HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B PINOS DEL NORTE UNIT J?, r..-r= .t--\ {.t}^\-- 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 , n ' ( n teltg7}.47i.2t3g faxig7}.47g.2452 t,G\ \- web: www.ci.vail.co.us 4 sEcoND LEVEL ENCLOSE THE DECK, THIRD FLOOR ENCLOSE THE DECK , EXTEND AREA ABOVE MASTER DECK 4'O'' Participants: OWNER PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO 09/29/2003 Phone: o/o TOM NOONAN PO BOX 69 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPLICANT Beth Levine, Architect 0912912003 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: ARCHITECT Beth Levine, Architect 09/2912003 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: C000001399 Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: PINOS DEL NORTE UNIT J Legal Description: Lot: Block: C Subdivision: PINOS DEL NORTE IOI4'NM Project Name: Noonan, Pinos J Project Description: Parcel Number: 210108110009 Comments: seeconditions Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development DRB Number: DRB030431 'dr?.-.\ I BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Action: STAFFAPR Second Byl Votei DateofApproval:10/08/2003 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Sep 12 03 se.p re og OS: 33a 08: l3a Gencrdrrfrrm$on: Lees l'lasf ield B."l.rin. *ot.r, p.2 p-? Ptrysial Adrlmss: f rcbiringnels,eE laD For rEvrs|'E b dans afcdy apoA by D€{iJ| Rarlcur 8onl. tib Fe€ Ey;el/1..,lo D08 q: E rirg Sttfr a th. fft:',., -.l' ' luot -t t!- eft co. lmssor at 92F328€640 for perel no.) irJlh Fonb$ Ro.d, tf.d. gm.b Eil6s/ /ld:9nt792139 fe 970.f9352 | w€0: wuirr,(ivail.out I grt"rA Application ftr llesign Review Depa.tment of commlt|ry DevElq|ns|t 75 Sorlh Fonb$ Ro.d, tf.d. Cdmdo 8il65-, r0 projec Eeffirg deg5r |gvifl, mlE recei\c a90rffil p.b, b ertuflitriB r hlttrg PctflIt aod('don. Heese 1r|ii tir ure srin*ne rqrirtmcns br lhe F tidb. a9rcral Urrt is r:we*t An ap9rlq|tin tu Dcsdn Ra'ary{ ' cam.t h rcepU urd d cquid irrfuttrt is riiriad bt !E Conrnrnrt [t6rc59tnett DeParfrnL ne prois nrry ati necO b be rcvtsnrd by ttn Tonn C.|.l.rcl ardlr Ste Plaing td errioncntal Cd|ilnsioo. L*tp ;i.'w ap.t lycr; utrfcoi I bri.nrg D.6it b lstcd and onr|nrdirn oonss witlin qn ycrr of tltc epgrcval. olthencOre* 4 kwu p.rccNro.: Zlota V t t a-,6rt (conbd Zotring: ilame of Aplh.nt lt|dfnrjAddr€ssE rYDe dnc$il end Fee: O Sgts D krcephnl Ratbrrt & lt{d &rEtrudfon I mcuon t -O iliror Alhratin (mln--brf lylcDrrn€rci.t|) tr ll|iror Altcratio.r (C nqL-farn'lt drpkx) E oreoges io Apg(oJGd Pbng O ScF -dh Rcqu.st 150 ft611.00 9er ssrre bddd sign rE. NoRe f650 - tu orotmo da rsr brillng or detrE/tcbukt. z"JW ) rs an ffin t*E E qude ffigE is addcd b dry teil€ttliel or ( ----- outrttid D|ril|q9 Cndres z5oadlErts &hE rr drf,|lb||s} $|C) tumirEdilgcsb h.frEslrd *at"tusnetE, sr'|rs, rcrodrE Firthg, urtdow addum$ lttdEttlg, lbnG ard r€EirfiqrdStts l2O Fil |trhr tl|nEes b h.ffi|gF nd siE iltp(otjetlt€lttX sdt a+ rr'dng, fhdl€, witsow adf'Uoos, hndsiro, frlr.s atu Elctila: {tIoj,o38iz- L --- " r-\r . zaE4t y tt"L:"ifri;,:'d#r pl FIHIoSDT.L NonTL Septernber 10,2OOg PlannirfgCormh$on lotil of Vdl Vail, CO Ei65Z Re: ffi5g*anrocer or unh.J. Gen$emen: ffiA#ffi#tir q"P'd or Dir.c am by{asc ge\rgming ttre Or.OUrfr.- - " .r ,r' Er'r. ;,1# ycr heve any quedions or @rnrnenliB, ptoase feet ftee to contac, ,ne Condominium Association F PO bo*cr rooVailVnll* D.blJg€. c 16ra ,7a-+16-27+7 97o-+7e_76rzf "* g&,slo*.;L.r I APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD fl-JdLae pVe+T/- W44W+ Wg*V N€l^T fWA z lle9 6 -_--€ ./ ./ D^rE: -le/4,/o= PLANNER: .'41< Ta(PL 4tr|lto 4 tP{t W "t@ # L aza -*> F Pinos del Norte. J Robert & Kay Lees Remodel 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 I-ot B. Blk. VV7th, Northwoods Beth Lcvine. Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (e70) e26-50e9 (P) (e7o)e26-2ee3 (F) Date/ Page /1 b ll oo>4'ba't n.a,a? o o ,rl!-I.ble-z| hfry-+ fu\l$g lrlt',.,"rtf- WL 4 WfpW \ 4-d' ,t .. t ts*l prEo - AdeV .f ENctM vrra#+ Vezb Pinos del Norte. J Robert & Kay Lees Remodel 600 Vail Valley Drive Yail,CO 81657 Lot B, Blk. VV7th, Northwoods Beth Levine. Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon- CO 81620 (e70)e26-s0ee (P) (e70)926-2ee3 (F) Date/ 41 Page b'l).a? 1'b'oz q'zl,r? ilil EE Werruu*u *&!#U* .t7yJr, 1t_otr Pinos del Norte. J Robert & Kay Lees Remodel 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot B, Blk. WTth,Northwoods Beth Levine. Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (970) e26-s0ee (P) (e7o\926-2993 (F) Datei Page b,tt a? 1'be> 1el'o? *lq I l L (i aawv we EE €___ P efirta$r..&k#W4 -l/t/t',l'-Ci m Pinos del Norte. J Robert & Kay Lees Remodel 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail. CO 81657 Lot B, Blk. W7th, Northwoods Beth Levine. Architect Datel Page P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (970) e26-50ee (P) (970)926-2ee3 (F) "?'ll alt 1'b+ 1d'o2 *lq .j !//I (-t!-rt't' - V!; u'" .l +tW . /. ' I I nir irz* o v 4 p,u^,*' ,1" o i t ,,lr .I t. t ''t, _,. * Flruir15*..1" l'\5 o*i pve ael lJl/+L rrJ " 413 a7 Uui3w,>v'',-, |1//?lo/ fu",v lnq6ll M. fuaLva'n^. detb ."*---'-- ,"!..'.. .'.fl !'\,',, ' '" I ' r Jr'{'-: 4 rf, ,. ,i .. l,\",./ 1., 1/ ,. li; '; tl'r4'i ) I ''-r/ /:. ii- .) t From Land Title (M2) Mon 15 Sep 2003 11:32:09 Al,l MDT ,l .v Page 1 of 9 m l"dlitleQrrte@y CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Dste: 09-15-2lxl3 Property Address: 5OO VAIL VAIIDY DRWE VAIL CO t165? Our Order Nnmbcrr VS00026t6 BEIE LEVINE P.O BOX 1825 AVON. CO tl6z) AtEg B8Ifl LEVtr{E P|rlr-:fiOeil,G50ll9 Frr: 97$92G893 Stnt Vle F:x n tou lnve arv irqddes or rcqulre llltdrr osslshme, plels€ contrct orn of tlE rrrrSers hlow: For Title Assbtanae: Vail fitle DepL 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO t1657 Phone 9704762151 Fcx 970-476-453 From Land Title (MZ) Mon 15 Sep 2003 11:32:09 AH lulDT ,- - Page 2 of 9 F LandTltle ld'litleQ.crfehFU Drte: 09-t$An3 Our Order Number: v500025t6 koperty Address: 5OO VAIL VALLEY DRIVE YAIL CO tT657 Buyer/Borrower: PIN6 DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO tr NC, A PANAMAAIIAN CORPORATION Seller/Owncr: PIN6 DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO J, tr{c., A PANAMANIAN CONFORATION Need a map or drecdons tor your upcomlng closlng? Check out Lsnd fitle's web slte et www- ltgc.com for directbrs to rny ol our 54 olllce locrtbrc. ESTIM'IIE(FT]TTEE IrtronDrdon BHcr $175. 