HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B PINOS DEL NORTE UNIT M N VTOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.tu Y'r No s INil U August 16,2001 Ray E. Story 3230 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Schlesinger Residence - Pinos del Norte Unit V & MN Ray: At its August 1Sth meeting, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed lhe above-referenced application for design review approval. The item was consenl approved with one condition: 1. Either the owner revises the design of the upper balcony railing to match the adjacent balcony on the west fagade, or the Pinos del Norte Association agrees to use the proposed balcony railing detail on all future remodels. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please conlact me at (970) 479- 2140. Good luck with this project. Sincerely, E---l- (-.'-- I Brent Wilson, AICP Senior Planner {S *"n"*rrn"* TOWN OF VAIL Departmen! of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vuil.co.us Fft t coP August 2,2001 Ray E. Story 3230 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Schlesinger Residence - Pinos del Norte Unit V & MN Ray: At its August 'l"tmeeting, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) conceptually reviewed the above-referenced application for design review approval. The following is a list of concerns iterated by the board. Please provide revisions addressing these concerns five (5) business days prior to final review of this item. ' Generally, there needs to be a unified trealment of architectural design and details on the remodel. Unified architeclural design includes the use of compatible roof forms, architectural details and materials. . Specifically, the proposed balcony railings, lentils and divided light windows do not appear elsewhere within Pinos del Norte. Please revise the drawings to show details that are consistent with existing adjacent units. ' The inlersection of the dormers on the southwest elevalion appears a bit awkward. This item is scheduled for final design review on August 15, 2001 . lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, t2 l>"_.^.*( .-"--=- Brent Wilson, AICP Senior Planner {p *"n"'uo 'n'uu ;QD : PINOS DE. \OQ.E e74476t512a Au9. 16 2AA7 AgiAIeVl you that the follawhg items hAve be6n appraved PHONE NO. :al r-\ hH F ?^/ V z F]l'rl n Fr{ V) -v z ts ar F{r{ OctoDer g, 2000. !.r, Guillormo Ferndndez, Pinos del Norts Apsrtamento V lnc. Dear Guillermo, - ^ - I refer to your letteJ to our Pinos del Norte condominlum Association of saptember Jl;,r'9fi9;llo,ir",itins the €pproval or r"u"r,at cnanses retated to rhe r;;odetins o'your I havo informed all of the Condominium owrers ln our bqllding of the changer that you went to undertake in the Baid remod;li;g ,io no one hes expressed any objectian to . Therefore, I am pteased to advice oy our associaflon. q Dormer window ts be installed 0n the east wall in the north upstalrs bedroorn.o Dormer window in place of existing canier setot winOow" rn ine-ljving foorn," BT$3:,yndow above support b€"rn j; south upsrair;;;il, to be added on " 3:ffi;Jindow with a 36 inches barcony in the master bed room on tho west o office window to be inconporsted to ths dormgr windqw to be instqrsd on th. osst wall in the north upstairc bedroom.o The eddlilon of gss tJnes to both unlts ,,M" and ,,V". As required, these changos havo to be apprevod by the town of Vail. o" o":J:Xt"rf,js that cost8 incurred bv the sssociation pertaining tp thia remodoting witl It is also understoo.d that the timing of the construction work will be coordin€tGd \Mith :i;#*ffiTli|r?Jl%YrTJ:.oott noiinterters with rhe noimar r.r"'tv or our buircrinf Also, I wEnt to rerylnd YOu tf1q1 the construction work of the remodeling should be carried out ln a way that no dimage to tfre buifciing is dona. Yours sincerely, PoBoxS9 800 Vail Valloy 0r g{ft 'C' 8 r858 970 4f8.2t11 970-4/fi./6r;l FEx pdnvttl evsl,rtql .ic. I)oh & Kqv Lar|nn. Manage\., AUu, -2r'{Jl (HllJ) 1l:45 FRNil : PINOS DEL NoRTE H&ri '!Ul'l/bb U6/'ijl ,U H F,&o z I E1 R (A o z Fl Fi o I l. rlY l{[ilUU/ [ARTHT()NIS 'l'liL : 9 70 84 599 7 9 o 9?A4787672 -t|X:5'rU33'.-,09 P. {r0l Fus, 22 2AAr O3:5Fn P-sAcll-i l, Poltr BYtvrllril!ts l,lu Ito{tolt{t l7sll;tttt Fr pftd rd.rl AugurlZ'lh. t001, .Br.ilWlmn Srnbl Plrnnu Town dvll. Gtillrmln, wr fuw |Ppruvld urc nrw hmcnil on|l |nrlollng thf drLil tt Norlhr!flh l0 tr urrd on trr ghtrdrlrr r't'lEd.l bdcortht rnd rll pd.nlbf fut rr brlcony hmdrtllw!il rt Flnor dcl Nom, ffi:*r* Hk*" oo*'" Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner oflproperry located at , (Print name) lln n V /U il provide this letter as (addresVlegal description) written approval ofthe plans dated which are submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address above. I understand that the proposed improvements nclude /to4*Lprz kPtNF-2. I funher understand that minor modifications maybe made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 7-?7-c/ t2 o*-"*o (date) TOWNOFVAIL I. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL GENERAL INFORMATION SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS One complete set of existing floor plans or Aas-builtG drawings with all specifications shown. A preliminary title report, including schedules A and B, to verif ownership and easements. Condominium Association approval, (if applicable). Photos of the existing structure. Specifications of all materials and colors of the addition. Topoeraphic surve.y, stamped by a licensed surveyor, at a scale of l" : 20' or larger, on which the fol lowing information is provided : /ryrrb, N'A. D ,6 il F D tr Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same comm€ncement point. Lot area and if applicable, buildable area. Legal description and physical address. Scale with a graphic bar scale and north arrow. Properfy boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.0 I ) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established comer. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of6 acres or more, in which case, 5'contour intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured fronr a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.), centerline and edge ofstream or creek, required creek ot stream setback, 100-year floodplain and slopes of40% or more, if applicable. tr tr o D tr tr tr tr tr 07 /lelzggl 14: 25 5618358396 C€EAIAD SIGbtA- P44€. O2lOz \trl-tA-Ol tO:o6A st ory c7o_4?6-6539 p-el - o Gnr-q.rrc?.-...-.'-.^-.1 ,. rfl&y- 0F|irll'' Ap"r.rcruofr For Drsr€fr tEvrrw AppRo'/rL q${nrl nFcntt'iA?o{ o€sfir(noFrG mc^l.,tfrl OF tOTt- fl,0Cf,:_ PAnfE.(CooEa E gh Co Ailfrls OttG h g?O3:t-t6{ tu Frf t) MilEq iU ES APRTAII: Irtr\[I'G Of REYHII|D E:df CflEtsucll'|drmxbuuhgr hdu.trs !ry tdtlst wtrrc leu||r ioanlc I |ldalittlrl or cqrnr.dd bun&lg. IdGhtr iLFf ctE rlt€ to !ran0 lu rhr rruto€rrlB. sudr 6, rlrdh$ pairtrt0. thdor ffi||, fttsErp|xl, GFall m0 rthlle ml6, & DnS fur' trt to b. Fn *dr ffnE d ifini . frbr, ydln agglti,rg lbta h*f|tg pqt|t 0far Uutfv dE lctrld! v&&n d$e prqrcl l|r Tdn dwxrl adld tlrc t€e @frti'tc b thc F!i.d l.rrd||. tur$ $nHrtltrS rrn lcArtoil, xr s{l[TTrl nt$r|nrilEtltt afio rHt FEEfttttr ilmrriltrotcolnlltt[lY u$EotrilrT,t! toun{|nortt|tcror4var|'cq-m Do llI?. c D. A F. c H. iltu Cl.3F||3iFn - ft00 rafrm. too Xhal|bd*r- t:10 Til.r'oscrlh I tof rry p?ol.rt '.cufirT oe$en Raio, a,oro,at. Ary prqFt i'|t,h,B t*,ten ."vie," ,il*!q"D+lq!*spqorrd fbrbsufuD-frr h,rffr;lt'-'&,pu.n nU,-.mq i.c dr. r,bn tbl !!rtq+ ru.ut. priidar an.ffi rEtE rlq|cr- rhe;frhcffi; ililb***Jffii uiE;'it ffi,ffi:. ht|firg rqrt I bnrJ |id rrunr.do|| b drl.dt fY?! fr o tr Size and type ofdrainage culverts, swales, etc. A Exact location of existing utili4, sources and service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water Elechic D Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. tr Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the propeny as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. O Spot elevations at the edge ofasphalt, along the street frontage ofthe property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side ofthe lot. Three (3) copies of the followine: F -- *., - Site plan, at a scale of I "=20'or larger, showing the following information:r 6TJ FILE -(.a.V,- tr Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures. I Location oflandscaped areas. tr All new retaining walls with spot elevations for top and bottom of wall. tr Location of all required parking. D Indicate roofridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. F Floor Plans, at a scale of 1/8" = I' or larger (l14" : I' is prefened), clearly indicating the proposed addition. { Building Elevations, at a scale of I /8"= | ' or larger (li4"=l'is preferred). tr lf existing structure is proposed to be modified, show elevations ofexisting structure. tr Building elevations must be shown, clearly indicating the new addition. If building faces, existing or proposed, are at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces as well. Show all rooftop mechanical systems, if applicable. tr lf the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicted, the Adminishator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review ofthe application. o BUILDTNG MATERIALS;anl np .+ Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows wlnoow I nlll ..Door.s Door Trim FIucs rta.srl||)gs Chirnncys :ssstu -€+ecefrousc$ :EaCbiF#fffi =atsricr+;Af*!|* Other + Please specify the manufacturer's color, nunrbcr and attach a small color chip *+ All cxtcrior lighting must nleet the Town's Lighting Ordinance l8.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposcd, plcaseindicatethcnunbcroffixhrrcsandlocationsonaseparatelightingplin. Identifyeachfrituretypeandprovide the height above grade, luntcns output, lunilnous arca. and attach a cut shect of fhe lighting fixtures. s rl ."' Updated 6/97 Hand or Dcck Rails Ouantity Sizci PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER c.\r\ SEED . IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL *Miuinrum iCQuircnrcnts for Iandscaping: Typc dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs -.6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footacc OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES lretaining waiis. fenccs, swimming pools, erc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom clevations of rctaining walls. Maxinurnr height of walls rvithin th. f.ont sctba.k i" 1 ieg1. Maxirnum hcight ot lvalls elscrvhcrc on the propcrty is 6 ibct. If .i' Ufiated 6/97 This fomr is to vcrifr scwicc availabiliry al$ location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availabiliry'of utilities. whethcr thcy be rnain trunk lines or proposcd lincs, nrust bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utititics for thc accolrrpanying sitc plan, Authorizcd Siqnaturc Date U.S. Wc.st Comrnunicaticns | -800-922- I 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Company 949-578 r Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5tt92 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.r. 949-55.30 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 t' rco rla.slcc * Plca.sc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvafions whcn obtaining Upper Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation siSnahrrcs. Firc florv nccds must bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l.lf thc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr each of the utility cornpanies. and no conrlrrcnts arc trladc dircctly on thc tbrnt, the Torvn rvill prcsumc that therc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procccd. If a utility company has conccrns with thc proposcd construction. the utiliry rcprcsentativc shall notc directly on thc utility vcrification fonn that there is a problcm rvhich nceds to be rcsolved. Thc issuc shoulci rhen bc dctailcd in an attached letler to the Town of vail. Howel,c;. ;l::.se kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility ofthe utility company and thc applicant to rcsolvc i j:;liii,j.r 1,, -,1 J:::,. Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc thc contraitor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit tonr thc Dcpartmcnt of Public work at thc Town of Vail. Utilily locations must be obtaincd bcforc dieging in any public right-of-rvay or eascnrcnt within tlic Town of vail. A il -?' .." Updated 6/97 1 It ill. l\/ o PRE-APPLI('ATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcncc with Torvn of Vail staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss t5c Ittattdatory prc-application mccting has bccn corrrplctcd. lt is the applicant's re.spon.sibiliry to schcdulc thi.s rnccting by calling 970-479-2t28, TIME REOTIIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvi*v Board nrccts on thc I st and 3rd Wcdncsdays of cach month. A complctc application fornl and all acconrpanying nratcrial nrust bc accepted by thc Conrnrunity Development Departnlent a luinimunr of thrcc and a half (-i l/2) wecks prior to thc datc of thc DRB public hcaring. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will bc revicwed for conrpliancc with thc Dcsigr Guidclines as sct forth in Section 18.54 of the Municioal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. . Ifa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c, snow avalanchc, rocKall. floodplain. dcbris ' flow' lvctland, ctc). a hazard snidy nlust bc subnrittcd and thc orvncr nrust sigr an affidavit rccog'nizing thc haz-ard rcport prior to thc issuancc ofa building pcrnrit. Applicants are encouragcd to chcck 'rvith thc planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to dctcrminc thc.rclationship of thc propcrty to all nrappcd hazards. B. Basic Plan Shcct Fornrat. Forall suwcys, sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr sitc irnprovcnrcnts plans, all of thc follotving nrlst bc shorvn. I ' Plan shcct siz-c tlttst bc 24"x 36". For largc projccts, largcr plan size may bc allowcd. .2. Scalc. Thc mininrunr s{ralc is I ',=20. All plans nrust bc at thc sanlc scalc.3. Graphic bar scalc.4. North arrorv. 5. Titlc block. projcct namc. projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription.6. lrrdication of plan prcparcr. adclrcr,^s and phonc numbcr. 7. ' . Dntcs of original Jiian prcparati'or and all rcvi.sion datcs.tt, Vicinity nrap or location map at a scalc of l "= I ,000' or largcr.9. S_lrcct labcls and nunrbcrs. l0 . A b<lrdcr with a minimum lcft side rnargin of 1.5". I l. Narncs ofall adjaccnt roadways.12. Plan legcnd. C' For new constRtctiou and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate propcrfy lincs, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removcd must be tapcd. Thc applicant mttst ensurc that *aking done d uring thc winter is not buricd by snorv. All sitetapings and staking must be completed prior to thc day of the DRB mceting. D. Applicants who fail to appear betbre the Design Revicw Board on their schctluled nreeting date and rvho have not asked in advancc that discussion on their iten be postponed, will havc thcir itenu rcmoved from the DRB agcnda until such tinre as the itern has bcen rcpublished. E. Ifthe DRB approvcs thc application wiih conditions or modifications, all conditions ofapproval nrust be rqsolvcd prigf to the issuance ofa building permit. $ ': Updared 6/97 VI, V. STAFF APPROVAL The AdminisFator may revicw and approvc Design Rcview applications. approve with certain modifications. deny the application. or nray rcfer the application to thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board for dccision. All sr,aF approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. Thc following types of Dcsign Rcview applications may bc sraff approvcd: Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with thc architrchral dcsign. tnatcrials and colors of thc building. and approval has bcen received by an authorizcd member ofa condouriniutn association. if applicablc: Any application to nrodify an existing building that does not significantly changc thc existing plancs ofthe building and is generally consistcnt with thc architectural design, materials and colors of the ' building. including, but not lirnited to exterior building finish materials (c.g. stonervork, siding. roof .lraterials, paint or stain.). extcrior lighfing. canopics or arvnings, fences. antennas. satcllite dishes. rvindorvs, slqylights. siding. nrinor cornnrercial facadc improvcrrrcnts. and othcr similar modificafions; Anv apptication ibr site improvenrents or mod,ifications including. but not limitcd to. driveway nrodifications, sitc grading. site rvalls, rcmoval or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of acccssory structures or rccreatioual facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. lf this application requires a separatc review by any local. statc or Federal agency othcr than thc Torvn of Vail, thc application lbe shall bc increased by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicrv, may irrclude. btlt arenot limilcd to: Colorado Dcpartmcnt of Highway Access Pennits. Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. etc. The applicant shall be rcsponsible for paying any publishing fecs rvhich are in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If. at thc applicant's request. any mattcr is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published. thcn thc entirc fce for such re-publicafion shall be paid by thc applicant. . Applications dccmcd by the Community Devclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt to have desigr, land usc or other 'issucs which may have a significant impact on the conimunity may requiie review by consultants in addition to Torvn staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staffthat an outside consultant iinccdcd, the Communily Devclopmcnt Departmcnt rnay hire thc consultant. The Departmcnt shall cstintatc the arnount of moncy neccssary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be fonwardcC to the Town by the applicant at the tirne of filing an application. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount ibrw'arded by the application shall bc paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Tourn. Any excess funds will bc rehrned to the applicant upon rcview cortrplction. ft Updated 5/97 B. D c. Date Qwest (970) 384-0238 fa.x (970) 384-02s7 Jason Sharp Public Service Company (970) 949-s781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. (970) 949-58e2 fax (970) 9494566 Ted Husky/John Boyd Excel Energy (303) s71-7s18 fax (303) 571-7877 Paul Kellogg Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * (970)476-7480 : fax (970) 4764089 Fred Haslee AT&T Broadband (970) 949-1224 x ll2 fax (970) 949-9138 Floyd Salazar + Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Eagle River Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1.If the utility verification forrn has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. Ifa utility company has concerns with the proposed constlction, the. utility representative shali note directly on the utility verification fonn that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter ro rhe Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibilify of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obrain a Public Way Permit lrom the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before dieeine in any public right-of-way or easement wirhin the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separately. 2. 3. Updated 6/97 9t t tt/zout rxt o$:o{ l.tt.I. ,hl-18-!l 013{|r lrahnn zo!{o6t!05 m{ llFlrnrlP oeeDrald-sltnal rt0{??l I l.ltt f,0U0t F-?II g 0oz DItOt Dl& rEElt lfl*rlltllto t, lnc.. I lrElrtrlr colgerE:lot I|D ?tfilli urt llllr lt&lr&'!D v, Drc., I FrmlFr lL osAorrItof of c $It Conary ol ri $D ot coIOllDO trnSr cqtpipo ulvttltf,l trE ! WAITAITTYDEED lrf,t DGIO. li|dr |i& 16cb dryd oqtob.' qhot l.trl dt'||t l. 'ot g' @*T naDD trtr lll€d, tt, ll{40 , 2000 , tdrql . !n!!r,.nl otdr i! Co$iq af !d $!. d tt{OII;lDL 'l ar: wmrtts8lttr, Tb.ltic rt!|br if na b sr!b. doCti.fl!otle 'latl^Ea |[' aEh" gcc{ rltr rdulDL .onald.r|rl€!,DOllAnS. tn t|o{arr|l ntd@ of*Lh b ffit rlflot'Cfrn. b lrmEd, ttttrha. pL sd snvtld, at! Ly 6.- pw du ld' hrfrl|t. tCL reBvo rid sfirn' t|!t! lh' tnrri., hir !t!ia t rrdf g!nr, dt tl|. tid Folarv rol.dtt vltb htro?entf 1t4ry, *cJt' Itbt.nd bcinf inltr '|il cb60f d lrttrIl rd$a ot Cbtcrd! itlldbd $ fdlcttt cdtDGl"ltr ErtE r IID E, F llolt alrl toll! ooE{EII,E, t6aer4iigl tc tl! ffi.lddxF I*P E tq3il d trDurrry 11, 19ta ia t6ol Za{ rt irt. 6to rr Lcqrllc[ tlo. t'ao851, .!a rEcarAlDt t. EDr Clor&Llttr D.6tErtilq|r ot CotlrlaaBa. C'E r tlEBa a[i LrtrLttol €t rtacc lbl llelCa gondardulr. stcoriLd t.Etqrty ltr 1tt6 tn locts tll rt tr|t 619 rr Lc.trtLo h. 1{0atl, coorrr ot lra&t, lrrft ot aoldtrDb .lro t aun Dr aarr* |!d rlorrrr: le 0 vll! ]r&!rt Drtrtl t - u' r}|I&, co 4t637 fir8|'!t'! shh itl rd &fdrr rb lr,*m.d TFtrract lh.FF lrt 4bf, ar hrE rbt agcmnrfg, al rtr nrruton ii, rtwdc6, rnruhicrrdttd.li sr h.rra 'rdht |lcut, .rd dl 6.{d!, dalt 15., Lrrlr,lbb.ddsld !/br. E rattu |ted, drh h ht ot.fdt' !t, h|ta F Fa *orc Lrnhaa r|f,L., rlA tlr Hbnrr ul $tntt urc-. IO EAYI Alo TO EOr.D Oc rh fnd: eorc te6lnC d &re cd, $6 60 AFd.r@, liFrta |'d!r. nli icln !!rd |lrlpr lbv.!. Aril ih6 gd!t, fufbdf,I|l,fdn, u4 perd nprcautrq d.i cov.rf,, ttrd., b.tDi|\ |od |tls E .|d qhi rh lrrdq Ur Hr ma r*r, fu r tu lb. d|i. .t4alba ea ldlt tt d 6D t!!B, b h lill !4d !i 6. rn& $ovt .cwq.d. h fFd, rgtG, f.riEq fi.e fa ldlta*h cm ol bldtm, b ka. b n dE?h, ro4 !.. teoa rtib, ftl tofir $d lrrltl rdodv rc ltrd. LtDh, adl rt! sry tr r|D h rlurd trul r&n€li. rrd inrfu rnmfirt|1d..r ftlEil lbfintt |Da oii.r lrrstrr b4rhr, rbc lL-, {fl, radtutr, lDld.Tr.r ud tfdditr of rh.Evq I'hd r rgus F.v!( !E!pt $.r. |rtt.t. r|t f{rtgb t'l EDtbt t tll al!r&.al t trto .|!d Erd. r lrrE brrro!. tli. |trfir $d |rt sill lrarll^rrtt$|D ftruvR DrtIdD rtr rtcr+qrH Fli|l-r hbqd6r rid Frc.dlr Dos!-ti ofna |'r|c.. rh.lrtrC.$ip& {rhr atr tdcta} Fd c.pdr l|tfrl, Ebffil '|6 ttoL d |!u tatt ihlrd, Tlrc 6srl.r nttt .*all ielurh |b ffiq fufhdf! rhf{bt, g lUI,rCrry ld- *.U b. rtlbt b|[t tr&!. tR wnt $ f,lEtld, t rrmb6|!C dr'tiLdolbd* titftrt.t f!. lfc., I llllr|Jlrr colt6[llc tE nntlg ugr o0lDolrtiKn Drtr6lrlr &|Eol cllaElDo I ,r, cbr.ry of nEit | . tL ltFalht hrrrntt|...rF.lrltaf6|cr n |l! llcl fq.t br l r asq&FlE tnnFEt, la tlltl@l Qt lrot E r *9ll co:rorrttgr rD llrtot DlG rqlll r.t,llglrrlo colrordltof - Mr shlrd!! qlr D.cdr5 0l' ro0l tl,la Fg.Cr hl|lr *:fb *^tI^*lYErthtta-rsirEaallsBnat, urlrtlzuul l.t(l Jttl-lt".ol 0?:{llr oa: oa l A.t, llrlwt zoJroulS0S ui lhlntlp GeeDraId-6ltmal r-m P,sv]!t Fpr E003 lrlFr etr,lt tt taE alstED 1r* Hro3 DEtcIA Jrt|xrafB|flO V O*r xD(rboral FE(IrO va&cofig' 'VDlD0tllorS. $lrrAlf ttltt AIDr:lonr to v tL cott6t ::ve lsci l],_ryq E}il}Jor *6 Fflr a@ o,rir 3:q_ etsrpgl lElure - 6ovrg?.u5rD[,vr,E, frt IlotlfuiE tsLtl lELz'qs GS 'otr- 5l g'tx qt ,t7(s sAt 956 t1r ttct .4t 0s t9.3 gac 0.6 411.5 a /r4rl' EA([aeulrrY,@r-qJo ry.w,ltstsmLo!3 HlllsttfcE vl!-lu.l cf,rE ETwl rrsEt vr[.;vr| YI,EW ESD ve[.f,lTEDlstSCr.e? lfulf oPv/i[- Ca nlt t.gt,tfs',tfrl qae 2-9 03 I,t 4 oJrt OE 0'r0 Grc 4m ra l&.td Eq:!q.il. tlrt Ac.l Jtd Ineo uJlc 0o uD.m ,fi r"rt.s Iti.tt! tr HH*Hffifrffi ller !r nnr*a'r rluD c @xrF 'la.rk--rFafHqbl rqq* - rr+ E ffi rE +e'ffi lclEEt w' E--E+*F-E - ir-ff+ 5E|-t r.DrhE{rr-- rr-rb4drf -.-f !3 - : W r- - rtsr t !. p1r rf 61 :r q-ri r 11 r . tF-!-n,!r-ErE .rr- -_. r-iJs--E* arrs at at t10d.23.-t669 Ffr, 1l9t utttdtzu\tI taxt 06:uD IAI lqtto6l;to5 JqFll-0l 0ll.lr frur*rn ud l&ehnrlr ATEIEDTE ceebrald-5latral sil{n4ffi '- -i .-r{t5 Ct/UCtE l-sl f .0&!