HomeMy WebLinkAboutPITKIN CREEK TOWNHOUSES LOT 3 UNIT 3TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OWNER 3850 FALL LINE DR VAIL 3950 FALL LINE DR 210102401003 I{USSEY, FRANCTS D., arR C/O NAPI,ES MEDICAI, CENTER 1350 SPYGIJASIS IJN NAPI.ES FI-, 34LO2 I-ricense: COIITRACTOR ROD IIAI-,L EOMPANY 255 WYAI.IDOT STRBET DEITVER, CO 40223 License: L50-M APPIJICAI{TT ROD HALIJ COMPAI{Y 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 4o223 License: 150-M Desciption: INSTALLTION OF 1800 OSBURN WOODINSERT EPA CERTIFIED PHASE II Valuation: $2,500.00 Fireplace Information: Resficted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 Mechanical-> Plan Check-> InYestigation-> Will Call---> s6o . oo $15 .00 $0.00 $3.00 Resturrant Plan ReYiew-> DRB Fee---.> TOTAL FEES-_----.> s0. 00 90. o0 $78.00 Tolal Calculated Fees--> Additiolal Fees----> Total Pemit Fee-----> Payments----------> BALANCE DUE----> 978.00 s0. 00 $78.00 $?8.00 s0.00 Item: 051O0 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT L2/a6/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OP TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO IVIAI{UFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A},ID TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CI{APTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 #o*rru*r oF coMMUNrry DEVELT^t tffi;ili\--jf.. 1'.ft^..\ U.^^\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M02-026r Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 12/1612002 Issued. .: 12/1812002 Expires. .: 06/16/2003 L2/L6/2002 Phone: L2/16/2002 Phone: 303-777-77o0 L2/L6/2oo2 Phone: 303-777 -7700 # of Wood Pellel: 0 FEE SUMMARY aa'rl'l't*lt&ta+t'l'lt*a**:|t*,t+t''aala'r*:r**'r**t+1,'aa*r'rt'l**'***'rt:r*:t (BLDG.): GAS APPI-,IA}ICES ,,,I BE VNIED AccoRDTNG To CHAPIIER 8 A}TD SHAIJIJ TERI,IINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.805 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER I OF THE L997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEjATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPITY WITII CIIAPTER 3 AIID SEC-1017 OF THE ]-997 T'MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOU.,ERS SIIAIJIJ BE MOITIi|IIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'I.ITING ON COMBUSTIBIJB FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJAT{S AI.ID CODE A}IAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIISIIICAL, ROOMS COI{TAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPIJY BOIITERS SEAIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WfTH A PITOOR DRAfN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE L997 IltC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accunate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build ttris stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM . 4 PM. S)o-,*- SIGNATURE OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 49 P@1. rlt|coilPtEll uil$€trED 1,1 ,@. 16:16 APPUCI mw0pvtfr. 