HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B PINOS DEL NORTE UNIT M NDesign Review Action Forur TOWN OFVAU Project Namc: Fernandez Residence Proiect Description: Addition to Dining Room Window and Dormer/Window at l',:dr, r'l Owner. Address and Phonc: Fernandez, Pinos Del Norte Apartmento V, PO Box 69 Vail CO Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Ray E. Story, 3230 Katsos Ranch Road, Vail, ('O , | 65: (970) 476-s639 Project Street Addrcss: 600 Vail Valley Dr. Lcgal Dcscription: Northwoods - Building C Pinos Del Norte .t n rl -.1'L-U^^!. V'll,<ar- T'-.t ParcclNumber: 2l0l-081-11-0012 Commcnts: BuildingNamc: Northwoods Motion by: Sccondcd by: Vote: Condifions: Planning Liaison: Kathleen Dorram Date: December 31. 1997 Board / Staff Action Action: Staff Approval F:\EVERYONE\DRBV\PPROVAL\gnFERNANDE.DI I DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 ('. D. D Qucstions? C.ttQpt.nning Staff ar 47g-7l2tl APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAI, CENERAL INFORMATION 'l'his applicatiorr is lbr any projcct requirirrg Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any pruicct rcguiring dcsigrr rcvicw nrust rcccivc Dcsigrr Rcvicw approval prior to subnrining for a huilding pcrntit, For spccific irrfbnrration. $cc thc subntitt.lt rcquircrnorts firt'thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc applioltion cunnot bc acccptcd until all thc rcqrrircrl ittlbrnration is -subntittcd, 'I'hc pro.icct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Towrr Clouncil and/or thc Planning arrd Envirorrncnlal (\rntntission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board npprovll cxpirts onc ycar aftcr final approval onlcss a building pcrmit is issued and coostruction is startcd. t DESC'R| PT|ON OF Tr rE R EQUEST: l\Dq:ruil_ oEl^l I r. 1o abJ AT Dt $l (.rr EO4{4 I l]. LO(:ATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ IJLOCK:_ FILINC: PHYSl('AL ADDRESS: PARC'EL 8:21 01 081 1 001 2 ZoNINc: . 3DD NAME OF OWNER(S): Pi nos ne l Norte Apa rt amen to_V*_ Inc - MAILING ADDRESS: P O BOX 69 PHONE: .476-2747 G. E. F owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): FC NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS:Jel bt69 l> PHONE:1?a b -16 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: O Ncw Construction - $200 Constnrction of a ncw building. Includcs auy addition whcrc squirrc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntiat or cotuurcrcial huilding. lrrcludcs tttinor changc.r to buildings and sitc irrrprovclrunls. such as. rcroofing, painting. wirrdow additions. l:urdscaping. ltnccs tnd rctainiug walls. clc. For arry application whcrc thc applicant rvishc.s to nrctl with Dcsign Rcvicw Board to dctcnninc whcthcr or not thc projcct gcncrally conrplics wirh thc dcsign guidclirrcri. Thc DRll docs not votc on conccptunl rcvtcws. DRB fccs arc lo bc paid at thc tinre ofsubnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying fora brrikling pcnnit. plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. TheTown of Vail will adjusnhc fcc according to thc projcct vnluarion. PT,EASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAI, REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTI}IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. (Contact Eaglc C'o. Asscssors Ollicc ar 970.121t-l{640 for parcct #) Va B Adrliaion -s50 .l $. Minor Alter{fion - $20 I D Conceptual Rcvicw - S0 TOliiN OF VAIL VAIL. COLORADO EI657. r .' .rr+ , 1 ...r.rr. . .,tt_ ,. r.,:--.?. f ..... .,:t: .,.!r-..,.r.; _. ;r-l '.,{. .'f {. I ..;r : ...J i ... -'t\ . "',lf?:f rrd i.i'|, :l"Q\ 4lJq :t? tlirl , -*"ii.rlri-'t':'" i '-lt. 'r.,i-'.'; ,1..;.'. r-:r"Jt PIfros DEL NORTE CONDOMI NIUM ASSOCIATION 6{XI VAIL VALLEY DRIVE BUIII'TNG '| C '' P.O. BOX 69 / VArr4 CO El6St TeL lt (97O') 17G2747 FAJs# (97$ 47G7612 November 3, 1997 To Town of Vail: The Pinos del Norte Condominium Association has reviewed the proposal for revisions to Unit *M'Northwoods Building "C"' We approve the revisions per the attached plans. This includes the addition of a window in the dining area, a new dormer and window in the upper level bedroom, new washer/dryer in the powder room area and replace the kitchen cabinets. President . ln5t- z-" ..1 b nt -il , I)' - ,'. t" ,ti :-rr at - !/;-.- -1 I G' ..L', DD FIEI.I HIN p \-v tv, --F V,V n ... .-., ''v--i- k l 6'- :a,r it!4ll f, .tiib"t t- -- -1, | - r') -.rt i-.r, i-!4. ='- . a.ttkt'il \4) T I I I i,ll-o',-tr ,n ( t' I . I 1- t- I I 'r- i -\s. 3 ('j \6 ;rtv a' Cr 4 .t r(l wt^w- fz I '.F. ,....- l(-. J (r rf E ^. tl . | :Ab:lr1 q)rL. L,,N iT i . ,. bbt_,, c4 Xl-'. 5'g!'Jch. n:.r-- d.1 O&,;>(+ t;z'uti,:16 3 CALI (4 ,€* t+L-81 A. rl I I I r-{ ' "* 11 ^' ', ,/,: I C:t- ?'.L t* b,!6+'- al ANr*{ :Ar{f *To CN '/Pf g 'i, . F:.. -: _ (f *- et^Jr, . uElJ dlNa?d ---' v l EK\5T1t{€e I ,-lAe+)-. -{a- - =J 1,r,..\)"./,,i{ .' ,t yt,tl ,tinl \ \n: ' t_ I ) r'; Ti ' ."i .' t'-: | . ,,/, -. .--(-'1.. r 1 t.. _ )r.', t'., ll.lC",.iL \ ,'ri'r r- / vi:t';ir{, (A.z(li- ' ,1rY | /1"{l il - t-1 .. r., -i, .,._. ,LFTAK e$Aia.E..' YF+'Aaftb T Fil,rl;'liAr. * \,'flKrKAL err *- qJlfLA.l ':'?tti4 lxt-a c{VAfl, TK'fr l'\ i fi\*r'h :A't,.-l' 5i.:t I' ji.-ir.L #{lo{f l^l ,.-lNr-4 x"tz sciltTtl tAi"ti Tf;ll...l | ?il.r, FIP"E a$i zae{{.'.t+' I I F'.J, tr!4. 6-. r'1., btl4*' -1"-I{/-' 'I t 3',-;t.rr\,litF.-