| f.8r?E00i! hFr #ft P&E -ryra^rrrf,rr@ft,vDF rqf lpoti'rlf Frgo v^s.Fa6 VEEIEN srrrlrlstt lTlx: r- o. Er r@ vr[-@flef @xEnHrD[,]Ettrocv l|rrG|(r gtFrllDt!su3 OOs1[,v.qtfDnvA!. a $,fr' Q.ll-+AEs5q11t ffi.ffi#xg:nHEHfficrrirBornrurr!|E rDa@o|r,*HE' -r::r*lHffiH#Sffi#ilsffi HlgH!'t -rco(lrrr,rirEl Da\o|ldr{t tttlrtD lf, I I I 1.'I .\ l. t_ I : I I /rt*i.icfEcrnrry, ol -orc ' rnrt r?! E .-'l icr.crc, cr zrn ta., _rd ir! _t.rr u*irw- g6 IGE 4! Ear -o o rmnrcail-" , H re3 nri tr*ai rr,sro ;t6fi- ; tg ,.a - ;: ::-:qrrc Islt ib-t td rlJao t.@ E19S oJn 18 t Esc! Lttt rr{f vru.*rt ' qs Gr rElF Cfr oS !a!s q& nu vrllver-rr"rsprt,E ffi tg &tf,ilcFv.E,€a ,+a , X|JE 07/L3/2OOl FRI 0S:03 FAI 2034061305 Ceebrald- Slmal rd 001 LJlrie schlesinger Interiors Onc clcorloka cantre, 25O S. Arrrtrclion Ave. Suitc 1OO3 Wcst Polm Bch., Fl 33401 Phone 561-820-8991 Forc 561-835-8396 rlu<,Q17 - +1b. gt woNe; oeft; 4-1hz,lr'1 CCt RE: D t rgent E For Revieru tr PleoseComment Please Reply tr Please Recycle l$r?]d 9N1L"D4 iJ-o 's t a ttttril - ---tr*=nsr ill 'l rl I i. i, i. i. i. i.. t.l. :.,.:.. i, :., i. i. i, i, :,, :., i. ;,, .-i.:r :...i. i. :' l, i.:,.:,. i, :.. i, i. i. i. i, i., :,. i, .1,. t.. 1, i.. i. i. i, t 1.. 1.. L.:., :.,. i, i. i. ,,. ,,. i 1,- t. -... . :. 1". :.. :\ i.. i. i, il :' l.. L :,. i. :., i. i. i. :,, i, i. r, 1.. .t- i. i,.:\ i.. :- i. L t., l, t :, !,. i, i. i..l i. l i., t 1" f. i.. !. :. t . :. l. i, i. l. ?, :,. i, :,, i. :,. :.. :,. :,, i. i. 1, i. :,. i. 1. . i. i. i. i. 1,. t. :,, i. i. :... i. :.. i. 1. :,, :,. :, i, . t. i, l. 1. :.. i.. :. i. t. l. :., i. r. i, i. :.. i. :.. i_ :.. i, l. i. :- t. :.. :.. i. :.. t :. l. t. :., i. !. i. :.. r, ;.. i,, i. i. 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I I I I I tl ,l Jr I t,JI I rt I '.4 i!t' il fi ,' {tl 't I I I I I , E r'* I {. t ii tif*tltt'l*** f* *t*+*+ ***i *'tirt* +*+*++*,t' +*'r.'t+r' tr+**++*,t* ** 'ir * *'ii*f+++t,r, *t,lrt+ **r* r+++ + ++** *t, *,t* t** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Srar6rnent {t'll***lri*ti+'l***ltri****t * + +*** *+ i * ** +* + *++ ++*** {' +*f * **** * ++++***+ f,+t*r++* * ++++ +**,i* +*i fr*f** r Statement Number: R000001140 Amount: $50.00 O7/21 lZOOl';O3t 54 ptt Payment lrlethod: Check Init : JAR [otation: 2OZ9S Permit No: DRBO10Z21 Type: DRB - Addition of CTRFA Parcel No: 210108110019 Site Addless: 600 VAIL \fALLEy DR VAIL Location: pinos Unit V & MN Total Feest $50. OO Thie Payment: 950.00 Total ALL ttnt6: $50.00 Balance: $0. 0O **'l**** ****++ *+**** i** * **'l + *+ ++** * ***'it t* + * * * * + + + +l * * ** f*+ **a'tr{' ***+ ++**+**i'r | *'t, *'tilr!r*++* ** *,} ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts DR ()O1(]OOO31I22OO DESIGN REVIE|^I FEES 50. 00 O DEPARrMENr oF CoMMUN,r"t rror"r*,TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Valuation: $400.000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restrided: # ofcas Applianccs: 0 Building-> 91,940,00 RestuarantPlanReview-> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT PErMit #: 80I-0263 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: Pinos UnitV & MN Applied . . : 08/31/2001 Parcel No....: 210108110019 Issued. . . : 09/07/2001 Project No . : PRJ0I-0264 Expires . . .: 03106/2002 OWNER Fixst Colorado Investmene Tr08/3t/2O0L Phone: 561-820-8991 - Schlesinger 801 S County Road Palm Beach FL 33480 License: APPLICAI\IT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 08/3L/200t Phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO 815 s8 License: 251-A COMIRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 08/3I/2O0L Phone: 970-84s-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL. CO I l-658 I-,icense: 251-A Desciption: Addition of 4 dormers; and remodel interior and sprinliler Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family TlpeConstruction: III l-HR Typelll l-Hour Tlpe Occupancy: 'l? Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofcas t gs: 0 ' rtos\\t)'r\L # of Wood I'ellet: 0 FEE sL jMltlARY S0 . 00 I'otal Calculated l.'ees-.' S3 , 404 . 00 Plan Check-> 51,261 . OO DRB Fee-.-> S2oo . oo Addilional Feqt-- ' Invcsligalion-> will call-> S0.00 RecrealionFee--> 53 . 00 Clean-un Deposit--' so-00 S0.00 'l'otal Pemit fee----:. 53,404.00 S0.00 Palmlenls----------) 53,404.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEES-----]> S3,404.00 BALANCE DtrE------. Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/05/200L CDAVIS Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT o8/3L/200L Brent Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS PAGE 2 * * *** * ** ** *** * * * *** ** **** 'l** ** * * ** ** + * ** *'l *** *** **** t*'t * *'t'r * **{' **** + * +* +* +* +* * +** +* + +* * * * * * *'*'t* * * ** *** * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B0l-0263 as of 09-07-2001 Status: ISSUED :t *,t**:*,1** * * * ** * * ** *** * ** ** * * * +++++ * ++ * * ** 't * * * {r* * '* ** 'l.tl *{.***'} * * '} 'l!t{i* 't**'}* **** * ** '* *'} 't *,t **:tfit '* * * ** ** * * ** +** * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 08/31/2001 ApplicanL NEDBO CONSTRUCTION lssued: 0910712001 970-845-1001 ToExpire: 0310612002 JobAddress: 600VAILVALLEYDRVAIL Location: Pinos Unit V & MN ParcelNo: 2l0l08ll00l9 Description: Addition of 4 dormers; and remodel interior and sprinklcr Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Enty: 0910612001 By: mvaughan Action: AP sprinkler and fire alarm upgrades are required. rough and final inspections. plans for sprinkler and alarm should be submitted prior to 9ll7 . Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. See page 2 of this Document for any "onton. that may apply to this permit. I DECLARATIONS I here\ acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information rcquired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to mmply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTIR HOURS IN ADV S€nd Clern-up Deposlt To: rVa 38 OR AT ottR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE TURE OF O ^ $? clnel & !"'-'l-'l APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN tl 97 O- 47 9- 2149 (Inspecdons) General Contractor: /LlfAnl G"'>tcxnort Town of Vail Reg. No.: 'atciC </?/ -3{d Contractor Sionature: MWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 rcq uired fo 1- CTOR TION etc.! PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUTLDTNG: $ Joo, o, -ELECTRICAL: $ Gc)o-'OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ lA, Oo<t MECHANICAL: $ 'a, OC,rorAr.:S /Ob.o- coM Parcel ******************r.************fr******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********,f ******Jr***r'***tr*************r. Fees: DRB F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm For Parcel # Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or yisit Parcel # 2/Ot 0l;// a012 .t 17 (application will not be accepted without parcel number) Job Name: Sctf t rJ r -ve+zz-rob Address: fr\;"ry"*7{: rr/2'l 91' Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision : fUtt rt l ou " -ot owners Name:1)r6 /, fu feunlddrp:?cU t.grf7;n9ruo,phonet S-6 /-F2<>W/ *VT4w*g;rcr Address:i 21.t /(+rcos f?4."c+r/?4 l/,4/c ft> ll'non?f"-se sz Engineer: /(prn Addressl t'r-y' qf? z-. -l/Atr a.t i'/ aS\Phwr".lq- g3g, Detailed descriotion of work:, -<{57lt-1-, rta2 /Ztn-qt "J t * ptt"vta Oz <-- fatrnz, o4 C-JP,&-vzcriu WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel fi) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Bothf()Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) N"f,< ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciaft\Aestaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /_f No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood gurninqV) No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances Nd Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yesrp{ No ( )ooeryist: Yes( ) NEd) Type of Construction: OccuDancY Grouo: iit'" "t L 1." . '' I !f I NOV 07 20O1 l1:26FM KR NSULTFNTS I NC. P.O. BoX 4572 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 M nn o 3?4q 1='7.''na o P.1 KRM coNsuLrANrs, rNc, Scucrs I NGq B,rt- oAb3 (970) 949-93S1 (FAX) 949-1577 Denver 1-800.98+9391 DATE: 1Qt25t20Q1 FAX 1. NAME: Carl COMPANY: NedboConstruction FAX: 1-970-845-9979 NAME: Ray Story COMPANY: FAX: 1-970-476-5639 ffi@Y ts- JOB NUMBER; 0'103-07 PRQJECT: Schlesinger Remodel WE TRANSMIT HEREWTH THE FOLLOWNG ITEMS (IN ADDITION TO THIS TRANSMITTAL): # PAGES: DESCRIPTION: 2 Field report & partial plan 1Ol24t2OO1 Ffi( TRANSMITTAL ro, ?A1rtCfr COMPANY: FAX: NAME: CQMPANY: FAX: estions or comments, Thanks o o o o o N0V O7 2001 1 1 : 26Fll KRtt C0NSULTFNTS I NC.3?0JS 1s77 p.2 KRM coNSULrANrs, rNc P.O. BOX 4572 vA L, COLORAoo 81658 (970) 949.9391 (FAx) 949-1s77 Denv€r"1-8@984.9391 TO: Nedbo Constructlon ATiENTIONT PRo.,iEcT: Schlesinger Remodel JoB NUMBER: PRESENTAT SITE: CaT & Lcren srArus oF coNrpLETtONr Final framing walk through FIELD REPORT ARRiVE: DEPART: WEATHER: 010347 10t24t2001 Cold & windy o This was the final framing observatjon for this project. With the extensron adjacent to the stairwell, all of the fough structurel ffaming The following item is noted: 1. Addiriona Simpson LSTA36 strap lioor beam with the sandwiched steei applicatign. The alternative to this strap on the plan. (see attached partial plan) exception of the c?ntilevered balcony had been coriroletecilat the time of visit. tuffiW"mf-- tres spaced aI24" o.c. shall be added to the (4)-1 3/4x11 7/8 LVL plate. AII nail holes shall be filled wih 26-10d nails at each method would be to add additional thru-botls as originally indicated Otherwise, the kaming appears to conform with skuctural drawings and specificationg, COPY TO: Nedbo Ray Story ,l t^ REVIEWED: ' r'i i,'t..it.r ?i;rr;r', .i , :, ..'.t 'i . 'l tF'.', i. I P.3 s?o s4s 1577 N0V 07 2OO 1 I I : ?6Fti KRH CONSULTRNTS I NC, KRIV CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 2,572 Voil, Colorcdo 81 658 (szo) s+o-s-rsr Denver 1-800-984-9J91 Joe Scht.6sinoer RFrnodet -- #Ot OJ_07 .errl Nn 1 ^- 2 ShEST NO. ' OF L .o,.r.n*o u, LRH o^ft a9/26/01 0AtE CHECI< 8Y I OPEN /l //1 I l\ l.'IO BEIOW lil rii -::::-:ii v)F a F , FTELD WELO (N) R[,/ IO (E) BEAM (N) L 4x4x1l4 RIM OF BAR IIELD. LY!. __\ t 1/2) 2x19 1/2) a PRovtbF Ts posr up IO (E) 'FOP FIANGE /Nr\ Tc ^rir crE- n vt/ 'r wv,J,\ | |LLU IO (E) 'FOP FIAN6 OF BAR JOI.SI FOR .N) TS JOIST, FIE '-l I I Fr c.t I ri 7', I giF '1 i.-- - I I F C<rT-? i ZT- I ---*--'-,--ll ----.,----il |l ^J --- -*- \]i ---iJil -?;\ -;,'-: :tt.:Atql'-a ^tl .,L!f I -'"-'"--. - -"-lli t'i - - -*---'-1 .___-__]i ADD L 3xJx1/4 IN WEB SPACE & FIELD WELD | (N) 3 1,/2'x1l 7/6 PARALAM'sI.o 12" O --L\: Nu. : j/da?6-/3i2 O orn. 76 z?,ar ze:aipy, ?: }t,: jl,l:lf " Fern6ndez,r-tnos del Norte Apartsmento V lnc. olc3 oFF,c'h"'f,ffiere 2ooo l'r )i*{r- ^/ -\r'z '-l fr)n ,-{ cn z n Fi{ Dear Guillermo, ,," .ll:f"r to your,",,,"j y^:y..linos det Norte Condominium Associarj ,i;r',"fiy;iiq'ri€,srins rhe approvar or r"-u"'."]'iirnses reraral ;i;;;#:,ijffiri?T:;i I havg informed al v * *u ni i o ffi ;ff"ill il i',". fi ?tr#:, ru #in n i,J,'Jl$:: *T :il Hfffi nT , Therefore, I am plt by our associ"ti;;. x'dEBQd to advice you that the followlng items l6ys 6""n o Dormer windo o oormer;;;;* to be instatled on the oafi wail in the north upstarrs badroom.o Dorm.r;iil;* rn prace or existins ."nt^r:r-rl:f ;;;;;; ih"; rivins room,tnu rr.t "i.i"#oXDove suPport bearn in south rrpstarr;;;il, to be addec on o Dormer windo elevatron, -w with a 36 inches bslcony in tho master bad roorn on the west o Office windowto be incorporqted to the wall in the nort o The addiron ol-lptlairr o.o-i"r." rr re oorfilsr windov/ to be installed on the sast 'gas ljnes to both unlts ,,M,,and ,,V,,. As requirtsd' these changes havo to bs approved by the town of vail.please note that r be borne uv vou. '''( cost8 rncurred by the association pertaining to thie remodeling will is also understood that the timing of the t our managers in a wav that it ooes nrii"iliJri""s?ruction work wili be coordinated with espacially in the peak iu".ons. - '-'r with the normal activity "t "r, ou,rji"il ",,..., ut'lli ;:Til',i: ru'.#: $t'?r", TJl,'Jffi f ? ;;T* o r th e rem o de I in g s h o urd b e yours sincerely, Fo8ox89 800 Vait VEltsy Or Bl€ ,C, 81858 9t0./,n.2747 970.47e.761,? Fey Pdhvril @vsl,rlcl PrNg D t:c. Ilon & K,4v Larson A{anage7.\,. NDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION o $ s o l,@, Town of Vail OFFME COPY A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, INC. 635 WEST WHITE AVENUE GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81505 1-800-748_1204 INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: REPORT PREPARED BY: JOHN R. PETERMAN INSPECTOR MANACER CERTIFICATE NO: 526190192 NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 LOCATION: RESIDENCE PINOS DEL NORTE 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE I.JNITM-3 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 t6- o INTRODUCTION: on october 25' 2000 an inspection/survey was conducted and ? bulk samples were collected from the Pinos Del Norte 600 Vail Valley Drive Unit M-3 Vail, Colorado 81657 The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected asbestos containing nlatelals that night be present in the units that are planned for renovation.. The inspection was made and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and stste of Colorado certified Building Inspector. creat care was taken during the inspeciion *a .un1pt-l to u. n, -- accurate as possible. It should be noted thal minimal danage *u, don" to ihe existing buildingltructures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored it;ms. Alf samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Lakewood, Colorado. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.P.A. Quality Assurance (QA) program for the determination of aslrestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AIHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. Ifduring any funrre demolition or renovation work suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. RENOVATION AREA DESCRIPTION: Unit M3 is a two story unit in a condominium complex that is planned for selective renovation. At the direction of the client only trre arcas planned for renovation were sarnplecl. The interior walls are wood frame with lightly textured sheetrock and wood siding on the surface. The ceilings are covered with lightly textured sheetrock like the walls and open beam "with sheetrock. The floors are wood and covered with carpet throughout with fwo layers ofsheet vinyl in the kitchen and ceramic tile in the bathrooms. The attic area was_viewed through an access panel. This area is insulated with fiberglass insulation the ducts bave foil faced fiberglass insulation. The windows are modem with no suspect glazing. The heating is provided by a hot water baseboard system. No suspect materials were vjsible at the time of the inspection. The boiler and mechanicar systems are not located in this unit. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS : Laboratory analysis ofthe collected bulk samples indicate that asbestos in excess ofthe regulatory limit (greater than l%) is present in the two layers of sheet vinyl flooring in the kitchen. This material will need to be removed as per Colorado Regulation #8 prior to disturbance. It would also be acceptable to leave the sheet vinyl in place and cover it with new floorins. SAMPLE# PDNM3-B-OO1 PDNM3-B-OO2 PDNM3.B-OO3 PDNM3-B-O04 PDNM3-B-OO5 PDNM3.B-OO6 PDNM3-B.O07 FRIABLE YES/NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES SAMPLE LOCATION AREA SAMPLED FROM Bedroom wall main closet floor Kitchen wall Main floor bathroom ceiling Upstairs bedroom wall top of stairs Upstairs bedroom wall far end Kitchen floor Kitchen floor under top layer DESCRIPTION Composite sheetrock w/light texture Composite sheetrock w/light texture Composite sheetrock w/light texture Composite sheetrock w/light texture Composite sheetrock Mlight texture Sheet vinyl Sheet vinyl SAMPLE # PDNM3-B-OO1 PDNM3-B-O02 PDNM3-B.OO3 PDNM3-B-O04 PDNM3-B-OO5 PDNM3.B-006 PDNM3-B-OO7 ASBESTOS TYPE NAD NAD NAD NAD NAD AMOS/CHRY CHRY SAMPLE RESULTS COLLECTION DATE: lOt2stOO DESCRIPTION Composite sheetrock w/light texture Composite sheetrock w/light texture Composite sheetrock w/light texiure Composite sheetrock w/light texture Composite sheetrock w/light texture Sheet vinyl Sheet vinyl o/ 0 0 0 U JO.4 28 NAD - No Asbestos Detected AMOS - Amosite SUSPECT MATERIAL CONDITION SAMPLE # PDNM3-B-OO1 PDNM3-B-OO2 PDNM3-B-OO3 PDNM3.B-OO4 PDNM3-B-OO5 PDNM3-8.006 PDNM3-B-OO7 GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD UNKNOWN DAMAGE NO NO NO NO NO NO unKnown TYPE OF DAMAGE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TYPE OF SUSPECT OVERALL MATERIAL CONDITIONS SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR MISC Mlsc N/A N1A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A KEY: SUR - Surfacino 4ieai - POTENTIAL FOR DISTURBANCE SAMPLE # PDNM3-B.OO1 PDNM3-B-OO2 PDNM3-B-OO3 PDNM3-B-OO4 PDNM3-B-OO5 PDNM3-8-006 PDNM3.B-OO7 ACCESSIBILITY YESiNO YES YES YES YES YES YES NO POTENTIAL CONTACT HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW INFLUENCE VIBRATION LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW POTENTIAL AIR EROSION LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOCATED IN PLENUM YESiNO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ooo<t 90ao o Qoo Sttt :q:e esee ?:3: qccc eeec qceq oFBF o B- ocjcj...i c; c; d- c;c;o'^; c;*d--= :::: :::3 :::: 3:3: :::: :::; o (teoo oc, oo oQoo oooo oooit o ooo s88B dFO ruo et uJ th JFE< bs:tr uJ6<o-ts- ez, -l -2 JFO. <tl= oao?t ZJUJ -EE J<l J J I.IJ EET o<:t oq2 E;:; Ep:; Ep:; g:d; ;d:; Eds; 6fi zia oo zo !J .ci .O; 8 o o o o \o =F!J =-fc o -< (,? !! rtor!F '- F!J-J(-,J <F FUJ <Fl 6<lroE-:t ctoFo <l( U, - t O -F Fd-l, arlaFL'OF >-F-tu J t- J U) LtJ -, lr1 @U <(JHOE u, (.' z,\tJE, l)ao< <doo-6 J ) = F q- E (, F = o- |rrF FO oc =-<o )aXxlt oooct 11.| N r\l \o t! 3 z e -=e3 =vt4e g?-uto.D ar oE t (-)a!O-ur J!Jf-(Jr-=] <aDcro qqq4 qqqq il656 sdEd il55*oF.vB -€gE cj;n;g- -:ipR d-c.j <i F IIJ uJ> J -E !J t! - \- o r-:)o q@ FUJ <=o d=(l Orlj < < lr,r io C)O\d 2\t olr! F- =N (J .t O a\l EH *g=e -vt-e -<ftD AA6 E z ulut<uJ 5tE= E l!F at tl e, ,h g:83 :H5F A lU l! ttlJ t! E tu u.l F FF ===E ====i "i d.i icic;c; BH E< e,- o -gr3 2U' 4 =5es uJ ul !J t! € n -z. \o o :E z ct C! \' E z f]It <@a.,O ()o @ -2 d, <o0Lr6 u,l -g-t =?tc o-o-@u- uJ t! u- l|l :':lF:t - F d,(J o o o I ==o <r!(ro o o o o o o (\I o uJ at!-r- aa6 - FC)z!n ECO F U.l <fo <gJ <t <2 oo .D:Eiz vr=J 6]O <sE z m @ -- o- ro ooF ct ooo o oooo .o !!o <-- -o(rz!J r!o<cFz 66 --oo -(J tsE Et! F= -2,58 <ulz Q@v, <,2 FUJd lrl o- a!-=-J<) E -:E (J<f \o J = F I,IJ OOITJJ OO6- r!..O|r.|F FIIJ-J(J 6C)FO <o-o: -u)Je,()N}tltr<o(too B z a- a! E - t- o F IIJ u)) 2-ur< e, z.t-- |ll z 6 Q F -lr.l c lrJ !z o ll,>--o .tcoJ O r <tt F IIJ 2 <50 <E 42|J I @> - QN -o w(, (JO.E at d- (Jf ur J F] ao -N (J\t oav x o ul gJ - F tr,l o c -o = <( !o c, (l ZEE -vr.!0 ., d.L o t! (J EeUJ- 2ltl4J Fd=3 o o o |rI .l lrl -F alt o FO z{t Eao UJ <<=o aoz(-) oo oo:a-(r)lf ao:t6 - <€(9 2 J Qat science Laboratory,Inc. O 12421 W.49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DCM project No.: AB 2025 Ctienr Job No.: ptNOS DEL NORTE Bulk Sample Analysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: DcM science Laboratory, lnc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the Mccrone Research lnstitute and in_compliance witn guioetines established by the Environmental protection Agency (EPA-600/R-93/1 16, Juty, 1993). :.i5::g::i:-f,::?,1':g-lri::iyrlr_lrllsj iox_B'x srereo microscope in a hepa nrrer hood which Hilffi ?*ill'"il,';31?,1;':""-T:':::T:l'r,tr.:ryL.:li9;;iffU'ft;;iltili;T."[:ilt (PLM) at 100X When the sample consists "f ;;re il;'- 'v s'v" q"q'tz-su uv l'vrdtrztiu rrgrrt rrrrcroscopy seoaratetv Fiber enri merriv rn.r6.i-r- ^.^ i.,^-r:.-r - n.one.layer, each layer is prepared and analyzed ::ffi':l"Jt;,jJm?$1'.'tr T,l',",1*'^"::,1:-.T:l:i:!^,1"-;h';:'e"iil;;ili;t';tieip#fi#fi'Jffil.'',;:l?j.T*r::^yl?lli*:j,ll::."1::J:g: rerier uirelrinjen";,;ffi.",in;""."il#5u"#ffi,l;i#:iH'l: l,it"T.',,i:::lt"l i':l1s11li919at,fs oi'puoi* 'iiiniij'iJ?i'I,I,'"b"."ffiJi';,J"ill'l,llon;'fi iT*H:l"fi.:::::,:y"".::r^i*::i?,_",lh.'.rio"i, "no"nilil#;;;Jiil;;,il,#fiJiec rrom tne l*T.H::.^y"Jl*f-,:.,,.::^"10,?.LT:.J,ioiiily;i;:'i;:ffi;#.ili$iH#;;f::,:iT,JT Page i or 'j 229-234, 1955) provide a guide for estimatini f"r-uni"g"r,other arrangements are made by the client. ,,,_,q, \,.r \rsrJllellary relfotogy, (volume 24, pp. All samples are archived for six months unless ACCREDITATION: DoMSL is accredited by the AIHA (since-'1986). our accreditation number is 305. DCMSL is accreclited by NVLAP (since Aprit 1, .1989). Our NVLAp tab'CoOe i, tOtZSe. ENDORSEMENT: l*",jt'[t"?:ffianalvsis musl not be used bv the client to ctaim endorsement by NVLAp or any agency of This test report relates only to the items tesled. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without the v\ritten approval of the laboratory. The analysis raas performed by : Ron Schoft Ron Schott Laboratory Direclor lo r ?1. -o () TOWN OFVAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT Q,o,, FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A0l-0045 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: PinosUnitV&MN Applied..: 09l25l20}l Parcel No...: 2l0l08l 10019 Issued . . : 11106/2001 ProjectNo: Expires..: 05105/2002 OIiINER First Col-orado Investsment Tr09/25/200L Plrone: 561-820-899L Schlesinger 80L S County Road Palm Beach FL 33480 License: CONTRACTOR BEST EITECTRIC, THE 09/25/200L Phone: 97O-328-L6I0 P O BOX 273 EAGIJE, CO 81631 IJicen6e: L0L -E APPLICANI BEST EIJECTRIC, THE 09/25/20OL Phone: 970-328-L6L0 P O BOX 273 E,AGLE, CO 81631 License : l- 01- - E Desciption: INSTALL DEVICES TO MEET LOCAL & NATIONAL CODES/CONNECT FLOW & TAMPER TO EXISTING FA SYSTEM Valuation: $2,500.00 FEE SLIMMARY Elertricsl---> DRB Fee-__> Invesligation--->' Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES->s0.00 ss4 . o0 s0.00 s0.00 F3. oo ss7. o0 ss7.00 90.00 $s7 . oo Tolal Calculated |ees-> Addilional Fees----..:, Total Permit F€e----> P!yments----.------)- $57.00 BALANCE DLTE----:> Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIfT 09/25/20OL rrvaughan Act,ion: AP any further changes to alarm system after tr permit shall include the upgrade/replacement of Ehe alarm panel . The current system is no capable of monitoring the additional devices asoociatsed with inEtsallation of sprin systema, nor is it' capable of prowiding point identification for device :TH::.:::l.l,',**,,****,***t't'ttii||''t''i,ittttt|t||,it|||'**r}*:t,t**ltrt****lt,}****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: CON0005068 any further changes to afarm system after this permit shall include the upgrade/replacem the alarm panel . The current system is no longer capable of monitoring the additional dewice associated witsh installation of sprinkler syatems, nor is it capabLe of providing point identificaEion for device arrnunciation. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agrcc to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicablc thereto. OF OWNDR OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNE TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 OWNER AIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: Pinos Unit V & MN Parcel No...: 2 l0 l08l 10019 Project No : F'irst Colorado InvestmenE Tr10/10 /200r Schl e s inger 801 S County Road Palm Beach FL 33480 L,icense; Pcrmit #: A0l-0048 Status.... ISSUED Applied. . : 10/1012001 lssued..: l0l3ll200l Expires . .: 04/2912002 Phone: 561-820-8991- CONTRACTOR PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION 711 HARRISON, IJNIT B LEADVILL,E, CO 80461 License : 226 -ltl APPI-,ICANT PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION 71-1. IIARR]SON, I]NIT B LEADVIT,T,E. CO 80461 L,icense. 