75 S. FrontegF Rd. Vall, @lorado 81657 Permlt #:- Mecfranlcaf Pcrmft #: 97tH79-2138 (InsPecdom) not be acpted the follodng: Rofil Room AlrDuclSln AhDuctSlE Cut/Sp€c Shccts JobNamc$. fallg a* Va^,l" 43 lqaloescrlptitn ll Loc I ebd: I IIES 9rbdlvbbn: Engfneei: ' lMdress: ;r_! S!+r1 c'dooct' tn>(rf' ;,pn n;;'n;A fravfrr"mvea u tqfta-l1qg WorkClas: t{ete( ) Addltbn( ) Altentlon( ) REpar( ) Ottter(X) ffii a<cnort ) odrer( ) - fvpeCgldg, Sf,rbf.ttil't t ortpteri ) Hulu'hinlly( ) Commerdal( ) Rcctaurant( ) ooteri l,lo. of ExtsUrE lxrdllng Unts In thls btdldltU:fo- Cncsnmoaatbn Unlts In thb bttlldlng: M/rvcdnr€ebcEgrto: GasAoollances(, I Galtns( l,Il.:ood/:!dl+! I lt:q.!um!1(iL ::: No/fypeof Ftreptaeproposed:casApplhn€est I ffi.@pe1et( ) Woodaumlng(l{Of AIOWED) COllpr.grc VArUenOil FOR ItIEC]lAilIC ! PERIIIT (labor & l'iabrlalr) co NrRAcroR n{ Foilr^rloll tl*"tlttl"t't'tttrtr'l'l"r.ll'lt'trrFOR' OFFICIE USE 9J{LYrrrrrcrr*irttrrr'tt"ittlItl'tl}lll"* rrFa0l I':rnilffi-m rffimil! \$ot Try::>,?r: ?70 o 49 PW EC lI '@ 16:18 Thlqudt isd€difiod -d iiln only brinstallatbnasuinstfortnilfyfrsphccs iarcsilentiralbs' whcn hstdhd ad rEGd accoding to tb infonngtbn givcn in this nanusl- Ai" "t^ra*, stccl lhcr orbcalfrrm fteplaces ate $itable if they neer tlr crit€ria r;udrcr'Prr-Instelladon Requttenana". Thir unit is desi$ed for sa& operati<rn Altering or nndifring the unit, or installatbn, without propcr authorization will void thc c€rtiftatbrL warranty and safrty lisdry aod rmy result in a safety tuzard. When this rcom heeter is not properly idall€4 a housc fire rnay result. To rcduce ttrc risk of fre, blbwtle instnll'tion in*rugtbns. Crntast bcal buiHing or fre ofrciab about restrictions and inryection r€quirErnmts in lour area" tnstatlatioos rurst confrmr to NFPA 2l I in USA or CSA B365 in Canada Section 1.0 Pre.InstollationRequirom€trt!$ 1.1 Maronry & ?*mClcrnnce Requiremontr l'bc masonry fircplacc must nt€t the minimun code requirerrents, or NFPA 211 or the cquiraleot for a saft installation Contact )our bcal Buildiog Inspector for rcquirmeds in your area- An inspection ofthc frcphce should inchdetb following: r l) CCIli|DfnON OF If,E IIREPI"ACE AIYIT CIIIMNEY: Exarrine tha rnasouy freptace and chiqn€t'I prbr to installation to determinc thd tbey arc fiee from cracks,'hose ruorta, ct@sotc deeodts, blockage, or other signs ofdetairratfuin lfo,lkopc of dcterioratbn is rptc4 tbc freplace or chinmey shouH be upgraded pdor to in*allation 2' |NSTALLTNG SOLID Irt EL INSERTS IN TACTORY-BUTLT FIREp|I\CES : a) The insort must be lestsd ad ncct tbe rcquircments ofIJL 1482 (U.S.) 8nd or [JI-C S628 (C&ada) nh€o tested in a masonry freplacc hrih pcr LJLC 3623. b) Tb hctory-buih frcplacc must bc listcd per til, 127 or IJLCS6I0. c) Clealarccs obtaircd firom rhc msouy frcphce te*s ue also rshvaff br idallatbn in frctory*nrih fireplacc& d) Installtin su* irrchrde a ftl lnigb li$ed drinrcy [lr Eetiqg type HT requirmts (2100 dry€c F.) per t L l7l7 (U.S.) or LILC S635 (Canada). Tb ltu€r mr$ be scurely attachcd to tbe insert flw colhr ard to the