0O T(TA 9175.00 rod cot. c, (./roo3' TIIANK YOU FOR YOt R ORDER! From Land Tit'le (M2) Mon 15 sep 2003 11:32:09 AfUl ltlDT Page 3 of 9 m LAN)TTIEq.XFNNIECTilPAN|Y ll.lrucE Owrrn PINS DEL NORTE APARTAMENT0 J, INC., A PAI{AMANIAN CORFORATION hoperty Adnis: 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAtr, CO t1657 Yonr Relcrtm€ No-: WlEn rferrlqg to llls order, Fese rcfercnct our mr No. V500026t6 - CHARGES - Irtronndon Binder $us.oo -Totd-$r75.00 Plerc rmle checls WrHe to! Lrd Tltlc Gusrg|tre Conperry P.O. Box 54411 Demer, CO E0217 From Land TJtle (MZ)Mon 15 Sep 2003 11:32:09 Atl lutDT Page 4 of 9 Cldcego TtOe Insumcc Con+ew ALTA COMMITMENT Schcdulc A Property Addt!3s3 50o VAIL VALLEY DRrVE VAII, CO E1657 Our Order No. V5ll{lO25E6 C\rst Rcf.! l- EtTcctlvc Drte! Argrtst 20, 2003 et 5:00 P.nlL 2, Po[cy to be Issued, end Proposed Insured: Inforndon Birder hoposcd lrutd: PIN6 DET. NORIE APARTAMENTO J INC, A PANAMANTAN CORPORATION 3. The estatr or In&er€st In tlrc lend descrlbed or referrcd to In this Commlotrent rnd covered hereln ls: A Fee Slmple 4. fitle to the 6lcte or Inlerest covered herdn ls at the effectlvc date hercof vested in: PTN(E DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO J INC, A PANAMANIAN CORFORATION 5. Thc land relcrrrd to ln thls Comnrlhmt ls descrlbed es follovs: CG{D(MINruM TJNIT tr PTNG DEL NORTE CONDOMINIUMS, ACCONDING TO TTIE CONDOMINruM MAP THERBffi'RFCORDED ITERUARY IJ, I976IN BOOK2{4 AT PAffi 690, AND ACCORDING T0 TIIE CONDOTUINIUM DECII\RA,TI0\I OF COVENANTS, C{X{DITIONS AND RESTRTCTIONS OF PTN(F DEL NORTE COiID(MINruIUS XECI)RDED FEBRUARY I3, IYIfIN BOOK2,.{4 AT PAGE 5t9, COUNTY OF EAGL4 STATE tr CrcLORADo. From Land Title (H2)15 Sep 2003 11:32:09 Altl MDT Page 5 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT SclEdleB-Sccionl (Rfqulrcments) Our Ordcr No. v50002'5E6 The fo[owing ere the requlr€rmnts to b€ compled vlth: Ilem (a) Peymnt to or for tlr rccorrl of [E grxrtors or tDrtego|s ot lhe frll conslderadon for Up eslrlc or lntercst to br lnn.aeil Ilcrn (b) hoper insorlrn(s) crcafrrg llr cshh or inbr€st lo bc lrcutd tflrst bc exeorled ud drly filed lor recon{ b-vlt Ircm (c) Peyrmnt of ell texes, cheges or ssessnErE levled rd esscscd rgdrct llr sdJect perdse.s wHch ale dre and pryeble. Ilem (d) Adddoml rtqdnrmnb, ll rry dsdosed hlow: THIS COMNdITMENT XS FOR INFORMATIOI{ ONLY. AI\ID NO FOLICY WILL BE ISSTJF,D PUR.SUANTHMETO. Mon o From Land Ti t'l e (M2)15 Sep 2003 11:32:09 All ilDT Page 5 of 9 ALTA COMMTTMENT ScMile B ' Secdon 2 (Ereptlons) Our Order No. v500026t5 The po cy or poltcles to bc issucd wlll cont ln erceptions to thc followitE unless lhe s&me ere dsPosed of to th€ sstislsction of the Company: l. ntgh or clCnB ot Fil'6e3 ln pssesslon rDt showr by lhe Flbtc trcords. L FsC|rEnb, or cldns of GrctEnts, mt shont by tlE trdtc rtcords. 3. Dlscrtprrcler, cordllc8 h bouftrt ltE, slFrtge In rrtq encrcrlrtrn8, ud rry frE wldch e correct surcy ud hsp€cdon ol tlE Fclds€s vodd .flsclose rti whldr rt mt slbrn by tlt Ftllc ttcords 4, Ary lteq or rlglrt to a tlen, lor servlces, hbor or rderld tltrctotore or ltndtcr lirrdsH" Inpased by lew ud mtslbwn ry lh Ffltc rtcords. 5, DefecGr, licr!, ernnbrurces, dyet|s€ detE or otlrr |nlEl!, tf drI/, crcdr4 nrst sppcarttB In tlr pbfic rccotds or stEldrB $tequcrt to tb elTecllve drn lEEol ht Fior b &c .tet€ dE Foposed ir|stred r.qdlea ol rccold tor vdrr llE estrle or lflcrtst or rmrl8rge trrcon covercd by ddE Co|trdtrct*. 6. T*es or specld sses$rr$ whlch {re mt slfsn I cdsdrg llers by |lre ptHlc rccordr.o tb TnacueCs omce. 7. Ilcns tor rnrydd Tebr r|d scncr clnrSE, it ary-. t In ddon tlrc owrrds pollcy wlll be sultcct !o llr rmrlgqc, lf ory, mtdln Secdon I ol Sclt&tle B lEltof. 9. RIGIIT OF PROFNIETOR OF A VEIN ON.L(X}E TO ET(TRACT AND REMOVE HXS ORE THERM'ROIU SHOIJLD TTM SAME BE FOT]ND TO PtsNETRATE ON INIENSECT TTIE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN TJNTTED STATES PATENT NAOORDED MAY 2J, 1905, IN BOOK]A AT PAGE 511, AI\D ruGIIT OF' WAY FOR DITCITES OR CANAIS CO}ISTRUCTED BY TTIE AUTTIORITY OFTIIE UNNTD STATES AS RESERVD IN T,JNMED STATESPATE:I{T nEcoRDH) MAY 20, 1905, IN BOOK48 AT PAGE 51r 10. RESTRICTNE COVEIT{ANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FIORFB.ITURE OR REVERTER CIAUSE BUT ODIITTING ANY COVEI{AI\IT ON.RESTRICTION BASED (X.I RACE COU)& RELICION, SE(, HANDICAB FAMIIJAL STATUS OR, NATIONAL ORIGIN I,JNLESS AND O}.{LY TO TTIE ffiTENT TTIAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER, CIIAPTER 42, SECTI$.I 36{N OF TIIE T'NITED STATES Cd)E OR (B) REI\TES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCTIMINATE AGAINSf TIANDICAP PERSONq AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT REC{)RDEI) DECUVIBER 0',:t, 1965, IN BOOK r87 AT PAGE 515. 11. EASEIUENTS, CONDnONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTI0{S, nESERVATI0\IS AI\|D N(yIES OFI THE RECORDED C$IDO{I{INruM MAP tr PTN6 DEL NORIE CONDOIUINruDS, tL TtrosE PRovxsIG{q cI)vu\ANls AND cot{DITIoNs, EASEMENTSAND RESTRTCn(x\aq WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO TIIE CTNIDOMINIUM TJMT DESCRIBED IN SCIIEDULE A, BUT oMITTINGANv COYENANT ORRESTRICfiON BASED ON RACE, Clu.on, nELIGION, SEX, Mon o Fron Land Title (M2)llon 15 Sep 2003 11: 32: 09 Alt i'lDT Page 7 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Soctlon 2 (Exceptiolrs) Our Order No. v500026E6 The pollcy or pollcles to bc issucd will contrln erctptlons to thc folbwirB urless the ssl[e are dsposcd of to the satisfaction of the Compenyr HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATICNIAL ORIGIN TJNLESS AND ONLY Tf,' TTIE UTUIT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 tr' TIIE I.JNITED STATES C{)DE OR (B) REI-ATRS TO IIANDIO\P BUT DOES N(}T DISCRIMINAIE AGI\INST HANDIO\PFED FERSONS AS COiTITAINED IN INSTRUMEI{T RECORDED FEBRUARY 13, Ic'6, IN BOOK244 AT PAGE 6t9. 