HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMS BUILDING 13 UNIT 18.pdfTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -G;.<h"*'-^ :-.^'b r'\.--r iaf \^\)tid'' Ro.. 1 t'--\u-.-r''\l NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PoSTED oN JoBsITE AT ALL TIMES B\S1 I3 / {"T Ttr (a ADD/ALT MF BLJILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0333 Job Address.: 4695 VAIL RACQUET CLUB TWH DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: VAIL RACQUET CLUB BLDG 13, UNIT 18 Applied...: l0l26l2W6 Parcel No....: 2t0ll2403$l Issued...: lllOUZm6 lrgal Description: -pKSO6 o.{1\ Expires...: 0413012Cf7 Project No...: owNER HTCKEY, HAROIJD L., lTR - SNEEL0/26/2OO6 6920 SPANKY BRANCH CT DAII,AS TX 75248 APPITICAIflT VAIIr RACQITET CLITB L0/25/2006 phone: 477-3062 4695 VAII-, R,ACQIIET CI-,I'B DRIVE VAIIJ co 8L557 License:225-E colflrRAcToR vArrr RACQIIET CITI'B to/25/20}6 phone: 477-3062 4695 VArL RACQUET CI_,UB DRIVE VAIIJ co 8r.6s7 License:225-B Desciption: REPAIR DECK ON BUILDING 13 UNIT 18IDENTICAL TO DilSTING. Occupancy: Rl MultiFamily Type Construction: Valuation: $5,000.00 Revision Valuation: Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information: Restrictrd: # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ri:l'l*:tti**,i*'ttt,t***'t Building---- > $111.25 Restuara Plan Review- > $0.00 Tota-t Calculated Fe€s- > 9186.56 Plan Che.k-- > g'12 .3L Recreation Fee-------> go . o0 Additional Fees------> 90. oo Investigation- ) 90.00 TorAL FEES-------------> $186.56 Total Permit Fee-----> s186.s5 wilcar-----> 93.00 l?ixiibil;:::__::::l *"'.i[.oo Approvals: ITEM: O51.OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 10131/2006 .lRM Action: Ap IICM: O54OO PIJANNING DEPARTMENT LO/26/2006 JS Action; Ap DECK IS TO MATCH EXISTING DECKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttut all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 ******,*******:******:t:&***:e*i.rt*t :1.'N.;F*t **************1.'F****:t,t't****,i*******1.r(********:F:e**** jt* {c ** * ** 4. * * * * * *i(* * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-0333 as of I l-01-2006 Stanrs: ISSUED **********{<***:t:tr****{.d<****!t:&**{<**:**t {.**1.******{.**:t**!F****d.***********!ti.****************:t **********:t***** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: l0l26l2Cfi6 Applicant: VAIL RACQUET CLUB Issued: 1t/0ll2w6 477-3M2 To Expire: O4l3Ol2W7 Job Address: 4695 VAIL RACQUET CLLJB TWH DR VAIL Location: VAIL RACQUET CLLIB BLDG 13, UNIT 18 Parcel No: 2l0ll240300l Description: REPAIR DECK ON BUILDING 13 UNIT IS IDENTICAL TO EXISTING. *{.'f :&*:8*********'*d.******tt***{.*tt***'*******i}{rt!***:tconditions. *i.*{.r!,**:f 1.{.***:tr:fr****'tr!*****trrc*****i.**{.******** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFWCOMM) FIRE ALARM REQLIRED PER NFPA 72. **.*,f 'f **+******+*****++*******!i*,1*+**+*****+**+,1.{.**+t *:N.****trr.:}'l*tt*,}*****************.*+,}'t '}**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **:ttl***** ** *r**+* ***** +* *******f ********,t******t({.*!****{.* * * ****,t** ***,i * * * *'} ********* * * ** +**** * SlaEement Number: R060001962 Anount r $t-86.56 t- 1 / 0 L / 2 0 0 6 0 9 : 2 9 AM Payment Method: Check Initr DDG Notation; Loftus I22O 806-0333 Type: ******* **,t:F***+ * *****+* ***** +** * *'r** ** ** * **+******t!t 'i'!*****'i,t***********+***1.*+* *d.