chimey top. e) Ittlearu rust be poviled o prercd room air possage to tbe ohirn"ey cavity of tbc fircefue. Thb my bc acdqli$cd byseslis thedampcs areaaaord tlechimry lincr, orsealing thefrcplace fion 0 Tbe airflow withb rd amund thc fteplaoe shsll mt bG ascrod by ttE insaldion of tbe insrt S.e.m lourrers or cooling ah or outlet ports arc bloclrcd), unlcss ryeoieca[y tested as srch for each frctory-built frephce mnrfrcturerod nodcl the. (Norc -rsing abuvcrcd fre plate {srnound} cornplies with this rcquireocnt). Notc: A custom mde sunoilnd may berequired or a modifild Osburn surround rmy be used. t1 Ug W WC tI '@ 16:19 g) Aftcrc*m ofth! ftlc, h rry nrm b mt lcrni[cd "ru Orn"*ug occptbns;' t odcmdEirpircca !r,&hdo mta&ct tb opcrebnoftbft"hcc ryto rioot"Apsovi;hg thcy can be storcd on or within tb frephcc 6r reassdly if thc h$rt is rcm\Ed.il thc chirucy darnper nay bc remred to install tb chimncy lincr. h) Cirsulsting ah chambers (le. in a sOccl fircplacc lincr or mtal hca circulator) sba[ mt bc tilockcd" D Mcdns must be pmvidcd for rcmonel ofthc inscrt to clcan thc dimcy ffuc. .D tnscrE that projeu in tont of thc freplacc mrst be srryplied with appropriatc supporting mns. k) A pennarrcnt mctal r'arning label mrst be attacbd to the back of the frcplacc stating 6st the fireplace rnst be rcsored to its original conditbn frr sa& rse witbout thc inscrt. 3) CHIMIIIEY CAPS: Mesh tlTe chimney csps nnst bane p:ovirion br rcgular cleaniog, or tbc mcsh $bould be mvpd to eliminate the potcntbl ofplugging. 4) n INEk The chimncy uust b8\rc an accrptatrh msonry tin€r suitsbb &r solid fuct otbenvise a contimrous stainbss st€ct lbcr u$t bc iostalbd- 5) ADJACENTCOMBIISTIBIJIT:ltcfrcphcefuuHbobpccodtomakp$rcthettbcreisadcqudc clearmcc to coabustibtes, bothccposd comhstibbs to tho top, si.!c and fiod as vell as conccafa <omhstibhshthcchi@€yondmcluea Yonrbcalinspoctor$orrhharrcidrmtixronvhc6cr. otder ft,eplaces ce ofadcquate constructior. O OPENING SIZE: Rcftr 6'&frsble Fbdacc Dtnwrlonf (Scc. 22) br suitablc sizc frephce opqdag& NQT,E: AMETAL TAG I8 PROVIDEDAND E; TO BE FASTENED TO TflE BACX VAIT OF THE FIREPL/ICE n THE EInEPIAffi EAlt BEEN DIOOWTW TO ACCOMAODATE TUE .U\AERTT 12 VcutingRcqlfurncrtt Tbc ftr is a sitlnl coqoncct to a sari"frctory infilhtion Your Orbum i6crt lilill attri" its bcat pcbraryc ifiastall€d with a chhrrsy thd guaEs its oun dnft. The 'ni.nftn'"rr rcquirffi ofa firc x'in b€ tb ingalhtion of a ftrc comcstor (tbc lig n$il confrm to IJL lm e$wsy lius) fiom thc tuert ido thc first ftrc tflc ofSG chinn y (USA) (scs F.tSlg? 23) c a ouinnrs sdnlcs $cd nE (tb liffinr* conformto tbcClars 3 rcquirmofCAlVlJLGS63O dinqqfcomdto fu focortlet (ftaadt) (scc &uro 2.2). A codiurous 6' (152@) $ahlcai $!cl lbrr fiomtbc top oftb clftmey is thc opinun srd€Eald willpovilc tb best fcrbrnrre, as well as aoEpcocdc frr poor drafr sihstiou sauscd by brgc crosscctbnrl chirnnry* Tb imt will Dt w* without I posititt sl in thcchlnilE!'