13, UTIIITY EASEIIIEI\T AS GRAI\TED TO HOLY CRGS ELECTRIC ASSCIATION, INC. , INC, IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 3{t, lvtt, IN BOOK 26t AT PAGE 509. From Land Title (itl2)llon 15 Sep 2003 11:32:09 Altl iJDT Page 8 of 9 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STAT'EMENTS Nole: hr$nr to CnS 10-11-lzl, mtcc is lneby glvcn thet A) The sobfct ml FmFrtt nny be tocehd in r spoctd ldrg d.sHcl. B) A C€rdttctte of Tkes Dtr l|SrE cech HtE Srlsdcdon rry be oHlrd rmm flt Comty Tleesutt's ottlndzed egent C) The lilonmdon regrldry spocfd dbticb ad OF bourdrles of srrch dstsicb try be oHelned ftom thr Board ot Courty CorndsslorErs, tlE Courty Ocrh di Rccorder, or llr Corrty Assessor. Note: Efccdve Septerder f, lg!t, CR.S 30'll)-406 rcElrcs tht dl docrrnenb rccelved for EcordrE or fil|rg ln lhe cler.k erd rccordet's omct shrll contdn e bp rErg|rt of et hest orE imh md a leff right urd bottom nnngln of at lert orp half ol an lmh Tlr clerk ard rccorder nry rcllrsc t0 record or ftle erqr doctlrnt lM does mt cortrorrD, cxccpt tlnt, tlt rcqdrrrmnt for 0t top nnrgh slnll not Tply to do.flEnls ustB forG on wldch sF'cc is providcd for rccordfug or $lrg idormdon et tlE bP rErgln of tE docuEnt Notcr Colorado Dlvlslon ol Insurlrc Reguldors 3-5-1, Per4rryh C of Attde vtr rcqdru tlnr'Every dde endty shrll b responslble for dl rmtters wldch nper of rccord prlor o lhe tlra of rtcordrg whenever lhe dde ends con&rcb fr: d6lry rd ls rcsponslble for rtcordtts ornftE of legd docuEft ttsulttE ftom tln trrE cdon wllcb wac doaed". Plovlded trd Lad fitle Gurauee Conpcqr confut tn cloclrg of dr Insud trsscdon ud ls rcsporlHe for rccordrg tlr legal doorrrna ftom Or tarcrc{o4 cxc€Ffion rnrnber 5 wlll mt ryer on lln Owner's Tlde Pollcy ud fte Lendcrs Pon(T wltn lssEd- Not€! Amrrdve nreclnrlc's llen Fobcdon for llr Orvmr rnry h svalldle (tyflcdly by delcdon ol koepdon no. 4 ol Schcfrde B, Sccdon 2 oI tl* Conrrdbnil hom th Osmt's Pollcy to bc lssud) upon corfllrrce wlth tlt followlrg conddors: A) Tlp lord descrtbed ftr ScHde A oI lHs corrriurcnt rmtst be e slrgle lardly rtsldence wldch lnchd€r r condordrdm or towrd|orlse rrdt B) No lebor or rutcrids lwe been lln&hed by rnecherdcs or rml.rld-rrn for Frpos€ of cons0rf,{on on tlE lad descdbed In Sctrdule A of tlds Comd8rnl wllldn tlr pcst 6 rmlfls. C) Tlr CorrTcry lm$t rcaelye sr ryrcplele dlldrvlt lrdcrudfylrE Ur C-ornpuy sgdnst trt'tllcd rrpcMc's erd r&rial.trn's llerr D) Tfrc C-olryeny tll|st rccclve Fyrril of Or ryroplatc prerduu. E) tr tlEre h8 bcen corrstrsdorl irryrcverH6 or n$or repdrs u*ilrlen on OE pnoperty to be pmltsed wltlin slx rmnt|s Ftor !o tb DrE of Ur ConnilEil, tE teqdrerncnb to obhln covcrqe lor rlncodcd liem wlll lrrlrde: dlsclosurr of certrtr corstsrndon lrtronmdon; llrnrnlrl lrfomdon s to tlp sdler, 0x btrllder md or tlt contrrtoE pyrmnt ol tlE NFmpdrle prcn{rfn ruly exec:|lbd lrdfrmdty Agrtexurb s.tlsf.ctorJ b dE comF|{r, rn4 my arHdoml rr4trtrcnb re rny be necersary dler u exaningdon of th dortsdd ftfonrflon by Oe Conply. No overtge wlll be glven udcr rry drcurEbrres for hbor or rnler{al tor vhich tlc llEurtd lnc conhc&d for or rgEcd to FV. Note: ksurnt to CRs l0- l l-l,il3t, mdcc ls lHrby glven: Tlfu mdce {dlcs to owrt's polky corEdUEnE contddrg c tdrxrd scvcrmce lrEormrt exepdon, or ercepdons, tn Sclrdtc B, Sccdon 2. A) Tlnt tlnn ls rccoldcd evld€|rc tb a rdrcnl eslrtc hs been severt4 lcac4 or olblTbc conveycd ftom tl* sulae csbie trd frnt AsE b a strEfid llkelllnod th8t e ltdrd Frty lnlds sora or ell Interest ln oll, ges, other nlnerrk, or geothenEl energ/ ln Or FoFttt; [d B) Thrt such dmnl eshtc rry lnclu.b tb dgE b cnler rd use th Frepeily riltlutr tlE nrfue owrrt's pendsslon Notldrg lEleln conhlned wlll be deenEd to obngrte tn conTeny to pmvldc erry oI th covdqes rclcnd to hrcln urless th abovc onddorr8 m fully satblled. Eo[! Dlslasxl OgIOLIOZ From Land Title (ilZ)Mon 15 Sep 2003 U:32:09 Alt MDT Page 9 of 9 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Flddlty Nadond Flnencld Group of Compenies,/Chlcego fitle Insurance Compo.ny and Land Tltle Gusnntce Conrprny July l, 2lxll Wb rtcosize end rcscct lhc Drlvncty exrchtiorr ol todry's corguners ard iln rrtrrimarxs of rmtlcaHe federtt etd sht€ riy"ed hws. We bdlevd 0nr rinHiu vou ewere of frov we rse vorr mr>ntllc renod trfoinrdon ('ftrsoml Irforinnionl), rd b whom it ls dscloce{ w|lt folm tlr hsts for a rEladonslrli of tril htwem us rld ttn'pdlc llnt ve sewe. Tlds Prlvecy Sbtertril fovldfs thel erCsufbn We rcsewe tL rlght 0o cl|8tge tlds hlvry SblerEnt trom dtr to dr;c clnslstenl'wllh ag'|tcaHe'prlvery lmvs. In the course of our bufiesq we tury collect Personal Informadon rbout you from the followlng sourct-s: + From dicatiors or odr forms we rtceive fmm you or your ardFrized rcgtsenmive;t Frcm ybin ulersecdorrs wlt1 or tlom tlE serylccr Se|rg frfond by, u3, o'rr etrtlbtca, or ottrrs;t trlrom'orr intcnrl web slhsi r Fmm tlt pbllc mcords tEittdrEd by govenrEr rl en[[€r thrt wc eitlrr obtdn dirccdy from lhore e idcs, oi fiom or.r efillrtes or ofnisiend t Ftm cotrttm or othr rcpordrg rgerries. Our Pollchs Rqardhg the kotccdon o? thc ConfidcntielitSr end Securlty of Your Personil Informetlon We rnlnldn d|Ydcrl. elcctloldc ud uucedrel sdesuu& to roEct vorr Re|sornl I onndon from unt$mrlzed rcess or lnfrisfon We Mt scss ti tlr nrsornt lftonndoir only 5 Ursc angoyces vtro lred such rcess In comc{on wlth Fvldrg pndrb or sewlces b you or for otEr l€gldne hrsirEss FlTos€r. Our Pollcles rnd krctl(Es X.tgerdtng thc Shrrlng of Your PcEonrl Infonnrtlon Wc rmy slnre yotr Fenoml Idondon wl0r our rl$letcs, such 6 Inlrrmce corrydes, qrrG, ari olltr rtC esfe sedcrlefr serlce Fvlders. We