226-M Desciption: INSTALLFIRESPRINKLERS Valuation: $8,070.70 70/1-0/200! Phone: 97O-872-6L74 NEW # 1O/I0/200I Phone: 970-872-6t74 NEW # * 'l * + r * * | * * . t + . + + + + 'N * FEE SUMMAR\' Electrical-----:- DRB Fee---- ' lnvcstigation--:' Will Call----->' TOTAI, FEF:,S-> **,t,t**1)t,t***t****t**tt'tt't*:|rt*ttr**f,,t,a*rt*,tt**,r*tr*tt**t*'i***aa'itr*****,t*t*'******at*******tt***+t+++***'t*'il****,i**++++* $152.00 s155. oo 5165.00 s0.00 $16s.00 90.00 'fotal Calculated Fees- ' Additional Fees------' 'Iotal Pennit Fee---- ' Paymeots---*------. BALA}{CE DIIE-_--- Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT IO/L0/200L mcgee Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informatron and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this struchre according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes. design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.trOTIR HOI]RS FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. GNAI'URL OF CONTRACTOR SELF AND OWNE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.......: Pinos Unit V & MN Parcel No....: 2l0t08l10019 , ProjectNo .: ?? Wtfil- DIW Fireplace lnfonnation: Rcstricted:# ofCas Appliances: 0 lluilding---> $195 . oo Rcstuarant Plan Review-> Plan chcck--> 5125 .75 fftl fes.._"--.--> o DE'ARTMENT oF coMMLrNrrv o er.op^ae*r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D0l-0036 OI{NER First Colorado Investment Tr08/24/200L Phone: 561-820-8991 Schlesinger 801 S County Road Palm Beach FL 33480 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO cEr.,r,# 471-4888 81658 License: 251-A .A.PPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO cEr-,r,# 471-4988 81658 I-,icense: 251-A Desciption: DEMO lnterior remodel; Addition of 4 dormers; Balcony addition: Mcchanical system revision. Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family TypeConstruction: III-lHR Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $15.000.00 08/24/200]- Phone: 970-84s-1001 08/24/2O0t Phone: 970-845-1001 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08124/2001 lssucd...: OBl27l2O0l Expircs. . .: 0212312002 Add Sq Ft: 0 # ol Gas [ogs: 0 l/ of Wood Pellet: 0 So . oo Tot&l Calculatcd Fccs-' 9374 . ?5 S5O. OO Addilionol Fees-_*:' FEE SUMMARY lnv€stigalion-> Will Call--> 90. oo Recreation Fet_._-_: ' 93.00 Clesn-upDeposit-----> 90.00 90. oo Total Pemit Fee-, S374.75 50. o0 Psymcnle--------- -' 93?4.75 TOTA], FEES--.--]' S3?4 . ?s BALANCE DLIE-> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIIT 08/27/2O0L JHNt Action: AP FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS REQUIRED rtem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT rIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 PI]BLIC WORKS 90.00 PAGE 2 'f *** * ** l' * ** * * *+ * + *r * *'r* t!t* ** * * * * * * *** * *** * ** f* * *+ +* + {r * ** * * ** * * * * *** * * *t* ** * ** * * +++* ** ** ** ** * | * *'l ***:***'}!* CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: D0l-0036 asof08-27-2001 Status: ISSUED ********'t***t rt* * * ** * ** * + *{' ** * {' * * * * *** *++ * *** ** * ** ** * * 'r *** **+ + * + * {r** * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * *** * * !r!t* * * + +* + * * * * Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicanr NEDBOCONSTRUCTION 970-845-1001 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Pinos Unit V & MN ParcelNo: 2l0l08l10019 Description : DEMO -Interior remodel; Addition of 4 dormers; Balcony additionl Mechanical systrem revision. Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FORASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQI.JIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Applied: 08/24/200r Issued: 08127/2001 To Expire: 0212312002 See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structue according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanccs of the Town applicable thcreto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUN HOURS Scnd Clern-up Ileporlt To: ADVANCE BY TEI-EPIIONE AT 138 OR AT OUR oFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. GNATURE OF OWNER OR C CTORFOR ANDOWNE APPTICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN o WILL +,3f{,z 7? c;t "" r {7 , s TowNuFwnlY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #:_ 97 O- 47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) Town of Vail.Reg. No.:and Phone #'s:?tt-w COMPLETE VALUATI ATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials IIECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAL: 5 1{, OtgO - For Parcel *:&************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******rt**,t**!r*****rr******************* Ottrer Fees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm # Conhct Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit Parcer# Ttalogl lool?(application will not be accepted without parcel number) lob Name: (t' *iCt! t, trlLt 7l UN'f N,iZN;< llLL ;tct.l r-{ JOD AOOTeSS: Outt t:Eit vkta-Et Dt!1ytg Lesar Descrip tion llffi-,af] elo"r,'riring: (( Tllt Subdivision: OWnerS Name:/t ii( tQLL:t+)Pr) .+tv;1fitt,iN /- f/J;' >F Phonet&i-t7o -gtf/ architecVDesi snerilft /t Sfo/y'Address: 2Zh tM*S Phone: ( 76 5I-37 Ensineer: /4//4/ LNtLf.Address: NoU Phone:71/ - /:? / Debiled descriotion of worx: )nvoufra( fr5 prtu,tittfl frl &actrt- ftt frm''d b/ DlB WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodet ( ) Repair( ) Demo(r/ Otnr( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) eotn futf pdes an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (4 Type of Bldg.: Single'family ( ) Two-family 1 1 ruruu-famif/con'nr.r.iur t ) n"staurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building /f No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood eurninq 1) J-Tofm Noflypeof FireplacesProposed:Gas-Appliances(,4 GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq(NoTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Evist: Yes (.ef ruo ( ) t -l o (vrf 9sgvpqlq ltqcru Date Received: o I + TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 License: CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 6LO5Z License: 190-B APPLICA]flT DOI'BIJE Q ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO .lL652 License: 190 -E oepaf,eNr oF coMMUNrrY DEVELoPMEN? NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: (r00 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: Pinos Unit V & MN ParcclNo...: 2l0lOtll10019 C)a'r-o , -^t,l FroJecr No : ( v>) ot -o>u-l First Colorado Investment Tr09/20 /200L Schl e s inger 801 S County Road Palm Beach FL 33480 Permit #: E0l-0206 Status...: ISSUED Applicd..: 09/20/2001 Issucd..: 09128/2001 Expircs . .: 03127/2002 Phone: 561-820-8991 OWNER Desciption: Valuation: 09/20/2001, Phone:97 0-748-9780 09 /20 /20Ot Phone: 970-748-9780 REWIRE COMPLETE I-INIT ELIMINATE BASE BOARD HEAT $25.000.00 FEE sLrlvtN'l,\RY Electrical------: DRts Fee------ Investigation-- ' Will Call-----:, TOTAL FEIiS--.' $4s0.00 s0.00 so. o0 s3.00 5453.00 s453.00 s0.00 s453.00 $4s3. oo s0.00 Total Calculated Fe.s- Additional Fees------ Tohl Pemrit lrcc---- PaJ'|rrents-------------- BI\Lr\NCI- Dt tFl---- Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT 09/28/2ooL df ltCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI'IANCE, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation as required is correct. I agrcc to comply with the information and plot plan. to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structurc according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes. dcsign review approved. Uniffrm Building Code and other ordinanccs of the Town applicablc thcreto.L- ,//--l---/-/ L/ /a7.-?."-./4-1. g9/r7/26Bt av22 :- s7a-748-9788 /fl ort 5 E....- Buildlng P6nlt Electictl Fcnnit #: - TNilANL 75 S. Frontrgc Rd. YetL Gobndc tl5liit a...rrr.a.arlr....r....rrrt....r...i.r|FOR OFFICE USE OllLYr...trt.t.tt*.......................1 ilEW EUIIDS .nd VALUATIOT{S FOR AI.J. OTHERIi AI.,IOUNT Of SQ FT N STRUCTURE: @nact ,w m '*Ehlesr tF..c( Pomai<-)obMdruss: Urrtr y' +n4 I'ltur.oef Atc{ A+t Ulr- J *lo'- ;o-- Legal Dcscrlptim I tot I Elock I Filing:SuMhfibn: orncrs-xams S.,hlcs,rrqd ll9trls ornt o &L rr. a?ld$ELzu'gFn,t Engineer:Addrcss:Phflei Oetated dcscrltrtJon of rvork: Pg.-,,-tt'(o. Cz,r,noLrJa u^',t fltmttvk &(ss &uD t+*? WortClaos: New() Addltion() Remodert4 Repair() TenrpPoh€r() o$er() WorkType: InteJior( ) fiterior( ) BotLKl Does an EHU odst at $b locatlon: Y€s ( ) 1{o ( ) TID! of Hdq.: *de-hrrrfly ( ) Dupk 1 ) Mdd-famlvl(l commerdd ( ) RBtNr.nt ( ) olttcr ( ) No. of Eristing Dwelling Unils in $b buildingl lfo. of Acecunodatirn UniE in thb buiHlng: I l- rs this mrmit for a hd tub: Ves ( ) l,to b,{, Does a Flr€ Alam Frist Y5.NQ No ( ) | Ooe a Fire sprinkler SEq! q,ittl YGsl_l___U!__) ROUTED TO: DATE ROUTED: DATE DUE: SEP 1 7 ZOl]1 TOV-COM.DEV. F;/:vsrqr/torm/clccpcrrt o o -,;l s"'$ -tf,l S TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2t38 orrotor"T oF coMMrJNrrY DEVELoprr.? NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: PINOS DEL NORTE UNITS V, M,N ParcelNo...: 2l0l08l10019 Project No : CONTRACTOR SWEDE'S METAIJ FA3 P.O. BOX 801 MII TURN, CO 81645 License: 239-M APPLICANT SWEDEIS MET,IIL FA3 P.O. BOX 80L MI}TTI'RN, CO 81645 OVIINER License: 239-M FIRST COI-,ORADO INVESTMEIII rR09 /20/2001 Phone: 801 S COIJNTY RD PAI-,M BEAC1I FL 33480 Desciption: VENTING 7 BATH FANS, VENTING DRYER, KITCHEN MNGE HOOD AND INSTALLING A HUMIDIFIER Valuation: $7'500.00 Fireplace Information: Restric'ted: Y Permit #: M0l-0206 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 10/15/2001 Issued. . : lO/29/2001 Expires . .: 04/27/2002 L0/1-5/200L Phone: 970-331-3336 !0/L5/200]- Phone: 970-331-3336 # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGa.s lrgs: 0 # of Wood P€llet: 0 FEE STlMMARY Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call---> 9150 . 00 Restuarant Plan Revrew-- 940 . oo DRB Fee---*-----'. go. oo TOTAL FEES--------' $3.00 $o. oo 90.00 9203.00 Total Calculated Fees-->' Additional Fees------> Total Permil Fec..-_-> Fayments--------> BALANCE DIIE----->' s203.00 Fo.00 s203.00 s203. oo s0. oo Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTME!fiI !0/26/2O0L CDAVIS Action: AP Item; 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEN| CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI'ICE. DECLARATIONS I hueby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed ar accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sffucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes. design review approved, Uniform Building Code and ordinanges ofthe Town applicable thereto. l't t MWWYilL 75 S. Frcntagc Rd.Vtll, Cobrldo 81652 4f n rY) ---.-L(eAUJ,Building Permit#: Medunical Pelmlt#i Permlt will not be accepted wlthout the following: ,lechanlcal Contractor: -S-"4''* il,=+r( -F^b 331- 333C a"/{ oo57 SE,6 COMPTETE vALuAllgll FC!& !,tECHAt{rCAt pERrrtIT Labor & Haterlals) Alotogtt Job Name: !- -s;- ^ :"\l qltl^€fe i,c:6 <-.^:i{- /* l'-u-n"-q 7 BdL Fh"rs ({,*,, iDevcz-u6s;*}l ffijr-*l WorkClass: New() Addtdon( ) Algption( ) Repatr( ) Otherl 1 Boiler location: Inbrlor ( ) O<erlo< t OUre, f I DoesanEHUexbtatthblocadon: yes( ) No( ) TyP€of Bldgr slnole-fEmlly( ) Dupler( I r.|rr+n,nirvt ) commerdal( ) R.iburant( ) orher( ) No. of E{sflng Dwelling UntC tn ttrb Oulntngr No. of Accomnodatlon Unb In thb bulldlng: a wood bumino fircplace b an EpA Ittttl.t;{.***,lrt***rl.*rlrtrt:t**!f *:f,oNLY**rr **rt tri:t*rtrtrttri*rt,i,t:fi ,trr||'.*,tt|.,r,r (.\to\il F:/.t uton /hm/nrcdrpcm rr { r * ri p!i{ir r i f I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2t3tl ouro*tu*T oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL'PTT*i NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M0l-0207 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: PinosUnitV& MN Applicd..: 10116/2001 Parcel No...: 2l0l08ll00l9 Issued. . : 10/31/2001 ProjectNo : ExPires. .: 0412912002 OIIINER First Colorado Investment Tr10/L6/200j. Phone: 561-820-8991 Schlesinger 801 S County Road PaIm Beach FL 33480 License: coNrRAcToR PHOENTX FIRE PROTECTION LO/t6/2001- Phone: 970-872-6]-74 NEW # 711 HARRISON, I]NIT B LEJADVILLE, CO 80451 License : 226 -ttr APPLICAI\II PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION A0/!6/200r Phone: 970-8'12-6]-74 NEW # 711 HARRISON, UNIT B LEADVII,LE, CO 80451 License z 226-M Desciption: INSTALL GAS LINE FOR F P. AND RANGE Valuation: S900.00 Fireplace Information: Restrict€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # oI Wood Pellet: 0 i"r*,|****tt+*t***+l Mechanical-> Plan Check--)' InvestiBation- -' Will Call---: s28.00 9s5.00 983.00 s83.00 t0.00 52 o . 0o Restuaranl Plan Revierv-' Ss. oo DRB Fec----------- go . oo T() l Al. FEES-------- $3.00 So . oo Total Calculated Fccs--' So. oo Additional Fecs--------- 928.0o Tolal Permit Fee------ Paymenls---------- ' B,\LANCI: Dl IF.-------- Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT I0/25/20OL JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:. 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SBC. 701 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.): INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANIJFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, C}IAPTER ]-O OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 ,9o,8 (BI-,DG. ) : GAS APPI,IANCES STTA,LT. SlrErl']ED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER gQrvo '*""TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE ].997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMBIT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC AND CTIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG,): BOILERS SHALL BE MOITNTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. IINIJESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE AI.IALYSTS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOTLERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FT,OOR DRArN PER SEC. ]-022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR sEcrroN 1004.6 0F THE r.997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledgc that I have read this application. filled out in full the inlormation rcquircd. completed an accurate plot plan, and statc that all the information as rcquired is corrcct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan. to comply with all Torvn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the to\vns zoning and subdivision codes. design rcvicw approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanccs of the Town applicable thcreto. REQLIESTS fOR TNSPECTION sHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI,rR HOLIR\N ,U)v AT 479-2t38 Ot R OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 5 PI\l. TURE OF CONTI{ACTOR TOII HIMSELIT AND OWND NOT BI: \ryill rrot lre accePled i Hechanicrl R,oom Lay,tut |cal Room Dimensibns Project #; Bulldlng Perrtlit #: Mechanical P€rmlt #: 97 g - 47 g-2f49 (lnspecHo rs) d(9 Itr/Wrl0p .4 .lr-, }d?l;ft., to.,p(.B tr t't B li Combustion Ait D'uclSi:qand FfuqVentand ffiltn9flzea Hsat LorS g:,l'q\-=--- Equipmcrrt Cut,/Sp'ec Shcrtts COtIPIETF VALUATXON FOlt MECtlr\NICAL Pl:lRMrr (tabor & Materaa!') otoot tool{ for Pa 75 s. Frontag€ Rd. Vail, Cdorado 81 no bldg. permit # _tlb Addnlrs: L 00 U.,.r v,.o 5 Dj 'rlcr-{ *- Vy'orkclass: New() Mdrfron( ) Alttratior( ) Regnir( ) Otrter( l)o€s an iHU exist at hls locaticn: Yes ( ) llp ( )Boiler Location: Intedor ( ) Extertor 1 ) Other( ) Comrnercitl ( ) Re$aurant ( ) Other ( )TlFc or Bdg: 9ngle-famlly ( ) DJplex ( ) Mulu-farnily tl No. of Existrng Dwelling Units in this brrilding: No/TVDe of Flreobces Existlns: Gas A,Pdianes ( 1 ) (ia$ t-qql ) WqrJ/Pellel ( ) wood lfonipe of pireptaces hopqsed: Gas Applionces ( ) Gas Lcgs r.t ) W<x$/Pellet ( ) Wood Blrnlng (NOT ALLOWED) a converslon ftom a wmd burning firep{ac= trt an lJo. of turcommodation unlts In thls bulldlng: CONTR"FiCfOR INIORM^JaON *+****+++t+++* *{.** ******oFFI(:E USE OHLY,kx ** )t*x*** * *** * * Town of Vitll Reg. Nr).: 9A-, n Contact and Phone #'s: F; / cvcryonc / focYlt/ m€dlPafitt **g+*+gd(*x T8-W \rd *\ ! c+t l) Fire s) Bo, q J a-,A1 GC,[<'-.- {olo@ il-e4 -- (\\oo w 2oD ?r-u ,ood B iu fo-", -(,)crcct TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 or.ofirr*T oF coMMrJNrrY DEVELorrt NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M0l-0209 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: PinosUnitv&MN Applied..: 1011712001 Parcel No...: 210108110019 Issued. .: 1l/06/2001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 05105/2002 OWNER First Colorado Investment Trt!/L7/2OOL phone: 551-820-8991 schlesinger 801 S County Road Palm Beach FIr 33480 License: APPLICAI{T HOAG, aIIM PLI,I\4BING & HEATTNGI 0/L7 /200L phone: 970-945-5559 3907 OLD I-,ODGE ROAD GIJENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 License: 135-P colflrRAcToR HoAG, ,fIM PITITMBING & HEATTNGIO/!1 /2001- phone: 970-945-5569 390? O],D IJODGE ROAD GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 815 01 I-^icense:135-P Desciption: INSTALL N.G. FIRED BOILER RO RADIANT HEAT. cAS PIPING IS INSTALLED BY ANOTHER COMPANY Valuation: $30.000.00 Fireplace lnformation: R€strict€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Loes: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $?53.00 ****'t*:l*{l'i**tt*|t*|****t*++|t++t**li**t*********'3'}'r*******|||t|*|'}i.+ Mechanical-> 5600.00 Restuaraflt Plan Review-> Plan Check--> 9150.00 DRB Fee----------->so. oo Additional Fees----->$0.00 Investigation-> Will Call-->$3.00 BALANCE DUE----->$o. oo 90. 00 TOTAL FEES--------> g?53 - 00 Total Permit Fee-----> $?53 . 00 Payments-------------> 9?53.00 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT Lo/J-7 /200L DF LO/29/2OO! cdavis Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENr Action: AP Action: AP see corrections/conditsions CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond r 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 VNIC' OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL.,DG.): INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO I,TANUFACTIJRES INSTRUCTIoNS AND lO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 199? UMC, CHAPTER 10; T}M ].997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VBfltED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHAL,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 TJMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (Bi-,DG.): ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMENT MUSr COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 A.\ID SEC.LO17 OF TIIE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1-997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAIJL BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,B CONST. IINLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COI{BUSTIBLE FLOORING, Cond:32 (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PITANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRjAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPLY BOII.,ERS SITAIL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRATN PER SEC. IO22 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I havc rcad this application. filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requircd is corrcct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structurc according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rcview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicablc thcrcto. REQI]ESTS FOR INSPECTTON S Ar-L rlu MADE TWENTY-FOIrR HOITRS tN ADV TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR Ar otrR OI'FICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. NA IRE OI OWNER R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNE Project Building IURrytr 75 S. Frontrge Rd. Vall, Colondo 81657 Mechanical Permit #: Permit will not be acceptert without the following: o lFl L&r, rtn fl"r,/-/ Town of Vail Reg. No.: CoMPLETE VAllrarroillqB UECHANICAT pERIrtrT labor & Materials) :ob Narp: 5r, h I eSi nlg Lp a*€Jreelcs rob Address, $:J*tli,y$,1v I'ilt" . v *,r :$oiS, (Lrre of work:Tn'h Workclass: New(i Addirion( ) Alrerarionp0 Repair( ) Other(; BoilerLocatjon: Intertor(p- Ecerio{iGr( )Does an EHU odst at thb locatbn: yes ( ) No (X) Type of Bldgi Stngte-Famlly ( ) Duplex ( ) r,rufn+anrlfi ) CommerEid ( )R€staurant( ) Ou||€j.X) C4 No. of B<istlng Dwelling Units in tt b bulldln$No. of Accommodadon Unlts in tJris building: No/Iyp" of Ftrept".o p.poruO ,r*rr***rtlrrt*rt**rtrtr*rlr*{.*,**{.*F(OR Yrt,lrlrt*rt!t!li.|lrtttrt*rl**lt:t****,t,trt*rr,t F:/CUdtqt./ffin /mrciporm EIVEO 1:\ C,^\t, -y^.r"otw#()cl t 5 200f o F*STS fn tr*. rt \i; i\i ':ri'' I ,l I 'r l-' o o "d .ilffi' h#' io'((?' qft, ,,rtXlN' iN'' \icen-{ u..tA-LL vo?f n^cCR go\i'rr,\ bU^rSffi Ttoeo t2 U ocvr6f oF 4un\/ eCurP Ol< Ba,cd i> Dftr-er ur^Jf otL trc nvg59 F2orrY1 Bttw Voovn DRYrunu %.ro ,/ /k-t- t-Jqg 4.Cai-a49. tl _ /Ll l I -:+ I l,^)ir EAsf h.j.eLL- CaP,,*r Frf"'t ste LtMtS AND p,tot- olo? fflrunJtch> to€f LAYouT./'ri' o o OCT 23 '01 15 : 23, N0 .021 P . 01 & MainQining t)AveDAt'rs a MUNCHKIN HIGH EFFICIENCY HEATER A *n**tNc' Il'thc inlL,rrttation in this tniurual is not lirllowed cxactly, u firc or oxplosion ntay rcsult causirtg pfoperty darrrage, pclsrrnal injury or luss of lifc. Do not store or usc gasoline or other flammable vapors and licluids in thc vicinity o{'this or any other appliance. WHAT TO DO IF YOTJ SMELL GAS . Do not try to light any applialtce.. I)o not touch any clcctrical switch: do not usc any phone in your buildirrg.. Imrnediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phonc, Follow thc gas supplier's iustructions., If you cannot reacl"r your gas supplier, call the fire departrlcnt. lnstallation and service must be performed by a qualified irrstaller, scrvice agency or the gas supplier. I.;HL G.LENLJOOD '@uilffi' SPRING ID:970-945.7664 InsthlliG Operating ffi c'oN'l t(()Ls Awon^tn", 'l'his rttarrual must only he uscd try aquulified heating installer/ service technician, Failure ts sprrrply could lcsult in severe personal injury, dcath ur suhstantial prol)erty dauragc. It is also intponant to kecp thcsc Instntctiotts with tlrc appliancc. III-AI I RANSJ]ER PI{ODL]CTS, INC:. t20lil{ALEY RD,, l-.. },}il-..1h,:l()wN, MA 02717 DFHL GLrNt!00D SpRTNG rD:10_9 4s_7664 lcr25o 15:24 ',N0.021 P.02 PART 2 ' 2-A, lll.llcl'Rr( Al (:0NNF('t'roN ....,,,,,,,..........,,....',2 TABLD OF CONTENTS I'ART I GINrilAr. TNFORMAItON l-4. ll0W ll Ol'lrliNl tis.. .. .................. ...1 l.ll. l_oLtAr roN ........................2 {-L',PRl,SiSl/ltlRl'lllrlVAl.Vl:............. ..,,........2 PNIi'I 3 .]-A. (ir\S (:oNNlX"l'lON j.tt (iAs I'il,tN(i........ 3.( (;AS i,\rJr-ri .l 6-A, ( c)NlMO\ Vl.N',l'',Il:S1 . 6-lJ, I'l ElvlS'l'(.) ltl: (:lllrClKllD BEI:ORll I .tcil l'l tN( i 'l I ili MUNIt{K tN...... ..,,........,..,.....,,,,,,.....l0 6-C, [.lGlJTlN(i INSTRtJCl'1ONS, . ..........,.,,..,,,,,,,.,...,ll PART 7 .sERVt(rtNo 7-A SEQtIL:N('U Ol' Ol'LRAI ION ,,,.,. ,,,,.. .......... ........ ...12 7.U. AL)JLlrj lMl.:N l SL I I'(-)lN lg ANI) l)ll I l l(l'^ llAl Tl.'l'l iNCrS . ..............,.,..,..,....12 ?-1', MLIN(:lJKlN lt(.)ll,l-.lt f'Atll.TI-F.D(lol)u,,,,,,,,,.........1.1 7.1). l:AtJlf ("oNl)tl'toNS .....,.,....,..,,.13-14 Pn lil'8 ll.A. MAIN IL:NAN(ll:l PROCLL)LIRLS ......,,,. .. ........,........ ,15 ti-ll, lllil;(.)l{1, iiA('ll Itt:AllN(.i !iljA$(.)N. . ....... 15 E-(', (.:()Ml'ONliN',r l)rA(.it(AM .,,...,,....,....16 DAHt GLENIJOOD SPRING Tn.-945-7664 970 o 0cT 23 'n1 o 1<.r/l - na1 LJ'a-q 'llu , l/Z L IrFHL GLENtrl00D SPR I NG ID:970-945-7664 0cT 23',01 L5:24 No.Q21 P.04 'I'lllli t INI'l' ls Ir(.)R clArlicic)RY IV Vl:tN't'lN(j - ? plpli oNl.y. 