** **+**:*+* Permit No: Parce} No: Site Address : LocaE,ion: This Payment: ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 001000031t 1L0 0 PF 0 010 00 03112 3 0 0 wc 0 0100003112 8 00 2101-l-24-0300-1 4595 VATL RACQUET CLUB VAII., RACQUET CLUB BLDG $185. s5 Descript ion ADD/AIJT MF BUTLD PERMIT TWH DR VAI]., 13, I'NIT 18 Total Fees: $185.56 Total Al,L Ptrts: $186.56 Balance: $0.00 Current Pmts BUTLDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI, CALL TNSPECTION FEE 111.25 TZ.JL 3.00 ^Bil[Kry"'ftir'"i'#,ffi TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.t 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ceneral conlrador.eA caut-f CzlB Oa/ar.e4i *4SJv c, 'tzoN Town of Vail Reg. No.: 2 2-{^ B Contact Person and Phone #'s:))farc Lof7ttJ. ,'Zo jjt lgtl Email address: c y'e u e /u ftut p. u a, lrc LEu e lc /rZ, ar', F ax#, m ignaluJty/ -{ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BU B ILD NG PERMIT & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: S#-==: PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL:(-{o"c. co \ :w-eaole-countv com For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Par,c j.# Z/o / -/2 /- c> Joo - / Job Name: 2 t i5, tr2 i€,(; ?t ".fri6''JobAddress: {o ? 5 .4A(Z;r'L/e7 a u€ 24.U:/rt, Co .pt/f7 Legaf Description ll Lott //Uc- ll Block:Filing:subd ivision : Y| l'//!ftffFr-, -n owngsNar&95ff^t"';,ffi ooo'"',/o /t4lr*uo 6 z.t g ),e.'hon"?zo -3 gt -,tf6/ ArchitecUDesigner:Address:Phone: trngtneet|/Lt X- fr u€L t €<Addtessi /2o B-x 27"/ U+rc fi/q?]l'non"7z,-/,2/-%zz Detailed descriotion of work:/ac< Zar+rR t3 t D G /3 U,U i7 /t D-l 7t c+L /d LfruS'7rNct ?-) WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet ( ) Repairfd Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior W) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-famity ( ) Mutti-famity (|Q commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildine 1{No. of Accommodation Units in this building: / g Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: GqgAppliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) wood/pellet ( ) wood Burninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( | Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X No (Does a Fire Sprinkler Syslem Exist: Yes ( ) No (o{) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY fr'*Y F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingJermit.DOC Page 1 of 15 0210s/2005 uN lr l+ _.jL 4'(4{/+xo'-?'r u/ +ill';9#H'\1tr#8 A.8. *741 6r1n \rN rT 19 uNtf l ,-%" o N r \0 + A t ul z .: @ o o (\ E uJ cl fo $Nql Ellerril6 n v{e q w E$a.oplYlPP Ftoo* ve4 I] LOWER ROOF & THIRD LEVEL FRAMING S1 oFz C$E dt e o =g Ebe .F iT dr :8 5sg "il"# ,fo:::tti$ rbTtr'Jo lE\rLqU'VlE OCIT Po 1000 TOWN OF VAIL Xl "l -l *l l!l ol I 9l Fr fir a ()o z ERo <;?II:)E Hde -pO YUo O*-i HHS E = f.loSTH o ButvllrJCc t7 "6il,-drrs ,*tgg*,y*H' l) All timbcrs shau be Doug-Fir # I or better, all wolmanizcd lumber shall be Flcm- Fir #2 S4S or bctter (all lumber within 18" of finish gradc must be wolmanized). All columns to be continuous bcaring to foundation. 2) Structural stccl shall be ASTM A16 or bcttcr. All structural s(eel istobedctailed, fabricated, paintcd and erccted in accordance with AISC STEEL CONSTRUCTION MANUAL, 2005 snd CODE OF STAN'DARD PRACTICE. All wclding to bc performed by a ccrtified welder and confo.m to AISC and AWS STITUCTUML WELDING CODE. 2000, all electrod€s to bc EE-7oXX . 3) Cover dccks with 2x6 Redwood with 2 screws pcl bcaring point. 