. Chi-.tt couffirstod outddo of thc borr on an cxtcrior wal sbould bc avoi.lcd ifpossiUc, cryocir$ hcolllrclincca Orsidcchq's:angymt&uvaswllodrydom&at duc to thc diffi oby h hcalftgtlEsttptoopcrdogt qcnnlo. Cookrctfucy!rvillrtqrhhirrcscdcrcoodqg,bEdnq od poonr pcrfuurca Dnn bpopodon* 1e 6,166dt crrirrr+y blh uiidlr o *ncttsrycrurrc. n 649 PW EC Lt 'W L6.n h orn bc-mtrodilr"* "-r", bdd" -d br, ,.d"eg? b$ fioo thc d&D.y &c$ rniaarhcd lincr. Esnm thst 8ll joints in ths ftre s1lstcru arc tigbtly $atcd lincc aoy lcalc wifl re$lt in rcdrccd porfonnance as wdl as a porsiblo ssfcty htzsrd. Sodion 2.0 Instrhtion Ll Clcrnnccr To Couburdblcl (ltficerurcd Flon hrcrtDody) Sidcrvsll (A) NorthAmericr A$raliuNe,w Txnbnn lf ($2nn)43?'m, TopFring@)14'(356m)356nm SidrFuntu(C)l(F(254nn)z54inur I'fsntd (D)n" $59rm),'5596n tl.1 If ddc fi&g protrudcr norc thm 1.5" (38m) in for of hco offircphoq the4 usc drlscnll &ullcc. ' HcrrthRcquimucnu Ifthc non+odurtitrlc hcarth ir f,ulh wi6 tto floor, tbc! ths bcsrth rurt bc 16r (165111 h toc ofthc fin ha$hg (sGc figu€ Z 1.2). If& on*ooh*frto bs$ i s 'ninftqrm of 4" (l02nm) abovc 6G foor, thm 6G hrth cra bo 6" (l5h) qrt fton 6c fir hdrdqg wi6 r lf (254m) flocpmfiocd,m (qpdr) occodd b€tr@d &o bsrth (rcFrgrrl2l.l). fbc mn'coohr*frlc hanth nlrt bc a minimn of t" (203on) m crs& d& dtb uoit (Cerdr& IJS) or 200mforAulualis u mcrnrrcd ftoutt! lo6d door. Iti[rr.lt r.,. . i -. Tebtc 2.1 Fbur2.lJ B Ug P6 DEC 11 '@ L6tfr a; 2J, Srihbh tr'lrrpl**o- ftrtanc rcftr to ffg,r* Z.? MEAIruRED{ENTI1OR MINIIIIIIM OearingHcigltr (F)19.25'(489m) Aening tridth(G)25.25" (64lmr) Opcoitrg DAth(I{)15.25" (387no) Trbh2J 23 Sefety Infoturtion NOIE; This appliancc b not rocormdcd frr use in a bom if au occupam has rcspiruory or alry otbcr rclatcd probhrn* 1. It is importam to frlbw ths insE[dion rnd opcration instrrrctions. An iryopcr$ installcd or opcrddiccrt corrHresu! hasrftfhomd,frs 66drnrngeto thsunit,v,tifiwouHmtbecorrered by lbc utanafiy. Codact bcal hriHiog or fti ofrcidl aborn rcstsLtioo md incrllrtiot lGltui@s h 'ou8 arta" You sbouH bc tunilir sift $e installaion and be snc tht tb rrprt ir doejn accordare with thb tmlnrrl WARNING: IX) NoT INSTAIJ TEIS INSERT IN A SIIEPING ROOM. 2. Whcrohss€Eclcarrecsaredcsirc4connrtpurlocalarthtyasrqpldionsm.yvryrugodiag tb ue ofclemc rc&rciry dcviocs. tfudwEtl d bor $ichs rrc araihble !o roeroc clmcs od o* hriHing codcs provib infrrodion on uerhb uddd uy be uscd b rrducc dltms (see Figurc l). 3. Maifiain at b15t tls rrrinftqtm cbfiarq3 to comh$iblc Eatcdal as spcificd in this nrrnrnl Cbarm att nruld to tbe mr* prt oftb irsctt CLs. top €dge on tbs sllc). Clecarccs to ry conh$Hcs' ufu neasrcd directly orE fiomthc fio$ rntrt bc a mininnrm ofrtS' (l2l9uo). 4. ' lvlaiMin st bast 1fo rninirrm floor protectbn br comhstibb ffoormaterhb as ryocifiod in this rmrrual Fbor protcc-tlm to tbc fiod b to bc ncasurcd tom tbe fucl bading door opening. 