'il lls ts n SEAt,Et) COM I]I JSTION N PI'I,IANCF., 'l'llt:i I lt,Al'titt INST LLATtoN MtJs't'C;(.)Nt ottM 't'o'ilil-: r.At'tisT EDlTloN OIr THE ,,NATIONAL FUEL CiAS CJOI)I;" ANSI2223.I STNTE NND LOCAI, (:()I)I.JS MICII'I AI,S(J A l)l)LY'l'O I N !i l'ALLi\Tl0N wHFll(Fl ltF.QlllRl-:l) llY'llilj ALI'THORITY HnvtNC JtJRtSDtCTION,'l'l{E INSTAt,l,At'tON N,It]S'I'(]C)NF() M'I'O'I'IITJ S'IANDARDS FOR CONTROLS AND SAI;I-'IY DIIVIC:IS FOR AtJTOMATlcAl.l)/ Fll{l-.1) tlolt-URS, ANSI/ASME BolLlR AND pRtrssLiRD vESSuL C]ODIl, Scction IV.,I'IIU IIUAI'LIi, CAS PIPIN(i WNTER I,IPINC\ VI.:N'fING AND EI,I1:(I'I'RICAI, MLJS'I'I]II INS,IAI,I,IiI) HY 'I.I(AINIlI) & QUALIFIED PER.SONNEL I]NMILIN R WI,I.II INSIILLnTIc)N I'IIA(:TI(]ES AND I,OCIAI, CODE AND LI(:IJNSIN(J I{EQIJIt(EMEN I'S, IF THE INI?ORMATION IN'IH}.:SIi INS'I'RLJCTIONS AII.I NO'I'I,'OLLOWI.JI) UXNCI'LY, N lill(l; OR ItXPI.OSION MAY RESTJI-'I; CAUSTN(i pltOI,ER'lY DAMA(iti, PERSONAI, INJIJRY OR DEATI{. l)o NO'l's'll.)l(li oR LlsD (jnsoLINE olr 0't't-ilir( t LAMM^ BLE vAt)ot(s AND t,lQtJ[)s IN THF] VIC]INITY C)I" 'IIIIS ()I{ ANY OTHER APPLIANCI; l)u rrot lry to Iight luy iqrpliuncc. f)u n0l lrrrrch tlny r:lq:tric.ll switcll do not usc any ptrorru in your building,: ltttrttt:tlitrtcl)i cnll voLrr gas supplicr ll'oni r nrrighhols' phone: litrlluw tlrc gas strpplicls' irrstrr.rt:liorts" Il you crlrrnot r r.:rch yor.rl gar supplicr, call llrr,'fir.c dclltrctrncrrl: Irrstrllatiurr and sclvice rnrrst lrg pgr.lblrrrttl by tr tluulrlir,:d ins(trllcr: $L.tvicc ngency ur lhc tlls itupltlter.. I,ART I G EN EI{AL INI{.OITMAl'I ON I-A, IJOW I'I' OPIiRATES Wlrcntltctoott.]liler,ntostalca|lsfor.ltr:at.lltcMtrrrehkin tcll,]l)gIittt|l.eo1tltcsystcnrhetbtet|te|tcatettvi|]|tgill{u}luut glirrrinn195tlreMtrrrclrkinsl0|(i|Ig.cV(:fy|itllt:1hctlrttr.rtros Ortoe tlrc sy\lclll hl\ lhe5ysle|]l[tclbrestartirlglheMt||lchkill' llultrcr l'ans ti]ula|]sptltdntl<|cottttrttstiottnii.voltttttgs'(.oLrplcdwiththcl-|rlnuywcl|gasvn|veandlhevctltr'ltisystcn1sC otlg.to, on(1 Mttrttlrkin lunning rrl tltt hight*t ul'ficitrncy. Witt:ltl|rtl|l.]L:l.Il]()5ti|lisslrtis|jcd,t|rcMrrrrchkirrwil|llrqn8oti)K't|gha4scctttrdPU5l-Pttl'(: M unc:hk irr 1he indicotoi liglrt will irlirrli slowly lr:' irr(lisutu rhc hcrrtr:r lirult. /lYryanuN(;sj CAI.JTIONS /t\,r_\WARNtNG: MIJNCHKIN MI]S'I.ItIi SE'!'ON A I,DVIL SI]RF'A(]U S()(]()NDENSA'I'ION DOI',S NO'I' I}ACK I.JI' INSIDR BOILERI IIIHL GTENI!OOD SPR I NG I-IT, I,OL]ATION u h:r iD:-945-7 66 A Iuc:rttrl rrrl r llirrnrnrr lrlc Iiquitls nrrcfi c(c.i irs thc t0rrtrcis of thls lpplilnCc !CT 23 15 r25 'No.021 P.05 ;rt)( cr il,)(i ilJu\t l)L' rls o l' lhc 970 o , n.1 o ('lr0trsc lr J c;rrirrrt lirr vtrtrI Murrr:ltliin, cflrtrillizerl ro lhu l)iJ)i|lg \\,\lcntr ilong rvillt u0nsi<lr.:r.:rti |]",'.'.''l||U|)lI)l|]g\\/\Iclrlt0|o|)g\v '- ! .'. '!''r \/t r'r\i rYrrrirrrrr\r!r rrrrr| \u\ r{)U lllllll r-}l$r) J()fitlr: lltt MtrttCltkirt tvh0lC it r.ViJl t} i ]]i.']'i]M,''.'..,''r'iu.i',''"fi..i-il'-,-"i''i''"..i',...,ii.i'. lhirrrrer.r, lru la rrt', cxplusirrrr. ltctllcr rrl nrll l)o liqrrcliqrl llr(,pxnc! llS gxr||lirlC. rtrlhrrivCs. r{)lr'.,lllt. t)ttinl cortkl ignilf lfurrrc y1;t0ts, r:rrrrirrg tttr I.(]. I'RDSS(JITIi RELINF VALVE A ltt<:)islttc rt:lic1'1,;llyf is irst:rl[lrl irrto thc liont riglrr Sitlr: rrrirnil.ld rve ICC(rrrrrrr:nd A WAl..fS %,,M .jiS Ml yir]vc rr't:(||l|vi.}I0|]l.(l|)(|llrcL:t\l|1c|.cq|li|(Il)c|lliL'|.AN\l/A\Ml'iSectiortlV|ilr|re;r1ing 0l ll lfrirtc(l, CApp0d (x ltJllgFC(l I'ARl'2 2.A. IT,I,E(]TRICAL CONNIIC'I.I()N ,|'hc|l|rrrlkrvircir(htltot|cirr|nttt|rv|tirc\r,||.Ci3lh0nctrtrn|lcg1|.()nctrrl|cttnncc(ittttsl|ttvthccltnrlltl[|lg ilt'cr'\\ tllitY hCtlUsrd. If ir VCrt irtrrrort,rnt rnt rh,,.,t,.ar.ia6r r.,...,^- i-,...r r.....-...1 I A glcerr l,lll) is l'lrt: clet lr icrtl corrr.rcctio' r.1)n r)C(l io'_ tr) bc colnr.t(:tcd lo el)etale |c(lil||tt|ncl']lsrtrclirr'st;trrdatc| l l rilll Il tr)1lt\ c|cLtlic;|l(t)|]l|)il|1|t]clltlltltlllll|s|hec()lucclc(ul|i|.,, irrtrj lltr.grcr:rt gtor-rrr ri wrrg. l,l ii'r' l{r l hing lhis S.QD rlttirrn. llelbrc s(r'vicing lct Failure to tbflow SRRVI(]INC . 1I\ WARNING - CAI]TION lcrrkagc, lirc ol. cxplosion, tlrc nrunchkin cool rlown! Slrrrf oll'clcctrical un(l gas w,arning could rcsult ilr scvcre burn, clectr.ic{l shock. Ptrt'itlttl trrt lhc ntrirr t0rrtr.l hrtrrr(1. fnis ltfirrrrr.rr tn]Iilrrnrinttltlu.hr:u tf,. lf,t*,,.tfiff,r,,'',-';i;,:';iJ;'.oltsll.li(rl. SwlrC,r )UNCIlOtr 'r )r iINHL GLENIJOOD 15:26 'No.O21 P.06 I'AltT 3 3-A. (;AS C0NNEC:TION (ias sLrlply shirll ltrtvc a tnrtxitttttnt itrlr:t pttrssLttuuf lesstharr l4" w^lercoluttlll Til;li;i] . t (-150 nrn), |l pottrrrl Pr.csrutr,: (1.4 ll)l), ittrd ir tttittitluttr (rl'J" watcl'colttttttt 'l'hc r:ntirt lliping systi:ttt, gas lllelct. ;rncl rcgttlr(or ttltlsl hc sizcd pr(rpcfly lo llrcve nl l)r'essr.rrLr drol) greir(rir.rhirrr ().5" us stttt:d in the Nati rral l'tttl Gas (lodc. liris rrrforrnrliurr is listcd orr thc r:atittg plntc, lt ix yery inrPorlatlt thrt yott alc c0nnreltrJ to tltc lypr ul g;u us t|0t0d otl lftc rqting I)lirlc' "1.P" litt liquclicd 1)rlrolcurrr, r)r'l)t()lt r'rtr gnsi ot "Nnt" rtirtpt;tl g;tr ol'cil.y g0s, All gas ctlnnectiotrs rntrsl )i" tcc. anrt 51 dlrp lcg lLii:ricrrlurl. us l)r'r'lltr'Nation4l FLrcl L'as codc. Vrrr nrtrt cn!urc lhot lhe cntir-t grrs linc (o lltc coDncclio[ u( lhc Mtrnchl<i l)'orrlthu51lrslltte.|lrtlrdcttttt|tl|hir,1,tlrrl|lt|stS|)t|1t|tegasol'l.|bllorving.lig|rting,itrr|tlc|illll (hl.cnCjc(|lttottttting!]nttgr:rvlticlris|or;alc(lotl1|tcgltsva|Vcwhichrvil|prur,crrtltigit1lt'csstltewltic|rrllty vtrlvc ln tl)c eyer)t thc girs vrlvc is txptrst:d to a l)ressrrrc srcllur lit0t) % PSl, 14|' wir(cl colutrlrl, tlte gas virlvc nrrrst trr: rc1)lirr:cd, NcvcI r$tnn olcn llllntc 0il n ltch. liuht$r) to ch$qk glls ct)nnu{(iorts. 3-8, GAS PIPING Rrrn gas rLrppl;, lrrr,r ir r.r(:cor(l.rl)t:c witlr allapplicLrblc uotlcs. Lr)cx{c an(l iDsllrllrn;rnu;rl shrltol'{'virlvLrs irr accur'(lat)crt willr slal,L: Lrntl lu,;ul rcrl||ifet))lt]ls 0cT2u a 3.C. GAS TABLE l{cfct'to Tltblc (t) ttt siru lht supplv Mnxinrrtrn (.lanlr"itv ol l'itru irt ( uiric Ir)ch \\,llcr (. ulut))r) (rArll.[ 1) Tlt )t : i-ui L I ),r 6 "ntl '. ,, -fl Il;|Ir I \',1 ll,t -'- rttclcr tr t'cgrrklor rrntl rrrril, psi or Luss urtd i Pfcs\trrc l)xrp ol 0.3 -.1 .l Jri0ing (o nrinilrrlzc I't'cstnte dtup b({wc(rlt I r,.cl trl'Lias t)ct HorrI lbr'Oas Itessrrlcrs rtl 0.5 .(tlased on :r 0.6() Specilic Q111vity (i.rs) Norn irtrl Ilon l'iptt' lntclttal Sirr: Dianrutut (rnclrg) lirtcltes) l{)It,l0 \/4 I I li4 1 tfl 8?4 27r{ lVO 152 ll0 il5 r 04u 5.2{) .it0 2ni 145 215 | ..180 1.05{) 7.'r() :90 500 44(.r 1.6f 0 1.600 l,l{x} 8\)\t 7(ll 6?ll .qil_l!____ul_...e0 100 r25 105 9(r (r0 lt4 19 '72. r9s tEO t70 160 150 130 400 170 :150 320 .1(J5 27.s O i0 5r'{) -5i0 490 46t) 4 l{) I .errgtlr ul l'ipc (lreet) 4(t l5{) (r4 t20 150 380 r7s ?00,59 55 i R',l l ]'S I 10 100 i, l'ritr 225 2r0) ilOtJR )50 320i x 1,0()0 I /l\ wzrnxrxc 'o'l ":.:::,l::i :::i,[6,Ii,*ft;lllil*u,l0,,nn,.,,*,,,.00.0.11,;,:p;.,""*::,,::;,::,,,:'1,.,' [lils|)|Pillgrnrrsti)etiz-ed|tlrthc1ll'tt1lcrllnwnrtdlcrrgllto|.1lipc.lrravoiclPrcssttt'e<|rtpn1,th P|0grc rly Pu |gsrl hy lirlvr: har; ir l)alged cotlrt:cliorr to tJlc Vgl)lu/j rnri b|1r11,1111 PART 4 VIiNTING 4.A. ALI- MOI)ILS 3'' VEN'I'ET) 07 Awnnnlnctt is cxlrcmely irnltortant to follorv thcsc venting instruction.r follow the vcnting instrucliuns cnn cause scvcre personal .srrbstnntial prolorty tltmtge. exuctly. Failure injury, rleuth or llxll;lll{t pil)e Qtt tltr butk o{'llts cirbinct rvrlt .rsr.'3" l,V(' Schcrtrrle 40. lrol cortctule c{rl\lr.cllo, or lo urlruLtsl piprng rIlet air pipc rrlttst hc..}" (.'l'V('schr.rlulc 40 rrr tJ(], (only to nrcal locrrl firc sodes), ll)c crltaLnt piping nrily L)r: ltV(' Sclrr:rlu[r 4(t of 80, or 4[]S solid urrly, NO.l, l.OAM CORti. 'flrt: ortlv apptuved crhrtrrsl v{rrl Dr lcIinl\ nrc I'vL' strhctlIlc 40 (No't'FoAM (]oRE plplil). lixhar.rsr pillirrg shorrkl Ir s|rlpcdb1c|ilot|tcctlltttcctirrtl<rttt|tuMttttt|rkin,;rt|enst%'.lrcrtootl(Jrcl.l)(lveacijl|onl| ittlt|cxlr;ttts1(iar:|tt'lbrrw=5'1l|.1li1lr:)s|t1r11]1|11111cric('(dli5''ttecoillLlniia lItnlt:xhirttstgilsdt.rcsttt,r(t'c.cjt.c|ll.ttt.:|lrrckitt(rtt|rcrn11fg lollowin! gu idc litrt:s. tltec{ ccrlll it't li lr.t corlg5, balancs ul'thr: in lct rn(i l) Ntrver vclll illto ;l witlku'ir1', Pitlitr irrcl, allcy ot otlrcrrvise Jlrr[rlic lrca lcss tlttrn 7, liorrr tllu groLIr(l; 1) .r) 4) s) 6) 7) 6.1 e) l0) il) Nevr.'r vt:nt o\,rtr / un(lcr il rv j111l,,ru r)t. oyef fl tj,trrw v: Ncvcr rrt1111lla hc,rt ravcr or sltlilul pltxiuct to aOp,r,i,.a,nnrta ltuat lrorrl eXhnttst;AlwRy: lrlvr vunt logittirrrru( lritrt I'abuvr: rlitxilnrtttt snpw levr,.l; Alrvny5 l13yg ve t lr ahovc llroLrrrtl lcvcl. ,rwtry lionr sltt,tttrs nnrl hrtsltes;l''.llow local u s c\)(lc$ irr v..r' l'egiolr 'r' r'cr|ct tu N.ti.nal r.trel (i's co.|e, (rrn l3 r4g; Alrvays lutvu \,t:ltl. i.tl l!.Atl I' ljlnr trrr ilsi{c co1n,..t,trl'gufsiric walls; l\,tAitttoirt ul lcasl 4'clctrarrcc ttr elccr.ic, gAs lllritcrs. a.rl uxltaust tflnS Crr tnl(.lts; -Vcry Inrpo?'turrtl lnhlt nit lllusr lrr'luksrr Iiunr 0rttsirlr: of'builtlirrg, ncxl lo exlxru:it oullel, nO 0loscrr. 1115111 lj'r; Always pllr:c sttr:crrs rrr njJ t'pcnings irr irtttkr und r.,xlrtrtrst lo l)fcyetrr l()fctgr.) plalu1 Ilrrnr r.rrlcrirru tlre Munc.lrk irr. Illc vcttt illlnkf illld cririlUst urust.trc i)fOp(:fly clcnrrl:11 x|1d glrfefl, I'ur prssstlrc tiglrt loinr. Sevt:rirl rrrcthnrls lirr vcnting llrc Mrrrrclrkin r:lrn he l'orrrtcl in Pigurcs I tlrru 6,-Llsr: thc l\rllowillg l,iy,u,, ,,, a gl,idclinr; "rrruin sitc corrdiliorrg such as rrrultiplt,rnoflirrcs/pilt:hcrs nlity rcquit.e ventinB n)odif,ical i(rr rs_consrrlt llrcrory, .l l.it:lrir ittls'l tttirst he,,t ttrirrirnrrrr r,l'.1'vr:r,tic;r111, abovc tlrc 't,,^in.,,.,,, snow lcvcl or 24,, whi.lr cvcr.is g'cur.ct.,I ltql 1il' i11l('1 rl)rrsl also lrrl rt ttrittittturrt trl'l()' holizontall), lionr tltc r\rrrl, nu(l tcrnrinntc(l rvitlr a rcc. Tht:cxltatlst tltttst bc A tttinirllttttl o1 24" alrovc tltc lril irrlel i,y:crring, rrrri lcrnrirrutcd rujtlr ,r ",,,rpt,tr$. lt is vqfy ittll:orlitnt lltat tlrc|c arc rr0 otltc[ vcrrts, chirnrrey5, u, i.tir it]leK in rrny directiorr ibr trt Icast 4,, All 4 DFHL GI..ENIJOOD SPR I NG ID:970-945-7664 OCT 23'01 ).5127,N0.021 P.08 yfntiug rrurttt, bc l,,Ol rttppolrcrl,lr, thr l\'tlrnchkin ir rrut irrtcnfo \rrl)pnr'l rurv vcrling tylrfllrocr'(:r, A ll Jrrltinf,glrrc, srrlvcnts, rlcirncrs, tittings, and cr)tnporrcrrif tllrrel $()nl()t [) to n S'l'M - (Anrr-,r'ic;rrr Srrcilrty lrrr.lcrtirrg rrrd Mutcrills), irrrrl ANSI ( Arnclicnn Natiorrll Stitnrlitxl lttstitLttc), -, 12) ll. rs rucrrrrrrrrr;rrrlctl tlr t ytrtl Isc (rl)r'01'll]r'r4rliorr,rl vr;rrl L ts sltl'Cilicully lirr'l\4urrclrkin installilrrons(K(iAv'l'0601(:v'l'(.1 irr,)trrvl00t)). No'tlr.: wlluN LlslN(.i 'l'llli il(.iAVl lt(Jl('vl Nl'l: . l{l-MOVli'l'l lll?S(:l{LLNfilil{L}M'l lllll'l(()VlL)lrL)lNl-l:l'l lill,ANl)lNS'l'Al l'l'l {liMlN I'l ll: lNrllS()('l(l:lnNl)(,t l'l l.l:11'SO(:Kli'lOl 'l'l lliKll't'RlOltl'OINS'l Al.l.lN(;'l lllis(lllll)lll.l . 40 I'il'[ANt) (il tJtN(i 4-N. IIOII LONGNIT VIINT LENGTITS All vcrrtirrrl rrrLrs{ tlc I lcrrgLIr,llitiitlr1lt:rtl|ir'tlrr|tsltttlittg4|''lrrfo||rlt't|tcscinrtllc|iol l,U|hIllciltl1lkcnlt(lcx|rrrrrr|11i11irrgpr,c'j''.Fortlrcirl|rrlr'l()'o|.3''PVC] tlcgttcrrlbowrttr(ll0rlhcr:rhnrrstlU'olI'V('Nchcrhrlc40pipc,N()1'llClAM(lOllE,or'(IPVO;thxorrctrtl(tcgrcr)rir |rvo.lStlr.gr'tttlltttwl.l'|rctttIstllt4.'xj''|lVCt'tt|trtlilrr:Ut}t|I)li|lg'|.hcIlIJruceedwilllt,V('4,,(N()|. fl1tilrgs.corn|lirrctltota|lcrrgtlr'.lIrlr4..littin8r '- l'. 'l hc lolnl nltxinrurn vcnthtg lcng(h cnn hc 125r, plrrr thc fir5t l$rnf coch.1",:rnrl :r m:rxinrrrnr littirrg rrlltru,rtrrt:u rrl' 1}1q.1..,|rr|u|hvrl9()tlcgr,cclrrlhtrr45t|cgrt.che|itrtintrr.itsingtrl4.,.]illlrltrqttivtt|tlltlwolrlt|ll Ncr,crttsct|if|'ct.tnt1ri1turrizcrfrrt'itttit|rcltndrrrhitrls|'.|.hlvr:n|sylttnrnrtts|1l(bx|n13q1|bfrit:litlll C.,0 10 r?€,a,trArt Tut n Krr NO.I,E: TItIi MIITIIODS DI'SCRIBED ARI' SUGGI'S'I'I'D GENI'RIC MTII'IIODS ONLY. SPECIFIC JOI} ;.I,I'Ii OIISI|ITVATIONS AND SIZINC MAY REQUIIIIIAI".TERNATE INS'I'ALLATI0N Mlr',l'HODS. CONSUI.'t 't't"il tAC't'ORy WIT'H Sl,D(llll(-'.IOB REQUIREMItN't'$ I.ott ADD lTl 0N Al. RIiCjOMMENDATIONS 4-C. VEI\TING lAtsLE N'rlulI)o|lo|eXcacdl|re1r)lrrlr:trllr[rirltd|crrAt|to||li|le1irttakr..1tipirlu1l|rrscxhattsl1:ipirrgaddcdloelllc|) irl lolvr.rrrtcs slrown bcluw F'RI CTION I,OSIJ BQTTIVALENCE TABLE JOI] F]XAMPI.E: Nolcr: llris cxirnJ:lc lu(irls brrth int:rkc Ltnd crxhaust piping. ,{pcs.-1"9U-20 : 2\I --l"l'VtlSt:ll,40Pll't: 20' 40''lotal cotrrhincd hrrrgtlr is rn(lcf nlnx allowatrle v!'llt t\lr ol'85' I'lris,1ob is okry ! l" VFNI'Fl) MOI)LI.S lrQl,llVAt.LrN I 1'ARt.u (At,itit{ Iltl,'. lilRs'f l0' ol':1" c)Nr.y) 4|' VUN I'trL) M()t)t. L sj | ,rJl.J lvA | .nNT TA R | .l-: LQttlvAl,tjN t' t.il |lN( i FEEI'Ol: I)F.SC Pll'E 4" 90 :i' 4" 45 I' 4', CO|IPLINU 0' 4" l'lPtr l'' l' 4'TFF, l:)' nQl.Jlvn I.FNT l,r ||N(i l,ljljl I)lt:ic c)t'Ptt,n I' uu 5 l" 45 _l' l" cot rPLtN(; (f l" tlit: u 3" PIPF. | '= l' :i'coNcliN IRr(l vriN l Kil .i' I'V1000 vcNT Kt'l' 0, i,irL GLENlrjDDD SPRlNG 0-945-7 664 0c T 23-U1 15:28'No .021 P.09 vriN I lN( i ljxAN,{Pl.ijs '11) r^t, f'()M lllNlif) Vl'lN]'l l:N(;'fll ([L rit') INTAKLT & l,XllAtJST ()'t \', ol: 9()r I:.t Itows liQLJlVAl.t:NT Ftil('t'loN t.os$ (l;l:l,ll') lrOl( liAf 'll lrLlX)W 't'ulAL Irlil('I loN l.oss [(.)R lll .Bows (iRANr) 'ro rAl VI,N I'LIJNU I J1 (l'l:l')T1 w''i H l:l't'l IN() tjRtcl'loN I (.)5S At)t)tit) ? 2 l 4 5 6 7 I I t0 .l 4 5 6 1 l{ .\ 5 6 ,3 q 5 5 :1 5 5 s 5 5 -5 5 .5 5 .5 .5 5 .5 5 5 5 .) 5 5 2(l 20 20 z.(l )() 2() 20 ztJ l(r t() I.i tn l0 .15 40 45 JO t5 20 .1tt :15 4Q t5 20 l0 20 2l _t0 _]5 40 45 50 5s 60 65 7() 45 -50 )) 6U 6-5 70 55 60 (r5 70 (r.') 10 l0 ."10 l0 .t (,) .il, l0 40 c0 4() 40 50 50 4-D. CLIIANER / CIIMENT (.urr rrr1 lr;r1' i,lll]:illJll1i,lliii,.ll;:;liil'i:*,'-alct|i'iglrinstl(.ks,|l 4.N. (]ONI)ENSATE 'l lr ir; i:, tr tttotc Ilt tt \vitler Virp()f, crrtt1J111.,31g.t|rtcs|tlvuxlo\\,|'lllrnrislttltt|tit'*.'.^'.a.*lii.nc(]|ldc||\itlcf|tur..fhis [l1a|.|)|eLf\,\lals,rvhicltlvl|l|)c[|l|al.ZelllCctln<ir.lrrrle' lt|t)|ng'|tisvg1yjn11;611111tlhalll|ccttt1dg'115j1.lirrtliss|opt, ()|lliCl()nl1tc|vlttttr:lrkinisItrwr.rl'lltnlrt,htlcil.airr' (io'dc rlriir le llrrnrp kit lc|lIpcr0l|lIt\,orlrn),oti|UIty|rctllll|ockrri{u.l,lasticttrtlings|rotrldlrellrutlnlynrnlrlrill1rd Drilss,|l()l)l)t.|lttt.olllttt'swi||lrr:slrlricctl()cOl1()sifl|lan<J<Juritlrlll|oll lrlliJ vircrrit)l lock il a lortg irr;ri7,1p111x1 r,u is urctl, ntro nn i,rc,a,,,." to 1,, lrrhing rlrny Lru rrccessi ]. I9HL GLENl]]OOD t SPRING I D :970-945 -7664 0cT 23 '01 15:28,N0,021 P 1n JriNTrNc DTAGRAMs 4-F,. O g{! :-.ll9EV3Lt vef: v':I rjri, !_l!j!3-V)ll ,'il FoRT^Nt NoTr, ALL vfNr plpLs HUsr rt oLUtD, rrRof,tRly . . ... _ -s^Jpl_o!Jr I ^\0 lFt rxx^usr HUsl Et ,rTcltD r-i,r^i"i,_ ii ^ r/,{' pER F00' DAc{ T0 Tnt B0lLrR <rii asSy s;iAjtiArr ' 6i,'i"f,r#ns n r U,. I I 3' slDtvALL vtNI V ti VlO00 nl frGuRF l r,I\PNqTA\T KOrC, ALL VLNI FIFEI I.USI !I CI.UIIJ. ,RNPTRLY . , ... ,..s.rrPllrl-tt'-D ^h0 Tf.[ Er A"sT rJs. Fe rlrcHrd n-irri,ir,,'ti ^ r,/.' Frk r00' t^c( ro pil lorLrn (10 ^LLbv Di;i;Aii 6i ci"otxsercr.. %l;fi %lrtl,xcnrrrogorcvn t,rO, vril vtrr rat otrAtrj I CqlP(lr(_rrr,qJrr t tclr( a "l|'-|lllll rrtt ^!r vlrl frxt t!1 1 a..0, rrrrr.r .,,... "rtl'l#;r.!i.inlo'll,iliyil,?o!l,lLu,I[,x,i,,;#'tf,o?",^,,,.. rtt|lpl1Rl^\'r \0rc, ALL vtNr ptFts t^1ut I Ef 6Lr.r' lr. tpopl tl ,lyrn0RICD, 4hn Tr{C Cx|irusr tusr x6 n1l6;r1 ^-;i^;i;1,;.-;;^ ,/.. t,(.R r00T rr^Lx r0 THc DolLk{ iio nr isii. !l?ili6ic. iii.l,ixil ns^,.,,, . ,. "oo, I$, "l,rr'1. .,=g,.r"1r,. ..',rnr. ",, ,*o^,,r000.,q",, rllu{r 6 _..rxpJrr_r^tl N0lt ^r L Vttt prFIS ru!r rr cLJtD, proptpty J!|.|rOiICD, ^i.0_.-t'cr(D ^ xtxl.lrfi or ^ oulflTc{ rniu pir-r6irr l.cr r0 TIl[ lo|trC tr0 iLLOv lF^la^cr Ot COrpfrrfliC ri' --.{-'-', t' ' r-r'-Fl l^lHl.\|f "* ti \-/ i Ffr.r cg tu f'E! lX&! 3' SI0lv^Ll vfHT vl?H rrr .lpj ."__:.!:#::__:st_+.:j_:! L_lg.IjII.1_!_!g!t ltg_s]:!!Er, ..rtpf)R'^ll l0rt, ALL VE\t ptpCS NUir Ft CL!t0. Ftfl!rtr y ^ ',., ,#%5l"1rin?o'f'*.'i'di",',] li'r'l,J5.i';S.jL{};iiii'Ji jl*,n,,,.. ftlfRr04 rYrt4t0R !&lrde n4t DFHL qLENtrj!0D SpRING ID:970-945-7664 t,.{ll'l'5 , s-A. ryDRoNrc rlEA,r' t,*" OCT 2 3'0 o 1(:1Q fr,ln All D 11 })5Itrtttcti)rt:ssl.|t0'.|'|rrsassrrcslhi|lt}|(l irr|lrcIlrli|(r.l(gttrrrrPi1:c(l)(,i|!'li||)lvllir:|rtvi]l rlrrlrrrg tlrc cooling cycle, THIi MTINCHKIN SIIOtlLD NOT I'l'ts NoT 1'o tlE t)sEt) As CAI]TION!! BIt OPERA'I't,:t) Ati A pORtABLI! HOT WATtili tttiATlfi.A t)illECT D(,Mtis'flc Ho'r wA.t'liR Apt,LIANct,t, Blrsic stclls Lrrc listcd lrtlorv' witlt i.trr lllrtsl1n1i1vn, rvlrruh rvill grrids yo11 througlr rlrr: insrrrllntiorr o{ thc Murrchkirr J. l)iJrc p13p6riy lrr 19qo11l1111cs (o (lliArrn.7A). 2. (lrtt ttccl SySletIt r(lu l l" Nl'l irllrrr riJrJrles. r'r' v vLs'r"'r :1. (lolIt('ul systdtll slll)l)l.v nru l" NPT bluss rripplc 4 Insl ll Prrrfc trrr.l llulurrcc \/irl13. 0 s.y\tenl rutut.t).5 lrrsl|llSlgLlllo-w l'rcve rrl$ il rcrluirctj hy lo(ul codr",s o,l sysrcnr teturn,6. lrrstnll l'urnu on systcrn sul)l)ly, Mnkr" sLrrs pLrrlp ir Ploper,ly sizr.:d fbr piping loss,7. Irrsla ll gnrrgc shorrlfl read tin;rtlUrrt of l2 lrsl.8' lnsLall lixlranHion Tsrtk (rll \ysl\lJl) 'sLrpply, IJsc al)rJ/l.]prjalc \ize lank lirr.voItnc ul w419y rn syslcr)1.9 Irrs(rrll (hc Ai.!_!M uu sysrcnt suppty. 10. lrrstall lilow Chtrds (llt sysrLr r relutlr. ,il.rll]:J llHHffir(rrr systllr sLrlllv \111c Mrrrr.lrki' can rlor btr drqirrecl .l'ryLrrer..yirnr)ur l)rrrsirlt rtre u'it wirh air. 12. Instoll ltrrrPcr'atu|e/ pt.csj,urc gi[tllc ()11 syslunr sUpply 5.8, FILL AND PUITGE HI|ATING,SYSTEM ' ntl{rcll lrosc lo ltAjancc lnd llttr.gc hosr.l uurrrrcclul irrrd rt:rt lo tlriril, ' (llosc llre o(lrul sidc o{ llrr: txllrnce orrrj l)urEc vlllve. ' f)1)trrr lirst zotle llalattcu 3tl(l IttlrHL: v'lvc' sr) ;ls lo lct thg rygls; 1l'w ottr ol'tlrr l11rgg. Il'zone virlvcs arc .sc(I, olx:, zonc vi\lvcs otle nl n tillle' trt;trlttlllv (No'l lit llleasc cl:eck tr*nulacturers' insrrucriorrs Friot to.pc,ning vi,rrvcs q161;111nlry, 911 trot lo dflllt gc valvc. ).lr4antrol|.yupcratcl'illvi|vr.:t'c8tt|it1ut'Wlrt111^7u.",'|.tltlstltrtofhoscttx)l.ll1cctt(| stIci'|i.]l(\Yi|}lntrair'llrrlrb|cs),clo$(:hitlurrcr.ltttt|p1tt'gcvtrlvctp519plhcwi|le||irlnrfgu,1pg'|)isctrttttcct|ttrstllld collllccl lO tlcxt zonL: lo l)(: prlrgc(i. ' Rcpeat prucrduru litl a(tliti6n1l zopcs (ort(: 1t tr lillu),tJl)ol]c0ll]})lctio|t,tttq[g51111.tlrall|rr.:fi|lvtt/vcisirtil||l()|r1liq l)ostlton ilnd zon(r vllvu\ ure ltositiorred l'ur aulorrratic ot)efa(iun. DAHL GLTNL.IOOD SPR iNG ID:970-945-7664 0cT 23',01 1.5129' N0.021 ?.12 N()!i::l||5(l1l|lltlQ::t.tlt(incoririrt..1':lo'*|t'trttRutli;ttrorti||d\ystU||.l\|l1a|ltla|v9|1lst|p,,.n,.'|irl|9r1l1|1{j;1|1yq y()tlr\V3ylownrtilirr.(hcsrairvqnl'|tll'l;|yb0nr,'qessil|ytrrinst;r,l|llLt,kgt511;1;'.l...l,] anlourlr5 o1'scrqli61g111 rnly bn l;rcscnl, Anulral clcrnni49 rrf tht str:rirrtlr nlo, tla ,,r".ili,, "'' 't!{:e l:srEr.r r r y p R QNIe-ufl NG_r.'(.) R M r JNcIr_K r N Lr o r r . I iR F'IULIRF: 7N r UJPrtn(,t I /r.r ^((( Vtlvt I{l|)0reYIIOtl|itVtNtEi a (ir, rJr pt€iiut€ f t, D { I t LB tott !Ar ) I ft | rl Ats ION rrNK I {dAIn Vf Nl lh)r.n b(rbt,(.,. l i,tl l^r'rrro. ra r omilcr,u!J) * tl)fLoY eiEc( f llORl I N VIL vr 0) rr en tl19x; N, p1113gat a^a, allfi\ \VpfLl€! g.t (O!t i^iloN t|1.iiii;ki#,,H# iii^*# lY9Tr r.r liliIll t (rt \\x0 f\ .'.....' /rr -V,-rry1't 1;i l- I \,rr ll !+ :titl ,'l I r',1 --',-l.'t!"01r I ' ( lYSlf ri1 kr runN l.LlL D lN.!-n I ,' Or H - _-;t I dr'"9;il' ll J ll I glii''ltl l*m:' r1 1,,,,,* lili,l,il (r'rif l_l l--t_.1 tr r-. 11r-r0 , -!\...,41 lrlCtJRll TB n I T I N E f I ta f ? 3.5I FLCIV lN 0ALLe|tS pfR MTNUTE MU'rcHxrN .oM _ _1 "S#_-j:::l?T#1 MUNChxr.l r lotrl --ro-{.- --l--ooro,,,-f2s_tl||- -1 M u N c H Kr N r s e M _O++ ar[|. "-,---[:J tj THe scoMMkAtoFo c(ficuL^roRs AFr: B^5EO ON 1.cpM pE,t t|),0oo STU/Hn Wi?o" ar PAlr't'6 tsOILER STARI.T]P 6-4. COMMON VIINT'|'EST ^ll|luti|l)cttft'ettlovil|t:f'attcxistjttg :;i':ill},il.;:'Ilfi:li]|r|rrge(|irr()pu|alil)I|,w|ri|g1tiut:r|tet.app|illqg5 .l l:-l .rr] u uscd oporirtgs ir) llrc corrrnlgtr vel)ling r,ystcnr ll Visrrally ittspcut tlre vcl)tilrg systcrrr lirr PloPet sizc anri lrorizorrrill pil0h and rrclQrrnittc rtrcrc rs rro trl.ckrgr.r rottrictioD, iuakirge, cottosion nrt nlhcv !glicl,'ncigs whiclt utrukl cnusu n un,lrltl con0rtlulr.-i.llrstl|ht'nSlhcpr'ac1i1'11|'c|usclr||lrtri|t|irrgr.ll,rtrsalrrlwindtrwsitttdnl|rlxlrl |e|)]i1||)|ltuc()n|leclc(|t()|llcu()|l)||]t)|lve|lli|.|g\ysrc|1la|elClcltte(lrtttt|tllhct clrycfs fur(l lll.:l:|*",''cxitltLlsIs,t0the),wi|lol)crirtcal|ll0xiIrlt|l.l.Ispcet|'L)trnt)t()l,}c|alui'lst|l.l'l]]cl 2\ lll ltl 16 JJ t2 tI t(, E I I 5 3 2 I D.qHL GLEN[JOOD SPRING ID:970_945-7664 4, Irlac(: in oDelariorr rirc ,,1,1,1i,,1,.. trci,,lllecr,r<1 | ulkrrv thq ol)uI lLr s{ )nL lur) s ly OCT 23'01 15:30,No.Otl lilllrtifg irrst rcrior''s, Arf thun]lr)\lirl so nl)plr ncc will r. tJ r,lrrtllc. ur srrrokc liorrr i,t cit:nfr'ltc, cigrrr.or PiPc. Alicr'itlrlullccrtrdctcttttirtut|1ltlttt:ltclt Itllpl inrrcc to llrcri r' p1'g vlqr115 corrd i I ion rrl r rs1-, 7'n|lyirrl1r1'1.r;rg10|)t.:|'nli()l|tl|.t|tccQltltttottYt:I1til,lq\),\t|ll Ntrlirtrttrlllugl(jil\(.rrt|c'ANSlZ]2ltWlrr:t,]t.csirittgi|||vl)t|I|i(n]tl1.lltcctltnt1ttt|tv(l|tl|l1l]s)lslclll.t|](,c()l.||I(j|] vfnliJlt'syr|('|l)slroLt|dlrt:rcrjze(ltca1r1tt.oaulrt|tctt.titlitlt1ttr1sizcilsdctcr|lli (i rrr (hc Nltiorrirl l'rrcl t'i.rs ('otlc. ANSI Z))-t. i 6-R. l'I'li,MS TO BE (lllflCKIrD ul],'Otilt t,IGIITtNG t'HE MIjNCHKTN Iil'tAr) SEC]TICIN | -A (OPERAl't()N) I. Mnkc stlrc Yotr htlvc rrtipi11111111 l0 llsi wltcr prcssllre, The wnter I)rcs$urc switch will not allolv lhe unit to run witlrout | 0 psi. 2. Clhcck all nlol(x pltrgs are l)roperly conncclcrl into each plrrg. 3. Clhcck clcar hose cgnncction froln pt-essurc s\,vitch t0 oullet of [iowrr, 4, Mrke surc gus ir trtrned r)n. 8. I)ouhlc clrcck lempr:raturc setting nnd diffcrontial settilrgs. Make sure (hlrt unit is properly ground, and blnck (hot), whitc (ncrrlral leltl) urc connecle(l pr(rpcrly, Notc: If not prq;1s1ly grounrltrd or blaek (hnf), whilc (nculral had.) urc t'cvcrsctl thcn lht rrnit rvill light for 3-4 scconrl! then shut-off nftcr thrcc cyclcs. 'l\rrlr power 0n to lhc Munchkin. Check to scu that thc l.,llt) tight indicntor is illuminnted. WAIrN ING!! If yorr snrell gus. Shrrt gas utL l'olluwing the instructions in'tBtrin Snfety Infrrr.nration on ncxl l)agc. t0 FOlr yoUR sAFEll'y READ nfrexB opunnrim /J\ wannrncr:lf yotr rlo not {'ollow thcsc instructions exactlv. a fjre roperty darnage, pcrsonpl iniury of cxplosi()r.l r)lilv or losl ot' lifc.result, o:rusitt DIHL GLENIJODD SPR I NG ID:970-945-7664 Inil_), r'esult itr n llr('ol.cxlr)osiorr. I ). [)o trot ttsc tlrit lJll.rliirrrur: il'au), ltar t has [tt:urr unrlut, w1let, rlsllcct tlrr,' lrppliarrce attd lrr fuplLrcc uny l)at,l Ol'tltu cotrtrol 6-C. t,tGHT|N(; rN'STR(FTONS , n1 o 15:30 ,N0.0!1 P.14 A'||risir1l1lliitrtccdo(:stlUt|lil\,cl)il()l.|riscqtriJlpcdu,it|rnrritnition<jcviccrv|1i1:|1ittttttttta|ittt|lr I)o rrol lty to light Lhc brrr.nel lry htrrrtl, It Llt-l oltli oPf RAl lN(i srrrcll itll rrrttltntl thc rpplicnce nlr:n l'trr gas. lJc srr.c ltr srxcr 1rJ\l Ie rlrr,, l111yr l1c1ir111g sonle g0s is lrtr viur lhan irir rtrrrl \\,ill \clrlc en tlrc lluor. wllAl'1'a) l)(l 11, y111'.\Ml:l t (iA\. L)o not tly ro liglrq Any lppliirncc.. [)o t)ot torrclr trn,y sl(r(:l|ic switcl)ldtl rrot usc at)y l)llr,0c in yrlur btrildilrtr., : lrnnredirtcly cull l,rrrrl gas srrpplirr liorl it nciRhllor,s Jrhonr.:. Ptrllow tlie gis supplicrs, irrstr,(rt(i9rrs.' ll yrr11 cflnnot lcuch youf g;ts srrplllit.r. r-.rll Llrc litr., dullLrrtrncnt. OCT 23 'l Ltttt t:tr qits sirr.rloll vnlvr' ( hrultcrl on thq lop ol'thr-: Boilcr) str tlttrt tltc lrurrtJIc is aligl1('il tlrr: har\tllc n,ill uor Irtrrr [5 hlrrtl, (lor'r lr), {o repair it. call ir tlttalifierl srt.vitrc tcchnicilrr, tvitlt tlre uls pr;tr', ll' l'ttteC rrl ir (ntl)tC(l IClJiLil lntmcdintcly culI a qualiIiud scr.