4) I-ive loads used for dcsign- -Deck-80 psf (match existing conditions). -Wind-90 mph (3 sccond gust), Exposrlre B. - Darthquakc-Zonc C-lBC. 5) All repairs must comply wil,h the 2003 lntem8tienal Building Code as adopted by the Town ofVail Building Department and the "Gcneral Conditions ofthe Contract for Construction" (AlA Document A20l ). All construction tnust be complcted within thc tolerances describcd in the "Resideutial Construction Performance Guidelines" os prepared by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS. 6) All beams,.ioists, and raftcrs arc to bea( upon walls or beirnts, or be connectcd with tnechanical connectors. 7) All stnrctural members are shown in their final positions propcrly braced and supported; during construc(ioo it may bc neccssary to tenrporarily shore portions ofthc structurc while other porlions arc being constnrcted. Contsct the engineer for consultation as requircd. 8) Ccneral Controctor is rcsponsible for all nou-speci lied conrections, contacl cngineer for details os required. The cnginccr is lo approvc all structural subslitutions. 9) Cencral Contra0tor is to cooidinale alldiaplrragnr penctrations (i.c., chinrlleys, plumbi|t9, seNers, etc.) tllrough lloors, walls, roofs arrd foundatio| walls with appropriatc sub-coutractors. Ceneral Contractor is rcsponsiblc for the nleans, methods, techniques, sequcnces, procedures, workmanship, seasonal scheduling ud.job-site safety associated with this project. Thc Cencral Co[tractor is to verify ail dimensions and elevations with lhe architeclutal drawings. Notify cngineer ofall conflicts and omissions belween various elemerrls of tlre working drawings arld the existing conditions prior to commencing with tha( portion oflhe project. General Conllactor is to inspect remodel prqects and verify prior use iurd propcr disposal of existing rnatcrials (i.e., asbestos, ctc,) as required by code. Identily ofall cxisting hidden slructural plans base(l upon pians by CfIARLES CLAYTON DAVIS dAICd 5,I6.79. l0) All materials cxDosed lo exterior and or moisture conditions shall be tr eated for lhese couditions (i,e., chemical trcatmcnl, staining, pail1ting, damprooling, nrombBnesj flashing, etc.) as requircd by code. All matcrials to be treated lbr firc rcsistance as required by code. ,/1'+ r4p&trt{e $ovrs wl aAs#7 W).D ne$?1 fui'krvL W $ (?oe o( ^t5ftrt6 ukw ft*t"lrN6 Eil5lf $a 9( *l sxt)g 1.*ftT HTUNC,H For,6" $t$. lz' t'i|il, 1%' $a4 W+l bxzo Lg''i xV4 t 1'-1" ul .6 - v/4't b t4l'4+i|ie WvlS il WASfit+s @ o o ot E lrJ c)o t-O o !o $l S2 oF2 gEE d5 o g o f Ebe s 6r: o t8 Cdf t .i; DETAIL C ''l\o" U)o o z E8o trs-? Hd9 ;E8 /\J ;'ioJ 63S E J g D(*r lt0 w *l 0,'l+ 1s4x{<u4xot-7t' uf 6-51O,+ MA(*ilNf-' bvrs w1 urtgftffi v: +' tu' DETAIL B DETAIL A ?,t;11#ot '""0""$:,T,F"d:F',ilFF1t'"n Pase 23 Requested Insoect Date: Thursdav. March 15.2007 ' Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 4695 VAIL RACQUET CLUB TWH DR VAIL VAIL RACQUET CLUB BLDG 13. UNIT t8 A/P/D lnformatlon Activitv: 806-0333 Tvoe: A-MF Sub Tvoe: AMF Const Tvp6: Occuoahbv: U'se:Owrier: HICKEY. HAROTD 1". JR -'SNEED. MONTE M. Applicant: VAILRACQUETCLUB Phone: 477-3062 Cohtractor: VAIL RACQUET CLUB Phone: 477-3062 Descriotion: REPAIR DECK ON BUILDING 13 UNIT 18 IDENTICAL TO EXISTING.Cominent: ROUTED TO JOE AND JR - JSUTHER Reouested Inspection(s) Status: ISSUED Inso Area: JRM 908 VAIL UB Requesredrime: lgi:q#T Insoection Historv call 331-1861 . Vail Racquet Club - Bldg. 13 _- Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K Time Exp: T=plr 4z'/^*'.',/- .T:att+?7 7-c ru,/ € /,Zza rD fuu{ o, o,4 to 4 o [""a REPT]-31 Run Id: 6472