5. Oshrn r€oo@ds th pu irstrll a lircd wke dctcclor or alarm in your bom. Norml operation oftbc inscrt will baw no c&ct on tbe detestor or al8m. 6. Tboiot€ftistobeconncc@donftoalicdmarorychimcyodnooryfrsplaaoconbruing to htilding codcs 6r rrc with soli.t frct Do not rmne hicks or uftr 8oo tbo ood*ingft?lrc cft€o hstdlhg tbc hscct. 7. lvfinimn cbbsy lho is 6'(l52um) diaodcr. tvfaiilah a 15' (4.5m) ?nhlmt''n onccrll hoih ncasur€d tom tbc bagc oftbo applisrcc. Chiocyl sbould bc icpcctcd to chock frr dstcrbratbn od to drouirc iftb.y c tb urifuurn rcqrdlwcs ed bc r{gn&d ifmsarn Tb cfrfirrrq'rst odd 8t balt 3'(914@) obovr tbc mof od at bast 2'(6l0un) abow tb Hghcrt potd wilhbaoaaof tO (3m) oftbc ahl'trrry. n a S. Ilo not &! *toUil*nrynouercr druirg n$athion as rby could resut 9. DO NOT COIINECr IU'J APPIJATV@ IO TUE ?EIMNNV OR FT,W SERYING ANOTEERAPPLANU. L1 lruteledon Inrtrcdonr l' IDsPGst- tbc-frcPhce f.:ordlng to tb $ftty insrmaion ad.&ephgc requirsrEds aod hf,/E itcbancd and/or upgndod as eessary. 2' Iftb insatlatirn oftbc rmitrcnders tbr cxi*iry darycr conrol imccessible, it wilt be mcssary tocithcr sconc tb daoper widc opco ot tm* i .nitrty. An inacccssbb drrryo, rvbfotr_frffi;couldcause @kc to entcrtlcroon Thb creatas apotcuhlhcalth hatd. @I{NEcronlNsn4rJrlnoV:Aftrcoorectornaypovlloeocprotilepcr6rmrco. Itronqrcr,wE rFo@nd thc uso of a g1'""r $q to oonnr "aii"sctory p"{irr.;fi. srf coretors oicouftnprs lius ihould8bo bc hdlcd. uco Lircd Giwy iior' -1111*,cAlvlJlss63s. ffilyffiry. rtur poririooins rhs unit b a frephce oecoiDs prior to rb tuctostafladon' insrar ec h1rnro t ip."agffi-tr, t"prqp ir-i-T*f,ffi,ff;tfitrectog. €r o couE 649 PW DEC 11 '@ L6tZL cedcasa&tybaadda&c 4. O rylrrtt rrs3NT tt8 cof[curfst ,llf ut rhstobtqd'chors arc to be urodlo scrrc thc ttEcrt, tb hob bcatbos shorrld bc EtFdwith ttc unit ioprrca Row tb i-t d roc.to ttc mfurs. Rmvu tho eccphe portr fiomtboh bor od rsscdlc accordnrg to thc blbwirqg inst EtilDr. Fh)r"i Department of Communtry Development 75 South Fronage Road Vail, Colorado g1657 970-479-2138 FAX 97&479-2452 TO: COMPAI\TY NAME: FAX NUMBER: Building Safay & Inspection Serttices Division FAX COVER SHEET PTToNENUMBER: 71-'71 - z>Zt/ FROM: J.R. Mondragon, Building Inspectorplans Examiner Town ofVail Community Development Department Building Safety & Inspection Services Division 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81652 Phone 970.479.2143, direct line F4X970.479.24s2 COMMENTS, NOTES: Vq f,r{) 'd4{ 'Aor- {p*nnuo'^oo Departmcnt of Connunity Development 75 South Fmntagc Rnd Vail, Colodo 81657 970-479-2138 mx 970-479-2452 Vril' Colondo frccr mrny chellenger in thc rnens of rir quality pnotccdon. In an {ntt to prctcrve our vrlley'r rlpine cnvironmcnt, Vril hil takcn ilcpr to protcct itt rir qurlity for prercnt end futurt gcncrrtionr of rcridcnb and guctr. 