\,ir:c r{chrrii.:iLrrr trr syslent attd ally gi{\ eorrlfol rvlrich lr;ts trccrr rrrrtlcr. rvtrk.r, 5 6 1 S1'()l'! Rcrui lhc srrlcty il)forrnalron ,rlrove. Sr:t thc tltelrrtr.r>tttl to l(]wcst scllitlg, Trrlrl qrl'l'i1lI r,:lcctlic Ptlvsr tu tlrc trPpliurrcc, lhis;tppli1115qiscquipPcdwithattigrtitiqnrlqvicetvhichlrutonritlioitllylightsrlrr:bLrrrrcr |)o rrrrt rry to liglrl tlrr lltrlncl by h;14 fl. l(rrnovc liont covrlf. Tulr gns sirutt'l'l vitlvc clockrvirc to,'ol'Jr,. llnrrdlu rvill hc vcrtic,al, do not lbrcc. Wurt 11ve (5) tttirtutus to L'.1{.ra l nlr( lny gus. lt'you llrsrr srncll g;t,,, ST()Pl lrollow "U,' irr tlrc salcly irr lirr,rrr,iio' uir'r c trtt this lllxl, ll'y rr tkrrr'{ srrlcll gas, go to ncxt slcl). ''l\rlrt grls shutof l vnlVrl ct.rLtltcrr:lock wi5c to ',un". Hirncllc will irc lrur izun(ul. lnstlll lilnrrl C't'vcl lltt'tt trtr ll eleclrir.: l)ttW0r t0 uDltlianCU. Sct Il)!'t rr)osl?tt ro dcsit,td seltirg, ll'llrc LrPplir'rtlcc will lr$l oPt:ratc, {bllow tltc insrruglitrns " lir l'r.rrn Oll'(ias lil Appliarrcc,' arrrl clll yr111 1,i1i1 y jq,g lccltn lC in tt Ot Urr\ \31)l)licf, Cornblnatlon Gas Control (\ (), t0 l2 O PEITATING IN STRUCTI ONS TO TURII'{ OFF GAS TO APPLIAI\CE l. 2. J, 4. 5. Sct the thcrrnustat to lowcst. sctting, 'lir.rr oll'all glectric powcr to thc appliaucc if ser.vicc is tu bc Per.furnrcd. Rcnruve frorrt cov,.:[, Ttlrn gns shutotf valvr,. ulrrr.:kwise to "off'. Handle will bc vertical. Do not f.or,cc. Inslall f iont covcr'. il D1]HL G^LtNI!!OD SPRING !cT 23 '01 15:31,N0.021 P.15 ID:970 o PART 7 SI'RVICIN(; 7-A, SEQIIIiN(lE O!' OPlrltAflON |W|rtrtJX)wc|isfrsln1r1rIic1l1olltcctrllttol.t|I0col]t|o|rl,i||irritia||yrLrrttlttottqitascl|.diagrtostiu into its o;lcrlrirrg rr)u(lr. ll'tltcr'c is rru uirli l()r hcirl, th( Systurrr rvillgo into thc idlc \[irrt(:. l, lf lhe tltet'nrosl:tt, is clllirrg itPltliitrrQc irr iti.,te :r lrcnting cyclc. li. l'lrc contf()l tltutt pL't'li)t'rttS Jniti:ttcd (lllowcr on rnux .tlrccrl) 4 Whtrn lhe l)r'(.,-puruc pcliod is c()n1plctc, porvql i5 i]lllllicd to thc rpurk iltrril<rf lirf nl)pr\rxitlitlr:ly (r sct:t)1tls. Appr'oxitrralely2scctlnt|sl;t|et,wrlve|i|)/l]ilt||r''I1.afartleisntrtvcrilict|t|trrirtg(hu|rilrl.lilr'.iguitirln ittrrlctlirt(tlly closed, andlhr'colllfoJ rvill rctLrrn to:it(:p?, Il'nflel rhrilc trials a llrruc is not veIiligd, the contr0l rvill urr ittto lockotrt rnucir Il'r.t llirruc is rt:rrlirntcd, thc control rntlrrs thc healinA rnode. Fifc r le lrascd rlrt tl)(r l)tol)fielaly rlgorillrrn. 5.W|tttlwi'llL.|t9lnl)cIxltlr.crq1gltgslhc1cl.t)|)U|r|l||llJ sutislrr:d), tirc gns vnlvt is clussd lrrrl lhc crrntrol snlcrs l,osl-l)ur'[ic (1.)lowcl orl Inilx speu(l). NO'l'li: tF'l tll) Tl.lEltMosTAT ls s ill,t, CALLTN(; Foll l.tnAT, TItE ctRcuLA]'()I( I'UMt' WILt, CON't"tNtJn TO ItUN tJN'1'1 1, 1'l:ilI THFt RMOS1,A't' r'A t,t, l.olt l t t A,t' ls $A,t'lsFtnD. 6Wht:nPt)st.l)l'|Igcisetrrrlplc|tl.l|lt1\.0|]|I()| olhcr syslcrr qlgviccs llir call.lirr, lrcilt is rcccived. thc corrtrol will autonraticrlly rcturr lo slcl) I altd l,cl)r'al lhrr cnlifr' l.'J)ufat rng i_y utC, l)tttlttglltr'idlcstatc;.1rrdlrcals!n1c,ii'l|)cto|1t|0I(|L'lc|:tg0|li|}l|.)|o|)e|. Iirrrit rwilcir, thc girr:t:n LID rrn thc cuntrol will llash trr cLror codc suquclluc. 7-8, ADJI.ISTMIIINT SnT POINTS AND DIFFDRENI'|AL SETTINGS l.'|'cntpcll.Lttr-tr.t:Ad.itls1rrrerrt'Al)ot[l]ti()l11ct(1|.locatedonl|recontll| tho boilcr' :rpp)ilrrcc, I'lris c,.rrr bu sct hotweel 7U nnd 2l0 degr.ees, l, lerttltetotttte Dillererrtial Adj\tstntrrttt - A 't)lPu swilch is lrrcattld on the c0ntfol board. L)cpcntling upon rhc tutlliglrrtliotto|lhi,.I)I|,.,s\Yitch,t||(t|ilI'crcrrtr;rlsrt|ccl1iottis6'|2,20'trr](|.Stlcthc:ligul.elr'|ow|ol NO'l'Fl: ths dilii.r'crrtral rtljLrs(nrcnt is thc vrluu hclow tlre sel point, when rhc burrl:r.rvill lire. (Iixarlplc: lr0 drglee scl puirrt, i0 J{J0dcgrcusisr.r".oclted,1|)e|l|X,sl|)tl|il(,0|ldit||es(a(t:rvil|tlcircltir.:vcd.ll.r|(r|']y|)0illl,|.,|.issatislicd,rhlj(;yclervilltg irrtclrrrlltc<l Lry y>ost pulgc ond dle statc, K E l:l 2 C n t:l I C n LE I K E $EH $ flE t1 rrcHL G.LtN|]J00D SPRING ID:970-945-7664 !cT 23 7-c MUNCHKIN BOILEIOULT Lr,lI) CODE: 'n1 o 1q'<1 l\ln nt1 O 1A r I .l\J Wllerl r) l;lult corl(litiun txruLur 0r' is sclt Wlrcrrinthcl'(.)f]K(-)lJ'|9ate.tltt:Igulrt|,UL)kx;ir|rxlon|ht:WH(l||f(ioll ()N/()FFwil|dererlnitletltetntrur:rr1.tilL'li|t||t(\u}l|]thh| Irrrc 1xrlycr to tJrg (lonur)l hlitxl, DES9TffiON of FAULT l,itnit Strirrg Opr:n, W;rlcr I'ressurc Siwitc,ll, IjCC),s l lanrc Stuck (.)N Igrrrrion I artlt (Nu lrlxrrrc) Ittlcl l,ro Lr$ firult ()Lrtlct P rohs Fil1111 Ail l)ressrrle Switch l,nult, Sruck ('losctl Ait l'r'r:ssurc Switch Fault. Strrck Open Rtdutrdarrt Cias Valve l(elay StLrc\ ON (ias Valve Rclay SIuck ON Rc(lundi.{r'rt (ias Valve Rel0y Stuck ()l'l) ( ias Vnlv,,'Rclrry Stuck OFF (ins Vllvr,r wil'e d isco rlnecl0(l ROM C'irecksvm Irnilrrrc R A N4 'Jhsl lruilr'rc tl(l llz ltrilulc # of LED PULS-ES 2 3 -5 6 7 f,t 9 I l0 l0 il l2 tl l4 7-D I.AULT CONDITIONS Limit Sling Open, High Limit Failum - 2 pUl_SES ' ll thc linr i1 511i11g o1;tns, thc 9all1l'ol wili inrnt ed iatcly rcrnovc l)owet lo tltr: gus vu lv9, conlp lcro u posl putgu cyclc, :urri rrrrtcr nl lrrckorri slale. lb rcstarl tlte colrtrol, t11,tke srlro [h(i there is al leost l0 pSl in the walcr systcnr,lltr.n rcrn0vc unrl ile-apJrly 120 VA(: lint: ur.rwcr, NOTE: 'l'he bi-nrcrallic lrigh linrir rlcvice n11151 physicxlly close(l brforc rhc contr(rl boa,rd will function prollcrly. lfa uscl rccyclcs power to restrttl (hc c(rDtrol, 3nd lhc high lirnit dcvicu is slill otren, thc contr.ol will rcvell b.rr.rk ((r ths lockour statr: 2 t.ED pt It .SLS, l1'1hgconu!lscrtY:lu1uLrltintlrelilnitr('1llstln0o|1uI'wi||irnrnr.tialyrnl tltc oontrr)l will go irrro tltc ltx-kor{ $atc Flame Shck ON - 3 PULSES o '['lrr.: c rturtl sltrtc 0l tlrc tl;Ing ry1;ry tlren tjr llurr,r nxl irtularol or (lrc rxnrrccu,rt'(lN6 muy rxrt he cleiu; or tupltrggod. lgniton Failure (No Flame) - 4 PULSES r||.trttigri(xlrr1bi|11r96-*ust|rrringthetria|Jilr.i8rritiorr,hcuttlbnJwi||runl|o[rpnl 0tntUittlsirtit3Jtitiorl[rilLut:issti||trcrurllrgdtcrlnorl|wi||ppirrtotlrc|tx.kouts|rlc. |llWislitllyconncrtr:jintotltr,lvrrlvc.Vc'ti|ytrrttJregsstrpp|yistrurraJrrrr,drattlleltisa|It'|x tlte lliurte tnd is c{rturcctcd, ;urd ulxr tfi1t tjre llrrrnc 1i is c||:or. ftelrl,rcc tlrc Lprv-\trlrlgp Ctrtllc +SsBrrrtrJy. NOTE: 'lb rcarl L,l.iD Ilashes .. | flash pcr sucorrd wirlrin srtts of ilashes with 2.sccond writ periods bctwcun scrs of flasltes. During nolrrral r4rcr11l1ur, thu l,ED will pulsu crrnrirrrrorrsly. l_r DqHL GLENI!00D SPR I NG _..I D..sj,0--315;jQ4.,,-.,,o.o 0CT 2J '01 Ls 132, No . 021 p ',l)t:ertrrI.rrrl",,,'*'':1l:|",]t,,'1.'o|n,t*.Il.lur61p1111n1[EisscnsuJ,thecnrth,t.vit|g.,.?u''.|cr;lrtrLrrs{t:' Open Tempenture Sensor On OuUet (probe Fault)._ 6 PULSES r Jlrc turrtr.ol rvill sr vc i y ,r r ,,,.. ,,u,i".1'i"'ll.'lil,;l:llil l:iil::i:"h Ji i:lllil',[:,T ;i:i1J[,i];[:]iiii:,];l:,,h,;:*1,1,::;llrcn f"1; {)f r)l(,r.0 tltell 2.jt).F tltcn rv rr fur tli,,r lclnl)el,atut.c lo hrrver l)clow 20(}ol: Air Prcssuro Switch Fault Stuck Open _ 7 FULSES . llllrcu,rool s+ lfalltr rlrrr-r- pru,u U)l( tLlcr bluwcf n]i) i]]i:l::l:5ll,:::'i:l,::;,,lf'..;j;ii;i"",'"',,.{lrritial$a:1.upU,,iy,nn.,',u.ni,p,,,-.tutlswj1g|1i1j11511 Alr Prsssuro SwtEh Fau[ Shrck Clwed _ g PULSES rlltlrect)l|l|{l|sen5fs-|Ji1:bJrlr49J11'g,.t111'gswr(cltisclttscclwlrgrt 90sccrlrrr|sftlr|'ltefarr|1conriitjtlrlro.t.....,ir.,rt.,approxitnlrttrly9()seconds swilch i'r c)osecl' thc cottlroi willt(' inlo (llc locko,''( state. verify ihar thc rrrorvcr ,.,rot,,,. is opcriltiur,or ard rhat rrrc I?0vAC,powct.cab|ciscottttt.lctedtt:1h([.1]3V,,Ul..C]hecklhntlircwir'c.,u,.,..,n,,u....j.nrll.t.,towc, ({Icl)|'cssUI0qwjlt:hjslirlrctiut'rlr],1irisnrn.yrr:qitt(ullling l:r:;::;::r.:t;ll,;:l;.,,n unty) Aticr .ny air prcssure swirch.ttjrrsrnrcr,,, y,,u,r.,r,cyctc rhc appliarrcc sevcr *rrr*r 10 Redundant Gas ValvdGas Valve Relay Sruck ON- 9 PULSES lll,i,?i'ff;lliTl'|:fillilHililfil'J,,,-ilX'it];ffiili,:l*:l;illli:;;1il1,il:'. .hecrr,i, s,x,1+ir,:r (s) Redundant Gas VatvdGas Valve Relay Stuck OFF__ 10 PULSES lll'i:.,:.;l],tll:;:'""thcrcdttndrrrrrrnsv,lverr'il'lhcg:rsvlJvgrelayir5lp6t()Fl.irwiil goin(orrkrckurrrslurc r(errracc Gas Valve NOT Connecled _ 11 FULSES ' f:l'J: *'ttt"'l(:r derec{s tlrnt lhcr g"as valvg ;s no1 conneclcd ir wi go i,kr the lock.rrr slarrc (rlrt:rk r5c con.rctio' or f r.re sus ROM Checksum Failure_ 1Z PULSES I ll.the contfollef (l(rtrcls lh.l llrc R( )M check hq* fnileri rherr ir wilr go irrto a rockuut statc. cysrc thg rl'ruc' riorn thc oN to OFF strrtc. lf thc pr.oblr:rrr Ftrsi\ls, y.u ,.tlnr,rari',,, rePlnr.:r: llrc tr.ntrol b.ard, F{AM Test Faiture-. 1l PULSES L II'thc con(rollcr,drtccts thtr rhe Rn fvl tcsr failr:d it tvill go i,nto a hrckorrl sti{tc. Ctyclu the power. liorrr tlrc ()N to Olrl:st.lu.ll tlre 1:toblcrlr prrl.si\ls, ),ou r)ltry rrrlt:d lo l4plxcs Ihu co1111el 11p1,,4 601-lz Fairure- 14 PULSES 17 lf lltc gcrrtcrn[rrr, isvencr, et ,th iifiilti;:.:litlffill ;i:f :i:ill;,il:::,lT:lt::,lxl;,i;,iilt; lH::'i,iitil:ilifi:;:il,[:;:i;!:l; ,ll,$:,::.1il D,qHL GLENIJOOD SPR I NG ID:970-945-7664 rlucnruru cowrRoLrERO TNttfu Drrc ralF svlrctL ?10 nt0trf Y IEI |REIIUTE !Yl lClr fC0 l^lrL, lll0t ttHtr 0vl!l,l l|,tlP, il0tt INttit!tot rzt ual] conlu'ltotr atoltt te0 vtc LI NE VQI.I tQattuit tt lrcx O PAR'I'8 E-A, MAINTENANCE PROCIi]DI.I RES Per'iotiicrttaitltcnnnceshottld[teperfontred(}ngc;lycitrhyaqua!i|icd..r:rviuctec|ttticia|1to3ss|'tfL.thtal|(htl srli'r'fllr:rertt operatiorr. Thc rrwrrcr cirr.r rrr'.rku ncccssary urungutn$n(s witlt o qualilicd hcaling contrtlo(or lbl pcriodic nt;ritrlcttlttrcctlIl}rr:[ruilr:t.|rtslll|urrrlrrstnlsoirr|onttow|lartql rusrtIli|la|lozi1tdottstlotldttiotr'IrtstitlIcI'sItotr(tidi5cl.lsscollten1sol.{heLl5e/sln|ttrnta|iirrlMarttralwitlr(|icw|l(:|' 6-II. TIF]hOITI] EACH HT:ATING SEASON; : A tllirrctl irrrr.i qrrrrlifit,d sclvicc trrrltrricitrrr shortld petfolru tlrc irrspections listctl btltrw al least ollt:L: ir yoitr, ,l!q|f-chec:kl|rr:l:tliltlrlilr'drrr1rlr.1ilt.cigttntat'criaJs,whir.:}trtty Sinrpiy bluw out or wipc down witlr n dry rag. . Yllr.rl 'lefruil ths units ability tu rlrlw licsh irir urr lhc oit irrtnkc of exh0\1s1. flrte gqs lionr thc ixhaust oullct. . Vsrrl Pioint - trnl<e srtlc tirot nll verrt piping is in good condition. Llhr-.r:Jr Jojrts lirr possiblc lulks, .(.qrdeurar.c|rcckthc(;oIldctl\ittu1r;rpbysinrp|ystArtirlgtt|cr'rttita|tdollscrvirtglhcIltl*, not bs rsslricled itt crty fnslutin. . IIS-01 L.Xtlnnger' . irr tlre lrrlikely {)vunt hoilcr lluc passitgr.l is bccorning bkrr"ked, scrvicc llltlsl l)u l)uf l(rrrrl('{l rrrrl\ Ir\ irrl authori;zrri llsrrt li'nrrslur l'r(r(lUc{s llc'lrese talive or Ccrrifiod lnsta}linl: (lrnlrnc!or. . llulrter' - chegk trttlnc:r'lcll dctcrrorrtiun. Clhnngs burntt, ' $y.ltlql -!!hteq Ll'tqrs-p.1e Opcn irir vents lo bleed air than close once ail is firlly pulgr: liorn the syrtcnr. . Wntef I'iping. uhuck ftrr nnd lelxir nny lcirks. . q irt l'jUtrtg - check f(n'ilttd t'eDair atty leaks, 0ci 23'01 15t32,Nc.0?1 P.18 -*,'*''ffi ilnil lffi: /. \t-. j rYrrc'i i- lt * )\_/ \_/triii ,_l.ra_ _E_*l I I if, OOltoY volt conlr0(l I5 I'tHl GLEN[J00D SPRING I D :970-945 -7664 15:33,N0.021 P.19 ^J(r'f rltiq lllth 0-o-o- t oooo nnn I (\I(Uru (L hl-.r\o lttn N ZT:EN Qae - -r -{ EE El!UJF ZF g(J trtg d+ R .cT 2t)1 $i,l l6 c|n I ^?Na..,s b "ETP? N | | O HG F.L | 'O dff5,'R ,F-NU|"tF.F. Fru [ !J t \,. N r \./ trl Vl ru [rJ tr|r Fl e l^, I l-'C tl (J Lr,l (J = >.U t/1 U Ul V' J LLI ,4 V, J figEEE r^r u t f F y d-q e- d tr' IJO d.r|-J:fa tL L^I FN A dF doig: g r'' c0 I tr c) (\t r\ /A \t o tft I (DXII ortlF lo q-INI c]uruvT IJ/)FF NvlJ hlE t4t,vw JCt/'lJ{Ei.J >(JFV Jtr(L <t lI F.>F':u (J g, Lrl n u tJ F lj, IJF t?Uri('r\ A^2\ tu q{n EEb 8 856 9sQ ^|.{ ,{ J ABb H HHH R88 R RRR |\FN I I I I I | * rtE IEE ' ooo OOO\ C 6ttO\ OJ*g\ l^l Hn E vvv vvv C -l E V a = EH *flisi E {u !- { l.l'-(r I llcr' (rl li t) I I A gl +P. f-t .o -(t\ D l,r Y or^ rF - I I I DCT-24 O1 81:18rPt1 ,,J 1r.l r.lOUG p&H .i- r.!,-,i :,r-(ll.!t:,Urr,_ldS_i684 565 o pag6 i {**lttl*illt*l*tttrtltltrllilrrr*rrfiirJir*rearirrir**rl**.lr**re{*r*t**r*rrrr..r HErrTloss ver.E 5.0 copy,right 1,g06-Ig94, Thomas anct AsEoclaEcE, gelIa1rc, Mr I i I t tr I i I r r I I t ' r * t * r I t I I ^ * t r * r i Jf ll l.ill; i113*.,*. r r r r i r ir ( ir . i , .. r r r r ri, I r r 1r' r DAJ{L OIJEN||OOU TiPRINGS ?366 OLEN AVE Gr.',Er\.wOOD sPRrNcc co. 91601 94s-233I 1.800-252-3245 PINOS DEL NORTE TNTT M Heatlopp ic ba8ed en ! DeEign T,emp. uifgerenca of i0^ zr-:og1 9"6 -i1'I ', 4 5569 i2r53 l,tl P.6L r'1 1'? F,n: 9C UP BED 1 CEILING HEIGI{T I8 l(). (JO I'!-L'T,VOITI]ME tS 2,lOO CLEIE FEE I TXPOSED OPENINGE,TOTATJ:NO > > > ) ) r > > , > > , > , > > > > > > > > 27.2 gQUnREj t,lt'I,2 sxPosnD wALrJS, not lnejudirrg openj.ngs,TorALrNG >>>> 282,8 souAnE FEET RQoM SIzu Is r0.0 LoNG by 21,0 WIDE, TOTAL.,ING r> 210.O SQUARD FEET 'J[rlrDo|.| rYP[ Ts: u-value - .36r, Double panQ, Low e ccBEing, clear clase IiALL TYPE I5 ; U-Vaiuc . , 0S, tren! Ir)sulated cEIIJING TYPE lS: U-Value = ,023, Unconditlgned Attic 6pacc Above FLocR TYPE I8; U-VaLue . C, tloor over any C'Ondirloned Space HEATIJO90 ihe:or.d:. BTUH fo.r Ehe ouCeide wall8 are !,21 3 ?he To:al BTUH for the Expoecd CrpenlngE rre 88q rhe ro,.a:l sTLr{ for Lhe ceilings 4{1 Thc tosai BTUII for E,hc flocrF o The E'l'rrH lnl:,IEraEion for Llr; opentnga is BtD TXE TOTAL BTUH TOR TIII9 ROOM IS J,{17 Requlred Radranc tlqor gurpuc, BTU'B /Bquare foot i(r 16.3 UP 8ED 2 CETI.JING 'IEIG}IT IS ].0 , OO FEET,VOLC'ME IS I EXFOSI;D CTITENINGS, TOTALTNc > r > 2 > > > > r, r > r > > > > > ) > ,r t 3 . 990 euBlc 5'EET 72. 0 EQUAITD FEET 2 nxP0gErr wALIrg, not lncludtng openingg,TOTALING >>>r 188,0 8QUARE FEET R00M BIZE IS 19.0 LONG by 21,0 XIDI:, TOTALTNO >>399.0 SOUARE FEET HTNf)o9f TYPE IS: U-Value = .36I, Double Panc, Low e Coating, CJear Clats tllu.,,L TYPE lS I u-V6Iue ' .os, Frame fnBulated CEJl,Ittc TyDE IE: U-Va ltre ' . 023, Ul)condlt jontd Autlc gpaee ,\bwe PLCOR TYpE 19; U-Valuc . 0, FIco! over .u)y condrtlotred Space HEATLOSS ?lie Tqrt.a I Ef l,lt f or Che outs idc wall,E are Thc Total ETUU lor Ehe ExpoEed Openlngs are Ih. ioral ETUH fgr the cer)inge 'rhe t.otal ETt H for thc fl,oorr Tllf 81ax:.nfiltraElon for t,ha openings is THF TOTAIJ DTUH FOR TIIIS ROOM IS Requrred Redient fIoor auEpuL, BTU's /Equare f or:t. ir 846 2, t40 8lB 2,T6E 5, I92 t5 5 OCT -24-A 7 Al ill PFt , lrHhL {:rt-! \[JD0tr SPRINti .J1h HOUC P&H IUc-s.ls-2664 970 565 5569 P. 0r:T ?4'O l2;5$ f1r,Il9 t.0? a2 Page 2 SITTING CEI!]ING i{EIGI{T I9 g , OO FEET, VOLUIIE I3 6{8 EUBIC FEET : EXPQSFD OPENING9, TOTALING > r > > > > > > > r ;, > > > F > > r ) .F, , 2?,2 BQUARE FEET 2-'XPOSED wAt,LS, not lncludi,ng opcnings,IOTAIiINO >>>> 1lF,e SQUARE rrEET ROOM SIEE Ig 9,0 r,gNG by -e,-0 WIDE, ToTALINO r> st.o SQUA|I] !.i;u,r I{XNDON TYPE lSr U-Value - .361, D(,uble pal1e, Ijov{ e Coar.l,r:g, Cleir Gtass '{ALL ?YPE IS; U,Val,ue = ,05, Frarne rnsullbed CIIILINq 'I'YPE lgI U*Value . 0, ColrdlLloned apaCe above FL,00R TYFE rsr u-vaLue = ,068, Floor, ove-r Encroned, uncqndltioned apace The Total BfuH fpr Elre outelde wall-s arc The Total ETUH for the E)q)osed OpeBlngr are The LOEAI EI'UH for Ehc celllngE fhe toLal Bftllt for llre floors ]'he BTUtt tnfiltraLion lor tlre openj,ngr lr T}IF TOTAI, BTUH T'OR, THTS R,OOM IS Regulred RBdlanb floqr oubput, BTU,g /Equare The '!'ot al ETUH lor Ehe oUt Fl(le walle are Thc TotAI BTTJH for the EXpoBed Openingp are Th€ Eotal BTUH lor C.he cetllngt rhe LoLaI BTUI{ for the lloorg ltre STUH lnf i.l,rrariorr for ille openlngs lB TI{E TOTAL BTUH FOR TI{IS ROOM IS nequired RadtanC floor output, FFU's /Bguarc CIIIJINO TYPE Ist U-VBlue . .0I2, Uncondltton?d attic spaec Abgvc FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = ,060, lloor, o\rer Enclosedf Uncondltloned gpacp HEATIOS6 t26 8S{ n 251 819 2, 4A0 foou ie 30,6 IIASTER CIJOSET CEILING IIEIGHT I8 8. OO FEET, VO!I,I.,IE 16 960 CT'BIC FN6T O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TQTNTINC 1 EXPQgnD WALLS, rloL ir)cludlug opcnrngs,TO?AIJING >>>> 96,0 S0UARE IEET ROOI',I 6IZE IS T2.O LONG bY 1O,O WIDE, TOTALING }> 120,0 SQUARE FEET uJrNDol{ 'rypa Igr u-value = 0, No openlngs ln thls room l,lALL TYPE I8 r u-value " . 05, Framc Ingul,AEed CEIIJIT{O TYPE IEr U-ValUe = 0, CendiEionril Fproc ebove Pl?ooR TYPa rs: U-VaIue - .068, Flrror, ovnr Erlrrlef,ecli Uncarldi. L i.orrecl apace HEATLOS6 432. n fi 372 n 60{foot is 6.7 M ST'lll BEIJ CEILING IIEIGHT T9 8, OO FEET, VOIjIJI4! IS 1,82{ CI,IIIC FDET 3 lxPQcDD oFENINGS,TOTALING >>>>r>>>>>>r>>>r'>>>>> 51.2 SQUAHT TEi8',I' ? EXPO8I]D w,tLl,F, rrut. -inclurllng c.r1:cninga,TOTAIiINO rttr f96.8 SQUARE FEET ROOM 8I8E IF 12,0 LONG by 19,0 llIDE, TCrfALINO rr 229,0 SQUITRE SEET l,lIMOT{ rYFE I8: U-vBIue = . ?51, lrouble Pcne, I,ow e Coarlng, Ctrrr c) dFF $|AL,L TYPE I9;U-vB1ue = .05, Irrame Insulrttd The TuLal BTUH for Lhc qui,aidc wa116 are The Total DTtlll for the Exposed Operrings ar'e HEATLOSS 886 r,664 OCr-24-A1 6r:-11! P l',1 ! Jlf4 HOUG P&H rrHFl. i:rr^i":llll!tlD SPRING I|70-945-i584 PagB J The Loral BtuH for tlre celllngr The E oE al B ItrH lor Ehe f loors T'he gTUII lnfilt,ration for the openlrrgs is THE TQTAL BTI.A FOR TTJI6 ROOM I8 Pequj red tadiant. f ].oor. ouLput, BTu. B /square foor. 974 5569 t .) ;54 P. A3 565 o Nrt . lll9 F' 2!1 r 7 Q1 1,54? 5,050 {o 22,1 LIVTNCROOM CEILINC HEI(iHT' IS ].€;, OO FEET, VOILIME Ig 5,3g4 CUTIC FEET 3 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAITING ) > > > > > ) ,,5, >, > > > > > > > ) ) g4,O 8OUARE FEET a ExPosED wAt/Ls, nq_!^_1_nq.luding openlngE, TorAi{rNG >>>> lus, o BquARE }'8L.1 rooM srzE rs 19,0 LONG by ?1.4 WrDi, ToTArrrrfc >> 399,0 sduAnE FEEI'liINDOt{ TTPE I5: U-Vdlue = .351, Double panc, Lor.' e coscing, cleir G] asc IIAL,L TYF! fS: u-Value = . 05, Frame frrs\ilated CEIITINO TYFE I3; U-VaIue . ,023, Unconditioned A1tlc Space Above rLo9R I'YPs 19r u-vrlue - .068, Floor, over Enc}oged, utlcondlLloned upace The total Btnm lor the ou[slde walls are The Total BTUH Eor thr ExpoBed openlngn rre Tile Eotal DTIJI{ lor the cerlangt The tOtAI BTUH for rhe tloors Tlre FTUH irrfJltraElorr for !he openlrrgs Is THE IOTAL ETI'{ FOR THIS iOOM IS lequ!,red Raqtant !loor outpur, Ew,E /squBre HEATLOgS 8{5 2,710 s30 L t 15 t ?,530 8, 1'81 fopt ls 20. 5 NOOK CEILINO HEIGI{T I5 10. OO F.EET. VOL,UME rg soc| CI.'BIC FEET 3 EXPOSBD OPENINGS, T0TAITING , , '. > , > > , 2 , > > > > > > ) t , ) , > 1I4.0 SQUARE !'EE:T 3 EXP06ED WALL6, not rncluding openlngE,ToTA!,rNc >>" 85.0 SQUARE FEET X.OOM SIZE I8 5.0 LONG by t0.0 VIIDE, TOTALIING r> 50.0 SQUAFE FEHT lt'IllDOH TYPE I9 ' U-VaIue " ,351, Dor;ble 9atre, Low e Coatlng, Clear GIBEF I{ALL TYPU I5; U-Vrluc - .05, FrAmC hEulatcd CEILING rypE I8; U.valuq . .023, uncondiiic/ned AsriC gpace Abovc FLOOR T!{FE 16; U-Va}uo - .06tt, Floor, ovcr E cLosrd, Uneondrtio$ed gpace The Total BTulf lor the ouielde walis are Tile tocal FTUfl tor t,he Expoeed optrringa erc Thc total DTUH lor the ceilingt Thq roral BTUI.( tot the tloor8 The BfUH lrrfJJIrat iorr li0r lhe openirtg6 iF TH8 fOFAL BTI'II FgR T}TIS ROOM IE Req\Jlred Radlant lloor ourpur, Bru,F /sguRre looE I{EATI,OS,q tt? 3,705 105 156 1,433 1,785 ts 155,? DINING eEILTNG HETGHT 16 8.00 FEET, VOLIJME IS 2 EXpOSED QPENINGF, IOTAI/ING 27)t)t))>>-- 2ir>)e)F2))l 1 EXpOFED WALLS, rrot includinE openinEg,T9TAI/ING >>>> 1,056 CUBIC '.EET {2. D SQUARS ''EDT {6,0 SQSARE I'EE ' oCT'_24-91 A1: L2 Ptl' J 1f'1 HOUG P&H rrHf'r rrl f \Ul_llll Sppf .''-rNb ru0-e4s-)654 974 s65 5569 P . g4 lf i.I 24'O li ,trc i': . ri rq p i'd Page { SOQM SIZE IF I1,O LONG !Y 12,0 W-LDE, TOTAIJINCI ,, 112.0 SQUARE FEET WINDOI,| TYPE ISr U'VaIue . ,36:,, DoubIC pane/ Lgw c Coat,ttlg, glcir cleca IIALL TYPE Is; U-value ; ,0E, lrane lrrsulaucd CEII,ING TYPE I8: U-Vfll,uE = 0, CondiLloned opilco above FLOOR TYPE XE: U-Value = .058, FlOOf , ovar EneIOsBd, Uur-rorr,lit iglrefl npace lhe Tatal ETUII for tho outarde nalLd arc 'I'he Tgual pEUli tsr Ehe Expo$ed Operringe are Tlre tor.al BTUH for the ccrtinge The tqt.al BTIJII tor ?he floorE The BTUH lnfl),r.rarlon lor Che cpartnnn. tt THE TOTAIJ BT1JH FOR THI6 R,OOM Ig Retuired RAdiane floor Output r BTU'r /sqrr6ps HEATLocg 201 1,365 U ,l 09 L,265 3 ,216 loot la 2a,6 XITCHEN CEtrI.ING HEIGHT I8 8 . OO I'EET,vOlJ(ME IS 0 EXPOBED OPENINGS, TOTALING >>r>>>>>,>, 2 >>>>r>>>r? 0 EXPOFED WAIJI.,9, noc lncluding openlngF,'IU1'A!rNG >r>> RooM greE Is rr.0 LoN6 by t.0 wrDt, ToTALINCT >z WINDoW TYPE IS: U-VaIue = 0, Ne c/penrng8 ln this room MIL TYPE r8; U-vrluc r ,05, trtme rnaulfl[.ed CEIITING TYPE I8r u-Vahre r c, Corrdit,loned spacc above ELo0R TYPE IS: U.valud . ,068, f,'loor, oryer fncloeed, UncondiEloned space HEATLO99 The Tctal ETUI{ for the out,gide wolls are The Torol BTttI{ f or Ehc ErlpoBed Opanlng6 a5€ Thc tqErl BruH fot Etre ccilingt Thc total BEutl for EIre floore The Etl'lt lnflrErarlon lor the openlngs lH THS TOTAL BTUH FOR TIIIS ROOM Tg nequlr€cl Redient, !Ioor output, BTU's /Egudre foot ltr 792 CI.'EIC 5'EET O, O SQUARE FEET 0. o SQUARE FEE'I' 99,0 SOIJARE FEET 0 tv I n l0? 3.1, 1AT'NDFY cEr:,rNo ltEI0HT IF 8,00 FEET, voIJuMr rs oEo cttBl:c FEET 0 EXPOSED OPENINOS, ToTAI-,INS t t t > t , t , t r t t t > t t t > t > > > Q'0 gQUA&E FEET 0 EXPOSED llAI.'.LB, nec includlng openingB,ToTALrNG >>r> 0.0 SQUARE rEET NOQDJ FIUE 1S 5.0 LONS bY I2'O WIDI, ?OTALING >> 60'9 ggUARE FEET vtrNDOl{ TyPE TT: u-value r 0, Ne openlngt in ghia room IIAIJ! TYEE I8r U Value - ,05, Fretnr Inculat€d CEILING TYPE Igr U-Value c 0, conditiotred lpacs ttbc /e IJJOOR TypE IF: U-Va)ue - .068, Fleorr ev?r Enclosed, Unconditioned space HEATT/O3S The roial DTW for t,he oulslde wall€ are The Total ETUI| for ths Expoiod OPrning! are Tha rotu! ETUI{ for thF ccj. lingr the totar Bru{ tor che f loerg The sTUl{ lnf lllraiion for t.he openlrrgs ls THE TOTA! 8TL'I{ S'OR THIS ROOI.I IS RsquilGd Radtant floor QuEpttE, 8Tu'B /6qrlare fooL is 0 1S5 0 186 3.1 acr-24-61 61:12 P I'l DniI Gr rN!ton slR'n.rn' J 1I'I HOUC P&H ru70-94s-7664 Pege 5 r'|. . .u O .l ;)) It[r . rrl g F .l]5 979 565 5569 't P. 85 I{ALIr CEII,INC HEICHT IE 8.OO FEET, VOLUME X8 T,24O CT,ETC FEET J. EXPOSETJ OPENINGS, TOTALING > 'r > > r ) ) > > > ) > r, , , > > > > ., ?1,0 geUARE FEET 2 EXpOsgD WALLs, noB lneluding openingg,TorAlrNG >>>> t55,0 dQUARE DEET R00M SIZE IF 5,0 IONG by Jr,b I',lDE, TOTALIwG::, ti6.o SQUARE FEET WINDOW ?ypE rS: u-VaIuB, .161., Double ptne, Irow e Coallng, Clcar olasn WAI,L TYp! fgI U-VaIUe . .05, Freme Inpulrtcd CnrLING 'lyFE rg: U-Value = 0, Condirl.orred spnce abo.v c EIJOOR TYpt Igr U-Value . .Q58, flootr gvgi EncLeEEd, UncorrdiUlongd epaco The Tpr,al BTUH lor t.Ue eut8idr wal]6 are The Total ETltH for Lhe ExpoEed Opcninge are The t01il1 BTXrH rc)r Lhe ceillngB rhe total DI\JH for Ehe floors The STUH tnll"Itrrtion tot r,he opcninge is TI{h TOTAL BTUH FOR TI{I9 ROOM Ig Requlred RadranE !loor gVtput,, BTU,E /elluare HEATLOSS b:,.l 683 n 4 81. 632 2 ,494 f ooc is 15.1" T0?ALg ttt*tta*****f***f**sllr{**l**tr*ttr*$*t*r*tii,r****r**tr*tlrniittttttfr****{r{*rrrr VOI,LJME IS r > ) > > > > > > > > > > > > ) > r ) r > r r r > > > > > > > > > > r > > r > 1,9, 9?