elso r y dsclose yriur Penorql lnfonntori: t to rert, hrkrts or rc|'tscttrfives b mwi& you wllh serviccs you l|eve rcq|Es@ + b lfir+dortr conhloft or_serrlce prUaers wlo pvl& srlctis or pertonri mrloidrg or othr tlurcdorfr ori our blnll: ud * to othr:s wllh wlnm wri eiler furlo Jolna mrt(eftg ryrteffrn$ lor prodrb or servlces tM we hlleve you rry trtd of lntrest In rffdon we wlll dsclose vorr Fersorul lrtronmdon whn vou drcct or glve us rnrdsslorr. when we sre rcqufuEd bv law to do so. or wbn we-srsect fi:nrdder or crlnlnsl rilvldes. We gEo nrry-dsclose vrirr krsoml Iillonndon wlin othmbe Fnitfred by ryflleHe pivrry laws smh rs, lor exeirf,g wtrdr dsclosrr€ is nced b erforce ow rlglB rlslrg ort ol eny sgrcerEr4 tsarracdon or rcladorsllp wlth you OrE ol dE lnporElt rcsporslHlides ol sora ol ou dllllaied confies ls to rccord docrranrs in the FtHlc dordn Srrch-docurrrls- nry conuln your Persord lrlormdon - Rlght to Acc€ss Your Personel Informedon and Abillty to Corrcct Errors Or Reqrcst Changes Or Ddedon Certdn slrtfs dford you tre rlght 10 access yorr hrsonal lrfondon and uder certdn drtlrrrbrces, !o [td orr1 b wlrt! yorr Rrsonel lrtrormedon lls been dscloEed. Also. ccfisfrr stslcs dlord vou tlr dcl* to rt(Irst corrcctiori, sErfrrEnl or deletion of yorr hrsoml lrtrorrution We rcs€rre OF &H, whed perrliu&t by lw, !o c.harge e rtasornble l€G to cover lh cmts lmrrrnd In nrpordnS b $[h rcq|Ests. All rcqrcsb srffittsd to tlt Ifde[ty Ndord Ftnrmld Grorp ot C-onprrdes/Odcego fide hsursrce C-orryery shdl li tn wdfllryo {d delv€rcd tD-tE foltowltE ddresr! Prlvw Cordlgre Oltrcer Ffden& Nd6rgl Ftnrrlel. lnc. 4050 Cdle Rcsl, S|dte Zz0' Smlr Bsrtcr, CA 93110 Muldple Products or Servlccs tr vte govlde you wlth rmrc thrn orn nrmld pmdrr.t or scnlc, you mNy rccclve rmrc $m ort Flvr.y mdcr tom fr. We ?inlogre for rry lmnycrience tls ruy case you Fo@ PRn'.PCE.CSI *++++*********+************************:r.** ****{r*********** ********************+**+*tt*+*++*+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ************ * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******** **+* 'r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * Statement Nuriber: R030005L1 0 Arnount: $20.00 L!/I!/2O03L2:5? pM Pa)rment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: #2094 Permit No: DR803051-4 Tl4)e: DRB-Chg Eo Appr plans Parcel No: 2101"08110009 Site Address: 500 VAIL., VAL,LEY DR VAIL, IJocat,ion: PINOS DEI., NORTE UNIT .f Tota] Fees: S20.00 This Pal.ment: $20.00 Total Al,L Pmts: $20.OO Balance: S0.00 *f !t ***++* *+********* * ********** * ** ********* ** * * **** ************** **:t*********************** * ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FIES 20.00 -r-. (^oS Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxr. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Lees change to approved plans Project Description: Scaling back the third floor additions so that it does not extend beyond 4'. Participants: OWNER PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAMENIO 11/11/2003 Phone: o/o TOM NOONAN PO BOX 69 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: ARCHITECT Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: C000001399 LL I It | 2003 Phone: 970-926-5099 LII Ll/2003 Phone: 970-926-5099 Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: PINOS DEL NORTE UNIT J G Legal Description: Lotf'Btock: C Subdivision: PINOS DEL NORTE Parcel Number: 210108110009 Comments: ','L4^lJ DRB Number: DR8030514 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: see conditions Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 1112412003 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO llov lO O3 1l:2la Bttl-"rrtr,. no".r,szo-sztsss Applicatirn for Design Rwhn gcncrClrhrain: ^l 9(qftdstqihg (leiln rcia mrst rceiE aFro|d Fbb sa,t EUhg a hldoE Dcrn f, Td(zliril tb*.Eft. b the rl|||ilat ,.(|ht-f q-q. parftffi tdc uri E ,.0,*s4 ^'t rp?t€tin b DEdgn R6,h-@'d be 1@ rr.f { rE'f€d_ffitr€tm t iiirrO ff f,e Cr;rn rfy U"A[,p,r=n- O"et =* ff*trctea mav alo neerr to be '"t inrd bv nE T!!n c-ru riilc te na;*ir."o-r#ffi,.il-@mmisfil Dcign Griil rpF[d rrg ntcasr baeg r"* iJur.r.d cDrstrrttrn oolrl-r* rrtf'octHofdE.nFord. p-2 _ D€9irffi oaailr|lnry OarCopmcrt 75 $unft Floilap Roe4 Vq, ebrlao ar6Sr 'bl:97tL{tzlzBe ret0.(793i rU rwv(ci.Ff-oirs of tic Reqr* Locrttoo of r*-t)-Bbarw? Pftysicd|d&efs:;l pilE f rro: ZrolornAtl (ContactEagle Co. Awrdg/G:t2e€Ato for Frcd.b.) Zoring: ilame{s) dOrrrr{s): Hailing alqtte n *Orns(r,l Sgrr-tr€(sx |tdtBfd.heasc ead ea Fnilfd&cs flDC otnanftlUrtd Fcer O Ssns O @ndC Ratv Ul ililfrEtudin ldfrton f|itrnftrattr (tx{tfitryqrner(id) ;tuAEraiEr ( rEbfditt/tr|pbo tlo fi g o B l5O PrrstLo FrqEGfootdEdcgn &ri.bFc fq Fr d|sts|rrim da nd htErg c derntrdad.$m Fo..n adfion rfie|e qst r'.ngp t *&d b my reitsthl cr :lmryrbl.herg Cn(lres ZSO ffi|s & nEb imf,r*'E .$4J|, I rll" drT9F rD hi&,i96 f|.r stlitgovEnelE sldr {,rerffitg. p.htig, *er .@rq, hr@in Enas -rd rtbr&g r.lq, .tF. I o"reo to eprr"uoo nro teo Fa ttis<tEElsb hif|gE -a st hgoun*; srh a,rEqqE F-|h& 5ih atrilE, EI'€9-E Anas a rd|*tgrEfq,6c. g.*!'"p b C4|s at€edr agure.t by pbrrig W d th Dl!*l[r R:rat'r !e'tl llaapoflpl-cad: FlruosDLLNonm ffirbor7,2008 T(tusf of vAtL Vsil, Cdor$ Rchtlrt* phosfiNofi Um.f Gen0emcn: This ir to dvils yor.r that tle conttominium assoderion d pinos dd No,te rr* €ppiorrad tre rnodincatm d fte plan prwioucy epprolr€d fur [re abowruGrefi€d r.ml b etiminate tho f*,r bot ut'r.idr of the cndosr€ m tE 0tfudnoorsbrltir€ fto ebinrefl. lo b",6r 6oo !"d Valeg D. glJg "f" Er616 97o..+t6-27+7 ,Io-+76-f 6tzFlx pdnvaibvaC-nct ,/t--i Sep 12 O3 O8:13e rlt'cdk|cildRe O Cfs tr @d rEtuf .0 ir ffir&r Imn t -O tlhr rHrr (rni€tr|Afb.UtE rl, E| lhrlhdo.| (*Eh!ft.|ryfdrrb0 tr OE €r5 baogru,Gd ?h B SCFdE|RGqF tOD Pr6fitOpr$necddCtr-€..bb 166D Ftr"frr.ri{dr.E!|lftgacfiCnllr3. im tu.r&rdEE{|EE@FE.db -rt tffi 6 6tn!