11 Septcmbcr of 1991, the Vsil Town Counclt edoptcd rn ordinlncc thrt re$rlctc tbc conrtnrctlon rnd ure of opcn-heerth flrcplnce"rwithin municlprl boundarler. Since thet dmc' thc ordinence hrr undergonc nrmanour chengcr rnd rwidonr, rtrivlng for comprumirg yet effectivengi in rddrcming the aii qudity forue. Thc Town of Vril Community Dcvelopmcnt Dcprrtmcnt hm pltparcd thfu handout to rlmpli$ the lrnguagc of thc fircphce ordlnnnce rnd enhencc undcntrnding of itsgodr. Thc Community Developmcnt rtrfTir nvaihblc ot 179-2139 for furtherquotlonr or urirtrncewith thit isue. l. Conrtrucdon of open-hcarth wood-burning firtplrccc ir no longer permittcd within Town of Vnil municipal boundericc. 2. Ihrclling Uni$ - Erch ncn, dwclling unit may contrin: onc (l) EPA Pterc rt ccrtlficd rotid fuel burning dcvlcc rnd no monc then two (2) grr rpplienccc (B vcnt); OR TWo (2) gm log fireptrcer rnd no more thrn two (2) grr applirncel (B vcnt). Rcrtrlctcd lhrelling unitr - Erch new nertrictcd dwclllng unit mry contain: Onc (l) gu log ftrtplrcc rnd not more than one (t) Srt ipptirnce. Accommodation Unltr - Eech new necommodrdon unlt mry contrin: Onc (1) grr log flreplacc OR one (l) gm rpplirnce. rf two or more reperrtc dwelling unitr or eccommodetion unitr erc comblncd tofomr onc lel3cr unit, thc combincd unit mry rctein onc wood-bnrnlng fircplace(rf onc rlrcady erlrts) and no morc than 2 gas npplirncer, or mry corivcrt up to two crlrtlng fircplecec to gss. rf' durlng the coursc of r remodel en cxirting wood-burning lbeplace is elteredor movcd' the unlt murt thcr comply with eli pruvirionr of thc ordlnrncc. Thrtfu' thc fircplrcc muct be convcrtad'to nrtumr ier rrplaced by nn EpA phrrc rIccrtificd unir. tpr*,,o'^o* P.O2to .oabtrri'lson 3o3;E7te-3487 Model 1800 Bay Wood Insert 79-3A87oec.-LO-OZ I' I :3IA Owner's Instruction and Service Installation Manual Sew THE$E INSIRUCTIOIIIS FOR TUTURD NEFERDNCE. Mrdc in Ceardr t?mml cNl0:]0 Ulhrnock ltersoyr-tolEEr* f}ec-IO-OZ tl:3tA roccrr w'i'lson 3(,s ?79-3ffi7 P. Ol =I ,- ,,-F.. C L;As LoGS a GRlt.l.s a sTovEg a ITIREPLA.CES \qs- eI\\srJ 255 WYANDOT aDENVER acoLORADO ^NT23 AFN(:(303)27:116D L OFFICE:(303)7'Z-323f D'ec - IO-OZ 1I : 3lA roGcrr wi'l son 3o35s-3Ea7 P-03 Fuol Typo Csdwood TcstSterrdardsIJI.cs62E(csAht66.2)&|JL].482r,eridgtid. u-S- Esvirqoslal prucabn agcosl'' Iittccts tuly 1990 Enbsios Sendstdl EP'A rxe: 2.7 glb*vge' Heet onF[ 9,700 - 36,5m BTU/Hr (at 63% deeu[ efficieqsy), BIU/Hr output Rrnge will vuy wit! usage dcpeodilg on ths tyPc utd condilion of oord wood' Slippitrgwci6h 3t5lbs(ra2'8kg) F?cborVoilunt l-7t elfi. (0'05 rn3) Firbor FloorArea l6-t1"Wx 14.5"D (426.9nox36t3tut) Dmr Opeairy SizE 8.T2"Hr 16-62" W (221-4ro r 422'lmm) Rccommerded 15" x 5" Dia (157 unx 152 tm) iflordins ddeun]ts log $ize l6n x 6'Dia (4!f nrn I 152 ruo) ifbading tem to brc* Fhrcorrtlct 6r (l52rnn)dirmter(vsticrl) Opdoul -29x't4F&cplde Couponeots -12x4 Factalate n2 P.OZ}303 279-3etg7Occ-1O-O2 I t :3ZA rctccrr wi'lson 9U =!-dts% 1\1d-3T\ ig 53: il: iSEr E gi,iiii tff3 E;a Ites; tgmtiFi-*9 FE -' l-<t-o< ilE :' -aaFi; li eiiii6=: Et iiEE !l lili g!. EffIiii g u-5tt-6 _ il, $tifiEEifi E i! :Foi! :Hrrfi {i 5I II9: *iilr I $3 jy IG II t 3t : 5 f;6 t;{ EU ilf' !atI o I E saI 2 5!za t = i!rl ffi rliI II =a-t dIII EI 2I! 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