{ CUD!C FEET [xPogED 9PENINOS, TOTAIJINS >>>>>]>r]]> >>>>>r>t>>>>>>> {39 , E EQUARE ?EET EXFOSED WAL,L,F. fbovs grgde not l.neludlng oprnlngs 1 ,15,,4 SQUARFI F'EnT rorATr SQUAI,F 'EET, of wall8 below grade 0.0 SQUAR,E ''EET FI,OOR AND SEII.,,ING SICE I8 ],Y33.0 gQUARE 'EET I{EATU]gS lJ, JVJ. 0 1,+,25i 2,473 4, 1,04 13,2C8 ToTAL, aTUH, THIS E(JIIJDlNG 40,1{2 0 STLH ..fit*trtttr*t*r**lr****lt*tlaatrattl*tttf****r****t*r**l*lir r al tt rtrftttrrrrrrt f* End qf riport Tlte The The Thc The Tho Total BTIIH for the wa11s above grade are Tatgl BTtH lor the walls below grade are Tot al prvx for r-he Exponed oper:Ingr lre Eotal BluH for the ceilj,ngs EOE,aI 8TUI{ lor the tloors BTllIi inflftratlon fgr the opcni,nge is o o ,d , ./;i-ilfn' ,,ft\F & (b 'o ^ iN'' qd, .gbrt'sl ffi t" I I I tr DizYt^r,qr-l %.ro r*-r- t4r"u.A 4 Calar"11. )ocvwlC OF 4ourrl/ EgutP o l< Bo,c& i> Dteeer hcris9 FQaA BhrYt 2-oovm Lotr F 66R niircrtnrJ t1ft> tnF'T '-,frlEL WtrS'i iJ,*r-L ) I .l l',i,,r 'r.i,.jl_rr,_. / ,l;illl ''t 1'r i'i f,': f,:1r,,r11 '1 tlt ..t tlr lii r.it I r1 :: r 1i.." .. . ll./r\: '{:,'1ir.. r . ,/r\'-. ,'l I .nr l..i t i,, t; I' ; / .r:',il {t'/I; ''l .1.\ r il. , , i r..,(.1 , .'r .t . .( t | 1.|.| ; I Jt :r ,' .'l ,rii,' ' :'J '. ,,''i ,{F r - ','' -DeHL GttN[]00D SPRIN6 ID:970-945*7664 InstalliG Operating OCT 23'01 15:25 N0.021 P.01 & iiyiar,rQ'nrng " ='"1v''l .a MUNCHKIN HIGH EFFICIENCY HEATER A won*tnc, ll-tlre inlcrrrttation itt tltis rnrnual is uot lirllowed cxautly, a fir'c ol'cxplosion nray rcsirlt causing pfoperty dantagc, pclsonal in jury or ltrss of lifc. Do not store ol'use gasoline or other flarrlnable vapors and licluids in thc vicinity o1'this or any other appliance. WHAT TO DO IF YOI.J SMELL GAS . Do not try to light any applialtce.. Do not touch any clcctrical switch: do not usc any phone in your buildirrg. . Imrnediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phonc. Follow thc gas supplier's instructions.. If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire dcpartllcnt. Installation and servicc must be performed by a qualified irrstaller, scrvicc agenoy or the gas supplier. '@uJ'i,siio ffi I II-AI I RANSI]ER PIIODLICTS. IN(:, t20 Bt(ALEY RD,, F..ll{t--,.HI0WN, Mn 02717 CON'I'I{0LS /t\1I \WARNING: 'l'his rrtanual must only be usud t)y a quulified heating installer / service techrrician, Failure to conrply could rcsLrlt in severe personal injury, dcath or substantial propefiy dauragc. It is also inrporlnnt to keep thq5s l6s1r'11ctions with thc sppliancc. f:l.r' ;t;' r ,rnliltJ !NIL GLEN|]J!OD SPRING ID: uo.onrrilr"s 970-945-7 ?nro 15:24 Na a2r P .02 'f I'ART I (lEN|,ltAl. INFORMAI ION I A l.{ow ll ot'litt^I t_s.. ....................1 l-B l_ocrAt toN, ,.. . ... . . .2 1-1' PlltrSSlit t ,l It I Vn t\/1. ........ .., .,,.....,,,,2 PART 2 2-A LI.FCI'Rl( Al (r('NNIl(',1'1ON .............,,. ,,, ,.....,.,, ,,2 PART 4 VIiN IINCi 4 "n, 4,8 4-( 1, 4-l). '{-L, 4 t, PA){] 5 5-A I IYl)lt()Nl(' IiltAt' l'tI)tN(i -i-t.t f-il-t_ ANI) pt rR(;ti ltuAl lN(;sYS Il M.. ..... ................8 I'ART 6 BOILI]R S'IAIIT IJI' 6-A, c'c)MMoN vlrNl"l'FsT ......, . ........ ..,9 6-lJ. I1l:MS'l'o llli C:l llr(:KFD BEITORIi t,l(il{1'lN(i'l I ll : MI lN('l{K1N . . ..,,...,..,,.,.,.,..,,. .,,..,10 6 ct, l.lGlJTlN(i rNsTR\JC]'rONS . ,,,.......,..,,,, , ,..,,,,,I I PART 7 SERVICINO ?-A SEQttL:N('LOl'OI'LRAllt)N,,,,,,.,,............. .......12 7.U. AL)JLl\j IMl:N I SL: I l'(-)lN IS ANI)l)ll I l,ltl NllAl 5l l'11NCrS ...........,...,,........12 7-C' MLIN(:llKlN ll(.)lt.l-lt r^t.ll.T l.liD (lot)u,, ,,,,, ,..,.....1-1 7.1) l,n tJt.T ( ()NI)t]'toNS .,,..,..,.,,,, ,.,1:l-14 Pnl{l'8 ti,A. MAIN I LNAN('li i'ROCI-L)LIRLs .,.....,, , .l5 8-ll lll:l'ol(1,liA('llIil:AllN(jlil'4SON...........................15 E-(-'. |()Ml'()Nr;Nl l)r4(.ir{nM .....,...,.....,,.16 DEHL GtIN[]OOD SPR I NG Tn'-9 45-7 66 4 970 o !cT 23 '01 15t24 N0,.021 f .03 a TQHL GLTNIJ!!D SPR I NG ID:970-945-7664 !cT 23 '01 15 t24 No ,021 P .04 /WnNrNGsi CAT]TION 'llllS tJNl'l lS F()R ClAl-liClORY lV VLIN'l'lNC - 2 PIPD (.)NLY. 't'lttS IS n SEn t,EI) C0MI}I JSTION N PI'I -I AN()F]. 'l'l llS l llrAl'lll( INSTn LLATION MtJS'l (;ONt oll,M 'l'o 'l'l'll-: LAI'IiliT DDITION OF THE ''NATIONN L FUEL CiAS (IOI)|;'' ANSIZZ23.I STNTEAND LOCAI, C](JI)I,sJ MICIT't AJ,S0 A I)I)LY'I'O INTJ'I'ALLATION. WHF.I(Fl ltFlQtJll(l-ll) ltY 'l lllj ALI'I'HORtTY HAVINC JtJRISDICTION, 't'l{E INSTAT-t.At'lON Mtis't'(t()Nl'(.)t{i\4 't'0't'Hti s'lANDn RDS FoR fioNTRoLS nND SAl)lj'f y Dltvlc:[s FoR AtJToMATICn l.l)/ FII{}'.1) lloll-DRS, ANSI/n sME BOILIR AND PRI:StiLJRD v[sstL CODE, Scction lV. 'l'ilu iluAI'l-R, cns plptNG, WATER l,lplNCi, vt.:N't'lNc AND F.l.l1:(t'l'RtcAt. Mtjs,l'llli INS'lAl,l.F,iI) I-JY't't(ArNl.:t) & QUALtFt[D PI]RSONNEL Fn MILTAR Wt't'H lNSt'ALLnTtt)N I'J(A(]TIC]tIS AND I,OC]N I, CODE AND LI(]IjNSIN(J I(EQTJII(EMEN I'S. II THE INFORMNTION ]N'IH}.]SIi INS'I'RLIT]TIONS AITL NC)'I'I.'OLLOWI.]I) UXN (I'I'LY, A Flltl; ()R IrXl)I.OSION MnY RESl.Jl-'l; ClAtlSlNt; Pltol'El{'lY DAMA(ili, PERSONAT- INJI.JRY OR DEATI{. l)o NO'l's'll)Rli oR Lls[ CASOLINE c)lt ()'l'lllilt l.LAMM^ BLE vAt,ot(s nND LIQt]lt)s lN THF: VIT]INITY ()}.' 'IIIIS ()I{ ANY OTHER APPLIANC]IJ; I)o rrot try kr lighl any rypliancc [)o n()l lo(rch 11ny slcrr:lrical switclt do I)ot Usc Any pltorrc in your huildingl Itttrttr:tlirrtt:ly cnll yoLrr'gas sLrpplicr li'orn lr ntrighbols' phorlg; I ullLrw tlrtr gas supplicls' itrstlLrcliorl," IlyoLr crnnot rcrrrch yor.rf gas supplicr, call thr.. fir'c dcllrrr'lrrrclrl; lrstallaliort and sclvrce rnrrsl lre per'l'erlrrr:tl by ir tltralilir:tl installcr: scrviuc 0gr,lttcy ur thc gas suPplicr'. I,ART 1 G EN ETTAL INIiORM A'I'I ON I-A. IIOW TL OPI'RATES Wlron thc f0onl lhelnroslal calls ftrr, tclnl]cIittLlIeol'tItesystentbefbt'el|le|r'alellv||] elirrrirra1qstlteMttttcltkin$l0|.ti|lgcvtl.ylitllt:t|.lctl.lL]r|'lo5 Orrcc llr r: systcnr hlr ll]esysle|}l|:c1btestartinAthcMttttc|rkirt' lItc1httspr.lt't1nttc|cottt[lttstiottnit'volttlttcs('otrp|cdwiththcI{rrncywcl|gtlsv0|veandlheVL.|llt||i Murtcirkirr lunning rt tltt: hiHhtrst r'l'firirrncy. Wltt:ttl]tclhtlIll.]()5l0(issrrtisliud,t|rcMLrrrc|rkinwiIll|rctt8olhtQt|Rl]14sctttlrtJPU5(.Ft||s(.tlyc|clrcl.e Muntrhk irr hcatcl is cqr.rippcd 1he indicotol liglrt will blirrl<, i[:wly lr) irrrjiurtrr thc hcrrtcr lirul., /l\wnnnlNc:J vr.ir\r!tl\\ra MtlNcHKtN Mris't'lrti sE't,0N A LDVIL SllRF, (r$ so (-.0NT,ENSA'I'ION DOI',S NO'I' IIACK I.'I' INSIDE, BOTLERI I rFr GLENtl00D SPR I NG I-II. I,OCIATION cr p lus irrn. ;rtct\\ l:tV ltC t lrrred. Ittt\'irle rl nlr lhe nroirr lrpcluIi0u, -945-7664 Y(U o OCT 2 \l o 15:25 N0.021 P.05 ..,.,.,'l-:!|1\{,1lrl\i|v|l|illl|\|||(|gll[ll\c\T()ll|]l|5[ t,;ln(l i s );lll'. :: f illllf lrrtlkllrru, A holter shottl(l ul !]lljl'rt t ctl irr n lrct rvith n llonr rll'nln or lnsrrltcrl in u nuilalrle rlrtin Dir rr'lt;rlFtrvct'. 'l'hir hcnlcr nuri-l nol llo lur:ltc1l ttclr lllntrrrrlbl(r ll,ifut;aucm lhirrrr,rr, hu(rttt', lirlrclictl pr.o unc, elc,i us thc r,orrlrlls of thls llrgrliuncc corid ttc, rttlhcrit,m. rolrtnlt,lr:r irr t ilnile lltusc yllxlrs. r:ruqinq ltn I (]. IIRDSSTJTIIi RELINF VALVE ,\ |trtrsrrlr: rclir.l t',rlvc is institlJcrl jnlo tl.tc li,ont r.ight sitlc rrrlniIrjd rve tccotrrnrc:nd a WAI lS %,M j j5 Ml vu]r,c or,t|r||llvil]r'|]|ii|)(||[c(:l\ll}c|,cqtll|cll.]c|.llsr,|.ANSl/ASM|iSectiort|V|rlrhe;rIing rx p los rnt) clir rr irrutcrl, cappcd ur plLrggCrl. I'AR]'2 2.A. U,E,(]TRICAL (IONNIICI.I(}N I'ltt 1111 1' ,. 't; ]l11:'::ill,l,:'.,)rortruappticitrrcr,,",,r.,'.ir*u,,i,'i'.'r,i,,r' ii,;illrli.i;,;fi.J,i.l'i;r'i".,i|il]:i'l]i.;;:i I r'r )trrrr t'-{rllYclllullcLl wC llavc lilt)CICtl itll lhr,'rvitc whiClt rtccris li) t)r.col)llrt(:kd c lcc tlica I .r . . tvt,u gr(r{ t(| Irt) ll\ 1 lllc :I; lit: :l :ji:l'::i'tit::':: ::t:"iill(l lltr. gic(r|l g!0rrrtd wrrg, [1 lrl't r l{r nll|hing thiq connr.ctiOn.'l'ltr hlrlr:k rvirc ir thr: hoi lrarl lnrl rrhiac rt It.r ir thc ncrrtl-ll lqttl.Ontt nll cttnn0cliorrs hrrvc hccrr nrq{lc lhr (lccfri( l i A grccn l,lill irt llelbrc s(f rvicing lct Failnrc to lbllow SNRVT(]INC - I\ WARNINC - CATJTION lcnkagc, lire or explosion. fhc nrunchkin cool rtowlr! Shrrt oll'clcctrical und gar w,arniilg could rcsult in scvcle burn, clectricil slrock, rrr.rtttrttl ll0trrl. This Ltil) m $t ht illltntiIsl[,(l llhc thc I\,lrrnchkin i l tr trrnd orr lor Irrrper i l!l- GLENbJ!0D SPR I NG ID:970-945-7664 9Wlrarr )uNltlnN rl,x 3.C. GAS TABLE llcfr:r' t0 Tiblc ( | ) ttt rirt lhe srtltltlY Maxiurttrn ( ilPae ilv ol l'iltc irt ('utric lrrclr u,irtcr ('ulttttl tt (1AlJr.L 1) ICT 23 N0.021 P.06 '01 o 26 1f , 2t\ifJatlAi' (I) -.1 'll ll T 3-A. (;AS CONNE(]TION (ilssLrl,1rly shxll tt,lYc a tn:txitnttnt itrk:l Prcsstttcuf lgssrhn l4" wntet'cttlllnttl lliil'l'ii t -{l f.r5(r nirrr), 4 porrrrti pttr\,'r( (1,4 [l',t), iltttl a ',,,,tt,lrttlrr u1 ? wittct uolttlttll L t' l- I 'l'hc r-rntirr.r llipirrg syslirrrt, Baq tlrclcr, ;rnd tcgulrtor tttttsl l:c rtzctl propet ly tt: I :l'* fi .[ I , ) l)ruYcr)l p|eqsl[r: (lrop Efei cr than 0.5" us rl.irtcll itr the Natiorrirl ) ttc] cas (lodtr. , .,. -fl / ,l] , I I his rrf'ornrlliorr is listcd orr thc ratirtg plnlc, lt js vcry inrpor{altl lhrt yort sl'c J-l ,' ll' I ( connrclr(l t0 thc typu ul gus rts n0t0(l olr thc ruting ;tlrttc. "l .P" lirr liquclied *,,' / I .'- I 1)r:lI()lcurrr, r,)f l)foFnrl(r gnsi ol' "Nat" ttatltt';tl gltr rtI crity g1ns ,{ll gas ctlnttectiotr5 rntrsl ,/" tcc. lnrl n ,"1rrp lcg lirhi ictrtcrl, ls l)r'r' tl)!' National Fucl Lils code. Vrrr nllt.tl crtsurc lhlt tltc cntit't gtts linc lo lhc I'AI{T 3 cot}ncclittnrtillr(:Mlrrlc|rltinisnosntttl|ur|hirn'' ll,orn thc grs littt, lrr ordcl to do tlris, l,orr rlust sltrrl tlte gas oll lbllorvinl, liglrling inslttlcl.ittlt orl l)ngc ll , (Jrlsct'cw thc (h|cnCl|(|tllot.ttltill11|1attgr:rv|ticlris|or;atc<jortl|tegasva|Vtwhichlvil|prcvcrrlltigll1rr.r:ssttt'eu,lricltrnly vlrlvr-: ln ll)c L'yet)t lhc gus vtrJvt: i5 (rrl$s0(l lo a l)ressurc grc tur llr0l) |l PSl, l4ri wltict coltlltltl, l)te gils v;tli'c ntLrst bc rcl)ldr:r:(, Ncver rtsL4tr o!cn lltrnrtl (lil nrlrtth. lighttrr) to cbsgk l'lts tonnut(iortr. 3-8, GAS PIPIN(; Rrrrt gas rLrppll, lrrrr.: irr r.r( cor(l,rtt r,:c wltlt all aPPlicshlu crtdus. Lo{-ri.rtc and iDsl:rll nlrnurrl slrLrtoll vrlvcs irr acctltda cr,'\\,i1h \tittc ud loctrl t0alIilel])eltls Jriping to nrirrirn|,,c l)l'estllre dl'olt blitwc(tt ,tlclcr ol't'tgttlntot'ttntl rrrril' | !'$l 01'Liits l)!.t Hour lbr'OAS I'tessu|cs o1 0.5 psi tlr Luss urt(l A Prcsriufc l)trtp ol 0.3 .(llased or) a 0.(r() Spccilit Olovity (i.rs) 1l\ w,rnxu,lc N o rn inal llorr l) iptt' lttlct nal Sizrl Di nr utcl I .errgth ol l'ipc (lreet) (inclrt:r) (irtclter) l0 It,l0 50 40 (r0 ?0 ti0 r)n lnll Itq lq{)175 ?(}0,5c) 55i B',l lJ',S I lo t00l Ptitt 225 2r0) ltotJR r5o 320i x 1,000 I I l/4 1 t/) ,824 l7l{ lun 1.04u 5l0 il(l I l8(l 1,050 7.30 1,610 1.(r00 l,l(10 I 52 l_t0 .lxl 245 5e0 500 119(l 7(r0 ) t5 IOi 96 90 2ls l9-j lE0 170 440 400 170 150 (,7() (; l0 560 53(l It4 7q 12. b.1 t60 150 130 120 320 -10.5 175 150 4t)0 461) 4|o .180 :J*L GLLI',u!!D SPRING ID:970-945-7664 OCT 23'01 15:26 N0.021 P.07 itas1li1rirrgrtrrrsthesized|.o|lhc|)l\)I)crJlrrw-orrrjlr:lrgtlro|.1lipc.lrr11v6i(p111,1111J9 |1ilrrrr.|lrtr:|cA|ll{tt(,|isrrsct|'il|)||l\l|)crltttiltjttr(tt 1rt'o1rtrlv1rrrr'gcdhr,tltcgrrssrr;r1t|icr.rrr'ttti|itv'I;illlrc|o tlrc lrt ilrt r(l ri:,i'i :liill llil,,lllff:lll::rJ]i_"ll ill':lll:lti ll,fillii:'i; llil:,:ii;i.lli,..ll.t;t'"^ll l*i,llllill*l:llliliilll.,lirlvi: ha:, ir llarrged col)l)(iclion to llrc V{:ttlLlri 1n(j h[t\\,11f. PART 4 VNNTING 4.A. ALI. MOI)ELS.1" VEN,I'E[) lix lr;rrrst pil:e urltuL.rs11riprtlgirtletairpipc|1.||lstl)cl''(..|)V(.Sc]rt'tltl]c4()rrr()' c,rlrlLrs( piping rrrly Lrt' I'V(' sclrrrrluls 4(r or H0, or A[]S solid orrly, Nel, l()AfV COR|.]. 'lht: ortly aplrluvud cxhrit.tsl vr.:trl n1;rlcr ial\ ||rc [tV(' schcdLrlc 40 (N()'l' F()AM coRR plpli!). li.rhar.rst pilriDg shorrlti bc :|rllrr:dbaclilol|l0utltl|1euti()|l()|l(l)cMtll)tllkirl,;rl|enst%.,lrt,rlol .tttL|cx|r;tttsJ(*ac|tt'lbrlw=5,rr|.llipc)Slt1r11l1|111;1exr:r'tlrl85'thecoirrt,int'dVs']rlc|-Elhs|rorr|rlrlotbt:ltlss1|tll lilnt (:xllrtr\t gits <irrts rrot rc-circulirk: llrclirr{rr rhc intake pipc. \1r11 1)usf plrcc rhcrl irtiur ol)e6 Atc0, gl)d,i)lliw tllc loJ lor.villp grritlcl itrr:s i) ?) l) 4) 5.) (r) 7) xl 9) l0) tr) Novcr vct)l irrto rr w;1JIs,;11,, l)al (, ilfcil, ollcy ot tlther.rvise l]ui)lic aroa Icss titrrrr 7, lirrrrr ll)c g,r oLIr(l; NeVL'r V0ttl ot,r'.t / 11111111 A rvilrrlrtrv ol ()\,et n r19rrr-witV: Ncvcr rrrstrrll ir hcn{ \0v(:1.'r' sit'ilur ptoduct lo cnlrtr,i,.a ,vnrt, hcat fiorrr exlrntrst; illWRys lrlve Vcrrl loc;rlrp11 tr( lcitrt liabgvc,laxirttttrn snpw levell n l\vnys.llitvc vent i r altovL. lllgLrrr{ lcvql, awrry lignr Sltt,rtbs anrl lrtrslts,s; lrrllow local g.: crrtlcs irr yrrrrr 'qgicr11 ,r rrr|cti ttr N*tionilr t'uel (irs code, carr rl l49i Alirays lxrv,r r,urrt lrt lcAJl l' l'r'9nr a1 iltsi{c sot.n,,.t,t)l'otrtsi(ic waltsl Mairttnitt irl lcrrsl 4' clcllirrrcg l(r cl(:ctric, g,ils '1(ilcrs. a1(l cxltdg\t fitns c,r inlLrrs;vrry lr'l'oituntl lnlrlr air r'Lrst rrc ruksrr Ii.nr 0ursirlc oi'r)uiririr,u{,.cxl ro exilrrust orrllel, tto ttlostrr. lltorr lJ',i Alrvays plar:c s.r.cr'rs rr nll .pcni'gr irr rrtttrkc und cxir*Llst rr) Ffcven( rrrr.cign rrrallur lronr erllc tilu llre MLrnclrkin, lllc vcnt itttakc lrnd cxlrArrst nru,,t bc ptrrpt:rly clcarrt(l ancl glUefl, I'ur prcssgt.c tiglrt irrilt. SeVqtitl rnclh0(lS lirt vcuting llrtr Mtttltthkirr t:ln lre l'oLrrld in Figurcs I rhrrr 6,ilst' thc lbllowirrg j;;,,; ,,; a giridelirrtrccltlirr silc,corrdiliorrs srr(rh I llltrltipic' r'ooflittcs/piti'Jrcrs rrrny lcquile verrting rrodjf'icat it,r rs-csrrsl lt li{r.rorv,'l lrr:xir ill el llttrsl lrc n ttliltitnttrtt ol' l' vcrtically abovu thc nt,,xinrLr,r snou, lcvt:l or' 24" wlti(lh cvcf rs grci.lt.t.,llrr'' lriI inlt:t ll)rr\t a]to l)t] rr r'rirtilnLrr|r trl- li)' h0r'izontall), lionr tlre f(,rtl, nn(l tcr,r]rinate(l \vith a tr,c. Thc cxh;lllsl 'lltl\l llc 1 111ini111i1111 oi 24'r alrovc lltr.r ir inlgl l,pcrring, and lorn]inllcfl rvjtlt rt cou|tirrA l( rs vqly itttporlitlrl lhat lllcre af(r llo otltcr vcrrts, c)rirnng1,5, or uir irrletq irt rrny directiort lbr ut lc.ast 4, Alt A\w,rnnrncrr is cx(rcmely ilnllortant to follorv thcsc venting instructions follow the vcnting instrucliuns cnn cause scvcre personal $ubstfl ntial proparty darnrrge. exoctly. Failure injury, (louth ot. a i qF]L GTENLJO!D SPRING ID:970-945-7664 lCT 23'01 15t27 N0.021 P.08 ilili:,iJll'liiJilpJ,,::'lll*ii,li,l,lli,llilliilJt,l,,llill,il:i:til,:l'illl;liil'il';iliili lAnrciic;rrr Snt:icty lirl lcstirrg lrrd Mllcriuls), irrrrl ANSI ( ntt)ct'ic0lt Nationirl Stitnriittl lrrstitLttr) l2) l( is rccrrrrrrrrerrtlctl tlrirl ytru \lsu r)nL' 01'llr!- r)l)ll(,lt.rl vull l ts r1lr,.Cilicully lir' lt4urrchkin ilstallltruns (K(invl'0601( V'l'(3 irr.) or V1000;. NO'lll: WIILN IISIN(.i l'llli ll( iAV I l60l('Vl Nl'l: I{l,t\4OVll'l'l Ill2 S(:l{tjLN! I,l(t}M'l lllrt'l(()VlL)LL) INI-l ll 'l llll.ANl) INS'l Al I 'l'llllM lN l'l ll, lNr I I S(.)('l(l,lnNl)()t l'l l,lrl S(X:KF.'f ()l 'l'l llr Kl'l'PRlORl\)lNS'l Al.l.lN(;'l llliS( lllil)lll.l. 40 l,ll'I AN t) ( il lllN(i 4-R. IIOII LONGHIT VI|NT LEI\GTIIS A|lvcntilrqtltLtsttlel'lxl|Iltl'ttlrkc lcllgtlr,llisittt1tt:rttlir't:rr,|ttttttsittg4|''trrfo|lrrrr'(|lc$cinst|.||clio||.\'cl]cq[t|l|l|y bullt lltc ittllltc nnrl cxhuusl ;;i;pirrq plc 3". For thc intukc l()'ol'3r' PVC Schrrlrrlc 4(l;li1lr;rlus urrc Q0 rlcgrcc or tlo {5 dcElcc f lbow,) {n(l Ior (hc r:xhrusl l0' ot I'V( Schcdlrlc 40 pipc, NO'l'lfOAM (lollE, or Ol'V(' pl||r ||rrq (.lll rtc'lrcc or lrvo 45 dugrr:r rllrowr. l'hor usc n 4r x l" l)V[' rrtlLrrirru eurrlllirrg, l'hcn proccr,'d will] f'V('4" (N( ) I l'OAf\4 ('t)l{l:) pip.. lr rd ll lt in!s |l1tirrgs'corlrbirrctittltallcrrgth..|lrtr4,1ittingl '. I . lhc tolnl tnoxinttttn vc llftg lcng(h cnn he 125r, plrrr thc fir5t l0rof csch.1", untl u m:rxinrrrnr littirrg rrlltrrr'1ncr: rrl 1hqJ..'lrltu|twtl9()rlr,grccorl'otrr45rlegrcc.hctitr.cinct'eltsingtrr4''.l'rltrrlrrqttir.t|r':rtl Nct'tr ttsc tliflclcnt 1ti1tt sir,cr fnl intlkc rrnd rxhlrrsl. 'l'lru vent riyNlrnr ntusl ht: brtlnncctl by frictiorr lrrrs rr;rrivulcnl, (ta Tc i?;cn,..trArr ft*n Krr No.t.g: TIII' ]\IIITIIODS DIiSCRIBI'D ARII SUGGI'S'I'I'D GENI'RIC MIII'IIODS ONLY. TiPEC]IFIC JOlf Srl'rr Ortstittv TtoNti AND srzlNc MAy REQUuiti AI,'TERNATE lNs'thLLATtoN Mh,'l'HoDS. CONSUl.',t 'f 'tili I.AC'IORY WIT'H St,tt(jll t(i.IOB REQUIREMITN't's tr()R ADDITIONAI, RIICJOMMENI'ATIONS. 4-C. VENTING lhtsLE NrlrlulI)otlcrtqxcacd1hc1'rlt|lc('|]|[Jjl)t:rl|'llglll irllou';.rttccs F'RICTION I,OSS EQTIIVALENCE TABLE t()lt FIXA\4t)t,E: Notr:: llri:, cxarrrplr: lotrls brrth irrr;rkc und cxhaLrst piping. 4pcs,--1"9U-?0 I 20 l"l,Vtl SL:ll.40Pil,t: 70' 40''lotal corrhirrcrl k'rrgtlr is (r)(lcr nrnx allorvairle venl r\lr ol'85' I'h is rob is oklv! 3" VI:Nl-FI) MOI)Ll_s LQUIVAt.irN I 1'A B I ,Ii nQrJrv t.FNT I I I llN( i I lrl-l I)llsc ()t'Ptt,l] I" or.) 5 l" 45 .l' l' cot rPLtN(; () l" ll:l: 0' :1" PrPn t'= t' 3'CONCIiN r Rr( VIlNlKll l ]. V IO(X) VI]NT K II O (Al' l l:l{ Illl,l'lRS'f l0 Ol'.;" ONl. 4" VllN l'UL) MC)l)l.,l. rj I r)l i rvAr,nNT TARl.l,: s'r t0 0F .i', a) LQLjtvAl,tiN I' lil I N(.; l;EEl oll I)ESC. PIIE 4" t0 j' 4"45 1 4I'COI.JPLINU ()' 4 " l,lplr l', I ' 4" TFII O' : qlL GItNir]0!D SPR I NG ID:970-945-7664 0cT 23',01 1:l 2B NO n?1 p no 'iI.) tnt.c'{-r\4r;1p1,J; l;[lt]ilt'J'*t ,'.,.."n,. ljl0ii,,[ijil,VllN'l' I l-N(i'f l I 1.OSS t.l1(.t t()N (l,t:t.lT)(irl-lil') ()'t 'I,, (l;t,,t.)r') LOS,q wt,t l.{ I:t,t.,t IN()INTAKT: & Ot:90r rixrn,sr r.rrL)ws i,ill,',it " l,jll,,*, l'['rtr]i\1i,,,,, l- n lt,,- 120 lr () 120 l:i l,o llr) l2u llri ho lro i0 l0 4A 40 40 4(l 5() 50 If r l() .1( ) t) 2r-2T 25 .l 5 5s 6\ 1. 8s 95 20 40 .t0 r5 40 45 50 l) 45 50 5s 60 65 70 45 t0 I 4 5 6 'l .l .s t5 ):) 60 65 70 55 4 ( ln - a, (,(t )5 (,5 u .j l0 it).r \ 15 65 '1 \20i0 5 2(t 50 .5 2-s 5 30 5 :ts s 4(t 5 t5 4-D. Cl-lcAttlf,,R / (]EMENT (]unltlrt11ilr'l]x|tarrsland|rt(lrke|lillin8,|l]t|stf()l]|i'rll]toAS.I.MD-25rr4lirr.itlinrrlg|,V(].irrrnts.Makcslt(: ;l.ill;fJliilii:l,l]i||li'i:l]li*lctl.s^rnsr [,rks, r{ i" i,,rp,narrr rrrp;ry sPecrnr$rrc,rriol, r. rrre rxrraus( pipirrg, wrricrr ir 4-D. CON!)ENSATE l)lolc lllAtl \vitter ViriX)f, crttr(ltrttsatC rl,cs ltivc o lO\\r l)ll |]'li{|.])|eL|.\'\lal5.rv|ric|trvil||lUt|t|a]ilelilcctttlCicttsa|e. tlrtlilrg'|lirvct.;'jn1116;1i1111t|tall|rccrrrtr1etlritleljttr.:is {)t|l]c|()nllttMtrtlulrkinisltru'cl'.rltnrrlhtlcjt'airl,yo|'I|nl]sl....'.,.o,,.1.,.,,n. I('l)1|)i]l.nl|lIt\.orlnyoliturtylretlIll|ncklrgtl'|'lastic nl'ilsq'(1()l)l)0tlrtt,n||)ct.swi||lrcsrr}litttt()cQ|](}\i(lI1anddjcrior.lrriott.Asecotlt|vc|1!|naylleltcccssat})l)|cv(Ill rlle v'lcl)(ll)l lor:L il lr lo11g lttttiz.ttrttll t'ult is Lrr,"(|, Also nn incrcrrsc ro l" tuhing r1rfly [rc rrcgg551111, vl.:N I lN(i IjXAt\4Pl,LS tfltrrol - 1l ! at -r I natn . 4-I. ULL]\I]]UUU J SPR i NG ID:970-945-7664 1q'ra N,n i?1 D 1n O'lr\TI\c DI.\CRA \tS 4-F. OCT 2 3 ',01 o l_II0t!,,^LL v-q!L_:!1.- 'tt (rN'^(t ) I coJo, l{L (c{tsA-\.1, ,,ur*-, , ==: rr||rpcRT^f!l NoIt A!! vtf{I plfLs HUsI nt 6r!tD, pHoPtRLy . . _ _sl-/j-Jl-'r i a\D rF[ LrxAUsT lust Br pr-cFt o i irr^ii,i nr A l/,1' ptR f00t lacx t0 Txr BUILTR rrn rr.lbv pp^iria,,L ii"iiNot;1sorrr,, I > rt(' a Fu.I r9 |i|s ol|4ll (rorF I 3'SIDIVALL VCNT VrIt vl00o kll :_-.==llll:_,i-- frcuRr l r,;frp:lRra\i rioii, A!r vfNl ptpfs husl sr 6l.uiu. pRnptRLy .._. .s."'lll'!) A\D 'xt [tr..Aes- xrrsT Bi Fttc\tD I xrrrr*,,i'i,Ii.'/I-k.Df,- la:K 'U i,,L BorLre 0,cLrbv f.ialf,rir'0; CirrOfxSrrrr.,L!9q+!sJ:ri$=!114t_L!s4!. r,5_ttlrsjjr , tatt a ..lx.oarrrl rf'rt Al,L vtrt prpti |lJtr ta AL{D raCrtary ,,,,. " Jl'i$i "l.i"i " .L' ili..,r';,?.t l.?'",.:'',l[ia'S ?d,r?",.,,,,. --rf Roor l{li v-l!11-ll€!9!!tJ1lyf!J- , xrr <.rr:lylglotq.v D r /(rrat 6 _.:!i'l_l_r_al I lr0lt ^,r v(,tr ptpft rJ!r Er CtJrD. propfrl /tljl'roeltD. ^irt ,-J'C'(o r r|Nltur or ^ 0J^Nrtn l|lCH pit-r6or ,^c{ r0 Tll[ torrr. (r0 ^_t-ov !f^rr^a. 0i (oriiixf;it.;. -Iqs*- I 9l-!l-p!11\v,:Il-!11!-3-!!!!ryr-S Ic vrN r xt I (x 6AV r 060 lc v r ) ftnuRf 5 rtlMP0|{laNt ^lott ALL VEhI p,pES !gpl!!lt!, ^r!n Trtf fxrlAus.r xust ^ ,/., p[ R r00T l,^!i< r0 'tHt Dol!t,g (Io nus t Df 6LUllt, ltopt.tLY r[ nlICHl n ^ IlNlxUx of ^r LOV Dk.lNAot nf COliDErs^tt.rr l .- r r- -.!ri r'i H 11 r1X"n\-/r twrer qr rr, t--rr E! ^ .rti .3j -ir!!-1!!--Y!:r-yL!'. r t=l!!Il.l-!-igl',!i .r! "^!,s',.ro;rt a ..r[pnFra!r N0lC, AtL VtRt plnts Nu!r Ft 6L!tD, pR0FraL y tllpP{rR)L!. AND Thf arrl^Lrt1 !Ll r r,r, pc'd r d.:', i'icl"io lL"iiijir i,'ot.l'u"i,l;lil^f ";|,",,J*rl'n,^,,,.. trtfAj0a fYrtli0l -' -e!gj!! laEL DRHt GttNLIOID SPRING ID:970_945_7664 I'A l(1' 5 ,s-A. ,tyDRoNrc rEA,r' ,fi*" OCT 23 '01 o 15 28 No.021 P.11 itSJ l,rrlcr l ltrl t: ir r:Lrlut0r' ttt tltc Il.ilct l(clLrrrr Prltt' (lufrrLl tlt c cooling cyq.lc. rHri MrrN{'H,KrN l,l$,,L?-tqT.ry'i,i#*tJI8)J'o no*roBr,rl Hor wAr'r{ rrrrAl,y{.I1'tS NOT 1'O tlE trsEt) AS A t)iltECT DOMrrs'nc Ho.t wA,t,t R Apt,LtAN(:r,). Bit\ic slul)s (rc li\lc(i lrelc'r'v. witit ittt ll rts11n1i1v11, rllrrr:lr rvill !|lrde ),ou rhlough the insrallatirn.{'thc Murrrrhkirr L ltipc ptr,rpr.rr.ly. Ir: itccot(ltrrrcc lo (lrigrlt\.7A) 2, (',rr rr cct sySletll l.(:t' 1 l" \l'l lr,.r.s rr rrrp les. .1. (. oI rrr,:.1 systctn s!l)pl-v orc I" NPT brrrss rripplc. 4. Insllll Prrr+c arrd tlulurrcc \/ulls orr svstelt) fclfrl.t).5 irrs(.rll Fock lr'krw Prrvrnlot il l.crluilctl hy lot:al coclcs oll sysrcnt tEtrtnt.6 Itrstnll I'urnJl on systcr)r sul)l)ly, Mnliu surs Irrnrlr is pr,ollelly sizc:d iot.piping loss,l. Ir':slall l0uru rhorrlql r'ead rrrinirnlrnl of l2 l,Sl tl InsLnll lix$nnnion Tqrrk on \ysl(,nt sLrppll, Usc al)l)1l)l)ri tc \ize tfl1k lirr.voltlnrr ol rv41q,y ln syslct)1,t). lrrstall thc !i;_!gg u1 syslcnl slpply. l[J, Irrstall lilow Chtrr.k or1 sysrsnl t,elLll.r. ) i lnstall Drsirr Voll! ()r'r s)/stgll sllDPly N()tt' Mtrrrclrkrn ca. r)ol bo draired (rr'warer. wi(l,rur ylrrgirrg tlre trrrir wirh ai'l)rcssurc l5 PSI rtt ir rirn Lrnr 12. Irrstoll I'r rrr pcr.;rtu lel l)rcbsufc gitulic ol) s;,slcp1 g11Up;r. 5-8. FILLAND PUITGE HIIATING SYSTEM . n tl{rull lrorc lo halaltct arrd |)ttrgc hOs\t r-11;111q61u1 lnd rtrrt lo <ir.lrill,' (llosc tire otlrrr sidu o{ llrrr txl:rnqs 3114 l)ut,g{_ vrlve,. ()pr Iirst z0lts iralarrt:c Ilrrl trr.gr: vllvt;, so ns lO lct tltg Wnlur llt)w oUl Ol.tht: ltrrsc, Ir zotte vxlvcs atC rrscrl, oJ)trrl zerrrc v0lvc\ orle 01 n tillle, ntitttttillt' (No'l Iir ple0s. check rrr*nulhcrufets' instrucrior\ pr.ior.to ()penillg vlrlvcs nrnrru.lly, s,lrot lo dflltttlg,c vslvc. ) ' A4antrn)ly,pc.atc lill v'llvr'r rcgtrlttlul, whtltt w'(et' t'rrrts ,rrr of hosc,..rrnccled t' the bal*nce an<l purge valv.r irr srcirrly stlcatl (ryilir rro ail hrrhL:lcs), clo5q: frnls111,, arrrl Plrr,gc vrrlvc to stop thc rvitlet lionr flowing. l)iscorrncrt lrrrst: trrrl L:onnL'cl lo ttcxl zot.lr: to ht: prrrgctl, ' Rcl)eal y)roccdrrrc ltrr adtlitirrnal /,or.l1;s (oq( Lrr Lr lirrrc),|jpotttltrttr}r|ctiotl,ttt1[g51111'tl'a|l|rc{'i|]!ttlvelsittairttltltlrtiq|)(||'iLi()|1all ltosiliorr ;rrr( z.ollrl vitlycr itfr l)0:litjone(i l'r-rr attlorrratis ot)et.Atiun. iItNL GLENIJ!!D SPRING ID;970-945-7664 r.+i:i,+-!_,.+##fii*# OCT 23 ' 01 15129 No . 021 P t2 fr,,.gii , slrlili.lt ourr I r I 1---l N()'i l) lns(i.r lr'o,rt,,n:,:il::lf),1,,r" SrfX lt,rr Rurlilriorr;rrrr.l systur:rs nrat)unl vqnrs i,fr,,in,.. trr ow rlrc;tirovc ^y()Llr\vilylowf|(|li||.|Ircs|airVcnl.||ln;|yt)cn0(:cssal.yt(Jinst,|l|[l.rsg151111|111'1 tt al))otlrll5 ,1'r*qji1119111 trtltY lxr prc19,11. Arrrrllal ci:.nir1g oftlrc .tr:rirrr:i- irroy t a ,,""*-.n,, $LIOC l:.sirfll I I YDI( QNle I,l pJ Nq F,( )R M r INCHK r N LtO r r.t iR F'ICLJRF] 7N r U) Pllnl l I it.r ^rt(( vALVE I l,{)baar fiOr rnrvENrEr | (1 .0y pSE9SUtE rfl b ( t t L8 Aloprtrr ) t glr r'.Anj l!N TANK i (ri)^Jn vfNr (.,,.nbubLr., r !,.tI lir i,,r r r,. r.(o0rnr(rrd!,1) a (7ri Lol'l (l1ECK rr,t) r r rxr R^tu8E L piEtt(rtt cAGa tll fltl\ sUPPll€! 0Y (O[rr^r roF I o |l I l.l t E T I A t t.UNllacl I0 !!lrJF 4LTr,Ffi iULD r ! rrpt! r!ir rrueorrn r ,,r1"^eiau lilc(JRli 7B nTf,iaT- i;*T.jfi;f-, -flOW IN OAILQRS PIn MTNUTE MuN.HKTN EoM + --J tffiH?