| UtEtg FG 2!n ffirs A hErf qrrn5.r+ lZCl tun-sqcrb L|bgBd*Ff,n.rG,stc,tsdt$ Fdjh& *ttu afrt* hndgo* ttc a.d rlEhfEraf,r|r.t?O tusfu(bEsbhfilctd*116166ats,srrrq,Irtldtg, frtg, ffr .dftG, hnEFE, fttEs ra @rElf,.f-|aO For ca:aot3 ts tbtE *€dt +tnrd tt ptnitg ff c rtc lrelnHH-btu ".fr.rrr,c Rosan szo-sa!)sgs p-2 AplEcdiDn 6r DeCgn Revieu (|il'rL' '*..f Dc!-lnartd Ornri, Ila,!5Frert Ehft@rhr4tH,@rrd 8r6F rrlno€9:tD tugtofftlG,*nw.(Ld.@.||s nryridltltlcse;{ rldio.: ?lqtatlla'r1 (Cortr Eaft C. lqor * gtFln&8@{l for pd ro) Zora€E tlGdlFf,qG ]|Lhdldtc.cl ibTa ?DorE F|rfllrftss eb,cbil, ffr,lL &_ wrteuawF, n\4\utu\'l i e|rcrdltilfqiltdqu ff-eqie(ls t'Err*hg de$n Gk mrt rEaiE ffit Fb b stiliB a hlrtrg p.nil ilffrr pteE rtftr btE 9lbrtA rqinncaas h te F|tbF I'did tnt f rq:*C -|! lpirafE tu DeSn RerLt| , anEt Dc.c@d rrE rI !e{.U tffii'r b €*t trh Cdnnlt DarqrEt O+art*t fte p|r*d €y ab (rad lD be |6rirrd b'tfe Tnr C.dld |||d/r SE Frig d ftno.nr.rg ffi.fr6gD |GG.rr ilFel hgs uk r bI.6; D.rd b bd -d l!-6rdtir nmt arc rffi cycrdltclprd- g.tOOAdut IINE ffifh DqlrK "G fttare 4erqEt ffituUW ?qtclrr WO l-f€F{- ry = lle4 - ----@ ffi t T-(ft AY''+|lto 4 4P{2, W aKa # Date,l Page ) Pinos delNorte. J Robert& Kay t ees Remodel 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot B, Blk WTtb Northwoods Beth Levine.Architect P.O- Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (e70) 92G509e (P) (e7o)e2G2ry3G) /1 b'll'Fz>4,b4 ala,ary c\ptn wt>, 'o i'*,r v-/,rt F)-ble-ze * Vltetfe \ 4-d' h?H--E- Af?r,l$wL 4 Er-rtw 4uu- 4a &+t PrAp -- HeW- *tr' -.@ 3 F VH€TaC*w4t** V Date/ Page Pinos del Norte. J Robet& Kay Lees Remodel 600 Vail Valley Drive VaiL CO 81657 LotB, Blk W7th, Northwoods Beth Lrvine. Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (e7o)ezGsoee (p) (970)e26-29% (n 41 b,lt-o? 1'b'oe 4'zl'ty 'f ,.,) Pinos delNorte. J Robert& Kay kes Rernodel 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 LotB, Blk W7th, Northwoods Beth Levine. Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avou CO 81620 (970) 92G509e (P) (e7qe26-2e93 (F) Dale/ Page 7/+ b'lt-e2 4,2.2?4,?),fb ''G YYzwNr DF|3 i a i I I €_*_ f,FrPLa-W hV$g$w+ -W ilil Pinos del Norte. J Robert & Kay tres Remodel 600 Vail Vslley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot B, Blk. W7tb" Northwoods Beth Levine. Arc-hitect P.O. Box 1825 Avor5 CO 81620 (e7o) e26-s099 (P) (e7o)e2G2ee3 (F) DafF/ Page 6'lt'a?1-gep lalo? +h ?arcel Detail Elected officialE'v County seruices ar Visitors ?Comn-'unity,r Page 1 of3 I ,xant I H,*gl,H",g#y,$l:r r,"*"lr site indexll .oun., .on.r..,ll sEARcH I _- -_:: Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Com merciai Improvement Detail I Land Detail 210108110009 Owner Name and Address PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO J INC C/O TOM NOONAN PO BOX 59 VAIL. CO 81658 Legal Description DO: PINOS DEL NORTE UNIT:J Location Physical Address:1600 VAIL VALLEY DR UNIT: J VAIL I Subdivision:IPINOS DEL NORTE I Acres: Property Tax Valuation Information http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210108110... lllll/2003 'Parc,elDetatl Page I of3 t,o,n"lt sitr indexll .oun.r.on."..rlI sEARcH f-_ Eleqted officiE ls v Countg se ruices y Visitors !Comrfiunity ?I want I Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/freasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residentia l/Com mercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail 27070a71A409 45.853 PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO J INC co 81658 Owner Name and Address Legal Description DO: PINOS DEL NORTE UNIT:J Location 600 VAIL VALLEY DR UNIT: J VAIL PINOS DEL NORTE 0 Property Tax Valuation Information http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber210l08l 10... ll/ll/2003 'Parcel Detail Page 2 of3 Basic Building Characteristics Residential Building Occurrance 1 Characteristics MAIN FLR AREA:h"08, STORAGE/UTILITY:lsa- DECK:224 ONE STORY:L,O78 ABSTRACT_CODE: I CONDO.LAND ABSTRACT-CODE:CONDOS-IMPROVEMENTS ACT_YEAR BLT3 I975 AIRCOND:NONE ARCH_STYLE: I CONDO BATHS:3 BEDROOMS!J BUILDING-TYPE:CON DOMINIUM CONST-QUAL:lEooD EFF-YEAR BLT:L975 EXTERIOR-WALL:WD SID AVE EXTERIOR-WALL:FRM STUCCO FIXTURES:11 FLOOR;CARPET INV FLOOR:RESILiENT FRAME!WOOD HEATING FUEL1 ELECTRIC HEATING-ryPE:BASEBOARD INTER,IOR WALL:DRYWALL NEIGHBORHOOD:PINOS DEL NORTE ROOF_COVER:CEDAR SHAK ROOF STRUCTURE:GABLE/HIP ROOMS:5 SHAPEO:I STORIES:STORIES 2 UNITS:1 usE_coDE:RESIDENTIAL WALL_FIN:N/A SUPELNBTID:VAIL CORE CONDO HEATED AREA:2,160 ll rot"l' ll r,sse,rzoll rz+,0:oll 17/1976 Number of Residential Build Number of Comm/Ind Build http:/iwww.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210108110... lllll12003 'Parcel Detail Page2 of3 Basic Building Characteristics Number of Resid€ntial Buildings:1 Number of Comm/Ind Buildings:t0 Residential Building Occurrance 1 Characteristics I MlIn rtn rnea:r,082 STORAGE/UTILITY:f,o DECK:224 ONE STORYI L,078 ABSTRACT-CODE:CON DO- LAN D ABSTRACT-CODE:CONDOS.IMPROVEMENTS ACT YEAR BLT:t975 AIRCOND:NONE ARCH STYLE:CONDO BATHS:5 I BEDROOMS:3 l CONDOMINIU M I GOOD la/J I EXTERIOR WALL:WD SID AVE EXTERIOR-WALL:FRM STUCCO FIXTURES:t1 FLOOR:CARPET INV l FLOOR:RESILiENT FRAME:WOOD HEATING-FUEL:ELECTRIC HEATING TYPE:BASEBOARD INTERIOR_WALLT DRYWALL NEIGHBORHOOD:PINOS DEL NORTE ROOF-COVER:CEDAR SHAK GABLE/HIP ROOMST 5 SHAPEO:1 I STORIES:STORIES 2 UNITS:I usE_coDE:RESIDENTIAL WALL-FIN:N/A SUPER-NBHD:VAIL CORE CONDO HEATED AREA:2,160 ll t","" ll t,trr,troll tro,oroll 1711976 http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assossor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber2l0l08l 10... ll/11/2003 ' 'Parcel Detail Page 3 of3 Tax Information Tax Pavment: Whole s,033.53 Tax Pavment: Whole Tax Pavmentl Whole Tax Amount Top of Page Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mall: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by email The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, G Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein cor Copyright O 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good Turns Software. http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumbeF2l0l08l 10... lllll/2003 TOWN OF VAIL . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 s7o-47s-2til P,nt=-D! \}*L tldlS J NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 803-0329 Job Address.: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Sratus.....: ISSUED Location......: PINOS DEL NORTE UNIT J Applicd...: 1011612003 Parcel No....: 2101081 10009 Issued ...: 11/1712003 Project No...: "RfO3- o.3 8 Z_ Expires...: 05/15/2004 ovirNER PINOS DEIr NORTE APARTAMEIITO IO/L6/2003 ptrone: I TOM NOONAN PO BOX 59 VAIL, CO 8l_558 License: coNrRAcToR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION L0/L6/2003 phone: 970-84s-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO 81558 License: 251-A APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION LO/16/2003 phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO 816s I License: 251-A Desciption: SECOND LEVEL ENCLOSE THE MASTER BEDROOM DECK, THRID FLOOR ENCLOSE THE KITCHEN DECK AND THE AREA ABOVE THE MASTER DECK. EXTEND THE AREA ABOVE THE MASTER DECK 4'O' Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: Ill l-HR Type lll l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $250,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofCas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 lr * * * * * a* *r * * lr ** t '1. 'l 'l * * r'l * * a* * * * * * Building--> S1,833.75 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 53,028.69 Plan Check--> 91, 191- 94 DRB Fce------> S0 - 00 Additional liees-------> S0 - 00 lnvesligalion-> 90 - 00 Rccrcation Fee---> $0. 00 Total Permit lree--..--> S3 , 028 . 69 Will Clall---> $3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit-----> $0. 00 Payments----------> S3 , 028 . 69 'IO IAl. FFFS_____--> S3,028.5e BALANCE DUE-----> g0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT IL/17 /2oo3 cdavis Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT rl/o4/2003 Matt Gennett Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PVBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN 2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. IGNATURE OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 +**,t***************rt*:1.'i**{.***:****'}*****t*+*'t +++*******************************,t(*)t(!t(,tr**,**********{r'i**,r.**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0329 as of 1l-17-2003 Status: ISSUED ** ** ** * ** '*** ***,F,t'** ******:t 'i*** ***'t+++'t + ++'f *** **** *** ****** ***** *** *********,|!t't *1.* *** ** ****** ******** **** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: t011612003 Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 1t/17/2003 970-845-1001 To Expire: 051t512004 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: PINOS DEL NORTE tiNIT J ParcelNo: 210108110009 Description: SECOND LEVEL ENCLOSE THE MASTER BEDROOM DECK, THRID FLOOR ENCLOSE THE KITCHEN DECK AND THE AREA ABOVE THE MASTER DECK, EXTEND THE AREA ABOVE THE MASTER DECK 4'0" Conditions: Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG,): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF TFIE 1997 UBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. * * **+++++*+*** ** *** ***** ***:t * * ***'1.* ********* ****+*** ** * + * + * * * *,* * * * *,t( * * * * * ****+*** ****++*+**+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement '1.+*+* *** * **** ** *** ** * **** * * * {r *:r. * * *.} * * * *,} * * * * + * * * * ******* ** *****:} * ******* **** ** *{. *,i* *it *,t ****'! Statement Nrunber: R030005147 Amount: $3,028.69 tL/t7/200301:15 pM Pa).ment Method: Check Init: LrC Notation: #2523 3 /Nedbo Const Permit No: 803-0329 T)4)e: ADD/AIrT MF BUILD PERMIT Parce1 No: 210108110009 Site Address: 600 VAU, VALLEY DR VAfL Locat,ion : PINOS DEI, NORTE I'NIT .J Total Fees: $3,02A.69 This Paymen!: 93,028.69 Total A.LL Pmts: $3,028.69 Balance: S0.00 *** * *** * * *** * ** ** * {.* * **** ****+******:t l.******+* +** **** **** * * ** **** * *** **** ******** *** * ** ***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILD]NG PERMIT FEES 1,833.75 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 1,191.94 i^lc 00100003112800 t^iILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 3.00 APPLICATION WLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit#: 97 0 47 9 -21 49 ( I n s pections ) - tso3 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIOM- Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! -0327 TOWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION VALUATIONS /L:/ES6ct Qtaj i .'21- wv c,y \y'cr/t 4'a/- L)) Emaif address: 11/t4 t tUE4:fct . (u''< LETE FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ )ib. Octo ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ S;'A -<,,, For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www. Parcel #)lo / o&tt oooQ Job Name: r(1jV.5" f,T{,Jr,'..u{ L (2 zvta ea <-Job Address:{:AO L/4/c L/4/:1-/z -/)K'. C., 't-, ,7 J , Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: y't -vat /)n-z . "t,,. t7tz OWngfS Name. tt, t/; i' /4. . u' L7L t:l "?r1 lZtlt -z- 7,.- r| t -1t t:- Address: 4 74.'r'r,iokur.(t'- O?Phone: ArchitecUDesioner:'12.'z tt lr',.t,4t'Address:nf,,:r 'I:lrr,r ro enone'.qp6__yctfi Engineer: KeA Address: Biy-117*. , /( t- )enone: 2v? _g-79/ O-e!at!e9 description of work: F t4i4\5.J d!1zcc,4t, z; , y'/22 / g.4< tt 4 17 /-t . /( r 7 e r4ta t-t D.,J /.'v' 4 .. c- ,'44 . .u7 v 7 ..7./,/-./ /-t'7 4 ) 7// 1. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel { Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both,,Q Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (z{ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ?O No. of Accommodation Units in this building: o2q) No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loas ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes K) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) tto;l4] ***r****************************r*****FoR oFFlcE usE oN LY"*"****s****************t********** Planner \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC /t/U,laf- 07 t26t2002 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: 'ES fD,On n , ar'- o- Project Address: / This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit aoplication is acceoted,./-d rNt OaOes of application is complete { Vas DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form {rdondominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex nz Complete site plan submitted / o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works cnecklist) N/A D Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.oarkint or material storaoe 'ommercial) indow and door schedule ull structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) ltJ44-7/Z- o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspect ron lJ/rA '-/'-a fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated : /*(t*.detectorsshownon ptans df|lil Mnr /pl { Sr6u.detectors shown on plans Olh p/ Types and quantity of fireplaces sholvn Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: ,/7 iL UALLE7 F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: /Ff,J' (o)t4f-zzLz M-vttA,t tl oate: /rl//a1o? F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 TRANSMITTAL Date: /2,/b -Oa ,o= @.ft,;4r..- / /ll rrilre / FROM: BETH LEVTNE. ARCHITECT RE: lL'5' INCLUSIVE: 2) ,y/s t,?':::f,,, Tlrt P'L*^'/r&Lt"'tvfr5, I (4t', l^?fe *F;Y:*L I d'il'' Ll"lLt '' t 4D 'r, 'ln, - l)Lv v')J fo't^'tiv61d' l''< NorE: flM,'In tlrL;rrv,/L, 10" t7 u5 BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT P.O. 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (e7 0) e26-s0ee(p) (e70) e26-2ee3(F) copy: TO -- lfN0rvtiLT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: Noonan, Pinos J DRB Number: DR8030431 Project Description: SECOND LEVEL ENCLOSE THE DECK, THIRD FLOOR ENCLOSE THE DECK, EXTEND AREA ABOVE MASTER DECK 4'0" Padicipants: OWNER PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO 09/2912003 Phone: o/o TOM NOONAN PO BOX 69 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT Beth Levine,Architect 0912912003 Phone:970-925-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: ARCHITECT Beth Levine,Architect 0912912003 Phone:970-925-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: C000001399 Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: PINOS DEL NORTE UNIT J Legal Description: Lot: Block: C Subdivisionr PINOS DEL NORTE Parcel Number: 210108110009 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval:10/08/2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon. CO 81620 Town of Vail, Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 October 16,2003 To Whom It May Concem, Enclosed is a copy ofthe Desigrr Review approval. The enclosed three sets of construction documents represent the work that will be done this fall. The remaining work which was approved by the Desigrr Review Board will be done next spring. Th9von" j 'Ztr '2tc LL-,-. 6.n rL*"{, x"hitect, Inc. MacMa N0. DE TEL " 5A22s49 11 SEP. 2A@3 ALtA4An Pt lO box dr 5oc Vaii Vall"$ f),fil{g,(' 8 t 4,,E ,7a.+76-2.7+7 )io-+ /#/ 6 tzf :.x t-J-"";la,-.;1.-.* NO5D[-t_ NoK]-r" September 10, 2003 Planning Commission Town of Vail Vail, CO 81s57 Re: proposed remodel of Unit '.J,,pinos del Norte Gentlemen: This.is to. advise you that the Board of Direc.tors of the pinos det Norte uondominium Association has revierared the plans ard elevations for tha proposed remodal of U_nit "J" as prepared by Bath Levine, architect, and presented to us by Mr. Robert w. Lees, the beneficial oumer of the unit. we support the project and have approved it in accordance with the covenants and by{aws governing tha building. shoutd you have any questions or comments, please faol free to contact me directly Condominium Association E- TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTzuCAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0258 $o3'o37'\ Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: PINOS DEL NORTE LINIT J Applied . . : 11/20/2003 Parcel No...: 210108110009 Issued . . : ll/2412003 ProjectNo: -Ffi5o3_oSKA Expires..: 05122/2004 OWNER PTNOS DEIJ NORTE APARTAI{ENTO 77/20/2003 PhONE: T TOM NOONA}I PO BOX 69 vArr, co 81"658 I_,icense ; coNrRAeToR DOUBLE Q ETTECTRTC LL/2O/2O03 phone: 97O-74A-978O P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 190-E APPLICANT DOIIBLE Q ELECTRTC t!/20/2003 phone3 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 4L632 License: J.90 -E Desciption: ADD LIGHTS MOVE PLUGS,SW,LIGHTS Valuation: $10,000.00 + * *,t,*,1:|:* *,* *:t * t,l t + Electrical-----> 3180 - 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 5183.00 DRB Fe€----> Investigatrbn---> Will Call------> s0. 00 90. o0 s3.00 Toial Pemrit Fee--> S1a3 . 0o Additional Fees-----> BALANCE DUE_-_> s0.00 s183.00 $0. 00 t **t tt l **** ****t * Approvals: It,CM: O6OOO EIJECTRIEAI DEPARTMENI TOTAL FEES+ $183. OO Lt/20/2003 DF ITeM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTME!f,T Action: AP I tl *'l:l * t *t*:ll*:|*'i,t* +,t't tt't' | +'|+,|,t+ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPITIA}iICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OR CONTRACTOR F HIMSELF AND OWNET ******* 'l **1. * ********* ****(* ******** ** *** * * * + * + * * * * + * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** **:f *:l******* t ***** *+ +**** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *** ** * ***+*+*+*+**** * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * * *********** *********+* + +++++*tt *** * !t * {. **** **t*'}******* ***** Statemenu Nudber: R030005198 Alnourrt: 9183.00 tL/24/200304:11 pM Pa)rment Method: Check Init : IJC Notation: #7L6O7/Dovble Q Permit No: E03-0258 Type: ELECTRICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 210108 L l-0 009 Site Address: 600 VAIL, VAL,LEY DR VAIL IJocation: PINOS DEI., NORTE I,NIT J Total Fees: 3183 .00 This Palment: $183.00 Tota1 A]JIJ pmt6: 9183.00 Balance: $0 .00 **** ** **** +*** **** *+ *** ** ***+* ************* +* ********** *+*+**** '!'l* **:t:* ***** *** * ***+* * * ***** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjptlon Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TIMPORARY POWER PTRI,IITS l4lc 00100003112800 hilLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 180.00 3.00 lLlL8/2443 15:54 ,! 