^.A Fldturdj alal WetqttelW * M4/ftt ia € rjh'lrt *topYautnT? + f,rnrah fu\l {or d.WoVql pnbr Jo Jabfl'&fiott. t; 11Ep4 Wallcovering in I ohby Tenace Meeting Rooms REFERENCE NUMBER wc-1 QUANTITY TBD DMWING NUMBER AREA InhhyTenace Meeting Rnom RQOM NUMBER -_ INSTRUCTIONS: TAG/LABEL-REFERENCE NUMBER. ITEM. QUANTITY and DESCRIPTION:Wallcovering @ Lobby Tenace Meetlng Rooms 8) Contents: 100% Vinyl with scrim backing. 9) Must pass.all state and local fire codes. 10) Manufacturer to submit cutting to Andersor/Miller Ltd. for approval, prior to production. 1 1) Installer to verify all yardage prior to production. 12) Must be first quality and from full roll bolts. No damaged seconds or roll ends. 1 157 Merchandise Mart , lL 60654 ATTN: Tina Dow ) 645-5044 x266 1) Manufacturer. JlVl Lynne 2) Pattern: Etruscan Tapestry 3) Color: TAP-1603 Nobel a) Width: 54" wide 5) Repeat 18" vertical, 18'horizontal 6) Oz. lVeight 20 oz. - Class A - Type ll 7) Must be contractQ-ualifl / Design Review Action Form TOWNI OF VAIL Project Name: Cascade Hotel ProjectNumber: Prj99-0236 Mechanical Enclosure Project Description: Addition of mechanical louvers and shaft enclosure Owner, Address, and Phone: I-O Vail Hotel Inc 10333 Dry Crek Rd. 11450 Englewood, CO 80112 303-799-3830 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Gary Fries 1300 Westhaven Dr Vaif CO 81657 970-476-7tlr Project Street Address: 1300 Westhaven Dr. Legal Description: Lot 39.5, Glen Lyon (Cascade Hotel) Parcel Number: 211312100012 Comments: Building Name: Cascade Hotel Board/Staff Action Action:staff approved Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:l. all materials must match existing Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 09128/99 Project Name: Documentl DRB Fee Paid: $20 Cascsde Hotel Mechanical Enclosure a Wf lA-Of// Qucstioru? flt Pl*raing stai'"lti'i;":-lizs APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERALIMORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring D*ign Rcvicv', approvol. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr rwicw rnust rcccivi Oesign Rcvior apprwal prior to submifing for a building pcrrnit For spccific inforrnation, sco thc submitEl rcquircmorlifor thc particular approval that is requ€sted- Thc application cannot bc ac€sptcd unril all the requircd informaion is stbmittcd Thc projca may also nccd to bs rcvicrvgd by thc Town Corncil and/or thc Plannirrg and Environmcnal Conrmiss'ion- Dcsign Rcview Boar<t approvel crpircs ouc ycer rftcr fiul approvel unless a building Fermit is issued eud constructiotr fu startcd. DESCRIPTI LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL#: Oq THE REQUEST:fi VV, B. c. D. F BLOCK:-FILINC; ft,tl ,ua\l , 01661 (Contact Eaglc Co- Assessors gfficc at 970-328'E640 for parccl #) ZONniC:'Dp- + + NAMEOFOWNER(S):n6, F. G- H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D New Construction - $200 tr Attditiqn - $50 Minor Altcration - $20 MAILING ADDRESS: p:groNe. 394'14.4'70Vo OWNER(S) $IGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE: Consuuction ofa new building Includcs any addition whcrc square fooragc is addcd to any rcsidential or coruacrcial building. tncludcs minorchangcs to buildings and site improvemctrts. such as, rcroofing, painting window addiuons, landscaping; fenccs and rctaining walls, 6tc. DRB fccs are to be paid at thc time of erbmirtrl. [atc, whcn applying for a building p€rmir pleasc ideotify thq accurate veluatiorr ofthc projcct. Thc Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THTSAPPLTCATION,ALLSUBMT.TTALREQUIREMENTS AND TI{EFEETOTHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORAFO 81657. t- l_. i6f isi i:* iFl rn (ft --{ rTr m J o z q o 6 -t s > F r$i$[ll$11 II1IiIHEfi-IiHHI dq$dx x ilKg il8989 : $tHN 5-qF6 6 rnsu'6 ilf;lH*Hi*ir H=r; [ fi$4i I ll zlfl E6 t- -{ IH 6n 66 -l z t-z m I (I o I d 3 o -n I I I I I Inr tx lul l-{tz io l>tz IU to l>j> :>ir lr m x G I z o 3 o o o o -( n>> qfiE flH*rti t)tl tl tl lr z ltt E6 ra mz. Iq o6 u)o to 6n 6f t-ItlfiiHH+i-iliHl[lllli R$^B-" \ 3q$dx I ;+66 tdgils -e 6fil:g56"tK 6 fi-tdS :l -x\' \i--$*EH*Hi*!i Hiu; H tt4;8 i" E 344+( [r d 66/tZ/60 8S:97 009a 9zz zI88 um.IIn/N0sxg(w soo E