**#] MUNCXKTi{ l10M {F{r-+ --i ooro,,, _r-"e_oi|r -l i1u^rcHKrrir'"ru _rc.+- 1_(qtil l_r"_ a_l r) THt nTCOMMLNoFD CtFtCuL^rORS AFE B^6EO ON 1 GpM pEA 10,000 gT!/Hn W/?0" dr PARI'6 tsOILER STARI'T]P 6-4. COMMON Vl,lNT'|'BST /\ltllcli|nL'ttft.eltlrLvlr|rl1.attcxisl1nglrollcr.|hc :]i.:ili},ll.;:']]llili::i.1rlrrce1|irttt1.tct.alitln,whilethr:tlthet'appiiiltrqqs I Scll rrw unuscd t4lctriltgs irr lJrc cnrrl)torr velttintr systcnr li \/rsLrlrlly ittsl:cct tlte vcr)ting systcllr li,r-p'oPet rizc unrj lrorierr,'ral Fjtclr anri ricteltnittc tcrc is rro irl'cklF,r:.r.rt:striclion, luakagcr, cottosiott atrd olhcr dcllcit:ne it:s whiclt coultl cnusu lln Lrnslrlil corrtlitrt:rr.-l.Irtsrrlatnslhc|)|acli(:al,tl|95gx1;lttrilt|irrgt1trttrsalrtlwinr1trwsit|ldnl|dtlrrrsb(l$,ic|l1|l(: J€jlla|ll|r|gc(ln|leclc(|t()lilcU()|.l]ll](l|lVe|lli|.lgSyStc|llare|trcitre :llr:::jl".,r cxl*rLrsrs, srhe), \villol)criltc al rr)axirrrunr s'ced, L), I,ror ol)cratc,, *,,,.,.,,,,", cxl:.Lrst lirrr, .tosc 1i1.,,r1r., iFHI GLENi!OOD SPRING ID:970-945-7664 ,.1, Irlncr in oltel,atiorr tlrc uJrplilrcc t,ui,rJpecr,,:<1, lollurv thi:, i)ltofi.ltl: c{ )n tin uous lv OCT 23'01 15:30 N0.021 P.15 lilghrirrg insrlrrctio,', n,t tl,t'nrosr;rl so nppti,,n.",uirt t'trrtllt:. ur srrrokc llorl it cigatctlc, cigrrl tl.pipc.(r. Alict it ltits Ltcon dctcrrrrirlLll lultPl tttrec trt I ltrri t 111 gv j qrr.l5 cotttl il ion o1' r rsll 7.^|lyitlt1rttr1rg10l)t|.0li()||rrl-t|lccott]ttlottVuI]ti|lq\),stc'll.]s|tltl|t|t;c: Nttlttrt)ttl I Lrci (ils ('otlc, ,\NSl 222,1. L WIurr rcsiZ pg rrrrv polriolt t)l thc colpl]or't v(,trt1lf, s),Sl$11, l5t,c9rr1rr16rr vctltiltglyslt..tt1s|loLt|titlr'lrcsizctltoa1l1lt.onu|rt1tt:tlillill1ll1 (i irr thc Nltiouirl Fucl (ias ('otit:. ANgl Z2l_1,I 6-8.l1'nMs TO BE (lllllCKIlD ltulf()ttlt l,IGtITtN(,JTHE MIINCHKtN ItllAI) SECITICIN |-A (OPERAI I()N) Mnka strre votr huvc nrinirttunr l0 Jrsi wltcr prcssure, The wnter prcsrnrrc switch \yif l not allow lhe unil to run without l0 prli, (lhcck all tuol(rx plugs are l)t.ol)erly conncctc(l in(o eactr plrrg. Clhcek clcar hose crnngction fronr pr?ssurc s-witch fo oullet of blowcr; Make surc gus is lrrrned on. t. 1 4. 1 L Douhlc chock tcmprlraturc setting nnd diffcrcntinl seltings. Make sure lltrtt urrit is prollerly gnnrndy snd blnck (hot), whitc (rrcrrtral lelcl) arc connected pr(tPcrly. Notr': If nnt Properly groun{f(r(l or blsck (hot), whitc (nculral h:arl) are rcvcrsctl thcn lltt unit rvill light for 3-4 scconrl,r then shut-off rftcr thrsc cyclg$.'l!rn ;lower on tn thc Mrrnchkin. Check 1o scu that thc l,l,t) tight indicnlor. is illuminated. WAITNING!! If you snrcll gus- Shtrt gas uff. l'olluwing the inrtructions in 'tBtt in Snfety Infirrnrnlion on nexl pngc. t0 ID:970-945-7664 tNsTRrorroNs FOIT YOT]R SAFE'I'Y READ BEI-ORE OPERAME /l\ wannrncrr If 1,1111 rlo not {bllow tlrosc inslructious exactly, a fjre or.cxplosiorr nrrry res..lt, oausing prolleltyrlarnoge, porsonal iniur.y or losl of'lilu. il e FtL GLENIJO!D SPR I NG 6-C. t,IGHTIN(; !CT 23 '41 o 15:30 No.021 P.14 o 1|risll1r1lliitttccdo(:s|l0t|tilr,cpilrrt|riscqtriJ:pt:t|u,it|rarrigrritiotttlcvicctvltit:lrl|||t()ll]atiti|ll\'|i1:lltlit|tcllll'llcl' I)o not lly to light LJrc itrrr.rrel lly lralrl, lll-l OItlt OPl.RAl lN( j srrrcll lll ;rrrr\rn(l thc applirnce nrrx lirr gits. Ilc srtlc sonle qfls ir hclviur lltan rtir rrlrl ivill scltlc orr lltc llutrr. Wl IAl"l't) l)() ll,YOtISMlll l (iA\ ' L)tt not tt'y to iigltl aly .rpplilrngu ' [)o t]ol louclt i:llty clcclric rrvitclri (lo tlot urc nl)y l)llol)r.l in yorrr btrildittg ' lnrnrediatcl), c*ll ),'rrr gits sLtPplit:r' liurn it ncighllot.'s Jrlxrr.. l;rr)ltrw 111g ' ll ytr1l ciltnot Icuclt yo f !;t\ s1rJr1>lit:r, cnli thc litc (/ulJirr tr ctrl. 'l Lutr orr qls shLrloll vnlvr,: (luuutcd on rhtr lop ol'thr: Boilcr) str tl)ttt tllu irlltdlc tlrr: lrarrtlic rr'ill n.r rUrrt [r1' lrurrr,, r[rrr'r rr;, I. repail it. cr ir rlttalified servitlc rr;t), rcsilll itr I lllt rll cxPJosiorr, L)o nol lrsc tlriq Alll.rliltrrr-c il a;;'1t;1rq has lrccri rrrrtlcr,wAtet. rl)sl)cu1 tllr: pPliarrce itt)d lrr f(lllLrcc i ly l)i l Ol'lltu (:olttrol kl Slncll nc\l lo th0 ltorrr hi:crrL rq 8,irs \upllltr't:!' j nslt ttrlll)n\ ir altgtrcr.t rvilh I rc g s PrPc, ll' lr,rltrrici;t't I'r)tLC {rt irll( t.PtC(l rtlr,l Itrtnrcdittcly c.rll a qlalilieri \L,rvi(:c reqllpi(: rLl t{) syStenl Al)( Atly gns co|ltt'Ol rl,ltic]r hrts lrcflr rrrrtlcr, rv lt.r OPT]IIATING IN STRUCTI Oi\S I 1. 4, ( 6 1 i{ ,) l0 l2 S'l'q)1,t *",'., th(: sllblv il)forrnrrliun ulrovg, Sct thc thefI])osltrl t() l0wcst scttirrg. Trrllt oll'rll clccrfic l)o\vet tu tlrc trppliarrca,'I'hrs apPliartce is cquippcd with an igrrition riqvice tvIich lirt0;till i(:il lly liglrts tlru lrLrrrrcr l)o t)ol tfy t0 igl)l tl)u llLrt nsl lry harld, l(r n xrvc liont covt t. Tr,rlr gns shulol'l i.itlvc clol:lir.yi5c tu "o11,' llnsllllu rvill hc vctlical, do not l.otcc. W.rit ljve (.5) lttl:tutr:s to clc;rI nirl ;rny g.ls. lf'yOu tlturr srncll g;rr, 5T(ll! IrollOW ,,I1" jrr rhc sirluly jDJiIlrrraIjrIIr .rlr0r c rlll lhls Ill)el, ll yrrrt dorr't snrcll g1s, go to llr:xt sl!,1).'l\rll gus shuloll vitlvc cou rrtt:rt:lock wisc to ',on". H;rrrcllc will bc lurr izunttl. Ittslall J:rorrl ( tr vrr I trrrr orr all electr ic l)rr\^,cr t0 appliancc, Sct thcfrltoslat lo dosi|ed rqlqing l1'llrc,rppliLrrrc.. (cc h rr iq i111 Ot gn\ sLrpp ligr, Cornblnallon Gas Control Gas Shuroll Vfllve TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE l. ) 3, 4. Sst the thcrnrr.rstat to lowcst. sctting. 'l'rr.r oll'nll electric powcr to the appliancc if scrvice is to be pgrft)rn)cd. Rcmuvc fr'ont covel'. Tr;rn gas shutoff valvr.- ulur:kwise to "alT'. Handle will tre vertical. Do not tolcc. lnslall liont crrvcr'. ll !AIL GLENIIOOD SPRING ID:970-945-7664 | 'l c nr pr:r'i:r( r.tt t: Atl.irrstrne rrt- A potrrrrtirrrlctcr loc;rted on tite contlol bonrd is uscd rhc hriler, applirrre i:. I'iris clrrr [)c \ut hctweet] 70 nnd 2l0 degrees, J, 'lertrllerntrrre Diftererrti:rl Ad]rrstrlerrl - A "p1;," swittrh is loclrtcd orr the contlol cr..r n ligrrlatior't rrf tlte 'rl.)llt" switcll, tlr(: t!illcrc:ntiirl srrlcctiorr is 6, 12,20, trr 3(). lcT 23d1 15 : 31 No . 021. P . 1s PART 7 SIiRVICIN(J 7-A, SEQtlliN(l|t, O],' Ol'lrl{AtlON |Wlrtrti)t)v\i0l'iSfrsllt1lp|ictilolllqC()!ll|oJ.l|ttlg911116|,il|lll1lia||y inlrr its opcr.rtilrg rttur,{t:, ll'tltttt: is rttr ulll lor hcirl, lhc Sysrrrrr tvill ge ttrtc tltc ldlc: rtalc. :||lhsl|]eln)o\l:|1iscl||irrglttr1tuut.lllcc(}n1|'ol\\,i||a1r1rly1rrtrvt:rttrtltccicll|alol ;t1:plilroc irrit irrtc u hcntirrg cyclc. i. I'lrc cor'rtr1)l thurl p!-l'li)lr)lS Itrili:rted (hlou,rr- on r:lrx .spucd) 4 Whcn llte l)r'c-pufgc puiod is r.onrplcle, Do\vct is itpl)lied to thr: spurk il|riltrt ltrt nlll)r'(rxitlllt(ly (r sucrrrtrls, Apllloxinrately ? sccontls l:tter, wc vcril)/ 1)ilnt(.. l1a llorrre ls not Ycriljud tlrttirtg tlti: triLrl-lirr-.ignition, tlrc grs vrlvt: i: irnrrtctlirlttllyc]oscd'nndlll|'collll'oltvillr'ctLrr.nI():'t(l})2Il'if|er.t)rrcctria|s:tJa;lc itrttllttcktlLrlrntl<|r||.rt|llttttcistlt:ttllt'tttcd,t|lcctttrtro|cl]ttl.st|lcheaIingrnodc'Fir.erAle algor ilhnr j'Wltgttwa1c|.|c|]1[,]crf|Lll,ct'qi1chcsl|)e1|lllll)ul|ltlc sulislir:d), thc !,0s vnlvc is cluserl urrtl llrc corrtnrl slrlcrs IX)sl-prrt'gc (blou,ct ort n)nx sl)ecd). N()'l'li: llf'l'lll) TllEltMosTAT ls s't'll,L (]ALl,lN(; FoR t.mAT, TltE otRcuLAl'Olt t,uMt' wtLL C()N't"tNUn To lilJN tlN'r'l l, l'l l lt TIIET{i\,{os't A'l (rA t,t, lrctt{ illrA,t, ls sA'f 'lstrtnn. (iWht:nP(}5t-pt|rscisttrtttPIctc.t|lt:r.otrtt.tll olltcf \yslcrl tlcviccs. ll;r clll {i:r irc11t is rcccived, the control will rutonratie.rlly rcturr lo str'l) I at)d t'cl)r'at ll)r. eltltc oJre r ir(ing e ye lc, l)|llj|}8t|rcir1lr'-s|atc1rr<ilrcalstatc,il.tllccottttolt|ctcctsn|1i|nL)|ol)el.o|)c|'tin!i lirrit switch,.l.hc lrruun LllD orr tltc contlol will llash arr crrol codc scqucllus. 7-8, ADJI]STMI],NT SIiT POINTS AND DIFFIIITENI'IAL SNTTINGS to rd1ust (hc sel poir)l ternllerrt{r'e on Itoard. L)cpcntling upot.l rilc Sr.rc thc: ligurc below for'fitnher dctail. NO'l'l-l: thc dilli'rcnti.rl ltl.jLrs(rncut is tltc vtlr.rc hclow the set l)oinl, whcn tlrc irurrrcl rvill lire. (Iixatnplc: lr0 dcgtce sct poift, 30 I1)0dtgrcr:sisr.cncltc'd.]hL.|1|XJst|)t|l'g(fl|]dit|ll:statt:rvilllluirullitlvcd itttet t'ttlltccl lry 1>osl pulgr.' and idle statc, K n [J , L^ t- -l l:l I C n l3J I K E REE CK $ f,E t2 ,. - ir. G!ENll!ilD SPR I NG Tr'C;ar-Ot1e.-)^Rll OCT 23'01 1.5:31 N0.021 P.i6 7-C MUNCHKTN l|orl-,Elroul-,T Ll.t,I) coDE: v \\rlter),l liuli wrt(ll Whcn in $c I .('{lK( )l I I qate, tll(. lgat ()N/OIjF wrll deter'!ll|)e dle ltilttur oi' iittc 1xr\lr,'r tOtJrr; ('onur.)l lr(\lrtl. DESCRIPTION of FAULT [,itnii Strirrg Opurr. W;rrc| l't,essurc Swttclr, Ia( O'q l iarnc Stuck t.)N Iqnrt inrr I airlt (Nu llnnrc) lI cl i)ro:r( f nult tlullct P tol)q Filti lt Ail I)ressirre Srlrtclr l.nrrlt. Sruck ( lo:cd Ail l're:,srrru Swrtch Fault, \ntck Olteir RedLtudarrt ('ias Valve l(elir1 Stuck ON (lrs Valvc Rclly StLrck ON Rcrl.rnd.uu (ias Vtlve Rel0y Stu(:k ()l i (l;s Vnlrc Rch; Stuck Ol-'F Cr: \ir lvr u,rre clrqconttcclr,.tl R C)l\4 ('hec.l.,srrnr Ilrlrrlc R \\4 lr.'sl l:lillrc {rt.) llz I rriltrr c 7-I) I'A ULT CONDI'TIONS Limil String Open, High Limit Faiture - Z PULSES ' ll thc lirlril sttittg (rpil)s, the 0oll1lol wtll inrrrrediatt:lyrLrnovcpower'1ollrrgusvlJve,conlplctcuP0srl)urgucyclc,anci r.rrr.cr :rl lockorrl state. lo rcsl.trl llte coltrol, nr;lke srlfc that there is i]l lcnst l0 pSl in the walef sJ/stcln, thcn lctno\,c an(l I,e-al)J)t) 120 \'4(' littr lrorvcr. NOTE: 'l'lre tri-nrctallic higlr lrnrir dcvice rrrrrsl phVsicxlly close(l befurc rlrc corrlr(rl b()ard will fulre ti1;n pr6pcrly, lf o Lrscr rccycles pOWer to rcstnrl thc c(,nlrol, and tlrc high lirnit.lcvice is still operr, ll)c conlrol u ill |cverl blrok to the lockorrt ststc 2 I_ED pl Jl .SLS. rI1iilccoltUnIstit*:l1lLt]lin1lleiil|li|\trr|r&d Lltr: urnlrrl rr,ll go lrrto tlrc l{L:korrt statr Flame Stuck ON - 3 PULSES r 'f1..!- clltrLrlll sh dtcrt drc flrunr: nxl irrsLrlator.or tit( unllcclfl,( N6 muy rxrt lre Cle.lq or ru\rlrtgcd. lgnition Failure (No Flame) - 4 PULSES .Il'i||]r;1litttltia|itrer**uo<|iurtrgllretriai-1irI.iF,rrrtiurr Urnr.trrltis;1rli1gtI|itxr|:rilLu\:issli|l(.ctuTillgd:ccrln0rt|wi||ppirrtotitckxlkot(slc. plug rs litlly ct)rrrr$trrl rnro lrlr.' r,^lvc. the llrurte tnd ir cr,'rrncctcd, ;urd,rlxr {r;t dp llrprre 1d rs clearr llepl,tr.t tlrc Lrrrv,\{rltlg,c Cirltlc afSerrrtrly. 2 3 4 .5 6 1 8 9 9 t0 IU J1 t2 r3 t4 NOTE: Ib rcarl l,ljD lllshes . I flash pcr s(rcond witlritr scts ol Ioshes wi(I.) 2.scrcon<j *rit periods bctwcen scts of flaslres, Dur inq nolrnal ol)cratjun, thc l.ED will trulsc e rrntirr(rouslv. ll IPHL GLINLI0OD SPRING ID:970-945-7664 0CT 23'01 15132 Nc.O21 P. ' 'r)r* r:ttrttnr nu"'*'':.1'.:,).i1il;h,; '; il;.*;'*i.lo]r,r.r,,u", ,nr, c,,t*. r.-*r,'r.r sar., v*',ry ri,n, rin r,,r..,i Opon Tempenture Sensor On Outet (probe Faun)._ 6 PULSES r J ire ourrtr,ol rvill sr Vc.r jlv ' r r,,,,. ,,,,i.1'i,,ll.rli;l:;llI lil;::i:lhJ]:liJ::i,illT ;il:l:ll,lil;ll';1,il: liif ,i;1,;,l';fi::iii,l,iil, ot'111qr1g {11911 210.F tlrcn rvlir fur rlie,a,npa,,o,,,ra l0 lrrrver llclow 200.1, Air Prossuro Switch Fault $hrck Open_ Z pUt-$ES . Ifllx. t:trntnl sr lfaliei. rjrrw llu-l.ru ;]]Hi:l::lli,iit'ill;l;,,f,i;.j;lii,..,''...-(irri1in|511.g11U111ylnltno.yni, Alr pmssure Swttrh Fautt Stuck Closed _ g PULSES oIlthec0||(f(1lSellsC\lltcb]ou,tlr'l)I.c5st't|'9switc}risr:|ttsct|wlrcrlitiscxJec[c1i 90sccrllxJs1ilrt|re|au|tcc,n<litjurltoclc.ariraiierappnrxitn;r|tlIy9i)sect,n.tu.l,.',u,.,.,.,1sti||sct.lstlr \wllch is cl.5g1l' 1lr(' cort{r'ol will g' inlo rlrc lockoLr( slale, vcriD ihar l}rc hrorvcr rrrol,r. is opcr.i,riurrar nrrd rrra( rrrc r20VA(,powcr crLtlc is c0ttntlcte d (' lhtr hlowur c heck lhrlt lhc wi'cr ai',.,,n',.a,*i ,n ,h. hro**, ;rir prcrssurc swirrh arrcr rhnl trrc .ii,'(ll)l.!'5suJeswllchjslitttctiulrirl,,lirirrlray il:l;:"r::iilll,'ui,',"" onlv) Alicr Anv air prcss*e switch artjrrsrnrcr,,, y,,u'n,,,r,cyctc rhc app)ia,cr: sev*.r rrrrrcr! ro Redundanl Gas Valve/Gas Vatve Relay Stuck ON* 9 PULSES lilii'l;l',1;l:ffi1,i:,;\i:liJLTilll[il'J:,,.ili]it13,fiffi,:l*':_j,ilxl,J:,],,lilll;l* .hec,i,i, s,,r,r,.ci*, i(s) Redundant Gas ValvdGas Valvo Relay Stuck OFF __ 10 PULSES ' ilJ':.;':ii]jiil'-:;:"tt'thctcdrrrtcl'trrtil.sv'|rlveorit'rhcgusvalvoretayirstuckoF'l irwilt goiDrorrt.ckr.rursrulc rrcplilcc GasValveNOTGonnectod _ 11 PULSES ,|:l|:.'.''"]Icrdctec(sllri11111gg^,\/alYgisnotc()nl]ectcdilwi|lgoi|}t()(he|ock()ulslttt(l.c:|ttl(lktltcctt|tttlcl|ol] 17 ROM Checksum Failure- 1Z PULSES I ll the cont'ollel tl.tcrcls lir.t ll)u R( )i\4 e heck lrils fnilcd rherr it wirl go irrto a lock,ut sratc. cysrc trrg J;u1ra,. ri.rn llrc oN t,OFF .qtakr lf lltu Pro[rlcrrr ])erri\ts, y(,{l rna} necd r,, .a1rin,*, lhc (x)nlt,ol boatd. RAM Test Faiture-. i3 PULSES l ll-thc cotlln)llcr d(trcts lhar tlre RAM tcsr failcd it rvill go i,nto il h,ckoul stattr, Ctyclo the p()wer. l.rqrn tlc ON t, Olrl:srnrc,ll lhe problcrl pt:lsi\ts. ),t)u nm)/ lrr(,rl lo 1sp;;1.. Ihc corilr,rl horrrd. 60fiz Failure- 14 PULSES |lfJitt:gLlttcl.nt|)r!invencI',o|'t)therP()wel.s(J||ce(k) lll..::.l[1.:i]lln:1}l,(ltrrr:1:y6|gl|tcporvtt'fl,orrrt)rc(')r1161.11l1r*.,,.'i,..r'.'iu,r : qT! GLENILO!D SPR I NG Tn O 2a-Oll<. aAAA 0cT 23'01 1q.?i N- r)11 D iQ o r0rcnxrN coNTRoLLERa TXEtlrDttlt Ic0 !ArrR/ txtlri! ilit rrrP 5v l lC ?10 t[0Pff iYlrcH !lfrir cLltLtr trNP, Pr0!E IXIPITI JIOI LlNa vcil --'1a) izl r^t' tor.r!iltlror l!C!t [r^+l\./f- fLrlr[ an! atprllNRt srllch I clnc PUrP PAR'I'8 E.A. MAINTENANCE PROCIIDIJRES Perlodir:rtlaittlcnnnceshorr|d[reperioltrled()nge:tyc:lrbyaqLra!i|icdsc'\,icctec|j|]icia|1tol{\:i|'|fc{ha1lll(hc'ct1Lti1lltt:n|lllll :.rli'efllcierlt ope:'alirrn. Tlrc owner c;rrr trrlkc ncccrsary itrr illlgulllcn(s witlt a qt:alillcC hcatillg conlrilctur lbl periodic ttl;titl1c:l;tltcctlillrU['uijcr'|ttsl.lllertttrrstolstritlfot.lll l'g5\|jliilaliozatdt]ttsctrtldj1itrlrltl.rtltiicIrltotrltitli5crIssco|lle|1tsol'li]eLjse.l.'i|tr|tlrtlrattottI\lllllll|ll'i{ll 8-tI. RI.)},OI'I.] EACH HF.AI'ING SEASON: .\ irllrrctl :rrrr1 tlrrirlifir'tl scrvicc tfultrt;!itrrr sltortld llerfornr tlrc rn\pectrons lrsltri btlu* li least otrcc lr 1'citr . iiOrlgf citeck lhc iroilcr lirr drrrl o; tor.cign rtrlrterllls, whir:lr rnlty have bccn rlrau,n itr lrottt tlrc;1i1 irrlirl.c ol {ltt hiriii' Si:lp};r blou' oLrt or rvipc ciou,rr \\/itlt n dry rag, . -Y"lr-)i I er rrr itrqlio]t clreclc to thc Lrnlls ahilit;' lu tllrru, jicsh arr orr llrr"'nir irttnke or exhilu(l fltte gas lionr thc exhaust (rulicl, . Vcnl ['ipirtr: rnnlie sr]r's thnt nllverrt pipinB is in goorJ conditiorr Chcr'].. Joitrls li)r posslblr-'ltrrl' ' C0lXletlsilte. clrcck tlrc ('otldcrrs;lc 1r;rP by srlnply slnr(ing thc rrnit arrd ohscr!iltg lirc 1)crrry ol'( ()rr(l!rl\iri! rtltttlt 'irr"r LL not be rcstricted irt nn-v fnsltiun. . llg-nl L{glt0u$f . in tlte rrDlikely cvr.ltt boiicl lluc pnsrlrgr: is bccorning hlocked, scrvicc ttrttsl lru I)L'IIt)||II(\| 'rrrlr l'r '', autltrrrizrrl ilcat llnrrslt"r l'r(r(lu(ls l(el)r'eselllillive or'(lcrriflerd lrrsta)litrg Clttnttileittl . llrrlrer check llLrrrrcr' krr dctcrioralion, (lhitngc hltrntr, .5:ricut\\'{lte|''|]!9!i!]|9-g1)eci(i)l'esst|r|3t'cgltlat<>ratrtlsystctrtprcsq|.l(' Opert ii re ts 1o [r]crd;lir tha close ortce air is fully purgc liorl the syslent . \t fSr llflllrfC. ehcck lrr urrd rcpair lnr, lsrks, . Urrs, l'-tttt tii, - clreck firt attcl teDait' any' leaks, t5 cM@;6; 'l#{" .-rr , , r!! *Igl- r, )-...-- 1 ' ' ' 6.'n''.--- -, --a:t-'zr---a ,rr':" t, t.-/ rEr .t l,9t vP!r aalrtoLs 15:33 No'.O21 ,P.19 0cT 23'01 o A co $(J AI 6^rS b 89H? K I O *[ F. b r a8 rro ftJ I Rllr| r\n ru[ ur r,,N f v F \., ur u rFle,IF Irl (J trr ()> u vrw ul )|J.l-u J <f F trl i.9 lrJ > c E tl r xa y o-dol trl L^J O .a L, I-. O-. It FN t dE= ! i" iHt GLtN[]!!D SPR I NG ID:970-945-7664 tum{.+lrq ooC),.\tr tt\ o- (L O- $ TiHli Y (\l(UN O.t\,FN C)tllln ru zEzN oog\,-,qr*o\ -{ -. d' &t! ZF (lU 3u Etr <'t+ 5A o r'\r$IF cll !n(L nlO r\n \,ru 01|\l|)l\,, (DXt:cl lv,oo-u OEIFI lO|<LJ q-INIF B H R-;Gr trJ ?t t\>U ar1 |f,L,vUrU,)lYv7=9 3 ?EE i E 3*E (Jgtrl !,LJLJFE <JI<(!tStJF><L ty1\dF.Cd tu o{n ru O---l F ???b bbb a U'?ntr,R HRH ' rtl v rrE ' oocn e @*(^ Z vVV oa dl 6F =o "a (y cl Ftrl ftl ct lrlor\(D@@ ooo lll c0.q- BBB ftiruGl hf-r\rtl u LrJ t F J FI ', 't'f {.v I-l IE:E oo(^C0.tr l.l'-(rI ltcr'(vli0 I I I ,,irt.. r-\J , i - 'i\ ': -'i-;ri --r s I },.. (-.V i. i i: ri I t: i 'i $ i I t, i |\: 'Lr, I S.n ds sH L- t+ hfr : R N. d -5 U \t)<. d H (1 \I w ,ti)\)-(e- .. -a-. - ---.-- - .i {- L$ o o o o s .l! I I I v 2 g ,h US 2X o {-) $r- U8 JO It JJ (+f, l. ;l:'f- '-.-.j -':--;4'./ .. : r'il ,."'t l:,f . N ' .:ii .1.;:-5'' t.' ,. .'.1' , t::r; ;I?" .o'x ':'i!t-\r..it,\ . fJ rXt R- E {{ ," r:i |-: i.; TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co {il657 970-479-2138 orro*t "T oF coMMUNrrY DEVELoPru,ul NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MOI.O225 Job Addrcss: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: PinosUnitv&MN Applied..: ll/0-5/2001 Parcel No...: 210108 ll00l9 Issucd. . : I l/08/2001 Project No , (LTbr, OZ4 L/ Expircs . : 05/0712002 OWNER First Colorado Investment Trl-1/05/200L Phone: 561-820-8991 Schlesinger 801 S County Road Palm Beach FL 33480 License: CONTRACTOR HEARTH EXCIIANGE, INC. (THE) 11/0s/2001 Phone: 910-827-9623 P.o BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 License t L14-M APPI-,ICAMI HEARTH EXCI|ANGE, INC. (TIIE) 11/05/2001 Phone: 970-827 -9623 P.o Box 670 MINTT]RN, CO 8r.54 5 License:174-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A GAS LOG SET IN LIVING ROOM AND INSTALLATION OF A WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE W/ A DIRECT VENT GAS INSERT IN THE BEDROOM Valuation: $5.000.00 # of Ga.s l,ogs: l, ll of Wood Pellet: 0 So. oo Total Calculated l-'cos:-' 9128.00 So. oo Additional Fecs-------- lfircplace lnfi)rmotion: Rc$tricl€d: Y 4 ofGas Appliances: 0 *,i,rrrrirrrtit,tt+,tt*rri'rr.rr.rtr.**+'ir*r*'.'r*+*il*'rrrrr*****'rr'rr'****ttr*'ir**i,'r FEl.j st IlllN,lr\RY Mechanical* S1oO. o0 Restuarant Plan Rcvie\t- Plan Check-., lnvestigalion-. wilt ca -, 525. oo DRII l-cc------------ So. oo ToTnL fELs---------- s3.00 5128.oo Total Pcmrit Ied---- 9128-00 s128. O0 s0.00 s0. o0 Paynrcnts------------ RAI,ANCE DI IE.------. It.em: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ll/07/2o0]- Jwr Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIfT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTTON AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 llMC, OR SECTION 70r, oF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BIDG. ) : INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IN{C, CHAPTER lOOTHE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) ; GAS APPLIANCES SHAI-,L BE VNTED ACCOPJING TO CI{APTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TI{E ]-997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO I{EATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AI{D CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORTNG. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PL,,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRjAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SI'ALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have road this application. fillcd out rn full thc infonnation requircd. completed an accurate plot plan. and state that all thc information as required is correct. I agrec to comply rvith the information and plot plan. to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structure according to the torvns z.oning and subdivision codes. design review approved. Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicablc theroto. REQITF,STS F()R INSPI'ICTION SI'IALL BE MADI' TWENT\'-FOI rR HOtIRS tN I\DVANCE l|\'IAT 479-2138 OR AT OlrR OFFICE IROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONI'RACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNE NWN0F 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Y' ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETIFUNT tr D tr tr tr Mechanical CONTRACTOR INFORMATION will not be accepted without the following: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: s7 o- 4t s-zt4s lrnspectiffi- w'5 Mechanical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT & Materials Contad Assessots Otrrce at 97O-328 or visit www.eaql%ounv.com for I # Parcel # (Required if no btdg. permitT-s prwiAea aU<RDUTED TO: J \r'rf'- JobN" "t 91 ,/-.,r.,-? n Job 0AFEROUTEo: lt I f lo t Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:DArEllglJftvi.iolFL(,-Oj- Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: .T-,cr/a era?l-,.a.*- /tctZ- g a- 0,i ct + a-octazt-? t>A. ldl*t Work Class: ,l New{f} Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) frfo t') Typeof Blclg: Single-family( ) Duptex( ) Mutti-ramity( ) commerciat ( ) R"rt"uranr( ) otf*a) fl No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: n No. of Accommodation Units in this building:fl No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances fr) Cur Logs ffi Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLoWED) Is this a conversion from a wood ***r****** t ***r.*********FOR OFFICE USE ONLy************ Oilter Fees:Planner Sisn-off: DRB Fees:m Date Received: F:/everyone/forms/mechperm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8t657 970-479-2t38 oroof, ,*'r oF coMMLrNrrY DEVEL'PTTO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P0l-0121 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Pinos Unit V & MN Applicd. . : l0ll2l2l0l Parcel No...: .\,2_!9108110019, i lssued, , . 10/26/2001 ProjectNo ' lL)01- ()-)-*t Expires. .: 0412412002 I CONTRACTOR HOAG, irIM PLUMBING & HEATINGI-o/t2/200I Plrone: 9'70-945-5569 3907 OIJD I,ODGE ROAD GI,ENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 916 01 License: l-35-P APILICAIIT HOAG, .IIM PLUMBING & HEATINGI-0/12/20OI Ptrone: 970-945-5569 3907 OLD I-,ODGE ROAD GI-,ENWOOD SPR]NGS, CO 6l-bul- I-,icense: 135-P OUINER First Colorado Investment Tr10/L2/20OI Phone: 56]--820-899I Schlesinger 801 S County Road Palm Beach FL 33480 License; Desciption: lnterior rcmodel: Addition ol4 domrcrs: Balconl, additionr Mechanical systcm revision. Valuation: $10,-500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# of Gas .,\pplianccs: ??,l of Gas Loss: ?? d ol Wood Pallet: ?? Plumbing-- S165. oo Restuarant Plan Review-So. oo 'I'otal Calculaled Fies--, 5209.25 Plan Check--. Investigalion-. Will Call--- S41 .2s DRB Fcc-------------So. oo Additional Fees-----'s0.00 S0. oo TOTAL FEES.------------- 5209 .2s lbtal Permit Fcc-..--- 5209.2s 53 .00 paynrents___-_-___ . 5209.25 ltAt.ANcE Dtrli-------90.00 Itsem: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L0/L2/20OI df Action: AP rtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledgc that I have read this application. filled out in lull the inlormation required. completcd an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply rvith thc information and plot plan. to comply rvith all Tou'n ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes. design review approvcd. Uniform Building Code and other ordinances te ror"n applicable thereto. REQLJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FoLrR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TI,LEPHoNE, AT 4?9-2138 OR AT otrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. WNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSEI,F AND OWNE TroN wro{oT BE ACCEPTED rF 0q.J5 INCOMPTETE Plumbing Permit #: 97O- 479-2149 (Inspections) T0rt10F 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Plumbing Contractor:Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ /O, {QC/ Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name:foVtg,*.ttu p rt,> r *c JobAddress:&& V ht( UAt\VDrtve tVAi tsbl-&5o -( r6rh3 3 n'bS WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alterationp() Repair( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( )Other)rt) bndc, No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Slqn-olf: F/e\reryoneforms/pl mbp€rm REC',D OcT 10 2001 12-2'1-2001 Inspeodon Request Reportlng -.