974-748-9748 DOUBLE O ELECTRIC APPLICATIOT{ W&L T{OT BE ACCEFTED IF I]{COIIIPLETE oR Toern of Vail Reg. No.: Proj€ct #: luilding Permit #: Electrlcal Pcrmit #: 970-479-2119 (Inrpccdonr) IVWN 75 S. Frortrtc Rd. .Vtll, Golor.do tl COilPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW DUILDS and VALUATIOTIS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor A r4ateriats) AMOUNT OF 5Q FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: T ConAct Agsgplr Offie et 970-328.8HO torPatwl# Parcel # (Required if no bldg, p€rmlt # is pmvided above) Job Name: &n, s &*r"Lc 'o tfobiE#u "^? iIr^,J- if l-tzl' Lcgal Description I toh ll Bloch: ll rlffng:Subdividon: frlfliFd 9'.,1 rlrnrto l^dd.*s?,a tot 14 lenone:g4g- 166 | @r:c!e .y=4 ltiussl IAddressy Atv, 4 lt lSl I ermne: Debiled description of work: AbO LtoL{l ^t?tttt 21, < cut. L,z.t}4^ ?ts 'LX WorkClass: New() Addruron( j Remodef$ Repalr(l f.nippower() oher() WorkType Interior( ) Exterior( ) Eoth(r{Does an EHU exlst at tiis locatloni Yes ( ). No ( ) Tlpeof Bldg.: Slnglefamlly( ) Duplex( ) Multj.familyX'C.ommerctat ( ) Restaunnt( ) Otfier( ) No. of Exlsting Dnelling Unb In $ls butldtng: lZ t1 No. of Accommodauon Unlts In thb bulldlng: I Z_ ,.riJt$'r.''F( t rJsF:,;..4 T' "*? fb.t t,, l:*t 'o \r 'tfl TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0152 Gos-osa1 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : TSSUED Location.....: PINOS DEL NORTE LINIT J Applied . . : ltll8l2003 Parcel No...: 210108110009 Issued . . : 1112412003 ProjectNo : ?r?SoS.oSK 4 Expires. .: 0512212004 owNER PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAI{ENIO LI/L8/20O3 phone: t TOM NOONAN PO BOX 59 vAIIr CO 81658 License: coNrRAcToR KET_,I_,Y'S QUAI_,ITY PIJIJMBING SERl1/18/2003 phone: 970-328-6093 P.O. Box 3187 Eagle, CO 81631 License : 279-P APPr,rCAlflf KEr.,Ly'S oUALITY prilMBrNG SgR11/1"8/2003 phone: 9?0-328-6093 P.O. Box 3187 Eag1e, CO 8l_531, L,icense: 279-P Desciption: RELOCATE DRAIN VENT AND WATER FOR ONE TUB,ONE TOILET AND ONE LAV.ADDING DRAIN AND WATERPIPE FOR ONE TOILET ONE LAV AND TWO SHOWERS Valuation: $4.500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? # ofGas Appliances: ?? # ofGas togs: 'l? # of Wood Pallet: ?? * * * r.:l:t,t N,l + * ,* ,r * rr,r * Plumbing--> $?5. oO Restuarant PIan Review-> $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> i96 .?5 Plan Check--> 918.?5 DRB Fee--------*-> g0-00 Additional Fees------> 90.00 Irvesljgation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES------> $96.75 Total Permit Fee-----> $96.?s Will Call---> $3 . 00 Payments-'-------> $96 . ?5 BALANCE DUE---> So. oo :t+1l f + +t ll,i * t t t * t ITEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARII'TENT LI/T8/2OO3 DF Acrion: AP ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (BIJDG.): FrELD fNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE B OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ******** ************** ***** * * *,* * * + * * * * * * * *'l * * * * * * ** ****** * * ** * * * * * * + * * + + * + * + * * * + * * * +*+*+ *** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******* * *** * *** ****** * * *** **'| **i'*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** ** ********** *+* *+*+******* +* ** *t* ** St.atement. Number: R030005191 Anount: $9G.75 tL/24/20031,0:50 AM Pal.ment Method: Check fnit: DDG Notation: Kellv's Quality P]unbing 1500 Permit No: P03-0152 Type: PIJIJMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2L0L08IL0009 Site Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL., LocaTion: PINOS DEL NORTE I'NIT dT Totaf FeeE: 596.75 This Pa)rment: $95.75 TotaL AIJIr pm!6: $96.?5 BaLance: 30.00 *********************++**++*{.***t********!t*+++***,t:1.,t***.******+*!r*************,t*'r.************ ACCOLTNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHTCK FttS 18.75 PP 00100003i11100 PLU|'4BING pERt4IT FEES 75.00 t^JC 00100003112800 I/ILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 APPUCATION WIIL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit 970-479-2149 MWNOFWN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Plumbinq Contractor:tl \, l3'i-h s L)*"lln t )k-'Y,* Town of Vail Reo. No.:Z7'7 - P CoDtact and Phone #'s: t./ . a\ ,Ker,7)16.* 0l l-C'tZt E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature:fu-ffu COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) PLUMBING: $!fu,t'* Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or yisit for Parcel # Parcel # Job Name: vl',* 7 ?'nr; Dtt t'-L'+s P,,r-ic s DLL U-'.+1, JOO AOOreSS:kt:rt*'j ) Vo' ll c'-7 Do- I t G5 '? LegalDescription ll Lou ll Block: ll riltng:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Enqineer:A;ldrocc'Phnnc' Detailed description of work: Zoloc-'h"lp |;.:c.lr, /+ld.-s clo,,',t ., va.f J^J ,-4 lt;- n,,>u l/o.1 *^rl i"""@"i c.,t c+vl C* C)rtT.Li ,'ur l-a,., *..1 T'iir-: S ..ev.^15 r Work Class: New ( ) nOOition }{. Alteration\Q Repair ( ) Other ( ) TypeofBldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family,,,t$qf CommercialK Restaurant( )Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 25 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 3S Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase lI device? Yes ( ) ruffi ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************r.**********J.* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC 0'7 t26t2002 DAILY INSPECTION REQUESTS: DATE IN5PECTION CALLED IN: A-qd] -\?nfl INSPECTION DATE REQ: ci -) --us lx,PERMTT *, lSbV- ryPE OF INSPECTION wc PHoNE/NAME #, q1l - bSbl ASSIGNED TO: TIME CALLED IN: IR PM REQI/EsTED ENTERED BY: (,rT *ou hfrl ,(^,Q ' G{){"-fr