- V.dL-cO:TOTIITLOE Page 12 tllonday, Deaember 24, 2001 cI} €OO VAILVAIIEY DR VAIL PlllOS nEL NORTE UNITS V. M.tl sutr'rffi: AMF Ststu3: I$ISUED insp Arao: CD Run Id,: 1168 6:55 am tlequ$bd ln6pect D.tDt tnlp€ctlcn Ares i glte Addrese: Tvpe : StulncH occupait!: 4f€-!dbc!!gss Ac.lidlv: Corrst Typ€: Parcol: OYn$t: Appfbant: Coribacto{: Doecilpton: Inrteofion Hisbrv ?oo 3!€ t 01{206 2i01ce11fl)19 FIR$T TOTORALS IIS/E$TMENT TRUS'' SWEDE'$ IIETAL FAB SWEDE'g ['ETA[ F VENTING 7 BATH F Phone: 97G331^3336 Phone: 97F331-3336 , VEhJNNG DRYET]I. KI-ICHE}I RA}IGE IJOOD ASID INSTALLING A HUMIDFIER :.JIF" r.iE llom: lbm: !t*m: Itsni: 3dt) 390 f EntarcdBy: DFTORES K rodr - AFproved 'tcbr cuauis e.:tpn: AP APPRoVED Dt,CT WORi\ IIJSPEOiL'LI IfiCtI",DES BATH E,\., DftYEF 'L,CTS KITHCEN DIJCTS ATID REIUIIN FOK HUMIUFIERS IS Tg 5TRAP.\|.JO SECURE ALL DIJCTS MI.SsIfiiG STRAPI}{G A}.ID }IANGERS F ^M t(l yr(fitut 1!ift;i{r1 (lommafils. ngtr: It€m: llern. uECi'l-Sup$y r€Ctt-Ubc" - ilECt}flnal REE{TI31. igo MEGH+inil iwEoE's nETd wc,47l.36ao {lrs g}ed.*?$rf 3\ $r.{i-i{+j!: R *u$rtittg i. ii*; rein _ Vll,il,,. {":"H : iiJfdfC $t; itraig$ 4 l, "r:l--1 1 '.t ,: L\!r'.:i,' f..ln"it' {] r-,.i1I it ; t(J 1 .'iiiF'ilr:trr:: ilrrl"; tir'iir L -,:,1lftt6t-i iri;ti{r : Il iir."r i.} t e,i'l:: 'riFti, ,i{ir.: Sfir ' f-;9";"""3 1i1 t' Ai i'iri.-r-.'":'i .,.1i\l;';, l{i:i r.,tn} i.:'':?-:.11!i:+r .i { J{]t11 t,]d r4i;, !.'.ii.l.j: r l;i' :;rriu I rill*5 :,:i];; ,i,." 1q11; !- I i,J' , .rii.1 '-.;_ iffi I J!i, ril i.ljl.l 'Jtrit,rt ilii i - !l:r;,!..31,.';., l tti..:.;1., r:r:i;.;l {.1- !i,.1 .! :}li,ri!i :i:t).*ttiv i (&..i ,tr"rl;rrslat [im0' ;ii:*0 s$'i ' tlht}fi*. :i iu-IXt:F i i.if-l i liq-t,tiii?r: ,'ft*m. c:',i irf LOb-Ft|iffi riF.j#3.1'1i. r{l:: i.;i!{.i jjO! lST ilt;i. ;il)}{ '-:r}{Yli|etll.{ "v. *ii-35?il J.s$iqrFji ]'u i:'i::qvi$- Atir"'\ - "-"-')\-'...-. '/l/ \ v lefll/'u/// /t'( x---- \w !\-/r - ., /'I r,tA lt ,/ ^ iii'j;.i.-,'l'l.ii.i;)F':|l1l-.]''l.L|t.li|j.,,i'i:':}''it.:kl',€f!{{jrft!1l€{}!}1'l1|.li:]i{;';!}!t'!alX]rl ,:t."ql.r! iti.;r:. i_iri-!l .t:r'il,: i;.il i ::t ! il-f lf l.jui tl;$utRt:Dii)fi Thl$ t)fii..r i€c: 'iati. "'i ilr.l ,,. ' - :, lr.:i, ,45;:., r.ri-l t / r, / ,.,.,:,,,.,',,, [$.,li'i:n,,,i,ir,l['i, ,r,.:n''',.', ,''i*?jHhrj^,i:i'#I'iEfi ( D4/t / i(f/ UL/). i '-.iirq::r'f :,uA'r,':'. 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I'jEi...r''i.!rlr:r'ly,ri' li;.::i r i.., Mf rl.l:-ltrts.' l'a,:r .19., t',trf1::l'l-,'rr..i.! i\r. " !r, i | {t|.rr,- ! .: .] -: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN,'D,V,,O,*,*, Permit #: 800-0305 OWNER PINOS DEIJ NORTE APARTAMENTO 70/26/2000 Phone: & TOM NOONAN PO BOX 69 vArr, co 81658 l0/26/2000 Phone: 970-845-1001 # of Wood Pell€t: I TCWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO cELr,# 471--4888 8r-558 License:251-A APPI,,ICA}IT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO CELIJ* 4?1-4888 81558 Desciption: Interior remodel Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family TypcConstruction: III l-HR Typelll l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $75,000.00 Fireplace Informalion: Rcstricled: Y ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMI] Job Address.: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location......: PINOSDELN@ ParcelNo....: 2l0l08l10019 Project No...: Q rZSOo -O 3 ( (( ISSUED t0/26/2000 nlt7/2000 05/16/2001 t0/25/2000 Phone: 970-845-1001 TOV/Comm. Dev. Building----> Plan Check-> lnvestigstion-> Will Call---:' $0.00 90.00 $0.00 9250.00 5r ,267 .15 Total Calculated Fees-:' Additional Fces-> Total Permil Fee----> Palments------> BALAI'ICE DLTE---> 9L,261 .1s F]-,257.15 sL,267 .75 so. o0 t615.00 s399.75 d of Ga.s Appliances; I Restuarant Plan Revicw-> DRB Fee--> Recrealion !'ee------> Clean-up Deposit---> FEE SUMMARY Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1-0/26/2000 cDAVrs Action: NO PLANS TO CHARLTE LL/OB/2IOO cdavis Action: AP Item: 05400 PI-'ANNING DEPARTMENT IIem: 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIIBL,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved amount date Add Sq Ft: # ofGas Logs; 0 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI.JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIIRS IN Send Clean-up Deposit To: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8;00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNE PAGE 2 * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** *{.{' + {' + * * ** *+ * + ** +* + * + + * * * +* ++* * + * +* + + * + + * * + * * * * + + * * * + * * *+ * * + + +* + + ++ + *+ * 'tr t * + + * * * * + * * ***** * CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: B00-0305 asofll-17-2000 Status: ISSUED * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * *;t** ** ** * * ** *** * * ** * * * * **:t ***** * *** * * ** * * * * ** ** * ** * * * * * ** * * * ** * * *:h* * * * * * * * * * * * * **:** * * * * * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 10126/2000 Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: tvlT/2000 970-845-1001 ToExpire: 05/16/2001 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: PINOS DEL NORTE BLDG C UNITS M.N.V ParcelNo: 210108110019 Description: InUerior remodel Conditions: Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 ALL PEIIETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AIiID FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTTH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 OF TIIE 1997 IIBC. Cond: 1 FIRE DEPARTMEMT APPROVAL IS PAQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0004466 THIS PERM]T IS GOOD FOR IIITERIOR REMODEI-, ONI-,Y, AI\]..!T EXTERIOR WORK MUST BE RESI]BMITTEDAND APPROVED PRIOR TO A]\rY WORK OCCT]RRING Entry: LL/0e/2000 By: CDAVIS Action: AP tl ** * {. * * ** * '} * * * * * * * * ** * ** **+ * +* + *+ ++ ** * ** * * ** * ** * ** * * ** * *** * * **,t* * * * * * *,* 'l**:*'F* * '} * * *'** * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * ** + ++ + + + + + + * 'l 'i 'lt * 'lt 'lt 't x * * '1. + * * * *,** * * 'i* ** * * {.,t * 't* * * * * +* * * ** * ** * * * ***t} * * * + * ** * **'t** + + + + +** + * + + * + + {. Statement Number: R00000021.5 Amount: 57,257.'t5 ]-7/1.? /200070:09 AM Payment Method: Check Init: L,C Notation: #19076/Nedbo Permit Nol 800-0305 Type: ADD/Aj,T MF BUIL,D PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 8110019 Site Address: 5OO VAII, \TAIJIIEY DR VAII, I,OCAtiON: PINOS DEIJ NORTE BIDG C I'NITS M, N,V Total- Feea: $l,26'l .75 Thie Payment: #L,267.75 Total AJ,L PmEs: $7,257.75 Balance: S0.00 * ** * * * * * * * * {.:}* * * * * * ** + +* + + * * ** * * * '* + * * {< * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * + + * * ** * + + ++ * + ** ** * * *. + * * * *,}* {. * + * * *,1.* * * ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts AD D2-DEPOB CLEANUP DEPOS]TS 25O.OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 615.00 pF 00100003i12300 PLAN CHECK FEES 399.75 l,.JC 00100003112800 I^IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 cl AE ;l tl* I c' ct I TI ET E g E g t g E E l,t E c o (J oi ,Ila t8 RE n QC) 'rl og 3o o fi ct ct al FI az 6c ,o o9 3 F Ir A 4 6 H ]I u T A H E A ta 0 E I E ri E E E tJ (,t { I o F h .., EE Pr'H e8 -&EE oo QFI ,z 09 EO E=g4 fr tr E rl EE qt to F. I q!(9 lt cl t''Ei ata a9 i9 E :.H Hz otEl c|o A*E( I I.c o FI li 6 x E H E Tts !(,Ef Et I 9X : 9X a tx 6 E- A i (, -l !c o c Fr o H E E g f, E{ H :: F : t; o3 EE -> ETE 4R oio c ES B AIT.. AppLrcATroN O,- *o, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLETl rn",ED Building Permit #: 97 O- 479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Scparate Pcrmits are required lbr electrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.: s mwNuFydrLly 75 S. Frontasc Rd. Vail, ColoraZo 81657 Contad Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit www,for Parcel # Parcel #A /o | - 6ti ':/66 /q Job Name: S( lz €Ji<trlE4 JobAddress: 6oa U4/a t-/4L(,2y o/?/u/t:-- --- Uv,rJ tul tru{V ,/4iC A, ElcS) Legal Description Lot:ffiTB Filing:lrA t t U tL L ft6 Lf^Subdivisio n :y'Uon T Hw o a4l owners Na et scHI(lt-,t6t/A Mdress: 6 oo i.tA t<- L/'|lL^r aR BLaC- C uu r1-.4 UrteG Ulcs'l Phone: JZl- eg_/foo Architect/Desig ner i/?A r S fo.e/Address: 3a 79 - '<Ptt o{ i</1'!cH Ka-l/*lC,a., ? 1a{'l Phone: 7rr-t6rg Engineer: kfern Aodress:u"1"14: iicor 'hon"t q{q-q3?, Detailed description of work: /?E rl o dcc BAr,r{."-" */(-cH!1/ , ,. i*tTEp v,L: Re llr'Ae I C,,', IV (Erle, rc', i.^-, e111 ix,a Work Class: New ( )Addition ( )Remodel ({ Repair( ) Demo( )Other ( ) Work Type: Interior p{ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single{amily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family p<{ commercrat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildinO: f6 No. of Accommodation Units in Lhis buildino: Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: as Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (/ ) Nofiype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( / ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves $Q No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( I No () COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUILDING: $ 7i cx"t TOTAL: $ REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: /1/ General Contractor: rUEoSu G,'uJ /44-T/ol Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s LOV-COM.Dev fo.cre Qa/- Contractor Signature: CONTRACTOR INFOR.MATION -J * -! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *',r * * * * * * * * * * * * FO R OFFICE USE O N LY* * * * lDRBFees:@ OCT 2 6 21i F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm ********** Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: -fcH1f.o.ue 6-< (fi-uc,i Dt t . U,en<) Project Address: t This Checklist must be completed before a Buildino Permit apolication is accepted. -a--All pages of application is complete . / ,r Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approvat forn /V/SJ ,-u- Condominium Association letter o[ approval attached if project is a Multi-Family conrplex r Complete site plan submined /Vf l/ I Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) /, l+o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or mat'erial storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval .J Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring r Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) /y/1i .r €C!l-fl94l-Ble!gincluding building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) /u Window and door schedule /"f ) I u Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) tu/-) |-: Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi fanlly) /t//) u Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection / ) t'/ : Fire resistive assemblies specified arF penetrations indicated /v'l) r smoke detectors shown on rt".hfttt', " / q , ,- ,y' t t 'r( e !/ Types and quantity of fireplaces shown /r /il/ i Appficant's signature: ,u'L' .1 y' /L,, t "' U( t) Lt ' > /(_// Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit :equires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Namet Scrtetr,u6o,, QrJ,t r*; o^t", /r;fz-f . /t':/t't./ / | | t,/ | /k"L"'tt/ (; t' iw ' Signatury' r F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS REGARDiNG THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': is this a new residence?YES NOX Does demolition work being performed public property? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? require the use of the Right-of Way, easements or NO NOx Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO X - Is any drainage work.being done that affecb the Right-of-Way, easements, or public prooerty? YES -No ( - Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES-\A NO Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO x- If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES NOK_ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESNONS, (o<-rJr4-rC ttc,) lob or Project Name:Sc tnn nt^,r2 .(rl , rz Date Signed:-Lafr./,- F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name MWNAF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS Ilow it relates to Buildine Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. ) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control detrices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for aDproval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denicd depending on the location of construction. - Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job, Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. if required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspectcr will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". .- NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. / o/. i' Date Signed F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 the above. DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! l'lease read and check olT r:rch of thc itcms below: u The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. e The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2798 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. /) tt Agreed to by: fcttcr e Kfan<t Print Name Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2.10: DEPOSITS ON PUBUC WAYS PROHIBITED Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or materiai upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and P€nalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being founc guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1,-4-l of this code. a Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A.T AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a ;ranner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or orooer street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall iequire the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garaqe or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will complli with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Pro.iect: Date Signed: i o/* f/o . F :/everyone/tbnnvbldpr:rnr7 14 F &o z F] IT c (n c z F{,,\H-{ I0/24/2000 22:47 FAX . Ostob€r 9, 2000. Mr. Guillermo Femdndez, Pinos del Norte Apartamento V Inc. Deer Guillermo, I refer to your letter to our Pinos del Norte Condominium Assooatlon of September 18 2000, requesting the approval of several chan0os related to the remodeling of your units "M" and lf. I have informed all of the Condominium owners In our building of the changes that you want to underlake in the said remodaling and no one has expressed any objeclion to them. Therefore, I am pleased to advice you that the folloring items have been approved by our association. o Dormer window to be Installed on lhe easl wall in the north upstairs bedroom.o Dormsr window in place of existing center set of yvindo,vs in the living room. o Dormer wrndow above support beam in south upstairs bedroom to be added on the west elevation.o Dormer window with a 3€ inches balcony in the master bed rcom on the wart elevation. o Office window to be incorporated to the dormer window to be installed on the east wall in the north upstairu bedroom.o The addition of gas lines to boh units 'M' and 'V'. As required, theae changes have to be approved by the town of Vail. Please note that costs incurred by the association perlaining to this remodeling $/ifl be bome by you. It is also understood that the timing of the construcUon ryork will be coordineted with our managers in a way thet it does not interfere with the normal activity of our building especially in the peak s6asons. Also, I want to remind you that lhe conslruction work of the remodeling should be canied out in a way thet no damage to the building is done. Yours sincerely, lA n't Pogo(69 ffi Val Vatley 0r BQ t' Er68 gn}{.TEZral 9b4}l7Et2 Fs pdnvril OeEl.mt cc. Don &. Kay Lorson. Managcrs, EE CF _-{E \t_-5 c Zr !!r -l m o m 6) t"l o o c z { -l B 'rt AEP 6RF z 8f nir z--.lo sEl I l@ l@ (, SE: F s l- 6'm \t r t-z 6) i r3 xo F{rf o N. B x I E I z - * F r c) rn { 7 -n r z C) z ;-{Ym ,n . (l)oJ :5 rn {o t : j : t I I I t; I I FRofi : n88 RSEESTOS nBniENENr, I! PHONE NO. : ! 9?A 242+tt29 O Oct. 2? ^EAA 7L:1AQf4 p1 @ orl:estos Abatemenr rnc. Haz;rd Asscssmen I Arr Monilorlng . Comp{ete Asl)(,slos Remov.tl & Drsl:osal FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE IDIJUJO? , A"r'i' E NrroN,rE O.n-,_#J\O{_{/At" ..MPANY \rl.rf n, %O), '* [ft$ aqi-cffiq rnou : r(O4-r]b*-.\',,vr-a;,*...- PAGES. 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Or ci o N (", G F s a {\h F (/\I a \\ o l ( (,\t v\ r3 \J ! \,vl \ $ h (\ 1rlldv.lodc efred eT ap -\\_ NOIJVI30SSV I,{NIN]HOCNOJ SJTJON']SCI SONId ',{1n11 s tnol '3U1'SlCelIqClV SeIPTJoSSV urraplPS Jo a3lJlo aq1 ,tq ur"'e:p se l^l luaulJf PdV Ur uorJ -Tppp uloo: e6efols looTl qlt aqf Jo seAorddP uOTlPlrossv urnrururopuo3 a?foN Iap souTd aql ?Ptll noI ulf oJul of, sI sTq,L : uausT J UaD l uoruf r Pdag 6urPltng : NoIINSJJV IEgIB 03 , TTEA ?seu Peou a6eluo:J tllnos Et ']IVA JO NMOJ tB5T '9 ,{:enuel rMO.L l I I l T I t r/J {Y7f jfru-elb(coe) t{I jtalg op?iolo1'ttu1 / A9 rog'O'd | | |arrr6 ia1:r1 lle1 ({J9 i I I NO|lVr]OSsY rrnrNr]\OCNOf ]t 'tluoN "Eo sofild \r ,"r*-:ffi; boldwin crssocicrlos orchitects, inc. orchi[ectura . plcrnning I May 1984 Town of VaiI Building Department 75 South Frontage Road }rlest Vail, C0 81617 SUBJECT! Emergency Egress from Loft of Unit M Plnos del Norte The owner of Unit M Pinos del Nortel Mr. Guillermo Fernandez, is in agreement with the inetallation of a roof hetch for the purpose of emergency egress from the loft addition of thie unit. It ie further agreed that this hatch will be accesged by a short, permanently located Iadder and will be installed between the existing bar joists of the roof etructure. A snow fence will aleo be installed above the hetch. A letter to this effect is forthcoming from the owner. Sincerely, Richard 5. 1000 south frontoge rood west . voil. colorodo 8.l657 303/4fG4433 I ,rr#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VA]L DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM 'PM. LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr o tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ---- { IT m ra t-o t.-, h E l<x f IHE E l9n I H; g t'-l ; o 149 in O l< -{ a l=E =j5 o<4o-dP a!g 60 CE >t =E #: 'n 1)m -{ FFF =PP I>"'r o o z 2 n c o {o z T m F 3 { 11 1l Or- z= >- z tr!m -I |-m \o :o g= -{ q2 lq mil ll lEq l;" < l"-, g , -.{rJo VH t, x /+ ^{!-o 3=o ID g t O;, O 'y..,a (,:., c.) ,r 2^ii=z'A rr>OZ --{ ^9; 9p -tc P3 <s, i=" o om z:-{x 6'-{o o>nt- 9" nz >m -.t > 7 T =m - €z m (_ z =IT z P 4 N F H H z Pf,uta o>'t- r --.t z Fr l= |- -z ru 2 to l3 n IH I lt -l m r m o {z o 'n m I E l{z o -n - m F, lz a = {! n 5. I ! \.1 { t z I F m le,lz le t_lr- lco t,l t- I H t- P -t-t!, F9 I {I T F. I F. -J €z o n l> lF lm |a lz t lH I r.J ll l- 'n = x -f4 a) c) ! n ! I tJ l-{lo t: lr t> lF lfi l-lN, lx l* I = ts F. Pa 3 H z H c) c) z a)I P H F I F.5 =T m It rq z H F rll I = F. z E FI o o -.t I I c--tn E lrl z E 4 O N =t- m z g 3Ft:d €**rt :H:e 3 +*=re r(,O=f Pa3i: s5 i.3 {6sFBi oii 5 0Q 99o,96. [Fs s;3ag{€ frEiE ^g .'a !.3 ii e A l i:E+l il!gQi 3 Fg$= 9aif; + I*;9* *E Fii c)t- z H t+ > (tl zFt -zl -{>l r+l mC.l'\a!l:-;'l'l 20t.-mTl- P ol"{l\zl\mt \! l-_:o]i-rl, ol..o l.:zl {t r t!>\ot\{l ot :DI nl ol rl II -l al ml 5l I =z a- 1t m 5 z m m m l<' lz lz t>lr --l c --l F-l z U)c l- =z t- o m € l- -.t I o x z m -c m IO e€ {i-2A '' z = z>eR rci I<I'j1< >0 ol m=(/)o z c 1 I tl tl tl z I'l t --t m l ;z o _= z F I .) m !I ! n1 c o _n > _t z xi ;.i!ijm ;o >-n ZO ?g 92 o 6l ?ck ur--{6o z2 ig< 3 >9 vz.(fm H> Z.t o Eli -l to >2 eo g{ ?vo ctr x ol ol tl P H I :t )t rrl z H z F € z 2 2 o F - 2 z -t m U' z z z 6 --{m - 2 =R FT;n'n rnd =F r H o P |! 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'o-G': @c:co; o-=: 3'Jc lOcr: o3S oo-. o- q: o, :J - o.- o-6o- =?r E;3 o <-- =': o E.:-9 f,"'I O^JE i;:.<r ='€t" =.i3r.{e -: l." ^j j i;€l ieoI r;:. .:5:.o f c P3.;; v, A j"ctc c.l 9 3."6 ta):.: l a-' 'd s. € o q c -=o oi =i lOc oI oc o-- oc . ori 6O o; O-i rEP J;': E ,:. c|AJ (DO rQ f 'o ='\-,; =-*o 5 {c,oor =c o9'tt<t (f(r.=::c)Y:ct-a cr^ -(Do! =o'(D-(,c lD..: 9i,i" X x o o z >l o o l ol rl rl atr I ,nl ql E: Y :-=!() X iY cr :-< o .:3 =-r CY 6': ::: r- r: -,ati ei€ o crD t=:: +U -6 = :-= : --;5'o ro-:< - ct- E:. =r -.:o= -.Y .':ox at =.g; I : o c)z nl € :- ! -t x l-{ I.i l-t t- m =-{n m nt U' FI ;:1 . 3'nl !r\ a o 8 I I ol ,lrl I I l< ! c)I = 3 6 o' "l**ilv l-o I o z 2 o F c F o z 2 o -l m v, ? tn o € I I m z m VALUAITO 916 >l:rl>le tg n||-tn o \J'T-IC, CARI.OS GOMEZ G. CIPRES N? ?77 M EXTCO 4, D. F, GORDON R. PIERCE, ARCHITECT IOOO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL, C0 81657 Attention: Beth Levine Or behalf of the pinos del this is to confirm that the for Unit M, are approved by Sincerely,w LIC. CARLOS GOMEZ Y GOMEZ Pres ident l,lorthwoods Condominium Association 'sg v nEFPt$1egn February 14, ,1989. I'hrte Condominium Association, plans dated February 7, 19Bg the Condominium Association. Project Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Owner, Address and Phone:f,'ri'u"'. ^t,ri. n Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAI- /'f ./u i'/"i4^*rorffi K.,.u Approval 9516' 2'22'l I PE JOB NAME tNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER MON ruEl READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING ,.-'' ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR niRqtoe PERMI DATE I T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i tt l 1 . : READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR PM AM FRI BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL o tr o D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING Q ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED 7 DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF /l REQUEST DATE I . rr\a CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ]l ON i;: M WED THUR FRI PM VAIL ,,,,- BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.cl tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I t,DATE ,.'.' JOBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER INSPECTION REQUEST AM PM TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL B FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER ", PLYWOOD NAILI tr GAS PIPING INSULATION -tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ET FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr" tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL ">b- ---^..-^--,EI APPH( I\/FI I /-iF.",t'./,, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I I PE : 1- i('_ i ,tNs CTION REQUEST, TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUEE READY FOR LOCATION: THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr o o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr o FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION REOUEST' TOWN OF VAIL AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUlLDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION U POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR s,iis*o" tNs I PE CTION REOUEST. TOWN OF VAIL '. -----4 N1t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT (..FR! BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr K tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL --dXppnoveo -- CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be comp'l ete before giving a permit a fjnal C of 0. Please check off in the box prov'ided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0